xjOcILbCxbQ-00000-00000008-00000400 Would you deem, in your framework that eating people is okay now? xjOcILbCxbQ-00001-00000400-00000823 -Obviously not -But whynot? According to the criteriaof xjOcILbCxbQ-00002-00000823-00001129 -you said 'if life says is good' or 'life says isbad' -yeah xjOcILbCxbQ-00003-00001129-00001326 So there life saying is good, survival. xjOcILbCxbQ-00004-00001336-00001545 -If you don't eat somebody you die -yeah xjOcILbCxbQ-00005-00001545-00001776 -And mostpeople are doing it -Maybe I answer too quickly... xjOcILbCxbQ-00006-00002480-00002832 So you think bra is not like... even if it's off it's okay? xjOcILbCxbQ-00007-00002904-00003615 -For other people 100%, I don't care. I don't care. -Ifyou were with your daughter and she saw somebody xjOcILbCxbQ-00008-00003615-00004136 wearing nothing at the top and at the bottom would you carry on walking there would you take her away? xjOcILbCxbQ-00009-00004216-00004544 -I would take her away. I'll takeher away like whatever -Why though? xjOcILbCxbQ-00010-00004616-00005264 because uh you cannot, for the same reason they don't show pornographic movies to children. xjOcILbCxbQ-00011-00005264-00005645 But what's, what's wrong with that under liberal framework, how can you prove it's wrong? xjOcILbCxbQ-00012-00005791-00006616 It's. That's the thing uh, the liberal is... liberalism and democracy is not a moral framework. I have my xjOcILbCxbQ-00013-00006616-00007216 personal moral framework and I do whatever I want. Just like someone else might show their daughter xjOcILbCxbQ-00014-00007320-00007672 they might not have a problem. You're saying there's a distinction between the government xjOcILbCxbQ-00015-00007672-00007798 -and personally yeah? -Yeah. xjOcILbCxbQ-00016-00007798-00008497 Okay then personally to you, how can you prove that that's wrong i.e. exposing the xjOcILbCxbQ-00017-00008497-00009016 top and the bottom. It's not a matter of proof it's not a mathematical matter, it's a matter of taste xjOcILbCxbQ-00018-00009104-00009528 -It's like you... I like to eat uhspaghetti you like to eat... -so on what xjOcILbCxbQ-00019-00009528-00009861 on what basis would you say that your taste islike that? xjOcILbCxbQ-00020-00009861-00010252 -oh errm. How I grew up. -society. xjOcILbCxbQ-00021-00010252-00010496 erm my family depends yeh xjOcILbCxbQ-00022-00010496-00011312 Culture, society, family okay. So, do you believe that somebody under a liberal framework xjOcILbCxbQ-00023-00011312-00011893 that believes on individual values, can impose things on a governmental level? xjOcILbCxbQ-00024-00011893-00012241 And we established a liberal world order xjOcILbCxbQ-00025-00012241-00012896 um it depends what... forexample we can't kill each other. You can't prohibit someone else's free speech. xjOcILbCxbQ-00026-00012896-00013325 But you said liberalism it doesn't kind of promote morality xjOcILbCxbQ-00027-00013325-00013778 -No it doesn't it doesn't except... -but then xjOcILbCxbQ-00028-00013791-00014347 curbing or talking about freedom of speech, that's morality. Telling someone to cover up not cover upthat's morality xjOcILbCxbQ-00029-00014347-00014791 Because maybe you have some truth in your Islamic gospel, maybe I have some truth xjOcILbCxbQ-00030-00014791-00015445 in my democratic gospel. So truth you're equating with good yeah? Truth is good stopping truth is bad? xjOcILbCxbQ-00031-00015515-00015854 -Sure, sure, yeh, yeh, yeh absolutely -That's morality xjOcILbCxbQ-00032-00015976-00016456 The idea of like best idea wins you know yeah. I think what's life promoting xjOcILbCxbQ-00033-00016456-00017046 is generally right, what's life demoting or death promoting is generally wrong xjOcILbCxbQ-00034-00017056-00017624 and that's all. Okay interesting, so in your world view, if let's just say in 50 years time maybe xjOcILbCxbQ-00035-00017624-00018217 after nuclear war you know Russia/Ukraine and all that happens, then people start eating each other xjOcILbCxbQ-00036-00018504-00019127 would you and... it's a majority. Would you deem in your framework that eating people is okay now? xjOcILbCxbQ-00037-00019127-00019752 Obviously not. But why not? According to the criteria of... you said if life says is good or life xjOcILbCxbQ-00038-00019752-00020240 says is bad yeah. So there life saying is good= survival, if you don't eat somebody you die yeah xjOcILbCxbQ-00039-00020240-00020784 yeah and most people are doing it what you're saying is wrong? It's so I... maybe I answer too xjOcILbCxbQ-00040-00020784-00021400 quickly. My personal taste and so is most peoples, is that cannibalism is out there... you know we're not xjOcILbCxbQ-00041-00021472-00022064 walking meat do you know? We are though. No we have dignity we have... we're not walking xjOcILbCxbQ-00042-00022064-00022584 -meat. This is a matter of personal taste. -But for them personal taste is human xjOcILbCxbQ-00043-00022691-00022808 With salt and pepper xjOcILbCxbQ-00044-00022808-00023368 Exactly. So let's just say your daughter says to you uh "dad I want to eat somebody" and you xjOcILbCxbQ-00045-00023368-00023976 say "look I don't want to eat somebody" would you allow her? No it's more than this. No no xjOcILbCxbQ-00046-00023976-00024592 it would be it's revolting it's like 'I want to rape somebody', no it's not okay, because xjOcILbCxbQ-00047-00024648-00025184 following your argument, exactly as cannibalism might be life promoting, so can rape. Yeah. Oh I made xjOcILbCxbQ-00048-00025184-00025760 a new life. Yes. But not all ends justify themeans. xjOcILbCxbQ-00049-00025760-00025972 -Cannibalism is not... -taste though isn't xjOcILbCxbQ-00050-00026004-00026632 If a person has taste for it then to them it's okay you know? No uh, the rape matter is not xjOcILbCxbQ-00051-00026632-00027232 -A matter of taste the cannibalism is a matterof taste. -Okay. So in your world view cannibalism xjOcILbCxbQ-00052-00027232-00027888 -would be tolerant, you'd be okay with that? -It's a difficult... personally not and if there was xjOcILbCxbQ-00053-00027888-00028106 a bill and it is outlawed in this country... xjOcILbCxbQ-00054-00028106-00028427 Out of interest though you said "personally not" why not? xjOcILbCxbQ-00055-00028427-00028847 Because as I told you, I don't think we're uh pieces of walking meat. xjOcILbCxbQ-00056-00028847-00029048 -okay okay -I think we have dignity we're humans xjOcILbCxbQ-00057-00029061-00029498 -we're dignified you know -okay we're not uh we're not animals xjOcILbCxbQ-00058-00029498-00029818 -What do you think makes us dignified? -our intellect xjOcILbCxbQ-00059-00029880-00030496 But there are other creatures that are very much intelligent; octopus, very intelligent creature. xjOcILbCxbQ-00060-00030591-00031088 I'm serious. No I understand but like... I was studying it for my paper. Yeah. Amazing creatures octopus. xjOcILbCxbQ-00061-00031088-00031672 I would suggest check it out. Yeah yeah look I have a scientific background as well but... uh so you know xjOcILbCxbQ-00062-00031672-00032266 octopus amazing creatures. And I watched them, my friend the octopus my teachers recommends the documentary xl0HO6kTyVc-00000-00000210-00000992 Warning! This video contains flashing lights and movements that can affect photosensible people and produce dizziness. Caution is requested. xl0HO6kTyVc-00001-00002720-00003014 Get ready xl0HO6kTyVc-00002-00003014-00003214 This isn't xl0HO6kTyVc-00003-00003214-00003696 a damn drill xl0HO6kTyVc-00004-00190042-00190762 Psychonauts of the world. Let's land, our trip has been enlightning but we need actions. The time we have as humanity is short if we don't start to make a radical shift of thinking. xl0HO6kTyVc-00005-00190762-00191330 We are infinite and immortal cosmos. Let's hold our hands and make our voices be heard. xl0HO6kTyVc-00006-00191330-00191530 They're about to be heard louder than ever. xmvi4UG-8qM-00000-00001096-00001332 Okay listen. What sound did we do? xmvi4UG-8qM-00001-00001359-00001551 We did 'f", right? xmvi4UG-8qM-00002-00001632-00001812 We will now look at how to write it. xmvi4UG-8qM-00003-00001860-00001880 Right? xmvi4UG-8qM-00004-00001944-00002016 Listen. xmvi4UG-8qM-00005-00002076-00002292 Look at me. All eyes on me. xmvi4UG-8qM-00006-00002444-00002603 You have to look at me first. xmvi4UG-8qM-00007-00002651-00002935 I will show you how to write 'f'. xmvi4UG-8qM-00008-00002964-00003051 I'm going to look this side. xmvi4UG-8qM-00009-00003279-00003375 We start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00010-00003488-00003564 do a curved line xmvi4UG-8qM-00011-00003703-00003764 going all the way down, xmvi4UG-8qM-00012-00004052-00004115 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00013-00004284-00004335 I'll repeat. xmvi4UG-8qM-00014-00004435-00004520 We start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00015-00004615-00004700 do a curved line xmvi4UG-8qM-00016-00004784-00004852 going all the way down, xmvi4UG-8qM-00017-00004952-00005032 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00018-00005152-00005256 I'll do it the third time. xmvi4UG-8qM-00019-00005352-00005552 - Are you all looking? - Yes. xmvi4UG-8qM-00020-00005696-00005784 We start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00021-00005875-00005947 do a curved line xmvi4UG-8qM-00022-00006024-00006084 going all the way down, xmvi4UG-8qM-00023-00006215-00006307 draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00024-00006343-00006484 - Right? - Yes. xmvi4UG-8qM-00025-00006507-00006600 Let's all raise our hands. xmvi4UG-8qM-00026-00006712-00006792 Let's all raise our hands. xmvi4UG-8qM-00027-00007023-00007115 I start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00028-00007259-00007423 do a curved line... someone is sleeping. xmvi4UG-8qM-00029-00007464-00007664 and go down... This 'f' is making you sleepy. xmvi4UG-8qM-00030-00007715-00007787 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00031-00007892-00007935 Again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00032-00008020-00008256 Start at the top and stay there... xmvi4UG-8qM-00033-00008271-00008300 Do it like this, xmvi4UG-8qM-00034-00008371-00008420 You are at the top, right? xmvi4UG-8qM-00035-00008479-00008507 Okay. xmvi4UG-8qM-00036-00008579-00008635 Do a curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00037-00008715-00008764 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00038-00008912-00008979 and then draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00039-00009115-00009268 Luthando, let's do it for the last time. xmvi4UG-8qM-00040-00009404-00009492 Start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00041-00009535-00009704 Stay on top... xmvi4UG-8qM-00042-00009776-00009831 do a curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00043-00009956-00009992 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00044-00010064-00010320 - and draw a crossing line. - and draw a crossing. Very good! xmvi4UG-8qM-00045-00010356-00010407 Listen here. xmvi4UG-8qM-00046-00010548-00010743 Go to your desk, I want you to write on your desk. xmvi4UG-8qM-00047-00010768-00010868 Start on top, stay on top. xmvi4UG-8qM-00048-00010912-00010968 Stay on top. xmvi4UG-8qM-00049-00011000-00011043 Stay there. xmvi4UG-8qM-00050-00011084-00011135 Stay there. xmvi4UG-8qM-00051-00011240-00011323 Start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00052-00011468-00011543 do a curved line xmvi4UG-8qM-00053-00011651-00011828 going all the way down. Don't raise your hand. xmvi4UG-8qM-00054-00011895-00012000 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00055-00012223-00012412 We start at the top. Let's stay there. xmvi4UG-8qM-00056-00012551-00012768 Do a curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00057-00012768-00013003 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00058-00013003-00013112 and then draw a cross a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00059-00013208-00013240 Do it again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00060-00013319-00013968 - Start at the top, do a curved line, draw a little line across. - No xmvi4UG-8qM-00061-00013991-00014080 do a curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00062-00014128-00014252 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00063-00014371-00014508 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00064-00014571-00014596 Right? xmvi4UG-8qM-00065-00014736-00014847 Again, again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00066-00014847-00015731 You start at the top, do a curved line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00067-00015736-00015863 Okay, let's all repeat it. xmvi4UG-8qM-00068-00015900-00016796 You start at the top, do a curve line all the way down, draw a little line across. xmvi4UG-8qM-00069-00016824-00016915 Let's do it again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00070-00016943-00017736 You start at the top, do a curved line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00071-00017784-00017875 Let's repeat again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00072-00017947-00018531 You start at the top, do a curved line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00073-00018580-00018800 Very good, right? Okay. xmvi4UG-8qM-00074-00018859-00019075 Now, you'll write on your friend's back. xmvi4UG-8qM-00075-00019159-00019268 Turn your back against each other. xmvi4UG-8qM-00076-00019328-00019447 One of you must turn their back. xmvi4UG-8qM-00077-00019543-00019587 That's it. xmvi4UG-8qM-00078-00019708-00019747 Wait. xmvi4UG-8qM-00079-00019952-00020243 Turn your back like this. Look here... xmvi4UG-8qM-00080-00020296-00020363 Look here. xmvi4UG-8qM-00081-00020475-00020568 Look. xmvi4UG-8qM-00082-00020796-00020975 You start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00083-00021124-00021463 not on her head, you start at the top... xmvi4UG-8qM-00084-00021524-00021671 do a curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00085-00021724-00021852 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00086-00021924-00022047 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00087-00022119-00022163 Do it again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00088-00022196-00022463 Do it on the same person. Zintle, stop fighting. xmvi4UG-8qM-00089-00022503-00022947 You start at the top, do a curved line going all the way down, xmvi4UG-8qM-00090-00022984-00023075 and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00091-00023115-00023187 Very good. xmvi4UG-8qM-00092-00023200-00023452 Let's switch partners. Write on the other person's back. xmvi4UG-8qM-00093-00023756-00023928 Where do you start? At the top..? xmvi4UG-8qM-00094-00024096-00024236 No, no, don't brush his head. xmvi4UG-8qM-00095-00024315-00024440 You start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00096-00024471-00024719 do a curved line going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00097-00024768-00024931 and draw a crossing line. Good xmvi4UG-8qM-00098-00024959-00025008 Do it again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00099-00025147-00025359 You start at the top... Say it as you are writing. xmvi4UG-8qM-00100-00025396-00026051 Start at the top, do a curve line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00101-00026051-00026112 Let's do it again. xmvi4UG-8qM-00102-00026187-00026839 Start at the top, do a curve line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00103-00026868-00026919 Okay. xmvi4UG-8qM-00104-00026980-00027139 Let's write it one more time in the air. xmvi4UG-8qM-00105-00027168-00027400 Look at me, look at me. xmvi4UG-8qM-00106-00027724-00028507 Start at the top, do a curve line going all the way down, and draw a crossing line. xmvi4UG-8qM-00107-00028507-00028636 Okay. xmvi4UG-8qM-00108-00028636-00028707 Listen here. xmvi4UG-8qM-00109-00029075-00029300 Let's start writing it as a pattern. xmvi4UG-8qM-00110-00029387-00029456 A pattern. xmvi4UG-8qM-00111-00029527-00029851 How is our pattern going to look like? xmvi4UG-8qM-00112-00030075-00030263 You start at the top, xmvi4UG-8qM-00113-00030392-00030487 do the curved line... xmvi4UG-8qM-00114-00030548-00030660 going all the way down... xmvi4UG-8qM-00115-00030836-00030919 and draw a crossing line. xnn5zQbDpwI-00000-00000003-00000420 hi everyone this is Shannon from smarter travel and in this video I'm going to be xnn5zQbDpwI-00001-00000420-00000840 sharing this fall's cheapest places to fly xnn5zQbDpwI-00002-00001200-00001814 I spoke to airfare experts to find out where you should head this September October and November for the best flight xnn5zQbDpwI-00003-00001814-00002200 deal click the link below to see the full list of destinations xnn5zQbDpwI-00004-00002261-00002658 Farr off air hubs like Paris are seeing price drops compared to last year with Priceline xnn5zQbDpwI-00005-00002658-00003143 data showing that fares are 16% lower this is true of Paris Orly for a xnn5zQbDpwI-00006-00003143-00003623 whopping 50 percent of overall departure airports xnn5zQbDpwI-00007-00003623-00003811 or head down-under to turn fall into spring xnn5zQbDpwI-00008-00003811-00004121 Skyscanner data shows that Sydney air fares are 20% less than xnn5zQbDpwI-00009-00004121-00004476 they were this time last year and Airfare Watchdog data shows that half of xnn5zQbDpwI-00010-00004476-00004884 departure airports are in on the change if islands are more your speed Bali is xnn5zQbDpwI-00011-00004884-00005244 one of the best flight deals out there fares to the Indonesian paradise have xnn5zQbDpwI-00012-00005244-00005661 been slashed as low as $480 that's because it's the start of Bali's xnn5zQbDpwI-00013-00005661-00006074 rainy season and also thanks to airline competition through Sky Team partners like Delta xnn5zQbDpwI-00014-00006136-00006520 domestic deals are also available for leaf peeping spots like North Carolina xnn5zQbDpwI-00015-00006520-00006884 Skyscanner data shows that Durham is 30% off compared to the xnn5zQbDpwI-00016-00006884-00007256 same period last year Denver is similarly on sale and also xnn5zQbDpwI-00017-00007256-00007367 home to fall colors xnn5zQbDpwI-00018-00007367-00007692 Kayak and CheapTickets.com show that fall fares are as xnn5zQbDpwI-00019-00007692-00008000 low as $188 round-trip and the cheapest time xnn5zQbDpwI-00020-00008000-00008439 to go is September before popular fall events like beer festivals hit xnn5zQbDpwI-00021-00008439-00008782 And if you're still clinging to summer Greece and Spain are the places to be xnn5zQbDpwI-00022-00008782-00009256 both country's capitals are about 15% to 30% off compared to last year's fall prices xnn5zQbDpwI-00023-00009264-00009532 that's mostly thanks to a decrease in Europe's travel demand xnn5zQbDpwI-00024-00009532-00009868 during back-to-school season even though it's still mild and dry xnn5zQbDpwI-00025-00009868-00010000 Thanks for tuning in! xnn5zQbDpwI-00026-00010000-00010293 for more expert tips like this be sure to like this video and subscribe xnn5zQbDpwI-00027-00010293-00010643 to SmarterTravel's channel xnGoOLDdPB0-00000-00000577-00000815 - Hi, let me properly introduce myself. xnGoOLDdPB0-00001-00000815-00000996 My name is Corey Glasper xnGoOLDdPB0-00002-00000996-00001205 and I am a new 2020-2021, xnGoOLDdPB0-00003-00001442-00001612 4-H Extension Ambassador, xnGoOLDdPB0-00004-00001612-00001960 and today I'm interviewing Dr.Molly Gregg. xnGoOLDdPB0-00005-00001960-00002168 So it's nice to see you this morning. xnGoOLDdPB0-00006-00002168-00002313 How are you doing today? xnGoOLDdPB0-00007-00002313-00002396 - I'm doing great. xnGoOLDdPB0-00008-00002396-00002535 And I'm so glad to see yeah. xnGoOLDdPB0-00009-00002535-00002925 Welcome to the new 2020 year. xnGoOLDdPB0-00010-00002925-00003063 - Yes, certainly xnGoOLDdPB0-00011-00003063-00003264 - What a year! (laughing) xnGoOLDdPB0-00012-00003264-00003441 - I'm going to be asking you questions xnGoOLDdPB0-00013-00003441-00003636 to see what you mean you about to job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00014-00003636-00003719 - Okay xnGoOLDdPB0-00015-00003719-00003804 - Let's get started. xnGoOLDdPB0-00016-00003804-00003897 - Alright. xnGoOLDdPB0-00017-00003897-00004193 - So what was your major in college? xnGoOLDdPB0-00018-00004193-00004603 - Well, you know, my major in college was Political Science, xnGoOLDdPB0-00019-00004603-00005077 and I thought I would go to Moscow. xnGoOLDdPB0-00020-00005077-00005212 But came back home xnGoOLDdPB0-00021-00005212-00005478 and then I lived in Atlanta for a while and I went back xnGoOLDdPB0-00022-00005478-00005799 to get my certification to teach and started teaching. xnGoOLDdPB0-00023-00005892-00006226 - So why did you choose this profession? xnGoOLDdPB0-00024-00006327-00006551 - Well, you know, teaching kinda chose me. xnGoOLDdPB0-00025-00006551-00006733 You know, I was kind of dissatisfied. xnGoOLDdPB0-00026-00006733-00006891 I didn't know what I wanted to do. xnGoOLDdPB0-00027-00006891-00007169 And a friend said xnGoOLDdPB0-00028-00007169-00007287 I can remember what she said, xnGoOLDdPB0-00029-00007287-00007495 "You should go back and get your teaching certificate. xnGoOLDdPB0-00030-00007495-00007698 "You'll be a great teacher." xnGoOLDdPB0-00031-00007698-00007820 And so that's what I did. xnGoOLDdPB0-00032-00007820-00008093 I went back to Georgia state in Atlanta xnGoOLDdPB0-00033-00008093-00008352 and worked on my teaching certificate xnGoOLDdPB0-00034-00008352-00008740 and I graduated in like December and I had a job xnGoOLDdPB0-00035-00008740-00009128 in the Fulton County public school systems in January. xnGoOLDdPB0-00036-00009248-00009347 - That's good. xnGoOLDdPB0-00037-00009347-00009847 So what would you think your job would have been xnGoOLDdPB0-00038-00009851-00010025 if you were not in this job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00039-00010138-00010266 - Oh, wow. xnGoOLDdPB0-00040-00010266-00010488 If I was not in this job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00041-00010710-00010834 Hmm. xnGoOLDdPB0-00042-00010834-00010917 It's hard. xnGoOLDdPB0-00043-00010917-00011000 It's hard to imagine. xnGoOLDdPB0-00044-00011000-00011219 I'd probably still be in the classroom. xnGoOLDdPB0-00045-00011219-00011419 I would probably still be in the classroom. xnGoOLDdPB0-00046-00011419-00011724 No but I may have moved out xnGoOLDdPB0-00047-00011724-00012017 and tried to be like maybe an assistant principal xnGoOLDdPB0-00048-00012017-00012365 or a principal at this school, one of those roles. xnGoOLDdPB0-00049-00012450-00012743 - So what is a day like on your job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00050-00012860-00013138 - Well I think one of the most exciting things about my job xnGoOLDdPB0-00051-00013138-00013432 is no day is like the next or like, xnGoOLDdPB0-00052-00013432-00013752 like another, you know, every day is different. xnGoOLDdPB0-00053-00013752-00013979 You know, what is a lot of fun is that I work xnGoOLDdPB0-00054-00013979-00014315 with a lot of people that's heart xnGoOLDdPB0-00055-00014315-00014707 is all about the young people in Alabama. xnGoOLDdPB0-00056-00014707-00014835 And you know, from Alabama, xnGoOLDdPB0-00057-00014835-00014959 I grew up in Alabama. xnGoOLDdPB0-00058-00014959-00015090 I grew up in Birmingham. xnGoOLDdPB0-00059-00015090-00015344 And one of the things I do like about my job xnGoOLDdPB0-00060-00015344-00015759 is that, you know, I came back home and you know, xnGoOLDdPB0-00061-00015759-00015897 there's a lot of need everywhere, xnGoOLDdPB0-00062-00015897-00016044 but there's need here in Alabama. xnGoOLDdPB0-00063-00016044-00016252 So it's really nice to be able xnGoOLDdPB0-00064-00016252-00016578 to serve such a great people xnGoOLDdPB0-00065-00016578-00016882 that really their job is to serve Alabama xnGoOLDdPB0-00066-00016882-00017123 and serve the young people of Alabama. xnGoOLDdPB0-00067-00017242-00017557 - So I know with your job there is a lot of obstacles xnGoOLDdPB0-00068-00017557-00017812 that you have to face within your job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00069-00017812-00018312 So how did you overcome difficult obstacles during your job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00070-00018490-00018693 - Well not like one of the things there is, is that xnGoOLDdPB0-00071-00018693-00019073 you know, when you get to come out later, you can let your xnGoOLDdPB0-00072-00019073-00019489 you can just surround yourself with great team people. xnGoOLDdPB0-00073-00019489-00019774 And, you know, whenever I have an obstacle or a problem xnGoOLDdPB0-00074-00019774-00020118 you know, a walk down to the house to Ms.Joy. xnGoOLDdPB0-00075-00020118-00020354 And you know, I sit down with Ms.Joy, xnGoOLDdPB0-00076-00020354-00020580 sit down Ms.Nancy or Tony. xnGoOLDdPB0-00077-00020580-00020772 I have the, you know, the staff that are on the table xnGoOLDdPB0-00078-00020772-00021025 and sit down and I, you know, I bring them around xnGoOLDdPB0-00079-00021025-00021292 and we talk about what the obstacle is and the barrier. xnGoOLDdPB0-00080-00021292-00021433 So, you know, one of the things xnGoOLDdPB0-00081-00021433-00021737 they hard problems and there are barriers and things xnGoOLDdPB0-00082-00021737-00021970 but, you know, I've never felt alone. xnGoOLDdPB0-00083-00021970-00022090 I've never felt alone. xnGoOLDdPB0-00084-00022090-00022259 I've always been surrounded xnGoOLDdPB0-00085-00022259-00022504 by just really good people that have xnGoOLDdPB0-00086-00022504-00022821 you know, helped me to, you know, xnGoOLDdPB0-00087-00022821-00023154 to move forward and get through, to get through hard times. xnGoOLDdPB0-00088-00023268-00023673 - So I know it's your profession, you have, you help, xnGoOLDdPB0-00089-00023673-00024053 Well, you have a high profession and your job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00090-00024053-00024375 So what is kind of the sacrifices xnGoOLDdPB0-00091-00024375-00024555 that you have to take with your job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00092-00024705-00024946 - Well, I think that one of the things that, xnGoOLDdPB0-00093-00025050-00025312 you know, I don't have sacrifices. xnGoOLDdPB0-00094-00025312-00025689 Well, I, I guess sometimes that my family might think that xnGoOLDdPB0-00095-00025689-00025978 you know, I don't pay as much attention to them as I should. xnGoOLDdPB0-00096-00026074-00026179 But at the same time, xnGoOLDdPB0-00097-00026179-00026616 I think that they try to be as supportive as you can. xnGoOLDdPB0-00098-00026616-00026761 I think, you know, xnGoOLDdPB0-00099-00026761-00026989 I think back when I was younger and you know, xnGoOLDdPB0-00100-00026989-00027131 I was on a business trip xnGoOLDdPB0-00101-00027131-00027389 when my youngest son learned to walk xnGoOLDdPB0-00102-00027389-00027625 and, you know, things like that. xnGoOLDdPB0-00103-00027625-00027862 So you are on the road a lot, xnGoOLDdPB0-00104-00027862-00028014 and so you do miss things. xnGoOLDdPB0-00105-00028014-00028219 But you also have an opportunity xnGoOLDdPB0-00106-00028219-00028352 to kind of really know the things xnGoOLDdPB0-00107-00028352-00028529 you're not gonna sacrifice xnGoOLDdPB0-00108-00028529-00028858 and make sure that you participate in those. xnGoOLDdPB0-00109-00028858-00029245 But there is, there are sometimes travel xnGoOLDdPB0-00110-00029245-00029527 you know, that you miss things and you know, xnGoOLDdPB0-00111-00029527-00029873 which is really kind of a nice job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00112-00029873-00030102 Nice and difficult about this kind of job is that xnGoOLDdPB0-00113-00030102-00030516 it's you know, because of technology and you have phones xnGoOLDdPB0-00114-00030516-00030870 so you can, you know, somebody has a problem or a question xnGoOLDdPB0-00115-00030870-00031119 or not their camp, and it's two o'clock in the morning xnGoOLDdPB0-00116-00031119-00031390 and they're worried they can call you, you know xnGoOLDdPB0-00117-00031390-00031660 and you can, you know, figure out that problem together xnGoOLDdPB0-00118-00031660-00031870 or say we are gonna, it's gonna be okay, xnGoOLDdPB0-00119-00031870-00031999 this is what we'll do. xnGoOLDdPB0-00120-00031999-00032182 But also I think that part of it xnGoOLDdPB0-00121-00032182-00032468 is that you're so you're really never down. xnGoOLDdPB0-00122-00032468-00032726 That would be one of the barriers xnGoOLDdPB0-00123-00032726-00032887 that you have to really kind of manage it. xnGoOLDdPB0-00124-00032887-00033092 Sometimes you have to disconnect, xnGoOLDdPB0-00125-00033092-00033432 you know disconnect so that you can kind of rejuvenate. xnGoOLDdPB0-00126-00033585-00033888 - So I know you're pretty busy, relax. xnGoOLDdPB0-00127-00033888-00034121 So what is a day like on your job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00128-00034212-00034448 - Well, you know, I try to get up in the morning xnGoOLDdPB0-00129-00034448-00034825 and walk and get a little physical activity. xnGoOLDdPB0-00130-00034825-00035241 And so usually when I come in, you know, I come in the door xnGoOLDdPB0-00131-00035241-00035490 and it, it's kind of funny because just about everybody xnGoOLDdPB0-00132-00035490-00035697 you walk into walk to, xnGoOLDdPB0-00133-00035697-00035899 they have a question about xnGoOLDdPB0-00134-00035899-00036278 have you, or have we or we need. xnGoOLDdPB0-00135-00036278-00036451 So what's kind of interesting about my job xnGoOLDdPB0-00136-00036451-00036823 is by the time I get to my, my desk and I sit down, xnGoOLDdPB0-00137-00036823-00037087 you know, that list that I thought I was gonna work on, xnGoOLDdPB0-00138-00037087-00037269 there have been about three or four things xnGoOLDdPB0-00139-00037269-00037623 added to it that have become a new priority. xnGoOLDdPB0-00140-00037623-00037946 So, you know, a typical day is really about coming in xnGoOLDdPB0-00141-00037946-00038260 and sitting down and kind of, I'm a list person. xnGoOLDdPB0-00142-00038260-00038514 You know, I sit down in my notebook xnGoOLDdPB0-00143-00038514-00038810 and I write down the things that I wanna do. xnGoOLDdPB0-00144-00038810-00039214 And boy, I strike that thing off that list when it's done. xnGoOLDdPB0-00145-00039214-00039407 And that's just kinda how I am. xnGoOLDdPB0-00146-00039407-00039557 So usually, and then I come in xnGoOLDdPB0-00147-00039557-00039706 and check my emails to kinda think about xnGoOLDdPB0-00148-00039706-00039873 what I'm gonna what I wanna do. xnGoOLDdPB0-00149-00039873-00040224 A lot of time on the computer. xnGoOLDdPB0-00150-00040224-00040411 A lot of time on the phone xnGoOLDdPB0-00151-00040411-00040702 talking to staff that are in the field. xnGoOLDdPB0-00152-00040702-00041021 A lot of time lots of times xnGoOLDdPB0-00153-00041021-00041304 when I like to look at program materials and, xnGoOLDdPB0-00154-00041304-00041581 and right now I'm looking at ways xnGoOLDdPB0-00155-00041581-00041925 that we can support young people online xnGoOLDdPB0-00156-00041925-00042163 and through virtual, that kind of thing. xnGoOLDdPB0-00157-00042163-00042471 And yeah, the door, not as many people are here now xnGoOLDdPB0-00158-00042471-00042600 'cause we're kind of rotations xnGoOLDdPB0-00159-00042600-00042764 because of the current conditions. xnGoOLDdPB0-00160-00042764-00042941 But you know, there's always somebody coming xnGoOLDdPB0-00161-00042941-00043246 in the door that we got to or we need to. xnGoOLDdPB0-00162-00043246-00043442 And so, you know, you just have to be flexible xnGoOLDdPB0-00163-00043442-00043630 and roll with it and get, xnGoOLDdPB0-00164-00043630-00043845 get what needs to be done during the day. xnGoOLDdPB0-00165-00044003-00044341 - So last question I could ask, xnGoOLDdPB0-00166-00044341-00044424 - Sure, xnGoOLDdPB0-00167-00044424-00044602 - Will be what advice would you give xnGoOLDdPB0-00168-00044602-00044900 to the youth interested in your job? xnGoOLDdPB0-00169-00044997-00045189 - I think go for it. xnGoOLDdPB0-00170-00045189-00045486 It's, it's a great fun job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00171-00045575-00045822 You work with great people. xnGoOLDdPB0-00172-00046088-00046427 You there's some travel, but I think one thing too is, xnGoOLDdPB0-00173-00046427-00046927 is that you have to be that your role is to serve others. xnGoOLDdPB0-00174-00046944-00047342 Your role is to be sure like employees make sure xnGoOLDdPB0-00175-00047342-00047477 that they have the things that they need xnGoOLDdPB0-00176-00047477-00047816 so that they can, they can do their job. xnGoOLDdPB0-00177-00047816-00048111 Your role is to, you know, what's so important to me. xnGoOLDdPB0-00178-00048111-00048351 And I know that I drive them crazy a little bit. xnGoOLDdPB0-00179-00048351-00048484 You know, I'm always asking xnGoOLDdPB0-00180-00048484-00048705 well, give me your numbers, give me your outcomes xnGoOLDdPB0-00181-00048705-00048950 give me your outputs, do your evaluation. xnGoOLDdPB0-00182-00048950-00049143 Because I felt like a real part of my job xnGoOLDdPB0-00183-00049143-00049560 is to really brag and share with the public xnGoOLDdPB0-00184-00049560-00049827 about what everybody's doing and what we do together. xnGoOLDdPB0-00185-00049911-00050133 So that's that, that's a big part. xnGoOLDdPB0-00186-00050133-00050362 So you've got to really be willing to xnGoOLDdPB0-00187-00050362-00050630 you know, push people to get the information xnGoOLDdPB0-00188-00050630-00050828 and then get the information xnGoOLDdPB0-00189-00050828-00051164 in a pretty easy format and get it out to your public xnGoOLDdPB0-00190-00051164-00051509 so that I know all the great things that are going on. xnGoOLDdPB0-00191-00051509-00051614 Like you know, I love this, xnGoOLDdPB0-00192-00051614-00051812 this video they're gonna meet you. xnGoOLDdPB0-00193-00051812-00051927 And they're gonna say, xnGoOLDdPB0-00194-00051927-00052104 "Look at this awesome young lady." xnGoOLDdPB0-00195-00052104-00052355 So, you know, video is just a great way xnGoOLDdPB0-00196-00052355-00052625 for us to highlight some of our awesome young people. xnGoOLDdPB0-00197-00052775-00053016 - It was so nice interviewing you today xnGoOLDdPB0-00198-00053016-00053214 and thank you for taking time out to schedule. xnGoOLDdPB0-00199-00053214-00053372 'Cause I know you're busy a lot. xnGoOLDdPB0-00200-00053372-00053482 So thank you. xnGoOLDdPB0-00201-00053482-00053675 - Oh, it was my pleasure. xnGoOLDdPB0-00202-00053675-00054099 You have a great year and you're the best. xnGoOLDdPB0-00203-00054099-00054212 - Thank you so much. y1UvIpcVmeM-00000-00000029-00000123 You have entered y1UvIpcVmeM-00001-00000123-00000320 the plumbing business, success zone, y1UvIpcVmeM-00002-00000320-00000596 teaching entrepreneurs the business of plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00003-00000596-00000793 This is Potty Talk Live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00004-00000793-00000971 Recorded live every week. y1UvIpcVmeM-00005-00000971-00001249 Turn on notifications to never miss an episode. y1UvIpcVmeM-00006-00001249-00001479 Now your host, Richard Behney, y1UvIpcVmeM-00007-00001479-00001677 the Million Dollar Plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-00008-00001865-00001964 Hey, hey, hey, y1UvIpcVmeM-00009-00001964-00002048 plumbing pros! y1UvIpcVmeM-00010-00002048-00002464 Welcome to the 322nd episode of Potty Talk Live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00011-00002464-00002658 Hey there, I'm your host Richard Behney, y1UvIpcVmeM-00012-00002658-00002765 the Million Dollar Plumber, y1UvIpcVmeM-00013-00002765-00002886 along with my co-host, y1UvIpcVmeM-00014-00002886-00003032 the Lovely Laura, y1UvIpcVmeM-00015-00003032-00003272 where we're talking the business of plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00016-00003272-00003449 We are. How to systemize, y1UvIpcVmeM-00017-00003449-00003776 stylize, and monetize your plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00018-00003776-00003861 Good to have you here! y1UvIpcVmeM-00019-00003861-00004029 Hey, we got a great episode for you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00020-00004029-00004135 'Course we do! y1UvIpcVmeM-00021-00004135-00004283 Hey, I'm looking forward to this one. y1UvIpcVmeM-00022-00004283-00004381 I know. We're gonna be talking about y1UvIpcVmeM-00023-00004381-00004511 about how to get more customers! y1UvIpcVmeM-00024-00004511-00004595 I know. Why wouldn't we be? y1UvIpcVmeM-00025-00004595-00004706 Do you want more customers? y1UvIpcVmeM-00026-00004706-00004806 No. I hope you do. y1UvIpcVmeM-00027-00004806-00004904 You should. y1UvIpcVmeM-00028-00004904-00005063 But we're gonna talk about that tonight. y1UvIpcVmeM-00029-00005063-00005344 In fact, this is the first part of our three-part series. y1UvIpcVmeM-00030-00005344-00005428 That's right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00031-00005428-00005511 We're gonna talk about that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00032-00005511-00005596 but it's good to have you here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00033-00005596-00005720 Keep you hanging on. y1UvIpcVmeM-00034-00005720-00005804 Yeah. Right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00035-00005804-00005922 Yeah, we keep you hanging on here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00036-00005922-00006006 Keep you hanging on! y1UvIpcVmeM-00037-00006006-00006128 Hey, we already see it happening here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00038-00006128-00006211 Yes! You guys know that y1UvIpcVmeM-00039-00006211-00006355 part of the live social audience all the time, y1UvIpcVmeM-00040-00006355-00006567 you know the type "Live" in the comments. y1UvIpcVmeM-00041-00006567-00006719 Type "Live" if you're with us here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00042-00006719-00006864 Let us know you're watching live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00043-00006864-00006972 If you're watching the replay, y1UvIpcVmeM-00044-00006972-00007086 please type, "Replay." y1UvIpcVmeM-00045-00007086-00007192 Let us know you caught it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00046-00007192-00007373 And if you listening to the podcast, y1UvIpcVmeM-00047-00007373-00007473 you know what to do, y1UvIpcVmeM-00048-00007473-00007716 just keep on listening. y1UvIpcVmeM-00049-00007716-00007800 All right! y1UvIpcVmeM-00050-00007800-00007929 Hey, everybody. y1UvIpcVmeM-00051-00007929-00008012 How's everybody doing? y1UvIpcVmeM-00052-00008012-00008196 Everybody checking in? y1UvIpcVmeM-00053-00008196-00008433 And we just had a little malfunction y1UvIpcVmeM-00054-00008433-00008601 right before we went live, of course, y1UvIpcVmeM-00055-00008601-00008786 because Facebook changes everything at the last minute. y1UvIpcVmeM-00056-00008786-00008935 So, but you've got yours up. y1UvIpcVmeM-00057-00008935-00009238 Hopefully our wonderful, new, show producer, y1UvIpcVmeM-00058-00009238-00009363 Shelby. y1UvIpcVmeM-00059-00009363-00009541 Miss Shelby. Miss Shelby. y1UvIpcVmeM-00060-00009541-00009625 Hey, Bo. Hey, Bo. y1UvIpcVmeM-00061-00009625-00009853 Is now with us now. y1UvIpcVmeM-00062-00009853-00010015 And hopefully she's, y1UvIpcVmeM-00063-00010015-00010245 everything's going good on her end, y1UvIpcVmeM-00064-00010245-00010377 and nothing freaked out on her. y1UvIpcVmeM-00065-00010377-00010520 So, anyway, yes! Hey. y1UvIpcVmeM-00066-00010520-00010604 Intentionally live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00067-00010604-00010803 Awesome. Thanks, Chris Copeland. y1UvIpcVmeM-00068-00010803-00010888 All right, Chris. Good to see you, brother. y1UvIpcVmeM-00069-00010888-00010971 All right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00070-00010971-00011225 I saw JT was on board here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00071-00011225-00011330 Matt! y1UvIpcVmeM-00072-00011330-00011423 Hey, Matt Carter. y1UvIpcVmeM-00073-00011423-00011506 I can see him here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00074-00011506-00011761 Good to see you here, Matt. y1UvIpcVmeM-00075-00011761-00011848 Yes. Brother Matt. y1UvIpcVmeM-00076-00011848-00012009 GB, good to have you here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00077-00012009-00012092 Everybody checking in. y1UvIpcVmeM-00078-00012092-00012201 All right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00079-00012201-00012412 Happy, Matt Delnay. Mr. Delnay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00080-00012412-00012495 I talked to them earlier. y1UvIpcVmeM-00081-00012495-00012631 They got some cool stuff going on. y1UvIpcVmeM-00082-00012631-00012737 Not only is, I know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00083-00012737-00013003 Mountaineer Plumbing just killing it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00084-00013123-00013207 The Delnays. y1UvIpcVmeM-00085-00013207-00013321 Well, they've got nothing else better to do y1UvIpcVmeM-00086-00013321-00013406 with their time. Yeah, right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00087-00013406-00013497 So there's that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00088-00013497-00013712 Hey JT, how you doing? y1UvIpcVmeM-00089-00013712-00013813 Tawny? y1UvIpcVmeM-00090-00013813-00013909 Tell Tawny we said, "Hi." y1UvIpcVmeM-00091-00013909-00014066 Thinking about her today too as, y1UvIpcVmeM-00092-00014066-00014225 I don't know if most of you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00093-00014225-00014421 Danny and Tiese did have their baby, y1UvIpcVmeM-00094-00014421-00014504 the Penns, y1UvIpcVmeM-00095-00014504-00014758 owners of New Era Plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00096-00014758-00014886 New Era Plumping, out of Boston. y1UvIpcVmeM-00097-00014886-00015138 Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. y1UvIpcVmeM-00098-00015138-00015292 Yeah. So they, Baby Noah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00099-00015292-00015433 Little Noah, yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00100-00015433-00015526 Not little. Oh, I know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00101-00015696-00015795 Not little at all. y1UvIpcVmeM-00102-00015795-00015925 I wanna hear that story. y1UvIpcVmeM-00103-00016009-00016179 Yes. Everybody make sure you reach out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00104-00016179-00016277 Little Tiese. y1UvIpcVmeM-00105-00016367-00016516 And big, baby Noah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00106-00016516-00016617 Oh boy. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00107-00016617-00016700 Super cute. y1UvIpcVmeM-00108-00016700-00016789 Anyway! Hey, Mark. y1UvIpcVmeM-00109-00016789-00017052 Mark Yarbrough, hopefully I'm saying that right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00110-00017052-00017135 Hey, welcome brother. Welcome. y1UvIpcVmeM-00111-00017135-00017285 Mark, or Matt. Sorry. y1UvIpcVmeM-00112-00017285-00017383 Read this better. All right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00113-00017383-00017496 Jeff Clinkenbeard. y1UvIpcVmeM-00114-00017496-00017608 Have some new names here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00115-00017608-00017971 Guys, let us know where you are tuning in from. y1UvIpcVmeM-00116-00017971-00018076 Good to have you here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00117-00018076-00018166 If you're plumbing business owner. y1UvIpcVmeM-00118-00018166-00018249 Hey, we got, y1UvIpcVmeM-00119-00018249-00018364 if you're looking for more customers, y1UvIpcVmeM-00120-00018364-00018548 we'll be talking about that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00121-00018548-00018631 So, stick around. y1UvIpcVmeM-00122-00018631-00018715 Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00123-00018715-00018798 I can't wait to get to it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00124-00018798-00018959 Hey, Matt Carter. All right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00125-00018959-00019042 So, we diving right in, y1UvIpcVmeM-00126-00019042-00019125 or what are you doing? y1UvIpcVmeM-00127-00019125-00019209 I don't know. We can talk. y1UvIpcVmeM-00128-00019209-00019292 Okay. You're on a roll here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00129-00019292-00019375 You want to just kind of? y1UvIpcVmeM-00130-00019375-00019504 I was kinda talking and then you just. y1UvIpcVmeM-00131-00019612-00019707 I would rather. y1UvIpcVmeM-00132-00019707-00019994 Chris DeWolfe, live from Wylie, Texas. y1UvIpcVmeM-00133-00019994-00020282 What a great, Texan name of a town. y1UvIpcVmeM-00134-00020282-00020425 Wylie. Wylie. y1UvIpcVmeM-00135-00020425-00020546 Is that where the Wiley Coyote comes from? y1UvIpcVmeM-00136-00020546-00020659 Wiley Coyote. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00137-00020659-00020742 I wonder. y1UvIpcVmeM-00138-00020742-00020880 Carmen. Carmen's in the house! y1UvIpcVmeM-00139-00020880-00020964 Carmen LaCassa. y1UvIpcVmeM-00140-00020964-00021113 All right, it's good to have you here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00141-00021113-00021196 One of our old timers. y1UvIpcVmeM-00142-00021196-00021279 Sorry, Carmen. I know you're probably not old. y1UvIpcVmeM-00143-00021279-00021363 Hey, we do have a question for you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00144-00021363-00021446 We might as well get the question out there. y1UvIpcVmeM-00145-00021446-00021582 Yes! Okay. Let's do it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00146-00021582-00021665 All right? Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00147-00021665-00021748 What do you got? Hey, y1UvIpcVmeM-00148-00021748-00021900 where do you get most of your customer leads from? y1UvIpcVmeM-00149-00021900-00022191 Where do you get most of your customer leads from? y1UvIpcVmeM-00150-00022191-00022274 Yeah, let us know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00151-00022274-00022398 Referrals. y1UvIpcVmeM-00152-00022398-00022517 LSAs. y1UvIpcVmeM-00153-00022517-00022633 GMB. y1UvIpcVmeM-00154-00022633-00022716 SEO. y1UvIpcVmeM-00155-00022854-00022995 Yeah. Repeat. y1UvIpcVmeM-00156-00022995-00023224 Where do you get most of your customer leads from? y1UvIpcVmeM-00157-00023224-00023307 Love to know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00158-00023307-00023395 Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00159-00023395-00023566 Okay. Let us know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00160-00023566-00023664 So, it's an important thing here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00161-00023664-00023756 Yeah! y1UvIpcVmeM-00162-00023756-00023885 Also, thank you, Shelby. y1UvIpcVmeM-00163-00023885-00024276 Sign up to get a text message when we go live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00164-00024276-00024434 I feel like I'm still on vacation. y1UvIpcVmeM-00165-00024434-00024549 Let me finish please. y1UvIpcVmeM-00166-00024709-00024889 Are we gonna to communicate at all? y1UvIpcVmeM-00167-00024889-00025128 Type "Text" in the comments y1UvIpcVmeM-00168-00025128-00025254 to get a notification when we go live, y1UvIpcVmeM-00169-00025254-00025534 so you never miss an episode of Potty Talk Live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00170-00025534-00025617 Do it right now. y1UvIpcVmeM-00171-00025617-00025753 All right. There you go. y1UvIpcVmeM-00172-00025753-00025836 I'm just kind of relaxed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00173-00025836-00025919 I feel chill. I know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00174-00025919-00026277 We did have a mini staycation this weekend. y1UvIpcVmeM-00175-00026277-00026401 We decided just to go, y1UvIpcVmeM-00176-00026401-00026670 oh, what about 15 miles from our house? y1UvIpcVmeM-00177-00026670-00026766 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00178-00026766-00026943 Into Sarasota. Stayed downtown. y1UvIpcVmeM-00179-00026943-00027026 Downtown Sarasota. y1UvIpcVmeM-00180-00027026-00027133 There are a couple things, y1UvIpcVmeM-00181-00027133-00027274 a couple of reasons why. y1UvIpcVmeM-00182-00027274-00027369 Yes. I mean, first of all, y1UvIpcVmeM-00183-00027369-00027452 we've been kind of just busy, y1UvIpcVmeM-00184-00027452-00027535 got a lot of things going on, y1UvIpcVmeM-00185-00027535-00027619 and we just wanted to get away, y1UvIpcVmeM-00186-00027619-00027745 and just be no-brainer. y1UvIpcVmeM-00187-00027745-00027918 You know, just hang out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00188-00027918-00028024 Hang out somewhere, hotels. y1UvIpcVmeM-00189-00028024-00028120 Always fun to go to the nice hotel. y1UvIpcVmeM-00190-00028120-00028264 And eat and, you know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00191-00028264-00028347 And we did eat. y1UvIpcVmeM-00192-00028347-00028431 All right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00193-00028431-00028514 And do that kind of stuff. y1UvIpcVmeM-00194-00028514-00028620 But we're also looking, y1UvIpcVmeM-00195-00028620-00028806 what we tell our clients, y1UvIpcVmeM-00196-00028806-00028889 you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00197-00028889-00029054 whatever, what you're looking to do, y1UvIpcVmeM-00198-00029054-00029148 you know, take it for a test drive. y1UvIpcVmeM-00199-00029148-00029231 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00200-00029231-00029324 You know, spend some time in the area. y1UvIpcVmeM-00201-00029324-00029461 Walk the area. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00202-00029461-00029647 If there's a neighborhood that you want to live in, y1UvIpcVmeM-00203-00029647-00029857 a house that you want to buy eventually, y1UvIpcVmeM-00204-00029857-00029986 go drive around the neighborhood, y1UvIpcVmeM-00205-00029986-00030094 spend some time in the neighborhood, y1UvIpcVmeM-00206-00030094-00030181 walk the neighborhood. y1UvIpcVmeM-00207-00030181-00030360 If there's a car, y1UvIpcVmeM-00208-00030360-00030510 certain kind of car or truck, y1UvIpcVmeM-00209-00030510-00030620 or something that you want, y1UvIpcVmeM-00210-00030620-00030730 go do a test drive. y1UvIpcVmeM-00211-00030730-00030835 Right. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00212-00030835-00030919 So we took our own advice this week. y1UvIpcVmeM-00213-00030919-00031002 Right, y1UvIpcVmeM-00214-00031002-00031466 and we want to live in Sarasota in a high rise. y1UvIpcVmeM-00215-00031466-00031549 Kinda a pent house. Nice high rise, yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00216-00031549-00031633 Condo. y1UvIpcVmeM-00217-00031770-00031895 Overlooking the water, yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00218-00031895-00031979 You know? And so we wanted to walk y1UvIpcVmeM-00219-00031979-00032102 to see what it'd feel like. y1UvIpcVmeM-00220-00032102-00032314 We have our eyes on a couple. y1UvIpcVmeM-00221-00032314-00032449 And so what would it be like? y1UvIpcVmeM-00222-00032449-00032675 That we could walk to in the mornings. y1UvIpcVmeM-00223-00032675-00032836 Right. Where we work out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00224-00032836-00032919 Places to eat. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00225-00032919-00033003 Yeah. Kind of. y1UvIpcVmeM-00226-00033003-00033086 So it was kind of fun. y1UvIpcVmeM-00227-00033086-00033169 Just kind of, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00228-00033169-00033270 put it on a little bit. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00229-00033270-00033403 So a little, mini staycation. y1UvIpcVmeM-00230-00033403-00033486 And it felt good. Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00231-00033486-00033585 We liked it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00232-00033585-00033668 So, yeah! We liked it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00233-00033668-00033809 So, we highly recommend that, guys. y1UvIpcVmeM-00234-00033809-00033970 We talk about this all the time, y1UvIpcVmeM-00235-00033970-00034321 to go and experience some of the things y1UvIpcVmeM-00236-00034321-00034481 that you're shooting for. y1UvIpcVmeM-00237-00034481-00034715 So that it kind of keeps you moving and keeps you moving. y1UvIpcVmeM-00238-00034715-00034981 Right. There's just something powerful about that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00239-00034981-00035104 Your mind finds a way to, y1UvIpcVmeM-00240-00035104-00035234 you know, work on that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00241-00035234-00035360 But now we're back. y1UvIpcVmeM-00242-00035360-00035456 But we are back. y1UvIpcVmeM-00243-00035456-00035539 We're back. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00244-00035539-00035657 So, we're not on staycation anymore. y1UvIpcVmeM-00245-00035657-00035756 And I'm still feeling the groove. y1UvIpcVmeM-00246-00035756-00035840 We had a good time. y1UvIpcVmeM-00247-00035840-00035955 We did have a very lovely time. y1UvIpcVmeM-00248-00035955-00036057 Weather was great. y1UvIpcVmeM-00249-00036057-00036180 A lovely time. y1UvIpcVmeM-00250-00036180-00036297 Okay. We had a lovely time. y1UvIpcVmeM-00251-00036383-00036647 Guess I'm trying to keep you on track, y1UvIpcVmeM-00252-00036647-00036834 and maybe move on with the show. y1UvIpcVmeM-00253-00037035-00037170 I do see some things, y1UvIpcVmeM-00254-00037170-00037357 some answers coming in from our question here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00255-00037357-00037441 Yes. Okay, what are they? y1UvIpcVmeM-00256-00037441-00037604 GMB, Matt Carter says, "Yes." y1UvIpcVmeM-00257-00037604-00037783 Yes, we know you do GMB. y1UvIpcVmeM-00258-00037783-00037893 Very well, right? Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00259-00037893-00038060 And, if everybody doesn't know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00260-00038060-00038243 GMB is Google My Business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00261-00038243-00038368 It's the maps. y1UvIpcVmeM-00262-00038368-00038451 Yep. y1UvIpcVmeM-00263-00038451-00038663 The maps as we have the free listing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00264-00038663-00038783 referrals, and some Yelp. y1UvIpcVmeM-00265-00038783-00038866 Yelp, really? y1UvIpcVmeM-00266-00038866-00038984 See, that just shocks me. y1UvIpcVmeM-00267-00038984-00039169 Scott, what part of town, y1UvIpcVmeM-00268-00039169-00039270 or town, duh. Country. y1UvIpcVmeM-00269-00039270-00039357 Country are you in? y1UvIpcVmeM-00270-00039357-00039672 Because some areas of the country, Yelp is huge. y1UvIpcVmeM-00271-00039672-00039767 It's absolutely huge. y1UvIpcVmeM-00272-00039767-00039964 Others like, Indiana, y1UvIpcVmeM-00273-00039964-00040152 where we're originally from, y1UvIpcVmeM-00274-00040152-00040380 Yelp's just like, eh, it's not even a thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00275-00040380-00040567 So, but like, California, y1UvIpcVmeM-00276-00040567-00040650 pretty big. y1UvIpcVmeM-00277-00040650-00040977 So, LSAs Bo says, "Yes." y1UvIpcVmeM-00278-00040977-00041206 LSA, Local Service Ads. y1UvIpcVmeM-00279-00041206-00041362 Google, Local Service Ads. y1UvIpcVmeM-00280-00041362-00041532 I wish those would have been around y1UvIpcVmeM-00281-00041532-00041660 when we had our plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00282-00041660-00041743 Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00283-00041743-00041913 Super, inexpensive way to get clients. y1UvIpcVmeM-00284-00041913-00042047 Yeah, it's never been easier. y1UvIpcVmeM-00285-00042047-00042281 I'm gonna sound like the old guy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00286-00042281-00042364 Talks about back in the day. y1UvIpcVmeM-00287-00042364-00042448 You are gonna sound like the old guy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00288-00042448-00042629 We had to walk 10 miles up hill on the snow y1UvIpcVmeM-00289-00042629-00042771 to go to school. y1UvIpcVmeM-00290-00042771-00042907 We had to buy Yellow Page ads. y1UvIpcVmeM-00291-00042907-00043025 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00292-00043025-00043108 Same thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00293-00043108-00043202 Today, guys, it's never been easier, y1UvIpcVmeM-00294-00043202-00043285 and we're gonna cover that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00295-00043285-00043416 how to get more customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-00296-00043416-00043500 So, let's get at it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00297-00043500-00043584 Let's get at it, shall we? This part, y1UvIpcVmeM-00298-00043584-00043760 we're talking about how to get more plumbing customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-00299-00043760-00043870 Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00300-00043870-00044017 Couple of things we want to keep in mind here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00301-00044017-00044133 Okay. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00302-00044133-00044394 First of all, customers buy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00303-00044394-00044486 There's a saying that y1UvIpcVmeM-00304-00044486-00044837 customers buy from those they know, like, and trust. y1UvIpcVmeM-00305-00044837-00044920 Correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-00306-00044920-00045003 Okay. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00307-00045003-00045086 Let me say that again. y1UvIpcVmeM-00308-00045086-00045236 Customers buy, y1UvIpcVmeM-00309-00045236-00045367 BUY, y1UvIpcVmeM-00310-00045367-00045569 from those they know. Spend money with you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00311-00045569-00045652 Right. Know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00312-00045652-00045736 Spend money with you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00313-00045736-00045948 Buy from those they know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00314-00045948-00046182 We gotta know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00315-00046182-00046295 Like you. Like you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00316-00046295-00046509 And finally, trust you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00317-00046509-00046730 And then they'll spend money with you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00318-00046730-00046897 Correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-00319-00046897-00047087 So, that's what we're gonna be talking about here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00320-00047087-00047264 Okay. In fact, today's session, y1UvIpcVmeM-00321-00047264-00047388 or episode here. Session. y1UvIpcVmeM-00322-00047388-00047486 Right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00323-00047486-00047711 We're talking about how we get customers to buy from you, y1UvIpcVmeM-00324-00047711-00047915 but we're gonna talk about how we get them to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00325-00047915-00047998 Yes. Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00326-00047998-00048126 Very, very, very, very, very important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00327-00048126-00048209 Correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-00328-00048209-00048317 How do they even know you exist? y1UvIpcVmeM-00329-00048317-00048467 How do they get to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00330-00048467-00048613 One thing I want to keep in mind here, y1UvIpcVmeM-00331-00048613-00048826 maybe you've heard me say this before, y1UvIpcVmeM-00332-00048826-00048942 but even in this case, y1UvIpcVmeM-00333-00048942-00049154 it's very, very important also to realize y1UvIpcVmeM-00334-00049154-00049274 it ain't about plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00335-00049414-00049521 So getting to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00336-00049521-00049638 You've never said that before. y1UvIpcVmeM-00337-00049638-00049835 Has nothing to do with plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00338-00049835-00049918 Has nothing to do with plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00339-00049918-00050015 Okay, if you think it has something to do with plumbing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00340-00050015-00050164 you're wrong. You're wrong. y1UvIpcVmeM-00341-00050164-00050254 You're just wrong. y1UvIpcVmeM-00342-00050254-00050337 Right. Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00343-00050337-00050464 We gotta get out of that state of mind y1UvIpcVmeM-00344-00050464-00050716 that has to do with the plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00345-00050716-00050799 Yeah, they need plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00346-00050799-00050894 Right. But that's not why y1UvIpcVmeM-00347-00050894-00051040 they feel like they know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00348-00051040-00051298 That's just something you do. y1UvIpcVmeM-00349-00051298-00051381 And quite frankly, y1UvIpcVmeM-00350-00051381-00051502 kind of turned on its ear a little bit, y1UvIpcVmeM-00351-00051502-00051630 if they see you as a plumber, y1UvIpcVmeM-00352-00051630-00051852 and just feel like you're just a plumber, y1UvIpcVmeM-00353-00051852-00051963 you're gonna have a hard time y1UvIpcVmeM-00354-00051963-00052269 being able to really grow a successful plumbing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00355-00052269-00052354 your job. y1UvIpcVmeM-00356-00052354-00052437 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00357-00052437-00052635 As far as creating the wealth, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00358-00052635-00052748 whether we talk about, y1UvIpcVmeM-00359-00052748-00052903 in creating that freedom-lifestyle. y1UvIpcVmeM-00360-00052903-00052986 Correct. You don't do that y1UvIpcVmeM-00361-00052986-00053130 by making it about plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00362-00053130-00053213 That's correct. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00363-00053213-00053299 So, I want to keep that in mind. y1UvIpcVmeM-00364-00053299-00053469 So I'm coming from that point of view as well. y1UvIpcVmeM-00365-00053469-00053600 Okay. All right, I'm with ya. y1UvIpcVmeM-00366-00053600-00053735 Okay. So we're talking about y1UvIpcVmeM-00367-00053735-00053975 how we get customers to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00368-00053975-00054059 Okay? Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00369-00054059-00054142 So how do we get to know you y1UvIpcVmeM-00370-00054142-00054271 so that they, you know, you can get more customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-00371-00054271-00054425 Okay. What do ya got? y1UvIpcVmeM-00372-00054425-00054591 number one. y1UvIpcVmeM-00373-00054591-00054693 Point one. Shelby, hit it! y1UvIpcVmeM-00374-00054841-00054948 All right. She's good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00375-00054948-00055049 There it is. Okay! y1UvIpcVmeM-00376-00055049-00055174 Stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00377-00055174-00055257 I remembered. y1UvIpcVmeM-00378-00055257-00055382 See, I needed to have it up there. y1UvIpcVmeM-00379-00055382-00055465 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00380-00055465-00055548 Whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00381-00055548-00055633 Stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00382-00055633-00055872 Okay, you need to stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00383-00055872-00055955 Look, there's so many, y1UvIpcVmeM-00384-00055955-00056079 what we hear guys talk about this, y1UvIpcVmeM-00385-00056079-00056240 there's so much competition. y1UvIpcVmeM-00386-00056240-00056393 Well, no. Not really. y1UvIpcVmeM-00387-00056393-00056491 Not really. y1UvIpcVmeM-00388-00056491-00056637 Look around. y1UvIpcVmeM-00389-00056637-00056720 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00390-00056720-00056833 Yeah, look around at the trucks that are out there. y1UvIpcVmeM-00391-00056833-00057091 Now, if you blend in with the competition, y1UvIpcVmeM-00392-00057091-00057217 just, you know, I'm Joe Plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-00393-00057217-00057300 I'm the plumber y1UvIpcVmeM-00394-00057300-00057384 and we do all this kind of plumbing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00395-00057384-00057467 and we do plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00396-00057467-00057677 Yeah, you have competition now. y1UvIpcVmeM-00397-00057677-00057877 And it's also a lot of noise. y1UvIpcVmeM-00398-00057877-00057960 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00399-00057960-00058129 The consumer does not y1UvIpcVmeM-00400-00058129-00058246 Does not like noise. y1UvIpcVmeM-00401-00058246-00058366 Right, they can differentiate. y1UvIpcVmeM-00402-00058366-00058537 The brain just shuts down. y1UvIpcVmeM-00403-00058537-00058620 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00404-00058620-00058831 So you gotta stand out from all that noise. y1UvIpcVmeM-00405-00058831-00058916 Absolutely. y1UvIpcVmeM-00406-00058916-00059153 So, branding is key. y1UvIpcVmeM-00407-00059153-00059276 So key. y1UvIpcVmeM-00408-00059276-00059471 Not blanding. y1UvIpcVmeM-00409-00059471-00059680 Not blanding, as our friend. y1UvIpcVmeM-00410-00059680-00059903 As Dan Antonelli likes to say. y1UvIpcVmeM-00411-00059903-00060100 We gotta brand, not bland. y1UvIpcVmeM-00412-00060100-00060474 Right. Dan Antonelli of Kick Charge Creative. y1UvIpcVmeM-00413-00060474-00060671 The best branding company out there. y1UvIpcVmeM-00414-00060671-00060830 They just are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00415-00060830-00060919 For trades. They just are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00416-00060919-00061142 They just got the number. y1UvIpcVmeM-00417-00061142-00061298 Been around for 20 years. y1UvIpcVmeM-00418-00061405-00061776 But yeah, the brand is so important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00419-00061776-00061869 In fact, it is so, y1UvIpcVmeM-00420-00061869-00062065 you know, it's one of those things we like to talk about, y1UvIpcVmeM-00421-00062065-00062229 even right up front in the Academy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00422-00062229-00062313 But most of the time, y1UvIpcVmeM-00423-00062313-00062519 we're not prepared to talk about branding. y1UvIpcVmeM-00424-00062519-00062602 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00425-00062602-00062783 Because we gotta spend some money to brand. y1UvIpcVmeM-00426-00062783-00062883 You know, that kind of stuff. y1UvIpcVmeM-00427-00062883-00063070 But branding is key, y1UvIpcVmeM-00428-00063160-00063584 key for your customers to be able to even know you exist. y1UvIpcVmeM-00429-00063584-00063792 Know you exist. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00430-00063926-00064009 'Cause what happens is, you know, we say, y1UvIpcVmeM-00431-00064009-00064122 well, I saw today, y1UvIpcVmeM-00432-00064122-00064276 going to, you know, as we're going to work out, y1UvIpcVmeM-00433-00064276-00064372 saw, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00434-00064372-00064521 I can't help, but notice the plumbing trucks. y1UvIpcVmeM-00435-00064521-00064604 I know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00436-00064604-00064687 We always notice the plumbing trucks. y1UvIpcVmeM-00437-00064687-00064882 You know, we got, you know, Joe's Plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00438-00064996-00065117 Usually some kind of name. y1UvIpcVmeM-00439-00065117-00065201 Christie's Plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00440-00065201-00065284 There was one plumbing company, y1UvIpcVmeM-00441-00065284-00065462 and the only reason I knew it was a plumbing company, y1UvIpcVmeM-00442-00065462-00065646 'cause I went to go look at the small print, y1UvIpcVmeM-00443-00065646-00065842 and the license, that kind of stuff, y1UvIpcVmeM-00444-00065842-00066071 but it was just Something Services. y1UvIpcVmeM-00445-00066071-00066248 I was like, how? y1UvIpcVmeM-00446-00066248-00066412 How do even know it's even plumbing? y1UvIpcVmeM-00447-00066412-00066495 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00448-00066495-00066630 And so, what happens is, y1UvIpcVmeM-00449-00066630-00066836 is when our brains look at that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00450-00066836-00067038 the brain is trying to y1UvIpcVmeM-00451-00067038-00067303 within a split second now is making a decision y1UvIpcVmeM-00452-00067303-00067525 whether I'm even gonna remember what that is. y1UvIpcVmeM-00453-00067525-00067608 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00454-00067608-00067826 Or if the brain says that's not important, y1UvIpcVmeM-00455-00067826-00067998 the brain actually shuts it off. y1UvIpcVmeM-00456-00067998-00068198 So when they see that name again, y1UvIpcVmeM-00457-00068198-00068387 if the name ever comes up again somewhere else, y1UvIpcVmeM-00458-00068387-00068521 the brain says that's not important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00459-00068521-00068640 Yeah, move on. y1UvIpcVmeM-00460-00068640-00068795 Even if it does notice it subconsciously. y1UvIpcVmeM-00461-00068795-00068878 Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00462-00068878-00069137 Kristin, which I actually believe is John really, y1UvIpcVmeM-00463-00069137-00069220 just John Tallent, y1UvIpcVmeM-00464-00069220-00069303 if I'm not mistaken. y1UvIpcVmeM-00465-00069303-00069394 I'm all about the brand. y1UvIpcVmeM-00466-00069394-00069522 He's right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00467-00069522-00069686 And gosh, remind me your plumbing business name. y1UvIpcVmeM-00468-00069686-00069977 Is it Plumbing Express? y1UvIpcVmeM-00469-00069977-00070114 I forget. Or is it Tallent? y1UvIpcVmeM-00470-00070114-00070211 I don't remember. y1UvIpcVmeM-00471-00070211-00070294 Anyway. y1UvIpcVmeM-00472-00070294-00070489 And, on that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00473-00070489-00070754 So, also the name and everything has to, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00474-00070754-00070933 create emotion. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00475-00070933-00071017 The brand creates an emotion. y1UvIpcVmeM-00476-00071017-00071100 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00477-00071100-00071225 Again, it ain't about plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00478-00071225-00071390 It ain't about plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00479-00071390-00071557 It's an emotional experience. y1UvIpcVmeM-00480-00071557-00071798 Right. Now, we're talking about, y1UvIpcVmeM-00481-00071798-00072036 about truly a plumbing company you can make, y1UvIpcVmeM-00482-00072036-00072197 make money with. y1UvIpcVmeM-00483-00072197-00072290 start from nothing y1UvIpcVmeM-00484-00072290-00072469 and you can systemize, y1UvIpcVmeM-00485-00072469-00072663 and you create the life you truly want, y1UvIpcVmeM-00486-00072663-00072766 which is residential service. y1UvIpcVmeM-00487-00072766-00072913 Residential service customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-00488-00072913-00073169 You've heard us say it a billion times. y1UvIpcVmeM-00489-00073169-00073425 And so, it's an emotional thing that's happening. y1UvIpcVmeM-00490-00073425-00073618 An emotional buying experience. y1UvIpcVmeM-00491-00073618-00073730 Has nothing to do with plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00492-00073730-00073842 Yes, the plumbing's broke, y1UvIpcVmeM-00493-00073842-00073925 or something y1UvIpcVmeM-00494-00073925-00074051 is going on y1UvIpcVmeM-00495-00074051-00074167 but it has nothing to do with plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00496-00074167-00074251 Right. In fact, y1UvIpcVmeM-00497-00074251-00074406 even, I've seen someone said y1UvIpcVmeM-00498-00074406-00074535 they get referrals or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00499-00074535-00074759 Okay. You can't, first of all, you can't grow on referrals. y1UvIpcVmeM-00500-00074759-00074842 You cannot grow on referrals. y1UvIpcVmeM-00501-00074842-00074935 But even the referral, y1UvIpcVmeM-00502-00074935-00075178 that referral didn't come to you because y1UvIpcVmeM-00503-00075178-00075307 they were great at plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00504-00075307-00075496 Your customers don't know what plumbing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00505-00075496-00075654 if you're great at it or not. y1UvIpcVmeM-00506-00075654-00075762 It was the experience. y1UvIpcVmeM-00507-00075762-00075883 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00508-00075883-00075966 Customers don't remember what you say. y1UvIpcVmeM-00509-00075966-00076168 They remember how you make them feel. y1UvIpcVmeM-00510-00076168-00076314 Yes. Very good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00511-00076457-00076564 So, what was the experience like? y1UvIpcVmeM-00512-00076564-00076691 Were they, were you friendly? y1UvIpcVmeM-00513-00076691-00076825 Was it, y1UvIpcVmeM-00514-00076825-00076977 were you kind of in and out? y1UvIpcVmeM-00515-00076977-00077330 Did you spend time listening to my problem? y1UvIpcVmeM-00516-00077330-00077414 Did you, y1UvIpcVmeM-00517-00077503-00077632 I don't know, take care of my home? y1UvIpcVmeM-00518-00077632-00077715 All those things. y1UvIpcVmeM-00519-00077715-00077849 How do you make them feel? y1UvIpcVmeM-00520-00077849-00077948 That's what it's about. y1UvIpcVmeM-00521-00077948-00078086 They'll never remember what you say. y1UvIpcVmeM-00522-00078086-00078239 They remember how you made 'em feel. y1UvIpcVmeM-00523-00078239-00078322 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00524-00078322-00078496 And that brand transitions all the way through. y1UvIpcVmeM-00525-00078496-00078579 That's right! y1UvIpcVmeM-00526-00078579-00078684 From Tallent Plumbing to Right Choice Plumbing & Rooter. y1UvIpcVmeM-00527-00078684-00078847 Right Choice! That's good! y1UvIpcVmeM-00528-00078847-00079008 All right, John. Way to go. y1UvIpcVmeM-00529-00079008-00079268 Okay, and I did remember that he, they were Tallent, y1UvIpcVmeM-00530-00079268-00079484 so, you know what? Tallent's a great name. y1UvIpcVmeM-00531-00079484-00079621 'Cause you could play that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00532-00079621-00079943 and it has a good connotation, right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00533-00079943-00080083 'Cause of talent. y1UvIpcVmeM-00534-00080083-00080166 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00535-00080166-00080324 You know, they're talented, that kind of thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00536-00080324-00080451 Talented plumbers. So the brain can kind of, y1UvIpcVmeM-00537-00080451-00080651 and it's a positive connotation, y1UvIpcVmeM-00538-00080651-00080848 but you were smart to change it to something. y1UvIpcVmeM-00539-00080848-00080931 Yeah, Right Choice is good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00540-00080931-00081015 Right. That's good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00541-00081015-00081098 I'd love to see your... y1UvIpcVmeM-00542-00081098-00081196 did you get new trucks done too? y1UvIpcVmeM-00543-00081196-00081279 I'm gonna assume, y1UvIpcVmeM-00544-00081279-00081386 but I'd to see what those look like. y1UvIpcVmeM-00545-00081386-00081521 Hopefully used Kick Charge. y1UvIpcVmeM-00546-00081521-00081666 And it can be a tough thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00547-00081666-00081936 Branding, such as a vibrant truck, is important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00548-00081936-00082117 As truck stock, you're right! Taylor! y1UvIpcVmeM-00549-00082117-00082207 Taylor Watson. y1UvIpcVmeM-00550-00082207-00082343 Taylor. New folks. y1UvIpcVmeM-00551-00082343-00082473 Taylor, where you? Well said, brother. y1UvIpcVmeM-00552-00082473-00082629 Well said. Where are you out of? y1UvIpcVmeM-00553-00082629-00082712 In fact, y1UvIpcVmeM-00554-00082712-00082837 in the business game side of things, y1UvIpcVmeM-00555-00082837-00082935 it's just more important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00556-00082935-00083092 You know, the brand, y1UvIpcVmeM-00557-00083092-00083242 even if you had nothing in the truck, y1UvIpcVmeM-00558-00083242-00083455 and the guys had to go to the supply house and everything. y1UvIpcVmeM-00559-00083650-00083763 Which you don't wanna have happen. y1UvIpcVmeM-00560-00083763-00083846 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00561-00083846-00083929 However. y1UvIpcVmeM-00562-00083929-00084052 Right, we're talking about efficiencies and all that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00563-00084052-00084135 right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00564-00084135-00084279 But, it is. y1UvIpcVmeM-00565-00084279-00084442 The truck must stand out. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00566-00084442-00084525 No whites. y1UvIpcVmeM-00567-00084525-00084684 Red, white, and blues and all that kind of stuff. y1UvIpcVmeM-00568-00084684-00084768 Yeah, try not to be red, white, and blue. y1UvIpcVmeM-00569-00084768-00085044 So again, Taylor, where are you located? What city? y1UvIpcVmeM-00570-00085044-00085197 And what's the name of your plumbing business? y1UvIpcVmeM-00571-00085197-00085411 Make sure we give you a shout out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00572-00085411-00085516 Anybody new, as well, y1UvIpcVmeM-00573-00085516-00085673 new to the show, y1UvIpcVmeM-00574-00085673-00085758 let us know where you're. y1UvIpcVmeM-00575-00085758-00085841 Yeah, welcome. y1UvIpcVmeM-00576-00085841-00085993 You're tuning in y1UvIpcVmeM-00577-00085993-00086080 and in the name of your plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00578-00086080-00086164 Glad you're here, sharing your wisdom as well. y1UvIpcVmeM-00579-00086164-00086279 Absolutely. y1UvIpcVmeM-00580-00086279-00086431 That's how we make all of us better. y1UvIpcVmeM-00581-00086431-00086619 Lift the trade up. y1UvIpcVmeM-00582-00086619-00086793 Hey, Preston! y1UvIpcVmeM-00583-00086877-00087069 You guys are, oh, thank you to Preston. y1UvIpcVmeM-00584-00087069-00087152 Thank you, man. y1UvIpcVmeM-00585-00087152-00087271 Love Preston. Appreciate that, Preston. y1UvIpcVmeM-00586-00087271-00087437 All right, brother. y1UvIpcVmeM-00587-00087437-00087539 What did I just say? y1UvIpcVmeM-00588-00087539-00087772 I said, I was gonna say something genius. y1UvIpcVmeM-00589-00087772-00087856 Every word y1UvIpcVmeM-00590-00087856-00088005 out of your mouth is genius, baby. y1UvIpcVmeM-00591-00088005-00088088 Whatever, it's gone. y1UvIpcVmeM-00592-00088088-00088255 I just like watching you talk. y1UvIpcVmeM-00593-00088255-00088360 Shut up. y1UvIpcVmeM-00594-00088360-00088450 Oh, Lordy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00595-00088450-00088686 I did me a lot of lovely Laura watching y1UvIpcVmeM-00596-00088686-00088810 this past weekend. y1UvIpcVmeM-00597-00088810-00088893 You did. It was just fun. y1UvIpcVmeM-00598-00088893-00089013 It was just fun, us hanging out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00599-00089013-00089127 You were getting a PhD in me. y1UvIpcVmeM-00600-00089127-00089314 I was. You did a very good job. y1UvIpcVmeM-00601-00089314-00089434 I always am. y1UvIpcVmeM-00602-00089434-00089517 Good luck. y1UvIpcVmeM-00603-00089677-00089773 But I got a lot of studying. y1UvIpcVmeM-00604-00089773-00089986 You do have a lot of studying to do. y1UvIpcVmeM-00605-00089986-00090069 Okay. Anyhoo! y1UvIpcVmeM-00606-00090069-00090152 Okay. So, there was point one. y1UvIpcVmeM-00607-00090152-00090320 Stand out! Stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00608-00090320-00090413 All right? Extremely important. y1UvIpcVmeM-00609-00090413-00090574 Yes. Stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00610-00090574-00090910 Next, meet them where they're at. y1UvIpcVmeM-00611-00090910-00091134 You gotta be where they're at. y1UvIpcVmeM-00612-00091134-00091279 Yeah, I was thinking about this, y1UvIpcVmeM-00613-00091279-00091362 and I do have a point, y1UvIpcVmeM-00614-00091362-00091536 I'll draw it in. Oh, we have a point. y1UvIpcVmeM-00615-00091536-00091619 I'm just kidding. But you remember, y1UvIpcVmeM-00616-00091619-00091702 you know, like, y1UvIpcVmeM-00617-00091809-00091909 when we used to travel? y1UvIpcVmeM-00618-00091909-00092085 You know, before the zombie apocalypse? y1UvIpcVmeM-00619-00092085-00092207 Right. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00620-00092207-00092381 And, you know, we were in Spain. y1UvIpcVmeM-00621-00092381-00092556 You remember we loved going out to eat. y1UvIpcVmeM-00622-00092556-00092698 Well, we loved the experience. y1UvIpcVmeM-00623-00092698-00092809 Correct. We're foodies. y1UvIpcVmeM-00624-00092809-00092934 We like going out, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00625-00092934-00093128 But even the fine, y1UvIpcVmeM-00626-00093128-00093290 even from the little shops, y1UvIpcVmeM-00627-00093290-00093427 to the fine restaurants, y1UvIpcVmeM-00628-00093427-00093811 the managers and owners would be out in front of the street, y1UvIpcVmeM-00629-00093811-00093894 where, if we're walking, y1UvIpcVmeM-00630-00093894-00094103 with people walking by saying, y1UvIpcVmeM-00631-00094103-00094208 "Hey, how you doing?" y1UvIpcVmeM-00632-00094208-00094337 You know, "You look good tonight." y1UvIpcVmeM-00633-00094337-00094421 He'll find something, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00634-00094421-00094560 "Hey, I like your watch!" Or, whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00635-00094560-00094644 Whatever that kind of. y1UvIpcVmeM-00636-00094644-00094756 "Hey, we have great! We have great! Come on in. Come on in." y1UvIpcVmeM-00637-00094756-00094843 Right, ravioli! y1UvIpcVmeM-00638-00094843-00094966 We've got the great, or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00639-00094966-00095073 Right. I don't remember y1UvIpcVmeM-00640-00095073-00095157 what we ate in Spain. y1UvIpcVmeM-00641-00095157-00095240 But they would, right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00642-00095240-00095334 Most everywhere we didn't understand. y1UvIpcVmeM-00643-00095334-00095508 Right. They were awfully nice. y1UvIpcVmeM-00644-00095633-00095721 I guess it wouldn't be ravioli, y1UvIpcVmeM-00645-00095721-00095804 'cause that's Italy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00646-00095804-00095887 I don't remember what we ate. y1UvIpcVmeM-00647-00095887-00095992 A lot of tapas. y1UvIpcVmeM-00648-00095992-00096076 A lot of tapas. I do remember that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00649-00096076-00096159 Yes. Anyway. y1UvIpcVmeM-00650-00096159-00096331 But yes, they come out to where. y1UvIpcVmeM-00651-00096331-00096414 I think some horse. y1UvIpcVmeM-00652-00096529-00096637 I could swear. But it was good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00653-00096637-00096803 It was. Who cares? y1UvIpcVmeM-00654-00096803-00096886 After the wine. y1UvIpcVmeM-00655-00096886-00097055 After the wine, right. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00656-00097055-00097172 But, they come out to the street, y1UvIpcVmeM-00657-00097172-00097255 where the customers were. After the wine y1UvIpcVmeM-00658-00097255-00097400 everything tastes good, right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00659-00097400-00097483 They would come out to the street y1UvIpcVmeM-00660-00097483-00097586 where the customers were. y1UvIpcVmeM-00661-00097586-00097669 Right. And pull you in. y1UvIpcVmeM-00662-00097669-00097810 So, meet 'em where they're at. y1UvIpcVmeM-00663-00097810-00097929 You gotta be, y1UvIpcVmeM-00664-00097929-00098116 you just can't wait for people to decide y1UvIpcVmeM-00665-00098116-00098283 that that's where, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00666-00098283-00098408 that they're just gonna kind of know about you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00667-00098408-00098555 Right. That kind of a thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00668-00098555-00098649 So, where are the customers? y1UvIpcVmeM-00669-00098649-00098735 It relates to our business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00670-00098735-00098908 You gotta go where the customers are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00671-00098908-00098994 Which is? y1UvIpcVmeM-00672-00098994-00099183 Which is, Google. y1UvIpcVmeM-00673-00099183-00099323 Right on here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00674-00099323-00099602 Okay? You gotta be on this thing right here, y1UvIpcVmeM-00675-00099602-00099734 and on Google. y1UvIpcVmeM-00676-00099734-00099898 Googling. Google is the game. y1UvIpcVmeM-00677-00099898-00099991 So, we like to say, y1UvIpcVmeM-00678-00099991-00100200 Google is, you can fight it all you want. y1UvIpcVmeM-00679-00100200-00100301 Think they're big brother. y1UvIpcVmeM-00680-00100301-00100415 Love 'em. Hate 'em. Whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00681-00100415-00100515 I don't understand it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00682-00100515-00100598 I don't want to. What's the latest, y1UvIpcVmeM-00683-00100598-00100752 the latest stats show, y1UvIpcVmeM-00684-00100752-00101047 and talking with home and local services, y1UvIpcVmeM-00685-00101047-00101130 what did they say, y1UvIpcVmeM-00686-00101130-00101308 the latest stats percentage wise, y1UvIpcVmeM-00687-00101308-00101482 was it 83? 83. y1UvIpcVmeM-00688-00101482-00101566 83. 83. y1UvIpcVmeM-00689-00101566-00101834 80-something percent of all searches, y1UvIpcVmeM-00690-00101834-00101945 all searches. All searches. y1UvIpcVmeM-00691-00101945-00102038 Are Google. Are Google. y1UvIpcVmeM-00692-00102038-00102144 So the whole Bing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00693-00102144-00102393 and you know, the few others that are still hanging on. y1UvIpcVmeM-00694-00102393-00102476 It's not, right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00695-00102476-00102648 It's not, I mean, you can be there. y1UvIpcVmeM-00696-00102648-00102803 You can move over, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00697-00102803-00102965 but first you gotta be here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00698-00102965-00103260 I mean, you gotta be, you gotta be, you gotta be here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00699-00103260-00103343 Okay? Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00700-00103343-00103443 So when they search, "plumbers near me," y1UvIpcVmeM-00701-00103443-00103546 because that's what happens. y1UvIpcVmeM-00702-00103546-00103758 The stats show that's what people search for. y1UvIpcVmeM-00703-00103758-00103873 Right. Or, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00704-00103873-00104065 or they may do something specific, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00705-00104065-00104177 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00706-00104177-00104353 "Kitchen faucet leaking repair," or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00707-00104353-00104485 You gotta. That's where you gotta show up. y1UvIpcVmeM-00708-00104485-00104743 And the beautiful thing about this is, guys, y1UvIpcVmeM-00709-00104743-00104980 is that it's never been easier. y1UvIpcVmeM-00710-00104980-00105063 It's so easy! y1UvIpcVmeM-00711-00105063-00105219 This is the phone book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00712-00105219-00105317 I don't know if you guys, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00713-00105317-00105497 how old or young everybody is. y1UvIpcVmeM-00714-00105497-00105649 There used to be this thing called the Phone Book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00715-00105649-00105733 They don't remember that, baby. y1UvIpcVmeM-00716-00105733-00105816 You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00717-00105816-00105899 Like, you used to have, y1UvIpcVmeM-00718-00105899-00106082 you know, we used to have phones with cords, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00719-00106082-00106188 You couldn't, remember? y1UvIpcVmeM-00720-00106188-00106273 It was big deal. y1UvIpcVmeM-00721-00106273-00106435 Remember when you had a cord? y1UvIpcVmeM-00722-00106435-00106536 You know, you had the one phone in the house, y1UvIpcVmeM-00723-00106536-00106722 and you wanted to get the long, phone cord y1UvIpcVmeM-00724-00106722-00106829 so you can take it to your room. y1UvIpcVmeM-00725-00106829-00106928 Are we really talking about this? y1UvIpcVmeM-00726-00106928-00107011 But yes, I do remember. y1UvIpcVmeM-00727-00107011-00107181 Right? And it'd stretch all the way. y1UvIpcVmeM-00728-00107181-00107352 And then my sisters would be pulling on the cord y1UvIpcVmeM-00729-00107352-00107459 because they wanted to use the phone. y1UvIpcVmeM-00730-00107459-00107587 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00731-00107587-00107670 Well, you know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00732-00107670-00107754 You know, that kind of a thing? y1UvIpcVmeM-00733-00107754-00107837 Well, y1UvIpcVmeM-00734-00107837-00107949 there used to be phone books, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00735-00107949-00108089 So imagine, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00736-00108089-00108248 and to be found, y1UvIpcVmeM-00737-00108248-00108331 just like on this, y1UvIpcVmeM-00738-00108331-00108441 you need to be in the front part of it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00739-00108441-00108645 We'll talk about that in a moment here, right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00740-00108645-00108838 The customers don't scroll through. y1UvIpcVmeM-00741-00108838-00108988 You go, oh. y1UvIpcVmeM-00742-00108988-00109086 They don't do that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00743-00109086-00109347 They look at the what's right here and they pick it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00744-00109347-00109572 No one wakes up in the morning, wants to call a plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-00745-00109572-00109680 So if it looks good, like, y1UvIpcVmeM-00746-00109680-00110011 oh, I know them because I've seen their truck. y1UvIpcVmeM-00747-00110011-00110105 I know them. y1UvIpcVmeM-00748-00110105-00110277 They're not judging you on plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00749-00110277-00110367 No. So get out of your head y1UvIpcVmeM-00750-00110367-00110488 with the plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00751-00110488-00110572 We're the best plumber, no. y1UvIpcVmeM-00752-00110572-00110655 Yeah, okay. Good. Cool. y1UvIpcVmeM-00753-00110655-00110738 Right. All right? y1UvIpcVmeM-00754-00110738-00110905 Ain't about plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00755-00110905-00111021 But like, "Oh, I know them!" y1UvIpcVmeM-00756-00111021-00111236 And so you want to pop up right here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00757-00111236-00111384 Right. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-00758-00111384-00111468 Good connotation. y1UvIpcVmeM-00759-00111468-00111584 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00760-00111584-00111823 So, it's so much easier to be here y1UvIpcVmeM-00761-00111823-00112011 and less expensive. y1UvIpcVmeM-00762-00112011-00112117 Yes. So much less expensive! y1UvIpcVmeM-00763-00112117-00112225 I mean, in the phone books, y1UvIpcVmeM-00764-00112225-00112308 imagine the little guy, y1UvIpcVmeM-00765-00112308-00112518 we couldn't do it with one truck. y1UvIpcVmeM-00766-00112518-00112848 I mean, it was $15,000 a month y1UvIpcVmeM-00767-00112848-00113027 to be in the Indianapolis phone book, y1UvIpcVmeM-00768-00113027-00113152 to be in the front part. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00769-00113152-00113235 Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00770-00113235-00113397 $15,000 a month. y1UvIpcVmeM-00771-00113397-00113545 And that's a little market. y1UvIpcVmeM-00772-00113545-00113629 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00773-00113629-00113742 You know, kind of medium-sized market. y1UvIpcVmeM-00774-00113742-00113945 Imagine the guys in the Chicagos. y1UvIpcVmeM-00775-00113945-00114028 Yeah, and the LAs. y1UvIpcVmeM-00776-00114028-00114198 You know, Philadelphias and all that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00777-00114198-00114323 GB remembers party lines. y1UvIpcVmeM-00778-00114323-00114443 I know! All right, brother. y1UvIpcVmeM-00779-00114443-00114588 Yes, GB. We had one as well. y1UvIpcVmeM-00780-00114588-00114671 Pick up. y1UvIpcVmeM-00781-00114671-00114770 So, I've had a lot of people y1UvIpcVmeM-00782-00114770-00114872 don't know what a party line is. y1UvIpcVmeM-00783-00114872-00115058 Where you shared the same. y1UvIpcVmeM-00784-00115058-00115141 It was the original Facebook, y1UvIpcVmeM-00785-00115141-00115232 social. y1UvIpcVmeM-00786-00115232-00115335 Well. A social line. y1UvIpcVmeM-00787-00115335-00115446 No, I don't know about that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00788-00115446-00115560 'Cause you'd be on there listening. y1UvIpcVmeM-00789-00115560-00115688 Well, yes, true. y1UvIpcVmeM-00790-00115688-00115983 But it'd be like, people in your area. y1UvIpcVmeM-00791-00116079-00116163 Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00792-00116163-00116369 That would all share the same phone number, y1UvIpcVmeM-00793-00116369-00116490 and same phone line. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00794-00116490-00116764 So if you went to pick up the phone to make a phone call, y1UvIpcVmeM-00795-00116764-00117034 your neighbor might be on the phone talking to someone else, y1UvIpcVmeM-00796-00117034-00117185 and you couldn't make a phone call y1UvIpcVmeM-00797-00117185-00117389 because they're using the phone line. y1UvIpcVmeM-00798-00117389-00117529 So you'd have to hang up y1UvIpcVmeM-00799-00117529-00117615 and then wait for a little bit, y1UvIpcVmeM-00800-00117615-00117741 and come back, y1UvIpcVmeM-00801-00117741-00117824 and then you finally have to say, y1UvIpcVmeM-00802-00117824-00118035 "I need to make a phone call. Can you please hang up?" y1UvIpcVmeM-00803-00118035-00118119 Right. Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00804-00118119-00118247 That was a party line, seriously. y1UvIpcVmeM-00805-00118247-00118330 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00806-00118330-00118548 Oh my goodness. That brings back some. y1UvIpcVmeM-00807-00118548-00118713 But that was back with phone books too. y1UvIpcVmeM-00808-00118713-00118814 So give me the phone books. y1UvIpcVmeM-00809-00118814-00118946 That's just the one phone book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00810-00118946-00119029 I want to hit that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00811-00119029-00119112 Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-00812-00119112-00119327 So, I mean, just the one main phone book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00813-00119410-00119688 Okay? It was $15,000 just to be up top. y1UvIpcVmeM-00814-00119688-00119771 'Cause no one was, y1UvIpcVmeM-00815-00119771-00119970 remember when we got our first, y1UvIpcVmeM-00816-00119970-00120138 when we moved up to a, y1UvIpcVmeM-00817-00120138-00120389 like a business card size? y1UvIpcVmeM-00818-00120389-00120517 Well, we started business card, y1UvIpcVmeM-00819-00120517-00120645 and then we went to a quarter page. y1UvIpcVmeM-00820-00120645-00120728 A quarter page, y1UvIpcVmeM-00821-00120728-00120848 and we thought, now we, y1UvIpcVmeM-00822-00120848-00121039 the phone's gonna just ring off. y1UvIpcVmeM-00823-00121039-00121179 'Cause we still didn't have y1UvIpcVmeM-00824-00121179-00121262 these kinds of, I mean, y1UvIpcVmeM-00825-00121262-00121355 the phone's just gonna ring off the hook. y1UvIpcVmeM-00826-00121355-00121474 Yeah, yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00827-00121474-00121557 Or the wall y1UvIpcVmeM-00828-00121557-00121640 Yeah, no. y1UvIpcVmeM-00829-00121640-00121724 It did not. No. y1UvIpcVmeM-00830-00121724-00121927 Because no one looks past the phone, y1UvIpcVmeM-00831-00121927-00122010 they just don't go back. y1UvIpcVmeM-00832-00122010-00122207 No one, yeah, everybody stays in the very front. y1UvIpcVmeM-00833-00122207-00122373 Right. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00834-00122373-00122456 'Cause that's what, Of the phone book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00835-00122456-00122681 Because that's where the good companies are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00836-00122681-00122776 'Cause again, y1UvIpcVmeM-00837-00122776-00123088 your customer is looking for security. y1UvIpcVmeM-00838-00123088-00123282 Okay? So it aint about pride. y1UvIpcVmeM-00839-00123282-00123365 They're not looking at thinking, y1UvIpcVmeM-00840-00123365-00123584 "Well, these guys are gonna be so expensive." y1UvIpcVmeM-00841-00123584-00123680 They're not thinking that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00842-00123680-00123823 They're thinking, will they get out there? y1UvIpcVmeM-00843-00123823-00124043 You know? Will someone be available today? y1UvIpcVmeM-00844-00124043-00124126 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00845-00124126-00124251 And will they show up today? y1UvIpcVmeM-00846-00124251-00124411 And they must be good. y1UvIpcVmeM-00847-00124411-00124495 'Cause I want my day back. y1UvIpcVmeM-00848-00124495-00124583 Because, right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00849-00124583-00124666 'Cause they want their day back. y1UvIpcVmeM-00850-00124666-00124749 I want my day back. And they must be good y1UvIpcVmeM-00851-00124749-00124865 because they look like this. y1UvIpcVmeM-00852-00124865-00124948 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00853-00124948-00125091 I've seen their trucks looked nice. y1UvIpcVmeM-00854-00125091-00125200 You can have one truck. y1UvIpcVmeM-00855-00125200-00125307 Now, today, that's what's so cool. y1UvIpcVmeM-00856-00125307-00125437 You have one truck. y1UvIpcVmeM-00857-00125437-00125520 I see your trucks everywhere! y1UvIpcVmeM-00858-00125520-00125690 And, you can be at the top of Google. y1UvIpcVmeM-00859-00125690-00125774 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00860-00125774-00125948 Okay? So there's no excuse, guys. y1UvIpcVmeM-00861-00125948-00126048 Yeah. There's no excuse. y1UvIpcVmeM-00862-00126048-00126131 No excuse. y1UvIpcVmeM-00863-00126131-00126258 It is simple y1UvIpcVmeM-00864-00126258-00126474 to become a million dollar plumbing business today. y1UvIpcVmeM-00865-00126474-00126557 That's correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-00866-00126557-00126640 Not easy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00867-00126640-00126723 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00868-00126723-00126807 But it is simple. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00869-00126807-00126986 Okay? A lot, lot simpler. y1UvIpcVmeM-00870-00126986-00127139 All right? So you gotta be y1UvIpcVmeM-00871-00127139-00127246 where they're at. y1UvIpcVmeM-00872-00127246-00127329 Where the customers are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00873-00127329-00127567 So, customers are right at the top here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00874-00127567-00127721 which is the Google Guaranteed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00875-00127721-00127845 Which is Google saying, y1UvIpcVmeM-00876-00127845-00128049 if you're not Google Guaranteed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00877-00128049-00128246 Guys, you gotta get Google Guaranteed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00878-00128246-00128329 Okay. Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00879-00128329-00128412 If you don't know what that is, y1UvIpcVmeM-00880-00128412-00128611 you need to do some research and find Google Guaranteed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00881-00128611-00128706 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00882-00128706-00128825 And get Google Guaranteed. y1UvIpcVmeM-00883-00128825-00128908 'Cause it is a, y1UvIpcVmeM-00884-00128908-00128991 it's a bit of a process, y1UvIpcVmeM-00885-00128991-00129107 but once you're there, y1UvIpcVmeM-00886-00129107-00129281 you get the little check mark. y1UvIpcVmeM-00887-00129281-00129414 Craig Smith, y1UvIpcVmeM-00888-00129414-00129654 I remember the newspaper classifieds. I know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00889-00129654-00129737 I remember putting a newspaper ad out. y1UvIpcVmeM-00890-00129737-00129889 It's like, oh, here we go! y1UvIpcVmeM-00891-00129993-00130091 Classifieds. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00892-00130091-00130174 That's like the Craigslist now. y1UvIpcVmeM-00893-00130174-00130259 Right. Craig. y1UvIpcVmeM-00894-00130259-00130343 Oh, funny. y1UvIpcVmeM-00895-00130343-00130426 But, yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00896-00130529-00130651 This is the game. y1UvIpcVmeM-00897-00130651-00130786 LSAs, y1UvIpcVmeM-00898-00130786-00130915 I think Matt Carter was on here, y1UvIpcVmeM-00899-00130915-00131107 mentioned that he gets a GMB, y1UvIpcVmeM-00900-00131107-00131190 which is Google My Business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00901-00131190-00131334 That's the maps. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00902-00131334-00131489 Okay? This is a free listing. y1UvIpcVmeM-00903-00131489-00131690 Okay, that's like being, y1UvIpcVmeM-00904-00131690-00131948 having all the other phone books y1UvIpcVmeM-00905-00131948-00132079 around the different neighbors. y1UvIpcVmeM-00906-00132079-00132193 Yes. You know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00907-00132193-00132322 the different cities around where you live. y1UvIpcVmeM-00908-00132322-00132672 So, we had a $15,000 a month book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00909-00132672-00133010 Then you had the four or five, $6,000 a month book. y1UvIpcVmeM-00910-00133010-00133093 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00911-00133093-00133293 You know how many toilet repairs you gotta sell y1UvIpcVmeM-00912-00133293-00133400 to pay for that? y1UvIpcVmeM-00913-00133400-00133483 Well, kind of a lot. y1UvIpcVmeM-00914-00133483-00133567 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00915-00133567-00133650 It's a lot. y1UvIpcVmeM-00916-00133650-00133790 But, anymore. We have this now. y1UvIpcVmeM-00917-00133790-00134172 This is so simple, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00918-00134172-00134284 And inexpensive. y1UvIpcVmeM-00919-00134412-00134495 That's exactly right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00920-00134495-00134757 You can be one truck and move above the big company. y1UvIpcVmeM-00921-00134757-00134892 Aaron's right. y1UvIpcVmeM-00922-00134892-00134975 Right. Yeah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00923-00134975-00135059 It levels the playing field. y1UvIpcVmeM-00924-00135059-00135174 Totally levels of playing field. y1UvIpcVmeM-00925-00135174-00135257 Totally! y1UvIpcVmeM-00926-00135257-00135459 Okay, but it's level for those that, y1UvIpcVmeM-00927-00135545-00135896 guys that you decide appear that I'm no longer a plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-00928-00135896-00136158 Okay? That I want to learn to play this game. y1UvIpcVmeM-00929-00136158-00136292 Hey, Tanners. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00930-00136292-00136482 In fact, I have something to help you start. y1UvIpcVmeM-00931-00136482-00136599 Okay? You do? y1UvIpcVmeM-00932-00136599-00136682 I do have something free for you, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00933-00136682-00136894 It's my Million Dollar Plumber blueprint. y1UvIpcVmeM-00934-00136894-00137247 Okay? So, I laid out all the specs that you need to know. y1UvIpcVmeM-00935-00137247-00137356 Okay? Just like, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-00936-00137356-00137495 like you're plumbing a house, y1UvIpcVmeM-00937-00137495-00137646 but here we're gonna plumb your business, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00938-00137646-00137814 All the specs you need to know y1UvIpcVmeM-00939-00137814-00137912 to have a successful, y1UvIpcVmeM-00940-00137912-00138132 self-sustaining, and profitable plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00941-00138132-00138215 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00942-00138215-00138397 Part of it is like what we're talking about right here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00943-00138397-00138559 Okay? And it's free to you. y1UvIpcVmeM-00944-00138559-00138642 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00945-00138642-00138725 Simply type "free" in the comments y1UvIpcVmeM-00946-00138725-00139097 or go to themilliondollarplumber.com/free. y1UvIpcVmeM-00947-00139097-00139276 All right? And grab your free copy. y1UvIpcVmeM-00948-00139276-00139359 I'm trying to pull this show back up here. y1UvIpcVmeM-00949-00139359-00139442 Okay. So I can watch it. y1UvIpcVmeM-00950-00139442-00139551 So, y1UvIpcVmeM-00951-00139551-00139634 I'm trying to watch the show. y1UvIpcVmeM-00952-00139634-00139717 There we go. There we go so far! y1UvIpcVmeM-00953-00139717-00139801 Okay? We have. y1UvIpcVmeM-00954-00139801-00139884 It's all still working! y1UvIpcVmeM-00955-00139884-00140044 I love seeing that. y1UvIpcVmeM-00956-00140150-00140233 Sorry. y1UvIpcVmeM-00957-00140233-00140348 Mine wasn't up and I wasn't sure if, y1UvIpcVmeM-00958-00140348-00140602 if the show was working. y1UvIpcVmeM-00959-00140602-00140699 Was still going? But, yeah! y1UvIpcVmeM-00960-00140699-00140832 It's going great. All right! y1UvIpcVmeM-00961-00140832-00140915 Anyway, yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00962-00140915-00141010 Free in the comments. y1UvIpcVmeM-00963-00141010-00141096 Google Guarantee. Google Guarantee is a must, y1UvIpcVmeM-00964-00141096-00141219 Delnays. y1UvIpcVmeM-00965-00141219-00141331 Speaking from experience. y1UvIpcVmeM-00966-00141331-00141414 There's a guy, y1UvIpcVmeM-00967-00141414-00141671 I think just about a year ago, y1UvIpcVmeM-00968-00141671-00141945 really started on his plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00969-00141945-00142140 He and his better other. y1UvIpcVmeM-00970-00142140-00142233 Sarah. Sarah. y1UvIpcVmeM-00971-00142233-00142357 Owners of Mountaineer Plumbing, y1UvIpcVmeM-00972-00142357-00142598 near Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids. y1UvIpcVmeM-00973-00142598-00142681 In Michigan. y1UvIpcVmeM-00974-00142681-00142765 Okay, and a year later, y1UvIpcVmeM-00975-00142765-00142879 they're are a million-dollar plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-00976-00142879-00142962 They are. y1UvIpcVmeM-00977-00142962-00143048 And they are doing some great things. y1UvIpcVmeM-00978-00143048-00143203 Because, doing things like, y1UvIpcVmeM-00979-00143203-00143314 being Google Guaranteed, y1UvIpcVmeM-00980-00143314-00143425 branding. Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00981-00143425-00143508 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00982-00143508-00143591 You know, they're being, y1UvIpcVmeM-00983-00143591-00143700 you gotta be, y1UvIpcVmeM-00984-00143700-00143878 you got to cut through the clutter, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-00985-00143878-00143961 Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-00986-00143961-00144045 You gotta stand out from the crowd. y1UvIpcVmeM-00987-00144045-00144128 Yeah, they did take charge. y1UvIpcVmeM-00988-00144128-00144291 You know, a lot of the fear is, y1UvIpcVmeM-00989-00144291-00144374 I hear guys say, y1UvIpcVmeM-00990-00144374-00144579 "Well, this company has been around forever." y1UvIpcVmeM-00991-00144579-00144676 They've been around forever. y1UvIpcVmeM-00992-00144676-00144937 No, customers don't care. Customers don't care. y1UvIpcVmeM-00993-00144937-00145054 They don't care. y1UvIpcVmeM-00994-00145054-00145137 They just don't care. They don't care. y1UvIpcVmeM-00995-00145137-00145325 Or, they hold on to their name. y1UvIpcVmeM-00996-00145325-00145457 Well, my name has been, y1UvIpcVmeM-00997-00145457-00145771 you know, we've been around for 30 years. y1UvIpcVmeM-00998-00145771-00145930 You know, mine has made a name for 30 years. y1UvIpcVmeM-00999-00145930-00146054 Whoop-dee-do! y1UvIpcVmeM-01000-00146054-00146137 But you're still a guy in a truck. y1UvIpcVmeM-01001-00146137-00146449 Right. So, how's that working out for ya? y1UvIpcVmeM-01002-00146449-00146652 You know, the customer, they don't know. y1UvIpcVmeM-01003-00146652-00146779 They don't care. y1UvIpcVmeM-01004-00146779-00146901 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01005-00146901-00147068 Because you're not cutting through the clutter. y1UvIpcVmeM-01006-00147068-00147232 So you got to stand out from the crowd, y1UvIpcVmeM-01007-00147232-00147438 and then you got to meet them where they're at. y1UvIpcVmeM-01008-00147438-00147711 You can't rely on just the referrals. y1UvIpcVmeM-01009-00147711-00147851 No, you cannot. y1UvIpcVmeM-01010-00147851-00148012 And you know, the good graces, y1UvIpcVmeM-01011-00148012-00148217 and you know, your church, y1UvIpcVmeM-01012-00148217-00148385 you know, and all that kind of stuff. y1UvIpcVmeM-01013-00148385-00148505 Right? y1UvIpcVmeM-01014-00148505-00148636 Yeah, definitely not. y1UvIpcVmeM-01015-00148743-00148948 So, moving you on. y1UvIpcVmeM-01016-00148948-00149077 Do you have a point three? y1UvIpcVmeM-01017-00149077-00149211 I do have a point three! y1UvIpcVmeM-01018-00149211-00149294 Okay! Awesome. y1UvIpcVmeM-01019-00149294-00149378 And number three, y1UvIpcVmeM-01020-00149378-00149461 okay, y1UvIpcVmeM-01021-00149461-00149599 all right, be their neighbor. y1UvIpcVmeM-01022-00149599-00149794 Today, and it's so easy. Mr. Rogers. y1UvIpcVmeM-01023-00149794-00150022 So easier now for a little guy y1UvIpcVmeM-01024-00150106-00150239 to become a big guy. y1UvIpcVmeM-01025-00150239-00150322 Okay, what do you mean by that? y1UvIpcVmeM-01026-00150322-00150428 But be their neighbor. y1UvIpcVmeM-01027-00150428-00150521 Meaning? y1UvIpcVmeM-01028-00150521-00150650 Well, Facebook. y1UvIpcVmeM-01029-00150650-00150899 Facebook is a great place to be. y1UvIpcVmeM-01030-00150899-00151101 Now we're talking about, y1UvIpcVmeM-01031-00151101-00151307 you've got to realize the environment you're in. y1UvIpcVmeM-01032-00151307-00151457 So you don't want to be on Facebook, y1UvIpcVmeM-01033-00151457-00151625 and where you're y1UvIpcVmeM-01034-00151625-00151780 selling plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-01035-00151780-00151863 Yeah, dinging 'em. In fact, y1UvIpcVmeM-01036-00151863-00151947 if you're a plumbing business y1UvIpcVmeM-01037-00151947-00152184 and you're posting pictures on Facebook, y1UvIpcVmeM-01038-00152184-00152364 what you're saying is don't call me. y1UvIpcVmeM-01039-00152462-00152681 Okay? So, in fact, I want you to hear that now. y1UvIpcVmeM-01040-00152681-00152764 But what do you mean by pictures? y1UvIpcVmeM-01041-00152764-00152847 Pictures of what? y1UvIpcVmeM-01042-00152847-00152930 Of plumbing. Oh. y1UvIpcVmeM-01043-00152930-00153179 You know, here's the new sewer job we did. y1UvIpcVmeM-01044-00153179-00153363 Look it, we have all the yard all tore up. y1UvIpcVmeM-01045-00153363-00153476 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01046-00153476-00153559 Or, here's a big ball. y1UvIpcVmeM-01047-00153559-00153643 Or look at this big, yeah, y1UvIpcVmeM-01048-00153643-00153736 ball of gunk that we pulled out. y1UvIpcVmeM-01049-00153736-00153819 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01050-00153819-00154038 Or showing your guys all dirty in their house, y1UvIpcVmeM-01051-00154038-00154162 and, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01052-00154162-00154464 or, you know, you can do the nice things. y1UvIpcVmeM-01053-00154464-00154650 Well, here's a big, nice tank-less water heater y1UvIpcVmeM-01054-00154650-00154735 we installed. y1UvIpcVmeM-01055-00154735-00155029 The customer has no idea what that is. y1UvIpcVmeM-01056-00155029-00155112 Nope. y1UvIpcVmeM-01057-00155112-00155293 And what you're saying is, "Don't call me." y1UvIpcVmeM-01058-00155293-00155383 You know, I'm a plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-01059-00155383-00155466 Don't call me. y1UvIpcVmeM-01060-00155466-00155690 Okay. But, if you'd be their neighbor, y1UvIpcVmeM-01061-00155690-00156022 and social, you have a huge opportunity. y1UvIpcVmeM-01062-00156022-00156270 Now here's where you got to get out of your comfort zone. y1UvIpcVmeM-01063-00156270-00156353 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01064-00156533-00156834 You have a huge opportunity to be, y1UvIpcVmeM-01065-00156834-00157013 what we call like, the mayor, y1UvIpcVmeM-01066-00157013-00157321 or the big cheerleader of your community. y1UvIpcVmeM-01067-00157321-00157404 For your community. y1UvIpcVmeM-01068-00157404-00157653 Okay. We say, "Well, I just don't do." y1UvIpcVmeM-01069-00157653-00157777 "I don't talk on, I don't do video." y1UvIpcVmeM-01070-00157777-00157942 Or I don't speak. y1UvIpcVmeM-01071-00157942-00158044 I don't do something. y1UvIpcVmeM-01072-00158044-00158280 Okay? Then be, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01073-00158368-00158473 So wait, what are you saying? y1UvIpcVmeM-01074-00158473-00158600 Doing video on what? y1UvIpcVmeM-01075-00158600-00158683 Well, I mean, y1UvIpcVmeM-01076-00158683-00158786 so, like, when you go out to eat, y1UvIpcVmeM-01077-00158786-00158978 and you go to eat at the, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01078-00158978-00159141 The local diner. The local diner, right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01079-00159141-00159296 Local coffee shop. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01080-00159296-00159511 Okay, and so you have an opportunity. y1UvIpcVmeM-01081-00159511-00159595 You don't have to, y1UvIpcVmeM-01082-00159595-00159700 and sometimes it doesn't have to be all produced y1UvIpcVmeM-01083-00159700-00159790 and all that, y1UvIpcVmeM-01084-00159790-00159970 but hey, they have the best. y1UvIpcVmeM-01085-00159970-00160163 So you're making a video. y1UvIpcVmeM-01086-00160163-00160325 Right. And they got the best, y1UvIpcVmeM-01087-00160325-00160463 hey, they got the best prime rib sandwich here. y1UvIpcVmeM-01088-00160463-00160659 Now you want, you can be in your plumbing garb. y1UvIpcVmeM-01089-00160659-00160821 Like a nice, for your guys. y1UvIpcVmeM-01090-00160821-00161052 Don't be in a wore-out looking. y1UvIpcVmeM-01091-00161052-00161157 Right, with junk all over it. y1UvIpcVmeM-01092-00161157-00161258 Gunk all over it. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01093-00161258-00161370 But, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01094-00161370-00161582 if you had a polo shirt with your company name on it, y1UvIpcVmeM-01095-00161582-00161725 the hats or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-01096-00161725-00161864 So, and it's from, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01097-00161864-00162042 it's from Mountaineer Plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-01098-00162042-00162171 They do, you know, that kind of, y1UvIpcVmeM-01099-00162171-00162255 you know, whatever, y1UvIpcVmeM-01100-00162255-00162338 whoever. y1UvIpcVmeM-01101-00162468-00162648 And so they can see that this is from plumbing. y1UvIpcVmeM-01102-00162648-00162732 Correct. But hey, this is, y1UvIpcVmeM-01103-00162732-00162993 hey, over here at, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01104-00162993-00163077 Joe's Diner? y1UvIpcVmeM-01105-00163077-00163250 Joe's Crab Shack. y1UvIpcVmeM-01106-00163250-00163350 Joe's Crab Shack. y1UvIpcVmeM-01107-00163473-00163561 That's an actual name of a place. y1UvIpcVmeM-01108-00163561-00163677 All right, Joe's Diner. Okay. y1UvIpcVmeM-01109-00163677-00163801 And they got the best, y1UvIpcVmeM-01110-00163801-00164032 you know, prime rib sandwich. y1UvIpcVmeM-01111-00164032-00164115 You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01112-00164115-00164198 Yes. And that's what, y1UvIpcVmeM-01113-00164198-00164408 I love having prime rib sandwiches here. y1UvIpcVmeM-01114-00164408-00164491 In fact, here's Joe. y1UvIpcVmeM-01115-00164491-00164654 And then you can interview Joe, y1UvIpcVmeM-01116-00164654-00164899 and be prepared with just, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01117-00164899-00165095 three basic questions, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01118-00165095-00165223 How'd you get started? y1UvIpcVmeM-01119-00165223-00165398 Yeah. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01120-00165398-00165481 What's your favorite? y1UvIpcVmeM-01121-00165481-00165571 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01122-00165690-00165773 What do you love about serving our community? y1UvIpcVmeM-01123-00165773-00165887 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01124-00165887-00165995 Simple as that. y1UvIpcVmeM-01125-00165995-00166119 And so, when are you open? y1UvIpcVmeM-01126-00166119-00166350 "What about they have the best margaritas?" y1UvIpcVmeM-01127-00166464-00166642 Aaron Silva, I can't wait to meet you. y1UvIpcVmeM-01128-00166795-00166879 You always crack me up. y1UvIpcVmeM-01129-00166879-00167087 No, you can not do they have the best. y1UvIpcVmeM-01130-00167087-00167336 Hey, they have the best margaritas. y1UvIpcVmeM-01131-00167336-00167419 No. y1UvIpcVmeM-01132-00167505-00167672 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01133-00167672-00167755 You gotta be a little, y1UvIpcVmeM-01134-00167755-00167883 yeah, 'cause you, y1UvIpcVmeM-01135-00167883-00168115 we talking about this brand capital too. y1UvIpcVmeM-01136-00168115-00168336 Yeah, don't ruin your brand capital. y1UvIpcVmeM-01137-00168336-00168422 Brand capital. y1UvIpcVmeM-01138-00168422-00168657 So, you noticed this weekend, y1UvIpcVmeM-01139-00168657-00168747 while we were relaxing, y1UvIpcVmeM-01140-00168747-00168913 we didn't do any videos y1UvIpcVmeM-01141-00168913-00169164 because we have a brand capital of respect. y1UvIpcVmeM-01142-00169164-00169247 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01143-00169247-00169417 So see me, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01144-00169541-00169690 partying at Gators. Cutting a rug. y1UvIpcVmeM-01145-00169801-00169896 Not that, well, y1UvIpcVmeM-01146-00169896-00170119 just wouldn't do anything for my brand capital. y1UvIpcVmeM-01147-00170119-00170324 Okay? Would not. y1UvIpcVmeM-01148-00170324-00170407 I can attest. y1UvIpcVmeM-01149-00170628-00170905 So, you gotta keep that in mind, okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01150-00170905-00171277 So, there is a game that's being played here. y1UvIpcVmeM-01151-00171277-00171435 But it's a huge opportunity, y1UvIpcVmeM-01152-00171435-00171666 because the big companies aren't doing this. y1UvIpcVmeM-01153-00171666-00171749 Correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-01154-00171749-00171832 And we are, our society, y1UvIpcVmeM-01155-00171832-00171962 there's more and more. y1UvIpcVmeM-01156-00172070-00172153 All about community. y1UvIpcVmeM-01157-00172153-00172439 Right, we like to buy from those that we know. y1UvIpcVmeM-01158-00172439-00172522 I know them. y1UvIpcVmeM-01159-00172522-00172697 Not just know of them. y1UvIpcVmeM-01160-00172697-00172780 Right. I know them. y1UvIpcVmeM-01161-00172780-00172952 Hey, that's that plumbing guy. y1UvIpcVmeM-01162-00172952-00173058 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01163-00173058-00173223 I mean, he told me about the cleaners, y1UvIpcVmeM-01164-00173223-00173328 that local, and they did. y1UvIpcVmeM-01165-00173328-00173533 They did do a good job. y1UvIpcVmeM-01166-00173533-00173727 One company that does this really well is Plumps Up, y1UvIpcVmeM-01167-00173727-00174046 in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. y1UvIpcVmeM-01168-00174046-00174129 Keith and Lindsey Hunt. y1UvIpcVmeM-01169-00174129-00174212 They do a great job. y1UvIpcVmeM-01170-00174212-00174351 Keith has become, literally, y1UvIpcVmeM-01171-00174351-00174495 the cheerleader for Orangeville. y1UvIpcVmeM-01172-00174495-00174674 So, if you ever want to check out some of the stuff y1UvIpcVmeM-01173-00174674-00174833 that they do, y1UvIpcVmeM-01174-00174833-00174921 check out their Facebook page. y1UvIpcVmeM-01175-00174921-00175161 And you find your voice, guys. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01176-00175161-00175298 Hey, we're all weird. y1UvIpcVmeM-01177-00175298-00175381 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01178-00175465-00175733 Just hold onto your weirdness. y1UvIpcVmeM-01179-00175902-00176013 Embrace it. Embrace your weirdness. y1UvIpcVmeM-01180-00176013-00176170 That's a better way, to embrace your weirdness. y1UvIpcVmeM-01181-00176170-00176304 Hey, we're all a little weird, y1UvIpcVmeM-01182-00176304-00176391 so don't be worried about, y1UvIpcVmeM-01183-00176391-00176576 you will have your voice. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01184-00176576-00176689 Your way of speaking. y1UvIpcVmeM-01185-00176689-00176845 You'll find that voice, y1UvIpcVmeM-01186-00176845-00176985 and be who you are. y1UvIpcVmeM-01187-00176985-00177159 And if you're not comfortable doing video, y1UvIpcVmeM-01188-00177159-00177313 then just do a picture. y1UvIpcVmeM-01189-00177313-00177526 You know, do a picture of you out front, y1UvIpcVmeM-01190-00177526-00177751 and, you know, pointing to the sign of Joe's Diner, y1UvIpcVmeM-01191-00177751-00177834 or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-01192-00177834-00177975 Yeah. And then, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01193-00177975-00178060 posting a comment, y1UvIpcVmeM-01194-00178060-00178515 and then obviously post it onto your business page, y1UvIpcVmeM-01195-00178515-00178722 and then share it on your personal page as well. y1UvIpcVmeM-01196-00178722-00178806 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01197-00178806-00179090 Because anything you post on your plumbing business page, y1UvIpcVmeM-01198-00179090-00179264 Facebook offers those up, y1UvIpcVmeM-01199-00179264-00179568 a business page to even the people that follow you, y1UvIpcVmeM-01200-00179568-00179776 like one to 3% of the time, y1UvIpcVmeM-01201-00179776-00179915 'cause they want you to advertise, y1UvIpcVmeM-01202-00179915-00180000 obviously. y1UvIpcVmeM-01203-00180000-00180178 So, go and post it on your business page, y1UvIpcVmeM-01204-00180178-00180330 but then share it. y1UvIpcVmeM-01205-00180330-00180571 If your husband and wife both have a Facebook page, y1UvIpcVmeM-01206-00180571-00180665 share it that way. y1UvIpcVmeM-01207-00180665-00180859 That's the way it's going to get out a lot more y1UvIpcVmeM-01208-00180859-00180975 than on the business page. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01209-00180975-00181158 Hey, but it's a huge opportunity y1UvIpcVmeM-01210-00181158-00181353 to get customers to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-01211-00181353-00181486 Not just know of you. y1UvIpcVmeM-01212-00181486-00181569 Yes. Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01213-00181569-00181684 But know you. Get to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-01214-00181684-00181782 So you throw something in, y1UvIpcVmeM-01215-00181782-00181895 like they know of you y1UvIpcVmeM-01216-00181895-00182190 because they recognize your brand of your truck y1UvIpcVmeM-01217-00182190-00182457 and that, you know, that kind of a thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-01218-00182457-00182713 To they know you y1UvIpcVmeM-01219-00182713-00182908 from seeing you doing these kinds of social things. y1UvIpcVmeM-01220-00182908-00183076 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01221-00183076-00183269 Even I love the idea of, y1UvIpcVmeM-01222-00183269-00183352 you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01223-00183352-00183558 we do the Toys For Tots and all that kind of stuff. y1UvIpcVmeM-01224-00183558-00183691 The firemen are out doing something, y1UvIpcVmeM-01225-00183691-00183794 or the Girl Scouts. y1UvIpcVmeM-01226-00183794-00183910 You know, interview the Girl Scouts. y1UvIpcVmeM-01227-00183910-00184122 Sure! It's the local troop. y1UvIpcVmeM-01228-00184122-00184270 You know, hey, we got. y1UvIpcVmeM-01229-00184270-00184402 Boy Scouts selling the popcorn. y1UvIpcVmeM-01230-00184402-00184511 Right. Selling the cookies. y1UvIpcVmeM-01231-00184511-00184667 So, what are you selling this for? y1UvIpcVmeM-01232-00184667-00184750 What you doing? y1UvIpcVmeM-01233-00184750-00184834 Right. All right, hey, y1UvIpcVmeM-01234-00184834-00185014 come on down here to the Walmart and, y1UvIpcVmeM-01235-00185014-00185177 you know, support our local troop here. y1UvIpcVmeM-01236-00185177-00185282 Right. You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01237-00185282-00185365 That kind of a thing. y1UvIpcVmeM-01238-00185365-00185469 Yes. Love it. I mean. y1UvIpcVmeM-01239-00185469-00185552 You just gotta get creative with it. y1UvIpcVmeM-01240-00185552-00185636 And the community loves that. y1UvIpcVmeM-01241-00185636-00185719 Yes. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01242-00185719-00185802 You gotta get creative. y1UvIpcVmeM-01243-00185802-00185885 Get out of your comfort zone, y1UvIpcVmeM-01244-00185885-00185981 again, so that you can be found. y1UvIpcVmeM-01245-00185981-00186064 And then, y1UvIpcVmeM-01246-00186064-00186317 when they was spur of the moment go here, y1UvIpcVmeM-01247-00186317-00186589 "plumber near me," y1UvIpcVmeM-01248-00186589-00186814 Oh, yeah. That's the one. y1UvIpcVmeM-01249-00186925-00187063 That's the one company that did the interview y1UvIpcVmeM-01250-00187063-00187314 at Joe's Diner, or whatever. y1UvIpcVmeM-01251-00187314-00187481 So, that's how it's done. y1UvIpcVmeM-01252-00187481-00187621 It's a simple thing to do. y1UvIpcVmeM-01253-00187621-00187871 It's a very affordable thing to do. y1UvIpcVmeM-01254-00187871-00188101 You just gotta do it. y1UvIpcVmeM-01255-00188101-00188216 And, you do that, y1UvIpcVmeM-01256-00188216-00188405 you can really stand out. y1UvIpcVmeM-01257-00188405-00188493 Yes. You stand out y1UvIpcVmeM-01258-00188493-00188619 against even the big, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01259-00188619-00188823 the big franchises. y1UvIpcVmeM-01260-00188823-00188975 Okay, so do it! y1UvIpcVmeM-01261-00188975-00189067 That was fun! y1UvIpcVmeM-01262-00189067-00189156 Okay. So, that was part one. y1UvIpcVmeM-01263-00189156-00189270 Good stuff. Part one. y1UvIpcVmeM-01264-00189270-00189353 Yes. Or, y1UvIpcVmeM-01265-00189353-00189437 how to get more plumbing customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-01266-00189437-00189520 Yes. y1UvIpcVmeM-01267-00189520-00189643 All right? Get them to know you. y1UvIpcVmeM-01268-00189643-00189759 Joe says, y1UvIpcVmeM-01269-00189759-00189966 "Our Google presence make us seem larger than we are." y1UvIpcVmeM-01270-00189966-00190061 Absolutely. y1UvIpcVmeM-01271-00190061-00190251 Right. That's how easy it is. y1UvIpcVmeM-01272-00190251-00190334 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01273-00190334-00190417 Good for you, Joe. y1UvIpcVmeM-01274-00190417-00190666 Right kind of branding and the presence like that, y1UvIpcVmeM-01275-00190666-00190749 you can be one truck, y1UvIpcVmeM-01276-00190749-00190873 and they just feel like you're everywhere. y1UvIpcVmeM-01277-00190873-00190956 Correct. y1UvIpcVmeM-01278-00190956-00191039 Okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01279-00191039-00191122 And by the way, y1UvIpcVmeM-01280-00191122-00191392 when you do, are asked if it's "we," y1UvIpcVmeM-01281-00191392-00191475 okay? y1UvIpcVmeM-01282-00191475-00191660 You're not the plumbing, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01283-00191660-00191766 even if you're the guy in a truck, y1UvIpcVmeM-01284-00191766-00191989 it's not the time to come out and be the plumbing owner, y1UvIpcVmeM-01285-00191989-00192114 and talk about. y1UvIpcVmeM-01286-00192213-00192296 Matt Delay says, y1UvIpcVmeM-01287-00192296-00192521 "There are 109 other plumbing companies in our area." y1UvIpcVmeM-01288-00192521-00192637 "Nobody cares." Nobody cares. y1UvIpcVmeM-01289-00192637-00192750 Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01290-00192750-00192833 You know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01291-00192833-00192980 and you gotta stop caring. y1UvIpcVmeM-01292-00192980-00193063 The guy's gotta. y1UvIpcVmeM-01293-00193063-00193225 When I hear guys talking about there's competition, y1UvIpcVmeM-01294-00193225-00193324 stop looking at the. y1UvIpcVmeM-01295-00193324-00193407 Right. There's not. y1UvIpcVmeM-01296-00193407-00193544 Every time, you know, y1UvIpcVmeM-01297-00193544-00193719 I ran, the sports kind of a thing, y1UvIpcVmeM-01298-00193719-00193900 but, you know, I ran track. y1UvIpcVmeM-01299-00193900-00194081 Every time you look at the other guy y1UvIpcVmeM-01300-00194081-00194167 and you stand at the line, y1UvIpcVmeM-01301-00194167-00194250 and you start looking, y1UvIpcVmeM-01302-00194250-00194486 you know, you're getting ready to get into blocks, y1UvIpcVmeM-01303-00194486-00194665 and ran the 400, you know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01304-00194665-00194800 And so, you know, you start looking about, y1UvIpcVmeM-01305-00194800-00194970 okay, that guy who went to state, y1UvIpcVmeM-01306-00194970-00195100 that guy didn't. y1UvIpcVmeM-01307-00195100-00195226 The race was already lost. y1UvIpcVmeM-01308-00195226-00195309 Yeah. Soon as I start y1UvIpcVmeM-01309-00195309-00195437 looking at the competition. y1UvIpcVmeM-01310-00195437-00195640 The times that I didn't look at the competition, y1UvIpcVmeM-01311-00195640-00195810 you know, I competed very, very well. y1UvIpcVmeM-01312-00195810-00195921 You know? y1UvIpcVmeM-01313-00195921-00196023 So don't look at it. Right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01314-00196023-00196162 So it's the same thing with your plumbing business. y1UvIpcVmeM-01315-00196162-00196330 There is no competition, guys. y1UvIpcVmeM-01316-00196330-00196497 There is no competition. y1UvIpcVmeM-01317-00196497-00196827 You're competing with yourself. y1UvIpcVmeM-01318-00196827-00196910 So there you go. y1UvIpcVmeM-01319-00196910-00196993 Good job! All right. y1UvIpcVmeM-01320-00196993-00197095 Hey, if you want to learn y1UvIpcVmeM-01321-00197095-00197302 how to really compete with yourself, y1UvIpcVmeM-01322-00197302-00197402 okay, y1UvIpcVmeM-01323-00197402-00197614 you need to check out my Million Dollar Plumber y1UvIpcVmeM-01324-00197614-00197899 Success Academy. y1UvIpcVmeM-01325-00197899-00198026 Hey, basically what we do here, y1UvIpcVmeM-01326-00198026-00198149 the lovely Laura and I, y1UvIpcVmeM-01327-00198149-00198307 we teach plumbing entrepreneurs y1UvIpcVmeM-01328-00198307-00198609 how to grow a million-dollar plumbing business, y1UvIpcVmeM-01329-00198609-00198759 while having a life too. y1UvIpcVmeM-01330-00198759-00198914 That's key. y1UvIpcVmeM-01331-00199080-00199163 Have a successful, y1UvIpcVmeM-01332-00199163-00199350 self-sustaining, and very profitable plumbing business, y1UvIpcVmeM-01333-00199350-00199474 and a life. y1UvIpcVmeM-01334-00199474-00199632 Hey, if that sounds like something y1UvIpcVmeM-01335-00199632-00199766 you are interested in, y1UvIpcVmeM-01336-00199766-00199957 you need to be a member of the Success Academy. y1UvIpcVmeM-01337-00199957-00200149 You can check it out. y1UvIpcVmeM-01338-00200149-00200479 There's a 14 day free trial right now. y1UvIpcVmeM-01339-00200479-00200573 Simply type "free" in the comments, y1UvIpcVmeM-01340-00200573-00200783 or go to themilliondollarplumber.com/free, y1UvIpcVmeM-01341-00200984-00201188 to learn more. y1UvIpcVmeM-01342-00201188-00201306 So, there we go. Do it. y1UvIpcVmeM-01343-00201306-00201508 All right. Good stuff here! y1UvIpcVmeM-01344-00201508-00201708 And important stuff here. y1UvIpcVmeM-01345-00201708-00201830 Nuggets of gold here for you, y1UvIpcVmeM-01346-00201830-00201938 if I say so myself. y1UvIpcVmeM-01347-00201938-00202116 You can say so yourself. y1UvIpcVmeM-01348-00202116-00202199 If you're looking to get more customers. y1UvIpcVmeM-01349-00202199-00202422 If you don't want any customers then just nevermind. y1UvIpcVmeM-01350-00202422-00202560 Ignore everything we said. y1UvIpcVmeM-01351-00202560-00202731 Yeah, just turn us off right now. y1UvIpcVmeM-01352-00202731-00202899 Hey, but I don't want you to ignore this. y1UvIpcVmeM-01353-00202899-00203004 As always, I want you to know y1UvIpcVmeM-01354-00203004-00203281 that you were purposely and wonderfully created, y1UvIpcVmeM-01355-00203281-00203618 and you were created to do great things. y1UvIpcVmeM-01356-00203618-00203709 So get out there, y1UvIpcVmeM-01357-00203709-00203830 and plumb like a champion. y1UvIpcVmeM-01358-00203830-00203936 Bye! [Female Announcer] Thank you y1UvIpcVmeM-01359-00203936-00204149 for tuning in to Potty Talk Live, y1UvIpcVmeM-01360-00204149-00204263 with Richard Behney, y1UvIpcVmeM-01361-00204263-00204422 The Million Dollar Plumber. y1UvIpcVmeM-01362-00204422-00204667 If you enjoyed the show, share it now! y1UvIpcVmeM-01363-00204667-00204769 Just do it! y1UvIpcVmeM-01364-00204769-00204896 To catch past episodes y1UvIpcVmeM-01365-00204896-00205083 and get alerts for new episodes, y1UvIpcVmeM-01366-00205083-00205246 turn notifications on now y1UvIpcVmeM-01367-00205246-00205427 and join us again for more tips, y1UvIpcVmeM-01368-00205427-00205510 techniques, y1UvIpcVmeM-01369-00205510-00205789 and strategies to help you grow your plumbing business. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00000-00000100-00000408 We're going to take a moment and talk about y4Eqw0GHrOo-00001-00000409-00000846 some ways that exponents interact with multiplication. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00002-00000982-00001412 Let's say we have two expressions that involve y4Eqw0GHrOo-00003-00001412-00001792 different exponents but the same base. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00004-00001854-00002086 So, what do I mean by that? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00005-00002210-00002478 Suppose we have some number b y4Eqw0GHrOo-00006-00002478-00002766 and two whole numbers, m and n that are both y4Eqw0GHrOo-00007-00002766-00002912 at least two. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00008-00002966-00003494 If we have the number b to the mth power y4Eqw0GHrOo-00009-00003540-00004046 and we multiply it by the number b to the nth power, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00010-00004100-00004258 what's going to happen? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00011-00004328-00004672 Let's look at an example to see if we can y4Eqw0GHrOo-00012-00004672-00004850 figure out what will happen. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00013-00004910-00005270 Let's say we try with b is three, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00014-00005418-00005720 m is three, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00015-00005766-00006124 and n is four. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00016-00006158-00006584 So, we have three to the third y4Eqw0GHrOo-00017-00006645-00007036 times three to the fourth. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00018-00007138-00007364 Well, we can work that out on our calculator y4Eqw0GHrOo-00019-00007364-00007500 if we want. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00020-00007500-00007826 We could also work it out by hand but life is short. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00021-00007848-00008240 Three to the third times three to the fourth, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00022-00008514-00009006 is two thousand one hundred eighty-seven. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00023-00009108-00009520 OK, that's nice and all but that's not going to work y4Eqw0GHrOo-00024-00009520-00009706 in general, right? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00025-00009706-00009956 That's only going to work for just those choices y4Eqw0GHrOo-00026-00009956-00010082 of numbers. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00027-00010212-00010602 Let's think what three to the third means. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00028-00010602-00010780 What would we do if we wanted to work out y4Eqw0GHrOo-00029-00010780-00010994 three to the third by hand? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00030-00011152-00011726 That would be three times three times three. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00031-00011850-00012132 This is three to the third. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00032-00012288-00012404 Three to the fourth? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00033-00012404-00012926 That would be three times three times three y4Eqw0GHrOo-00034-00012988-00013112 times three. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00035-00013291-00013506 All right, that's three to the fourth. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00036-00013658-00013854 You know what we have here? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00037-00013974-00014484 We have seven copies of the number three y4Eqw0GHrOo-00038-00014552-00014769 all multiplied together. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00039-00015106-00015619 Three to the third times three to the fourth y4Eqw0GHrOo-00040-00015782-00015976 is three to the seventh. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00041-00016063-00016218 Just to be sure, let's work that out y4Eqw0GHrOo-00042-00016218-00016412 on our calculator also. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00043-00016474-00016524 Yeah. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00044-00016642-00016964 Twenty-one, eighty-seven. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00045-00017116-00017166 Hmm. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00046-00017232-00017380 That's interesting. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00047-00017678-00017940 I wonder if that's going to happen in general. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00048-00018126-00018186 Right? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00049-00018226-00018392 Well, we'll have y4Eqw0GHrOo-00050-00018624-00018868 b multiplied by itself y4Eqw0GHrOo-00051-00018982-00019178 with m copies. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00052-00019538-00019758 And then that same number y4Eqw0GHrOo-00053-00019870-00020330 multiplied by itself with n copies. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00054-00020712-00021168 Yeah, if I write, m copies and then n copies, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00055-00021168-00021846 that is indeed going to be m plus n copies. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00056-00022034-00022524 So, we'll just have b to the m+n. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00057-00022632-00022702 Oh. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00058-00022754-00023388 So, if we're multiplying two exponential expressions y4Eqw0GHrOo-00059-00023388-00023584 with the same base, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00060-00023584-00023820 we just add the exponents. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00061-00023936-00024252 So, if I wanted to take, for example, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00062-00024352-00024840 two to the fifth times two to the third, y4Eqw0GHrOo-00063-00024884-00025334 well, that would be two to the five plus three. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00064-00025390-00025664 So, two to the eighth. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00065-00025806-00026020 Let's make sure that that works. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00066-00026294-00026824 Two to the fifth times two to the third y4Eqw0GHrOo-00067-00026872-00027114 is two hundred fifty-six. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00068-00027156-00027313 Two to the eighth? y4Eqw0GHrOo-00069-00027314-00027582 Also, two hundred fifty-six. y4Eqw0GHrOo-00070-00027582-00027782 It really does work. y6N12d1rbZA-00000-00001046-00001146 Hi everyone! y6N12d1rbZA-00001-00001146-00001738 I'm Sarah and this is BudgetSew where we create stylish, fashionable looks as inexpensively y6N12d1rbZA-00002-00001738-00001923 as possible. y6N12d1rbZA-00003-00001923-00002499 Today is December 21st and the 21st day of vlogmas. y6N12d1rbZA-00004-00002499-00003198 Vlogmas is a holiday event where YouTube creators such as myself post a video every day in December y6N12d1rbZA-00005-00003198-00003440 leading up to Christmas. y6N12d1rbZA-00006-00003440-00003803 Today we are going to make Epsom Salt Gifts. y6N12d1rbZA-00007-00003803-00004382 Just a quick note before we get started, today I'm wearing a dress that I upcycled. y6N12d1rbZA-00008-00004382-00004871 The link to the video where I show you how to upcycle your own dress by lengthening it y6N12d1rbZA-00009-00004871-00005243 is right here at the top of the screen. y6N12d1rbZA-00010-00005243-00005807 This DIY gift was a quick and easy to make, and I had all the materials at home. y6N12d1rbZA-00011-00005807-00005907 No shopping required. y6N12d1rbZA-00012-00005907-00006486 My niece, with the help of my mum made me one of these as a Christmas gift a few years y6N12d1rbZA-00013-00006486-00006766 ago and I really enjoyed it. y6N12d1rbZA-00014-00006766-00007056 I thought I'd share with you how to make your own. y6N12d1rbZA-00015-00007056-00007270 So let's get started! y6N12d1rbZA-00016-00007270-00007839 If you watched my chromed pine cone ornaments video, the link is to it is at the top of y6N12d1rbZA-00017-00007839-00008504 the screen, then you may have noticed other projects on the tarp to be spray painted. y6N12d1rbZA-00018-00008504-00009050 Besides the chromed pine cone ornaments, my mum and I spray painted three other Christmas y6N12d1rbZA-00019-00009050-00009681 projects that day outside including salt dough ornaments, blue spruce cones for a Christmas y6N12d1rbZA-00020-00009681-00010290 centrepiece, and the lids for my soothing scented bath salts. y6N12d1rbZA-00021-00010290-00010981 I used the same gold paint that I used in my golden pine cone tree centrepiece video. y6N12d1rbZA-00022-00010981-00011347 The link to that video is at the top of the screen. y6N12d1rbZA-00023-00011347-00011884 I used Beautitone Metallic Lacquer spray paint in a gold gloss for this craft. y6N12d1rbZA-00024-00011884-00012375 I love gold spray paint – it can fix just about anything. y6N12d1rbZA-00025-00012375-00012729 I used gold paint on quite a few items I've bought at thrift shops and Dollarama, a Canadian y6N12d1rbZA-00026-00012729-00012829 dollar store. y6N12d1rbZA-00027-00012829-00013426 It makes things look quite expensive even though they're second hand or cost $1.00. y6N12d1rbZA-00028-00013426-00013972 I bought this can at Home Hardware for $8.49. y6N12d1rbZA-00029-00013972-00014503 After the lids were painted and dry, I set them aside to make the bath salts. y6N12d1rbZA-00030-00014503-00014919 I used Exact Epsom salts from Walmart. y6N12d1rbZA-00031-00014919-00015394 I bought this bag earlier in the year and have used about half of it so I thought I'd y6N12d1rbZA-00032-00015394-00015636 make the rest of it into gifts. y6N12d1rbZA-00033-00015636-00015991 I poured the Epsom salts into a large mixing bowl. y6N12d1rbZA-00034-00015991-00016533 I used a spoon to break up the clumps of salts so that they were nice and smooth. y6N12d1rbZA-00035-00016533-00017186 Then I used a few drops of red food colouring to give the bath salts a nice pink colour. y6N12d1rbZA-00036-00017186-00017726 I bought my Club House red food colouring from Amazon.ca. y6N12d1rbZA-00037-00017726-00018173 When I dropped it in, it stuck to a few crystals and clumped together. y6N12d1rbZA-00038-00018173-00018582 I used my spoon to break up the clumps and spread the red food colouring throughout the y6N12d1rbZA-00039-00018582-00019303 bath salts. y6N12d1rbZA-00040-00019303-00019830 I started with a few drops and then added more to get the colour I wanted. y6N12d1rbZA-00041-00019830-00020219 I wanted them to be a nice pale pink. y6N12d1rbZA-00042-00020219-00020720 Every time I added a bit more colour, I used my spoon to break up the clumps and spread y6N12d1rbZA-00043-00020720-00022178 the red food colouring throughout the bath salts. y6N12d1rbZA-00044-00022178-00022731 I used red food colouring but you could use any colour you like. y6N12d1rbZA-00045-00022731-00024428 I think blue would be nice, too. y6N12d1rbZA-00046-00024428-00025103 Then I added a few sprays of my favourite perfume – Chanel Number 5. y6N12d1rbZA-00047-00025103-00025675 You could add your favourite or a few drops of essential oils instead. y6N12d1rbZA-00048-00025675-00027776 Then I stirred it with my spoon so that the scent was evenly distributed. y6N12d1rbZA-00049-00027776-00028220 Before I continue with the Epsom salt gifts, please like and share this video with your y6N12d1rbZA-00050-00028220-00028387 friends and family. y6N12d1rbZA-00051-00028387-00028887 I would love to help others sew and refashion on a budget and troubleshoot their favourite y6N12d1rbZA-00052-00028887-00028987 patterns. y6N12d1rbZA-00053-00028987-00029258 I also love sharing the treasure that I find at thrift shops. y6N12d1rbZA-00054-00029258-00029765 If you would like to see more from BudgetSew, please subscribe and make sure that bell is y6N12d1rbZA-00055-00029765-00030169 on so you receive a notification when I release a new video! y6N12d1rbZA-00056-00030169-00030531 Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @BudgetSew. y6N12d1rbZA-00057-00030531-00030933 Now back to the Christmas DIY. y6N12d1rbZA-00058-00030933-00031334 Next it was time to add the bath salts to the mason jars. y6N12d1rbZA-00059-00031334-00031952 I inserted my wide mouth canning funnel into the top of the jar and added the bath salts y6N12d1rbZA-00060-00031952-00032159 cup by cup. y6N12d1rbZA-00061-00032159-00032677 I bought my canning funnel years ago and have used it many, many times. y6N12d1rbZA-00062-00032677-00033212 I used to give my parents a basket of peach jam, strawberry jam, and elderberry jelly y6N12d1rbZA-00063-00033212-00033396 every year at Christmas. y6N12d1rbZA-00064-00033396-00033993 I loved the bright colours of the jams – orange, red, and purple. y6N12d1rbZA-00065-00033993-00034388 Then I closed the jars with my golden lids. y6N12d1rbZA-00066-00034388-00034712 Next it was time to make the jars extra pretty. y6N12d1rbZA-00067-00034712-00035302 I rummaged through my hat box full of trims and laces to find the perfect match for my y6N12d1rbZA-00068-00035302-00035402 project. y6N12d1rbZA-00069-00035402-00036131 I dug out my pink lace trim that I bought for $1.00 from Mission Thrift Stores in London, y6N12d1rbZA-00070-00036131-00036231 Ontario. y6N12d1rbZA-00071-00036231-00036721 The link to the video where I purchased this trim is at the top of the screen. y6N12d1rbZA-00072-00036721-00037784 Then I cut a length of lace to go around the jar. y6N12d1rbZA-00073-00037784-00038608 Then I applied a small amount of glue to the lace and the jar to make it stick. y6N12d1rbZA-00074-00038608-00039161 I had enough bath salts to fill two of my pint jars and one quarter pint jar. y6N12d1rbZA-00075-00039161-00039785 If you have a certain number of gifts to make, I recommend measuring the bath salts so that y6N12d1rbZA-00076-00039785-00040219 you know how much to make up. y6N12d1rbZA-00077-00040219-00040959 Next I grabbed my white gift ribbon, doubled it up and cut a length long enough to curl. y6N12d1rbZA-00078-00040959-00041744 I bought this roll of curling ribbon that was 600 feet or 183 metres at Dollarama for y6N12d1rbZA-00079-00041744-00041861 $1.00. y6N12d1rbZA-00080-00041861-00042474 I bought this ribbon for birthday and Christmas gifts and it was perfect for this craft. y6N12d1rbZA-00081-00042474-00043596 Then I tied the ribbon around the neck of the jar and curled it using my craft scissors. y6N12d1rbZA-00082-00043596-00044168 You can use whatever you like to decorate your bath salt containers – decorative ribbon, y6N12d1rbZA-00083-00044168-00044646 beaded trim, fabric scraps, or lace seam binding. y6N12d1rbZA-00084-00044646-00045090 Maybe next time I'll cut out a piece of a patterned fabric with my pinking shears and y6N12d1rbZA-00085-00045090-00045659 glue it to the jar and the lid, or I could glue ribbon around the widest part of the y6N12d1rbZA-00086-00045659-00045796 jar. y6N12d1rbZA-00087-00045796-00046399 Or I could apply a one inch band of glue around the jar and roll it in glitter. y6N12d1rbZA-00088-00046399-00046556 The possibilities are endless. y6N12d1rbZA-00089-00046556-00047038 Chose whatever you think looks best. y6N12d1rbZA-00090-00047038-00047434 My last step was to add something pretty to the lid. y6N12d1rbZA-00091-00047434-00047830 I liked the gold spray paint but I wanted something more. y6N12d1rbZA-00092-00047830-00048393 I cut out the individual flowers from my lace trim and glued them to the lids. y6N12d1rbZA-00093-00048393-00048868 I applied some white glue to the lids, smeared it around with my finger so that it wasn't y6N12d1rbZA-00094-00048868-00049458 too thick, added some glue to the lace flower and stuck it on top. y6N12d1rbZA-00095-00049458-00049783 It was perfect! y6N12d1rbZA-00096-00049783-00052567 Here are the finished bath salts. y6N12d1rbZA-00098-00058130-00058488 Please like and share this video with your friends and family. y6N12d1rbZA-00099-00058488-00059151 I love sharing my new, vintage, and out-of-print sewing patterns and my tips, tricks, quick y6N12d1rbZA-00100-00059151-00059675 fixes, and mistakes when sewing along with you. y6N12d1rbZA-00101-00059675-00060188 I also love sharing my wonderful fabric finds that I thrifted from charity shops as well y6N12d1rbZA-00102-00060188-00060487 as brand new fabric online and in store. y6N12d1rbZA-00103-00060487-00061076 If you would like to see more from BudgetSew, please subscribe and press the bell so you y6N12d1rbZA-00104-00061076-00061372 receive a notification when I release a new video! y6N12d1rbZA-00105-00061372-00061851 If you would like to stay up to date with BudgetSew, follow me on Twitter, Instagram y6N12d1rbZA-00106-00061851-00061994 and Facebook @BudgetSew. y6N12d1rbZA-00107-00061994-00062247 Thanks for watching! y6N12d1rbZA-00108-00062247-00062549 See you next time! yr3a8F_7DW0-00000-00000246-00000526 We have a lot of people that have yr3a8F_7DW0-00001-00000526-00000810 non-traditional backgrounds that have made here at Google. yr3a8F_7DW0-00002-00000810-00001044 I've worked with people who have history degrees, yr3a8F_7DW0-00003-00001044-00001235 I've worked with people who have economic degrees, yr3a8F_7DW0-00004-00001235-00001567 and they're writing scripts, automating us, yr3a8F_7DW0-00005-00001567-00001962 and how we can process these credits for this client. yr3a8F_7DW0-00006-00001962-00002278 I think people have a misconception that you have to yr3a8F_7DW0-00007-00002278-00002640 have a traditional path in order to like succeed in IT. yr3a8F_7DW0-00008-00002640-00002887 A lot of people have followed the traditional path, yr3a8F_7DW0-00009-00002887-00003153 a lot of people do succeed following that traditional path, yr3a8F_7DW0-00010-00003153-00003511 but I think the benefit of IT is that in the end, yr3a8F_7DW0-00011-00003511-00003797 people just want to know whether or not you can fix the problem. yr3a8F_7DW0-00012-00003797-00004024 Make sure you have strong fundamentals. yr3a8F_7DW0-00013-00004024-00004156 They do and no coming back. yr3a8F_7DW0-00014-00004156-00004284 A lot of time people think that, yr3a8F_7DW0-00015-00004284-00004645 "Oh like I'm not going to need to worry about how to do. yr3a8F_7DW0-00016-00004645-00005087 I don't even know, like understand the TCP IP model or the OSI model." yr3a8F_7DW0-00017-00005087-00005271 That's like low level stuff. yr3a8F_7DW0-00018-00005271-00005431 I can focus specifically on yr3a8F_7DW0-00019-00005431-00005875 this one particular application or program that I'm going to be dealing with. yr3a8F_7DW0-00020-00005875-00006046 There are instances where you'll run yr3a8F_7DW0-00021-00006046-00006388 into problems where in having that foundational knowledge, yr3a8F_7DW0-00022-00006388-00006691 will be very integral to solving the problem. yr3a8F_7DW0-00023-00006691-00007220 As long as you're able to get to a point where you feel comfortable working with users, yr3a8F_7DW0-00024-00007220-00007456 fixing their problems and supporting them, yr3a8F_7DW0-00025-00007456-00007663 and the best way for you and them, yr3a8F_7DW0-00026-00007663-00007968 you're going to always be viable in the world of IT. ysLSZq0j4_g-00000-00000096-00000368 most people know that higher seer ratings for an ysLSZq0j4_g-00001-00000368-00000624 air conditioner will save them money on their electric bills ysLSZq0j4_g-00002-00000688-00001592 but how much can you really expect to save let's put some actual numbers behind this thought ysLSZq0j4_g-00003-00001792-00002368 there are plenty of articles about what seer ratings are for air conditioners and heat pumps so ysLSZq0j4_g-00004-00002368-00003000 i'm not going to dive into that topic but briefly a seer rating is a maximum efficiency rating like ysLSZq0j4_g-00005-00003000-00003511 the miles per gallon on your car what are the seer ratings that are being seen on today's equipment ysLSZq0j4_g-00006-00003584-00004384 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20. some of the heat pump systems that have come out since 2020 ysLSZq0j4_g-00007-00004448-00005216 offer up to 25 seer as well as of 2022 most states in america are still mandated to install equipment ysLSZq0j4_g-00008-00005216-00005768 with a seer rating of 14. there are some northern states that are still able to squeak by with 13 ysLSZq0j4_g-00009-00005768-00006240 sear systems and that's because their summers aren't as long or as intense as they are here ysLSZq0j4_g-00010-00006240-00006800 in the southern states how much money can i save by upgrading to a higher seer rating ysLSZq0j4_g-00011-00006800-00007295 air conditioner or heat pump system in my home the average cost of electricity in the summer ysLSZq0j4_g-00012-00007295-00008080 here in sacramento california is around 24 cents per kilowatt hour so between 14 seer and 20 seer ysLSZq0j4_g-00013-00008080-00008808 you'll save about six to seven percent when you go from 14 to 15 to 16 all the way up to 20 seer ysLSZq0j4_g-00014-00008888-00009464 take a look at these charts that i made for you considering a three ton system that's 36 000 btus ysLSZq0j4_g-00015-00009464-00009992 and you have a house around 1 500 square feet that's fairly well insulated in the attic and ysLSZq0j4_g-00016-00009992-00010552 exterior walls i created a calculator with some formulas that customers can use to play around ysLSZq0j4_g-00017-00010552-00011128 with these numbers too you can find it here on foxfamilyhvac.com i'll leave a link to it in the ysLSZq0j4_g-00018-00011128-00011616 description area of this video as well just give me a few weeks to get it posted on my website ysLSZq0j4_g-00019-00011616-00012192 since i created it here in july of 2022 let's compare it to your older 10 seer systems a lot ysLSZq0j4_g-00020-00012192-00012840 of systems that have been running since let's say 1995 to 2005 are probably running around 10 seer ysLSZq0j4_g-00021-00012912-00013496 they may have started out at 12 seer or something like that but systems lose efficiency through wear ysLSZq0j4_g-00022-00013496-00014040 and tear over the years so most people agree that their system is running around 10 seer now ysLSZq0j4_g-00023-00014096-00014663 as they're looking to buy a new system so right now with 14 seer being the lowest customers will ysLSZq0j4_g-00024-00014663-00015463 also be offered options for higher rated systems like 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 and yes some systems ysLSZq0j4_g-00025-00015463-00016072 are even higher but let's look at how much you might save by upgrading from your 10 seer system ysLSZq0j4_g-00026-00016072-00016784 to a modern 14 16 18 or 20 sears system you can see how upgrading your older 10 seer system to ysLSZq0j4_g-00027-00016784-00017272 pretty much anything today is going to save you money even 250 dollars in savings each ysLSZq0j4_g-00028-00017272-00017856 summer just by switching from an older system to a standard single stage 14 seer system sounds great ysLSZq0j4_g-00029-00017928-00018560 upgrading to an 18 to 20 seer system can save you double that each summer once again these are all ysLSZq0j4_g-00030-00018560-00019056 numbers based on fairly well insulated homes where the system is installed correctly and the size ysLSZq0j4_g-00031-00019056-00019576 of the system is right if you were given some options from your hvac salesman something like ysLSZq0j4_g-00032-00019576-00020328 14 sears 16 seer 18 seer and 20 seer systems you might be thinking well what kind of savings would ysLSZq0j4_g-00033-00020328-00021016 i get if i buy a 16 seer over a 14 seer system from the chart you'd save about 79 a summer with ysLSZq0j4_g-00034-00021016-00021928 a 16 over a 14 and that's at 24 cents per kilowatt hour a 13 savings over 10 years that's 793 dollars ysLSZq0j4_g-00035-00021928-00022440 and assuming your system lasts a full 20 years which is a good long life you'd be looking at ysLSZq0j4_g-00036-00022440-00022960 around hundred eighty seven dollars you can mess around with the steer comparison calculator that ysLSZq0j4_g-00037-00022960-00023400 i made to get a good idea of what you'll save here in california based on the average rate ysLSZq0j4_g-00038-00023400-00023904 of 24 cents per kilowatt hour at summer rates real quick i just wanted to go over some of the ysLSZq0j4_g-00039-00023904-00024416 testing requirements to calculate the sear so the industry standard for testing includes a ysLSZq0j4_g-00040-00024416-00025064 high speed test at 95 degrees fahrenheit outdoor temperature and another at 82 degrees fahrenheit ysLSZq0j4_g-00041-00025136-00025768 two-stage and variable speed systems at a low speed test at 82 degrees fahrenheit each ysLSZq0j4_g-00042-00025768-00026232 of these tests is done for 30 minutes and is performed three times to get an average ysLSZq0j4_g-00043-00026304-00026695 i always thought they just calculated these numbers at high speed including the variable ysLSZq0j4_g-00044-00026695-00027256 speed units and that typically run at their lower speeds for longer periods of time but i guess they ysLSZq0j4_g-00045-00027256-00027848 do include the low speed test which factors in to the ultimate efficiency of the system there are ysLSZq0j4_g-00046-00027848-00028304 way more considerations though when calculating these zero ratings some of the terms and testing ysLSZq0j4_g-00047-00028304-00028960 they use are voltage tolerance low temperature insulation efficiency condensate disposal ysLSZq0j4_g-00048-00029016-00029776 maximum operation of 115 degrees fahrenheit extra high maximum operation of 125 degrees fahrenheit ysLSZq0j4_g-00049-00029776-00030432 which is an optional test wet bulb dry bulb piping length a proper refrigerant charge and ysLSZq0j4_g-00050-00030432-00030864 proper installation of the system even just looking at some of the equations these guys ysLSZq0j4_g-00051-00030864-00031448 use to determine the seer ratings is crazy look at these and that's just one calculation and the ysLSZq0j4_g-00052-00031448-00032000 considerations for determining it as i scroll down the page on the ahri document that i was reading ysLSZq0j4_g-00053-00032000-00032448 i have to use the roller on my mouse to scroll down five or six more times down the page ysLSZq0j4_g-00054-00032448-00032928 just to get to the end of this section of equations so often when people ask google ysLSZq0j4_g-00055-00032928-00033360 what the seer rating is they're just told like it's a measurement of how much cooling effect ysLSZq0j4_g-00056-00033360-00033920 they can get for the electricity that they use to cool the house like miles per gallon on a car ysLSZq0j4_g-00057-00033920-00034456 and that's correct but today i wanted to put some numbers behind how much you can actually save when ysLSZq0j4_g-00058-00034456-00034912 choosing between today's modern air conditioners if this is your first time watching our channel ysLSZq0j4_g-00059-00034912-00035296 please click subscribe down here on the bottom right and if you click that little bell next to ysLSZq0j4_g-00060-00035296-00035728 it you'll be notified of all of our videos as they come out thanks so much for watching and ysLSZq0j4_g-00061-00035728-00036160 we'll see you on the next video you're watching fox family heating and air don't forget to ysLSZq0j4_g-00062-00036160-00036584 subscribe and check out more of our videos by clicking on the right side of the screen ytRj44rPP-o-00000-00000653-00000919 Dear friends, colleagues and audience. ytRj44rPP-o-00001-00000919-00001400 It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to our site event. ytRj44rPP-o-00002-00001400-00001839 In the context of this, this 15th Conference of the State Parties ytRj44rPP-o-00003-00001839-00002220 on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00004-00002306-00002700 I am Carola Rubia, the Executive Director of Fundación Descúbreme. ytRj44rPP-o-00005-00002820-00003013 I have a brown hair. ytRj44rPP-o-00006-00003013-00003540 I'm wearing glasses, and I'm wearing a brown dress. ytRj44rPP-o-00007-00003620-00003953 For those of you who are not aware of our work ytRj44rPP-o-00008-00003966-00004366 Fundación Descúbreme is an Chilean foundation born 12 years ago ytRj44rPP-o-00009-00004406-00004506 with our focus on ytRj44rPP-o-00010-00004506-00004853 promoting the full inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities ytRj44rPP-o-00011-00004893-00005206 in all areas of human development in Chile ytRj44rPP-o-00012-00005206-00005420 and a Spanish speaking community. ytRj44rPP-o-00013-00005540-00005926 I am honoured to be hosting alongside our president, Catalina Saieh. ytRj44rPP-o-00014-00005960-00006400 This site event is centered on the role of foundations and philanthropy ytRj44rPP-o-00015-00006400-00006833 in challenging times when it comes to disability inclusion. ytRj44rPP-o-00016-00006959-00007166 It is well known that ytRj44rPP-o-00017-00007166-00007620 as a global community were starting to build back from a global pandemic, ytRj44rPP-o-00018-00007620-00007959 while at the same time facing pressing challenges ytRj44rPP-o-00019-00007959-00008186 such as climate change and ytRj44rPP-o-00020-00008320-00008573 migration crisis. ytRj44rPP-o-00021-00008573-00008833 It is fair to say that these issues ytRj44rPP-o-00022-00008833-00009173 has had a profound effect in the global economy. ytRj44rPP-o-00023-00009206-00009713 Labor markets around the world and disruptions to the transportation ytRj44rPP-o-00024-00009713-00010106 services and manufacturing industry, just to name a few. ytRj44rPP-o-00025-00010160-00010560 But what is the role of foundations in this scenario? ytRj44rPP-o-00026-00010633-00011060 Our work is aligned with one idea, and it's core ytRj44rPP-o-00027-00011073-00011426 that foundations can become vehicles and tools ytRj44rPP-o-00028-00011453-00011786 to addressing and providing solution for persons with disabilites ytRj44rPP-o-00029-00011813-00012280 and the issues they face, thus facilitating sustainable change. ytRj44rPP-o-00030-00012353-00012806 Therefore, it is our role as foundations to make sure that persons with ytRj44rPP-o-00031-00012806-00013140 disabilities are not left behind in these situations. ytRj44rPP-o-00032-00013206-00013619 And in this journey, we have had the pleasure of meeting ytRj44rPP-o-00033-00013660-00014000 like minded organizations from all over the world ytRj44rPP-o-00034-00014006-00014493 with whom we can exchange ideas, collaborate and learn from each other. ytRj44rPP-o-00035-00014533-00014800 All of us making sure disability ytRj44rPP-o-00036-00014800-00015113 inclusion is a reality for many. ytRj44rPP-o-00037-00015293-00015686 It is our pleasure today to come with some of these organizations, ytRj44rPP-o-00038-00015686-00016040 our very dear friends from various foundations ytRj44rPP-o-00039-00016040-00016500 in order to highlight global good practice from all over the world center ytRj44rPP-o-00040-00016500-00016846 on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in challenging times. ytRj44rPP-o-00041-00016913-00017180 I would like now to hand over to Michael Fembek, ytRj44rPP-o-00042-00017233-00017693 Director of Zero Project - Global Platform, develop and implemented ytRj44rPP-o-00043-00017693-00018126 by the Essl Foundation in Austria, who will moderate this session. ytRj44rPP-o-00044-00018133-00018253 Thank you all. ytRj44rPP-o-00045-00018253-00018486 Once again for joining us today. ytRj44rPP-o-00046-00018980-00019040 Michael Fembek: Thank you so much, ytRj44rPP-o-00047-00019040-00019286 Carola, for this wonderful introduction. ytRj44rPP-o-00048-00019360-00019673 I'm glad and happy that I can be the moderator ytRj44rPP-o-00049-00019706-00019973 of this session, and thank you for giving me this role. ytRj44rPP-o-00050-00020066-00020506 So here with me are two outstanding foundations ytRj44rPP-o-00051-00020506-00021020 that have an important role their sphere and also on a global level, ytRj44rPP-o-00052-00021020-00021520 one of the leading foundations without any any doubt in any exaggeration, ytRj44rPP-o-00053-00021546-00021886 the way we're going to handle this session and the way we proceed ytRj44rPP-o-00054-00021920-00022000 will be as follows. ytRj44rPP-o-00055-00022000-00022353 I'm first asking Catalina Saieh from ytRj44rPP-o-00056-00022353-00022660 Fundación Descúbreme to give a brief overview of their current work. ytRj44rPP-o-00057-00022700-00023006 Then we will move on with Javier Güemes ytRj44rPP-o-00058-00023040-00023286 Grupo Social ONCE who will ytRj44rPP-o-00059-00023333-00023746 present the current work and the status of development of ytRj44rPP-o-00060-00023746-00024273 Fundación ONCE, I will then hand over to myself ytRj44rPP-o-00061-00024273-00024726 and explain a little bit about the Essl foundation and where the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00062-00024733-00025233 is currently. After these brief, let's see five minute presentations each, ytRj44rPP-o-00063-00025266-00025613 we will focus on certain some pressing ytRj44rPP-o-00064-00025613-00025946 issues and questions that we all have to deal with. ytRj44rPP-o-00065-00026006-00026273 And we will engage in a discussion ytRj44rPP-o-00066-00026326-00026633 before wrapping up and ending this session. ytRj44rPP-o-00067-00026693-00026980 OK, then let's get start it off. ytRj44rPP-o-00068-00027073-00027180 Catalina Saieh ytRj44rPP-o-00069-00027180-00027293 Catalina. ytRj44rPP-o-00070-00027300-00027673 Why don't you give us a briefing on Fundación Descúbreme ytRj44rPP-o-00071-00027673-00028000 with your current group and current mission. ytRj44rPP-o-00072-00028039-00028246 And investments. ytRj44rPP-o-00073-00028446-00028646 Please unmute yourself. ytRj44rPP-o-00074-00028646-00028806 Catalina Saieh: Hi, everyone. ytRj44rPP-o-00075-00028873-00028986 Hi, everyone. ytRj44rPP-o-00076-00028986-00029126 I am Catalina Saieh. ytRj44rPP-o-00077-00029126-00029293 I'm wearing glasses. ytRj44rPP-o-00078-00029293-00029600 I have brown hair and I'm wearing a white t shirt. ytRj44rPP-o-00079-00029686-00029846 I'm happy to be here today. ytRj44rPP-o-00080-00029846-00030226 I'm from Chile, and I'm very pleased to be with this ytRj44rPP-o-00081-00030246-00030460 two wonderful foundations talking about ytRj44rPP-o-00082-00030580-00030953 all the work we do with and for people with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00083-00031053-00031273 Descúbreme was founded 12 years ago. ytRj44rPP-o-00084-00031273-00031713 And right now, the work that we're doing mostly deals ytRj44rPP-o-00085-00031713-00032213 with inclusion in all the areas of the of people with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00086-00032213-00032413 Particularly due to the pandemic. ytRj44rPP-o-00087-00032420-00032833 So what, we're working on is the networking ytRj44rPP-o-00088-00032833-00033266 and giving information to people with disabilities. One of the things ytRj44rPP-o-00089-00033266-00033633 we found during the pandemic is that information was not reaching. ytRj44rPP-o-00090-00033780-00034126 So not only ytRj44rPP-o-00091-00034126-00034346 the pandemic was bringing a lot of problems ytRj44rPP-o-00092-00034413-00034800 because people did not have access to health, didn't have access to ytRj44rPP-o-00093-00034853-00035060 so many things - work. ytRj44rPP-o-00094-00035106-00035673 But mostly what was being more complicated is how to bring all this information ytRj44rPP-o-00095-00035673-00036053 to people who spoke Spanish, but also have different barriers ytRj44rPP-o-00096-00036186-00036373 So what we did ytRj44rPP-o-00097-00036373-00036660 and for that, it was very, very important ytRj44rPP-o-00098-00036660-00037006 to reach out to all our great and wonderful partners around the world. ytRj44rPP-o-00099-00037093-00037320 Is to bring to all the Spanish ytRj44rPP-o-00100-00037320-00037553 speaking communities, all the information ytRj44rPP-o-00101-00037620-00037893 and accessible information to them, information in the West. ytRj44rPP-o-00102-00037946-00038246 Was there information that they actually could reach? ytRj44rPP-o-00103-00038300-00038566 So that was one of the things that we actually worked ytRj44rPP-o-00104-00038653-00038900 incredibly hard on during this times. ytRj44rPP-o-00105-00038980-00039200 Also, we learned a lot ytRj44rPP-o-00106-00039280-00039553 during this couple of years in how to ytRj44rPP-o-00107-00039660-00039906 bring all our work ytRj44rPP-o-00108-00039906-00040133 into the new into into the new, ytRj44rPP-o-00109-00040280-00040546 into into the new sphere of ytRj44rPP-o-00110-00040686-00040893 social distancing, in a sense. Why? ytRj44rPP-o-00111-00040893-00041426 Because now you couldn't go into into the into the workplace. ytRj44rPP-o-00112-00041426-00041886 So a lot of what we did was to perform things ytRj44rPP-o-00113-00041886-00042180 that we were already thinking about, things that ytRj44rPP-o-00114-00042313-00042680 we were all talking about, things that ytRj44rPP-o-00115-00042680-00042866 the world was already going through. ytRj44rPP-o-00116-00042866-00043140 But in a sense, ytRj44rPP-o-00117-00043140-00043486 we were all already talking ytRj44rPP-o-00118-00043486-00043693 about going into the new ytRj44rPP-o-00119-00043913-00044006 into ytRj44rPP-o-00120-00044006-00044380 It's funny because a lot of our strategy was already there, ytRj44rPP-o-00121-00044400-00044726 but this pandemic forced us to put ytRj44rPP-o-00122-00044793-00045086 a strong impulse into it. ytRj44rPP-o-00123-00045120-00045326 So we implemented a lot of the remote ytRj44rPP-o-00124-00045386-00045673 working models, not only within ourselves, but ytRj44rPP-o-00125-00045726-00046080 with all the people that all the work we did with people with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00126-00046133-00046540 So it's interesting because not all of the work ytRj44rPP-o-00127-00046546-00046820 we had already been doing with people with disabilities ytRj44rPP-o-00128-00046853-00047053 within our organization ytRj44rPP-o-00129-00047120-00047640 and with international collaboration and in public policy all started being ytRj44rPP-o-00130-00047760-00047973 I wouldn't say rushed because all of ytRj44rPP-o-00131-00047973-00048240 it had already its own strategy, but I would say ytRj44rPP-o-00132-00048286-00048553 it started being ytRj44rPP-o-00133-00048640-00048860 more intentional and a lot more ytRj44rPP-o-00134-00049020-00049386 faster and a lot more ytRj44rPP-o-00135-00049433-00049513 stronger. ytRj44rPP-o-00136-00049513-00049906 And in a more ytRj44rPP-o-00137-00049906-00050160 the word I'm looking for, it's ytRj44rPP-o-00138-00050160-00050513 it started being more ytRj44rPP-o-00139-00050593-00050693 with the word. ytRj44rPP-o-00140-00050693-00051100 It started being more yes. ytRj44rPP-o-00141-00051166-00051493 We had to push ourselves to make it ytRj44rPP-o-00142-00051666-00052000 make it stronger in a world where we haven't been before. ytRj44rPP-o-00143-00052006-00052340 So it's it's very it's very special how ytRj44rPP-o-00144-00052433-00052660 we had to work ytRj44rPP-o-00145-00052673-00052953 all that we had done before, face to face. ytRj44rPP-o-00146-00053006-00053200 All that we had done before ytRj44rPP-o-00147-00053200-00053533 in a very in a different way, in a space where we hadn't been before, ytRj44rPP-o-00148-00053533-00054040 which is the space of only communications through online work. ytRj44rPP-o-00149-00054126-00054453 So it's it's interesting because all of this we had done before, ytRj44rPP-o-00150-00054493-00054626 but not in this way. ytRj44rPP-o-00151-00054626-00054879 So we had to adapt very fast. We had to ytRj44rPP-o-00152-00054979-00055106 do this ytRj44rPP-o-00153-00055166-00055440 without fear, with a lot of commitment ytRj44rPP-o-00154-00055479-00055886 and with a lot of trust, both in our partners ytRj44rPP-o-00155-00055886-00056293 both in the people we were reaching out to, and with a leap of faith ytRj44rPP-o-00156-00056293-00056700 in ourselves, too, which is something I'm very ytRj44rPP-o-00157-00056813-00057193 I'm very pleased that I think the teams and the people we were working ytRj44rPP-o-00158-00057193-00057766 with all created this trust and they all committed to do it. ytRj44rPP-o-00159-00057820-00058320 And I think we were very successful in different ways. ytRj44rPP-o-00160-00058373-00058720 But also we gave all of our all ourselves, and ytRj44rPP-o-00161-00058826-00059100 we were able to go through this period ytRj44rPP-o-00162-00059113-00059673 creating new methods, new methodologies, new ways of working. ytRj44rPP-o-00163-00059733-00060006 I think that was very important. ytRj44rPP-o-00164-00060353-00060533 Thank you so much, Catalina, for this ytRj44rPP-o-00165-00060533-00061113 very personal and and very open and honest assessment ytRj44rPP-o-00166-00061113-00061473 of your of the current work of Foundación Descúbreme. ytRj44rPP-o-00167-00061560-00061979 We will, after this first round of introducing our work, ytRj44rPP-o-00168-00062000-00062353 will come back definitely to that and we would like definitely learned ytRj44rPP-o-00169-00062353-00062666 to like a little more and give that maybe you give us some examples ytRj44rPP-o-00170-00062666-00063060 of what that meant and how this on the ground affected also ytRj44rPP-o-00171-00063060-00063486 the work of Fundación Descúbreme but now over to ytRj44rPP-o-00172-00063493-00063860 you Javier Güemes from Grupo Social ONCE. ytRj44rPP-o-00173-00063860-00064340 What's your current assessment of Fundación ONCE? ytRj44rPP-o-00174-00064340-00064553 Where are you? Where are ytRj44rPP-o-00175-00064560-00064860 your heading with this enormous work ytRj44rPP-o-00176-00064886-00065193 that this whole group is doing? ytRj44rPP-o-00177-00065346-00065653 Javier Güemes: Thank you Michael thank you to Fundación Descúbreme ytRj44rPP-o-00178-00065666-00065986 for inviting us to to take part on this discussion ytRj44rPP-o-00179-00066060-00066313 I mean definitely ONCE Fundación ytRj44rPP-o-00180-00066360-00066853 is the result of the process of creating ytRj44rPP-o-00181-00067020-00067266 solidarity between the disability movements in Spain. ytRj44rPP-o-00182-00067333-00067586 It was created by ONCE ytRj44rPP-o-00183-00067646-00067926 and national organization of blind people in Spain that you know, ytRj44rPP-o-00184-00067953-00068280 they also manage a lottery system which is social ytRj44rPP-o-00185-00068280-00068706 because all the earnings of this system goes directly for the social inclusion ytRj44rPP-o-00186-00068706-00068826 of persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00187-00068826-00069146 ONCE Fundación is the result of this system. ytRj44rPP-o-00188-00069206-00069586 And we are really very devoted exclusively ytRj44rPP-o-00189-00069606-00069933 to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in many different areas. ytRj44rPP-o-00190-00069933-00070320 Accessibility, employment, and other areas which are also important for them. ytRj44rPP-o-00191-00070380-00070906 Following what Catalina was mentioning, obviously for us, the impact of these ytRj44rPP-o-00192-00071000-00071133 last years ytRj44rPP-o-00193-00071133-00071480 pandemic really has created ytRj44rPP-o-00194-00071526-00071920 and reinforced some of the essential services ytRj44rPP-o-00195-00072000-00072213 promotion of services that we do as a foundation. ytRj44rPP-o-00196-00072253-00072573 We need to say that something which is very specific from Spain ytRj44rPP-o-00197-00072573-00072886 is that ONCE Fundación on all foundations, assets ytRj44rPP-o-00198-00072920-00073300 are included inside what we call the social economy sector. ytRj44rPP-o-00199-00073360-00073833 Social economy sector is a group of social enterprises, ytRj44rPP-o-00200-00073833-00074173 foundations, NGOs, all different ytRj44rPP-o-00201-00074293-00074620 special centers for employment, all these typologies ytRj44rPP-o-00202-00074646-00074980 and included in, say, the social economy sector, which means ytRj44rPP-o-00203-00075013-00075433 12% of the economy in Spain of the GDP, which really means ytRj44rPP-o-00204-00075433-00075786 that it is in a very important sector, economic sector in Spain. ytRj44rPP-o-00205-00075840-00076133 So when we have really ytRj44rPP-o-00206-00076133-00076553 understood from the last events, from the pandemic, from the different ytRj44rPP-o-00207-00076660-00076946 risk and crises that we have followed after the pandemic ytRj44rPP-o-00208-00076980-00077313 is that we really need to save the social sector ytRj44rPP-o-00209-00077353-00077673 for the impact of the different crisis that we had in the past. ytRj44rPP-o-00210-00077720-00078066 The social sector in Spain and in many other countries is very fragile. ytRj44rPP-o-00211-00078113-00078346 I mean, the services for persons with disabilities, ytRj44rPP-o-00212-00078373-00078613 the needs of persons with disabilities outside of different, ytRj44rPP-o-00213-00078633-00078960 the digitalization of some services that really have followed ytRj44rPP-o-00214-00078980-00079366 after the impact of the pandemic really had requested for us ytRj44rPP-o-00215-00079393-00079826 to revise the way in which we also fund innovation ytRj44rPP-o-00216-00079860-00080213 in Spain in the area of services for persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00217-00080246-00080600 I think it's very timely that we have this discussion because a ytRj44rPP-o-00218-00080613-00080906 the way in which we are developing new services, ytRj44rPP-o-00219-00080953-00081360 new types of assistance from the state and from the private sectors, ytRj44rPP-o-00220-00081380-00081860 even access also to some products is being in a totality different way. ytRj44rPP-o-00221-00081913-00082306 And we need to adapt to these new ways which are really creating ytRj44rPP-o-00222-00082306-00082660 if we are not adapted, modest person of persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00223-00082713-00082973 So definitely our foundation has focused ytRj44rPP-o-00224-00082973-00083280 on that from the main pillars of our action. ytRj44rPP-o-00225-00083313-00083486 One of them is accessibility. ytRj44rPP-o-00226-00083486-00083753 So definitely digital accessibility ytRj44rPP-o-00227-00083806-00084100 how artificial intelligence, blockchain, ytRj44rPP-o-00228-00084140-00084453 different areas in which really accessibility is touched ytRj44rPP-o-00229-00084500-00084766 by the new developments in the digitalization ytRj44rPP-o-00230-00084773-00085080 of the society, but also from the perspective of employment. ytRj44rPP-o-00231-00085120-00085433 Employment is required and also new ways of ytRj44rPP-o-00232-00085520-00085760 getting engaged in the labor market. ytRj44rPP-o-00233-00085786-00086166 The companies also have adapted to new ways of employment persons ytRj44rPP-o-00234-00086220-00086626 with and without disabilities, or we need to train also and to find ways ytRj44rPP-o-00235-00086653-00087060 to make the transfer, let's say, the transfer of the skills ytRj44rPP-o-00236-00087060-00087420 that we had before to the new skills that are required by the labor market. ytRj44rPP-o-00237-00087446-00087766 So in all those areas, we are really currently working ytRj44rPP-o-00238-00087800-00088280 and it is not easy, but we really need the about the international cooperation. ytRj44rPP-o-00239-00088280-00088606 We need initiatives like the Zero Project that do ytRj44rPP-o-00240-00088646-00088953 you know quite Michael in Austria ytRj44rPP-o-00241-00089066-00089246 Essl Foundation but also ytRj44rPP-o-00242-00089246-00089573 Fundación Descúbreme for the Spanish speaking countries ytRj44rPP-o-00243-00089593-00090120 we really need to find good and best practice that can be implemented also in Spain. ytRj44rPP-o-00244-00090120-00090546 And we are really thinking that this type of really ytRj44rPP-o-00245-00090573-00090920 change of practice is so needed because we are facing ytRj44rPP-o-00246-00090920-00091213 new risks which we are not really well prepared and well equipped. ytRj44rPP-o-00247-00091240-00091373 Thank you Michael. ytRj44rPP-o-00248-00091706-00091826 Michael Fembek: Thank you so much Javier ytRj44rPP-o-00249-00091893-00092200 for this quite open and clear ytRj44rPP-o-00250-00092233-00092680 insight into the current focus areas of Fundación ONCE ytRj44rPP-o-00251-00092680-00093033 and Grupo Social ONCE Of course, representing the Zero Project. ytRj44rPP-o-00252-00093073-00093413 I completely agree that working with innovations sharing ytRj44rPP-o-00253-00093420-00093853 innovations working together is is what will bring this forward. ytRj44rPP-o-00254-00093900-00094246 This brings me now to moderating myself and introducing ytRj44rPP-o-00255-00094260-00094513 my own presentation briefly. ytRj44rPP-o-00256-00094580-00094906 So I'm going to speak a few minutes about what we currently do ytRj44rPP-o-00257-00094973-00095220 as the Essl Foundation with the Zero Project before ytRj44rPP-o-00258-00095226-00095546 then heading back to the to this to this ytRj44rPP-o-00259-00095600-00095940 great group and and sharing some thoughts and some ytRj44rPP-o-00260-00096040-00096260 some current developments. ytRj44rPP-o-00261-00096260-00096840 So the Zero Project is a project initiated by the Essl Foundation in Austria. ytRj44rPP-o-00262-00096873-00097253 But now also joined by Fundación Descúbreme ytRj44rPP-o-00263-00097260-00097793 where we have some some great cooperation especially targeted towards ytRj44rPP-o-00264-00097813-00098166 Latin America and the Spanish speaking world. ytRj44rPP-o-00265-00098166-00098533 And we were really happy that the last Zero Project Latin America Conference ytRj44rPP-o-00266-00098566-00098993 was also hosted on the ground in person by Fundación Descúbreme in Madrid ytRj44rPP-o-00267-00098993-00099433 and we had a great event there and also some great meetings ytRj44rPP-o-00268-00099433-00099526 and side visits. ytRj44rPP-o-00269-00099526-00099993 So these cooporations this working together ytRj44rPP-o-00270-00099993-00100533 is definitely happening. So the Zero Project is about innovations. ytRj44rPP-o-00271-00100533-00100666 It's about ytRj44rPP-o-00272-00100706-00100966 finding, exploring, ytRj44rPP-o-00273-00100986-00101426 selecting outstanding innovative solutions and then connecting ytRj44rPP-o-00274-00101486-00101746 them with people that can use them, ytRj44rPP-o-00275-00101800-00102166 that can bring them forward, that can be connected and that are willing ytRj44rPP-o-00276-00102186-00102546 to share, to inspire and work together and learn from each other. ytRj44rPP-o-00277-00102566-00102806 That's basically the mission of the Zero Project, ytRj44rPP-o-00278-00102866-00103140 is we do it now for some ten years. ytRj44rPP-o-00279-00103240-00103286 We have a ytRj44rPP-o-00280-00103286-00103540 very stringent research and selection process, ytRj44rPP-o-00281-00103606-00103886 meaning we have a year ytRj44rPP-o-00282-00103940-00104326 that starts every year in May and ends in February. ytRj44rPP-o-00283-00104359-00104620 Where we define a certain topic. This year ytRj44rPP-o-00284-00104620-00104846 It's Independent Living and Political Participation ytRj44rPP-o-00285-00104900-00105273 where we try to find the most outstanding innovations and, ytRj44rPP-o-00286-00105300-00105640 and continue in that in a very defined way. ytRj44rPP-o-00287-00105680-00105886 ICT technology has become ytRj44rPP-o-00288-00105953-00106233 one of the areas that we focus on every year. ytRj44rPP-o-00289-00106333-00106853 And the other areas of our research are in the four years cycle. ytRj44rPP-o-00290-00106853-00107026 So this year, as I mentioned, ytRj44rPP-o-00291-00107026-00107213 it's Independent Living and Political Participation. ytRj44rPP-o-00292-00107213-00107673 The other three areas are Employment, Education and Accessibility. ytRj44rPP-o-00293-00107700-00108000 In this past ten years, we have researched ytRj44rPP-o-00294-00108006-00108453 thousands of innovations from almost 150 countries ytRj44rPP-o-00295-00108453-00108840 in the world, and we selected 700 somethings 700+ ytRj44rPP-o-00296-00108866-00109166 as well, what we call Awardees of the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00297-00109253-00109613 and our job is, as we define it, ytRj44rPP-o-00298-00109626-00110026 is to give this people visibility, to tell their stories, ytRj44rPP-o-00299-00110100-00110513 and especially invite them to our flagship operation, which is the Zero Project Conference ytRj44rPP-o-00300-00110520-00110926 in February in the United Nations venue in Vienna. ytRj44rPP-o-00301-00110940-00111373 And this ends normally this cycle, and we continue with the research ytRj44rPP-o-00302-00111373-00111646 and communication cycle of the year after. ytRj44rPP-o-00303-00111680-00111820 So this is the core process. ytRj44rPP-o-00304-00111820-00112373 And around that we have developed several activity in this past years. ytRj44rPP-o-00305-00112400-00112613 I mentioned already Latin America cooperation. ytRj44rPP-o-00306-00112613-00112906 with Fundación Descúbreme, we have developed a database ytRj44rPP-o-00307-00112906-00113220 that's online on www.zeroproject.org where you can search ytRj44rPP-o-00308-00113293-00113740 these innovations and these innovative solutions based on keywords. ytRj44rPP-o-00309-00113740-00113940 But you also find videos, pictures. ytRj44rPP-o-00310-00113940-00114159 So it's full grown research base ytRj44rPP-o-00311-00114159-00114326 open to everyone. ytRj44rPP-o-00312-00114326-00114533 We're trying to engage with ytRj44rPP-o-00313-00114633-00114720 groups that ytRj44rPP-o-00314-00114720-00115226 can then want to use the network and the data ytRj44rPP-o-00315-00115226-00115526 and the expertise that's in this group that we have developed. ytRj44rPP-o-00316-00115526-00115886 So for example, we have started what we call the Ambassador Circle ytRj44rPP-o-00317-00115906-00116340 is just one example in Austria where ambassadors from countries ytRj44rPP-o-00318-00116340-00116640 that work close with the Zero Project are coming together regularly ytRj44rPP-o-00319-00116680-00116966 to share ideas, to share the Call for Nominations, ytRj44rPP-o-00320-00117053-00117306 and also to create those communities ytRj44rPP-o-00321-00117346-00117780 that we all need to, to foster innovations, to scale innovations, ytRj44rPP-o-00322-00117780-00118200 to take innovations from one country, from one geography to another, ytRj44rPP-o-00323-00118226-00118600 so I want to end my presentation with ytRj44rPP-o-00324-00118773-00119259 pointing out again that the Zero Project Call for Nominations that's currently out. ytRj44rPP-o-00325-00119266-00119593 We're focusing this year on innovations, as mentioned ytRj44rPP-o-00326-00119593-00119886 in Independent Living, Political Participation and ICT. ytRj44rPP-o-00327-00119913-00120300 So if you work on an outstanding project ytRj44rPP-o-00328-00120326-00120720 that, for example, works on De-institutionalization, on supported ytRj44rPP-o-00329-00120720-00121059 living, on early childhood intervention, on personal assistance, ytRj44rPP-o-00330-00121133-00121546 on guardianship models, on rights based inclusion approaches, ytRj44rPP-o-00331-00121573-00121846 but also on political leadership ytRj44rPP-o-00332-00121846-00122113 on voter education, access to justice, ytRj44rPP-o-00333-00122159-00122559 please join us and check out www.zeroproject.org ytRj44rPP-o-00334-00122559-00122786 How to nominate the project. ytRj44rPP-o-00335-00122786-00123146 And if you don't if it's not yourself, speak share the call. ytRj44rPP-o-00336-00123193-00123453 The call is still open for a few weeks, ytRj44rPP-o-00337-00123480-00124040 so please do that because the Zero Project and this great network of organizations ytRj44rPP-o-00338-00124040-00124440 working together is only as good as those innovative solutions that ytRj44rPP-o-00339-00124493-00124693 we can all work with. ytRj44rPP-o-00340-00124693-00124720 Yeah. ytRj44rPP-o-00341-00124720-00125033 So this ends my presentation of the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00342-00125033-00125480 So I'm changing my head again to the moderator ytRj44rPP-o-00343-00125593-00125759 of this session. ytRj44rPP-o-00344-00125759-00126040 And yeah, so ytRj44rPP-o-00345-00126200-00126440 Catalina, you mentioned already ytRj44rPP-o-00346-00126440-00126813 how the pandemic changed and affected your work. ytRj44rPP-o-00347-00126880-00127333 You said things were ready to hear, but you had to pick them up more quickly. ytRj44rPP-o-00348-00127333-00127706 You had and you could embrace them much more quickly than before. ytRj44rPP-o-00349-00127706-00128159 You mentioned already remote work and your foundation is doing a lot ytRj44rPP-o-00350-00128246-00128466 on supporting inclusive employment. ytRj44rPP-o-00351-00128500-00128953 Anything else that you want to point out, how the pandemic changed your work ytRj44rPP-o-00352-00128980-00129380 projects were affected, how your funding was changed ytRj44rPP-o-00353-00129380-00129766 because of these past two or two and a half years? ytRj44rPP-o-00354-00129766-00130140 And then Javier I will going to follow up with you and ask you, the same question. ytRj44rPP-o-00355-00130506-00130646 Catalina Saieh: Well, yes. ytRj44rPP-o-00356-00130646-00130906 For example, when we implemented more ytRj44rPP-o-00357-00130980-00131253 remote work models, ytRj44rPP-o-00358-00131253-00131566 I think there's there's some of things we have to consider. ytRj44rPP-o-00359-00131566-00131620 First, ytRj44rPP-o-00360-00131786-00132080 you have to consider the wellbeing of the members of the institution ytRj44rPP-o-00361-00132080-00132453 and also the wellbeing of the people with disabilities you're working with. ytRj44rPP-o-00362-00132466-00132826 So we have to completely change the way we did ytRj44rPP-o-00363-00132880-00133166 all our workshops and all our training programs. ytRj44rPP-o-00364-00133213-00133746 You also had to consider how to get the courses that we're doing. ytRj44rPP-o-00365-00133746-00134080 So we completely had to change the models of the courses. ytRj44rPP-o-00366-00134126-00134633 So the job placement, the training, the consulting, everything had to be ytRj44rPP-o-00367-00134633-00134666 changed. ytRj44rPP-o-00368-00134666-00134980 So we had to completely revamp all our models. ytRj44rPP-o-00369-00135033-00135346 We had to change the way we performed the models we used. ytRj44rPP-o-00370-00135346-00135693 You couldn't do it online, you had to adjust everything ytRj44rPP-o-00371-00135693-00136013 and we had to do it really fast because despite the fact that ytRj44rPP-o-00372-00136260-00136360 in itself ytRj44rPP-o-00373-00136360-00136753 the materials were not the same, the way you taught the courses were not the same. ytRj44rPP-o-00374-00136793-00137086 The people who had been to other courses with us ytRj44rPP-o-00375-00137193-00137246 did not ytRj44rPP-o-00376-00137246-00137553 entirely adapt as easily to the same courses online. ytRj44rPP-o-00377-00137613-00137873 So you need to you needed to help them to ytRj44rPP-o-00378-00137873-00138220 readapt to the new version of the courses like even the teachers. ytRj44rPP-o-00379-00138220-00138566 You had to teach them how to do this courses differently. ytRj44rPP-o-00380-00138566-00139180 So there was a whole period of adaptation, a whole period of rethinking ytRj44rPP-o-00381-00139206-00139426 how to save the whole culture ytRj44rPP-o-00382-00139486-00139840 of who was being taught, of who was teaching, ytRj44rPP-o-00383-00139860-00140360 and even how we thought about the courses and how we would then convince ytRj44rPP-o-00384-00140360-00140786 the whole community that this courses were as meaningful ytRj44rPP-o-00385-00140786-00141086 and as important and as ytRj44rPP-o-00386-00141086-00141293 impactful as the courses ytRj44rPP-o-00387-00141293-00141600 we were teaching before and to be. ytRj44rPP-o-00388-00141653-00141833 And we were very happy with the results. ytRj44rPP-o-00389-00141833-00142246 And I think everyone people with disabilities, people who then employed ytRj44rPP-o-00390-00142246-00142680 these, be the people with disabilities and the people who are teaching. ytRj44rPP-o-00391-00142680-00142966 Everyone was very, very happy with the results. ytRj44rPP-o-00392-00143033-00143273 But this meant that we had to take ytRj44rPP-o-00393-00143333-00143586 a very fast, a very adaptable ytRj44rPP-o-00394-00143586-00143886 and a very a much more ytRj44rPP-o-00395-00143993-00144120 whole ytRj44rPP-o-00396-00144160-00144500 and a vision of the human being and part of the process, ytRj44rPP-o-00397-00144533-00145006 much more brother than I think the typical courses you had to take ytRj44rPP-o-00398-00145093-00145446 because now you had people it's parolees. ytRj44rPP-o-00399-00145466-00145946 When you talk about how schools manage to take I don't know ytRj44rPP-o-00400-00146013-00146266 when I remember like my two year old child ytRj44rPP-o-00401-00146300-00146533 trying to have a class in zoom. ytRj44rPP-o-00402-00146613-00147020 how do you make this two year old pay attention then? ytRj44rPP-o-00403-00147040-00147393 How do you manage anyone pay attention to a zoom class? ytRj44rPP-o-00404-00147486-00147626 It's complicated. ytRj44rPP-o-00405-00147626-00147773 Like even ytRj44rPP-o-00406-00147833-00148286 you when you have back to back meetings one after one, it's it's very different. ytRj44rPP-o-00407-00148286-00148373 It's very complicated. ytRj44rPP-o-00408-00148373-00148660 Human beings are not to be seated ytRj44rPP-o-00409-00148693-00148986 in front of a computer for a whole day with no human contact. ytRj44rPP-o-00410-00149013-00149360 So there is a part of this that has a lot to do with ytRj44rPP-o-00411-00149400-00149940 how do you help humans connect with each other that we have to consider. ytRj44rPP-o-00412-00149940-00150360 And I think that was one of the reasons that we actually managed ytRj44rPP-o-00413-00150426-00150640 to make these courses work. ytRj44rPP-o-00414-00150640-00150940 We took a lot of care of the human aspect of everything, ytRj44rPP-o-00415-00150946-00151293 and I think the team also took care a lot of their own, ytRj44rPP-o-00416-00151293-00151640 the human part of their own human wellbeing. ytRj44rPP-o-00417-00151686-00151946 And I think that made a huge difference. ytRj44rPP-o-00418-00151946-00152093 It was not only about ytRj44rPP-o-00419-00152233-00152453 the work, and I think that was very important. ytRj44rPP-o-00420-00152493-00152906 Also it was very important for us, ytRj44rPP-o-00421-00152993-00153386 not only for the public facing part, but also on the private facing part. ytRj44rPP-o-00422-00153426-00153793 It's how we gave and I know I mentioned this in the last question, ytRj44rPP-o-00423-00153880-00154146 how we were a trustworthy part, ytRj44rPP-o-00424-00154166-00154606 partner for other institutions, for our government, ytRj44rPP-o-00425-00154680-00154980 for our the people with disabilities, for ourselves ytRj44rPP-o-00426-00155020-00155226 as a trustworthy ytRj44rPP-o-00427-00155400-00155660 information giving institution, ytRj44rPP-o-00428-00155700-00156126 whether it was for people who for companies ytRj44rPP-o-00429-00156126-00156513 who were hiring people, companies who already had people working with them, ytRj44rPP-o-00430-00156540-00156746 how to go through the process of the pandemic ytRj44rPP-o-00431-00156886-00157293 when they had people hired and people with disabilities, how to help them, how ytRj44rPP-o-00432-00157293-00157680 to deal with COVID protocols, how to do the whole process. ytRj44rPP-o-00433-00157680-00158100 And I think actually having guides that gave actual accurate ytRj44rPP-o-00434-00158100-00158606 information, timely, timely in a way that they could adapt fast, ytRj44rPP-o-00435-00158633-00158986 that they could do the work without having to suffer ytRj44rPP-o-00436-00158986-00159293 through it, I think was very helpful for everyone. ytRj44rPP-o-00437-00159413-00159506 Also, ytRj44rPP-o-00438-00159506-00160006 helping different public institutions in different contexts ytRj44rPP-o-00439-00160080-00160426 to adapt through to the pandemic ytRj44rPP-o-00440-00160426-00160766 for people with disabilities and help them go through the process ytRj44rPP-o-00441-00160766-00161280 and be a good partner in the situation also was, I think, very important. ytRj44rPP-o-00442-00161360-00161600 And then again, and you mentioned that before ytRj44rPP-o-00443-00161713-00162080 having wonderful international partners and interact with them, ytRj44rPP-o-00444-00162160-00162593 getting great information from them, being good friends and allies ytRj44rPP-o-00445-00162600-00162953 and getting all this information out to the world and getting information ytRj44rPP-o-00446-00162953-00163286 from them and being able to compare, contrast ytRj44rPP-o-00447-00163446-00163606 get this out to the world, ytRj44rPP-o-00448-00163606-00164033 to the conferences together, I think that also made a huge difference. ytRj44rPP-o-00449-00164046-00164340 Why do we could actually get out there and be helpful to others ytRj44rPP-o-00450-00164440-00164760 and make this over. ytRj44rPP-o-00451-00164760-00165246 Michael Fembek: Thank you Catalina. You mentioned... ytRj44rPP-o-00452-00165506-00165573 thank you. ytRj44rPP-o-00453-00165620-00166053 So you mentioned already a lot of of great insights. ytRj44rPP-o-00454-00166073-00166460 You mentioned the human aspect. ytRj44rPP-o-00455-00166460-00166760 You mentioned ytRj44rPP-o-00456-00166806-00167126 the need to adapt so quickly to the new technology. ytRj44rPP-o-00457-00167126-00167520 You mentioned having to act fast having to work ytRj44rPP-o-00458-00167526-00167820 also in different ways with public institutions ytRj44rPP-o-00459-00167913-00168260 and the need for more cooperation and outside the box thinking. ytRj44rPP-o-00460-00168260-00168500 So that were my takeaways. ytRj44rPP-o-00461-00168500-00168840 What do you do you, Javier. you also ready when it comes to the ytRj44rPP-o-00462-00168866-00169006 to the impact of the pandemic. ytRj44rPP-o-00463-00169006-00169406 You mentioned already digitalization as a it is a challenge ytRj44rPP-o-00464-00169426-00170013 and opportunity and different ways to how to look at employment models ytRj44rPP-o-00465-00170013-00170260 and how to get people employed. ytRj44rPP-o-00466-00170393-00170613 you might want to elaborate more on ytRj44rPP-o-00467-00170613-00170966 what is actually being done differently by Fundación ONCE. ytRj44rPP-o-00468-00171213-00171320 Javier Güemes: Yeah. Thank you Michael. ytRj44rPP-o-00469-00171320-00171740 I would say we have we are doing three new things ytRj44rPP-o-00470-00171840-00172106 or reinforcing things that we already were doing before. ytRj44rPP-o-00471-00172106-00172560 But now they are really gaining more momentum and visibility in the foundation. ytRj44rPP-o-00472-00172626-00172853 First of all ytRj44rPP-o-00473-00172860-00173366 we found out that some specific groups inside persons with disabilities ytRj44rPP-o-00474-00173400-00173953 were specifically more touched by pandemic financial crises that came afterwards. ytRj44rPP-o-00475-00174006-00174413 So we have developed and we are developing new programs, ytRj44rPP-o-00476-00174480-00174800 specifically targeting, first of all, women with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00477-00174900-00175100 Secondly, elderly people ytRj44rPP-o-00478-00175206-00175420 and the third, which we are still planning on ytRj44rPP-o-00479-00175420-00175786 we will do in the near future is children with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00480-00175840-00176066 It doesn't mean that we were not working on them before ytRj44rPP-o-00481-00176106-00176453 because we have been or we're already working with these communities ytRj44rPP-o-00482-00176460-00176746 already before the crisis and before the pandemic. ytRj44rPP-o-00483-00176780-00177086 But we have we found the need ytRj44rPP-o-00484-00177153-00177506 to create and reinforce specific programs for them. ytRj44rPP-o-00485-00177573-00177906 You will see now that they will move to the second part of of what I think ytRj44rPP-o-00486-00177906-00178426 is the second maybe difference that I can highlight now in this new period. ytRj44rPP-o-00487-00178473-00178746 But definitely we did a lot of things for the three communities. ytRj44rPP-o-00488-00178746-00179260 But still, we have found the need to create the specific programs ytRj44rPP-o-00489-00179260-00179640 to reinforce them inside the big programs that we already manage ytRj44rPP-o-00490-00179640-00179980 for all persons with disabilities in their employment and accessibility ytRj44rPP-o-00491-00180026-00180540 the second big area is we have identified some social problems ytRj44rPP-o-00492-00180593-00181000 that have been exacerbated by the crisis for example, ytRj44rPP-o-00493-00181000-00181340 one of them is violence against women with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00494-00181400-00181693 You know, this is something which is becoming really ytRj44rPP-o-00495-00181760-00181960 it is already a big social problem. ytRj44rPP-o-00496-00182013-00182373 And we need to reinforce specific activities ytRj44rPP-o-00497-00182406-00182800 against violence against women with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00498-00182800-00183206 And we have for example, employment programs which are specific ytRj44rPP-o-00499-00183206-00183526 for all those women that had suffered a violence ytRj44rPP-o-00500-00183526-00183860 against them by any other, let's say, actors: ytRj44rPP-o-00501-00183860-00184160 husbands, families, whatever. ytRj44rPP-o-00502-00184246-00184446 The second is loneliness. ytRj44rPP-o-00503-00184533-00184953 Spain, as in many other countries in Europe and in Asia, ytRj44rPP-o-00504-00185066-00185126 is one of the ytRj44rPP-o-00505-00185126-00185440 countries which really we are really having. ytRj44rPP-o-00506-00185440-00185806 a process of becoming older ytRj44rPP-o-00507-00185906-00186193 and we have really also problems ytRj44rPP-o-00508-00186233-00186546 which this process is being, which is very positive in general, ytRj44rPP-o-00509-00186580-00186906 but it also has a problem of elderly people ytRj44rPP-o-00510-00186906-00187173 with disabilities, which also suffer loneliness. ytRj44rPP-o-00511-00187226-00187726 So we need to face this also kind of pandemic of loneliness ytRj44rPP-o-00512-00187760-00188020 that we need to find ways to overcome, ytRj44rPP-o-00513-00188053-00188393 which is even more problematic whether you are a person with disability. ytRj44rPP-o-00514-00188393-00188653 And the third one, Michael, that you have mentioned, ytRj44rPP-o-00515-00188653-00189120 you said this is more this is big social problems, is the digitalization ytRj44rPP-o-00516-00189160-00189553 I have already spoken about before is definitely the way ytRj44rPP-o-00517-00189553-00189833 in which social services, public services ytRj44rPP-o-00518-00189853-00190253 and all type of communication between companies and customers. ytRj44rPP-o-00519-00190280-00190653 Really, all in all, that process of the digitalization, ytRj44rPP-o-00520-00190680-00191126 we need to really try to find a good way for persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00521-00191126-00191560 And the third part and the last one, which I think is important to highlight ytRj44rPP-o-00522-00191700-00191860 is the ytRj44rPP-o-00523-00191900-00192120 problem of funding ytRj44rPP-o-00524-00192120-00192453 and the impact of the crisis. ytRj44rPP-o-00525-00192466-00192986 And the pandemic had really a very severe consequence ytRj44rPP-o-00526-00193013-00193446 in the capacity of the services for persons with disabilities in Spain. ytRj44rPP-o-00527-00193520-00193846 We had but we will see what happened with the new context ytRj44rPP-o-00528-00193846-00194240 that we still have now, the very important new European funds ytRj44rPP-o-00529-00194286-00194633 which are being allowed for preventing ytRj44rPP-o-00530-00194633-00194960 the worst impacts of the crisis. ytRj44rPP-o-00531-00195013-00195420 So we are trying to learn and to train our partners ytRj44rPP-o-00532-00195420-00195673 on how to utilise this funding ytRj44rPP-o-00533-00195746-00196053 also for social purposes, because one of the main problems ytRj44rPP-o-00534-00196053-00196360 we could have is that it can be used for many economic sectors, ytRj44rPP-o-00535-00196360-00196493 but not for social economy. ytRj44rPP-o-00536-00196493-00196960 So we are really trying to empower ourselves and our partners to make sure ytRj44rPP-o-00537-00196960-00197306 that this also goes for the social economy sector, including foundations. ytRj44rPP-o-00538-00197366-00197840 And the second is we need to find new ways of funding because public funding, ytRj44rPP-o-00539-00197893-00198266 because fiscal problems are in the in the horizon, we need to find ytRj44rPP-o-00540-00198266-00198600 also the mobilisation of private funding ytRj44rPP-o-00541-00198653-00199013 so this requires new ways of funding social needs. ytRj44rPP-o-00542-00199060-00199340 And we are trying to invest today. ytRj44rPP-o-00543-00199360-00199466 And we are also, ytRj44rPP-o-00544-00199566-00199613 let's say, ytRj44rPP-o-00545-00199613-00200000 testing new mechanisms to mobilise private funding ytRj44rPP-o-00546-00200026-00200413 towards social needs and social services for persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00547-00200440-00200500 Thank you Michael. ytRj44rPP-o-00548-00200666-00200873 Michael Fembek: Thank you Javier and thank you for sharing ytRj44rPP-o-00549-00200873-00201353 this is very interesting insights on your new target groups. ytRj44rPP-o-00550-00201353-00201473 As you mentioned, they were all just there. ytRj44rPP-o-00551-00201473-00201926 But putting a strong a focus now on women, on the elderly, on children with ytRj44rPP-o-00552-00201926-00202366 disabilities, targeting violence against women, targeting loneliness ytRj44rPP-o-00553-00202366-00202766 and also the digitalization aspect of it, and also ytRj44rPP-o-00554-00202766-00203160 mentioning the funding and funding challenges. ytRj44rPP-o-00555-00203160-00203573 And this is what will need us to the lead us to the next question. ytRj44rPP-o-00556-00203640-00203873 Before I do that, I'd like to share some thoughts on ytRj44rPP-o-00557-00203873-00204180 how some insights are backgrounds ytRj44rPP-o-00558-00204180-00204486 on how the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00559-00204486-00204933 had to work with and around the pandemic. So ytRj44rPP-o-00560-00205066-00205346 we are not in a very limited amount ytRj44rPP-o-00561-00205500-00205873 directly supporting NGOs or social businesses ytRj44rPP-o-00562-00205873-00206060 or people with disabilities directly. ytRj44rPP-o-00563-00206060-00206360 As you all know, we are more on this research and ytRj44rPP-o-00564-00206426-00206746 networking side and this is mainly our mission. ytRj44rPP-o-00565-00206840-00207433 So what we learned from 2021/2022 onwards ytRj44rPP-o-00566-00207433-00207660 was this kind of information sharing, ytRj44rPP-o-00567-00207733-00208213 doing a research process that's working and that even improves ytRj44rPP-o-00568-00208213-00208553 because people who are even more spending time in front of the screens. ytRj44rPP-o-00569-00208553-00208966 And so this kind of cooperation worked in the beginning, also the webinars ytRj44rPP-o-00570-00209040-00209193 were quite something ytRj44rPP-o-00571-00209306-00209560 interesting and and people used it. ytRj44rPP-o-00572-00209600-00209953 But quarter for work is also this networking ytRj44rPP-o-00573-00209953-00210333 and matchmaking bringing people together and ytRj44rPP-o-00574-00210440-00210819 we organized a full blown virtual conference of the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00575-00210880-00211106 in 2021 and ytRj44rPP-o-00576-00211213-00211640 Catalina and Carola and her team did the same with the Zero Project Latin American Conference. ytRj44rPP-o-00577-00211666-00211913 So a full blown virtual conference took part to be ytRj44rPP-o-00578-00212006-00212286 really, really candid about that experiences. ytRj44rPP-o-00579-00212326-00212593 It does not work without in-person meetings. ytRj44rPP-o-00580-00212593-00212993 This part of the mission that we all have, we need to work on sharing ytRj44rPP-o-00581-00213000-00213540 innovations and sharing ideas and learning from each other and bonding. ytRj44rPP-o-00582-00213586-00213960 This works only ytRj44rPP-o-00583-00213966-00214319 in this in-person settings and then know what I'm talking about here, ytRj44rPP-o-00584-00214380-00214673 what I'm saying, and I know how difficult this was, ytRj44rPP-o-00585-00214680-00215053 especially for people with disabilities to travel to conferences to be there. ytRj44rPP-o-00586-00215113-00215580 What it takes for so many people to travel almost around the world and ytRj44rPP-o-00587-00215680-00215960 having still all these obstacles and barriers on the way ytRj44rPP-o-00588-00216026-00216446 and also within the conferences and also our conferences are not fully accessible. ytRj44rPP-o-00589-00216446-00216653 I'm perfectly aware of this. We are all on this journey. ytRj44rPP-o-00590-00216686-00217053 But still, I think from the experience and we saw this ytRj44rPP-o-00591-00217053-00217473 and in 2022 with our in-person conference in Vienna, ytRj44rPP-o-00592-00217473-00217793 so we had some 400 people there instead of 800, ytRj44rPP-o-00593-00217826-00218380 which was still heading in 2020 these people embrace this opportunity ytRj44rPP-o-00594-00218380-00218840 to come together again, to sit together, to share again, to have their spirit ytRj44rPP-o-00595-00218840-00219146 in the room and to learn from each other and give their ideas together. ytRj44rPP-o-00596-00219173-00219593 This does not work in virtual spaces at least I didn't find any, ytRj44rPP-o-00597-00219619-00219840 any way to do that. So this is a challenge. ytRj44rPP-o-00598-00219893-00220113 I'm not saying that this is the only way. ytRj44rPP-o-00599-00220113-00220380 So we, I think this is a challenge for those organizations ytRj44rPP-o-00600-00220380-00220793 like you all do that also want to share and connect and, ytRj44rPP-o-00601-00220893-00221106 and learn and encourage. ytRj44rPP-o-00602-00221200-00221646 We have to find this what is now called a hybrid model, which I don't really like. ytRj44rPP-o-00603-00221646-00222013 But still it's mostly used for me making this mix of ytRj44rPP-o-00604-00222060-00222280 of this screen ytRj44rPP-o-00605-00222366-00222580 cooperations, a screen sharing like you're currently ytRj44rPP-o-00606-00222580-00222940 doing into your and the in-person meetings that the person is bringing. ytRj44rPP-o-00607-00222940-00223286 So this I think that the best solution is still out there. ytRj44rPP-o-00608-00223293-00223426 It has not been found. ytRj44rPP-o-00609-00223426-00223586 But this is our learning that ytRj44rPP-o-00610-00223586-00223973 we have to find this way, it's a lot connected to the accessibility. ytRj44rPP-o-00611-00223973-00224260 It's a lot to creating accessible digital environments. ytRj44rPP-o-00612-00224260-00224619 It's a lot to creating accessible learning material. ytRj44rPP-o-00613-00224619-00224806 So there's a lot that comes with that. ytRj44rPP-o-00614-00224806-00225006 But that's what we have learned. ytRj44rPP-o-00615-00225033-00225466 We cannot fully be digital, but we, we have to embrace it and work with it ytRj44rPP-o-00616-00225466-00225713 and find the best moments of what's making ytRj44rPP-o-00617-00225773-00226046 this in-person connection ytRj44rPP-o-00618-00226046-00226260 to the virtual world. ytRj44rPP-o-00619-00226346-00226526 Yeah. So that would be my main sharing ytRj44rPP-o-00620-00226526-00226926 about what we're struggling with as the Zero Project. ytRj44rPP-o-00621-00226926-00227100 And we have a lot of thoughts ytRj44rPP-o-00622-00227100-00227419 and a lot of great ideas also for the next Zero Project Conference. ytRj44rPP-o-00623-00227486-00227840 But that brings me to the future and let me at this time ytRj44rPP-o-00624-00227840-00228066 start with you, Javier, because you mentioned already ytRj44rPP-o-00625-00228180-00228393 the funding challenge that ytRj44rPP-o-00626-00228393-00228666 we all have to look for, for additional funding so that ytRj44rPP-o-00627-00228773-00229040 almost goes the question around is now ytRj44rPP-o-00628-00229040-00229319 what does, what are your decisions? ytRj44rPP-o-00629-00229373-00229706 where you're putting your your investments and your focus currently? ytRj44rPP-o-00630-00229706-00230046 What findings are you using to do what exactly ytRj44rPP-o-00631-00230046-00230426 and what are your plans for this next six to 12 months? ytRj44rPP-o-00632-00230486-00230700 You mentioned already this this focus here is about the ytRj44rPP-o-00633-00230873-00231026 you mentioned of the also funding ytRj44rPP-o-00634-00231026-00231406 and the directions and the strategies that you're using. ytRj44rPP-o-00635-00231406-00231753 So what are you focusing on in this next six to 12 months? ytRj44rPP-o-00636-00232000-00232080 Javier Güemes: Thank you, Michael. ytRj44rPP-o-00637-00232080-00232333 Well, we are now ytRj44rPP-o-00638-00232333-00232500 in the moment ytRj44rPP-o-00639-00232533-00232826 that it is a nice moment ytRj44rPP-o-00640-00232826-00233306 in the way of we were thinking that we were going out of ytRj44rPP-o-00641-00233306-00233640 these horrible financial crises and the pandemic ytRj44rPP-o-00642-00233840-00234040 and definitely now when you see ytRj44rPP-o-00643-00234073-00234419 how are some of the indicators for employment ytRj44rPP-o-00644-00234426-00234693 and social inclusion in Spain for people with disabilities ytRj44rPP-o-00645-00234740-00235006 blind the moment but we can say this is it is ytRj44rPP-o-00646-00235013-00235326 better than we had in the in the last two years. ytRj44rPP-o-00647-00235393-00235646 The problem we have is that for the near future ytRj44rPP-o-00648-00235713-00236086 fortunately because of the war of Russia against Ukraine ytRj44rPP-o-00649-00236140-00236693 and all the problems and supplies and the higher prices ytRj44rPP-o-00650-00236760-00237119 we can foresee that by the end of the year ytRj44rPP-o-00651-00237180-00237386 we will have some macro social problems ytRj44rPP-o-00652-00237419-00237660 that will affect also persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00653-00237706-00237986 And for sure, a higher prices ytRj44rPP-o-00654-00238053-00238293 will create some problems of poverty. ytRj44rPP-o-00655-00238360-00238726 A prevalence of competitively in our companies ytRj44rPP-o-00656-00238726-00239040 would create problems in employment ytRj44rPP-o-00657-00239100-00239293 so all these type of ytRj44rPP-o-00658-00239293-00239866 of also some restrictions in funding and investments will also interrupt ytRj44rPP-o-00659-00239866-00240126 some of the of the social changes ytRj44rPP-o-00660-00240180-00240386 that are currently being going on. ytRj44rPP-o-00661-00240433-00240726 So in many ways, we foresee ytRj44rPP-o-00662-00240773-00241033 at the end of the year ytRj44rPP-o-00663-00241093-00241406 that we will have to face some challenges, some challenges, ytRj44rPP-o-00664-00241466-00241840 and we are as ONCE foundation getting ready for that ytRj44rPP-o-00665-00241893-00242293 considering that our starting point is better off than two years ago, ytRj44rPP-o-00666-00242340-00242486 a year and a half ago. ytRj44rPP-o-00667-00242486-00242800 So definitely we are stronger and we have ytRj44rPP-o-00668-00242960-00243213 solved some of the ytRj44rPP-o-00669-00243213-00243480 weaknesses that we could find in some services ytRj44rPP-o-00670-00243513-00243853 that were provoked also by the crisis so in many ways, ytRj44rPP-o-00671-00243953-00244226 the whole system is stronger than one year and a half. ytRj44rPP-o-00672-00244293-00244586 But the social problems that we will have to face by the end of the year ytRj44rPP-o-00673-00244606-00244826 will be also major ones. ytRj44rPP-o-00674-00244826-00245253 So we are very confident that ytRj44rPP-o-00675-00245386-00245573 we will need this still. ytRj44rPP-o-00676-00245573-00246000 In the case of Europe, for example, a European approaches ytRj44rPP-o-00677-00246000-00246386 for social development, we know that, for example, in the European Union ytRj44rPP-o-00678-00246419-00246840 there will be new measures to promote employment of persons with disabilities. ytRj44rPP-o-00679-00246886-00247373 There will be also new measures and to create some facilities ytRj44rPP-o-00680-00247373-00247673 to move around the European Union like they're the disability card. ytRj44rPP-o-00681-00247713-00247980 So we believe that we have to work ytRj44rPP-o-00682-00247980-00248226 also with international European perspective ytRj44rPP-o-00683-00248280-00248893 in order to make sure that we can overcome in an easier way the social problem. ytRj44rPP-o-00684-00248893-00248966 But definitely ytRj44rPP-o-00685-00249066-00249240 our assessment is that we ytRj44rPP-o-00686-00249240-00249580 need to get ready for a big social impact ytRj44rPP-o-00687-00249640-00250046 from the point of view of of financing economic situation. ytRj44rPP-o-00688-00250140-00250526 But at the same time, we are stronger and better off than one year and a half ago. ytRj44rPP-o-00689-00250566-00250960 So we need to get ready for that. ytRj44rPP-o-00690-00250960-00251133 Thank you. Come here. ytRj44rPP-o-00691-00251133-00251526 Unfortunately, I cannot disagree with this not so optimistic picture ytRj44rPP-o-00692-00251526-00251846 that you're painting for this next six to 12 months. ytRj44rPP-o-00693-00251846-00252180 And we also see some really dark clouds on the horizon ytRj44rPP-o-00694-00252180-00252426 when it comes to the overall social impact ytRj44rPP-o-00695-00252566-00252919 of the war and everything else that's currently going on. ytRj44rPP-o-00696-00253006-00253260 What would you Catalina, what's your forecast? ytRj44rPP-o-00697-00253260-00253573 What's your area of focus in this next six to 12 months? ytRj44rPP-o-00698-00253860-00254246 Catalina Saieh: We will continue working on what we've already built. ytRj44rPP-o-00699-00254260-00254440 But in general, ytRj44rPP-o-00700-00254546-00254593 the way we ytRj44rPP-o-00701-00254593-00255000 work in Descúbreme is that we always question ytRj44rPP-o-00702-00255000-00255119 everything we've done ytRj44rPP-o-00703-00255119-00255473 and we always question our business model and we always question ytRj44rPP-o-00704-00255600-00255693 what we're doing. ytRj44rPP-o-00705-00255693-00256073 So for us, challenges are part of the road. ytRj44rPP-o-00706-00256100-00256346 We don't believe that there's not going to be a crisis. ytRj44rPP-o-00707-00256346-00256673 We never believe that there's not going to be a problem next month or next year. ytRj44rPP-o-00708-00256706-00256980 So when the problem comes, ytRj44rPP-o-00709-00256980-00257266 we in a sense we never know which one is going to come. ytRj44rPP-o-00710-00257266-00257473 But we know the problems that ytRj44rPP-o-00711-00257526-00257746 in a sense, we're always prepared for them. ytRj44rPP-o-00712-00257746-00257973 So for us, it's not ytRj44rPP-o-00713-00257973-00258086 it's not a surprise. ytRj44rPP-o-00714-00258086-00258340 We're always saying ytRj44rPP-o-00715-00258340-00258446 A model is going to change. ytRj44rPP-o-00716-00258446-00258753 A law is going to change a business that we thought is ytRj44rPP-o-00717-00258773-00258866 what's going to be there. ytRj44rPP-o-00718-00258866-00259086 It's not going to be because that's life. ytRj44rPP-o-00719-00259086-00259300 Life is always little changes. ytRj44rPP-o-00720-00259300-00259793 So we're always we believe that our best strength ytRj44rPP-o-00721-00259800-00260180 is to be flexible, to be adaptable, and to always have a plan B and C, ytRj44rPP-o-00722-00260180-00260566 and D. That is a liitle bit how we always think about ytRj44rPP-o-00723-00260666-00260786 how we ytRj44rPP-o-00724-00260786-00261093 plan our years and our six months in a sense. ytRj44rPP-o-00725-00261093-00261553 So I think the team at this point is kind of like bored of me saying this, ytRj44rPP-o-00726-00261626-00261913 like you always need to have like at least three or four plans ytRj44rPP-o-00727-00261940-00262313 because something will go wrong because life is always like that. ytRj44rPP-o-00728-00262353-00262540 I mean, if it doesn't go wrong it might change ytRj44rPP-o-00729-00262540-00262893 knowing that it might go wrong, life dont always changes the way you want. ytRj44rPP-o-00730-00262913-00263306 So as long as people are committed and as long ytRj44rPP-o-00731-00263313-00263693 as your team is strong and your team is and your team is resilient ytRj44rPP-o-00732-00263753-00264226 and we all know what our nurses and we have great partners, ytRj44rPP-o-00733-00264273-00264600 great allies, we have the right networks, we have ytRj44rPP-o-00734-00264813-00265106 and we know that what we're doing, it's the right thing. ytRj44rPP-o-00735-00265180-00265373 I think we'll find a way and ytRj44rPP-o-00736-00265500-00265620 probably because ytRj44rPP-o-00737-00265620-00265913 our context is a context where you can really depend ytRj44rPP-o-00738-00265913-00266260 on public services, where you can't really depend on, ytRj44rPP-o-00739-00266413-00266873 on funds from others you have to really create ytRj44rPP-o-00740-00266873-00267160 your own funds in the sense ytRj44rPP-o-00741-00267253-00267493 we always know that we have to be creating ytRj44rPP-o-00742-00267493-00267840 new revenue streams, new models, new. ytRj44rPP-o-00743-00267926-00268366 So we're always looking for the next thing and how we reinvent ourselves ytRj44rPP-o-00744-00268366-00268466 every single day. ytRj44rPP-o-00745-00268466-00268906 And I think that's what has kept us always looking for ytRj44rPP-o-00746-00268906-00269320 new ideas, new ventures, new friends, new allies. ytRj44rPP-o-00747-00269326-00269586 And we've been super lucky in that sense ytRj44rPP-o-00748-00269586-00269840 because there are always very good people around ytRj44rPP-o-00749-00269940-00270246 the world and around us who help us ytRj44rPP-o-00750-00270433-00270573 look for the silver lining. ytRj44rPP-o-00751-00270573-00270973 So I think that's what made us ytRj44rPP-o-00752-00271120-00271260 despite everything. ytRj44rPP-o-00753-00271260-00271513 Look for the good things. ytRj44rPP-o-00754-00271513-00271660 Even when moments are bad. ytRj44rPP-o-00755-00272026-00272200 Michael Fembek: Thank you Catalina. ytRj44rPP-o-00756-00272200-00272580 Yeah, I think with a South American and Chilean background. ytRj44rPP-o-00757-00272580-00273066 So it's definitely a different point of view from this very Austrian ytRj44rPP-o-00758-00273120-00273506 continental European embedded view where this situation ytRj44rPP-o-00759-00273540-00274006 with the disruptions that come with the Russian-Ukrainian border ytRj44rPP-o-00760-00274053-00274393 are you have not been present in any way in this past two years. ytRj44rPP-o-00761-00274393-00274606 So for us, this was a big surprise. ytRj44rPP-o-00762-00274606-00274866 But I think Latin America is different with ytRj44rPP-o-00763-00274973-00275326 political upheavals in one way or the other happening all the time. ytRj44rPP-o-00764-00275326-00275673 So I think we in Europe have to learn or we learn ytRj44rPP-o-00765-00275753-00276246 that these past 50 years of what were are not there forever. ytRj44rPP-o-00766-00276246-00276540 Cities can... hopfully it is not there to stay. ytRj44rPP-o-00767-00276540-00276760 But it's a learning for us here. ytRj44rPP-o-00768-00276866-00277233 So to give again ytRj44rPP-o-00769-00277240-00277526 our thoughts for these next six or 12 months. ytRj44rPP-o-00770-00277566-00277973 So there's a lot of of things that we want and could build on as ytRj44rPP-o-00771-00277980-00278406 the Zero Project as this sharing and learning network. ytRj44rPP-o-00772-00278433-00278746 This one thing that we are working also closely with ytRj44rPP-o-00773-00278773-00279186 with our friends and peers from Fundación Descúbreme is finding ytRj44rPP-o-00774-00279266-00279680 improved models of of scaling innovations that work in one country ytRj44rPP-o-00775-00279700-00280040 across country borders so that they can start ytRj44rPP-o-00776-00280060-00280460 in another country that you know sounds maybe it sounds trivial ytRj44rPP-o-00777-00280460-00280913 but it's maybe one of the most exciting challenges that we have in this area ytRj44rPP-o-00778-00280973-00281280 because scaling is a word ytRj44rPP-o-00779-00281280-00281580 that can mean it can have at least 30 different meanings ytRj44rPP-o-00780-00281580-00281946 it could mean starting in your own organization in other country, it can mean ytRj44rPP-o-00781-00281973-00282133 finding an implementation partner. ytRj44rPP-o-00782-00282133-00282346 It can mean putting something open source. ytRj44rPP-o-00783-00282346-00282853 It can mean influence policy makers, it can mean transfer the technologies. ytRj44rPP-o-00784-00282853-00283100 It can be social for just models. ytRj44rPP-o-00785-00283100-00283506 And I think these tell me, you know, something more than I do ytRj44rPP-o-00786-00283526-00284013 but there's no real approach of classification, of analysis, ytRj44rPP-o-00787-00284040-00284373 which model should be used to start it in another way. ytRj44rPP-o-00788-00284373-00284553 It's also very much dependent on ytRj44rPP-o-00789-00284553-00284880 of the types of people or the development of the technology, ytRj44rPP-o-00790-00284906-00285153 whether it's a technology or a social model. ytRj44rPP-o-00791-00285193-00285493 So there's so many things to consider and ytRj44rPP-o-00792-00285520-00285793 we want to get more, more, more ytRj44rPP-o-00793-00285900-00286086 knowledge and more expertise and ytRj44rPP-o-00794-00286086-00286500 getting two feet on the ground and on knowledge and expertize how to ytRj44rPP-o-00795-00286526-00286926 how these things work and how are we to better understand these processes. ytRj44rPP-o-00796-00286966-00287233 We did something together this past years, ytRj44rPP-o-00797-00287246-00287526 which we called the Impact Transfer Model, where we ytRj44rPP-o-00798-00287633-00287880 accelerated models, where we give them ytRj44rPP-o-00799-00287940-00288340 training, background, knowledge, information that really worked ytRj44rPP-o-00800-00288340-00288846 well and this this this this accelerator worked really, really well. ytRj44rPP-o-00801-00288846-00289093 But at some point the accelerator ended. ytRj44rPP-o-00802-00289093-00289300 And then what happens after the accelerator ytRj44rPP-o-00803-00289366-00289706 so this was the challenge that we are currently working on. ytRj44rPP-o-00804-00289706-00290120 So we trying to build the kind of Impact Transfer 2.0 model. ytRj44rPP-o-00805-00290153-00290533 Where are we bring in organizations into the room ytRj44rPP-o-00806-00290533-00290953 of scaling already at the beginning of the process of thinking who can scale ytRj44rPP-o-00807-00290980-00291386 to which country, to which geography or to work with which partner ytRj44rPP-o-00808-00291406-00291780 and bringing in powers with...no powers people, ytRj44rPP-o-00809-00291780-00292246 with organizations, with resources and connect them to the ytRj44rPP-o-00810-00292266-00292533 to this innovative idea right from the beginning, ytRj44rPP-o-00811-00292533-00293000 and then try to find the kind of match making way over who can work with whom. ytRj44rPP-o-00812-00293026-00293446 And also if you have to work together, that this partner that can take them ytRj44rPP-o-00813-00293460-00293793 to the next stage after after an accelerator ends. ytRj44rPP-o-00814-00293846-00294080 So to give you one example, a foundation from ytRj44rPP-o-00815-00294100-00294493 one country was mission is to take and get ytRj44rPP-o-00816-00294566-00294826 innovative solutions from out of the country to their country. ytRj44rPP-o-00817-00294840-00295060 The they are good partners because it's their mission ytRj44rPP-o-00818-00295060-00295406 to also work with with us and be trying to build this bridges. ytRj44rPP-o-00819-00295420-00295593 It's not trivial, it's not easy. ytRj44rPP-o-00820-00295593-00295953 But this is the next step of of accelerating to find this partners ytRj44rPP-o-00821-00295953-00296233 and working together on building stronger bridges ytRj44rPP-o-00822-00296233-00296546 from getting from innovations of one country to another. ytRj44rPP-o-00823-00296546-00296720 So that's our next thought. ytRj44rPP-o-00824-00296720-00296980 And we're developing this together with with ytRj44rPP-o-00825-00297073-00297326 Carola, Catalina and her team from Descúbreme. ytRj44rPP-o-00826-00297380-00297413 Yeah. ytRj44rPP-o-00827-00297413-00297660 So let's see where this takes us. ytRj44rPP-o-00828-00297660-00297773 So I hope that the next ytRj44rPP-o-00829-00297773-00298140 Zero Project Conference we can already share some learnings of how this is ytRj44rPP-o-00830-00298193-00298293 but this is moving forward. ytRj44rPP-o-00831-00298293-00298846 And this brings me to the last closing round Catalina, Javier. ytRj44rPP-o-00832-00298846-00299193 Anything that you want to share with us that came to your mind ytRj44rPP-o-00833-00299193-00299413 while you were at the other speaking anything ytRj44rPP-o-00834-00299413-00299766 any closing words, not closing, but finalizing words for this session ytRj44rPP-o-00835-00299766-00300166 that you want to share with our audience are highly welcome now. ytRj44rPP-o-00836-00300186-00300386 Catalina. ytRj44rPP-o-00837-00300386-00300620 Maybe you start? ytRj44rPP-o-00838-00300873-00300973 Catalina Saieh: Well. ytRj44rPP-o-00839-00301066-00301366 First I wanted to say thank you to both of you. ytRj44rPP-o-00840-00301373-00301793 It's always wonderful to hear from our friends and allies ytRj44rPP-o-00841-00301946-00302266 what your experience and to learn from you ytRj44rPP-o-00842-00302413-00302580 being a partner. ytRj44rPP-o-00843-00302580-00302880 host Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00844-00302993-00303300 learning from Grupo Social ONCE has been ytRj44rPP-o-00845-00303400-00303913 not it's been not only interesting, but also we've learned a lot ytRj44rPP-o-00846-00303913-00304240 and we're very appreciative of all the opportunities ytRj44rPP-o-00847-00304240-00304506 and it's ytRj44rPP-o-00848-00304700-00304913 it's one of the things that I think ytRj44rPP-o-00849-00304913-00305286 has helped us go through all of this ytRj44rPP-o-00850-00305286-00305513 all of the times having ytRj44rPP-o-00851-00305780-00306126 that's why I say during when I was uncertain, ytRj44rPP-o-00852-00306126-00306540 like it's not only partnerships, they're also friends. ytRj44rPP-o-00853-00306540-00306900 And there's also people who help we go through ytRj44rPP-o-00854-00306993-00307520 different moments is when they see that working together makes a difference. ytRj44rPP-o-00855-00307520-00307626 I mean, ytRj44rPP-o-00856-00307766-00307880 going ytRj44rPP-o-00857-00307880-00308146 Michael, working with you and your team ytRj44rPP-o-00858-00308346-00308480 it's been wonderful. ytRj44rPP-o-00859-00308480-00308806 And we've learned so much and ytRj44rPP-o-00860-00308813-00308960 seeing the power of networks, ytRj44rPP-o-00861-00308960-00309340 seeing the power of creating and giving ytRj44rPP-o-00862-00309340-00309726 information to people and bringing it ytRj44rPP-o-00863-00309826-00309940 to people who speak ytRj44rPP-o-00864-00309940-00310386 Spanish, it's it's been really beautiful and it's been wonderful. ytRj44rPP-o-00865-00310386-00310720 And one of the things I wanted to do is invite everyone to participate ytRj44rPP-o-00866-00310720-00311026 and invite everyone to actually ytRj44rPP-o-00867-00311026-00311153 be part of it. ytRj44rPP-o-00868-00311226-00311473 So that's one of the things I wanted to say. ytRj44rPP-o-00869-00311473-00311906 And also, I know that things sometimes seem ytRj44rPP-o-00870-00311973-00312400 because of the world we're living in since the next six months, ytRj44rPP-o-00871-00312400-00312626 maybe two years, sometimes seem a little bit blue. ytRj44rPP-o-00872-00312840-00313186 But also it's in the strength of the network. ytRj44rPP-o-00873-00313186-00313706 So we can find a lot of support, a lot of resilience and a lot of ways ytRj44rPP-o-00874-00313740-00314093 to continue working and love and a lot of support and a lot of ytRj44rPP-o-00875-00314326-00314433 and a lot future. ytRj44rPP-o-00876-00314433-00314993 So that's also reaching out to everyone who will be listening ytRj44rPP-o-00877-00315153-00315306 that's what we're here for. ytRj44rPP-o-00878-00315306-00315626 So reach out and come to talk to us. ytRj44rPP-o-00879-00315626-00315820 That's what we're here for. ytRj44rPP-o-00880-00315820-00316166 So thank you for giving us this space ytRj44rPP-o-00881-00316180-00316233 MIchael Fembak: Catalina. ytRj44rPP-o-00882-00316233-00316533 And I think we all agree that leadership ytRj44rPP-o-00883-00316546-00316853 is definitely more important than ever in times like these. ytRj44rPP-o-00884-00316853-00317166 And I can say that you and your foundation, ytRj44rPP-o-00885-00317233-00317606 definitely beautiful leadership is overrated. ytRj44rPP-o-00886-00317606-00318000 But what you do is and the whole foundation is doing, is leadership in ytRj44rPP-o-00887-00318020-00318386 in your area. Javier, over to you for your final words. ytRj44rPP-o-00888-00318386-00318566 What has to be said? ytRj44rPP-o-00889-00318566-00318813 What has not been said so far? ytRj44rPP-o-00890-00318906-00318960 Javier Güemes: No, no. ytRj44rPP-o-00891-00318960-00319433 I will actually take one of the ideas from Catalina to finalize myself. ytRj44rPP-o-00892-00319433-00319786 I think she has mentioned something which is critical ytRj44rPP-o-00893-00319860-00320300 I think partnerships are also the key ytRj44rPP-o-00894-00320353-00320640 part of the solution, not just partnership among foundations, ytRj44rPP-o-00895-00320640-00320986 which are very important but I think we need to believe that ytRj44rPP-o-00896-00321020-00321506 foundations and sales sector, we are just one part of the equation. ytRj44rPP-o-00897-00321553-00321846 We need governments and we need private sector. ytRj44rPP-o-00898-00321920-00322286 So we didn't need to build big alliances ytRj44rPP-o-00899-00322340-00322720 between the three types of actors ytRj44rPP-o-00900-00322760-00323060 that can really provoke change in our societies. ytRj44rPP-o-00901-00323120-00323220 So definitely ytRj44rPP-o-00902-00323360-00323413 today's a ytRj44rPP-o-00903-00323413-00323833 dialog among foundations, and I'm very thankful for you, Michael, ytRj44rPP-o-00904-00323833-00324206 and from Fundación Descúbreme for allowing us to discuss among ourselves ytRj44rPP-o-00905-00324266-00324473 on how we can really improve. ytRj44rPP-o-00906-00324473-00324713 We need to really create alliances ytRj44rPP-o-00907-00324773-00325080 with the others that are also part of the solution. ytRj44rPP-o-00908-00325126-00325506 And we need private sector, public sector, and we need ourselves. ytRj44rPP-o-00909-00325560-00325780 So I would like to build on that idea. ytRj44rPP-o-00910-00325780-00326146 That was just that I mentioned before by Catalina ytRj44rPP-o-00911-00326146-00326460 and I really believe is a critical one also for the future. ytRj44rPP-o-00912-00326493-00326713 And thank you again for the opportunity to discuss. ytRj44rPP-o-00913-00326866-00326906 Michael Fembek: Thank you. ytRj44rPP-o-00914-00326906-00326940 Javier. ytRj44rPP-o-00915-00326940-00327293 So while you were talking, I changed my closing risk ytRj44rPP-o-00916-00327293-00327620 because you definitely gave me a word that I would like to follow up. ytRj44rPP-o-00917-00327620-00328000 So to I think when I'm saying as the Essl foundation or the Zero Project ytRj44rPP-o-00918-00328006-00328393 that cooperation is, is the future, it's not surprising. ytRj44rPP-o-00919-00328446-00328873 So what I think what's more not so obvious is what you just said. ytRj44rPP-o-00920-00328940-00329126 These co-operations into sectoral ytRj44rPP-o-00921-00329226-00329433 and it's not always the same ytRj44rPP-o-00922-00329473-00329800 rules that I thinking when I look at innovations ytRj44rPP-o-00923-00329906-00330060 there are different ways to work together. ytRj44rPP-o-00924-00330060-00330180 And it's not always ytRj44rPP-o-00925-00330180-00330513 so as some young entrepreneurs are developing something ytRj44rPP-o-00926-00330513-00330920 and then some funder funding this and then the government takes it over ytRj44rPP-o-00927-00330920-00331220 at some point you also need a government. ytRj44rPP-o-00928-00331226-00331340 A goverment can also be innovative. ytRj44rPP-o-00929-00331340-00331580 Government can give you a really innovative framework so ytRj44rPP-o-00930-00331646-00332120 and NGOs can also be sustainable sector behind it. ytRj44rPP-o-00931-00332120-00332466 So I think that there's a lot more out there in corporations ytRj44rPP-o-00932-00332560-00332933 to find out how things really work and how we can better and ytRj44rPP-o-00933-00332933-00333066 and to improve to work together. ytRj44rPP-o-00934-00333066-00333440 It's it's also breaking up this picture in your head about roles. ytRj44rPP-o-00935-00333440-00333693 I think there's also something important for the future ytRj44rPP-o-00936-00333746-00334286 to create a more inclusive and and accessible future for us all ytRj44rPP-o-00937-00334386-00334686 that brings me to the closing of of this sessions ytRj44rPP-o-00938-00334760-00335193 thank you all for for joining actively thank you ytRj44rPP-o-00939-00335193-00335493 all the participants for staying with us and ytRj44rPP-o-00940-00335633-00335683 thank you all. yunjgr8BHtE-00000-00001142-00001542 Law on domestic violence yunjgr8BHtE-00001-00001619-00002766 In Russia, there were already several attempts to pass a law, which would define domestic violence and set some standards for regulation of this field. yunjgr8BHtE-00002-00002813-00004183 Yet, today there is still no law, which would define domestic violence as a legal issue, give a definition to it. yunjgr8BHtE-00003-00004224-00004386 Why do we need such a law? yunjgr8BHtE-00004-00004425-00005756 The matter is that today, when women, elderly persons experience violence — if no grievous bodily harm was done or no murder was committed, yunjgr8BHtE-00005-00005756-00006134 it counts as cases of private prosecution. yunjgr8BHtE-00006-00006134-00006406 What does it mean, in simple words? yunjgr8BHtE-00007-00006437-00007346 It means that the injured party must file a petition to militia or to court, to justice of the peace and must prove that s/he has been subjected to violence. yunjgr8BHtE-00008-00007371-00008047 To collect all the evidence in a qualified way, to fill in all the forms — in most cases, that’s beyond the victims can manage. yunjgr8BHtE-00009-00008047-00008325 And they don’t have money for lawyers. yunjgr8BHtE-00010-00008325-00009045 There are lawyers who help in such cases for free, at no charge, but there are only a few of them. yunjgr8BHtE-00011-00009077-00009410 Therefore, such cases rarely reach courts. yunjgr8BHtE-00012-00009469-00009777 We had such an example in our practice. yunjgr8BHtE-00013-00009777-00010700 He beat his wife and children; she went to her mother. He came there and beat her parents and burnt down their summer house. yunjgr8BHtE-00014-00010782-00011510 So, it’s three crimes, the same person committed three crimes against the same people. yunjgr8BHtE-00015-00011510-00011941 But it counts, it is considered as three separate cases. yunjgr8BHtE-00016-00011941-00012590 The [new] law [on domestic violence] would permit to consolidate these three cases in a larger picture. yunjgr8BHtE-00017-00012590-00013155 And it’s very important in order to fight this problem effectively. yunjgr8BHtE-00018-00013200-00013682 Domestic violence falls under the category of human rights. yunjgr8BHtE-00019-00013730-00014579 Why? Because the government is obliged to defend the health and the life of each male and female citizen yunjgr8BHtE-00020-00014579-00015134 regardless of whether something happens in the private or in the public sphere. yunjgr8BHtE-00021-00015134-00016043 In other words, the crimes committed in the family are the crimes the government should address too. yunjgr8BHtE-00022-00016083-00016443 Today, there are very few legal mechanisms for reaction to those crimes. yunjgr8BHtE-00023-00016443-00017563 Police has very few ways to influence offenders, the ones committing this crime. yunjgr8BHtE-00024-00017686-00018408 Therefore, the measures are suggested, which would allow — let’s say, not only protection measures, yunjgr8BHtE-00025-00018408-00018941 but also preventive measures, which are necessary for effective response. yunjgr8BHtE-00026-00019004-00019618 For example, it’s suggested that these cases ceased to count as cases of private prosecution. Why? yunjgr8BHtE-00027-00019618-00020368 Because, as I’ve already mentioned, victims as a rule will continue to drop their complaints. yunjgr8BHtE-00028-00020410-00020728 The law we’re suggesting is more of a preventive nature. yunjgr8BHtE-00029-00020728-00021324 We suggest for example to begin to work with offenders at early stages. yunjgr8BHtE-00030-00021324-00022639 I.e. if a person begins to behave aggressively in his family, instead of going to jail later, at the early stages he may be compelled to attend group meetings yunjgr8BHtE-00031-00022639-00023392 or to work individually with specialists who would help this person to change his behaviour in the family. yunjgr8BHtE-00032-00023442-00024505 People who commit violence in the family — it’s a learned behavioral pattern, it emerges because these people saw such a behavior in their families. yunjgr8BHtE-00033-00024505-00025364 This cycle of transgenerational violence keeps being reproduced and transmitted from generation to another in Russia. yunjgr8BHtE-00034-00025391-00025733 Violence against women is obviously not an exclusively Russian problem. yunjgr8BHtE-00035-00025800-00026484 I work with women in different countries, collaborate with activists from different countries. yunjgr8BHtE-00036-00026535-00027797 I can tell that the sad reality of our time is that in almost all the countries women encounter the same barriers. yunjgr8BHtE-00037-00027911-00028591 On the one hand, they are based on cultural practices, traditional practices. yunjgr8BHtE-00038-00028654-00029123 In some regions it may be honor-killing, forced marriages, yunjgr8BHtE-00039-00029123-00029767 in other regions, it’s stereotypes that women provoke violence. yunjgr8BHtE-00040-00029817-00030777 And even in countries, which have a good legislation on domestic violence, there are not always enough resources to cope with this problem. yunjgr8BHtE-00041-00030805-00031210 Each society must make a choice and decide how valuable women are for this particular society, yunjgr8BHtE-00042-00031210-00033096 to what extent they deserve respect and to what extent women can really exercise their rights, not just officially possess them. y-O6-mPZ-hM-00000-00000000-00000543 Do you secretly watch Food Network while you're eating dinner? Yeah. I do that. Ok, don't lie... y-O6-mPZ-hM-00001-00000543-00001046 Are you one of those people that takes a picture of their food before they eat it when you're out at a restaurant? Yeah.. y-O6-mPZ-hM-00002-00001046-00001445 I do that too. So yes, we have so much in common, so guess what? y-O6-mPZ-hM-00003-00001513-00001842 Generation Gourmet is going to be the spot on YouTube for you y-O6-mPZ-hM-00004-00001842-00002522 I upload new episodes every Sunday, and there's a tasty food battle every Sunday. y-O6-mPZ-hM-00005-00002548-00003218 Tell me where your favorite foodie spot is in the country and I would love to go visit it and do an epic tasty food y-O6-mPZ-hM-00006-00003218-00003698 battle. Thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you on Generation Gourmet! yEudCTblvLu-00000-00000072-00000307 Okay, let's begin yEudCTblvLu-00001-00000307-00000853 Hello, my name is Giorgi Japaridze, I'm answeringthe questions yEudCTblvLu-00002-00000853-00001265 We are meeting in Vilnius on a workshop, where you are learning howto assemble yEudCTblvLu-00003-00001265-00001605 a station that would monitor air pollution yEudCTblvLu-00004-00001605-00001974 Why do you think Georgia needs something like this? yEudCTblvLu-00005-00002089-00002382 In Georgia we have air pollution problems yEudCTblvLu-00006-00002382-00002940 we are measuring the air but we don't have a monitoring system yEudCTblvLu-00007-00002940-00003451 so it is really big problem because Georgia was on the second place in Europe yEudCTblvLu-00008-00003451-00003915 by air quality caused deaths in 2019 yEudCTblvLu-00009-00003915-00004208 and in 2018 Georgia was number one place yEudCTblvLu-00010-00004208-00004801 So there are many places thatdid not have information about the air pollution yEudCTblvLu-00011-00004801-00005107 So this is the main problem yEudCTblvLu-00012-00005107-00005595 becausewe don't know in different cities, we don't knowin different places yEudCTblvLu-00013-00005595-00005716 what air we breathe yEudCTblvLu-00014-00005716-00006011 but the statistic is too high yEudCTblvLu-00015-00006011-00006439 So, the government has onlyseven monitoring systems and yEudCTblvLu-00016-00006439-00006785 it is not too muchfor the country yEudCTblvLu-00017-00006785-00007045 Because of that we want themonitoring system yEudCTblvLu-00018-00007275-00007716 Is the public in Georgia aware of the problem of air pollution yEudCTblvLu-00019-00007716-00008254 andthe importance of environmental protection in general? yEudCTblvLu-00020-00008254-00009125 We have the war in Ukraine, steep price increase, occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia yEudCTblvLu-00021-00009125-00009517 How important priority is it to thepeople? yEudCTblvLu-00022-00009653-00010213 We have war, two wars with Russia yEudCTblvLu-00023-00010213-00010710 but air quality isa main problem because the illness about yEudCTblvLu-00024-00010710-00011038 the ecological problems, about the air pollutionis too high yEudCTblvLu-00025-00011038-00011322 and the deaths is also too high yEudCTblvLu-00026-00011322-00011784 I'll tell little facts. In Tbilisi in 2012-2021 yEudCTblvLu-00027-00011784-00012402 there was about 150 000 cases about air pollution yEudCTblvLu-00028-00012402-00012598 not deaths, but illness yEudCTblvLu-00029-00012598-00013082 50 000 cases was under9 years old age children yEudCTblvLu-00030-00013082-00013535 So it is a big problem and we are working on it yEudCTblvLu-00031-00013535-00013840 to raise the awareness about the pollution and yEudCTblvLu-00032-00013840-00014359 I think we made it a lot, so now people think that is a real big problem yEudCTblvLu-00033-00014359-00014871 because we make the signatures, we make the 13 000 signatures inone month yEudCTblvLu-00034-00014871-00015149 Nine of ten people agree with it so yEudCTblvLu-00035-00015149-00015535 So it's a really big statistics yEudCTblvLu-00036-00015535-00016127 How do you personallyget involved with the environmental protection? yEudCTblvLu-00037-00016428-00016895 In 2018 when I begin this movement yEudCTblvLu-00038-00016895-00017358 I justwanted to change something but when yEudCTblvLu-00039-00017358-00018023 after I read many statistics, many things about the air pollution, about air quality about the climate change yEudCTblvLu-00040-00018023-00018454 and the statistics about deaths yEudCTblvLu-00041-00018454-00019000 of courseit is a really bad statistics in Georgia yEudCTblvLu-00042-00019002-00019440 So I think the main problem with Georgia is the ecological problems and of course yEudCTblvLu-00043-00019440-00020190 we are working to change something about air, water and food quality and we are working on it yEudCTblvLu-00044-00020651-00021398 Your organization focuses a lot on Tbilisiwhere practically half of population of Georgia lives yEudCTblvLu-00045-00021398-00022012 and where the bad air is mainly caused by continous flow of cars yEudCTblvLu-00046-00022012-00022539 Are people and politicians ready for the change that must come? yEudCTblvLu-00047-00022673-00023141 All of it will change, because when we got the signatures yEudCTblvLu-00048-00023141-00023590 now we are official with the government to getthe law yEudCTblvLu-00049-00023590-00024100 and probably 99 percent, the law will get in abudget of 2023, yEudCTblvLu-00050-00024100-00024423 it's already about to change, aboutthe cars yEudCTblvLu-00051-00024423-00024837 So the government, when I speak to the different politicans yEudCTblvLu-00052-00024837-00025356 and they are officiallytalking about it I think, yes it will be yEudCTblvLu-00053-00025356-00025757 following the ecological problems and following about the changing the card yEudCTblvLu-00054-00025757-00026050 because it's not only this law what we make the signatures yEudCTblvLu-00055-00026050-00026622 Different laws are changing and probably in 2033 will yEudCTblvLu-00056-00026622-00026841 be the big changes about the cars yEudCTblvLu-00057-00026841-00027448 and I think thatair quality will change, will be good yEudCTblvLu-00058-00027448-00027892 So now, afterthese laws there must be the monitoring systemof course yEudCTblvLu-00059-00027892-00028038 and we are ready for this yEudCTblvLu-00060-00028038-00028521 so we have communication with the government and I think it's it is not a big problem yEudCTblvLu-00061-00029038-00029596 Do we have any idea what the situation is like other cities,in similar settlements? yEudCTblvLu-00062-00029596-00030473 Do you want to dealwith the other sort of pollution than the car traffic? yEudCTblvLu-00063-00030473-00031416 Ok, not only Tbilisi, of course weare working in the whole country, but yEudCTblvLu-00064-00031416-00031914 we are in Tbilisi and the main problem is Tbilisi, because 1 300 000 people live in Tbilisi yEudCTblvLu-00065-00031914-00032742 and therefore I, we in our team, so... The main problem is also is Rustavi, Kaspi yEudCTblvLu-00066-00032742-00033574 ...... different cities we know, we have communicationwith the main activists yEudCTblvLu-00067-00033574-00033928 and also our team memberslive in these places yEudCTblvLu-00068-00033928-00034475 so of course we knowthe situation, where in what cities is the polluted area yEudCTblvLu-00069-00034475-00034956 because we are in communication with Georgian or activists and we have yEudCTblvLu-00070-00034956-00035500 many many followers in different cities withdifferent settlements yEudCTblvLu-00071-00035500-00035700 So yes, we know the places yEudCTblvLu-00072-00036204-00036768 Your organization managed to collect thirty thousand signatures in yEudCTblvLu-00073-00036768-00037271 2021 in order to promote a change in the lawtechnical.... yEudCTblvLu-00074-00037580-00038401 I'll tell that changes will be, because officially our organization with the yEudCTblvLu-00075-00038401-00039036 government gets this law to the Parliament and now we are waiting the parliament will add it yEudCTblvLu-00076-00039036-00039552 99 percent this law will be changed so wewill be there yEudCTblvLu-00077-00039562-00040434 person nr. 1 or the first organization in Georgia to change some laws so it will be changed yEudCTblvLu-00078-00040674-00041086 Your cooperation with Arnika is starting thisyear yEudCTblvLu-00079-00041086-00041440 What do you expect for this collaboration? yEudCTblvLu-00080-00041440-00042086 First we have a communication before in 2022 yEudCTblvLu-00081-00042086-00042559 and in this workshop where we are now yEudCTblvLu-00082-00042559-00043297 It is really good and I thinkthat our communication our cooperation willbe good for Georgia yEudCTblvLu-00083-00043297-00043936 because wewill share some big information aboutair quality yEudCTblvLu-00084-00043936-00044454 you have too much experienceabout this projects about air quality yEudCTblvLu-00085-00044544-00045011 I think it will be successful and it will be some changes in our country recognize that yEudCTblvLu-00086-00045553-00046421 In the future of the planet the topic for younger people in a number of European countries we see a yEudCTblvLu-00087-00046421-00047004 fairly amazing Fridays for future movernment. Does something similar happen in Georgia? yEudCTblvLu-00088-00047004-00047598 In our team 50 percent of our members is the young people yEudCTblvLu-00089-00047598-00048000 so of course we are fighting about the climate change yEudCTblvLu-00090-00048032-00048536 and we have actionsin Tbilisi yEudCTblvLu-00091-00048536-00049109 But the main problemfor us is the main pollution yEudCTblvLu-00092-00049109-00049988 so globally, there is not much knowledge about theglobal problems yEudCTblvLu-00093-00049988-00050493 but we are sharing sharing the information to our followers yEudCTblvLu-00094-00050493-00051058 and we are them translating the texts from English to Georgian too yEudCTblvLu-00095-00051058-00051450 We are making posts about the climate change, about eco-tips yEudCTblvLu-00096-00051450-00051817 We have eco-books, when we are going to school and yEudCTblvLu-00097-00051817-00052181 learning some children, we are giving this bookfor free yEudCTblvLu-00098-00052181-00052519 for the future that will bring big changes for them yEudCTblvLu-00099-00052519-00053037 not only forGeorgia but for the world because we are living in the same world yEudCTblvLu-00100-00053037-00053665 but for now we are beginning these movements to the global climate change yEudCTblvLu-00101-00053807-00054275 Georgie is a popular holiday destination for residents of Czech Republic yEudCTblvLu-00102-00054397-00055283 You have wild nature and such a historical heritage that is rarely found anywhere yEudCTblvLu-00103-00055283-00056073 Can Georgia partly base its future on natureconservation, nature protection... yEudCTblvLu-00104-00056073-00056770 Of course, in Georgia we have a beautiful country yEudCTblvLu-00105-00056770-00057454 andwe have wild nature, we have too many rivers we water, nature, climate yEudCTblvLu-00106-00057454-00058041 but the problemis the illegal hunters, too many illegal hunters yEudCTblvLu-00107-00058041-00058483 they are cutting the trees and I thinkthat Georgia must go on yEudCTblvLu-00108-00058485-00059101 to protect theareas about big parks to make many tourists, ecological tourists yEudCTblvLu-00109-00059174-00059500 So this will be the better way yEudCTblvLu-00110-00059498-00060001 to make our country because we have already, it'sby Nature yEudCTblvLu-00111-00060001-00060504 we have this climate we have mountainsand the sea yEudCTblvLu-00112-00060504-00061304 so the protecting of the trees, protecting the green must be the the main.... yEudCTblvLu-00113-00061562-00061828 ...must be the main goal from our government yEudCTblvLu-00114-00061828-00062960 and of course we also we have activities to protect local green spaces yEudCTblvLu-00115-00062957-00063410 and I think the government should go this way to yEudCTblvLu-00116-00063410-00063815 make these big parks as in many differentcountries yEudCTblvLu-00117-00063815-00064289 and it must be protected it must be that clean that tourists go on, yEudCTblvLu-00118-00064287-00064887 that the climatewill be good and fresh air and the naturewill be renewable by itself yEudCTblvLu-00119-00064978-00065378 Okay, thank you yE-FGH66XAE-00000-00000003-00000423 Well, with the 2017 legislative session wrapped up, some Brainerd Lakes Area yE-FGH66XAE-00001-00000423-00000818 lawmakers took time from their break today to talk to local business and yE-FGH66XAE-00002-00000818-00001280 community leaders to recap the session. Senators Carrie Ruud and Josh Heintzeman yE-FGH66XAE-00003-00001280-00001668 and representatives Dale Lueck and John Poston visited the Brainerd Lakes Area yE-FGH66XAE-00004-00001668-00002085 Chamber of Commerce to talk about the important issues facing the region and yE-FGH66XAE-00005-00002085-00002594 the state, including health care, REAL ID and business tax relief. Lawmakers say yE-FGH66XAE-00006-00002594-00002984 that while a lot was accomplished this past session, there's still a lot of work yE-FGH66XAE-00007-00002984-00003242 to be done. yE-FGH66XAE-00008-00003427-00003742 I think we got a lot of great things accomplished, yE-FGH66XAE-00009-00003742-00004252 you know, this session, we've got more things to look forward to do. You know yE-FGH66XAE-00010-00004252-00004585 that one of the things about government, our work is never done. yE-FGH66XAE-00011-00004585-00005047 Well, I think a little bit of hope that we should look forward to is some more yE-FGH66XAE-00012-00005047-00005557 improvement in taxes. We did some good things for farmers, we did some good yE-FGH66XAE-00013-00005557-00006214 things for small businesses, we did some good things with healthcare, and I think yE-FGH66XAE-00014-00006214-00006643 those will be on the very top of our priority list as we go into the policy yE-FGH66XAE-00015-00006643-00006991 part of this biennium. You know I think that we're probably going to continue to yE-FGH66XAE-00016-00006991-00007375 talk about a lot of the same issues. We are going to be talking a little more yE-FGH66XAE-00017-00007375-00007828 about policy along with the bonding bill that will likely be putting together in yE-FGH66XAE-00018-00007828-00008296 the coming year, so there'll be a lot of opportunities to maybe revisit some yE-FGH66XAE-00019-00008296-00008775 things. I work really hard on say, for example, Macy's bill, and that's something yE-FGH66XAE-00020-00008775-00009217 that I'll be working on in the coming legislative session again. You know, this yE-FGH66XAE-00021-00009217-00009672 has been an incredible year, incredible session. I've learned so much, I think yE-FGH66XAE-00022-00009672-00010069 I've really matured as a legislator and I come home with all the wonderful yE-FGH66XAE-00023-00010069-00010650 things that we've done, whether it's business or the environment, education, we yE-FGH66XAE-00024-00010650-00011158 really came back with a great package. We had the governor sign 11 bills - budget yE-FGH66XAE-00025-00011158-00011614 bills and kind of policy bills, and so we're really proud of the session and I yE-FGH66XAE-00026-00011614-00012010 think Minnesota, going forward, is going to be back in the lead where it belongs. yE-FGH66XAE-00027-00012010-00012411 During the session the attendees were also able to talk to Senate Majority yE-FGH66XAE-00028-00012411-00012841 Leader Paul Gazelka via Skype. yGsgQh9D8sU-00000-00000066-00000233 AS THE RACE FOR PRESIDENT DRAWS CLOSER, yGsgQh9D8sU-00001-00000233-00000483 IT'S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER WHAT WE CAN AND CANNOT SAY yGsgQh9D8sU-00002-00000483-00000684 REGARDING POLITICAL EXPRESSION ON SOCIAL MEDIA yGsgQh9D8sU-00003-00000684-00000940 SITES PETTY OFFICER LORENZO BURLESON EXPLAINS yGsgQh9D8sU-00004-00000940-00001054 MORE. yGsgQh9D8sU-00005-00001054-00001254 AN ARTICLE ON NAVY LIVE PROVIDES SERVICE MEMBERS, yGsgQh9D8sU-00006-00001254-00001534 AND DOD PERSONNEL, THE DO'S AND DON'TS FOR yGsgQh9D8sU-00007-00001534-00001755 VOICING OUR POLITICAL OPINION ON SITES LIKE yGsgQh9D8sU-00008-00001755-00001861 FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. yGsgQh9D8sU-00009-00001861-00002178 FOR SERVICE MEMBERS, YOU CAN VOICE A POLITICAL yGsgQh9D8sU-00010-00002178-00002492 OPINION ON SOCIAL MEDIA, BUT SHOULD MAKE CLEAR THAT yGsgQh9D8sU-00011-00002492-00002722 THE VIEWS STATED ARE YOUR OWN AND NOT THOSE OF THE yGsgQh9D8sU-00012-00002722-00002866 DOD. yGsgQh9D8sU-00013-00002866-00003016 REMEMBER, AS SERVICE MEMBERS, yGsgQh9D8sU-00014-00003016-00003233 YOU CANNOT POST OR MAKE DIRECT LINKS TO A yGsgQh9D8sU-00015-00003233-00003429 POLITICAL PARTY OR CANDIDATE, yGsgQh9D8sU-00016-00003429-00003717 BUT YOU CAN LIKE OR FOLLOW THE PAGE OF A PARTY OR yGsgQh9D8sU-00017-00003717-00003877 CANDIDATE. yGsgQh9D8sU-00018-00003877-00004107 READ MORE ON THE DO'S AND DON'TS IN THE BLOG ON NAVY yGsgQh9D8sU-00019-00004107-00004381 LIVE THAT ALSO PROVIDES A LINK TO THE PUBLIC AFFAIRS yGsgQh9D8sU-00020-00004381-00004541 POLICY GUIDANCE NAVADMIN. yGsgQh9D8sU-00021-00004601-00004774 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN NOT SAY, yGsgQh9D8sU-00022-00004774-00004934 VISIT AH.MIL yJjDZkk5Cbo-00000-00000010-00000256 CASS LAKE BEAT UP ON LA PORT. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00001-00000256-00000263 CASS LAKE BEAT UP ON LA PORT. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00002-00000263-00000940 CASS LAKE BEAT UP ON LA PORT. HOW ABOUT BOYS HOCKEY FROM yJjDZkk5Cbo-00003-00000940-00000947 CASS LAKE BEAT UP ON LA PORT. HOW ABOUT BOYS HOCKEY FROM yJjDZkk5Cbo-00004-00000947-00001107 CASS LAKE BEAT UP ON LA PORT. HOW ABOUT BOYS HOCKEY FROM SATURDAY? yJjDZkk5Cbo-00005-00001107-00001114 HOW ABOUT BOYS HOCKEY FROM SATURDAY? yJjDZkk5Cbo-00006-00001114-00001184 HOW ABOUT BOYS HOCKEY FROM SATURDAY? BEMIDJI A BIG SECTION BATTLE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00007-00001184-00001191 SATURDAY? BEMIDJI A BIG SECTION BATTLE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00008-00001191-00001267 SATURDAY? BEMIDJI A BIG SECTION BATTLE HOSTING SAINT MICHAEL ALBERTVIL yJjDZkk5Cbo-00009-00001267-00001274 BEMIDJI A BIG SECTION BATTLE HOSTING SAINT MICHAEL ALBERTVIL yJjDZkk5Cbo-00010-00001274-00001344 BEMIDJI A BIG SECTION BATTLE HOSTING SAINT MICHAEL ALBERTVIL JACKS DOWN ONE IN THE FIRST AND yJjDZkk5Cbo-00011-00001344-00001351 HOSTING SAINT MICHAEL ALBERTVIL JACKS DOWN ONE IN THE FIRST AND yJjDZkk5Cbo-00012-00001351-00001411 HOSTING SAINT MICHAEL ALBERTVIL JACKS DOWN ONE IN THE FIRST AND THE KNIGHTS POURING ON THE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00013-00001411-00001418 JACKS DOWN ONE IN THE FIRST AND THE KNIGHTS POURING ON THE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00014-00001418-00001488 JACKS DOWN ONE IN THE FIRST AND THE KNIGHTS POURING ON THE PRESSURE BUT MATT FITZERALD A yJjDZkk5Cbo-00015-00001488-00001494 THE KNIGHTS POURING ON THE PRESSURE BUT MATT FITZERALD A yJjDZkk5Cbo-00016-00001494-00001558 THE KNIGHTS POURING ON THE PRESSURE BUT MATT FITZERALD A STONE WALL OUT FRONT, THEN yJjDZkk5Cbo-00017-00001558-00001564 PRESSURE BUT MATT FITZERALD A STONE WALL OUT FRONT, THEN yJjDZkk5Cbo-00018-00001564-00001631 PRESSURE BUT MATT FITZERALD A STONE WALL OUT FRONT, THEN COVERS UP ALL SPRAWLED OUT TO yJjDZkk5Cbo-00019-00001631-00001638 STONE WALL OUT FRONT, THEN COVERS UP ALL SPRAWLED OUT TO yJjDZkk5Cbo-00020-00001638-00001761 STONE WALL OUT FRONT, THEN COVERS UP ALL SPRAWLED OUT TO KEEP THE DEFICIT AT ONE. THEN yJjDZkk5Cbo-00021-00001761-00001768 COVERS UP ALL SPRAWLED OUT TO KEEP THE DEFICIT AT ONE. THEN yJjDZkk5Cbo-00022-00001768-00001885 COVERS UP ALL SPRAWLED OUT TO KEEP THE DEFICIT AT ONE. THEN LATER, SAINT MICHAEL SHORT yJjDZkk5Cbo-00023-00001885-00001891 KEEP THE DEFICIT AT ONE. THEN LATER, SAINT MICHAEL SHORT yJjDZkk5Cbo-00024-00001891-00002152 KEEP THE DEFICIT AT ONE. THEN LATER, SAINT MICHAEL SHORT HANDED BUT ZACH SJELIN WITH THE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00025-00002152-00002158 LATER, SAINT MICHAEL SHORT HANDED BUT ZACH SJELIN WITH THE yJjDZkk5Cbo-00026-00002158-00002228 LATER, SAINT MICHAEL SHORT HANDED BUT ZACH SJELIN WITH THE ALL ALONE TO GOAL BUT FITZGERAL yJjDZkk5Cbo-00027-00002228-00002235 HANDED BUT ZACH SJELIN WITH THE ALL ALONE TO GOAL BUT FITZGERAL yJjDZkk5Cbo-00028-00002235-00002368 HANDED BUT ZACH SJELIN WITH THE ALL ALONE TO GOAL BUT FITZGERAL AGAIN FOR THE SAVE. HE KEPT THEM yJjDZkk5Cbo-00029-00002368-00002375 ALL ALONE TO GOAL BUT FITZGERAL AGAIN FOR THE SAVE. HE KEPT THEM yJjDZkk5Cbo-00030-00002375-00002559 ALL ALONE TO GOAL BUT FITZGERAL AGAIN FOR THE SAVE. HE KEPT THEM IN IT. BUT JUST TOO MANY SHOTS yJjDZkk5Cbo-00031-00002559-00002565 AGAIN FOR THE SAVE. HE KEPT THEM IN IT. BUT JUST TOO MANY SHOTS yJjDZkk5Cbo-00032-00002565-00002852 AGAIN FOR THE SAVE. HE KEPT THEM IN IT. BUT JUST TOO MANY SHOTS ON GOAL AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00033-00002852-00002859 IN IT. BUT JUST TOO MANY SHOTS ON GOAL AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00034-00002859-00002989 IN IT. BUT JUST TOO MANY SHOTS ON GOAL AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE. VAL POPOWSKI RIGHT OUT FRONT. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00035-00002989-00002996 ON GOAL AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE. VAL POPOWSKI RIGHT OUT FRONT. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00036-00002996-00003276 ON GOAL AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE. VAL POPOWSKI RIGHT OUT FRONT. THE BIG GUY KNOCKS IT HOME. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00037-00003276-00003283 VAL POPOWSKI RIGHT OUT FRONT. THE BIG GUY KNOCKS IT HOME. yJjDZkk5Cbo-00038-00003283-00003366 VAL POPOWSKI RIGHT OUT FRONT. THE BIG GUY KNOCKS IT HOME. ANOTHER TOUGH LOSS FOR THE yJHRRqmPTI8-00000-00000580-00001905 I wish your breast was made of glass, All in it I might behold; yJHRRqmPTI8-00001-00001905-00002923 Your name in secret I would write In letters of bright gold. yJHRRqmPTI8-00002-00002923-00004154 Oh hush, my love, you will break my heart, Nor let me hear you cry; yJHRRqmPTI8-00003-00004154-00005714 For best of friends will have to part, And so must you and I. yJHRRqmPTI8-00004-00005714-00006984 Your name in secret I would write, Pray believe in what I say; yJHRRqmPTI8-00005-00006984-00007990 You are the man that I love best Unto my dying day. yJHRRqmPTI8-00006-00007990-00009309 Oh hush, my love, you will break my heart, Nor let me hear you cry; yJHRRqmPTI8-00007-00009309-00010640 For best of friends will have to part, And so must you and I. yMvvihsisaA-00000-00000000-00000465 who do you think the best legend is in all of apex legends who stands above all yMvvihsisaA-00001-00000465-00000930 the rest in this video I rank all 10 legends and give you guys my tier list yMvvihsisaA-00002-00000930-00001328 let's hop right into it yMvvihsisaA-00003-00001793-00002247 welcome back warriors to another apex legends video today I shared with you my yMvvihsisaA-00004-00002247-00002796 legend tier list ranking all 10 legends from best to worst now before we begin I yMvvihsisaA-00005-00002796-00003234 do stream over on Twitch every Tuesday through Friday the link is gonna be down yMvvihsisaA-00006-00003234-00003590 in the description below if you want to head over there and drop me a follow now yMvvihsisaA-00007-00003590-00003936 a lot goes into ranking these legends and there's been a lot of changes since yMvvihsisaA-00008-00003936-00004251 launch through season 1 and 2 and we have to take these into consideration yMvvihsisaA-00009-00004251-00004757 and the stats behind each legend first let's take a look at some very sporting yMvvihsisaA-00010-00004757-00005241 important stats courtesy of play apex net which is the 8th leading apex legend yMvvihsisaA-00011-00005241-00005628 stat tracker for almost every stat in the game as you can see these are the yMvvihsisaA-00012-00005628-00006048 most played legends or most popular legends send to launch now I know what yMvvihsisaA-00013-00006048-00006351 you're saying well octane and Watson haven't been you yMvvihsisaA-00014-00006351-00006714 know out as long and that's you know that's true but I don't think that these yMvvihsisaA-00015-00006714-00007092 numbers would change that much if they had been out since season 1 ok as you yMvvihsisaA-00016-00007092-00007793 can see Wraith it's no surprise is on top with a staggering 20.2% use out of yMvvihsisaA-00017-00007793-00008259 all the legends in the game next up is Pathfinder followed by lifeline which if yMvvihsisaA-00018-00008259-00008504 you pair all three of these legend together it's no wonder they're at the yMvvihsisaA-00019-00008504-00008979 top they make a pretty dang good team followed by octane bang bloodhound yMvvihsisaA-00020-00008979-00009624 Mirage and then the fat boys pulling up the rear at 5.1% with caustic and 3.9% yMvvihsisaA-00021-00009624-00009915 with Gibby ok now those stats are very interesting yMvvihsisaA-00022-00009915-00010257 we got to take those into consideration but let's look at another sense it's yMvvihsisaA-00023-00010257-00010722 even more crazy ok what you're looking at on the screen is the win rate stat yMvvihsisaA-00024-00010722-00011193 for all the legend since launch ok and what this means is that these are the yMvvihsisaA-00025-00011193-00011604 champions that have been used the most that are crowned champions and in the yMvvihsisaA-00026-00011604-00011915 game so these are the legends that are used when when you get that champion hey yMvvihsisaA-00027-00011915-00012218 you won the game these are the champions that are used the most ok and no yMvvihsisaA-00028-00012218-00012689 surprise with the smallest hitbox in the game of course it's still reef so not yMvvihsisaA-00029-00012689-00013131 only does she top most popularity she's among the champions that win the most yMvvihsisaA-00030-00013131-00013656 okay follow it up again by Pathfinder and lifeline top three in yMvvihsisaA-00031-00013656-00014001 each category in the same order now here's where the rest of the lineup yMvvihsisaA-00032-00014001-00014433 stays almost the same but it changes just a little bit instead of octane when yMvvihsisaA-00033-00014433-00014798 we switch banging octane around but bloodhound a mirage stay in the same yMvvihsisaA-00034-00014798-00015113 spot and then gimme encaustic get flipped around which is kind of yMvvihsisaA-00035-00015113-00015483 surprising I would figure that kasich would have a little bit higher win rate yMvvihsisaA-00036-00015483-00015944 than Gibby but now our last and final factor that we're gonna put in the pool yMvvihsisaA-00037-00015944-00016422 of information are the legend buffs and nerfs that happened throughout season 1 yMvvihsisaA-00038-00016422-00016758 and season 2 now we're not gonna mention them all we're only gonna mention the yMvvihsisaA-00039-00016758-00017139 ones that are most impactful so the ones that we're going to talk about is yMvvihsisaA-00040-00017139-00017729 lifelines drone so when it is inside the gas and only can it only ticks twice and yMvvihsisaA-00041-00017729-00018243 then it blows up so that's not good that kind of you know D values the the health yMvvihsisaA-00042-00018243-00018554 zone because there were times when you had to run across the map and that would yMvvihsisaA-00043-00018554-00018960 help you heal just to get back into the zone so that's a big bummer bloodhounds yMvvihsisaA-00044-00018960-00019383 tactical buff which actually makes it worth using now before I thought it was yMvvihsisaA-00045-00019383-00019754 a complete waste but now it does a little bit more with being able to see yMvvihsisaA-00046-00019754-00020126 through walls and buildings and the ranges a little bit more so it makes it yMvvihsisaA-00047-00020126-00020660 a little bit better but still not the best the increased damage to Pathfinder yMvvihsisaA-00048-00020660-00021104 which is unfortunate because without a Pathfinder would be absolutely broken yMvvihsisaA-00049-00021104-00021531 and then the damage reduction to the fatboys caustic and Gibby yMvvihsisaA-00050-00021531-00021972 now one more nerf that I do want to mention is Watson's ultimate during the yMvvihsisaA-00051-00021972-00022485 first half of season 2 or almost through season 2 her ultimate ability allows you yMvvihsisaA-00052-00022485-00022976 to place three of those down at one time they have nerf that down to one so yMvvihsisaA-00053-00022976-00023345 getting three of these you know was very beneficial especially in ranked play but yMvvihsisaA-00054-00023345-00023778 now we're down to just one ultimate from Watson that we can use now let's get yMvvihsisaA-00055-00023778-00024150 down to what you guys have all been waiting for what you're here for my yMvvihsisaA-00056-00024150-00024825 tears ranking all 10 legends from best to worst in apex legends ok as you can yMvvihsisaA-00057-00024825-00025203 see on the screen to start off we have the S tier which is Wraith and yMvvihsisaA-00058-00025203-00025673 Pathfinder and no surprise ok these are probably the two best legends in the yMvvihsisaA-00059-00025673-00026274 game now for the a tier I have lifeline and bang bang galore I always say Bangla yMvvihsisaA-00060-00026274-00026564 door I don't know why but I always say Bangla door is yMvvihsisaA-00061-00026564-00027125 now I did originally have lifeline in the S tier but the reason she makes a yMvvihsisaA-00062-00027125-00027639 tier is because of when you're in the zone the health drone factor is just yMvvihsisaA-00063-00027639-00027992 it's a real bummer it's there's no other way to put it yMvvihsisaA-00064-00027992-00028451 that was such a key thing when you were in the zone or trying to get back into yMvvihsisaA-00065-00028451-00028777 the zone or you needed to stay in the zone and he loved to make a play on a yMvvihsisaA-00066-00028777-00029245 team it's just unfortunate that the heal drum only takes two takes and then gets yMvvihsisaA-00067-00029245-00029908 destroyed by the gas for the B tier I have Watson octane and caustic okay now yMvvihsisaA-00068-00029908-00030317 even though those stats show that caustic shouldn't be in the in the B yMvvihsisaA-00069-00030317-00030814 tier list from my experience I find that caustic is such a good teammate in such yMvvihsisaA-00070-00030814-00031307 a valuable member with the buffs to the increased damage reduction as well as yMvvihsisaA-00071-00031307-00031799 his gas lasting longer in the radius being much bigger and especially in yMvvihsisaA-00072-00031799-00032261 range play guys if you have not used caustic in ranked play he is an absolute yMvvihsisaA-00073-00032261-00032798 beast so make sure to try him out in rank play okay for the seats here guys I yMvvihsisaA-00074-00032798-00033272 have bloodhound in Mirage now even with Marathas but mirages buff to his yMvvihsisaA-00075-00033272-00033827 ultimate where he can go completely invisible it's still not enough to make yMvvihsisaA-00076-00033827-00034322 him any higher than C tier his his tactical and passive don't do anything yMvvihsisaA-00077-00034322-00034796 for the team individually maybe for solos he would be ranked higher on this yMvvihsisaA-00078-00034796-00035276 list if this was for solos but his his abilities just don't do anything for the yMvvihsisaA-00079-00035276-00035848 team so he's a sea tier he almost made D tier in bloodhound even though with that yMvvihsisaA-00080-00035848-00036404 small buff to the tactical what house still makes the sea tear you know in yMvvihsisaA-00081-00036404-00036713 with that said bloodhound does have one of the best Ultimates in the game in my yMvvihsisaA-00082-00036713-00037184 opinion but even then I hate I really don't like bloodhound so guys I put yMvvihsisaA-00083-00037184-00037616 bloodhound all the way down at the seats here okay and now for the dt r as you yMvvihsisaA-00084-00037616-00038089 guys have you know by process of elimination we do have gibi or gibraltar yMvvihsisaA-00085-00038089-00038732 but even with the damage reduction just like caustic it just wasn't enough to yMvvihsisaA-00086-00038732-00039305 put Gibby any higher the arm shield is okay the passive is is alright the yMvvihsisaA-00087-00039305-00039851 ultimate is absolutely amazing but Gibby's hitbox is the reason yMvvihsisaA-00088-00039851-00040358 that Gibby is down at the D tier okay the hitbox is just too big you couldn't yMvvihsisaA-00089-00040358-00040883 miss this unless you have some of the worst aim in the game if whenever I see yMvvihsisaA-00090-00040883-00041237 a team and I see a Gibby it's the first one to go the first one I'm shooting at yMvvihsisaA-00091-00041237-00041882 so for that Gibby makes the deets here okay so guys this is my apex legends yMvvihsisaA-00092-00041882-00042362 tier list let me know down in the comics if you let your comments the comments if yMvvihsisaA-00093-00042362-00042821 you do like my list agree with it disagree with it let me know at opps yMvvihsisaA-00094-00042821-00043199 blood whatta tops your apex legend to your list or who you like to use the yMvvihsisaA-00095-00043199-00043856 most also guys just a reminder I do stream over on Twitch every Tuesday yMvvihsisaA-00096-00043856-00044156 through Friday so if you want to go over there the link is down in the yMvvihsisaA-00097-00044156-00044582 description want to come check out some live apex legends gameplay drop me a yMvvihsisaA-00098-00044582-00045020 follow over there be much appreciated now if you've enjoyed this video make yMvvihsisaA-00099-00045020-00045332 sure to drop a like on it guys as it does help me out it lets me know you yMvvihsisaA-00100-00045332-00045548 guys like this content and want to see more of it yMvvihsisaA-00101-00045548-00045869 also if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button and turn on yMvvihsisaA-00102-00045869-00046340 notifications so you guys don't match up miss out on future apex legends videos yMvvihsisaA-00103-00046340-00047104 and as always guys stay gaming for me war Lugg I'm out peace yMQYl3xWrgM-00000-00000000-00000700 The Great Wall of China was built yMQYl3xWrgM-00001-00000700-00000900 during the long history when airplanes yMQYl3xWrgM-00002-00000900-00001100 and marine technologies were not yMQYl3xWrgM-00003-00001100-00001300 available, and natural obstacles such yMQYl3xWrgM-00004-00001300-00001500 as the Tibetan Plateau and the yMQYl3xWrgM-00005-00001500-00001700 surrounding seas could effectively stop yMQYl3xWrgM-00006-00001700-00001900 the nomadic tribes from invading the yMQYl3xWrgM-00007-00001900-00002100 Central China Plain. yMQYl3xWrgM-00008-00002730-00002930 Throughout the Chinese history, many yMQYl3xWrgM-00009-00002930-00003130 emperors built border walls as defense, yMQYl3xWrgM-00010-00003130-00003329 they caused deep afflictions among yMQYl3xWrgM-00011-00003329-00003529 common people when pressing them yMQYl3xWrgM-00012-00003529-00003729 to construct the wall, eventually their yMQYl3xWrgM-00013-00003729-00003929 dynasties were overthrown in civil wars. yMQYl3xWrgM-00014-00003929-00004130 Nowadays, the Great Wall of China yMQYl3xWrgM-00015-00004130-00004330 serves no longer as a border wall, yMQYl3xWrgM-00016-00004530-00004730 but rather a historical site yMQYl3xWrgM-00017-00004730-00004930 for tourists from all over the world. yNZHYk54v94-00000-00001020-00001401 Stuart Lynn, ICANN's second CEO, yNZHYk54v94-00001-00001401-00001608 thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us. yNZHYk54v94-00002-00001608-00001743 My pleasure. yNZHYk54v94-00003-00001743-00001925 As I mentioned, you were the organization's yNZHYk54v94-00004-00001925-00002206 second ICANN CEO yNZHYk54v94-00005-00002206-00002481 following Mike Roberts preceding Paul Twomey. yNZHYk54v94-00006-00002586-00002872 In January 2001, yNZHYk54v94-00007-00002872-00003247 in the board announcement about your appointment, yNZHYk54v94-00008-00003247-00003472 you were quoted as saying, yNZHYk54v94-00009-00003472-00003617 "I'm honored to have been chosen yNZHYk54v94-00010-00003617-00003898 for such a unique and challenging position. yNZHYk54v94-00011-00003898-00004029 And I look forward to working yNZHYk54v94-00012-00004029-00004214 with all the members of the Internet community yNZHYk54v94-00013-00004214-00004350 around the world yNZHYk54v94-00014-00004350-00004556 to achieve ICANN's technical mission." yNZHYk54v94-00015-00004683-00004839 That's what you said, yNZHYk54v94-00016-00004839-00005146 when you were appointed to the position. yNZHYk54v94-00017-00005146-00005463 What did you find when you actually started working at ICANN? yNZHYk54v94-00018-00005463-00005640 Oh, that was a lot tougher than it sounded. yNZHYk54v94-00019-00005882-00006224 Those were good words and they were words full of intent, yNZHYk54v94-00020-00006224-00006538 and it took a lot of hard work yNZHYk54v94-00021-00006538-00006709 not just by me yNZHYk54v94-00022-00006709-00006928 but by a lot of great people yNZHYk54v94-00023-00006928-00007208 to make it possible yNZHYk54v94-00024-00007208-00007412 for ICANN to achieve its mission. yNZHYk54v94-00025-00007412-00007643 Stuart, you weren't from the ICANN community. yNZHYk54v94-00026-00007643-00007903 Did you have a steep learning curve? yNZHYk54v94-00027-00007903-00008080 I had a very steep learning curve. yNZHYk54v94-00028-00008080-00008199 I had some great teachers, yNZHYk54v94-00029-00008299-00008572 Louis Touton and Andrew McLaughlin, yNZHYk54v94-00030-00008572-00008839 and of course, the board as a whole. yNZHYk54v94-00031-00008839-00008979 So I had some great teachers, yNZHYk54v94-00032-00008979-00009191 but I didn't come from a background yNZHYk54v94-00033-00009191-00009621 that was deeply immersed in ICANN so forth. yNZHYk54v94-00034-00009621-00009810 I mean I was big user of the Internet yNZHYk54v94-00035-00009810-00010169 and part of it but not of ICANN itself. yNZHYk54v94-00036-00010169-00010379 How did you get the job? yNZHYk54v94-00037-00010486-00010592 How did I get the job? yNZHYk54v94-00038-00010592-00010768 Well, I've often wondered that myself. yNZHYk54v94-00039-00010768-00010931 Okay. yNZHYk54v94-00040-00010931-00011485 But I was invited to apply. yNZHYk54v94-00041-00011485-00011675 And I suspect that the reason yNZHYk54v94-00042-00011675-00011981 I got the job had a lot to do with Mike Roberts, yNZHYk54v94-00043-00011981-00012195 who was my predecessor as a CEO. yNZHYk54v94-00044-00012195-00012510 But Mike and I worked together for years in the university, yNZHYk54v94-00045-00012510-00012706 in the academic community. yNZHYk54v94-00046-00012706-00012848 And Mike knew me well yNZHYk54v94-00047-00012848-00013141 and knew what kinds of things I'd accomplished. yNZHYk54v94-00048-00013141-00013558 And I think he was very influential that... yNZHYk54v94-00049-00013558-00013725 You know, I think there was a sense yNZHYk54v94-00050-00013725-00013959 that universities are crazy places yNZHYk54v94-00051-00013959-00014342 with a lot of it vociferous people yNZHYk54v94-00052-00014342-00014534 with very different points of view. yNZHYk54v94-00053-00014534-00014897 And that might have been a good training ground for ICANN, yNZHYk54v94-00054-00014897-00015253 and to some extent, it was but not as much. yNZHYk54v94-00055-00015253-00015544 When you came here at the beginning of your term, yNZHYk54v94-00056-00015544-00015648 you were there for two years. yNZHYk54v94-00057-00015648-00015753 Right. yNZHYk54v94-00058-00015753-00016013 What did you see as your number one challenge? yNZHYk54v94-00059-00016013-00016256 Well, my number one challenge when I came in yNZHYk54v94-00060-00016256-00016578 was learning about all the different communities, yNZHYk54v94-00061-00016578-00016778 all the different interests, yNZHYk54v94-00062-00016778-00017162 the whole ICANN ecosystem yNZHYk54v94-00063-00017162-00017478 was something that I do, something other parts of it, yNZHYk54v94-00064-00017478-00017740 but I had a lot to learn. yNZHYk54v94-00065-00017740-00017950 But then it became clear yNZHYk54v94-00066-00017950-00018108 at least to me yNZHYk54v94-00067-00018108-00018325 that the biggest challenge yNZHYk54v94-00068-00018325-00018700 was what does it take to make this work yNZHYk54v94-00069-00018700-00018934 'cause it appeared to be that yNZHYk54v94-00070-00018934-00019342 it was very fractious at the time, which is not surprising. yNZHYk54v94-00071-00019342-00019447 I mean, it was incredible yNZHYk54v94-00072-00019447-00019551 how far... yNZHYk54v94-00073-00019654-00019889 The founding parents of ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00074-00019889-00020038 who made it coming yNZHYk54v94-00075-00020038-00020290 in the couple of years before I came on yNZHYk54v94-00076-00020290-00020674 and the concepts that they put together. yNZHYk54v94-00077-00020674-00020990 But it still appeared to me that it was not working yNZHYk54v94-00078-00020990-00021562 and that troubled me very much during the first year of my tenure. yNZHYk54v94-00079-00021562-00021867 Stuart, that's interesting. You say it wasn't working. yNZHYk54v94-00080-00021867-00022070 The perception now, yNZHYk54v94-00081-00022070-00022470 many people are unfamiliar with ICANN's earlier stages. yNZHYk54v94-00082-00022470-00022777 You are one of many of the founders of ICANN, yNZHYk54v94-00083-00022777-00023164 the initial people who were there and during its early stages, yNZHYk54v94-00084-00023164-00023622 who seemed to express its future wasn't at all guaranteed, yNZHYk54v94-00085-00023622-00023780 and it was very uncertain. yNZHYk54v94-00086-00023780-00023884 Absolutely. yNZHYk54v94-00087-00024085-00024451 The enough entities and individuals, yNZHYk54v94-00088-00024451-00024568 the criticisms were loud. yNZHYk54v94-00089-00024568-00024767 If you look at the early blogs and so forth, yNZHYk54v94-00090-00024767-00025043 the criticisms were loud and continuous. yNZHYk54v94-00091-00025200-00025385 But, you know, in spite of that, yNZHYk54v94-00092-00025385-00025653 there were always people, good people, yNZHYk54v94-00093-00025653-00025786 the board of ICANN... yNZHYk54v94-00094-00025886-00026030 And the staff, of course, yNZHYk54v94-00095-00026030-00026248 but people out in the community yNZHYk54v94-00096-00026248-00026508 who I think really wanted ICANN to succeed yNZHYk54v94-00097-00026508-00026691 in spite of its dangers yNZHYk54v94-00098-00026691-00026954 and were willing to put their shoulder yNZHYk54v94-00099-00026954-00027232 to the wheel to help make that happen. yNZHYk54v94-00100-00027232-00027493 And I'm talking to people like Vint Cerf, of course, yNZHYk54v94-00101-00027493-00027737 was chair of the board when I was a there, yNZHYk54v94-00102-00027737-00027883 wonderful chair, yNZHYk54v94-00103-00027883-00028224 and people on the board and outside of the board. yNZHYk54v94-00104-00028224-00028490 And then there was always the question of, yNZHYk54v94-00105-00028490-00028626 "If not ICANN, what?" yNZHYk54v94-00106-00028814-00028998 You know, if you take ICANN away... yNZHYk54v94-00107-00029102-00029325 How are you going to put humpty dumpty together in a way yNZHYk54v94-00108-00029325-00029429 that would really work? yNZHYk54v94-00109-00029429-00029660 I mean, everybody who had a special interest yNZHYk54v94-00110-00029660-00029910 would see their role is being... yNZHYk54v94-00111-00030116-00030327 Critical and key and the most important, yNZHYk54v94-00112-00030327-00030483 but it was... yNZHYk54v94-00113-00030483-00030788 How do you put the community as a whole together? yNZHYk54v94-00114-00030788-00030944 And there's nothing else on the table yNZHYk54v94-00115-00030944-00031139 that I could remember yNZHYk54v94-00116-00031139-00031374 whether it's any positive proposal yNZHYk54v94-00117-00031374-00031676 of what it should be other than ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00118-00031676-00031886 except possibly the ITU. yNZHYk54v94-00119-00031886-00032171 In other words, it's easy to see the problems... yNZHYk54v94-00120-00032171-00032401 - Exactly. - Particularly in those early days. yNZHYk54v94-00121-00032401-00032570 But what's the alternative? yNZHYk54v94-00122-00032570-00032743 Well, exactly, I mean, it's... yNZHYk54v94-00123-00032927-00033057 The problems were obvious. yNZHYk54v94-00124-00033057-00033393 I mean, we were trying to literally put Humpty Dumpty together. yNZHYk54v94-00125-00033393-00033627 We had lots of pieces yNZHYk54v94-00126-00033627-00033935 that were not in sync with each other. yNZHYk54v94-00127-00034038-00034220 And that in a way was the beauty of ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00128-00034220-00034610 as well is a place for bringing those pieces together. yNZHYk54v94-00129-00034610-00034864 But it was going to take a lot of hard work yNZHYk54v94-00130-00034864-00035095 over several years to make that happen. yNZHYk54v94-00131-00035095-00035406 Was there a sense on your part yNZHYk54v94-00132-00035406-00035682 or among your colleagues yNZHYk54v94-00133-00035682-00035835 at ICANN at that point, yNZHYk54v94-00134-00035835-00036042 "Hey, we're trying something yNZHYk54v94-00135-00036042-00036171 that has never been done, yNZHYk54v94-00136-00036171-00036483 we're trying an international organization yNZHYk54v94-00137-00036483-00036739 where governments have a voice, yNZHYk54v94-00138-00036739-00036915 but they don't have final decision-making... yNZHYk54v94-00139-00037019-00037549 Where it's a bottom up sort of policy development model"? yNZHYk54v94-00140-00037549-00037693 Was there that sense yNZHYk54v94-00141-00037693-00037929 that we're trying something brand new? yNZHYk54v94-00142-00037929-00038196 Absolutely. And it was... yNZHYk54v94-00143-00038196-00038554 Before me, obviously, I mean, going back to Jon Postel, yNZHYk54v94-00144-00038554-00038907 there was always that sense, this hadn't been done before. yNZHYk54v94-00145-00038907-00039271 This needed a different kind of way of looking at things. yNZHYk54v94-00146-00039271-00039400 It wasn't so much that... yNZHYk54v94-00147-00039573-00039705 We were going to run the governments, yNZHYk54v94-00148-00039705-00039900 so we were always conscious of the fact yNZHYk54v94-00149-00039900-00040035 that we had to be aligned yNZHYk54v94-00150-00040035-00040371 with how governments felt about ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00151-00040371-00040705 that we couldn't go 90 degrees orthogonal. yNZHYk54v94-00152-00040705-00041044 So that's why we had the GAC. yNZHYk54v94-00153-00041044-00041201 And I presume it still has the GAC yNZHYk54v94-00154-00041201-00041435 because it was such an important influence on us. yNZHYk54v94-00155-00041435-00041792 And we had to work hard to bring cohesion yNZHYk54v94-00156-00041792-00041929 among all the different groups. yNZHYk54v94-00157-00042044-00042666 One year after your term as CEO began in February 2002, yNZHYk54v94-00158-00042666-00043039 you posted an open letter to the Internet community, yNZHYk54v94-00159-00043039-00043322 and I'd like you to elaborate on a few points yNZHYk54v94-00160-00043322-00043530 that you made in that document. yNZHYk54v94-00161-00043530-00043738 You said, and I quote, yNZHYk54v94-00162-00043738-00044042 "ICANN is overburdened with process, yNZHYk54v94-00163-00044042-00044423 and at the same time underfunded and understaffed." yNZHYk54v94-00164-00044570-00044677 That was right. yNZHYk54v94-00165-00044677-00044922 We expected to do an enormous amount. yNZHYk54v94-00166-00045026-00045279 And we had a staff yNZHYk54v94-00167-00045279-00045544 of about 19 people at the time yNZHYk54v94-00168-00045544-00046017 trying to deal with this world of special interest out there yNZHYk54v94-00169-00046017-00046299 as well as operational issues like the IANA. yNZHYk54v94-00170-00046542-00046914 And we expect to do more than it could be done with a staff yNZHYk54v94-00171-00046914-00047029 that small. yNZHYk54v94-00172-00047029-00047242 On the other hand, there was a... yNZHYk54v94-00173-00047242-00047612 What was drummed into me is don't expect ICANN to grow yNZHYk54v94-00174-00047612-00047774 because yNZHYk54v94-00175-00047774-00048133 the community is only interested in keeping it small. yNZHYk54v94-00176-00048133-00048269 - And... - Really? yNZHYk54v94-00177-00048269-00048430 - Oh, yeah, it was... - Why? yNZHYk54v94-00178-00048543-00048910 I suspected and want ICANN to be too powerful yNZHYk54v94-00179-00048910-00049037 at least at that time. yNZHYk54v94-00180-00049246-00049355 There was a question of funding, yNZHYk54v94-00181-00049355-00049512 there's always a question of funding, yNZHYk54v94-00182-00049512-00049643 we're all beggars. yNZHYk54v94-00183-00049749-00049943 We had to... yNZHYk54v94-00184-00049943-00050425 We never knew what ccTLDs were willing to contribute. yNZHYk54v94-00185-00050575-00050868 Our sources of funding were always uncertain. yNZHYk54v94-00186-00050868-00051089 ICANN was started off initially with a loan yNZHYk54v94-00187-00051089-00051439 that we then did pay off, but there was always... yNZHYk54v94-00188-00051439-00051632 It was always uncertain. yNZHYk54v94-00189-00051632-00051816 So every year, yNZHYk54v94-00190-00051816-00052082 hat in hand, we had to go to the community yNZHYk54v94-00191-00052082-00052311 and beg for the next year. yNZHYk54v94-00192-00052311-00052641 So yeah, I look at ICANN today, yNZHYk54v94-00193-00052641-00053210 and I'm both impressed and amazed about how large it's grown. yNZHYk54v94-00194-00053210-00053578 And that was inconceivable when I was... yNZHYk54v94-00195-00053578-00053728 At the time, I was a CEO. yNZHYk54v94-00196-00053728-00054025 - That was on no one's radar. - No one's radar. No. yNZHYk54v94-00197-00054025-00054237 Well, maybe I can't answer for everybody, yNZHYk54v94-00198-00054237-00054463 but that was my impression. yNZHYk54v94-00199-00054463-00054882 You also said in this open letter to the community yNZHYk54v94-00200-00054882-00055247 that you had done a year after you had started. yNZHYk54v94-00201-00055247-00055446 And let me quote directly, yNZHYk54v94-00202-00055446-00055635 "ICANN in its current form yNZHYk54v94-00203-00055635-00055817 has not become the effective steward yNZHYk54v94-00204-00055817-00056039 of the global Internet's naming yNZHYk54v94-00205-00056039-00056226 and address allocation systems yNZHYk54v94-00206-00056226-00056474 as conceived by its founders. yNZHYk54v94-00207-00056474-00056689 Perhaps, even more importantly, yNZHYk54v94-00208-00056689-00057082 the passage of time has not increased the confidence yNZHYk54v94-00209-00057082-00057214 that it can meet yNZHYk54v94-00210-00057214-00057507 its original expectations and hopes." yNZHYk54v94-00211-00057507-00057735 That sounds pretty dire. yNZHYk54v94-00212-00057735-00057904 Well, it seemed pretty dire at the time. yNZHYk54v94-00213-00057904-00058073 I don't remember the exact details yNZHYk54v94-00214-00058073-00058391 of what led me to that conclusion. yNZHYk54v94-00215-00058391-00058534 But I do remember that... yNZHYk54v94-00216-00058695-00058905 Both from discussions within the staff... yNZHYk54v94-00217-00059027-00059340 And discussions outside... yNZHYk54v94-00218-00059447-00059752 It was far from clear that ICANN could survive yNZHYk54v94-00219-00059752-00059965 in its present mode of operation. yNZHYk54v94-00220-00060067-00060379 One of the things that I felt yNZHYk54v94-00221-00060379-00060616 needed to be done was to find a way yNZHYk54v94-00222-00060616-00060986 to bring in the community into the decision process yNZHYk54v94-00223-00060986-00061116 of what ICANN should be. yNZHYk54v94-00224-00061257-00061388 I put that document out, yNZHYk54v94-00225-00061388-00061697 and of course, that document had a lot of internal discussion yNZHYk54v94-00226-00061697-00061994 with the staff and certain members of the board. yNZHYk54v94-00227-00062126-00062407 One of the main purposes was to stir things up, yNZHYk54v94-00228-00062407-00062742 was to get an important dialogue going yNZHYk54v94-00229-00062742-00062996 because otherwise it was always kind of uncertain yNZHYk54v94-00230-00062996-00063290 about what ICANN should be, what it should do. yNZHYk54v94-00231-00063290-00063485 It's going to be effective. yNZHYk54v94-00232-00063485-00063590 Then... yNZHYk54v94-00233-00063712-00063908 ICANN needs some cement yNZHYk54v94-00234-00063908-00064048 between its building blocks yNZHYk54v94-00235-00064048-00064322 that would help it really survive into the future. yNZHYk54v94-00236-00064451-00064568 ICANN has always... yNZHYk54v94-00237-00064748-00064956 Seemed to have since its earliest days yNZHYk54v94-00238-00064956-00065301 that sort of always trying to define itself yNZHYk54v94-00239-00065301-00065499 and its relationship with governments, yNZHYk54v94-00240-00065499-00065777 generally the US government specifically. yNZHYk54v94-00241-00065777-00066023 You sort of touched on that point in your letter. yNZHYk54v94-00242-00066023-00066314 You said, "ICANN is at a crossroads, yNZHYk54v94-00243-00066314-00066572 the process of relocating functions yNZHYk54v94-00244-00066572-00066916 from the US government to ICANN is stalled. yNZHYk54v94-00245-00066916-00067227 I believe that ICANN's ability to make further progress yNZHYk54v94-00246-00067227-00067547 is blocked by its structural weakness. yNZHYk54v94-00247-00067547-00067720 To put it bluntly yNZHYk54v94-00248-00067720-00067856 on its present course, yNZHYk54v94-00249-00067856-00068243 ICANN cannot accomplish its assigned mission. yNZHYk54v94-00250-00068243-00068723 A new path, a new and reform structure is required." yNZHYk54v94-00251-00068723-00068931 What came back at you yNZHYk54v94-00252-00068931-00069041 after you wrote those words? yNZHYk54v94-00253-00069191-00069463 Well, it was first discussed with the board. yNZHYk54v94-00254-00069463-00069710 And the board was very... yNZHYk54v94-00255-00069710-00069930 Most of the board at least was very supportive. yNZHYk54v94-00256-00070069-00070253 Certain of the constituencies... yNZHYk54v94-00257-00070373-00070621 As expected and in fact welcomed, yNZHYk54v94-00258-00070621-00070879 had their own vocal opinions. yNZHYk54v94-00259-00070879-00071168 And what was put out was a straw-man. yNZHYk54v94-00260-00071168-00071356 It wasn't saying this is what it should be. yNZHYk54v94-00261-00071356-00071534 It was a straw-man to say, yNZHYk54v94-00262-00071534-00071862 use this as a starting point to discuss yNZHYk54v94-00263-00071862-00072056 and find out what ICANN should be. yNZHYk54v94-00264-00072056-00072385 Some of the organizations took it as a final blueprint. yNZHYk54v94-00265-00072385-00072687 And it was probably a failure on my part yNZHYk54v94-00266-00072687-00072811 that I didn't make it yNZHYk54v94-00267-00072811-00073008 clear that it was a straw-man yNZHYk54v94-00268-00073008-00073209 tended to provoke discussion yNZHYk54v94-00269-00073209-00073322 not a final answer. yNZHYk54v94-00270-00073322-00073489 So you were actually trying to poke people yNZHYk54v94-00271-00073489-00073795 into aggressive and detailed conversation. yNZHYk54v94-00272-00073795-00073972 Yeah, yeah. yNZHYk54v94-00273-00073972-00074344 Just having discussions on blogs or in rooms and in private rooms yNZHYk54v94-00274-00074344-00074575 and writing memos wasn't going to do it. yNZHYk54v94-00275-00074575-00074768 It needed to be a very open discussion. yNZHYk54v94-00276-00074891-00075132 And subsequently, the board took on the challenge. yNZHYk54v94-00277-00075302-00075474 Alejandro Pisanty yNZHYk54v94-00278-00075474-00075719 did a brilliant job of chairing a board committee yNZHYk54v94-00279-00075719-00076082 to help bring that constituency involvement together yNZHYk54v94-00280-00076082-00076558 and to help define what ICANN should be going forward. yNZHYk54v94-00281-00076558-00076989 Stuart, what was the toughest part of your job yNZHYk54v94-00282-00076989-00077119 at that time? yNZHYk54v94-00283-00077119-00077281 Well, the toughest part, of course, was... yNZHYk54v94-00284-00077425-00077605 I mean, there were two toughest parts. yNZHYk54v94-00285-00077605-00077722 The travel was tough. yNZHYk54v94-00286-00077827-00077931 People think of travel yNZHYk54v94-00287-00077931-00078107 as being this great big wonderful thing. yNZHYk54v94-00288-00078107-00078338 But as far as the job was concerned, yNZHYk54v94-00289-00078338-00078602 it was trying to find a path yNZHYk54v94-00290-00078602-00078862 to bring constituencies together... yNZHYk54v94-00291-00079148-00079321 And putting the interests of the Internet yNZHYk54v94-00292-00079321-00079770 as a whole ahead of parochial interest. yNZHYk54v94-00293-00079770-00079902 What do you mean? yNZHYk54v94-00294-00080073-00080357 Well, you're asking me to go back 18 years. yNZHYk54v94-00295-00080357-00080484 Right. Right, right. yNZHYk54v94-00296-00080484-00080596 Well, not 18. yNZHYk54v94-00297-00080596-00080762 I guess what I'm asking you is... yNZHYk54v94-00298-00080887-00081020 Are you saying yNZHYk54v94-00299-00081020-00081160 everybody had a self-interest, yNZHYk54v94-00300-00081160-00081393 but there was not an interest about ICANN itself? yNZHYk54v94-00301-00081532-00081638 It was varied. yNZHYk54v94-00302-00081638-00081853 As I mentioned earlier, yNZHYk54v94-00303-00081853-00082030 with some people, yNZHYk54v94-00304-00082030-00082294 I'll call them the royalty of the Internet, yNZHYk54v94-00305-00082294-00082712 did have the interest in putting the Internet first yNZHYk54v94-00306-00082712-00082928 and accepting that ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00307-00082928-00083102 had an important role to play in that. yNZHYk54v94-00308-00083205-00083643 But there were enough noise makers who... yNZHYk54v94-00309-00083789-00084014 I don't want to accuse them of not putting the Internet first, yNZHYk54v94-00310-00084014-00084203 they had their own view. yNZHYk54v94-00311-00084203-00084367 And they probably should yNZHYk54v94-00312-00084367-00084705 of what constituted... yNZHYk54v94-00313-00084978-00085189 Putting the Internet first yNZHYk54v94-00314-00085189-00085358 but that view yNZHYk54v94-00315-00085358-00085535 tended to reflect their own interests yNZHYk54v94-00316-00085535-00085650 more than it did, yNZHYk54v94-00317-00085650-00085890 understanding that there was a much broader yNZHYk54v94-00318-00085890-00086019 set of constituencies yNZHYk54v94-00319-00086019-00086165 held there than just... yNZHYk54v94-00320-00086303-00086407 What they saw. yNZHYk54v94-00321-00086681-00086842 And it sounds like yNZHYk54v94-00322-00086842-00087046 in doing the background yNZHYk54v94-00323-00087046-00087273 when I was researching for this interview, yNZHYk54v94-00324-00087273-00087592 it sounds like your correspond, your letter, yNZHYk54v94-00325-00087592-00087799 your open letter had the desired effect. yNZHYk54v94-00326-00087799-00088011 It sounds like it did, it was successful. yNZHYk54v94-00327-00088011-00088116 It's so prompting. yNZHYk54v94-00328-00088116-00088482 It's over provoked reaction and some very strong reactions. yNZHYk54v94-00329-00088482-00088713 And I think... yNZHYk54v94-00330-00088818-00089040 People thought at the time that maybe yNZHYk54v94-00331-00089040-00089228 I didn't want those strong reactions. yNZHYk54v94-00332-00089228-00089606 In fact, that were exactly what was wanted yNZHYk54v94-00333-00089606-00089884 'cause it created discussions yNZHYk54v94-00334-00089884-00090167 that need to be aired in order to bring... yNZHYk54v94-00335-00090271-00090473 To create a path going forward. yNZHYk54v94-00336-00090636-00090797 Let's go there for just a minute. yNZHYk54v94-00337-00090797-00091142 Talk to me about the so-called program of reform yNZHYk54v94-00338-00091142-00091282 that followed your letter. yNZHYk54v94-00339-00091600-00091774 And I don't care about the exact details, yNZHYk54v94-00340-00091774-00092043 but where did that want to take the organization? yNZHYk54v94-00341-00092204-00092539 Well, I wanted to take the organizations yNZHYk54v94-00342-00092539-00092850 where I had a firmer foundation moving forward. yNZHYk54v94-00343-00092850-00093018 The details of what happened... yNZHYk54v94-00344-00093159-00093413 Some of the recommendations, yNZHYk54v94-00345-00093413-00093681 I think or statements in the straw document yNZHYk54v94-00346-00093681-00093803 were adopted. yNZHYk54v94-00347-00093803-00093968 I mean, I know I personally felt yNZHYk54v94-00348-00093968-00094359 that there need to be a clear role yNZHYk54v94-00349-00094359-00094702 for the ccTLDs yNZHYk54v94-00350-00094702-00094959 which were part of that time yNZHYk54v94-00351-00094959-00095381 what's now the GNSO and the ccTLD, yNZHYk54v94-00352-00095381-00095727 and so part of a single organization. yNZHYk54v94-00353-00095727-00096068 And its input was not actually dominated yNZHYk54v94-00354-00096068-00096313 by the generic domain yNZHYk54v94-00355-00096313-00096617 hold registries. yNZHYk54v94-00356-00096874-00097094 I felt strongly that the ccNSO, yNZHYk54v94-00357-00097195-00097328 it was more than a straw-man... yNZHYk54v94-00358-00097432-00097764 Needed to have its own voice independently, yNZHYk54v94-00359-00097764-00097940 get access to the board yNZHYk54v94-00360-00097940-00098110 with its all recommendations yNZHYk54v94-00361-00098110-00098318 because their needs yNZHYk54v94-00362-00098318-00098597 and their role in relation to ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00363-00098597-00098957 was very different than that of the GNS, yNZHYk54v94-00364-00098957-00099150 generic domain name registries. yNZHYk54v94-00365-00099150-00099306 And after that point yNZHYk54v94-00366-00099306-00099427 that had not been a consideration? yNZHYk54v94-00367-00099427-00099575 - No. - No. yNZHYk54v94-00368-00099575-00099699 Well, when it was considered, yNZHYk54v94-00369-00099699-00099867 I don't know, it wasn't implemented. yNZHYk54v94-00370-00099867-00100003 And in fact... yNZHYk54v94-00371-00100132-00100393 The concept came up right on this... yNZHYk54v94-00372-00100506-00100712 Right out here at this patio, yNZHYk54v94-00373-00100712-00101196 I invited some of the ccTLD folks out here, yNZHYk54v94-00374-00101196-00101397 Theresa Swinehart came out. yNZHYk54v94-00375-00101397-00101700 And we had some free ranging discussions yNZHYk54v94-00376-00101700-00101957 about what should it look like yNZHYk54v94-00377-00101957-00102196 and then help put it together. yNZHYk54v94-00378-00102196-00102486 - And that was its birth. - That was its birth. Yes. yNZHYk54v94-00379-00102486-00102814 So those are serious questions, yNZHYk54v94-00380-00102814-00102929 as well as what should be yNZHYk54v94-00381-00102929-00103232 the future of the At-Large community. yNZHYk54v94-00382-00103507-00103800 Carl Bildt, the former prime minister of Sweden, yNZHYk54v94-00383-00103800-00104079 had kindly chaired a committee yNZHYk54v94-00384-00104079-00104219 to make recommendations yNZHYk54v94-00385-00104219-00104720 as to how the rest of the Internet community, yNZHYk54v94-00386-00104720-00105102 the users, and everyone out there should be involved, yNZHYk54v94-00387-00105102-00105345 and came up with some recommendations. yNZHYk54v94-00388-00105345-00105522 And there are serious questions yNZHYk54v94-00389-00105522-00106056 about should we construct voting constituents? yNZHYk54v94-00390-00106056-00106424 They can elect At-Large members to be part of ICANN. yNZHYk54v94-00391-00106424-00106611 And it was an impossible problem. yNZHYk54v94-00392-00106611-00106879 And so we made some recommendations yNZHYk54v94-00393-00106879-00107082 of putting an advisory committee together yNZHYk54v94-00394-00107082-00107391 instead of NSO... yNZHYk54v94-00395-00107523-00107809 And that was one of the things that came out as well. yNZHYk54v94-00396-00107809-00108237 It was felt a need to have routes into ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00397-00108237-00108629 and into the board for individuals or groups yNZHYk54v94-00398-00108629-00108826 who felt they had been heard. yNZHYk54v94-00399-00108826-00109063 And we put forward this Ombudsman program as well yNZHYk54v94-00400-00109063-00109283 to help make that happen. yNZHYk54v94-00401-00109283-00109623 So that was the beginning of ICANNs Ombudsman program? yNZHYk54v94-00402-00109623-00109915 I believe so. Yes, it was as I recall. Yeah. yNZHYk54v94-00403-00109915-00110186 Stuart, in your keys for reform you called for... yNZHYk54v94-00404-00110186-00110333 And this quite surprised me. yNZHYk54v94-00405-00110333-00110658 You called for more direct governmental involvement yNZHYk54v94-00406-00110658-00111040 with a third of ICANN Board members yNZHYk54v94-00407-00111040-00111283 named by the GAC or governments. yNZHYk54v94-00408-00111385-00111544 That kind of surprised me when I read that. yNZHYk54v94-00409-00111544-00111736 That surprises me that I said that. yNZHYk54v94-00410-00111851-00112258 And I think what was in my mind going back was, yNZHYk54v94-00411-00112258-00112397 again, I wanted to provoke. yNZHYk54v94-00412-00112558-00112757 There needed to be a clear understanding yNZHYk54v94-00413-00112757-00112880 of what the role of governments yNZHYk54v94-00414-00112880-00113263 was going to be or should be going forward. yNZHYk54v94-00415-00113263-00113637 And I think I felt that the... yNZHYk54v94-00416-00113882-00114119 Louis and some of the rest of us felt, yNZHYk54v94-00417-00114119-00114320 the best way to get this answer yNZHYk54v94-00418-00114320-00114591 was to put something extreme out there yNZHYk54v94-00419-00114591-00114843 and let the chips fall, let it sort itself out. yNZHYk54v94-00420-00114843-00115104 It sounds like a lot of what you were involved with yNZHYk54v94-00421-00115104-00115266 was trying to prompt yNZHYk54v94-00422-00115266-00115486 aggressive conversation ideas, push things along. yNZHYk54v94-00423-00115486-00115617 Exactly. yNZHYk54v94-00424-00115617-00115842 Get them in the open, get them discussed. yNZHYk54v94-00425-00116006-00116113 Yeah, I mean... yNZHYk54v94-00426-00116253-00116383 I don't want to back off entirely, yNZHYk54v94-00427-00116383-00116750 the straw-man was put together with some sense of things yNZHYk54v94-00428-00116750-00117100 that needed to be at least examined and maybe even happen. yNZHYk54v94-00429-00117100-00117422 But it wasn't intended to be a final document and final answer. yNZHYk54v94-00430-00117542-00117659 What was the... yNZHYk54v94-00431-00117791-00118179 Most rewarding part of your term? yNZHYk54v94-00432-00118179-00118412 Oh, working with some fantastic people. yNZHYk54v94-00433-00118412-00118600 I mean, it was... yNZHYk54v94-00434-00118765-00119097 So good to work with people from all around the world yNZHYk54v94-00435-00119097-00119526 and staff who were dedicated to making yNZHYk54v94-00436-00119526-00119658 not just ICANN work yNZHYk54v94-00437-00119658-00119944 but making the Internet work the way it should. yNZHYk54v94-00438-00119944-00120048 I mean... yNZHYk54v94-00439-00120048-00120198 It sounds pretty idealistic. yNZHYk54v94-00440-00120198-00120306 Well, it was. yNZHYk54v94-00441-00120306-00120524 I mean, you had so many communities involved yNZHYk54v94-00442-00120524-00120722 with the technical side to the business side, yNZHYk54v94-00443-00120722-00121031 to the government side, to the user side, yNZHYk54v94-00444-00121031-00121245 so many stakeholders. yNZHYk54v94-00445-00121245-00121484 But what was so rewarding yNZHYk54v94-00446-00121484-00121872 was seeing this kind of passionate interest yNZHYk54v94-00447-00121872-00122173 in the Internet and it being successful. yNZHYk54v94-00448-00122173-00122337 Yeah, I mean, yNZHYk54v94-00449-00122337-00122575 rightly so I had yNZHYk54v94-00450-00122575-00122722 financial interest involved. yNZHYk54v94-00451-00122722-00122901 We're good. That's part of the way it works. yNZHYk54v94-00452-00122901-00123121 We need that part... yNZHYk54v94-00453-00123271-00123560 Well, user's part where technical people yNZHYk54v94-00454-00123560-00123966 who put their life into designing the underpinnings of the Internet, yNZHYk54v94-00455-00123966-00124286 making sure that we're running an open Internet yNZHYk54v94-00456-00124286-00124416 that was going to be yNZHYk54v94-00457-00124416-00124615 available to the community as a whole. yNZHYk54v94-00458-00124788-00124978 So that was the most rewarding experience, yNZHYk54v94-00459-00124978-00125213 and it's just seeing so many people working yNZHYk54v94-00460-00125213-00125358 with so many people yNZHYk54v94-00461-00125358-00125639 who are absolutely dedicated to the future of the Internet. yNZHYk54v94-00462-00125752-00125929 Was there ever a time yNZHYk54v94-00463-00125929-00126153 during your term yNZHYk54v94-00464-00126153-00126352 when you thought this thing, yNZHYk54v94-00465-00126352-00126566 this ICANN experiment, it's not going to work? yNZHYk54v94-00466-00126841-00127045 Because of the kinds of people I just mentioned, yNZHYk54v94-00467-00127045-00127306 I never thought it was not going to work. yNZHYk54v94-00468-00127306-00127546 I always thought it had a very difficult road. yNZHYk54v94-00469-00127546-00127877 And I thought the notion, I don't rely over voices, yNZHYk54v94-00470-00127877-00128271 but I felt at the time that the notion of the... yNZHYk54v94-00471-00128609-00128860 Ultimate control moving from the US government, yNZHYk54v94-00472-00128860-00129068 ICANN and the community as a whole yNZHYk54v94-00473-00129068-00129278 was going to take a lot longer than yNZHYk54v94-00474-00129278-00129522 I think people who are hoping. yNZHYk54v94-00475-00129522-00129781 And in fact, if I have to be quite honest, yNZHYk54v94-00476-00129781-00129989 in those early days, yNZHYk54v94-00477-00129989-00130212 there was some benefit to the US government yNZHYk54v94-00478-00130212-00130344 having the role that it did. yNZHYk54v94-00479-00130463-00130684 It sort of protected ICANN from some things yNZHYk54v94-00480-00130684-00130930 that should not have happened. yNZHYk54v94-00481-00131155-00131349 The model of ICANN, yNZHYk54v94-00482-00131349-00131608 this Ira Magaziner who was the... yNZHYk54v94-00483-00131608-00131775 Right, he was... yNZHYk54v94-00484-00131775-00131920 In a sense, yNZHYk54v94-00485-00131920-00132108 when I interviewed him, yNZHYk54v94-00486-00132108-00132326 I said, in a sense, yNZHYk54v94-00487-00132326-00132500 you could be considered that... yNZHYk54v94-00488-00132500-00132768 The way Vint is considered the father of the Internet, yNZHYk54v94-00489-00132768-00133035 you might well be considered the father of ICANN. yNZHYk54v94-00490-00133035-00133173 Sounds like you agree. yNZHYk54v94-00491-00133173-00133293 Absolutely. Yeah. yNZHYk54v94-00492-00133443-00133814 It was one of the good things to come out of that administration yNZHYk54v94-00493-00133814-00134207 and do credit to the Bush administration. yNZHYk54v94-00494-00134394-00134566 You know, well, not just the administration yNZHYk54v94-00495-00134566-00134679 but the Senate and the Congress, yNZHYk54v94-00496-00134679-00134875 there was always senators and congressmen yNZHYk54v94-00497-00134875-00135009 who would like to posture yNZHYk54v94-00498-00135009-00135221 and a good way to posture was to attack ICANN, yNZHYk54v94-00499-00135221-00135458 but the reality was yNZHYk54v94-00500-00135458-00135979 that no one wanted ICANN to fail in the US government. yNZHYk54v94-00501-00135979-00136258 I don't say no one but no one we came in contact with. yNZHYk54v94-00502-00136533-00136995 Was there a viable threat from the UN, generally ITU? yNZHYk54v94-00503-00137180-00137405 It was always viable. yNZHYk54v94-00504-00137405-00137509 Because... yNZHYk54v94-00505-00137649-00137837 In the end if the government's got together yNZHYk54v94-00506-00137837-00137977 and the US government agreed... yNZHYk54v94-00507-00138170-00138563 They could have taken over responsibility. yNZHYk54v94-00508-00138782-00138886 I used to ask... yNZHYk54v94-00509-00139006-00139214 "How could you give responsibility to the Internet yNZHYk54v94-00510-00139214-00139319 to an organization yNZHYk54v94-00511-00139319-00139572 that can't put a delete button on the telephone? yNZHYk54v94-00512-00139572-00139825 So I have to redial the whole number yNZHYk54v94-00513-00139825-00139996 if I make a mistake." yNZHYk54v94-00514-00139996-00140327 But, you know, they're very capable organization. yNZHYk54v94-00515-00140327-00140555 They did good work and so forth. yNZHYk54v94-00516-00140555-00140736 But I never felt, yNZHYk54v94-00517-00140736-00140944 and I don't think anyone intimately involved yNZHYk54v94-00518-00140944-00141204 with the Internet really felt yNZHYk54v94-00519-00141204-00141309 that... yNZHYk54v94-00520-00141436-00141852 They were right for this kind of emerging Internet to the way yNZHYk54v94-00521-00141852-00142185 it was rather than the kind of almost top-down nature yNZHYk54v94-00522-00142185-00142547 of the telephone community. yNZHYk54v94-00523-00142547-00142822 I'm interested in your personal feeling. yNZHYk54v94-00524-00142942-00143132 Do you feel like you helped... yNZHYk54v94-00525-00143234-00143405 Build and create something yNZHYk54v94-00526-00143405-00143651 that had never been seen before yNZHYk54v94-00527-00143651-00143920 or something that was totally unique yNZHYk54v94-00528-00143920-00144148 that to a large degree helped shape yNZHYk54v94-00529-00144148-00144363 the future of the Internet yNZHYk54v94-00530-00144363-00144598 or was this is just a two-year gig for you? yNZHYk54v94-00531-00144598-00144857 It was not a two-year gig for me. yNZHYk54v94-00532-00144857-00145014 There are a lot better two-year gigs yNZHYk54v94-00533-00145014-00145230 I could have chosen. yNZHYk54v94-00534-00145230-00145566 They were far less demanding and strenuous yNZHYk54v94-00535-00145566-00145852 and less straight on my health. yNZHYk54v94-00536-00145852-00146161 Now I really hope I can do something useful... yNZHYk54v94-00537-00146264-00146608 Within the community to help catalyze change yNZHYk54v94-00538-00146608-00146750 that was needed. yNZHYk54v94-00539-00146750-00147015 And I'll leave it to others to judge yNZHYk54v94-00540-00147015-00147236 as to whether achieve that. yNZHYk54v94-00541-00147236-00147434 But let me make it perfectly clear. yNZHYk54v94-00542-00147434-00147806 Nothing and against done in ICANN or anywhere yNZHYk54v94-00543-00147806-00148069 is because the CEO of ICANN wants it to happen. yNZHYk54v94-00544-00148330-00148696 It takes a village to build ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00545-00148696-00149206 and to make its role to help fulfill its role. yNZHYk54v94-00546-00149206-00149336 Let's deal with that for a second. yNZHYk54v94-00547-00149336-00149479 That's an important point. yNZHYk54v94-00548-00149479-00149669 In most traditional organizations, yNZHYk54v94-00549-00149669-00149984 the CEO is the final word not in ICANN. yNZHYk54v94-00550-00149984-00150135 Not in ICANN. yNZHYk54v94-00551-00150135-00150303 No. yNZHYk54v94-00552-00150303-00150411 Not at all. yNZHYk54v94-00553-00150411-00150694 And of course, the board plays a very strong role, yNZHYk54v94-00554-00150694-00150941 and of course, the community plays a huge role. yNZHYk54v94-00555-00151056-00151436 ICANN is not a typical top-down organization. yNZHYk54v94-00556-00151563-00151732 I remember Vint and I had a meeting yNZHYk54v94-00557-00151732-00152122 with the then secretary of commerce and President Bush, yNZHYk54v94-00558-00152122-00152353 and I don't remember his name. yNZHYk54v94-00559-00152353-00152605 And it was clear... yNZHYk54v94-00560-00152605-00152785 He came from a business background, yNZHYk54v94-00561-00152785-00153066 I mean, very successful, was very capable individual. yNZHYk54v94-00562-00153066-00153453 It was clear, he didn't understand the Internet yNZHYk54v94-00563-00153453-00153721 and why it was something very different yNZHYk54v94-00564-00153721-00153825 than... yNZHYk54v94-00565-00153934-00154247 Organizations that he'd been involved with before, yNZHYk54v94-00566-00154247-00154518 it was not a top-down organization. yNZHYk54v94-00567-00154518-00154762 He did make one comment that I think he was right. yNZHYk54v94-00568-00154762-00154957 And I remember at the time, he said, yNZHYk54v94-00569-00154957-00155083 "You know, yNZHYk54v94-00570-00155083-00155312 you're too small to accomplish anything useful. yNZHYk54v94-00571-00155442-00155730 And you need to be much larger yNZHYk54v94-00572-00155730-00155957 to make an imprint and make a difference. yNZHYk54v94-00573-00155957-00156172 Which flies in the face of the conventional wisdom yNZHYk54v94-00574-00156172-00156303 you laid out earlier. yNZHYk54v94-00575-00156303-00156550 That was being put on us at the time. yNZHYk54v94-00576-00156550-00156659 But he was right. yNZHYk54v94-00577-00156659-00157030 And one of the good things is to see that ICANN has grown yNZHYk54v94-00578-00157030-00157142 to where it can be... yNZHYk54v94-00579-00157302-00157408 Effective in the way yNZHYk54v94-00580-00157408-00157585 that it was originally conceived to be. yNZHYk54v94-00581-00157749-00157927 You said yNZHYk54v94-00582-00157927-00158083 you'll leave it up to others yNZHYk54v94-00583-00158083-00158246 to judge what you accomplished. yNZHYk54v94-00584-00158246-00158354 Sure. yNZHYk54v94-00585-00158354-00158472 I'm going to throw that back at you yNZHYk54v94-00586-00158472-00158644 and ask you to give me a self-appraisal. yNZHYk54v94-00587-00158644-00158770 Do you feel good yNZHYk54v94-00588-00158770-00158917 about what you were able to accomplish yNZHYk54v94-00589-00158917-00159116 during that two-year stint? yNZHYk54v94-00590-00159116-00159220 I do. yNZHYk54v94-00591-00159361-00159540 When I came in, yNZHYk54v94-00592-00159540-00159843 I'd already retired for the second time. yNZHYk54v94-00593-00159843-00159950 And... yNZHYk54v94-00594-00160165-00160477 I was very surprised that I was even pulled back into the saddle. yNZHYk54v94-00595-00160477-00160763 But one of the things went through my mind is that, yNZHYk54v94-00596-00160763-00160936 "Stuart, you're old enough, you're in a position, yNZHYk54v94-00597-00160936-00161077 your career doesn't matter, yNZHYk54v94-00598-00161077-00161315 you can just do whatever you think is right, yNZHYk54v94-00599-00161315-00161505 help make things happen. yNZHYk54v94-00600-00161505-00161801 And if it works, fine. yNZHYk54v94-00601-00161801-00161931 The community thing, it works fine. yNZHYk54v94-00602-00161931-00162039 If they don't, yNZHYk54v94-00603-00162039-00162589 'Hey, I got a nice place to retire too so no big deal.'" yNZHYk54v94-00604-00162589-00162876 So when I left, I felt yNZHYk54v94-00605-00162876-00163268 that I had accomplished something useful, yNZHYk54v94-00606-00163268-00163461 mostly about the change in ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00607-00163461-00163693 and there are other things that went on all the way through... yNZHYk54v94-00608-00163843-00164298 Besides this big revolutionary organization. yNZHYk54v94-00609-00164552-00164666 And in two years, I felt yNZHYk54v94-00610-00164666-00164824 I accomplished what I could accomplish. yNZHYk54v94-00611-00164999-00165195 When you left yNZHYk54v94-00612-00165195-00165306 as CEO yNZHYk54v94-00613-00165306-00165602 and Paul Twomey was coming in as your successor... yNZHYk54v94-00614-00165705-00166024 Did you give him any special advice or counsel? yNZHYk54v94-00615-00166024-00166224 Well, I don't remember, you should ask him that. yNZHYk54v94-00616-00166371-00166497 What I do remember was yNZHYk54v94-00617-00166497-00166850 I was so happy that Paul my successor, yNZHYk54v94-00618-00166850-00167016 Paul was chair at the GAC yNZHYk54v94-00619-00167016-00167183 during my term, yNZHYk54v94-00620-00167183-00167405 he did it brilliantly. yNZHYk54v94-00621-00167405-00167603 And I felt that... yNZHYk54v94-00622-00167735-00167859 ICANN needed someone yNZHYk54v94-00623-00167859-00168207 who had more experience in understanding of governments, yNZHYk54v94-00624-00168207-00168528 and I did in order to move forward to the next step. yNZHYk54v94-00625-00168630-00169050 And I was so happy to see Paul come in and take over. yNZHYk54v94-00626-00169050-00169278 And he did a great job. yNZHYk54v94-00627-00169278-00169647 I may have been the catalyst in the reorganization of ICANN. yNZHYk54v94-00628-00169647-00169791 He was among many other things, yNZHYk54v94-00629-00169791-00170133 the catalyst in developing a funding model for ICANN yNZHYk54v94-00630-00170133-00170557 that enabled it to grow to accomplish its objectives. yNZHYk54v94-00631-00170557-00171004 Is it overly simplistic to ask you for your single best memory yNZHYk54v94-00632-00171004-00171189 of your term in that two-year period? yNZHYk54v94-00633-00171189-00171305 Oh! yNZHYk54v94-00634-00171463-00171629 This may be different than you expect. yNZHYk54v94-00635-00171770-00171934 It's where I was on 9/11. yNZHYk54v94-00636-00172100-00172588 ICANN had held a meeting in Montevideo in Uruguay. yNZHYk54v94-00637-00172588-00172890 On the 10th of September was the board meeting. yNZHYk54v94-00638-00172890-00173005 That evening... yNZHYk54v94-00639-00173155-00173295 Theresa Swinehart and I... yNZHYk54v94-00640-00173407-00173725 Were flying to Santiago in Chile... yNZHYk54v94-00641-00173859-00174044 And to meet with... yNZHYk54v94-00642-00174193-00174676 The director, Patricio Poblete and his associates. yNZHYk54v94-00643-00174676-00175055 And we flew the flight that the... yNZHYk54v94-00644-00175055-00175181 I think it was a rugby team, yNZHYk54v94-00645-00175181-00175459 Uruguayan rugby team were flown yNZHYk54v94-00646-00175459-00175613 that ended up stranded in the Andes. yNZHYk54v94-00647-00175745-00175960 So it's some trepidation. yNZHYk54v94-00648-00176062-00176342 So on the flight over, yNZHYk54v94-00649-00176342-00176650 I had a tooth fallout or cap of the tooth fallout, yNZHYk54v94-00650-00176650-00176763 maybe the altitude. yNZHYk54v94-00651-00176938-00177185 So when we landed I asked Patricio, yNZHYk54v94-00652-00177185-00177349 I said, "Is there a dentist yNZHYk54v94-00653-00177349-00177624 that you recommend around here?" yNZHYk54v94-00654-00177624-00178044 So, he said, "Sure, we'll go in the morning." yNZHYk54v94-00655-00178044-00178242 So in the morning we went to this dentist yNZHYk54v94-00656-00178242-00178357 that he recommended. yNZHYk54v94-00657-00178478-00178709 And I was sitting in the chair and his cell phone rang... yNZHYk54v94-00658-00178811-00178980 And he's talking apparently to his wife yNZHYk54v94-00659-00178980-00179252 and she was saying what was happening on 9/11. yNZHYk54v94-00660-00179252-00179381 He started telling, and I said... yNZHYk54v94-00661-00179599-00179812 I jumped out of my chair. yNZHYk54v94-00662-00180038-00180294 And his wife kept ringing for the next half hour updating, yNZHYk54v94-00663-00180294-00180518 and I was going nuts not knowing. yNZHYk54v94-00664-00180518-00180861 It turned out that he and his wife have been scheduled to fly yNZHYk54v94-00665-00180861-00181055 to New York that evening yNZHYk54v94-00666-00181055-00181310 and was scheduled to have dinner yNZHYk54v94-00667-00181310-00181570 in the World Trade Center the restaurant at the top. yNZHYk54v94-00668-00181675-00181909 And of course, they... But I was going nuts. yNZHYk54v94-00669-00181909-00182414 So then we were stranded in Chile, in Santiago for the next week, yNZHYk54v94-00670-00182414-00182635 which is a lovely place to be stranded. yNZHYk54v94-00671-00182635-00182817 Because their traffic had been suspended. yNZHYk54v94-00672-00182817-00182924 Suspended. Yes. yNZHYk54v94-00673-00182924-00183309 And I remember the newspapers made hay out and the fact yNZHYk54v94-00674-00183309-00183523 that I was there and they called, yNZHYk54v94-00675-00183523-00183765 they called me "el jefe de Internet"... yNZHYk54v94-00676-00183870-00184027 A head of the Internet. yNZHYk54v94-00677-00184027-00184241 I said, "Come on, there's no head of the Internet." yNZHYk54v94-00678-00184241-00184417 No, they had been in that way. yNZHYk54v94-00679-00184417-00184624 So that's my most vivid memory. yNZHYk54v94-00680-00184624-00184746 Okay. yNZHYk54v94-00681-00184746-00184954 Since you mentioned 9/11, yNZHYk54v94-00682-00184954-00185353 Becky Burr, who is a current ICANN Board member yNZHYk54v94-00683-00185353-00185526 said, and you and I talked about this yNZHYk54v94-00684-00185526-00185746 prior to the cameras rolling. yNZHYk54v94-00685-00185746-00186045 Becky Burr had said that 9/11 marked a major change yNZHYk54v94-00686-00186045-00186456 and the relationship of ICANN and the US government. yNZHYk54v94-00687-00186456-00186607 When we were talking about this earlier, yNZHYk54v94-00688-00186607-00186940 you said you felt there was almost a bigger change yNZHYk54v94-00689-00186940-00187339 between administrations, US presidential administrations? yNZHYk54v94-00690-00187339-00187536 Well, there was change. yNZHYk54v94-00691-00187536-00187682 But I think the change... yNZHYk54v94-00692-00187793-00187928 Well, there are probably two changes. yNZHYk54v94-00693-00187928-00188224 I mean, one was the change working with a different administration yNZHYk54v94-00694-00188224-00188485 although I number the staff with, it's still the same. yNZHYk54v94-00695-00188685-00188988 And I mentioned the secretary of commerce meeting, for example... yNZHYk54v94-00696-00189245-00189505 I don't think that would have gone the same way yNZHYk54v94-00697-00189505-00189735 with the previous administration. yNZHYk54v94-00698-00189735-00190084 But maybe the security focus certainly changed. yNZHYk54v94-00699-00190084-00190199 There was a lot of emphasis yNZHYk54v94-00700-00190199-00190471 on when you're going to implement DNSSEC yNZHYk54v94-00701-00190471-00190979 and getting involved with homeland security, yNZHYk54v94-00702-00190979-00191174 and they're concerned about security, yNZHYk54v94-00703-00191174-00191480 understandable concern about security. yNZHYk54v94-00704-00191480-00191706 But I will put the change more yNZHYk54v94-00705-00191706-00191999 overall I think to the change of administration. yNZHYk54v94-00706-00191999-00192105 Okay. yNZHYk54v94-00707-00192105-00192554 Stuart Lynn, ICANN's second CEO from 2001 to 2003, yNZHYk54v94-00708-00192554-00192714 thank you again for taking the time to talk to us. yNZHYk54v94-00709-00192714-00192883 My pleasure. Thank you for coming out. yOU-bmyueNc-00000-00000010-00000050 TAKING IT TO BRAINERD. yOU-bmyueNc-00001-00000050-00000056 TAKING IT TO BRAINERD. yOU-bmyueNc-00002-00000056-00000236 TAKING IT TO BRAINERD. HOPE THERE'S A GOOD CROWD THERE. yOU-bmyueNc-00003-00000236-00000243 TAKING IT TO BRAINERD. HOPE THERE'S A GOOD CROWD THERE. yOU-bmyueNc-00004-00000243-00000370 TAKING IT TO BRAINERD. HOPE THERE'S A GOOD CROWD THERE. >> AJ: I HOPE SO, THEY'RE yOU-bmyueNc-00005-00000370-00000377 HOPE THERE'S A GOOD CROWD THERE. >> AJ: I HOPE SO, THEY'RE yOU-bmyueNc-00006-00000377-00000507 HOPE THERE'S A GOOD CROWD THERE. >> AJ: I HOPE SO, THEY'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. yOU-bmyueNc-00007-00000507-00000513 >> AJ: I HOPE SO, THEY'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. yOU-bmyueNc-00008-00000513-00000627 >> AJ: I HOPE SO, THEY'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. >> Dennis: THANKS, A.J. yOU-bmyueNc-00009-00000627-00000633 LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. >> Dennis: THANKS, A.J. yOU-bmyueNc-00010-00000633-00001054 LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. >> Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A MEAL MADE FOR EVERYONE, yOU-bmyueNc-00011-00001054-00001061 >> Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A MEAL MADE FOR EVERYONE, yOU-bmyueNc-00012-00001061-00001184 >> Dennis: THANKS, A.J. >>> A MEAL MADE FOR EVERYONE, REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US yOU-bmyueNc-00013-00001184-00001191 >>> A MEAL MADE FOR EVERYONE, REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US yOU-bmyueNc-00014-00001191-00001374 >>> A MEAL MADE FOR EVERYONE, REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE FIRST EVER COMMUNITY yOU-bmyueNc-00015-00001374-00001381 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE FIRST EVER COMMUNITY yOU-bmyueNc-00016-00001381-00001751 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE FIRST EVER COMMUNITY MEAL IN THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY yOU-bmyueNc-00017-00001751-00001758 ABOUT THE FIRST EVER COMMUNITY MEAL IN THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY yOU-bmyueNc-00018-00001758-00001921 ABOUT THE FIRST EVER COMMUNITY MEAL IN THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. yOU-bmyueNc-00019-00001921-00001928 MEAL IN THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. yOU-bmyueNc-00020-00001928-00002238 MEAL IN THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. >> FIRST TIME I CAME LIKE THIS yOU-bmyueNc-00021-00002238-00002245 SPOTLIGHT. >> FIRST TIME I CAME LIKE THIS yOU-bmyueNc-00022-00002245-00002489 SPOTLIGHT. >> FIRST TIME I CAME LIKE THIS AND I'M SURROUNDED BY FAMILY yOU-bmyueNc-00023-00002489-00002495 >> FIRST TIME I CAME LIKE THIS AND I'M SURROUNDED BY FAMILY yOU-bmyueNc-00024-00002495-00002585 >> FIRST TIME I CAME LIKE THIS AND I'M SURROUNDED BY FAMILY MEMBERSIC. yOU-bmyueNc-00025-00002585-00002592 AND I'M SURROUNDED BY FAMILY MEMBERSIC. yOU-bmyueNc-00026-00002592-00002665 AND I'M SURROUNDED BY FAMILY MEMBERSIC. >> Reporter: FROM THE YOUTH AND yOU-bmyueNc-00027-00002665-00002672 MEMBERSIC. >> Reporter: FROM THE YOUTH AND yOU-bmyueNc-00028-00002672-00002909 MEMBERSIC. >> Reporter: FROM THE YOUTH AND ELDERS TO FAMILIES AND SINGLES, yOU-bmyueNc-00029-00002909-00002916 >> Reporter: FROM THE YOUTH AND ELDERS TO FAMILIES AND SINGLES, yOU-bmyueNc-00030-00002916-00003106 >> Reporter: FROM THE YOUTH AND ELDERS TO FAMILIES AND SINGLES, ANYONE AND ANYONE WAS INVITED TO yOU-bmyueNc-00031-00003106-00003113 ELDERS TO FAMILIES AND SINGLES, ANYONE AND ANYONE WAS INVITED TO yOU-bmyueNc-00032-00003113-00003259 ELDERS TO FAMILIES AND SINGLES, ANYONE AND ANYONE WAS INVITED TO THE FIRST EVER RED LAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00033-00003259-00003266 ANYONE AND ANYONE WAS INVITED TO THE FIRST EVER RED LAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00034-00003266-00003323 ANYONE AND ANYONE WAS INVITED TO THE FIRST EVER RED LAKE COMMUNITY MEAL. yOU-bmyueNc-00035-00003323-00003329 THE FIRST EVER RED LAKE COMMUNITY MEAL. yOU-bmyueNc-00036-00003329-00003440 THE FIRST EVER RED LAKE COMMUNITY MEAL. >> I LOVED IT BECAUSE OF THE yOU-bmyueNc-00037-00003440-00003446 COMMUNITY MEAL. >> I LOVED IT BECAUSE OF THE yOU-bmyueNc-00038-00003446-00003623 COMMUNITY MEAL. >> I LOVED IT BECAUSE OF THE FACT IT'S ONLY OPEN TO THE yOU-bmyueNc-00039-00003623-00003630 >> I LOVED IT BECAUSE OF THE FACT IT'S ONLY OPEN TO THE yOU-bmyueNc-00040-00003630-00003790 >> I LOVED IT BECAUSE OF THE FACT IT'S ONLY OPEN TO THE ELDERS -- IT'S NOT JUST ON TO yOU-bmyueNc-00041-00003790-00003797 FACT IT'S ONLY OPEN TO THE ELDERS -- IT'S NOT JUST ON TO yOU-bmyueNc-00042-00003797-00003993 FACT IT'S ONLY OPEN TO THE ELDERS -- IT'S NOT JUST ON TO THE ELDERS, IT'S OPEN TO yOU-bmyueNc-00043-00003993-00004000 ELDERS -- IT'S NOT JUST ON TO THE ELDERS, IT'S OPEN TO yOU-bmyueNc-00044-00004000-00004200 ELDERS -- IT'S NOT JUST ON TO THE ELDERS, IT'S OPEN TO EVERYONE, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE yOU-bmyueNc-00045-00004200-00004207 THE ELDERS, IT'S OPEN TO EVERYONE, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE yOU-bmyueNc-00046-00004207-00004494 THE ELDERS, IT'S OPEN TO EVERYONE, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE TO GET A GOOD HEALTHY COOKED yOU-bmyueNc-00047-00004494-00004501 EVERYONE, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE TO GET A GOOD HEALTHY COOKED yOU-bmyueNc-00048-00004501-00004581 EVERYONE, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE TO GET A GOOD HEALTHY COOKED HOME MEAL. yOU-bmyueNc-00049-00004581-00004587 TO GET A GOOD HEALTHY COOKED HOME MEAL. yOU-bmyueNc-00050-00004587-00004724 TO GET A GOOD HEALTHY COOKED HOME MEAL. >> Reporter: THERE WAS TURKEY, yOU-bmyueNc-00051-00004724-00004731 HOME MEAL. >> Reporter: THERE WAS TURKEY, yOU-bmyueNc-00052-00004731-00004991 HOME MEAL. >> Reporter: THERE WAS TURKEY, MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY, AND yOU-bmyueNc-00053-00004991-00004998 >> Reporter: THERE WAS TURKEY, MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY, AND yOU-bmyueNc-00054-00004998-00005185 >> Reporter: THERE WAS TURKEY, MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY, AND GREEN BEANS AND, OF COURSE, yOU-bmyueNc-00055-00005185-00005191 MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY, AND GREEN BEANS AND, OF COURSE, yOU-bmyueNc-00056-00005191-00005305 MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY, AND GREEN BEANS AND, OF COURSE, PUMPKIN PIE. yOU-bmyueNc-00057-00005305-00005311 GREEN BEANS AND, OF COURSE, PUMPKIN PIE. yOU-bmyueNc-00058-00005311-00005752 GREEN BEANS AND, OF COURSE, PUMPKIN PIE. ALL CATERED BY THE SEVEN CLANS yOU-bmyueNc-00059-00005752-00005759 PUMPKIN PIE. ALL CATERED BY THE SEVEN CLANS yOU-bmyueNc-00060-00005759-00006019 PUMPKIN PIE. ALL CATERED BY THE SEVEN CLANS CASINO, AND FOCUSED ON BEING yOU-bmyueNc-00061-00006019-00006026 ALL CATERED BY THE SEVEN CLANS CASINO, AND FOCUSED ON BEING yOU-bmyueNc-00062-00006026-00006139 ALL CATERED BY THE SEVEN CLANS CASINO, AND FOCUSED ON BEING TOGETHER AS A GROUP. yOU-bmyueNc-00063-00006139-00006146 CASINO, AND FOCUSED ON BEING TOGETHER AS A GROUP. yOU-bmyueNc-00064-00006146-00006266 CASINO, AND FOCUSED ON BEING TOGETHER AS A GROUP. >> I LIKE TO DO THINGS LIKE yOU-bmyueNc-00065-00006266-00006272 TOGETHER AS A GROUP. >> I LIKE TO DO THINGS LIKE yOU-bmyueNc-00066-00006272-00006493 TOGETHER AS A GROUP. >> I LIKE TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER yOU-bmyueNc-00067-00006493-00006499 >> I LIKE TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER yOU-bmyueNc-00068-00006499-00006886 >> I LIKE TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER INSIDE THAT YOU'RE DOING THINGS yOU-bmyueNc-00069-00006886-00006893 THIS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER INSIDE THAT YOU'RE DOING THINGS yOU-bmyueNc-00070-00006893-00007026 THIS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER INSIDE THAT YOU'RE DOING THINGS THAT -- TEACHING. yOU-bmyueNc-00071-00007026-00007033 INSIDE THAT YOU'RE DOING THINGS THAT -- TEACHING. yOU-bmyueNc-00072-00007033-00007127 INSIDE THAT YOU'RE DOING THINGS THAT -- TEACHING. >> Reporter: BEFORE THIS YEAR, yOU-bmyueNc-00073-00007127-00007133 THAT -- TEACHING. >> Reporter: BEFORE THIS YEAR, yOU-bmyueNc-00074-00007133-00007437 THAT -- TEACHING. >> Reporter: BEFORE THIS YEAR, THEY USED TO HOST A SOUP LINE, yOU-bmyueNc-00075-00007437-00007444 >> Reporter: BEFORE THIS YEAR, THEY USED TO HOST A SOUP LINE, yOU-bmyueNc-00076-00007444-00007590 >> Reporter: BEFORE THIS YEAR, THEY USED TO HOST A SOUP LINE, AFTER MONTHS OF THE yOU-bmyueNc-00077-00007590-00007597 THEY USED TO HOST A SOUP LINE, AFTER MONTHS OF THE yOU-bmyueNc-00078-00007597-00007747 THEY USED TO HOST A SOUP LINE, AFTER MONTHS OF THE COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE RED yOU-bmyueNc-00079-00007747-00007754 AFTER MONTHS OF THE 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yOU-bmyueNc-00089-00008628-00008635 YOU SEE TODAY WAS BORN. >> COMMUNITY COORDINATOR, WE yOU-bmyueNc-00090-00008635-00008968 YOU SEE TODAY WAS BORN. >> COMMUNITY COORDINATOR, WE MEET WITH -- AND THE OTHER yOU-bmyueNc-00091-00008968-00008975 >> COMMUNITY COORDINATOR, WE MEET WITH -- AND THE OTHER yOU-bmyueNc-00092-00008975-00009282 >> COMMUNITY COORDINATOR, WE MEET WITH -- AND THE OTHER REPRESENTATIVE, SOME -- AND TRY yOU-bmyueNc-00093-00009282-00009289 MEET WITH -- AND THE OTHER REPRESENTATIVE, SOME -- AND TRY yOU-bmyueNc-00094-00009289-00009469 MEET WITH -- AND THE OTHER REPRESENTATIVE, SOME -- AND TRY IT GIVE HER THE FREEDOM TO RUN yOU-bmyueNc-00095-00009469-00009476 REPRESENTATIVE, SOME -- AND TRY IT GIVE HER THE FREEDOM TO RUN yOU-bmyueNc-00096-00009476-00009723 REPRESENTATIVE, SOME -- AND TRY IT GIVE HER THE FREEDOM TO RUN WITH HER IDEAS, JUST TO KEEP THE yOU-bmyueNc-00097-00009723-00009729 IT GIVE HER THE FREEDOM TO RUN WITH HER IDEAS, JUST TO KEEP THE yOU-bmyueNc-00098-00009729-00009973 IT GIVE HER THE FREEDOM TO RUN WITH HER IDEAS, JUST TO KEEP THE EVENTS GOING AND KEEP THEM yOU-bmyueNc-00099-00009973-00009979 WITH HER IDEAS, JUST TO KEEP THE EVENTS GOING AND KEEP THEM yOU-bmyueNc-00100-00009979-00010070 WITH HER IDEAS, JUST TO KEEP THE EVENTS GOING AND KEEP THEM POSITIVE. yOU-bmyueNc-00101-00010070-00010076 EVENTS GOING AND KEEP THEM POSITIVE. yOU-bmyueNc-00102-00010076-00010150 EVENTS GOING AND KEEP THEM POSITIVE. >> Reporter: THE COMMUNITY MILL yOU-bmyueNc-00103-00010150-00010156 POSITIVE. >> Reporter: THE COMMUNITY MILL yOU-bmyueNc-00104-00010156-00010236 POSITIVE. >> Reporter: THE COMMUNITY MILL BROUGHT OUT MORE THAN 40 yOU-bmyueNc-00105-00010236-00010243 >> Reporter: THE COMMUNITY MILL BROUGHT OUT MORE THAN 40 yOU-bmyueNc-00106-00010243-00010356 >> Reporter: THE COMMUNITY MILL BROUGHT OUT MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND AT THE yOU-bmyueNc-00107-00010356-00010363 BROUGHT OUT MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND AT THE yOU-bmyueNc-00108-00010363-00010570 BROUGHT OUT MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND AT THE END, PEOPLE WERE EVEN ALLOWED TO yOU-bmyueNc-00109-00010570-00010577 COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND AT THE END, PEOPLE WERE EVEN ALLOWED TO yOU-bmyueNc-00110-00010577-00010810 COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND AT THE END, PEOPLE WERE EVEN ALLOWED TO TAKE TO-GO CONTAINERS, ANYTHING yOU-bmyueNc-00111-00010810-00010817 END, PEOPLE WERE EVEN ALLOWED TO TAKE TO-GO CONTAINERS, ANYTHING yOU-bmyueNc-00112-00010817-00011030 END, PEOPLE WERE EVEN ALLOWED TO TAKE TO-GO CONTAINERS, ANYTHING ELSE WAS GIVEN TO THE LOCAL yOU-bmyueNc-00113-00011030-00011037 TAKE TO-GO CONTAINERS, ANYTHING ELSE WAS GIVEN TO THE LOCAL yOU-bmyueNc-00114-00011037-00011241 TAKE TO-GO CONTAINERS, ANYTHING ELSE WAS GIVEN TO THE LOCAL HOMELESS AND WOMEN'S SHELTERS. yOU-bmyueNc-00115-00011241-00011247 ELSE WAS GIVEN TO THE LOCAL HOMELESS AND WOMEN'S SHELTERS. yOU-bmyueNc-00116-00011247-00011411 ELSE WAS GIVEN TO THE LOCAL HOMELESS AND WOMEN'S SHELTERS. >> I LIKE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING yOU-bmyueNc-00117-00011411-00011418 HOMELESS AND WOMEN'S SHELTERS. >> I LIKE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING yOU-bmyueNc-00118-00011418-00011571 HOMELESS AND WOMEN'S SHELTERS. >> I LIKE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING NOT AND SPENDING TIME WITH EACH yOU-bmyueNc-00119-00011571-00011578 >> I LIKE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING NOT AND SPENDING TIME WITH EACH yOU-bmyueNc-00120-00011578-00011775 >> I LIKE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING NOT AND SPENDING TIME WITH EACH OTHER, TO ME, THAT'S THE MOST yOU-bmyueNc-00121-00011775-00011781 NOT AND SPENDING TIME WITH EACH OTHER, TO ME, THAT'S THE MOST yOU-bmyueNc-00122-00011781-00012025 NOT AND SPENDING TIME WITH EACH OTHER, TO ME, THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, KEEPING yOU-bmyueNc-00123-00012025-00012032 OTHER, TO ME, THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, KEEPING yOU-bmyueNc-00124-00012032-00012182 OTHER, TO ME, THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, KEEPING EVERYONE VISITING AND TOGETHER. yOU-bmyueNc-00125-00012182-00012188 IMPORTANT THING, KEEPING EVERYONE VISITING AND TOGETHER. yOU-bmyueNc-00126-00012188-00012288 IMPORTANT THING, KEEPING EVERYONE VISITING AND TOGETHER. >> Reporter: TO KEEP THE yOU-bmyueNc-00127-00012288-00012295 EVERYONE VISITING AND TOGETHER. >> Reporter: TO KEEP THE yOU-bmyueNc-00128-00012295-00012402 EVERYONE VISITING AND TOGETHER. >> Reporter: TO KEEP THE COMMUNITY EVENTS IN RED LAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00129-00012402-00012409 >> Reporter: TO KEEP THE COMMUNITY EVENTS IN RED LAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00130-00012409-00012699 >> Reporter: TO KEEP THE COMMUNITY EVENTS IN RED LAKE GOING STRONG, THE FIRST-EVER yOU-bmyueNc-00131-00012699-00012706 COMMUNITY EVENTS IN RED LAKE GOING STRONG, THE FIRST-EVER yOU-bmyueNc-00132-00012706-00012922 COMMUNITY EVENTS IN RED LAKE GOING STRONG, THE FIRST-EVER ELDERS CHRISTMAS MEAL WILL TAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00133-00012922-00012929 GOING STRONG, THE FIRST-EVER ELDERS CHRISTMAS MEAL WILL TAKE yOU-bmyueNc-00134-00012929-00013216 GOING STRONG, THE FIRST-EVER ELDERS CHRISTMAS MEAL WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT MONTH, yOU-bmyueNc-00135-00013216-00013223 ELDERS CHRISTMAS MEAL WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT MONTH, yOU-bmyueNc-00136-00013223-00013313 ELDERS CHRISTMAS MEAL WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT MONTH, DECEMBER 21st AT THE CLAN'S yQvISl_4ggk-00000-00000304-00000546 What are the advantages of installing an Adapt heat pump? yQvISl_4ggk-00001-00000590-00000765 The goal of development was to create yQvISl_4ggk-00002-00000766-00001070 a device that is very easy to install. yQvISl_4ggk-00003-00001096-00001306 It is modular and it allows for easy startup. yQvISl_4ggk-00004-00001316-00001620 It has built-in systems that usually cause problems, yQvISl_4ggk-00005-00001667-00001923 such as venting or charging the system. yQvISl_4ggk-00006-00001968-00002200 All these things allow yQvISl_4ggk-00007-00002200-00002250 for yQvISl_4ggk-00008-00002356-00002635 the heating systems to be also controlled yQvISl_4ggk-00009-00002635-00002735 and managed remotely. yQvISl_4ggk-00010-00002755-00002955 We save time, yQvISl_4ggk-00011-00003028-00003268 so we can provide customers with maximum comfort yQvISl_4ggk-00012-00003302-00003600 at zero cost for the customer and us. yWQTqo85jnQ-00000-00000016-00000392 hello and welcome to this webinar about spark this is one of a number yWQTqo85jnQ-00001-00000392-00000784 of introductory webinars about big data being run by the uk data service yWQTqo85jnQ-00002-00000856-00001408 i'm sarah king hill and i work at the university of manchester in training and user support yWQTqo85jnQ-00003-00001488-00001984 peter smythe is going to do most of the presenting today however he's also based at manchester yWQTqo85jnQ-00004-00001984-00002504 university and also works for training and support for the uk data service thank you sarah yWQTqo85jnQ-00005-00002576-00003264 and let me get straight into the webinar um today as sarah just said we're talking about yWQTqo85jnQ-00006-00003264-00004079 spark and what we're going to look at are what makes spark different from other hadoop products yWQTqo85jnQ-00007-00004200-00004592 we'll have a brief look at the spark framework and apis just to give an yWQTqo85jnQ-00008-00004592-00005168 idea of how it all fits together um an apis it stands for application programming environment yWQTqo85jnQ-00009-00005304-00005952 and it's just a way of allowing spark to integrate with other programming languages yWQTqo85jnQ-00010-00006032-00006360 and then hopefully the majority of the webinar will yWQTqo85jnQ-00011-00006360-00007064 see some examples if you're using spark r in both a windows environment and in a hadoop sandbox yWQTqo85jnQ-00012-00007184-00007912 the super sandbox is a a single machine hadoop environment which allows you to yWQTqo85jnQ-00013-00007968-00008584 pretend you have a large cluster when in reality all you really have is a single single pc yWQTqo85jnQ-00014-00008848-00009712 moving on um brief history of spark even even big data itself or big data processing really only yWQTqo85jnQ-00015-00009712-00010560 goes back to 2002 with the hutch project which was aimed at finding ways of processing very large yWQTqo85jnQ-00016-00010560-00011136 data sets in a reasonable amount of time and using parallel processing so that's the notion yWQTqo85jnQ-00017-00011136-00011768 of a cluster of many many machines thousands of machines potentially all working together yWQTqo85jnQ-00018-00011768-00012392 to process very large data sets by breaking down into small chunks and processing in parallel yWQTqo85jnQ-00019-00012480-00013119 and from that project um doug cutting who was at yahoo at the time and produced papers on the yWQTqo85jnQ-00020-00013119-00013888 process called mapreduce which is this idea of breaking down the the processing across a variety yWQTqo85jnQ-00021-00013888-00014512 of machines and making them all work together and mapreduce was really the basis of apache hadoop yWQTqo85jnQ-00022-00014512-00015440 in 2008 that was the main way of processing any kind of data the downside of mapreduce is it's yWQTqo85jnQ-00023-00015440-00016184 very batch oriented so you set up a job you run the job you set up another job you run that job yWQTqo85jnQ-00024-00016184-00016992 and so on and so forth it wasn't particularly interactive in 2009 a gentleman called matai yWQTqo85jnQ-00025-00016992-00017792 sahara zaharia at uk berkeley um wrote a paper as part of his phd thesis on using yWQTqo85jnQ-00026-00017792-00018424 this product course or invented product called spark which the idea was that it would combine yWQTqo85jnQ-00027-00018512-00019248 all the different types of processing available in hadoop into a single system and it would be yWQTqo85jnQ-00028-00019248-00019784 far more interactive and a lot quicker than the mapreduce systems that were current at the time yWQTqo85jnQ-00029-00019904-00020528 um it proved very successful and in 2013 he actually um created a company called databricks yWQTqo85jnQ-00030-00020528-00021328 whose sole purpose in life is to to market the uses of of spark and it's going through very yWQTqo85jnQ-00031-00021328-00022000 a number of iterations in the process and it was also about that same time handed over to apache yWQTqo85jnQ-00032-00022072-00022808 to distribute spark under an open source license and so when we use spark now we yWQTqo85jnQ-00033-00022808-00023408 actually downloaded from apache site but a lot of the development work is still undertaken by yWQTqo85jnQ-00034-00023408-00024032 the people at databricks and all the original founders of of spark i believe are still there yWQTqo85jnQ-00035-00024240-00025056 so because um spark is is very new and very fast moving it it can be quite difficult to keep up yWQTqo85jnQ-00036-00025056-00025568 to date with the documentation there's plenty of books on spark but they tend to be almost yWQTqo85jnQ-00037-00025568-00026144 out of date before the printed because of this fast moving environment in which it's set up in yWQTqo85jnQ-00038-00026232-00026720 so if you want to know about spark one of the best places to go is the source if you like yWQTqo85jnQ-00039-00026720-00027456 which is currently at sparkapatchy.org and if you go there this is the select the front yWQTqo85jnQ-00040-00027456-00028280 screen that you'll see but rather than just show you a slide if we actually go to the website so yWQTqo85jnQ-00041-00028280-00028952 this is the same screen here and on this initial page at sparkapatchy.org it will tell you various yWQTqo85jnQ-00042-00028952-00029639 things about the speed of spark how easy it is to use so this is sort of referring to the different yWQTqo85jnQ-00043-00029639-00030295 apis which allow you to use in different languages how the generality of it that you can use it with yWQTqo85jnQ-00044-00030352-00031527 sql and streaming complex analytics sql structured query language is um almost a defacto way for yWQTqo85jnQ-00045-00031527-00032376 processing de facto way for processing structured um data that is data in tables in relational yWQTqo85jnQ-00046-00032376-00033040 database systems and so on streaming refers to real-time processing so data coming in yWQTqo85jnQ-00047-00033096-00033640 constantly so you can think of twitter as being a source of streaming data because yWQTqo85jnQ-00048-00033640-00034144 twitter's are being generated every second of the day new ones are constantly coming along yWQTqo85jnQ-00049-00034312-00034952 um another advantage of smart is that it runs everywhere now it runs on hadoop yWQTqo85jnQ-00050-00035104-00035528 that's where it started but it will also run an other environment as well and certainly we're yWQTqo85jnQ-00051-00035528-00036192 going to see it running in a standalone mode on on a windows machine in a few minutes but it can also yWQTqo85jnQ-00052-00036192-00036824 access diverse data sources so simple files on your pc which again we'll see yWQTqo85jnQ-00053-00036888-00037616 simple files in um on other machines in a cluster so it will interface with hdfs which yWQTqo85jnQ-00054-00037616-00038280 is the file system used by hadoop systems stands for hadoop distributed file system yWQTqo85jnQ-00055-00038280-00039296 and there's a various other types of data sources which spark can interface with such these like the yWQTqo85jnQ-00056-00039296-00039832 advertising blurb for the product if you come down to the bottom of the screen it will also give you yWQTqo85jnQ-00057-00039832-00040176 information on mailing lists where you can get additional information yWQTqo85jnQ-00058-00040264-00040904 you can well you can download sparky from here there's quick start guides there's training videos yWQTqo85jnQ-00059-00040968-00041656 and various other things which would be useful to anyone starting off in spark that's just the yWQTqo85jnQ-00060-00041656-00042288 front page so if you actually want specific documentation on your release of spark yWQTqo85jnQ-00061-00042368-00042784 if we go to other resources here you see these are all of the earlier releases yWQTqo85jnQ-00062-00042896-00043656 at this point here about 1.1 that's only two years ago all this has come out in the last two years yWQTqo85jnQ-00063-00043728-00044120 um what way the one we're going to be using is spark 1.6.0 yWQTqo85jnQ-00064-00044216-00044728 um we'll look at that in a minute but you can see again here it's got lists of videos you can watch yWQTqo85jnQ-00065-00044840-00045688 various training materials exercises it's got a list of books like i say a lot of these books um yWQTqo85jnQ-00066-00045848-00046352 may already be out of date and that there'll be future further releases of spark to look at yWQTqo85jnQ-00067-00046352-00046992 but of course the the core elements of spark won't change so all of these books potentially could be yWQTqo85jnQ-00068-00046992-00047864 of use to you examples again when you install spark it comes with a whole series of examples yWQTqo85jnQ-00069-00047864-00048368 which you can run yourself just to get an idea and of course all the source codes included so you'd yWQTqo85jnQ-00070-00048368-00048856 be able to look at how these programs have been put together and use them as a basis of your own yWQTqo85jnQ-00071-00049016-00049320 there's a wiki and these are the various research papers yWQTqo85jnQ-00072-00049496-00050024 if you then go into the actual documentation for the release where you're using spark 1.6 yWQTqo85jnQ-00073-00050224-00050920 and then under here we've got various programming guides which you can look at for the various parts yWQTqo85jnQ-00074-00050920-00051728 different apis within the spark framework you can look at the apis for the specific language yWQTqo85jnQ-00075-00051728-00052248 that you're interested in so we'll be using r later on so we click on there you can see yWQTqo85jnQ-00076-00052336-00052744 a whole list of all of the functions available to the spark our user yWQTqo85jnQ-00077-00052879-00053784 there's quite a few there but by far spark r is the least function rich of the various dialects at yWQTqo85jnQ-00078-00053784-00054272 the moment but there's still quite a lot of things you can do and if you need to dig in you can look yWQTqo85jnQ-00079-00054272-00055048 at the individual descriptions that are provided there okay if you look at the programming guides yWQTqo85jnQ-00080-00055048-00055640 um it's about programming routes this is just a general one you get a general overview of how yWQTqo85jnQ-00081-00055640-00056360 spark works in various ways and all of them will have examples in the different languages available yWQTqo85jnQ-00082-00056608-00057472 um at the moment there's not much in here for spark r because spark r is relatively new but you yWQTqo85jnQ-00083-00057472-00058400 can you if you go to the spark the it all um api dock you'll be able to find examples of that okay yWQTqo85jnQ-00084-00058608-00059040 so just come back to the slides briefly um yWQTqo85jnQ-00085-00059391-00059855 there we go so documentation so really what is different about black was it's yWQTqo85jnQ-00086-00059855-00060400 really i could have just copied that from page of the spark documentation because yWQTqo85jnQ-00087-00060400-00060912 what what spark is aiming to do is a complete processing framework for big data yWQTqo85jnQ-00088-00060912-00061448 so in that sense it replaces several of individual hadoop components which i'll show you in a minute yWQTqo85jnQ-00089-00061528-00062016 it's got apis available for several languages so that's the ones that we've just seen and of course yWQTqo85jnQ-00090-00062016-00062688 that makes the introduction of spark into those languages just the same as adding a package to r yWQTqo85jnQ-00091-00062744-00063376 or or python or something like that so it's very um in that sense it represents a very short yWQTqo85jnQ-00092-00063440-00064128 learning curve for people who want to start using smart it's scalable to very large data sets now yWQTqo85jnQ-00093-00064128-00064560 because that's the whole point of big data you whatever you do you've got to be able to do it on yWQTqo85jnQ-00094-00064560-00065200 a very very large data set so that data set which can only effectively be processed on clusters yWQTqo85jnQ-00095-00065279-00065888 and like the other big data solutions the point about spark when you're actually coding yWQTqo85jnQ-00096-00065944-00066608 to work against your your data set although in our examples here we're going to use a very simple yWQTqo85jnQ-00097-00066608-00067360 windows pc or hadoop sandbox the point a is that the code that you write yWQTqo85jnQ-00098-00067360-00068032 is exactly the same code as you would need to write is your data set was yWQTqo85jnQ-00099-00068136-00068976 hundreds of gigabytes spread across thousands of pcs of thousands of machines in a cluster yWQTqo85jnQ-00100-00069032-00069592 to you it all looks the same in fact what it looks like it's just a big table your data set yWQTqo85jnQ-00101-00069784-00070456 and we saw a little bit about the speed 10 to 100 times faster than mapreduce what um spark tries yWQTqo85jnQ-00102-00070456-00071032 to do is it tries to do all of its processing in memory so if you can if you can eliminate um yWQTqo85jnQ-00103-00071176-00071560 chewing and throwing to disks then you're clearly going to have a massive yWQTqo85jnQ-00104-00071560-00071960 increase in speed in the processing and that's hopefully what it tries to do yWQTqo85jnQ-00105-00071960-00072400 there i have seen claims for real time processing and real-time responses but yWQTqo85jnQ-00106-00072464-00072792 we're not going to see that today on our little sandbox and windows pc yWQTqo85jnQ-00107-00072928-00073632 you can also run spark on virtually anything so hadoop clusters obvious that's where it was yWQTqo85jnQ-00108-00073632-00074160 written designed to use but you can run it on a windows pc as we'll see and if you really want yWQTqo85jnQ-00109-00074160-00074672 to you can run it on a raspberry pi as well you will have a few memory problems but it can't run yWQTqo85jnQ-00110-00074984-00076080 so let's try and look at compare how spark tries to encompass the various elements that you might yWQTqo85jnQ-00111-00076080-00076696 find in a more traditional hadoop environment so if we start off with hadoop hadoop itself is yWQTqo85jnQ-00112-00076696-00077520 is little more than the mapreduce processing engine and the distributed file system hdfs yWQTqo85jnQ-00113-00077520-00077976 so on top of hadoop you will typically find running things like hive which is the yWQTqo85jnQ-00114-00078072-00078752 allows you to treat your data as tables sql like tables we've got pig which is again a very yWQTqo85jnQ-00115-00078856-00079728 data manipulation type language we've got mahout which is used for statistical analysis or machine yWQTqo85jnQ-00116-00079728-00080352 learning so there's a whole set of dedicated algorithms within mahout we've got flume which yWQTqo85jnQ-00117-00080352-00081176 is one of the several products available for um processing streaming data coming into whatever yWQTqo85jnQ-00118-00081176-00081904 system and we've got something called apache giraffe giraffe which is used for um dealing yWQTqo85jnQ-00119-00081904-00082560 with graphics databases now graphics databases in this sense it's talking about a database structure yWQTqo85jnQ-00120-00082560-00083304 it's nothing to do with visualization used for things like um mapping social networks and so on yWQTqo85jnQ-00121-00083304-00083920 now so that's just five products we've listed there and the idea of spark is that you can use yWQTqo85jnQ-00122-00083920-00084656 spark to do all of the the types of functions that those five products will do for you yWQTqo85jnQ-00123-00084896-00085576 so the spark framework it starts with some core elements of spark which is just general yWQTqo85jnQ-00124-00085576-00086328 processing type things and on top of that we've effectively got four pillars of functionality yWQTqo85jnQ-00125-00086328-00087144 we've got spark sql which allows you to do the smart sql type processing tasks we've got spark yWQTqo85jnQ-00126-00087144-00087872 streaming that's streaming data we've got ml lib which is machine learning or statistical analysis yWQTqo85jnQ-00127-00087936-00088608 so that's your clustering algorithms and things like that and then we've got graphics which does yWQTqo85jnQ-00128-00088608-00089376 the graphing database and across all of those we have data frames and data frames are the part of yWQTqo85jnQ-00129-00089376-00090192 spark which allows you to treat everything as from the user's point of view as a table internally a yWQTqo85jnQ-00130-00090192-00091176 data frame and spark is um is not quite the same but it equates to what spark refers to as an rdd yWQTqo85jnQ-00131-00091176-00091896 resilient distributed data set now the point of a resilient resilient data data set is that is yWQTqo85jnQ-00132-00091896-00092448 what allows spark to do the distributed processing which you would need to be able to do in a cluster yWQTqo85jnQ-00133-00092448-00093104 and it also provides you with um fault tolerance in cases of data losses or machines going down yWQTqo85jnQ-00134-00093104-00093848 and so on and that's very similar to the type of things that um hadoop will provide in hdfs but yWQTqo85jnQ-00135-00093848-00094504 from from the user's point of view the point about data frames is again it looks like your entire yWQTqo85jnQ-00136-00094504-00095104 data set just looks like a table and to a large extent you can treat it in that way everything yWQTqo85jnQ-00137-00095104-00095680 else is hidden from you because you don't really want to get too involved with having to make yWQTqo85jnQ-00138-00095680-00096176 changes to your code to decide how big the cluster arrays or anything silly like that you just want yWQTqo85jnQ-00139-00096176-00096784 to be able to process your data in a nice simple format and tables are pretty good for that yWQTqo85jnQ-00140-00096936-00097480 um so if i just quickly just put on a little graphics say so you can sort of see how each yWQTqo85jnQ-00141-00097480-00098168 of those maps to the various original of the the the components which you might typically yWQTqo85jnQ-00142-00098168-00098816 want to use with a standard hadoop system p doesn't really represent the spark call but yWQTqo85jnQ-00143-00098816-00099584 we'll have to put it somewhere it does cover basic data transformations that you might find yWQTqo85jnQ-00144-00099688-00100472 so in the when we should sing the documentation it did mention the various languages that you can use yWQTqo85jnQ-00145-00100472-00101272 with spark now spark was written originally in is in a language called scala and scala yWQTqo85jnQ-00146-00101272-00102184 is very similar to um java so in spark you can write anything it's a big plan in scala yWQTqo85jnQ-00147-00102184-00102720 anything can be written any sparkles any functionality of spark is available in scala yWQTqo85jnQ-00148-00102808-00103544 and it's a very similar with java you can write code in and we can also use python and now we can yWQTqo85jnQ-00149-00103544-00104200 use r and the way the region can do that is that for each of those languages there is a specific yWQTqo85jnQ-00150-00104200-00105183 spark api which is being produced to integrate the spark code with the code of the other languages yWQTqo85jnQ-00151-00105296-00105983 so scala is the first language and so it has complete functionality because java is so yWQTqo85jnQ-00152-00105983-00106535 similar to scala it tends to have full functionality this is when i say functionality yWQTqo85jnQ-00153-00106535-00107376 i mean all of the facilities that you can do in which are available are you can do using java code yWQTqo85jnQ-00154-00107376-00108311 or scala code using the spark libraries um python or pi spark as it's called it came a bit later yWQTqo85jnQ-00155-00108311-00108880 and doesn't quite have all of the functionality although the main components are there and in yWQTqo85jnQ-00156-00108880-00109616 frankly you'd probably do something pretty complex and unusual to find something that you can't do in yWQTqo85jnQ-00157-00109616-00110344 pi spark and you would have to do in scala so it's not really much of a restriction using python and yWQTqo85jnQ-00158-00110344-00111016 of course it's a big bonus if you're used to using python because of the way it's integrated the the yWQTqo85jnQ-00159-00111016-00111664 spark libraries for python just looks like as if you've installed another package you yWQTqo85jnQ-00160-00111664-00112144 know installed another library in your spark in your python environment and the yWQTqo85jnQ-00161-00112144-00112800 assembly with spark on smart cars the newest addition to the the suite of apis if you like yWQTqo85jnQ-00162-00112800-00113368 um and again it's written in such a way as to integrate completely with your existing yWQTqo85jnQ-00163-00113424-00113992 r environment and we will see this in the examples that i'm going to give um unfortunately it's not yWQTqo85jnQ-00164-00113992-00114904 quite as mature together so at the moment there's no graphics integration um with um gg plot or yWQTqo85jnQ-00165-00114904-00115464 other things that you might want to use in in our environment and there's a rather limited choice of yWQTqo85jnQ-00166-00115528-00116383 statistical analysis algorithms but that will undoubtedly change as we as spark progresses yWQTqo85jnQ-00167-00116488-00117183 so the demonstrations we're going to do are i'm going to start off by showing you yWQTqo85jnQ-00168-00117183-00117728 spark running in a windows environment just using what's called the standard yWQTqo85jnQ-00169-00117728-00118183 shell in our case we're going to use a spark shell you can use the scala shell you can use yWQTqo85jnQ-00170-00118248-00118783 um spark our shell and then various of the shells but we'll use this the pi spark shelter for that yWQTqo85jnQ-00171-00118856-00119496 we're then going to look at running spark r in our studio in the hadoop sandbox and we'll do various yWQTqo85jnQ-00172-00119583-00120383 little examples using that and then we'll run our studio on windows with spark r yWQTqo85jnQ-00173-00120383-00120840 and we'll look at different types of a couple of different type of files that you can actually load yWQTqo85jnQ-00174-00120968-00121464 so i found types of json file type and we'll load something from hdfs yWQTqo85jnQ-00175-00121711-00122272 um just before we get into the demonstrations just a bit of information about the the main data set yWQTqo85jnQ-00176-00122272-00122888 that we'll be using this is a data set from the uk data available from uk data service if you want to yWQTqo85jnQ-00177-00122888-00123928 search for it it's sn 7348 european quality of life survey um 203 2012. if you want to download yWQTqo85jnQ-00178-00123928-00124711 it it is a very simple um procedure to download it's got approximately 105 000 records with 484 yWQTqo85jnQ-00179-00124711-00125416 variables the what it's actually about it's um surveys been carried out every four years since yWQTqo85jnQ-00180-00125416-00126183 2003 and it collects data on a ranges advantages employment family life home life balance and so on yWQTqo85jnQ-00181-00126240-00126568 and i would say you can download it from the uk data service website yWQTqo85jnQ-00182-00126640-00127056 now although there's 484 variables in there we're actually only going to use yWQTqo85jnQ-00183-00127056-00127752 five and one of the examples we're gonna give is how we extract our five variables from the 484 yWQTqo85jnQ-00184-00128024-00128528 okay so we'll leave a slide for the time being and we'll start on the demonstrations yWQTqo85jnQ-00185-00128600-00129368 now the first temperature we're going to do is the using the um the shell and the shell is just yWQTqo85jnQ-00186-00129368-00129944 pretty basic stuff as you might expect so what we're going to need to do that is a yWQTqo85jnQ-00187-00129944-00130535 command prompt now i've got a command prompt here on my pc if you don't have that set up yWQTqo85jnQ-00188-00130535-00131296 if you from the search panel down here you can just type in command and click on command prompt yWQTqo85jnQ-00189-00131296-00131968 and this is a standard windows command prompt which of course it being windows yWQTqo85jnQ-00190-00131968-00132480 no one actually uses the command prompt so it's quite possible you haven't seen this before yWQTqo85jnQ-00191-00132640-00133336 and from the command prompt because i've already installed spark i can just type in pi spark yWQTqo85jnQ-00192-00133536-00134168 and over the next few weeks we will actually be releasing a video and a guide on how to install yWQTqo85jnQ-00193-00134248-00134736 spark on your windows machine if you want to try that for yourself and follow along yWQTqo85jnQ-00194-00134800-00135392 and well when it all loads up you just get a little splash screen i suppose saying what version yWQTqo85jnQ-00195-00135392-00136008 of spark you've got so we've got there's a default version 1.6.0 and you just get a little prompt yWQTqo85jnQ-00196-00136104-00136432 nothing else it tells you some of the things it's done it's got yWQTqo85jnQ-00197-00136432-00137072 something called a spark context available at sc and a hive context available as sql context yWQTqo85jnQ-00198-00137232-00137800 now for this all i want to do is demonstrate that this actually actually works so what i've yWQTqo85jnQ-00199-00137800-00138784 got in this um notepad is some spark pi spark code which is going to do a word count program yWQTqo85jnQ-00200-00138872-00139584 word count the word count program for big data is the equivalent of a hello world program yWQTqo85jnQ-00201-00139584-00140104 in almost any other language every if you learn any language the first thing you'll do is write yWQTqo85jnQ-00202-00140104-00140688 a little program which tabs back hello world to you well in big data what you do is you do a yWQTqo85jnQ-00203-00140688-00141400 word count of some document or set of documents or whatever in this particular case i it on my yWQTqo85jnQ-00204-00141456-00142328 pc i've got a copy of the origin of species and these few lines here in fact this one these two yWQTqo85jnQ-00205-00142328-00142984 here are the ones shall do all of the work in the word count and the other three lines the output yWQTqo85jnQ-00206-00143048-00143744 of the output actually returned it back to python from from the uh it changes the rdd construct yWQTqo85jnQ-00207-00143744-00144680 into native python co um representation of the of the output and then all i'm doing the last two yWQTqo85jnQ-00208-00144680-00145336 which is standards uh python to print it out okay onto the screen so i'm just gonna select those yWQTqo85jnQ-00209-00145584-00146096 go back to our command prompt and run them now what you notice is yWQTqo85jnQ-00210-00146096-00146744 that the first two uh the first line is reading the file yeah these second two yWQTqo85jnQ-00211-00146744-00147336 are actually doing the transformations to i start off by changing getting rid of a lot of the um yWQTqo85jnQ-00212-00147456-00147944 the commas and the full stops and so on whoops too late sparking a bit quicker yWQTqo85jnQ-00213-00147944-00148728 there and what it'll do is it will do those and then it's just printing the results out yWQTqo85jnQ-00214-00148728-00149264 which takes quite a while um obviously if we're doing this for really you'd send this to a file yWQTqo85jnQ-00215-00149424-00149984 but you can see even from this that i've got individual words and at the end i've got counts yWQTqo85jnQ-00216-00150064-00150640 i'll just give it a few more seconds and i'll get to zed's because i know there's some zeds in yWQTqo85jnQ-00217-00150640-00151232 the origin of species so zoological and so on so forth so you've got various so that's your basic yWQTqo85jnQ-00218-00151232-00151888 workout so that gives us confidence that our our system is working and that's really all we need yWQTqo85jnQ-00219-00152168-00152664 the command prompt for so we'll close that down now the next example we want to go to yWQTqo85jnQ-00220-00152664-00153328 is using the sandbox now when you load a sandbox it looks something like this but you yWQTqo85jnQ-00221-00153328-00154184 never bother about this all you're interested in is this ip address which i have used here yWQTqo85jnQ-00222-00154336-00155016 you can see up here that same address say and that port tells me i want to use our studio yWQTqo85jnQ-00223-00155080-00155744 and in our studio if you've used r before you'll almost certainly use our studio and the yWQTqo85jnQ-00224-00155744-00156496 it looks exactly the same except that i'm using it from a web browser because the machine is actually yWQTqo85jnQ-00225-00156496-00157056 effectively remote admitted data on my same machine but this address up here could be could yWQTqo85jnQ-00226-00157056-00157704 be the address of a real hadoop cluster somewhere in the cloud or a very large on-premises one or yWQTqo85jnQ-00227-00157704-00158400 whatever it doesn't make any difference it just happens to be a sandbox in this particular case yWQTqo85jnQ-00228-00158400-00159200 now unlike the um the command line where you run a command call say pi spark or spark r yWQTqo85jnQ-00229-00159336-00159816 those commands actually have a bit of code behind them which do a certain amount of setting things yWQTqo85jnQ-00230-00159816-00160576 up for you now because we're using standard uh our studio that's setting up hasn't been done yWQTqo85jnQ-00231-00160632-00161272 so the first few lines of our of our script here is just effectively setting those things up for yWQTqo85jnQ-00232-00161272-00162016 you so when i run that um you get a few messages down here and eventually when it finishes what yWQTqo85jnQ-00233-00162016-00163024 i'll end up with um in the environments down here are our sc our hive context and sql context yWQTqo85jnQ-00234-00163024-00163376 so it's very similar to what we were getting before when we're running in the command line yWQTqo85jnQ-00235-00163448-00163912 and it's just telling us how it's in there these next three lines are really just set up for the yWQTqo85jnQ-00236-00163912-00164384 graphs that we're going to draw later on it's not just standard r that's not not spark at all yWQTqo85jnQ-00237-00164536-00165080 so the first thing we're really going to do is we're going to read our data set this is the yWQTqo85jnQ-00238-00165080-00165976 eqls1 which we i mentioned before this is a comma separate it's actually a tab delimited um data yWQTqo85jnQ-00239-00165976-00166568 set so that's why i need to delimiter tab there it's got headers in it something's got headers yWQTqo85jnQ-00240-00166568-00167520 and i want this read df function to decide what the schema is schema is just the layout of the yWQTqo85jnQ-00241-00167520-00168224 variables names of the variables and so on and so forth so what all this like all this statement yWQTqo85jnQ-00242-00168224-00168568 which is really a single statement it's just going to read the file in for me yWQTqo85jnQ-00243-00168640-00169216 and as soon as i've read the file in what i'm going to do is i'm going to select from yWQTqo85jnQ-00244-00169216-00169760 that file of 484 variables just the ones i'm going to be interested in yWQTqo85jnQ-00245-00170016-00170704 which i neglected to show you in the slides let me just go back to the slides for a minute and yWQTqo85jnQ-00246-00170704-00171312 show you that missing screen all right it you know the fact that the five that we're yWQTqo85jnQ-00247-00171312-00171848 gonna use so we've got y11 country which is 35 different ferries this european countries yWQTqo85jnQ-00248-00171944-00172816 numbered one to 35 normal working hours for your main job um how much you use the internet is your yWQTqo85jnQ-00249-00172816-00173464 house are able to make ends meet now this is is listed as a it's like an ordinal value between one yWQTqo85jnQ-00250-00173464-00174152 to six one means i can we can manage very well six means we struggle to manage so it's sort of it's yWQTqo85jnQ-00251-00174152-00174760 ordinal and we're gonna count it as a continuous variable for the purpose of these demos and yWQTqo85jnQ-00252-00174888-00175584 the one the q63 euro is your inc monthly income which has been converted into euros because yWQTqo85jnQ-00253-00175584-00176128 obviously all 35 countries aren't don't use the euro so it's just been converted yWQTqo85jnQ-00254-00176336-00177152 so so that's the selection of those five and then when we've done that what we're going to do is yWQTqo85jnQ-00255-00177152-00177984 for this data frame here we're going to say show me the first few or six records if you like yWQTqo85jnQ-00256-00178048-00178680 notice head is exactly the same command as you would use if you're using native r yWQTqo85jnQ-00257-00178680-00179376 but in this case this head is going to work on df2 which is a spark our data frame yWQTqo85jnQ-00258-00179376-00180088 when we get down to that file i'll just run that now when that runs again you'll yWQTqo85jnQ-00259-00180088-00180784 get various messages coming out telling you the progress now this is running on yWQTqo85jnQ-00260-00180960-00181664 the sandbox and when it finishes running you can see the the physics records of that data frame yWQTqo85jnQ-00261-00181664-00182376 if we look up here df and df2 the listed here is former class data frames and unlike yWQTqo85jnQ-00262-00182512-00183144 normal r or r studio if these were normal r data frames up here you'd have the little thing and yWQTqo85jnQ-00263-00183144-00183648 you'd be able to click on it and see the table you can't do that with these because they're yWQTqo85jnQ-00264-00183648-00184336 not really tables as such at the moment not not as far as i was concerned you just it's just an yWQTqo85jnQ-00265-00184336-00184752 internal representation but you can still do head on it so you can still see what it looks like yWQTqo85jnQ-00266-00184888-00185544 and you can do other things as well so let's consider an aggregation so from our 35 countries yWQTqo85jnQ-00267-00185544-00186232 supposing we want to know for each country how many records are for each country yWQTqo85jnQ-00268-00186288-00186936 and this is the code we're going to run and i'll just start off running and i'll describe it yWQTqo85jnQ-00269-00186936-00187904 and basically it's just a normal summary of by country account of how many there are now you yWQTqo85jnQ-00270-00187904-00188488 know how fast that ran and the reason it seemed to come back instantly despite the the calculations yWQTqo85jnQ-00271-00188488-00189024 it's in theory performing it's because it hasn't actually done anything yet all it's done all yWQTqo85jnQ-00272-00189024-00189752 spark r has done is kept track of what needs to be done and it's only when it's actually being yWQTqo85jnQ-00273-00189752-00190224 asked to return something to the user that it'll actually get around to doing the work yWQTqo85jnQ-00274-00190304-00191304 and this command here this collect command is a way within spark r of returning the form or class yWQTqo85jnQ-00275-00191304-00191976 data frame into a standard r data frame which is what we're going to do here and yWQTqo85jnQ-00276-00191976-00192488 as soon as we've done that we're going to plot the results just using gg plot so that the gg plot is yWQTqo85jnQ-00277-00192488-00193384 just standard r code we're doing the collect to make it into standard a standard r data frame yWQTqo85jnQ-00278-00193448-00193584 when that runs yWQTqo85jnQ-00279-00193760-00194392 we can see down here we have a standard little very simple graph but you can also see here that yWQTqo85jnQ-00280-00194392-00195136 our country counts is now just a standard r data frame with the little view screen we can look at yWQTqo85jnQ-00281-00195136-00195840 that if we wanted to not much in it okay now other things that we can do i'm just going to yWQTqo85jnQ-00282-00196144-00196680 collect the df2 data frame which was our original data frame which has all of the records still in yWQTqo85jnQ-00283-00196680-00197432 it and i'm going to do a quick little plot of the monthly income that's the q23 euro against yWQTqo85jnQ-00284-00197432-00197992 how happy people are or how able people feel like they can manage with their with that income yWQTqo85jnQ-00285-00198072-00198848 and when that finishes running um we get a little a very very simple graph here and really the only yWQTqo85jnQ-00286-00198848-00199288 point of not showing this graph is to show you that i've got clearly got some very odd yWQTqo85jnQ-00287-00199432-00200040 outliers up here which are gonna make a mess of any kind of analysis i'm going to do yWQTqo85jnQ-00288-00200096-00200848 so the next thing that we wanted might want to do is to filter to try and get rid of them so these yWQTqo85jnQ-00289-00200848-00201376 statements down here are filter statements so i'm just filtering back into the same yWQTqo85jnQ-00290-00201584-00202248 data frame here and these are just very similar to how you do in normal r i'm saying what the yWQTqo85jnQ-00291-00202248-00202688 data frame is i'm saying what variable i'm interested in and i'm putting some kind of yWQTqo85jnQ-00292-00202688-00203128 condition on that variable now again this is probably a better example i'm doing four yWQTqo85jnQ-00293-00203128-00203728 different filters say but when i click run it seems to come back instantly and the reason yWQTqo85jnQ-00294-00203728-00204216 it's doing that is because it hasn't actually done anything it's only when i run the collect yWQTqo85jnQ-00295-00204216-00204760 statement that we get the pause and it does actually do some work and i'm also going to just yWQTqo85jnQ-00296-00204760-00205184 add in another plot exactly same plot at the end so we can see what effect all this has had on us yWQTqo85jnQ-00297-00205640-00206232 so again it's not not a brilliant graph i know but but i've clearly got rid of the outliers yWQTqo85jnQ-00298-00206232-00206816 and spread things out a bit so on that basis we're going to proceed and do a little bit yWQTqo85jnQ-00299-00206816-00207656 of modeling and what we're going to do is going to fit a use glm now again glm is exactly the same yWQTqo85jnQ-00300-00207656-00208336 name as you would use in standard r but this is actually the smart r version of glm and therefore yWQTqo85jnQ-00301-00208408-00209088 you use a spark our data frame when you specify here df2 rather than a normal r data frame yWQTqo85jnQ-00302-00209088-00209784 other than that the format of that command is exactly the same and just like in an r normal r yWQTqo85jnQ-00303-00209904-00210319 the result is also going to be an aspar data frame yWQTqo85jnQ-00304-00210392-00210840 rather than an r data frame but i can still do a summary on it so if i run that yWQTqo85jnQ-00305-00211112-00211584 it it's almost as if you were just running a normal yWQTqo85jnQ-00306-00211671-00212223 you had normal data in r and you're running a normal glm type function call on it yWQTqo85jnQ-00307-00212784-00213471 now allow the data that we're using or started with was is only about 112 megabytes in size yWQTqo85jnQ-00308-00213592-00213823 um and i mentioned earlier the point about yWQTqo85jnQ-00309-00213944-00214536 the integration with the likes of r and python means that the code that you write is exactly yWQTqo85jnQ-00310-00214536-00215760 the same so low df2 is is relatively small so 6419 records five variables in it if it was a thousand yWQTqo85jnQ-00311-00215760-00216256 times bigger and you needed to process on a large hadoop cluster in order to get anything out of it yWQTqo85jnQ-00312-00216319-00216856 the actual code that you would write would still be exactly the same you would have to worry about yWQTqo85jnQ-00313-00216856-00217376 how it actually did it how much all the bits got back together and so on and so forth and then at yWQTqo85jnQ-00314-00217376-00218152 the end you just get your normal statistical type results of of what came back you can also um run yWQTqo85jnQ-00315-00218248-00218944 get some predictions out of it and look at the results as well so that works a very similar way yWQTqo85jnQ-00316-00219000-00219728 almost an identical way to what glm would work on in standard r except that we're using a spark yWQTqo85jnQ-00317-00219728-00220680 our data frame and it wouldn't matter if this data set df2 was actually 1000 times bigger than yWQTqo85jnQ-00318-00220680-00221384 it actually is provided you will run it on the cluster okay so finally our final demonstration yWQTqo85jnQ-00319-00221480-00222288 is again going to be using spark r but this time in the windows machine which i seem to yWQTqo85jnQ-00320-00222288-00223008 have shut down so i'm just going to start smart up our studio this is our studio running on my yWQTqo85jnQ-00321-00223088-00223888 uh windows pc but again of course it's a standard smart um environment so it all looks the same yWQTqo85jnQ-00322-00223888-00224367 and these first few lines which i'm going to run or almost identical except here i've got yWQTqo85jnQ-00323-00224367-00225160 a different location for my spark home variable because now this is on my pc so i just run that yWQTqo85jnQ-00324-00225480-00226152 and over here we will get um exactly the same thing there's no hive context here because hi this yWQTqo85jnQ-00325-00226152-00226560 hasn't been integrated into this version but other than that it's exactly the same you were getting yWQTqo85jnQ-00326-00226560-00227271 before and the first thing i'm going to do is read a json file again this is a small json file yWQTqo85jnQ-00327-00227488-00227952 um which is sitting on my pc and it's got some yWQTqo85jnQ-00328-00228119-00228592 tweets from or about uk data service which i collected a while back yWQTqo85jnQ-00329-00228696-00229184 and you can see from here i've got knight x file formal class data frame just says yWQTqo85jnQ-00330-00229184-00229856 before and one of the nice things you can do about these json files in spark r is you can yWQTqo85jnQ-00331-00229952-00230584 it will actually work out what the structure of of the data is and you can actually get yWQTqo85jnQ-00332-00230584-00231280 it to tell you what it is and this is so this here is what the structure of a tweet yWQTqo85jnQ-00333-00231360-00231952 i've actually got that in this file here this is just a cut and paste of what i did earlier yWQTqo85jnQ-00334-00231952-00232800 and you can just see how long and complex a structure you get when you're doing a tweet yWQTqo85jnQ-00335-00232896-00233544 and the problem with this is that if you're used to using tables it can be quite difficult yWQTqo85jnQ-00336-00233544-00234408 to extract information from this because each each level in i'm going in here in relational yWQTqo85jnQ-00337-00234512-00234952 database terms would represent new tables and you'd have to have links to those tables yWQTqo85jnQ-00338-00234952-00235728 and so on so this is probably why um tweets are generally considered or considered unstructured yWQTqo85jnQ-00339-00235728-00236296 data and you don't tend to use relational database systems in order to store pro system yWQTqo85jnQ-00340-00236408-00237056 but we've said we've currently just read it into a spark our data frame and we can look at the schema yWQTqo85jnQ-00341-00237056-00237816 and just to show you um how this would look if i converted back just into a standard table yWQTqo85jnQ-00342-00238088-00238744 i can see what i'm doing here i'm just showing the the the structure if you like of this entities yWQTqo85jnQ-00343-00238744-00239408 and you can see from here this output that entities itself is is full of sub levels and yWQTqo85jnQ-00344-00239408-00239936 so on and so forth so actually extract stuff from that could be a bit painful and tricky yWQTqo85jnQ-00345-00240040-00240696 but oops fortunately spark can deal with that spark and spark and deal with that yWQTqo85jnQ-00346-00240752-00241471 what we do is despite the fact we know how complex this structure is we tell spark r this is a table yWQTqo85jnQ-00347-00241560-00242519 in this line here and having done that we can use the sql context in spark r to treat it as a table yWQTqo85jnQ-00348-00242519-00243416 and use sql like language to select variables from that table so here what we're going to do we're yWQTqo85jnQ-00349-00243416-00244048 going to select the creators at which is just the top level id which is the top level we're going to yWQTqo85jnQ-00350-00244048-00244640 select text which is also the top level but also we're going to collect something called entities yWQTqo85jnQ-00351-00244640-00245384 dot user dot mentions name which is now three levels in and it uses dot notation to indicate yWQTqo85jnQ-00352-00245384-00246016 the different levels but you're just specifying that as if it was some long named variable yWQTqo85jnQ-00353-00246216-00246656 and i haven't done that we're going to put that into a table and we're going to look at the table yWQTqo85jnQ-00354-00246656-00247504 so when we run that what we get back is again what is essentially just a table archery hashtags with yWQTqo85jnQ-00355-00247504-00248392 our four variables and our name which is what embedded fields is just shown as a single entity yWQTqo85jnQ-00356-00248392-00249056 in fact it is actually a list because it can have multiple names in there but again you you can yWQTqo85jnQ-00357-00249056-00249576 just drill down to get whatever level it is you need to do and the list you can just process as yWQTqo85jnQ-00358-00249576-00250192 a normal arc type list the last thing we're going to do just to show that we can actually do it um yWQTqo85jnQ-00359-00250271-00250919 this is the spark are running on the pc but it doesn't mean that files that you're going to yWQTqo85jnQ-00360-00250919-00251512 process are on the pc so in this case we're going to read another file called geography yWQTqo85jnQ-00361-00251512-00252184 and this file is actually located in hdfs on the sandbox that we were using before yWQTqo85jnQ-00362-00252288-00252960 so it's going to go to the sandbox this is the address of the sandbox that is within hdfs and yWQTqo85jnQ-00363-00252960-00253488 it's going to read the data in exactly the same form way and i'm just going to bring it back into yWQTqo85jnQ-00364-00253592-00254223 a standard spark a standard r data frame and we'll just have a look at the beginning of that file yWQTqo85jnQ-00365-00254360-00254944 so the point of showing this is is that almost regardless of how you've got your data stored yWQTqo85jnQ-00366-00254944-00255656 or where it's stored there is a way for sparca or any of you that are dialects uh pi spark or yWQTqo85jnQ-00367-00255656-00256423 javascript or scala spark to actually read that data and process it in quite a uniformed manner yWQTqo85jnQ-00368-00256640-00257056 okay and this is just the first few lines of that data yWQTqo85jnQ-00369-00257167-00257784 so back now to the slides i think just to summarize a bit yWQTqo85jnQ-00370-00258240-00258680 i think i mentioned that spark is so very much in development and spark are yWQTqo85jnQ-00371-00258800-00259536 even more so but you can certainly expect one or two releases of yak um and so on um adding new yWQTqo85jnQ-00372-00259536-00260167 functionality as we go and certainly sparkle's got some catching up to do at the moment there is a yWQTqo85jnQ-00373-00260167-00260928 something called sparga rgg plot 2 which you can download on github if you if you're familiar with yWQTqo85jnQ-00374-00260928-00261384 github and one would imagine that eventually that would find its way into the mainstream yWQTqo85jnQ-00375-00261384-00262256 sparca libraries and also i think i put out that glm that we show i showed working a minute ago is yWQTqo85jnQ-00376-00262256-00262888 effectively the only statistical analysis you can do in spark r at the moment you can do lots yWQTqo85jnQ-00377-00262888-00263440 of other things in pi spark if you wanted to but one would have to assume that as time goes yWQTqo85jnQ-00378-00263440-00264344 by all of those currently available algorithms in pi spark and scala spark will come across into um yWQTqo85jnQ-00379-00264344-00265240 spark r at which point they will be structured in such a way that using them from from r or spark r yWQTqo85jnQ-00380-00265240-00265896 is exactly the same as you would use them from their equivalent in in the r libraries so yWQTqo85jnQ-00381-00265960-00266760 it represents an almost minimal learning curve for you if you're familiar with with r already so in yWQTqo85jnQ-00382-00266760-00267360 summary um it's relatively new and then the spark is relatively new in the content development the yWQTqo85jnQ-00383-00267360-00268256 idea is that no matter what your needs are in big data processing spark will be able to do it using yWQTqo85jnQ-00384-00268256-00269104 one or other of the provided api libraries you can certainly use it we've used it in in two different yWQTqo85jnQ-00385-00269104-00269640 environments here and the horse in the commercial environment will be used in large hadoop clusters yWQTqo85jnQ-00386-00269720-00270352 it integrates very easily with the programming languages such as python and r and i think from yWQTqo85jnQ-00387-00270352-00270848 the demos that we've done hopefully that should be quite apparent to you yWQTqo85jnQ-00388-00270952-00271440 um i mentioned more information well again we looked at a lot of these we looked yWQTqo85jnQ-00389-00271496-00272248 at the documentation we looked at the programming guide i told you that in these guides when they yWQTqo85jnQ-00390-00272248-00272904 give examples they will give examples in all of the languages so regardless of what your what your yWQTqo85jnQ-00391-00273056-00273536 what you like to program in you hopefully will be able to find an example of how to do that yWQTqo85jnQ-00392-00273536-00274240 particular task in the language of your choice um i mentioned the spark books and there was a little yWQTqo85jnQ-00393-00274240-00274888 list of them in the documentation section but you need to be aware that because spark is so fast yWQTqo85jnQ-00394-00274888-00275632 moving some of these can be very out of date well there may be lacking the latest information the yWQTqo85jnQ-00395-00275632-00276232 core stuff will be the same but for example it's very hard to find a book based on spark r so you yWQTqo85jnQ-00396-00276232-00277064 may have to go to the to the um the website uh of apache and look things up from there and certainly yWQTqo85jnQ-00397-00277064-00277656 if you are going to do a search for information it's always a good idea to specify the type of yWQTqo85jnQ-00398-00277656-00278136 language the language that you might want to find examples in and so forth i think we'll end the yWQTqo85jnQ-00399-00278136-00279016 webinar there thank you peter very good and thank you buddy for coming thank you thank you bye bye ybmnTMDp9s8-00000-00000000-00000200 A lo largo de la ybmnTMDp9s8-00001-00000200-00000400 historia, ha sido común deshacerse ybmnTMDp9s8-00002-00000400-00000600 de opositores después de una ybmnTMDp9s8-00003-00000600-00000800 transición: los reyes católicos expulsaron ybmnTMDp9s8-00004-00000800-00001000 a musulmanes y judíos, independentistas ybmnTMDp9s8-00005-00001000-00001200 mexicanos expulsaron a españoles, franquistas ybmnTMDp9s8-00006-00001200-00001400 expulsaron a republicanos, Alemania nazi ybmnTMDp9s8-00007-00001400-00001600 expulsó a judíos (y con ybmnTMDp9s8-00008-00001600-00001800 ello perdieron su liderazgo científico), ybmnTMDp9s8-00009-00001800-00002000 etc. Pero tampoco ybmnTMDp9s8-00010-00002000-00002200 es raro deshacerse de quienes ybmnTMDp9s8-00011-00002200-00002400 contribuyeron a lograr un cambio. ybmnTMDp9s8-00012-00002400-00002600 Después de la primera Revolución ybmnTMDp9s8-00013-00002600-00002800 Francesa y la ejecución de ybmnTMDp9s8-00014-00002800-00003000 los reyes, Robespierre también perdió ybmnTMDp9s8-00015-00003000-00003200 la cabeza. Después de la ybmnTMDp9s8-00016-00003200-00003400 Revolución Rusa de octubre de ybmnTMDp9s8-00017-00003400-00003600 1917, mataron al zar y ybmnTMDp9s8-00018-00003600-00003800 a su familia. Pero en ybmnTMDp9s8-00019-00003800-00004000 algunos años les siguieron Lenin, ybmnTMDp9s8-00020-00004000-00004200 Kírov, Trotski y más. La ybmnTMDp9s8-00021-00004200-00004400 Revolución Mexicana exilió a Porfirio ybmnTMDp9s8-00022-00004400-00004600 Díaz, pero casi todos los ybmnTMDp9s8-00023-00004600-00004800 líderes fueron asesinados: Madero, Zapata, ybmnTMDp9s8-00024-00004800-00005000 Villa, Carranza, Obregón. En la ybmnTMDp9s8-00025-00005000-00005200 noche de los cuchillos largos, ybmnTMDp9s8-00026-00005200-00005400 Hitler mandó ejecutar a Röhm ybmnTMDp9s8-00027-00005400-00005600 y muchos otros que lo ybmnTMDp9s8-00028-00005600-00005800 habían apoyado. ¿Cómo podríamos ybmnTMDp9s8-00029-00005800-00006000 comparar a la 4T con ybmnTMDp9s8-00030-00006000-00006200 estos ejemplos históricos? Algo positivo ybmnTMDp9s8-00031-00006200-00006400 es que no ha sido ybmnTMDp9s8-00032-00006400-00006600 tan sangrienta. Pero tampoco ha ybmnTMDp9s8-00033-00006600-00006800 sido tan transformadora. De cualquier ybmnTMDp9s8-00034-00006800-00007000 manera, cabezas han rodado: Carlos ybmnTMDp9s8-00035-00007000-00007200 Urzúa, Víctor Toledo, Irma Sandoval, ybmnTMDp9s8-00036-00007200-00007400 Santiago Nieto, Tatiana Clouthier y ybmnTMDp9s8-00037-00007400-00007600 muchos más. ¿Quién seguirá? Algunos ybmnTMDp9s8-00038-00007600-00007800 especularían que Ricardo Monreal. Sin ybmnTMDp9s8-00039-00007800-00008000 embargo, ha logrado mantener cierta ybmnTMDp9s8-00040-00008000-00008200 influencia y esos rumores ya ybmnTMDp9s8-00041-00008200-00008400 son añejos. Pero tal ybmnTMDp9s8-00042-00008400-00008600 vez mi comparación no es ybmnTMDp9s8-00043-00008600-00008800 atinada. Es normal que haya ybmnTMDp9s8-00044-00008800-00009000 cambios en gabinetes, aunque no ybmnTMDp9s8-00045-00009000-00009200 sean transformadores o revolucionarios. Habría ybmnTMDp9s8-00046-00009200-00009400 que medir la probabilidad de ybmnTMDp9s8-00047-00009400-00009600 cambios en administraciones después de ybmnTMDp9s8-00048-00009600-00009800 una transición de poder, en ybmnTMDp9s8-00049-00009800-00010000 comparación con una administración “continuadora”. ybmnTMDp9s8-00050-00010000-00010200 Independientemente de lo anterior, ybmnTMDp9s8-00051-00010200-00010400 tantos cambios en nuestro gobierno ybmnTMDp9s8-00052-00010400-00010600 actual reflejan cierta inflexibilidad del ybmnTMDp9s8-00053-00010600-00010800 presidente. Se podría argumentar que ybmnTMDp9s8-00054-00010800-00011000 se requiere un “rumbo firme” ybmnTMDp9s8-00055-00011000-00011200 para lograr una transformación, pero ybmnTMDp9s8-00056-00011200-00011400 probablemente haya más desventajas que ybmnTMDp9s8-00057-00011400-00011600 ventajas. El no escuchar a ybmnTMDp9s8-00058-00011600-00011800 la gente que lo apoya ybmnTMDp9s8-00059-00011800-00012000 implica que es fútil esperar ybmnTMDp9s8-00060-00012000-00012200 que escuche a la oposición ybmnTMDp9s8-00061-00012200-00012400 (la mafia del poder, las ybmnTMDp9s8-00062-00012400-00012600 élites corruptas, los medios conservadores, ybmnTMDp9s8-00063-00012600-00012800 etc.). Esta tendencia lleva a ybmnTMDp9s8-00064-00012800-00013000 una polarización todavía más aguda, ybmnTMDp9s8-00065-00013000-00013200 cuando lo que requiere nuestro ybmnTMDp9s8-00066-00013200-00013400 país es mayor cooperación. Ideologías ybmnTMDp9s8-00067-00013400-00013600 aparte, todos queremos crecimiento económico, ybmnTMDp9s8-00068-00013600-00013800 menos violencia, mejor salud, educación, ybmnTMDp9s8-00069-00013800-00014000 etc. Estos retos son lo ybmnTMDp9s8-00070-00014000-00014200 suficientemente complejos como para que ybmnTMDp9s8-00071-00014200-00014400 pretendamos mejorar la situación con ybmnTMDp9s8-00072-00014400-00014600 un programa excluyente. Como ybmnTMDp9s8-00073-00014600-00014800 en muchas cosas, México no ybmnTMDp9s8-00074-00014800-00015000 es único. La polarización política ybmnTMDp9s8-00075-00015000-00015200 es más la norma que ybmnTMDp9s8-00076-00015200-00015400 la excepción. El problema es ybmnTMDp9s8-00077-00015400-00015600 que se juzga no a ybmnTMDp9s8-00078-00015600-00015800 una idea sino a quien ybmnTMDp9s8-00079-00015800-00016000 la propone. Si un representante ybmnTMDp9s8-00080-00016000-00016200 sugiere alguna reforma que beneficiaría ybmnTMDp9s8-00081-00016200-00016400 a la mayoría de la ybmnTMDp9s8-00082-00016400-00016600 población, es común que la ybmnTMDp9s8-00083-00016600-00016800 oposición la rechace, simplemente porque ybmnTMDp9s8-00084-00016800-00017000 tiene que mostrar que el ybmnTMDp9s8-00085-00017000-00017200 gobierno es peor que ellos ybmnTMDp9s8-00086-00017200-00017400 (y vice versa). Esto también ybmnTMDp9s8-00087-00017400-00017600 se puede medir: ¿qué tan ybmnTMDp9s8-00088-00017600-00017800 frecuentemente legisladores votan en contra ybmnTMDp9s8-00089-00017800-00018000 de las propuestas de otro ybmnTMDp9s8-00090-00018000-00018200 partido? Si la mayoría de ybmnTMDp9s8-00091-00018200-00018400 las veces, sugiere que no ybmnTMDp9s8-00092-00018400-00018600 están velando por los intereses ybmnTMDp9s8-00093-00018600-00018800 de su pueblo, sino de ybmnTMDp9s8-00094-00018800-00019000 su partido. El hecho ybmnTMDp9s8-00095-00019000-00019200 de que el presidente no ybmnTMDp9s8-00096-00019200-00019400 escuche implica que no puede ybmnTMDp9s8-00097-00019400-00019600 adaptarse. Si hay situaciones no ybmnTMDp9s8-00098-00019600-00019800 previstas, o si las soluciones ybmnTMDp9s8-00099-00019800-00020000 planeadas son deficientes, conviene cambiar ybmnTMDp9s8-00100-00020000-00020200 de estrategia. Para tomar mejores ybmnTMDp9s8-00101-00020200-00020400 decisiones, es necesario considerar diversos ybmnTMDp9s8-00102-00020400-00020600 puntos de vista: cada uno ybmnTMDp9s8-00103-00020600-00020800 puede aportar aspectos complementarios. Una ybmnTMDp9s8-00104-00020800-00021000 solución unilateral, por más revolucionaria ybmnTMDp9s8-00105-00021000-00021200 que sea, tendrá más sesgos ybmnTMDp9s8-00106-00021200-00021400 que una solución multilateral. ybmnTMDp9s8-00107-00021400-00021600 Podríamos pensar: si la 4T ybmnTMDp9s8-00108-00021600-00021800 no alcanza las mejoras esperadas, ybmnTMDp9s8-00109-00021800-00022000 cambios son necesarios, y precisamente ybmnTMDp9s8-00110-00022000-00022200 por eso ha habido las ybmnTMDp9s8-00111-00022200-00022400 rupturas con ex-simpatizantes. Pero no ybmnTMDp9s8-00112-00022400-00022600 nos engañemos. Aunque cada caso ybmnTMDp9s8-00113-00022600-00022800 es particular, entendemos que los ybmnTMDp9s8-00114-00022800-00023000 conflictos fueron porque el presidente ybmnTMDp9s8-00115-00023000-00023200 no ha querido cambiar el ybmnTMDp9s8-00116-00023200-00023400 rumbo. Y probablemente nunca lo ybmnTMDp9s8-00117-00023400-00023600 haga. Por lo tanto, ybmnTMDp9s8-00118-00023600-00023800 ¿nos damos por vencidos, aguantamos ybmnTMDp9s8-00119-00023800-00024000 y esperamos que no haya ybmnTMDp9s8-00120-00024000-00024200 demasiados desastres irreversibles hasta el ybmnTMDp9s8-00121-00024200-00024400 2024? Entonces, ¿quién podría ser ybmnTMDp9s8-00122-00024400-00024600 más flexible y escuchar a ybmnTMDp9s8-00123-00024600-00024800 quienes no simpatizan con ellos? ybmnTMDp9s8-00124-00024800-00025000 ¿Claudia o Marcelo? Tal ybmnTMDp9s8-00125-00025000-00025200 vez sea normal — y ybmnTMDp9s8-00126-00025200-00025400 hasta necesario — que los ybmnTMDp9s8-00127-00025400-00025600 movimientos sociales transformadores avancen a ybmnTMDp9s8-00128-00025600-00025800 costa de quienes los apoyaron. ybmnTMDp9s8-00129-00025800-00026000 ¿Serían como los cohetes que ybmnTMDp9s8-00130-00026000-00026200 ayudan a lanzar un transbordador ybmnTMDp9s8-00131-00026200-00026400 espacial? Una vez quemados, se ybmnTMDp9s8-00132-00026400-00026600 desechan. Siguiendo con la metáfora ybmnTMDp9s8-00133-00026600-00026800 cosmonáutica, esperemos que no sigamos ybmnTMDp9s8-00134-00026800-00027000 los pasos del Challenger o ybmnTMDp9s8-00135-00027000-00027200 el Columbia. yga14x117ao-00000-00033710-00034400 https://www.facebook.com/groups/TvChuanChom/?fref=ts ygaypVlCzzy-00000-00000000-00000168 Hey Hey Hey how is it going? How are you? ygaypVlCzzy-00001-00003012-00003178 Well this is a ygaypVlCzzy-00002-00003292-00003392 Very traditional dessert ygaypVlCzzy-00003-00003402-00003645 From Bahia in the North East of Brazil ygaypVlCzzy-00004-00003673-00003814 is it called ygaypVlCzzy-00005-00003863-00003963 dadinho ygaypVlCzzy-00006-00003996-00004293 and it is just basically yucca ygaypVlCzzy-00007-00004293-00004636 With some kind of maple, and it is really delicious ygaypVlCzzy-00008-00004855-00004955 Is so good ygaypVlCzzy-00009-00005598-00005699 How is it? ygaypVlCzzy-00010-00005764-00005864 good? ygaypVlCzzy-00011-00005885-00006013 from 1 to 5 ygaypVlCzzy-00012-00006216-00006274 4 ygaypVlCzzy-00013-00006294-00006473 that's good ygaypVlCzzy-00014-00006506-00006620 Ana from 1 to 5 ygaypVlCzzy-00015-00006671-00006985 How's the daninho? ygaypVlCzzy-00016-00006985-00007287 You cannot make faces ygaypVlCzzy-00017-00007288-00007422 nothing ygaypVlCzzy-00018-00007688-00007809 Brazilian alcohol ygaypVlCzzy-00019-00008255-00008445 strong ygaypVlCzzy-00020-00008524-00008822 something very common in Brazil is that almost everything is ygaypVlCzzy-00021-00008822-00009134 Buffets so for example ygaypVlCzzy-00022-00009134-00009294 you will find almost everything you like ygaypVlCzzy-00023-00009294-00009402 Salads, ygaypVlCzzy-00024-00009466-00009771 Beef, chicken, for example here we have beans ygaypVlCzzy-00025-00009771-00010074 And in this kind of restaurants ygaypVlCzzy-00026-00010074-00010836 hey are going to charge you per weight in this case is around 13 dollars 1 kg ygaypVlCzzy-00027-00011424-00011638 I took all this food ygaypVlCzzy-00028-00011694-00011962 this one right here is called "Pastel" ygaypVlCzzy-00029-00012190-00012622 and it is filled up with different things like meat, chicken, cheese, etc. ygaypVlCzzy-00030-00012622-00012686 it is really tasty ygaypVlCzzy-00031-00012710-00012922 well we already took aour pics, ygaypVlCzzy-00032-00012922-00013116 with the team that I came here ygaypVlCzzy-00033-00013172-00013475 And now we are going to try something called asai ygaypVlCzzy-00034-00013476-00013730 it's a very famous fruit from Brazil ygaypVlCzzy-00035-00013780-00014104 I have heard that is really good, so lets see how it is. ygaypVlCzzy-00036-00014113-00014484 here is the asai spot, here you can put different toppings ygaypVlCzzy-00037-00014484-00014728 For example sauces, chocolate, whatever you want, ygaypVlCzzy-00038-00014740-00015000 ant it is something like this ygaypVlCzzy-00039-00015022-00015319 all this purple thing and you can put whatever you want ygaypVlCzzy-00040-00015376-00015636 It has different costs, ygaypVlCzzy-00041-00015636-00016022 this one is medium, that cost around 2 dollars ygaypVlCzzy-00042-00016022-00016236 so it is kind of cheap ygaypVlCzzy-00043-00016236-00016466 and the big one 2,50 ygaypVlCzzy-00044-00016466-00016652 Ok, let's try it out ygaypVlCzzy-00045-00017229-00017333 is good ygaypVlCzzy-00046-00017368-00017634 is really cold ygaypVlCzzy-00047-00017672-00017802 how's the asai? ygaypVlCzzy-00048-00017820-00017904 Great ygaypVlCzzy-00049-00017904-00017954 how does it taste? ygaypVlCzzy-00050-00018084-00018154 pasty blackberry ygaypVlCzzy-00051-00018204-00018442 pasty blackberry? are you going to sell it like this ygaypVlCzzy-00052-00019838-00020143 and finally, you can see here ygaypVlCzzy-00053-00020143-00020448 a real Brazilian BBQ ygaypVlCzzy-00054-00020448-00020616 very famous and traditional ygaypVlCzzy-00055-00020650-00020940 where you can find different varieties ygaypVlCzzy-00056-00020940-00021294 On beef cuts, that even I haven't heard before ygaypVlCzzy-00057-00021368-00021594 My recommendation ygaypVlCzzy-00058-00021943-00022224 is one called "picanha" ygaypVlCzzy-00059-00022224-00022557 Trust me this piece of meat is spectacular ygaypVlCzzy-00060-00022654-00022796 Practically it is like butter ygaypVlCzzy-00061-00022859-00023178 and here as you can see ygaypVlCzzy-00062-00023206-00023386 There is not just meat it has ygaypVlCzzy-00063-00023394-00023646 salads, rice, potatoes ygaypVlCzzy-00064-00023694-00023992 For those who cannot eat without rice, do not worry ygaypVlCzzy-00065-00024010-00024110 it has it ygaypVlCzzy-00066-00024110-00024220 but tbh ygaypVlCzzy-00067-00024220-00024556 I didn't even look at it because is too much meat ygaypVlCzzy-00068-00024556-00024781 and that's it for today's video ygaypVlCzzy-00069-00024819-00024919 I hope you like it ygaypVlCzzy-00070-00024933-00025265 give like, don't forget to subscribe, and see you in the next one zoI-xDlhhLE-00000-00000180-00000377 Hi and welcome to GO Markets chart of the day zoI-xDlhhLE-00001-00000377-00000509 coming to you from London. zoI-xDlhhLE-00002-00000509-00000791 My name is Adam Taylor and in today's analysis, zoI-xDlhhLE-00003-00000791-00000994 we will be looking at the pound Aussie zoI-xDlhhLE-00004-00000994-00001187 on the daily timeframe. zoI-xDlhhLE-00005-00001187-00001350 If you enjoy this video, we always appreciate zoI-xDlhhLE-00006-00001350-00001595 your feedback so please leave us a thumbs up zoI-xDlhhLE-00007-00001595-00002012 or you can email me directly at adamt@gomarkets.com. zoI-xDlhhLE-00008-00002106-00002305 Now over to today's analysis. zoI-xDlhhLE-00009-00002305-00002506 As you can see, pound Sterling had quite a run zoI-xDlhhLE-00010-00002506-00002826 during Friday's London session which was primarily zoI-xDlhhLE-00011-00002826-00003061 related to some Brexit data. zoI-xDlhhLE-00012-00003061-00003324 However, factoring in the latest candle here, zoI-xDlhhLE-00013-00003324-00003522 we see the pound Aussie doesn't appear to want zoI-xDlhhLE-00014-00003522-00003788 to close above this 186 region. zoI-xDlhhLE-00015-00003938-00004178 You can see that price action for the pair zoI-xDlhhLE-00016-00004178-00004408 hasn't tended to stay above here for very long zoI-xDlhhLE-00017-00004408-00004697 for the sort of past year and a half or so. zoI-xDlhhLE-00018-00004697-00004862 Now of course, if the pound continues to build zoI-xDlhhLE-00019-00004862-00005093 on positive fundamentals, then we may see zoI-xDlhhLE-00020-00005093-00005327 further moves much higher. zoI-xDlhhLE-00021-00005327-00005486 Given the price is currently above zoI-xDlhhLE-00022-00005486-00005716 and is supported by the Ichimoku cloud zoI-xDlhhLE-00023-00005716-00005939 on this daily timeframe. zoI-xDlhhLE-00024-00005939-00006199 It was strongly suggested additional scope for this. zoI-xDlhhLE-00025-00006345-00006543 What I expect may happen though, zoI-xDlhhLE-00026-00006543-00006800 based on two additional indicators shown here, zoI-xDlhhLE-00027-00006800-00006993 is that the pound Aussie will potentially fall zoI-xDlhhLE-00028-00006993-00007215 in the short to medium term. zoI-xDlhhLE-00029-00007215-00007654 This red line is called a POC, or Point of Control. zoI-xDlhhLE-00030-00007654-00007929 This represents the most highly traded level zoI-xDlhhLE-00031-00007929-00008249 when using a volume profile indicator. zoI-xDlhhLE-00032-00008249-00008603 It's this level of 18359 which will be our first zoI-xDlhhLE-00033-00008603-00008892 potential downside target for the pair. zoI-xDlhhLE-00034-00008892-00009302 And secondly, the RSI, Relative Strength Index, zoI-xDlhhLE-00035-00009302-00009683 is also drifting higher into overboard territory, zoI-xDlhhLE-00036-00009683-00010069 which is also suggestive of an upcoming correctional move. zoI-xDlhhLE-00037-00010069-00010247 As mentioned, the first target looks to be zoI-xDlhhLE-00038-00010247-00010747 this 18359 but below here, 182 also looks quite interesting zoI-xDlhhLE-00039-00010867-00011148 as it's just above the Ichimoku cloud. zoI-xDlhhLE-00040-00011148-00011331 That's all for today, thanks for watching, zoI-xDlhhLE-00041-00011331-00011536 head over to gomarkets.com for the latest zoI-xDlhhLE-00042-00011536-00011773 and remember to follow us on Twitter. zoI-xDlhhLE-00043-00011773-00011908 Until next time, thank you. z0C9VwuHLhU-00000-00000027-00000110 Hi, I'm Mike z0C9VwuHLhU-00001-00000110-00000355 and here's your United Plumbing educational moment. z0C9VwuHLhU-00002-00000355-00000603 Here, at United Plumbing, we are professional plumbers. z0C9VwuHLhU-00003-00000603-00000753 Not professional salespeople. z0C9VwuHLhU-00004-00000753-00000973 We don't show up to your house with iPads z0C9VwuHLhU-00005-00000973-00001100 and fancy sales pitches. z0C9VwuHLhU-00006-00001100-00001414 We are in the business of helping others and being fair. z0C9VwuHLhU-00007-00001414-00001605 Mike's right. Our services sell themselves. z0C9VwuHLhU-00008-00001605-00001891 And at United Plumbing we will always do everything possible z0C9VwuHLhU-00009-00001891-00002110 to warrant the trust you have placed in us. z0C9VwuHLhU-00010-00002110-00002338 At United Plumbing, we want you to make the best decision z0C9VwuHLhU-00011-00002338-00002510 when it comes to the plumbing in your home. z0C9VwuHLhU-00012-00002510-00002693 And to us, that starts with education. z0C9VwuHLhU-00013-00002693-00002900 We always want our customers to be knowledgeable. z0C9VwuHLhU-00014-00002900-00003032 That means we'll even walk you through z0C9VwuHLhU-00015-00003032-00003200 how to fix your own plumbing mishaps. z0C9VwuHLhU-00016-00003200-00003394 So before you call someone else for an estimate. z0C9VwuHLhU-00017-00003394-00003559 Call United Plumbing for answers. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00000-00000000-00000595 It has been said that our society and our nation, face crucial challenges in providing the power z4hJ3mc2YC4-00001-00000595-00001325 that we need to support the things that we like to use - all of the everyday products that we like to use. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00002-00001325-00001696 But it's actually a much bigger problem than just satisfying our power needs. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00003-00001696-00002105 We need to think about what we're going to do for our future generations. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00004-00002105-00002472 We're going to have to develop useful sources of power. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00005-00002472-00002801 They must be sustainable. They must be environmentally friendly. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00006-00002801-00003277 We're going to have to find ways of increasing the efficiency of energy generation technologies. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00007-00003277-00003702 The ones we use today, the new ones we're going to develop for tomorrow. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00008-00003702-00003964 We're going to have to find ways of storing that energy. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00009-00003964-00004731 We'll have to find new ways of distributing it, so that we can take it from where we generate it to the high use locations. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00010-00004731-00005239 We're also going to have to make sure that we secure the grid that's going to deliver that energy. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00011-00005239-00005445 It must be safe from attack. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00012-00005445-00005828 We won't do this with existing technologies. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00013-00005828-00006239 We'll do it with the one's we're going to develop in this building. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00014-00006239-00006804 On the campus, we have about 100 faculty engaged in engineering research. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00015-00006804-00007526 Many of them are in this building. I think that between them, we will come up with technology solutions. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00016-00007526-00008177 We will actually solve the storage, production, and delivery problems that we have for energy. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00017-00008177-00008601 However, to me that's not the whole story. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00018-00008601-00009086 From the technological side, yes, we will be able to provide more power. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00019-00009086-00009509 But if that's all we do, we'll just consume it all. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00020-00009509-00009699 It's what we do. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00021-00009699-00010491 So the other part that is really important is that we're going to have to change how we educate, how we bring other people together - z4hJ3mc2YC4-00022-00010491-00011213 how we bring the political, the social, the economic parts into the energy education for the future. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00023-00011213-00011759 I think that the Wisconsin Energy Institute is rising to that challenge, z4hJ3mc2YC4-00024-00011759-00012177 as it does transcend traditional boundaries and sides in engineering. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00025-00012177-00012932 And it will embrace technological, social, political, and economic issues that we have to address. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00026-00012932-00013128 There's examples of this happening already. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00027-00013128-00013499 If you look back to some of the initial faculty that started this effort, z4hJ3mc2YC4-00028-00013499-00013924 they also helped actually strengthen the energy analysis and policy program. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00029-00013924-00014287 They started an undergraduate certificate in energy. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00030-00014287-00015384 I think these are some of the things that will make sure that we can actually provide the energy that we want to use and secure it for our children and their generation. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00031-00015384-00015747 I look to Mike, and the people that are going to be in this building, z4hJ3mc2YC4-00032-00015747-00016240 to not only serve as an umbrella for the energy research that we do on our campus, z4hJ3mc2YC4-00033-00016240-00016761 but actually to coordinate what we do and then further strengthen our efforts in those areas. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00034-00016761-00017670 So, Mike, I wish you every success, and I look forward to being part of the Energy Institute z4hJ3mc2YC4-00035-00017670-00018091 and becoming a big part of the College of Engineering. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00036-00018091-00018425 To all those of you who are going to work in this building, our best wishes. z4hJ3mc2YC4-00037-00018425-00019032 We do look forward to the future collaboration and the future successes. Thank you. z9NE5mV5-T4-00000-00000340-00001689 1 can of sprat in oil, 1 can of corn, 1 fresh cucumber, 100 grams of hard cheese, 1 pack of crackers, mayonnaise. z9NE5mV5-T4-00002-00010190-00011390 add corn z9NE5mV5-T4-00006-00033890-00036490 spread on a plate, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. enjoy your meal zsFuCZ34zfE-00000-00001057-00001536 Today, a special guest visited the otter family's house. zsFuCZ34zfE-00001-00001536-00002061 The guest is 'Dodalssu' the mascot of Daegu, Korea! zsFuCZ34zfE-00002-00002061-00002314 Reporter: Dalssu! Say hi to your friend. zsFuCZ34zfE-00003-00002314-00002587 Dalssu: Hello, friend! zsFuCZ34zfE-00004-00003042-00003245 Reporter: He is the mascot of Daegu City! zsFuCZ34zfE-00005-00003245-00003482 Dalssu: I'm Dodalssu, a cutie of Daegu citizens. zsFuCZ34zfE-00006-00003482-00003958 Mocha can't take her eyes off him! zsFuCZ34zfE-00007-00004939-00005447 The reporter asked her to shake hands, but her gaze is only on Dalsu. zsFuCZ34zfE-00008-00005625-00006083 Dad Dolce carefully searches the body of the guest who came home. zsFuCZ34zfE-00009-00006154-00006469 It's break time! zsFuCZ34zfE-00010-00006469-00006991 The curious otter family is interested in the shooting staff. zsFuCZ34zfE-00011-00007607-00007942 What are you doing? LOL zsFuCZ34zfE-00012-00008373-00008787 Their sociability is incredible! zsFuCZ34zfE-00013-00008787-00009289 This time, they are interested in Dalssu. zsFuCZ34zfE-00014-00009588-00010091 They are not afraid of his large body size! zsFuCZ34zfE-00015-00010091-00010428 The shoot has started again. zsFuCZ34zfE-00016-00010428-00010772 Mocha is on her grandfather's lap. zsFuCZ34zfE-00017-00010819-00011307 Dolce and Latte groom each other and show affection. zsFuCZ34zfE-00018-00011880-00012409 Again today, Mrs. Latte focuses on eating. zsFuCZ34zfE-00019-00013000-00013524 Latte poses like a model in front of the camera. zsFuCZ34zfE-00020-00013524-00013817 Director: I think she likes cameras. zsFuCZ34zfE-00021-00013879-00014228 She is a professional actress. zsFuCZ34zfE-00022-00015853-00016335 Latte looks straight at the camera. zsFuCZ34zfE-00023-00016847-00017455 Mocha is sleepy at the warm touch of her grandpa. zsFuCZ34zfE-00024-00017517-00017907 Dolce, latte, and mocha are all asleep. zsFuCZ34zfE-00025-00018248-00018636 They are easygoing even during the broadcast. zsFuCZ34zfE-00026-00018967-00019334 Mocha is dozing off, too. zsFuCZ34zfE-00027-00019405-00019765 At the end of the shoot, they fell into a deep sleep. zsFuCZ34zfE-00028-00019857-00020208 They slept well and had snack time! zsFuCZ34zfE-00029-00020971-00021222 There is a big problem! zsFuCZ34zfE-00030-00021222-00021584 Latte stole the snack cup! zsFuCZ34zfE-00031-00021584-00022060 Mocha eats on top of Dalsu's hand as a plate. zsFuCZ34zfE-00032-00022226-00022614 They are now professional broadcasters(?) zsFuCZ34zfE-00033-00022614-00023027 They enjoyed filming with Dodalssu. zuliHFvCiyo-00000-00000569-00001044 but today's powwow what we're gonna be talking about guys welcome everybody to zuliHFvCiyo-00001-00001044-00001479 stream I am war lug if you guys don't know today we're gonna be talking about zuliHFvCiyo-00002-00001479-00001959 Watson ok Watson is the new character in season 2 zuliHFvCiyo-00003-00001959-00002327 she's a very defensive character we're gonna be breaking her down today I've zuliHFvCiyo-00004-00002327-00002903 been playing with her since the start of season 2 I wanted to test her out I zuliHFvCiyo-00005-00002903-00003651 started using her and when I started using her she just wasn't to me she just zuliHFvCiyo-00006-00003651-00004369 wasn't like the character right she just was not my character I'm a very zuliHFvCiyo-00007-00004369-00005029 aggressive player you know I like legends like bang Wraith Pathfinder zuliHFvCiyo-00008-00005029-00005542 octane for sure and then here comes Watson and you know I didn't really like zuliHFvCiyo-00009-00005542-00006046 her at first and you know to be honest like if we pull up her abilities I zuliHFvCiyo-00010-00006046-00006436 thought her abilities were kind of weak to be honest right except for the zuliHFvCiyo-00011-00006436-00006763 passive the spark of genius which ultimate accelerants fully-charged zuliHFvCiyo-00012-00006763-00007234 Watson's ultimate standing near the interception or interception pylons zuliHFvCiyo-00013-00007234-00007792 boost the tactical recharge rate which is actually pretty insane so I was like zuliHFvCiyo-00014-00007792-00008113 okay you bust you pop an ultimate accelerant and puts it to a hundred she zuliHFvCiyo-00015-00008113-00008674 can use er all which is pretty cool man her tactical ability perimeter security zuliHFvCiyo-00016-00008674-00009256 create electric electrified fences by connecting nodes fence damage and slows zuliHFvCiyo-00017-00009256-00009583 enemies so it's kind of like an arc star but not with the effect of like zuliHFvCiyo-00018-00009583-00010075 destroying somebody shield all at once it's it's like damage over time it's zuliHFvCiyo-00019-00010075-00010384 kind of like the thermite right just deals damage over time slows the enemy zuliHFvCiyo-00020-00010384-00010911 down which is really good the cool thing about this protip guys is that when zuliHFvCiyo-00021-00010911-00011497 you're using Watson I think you can put a maximum of five or six fences down zuliHFvCiyo-00022-00011497-00012075 that's individual offenses okay but the trick with her is is that if you put zuliHFvCiyo-00023-00012075-00012577 fences down you can connect them to end up having 12 different fences connected zuliHFvCiyo-00024-00012577-00012975 together so make sure when you're using her put fences down and connect them to zuliHFvCiyo-00025-00012975-00013581 each other that way you can create more protip so onto her ultimate which is the zuliHFvCiyo-00026-00013581-00014026 interception pylon placing an electrified pylon that destroys incoming zuliHFvCiyo-00027-00014026-00014637 ordnance and repairs damage shields max 3 so what this means is is that in the zuliHFvCiyo-00028-00014637-00015190 AoE of the pylon it'll destroy any incoming ordinances that includes zuliHFvCiyo-00029-00015190-00015762 Ultimates and grenades so grenades thermite's arc stars any Ultimates like zuliHFvCiyo-00030-00015762-00016216 bangs ultimate completely gone gibraltars gone completely nullifies it zuliHFvCiyo-00031-00016216-00016675 if they throw it on top of the pylon which is actually really insane and then zuliHFvCiyo-00032-00016675-00017235 it restores the the shields of everybody who's close enough in the AoE so the zuliHFvCiyo-00033-00017235-00017708 shield recharge rate is about the same as Octane's health recharge it's very zuliHFvCiyo-00034-00017708-00018314 slow right over time but if you're saying anything in the AoE for a long zuliHFvCiyo-00035-00018314-00018695 time it's gonna repair your shield so you don't have to waste shield cells or zuliHFvCiyo-00036-00018695-00019103 batteries to do that so that's really cool but the like to me like the thing zuliHFvCiyo-00037-00019103-00019562 that's really crazy is that you could drop three of these down at one time so zuliHFvCiyo-00038-00019562-00019916 you can max three Ultimates I haven't seen another ultimate that you can max zuliHFvCiyo-00039-00019916-00020327 out like that be well I guess we sized pathfinders ultimate so you can just zuliHFvCiyo-00040-00020327-00020795 unlimited put you know the the zip lines all over the place but to have an zuliHFvCiyo-00041-00020795-00021314 ultimate there and have it not get rid of we replace another ultimate is insane zuliHFvCiyo-00042-00021314-00021779 and if you had ultimate accelerants on you you could use those and double stack zuliHFvCiyo-00043-00021779-00022370 these pylons and triple charge your shields and just like create a perimeter zuliHFvCiyo-00044-00022370-00022883 that would just be insane so her abilities are actually really really zuliHFvCiyo-00045-00022883-00023405 good and then I started playing ranked I was like okay I saw some other people zuliHFvCiyo-00046-00023405-00023816 kind of use her and I was like you know what all right I'll give it a try zuliHFvCiyo-00047-00023816-00024362 my teammates in rank they play Pathfinder and lifeline and or like Rafe zuliHFvCiyo-00048-00024362-00024935 or bang right so I'm like okay we need to have Watson these ranked matches we zuliHFvCiyo-00049-00024935-00025283 started playing ranked matches and these ranked matches just kind of got real zuliHFvCiyo-00050-00025283-00025643 campy the meta which that video should be going up tonight guys so make sure to zuliHFvCiyo-00051-00025643-00026073 check that out at youtube.com backslash warlock and zuliHFvCiyo-00052-00026198-00026732 the the the meta is very campy so like to see how some of these other streamers zuliHFvCiyo-00053-00026732-00027104 and players use Watson defensively especially towards the end game when zuliHFvCiyo-00054-00027104-00027638 you're top 5 top 3 you know she's actually a very essential character to zuliHFvCiyo-00055-00027638-00028252 have on your team especially if you play ranked so Watson as a whole I was just zuliHFvCiyo-00056-00028252-00028739 like I don't know a man she just doesn't seem like the character for me then we zuliHFvCiyo-00057-00028739-00029066 started playing started playing ranked started playing ranked started playing zuliHFvCiyo-00058-00029066-00029356 ranked so zuliHFvCiyo-00059-00029368-00029629 I was just like okay I'm gonna start using her so I'm gonna flip over to some zuliHFvCiyo-00060-00029629-00029905 gameplay right now guys and this is some Watson gameplay that I'm having the zuliHFvCiyo-00061-00029905-00030283 background while I continue to talk about her in the Ray play and this is a zuliHFvCiyo-00062-00030283-00030900 ranked match I believe I'm Don Platinum 3 in this match which is a while ago but zuliHFvCiyo-00063-00030900-00031432 she's actually really insane in ranked mode ok she's super strong super zuliHFvCiyo-00064-00031432-00031906 powerful with her abilities um you know with how passive everything is the only zuliHFvCiyo-00065-00031906-00032347 real big negative that I can see from her so far just as a whole brief zuliHFvCiyo-00066-00032347-00033025 overview overview as a whole is that out in the open Watson you can't really do zuliHFvCiyo-00067-00033025-00033493 anything with her she's very vulnerable in the in the open you can't put zuliHFvCiyo-00068-00033493-00033826 anything you like you can't protect yourself you can't get away you know you zuliHFvCiyo-00069-00033826-00034168 can't zipline yourself or you know grapple yourself away you don't have zuliHFvCiyo-00070-00034168-00034563 bang or octane speed boost to get away you don't have mirages kind of decoy you zuliHFvCiyo-00071-00034563-00035307 don't have rates invisibility or Gibraltar shield you know so really like zuliHFvCiyo-00072-00035307-00035938 her caustic lifeline and bloodhound are really the characters that suffer out in zuliHFvCiyo-00073-00035938-00036328 the open okay they suffer the most out in the open because they have no way to zuliHFvCiyo-00074-00036328-00036676 really protect themselves you could argue that with Watson and lifeline they zuliHFvCiyo-00075-00036676-00037309 could drop their Ultimates like the you know the the the pylon can be put down zuliHFvCiyo-00076-00037309-00037666 if you kind of stand behind it and try to use it as a block as a shield because zuliHFvCiyo-00077-00037666-00038137 it's about the same size as one of the redeploys or you know like Reese summons zuliHFvCiyo-00078-00038137-00038587 or summon out your team or like if Lifeline happens to get her her care zuliHFvCiyo-00079-00038587-00038962 package down you could stand behind that and hide so you could argue that guys zuliHFvCiyo-00080-00038962-00039419 but as a whole Watson is an amazing zuliHFvCiyo-00081-00039419-00040058 character now since ranked has released she she has like kind of tilted you know zuliHFvCiyo-00082-00040058-00040529 herself and some of these other legends like caustic or pathfinder to more of zuliHFvCiyo-00083-00040529-00040919 the opie side okay she's she doesn't quite balance it because she is super zuliHFvCiyo-00084-00040919-00041327 strong like her abilities are really really insane when you start to get down zuliHFvCiyo-00085-00041327-00041717 towards like the end of the game but as a whole Watson is a great defensive zuliHFvCiyo-00086-00041717-00042095 legend if you're a defensive passive player she's gonna be great for you if zuliHFvCiyo-00087-00042095-00042503 you can try to use cover to your advantage as much as possible or like zuliHFvCiyo-00088-00042503-00042902 with caustic you want to be in corridors places you can drop you know her zuliHFvCiyo-00089-00042902-00043547 electric fences or put on your you know your Altima and just chill you know it zuliHFvCiyo-00090-00043547-00044012 makes it makes it very campy like as you saw right there in the in a gameplay I zuliHFvCiyo-00091-00044012-00044597 put down an electric fence to block the the door so if somebody does open that zuliHFvCiyo-00092-00044597-00045035 door the door get destroyed and they'll just get hit by it so as a whole zuliHFvCiyo-00093-00045035-00045539 Watson overall is just a just a really really really good legend brings a zuliHFvCiyo-00094-00045539-00045863 little bit of balance when you step into the realm of ranked play she's zuliHFvCiyo-00095-00045863-00046358 incredibly powerful I really hope that they I don't know I wouldn't say that zuliHFvCiyo-00096-00046358-00046625 she needs to be nerfed in any way I think her abilities are actually pretty zuliHFvCiyo-00097-00046625-00047036 solid like across the board because of her vulnerability being out in the open zuliHFvCiyo-00098-00047036-00047435 she really can't do anything so unless you're camping somewhere or setting up a zuliHFvCiyo-00099-00047435-00047678 defensive perimeter she really has no use zuliHFvCiyo-00100-00047678-00048140 so she's just another character just out there running around so in that sense I zuliHFvCiyo-00101-00048140-00048629 think she's very very balanced so I love Watson guys I wanted to kind of break zuliHFvCiyo-00102-00048629-00049151 Watson down and tell you guys what I thought of her she's a really good zuliHFvCiyo-00103-00049151-00049628 legend I use her she's my main legend that I use in ranked mode when I'm not zuliHFvCiyo-00104-00049628-00049988 playing ranked mode I like to use Bing or anybody else but when I'm in ranked zuliHFvCiyo-00105-00049988-00050408 mode I use Watson she is a must used character in ranked mode which we're zuliHFvCiyo-00106-00050408-00050797 gonna have another video about the top three characters or team that I would zuliHFvCiyo-00107-00050797-00051161 like to see teams play or they should play in rake mode that'll be coming up zuliHFvCiyo-00108-00051161-00051578 in another video but that's gonna be guys kind of broke Watson Dao she's zuliHFvCiyo-00109-00051578-00051989 insane Legend please go play her if you have not or if you're still trying to zuliHFvCiyo-00110-00051989-00052382 rack up those legend coins and you have her mirage or caustics to really pick zuliHFvCiyo-00111-00052382-00052782 from bill her Lawson's insane you'll be glad zuliHFvCiyo-00112-00052782-00053229 you did it and you should have a great time using her so I wanted this is what zuliHFvCiyo-00113-00053229-00053592 I'm - I'm a skip a little bit towards the answer the gameplay here there's zuliHFvCiyo-00114-00053592-00054082 there's a really good point where like you're able to use her abilities and I zuliHFvCiyo-00115-00054082-00054404 just want to show her off a little bit zuliHFvCiyo-00116-00054479-00054936 so like as you can see right here I put up a fence and a node up top which is zuliHFvCiyo-00117-00054936-00055409 pretty cool so watson as a whole is just a really good zuliHFvCiyo-00118-00055409-00055766 legend guys please go check her out so that's it for Watson guys on a full zuliHFvCiyo-00119-00055766-00056096 breakdown of her abilities are insane if you guys didn't enjoy this video make zuliHFvCiyo-00120-00056096-00056435 sure to drop a like okay as it does help me out a lot if you're new to the zuliHFvCiyo-00121-00056435-00056753 channel please hit that subscribe button we're trying to get to our first that's zuliHFvCiyo-00122-00056753-00057179 thousand subscribers and as for me warlock I will catch you guys in the zuliHFvCiyo-00123-00057179-00058690 next video have a great day and zuEyzOv1ClY-00000-00000510-00000917 We’re going to talk about psychosis, delusions, and hallucinations now. zuEyzOv1ClY-00001-00000918-00001347 Otherwise known as the symptoms all under the spectrum of disorders zuEyzOv1ClY-00002-00001351-00001540 that are known as psychotic disorders. zuEyzOv1ClY-00003-00001554-00002003 Let’s start with psychosis and let’s define it. zuEyzOv1ClY-00004-00002013-00002324 Psychosis is a break from reality. zuEyzOv1ClY-00005-00002327-00003219 It involves delusions, perceptual disturbances and also disorganized thinking. zuEyzOv1ClY-00006-00003257-00003384 What are delusions? zuEyzOv1ClY-00007-00003401-00003681 Well, these are fixed, false beliefs zuEyzOv1ClY-00008-00003692-00004056 that cannot be altered by rational arguments zuEyzOv1ClY-00009-00004059-00004569 and cannot be accounted for by the cultural background of the individual. zuEyzOv1ClY-00010-00004593-00004781 There are several delusions. zuEyzOv1ClY-00011-00004785-00005032 We’re going to go through them one by one zuEyzOv1ClY-00012-00005041-00005215 and I’m going to give you some case examples zuEyzOv1ClY-00013-00005216-00005496 from my own experiences as a psychiatrist. zuEyzOv1ClY-00014-00005533-00005844 So one delusion is paranoid thinking. zuEyzOv1ClY-00015-00005853-00006448 This is an irrational belief that one is being followed, tracked, or somehow targeted. zuEyzOv1ClY-00016-00006473-00006593 Here’s an example. zuEyzOv1ClY-00017-00006603-00007090 A patient thinks, “The FBI is tracking me and they’re stalking my house.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00018-00007238-00007638 Another common type of delusion is an idea of reference. zuEyzOv1ClY-00019-00007645-00008192 This is a belief that some event is uniquely related to an individual. zuEyzOv1ClY-00020-00008248-00008454 So consider the patient who says, zuEyzOv1ClY-00021-00008467-00008825 “Newscasters are directly reporting about me.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00022-00008844-00009097 This patient believes when they watch TV that zuEyzOv1ClY-00023-00009099-00009351 people are actually talking about themselves. zuEyzOv1ClY-00024-00009473-00009723 Another delusion is thought broadcasting. zuEyzOv1ClY-00025-00009731-00010259 This is the belief that one’s thoughts can be heard audibly by other people. zuEyzOv1ClY-00026-00010284-00010444 So a patient may say, zuEyzOv1ClY-00027-00010455-00010908 “I can hear everything you think without you even saying a word.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00028-00011061-00011405 Another delusion is a delusion of grandeur. zuEyzOv1ClY-00029-00011432-00012035 This is the belief that one has special powers beyond of those of a normal person. zuEyzOv1ClY-00030-00012072-00012458 So consider the person who says, “I am the smartest person alive. zuEyzOv1ClY-00031-00012462-00012769 I should be president and king of the world.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00032-00012800-00012996 That would be a delusion of grandeur. zuEyzOv1ClY-00033-00013099-00013345 Delusions of guilt are also common. zuEyzOv1ClY-00034-00013347-00013794 It’s a false belief that one is guilty or responsible for something. zuEyzOv1ClY-00035-00013904-00014060 So consider a patient who says, zuEyzOv1ClY-00036-00014061-00014500 “I am solely responsible for my aunt’s failing health.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00037-00014555-00014832 When in fact we know it has nothing to do with that patient. zuEyzOv1ClY-00038-00015063-00015382 Persecutory delusions are also quite common. zuEyzOv1ClY-00039-00015407-00016032 This is the belief that one is being followed or harassed by gangs or other people. zuEyzOv1ClY-00040-00016050-00016478 So a patient may say, “My classmates are all ganging up on me zuEyzOv1ClY-00041-00016488-00017003 because I have different opinions and therefore they want to hurt me.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00042-00017186-00017671 Erotomanic delusions are the belief that a famous movie star zuEyzOv1ClY-00043-00017673-00018113 or someone with a higher stature is in love with that individual. zuEyzOv1ClY-00044-00018173-00018749 A patient may say, “I am convinced that some famous person who loves me.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00045-00018908-00019408 And somatic delusions are the belief that the body is somehow diseased. zuEyzOv1ClY-00046-00019518-00019793 So consider the case example of a patient saying, zuEyzOv1ClY-00047-00019795-00020311 “My scalp itches and therefore, I must have incurable head lice.” zuEyzOv1ClY-00048-00020375-00020811 When in fact there is no obvious explanation for their scalp itching zuEyzOv1ClY-00049-00020812-00021145 and the doctor has ruled out that they have lice. zuEyzOv1ClY-00050-00021194-00021674 Now, let’s consider hallucinations, another type of a psychotic symptom. zuEyzOv1ClY-00051-00021846-00022012 What exactly are hallucinations? zuEyzOv1ClY-00052-00022014-00022510 These are perceived senses that are not based in reality. zuEyzOv1ClY-00053-00022692-00022887 It’s different from an illusion, zuEyzOv1ClY-00054-00022890-00023359 which is a misinterpretation of an existing sensory stimuli. zuEyzOv1ClY-00055-00023397-00023767 So consider this, you’re driving along in your car on a hot day zuEyzOv1ClY-00056-00023770-00024162 and you perceive a body of water in front of you. zuEyzOv1ClY-00057-00024170-00024316 That would be an illusion. zuEyzOv1ClY-00058-00024319-00024630 It’s not really there, but external reality is zuEyzOv1ClY-00059-00024632-00024849 giving you the impression that it might be there. zuEyzOv1ClY-00060-00024871-00025022 Hallucinations are different. zuEyzOv1ClY-00061-00025033-00025319 There are actually a lot different types of hallucinations. zuEyzOv1ClY-00062-00025334-00025654 So let’s start with auditory hallucinations. zuEyzOv1ClY-00063-00025667-00025919 In other words, hearing voices. zuEyzOv1ClY-00064-00026076-00026596 Auditory hallucinations are most commonly seen in patients with schizophrenia. zuEyzOv1ClY-00065-00026668-00027187 And there are a lot of different types of auditory hallucinations. zuEyzOv1ClY-00066-00027188-00027449 And it’s really important that with your patient, zuEyzOv1ClY-00067-00027469-00027679 you not only find out if they’re hearing voices, zuEyzOv1ClY-00068-00027681-00027985 but you dig deeper and ask more about them. zuEyzOv1ClY-00069-00028015-00028291 So there could be a command voice that they’re hearing. zuEyzOv1ClY-00070-00028294-00028693 This is extremely important because that voice might be telling the patient zuEyzOv1ClY-00071-00028698-00029135 to hurt themselves or others, something that you need to screen for. zuEyzOv1ClY-00072-00029177-00029438 They may be hearing a running commentary. zuEyzOv1ClY-00073-00029452-00029731 This is important because running commentary voices zuEyzOv1ClY-00074-00029733-00029994 are very distressing to individuals. zuEyzOv1ClY-00075-00030013-00030435 So this means that a person is hearing something, zuEyzOv1ClY-00076-00030447-00030853 basically recounting their every move, motion and thought. zuEyzOv1ClY-00077-00030855-00031203 It can be very distressing and upsetting in real time for a patient. zuEyzOv1ClY-00078-00031291-00031797 And then a person may hear one or maybe several voices talking at one time. zuEyzOv1ClY-00079-00031832-00032100 The person who’s hearing several voices at once zuEyzOv1ClY-00080-00032100-00032424 again is going to be more likely to be disturbed and distressed zuEyzOv1ClY-00081-00032427-00032785 and they may have a more severe form of a psychotic disorder. zuEyzOv1ClY-00082-00032891-00033398 Visual hallucinations, otherwise known as seeing things, can also occur. zuEyzOv1ClY-00083-00033484-00034089 Visual allocations are often seen in an illness called Lewy body dementia zuEyzOv1ClY-00084-00034105-00034607 and also in drug intoxication, something very important to keep in mind zuEyzOv1ClY-00085-00034610-00034866 when you’re making your differential diagnosis zuEyzOv1ClY-00086-00034869-00035175 of the patient presenting with a visual hallucination. zuEyzOv1ClY-00087-00035233-00035645 Olfactory hallucinations are when people smell things. zuEyzOv1ClY-00088-00035706-00036254 Can you think of a disorder which often presents as an individual zuEyzOv1ClY-00089-00036270-00036677 telling you that they smell something funny, maybe something burning? zuEyzOv1ClY-00090-00036792-00037279 Well, olfactory hallucinations are often seen in seizure disorder zuEyzOv1ClY-00091-00037288-00037614 or they’re otherwise known as an aura during epilepsy, zuEyzOv1ClY-00092-00037626-00037899 something very important to keep in mind. zuEyzOv1ClY-00093-00037910-00038323 And tactile hallucinations are when an individual feels something. zuEyzOv1ClY-00094-00038334-00038602 And when you have a patient complaining of this, zuEyzOv1ClY-00095-00038613-00038926 you really want to keep in mind that this could be secondary zuEyzOv1ClY-00096-00038929-00039237 to drug abuse or alcohol withdrawal. zuEyzOv1ClY-00097-00039254-00039784 That summarizes some of the psychotic symptoms that you may be presented with. zuEyzOv1ClY-00098-00039811-00040093 Things like delusions and hallucinations. zuEyzOv1ClY-00099-00040095-00040448 It’s important to keep in mind the different types of these disorders zuEyzOv1ClY-00100-00040453-00040752 and always remember to dig a little bit deeper zuEyzOv1ClY-00101-00040761-00041321 to get more of a story from your patient behind what they’re actually experiencing. zCdyclnuzLk-00000-00000216-00000654 Should you climb Uluru (or Ayers Rock) now that it’s due to be closed permanently on zCdyclnuzLk-00001-00000654-00000896 26 October 2019? zCdyclnuzLk-00002-00000896-00001064 Short answer… no. zCdyclnuzLk-00003-00001064-00001258 According to the local visitors guide, zCdyclnuzLk-00004-00001258-00001666 “Aboriginal traditional owners would prefer visitors not to climb Uluru. zCdyclnuzLk-00005-00001666-00002088 Anangu have a responsibility to teach and safeguard visitors to their land. zCdyclnuzLk-00006-00002088-00002602 What visitors call ‘the climb’ is of great spiritual significance to the local Anangu. zCdyclnuzLk-00007-00002602-00003059 The climb is not prohibited, but Anangu ask as visitors to their land that you respect zCdyclnuzLk-00008-00003059-00003420 their wishes, culture and law by not climbing Uluru.” zCdyclnuzLk-00009-00003420-00003578 I think the answer is pretty clear. zCdyclnuzLk-00010-00003578-00004028 If I went to a foreign country, say Japan, and the locals asked me not to climb a particular zCdyclnuzLk-00011-00004028-00004398 rock (despite it not being illegal), then I wouldn’t climb it. zCdyclnuzLk-00012-00004398-00004560 I’d feel bad in doing so. zCdyclnuzLk-00013-00004560-00004796 What’s the difference if that rock is in Australia or not? zCdyclnuzLk-00014-00004796-00005062 Surely we should respect the local people’s wishes. zCdyclnuzLk-00015-00005062-00005596 Uluru was officially handed back to the Anangu people on 26 October 1985. zCdyclnuzLk-00016-00005596-00006078 It’s amazing that for almost 34 years, people have been blatantly disrespecting their wishes zCdyclnuzLk-00017-00006078-00006242 and climbing the Rock anyway. zCdyclnuzLk-00018-00006242-00006636 I’m all for freedom, but if the traditional custodians don’t want us climbing it, then zCdyclnuzLk-00019-00006636-00006798 we shouldn’t bloody well climb it. zCdyclnuzLk-00020-00006798-00007218 Recent news stories report that tourists are flocking to the region, camping illegally, zCdyclnuzLk-00021-00007218-00007590 trespassing, and dumping rubbish in an “influx of waste’. zCdyclnuzLk-00022-00007590-00008066 This isn’t just disrespectful to the Anangu people, it’s also disrespectful to Australia. zCdyclnuzLk-00023-00008066-00008524 Nearby resorts are at capacity, which is reportedly forcing tourists to camp illegally on the zCdyclnuzLk-00024-00008525-00008654 side of the road. zCdyclnuzLk-00025-00008654-00009090 Curtin Springs station owner Lyndee Severin spoke of the ongoing issues. zCdyclnuzLk-00026-00009090-00009156 She said, zCdyclnuzLk-00027-00009156-00009258 “It's pretty hectic… zCdyclnuzLk-00028-00009258-00009593 They would like their children to have the opportunity to climb Uluru, and that's why zCdyclnuzLk-00029-00009594-00009686 they're up here. zCdyclnuzLk-00030-00009686-00010078 There are limited areas to dispose of black waste in Central Australia — it's either zCdyclnuzLk-00031-00010078-00010510 Alice or Ayers Rock near here — and we've got visitors who don't want to stand in queues zCdyclnuzLk-00032-00010510-00010630 to dump waste. zCdyclnuzLk-00033-00010630-00011058 If they are dumping it on the station, then that has the potential to breach organic standards. zCdyclnuzLk-00034-00011058-00011188 It's also disgusting. zCdyclnuzLk-00035-00011188-00011557 There's just rubbish everywhere, used toilet paper… we are happy for people to leave zCdyclnuzLk-00036-00011557-00011919 rubbish bags at the roadhouse — don't just leave human waste and rubbish on the side zCdyclnuzLk-00037-00011919-00012010 of the road. zCdyclnuzLk-00038-00012010-00012366 Most people have been OK, but I've copped no end of abuse from others. zCdyclnuzLk-00039-00012366-00012560 It’s been a real Catch-22. zCdyclnuzLk-00040-00012560-00012936 I don't want to be copping a mouthful of abuse, and we don't want people's holidays to be zCdyclnuzLk-00041-00012936-00013315 disjointed, but we also don't want this behaviour on our property.” zCdyclnuzLk-00042-00013315-00013684 Marriage celebrant Meredith Campbell spoke of the influx of tourists. zCdyclnuzLk-00043-00013684-00013758 She said, zCdyclnuzLk-00044-00013758-00014218 “On Sunday I went to the Ayers Rock campground to meet a marrying couple and at the reception zCdyclnuzLk-00045-00014218-00014752 there, they were just like processional caterpillars; caravan after caravan, arriving, arriving, zCdyclnuzLk-00046-00014752-00014858 arriving. zCdyclnuzLk-00047-00014858-00015319 There were overflowing bins, high volumes of traffic, and long lines for concessions. zCdyclnuzLk-00048-00015319-00015780 It's taken days to relieve the stress — there are so many stressed people down there.” zCdyclnuzLk-00049-00015780-00015844 What are your thoughts? zCdyclnuzLk-00050-00015844-00016347 Are people entitled to climb Uluru despite the local Anangu people saying otherwise? zCdyclnuzLk-00051-00016347-00016656 Or are some of us just being real jerks in our own country? zCdyclnuzLk-00052-00016656-00017094 Surely, we would never go to North America and start disrespecting the local Cherokee zCdyclnuzLk-00053-00017094-00017546 or Apache by dumping human waste all over their cultural landmarks? zCdyclnuzLk-00054-00017546-00017650 Would we? zF3HJE__Gxu-00001-00000801-00001163 I’m here in the new Robert R. Jorgensen Athletic and Events Center. zF3HJE__Gxu-00002-00001163-00001646 On June 18th, 2010, we broke ground here on our Utica campus, zF3HJE__Gxu-00003-00001646-00002127 and sixteen months later, we’re ready to debut this beautiful state-of-the-art facility zF3HJE__Gxu-00004-00002127-00002497 and pay tribute to the coach who made such a big difference in the lives of so zF3HJE__Gxu-00005-00002497-00002661 many athletes. zF3HJE__Gxu-00006-00002661-00003130 Bob Jorgensen is well-known at MVCC for his dedication to the Hawks’ teams and zF3HJE__Gxu-00007-00003130-00003554 to individual athletes. He left a positive mark on thousands of alumni over zF3HJE__Gxu-00008-00003554-00003795 his thirty-one years at MVCC. zF3HJE__Gxu-00009-00003795-00004159 The Robert R. Jorgensen Athletic and Events Center is a testament to the zF3HJE__Gxu-00010-00004159-00004791 success of MVCC’s Hawks, and a tribute to a very special man. zF3HJE__Gxu-00011-00004791-00005115 Well, 1960 was a pretty special year for Mohawk Valley Community College. That's zF3HJE__Gxu-00012-00005115-00005414 the year when Bob Jorgensen arrived on this campus. zF3HJE__Gxu-00013-00005414-00005899 When he got here, we have five sports - intercollegiate athletics - and from there zF3HJE__Gxu-00014-00005899-00006433 he set out to build one of the most extensive, diverse, and successful zF3HJE__Gxu-00015-00006433-00006759 two-year college intercollegiate athletic programs in the entire country. zF3HJE__Gxu-00016-00006759-00007231 And to this day, we represent over twenty-two sports at MVCC. zF3HJE__Gxu-00017-00007231-00007470 He truly is the founding father of Hawk zF3HJE__Gxu-00018-00007470-00007578 Athletics. zF3HJE__Gxu-00019-00007578-00007961 Without his visionary leadership, we'd be a mere share of what we are today. The zF3HJE__Gxu-00020-00007961-00008318 thousands of students that came before, and the thousands that will come after, zF3HJE__Gxu-00021-00008318-00008614 will be eternally grateful for the presence he's had on this campus for that zF3HJE__Gxu-00022-00008614-00008752 period of time. zF3HJE__Gxu-00023-00008752-00009079 Built around the existing twenty-one thousand, seven hundred square-foot zF3HJE__Gxu-00024-00009079-00009505 Gymnasium building, the Jorgensen Center adds a forty thousand square-foot zF3HJE__Gxu-00025-00009505-00009959 practice facility and a six thousand square-foot state-of-the-art fitness center. zF3HJE__Gxu-00026-00009959-00010317 The fieldhouse features tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, zF3HJE__Gxu-00027-00010317-00010625 plus practice space for lacrosse and soccer, zF3HJE__Gxu-00028-00010625-00010993 and a competitive surface for indoor track, complete with a pole vault and zF3HJE__Gxu-00029-00010993-00011236 long and triple jump pit. zF3HJE__Gxu-00030-00011236-00011638 This facility will seat up to twenty-seven hundred people for special events. zF3HJE__Gxu-00031-00011638-00012026 The fitness center features a full circuit of body control machines, zF3HJE__Gxu-00032-00012026-00012450 ellipticals, treadmills, and exercise bikes for a cardio workout. zF3HJE__Gxu-00033-00012450-00012854 Some cardio machines even have their own flat-screen TVs and there are larger zF3HJE__Gxu-00034-00012854-00013110 TVs all around the center. zF3HJE__Gxu-00035-00013110-00013441 The free-weight area features plate loaded free weight machines zF3HJE__Gxu-00036-00013441-00013874 and a line of dumbbells ranging from five pounds to one hundred pounds. zF3HJE__Gxu-00037-00013874-00014297 Other center features include a motorized rock-climbing wall, an Xbox zF3HJE__Gxu-00038-00014297-00014369 Kinect, zF3HJE__Gxu-00039-00014369-00014612 and a video game training system. zF3HJE__Gxu-00040-00014612-00015036 The Hall of Champions is a showcase for all of MVCC’s championship sports and zF3HJE__Gxu-00041-00015036-00015173 stellar athletes, zF3HJE__Gxu-00042-00015173-00015595 featuring cases of awards won throughout the years by the Hawks. zF3HJE__Gxu-00043-00015595-00015913 Improvements to the existing gym building include renovations to the zF3HJE__Gxu-00044-00015913-00016415 swimming pool and locker room area, renovated classrooms, the addition of a state zF3HJE__Gxu-00045-00016415-00016766 of the art athletic training room, a student success center, and a beautiful zF3HJE__Gxu-00046-00016766-00017068 yoga and aerobics studio. zF3HJE__Gxu-00047-00017068-00017454 So there you have a look at the newest addition to our Utica campus, and a little zF3HJE__Gxu-00048-00017454-00017565 bit of history zF3HJE__Gxu-00049-00017565-00018027 about the man who symbolizes excellence in Hawk athletics. Thanks for watching. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00000-00001284-00001402 Sniper: Secure the building! zFQ5hCu0QGE-00001-00003572-00003662 Sniper: Ms. Rarity! zFQ5hCu0QGE-00002-00003816-00003970 Rarity: Safety's on, dipshit! zFQ5hCu0QGE-00003-00004002-00004210 Craz3: Hey, Drama Queen. Was Twilight Sparkle here? zFQ5hCu0QGE-00004-00004210-00004788 Sniper: Pinkamena Diane Pie is the leader of ZAT, and the most dangerous killer since she killed Craz3’s girlfriend. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00005-00005480-00005718 Sniper: Fucking waste of time. Mare's a vegetable. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00006-00005718-00005806 Craz3: BACK OFF! zFQ5hCu0QGE-00007-00006152-00006690 Rarity: All she said was “Votre ami est toujours là.” That’s French for “Your friend is always here”, Dipshit. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00008-00007034-00007522 Rainbow Dash: No Pinkie! NO! NO! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE, PLEASE STOP! zFQ5hCu0QGE-00009-00007792-00008082 Rarity: You boys better get your shit together. They're gonna attack. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00010-00008142-00008260 Rarity: Turn the camera on. zFQ5hCu0QGE-00011-00008462-00008850 Rarity: Your friend Twilight, she was doing okay in Ponyville, fucking things showed up... zFTZ4UF-VkI-00000-00001440-00001592 uh zFTZ4UF-VkI-00001-00003184-00003920 hello so this is the rainbow whip um it's a fully self-sustaining vehicle i imagine this could be zFTZ4UF-VkI-00002-00003920-00004456 someone's home weekend dream machine or festival vehicle it's got a queen-size bed it sleeps two zFTZ4UF-VkI-00003-00004456-00005152 people it's uh super small it's only 22 feet in length so it fits in a normal parking space zFTZ4UF-VkI-00004-00005152-00006024 but it has literally everything so i will just go through start with the engine and the bus itself zFTZ4UF-VkI-00005-00006024-00006472 because it's a really great bus and then i'll take you on a tour through the whole thing and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00006-00006472-00007240 at the very end um show you guys how it sounds on the highway if it's 2002 chevy express 3500 gas zFTZ4UF-VkI-00007-00007240-00007928 engine 5.7 liter v8 this is what i did to the bus to essentially bullet proof it zFTZ4UF-VkI-00008-00007928-00008360 it's got new intake manifold gaskets valve cover gaskets fuel injectors thermostat zFTZ4UF-VkI-00009-00008360-00008960 new all-terrain tires new fuel pump new front ac system with a one year warranty at a shop in zFTZ4UF-VkI-00010-00008960-00009432 florida it's registered as a motor home in florida and insured through state farm zFTZ4UF-VkI-00011-00009552-00010296 so i bought the bus in october 2020 in southern california i spent just under a year designing zFTZ4UF-VkI-00012-00010296-00011000 a building and just under a year enjoying it and it's now time for me to go into the next adventure zFTZ4UF-VkI-00013-00011072-00011576 but i partnered with two companies for the build it's rec pro and dakota lithium both zFTZ4UF-VkI-00014-00011576-00012152 incredible companies and i also drew a comic in exchange for the airhead zFTZ4UF-VkI-00015-00012152-00012704 composting toilet which is another really fantastic company so the bus has no rust zFTZ4UF-VkI-00016-00012704-00013247 it's an aluminum body and i did a 16 inch roof race so it has seven feet of interior height zFTZ4UF-VkI-00017-00013247-00013904 inside i'm a full-time artist and for me the bus is functional art all right welcome to my bus zFTZ4UF-VkI-00018-00013976-00014416 um i built it out with the intention that it would be a mural mobile so i've driven zFTZ4UF-VkI-00019-00014416-00014976 all across the country i put 30 000 miles on it i bought it with 55 000 miles on it zFTZ4UF-VkI-00020-00014976-00015536 so we've been some places four cross-country trips um did a lot of murals went to a lot of national zFTZ4UF-VkI-00021-00015536-00016047 parks a lot of hiking and it's just been fantastic especially the last couple months it's been zFTZ4UF-VkI-00022-00016152-00016800 amazing incredible so welcome come on in i'll show you do you want this experience too do you want to zFTZ4UF-VkI-00023-00016800-00017184 have it do you want to take the festivals you want to go hiking in it you can do all those things zFTZ4UF-VkI-00024-00017256-00017808 so i will say i just did another cross-country trip in this so this is the lived-in bus zFTZ4UF-VkI-00025-00017808-00018480 this is what is going on every day so let's start with the front of the bus zFTZ4UF-VkI-00026-00018608-00019184 um so that runs carplay which is really great so it's hands-free um also there's a backup camera zFTZ4UF-VkI-00027-00019184-00019840 there so many speakers two in the front two in the back such a great sound system and uh zFTZ4UF-VkI-00028-00019840-00020224 driving the bus honestly feels like you're driving a truck it's super easy to drive zFTZ4UF-VkI-00029-00020352-00021008 got some really cool mosaic and copper i got some room for storage there i got zFTZ4UF-VkI-00030-00021008-00021616 my laundry i got my roller skates shoes um that is for no you're perfect that is for um zFTZ4UF-VkI-00031-00021680-00022088 this lagoona table mount and i'll do that real quick this guy goes in like so zFTZ4UF-VkI-00032-00022520-00023160 yeah so i got my penny table very cool japanese yeah mexican peso that just pops on zFTZ4UF-VkI-00033-00023272-00023904 and it spins many different directions which is cool and this is also the passenger seat is zFTZ4UF-VkI-00034-00023904-00024384 also on a captain swivel so someone can stay here and someone gets here they can have some zFTZ4UF-VkI-00035-00024480-00025384 some tea some breakfast and it goes up and down as well zFTZ4UF-VkI-00036-00026088-00026568 and the passenger seat is also bolted through the floor of the bus so it's not going anywhere uh and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00037-00026568-00027152 there's a 110 outlet right next to that passenger seat so it's a good place to do work as well zFTZ4UF-VkI-00038-00027264-00027608 and i just store it right behind that passenger seat um it came with another zFTZ4UF-VkI-00039-00027608-00027960 mount which can be mounted on the outside of the bus to put the table out there as well zFTZ4UF-VkI-00040-00027960-00028383 okay we'll go to the kitchen area um there's a lot of goofy lights zFTZ4UF-VkI-00041-00028472-00029624 and these are for storage coffee beans or rice um awesome tea shelf a place for food and containers zFTZ4UF-VkI-00042-00029752-00030400 propane stove three burner propane stove it's really awesome that's also from rec pro zFTZ4UF-VkI-00043-00030480-00031104 love them truly it's the coolest thing ever to be in the middle of nowhere and make pancakes or zFTZ4UF-VkI-00044-00031104-00031800 make a pizza yeah pretty awesome more storage here put my instapod in there zFTZ4UF-VkI-00045-00031983-00032552 the way this works is just claps unclasp open a bunch of snacks zFTZ4UF-VkI-00046-00032704-00033032 um so that doesn't swing open while you're driving yeah that looks really cute zFTZ4UF-VkI-00047-00033144-00033912 um here's the sink area we have two switches the top one is for the water pump so that turns it on zFTZ4UF-VkI-00048-00034144-00034912 and the bottom one is for the water heater which is right there and that's also propane zFTZ4UF-VkI-00049-00035104-00035816 and here is the inverter switch and there's another 110 outlet by the counter as well zFTZ4UF-VkI-00050-00035888-00036584 for the blender for hot water kettle anything like that zFTZ4UF-VkI-00051-00036736-00037256 so that's the whole kitchen and i forgot to show you guys that the sink has two modes zFTZ4UF-VkI-00052-00037440-00038160 um you just twist it for the other one and it also snakes out and i didn't do it in the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00053-00038160-00038744 video but it also can snake out of there and the left side is for filtered water it's a three-step zFTZ4UF-VkI-00054-00038744-00039384 filtration process by ispring it's underneath the cabinet and i also use it for even more storage zFTZ4UF-VkI-00055-00039552-00040272 when you're cooking i'm cooking i'm prepping i have room here too per prep and also the fridge zFTZ4UF-VkI-00056-00040272-00040824 pulls out and it's also the same height as the countertop so you can have even more zFTZ4UF-VkI-00057-00040824-00041272 prep space so even though the space is small there's plenty of room for zFTZ4UF-VkI-00058-00041272-00041712 cooking which i really really like and this fridge pulls out all the way zFTZ4UF-VkI-00059-00041888-00042664 and it's a fridge freezer straight edge freezer and it's the ice co um 63.4 quart zFTZ4UF-VkI-00060-00042768-00043272 fridge and freezer but you can use both for fridge if you want it's so there's so much room in there zFTZ4UF-VkI-00061-00043272-00043992 and then these yellow tabs when it goes in you push down so moving to the other side um where zFTZ4UF-VkI-00062-00043992-00044768 my dog is sitting i built a cover like a lid for the bathroom and that is his favorite spot zFTZ4UF-VkI-00063-00044864-00045200 because if i ride around with the window open he loves to stick his head outside zFTZ4UF-VkI-00064-00045408-00046160 so this is a seat as well as the bathroom and shower so the eye hooks there zFTZ4UF-VkI-00065-00046240-00046960 and there's the airhead composting toilet excuse the shower bag um there's only one faucet to turn zFTZ4UF-VkI-00066-00046960-00047640 on the water for the shower and that's because the water heater you can choose the exact temperature zFTZ4UF-VkI-00067-00047640-00048272 so you don't waste time figuring out the ratio of hot and cold lines and the curtain just goes zFTZ4UF-VkI-00068-00048272-00048696 all the way around it's the perfect length i put polyurethane behind that fake grass and on the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00069-00048696-00049328 other wall but didn't actually need it because the shower curtain just as a just works perfect zFTZ4UF-VkI-00070-00049512-00049800 and there you have it that's what that looks like pretty cool zFTZ4UF-VkI-00071-00050136-00050864 so the remote for the ac is mounted right there um it can run all day and night on eco mode which zFTZ4UF-VkI-00072-00050864-00051632 is pretty pretty cool this is an old locker cut in half and clothing storage um books so getting into zFTZ4UF-VkI-00073-00051632-00052144 the bed there's a fold out step there so just pop that down and you're able to hop up there zFTZ4UF-VkI-00074-00052544-00052952 and getting out of the bed you can either hop on that step or if you're zFTZ4UF-VkI-00075-00052952-00053736 shorter maybe hopping there first awesome and here's the view from sitting in the bed zFTZ4UF-VkI-00076-00054136-00054824 and i have a remote for those for the led tape lighting so you can change zFTZ4UF-VkI-00077-00054824-00055079 the colors to anything just pretty neat zFTZ4UF-VkI-00078-00056120-00057112 so i'm super tall and i still have some inches for sitting up um here's storage this pushes down zFTZ4UF-VkI-00079-00057208-00057800 and latches there and i want to say i cut out that piece of plywood put foam batting and upholstered zFTZ4UF-VkI-00080-00057800-00058440 that fabric on there and i used velcro to take it off so you can take it off and reupholster zFTZ4UF-VkI-00081-00058440-00059016 it with a fabric of your choice later on if you're not vibing with that and here's the manual remote zFTZ4UF-VkI-00082-00059016-00059688 for the led tape lighting so if you're in bed you don't have to use the remote there's a mirror zFTZ4UF-VkI-00083-00059688-00060591 right there more storage um phone charger another 110 outlet yeah and this is also wallpaper that zFTZ4UF-VkI-00084-00060591-00061224 can be peeled off and another wallpaper could be put on potentially um when i first built the bus zFTZ4UF-VkI-00085-00061224-00062104 i put a medicine cabinet on that wall so that's an option if you need a bigger mirror but i don't and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00086-00062104-00062728 it's a nice place to hang artwork too yeah so i also have this mirror here and i really like it zFTZ4UF-VkI-00087-00062728-00063279 because i can see what's going on back there check on my dog and use this mirror so i got one back zFTZ4UF-VkI-00088-00063279-00064608 there one here and possible one there um that was living there but i didn't necessarily need it so zFTZ4UF-VkI-00089-00064608-00064879 and there's also a little reading light right there in the bed zFTZ4UF-VkI-00090-00065055-00065496 and we got the max air fan of course that blows in sucks air out 10 speeds zFTZ4UF-VkI-00091-00065496-00066032 it's really great for cooking and the remote for the max air fan is mounted right there so zFTZ4UF-VkI-00092-00066176-00066768 easy access when you first come into the bus let's go outside the bus in the back zFTZ4UF-VkI-00093-00067176-00067736 this is a cheap spare tire carrier welded on this back bumper um to open it you lift up zFTZ4UF-VkI-00094-00067904-00067984 and swing open zFTZ4UF-VkI-00095-00068296-00068992 and then this can hold two bikes bikes here's the lock this goes up zFTZ4UF-VkI-00096-00069192-00069936 opens up here here's the back storage there's the fresh water tank 45 gallons underneath here zFTZ4UF-VkI-00097-00070032-00070880 welded to the bottom is the gray water tank also 45 gallons to fill this up fill up the tank just zFTZ4UF-VkI-00098-00070880-00071440 take out this little red cap put the hose in fill her up so i just want to show you how to fill the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00099-00071440-00072008 water tank you can hook up to a friend's house or at a campground and it goes right in the tank zFTZ4UF-VkI-00100-00072104-00072832 and here is your city water hookup so the hose just goes right into that inlet right there and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00101-00072832-00073416 that's the water heater when you're hooked up to city water with that inlet on the right hand side zFTZ4UF-VkI-00102-00073480-00074224 this goes down this lever and now it's for steady water if you want to dump the fresh water tank zFTZ4UF-VkI-00103-00074224-00075000 for any reason um you screw off this cap and open this valve and water will come out if you need to zFTZ4UF-VkI-00104-00075176-00075696 clean out the tank or something like that okay so i'll show you all the storage back here zFTZ4UF-VkI-00105-00076136-00077256 this guy ah your power cable yes for power for power when you're at a campsite or something zFTZ4UF-VkI-00106-00077256-00078120 like that you want to use shore power this is the shore power inlet that opens up this goes on here zFTZ4UF-VkI-00107-00078416-00079416 just that and this plugs in and here's a surge protector so there's three ways the bus can charge zFTZ4UF-VkI-00108-00079416-00079960 through the alternator while you're driving it's charging through solar and between driving and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00109-00079960-00080712 solar that's unlimited energy right there um but if you're at a campground might as well um plug zFTZ4UF-VkI-00110-00080712-00081424 in this has room for six totes and some other storage in front of it this is the water heater zFTZ4UF-VkI-00111-00081424-00082032 and here's the battery system so on the left is the 12 volt and 110 breaker box we've got the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00112-00082096-00082800 solar switch at the top the blue one we've got the major on and off switch that red one right there zFTZ4UF-VkI-00113-00082800-00083368 wired in series with the dakota lithium batteries which are incredible incredible zFTZ4UF-VkI-00114-00083480-00084144 got a renergie charge controller and a 2000 watt inverter which means you can only use 2000 watts zFTZ4UF-VkI-00115-00084144-00084736 of power at any given time so we can't run ac and blender at the same time it's one or the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00116-00084736-00085296 other this is the back of the fridge when you're plugged into shore power it automatically switches zFTZ4UF-VkI-00117-00085296-00085952 over to that which is really really cool um so this is an awesome app made by victron there's a zFTZ4UF-VkI-00118-00085952-00086512 smart shunt attached to the batteries that shows everything you need to know so you can monitor zFTZ4UF-VkI-00119-00086512-00087024 them so right now i'm only using no i'm actually gaining power because the sun is coming in zFTZ4UF-VkI-00120-00087120-00087544 and after running the ac all morning not on eco mode the battery is 81 zFTZ4UF-VkI-00121-00087600-00088168 but it's charging yeah so there's the mini split a big craftsman tool box up there for folding chairs zFTZ4UF-VkI-00122-00088168-00088864 whatever and there's the propane tank i have not had to switch it out in like eight months zFTZ4UF-VkI-00123-00088864-00089504 so lasts a while another toolbox right there um and that's the vent for the composting toilet zFTZ4UF-VkI-00124-00089568-00089984 and you know what now that i'm thinking i didn't talk so much about the composting toilet but it's zFTZ4UF-VkI-00125-00089984-00090704 amazing you have to dump the pea tank every few days which is easy and the solids tank once or zFTZ4UF-VkI-00126-00090704-00091208 twice a month depending how many people you have in here and it doesn't smell and you can zFTZ4UF-VkI-00127-00091208-00091808 either use peat moss or cocoa husk i just want to show you guys um what this sounds like going zFTZ4UF-VkI-00128-00091808-00092584 about 65 miles an hour on the highway it's super quiet um it's kind of shockingly quiet zFTZ4UF-VkI-00129-00092688-00093608 yeah so this is a bus life in this bus which is like driving a truck um yeah it's great quiet zFTZ4UF-VkI-00130-00093728-00094424 oh i also want to say i also want to say that the bus is on right now and that's what it sounds like zFTZ4UF-VkI-00131-00094600-00095384 which is nothing so maybe i'll drive it for a second and you can hear how it is zFTZ4UF-VkI-00132-00095680-00096568 to drive around the parking lot and we can hear how it is you can hear that it sounds so quiet zFTZ4UF-VkI-00133-00096768-00096856 turns so good zFTZ4UF-VkI-00134-00097104-00098000 this is what it sounds like nothing it's crazy oops i should exit this way all right cool and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00135-00098000-00098576 the bus gets about 12 and a half miles per gallon on the highway but ranges 11 to 13. so yeah thank zFTZ4UF-VkI-00136-00098576-00099120 you so much i have footage and photos of the build of the roof rays if you're interested and you want zFTZ4UF-VkI-00137-00099120-00099880 that um reach out to me it's all built right and square it's heavily insulated on the floor as well zFTZ4UF-VkI-00138-00099880-00100632 um yeah and thank you thank you for watching i'm moving into a place in santa cruz so me and the zFTZ4UF-VkI-00139-00100632-00101288 bus will be in santa cruz for the month month of june so come on out come see it yeah it's been zFTZ4UF-VkI-00140-00101288-00101752 incredible and this is going to sound woo but the bus has good energy it doesn't break down on me zFTZ4UF-VkI-00141-00101752-00102328 it's just it's so great it's uh facilitated a lot of really incredible experiences and zFTZ4UF-VkI-00142-00102328-00103583 i know whoever has it next will have those magical experiences and then some zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00000-00000004-00000400 Paul: Let's do a predicate logic proof. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00001-00000400-00000706 ♪ And...let's just start zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00002-00000706-00000905 with a fairly simple proof. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00003-00000905-00001509 For any x, if x is A, then x is B. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00004-00001509-00001805 Mark: Are any of these numbered or anything? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00005-00001805-00002104 Paul: Um...Premise 1. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00006-00002104-00002806 Premise 2...for any x, uh...x is A. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00007-00002806-00003301 And we'll prove that c is B. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00008-00003301-00003404 How's that? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00009-00003404-00003504 Mark: Doable. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00010-00003504-00003700 Paul: Okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00011-00003700-00004004 So what would your first step be on this proof, Mark? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00012-00004004-00004205 Mark: I would do a UI. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00013-00004205-00004403 Paul: Okay, universal instantiation on line 1. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00014-00004403-00004606 You generally, when you see a lot of quantifiers, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00015-00004606-00004809 you wanna get out of the quantifiers and down zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00016-00004809-00005002 into singular sentences, don't you? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00017-00005002-00005102 Mark: Yeah. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00018-00005102-00005303 Paul: You wanna get rid of the quantifiers, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00019-00005303-00005502 generally speaking, and get down into singulars. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00020-00005502-00005706 Mark: And with UI, I can replace these x's zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00021-00005706-00005901 with pretty much anything I want. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00022-00005901-00006004 Paul: Any constant. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00023-00006004-00006202 Mark: Any constant, and I pick c. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00024-00006202-00006308 Paul: Okay, for an obvious reason. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00025-00006308-00006504 Mark: Ac horseshoe Bc. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00026-00006504-00007003 Paul: Okay, so to do a universal instantiation... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00027-00007003-00007302 we strip away the quantifier. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00028-00007302-00007502 We bring the sentence down. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00029-00007502-00007804 We replace the variable uniformly--all the way across-- zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00030-00007804-00008004 with a constant of our choice, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00031-00008004-00008300 and it can be any constant we wish, can't it? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00032-00008300-00008400 Mark: Yeah. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00033-00008400-00008603 Paul: And otherwise, we keep everything else the same. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00034-00008603-00008804 And it's important to remember that this rule-- zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00035-00008804-00009204 universal instantiation-- can only be applied to a line zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00036-00009204-00009406 that is a universal quantification. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00037-00009406-00009709 Where a universal quantification is a line that begins zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00038-00009709-00010100 with a universal quantifier that's not negated. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00039-00010100-00010304 That has no tilde over it. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00040-00010304-00010600 And the quantifier's scope is the entire line. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00041-00010600-00010902 Mark: And the only time I can take a quantifier off is zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00042-00010902-00011104 if it's the main connective or main operator. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00043-00011104-00011403 Paul: If it's the...if its scope is the entire line, yes. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00044-00011403-00011607 So we remove the quantifier, we bring this down, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00045-00011607-00011904 we replace the variable with a constant of our choosing, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00046-00011904-00012104 and we applied UI to line 1. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00047-00012104-00012204 Good. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00048-00012204-00012407 Mark: Yeah...let's do the same thing with line 2. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00049-00012407-00012507 Paul: Okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00050-00012507-00012608 Mark: With universal statement, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00051-00012608-00012903 I can do UI and pick any constant I want. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00052-00012903-00013009 I'll pick c again. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00053-00013009-00013205 Paul: Okay, so we'll bring down... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00054-00013205-00013402 we'll strip away the quantifier. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00055-00013402-00013803 We'll bring the formula down, but replace the x with c. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00056-00013803-00014100 And that's universal instantiation on 2. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00057-00014100-00014200 Mark: Okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00058-00014200-00014300 Paul: Okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00059-00014300-00014503 Mark: Now my...the old workhorse modus ponens kicks in. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00060-00014503-00014803 I can do modus ponens on 3 and 5, giving me Bc. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00061-00014803-00015001 Paul: You like that rule, don't you? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00062-00015001-00015107 Mark: Well, it's a good rule. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00063-00015107-00015403 The way I see it, it's just a solid rule. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00064-00015403-00015506 Paul: Modus ponens, now, applies... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00065-00015506-00015704 now that we're down to singular sentences, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00066-00015704-00015907 we think of this as P, P horseshoe Q. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00067-00015907-00016100 What did you bring down? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00068-00016100-00016200 Mark: Bc. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00069-00016200-00016306 Paul: The Q part. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00070-00016306-00016600 Mark: The Q part...MP on 4. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00071-00016600-00016800 Paul: Modus ponens, 3 and 4. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00072-00016800-00017000 Mark: I got the conclusion, so I'm done. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00073-00017000-00017306 Paul: Good...so, uh...you could...so let's look at this. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00074-00017306-00017800 Could I apply modus...could I apply universal instantiation zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00075-00017800-00018007 to a line that looked like this? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00076-00018007-00018207 Mark: Uh...no, I couldn't. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00077-00018207-00018400 Paul: Why? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00078-00018400-00018601 Mark: Because this tilde is the main connective. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00079-00018601-00018701 Paul: Ah-huh. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00080-00018701-00018806 Mark: The quantifier is not ranging zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00081-00018806-00019000 over the entire statement. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00082-00019000-00019103 It's not ranging over this. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00083-00019103-00019304 I need to get rid of that tilde zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00084-00019304-00019506 before I could do a UI on this. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00085-00019506-00019706 Paul: So I can't apply UI to this? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00086-00019706-00019806 Mark: No. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00087-00019806-00020002 Paul: I couldn't apply universal instantiation zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00088-00020002-00020202 to this either, could I? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00089-00020405-00020607 Mark: Well, maybe in Georgia, but not here. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00090-00020607-00020802 No, you can't. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00091-00020802-00021105 Again, this quantifier here is only ranging over this part. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00092-00021105-00021304 That quantifier's only ranging over this area. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00093-00021304-00021500 The universal...neither universal quantifier's ranging zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00094-00021500-00021604 over the entire statement. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00095-00021604-00021904 The only time I can do UI on a universal quantifier is zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00096-00021904-00022100 if it is the main operator. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00097-00022100-00022306 If I have that, I can do UI on this, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00098-00022306-00022501 'cause now that's the main operator. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00099-00022501-00022609 Paul: If that was the whole line. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00100-00022609-00022905 Mark: If I have this on a line by itself, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00101-00022905-00023106 I could do UI and take that off, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00102-00023106-00023301 because now that's the main operator. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00103-00023301-00023409 But not as you have it there. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00104-00023409-00023604 Paul: Right, so...so... because this quantifier zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00105-00023604-00023800 does not range over the whole... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00106-00023800-00023906 because the scope of this quantifier zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00107-00023906-00024200 isn't the whole line, I cannot apply... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00108-00024200-00024305 I cannot apply UI. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00109-00024305-00024405 Ah-huh. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00110-00024405-00024508 Mark: Ah-huh. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00111-00024801-00025007 Paul: Um...let's do another nice, easy one. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00112-00025007-00025207 How about this? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00113-00025207-00025907 Let's say, um...b has the property A. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00114-00025907-00026808 Um...if something is A, then everything is G. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00115-00027101-00027601 And, uh...so we'll conclude that, um... zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00116-00027809-00028306 Um...we'll conclude that e has the property G. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00117-00028306-00028406 How's that? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00118-00028406-00028506 Mark: Okay...okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00119-00028506-00028802 Paul: Okay, so what do you wanna do? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00120-00028802-00029100 Again, we generally wanna get rid of quantifiers zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00121-00029100-00029308 when we do a proof, if we see them. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00122-00029308-00029507 Mark: Unfortunately, I can't take that quantifier zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00123-00029507-00029708 off right now using UI, because that quantifier's zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00124-00029708-00029905 not ranging over the entire statement. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00125-00029905-00030005 Paul: Right. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00126-00030005-00030203 Mark: I cannot do UI here either, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00127-00030203-00030303 because that quantifier's zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00128-00030303-00030408 not ranging over the whole statement. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00129-00030408-00030609 Neither one of these are the main operator, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00130-00030609-00030805 so I can't take them off. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00131-00030805-00031006 What I can do is use line 1. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00132-00031006-00031309 I can take this thing, and I can do an EG on this. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00133-00031309-00031502 Say, Barney likes apples. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00134-00031502-00031608 It'd follow that something likes apples. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00135-00031608-00032001 If I do an EG on this, I would end up getting this. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00136-00032001-00032105 Paul: Let's do that. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00137-00032105-00032300 Mark: And let's go from there. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00138-00032300-00032403 Paul: So existential generalization zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00139-00032403-00032509 is applied to a singular statement. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00140-00032509-00032801 If the whole line is a singular statement, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00141-00032801-00033004 as in this case, what I'd do zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00142-00033004-00033306 is I'd take the statement, and I rewrite it, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00143-00033306-00033600 except that the constant is replaced zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00144-00033600-00034103 by an x, or a y, or a z, which is then bound zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00145-00034103-00034402 by the existential quantifier, like that. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00146-00034402-00034502 Mark: Right. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00147-00034502-00034809 Paul: So basically, I take this, and I bring it down, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00148-00034809-00035100 replacing the constant with a variable zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00149-00035100-00035300 bound by the existential quantifier. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00150-00035300-00035501 Mark: Yeah, the reason I did this zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00151-00035501-00035806 is so I could do a modus ponens on line 2. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00152-00035806-00036106 Paul: Okay, so I'll write EG on line 1. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00153-00036106-00036309 Mark: Okay...and again, I just did this thing--the EG-- zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00154-00036309-00036509 so that I could do a modus ponens. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00155-00036509-00036708 Paul: Go ahead and go around us. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00156-00036708-00036904 It won't bother us. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00157-00036904-00037105 Male 1: Can I run right through ya? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00158-00037105-00037305 Paul: Go run right through us. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00159-00037305-00037502 You're now famous. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00160-00037502-00037606 Mark: Okay. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00161-00037606-00037903 Paul: Okay, so now, this matches that. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00162-00037903-00038100 So what do we have? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00163-00038100-00038301 Mark: Well, I got a modus ponens available. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00164-00038301-00038500 That would let me pull this out. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00165-00038500-00038704 Paul: Okay, so P, P horseshoe Q. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00166-00038704-00039007 You're gonna bring down the Q part. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00167-00039007-00039301 So we got P, P horseshoe Q. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00168-00039301-00039404 We brought down the Q. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00169-00039404-00039607 So that's just modus ponens on 2 and 3. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00170-00039607-00039802 Mark: And 3. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00171-00039802-00040000 And this is saying everything is green. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00172-00040000-00040106 I don't know what I'm saying. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00173-00040106-00040206 Everything is G--green. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00174-00040206-00040306 Paul: Ah-huh. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00175-00040306-00040501 Mark: Well, if everything's green, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00176-00040501-00040705 then virtually anything I say, anything I point to, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00177-00040705-00040900 would be green. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00178-00040900-00041201 For instance, um...well, E...Evelyn...Evelyn's green, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00179-00041201-00041700 so I would do a UI on line 4, replacing the x with a small e. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00180-00041700-00041906 Paul: Okay...good, because we can do UI. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00181-00041906-00042103 Because the quantifier's universal, zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00182-00042103-00042306 and it ranges over the whole formula. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00183-00042306-00042506 ♪ The whole line. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00184-00042506-00042900 And we can bring it down, and we can instantiate the x zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00185-00042900-00043006 with any constant we wish. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00186-00043006-00043200 No restrictions. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00187-00043200-00043406 So we'll instantiate the x with, uh...e. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00188-00043406-00043702 By UI on 4. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00189-00043702-00043906 Mark: That's a conclusion, so we're done once again. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00190-00043906-00044207 Paul: Ah-huh, because from this, we inferred this by UI. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00191-00044207-00044408 So there's a...how to do a few proofs. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00192-00044408-00044607 We're gonna do one more in there. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00193-00044607-00044800 Then, we'll be done. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00194-00044800-00044900 How's that? zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00195-00044900-00045000 Mark: Good. zJ6nVPcZ3P0-00196-00045000-00045105 Paul: Thank you. zLNbY4ZJKK0-00000-00000120-00001104 hello again and welcome to another episode High Times in this episode I'm trying a zLNbY4ZJKK0-00001-00001104-00002172 special cab stream the ride out campus string the Homegrown strain from Nova Scotia as grown zLNbY4ZJKK0-00002-00002172-00003324 by a body of mine's family down east so um I don't know the specific THC or CBD levels zLNbY4ZJKK0-00003-00003324-00004020 so I can't record on that they didn't have a test it's just homegrown so let's take a look zLNbY4ZJKK0-00004-00004314-00005526 okay this batch smells quite flowery um like lilies that kind of smell lilacs so let's try out zLNbY4ZJKK0-00005-00007458-00007668 definitely has a flowery taste to it zLNbY4ZJKK0-00006-00008700-00008940 it's crazy and the lines to be honest with you zLNbY4ZJKK0-00007-00010392-00010872 that's pretty good considering them I have a chilled Bond and I pre-roll zLNbY4ZJKK0-00008-00011082-00011712 Jeff hacked in with um a bong do you filter it through War zLNbY4ZJKK0-00009-00011850-00012366 so you're getting more of up here of a hit because what the water does it siphons off the tar zLNbY4ZJKK0-00010-00012504-00012960 strangely enough I know people say well you don't want the tar right you know just like zLNbY4ZJKK0-00011-00012960-00013806 how filters built out the tarp but at the same time the tar is the thing that tones down the zLNbY4ZJKK0-00012-00013806-00014928 cough Factor ironically all that that's why when you smoke cap on post it uh joint you cough more zLNbY4ZJKK0-00013-00015330-00015744 so keep that in mind while I'm doing these mukbang videos is that zLNbY4ZJKK0-00014-00015840-00016458 if you see me smoke out you know it's gonna be a harsher of a hit than a joint so you have to kinda zLNbY4ZJKK0-00015-00016512-00017250 mentally adjust to it to to the format you're talking from zLNbY4ZJKK0-00016-00018684-00018768 foreign zLNbY4ZJKK0-00017-00019434-00020604 can definitely feel it mentally seeping in I mean it's almost an instantaneous zap zap sap you know zLNbY4ZJKK0-00018-00020682-00021198 since there was little information provided since this is hybrid starting I would probably argue zLNbY4ZJKK0-00019-00021198-00022218 this is more as a tiva dominant hybrid posed indica because with the sativa's yield notice zLNbY4ZJKK0-00020-00022218-00022938 the head high first then the body high indicates you'll notice the body high first then the head zLNbY4ZJKK0-00021-00022938-00023664 tie okay the best way to describe difference between the two I'm more of an intricate guy zLNbY4ZJKK0-00022-00023814-00024234 because I like a little bit stronger with body high the head high I do like zLNbY4ZJKK0-00023-00024234-00024828 your head eyes I'm not gonna say well uh not like that but you'll notice it zLNbY4ZJKK0-00024-00025062-00025134 more so zLNbY4ZJKK0-00025-00025998-00026520 but it does make the body feel a little bit Loosey Goosey all that zLNbY4ZJKK0-00026-00026970-00027288 but um I don't have to pick on the taste hits zLNbY4ZJKK0-00027-00027594-00028656 smells good but tape a few little bit CB more CBD in there I'll admit probably but zLNbY4ZJKK0-00028-00028656-00029136 it's not a bad strain I'm gonna give this one A B minus I mean it needs a little bit of work but zLNbY4ZJKK0-00029-00029220-00029789 if we're talking about homegrown strengths it's not bad for a home go straight so I mean zLNbY4ZJKK0-00030-00029945-00030582 you have to be do it for a while to get a really good [__] straight you know especially zLNbY4ZJKK0-00031-00030582-00031422 um connections because you know we're not talking about having like expenditures like zLNbY4ZJKK0-00032-00031422-00031848 these big cabbage companies that have completely controlled system zLNbY4ZJKK0-00033-00031992-00032514 in place I mean if you're homegrown it yourself I mean you kind of have to make do zLNbY4ZJKK0-00034-00032610-00033186 with some things with what you got and this isn't bad for that so I'm gonna zLNbY4ZJKK0-00035-00033186-00033510 leave it here for now I'd like to wish you all the best to stay baked everybody zp4bi0yvS0c-00000-00000000-00000851 Someone calls the 'fuzz'... zPan2kCIiFk-00000-00000008-00000736 Designing in future is to take what you imagined and transform to something that exists. zPan2kCIiFk-00001-00000780-00000994 Everything in-between is design. zPan2kCIiFk-00002-00001526-00002200 Some of the design work will disappear very soon to automation because, I mean, we know zPan2kCIiFk-00003-00002200-00002710 how the body functions. We know more and more about the cognitive, understanding of the zPan2kCIiFk-00004-00002710-00003290 cognitivity of the brain, so computational design can happen to bootstrap designs. zPan2kCIiFk-00005-00003290-00003850 We don't have to do this by hand and how or where do they press, how do they look. zPan2kCIiFk-00006-00003936-00004536 So we need to move design from this traditional design to computational design, to design of the futures zPan2kCIiFk-00007-00004536-00005037 with the tools that enable us which is artificial intelligence and all these things. zPan2kCIiFk-00008-00005037-00005730 So design is changing face, it‘s a new thing. And I think maybe not everynody is aware about that zPan2kCIiFk-00009-00005730-00006282 in the design community that you design relationships. You design futures. zPan2kCIiFk-00010-00006282-00006888 The rest is actually easier than that. So start that. Don't design features, products. zPan2kCIiFk-00011-00006888-00007400 Design service to serve someone, so you gain a relationship. zPan2kCIiFk-00012-00007404-00007634 Start with the relationship, the rest will follow. zPan2kCIiFk-00013-00007988-00008552 You can imagine possibilities in future. You can choose them and then you articulate them, zPan2kCIiFk-00014-00008552-00009228 so tell a story, narrate them. Make a movie, make a picture, write a paper. Tell that story, zPan2kCIiFk-00015-00009228-00009890 so you can have a conversation. And we articulate too little. We assume too much. zPan2kCIiFk-00016-00009890-00010596 We don't have a decent conversation with artefacts on the table that describe the possible futures. zPan2kCIiFk-00017-00010596-00011293 Now it's time, so design is changing shape from the traditional to this kind of designing zPan2kCIiFk-00018-00011294-00011822 the future and then even the computational design when the world is ... you can compute on the world zPan2kCIiFk-00019-00011822-00012330 because it's all connected. Everything that can be connected will be connected, and that's everything. zPan2kCIiFk-00020-00012330-00013060 So everything is digital and you can manipulate it. You can code worlds. zPan2kCIiFk-00021-00013060-00013569 Well, then you can design worlds. So computational design is another sphere zPan2kCIiFk-00022-00013569-00013819 that is opening up in front of our eyes right now. zPan2kCIiFk-00023-00014276-00014908 What they do, they take ingredients on the map, they object the ingredients. Mobile telephony exists. zPan2kCIiFk-00024-00014908-00015504 Everybody's empowered. Social confirmation is a thing, right? They didn't create it, zPan2kCIiFk-00025-00015504-00016100 it's just objectively there, and then they built narratives, and to take it really far out zPan2kCIiFk-00026-00016100-00016740 in a scary way, it sells, it's a good drama to scare someone, to ask the question: zPan2kCIiFk-00027-00016740-00017294 Is this the future we want? Obviously not. That's the prerequisite for the Black Mirror, you know. zPan2kCIiFk-00028-00017294-00017886 The black reflection of humanity. What if everything goes wrong, right? zPan2kCIiFk-00029-00017886-00018218 And that's good because now we can start the conversation. zPan2kCIiFk-00030-00018218-00018562 This is a conversation piece like a piece of art. zPan2kCIiFk-00031-00018562-00019010 What does it mean? What questions does it ask? It's not an answer. If people zPan2kCIiFk-00032-00019012-00019482 watch Black Mirror as an answer they're doing something wrong. You should watch it as a question zPan2kCIiFk-00033-00019482-00019994 for how would you make it differently in extreme instead of this extreme negative, zPan2kCIiFk-00034-00019994-00020514 extremely positive way that you're talking? So yes, it's inspirational. Good discussion started. zPan2kCIiFk-00035-00020923-00021455 We map objectively what's happening. Blockchain is happening, right? Machine learning is happening. zPan2kCIiFk-00036-00021455-00022088 We could look at it and just say this is happening. Globalization is happening. Different business models zPan2kCIiFk-00037-00022088-00022581 are happening there, fine. Put them on a map. And it's very nice because then zPan2kCIiFk-00038-00022581-00023037 you can have a map of possibilities. Because as soon as you put things on a map you see zPan2kCIiFk-00039-00023037-00023545 how they relate to each other. Or could relate. So you draw lines and you connect these dots, zPan2kCIiFk-00040-00023545-00024184 and they become narratives. So we will have 3 billion new minds connected to internet zPan2kCIiFk-00041-00024184-00025130 enabled with fantastic technologies, 3 billion, just in, say, 5 years because of technology accessibility. zPan2kCIiFk-00042-00025218-00025610 These people, statistically, there should be an Einstein somewhere there, right? zPan2kCIiFk-00043-00025610-00026104 Could be a Hasso Plattner, could be an Elon Musk, whoever. A new Marie Curie. zPan2kCIiFk-00044-00026254-00026736 These people will then create new start-ups, new business models. They will be enabled. zPan2kCIiFk-00045-00026737-00027180 The authorities moving ... that's a narrative. I'm just taking that narrative because it's zPan2kCIiFk-00046-00027180-00027836 possible from the dots. Now we write these narratives, that's the next step, and it's full spectrum. zPan2kCIiFk-00047-00027895-00028292 Some of them are very dystopian, and Hollywood is great at that. zPan2kCIiFk-00048-00028292-00028916 Newspapers are great at that. Eat this and you will die. Everybody's gonna take your job. zPan2kCIiFk-00049-00028956-00029536 You know, all that bullshit. They are possible. They are unlikely, and they sell well because our zPan2kCIiFk-00050-00029537-00030214 brain is wired for fear. So you have all these spectrums. And you choose to focus on the zPan2kCIiFk-00051-00030214-00030841 absolute positive ones, the impactful positive ones. We do this too little. And a brain is zPan2kCIiFk-00052-00030841-00031381 wired also like that, when you tell people a narrative they go for it. So choose the zPan2kCIiFk-00053-00031381-00031888 positive one to tell them like: Hey, how about going to the moon within 10 years and bring the guy back? zPan2kCIiFk-00054-00031922-00032458 It's a good narrative, right? And people just did. How about having a system zPan2kCIiFk-00055-00032458-00033081 that you can talk to and have a conversation about your business where it actually handles zPan2kCIiFk-00056-00033081-00033621 your ambiguity, saying: Hey system, how am I doing today? It's a superhard question to zPan2kCIiFk-00057-00033621-00034081 answer unless you know me. Hey, how about a system that knows me? That's a hard problem zPan2kCIiFk-00058-00034081-00034571 we are working on it, it's a nice narrative. When you choose the positive ones then you zPan2kCIiFk-00059-00034571-00035238 can see where am I gifted as an organisation, as a team, as a person? Where are my gifts zPan2kCIiFk-00060-00035238-00035832 to actually actualize this to make it happen, is it us, is it these guys, can we hook up zPan2kCIiFk-00061-00035832-00036268 with them or should we just leave it to them? And then you choose where you can have a very zPan2kCIiFk-00062-00036268-00036870 positive impact with that narrative you chose to persue? Then you have a strategy. zPan2kCIiFk-00063-00036976-00037594 People usually start with strategies, and that's a little bit late. The hard work is before. zPan2kCIiFk-00064-00037594-00038178 What are the right things to do? When you have a strategy you focus on doing the things right. zPan2kCIiFk-00065-00038244-00038936 People are used to do things right. How we look at the What and the Why, and that's important. zPan2kCIiFk-00066-00038936-00039602 So we have a pretty pretentios bald vision, you know, to make the world run better and zPan2kCIiFk-00067-00039602-00040382 improve people's lives. Wow! So that should get you up on Monday morning. How am I going zPan2kCIiFk-00068-00040382-00040986 to improve people's lives? Not only for the customer but the customer must be enabled zPan2kCIiFk-00069-00040986-00041687 to improve their customers' or consumers' lives in some way. How can we reduce the friction zPan2kCIiFk-00070-00041687-00042433 and how can we simplify the complexity with the help of thorough design, empathy, innovation zPan2kCIiFk-00071-00042433-00042956 and systems and technologies that help people to live better, stay in a flow where they zPan2kCIiFk-00072-00042956-00043708 can be the optimal them. Better and better, growing, so the flow is actually pointing upwards. zPan2kCIiFk-00073-00043708-00044565 So I sometimes say even that, you know, technology helps us to focus on more human tasks zPan2kCIiFk-00074-00044565-00045328 like conversation, like ideation, like creating new futures, like imagining new business models. zPan2kCIiFk-00075-00045328-00045802 These things machines can yet not do well because they are hard to digitize. zPan2kCIiFk-00076-00045802-00046741 Exchange experiences, reach consensus, solve complex human problems for businesses and for relationships zPan2kCIiFk-00077-00046742-00047420 with your customers and so on. That's human work. But now we can be argumented with the machines. zPan2kCIiFk-00078-00047420-00047971 The super-human abilities are now reachable for us. And we can automate everything zPan2kCIiFk-00079-00047971-00048338 that was friction from a way where it was repeatable, zPan2kCIiFk-00080-00048338-00048666 where it was mundane and sometimes really boring actually. zPan2kCIiFk-00081-00048694-00049278 So that friction is also gone. We can have ... so the best system in the world, zPan2kCIiFk-00082-00049278-00049733 the smartest system is the one that makes you smarter. Human is always in the centre. zPan2kCIiFk-00083-00049733-00050342 So now maybe if you prolong it to some kind of philosophical extent maybe we become human at last. zPan2kCIiFk-00084-00050382-00050850 Maybe we are something we don't know yet that we can be. You know, the Homo sapiens zPan2kCIiFk-00085-00050850-00051488 has been busy hunting and gathering all these years, well, a little bit more, been some other zPan2kCIiFk-00086-00051488-00051936 industrial revolutions since then. But in the essence maybe we are reaching a state zPan2kCIiFk-00087-00051936-00052410 where we can liberate the human and the human gifts, for example, at work to a level zPan2kCIiFk-00088-00052410-00052998 we haven't imagined yet. And that purpose and that diversity of thought that we have together zPan2kCIiFk-00089-00052998-00053478 makes this a very unique space to innovate for the future and design new futures. zQEAmIhm-9E-00000-00000000-00000763 At the Los Angeles Resume Service we take great pride in creating resumes that give our zQEAmIhm-9E-00001-00000763-00001310 clients a competitive advantage in a difficult job market. Resumes that quickly get the zQEAmIhm-9E-00002-00001310-00001755 response of potential employers, and distinguishes our clients as the best choice when zQEAmIhm-9E-00003-00001755-00002078 compared to others to similarly qualified candidates. zQEAmIhm-9E-00004-00002078-00002615 Now, here's a fact you may not know. A typical hiring manager spends only around 60 zQEAmIhm-9E-00005-00002615-00003332 seconds reading a resume. It's true. Therefore your resume needs to be concise, skillable, zQEAmIhm-9E-00006-00003332-00003946 and easy to read. That's why at Los Angeles Resume Service we follow the proven one-page zQEAmIhm-9E-00007-00003946-00004456 resume format first developed by Harvard Business School and UCLA Business School. zQEAmIhm-9E-00008-00004456-00004989 This format enables us to write a resume that showcases marketable skills, educational zQEAmIhm-9E-00009-00004989-00005532 qualifications, professional experience, career goals and accomplishments in a clear and zQEAmIhm-9E-00010-00005532-00005680 concise manner. zQEAmIhm-9E-00011-00005680-00006127 Our resume writers are professionals who have worked at the top business schools in the zQEAmIhm-9E-00012-00006127-00006828 United States. Schools like Harvard, UCLA, USC and other fine institutions. Our resume zQEAmIhm-9E-00013-00006828-00007361 writers are recognized experts in the field of resume and career services who conduct career zQEAmIhm-9E-00014-00007361-00007892 seminars and resume workshops. They also have experience in more than 30 industries zQEAmIhm-9E-00015-00007892-00008349 including, most definitely, the one that you now want a job in. zQEAmIhm-9E-00016-00008349-00008899 Best of all, taking advantage of our resume service is convenient and easy. Once you've zQEAmIhm-9E-00017-00008899-00009406 purchased our resume service just complete our online questionnaire, answer a few questions zQEAmIhm-9E-00018-00009406-00009925 about your past work experience, academic background, and career achievements. Then, zQEAmIhm-9E-00019-00009925-00010386 identify a target employment opportunity so we can write a resume that focusses on your zQEAmIhm-9E-00020-00010386-00010900 professional goals. We'll do the rest and give you the resume you need to get the job you zQEAmIhm-9E-00021-00010900-00011126 desire. It's that simple. zQEAmIhm-9E-00022-00011126-00011688 Of course, we also offer specialized services for an additional fee. Cover letter writing, rush zQEAmIhm-9E-00023-00011688-00012182 service - when you need to meet a deadline. You can even request a telephone consultation zQEAmIhm-9E-00024-00012182-00012654 with a professional resume writer. If you're in Southern California you can request a meeting zQEAmIhm-9E-00025-00012654-00013271 at our offices in West Los Angeles near UCLA. Check with us for details. At Los Angeles zQEAmIhm-9E-00026-00013271-00013758 Resume Service we have the know-how to write a resume that can make a big difference in zQEAmIhm-9E-00027-00013758-00013897 your career. zQEAmIhm-9E-00028-00013897-00014748 Learn more about the LA Resume Service, please call us at 1800 212 2670 or submit your zQEAmIhm-9E-00029-00014748-00015313 name and contact info on our simple form at LAresumeservice.com zXHu3QFSy94-00000-00000003-00000450 Hey guys MUFFINHAHA here with another different colored boi zXHu3QFSy94-00001-00000535-00000801 Yeah I didn't think Snivy would ever shine either but yeah it did zXHu3QFSy94-00002-00000880-00001080 STARE INTO THE EYES OF THIS BOI zXHu3QFSy94-00003-00001092-00001310 Lol this guy wasn't live hunting zXHu3QFSy94-00004-00001429-00001629 GAZE. zXHu3QFSy94-00005-00001632-00002072 Took freaking forever lol zXHu3QFSy94-00006-00002134-00002681 Three whole months what a loser zXHu3QFSy94-00007-00002886-00003248 It's a meme but can't be anymore since you got it :angerey: zXHu3QFSy94-00008-00003361-00003752 Yay? zXHu3QFSy94-00009-00004159-00004904 Wait a minute, I'm gonna sit on the camera and show you sparkles. Sorry, it's timid zXHu3QFSy94-00010-00005032-00005118 Shoutouts to Shiny Hunter Hunter for actually getting the nature guess cuz my team sucks at it zXHu3QFSy94-00011-00005118-00005232 Enter Subtitle zXHu3QFSy94-00012-00005618-00005818 Ah zXHu3QFSy94-00013-00005922-00006122 Get away from me you green hatted monster you killed my Woobat zXHu3QFSy94-00014-00008136-00008608 This camera is so good dang zXHu3QFSy94-00015-00008820-00009155 Fight me Matt zXHu3QFSy94-00016-00010680-00011053 Other game was Miles or Luke but who cares about those nerds zXHu3QFSy94-00017-00011824-00012024 Yeah it was Miles cuz screw Luke am I right zXHu3QFSy94-00018-00013105-00013313 So yeah fight me zXHu3QFSy94-00019-00013510-00013710 Sweet release zXHu3QFSy94-00020-00013843-00014043 SPARKLE FOR ME BABY zXHu3QFSy94-00021-00014947-00015147 Tepig LOL what a loser zXHu3QFSy94-00022-00015352-00015552 And Chinese lady oh zXHu3QFSy94-00023-00015763-00016286 Pretty lit zXHu3QFSy94-00024-00016528-00016728 Lit zXHu3QFSy94-00025-00016909-00017130 I don't sound happy but zXHu3QFSy94-00026-00017314-00017514 I am. zXHu3QFSy94-00027-00017530-00017738 Because I can die happy now zXHu3QFSy94-00028-00018007-00018479 twitch.tv/irrational345 zXHu3QFSy94-00029-00018720-00019133 I need to record zXHu3QFSy94-00030-00019237-00019530 Am I going to lose? zXHu3QFSy94-00031-00019672-00019872 think I'm gonna just zXHu3QFSy94-00032-00020176-00020729 Gonna yeah, I thought you have like wanted to be left zXHu3QFSy94-00033-00021298-00021498 So, yeah, I zXHu3QFSy94-00034-00021655-00022032 Wanna show this practice again, but I think there's a lot of dialogues zXHu3QFSy94-00035-00022032-00022460 I actually don't know because I wasn't I zXHu3QFSy94-00036-00022531-00022842 I couldn't see the other part of the game for like three months. I zXHu3QFSy94-00037-00023308-00023513 Think I want to be able to show it zXHu3QFSy94-00038-00023539-00024080 Yeah, because she's gonna show me like Pokemon Center and then many people are gonna show up. So zXHu3QFSy94-00039-00024256-00024533 I'm gonna just cut so wait a minute zXHu3QFSy94-00040-00024745-00024945 Okay, I'm back zXHu3QFSy94-00041-00024958-00025626 so yeah, I hope she's she stop talking like now and I can show the encounter I zXHu3QFSy94-00042-00025720-00025937 know you saw the sparkles already, but zXHu3QFSy94-00043-00026104-00026304 It's more you know zXHu3QFSy94-00044-00026419-00026619 It's tradition zXHu3QFSy94-00045-00026956-00027479 She shall be encounter, oh, this is so cool zXHu3QFSy94-00046-00027835-00028035 I'm gonna go for to find it in one video zXHu3QFSy94-00047-00028837-00029037 Oh zXHu3QFSy94-00048-00029761-00030156 Also, it's my first mhq find me by the way I forgot about that zXHu3QFSy94-00049-00030742-00031458 Because my I couldn't get assignee for like three months when the others got like two of them zXHu3QFSy94-00050-00031880-00032205 Sorry the last encounter because the video will be too long zXHu3QFSy94-00051-00032314-00032757 and now shiny but lucky at least I got HIV I zXHu3QFSy94-00052-00032938-00033138 Forgot how to talk actually zXHu3QFSy94-00053-00033436-00033813 Sorry, yeah. Thank you guys for watching and good. Bye zZACROzULFc-00000-00000004-00000383 ♪ ♪ zZACROzULFc-00001-00000383-00000663 Linda: I am not the face of a heart attack. zZACROzULFc-00002-00000663-00000884 I'm healthy, I'm active. zZACROzULFc-00003-00000884-00001426 I hike, I ski, I love to be outdoors. zZACROzULFc-00004-00001426-00001626 And I had a heart attack. zZACROzULFc-00005-00001964-00002248 When the pain first started in my chest, zZACROzULFc-00006-00002248-00002431 I remember thinking to myself like zZACROzULFc-00007-00002431-00002677 this might be a heart attack. zZACROzULFc-00008-00002677-00002919 When I got to the emergency room, the doctor came in zZACROzULFc-00009-00002919-00003149 and told me that there was trauma to my heart, zZACROzULFc-00010-00003149-00003428 and now we need to admit you. zZACROzULFc-00011-00003428-00003603 Then things got real. zZACROzULFc-00012-00003603-00003983 Dr. Rivera: I did tell her that because of her age, that we might find this zZACROzULFc-00013-00003983-00004154 entity known as SCAD, zZACROzULFc-00014-00004154-00004483 stands for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, zZACROzULFc-00015-00004483-00004771 so meaning a tear in the coronary artery. zZACROzULFc-00016-00004771-00005271 It's an issue that mostly affects women who are zZACROzULFc-00017-00005271-00005447 below the age of 50. zZACROzULFc-00018-00005447-00005664 SCAD is not a regular heart attack. zZACROzULFc-00019-00005664-00006060 It can do damage to the heart, but it's not the traditional zZACROzULFc-00020-00006060-00006389 risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, zZACROzULFc-00021-00006389-00006710 high cholesterol or family history. zZACROzULFc-00022-00006710-00007153 Linda: After I had the angiogram, Dr. Rivera came in and showed zZACROzULFc-00023-00007153-00007565 us a still image of my artery where they could see the tear. zZACROzULFc-00024-00007791-00008099 Dr. Rivera: What is helpful here at Kaiser Permanente is I also zZACROzULFc-00025-00008099-00008224 have an Interventionalist, zZACROzULFc-00026-00008224-00008591 someone who is even more of an expert in the coronary zZACROzULFc-00027-00008591-00008804 arteries to take a look if I have concerns. zZACROzULFc-00028-00008804-00009050 Everybody comes together as a team, zZACROzULFc-00029-00009050-00009430 including our nurses, our lab, follow up, zZACROzULFc-00030-00009430-00009672 our clinical specialists and pharmacists, zZACROzULFc-00031-00009672-00009918 our mental health care, all of that is available zZACROzULFc-00032-00009918-00010452 without having to have a second referral outside the system. zZACROzULFc-00033-00010452-00010710 Linda: My experience with Kaiser Permanente's cardiac care zZACROzULFc-00034-00010710-00011040 was phenomenal. zZACROzULFc-00035-00011040-00011315 Dr. Rivera and everybody that I worked with zZACROzULFc-00036-00011315-00011703 was really attentive to me. zZACROzULFc-00037-00011703-00011932 I remember each one of them coming in and really zZACROzULFc-00038-00011932-00012424 connecting with me and looking me in the eye. zZACROzULFc-00039-00012424-00012675 Dr. Rivera: Linda took it all in stride. zZACROzULFc-00040-00012675-00012958 I love seeing a patient walk back into my clinic zZACROzULFc-00041-00012958-00013204 after I've seen them in the hospital and they are back to zZACROzULFc-00042-00013204-00013405 living their life to their fullest. zZACROzULFc-00043-00013576-00013751 Linda: Now that I've recovered, zZACROzULFc-00044-00013751-00014356 I think every day about loving my people and my kids zZACROzULFc-00045-00014356-00014718 and the people that mean the most to me and making sure zZACROzULFc-00046-00014718-00014994 that they know I'm going to be around for a long time. zZACROzULFc-00047-00014994-00015194 ♪ ♪ zZSsxs8ujyU-00000-00001256-00002216 Saliwan channel presents zZSsxs8ujyU-00001-00003647-00003826 Hi, here Saliwan zZSsxs8ujyU-00002-00003826-00004024 Welcome to my next episode of the series: zZSsxs8ujyU-00003-00004024-00004242 Crysis: Glitches & Tricks zZSsxs8ujyU-00004-00004254-00004506 Of course It`s Crysis Warhead zZSsxs8ujyU-00005-00004506-00004948 We are the mission 5 zZSsxs8ujyU-00007-00005080-00005356 We now in caves zZSsxs8ujyU-00008-00005356-00005996 In this video I want to show you another bug or tricks zZSsxs8ujyU-00010-00006282-00006586 First let`s go to this place zZSsxs8ujyU-00011-00006586-00006806 There I`m tell you what is it zZSsxs8ujyU-00012-00006806-00006988 We`ll see soon zZSsxs8ujyU-00015-00008118-00008360 Here we go. That is this place zZSsxs8ujyU-00016-00008444-00008678 Normal we could continue ours road zZSsxs8ujyU-00019-00008964-00009580 There we see the aliens and we hear shooting with weapon (battle or something like that) zZSsxs8ujyU-00021-00010042-00010364 We could live this place but not me zZSsxs8ujyU-00022-00010364-00010534 In this video zZSsxs8ujyU-00023-00010544-00010928 I want to show you how climp over there! zZSsxs8ujyU-00024-00010934-00011182 Without cheats or godmode zZSsxs8ujyU-00025-00011210-00011510 It`s so hard but possible zZSsxs8ujyU-00026-00011534-00011788 patience and skills zZSsxs8ujyU-00027-00011824-00012042 And some lucks zZSsxs8ujyU-00028-00012164-00012518 So, I show full process how climb there zZSsxs8ujyU-00029-00012518-00013919 If you want see final results what there is, skip this video to 8:30 zZSsxs8ujyU-00031-00014088-00014410 So, let`s get to work :) zZSsxs8ujyU-00032-00014410-00014610 I hope you`ll like this video/ zZSsxs8ujyU-00033-00014710-00015078 Let`s go zZSsxs8ujyU-00042-00051104-00051414 ohhh my god... zZSsxs8ujyU-00043-00051424-00051584 I did it! zZSsxs8ujyU-00045-00052541-00052760 Finally zZSsxs8ujyU-00046-00053317-00054291 We have here weapons who shoo`s automatic all of the time, and alien who don`t atack us zZSsxs8ujyU-00050-00055146-00055610 I use now God Mode to check what there is zZSsxs8ujyU-00059-00057584-00058340 This is evidence that the developers make mistakes and do not refine everything properly zZSsxs8ujyU-00076-00066834-00068190 I swear, I swear it`s not my responsibility that this stupid rigle shoots! za3RWHytlLc-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial Introduction to KTouch. za3RWHytlLc-00001-00000400-00000900 In this tutorial you will learn about KTouch and the KTouch interface. za3RWHytlLc-00002-00001000-00001080 You will learn how to type: za3RWHytlLc-00003-00001100-00001700 Accurately, quickly, and efficiently, on a computer keyboard that has the English alphabet keys. za3RWHytlLc-00004-00001800-00001900 You will also learn to: za3RWHytlLc-00005-00002000-00002300 Type without having to look down at every time you type. za3RWHytlLc-00006-00002400-00002600 What is KTouch? za3RWHytlLc-00007-00002700-00003200 KTouch is a typing tutor. It teaches you how to type using an online interactive keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00008-00003300-00003500 You can learn typing at your own pace. za3RWHytlLc-00009-00003600-00004200 You can gradually increase your typing speed and along with it, your accuracy. za3RWHytlLc-00010-00004300-00004900 KTouch also has lectures or typing samples, in various levels of difficulty, for you to practice with. za3RWHytlLc-00011-00005000-00005800 Here, we are using KTouch 1.7.1 on Ubuntu Linux 11.10. za3RWHytlLc-00012-00005900-00006200 You can install KTouch using the Ubuntu Software Centre. za3RWHytlLc-00013-00006300-00007000 For more information on Ubuntu Software Centre, please refer to the Ubuntu Linux Tutorials on this website. za3RWHytlLc-00014-00007100-00007200 Let’s open KTouch. za3RWHytlLc-00015-00007300-00008000 First, click Dash Home, which is the round button, on the top left corner of your computer desktop. za3RWHytlLc-00016-00008100-00008300 The Search box appears. za3RWHytlLc-00017-00008400-00008700 In the Search box type KTouch. za3RWHytlLc-00018-00008800-00009300 The KTouch icon appears beneath the Search box.Click on it. za3RWHytlLc-00019-00009400-00009500 The KTouch window appears. za3RWHytlLc-00020-00009600-00010000 Alternately, you can open KTouch using the Terminal. za3RWHytlLc-00021-00010100-00010600 To open a Terminal press the CTRL and ALT and T keys together. za3RWHytlLc-00022-00010700-00011400 To open KTouch, in the Terminal, type the command: ktouch and press Enter. za3RWHytlLc-00023-00011500-00011800 Now, let’s familiarize ourselves with the KTouch interface. za3RWHytlLc-00024-00011900-00012500 The Main menu comprises the File, Training, Settings, and Help menus. za3RWHytlLc-00025-00012600-00013000 Click Start New Session to start a new session to practice typing. za3RWHytlLc-00026-00013100-00013300 Click Pause Session to pause while typing. za3RWHytlLc-00027-00013400-00013800 Click on Lecture Statistics to know your typing progress. za3RWHytlLc-00028-00013900-00014600 Level indicates the level of complexity, in terms of the number of keys used when typing. za3RWHytlLc-00029-00014700-00015100 Speed indicates the number of characters that you can type per minute. za3RWHytlLc-00030-00015200-00015800 The Correctness indicator displays the percentage correctness of typing. za3RWHytlLc-00031-00015900-00016600 The New Characters in This Level field displays the characters that you need to practice at the selected level. za3RWHytlLc-00032-00016700-00017000 The Teacher’s Line displays the characters that have to be typed. za3RWHytlLc-00033-00017100-00017700 The Student’s Line displays the characters that are typed by you using the keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00034-00017800-00018100 The Keyboard is displayed in the centre. za3RWHytlLc-00035-00018200-00018800 The first line of the keyboard displays numerals, special characters, and the Backspace key. za3RWHytlLc-00036-00018900-00019200 Press the Backspace key to delete typed characters. za3RWHytlLc-00037-00019300-00019900 The second line of the keyboard comprises alphabets few special characters, and the Tab key. za3RWHytlLc-00038-00020000-00020700 The third line of the keyboard comprises alphabets,colon, semicolon, and Caps lock keys. za3RWHytlLc-00039-00020800-00021200 Press the Enter key to go to the next line while typing. za3RWHytlLc-00040-00021300-00021600 Press the Caps Lock key to type capital letters. za3RWHytlLc-00041-00021700-00022400 The fourth line of the keyboard comprises alphabets, special characters, and shift keys. za3RWHytlLc-00042-00022500-00023100 Press the shift key together with any other alphabet key to type capital letters. za3RWHytlLc-00043-00023200-00023800 Press the Shift key with any other key to type a character given at the top of the key. za3RWHytlLc-00044-00023900-00025000 For example, the key with the numeral 1 has the exclamation mark on top. To type the exclamation mark, press the Shift key together with 1. za3RWHytlLc-00045-00025100-00025900 The fifth line of the keyboard comprises the Ctrl, Alt, and Function keys.It also contains the space bar. za3RWHytlLc-00046-00026000-00026800 Now let us see if there are differences between the KTouch keyboard, laptop keyboard, and desktop keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00047-00026900-00027500 Notice that the KTouch keyboard and the keyboards used in desktops and laptops are similar. za3RWHytlLc-00048-00027600-00028000 Now, let’s see the correct placement of our fingers on the keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00049-00028100-00028126 Look at this slide. za3RWHytlLc-00050-00028200-00028500 It displays the fingers and their names. za3RWHytlLc-00051-00028600-00029000 Fingers, from left to right, are named: Little finger, za3RWHytlLc-00052-00029100-00029300 Ring finger, Middle finger, za3RWHytlLc-00053-00029400-00029800 Index finger and Thumb za3RWHytlLc-00054-00029900-00030200 On your keyboard, place your left hand, on the left side of the keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00055-00030300-00030600 Ensure that the little finger is on alphabet ‘A’ za3RWHytlLc-00056-00030700-00030900 Ring finger is on the alphabet ‘S’, za3RWHytlLc-00057-00031000-00031200 Middle finger on alphabet ‘D’, za3RWHytlLc-00058-00031300-00031600 Index finger on alphabet ‘F’. za3RWHytlLc-00059-00031700-00031900 Now, place your right hand, on the right side of the keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00060-00032000-00032400 Ensure that the little finger is on the colon/semi-colon key. za3RWHytlLc-00061-00032500-00032700 Ring finger on the alphabet ‘L’. za3RWHytlLc-00062-00032800-00032900 Middle finger on the alphabet ‘K’. za3RWHytlLc-00063-00033000-00033300 Index finger on the alphabet ‘J’. za3RWHytlLc-00064-00033400-00033600 Use your right thumb to press the space bar. za3RWHytlLc-00065-00033700-00034300 The first time you open KTouch, the Teacher’s Line displays default text. za3RWHytlLc-00066-00034400-00035000 This text lists instructions on how to select the lecture and begin the typing lessons. za3RWHytlLc-00067-00035100-00035600 For the purposes of this tutorial, we shall skip typing the default text and select a lecture. za3RWHytlLc-00068-00035700-00036100 However, you can pause this tutorial, and type the default text. za3RWHytlLc-00069-00036200-00036600 Now, let us select the lecture to begin the typing lessons. za3RWHytlLc-00070-00036700-00037100 From the Main menu, select File, click Open Lecture. za3RWHytlLc-00071-00037200-00037600 The Select Training Lecture File – ‘KTouch’ dialog box appears. za3RWHytlLc-00072-00037700-00039000 Browse the flowing folder path Root->usr->share->kde4->apps->Ktouch za3RWHytlLc-00073-00039100-00039500 And select english.ktouch.xml and click Open. za3RWHytlLc-00074-00039600-00040000 Notice, that the Teacher’s Line now displays a different set of characters. za3RWHytlLc-00075-00040100-00040200 Now, let us start typing za3RWHytlLc-00076-00040300-00040800 By default, the Level is set to 1 and the Speed is set to zero. za3RWHytlLc-00077-00040900-00041400 The New Characters in This Level displays the characters we will learn in this level. za3RWHytlLc-00078-00041500-00041700 Notice that the cursor is in the Student’s Line. za3RWHytlLc-00079-00041800-00042800 Let us type the character displayed in the teacher's line using the keyboard. za3RWHytlLc-00080-00042900-00043300 As we type, the characters are displayed in the Student’s Line. za3RWHytlLc-00081-00043400-00043500 Look at the Speed field now. za3RWHytlLc-00082-00043600-00044100 As you type, the number increases or decreases based on the speed of your typing. za3RWHytlLc-00083-00044200-00044400 If you stop typing, the speed count decreases. za3RWHytlLc-00084-00044500-00045000 Now, let’s type the numbers seven & eight, which are not displayed in the Teacher’s Line. za3RWHytlLc-00085-00045100-00045300 The Student Line has become red. za3RWHytlLc-00086-00045400-00045900 Why? That’s because we have mistyped or made an error in typing. za3RWHytlLc-00087-00046000-00047500 Let’s delete it and complete the typing. za3RWHytlLc-00088-00047600-00048100 When you reach the end of the line, press the Enter key, to move to the second line. za3RWHytlLc-00089-00048200-00048600 Notice, that the Teacher’s Line now displays the next set of characters to type. za3RWHytlLc-00090-00048700-00049000 The Student’s line is cleared of the typed text. za3RWHytlLc-00091-00049100-00049300 Let’s check how accurately we have typed. za3RWHytlLc-00092-00049400-00050200 The Correctness field displays the percentage of correctness of your typing.For example, it may display 80 percent. za3RWHytlLc-00093-00050300-00050500 We have completed our first typing lesson! za3RWHytlLc-00094-00050600-00051000 It is a good practice to first learn to type accurately at lower speeds. za3RWHytlLc-00095-00051100-00051600 Once, we learn to type accurately, without mistakes, we can increase the typing speed. za3RWHytlLc-00096-00051700-00051900 Let’s begin a new typing session. za3RWHytlLc-00097-00052000-00052100 Click Start New Session. za3RWHytlLc-00098-00052200-00052900 In the Start New Training Session – ‘KTouch’ dialog box, click Start from First Level. za3RWHytlLc-00099-00053000-00053100 What do you see? za3RWHytlLc-00100-00053200-00053400 A set of characters are displayed in the Teacher’s Line. za3RWHytlLc-00101-00053500-00053900 The Student’s Line is cleared of all characters and is blank. za3RWHytlLc-00102-00054000-00054400 Let’s start typing. za3RWHytlLc-00103-00054500-00054800 While practicing, you may want to pause and restart later. za3RWHytlLc-00104-00054900-00055100 How do you pause your session? za3RWHytlLc-00105-00055200-00055300 Click pause session. za3RWHytlLc-00106-00055400-00055600 Notice that the speed does not decrease. za3RWHytlLc-00107-00055700-00056200 Recall, that it decreased when we stopped typing without pausing the earlier session. za3RWHytlLc-00108-00056300-00057800 To resume typing, type the next character or word, displayed in the Teacher’s line. za3RWHytlLc-00109-00057900-00058500 Once we complete typing, we can check the Correctness field.It displays the accuracy of typing. za3RWHytlLc-00110-00058600-00058900 This brings us to the end of this tutorial on KTouch. za3RWHytlLc-00111-00059000-00059800 In this tutorial we learnt about the KTouch interface. We also learnt how to: Place our fingers on the key board. za3RWHytlLc-00112-00059900-00060300 Type by looking at the Teacher’s Line. And completed our first typing lesson. za3RWHytlLc-00113-00060400-00060500 Here is an assignment for you. za3RWHytlLc-00114-00060600-00061200 Open KTouch. Complete the typing lesson in level 1. Practice typing with this level. za3RWHytlLc-00115-00061300-00061700 Remember to use the correct fingers for the keys. za3RWHytlLc-00116-00061800-00062300 Watch the video available at the following link.It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project. za3RWHytlLc-00117-00062400-00062700 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it. za3RWHytlLc-00118-00062800-00063600 The spoken tutorial team conduct workshops using spoken tutorials give certificates to those who pass an online test. za3RWHytlLc-00119-00063700-00064200 For more details Please write to contact @spoken-tutorial.org. za3RWHytlLc-00120-00064300-00064600 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project. za3RWHytlLc-00121-00064700-00065400 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. za3RWHytlLc-00122-00065500-00066500 More information on the same is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro za3RWHytlLc-00123-00066600-00067100 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Thanks for joining zaz7rl5SRXA-00000-00000445-00000729 Build your student’s 21st Century Skills zaz7rl5SRXA-00001-00000729-00000942 with Spanish Close Reading Packs. zaz7rl5SRXA-00002-00001027-00001228 Spanish Close Reading Packs, zaz7rl5SRXA-00003-00001228-00001467 translated from the English versions, zaz7rl5SRXA-00004-00001467-00001677 promote careful analysis of text zaz7rl5SRXA-00005-00001677-00001959 while building critical thinking, collaboration zaz7rl5SRXA-00006-00001959-00002109 and communication skills. zaz7rl5SRXA-00007-00002194-00002441 Students practice these skills as they read zaz7rl5SRXA-00008-00002441-00002610 a text multiple times, zaz7rl5SRXA-00009-00002696-00003078 while the teacher guides inquiry with text-dependent questions zaz7rl5SRXA-00010-00003078-00003294 and connected text. zaz7rl5SRXA-00011-00003294-00003603 Now, teachers in bilingual, dual-language, zaz7rl5SRXA-00012-00003603-00003918 and Spanish immersion classrooms can develop students' zaz7rl5SRXA-00013-00003918-00004111 critical thinking skills in both zaz7rl5SRXA-00014-00004111-00004264 Spanish and English. zaz7rl5SRXA-00015-00004349-00004642 Spanish Close Reading Packs are another way that zaz7rl5SRXA-00016-00004642-00005016 Learning A-Z makes it easy for you to implement blended, zaz7rl5SRXA-00017-00005016-00005216 personalized learning in your classroom. zcdI_nHyG68-00000-00000107-00000531 - Nordic Rebels, Season Three, Skills for the Future. zcdI_nHyG68-00001-00000711-00001104 When was the last time you actually checked these lists zcdI_nHyG68-00002-00001104-00001384 telling you what kind of skills you need for the future. zcdI_nHyG68-00003-00001549-00001901 So you need creativity, analytical thinking, zcdI_nHyG68-00004-00001901-00002348 interdisciplinary knowledge, emotional intelligence, zcdI_nHyG68-00005-00002348-00002767 leadership skills, technology skills, skills skills. zcdI_nHyG68-00006-00002767-00002994 The lists, they just go on. zcdI_nHyG68-00007-00002994-00003373 But is it really about ticking the boxes zcdI_nHyG68-00008-00003373-00003813 or establishing something long term? zcdI_nHyG68-00009-00003941-00004210 Something more positive or something, actually, zcdI_nHyG68-00010-00004210-00004340 that changes in your body. zcdI_nHyG68-00011-00004508-00004867 That's what Season Three is going to be all about. zcdI_nHyG68-00012-00004867-00005033 So enjoy the ride. zcdI_nHyG68-00013-00005033-00005201 (mumbling) zcdI_nHyG68-00014-00005201-00005431 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00015-00005431-00005665 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00016-00005665-00005895 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00017-00005895-00006135 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00018-00006135-00006364 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00019-00006364-00006606 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00020-00006606-00006848 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00021-00006848-00007081 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00022-00007081-00007268 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00023-00007268-00007469 - Hey guys, guess what? zcdI_nHyG68-00024-00007469-00007773 I'm in London, yeah. zcdI_nHyG68-00025-00007916-00008177 Just heading to the poetry society to meet the guys zcdI_nHyG68-00026-00008177-00008496 from Nordic Rebels and talk a little bit about zcdI_nHyG68-00027-00008496-00008757 purpose, clarity, and chaos. zcdI_nHyG68-00028-00008757-00009133 So, stick with us because this is gonna be zcdI_nHyG68-00029-00009133-00009268 super, super cool. zcdI_nHyG68-00030-00009523-00009671 And, look who's there. zcdI_nHyG68-00031-00009969-00010129 The guys from Nordic Rebels! zcdI_nHyG68-00032-00010129-00010266 Say hi guys! - Hi! zcdI_nHyG68-00033-00010266-00010378 - What you doing here? zcdI_nHyG68-00034-00010479-00010704 (laughing) zcdI_nHyG68-00035-00011092-00011303 Yeah, hi, we're still here. zcdI_nHyG68-00036-00011303-00011510 Stick with us. zcdI_nHyG68-00037-00011510-00011739 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00038-00011739-00011994 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00039-00011994-00012221 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00040-00012221-00012379 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00041-00012379-00012539 Hi everybody, my name is Joana. zcdI_nHyG68-00042-00012673-00012871 Welcome to my channel. zcdI_nHyG68-00043-00012871-00013174 I'm gonna be talking to you a little bit about clarity. zcdI_nHyG68-00044-00013174-00013610 And how we can navigate within chaos. zcdI_nHyG68-00045-00013610-00013896 My background is in strategy. zcdI_nHyG68-00046-00013896-00014163 I've been helping people gear their ideas zcdI_nHyG68-00047-00014163-00014560 to enable purpose and strategy connection. zcdI_nHyG68-00048-00014560-00015047 My background is in creative industry and business projects. zcdI_nHyG68-00049-00015047-00015298 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00050-00015298-00015531 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00051-00015531-00015852 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00052-00015852-00016133 And, how do we define chaos? zcdI_nHyG68-00053-00016133-00016565 Well, it depends on the perspective that you're seeing zcdI_nHyG68-00054-00016565-00017000 and how your perception tackles chaos because, actually, zcdI_nHyG68-00055-00017000-00017287 if you are confused from the inside, zcdI_nHyG68-00056-00017287-00017554 then you will see chaos outside. zcdI_nHyG68-00057-00017656-00017970 So, if your mind is really confusing and your feelings zcdI_nHyG68-00058-00017970-00018284 are not in the right place, you're gonna see chaos. zcdI_nHyG68-00059-00018517-00018917 But if you drop the chaos in your mind zcdI_nHyG68-00060-00018917-00019294 and you start to connect to the context, zcdI_nHyG68-00061-00019294-00019594 you're gonna see things really are correlated. zcdI_nHyG68-00062-00019594-00020014 They really have a meaning to being that way. zcdI_nHyG68-00063-00020014-00020315 And if you really drop chaos in your mind, zcdI_nHyG68-00064-00020315-00020721 you're gonna see that chaos is just an expression zcdI_nHyG68-00065-00020721-00021091 of other people's chaos, and you can actually help. zcdI_nHyG68-00066-00021242-00021614 So, how do we set perception for clarity? zcdI_nHyG68-00067-00021783-00022044 Well, this is a super, super important question here zcdI_nHyG68-00068-00022194-00022694 because everyone has clarity, we just have a way of thinking zcdI_nHyG68-00069-00022706-00022986 that prevents us from getting clarity. zcdI_nHyG68-00070-00022986-00023109 And how is that? zcdI_nHyG68-00071-00023195-00023626 Well, basically, we're always thinking about our own wishes, zcdI_nHyG68-00072-00023626-00023880 our own concerns. zcdI_nHyG68-00073-00024062-00024470 And that makes us only see whatever is inside our head. zcdI_nHyG68-00074-00024470-00024670 We don't see what's outside. zcdI_nHyG68-00075-00024817-00025086 So, basically you see outside as a battle field zcdI_nHyG68-00076-00025086-00025330 where you have to be a real good strategist zcdI_nHyG68-00077-00025330-00025641 to get around things, so you get to accomplish zcdI_nHyG68-00078-00025641-00025789 what you want in your mind. zcdI_nHyG68-00079-00025877-00026345 Whereas, if you drop that focus and start to connect zcdI_nHyG68-00080-00026345-00026648 to the contexts, you're gonna start to see zcdI_nHyG68-00081-00026648-00026825 the context's needs. zcdI_nHyG68-00082-00026825-00027325 And then you're gonna be open, and then from openness zcdI_nHyG68-00083-00027330-00027651 you're gonna start to be less judgemental. zcdI_nHyG68-00084-00027750-00027995 And that's when clarity comes. zcdI_nHyG68-00085-00027995-00028348 So setting perception for clarity begins with zcdI_nHyG68-00086-00028348-00028569 connecting to the field, to the context. zcdI_nHyG68-00087-00029326-00029566 And how do we define purpose from there? zcdI_nHyG68-00088-00029680-00030122 Well, basically, we have to start with clarity. zcdI_nHyG68-00089-00030207-00030477 So let me just get rid of all of this zcdI_nHyG68-00090-00030477-00030719 and give you three steps. zcdI_nHyG68-00091-00030902-00031117 Okay, so the first step is your foundation. zcdI_nHyG68-00092-00031267-00031473 And what would be your foundation? zcdI_nHyG68-00093-00031473-00031634 It would be your why. zcdI_nHyG68-00094-00031634-00031829 So why you are doing what you're doing. zcdI_nHyG68-00095-00031992-00032244 So basically we are really really conditioned to think zcdI_nHyG68-00096-00032244-00032702 that we have to search for a why within ourselves. zcdI_nHyG68-00097-00032702-00033026 Actually, the why is outside. zcdI_nHyG68-00098-00033026-00033265 So if you want to be significant to the context, zcdI_nHyG68-00099-00033265-00033566 you need to understand what are the needs in the context. zcdI_nHyG68-00100-00033731-00033993 So, the first thing is to start to connect, zcdI_nHyG68-00101-00033993-00034376 to be open to what are the needs in the context. zcdI_nHyG68-00102-00034376-00034780 From that perspective, you're gonna see your why naturally. zcdI_nHyG68-00103-00034889-00035054 Something is gonna call you. zcdI_nHyG68-00104-00035166-00035568 So, within the context, in the context, and for the context zcdI_nHyG68-00105-00035657-00035985 you see what potentials you could bring to the context zcdI_nHyG68-00106-00035985-00036235 to solve the need that you're identifying. zcdI_nHyG68-00107-00036487-00036915 And then you go to your next step which is seeing, right? zcdI_nHyG68-00108-00037074-00037574 So you have to see with your eyes how is the context like. zcdI_nHyG68-00109-00037575-00037918 So what are the conditions, what are the tools, zcdI_nHyG68-00110-00037918-00038306 what are the resources, time and, of course, zcdI_nHyG68-00111-00038306-00038752 the potentials that other people could bring as partners? zcdI_nHyG68-00112-00038752-00039118 And your third step is gonna be your what. zcdI_nHyG68-00113-00039118-00039413 So, what you're gonna communicate, what you're gonna bring zcdI_nHyG68-00114-00039413-00039497 to the world. zcdI_nHyG68-00115-00039696-00040196 So why, how, and what in this order can give you clarity. zcdI_nHyG68-00116-00040215-00040541 The idea is conditioned to the result, the result is zcdI_nHyG68-00117-00040541-00040846 conditioned to the how, and the how is conditioned to the zcdI_nHyG68-00118-00040846-00041063 why and the context. zcdI_nHyG68-00119-00041063-00041400 Okay, so that's how you define your what. zcdI_nHyG68-00120-00042049-00042184 Why am I here? zcdI_nHyG68-00121-00042367-00042699 So, what was the need of the context for me to be here zcdI_nHyG68-00122-00042699-00042847 at the first place? zcdI_nHyG68-00123-00042847-00043101 And then, what were the hows? zcdI_nHyG68-00124-00043101-00043381 What were the conditions that brought me here? zcdI_nHyG68-00125-00043472-00043791 And your next step would be the what. zcdI_nHyG68-00126-00043791-00044152 So, if we don't ask those same questions zcdI_nHyG68-00127-00044152-00044489 to find our purpose, then we're gonna be zcdI_nHyG68-00128-00044489-00044800 on a big game of guesses. zcdI_nHyG68-00129-00044800-00045066 If you remember, I was talking about zcdI_nHyG68-00130-00045066-00045439 when you're really confused, you're only thinking about zcdI_nHyG68-00131-00045439-00045846 your desires, your wishes, your concerns. zcdI_nHyG68-00132-00045848-00046152 And that gets you really really confused. zcdI_nHyG68-00133-00046152-00046352 But when you're thinking about the context zcdI_nHyG68-00134-00046354-00046718 and about the needs of the context, your mind is really clear zcdI_nHyG68-00135-00046719-00046961 and your heart starts to settle down. zcdI_nHyG68-00136-00047109-00047591 So, one way to use yourself is really wrong feelings, zcdI_nHyG68-00137-00047591-00048012 and another way to use yourself, which is serving others, zcdI_nHyG68-00138-00048012-00048430 gets you in this glow of good feelings. zcdI_nHyG68-00139-00048522-00048916 So, what is our purpose? zcdI_nHyG68-00140-00048916-00049138 What is the right way to use our purpose? zcdI_nHyG68-00141-00049238-00049476 I guess it's serving others where you can really get zcdI_nHyG68-00142-00049476-00049655 these good feelings from it. zcdI_nHyG68-00143-00049813-00050164 But, if you remember, I was talking about zcdI_nHyG68-00144-00050164-00050566 when you're really confused, you're only thinking about zcdI_nHyG68-00145-00050566-00051038 your desires, your wishes, your concerns. zcdI_nHyG68-00146-00051038-00051429 If you think again, when you're only thinking about zcdI_nHyG68-00147-00051429-00051929 your own wishes, your own concerns, you really get confused. zcdI_nHyG68-00148-00051935-00052306 You get all this feeling of fear, of being stuck. zcdI_nHyG68-00149-00052417-00052903 But when you get a clear mind, you really are speaking zcdI_nHyG68-00150-00052903-00053133 and working on your heart, zcdI_nHyG68-00151-00053133-00053376 then you get these really good feelings. zcdI_nHyG68-00152-00053465-00053715 So, what would be your purpose? zcdI_nHyG68-00153-00053715-00053947 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00154-00053947-00054173 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00155-00054173-00054491 well, I came up with this framework called zcdI_nHyG68-00156-00054491-00054646 the clearing purpose framework. zcdI_nHyG68-00157-00054760-00054903 And why framework? zcdI_nHyG68-00158-00054903-00055116 Well because this way of thinking on clarity, zcdI_nHyG68-00159-00055116-00055341 is something that we really have to practice. zcdI_nHyG68-00160-00055376-00055540 When you're thinking about the context zcdI_nHyG68-00161-00055555-00055741 and about the needs of the context, zcdI_nHyG68-00162-00055758-00056024 your mind gets really clear and your heart zcdI_nHyG68-00163-00056024-00056239 starts to settle down. zcdI_nHyG68-00164-00056239-00056612 So, what is our purpose? zcdI_nHyG68-00165-00056612-00056870 What is the right way to use our purpose? zcdI_nHyG68-00166-00056870-00057195 I guess it's serving others, where you can really get zcdI_nHyG68-00167-00057195-00057374 these good feelings flowing. zcdI_nHyG68-00168-00057408-00057686 So, there's a basic structure for this framework, zcdI_nHyG68-00169-00057696-00057991 which is in a free download ebook. zcdI_nHyG68-00170-00058000-00058364 And on the ebook you'll find basic questions zcdI_nHyG68-00171-00058364-00058653 on why, how and what. zcdI_nHyG68-00172-00058653-00058923 Please subscribe to Nordic Rebels Channel zcdI_nHyG68-00173-00059021-00059201 and we'll see each other soon. zcdI_nHyG68-00174-00059365-00059628 (upbeat music) zcdI_nHyG68-00175-00059628-00059886 (upbeat music) zcoPwRLHp0Q-00000-00000029-00000465 We kept changing the list because... zcoPwRLHp0Q-00001-00000640-00001000 Because we wanted to show you something better. zcoPwRLHp0Q-00002-00001085-00001600 [Rie seems so sad to say bye to lyOns.] zcoPwRLHp0Q-00003-00001600-00002195 [The song you can't sing without getting teary...] zcoPwRLHp0Q-00004-00002195-00002731 [It's "zurui onna."] zcoPwRLHp0Q-00005-00003336-00003733 [Rie is so sad to say bye.] zdYgP0KGSyk-00000-00000000-00000544 Firefox - How to work around an "Adobe Flash Player update is available" message. zdYgP0KGSyk-00001-00000544-00000739 The Flash Player animated cube bounces and disappears. zgU3RNdgFIA-00000-00000102-00000616 If there ever was a time for there to be Marines or for the nation to need their Marines it's now. zgU3RNdgFIA-00001-00000636-00000850 Expect more from us. zgU3RNdgFIA-00002-00000850-00001076 Because we tell them they should expect more. zgU3RNdgFIA-00003-00001076-00001332 Because we tell them we have the hardest training. zgU3RNdgFIA-00004-00001332-00001548 We tell them that we get the best people. zgU3RNdgFIA-00005-00001548-00001930 We tell them that we exhibit the virtues of honor, courage, and commitment. zgU3RNdgFIA-00006-00001930-00002192 You're a United States Marine. zgU3RNdgFIA-00007-00002192-00002568 Just because you've got that EGA in boot camp that's just the beginning, zgU3RNdgFIA-00008-00002728-00003132 and we really have to think about living to this image. zgU3RNdgFIA-00009-00003132-00003532 In everything that we do as individuals and as units. zgU3RNdgFIA-00010-00003532-00003778 Because the American people expect us to. zgU3RNdgFIA-00011-00003778-00004232 You know we took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of United States zgU3RNdgFIA-00012-00004232-00004614 against all enemies foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. zgU3RNdgFIA-00013-00004726-00004866 Not when it's convenient. zgU3RNdgFIA-00014-00004866-00005024 Not when you feel like it. zgU3RNdgFIA-00015-00005024-00005438 Not when I'm not too tired and not when it's not a bother to me. zgU3RNdgFIA-00016-00005438-00005690 We have to live this image. zh39xOjNNZk-00000-00001871-00002502 first of all when I retired from practice about 10 years ago something like that I zh39xOjNNZk-00001-00002642-00003390 tried to drop the doctor because all that does when you retire just make things cost more and zh39xOjNNZk-00002-00003458-00003816 I tried to get rid of it, but nobody zh39xOjNNZk-00003-00003890-00004305 They'd say where's Bob Kincaid. I don't know any Bob Kincaid zh39xOjNNZk-00004-00004305-00004776 Yeah, you know nobody so I tried and tried, and I couldn't ever get rid of it zh39xOjNNZk-00005-00004777-00005323 So I changed some doctor that doc and most of the young people think that that's just a moniker zh39xOjNNZk-00006-00005333-00005595 They don't know and I like it that away I zh39xOjNNZk-00007-00005735-00006172 Hate to go to these sort of things I practice food animal medicine there zh39xOjNNZk-00008-00006172-00006744 You know cattle hogs cheap, but mainly cattle and then feeder cattle as a specialty at the end zh39xOjNNZk-00009-00006845-00007245 You go to something like this and pardon me ladies, but some little gray-haired lady zh39xOjNNZk-00010-00007309-00008004 Comes up and said oh, you're a veterinarian, and I've got fifi and whatever and I don't know which end fifi, whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00011-00008042-00008200 but I zh39xOjNNZk-00012-00008200-00008415 Finally found the answer to that I said ma'am zh39xOjNNZk-00013-00008468-00008743 I've doctor for 30 years what you eat zh39xOjNNZk-00014-00008818-00009198 Most of them I might as well through a five-gallon bucket of water on them, you know zh39xOjNNZk-00015-00009286-00009519 Anyway, let's get started I zh39xOjNNZk-00016-00009992-00010189 the other day was zh39xOjNNZk-00017-00010189-00010620 thinking about things which I do a whole lot when you get older and zh39xOjNNZk-00018-00010675-00011262 I thought that I thought I I thought that I had an original thought zh39xOjNNZk-00019-00011396-00012132 And if you look through the world, there's not many original thoughts, but I really thought I had one zh39xOjNNZk-00020-00012511-00012711 And that was this zh39xOjNNZk-00021-00014569-00015369 If you could read that that says the rumen is to the cow as the soil is to the plant zh39xOjNNZk-00022-00015515-00016047 And that's pretty obvious when you think about it, but I thought that was an original zh39xOjNNZk-00023-00016121-00016576 You know idea. It's a symbiotic relationship. You know zh39xOjNNZk-00024-00016643-00016860 everybody wins in a symbiotic relationship zh39xOjNNZk-00025-00017015-00017698 In this get thinkin you know how does that work well the Rumen and the soil? zh39xOjNNZk-00026-00017828-00018565 The way they're the same is their the home. They're the structure. They're the house for zh39xOjNNZk-00027-00019424-00019624 for bugs zh39xOjNNZk-00028-00019631-00019927 Just try and leave it that simple in the rumen zh39xOjNNZk-00029-00019949-00020541 I'm talking about the protozoa on the Rickettsia the all the billions of Bacteria zh39xOjNNZk-00030-00020549-00020988 They maybe aren't everything in the rumen in the soil zh39xOjNNZk-00031-00021077-00021424 when I say bugs, I'm talking about everything from the zh39xOjNNZk-00032-00021488-00021738 insects especially like the dung beetles and whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00033-00021824-00022413 earthworms on down to Mike Rizzo of all the Bacteria the fungi zh39xOjNNZk-00034-00022490-00023187 Everything in the soil ok so when we say bugs and both these that's what we're talking about zh39xOjNNZk-00035-00023423-00023998 So the soil and the Rumen they provide the place for the bugs zh39xOjNNZk-00036-00024095-00024295 What are the bugs do and? zh39xOjNNZk-00037-00024335-00024687 You know you're probably saying what's this got to do with mob grazing well? zh39xOjNNZk-00038-00024688-00025210 It's basic basic and you need to get this understood to be a good mob grazer zh39xOjNNZk-00039-00025310-00025490 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00040-00025490-00026095 The bugs in the cow the cow if you take the rumen out, and yeah, there's four stomachs zh39xOjNNZk-00041-00026095-00026514 But the others one of them's a real stomach and the other three do different things zh39xOjNNZk-00042-00026514-00026992 But the room and the main deal you take it out, and you got a monogastric. You got a pig zh39xOjNNZk-00043-00027074-00027274 ok or human zh39xOjNNZk-00044-00027323-00027577 But the Rumen the cow doesn't zh39xOjNNZk-00045-00027698-00028275 She yo she eats. She grazes a grass, but she doesn't get much good out of that herself zh39xOjNNZk-00046-00028408-00028577 She eats the grass zh39xOjNNZk-00047-00028577-00029227 She's providing food for the bugs the bugs eat the grass tear up the grass zh39xOjNNZk-00048-00029264-00029464 digest it and the cow zh39xOjNNZk-00049-00029492-00029949 Digests the bugs that's way oversimplified, but that's basically the way it works zh39xOjNNZk-00050-00029963-00030598 And you got to keep that in your head in the soil, we've forgotten zh39xOjNNZk-00051-00030695-00031206 But the bugs as my friend here Marc bader said yesterday, they don't have any teeth zh39xOjNNZk-00052-00031333-00031536 but they have acids and zh39xOjNNZk-00053-00031622-00031736 soil zh39xOjNNZk-00054-00031736-00031936 When you really think about it zh39xOjNNZk-00055-00031958-00032421 Devoid of life, there's nothing but sand finely ground zh39xOjNNZk-00056-00032579-00033276 You get it, so fine and packed together. It's clay, but basically that's what it is. It's minerals zh39xOjNNZk-00057-00033515-00034213 The bugs go out with the acids break down some of the minerals and these in this gravel, sand zh39xOjNNZk-00058-00034310-00034810 We're going to call it. Soil they break it down and they make it available to the plant zh39xOjNNZk-00059-00034925-00035269 I'm gonna give you just one little example, but the micro zoa zh39xOjNNZk-00060-00035321-00035566 Can't think of the Lady's name. She's kind of that zh39xOjNNZk-00061-00035627-00035935 Known Mike Rizzo a lady anybody call that off zh39xOjNNZk-00062-00035956-00036508 She writes several articles, but these things the real fine filament zh39xOjNNZk-00063-00036508-00037134 You know you got to look under a microscope, but they go out several feet in some cases hundreds of feet zh39xOjNNZk-00064-00037250-00037914 Into the soil and they pick up nutrients, whatever one of the things they do is they bring back zh39xOjNNZk-00065-00037994-00038194 phosphates, they bring back phosphorus zh39xOjNNZk-00066-00038303-00038569 And they come to the plant and they trade it zh39xOjNNZk-00067-00038651-00039273 They say here you know take this phosphorus and the plants is fine. Thank you zh39xOjNNZk-00068-00039296-00039573 Here's some sugar. Go get me some more and zh39xOjNNZk-00069-00039626-00039883 They exchange that's a symbiotic relationship zh39xOjNNZk-00070-00039958-00040158 They're both gaining zh39xOjNNZk-00071-00040259-00040459 anyway, there's zh39xOjNNZk-00072-00040460-00040720 Thousands and thousands more than we know about more zh39xOjNNZk-00073-00040720-00041175 And we can grasp at the moment of these relationships between the bugs in zh39xOjNNZk-00074-00041219-00041727 the cow and the bugs in the soil they do all kinds of stuff and zh39xOjNNZk-00075-00041828-00042504 We'll get onto some of the other in mob grazing how this enhances it, but anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00076-00042659-00043041 What happened and what's happened to agriculture? That's bad is zh39xOjNNZk-00077-00043178-00043378 We as mankind zh39xOjNNZk-00078-00043436-00043622 come along and zh39xOjNNZk-00079-00043622-00043820 honestly quite by accident zh39xOjNNZk-00080-00043820-00043979 but zh39xOjNNZk-00081-00043979-00044102 we zh39xOjNNZk-00082-00044102-00044325 Try to take the bugs out of the equation zh39xOjNNZk-00083-00044522-00045319 At the end of the second world war there was huge monition plants they made gunpowder explosives zh39xOjNNZk-00084-00045454-00045826 The us Forces and all the allied forces in the war zh39xOjNNZk-00085-00045881-00046348 War is over. We don't need any explosives. We're through blowing up people in the world zh39xOjNNZk-00086-00046448-00046648 What are we going to do with this? zh39xOjNNZk-00087-00046661-00047308 Well somebody come up the bright idea that gosh, you take a little less stuff out here night nitrates phosphates zh39xOjNNZk-00088-00047396-00047814 Scattered on the ground and these plants grow better here came the fertilizer zh39xOjNNZk-00089-00047918-00048268 We come over here, and we said hey, I don't need these bugs zh39xOjNNZk-00090-00048377-00048612 We can feed that plant directly zh39xOjNNZk-00091-00048704-00049096 And at that time in relation to things. I mean fertilizer was cheap zh39xOjNNZk-00092-00049253-00049480 Now we seem to as a group I zh39xOjNNZk-00093-00049622-00049969 Don't know if we want to call ourselves green or whatever, but as a group zh39xOjNNZk-00094-00049985-00050574 We look at these big corporations, and we look at the fertilizer people and stuff and the seed people as evil zh39xOjNNZk-00095-00050717-00051042 Their people is like us they see an opportunity zh39xOjNNZk-00096-00051155-00051640 To do something cheaper or more economical to make more money, and they do it zh39xOjNNZk-00097-00051691-00051957 That's what how the fertilizer thing got started zh39xOjNNZk-00098-00052022-00052302 They weren't evil. They just want to sell it and zh39xOjNNZk-00099-00052384-00052746 You know you try to protect what you're doing, and so here. We are today zh39xOjNNZk-00100-00052916-00053191 So that's how the fertilizer thing got started just zh39xOjNNZk-00101-00053297-00053497 somebody trying to take an opportunity zh39xOjNNZk-00102-00053498-00053698 in the cow zh39xOjNNZk-00103-00053704-00054316 we tried to get rid of the bugs and you could almost say bypass the Rumen and zh39xOjNNZk-00104-00054410-00055045 Make her of monogastric make her a pig and this all started also about the end of the war zh39xOjNNZk-00105-00055045-00055716 there was a fella named earl brooke over and he's kind of the godfather of the feedlot industry and zh39xOjNNZk-00106-00055780-00056026 He's almost worshipped in Garden City, Kansas zh39xOjNNZk-00107-00056120-00056325 But he was young man zh39xOjNNZk-00108-00056339-00056965 He lived in a valley in Colorado, and he and his neighbors and all the one thing in that valley they could grow oats zh39xOjNNZk-00109-00056965-00057750 I mean lots of oats and grow them good and big yield and all this problem was when the railroad come close to him zh39xOjNNZk-00110-00057791-00058257 They had a heck of a time getting the oats out of the valley to the railroad to sell them zh39xOjNNZk-00111-00058328-00058870 while was an enterprising young man like this young man here on the front row, and he's who we zh39xOjNNZk-00112-00058928-00059128 Got a lot of cattle here, too zh39xOjNNZk-00113-00059191-00059587 So he took the cattle put him in a lot started feeding him the oats zh39xOjNNZk-00114-00059672-00060286 They fattened up real good, and he drove the cattle of the railhead shipped in Chicago and killed him and made money zh39xOjNNZk-00115-00060338-00060889 And there was the beginning of the feedlot industry people. They said hey, that's pretty good zh39xOjNNZk-00116-00060959-00061276 So they started doing that earl moved to Garden City zh39xOjNNZk-00117-00061276-00061746 Kansas is the only city. I know it's got a feed yard almost right in the middle of it zh39xOjNNZk-00118-00061747-00062302 I don't know any place else in the united states that would tolerate that but there wouldn't been a Garden City zh39xOjNNZk-00119-00062302-00062913 If there wasn't any feed yards to start with and there's ibp or what used to be I bp is jbs zh39xOjNNZk-00120-00062921-00063192 But all these big packing plants all around it and everything zh39xOjNNZk-00121-00063245-00063483 So that's both of these industries zh39xOjNNZk-00122-00063509-00064033 And what we tried to do was get rid of the bugs and make a monogastric out of the cow and we? zh39xOjNNZk-00123-00064064-00064524 You know they don't need you know we can put all this stuff in there and do it ourselves zh39xOjNNZk-00124-00064676-00064876 Well things changed zh39xOjNNZk-00125-00065000-00065126 these zh39xOjNNZk-00126-00065126-00065291 plants zh39xOjNNZk-00127-00065291-00065489 They weren't near as healthy zh39xOjNNZk-00128-00065489-00065730 Because remember back there we talked about the micro saw zh39xOjNNZk-00129-00065852-00066208 Instead of just bringing phosphates instead of just bringing food zh39xOjNNZk-00130-00066293-00066787 They also brought a whole lot of other minerals they enable that plant to zh39xOjNNZk-00131-00066872-00067441 produce a lot of immunity to be resistant to a lot of plant diseases to a lot of zh39xOjNNZk-00132-00067478-00068001 Organisms that invaded it they even have kind of a warning system that says hey these zh39xOjNNZk-00133-00068018-00068439 Nematodes are coming and that plant would put out more cellulite akmal zh39xOjNNZk-00134-00068495-00068724 Pull the sugar kind of out of the ruts up zh39xOjNNZk-00135-00068759-00068858 so that zh39xOjNNZk-00136-00068858-00069510 nematode comes along since I it ain't worth trying to eat that thing it's too tough and not enough sugar and goes on and zh39xOjNNZk-00137-00069620-00069849 There was this whole feedbacks zh39xOjNNZk-00138-00069920-00070149 Symbiotic thing we got rid of that zh39xOjNNZk-00139-00070235-00070989 And there's always unintended consequences when you mess around with niat with mother nature and so we get all these plants that zh39xOjNNZk-00140-00071108-00071687 They got no resistance, so we got to come up with her we got to come up with insecticides zh39xOjNNZk-00141-00071688-00072293 and we got you know to protect and then the cattle you know they're all these high Grains and zh39xOjNNZk-00142-00072394-00072726 Again mark Bader, yes, we went into all kinds of stuff about zh39xOjNNZk-00143-00072823-00073121 Acidosis and alkalosis and disease and everything zh39xOjNNZk-00144-00073302-00073685 When you really get down to this there's a quote and you all have probably read this somewhere zh39xOjNNZk-00145-00073770-00074348 And I practice medicine for 30 years, so this is really hard for me to accept zh39xOjNNZk-00146-00074455-00074858 But there is no such thing as disease zh39xOjNNZk-00147-00075033-00075461 Carry that in the back of mine. No such thing as disease. There's only zh39xOjNNZk-00148-00075558-00075714 deficiencies and zh39xOjNNZk-00149-00075714-00076253 Toxicities or deficiencies and too much of something or too little of something zh39xOjNNZk-00150-00076357-00076985 And that's when you get things out of balance when you mess around with mother nature you get diseased zh39xOjNNZk-00151-00077029-00077229 Plants animals, whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00152-00077293-00077595 Anyway, you know I told you. I thought this is an original thought zh39xOjNNZk-00153-00077761-00078018 And I was pretty proud of myself. I'd done all this stuff zh39xOjNNZk-00154-00078220-00078887 One of the things is I kind of like to do is read these ancient guys you know the greek philosophers and whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00155-00078976-00079117 and zh39xOjNNZk-00156-00079117-00079764 There's internet's all new and everything, but I love it because I just get lost and spend days there reading about things zh39xOjNNZk-00157-00079764-00080190 But anyway, I had this thing pulled up quotes by aristotle zh39xOjNNZk-00158-00080281-00080913 And I'm reading down through there now aristotle was born two thousand three hundred and fifty years ago zh39xOjNNZk-00159-00081064-00081650 Approximately, and I figure he wasn't very smart till he got about 50, so I'm going to take off the tips of years zh39xOjNNZk-00160-00081667-00082334 But two thousand three hundred years ago approximately very close. That's three hundred years before Christ was born zh39xOjNNZk-00161-00082486-00083088 Aristotle said the soil is the stomach of the plant zh39xOjNNZk-00162-00083254-00083454 And he not say that better than I did zh39xOjNNZk-00163-00083714-00084079 And he said it 2300 years ago zh39xOjNNZk-00164-00084210-00084701 How dumb are we how long does it take us to learn something? zh39xOjNNZk-00165-00084867-00085315 - quit messing around with mother nature and do what she wants zh39xOjNNZk-00166-00085476-00085676 Aristotle also said one other thing zh39xOjNNZk-00167-00085710-00085883 he said if there's zh39xOjNNZk-00168-00085883-00086362 Two ways to do something. I'm not I don't have this quote down quite like he said zh39xOjNNZk-00169-00086363-00086680 But if there's two ways to do something and one of them's better than the other zh39xOjNNZk-00170-00086801-00087049 That one is probably nature's way zh39xOjNNZk-00171-00087255-00087632 so there was two ways to grow cows and two ways to grow plants and zh39xOjNNZk-00172-00087642-00087889 One of them was our way and one of us mother nature's way zh39xOjNNZk-00173-00087889-00088222 And I think I've got you convinced that mother nature's ways the best zh39xOjNNZk-00174-00088808-00089023 Okay, I wanted to zh39xOjNNZk-00175-00089166-00089671 Talk about a few other things that are out here on my radar zh39xOjNNZk-00176-00089907-00090364 You're all in here. We're all in the same sort of thing. We're kind of out here in a field that's zh39xOjNNZk-00177-00090492-00091258 Relatively new it autumn in some ways. It's the oldest field, but anyway what it's new to us I zh39xOjNNZk-00178-00091404-00091856 want you to keep your ears open to a thing called Carbon Char or zh39xOjNNZk-00179-00091952-00092132 Biochar and zh39xOjNNZk-00180-00092132-00092440 That's essentially like making charcoal zh39xOjNNZk-00181-00092574-00093362 But I've started reading on this stuff, and it we're all with mob grazing. We'll get there I promise zh39xOjNNZk-00182-00093470-00093670 we're trying to zh39xOjNNZk-00183-00093681-00093994 Increase our productivity of our soil zh39xOjNNZk-00184-00094169-00094387 Now what we're really trying to do is zh39xOjNNZk-00185-00094739-00095176 What to increase the productivity bugs? zh39xOjNNZk-00186-00095426-00095857 We're trying to put the bugs back in the soil. We're trying to get them to work zh39xOjNNZk-00187-00095858-00096283 That's that's what we're really trying to do. That's how this fellow zh39xOjNNZk-00188-00096375-00096742 Ian Mitchell Owns, I think over in South Africa zh39xOjNNZk-00189-00096891-00097189 It's really crazy. It's unbelievable zh39xOjNNZk-00190-00097272-00097537 But you know he's running I zh39xOjNNZk-00191-00097614-00098218 see twice or three times as many cattle on one third of his ranch as zh39xOjNNZk-00192-00098307-00098507 he was and zh39xOjNNZk-00193-00098541-00099139 Friends eight times of production of what his father grandfather neighbors everybody else was doing? zh39xOjNNZk-00194-00099201-00099586 Those are the possibilities when mob grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00195-00099648-00099848 But those possibilities are zh39xOjNNZk-00196-00099876-00100076 possible because of bugs zh39xOjNNZk-00197-00100212-00100688 Remember bugs if you don't remember anything else today. That's what you're trying to do, okay zh39xOjNNZk-00198-00100848-00101048 Anyway, there's carbon Char zh39xOjNNZk-00199-00101190-00101695 Some of you may read articles about the let's see it's called negro Perta zh39xOjNNZk-00200-00101808-00102337 meaning black soil and it was discovered several years ago 10:15 in the zh39xOjNNZk-00201-00102456-00103252 central Amazon jungle if you know anything about rainforests they got topsoil about like most of Missouri, not that thick and zh39xOjNNZk-00202-00103319-00103759 You get rid of the forests and you had nothing all these people zh39xOjNNZk-00203-00103854-00104257 Over two thousand years ago. So they must have listened aristotle zh39xOjNNZk-00204-00104373-00104615 They somehow charred carbon zh39xOjNNZk-00205-00104615-00105341 We don't know how and all that really is is you're burning a carbon source in the absence of oxygen zh39xOjNNZk-00206-00105383-00105929 You're driving off all the gases all the other things too where you're left with the carbon and the minerals zh39xOjNNZk-00207-00106017-00106462 You work that down into the soil and apparently it just keeps working deeper zh39xOjNNZk-00208-00106610-00106889 one gram of Carbon Char zh39xOjNNZk-00209-00107028-00107320 It's about that much on my thumb one gram zh39xOjNNZk-00210-00107415-00107615 has a surface area of zh39xOjNNZk-00211-00107664-00107864 two tennis courts zh39xOjNNZk-00212-00108147-00108291 that's zh39xOjNNZk-00213-00108291-00108958 you gotta grasp that one gram two tennis courts what that means is you get that carbon in your soil and zh39xOjNNZk-00214-00109041-00109525 What is organic matter except Carbon, but you get that in the soil? zh39xOjNNZk-00215-00109596-00109770 when it rains zh39xOjNNZk-00216-00109770-00110306 I don't know this but I've been told that if you could get a ton of carbon Char in your soil zh39xOjNNZk-00217-00110340-00110576 You can hold six inches of rain zh39xOjNNZk-00218-00110709-00111131 Now what if you had that this spring early when we had some rain? zh39xOjNNZk-00219-00111132-00111650 And you held that and it was able to feed off slowly all summer long zh39xOjNNZk-00220-00111816-00112220 You talked about drought proofing of drought proofing your ranch zh39xOjNNZk-00221-00112260-00112709 Which is you know all the magazine's got these articles how to grouse drought proof? zh39xOjNNZk-00222-00112770-00112970 There's real drought proofing zh39xOjNNZk-00223-00113007-00113318 Now the only problem is the only way I can figure out right now zh39xOjNNZk-00224-00113319-00113753 I can make about 35 pounds of Carbon Char every six hours zh39xOjNNZk-00225-00113871-00114134 So you know there's a lot of work to do here zh39xOjNNZk-00226-00114134-00114608 But keep your eyes open to that that is something you can improve your soil quickly zh39xOjNNZk-00227-00114651-00114857 You're doing it slowly with mob grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00228-00114857-00115517 But that the other field is composting and you know it's kind of zh39xOjNNZk-00229-00115548-00115979 Everybody thinks composting anything to these suburbanite a little barrel in the back zh39xOjNNZk-00230-00115979-00116306 And he throws the scraps and the leaves and turns it and on and on zh39xOjNNZk-00231-00116412-00116660 yeah, that's composting but zh39xOjNNZk-00232-00116724-00117371 There's the deal I went to was the old ron to hold him down there to south of California these were zh39xOjNNZk-00233-00117441-00117887 there pretty much turkey growers, and there's a hatchery and zh39xOjNNZk-00234-00118032-00118232 Whatever, they're all so zh39xOjNNZk-00235-00118236-00118925 Anyway, they all banded together because you know they're getting I think it's the phosphates that build up in the soil when you put on zh39xOjNNZk-00236-00118925-00119243 Too much turkey litter or you put on too much cabin area or whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00237-00119304-00119897 So they needed to figure something to do with all this stuff. You know they couldn't just put it on raw zh39xOjNNZk-00238-00119970-00120129 well, they zh39xOjNNZk-00239-00120129-00120329 Worked around and found some people zh39xOjNNZk-00240-00120363-00120734 Anyway, there's a great big tanker car. That's like on a railroad zh39xOjNNZk-00241-00120762-00121160 you know what hauled fluids and it kept both ends out of it and zh39xOjNNZk-00242-00121215-00121424 They essentially made a turning zh39xOjNNZk-00243-00121515-00121739 Composter, but I mean it does tons zh39xOjNNZk-00244-00121809-00122009 And they all bring in zh39xOjNNZk-00245-00122058-00122567 You know kind of like the ethanol guys. You know maybe they weren't all bad they developed a few good things zh39xOjNNZk-00246-00122622-00122939 But it's like a big co-op. They all bring in so much litter zh39xOjNNZk-00247-00122985-00123593 There's dead chickens dead turkeys the bad eggs all of it and they zh39xOjNNZk-00248-00123694-00123969 Figured out how to compost in seven days zh39xOjNNZk-00249-00124056-00124457 They take that every seven days they got this train car load of compost zh39xOjNNZk-00250-00124458-00124820 Then they'll all take their shares back out and spread it anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00251-00124881-00125081 look in the compost and zh39xOjNNZk-00252-00125119-00125336 Spend some time there those two things zh39xOjNNZk-00253-00125766-00126329 Before we get on I want to come one more thing because I told you that zh39xOjNNZk-00254-00126459-00127205 Mob grazing in the title was the greatest opportunity in agriculture today, and I really feel that zh39xOjNNZk-00255-00127488-00127706 No, not very good at all this, but anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00256-00128848-00129090 That's the united States of America, okay? zh39xOjNNZk-00257-00129331-00129596 If you take the cattle industry the way it is today zh39xOjNNZk-00258-00129619-00130170 And I just feed a lot of cattle gets by a lot of cattle moving and on and on and on so I zh39xOjNNZk-00259-00130291-00130444 Put up with this zh39xOjNNZk-00260-00130444-00130644 And you put it in quadrants zh39xOjNNZk-00261-00130819-00131019 Roughly like this zh39xOjNNZk-00262-00131041-00131687 and it varies from time to time and it varies, whoever's doing all the statistics, but zh39xOjNNZk-00263-00131758-00131884 60 zh39xOjNNZk-00264-00131884-00132084 to 80 percent zh39xOjNNZk-00265-00132094-00132294 of the feeder cattle zh39xOjNNZk-00266-00132334-00132857 The ones we mainly eat are produced in that corner of the United States zh39xOjNNZk-00267-00133030-00133541 Everybody thinks it's up here of the west now the west has got really great big herds zh39xOjNNZk-00268-00133612-00134270 But good guys they need 20 to 40 acres per cow calf unit. These folks need four or five zh39xOjNNZk-00269-00134443-00134643 Anyway, that's where they're produced zh39xOjNNZk-00270-00134668-00135008 most of these cattle about 80 percent zh39xOjNNZk-00271-00135118-00135318 the Ocala Reservoir zh39xOjNNZk-00272-00135355-00135878 Will take Nebraska, Kansas goes down in here in Texas whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00273-00136207-00136449 80% of those cattle are fed here zh39xOjNNZk-00274-00136744-00137367 One more line over here 80 percent of the beef mutton meat produced in the United States zh39xOjNNZk-00275-00137575-00138308 Is consumed I think it's within 200 250 miles of the coastline up and down on the east zh39xOjNNZk-00276-00138451-00139203 Now wouldn't you just like to have the truck bill the transportation from here back to here zh39xOjNNZk-00277-00139459-00139659 That's a hell of a profit zh39xOjNNZk-00278-00139921-00140271 Okay, I'm done with my little points zh39xOjNNZk-00279-00141043-00141839 We you know today the buzzword is mob grazing the person that introduced it to me is sitting right back there zh39xOjNNZk-00280-00141940-00142140 Greg Judy and zh39xOjNNZk-00281-00142345-00142725 Some people say that mob grazing that moniker zh39xOjNNZk-00282-00142792-00143114 Is just an extension you know you got? zh39xOjNNZk-00283-00143179-00143379 This isn't the us anymore zh39xOjNNZk-00284-00143566-00143766 It's a ten acre zh39xOjNNZk-00285-00143812-00144027 Or a ten thousand acre pasture zh39xOjNNZk-00286-00144139-00144339 You put a fence in it zh39xOjNNZk-00287-00144376-00144974 You got two pastures five acres or five thousand doesn't matter you put one fence in it zh39xOjNNZk-00288-00144979-00145322 You're starting to do some kind of managed grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00289-00145405-00145841 These your appraisin half of it it gets to rest your grazing the next half zh39xOjNNZk-00290-00145909-00146175 Well, just fast forward that zh39xOjNNZk-00291-00146320-00146574 And keep building fences you zh39xOjNNZk-00292-00146815-00147015 know zh39xOjNNZk-00293-00148180-00148751 Anyway, you keep cutting it up and cutting it up and turning up and and it becomes more you know we went from managed grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00294-00148756-00148982 to managed intensive grazing or big zh39xOjNNZk-00295-00149143-00149660 I don't know other name sewn in here, but we ended up to what we call mob grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00296-00149743-00150509 There is one big distinction between what we're calling mob grazing and it's a very important distinction. We'll get there zh39xOjNNZk-00297-00150568-00150788 between it and managed grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00298-00150886-00151256 but anyway all this comes now where all this came from zh39xOjNNZk-00299-00151378-00151578 There's this fella zh39xOjNNZk-00300-00151696-00152079 Allan Savory some people say it's a boy but zh39xOjNNZk-00301-00152137-00152570 You know you're probably all familiar with him holistic resource management zh39xOjNNZk-00302-00152571-00152955 And he's the one that talks about looking at everything as a whole zh39xOjNNZk-00303-00153073-00153671 In science what I grew up take this one little part and you work on it, and this other little part zh39xOjNNZk-00304-00153730-00154244 We weren't getting anywhere. Well that got us to know bugs and fertilizer and corn zh39xOjNNZk-00305-00154483-00154642 but zh39xOjNNZk-00306-00154642-00154946 He's trying to teach everybody to look at it as a whole zh39xOjNNZk-00307-00155011-00155768 All these symbiotic relationships are leaving it and so if you're interested in mob grazing first thing to read that book zh39xOjNNZk-00308-00155872-00156564 Holistic resource management. It's a tough read now. I mean you get bored. You'll get whatever but read it zh39xOjNNZk-00309-00156718-00157016 But he said in his book that zh39xOjNNZk-00310-00157288-00158018 He couldn't he just couldn't get this to work like I supposed to you know. He was based at all. I'm the zh39xOjNNZk-00311-00158071-00158571 simple examples of serengeti you've all seen the specials on TV of zh39xOjNNZk-00312-00158683-00159387 Millions of these Wilderbeest taken off over this big plane the serengeti plains, and they move every day zh39xOjNNZk-00313-00159387-00159690 And they're eating all this up, and that's the idea zh39xOjNNZk-00314-00159784-00160457 But when he tried to put it on ranches and stuff things just didn't work like he wanted he finally pulls this old book zh39xOjNNZk-00315-00160538-00160778 Grass productivity by this guy zh39xOjNNZk-00316-00160950-00161567 Andrew on his ax frenchman Andrew Andre the bison zh39xOjNNZk-00317-00161745-00162089 And that again is not a great fun read zh39xOjNNZk-00318-00162093-00162616 It's a whole bunch of trials and stuff and then it goes on Andre the two things that really got me zh39xOjNNZk-00319-00162675-00163309 One this is in France, and it's in the late 30s. Early. Well that's in the 40s that right after the war zh39xOjNNZk-00320-00163476-00163802 he said of all the systems in agriculture then zh39xOjNNZk-00321-00163872-00164630 You could get more calories per acre per hectare there, but more calories per unit of land zh39xOjNNZk-00322-00164697-00164948 Through a grazing operation done zh39xOjNNZk-00323-00165063-00165631 He used the word rationally not rotation whatever but rational grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00324-00165696-00166049 But you get more calories per acre than any other system zh39xOjNNZk-00325-00166083-00166814 They knew of then and not just a few more I can't remember the big figures, but it was like zh39xOjNNZk-00326-00166878-00167587 The best farming deal they had produce four hundred four thousand four million for something calories zh39xOjNNZk-00327-00167625-00168358 With the cattle it was six something that's one-third more production than any other deal out there then zh39xOjNNZk-00328-00168438-00168938 He called it rational grazing, and I really prefer that term zh39xOjNNZk-00329-00168993-00169390 But mob has caught on and that's what we're going to use zh39xOjNNZk-00330-00170343-00170543 I zh39xOjNNZk-00331-00170713-00170948 Don't I'm gonna bring this on out now zh39xOjNNZk-00332-00171031-00171214 the big difference zh39xOjNNZk-00333-00171214-00171443 of mob grazing and zh39xOjNNZk-00334-00171517-00171810 all other managed grazing is zh39xOjNNZk-00335-00171898-00172212 You're working for an effect on the soil zh39xOjNNZk-00336-00172477-00173045 You want to really let's get the work bugs back up here. I zh39xOjNNZk-00337-00173398-00173913 Hope this is not. It's irritable to you all too well erases as it is for me to do it zh39xOjNNZk-00338-00174910-00175599 But the big difference between all grazing and mob grazing is the stimulation of these bugs zh39xOjNNZk-00339-00175774-00176373 When you get the concentration right out here on the ground of your stock zh39xOjNNZk-00340-00176527-00176633 their zh39xOjNNZk-00341-00176633-00177346 Menorah their urine their saliva hair chief everything that falls off of that cow zh39xOjNNZk-00342-00177584-00178299 It's worm food. It's bug food. Okay cows got a cloven hoof zh39xOjNNZk-00343-00178648-00178887 When every time she takes a step zh39xOjNNZk-00344-00179053-00179253 they separate zh39xOjNNZk-00345-00179260-00179904 This is kind of like a little bitty elevator. Just moving that plant a little little stretch to it zh39xOjNNZk-00346-00179992-00180222 breaking that soil surface up and zh39xOjNNZk-00347-00180332-00180532 that weight pushing down zh39xOjNNZk-00348-00180572-00181297 And what sets doing is it's and to those bugs. Hey. It's dinnertime. There's stuff up here for you to eat zh39xOjNNZk-00349-00181423-00182055 Venera, you're on all this stuff fell off plus if you got that concentration, right? zh39xOjNNZk-00350-00182212-00182326 you're zh39xOjNNZk-00351-00182326-00182455 eating zh39xOjNNZk-00352-00182455-00182988 And I guess I should go into this right now if you got that concentration right now zh39xOjNNZk-00353-00182988-00183375 this is a review from Barksdale yesterday, but zh39xOjNNZk-00354-00183817-00184377 He drew a better to play the grass and I did, but this grass when it grows zh39xOjNNZk-00355-00184759-00185235 Sunlight hits it first up here is pulling minerals and stuff here zh39xOjNNZk-00356-00185263-00185619 And I could I could go into all this physiology, and I may in a little bit zh39xOjNNZk-00357-00185620-00186097 But nonetheless you want that cow to eat that top third zh39xOjNNZk-00358-00186163-00186933 You want her to trump this middle third in the ground worm food and you want to leave this bottom third? zh39xOjNNZk-00359-00186988-00187443 For this plant to come back that top third has got the most sugar zh39xOjNNZk-00360-00187486-00187884 That bottom thirds got the most protein and the middle is a mix zh39xOjNNZk-00361-00187955-00188326 So see you're given a balanced diet to the boat zh39xOjNNZk-00362-00188424-00188535 Okay zh39xOjNNZk-00363-00188535-00188637 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00364-00188637-00189319 You're out here. You've woke up the bugs with the trompin and come on up and eat. They've got the zh39xOjNNZk-00365-00189375-00189575 laid over plant zh39xOjNNZk-00366-00189639-00190225 Start the cage start to eat on they've got all the off all everything's in the cow zh39xOjNNZk-00367-00190302-00190502 now you've got to get zh39xOjNNZk-00368-00190566-00191191 Enough concentration to get this effect and when you took this 10 acres or 10,000 and cut it in half zh39xOjNNZk-00369-00191223-00191423 You're not Gonna get that effect zh39xOjNNZk-00370-00191463-00191714 You're Gonna get a little little more productivity zh39xOjNNZk-00371-00191804-00192004 our NRCs and zh39xOjNNZk-00372-00192033-00192253 ascs and stuff out here zh39xOjNNZk-00373-00192324-00192943 they say if you're really gonna be doing some rotational grazing you need about eight paddocks and zh39xOjNNZk-00374-00193011-00193211 That's okay zh39xOjNNZk-00375-00193215-00193478 But you really need a lot more paddocks zh39xOjNNZk-00376-00194298-00194755 If somebody would just kind of like in church pass these around zh39xOjNNZk-00377-00194901-00195101 but this is a zh39xOjNNZk-00378-00195156-00195545 aerial photo picture of our farm and there's a zh39xOjNNZk-00379-00195639-00195839 57 Paddocks there zh39xOjNNZk-00380-00195960-00196451 And I don't know what the magic number is in this area zh39xOjNNZk-00381-00196626-00197426 And it'll vary a lot in different areas, but in this area. It's kind of a consensus. I don't think there's any been zh39xOjNNZk-00382-00197508-00197711 professors Have said this but zh39xOjNNZk-00383-00197784-00198134 You need about 3035 rest days zh39xOjNNZk-00384-00198213-00198781 Before you go back and graze so to me you need at least 35 paddocks zh39xOjNNZk-00385-00198900-00199297 but anyway, you've got to get this concentration and zh39xOjNNZk-00386-00199362-00199640 Don't any of you new ones in mob grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00387-00199710-00200276 There was an article sometime ago. I think in Missouri rulest of a trial done here in Missouri zh39xOjNNZk-00388-00200276-00200557 And this guy says mob grazing doesn't work. It's no good zh39xOjNNZk-00389-00200637-00201091 He had a million pounds of cattle that's a thousand zh39xOjNNZk-00390-00201204-00201404 thousand pound cows zh39xOjNNZk-00391-00201450-00201871 For a million pounds on one acre for one day zh39xOjNNZk-00392-00202053-00202253 And he says this stuff doesn't work zh39xOjNNZk-00393-00202317-00202434 and zh39xOjNNZk-00394-00202434-00202903 You'll read in other places where people are got a half million pounds zh39xOjNNZk-00395-00202965-00203233 Now when they say a half million pounds per acre zh39xOjNNZk-00396-00203295-00203495 They're talking about they're like zh39xOjNNZk-00397-00203544-00204290 Concentration that's what they've got out here. They may have ten acres. So they got five million pounds of Livestock on it zh39xOjNNZk-00398-00204459-00204686 But they're not going to leave them there all day zh39xOjNNZk-00399-00204825-00205025 So go put them there two hours zh39xOjNNZk-00400-00205185-00205385 sometimes even an hour zh39xOjNNZk-00401-00205425-00205846 Now I don't use those concentrations because I'm not zh39xOjNNZk-00402-00205953-00206524 Young and vigorous and motivated enough to get out there and move them over two hours my friend Greg zh39xOjNNZk-00403-00206525-00206879 he's got these interns well, they gotta have something to do so zh39xOjNNZk-00404-00206979-00207296 Moving there for 15 minutes. You know and that's okay zh39xOjNNZk-00405-00207371-00207516 but zh39xOjNNZk-00406-00207516-00207716 you got a zh39xOjNNZk-00407-00207750-00208061 Okay, a point. I want to make here as a zh39xOjNNZk-00408-00208196-00208396 Presentation that's Mitchell Lyons was out zh39xOjNNZk-00409-00208455-00208696 and it was his young lady there and zh39xOjNNZk-00410-00208758-00209353 She kept pestering him and pestering him because she wanted a cookbook a b c zh39xOjNNZk-00411-00209367-00209893 I take x number of cows I put him on x number a kers, and I move them in so many hours zh39xOjNNZk-00412-00209958-00210158 she wanted that and zh39xOjNNZk-00413-00210167-00210709 He's really nice and trying to be nice to her and it didn't and I finally interrupted and I said ma'am zh39xOjNNZk-00414-00210816-00211016 There ain't no cookbook zh39xOjNNZk-00415-00211121-00211466 It's kind of like my wife making rolls or whatever you know zh39xOjNNZk-00416-00211544-00211653 if it's zh39xOjNNZk-00417-00211653-00212333 Cold outside it takes longer for the stuff to rise and if it's hot the raises too quick and on and on and on zh39xOjNNZk-00418-00212451-00213230 every day is different every farm is different as you get doing this you'll learn every paddocks a little different and zh39xOjNNZk-00419-00213339-00213946 What you got to do is develop the grazers eye, and that's the art zh39xOjNNZk-00420-00213946-00214439 I don't want to say science because that's all major and everything, but that's the art of zh39xOjNNZk-00421-00214461-00214892 This mob grazing you got to develop that eye and that eye is zh39xOjNNZk-00422-00215016-00215187 That we eat zh39xOjNNZk-00423-00215187-00215524 Roughly a third and that's going to happen on every plant zh39xOjNNZk-00424-00215637-00216292 Did we trommel about a third of the grass out here? Did we leave about a third of the grass and zh39xOjNNZk-00425-00216360-00216871 You'll develop that that's all I can tell you I did took me about two years zh39xOjNNZk-00426-00217179-00217417 the other big thing and that zh39xOjNNZk-00427-00217476-00217907 You got to get in this you know we're talking about a million pounds and all that zh39xOjNNZk-00428-00217967-00218218 this time factor of moving them I zh39xOjNNZk-00429-00218301-00218498 Can tell you from experience? zh39xOjNNZk-00430-00218498-00218888 Now this is I started managed grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00431-00218996-00219680 Seven eight years ago. I had paddocks from five acres to 20 acres and as you can see on this thing zh39xOjNNZk-00432-00219680-00219986 I shot to make all these paddocks between four and five acres zh39xOjNNZk-00433-00220041-00220241 but zh39xOjNNZk-00434-00220244-00220708 I was improving, but I wasn't no one making much Headway zh39xOjNNZk-00435-00220791-00221396 So I this would be if I still had my cows, we'll get there but for two years zh39xOjNNZk-00436-00221396-00221656 I really did mob grazing and zh39xOjNNZk-00437-00221721-00222088 Tried to do it right, but I kember two years ago in the spring zh39xOjNNZk-00438-00222192-00222500 And if you remember two years ago, we got all kinds of rain I zh39xOjNNZk-00439-00222660-00223123 Took this 20 acre Paddock and I was cutting that thing into about zh39xOjNNZk-00440-00223194-00223319 between zh39xOjNNZk-00441-00223319-00223503 probably about 2 acres zh39xOjNNZk-00442-00223503-00223880 100 cows 100, baby calves was through Kevin zh39xOjNNZk-00443-00224010-00224369 And I go back there and four-wheelers Gonna move my cows this morning zh39xOjNNZk-00444-00224369-00224851 And everything was so green and beautiful and everything and I topped this little hill that night zh39xOjNNZk-00445-00224880-00225209 We had somewhere between three and six inches of rain I zh39xOjNNZk-00446-00225342-00225489 Topped the Hill zh39xOjNNZk-00447-00225489-00225989 And I mean stomach. I just got sick sick of my stomach oh my God zh39xOjNNZk-00448-00225989-00226096 I mean zh39xOjNNZk-00449-00226096-00226834 There's brown just about color these tears you see a little bit of green sticking through here and there, but now that I zh39xOjNNZk-00450-00226914-00227621 Brined it. I've learned that. It'll be two years. I don't know how long it'll take for that to come back that that's terrible and zh39xOjNNZk-00451-00227712-00228151 You know I'm feeling responsible my cows. They're not out here got it out grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00452-00228152-00228836 They're right on the terrace this used to be Farmland, and there's because that's the driest place they could stand there zh39xOjNNZk-00453-00228951-00229604 I'm sick I go down I go down at first. I'm doing all this at that time with poly wire zh39xOjNNZk-00454-00229721-00230089 And my next Pad office, you know I double it I zh39xOjNNZk-00455-00230144-00230350 Had maybe two or three built ahead zh39xOjNNZk-00456-00230351-00230885 I just took the center fence out and double the size because I thought I don't want to drop any more of that zh39xOjNNZk-00457-00230991-00231259 Well, you know one mistake leads to another zh39xOjNNZk-00458-00231357-00231557 Anyway, put the cows out there zh39xOjNNZk-00459-00231623-00232234 And I'm feeling a little bitter about them. They're out there graze and they look happy and I'm like you know zh39xOjNNZk-00460-00232287-00232573 Worst thing folks this was right along route J zh39xOjNNZk-00461-00232598-00233315 It's a main blacktops our area so all my neighbors have spent white iron man. Kind of you know Doc. He's good. Okay zh39xOjNNZk-00462-00233452-00233652 He's over here zh39xOjNNZk-00463-00233932-00234179 You know I feel terrible zh39xOjNNZk-00464-00234250-00234788 Well, you don't to making stamps snap judgments in this we go on zh39xOjNNZk-00465-00234996-00235206 at that time I was probably on zh39xOjNNZk-00466-00235330-00236060 3540 date of Rotation so I kind of forgot about this, but I just knew when I come back. I'd skipped that area zh39xOjNNZk-00467-00236191-00236580 Well, I come back. I can't even pick that area out. I zh39xOjNNZk-00468-00236661-00237002 Wish I'd left some kind of markers because it's all probably wired zh39xOjNNZk-00469-00237036-00237614 But to the best of my ability to see the best grass I had the taller zh39xOjNNZk-00470-00237667-00237792 more zh39xOjNNZk-00471-00237792-00237992 the spacing was closer zh39xOjNNZk-00472-00238044-00238394 The variety of Plants in it was more diverse zh39xOjNNZk-00473-00238600-00238905 And these things I wanted to try to do I did zh39xOjNNZk-00474-00239109-00239233 but I thought zh39xOjNNZk-00475-00239233-00239612 you know I mean that was I thought I'd really messed up and zh39xOjNNZk-00476-00239671-00240140 I remember saying to myself for help. I'm just gonna drop the hell out of it zh39xOjNNZk-00477-00240396-00240596 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00478-00240655-00240783 when your zh39xOjNNZk-00479-00240783-00241223 Rotational Grazing will get into my braids we'll get into the three most important things zh39xOjNNZk-00480-00241260-00241799 But the last one of those is time and since we're here and I'm kind of disorganized zh39xOjNNZk-00481-00241927-00242663 The time in the Paddock that's what bison passed on you know we all stand on somebody's shoulders zh39xOjNNZk-00482-00242667-00243185 We all learn a little here from this guy and that guy and we're kind of like walking through a crowd from shoulder to shoulder zh39xOjNNZk-00483-00243186-00243328 in life zh39xOjNNZk-00484-00243328-00243815 Or we should be every now and then we fall off and we got to crawl back up somebody and get up there zh39xOjNNZk-00485-00243816-00244037 But that's that's how we do it. Oh zh39xOjNNZk-00486-00244146-00244346 bison was a shoulder for zh39xOjNNZk-00487-00244357-00244595 Savory on this time thing zh39xOjNNZk-00488-00244663-00245100 Because savory was like how long do I agree is it how how many all this? zh39xOjNNZk-00489-00245169-00245571 but he wasn't thinking about how long should it rest and zh39xOjNNZk-00490-00245725-00246287 That you can mess up on the time you leave the cows in the paddock zh39xOjNNZk-00491-00246479-00246766 You can trump this whole thing in like I did in the mud zh39xOjNNZk-00492-00246773-00247509 And that's a lot better than leaving them there in good weather and eating that whole thing or zh39xOjNNZk-00493-00247589-00248071 Bailing it whatever. It's a lot better to drop it in than it is zh39xOjNNZk-00494-00248189-00248389 To over eat it zh39xOjNNZk-00495-00248392-00248748 but whatever even if you over eat it a zh39xOjNNZk-00496-00248921-00249121 little too much zh39xOjNNZk-00497-00249152-00249750 That's important, but it's not nearly as important as the rest time zh39xOjNNZk-00498-00249946-00250173 The time you're away from the grass zh39xOjNNZk-00499-00250376-00250600 Dyson made another statement. That's like zh39xOjNNZk-00500-00250600-00251292 I don't know if you knew y'all ever took geometry that theorems you know and geometry a theorem is something holds true zh39xOjNNZk-00501-00251292-00251802 No matter what that's true, and you got to pick out theorems and life. They're your zh39xOjNNZk-00502-00251855-00252055 guiding star you know zh39xOjNNZk-00503-00252083-00252283 I'm headed there. No matter what? zh39xOjNNZk-00504-00252389-00252515 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00505-00252515-00252723 one of the there's one of my theorems zh39xOjNNZk-00506-00252815-00252973 Bison said it zh39xOjNNZk-00507-00252973-00253166 But one cow zh39xOjNNZk-00508-00253166-00253366 on a paddock zh39xOjNNZk-00509-00253412-00253800 Acre 10 acres whatever your ranch is one cow zh39xOjNNZk-00510-00253942-00254379 For in that for a whole grazing season same area will kill zh39xOjNNZk-00511-00254494-00254829 thousands hundreds if not thousands of Plants zh39xOjNNZk-00512-00255050-00255250 Now the reason that is zh39xOjNNZk-00513-00255365-00255624 This plant you eat this zh39xOjNNZk-00514-00255704-00255854 drop this zh39xOjNNZk-00515-00255854-00255967 this zh39xOjNNZk-00516-00255967-00256350 It pulls whatever reserves are left down into the ground zh39xOjNNZk-00517-00256444-00256644 It's kind of like zh39xOjNNZk-00518-00256709-00257284 Recovery time for an athlete it recovers and it prepares and then it zh39xOjNNZk-00519-00257417-00257625 shoots right back up zh39xOjNNZk-00520-00257698-00258081 if your grades, right it'll shoot back up taller and it was before she zh39xOjNNZk-00521-00258185-00258385 Was right back up? zh39xOjNNZk-00522-00258467-00258963 Remember this is a sugar. This is a sweet part. Well that one cow has been walking around. They're all zh39xOjNNZk-00523-00259123-00259523 all time and you oliver on counter you watch them and zh39xOjNNZk-00524-00259653-00259853 They'll be Roughly the same place zh39xOjNNZk-00525-00259935-00260089 every day zh39xOjNNZk-00526-00260089-00260459 Or if it's great big range, they'll be roughly in the same area you zh39xOjNNZk-00527-00260544-00261303 Know whatever it takes to make their there their rotation they'll be back that same area about the same time and the reason is zh39xOjNNZk-00528-00261325-00261929 They found these few three or four different varieties of plants or maybe just one they love they really like zh39xOjNNZk-00529-00261984-00262187 Like you, and I sitting down a smorgasbord zh39xOjNNZk-00530-00262189-00262665 I'm going to take this you're going to take that, but you know that one cow loves it zh39xOjNNZk-00531-00262675-00262895 she comes back and bites that off and zh39xOjNNZk-00532-00262969-00263555 then she comes back and bites it off again two days later and the plant keeps trying to come up and come up and zh39xOjNNZk-00533-00263767-00263967 Goodbye it dies zh39xOjNNZk-00534-00264084-00264220 all these other plants zh39xOjNNZk-00535-00264220-00264743 That one even becomes more desirable because all the other plants are maturing and they're getting older and they're getting less digestible zh39xOjNNZk-00536-00264751-00264951 And they're getting you know zh39xOjNNZk-00537-00265029-00265442 Not only she not like them when they were young and tender she didn't like them for sure now zh39xOjNNZk-00538-00265501-00266111 so she kills hundreds if not thousands of plants but pison said zh39xOjNNZk-00539-00266170-00266317 you put zh39xOjNNZk-00540-00266317-00266753 1,000 cows on that same paddock for One day zh39xOjNNZk-00541-00266811-00267326 Drop it into the mud and you will not kill a single plant zh39xOjNNZk-00542-00267477-00267941 Now that that's a theorem. That's a truth keep it in your mind zh39xOjNNZk-00543-00267994-00268382 On my place, we call it the two day rule. No matter what? zh39xOjNNZk-00544-00268455-00268925 Weather over grades it under Grades or whatever. I've done two days. They move zh39xOjNNZk-00545-00269164-00269429 That's that's me okay zh39xOjNNZk-00546-00270077-00270343 in in mob grazing or zh39xOjNNZk-00547-00270417-00270617 and all the grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00548-00270659-00271267 The there's three things you know the first things your herd size. How many cows you got? zh39xOjNNZk-00549-00271358-00272080 Might have two cows you might have 2,000 or stairs your whatever your grazing, but you got a herd size zh39xOjNNZk-00550-00272196-00272458 And foremost that's going to stay the same zh39xOjNNZk-00551-00272732-00272947 You know you're Gonna have a normal games zh39xOjNNZk-00552-00273018-00273120 hopefully zh39xOjNNZk-00553-00273120-00273320 each day but zh39xOjNNZk-00554-00273326-00273670 You're not gonna fool with that much you're gonna leave the herd size the same zh39xOjNNZk-00555-00273723-00274018 the second thing you got to mess with is paddock sighs zh39xOjNNZk-00556-00274224-00274471 I'd recommend that any of you. That are just starting zh39xOjNNZk-00557-00274583-00274781 Try to get a hotwire zh39xOjNNZk-00558-00274781-00275404 somewhere down through the pasture whatever that you can set up that you can hook the poly wire to and zh39xOjNNZk-00559-00275445-00275716 For the first year or so do it temporarily? zh39xOjNNZk-00560-00275847-00276047 So you kind of learn your place? zh39xOjNNZk-00561-00276096-00276502 How you really want to fence it? I made a lot of mistakes on this zh39xOjNNZk-00562-00276578-00276725 But I'm hold and lazy zh39xOjNNZk-00563-00276725-00277387 And I don't like you know poly wires wonderful to string it out on 70 degree day a little breeze blowing sun shining zh39xOjNNZk-00564-00277409-00277609 that's wonderful, but what hits zh39xOjNNZk-00565-00277655-00277918 30 degrees, and it's cold. I'm too damn old zh39xOjNNZk-00566-00278057-00278557 So that's all one high tensile strand and the end net that farm zh39xOjNNZk-00567-00278568-00278887 But anyway, you want to get this thing strung out zh39xOjNNZk-00568-00278964-00279577 for instance, I don't care if you got a red running, Norton south or east or west we don't have a zh39xOjNNZk-00569-00279738-00280258 Two-level spots on the farm one of them the barn sets on and the other one house that's on everything else is zh39xOjNNZk-00570-00280299-00280475 either going up or down zh39xOjNNZk-00571-00280475-00281167 Whichever way that reg runs. You will find that the cows if you run your pet up over the ridge zh39xOjNNZk-00572-00281285-00281662 One side or the other that ridge. They're going to graze a lot more than the other zh39xOjNNZk-00573-00281967-00282475 More sunshine over here. It's sweeter. I don't know but they'll graze it zh39xOjNNZk-00574-00282475-00282859 You're a lot better to run your fence down the top of the ridge zh39xOjNNZk-00575-00282952-00283147 so that zh39xOjNNZk-00576-00283147-00283814 Maybe this is a sign they don't like but it's all the side they don't like so they can't select they'll eat that zh39xOjNNZk-00577-00283822-00284468 They might rather be over here and they but it's all the same so they eat it a lot more even zh39xOjNNZk-00578-00284494-00284694 and and you'll zh39xOjNNZk-00579-00284755-00285432 You'll find places on your farm is a lot more fertile than others cows. No, dummy. You know the grass. There's a lot better zh39xOjNNZk-00580-00285493-00286275 You know you need to try to fence these paddocks where they match the fertility they match the lay of the land that's difficult zh39xOjNNZk-00581-00286339-00286593 But you can you can get along? zh39xOjNNZk-00582-00286792-00286909 ok zh39xOjNNZk-00583-00286909-00287121 We talked about paddock size zh39xOjNNZk-00584-00287218-00287603 But the most important thing you control is the time zh39xOjNNZk-00585-00287656-00288159 And that's the time in the paddock and the time away from the Paddock zh39xOjNNZk-00586-00288418-00289157 And now a point. I forgot to mention way back. You know our government isn't bad zh39xOjNNZk-00587-00289390-00290060 They're doing what they think is right and you know for years the NRCs and the national Forest service and all this stuff zh39xOjNNZk-00588-00290128-00290823 they've been making the western ranchers and everything less and less cattle you know because zh39xOjNNZk-00589-00290845-00291045 We don't want to zh39xOjNNZk-00590-00291046-00291344 Destroy the vegetation everything it's out here and zh39xOjNNZk-00591-00291445-00291890 again, you know that's really stupid, but they didn't know any better, but zh39xOjNNZk-00592-00292075-00292751 That's that term that Allan savory said in the united states seemed to him when he came over here that the whole country zh39xOjNNZk-00593-00292819-00293165 Was under stocked and over grazed zh39xOjNNZk-00594-00293269-00293837 Well when I'm talking about the one cow in the paddock for a season killing hundreds of plants zh39xOjNNZk-00595-00293938-00294152 That's under stocked and over grazed zh39xOjNNZk-00596-00294340-00294827 What you want if anything is over stocked and under grazed? zh39xOjNNZk-00597-00294928-00295335 Because all of that plants that you don't eat zh39xOjNNZk-00598-00295501-00296036 you want to try to eat enough of it to keep it vegetative, but don't get into the zh39xOjNNZk-00599-00296103-00296303 horserace of trying to zh39xOjNNZk-00600-00296328-00296528 Get all the seed heads zh39xOjNNZk-00601-00296670-00296870 butter grasses zh39xOjNNZk-00602-00296928-00297179 More the cattle gained better on it then zh39xOjNNZk-00603-00297243-00297443 this large Spring Grass I zh39xOjNNZk-00604-00297543-00297830 Think Greg is going to cover a bunch of that tomorrow about zh39xOjNNZk-00605-00297915-00298133 You know how you try to manage your grass? zh39xOjNNZk-00606-00298209-00298837 but anyway, well we'll get into that a little bit, but the third thing is at the time and zh39xOjNNZk-00607-00299109-00299295 on mine you zh39xOjNNZk-00608-00299295-00299627 Know they have I rotate faster in the spring zh39xOjNNZk-00609-00299711-00300088 You know my paddocks Roughly roughly a hundred cows zh39xOjNNZk-00610-00300161-00300382 I'm Gonna move about every 12 hours zh39xOjNNZk-00611-00300678-00301454 As it gets more and more mature you know go to 24 36 never over 48? zh39xOjNNZk-00612-00301593-00301773 and zh39xOjNNZk-00613-00301773-00302218 He say why my own 12 hours? Well? I'm 70 years old and zh39xOjNNZk-00614-00302285-00302485 Wife and I we got 12 grandkids zh39xOjNNZk-00615-00302568-00302969 There's always a ball game. There's always a recital. There's always something zh39xOjNNZk-00616-00303035-00303484 And I want to do this and I want to do it right and I want to build up the farm zh39xOjNNZk-00617-00303564-00303672 but zh39xOjNNZk-00618-00303672-00303872 my Lifestyle comes first zh39xOjNNZk-00619-00303911-00304132 You got to think about that yourselves zh39xOjNNZk-00620-00304133-00304203 you know zh39xOjNNZk-00621-00304203-00304864 What can you devote to this if you're young and broked and nothing else to do you can move the damn things over 30 minutes? zh39xOjNNZk-00622-00304914-00305064 That's okay zh39xOjNNZk-00623-00305064-00305228 but if you're not, you're like me zh39xOjNNZk-00624-00305228-00305866 I try to make it 12 hours that's another one of my theorems gonna make it work on that anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00625-00305910-00306110 You'll learn you'll develop that eye zh39xOjNNZk-00626-00306282-00306477 but zh39xOjNNZk-00627-00306477-00307099 Remember the rest is so much more important than the amount of time you're grazed it then we all zh39xOjNNZk-00628-00307200-00307810 That seems like an oxymoron. It ought to be the other way around, but it's not you can do more harm zh39xOjNNZk-00629-00307811-00308011 Coming back to that grass too soon zh39xOjNNZk-00630-00308115-00308543 Then you'll ever do over grazing it or over topping it or what? zh39xOjNNZk-00631-00308735-00308938 Okay, he got got the three main things zh39xOjNNZk-00632-00309221-00309421 How we doing on time? zh39xOjNNZk-00633-00309662-00309862 Don't have much left zh39xOjNNZk-00634-00310358-00310738 well, I'll go on in my zh39xOjNNZk-00635-00311054-00311598 map there you got if you look that thing over closely if you're trying to set up I zh39xOjNNZk-00636-00311732-00311932 Don't like lanes zh39xOjNNZk-00637-00311969-00312246 I've had them when I was doing this temporary thing zh39xOjNNZk-00638-00312299-00313042 Went along and keep you know back and forth. I try to design mine with as fewer lanes as possible and zh39xOjNNZk-00639-00313139-00313390 What you might call lanes that are there? zh39xOjNNZk-00640-00313412-00314137 They're only used one at the most two days, and then cows are not back there for another zh39xOjNNZk-00641-00314216-00314416 Roughly fifty days zh39xOjNNZk-00642-00314459-00315067 maybe in the spring maybe tWenty-five thirty days when it's growing real fast and and you're zh39xOjNNZk-00643-00315146-00315346 You're rotating fast zh39xOjNNZk-00644-00315479-00315718 One point. I want to make here. You know I said while ago zh39xOjNNZk-00645-00315746-00316165 Don't be afraid of that mature grass how many of you graze cattle? zh39xOjNNZk-00646-00316217-00316417 Through this drought this summer zh39xOjNNZk-00647-00316745-00316996 Okay, did you notice? zh39xOjNNZk-00648-00317237-00317556 If you were rotating and you're doing it right I? zh39xOjNNZk-00649-00317756-00318163 Come back the wife got tired of me saying that okay, I zh39xOjNNZk-00650-00318245-00318443 Said I can't believe zh39xOjNNZk-00651-00318443-00318939 No, my cows didn't get fat, but the condition these cows are staying in zh39xOjNNZk-00652-00319010-00319208 You know there's about zh39xOjNNZk-00653-00319208-00319650 Two inches of green down here at the bottom and the rest is all brown it's Dead zh39xOjNNZk-00654-00319763-00319963 You know I just thought it zh39xOjNNZk-00655-00320090-00320676 Straw might be better. That's what I thought anyway the cows state in good condition and zh39xOjNNZk-00656-00320858-00321058 the Calves I zh39xOjNNZk-00657-00321059-00321768 Think the cows are given the highest butterfat the richest milk. Maybe not the volume but the richest milk that they've ever gave zh39xOjNNZk-00658-00321833-00322141 calves were fact growing doing good and zh39xOjNNZk-00659-00322206-00322717 They couldn't graze but 10 12 hours a day because they spent all day in the shade zh39xOjNNZk-00660-00322752-00323224 You know they're telling out about sundown, and they're going back in about sunup zh39xOjNNZk-00661-00323382-00323574 That's where it was zh39xOjNNZk-00662-00323574-00323706 but zh39xOjNNZk-00663-00323706-00324103 They really did good and the other thing I go back and look at this paddock zh39xOjNNZk-00664-00324207-00324407 and zh39xOjNNZk-00665-00324438-00325054 They didn't eat near the volume of grass. You know when you're lush and green out here zh39xOjNNZk-00666-00325055-00325358 You know you graze this paddock and if you overdid it a little bit zh39xOjNNZk-00667-00325358-00325723 They've reached under the fence some and that's a no-no tells you you got to move quicker zh39xOjNNZk-00668-00325971-00326171 You can see a big difference zh39xOjNNZk-00669-00326196-00326396 This summer and I rotate them I zh39xOjNNZk-00670-00326478-00326879 Mean you could see a difference you know they're chomped a little more over here and whatever but zh39xOjNNZk-00671-00326946-00327146 Not nearly that big a difference zh39xOjNNZk-00672-00327312-00327784 So don't be afraid of that that mature grass zh39xOjNNZk-00673-00328074-00328251 They did wonderful zh39xOjNNZk-00674-00328251-00328613 The other great thing about the drought and doing this when you've done it a while zh39xOjNNZk-00675-00328613-00328813 And you get to where you can read it I? zh39xOjNNZk-00676-00328854-00329054 told my wife zh39xOjNNZk-00677-00329061-00329395 Gosh, I think that sometime in zh39xOjNNZk-00678-00329481-00330016 Middle of june when it was really starting to get dry and I said well if we don't have any rain zh39xOjNNZk-00679-00330051-00330814 Not a drop all summer long. I said we can go to the first september, but that's it. You know. I'll be done zh39xOjNNZk-00680-00330930-00331324 We had just a touch of rain and everything we went to september the 10th zh39xOjNNZk-00681-00331413-00331613 Now I'm pretty proud of that estimate zh39xOjNNZk-00682-00331674-00332368 By september the 20th somebody else on my cows. I made that decision now. I'm not going out here and buy the zh39xOjNNZk-00683-00332472-00332672 $1,800 hey and zh39xOjNNZk-00684-00332706-00333202 Truthfully my cows all about like me you know they they were getting old so it's time to zh39xOjNNZk-00685-00333273-00333517 Do something different so anyway? zh39xOjNNZk-00686-00333594-00333929 That was my choice at the end of that, but I was just astounded at how zh39xOjNNZk-00687-00334026-00334226 How we went through the drought zh39xOjNNZk-00688-00334230-00334586 and I think a lot of that was to do with zh39xOjNNZk-00689-00334659-00334942 Just the two years of the mob grazing that I'd done zh39xOjNNZk-00690-00335135-00335335 but the zh39xOjNNZk-00691-00335534-00335745 the big thing about mob grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00692-00335876-00336543 All this other grazing we're doing you can still to make it look nice. You kind of be clipping pastures zh39xOjNNZk-00693-00336695-00337033 Maybe fertilizing a little maybe seeding a little whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00694-00337118-00337579 but with mob grazing every year when you do this concentration zh39xOjNNZk-00695-00337579-00338319 And you stomp it in and and you're in most people's been in wasting two-thirds of your feed every time you go through there zh39xOjNNZk-00696-00338405-00338815 You're building that soil, you're building a quarter zh39xOjNNZk-00697-00338906-00339049 some people claim a half zh39xOjNNZk-00698-00339049-00339420 But you're building at least a quarter of an inch a topsoil every year zh39xOjNNZk-00699-00339449-00339859 And by that you're putting that much carbon back in the land zh39xOjNNZk-00700-00339929-00340097 You're stimulating zh39xOjNNZk-00701-00340097-00340297 more bugs more life zh39xOjNNZk-00702-00340373-00340753 Or as you name me any crop system out here zh39xOjNNZk-00703-00340892-00341278 What I in the normal paradigm that everybody the corns being weak zh39xOjNNZk-00704-00341480-00341680 They lose zh39xOjNNZk-00705-00341687-00342375 From 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch the good farmers lose an eighth to a quarter of an inch of topsoil a year zh39xOjNNZk-00706-00342692-00343363 So you know I said this is greatest opportunity. I'm going to make those points a moment when you're laying out your zh39xOjNNZk-00707-00343544-00343750 Yeah, your pastures and stuff in time zh39xOjNNZk-00708-00343847-00344299 At least in this area you get out west where it's low humidity and whatever I? zh39xOjNNZk-00709-00344330-00345051 Remember the Feedlot guys telling me you don't need any shade. Hell, are they all shaded up when they ought to be out there grazing zh39xOjNNZk-00710-00345119-00345379 How many you people did in 80 any shade this summer? zh39xOjNNZk-00711-00345506-00346143 You people had cows cuz if you didn't have any shade you're gonna have some dead cows. I mean zh39xOjNNZk-00712-00346304-00347097 Where you've got temperatures over a hundred and you got humidity now one thing this summer. It wasn't that humid but nonetheless zh39xOjNNZk-00713-00347171-00347638 Wouldn't we have those typical summers 100 degrees and 90 they got to have shade? zh39xOjNNZk-00714-00347711-00347911 so if you look at all these zh39xOjNNZk-00715-00347915-00348361 The worst lanes I do have is let the cattle get back to shape zh39xOjNNZk-00716-00348456-00348884 now NrCs and the people and they're not bad, they're zh39xOjNNZk-00717-00348996-00349196 doing what they think is right, but zh39xOjNNZk-00718-00349221-00349664 They'll tell you you got to have your water source within six eight hundred feet you zh39xOjNNZk-00719-00349664-00349978 Don't want it any further away, because they won't graze that far zh39xOjNNZk-00720-00350076-00350446 Well, I personally think that's bs zh39xOjNNZk-00721-00350559-00350759 that's zh39xOjNNZk-00722-00350838-00351116 in some of these lanes when I was still doing with zh39xOjNNZk-00723-00351189-00351351 poly wire zh39xOjNNZk-00724-00351351-00351745 Cows are over here. They got to come down here hit this lane zh39xOjNNZk-00725-00351759-00352163 Go way over here the way down there get shade zh39xOjNNZk-00726-00352272-00352495 You know get up the morning look out the door zh39xOjNNZk-00727-00352557-00352808 And I see you heard out there grazing there zh39xOjNNZk-00728-00352866-00353066 Concentrated, and they're just going at it zh39xOjNNZk-00729-00353127-00353453 Go over here and have a cup of coffee and talk the wife and go back zh39xOjNNZk-00730-00353568-00353768 somebody stole my cows zh39xOjNNZk-00731-00353784-00354544 They're gone. You know. I think the first one goes in ten minutes. They're all gone. What shade stay there all day zh39xOjNNZk-00732-00354714-00355210 you know and in six seven night here comes a cow a zh39xOjNNZk-00733-00355308-00355583 Cup of coffee, and they're all back out. They're grazing again zh39xOjNNZk-00734-00355770-00355970 Hell, I think they'd walk zh39xOjNNZk-00735-00355983-00356666 Three or four miles if if they needed to for water per shade you just got to give them that that zh39xOjNNZk-00736-00356778-00356978 advantage that possibility zh39xOjNNZk-00737-00357048-00357413 So don't like shade. I mean, I don't like lane zh39xOjNNZk-00738-00357413-00357805 So I've tried to design it as much as I could where they can get the water and then get to shade zh39xOjNNZk-00739-00357831-00358031 The ridges all that zh39xOjNNZk-00740-00358053-00358385 In our area you need at least 35 days of rest zh39xOjNNZk-00741-00358695-00359339 One point don't Graze the same area the same time zh39xOjNNZk-00742-00359484-00359960 every year you know this cookbook thing that the young lady wanted to get zh39xOjNNZk-00743-00360120-00360371 You when you're rotating a lot of people zh39xOjNNZk-00744-00360441-00360641 Well, I want them here zh39xOjNNZk-00745-00360667-00361247 October 1st because that's when we're gonna work the calves and whatever and so they work it every year that october 1st zh39xOjNNZk-00746-00361247-00361447 They're here by their crowds and whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00747-00361572-00362081 You don't want to do that because you start favoring one species over another? zh39xOjNNZk-00748-00362197-00362807 You if we take 35 days a good way to look at this is okay half 35 is zh39xOjNNZk-00749-00362958-00363377 1415 Pardon Me 17 18 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00750-00363541-00363715 You want to be? zh39xOjNNZk-00751-00363715-00363871 17 Days zh39xOjNNZk-00752-00363871-00364478 If you're here march 1st next year you want to be right here March 17th zh39xOjNNZk-00753-00364557-00365141 You know you want to get this where you're not in the same paddock the same area at the same time each year zh39xOjNNZk-00754-00365371-00365978 Another point, and there's kind of making me contradict myself. I said I wouldn't go by and is expensive. Hey zh39xOjNNZk-00755-00366075-00366244 but zh39xOjNNZk-00756-00366244-00366444 When you really think about it zh39xOjNNZk-00757-00366630-00366830 hays not expensive zh39xOjNNZk-00758-00366954-00367274 That goes against a lot of mob grazers. What do you mean? zh39xOjNNZk-00759-00367335-00367865 And we want to be what will kick the hay habit and all that. That's okay zh39xOjNNZk-00760-00368014-00368370 You don't want to bale hay on your place. You want to buy hay? zh39xOjNNZk-00761-00368593-00369093 Back I wish I had this research so I could print it out and give it to people zh39xOjNNZk-00762-00369183-00369551 But this was gosh, you know time gets away zh39xOjNNZk-00763-00369558-00370259 but 20 30 years ago when we still had the old john deere or whatever they 500s and 510 Baylor's and zh39xOjNNZk-00764-00370291-00370685 A big round bale, then weighed 800 to a thousand pounds at the most zh39xOjNNZk-00765-00370833-00371363 The research then they took that with the cost of fertilizer 20 years ago zh39xOjNNZk-00766-00371502-00371702 eight hundred to a thousand pound bail zh39xOjNNZk-00767-00371733-00372275 And that bale of hay at that time was worth $8 for fertilizer value zh39xOjNNZk-00768-00372330-00372528 So forget the cows zh39xOjNNZk-00769-00372528-00372977 we'd be just kind of like taking the bugs out of the equation take the cows out of the equation you buy the hay for zh39xOjNNZk-00770-00372977-00373776 Eight bucks and spread it out on the ground. I mean whatever you people, but you got eight dollars worth of fertilizer value from hey zh39xOjNNZk-00771-00373862-00374167 Well today my son Long's got a paler zh39xOjNNZk-00772-00374231-00374372 Germany zh39xOjNNZk-00773-00374372-00374620 1,800 2,000 pound bales and zh39xOjNNZk-00774-00374678-00375241 I have no idea what the multiple is of what fertilizer costs today in relation to what it cost zh39xOjNNZk-00775-00375326-00375529 20 years ago, but I zh39xOjNNZk-00776-00375608-00376033 Think those big bills were worth $100 a bale not to feed the cows zh39xOjNNZk-00777-00376109-00376591 the worm feed feed the worms Roll the counter all the bailout, but zh39xOjNNZk-00778-00376688-00376888 and if you buy, hay zh39xOjNNZk-00779-00376970-00377170 you know zh39xOjNNZk-00780-00377189-00377389 hundred Dollars zh39xOjNNZk-00781-00377789-00377989 I don't want to waste it zh39xOjNNZk-00782-00378119-00378414 Don't have that attitude roll it out zh39xOjNNZk-00783-00378647-00379318 when I started its long story about what but anyway, I kind of took over management of this place and then zh39xOjNNZk-00784-00379361-00379561 Married into it and on and on zh39xOjNNZk-00785-00379595-00379795 but when I started zh39xOjNNZk-00786-00379862-00380253 The old Fella had lost the calf once it got caught in the hay rack zh39xOjNNZk-00787-00380366-00380767 Strangled itself broke a leg. I don't know back anyway. He'd lost the calf zh39xOjNNZk-00788-00380870-00381078 No, hay racks allowed it on the place zh39xOjNNZk-00789-00381176-00381376 number two zh39xOjNNZk-00790-00381455-00382152 He just took the hay and set a bail here you've all done that sometime in a storm or whatever just set a bail well zh39xOjNNZk-00791-00382226-00382426 Then they eat a fourth of it zh39xOjNNZk-00792-00382439-00382956 Maybe a third, it's the most rested. It's all chomp. It's all right in one spot. I zh39xOjNNZk-00793-00383009-00383209 Agree with him. I don't want any hey rex zh39xOjNNZk-00794-00383357-00383662 But I got a really nice little thing on the back of the tractor zh39xOjNNZk-00795-00383662-00384214 I can unroll one about anywhere, but you unroll that hay and it's really great in zh39xOjNNZk-00796-00384266-00384498 The wonder it's snow on the ground you roll away zh39xOjNNZk-00797-00384499-00385054 And you go back out there and look and here's a little bits of hay left, and I decide here's a pile of manure zh39xOjNNZk-00798-00385124-00385468 You know just strung out. You know you didn't have to scoop that up zh39xOjNNZk-00799-00385468-00385983 He didn't have to take your loader and scoop it up, and he didn't have to take a spreader and that it it's right there zh39xOjNNZk-00800-00386165-00386520 might take a pasture here in the summer or a spring if you wanted to but zh39xOjNNZk-00801-00386552-00386782 This feed the hay over a little further next time zh39xOjNNZk-00802-00386886-00387027 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00803-00387027-00387156 don't zh39xOjNNZk-00804-00387156-00387403 It's the value of it and the way you feed it zh39xOjNNZk-00805-00387828-00388154 Tell a few Story - zh39xOjNNZk-00806-00388494-00388694 You know you ladies zh39xOjNNZk-00807-00388776-00389258 You're to blame for all this stuff going on today in agriculture zh39xOjNNZk-00808-00389451-00389963 It's because in my belief. I think the bible the teachings of Bible are all zh39xOjNNZk-00809-00390048-00390437 They're parables that the stories are meant to teach you something zh39xOjNNZk-00810-00390522-00390722 Well the parable of Adam and Eve zh39xOjNNZk-00811-00390801-00391519 We were all back. We were hunters and Gatherers and we could get all our needs as people in three hours a day zh39xOjNNZk-00812-00391638-00391981 Last time we go sit around and do whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00813-00392202-00392402 But there was some days zh39xOjNNZk-00814-00392445-00392645 You couldn't go out and hunt zh39xOjNNZk-00815-00392655-00393019 Gather and if there were too many strung together you died zh39xOjNNZk-00816-00393075-00393611 You know we didn't have any reserves, but you women as we're walking along here zh39xOjNNZk-00817-00393611-00394324 And we're hunting and you're gathering and you notice that we were here last year, and we ate these berries zh39xOjNNZk-00818-00394325-00394883 But as we walked off eat the berries. We spit the seeds out here, and now we got berries from there to here zh39xOjNNZk-00819-00395025-00395225 so I think zh39xOjNNZk-00820-00395232-00395432 that a zh39xOjNNZk-00821-00395433-00396185 Parable of eve eating the Apple was eve took up agriculture. She said oh, okay zh39xOjNNZk-00822-00396267-00396536 We're gonna get some of these seeds are scattered around. We're Gonna have zh39xOjNNZk-00823-00396600-00397045 All kinds of these berries or whatever next year and she's right zh39xOjNNZk-00824-00397110-00397429 But see that tide is to the Earth that zh39xOjNNZk-00825-00397455-00397880 Titus there that that got us out of the garden of Eden and made us go to work zh39xOjNNZk-00826-00397959-00398159 and you know zh39xOjNNZk-00827-00398448-00398634 we as zh39xOjNNZk-00828-00398634-00399313 You women started it and then us man. We really I won't use the bad word, but we really messed it up zh39xOjNNZk-00829-00399314-00399770 You know we really screwed it up and we cut out the bugs and also zh39xOjNNZk-00830-00399770-00400237 It's your fault, and then when we took over weep we messed it up even more zh39xOjNNZk-00831-00400827-00401185 Let's see I guess say what? zh39xOjNNZk-00832-00401469-00401669 Yep zh39xOjNNZk-00833-00401669-00402095 God mother nature, and you start messing up with the way they set things zh39xOjNNZk-00834-00402201-00402490 You're all the unintended consequences zh39xOjNNZk-00835-00403029-00403229 That's right zh39xOjNNZk-00836-00404541-00404741 That's division of labor zh39xOjNNZk-00837-00404877-00404981 I zh39xOjNNZk-00838-00404981-00405700 Guess I'm about done, but the big thing you know I said that mob grazing is a greatest opportunity in the world zh39xOjNNZk-00839-00405701-00406028 I want to share one last thing with you on our farm zh39xOjNNZk-00840-00406085-00406546 Three years ago first mob grazing through make a lot of mistakes zh39xOjNNZk-00841-00406609-00406846 I sold 500 pound calf zh39xOjNNZk-00842-00407030-00407749 We paid Thirty five dollars an acre on two hundred Thirty five acres lease to ourselves zh39xOjNNZk-00843-00407946-00408126 we zh39xOjNNZk-00844-00408126-00408745 Paid for the supplements. We paid for the vet stuff as if I were doing it for zh39xOjNNZk-00845-00408846-00408986 chart zh39xOjNNZk-00846-00408986-00409645 Tried paid interest on the cows that what farm credit services. They were charging on operating loans at the time zh39xOjNNZk-00847-00409791-00410170 Now it's really great when you get my agent not a young man. Have to borrow money zh39xOjNNZk-00848-00410235-00410797 Yeah, you know when all that interest coming back to you, but if you've got this enterprise, it's got to work zh39xOjNNZk-00849-00410873-00411544 Anyway, figuring all this stuff. I had two hundred and Thirty seven dollars in a 500 pound calf zh39xOjNNZk-00850-00411687-00412372 the National average for the the top third of the producers in the us zh39xOjNNZk-00851-00412535-00412741 but as a 500 pound calf zh39xOjNNZk-00852-00412802-00413449 For about four hundred and seventy-five dollars the middle third produced a 500 pound calf for about zh39xOjNNZk-00853-00413504-00413704 550 and the Top zh39xOjNNZk-00854-00413726-00414198 Bottom third having one look but the most expensive was just a shade over six hundred dollars zh39xOjNNZk-00855-00414326-00414467 someone say zh39xOjNNZk-00856-00414467-00414838 cost five hundred dollars for the Industry to produce that calf I zh39xOjNNZk-00857-00414905-00415159 produced that calf for less than half of zh39xOjNNZk-00858-00415264-00415464 What the industry average is? zh39xOjNNZk-00859-00415529-00415729 Young man, that's an opportunity zh39xOjNNZk-00860-00415793-00416413 If you could produce steel for half what somebody else, but is steel, and it's just good as steel zh39xOjNNZk-00861-00416642-00416842 How much money could you make? zh39xOjNNZk-00862-00416909-00417313 You know I'm not telling you to do this because you're gonna have a better farm zh39xOjNNZk-00863-00417434-00417651 instead of being able to run hundred cows zh39xOjNNZk-00864-00417728-00418185 Maybe in three years five years I can run 200 cows. I can be like in zh39xOjNNZk-00865-00418271-00418609 On the same land same in you know cut cost zh39xOjNNZk-00866-00418832-00419493 But forget all that just right now you can do it for half of the industry cost zh39xOjNNZk-00867-00419493-00420034 I really think you'll be able to get down to about 30% when zh39xOjNNZk-00868-00420080-00420534 You get really good grades or you know all the management's right? zh39xOjNNZk-00869-00420692-00420824 then zh39xOjNNZk-00870-00420824-00421203 And this is a big thing. I think I'm too old to get into this zh39xOjNNZk-00871-00421277-00421510 but if you can get into the zh39xOjNNZk-00872-00421595-00421795 producing the grass-finished beef zh39xOjNNZk-00873-00421883-00422320 Which takes a lot more expertise and what we're covering here, but if you can get into that zh39xOjNNZk-00874-00422429-00422653 Remember my map of the us and all the transportation zh39xOjNNZk-00875-00422789-00423105 What if you can produce that thing right there on the forum I? zh39xOjNNZk-00876-00423188-00423711 Didn't I produce the next year kept the calves because a really good system? zh39xOjNNZk-00877-00423712-00424024 And is this you always got this huge spring flush zh39xOjNNZk-00878-00424220-00424845 so if you can keep weak calves in the spring you can keep those calves over winter and zh39xOjNNZk-00879-00424901-00425101 graze them with your cows zh39xOjNNZk-00880-00425183-00425628 that's tough for me to do but anyway you can graze them with the cows or zh39xOjNNZk-00881-00425651-00426045 Even if you don't let's have two groups one behind the other whatever zh39xOjNNZk-00882-00426107-00426307 You're grazing them I? zh39xOjNNZk-00883-00426377-00426577 produced that calf zh39xOjNNZk-00884-00426716-00426999 for just a shade under two hundred and fifty dollars zh39xOjNNZk-00885-00427214-00427385 and zh39xOjNNZk-00886-00427385-00428139 He way the stairs wait seven something just a little over seven stairs didn't quite heifers weight this little over seven stairs didn't quite wait zh39xOjNNZk-00887-00428258-00428426 man, I zh39xOjNNZk-00888-00428426-00428582 never made zh39xOjNNZk-00889-00428582-00429354 Honest folks, I have fed thousands of cattle I've owned them from 300 pounds to 1250 pounds. I never in my zh39xOjNNZk-00890-00429434-00430185 Whole life made that much money per animal never I never made it as easy zh39xOjNNZk-00891-00430339-00430526 anyway that zh39xOjNNZk-00892-00430526-00430782 Transportation is you get into the meat deal you know zh39xOjNNZk-00893-00430889-00431272 There's $100 at least today probably quite a bit more zh39xOjNNZk-00894-00431272-00431847 But a hundred dollars a head that the industry is absorbing either the producer the background of the feeder zh39xOjNNZk-00895-00431912-00432112 the butchers zh39xOjNNZk-00896-00432116-00432316 somebody's absorbing this zh39xOjNNZk-00897-00432347-00432547 Transportation deal you know zh39xOjNNZk-00898-00432713-00432913 You produce it right there? zh39xOjNNZk-00899-00432932-00433224 Greg what do you haul you're ten miles from your house to that? zh39xOjNNZk-00900-00433283-00433822 Start up. Five miles. Okay. You know we got a little slaughter deals really nice and zh39xOjNNZk-00901-00433885-00434051 anyway zh39xOjNNZk-00902-00434051-00434251 You do that zh39xOjNNZk-00903-00434309-00434703 There's so many advantages in it and damnit zh39xOjNNZk-00904-00434893-00435053 when you die zh39xOjNNZk-00905-00435053-00435468 you're leaving a place better than the way you found it, and that's zh39xOjNNZk-00906-00435584-00435701 you know zh39xOjNNZk-00907-00435701-00435901 Dr.. Ackard talked about zh39xOjNNZk-00908-00436046-00436516 Goodness good things you know you're doing a really good thing there, and that's guy get it zh39xOjNNZk-00909-00436516-00436809 he may plow it up and put it in Beans or whatever but zh39xOjNNZk-00910-00436871-00437278 It's better when is in your care. You're leaving it better than what it was zh39xOjNNZk-00911-00437405-00437605 Okay questions zh39xOjNNZk-00912-00437835-00438264 Lady beat you up at the ladies always win, okay? zh39xOjNNZk-00913-00438982-00439196 Yes, ma'am. The blue spot your water zh39xOjNNZk-00914-00439460-00440243 The lady was asking the question of how I get watered all the paddocks and the little blue dots are frost free water herbs zh39xOjNNZk-00915-00440646-00440846 2-Inch plastic pipe zh39xOjNNZk-00916-00441031-00441231 two things there zh39xOjNNZk-00917-00441277-00441875 I'm old when I started I put in these hydrants and just big tanks zh39xOjNNZk-00918-00441960-00442479 And take very long we decided. I don't like chopping ice yeah, yeah, that's a job zh39xOjNNZk-00919-00442531-00443135 And so I looked around and got the waters and whatever and you're gonna say man, you got a lot of money in that zh39xOjNNZk-00920-00443188-00443388 Yeah zh39xOjNNZk-00921-00443425-00443904 But you know my son-in-law of this bought a new combine zh39xOjNNZk-00922-00444229-00444429 you know zh39xOjNNZk-00923-00445086-00445286 I zh39xOjNNZk-00924-00445309-00445638 Can I put it my decision to sell was based on this? zh39xOjNNZk-00925-00445711-00446295 Every time I moved in this grouse you know I tried to leave grass and it came back some zh39xOjNNZk-00926-00446396-00446748 But it come back less than it came back earlier zh39xOjNNZk-00927-00446756-00447513 It kept coming back slower and coming back slower, and I said if I make another turn another 50 60 days zh39xOjNNZk-00928-00447586-00447769 on this zh39xOjNNZk-00929-00447769-00448308 Then I'm going to start taking away ground cover. I'm going to start letting the sunlight hit the ground zh39xOjNNZk-00930-00448369-00448890 Somebody else TV was talked about you know it's sterile. I think you use the term nuke them zh39xOjNNZk-00931-00448942-00449307 You start killing the bugs you drive the worms a lot deeper zh39xOjNNZk-00932-00449368-00449634 You don't want to lose that mat? zh39xOjNNZk-00933-00449692-00449848 you want zh39xOjNNZk-00934-00449848-00450048 you know ideally zh39xOjNNZk-00935-00450104-00450585 You want to walk out on that grass no, and then he felt like this in August ok? zh39xOjNNZk-00936-00450585-00451152 But you want to walk out, and it's like you're walking on a real thick carpet zh39xOjNNZk-00937-00451219-00451506 Spongy you know it's got some give to it zh39xOjNNZk-00938-00451583-00451992 And that's what you really want when you got that. I mean it's zh39xOjNNZk-00939-00452084-00452454 Demon that the bugs are doing their thing and zh39xOjNNZk-00940-00452534-00452814 We can talk about the cows we talk about Marcus we talk about zh39xOjNNZk-00941-00452971-00453663 Bugs feed the bugs keep the bugs happy and everything's gonna be ok try to cut the bugs out of the deal zh39xOjNNZk-00942-00453663-00453863 And you're headed down the wrong Road zh39xOjNNZk-00943-00453977-00454177 Yes, sir zh39xOjNNZk-00944-00457960-00458294 Do these things guys farm walks, whatever because I? zh39xOjNNZk-00945-00458371-00458637 Don't know what all greg that know-it-all mark that know-it-all zh39xOjNNZk-00946-00458718-00458996 Nobody that yeah. There's too many unknowns zh39xOjNNZk-00947-00459058-00459452 but we all know little bits standing on each other's shoulders and zh39xOjNNZk-00948-00459508-00459741 We know enough that it works zh39xOjNNZk-00949-00459835-00460175 we maybe don't always know why or how but it works, so zh39xOjNNZk-00950-00460243-00460511 As Nike says just get out there and do it zh39xOjNNZk-00951-00460668-00460868 Okay zhLd3cKfFXE-00000-00000040-00000438 - One of the key concepts of the Buddhist religion zhLd3cKfFXE-00001-00000535-00000844 is the idea of restlessness, zhLd3cKfFXE-00002-00000844-00001258 and the idea that restlessness is the main problem zhLd3cKfFXE-00003-00001258-00001378 with mankind. zhLd3cKfFXE-00004-00001540-00001945 Main problem that people have, according to Buddhists, zhLd3cKfFXE-00005-00002035-00002177 is restlessness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00006-00002291-00002447 Now, there's a lot of truth to this zhLd3cKfFXE-00007-00002447-00002824 as we, we watch Western society frantically search zhLd3cKfFXE-00008-00002824-00003055 for the good life, or what we've been told zhLd3cKfFXE-00009-00003055-00003248 the good life ought to be. zhLd3cKfFXE-00010-00003467-00003949 So, Buddhism offers the restless soul zhLd3cKfFXE-00011-00003949-00004330 a religion where the antidote to the stresses zhLd3cKfFXE-00012-00004330-00004787 and the constant yearnings of life are replaced zhLd3cKfFXE-00013-00004787-00005089 with the nothingness of Buddhist contemplation zhLd3cKfFXE-00014-00005089-00005228 and self-denial. zhLd3cKfFXE-00015-00005228-00005619 Now, that's a mouthful, let me kind of explain that. zhLd3cKfFXE-00016-00005785-00006131 In other words, the Buddhist monk or the Buddhist follower zhLd3cKfFXE-00017-00006220-00006533 empties his soul of every desire, zhLd3cKfFXE-00018-00006533-00006851 every connection to this world zhLd3cKfFXE-00019-00006851-00007162 in an effort to feel nothing, zhLd3cKfFXE-00020-00007162-00007506 in an effort to want nothing zhLd3cKfFXE-00021-00007618-00008015 until he or she is completely absorbed zhLd3cKfFXE-00022-00008015-00008263 into the greater consciousness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00023-00008263-00008469 There's a kind of a thumbnail description zhLd3cKfFXE-00024-00008469-00008606 of the Buddhist religion, zhLd3cKfFXE-00025-00008606-00008952 what the Buddhist is searching to do. zhLd3cKfFXE-00026-00008952-00009262 The Buddhist just wants to unplug everything zhLd3cKfFXE-00027-00009262-00009480 that the world has plugged into him, zhLd3cKfFXE-00028-00009575-00009978 and feel nothing and want nothing from this world zhLd3cKfFXE-00029-00010093-00010474 so that that restless feeling zhLd3cKfFXE-00030-00010571-00010845 finally dissipates. zhLd3cKfFXE-00031-00010845-00011063 Sometimes, Buddhists compare zhLd3cKfFXE-00032-00011063-00011408 the experience of their religious life zhLd3cKfFXE-00033-00011408-00011777 to a single drop of water which is emptied into the ocean. zhLd3cKfFXE-00034-00011983-00012243 So, the individual's like a drop of water zhLd3cKfFXE-00035-00012243-00012488 and they're dropped into the ocean zhLd3cKfFXE-00036-00012488-00012726 and become part of the ocean. zhLd3cKfFXE-00037-00012850-00013163 That's the idea of eventually being absorbed zhLd3cKfFXE-00038-00013163-00013320 into nothingness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00039-00013438-00013685 Now, you have to understand the history of Buddhism. zhLd3cKfFXE-00040-00013685-00014185 For a nation that may suffer poverty and oppression, zhLd3cKfFXE-00041-00014237-00014614 the Buddhist religion is actually, it has a certain appeal. zhLd3cKfFXE-00042-00014761-00014991 I mean, this has been true in countries like China zhLd3cKfFXE-00043-00014991-00015337 and Vietnam and Indonesia and other Eastern peoples zhLd3cKfFXE-00044-00015337-00015649 who have experienced unfulfilled desires zhLd3cKfFXE-00045-00015649-00016149 for peace or for freedom or wealth for a long time. zhLd3cKfFXE-00046-00016150-00016372 If you live in a country that's been oppressed zhLd3cKfFXE-00047-00016372-00016652 for a long time, then this religion zhLd3cKfFXE-00048-00016652-00017053 that promises release from wanting something zhLd3cKfFXE-00049-00017053-00017295 that you can't have, zhLd3cKfFXE-00050-00017295-00017680 by rejecting a cruel and hard world, zhLd3cKfFXE-00051-00017680-00017899 you know, that might be very appealing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00052-00018046-00018288 This world is cruel, this world is hard, zhLd3cKfFXE-00053-00018288-00018512 I can't find the things that I want, zhLd3cKfFXE-00054-00018512-00018724 things that a normal human being would want, zhLd3cKfFXE-00055-00018724-00018851 so, how do I deal with it? zhLd3cKfFXE-00056-00018851-00019012 Well, I just unplug from it. zhLd3cKfFXE-00057-00019107-00019241 It can't hurt me anymore. zhLd3cKfFXE-00058-00019241-00019549 I just won't want anything anymore. zhLd3cKfFXE-00059-00019663-00019922 Now, you see, there are, there are Buddhists zhLd3cKfFXE-00060-00019922-00020259 in the United States, but there are not many Buddhists zhLd3cKfFXE-00061-00020259-00020505 in the United States because here, zhLd3cKfFXE-00062-00020505-00020874 the American Dream is, well, it's still possible. zhLd3cKfFXE-00063-00020874-00021315 And many of our desires can actually be fulfilled. zhLd3cKfFXE-00064-00021315-00021516 Our problem here in the United States zhLd3cKfFXE-00065-00021516-00021915 is not, you know, wanting to disconnect from the world, zhLd3cKfFXE-00066-00021915-00022035 that's not what we want. zhLd3cKfFXE-00067-00022136-00022552 Our desire rarely follows the Buddhist ideology zhLd3cKfFXE-00068-00022552-00022776 of wanting nothing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00069-00022776-00023276 On the contrary, our main desire is to have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00070-00023325-00023692 We're completely the opposite of Buddhists. zhLd3cKfFXE-00071-00023692-00024084 They want nothing, they want to separate themselves zhLd3cKfFXE-00072-00024084-00024296 from the world totally. zhLd3cKfFXE-00073-00024296-00024599 They want to feel nothing, want nothing, zhLd3cKfFXE-00074-00024707-00024888 be possessed by nothing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00075-00025155-00025523 But here in America, it's the opposite. zhLd3cKfFXE-00076-00025523-00025727 We want everything, we want it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00077-00025727-00025876 We want to have everything. zhLd3cKfFXE-00078-00025983-00026483 Every commercial on TV is telling us, zhLd3cKfFXE-00079-00026513-00026685 you can have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00080-00026826-00027067 And so, those who live in America zhLd3cKfFXE-00081-00027067-00027537 believe that we have achieved our true goal in life zhLd3cKfFXE-00082-00027537-00027808 when we have everything, not when we have nothing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00083-00027924-00028379 Now, by having it all, I mean there's a certain list zhLd3cKfFXE-00084-00028379-00028762 of possessions we feel that we need to have zhLd3cKfFXE-00085-00028762-00029262 in order to have reached true success and happiness in life. zhLd3cKfFXE-00086-00029274-00029576 And not in any particular order here, zhLd3cKfFXE-00087-00029576-00029840 but that list goes something like this, zhLd3cKfFXE-00088-00029942-00030424 a vehicle or a car that we're kind of proud of. zhLd3cKfFXE-00089-00030424-00030675 We like, you turn off the car, beep, beep, zhLd3cKfFXE-00090-00030675-00030841 you turn it off, and then you walk away zhLd3cKfFXE-00091-00030841-00031080 and you look back at it a little bit and go, yeah, zhLd3cKfFXE-00092-00031080-00031345 that's my ride, and you get up in the morning zhLd3cKfFXE-00093-00031345-00031633 and you go, beep, beep, you go, oh, yeah, that's my ride. zhLd3cKfFXE-00094-00031816-00032079 So, we want a nice vehicle, we want our own home, zhLd3cKfFXE-00095-00032079-00032494 not just a nice home, we want to own our home. zhLd3cKfFXE-00096-00032577-00032763 That's another part of the American Dream. zhLd3cKfFXE-00097-00032763-00033065 Education for our children, absolutely. zhLd3cKfFXE-00098-00033065-00033303 and the best education, we move around zhLd3cKfFXE-00099-00033303-00033447 to find the best school district. zhLd3cKfFXE-00100-00033447-00033612 I didn't say anything wrong with that, zhLd3cKfFXE-00101-00033612-00033856 I'm just saying it's what we want. zhLd3cKfFXE-00102-00033856-00034296 Number four, financial independence at retirement. zhLd3cKfFXE-00103-00034441-00034670 We want that, that's part of the American Dream. zhLd3cKfFXE-00104-00034670-00034988 And then, we also want good looks zhLd3cKfFXE-00105-00035102-00035304 and a healthy body. zhLd3cKfFXE-00106-00035304-00035606 That's what, if you have those five things, zhLd3cKfFXE-00107-00035772-00036092 you pretty much got it all if you're an American citizen. zhLd3cKfFXE-00108-00036256-00036597 Now, much of our restlessness and planning zhLd3cKfFXE-00109-00036597-00036953 and a great portion of our physical and emotional energy zhLd3cKfFXE-00110-00036953-00037453 goes into acquiring and maintaining those five things. zhLd3cKfFXE-00111-00037728-00038090 But you know what, there is a strange thing zhLd3cKfFXE-00112-00038090-00038498 that happens when we finally have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00113-00038498-00038636 Do you know what it is? zhLd3cKfFXE-00114-00038786-00039115 Well, once we have the health and the vehicle zhLd3cKfFXE-00115-00039115-00039368 and the house and the money for the kids' education zhLd3cKfFXE-00116-00039368-00039697 and some retirement nest egg or something, zhLd3cKfFXE-00117-00039849-00040302 we realize that the old restlessness has not gone away, zhLd3cKfFXE-00118-00040489-00040689 even when we have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00119-00040783-00040967 So, what do we do? zhLd3cKfFXE-00120-00040967-00041434 We create a new list of things that we require zhLd3cKfFXE-00121-00041434-00041675 to really have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00122-00041675-00042016 So, to the first five, normally, we add, zhLd3cKfFXE-00123-00042016-00042322 well, more vehicles [laughs]. zhLd3cKfFXE-00124-00042322-00042608 If one car is good, two is better, zhLd3cKfFXE-00125-00042608-00042999 maybe add a boat, some other thing zhLd3cKfFXE-00126-00042999-00043308 that we can ride around on bumpy land. zhLd3cKfFXE-00127-00043308-00043546 [audience member giggles] You know? zhLd3cKfFXE-00128-00043641-00043853 And then, to that, perhaps, zhLd3cKfFXE-00129-00043980-00044435 I've got a nice house but how about a bigger house? zhLd3cKfFXE-00130-00044435-00044790 If 2,000 square feet is good, 3,000 ought to be better, zhLd3cKfFXE-00131-00044790-00045081 that much, you know, maybe I'll have more happiness zhLd3cKfFXE-00132-00045081-00045338 if I add another 1,000 square feet. zhLd3cKfFXE-00133-00045554-00045916 And maybe not just education for the kids zhLd3cKfFXE-00134-00045916-00046099 but advantages for the kids. zhLd3cKfFXE-00135-00046099-00046333 Not this that they get an education zhLd3cKfFXE-00136-00046333-00046605 but I send them to a school that'll give them zhLd3cKfFXE-00137-00046605-00046810 an advantage over the other kids. zhLd3cKfFXE-00138-00046810-00046986 Yeah, that's what I want. zhLd3cKfFXE-00139-00047114-00047393 And not just retirement income, zhLd3cKfFXE-00140-00047393-00047706 but wealth-building income. zhLd3cKfFXE-00141-00047706-00047969 I want to leave a legacy. zhLd3cKfFXE-00142-00047969-00048188 I want to be able, in my retirement, zhLd3cKfFXE-00143-00048188-00048460 to say to the world, I don't need you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00144-00048689-00049189 And then, finally, once we have all that, zhLd3cKfFXE-00145-00049226-00049491 we don't want just health, zhLd3cKfFXE-00146-00049598-00049987 we want to look younger, yeah. zhLd3cKfFXE-00147-00049987-00050133 If being healthy is good, zhLd3cKfFXE-00148-00050133-00050633 imagine I'm 58 and I look 42, zhLd3cKfFXE-00149-00050658-00050835 now, that's really good! zhLd3cKfFXE-00150-00050835-00051025 If I can get that, zhLd3cKfFXE-00151-00051140-00051441 yeah, I'll really have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00152-00051441-00051750 Listen, are you noticing that there's a little pattern zhLd3cKfFXE-00153-00051750-00051882 evolving here? zhLd3cKfFXE-00154-00052016-00052298 Are you noticing that a lot of times, once we have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00155-00052298-00052578 we realize that there's always a little, zhLd3cKfFXE-00156-00052578-00052822 a little bit more that we might need zhLd3cKfFXE-00157-00052822-00053022 to really have it all? zhLd3cKfFXE-00158-00053144-00053361 Like the ranchers in Oklahoma used to say, zhLd3cKfFXE-00159-00053361-00053498 I don't need a lot of land, zhLd3cKfFXE-00160-00053498-00053819 I just need the acreage next to mine. zhLd3cKfFXE-00161-00053819-00054169 [audience laughs] zhLd3cKfFXE-00162-00054169-00054425 And of course, Solomon says it in another way. zhLd3cKfFXE-00163-00054514-00054724 In Proverbs 27:20, he says, zhLd3cKfFXE-00164-00054724-00055224 the eyes of man are never satisfied. zhLd3cKfFXE-00165-00055352-00055829 The eyes of man are never satisfied. zhLd3cKfFXE-00166-00055974-00056308 You know, some people stay in this rat race until they die. zhLd3cKfFXE-00167-00056308-00056771 They accumulate a lot of stuff, but they never have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00168-00056855-00057045 And some people become Buddhists, zhLd3cKfFXE-00169-00057045-00057432 thinking that chasing nothingness instead of everythingness zhLd3cKfFXE-00170-00057432-00057688 will calm their restless hearts. zhLd3cKfFXE-00171-00057829-00058076 And then, some discover that it is possible zhLd3cKfFXE-00172-00058076-00058442 to have it all if they search for those things zhLd3cKfFXE-00173-00058442-00058929 that are truly available and truly satisfying zhLd3cKfFXE-00174-00058929-00059193 when you finally get them. zhLd3cKfFXE-00175-00059311-00059804 You see, God offers to his children zhLd3cKfFXE-00176-00059804-00060199 a series of blessings that are available zhLd3cKfFXE-00177-00060199-00060686 and satisfying once you get them, zhLd3cKfFXE-00178-00060686-00060878 you know what I'm saying? zhLd3cKfFXE-00179-00060878-00061104 In other words, not just having it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00180-00061104-00061346 but having the right all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00181-00061346-00061633 because when you have the right all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00182-00061633-00062084 then you're satisfied, then that restlessness goes away. zhLd3cKfFXE-00183-00062286-00062454 Now the beautiful thing about this zhLd3cKfFXE-00184-00062454-00062795 is that a person, as I say, can have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00185-00062795-00063016 In other words, it's possible to say, zhLd3cKfFXE-00186-00063016-00063412 I have it all and really have everything made available zhLd3cKfFXE-00187-00063412-00063692 that God provides for you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00188-00063692-00063991 So, the desire to have it all is not a bad thing zhLd3cKfFXE-00189-00063991-00064185 if what you desire are the things zhLd3cKfFXE-00190-00064185-00064492 that are made available to you by God. zhLd3cKfFXE-00191-00064597-00064873 Wanting it all is destructive when the all zhLd3cKfFXE-00192-00064873-00065138 that we want is either sinful in nature zhLd3cKfFXE-00193-00065138-00065529 or simply material in nature. zhLd3cKfFXE-00194-00065653-00065986 Chasing immoral pleasures or physical things zhLd3cKfFXE-00195-00065986-00066272 cannot satisfy or bring peace, zhLd3cKfFXE-00196-00066272-00066772 nor do they calm our desire and our restlessness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00197-00066824-00067044 But when we seek and find the things zhLd3cKfFXE-00198-00067044-00067344 that God has designed for our pleasure, zhLd3cKfFXE-00199-00067344-00067598 we experience the peace and the joy zhLd3cKfFXE-00200-00067598-00068053 that comes from truly having it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00201-00068144-00068539 Okay, so, knowing and possessing the things zhLd3cKfFXE-00202-00068539-00068848 that God made available for us, zhLd3cKfFXE-00203-00068848-00069214 this is the key to the type of happiness zhLd3cKfFXE-00204-00069214-00069427 that I'm talking about. zhLd3cKfFXE-00205-00069427-00069829 And you know what, the Bible describes three things zhLd3cKfFXE-00206-00069829-00070329 that we need to seek after in order to be satisfied. zhLd3cKfFXE-00207-00070384-00070795 Finding these three will mean that we truly, zhLd3cKfFXE-00208-00070795-00071135 truly have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00209-00071135-00071351 So, for the rest of my lesson, zhLd3cKfFXE-00210-00071351-00071827 let's talk about the things that God gives us, zhLd3cKfFXE-00211-00071827-00072141 so that we, in our own hearts, can know zhLd3cKfFXE-00212-00072141-00072408 that we, we have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00213-00072408-00072746 First of all, in order to have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00214-00072746-00073208 it means to find joy in your work. zhLd3cKfFXE-00215-00073309-00073429 If you want to have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00216-00073429-00073713 the first thing you need to search for zhLd3cKfFXE-00217-00073713-00073970 is joy in your work. zhLd3cKfFXE-00218-00073970-00074462 Ecclesiastes chapter three, verses 12 and 13, zhLd3cKfFXE-00219-00074462-00074640 let me read that for you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00220-00074640-00074984 It says, I know that there is nothing better for them zhLd3cKfFXE-00221-00074984-00075261 than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime, zhLd3cKfFXE-00222-00075261-00075590 moreover that every man who eats and drinks zhLd3cKfFXE-00223-00075590-00075942 sees good in all of his labor, and here's the key, zhLd3cKfFXE-00224-00075942-00076392 he says, it is a gift from God. zhLd3cKfFXE-00225-00076491-00076695 Solomon says that the ability zhLd3cKfFXE-00226-00076695-00076973 to be satisfied with your work, zhLd3cKfFXE-00227-00076973-00077249 in other words, to enjoy what you do, zhLd3cKfFXE-00228-00077249-00077536 the enjoyment you experience from that zhLd3cKfFXE-00229-00077536-00077802 is an actual gift that God gives you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00230-00077927-00078244 So many people, they hate their work, zhLd3cKfFXE-00231-00078244-00078594 or they only see their work as a means to an end. zhLd3cKfFXE-00232-00078594-00078914 In other words, I work in order to make money zhLd3cKfFXE-00233-00078914-00079170 so that I can buy the car and the house zhLd3cKfFXE-00234-00079170-00079498 and the stuff that, that will make me feel better. zhLd3cKfFXE-00235-00079756-00080030 Those people are missing the point. zhLd3cKfFXE-00236-00080030-00080387 The satisfaction is supposed to come from your work, zhLd3cKfFXE-00237-00080387-00080651 not from what your work pays for. zhLd3cKfFXE-00238-00080864-00081201 The Bible says that this work satisfaction zhLd3cKfFXE-00239-00081201-00081513 is one of the things worth striving for, zhLd3cKfFXE-00240-00081513-00081821 and when you've got that, you do have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00241-00081821-00082019 as far as work is concerned. zhLd3cKfFXE-00242-00082282-00082644 The gift is not how much your job pays you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00243-00082644-00082884 The gift is not how much you can buy zhLd3cKfFXE-00244-00082884-00083100 because of your job. zhLd3cKfFXE-00245-00083100-00083448 The gift is how much satisfaction zhLd3cKfFXE-00246-00083448-00083908 the work actually gives you, that's the gift. zhLd3cKfFXE-00247-00084120-00084461 And God is the one who gives us that gift. zhLd3cKfFXE-00248-00084557-00084815 You know, people go from job to job to job to job, zhLd3cKfFXE-00249-00084815-00085009 looking for that satisfaction, zhLd3cKfFXE-00250-00085009-00085250 and many times, they don't find it, zhLd3cKfFXE-00251-00085250-00085504 and they don't realize that God is the one zhLd3cKfFXE-00252-00085504-00085938 that gives you the ability to enjoy what you have. zhLd3cKfFXE-00253-00085938-00086284 How many people have so much stuff, so much money, zhLd3cKfFXE-00254-00086284-00086648 so much opportunity, and yet, they're never satisfied, why? zhLd3cKfFXE-00255-00086648-00086832 Because they're missing the ability zhLd3cKfFXE-00256-00086832-00087149 to appreciate what they actually have. zhLd3cKfFXE-00257-00087149-00087360 And they think, if I just get more of it, zhLd3cKfFXE-00258-00087360-00087548 it'll make me feel satisfied, zhLd3cKfFXE-00259-00087548-00088002 and it's a non-ending, non-satisfying exercise. zhLd3cKfFXE-00260-00088126-00088457 What a wonderful gift it is zhLd3cKfFXE-00261-00088457-00088705 when we receive the gift of satisfaction zhLd3cKfFXE-00262-00088705-00088919 that God gives you, you enjoy the day, zhLd3cKfFXE-00263-00088919-00089181 you enjoy the moment, you enjoy the sunrise, zhLd3cKfFXE-00264-00089181-00089520 you enjoy your Cheerios, you know what I'm saying? zhLd3cKfFXE-00265-00089639-00089877 God gives you the ability zhLd3cKfFXE-00266-00089877-00090162 to feel satisfied zhLd3cKfFXE-00267-00090162-00090477 in what you are doing no matter what it is. zhLd3cKfFXE-00268-00090477-00090861 If you have that gift, you have a big portion zhLd3cKfFXE-00269-00090861-00090999 in having it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00270-00091134-00091634 Having it all also means finding a good spouse. zhLd3cKfFXE-00271-00091808-00092197 Again, Solomon says, he who finds a wife zhLd3cKfFXE-00272-00092197-00092697 finds a good thing and obtains a favor from the Lord, zhLd3cKfFXE-00273-00092725-00092969 Proverbs 18, verse 22. zhLd3cKfFXE-00274-00093059-00093365 Now, when Proverbs were written, in those days, zhLd3cKfFXE-00275-00093365-00093671 only the men took wives, zhLd3cKfFXE-00276-00093671-00094113 and so, it's written from a male or patriarchal society, zhLd3cKfFXE-00277-00094113-00094354 a man is the one who finds the wife. zhLd3cKfFXE-00278-00094354-00094622 But the reverse is equally true. zhLd3cKfFXE-00279-00094622-00094968 A woman who finds a good husband has found a blessing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00280-00094968-00095117 It works both ways. zhLd3cKfFXE-00281-00095233-00095405 We often give more attention zhLd3cKfFXE-00282-00095405-00095843 to buying a computer or a car or a piece of clothing zhLd3cKfFXE-00283-00095843-00096135 than we do to the spouse that we marry. zhLd3cKfFXE-00284-00096135-00096361 I've seen that, maybe more than you do, zhLd3cKfFXE-00285-00096361-00096669 because I'm in the type of work zhLd3cKfFXE-00286-00096669-00096924 where I get to meet a lot of young people zhLd3cKfFXE-00287-00096924-00097169 or individuals who are about to marry each other. zhLd3cKfFXE-00288-00097264-00097499 And sometimes I see two people and I say, zhLd3cKfFXE-00289-00097499-00097815 wow, this is a train wreck, this thing, zhLd3cKfFXE-00290-00097815-00098084 this is a train wreck that's going to happen here. zhLd3cKfFXE-00291-00098314-00098579 But then, sometimes, I see couples, zhLd3cKfFXE-00292-00098579-00098842 thankfully more times than not, zhLd3cKfFXE-00293-00098842-00099241 I see couples, wow, what a great combination this is. zhLd3cKfFXE-00294-00099241-00099624 And if they, if they keep going, they're going to do well. zhLd3cKfFXE-00295-00099624-00099911 You're so happy for them because they found each other. zhLd3cKfFXE-00296-00099911-00100266 He's found the right one, she's found the right one zhLd3cKfFXE-00297-00100266-00100380 for one another. zhLd3cKfFXE-00298-00100659-00101053 And that's so important because every aspect of our lives zhLd3cKfFXE-00299-00101053-00101553 will be affected by the person that we eventually marry. zhLd3cKfFXE-00300-00101612-00102100 So, to find a partner that loves the Lord first, zhLd3cKfFXE-00301-00102100-00102478 that is heaven-bound, that desires to love us zhLd3cKfFXE-00302-00102478-00102978 above all others, wow, that's a marvelous blessing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00303-00103008-00103244 The majority of people, they get married, zhLd3cKfFXE-00304-00103244-00103447 but they see marriage as the vehicle zhLd3cKfFXE-00305-00103447-00103715 that will get them the house, the car, the family, so on, zhLd3cKfFXE-00306-00103715-00103923 I'm going to get married, and then, we're going to get a house, zhLd3cKfFXE-00307-00103923-00104175 you know, it's part of the package. zhLd3cKfFXE-00308-00104281-00104558 And they don't realize that if you don't have, zhLd3cKfFXE-00309-00104558-00104677 if you don't have it all zhLd3cKfFXE-00310-00104677-00104952 because you have this particular partner, zhLd3cKfFXE-00311-00104952-00105222 then adding a car or adding a nicer house zhLd3cKfFXE-00312-00105222-00105502 or having children will not create happiness zhLd3cKfFXE-00313-00105502-00105731 or satisfaction within the marriage. zhLd3cKfFXE-00314-00105731-00106067 It's the marriage that's supposed to give you satisfaction, zhLd3cKfFXE-00315-00106067-00106292 not the stuff that you buy together. zhLd3cKfFXE-00316-00106292-00106527 Oh, it'll be great, we'll have two salaries coming in, zhLd3cKfFXE-00317-00106527-00106794 we'll be able to finally afford that SUV zhLd3cKfFXE-00318-00106794-00106882 that we want to buy. zhLd3cKfFXE-00319-00106882-00107216 That's not what creates happiness in marriage. zhLd3cKfFXE-00320-00107216-00107497 I'm happy because I'm married to that person, zhLd3cKfFXE-00321-00107585-00107827 no matter what we drive, no matter where we live, zhLd3cKfFXE-00322-00107827-00108143 no matter where we are, no matter how sick or not sick. zhLd3cKfFXE-00323-00108143-00108528 The happiness comes because I'm married to you! zhLd3cKfFXE-00324-00109031-00109531 The person who finds a spouse who sincerely loves the Lord, zhLd3cKfFXE-00325-00109610-00109901 who is filled with the spirit, zhLd3cKfFXE-00326-00109901-00110134 and who is led by the word of God, zhLd3cKfFXE-00327-00110134-00110343 oh my, oh my, oh my. zhLd3cKfFXE-00328-00110457-00110773 This person is the one who has it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00329-00110773-00111054 no matter where he or she lives, zhLd3cKfFXE-00330-00111054-00111343 no matter what he or she drives, zhLd3cKfFXE-00331-00111343-00111561 what a marvelous gift you have. zhLd3cKfFXE-00332-00111769-00112047 And then, maybe we could say that having it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00333-00112186-00112378 and I put this, it could've been first, zhLd3cKfFXE-00334-00112378-00112672 but I wanted to save it for the third point, zhLd3cKfFXE-00335-00112672-00113055 definitely requires finding zhLd3cKfFXE-00336-00113055-00113248 the savior of your soul. zhLd3cKfFXE-00337-00113368-00113547 No matter what you have, zhLd3cKfFXE-00338-00113547-00113958 there is nothing you can exchange for your soul. zhLd3cKfFXE-00339-00113958-00114257 You cannot talk your way into heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00340-00114257-00114524 You cannot work your way into heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00341-00114524-00114892 You cannot buy your way into heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00342-00114892-00115159 Regardless of what we have here on Earth, zhLd3cKfFXE-00343-00115159-00115569 before God, we're nothing, we are helpless. zhLd3cKfFXE-00344-00115569-00116010 We are covered with sin, we are covered with guilt. zhLd3cKfFXE-00345-00116100-00116481 Isaiah says it in this way, zhLd3cKfFXE-00346-00116481-00116827 for all of us have become like one who is unclean, zhLd3cKfFXE-00347-00116827-00117207 and all of our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment. zhLd3cKfFXE-00348-00117207-00117480 And all of us wither like a leaf, zhLd3cKfFXE-00349-00117480-00117961 and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away, zhLd3cKfFXE-00350-00117961-00118239 Isaiah chapter 64, verse six. zhLd3cKfFXE-00351-00118239-00118482 Isaiah was simply trying to say, look, zhLd3cKfFXE-00352-00118607-00119038 you cannot stand before God and have any righteousness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00353-00119038-00119431 You cannot be self-righteous before God. zhLd3cKfFXE-00354-00119431-00119641 That's why he says, even the good you do zhLd3cKfFXE-00355-00119641-00120033 is, they're like dirty rags in front of, in front of God, zhLd3cKfFXE-00356-00120033-00120256 that's how lost we are, all of us. zhLd3cKfFXE-00357-00120357-00120777 Each person needs a savior, whether they know it or not, zhLd3cKfFXE-00358-00120777-00121206 because all have sinned and all will face the wrath of God, zhLd3cKfFXE-00359-00121206-00121575 Romans 3:23 and 6:23. zhLd3cKfFXE-00360-00121575-00121924 So, Paul expresses both the plight and the anguish zhLd3cKfFXE-00361-00121924-00122254 felt by one who recognizes this reality zhLd3cKfFXE-00362-00122254-00122471 as well as the joy that one feels zhLd3cKfFXE-00363-00122471-00122666 when he finds the salvation. zhLd3cKfFXE-00364-00122666-00122876 When he says in Romans 7:24, zhLd3cKfFXE-00365-00122876-00123186 wretched man that I am, who will set me free zhLd3cKfFXE-00366-00123186-00123427 from this body of death? zhLd3cKfFXE-00367-00123427-00123620 He's saying what Isaiah is saying, zhLd3cKfFXE-00368-00123620-00123788 except he's looking at himself. zhLd3cKfFXE-00369-00123788-00124140 Isaiah's is talking about the human condition, zhLd3cKfFXE-00370-00124140-00124363 Paul is just looking at himself and he says, zhLd3cKfFXE-00371-00124363-00124616 well, I'm lost, I'm a lost person. zhLd3cKfFXE-00372-00124616-00124896 Who can save me from this wretched skin, zhLd3cKfFXE-00373-00124896-00125074 this wretched body of mine? zhLd3cKfFXE-00374-00125074-00125233 Who can save me from this? zhLd3cKfFXE-00375-00125233-00125353 I'm lost. zhLd3cKfFXE-00376-00125544-00125846 And so, in this verse, he reveals the fear zhLd3cKfFXE-00377-00125846-00126080 and the pain of a person who is lost zhLd3cKfFXE-00378-00126080-00126378 and knows that his own sinfulness is the cause zhLd3cKfFXE-00379-00126378-00126585 of this condition. zhLd3cKfFXE-00380-00126585-00126815 And in the next verse, or next chapter, zhLd3cKfFXE-00381-00126815-00127147 in chapter 8, verse one, he confesses his joy zhLd3cKfFXE-00382-00127147-00127373 at finding his savior and the salvation zhLd3cKfFXE-00383-00127373-00127604 that his savior brings, when he says, zhLd3cKfFXE-00384-00127604-00127810 there is therefore now no condemnation zhLd3cKfFXE-00385-00127810-00128095 for those who are in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1. zhLd3cKfFXE-00386-00128095-00128396 In other words, he's going, whew! zhLd3cKfFXE-00387-00128396-00128548 [laughs] Woo-hoo! zhLd3cKfFXE-00388-00128659-00128976 I took a look at myself and it wasn't very good, zhLd3cKfFXE-00389-00128976-00129239 and then, I realized, oh, but wait a minute. zhLd3cKfFXE-00390-00129239-00129676 [chuckles] Jesus has saved me, whew, woo. zhLd3cKfFXE-00391-00129789-00129946 Dodged that bullet. zhLd3cKfFXE-00392-00130167-00130646 Later on, Paul explains that salvation by Christ zhLd3cKfFXE-00393-00130646-00131006 brings the individual all the blessings zhLd3cKfFXE-00394-00131006-00131204 made available by God. zhLd3cKfFXE-00395-00131204-00131526 You might've said, he's talking about things zhLd3cKfFXE-00396-00131526-00131758 where you have it all, and of course, he's the preacher, zhLd3cKfFXE-00397-00131758-00132029 he's got to put in saving my soul. zhLd3cKfFXE-00398-00132113-00132342 Well, yeah, I do have to put in saving my soul, zhLd3cKfFXE-00399-00132342-00132628 but there's a very good reason that saving my soul zhLd3cKfFXE-00400-00132628-00132949 is part of having it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00401-00132949-00133253 Listen to what Paul says in Ephesians 1:3 zhLd3cKfFXE-00402-00133253-00133433 about having it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00403-00133433-00133683 He says, blessed be the God zhLd3cKfFXE-00404-00133683-00133951 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, zhLd3cKfFXE-00405-00133951-00134316 who has blessed us with, listen, zhLd3cKfFXE-00406-00134316-00134816 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings zhLd3cKfFXE-00407-00134842-00135188 in the heavenly places in Christ. zhLd3cKfFXE-00408-00135188-00135389 [hand thuds] zhLd3cKfFXE-00409-00135389-00135793 Paul is saying, if you have Christ, zhLd3cKfFXE-00410-00135793-00136143 if you have Christ as your savior, zhLd3cKfFXE-00411-00136143-00136585 you have every single blessing that God has created zhLd3cKfFXE-00412-00136687-00137093 and reserved for you in heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00413-00137093-00137499 In other words, if you have Christ as your savior, zhLd3cKfFXE-00414-00137499-00137959 you have it all as far as the spiritual blessings zhLd3cKfFXE-00415-00137959-00138056 are concerned. zhLd3cKfFXE-00416-00138056-00138556 And there are too many of them to list, too many to list. zhLd3cKfFXE-00417-00138629-00139021 Finding Jesus is finding the jackpot. zhLd3cKfFXE-00418-00139021-00139416 It's finding the pearl, as the Bible says. zhLd3cKfFXE-00419-00139416-00139749 And so, when you find satisfaction in your work zhLd3cKfFXE-00420-00139749-00140031 because your work is pretty much what you do zhLd3cKfFXE-00421-00140031-00140114 with your whole, zhLd3cKfFXE-00422-00140114-00140342 what does everybody say all the time, right? zhLd3cKfFXE-00423-00140436-00140622 I want to be healthy so that, you know, zhLd3cKfFXE-00424-00140622-00140885 I want to be able to work and I want to be useful. zhLd3cKfFXE-00425-00140885-00141107 I don't want to be sitting around in some sick bed zhLd3cKfFXE-00426-00141107-00141304 for 10 years, I want to be useful. zhLd3cKfFXE-00427-00141304-00141522 I don't know how many people have said to me, you know what? zhLd3cKfFXE-00428-00141522-00141730 I hope that God, I hope that I'm healthy zhLd3cKfFXE-00429-00141730-00141902 and I can work and I can do what I do, zhLd3cKfFXE-00430-00141902-00142135 and I'm useful to people, and so on and so forth, zhLd3cKfFXE-00431-00142135-00142469 and then the Lord will just take me, right? zhLd3cKfFXE-00432-00142469-00142639 I never heard anybody that ever said, zhLd3cKfFXE-00433-00142639-00142850 you know, I want to retire when I'm 65, zhLd3cKfFXE-00434-00142850-00143116 have five good years, and then, by the time I'm 70, zhLd3cKfFXE-00435-00143116-00143371 I want to be in a sick bed 'til I'm about 95, zhLd3cKfFXE-00436-00143371-00143573 and then I want to go to heaven, no! zhLd3cKfFXE-00437-00143660-00143854 I want to be useful, I want to be active, zhLd3cKfFXE-00438-00143854-00143983 I want to be able to do things, zhLd3cKfFXE-00439-00143983-00144153 I want to be, you know, so on and so forth, zhLd3cKfFXE-00440-00144153-00144405 and then, when the time comes for the Lord to get me, zhLd3cKfFXE-00441-00144405-00144514 just come and get me, Lord. zhLd3cKfFXE-00442-00144514-00144731 Don't let me drag around down here. zhLd3cKfFXE-00443-00144952-00145287 And so, when you find the ability zhLd3cKfFXE-00444-00145287-00145498 to be satisfied in what you do, zhLd3cKfFXE-00445-00145498-00145678 you've pretty found satisfaction zhLd3cKfFXE-00446-00145678-00146141 with everything that happens in your earthly life. zhLd3cKfFXE-00447-00146141-00146319 And when you find a good spouse, zhLd3cKfFXE-00448-00146319-00146490 you know what you've done? zhLd3cKfFXE-00449-00146490-00146811 You have found the other piece of your life zhLd3cKfFXE-00450-00146811-00147071 with which you can share that satisfaction. zhLd3cKfFXE-00451-00147290-00147539 When you find the right spouse, zhLd3cKfFXE-00452-00147539-00147824 you have found the person to whom you say, zhLd3cKfFXE-00453-00147824-00148068 isn't that a beautiful sunset? zhLd3cKfFXE-00454-00148192-00148545 And she says, yes, praise God for that. zhLd3cKfFXE-00455-00148773-00149106 If you have that moment with your spouse, zhLd3cKfFXE-00456-00149106-00149410 you've got everything there is to have here on Earth, zhLd3cKfFXE-00457-00149567-00149650 everything. zhLd3cKfFXE-00458-00149986-00150232 But when you find Jesus Christ, zhLd3cKfFXE-00459-00150317-00150640 you have then found the key to heaven zhLd3cKfFXE-00460-00150640-00150931 and all the treasures therein. zhLd3cKfFXE-00461-00151060-00151478 If you found Jesus, you've truly got it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00462-00151478-00151855 and if you don't, it doesn't matter what you have, zhLd3cKfFXE-00463-00151855-00152022 it'll never be enough. zhLd3cKfFXE-00464-00152147-00152406 You know, sermons usually have a point zhLd3cKfFXE-00465-00152406-00152753 or an objective, and I have a couple of objectives zhLd3cKfFXE-00466-00152753-00153066 with this particular sermon as I close it out this evening. zhLd3cKfFXE-00467-00153167-00153450 Number one, I want you to strive for the things zhLd3cKfFXE-00468-00153450-00153733 that truly satisfy you in this life, zhLd3cKfFXE-00469-00153845-00154184 joy from you work or your activities, zhLd3cKfFXE-00470-00154184-00154432 and joy in a loving marriage. zhLd3cKfFXE-00471-00154519-00154851 These, excuse me, there are other things, zhLd3cKfFXE-00472-00154851-00155067 but these are the ones worth working on. zhLd3cKfFXE-00473-00155067-00155350 These are the things worth sacrificing for. zhLd3cKfFXE-00474-00155350-00155588 These are the things being careful with. zhLd3cKfFXE-00475-00155588-00155865 Be careful with your marriage, be careful with your work. zhLd3cKfFXE-00476-00155865-00156051 Don't bump that stuff around. zhLd3cKfFXE-00477-00156163-00156322 These things are precious. zhLd3cKfFXE-00478-00156529-00156936 I once saw the biography of a woman zhLd3cKfFXE-00479-00156936-00157138 called Christina Onassis. zhLd3cKfFXE-00480-00157138-00157430 Remember Aristotle Onassis, the billionaire? zhLd3cKfFXE-00481-00157430-00157683 He was married to Jackie Kennedy for a time? zhLd3cKfFXE-00482-00157683-00158006 He died and he left his daughter, Christina, zhLd3cKfFXE-00483-00158006-00158272 a billion dollars, that was her inheritance, zhLd3cKfFXE-00484-00158272-00158496 a billion dollars. zhLd3cKfFXE-00485-00158496-00158933 Christina Onassis died when she was 38 years old. zhLd3cKfFXE-00486-00158933-00159207 She had been married four times, zhLd3cKfFXE-00487-00159207-00159519 she was addicted to, and barbiturates, zhLd3cKfFXE-00488-00159519-00159952 and she was terribly unhappy, by her own admission. zhLd3cKfFXE-00489-00159952-00160208 She never found happiness. zhLd3cKfFXE-00490-00160208-00160512 And in watching her story, it became evident zhLd3cKfFXE-00491-00160512-00160880 that she never found the right man, zhLd3cKfFXE-00492-00160880-00161182 and she never found the right cause. zhLd3cKfFXE-00493-00161182-00161546 Her money always got in the way. zhLd3cKfFXE-00494-00161546-00161840 You can have it all in this life zhLd3cKfFXE-00495-00161840-00162074 if you know what to look for. zhLd3cKfFXE-00496-00162074-00162354 So, one of the objectives of the lessons zhLd3cKfFXE-00497-00162354-00162621 is to point you in the right direction. zhLd3cKfFXE-00498-00162621-00162838 It's never too late to be looking zhLd3cKfFXE-00499-00162838-00163075 for the right things. zhLd3cKfFXE-00500-00163075-00163371 Secondly, I want you to truly have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00501-00163371-00163626 I want everyone to have it all, zhLd3cKfFXE-00502-00163626-00163905 and that's not possible without the blessings of heaven zhLd3cKfFXE-00503-00163905-00164280 provided only through Jesus Christ, the Savior. zhLd3cKfFXE-00504-00164280-00164503 We can have it all in this world, zhLd3cKfFXE-00505-00164503-00164791 but only for a short time. zhLd3cKfFXE-00506-00164791-00165112 Jesus promises all the blessings of heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00507-00165112-00165321 Remember, I said too many to enumerate? zhLd3cKfFXE-00508-00165321-00165498 There are some that I could say. zhLd3cKfFXE-00509-00165604-00165850 How about power, spiritual power? zhLd3cKfFXE-00510-00165850-00166018 There's a blessing we'll have in heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00511-00166018-00166381 Purity, joy, peace, sonship, knowledge? zhLd3cKfFXE-00512-00166381-00166506 Just to name a few. zhLd3cKfFXE-00513-00166616-00166933 And Jesus guarantees these things forever. zhLd3cKfFXE-00514-00166933-00167110 Imagine, forever. zhLd3cKfFXE-00515-00167230-00167439 I want you to strive for these things zhLd3cKfFXE-00516-00167439-00167682 because in the world, a good spouse zhLd3cKfFXE-00517-00167682-00168003 or a joyful, you know, joyful work, zhLd3cKfFXE-00518-00168003-00168211 sometimes, we lose those things, zhLd3cKfFXE-00519-00168211-00168476 and sometimes those things are interrupted. zhLd3cKfFXE-00520-00168476-00168775 But the blessings of heaven are for everyone zhLd3cKfFXE-00521-00168775-00168987 and they're for always. zhLd3cKfFXE-00522-00168987-00169346 And then, finally, I want you to pursue your blessings, zhLd3cKfFXE-00523-00169346-00169657 I want you to pursue them in the right way. zhLd3cKfFXE-00524-00169657-00169947 You see, you can have it all but there are some rules zhLd3cKfFXE-00525-00169947-00170272 to having it all, and the most important one zhLd3cKfFXE-00526-00170272-00170378 is the following, zhLd3cKfFXE-00527-00170552-00170825 you cannot do what is wrong zhLd3cKfFXE-00528-00170825-00171191 and expect to have the right outcome. zhLd3cKfFXE-00529-00171191-00171574 It's like computers, if you put junk in, zhLd3cKfFXE-00530-00171574-00171854 then you're going to get junk out. zhLd3cKfFXE-00531-00171854-00172212 For example, you can't goof off and neglect training zhLd3cKfFXE-00532-00172212-00172461 for something or refuse to make an effort, zhLd3cKfFXE-00533-00172461-00172853 but then end up with a totally satisfying job or vocation. zhLd3cKfFXE-00534-00172997-00173272 Or you can't ignore your partner or cheat on them zhLd3cKfFXE-00535-00173272-00173449 and treat them without respect zhLd3cKfFXE-00536-00173449-00173734 and hope to be happy in your marriage. zhLd3cKfFXE-00537-00173734-00173834 See what I'm saying? zhLd3cKfFXE-00538-00173951-00174169 And you can't live without faith zhLd3cKfFXE-00539-00174169-00174528 and refuse to obey Christ and act in a worldly zhLd3cKfFXE-00540-00174528-00174842 and immoral way and then expect God zhLd3cKfFXE-00541-00174842-00175057 to give you all the blessings of heaven. zhLd3cKfFXE-00542-00175310-00175591 In this sense, you can't have it all. zhLd3cKfFXE-00543-00175705-00175943 But for those who search for the right things zhLd3cKfFXE-00544-00175943-00176383 in the right way, God is gracious and kind, zhLd3cKfFXE-00545-00176383-00176558 and He's eager to bless us zhLd3cKfFXE-00546-00176558-00177025 with all the blessings of this life and the next life. zhLd3cKfFXE-00547-00177114-00177549 If that's your case, if you have satisfaction in your life, zhLd3cKfFXE-00548-00177549-00177783 in other words, you enjoy what you do, zhLd3cKfFXE-00549-00177783-00178036 you're able to find satisfaction in the small, zhLd3cKfFXE-00550-00178036-00178459 if that's you, and if you have a partner in life zhLd3cKfFXE-00551-00178459-00178851 that shares that with you, then give thanks zhLd3cKfFXE-00552-00178851-00179197 and praise God every day for your many blessings. zhLd3cKfFXE-00553-00179197-00179489 This is the responsibility, don't feel guilty zhLd3cKfFXE-00554-00179489-00179614 'cause you've got it! zhLd3cKfFXE-00555-00179710-00180087 Be happy that you have it, give thanks for it! zhLd3cKfFXE-00556-00180087-00180335 This is how good God is. zhLd3cKfFXE-00557-00180335-00180698 He gives you something that you will enjoy zhLd3cKfFXE-00558-00180698-00181074 so that you can have the further joy of praising Him zhLd3cKfFXE-00559-00181074-00181240 for the good that He's given you. zhLd3cKfFXE-00560-00181240-00181508 What a, what a God we have. zhLd3cKfFXE-00561-00181508-00181678 How generous is He? zhLd3cKfFXE-00562-00181772-00182163 Now, for those who may be missing out on these things, zhLd3cKfFXE-00563-00182163-00182395 of course, that's why we meet, zhLd3cKfFXE-00564-00182395-00182601 that's why the Church is there, zhLd3cKfFXE-00565-00182601-00182921 if you need prayer or help to strengthen your life zhLd3cKfFXE-00566-00182921-00183308 here on Earth, or if you'd like to secure for yourself zhLd3cKfFXE-00567-00183308-00183642 the blessings of heaven through faith in Christ, zhLd3cKfFXE-00568-00183642-00183946 you can take that first step this very evening, zhLd3cKfFXE-00569-00183946-00184185 confess in His name, repenting of your sins, zhLd3cKfFXE-00570-00184185-00184455 of course, being buried in the waters of baptism, zhLd3cKfFXE-00571-00184455-00184901 that's the first step in receiving Christ zhLd3cKfFXE-00572-00184901-00185163 and the guarantee of all the blessing. zhLd3cKfFXE-00573-00185163-00185462 So, whatever you have, whether it be an opportunity zhLd3cKfFXE-00574-00185462-00185930 to give thanks or the need to confess Christ, zhLd3cKfFXE-00575-00185930-00186168 we have gathered here tonight to do that. zhLd3cKfFXE-00576-00186168-00186376 If you need to come forward, zhLd3cKfFXE-00577-00186376-00186612 then we do encourage you to do so zhLd3cKfFXE-00578-00186612-00186940 as we stand and as we sing the song of encouragement. zlpMOoxnQCI-00000-00000371-00000413 Oh wow zlRN9ACZkN4-00000-00000000-00000200 this puppy has a lot of mood Z2j3HAr2WX4-00000-00000011-00000521 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00001-00000521-00001117 In September, 1902, Natchez baseball fans rode the trolley out to Old Concord Park to Z2j3HAr2WX4-00002-00001117-00001650 watch the Natchez Indians clinch the first ever Cotton States League Championship in extra innings. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00003-00001654-00002214 The Cotton States League ran from 1902 to 1908 as a class D league and Natchez fielded Z2j3HAr2WX4-00004-00002214-00003010 the Indians in the 1902 and 1903 seasons, followed by the Natchez Hill Climbers in 1904 and 1905. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00005-00003016-00003454 A Baton Rouge paper noted that Indians were “fast fielders, good hitters and proved Z2j3HAr2WX4-00006-00003454-00003954 hardy base runners”…they were in “good shape and play a scientific game.” Z2j3HAr2WX4-00007-00003954-00004398 The Natchez Democrat offered some advice to the fans and spectators of Natchez baseball. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00008-00004398-00004882 “The way to get work out of any ball club is to encourage the players by your presence Z2j3HAr2WX4-00009-00004882-00005288 and with your applause and that applause should be given the visitors just as liberally as Z2j3HAr2WX4-00010-00005288-00005754 the home boys, especially if the play made is an extra good one. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00011-00005754-00006171 People go to see good ball playing,” the paper noted, “and therefore good plays should Z2j3HAr2WX4-00012-00006171-00006348 be applauded.” Z2j3HAr2WX4-00013-00006348-00006823 The Cotton States league shut down in 1908 but was revived four more times with Natchez Z2j3HAr2WX4-00014-00006823-00007392 once again fielding a team known as the Indians from 1948 to 1953. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00015-00007392-00007845 In addition to the Cotton States League, Natchez was also represented in the Evangeline Baseball Z2j3HAr2WX4-00016-00007845-00008392 League, a six-team Class-D minor league that began in 1934. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00017-00008392-00008737 This league was composed primarily of Louisiana teams. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00018-00008737-00009433 The Natchez Pilgrims debuted in 1941, followed by the Natchez Giants in 1942 and in 1946 and 1947. Z2j3HAr2WX4-00019-00009700-00010115 Hi, I’m Jarrett Hoffpauir, a former major leaguer, currently the head baseball coach Z2j3HAr2WX4-00020-00010115-00010378 at Delta Charter School and this has been your Natchez History Minute. Z5afH-uUmrI-00000-00000000-00000200 This lullaby is perfect for babies and kids going to bed Z6L0H6RMPAA-00000-00000012-00000192 - Talked about isotopes Z6L0H6RMPAA-00001-00000192-00000516 and we're gonna use isotopes to get back to these Z6L0H6RMPAA-00002-00000516-00000900 average molar masses that we've talked about before. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00003-00000900-00001122 And remember, it is these numbers Z6L0H6RMPAA-00004-00001122-00001371 underneath each of the chemical symbols Z6L0H6RMPAA-00005-00001371-00001704 on the periodic table that are the average molar mass Z6L0H6RMPAA-00006-00001704-00001857 for each of these elements. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00007-00001857-00002016 But how does that, how do we get that? Z6L0H6RMPAA-00008-00002016-00002214 That's what we're gonna talk about now. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00009-00002214-00002513 So the average molar mass is the average molar mass. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00010-00002513-00002736 So it's under each chemical symbol Z6L0H6RMPAA-00011-00002736-00003236 and it is averaged overall stable isotopes found in nature. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00012-00003240-00003479 So, and this is automatically done for us Z6L0H6RMPAA-00013-00003479-00003608 by the periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00014-00003608-00004031 As we mentioned before, carbon is 98.89%, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00015-00004031-00004531 carbon 12 with a molar mass of 12.0000 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00016-00004572-00004719 grams per mole. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00017-00004719-00004980 The other stable isotope is Z6L0H6RMPAA-00018-00004980-00005307 1.11% carbon 13 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00019-00005307-00005547 with the molar mass given there. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00020-00005547-00005835 And this is a straight average, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00021-00005835-00006126 so if you wanted to know the average over these Z6L0H6RMPAA-00022-00006126-00006362 you do what's called a weighted average. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00023-00006362-00006718 You would say, in here, so average molar mass Z6L0H6RMPAA-00024-00007041-00007184 is going to be Z6L0H6RMPAA-00025-00007184-00007452 the mass Z6L0H6RMPAA-00026-00007452-00007692 of isotope number one, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00027-00007692-00007856 and I'll put this in parentheses, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00028-00008367-00008685 mass of isotope number one times its percent, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00029-00008904-00009258 plus mass of isotope number two times its percent. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00030-00010110-00010380 And this is a completely general formula, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00031-00010380-00010674 so, dot, dot, dot just means Z6L0H6RMPAA-00032-00010674-00011004 there could be a third one, there could be a fourth one. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00033-00011004-00011124 You'll see third ones, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00034-00011124-00011388 I don't know if we'll see any fourth ones Z6L0H6RMPAA-00035-00011388-00011520 in the problems that you'll be solving Z6L0H6RMPAA-00036-00011520-00011781 but, it's a completely general system. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00037-00011952-00012094 Oh, divided by Z6L0H6RMPAA-00038-00012288-00012468 100%. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00039-00012468-00012660 And I use percents here, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00040-00012660-00013002 so you may see, if you go to Khan Academy or elsewhere Z6L0H6RMPAA-00041-00013002-00013161 that they use fraction Z6L0H6RMPAA-00042-00013161-00013410 and what are called fractional abundances Z6L0H6RMPAA-00043-00013410-00013557 instead of percents, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00044-00013557-00013935 so those would just be a slightly different way Z6L0H6RMPAA-00045-00013935-00014207 but totally equivalent way of doing it. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00046-00014207-00014438 You'll get the same answers. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00047-00014438-00014577 And hopefully we'll get the answers Z6L0H6RMPAA-00048-00014577-00014766 that are on the periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00049-00014766-00015244 So, a mass of isotope one is 12.0000 grams per mole. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00050-00015588-00015915 Its percent is 98.89%. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00051-00015915-00015998 Percent. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00052-00016179-00016262 And, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00053-00016428-00016842 we're not gonna spend very much time talking about this Z6L0H6RMPAA-00054-00016842-00017310 but you can see that carbon 12 is 12.0000. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00055-00017310-00017742 Carbon 12 is actually the definition of an isotope Z6L0H6RMPAA-00056-00017742-00017895 that has a mass Z6L0H6RMPAA-00057-00017895-00018294 and so it is really 12.00000; Z6L0H6RMPAA-00058-00018294-00018495 It has infinite sig figs with it. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00059-00018495-00018684 I just cut it off at four here. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00060-00018816-00019092 But, cause that's gonna be more than we need anyway. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00061-00019092-00019485 But, there is a definitional aspect of carbon 12 here Z6L0H6RMPAA-00062-00019485-00019713 that doesn't really concern us Z6L0H6RMPAA-00063-00019713-00019807 to be honest, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00064-00019807-00020061 at our layer of the chemistry onion. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00065-00020247-00020340 And, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00066-00020469-00020552 mass. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00067-00020979-00021147 I will say if you have any questions about that, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00068-00021147-00021273 please do ask. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00069-00021360-00021474 I'm happy to talk about this Z6L0H6RMPAA-00070-00021474-00021649 or anything that we have to do Z6L0H6RMPAA-00071-00021789-00021897 beyond class, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00072-00021897-00022152 especially during office hours or by email. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00073-00022287-00022475 Over 100%. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00074-00022629-00022836 And let's type this into our calculators. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00075-00022959-00023244 We have 12.0000, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00076-00023244-00023466 which I'll just enter as 12 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00077-00023466-00023730 times 98.89. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00078-00023823-00024108 Now, calculators do follow order of operations, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00079-00024108-00024330 so I'm gonna hit the plus sign Z6L0H6RMPAA-00080-00024330-00024621 and then I'm gonna still do the multiplication here Z6L0H6RMPAA-00081-00024621-00024927 and it will know to multiply these two numbers Z6L0H6RMPAA-00082-00024927-00025182 before adding it to this number. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00083-00025182-00025446 So, times, I hit times already. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00084-00025578-00025905 13.0033. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00085-00026166-00026400 It did not.(laughs) Z6L0H6RMPAA-00086-00026400-00026538 I speak too quickly. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00087-00026538-00026708 I think my calculator is too simple. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00088-00026708-00026826 So, all right, so let's do it again. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00089-00026826-00027231 12 times 98.89. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00090-00027231-00027314 All right, so I get Z6L0H6RMPAA-00091-00027314-00027681 1186.68. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00092-00027681-00028047 And shh, I'm gonna leave off units for a minute. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00093-00028047-00028227 All right, we'll put 'em back in a minute. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00094-00028227-00028632 And then 13.0033 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00095-00028632-00028883 times 1.11. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00096-00028883-00029307 I get 14.433663. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00097-00029391-00029601 I know I have way too many sig figs Z6L0H6RMPAA-00098-00029601-00029783 but we'll worry about that later. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00099-00029783-00030129 In fact, this is lecture, so all your answer, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00100-00030129-00030312 well we're actually, for molar mass here, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00101-00030312-00030489 we're actually gonna make sure we compare it Z6L0H6RMPAA-00102-00030489-00030780 to the number on the periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00103-00030780-00030924 And the numbers on the periodic table Z6L0H6RMPAA-00104-00030924-00031122 all have four sig figs, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00105-00031122-00031347 so, we are gonna keep four sig figs Z6L0H6RMPAA-00106-00031347-00031530 but this is a special case. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00107-00031614-00031962 Normally, three sig figs is always fine for lecture. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00108-00032094-00032250 Over hundred percent. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00109-00032250-00032388 And again, we kept way more than that, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00110-00032388-00032639 but let's see how it works out. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00111-00032639-00032980 So 1186.68 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00112-00033117-00033617 plus 14.433663 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00113-00033630-00033888 equals divided by 100. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00114-00034011-00034105 We get 12.011 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00115-00034434-00034904 equals 12.01, well, and we're only keeping four sig figs Z6L0H6RMPAA-00116-00034904-00035154 and it will match the periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00117-00035154-00035319 I'll get it in a second. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00118-00035319-00035571 Checking our units, we can see Z6L0H6RMPAA-00119-00035571-00035844 that our percent units of percent cancel out Z6L0H6RMPAA-00120-00035844-00036060 and we're left with grams per mole, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00121-00036207-00036306 which is good. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00122-00036306-00036645 That's what we're average molar mass should have for units. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00123-00036645-00036972 And 12.01 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00124-00036972-00037089 and even in fact, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00125-00037224-00037518 the, it was 12.011. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00126-00037518-00037896 If you go to periodic tables that have five sig figs Z6L0H6RMPAA-00127-00037896-00038310 for molar masses, for carbon, you'll see 12.011. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00128-00038310-00038727 So it is, there are more sig figs out there for us. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00129-00038937-00039207 And that's averaging over. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00130-00039207-00039399 There's only two stable isotopes. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00131-00039399-00039615 We averaged over both of them. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00132-00039615-00039951 So, and we got the number on the periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00133-00039951-00040212 So that is, that's where those numbers come from Z6L0H6RMPAA-00134-00040212-00040449 and somebody has done all the work for us. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00135-00040563-00040767 Oh and 2, the average molar mass Z6L0H6RMPAA-00136-00040767-00041010 is the mass of one mole of substance Z6L0H6RMPAA-00137-00041010-00041139 if you measure in the lab. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00138-00041139-00041526 So, if you are doing an experiment with carbon in the lab Z6L0H6RMPAA-00139-00041526-00041730 or anything that contains carbon, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00140-00041730-00042096 you are getting 12.01 grams per mole. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00141-00042096-00042357 You can use that for any of your calculations. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00142-00042633-00043014 Now magnesium has three stable isotopes. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00143-00043014-00043221 We've got their abundance, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00144-00043221-00043721 which is another word for how much it occurs in nature. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00145-00044706-00045156 And we're gonna do protons and neutrons as well here. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00146-00045156-00045339 So, magnesium, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00147-00045339-00045514 well, let's get our periodic table. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00148-00045626-00045786 Magnesium's right here. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00149-00045786-00046185 Magnesium has 12 protons for all atoms of magnesium. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00150-00046464-00046693 We like those kinds of questions.(smirks) Z6L0H6RMPAA-00151-00046693-00046926 Now, number of neutrons, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00152-00046926-00047097 we have to do the subtraction here. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00153-00047097-00047597 So, we'll have 12 neutrons, 13 and 14 neutrons. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00154-00047679-00047874 And you can see that Z6L0H6RMPAA-00155-00047874-00047985 if there's, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00156-00047985-00048357 the mass numbers are very close to the grams per mole, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00157-00048357-00048549 but not exact. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00158-00048549-00048855 The only one that is exact is carbon 12 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00159-00048855-00049059 and that was our definition. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00160-00049146-00049584 Carbon 12 is 12.000000000, et cetera. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00161-00049584-00049836 But everything else is just relatively close. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00162-00049836-00050292 So, and at least one of the problems on the homework Z6L0H6RMPAA-00163-00050292-00050760 asks you to write it out just like this. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00164-00050760-00051081 So, showing all of your calculation. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00165-00051195-00051360 Please do it. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00166-00051360-00051561 All right, so we're gonna do this one more time Z6L0H6RMPAA-00167-00051561-00051767 and this is going to be, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00168-00051767-00052086 oh, so average molar mass, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00169-00052365-00052865 is gonna equal mass times percent plus mass times percent Z6L0H6RMPAA-00170-00052890-00053055 plus mass times percent. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00171-00053248-00053364 I'm gonna write it up. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00172-00053670-00053892 23.985 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00173-00053892-00054185 grams per mole, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00174-00054185-00054285 78.99%, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00175-00054539-00054673 plus Z6L0H6RMPAA-00176-00054673-00054756 24.986 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00177-00054945-00055095 grams per mole, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00178-00055241-00055482 10.00% Z6L0H6RMPAA-00179-00055701-00055848 plus Z6L0H6RMPAA-00180-00055848-00056136 25.983 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00181-00056136-00056238 grams per mole, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00182-00056238-00056454 and I'll stack 'em up there to save space, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00183-00056670-00057003 percent, over 100%. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00184-00057003-00057304 And please make sure that you check this Z6L0H6RMPAA-00185-00057304-00057624 and all the calculations that we do Z6L0H6RMPAA-00186-00057624-00057767 as you go through. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00187-00057767-00057997 23.985 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00188-00058166-00058529 times 78.99. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00189-00058529-00058655 Now I'm gonna get fancier; Z6L0H6RMPAA-00190-00058655-00058788 I'm gonna try and get fancy. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00191-00058788-00059007 I'm gonna use my parenthesis buttons Z6L0H6RMPAA-00192-00059007-00059203 cause now I know my calculator doesn't Z6L0H6RMPAA-00193-00059291-00059625 do the math in order of operations that I'd hoped. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00194-00059625-00059721 All right, so, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00195-00059721-00059851 plus, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00196-00059851-00059973 open parenthesis, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00197-00059973-00060139 24.986 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00198-00060339-00060522 times 10, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00199-00060726-00060888 plus, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00200-00060888-00061026 open parenthesis, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00201-00061026-00061353 25.983 Z6L0H6RMPAA-00202-00061353-00061436 times Z6L0H6RMPAA-00203-00061436-00061632 11.01, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00204-00061632-00061800 close parenthesis. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00205-00061800-00061941 Equals. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00206-00061941-00062295 And I get 2430.5, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00207-00062295-00062729 that's all of the top done using parenthesis; Z6L0H6RMPAA-00208-00062729-00062895 correctly I think. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00209-00062895-00063029 Over 100%, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00210-00063029-00063282 so I'm gonna divide by 100. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00211-00063282-00063633 And I get 24.305. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00212-00063957-00064059 And, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00213-00064287-00064383 let's see. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00214-00064383-00064782 Our periodic table actually has 24.30. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00215-00064782-00065061 I'm not sure what's going on with the rounding there. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00216-00065244-00065492 But close enough for me. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00217-00065492-00065793 So, and you will find, Z6L0H6RMPAA-00218-00065892-00066084 I'll have to look into that actually. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00219-00066084-00066315 So that's our second example. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00220-00066315-00066504 Here's a third example Z6L0H6RMPAA-00221-00066504-00066810 and I do want you to work this example in your notes. Z6L0H6RMPAA-00222-00066810-00066954 I will be looking for it Z6L0H6RMPAA-00223-00066954-00067227 and please write it out just like I did. Z6LlTRTHjD0-00000-00000056-00000744 11 online marketing newbie secrets that guarantee success hey everybody j.r fisher here i'm going Z6LlTRTHjD0-00001-00000744-00001368 to give you the secrets you need the secrets you need to actually be successful online when i first Z6LlTRTHjD0-00002-00001368-00001839 started online i got to tell you i didn't know anything i knew that there had to be a way to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00003-00001839-00002328 make money online because i saw people doing it and i figured they couldn't be any smarter than Z6LlTRTHjD0-00004-00002328-00002824 me they just knew things i didn't know so that's why i want to share things with you in this video Z6LlTRTHjD0-00005-00002824-00003215 so that you know these things so you don't have to learn from experience because when you learn from Z6LlTRTHjD0-00006-00003215-00003632 experience it's painful you have a lot of failures you have a lot of losses i don't want to see that Z6LlTRTHjD0-00007-00003632-00004096 happen to you hey if you're new here don't forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below Z6LlTRTHjD0-00008-00004096-00004656 don't forget to ring the bell there's gonna be a bell that's gonna pop up as soon as you subscribe Z6LlTRTHjD0-00009-00004656-00005048 and you need to turn on all notifications so that you know every time i go live Z6LlTRTHjD0-00010-00005048-00005552 or i upload a video just like this one so when i first got started i thought wow Z6LlTRTHjD0-00011-00005552-00005984 i mean you put products on ebay right that's what you do i mean that's that's pretty much all there Z6LlTRTHjD0-00012-00005984-00006456 was in 2009 i mean there were other things out there and people had websites but it seemed like Z6LlTRTHjD0-00013-00006456-00006992 everybody was selling on ebay so that's where i started out now as time goes on things change Z6LlTRTHjD0-00014-00006992-00007480 and they have changed a lot so this is really up to date for today uh when you're watching Z6LlTRTHjD0-00015-00007480-00007959 this right now these things are working right now so i want to go through a list of them with you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00016-00007959-00008496 you can make a list off to the side or you can stop this video and you can write down things or Z6LlTRTHjD0-00017-00008496-00009048 you can come back and do them as you're actually watching the video any of those things will work Z6LlTRTHjD0-00018-00009048-00009536 so try those out okay so let's get on with number one first when you're starting online i know you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00019-00009536-00010104 want to immediately make money but there are some things you can do that will almost guarantee your Z6LlTRTHjD0-00020-00010104-00010728 success in the future and the number one thing is develop a good seo strategy okay Z6LlTRTHjD0-00021-00010728-00011480 so what is seo seo is search engine optimization and what it is it allows your website and your Z6LlTRTHjD0-00022-00011480-00012088 pages to show up in searches so that you can get traffic it shows up in the search results Z6LlTRTHjD0-00023-00012088-00012696 now you're not going to get immediate results on seo when you're setting up your meta titles and Z6LlTRTHjD0-00024-00012696-00013191 your descriptions and your tags and all that it's not an immediate thing the search engines have to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00025-00013191-00013800 find your site however if you do this now in the future you're going to get more and more results Z6LlTRTHjD0-00026-00013800-00014319 and more and more traffic so it's really important if you're doing a web page that you do have a good Z6LlTRTHjD0-00027-00014319-00014896 seo strategy if you don't understand what seo is you can watch another video to search seo Z6LlTRTHjD0-00028-00014896-00015391 on my channel and i have over a thousand videos you'll find one on seo and it'll show you exactly Z6LlTRTHjD0-00029-00015391-00016063 what you need to do number two pick the right e-commerce platform boy i can't i can't say enough Z6LlTRTHjD0-00030-00016063-00016544 about this because so many people want a quick and easy website and they go they go to you know Z6LlTRTHjD0-00031-00016544-00016952 godaddy or they go to wix or something like that and they throw together a website so they can have Z6LlTRTHjD0-00032-00016952-00017576 one real quick the problem with that is they don't really give you a lot of leeway you can't really Z6LlTRTHjD0-00033-00017576-00018144 customize your site so i'm gonna recommend wordpress okay for the basic user wordpress Z6LlTRTHjD0-00034-00018144-00018616 is probably one of the best ones out there now there's other ones that you want to accompany that Z6LlTRTHjD0-00035-00018680-00019104 and that would be cartridge now cartridge is not really a place for you to build a website Z6LlTRTHjD0-00036-00019104-00019504 however it's an email marketing tool that you're going to need along with your website and you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00037-00019504-00020080 can build pages in cartridge that you can seo and get traffic to those pages so i'm going to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00038-00020080-00020576 recommend those now if you're higher level let's say you're a bigger merchant you've got thousands Z6LlTRTHjD0-00039-00020576-00020968 of products and you've got distributors that are logging in and retail customers logging in Z6LlTRTHjD0-00040-00021024-00021616 i would recommend magento magento is really good i have magento for our survival food company Z6LlTRTHjD0-00041-00021616-00022064 uh and we've done extremely well with magento but it's a much higher level type website for Z6LlTRTHjD0-00042-00022064-00022616 the basic user i'm gonna recommend wordpress if you're doing e-commerce and you're only going to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00043-00022616-00023120 be doing some e-commerce products shopify is a great way to go shopify has a lot of Z6LlTRTHjD0-00044-00023120-00023616 templates in there a lot of easy ways to do stuff and i will have links below for these things so Z6LlTRTHjD0-00045-00023616-00024008 just look down in the description and you can get links for all of these things i'm talking about Z6LlTRTHjD0-00046-00024008-00024552 right now number three is reduce friction this is one of the biggest things you can do to get more Z6LlTRTHjD0-00047-00024552-00025112 sales and what i mean by reduced friction i mean make it easy for the person coming to your website Z6LlTRTHjD0-00048-00025112-00025536 to buy your product or your service don't make them jump through a lot of hoops don't make them Z6LlTRTHjD0-00049-00025536-00025976 search all over your website to get information have great pictures have great descriptions Z6LlTRTHjD0-00050-00026039-00026744 have faqs have bullet points about your products really describe what it is and make it easy to buy Z6LlTRTHjD0-00051-00026744-00027288 one-click shopping is great if they can set up an account that makes it a whole lot easier however Z6LlTRTHjD0-00052-00027288-00027744 don't make them set up an account to actually shop on your store i've seen stores do that to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00053-00027744-00028104 where they can't check out unless they set up an account and some people don't want to put their Z6LlTRTHjD0-00054-00028104-00028568 information there so make it easy for them have a whole lot of different payment methods in there Z6LlTRTHjD0-00055-00028568-00029032 let them use paypal let them use after pay let them use mastercard visa american express whatever Z6LlTRTHjD0-00056-00029032-00029576 they want you want to reduce the friction to give more sales number four don't send your customers Z6LlTRTHjD0-00057-00029576-00030176 away yeah a lot of people do that they put a lot of social links even on their product pages when Z6LlTRTHjD0-00058-00030176-00030704 they see that little uh emblem for facebook or instagram or you know whatever it is they may Z6LlTRTHjD0-00059-00030704-00031168 click and go away and you may miss the sale if you want to put those social links that's fine Z6LlTRTHjD0-00060-00031168-00031632 but do it in the footer somewhere discreet where if they're looking for your social media they can Z6LlTRTHjD0-00061-00031632-00032000 find it but it's not going to be distracting when they're trying to purchase your products Z6LlTRTHjD0-00062-00032000-00032527 number five invest in your website now this can be money this can be time but you've got to make Z6LlTRTHjD0-00063-00032527-00032992 your site good nowadays if you have a shoddy looking website and it it looks like you've Z6LlTRTHjD0-00064-00032992-00033416 got old pictures in there and you don't have good descriptions people are just going to leave you've Z6LlTRTHjD0-00065-00033416-00033960 got to really spend time on your website now it's got to look like a thing of beauty and simplicity Z6LlTRTHjD0-00066-00033960-00034496 those are the two things you're searching for when you're setting up your website number six you've Z6LlTRTHjD0-00067-00034496-00035064 got to live and breathe the digital lifestyle and what do i mean by that i mean you have got to know Z6LlTRTHjD0-00068-00035064-00035496 this stuff too many people starting out say well i just want to hire somebody to do my seo and i Z6LlTRTHjD0-00069-00035496-00035920 want to hire somebody to do my website and i want to hire somebody to set up all my payment methods Z6LlTRTHjD0-00070-00035920-00036424 you need to learn this stuff it's it's really difficult to manage people doing all these things Z6LlTRTHjD0-00071-00036424-00036768 if you don't know it you don't even know what they're doing how are you going to manage them Z6LlTRTHjD0-00072-00036768-00037136 how are you going to know if you're being charged the right amount of money on down the road if you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00073-00037136-00037624 want to hire people to do things that's fine but you need to learn it up front you've got to invest Z6LlTRTHjD0-00074-00037624-00038024 your time and learn these things and it's easy to do i mean there's a lot of information and Z6LlTRTHjD0-00075-00038024-00038448 i know there's a lot of stuff to learn but it's easy to do all you got to do is watch videos on Z6LlTRTHjD0-00076-00038448-00038968 it read articles on it you need to understand social media you need to understand seo you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00077-00038968-00039400 need to understand web development you need to understand conversions you need to understand Z6LlTRTHjD0-00078-00039400-00039880 email marketing you need to live and breathe digital if you want to make a lot of money at Z6LlTRTHjD0-00079-00039880-00040408 it number seven find your unique selling point what makes your product unique what makes your Z6LlTRTHjD0-00080-00040408-00040848 company unique now you may be saying well i sell a product that a lot of other people sell Z6LlTRTHjD0-00081-00040848-00041312 but what is your delivery like do you have fast delivery do you have free shipping do you have Z6LlTRTHjD0-00082-00041312-00041832 excellent customer service do you provide videos you provide training on that product you've got to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00083-00041832-00042416 really live and breathe this digital lifestyle and you've got to give more to your customers so it's Z6LlTRTHjD0-00084-00042416-00043008 really really important that you do that number eight is a killer make sure your website is secure Z6LlTRTHjD0-00085-00043008-00043352 there's a lot of different software's out there there's a lot of different companies Z6LlTRTHjD0-00086-00043352-00043832 that you can pay but you want your website secured because i can tell you this if you do any type of Z6LlTRTHjD0-00087-00043832-00044320 e-commerce online and you're trucking along at some point somebody's going to hack your site Z6LlTRTHjD0-00088-00044320-00044768 they're going to do it it's going to happen it's happened to every single site i've ever had you're Z6LlTRTHjD0-00089-00044768-00045192 going to get hacked okay so you need to protect yourself up front in the beginning i didn't want Z6LlTRTHjD0-00090-00045192-00045648 to pay for these services and you know i just said well it's okay my site's going to be fine Z6LlTRTHjD0-00091-00045648-00046048 no you don't want to do that okay you don't you don't want to learn the hard Z6LlTRTHjD0-00092-00046048-00046432 way you don't want to wake up one day and your whole website's been taken over and somebody's Z6LlTRTHjD0-00093-00046432-00046856 holding it ransom and they say give us a million dollars and you can have your site back okay you Z6LlTRTHjD0-00094-00046856-00047392 don't want that happening to you you want to protect your site up front and keep it secure Z6LlTRTHjD0-00095-00047392-00047880 number nine know your profit margins i was not good at this in the beginning i just thought Z6LlTRTHjD0-00096-00047880-00048328 wow i'm selling a lot of products and i'm making eight percent or five percent or whatever it was Z6LlTRTHjD0-00097-00048328-00048840 it wasn't enough now it's not enough to just up your prices you can't do that either you've got Z6LlTRTHjD0-00098-00048840-00049400 to be in line with the market but if you're not making enough it doesn't matter how much you sell Z6LlTRTHjD0-00099-00049400-00049952 i was at a digital uh marketing conference in las vegas just a few weeks ago and somebody said well Z6LlTRTHjD0-00100-00049952-00050424 you know he did like four million dollars last year this guy did 20 million and the next person Z6LlTRTHjD0-00101-00050424-00050944 says well how much do they keep you know selling a lot of products online is not necessarily that Z6LlTRTHjD0-00102-00050944-00051400 hard to do if you have the cheapest price out there but it's really hard to do if you're not Z6LlTRTHjD0-00103-00051400-00051855 making any money okay you've got to make money you have to have a good profit margin and you've got Z6LlTRTHjD0-00104-00051855-00052424 to understand that and every product every service has a fine balance between having a good price Z6LlTRTHjD0-00105-00052424-00053008 and having a good profit margin and you've got to find yours number 10 don't try to reinvent Z6LlTRTHjD0-00106-00053008-00053496 the wheel okay whatever you're selling whatever service whatever product there's probably somebody Z6LlTRTHjD0-00107-00053496-00054104 out there doing something similar find out who all your competitors are look at their sales pages Z6LlTRTHjD0-00108-00054104-00054544 get on their email list you know get their emails see how they do email marketing Z6LlTRTHjD0-00109-00054544-00054984 check out their social media do all those things because somebody's already figured this stuff out Z6LlTRTHjD0-00110-00054984-00055400 i see too many newbies go out there and try to start an online business and they're trying to Z6LlTRTHjD0-00111-00055400-00055888 develop everything brand new when somebody's already done it out there okay just go out Z6LlTRTHjD0-00112-00055888-00056200 there and look at your competitors see what they're doing pick the top ones and Z6LlTRTHjD0-00113-00056200-00056816 do something similar not exact don't copy them but do something similar and you'll get good results Z6LlTRTHjD0-00114-00056816-00057448 and number 11 the last one make sure you have a targeted niche make sure you have a targeted niche Z6LlTRTHjD0-00115-00057448-00057872 this is so very important guys i know a lot of you out there starting out you're going to say well i Z6LlTRTHjD0-00116-00057872-00058352 want to sell to everybody well the problem with selling to everybody is there's no way to target Z6LlTRTHjD0-00117-00058352-00058872 everybody okay there's no way to get in front of everybody and if you're speaking to everybody then Z6LlTRTHjD0-00118-00058872-00059408 you're really speaking to nobody because nobody hears you if you're really specific if you if Z6LlTRTHjD0-00119-00059408-00060112 you let's say uh i choose to do women between the age of 25 and 40 who are getting married who need Z6LlTRTHjD0-00120-00060248-00060872 wedding shoes okay that's very targeted okay and then i can actually focus in on that what what Z6LlTRTHjD0-00121-00060872-00061336 group of women do i want higher level women do i want lower income women do i want middle of the Z6LlTRTHjD0-00122-00061336-00061976 road what do i want make sure you have a very very targeted niche this is so very important Z6LlTRTHjD0-00123-00061976-00062400 and you can do this with different products on your sites depending what the products are but Z6LlTRTHjD0-00124-00062400-00063008 overall your site needs to speak to a particular group of people i own a survival food company and Z6LlTRTHjD0-00125-00063008-00063512 that survival food company we market to people who want to protect themselves and their families and Z6LlTRTHjD0-00126-00063512-00064167 it says helping families prepare on our logo so that that speaks out to what we do we help people Z6LlTRTHjD0-00127-00064167-00064704 prepare for disasters catastrophes whatever and the world illness that just hit was very good Z6LlTRTHjD0-00128-00064704-00065128 for our business we made a lot of money and we continue to do so now because it kind of woke Z6LlTRTHjD0-00129-00065128-00065704 up the world to having survival foods an emergency food storage plan um so that that's been very good Z6LlTRTHjD0-00130-00065704-00066200 for us but we had a particular niche going into it and then people found us once they fell into that Z6LlTRTHjD0-00131-00066200-00066720 niche which is really really good but i've had that company for going on 12 years now whatever Z6LlTRTHjD0-00132-00066720-00067320 your product is make sure you are speaking to a niche and you'll be successful now i hope this Z6LlTRTHjD0-00133-00067320-00067856 helps you out i've gone through 11 steps 11 steps is a lot right but you can go through each one Z6LlTRTHjD0-00134-00067856-00068392 and if you implement each one you're going to be terribly successful and i want to help you out too Z6LlTRTHjD0-00135-00068392-00068944 so if you have any questions you can also comment below put a question below put a comment tell me Z6LlTRTHjD0-00136-00068944-00069456 where you are what the what the weather's like i love to get comments on my videos i love talking Z6LlTRTHjD0-00137-00069456-00069960 to you guys and getting to know you i also have a free course down there you can grab it's a 97 Z6LlTRTHjD0-00138-00069960-00070440 course but for a limited time you can get it absolutely free all you have to do is click Z6LlTRTHjD0-00139-00070440-00070904 the link and learn i also have a lot of links down there i would highly suggest you look at Z6LlTRTHjD0-00140-00070904-00071440 my reading selection down there it can help you out immensely it has all to do with selling online Z6LlTRTHjD0-00141-00071440-00071872 thank you so much for watching this video i really appreciate don't forget to subscribe turn that red Z6LlTRTHjD0-00142-00071872-00072424 button into a gray button by clicking it and then a bell will pop up and you want to ring the bell Z6LlTRTHjD0-00143-00072424-00072896 turn on all bell notifications so you're notified each and every time i go live thanks so much for Z6LlTRTHjD0-00144-00072896-00073480 watching this video and i'll see you in the next one hey thanks for watching my video don't forget Z6LlTRTHjD0-00145-00073480-00074056 to subscribe to my channel and click that little bell right here so you can be notified every time Z6LlTRTHjD0-00146-00074056-00075120 i do a new video also click on one of those videos there keep watching on my channel Z8-CMYBES8Y-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4090 24GB Ryzen 9 7950X Test in 5 Games 4K ZqiT_e9OGhM-00000-00000003-00000537 In this video we'll look at the convenient function of pocket code. We ZqiT_e9OGhM-00001-00000537-00001170 will learn how to clone objects. In this example we have a bird object and this ZqiT_e9OGhM-00002-00001170-00001607 object is gliding randomly on the screen. ZqiT_e9OGhM-00003-00002125-00002773 We now want to clone this bird. Every time we tap on the bird a clone should ZqiT_e9OGhM-00004-00002773-00003246 be created. We now need the brick "Create clone of", ZqiT_e9OGhM-00005-00003246-00003738 which we find in the category control. ZqiT_e9OGhM-00006-00004032-00004648 In the drop-down menu of this brick we can specify from which object a clone ZqiT_e9OGhM-00007-00004648-00005258 should be created. In this case we want the clone of the object we are in. ZqiT_e9OGhM-00008-00005258-00006021 Therefore we pick yourself. Let's test the program! Yes, it works! ZqiT_e9OGhM-00009-00006021-00006684 But unfortunately the clone is not doing anything we can change that by selecting ZqiT_e9OGhM-00010-00006684-00007170 the brick "When you start as a clone". ZqiT_e9OGhM-00011-00007698-00008360 Now we can give the clone a behavior. In my case the bird is changing its look, ZqiT_e9OGhM-00012-00008360-00009139 size and color and I'm giving it a rotation. Let's try it again! ZqiT_e9OGhM-00013-00009139-00009700 Perfect, all the clones are having a certain behavior. This was only one ZqiT_e9OGhM-00014-00009700-00010450 example on how to use the cloning function. I'm certain you find many more uses. ZriWXupRRik-00000-00000040-00000840 so this week we will continue our second type of data analysis so that is uh for the rust data ZriWXupRRik-00001-00000840-00001592 analysis so it is similar to the vector analysis that vast data analysis are also the commonly used ZriWXupRRik-00002-00001680-00002472 geoprocessing tools for the rust data and also i highly recommend that when you are watching those ZriWXupRRik-00003-00002472-00002816 lecture videos and you follow the demos that i'm doing here ZriWXupRRik-00004-00002928-00003624 during the lectures so that we can have a better understanding of those those rust data analysis ZriWXupRRik-00005-00003760-00004496 and also so learning those tools is important and i think the mo the the most important part is that ZriWXupRRik-00006-00004496-00005320 how you can think about how to use those tools to resolve the real world problems um like either in ZriWXupRRik-00007-00005320-00006640 your projects or um all in our display okay uh so first let's review that what is rust data so rust ZriWXupRRik-00008-00006640-00007320 data has a a set of the continuous pixels so the rust data can be like the most common one like ZriWXupRRik-00009-00007320-00008104 like the satellite images um dms digital elevation models uh and also the air photos ZriWXupRRik-00010-00008208-00008944 okay and we have kind of uh downloaded those data into arcgis pro and also we viewed those ZriWXupRRik-00011-00008944-00009744 data set in access pro so basically they are a set of continuous pixels and each single pixel ZriWXupRRik-00012-00009744-00010664 has an unique digital value so it can be either um the height of that pixel so that ZriWXupRRik-00013-00010840-00011552 that is for dm or it can be the reflections in that band to find some if it isn't for air ZriWXupRRik-00014-00011552-00012256 photos that attempt the band in the red band uh green band or blue band or it can be in the near ZriWXupRRik-00015-00012256-00013128 infrared band okay so those are the most commonly used bands um and the digital uh numbers are also ZriWXupRRik-00016-00013128-00013816 referred as a digital number so those uh it can be the reflections uh it comes with elevations ZriWXupRRik-00017-00013816-00014368 or it can be sometimes the categorical data like the type of the land use for example sometimes ZriWXupRRik-00018-00014432-00015080 if we see the residence land we use one and also if that's the commercial land and we use ZriWXupRRik-00019-00015080-00015791 a number two for example so so sometimes those numbers can also represent the categorical data ZriWXupRRik-00020-00016016-00016632 and rust data sometimes can simplify many types of special analysis ZriWXupRRik-00021-00016696-00017136 and that if you're using back data so that will be um very ZriWXupRRik-00022-00017320-00018048 unefficient like not very effective uh so for example that is the individ ndvi calculation ZriWXupRRik-00023-00018152-00019056 okay so that is very most one of the very popular index that we calculated for from those images so ZriWXupRRik-00024-00019056-00019840 depending on the uh the reflections in the in different bands so that calculation so normally ZriWXupRRik-00025-00019840-00020512 we will use the rust data because if you are using polygons then the data set will be date ZriWXupRRik-00026-00020512-00021232 volume will be very huge and also for example when sometimes we want calculate the slope ZriWXupRRik-00027-00021232-00021840 okay so based on the dm and in that case a rust dataset will be very very efficient ZriWXupRRik-00028-00022048-00022624 okay also that is more faster than the vector data so that's why that ZriWXupRRik-00029-00022624-00023224 sometimes we also we prefer using rust data instead of that data in the data analysis ZriWXupRRik-00030-00023440-00023816 okay uh so now let's go to our architect pro ZriWXupRRik-00031-00023816-00024568 and let's create a new project and so as we did in the uh in the lectures ZriWXupRRik-00032-00024568-00025096 uh seven so we are going to create a new project for this lecture lecture eight and we are going to ZriWXupRRik-00033-00025096-00026160 try some rust data analysis first so let's create a new map project and let's call it lecture 8 ZriWXupRRik-00034-00026392-00027136 and i'm going to again create that one to my uh onedrive folder ZriWXupRRik-00035-00027864-00028224 okay and you can see i already created folder so that is the format ZriWXupRRik-00036-00028295-00029032 for demo so now i'm going to create a new folder lec two way too ZriWXupRRik-00037-00029032-00029744 okay so now i created an empty folder and this one i used for the test before this lecture so ZriWXupRRik-00038-00029744-00030320 you can just simply create lecture 8 if you don't have that one yet and click ok ZriWXupRRik-00039-00030536-00031256 so now we are going to create a new project so before we start trying some rust data analysis so ZriWXupRRik-00040-00031256-00032039 i want to download some data that we have we have used earlier so uh through this semester so we are ZriWXupRRik-00041-00032039-00032776 going to download ndem we are going to download and images air photos and also we can download ZriWXupRRik-00042-00032776-00033688 the landsat images so uh if we go to the portal so i already uploaded the data that for this ZriWXupRRik-00043-00033688-00034480 lecture and not for the lab so let's go to all portal and first let's search image harrisonburg ZriWXupRRik-00044-00034856-00035216 okay and you will see that there's a package called image ZriWXupRRik-00045-00035216-00035848 in harrisonburg and also make sure that i am the owner let's drag that one to our map ZriWXupRRik-00046-00036144-00037136 okay so that is an air photo uh second one let's search dem harrisonburg ZriWXupRRik-00047-00037656-00038584 okay so that is the dm let's drag that one to our project okay so that is dm that within the ZriWXupRRik-00048-00038584-00039384 herzenberg's uh boundary on the last one let's search landsat ZriWXupRRik-00049-00039672-00039992 harrisonburg and remember we are using this one ZriWXupRRik-00050-00039992-00040432 landsat harrisonburg we are not using hersenberg landsat 8 ZriWXupRRik-00051-00040432-00041152 and this one we cannot drag directly to the map this is a zip folder so if you are interested ZriWXupRRik-00052-00041152-00041760 you have go to architect online and download that zip folder so let's drag this one landsat ZriWXupRRik-00053-00041760-00042768 harrisonburg okay uh so now we have those three rasters um so right now we are viewing ZriWXupRRik-00054-00042768-00043632 those rasters um from the server so let's also export those raster data set into our local um ZriWXupRRik-00055-00043688-00044472 folder so first let's right click the header length set and let's say export raster ZriWXupRRik-00056-00044696-00045160 and you can see the coordination so we are using utm zone 17 which is ZriWXupRRik-00057-00045160-00045904 nice and we're going to export to our folder so that's great and let's click export ZriWXupRRik-00058-00046288-00046920 okay so now you can see this has been exported to our local folder okay so if we go to the ZriWXupRRik-00059-00047024-00047280 project our folder we can see the length set ZriWXupRRik-00060-00047416-00047984 and if you expand the landsat images of the harrisonburg you will see there are multiple ZriWXupRRik-00061-00047984-00048680 bands okay green near infrared red so that's nice and we can remove this landsat heisenberg ZriWXupRRik-00062-00048864-00049384 which was downloaded from the portal so we just keep the one in our local ZriWXupRRik-00063-00049456-00050208 uh for some reason they added those uh black areas but which is nice which is fine so we um ZriWXupRRik-00064-00050280-00050688 next let's also do the same thing for the dm so let's export the ZriWXupRRik-00065-00050848-00051424 the dm for the dm you can see the coordination it does not have a ZriWXupRRik-00066-00051584-00052384 pcs so let's choose a pcs so let's say we want to use the same one as herzenberg okay which is uh ZriWXupRRik-00067-00052384-00053144 utm zoom not 17 okay so that's fine that's that's great and let's export that one ZriWXupRRik-00068-00053352-00053584 okay and now we have the dm ZriWXupRRik-00069-00053696-00054784 okay so if we refresh our folder okay so we also have the dm so let's remove this one ZriWXupRRik-00070-00054991-00055864 okay on the last is image so let's also export the image to our local folder and you can see for this ZriWXupRRik-00071-00055864-00056648 image uh we are using a state plan virginia notes and that also is fine so let's export that image ZriWXupRRik-00072-00057152-00057752 and that also should be in our catalog so you can see in our project folder we should ZriWXupRRik-00073-00057752-00058591 have three images so the landsat the dm and also the air photos so air filter now right now it's ZriWXupRRik-00074-00058591-00059440 okay so now air filters is here okay so now if we refresh okay so we have the air photos ZriWXupRRik-00075-00059632-00060664 as well and we can also uh remove this one that is from our um access portal so now we ZriWXupRRik-00076-00060664-00061472 have those three images okay so what we did is was down downloading from all portals landsat ZriWXupRRik-00077-00061528-00062312 landsat dm and also airflow images and next we export all those three images to our local ZriWXupRRik-00078-00062312-00062767 project folder and not for the dm because it does not have an ZriWXupRRik-00079-00062864-00063424 coordination so we define the utm so the same as a landsat ZrVG3gAXwrM-00000-00000029-00002025 oh no it's already in top 59 last 100 I lost lose-lose situation boys ZrVG3gAXwrM-00001-00002025-00002253 [Applause] ZrVG3gAXwrM-00002-00002253-00002483 nothing ZrVG3gAXwrM-00004-00006836-00007065 likable ZrVG3gAXwrM-00005-00007065-00007190 oh yeah you want to pick me again 360. ZrVG3gAXwrM-00006-00007190-00007290 like I won that guys like 10 of 10 times ZrVG3gAXwrM-00007-00007290-00007390 I hate this good day I hate the scooters homish I really hate him this is motion blur he helps ZrVG3gAXwrM-00008-00007390-00007490 over I'll be tracking and stuff I like it ZrVG3gAXwrM-00009-00007490-00007590 I'm blind dressed you can come in ZrVG3gAXwrM-00010-00007590-00008333 huh it's my cue ZrVG3gAXwrM-00011-00008333-00009479 my way ZrVG3gAXwrM-00012-00009479-00010228 oh he's mad he's really mad ZrVG3gAXwrM-00013-00010228-00010438 oh catch ZrVG3gAXwrM-00014-00010438-00010857 gotcha gotcha ZrVG3gAXwrM-00015-00010857-00010957 oh yeah ZrVG3gAXwrM-00016-00010957-00011057 [Applause] I will leave them bro ZrVG3gAXwrM-00017-00011057-00011157 they're gonna try to Revenge their friends now probably ZrVG3gAXwrM-00018-00011157-00011257 I jump again if you jump again you're dead ZrVG3gAXwrM-00019-00011257-00011357 it was one millimeter from his head when ZrVG3gAXwrM-00020-00011357-00011457 three ZrVG3gAXwrM-00021-00011457-00011557 remaining rain oh my God ZrVG3gAXwrM-00022-00011557-00011657 foreign ZrVG3gAXwrM-00023-00011657-00011757 all right ZrVG3gAXwrM-00024-00011757-00011857 can you open this disease ZrVG3gAXwrM-00025-00011857-00011957 it's okay ZrVG3gAXwrM-00026-00011957-00012057 no charge is left ZrVG3gAXwrM-00027-00012057-00012157 let's go one t top 59 he plays really well but we won this one matters ZrVG3gAXwrM-00028-00012157-00012257 anyway with certain long time no string dude I stream every single day like eight to ten ZrVG3gAXwrM-00029-00012257-00012357 hours a day ZrVG3gAXwrM-00030-00012357-00012457 let's go your full ready ready Lobby holy moly let's go ZrVG3gAXwrM-00031-00012457-00012557 good stuff good stuff ZrVG3gAXwrM-00032-00012557-00012657 actually my teammates are radiant as well look at us all of them already let's go we're ZrVG3gAXwrM-00033-00012657-00012757 getting close ZrVG3gAXwrM-00034-00012757-00012857 honestly I have no clue who are they but hey good stuff they played well geez ZrVG3gAXwrM-00035-00012857-00013358 thank you this is right over here ZrVG3gAXwrM-00036-00013358-00014295 whoa all hacks all hacks ZrVG3gAXwrM-00037-00014295-00015703 I've written a poem for you for my heart roses are red the sun gives heat if you get tired ZrVG3gAXwrM-00038-00015703-00017387 you can use my face to see oh my God ZrVG3gAXwrM-00039-00017387-00017487 Jesus Christ ZrVG3gAXwrM-00040-00017487-00017806 yeah get out of my way ZrVG3gAXwrM-00041-00017806-00019823 because the guy doesn't hear me ZrVG3gAXwrM-00042-00019823-00022178 I got Dean Hermie like at all ZrVG3gAXwrM-00044-00025254-00025354 what is boofing Urban Dictionary boofing a slightly Universal word suggests tripping ZrVG3gAXwrM-00045-00025354-00025454 boofing also came in the acts of l to stick it up in the butt to take it on the rear to ZrVG3gAXwrM-00046-00025454-00025554 cornhole to blow her back nine to ride her the Hershey highway to high to ride the horse ZrVG3gAXwrM-00047-00025554-00025654 at your highway I love that yo I'm not boofing guys I I was I was I'm joking I don't know ZrVG3gAXwrM-00048-00025654-00025754 what it means ZrVG3gAXwrM-00049-00025754-00025854 what why it didn't click any video are you ready for did you also drop the like in this ZrVG3gAXwrM-00050-00025854-00027470 video valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00056-00053171-00054341 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00057-00054341-00055808 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00058-00055808-00056727 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00059-00056727-00059394 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00060-00059394-00060642 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00062-00064889-00065689 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00063-00065689-00066329 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00064-00066329-00067357 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00065-00067357-00068309 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00066-00068309-00069301 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00067-00069301-00070593 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00068-00070593-00071178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00069-00071178-00071278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00070-00071278-00071378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00071-00071378-00071478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00072-00071478-00071578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00073-00071578-00071678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00074-00071678-00071778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00075-00071778-00071878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00076-00071878-00071978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00077-00071978-00072078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00078-00072078-00072178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00079-00072178-00072278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00080-00072278-00072378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00081-00072378-00072478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00082-00072478-00072578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00083-00072578-00072678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00084-00072678-00072778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00085-00072778-00072878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00086-00072878-00072978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00087-00072978-00073078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00088-00073078-00073178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00089-00073178-00073278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00090-00073278-00073378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00091-00073378-00073478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00092-00073478-00073578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00093-00073578-00073678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00094-00073678-00073778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00095-00073778-00073878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00096-00073878-00073978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00097-00073978-00074078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00098-00074078-00074178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00099-00074178-00074278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00100-00074278-00074378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00101-00074378-00074478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00102-00074478-00074578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00103-00074578-00074678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00104-00074678-00074778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00105-00074778-00074878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00106-00074878-00074978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00107-00074978-00075078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00108-00075078-00075178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00109-00075178-00075278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00110-00075278-00075378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00111-00075378-00075478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00112-00075478-00075578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00113-00075578-00075678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00114-00075678-00075778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00115-00075778-00075878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00116-00075878-00075978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00117-00075978-00076078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00118-00076078-00076178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00119-00076178-00076278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00120-00076278-00076378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00121-00076378-00076478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00122-00076478-00076578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00123-00076578-00076678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00124-00076678-00076778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00125-00076778-00076878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00126-00076878-00076978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00127-00076978-00077078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00128-00077078-00077178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00129-00077178-00077278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00130-00077278-00077378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00131-00077378-00077478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00132-00077478-00077578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00133-00077578-00077678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00134-00077678-00077778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00135-00077778-00077878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00136-00077878-00077978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00137-00077978-00078078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00138-00078078-00078178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00139-00078178-00078278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00140-00078278-00078378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00141-00078378-00078478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00142-00078478-00078578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00143-00078578-00078678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00144-00078678-00078778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00145-00078778-00078878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00146-00078878-00078978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00147-00078978-00079078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00148-00079078-00079178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00149-00079178-00079278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00150-00079278-00079378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00151-00079378-00079478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00152-00079478-00079578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00153-00079578-00079678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00154-00079678-00079778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00155-00079778-00079878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00156-00079878-00079978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00157-00079978-00080078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00158-00080078-00080178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00159-00080178-00080278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00160-00080278-00080378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00161-00080378-00080478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00162-00080478-00080578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00163-00080578-00080678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00164-00080678-00080778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00165-00080778-00080878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00166-00080878-00080978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00167-00080978-00081078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00168-00081078-00081178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00169-00081178-00081278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00170-00081278-00081378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00171-00081378-00081478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00172-00081478-00081578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00173-00081578-00081678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00174-00081678-00081778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00175-00081778-00081878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00176-00081878-00081978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00177-00081978-00082078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00178-00082078-00082178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00179-00082178-00082278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00180-00082278-00082378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00181-00082378-00082478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00182-00082478-00082578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00183-00082578-00082678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00184-00082678-00082778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00185-00082778-00082878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00186-00082878-00082978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00187-00082978-00083078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00188-00083078-00083178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00189-00083178-00083278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00190-00083278-00083378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00191-00083378-00083478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00192-00083478-00083578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00193-00083578-00083678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00194-00083678-00083778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00195-00083778-00083878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00196-00083878-00083978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00197-00083978-00084078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00198-00084078-00084178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00199-00084178-00084278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00200-00084278-00084378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00201-00084378-00084478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00202-00084478-00084578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00203-00084578-00084678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00204-00084678-00084778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00205-00084778-00084878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00206-00084878-00084978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00207-00084978-00085078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00208-00085078-00085178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00209-00085178-00085278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00210-00085278-00085378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00211-00085378-00085478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00212-00085478-00085578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00213-00085578-00085678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00214-00085678-00085778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00215-00085778-00085878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00216-00085878-00085978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00217-00085978-00086078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00218-00086078-00086178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00219-00086178-00086278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00220-00086278-00086378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00221-00086378-00086478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00222-00086478-00086578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00223-00086578-00086678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00224-00086678-00086778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00225-00086778-00086878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00226-00086878-00086978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00227-00086978-00087078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00228-00087078-00087178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00229-00087178-00087278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00230-00087278-00087378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00231-00087378-00087478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00232-00087478-00087578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00233-00087578-00087678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00234-00087678-00087778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00235-00087778-00087878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00236-00087878-00087978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00237-00087978-00088078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00238-00088078-00088178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00239-00088178-00088278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00240-00088278-00088378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00241-00088378-00088478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00242-00088478-00088578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00243-00088578-00088678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00244-00088678-00088778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00245-00088778-00088878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00246-00088878-00088978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00247-00088978-00089078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00248-00089078-00089178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00249-00089178-00089278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00250-00089278-00089378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00251-00089378-00089478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00252-00089478-00089578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00253-00089578-00089678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00254-00089678-00089778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00255-00089778-00089878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00256-00089878-00089978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00257-00089978-00090078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00258-00090078-00090178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00259-00090178-00090278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00260-00090278-00090378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00261-00090378-00090478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00262-00090478-00090578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00263-00090578-00090678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00264-00090678-00090778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00265-00090778-00090878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00266-00090878-00090978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00267-00090978-00091078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00268-00091078-00091178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00269-00091178-00091278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00270-00091278-00091378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00271-00091378-00091478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00272-00091478-00091578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00273-00091578-00091678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00274-00091678-00091778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00275-00091778-00091878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00276-00091878-00091978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00277-00091978-00092078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00278-00092078-00092178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00279-00092178-00092278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00280-00092278-00092378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00281-00092378-00092478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00282-00092478-00092578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00283-00092578-00092678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00284-00092678-00092778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00285-00092778-00092878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00286-00092878-00092978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00287-00092978-00093078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00288-00093078-00093178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00289-00093178-00093278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00290-00093278-00093378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00291-00093378-00093478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00292-00093478-00093578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00293-00093578-00093678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00294-00093678-00093778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00295-00093778-00093878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00296-00093878-00093978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00297-00093978-00094078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00298-00094078-00094178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00299-00094178-00094278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00300-00094278-00094378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00301-00094378-00094478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00302-00094478-00094578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00303-00094578-00094678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00304-00094678-00094778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00305-00094778-00094878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00306-00094878-00094978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00307-00094978-00095078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00308-00095078-00095178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00309-00095178-00095278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00310-00095278-00095378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00311-00095378-00095478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00312-00095478-00095578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00313-00095578-00095678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00314-00095678-00095778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00315-00095778-00095878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00316-00095878-00095978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00317-00095978-00096078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00318-00096078-00096178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00319-00096178-00096278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00320-00096278-00096378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00321-00096378-00096478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00322-00096478-00096578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00323-00096578-00096678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00324-00096678-00096778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00325-00096778-00096878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00326-00096878-00096978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00327-00096978-00097078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00328-00097078-00097178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00329-00097178-00097278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00330-00097278-00097378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00331-00097378-00097478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00332-00097478-00097578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00333-00097578-00097678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00334-00097678-00097778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00335-00097778-00097878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00336-00097878-00097978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00337-00097978-00098078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00338-00098078-00098178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00339-00098178-00098278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00340-00098278-00098378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00341-00098378-00098478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00342-00098478-00098578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00343-00098578-00098678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00344-00098678-00098778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00345-00098778-00098878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00346-00098878-00098978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00347-00098978-00099078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00348-00099078-00099178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00349-00099178-00099278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00350-00099278-00099378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00351-00099378-00099478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00352-00099478-00099578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00353-00099578-00099678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00354-00099678-00099778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00355-00099778-00099878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00356-00099878-00099978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00357-00099978-00100078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00358-00100078-00100178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00359-00100178-00100278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00360-00100278-00100378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00361-00100378-00100478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00362-00100478-00100578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00363-00100578-00100678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00364-00100678-00100778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00365-00100778-00100878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00366-00100878-00100978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00367-00100978-00101078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00368-00101078-00101178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00369-00101178-00101278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00370-00101278-00101378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00371-00101378-00101478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00372-00101478-00101578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00373-00101578-00101678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00374-00101678-00101778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00375-00101778-00101878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00376-00101878-00101978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00377-00101978-00102078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00378-00102078-00102178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00379-00102178-00102278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00380-00102278-00102378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00381-00102378-00102478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00382-00102478-00102578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00383-00102578-00102678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00384-00102678-00102778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00385-00102778-00102878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00386-00102878-00102978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00387-00102978-00103078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00388-00103078-00103178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00389-00103178-00103278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00390-00103278-00103378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00391-00103378-00103478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00392-00103478-00103578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00393-00103578-00103678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00394-00103678-00103778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00395-00103778-00103878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00396-00103878-00103978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00397-00103978-00104078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00398-00104078-00104178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00399-00104178-00104278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00400-00104278-00104378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00401-00104378-00104478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00402-00104478-00104578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00403-00104578-00104678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00404-00104678-00104778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00405-00104778-00104878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00406-00104878-00104978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00407-00104978-00105078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00408-00105078-00105178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00409-00105178-00105278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00410-00105278-00105378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00411-00105378-00105478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00412-00105478-00105578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00413-00105578-00105678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00414-00105678-00105778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00415-00105778-00105878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00416-00105878-00105978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00417-00105978-00106078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00418-00106078-00106178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00419-00106178-00106278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00420-00106278-00106378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00421-00106378-00106478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00422-00106478-00106578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00423-00106578-00106678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00424-00106678-00106778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00425-00106778-00106878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00426-00106878-00106978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00427-00106978-00107078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00428-00107078-00107178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00429-00107178-00107278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00430-00107278-00107378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00431-00107378-00107478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00432-00107478-00107578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00433-00107578-00107678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00434-00107678-00107778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00435-00107778-00107878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00436-00107878-00107978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00437-00107978-00108078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00438-00108078-00108178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00439-00108178-00108278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00440-00108278-00108378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00441-00108378-00108478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00442-00108478-00108578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00443-00108578-00108678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00444-00108678-00108778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00445-00108778-00108878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00446-00108878-00108978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00447-00108978-00109078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00448-00109078-00109178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00449-00109178-00109278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00450-00109278-00109378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00451-00109378-00109478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00452-00109478-00109578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00453-00109578-00109678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00454-00109678-00109778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00455-00109778-00109878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00456-00109878-00109978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00457-00109978-00110078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00458-00110078-00110178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00459-00110178-00110278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00460-00110278-00110378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00461-00110378-00110478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00462-00110478-00110578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00463-00110578-00110678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00464-00110678-00110778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00465-00110778-00110878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00466-00110878-00110978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00467-00110978-00111078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00468-00111078-00111178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00469-00111178-00111278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00470-00111278-00111378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00471-00111378-00111478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00472-00111478-00111578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00473-00111578-00111678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00474-00111678-00111778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00475-00111778-00111878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00476-00111878-00111978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00477-00111978-00112078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00478-00112078-00112178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00479-00112178-00112278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00480-00112278-00112378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00481-00112378-00112478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00482-00112478-00112578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00483-00112578-00112678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00484-00112678-00112778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00485-00112778-00112878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00486-00112878-00112978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00487-00112978-00113078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00488-00113078-00113178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00489-00113178-00113278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00490-00113278-00113378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00491-00113378-00113478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00492-00113478-00113578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00493-00113578-00113678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00494-00113678-00113778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00495-00113778-00113878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00496-00113878-00113978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00497-00113978-00114078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00498-00114078-00114178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00499-00114178-00114278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00500-00114278-00114378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00501-00114378-00114478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00502-00114478-00114578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00503-00114578-00114678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00504-00114678-00114778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00505-00114778-00114878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00506-00114878-00114978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00507-00114978-00115078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00508-00115078-00115178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00509-00115178-00115278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00510-00115278-00115378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00511-00115378-00115478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00512-00115478-00115578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00513-00115578-00115678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00514-00115678-00115778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00515-00115778-00115878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00516-00115878-00115978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00517-00115978-00116078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00518-00116078-00116178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00519-00116178-00116278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00520-00116278-00116378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00521-00116378-00116478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00522-00116478-00116578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00523-00116578-00116678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00524-00116678-00116778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00525-00116778-00116878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00526-00116878-00116978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00527-00116978-00117078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00528-00117078-00117178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00529-00117178-00117278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00530-00117278-00117378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00531-00117378-00117478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00532-00117478-00117578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00533-00117578-00117678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00534-00117678-00117778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00535-00117778-00117878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00536-00117878-00117978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00537-00117978-00118078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00538-00118078-00118178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00539-00118178-00118278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00540-00118278-00118378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00541-00118378-00118478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00542-00118478-00118578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00543-00118578-00118678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00544-00118678-00118778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00545-00118778-00118878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00546-00118878-00118978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00547-00118978-00119078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00548-00119078-00119178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00549-00119178-00119278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00550-00119278-00119378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00551-00119378-00119478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00552-00119478-00119578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00553-00119578-00119678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00554-00119678-00119778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00555-00119778-00119878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00556-00119878-00119978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00557-00119978-00120078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00558-00120078-00120178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00559-00120178-00120278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00560-00120278-00120378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00561-00120378-00120478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00562-00120478-00120578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00563-00120578-00120678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00564-00120678-00120778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00565-00120778-00120878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00566-00120878-00120978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00567-00120978-00121078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00568-00121078-00121178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00569-00121178-00121278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00570-00121278-00121378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00571-00121378-00121478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00572-00121478-00121578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00573-00121578-00121678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00574-00121678-00121778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00575-00121778-00121878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00576-00121878-00121978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00577-00121978-00122078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00578-00122078-00122178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00579-00122178-00122278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00580-00122278-00122378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00581-00122378-00122478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00582-00122478-00122578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00583-00122578-00122678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00584-00122678-00122778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00585-00122778-00122878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00586-00122878-00122978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00587-00122978-00123078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00588-00123078-00123178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00589-00123178-00123278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00590-00123278-00123378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00591-00123378-00123478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00592-00123478-00123578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00593-00123578-00123678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00594-00123678-00123778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00595-00123778-00123878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00596-00123878-00123978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00597-00123978-00124078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00598-00124078-00124178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00599-00124178-00124278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00600-00124278-00124378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00601-00124378-00124478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00602-00124478-00124578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00603-00124578-00124678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00604-00124678-00124778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00605-00124778-00124878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00606-00124878-00124978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00607-00124978-00125078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00608-00125078-00125178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00609-00125178-00125278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00610-00125278-00125378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00611-00125378-00125478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00612-00125478-00125578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00613-00125578-00125678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00614-00125678-00125778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00615-00125778-00125878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00616-00125878-00125978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00617-00125978-00126078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00618-00126078-00126178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00619-00126178-00126278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00620-00126278-00126378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00621-00126378-00126478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00622-00126478-00126578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00623-00126578-00126678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00624-00126678-00126778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00625-00126778-00126878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00626-00126878-00126978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00627-00126978-00127078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00628-00127078-00127178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00629-00127178-00127278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00630-00127278-00127378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00631-00127378-00127478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00632-00127478-00127578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00633-00127578-00127678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00634-00127678-00127778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00635-00127778-00127878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00636-00127878-00127978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00637-00127978-00128078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00638-00128078-00128178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00639-00128178-00128278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00640-00128278-00128378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00641-00128378-00128478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00642-00128478-00128578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00643-00128578-00128678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00644-00128678-00128778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00645-00128778-00128878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00646-00128878-00128978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00647-00128978-00129078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00648-00129078-00129178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00649-00129178-00129278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00650-00129278-00129378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00651-00129378-00129478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00652-00129478-00129578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00653-00129578-00129678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00654-00129678-00129778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00655-00129778-00129878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00656-00129878-00129978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00657-00129978-00130078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00658-00130078-00130178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00659-00130178-00130278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00660-00130278-00130378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00661-00130378-00130478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00662-00130478-00130578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00663-00130578-00130678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00664-00130678-00130778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00665-00130778-00130878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00666-00130878-00130978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00667-00130978-00131078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00668-00131078-00131178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00669-00131178-00131278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00670-00131278-00131378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00671-00131378-00131478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00672-00131478-00131578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00673-00131578-00131678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00674-00131678-00131778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00675-00131778-00131878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00676-00131878-00131978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00677-00131978-00132078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00678-00132078-00132178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00679-00132178-00132278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00680-00132278-00132378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00681-00132378-00132478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00682-00132478-00132578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00683-00132578-00132678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00684-00132678-00132778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00685-00132778-00132878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00686-00132878-00132978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00687-00132978-00133078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00688-00133078-00133178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00689-00133178-00133278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00690-00133278-00133378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00691-00133378-00133478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00692-00133478-00133578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00693-00133578-00133678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00694-00133678-00133778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00695-00133778-00133878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00696-00133878-00133978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00697-00133978-00134078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00698-00134078-00134178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00699-00134178-00134278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00700-00134278-00134378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00701-00134378-00134478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00702-00134478-00134578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00703-00134578-00134678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00704-00134678-00134778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00705-00134778-00134878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00706-00134878-00134978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00707-00134978-00135078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00708-00135078-00135178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00709-00135178-00135278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00710-00135278-00135378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00711-00135378-00135478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00712-00135478-00135578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00713-00135578-00135678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00714-00135678-00135778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00715-00135778-00135878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00716-00135878-00135978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00717-00135978-00136078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00718-00136078-00136178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00719-00136178-00136278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00720-00136278-00136378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00721-00136378-00136478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00722-00136478-00136578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00723-00136578-00136678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00724-00136678-00136778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00725-00136778-00136878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00726-00136878-00136978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00727-00136978-00137078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00728-00137078-00137178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00729-00137178-00137278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00730-00137278-00137378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00731-00137378-00137478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00732-00137478-00137578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00733-00137578-00137678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00734-00137678-00137778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00735-00137778-00137878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00736-00137878-00137978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00737-00137978-00138078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00738-00138078-00138178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00739-00138178-00138278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00740-00138278-00138378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00741-00138378-00138478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00742-00138478-00138578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00743-00138578-00138678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00744-00138678-00138778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00745-00138778-00138878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00746-00138878-00138978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00747-00138978-00139078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00748-00139078-00139178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00749-00139178-00139278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00750-00139278-00139378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00751-00139378-00139478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00752-00139478-00139578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00753-00139578-00139678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00754-00139678-00139778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00755-00139778-00139878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00756-00139878-00139978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00757-00139978-00140078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00758-00140078-00140178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00759-00140178-00140278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00760-00140278-00140378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00761-00140378-00140478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00762-00140478-00140578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00763-00140578-00140678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00764-00140678-00140778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00765-00140778-00140878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00766-00140878-00140978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00767-00140978-00141078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00768-00141078-00141178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00769-00141178-00141278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00770-00141278-00141378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00771-00141378-00141478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00772-00141478-00141578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00773-00141578-00141678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00774-00141678-00141778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00775-00141778-00141878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00776-00141878-00141978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00777-00141978-00142078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00778-00142078-00142178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00779-00142178-00142278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00780-00142278-00142378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00781-00142378-00142478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00782-00142478-00142578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00783-00142578-00142678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00784-00142678-00142778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00785-00142778-00142878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00786-00142878-00142978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00787-00142978-00143078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00788-00143078-00143178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00789-00143178-00143278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00790-00143278-00143378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00791-00143378-00143478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00792-00143478-00143578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00793-00143578-00143678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00794-00143678-00143778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00795-00143778-00143878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00796-00143878-00143978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00797-00143978-00144078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00798-00144078-00144178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00799-00144178-00144278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00800-00144278-00144378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00801-00144378-00144478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00802-00144478-00144578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00803-00144578-00144678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00804-00144678-00144778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00805-00144778-00144878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00806-00144878-00144978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00807-00144978-00145078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00808-00145078-00145178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00809-00145178-00145278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00810-00145278-00145378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00811-00145378-00145478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00812-00145478-00145578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00813-00145578-00145678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00814-00145678-00145778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00815-00145778-00145878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00816-00145878-00145978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00817-00145978-00146078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00818-00146078-00146178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00819-00146178-00146278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00820-00146278-00146378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00821-00146378-00146478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00822-00146478-00146578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00823-00146578-00146678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00824-00146678-00146778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00825-00146778-00146878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00826-00146878-00146978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00827-00146978-00147078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00828-00147078-00147178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00829-00147178-00147278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00830-00147278-00147378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00831-00147378-00147478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00832-00147478-00147578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00833-00147578-00147678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00834-00147678-00147778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00835-00147778-00147878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00836-00147878-00147978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00837-00147978-00148078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00838-00148078-00148178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00839-00148178-00148278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00840-00148278-00148378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00841-00148378-00148478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00842-00148478-00148578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00843-00148578-00148678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00844-00148678-00148778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00845-00148778-00148878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00846-00148878-00148978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00847-00148978-00149078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00848-00149078-00149178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00849-00149178-00149278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00850-00149278-00149378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00851-00149378-00149478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00852-00149478-00149578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00853-00149578-00149678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00854-00149678-00149778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00855-00149778-00149878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00856-00149878-00149978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00857-00149978-00150078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00858-00150078-00150178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00859-00150178-00150278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00860-00150278-00150378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00861-00150378-00150478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00862-00150478-00150578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00863-00150578-00150678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00864-00150678-00150778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00865-00150778-00150878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00866-00150878-00150978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00867-00150978-00151078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00868-00151078-00151178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00869-00151178-00151278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00870-00151278-00151378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00871-00151378-00151478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00872-00151478-00151578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00873-00151578-00151678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00874-00151678-00151778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00875-00151778-00151878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00876-00151878-00151978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00877-00151978-00152078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00878-00152078-00152178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00879-00152178-00152278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00880-00152278-00152378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00881-00152378-00152478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00882-00152478-00152578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00883-00152578-00152678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00884-00152678-00152778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00885-00152778-00152878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00886-00152878-00152978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00887-00152978-00153078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00888-00153078-00153178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00889-00153178-00153278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00890-00153278-00153378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00891-00153378-00153478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00892-00153478-00153578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00893-00153578-00153678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00894-00153678-00153778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00895-00153778-00153878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00896-00153878-00153978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00897-00153978-00154078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00898-00154078-00154178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00899-00154178-00154278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00900-00154278-00154378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00901-00154378-00154478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00902-00154478-00154578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00903-00154578-00154678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00904-00154678-00154778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00905-00154778-00154878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00906-00154878-00154978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00907-00154978-00155078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00908-00155078-00155178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00909-00155178-00155278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00910-00155278-00155378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00911-00155378-00155478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00912-00155478-00155578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00913-00155578-00155678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00914-00155678-00155778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00915-00155778-00155878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00916-00155878-00155978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00917-00155978-00156078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00918-00156078-00156178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00919-00156178-00156278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00920-00156278-00156378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00921-00156378-00156478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00922-00156478-00156578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00923-00156578-00156678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00924-00156678-00156778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00925-00156778-00156878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00926-00156878-00156978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00927-00156978-00157078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00928-00157078-00157178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00929-00157178-00157278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00930-00157278-00157378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00931-00157378-00157478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00932-00157478-00157578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00933-00157578-00157678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00934-00157678-00157778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00935-00157778-00157878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00936-00157878-00157978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00937-00157978-00158078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00938-00158078-00158178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00939-00158178-00158278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00940-00158278-00158378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00941-00158378-00158478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00942-00158478-00158578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00943-00158578-00158678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00944-00158678-00158778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00945-00158778-00158878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00946-00158878-00158978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00947-00158978-00159078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00948-00159078-00159178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00949-00159178-00159278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00950-00159278-00159378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00951-00159378-00159478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00952-00159478-00159578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00953-00159578-00159678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00954-00159678-00159778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00955-00159778-00159878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00956-00159878-00159978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00957-00159978-00160078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00958-00160078-00160178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00959-00160178-00160278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00960-00160278-00160378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00961-00160378-00160478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00962-00160478-00160578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00963-00160578-00160678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00964-00160678-00160778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00965-00160778-00160878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00966-00160878-00160978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00967-00160978-00161078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00968-00161078-00161178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00969-00161178-00161278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00970-00161278-00161378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00971-00161378-00161478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00972-00161478-00161578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00973-00161578-00161678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00974-00161678-00161778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00975-00161778-00161878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00976-00161878-00161978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00977-00161978-00162078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00978-00162078-00162178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00979-00162178-00162278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00980-00162278-00162378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00981-00162378-00162478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00982-00162478-00162578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00983-00162578-00162678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00984-00162678-00162778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00985-00162778-00162878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00986-00162878-00162978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00987-00162978-00163078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00988-00163078-00163178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00989-00163178-00163278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00990-00163278-00163378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00991-00163378-00163478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00992-00163478-00163578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00993-00163578-00163678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00994-00163678-00163778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00995-00163778-00163878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00996-00163878-00163978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00997-00163978-00164078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00998-00164078-00164178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-00999-00164178-00164278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01000-00164278-00164378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01001-00164378-00164478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01002-00164478-00164578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01003-00164578-00164678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01004-00164678-00164778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01005-00164778-00164878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01006-00164878-00164978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01007-00164978-00165078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01008-00165078-00165178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01009-00165178-00165278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01010-00165278-00165378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01011-00165378-00165478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01012-00165478-00165578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01013-00165578-00165678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01014-00165678-00165778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01015-00165778-00165878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01016-00165878-00165978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01017-00165978-00166078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01018-00166078-00166178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01019-00166178-00166278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01020-00166278-00166378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01021-00166378-00166478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01022-00166478-00166578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01023-00166578-00166678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01024-00166678-00166778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01025-00166778-00166878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01026-00166878-00166978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01027-00166978-00167078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01028-00167078-00167178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01029-00167178-00167278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01030-00167278-00167378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01031-00167378-00167478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01032-00167478-00167578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01033-00167578-00167678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01034-00167678-00167778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01035-00167778-00167878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01036-00167878-00167978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01037-00167978-00168078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01038-00168078-00168178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01039-00168178-00168278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01040-00168278-00168378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01041-00168378-00168478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01042-00168478-00168578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01043-00168578-00168678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01044-00168678-00168778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01045-00168778-00168878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01046-00168878-00168978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01047-00168978-00169078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01048-00169078-00169178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01049-00169178-00169278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01050-00169278-00169378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01051-00169378-00169478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01052-00169478-00169578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01053-00169578-00169678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01054-00169678-00169778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01055-00169778-00169878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01056-00169878-00169978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01057-00169978-00170078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01058-00170078-00170178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01059-00170178-00170278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01060-00170278-00170378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01061-00170378-00170478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01062-00170478-00170578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01063-00170578-00170678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01064-00170678-00170778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01065-00170778-00170878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01066-00170878-00170978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01067-00170978-00171078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01068-00171078-00171178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01069-00171178-00171278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01070-00171278-00171378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01071-00171378-00171478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01072-00171478-00171578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01073-00171578-00171678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01074-00171678-00171778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01075-00171778-00171878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01076-00171878-00171978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01077-00171978-00172078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01078-00172078-00172178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01079-00172178-00172278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01080-00172278-00172378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01081-00172378-00172478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01082-00172478-00172578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01083-00172578-00172678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01084-00172678-00172778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01085-00172778-00172878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01086-00172878-00172978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01087-00172978-00173078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01088-00173078-00173178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01089-00173178-00173278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01090-00173278-00173378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01091-00173378-00173478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01092-00173478-00173578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01093-00173578-00173678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01094-00173678-00173778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01095-00173778-00173878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01096-00173878-00173978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01097-00173978-00174078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01098-00174078-00174178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01099-00174178-00174278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01100-00174278-00174378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01101-00174378-00174478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01102-00174478-00174578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01103-00174578-00174678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01104-00174678-00174778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01105-00174778-00174878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01106-00174878-00174978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01107-00174978-00175078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01108-00175078-00175178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01109-00175178-00175278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01110-00175278-00175378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01111-00175378-00175478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01112-00175478-00175578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01113-00175578-00175678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01114-00175678-00175778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01115-00175778-00175878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01116-00175878-00175978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01117-00175978-00176078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01118-00176078-00176178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01119-00176178-00176278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01120-00176278-00176378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01121-00176378-00176478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01122-00176478-00176578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01123-00176578-00176678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01124-00176678-00176778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01125-00176778-00176878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01126-00176878-00176978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01127-00176978-00177078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01128-00177078-00177178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01129-00177178-00177278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01130-00177278-00177378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01131-00177378-00177478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01132-00177478-00177578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01133-00177578-00177678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01134-00177678-00177778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01135-00177778-00177878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01136-00177878-00177978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01137-00177978-00178078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01138-00178078-00178178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01139-00178178-00178278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01140-00178278-00178378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01141-00178378-00178478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01142-00178478-00178578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01143-00178578-00178678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01144-00178678-00178778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01145-00178778-00178878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01146-00178878-00178978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01147-00178978-00179078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01148-00179078-00179178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01149-00179178-00179278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01150-00179278-00179378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01151-00179378-00179478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01152-00179478-00179578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01153-00179578-00179678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01154-00179678-00179778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01155-00179778-00179878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01156-00179878-00179978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01157-00179978-00180078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01158-00180078-00180178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01159-00180178-00180278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01160-00180278-00180378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01161-00180378-00180478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01162-00180478-00180578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01163-00180578-00180678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01164-00180678-00180778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01165-00180778-00180878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01166-00180878-00180978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01167-00180978-00181078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01168-00181078-00181178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01169-00181178-00181278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01170-00181278-00181378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01171-00181378-00181478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01172-00181478-00181578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01173-00181578-00181678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01174-00181678-00181778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01175-00181778-00181878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01176-00181878-00181978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01177-00181978-00182078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01178-00182078-00182178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01179-00182178-00182278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01180-00182278-00182378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01181-00182378-00182478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01182-00182478-00182578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01183-00182578-00182678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01184-00182678-00182778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01185-00182778-00182878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01186-00182878-00182978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01187-00182978-00183078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01188-00183078-00183178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01189-00183178-00183278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01190-00183278-00183378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01191-00183378-00183478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01192-00183478-00183578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01193-00183578-00183678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01194-00183678-00183778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01195-00183778-00183878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01196-00183878-00183978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01197-00183978-00184078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01198-00184078-00184178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01199-00184178-00184278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01200-00184278-00184378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01201-00184378-00184478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01202-00184478-00184578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01203-00184578-00184678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01204-00184678-00184778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01205-00184778-00184878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01206-00184878-00184978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01207-00184978-00185078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01208-00185078-00185178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01209-00185178-00185278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01210-00185278-00185378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01211-00185378-00185478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01212-00185478-00185578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01213-00185578-00185678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01214-00185678-00185778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01215-00185778-00185878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01216-00185878-00185978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01217-00185978-00186078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01218-00186078-00186178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01219-00186178-00186278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01220-00186278-00186378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01221-00186378-00186478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01222-00186478-00186578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01223-00186578-00186678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01224-00186678-00186778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01225-00186778-00186878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01226-00186878-00186978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01227-00186978-00187078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01228-00187078-00187178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01229-00187178-00187278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01230-00187278-00187378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01231-00187378-00187478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01232-00187478-00187578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01233-00187578-00187678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01234-00187678-00187778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01235-00187778-00187878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01236-00187878-00187978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01237-00187978-00188078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01238-00188078-00188178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01239-00188178-00188278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01240-00188278-00188378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01241-00188378-00188478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01242-00188478-00188578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01243-00188578-00188678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01244-00188678-00188778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01245-00188778-00188878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01246-00188878-00188978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01247-00188978-00189078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01248-00189078-00189178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01249-00189178-00189278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01250-00189278-00189378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01251-00189378-00189478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01252-00189478-00189578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01253-00189578-00189678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01254-00189678-00189778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01255-00189778-00189878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01256-00189878-00189978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01257-00189978-00190078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01258-00190078-00190178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01259-00190178-00190278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01260-00190278-00190378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01261-00190378-00190478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01262-00190478-00190578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01263-00190578-00190678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01264-00190678-00190778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01265-00190778-00190878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01266-00190878-00190978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01267-00190978-00191078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01268-00191078-00191178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01269-00191178-00191278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01270-00191278-00191378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01271-00191378-00191478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01272-00191478-00191578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01273-00191578-00191678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01274-00191678-00191778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01275-00191778-00191878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01276-00191878-00191978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01277-00191978-00192078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01278-00192078-00192178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01279-00192178-00192278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01280-00192278-00192378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01281-00192378-00192478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01282-00192478-00192578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01283-00192578-00192678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01284-00192678-00192778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01285-00192778-00192878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01286-00192878-00192978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01287-00192978-00193078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01288-00193078-00193178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01289-00193178-00193278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01290-00193278-00193378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01291-00193378-00193478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01292-00193478-00193578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01293-00193578-00193678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01294-00193678-00193778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01295-00193778-00193878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01296-00193878-00193978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01297-00193978-00194078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01298-00194078-00194178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01299-00194178-00194278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01300-00194278-00194378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01301-00194378-00194478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01302-00194478-00194578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01303-00194578-00194678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01304-00194678-00194778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01305-00194778-00194878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01306-00194878-00194978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01307-00194978-00195078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01308-00195078-00195178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01309-00195178-00195278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01310-00195278-00195378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01311-00195378-00195478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01312-00195478-00195578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01313-00195578-00195678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01314-00195678-00195778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01315-00195778-00195878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01316-00195878-00195978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01317-00195978-00196078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01318-00196078-00196178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01319-00196178-00196278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01320-00196278-00196378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01321-00196378-00196478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01322-00196478-00196578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01323-00196578-00196678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01324-00196678-00196778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01325-00196778-00196878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01326-00196878-00196978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01327-00196978-00197078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01328-00197078-00197178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01329-00197178-00197278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01330-00197278-00197378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01331-00197378-00197478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01332-00197478-00197578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01333-00197578-00197678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01334-00197678-00197778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01335-00197778-00197878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01336-00197878-00197978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01337-00197978-00198078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01338-00198078-00198178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01339-00198178-00198278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01340-00198278-00198378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01341-00198378-00198478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01342-00198478-00198578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01343-00198578-00198678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01344-00198678-00198778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01345-00198778-00198878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01346-00198878-00198978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01347-00198978-00199078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01348-00199078-00199178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01349-00199178-00199278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01350-00199278-00199378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01351-00199378-00199478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01352-00199478-00199578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01353-00199578-00199678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01354-00199678-00199778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01355-00199778-00199878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01356-00199878-00199978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01357-00199978-00200078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01358-00200078-00200178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01359-00200178-00200278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01360-00200278-00200378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01361-00200378-00200478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01362-00200478-00200578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01363-00200578-00200678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01364-00200678-00200778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01365-00200778-00200878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01366-00200878-00200978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01367-00200978-00201078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01368-00201078-00201178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01369-00201178-00201278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01370-00201278-00201378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01371-00201378-00201478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01372-00201478-00201578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01373-00201578-00201678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01374-00201678-00201778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01375-00201778-00201878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01376-00201878-00201978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01377-00201978-00202078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01378-00202078-00202178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01379-00202178-00202278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01380-00202278-00202378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01381-00202378-00202478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01382-00202478-00202578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01383-00202578-00202678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01384-00202678-00202778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01385-00202778-00202878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01386-00202878-00202978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01387-00202978-00203078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01388-00203078-00203178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01389-00203178-00203278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01390-00203278-00203378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01391-00203378-00203478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01392-00203478-00203578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01393-00203578-00203678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01394-00203678-00203778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01395-00203778-00203878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01396-00203878-00203978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01397-00203978-00204078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01398-00204078-00204178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01399-00204178-00204278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01400-00204278-00204378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01401-00204378-00204478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01402-00204478-00204578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01403-00204578-00204678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01404-00204678-00204778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01405-00204778-00204878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01406-00204878-00204978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01407-00204978-00205078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01408-00205078-00205178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01409-00205178-00205278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01410-00205278-00205378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01411-00205378-00205478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01412-00205478-00205578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01413-00205578-00205678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01414-00205678-00205778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01415-00205778-00205878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01416-00205878-00205978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01417-00205978-00206078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01418-00206078-00206178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01419-00206178-00206278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01420-00206278-00206378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01421-00206378-00206478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01422-00206478-00206578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01423-00206578-00206678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01424-00206678-00206778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01425-00206778-00206878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01426-00206878-00206978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01427-00206978-00207078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01428-00207078-00207178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01429-00207178-00207278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01430-00207278-00207378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01431-00207378-00207478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01432-00207478-00207578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01433-00207578-00207678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01434-00207678-00207778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01435-00207778-00207878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01436-00207878-00207978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01437-00207978-00208078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01438-00208078-00208178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01439-00208178-00208278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01440-00208278-00208378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01441-00208378-00208478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01442-00208478-00208578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01443-00208578-00208678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01444-00208678-00208778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01445-00208778-00208878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01446-00208878-00208978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01447-00208978-00209078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01448-00209078-00209178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01449-00209178-00209278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01450-00209278-00209378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01451-00209378-00209478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01452-00209478-00209578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01453-00209578-00209678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01454-00209678-00209778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01455-00209778-00209878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01456-00209878-00209978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01457-00209978-00210078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01458-00210078-00210178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01459-00210178-00210278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01460-00210278-00210378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01461-00210378-00210478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01462-00210478-00210578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01463-00210578-00210678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01464-00210678-00210778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01465-00210778-00210878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01466-00210878-00210978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01467-00210978-00211078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01468-00211078-00211178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01469-00211178-00211278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01470-00211278-00211378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01471-00211378-00211478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01472-00211478-00211578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01473-00211578-00211678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01474-00211678-00211778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01475-00211778-00211878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01476-00211878-00211978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01477-00211978-00212078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01478-00212078-00212178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01479-00212178-00212278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01480-00212278-00212378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01481-00212378-00212478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01482-00212478-00212578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01483-00212578-00212678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01484-00212678-00212778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01485-00212778-00212878 valorant 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ZrVG3gAXwrM-01501-00214378-00214478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01502-00214478-00214578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01503-00214578-00214678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01504-00214678-00214778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01505-00214778-00214878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01506-00214878-00214978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01507-00214978-00215078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01508-00215078-00215178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01509-00215178-00215278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01510-00215278-00215378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01511-00215378-00215478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01512-00215478-00215578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01513-00215578-00215678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01514-00215678-00215778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01515-00215778-00215878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01516-00215878-00215978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01517-00215978-00216078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01518-00216078-00216178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01519-00216178-00216278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01520-00216278-00216378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01521-00216378-00216478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01522-00216478-00216578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01523-00216578-00216678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01524-00216678-00216778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01525-00216778-00216878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01526-00216878-00216978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01527-00216978-00217078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01528-00217078-00217178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01529-00217178-00217278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01530-00217278-00217378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01531-00217378-00217478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01532-00217478-00217578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01533-00217578-00217678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01534-00217678-00217778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01535-00217778-00217878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01536-00217878-00217978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01537-00217978-00218078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01538-00218078-00218178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01539-00218178-00218278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01540-00218278-00218378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01541-00218378-00218478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01542-00218478-00218578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01543-00218578-00218678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01544-00218678-00218778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01545-00218778-00218878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01546-00218878-00218978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01547-00218978-00219078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01548-00219078-00219178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01549-00219178-00219278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01550-00219278-00219378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01551-00219378-00219478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01552-00219478-00219578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01553-00219578-00219678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01554-00219678-00219778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01555-00219778-00219878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01556-00219878-00219978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01557-00219978-00220078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01558-00220078-00220178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01559-00220178-00220278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01560-00220278-00220378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01561-00220378-00220478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01562-00220478-00220578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01563-00220578-00220678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01564-00220678-00220778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01565-00220778-00220878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01566-00220878-00220978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01567-00220978-00221078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01568-00221078-00221178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01569-00221178-00221278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01570-00221278-00221378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01571-00221378-00221478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01572-00221478-00221578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01573-00221578-00221678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01574-00221678-00221778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01575-00221778-00221878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01576-00221878-00221978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01577-00221978-00222078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01578-00222078-00222178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01579-00222178-00222278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01580-00222278-00222378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01581-00222378-00222478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01582-00222478-00222578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01583-00222578-00222678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01584-00222678-00222778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01585-00222778-00222878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01586-00222878-00222978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01587-00222978-00223078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01588-00223078-00223178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01589-00223178-00223278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01590-00223278-00223378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01591-00223378-00223478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01592-00223478-00223578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01593-00223578-00223678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01594-00223678-00223778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01595-00223778-00223878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01596-00223878-00223978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01597-00223978-00224078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01598-00224078-00224178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01599-00224178-00224278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01600-00224278-00224378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01601-00224378-00224478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01602-00224478-00224578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01603-00224578-00224678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01604-00224678-00224778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01605-00224778-00224878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01606-00224878-00224978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01607-00224978-00225078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01608-00225078-00225178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01609-00225178-00225278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01610-00225278-00225378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01611-00225378-00225478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01612-00225478-00225578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01613-00225578-00225678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01614-00225678-00225778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01615-00225778-00225878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01616-00225878-00225978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01617-00225978-00226078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01618-00226078-00226178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01619-00226178-00226278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01620-00226278-00226378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01621-00226378-00226478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01622-00226478-00226578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01623-00226578-00226678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01624-00226678-00226778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01625-00226778-00226878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01626-00226878-00226978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01627-00226978-00227078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01628-00227078-00227178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01629-00227178-00227278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01630-00227278-00227378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01631-00227378-00227478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01632-00227478-00227578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01633-00227578-00227678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01634-00227678-00227778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01635-00227778-00227878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01636-00227878-00227978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01637-00227978-00228078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01638-00228078-00228178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01639-00228178-00228278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01640-00228278-00228378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01641-00228378-00228478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01642-00228478-00228578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01643-00228578-00228678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01644-00228678-00228778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01645-00228778-00228878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01646-00228878-00228978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01647-00228978-00229078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01648-00229078-00229178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01649-00229178-00229278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01650-00229278-00229378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01651-00229378-00229478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01652-00229478-00229578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01653-00229578-00229678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01654-00229678-00229778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01655-00229778-00229878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01656-00229878-00229978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01657-00229978-00230078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01658-00230078-00230178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01659-00230178-00230278 valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01668-00231078-00231178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01669-00231178-00231278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01670-00231278-00231378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01671-00231378-00231478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01672-00231478-00231578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01673-00231578-00231678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01674-00231678-00231778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01675-00231778-00231878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01676-00231878-00231978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01677-00231978-00232078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01678-00232078-00232178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01679-00232178-00232278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01680-00232278-00232378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01681-00232378-00232478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01682-00232478-00232578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01683-00232578-00232678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01684-00232678-00232778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01685-00232778-00232878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01686-00232878-00232978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01687-00232978-00233078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01688-00233078-00233178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01689-00233178-00233278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01690-00233278-00233378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01691-00233378-00233478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01692-00233478-00233578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01693-00233578-00233678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01694-00233678-00233778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01695-00233778-00233878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01696-00233878-00233978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01697-00233978-00234078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01698-00234078-00234178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01699-00234178-00234278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01700-00234278-00234378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01701-00234378-00234478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01702-00234478-00234578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01703-00234578-00234678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01704-00234678-00234778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01705-00234778-00234878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01706-00234878-00234978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01707-00234978-00235078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01708-00235078-00235178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01709-00235178-00235278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01710-00235278-00235378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01711-00235378-00235478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01712-00235478-00235578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01713-00235578-00235678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01714-00235678-00235778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01715-00235778-00235878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01716-00235878-00235978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01717-00235978-00236078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01718-00236078-00236178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01719-00236178-00236278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01720-00236278-00236378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01721-00236378-00236478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01722-00236478-00236578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01723-00236578-00236678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01724-00236678-00236778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01725-00236778-00236878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01726-00236878-00236978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01727-00236978-00237078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01728-00237078-00237178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01729-00237178-00237278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01730-00237278-00237378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01731-00237378-00237478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01732-00237478-00237578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01733-00237578-00237678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01734-00237678-00237778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01735-00237778-00237878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01736-00237878-00237978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01737-00237978-00238078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01738-00238078-00238178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01739-00238178-00238278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01740-00238278-00238378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01741-00238378-00238478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01742-00238478-00238578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01743-00238578-00238678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01744-00238678-00238778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01745-00238778-00238878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01746-00238878-00238978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01747-00238978-00239078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01748-00239078-00239178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01749-00239178-00239278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01750-00239278-00239378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01751-00239378-00239478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01752-00239478-00239578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01753-00239578-00239678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01754-00239678-00239778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01755-00239778-00239878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01756-00239878-00239978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01757-00239978-00240078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01758-00240078-00240178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01759-00240178-00240278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01760-00240278-00240378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01761-00240378-00240478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01762-00240478-00240578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01763-00240578-00240678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01764-00240678-00240778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01765-00240778-00240878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01766-00240878-00240978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01767-00240978-00241078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01768-00241078-00241178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01769-00241178-00241278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01770-00241278-00241378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01771-00241378-00241478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01772-00241478-00241578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01773-00241578-00241678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01774-00241678-00241778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01775-00241778-00241878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01776-00241878-00241978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01777-00241978-00242078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01778-00242078-00242178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01779-00242178-00242278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01780-00242278-00242378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01781-00242378-00242478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01782-00242478-00242578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01783-00242578-00242678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01784-00242678-00242778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01785-00242778-00242878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01786-00242878-00242978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01787-00242978-00243078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01788-00243078-00243178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01789-00243178-00243278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01790-00243278-00243378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01791-00243378-00243478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01792-00243478-00243578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01793-00243578-00243678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01794-00243678-00243778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01795-00243778-00243878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01796-00243878-00243978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01797-00243978-00244078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01798-00244078-00244178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01799-00244178-00244278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01800-00244278-00244378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01801-00244378-00244478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01802-00244478-00244578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01803-00244578-00244678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01804-00244678-00244778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01805-00244778-00244878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01806-00244878-00244978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01807-00244978-00245078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01808-00245078-00245178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01809-00245178-00245278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01810-00245278-00245378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01811-00245378-00245478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01812-00245478-00245578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01813-00245578-00245678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01814-00245678-00245778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01815-00245778-00245878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01816-00245878-00245978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01817-00245978-00246078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01818-00246078-00246178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01819-00246178-00246278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01820-00246278-00246378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01821-00246378-00246478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01822-00246478-00246578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01823-00246578-00246678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01824-00246678-00246778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01825-00246778-00246878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01826-00246878-00246978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01827-00246978-00247078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01828-00247078-00247178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01829-00247178-00247278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01830-00247278-00247378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01831-00247378-00247478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01832-00247478-00247578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01833-00247578-00247678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01834-00247678-00247778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01835-00247778-00247878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01836-00247878-00247978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01837-00247978-00248078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01838-00248078-00248178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01839-00248178-00248278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01840-00248278-00248378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01841-00248378-00248478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01842-00248478-00248578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01843-00248578-00248678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01844-00248678-00248778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01845-00248778-00248878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01846-00248878-00248978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01847-00248978-00249078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01848-00249078-00249178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01849-00249178-00249278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01850-00249278-00249378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01851-00249378-00249478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01852-00249478-00249578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01853-00249578-00249678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01854-00249678-00249778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01855-00249778-00249878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01856-00249878-00249978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01857-00249978-00250078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01858-00250078-00250178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01859-00250178-00250278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01860-00250278-00250378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01861-00250378-00250478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01862-00250478-00250578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01863-00250578-00250678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01864-00250678-00250778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01865-00250778-00250878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01866-00250878-00250978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01867-00250978-00251078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01868-00251078-00251178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01869-00251178-00251278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01870-00251278-00251378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01871-00251378-00251478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01872-00251478-00251578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01873-00251578-00251678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01874-00251678-00251778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01875-00251778-00251878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01876-00251878-00251978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01877-00251978-00252078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01878-00252078-00252178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01879-00252178-00252278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01880-00252278-00252378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01881-00252378-00252478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01882-00252478-00252578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01883-00252578-00252678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01884-00252678-00252778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01885-00252778-00252878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01886-00252878-00252978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01887-00252978-00253078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01888-00253078-00253178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01889-00253178-00253278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01890-00253278-00253378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01891-00253378-00253478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01892-00253478-00253578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01893-00253578-00253678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01894-00253678-00253778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01895-00253778-00253878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01896-00253878-00253978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01897-00253978-00254078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01898-00254078-00254178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01899-00254178-00254278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01900-00254278-00254378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01901-00254378-00254478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01902-00254478-00254578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01903-00254578-00254678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01904-00254678-00254778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01905-00254778-00254878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01906-00254878-00254978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01907-00254978-00255078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01908-00255078-00255178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01909-00255178-00255278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01910-00255278-00255378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01911-00255378-00255478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01912-00255478-00255578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01913-00255578-00255678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01914-00255678-00255778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01915-00255778-00255878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01916-00255878-00255978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01917-00255978-00256078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01918-00256078-00256178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01919-00256178-00256278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01920-00256278-00256378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01921-00256378-00256478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01922-00256478-00256578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01923-00256578-00256678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01924-00256678-00256778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01925-00256778-00256878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01926-00256878-00256978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01927-00256978-00257078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01928-00257078-00257178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01929-00257178-00257278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01930-00257278-00257378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01931-00257378-00257478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01932-00257478-00257578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01933-00257578-00257678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01934-00257678-00257778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01935-00257778-00257878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01936-00257878-00257978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01937-00257978-00258078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01938-00258078-00258178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01939-00258178-00258278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01940-00258278-00258378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01941-00258378-00258478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01942-00258478-00258578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01943-00258578-00258678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01944-00258678-00258778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01945-00258778-00258878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01946-00258878-00258978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01947-00258978-00259078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01948-00259078-00259178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01949-00259178-00259278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01950-00259278-00259378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01951-00259378-00259478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01952-00259478-00259578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01953-00259578-00259678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01954-00259678-00259778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01955-00259778-00259878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01956-00259878-00259978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01957-00259978-00260078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01958-00260078-00260178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01959-00260178-00260278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01960-00260278-00260378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01961-00260378-00260478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01962-00260478-00260578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01963-00260578-00260678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01964-00260678-00260778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01965-00260778-00260878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01966-00260878-00260978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01967-00260978-00261078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01968-00261078-00261178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01969-00261178-00261278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01970-00261278-00261378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01971-00261378-00261478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01972-00261478-00261578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01973-00261578-00261678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01974-00261678-00261778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01975-00261778-00261878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01976-00261878-00261978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01977-00261978-00262078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01978-00262078-00262178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01979-00262178-00262278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01980-00262278-00262378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01981-00262378-00262478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01982-00262478-00262578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01983-00262578-00262678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01984-00262678-00262778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01985-00262778-00262878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01986-00262878-00262978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01987-00262978-00263078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01988-00263078-00263178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01989-00263178-00263278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01990-00263278-00263378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01991-00263378-00263478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01992-00263478-00263578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01993-00263578-00263678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01994-00263678-00263778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01995-00263778-00263878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01996-00263878-00263978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01997-00263978-00264078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01998-00264078-00264178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-01999-00264178-00264278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02000-00264278-00264378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02001-00264378-00264478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02002-00264478-00264578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02003-00264578-00264678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02004-00264678-00264778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02005-00264778-00264878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02006-00264878-00264978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02007-00264978-00265078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02008-00265078-00265178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02009-00265178-00265278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02010-00265278-00265378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02011-00265378-00265478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02012-00265478-00265578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02013-00265578-00265678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02014-00265678-00265778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02015-00265778-00265878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02016-00265878-00265978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02017-00265978-00266078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02018-00266078-00266178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02019-00266178-00266278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02020-00266278-00266378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02021-00266378-00266478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02022-00266478-00266578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02023-00266578-00266678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02024-00266678-00266778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02025-00266778-00266878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02026-00266878-00266978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02027-00266978-00267078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02028-00267078-00267178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02029-00267178-00267278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02030-00267278-00267378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02031-00267378-00267478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02032-00267478-00267578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02033-00267578-00267678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02034-00267678-00267778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02035-00267778-00267878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02036-00267878-00267978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02037-00267978-00268078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02038-00268078-00268178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02039-00268178-00268278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02040-00268278-00268378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02041-00268378-00268478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02042-00268478-00268578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02043-00268578-00268678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02044-00268678-00268778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02045-00268778-00268878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02046-00268878-00268978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02047-00268978-00269078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02048-00269078-00269178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02049-00269178-00269278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02050-00269278-00269378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02051-00269378-00269478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02052-00269478-00269578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02053-00269578-00269678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02054-00269678-00269778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02055-00269778-00269878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02056-00269878-00269978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02057-00269978-00270078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02058-00270078-00270178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02059-00270178-00270278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02060-00270278-00270378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02061-00270378-00270478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02062-00270478-00270578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02063-00270578-00270678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02064-00270678-00270778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02065-00270778-00270878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02066-00270878-00270978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02067-00270978-00271078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02068-00271078-00271178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02069-00271178-00271278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02070-00271278-00271378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02071-00271378-00271478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02072-00271478-00271578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02073-00271578-00271678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02074-00271678-00271778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02075-00271778-00271878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02076-00271878-00271978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02077-00271978-00272078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02078-00272078-00272178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02079-00272178-00272278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02080-00272278-00272378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02081-00272378-00272478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02082-00272478-00272578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02083-00272578-00272678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02084-00272678-00272778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02085-00272778-00272878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02086-00272878-00272978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02087-00272978-00273078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02088-00273078-00273178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02089-00273178-00273278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02090-00273278-00273378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02091-00273378-00273478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02092-00273478-00273578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02093-00273578-00273678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02094-00273678-00273778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02095-00273778-00273878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02096-00273878-00273978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02097-00273978-00274078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02098-00274078-00274178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02099-00274178-00274278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02100-00274278-00274378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02101-00274378-00274478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02102-00274478-00274578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02103-00274578-00274678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02104-00274678-00274778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02105-00274778-00274878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02106-00274878-00274978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02107-00274978-00275078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02108-00275078-00275178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02109-00275178-00275278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02110-00275278-00275378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02111-00275378-00275478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02112-00275478-00275578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02113-00275578-00275678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02114-00275678-00275778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02115-00275778-00275878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02116-00275878-00275978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02117-00275978-00276078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02118-00276078-00276178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02119-00276178-00276278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02120-00276278-00276378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02121-00276378-00276478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02122-00276478-00276578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02123-00276578-00276678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02124-00276678-00276778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02125-00276778-00276878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02126-00276878-00276978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02127-00276978-00277078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02128-00277078-00277178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02129-00277178-00277278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02130-00277278-00277378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02131-00277378-00277478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02132-00277478-00277578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02133-00277578-00277678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02134-00277678-00277778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02135-00277778-00277878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02136-00277878-00277978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02137-00277978-00278078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02138-00278078-00278178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02139-00278178-00278278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02140-00278278-00278378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02141-00278378-00278478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02142-00278478-00278578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02143-00278578-00278678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02144-00278678-00278778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02145-00278778-00278878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02146-00278878-00278978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02147-00278978-00279078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02148-00279078-00279178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02149-00279178-00279278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02150-00279278-00279378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02151-00279378-00279478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02152-00279478-00279578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02153-00279578-00279678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02154-00279678-00279778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02155-00279778-00279878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02156-00279878-00279978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02157-00279978-00280078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02158-00280078-00280178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02159-00280178-00280278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02160-00280278-00280378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02161-00280378-00280478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02162-00280478-00280578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02163-00280578-00280678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02164-00280678-00280778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02165-00280778-00280878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02166-00280878-00280978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02167-00280978-00281078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02168-00281078-00281178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02169-00281178-00281278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02170-00281278-00281378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02171-00281378-00281478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02172-00281478-00281578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02173-00281578-00281678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02174-00281678-00281778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02175-00281778-00281878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02176-00281878-00281978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02177-00281978-00282078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02178-00282078-00282178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02179-00282178-00282278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02180-00282278-00282378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02181-00282378-00282478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02182-00282478-00282578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02183-00282578-00282678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02184-00282678-00282778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02185-00282778-00282878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02186-00282878-00282978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02187-00282978-00283078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02188-00283078-00283178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02189-00283178-00283278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02190-00283278-00283378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02191-00283378-00283478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02192-00283478-00283578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02193-00283578-00283678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02194-00283678-00283778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02195-00283778-00283878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02196-00283878-00283978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02197-00283978-00284078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02198-00284078-00284178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02199-00284178-00284278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02200-00284278-00284378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02201-00284378-00284478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02202-00284478-00284578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02203-00284578-00284678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02204-00284678-00284778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02205-00284778-00284878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02206-00284878-00284978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02207-00284978-00285078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02208-00285078-00285178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02209-00285178-00285278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02210-00285278-00285378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02211-00285378-00285478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02212-00285478-00285578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02213-00285578-00285678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02214-00285678-00285778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02215-00285778-00285878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02216-00285878-00285978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02217-00285978-00286078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02218-00286078-00286178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02219-00286178-00286278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02220-00286278-00286378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02221-00286378-00286478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02222-00286478-00286578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02223-00286578-00286678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02224-00286678-00286778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02225-00286778-00286878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02226-00286878-00286978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02227-00286978-00287078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02228-00287078-00287178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02229-00287178-00287278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02230-00287278-00287378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02231-00287378-00287478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02232-00287478-00287578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02233-00287578-00287678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02234-00287678-00287778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02235-00287778-00287878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02236-00287878-00287978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02237-00287978-00288078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02238-00288078-00288178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02239-00288178-00288278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02240-00288278-00288378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02241-00288378-00288478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02242-00288478-00288578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02243-00288578-00288678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02244-00288678-00288778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02245-00288778-00288878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02246-00288878-00288978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02247-00288978-00289078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02248-00289078-00289178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02249-00289178-00289278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02250-00289278-00289378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02251-00289378-00289478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02252-00289478-00289578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02253-00289578-00289678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02254-00289678-00289778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02255-00289778-00289878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02256-00289878-00289978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02257-00289978-00290078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02258-00290078-00290178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02259-00290178-00290278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02260-00290278-00290378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02261-00290378-00290478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02262-00290478-00290578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02263-00290578-00290678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02264-00290678-00290778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02265-00290778-00290878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02266-00290878-00290978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02267-00290978-00291078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02268-00291078-00291178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02269-00291178-00291278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02270-00291278-00291378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02271-00291378-00291478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02272-00291478-00291578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02273-00291578-00291678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02274-00291678-00291778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02275-00291778-00291878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02276-00291878-00291978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02277-00291978-00292078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02278-00292078-00292178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02279-00292178-00292278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02280-00292278-00292378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02281-00292378-00292478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02282-00292478-00292578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02283-00292578-00292678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02284-00292678-00292778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02285-00292778-00292878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02286-00292878-00292978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02287-00292978-00293078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02288-00293078-00293178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02289-00293178-00293278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02290-00293278-00293378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02291-00293378-00293478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02292-00293478-00293578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02293-00293578-00293678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02294-00293678-00293778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02295-00293778-00293878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02296-00293878-00293978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02297-00293978-00294078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02298-00294078-00294178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02299-00294178-00294278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02300-00294278-00294378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02301-00294378-00294478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02302-00294478-00294578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02303-00294578-00294678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02304-00294678-00294778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02305-00294778-00294878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02306-00294878-00294978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02307-00294978-00295078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02308-00295078-00295178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02309-00295178-00295278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02310-00295278-00295378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02311-00295378-00295478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02312-00295478-00295578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02313-00295578-00295678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02314-00295678-00295778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02315-00295778-00295878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02316-00295878-00295978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02317-00295978-00296078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02318-00296078-00296178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02319-00296178-00296278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02320-00296278-00296378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02321-00296378-00296478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02322-00296478-00296578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02323-00296578-00296678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02324-00296678-00296778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02325-00296778-00296878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02326-00296878-00296978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02327-00296978-00297078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02328-00297078-00297178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02329-00297178-00297278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02330-00297278-00297378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02331-00297378-00297478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02332-00297478-00297578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02333-00297578-00297678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02334-00297678-00297778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02335-00297778-00297878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02336-00297878-00297978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02337-00297978-00298078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02338-00298078-00298178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02339-00298178-00298278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02340-00298278-00298378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02341-00298378-00298478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02342-00298478-00298578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02343-00298578-00298678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02344-00298678-00298778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02345-00298778-00298878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02346-00298878-00298978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02347-00298978-00299078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02348-00299078-00299178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02349-00299178-00299278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02350-00299278-00299378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02351-00299378-00299478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02352-00299478-00299578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02353-00299578-00299678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02354-00299678-00299778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02355-00299778-00299878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02356-00299878-00299978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02357-00299978-00300078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02358-00300078-00300178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02359-00300178-00300278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02360-00300278-00300378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02361-00300378-00300478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02362-00300478-00300578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02363-00300578-00300678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02364-00300678-00300778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02365-00300778-00300878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02366-00300878-00300978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02367-00300978-00301078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02368-00301078-00301178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02369-00301178-00301278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02370-00301278-00301378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02371-00301378-00301478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02372-00301478-00301578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02373-00301578-00301678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02374-00301678-00301778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02375-00301778-00301878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02376-00301878-00301978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02377-00301978-00302078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02378-00302078-00302178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02379-00302178-00302278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02380-00302278-00302378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02381-00302378-00302478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02382-00302478-00302578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02383-00302578-00302678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02384-00302678-00302778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02385-00302778-00302878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02386-00302878-00302978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02387-00302978-00303078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02388-00303078-00303178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02389-00303178-00303278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02390-00303278-00303378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02391-00303378-00303478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02392-00303478-00303578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02393-00303578-00303678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02394-00303678-00303778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02395-00303778-00303878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02396-00303878-00303978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02397-00303978-00304078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02398-00304078-00304178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02399-00304178-00304278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02400-00304278-00304378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02401-00304378-00304478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02402-00304478-00304578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02403-00304578-00304678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02404-00304678-00304778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02405-00304778-00304878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02406-00304878-00304978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02407-00304978-00305078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02408-00305078-00305178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02409-00305178-00305278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02410-00305278-00305378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02411-00305378-00305478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02412-00305478-00305578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02413-00305578-00305678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02414-00305678-00305778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02415-00305778-00305878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02416-00305878-00305978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02417-00305978-00306078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02418-00306078-00306178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02419-00306178-00306278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02420-00306278-00306378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02421-00306378-00306478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02422-00306478-00306578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02423-00306578-00306678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02424-00306678-00306778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02425-00306778-00306878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02426-00306878-00306978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02427-00306978-00307078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02428-00307078-00307178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02429-00307178-00307278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02430-00307278-00307378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02431-00307378-00307478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02432-00307478-00307578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02433-00307578-00307678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02434-00307678-00307778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02435-00307778-00307878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02436-00307878-00307978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02437-00307978-00308078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02438-00308078-00308178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02439-00308178-00308278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02440-00308278-00308378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02441-00308378-00308478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02442-00308478-00308578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02443-00308578-00308678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02444-00308678-00308778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02445-00308778-00308878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02446-00308878-00308978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02447-00308978-00309078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02448-00309078-00309178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02449-00309178-00309278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02450-00309278-00309378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02451-00309378-00309478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02452-00309478-00309578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02453-00309578-00309678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02454-00309678-00309778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02455-00309778-00309878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02456-00309878-00309978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02457-00309978-00310078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02458-00310078-00310178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02459-00310178-00310278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02460-00310278-00310378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02461-00310378-00310478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02462-00310478-00310578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02463-00310578-00310678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02464-00310678-00310778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02465-00310778-00310878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02466-00310878-00310978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02467-00310978-00311078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02468-00311078-00311178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02469-00311178-00311278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02470-00311278-00311378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02471-00311378-00311478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02472-00311478-00311578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02473-00311578-00311678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02474-00311678-00311778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02475-00311778-00311878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02476-00311878-00311978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02477-00311978-00312078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02478-00312078-00312178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02479-00312178-00312278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02480-00312278-00312378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02481-00312378-00312478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02482-00312478-00312578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02483-00312578-00312678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02484-00312678-00312778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02485-00312778-00312878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02486-00312878-00312978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02487-00312978-00313078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02488-00313078-00313178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02489-00313178-00313278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02490-00313278-00313378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02491-00313378-00313478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02492-00313478-00313578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02493-00313578-00313678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02494-00313678-00313778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02495-00313778-00313878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02496-00313878-00313978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02497-00313978-00314078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02498-00314078-00314178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02499-00314178-00314278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02500-00314278-00314378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02501-00314378-00314478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02502-00314478-00314578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02503-00314578-00314678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02504-00314678-00314778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02505-00314778-00314878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02506-00314878-00314978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02507-00314978-00315078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02508-00315078-00315178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02509-00315178-00315278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02510-00315278-00315378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02511-00315378-00315478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02512-00315478-00315578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02513-00315578-00315678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02514-00315678-00315778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02515-00315778-00315878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02516-00315878-00315978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02517-00315978-00316078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02518-00316078-00316178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02519-00316178-00316278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02520-00316278-00316378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02521-00316378-00316478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02522-00316478-00316578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02523-00316578-00316678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02524-00316678-00316778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02525-00316778-00316878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02526-00316878-00316978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02527-00316978-00317078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02528-00317078-00317178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02529-00317178-00317278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02530-00317278-00317378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02531-00317378-00317478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02532-00317478-00317578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02533-00317578-00317678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02534-00317678-00317778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02535-00317778-00317878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02536-00317878-00317978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02537-00317978-00318078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02538-00318078-00318178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02539-00318178-00318278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02540-00318278-00318378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02541-00318378-00318478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02542-00318478-00318578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02543-00318578-00318678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02544-00318678-00318778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02545-00318778-00318878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02546-00318878-00318978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02547-00318978-00319078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02548-00319078-00319178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02549-00319178-00319278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02550-00319278-00319378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02551-00319378-00319478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02552-00319478-00319578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02553-00319578-00319678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02554-00319678-00319778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02555-00319778-00319878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02556-00319878-00319978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02557-00319978-00320078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02558-00320078-00320178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02559-00320178-00320278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02560-00320278-00320378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02561-00320378-00320478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02562-00320478-00320578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02563-00320578-00320678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02564-00320678-00320778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02565-00320778-00320878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02566-00320878-00320978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02567-00320978-00321078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02568-00321078-00321178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02569-00321178-00321278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02570-00321278-00321378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02571-00321378-00321478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02572-00321478-00321578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02573-00321578-00321678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02574-00321678-00321778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02575-00321778-00321878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02576-00321878-00321978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02577-00321978-00322078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02578-00322078-00322178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02579-00322178-00322278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02580-00322278-00322378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02581-00322378-00322478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02582-00322478-00322578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02583-00322578-00322678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02584-00322678-00322778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02585-00322778-00322878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02586-00322878-00322978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02587-00322978-00323078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02588-00323078-00323178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02589-00323178-00323278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02590-00323278-00323378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02591-00323378-00323478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02592-00323478-00323578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02593-00323578-00323678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02594-00323678-00323778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02595-00323778-00323878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02596-00323878-00323978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02597-00323978-00324078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02598-00324078-00324178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02599-00324178-00324278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02600-00324278-00324378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02601-00324378-00324478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02602-00324478-00324578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02603-00324578-00324678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02604-00324678-00324778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02605-00324778-00324878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02606-00324878-00324978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02607-00324978-00325078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02608-00325078-00325178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02609-00325178-00325278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02610-00325278-00325378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02611-00325378-00325478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02612-00325478-00325578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02613-00325578-00325678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02614-00325678-00325778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02615-00325778-00325878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02616-00325878-00325978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02617-00325978-00326078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02618-00326078-00326178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02619-00326178-00326278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02620-00326278-00326378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02621-00326378-00326478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02622-00326478-00326578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02623-00326578-00326678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02624-00326678-00326778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02625-00326778-00326878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02626-00326878-00326978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02627-00326978-00327078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02628-00327078-00327178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02629-00327178-00327278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02630-00327278-00327378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02631-00327378-00327478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02632-00327478-00327578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02633-00327578-00327678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02634-00327678-00327778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02635-00327778-00327878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02636-00327878-00327978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02637-00327978-00328078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02638-00328078-00328178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02639-00328178-00328278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02640-00328278-00328378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02641-00328378-00328478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02642-00328478-00328578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02643-00328578-00328678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02644-00328678-00328778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02645-00328778-00328878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02646-00328878-00328978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02647-00328978-00329078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02648-00329078-00329178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02649-00329178-00329278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02650-00329278-00329378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02651-00329378-00329478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02652-00329478-00329578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02653-00329578-00329678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02654-00329678-00329778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02655-00329778-00329878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02656-00329878-00329978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02657-00329978-00330078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02658-00330078-00330178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02659-00330178-00330278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02660-00330278-00330378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02661-00330378-00330478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02662-00330478-00330578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02663-00330578-00330678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02664-00330678-00330778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02665-00330778-00330878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02666-00330878-00330978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02667-00330978-00331078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02668-00331078-00331178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02669-00331178-00331278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02670-00331278-00331378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02671-00331378-00331478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02672-00331478-00331578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02673-00331578-00331678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02674-00331678-00331778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02675-00331778-00331878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02676-00331878-00331978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02677-00331978-00332078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02678-00332078-00332178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02679-00332178-00332278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02680-00332278-00332378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02681-00332378-00332478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02682-00332478-00332578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02683-00332578-00332678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02684-00332678-00332778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02685-00332778-00332878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02686-00332878-00332978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02687-00332978-00333078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02688-00333078-00333178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02689-00333178-00333278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02690-00333278-00333378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02691-00333378-00333478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02692-00333478-00333578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02693-00333578-00333678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02694-00333678-00333778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02695-00333778-00333878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02696-00333878-00333978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02697-00333978-00334078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02698-00334078-00334178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02699-00334178-00334278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02700-00334278-00334378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02701-00334378-00334478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02702-00334478-00334578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02703-00334578-00334678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02704-00334678-00334778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02705-00334778-00334878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02706-00334878-00334978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02707-00334978-00335078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02708-00335078-00335178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02709-00335178-00335278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02710-00335278-00335378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02711-00335378-00335478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02712-00335478-00335578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02713-00335578-00335678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02714-00335678-00335778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02715-00335778-00335878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02716-00335878-00335978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02717-00335978-00336078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02718-00336078-00336178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02719-00336178-00336278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02720-00336278-00336378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02721-00336378-00336478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02722-00336478-00336578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02723-00336578-00336678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02724-00336678-00336778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02725-00336778-00336878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02726-00336878-00336978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02727-00336978-00337078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02728-00337078-00337178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02729-00337178-00337278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02730-00337278-00337378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02731-00337378-00337478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02732-00337478-00337578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02733-00337578-00337678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02734-00337678-00337778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02735-00337778-00337878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02736-00337878-00337978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02737-00337978-00338078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02738-00338078-00338178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02739-00338178-00338278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02740-00338278-00338378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02741-00338378-00338478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02742-00338478-00338578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02743-00338578-00338678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02744-00338678-00338778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02745-00338778-00338878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02746-00338878-00338978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02747-00338978-00339078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02748-00339078-00339178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02749-00339178-00339278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02750-00339278-00339378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02751-00339378-00339478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02752-00339478-00339578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02753-00339578-00339678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02754-00339678-00339778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02755-00339778-00339878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02756-00339878-00339978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02757-00339978-00340078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02758-00340078-00340178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02759-00340178-00340278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02760-00340278-00340378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02761-00340378-00340478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02762-00340478-00340578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02763-00340578-00340678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02764-00340678-00340778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02765-00340778-00340878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02766-00340878-00340978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02767-00340978-00341078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02768-00341078-00341178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02769-00341178-00341278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02770-00341278-00341378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02771-00341378-00341478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02772-00341478-00341578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02773-00341578-00341678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02774-00341678-00341778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02775-00341778-00341878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02776-00341878-00341978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02777-00341978-00342078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02778-00342078-00342178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02779-00342178-00342278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02780-00342278-00342378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02781-00342378-00342478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02782-00342478-00342578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02783-00342578-00342678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02784-00342678-00342778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02785-00342778-00342878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02786-00342878-00342978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02787-00342978-00343078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02788-00343078-00343178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02789-00343178-00343278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02790-00343278-00343378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02791-00343378-00343478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02792-00343478-00343578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02793-00343578-00343678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02794-00343678-00343778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02795-00343778-00343878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02796-00343878-00343978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02797-00343978-00344078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02798-00344078-00344178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02799-00344178-00344278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02800-00344278-00344378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02801-00344378-00344478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02802-00344478-00344578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02803-00344578-00344678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02804-00344678-00344778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02805-00344778-00344878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02806-00344878-00344978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02807-00344978-00345078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02808-00345078-00345178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02809-00345178-00345278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02810-00345278-00345378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02811-00345378-00345478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02812-00345478-00345578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02813-00345578-00345678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02814-00345678-00345778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02815-00345778-00345878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02816-00345878-00345978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02817-00345978-00346078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02818-00346078-00346178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02819-00346178-00346278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02820-00346278-00346378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02821-00346378-00346478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02822-00346478-00346578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02823-00346578-00346678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02824-00346678-00346778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02825-00346778-00346878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02826-00346878-00346978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02827-00346978-00347078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02828-00347078-00347178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02829-00347178-00347278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02830-00347278-00347378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02831-00347378-00347478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02832-00347478-00347578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02833-00347578-00347678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02834-00347678-00347778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02835-00347778-00347878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02836-00347878-00347978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02837-00347978-00348078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02838-00348078-00348178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02839-00348178-00348278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02840-00348278-00348378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02841-00348378-00348478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02842-00348478-00348578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02843-00348578-00348678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02844-00348678-00348778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02845-00348778-00348878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02846-00348878-00348978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02847-00348978-00349078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02848-00349078-00349178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02849-00349178-00349278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02850-00349278-00349378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02851-00349378-00349478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02852-00349478-00349578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02853-00349578-00349678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02854-00349678-00349778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02855-00349778-00349878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02856-00349878-00349978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02857-00349978-00350078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02858-00350078-00350178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02859-00350178-00350278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02860-00350278-00350378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02861-00350378-00350478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02862-00350478-00350578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02863-00350578-00350678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02864-00350678-00350778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02865-00350778-00350878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02866-00350878-00350978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02867-00350978-00351078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02868-00351078-00351178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02869-00351178-00351278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02870-00351278-00351378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02871-00351378-00351478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02872-00351478-00351578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02873-00351578-00351678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02874-00351678-00351778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02875-00351778-00351878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02876-00351878-00351978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02877-00351978-00352078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02878-00352078-00352178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02879-00352178-00352278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02880-00352278-00352378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02881-00352378-00352478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02882-00352478-00352578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02883-00352578-00352678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02884-00352678-00352778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02885-00352778-00352878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02886-00352878-00352978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02887-00352978-00353078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02888-00353078-00353178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02889-00353178-00353278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02890-00353278-00353378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02891-00353378-00353478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02892-00353478-00353578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02893-00353578-00353678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02894-00353678-00353778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02895-00353778-00353878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02896-00353878-00353978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02897-00353978-00354078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02898-00354078-00354178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02899-00354178-00354278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02900-00354278-00354378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02901-00354378-00354478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02902-00354478-00354578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02903-00354578-00354678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02904-00354678-00354778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02905-00354778-00354878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02906-00354878-00354978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02907-00354978-00355078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02908-00355078-00355178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02909-00355178-00355278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02910-00355278-00355378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02911-00355378-00355478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02912-00355478-00355578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02913-00355578-00355678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02914-00355678-00355778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02915-00355778-00355878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02916-00355878-00355978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02917-00355978-00356078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02918-00356078-00356178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02919-00356178-00356278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02920-00356278-00356378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02921-00356378-00356478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02922-00356478-00356578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02923-00356578-00356678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02924-00356678-00356778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02925-00356778-00356878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02926-00356878-00356978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02927-00356978-00357078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02928-00357078-00357178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02929-00357178-00357278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02930-00357278-00357378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02931-00357378-00357478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02932-00357478-00357578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02933-00357578-00357678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02934-00357678-00357778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02935-00357778-00357878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02936-00357878-00357978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02937-00357978-00358078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02938-00358078-00358178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02939-00358178-00358278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02940-00358278-00358378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02941-00358378-00358478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02942-00358478-00358578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02943-00358578-00358678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02944-00358678-00358778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02945-00358778-00358878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02946-00358878-00358978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02947-00358978-00359078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02948-00359078-00359178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02949-00359178-00359278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02950-00359278-00359378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02951-00359378-00359478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02952-00359478-00359578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02953-00359578-00359678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02954-00359678-00359778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02955-00359778-00359878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02956-00359878-00359978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02957-00359978-00360078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02958-00360078-00360178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02959-00360178-00360278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02960-00360278-00360378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02961-00360378-00360478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02962-00360478-00360578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02963-00360578-00360678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02964-00360678-00360778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02965-00360778-00360878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02966-00360878-00360978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02967-00360978-00361078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02968-00361078-00361178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02969-00361178-00361278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02970-00361278-00361378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02971-00361378-00361478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02972-00361478-00361578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02973-00361578-00361678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02974-00361678-00361778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02975-00361778-00361878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02976-00361878-00361978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02977-00361978-00362078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02978-00362078-00362178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02979-00362178-00362278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02980-00362278-00362378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02981-00362378-00362478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02982-00362478-00362578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02983-00362578-00362678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02984-00362678-00362778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02985-00362778-00362878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02986-00362878-00362978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02987-00362978-00363078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02988-00363078-00363178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02989-00363178-00363278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02990-00363278-00363378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02991-00363378-00363478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02992-00363478-00363578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02993-00363578-00363678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02994-00363678-00363778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02995-00363778-00363878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02996-00363878-00363978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02997-00363978-00364078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02998-00364078-00364178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-02999-00364178-00364278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03000-00364278-00364378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03001-00364378-00364478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03002-00364478-00364578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03003-00364578-00364678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03004-00364678-00364778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03005-00364778-00364878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03006-00364878-00364978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03007-00364978-00365078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03008-00365078-00365178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03009-00365178-00365278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03010-00365278-00365378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03011-00365378-00365478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03012-00365478-00365578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03013-00365578-00365678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03014-00365678-00365778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03015-00365778-00365878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03016-00365878-00365978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03017-00365978-00366078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03018-00366078-00366178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03019-00366178-00366278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03020-00366278-00366378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03021-00366378-00366478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03022-00366478-00366578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03023-00366578-00366678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03024-00366678-00366778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03025-00366778-00366878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03026-00366878-00366978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03027-00366978-00367078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03028-00367078-00367178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03029-00367178-00367278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03030-00367278-00367378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03031-00367378-00367478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03032-00367478-00367578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03033-00367578-00367678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03034-00367678-00367778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03035-00367778-00367878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03036-00367878-00367978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03037-00367978-00368078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03038-00368078-00368178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03039-00368178-00368278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03040-00368278-00368378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03041-00368378-00368478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03042-00368478-00368578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03043-00368578-00368678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03044-00368678-00368778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03045-00368778-00368878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03046-00368878-00368978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03047-00368978-00369078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03048-00369078-00369178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03049-00369178-00369278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03050-00369278-00369378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03051-00369378-00369478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03052-00369478-00369578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03053-00369578-00369678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03054-00369678-00369778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03055-00369778-00369878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03056-00369878-00369978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03057-00369978-00370078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03058-00370078-00370178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03059-00370178-00370278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03060-00370278-00370378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03061-00370378-00370478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03062-00370478-00370578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03063-00370578-00370678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03064-00370678-00370778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03065-00370778-00370878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03066-00370878-00370978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03067-00370978-00371078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03068-00371078-00371178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03069-00371178-00371278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03070-00371278-00371378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03071-00371378-00371478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03072-00371478-00371578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03073-00371578-00371678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03074-00371678-00371778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03075-00371778-00371878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03076-00371878-00371978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03077-00371978-00372078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03078-00372078-00372178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03079-00372178-00372278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03080-00372278-00372378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03081-00372378-00372478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03082-00372478-00372578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03083-00372578-00372678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03084-00372678-00372778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03085-00372778-00372878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03086-00372878-00372978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03087-00372978-00373078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03088-00373078-00373178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03089-00373178-00373278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03090-00373278-00373378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03091-00373378-00373478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03092-00373478-00373578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03093-00373578-00373678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03094-00373678-00373778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03095-00373778-00373878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03096-00373878-00373978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03097-00373978-00374078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03098-00374078-00374178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03099-00374178-00374278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03100-00374278-00374378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03101-00374378-00374478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03102-00374478-00374578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03103-00374578-00374678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03104-00374678-00374778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03105-00374778-00374878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03106-00374878-00374978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03107-00374978-00375078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03108-00375078-00375178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03109-00375178-00375278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03110-00375278-00375378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03111-00375378-00375478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03112-00375478-00375578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03113-00375578-00375678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03114-00375678-00375778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03115-00375778-00375878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03116-00375878-00375978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03117-00375978-00376078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03118-00376078-00376178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03119-00376178-00376278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03120-00376278-00376378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03121-00376378-00376478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03122-00376478-00376578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03123-00376578-00376678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03124-00376678-00376778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03125-00376778-00376878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03126-00376878-00376978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03127-00376978-00377078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03128-00377078-00377178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03129-00377178-00377278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03130-00377278-00377378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03131-00377378-00377478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03132-00377478-00377578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03133-00377578-00377678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03134-00377678-00377778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03135-00377778-00377878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03136-00377878-00377978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03137-00377978-00378078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03138-00378078-00378178 valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03147-00378978-00379078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03148-00379078-00379178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03149-00379178-00379278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03150-00379278-00379378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03151-00379378-00379478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03152-00379478-00379578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03153-00379578-00379678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03154-00379678-00379778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03155-00379778-00379878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03156-00379878-00379978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03157-00379978-00380078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03158-00380078-00380178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03159-00380178-00380278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03160-00380278-00380378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03161-00380378-00380478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03162-00380478-00380578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03163-00380578-00380678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03164-00380678-00380778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03165-00380778-00380878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03166-00380878-00380978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03167-00380978-00381078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03168-00381078-00381178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03169-00381178-00381278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03170-00381278-00381378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03171-00381378-00381478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03172-00381478-00381578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03173-00381578-00381678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03174-00381678-00381778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03175-00381778-00381878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03176-00381878-00381978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03177-00381978-00382078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03178-00382078-00382178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03179-00382178-00382278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03180-00382278-00382378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03181-00382378-00382478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03182-00382478-00382578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03183-00382578-00382678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03184-00382678-00382778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03185-00382778-00382878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03186-00382878-00382978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03187-00382978-00383078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03188-00383078-00383178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03189-00383178-00383278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03190-00383278-00383378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03191-00383378-00383478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03192-00383478-00383578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03193-00383578-00383678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03194-00383678-00383778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03195-00383778-00383878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03196-00383878-00383978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03197-00383978-00384078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03198-00384078-00384178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03199-00384178-00384278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03200-00384278-00384378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03201-00384378-00384478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03202-00384478-00384578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03203-00384578-00384678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03204-00384678-00384778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03205-00384778-00384878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03206-00384878-00384978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03207-00384978-00385078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03208-00385078-00385178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03209-00385178-00385278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03210-00385278-00385378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03211-00385378-00385478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03212-00385478-00385578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03213-00385578-00385678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03214-00385678-00385778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03215-00385778-00385878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03216-00385878-00385978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03217-00385978-00386078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03218-00386078-00386178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03219-00386178-00386278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03220-00386278-00386378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03221-00386378-00386478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03222-00386478-00386578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03223-00386578-00386678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03224-00386678-00386778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03225-00386778-00386878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03226-00386878-00386978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03227-00386978-00387078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03228-00387078-00387178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03229-00387178-00387278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03230-00387278-00387378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03231-00387378-00387478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03232-00387478-00387578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03233-00387578-00387678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03234-00387678-00387778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03235-00387778-00387878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03236-00387878-00387978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03237-00387978-00388078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03238-00388078-00388178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03239-00388178-00388278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03240-00388278-00388378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03241-00388378-00388478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03242-00388478-00388578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03243-00388578-00388678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03244-00388678-00388778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03245-00388778-00388878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03246-00388878-00388978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03247-00388978-00389078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03248-00389078-00389178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03249-00389178-00389278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03250-00389278-00389378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03251-00389378-00389478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03252-00389478-00389578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03253-00389578-00389678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03254-00389678-00389778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03255-00389778-00389878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03256-00389878-00389978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03257-00389978-00390078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03258-00390078-00390178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03259-00390178-00390278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03260-00390278-00390378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03261-00390378-00390478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03262-00390478-00390578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03263-00390578-00390678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03264-00390678-00390778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03265-00390778-00390878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03266-00390878-00390978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03267-00390978-00391078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03268-00391078-00391178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03269-00391178-00391278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03270-00391278-00391378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03271-00391378-00391478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03272-00391478-00391578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03273-00391578-00391678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03274-00391678-00391778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03275-00391778-00391878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03276-00391878-00391978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03277-00391978-00392078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03278-00392078-00392178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03279-00392178-00392278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03280-00392278-00392378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03281-00392378-00392478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03282-00392478-00392578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03283-00392578-00392678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03284-00392678-00392778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03285-00392778-00392878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03286-00392878-00392978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03287-00392978-00393078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03288-00393078-00393178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03289-00393178-00393278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03290-00393278-00393378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03291-00393378-00393478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03292-00393478-00393578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03293-00393578-00393678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03294-00393678-00393778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03295-00393778-00393878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03296-00393878-00393978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03297-00393978-00394078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03298-00394078-00394178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03299-00394178-00394278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03300-00394278-00394378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03301-00394378-00394478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03302-00394478-00394578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03303-00394578-00394678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03304-00394678-00394778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03305-00394778-00394878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03306-00394878-00394978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03307-00394978-00395078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03308-00395078-00395178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03309-00395178-00395278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03310-00395278-00395378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03311-00395378-00395478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03312-00395478-00395578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03313-00395578-00395678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03314-00395678-00395778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03315-00395778-00395878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03316-00395878-00395978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03317-00395978-00396078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03318-00396078-00396178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03319-00396178-00396278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03320-00396278-00396378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03321-00396378-00396478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03322-00396478-00396578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03323-00396578-00396678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03324-00396678-00396778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03325-00396778-00396878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03326-00396878-00396978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03327-00396978-00397078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03328-00397078-00397178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03329-00397178-00397278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03330-00397278-00397378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03331-00397378-00397478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03332-00397478-00397578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03333-00397578-00397678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03334-00397678-00397778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03335-00397778-00397878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03336-00397878-00397978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03337-00397978-00398078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03338-00398078-00398178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03339-00398178-00398278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03340-00398278-00398378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03341-00398378-00398478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03342-00398478-00398578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03343-00398578-00398678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03344-00398678-00398778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03345-00398778-00398878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03346-00398878-00398978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03347-00398978-00399078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03348-00399078-00399178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03349-00399178-00399278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03350-00399278-00399378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03351-00399378-00399478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03352-00399478-00399578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03353-00399578-00399678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03354-00399678-00399778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03355-00399778-00399878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03356-00399878-00399978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03357-00399978-00400078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03358-00400078-00400178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03359-00400178-00400278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03360-00400278-00400378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03361-00400378-00400478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03362-00400478-00400578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03363-00400578-00400678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03364-00400678-00400778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03365-00400778-00400878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03366-00400878-00400978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03367-00400978-00401078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03368-00401078-00401178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03369-00401178-00401278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03370-00401278-00401378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03371-00401378-00401478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03372-00401478-00401578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03373-00401578-00401678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03374-00401678-00401778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03375-00401778-00401878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03376-00401878-00401978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03377-00401978-00402078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03378-00402078-00402178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03379-00402178-00402278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03380-00402278-00402378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03381-00402378-00402478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03382-00402478-00402578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03383-00402578-00402678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03384-00402678-00402778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03385-00402778-00402878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03386-00402878-00402978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03387-00402978-00403078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03388-00403078-00403178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03389-00403178-00403278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03390-00403278-00403378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03391-00403378-00403478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03392-00403478-00403578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03393-00403578-00403678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03394-00403678-00403778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03395-00403778-00403878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03396-00403878-00403978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03397-00403978-00404078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03398-00404078-00404178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03399-00404178-00404278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03400-00404278-00404378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03401-00404378-00404478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03402-00404478-00404578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03403-00404578-00404678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03404-00404678-00404778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03405-00404778-00404878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03406-00404878-00404978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03407-00404978-00405078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03408-00405078-00405178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03409-00405178-00405278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03410-00405278-00405378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03411-00405378-00405478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03412-00405478-00405578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03413-00405578-00405678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03414-00405678-00405778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03415-00405778-00405878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03416-00405878-00405978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03417-00405978-00406078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03418-00406078-00406178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03419-00406178-00406278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03420-00406278-00406378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03421-00406378-00406478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03422-00406478-00406578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03423-00406578-00406678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03424-00406678-00406778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03425-00406778-00406878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03426-00406878-00406978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03427-00406978-00407078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03428-00407078-00407178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03429-00407178-00407278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03430-00407278-00407378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03431-00407378-00407478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03432-00407478-00407578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03433-00407578-00407678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03434-00407678-00407778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03435-00407778-00407878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03436-00407878-00407978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03437-00407978-00408078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03438-00408078-00408178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03439-00408178-00408278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03440-00408278-00408378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03441-00408378-00408478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03442-00408478-00408578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03443-00408578-00408678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03444-00408678-00408778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03445-00408778-00408878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03446-00408878-00408978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03447-00408978-00409078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03448-00409078-00409178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03449-00409178-00409278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03450-00409278-00409378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03451-00409378-00409478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03452-00409478-00409578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03453-00409578-00409678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03454-00409678-00409778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03455-00409778-00409878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03456-00409878-00409978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03457-00409978-00410078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03458-00410078-00410178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03459-00410178-00410278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03460-00410278-00410378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03461-00410378-00410478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03462-00410478-00410578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03463-00410578-00410678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03464-00410678-00410778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03465-00410778-00410878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03466-00410878-00410978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03467-00410978-00411078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03468-00411078-00411178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03469-00411178-00411278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03470-00411278-00411378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03471-00411378-00411478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03472-00411478-00411578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03473-00411578-00411678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03474-00411678-00411778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03475-00411778-00411878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03476-00411878-00411978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03477-00411978-00412078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03478-00412078-00412178 valorant valorant 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ZrVG3gAXwrM-03502-00414478-00414578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03503-00414578-00414678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03504-00414678-00414778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03505-00414778-00414878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03506-00414878-00414978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03507-00414978-00415078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03508-00415078-00415178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03509-00415178-00415278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03510-00415278-00415378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03511-00415378-00415478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03512-00415478-00415578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03513-00415578-00415678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03514-00415678-00415778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03515-00415778-00415878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03516-00415878-00415978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03517-00415978-00416078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03518-00416078-00416178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03519-00416178-00416278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03520-00416278-00416378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03521-00416378-00416478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03522-00416478-00416578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03523-00416578-00416678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03524-00416678-00416778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03525-00416778-00416878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03526-00416878-00416978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03527-00416978-00417078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03528-00417078-00417178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03529-00417178-00417278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03530-00417278-00417378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03531-00417378-00417478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03532-00417478-00417578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03533-00417578-00417678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03534-00417678-00417778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03535-00417778-00417878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03536-00417878-00417978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03537-00417978-00418078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03538-00418078-00418178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03539-00418178-00418278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03540-00418278-00418378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03541-00418378-00418478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03542-00418478-00418578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03543-00418578-00418678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03544-00418678-00418778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03545-00418778-00418878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03546-00418878-00418978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03547-00418978-00419078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03548-00419078-00419178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03549-00419178-00419278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03550-00419278-00419378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03551-00419378-00419478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03552-00419478-00419578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03553-00419578-00419678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03554-00419678-00419778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03555-00419778-00419878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03556-00419878-00419978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03557-00419978-00420078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03558-00420078-00420178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03559-00420178-00420278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03560-00420278-00420378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03561-00420378-00420478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03562-00420478-00420578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03563-00420578-00420678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03564-00420678-00420778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03565-00420778-00420878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03566-00420878-00420978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03567-00420978-00421078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03568-00421078-00421178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03569-00421178-00421278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03570-00421278-00421378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03571-00421378-00421478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03572-00421478-00421578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03573-00421578-00421678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03574-00421678-00421778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03575-00421778-00421878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03576-00421878-00421978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03577-00421978-00422078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03578-00422078-00422178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03579-00422178-00422278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03580-00422278-00422378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03581-00422378-00422478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03582-00422478-00422578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03583-00422578-00422678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03584-00422678-00422778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03585-00422778-00422878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03586-00422878-00422978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03587-00422978-00423078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03588-00423078-00423178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03589-00423178-00423278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03590-00423278-00423378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03591-00423378-00423478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03592-00423478-00423578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03593-00423578-00423678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03594-00423678-00423778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03595-00423778-00423878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03596-00423878-00423978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03597-00423978-00424078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03598-00424078-00424178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03599-00424178-00424278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03600-00424278-00424378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03601-00424378-00424478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03602-00424478-00424578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03603-00424578-00424678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03604-00424678-00424778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03605-00424778-00424878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03606-00424878-00424978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03607-00424978-00425078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03608-00425078-00425178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03609-00425178-00425278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03610-00425278-00425378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03611-00425378-00425478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03612-00425478-00425578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03613-00425578-00425678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03614-00425678-00425778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03615-00425778-00425878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03616-00425878-00425978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03617-00425978-00426078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03618-00426078-00426178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03619-00426178-00426278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03620-00426278-00426378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03621-00426378-00426478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03622-00426478-00426578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03623-00426578-00426678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03624-00426678-00426778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03625-00426778-00426878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03626-00426878-00426978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03627-00426978-00427078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03628-00427078-00427178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03629-00427178-00427278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03630-00427278-00427378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03631-00427378-00427478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03632-00427478-00427578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03633-00427578-00427678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03634-00427678-00427778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03635-00427778-00427878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03636-00427878-00427978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03637-00427978-00428078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03638-00428078-00428178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03639-00428178-00428278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03640-00428278-00428378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03641-00428378-00428478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03642-00428478-00428578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03643-00428578-00428678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03644-00428678-00428778 valorant valorant valorant 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ZrVG3gAXwrM-03676-00431878-00431978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03677-00431978-00432078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03678-00432078-00432178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03679-00432178-00432278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03680-00432278-00432378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03681-00432378-00432478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03682-00432478-00432578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03683-00432578-00432678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant 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valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03692-00433478-00433578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03693-00433578-00433678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03694-00433678-00433778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03695-00433778-00433878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03696-00433878-00433978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03697-00433978-00434078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03698-00434078-00434178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03699-00434178-00434278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03700-00434278-00434378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03701-00434378-00434478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03702-00434478-00434578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03703-00434578-00434678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03704-00434678-00434778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03705-00434778-00434878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03706-00434878-00434978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03707-00434978-00435078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03708-00435078-00435178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03709-00435178-00435278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03710-00435278-00435378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03711-00435378-00435478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03712-00435478-00435578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03713-00435578-00435678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03714-00435678-00435778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03715-00435778-00435878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03716-00435878-00435978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03717-00435978-00436078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03718-00436078-00436178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03719-00436178-00436278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03720-00436278-00436378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03721-00436378-00436478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03722-00436478-00436578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03723-00436578-00436678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03724-00436678-00436778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03725-00436778-00436878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03726-00436878-00436978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03727-00436978-00437078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03728-00437078-00437178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03729-00437178-00437278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03730-00437278-00437378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03731-00437378-00437478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03732-00437478-00437578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03733-00437578-00437678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03734-00437678-00437778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03735-00437778-00437878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03736-00437878-00437978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03737-00437978-00438078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03738-00438078-00438178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03739-00438178-00438278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03740-00438278-00438378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03741-00438378-00438478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03742-00438478-00438578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03743-00438578-00438678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03744-00438678-00438778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03745-00438778-00438878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03746-00438878-00438978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03747-00438978-00439078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03748-00439078-00439178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03749-00439178-00439278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03750-00439278-00439378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03751-00439378-00439478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03752-00439478-00439578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03753-00439578-00439678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03754-00439678-00439778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03755-00439778-00439878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03756-00439878-00439978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03757-00439978-00440078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03758-00440078-00440178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03759-00440178-00440278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03760-00440278-00440378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03761-00440378-00440478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03762-00440478-00440578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03763-00440578-00440678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03764-00440678-00440778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03765-00440778-00440878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03766-00440878-00440978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03767-00440978-00441078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03768-00441078-00441178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03769-00441178-00441278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03770-00441278-00441378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03771-00441378-00441478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03772-00441478-00441578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03773-00441578-00441678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03774-00441678-00441778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03775-00441778-00441878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03776-00441878-00441978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03777-00441978-00442078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03778-00442078-00442178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03779-00442178-00442278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03780-00442278-00442378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03781-00442378-00442478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03782-00442478-00442578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03783-00442578-00442678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03784-00442678-00442778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03785-00442778-00442878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03786-00442878-00442978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03787-00442978-00443078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03788-00443078-00443178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03789-00443178-00443278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03790-00443278-00443378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03791-00443378-00443478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03792-00443478-00443578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03793-00443578-00443678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03794-00443678-00443778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03795-00443778-00443878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03796-00443878-00443978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03797-00443978-00444078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03798-00444078-00444178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03799-00444178-00444278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03800-00444278-00444378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03801-00444378-00444478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03802-00444478-00444578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03803-00444578-00444678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03804-00444678-00444778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03805-00444778-00444878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03806-00444878-00444978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03807-00444978-00445078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03808-00445078-00445178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03809-00445178-00445278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03810-00445278-00445378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03811-00445378-00445478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03812-00445478-00445578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03813-00445578-00445678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03814-00445678-00445778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03815-00445778-00445878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03816-00445878-00445978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03817-00445978-00446078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03818-00446078-00446178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03819-00446178-00446278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03820-00446278-00446378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03821-00446378-00446478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03822-00446478-00446578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03823-00446578-00446678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03824-00446678-00446778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03825-00446778-00446878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03826-00446878-00446978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03827-00446978-00447078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03828-00447078-00447178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03829-00447178-00447278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03830-00447278-00447378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03831-00447378-00447478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03832-00447478-00447578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03833-00447578-00447678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03834-00447678-00447778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03835-00447778-00447878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03836-00447878-00447978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03837-00447978-00448078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03838-00448078-00448178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03839-00448178-00448278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03840-00448278-00448378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03841-00448378-00448478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03842-00448478-00448578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03843-00448578-00448678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03844-00448678-00448778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03845-00448778-00448878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03846-00448878-00448978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03847-00448978-00449078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03848-00449078-00449178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03849-00449178-00449278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03850-00449278-00449378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03851-00449378-00449478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03852-00449478-00449578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03853-00449578-00449678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03854-00449678-00449778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03855-00449778-00449878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03856-00449878-00449978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03857-00449978-00450078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03858-00450078-00450178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03859-00450178-00450278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03860-00450278-00450378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03861-00450378-00450478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03862-00450478-00450578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03863-00450578-00450678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03864-00450678-00450778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03865-00450778-00450878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03866-00450878-00450978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03867-00450978-00451078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03868-00451078-00451178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03869-00451178-00451278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03870-00451278-00451378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03871-00451378-00451478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03872-00451478-00451578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03873-00451578-00451678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03874-00451678-00451778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03875-00451778-00451878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03876-00451878-00451978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03877-00451978-00452078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03878-00452078-00452178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03879-00452178-00452278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03880-00452278-00452378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03881-00452378-00452478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03882-00452478-00452578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03883-00452578-00452678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03884-00452678-00452778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03885-00452778-00452878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03886-00452878-00452978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03887-00452978-00453078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03888-00453078-00453178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03889-00453178-00453278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03890-00453278-00453378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03891-00453378-00453478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03892-00453478-00453578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03893-00453578-00453678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03894-00453678-00453778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03895-00453778-00453878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03896-00453878-00453978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03897-00453978-00454078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03898-00454078-00454178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03899-00454178-00454278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03900-00454278-00454378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03901-00454378-00454478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03902-00454478-00454578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03903-00454578-00454678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03904-00454678-00454778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03905-00454778-00454878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03906-00454878-00454978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03907-00454978-00455078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03908-00455078-00455178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03909-00455178-00455278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03910-00455278-00455378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03911-00455378-00455478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03912-00455478-00455578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03913-00455578-00455678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03914-00455678-00455778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03915-00455778-00455878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03916-00455878-00455978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03917-00455978-00456078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03918-00456078-00456178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03919-00456178-00456278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03920-00456278-00456378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03921-00456378-00456478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03922-00456478-00456578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03923-00456578-00456678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03924-00456678-00456778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03925-00456778-00456878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03926-00456878-00456978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03927-00456978-00457078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03928-00457078-00457178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03929-00457178-00457278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03930-00457278-00457378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03931-00457378-00457478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03932-00457478-00457578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03933-00457578-00457678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03934-00457678-00457778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03935-00457778-00457878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03936-00457878-00457978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03937-00457978-00458078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03938-00458078-00458178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03939-00458178-00458278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03940-00458278-00458378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03941-00458378-00458478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03942-00458478-00458578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03943-00458578-00458678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03944-00458678-00458778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03945-00458778-00458878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03946-00458878-00458978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03947-00458978-00459078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03948-00459078-00459178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03949-00459178-00459278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03950-00459278-00459378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03951-00459378-00459478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03952-00459478-00459578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03953-00459578-00459678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03954-00459678-00459778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03955-00459778-00459878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03956-00459878-00459978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03957-00459978-00460078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03958-00460078-00460178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03959-00460178-00460278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03960-00460278-00460378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03961-00460378-00460478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03962-00460478-00460578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03963-00460578-00460678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03964-00460678-00460778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03965-00460778-00460878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03966-00460878-00460978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03967-00460978-00461078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03968-00461078-00461178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03969-00461178-00461278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03970-00461278-00461378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03971-00461378-00461478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03972-00461478-00461578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03973-00461578-00461678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03974-00461678-00461778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03975-00461778-00461878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03976-00461878-00461978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03977-00461978-00462078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03978-00462078-00462178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03979-00462178-00462278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03980-00462278-00462378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03981-00462378-00462478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03982-00462478-00462578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03983-00462578-00462678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03984-00462678-00462778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03985-00462778-00462878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03986-00462878-00462978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03987-00462978-00463078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03988-00463078-00463178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03989-00463178-00463278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03990-00463278-00463378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03991-00463378-00463478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03992-00463478-00463578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03993-00463578-00463678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03994-00463678-00463778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03995-00463778-00463878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03996-00463878-00463978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03997-00463978-00464078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03998-00464078-00464178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-03999-00464178-00464278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04000-00464278-00464378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04001-00464378-00464478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04002-00464478-00464578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04003-00464578-00464678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04004-00464678-00464778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04005-00464778-00464878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04006-00464878-00464978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04007-00464978-00465078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04008-00465078-00465178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04009-00465178-00465278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04010-00465278-00465378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04011-00465378-00465478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04012-00465478-00465578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04013-00465578-00465678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04014-00465678-00465778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04015-00465778-00465878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04016-00465878-00465978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04017-00465978-00466078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04018-00466078-00466178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04019-00466178-00466278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04020-00466278-00466378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04021-00466378-00466478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04022-00466478-00466578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04023-00466578-00466678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04024-00466678-00466778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04025-00466778-00466878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04026-00466878-00466978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04027-00466978-00467078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04028-00467078-00467178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04029-00467178-00467278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04030-00467278-00467378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04031-00467378-00467478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04032-00467478-00467578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04033-00467578-00467678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04034-00467678-00467778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04035-00467778-00467878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04036-00467878-00467978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04037-00467978-00468078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04038-00468078-00468178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04039-00468178-00468278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04040-00468278-00468378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04041-00468378-00468478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04042-00468478-00468578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04043-00468578-00468678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04044-00468678-00468778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04045-00468778-00468878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04046-00468878-00468978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04047-00468978-00469078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04048-00469078-00469178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04049-00469178-00469278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04050-00469278-00469378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04051-00469378-00469478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04052-00469478-00469578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04053-00469578-00469678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04054-00469678-00469778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04055-00469778-00469878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04056-00469878-00469978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04057-00469978-00470078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04058-00470078-00470178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04059-00470178-00470278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04060-00470278-00470378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04061-00470378-00470478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04062-00470478-00470578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04063-00470578-00470678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04064-00470678-00470778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04065-00470778-00470878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04066-00470878-00470978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04067-00470978-00471078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04068-00471078-00471178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04069-00471178-00471278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04070-00471278-00471378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04071-00471378-00471478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04072-00471478-00471578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04073-00471578-00471678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04074-00471678-00471778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04075-00471778-00471878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04076-00471878-00471978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04077-00471978-00472078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04078-00472078-00472178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04079-00472178-00472278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04080-00472278-00472378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04081-00472378-00472478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04082-00472478-00472578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04083-00472578-00472678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04084-00472678-00472778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04085-00472778-00472878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04086-00472878-00472978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04087-00472978-00473078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04088-00473078-00473178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04089-00473178-00473278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04090-00473278-00473378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04091-00473378-00473478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04092-00473478-00473578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04093-00473578-00473678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04094-00473678-00473778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04095-00473778-00473878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04096-00473878-00473978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04097-00473978-00474078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04098-00474078-00474178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04099-00474178-00474278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04100-00474278-00474378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04101-00474378-00474478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04102-00474478-00474578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04103-00474578-00474678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04104-00474678-00474778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04105-00474778-00474878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04106-00474878-00474978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04107-00474978-00475078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04108-00475078-00475178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04109-00475178-00475278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04110-00475278-00475378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04111-00475378-00475478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04112-00475478-00475578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04113-00475578-00475678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04114-00475678-00475778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04115-00475778-00475878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04116-00475878-00475978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04117-00475978-00476078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04118-00476078-00476178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04119-00476178-00476278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04120-00476278-00476378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04121-00476378-00476478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04122-00476478-00476578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04123-00476578-00476678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04124-00476678-00476778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04125-00476778-00476878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04126-00476878-00476978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04127-00476978-00477078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04128-00477078-00477178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04129-00477178-00477278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04130-00477278-00477378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04131-00477378-00477478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04132-00477478-00477578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04133-00477578-00477678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04134-00477678-00477778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04135-00477778-00477878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04136-00477878-00477978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04137-00477978-00478078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04138-00478078-00478178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04139-00478178-00478278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04140-00478278-00478378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04141-00478378-00478478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04142-00478478-00478578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04143-00478578-00478678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04144-00478678-00478778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04145-00478778-00478878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04146-00478878-00478978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04147-00478978-00479078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04148-00479078-00479178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04149-00479178-00479278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04150-00479278-00479378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04151-00479378-00479478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04152-00479478-00479578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04153-00479578-00479678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04154-00479678-00479778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04155-00479778-00479878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04156-00479878-00479978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04157-00479978-00480078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04158-00480078-00480178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04159-00480178-00480278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04160-00480278-00480378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04161-00480378-00480478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04162-00480478-00480578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04163-00480578-00480678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04164-00480678-00480778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04165-00480778-00480878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04166-00480878-00480978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04167-00480978-00481078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04168-00481078-00481178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04169-00481178-00481278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04170-00481278-00481378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04171-00481378-00481478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04172-00481478-00481578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04173-00481578-00481678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04174-00481678-00481778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04175-00481778-00481878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04176-00481878-00481978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04177-00481978-00482078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04178-00482078-00482178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04179-00482178-00482278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04180-00482278-00482378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04181-00482378-00482478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04182-00482478-00482578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04183-00482578-00482678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04184-00482678-00482778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04185-00482778-00482878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04186-00482878-00482978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04187-00482978-00483078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04188-00483078-00483178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04189-00483178-00483278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04190-00483278-00483378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04191-00483378-00483478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04192-00483478-00483578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04193-00483578-00483678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04194-00483678-00483778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04195-00483778-00483878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04196-00483878-00483978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04197-00483978-00484078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04198-00484078-00484178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04199-00484178-00484278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04200-00484278-00484378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04201-00484378-00484478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04202-00484478-00484578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04203-00484578-00484678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04204-00484678-00484778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04205-00484778-00484878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04206-00484878-00484978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04207-00484978-00485078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04208-00485078-00485178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04209-00485178-00485278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04210-00485278-00485378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04211-00485378-00485478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04212-00485478-00485578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04213-00485578-00485678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04214-00485678-00485778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04215-00485778-00485878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04216-00485878-00485978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04217-00485978-00486078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04218-00486078-00486178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04219-00486178-00486278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04220-00486278-00486378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04221-00486378-00486478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04222-00486478-00486578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04223-00486578-00486678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04224-00486678-00486778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04225-00486778-00486878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04226-00486878-00486978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04227-00486978-00487078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04228-00487078-00487178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04229-00487178-00487278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04230-00487278-00487378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04231-00487378-00487478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04232-00487478-00487578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04233-00487578-00487678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04234-00487678-00487778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04235-00487778-00487878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04236-00487878-00487978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04237-00487978-00488078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04238-00488078-00488178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04239-00488178-00488278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04240-00488278-00488378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04241-00488378-00488478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04242-00488478-00488578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04243-00488578-00488678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04244-00488678-00488778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04245-00488778-00488878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04246-00488878-00488978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04247-00488978-00489078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04248-00489078-00489178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04249-00489178-00489278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04250-00489278-00489378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04251-00489378-00489478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04252-00489478-00489578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04253-00489578-00489678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04254-00489678-00489778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04255-00489778-00489878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04256-00489878-00489978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04257-00489978-00490078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04258-00490078-00490178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04259-00490178-00490278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04260-00490278-00490378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04261-00490378-00490478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04262-00490478-00490578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04263-00490578-00490678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04264-00490678-00490778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04265-00490778-00490878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04266-00490878-00490978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04267-00490978-00491078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04268-00491078-00491178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04269-00491178-00491278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04270-00491278-00491378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04271-00491378-00491478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04272-00491478-00491578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04273-00491578-00491678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04274-00491678-00491778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04275-00491778-00491878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04276-00491878-00491978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04277-00491978-00492078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04278-00492078-00492178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04279-00492178-00492278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04280-00492278-00492378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04281-00492378-00492478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04282-00492478-00492578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04283-00492578-00492678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04284-00492678-00492778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04285-00492778-00492878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04286-00492878-00492978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04287-00492978-00493078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04288-00493078-00493178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04289-00493178-00493278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04290-00493278-00493378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04291-00493378-00493478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04292-00493478-00493578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04293-00493578-00493678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04294-00493678-00493778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04295-00493778-00493878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04296-00493878-00493978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04297-00493978-00494078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04298-00494078-00494178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04299-00494178-00494278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04300-00494278-00494378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04301-00494378-00494478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04302-00494478-00494578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04303-00494578-00494678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04304-00494678-00494778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04305-00494778-00494878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04306-00494878-00494978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04307-00494978-00495078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04308-00495078-00495178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04309-00495178-00495278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04310-00495278-00495378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04311-00495378-00495478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04312-00495478-00495578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04313-00495578-00495678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04314-00495678-00495778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04315-00495778-00495878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04316-00495878-00495978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04317-00495978-00496078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04318-00496078-00496178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04319-00496178-00496278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04320-00496278-00496378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04321-00496378-00496478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04322-00496478-00496578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04323-00496578-00496678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04324-00496678-00496778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04325-00496778-00496878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04326-00496878-00496978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04327-00496978-00497078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04328-00497078-00497178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04329-00497178-00497278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04330-00497278-00497378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04331-00497378-00497478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04332-00497478-00497578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04333-00497578-00497678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04334-00497678-00497778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04335-00497778-00497878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04336-00497878-00497978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04337-00497978-00498078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04338-00498078-00498178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04339-00498178-00498278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04340-00498278-00498378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04341-00498378-00498478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04342-00498478-00498578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04343-00498578-00498678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04344-00498678-00498778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04345-00498778-00498878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04346-00498878-00498978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04347-00498978-00499078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04348-00499078-00499178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04349-00499178-00499278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04350-00499278-00499378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04351-00499378-00499478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04352-00499478-00499578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04353-00499578-00499678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04354-00499678-00499778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04355-00499778-00499878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04356-00499878-00499978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04357-00499978-00500078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04358-00500078-00500178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04359-00500178-00500278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04360-00500278-00500378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04361-00500378-00500478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04362-00500478-00500578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04363-00500578-00500678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04364-00500678-00500778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04365-00500778-00500878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04366-00500878-00500978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04367-00500978-00501078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04368-00501078-00501178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04369-00501178-00501278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04370-00501278-00501378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04371-00501378-00501478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04372-00501478-00501578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04373-00501578-00501678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04374-00501678-00501778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04375-00501778-00501878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04376-00501878-00501978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04377-00501978-00502078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04378-00502078-00502178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04379-00502178-00502278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04380-00502278-00502378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04381-00502378-00502478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04382-00502478-00502578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04383-00502578-00502678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04384-00502678-00502778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04385-00502778-00502878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04386-00502878-00502978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04387-00502978-00503078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04388-00503078-00503178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04389-00503178-00503278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04390-00503278-00503378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04391-00503378-00503478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04392-00503478-00503578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04393-00503578-00503678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04394-00503678-00503778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04395-00503778-00503878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04396-00503878-00503978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04397-00503978-00504078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04398-00504078-00504178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04399-00504178-00504278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04400-00504278-00504378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04401-00504378-00504478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04402-00504478-00504578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04403-00504578-00504678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04404-00504678-00504778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04405-00504778-00504878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04406-00504878-00504978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04407-00504978-00505078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04408-00505078-00505178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04409-00505178-00505278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04410-00505278-00505378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04411-00505378-00505478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04412-00505478-00505578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04413-00505578-00505678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04414-00505678-00505778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04415-00505778-00505878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04416-00505878-00505978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04417-00505978-00506078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04418-00506078-00506178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04419-00506178-00506278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04420-00506278-00506378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04421-00506378-00506478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04422-00506478-00506578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04423-00506578-00506678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04424-00506678-00506778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04425-00506778-00506878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04426-00506878-00506978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04427-00506978-00507078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04428-00507078-00507178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04429-00507178-00507278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04430-00507278-00507378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04431-00507378-00507478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04432-00507478-00507578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04433-00507578-00507678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04434-00507678-00507778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04435-00507778-00507878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04436-00507878-00507978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04437-00507978-00508078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04438-00508078-00508178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04439-00508178-00508278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04440-00508278-00508378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04441-00508378-00508478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04442-00508478-00508578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04443-00508578-00508678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04444-00508678-00508778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04445-00508778-00508878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04446-00508878-00508978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04447-00508978-00509078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04448-00509078-00509178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04449-00509178-00509278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04450-00509278-00509378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04451-00509378-00509478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04452-00509478-00509578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04453-00509578-00509678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04454-00509678-00509778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04455-00509778-00509878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04456-00509878-00509978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04457-00509978-00510078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04458-00510078-00510178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04459-00510178-00510278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04460-00510278-00510378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04461-00510378-00510478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04462-00510478-00510578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04463-00510578-00510678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04464-00510678-00510778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04465-00510778-00510878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04466-00510878-00510978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04467-00510978-00511078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04468-00511078-00511178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04469-00511178-00511278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04470-00511278-00511378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04471-00511378-00511478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04472-00511478-00511578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04473-00511578-00511678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04474-00511678-00511778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04475-00511778-00511878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04476-00511878-00511978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04477-00511978-00512078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04478-00512078-00512178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04479-00512178-00512278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04480-00512278-00512378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04481-00512378-00512478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04482-00512478-00512578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04491-00513378-00513478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04492-00513478-00513578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04493-00513578-00513678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04494-00513678-00513778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04495-00513778-00513878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04496-00513878-00513978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04497-00513978-00514078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04498-00514078-00514178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04499-00514178-00514278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04500-00514278-00514378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04501-00514378-00514478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04502-00514478-00514578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04503-00514578-00514678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04504-00514678-00514778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04505-00514778-00514878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04506-00514878-00514978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04507-00514978-00515078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04508-00515078-00515178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04509-00515178-00515278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04510-00515278-00515378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04511-00515378-00515478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04512-00515478-00515578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04513-00515578-00515678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04514-00515678-00515778 valorant valorant valorant 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valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04554-00519678-00519778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04555-00519778-00519878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04556-00519878-00519978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04557-00519978-00520078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04558-00520078-00520178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04559-00520178-00520278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04560-00520278-00520378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04561-00520378-00520478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04594-00523678-00523778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04595-00523778-00523878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04596-00523878-00523978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04597-00523978-00524078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04598-00524078-00524178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04599-00524178-00524278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04600-00524278-00524378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04601-00524378-00524478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04602-00524478-00524578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04603-00524578-00524678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04604-00524678-00524778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04605-00524778-00524878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04606-00524878-00524978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04607-00524978-00525078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04608-00525078-00525178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04609-00525178-00525278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04610-00525278-00525378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04611-00525378-00525478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04612-00525478-00525578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04613-00525578-00525678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04614-00525678-00525778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04615-00525778-00525878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04616-00525878-00525978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04617-00525978-00526078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04618-00526078-00526178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04619-00526178-00526278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04620-00526278-00526378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04621-00526378-00526478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04622-00526478-00526578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04623-00526578-00526678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04624-00526678-00526778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04625-00526778-00526878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04626-00526878-00526978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04627-00526978-00527078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04628-00527078-00527178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04629-00527178-00527278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04630-00527278-00527378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04631-00527378-00527478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04632-00527478-00527578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04633-00527578-00527678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04634-00527678-00527778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04635-00527778-00527878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04636-00527878-00527978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04637-00527978-00528078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04638-00528078-00528178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04639-00528178-00528278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04640-00528278-00528378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04641-00528378-00528478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04642-00528478-00528578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04643-00528578-00528678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04644-00528678-00528778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04645-00528778-00528878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04646-00528878-00528978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04647-00528978-00529078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04648-00529078-00529178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04649-00529178-00529278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04650-00529278-00529378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04651-00529378-00529478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04652-00529478-00529578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04653-00529578-00529678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04654-00529678-00529778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04655-00529778-00529878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04656-00529878-00529978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04657-00529978-00530078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04658-00530078-00530178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04659-00530178-00530278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04660-00530278-00530378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04661-00530378-00530478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04662-00530478-00530578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04663-00530578-00530678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04664-00530678-00530778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04665-00530778-00530878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04666-00530878-00530978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04667-00530978-00531078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04668-00531078-00531178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04669-00531178-00531278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04670-00531278-00531378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04671-00531378-00531478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04672-00531478-00531578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04673-00531578-00531678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04674-00531678-00531778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04675-00531778-00531878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04676-00531878-00531978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04677-00531978-00532078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04678-00532078-00532178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04679-00532178-00532278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04680-00532278-00532378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04681-00532378-00532478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04682-00532478-00532578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04683-00532578-00532678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04684-00532678-00532778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04685-00532778-00532878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04686-00532878-00532978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04687-00532978-00533078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04688-00533078-00533178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04689-00533178-00533278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04690-00533278-00533378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04691-00533378-00533478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04692-00533478-00533578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04693-00533578-00533678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04694-00533678-00533778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04695-00533778-00533878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04696-00533878-00533978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04697-00533978-00534078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04698-00534078-00534178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04699-00534178-00534278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04700-00534278-00534378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04701-00534378-00534478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04702-00534478-00534578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04703-00534578-00534678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04704-00534678-00534778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04705-00534778-00534878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04706-00534878-00534978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04707-00534978-00535078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04708-00535078-00535178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04709-00535178-00535278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04710-00535278-00535378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04711-00535378-00535478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04712-00535478-00535578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04713-00535578-00535678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04714-00535678-00535778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04715-00535778-00535878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04716-00535878-00535978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04717-00535978-00536078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04718-00536078-00536178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04719-00536178-00536278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04720-00536278-00536378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04721-00536378-00536478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04722-00536478-00536578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04723-00536578-00536678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04724-00536678-00536778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04725-00536778-00536878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04726-00536878-00536978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04727-00536978-00537078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04728-00537078-00537178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04729-00537178-00537278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04730-00537278-00537378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04731-00537378-00537478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04732-00537478-00537578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04733-00537578-00537678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04734-00537678-00537778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04735-00537778-00537878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04736-00537878-00537978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04737-00537978-00538078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04738-00538078-00538178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04739-00538178-00538278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04740-00538278-00538378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04741-00538378-00538478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04742-00538478-00538578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04743-00538578-00538678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04744-00538678-00538778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04745-00538778-00538878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04746-00538878-00538978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04747-00538978-00539078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04748-00539078-00539178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04749-00539178-00539278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04750-00539278-00539378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04751-00539378-00539478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04752-00539478-00539578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04753-00539578-00539678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04754-00539678-00539778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04755-00539778-00539878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04756-00539878-00539978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04757-00539978-00540078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04758-00540078-00540178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04759-00540178-00540278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04760-00540278-00540378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04761-00540378-00540478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04762-00540478-00540578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04763-00540578-00540678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04764-00540678-00540778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04765-00540778-00540878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04766-00540878-00540978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04767-00540978-00541078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04768-00541078-00541178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04769-00541178-00541278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04770-00541278-00541378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04771-00541378-00541478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04772-00541478-00541578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04773-00541578-00541678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04774-00541678-00541778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04775-00541778-00541878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04776-00541878-00541978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04777-00541978-00542078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04778-00542078-00542178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04779-00542178-00542278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04780-00542278-00542378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04781-00542378-00542478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04782-00542478-00542578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04783-00542578-00542678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04784-00542678-00542778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04785-00542778-00542878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04786-00542878-00542978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04787-00542978-00543078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04788-00543078-00543178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04789-00543178-00543278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04790-00543278-00543378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04791-00543378-00543478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04792-00543478-00543578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04793-00543578-00543678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04794-00543678-00543778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04795-00543778-00543878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04796-00543878-00543978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04797-00543978-00544078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04798-00544078-00544178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04799-00544178-00544278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04800-00544278-00544378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04801-00544378-00544478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04802-00544478-00544578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04803-00544578-00544678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04804-00544678-00544778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04805-00544778-00544878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04806-00544878-00544978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04807-00544978-00545078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04808-00545078-00545178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04809-00545178-00545278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04810-00545278-00545378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04811-00545378-00545478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04812-00545478-00545578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04813-00545578-00545678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04814-00545678-00545778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04815-00545778-00545878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04816-00545878-00545978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04817-00545978-00546078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04818-00546078-00546178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04819-00546178-00546278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04820-00546278-00546378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04821-00546378-00546478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04822-00546478-00546578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04823-00546578-00546678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04824-00546678-00546778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04825-00546778-00546878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04826-00546878-00546978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04827-00546978-00547078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04828-00547078-00547178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04829-00547178-00547278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04830-00547278-00547378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04831-00547378-00547478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04832-00547478-00547578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04833-00547578-00547678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04834-00547678-00547778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04835-00547778-00547878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04836-00547878-00547978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04837-00547978-00548078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04838-00548078-00548178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04839-00548178-00548278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04840-00548278-00548378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04841-00548378-00548478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04842-00548478-00548578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04843-00548578-00548678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04844-00548678-00548778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04845-00548778-00548878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04846-00548878-00548978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04847-00548978-00549078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04848-00549078-00549178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04849-00549178-00549278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04850-00549278-00549378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04851-00549378-00549478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04852-00549478-00549578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04853-00549578-00549678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04854-00549678-00549778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04855-00549778-00549878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04856-00549878-00549978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04857-00549978-00550078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04858-00550078-00550178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04859-00550178-00550278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04860-00550278-00550378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04861-00550378-00550478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04862-00550478-00550578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04863-00550578-00550678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04864-00550678-00550778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04865-00550778-00550878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04866-00550878-00550978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04867-00550978-00551078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04868-00551078-00551178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04869-00551178-00551278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04870-00551278-00551378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04871-00551378-00551478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04872-00551478-00551578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04873-00551578-00551678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04874-00551678-00551778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04875-00551778-00551878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04876-00551878-00551978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04877-00551978-00552078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04878-00552078-00552178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04879-00552178-00552278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04880-00552278-00552378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04881-00552378-00552478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04882-00552478-00552578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04883-00552578-00552678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04884-00552678-00552778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04885-00552778-00552878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04886-00552878-00552978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04887-00552978-00553078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04888-00553078-00553178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04889-00553178-00553278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04890-00553278-00553378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04891-00553378-00553478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04892-00553478-00553578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04893-00553578-00553678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04894-00553678-00553778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04895-00553778-00553878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04896-00553878-00553978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04897-00553978-00554078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04898-00554078-00554178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04899-00554178-00554278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04900-00554278-00554378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04901-00554378-00554478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04902-00554478-00554578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04903-00554578-00554678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04904-00554678-00554778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04905-00554778-00554878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04906-00554878-00554978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04907-00554978-00555078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04908-00555078-00555178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04909-00555178-00555278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04910-00555278-00555378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04911-00555378-00555478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04912-00555478-00555578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04913-00555578-00555678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04914-00555678-00555778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04915-00555778-00555878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04916-00555878-00555978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04917-00555978-00556078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04918-00556078-00556178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04919-00556178-00556278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04920-00556278-00556378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04921-00556378-00556478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04922-00556478-00556578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04923-00556578-00556678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04924-00556678-00556778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04925-00556778-00556878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04926-00556878-00556978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04927-00556978-00557078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04928-00557078-00557178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04929-00557178-00557278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04930-00557278-00557378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04931-00557378-00557478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04932-00557478-00557578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04933-00557578-00557678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04934-00557678-00557778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04935-00557778-00557878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04936-00557878-00557978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04937-00557978-00558078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04938-00558078-00558178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04939-00558178-00558278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04940-00558278-00558378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04941-00558378-00558478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04942-00558478-00558578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04943-00558578-00558678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04944-00558678-00558778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04945-00558778-00558878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04946-00558878-00558978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04947-00558978-00559078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04948-00559078-00559178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04949-00559178-00559278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04950-00559278-00559378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04951-00559378-00559478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04952-00559478-00559578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04953-00559578-00559678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04954-00559678-00559778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04955-00559778-00559878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04956-00559878-00559978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04957-00559978-00560078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04958-00560078-00560178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04959-00560178-00560278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04960-00560278-00560378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04961-00560378-00560478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04962-00560478-00560578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04963-00560578-00560678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04964-00560678-00560778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04965-00560778-00560878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04966-00560878-00560978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04967-00560978-00561078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04968-00561078-00561178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04969-00561178-00561278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04970-00561278-00561378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04971-00561378-00561478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04972-00561478-00561578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04973-00561578-00561678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04974-00561678-00561778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04975-00561778-00561878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04976-00561878-00561978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04977-00561978-00562078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04978-00562078-00562178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04979-00562178-00562278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04980-00562278-00562378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04981-00562378-00562478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04982-00562478-00562578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04983-00562578-00562678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04984-00562678-00562778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04985-00562778-00562878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04986-00562878-00562978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04987-00562978-00563078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04988-00563078-00563178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04989-00563178-00563278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04990-00563278-00563378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04991-00563378-00563478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04992-00563478-00563578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04993-00563578-00563678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04994-00563678-00563778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04995-00563778-00563878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04996-00563878-00563978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04997-00563978-00564078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04998-00564078-00564178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-04999-00564178-00564278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05000-00564278-00564378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05001-00564378-00564478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05002-00564478-00564578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05003-00564578-00564678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05004-00564678-00564778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05005-00564778-00564878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05006-00564878-00564978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05007-00564978-00565078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05008-00565078-00565178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05009-00565178-00565278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05010-00565278-00565378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05011-00565378-00565478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05012-00565478-00565578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05013-00565578-00565678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05014-00565678-00565778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05015-00565778-00565878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05016-00565878-00565978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05017-00565978-00566078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05018-00566078-00566178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05019-00566178-00566278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05020-00566278-00566378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05021-00566378-00566478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05022-00566478-00566578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05023-00566578-00566678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05024-00566678-00566778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05025-00566778-00566878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05026-00566878-00566978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05027-00566978-00567078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05028-00567078-00567178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05029-00567178-00567278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05030-00567278-00567378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05031-00567378-00567478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05032-00567478-00567578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05033-00567578-00567678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05034-00567678-00567778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05035-00567778-00567878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05036-00567878-00567978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05037-00567978-00568078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05038-00568078-00568178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05039-00568178-00568278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05040-00568278-00568378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05041-00568378-00568478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05042-00568478-00568578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05043-00568578-00568678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05044-00568678-00568778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05045-00568778-00568878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05046-00568878-00568978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05047-00568978-00569078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05048-00569078-00569178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05049-00569178-00569278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05050-00569278-00569378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05051-00569378-00569478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05052-00569478-00569578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05053-00569578-00569678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05054-00569678-00569778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05055-00569778-00569878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05056-00569878-00569978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05057-00569978-00570078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05058-00570078-00570178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05059-00570178-00570278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05060-00570278-00570378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05061-00570378-00570478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05062-00570478-00570578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05063-00570578-00570678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05064-00570678-00570778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05065-00570778-00570878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05066-00570878-00570978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05067-00570978-00571078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05068-00571078-00571178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05069-00571178-00571278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05070-00571278-00571378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05071-00571378-00571478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05072-00571478-00571578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05073-00571578-00571678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05074-00571678-00571778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05075-00571778-00571878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05076-00571878-00571978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05077-00571978-00572078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05078-00572078-00572178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05079-00572178-00572278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05080-00572278-00572378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05081-00572378-00572478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05082-00572478-00572578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05083-00572578-00572678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05084-00572678-00572778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05085-00572778-00572878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05086-00572878-00572978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05087-00572978-00573078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05088-00573078-00573178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05089-00573178-00573278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05090-00573278-00573378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05091-00573378-00573478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05092-00573478-00573578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05093-00573578-00573678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05094-00573678-00573778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05095-00573778-00573878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05096-00573878-00573978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05097-00573978-00574078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05098-00574078-00574178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05099-00574178-00574278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05100-00574278-00574378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05101-00574378-00574478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05102-00574478-00574578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05103-00574578-00574678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05104-00574678-00574778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05105-00574778-00574878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05106-00574878-00574978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05107-00574978-00575078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05108-00575078-00575178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05109-00575178-00575278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05110-00575278-00575378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05111-00575378-00575478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05112-00575478-00575578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05113-00575578-00575678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05114-00575678-00575778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05115-00575778-00575878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05116-00575878-00575978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05117-00575978-00576078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05118-00576078-00576178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05119-00576178-00576278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05120-00576278-00576378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05121-00576378-00576478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05122-00576478-00576578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05123-00576578-00576678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05124-00576678-00576778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05125-00576778-00576878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05126-00576878-00576978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05127-00576978-00577078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05128-00577078-00577178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05129-00577178-00577278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05130-00577278-00577378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05131-00577378-00577478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05132-00577478-00577578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05133-00577578-00577678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05134-00577678-00577778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05135-00577778-00577878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05136-00577878-00577978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05137-00577978-00578078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05138-00578078-00578178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05139-00578178-00578278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05140-00578278-00578378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05141-00578378-00578478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05142-00578478-00578578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05143-00578578-00578678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05144-00578678-00578778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05145-00578778-00578878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05146-00578878-00578978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05147-00578978-00579078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05148-00579078-00579178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05149-00579178-00579278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05150-00579278-00579378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05151-00579378-00579478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05152-00579478-00579578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05153-00579578-00579678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05154-00579678-00579778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05155-00579778-00579878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05156-00579878-00579978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05157-00579978-00580078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05158-00580078-00580178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05159-00580178-00580278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05160-00580278-00580378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05161-00580378-00580478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05162-00580478-00580578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05163-00580578-00580678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05164-00580678-00580778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05165-00580778-00580878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05166-00580878-00580978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05167-00580978-00581078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05168-00581078-00581178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05169-00581178-00581278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05170-00581278-00581378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05171-00581378-00581478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05172-00581478-00581578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05173-00581578-00581678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05174-00581678-00581778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05175-00581778-00581878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05176-00581878-00581978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05177-00581978-00582078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05178-00582078-00582178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05179-00582178-00582278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05180-00582278-00582378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05181-00582378-00582478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05182-00582478-00582578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05183-00582578-00582678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05184-00582678-00582778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05185-00582778-00582878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05186-00582878-00582978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05187-00582978-00583078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05188-00583078-00583178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05189-00583178-00583278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05190-00583278-00583378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05191-00583378-00583478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05192-00583478-00583578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05193-00583578-00583678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05194-00583678-00583778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05195-00583778-00583878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05196-00583878-00583978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05197-00583978-00584078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05198-00584078-00584178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05199-00584178-00584278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05200-00584278-00584378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05201-00584378-00584478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05202-00584478-00584578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05203-00584578-00584678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05204-00584678-00584778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05205-00584778-00584878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05206-00584878-00584978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05207-00584978-00585078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05208-00585078-00585178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05209-00585178-00585278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05210-00585278-00585378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05211-00585378-00585478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05212-00585478-00585578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05213-00585578-00585678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05214-00585678-00585778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05215-00585778-00585878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05216-00585878-00585978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05217-00585978-00586078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05218-00586078-00586178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05219-00586178-00586278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05220-00586278-00586378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05221-00586378-00586478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05222-00586478-00586578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05223-00586578-00586678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05224-00586678-00586778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05225-00586778-00586878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05226-00586878-00586978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05227-00586978-00587078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05228-00587078-00587178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05229-00587178-00587278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05230-00587278-00587378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05231-00587378-00587478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05232-00587478-00587578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05233-00587578-00587678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05234-00587678-00587778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05235-00587778-00587878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05236-00587878-00587978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05237-00587978-00588078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05238-00588078-00588178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05239-00588178-00588278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05240-00588278-00588378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05241-00588378-00588478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05242-00588478-00588578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05243-00588578-00588678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05244-00588678-00588778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05245-00588778-00588878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05246-00588878-00588978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05247-00588978-00589078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05248-00589078-00589178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05249-00589178-00589278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05250-00589278-00589378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05251-00589378-00589478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05252-00589478-00589578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05253-00589578-00589678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05254-00589678-00589778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05255-00589778-00589878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05256-00589878-00589978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05257-00589978-00590078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05258-00590078-00590178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05259-00590178-00590278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05260-00590278-00590378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05261-00590378-00590478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05262-00590478-00590578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05263-00590578-00590678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05264-00590678-00590778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05265-00590778-00590878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05266-00590878-00590978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05267-00590978-00591078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05268-00591078-00591178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05269-00591178-00591278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05270-00591278-00591378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05271-00591378-00591478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05272-00591478-00591578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05273-00591578-00591678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05274-00591678-00591778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05275-00591778-00591878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05276-00591878-00591978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05277-00591978-00592078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05278-00592078-00592178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05279-00592178-00592278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05280-00592278-00592378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05281-00592378-00592478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05282-00592478-00592578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05283-00592578-00592678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05284-00592678-00592778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05285-00592778-00592878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05286-00592878-00592978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05287-00592978-00593078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05288-00593078-00593178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05289-00593178-00593278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05290-00593278-00593378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05291-00593378-00593478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05292-00593478-00593578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05293-00593578-00593678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05294-00593678-00593778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05295-00593778-00593878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05296-00593878-00593978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05297-00593978-00594078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05298-00594078-00594178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05299-00594178-00594278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05300-00594278-00594378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05301-00594378-00594478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05302-00594478-00594578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05303-00594578-00594678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05304-00594678-00594778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05305-00594778-00594878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05306-00594878-00594978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05307-00594978-00595078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05308-00595078-00595178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05309-00595178-00595278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05310-00595278-00595378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05311-00595378-00595478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05312-00595478-00595578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05313-00595578-00595678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05314-00595678-00595778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05315-00595778-00595878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05316-00595878-00595978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05317-00595978-00596078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05318-00596078-00596178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05319-00596178-00596278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05320-00596278-00596378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05321-00596378-00596478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05322-00596478-00596578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05323-00596578-00596678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05324-00596678-00596778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05325-00596778-00596878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05326-00596878-00596978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05327-00596978-00597078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05328-00597078-00597178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05329-00597178-00597278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05330-00597278-00597378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05331-00597378-00597478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05332-00597478-00597578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05333-00597578-00597678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05334-00597678-00597778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05335-00597778-00597878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05336-00597878-00597978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05337-00597978-00598078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05338-00598078-00598178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05339-00598178-00598278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05340-00598278-00598378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05341-00598378-00598478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05342-00598478-00598578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05343-00598578-00598678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05344-00598678-00598778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05345-00598778-00598878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05346-00598878-00598978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05347-00598978-00599078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05348-00599078-00599178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05349-00599178-00599278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05350-00599278-00599378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05351-00599378-00599478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05352-00599478-00599578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05353-00599578-00599678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05354-00599678-00599778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05355-00599778-00599878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05356-00599878-00599978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05357-00599978-00600078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05358-00600078-00600178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05359-00600178-00600278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05360-00600278-00600378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05361-00600378-00600478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05362-00600478-00600578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05363-00600578-00600678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05364-00600678-00600778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05365-00600778-00600878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05366-00600878-00600978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05367-00600978-00601078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05368-00601078-00601178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05369-00601178-00601278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05370-00601278-00601378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05371-00601378-00601478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05372-00601478-00601578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05373-00601578-00601678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05374-00601678-00601778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05375-00601778-00601878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05376-00601878-00601978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05377-00601978-00602078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05378-00602078-00602178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05379-00602178-00602278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05380-00602278-00602378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05381-00602378-00602478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05382-00602478-00602578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05383-00602578-00602678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05384-00602678-00602778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05385-00602778-00602878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05386-00602878-00602978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05387-00602978-00603078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05388-00603078-00603178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05389-00603178-00603278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05390-00603278-00603378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05391-00603378-00603478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05392-00603478-00603578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05393-00603578-00603678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05394-00603678-00603778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05395-00603778-00603878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05396-00603878-00603978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05397-00603978-00604078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05398-00604078-00604178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05399-00604178-00604278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05400-00604278-00604378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05401-00604378-00604478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05402-00604478-00604578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05403-00604578-00604678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05404-00604678-00604778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05405-00604778-00604878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05406-00604878-00604978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05407-00604978-00605078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05408-00605078-00605178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05409-00605178-00605278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05410-00605278-00605378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05411-00605378-00605478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05412-00605478-00605578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05413-00605578-00605678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05414-00605678-00605778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05415-00605778-00605878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05416-00605878-00605978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05417-00605978-00606078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05418-00606078-00606178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05419-00606178-00606278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05420-00606278-00606378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05421-00606378-00606478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05422-00606478-00606578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05423-00606578-00606678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05424-00606678-00606778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05425-00606778-00606878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05426-00606878-00606978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05427-00606978-00607078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05428-00607078-00607178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05429-00607178-00607278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05430-00607278-00607378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05431-00607378-00607478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05432-00607478-00607578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05433-00607578-00607678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05434-00607678-00607778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05435-00607778-00607878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05436-00607878-00607978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05437-00607978-00608078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05438-00608078-00608178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05439-00608178-00608278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05440-00608278-00608378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05441-00608378-00608478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05442-00608478-00608578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05443-00608578-00608678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05444-00608678-00608778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05445-00608778-00608878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05446-00608878-00608978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05447-00608978-00609078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05448-00609078-00609178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05449-00609178-00609278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05450-00609278-00609378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05451-00609378-00609478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05452-00609478-00609578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05453-00609578-00609678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05454-00609678-00609778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05455-00609778-00609878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05456-00609878-00609978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05457-00609978-00610078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05458-00610078-00610178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05459-00610178-00610278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05460-00610278-00610378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05461-00610378-00610478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05462-00610478-00610578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05463-00610578-00610678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05464-00610678-00610778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05465-00610778-00610878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05466-00610878-00610978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05467-00610978-00611078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05468-00611078-00611178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05469-00611178-00611278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05470-00611278-00611378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05471-00611378-00611478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05472-00611478-00611578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05473-00611578-00611678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05474-00611678-00611778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05475-00611778-00611878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05476-00611878-00611978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05477-00611978-00612078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05478-00612078-00612178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05479-00612178-00612278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05480-00612278-00612378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05481-00612378-00612478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05482-00612478-00612578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05483-00612578-00612678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05484-00612678-00612778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05485-00612778-00612878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05486-00612878-00612978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05487-00612978-00613078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05488-00613078-00613178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05489-00613178-00613278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05490-00613278-00613378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05491-00613378-00613478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05492-00613478-00613578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05493-00613578-00613678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05494-00613678-00613778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05495-00613778-00613878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05496-00613878-00613978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05497-00613978-00614078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05498-00614078-00614178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05499-00614178-00614278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05500-00614278-00614378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05501-00614378-00614478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05502-00614478-00614578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05503-00614578-00614678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05504-00614678-00614778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05505-00614778-00614878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05506-00614878-00614978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05507-00614978-00615078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05508-00615078-00615178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05509-00615178-00615278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05510-00615278-00615378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05511-00615378-00615478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05512-00615478-00615578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05513-00615578-00615678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05514-00615678-00615778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05515-00615778-00615878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05516-00615878-00615978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05517-00615978-00616078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05518-00616078-00616178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05519-00616178-00616278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05520-00616278-00616378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05521-00616378-00616478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05522-00616478-00616578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05523-00616578-00616678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05524-00616678-00616778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05525-00616778-00616878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05526-00616878-00616978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05527-00616978-00617078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05528-00617078-00617178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05529-00617178-00617278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05530-00617278-00617378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05531-00617378-00617478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05532-00617478-00617578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05533-00617578-00617678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05534-00617678-00617778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05535-00617778-00617878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05536-00617878-00617978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05537-00617978-00618078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05538-00618078-00618178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05539-00618178-00618278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05540-00618278-00618378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05541-00618378-00618478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05542-00618478-00618578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05543-00618578-00618678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05544-00618678-00618778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05545-00618778-00618878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05546-00618878-00618978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05547-00618978-00619078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05548-00619078-00619178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05549-00619178-00619278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05550-00619278-00619378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05551-00619378-00619478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05552-00619478-00619578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05553-00619578-00619678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05554-00619678-00619778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05555-00619778-00619878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05556-00619878-00619978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05557-00619978-00620078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05558-00620078-00620178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05559-00620178-00620278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05560-00620278-00620378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05561-00620378-00620478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05562-00620478-00620578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05563-00620578-00620678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05564-00620678-00620778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05565-00620778-00620878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05566-00620878-00620978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05567-00620978-00621078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05568-00621078-00621178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05569-00621178-00621278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05570-00621278-00621378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05571-00621378-00621478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05572-00621478-00621578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05573-00621578-00621678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05574-00621678-00621778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05575-00621778-00621878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05576-00621878-00621978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05577-00621978-00622078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05578-00622078-00622178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05579-00622178-00622278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05580-00622278-00622378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05581-00622378-00622478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05582-00622478-00622578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05583-00622578-00622678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05584-00622678-00622778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05585-00622778-00622878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05586-00622878-00622978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05587-00622978-00623078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05588-00623078-00623178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05589-00623178-00623278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05590-00623278-00623378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05591-00623378-00623478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05592-00623478-00623578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05593-00623578-00623678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05594-00623678-00623778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05595-00623778-00623878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05596-00623878-00623978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05597-00623978-00624078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05598-00624078-00624178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05599-00624178-00624278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05600-00624278-00624378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05601-00624378-00624478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05602-00624478-00624578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05603-00624578-00624678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05604-00624678-00624778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05605-00624778-00624878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05606-00624878-00624978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05607-00624978-00625078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05608-00625078-00625178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05609-00625178-00625278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05610-00625278-00625378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05611-00625378-00625478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05612-00625478-00625578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05613-00625578-00625678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05614-00625678-00625778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05615-00625778-00625878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05616-00625878-00625978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05617-00625978-00626078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05618-00626078-00626178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05619-00626178-00626278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05620-00626278-00626378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05621-00626378-00626478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05622-00626478-00626578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05623-00626578-00626678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05624-00626678-00626778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05625-00626778-00626878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05626-00626878-00626978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05627-00626978-00627078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05628-00627078-00627178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05629-00627178-00627278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05630-00627278-00627378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05631-00627378-00627478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05632-00627478-00627578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05633-00627578-00627678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05634-00627678-00627778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05635-00627778-00627878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05636-00627878-00627978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05637-00627978-00628078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05638-00628078-00628178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05639-00628178-00628278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05640-00628278-00628378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05641-00628378-00628478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05642-00628478-00628578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05643-00628578-00628678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05644-00628678-00628778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05645-00628778-00628878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05646-00628878-00628978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05647-00628978-00629078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05648-00629078-00629178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05649-00629178-00629278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05650-00629278-00629378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05651-00629378-00629478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05652-00629478-00629578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05653-00629578-00629678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05654-00629678-00629778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05655-00629778-00629878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05656-00629878-00629978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05657-00629978-00630078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05658-00630078-00630178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05659-00630178-00630278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05660-00630278-00630378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05661-00630378-00630478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05662-00630478-00630578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05663-00630578-00630678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05664-00630678-00630778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05665-00630778-00630878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05666-00630878-00630978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05667-00630978-00631078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05668-00631078-00631178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05669-00631178-00631278 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ZrVG3gAXwrM-05677-00631978-00632078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05678-00632078-00632178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05679-00632178-00632278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05680-00632278-00632378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05681-00632378-00632478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05682-00632478-00632578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05683-00632578-00632678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05684-00632678-00632778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05685-00632778-00632878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05686-00632878-00632978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05687-00632978-00633078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05688-00633078-00633178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05689-00633178-00633278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05690-00633278-00633378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05691-00633378-00633478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05692-00633478-00633578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05693-00633578-00633678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05694-00633678-00633778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05695-00633778-00633878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05696-00633878-00633978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05697-00633978-00634078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05698-00634078-00634178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05699-00634178-00634278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05700-00634278-00634378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05701-00634378-00634478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05702-00634478-00634578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05703-00634578-00634678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05704-00634678-00634778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05705-00634778-00634878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05706-00634878-00634978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05707-00634978-00635078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05708-00635078-00635178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05709-00635178-00635278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05710-00635278-00635378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05711-00635378-00635478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05712-00635478-00635578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05713-00635578-00635678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05714-00635678-00635778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05715-00635778-00635878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05716-00635878-00635978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05717-00635978-00636078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05718-00636078-00636178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05719-00636178-00636278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05720-00636278-00636378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05721-00636378-00636478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05722-00636478-00636578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05723-00636578-00636678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05724-00636678-00636778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05725-00636778-00636878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05726-00636878-00636978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05727-00636978-00637078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05728-00637078-00637178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05729-00637178-00637278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05730-00637278-00637378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05731-00637378-00637478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05732-00637478-00637578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05733-00637578-00637678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05734-00637678-00637778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05735-00637778-00637878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05736-00637878-00637978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05737-00637978-00638078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05738-00638078-00638178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05739-00638178-00638278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05740-00638278-00638378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05741-00638378-00638478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05742-00638478-00638578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05743-00638578-00638678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05744-00638678-00638778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05745-00638778-00638878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05746-00638878-00638978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05747-00638978-00639078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05748-00639078-00639178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05749-00639178-00639278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05750-00639278-00639378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05751-00639378-00639478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05752-00639478-00639578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05753-00639578-00639678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05754-00639678-00639778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05755-00639778-00639878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05756-00639878-00639978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05757-00639978-00640078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05758-00640078-00640178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05759-00640178-00640278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05760-00640278-00640378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05761-00640378-00640478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05762-00640478-00640578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05763-00640578-00640678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05764-00640678-00640778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05765-00640778-00640878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05766-00640878-00640978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05767-00640978-00641078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05768-00641078-00641178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05769-00641178-00641278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05770-00641278-00641378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05771-00641378-00641478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05772-00641478-00641578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05773-00641578-00641678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05774-00641678-00641778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05775-00641778-00641878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05776-00641878-00641978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05777-00641978-00642078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05778-00642078-00642178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05779-00642178-00642278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05780-00642278-00642378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05781-00642378-00642478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05782-00642478-00642578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05783-00642578-00642678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05784-00642678-00642778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05785-00642778-00642878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05786-00642878-00642978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05787-00642978-00643078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05788-00643078-00643178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05789-00643178-00643278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05790-00643278-00643378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05791-00643378-00643478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05792-00643478-00643578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05793-00643578-00643678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05794-00643678-00643778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05795-00643778-00643878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05796-00643878-00643978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05797-00643978-00644078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05798-00644078-00644178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05799-00644178-00644278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05800-00644278-00644378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05801-00644378-00644478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05802-00644478-00644578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05803-00644578-00644678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05804-00644678-00644778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05805-00644778-00644878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05806-00644878-00644978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05807-00644978-00645078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05808-00645078-00645178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05809-00645178-00645278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05810-00645278-00645378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05811-00645378-00645478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05812-00645478-00645578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05813-00645578-00645678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05814-00645678-00645778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05815-00645778-00645878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05816-00645878-00645978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05817-00645978-00646078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05818-00646078-00646178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05819-00646178-00646278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05820-00646278-00646378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05821-00646378-00646478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05822-00646478-00646578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05823-00646578-00646678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05824-00646678-00646778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05825-00646778-00646878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05826-00646878-00646978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05827-00646978-00647078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05828-00647078-00647178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05829-00647178-00647278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05830-00647278-00647378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05831-00647378-00647478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05832-00647478-00647578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05833-00647578-00647678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05834-00647678-00647778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05835-00647778-00647878 valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05844-00648678-00648778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05845-00648778-00648878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05846-00648878-00648978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05847-00648978-00649078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05848-00649078-00649178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05849-00649178-00649278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05850-00649278-00649378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05851-00649378-00649478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05852-00649478-00649578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05853-00649578-00649678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05854-00649678-00649778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05855-00649778-00649878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05856-00649878-00649978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05857-00649978-00650078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05858-00650078-00650178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05859-00650178-00650278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05860-00650278-00650378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05861-00650378-00650478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05862-00650478-00650578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05863-00650578-00650678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05864-00650678-00650778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05865-00650778-00650878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05866-00650878-00650978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05867-00650978-00651078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05868-00651078-00651178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05869-00651178-00651278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05870-00651278-00651378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05871-00651378-00651478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05872-00651478-00651578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05873-00651578-00651678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05874-00651678-00651778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05875-00651778-00651878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05876-00651878-00651978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05877-00651978-00652078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05878-00652078-00652178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05879-00652178-00652278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05880-00652278-00652378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05881-00652378-00652478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05882-00652478-00652578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05883-00652578-00652678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05884-00652678-00652778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05885-00652778-00652878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05886-00652878-00652978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05887-00652978-00653078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05888-00653078-00653178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05889-00653178-00653278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05890-00653278-00653378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05891-00653378-00653478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05892-00653478-00653578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05893-00653578-00653678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05894-00653678-00653778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05895-00653778-00653878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05896-00653878-00653978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05897-00653978-00654078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05898-00654078-00654178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05899-00654178-00654278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05900-00654278-00654378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05901-00654378-00654478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05902-00654478-00654578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05903-00654578-00654678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05904-00654678-00654778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05905-00654778-00654878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05906-00654878-00654978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05907-00654978-00655078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05908-00655078-00655178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05909-00655178-00655278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05910-00655278-00655378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05911-00655378-00655478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05912-00655478-00655578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05913-00655578-00655678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05914-00655678-00655778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05915-00655778-00655878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05916-00655878-00655978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05917-00655978-00656078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05918-00656078-00656178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05919-00656178-00656278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05920-00656278-00656378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05921-00656378-00656478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05922-00656478-00656578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05923-00656578-00656678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05924-00656678-00656778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05925-00656778-00656878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05926-00656878-00656978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05927-00656978-00657078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05928-00657078-00657178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05929-00657178-00657278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05930-00657278-00657378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05931-00657378-00657478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05932-00657478-00657578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05933-00657578-00657678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05934-00657678-00657778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05935-00657778-00657878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05936-00657878-00657978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05937-00657978-00658078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05938-00658078-00658178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05939-00658178-00658278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05940-00658278-00658378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05941-00658378-00658478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05942-00658478-00658578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05943-00658578-00658678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05944-00658678-00658778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05945-00658778-00658878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05946-00658878-00658978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05947-00658978-00659078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05948-00659078-00659178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05949-00659178-00659278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05950-00659278-00659378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05951-00659378-00659478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05952-00659478-00659578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05953-00659578-00659678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05954-00659678-00659778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05955-00659778-00659878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05956-00659878-00659978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05957-00659978-00660078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05958-00660078-00660178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05959-00660178-00660278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05960-00660278-00660378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05961-00660378-00660478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05962-00660478-00660578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05963-00660578-00660678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05964-00660678-00660778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05965-00660778-00660878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05966-00660878-00660978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05967-00660978-00661078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05968-00661078-00661178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05969-00661178-00661278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05970-00661278-00661378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05971-00661378-00661478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05972-00661478-00661578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05973-00661578-00661678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05974-00661678-00661778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05975-00661778-00661878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05976-00661878-00661978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05977-00661978-00662078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05978-00662078-00662178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05979-00662178-00662278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05980-00662278-00662378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05981-00662378-00662478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05982-00662478-00662578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05983-00662578-00662678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05984-00662678-00662778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05985-00662778-00662878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05986-00662878-00662978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05987-00662978-00663078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05988-00663078-00663178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05989-00663178-00663278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05990-00663278-00663378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05991-00663378-00663478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05992-00663478-00663578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05993-00663578-00663678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05994-00663678-00663778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05995-00663778-00663878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05996-00663878-00663978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05997-00663978-00664078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05998-00664078-00664178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-05999-00664178-00664278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06000-00664278-00664378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06001-00664378-00664478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06002-00664478-00664578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06003-00664578-00664678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06004-00664678-00664778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06005-00664778-00664878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06006-00664878-00664978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06007-00664978-00665078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06008-00665078-00665178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06009-00665178-00665278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06010-00665278-00665378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06011-00665378-00665478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06012-00665478-00665578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06013-00665578-00665678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06014-00665678-00665778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06015-00665778-00665878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06016-00665878-00665978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06017-00665978-00666078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06018-00666078-00666178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06019-00666178-00666278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06020-00666278-00666378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06021-00666378-00666478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06022-00666478-00666578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06023-00666578-00666678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06024-00666678-00666778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06025-00666778-00666878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06026-00666878-00666978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06027-00666978-00667078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06028-00667078-00667178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06029-00667178-00667278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06030-00667278-00667378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06031-00667378-00667478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06032-00667478-00667578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06033-00667578-00667678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06034-00667678-00667778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06035-00667778-00667878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06036-00667878-00667978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06037-00667978-00668078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06038-00668078-00668178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06039-00668178-00668278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06040-00668278-00668378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06041-00668378-00668478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06042-00668478-00668578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06043-00668578-00668678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06044-00668678-00668778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06045-00668778-00668878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06046-00668878-00668978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06047-00668978-00669078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06048-00669078-00669178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06049-00669178-00669278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06050-00669278-00669378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06051-00669378-00669478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06052-00669478-00669578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06053-00669578-00669678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06054-00669678-00669778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06055-00669778-00669878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06056-00669878-00669978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06057-00669978-00670078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06058-00670078-00670178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06059-00670178-00670278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06060-00670278-00670378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06061-00670378-00670478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06062-00670478-00670578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06063-00670578-00670678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06064-00670678-00670778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06065-00670778-00670878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06066-00670878-00670978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06067-00670978-00671078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06068-00671078-00671178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06069-00671178-00671278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06070-00671278-00671378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06071-00671378-00671478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06072-00671478-00671578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06073-00671578-00671678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06074-00671678-00671778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06075-00671778-00671878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06076-00671878-00671978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06077-00671978-00672078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06078-00672078-00672178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06079-00672178-00672278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06080-00672278-00672378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06081-00672378-00672478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06082-00672478-00672578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06083-00672578-00672678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06084-00672678-00672778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06085-00672778-00672878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06086-00672878-00672978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06087-00672978-00673078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06088-00673078-00673178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06089-00673178-00673278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06090-00673278-00673378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06091-00673378-00673478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06092-00673478-00673578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06093-00673578-00673678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06094-00673678-00673778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06095-00673778-00673878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06096-00673878-00673978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06097-00673978-00674078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06098-00674078-00674178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06099-00674178-00674278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06100-00674278-00674378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06101-00674378-00674478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06102-00674478-00674578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06103-00674578-00674678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06104-00674678-00674778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06105-00674778-00674878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06106-00674878-00674978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06107-00674978-00675078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06108-00675078-00675178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06109-00675178-00675278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06110-00675278-00675378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06111-00675378-00675478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06112-00675478-00675578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06113-00675578-00675678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06114-00675678-00675778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06115-00675778-00675878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06116-00675878-00675978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06117-00675978-00676078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06118-00676078-00676178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06119-00676178-00676278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06120-00676278-00676378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06121-00676378-00676478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06122-00676478-00676578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06123-00676578-00676678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06124-00676678-00676778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06125-00676778-00676878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06126-00676878-00676978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06127-00676978-00677078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06128-00677078-00677178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06129-00677178-00677278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06130-00677278-00677378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06131-00677378-00677478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06132-00677478-00677578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06133-00677578-00677678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06134-00677678-00677778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06135-00677778-00677878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06136-00677878-00677978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06137-00677978-00678078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06138-00678078-00678178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06139-00678178-00678278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06140-00678278-00678378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06141-00678378-00678478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06142-00678478-00678578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06143-00678578-00678678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06144-00678678-00678778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06145-00678778-00678878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06146-00678878-00678978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06147-00678978-00679078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06148-00679078-00679178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06149-00679178-00679278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06150-00679278-00679378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06151-00679378-00679478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06152-00679478-00679578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06153-00679578-00679678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06154-00679678-00679778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06155-00679778-00679878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06156-00679878-00679978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06157-00679978-00680078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06158-00680078-00680178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06159-00680178-00680278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06160-00680278-00680378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06161-00680378-00680478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06162-00680478-00680578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06163-00680578-00680678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06164-00680678-00680778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06165-00680778-00680878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06166-00680878-00680978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06167-00680978-00681078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06168-00681078-00681178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06169-00681178-00681278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06170-00681278-00681378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06171-00681378-00681478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06172-00681478-00681578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06173-00681578-00681678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06174-00681678-00681778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06175-00681778-00681878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06176-00681878-00681978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06177-00681978-00682078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06178-00682078-00682178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06179-00682178-00682278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06180-00682278-00682378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06181-00682378-00682478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06182-00682478-00682578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06183-00682578-00682678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06184-00682678-00682778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06185-00682778-00682878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06186-00682878-00682978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06187-00682978-00683078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06188-00683078-00683178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06189-00683178-00683278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06190-00683278-00683378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06191-00683378-00683478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06192-00683478-00683578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06193-00683578-00683678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06194-00683678-00683778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06195-00683778-00683878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06196-00683878-00683978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06197-00683978-00684078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06198-00684078-00684178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06199-00684178-00684278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06200-00684278-00684378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06201-00684378-00684478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06202-00684478-00684578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06203-00684578-00684678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06204-00684678-00684778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06205-00684778-00684878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06206-00684878-00684978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06207-00684978-00685078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06208-00685078-00685178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06209-00685178-00685278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06210-00685278-00685378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06211-00685378-00685478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06212-00685478-00685578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06213-00685578-00685678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06214-00685678-00685778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06215-00685778-00685878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06216-00685878-00685978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06217-00685978-00686078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06218-00686078-00686178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06219-00686178-00686278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06220-00686278-00686378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06221-00686378-00686478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06222-00686478-00686578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06223-00686578-00686678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06224-00686678-00686778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06225-00686778-00686878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06226-00686878-00686978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06227-00686978-00687078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06228-00687078-00687178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06229-00687178-00687278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06230-00687278-00687378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06231-00687378-00687478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06232-00687478-00687578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06233-00687578-00687678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06234-00687678-00687778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06235-00687778-00687878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06236-00687878-00687978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06237-00687978-00688078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06238-00688078-00688178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06239-00688178-00688278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06240-00688278-00688378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06241-00688378-00688478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06242-00688478-00688578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06243-00688578-00688678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06244-00688678-00688778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06245-00688778-00688878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06246-00688878-00688978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06247-00688978-00689078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06248-00689078-00689178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06249-00689178-00689278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06250-00689278-00689378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06251-00689378-00689478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06252-00689478-00689578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06253-00689578-00689678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06254-00689678-00689778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06255-00689778-00689878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06256-00689878-00689978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06257-00689978-00690078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06258-00690078-00690178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06259-00690178-00690278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06260-00690278-00690378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06261-00690378-00690478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06262-00690478-00690578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06263-00690578-00690678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06264-00690678-00690778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06265-00690778-00690878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06266-00690878-00690978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06267-00690978-00691078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06268-00691078-00691178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06269-00691178-00691278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06270-00691278-00691378 valorant 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valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06279-00692178-00692278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06280-00692278-00692378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06281-00692378-00692478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06282-00692478-00692578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06283-00692578-00692678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06284-00692678-00692778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06285-00692778-00692878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06286-00692878-00692978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06287-00692978-00693078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06288-00693078-00693178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06289-00693178-00693278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06290-00693278-00693378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06291-00693378-00693478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06292-00693478-00693578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06293-00693578-00693678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06294-00693678-00693778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06295-00693778-00693878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06296-00693878-00693978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06297-00693978-00694078 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06298-00694078-00694178 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06299-00694178-00694278 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06300-00694278-00694378 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06301-00694378-00694478 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06302-00694478-00694578 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06303-00694578-00694678 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06304-00694678-00694778 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06305-00694778-00694878 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06306-00694878-00694978 valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant valorant ZrVG3gAXwrM-06307-00694978-00694978 valorant valorant Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00001-00013376-00013504 We're go for main engine start Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00003-00013562-00013660 We have main engine start Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00004-00013660-00013752 Four Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00005-00013772-00013850 Three Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00006-00013872-00013936 Two Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00007-00014016-00014294 One. Zero. We have liftoff. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00008-00014376-00014688 [Music & sound of solid rocket boosters firing] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00010-00020560-00020742 Ah, Houston we had a problem. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00012-00020792-00021064 We had a [instinguishable error status] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00014-00021276-00021390 Roger, please hold. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00016-00021440-00021664 OK, stand by. We're looking at it. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00017-00021832-00022640 [explosion and repeated warning beep] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00018-00022776-00023352 [Audible warning]: Life support systems failure, oxygen levels critical. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00019-00023412-00023588 [Astronaut gasps for air] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00020-00023656-00023904 [Astronaut]: Oh sh.t Life support systems failure, oxygen levels critical Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00021-00023960-00024176 [Astronaut flipping switches] [Alert message disabled] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00022-00024440-00024768 [music begins] [beep] [Astronaut]: Echo 3-8 to control Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00023-00024784-00025088 Come in control... Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00024-00025200-00025752 Is anyone there... [echos] [Music] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00026-00037852-00038268 [beep] [Astronaut]: Is anyone there... [echos] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00029-00043856-00045792 [Music fades] [Quindar beeps fade in and back out] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00030-00046208-00046448 [Music fades in] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00033-00066128-00067424 [Music ends] [The sound of crickets and a campfire fades in] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00034-00067824-00068128 I don't have much time. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00035-00068544-00068880 I still have that photo of us in the mountains. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00036-00069144-00069312 It's so beautiful there. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00037-00069688-00069960 I wish I could see you one more time. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00038-00070152-00070416 Just one more time. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00039-00070808-00071064 You never know how these things are going to play out. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00040-00071064-00071280 ...like there'll always be another tomorrow. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00041-00071648-00071960 But who am I to tell Fate that I haven't had enough? Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00042-00072080-00072448 To tell Death, "Not yet, just one more day." Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00043-00072744-00073296 I've had a good run at this, filled with so many good things. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00044-00073480-00074160 Despite all the troubles, the hardships and pain, all the nonsense that I ever stressed over Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00045-00074296-00075112 All my ambitions and the things I worked so hard for, vain attempts at making a name for myself Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00046-00075192-00075528 They were nothing at all. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00047-00075528-00075784 Not when I think about how amazing my time has been Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00048-00075960-00076040 ...with you Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00049-00076152-00076456 ...and on this amazing planet we call "home". Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00050-00076680-00076960 So much beauty... Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00052-00077416-00077824 All that we worry about, or trouble ourselves with... Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00053-00078000-00078464 it can't compare to the joy of seeing the Sun, rising over the horizon Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00054-00078568-00079216 or witnessing the emerald green fields glistening after a summer shower Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00055-00079392-00079968 or passing through the snow-capped mountain ranges that stretch far beyond the horizon Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00056-00080080-00080600 reaching out toward the sky and boasting magnificent tales of their longevity Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00057-00080632-00081232 Or listening to the meditative mantra of the Great Waters presenting itself Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00058-00081232-00081544 to you on the shoreline Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00059-00081760-00082136 Or lying on your back, gazing at the stars at night, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00060-00082312-00083208 numberless, near eternal, like the possibilities in front of you. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00061-00083240-00083968 the entirety of our cares or our concerns that burden us in our short existence, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00062-00083968-00084640 they pale in comparison to the beauty that surrounds us Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00063-00084640-00085536 to the vastness of the oceans, or broadest of seas, to the enormity of this giant rock orbiting the Sun Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00064-00085816-00086288 to the incomprehensible size of our universe Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00065-00086368-00086792 and all the wonders that lie eternally beyond our reach Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00066-00086928-00087184 So much beauty. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00067-00087392-00087632 So much beauty. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00068-00087672-00087968 [Sound of campfire and crickets fade] [Ambient sound of space module fades in] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00069-00088024-00089000 Look, you've got this finite window, you've been given this little memento from Death Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00070-00089072-00089656 a postcard to write your own story on Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00071-00089784-00090344 filled with moments of joy, suffering, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00072-00090432-00090824 love, loss, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00073-00090848-00091400 peace, conflict, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00074-00091400-00091704 creativity. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00075-00091864-00092208 Don't wait for someone else to write your own story, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00076-00092280-00092616 Or to come along and make it happen for you Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00077-00092856-00093224 you're the author, you're the poet Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00078-00093472-00093952 Fill your pages with your own tales of seeking wisdom, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00079-00094072-00094576 showing kindness, practicing the lost art of patience, Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00080-00094784-00095384 and finding every opportunity to show love and compassion Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00081-00095552-00096560 Write your stories with an insatiable thirst, a thirst for making this moment count. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00082-00096832-00097752 You only have this one moment, and it's filled with so much beauty. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00083-00097800-00098056 [Sound of ventilation shutting down] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00084-00098192-00098392 So much beauty... Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00085-00098688-00098816 [taking his last breath] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00086-00098904-00099056 So much beauty. Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00087-00099056-00100064 [The sound of Quindar beeps fading out] Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00088-00103088-00103432 Thank you for listening. if you enjoyed this song and want to hear more please Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00089-00103433-00103817 subscribe and click on the notifications bell to stay in the loop. If you'd like Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00090-00103817-00104186 to download this and other songs for free, become a supporter at the Stolace Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00091-00104186-00104604 Patreon page. Your modest monthly contribution helps keep the music freely Zvx_8Gt1d-c-00092-00104604-00105135 available. Learn more stolace.com. Thank you for your support. ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00000-00000484-00000911 Hi! I'm Tori Clark and I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Australian National ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00001-00000911-00001428 University and in my work, I study how plants grow, and specifically ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00002-00001428-00001697 photosynthesis, and I'm really interested in ways that we can optimise ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00003-00001697-00002091 photosynthesis to make it more efficient and produce higher yielding plants to feed ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00004-00002091-00002678 the world. So I'm going to talk a little bit about how plants grow from cells ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00005-00002678-00003204 that specialize and multiply and how those (those) cells come together to form ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00006-00003204-00003768 different structures within the plants. And so from cells we move into different ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00007-00003768-00004218 tissue types and there are three main tissue types in plants. And tissue types ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00008-00004218-00004705 are a group of cells that form a specific function together and have a specific ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00009-00004705-00005316 specific structure. And so if we can start with the epidermis tissue type: And ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00010-00005316-00005657 so this is a really similar to the skin that we have on our body. It forms the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00011-00005657-00006182 outermost layer of the plant and its' function is really about protecting the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00012-00006182-00006606 internal structures of the plant. And a lot of that is about regulating the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00013-00006606-00007079 amount of water that can move across the cell - the plant surface - and ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00014-00007079-00007734 also a gas exchange. And the epidermis of plants in structures like leaves has ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00015-00007734-00008165 pores that let some water and gas exchange and they're called stomata. But ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00016-00008165-00008522 the epidermis extends across all the different organs of the plant, so the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00017-00008522-00008804 plant is made up of lots of different organs and you can think of these as ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00018-00008804-00009153 like the functional units of the plant. And so I've mentioned leaves already as ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00019-00009153-00009525 an organ of the plant but we also have things like root structures. The root ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00020-00009525-00009918 structure is a plant organ and even things like the reproductive structures ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00021-00009918-00010314 can be classified as organs. So things like flowers or fruit that get produced ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00022-00010314-00010836 from them. And so the outermost layer of a lot of these organs is the epidermis. ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00023-00010836-00011261 And then within that, there's a second layer of tissue which is called the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00024-00011261-00011700 ground tissue. And so if we use the leaf organ as an example, the ground tissue in ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00025-00011700-00012138 a leaf is called parenchyma. That's the cell type and these cells function in ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00026-00012138-00012609 doing really the most important part of a plant's growth, which is photosynthesis. ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00027-00012609-00012906 So these parenchyma cells in the ground tissue are packed full ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00028-00012906-00013313 of chloroplasts and you can see from the way they're orientated within the leaf ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00029-00013313-00013659 that there's a lot of airspace around them to allow gas exchange, so that ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00030-00013659-00014238 carbon dioxide can then get converted into the sugars. So the third tissue type ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00031-00014238-00014751 within plants is the vascular tissue, and this is quite similar in its function to ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00032-00014751-00015170 the vascular system in people and so in our bodies, we have a heart that pumps ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00033-00015170-00015729 blood through our arteries and veins but in the plant there's no (there's no) pump ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00034-00015729-00016197 system and it's not circular like it would be in an animal. The vascular ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00035-00016197-00016623 system in a plant is quite linear and so most of the movement is sort of from one ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00036-00016623-00017064 end of the plant to the other end. And there's two types of vascular tissue in ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00037-00017064-00017538 plants, and you can think of these like pipes that are sort of carrying things ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00038-00017538-00017928 around the plant. And the first type of vascular tissue is called xylem and this ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00039-00017928-00018318 is what carries water around the plant and the water usually moves from the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00040-00018318-00018684 roots where the water is collected and it moves up through the stem of the ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00041-00018684-00019047 plant and into the leaves where it's transpired. And the other type of ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00042-00019047-00019479 vascular tissue in plants is called phloem, and this moves sugars and other ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00043-00019479-00019848 organic compounds around the plant. And usually the direction of this is from ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00044-00019848-00020195 the leaves, which are producing the sugars through photosynthesis, and moving ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00045-00020195-00020613 those sugars down the stem and into the roots where they can be stored. And so ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00046-00020613-00021147 really with these three tissue types, what we get is different things coming ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00047-00021147-00021551 together structurally and the structure of these different types of tissues ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00048-00021551-00021942 actually allows the function of the plants. And so the different organs ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00049-00021942-00022272 within the plants or the leaf or the root or the flowers have different ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00050-00022272-00022653 arrangements of how these three different tissue types come together and ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00051-00022653-00023019 that's to do with what the function - the differing function - of those different ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00052-00023019-00023436 organs. And so what's really key here is that the structure of the different ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00053-00023436-00023736 components the individual cells coming together to make different tissue types ZC7NJ_UEuM0-00054-00023736-00024260 really drives the function of what those parts of the plants do. ZEzgPA_hog0-00000-00000068-00000649 So hello everybody and welcome to Deep Learning for Coders, Lesson One. ZEzgPA_hog0-00001-00000649-00001607 This is the fourth year that we've done this, but it's a very different and very special ZEzgPA_hog0-00002-00001607-00001792 version for a number of reasons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00003-00001792-00002326 The first reason it's different is because we are bringing it to you live from day number ZEzgPA_hog0-00004-00002326-00002491 one of a complete shutdown. ZEzgPA_hog0-00005-00002491-00002949 Oh, not a complete shutdown, but nearly a complete shutdown of San Francisco. ZEzgPA_hog0-00006-00002949-00003443 We're going to be recording it over the next two months in the midst of this global pandemic. ZEzgPA_hog0-00007-00003443-00003915 So if things seem a little crazy sometimes in this course, I apologize. ZEzgPA_hog0-00008-00003915-00004330 So that's why this is happening. ZEzgPA_hog0-00009-00004330-00005319 The other reason it's special is because it's, we're trying to make this our definitive version, ZEzgPA_hog0-00010-00005319-00005442 right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00011-00005442-00005895 Since we've been doing this for a while now, we've finally got to the point where we almost ZEzgPA_hog0-00012-00005895-00006140 feel like we know what we're talking about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00013-00006140-00006767 To the point that Sylvain and I have actually written a book and we've actually written ZEzgPA_hog0-00014-00006767-00007220 a piece of software from scratch, called the fastai library version 2. ZEzgPA_hog0-00015-00007220-00007820 We've written a peer-reviewed paper about this library. ZEzgPA_hog0-00016-00007820-00008470 So this is kind of designed to be like the version of the course that is hopefully going ZEzgPA_hog0-00017-00008470-00008756 to last a while. ZEzgPA_hog0-00018-00008756-00009231 The syllabus is based very closely on this book, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00019-00009231-00009870 So if you want to read along properly as you go, please buy it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00020-00009870-00010370 And I say “please buy it” because actually the whole thing is also available for free ZEzgPA_hog0-00021-00010370-00010577 in the form of Jupyter notebooks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00022-00010577-00011417 And that is thanks to the huge generosity of O'Reilly Media, who have let us do that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00023-00011417-00012375 So you'll be able to see on the website for the course how to kind of access all this, ZEzgPA_hog0-00024-00012375-00013253 but here is the fastbook repo where you can read the whole damn thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00025-00013253-00013854 At the moment as you see, it's a draft, but by the time you read this, it won't be. ZEzgPA_hog0-00026-00013854-00014665 So we have a big request here which is - the deal is this - you can read this thing for ZEzgPA_hog0-00027-00014665-00015465 free as Jupyter notebooks, but that is not as convenient as reading it on a Kindle or ZEzgPA_hog0-00028-00015465-00015634 in a paper book or whatever. ZEzgPA_hog0-00029-00015634-00015976 So, please don't turn this into a PDF, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00030-00015976-00016644 Please don't turn it into a form designed more for reading, because kind of the whole ZEzgPA_hog0-00031-00016644-00017015 point is that you'll buy it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00032-00017015-00017881 Don't take advantage of O'Reilly's generosity by creating the thing that you know they're ZEzgPA_hog0-00033-00017881-00017985 not giving you for free. ZEzgPA_hog0-00034-00017985-00018545 And that's actually explicitly the license under which we're providing this as well. ZEzgPA_hog0-00035-00018545-00019053 So it's mainly a request, being a decent human being. ZEzgPA_hog0-00036-00019053-00019468 If you see somebody else not being a decent human being and stealing the book version ZEzgPA_hog0-00037-00019468-00019918 of the book, please tell them, “Please don't do that, it's not nice.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00038-00019918-00020149 And don't be that person. ZEzgPA_hog0-00039-00020149-00020806 So either way, you can read along with the syllabus in the book. ZEzgPA_hog0-00040-00020806-00021526 There's a couple of different versions of these notebooks, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00041-00021526-00022754 There is the, there's the full notebook that has the entire prose, pictures, everything. ZEzgPA_hog0-00042-00022754-00023585 Now we actually wrote a system to turn notebooks into a printed book and sometimes that looks ZEzgPA_hog0-00043-00023585-00023696 kind of weird. ZEzgPA_hog0-00044-00023696-00024584 For example, here's a weird looking table and if you look in the actual book, it actually ZEzgPA_hog0-00045-00024584-00024791 looks like a proper table, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00046-00024791-00025340 So sometimes you'll see like little weird bits, okay, they are not mistakes they are ZEzgPA_hog0-00047-00025340-00025915 bits where we can add information to help our book turn into a proper nice book so just ZEzgPA_hog0-00048-00025915-00026015 just ignore them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00049-00026015-00026338 Now when I say we, who is we? ZEzgPA_hog0-00050-00026338-00027007 While I mentioned one important part of the we is Sylvain. ZEzgPA_hog0-00051-00027007-00027778 Sylvain is my co-author of the book and fastai version 2 library, so he is my partner in ZEzgPA_hog0-00052-00027778-00027931 crime here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00053-00027931-00028831 The other key “we” here is Rachel Thomas and so maybe Rachel you can come and say hello. ZEzgPA_hog0-00054-00028831-00029023 She is the co-founder of fastai. ZEzgPA_hog0-00055-00029023-00029868 Hello yes I am the co-founder of fastai and I am also, lower sorry taller than Jeremy, ZEzgPA_hog0-00056-00029868-00030430 and I am the founding director of the Center for Applied Data Ethics at the University ZEzgPA_hog0-00057-00030430-00030602 of San Francisco. ZEzgPA_hog0-00058-00030602-00030993 Really excited to be a part of this course and I will be the voice you hear asking questions ZEzgPA_hog0-00059-00030993-00031302 from the forums. ZEzgPA_hog0-00060-00031302-00031894 Rachel and Sylvain are also the people in this group who actually understand math. ZEzgPA_hog0-00061-00031894-00032121 I am a mere philosophy graduate. ZEzgPA_hog0-00062-00032121-00032343 Rachel has a PhD. ZEzgPA_hog0-00063-00032343-00032963 Sylvain has written 10 books about math so if the math questions come along it's possible ZEzgPA_hog0-00064-00032963-00033280 I may pass them along. ZEzgPA_hog0-00065-00033280-00033661 But it is very nice to have an opportunity to work with people who understand this topic ZEzgPA_hog0-00066-00033661-00033769 so well. ZEzgPA_hog0-00067-00033769-00034596 Yes Yes Rachael, did you wanna sure oh thank you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00068-00034596-00035274 As Rachel mentioned the other area where she is you know real, has real world-class expertise ZEzgPA_hog0-00069-00035274-00036062 is data ethics, she is the founding director of the Centre for Applied Data Ethics, at ZEzgPA_hog0-00070-00036062-00036238 the University of San Francisco. ZEzgPA_hog0-00071-00036238-00036338 Thank you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00072-00036338-00036813 We are gonna be talking about data ethics throughout the course because well we happen ZEzgPA_hog0-00073-00036813-00037290 to think it's very important and so for those parts, although I'll generally be presenting ZEzgPA_hog0-00074-00037290-00037955 them they will be on the whole based on Rachel's Rachel's work because she actually knows what ZEzgPA_hog0-00075-00037955-00038191 she's talking about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00076-00038191-00038647 Although thanks to her I kind of know a bit about what I am talking about too. ZEzgPA_hog0-00077-00038647-00039128 Right, so that's that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00078-00039128-00039843 So should you be here, is there any point in you attempting to understand (I thought ZEzgPA_hog0-00079-00039843-00040346 I pressed the right button), understand deep learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00080-00040346-00040912 Ok so what do you know should you should you be here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00081-00040912-00041533 Is there any point you attempting to learn deep learning or are you too stupid or you ZEzgPA_hog0-00082-00041533-00042100 don't have enough fast resources or whatever, because that's what a lot of people are telling ZEzgPA_hog0-00083-00042100-00042200 us. ZEzgPA_hog0-00084-00042200-00042737 They are saying you need teams of PhDs and massive data centers full of GPUs, otherwise ZEzgPA_hog0-00085-00042737-00042855 it's pointless. ZEzgPA_hog0-00086-00042855-00043344 Don't worry that is not at all true, couldn't be further from the truth. ZEzgPA_hog0-00087-00043344-00044174 In fact that the vast majority, sorry, a lot of world-class research and world-class industry ZEzgPA_hog0-00088-00044174-00045368 projects have come out of fastai alumni and fastai library-based projects and and elsewhere ZEzgPA_hog0-00089-00045368-00046278 which are created on a single GPU using a few dozen or a few hundred data points from ZEzgPA_hog0-00090-00046278-00047128 people that have no graduate level technical expertise, or in my case, I have no undergraduate ZEzgPA_hog0-00091-00047128-00047255 level technical expertise. ZEzgPA_hog0-00092-00047255-00047508 I'm just a philosophy major. ZEzgPA_hog0-00093-00047508-00047971 So there is - and we'll see it throughout the course -- but there is lots and lots and ZEzgPA_hog0-00094-00047971-00048377 lots of clear empirical evidence that you don't need lots of math, you don't need lots ZEzgPA_hog0-00095-00048377-00048825 of data, you don't need lots of expensive computers to do great stuff, with deep learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00096-00048825-00049024 So just bear with us. ZEzgPA_hog0-00097-00049024-00049222 You'll be fine. ZEzgPA_hog0-00098-00049222-00049511 To do this course, you do need to code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00099-00049511-00049875 Preferably, you know how to code in Python. ZEzgPA_hog0-00100-00049875-00050190 But if you've done other languages, you can learn Python. ZEzgPA_hog0-00101-00050190-00050693 If the only languages you've done is something like Matlab, where you've used it more like ZEzgPA_hog0-00102-00050693-00051257 a scripty kind of thing, you might find it a bit - You will find it a bit heavier going. ZEzgPA_hog0-00103-00051257-00051588 But that's okay, stick with it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00104-00051588-00052099 You can learn Python as you go. ZEzgPA_hog0-00105-00052099-00052269 Is there any point learning deep learning? ZEzgPA_hog0-00106-00052269-00052622 Is it any good at stuff? ZEzgPA_hog0-00107-00052622-00053391 If you are hoping to build a brain, that is an AGI, I cannot promise we're gonna help ZEzgPA_hog0-00108-00053391-00053510 you with that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00109-00053510-00053887 And AGI stands for: Artificial General Intelligence. ZEzgPA_hog0-00110-00053887-00054033 Thank you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00111-00054033-00054687 What I can tell you though, is that in all of these areas, deep learning is the best-known ZEzgPA_hog0-00112-00054687-00055276 approach, to at least many versions of all of these things. ZEzgPA_hog0-00113-00055276-00055813 So it is not speculative at this point whether this is a useful tool. ZEzgPA_hog0-00114-00055813-00056188 It's a useful tool in lots and lots and lots of places. ZEzgPA_hog0-00115-00056188-00056288 Extremely useful tool. ZEzgPA_hog0-00116-00056288-00056915 And in many of these cases, it is equivalent to or better than human performance. ZEzgPA_hog0-00117-00056915-00057417 At least according to some particular narrow definition of things that humans do in these ZEzgPA_hog0-00118-00057417-00057625 kinds of areas. ZEzgPA_hog0-00119-00057625-00057889 So deep learning is pretty amazing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00120-00057889-00058366 And if you want to pause the video here and have a look through and try and pick some ZEzgPA_hog0-00121-00058366-00058860 things out that you think might look interesting and type that keyword and “deep learning” ZEzgPA_hog0-00122-00058860-00058960 into Google. ZEzgPA_hog0-00123-00058960-00059536 And you'll find lots of papers and examples and stuff like that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00124-00059536-00059979 Deep learning comes from a background of neural networks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00125-00059979-00060524 As you'll see deep learning is just a type of neural network learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00126-00060524-00060691 A deep one. ZEzgPA_hog0-00127-00060691-00060865 We'll describe exactly what that means later. ZEzgPA_hog0-00128-00060865-00061166 And neural networks are certainly not a new thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00129-00061166-00061749 They go back at least to 1943, when McCulloch and Pitts created a mathematical model of ZEzgPA_hog0-00130-00061749-00061930 an artificial neuron. ZEzgPA_hog0-00131-00061930-00062363 And got very excited about where that could get to. ZEzgPA_hog0-00132-00062363-00063179 And then in the 50's, Frank Rosenblatt then built on top of that - he basically created ZEzgPA_hog0-00133-00063179-00063632 some subtle changes to that mathematical model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00134-00063632-00064002 And he thought that with these subtle changes “we could witness the birth of the machine ZEzgPA_hog0-00135-00064002-00064439 that is capable of perceiving, recognizing and identifying its surroundings without any ZEzgPA_hog0-00136-00064439-00064674 human training or control”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00137-00064674-00065120 And he oversaw the building of this - extraordinary thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00138-00065120-00065486 The Mark 1 Perceptron at Cornell. ZEzgPA_hog0-00139-00065486-00066026 So that was I think, this picture was 1961. ZEzgPA_hog0-00140-00066026-00066461 Thankfully nowadays, we don't have to build neural networks by running the damn wires ZEzgPA_hog0-00141-00066461-00066708 from neuron to neuron (artificial neuron to artificial neuron). ZEzgPA_hog0-00142-00066708-00067080 But you can kind of see the idea; lot of connections going on. ZEzgPA_hog0-00143-00067080-00067422 And you'll hear the word connection a lot, in this course, because that's what it's all ZEzgPA_hog0-00144-00067422-00067688 about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00145-00067688-00067979 Then we had the first AI winter, as it was known. ZEzgPA_hog0-00146-00067979-00068689 Which really, to a strong degree happened because an MIT professor named Marvin Minsky ZEzgPA_hog0-00147-00068689-00069181 and Papert wrote a book called perceptrons about Rosenblatt's invention in which they ZEzgPA_hog0-00148-00069181-00069962 pointed out that a single layer of these artificial neuron devices, actually couldn't learn some ZEzgPA_hog0-00149-00069962-00070062 critical things. ZEzgPA_hog0-00150-00070062-00070599 It was like impossible for them to learn something as simple as the Boolean XOR operator. ZEzgPA_hog0-00151-00070599-00071157 In the same book, they showed that using multiple layers of the devices actually would fix the ZEzgPA_hog0-00152-00071157-00071257 problem. ZEzgPA_hog0-00153-00071257-00071488 People ignore - didn't notice that part of the book. ZEzgPA_hog0-00154-00071488-00072063 And only noticed the limitation and people basically decided that neural networks are ZEzgPA_hog0-00155-00072063-00072182 gonna go nowhere. ZEzgPA_hog0-00156-00072182-00072700 And they kind of largely disappeared, for decades. ZEzgPA_hog0-00157-00072700-00072982 Until, in some ways, 1986. ZEzgPA_hog0-00158-00072982-00073610 A lot happened in the meantime but there was a big thing in 1986, which is: MIT released ZEzgPA_hog0-00159-00073610-00074256 a thing called a book, a series of two volumes of book called, “Parallel Distributed Processing”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00160-00074256-00074802 In which they described this thing they call parallel distributed processing, where you ZEzgPA_hog0-00161-00074802-00075576 have a bunch of processing units, that have some state of activation and some output function ZEzgPA_hog0-00162-00075576-00076170 and some pattern of connectivity and some propagation rule and some activation rule ZEzgPA_hog0-00163-00076170-00076491 and some learning rule, operating in an environment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00164-00076491-00077054 And then they described how things that met these requirements, could in theory, do all ZEzgPA_hog0-00165-00077054-00077231 kinds of amazing work. ZEzgPA_hog0-00166-00077231-00077645 And this was the result of many, many researchers working together. ZEzgPA_hog0-00167-00077645-00078204 There was a whole group involved in this project, which resulted in this very, very important ZEzgPA_hog0-00168-00078204-00078313 book. ZEzgPA_hog0-00169-00078313-00078906 And so, the interesting thing to me, is that if you - as you go through this course come ZEzgPA_hog0-00170-00078906-00079543 back and have a look at this picture and you'll see we are doing exactly these things. ZEzgPA_hog0-00171-00079543-00080138 Everything we're learning about really is how do you do each of these eight things? ZEzgPA_hog0-00172-00080138-00080542 That is interesting that they include the environment because that's something which ZEzgPA_hog0-00173-00080542-00080832 very often, data scientists ignore. ZEzgPA_hog0-00174-00080832-00081180 Which is - you build a model, you've trained it, it's learned something. ZEzgPA_hog0-00175-00081180-00081345 What's the context it works in? ZEzgPA_hog0-00176-00081345-00082004 And we're talking about that, quite a bit over the next couple of lessons as well. ZEzgPA_hog0-00177-00082004-00082770 So in the 80's, during and after this was released people started building in this second ZEzgPA_hog0-00178-00082770-00083166 layer of neurons, avoiding Minsky's problem. ZEzgPA_hog0-00179-00083166-00083986 And in fact, it was shown, that it was mathematically provable, that by adding that one extra layer ZEzgPA_hog0-00180-00083986-00084779 of neurons, it was enough to allow any mathematical model to be approximated to any level of accuracy, ZEzgPA_hog0-00181-00084779-00085016 with these neural networks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00182-00085016-00085369 And so that was like the exact opposite of the Minsky thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00183-00085369-00085744 That was like: “Hey there's nothing we can't do. ZEzgPA_hog0-00184-00085744-00085964 Provably there's nothing we can't do.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00185-00085964-00086354 And so that was kind of when I started getting involved in neural networks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00186-00086354-00086519 So I was - a little bit later. ZEzgPA_hog0-00187-00086519-00086856 I guess I was getting involved in the early 90s. ZEzgPA_hog0-00188-00086856-00087077 And they were very widely used in industry. ZEzgPA_hog0-00189-00087077-00087497 I was using them for very boring things like targeted marketing for retail banks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00190-00087497-00088031 They tended to be big companies with lots of money that were using them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00191-00088031-00088638 And it certainly though was true that often the networks were too big or slow to be useful. ZEzgPA_hog0-00192-00088638-00089187 They were certainly useful for some things, but they - you know they never felt to me ZEzgPA_hog0-00193-00089187-00089582 like they were living up to the promise for some reason. ZEzgPA_hog0-00194-00089582-00090207 Now what I didn't know, and nobody I personally met knew was that actually there were researchers ZEzgPA_hog0-00195-00090207-00090851 that had shown 30 years ago that to get practical good performance, you need more layers of ZEzgPA_hog0-00196-00090851-00090951 neurons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00197-00090951-00091443 Even though mathematically, theoretically, you can get as accurate as you want with just ZEzgPA_hog0-00198-00091443-00091601 one extra layer. ZEzgPA_hog0-00199-00091601-00092085 To do it with good performance, you need more layers. ZEzgPA_hog0-00200-00092085-00092610 So when you add more layers to a neural network you get deep learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00201-00092610-00092947 So deep doesn't mean anything like mystical. ZEzgPA_hog0-00202-00092947-00093213 It just means more layers. ZEzgPA_hog0-00203-00093213-00093580 More layers than just adding the one extra one. ZEzgPA_hog0-00204-00093580-00093946 So thanks to that, neural nets are now living up to their potential. ZEzgPA_hog0-00205-00093946-00094268 As we saw in that like what's deep learning good at thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00206-00094268-00094636 So we could now say that Rosenblatt was right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00207-00094636-00095260 We have a machine that's capable of perceiving, recognising and identifying its surroundings ZEzgPA_hog0-00208-00095260-00095472 without any human training or control. ZEzgPA_hog0-00209-00095472-00095636 That is - That's definitely true. ZEzgPA_hog0-00210-00095636-00096042 I don't think there's anything controversial about that statement based on the current ZEzgPA_hog0-00211-00096042-00096147 technology. ZEzgPA_hog0-00212-00096147-00096493 So we're gonna be learning how to do that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00213-00096493-00096929 We're gonna be learning how to do that in exactly the opposite way, of probably all ZEzgPA_hog0-00214-00096929-00097377 of the other math and technical education you've had. ZEzgPA_hog0-00215-00097377-00098494 We are not gonna start with a two-hour lesson about the sigmoid function or a study of linear ZEzgPA_hog0-00216-00098494-00098975 algebra or a refresher course on calculus. ZEzgPA_hog0-00217-00098975-00099770 And the reason for that, is that people who study how to teach and learn have found that ZEzgPA_hog0-00218-00099770-00100163 is not the right way to do it for most people. ZEzgPA_hog0-00219-00100163-00101001 For most people - So we work a lot based on the work of Professor David Perkins from Harvard ZEzgPA_hog0-00220-00101001-00101674 and others who work at similar things, who talk about this idea of playing the whole ZEzgPA_hog0-00221-00101674-00101774 game. ZEzgPA_hog0-00222-00101774-00102126 And so playing the whole game is like it's based on the sports analogy if you're gonna ZEzgPA_hog0-00223-00102126-00102394 teach somebody baseball. ZEzgPA_hog0-00224-00102394-00103079 You don't take them out into a classroom and start teaching them about the physics of a ZEzgPA_hog0-00225-00103079-00104032 parabola, and how to stitch a ball, and a three-part history of 100 years of baseball ZEzgPA_hog0-00226-00104032-00104429 politics, and then 10 years later, you let them watch a game. ZEzgPA_hog0-00227-00104429-00104705 And then 20 years later, you let them play a game. ZEzgPA_hog0-00228-00104705-00105193 Which is kind of like how math education is being done, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00229-00105193-00105718 Instead with baseball, step one is to say, hey, let's go and watch some baseball. ZEzgPA_hog0-00230-00105718-00105818 What do you think? ZEzgPA_hog0-00231-00105818-00105918 That was fun, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00232-00105918-00106206 See that guy there...he took a run there…before the other guy throws a ball over there...hey, ZEzgPA_hog0-00233-00106206-00106408 you want to try having a hit? ZEzgPA_hog0-00234-00106408-00106738 Okay, so you're going to hit the ball, and then I have to try to catch it, then he has ZEzgPA_hog0-00235-00106738-00107294 to run,run,run over there...and so from step one, you are playing the whole game. ZEzgPA_hog0-00236-00107294-00107892 And just to add to that, when people start, they often may not have a full team, or be ZEzgPA_hog0-00237-00107892-00108361 playing the full nine innings, but they still have a sense of what the game is, a kind of ZEzgPA_hog0-00238-00108361-00108539 a big picture idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00239-00108539-00109251 So, there is lots and lots of reasons that this helps most human beings, (though) not ZEzgPA_hog0-00240-00109251-00109405 everybody, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00241-00109405-00109943 There's a small percentage of people who like to build things up from the foundations and ZEzgPA_hog0-00242-00109943-00110427 the principles, and not surprisingly, they are massively overrepresented in a university ZEzgPA_hog0-00243-00110427-00110851 setting, because the people who get to be academics are the people who thrive with, ZEzgPA_hog0-00244-00110851-00111334 (according) to me, the upside down way of how things are taught. ZEzgPA_hog0-00245-00111334-00112045 But outside of universities most people learn best in this top-down way, where you start ZEzgPA_hog0-00246-00112045-00112239 with the full context. ZEzgPA_hog0-00247-00112239-00112729 So step number two in the seven principles, and I'm only going to mention the first three, ZEzgPA_hog0-00248-00112729-00112961 is to make the game worth playing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00249-00112961-00113358 Which is like, if you're playing baseball, you have a competition. ZEzgPA_hog0-00250-00113358-00114014 You know, you score, you try and win, you bring together teams from around the community ZEzgPA_hog0-00251-00114014-00114234 and you have people try to beat each other. ZEzgPA_hog0-00252-00114234-00114864 And you have leaderboards, like who's got the highest number of runs or whatever. ZEzgPA_hog0-00253-00114864-00115480 So this is all about making sure that the thing you're doing, you're doing it properly. ZEzgPA_hog0-00254-00115480-00116300 You're making it the whole thing, you're providing the context and the interest. ZEzgPA_hog0-00255-00116300-00117049 So, for the fastai approach to learning deep learning, what this means is that today we're ZEzgPA_hog0-00256-00117049-00117320 going to train models end to end. ZEzgPA_hog0-00257-00117320-00117834 We're going to actually train models, and they won't just be crappy models. ZEzgPA_hog0-00258-00117834-00118507 They will be state-of-the-art world-class models from today, and we can try to have ZEzgPA_hog0-00259-00118507-00119091 you build your own state-of-the-art world-class models from either today or next lesson, depending ZEzgPA_hog0-00260-00119091-00119281 on how things go. ZEzgPA_hog0-00261-00119281-00119920 Then, number three in the seven principles from Harvard is, work on the hard parts. ZEzgPA_hog0-00262-00119920-00121005 Which is kind of like this idea of practice, deliberate practice. ZEzgPA_hog0-00263-00121005-00121949 Work on the hard parts means that you don't just swing a bat at a ball every time, you ZEzgPA_hog0-00264-00121949-00122233 know, you go out and just muck around. ZEzgPA_hog0-00265-00122233-00122746 You train properly, you find the bit that you are the least good at, you figure out ZEzgPA_hog0-00266-00122746-00123133 where the problems are, you work damn hard at it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00267-00123133-00123953 So, in the deep learning context, that means that we do not dumb things down. ZEzgPA_hog0-00268-00123953-00124053 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00269-00124053-00124521 By the end of the course, you will have done the calculus. ZEzgPA_hog0-00270-00124521-00124740 You will have done the linear algebra. ZEzgPA_hog0-00271-00124740-00125438 You will have done the software engineering of the code, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00272-00125438-00126429 You will be practicing these things which are hard, so it requires tenacity and commitment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00273-00126429-00127129 But hopefully, you'll understand why it matters because before you start practicing something ZEzgPA_hog0-00274-00127129-00127447 you'll know why you need that thing because you'll be using it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00275-00127447-00127945 Like to make your model better, you'll have to understand that concept first. ZEzgPA_hog0-00276-00127945-00128449 So for those of you used to a traditional university environment, this is gonna feel ZEzgPA_hog0-00277-00128449-00129119 pretty weird and a lot of people say: “that they regret (you know after a year of studying ZEzgPA_hog0-00278-00129119-00129756 fastai) that they spent too much time studying theory, and not enough time training models ZEzgPA_hog0-00279-00129756-00129950 and writing code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00280-00129950-00130325 That's the kind of like, the number one piece of feedback we get from people who say, “I ZEzgPA_hog0-00281-00130325-00130457 wish I've done things differently.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00282-00130457-00130579 It's that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00283-00130579-00131312 So please try to, as best as you can, since you're here, follow along with this approach. ZEzgPA_hog0-00284-00131312-00131940 We are gonna be using a software stack - Sorry Rachel. ZEzgPA_hog0-00285-00131940-00132040 Yes? ZEzgPA_hog0-00286-00132040-00132251 I just need to say one more thing about the approach. ZEzgPA_hog0-00287-00132251-00132739 I think since, so many of us spent so many years with the traditional educational approach ZEzgPA_hog0-00288-00132739-00133203 of bottom-up, that this can feel very uncomfortable at first. ZEzgPA_hog0-00289-00133203-00133662 I still feel uncomfortable with it sometimes, even though I'm committed to the idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00290-00133662-00134185 And that, some of it is also having to catch yourself and being okay with not knowing the ZEzgPA_hog0-00291-00134185-00134285 details. ZEzgPA_hog0-00292-00134285-00134819 Which I think can feel very unfamiliar, or even wrong when you're kind of new to that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00293-00134819-00135193 Of like: “Oh wait, I'm using something and I don't understand every underlying detail.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00294-00135193-00135637 But you kind of have to trust that we're gonna get to those details later. ZEzgPA_hog0-00295-00135637-00135956 So I can't empathise because I did not spend lots of time doing that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00296-00135956-00136405 But I will tell you this - teaching this way is very, very, very hard. ZEzgPA_hog0-00297-00136405-00136943 And I very often find myself jumping back into a foundations first approach. ZEzgPA_hog0-00298-00136943-00137181 Because it's just so easy to be like: “Oh you need to know this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00299-00137181-00137281 You need to know this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00300-00137281-00137381 You need to do this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00301-00137381-00137514 And then you can know this.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00302-00137514-00137654 That's so much easier to teach. ZEzgPA_hog0-00303-00137654-00138176 So I do find this much much more challenging to teach, but hopefully it's worth it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00304-00138176-00138698 We spent a long long time figuring out how to get deep learning into this format. ZEzgPA_hog0-00305-00138698-00139162 But one of the things that helps us here, is the software we have available. ZEzgPA_hog0-00306-00139162-00140301 If you haven't used Python before - it's ridiculously flexible and expressive and easy-to-use language. ZEzgPA_hog0-00307-00140301-00140821 We have plenty of bits about it we don't love but on the whole we love the overall thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00308-00140821-00141379 And we think it's - Most importantly, the vast, vast, vast majority of deep learning ZEzgPA_hog0-00309-00141379-00141800 practitioners and researchers are using Python. ZEzgPA_hog0-00310-00141800-00142268 On top of Python, there are two libraries that most folks are using today; PyTorch and ZEzgPA_hog0-00311-00142268-00142414 TensorFlow. ZEzgPA_hog0-00312-00142414-00142755 There's been a very rapid change here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00313-00142755-00143109 TensorFlow was what we were teaching until a couple of years ago. ZEzgPA_hog0-00314-00143109-00143497 It's what everyone was using until a couple of years ago. ZEzgPA_hog0-00315-00143497-00144037 It got super bogged down, basically TensorFlow got super bogged down. ZEzgPA_hog0-00316-00144037-00144593 This other software called PyTorch came along that was much easier to use and much more ZEzgPA_hog0-00317-00144593-00145504 useful for researchers and within the last 12 months, the percentage of papers at major ZEzgPA_hog0-00318-00145504-00146129 conferences that uses PyTorch has gone from 20% to 80% and vice versa, those that use ZEzgPA_hog0-00319-00146129-00146496 TensorFlow have gone on from 80% to 20%. ZEzgPA_hog0-00320-00146496-00146903 So basically all the folks that are actually building the technology were all using, are ZEzgPA_hog0-00321-00146903-00147534 now using, PyTorch and you know industry moves a bit more slowly but in the next year or ZEzgPA_hog0-00322-00147534-00147890 two you will probably see a similar thing in industry. ZEzgPA_hog0-00323-00147890-00148518 Now, the thing about PyTorch is it's super super flexible and really is designed for ZEzgPA_hog0-00324-00148518-00149257 flexibility and developer friendliness, certainly not designed for beginner friendliness and ZEzgPA_hog0-00325-00149257-00149795 it's not designed for what we say, it doesn't have higher level API's, by which I mean there ZEzgPA_hog0-00326-00149795-00150563 isn't really things to make it easy to build stuff quickly using PyTorch. ZEzgPA_hog0-00327-00150563-00151370 So to deal with that issue, we have a library called fastai that sits on top of PyTorch. ZEzgPA_hog0-00328-00151370-00152033 Fastai is the most popular higher level API for PyTorch. ZEzgPA_hog0-00329-00152033-00152752 It is, because our courses are so popular, some people are under the mistaken impression ZEzgPA_hog0-00330-00152752-00153426 that fastai is designed for beginners or for teaching. ZEzgPA_hog0-00331-00153426-00154384 It is designed for beginners and teaching, as well as practitioners in industry and researchers. ZEzgPA_hog0-00332-00154384-00155029 The way we do this makes sure that it's, that it's the best API for all of those people ZEzgPA_hog0-00333-00155029-00155934 as we use something called a layered API and so there's a peer-reviewed paper that Sylvain ZEzgPA_hog0-00334-00155934-00156460 and I wrote that described how we did that and for those of you that are software engineers, ZEzgPA_hog0-00335-00156460-00156813 it will not be at all unusual or surprising. ZEzgPA_hog0-00336-00156813-00157259 It's just totally standard software engineering practices, but they are practices that were ZEzgPA_hog0-00337-00157259-00157703 not followed in any deep learning library we had seen. ZEzgPA_hog0-00338-00157703-00158450 Just basically lots of re-factoring and decoupling and so by using that approach, it's allowed ZEzgPA_hog0-00339-00158450-00159241 us to build something which you can do super low-level research, you can do state-of-the-art ZEzgPA_hog0-00340-00159241-00160385 production models and you can do kind of super easy, beginner, but beginner world-class models. ZEzgPA_hog0-00341-00160385-00160722 So that's the basic software stack, there's other pieces of software we will be learning ZEzgPA_hog0-00342-00160722-00160994 about along the way. ZEzgPA_hog0-00343-00160994-00161457 But the main thing I think to mention here is it actually doesn't matter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00344-00161457-00162130 If you learn this software stack and then at work you need to use TensorFlow and Keras, ZEzgPA_hog0-00345-00162130-00162638 you will be able to switch in less than a week. ZEzgPA_hog0-00346-00162638-00163307 Lots and lots of students have done that, it's never been a problem. ZEzgPA_hog0-00347-00163307-00164070 The important thing is to learn the concepts and so we're going to focus on those concepts ZEzgPA_hog0-00348-00164070-00164787 and by using an API which minimizes the amount of boilerplate you have to use, it means you ZEzgPA_hog0-00349-00164787-00164973 can focus on the bits that are important. ZEzgPA_hog0-00350-00164973-00165815 The actual lines of code will correspond much more to the actual concepts you are implementing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00351-00165815-00166145 You are going to need a GPU machine. ZEzgPA_hog0-00352-00166145-00166942 A GPU is a Graphics Processing Unit, and specifically, you need an Nvidia GPU. ZEzgPA_hog0-00353-00166942-00167552 Other brands of GPU just aren't well supported by any Deep Learning libraries. ZEzgPA_hog0-00354-00167552-00167697 Please don't buy one. ZEzgPA_hog0-00355-00167697-00168013 If you already have one you probably shouldn't use it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00356-00168013-00168540 Instead you should use one of the platforms that we have already got set up for you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00357-00168540-00169041 It's just a huge distraction to be spending your time doing, like, system administration ZEzgPA_hog0-00358-00169041-00169633 on a GPU machine and installing drivers and blah blah blah. ZEzgPA_hog0-00359-00169633-00169800 And run it on Linux. ZEzgPA_hog0-00360-00169800-00169900 Please. ZEzgPA_hog0-00361-00169900-00170226 That's what everybody's doing, not just us, everybody's running it on Linux. ZEzgPA_hog0-00362-00170226-00170337 Make life easy for yourself. ZEzgPA_hog0-00363-00170337-00170820 It's hard enough to learn Deep Learning without having to do it in a way that you are learning, ZEzgPA_hog0-00364-00170820-00171155 you know, all kinds of arcane hardware support issues. ZEzgPA_hog0-00365-00171155-00172348 There's a lot of free options available and so, please, please use them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00366-00172348-00172828 If you're using an option that is not free don't forget to shut down your instance. ZEzgPA_hog0-00367-00172828-00173173 So what's gonna be happening is you gonna be spinning up a server that lives somewhere ZEzgPA_hog0-00368-00173173-00173726 else in the world, and you're gonna be connecting to it from your computer and training and ZEzgPA_hog0-00369-00173726-00174150 running and building models. ZEzgPA_hog0-00370-00174150-00174598 Just because you close your browser window doesn't mean your server stops running on ZEzgPA_hog0-00371-00174598-00174698 the whole. ZEzgPA_hog0-00372-00174698-00174798 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00373-00174798-00175133 So don't forget to shut it down because otherwise you're paying for it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00374-00175133-00175612 Colab, is a great system which is free. ZEzgPA_hog0-00375-00175612-00175865 There's also a paid subscription version of it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00376-00175865-00176120 Be careful with Colab. ZEzgPA_hog0-00377-00176120-00176659 Most of the other systems we recommend save your work for you automatically and you can ZEzgPA_hog0-00378-00176659-00176846 come back to it at any time. ZEzgPA_hog0-00379-00176846-00176946 Colab doesn't. ZEzgPA_hog0-00380-00176946-00177711 So be sure to check out the Colab platform thread on the forums, to learn about that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00381-00177711-00178402 So, I mention the forums... ZEzgPA_hog0-00382-00178402-00179197 The forums are really, really important because that is where all of the discussion and set ZEzgPA_hog0-00383-00179197-00179403 up and everything happens. ZEzgPA_hog0-00384-00179403-00179624 So for example if you want help with setup here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00385-00179624-00180382 You know there is a setup help thread and you can find out, you know, how to best set ZEzgPA_hog0-00386-00180382-00180915 up Colab, and you can see discussions about it and you can ask questions, and please remember ZEzgPA_hog0-00387-00180915-00181231 to search before you ask your question, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00388-00181231-00181862 Because it's probably been asked before, unless you're one of the very, very earliest people ZEzgPA_hog0-00389-00181862-00182253 who are doing the course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00390-00182253-00182482 So, once you… ZEzgPA_hog0-00391-00182482-00183157 So, step one is to get your server set up by just following the instructions from the ZEzgPA_hog0-00392-00183157-00183362 forums or from the course website. ZEzgPA_hog0-00393-00183362-00183988 And the course website will have lots of step-by-step instructions for each platform. ZEzgPA_hog0-00394-00183988-00184468 They will vary in price, they will vary in speed, they will vary in availability, and ZEzgPA_hog0-00395-00184468-00184639 so forth. ZEzgPA_hog0-00396-00184639-00184839 Once you are finished following those instructions ZEzgPA_hog0-00397-00184839-00185779 The last step of those instructions will end up showing you something like this: a course ZEzgPA_hog0-00398-00185779-00186129 v4 folder, so a version four of our course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00399-00186129-00186482 By the time you see this video, this is likely to have more stuff in it, but it will have ZEzgPA_hog0-00400-00186482-00186767 an NB's standing for notebooks folder. ZEzgPA_hog0-00401-00186767-00187526 So you can click on that, and that will show you all of the notebooks for the course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00402-00187526-00188106 What I want you to do is scroll bottom and find the one called app Jupyter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00403-00188106-00188776 Click on that, and this is where you can start learning about Jupyter notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00404-00188776-00189022 What's Jupyter Notebook? ZEzgPA_hog0-00405-00189022-00189963 Jupyter Notebook is something where you can start typing things, and press Shift-Enter, ZEzgPA_hog0-00406-00189963-00190125 and it will give you an answer. ZEzgPA_hog0-00407-00190125-00190744 And so the thing you're typing is python code, and the thing that comes out is a result of ZEzgPA_hog0-00408-00190744-00190878 that code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00409-00190878-00191249 And so you can put in anything in python. ZEzgPA_hog0-00410-00191249-00191662 X equals three times four. ZEzgPA_hog0-00411-00191662-00192524 X plus one, and as you can see, it displays a result anytime there's a result to display. ZEzgPA_hog0-00412-00192524-00193029 So for those of you that have done a bit of coding before, you will recognise this as ZEzgPA_hog0-00413-00193029-00193149 a REPL. ZEzgPA_hog0-00414-00193149-00193637 R-E-P-L, read, evaluate, print, loop. ZEzgPA_hog0-00415-00193637-00193894 Most languages have some kind of REPL. ZEzgPA_hog0-00416-00193894-00194932 The Jupyter notebook REPL is particularly interesting, because it has things like headings, ZEzgPA_hog0-00417-00194932-00195485 graphical outputs, interactive multimedia. ZEzgPA_hog0-00418-00195485-00195768 It's a really astonishing piece of software. ZEzgPA_hog0-00419-00195768-00195985 It's won some really big awards. ZEzgPA_hog0-00420-00195985-00196820 I would have thought the most widely used REPL, outside of shells like bash. ZEzgPA_hog0-00421-00196820-00197028 It's a very powerful system. ZEzgPA_hog0-00422-00197028-00197133 We love it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00423-00197133-00197594 We've written our whole book in it, we've written the entire FASTAI library with it, ZEzgPA_hog0-00424-00197594-00197897 we do all our teaching with it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00425-00197897-00198678 It's extremely unfamiliar to people who have done most of their work in IDE. ZEzgPA_hog0-00426-00198678-00199107 You should expect it to feel as awkward as perhaps the first time you moved from a GUI ZEzgPA_hog0-00427-00199107-00199320 to a command line. ZEzgPA_hog0-00428-00199320-00199420 It's different. ZEzgPA_hog0-00429-00199420-00200208 So if you're not familiar with REPL-based systems, it's gonna feel super weird. ZEzgPA_hog0-00430-00200208-00200517 But stick with it, because it really is great. ZEzgPA_hog0-00431-00200517-00201198 The kind of model going on here is that, this webpage I'm looking at, is letting me type ZEzgPA_hog0-00432-00201198-00201746 in things for a server to do, and show me the results of computations a server is doing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00433-00201746-00202017 So the server is off somewhere else. ZEzgPA_hog0-00434-00202017-00202265 It's not running on my computer right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00435-00202265-00202581 The only thing running on the computer is this webpage. ZEzgPA_hog0-00436-00202581-00203336 But as I do things, so for example if I say X equals X times three. ZEzgPA_hog0-00437-00203336-00203593 This is updating the servers state. ZEzgPA_hog0-00438-00203593-00203695 There's this state. ZEzgPA_hog0-00439-00203695-00204253 It's like what's currently the value of X and so I can find out, now X is something ZEzgPA_hog0-00440-00204253-00204353 different. ZEzgPA_hog0-00441-00204353-00204966 So you can see, when I did this line here, it didn't change the earlier X plus one, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00442-00204966-00205473 So that means that when you look at a Jupyter notebook, it's not showing you the current ZEzgPA_hog0-00443-00205473-00205655 state of your server. ZEzgPA_hog0-00444-00205655-00206167 It's just showing you what that state was, at the time that you printed that thing out. ZEzgPA_hog0-00445-00206167-00206488 It's just like if you use a shell like bash. ZEzgPA_hog0-00446-00206488-00206678 And you type “ls”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00447-00206678-00206862 And then you delete a file. ZEzgPA_hog0-00448-00206862-00207198 That earlier “ls” you printed doesn't go back and change. ZEzgPA_hog0-00449-00207198-00207555 That's kind of how REPLs generally work. ZEzgPA_hog0-00450-00207555-00207867 Including this one. ZEzgPA_hog0-00451-00207867-00208328 Jupyter notebook has two modes. ZEzgPA_hog0-00452-00208328-00208888 One is edit mode, which is when I click on a cell and I get a flashing cursor and I can ZEzgPA_hog0-00453-00208888-00209219 move left and right and type. ZEzgPA_hog0-00454-00209219-00209338 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00455-00209338-00209573 There's not very many keyboard shortcuts to this mode. ZEzgPA_hog0-00456-00209573-00210160 One useful one is “control” or “command” + “/”. Which will comment and uncomment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00457-00210160-00210750 The main one to know is “shift” + “enter” to actually run the cell. ZEzgPA_hog0-00458-00210750-00210994 At that point there is no flashing cursor anymore. ZEzgPA_hog0-00459-00210994-00211231 And that means that I'm now in command mode. ZEzgPA_hog0-00460-00211231-00211364 Not edit mode. ZEzgPA_hog0-00461-00211364-00211746 So as I go up and down, I'm selecting different cells. ZEzgPA_hog0-00462-00211746-00212348 So in command mode as we move around, we're now selecting cells. ZEzgPA_hog0-00463-00212348-00212682 And there are now lots of keyboard shortcuts you can use. ZEzgPA_hog0-00464-00212682-00213060 So if you hit “H” you can get a list of them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00465-00213060-00213615 That, for example - And you'll see that they're not on the whole, like “control” or “command” ZEzgPA_hog0-00466-00213615-00213804 with something they're just the letter on its own. ZEzgPA_hog0-00467-00213804-00214179 So if you use like Vim, you'll be more familiar with this idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00468-00214179-00214567 So for example if I hit “C” to copy and “V” to paste. ZEzgPA_hog0-00469-00214567-00214744 Then it copies the cell. ZEzgPA_hog0-00470-00214744-00215076 Or “X” to cut it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00471-00215076-00215515 “A” to add a new cell above. ZEzgPA_hog0-00472-00215515-00215878 And then I can press the various number keys, to create a heading. ZEzgPA_hog0-00473-00215878-00216189 So number two will create a heading level II. ZEzgPA_hog0-00474-00216189-00216831 And as you can see, I can actually type formatted text not just code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00475-00216831-00217556 The formatted text I type is in Markdown. ZEzgPA_hog0-00476-00217556-00218298 Like so. ZEzgPA_hog0-00477-00218298-00218436 My numbered one work. ZEzgPA_hog0-00478-00218436-00218680 There you go. ZEzgPA_hog0-00479-00218680-00218888 So that's in Markdown. ZEzgPA_hog0-00480-00218888-00219494 If you haven't used Markdown before, it's a super super useful way to write formatted ZEzgPA_hog0-00481-00219494-00219594 text. ZEzgPA_hog0-00482-00219594-00219835 That is used very, very, very widely. ZEzgPA_hog0-00483-00219835-00220176 So learn it because it's super handy. ZEzgPA_hog0-00484-00220176-00220639 And you need it for Jupiter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00485-00220639-00221192 So when you look at our book notebooks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00486-00221192-00221783 For example, you can see an example of all the kinds of formatting and code and stuff ZEzgPA_hog0-00487-00221783-00221883 here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00488-00221883-00222523 So you should go ahead and go through the “app_jupyter”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00489-00222523-00222886 And you can see here how you can create plots for example. ZEzgPA_hog0-00490-00222886-00223090 And create lists of things. ZEzgPA_hog0-00491-00223090-00223286 And import libraries. ZEzgPA_hog0-00492-00223286-00223842 And display pictures and so forth. ZEzgPA_hog0-00493-00223842-00224573 If you wanna create a new notebook, you can just go “New” “Python 3” and that ZEzgPA_hog0-00494-00224573-00224994 creates a new notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00495-00224994-00225544 Which by default is just called “Untitled” so you can then rename it to give it whatever ZEzgPA_hog0-00496-00225544-00225846 name you like. ZEzgPA_hog0-00497-00225846-00226548 And so then you'll now see that, in the list here, “newname”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00498-00226548-00227026 The other thing to know about Jupiter is that it's a nice easy way to jump into a terminal ZEzgPA_hog0-00499-00227026-00227144 if you know how to use a terminal. ZEzgPA_hog0-00500-00227144-00227450 You certainly don't have to for this course at least for the first bit. ZEzgPA_hog0-00501-00227450-00228826 If I go to a new terminal, You can see here I have a terminal. ZEzgPA_hog0-00502-00228826-00229914 One thing to note is for the notebooks are attached to a Github repository. ZEzgPA_hog0-00503-00229914-00230194 If you haven't used Github before that's fine. ZEzgPA_hog0-00504-00230194-00230729 but basically they're attached to a server where from time to time we will update the ZEzgPA_hog0-00505-00230729-00230948 notebooks on it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00506-00230948-00231332 And we will see you'll see on the course website, in the forum we tell you how to make sure ZEzgPA_hog0-00507-00231332-00231589 you have the most recent versions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00508-00231589-00232064 When you grab our most recent version you don't want to conflict with or overwrite your ZEzgPA_hog0-00509-00232064-00232164 changes. ZEzgPA_hog0-00510-00232164-00233032 So as you start experimenting it's not a bad idea to like select a notebook and click duplicate ZEzgPA_hog0-00511-00233032-00233250 and then start doing your work in the copy. ZEzgPA_hog0-00512-00233250-00233909 And that way when you get an update of our latest course materials, it's not gonna interfere ZEzgPA_hog0-00513-00233909-00234608 with the experiments you've been running. ZEzgPA_hog0-00514-00234608-00234948 So there are two important repositories to know about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00515-00234948-00236008 One is the fast book repository which we saw earlier, which is kind of the full book with ZEzgPA_hog0-00516-00236008-00236609 all the outputs and pros and everything. ZEzgPA_hog0-00517-00236609-00237039 And then the other one is the course V4 repository. ZEzgPA_hog0-00518-00237039-00237469 And here is the exact same notebook from the course V4 repository. ZEzgPA_hog0-00519-00237469-00238213 And for this one we remove all of the pros and all of the pictures and all of the outputs ZEzgPA_hog0-00520-00238213-00238621 and just leave behind the headings and the code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00521-00238621-00239102 In this case you can see some outputs because I just ran that code, most of it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00522-00239102-00239341 There won't be any. ZEzgPA_hog0-00523-00239341-00239630 No, No, I guess we have left outputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00524-00239630-00239800 I'm not sure to keep that or not. ZEzgPA_hog0-00525-00239800-00240184 So you may or may not see the outputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00526-00240184-00240425 So the idea with this is. ZEzgPA_hog0-00527-00240425-00241048 This is properly the version that you want to be experimenting with. ZEzgPA_hog0-00528-00241048-00241517 Because it kind of forces you to think about like what's going on as you do each step, ZEzgPA_hog0-00529-00241517-00241879 rather than just reading it and running it without thinking. ZEzgPA_hog0-00530-00241879-00242405 We kind of want you to do it in a small bare environment in which you thinking about like ZEzgPA_hog0-00531-00242405-00242885 what did the book say why was this happening and if you forget anything then you kind of ZEzgPA_hog0-00532-00242885-00243132 go back to the book. ZEzgPA_hog0-00533-00243132-00243691 The other thing to mention is both the course V4 version and the fast book version at the ZEzgPA_hog0-00534-00243691-00244200 end have a questionnaire. ZEzgPA_hog0-00535-00244200-00244652 And a quite a few folks have told us you know that in amongst the reviewers and stuff that ZEzgPA_hog0-00536-00244652-00244998 they actually read the questionnaire first. ZEzgPA_hog0-00537-00244998-00245786 We spent many, many weeks writing the questionnaires, Sylvain and I. ZEzgPA_hog0-00538-00245786-00246438 And the reason for that is because we try to think about like what do we want you to ZEzgPA_hog0-00539-00246438-00246767 take away from each notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00540-00246767-00247002 So you kind of read the questionnaire first. ZEzgPA_hog0-00541-00247002-00247215 You can find out what are the things we think are important. ZEzgPA_hog0-00542-00247215-00247494 What are the things you should know before you move on. ZEzgPA_hog0-00543-00247494-00247885 So rather than having like a summary section at the end saying at the end of this you should ZEzgPA_hog0-00544-00247885-00248492 know, blah blah blah, we instead have a questionnaire to do the same thing, so please make sure ZEzgPA_hog0-00545-00248492-00248773 you do the questionnaire before you move onto the next chapter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00546-00248773-00249160 You don't have to get everything right, and most of the time answering the questions is ZEzgPA_hog0-00547-00249160-00249799 as simple as going back to that part of the notebook and reading the prose, but if you've ZEzgPA_hog0-00548-00249799-00250328 missed something, like do go back and read it because these are the things we are assuming ZEzgPA_hog0-00549-00250328-00250496 you know. ZEzgPA_hog0-00550-00250496-00251042 So if you don't know these things before you move on, it could get frustrating. ZEzgPA_hog0-00551-00251042-00251749 Having said that, if you get stuck after trying a couple of times, do move onto the next chapter, ZEzgPA_hog0-00552-00251749-00252080 do two or three more chapters and then come back. ZEzgPA_hog0-00553-00252080-00252448 maybe by the time you've done a couple more chapters, you know, you will get some more ZEzgPA_hog0-00554-00252448-00252548 perspective. ZEzgPA_hog0-00555-00252548-00253309 We try to re-explain things multiple times in different ways, so it's okay if you tried ZEzgPA_hog0-00556-00253309-00253732 and you get stuck, then you can try moving on. ZEzgPA_hog0-00557-00253732-00254641 Alright, so, let's try running the first part of the notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00558-00254641-00255748 So here we are in 01 intro, so this is chapter 1 and here is our first cell. ZEzgPA_hog0-00559-00255748-00256548 So I click on the cell and by default, actually, there will be a header in the toolbar as you ZEzgPA_hog0-00560-00256548-00256648 can see. ZEzgPA_hog0-00561-00256648-00256748 You can turn them on or off. ZEzgPA_hog0-00562-00256748-00257364 I always leave them off myself and so to run this cell, you can either click on the play, ZEzgPA_hog0-00563-00257364-00257694 the run button or as I mentioned, you can hit shift enter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00564-00257694-00258334 So for this one this i'll just click and as you can see this star appears, so this says ZEzgPA_hog0-00565-00258334-00258788 I'm running and now you can see this progress bar popping up and that is going to take a ZEzgPA_hog0-00566-00258788-00259567 few seconds and so as it runs to print out some results. ZEzgPA_hog0-00567-00259567-00260073 Don't expect to get exactly the same results as us, there is some randomness involved in ZEzgPA_hog0-00568-00260073-00260377 training a model, and that's okay. ZEzgPA_hog0-00569-00260377-00260653 Don't expect to get exactly the same time as us. ZEzgPA_hog0-00570-00260653-00261251 If this first cell takes more than five minutes unless you have a really old GPU that is probably ZEzgPA_hog0-00571-00261251-00261351 a bad sign. ZEzgPA_hog0-00572-00261351-00261860 You might want to hop on the forums and figure out what's going wrong or maybe it only has ZEzgPA_hog0-00573-00261860-00262340 windows which really doesn't work very well for this moment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00574-00262340-00262521 Don't worry that we don't know what all the code does yet. ZEzgPA_hog0-00575-00262521-00263241 We are just making sure that we can train a model . So here we are, it's finished running ZEzgPA_hog0-00576-00263241-00263807 and so as you can see, it's printed out some information and in this case it's showing ZEzgPA_hog0-00577-00263807-00264526 me that there is an error rate of 0.005 at doing something. ZEzgPA_hog0-00578-00264526-00264656 What is the something it's doing? ZEzgPA_hog0-00579-00264656-00265408 Well, what it's doing here is it's actually grabbing a dataset, we call the pets dataset, ZEzgPA_hog0-00580-00265408-00265884 which is a dataset of pictures of cats and dogs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00581-00265884-00266582 And it's trying to figure out; which ones are cats and which ones are dogs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00582-00266582-00267259 And as you can see, after about well less than a minute, it's able to do that with a ZEzgPA_hog0-00583-00267259-00267480 0.5% error rate. ZEzgPA_hog0-00584-00267480-00267703 So it can do it pretty much perfectly. ZEzgPA_hog0-00585-00267703-00267950 So we've trained our first model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00586-00267950-00268053 We have no idea how. ZEzgPA_hog0-00587-00268053-00268179 We don't know what we were doing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00588-00268179-00268425 But we have indeed trained our model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00589-00268425-00268655 So that's a good start. ZEzgPA_hog0-00590-00268655-00269130 And as you can see, we can train models pretty quickly on a single computer. ZEzgPA_hog0-00591-00269130-00269508 Which you know - Many of which you can get for free. ZEzgPA_hog0-00592-00269508-00270086 One more thing to mention is, if you have a Mac - doesn't matter whether you have Windows ZEzgPA_hog0-00593-00270086-00270506 or Mac or Linux in terms of what's running in the browser. ZEzgPA_hog0-00594-00270506-00271147 But if you have a Mac, please don't try to use that GPU. ZEzgPA_hog0-00595-00271147-00271615 Mac's actually - Apple doesn't even support Nvidia GPUs anymore. ZEzgPA_hog0-00596-00271615-00271947 So that's really not gonna be a great option. ZEzgPA_hog0-00597-00271947-00272086 So stick with Linux. ZEzgPA_hog0-00598-00272086-00272501 It will make life much easier for you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00599-00272501-00273042 Right, actually the first thing we should do is actually try it out. ZEzgPA_hog0-00600-00273042-00273475 So if - I claim we've trained a model that can pick cats from dogs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00601-00273475-00273764 Let's make sure we can. ZEzgPA_hog0-00602-00273764-00274185 So let's - Check out this cell. ZEzgPA_hog0-00603-00274185-00274285 This is interesting. ZEzgPA_hog0-00604-00274285-00274385 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00605-00274385-00274794 We've created a widgets dot file upload object and displayed it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00606-00274794-00275069 And this is actually showing us a clickable button. ZEzgPA_hog0-00607-00275069-00275261 So as I mentioned this is an unusual REPL. ZEzgPA_hog0-00608-00275261-00275531 We can even create GUIs, in this REPL. ZEzgPA_hog0-00609-00275531-00275835 So if I click on this file upload. ZEzgPA_hog0-00610-00275835-00276017 And I can pick “cat”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00611-00276017-00276413 There we go. ZEzgPA_hog0-00612-00276413-00277123 And I can now turn that uploaded data into an image. ZEzgPA_hog0-00613-00277123-00277431 There's a cat. ZEzgPA_hog0-00614-00277431-00278251 And now I can do predict, and it's a cat. ZEzgPA_hog0-00615-00278251-00278640 With a 99.96% probability. ZEzgPA_hog0-00616-00278640-00278991 So we can see we have just uploaded an image that we've picked out. ZEzgPA_hog0-00617-00278991-00279093 So you should try this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00618-00279093-00279193 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00619-00279193-00279293 Grab a picture of a cat. ZEzgPA_hog0-00620-00279293-00279557 Find one from the Internet or go and take a picture of one yourself. ZEzgPA_hog0-00621-00279557-00279891 And make sure that you get a picture of a cat. ZEzgPA_hog0-00622-00279891-00280352 This is something which can recognise photos of cats, not line drawings of cats. ZEzgPA_hog0-00623-00280352-00280694 And so as we'll see, in this course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00624-00280694-00281205 These kinds of models can only learn from the kinds of information you give it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00625-00281205-00281713 And so far we've only given it, as you'll discover, photos of cats. ZEzgPA_hog0-00626-00281713-00282670 Not anime cats, not drawn cats, not abstract representations of cats but just photos. ZEzgPA_hog0-00627-00282670-00283147 So we're now gonna look at; what's actually happened here? ZEzgPA_hog0-00628-00283147-00283593 And you'll see at the moment, I am not getting some great information here. ZEzgPA_hog0-00629-00283593-00284625 If you see this, in your notebooks, you'll have to go: file, trust notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00630-00284625-00285055 And that just tells Jupiter that it's allowed to run the code necessary to display things, ZEzgPA_hog0-00631-00285055-00285350 to make sure there isn't any security problems. ZEzgPA_hog0-00632-00285350-00285588 And so you'll now see the outputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00633-00285588-00285988 Sometimes you'll actually see some weird code like this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00634-00285988-00286360 This is code that actually creates outputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00635-00286360-00286634 So sometimes we hide that code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00636-00286634-00286780 Sometimes we show it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00637-00286780-00287194 So generally speaking, you can just ignore the stuff like that and focus on what comes ZEzgPA_hog0-00638-00287194-00287294 out. ZEzgPA_hog0-00639-00287294-00287430 So I'm not gonna go through these. ZEzgPA_hog0-00640-00287430-00288066 Instead I'm gonna have a look at it - same thing over here on the slides. ZEzgPA_hog0-00641-00288066-00288471 So what we're doing here is; we're doing machine learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00642-00288471-00288775 Deep learning is a kind of machine learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00643-00288775-00288917 What is machine learning? ZEzgPA_hog0-00644-00288917-00289607 Machine learning is, just like regular programming, it's a way to get computers to do something. ZEzgPA_hog0-00645-00289607-00290225 But in this case, it's pretty hard to understand how you would use regular programming to recognise ZEzgPA_hog0-00646-00290225-00290400 dog photos from cat photos. ZEzgPA_hog0-00647-00290400-00290831 How do you kind of create the loops and the variable assignments and the conditionals ZEzgPA_hog0-00648-00290831-00291178 to create a program that recognises dogs vs cats in photos. ZEzgPA_hog0-00649-00291178-00291319 It's super hard. ZEzgPA_hog0-00650-00291319-00291458 Super super hard. ZEzgPA_hog0-00651-00291458-00292142 So hard, that until kind of the deep learning era, nobody really had a model that was remotely ZEzgPA_hog0-00652-00292142-00292391 accurate at this apparently easy task. ZEzgPA_hog0-00653-00292391-00292697 Because we can't write down the steps necessary. ZEzgPA_hog0-00654-00292697-00293136 So normally, you know, we write down a function that takes some inputs and goes through our ZEzgPA_hog0-00655-00293136-00293236 program. ZEzgPA_hog0-00656-00293236-00293556 Produces some results. ZEzgPA_hog0-00657-00293556-00294253 So this general idea where the program is something that we write (the steps). ZEzgPA_hog0-00658-00294253-00294697 Doesn't seem to work great for things like recognising pictures. ZEzgPA_hog0-00659-00294697-00295247 So back in 1949, somebody named Arthur Samuel started trying to figure out a way to solve ZEzgPA_hog0-00660-00295247-00295603 problems like recognising pictures of cats and dogs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00661-00295603-00296300 And in 1962, he described a way of doing this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00662-00296300-00296627 Well first of all he described the problem: “Programming a computer for these kinds ZEzgPA_hog0-00663-00296627-00297107 of computations is at best a difficult task. ZEzgPA_hog0-00664-00297107-00297758 Because of the need to spell out every minute step of the process in exasperating detail. ZEzgPA_hog0-00665-00297758-00298229 Computers are giant morons which all of us coders totally recognise.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00666-00298229-00298676 So he said, okay, let's not tell the computer the exact steps, but let's give it examples ZEzgPA_hog0-00667-00298676-00299046 of a problem to solve and figure out how to solve it itself. ZEzgPA_hog0-00668-00299046-00299626 And so, by 1961 he had built a checkers program that had beaten the Connecticut state champion, ZEzgPA_hog0-00669-00299626-00300345 not by telling it the steps to take to play checkers, but instead by doing this, which ZEzgPA_hog0-00670-00300345-00300999 is: “arrange for an automatic means of testing the effectiveness of a weight assignment in ZEzgPA_hog0-00671-00300999-00301569 terms of actual performance and a mechanism for altering the weight assignment so as to ZEzgPA_hog0-00672-00301569-00301901 maximise performance.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00673-00301901-00302168 This sentence is the key thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00674-00302168-00302444 And it's a pretty tricky sentence so you can spend some time on it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00675-00302444-00303220 The basic idea is this; instead of saying inputs to a program and then outputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00676-00303220-00303643 Let's have inputs to a - let's call the program now model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00677-00303643-00303814 It is the same basic idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00678-00303814-00304034 Inputs to a model and results. ZEzgPA_hog0-00679-00304034-00304376 And then we're gonna have a second thing called weights. ZEzgPA_hog0-00680-00304376-00305056 And so the basic idea is that this model is something that creates outputs based not only ZEzgPA_hog0-00681-00305056-00305841 on, for example, the state of a checkers board, but also based on some set of weights or parameters ZEzgPA_hog0-00682-00305841-00306232 that describe how that model is going to work. ZEzgPA_hog0-00683-00306232-00306903 So the idea is, if we could, like, enumerate all the possible ways of playing checkers, ZEzgPA_hog0-00684-00306903-00307413 and then kind of describe each of those ways using some set of parameters or what Samuel ZEzgPA_hog0-00685-00307413-00307583 called weights. ZEzgPA_hog0-00686-00307583-00308169 Then if we had a way of checking how effective a current weight assignment is in terms of ZEzgPA_hog0-00687-00308169-00308754 actual performance, in other words, does that particular enumeration of a strategy for playing ZEzgPA_hog0-00688-00308754-00309314 checkers end up winning or losing games, and then a way to alter the weight assignment ZEzgPA_hog0-00689-00309314-00309559 so as to maximise the performance. ZEzgPA_hog0-00690-00309559-00310071 So then oh let's try increasing or decreasing each one of those weights one at a time to ZEzgPA_hog0-00691-00310071-00310519 find out if there is a slightly better way of playing checkers and then do that lots ZEzgPA_hog0-00692-00310519-00311195 of lots of times then eventually such a procedure could be made entirely automatic and then ZEzgPA_hog0-00693-00311195-00311803 the machine so programmed would learn from its experience so this little paragraph is, ZEzgPA_hog0-00694-00311803-00312020 is the thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00695-00312020-00312865 This is machine learning a way of creating programs such that they learn, rather than ZEzgPA_hog0-00696-00312865-00313134 programmed. ZEzgPA_hog0-00697-00313134-00313693 So if we had such a thing, then we would basically now have something that looks like this: you ZEzgPA_hog0-00698-00313693-00314254 have inputs and weights again going into a model, creating results, i.e. you won or you ZEzgPA_hog0-00699-00314254-00314676 lost, and then a measurement of performance. ZEzgPA_hog0-00700-00314676-00315034 So remember that was this key step and then the second key step is a way to update the ZEzgPA_hog0-00701-00315034-00315560 weights based on the measured performance and then you could look through this process ZEzgPA_hog0-00702-00315560-00316345 and create a) train a machine learning model so this is the abstract idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00703-00316345-00316926 So after it ran for a while, right, it's come up with a set of weights which it's pretty ZEzgPA_hog0-00704-00316926-00317508 good, right, we can now forget the way it was trained and we have something that is ZEzgPA_hog0-00705-00317508-00318235 just like this, right, except the word program is now replaced with the word model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00706-00318235-00318723 So a trained model can be used just like any other computer program. ZEzgPA_hog0-00707-00318723-00319350 So the idea is we are building a computer program not by putting up the steps necessary ZEzgPA_hog0-00708-00319350-00319961 to do the task, but by training it to learn to do the task at the end of which it's just ZEzgPA_hog0-00709-00319961-00320675 another program and so this is what's called inference right is using a trained model as ZEzgPA_hog0-00710-00320675-00321798 a program to do a task such as playing checkers so machine learning is training programs developed ZEzgPA_hog0-00711-00321798-00322330 by allowing a computer to learn from its experience rather than through manually coding. ZEzgPA_hog0-00712-00322330-00323364 Ok how would you do this for image recognition, what is that model and that set of weights ZEzgPA_hog0-00713-00323364-00323970 such that as we vary them it could get better and better at recognising cats versus dogs, ZEzgPA_hog0-00714-00323970-00324221 I mean for checkers ZEzgPA_hog0-00715-00324221-00324678 It's not too hard to imagine how you could kind of enumerate, depending on different ZEzgPA_hog0-00716-00324678-00325128 kinds of “how far away the opponent's piece is from your piece,” what should you do ZEzgPA_hog0-00717-00325128-00325228 in that situation. ZEzgPA_hog0-00718-00325228-00325607 How should you weigh defensive versus aggressive strategies, blah blah blah. ZEzgPA_hog0-00719-00325607-00326041 Not at all obvious how you do that for image recognition. ZEzgPA_hog0-00720-00326041-00326924 So what we really want, is some function in here which is so flexible that there is a ZEzgPA_hog0-00721-00326924-00327321 set of weights that could cause it to do anything. ZEzgPA_hog0-00722-00327321-00328005 A real--like the world's most flexible possible function--and turns out that there is such ZEzgPA_hog0-00723-00328005-00328105 a thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00724-00328105-00328414 It's a neural network. ZEzgPA_hog0-00725-00328414-00329032 So we'll be describing exactly what that mathematical function is in the coming lessons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00726-00329032-00329616 To use it, it actually doesn't really matter what the mathematical function is. ZEzgPA_hog0-00727-00329616-00330363 It's a function which is, we say, “parameterised” by some set of weights by which I mean, as ZEzgPA_hog0-00728-00330363-00331225 I give it a different set of weights it does a different task, and it can actually do any ZEzgPA_hog0-00729-00331225-00331797 possible task: something called the universal approximation theorem tells us that mathematically ZEzgPA_hog0-00730-00331797-00332631 provably, this functional form can solve any problem that is solvable to any level of accuracy. ZEzgPA_hog0-00731-00332631-00332858 If you just find the right set of weights. ZEzgPA_hog0-00732-00332858-00333321 Which is kind of restating what we described earlier in that, like, how do we deal with ZEzgPA_hog0-00733-00333321-00333970 Minsky (the Marvin Minsky) problem so neural networks are so flexible that if you could ZEzgPA_hog0-00734-00333970-00334460 find the right set of weights they can solve any problem including “Is this a car or ZEzgPA_hog0-00735-00334460-00334628 is this dog.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00736-00334628-00335113 So that means you need to focus your effort on the process of training that is finding ZEzgPA_hog0-00737-00335113-00335701 good weights, good weight assignments to use Samuel's terminology. ZEzgPA_hog0-00738-00335701-00335977 So how do you do that? ZEzgPA_hog0-00739-00335977-00336923 We want a completely general way to do this--to update the weights based on some measure of ZEzgPA_hog0-00740-00336923-00337420 performance, such as how good is it at recognising cats versus dogs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00741-00337420-00337683 And luckily it turns out such a thing exists! ZEzgPA_hog0-00742-00337683-00338153 And that thing is called stochastic gradient descent (or SGD). ZEzgPA_hog0-00743-00338153-00338654 Again, we'll look at exactly how it works, we'll build it ourselves from scratch, but ZEzgPA_hog0-00744-00338654-00338852 for now we don't have to worry about it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00745-00338852-00339421 I will tell you this, though, neither SGD nor neural nets are at all mathematically ZEzgPA_hog0-00746-00339421-00339521 complex. ZEzgPA_hog0-00747-00339521-00339882 They nearly entirely are addition and multiplication. ZEzgPA_hog0-00748-00339882-00340510 The trick is it just a lot of them--like billions of them--so many more than we can intuitively ZEzgPA_hog0-00749-00340510-00340610 grasp. ZEzgPA_hog0-00750-00340610-00341294 They can do extraordinarily powerful things, but they're not rocket science at all. ZEzgPA_hog0-00751-00341294-00341860 They are not complex things, and we will see exactly how they work. ZEzgPA_hog0-00752-00341860-00342304 So that's the Arthur Samuel version, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00753-00342304-00342858 Nowadays we don't use quite the same terminology, but we use exactly the same idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00754-00342858-00343266 So that function that sits in the middle, ZEzgPA_hog0-00755-00343266-00343454 we call an architecture. ZEzgPA_hog0-00756-00343454-00344077 An architecture is the function that we're adjusting the weights to get it to do something. ZEzgPA_hog0-00757-00344077-00344419 That's the architecture, that's the functional form of the model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00758-00344419-00344884 Sometimes people say model to mean architecture, so don't let that confuse you too much. ZEzgPA_hog0-00759-00344884-00345055 But, really the right word is architecture. ZEzgPA_hog0-00760-00345055-00345461 We don't call them weights; we call them parameters. ZEzgPA_hog0-00761-00345461-00346041 Weights has a specific meaning- it's quite a particular kind of parameter. ZEzgPA_hog0-00762-00346041-00346660 The things that come out of the model, the architecture with the parameters, we call ZEzgPA_hog0-00763-00346660-00346980 them predictions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00764-00346980-00347566 The predictions are based on two kinds of inputs: independent variables that's the data, ZEzgPA_hog0-00765-00347566-00348330 like the pictures of the cats and dogs, and dependent variables also known as labels, ZEzgPA_hog0-00766-00348330-00348740 which is like the thing saying “this is a cat”, “this is a dog”, “this is ZEzgPA_hog0-00767-00348740-00348840 a cat”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00768-00348840-00348977 So, that's your inputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00769-00348977-00349276 So, the results are predictions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00770-00349276-00349867 The measure of performance, to use Arthur Samuel's word, is known as the loss. ZEzgPA_hog0-00771-00349867-00350402 So, the loss is being calculated from the labels on the predictions and then there's ZEzgPA_hog0-00772-00350402-00350672 the update back to the parameters. ZEzgPA_hog0-00773-00350672-00351321 Okay, so, this is the same picture as we saw, but just putting in the words that we use ZEzgPA_hog0-00774-00351321-00351421 today. ZEzgPA_hog0-00775-00351421-00352003 So, this picture- if you forget, if I say these are the parameters of this used for ZEzgPA_hog0-00776-00352003-00352422 this architecture to create a model- you can go back and remind yourself what they mean. ZEzgPA_hog0-00777-00352422-00352522 What are the parameters? ZEzgPA_hog0-00778-00352522-00352650 What are the predictions? ZEzgPA_hog0-00779-00352650-00352750 What is the loss? ZEzgPA_hog0-00780-00352750-00353397 Okay, the loss of some function that measures the performance of the model in such a way ZEzgPA_hog0-00781-00353397-00353679 that we can update the parameters. ZEzgPA_hog0-00782-00353679-00354617 So, it's important to note that deep learning and machine learning are not magic, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00783-00354617-00355338 The model can only be created where you have data showing you examples of the thing that ZEzgPA_hog0-00784-00355338-00355486 you're trying to learn about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00785-00355486-00356085 It can only learn to operate on the patterns that you've seen in the input used to train ZEzgPA_hog0-00786-00356085-00356203 it, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00787-00356203-00356710 So, if we don't have any line drawings of cats and dogs, then there's never going to ZEzgPA_hog0-00788-00356710-00357251 be an update to the parameters that makes the architecture and so the architect and ZEzgPA_hog0-00789-00357251-00357442 the parameters together is the model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00790-00357442-00357965 So, to say the model, that makes the model better at predicting line drawings of cats ZEzgPA_hog0-00791-00357965-00358379 and dogs because they just, they never received those weight updates because they never received ZEzgPA_hog0-00792-00358379-00358668 those inputs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00793-00358668-00359123 Notice also that this learning approach only ever creates predictions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00794-00359123-00359431 It doesn't tell you what to do about it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00795-00359431-00359801 That's going to be very important when we think about things like a recommendation system ZEzgPA_hog0-00796-00359801-00360123 of like “what product do we recommend to somebody”? ZEzgPA_hog0-00797-00360123-00360495 Well, I don't know- we don't do that, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00798-00360495-00360975 We can predict what somebody will say about a product we've shown them, but we're not ZEzgPA_hog0-00799-00360975-00361114 creating actions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00800-00361114-00361231 We're creating predictions. ZEzgPA_hog0-00801-00361231-00361661 That's a super important difference to recognize. ZEzgPA_hog0-00802-00361661-00362247 It's not enough just to have examples of input data like pictures of dogs and cats. ZEzgPA_hog0-00803-00362247-00362630 We can't do anything without labels. ZEzgPA_hog0-00804-00362630-00363135 And so very often, organisations say: “we don't have enough data”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00805-00363135-00363515 Most of the time they mean: “we don't have enough labelled data”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00806-00363515-00363954 Because if a company is trying to do something with deep learning, often it's because they're ZEzgPA_hog0-00807-00363954-00364318 trying to automate or improve something they're already doing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00808-00364318-00364842 Which means by definition they have data about that thing or a way to capture data about ZEzgPA_hog0-00809-00364842-00364942 that thing. ZEzgPA_hog0-00810-00364942-00365042 Cus they're doing it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00811-00365042-00365142 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00812-00365142-00365508 But often the tricky part is labelling it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00813-00365508-00365756 So for example in medicine. ZEzgPA_hog0-00814-00365756-00366078 If you're trying to build a model for radiology. ZEzgPA_hog0-00815-00366078-00366557 You can almost certainly get lots of medical images about just about anything you can think ZEzgPA_hog0-00816-00366557-00366657 of. ZEzgPA_hog0-00817-00366657-00367176 But it might be very hard to label them according to malignancy of a tumour or according to ZEzgPA_hog0-00818-00367176-00367848 whether or not meningioma is present or whatever, because these kinds of labels are not necessarily ZEzgPA_hog0-00819-00367848-00368428 captured in a structured way, at least in the US medical system. ZEzgPA_hog0-00820-00368428-00369170 So that's an important distinction that really impacts your kind of strategy. ZEzgPA_hog0-00821-00369170-00369900 So then a model, as we saw from the PDP book, a model operates in an environment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00822-00369900-00370000 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00823-00370000-00370442 You roll it out and you do something with. ZEzgPA_hog0-00824-00370442-00370964 And so then, this piece of that kind of PDP framework is super important. ZEzgPA_hog0-00825-00370964-00371064 Right? ZEzgPA_hog0-00826-00371064-00371376 You have a model that's actually doing something. ZEzgPA_hog0-00827-00371376-00371906 For example, you've built a predictive policing model that predicts (doesn't recommend actions) ZEzgPA_hog0-00828-00371906-00372246 it predicts where an arrest might be made. ZEzgPA_hog0-00829-00372246-00372667 This is something a lot of jurisdictions in the US are using. ZEzgPA_hog0-00830-00372667-00373080 Now it's predicting that, based on data and based on labelled data. ZEzgPA_hog0-00831-00373080-00374077 And in this case it's actually gonna be using (in the US) for example data where, I think, ZEzgPA_hog0-00832-00374077-00374509 depending on whether you're black or white, black people in the US, I think, get arrested ZEzgPA_hog0-00833-00374509-00375148 something like seven times more often for say marijuana possession than whites. ZEzgPA_hog0-00834-00375148-00375757 Even though the actual underlying amount of marijuana use is about the same in the two ZEzgPA_hog0-00835-00375757-00375857 populations. ZEzgPA_hog0-00836-00375857-00376207 So if you start with biased data and you build a predictive policing model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00837-00376207-00376943 Its prediction will say: “oh you will find somebody you can arrest here” based on some ZEzgPA_hog0-00838-00376943-00377043 biased data. ZEzgPA_hog0-00839-00377043-00377627 So then, law enforcement officers might decide to focus their police activity on the areas ZEzgPA_hog0-00840-00377627-00377803 where those predictions are happening. ZEzgPA_hog0-00841-00377803-00378194 As a result of which they'll find more people to arrest. ZEzgPA_hog0-00842-00378194-00378543 And then they'll use that, to put it back into the model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00843-00378543-00378978 Which will now find: “oh there's even more people we should be arresting in the black ZEzgPA_hog0-00844-00378978-00379264 neighbourhoods” and thus it continues. ZEzgPA_hog0-00845-00379264-00379700 So this would be an example of how a model interacting with its environment creates something ZEzgPA_hog0-00846-00379700-00379946 called a positive feedback loop. ZEzgPA_hog0-00847-00379946-00380393 Where the more a model is used, the more biased the data becomes, making the model even more ZEzgPA_hog0-00848-00380393-00380644 biased and so forth. ZEzgPA_hog0-00849-00380644-00381229 So one of the things to be super careful about with machine learning is; recognising how ZEzgPA_hog0-00850-00381229-00381800 that model is actually being used and what kinds of things might happen as a result of ZEzgPA_hog0-00851-00381800-00381900 that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00852-00381900-00382891 I was just going to add that this is an example of proxies because here arrest is being used ZEzgPA_hog0-00853-00382891-00383621 as a proxy for crime, and I think that pretty much in all cases, the data that you actually ZEzgPA_hog0-00854-00383621-00384004 have is a proxy for some value that you truly care about. ZEzgPA_hog0-00855-00384004-00384610 And that difference between the proxy and the actual value often ends up being significant. ZEzgPA_hog0-00856-00384610-00385077 Thanks, Rachel. ZEzgPA_hog0-00857-00385077-00385343 That's a really important point. ZEzgPA_hog0-00858-00385343-00386421 Okay, so let's finish off by looking at what's going on with this code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00859-00386421-00387488 So the code we ran is, basically -- one, two, three, four, five, six -- lines of code. ZEzgPA_hog0-00860-00387488-00387982 So the first line of code is an import line. ZEzgPA_hog0-00861-00387982-00388669 So in Python you can't use an external library until you import from it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00862-00388669-00389333 Normally in place, people import just the functions and classes that they need from ZEzgPA_hog0-00863-00389333-00389503 the library. ZEzgPA_hog0-00864-00389503-00390198 But Python does provide a convenient facility where you can import everything from a module, ZEzgPA_hog0-00865-00390198-00390441 which is by putting a start there. ZEzgPA_hog0-00866-00390441-00390702 Most of the time, this is a bad idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00867-00390702-00391247 Because, by default, the way Python works is that if you say import star, it doesn't ZEzgPA_hog0-00868-00391247-00391664 only import the things that are interesting and important in the library you're trying ZEzgPA_hog0-00869-00391664-00391852 to get something from. ZEzgPA_hog0-00870-00391852-00392336 But it also imports things from all the libraries it used, and all the libraries they used, ZEzgPA_hog0-00871-00392336-00392719 and you end up kind of exploding your namespace in horrible ways and causing all kinds of ZEzgPA_hog0-00872-00392719-00392876 bugs. ZEzgPA_hog0-00873-00392876-00393651 Because fastai is designed to be used in this REPL environment where you want to be able ZEzgPA_hog0-00874-00393651-00394177 to do a lot of quick rapid prototyping, we actually spent a lot of time figuring out ZEzgPA_hog0-00875-00394177-00394541 how to avoid that problem so that you can import star safely. ZEzgPA_hog0-00876-00394541-00394963 So, whether you do this or not, is entirely up to you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00877-00394963-00395660 But rest assured that if you import star from a fastai library, it's actually been explicitly ZEzgPA_hog0-00878-00395660-00396199 designed in a way that you only get the bits that you actually need. ZEzgPA_hog0-00879-00396199-00396579 One thing to mention is in the video you see it's called “fastai2.” ZEzgPA_hog0-00880-00396579-00396984 That's because we're recording this video using a prerelease version. ZEzgPA_hog0-00881-00396984-00397904 By the time you are watching the online, the MOOC, version of this, the 2 will be gone. ZEzgPA_hog0-00882-00397904-00398560 Something else to mention is, there are, as I speak, four main predefined applications ZEzgPA_hog0-00883-00398560-00399109 in fastai, being vision, text, tabular and collaborative filtering. ZEzgPA_hog0-00884-00399109-00399513 We'll be learning about all of them and a lot more. ZEzgPA_hog0-00885-00399513-00400198 For each one, say here's vision, you can import from the .all, kind of meta-model, I guess ZEzgPA_hog0-00886-00400198-00400298 we could call it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00887-00400298-00400807 And that will give you all the stuff that you need for most common vision applications. ZEzgPA_hog0-00888-00400807-00401577 So, if you're using a REPL system like Jupyter notebook, it's going to give you all the stuff ZEzgPA_hog0-00889-00401577-00402161 right there that you need without having to go back and figure it out. ZEzgPA_hog0-00890-00402161-00402655 One of the issues with this is a lot of the python users don't. ZEzgPA_hog0-00891-00402655-00403245 If they look at something like untar_data, they would figure out where it comes from ZEzgPA_hog0-00892-00403245-00403421 by looking at the import line. ZEzgPA_hog0-00893-00403421-00403597 And so if you import star, you can't do that anymore. ZEzgPA_hog0-00894-00403597-00403982 The good news, in a REPL, you don't have to. ZEzgPA_hog0-00895-00403982-00404745 You can literally just type the symbol, press SHIFT - ENTER and it will tell you exactly ZEzgPA_hog0-00896-00404745-00404867 where it came from. ZEzgPA_hog0-00897-00404867-00404994 As you can see. ZEzgPA_hog0-00898-00404994-00405351 So that's super handy. ZEzgPA_hog0-00899-00405351-00406385 So in this case, for example, to do the actual building of the dataset, we called ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func. ZEzgPA_hog0-00900-00406385-00407117 I can actually call the special doc function to get the documentation for that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00901-00407117-00407734 As you can see, it tells me exactly everything to pass in, what all the defaults are, and ZEzgPA_hog0-00902-00407734-00408794 most importantly, not only what it does, but SHOW IN DOCS pops me over to the full documentation ZEzgPA_hog0-00903-00408794-00409119 including an example. ZEzgPA_hog0-00904-00409119-00409718 Everything in the fastAI documentation has an example and the cool thing is: the entire ZEzgPA_hog0-00905-00409718-00410077 documentation is written in Jupyter Notebooks. ZEzgPA_hog0-00906-00410077-00410554 So that means you can actually open the Jupyter Notebook for this documentation and run the ZEzgPA_hog0-00907-00410554-00411328 line of code yourself and see it actually working and look at the outputs and so forth. ZEzgPA_hog0-00908-00411328-00411676 Also in the documentation, you'll find that there are a bunch of tutorials. ZEzgPA_hog0-00909-00411676-00412050 For example, if you look at the vision tutorial, it will cover lots of things but one of the ZEzgPA_hog0-00910-00412050-00412491 things we will cover is, as you can see in this case, pretty much the same kind of stuff ZEzgPA_hog0-00911-00412491-00412771 we are actually looking at in Lesson 1. ZEzgPA_hog0-00912-00412771-00413330 So there is a lot of documentation in fastAI and taking advantage of it is a pretty good ZEzgPA_hog0-00913-00413330-00413430 idea. ZEzgPA_hog0-00914-00413430-00413931 It is fully searchable and as I mentioned, perhaps most importantly, every one of these ZEzgPA_hog0-00915-00413931-00414505 documentation pages is also a fully interactive Jupyter Notebook. ZEzgPA_hog0-00916-00414505-00415383 So, looking through more of this code, the first line after the import is something that ZEzgPA_hog0-00917-00415383-00415491 uses untar_ data. ZEzgPA_hog0-00918-00415491-00416002 That will download a dataset, decompress it, and put it on your computer. ZEzgPA_hog0-00919-00416002-00416277 If it is already downloaded, it won't download it again. ZEzgPA_hog0-00920-00416277-00416571 If it is already decompressed it won't decompress it again. ZEzgPA_hog0-00921-00416571-00417254 And as you can see, fastAI already has predefined access to a number of really useful datasets. ZEzgPA_hog0-00922-00417254-00417418 such as this PETS dataset. ZEzgPA_hog0-00923-00417418-00417992 Datasets are a super important part, as you can imagine of deep learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-00924-00417992-00418189 We will be seeing lots of them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00925-00418189-00418768 And these are created by lots of heroes (and heroines) who basically spend months or years ZEzgPA_hog0-00926-00418768-00419126 collating data that we can use to build these models. ZEzgPA_hog0-00927-00419126-00420022 The next step is to tell fastAI what this data is and we will be learning a lot about ZEzgPA_hog0-00928-00420022-00420122 that. ZEzgPA_hog0-00929-00420122-00420556 But in this case, we are basically saying, ‘okay, it contains images'. ZEzgPA_hog0-00930-00420556-00420763 It contains images that are in this path. ZEzgPA_hog0-00931-00420763-00421410 So untar_data returns the path that is whereabouts it has been decompressed to. ZEzgPA_hog0-00932-00421410-00421889 Or if it is already decompressed, it tells us where it was previously decompressed to. ZEzgPA_hog0-00933-00421889-00422356 We have to tell it things like ‘okay, what images are actually in that path'. ZEzgPA_hog0-00934-00422356-00422717 One of the really interesting ones is label_func. ZEzgPA_hog0-00935-00422717-00423360 How do you tell, for each file, whether it is a cat or a dog. ZEzgPA_hog0-00936-00423360-00423733 And if you actually look at the ReadME for the original dataset, it uses a slightly quirky ZEzgPA_hog0-00937-00423733-00424243 thing which is they said, ‘oh, anything where the first letter of the filename is ZEzgPA_hog0-00938-00424243-00424500 an uppercase is a cat'. ZEzgPA_hog0-00939-00424500-00424643 That's what they decided. ZEzgPA_hog0-00940-00424643-00425118 So we just created a little function here called is_cat that returns the first letter, ZEzgPA_hog0-00941-00425118-00425247 is it uppercase or not. ZEzgPA_hog0-00942-00425247-00425742 And we tell fastai that's how you tell if it's a cat. ZEzgPA_hog0-00943-00425742-00426126 We'll come back to these two in a moment. ZEzgPA_hog0-00944-00426126-00426464 So the next thing, now we've told it what the data is. ZEzgPA_hog0-00945-00426464-00426635 We then have to create something called a learner. ZEzgPA_hog0-00946-00426635-00427018 A learner is a thing that learns, it does the training. ZEzgPA_hog0-00947-00427018-00427251 So you have to tell it what data to use. ZEzgPA_hog0-00948-00427251-00427657 Then you have to tell it what architecture to use. ZEzgPA_hog0-00949-00427657-00427981 I'll be talking a lot about this in the course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00950-00427981-00428546 But, basically, there's a lot of predefined neural network architectures that have certain ZEzgPA_hog0-00951-00428546-00428666 pros and cons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00952-00428666-00429035 And for computer vision, the architecture is called ResNet. ZEzgPA_hog0-00953-00429035-00429458 Just a super great starting point, and so we're just going to use a reasonably small ZEzgPA_hog0-00954-00429458-00429582 one of them. ZEzgPA_hog0-00955-00429582-00429971 So these are all predefined and set up for you. ZEzgPA_hog0-00956-00429971-00430338 And then you can tell fastai what things you want to print out as it's training. ZEzgPA_hog0-00957-00430338-00430772 And in this case, we're saying “oh, tell us the error, please, as you train”. ZEzgPA_hog0-00958-00430772-00431122 So then we can call this really important method called fine_tune that we'll be learning ZEzgPA_hog0-00959-00431122-00431705 about in the next lesson which actually does the training. ZEzgPA_hog0-00960-00431705-00432070 valid_pct does something very important. ZEzgPA_hog0-00961-00432070-00432816 It grabs, in this case, 20% of the data (.2 proportion), and does not use it for training ZEzgPA_hog0-00962-00432816-00432922 a model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00963-00432922-00433272 Instead, it uses it for telling you the error rate of the model. ZEzgPA_hog0-00964-00433272-00433989 So, always in fastai this metric, error_rate, will always be calculated on a part of the ZEzgPA_hog0-00965-00433989-00434229 data which has not been trained with. ZEzgPA_hog0-00966-00434229-00434704 And the idea here, and we'll talk a lot about more about this in future lessons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00967-00434704-00435122 But the basic idea here is we want to make sure that we're not overfitting. ZEzgPA_hog0-00968-00435122-00435354 Let me explain. ZEzgPA_hog0-00969-00435354-00435509 Overfitting looks like this. ZEzgPA_hog0-00970-00435509-00435885 Let's say you're trying to create a function that fits all these dots, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00971-00435885-00436405 A nice function would look like that, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00972-00436405-00436793 But you could also fit, you can actually fit it much more precisely with this function. ZEzgPA_hog0-00973-00436793-00437097 Look, this is going much closer to all the dots than this one is. ZEzgPA_hog0-00974-00437097-00437324 So, this is obviously a better function. ZEzgPA_hog0-00975-00437324-00438001 Except, as soon as you get outside where the dots are, especially if you go off the edges, ZEzgPA_hog0-00976-00438001-00438164 it's obviously doesn't make any sense. ZEzgPA_hog0-00977-00438164-00438606 So, this is what you'd call an overfit function. ZEzgPA_hog0-00978-00438606-00438857 So, overfitting happens for all kinds of reasons. ZEzgPA_hog0-00979-00438857-00439197 We use a model that's too big or we use not enough data. ZEzgPA_hog0-00980-00439197-00439451 We'll be talking all about it, right. ZEzgPA_hog0-00981-00439451-00440237 But, really the craft of deep learning is all about creating a model that has a proper ZEzgPA_hog0-00982-00440237-00440337 fit. ZEzgPA_hog0-00983-00440337-00440747 And the only way you know if a model has a proper fit is by seeing whether it works well ZEzgPA_hog0-00984-00440747-00441162 on data that was not used to train it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00985-00441162-00441683 And so, we always set aside some of the data to create something called a validation set. ZEzgPA_hog0-00986-00441683-00442127 The validation set is the data that we use not to touch it at all when we're training ZEzgPA_hog0-00987-00442127-00442922 a model, but we're only using it to figure out whether the model's actually working or ZEzgPA_hog0-00988-00442922-00443110 not. ZEzgPA_hog0-00989-00443110-00443708 One thing that Sylvain mentioned in the book, is that one of the interesting things about ZEzgPA_hog0-00990-00443708-00444450 studying fastai is you learn a lot of interesting programming practices. ZEzgPA_hog0-00991-00444450-00445100 And so I've been programming, I mean, since I was a kid, so like 40 years. ZEzgPA_hog0-00992-00445100-00445806 And Sylvain and I both work really, really hard to make python do a lot of work for us ZEzgPA_hog0-00993-00445806-00446296 and to use, you know, programming practices which make us very productive and allow us ZEzgPA_hog0-00994-00446296-00446712 to come back to our code, years later and still understand it. ZEzgPA_hog0-00995-00446712-00447470 And so you'll see in our code we'll often do things that you might not have seen before. ZEzgPA_hog0-00996-00447470-00447926 And so we, a lot of students who have gone through previous courses say they learned ZEzgPA_hog0-00997-00447926-00448410 a lot about coding and python coding and software engineering from the course. ZEzgPA_hog0-00998-00448410-00448935 So, yeah check, when you see something new, check it out and feel free to ask on the forums ZEzgPA_hog0-00999-00448935-00449341 if you're curious about why something was done that way. ZEzgPA_hog0-01000-00449341-00449925 One thing to mention is, just like I mentioned import star is something most Python programmers ZEzgPA_hog0-01001-00449925-00450589 don't do cause most libraries don't support doing it properly. ZEzgPA_hog0-01002-00450589-00450713 We do a lot of things like that. ZEzgPA_hog0-01003-00450713-00451124 We do a lot of things where we don't follow a traditional approach to python programming. ZEzgPA_hog0-01004-00451124-00451993 Because I've used so many languages over the years, I code not in a way that's specifically ZEzgPA_hog0-01005-00451993-00452393 pythonic, but incorporates like ideas from lots of other languages and lots of other ZEzgPA_hog0-01006-00452393-00453122 notations and heavily customised our approach to python programming based on what works ZEzgPA_hog0-01007-00453122-00453400 well for data science. ZEzgPA_hog0-01008-00453400-00454075 That means that the code you see in fastai is not probably, not gonna fit with, the kind ZEzgPA_hog0-01009-00454075-00454560 of style guides and normal approaches at your workplace, if you use Python there. ZEzgPA_hog0-01010-00454560-00455243 So, obviously, you should make sure that you fit in with your organization's programming ZEzgPA_hog0-01011-00455243-00455642 practices rather than following ours. ZEzgPA_hog0-01012-00455642-00456091 But perhaps in your own hobby work, you can follow ours and see if you find that are interesting ZEzgPA_hog0-01013-00456091-00456527 and helpful, or even experiment with that in your company if you're a manager and you ZEzgPA_hog0-01014-00456527-00456847 are interested in doing so. ZEzgPA_hog0-01015-00456847-00457700 Okay, so to finish, I'm going to show you something pretty interesting, which is, have ZEzgPA_hog0-01016-00457700-00458758 a look at this code untar data, image data loaders from name func, learner, fine tune. ZEzgPA_hog0-01017-00458758-00459374 Untar data, segmentation date loaders, from label func, learner, fine tune. ZEzgPA_hog0-01018-00459374-00459907 Almost the same code, and this has built a model that does something, whoa totally different! ZEzgPA_hog0-01019-00459907-00460252 It's something which has taken images. ZEzgPA_hog0-01020-00460252-00460542 This is on the left, this is the labeled data. ZEzgPA_hog0-01021-00460542-00461185 It's got images with color codes to tell you whether it's a car, or a tree, or a building, ZEzgPA_hog0-01022-00461185-00461420 or a sky, or a line marking or a road. ZEzgPA_hog0-01023-00461420-00461941 And on the right is our model, and our model has successfully figured out for each pixel, ZEzgPA_hog0-01024-00461941-00462296 is that a car, line marking, a road. ZEzgPA_hog0-01025-00462296-00462652 Now it's only done it in, under 20 seconds right. ZEzgPA_hog0-01026-00462652-00462847 So it's a very small quick model. ZEzgPA_hog0-01027-00462847-00463306 It's made some mistakes -- like it's missing this line marking, and some of these cars ZEzgPA_hog0-01028-00463306-00463571 it thinks is house, right? ZEzgPA_hog0-01029-00463571-00464139 But you can see so if you train this for a few minutes, it's nearly perfect. ZEzgPA_hog0-01030-00464139-00464630 But you can see the basic idea is that we can very rapidly, with almost exactly the ZEzgPA_hog0-01031-00464630-00465189 same code, create something not that classifies cats and dogs but does what's called segmentation: ZEzgPA_hog0-01032-00465189-00465495 figures out what every pixel and image is. ZEzgPA_hog0-01033-00465495-00465697 Look, here's the same thing: ZEzgPA_hog0-01034-00465697-00465952 from import star text loaders from folder ZEzgPA_hog0-01035-00465952-00466253 learner learn fine-tune ZEzgPA_hog0-01036-00466253-00466383 Same basic code. ZEzgPA_hog0-01037-00466383-00466925 This is now something where we can give it a sentence and it can figure out whether that ZEzgPA_hog0-01038-00466925-00467538 is expressing a positive or negative sentiment, and this is actually giving a 93% accuracy ZEzgPA_hog0-01039-00467538-00468443 on that task in about 15 minutes on the IMDb dataset, which contains thousands of full-length ZEzgPA_hog0-01040-00468443-00468896 movie reviews (in fact, 1000- to 3000-word reviews). ZEzgPA_hog0-01041-00468896-00469350 This number here that we got with the same three lines of code would have been the best ZEzgPA_hog0-01042-00469350-00469996 in the world for this task in a very, very, very popular academics dataset in like 2015 ZEzgPA_hog0-01043-00469996-00470167 I think. ZEzgPA_hog0-01044-00470167-00471170 So we are creating world-class models, in our browser, using the same basic code. ZEzgPA_hog0-01045-00471170-00471339 Here's the same basic steps again: ZEzgPA_hog0-01046-00471339-00471510 from import star untar data ZEzgPA_hog0-01047-00471510-00471827 tabular data loaders from csv ZEzgPA_hog0-01048-00471827-00471997 learner fit ZEzgPA_hog0-01049-00471997-00473203 This is now building a model that is predicting salary based on a csv table containing these ZEzgPA_hog0-01050-00473203-00473303 columns. ZEzgPA_hog0-01051-00473303-00473662 So this is tabular data. ZEzgPA_hog0-01052-00473662-00473762 Here's the same basic steps ZEzgPA_hog0-01053-00473762-00473960 from import * untar data ZEzgPA_hog0-01054-00473960-00474270 collab data loaders from csv learner fine-tune ZEzgPA_hog0-01055-00474270-00475085 This is now building something which predicts, for each combination of a user and a movie, ZEzgPA_hog0-01056-00475085-00475743 what rating do we think that user will give that movie, based on what other movies they've ZEzgPA_hog0-01057-00475743-00475888 watched and liked in the past. ZEzgPA_hog0-01058-00475888-00476322 This is called collaborative filtering and is used in recommendation systems. ZEzgPA_hog0-01059-00476322-00476952 So here you've seen some examples of each of the four applications in fastai. ZEzgPA_hog0-01060-00476952-00477442 And as you'll see throughout this course, the same basic code and also the same basic ZEzgPA_hog0-01061-00477442-00478170 mathematical and software engineering concepts allow us to do vastly different things using ZEzgPA_hog0-01062-00478170-00478397 the same basic approach. ZEzgPA_hog0-01063-00478397-00478718 And the reason why is because of Arthur Samuel. ZEzgPA_hog0-01064-00478718-00479684 Because of this basic description of what it is you can do if only you have a way to ZEzgPA_hog0-01065-00479684-00480163 parameterize a model and you have an update procedure which can update the weights to ZEzgPA_hog0-01066-00480163-00480985 make you better at your loss function, and in this case we can use neural networks, which ZEzgPA_hog0-01067-00480985-00481435 are totally flexible functions. ZEzgPA_hog0-01068-00481435-00481825 So that's it for this first lesson. ZEzgPA_hog0-01069-00481825-00482322 It's a little bit shorter than our other lessons going to be and the reason for that is that ZEzgPA_hog0-01070-00482322-00482985 we are as I mentioned at the start of a global pandemic here, or at least in the West (in ZEzgPA_hog0-01071-00482985-00483271 other countries they are much further into it). ZEzgPA_hog0-01072-00483271-00483652 So we spent some time talking about that at the start of the course and you can find that ZEzgPA_hog0-01073-00483652-00483950 video elsewhere. ZEzgPA_hog0-01074-00483950-00484572 So in the future lessons there will be more on deep learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-01075-00484572-00485378 So, what I suggest you do over the next week, before you work on the next lesson, is just ZEzgPA_hog0-01076-00485378-00485847 make sure that you can spin up a GPU server, you can shut down when it's finished and that ZEzgPA_hog0-01077-00485847-00486601 you can run all of the code here and, as you go through, see if this is using Python in ZEzgPA_hog0-01078-00486601-00487475 a way you recognise, use the documentation, use that doc function, do some search on the ZEzgPA_hog0-01079-00487475-00488047 fastai doc, see what it does, see if you can actually grab the fastai documentation notebooks ZEzgPA_hog0-01080-00488047-00488227 themselves and run them. ZEzgPA_hog0-01081-00488227-00488609 Just try to get comfortable, that you can if you can know your way around. ZEzgPA_hog0-01082-00488609-00489034 Because the most important thing to do with this style of learning, this top-down learning, ZEzgPA_hog0-01083-00489034-00489471 is to be able to run experiments and that means you need to be able to run code. ZEzgPA_hog0-01084-00489471-00490135 So my recommendation is: don't move on until you can run the code, read the chapter of ZEzgPA_hog0-01085-00490135-00490785 the book, and then go through the questionnaire. ZEzgPA_hog0-01086-00490785-00491297 We still got some more work to do about validation sets and test sets and transfer learning. ZEzgPA_hog0-01087-00491297-00491835 So you won't be able to do all of it yet but try to to all the parts you can, based on ZEzgPA_hog0-01088-00491835-00492102 what we've seen of the course so far. ZEzgPA_hog0-01089-00492102-00492413 Rachel, anything you want to add before we go. ZEzgPA_hog0-01090-00492413-00492835 Okay, so thanks very much for joining us for lesson one everybody and are really looking ZEzgPA_hog0-01091-00492835-00493488 forward to seeing you next time where we will learn about transfer learning and then we ZEzgPA_hog0-01092-00493488-00494214 will move on to creating an actual production version of an application that we can actually ZEzgPA_hog0-01093-00494214-00494750 put out on the Internet and you can start building apps that you can show your friends ZEzgPA_hog0-01094-00494750-00494996 and they can start playing with. ZEzgPA_hog0-01095-00494996-00495043 Bye Everybody