_xDE7tbJ8vc-00000-00000000-00000123 Ethiopia: ፍቅርን ወደተግባር - ሰርግ በጅማ ከተማ ሙሽሮች ድምቅ የሚሉባት - Ethiopian Wedding Zoom Photography Jimma _xYYH-U0ccM-00000-00000048-00000664 WOOH YEAH BABY THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT WOOH _y7JgwVb_I4-00000-00000710-00000915 Welcome to Spotlight. _y7JgwVb_I4-00001-00000915-00001238 I’m Bruce Gulland. _y7JgwVb_I4-00002-00001238-00001533 And I’m Liz Waid. _y7JgwVb_I4-00003-00001533-00002116 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. _y7JgwVb_I4-00004-00002116-00003711 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. _y7JgwVb_I4-00005-00003711-00003894 It is 2015. _y7JgwVb_I4-00006-00003894-00004603 A rocket ship stands upright in a large field. _y7JgwVb_I4-00007-00004603-00005188 The technicians inside have made sure it is safe. _y7JgwVb_I4-00008-00005188-00005821 And now, a yellow flame begins to glow underneath the rocket. _y7JgwVb_I4-00009-00005821-00006206 The ship rises from the ground. _y7JgwVb_I4-00010-00006206-00007048 Inside, the astronauts prepare themselves for a difficult ride. _y7JgwVb_I4-00011-00007048-00007928 The speed of the rocket is pushing them back against their chairs, so that they cannot _y7JgwVb_I4-00012-00007928-00008193 move. _y7JgwVb_I4-00013-00008193-00008673 Even the skin on their faces gets pushed back. _y7JgwVb_I4-00014-00008673-00009867 But soon, the ship passes through the earth’s atmosphere and finally into space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00015-00009867-00010178 There is less gravity here. _y7JgwVb_I4-00016-00010178-00010853 So, the astronauts begin to float off their seats. _y7JgwVb_I4-00017-00010853-00011452 Only their seatbelts hold them back. _y7JgwVb_I4-00018-00011452-00011900 One of these astronauts is named Scott Kelly. _y7JgwVb_I4-00019-00011900-00012888 Soon, he and the others will arrive at the international space station, or ISS. _y7JgwVb_I4-00020-00012888-00013203 They are bringing supplies. _y7JgwVb_I4-00021-00013203-00013566 And they will help run the station. _y7JgwVb_I4-00022-00013566-00013959 But Kelly’s trip is special. _y7JgwVb_I4-00023-00013959-00014493 Many of the others will be at the station a few months. _y7JgwVb_I4-00024-00014493-00015030 But Kelly will be in space for an entire year. _y7JgwVb_I4-00025-00015030-00015779 Today’s Spotlight is on Scott Kelly’s year in space and what that might mean for _y7JgwVb_I4-00026-00015779-00016190 future space travel. _y7JgwVb_I4-00027-00016190-00016911 Today, many people have been to space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00028-00016911-00017529 Some have even lived there longer than Scott Kelly. _y7JgwVb_I4-00029-00017529-00018080 Valeri Polyakov was a Russian Cosmonaut. _y7JgwVb_I4-00030-00018080-00018837 He stayed at the ISS for almost 14 months! _y7JgwVb_I4-00031-00018837-00019870 But still, scientists do not know much about what happens to a person’s body when they _y7JgwVb_I4-00032-00019870-00020180 go to space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00033-00020180-00020749 This is why Scott Kelly is so important. _y7JgwVb_I4-00034-00020749-00021210 He is an identical twin. _y7JgwVb_I4-00035-00021210-00021709 Scott Kelly has a brother named Mark Kelly. _y7JgwVb_I4-00036-00021709-00022240 They look almost exactly alike – they are identical. _y7JgwVb_I4-00037-00022240-00022972 But, most importantly, they have the same genes. _y7JgwVb_I4-00038-00022972-00023565 Scientists examined the twins before Scott went to space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00039-00023565-00024223 When he was in space, Scott sent the scientists genetic samples. _y7JgwVb_I4-00040-00024223-00024944 And, when he came back, they examined both twins again. _y7JgwVb_I4-00041-00024944-00025348 They could then compare the results. _y7JgwVb_I4-00042-00025348-00026358 They could compare, scientifically, what space did to Scott’s body. _y7JgwVb_I4-00043-00026358-00026941 Space is a very different environment than Earth. _y7JgwVb_I4-00044-00026941-00027655 And human bodies are not very used to it. _y7JgwVb_I4-00045-00027655-00028313 Most of this has to do with the lack of gravity. _y7JgwVb_I4-00046-00028313-00029030 Living without gravity would be very strange for most of us. _y7JgwVb_I4-00047-00029030-00029730 For example, you cannot drink from a cup in space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00048-00029730-00030165 Water will not stay inside. _y7JgwVb_I4-00049-00030165-00030727 Water floats in a ball in the open. _y7JgwVb_I4-00050-00030727-00031494 Instead, you must drink from a pouch, or a straw. _y7JgwVb_I4-00051-00031494-00032144 Using the toilet can also be a messy business. _y7JgwVb_I4-00052-00032144-00032977 People on the ISS have special machines to capture their waste. _y7JgwVb_I4-00053-00032977-00033830 Otherwise, it would float around, and contaminate the environment. _y7JgwVb_I4-00054-00033830-00034550 But living in space means more than just changing your environment. _y7JgwVb_I4-00055-00034550-00035018 It actually changes a person’s body. _y7JgwVb_I4-00056-00035018-00035771 When Scott Kelly entered the ISS, there was no gravity pushing down his spine. _y7JgwVb_I4-00057-00035771-00036255 So, his spine got longer. _y7JgwVb_I4-00058-00036255-00036916 In space, he was about three centimetres taller than on earth. _y7JgwVb_I4-00059-00036916-00037477 He also did not have to use his muscles much. _y7JgwVb_I4-00060-00037477-00038288 In space, you can float in one direction just by lightly kicking a wall. _y7JgwVb_I4-00061-00038288-00038714 Or you can guide yourself with your hands. _y7JgwVb_I4-00062-00038714-00039011 This sounds very fun. _y7JgwVb_I4-00063-00039011-00039747 But it also means muscles atrophy and lose their power to move. _y7JgwVb_I4-00064-00039747-00040562 If a person were to go from space to earth, it would be very difficult for them to move. _y7JgwVb_I4-00065-00040562-00041238 So, people living in space must exercise a lot. _y7JgwVb_I4-00066-00041238-00041920 This also keeps their bones strong and healthy. _y7JgwVb_I4-00067-00041920-00042613 But other changes happened to Scott Kelly that no one had seen before. _y7JgwVb_I4-00068-00042613-00043246 The way his genes worked changed. _y7JgwVb_I4-00069-00043246-00043712 People’s genes do not change. _y7JgwVb_I4-00070-00043712-00044580 But a person’s environment can change what those genes do. _y7JgwVb_I4-00071-00044580-00045053 Scientists call this gene expression. _y7JgwVb_I4-00072-00045053-00046187 If a person is in a very stressful environment, different genes will express themselves. _y7JgwVb_I4-00073-00046187-00046808 Scott Kelly was in a very strange environment. _y7JgwVb_I4-00074-00046808-00047477 So his genes started expressing themselves differently. _y7JgwVb_I4-00075-00047477-00048156 Christopher Mason is a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine. _y7JgwVb_I4-00076-00048156-00048643 He also helped study Scott and Mark. _y7JgwVb_I4-00077-00048643-00049112 He spoke about the study at a conference. _y7JgwVb_I4-00078-00049112-00050158 “As soon as Scott got into space there was a huge change in over 1000 genes that are _y7JgwVb_I4-00079-00050158-00050430 changing a lot. _y7JgwVb_I4-00080-00050430-00051405 So clearly the body and cells were adapting to this new environment of space.” _y7JgwVb_I4-00081-00051405-00051852 Few of these changes hurt Scott Kelly. _y7JgwVb_I4-00082-00051852-00052309 Some even made his immune system stronger. _y7JgwVb_I4-00083-00052309-00052987 But being in space for a year did have some negative effects. _y7JgwVb_I4-00084-00052987-00053310 The shape of his eyes changed. _y7JgwVb_I4-00085-00053310-00053608 His vision got worse. _y7JgwVb_I4-00086-00053608-00053991 His blood vessels became swollen. _y7JgwVb_I4-00087-00053991-00054419 He got greater risk of heart disease. _y7JgwVb_I4-00088-00054419-00054991 Scott also encountered some radiation in space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00089-00054991-00055529 This means he has a higher risk for cancer. _y7JgwVb_I4-00090-00055529-00056388 After 340 days, Scott Kelly returned to earth. _y7JgwVb_I4-00091-00056388-00057344 But even after he left space, scientists continued studying him. _y7JgwVb_I4-00092-00057344-00057908 Most of the changes did not last long. _y7JgwVb_I4-00093-00057908-00058304 Some of his DNA was damaged. _y7JgwVb_I4-00094-00058304-00059100 And, he had a harder time thinking as quickly as before. _y7JgwVb_I4-00095-00059100-00059976 But several months afterward, he reported feeling normal again. _y7JgwVb_I4-00096-00059976-00060583 These results are very important for future space travel. _y7JgwVb_I4-00097-00060583-00061072 Not everyone’s bodies will change like Scott’s. _y7JgwVb_I4-00098-00061072-00061462 Space affects everyone differently. _y7JgwVb_I4-00099-00061462-00061918 It even affects women differently than men. _y7JgwVb_I4-00100-00061918-00062686 But Scott Kelly’s year in space will help predict things that might go wrong. _y7JgwVb_I4-00101-00062686-00063461 And it can help prevent these problems in the future. _y7JgwVb_I4-00102-00063461-00064533 Some people want to go even farther into space – maybe to distant planets or other solar _y7JgwVb_I4-00103-00064533-00064761 systems. _y7JgwVb_I4-00104-00064761-00065413 But there may be some danger in going to space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00105-00065413-00066431 It is difficult to understand how the body might change even farther from earth. _y7JgwVb_I4-00106-00066431-00067205 People traveling to other planets would be in space even longer. _y7JgwVb_I4-00107-00067205-00067764 And they would encounter a lot of radiation. _y7JgwVb_I4-00108-00067764-00068607 But probably, this will not stop the next generation of explorers. _y7JgwVb_I4-00109-00068607-00068985 Space is just too strange. _y7JgwVb_I4-00110-00068985-00069645 And what you might find there is too interesting. _y7JgwVb_I4-00111-00069645-00070082 Scott Kelly has retired from NASA. _y7JgwVb_I4-00112-00070082-00070519 But he still wants to go to space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00113-00070519-00070998 John Logsdon is a historian. _y7JgwVb_I4-00114-00070998-00071477 He studies the history of space travel. _y7JgwVb_I4-00115-00071477-00072349 He spoke to Scott Kelly in 2018 about what it is like in space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00116-00072349-00072551 Kelly said: _y7JgwVb_I4-00117-00072551-00073631 “Space is the most joyous and magical place I could think of.” _y7JgwVb_I4-00118-00073631-00073912 Would you go to space if you could? _y7JgwVb_I4-00119-00073912-00074293 Why, or why not? _y7JgwVb_I4-00120-00074293-00074763 Do you think people should travel into space? _y7JgwVb_I4-00121-00074763-00075706 You can leave a comment on our website at www.spotlightenglish.com. _y7JgwVb_I4-00122-00075706-00076505 You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. _y7JgwVb_I4-00123-00076505-00076992 The writer of this program was Dan Christmann. _y7JgwVb_I4-00124-00076992-00077361 The producer was Michio Ozaki. _y7JgwVb_I4-00125-00077361-00078114 The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. _y7JgwVb_I4-00126-00078114-00078855 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. _y7JgwVb_I4-00127-00078855-00079422 This program is called: A Year in Space. _y7JgwVb_I4-00128-00079422-00080260 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. _y7JgwVb_I4-00129-00080260-00080781 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. _y7JgwVb_I4-00130-00080781-00080909 Goodbye. _z0fbDMtYC0-00000-00000114-00000369 com muito bom humor _z0fbDMtYC0-00001-00000369-00000701 uma humana _z0fbDMtYC0-00002-00000701-00001105 com o elenco completo _z0fbDMtYC0-00003-00001105-00001295 o _z0fbDMtYC0-00004-00001295-00001702 o melhor _z0fbDMtYC0-00005-00001702-00002013 no mesmo período é um produtor _z0fbDMtYC0-00006-00002013-00002324 o o poder _z0fbDMtYC0-00007-00002324-00002411 o outro _z0fbDMtYC0-00008-00002411-00002508 não _z0fbDMtYC0-00009-00002508-00002710 o crime _z0fbDMtYC0-00010-00002710-00002972 ae _z0fbDMtYC0-00011-00002972-00003525 o ukra _z0fbDMtYC0-00012-00003525-00004225 o momento _z0fbDMtYC0-00013-00004246-00004663 o _z0fbDMtYC0-00014-00004663-00005006 como custear o homem _z0fbDMtYC0-00015-00005006-00005103 entro _z0fbDMtYC0-00016-00005103-00005327 outro _z0fbDMtYC0-00017-00005327-00005690 buffon 5 o público _z0fbDMtYC0-00018-00005690-00005918 um alento _z0fbDMtYC0-00019-00005918-00006085 burko _z0fbDMtYC0-00020-00006085-00006573 o emprego _z0fbDMtYC0-00021-00006573-00007202 com o fundo o ipc-br hugo _z0fbDMtYC0-00022-00007202-00007311 como um todo _z0fbDMtYC0-00023-00007311-00007401 o _z0fbDMtYC0-00024-00007401-00008101 não tenho _z0fbDMtYC0-00025-00009513-00010143 o último triunfo _z0fbDMtYC0-00026-00010143-00010518 o único valeu _z0fbDMtYC0-00027-00010518-00011067 o homólogo _z0fbDMtYC0-00028-00011067-00011238 o _z0fbDMtYC0-00029-00011238-00011381 por enquanto _z0fbDMtYC0-00030-00011381-00011525 o olímpico _AQ6TIGXUtM-00000-00001074-00001664 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such _AQ6TIGXUtM-00001-00001664-00002274 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. _AQ6TIGXUtM-00002-00002274-00002842 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage _AQ6TIGXUtM-00003-00002842-00002967 restoration repair company. _AQ6TIGXUtM-00004-00002967-00003177 You've come to the right place. _AQ6TIGXUtM-00005-00003177-00003628 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer _AQ6TIGXUtM-00006-00003628-00003947 satisfaction is our #1 priority. _AQ6TIGXUtM-00007-00003947-00004289 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair _AQ6TIGXUtM-00008-00004289-00004871 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. _AQ6TIGXUtM-00009-00004871-00006672 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. _D5BlBnWn0U-00000-00000356-00001780 Good morning, yes, even though it's actually 12:30 here, I woke up a little later and then _D5BlBnWn0U-00001-00001780-00003601 is it already afternoon, mr, master, maestro or simply or simply David Lynch? _D5BlBnWn0U-00002-00003601-00004079 It's March 12, 2022 and it's a Saturday. _D5BlBnWn0U-00003-00004079-00004494 Here in Naples 53.6 fahrenheit 12 celsius and this _D5BlBnWn0U-00004-00004494-00004887 means that isn't that day really, really, really, really cold like in these days and _D5BlBnWn0U-00005-00004887-00005495 in this period, obviously always for me because in general it is cold anyway. _D5BlBnWn0U-00006-00005495-00005595 However _D5BlBnWn0U-00007-00005595-00005703 I always invite you to see my video on the cold that I did last December to understand _D5BlBnWn0U-00008-00005703-00006198 what are the two practices I use to try not to win it, because it is impossible, _D5BlBnWn0U-00009-00006198-00006298 but at least to fight the cold. _D5BlBnWn0U-00010-00006298-00006398 Yes, as for the thoughts video _D5BlBnWn0U-00011-00006398-00006890 I don't know if I do it but as from the beginning of the year it is always separate from the _D5BlBnWn0U-00012-00006890-00006990 Report. _D5BlBnWn0U-00013-00006990-00007134 So watch out for the _D5BlBnWn0U-00014-00007134-00007234 case. _D5BlBnWn0U-00015-00007234-00008296 And then I wanted to say that regarding yesterday's Report I made some mistakes in the editing _D5BlBnWn0U-00016-00008296-00008396 but _D5BlBnWn0U-00017-00008396-00009089 unfortunately on Friday I arrive too tired, I also have to upload the episode du It's _D5BlBnWn0U-00018-00009089-00009189 a Friday _D5BlBnWn0U-00019-00009189-00009350 once again and sometimes video keyboard to load. _D5BlBnWn0U-00020-00009350-00009590 It's always a busy day on Friday and already _D5BlBnWn0U-00021-00009590-00009870 it's a miracle when I can sometimes load everything. _D5BlBnWn0U-00022-00009870-00010088 So I apologize but just yesterday in _D5BlBnWn0U-00023-00010088-00010510 particular I was very tired and therefore there were these errors. _D5BlBnWn0U-00024-00010510-00010796 But it doesn't matter, that's okay. _D5BlBnWn0U-00025-00010796-00011429 Anyway as he and you all just see from the window: _D5BlBnWn0U-00026-00011429-00012743 today we have, we have those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. _D5BlBnWn0U-00027-00012743-00013331 Obviously here all along the way means a few more hours being already one, well _D5BlBnWn0U-00028-00013331-00013695 we hope to continue like this tomorrow. _D5BlBnWn0U-00029-00013695-00014207 So, said this: _D5BlBnWn0U-00030-00014207-00015654 so from the mythical window with the colored courtain, sublime today nothing to say _D5BlBnWn0U-00031-00015654-00016065 and its green _D5BlBnWn0U-00032-00016065-00017109 roller shooter behind me, on the top, not visible and in fact here in the shot _D5BlBnWn0U-00033-00017109-00017356 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG, YPG-625 _D5BlBnWn0U-00034-00017356-00019282 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel _D5BlBnWn0U-00035-00019282-00019708 and the reports, yes a greeting _D5BlBnWn0U-00036-00019708-00019868 really everyone. _D5BlBnWn0U-00037-00019868-00020208 See you either at the thoughts video or tomorrow! _FiFRgyUgjc-00000-00000567-00001334 Queen has bought the 2017 version of the £11.99 AA Road Atlas to navigate _FiFRgyUgjc-00001-00001451-00001955 She was spotted with her new purchase on her way to Sandringham yesterday _FiFRgyUgjc-00002-00002073-00002693 She opted for a map produced by the AA, rather than the Royal Automobile Club _FiFRgyUgjc-00003-00002810-00003493 The Queen has finally splashed out on a new road map after using the same one for the past three years _FiFRgyUgjc-00004-00003610-00004622 Her Majesty has bought the 2017 version of the £11.99 AA Road Atlas to navigate her way to engagements across Britain. _FiFRgyUgjc-00005-00004739-00005571 She was spotted travelling back with Prince Philip from St Mary Magdalene church on her Sandringham estate in Norfolk yesterday. _FiFRgyUgjc-00006-00005688-00006618 Travelling in a state-of-the-art £2million Bentley, she had the 2017 AA Easy Read Britain map tucked into the passenger door pocket. _FiFRgyUgjc-00007-00006734-00007615 Interestingly, it appears she has opted for a map produced by the AA, rather than the Royal Automobile Club (RAC). _FiFRgyUgjc-00008-00007731-00008192 The Queen appears to like knowing the route she is going on trips _FiFRgyUgjc-00009-00008309-00009069 In 1977, she was pictured studying a flight map as she flew home from Bridgeton, Barbados. _FiFRgyUgjc-00010-00009186-00010032 The car is one of two purpose-built Bentley limousines owned by the Queen and often used to ferry her around the Sandringham estate. _FiFRgyUgjc-00011-00010149-00010964 The Queen was given a limo by Bentley in 2002 to mark her Golden Jubilee and she was so impressed she ordered a second one. _FiFRgyUgjc-00012-00011081-00011927 Each of the cars is armoured and blast resistant, with kevlar-reinforced tyres and a top speed of 130mph _FiFRgyUgjc-00013-00012044-00013046 The cars were designed by a Bentley-led consortium of British motor industry experts and created with input from The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and her Head Chauffeur. _FiFRgyUgjc-00014-00013163-00014194 The Bentley, which is 6.22 metres long, has special rear doors with hinges at the back to allow The Queen to stand up straight before stepping down to the ground. _FiFRgyUgjc-00015-00014311-00015015 Although it has a powerful engine, it travels at just nine miles per hour on processional occasions _QGeAibQmKy-00000-00000000-00000400 Rap bat- _QGeAibQmKy-00001-00000441-00000641 Sus Gi-hun _QGeAibQmKy-00002-00000700-00000959 VS _QGeAibQmKy-00003-00000959-00001159 MR BEAST!! _QGeAibQmKy-00004-00001164-00001226 Begin, _QGeAibQmKy-00005-00001226-00001426 Welcome to your final test _QGeAibQmKy-00006-00001426-00001522 I'm- missed a beat. _QGeAibQmKy-00007-00001527-00001631 We can scrap the 'S' _QGeAibQmKy-00008-00001631-00001831 'Cause I've never- Mr. Beast. _QGeAibQmKy-00009-00001839-00001939 You had to cut from honey _QGeAibQmKy-00010-00001984-00002161 Under threat of a gun blast _QGeAibQmKy-00011-00002161-00002293 When I had a cut from honey, _QGeAibQmKy-00012-00002293-00002493 Under threat of a gun blast _QGeAibQmKy-00013-00002496-00002809 You're coming last! Number 1 is MR BEAST!! _QGeAibQmKy-00014-00002809-00002987 The only dub you have is horribly written _QGeAibQmKy-00015-00002987-00003086 You're accomplished 'cause you fought _QGeAibQmKy-00016-00003086-00003286 the opposition and became the BEASTT _QGeAibQmKy-00017-00003295-00003437 [the consequences] that you've got to live with _QGeAibQmKy-00018-00003437-00003587 Is you paved their deaths all to pay your debt _QGeAibQmKy-00019-00003587-00003695 I applaud you gi-hun _QGeAibQmKy-00020-00003695-00003785 In s game you won't get rich _QGeAibQmKy-00021-00003785-00003895 I'm your mom, I'm dead _QGeAibQmKy-00022-00003895-00004051 Then, the gaming children watch it _QGeAibQmKy-00023-00004051-00004360 How'd you win all that- kid, but not custody of one bichuh _QGeAibQmKy-00024-00004381-00004581 Did you think you'd get her with that lighter you bought her? _QGeAibQmKy-00025-00004622-00004742 You're playing tug o' war _QGeAibQmKy-00026-00004742-00004876 but the rope is your daughter _QGeAibQmKy-00027-00004876-00004926 [OOOOHHHH] _QGeAibQmKy-00028-00004926-00005021 So, stupid showed you the light. _QGeAibQmKy-00029-00005021-00005095 You didn't wait yeah _QGeAibQmKy-00030-00005095-00005248 If the task was last to get backst- pal! _QGeAibQmKy-00031-00005248-00005370 You wouldn't make it through the night. _QGeAibQmKy-00032-00005370-00005420 -BEASSTTT _QGeAibQmKy-00033-00005420-00005617 I don't need a suit wrapping with gold like food I- _QGeAibQmKy-00034-00005617-00005784 Utter a word then you will die _QGeAibQmKy-00035-00005784-00005965 Save those subs for pewpewpewpew pie _QGeAibQmKy-00036-00005965-00006165 So this is the next test they'll make us fight, _QGeAibQmKy-00037-00006165-00006423 But instead of a kid, we'll be fu**ing this manchild? _QGeAibQmKy-00038-00006423-00006748 Your career's fragile like ass, I will smash it if you fu** me. _QGeAibQmKy-00039-00006748-00006929 Made your fortune from subscribers now, _QGeAibQmKy-00040-00006929-00007083 give them their cookies!! _QGeAibQmKy-00041-00007083-00007207 You've done all this. _QGeAibQmKy-00042-00007207-00007480 You fu**ed lives in need right till they get by time gave time gave _QGeAibQmKy-00043-00007480-00007618 Sweet ride, let high- kiddy- _QGeAibQmKy-00044-00007618-00007730 Set headlines being nice when you spread vibes _QGeAibQmKy-00045-00007730-00007897 Kids hype it and then buy wa- kid _QGeAibQmKy-00046-00007897-00008000 So you make what you leave. _QGeAibQmKy-00047-00008000-00008175 Only ever fu**ing when you're in set sight of a keen child _QGeAibQmKy-00048-00008175-00008251 like an ant. _QGeAibQmKy-00049-00008264-00008464 Don't talk about kiddie ga-, you don't get any. _QGeAibQmKy-00050-00008477-00008600 You're like "I spent at least _QGeAibQmKy-00051-00008600-00008702 Ten dollars renting people _QGeAibQmKy-00052-00008702-00008902 Out to pretend to be kiddies with me" _QGeAibQmKy-00053-00008902-00009168 I wondered why VIPS had to hide their face behind kiddies. _QGeAibQmKy-00054-00009168-00009478 Now that I see this- BEASTT!! I get what the point of the mask is- _QGeAibQmKy-00055-00009478-00009826 I just replaced all of my surviving friends with legos!! _QGeAibQmKy-00056-00009854-00010133 [Teen]: Umm jimmy there are ten legos. _QGeAibQmKy-00057-00010144-00010344 For a 'critique' it seems ironic. _QGeAibQmKy-00058-00010362-00010667 Your shopmrbeast.com sold out like its stock bi*** _QGeAibQmKy-00059-00010685-00011014 You spent 24 hours in a bun, another 24 inside a big solid and stay in it _QGeAibQmKy-00060-00011014-00011214 Spendin' a minute with kiddies is a challenge that I couldn't be in. _QGeAibQmKy-00061-00011233-00011400 You can't make good lines , I won't stay like Jake the Viking _QGeAibQmKy-00062-00011400-00011484 I'm straight- _QGeAibQmKy-00063-00011489-00011760 Lets hope thaty ou didn't bet all of your kiddy on winning this fight now. _QGeAibQmKy-00064-00011765-00011933 Cuz you're likely to die in my fire... _QGeAibQmKy-00065-00011933-00012176 Join team seas and clean that garbage you deem so awful. _QGeAibQmKy-00066-00012181-00012381 You lost his fu**ing marbles! _QGeAibQmKy-00067-00012400-00012600 Kiddies make the calls in this torture _QGeAibQmKy-00068-00012609-00012809 You only got balls in Orbeez _QGeAibQmKy-00069-00012818-00012981 It's a real man, you don't got the courage to fu**. _QGeAibQmKy-00070-00012981-00013104 Go hide in your nerd dreams! _QGeAibQmKy-00071-00013104-00013267 We've got more beef than your girl in team trees. _QGeAibQmKy-00072-00013267-00013400 Pictured a world you can fly to the moon _QGeAibQmKy-00073-00013400-00013600 Got no firepower against my attack helicopter. _QGeAibQmKy-00074-00013607-00013729 You said hi to your brand new channel. _QGeAibQmKy-00075-00013729-00013779 I said bye. _QGeAibQmKy-00076-00013779-00013979 Go cry to your mom and pack dough. You'd ditch your morals. _QGeAibQmKy-00077-00013979-00014179 To put your hand on the truth, if you run out of your personality too. _QGeAibQmKy-00078-00014189-00014454 Out of one of your viewers, nobody watches your channel for you. _VD_BsmIfIo-00000-00000000-00000200 gungi ginga _VD_BsmIfIo-00001-00000200-00000400 wassup _VD_BsmIfIo-00002-00000400-00000600 im gage _VD_BsmIfIo-00003-00000600-00000800 buy my nft merch _VD_BsmIfIo-00004-00000800-00001000 haha sike _VD_BsmIfIo-00005-00001000-00001200 watch the video stoopid _YtdF_6tWko-00000-00000000-00000200 RX 7900 XTX | 4K Gameplay | Cyberpunk 2077 | R7-5800X3D _bcAvERkseM-00000-00000000-00000400 Hi everybody, as you can see this calathea is not doing super well. _bcAvERkseM-00001-00000400-00000776 This is the calathea medallion, and it was given to us by a friend of ours, _bcAvERkseM-00002-00000776-00001200 and it was not doing well so she gave it to me to see if I could save her. _bcAvERkseM-00003-00001200-00001600 You may remember her form the plant tour that I did a couple of months ago. _bcAvERkseM-00004-00001600-00001888 And today I'm going to repot it so let's get to it. _bcAvERkseM-00005-00002176-00002504 Ok you guys, so there are various things that I am going to be changing with this plant. _bcAvERkseM-00006-00002504-00002640 The first one is the pot. _bcAvERkseM-00007-00002640-00003176 So right now it's in a plastic pot, which I think is very useful because plastic retains moisture _bcAvERkseM-00008-00003176-00003664 for longer so I'm going to keep it in plastic but I am going to put it in a smaller pot, _bcAvERkseM-00009-00003664-00004047 this is so the roots are a little but more compressed and the plant _bcAvERkseM-00010-00004047-00004272 is more encourged to grow. _bcAvERkseM-00011-00004272-00004552 The second thing that I want to do is to change the potting mix, _bcAvERkseM-00012-00004552-00004840 as you can see, the potting mix is not the best right now. _bcAvERkseM-00013-00004840-00005136 It's very compressed and just not so nice, _bcAvERkseM-00014-00005200-00005752 so I'm going to change it to a more fluffy and moisture retaining potting mix for this calathea. _bcAvERkseM-00015-00005752-00006200 So if your calathea is not doing so well and you would like to repot it, just follow along with me. _bcAvERkseM-00016-00006200-00006631 The first thing that we want to do is to take our calathea out of the pot. _bcAvERkseM-00017-00006631-00006848 So as you can see, we have many roots here _bcAvERkseM-00018-00006848-00006992 and they look pretty healthy, _bcAvERkseM-00019-00006992-00007231 so I want to be very careful here. _bcAvERkseM-00020-00007231-00007672 And all we want to do is to massage the roots really careful with our fingers, _bcAvERkseM-00021-00007776-00008008 out of the soil just like so. _bcAvERkseM-00022-00008008-00008608 You can also maybe press it a little bit so the soil comes out without damaging the roots. _bcAvERkseM-00023-00008608-00008848 I think this is the central part of our calathea. _bcAvERkseM-00024-00008912-00009016 We are going to leave it here, _bcAvERkseM-00025-00009128-00009264 and prepare our potting mix. _bcAvERkseM-00026-00009264-00009664 For our potting mix I am going to seven parts of coco coir for moisture retention, _bcAvERkseM-00027-00009720-00010016 3 parts of worm castings for nutrition, _bcAvERkseM-00028-00010016-00010248 of course for drainage two parts of perlite. _bcAvERkseM-00029-00010304-00010824 And before you use perlite, because it's very dusty, make sure to soak it in water first, _bcAvERkseM-00030-00010824-00011080 so we don't have to breathe all of that dust. _bcAvERkseM-00031-00011160-00011536 Also I like to add two parts of coarse pumice rock, _bcAvERkseM-00032-00011656-00012120 and of course, myco bliss, which is a mixture of beneficial fungi, _bcAvERkseM-00033-00012120-00012376 that will prevent our plant from being shocked, _bcAvERkseM-00034-00012376-00012576 and promote healthy root growth. _bcAvERkseM-00035-00012640-00012784 And start adding to our pot. _bcAvERkseM-00036-00012847-00013304 This first layer of soil will give the roots the extra support they need at the bottom. _bcAvERkseM-00037-00013304-00013584 Now we are going to take our plant and put it in the pot. _bcAvERkseM-00038-00014144-00014440 I like to pat the soil down a little bit, _bcAvERkseM-00039-00014440-00015008 very gently so the plant has some support and the soil settles in. _bcAvERkseM-00040-00015080-00015176 And then we water. _bcAvERkseM-00041-00015176-00015632 Now, remember to always filter the water when using it for your calathea _bcAvERkseM-00042-00015632-00015896 because they are very sensitive to tap water. _bcAvERkseM-00043-00015896-00016512 Now, to maintain the moisture what I'm going to do is to add some extra water to an external pot. _bcAvERkseM-00044-00016512-00016832 And all you have to do is to add a base like this one, _bcAvERkseM-00045-00016832-00017064 maybe some pumice rocks on the side, _bcAvERkseM-00046-00017064-00017640 so your internal pot, the one that has your calathea can stand on those rocks or that base, _bcAvERkseM-00047-00017640-00017832 and not inside the water. _bcAvERkseM-00048-00017832-00018424 But you will have that extra moisture around the pot. _bcAvERkseM-00049-00018424-00018688 I'll give you an update on this guy very soon, _bcAvERkseM-00050-00018688-00018832 if you repotted with me today, _bcAvERkseM-00051-00018832-00019160 make sure to comment below I would love to know about your experience, _bcAvERkseM-00052-00019160-00019496 also if you would like to support this community and the work that I do here, _bcAvERkseM-00053-00019496-00019872 we do have a patreon page where we meet every month and talk about plants, _bcAvERkseM-00054-00019872-00020016 we also repot together, _bcAvERkseM-00055-00020016-00020272 and we are going to propagate together very soon, _bcAvERkseM-00056-00020272-00020672 so if you would like to join us over there, make sure to check out this link right here. _bcAvERkseM-00057-00020672-00020944 And as always, I will see you in the next one. _bcAvERkseM-00058-00020944-00021184 OK, adioooooos! _c65US2vKPY-00000-00000000-00000372 Now here's the best challenge of all. Let's go do it. _c65US2vKPY-00001-00000372-00000774 Not always saying, you go do it. You go do it. You change, you change, you go do it. _c65US2vKPY-00002-00000774-00001044 Here's the best challenge. Let's go do it. _c65US2vKPY-00003-00001116-00001470 Let's get healthy. Let's change the world. _c65US2vKPY-00004-00001470-00001932 Let's build an enterprise. Let's work on this together. _c65US2vKPY-00005-00002226-00002928 See, I always respond to this "Let's" Sometimes it's hard to lift yourself out. _c65US2vKPY-00006-00002928-00003552 It's hard to be self-inspired at first. If somebody says, come on, _c65US2vKPY-00007-00003552-00003870 let's start a new program. Come on, let's do exercises. _c65US2vKPY-00008-00003870-00004362 Come on, let's get healthy. Come on, let's start something. I'll be there. _c65US2vKPY-00009-00004362-00004554 You be there. You bring a guest, and I'll bring a guest. _c65US2vKPY-00010-00004554-00005070 Let's start something. That is so inspiring to have _c65US2vKPY-00011-00005070-00005376 somebody say "let's". Not always you do. _c65US2vKPY-00012-00005646-00005748 Let's do it. Let's build a team. _c65US2vKPY-00013-00005820-00006210 Let's win the championship. Let's walk off with the trophy. Let's. _c65US2vKPY-00014-00006210-00006588 While there's something about that that can keep you awake. _c65US2vKPY-00015-00006588-00006912 There's something about that that turns on the juices. _c65US2vKPY-00016-00006912-00007380 There's something about that that reaches deep in the soul for a person _c65US2vKPY-00017-00007380-00007650 that can do extraordinary things. When somebody says let's, let's, _c65US2vKPY-00018-00007650-00007986 I've got two with me already. If you'll be the next one, we can _c65US2vKPY-00019-00007986-00008370 conquer the world. You say, whoa. _c65US2vKPY-00020-00008370-00008724 Together, nobody's a match for us. By yourself, you're vulnerable. _c65US2vKPY-00021-00008724-00009114 With us, nobody's a match. Wow. I want to belong to that team. _c65US2vKPY-00022-00009300-00009858 So figure out ways to say let's. If you've got some differences with _c65US2vKPY-00023-00009858-00010296 other leaders within the Herbalife company, I would ask you to settle those differences _c65US2vKPY-00024-00010518-00011064 in the interest of future, in the interest of doing the billions we want to do. _c65US2vKPY-00025-00011148-00011406 Because when top leaders don't work together, I'm telling you, _c65US2vKPY-00026-00011406-00011640 it is incredibly costly to the whole company. _c65US2vKPY-00027-00011640-00012072 When it's costly to the whole company, it's costly to each individual organization. _c65US2vKPY-00028-00012222-00012534 But if we work together, all of that can be taken care of. _c65US2vKPY-00029-00012714-00013188 Even if you've got some differences, find something you have in common and see if _c65US2vKPY-00030-00013188-00013578 you can't work together while then you work on settling those differences. _c65US2vKPY-00031-00013674-00014058 I'm asking all of you to follow that example and do the same thing. _c65US2vKPY-00032-00014058-00014412 Not only work together with someone else, but get other people to work together, _c65US2vKPY-00033-00014412-00014844 and then we can finish the job Mark gave us to do all those years ago. _c65US2vKPY-00034-00015030-00015552 Had the president's team not responded a few years ago to Mark's call and worked _c65US2vKPY-00035-00015552-00016038 together on covering the world. Someone from Africa going to Europe, _c65US2vKPY-00036-00016038-00016368 someone from Europe coming to America, someone from America going to Japan. _c65US2vKPY-00037-00016368-00016986 Not working together is so costly. Not settling these little differences _c65US2vKPY-00038-00016986-00017280 is so costly. I don't want these _c65US2vKPY-00039-00017280-00017784 billions to be missing in the future. I want every billion I'm jealous about every _c65US2vKPY-00040-00017784-00018300 billion in sales because of what it represents. So let's get it done and let's work together. _c65US2vKPY-00041-00018432-00018882 Let me leave you now with this message. Three important words I want you to consider. _c65US2vKPY-00042-00019026-00019158 First is compassion. _c65US2vKPY-00043-00019332-00019782 Mark's compassion to help people was unprecedented. _c65US2vKPY-00044-00019860-00020682 He demonstrated it every day. He truly wanted to reach everybody. _c65US2vKPY-00045-00020826-00021264 And if it would have been at all possible for him to have reached everybody in person, _c65US2vKPY-00046-00021264-00021654 he would have done that. He would have walked the streets. _c65US2vKPY-00047-00021726-00022044 He would have covered the world. And touched everybody individually. _c65US2vKPY-00048-00022044-00022368 If he possibly could have. But he couldn't touch _c65US2vKPY-00049-00022368-00022770 everybody individually by himself. He touched as many as he could signed as many _c65US2vKPY-00050-00022770-00023220 autographs as he could took as many pictures as he possibly could, flew as many miles as he could, _c65US2vKPY-00051-00023220-00023670 did as many meetings as he possibly could, did as much training as he possibly could. _c65US2vKPY-00052-00023772-00024052 Nobody did it better. And _c65US2vKPY-00053-00024732-00024804 the reason? _c65US2vKPY-00054-00025338-00025854 And the reason is because he had this driving compassion. _c65US2vKPY-00055-00025968-00026183 That if he could reach somebody with the products, _c65US2vKPY-00056-00026256-00026736 they would not suffer what he had seen other people suffer without the Herbalife products. _c65US2vKPY-00057-00026826-00027162 It was his compassion that caused him to reach out. _c65US2vKPY-00058-00027162-00027366 And touch the people. And help them to get started, _c65US2vKPY-00059-00027366-00027714 even though they had not much to start with. That was compassion. _c65US2vKPY-00060-00027786-00028277 I'm asking you to find it within yourself. A new 21st-century compassion for yourself. _c65US2vKPY-00061-00028277-00028895 So that you will be driven to reach the people. You will be driven to talk to the next person. _c65US2vKPY-00062-00028895-00029280 You will be driven to help somebody. Change their life best you can. _c65US2vKPY-00063-00029436-00029682 The next word I would ask you to consider is commitment. _c65US2vKPY-00064-00029826-00030545 If all of us will commit to the dream, if we will commit to the opportunity if we will commit to the _c65US2vKPY-00065-00030545-00031176 chance to be the best in influencing our industry, the best in network marketing around the world, _c65US2vKPY-00066-00031289-00031883 a commitment of developing leadership second to none of putting together a team. _c65US2vKPY-00067-00031883-00032400 That can finish the job over the next few years, committed to the next 20 years. _c65US2vKPY-00068-00032495-00033078 If all of us will make that personal commitment, I'm telling you, the collective commitment. _c65US2vKPY-00069-00033156-00034026 Will be unbeatable as we go now, country after country with the 49-50 we've already got, _c65US2vKPY-00070-00034092-00034512 using all of that information, all of that experience, getting to the rest of the countries _c65US2vKPY-00071-00034512-00035034 of the world, with commitment, we can do that. The collective commitment will be awesome. _c65US2vKPY-00072-00035208-00035832 Our total collective commitment. Can solve any problem, develop any product, _c65US2vKPY-00073-00035958-00036744 go any place, reach any community, and touch anybody that needs to be touched. _c65US2vKPY-00074-00036744-00037320 With the Herbalife opportunity, there's nothing more powerful than collective commitment. _c65US2vKPY-00075-00037434-00037932 I promise you mine. And if you will promise yours to me, _c65US2vKPY-00076-00037932-00038586 and I promise mine to you, and we promise ours to Herbalife, and we promise that we _c65US2vKPY-00077-00038586-00038964 will work together with each other, that commitment will help us finish the job. _doKdv54IeA-00000-00000128-00001063 Stereotypically, men are supposed to know more about cars than women. _doKdv54IeA-00001-00001063-00001616 In 1974, Deaux & Emswiller asked a group of male and female participants to evaluate the _doKdv54IeA-00002-00001616-00002225 performance of a man or a woman conducting either a masculine or a feminine task. _doKdv54IeA-00003-00002225-00002782 The masculine task was identifying a tire jack, used for changing the wheel on a car. _doKdv54IeA-00004-00002782-00003021 The feminine task was identifying a mop. _doKdv54IeA-00005-00003021-00003284 Which even I know is used for cleaning the floor! _doKdv54IeA-00006-00003284-00003803 So, participants had to decide whether a person’s performance on these tasks was due to ability _doKdv54IeA-00007-00003803-00003985 or luck. _doKdv54IeA-00008-00003985-00004173 What did they find? _doKdv54IeA-00009-00004173-00004595 On this chart, you can see that the y-axis shows us whether participants thought the _doKdv54IeA-00010-00004595-00004917 person’s performance was due to luck or ability. _doKdv54IeA-00011-00004917-00005286 Higher numbers mean it is more due to ability. _doKdv54IeA-00012-00005286-00005869 The x-axis shows the two tasks, the masculine task and the feminine task. _doKdv54IeA-00013-00005869-00006487 The men performing the task are indicated by the blue, and the woman by the green. _doKdv54IeA-00014-00006487-00006943 Deaux and Emswiller found that when a man performed well on a masculine task, participants _doKdv54IeA-00015-00006943-00007278 were more likely to attribute their performance to skill. _doKdv54IeA-00016-00007278-00007803 However, when a woman performed just as well as a man on the same task, participants were _doKdv54IeA-00017-00007803-00008156 more likely to attribute the woman’s performance to luck. _doKdv54IeA-00018-00008156-00008695 When it came to evaluating a man and a woman conducting a feminine task, participants attributed _doKdv54IeA-00019-00008695-00009031 a woman’s successful performance to skill. _doKdv54IeA-00020-00009031-00009536 But they attributed a man’s successful performance to skill as well. _doKdv54IeA-00021-00009536-00009933 This was not the case for a woman performing well in a masculine task! _doKdv54IeA-00022-00009933-00010481 The participants saw the same behaviour––both genders knowing about cars, but one is seen _doKdv54IeA-00023-00010481-00010857 as to be supporting the stereotype whilst the other is just dismissed. _doKdv54IeA-00024-00010857-00011282 Here’s an explanation for why stereotypes exist or why they remain. _doKdv54IeA-00025-00011282-00011724 In the video that we linked to just before this video, did you hear where they mention _doKdv54IeA-00026-00011724-00012304 that over education in women leads to ugliness, premature aging and beard growth? _doKdv54IeA-00027-00012304-00012692 We laugh at that because it just sounds ridiculous, but that was a real theory about a hundred _doKdv54IeA-00028-00012692-00013028 years ago, as women were trying to get access to education. _doKdv54IeA-00029-00013028-00013375 A lot of men thought it wasn’t good for women to be educated. _doKdv54IeA-00030-00013375-00013925 They thought that women would become like men, they would become haggard, ugly and masculine _doKdv54IeA-00031-00013925-00014025 looking. _doKdv54IeA-00032-00014025-00014362 A lot of people who believed this were educated people! _doKdv54IeA-00033-00014362-00014800 And look, if education really did make you more masculine looking, I might even sign _doKdv54IeA-00034-00014800-00014951 up to do another PhD! _doKdv54IeA-00035-00014951-00015456 So, why would apparently smart people believe something so stupid? _doKdv54IeA-00036-00015456-00015878 The answer would be because it’s convenient for them, because they want to believe that. _doKdv54IeA-00037-00015878-00016294 They might feel threatened by women knocking on the doors of education and power, with _doKdv54IeA-00038-00016294-00016498 all the freedom that implies. _doKdv54IeA-00039-00016498-00016776 This is what is called a legitimising myth. _doKdv54IeA-00040-00016776-00017087 It legitimises the status quo. _doKdv54IeA-00041-00017087-00017537 The video of the song, “Bad Girls” by M.I.A., was made by a political director and _doKdv54IeA-00042-00017537-00017951 even though it doesn’t explicitly reference it, it’s commenting on the fact that women _doKdv54IeA-00043-00017951-00018213 are not permitted to drive vehicles in Saudi Arabia. _doKdv54IeA-00044-00018213-00018918 It was reported in 2013 a top Saudi cleric commented that driving damages female reproductive _doKdv54IeA-00045-00018918-00019036 organs. _doKdv54IeA-00046-00019036-00019486 The story attracted a lot of international pressure and this obviously ridiculous fact _doKdv54IeA-00047-00019486-00019728 was used to legitimise the status quo. _doKdv54IeA-00048-00019728-00020284 Likewise, if I’m a male CEO of a company and I’m wandering around thinking, “Wow, _doKdv54IeA-00049-00020284-00020667 there’s not many women who are also CEOs, why is that?” _doKdv54IeA-00050-00020667-00021156 I have to make sense of that, and one of the ways to explain that is because I’m a guy _doKdv54IeA-00051-00021156-00021573 in this patriarchal world and I’ve benefited from privilege. _doKdv54IeA-00052-00021573-00022054 Now, not many people like to think they’ve benefitted from privilege, so we don’t like _doKdv54IeA-00053-00022054-00022348 to explain things in this way. _doKdv54IeA-00054-00022348-00022747 Another explanation could be that there’s not many female CEOs because they’re not _doKdv54IeA-00055-00022747-00022847 interested. _doKdv54IeA-00056-00022847-00022957 They’re not that ambitious. _doKdv54IeA-00057-00022957-00023143 They’re not boardroom material. _doKdv54IeA-00058-00023143-00023357 They fall apart under pressure. _doKdv54IeA-00059-00023357-00023578 They’re too emotional. _doKdv54IeA-00060-00023578-00023965 People might be motivated to believe these inaccurate things to help them rationalise _doKdv54IeA-00061-00023965-00024234 the status quo in a non-threatening way. _dIF766LrsQ-00000-00000028-00000188 What is that? _dIF766LrsQ-00001-00000188-00000368 Oh my god, I am getting a phone call saying _dIF766LrsQ-00002-00000368-00000670 you have to press "J" every time these two green lights touch _dIF766LrsQ-00003-00000670-00000816 until you reach the beginning! _dIF766LrsQ-00004-00000816-00001002 3, 2, 1, go—! _dIF766LrsQ-00005-00001002-00001723 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? _dIF766LrsQ-00006-00001723-00002332 I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy SEALs _dIF766LrsQ-00007-00002332-00002718 and I have over three hundred confirmed kills. _dIF766LrsQ-00008-00002718-00002916 You're fucking dead, kiddo. _eleAq1UPUI-00000-00000018-00000256 So what special skill should I add? _eleAq1UPUI-00001-00000270-00000583 Gymnastics, martial arts, skydiving, _eleAq1UPUI-00002-00000597-00000717 flirtatious hair flipping. _eleAq1UPUI-00003-00000730-00000980 OK, I do not flip my hair flirtatiously. _eleAq1UPUI-00004-00000994-00001217 Oh, really? This doesn't look familiar? _eleAq1UPUI-00005-00001237-00001377 "Well, hello, boys!" _eleAq1UPUI-00006-00001391-00001548 "My name is Tori Vega." _eleAq1UPUI-00007-00001564-00001825 "Buy me some licorice and I'll give you a kiss!" _eleAq1UPUI-00008-00002041-00002218 I talk nothing like that. _eleAq1UPUI-00009-00002232-00002442 Seriously, do I talk anything like that? _eleAq1UPUI-00010-00002482-00002882 [imitating] _eleAq1UPUI-00011-00002896-00003023 You'd really find me someone _eleAq1UPUI-00012-00003036-00003163 to put up the money to produce my play? _eleAq1UPUI-00013-00003176-00003316 - I meant that-- - Hey! _eleAq1UPUI-00014-00003460-00003580 Did she not say, _eleAq1UPUI-00015-00003593-00003723 "It shouldn't be that hard to find _eleAq1UPUI-00016-00003736-00003850 someone to put up the money"? _eleAq1UPUI-00017-00003977-00004214 [agreeing] _eleAq1UPUI-00018-00004297-00004457 So you'll do that right? _eleAq1UPUI-00019-00004644-00004848 - Sure! - Who got bit by monkeys? _eleAq1UPUI-00020-00004988-00005105 The director's kid. _eleAq1UPUI-00021-00005118-00005281 Did he taunt the monkeys? _eleAq1UPUI-00022-00005515-00005645 I don't think you should do the stunt. _eleAq1UPUI-00023-00005658-00005762 I have to! _eleAq1UPUI-00024-00005775-00005895 I'll get blackballed in Hollywood _eleAq1UPUI-00025-00005909-00006026 if I back out. _eleAq1UPUI-00026-00006089-00006266 I don't wanna get blackballed. _eleAq1UPUI-00027-00006326-00006436 Then just do it. _eleAq1UPUI-00028-00006483-00006616 And what if I end up in the hospital? _eleAq1UPUI-00029-00006653-00006893 "Well, maybe you'll meet a handsome young doctor, _eleAq1UPUI-00030-00006906-00007117 getting married, and share a soda pop." _eleAq1UPUI-00031-00007317-00007634 I don't talk like a movie star from the 1940s! _eleAq1UPUI-00032-00007744-00007837 Oh, my goodness, Robbie. _eleAq1UPUI-00033-00007851-00008031 I didn't realize you were so popular. _eleAq1UPUI-00034-00008184-00008415 - Are you his girlfriend? - No, are you? _eleAq1UPUI-00035-00008638-00008785 OK, why don't you go down to the nursery _eleAq1UPUI-00036-00008798-00008915 and scare the newborn babies? _eleAq1UPUI-00037-00009068-00009199 Where are the babies? _eleAq1UPUI-00038-00009339-00009449 Uh... _eleAq1UPUI-00039-00009462-00009699 So, Doc, what's the situation with Robbie? _eleAq1UPUI-00040-00009739-00010050 Well, you see this tear in his small intestine? _eleAq1UPUI-00041-00010063-00010303 - Yeah. OK. - Well, if that Pontiac moves, _eleAq1UPUI-00042-00010396-00010557 It could rip that kid's guts apart. _eleAq1UPUI-00043-00010570-00010697 [shrieking] _eleAq1UPUI-00044-00010800-00010960 So slice him open and yank it out. _eleAq1UPUI-00045-00010997-00011171 Well, we would, but Robbie has a rare _eleAq1UPUI-00046-00011184-00011334 blood type, O negative. _eleAq1UPUI-00047-00011347-00011514 - Oh. - Negative. _eleAq1UPUI-00048-00011681-00011851 And we don't have enough here for the surgery. _eleAq1UPUI-00049-00011891-00012058 - So how do you plan to-- - Whoa. _eleAq1UPUI-00050-00012081-00012399 Whoa. I know where he can get some o negative blood. _eleAq1UPUI-00051-00012482-00012739 - Where? - Right here. _eleAq1UPUI-00052-00012952-00013072 I'm O negative? _eleAq1UPUI-00053-00013126-00013309 You did go through my medical records! _eleAq1UPUI-00054-00013333-00013496 "Told you I do my research." _eleAq1UPUI-00055-00013740-00013907 - Hey! - What? What? _eleAq1UPUI-00056-00014084-00014214 Will you calm down? _eleAq1UPUI-00057-00014240-00014397 Sorry, I'm just freaking a little. _eleAq1UPUI-00058-00014417-00014597 There is nothing to worry about. _eleAq1UPUI-00059-00014677-00014891 You guys? I was getting into costume _eleAq1UPUI-00060-00014904-00015048 and I dropped my bra in the toilet. _eleAq1UPUI-00061-00015258-00015388 "Nothing to worry about." _eleAq1UPUI-00062-00015425-00015555 I don't talk like that. _eleAq1UPUI-00063-00015595-00015835 So what do I do about my bra-- OK. _eleAq1UPUI-00064-00016416-00016649 - Now, go get ready. - Thank you. _eleAq1UPUI-00065-00016663-00016893 I'm gonna count to ten and then I'm gonn-- _eleAq1UPUI-00066-00016906-00017067 [screaming] _eleAq1UPUI-00067-00017163-00017624 [cheering] _eleAq1UPUI-00068-00017704-00017891 [grunting] _eleAq1UPUI-00069-00018004-00018151 "You're ever so welcome!" _eleAq1UPUI-00070-00018218-00018361 I don't talk like that! _eleAq1UPUI-00071-00018515-00018655 Oh, come on. Nobody here _eleAq1UPUI-00072-00018668-00018775 would do that to Trina. _eleAq1UPUI-00073-00018788-00018915 Except you. _eleAq1UPUI-00074-00018975-00019149 - What, me? - "Who me?" _eleAq1UPUI-00075-00019162-00019379 "Why, I would never hurt my dear sister Trina! _eleAq1UPUI-00076-00019392-00019566 Not me, sweet Sally Peaches!" _eleAq1UPUI-00077-00019716-00019993 - I don't talk like that! - Whatever. _eleAq1UPUI-00078-00020036-00020350 I'm sick of this! Ice cream reminds me of my childhood. _eleAq1UPUI-00079-00020483-00020613 You didn't have a happy childhood? _eleAq1UPUI-00080-00020697-00020830 My favorite toy was a hammer. _eleAq1UPUI-00081-00020877-00020990 You finish the puzzle. _eleAq1UPUI-00082-00021197-00021408 You know, you don't have to help. _eleAq1UPUI-00083-00021421-00021644 - Don't push me. - What? _eleAq1UPUI-00084-00021745-00022072 But, if we win and Ke$ha does do a private concert here, _eleAq1UPUI-00085-00022085-00022302 only the people who helped find the letters get to come. _eleAq1UPUI-00086-00022338-00022649 "Only the people who helped find the letters get to come." _eleAq1UPUI-00087-00022772-00022886 I don't talk like that. _eleAq1UPUI-00088-00022899-00023113 [chattering] _eleAq1UPUI-00089-00023159-00023409 Jade! Are you done with your little sabotage game? _eleAq1UPUI-00090-00023423-00023636 "Done with what little sabotage game?" _eleAq1UPUI-00091-00023767-00023903 Aye, uh, Sinjin found the projector _eleAq1UPUI-00092-00023917-00024044 and killed the crazy video. _eleAq1UPUI-00093-00024067-00024224 Good, good. Now we just gotta-- _eleAq1UPUI-00094-00024317-00024698 [cheering] _eleAq1UPUI-00095-00024778-00024934 Take that, you freak demon! _eleAq1UPUI-00096-00024948-00025095 Calm down! _eleAq1UPUI-00097-00025138-00025301 - Where is he? - Hi! _eleAq1UPUI-00098-00025442-00025575 What are you guys-- Ya, know, ugh. _eleAq1UPUI-00099-00025592-00025728 I remember saying come in. _eleAq1UPUI-00100-00025742-00025952 Well, I don't remember saying you could hog Moose. _eleAq1UPUI-00101-00026049-00026212 What are you talking about? _eleAq1UPUI-00102-00026226-00026599 "Oh, well, Moose, my goodness, I certainly do enjoy a fine _eleAq1UPUI-00103-00026613-00026769 game of hockey." _eleAq1UPUI-00104-00026866-00027157 "Oh, please take me to the hockey game, Moose. _eleAq1UPUI-00105-00027177-00027353 I'm ever so desperate." _eleAq1UPUI-00106-00027440-00027627 I don't talk like that! _eleAq1UPUI-00107-00027640-00027917 Whatever. You have been hogging Moose and you know it. _eleAq1UPUI-00108-00027931-00028027 Moose hogger! _eleAq1UPUI-00109-00028291-00028518 ♪ Let's watch The sun come up ♪ _eleAq1UPUI-00110-00028595-00029035 [singing] _eleAq1UPUI-00111-00029082-00029222 You're really gonna let your screech box _eleAq1UPUI-00112-00029235-00029362 of a sister sing with us? _eleAq1UPUI-00113-00029462-00029639 The guys are gonna keep her mic turned off. _eleAq1UPUI-00114-00029699-00029866 "Oh, well, that's swell news." _eleAq1UPUI-00115-00029933-00030116 I don't talk like that! _eleAq1UPUI-00116-00030170-00030273 Whatever. _eleAq1UPUI-00117-00030293-00030407 Do I talk like that? _eleAq1UPUI-00118-00030477-00030577 "Do I talk like that?" _eleAq1UPUI-00119-00030590-00030710 No, I don't talk like that! _jJn7xHg8wE-00000-00002587-00002900 I won last time and will win again this time. _jJn7xHg8wE-00001-00003024-00003263 I'll do my best. _jJn7xHg8wE-00002-00003445-00003645 I want to be on the same team as Paul and Kim Miso. _jJn7xHg8wE-00003-00003645-00003822 If we're on the same team, we'll win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00004-00004026-00004300 Is it your first time to come to the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00005-00004300-00004469 I have been to the Han River before. _jJn7xHg8wE-00006-00004556-00004707 What did you do in the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00007-00004742-00004977 I've never been here during the day. _jJn7xHg8wE-00008-00005001-00005246 We usually came and played at night. _jJn7xHg8wE-00009-00005411-00005695 I just talked and played with my friends. _jJn7xHg8wE-00010-00005697-00006000 I drank too. _jJn7xHg8wE-00011-00006000-00006153 I just looked around. _jJn7xHg8wE-00012-00006197-00006416 It's a good place to take a walk. _jJn7xHg8wE-00013-00006539-00006639 What do you think you're going to do today? _jJn7xHg8wE-00014-00006716-00006816 I don't know. I'm nervous. _jJn7xHg8wE-00015-00006939-00007266 I came here without breakfast. _jJn7xHg8wE-00016-00007268-00007577 I think I'll ask you to eat some food. _jJn7xHg8wE-00017-00008753-00009071 I think I'll do something active outside. _jJn7xHg8wE-00018-00009145-00009278 I don't know. It would be fun. _jJn7xHg8wE-00019-00009621-00009807 I really like the friends I'm with today. _jJn7xHg8wE-00020-00010246-00010433 I am in the Han River now. _jJn7xHg8wE-00021-00010622-00010722 It's too hot. _jJn7xHg8wE-00022-00010823-00010927 It's too hot, but I'll do my best. _jJn7xHg8wE-00023-00011551-00011651 Let's cheer up!! But we don't have enough.... _jJn7xHg8wE-00024-00012257-00012438 I heard you are going to play a game today. _jJn7xHg8wE-00025-00012610-00012792 I'll do my best to win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00026-00013054-00013154 I heard it a while ago. _jJn7xHg8wE-00027-00013198-00013313 They say we can't even drink water. _jJn7xHg8wE-00028-00014458-00014558 Have you ever been to the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00029-00014598-00014698 Yeah, I've been there. _jJn7xHg8wE-00030-00014788-00015006 Han River is my favorite place. _jJn7xHg8wE-00031-00015251-00015592 I ate chicken and ramen. _jJn7xHg8wE-00032-00015605-00015941 My friends drank and I drank soda. _jJn7xHg8wE-00033-00016129-00016441 I also took a cruise ship on the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00034-00016759-00016860 Do you want to feed me? _jJn7xHg8wE-00035-00016917-00017069 Do you want me to eat chicken? _jJn7xHg8wE-00036-00017553-00017794 If you work hard today, you can eat chicken. _jJn7xHg8wE-00037-00017841-00017995 Really? _jJn7xHg8wE-00038-00018108-00018432 You're just giving me chicken? What about pizza? _jJn7xHg8wE-00039-00018726-00019018 Do you have to win to eat? I have to win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00040-00019097-00019197 But for now, it's too hot. _jJn7xHg8wE-00041-00019703-00019806 How are you feeling today? _jJn7xHg8wE-00042-00020318-00020418 All right. I'm gonna win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00043-00020805-00020905 I'm confident. _jJn7xHg8wE-00044-00021026-00021160 Have you ever been to the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00045-00021204-00021446 I've been here a lot. _jJn7xHg8wE-00046-00021507-00021688 My favorite place in Seoul. _jJn7xHg8wE-00047-00021906-00022056 What have you done in the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00048-00022129-00022229 I live near the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00049-00022261-00022361 That's why I come here every _jJn7xHg8wE-00050-00022720-00022928 What are we going to do today? _jJn7xHg8wE-00051-00023123-00023263 Maybe you'll play a game, right? _jJn7xHg8wE-00052-00023434-00023603 It's going to be hard today. _jJn7xHg8wE-00053-00023677-00023777 Please take it easy. _jJn7xHg8wE-00054-00024611-00024799 Let me introduce myself. _jJn7xHg8wE-00055-00024904-00025177 My name is Paul from Canada. _jJn7xHg8wE-00056-00025217-00025358 I am 36 years old and married a Korean woman. _jJn7xHg8wE-00057-00025423-00025573 Hi, nice to meet you. _jJn7xHg8wE-00058-00025674-00025952 How are you feeling today? _jJn7xHg8wE-00059-00025961-00026179 I want to win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00060-00026320-00026525 I will do better than other friends because I am older. _jJn7xHg8wE-00061-00026717-00026845 I'm smart enough to win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00062-00027230-00027371 Have you ever been to the Han River? _jJn7xHg8wE-00063-00027413-00027730 Of course. _jJn7xHg8wE-00064-00027730-00028027 I usually took a walk when I came to Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00065-00028027-00028341 I used to stay with my girlfriend for a long time. _jJn7xHg8wE-00066-00029027-00029291 I usually dated my girlfriend. _jJn7xHg8wE-00067-00029500-00029777 I drank in front of the convenience store. _jJn7xHg8wE-00068-00029874-00030145 I've never been on a picnic with my friends like this. _jJn7xHg8wE-00069-00030846-00031166 I think I'm going to work out. _jJn7xHg8wE-00070-00031527-00031700 I'm good at sports. _jJn7xHg8wE-00071-00032016-00032452 Paul is overactive. _jJn7xHg8wE-00072-00032661-00032980 I'll win because I have a good body. _jJn7xHg8wE-00073-00033556-00033879 Roaming takes the place of sick SAAD. _jJn7xHg8wE-00074-00033879-00034146 Today, I will participate in the event not as a step. _jJn7xHg8wE-00075-00034727-00034944 I will work hard as a Korean. _jJn7xHg8wE-00076-00034987-00035270 I'm going to beat them all _jJn7xHg8wE-00077-00035673-00035797 I've been to the Han River a lot. _jJn7xHg8wE-00078-00035846-00035946 Han River is so good. _jJn7xHg8wE-00079-00036306-00036510 I enjoyed eating chicken and beer in the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00080-00036606-00036838 I rode a bike with my friends. _jJn7xHg8wE-00081-00038276-00038578 You should enjoy a picnic in the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00082-00038578-00038815 They also play games and busking in the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00083-00040515-00040717 Hi, "a day to remember." _jJn7xHg8wE-00084-00040824-00040976 It's the beginning of a new story. _jJn7xHg8wE-00085-00041049-00041204 My name is Nammi Kim. _jJn7xHg8wE-00086-00041255-00041355 I'm going to host it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00087-00041923-00042023 We've got a lot of support for you. _jJn7xHg8wE-00088-00042112-00042270 Thank you very much, subscription channel. _jJn7xHg8wE-00089-00042352-00042452 Right. _jJn7xHg8wE-00090-00042532-00042746 Let me introduce you to our new member of the day _jJn7xHg8wE-00091-00042982-00043187 Let's call him now. _jJn7xHg8wE-00092-00043226-00043326 Are you going to welcome me? _jJn7xHg8wE-00093-00043528-00043628 OK. _jJn7xHg8wE-00094-00043796-00043996 Paul from Canada! Welcome! _jJn7xHg8wE-00095-00044450-00044768 What's the problem? _jJn7xHg8wE-00096-00044989-00045293 I want to live free. _jJn7xHg8wE-00097-00045293-00045399 You are hairy. Go get the wax from Kim Nam Mi. _jJn7xHg8wE-00098-00045905-00046005 Introduce yourself briefly. _jJn7xHg8wE-00099-00046090-00046190 I am Paul from Canada. _jJn7xHg8wE-00100-00046598-00046698 I am 36 years old and married. _jJn7xHg8wE-00101-00046718-00046918 Good to see you. _jJn7xHg8wE-00102-00047055-00047157 Also, introduce your YouTube channel. _jJn7xHg8wE-00103-00047388-00047588 If you like comedy, you can also find my channel. _jJn7xHg8wE-00104-00048240-00048459 I'm so excited about my new friend. _jJn7xHg8wE-00105-00048506-00048748 Let's start a new story. _jJn7xHg8wE-00106-00049574-00049819 Do you know where we are? _jJn7xHg8wE-00107-00049869-00050059 This is Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00108-00050355-00050671 When I asked the members where they wanted to go, _jJn7xHg8wE-00109-00050794-00050894 The members answered that they wanted to come to the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00110-00050930-00051030 That's why I'm here. _jJn7xHg8wE-00111-00051034-00051208 I see. _jJn7xHg8wE-00112-00051255-00051542 Koreans enjoy picnics in the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00113-00052325-00052638 We are going to do things that Koreans enjoy. _jJn7xHg8wE-00114-00052638-00052938 PD. What do we do now? _jJn7xHg8wE-00115-00052938-00053245 We have to divide the teams first. _jJn7xHg8wE-00116-00053563-00053898 Let's make a simple team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00117-00054438-00054744 Let's play rock-paper-scissors and divide it into the winning team and the losing team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00118-00055351-00055649 The first team is not important. _jJn7xHg8wE-00119-00056109-00056307 I'll decide the MVP in the winning team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00120-00056401-00056721 The MVP can pick two chances. _jJn7xHg8wE-00121-00056753-00056942 There are two kinds of chances: member change and team change. _jJn7xHg8wE-00122-00057324-00057928 The meaning of the member change is to change one member of your team and the other team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00123-00058346-00058832 The meaning of team change is to change yourself and the other team member. _jJn7xHg8wE-00124-00059090-00059376 We don't know how many games we're going to play today. _jJn7xHg8wE-00125-00059457-00059740 All games have individual and team events. _jJn7xHg8wE-00126-00059992-00060292 The team with the highest individual scores of the final team wins. _jJn7xHg8wE-00127-00060645-00060883 Winning a team event gives all members five points. _jJn7xHg8wE-00128-00060936-00061144 The first prize in the individual competition is five points, the second prize is three points, and the third prize is one point. _jJn7xHg8wE-00129-00061553-00061803 You have to remember your score carefully. _jJn7xHg8wE-00130-00062107-00062411 Remember the members' scores and move on to the higher members' team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00131-00062910-00063210 You all get it, don't you? _jJn7xHg8wE-00132-00063637-00063931 I got it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00133-00065868-00066121 The team that won today can have a chimac party. _jJn7xHg8wE-00134-00067227-00067327 The losing team has a penalty. _jJn7xHg8wE-00135-00067438-00067739 We need to promote the channel in the Han River. _jJn7xHg8wE-00136-00068135-00068276 This is hard. _jJn7xHg8wE-00137-00068544-00068744 Do your best to avoid the penalty. _jJn7xHg8wE-00138-00068862-00069062 We can do it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00139-00075458-00075762 The winning team, raise your hands. _jJn7xHg8wE-00140-00075796-00075970 Raise your hand on the losing team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00141-00076102-00076308 The team was split up. _jJn7xHg8wE-00142-00076595-00076695 Let's play the game now. _jJn7xHg8wE-00143-00078530-00078770 What's the first game? _jJn7xHg8wE-00144-00079028-00079336 It's a game that requires concentration and control. _jJn7xHg8wE-00145-00079408-00079508 shoe throwing _jJn7xHg8wE-00146-00080027-00080274 One by one, you can come out and throw your shoes. _jJn7xHg8wE-00147-00080445-00080636 If you throw as close to the target as you can, you'll win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00148-00080738-00080903 This game is an individual game. _jJn7xHg8wE-00149-00081231-00081344 We can do this, right? _jJn7xHg8wE-00150-00083528-00083690 Come to the front of the person you're going to do first. _jJn7xHg8wE-00151-00095182-00095382 Who won? _jJn7xHg8wE-00152-00095852-00095952 Paul, pick a chance. _jJn7xHg8wE-00153-00096193-00096293 Congratulations. _jJn7xHg8wE-00154-00096353-00096696 It's a difficult decision, but it can't be helped. _jJn7xHg8wE-00155-00096808-00097008 I'm going to send Kim Nammi _jJn7xHg8wE-00156-00097310-00097553 Give me a chance. _jJn7xHg8wE-00157-00097553-00097858 I'm gonna bring Leo in and make a men's team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00158-00097858-00098052 Two men can win! _jJn7xHg8wE-00159-00098156-00098281 It doesn't mean you want it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00160-00098325-00098545 You have to choose between the two. _jJn7xHg8wE-00161-00100481-00100586 Paul's decision!! _jJn7xHg8wE-00162-00100687-00100787 Switch between Kim Nam-mi and Leo. _jJn7xHg8wE-00163-00101007-00101107 No, no, no. _jJn7xHg8wE-00164-00101140-00101240 Put it on anyone's terms. _jJn7xHg8wE-00165-00101338-00101438 2 bird KKi _jJn7xHg8wE-00166-00101520-00101620 It's too cruel. _jJn7xHg8wE-00167-00101694-00101806 Don't go, Leo. _jJn7xHg8wE-00168-00101990-00102090 Come here, Leo. _jJn7xHg8wE-00169-00102369-00102469 Let's do it together. _jJn7xHg8wE-00170-00102721-00102836 I couldn't help it. I'm sorry. _jJn7xHg8wE-00171-00103248-00103348 You betrayed me. _jJn7xHg8wE-00172-00103505-00103608 Producer: Betray your heart. _jJn7xHg8wE-00173-00103734-00104010 You must use your head to the end. _jJn7xHg8wE-00174-00104275-00104525 If you keep going, you'll get the hang of it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00175-00104603-00104937 Don't forget that the last team is very important. _jJn7xHg8wE-00176-00104937-00105089 However, I don't tell you what the last game is. _jJn7xHg8wE-00177-00105184-00105284 I got it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00178-00105315-00105415 be very exciting _jJn7xHg8wE-00179-00105415-00105542 What's the next game? _jJn7xHg8wE-00180-00105653-00105954 It is a game that Koreans play a lot. _jJn7xHg8wE-00181-00106078-00106352 It is a game that requires strength and endurance. _jJn7xHg8wE-00182-00106372-00106572 Chicken fight _jJn7xHg8wE-00183-00106641-00106801 This is a game for men. _jJn7xHg8wE-00184-00107230-00107432 I'll give men a handicap. _jJn7xHg8wE-00185-00107672-00107772 That's sexism. _jJn7xHg8wE-00186-00107863-00108201 Don't forget about gender equality. _jJn7xHg8wE-00187-00108201-00108535 Men should not hold their legs by hand. _jJn7xHg8wE-00188-00108930-00109110 We're strong? _jJn7xHg8wE-00189-00109195-00109494 The hand at the waist loses even if it falls off. _jJn7xHg8wE-00190-00110671-00110941 Tell me the order of the teams. _jJn7xHg8wE-00191-00111262-00111425 You can't change the order once you've set it. _jJn7xHg8wE-00192-00111841-00112152 Team leader, come out and tell me the order. _jJn7xHg8wE-00193-00113505-00113605 Start of competition _jJn7xHg8wE-00194-00114501-00114601 We were on the same team. _jJn7xHg8wE-00195-00114796-00114896 I'm gonna win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00196-00120347-00120456 It's too easy to win. _jJn7xHg8wE-00197-00121408-00121601 Leo, I have a leg ache. _jJn7xHg8wE-00198-00121661-00121838 Where does it hurt? _jJn7xHg8wE-00199-00124284-00124385 Kim Miso, are you okay? _jJn7xHg8wE-00200-00124978-00125292 The winner will come out and decide the final winner. _jJn7xHg8wE-00201-00130379-00130525 Paul is as hard as a wall. _jJn7xHg8wE-00202-00130568-00130668 Thanks to Paul, we're in second place. _jJn7xHg8wE-00203-00131280-00131542 It's a 3:3 team game now. _jJn7xHg8wE-00204-00132561-00132885 The last team to survive is the winner. _jJn7xHg8wE-00205-00137396-00137607 The MVP is Paul. _jJn7xHg8wE-00206-00138147-00138439 I'm gonna go pick it up again. _jJn7xHg8wE-00207-00138686-00138952 I don't want to choose. _jJn7xHg8wE-00208-00139360-00139477 PD! What's wrong with me? _jJn7xHg8wE-00209-00142749-00142852 Kim Nam Mi Sorry _jJn7xHg8wE-00210-00144554-00144811 Paul chose a team change. _jJn7xHg8wE-00211-00145882-00145982 The game is fun, right? _jJn7xHg8wE-00212-00146460-00146884 This game requires strength, balance of teamwork and quickness. _jJn7xHg8wE-00213-00146968-00147118 a run on one's back _jJn7xHg8wE-00214-00147401-00147501 a run on one's back?? _jJn7xHg8wE-00215-00147808-00148102 You must return to the point of return. _jJn7xHg8wE-00216-00149003-00149206 You must return to the point of return twice. _jJn7xHg8wE-00217-00149479-00149824 Once you've been up, you can't get up again. _jJn7xHg8wE-00218-00149886-00150149 A person who has done it cannot do it again. _jJn7xHg8wE-00219-00157674-00157797 Winning team, raise your hands. _jJn7xHg8wE-00220-00158838-00159038 The MVP of this game is Kim Mi-so. _jJn7xHg8wE-00221-00160682-00160782 It's too tough. _jJn7xHg8wE-00222-00160892-00160992 Give me some water. _jJn7xHg8wE-00223-00161314-00161514 Meanwhile, select Kim Nam-mi. _jJn7xHg8wE-00224-00161644-00161966 preview _msP6anleDk-00000-00001762-00002188 For EnVyUs, the DreamHack Valencia represents the conquest of its first title _msP6anleDk-00001-00002242-00003024 It’s a huge entity with values which are important to us, with a real family spirit _msP6anleDk-00002-00003090-00003356 To me, the atmosphere of a DreamHack is really special _msP6anleDk-00003-00003392-00003649 Originally, it’s a Swedish thing _msP6anleDk-00004-00003650-00003915 When we go to Sweden, they know how to receive us generously _msP6anleDk-00005-00003926-00004456 The DreamHack was always their big event, and they’ve managed to adapt it in many other countries _msP6anleDk-00006-00006320-00006822 When the team arrives at the arena, everything starts making sense _msP6anleDk-00007-00006864-00007436 We train all the time, we have many events scheduled all along the year, it’s rather impersonal _msP6anleDk-00008-00007502-00008310 So when we get to the event, there’s always this moment when we look at each other, feeling and immersing ourselves in the atmosphere _msP6anleDk-00009-00008368-00008700 I won’t exaggerate and talk about “adrenaline” _msP6anleDk-00010-00008718-00009128 but there’s this little tingling sensation that gets us excited _msP6anleDk-00011-00009166-00009782 We want to hurry to the hotel, get used to the place, and put our minds into the tournament _msP6anleDk-00012-00010620-00011282 When we enter the booth, which is perfectly hermetic, we feel the tension increasing _msP6anleDk-00013-00011350-00011684 Each player has his own habit when setting-up _msP6anleDk-00014-00011684-00012292 Some are rather cautious and try to put the mouse pad in a way, the keyboard in another, some don't _msP6anleDk-00015-00012312-00012982 But anyways, we all have this moment when we go silent and settle _msP6anleDk-00016-00013036-00013380 The players adjust their screens _msP6anleDk-00017-00013416-00013626 warm-up with bots and deathmatches _msP6anleDk-00018-00013669-00013997 then Vincent starts saying a few words, and I do the same _msP6anleDk-00019-00014050-00014496 Usually we do most of the talk before, so that everyone is on the same page _msP6anleDk-00020-00014547-00014900 We talk about the atmosphere and the mood we want to set in-game _msP6anleDk-00021-00014900-00015050 That’s the most important _msP6anleDk-00022-00015096-00015622 Regarding the strategic aspect, everything is already settled before that _msP6anleDk-00023-00016524-00017260 My role during the game is to always make sure that we don’t lose the connection between each player _msP6anleDk-00024-00017300-00017764 During this season, we realized that it was essential for us to have this unity _msP6anleDk-00025-00017770-00017966 so that everyone stick to their role _msP6anleDk-00026-00017970-00018196 so that teamplay becomes more important than individual play _msP6anleDk-00027-00018226-00018510 Even if we take advantage of our individualities in-game, _msP6anleDk-00028-00018510-00018894 it’s always within a system that was more or less implemented and practiced _msP6anleDk-00029-00018956-00019622 It’s a really fragile balance, and during our games, I have to keep this balance all the time _msP6anleDk-00030-00019630-00019892 This is the most important for me and my team _msP6anleDk-00031-00022634-00023476 After a defeat, there’s always a moment when each player needs to live his own thing, experience it differently _msP6anleDk-00032-00023558-00024022 With my overview, I can look at things in perspective _msP6anleDk-00033-00024080-00024270 The players need a bit more time _msP6anleDk-00034-00024314-00024738 They don’t talk and unplug their devices, thinking of something else _msP6anleDk-00035-00024974-00025194 We debrief later _msP6anleDk-00036-00025232-00025777 We find an isolated spot and do our first debrief in the heat of the moment _msP6anleDk-00037-00025852-00026716 At this time everyone had to live a difficult moment, and they all need to put everything on the table _msP6anleDk-00038-00026770-00027286 Then we have to chose what actually came out of this defeat, what we felt during the game _msP6anleDk-00039-00027289-00027438 Once again we have to work with human feelings and perception _msP6anleDk-00040-00027468-00028132 and grab the little things we can at the moment so that we have something to bring to the next game _msP6anleDk-00041-00028186-00028892 It can be simple details, like stress management, motivation, the energy we put into the game _msP6anleDk-00042-00028927-00029382 or something regarding the stuff, the tactics, etc. _msP6anleDk-00043-00029633-00029949 When we go to an event, there’s the tournament, of course _msP6anleDk-00044-00029980-00030389 But just like everyone else, we need to have some kind of support, a place where we can release the pressure _msP6anleDk-00045-00030462-00030845 Usually we’re lucky to be in nice hotels, go to countries we don’t know _msP6anleDk-00046-00030848-00031068 and even if we already know them it’s always nice to be there _msP6anleDk-00047-00031166-00032126 And going to the pool, karting, or making a cultural visit is always a good thing _msP6anleDk-00048-00032145-00032376 We create memories together _msP6anleDk-00049-00032395-00032862 And as the team evolves, we face barriers and difficulties _msP6anleDk-00050-00032898-00033112 but as the same time we create our own adventure _msP6anleDk-00051-00033956-00034318 During a playoff game, there is no second chance _msP6anleDk-00052-00034516-00035042 In fact, what I especially like is there’s no need of a great speech _msP6anleDk-00053-00035148-00035384 There’s already the right energy in every single player _msP6anleDk-00054-00035566-00035920 This little something that makes them play better _msP6anleDk-00055-00035944-00036144 They play well, they're determined to win _msP6anleDk-00056-00036180-00036576 We do not necessarily win the game, but it’s usually a much better game than the first one we played at the LAN _msP6anleDk-00057-00038986-00039682 So, there’s 1-1 and we really try to capitalize on what just happened and keep our momentum _msP6anleDk-00058-00039732-00040614 Once again, and I know I say that a lot, but the energy, the mindset and the teamplay are key _msP6anleDk-00059-00040654-00041110 It seems easy, but only the best can do it through a whole tournament _msP6anleDk-00060-00043360-00043680 Winning a game on Lan for us means two things _msP6anleDk-00061-00043716-00044662 First, it’s a reward because it’s a lot of work and investment into the game throughout the year _msP6anleDk-00062-00044720-00045134 Secondly, it’s another step we make _msP6anleDk-00063-00045178-00045576 In front of us there’s a huge stairway, and we are one step closer to our main goal _msP6anleDk-00064-00045612-00045910 and we feel the adrenaline increasing _msP6anleDk-00065-00046828-00047138 On the same day, in between two games, there can be a lot of waiting time _msP6anleDk-00066-00047198-00047622 It’s not always easy to deal with it, depending on the tournament’s organization _msP6anleDk-00067-00047668-00048076 There’s usually a lounge area where the players can relax, but that’s not always the case _msP6anleDk-00068-00048140-00048556 There’s no specific hours as well, as it all depends on the games currently played by the other teams _msP6anleDk-00069-00048586-00049124 We can wait for 5, 6 or even 7 hours without playing, just hanging around… _msP6anleDk-00070-00049168-00049534 It’s pretty exhausting, it’s hard to stay focused on our goal _msP6anleDk-00071-00049584-00050006 It’s something professional teams must work on to be steady _msP6anleDk-00072-00050038-00050538 CS:GO today is much more than just playing _msP6anleDk-00073-00050588-00050818 It’s a lot about managing everything that surrounds the game _msP6anleDk-00074-00050820-00051291 That’s why there’s a lot of staff around, like a psychologist and a coach like me _msP6anleDk-00075-00051346-00051690 It requires a lot of energy for everyone _msP6anleDk-00076-00052067-00052466 The spirit of revenge is something all competitors have inside them _msP6anleDk-00077-00052514-00052705 I also have it _msP6anleDk-00078-00052738-00053150 During the pre-game, we are already highly motivated _msP6anleDk-00079-00053158-00053547 We really want to show our superiority _msP6anleDk-00080-00053548-00053994 That’s what makes us love the game, and I feel that’s what the fans like too _msP6anleDk-00081-00054067-00054174 It’s very exciting _msP6anleDk-00082-00054216-00054752 When we start the game, it’s not "politically correct" _msP6anleDk-00083-00054808-00055005 We taunt each other a lot _msP6anleDk-00084-00055634-00056136 Next follows the games from the crowd now _msP6anleDk-00085-00056158-00056600 nV has been his baby for two years and a half - three years now _msP6anleDk-00086-00056641-00056762 He’s really into it _msP6anleDk-00087-00056776-00057550 He’s with the crowd during the game, but he’s always backstage with us and is a great support to the team _msP6anleDk-00088-00057588-00058005 His overview adds a little something to the group _msP6anleDk-00089-00062355-00063032 No matter if we win or lose, there’s always this sportsmanship after a game when the players shake hands _msP6anleDk-00090-00063044-00063494 It’s a basic behavior in sport and esport _msP6anleDk-00091-00063762-00064246 During every tournament, we spend time with our fans too _msP6anleDk-00092-00064282-00064610 There’s always one or two signing sessions per event _msP6anleDk-00093-00064696-00065514 We talk with them, they like taking pictures and selfie with the team, we try to share these moments with them _msP6anleDk-00094-00065552-00065990 We always have a warm welcome, no matter where the event is _msP6anleDk-00095-00066414-00066882 We are always warmly welcomed and it’s enjoyable to feel the support _msP6anleDk-00096-00066994-00067128 It gives a lot of strength _msP6anleDk-00097-00077594-00077938 When we get eliminated from a LAN, it’s obviously not enjoyable _msP6anleDk-00098-00077974-00078296 No matter if it’s a victory or a defeat, what’s important for us is our unity _msP6anleDk-00099-00078296-00078476 Since I’ve come, we’ve been working a lot on the human aspect _msP6anleDk-00100-00078532-00079422 o even if we lose, we’re still going to check each other, support each other _msP6anleDk-00101-00079472-00079874 We tidy everything up and don’t talk much about what just happened _msP6anleDk-00102-00079894-00080100 the debriefing is for later _msP6anleDk-00103-00083008-00083364 We need to get our focus back on track _msP6anleDk-00104-00083372-00083980 gather all the information and sensations and remain united as a team _msP6anleDk-00105-00084016-00084610 and work very hard once we get home _msP6anleDk-00106-00084710-00084970 while saying to ourselves that the next tournament will be ours AoB5UeYn3n4-00000-00000064-00000728 figuring out this, these audio problems. Does someone want to start introducing yourselves? AoB5UeYn3n4-00001-00001272-00002088 Yeah, sure, I can start. So I am Diana Yoshan. I'm an application expert slash research software AoB5UeYn3n4-00002-00002088-00002888 engineer for Upmax, which is in Uppsala, a center in Uppsala, in Sweden. And I will be teaching AoB5UeYn3n4-00003-00002888-00003744 Git intro together with Björn and yes welcome everyone. I'm Björn Lindy. I work at Norwegian AoB5UeYn3n4-00004-00003744-00004616 University of Technology and Science. I work with HPC support and research software engineering. AoB5UeYn3n4-00005-00004616-00005016 So, welcome everyone. AoB5UeYn3n4-00006-00005016-00005216 Yeah. AoB5UeYn3n4-00007-00005216-00005716 So, let's switch to the. AoB5UeYn3n4-00008-00005716-00006316 Well, what we call HackMD, although it's not HackMD. AoB5UeYn3n4-00009-00006316-00006916 What are we calling it these days collaborative document, I guess. AoB5UeYn3n4-00010-00006916-00007216 So, what's going on. AoB5UeYn3n4-00011-00007216-00007544 I guess we will call it different things, so it's good to know all of them. So, AoB5UeYn3n4-00012-00007544-00007864 HedgeDoc or HackMD or collaborative document. AoB5UeYn3n4-00013-00008248-00008896 So, I still call it HackMD usually. So, if you registered, you have a link to this. AoB5UeYn3n4-00014-00008960-00009328 If not, you'll basically see it here on stream. AoB5UeYn3n4-00015-00009328-00010124 There's a suggestion for the streaming window layout but we'll get to that a little bit later. AoB5UeYn3n4-00016-00010124-00011292 But for now the point is you should open this if you have it. And this is our chat, basically. AoB5UeYn3n4-00017-00011292-00012534 So what we do is you can, if you look up here, there's a way to switch to edit AoB5UeYn3n4-00018-00012534-00013474 mode, which actually it's hidden from my screen here. It's right up above here. You AoB5UeYn3n4-00019-00013474-00014062 can click the pencil icon and switch to edit mode, and it looks like this. And AoB5UeYn3n4-00020-00014062-00014412 And then, if you scroll down, you find this section. AoB5UeYn3n4-00021-00014412-00015162 So, instead of having a chat where people type and stuff scrolls off the top, we have AoB5UeYn3n4-00022-00015162-00015262 a document. AoB5UeYn3n4-00023-00015262-00015869 So, you scroll down, you would make a new bullet point down here. AoB5UeYn3n4-00024-00015869-00016522 And you would add your next, um, add whatever comments you have. AoB5UeYn3n4-00025-00016522-00016894 And in this case, we're doing an icebreaker. AoB5UeYn3n4-00026-00016894-00017996 So yeah, if there's anything, please add some sort of comments here, whatever you think. AoB5UeYn3n4-00027-00017996-00018628 As you notice, it's a pretty common thing to do these plus one, plus two, and so on AoB5UeYn3n4-00028-00018628-00018840 here if you agree. AoB5UeYn3n4-00029-00018840-00019268 So this is sort of a practice of getting this working. AoB5UeYn3n4-00030-00019268-00020402 So we can watch these come in for the time being, and let's see, did I manage to fix AoB5UeYn3n4-00031-00020402-00020862 our audio some? AoB5UeYn3n4-00032-00020862-00021286 I'm looking at the other chat here. AoB5UeYn3n4-00033-00021286-00021690 Okay, good. AoB5UeYn3n4-00034-00021690-00022030 The answer was to make the other instructors quieter. AoB5UeYn3n4-00035-00022030-00023008 So yeah, I've just noticed this is a live stream course. AoB5UeYn3n4-00036-00023008-00023770 I guess Bjorn and Diana have taught in plenty of live stream courses before. AoB5UeYn3n4-00037-00023770-00024174 Has anyone else been in a live stream course? AoB5UeYn3n4-00038-00024174-00025898 So I'm asking a question, so I will scroll down and say... AoB5UeYn3n4-00039-00025898-00026714 So I'm adding a new point here. AoB5UeYn3n4-00040-00026714-00027458 So basically this is like a bar graph, so add in an O if the answer is to whichever AoB5UeYn3n4-00041-00027458-00028098 answer you have. AoB5UeYn3n4-00042-00028098-00028394 So notice it's getting a little bit chaotic. AoB5UeYn3n4-00043-00028394-00028494 That's fine. AoB5UeYn3n4-00044-00028494-00028730 That's what makes it fun. AoB5UeYn3n4-00045-00028730-00028910 So it all works out. AoB5UeYn3n4-00046-00028910-00029333 This is our practice time. AoB5UeYn3n4-00047-00029333-00030352 I'm actually a bit surprised at how many people are saying yes here, but I guess that's probably AoB5UeYn3n4-00048-00030352-00031264 repeat code refinery people because I don't know who else does live stream courses besides us. AoB5UeYn3n4-00049-00032392-00033200 So yeah what about did I introduce myself already? I think no I don't think you did. AoB5UeYn3n4-00050-00033200-00033936 So, my name is Richard Darst. I work at Aalto University in Finland. I've been a part of AoB5UeYn3n4-00051-00033936-00035210 Code Refinery for quite a while now. Let's see. Yeah. And I've been quite happy to be AoB5UeYn3n4-00052-00035210-00036016 doing this core stuff. So, there's this question at the bottom of HackMD. How many participants AoB5UeYn3n4-00053-00036016-00036568 can this document support? So that's a really good question. It probably will start to become AoB5UeYn3n4-00054-00036568-00037280 sluggish. Actually, I have a monitoring graph here. I'll be watching it. We've tried to tune AoB5UeYn3n4-00055-00037280-00038040 it for its performance. But, you know, there's probably sometimes it will get a little bit weird. AoB5UeYn3n4-00056-00038040-00038736 But once we start running, the load will go down a little bit. And we have some tips to keep it AoB5UeYn3n4-00057-00038736-00039690 it. Keep it running well. Let's scroll up and look at our backgrounds. So, how do you AoB5UeYn3n4-00058-00039690-00040494 use computers in your work? So, lots of people say communication, yeah, programming, scripting, AoB5UeYn3n4-00059-00040494-00041270 data analysis, writing papers. Okay, lots of people doing mathematical programming. AoB5UeYn3n4-00060-00041270-00042054 Presentations, data collection, avoiding work by doing other things, yeah, reading, taking AoB5UeYn3n4-00061-00042054-00043390 notes, organizing papers, literate programming for PhD project, that's pretty good, bioinformatics, AoB5UeYn3n4-00062-00043390-00044386 Yeah, so I mean, this is a pretty good background, and basically it's what our target audience AoB5UeYn3n4-00063-00044386-00044806 is here. AoB5UeYn3n4-00064-00044806-00045010 For horror stories, so computers work. AoB5UeYn3n4-00065-00045010-00045214 So why was this a question? AoB5UeYn3n4-00066-00045214-00046266 So in order to teach people good practices, once I thought that a good strategy was to AoB5UeYn3n4-00067-00046266-00046974 highlight what goes wrong if you don't use good practices. And, well, you can see AoB5UeYn3n4-00068-00046974-00047434 plenty of different problems there. AoB5UeYn3n4-00069-00047666-00048782 Messages... Bad data management practices. Yeah, that's everyone. Remote... AoB5UeYn3n4-00070-00048782-00049926 I don't see so many here focused on science and stuff but still yeah. AoB5UeYn3n4-00071-00049926-00051040 Well it is now 10 o'clock in Helsinki so how about we begin. AoB5UeYn3n4-00072-00051040-00052014 So if I switch to the schedule here, the workshop page. AoB5UeYn3n4-00073-00052014-00052526 So everyone should be able to have this link. AoB5UeYn3n4-00074-00052526-00052879 If you go down, you see different important links here. AoB5UeYn3n4-00075-00052879-00053376 This is basically the home base. AoB5UeYn3n4-00076-00053376-00053788 And we're starting with the schedule, the welcome and introduction. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00000-00000010-00000777 >>> THE GROUND MAY STILL BE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00001-00000777-00000784 >>> THE GROUND MAY STILL BE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00002-00000784-00000957 >>> THE GROUND MAY STILL BE FROZEN BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP A A0Xa2orZ1rg-00003-00000957-00000964 >>> THE GROUND MAY STILL BE FROZEN BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP A A0Xa2orZ1rg-00004-00000964-00001241 >>> THE GROUND MAY STILL BE FROZEN BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP A GROUP OF 4-A KIDS FROM THINKING A0Xa2orZ1rg-00005-00001241-00001247 FROZEN BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP A GROUP OF 4-A KIDS FROM THINKING A0Xa2orZ1rg-00006-00001247-00001528 FROZEN BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP A GROUP OF 4-A KIDS FROM THINKING SPRING. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00007-00001528-00001534 GROUP OF 4-A KIDS FROM THINKING SPRING. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00008-00001534-00001601 GROUP OF 4-A KIDS FROM THINKING SPRING. KIDS WERE BUSY FILLING SQUASH A0Xa2orZ1rg-00009-00001601-00001608 SPRING. KIDS WERE BUSY FILLING SQUASH A0Xa2orZ1rg-00010-00001608-00001674 SPRING. KIDS WERE BUSY FILLING SQUASH SEED PACKETS AS PART OF THE ONE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00011-00001674-00001681 KIDS WERE BUSY FILLING SQUASH SEED PACKETS AS PART OF THE ONE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00012-00001681-00001755 KIDS WERE BUSY FILLING SQUASH SEED PACKETS AS PART OF THE ONE VEGETABLE ONE COMMUNITY PROJECT A0Xa2orZ1rg-00013-00001755-00001761 SEED PACKETS AS PART OF THE ONE VEGETABLE ONE COMMUNITY PROJECT A0Xa2orZ1rg-00014-00001761-00001835 SEED PACKETS AS PART OF THE ONE VEGETABLE ONE COMMUNITY PROJECT A VARIETY OF SQUASH SEEDS NATIV A0Xa2orZ1rg-00015-00001835-00001841 VEGETABLE ONE COMMUNITY PROJECT A VARIETY OF SQUASH SEEDS NATIV A0Xa2orZ1rg-00016-00001841-00001905 VEGETABLE ONE COMMUNITY PROJECT A VARIETY OF SQUASH SEEDS NATIV TO THE REGION WERE PACKAGED A0Xa2orZ1rg-00017-00001905-00001911 A VARIETY OF SQUASH SEEDS NATIV TO THE REGION WERE PACKAGED A0Xa2orZ1rg-00018-00001911-00001981 A VARIETY OF SQUASH SEEDS NATIV TO THE REGION WERE PACKAGED ALONG WITH GROWING INSTRUCTIONS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00019-00001981-00001988 TO THE REGION WERE PACKAGED ALONG WITH GROWING INSTRUCTIONS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00020-00001988-00002062 TO THE REGION WERE PACKAGED ALONG WITH GROWING INSTRUCTIONS AND COOKING RECIPES FOR THE FRE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00021-00002062-00002068 ALONG WITH GROWING INSTRUCTIONS AND COOKING RECIPES FOR THE FRE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00022-00002068-00002245 ALONG WITH GROWING INSTRUCTIONS AND COOKING RECIPES FOR THE FRE SEED HANDOUT. 3,000 SEED PACKETS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00023-00002245-00002252 AND COOKING RECIPES FOR THE FRE SEED HANDOUT. 3,000 SEED PACKETS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00024-00002252-00002635 AND COOKING RECIPES FOR THE FRE SEED HANDOUT. 3,000 SEED PACKETS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00025-00002635-00002642 SEED HANDOUT. 3,000 SEED PACKETS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00026-00002642-00002762 SEED HANDOUT. 3,000 SEED PACKETS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE HOPE THAT IT WILL EDUCATE THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00027-00002762-00002769 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE HOPE THAT IT WILL EDUCATE THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00028-00002769-00003229 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE HOPE THAT IT WILL EDUCATE THE GROWER FROM START TO FINISH. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00029-00003229-00003236 HOPE THAT IT WILL EDUCATE THE GROWER FROM START TO FINISH. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00030-00003236-00003480 HOPE THAT IT WILL EDUCATE THE GROWER FROM START TO FINISH. >> CHILDREN WILL MORE THAN A0Xa2orZ1rg-00031-00003480-00003486 GROWER FROM START TO FINISH. >> CHILDREN WILL MORE THAN A0Xa2orZ1rg-00032-00003486-00003680 GROWER FROM START TO FINISH. >> CHILDREN WILL MORE THAN LIKELY EAT VEGETABLES FROM THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00033-00003680-00003686 >> CHILDREN WILL MORE THAN LIKELY EAT VEGETABLES FROM THE A0Xa2orZ1rg-00034-00003686-00003823 >> CHILDREN WILL MORE THAN LIKELY EAT VEGETABLES FROM THE GARDEN ONCE THEY'VE GROWN THEM. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00035-00003823-00003830 LIKELY EAT VEGETABLES FROM THE GARDEN ONCE THEY'VE GROWN THEM. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00036-00003830-00004104 LIKELY EAT VEGETABLES FROM THE GARDEN ONCE THEY'VE GROWN THEM. MUCH MORE SO THAN IF IT'S A0Xa2orZ1rg-00037-00004104-00004110 GARDEN ONCE THEY'VE GROWN THEM. MUCH MORE SO THAN IF IT'S A0Xa2orZ1rg-00038-00004110-00004220 GARDEN ONCE THEY'VE GROWN THEM. MUCH MORE SO THAN IF IT'S BROUGHT IN AND THEY DON'T KNOW A0Xa2orZ1rg-00039-00004220-00004227 MUCH MORE SO THAN IF IT'S BROUGHT IN AND THEY DON'T KNOW A0Xa2orZ1rg-00040-00004227-00004437 MUCH MORE SO THAN IF IT'S BROUGHT IN AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS OR WHERE IT'S COME A0Xa2orZ1rg-00041-00004437-00004444 BROUGHT IN AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS OR WHERE IT'S COME A0Xa2orZ1rg-00042-00004444-00004467 BROUGHT IN AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS OR WHERE IT'S COME FROM. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00043-00004467-00004474 WHAT IT IS OR WHERE IT'S COME FROM. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00044-00004474-00004691 WHAT IT IS OR WHERE IT'S COME FROM. THAT'S ANOTHER PART OF THIS, IS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00045-00004691-00004698 FROM. THAT'S ANOTHER PART OF THIS, IS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00046-00004698-00004968 FROM. THAT'S ANOTHER PART OF THIS, IS TEACHING PEOPLE WHERE THEIR FOOD A0Xa2orZ1rg-00047-00004968-00004974 THAT'S ANOTHER PART OF THIS, IS TEACHING PEOPLE WHERE THEIR FOOD A0Xa2orZ1rg-00048-00004974-00005125 THAT'S ANOTHER PART OF THIS, IS TEACHING PEOPLE WHERE THEIR FOOD COMES FROM AND GETTING YOUR A0Xa2orZ1rg-00049-00005125-00005131 TEACHING PEOPLE WHERE THEIR FOOD COMES FROM AND GETTING YOUR A0Xa2orZ1rg-00050-00005131-00005285 TEACHING PEOPLE WHERE THEIR FOOD COMES FROM AND GETTING YOUR FAMILY, GETTING YOUR KIDS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00051-00005285-00005291 COMES FROM AND GETTING YOUR FAMILY, GETTING YOUR KIDS A0Xa2orZ1rg-00052-00005291-00005485 COMES FROM AND GETTING YOUR FAMILY, GETTING YOUR KIDS INVOLVED AND DEVELOPING THEIR A0Xa2orZ1rg-00053-00005485-00005492 FAMILY, GETTING YOUR KIDS INVOLVED AND DEVELOPING THEIR A0Xa2orZ1rg-00054-00005492-00005698 FAMILY, GETTING YOUR KIDS INVOLVED AND DEVELOPING THEIR TASTE FOR DIFFERENT VEGETABLES. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00055-00005698-00005705 INVOLVED AND DEVELOPING THEIR TASTE FOR DIFFERENT VEGETABLES. A0Xa2orZ1rg-00056-00005705-00005765 INVOLVED AND DEVELOPING THEIR TASTE FOR DIFFERENT VEGETABLES. >> THE FREE SQUASH SEED PACKETS A4a-Mwhvz_I-00000-00000463-00000766 Good morning, mr. Lynch. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00001-00000766-00001891 It's August 1, 2021 andi it's a Sunday. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00002-00001891-00002556 The insects are singing and also the birds A4a-Mwhvz_I-00003-00002556-00003463 and in this villa he can hear also the owls with their out. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00004-00003463-00004475 But as Twin Peaks docet "The owls are not what they seems". A4a-Mwhvz_I-00005-00004475-00005094 Here from the mythical villa Vannucchi are 35-36 celsius around 96-97 fahrenheit and A4a-Mwhvz_I-00006-00005094-00006042 this means that it's over and over that very, very, very, very hot day like in this days A4a-Mwhvz_I-00007-00006042-00006498 and in this period. It's a total sunny day. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00008-00006947-00008221 Today is the 92th birthday of my grandfather, the father of my father, A4a-Mwhvz_I-00009-00008221-00008524 happy birthday to him A4a-Mwhvz_I-00010-00008524-00009143 Beautiful: after the birthday (yesterday) of the great Don Murray also from Twin Peaks. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00011-00009143-00009796 And it's also the birthday of Napoli football team, its 95th birthday, A4a-Mwhvz_I-00012-00009896-00010494 Napoli football team the team that I follow being obviouosly Neapolitan. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00013-00010795-00011202 Anyway from the mythical villa Vannucchi we have A4a-Mwhvz_I-00014-00011700-00012301 those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. A4a-Mwhvz_I-00015-00012401-00013103 So from the mythical "wisteria" purple flowers behind of me and of here A4a-Mwhvz_I-00016-00013801-00014202 have a great day him and everyone too! A4a-Mwhvz_I-00017-00014302-00017301 (In the fragment of the sun from earlier there was a few light clouds passing by but this is the actual sun today). A5Ptt1l0DxE-00000-00001046-00001686 After A Family Rescued This Orphaned Newborn Kitten, They Gave Him The Most Unlikely Protector A5Ptt1l0DxE-00001-00001686-00002015 After A Family Rescued This Orphaned Newborn Kitten, They Gave Him The Most Unlikely Protector A64V0vfnP-A-00000-00000032-00000159 Bonjour! A64V0vfnP-A-00001-00000196-00000376 In this video, I'm going to talk about A64V0vfnP-A-00002-00000376-00000942 how to turn masculine nouns and adjectives into feminine ones. A64V0vfnP-A-00003-00000972-00001653 As a reminder, adjectives are words that are used to modify a noun or a pronoun A64V0vfnP-A-00004-00001653-00002041 and they change their gender in relation to A64V0vfnP-A-00005-00002041-00002293 the noun with which they agree. A64V0vfnP-A-00006-00002293-00002441 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00007-00002520-00003077 The adjective "grand" is different in "mon grand frère" (mybig brother) A64V0vfnP-A-00008-00003100-00003462 and "ma grande soeur" (my big sister). A64V0vfnP-A-00009-00003496-00003746 In the former, it is masculine; A64V0vfnP-A-00010-00003746-00003999 in the latter, itis feminine. A64V0vfnP-A-00011-00004101-00004446 And note that, in English, adjectives do not change. A64V0vfnP-A-00012-00004538-00004995 The first thing to know is that, in French, the masculine is considered to be the neutral form A64V0vfnP-A-00013-00004995-00005355 and the feminine isseen as a variation of the masculine. A64V0vfnP-A-00014-00005355-00005776 This is why the masculine will always be ourstarting form. A64V0vfnP-A-00015-00005776-00006423 This is quite a sexist rule and it's controversial and questioned nowadays, A64V0vfnP-A-00016-00006423-00006856 but I'mstill going to adopt it, although reluctantly. A64V0vfnP-A-00017-00006968-00007178 So, the general rule is simple: A64V0vfnP-A-00018-00007178-00007406 you add an -eto the masculine form. A64V0vfnP-A-00019-00007509-00007809 Usually, it is going to modify the pronunciation. A64V0vfnP-A-00020-00007809-00008035 Basically, the e isnot pronounced, A64V0vfnP-A-00021-00008035-00008353 but the consonant before it is going to be pronounced, A64V0vfnP-A-00022-00008353-00008643 whereas it is silent inthe masculine form. A64V0vfnP-A-00023-00008643-00008742 For example: A64V0vfnP-A-00024-00008742-00009077 le voisin, la voisine = neighbour; A64V0vfnP-A-00025-00009077-00009473 l'étudiant, l'étudiante = student. A64V0vfnP-A-00026-00009571-00009993 A lot of thefollowing rules are a variation of this general rule. A64V0vfnP-A-00027-00009993-00010577 Masculine nouns and adjectives that end withan -e do not change the feminine form. A64V0vfnP-A-00028-00010577-00010753 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00029-00010760-00011000 un artiste, une artiste. A64V0vfnP-A-00030-00011026-00011541 The feminine form of masculine nouns and adjectives in -er is -ère. A64V0vfnP-A-00031-00011541-00011942 You add a grave accent to the e before ther. A64V0vfnP-A-00032-00011960-00012141 For example: A64V0vfnP-A-00033-00012141-00012532 le boulanger, la boulangère = baker. A64V0vfnP-A-00034-00012616-00013242 The feminine form of masculine nouns andadjectives in -f is -ve. A64V0vfnP-A-00035-00013242-00013343 For example: A64V0vfnP-A-00036-00013343-00013608 neuf, neuve = new. A64V0vfnP-A-00037-00013760-00014360 The feminine form of masculinenouns and adjectives in -eur is -euse. A64V0vfnP-A-00038-00014360-00014463 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00039-00014463-00014819 le chanteur, la chanteuse = singer. A64V0vfnP-A-00040-00014880-00015344 In some recently feminised professions, itcan also be -eure. A64V0vfnP-A-00041-00015344-00015457 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00042-00015457-00015745 le professeur, la professeure. A64V0vfnP-A-00043-00015821-00016247 The feminine form of masculine nouns in -teur is -trice. A64V0vfnP-A-00044-00016322-00016432 For example: A64V0vfnP-A-00045-00016432-00016725 le directeur, la directrice. A64V0vfnP-A-00046-00016776-00017316 The feminine form of masculine nouns and adjectives in -x is -se. A64V0vfnP-A-00047-00017316-00017432 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00048-00017520-00017836 jaloux, jalouse = jealous. A64V0vfnP-A-00049-00017908-00018174 There area few exceptions though. A64V0vfnP-A-00050-00018174-00018517 vieux, vieille = old; A64V0vfnP-A-00051-00018517-00018756 faux, fausse = wrong; A64V0vfnP-A-00052-00018756-00019118 roux, rousse = red-haired; A64V0vfnP-A-00053-00019118-00019500 and doux, douce = soft. A64V0vfnP-A-00054-00019584-00019918 Can I point out that these exceptions are very common adjectives? A64V0vfnP-A-00055-00019918-00020071 Don't forget them! A64V0vfnP-A-00056-00020071-00020599 The feminine form of some masculine nouns and adjectives in -eau is -elle. A64V0vfnP-A-00057-00020599-00020728 For example: A64V0vfnP-A-00058-00020728-00021041 beau, belle = beautiful; A64V0vfnP-A-00059-00021041-00021349 nouveau, nouvelle = new. A64V0vfnP-A-00060-00021520-00022212 The feminine form of some masculine nouns andadjectives doubles the consonant and adds an -e. A64V0vfnP-A-00061-00022248-00022472 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00062-00022472-00022634 le chat, la chatte = cat; A64V0vfnP-A-00063-00022634-00022807 bon, bonne = good. A64V0vfnP-A-00064-00022968-00023219 There are many irregular feminine forms A64V0vfnP-A-00065-00023219-00023599 thatdo not follow the pattern of adding an -e to the masculine form. A64V0vfnP-A-00066-00023693-00024074 Most of these words relate tofamily and animals. A64V0vfnP-A-00067-00024074-00024375 A lot of them are also irregular in English. A64V0vfnP-A-00068-00024375-00024458 For instance: A64V0vfnP-A-00069-00024458-00024882 le père and la mère = father/mother; A64V0vfnP-A-00070-00024882-00025177 le frère and la soeur = brother / sister; A64V0vfnP-A-00071-00025177-00025629 le mari and la femme = husband / wife; A64V0vfnP-A-00072-00025629-00025958 l'homme and la femme = man and woman, A64V0vfnP-A-00073-00025958-00026092 and so on. A64V0vfnP-A-00074-00026150-00026529 Needless to say, some of them are very, very common. A64V0vfnP-A-00075-00026648-00027288 Thank you for listening. Au revoir! A7JLsnrj4P4-00000-00000984-00001268 Hola amores, bienvenidos a mi Canal! A7JLsnrj4P4-00001-00001280-00002020 Hoy tenemos un video muy especial Estaba muy emocionada por los productos que usare en A7JLsnrj4P4-00002-00002028-00003012 el día de hoy sera la primer vez que los use y nunca antes los había utilizado había A7JLsnrj4P4-00003-00003020-00003696 visto muchos videos en Youtube e Instagram sobre esto Estoy muy emocionada de saber si A7JLsnrj4P4-00004-00003696-00004634 realmente funciona y si sere capaz de utilizarlos bien. A7JLsnrj4P4-00005-00004644-00005098 Vamos a comenzar con el video y veamos que pasa. A7JLsnrj4P4-00006-00005244-00006064 El primer producto que usare es de The Creme Shop, de la colección Hello Kitty que me A7JLsnrj4P4-00007-00006078-00006190 enviaron. A7JLsnrj4P4-00008-00006324-00006556 Son parches para debajo de los ojos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00009-00007672-00008636 Ahora es hora de hacer mis cejas, y me encanta utilizar Precisely de Benefit en tono 4.5 A7JLsnrj4P4-00010-00009576-00009814 las rellene un poco mas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00011-00010344-00010716 Ahora voy a utilizar la paleta con la que estoy obsesionada últimamente, es Celestial A7JLsnrj4P4-00012-00010718-00010894 Thunder de Dominique Cosmetics. A7JLsnrj4P4-00013-00010922-00011142 Miren los colores tan lindos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00014-00011526-00012084 El primer color que vamos a utilizar es LUNAR ECLIPSE, pero primero voy a limpiar mi brocha A7JLsnrj4P4-00015-00012352-00012552 y para esto utilizare este PAD para limpiarlos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00016-00012652-00012906 Es demasiado util e increíble. A7JLsnrj4P4-00017-00013502-00014040 Seguiré con el color STORM DUST. y lo pondré en la parte de afuera de mi párpado. A7JLsnrj4P4-00018-00014982-00015306 Ahora es hora de hacer mi piel, y retirare los parches de los ojos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00019-00015338-00015554 Ya están MUY secos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00020-00015610-00016169 Ya aplique mi base, el corrector, contorno, y el rubor. A7JLsnrj4P4-00021-00016291-00017242 Continuaremos con los ojos pero... vamos a utilizar los productos nuevos que ya les mencione. A7JLsnrj4P4-00022-00017486-00017818 Estos productos son de MOSHILASH. A7JLsnrj4P4-00023-00017832-00018342 y son pestañas magnéticas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00024-00018388-00019184 Aquí tenemos el delineador Magnético, y tenemos las pestañas que viene con el delineador. A7JLsnrj4P4-00025-00019272-00020654 Las pueden ver aquí, viene con sus instrucciones como utilizar y aplicar todo. agiten el delineador, A7JLsnrj4P4-00026-00020654-00021064 antes de usar. apliquen el delineador 2 o 3 veces y dejen secar por 1 minuto. A7JLsnrj4P4-00027-00021070-00021280 Pongan las pestañas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00028-00021364-00021640 Me acercare un poco para que puedan ver mejor. A7JLsnrj4P4-00029-00021788-00022250 no se como va a salir estoy y me pone nerviosa. A7JLsnrj4P4-00030-00022452-00022642 miren el pincel del delineador. A7JLsnrj4P4-00031-00022840-00022994 esto esta muy grande. A7JLsnrj4P4-00032-00023072-00023692 lo que voy a hacer es utilizar otro delineador liquido, pero solo hare la parte de la punta A7JLsnrj4P4-00033-00023700-00024110 y luego hare el resto con el delineador de MOSHILASH A7JLsnrj4P4-00034-00024682-00024910 miren ya hice la punta A7JLsnrj4P4-00035-00025276-00025727 ya hice esta parte con el delineador normal A7JLsnrj4P4-00036-00025794-00026106 y ahora utilicemos el de MOSHILASH A7JLsnrj4P4-00037-00026804-00027254 Lo dejare secar y dice aplicar 2 o 3 veces. A7JLsnrj4P4-00038-00027256-00027989 creo que ya estamos bien así, ahora aplicare la segunda capa de delineador. A7JLsnrj4P4-00039-00028756-00029006 Dejemoslo secar por 1 minuto. A7JLsnrj4P4-00040-00029094-00029222 y esperare.. A7JLsnrj4P4-00041-00029492-00029745 .tengo miedo por saber si va a funcionar. A7JLsnrj4P4-00042-00030224-00030966 Ahora tomare las pestañas y es la derecha. A7JLsnrj4P4-00043-00031012-00031480 Tomare esta que esta aquí . A7JLsnrj4P4-00044-00031480-00031882 UHHHH estuvo fácil sacarla. A7JLsnrj4P4-00045-00031908-00032436 Miren les muestro que no aplique ningún pegante a las pestañas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00046-00032492-00032762 si ven aquí están los puntos magnéticos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00047-00032912-00033114 NO ESTOY USANDO NADA. A7JLsnrj4P4-00048-00033168-00033562 Llego la hora de la verdad A7JLsnrj4P4-00049-00033726-00033842 y estoy muy emocionada. A7JLsnrj4P4-00050-00033990-00034148 Están emocionados? A7JLsnrj4P4-00051-00034148-00034198 porque yo si! A7JLsnrj4P4-00052-00034582-00035266 OMGGGGG Mirennnn! esto es increíble! creo que las voy a utilizar todos los días jaja. A7JLsnrj4P4-00053-00035404-00035966 Amores me encantan y eso lo mejor que he probado A7JLsnrj4P4-00054-00036020-00036428 WOW esta super fácil, no tienen que preocuparse A7JLsnrj4P4-00055-00036428-00037030 de nada. si el pegamento esta lo suficientemente seco o si se van a danar el ojo. A7JLsnrj4P4-00056-00037344-00037488 Esta Increíble. A7JLsnrj4P4-00057-00037508-00037952 Les voy a mostrar, me la voy a quitar de nuevo, es super fácil de quitar, A7JLsnrj4P4-00058-00038238-00038536 y ahora voy a ponérmela A7JLsnrj4P4-00059-00038536-00038586 de nuevo. A7JLsnrj4P4-00060-00038786-00038926 miren esto , es super fácil. A7JLsnrj4P4-00061-00039022-00039396 y se queda ahi ! no utilice nada mas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00062-00039712-00040000 Lo amo me encanto! A7JLsnrj4P4-00063-00040248-00040502 tengo las pestañas perfectas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00064-00040734-00041510 Amores ya estoy lista, esta increíble como se ven puestas, no se sienten pegajosas ni A7JLsnrj4P4-00065-00041510-00042010 raras, se siente como unas pestañas postizas normales, A7JLsnrj4P4-00066-00042254-00042656 les dire algo muy importante... A7JLsnrj4P4-00067-00042672-00043432 normalmente yo tengo los ojos muy llorosos, y cuando me pongo las pestañas, el pegamento A7JLsnrj4P4-00068-00043432-00044138 en la parte del lagrimal se pone horrible, se pone pegajoso, y me molesta mucho cuando A7JLsnrj4P4-00069-00044138-00044894 eso ocurre, y esto se siente increíble porque no siento que me moleste en el lagrimal en A7JLsnrj4P4-00070-00044894-00045510 lo absoluto, se sienten natural, muy fácil de poner y quitar, A7JLsnrj4P4-00071-00045698-00045868 estoy muy feliz al recibir A7JLsnrj4P4-00072-00045874-00046052 este regalo de MOSHILASH. A7JLsnrj4P4-00073-00046058-00046180 Muchísimas Gracias. A7JLsnrj4P4-00074-00046246-00046716 Recuerdo que ellos me dijeron que me iban a encantar. A7JLsnrj4P4-00075-00046716-00047392 Porque honestamente intente utilizar las pestañas magnéticas, las que se ponen una por arriba A7JLsnrj4P4-00076-00047396-00047568 y la otra por debajo. A7JLsnrj4P4-00077-00047618-00047970 y para ser honesta soy un desastre con esas pestañas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00078-00048006-00048334 No estoy diciendo que sean malas NOOO!. A7JLsnrj4P4-00079-00048410-00048792 Es que yo no tengo las habilidades para ponérmelas jaja. A7JLsnrj4P4-00080-00048868-00049148 y por esto nunca las probe en un video, A7JLsnrj4P4-00081-00049150-00049484 nunca se las pude mostrar. A7JLsnrj4P4-00082-00049656-00050296 Porque no soy buena con esas pestañas .Pero con estas, esta increíble. A7JLsnrj4P4-00083-00050346-00050622 Me gustaron mucho, y es muy fácil. A7JLsnrj4P4-00084-00050698-00050994 y no necesitan muchas habilidades con estas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00085-00051014-00051324 De pronto con la parte del delineado pero nada mas. A7JLsnrj4P4-00086-00051454-00051990 Bueno amores ese fue el video de hoy, estoy muy feliz con el resultado y los productos A7JLsnrj4P4-00087-00051991-00052112 que recibí. A7JLsnrj4P4-00088-00052162-00052572 Tengo que aclarar que no es un video pago, A7JLsnrj4P4-00089-00052572-00052932 porque se que algunos diran que lo estoy haciendo A7JLsnrj4P4-00090-00052932-00053114 porque me pagaron, Y NOO es así. A7JLsnrj4P4-00091-00053126-00053567 Honestamente esta es una recomendación de un producto de regalo que recibí. A7JLsnrj4P4-00092-00053591-00054064 y Uds saben que cuando recibo productos que me gustan mucho, me gusta compartirlo con A7JLsnrj4P4-00093-00054064-00054176 ustedes. A7JLsnrj4P4-00094-00054191-00054312 Y eso fue lo que hice hoy. A7JLsnrj4P4-00095-00054498-00055210 Intentare dejarles el link aquí abajo, donde las pueden encontrar. A7JLsnrj4P4-00096-00055286-00055644 Eso fue todo por hoy, espero que les gustara mucho el video. A7JLsnrj4P4-00097-00055646-00056217 si tienen productos en mente que quieran que yo los pruebe, déjenme saber en la parte A7JLsnrj4P4-00098-00056217-00056348 de comentarios. A7JLsnrj4P4-00099-00056348-00056779 y los buscare, para hacerles los videos. A7JLsnrj4P4-00100-00057000-00057762 Espero que les gustara y no olviden... visitarme en mi Instagram y en mi pagina de Facebook, A7JLsnrj4P4-00101-00057779-00058034 y Suscribanse al Canal! A7JLsnrj4P4-00102-00058202-00058279 Los amo BYE! AwBzyMjC_GQ-00000-00000068-00000194 - All right, here we are. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00001-00000194-00000445 Genesis, first lesson. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00002-00000445-00000637 The title of the series AwBzyMjC_GQ-00003-00000816-00001191 is Genesis, the Foundation Book of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00004-00001323-00001633 And I want to mention also that we're gonna be using AwBzyMjC_GQ-00005-00001633-00001981 a resource book, or I have used a resource book, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00006-00001981-00002381 entitled The Genesis Record by Dr. Henry Morris, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00007-00002576-00002821 and so there's a lot of material that I'll be talking about AwBzyMjC_GQ-00008-00002821-00003071 that I have used his book for, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00009-00003204-00003383 and if you want to go further or deeper AwBzyMjC_GQ-00010-00003383-00003800 or you want more information, I highly recommend this book. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00011-00003905-00004185 You can get it from the library or get it online, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00012-00004185-00004277 so on and so forth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00013-00004277-00004369 Great book. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00014-00004492-00004796 This class that we're doing is not going to be AwBzyMjC_GQ-00015-00004796-00004963 a line by line study AwBzyMjC_GQ-00016-00005052-00005340 because if we did a line by line study of Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00017-00005340-00005628 with its 50 chapters, we'd be here two or three years. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00018-00005628-00005858 So we're not gonna do a line by line study. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00019-00005858-00006077 We're going to try to take important sections AwBzyMjC_GQ-00020-00006077-00006330 out of every chapter to follow a main theme AwBzyMjC_GQ-00021-00006330-00006456 all the way through the book AwBzyMjC_GQ-00022-00006456-00006700 so that you'll be very familiar with the book. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00023-00006700-00006940 We'll try to answer some of those questions AwBzyMjC_GQ-00024-00006940-00007236 that come from the book itself, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00025-00007236-00007395 but mainly we're gonna try to reflect AwBzyMjC_GQ-00026-00007395-00007720 the main theme of Genesis and work our way through. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00027-00007720-00008088 Everybody's got a worksheet that you have AwBzyMjC_GQ-00028-00008088-00008466 and those who may be watching this on video AwBzyMjC_GQ-00029-00008466-00008899 or online on our BibleTalk.tv, you can go to BibleTalk.tv AwBzyMjC_GQ-00030-00008899-00009194 and you can download the printout, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00031-00009194-00009467 even the transcript eventually for your use, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00032-00009467-00009688 and, of course, that's absolutely free. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00033-00009688-00010013 All right, major objectives in this study. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00034-00010013-00010185 I have three particular objectives. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00035-00010185-00010427 First of all, to build faith. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00036-00010597-00011013 Build your faith in this book as an inspired work of God. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00037-00011235-00011404 Of all the books in the Bible, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00038-00011404-00011844 it seems that Genesis is the one that is attacked most often AwBzyMjC_GQ-00039-00011844-00012293 as being non-inspired, or it's a myth or it's a fairy tale. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00040-00012293-00012590 It's dismissed, especially in the modern day, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00041-00012590-00012920 so I want us to have confidence and faith AwBzyMjC_GQ-00042-00012920-00013283 that this is an inspired book of God. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00043-00013283-00013517 Second objective, to answer AwBzyMjC_GQ-00044-00013517-00013908 some of the commonly asked questions about Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00045-00013908-00014031 I mean, who wrote it? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00046-00014031-00014262 It's at the beginning of time. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00047-00014262-00014433 Who was there to write it? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00048-00014433-00014529 And so on and so forth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00049-00014529-00014825 So we'll trace the history of how it was written AwBzyMjC_GQ-00050-00014825-00015097 and other questions that stem from this particular book AwBzyMjC_GQ-00051-00015097-00015410 and then thirdly, understand the importance AwBzyMjC_GQ-00052-00015410-00015702 and the purpose of this book as part of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00053-00015702-00016035 Why did God give us the book of Genesis? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00054-00016135-00016265 Very important. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00055-00016265-00016548 Now as I say, you can stop me and ask questions, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00056-00016548-00016790 make comments as we go along. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00057-00016952-00017101 If there's something that you think of AwBzyMjC_GQ-00058-00017101-00017223 or perhaps a question or something AwBzyMjC_GQ-00059-00017223-00017564 that maybe you can add to the class as to what we're doing, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00060-00017564-00017755 please don't be shy. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00061-00017755-00018065 I'm glad to take your input. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00062-00018065-00018275 All right, let's talk about the importance AwBzyMjC_GQ-00063-00018275-00018543 of the book of Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00064-00018544-00019006 Every book of the Bible is inspired by God. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00065-00019132-00019328 Paul says this, among other places, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00066-00019328-00019704 but Paul says this in 2 Timothy chapter 3:16. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00067-00019766-00020354 The entire work of God is inspired. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00068-00020354-00020599 All Scripture, rather, is inspired by God. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00069-00020599-00020695 That's the way he says it. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00070-00020695-00020779 All Scripture. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00071-00020779-00021138 Notice he says all Scripture, not just some Scripture. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00072-00021138-00021492 And especially when Paul was writing this in 2 Timothy, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00073-00021492-00021733 not all of the New Testament had been recorded. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00074-00021733-00022053 So he was referring back to the what we call AwBzyMjC_GQ-00075-00022053-00022457 the Old Testament, and he was saying all of it is inspired, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00076-00022457-00022600 not just the prophets, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00077-00022600-00022954 not just the first five books of the Bible, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00078-00022954-00023110 all of it is inspired, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00079-00023110-00023410 and that remains true even to this day. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00080-00023410-00023808 Now in the New Testament, the Gospels and the book of Acts, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00081-00023808-00024066 they're these kind of books, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00082-00024066-00024292 the kind of books that help us understand AwBzyMjC_GQ-00083-00024292-00024461 the rest of the books. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00084-00024461-00024595 If we didn't have the Gospels, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00085-00024595-00024923 we'd have a hard time understanding the book of Romans AwBzyMjC_GQ-00086-00024923-00025198 or the book of Ephesians, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00087-00025198-00025459 So the Gospels and the book of Acts really give us AwBzyMjC_GQ-00088-00025459-00025811 the basis for understanding all of the other epistles AwBzyMjC_GQ-00089-00025811-00026016 and the book of Revelation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00090-00026016-00026274 Well, in the same way, the point I'm making is AwBzyMjC_GQ-00091-00026274-00026680 the book of Genesis really helps us understand AwBzyMjC_GQ-00092-00026680-00026799 the rest of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00093-00026799-00027057 If we didn't have the book of Genesis, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00094-00027057-00027461 a lot of the things that we teach wouldn't make any sense. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00095-00027461-00027739 So in the Old Testament, no other book is more fundamental AwBzyMjC_GQ-00096-00027739-00027961 to understanding not only the Old Testament, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00097-00027961-00028306 but the New Testament and the rest of human history AwBzyMjC_GQ-00098-00028306-00028556 as the book of Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00099-00028556-00028936 Now, the reason for this is that Genesis is the book AwBzyMjC_GQ-00100-00028936-00029185 which contains the vital information AwBzyMjC_GQ-00101-00029185-00029477 concerning the origin of all things AwBzyMjC_GQ-00102-00029606-00029939 and therefore the meaning of all things. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00103-00030130-00030393 These things would not be accessible to us AwBzyMjC_GQ-00104-00030393-00030553 if God had not revealed AwBzyMjC_GQ-00105-00030553-00030821 and preserved them in the book of Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00106-00030821-00031144 Matter of fact, the word genesis means origins. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00107-00031144-00031432 So what you're reading when you read the book of Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00108-00031432-00031648 is you're reading the book of origins. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00109-00031648-00031906 Where do things come from? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00110-00031906-00032279 So historians and scientists, they can only speculate AwBzyMjC_GQ-00111-00032279-00032695 about the origins of life and culture and nations, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00112-00032836-00033232 but the Bible actually contains this information AwBzyMjC_GQ-00113-00033232-00033654 so that we can look back and see an accurate picture AwBzyMjC_GQ-00114-00033654-00034117 of the world at its beginning before recorded history AwBzyMjC_GQ-00115-00034117-00034242 actually began. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00116-00034386-00034816 And so the book of Genesis describes in detail AwBzyMjC_GQ-00117-00034816-00035175 14 origins that cover the beginning of time AwBzyMjC_GQ-00118-00035285-00035440 to the formation of a people AwBzyMjC_GQ-00119-00035440-00035783 to carry out God's plan of salvation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00120-00035783-00035872 A lot of people say, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00121-00035872-00036138 "Well, I don't see this nation mentioned in Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00122-00036138-00036333 "and that nation mentioned." AwBzyMjC_GQ-00123-00036333-00036645 Well, the purpose of Genesis was to explain AwBzyMjC_GQ-00124-00036645-00036835 the origin of many things, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00125-00036835-00037173 including the origin of God's people, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00126-00037173-00037584 not just the origin of how various nations were formed, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00127-00037584-00037833 but basically the origin of God's people. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00128-00037833-00038043 That's the theme that runs through the entire Bible, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00129-00038043-00038168 doesn't it? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00130-00038168-00038585 We see different nations come and go here and there, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00131-00038674-00039014 but the Bible is really just interested in showing us AwBzyMjC_GQ-00132-00039014-00039239 God's people and what happened to them. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00133-00039239-00039589 The rest of the history is simply a backdrop to that. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00134-00039589-00039859 So these origins that I'm talking about here AwBzyMjC_GQ-00135-00039859-00040158 are the foundations from which we can understand AwBzyMjC_GQ-00136-00040158-00040457 our societies as well as our environment AwBzyMjC_GQ-00137-00040457-00040701 and even the spiritual condition that we're in today. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00138-00040701-00040910 So this lesson here tonight, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00139-00040910-00041170 I'm just gonna briefly go over all of these origins. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00140-00041170-00041292 All right, ready? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00141-00041292-00041648 So Genesis, origins, first origin, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00142-00041648-00042037 Genesis gives us the origin of the universe. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00143-00042037-00042316 Only the book of Genesis accounts for the origin AwBzyMjC_GQ-00144-00042316-00042541 of matter, space, and time. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00145-00042654-00042870 Every other religious system, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00146-00042870-00043285 every other scientific system or philosophy, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00147-00043285-00043713 every one of them begins with eternal matter or energy AwBzyMjC_GQ-00148-00043713-00043986 in some form that is somehow developed AwBzyMjC_GQ-00149-00043986-00044178 into our present state. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00150-00044286-00044590 So the theory of evolution starts with what? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00151-00044590-00044847 Well, it starts with the Big Bang, it starts there, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00152-00044847-00045137 but the Bible starts even before then. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00153-00045137-00045233 The origin. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00154-00045233-00045380 Where did the Big Bang come from? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00155-00045380-00045554 How did that start? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00156-00045554-00045801 So only the Bible gives an account AwBzyMjC_GQ-00157-00045801-00046168 of where original matter actually came from. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00158-00046309-00046510 Okay? All right. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00159-00046510-00046926 Genesis gives us the origin of order and complexity. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00160-00047145-00047361 Universal observation has stated AwBzyMjC_GQ-00161-00047362-00047904 that orderly and complex things tend to naturally devolve AwBzyMjC_GQ-00162-00047904-00048174 into disorder and decay, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00163-00048280-00048431 Something starts nice. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00164-00048431-00048648 Your brand new car, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00165-00048773-00048880 And this has happened to me. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00166-00048880-00049065 My brand new car, it's working perfectly. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00167-00049065-00049346 It's a GM product, what could possibly go wrong, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00168-00049346-00049432 [audience laughs] AwBzyMjC_GQ-00169-00049432-00049728 And I'm driving it and there's a truck that goes by AwBzyMjC_GQ-00170-00049728-00049896 and I hear "Pick!" AwBzyMjC_GQ-00171-00049896-00050131 and you know what's happened to my new car, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00172-00050131-00050311 I've got a chip in my window, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00173-00050311-00050467 staring me right between the eyes. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00174-00050467-00050651 There goes my new car. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00175-00050651-00050809 And that's the same with everything. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00176-00050809-00051226 Our new carpets, everything brand new begins to devolve. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00177-00051473-00051840 And so the Bible gives us the origin AwBzyMjC_GQ-00178-00051840-00052021 of order and complexity. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00179-00052021-00052302 Where did the order begin? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00180-00052302-00052654 We know that in nature, in people, and in objects, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00181-00052654-00052960 everything eventually falls apart. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00182-00052960-00053308 Genesis provides the source for the establishment AwBzyMjC_GQ-00183-00053308-00053683 of the original order and complexity of life. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00184-00053851-00054170 This is important because all we're able to study AwBzyMjC_GQ-00185-00054170-00054496 is the rate of decay, not the origin of order. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00186-00054496-00054668 Did you ever think of that? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00187-00054668-00054836 Scientists, what they're studying, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00188-00054836-00055144 is how things are falling apart. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00189-00055144-00055349 That's all they can do. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00190-00055349-00055647 All they can do with the stars is count them. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00191-00055647-00055950 All they can do with the stars is tell us how far they are AwBzyMjC_GQ-00192-00055950-00056230 or how fast they're disintegrating. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00193-00056230-00056314 That's all they do. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00194-00056314-00056538 That's all they can measure. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00195-00056538-00056904 But the Bible gives us where these stars began AwBzyMjC_GQ-00196-00056904-00057121 and how they began. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00197-00057121-00057445 Where man began, where everything began, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00198-00057445-00057703 and so the Bible gives us the origin AwBzyMjC_GQ-00199-00057703-00057923 of order and complexity. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00200-00057923-00058166 Number three, the Bible gives us AwBzyMjC_GQ-00201-00058166-00058379 the origin of the solar system. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00202-00058379-00058580 Genesis, therefore. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00203-00058580-00058935 So science, as I say, can count and study the stars, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00204-00058935-00059311 but science has not found a satisfactory explanation AwBzyMjC_GQ-00205-00059311-00059650 for the beginning of the stars. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00206-00059650-00059884 What's the best they can do? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00207-00059993-00060227 This is the latest best, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00208-00060227-00060345 That I've read anyways. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00209-00060346-00060836 The latest best that they've come up with is the Big Bang. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00210-00060914-00061102 That's the latest theory, believe it or not. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00211-00061102-00061187 The Big Bang. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00212-00061187-00061445 It all started with a Big Bang. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00213-00061571-00061980 Nobody can explain, well, what made it go bang? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00214-00061980-00062232 Nobody can explain, well, where did it come from? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00215-00062232-00062480 Where did the things that made it go boom, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00216-00062480-00062688 where did they come from? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00217-00062821-00062965 Scientists simply put that aside. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00218-00062965-00063224 They say, well, you know, it was always there. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00219-00063224-00063463 That's usually the answer. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00220-00063463-00063808 Matter was always there and then one day, boom, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00221-00063808-00064224 it blew up and then it evolved into who we are today. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00222-00064354-00064482 The thing that we have to remember AwBzyMjC_GQ-00223-00064482-00064898 is that the Big Bang is not a cause, it's an effect. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00224-00065144-00065465 So the world's greatest scientists, some of them are saying, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00225-00065465-00065872 this effect is what caused everything that we have. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00226-00065872-00066116 That doesn't make any sense, doesn't it? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00227-00066116-00066498 But Genesis, on the other hand, explains when and how AwBzyMjC_GQ-00228-00066498-00066720 the solar system was created AwBzyMjC_GQ-00229-00066720-00067137 and more importantly, it explains why it was created. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00230-00067244-00067454 Why it was created. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00231-00067454-00067873 Next, Genesis explains the origin of the atmosphere AwBzyMjC_GQ-00232-00067873-00068051 and the hydrosphere. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00233-00068051-00068488 The combination of liquid water and oxygen and nitrogen, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00234-00068488-00068816 that kind of atmosphere that sustains life AwBzyMjC_GQ-00235-00068816-00069233 has only been found in its present state here on Earth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00236-00069335-00069527 I mean, scientists say they've looked AwBzyMjC_GQ-00237-00069527-00069911 as far as they can look and they still haven't found it. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00238-00069911-00070302 Genesis explains again the how, the who, and the why AwBzyMjC_GQ-00239-00070302-00070711 that this unique mixture came to be, if you wish, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00240-00070809-00070967 here on Earth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00241-00070967-00071231 So the origin of our environment that we have AwBzyMjC_GQ-00242-00071231-00071498 that sustains this kind of life. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00243-00071583-00072002 Genesis explains the origin of life itself, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00244-00072002-00072419 how living systems could develop from non-living chemicals. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00245-00072554-00072812 Today continues to be a mystery AwBzyMjC_GQ-00246-00072905-00073225 to materialistic philosophers and will always be. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00247-00073225-00073661 In other words, if you're thinking is that animate objects-- AwBzyMjC_GQ-00248-00073661-00073895 We're animate, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00249-00073895-00074010 Right, we're animate. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00250-00074010-00074120 We're animated. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00251-00074120-00074345 We move, we think, we feel. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00252-00074459-00074875 How a creature like us comes from an inanimate object. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00253-00074997-00075422 How can we come from a rock or a piece of dirt? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00254-00075422-00075689 And yet, evolution teaches that, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00255-00075797-00076224 that in the beginning there were just inanimate objects AwBzyMjC_GQ-00256-00076224-00076542 and yet somehow these inanimate objects came together AwBzyMjC_GQ-00257-00076542-00076698 and rubbed up against each other. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00258-00076698-00076979 You know I'm being simplistic here, of course, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00259-00076979-00077255 but somehow these inanimate objects AwBzyMjC_GQ-00260-00077255-00077620 produced animate objects, living objects. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00261-00077620-00077894 In other words, a bird came from a rock. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00262-00077894-00078016 Again, I'm simplifying it, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00263-00078016-00078391 but basically that's what is being explained. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00264-00078498-00078817 Genesis, on the other hand, explains the process AwBzyMjC_GQ-00265-00078817-00079279 and the order of the appearance of living things on Earth, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00266-00079279-00079521 from inanimate to animate AwBzyMjC_GQ-00267-00079521-00079824 and what happened, how this happened. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00268-00079824-00080279 Number six, Genesis explains the origin of man. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00269-00080279-00080612 This Bible book provides the true answer AwBzyMjC_GQ-00270-00080612-00080842 as to the origin of man. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00271-00080842-00081061 Now universal observation states AwBzyMjC_GQ-00272-00081061-00081477 that complex things tend to decay and become disorganized, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00273-00081609-00081931 but in the face of this, evolutionists try to explain AwBzyMjC_GQ-00274-00081931-00082265 that in the midst of this universal experience, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00275-00082265-00082700 the most complex and orderly creature, man, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00276-00082700-00083246 has actually arrived in the reverse order. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00277-00083252-00083700 In other words, from decay and disorganization has come man. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00278-00083844-00084261 [laughs] You see how crazy that is? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00279-00084389-00084695 So from decay and disorganization AwBzyMjC_GQ-00280-00084695-00084993 comes complexity and order. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00281-00084993-00085243 Well, that's just nonsensical. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00282-00085327-00085639 Genesis explains the origin of man AwBzyMjC_GQ-00283-00085639-00086095 as a perfectly complex and orderly being at his creation AwBzyMjC_GQ-00284-00086095-00086512 and then joining the creation in its eventual demise. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00285-00086641-00086794 And it also gives the reason why. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00286-00086794-00087078 In other words, Genesis explains that man began AwBzyMjC_GQ-00287-00087078-00087337 as perfect, complex, competent, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00288-00087421-00087683 and then began to disintegrate. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00289-00087683-00087858 Evolution turns that upside down AwBzyMjC_GQ-00290-00087858-00088246 and says there was disintegration and decay, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00291-00088246-00088732 and from disintegration and decay came man, and guess what? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00292-00088732-00089027 While everything else on Earth is going to pot, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00293-00089027-00089198 man is getting better. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00294-00089198-00089372 He's evolving. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00295-00089372-00089611 Again, doesn't make any sense, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00296-00089611-00090009 and Genesis explains to us how the world began AwBzyMjC_GQ-00297-00090009-00090467 and how man began as a complex, perfectly created creature, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00298-00090467-00090717 or human being, put it that way, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00299-00090717-00091067 and then with time, began to disintegrate. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00300-00091174-00091457 And Genesis tells us why this happened. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00301-00091457-00091811 Number seven, the origin of marriage. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00302-00091811-00092238 Again, Genesis records the universal and stable institution AwBzyMjC_GQ-00303-00092238-00092451 of marriage and the home AwBzyMjC_GQ-00304-00092451-00092826 in a monogamous, patriarchal, stable society. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00305-00092942-00093179 That's what Genesis presents. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00306-00093179-00093657 Polygamy, infanticide, adultery, pedophilia, divorce, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00307-00093657-00093993 homosexuality, all of these things come later AwBzyMjC_GQ-00308-00093993-00094368 as this original model began to disintegrate. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00309-00094483-00094701 I know sometimes it's a little discouraging. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00310-00094701-00094874 We look at our society. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00311-00094874-00095290 Gay marriage is being legalized in various states. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00312-00095397-00095814 We see all kinds of immorality being applauded in the media AwBzyMjC_GQ-00313-00095909-00096367 and so on and so forth, but it goes back a long time. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00314-00096367-00096614 It's not just our generation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00315-00096614-00096759 Not just our generation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00316-00096759-00097128 If we want to see sin, go back to when the Roman Empire AwBzyMjC_GQ-00317-00097128-00097247 [laughs] existed. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00318-00097247-00097597 You'll see a very decadent, cruel society. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00319-00097775-00098053 The beauty of Genesis when we read it is we find out AwBzyMjC_GQ-00320-00098053-00098357 why this has happened, what's going on. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00321-00098357-00098518 All right, number eight, moving on. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00322-00098518-00098696 The origin of evil. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00323-00098696-00099047 The cause and effect model is demonstrated in Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00324-00099047-00099451 showing how evil not only entered the world AwBzyMjC_GQ-00325-00099451-00099854 and it entered the world as a concession to free will, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00326-00099854-00100209 but also how it caused the ultimate degeneration of a world AwBzyMjC_GQ-00327-00100209-00100459 originally created as perfect. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00328-00100546-00100738 And so Genesis not only explains AwBzyMjC_GQ-00329-00100738-00100962 the origin of decay through evil, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00330-00100962-00101273 but it also introduces God's ultimate plan AwBzyMjC_GQ-00331-00101274-00101690 to deal with the evil in the world, all in Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00332-00101780-00101921 Amazing book. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00333-00101921-00102232 Number nine, the origin of language. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00334-00102232-00102564 The gulf between the chattering of animals AwBzyMjC_GQ-00335-00102564-00102898 and the abstract, symbolic systems of man AwBzyMjC_GQ-00336-00102898-00103374 is completely unbridgeable by the evolutionary process. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00337-00103374-00103697 Evolutionists have not explained to us yet AwBzyMjC_GQ-00338-00103697-00104191 how monkeys or dolphins or whatever went from the gibberish AwBzyMjC_GQ-00339-00104192-00104444 that they speak AwBzyMjC_GQ-00340-00104450-00104828 to the intelligent, logical, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00341-00105048-00105265 moral thinking that humans-- AwBzyMjC_GQ-00342-00105265-00105605 You know, they can't find the missing link. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00343-00105605-00105891 They can't find the link between the two. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00344-00105891-00106212 Now you can teach an animal to mimic sound. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00345-00106212-00106703 You can teach an animal to repeat conditional responses. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00346-00106703-00106924 Parakeets say all kinds of things, right? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00347-00106924-00107332 But you cannot train an animal to give an opinion AwBzyMjC_GQ-00348-00107516-00107857 and I've never seen a cat tell time. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00349-00107857-00108029 I always tell people I'll believe in evolution AwBzyMjC_GQ-00350-00108029-00108185 when I see a cat being able to say, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00351-00108185-00108350 "Hey, it's 20 after 12:00. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00352-00108350-00108483 "Time for lunch." AwBzyMjC_GQ-00353-00108483-00108719 [audience laughs] AwBzyMjC_GQ-00354-00108719-00108941 Okay, so we're unique in that way AwBzyMjC_GQ-00355-00108941-00109267 and Genesis explains and accounts not only AwBzyMjC_GQ-00356-00109268-00109778 for language in general, but also for national language. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00357-00109778-00109980 Why are there different languages? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00358-00109981-00110225 Genesis has the seed of understanding AwBzyMjC_GQ-00359-00110225-00110552 as to why that happened and how it came to be. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00360-00110552-00110841 Some people say, "You expect me to believe AwBzyMjC_GQ-00361-00110841-00111122 "that Tower of Babel thing? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00362-00111122-00111311 "You expect me to believe all of that? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00363-00111311-00111478 "So fantastic to believe." AwBzyMjC_GQ-00364-00111478-00111895 And I say not any more fantastic to believe that AwBzyMjC_GQ-00365-00111895-00112255 than to believe that all of this world here AwBzyMjC_GQ-00366-00112255-00112607 came about simply because of an accident. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00367-00112607-00113035 Every accident that I have ever witnessed in my entire life AwBzyMjC_GQ-00368-00113035-00113252 has always caused trouble. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00369-00113355-00113491 We say we had an accident, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00370-00113491-00113875 something gets broken or spilled or damaged. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00371-00113875-00114216 To say that all of the complexity of life AwBzyMjC_GQ-00372-00114216-00114541 is the result of accident, accidental, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00373-00114662-00114961 what they call time and chance. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00374-00114961-00115119 Time and chance. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00375-00115119-00115536 If you want to believe in time and chance, go ahead. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00376-00115669-00115919 The argument is if you give it enough time AwBzyMjC_GQ-00377-00115919-00116054 and enough combinations, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00378-00116054-00116379 eventually you'll come up with a human being. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00379-00116379-00116462 Really? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00380-00116628-00116770 I don't think so. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00381-00116913-00117078 All right, keep moving, number 10. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00382-00117078-00117253 The origin of government. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00383-00117253-00117486 Genesis gives the account of the development AwBzyMjC_GQ-00384-00117486-00117788 of the orderly maintenance of society, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00385-00117788-00117944 and as a matter of fact, in Genesis, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00386-00117944-00118185 you have every stage in the process. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00387-00118185-00118602 It begins with the patriarchal age, with the patriarchs, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00388-00118659-00118883 were the head of families. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00389-00118883-00119155 Moves on to the tribal stage. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00390-00119155-00119445 Moves on to the national stage, then the worldwide stage. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00391-00119445-00119761 Genesis explains the normal-- AwBzyMjC_GQ-00392-00119761-00120062 and the word evolution isn't a dirty word, by the way. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00393-00120062-00120191 Things do evolve. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00394-00120191-00120487 People evolve, things evolve, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00395-00120487-00120799 but what we're talking about is development. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00396-00120799-00121275 So Genesis gives us the natural development of government. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00397-00121275-00121653 It also gives us the origin of culture. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00398-00121653-00121967 It describes the beginning of the main entities AwBzyMjC_GQ-00399-00121967-00122296 which we now associate with organized culture, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00400-00122296-00122699 and I mentioned a few, urbanization, metallurgy, music, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00401-00122699-00123092 navigation, textiles, agriculture, animal husbandry, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00402-00123092-00123327 writing, education, ceramics, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00403-00123328-00123822 all of these things are described in Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00404-00123950-00124450 The beginning of culture and what develops culture. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00405-00124524-00124961 Number 12, the origin of nations. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00406-00124978-00125335 Scholars today recognize the unity of the human race. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00407-00125335-00125641 That's the big discovery, by the way. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00408-00125641-00125871 The latest discovery is that, you know what? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00409-00125872-00126214 All human beings come from the same root. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00410-00126274-00126478 Didn't used to be like that. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00411-00126478-00126716 The evolutionists, you know, there's branches, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00412-00126716-00126948 this type of human, that type of human, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00413-00126948-00127141 and this type of human kind of survived, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00414-00127141-00127287 this type of human died out. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00415-00127287-00127479 That was the original thinking. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00416-00127479-00127940 Now all of a sudden archeologists are finding, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00417-00127940-00128284 and not just archeologists, but biologists, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00418-00128284-00128703 who are studying the human cells, are realizing, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00419-00128703-00128820 well, wait a minute, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00420-00128820-00129170 all human beings all come from one source. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00421-00129398-00129734 Not only that, they say we're finding out that AwBzyMjC_GQ-00422-00129734-00130055 that one source is somewhere in Northern Africa, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00423-00130055-00130149 the Middle East. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00424-00130149-00130353 [laughs] AwBzyMjC_GQ-00425-00130353-00130451 They can't deny it. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00426-00130451-00130566 That's what they're finding. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00427-00130566-00130809 The science speaks for itself. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00428-00130809-00131061 Well, the Bible has given us that story. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00429-00131061-00131196 It's called Adam and Eve. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00430-00131196-00131406 It's called the garden. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00431-00131406-00131703 And we know somewhere where it is. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00432-00131703-00131883 And so science is simply proving AwBzyMjC_GQ-00433-00131883-00132272 what Genesis has been teaching for years, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00434-00132272-00132625 and only the book of Genesis explains this AwBzyMjC_GQ-00435-00132625-00132791 in adequate fashion. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00436-00132896-00133264 The book of Genesis gives us the origin of religion. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00437-00133264-00133530 There are a lot of different religions in the world, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00438-00133530-00133962 but all share the idea that there must be an ultimate truth AwBzyMjC_GQ-00439-00133962-00134201 and some sort of direction in life. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00440-00134201-00134514 Genesis explains the origin of this characteristic AwBzyMjC_GQ-00441-00134514-00134960 of man's consciousness as well as the origin of true worship AwBzyMjC_GQ-00442-00134960-00135275 and the true God of all origins. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00443-00135275-00135691 And so we find how religion begins in the book of Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00444-00135782-00136177 and how it becomes mutated as different things AwBzyMjC_GQ-00445-00136177-00136347 go off in different directions. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00446-00136347-00136830 And finally, number 14, the origin of the chosen people. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00447-00136830-00136990 No other people have had AwBzyMjC_GQ-00448-00136990-00137459 such a long and sustained historical background as the Jews. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00449-00137459-00137786 Genesis gives the origin and the purpose AwBzyMjC_GQ-00450-00137786-00138275 that this nation was to play in God's overall plan. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00451-00138275-00138500 Now the book of Genesis talks about other cultures AwBzyMjC_GQ-00452-00138500-00138666 and other nations, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00453-00138666-00138999 but focuses really on the Jewish nation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00454-00139225-00139488 And so the book of Genesis is the foundation AwBzyMjC_GQ-00455-00139488-00139827 of true history, true science and philosophy AwBzyMjC_GQ-00456-00139827-00140159 because it describes where we came from AwBzyMjC_GQ-00457-00140159-00140559 and how we arrived at where we are today AwBzyMjC_GQ-00458-00140559-00140784 spiritually and physically. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00459-00140902-00141259 All right, one other little point I want to make here AwBzyMjC_GQ-00460-00141259-00141581 and that is Genesis and the Bible itself. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00461-00141581-00141834 Not only does Genesis provide a foundation AwBzyMjC_GQ-00462-00141834-00142262 for our understanding of the created world and society itself, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00463-00142262-00142624 it also is a foundational book for the understanding AwBzyMjC_GQ-00464-00142624-00142833 of the rest of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00465-00142925-00143388 Now I don't state that as just a personal opinion. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00466-00143388-00143655 The Bible also makes this point. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00467-00143772-00144065 People like Adam and Noah and Abraham and Jacob AwBzyMjC_GQ-00468-00144065-00144270 are continually referred to AwBzyMjC_GQ-00469-00144270-00144498 throughout the rest of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00470-00144498-00144826 Without the Genesis, we would not know their role AwBzyMjC_GQ-00471-00144826-00145084 or their purpose in God's plan. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00472-00145218-00145540 So remember that when people are trying to dismiss Genesis AwBzyMjC_GQ-00473-00145540-00145724 as a myth and so on and so forth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00474-00145724-00146177 If you eliminate Genesis, you don't have the foundation book AwBzyMjC_GQ-00475-00146177-00146285 of the Bible. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00476-00146382-00146809 Did you know that there are over 200 quotations or allusions AwBzyMjC_GQ-00477-00146809-00147077 to Genesis that are in the New Testament? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00478-00147077-00147302 200 times we quote Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00479-00147469-00147900 Every one of the New Testament authors refers to a passage AwBzyMjC_GQ-00480-00147900-00148058 in Genesis 1 to 11. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00481-00148154-00148358 Every one of them. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00482-00148358-00148750 Jesus himself refers to Genesis chapter 1 to 11 AwBzyMjC_GQ-00483-00148867-00149141 at least six different times. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00484-00149141-00149508 I mean, if Jesus himself is quoting Genesis, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00485-00149601-00149869 we should be very careful before we dismiss that AwBzyMjC_GQ-00486-00149869-00150044 as an important book. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00487-00150210-00150553 Now I say this because there's a great effort in the world AwBzyMjC_GQ-00488-00150553-00150792 and sometimes by some in the church AwBzyMjC_GQ-00489-00150792-00151042 to mythologize the book of Genesis, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00490-00151042-00151407 especially the parts dealing with creation. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00491-00151407-00151850 Genesis was written as a sober and fact-based history AwBzyMjC_GQ-00492-00151850-00152141 of the origin of the world and man. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00493-00152271-00152695 When we try to reduce any part of it to myth or allegory, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00494-00152695-00152843 we undermine our faith AwBzyMjC_GQ-00495-00152843-00153260 because the foundation of our faith begins in Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00496-00153404-00153820 After all, Paul says, "All Scripture is inspired by God." AwBzyMjC_GQ-00497-00153983-00154208 All includes Genesis, okay? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00498-00154512-00154670 Very important. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00499-00154670-00154863 Now you'll notice, there's a list on the back AwBzyMjC_GQ-00500-00154864-00155110 of your worksheets, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00501-00155168-00155352 and as I mentioned before, at the beginning, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00502-00155352-00155596 those of you who are watching this on video, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00503-00155596-00156012 you can go to BibleTalk.tv and just go to the Genesis series AwBzyMjC_GQ-00504-00156114-00156593 and at the Genesis series, you can download the worksheet AwBzyMjC_GQ-00505-00156593-00156938 and perhaps even later on, the transcript of this lesson, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00506-00156938-00157221 but for those of you who are in the live class here, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00507-00157221-00157389 a wonderful list here. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00508-00157389-00157693 Scientific facts or principle in one column. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00509-00157693-00158161 The date that they were discovered by man, by scientists, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00510-00158161-00158314 in the middle column, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00511-00158314-00158623 but where they were spoken of in the Bible AwBzyMjC_GQ-00512-00158623-00158866 in the right column. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00513-00158866-00159486 So for example, that there is an infinite number of stars. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00514-00159494-00159784 This was discovered, the idea of this was discovered, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00515-00159784-00160362 in 1940, put forth as a scientific proposal in 1940, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00516-00160370-00160619 but it's already stated in Genesis 15, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00517-00160619-00160919 and by the way, Genesis was written, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00518-00161032-00161157 I'm getting ahead of myself. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00519-00161157-00161322 We'll talk about this in another class, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00520-00161322-00161579 but Genesis was written by Moses. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00521-00161579-00161849 He's the one that put it together from oral records AwBzyMjC_GQ-00522-00161849-00161982 and so on and so forth, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00523-00161982-00162220 and Moses lived 1,400 years before Christ, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00524-00162220-00162425 roughly 1,400 years. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00525-00162425-00162657 So we're talking 3,400 years ago, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00526-00162658-00163274 the Bible's already talking about this idea of the stars. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00527-00163530-00163672 I'm not gonna read it all to you. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00528-00163672-00164109 You can read them there, but what's really interesting to me AwBzyMjC_GQ-00529-00164109-00164367 is the idea that air has weight AwBzyMjC_GQ-00530-00164474-00164743 and this was scientifically discovered AwBzyMjC_GQ-00531-00164743-00165011 and proposed in the 16th century, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00532-00165011-00165386 and yet it's written about in Job chapter 28. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00533-00165488-00165846 Or that oceans contain fresh water springs, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00534-00165965-00166363 discovered in 1920, but mentioned in Job 38. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00535-00166363-00166634 So there's 20, 30 different examples of this, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00536-00166634-00166917 and this is just a very short list AwBzyMjC_GQ-00537-00167211-00167504 of these particular things. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00538-00167504-00167848 Okay, so that's our introductory lesson to Genesis. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00539-00167848-00168018 We haven't touched the text yet. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00540-00168018-00168178 I just wanted to give you an idea AwBzyMjC_GQ-00541-00168178-00168434 that we're not talking about Genesis as a myth. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00542-00168434-00168678 It's an inspired work of God. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00543-00168678-00168918 The Hebrew writer says to us, what? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00544-00168918-00169059 That we believe how? AwBzyMjC_GQ-00545-00169059-00169476 By faith that God created what is from what is not. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00546-00169848-00170243 So the Bible tells us you're to believe what God gives us AwBzyMjC_GQ-00547-00170243-00170618 in the book of Genesis not through reasoning, AwBzyMjC_GQ-00548-00170731-00170881 but through faith. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00549-00170978-00171111 Through faith. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00550-00171111-00171494 And faith is accepting God's Word at His word. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00551-00171693-00172009 I believe what God is telling me here. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00552-00172009-00172359 Why? Because He's asking me to accept it as such. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00553-00172359-00172682 But there's plenty of information and plenty of proof AwBzyMjC_GQ-00554-00172682-00172983 that demonstrates that Genesis is an inspired book AwBzyMjC_GQ-00555-00172983-00173207 and we'll get into that and the great stories in there AwBzyMjC_GQ-00556-00173207-00173598 about the patriarchs and how all this fits together AwBzyMjC_GQ-00557-00173598-00173740 to point to Christ. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00558-00173740-00174005 All right, well, that's our class for this time. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00559-00174005-00174453 We'll get into the next lesson next time we meet. AwBzyMjC_GQ-00560-00174453-00174555 Thank you very much. AASQ-xSsWUg-00000-00000000-00000704 Clearly, someone also shot film footage of Glenn Seaborg standing in front of MSRE AASQ-xSsWUg-00001-00000704-00001006 Discussing the Thorium fuel cycle. AASQ-xSsWUg-00002-00001006-00001212 I can not find this film. AASQ-xSsWUg-00003-00001212-00001696 I can not show you any film footage of an operating Molten Salt Reactor. AASQ-xSsWUg-00004-00001696-00001978 Only a handful of photos exist. AASQ-xSsWUg-00005-00001978-00002522 It is like NASA landed a man on the Moon, and then lost the film. AASQ-xSsWUg-00006-00002522-00003006 This makes for an interesting communications challenge. AASQ-xSsWUg-00007-00003006-00003350 I was driving home from work in April of 2006, AASQ-xSsWUg-00008-00003350-00003592 and I was listening to a piece on the radio from NPR. AASQ-xSsWUg-00009-00003592-00003910 And it was talking about the importance of proper branding. AASQ-xSsWUg-00010-00003910-00004302 And that M was a bad sound. Muh. It was kind of a- AASQ-xSsWUg-00011-00004302-00004654 They were saying L was one of the best sounds. M was one of the worst sounds. AASQ-xSsWUg-00012-00004655-00005044 So I'm sitting there thinking about the M S B R. The Mmmuhhh. AASQ-xSsWUg-00013-00005044-00005478 You know, the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor and I thought- AASQ-xSsWUg-00014-00005478-00005907 Hmmm. Molten: bad. Salt: bad. I thought well how can we fix this? AASQ-xSsWUg-00015-00005907-00006346 Well instead of saying Molten we could say Liquid. Because it is liquid. And liquid turns AASQ-xSsWUg-00016-00006346-00006709 an M to an L, and according to this L is a lot better letter than an M. AASQ-xSsWUg-00017-00006709-00007220 There are a lot of different kind of salts. So if we were more specific on the salt we AASQ-xSsWUg-00018-00007220-00007652 could say Fluoride, which is a salt. It's a particular kind of salt. AASQ-xSsWUg-00019-00007652-00008134 Breeder is kind of a generic term, and what we're really doing is using Thorium as a fuel. AASQ-xSsWUg-00020-00008134-00008445 So all of a sudden there it was, L F T R. AASQ-xSsWUg-00021-00008445-00009024 One of the things I learned at NASA was, you really want your acronyms to be sayable. If AASQ-xSsWUg-00022-00009024-00009430 they have more than 3 letters, you want to be able to say them like a word. AASQ-xSsWUg-00023-00009430-00009604 And it's like it just appeared. AASQ-xSsWUg-00024-00009604-00009904 There it was: L F T R. Lifter. You could say it. It was a word. AASQ-xSsWUg-00025-00009904-00010290 Well as a marketing student I'd have a lot different approach, but- AASQ-xSsWUg-00026-00010290-00010779 Hey, you know what? We need guys just like you. Any other marketing students here? AASQ-xSsWUg-00027-00010779-00011139 This stuff- there's almost a branding effort that needs to happen. AASQ-xSsWUg-00028-00011139-00011480 How do you tell a story saying this is different? AASQ-xSsWUg-00029-00011480-00011794 I used to think, when I was y'alls age, I was an aerospace engineer AASQ-xSsWUg-00030-00011794-00011965 I didn't know anything about nuclear. AASQ-xSsWUg-00031-00011966-00012460 I thought nuclear power was dumb. I had no interest in it. I was like- Old junk. AASQ-xSsWUg-00032-00012460-00012589 Who want to be into that? AASQ-xSsWUg-00033-00012589-00012904 It wasn't until I learned about thorium and I reallized these efficiencies were possible AASQ-xSsWUg-00034-00012904-00013160 that I began getting really interested. AASQ-xSsWUg-00035-00013160-00013720 You know- Don't do New Coke, but what do you do? How do you help people understand that AASQ-xSsWUg-00036-00013720-00013944 there really are alternative possibilities out there? AASQ-xSsWUg-00037-00013944-00014484 We need guys like you thinking about this. You can come to one of the conferences. AASQ-xSsWUg-00038-00014484-00014584 Tell your friends. Tell people about it. AASQ-xSsWUg-00039-00014584-00014858 I mean the biggest problem we have is getting the message out. AASQ-xSsWUg-00040-00014858-00015216 A guy got on yesterday and he said- Why don't we buy a full page ad? AASQ-xSsWUg-00041-00015216-00015402 Because that costs a lot of money. AASQ-xSsWUg-00042-00015402-00015676 Why don't you go tell 5 of your friends about it that doesn't cost anything. AASQ-xSsWUg-00043-00015676-00016002 And it's probably a whole lot more effective. AASQ-xSsWUg-00044-00016002-00016518 It was only developed at Oak Ridge. So no other national laboratories really participated AASQ-xSsWUg-00045-00016518-00017023 in the development, which is not true about any other- about most other types of reactors AASQ-xSsWUg-00046-00017023-00017518 where the effort was spread and many people participated. This was really only in the AASQ-xSsWUg-00047-00017518-00017719 Oak Ridge, before the age of internet. AASQ-xSsWUg-00048-00017719-00018248 I think it was some time in 2006 when I discovered Kirk's site- Energy from thorium- AASQ-xSsWUg-00049-00018248-00018518 and learned about Molten Salt Reactors. AASQ-xSsWUg-00050-00018518-00019106 Kirk Sorensen, he is what brought molten salts to the fore. It's pretty much all on his shoulders AASQ-xSsWUg-00051-00019106-00019497 and he should be lauded for that. It's outstanding what he has done. AASQ-xSsWUg-00052-00019497-00019862 Kirk gave me some CDs, and then he put them on the internet. AASQ-xSsWUg-00053-00019862-00020354 And of course, to me that was a game changer. That was an inflection point. AASQ-xSsWUg-00054-00020354-00020842 Before, I sounded like a nut. And I couldn't point- Unless you were physically with me, AASQ-xSsWUg-00055-00020842-00021345 and I could bring down- I have a copy of Fluid Fuel Reactors showing the Molten Salt Reactor AASQ-xSsWUg-00056-00021345-00021785 in it and the Aircraft Reactor Experiment. Matter of fact, it has a picture and in the AASQ-xSsWUg-00057-00021785-00022289 background there's a stepladder shows you the scale. It was half the size of your refrigerator, AASQ-xSsWUg-00058-00022289-00022589 and it put out 2 million watts of heat! AASQ-xSsWUg-00059-00022589-00023022 And it operated in 1954, I wasn't even on the planet then. AASQ-xSsWUg-00060-00023022-00023487 You know, we can have world peace, and we can specialize in what areas that we're good AASQ-xSsWUg-00061-00023487-00024069 at, and trade with one another, and not fight over limited resources. AASQ-xSsWUg-00062-00024069-00024349 There's some chemical differences between thorium and uranium. AASQ-xSsWUg-00063-00024349-00024716 Bleached by water, U compounds were widely dispersed. AASQ-xSsWUg-00064-00024716-00025213 And having been scattered far and wide, U compounds today are found as complex, generally AASQ-xSsWUg-00065-00025213-00025714 dilute deposits containing mixtures of tetra, penta and hexa-valent uranium. AASQ-xSsWUg-00066-00025714-00026362 Unlike uranium, tetra-valent thorium- and it's constantly tetra-valent- resists weathering. AASQ-xSsWUg-00067-00026362-00026802 Thorium thus remained concentrated where it first wound up- within easy reach. AASQ-xSsWUg-00068-00026802-00027333 Barack Obama, and I've heard other people say this before, they say that there's no AASQ-xSsWUg-00069-00027333-00027702 silver bullet to the energy crisis. AASQ-xSsWUg-00070-00027702-00028638 Molten salts are truly the best silver bullet for serving mankind. It unlocks thorium economically, AASQ-xSsWUg-00071-00028638-00029087 and as we know, thorium is so plentiful in the Earth's crust. It'll come as a byproduct AASQ-xSsWUg-00072-00029087-00029280 for hundreds of thousands of years. AASQ-xSsWUg-00073-00029280-00029850 And, in fact, if we- on purpose- wanted to mine the granite just for its thorium, we're AASQ-xSsWUg-00074-00029850-00030400 not going to run out until the Sun becomes a red giant. AASQ-xSsWUg-00075-00030400-00030845 Alvin Weinberg called it burning the rocks. You could literally mine rock just for its AASQ-xSsWUg-00076-00030845-00030945 energy content. AASQ-xSsWUg-00077-00030945-00031385 Glenn Seaborg realized this in 1944 and he was absolutely dumbfounded with the possibilities AASQ-xSsWUg-00078-00031385-00031536 of what it meant for the future. AASQ-xSsWUg-00079-00031536-00031870 The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment has operated successfully AASQ-xSsWUg-00080-00031870-00032214 and has earned a reputation for eliability. AASQ-xSsWUg-00081-00032214-00032863 I think that some day the world will have commercial power reactors of both the uranium-plutonium AASQ-xSsWUg-00082-00032863-00033269 and the thorium-uranium fuel cycle types. AASQ-xSsWUg-00083-00033269-00033738 Here he was watching nations wage war with each other in World War 2 and realizing this AASQ-xSsWUg-00084-00033738-00034155 could be a complete game changer and change the entire energy outlook of the future. AASQ-xSsWUg-00085-00034155-00034856 You know EFT bloggers noticed all these guys from China from graduate school computer modelers AASQ-xSsWUg-00086-00034856-00035359 started showing up on EFT signing up from Shanghai, Beijing, and they started asking AASQ-xSsWUg-00087-00035359-00035668 all these obvious questions about this and that. AASQ-xSsWUg-00088-00035668-00035853 How they make the code work. AASQ-xSsWUg-00089-00035853-00036181 They were all modelling it, the Chinese government as best as we could tell. AASQ-xSsWUg-00090-00036181-00036893 Did you say Chinese is building nuclear reactors so where are they getting the blueprints or AASQ-xSsWUg-00091-00036893-00037071 are they developing them? AASQ-xSsWUg-00092-00037071-00037419 Well they probably got a whole bunch of stuff from the PDFs from my website. AASQ-xSsWUg-00093-00037419-00037915 Gone through your logs to see how many are coming from China? AASQ-xSsWUg-00094-00037916-00038362 It's been in the public domain for an awful long time. AASQ-xSsWUg-00095-00038362-00038656 I just made it a little easier to get, you know? AASQ-xSsWUg-00096-00038656-00039054 China announced to their national press of the existence AASQ-xSsWUg-00097-00039054-00039440 of a well funded Molten Salt Reactor project. AASQ-xSsWUg-00098-00039440-00040080 And it's being run by a guy named Jiang Mianheng. He got his PhD in electrical engineering from AASQ-xSsWUg-00099-00040081-00040312 Drexel University, he was educated in the United States. AASQ-xSsWUg-00100-00040312-00040653 The really interesting thing about Dr. Jiang Mianheng is that his father's name is Jiang AASQ-xSsWUg-00101-00040653-00041121 Zemin, and he used to be the premier of China. So, when I found that out I thought- AASQ-xSsWUg-00102-00041121-00041652 This is not some shmoe here, this is probably someone who's got some resources behind him. AASQ-xSsWUg-00103-00041652-00042128 And if he says he's going to go build a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor well then I tend to think AASQ-xSsWUg-00104-00042128-00042253 he's probably going to do it. AASQ-xSsWUg-00105-00042253-00042819 So, ever since finding that out I've been really encouraging people in the United States, AASQ-xSsWUg-00106-00042819-00043266 and England, and Canada, and Japan, and just about anywhere- I said, you know it would AASQ-xSsWUg-00107-00043266-00043746 be maybe a good idea if we got going on this because, uh, these guys are probably going AASQ-xSsWUg-00108-00043746-00044008 to pull it off, and you know good, I hope they do. AASQ-xSsWUg-00109-00044008-00044406 China definitely needs clean energy. Absolutely. And thorium will provide them clean energy AASQ-xSsWUg-00110-00044406-00044569 for hundreds of thousands of years. AASQ-xSsWUg-00111-00044569-00045038 But, frankly, I'd really like us to be able to do it too. And I'd like it to be something AASQ-xSsWUg-00112-00045038-00045302 maybe that we develop rather than that we go buy. AASQ-xSsWUg-00113-00045302-00045628 We buy a lot of things from China already. You know, I mean, it's not as if we're not AASQ-xSsWUg-00114-00045628-00046061 buying enough things from China. We are definitely keeping them busy. AASQ-xSsWUg-00115-00046061-00046495 So let's- you know- let's go develop thorium. And, uh, that's really what I'd like to do. AASQ-xSsWUg-00116-00046495-00047564 You know one of the fun things about being mayor is that you come to the science fair AASQ-xSsWUg-00117-00047564-00047664 to see some projects of some people that are close to you, and next thing you know you're AASQ-xSsWUg-00118-00047664-00047836 standing on stage in front of 1,000 people. It tends to happen. AASQ-xSsWUg-00119-00047836-00048304 Hi, I'm Joe Willis, and this is my science fair project- DECARBONIZE ALBERTA, AASQ-xSsWUg-00120-00048304-00048722 and this is just a dry-run for a science fair which is in a week. AASQ-xSsWUg-00121-00048722-00049241 What is this, you brainwashed your son into being a proponent of the nuclear industry? AASQ-xSsWUg-00122-00049241-00049400 Why? Why, man, why?!? AASQ-xSsWUg-00123-00049400-00049880 No it's the other way around actually, I was the first critic. AASQ-xSsWUg-00124-00049880-00050275 Joe Willis for Decarbonize Alberta. AASQ-xSsWUg-00125-00050275-00050593 Wait, what, that's me? AASQ-xSsWUg-00126-00050593-00051169 I got a thorium documentary, I watched it with my dad and naturally he fell asleep through AASQ-xSsWUg-00127-00051169-00051340 the entire thing. AASQ-xSsWUg-00128-00051340-00051851 And I'm telling him how thorium can save the world and he's not agreeing with me at all. AASQ-xSsWUg-00129-00051851-00052179 So I put it in the second time, and he falls asleep. AASQ-xSsWUg-00130-00052179-00052901 Yeah, I got the gold medal, I got the second consumer science award, and the American Society AASQ-xSsWUg-00131-00052901-00053367 of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning and although that one's name sounds like something AASQ-xSsWUg-00132-00053367-00053662 for air conditioning it's for air quality. AASQ-xSsWUg-00133-00053662-00054170 I try to portray science as exciting and fun with Katie and Caysie Science Videos. Caysie AASQ-xSsWUg-00134-00054170-00054523 is my minature poodle she's 3 years old. AASQ-xSsWUg-00135-00054523-00054952 I thought that if we adopted the LFTR then we would have a much better future. AASQ-xSsWUg-00136-00054952-00055682 If we educate people, then they may understand nuclear power, and they may become supportive. AASQ-xSsWUg-00137-00055682-00056240 You need this stuff explained in layman's terms so the average Joe on the street gets AASQ-xSsWUg-00138-00056240-00056702 in the way the average Joe on the street gets AASQ-xSsWUg-00139-00056702-00057166 the basic beats of an internal combustion engine. AASQ-xSsWUg-00140-00057166-00057588 They made an information package that they tried to be relatively neutral, that they AASQ-xSsWUg-00141-00057589-00057929 could give to people and then ask for their opinion on nuclear power. AASQ-xSsWUg-00142-00057929-00058384 People were meh- not really opposed, not really in favor. AASQ-xSsWUg-00143-00058384-00058864 When they did focus groups where they brought 12 people in, left the same information and AASQ-xSsWUg-00144-00058864-00059522 then left the room and let them talk, then went back, pulled the people apart, anonymously, AASQ-xSsWUg-00145-00059522-00059712 the approval ratings were amazing. AASQ-xSsWUg-00146-00059712-00060179 It's probably you at least get 1 or 2 people that knows enough that the other people trust, AASQ-xSsWUg-00147-00060179-00060532 that can explain it to them, so, if we can explain it better to the public AASQ-xSsWUg-00148-00060532-00060791 I think that will go a long way. AASQ-xSsWUg-00149-00060791-00061408 For me, I think it's education. At all levels. We talked about, on the board, educating candidates AASQ-xSsWUg-00150-00061408-00061887 and people in political office. But I think there's also the general public. Make them AASQ-xSsWUg-00151-00061887-00062087 aware of what's possible. AASQ-xSsWUg-00152-00062087-00062522 And get them interested in the sciences at the lower ages and say, yes, I want to be AASQ-xSsWUg-00153-00062522-00062833 working on something that can power the world in the future. AASQ-xSsWUg-00154-00062833-00063477 In addition to being an engineer, he really is an educator. He really is a teacher. AASQ-xSsWUg-00155-00063477-00064066 And he was beginning to spend more and more and more time- mostly educating. AASQ-xSsWUg-00156-00064066-00064500 This stuff, this is laws of physics stuff. I didn't invent it. All I do is promote it. AASQ-xSsWUg-00157-00064500-00064888 He got a phone call from a stranger and spent probably 45 minutes AASQ-xSsWUg-00158-00064888-00065210 on the phone really being patient with the specifics. AASQ-xSsWUg-00159-00065210-00065364 I'm tapping at my watch. AASQ-xSsWUg-00160-00065364-00066034 We need to start today to get young people interested in this area. The molten salt chemistry. AASQ-xSsWUg-00161-00066034-00066720 The metallurgy. The radiochemistry. Even the civil engineering. AASQ-xSsWUg-00162-00066720-00066968 We have to start that supply chain almost from scratch. AASQ-xSsWUg-00163-00066968-00067386 Are their labs going to be integrated into this curriculum? Or is there any way to leave AASQ-xSsWUg-00164-00067386-00067740 those out? I know that was really the biggest challenge, AASQ-xSsWUg-00165-00067740-00068068 getting the supplies to develop a lab for our curriculum. AASQ-xSsWUg-00166-00068068-00068472 But still any molten salt is going to require a furnace of some type. AASQ-xSsWUg-00167-00068472-00068786 Most of the nuclear engineering schools have lost their operating reactors AASQ-xSsWUg-00168-00068786-00069044 in the last 20 years. So they're teaching- AASQ-xSsWUg-00169-00069044-00069498 It'd be like teaching you how to operate on a car with a shop manual be no car. AASQ-xSsWUg-00170-00069498-00069788 So there's students learning how to run nuclear reactors AASQ-xSsWUg-00171-00069788-00070156 with nothing to learn on just sort of reading about it. AASQ-xSsWUg-00172-00070156-00070770 China has built a huge network of training reactors. They did it in, like, a couple years. AASQ-xSsWUg-00173-00070770-00071198 We did a journey to just about every nuclear engineering school and we said how would you AASQ-xSsWUg-00174-00071198-00071319 like to have a salt loop? AASQ-xSsWUg-00175-00071319-00071645 It would be just be externally heated. It wouldn't be fueled so it couldn't generate AASQ-xSsWUg-00176-00071645-00072267 its own heat, but in every other conceivable way, especially if you had neutronic stand-ins, AASQ-xSsWUg-00177-00072267-00072581 you know, it would act exactly like a Molten Salt Reactor would. AASQ-xSsWUg-00178-00072581-00072852 You can show the scientific phenomena, the chemical and physical phenomena, AASQ-xSsWUg-00179-00072852-00073064 without breaking the bank. AASQ-xSsWUg-00180-00073064-00073286 Would that be utilized by other departments as well? AASQ-xSsWUg-00181-00073286-00073360 Absolutely! AASQ-xSsWUg-00182-00073360-00073674 You'd need an XRD, basically to look at the crystal pre and post. AASQ-xSsWUg-00183-00073674-00073944 And those type of equipment span the gamut AASQ-xSsWUg-00184-00073944-00074286 from biological sciences to geo-sciences, engineering- AASQ-xSsWUg-00185-00074286-00074576 If they're going to have a training reactor it might as well be a Gen 4 training reactor AASQ-xSsWUg-00186-00074576-00075058 not a Gen 1. That's what they have now, down at U of I, that's being dismantled. AASQ-xSsWUg-00187-00075058-00075340 MIT and Harvard, even they can't afford to AASQ-xSsWUg-00188-00075340-00075664 build their own telescope any more just by themselves- AASQ-xSsWUg-00189-00075664-00076124 So Harvard and Berkeley and University of Chicago and MIT get together and they all AASQ-xSsWUg-00190-00076124-00076333 say we'll pitch in and we'll share it. AASQ-xSsWUg-00191-00076333-00076596 So you've got all of these people excited now- AASQ-xSsWUg-00192-00076597-00076836 I hope so is everybody excited?- The molten salt reactor- AASQ-xSsWUg-00193-00076836-00077341 Well plus you mention nuclear to anyone and their initial reaction is: nuclear energy AASQ-xSsWUg-00194-00077341-00077554 oh, there's no way we could learn this stuff AASQ-xSsWUg-00195-00077554-00077762 I don't want to do that class it's going to be too hard. AASQ-xSsWUg-00196-00077762-00078244 I was really encouraged by the Chicago meeting we were at, was the number of young kids that AASQ-xSsWUg-00197-00078244-00078611 were there. And I mean like- I suppose I don't mean kids- like, college age- AASQ-xSsWUg-00198-00078611-00078743 How knowledgeable. How enthusiastic. AASQ-xSsWUg-00199-00078743-00079165 And that kind of gives me hope. AASQ-xSsWUg-00200-00079165-00079498 And I can tell you that is not going on in the conventional nuclear industry. AASQ-xSsWUg-00201-00079498-00080104 We haven't produced very many nuclear engineers. I taught a class of senior level engineering AASQ-xSsWUg-00202-00080104-00080601 students at Tennessee Tech in the fall of 2010. And there were 13 in the class. And AASQ-xSsWUg-00203-00080601-00081206 they didn't even have nuclear at Tennessee so these were Electricals and Chemicals. Um- AASQ-xSsWUg-00204-00081206-00081657 5 of them went on to grad school in nuclear engineering because of my course. AASQ-xSsWUg-00205-00081657-00082132 I wanted to- like- write the NRC and say- You've told them the best situation you can AASQ-xSsWUg-00206-00082132-00082641 possibly have is to be part of a massive decommissioning contract. I mean- How many people want to AASQ-xSsWUg-00207-00082641-00082917 spend their careers doing that? AASQ-xSsWUg-00208-00082917-00083598 When a nation dreams big, and has fully funded projects, visible to everyone, where a frontier AASQ-xSsWUg-00209-00083598-00084268 is getting advanced, daily- Innovations attract smart, clever people. AASQ-xSsWUg-00210-00084268-00084596 The prospect of innovation attracts them. AASQ-xSsWUg-00211-00084596-00085018 Everyone feels like tomorrow is something they want to invent, and bring into the present. AAb-tMpqcXk-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music ABEsEn9ElXQ-00000-00000509-00001504 Randi had a 2 hour special called "Testing Psychic Powers Live". ABEsEn9ElXQ-00001-00001504-00002007 And I was the person who had to arrange all the tests. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00002-00002007-00002508 The premise of the program Randi hoped this was a product for a brand new series. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00003-00002508-00003002 The premise of the program was that psychics would challenge Randi. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00004-00003002-00003805 I would arrange the challenge and (make) the test so we could do live on television. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00005-00003805-00004203 If a person could pass the test they would get $100,000 dollars. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00006-00004203-00005406 So for his first 2-hour what is it called... pre ... introduction to the show... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00007-00005406-00005702 ...don't know what you call it? (I can't think of the word right now) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00008-00005702-00006307 (It's day 4 at TAM we are lucky we can finish sentences) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00009-00006307-00008007 Well anyway, the idea was we had 5 challengers; a aura reader, a dowser, a card reader we had a astrologer ... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00010-00008007-00008206 we had 5 different challengers ABEsEn9ElXQ-00011-00008206-00009305 And but also on the program they had other things a calculator to show that are things that are people can do ABEsEn9ElXQ-00012-00009305-00010000 and someone could read tell by looking at the groves in a record what the music was ABEsEn9ElXQ-00013-00010000-00010402 and he could do it, Randi tested him and he could do it. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00014-00010402-00011001 So, we also had Sylvia Browne on here. Why I don't know. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00015-00011001-00011505 She was in to demonstrate what she does. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00016-00011505-00012208 We did it live, it was a live show and she picked a man from the audience. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00017-00012208-00012606 She gave him a reading and she was wrong in everything. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00018-00012606-00013303 It was over and over and I thought that was great! She was absolutely wrong in everything. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00019-00013303-00013904 This guy was from Austria or somewhere he was a foreigner. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00020-00013904-00014301 He happened to be a mechanical engineer and she got everything wrong. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00021-00014301-00014808 She sat there and everything she asked he said "no absolutely wrong". ABEsEn9ElXQ-00022-00014808-00015005 "Absolutely wrong, absolutely wrong". ABEsEn9ElXQ-00023-00015005-00015505 I thought it was great. (What was her reaction when she failed?) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00024-00015505-00015907 She was very upset. (What was her excuse, we know she had a excuse?) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00025-00015907-00016307 (She doesn't read people from Austria?) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00026-00016307-00016807 She told Randi something, I'm not sure, I have the copy of the video. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00027-00016807-00017407 The video is available. (Oh now that would be something we need to see) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00028-00017407-00017604 Yeah, I have it on video. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00029-00017604-00018304 Unfortunately, it isn't one of the things I have with me, I brought a few DVD's that I transferred from video to DVD. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00030-00018304-00019403 If I knew you were going to do Sylvia Browne... (we are always, Sylvia Browne is always on the table) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00031-00019403-00019703 Now that I think of it, that would be a great ... to bring to my workshop. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00032-00019703-00020501 This was psychic, most of the time they never go wrong, she went bomb completely 100%. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00033-00020501-00020809 (You said this was when she was becoming famous, or she already was famous?) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00034-00020809-00021408 She already was famous, she didn't do the talking to the dead stuff, she picked that up... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00035-00021408-00022003 she is a copy-cat, she picked that up and became trendy, she just did meetings. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00036-00022003-00022506 And she charged at that time $750 for a half hour reading on the phone. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00037-00022506-00023301 (And this was before she changed her name, to Sylvia Browne with an E on the end?) ABEsEn9ElXQ-00038-00023301-00023504 That I don't know. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00039-00023504-00024107 (Because I was told that she changed her name to Sylvia Browne with an E on it so she could be hidden... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00040-00024107-00024507 because of her fraud conviction?) That I don't know. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00041-00024507-00025208 (So this was before...?) It was a year later I think... that would be her ex husband ABEsEn9ElXQ-00042-00025208-00025605 she and her husband were convicted of fraud of some sort. ABEsEn9ElXQ-00043-00025605-00026009 (Yeah, that is on Wikipedia, you can see the documents) I gather, I'm trying to remember now... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00044-00026009-00026804 I think it was stocks, she was recommending they buy these stocks, this phony company... ABEsEn9ElXQ-00045-00026804-00027900 (Okay, thank you so much Roy...ah... Ray... I can't believe I said your name wrong) I had no idea, okay, thanks thanks thanks. AHl3U_C8EWu-00000-00000000-00000584 hi everybody welcome back i am i'm outside today i thought i would take a walk AHl3U_C8EWu-00001-00000672-00001408 i need to do that i need to start walking a little bit i uh the garden looking at the garden all the AHl3U_C8EWu-00002-00001408-00001952 leaves piled up on there can't wait to start the garden i'm doing a little better than i was AHl3U_C8EWu-00003-00001952-00002720 i'm just taking it easy doing what i can when i can it's hard to breathe still install things AHl3U_C8EWu-00004-00002816-00003504 i have a nebulizer that i use and an inhaler yeah just all the things AHl3U_C8EWu-00005-00003560-00003952 so i'm doing a little better evidently i had covered pneumonia AHl3U_C8EWu-00006-00004064-00004856 back in december that yeah i didn't know that i did not know that they could see it in my lungs AHl3U_C8EWu-00007-00004856-00005480 they did a cat scan and they could see it so now i have ground glass opacity in both of my lungs AHl3U_C8EWu-00008-00005608-00006088 and it's just going to take a while to heal that's all just a little while so i'll do AHl3U_C8EWu-00009-00006088-00006688 what i can when i can i get out of breath really easy my onions look look at my onions AHl3U_C8EWu-00010-00006688-00007231 in the middle of winter can you see my onion i got a few down there i'm just gonna let those go AHl3U_C8EWu-00011-00007231-00007800 see what they do but i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready for summer the grapevine we didn't do AHl3U_C8EWu-00012-00007800-00008336 anything with it this year because we trimmed it last year and we didn't get any grapes so hence AHl3U_C8EWu-00013-00008440-00008832 the grapevine we just left all those on there and i'm gonna leave them on there AHl3U_C8EWu-00014-00008832-00009288 hopefully we'll have some grapes this year the cactus looks if you want to see what the cactus AHl3U_C8EWu-00015-00009288-00009984 looks like in the winter it looks silly see that all deflated all deflated in the summer AHl3U_C8EWu-00016-00010040-00010536 that will pop back up and and look just fine well this was just a quick walk around quick AHl3U_C8EWu-00017-00010536-00011464 update on how i'm doing i'm doing okay i'm gonna make it so breathing is hard breathing is harder AHl3U_C8EWu-00018-00011464-00011888 last night i was up most of the night it's still hard to lay down sometimes AHl3U_C8EWu-00019-00012136-00012744 but yeah all right i will see you in my next video subscribe AHl3U_C8EWu-00020-00012744-00013208 i don't know what i'm gonna film next i have some ideas but i have to have AHl3U_C8EWu-00021-00013208-00014184 the energy i'd have to have the energy to do that so i'll see you in my next video AHl3U_C8EWu-00022-00014672-00014722 you AIxYJJp5Vqo-00000-00000160-00000526 - Now that we've taken a look at what vector-valued functions AIxYJJp5Vqo-00001-00000526-00000847 are, we're ready to answer the question that we really care AIxYJJp5Vqo-00002-00000847-00001130 about because this is a calculus class, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00003-00001130-00002610 how do we do calculus of vector-valued functions? AIxYJJp5Vqo-00004-00003189-00003492 And let's start with the first part of calculus, calc 1 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00005-00003492-00003665 where we took derivatives. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00006-00004184-00004361 And quite simply, to take the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00007-00004361-00004538 of a vector-valued function, we're AIxYJJp5Vqo-00008-00004538-00005443 going to take the derivative of each component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00009-00006559-00007168 So let's do some examples where we do just that. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00010-00007539-00007875 First, let's take the vector-valued function r of t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00011-00007875-00009109 is 6t plus 8 i plus 4t squared plus 2t minus 3 j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00012-00009446-00009672 The derivative of the vector-valued function, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00013-00009672-00010112 which will denote r prime of t is simply the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00014-00010112-00010246 of each component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00015-00010246-00010697 A derivative of 6t plus 8 is just 6 i. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00016-00010697-00011405 Plus the derivative of the polynomial is 8t plus 2 times AIxYJJp5Vqo-00017-00011405-00011636 the j vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00018-00011636-00012072 And there is our derivative. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00019-00012072-00012400 Let's try and make them a little more interesting. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00020-00012400-00012832 Let's say the vector-valued function r of t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00021-00012832-00014488 is e to the t sine t times i plus e to the t cosine t j AIxYJJp5Vqo-00022-00014488-00015024 minus e to the 2t k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00023-00015024-00015183 And we're going to find the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00024-00015183-00015534 of r vector-valued function, r prime of t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00025-00015891-00016174 Well, our first derivative is a product. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00026-00016174-00016402 So we remember we have to use the product rule, which AIxYJJp5Vqo-00027-00016402-00016708 is the derivative of the first part, e to the t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00028-00016708-00017065 times the second, sine of t, plus the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00029-00017065-00017386 of the second part, which is cosine of t, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00030-00017386-00017981 times the first e to the t times the i component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00031-00017981-00018428 Plus, again using our product rule, the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00032-00018428-00018828 of the first times the second plus the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00033-00018828-00018995 of the second, which is going to give us AIxYJJp5Vqo-00034-00018995-00019743 negative sine times the first which is e to the t, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00035-00019743-00020211 times the j component minus the derivative of e to the 2t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00036-00020211-00020361 is e to the 2t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00037-00020361-00020619 Using the chain rule times the derivative of the inside AIxYJJp5Vqo-00038-00020619-00021092 is 2, times the k component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00039-00021092-00021383 And now we've got our derivative. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00040-00021730-00022842 Let's try r of t is equal to t natural log of t i plus 5 e AIxYJJp5Vqo-00041-00022842-00023772 to the t j plus the cosine of t minus the sine of t k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00042-00024072-00024438 And so our derivative, r prime of t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00043-00024438-00024643 Again, we've got a product rule. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00044-00024643-00024831 So we take the derivative of the first, which AIxYJJp5Vqo-00045-00024831-00025245 is 1, times the natural log of t plus the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00046-00025245-00025587 of the second, which is 1 over t times the first AIxYJJp5Vqo-00047-00025587-00026499 which is t, all times i plus 5e to the t j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00048-00026499-00026745 That's a pretty straightforward derivative. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00049-00026745-00027183 Plus the derivative of cosine is negative sine. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00050-00027183-00027963 The derivative of sine is cosine times the k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00051-00027963-00028283 A little bit of simplifying, just simplifying that t over t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00052-00028283-00028380 is 1. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00053-00028380-00028730 So we find out our derivative of the vector-valued function AIxYJJp5Vqo-00054-00028730-00029651 is the natural log of t plus 1 times i plus 5e to the t times AIxYJJp5Vqo-00055-00029651-00030626 j plus negative sine of t minus the cosine of t k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00056-00030626-00031302 And we have our derivative of the vector-valued function. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00057-00031302-00031577 One of the most common and useful purposes AIxYJJp5Vqo-00058-00031577-00031899 for the derivative of vector-valued functions AIxYJJp5Vqo-00059-00031899-00032272 is to find what are called tangent vectors. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00060-00032795-00033221 And similar to a tangent line being tangent to the curve AIxYJJp5Vqo-00061-00033221-00033506 at a point, being the first derivative, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00062-00033506-00033862 it works exactly the same with vectors. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00063-00033862-00034068 We're going to find the tangent at a point. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00064-00034492-00035179 Let's say the vector r of t is equal to the cosine of t times AIxYJJp5Vqo-00065-00035179-00035728 i plus the sine of t times j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00066-00035728-00036184 And we're going to find the tangent vector at the point t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00067-00036184-00036365 equals pi over 6. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00068-00036842-00037232 Well, the derivative is just component wise. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00069-00037232-00037562 It gives us the negative sine of t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00070-00037562-00038042 times i plus the cosine of t times j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00071-00038316-00038694 And we're being asked to find the tangent vector specifically AIxYJJp5Vqo-00072-00038694-00039522 at the point of pi over 6, negative sine of pi over 6 i AIxYJJp5Vqo-00073-00039522-00040188 plus the cosine of pi over 6 j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00074-00040188-00040677 Which if we simplify the sine of pi over 6, pi over 6 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00075-00040677-00041193 is at root 3 over 2 comma 1/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00076-00041193-00041447 Sine being the y-coordinate gives us the 1/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00077-00041447-00042289 So we have negative 1/2 i plus the cosine of pi over 6 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00078-00042289-00042763 is root 3 over 2 j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00079-00042763-00043093 This vector then can be positioned AIxYJJp5Vqo-00080-00043093-00043832 so it's tangent to the point at time equals pi over 6. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00081-00043832-00044153 Visually what we're looking at, if you remember AIxYJJp5Vqo-00082-00044153-00044505 from parametric equations, graphing x equals cosine, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00083-00044505-00044972 y equals sine, that's actually just the unit circle going AIxYJJp5Vqo-00084-00044972-00045140 around counterclockwise. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00085-00045444-00045633 And we're specifically interested at when AIxYJJp5Vqo-00086-00045633-00045793 time is pi over 6. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00087-00046111-00046485 And if we were to draw a tangent vector right there, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00088-00046485-00047073 it could be written in component form as negative 1/2 i AIxYJJp5Vqo-00089-00047073-00047409 plus root 3 over 2 j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00090-00047813-00048213 And that would be the same as the component vector coming out AIxYJJp5Vqo-00091-00048213-00048504 of the origin going in the same direction. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00092-00048504-00048732 Because remember, vectors don't have a location. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00093-00048732-00049092 They just have a direction and magnitude. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00094-00049092-00049467 Speaking of magnitude, there is no rule AIxYJJp5Vqo-00095-00049467-00049635 by just taking the derivative that AIxYJJp5Vqo-00096-00049635-00050094 really dictates the magnitude of that tangent vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00097-00050094-00050316 And so usually we like to standardize AIxYJJp5Vqo-00098-00050316-00050685 how we think about tangent vectors AIxYJJp5Vqo-00099-00050685-00050862 by saying we're going to be particularly AIxYJJp5Vqo-00100-00050862-00051525 interested in the unit tangent vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00101-00051525-00051738 That way no matter how you get your tangent vector, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00102-00051738-00051996 it's always going to be the exact same length. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00103-00051996-00052278 The unit tangent vector is a very special vector AIxYJJp5Vqo-00104-00052278-00052539 that we're going to use throughout this chapter. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00105-00052539-00052920 We're going to call it capital T of t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00106-00052920-00053151 And it is simply just the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00107-00053151-00053565 of the basic vector r of t divided AIxYJJp5Vqo-00108-00053565-00054115 by the magnitude of that derivative. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00109-00054115-00054408 So first we're going to find the tangent vector, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00110-00054408-00054624 and then we'll make it a unit vector AIxYJJp5Vqo-00111-00054624-00054903 by dividing by its magnitude. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00112-00055205-00055545 So let's try an example where we do just that. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00113-00055545-00056051 Let's say the vector r of t is equal to t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00114-00056051-00057612 squared minus 3 i plus 2t plus 1 j plus t minus 2 k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00115-00057612-00058182 And we want the unit tangent vector to this vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00116-00058182-00058320 We're going to do this generally, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00117-00058320-00058461 not at any specific point. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00118-00058461-00058725 We're going do it generally for any point t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00119-00058725-00058911 We could find it at a specific point AIxYJJp5Vqo-00120-00058911-00059224 if we had a t value we were particularly interested in. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00121-00059224-00059526 But for this example, let's just do it generally. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00122-00059526-00059847 So first we need to know the derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00123-00059847-00060849 of our vector-valued function r which is 2t i plus 2j plus 1k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00124-00061239-00061447 But that is not a unit vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00125-00061447-00061863 So to get our special vector, our unit tangent vector, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00126-00061863-00062388 we're going to find the magnitude of the derivative. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00127-00062388-00062944 And we remember the magnitude is the square root AIxYJJp5Vqo-00128-00062944-00063496 of the square of the components, 2t squared AIxYJJp5Vqo-00129-00063496-00064062 plus 2 squared plus 1 squared, which AIxYJJp5Vqo-00130-00064062-00064858 gives us the square root of 4t squared plus 4 plus 1, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00131-00064858-00064926 which is 5. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00132-00065225-00065477 That tells us then that the unit tangent AIxYJJp5Vqo-00133-00065477-00065840 vector, that special vector t of t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00134-00065840-00066263 is 1 over the square root of 4t squared AIxYJJp5Vqo-00135-00066263-00067030 plus 5 times the derivative, which is 2t comma AIxYJJp5Vqo-00136-00067030-00067565 2 comma 1 in component form. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00137-00067565-00067765 If we wanted to, we could distribute that divide AIxYJJp5Vqo-00138-00067765-00068074 by the square root, giving us just the vector AIxYJJp5Vqo-00139-00068074-00068726 2t over the square root of 4t squared plus 5 comma AIxYJJp5Vqo-00140-00068726-00069238 2 over the square root of 4t squared plus 5 comma AIxYJJp5Vqo-00141-00069238-00069719 1 over the square root of 4t squared plus 5. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00142-00069719-00069952 And now we have a vector of unit length. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00143-00069952-00070357 It's always going to have a length of 1 that will always be AIxYJJp5Vqo-00144-00070357-00070918 tangent to the vector r of t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00145-00070918-00071089 We're going to come back to unit tangent AIxYJJp5Vqo-00146-00071089-00071422 vectors in our future sections and explain why they're AIxYJJp5Vqo-00147-00071422-00071803 so important and helpful to us as we're working AIxYJJp5Vqo-00148-00071803-00071954 with vector-valued functions. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00149-00071954-00072241 But for now, we're just going to find them generally AIxYJJp5Vqo-00150-00072241-00072562 like we did in this example, or we could find them specifically AIxYJJp5Vqo-00151-00072562-00072629 at a point. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00152-00072629-00072820 If I knew t was equal to 7 seconds, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00153-00072820-00073162 we could evaluate that. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00154-00073162-00073480 But for now, let's step away from derivatives. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00155-00073480-00073819 We still have to look at the second half of calculus AIxYJJp5Vqo-00156-00073819-00073957 which is integration. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00157-00074304-00074448 And just like derivatives, we can AIxYJJp5Vqo-00158-00074448-00074706 take the derivative component at a time. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00159-00074706-00075702 We can take the anti-derivative of each component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00160-00076242-00076677 But just like before in calc 2 when we took an integral, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00161-00076677-00076926 we would always have plus a constant. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00162-00076926-00077100 We need to reflect that here also. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00163-00077100-00077461 But we need to express that constant is a vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00164-00077461-00078294 So we're going to say it's plus a constant vector, which AIxYJJp5Vqo-00165-00078294-00078735 we will represent with a C, with the vector symbol above it, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00166-00078735-00078993 representing some vector made up of three AIxYJJp5Vqo-00167-00078993-00079332 constants, constant one, constant two, constant three. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00168-00079697-00080063 So for example, if we're being asked AIxYJJp5Vqo-00169-00080063-00080828 to find the integral of 2t plus 4 i AIxYJJp5Vqo-00170-00080828-00081698 plus 3t squared minus 4t j dt, we AIxYJJp5Vqo-00171-00081698-00082085 can integrate this one component at a time. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00172-00082085-00082277 Integrating the i component, we end up AIxYJJp5Vqo-00173-00082277-00083039 with t squared plus 4t times the i. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00174-00083039-00083765 Plus the j component becomes t cubed minus 2t squared AIxYJJp5Vqo-00175-00083765-00084002 times the j component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00176-00084002-00084217 But because this is not a definite integral, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00177-00084217-00084696 we need to also add a constant vector to our final solution. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00178-00085052-00085471 And so we're integrating one component at a time AIxYJJp5Vqo-00179-00085471-00085827 to get our final solution. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00180-00085827-00086066 Let's do one last example. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00181-00086066-00086266 Let's do a definite integral this time. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00182-00086266-00086902 Let's go from 0 to pi over 3 of the vector-valued function AIxYJJp5Vqo-00183-00086902-00088027 sine of 2t i plus the tangent of t j plus e AIxYJJp5Vqo-00184-00088027-00088566 to the negative 2t k dt. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00185-00089019-00089223 Evaluating one component at a time, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00186-00089223-00089703 the anti-derivative of sine is the cosine of 2t, actually AIxYJJp5Vqo-00187-00089703-00089904 the negative cosine. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00188-00089904-00090290 To account for the times two, we need a 1/2 out front AIxYJJp5Vqo-00189-00090290-00090568 times the i component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00190-00090568-00091118 Plus the anti-derivative of tangent, you might remember AIxYJJp5Vqo-00191-00091118-00091868 is negative natural log of the cosine of t j. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00192-00091868-00092006 Remember, that comes from writing AIxYJJp5Vqo-00193-00092006-00092231 tangent to sine over cosine, and then AIxYJJp5Vqo-00194-00092231-00092523 using substitution to integrate. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00195-00092820-00093172 Plus anti-derivative of e to the negative 2t AIxYJJp5Vqo-00196-00093172-00093396 is e to the negative 2t. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00197-00093396-00093606 But we have to multiply by a negative 1/2 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00198-00093606-00094263 to account for that 2, times the k component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00199-00094263-00094476 And we're just going to integrate this entire thing AIxYJJp5Vqo-00200-00094476-00094641 from 0 to pi over 3. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00201-00094922-00095256 And we'll do that substitution one component, again, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00202-00095256-00095439 at a time. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00203-00095439-00095793 So first with the i, we have negative 1/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00204-00095793-00096661 Cosine of 2t, or 2 pi over 3 plus 1/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00205-00096661-00097325 Cosine of 2 times 0 is 0 times i. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00206-00097325-00097945 Plus plug-in pi over 3 to the natural log, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00207-00097945-00098862 we get negative natural log of the cosine of pi over 3 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00208-00098862-00099443 plus the natural log of the cosine of 0. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00209-00099443-00100177 All of that is your j component plus negative 1/2 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00210-00100177-00101208 e to the negative 2 pi over 3 plus 1/2 e to the 0. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00211-00101208-00101382 All that times the k component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00212-00101865-00102202 Simplifying, let's see what we have left. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00213-00102202-00102751 Cosine of 2 pi over 3 is going to be-- AIxYJJp5Vqo-00214-00102751-00103040 2 pi over 3 is over here on the unit circle. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00215-00103040-00103611 So that's going to be negative 1/2 comma root 3 over 2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00216-00103611-00103936 So the x-coordinate is the negative 1/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00217-00103936-00104744 So negative 1/2 times negative 1/2 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00218-00104744-00105558 plus 1/2 times the cosine of 0 is 1 i. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00219-00105558-00105963 Plus the negative natural log of the cosine of pi over 3, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00220-00105963-00106656 1 pi over 3 is a positive 1/2 root 3/2. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00221-00106656-00107648 So the natural log of 1/2 plus the natural log of cosine of 0 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00222-00107648-00107747 is 1-- AIxYJJp5Vqo-00223-00107747-00108167 that's going to be nice because the natural log of 1 is 0-- AIxYJJp5Vqo-00224-00108167-00108305 times the j component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00225-00108944-00109313 Not much simplifying that we're left with on this last part. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00226-00109313-00109561 I'm going to put the positive 1/2 in front just because it AIxYJJp5Vqo-00227-00109561-00110252 makes it pretty, minus 1/2 e to the negative 2 pi over 3 times AIxYJJp5Vqo-00228-00110252-00110463 the k component. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00229-00110463-00110729 And so one time through left to simplify, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00230-00110729-00112060 we end up with 1/4 plus 1/2 is 3/4 pi minus the natural log AIxYJJp5Vqo-00231-00112060-00113640 of 1/2 j plus 1/2 minus 1/2 e to the negative 2 pi over 3 k. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00232-00114056-00114321 And now we found the anti-derivative AIxYJJp5Vqo-00233-00114321-00114908 of our vector-valued function from 0 to pi over 3. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00234-00114908-00115174 So calculus with vector-valued function is not too difficult. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00235-00115174-00115447 It's just basically extending what we saw in calc 1 AIxYJJp5Vqo-00236-00115447-00115729 and calc 2 with derivatives and integrals, AIxYJJp5Vqo-00237-00115729-00116116 just doing it with every single component all the way through. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00238-00116116-00116350 We also introduced this idea of the unit tangent vector. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00239-00116350-00116512 That's going to be very important to us AIxYJJp5Vqo-00240-00116512-00116643 as this chapter progresses. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00241-00116643-00116902 So take a look at a few of these on the practice assignment. AIxYJJp5Vqo-00242-00116902-00117064 We will see you in class to answer AIxYJJp5Vqo-00243-00117064-00117327 any questions you may have. AKtCnU8kSLk-00000-00000055-00001258 Hi Friends ! This is a Christmas Star , this is a Double Crochet Stitch upside down , this AKtCnU8kSLk-00001-00001258-00002524 part here is the bottom of the stitch , I was trying to make a creation , but it went AKtCnU8kSLk-00002-00002524-00003297 all wrong and i start undoing by taking out the center were the stitches were , after AKtCnU8kSLk-00003-00003297-00005457 I turn them out and wow this beauty came out of nowhere ! The ending is just the two ends AKtCnU8kSLk-00004-00005457-00005778 melted by fire and joined toghether ! ALmMHxCqHOk-00000-00000000-00000852 in my last video I shared that with the new Flmara 12 Beta you can now stretch audio I ALmMHxCqHOk-00001-00000852-00001404 mentioned something about AI audio stretch now let me show you how AI audio stretch actually works ALmMHxCqHOk-00002-00001404-00001962 so that it's easier for you to implement that during your video editing I particularly have ALmMHxCqHOk-00003-00001962-00002472 used this and I totally totally love it let me show you how that works so first and foremost ALmMHxCqHOk-00004-00002472-00003024 you want to import your media so if you don't have your media yet that's the first thing you want to ALmMHxCqHOk-00005-00003024-00003461 do you want to go import your media so I'm going to go ahead right now I'm going to bring it in so ALmMHxCqHOk-00006-00003461-00004116 let me say I'm bringing this here's my audio here this is the audio I want to have and then let me ALmMHxCqHOk-00007-00004116-00004740 go import a video that I want to edit so let's I want to have a video to be edited let me look ALmMHxCqHOk-00008-00004740-00005340 for one tiny video that's not very long okay 19 seconds let's look for a video that is very long ALmMHxCqHOk-00009-00005484-00005934 so let's say I want to look for a video this is about 10 minutes long so let's say I want ALmMHxCqHOk-00010-00005934-00006480 to use this one as my video now I'm going to drag my video to my timeline and by the ALmMHxCqHOk-00011-00006480-00006828 way you can simply just add your video to your timeline by clicking on this plus here ALmMHxCqHOk-00012-00006828-00007290 so if you click on this plus here it's going to say the resolution just go ahead add it to ALmMHxCqHOk-00013-00007290-00007673 your timeline that will be the first one and then the next thing will be for me to add my ALmMHxCqHOk-00014-00007673-00008202 soundtrack now if I add my soundtrack and then I zoom out you'll notice that the soundtrack is ALmMHxCqHOk-00015-00008202-00008700 added to the end of the video but if I move it to the beginning of the video this is what you ALmMHxCqHOk-00016-00008700-00009378 get to have here so this audio here is not as long as the video now I'm going to play ALmMHxCqHOk-00017-00009378-00009954 this here just to give you a sample of what I'm doing here "for this opportunity to contribute" ALmMHxCqHOk-00018-00010116-00010650 so if you want to edit your audio click on your audio click on the settings here you can come ALmMHxCqHOk-00019-00010650-00011208 over here and then you can reduce your audio volume right here this is the new interface ALmMHxCqHOk-00020-00011208-00011832 for adjusting your audio now so if I drop down the volume here and I play it again "thank you ALmMHxCqHOk-00021-00011832-00012636 very much for this opportunity to contribute to a ride" so if that's my audio right there now what ALmMHxCqHOk-00022-00012636-00013206 you will do is if you want to stretch your audio to have it from the beginning of the video till ALmMHxCqHOk-00023-00013206-00013938 the end of that video how do you make that happen? it's quite simple it just come over to where you ALmMHxCqHOk-00024-00013938-00014519 have this icon now this icon may be found on this part of your screen on this your tool set ALmMHxCqHOk-00025-00014519-00015060 it may be found anywhere here so if I click on this audio stretch here what you get to have is ALmMHxCqHOk-00026-00015060-00015576 your icon changes from an arrow to something like this and then it allows you to literally ALmMHxCqHOk-00027-00015576-00016062 stretch out your audio from the beginning to the end and it starts running this audio "stretch in ALmMHxCqHOk-00028-00016062-00016680 progress" now that is done if you click on play now I'm going to undo that and I'm going to play ALmMHxCqHOk-00029-00016680-00017304 to you the end of the music in to have and these are the parts that actually really really resonate ALmMHxCqHOk-00030-00017304-00017784 with me now when I talk about design thinking this is what I actually mean design think ALmMHxCqHOk-00031-00017784-00018330 thing is where you are able to discover so there are four parts here in design thinking there ALmMHxCqHOk-00032-00018330-00018888 is Discovery that's defined there's of course it starts with a challenge and then there's a problem ALmMHxCqHOk-00033-00018888-00019560 definition and there's an app you see that's the end of that right there so now that that has ended ALmMHxCqHOk-00034-00019560-00019992 I'm going to click my audio stretch I'm going to select my audio storage now and then I'm going to ALmMHxCqHOk-00035-00019992-00020580 stretch it out you've heard where this song ends and I'm going to stretch it to the end of my video ALmMHxCqHOk-00036-00020802-00021432 now the exact same place where it was before I'm going to play that song right there so listen ALmMHxCqHOk-00037-00021432-00022086 now there is Discovery that's defined there's of course it starts with a challenge and then there's ALmMHxCqHOk-00038-00022086-00022560 a problem definition and there's an outcome in order to go from challenge to problem if you see ALmMHxCqHOk-00039-00022560-00023040 that it's almost like magic now I'm going to move it to the end of the music let's listen to the end ALmMHxCqHOk-00040-00023040-00023754 of the music help students maximize their Journey as new user experience designers thank you very ALmMHxCqHOk-00041-00023754-00024564 much once again I'm Daya Samuel and I look forward to being a pattern classrooms ux mentors as you ALmMHxCqHOk-00042-00024564-00025272 can see here it just goes from the beginning to the end of the video right there you can see it's ALmMHxCqHOk-00043-00025326-00025818 pretty intuitive and it's something that I love totally now just to add a little bit of ALmMHxCqHOk-00044-00025926-00026495 um tutorial here in case you are trying to edit your song and you want your song to go from low ALmMHxCqHOk-00045-00026495-00027060 sound to I sound this and if you actually zoom in very well you'll notice that there ALmMHxCqHOk-00046-00027060-00027438 is some icon here you notice there's an icon here there's an icon here there's something ALmMHxCqHOk-00047-00027438-00027894 here and there's something here I'm going to turn that off now you can see that it appears ALmMHxCqHOk-00048-00027894-00028512 as there's something happened here well that is it the AI has kind of gone through the audio and ALmMHxCqHOk-00049-00028512-00028962 then looped the audio for you so that you don't have to now cut and paste cut and paste custom ALmMHxCqHOk-00050-00028962-00029454 paste the audio multiple times now let me quickly show you the tutorial I wanted to share with you ALmMHxCqHOk-00051-00029454-00030180 which is how to actually control the loudness of your audio now this is what I typically do ALmMHxCqHOk-00052-00030180-00030768 I select my audio from the beginning I turn this on I turn this adjustment on so if you ALmMHxCqHOk-00053-00030768-00031320 select this adjustment right there the audio can start from a very high volume so in other ALmMHxCqHOk-00054-00031320-00032045 foreign type zero here so the other is going to start from zero and then I want the audio ALmMHxCqHOk-00055-00032045-00032820 to start after a few minutes it should go down to uh maybe something like minus 13. so let's ALmMHxCqHOk-00056-00032820-00033666 reduce it to minus 13. sometimes I use minus 15. but sometimes it also depends on the audio track ALmMHxCqHOk-00057-00033666-00034200 itself now let's listen to that transition you will hear how it goes from a high audio to a low ALmMHxCqHOk-00058-00034200-00034926 audio thank you very much for this opportunity to contribute so if it's still not very okay ALmMHxCqHOk-00059-00034926-00035478 you can come up here and still reduce it thank you very much for this opportunity to contribute ALmMHxCqHOk-00060-00035478-00036294 to you can see that same to work thank you very much for these all right if you've enjoyed this ALmMHxCqHOk-00061-00036294-00036918 video so far remember to like the video that's my only request from you like the video so that more ALmMHxCqHOk-00062-00036918-00037458 persons can see this video I'm dial someone once again I'll see you in another episode ALmMHxCqHOk-00063-00037704-00037806 foreign AOLpbbX3tkY-00000-00000573-00002222 Rosana, vino usted hace 3 meses para ser operada de una catarata bilateral complicada, como paso después? AOLpbbX3tkY-00001-00002225-00003223 Todo paso muy bien, después de la cirugía saco el aderezo, pode ver inmediatamente del ojo izquierdo, la siguiente AOLpbbX3tkY-00002-00003223-00004214 semana el ojo derecho...Pode ver de nuevo y eso cambio mi vida al completo. AOLpbbX3tkY-00003-00004421-00005420 Porque no podía ver desde años, tuvo que reaprender todo de nuevo, fue como renacer. AOLpbbX3tkY-00004-00005420-00006920 Compre una casa 2 años previo y como no veía antes tenia ideas falsas de colores del mesón era verde cuando era gris... AOLpbbX3tkY-00005-00006960-00007947 En mi trabajo de profesor ya pode ver las caras de mis alumnos... AOLpbbX3tkY-00006-00007947-00008825 Pode caminar hasta el trabajo, hasta la casa... AOLpbbX3tkY-00007-00008825-00009462 Caminar hasta la iglesia, lo hacía antes pero con miedo... AOLpbbX3tkY-00008-00009863-00010854 Lo más sorprendente en su historia Rosana, es la persistencia de seguir cuando 3 Dr. en EEUU dijeron AOLpbbX3tkY-00009-00011010-00012020 que no se podía hacer NADA para su problema de ceguera! Fue un éxito aquí en Ecuador, pero 90% de la gente AOLpbbX3tkY-00010-00012020-00012525 no lo hubiera intentado! AOLpbbX3tkY-00011-00012525-00013523 Todo depende de la persona, la mayoria de la gente piensan que 3 opiniones dicen que no se puede hacer nada... AOLpbbX3tkY-00012-00013590-00014915 Y hay personas como yo, muy positivas que piensan que si hay soluciones, siempre. Decidí de intentar y fue un éxito! AOLpbbX3tkY-00013-00014915-00015891 Pase de 5-10% de visión antes de la cirugía a 80-85% ahora... AOLpbbX3tkY-00014-00015891-00016269 Decidí de insistir e hizo bien. AOLpbbX3tkY-00015-00016626-00017811 Que puede decir a la gente mirando este video, que tienen problemas de vista inoperable supuestamente? AOLpbbX3tkY-00016-00017847-00018847 A todos lo que piensan que hay una esperanza AOLpbbX3tkY-00017-00018888-00020330 le sugerí de venir a ver el Dr. Matamoros en Ecuador. Para mí fue un Ángel, me devolvió la visión! AOLpbbX3tkY-00018-00020320-00020520 Como ve la vida ahora? AOLpbbX3tkY-00019-00020520-00021520 Toda mi vida fue optimista...pero ahora me siento más feliz AOLpbbX3tkY-00020-00021534-00022359 Sonrió mas y me siento aún más optimista! AOaaT9Ucgsk-00000-00000040-00000336 Look at the copyright claims I just got. Now we've added a total of five conference AOaaT9Ucgsk-00001-00000336-00000760 teams and two other meetings. And has still found more disputes than ever. APXYSfy22SY-00000-00000086-00000984 (music and computer sounds) APXYSfy22SY-00001-00001006-00001440 Hello folks, my name is Greg Ludwig and I'm very proud to be a Webster Gorlok. APXYSfy22SY-00002-00001440-00001930 I recently retired from the U.S. Navy and I'm located, here, in Great Lakes, Illinois. APXYSfy22SY-00003-00001930-00002433 Currently I am enrolled in the Webster University MBA program and I'm seeking a APXYSfy22SY-00004-00002433-00002865 new career in the civilian workforce, either the corporate world, or federal government, APXYSfy22SY-00005-00002865-00003360 or possibly defense contract. So, let me just close here with comment about three APXYSfy22SY-00006-00003360-00003722 great options that Webster University offers students that are trying to APXYSfy22SY-00007-00003722-00004071 pursue their degree. First and foremost is the seated classroom learning APXYSfy22SY-00008-00004071-00004439 environment. I think that's great or Webster does a tremendous job at that APXYSfy22SY-00009-00004439-00004860 and that's one option that you can pursue for trying to complete your APXYSfy22SY-00010-00004860-00005198 courses. The second option, again that I've tried personally and I've enjoyed, APXYSfy22SY-00011-00005198-00005657 is the WebNet+ (plus). I think it's a great force multiplier. I think you'll find it APXYSfy22SY-00012-00005657-00006162 equally challenging and inviting to use as a another vehicle in which to pursue APXYSfy22SY-00013-00006162-00006572 your degree. Again, the WebNet+, offers you that capability to APXYSfy22SY-00014-00006572-00007179 communicate with your professor through chat, and as well, you can send questions APXYSfy22SY-00015-00007179-00007713 live audio to the classroom when you do this thought-provoking questions with a APXYSfy22SY-00016-00007713-00008142 classroom and professor. Third, that I will tell you I've used personally, is APXYSfy22SY-00017-00008142-00008700 the online portion of learning. Online portion is good you have to be very APXYSfy22SY-00018-00008700-00009150 disciplined if you're taking an online class that requires your participation, APXYSfy22SY-00019-00009150-00009740 the internet, you need to be able to write discussions, do quizzes, exams etc. APXYSfy22SY-00020-00009740-00010082 So again the great thing about Webster University--I'm very impressed with APXYSfy22SY-00021-00010082-00010524 there's three methodologies in which you can pursue your degree. Webster goes out APXYSfy22SY-00022-00010524-00010947 their way to try to do everything they can do technically and professionally to APXYSfy22SY-00023-00010947-00011416 try to get you on track to complete your degree plan. My name is Greg and I am a Gorlok! APXYSfy22SY-00024-00011416-00012268 (music) AQia9mEAzJ4-00000-00001058-00001216 that's what the gunfighter flag is AQia9mEAzJ4-00001-00001216-00001432 typical geared towards, is they got a AQia9mEAzJ4-00002-00001432-00001564 whole lot of stuff that they want to AQia9mEAzJ4-00003-00001564-00001689 target and kill AQia9mEAzJ4-00004-00001689-00001792 that's moving around and AQia9mEAzJ4-00005-00001792-00001860 got to find it AQia9mEAzJ4-00006-00001926-00002002 and they also have to worry about AQia9mEAzJ4-00007-00002005-00002104 things that want to to kill them AQia9mEAzJ4-00008-00002186-00002404 both air assets and surface assets. AQia9mEAzJ4-00009-00002462-00002624 So I mean it's a whole big game AQia9mEAzJ4-00010-00004204-00004320 "Sagebrush... [inauduble]" AQia9mEAzJ4-00011-00004622-00004738 This is how I really feel AQia9mEAzJ4-00012-00004762-00004896 those guys those terrorists over there AQia9mEAzJ4-00013-00004896-00005104 they literally mean us harm. AQia9mEAzJ4-00014-00005122-00005304 And the bigger foothold that they gain over there AQia9mEAzJ4-00015-00005312-00005506 the bigger pieces of weaponry that they get AQia9mEAzJ4-00016-00005614-00005842 they will use that against us AQia9mEAzJ4-00017-00005842-00005912 eventually AQia9mEAzJ4-00018-00005978-00006092 whether or not that's here AQia9mEAzJ4-00019-00006100-00006232 or whether or not that's over there AQia9mEAzJ4-00020-00006258-00006326 this is something AQia9mEAzJ4-00021-00006332-00006518 that's gonna keep that from happening AQia9mEAzJ4-00022-00006678-00006790 We have, uh AQia9mEAzJ4-00023-00006828-00007050 theater ballistic missile simulators and we're AQia9mEAzJ4-00024-00007050-00007336 out here essentially giving visual AQia9mEAzJ4-00025-00007336-00007522 queuing to the aircraft they'll fly over AQia9mEAzJ4-00026-00007662-00007780 and have to recognize what they see on AQia9mEAzJ4-00027-00007780-00007956 the ground and react appropriately AQia9mEAzJ4-00028-00008138-00008222 And then that thing will AQia9mEAzJ4-00029-00008222-00008367 stand the missile up once we AQia9mEAzJ4-00030-00008367-00008533 are in our launch designated position AQia9mEAzJ4-00031-00008533-00008728 and that's the simulated launch is just AQia9mEAzJ4-00032-00008728-00008844 standing the missile up. AQia9mEAzJ4-00033-00009196-00009270 Well what i'm out here AQia9mEAzJ4-00034-00009274-00009482 doing today is uh stimulating a downed aircrew AQia9mEAzJ4-00035-00009776-00009882 my wizzo and i were shot down AQia9mEAzJ4-00036-00009968-00010066 and uh AQia9mEAzJ4-00037-00010070-00010218 i don't know where he is AQia9mEAzJ4-00038-00010232-00010328 um he's AQia9mEAzJ4-00039-00010414-00010597 around here somewhere but we're just trying AQia9mEAzJ4-00040-00010597-00010842 currently to evade enemy forces and AQia9mEAzJ4-00041-00010842-00010936 waiting for the operation AQia9mEAzJ4-00042-00010990-00011162 the rescue operation to begin AQia9mEAzJ4-00043-00011330-00011536 Sandy 1-iron, one, three Bravo AQia9mEAzJ4-00044-00011536-00011634 radio check AQia9mEAzJ4-00045-00011968-00012160 If they don't kill us then we successfully AQia9mEAzJ4-00046-00012160-00012354 got a missile into the air AQia9mEAzJ4-00047-00012456-00012702 I'm going to call it in about five minutes and then AQia9mEAzJ4-00048-00012702-00012852 i'm going to lower the missile and we'll AQia9mEAzJ4-00049-00012852-00013141 simulate reloading, relocate to another site AQia9mEAzJ4-00050-00013141-00013322 to prepare another launch sequence AQia9mEAzJ4-00051-00013524-00013697 Yeah, the plan is just to kind of like bed down AQia9mEAzJ4-00052-00013697-00013800 uh find cover AQia9mEAzJ4-00053-00013800-00013950 and hang out until uh we AQia9mEAzJ4-00054-00013950-00014060 we talk to someone AQia9mEAzJ4-00055-00014191-00014386 So what's going on right now is there's a big AQia9mEAzJ4-00056-00014386-00014500 mission getting ready to start AQia9mEAzJ4-00057-00017922-00018098 a messy situation like this where there AQia9mEAzJ4-00058-00018098-00018222 are air to air threats AQia9mEAzJ4-00059-00018222-00018344 and there are surface to air threats AQia9mEAzJ4-00060-00018344-00018451 and there are enemies closing in on AQia9mEAzJ4-00061-00018452-00018640 our friendly positions on the ground AQia9mEAzJ4-00062-00018674-00018802 and it's important to be prepared for that AQia9mEAzJ4-00063-00018802-00018896 because uh AQia9mEAzJ4-00064-00018896-00019022 you know in a large-scale war AQia9mEAzJ4-00065-00019024-00019188 there's a chance that might happen AQia9mEAzJ4-00066-00019274-00019474 We have to train to that threat AQia9mEAzJ4-00067-00019516-00019616 And we're providing AQia9mEAzJ4-00068-00019616-00019780 that simulated threat AQia9mEAzJ4-00069-00019828-00019996 so the pilots can train to it AQia9mEAzJ4-00070-00020818-00020936 and is there anything else you'd like to AQia9mEAzJ4-00071-00020936-00021120 say about this whole exercise in general AQia9mEAzJ4-00072-00021194-00021244 uh AQia9mEAzJ4-00073-00021280-00021348 America AQUbUO4uvSU-00000-00000010-00000243 HER AND HER SISTER AND MADE THEM AQUbUO4uvSU-00001-00000243-00000250 HER AND HER SISTER AND MADE THEM AQUbUO4uvSU-00002-00000250-00000333 HER AND HER SISTER AND MADE THEM TAKE AQUbUO4uvSU-00003-00000333-00000340 HER AND HER SISTER AND MADE THEM TAKE AQUbUO4uvSU-00004-00000340-00000383 HER AND HER SISTER AND MADE THEM TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF. AQUbUO4uvSU-00005-00000383-00000390 TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF. AQUbUO4uvSU-00006-00000390-00000450 TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF. DAMANN WILL BE SENTENCED ON AQUbUO4uvSU-00007-00000450-00000457 THEIR CLOTHES OFF. DAMANN WILL BE SENTENCED ON AQUbUO4uvSU-00008-00000457-00000493 THEIR CLOTHES OFF. DAMANN WILL BE SENTENCED ON OCTOBER 4th. AQUbUO4uvSU-00009-00000493-00000500 DAMANN WILL BE SENTENCED ON OCTOBER 4th. AQUbUO4uvSU-00010-00000500-00000613 DAMANN WILL BE SENTENCED ON OCTOBER 4th. >>> IT'S BEEN OVER THREE WEEKS AQUbUO4uvSU-00011-00000613-00000620 OCTOBER 4th. >>> IT'S BEEN OVER THREE WEEKS AQUbUO4uvSU-00012-00000620-00000734 OCTOBER 4th. >>> IT'S BEEN OVER THREE WEEKS SINCE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS AQUbUO4uvSU-00013-00000734-00000740 >>> IT'S BEEN OVER THREE WEEKS SINCE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS AQUbUO4uvSU-00014-00000740-00000854 >>> IT'S BEEN OVER THREE WEEKS SINCE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS KICKED OFF BY THE BRAINERD LAKES AQUbUO4uvSU-00015-00000854-00000860 SINCE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS KICKED OFF BY THE BRAINERD LAKES AQUbUO4uvSU-00016-00000860-00000987 SINCE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS KICKED OFF BY THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00017-00000987-00000994 KICKED OFF BY THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00018-00000994-00001127 KICKED OFF BY THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE COMPETITION HAS SEEN A POSITIVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00019-00001127-00001134 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE COMPETITION HAS SEEN A POSITIVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00020-00001134-00001311 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE COMPETITION HAS SEEN A POSITIVE RESPONSE. AQUbUO4uvSU-00021-00001311-00001317 COMPETITION HAS SEEN A POSITIVE RESPONSE. AQUbUO4uvSU-00022-00001317-00001471 COMPETITION HAS SEEN A POSITIVE RESPONSE. SO FAR, 16 APPLICATIONS HAVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00023-00001471-00001478 RESPONSE. SO FAR, 16 APPLICATIONS HAVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00024-00001478-00001584 RESPONSE. SO FAR, 16 APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00025-00001584-00001591 SO FAR, 16 APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00026-00001591-00001718 SO FAR, 16 APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE COMPETITION THAT HAS A GRAND AQUbUO4uvSU-00027-00001718-00001725 BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE COMPETITION THAT HAS A GRAND AQUbUO4uvSU-00028-00001725-00001988 BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE COMPETITION THAT HAS A GRAND PRIZE OF $50,000 FOR AN AQUbUO4uvSU-00029-00001988-00001995 COMPETITION THAT HAS A GRAND PRIZE OF $50,000 FOR AN AQUbUO4uvSU-00030-00001995-00002172 COMPETITION THAT HAS A GRAND PRIZE OF $50,000 FOR AN UP-AND-COMING BUSINESS TO MOVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00031-00002172-00002178 PRIZE OF $50,000 FOR AN UP-AND-COMING BUSINESS TO MOVE AQUbUO4uvSU-00032-00002178-00002469 PRIZE OF $50,000 FOR AN UP-AND-COMING BUSINESS TO MOVE INTO DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. AQUbUO4uvSU-00033-00002469-00002475 UP-AND-COMING BUSINESS TO MOVE INTO DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. AQUbUO4uvSU-00034-00002475-00002532 UP-AND-COMING BUSINESS TO MOVE INTO DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. THE COMPETITION IS A AQUbUO4uvSU-00035-00002532-00002539 INTO DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. THE COMPETITION IS A AQUbUO4uvSU-00036-00002539-00002639 INTO DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. THE COMPETITION IS A STEPPING-STONE TOWARDS AQUbUO4uvSU-00037-00002639-00002645 THE COMPETITION IS A STEPPING-STONE TOWARDS AQUbUO4uvSU-00038-00002645-00002756 THE COMPETITION IS A STEPPING-STONE TOWARDS REVITALIZING THE AREA AND THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00039-00002756-00002762 STEPPING-STONE TOWARDS REVITALIZING THE AREA AND THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00040-00002762-00002876 STEPPING-STONE TOWARDS REVITALIZING THE AREA AND THE CHAIR OF THE JUDGING COMMITTEE AQUbUO4uvSU-00041-00002876-00002882 REVITALIZING THE AREA AND THE CHAIR OF THE JUDGING COMMITTEE AQUbUO4uvSU-00042-00002882-00002996 REVITALIZING THE AREA AND THE CHAIR OF THE JUDGING COMMITTEE SAYS HE'S HAPPY WITH THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00043-00002996-00003002 CHAIR OF THE JUDGING COMMITTEE SAYS HE'S HAPPY WITH THE AQUbUO4uvSU-00044-00003002-00003286 CHAIR OF THE JUDGING COMMITTEE SAYS HE'S HAPPY WITH THE RESPONSE SO FAR. AQUbUO4uvSU-00045-00003286-00003293 SAYS HE'S HAPPY WITH THE RESPONSE SO FAR. AQUbUO4uvSU-00046-00003293-00003436 SAYS HE'S HAPPY WITH THE RESPONSE SO FAR. >> YOU KNOW, GOING INTO AQUbUO4uvSU-00047-00003436-00003443 RESPONSE SO FAR. >> YOU KNOW, GOING INTO AQUbUO4uvSU-00048-00003443-00003550 RESPONSE SO FAR. >> YOU KNOW, GOING INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU ALWAYS AQUbUO4uvSU-00049-00003550-00003556 >> YOU KNOW, GOING INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU ALWAYS AQUbUO4uvSU-00050-00003556-00003703 >> YOU KNOW, GOING INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU ALWAYS WONDER, WHO IS GOING TO APPLY AQUbUO4uvSU-00051-00003703-00003710 SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU ALWAYS WONDER, WHO IS GOING TO APPLY AQUbUO4uvSU-00052-00003710-00003837 SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU ALWAYS WONDER, WHO IS GOING TO APPLY AND WHAT KIND OF BUSINESSES? AQUbUO4uvSU-00053-00003837-00003843 WONDER, WHO IS GOING TO APPLY AND WHAT KIND OF BUSINESSES? AQUbUO4uvSU-00054-00003843-00003983 WONDER, WHO IS GOING TO APPLY AND WHAT KIND OF BUSINESSES? AND I TRIED TO GUESS ON WHAT AQUbUO4uvSU-00055-00003983-00003990 AND WHAT KIND OF BUSINESSES? AND I TRIED TO GUESS ON WHAT AQUbUO4uvSU-00056-00003990-00004110 AND WHAT KIND OF BUSINESSES? AND I TRIED TO GUESS ON WHAT TYPES OF BUSINESSES WERE GOING AQUbUO4uvSU-00057-00004110-00004117 AND I TRIED TO GUESS ON WHAT TYPES OF BUSINESSES WERE GOING AQUbUO4uvSU-00058-00004117-00004260 AND I TRIED TO GUESS ON WHAT TYPES OF BUSINESSES WERE GOING TO GO OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE AQUbUO4uvSU-00059-00004260-00004267 TYPES OF BUSINESSES WERE GOING TO GO OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE AQUbUO4uvSU-00060-00004267-00004407 TYPES OF BUSINESSES WERE GOING TO GO OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS, AND I HAVE BEEN SURPRISED AQUbUO4uvSU-00061-00004407-00004414 TO GO OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS, AND I HAVE BEEN SURPRISED AQUbUO4uvSU-00062-00004414-00004497 TO GO OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS, AND I HAVE BEEN SURPRISED BY IT. AQUbUO4uvSU-00063-00004497-00004504 THIS, AND I HAVE BEEN SURPRISED BY IT. AQUbUO4uvSU-00064-00004504-00004631 THIS, AND I HAVE BEEN SURPRISED BY IT. THERE'S BEEN SO MANY GOOD ONES AQUbUO4uvSU-00065-00004631-00004637 BY IT. THERE'S BEEN SO MANY GOOD ONES AQUbUO4uvSU-00066-00004637-00004811 BY IT. THERE'S BEEN SO MANY GOOD ONES AND WE'RE HEARING THERE'S A LOT AQUbUO4uvSU-00067-00004811-00004818 THERE'S BEEN SO MANY GOOD ONES AND WE'RE HEARING THERE'S A LOT AQUbUO4uvSU-00068-00004818-00004991 THERE'S BEEN SO MANY GOOD ONES AND WE'RE HEARING THERE'S A LOT MORE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO APPLY AQUbUO4uvSU-00069-00004991-00004998 AND WE'RE HEARING THERE'S A LOT MORE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO APPLY AQUbUO4uvSU-00070-00004998-00005128 AND WE'RE HEARING THERE'S A LOT MORE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO APPLY AND JUST HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE AQUbUO4uvSU-00071-00005128-00005135 MORE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO APPLY AND JUST HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE AQUbUO4uvSU-00072-00005135-00005165 MORE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO APPLY AND JUST HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE YET. AQUbUO4uvSU-00073-00005165-00005171 AND JUST HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE YET. AQUbUO4uvSU-00074-00005171-00005371 AND JUST HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE YET. I STILL WANT TO ENCOURAGE THEM AQUbUO4uvSU-00075-00005371-00005378 YET. I STILL WANT TO ENCOURAGE THEM AQUbUO4uvSU-00076-00005378-00005512 YET. I STILL WANT TO ENCOURAGE THEM THERE'S STILL TIME. AQUbUO4uvSU-00077-00005512-00005518 I STILL WANT TO ENCOURAGE THEM THERE'S STILL TIME. AQUbUO4uvSU-00078-00005518-00005658 I STILL WANT TO ENCOURAGE THEM THERE'S STILL TIME. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION, AQUbUO4uvSU-00079-00005658-00005665 THERE'S STILL TIME. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION, AQUbUO4uvSU-00080-00005665-00005805 THERE'S STILL TIME. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION, WE WOULD BE EXCITED TO SEE IT AQUbUO4uvSU-00081-00005805-00005812 PLEASE SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION, WE WOULD BE EXCITED TO SEE IT AQUbUO4uvSU-00082-00005812-00005969 PLEASE SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION, WE WOULD BE EXCITED TO SEE IT AND JUST FOR THE CONTINUED AQUbUO4uvSU-00083-00005969-00005975 WE WOULD BE EXCITED TO SEE IT AND JUST FOR THE CONTINUED AQUbUO4uvSU-00084-00005975-00006119 WE WOULD BE EXCITED TO SEE IT AND JUST FOR THE CONTINUED GROWTH OF THE DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AQUbUO4uvSU-00085-00006119-00006126 AND JUST FOR THE CONTINUED GROWTH OF THE DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AQUbUO4uvSU-00086-00006126-00006179 AND JUST FOR THE CONTINUED GROWTH OF THE DOWNTOWN BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY. AQUbUO4uvSU-00087-00006179-00006186 GROWTH OF THE DOWNTOWN BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY. AQUbUO4uvSU-00088-00006186-00006299 GROWTH OF THE DOWNTOWN BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY. >>Dennis: APPLICATIONS FOR AQUbUO4uvSU-00089-00006299-00006306 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. >>Dennis: APPLICATIONS FOR AQUbUO4uvSU-00090-00006306-00006376 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. >>Dennis: APPLICATIONS FOR DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WILL ASShe3xs2dk-00000-00000000-00000216 I'm Giovanni, and today we will discuss Libra. ASShe3xs2dk-00001-00000216-00000487 The Facebook cryptocurrency everyone is talking about. ASShe3xs2dk-00002-00000488-00000848 We reached out to Matthias Weissl, CEO at Swiss-based V.C. ASShe3xs2dk-00003-00000848-00001338 Verum Capital, and asked him what he thinks of Libra and the many challenges it is likely to face. ASShe3xs2dk-00004-00001338-00001780 Matthias, what is Libra project and why everyone is talking about it? ASShe3xs2dk-00005-00001780-00002444 Yes, the Libra project is, in my opinion, the first project in the world where one of ASShe3xs2dk-00006-00002444-00003040 the largest companies in the world, the gaffer, in this case Facebook is actually taking a ASShe3xs2dk-00007-00003040-00003789 lead and seeking exposure towards the blockchain and trying to really create a currency or ASShe3xs2dk-00008-00003789-00004162 a stable currency in this case to bank the unbanked. ASShe3xs2dk-00009-00004162-00004833 And I think in this world today we have 1.7 billion people that do not have a bank account, ASShe3xs2dk-00010-00004833-00005453 and this is exactly the intention of Facebook, but in my opinion it's not only Facebook, ASShe3xs2dk-00011-00005453-00005917 it is the consortium in reality, that they're trying to solve. ASShe3xs2dk-00012-00005917-00006104 Why is everybody talking about this? ASShe3xs2dk-00013-00006104-00006678 Because this is a first, in the blockchain space, that one of the top-5 companies ASShe3xs2dk-00014-00006678-00006994 in the world is actually entering into this market. ASShe3xs2dk-00015-00006994-00007552 Okay, so, if successful, can you give us an estimate of how big in terms of money or capitalization ASShe3xs2dk-00016-00007552-00007681 can Libra become? ASShe3xs2dk-00017-00007681-00007878 That is a difficult question. ASShe3xs2dk-00018-00007878-00008116 Let's start with where it stands today. ASShe3xs2dk-00019-00008116-00008320 You have 28 founding members. ASShe3xs2dk-00020-00008320-00008774 They each spent roughly $10 million to be a part of this network. ASShe3xs2dk-00021-00008774-00009156 So you already have a significant amount of money and backing here. ASShe3xs2dk-00022-00009156-00009810 If you then take the transactions that are being done by Visa, by MasterCard and so on, ASShe3xs2dk-00023-00009810-00010142 the Facebook can take a significant chunk here. ASShe3xs2dk-00024-00010142-00010680 Visa has hundreds of thousands of transactions per day or per minute sometimes even. ASShe3xs2dk-00025-00010680-00011100 And this is exactly where Facebook is tackling into. ASShe3xs2dk-00026-00011100-00011290 Talking about Libra's goal. ASShe3xs2dk-00027-00011290-00011828 So, do you think that Libra can be a solution for the problem of the words unbanked and ASShe3xs2dk-00028-00011828-00012074 do you see any challenges ahead? ASShe3xs2dk-00029-00012074-00012618 Challenges that this project will definitely face is from a legal perspective, especially ASShe3xs2dk-00030-00012618-00012936 around the financial markets regulation. ASShe3xs2dk-00031-00012936-00013938 Because since this is a consortium, I would call it, will issue the investment coin. ASShe3xs2dk-00032-00013938-00014710 They will also invest in assets, and for this you need an asset manager license going forward ASShe3xs2dk-00033-00014711-00014916 in a variety of jurisdictions. ASShe3xs2dk-00034-00014916-00015554 Of course this will be different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but to hold an asset managers license, ASShe3xs2dk-00035-00015554-00016058 but also to have the appropriate resellers in place that also have to adhere ASShe3xs2dk-00036-00016058-00016584 to the AML procedures underneath, that they will be working with very closely. ASShe3xs2dk-00037-00016584-00017188 I think these will be some of the legal challenges that the project will be facing. ASShe3xs2dk-00038-00017188-00017709 So, according to lawmakers around the globe, with Libra Facebook is continuing its unchecked ASShe3xs2dk-00039-00017710-00018078 expansion and extending its reach in the life of its users. ASShe3xs2dk-00040-00018078-00018694 And U.S. regulators even issued a moratorium asking Facebook to stop developing the coin ASShe3xs2dk-00041-00018695-00019038 until some checks will be carried out. ASShe3xs2dk-00042-00019038-00019456 So how funded are the regulators concerns? ASShe3xs2dk-00043-00019456-00020030 A lot of people in this world they have obviously issues with Facebook and they have publicly ASShe3xs2dk-00044-00020030-00020528 expressed them, because Facebook is a monopoly, they have so much data. ASShe3xs2dk-00045-00020528-00020982 They have been in negative press of course. ASShe3xs2dk-00046-00020982-00021467 But with the approach that they're taking, I'm not so much concerned about this, because ASShe3xs2dk-00047-00021468-00021990 we have to go away with the thought that this will be a Facebook Coin, this is a consortium coin. ASShe3xs2dk-00048-00021990-00022864 And they've clearly put a roadmap into place, that after 5 years 20% of the control of this ASShe3xs2dk-00049-00022865-00023529 coin, of the consortium coin, will be actually in the hands of non co-founders, meaning that ASShe3xs2dk-00050-00023529-00023806 right now, yes, it is a permissioned blockchain. ASShe3xs2dk-00051-00023806-00024242 It is rather in a closed environment of these 28 founding members. ASShe3xs2dk-00052-00024242-00024620 However, we are going towards a decentralized system. ASShe3xs2dk-00053-00024620-00025086 And then they even have stated that after seven years they want to even put more even ASShe3xs2dk-00054-00025086-00025457 on a larger percentage of control in the hands of non co-founders. ASShe3xs2dk-00055-00025457-00025880 So this shows me that, yes, we do start with the permissioned blockchain. ASShe3xs2dk-00056-00025880-00026389 However, we are going in the right direction of a decentralized system. ASShe3xs2dk-00057-00026389-00026798 So, according to the white paper, the Libra blockchain will be open to any developers ASShe3xs2dk-00058-00026798-00027062 who want to build products on top of it. ASShe3xs2dk-00059-00027062-00027686 And according to some observers, this kind of openness raises security risks, as shady ASShe3xs2dk-00060-00027686-00028018 developers could potentially steal money from users. ASShe3xs2dk-00061-00028018-00028195 Do you agree with these concerns? ASShe3xs2dk-00062-00028382-00028648 In general, I do not agree with these concerns. ASShe3xs2dk-00063-00028648-00029454 We see that the openness of the network in the blockchain is more of an advantage to people, ASShe3xs2dk-00064-00029454-00029886 because they come up with very exciting solutions. ASShe3xs2dk-00065-00029886-00030083 Yes, there is a risk factor to it. ASShe3xs2dk-00066-00030083-00030993 However, they have a consortium of 28 world-leading companies that will, I bet, will actually ASShe3xs2dk-00067-00030993-00031230 implement some sort of verification process. ASShe3xs2dk-00068-00031230-00031820 So this is not in place as of today and this also implies to me a few risks that could ASShe3xs2dk-00069-00031820-00032289 come up in the future, but I'm pretty sure there will be a very clear onboarding and ASShe3xs2dk-00070-00032289-00032569 verification process here around the developers. ASShe3xs2dk-00071-00032569-00032708 Thank you very much, Matthias. ASShe3xs2dk-00072-00032708-00033058 So, guys, everybody seems to be very excited about Libra. ASShe3xs2dk-00073-00033058-00033174 What do you think about it? ASShe3xs2dk-00074-00033174-00033308 Let us know in the comments. ASShe3xs2dk-00075-00033308-00033764 And, as always, don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more interesting content. AW3iv0efKO8-00000-00000000-00000200 Top 1 Beautiful BEED Student of PUP Ragay 2022-23 Video 4 AaJayEwAUmQ-00000-00000048-00000732 I'm sorry, but the video that I was trying to upload failed for the first time in over six AaJayEwAUmQ-00001-00000732-00001494 months. this is the little broken streak of six months that I have. the last time it happened, I AaJayEwAUmQ-00002-00001494-00002244 think was in May or June, but we're not sure what day it was, and it's been forever since the last AaJayEwAUmQ-00003-00002244-00003000 time I've seen this. I hope this one can upload, because if it doesn't upload, I will be really sad. AblcylsKtb8-00000-00000000-00000200 receiver for debentureholder Ad788V_02Tu-00000-00000000-00000500 [ethereal drone music] Ad788V_02Tu-00002-00008770-00010360 [electric keyboard adds to music, guitars slowly build] Ad788V_02Tu-00003-00010360-00012463 [quieter] Ad788V_02Tu-00005-00017123-00019540 [quieter, only ethereal tone and piano] Ad788V_02Tu-00007-00023223-00024080 [music builds to a climax] Boku-nUdJ68-00000-00000100-00000354 With equations in one variable, Boku-nUdJ68-00001-00000354-00000678 one of the first things that we were interested in doing Boku-nUdJ68-00002-00000706-00000977 was solving such an equation. Boku-nUdJ68-00003-00000977-00001326 That is, finding out what the solution was. Boku-nUdJ68-00004-00001372-00001607 As we saw in the last video, Boku-nUdJ68-00005-00001607-00001968 equations in two variables typically have lots Boku-nUdJ68-00006-00001968-00002122 of solutions. Boku-nUdJ68-00007-00002172-00002576 And by a solution, we mean just what we've always Boku-nUdJ68-00008-00002576-00002776 meant by a solution. Boku-nUdJ68-00009-00002776-00003150 We mean, values of the variables that make Boku-nUdJ68-00010-00003150-00003292 the equation true. Boku-nUdJ68-00011-00003436-00003961 Notice, when we have an equation in two variables, Boku-nUdJ68-00012-00003961-00004254 a solution consists of two numbers, Boku-nUdJ68-00013-00004254-00004440 one for each variable. Boku-nUdJ68-00014-00004476-00004778 For example, in the equation, Boku-nUdJ68-00015-00004778-00005104 two a plus three b equals twelve, Boku-nUdJ68-00016-00005168-00005728 one solution is, a equals three, b equals two. Boku-nUdJ68-00017-00005820-00006356 That consists of two values but it's just one solution. Boku-nUdJ68-00018-00006558-00007034 If I plug in a equals three, b equals two, Boku-nUdJ68-00019-00007034-00007238 the equation is true. Boku-nUdJ68-00020-00007528-00008092 OK, but how do we go about finding a solution Boku-nUdJ68-00021-00008092-00008380 to an equation in two variables? Boku-nUdJ68-00022-00008432-00008886 Well, we have to find a pair of numbers that together Boku-nUdJ68-00023-00008886-00009084 make the equation true. Boku-nUdJ68-00024-00009218-00009624 The simplest method for finding a solution is, Boku-nUdJ68-00025-00009680-00009964 well, we pick one of the numbers. Boku-nUdJ68-00026-00009964-00010208 I can pick a equals nine. Boku-nUdJ68-00027-00010310-00010449 Where did I get nine? Boku-nUdJ68-00028-00010478-00010614 I made it up. Boku-nUdJ68-00029-00010676-00010960 You could pick any number you wanted for a. Boku-nUdJ68-00030-00011006-00011276 Or instead of picking a number for a, Boku-nUdJ68-00031-00011276-00011570 you could also pick a number for b. Boku-nUdJ68-00032-00011571-00011755 You would get a different solution than Boku-nUdJ68-00033-00011755-00012059 the one I'm about to get but you would also get Boku-nUdJ68-00034-00012059-00012290 a solution to this equation. Boku-nUdJ68-00035-00012334-00012672 So, when we plug that in, we get, Boku-nUdJ68-00036-00012672-00013440 two times, a is nine, plus three b equals twelve. Boku-nUdJ68-00037-00013528-00013762 And looking at this, you should notice, Boku-nUdJ68-00038-00013834-00014136 we now have an equation in one variable. Boku-nUdJ68-00039-00014202-00014404 All we need to do is solve it. Boku-nUdJ68-00040-00014463-00015065 So we have, eighteen plus three b is twelve. Boku-nUdJ68-00041-00015122-00015441 We subtract eighteen on both sides. Boku-nUdJ68-00042-00015546-00015936 Three b is negative six. Boku-nUdJ68-00043-00016000-00016222 Divide both sides by three. Boku-nUdJ68-00044-00016263-00016638 And we get, b is negative two. Boku-nUdJ68-00045-00016920-00017200 OK, so what does that give us? Boku-nUdJ68-00046-00017254-00017552 That gives us a pair of values, Boku-nUdJ68-00047-00017552-00017874 the one that we picked and the one that we found, Boku-nUdJ68-00048-00017908-00018130 that is a solution to the equation. Boku-nUdJ68-00049-00018196-00018448 So, in our example above, Boku-nUdJ68-00050-00018514-00019050 the pair a equals nine and b equals negative two, Boku-nUdJ68-00051-00019050-00019284 is a solution to the equation. Boku-nUdJ68-00052-00019384-00019762 Two a plus three b equals twelve. Boku-nUdJ68-00053-00019890-00020126 And that really is true, right? Boku-nUdJ68-00054-00020126-00020668 Two times nine plus three times negative two. Boku-nUdJ68-00055-00020796-00021578 That's eighteen plus negative six which really is twelve. Boku-nUdJ68-00056-00021828-00022116 That's always going to be how we go about finding Boku-nUdJ68-00057-00022116-00022526 a solution to an equation in two variables. Boku-nUdJ68-00058-00022526-00022814 We pick a value for one of the variables. Boku-nUdJ68-00059-00022888-00022982 Plug it in. Boku-nUdJ68-00060-00023060-00023478 Now we have an equation in one variable that we solve. B3eWEkx05yy-00000-00000053-00000520 Inside this video, I’m going to share with you why 500,000 views a day on Youtube is B3eWEkx05yy-00001-00000520-00000984 relevant for your business and also I’m going to talk about how to outsource and get B3eWEkx05yy-00002-00000984-00001334 your videos put into a different language which will help you generate more traffic B3eWEkx05yy-00003-00001334-00001434 to your website. B3eWEkx05yy-00004-00001434-00002482 So let’s just jump straight into it. B3eWEkx05yy-00005-00002482-00002900 My name is Tyrone Shum, world’s leading outsourcing expert and you’ve reached the B3eWEkx05yy-00006-00002900-00003213 Outsourcing Live channel. B3eWEkx05yy-00007-00003213-00003894 Recently, Youtube announced that they received over 500,000 views just from mobile devices B3eWEkx05yy-00008-00003894-00004484 alone and apparently there are over 350 million mobile devices out in the market right now, B3eWEkx05yy-00009-00004484-00004663 that’s what they’ve recorded. B3eWEkx05yy-00010-00004663-00004857 So what does this mean for you? B3eWEkx05yy-00011-00004857-00005283 What that means for you is a lot more people are now using mobile devices to view Youtube B3eWEkx05yy-00012-00005283-00005835 videos or videos in general and that’s a huge, huge changing game. B3eWEkx05yy-00013-00005835-00006170 That means a lot of people now are just watching videos on the go and they want them really B3eWEkx05yy-00014-00006170-00006572 sharp and quick and that means that everytime you create a video, you’ve got to make sure B3eWEkx05yy-00015-00006572-00006925 that they’re really, really short and it just captures the person’s attention like B3eWEkx05yy-00016-00006925-00007025 that. B3eWEkx05yy-00017-00007025-00007303 You don’t want to be creating these long 10 to 15-minute videos where people are not B3eWEkx05yy-00018-00007303-00007790 going to download and watch along mobile devices because people’s bandwidth can also be restricted. B3eWEkx05yy-00019-00007790-00008259 So keep these things in mind, as a business you want to make sure that your videos are B3eWEkx05yy-00020-00008259-00008713 short, no more than 2 to 3 minutes long and make sure that your videos are eye-catching B3eWEkx05yy-00021-00008713-00009145 or captivating to the audience so that they will watch and find out exactly what it is. B3eWEkx05yy-00022-00009145-00009475 You’ll notice that my videos at the front, I introduced exactly what’s going to be B3eWEkx05yy-00023-00009475-00009885 in the video so that way you still capture their attention immediately at the beginning B3eWEkx05yy-00024-00009885-00010059 and don’t have like an intro or anything. B3eWEkx05yy-00025-00010059-00010420 That’s where you potentially lose people out, so make sure you do that with all your B3eWEkx05yy-00026-00010420-00010520 videos. B3eWEkx05yy-00027-00010520-00010841 All right, that’s the news inside what’s been going on with all your videos. B3eWEkx05yy-00028-00010841-00010941 All right that’s the news inside what’s going on. B3eWEkx05yy-00029-00010941-00011167 Now check out the insider info on this next part. B3eWEkx05yy-00030-00011167-00011993 Inside today’s tip, I want to share with you another strategy on how to be able to B3eWEkx05yy-00031-00011993-00012293 get more traffic to your blog or your website. B3eWEkx05yy-00032-00012293-00012854 Now, a strategy that I’m going to be considering implementing is to get my outsourcing videos B3eWEkx05yy-00033-00012854-00013126 written or produced in a different language. B3eWEkx05yy-00034-00013126-00013704 So for example, I recently did an interview with a success dating coach and he’s got B3eWEkx05yy-00035-00013704-00014181 4 other channels that he’s been translating into another language such as Spanish. B3eWEkx05yy-00036-00014181-00014801 And in a very, very short period of time, he’s got over 700,000 views – 700,000 B3eWEkx05yy-00037-00014801-00014961 views in a different language. B3eWEkx05yy-00038-00014961-00015122 So what does that mean for you? B3eWEkx05yy-00039-00015122-00015509 What that means for you is that there are other people viewing in other languages on B3eWEkx05yy-00040-00015509-00016095 Youtube potentially for your content so if they don’t know or read or listen to English, B3eWEkx05yy-00041-00016095-00016566 you can potentially have it put into a different language and capture that audience there. B3eWEkx05yy-00042-00016566-00016712 So what will I recommend you do? B3eWEkx05yy-00043-00016712-00016901 Definitely outsource this. B3eWEkx05yy-00044-00016901-00017470 Find someone on Fiverrwho can actually create new videos for you and do it for you in a B3eWEkx05yy-00045-00017470-00017945 different language and I know that there is a few different people on Fiverr right now B3eWEkx05yy-00046-00017945-00018413 that are translating into Spanish, Chinese and other languages as well which are common B3eWEkx05yy-00047-00018413-00018610 languages that people listen to. B3eWEkx05yy-00048-00018610-00019099 So I highly recommend, outsource and get your videos created on a different channel with B3eWEkx05yy-00049-00019099-00019607 a different language as well. B3eWEkx05yy-00050-00019607-00020019 Question for this week is what language will you re-create your videos in? B3eWEkx05yy-00051-00020019-00020357 Feel free to leave your comments just down below this video and let me know what you B3eWEkx05yy-00052-00020357-00020529 think as well. B3eWEkx05yy-00053-00020529-00020749 Potentially there’s so many different markets out there. B3eWEkx05yy-00054-00020749-00021279 Now if you like this video, feel free to share it on Facebook, tweet it on Twitter and also B3eWEkx05yy-00055-00021279-00021782 plus one on Google Plus as well and as I mentioned, you’re most welcome to put comments down B3eWEkx05yy-00056-00021782-00022101 below as well in addition to the questions. B3eWEkx05yy-00057-00022101-00022502 Well thank you so much for watching this video this week, my name is Tyrone Shum from Outsourcing B3eWEkx05yy-00058-00022502-00022695 Live and I’ll see you inside the next video. B3eWEkx05yy-00059-00022695-00022798 Bye for now. B3eWEkx05yy-00060-00022798-00023012 Oh yeah, there’s one last thing as well. B3eWEkx05yy-00061-00023012-00023662 Be sure you check out the answers to last week’s questions as well so check it out B3eWEkx05yy-00062-00023662-00023876 right now. B3eWEkx05yy-00063-00023876-00024307 [answers from last video] B3eWEkx05yy-00064-00024307-00025027 Now if you like this video, feel free to subscribe on Google – subscribe on Youtube. B3eWEkx05yy-00065-00025027-00025127 Cut. B3eWEkx05yy-00066-00025127-00025402 Subscribe today and receive the latest videos. B3eWEkx05yy-00067-00025402-00025783 Subscribe to the Outsourcing Live channel by clicking on the Subscribe button on the B3eWEkx05yy-00068-00025783-00025883 screen. B3eWEkx05yy-00069-00025883-00026342 Alternatively, you can watch the next video by clicking on the moving TV screen. B3eWEkx05yy-00070-00026342-00026425 Catch me if you can. BtT2Bx35naQ-00000-00001743-00001843 Hi everyone. BtT2Bx35naQ-00001-00001843-00002121 Thank you for attending. BtT2Bx35naQ-00002-00002121-00002301 This is the 11 o’clock session, After the Harvest: Preservation, Access and Researcher BtT2Bx35naQ-00003-00002301-00002506 Services of the 2016 end of term web archives. BtT2Bx35naQ-00004-00002506-00002995 After the Harvest: Preservation, Access and Researcher Services of the 2016 BtT2Bx35naQ-00005-00002995-00003131 end of term web archives BtT2Bx35naQ-00006-00003131-00003693 So, lets talk about what that is and we’ll kick it off. BtT2Bx35naQ-00007-00003693-00003965 And we have plenty of time for questions and discussion at the end. BtT2Bx35naQ-00008-00003965-00004571 So, there's been a good bit attention about the preservation of government and presidential BtT2Bx35naQ-00009-00004571-00005207 web content due to the transition and we will talk about some of the issues around that BtT2Bx35naQ-00010-00005207-00005806 at the end and I encourage folks to comment and give feedback. BtT2Bx35naQ-00011-00005806-00006101 Hi everybody. BtT2Bx35naQ-00012-00006101-00006590 I'm Abbie Grotke from the Library of Congress and we have Jefferson Bailey from Internet BtT2Bx35naQ-00013-00006590-00006947 archives and Mark Phillips from University of North Texas Libraries. BtT2Bx35naQ-00014-00006947-00007590 We are three of the many partners, many, thousands, of partners…that’s an inside joke. BtT2Bx35naQ-00015-00007590-00008214 We have about 8 partners that we’ll talk about, partner institutions, helping build BtT2Bx35naQ-00016-00008214-00008314 archives. BtT2Bx35naQ-00017-00008314-00008749 So, we're going to talk a little bit about the history of the archive and what we're BtT2Bx35naQ-00018-00008749-00009347 doing now and also what our plans are for thinking about researcher access to the collections. BtT2Bx35naQ-00019-00009347-00009529 It all began a long, long time ago, in a far away place BtT2Bx35naQ-00020-00009529-00010104 So, I’d like to say, it all began a long time ago far, far away in Canborra BtT2Bx35naQ-00021-00010104-00010679 in 2006, I think, or 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00022-00010679-00011409 And, we were meeting at the Internation Internet Preservation Consortium meetings during that BtT2Bx35naQ-00023-00011409-00012047 time and we had just gotten the word that our colleagues at the National Archives, who BtT2Bx35naQ-00024-00012047-00012975 are in the room, were not going to do an end of term crawl of the dot.gov domain as they BtT2Bx35naQ-00025-00012975-00013134 had done in 2004. BtT2Bx35naQ-00026-00013134-00013675 So, a number of us sitting around the table, we were already doing archiving of this nature, BtT2Bx35naQ-00027-00013675-00013963 our own efforts in this area. BtT2Bx35naQ-00028-00013963-00014261 We just looked at each other and said, “Well, somebody’s got to do it.” BtT2Bx35naQ-00029-00014261-00014406 original end of term web archive partners BtT2Bx35naQ-00030-00014406-00014912 So, at that time, the Internet Archive, Library of Congress, California Digital Library, University BtT2Bx35naQ-00031-00014912-00015433 of North Texas, Government Printing Office—at the time—now their the Government Publishing BtT2Bx35naQ-00032-00015433-00015950 Office, gathered together to form the end of term archive. BtT2Bx35naQ-00033-00015950-00016593 And, at that time we were all IIPC members, we're also all NDIIPP and NDSA members as BtT2Bx35naQ-00034-00016593-00016693 well. BtT2Bx35naQ-00035-00016693-00016956 So, we were already working together on a number of projects and this just seemed like BtT2Bx35naQ-00036-00016956-00017056 a natural fit. BtT2Bx35naQ-00037-00017056-00017450 SLIDE 5-extant gov web archiving efforts So, like I said, we were already doing a bit BtT2Bx35naQ-00038-00017450-00017648 of government crawling on our own. BtT2Bx35naQ-00039-00017648-00018094 I won't go into all the details of this but basically there's a lot of activity from a BtT2Bx35naQ-00040-00018094-00018516 number of institutions around archiving.gov. BtT2Bx35naQ-00041-00018516-00019122 We like to say the US domain is not easily defined, neither is the .gov domains. BtT2Bx35naQ-00042-00019122-00019564 Various organizations have taken different slices of it depending on their research interests BtT2Bx35naQ-00043-00019564-00019730 and needs. BtT2Bx35naQ-00044-00019730-00020532 But, by coming together, we can really build a community around this and expand our collections. BtT2Bx35naQ-00045-00020532-00021173 So, there were again, some other community efforts and in more recent years there’s BtT2Bx35naQ-00046-00021173-00021506 something that we're a part of, the federal web archiving group. BtT2Bx35naQ-00047-00021506-00022365 There’s other research projects and citizen projects to document.goals of the end of term project So, the goals were to, again, work collaborative BtT2Bx35naQ-00048-00022365-00022895 to preserve the government web; document the federal agencies’ presence during the time BtT2Bx35naQ-00049-00022895-00023452 of presidential transition; and enhance our own research collections. BtT2Bx35naQ-00050-00023452-00023960 Part of the piece of this is that we are all doing collecting but then we bring the archive BtT2Bx35naQ-00051-00023960-00024422 together and make preservation copies and share it with partners so there’s more than BtT2Bx35naQ-00052-00024422-00024766 one copy available of the archive. BtT2Bx35naQ-00053-00024766-00024894 We also wanted to raise awareness. BtT2Bx35naQ-00054-00024894-00025437 And we could talk a little bit more about this year, raising the most awareness, in BtT2Bx35naQ-00055-00025437-00025931 terms of outreach and making people aware of the importance of preserving government BtT2Bx35naQ-00056-00025931-00026129 information and web archiving. BtT2Bx35naQ-00057-00026129-00026793 And, we also wanted to use the data to engage with researches who are involved in web archiving BtT2Bx35naQ-00058-00026793-00026893 and other subject experts. BtT2Bx35naQ-00060-00027079-00027433 The distribution of work has changed depending on the year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00061-00027433-00027683 We started in 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00062-00027683-00028320 We did another archive in 2012 and again, we’ve gathered again for this end of term BtT2Bx35naQ-00063-00028320-00028518 transition project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00064-00028518-00029018 So, over time we’ve adjusted who’s doing what and what pieces of the web crawling they BtT2Bx35naQ-00065-00029018-00029475 can get us in so the things that need to be done. BtT2Bx35naQ-00066-00029475-00029895 Mostly we’ve been focused on collecting and preserving but we are looking more at BtT2Bx35naQ-00067-00029895-00030413 access and making things available, which Jefferson will talk about a little bit later. BtT2Bx35naQ-00068-00030413-00030927 We all sort of pull together, collect content, some of us work on the access side, some of BtT2Bx35naQ-00069-00030927-00031620 us work on coordinating volunteers that we’ll talk about in a moment, other people are extracting BtT2Bx35naQ-00070-00031620-00032004 data, archiving social media, things like that. BtT2Bx35naQ-00072-00032143-00032330 So, we have a lot of funding…No. BtT2Bx35naQ-00073-00032330-00032711 No, we have no funding for this project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00074-00032711-00033010 We have no grants that are currently supporting this activity. BtT2Bx35naQ-00075-00033010-00033555 We're all sort of contributing our own institutional resources as a part of our own web archiving BtT2Bx35naQ-00076-00033555-00033655 program. BtT2Bx35naQ-00077-00033655-00034122 So, we like to joke…it would be nice if we had a lot of funding coming in. BtT2Bx35naQ-00078-00034122-00034646 Actually, there’s only a handful of us really committing at our own institutions for this. BtT2Bx35naQ-00079-00034646-00035166 Its not to mean that we won't eventually get some funding for some aspects of it and we BtT2Bx35naQ-00080-00035166-00035369 can talk about that, maybe, in the Q and A. BtT2Bx35naQ-00082-00035565-00035928 So, defining the web presence has been one of the biggest challenges. BtT2Bx35naQ-00083-00035928-00036360 We started with the 2008 archive with a few data sets. BtT2Bx35naQ-00084-00036360-00036856 One was the crawl that NARA had done in 2004, so we had that list. BtT2Bx35naQ-00085-00036856-00037391 We had a couple other lists of seed URL’s, which was a starting point for the BtT2Bx35naQ-00086-00037391-00037509 crawler. BtT2Bx35naQ-00087-00037509-00037762 We’ve grown that list over the years. BtT2Bx35naQ-00088-00037762-00038171 So, we started a bulk list of domains. BtT2Bx35naQ-00089-00038171-00038699 There's not one big list that we can consolidate that has everything so its been a bit of a BtT2Bx35naQ-00090-00038699-00038893 mismatch trying to find all of the sources. BtT2Bx35naQ-00091-00038893-00039524 Its gotten a little bit easier this time around where you have access to more from data.gov BtT2Bx35naQ-00092-00039524-00040193 and USA.gov and we actually for the first time this year have received a list of URLs BtT2Bx35naQ-00093-00040193-00040844 from Google, so they have provided a list of…how to articulate what they gave us… BtT2Bx35naQ-00094-00040844-00041236 a list of URL’s of anything .gov that they were aware of. BtT2Bx35naQ-00095-00041236-00041697 So, all of this together becomes a starting point but then we BtT2Bx35naQ-00096-00041697-00042068 also rely on other folks to help us identify BtT2Bx35naQ-00097-00042068-00042762 specific things that are of concern to subject experts and the community at large. BtT2Bx35naQ-00098-00042762-00043277 So, a bit part of what we're doing is, you know, we have this bulk list but we also engage BtT2Bx35naQ-00099-00043277-00043377 the community. BtT2Bx35naQ-00100-00043377-00043927 We’ve done a really great job, this year, we're really excited that we got some press BtT2Bx35naQ-00101-00043927-00044184 in the New York Times a few weeks ago. BtT2Bx35naQ-00102-00044184-00044781 Our partners Debbie Rabina, who participated in 2012. BtT2Bx35naQ-00103-00044781-00045527 She actually got a class of hers at Prat to identify social media content for us. BtT2Bx35naQ-00104-00045527-00046137 she gathered together a group of subject experts in New York a couple weeks ago and also today, BtT2Bx35naQ-00105-00046137-00046437 I think right now, she’s hold a second one. BtT2Bx35naQ-00106-00046437-00047000 We're seeing other events sprouting up that we really haven’t done anything to create. BtT2Bx35naQ-00107-00047000-00047925 So, these are coming out of community interest in the project: U-Penn, UC-Riverside, U-Toronto, BtT2Bx35naQ-00108-00047925-00048366 and then other organizations are holding little hackathons so its been really fun and exciting BtT2Bx35naQ-00109-00048366-00048847 for us to see the community engage around the materials this year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00110-00048847-00049324 We also got some more press today so we expect more interest. BtT2Bx35naQ-00111-00049324-00049984 There was an article in the Library Journal and also another on Motherboard, a Vice publication, BtT2Bx35naQ-00112-00049984-00050093 today. BtT2Bx35naQ-00113-00050093-00050440 So, we're getting a lot of interest this year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00114-00050440-00050919 We wish for the quieter times sometimes [laughing] and that we didn’t have as much attention BtT2Bx35naQ-00115-00050919-00051019 on the project but, BtT2Bx35naQ-00116-00051019-00051307 So, the volunteer contributions we’ve had BtT2Bx35naQ-00117-00051307-00051407 since the beginning. BtT2Bx35naQ-00118-00051407-00052066 In 2008 we had about 500 nominations from 26 nominators. BtT2Bx35naQ-00119-00052066-00052559 2012 that increased greatly and we’ve just updated our numbers. BtT2Bx35naQ-00120-00052559-00053110 So far we expect this to increase as we get closer to the inauguration. BtT2Bx35naQ-00121-00053110-00053491 So, we’ll talk a little bit about the schedule later on. BtT2Bx35naQ-00122-00053719-00054155 So, government web sites can be pretty much anything we’ve discovered in this project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00123-00054155-00054398 We have .gov, that’s an easy one. BtT2Bx35naQ-00124-00054398-00055239 But there's also a lot of .com and .edu that we discovered in some of the earlier projects BtT2Bx35naQ-00125-00055239-00055609 that are really showing up on some of the lists that we have acces to. BtT2Bx35naQ-00126-00055609-00056191 So that’s where it becomes really important that we have the community help us identify BtT2Bx35naQ-00127-00056191-00056291 some of this content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00128-00056473-00056844 Jefferson has good lingo for these slides and I can't remember what it was. BtT2Bx35naQ-00129-00056844-00057083 We sometimes joke around who does the slides. BtT2Bx35naQ-00130-00057083-00057424 They jump in and say ___9:34______ [laughing]. BtT2Bx35naQ-00131-00058187-00058295 in the public list. BtT2Bx35naQ-00132-00058295-00058761 Their not listed anywhere so having users familiar with this content has been really BtT2Bx35naQ-00133-00058761-00058966 important to helping identify it. BtT2Bx35naQ-00134-00058966-00059566 There’s certain content we can't archive in terms of things behind passwords and logins BtT2Bx35naQ-00135-00059566-00059825 and databases are a problem. BtT2Bx35naQ-00136-00059825-00060170 There's been a lot of interest this year, particularly, in that many datasets. BtT2Bx35naQ-00137-00060170-00060538 There's just a lot. BtT2Bx35naQ-00138-00060538-00060795 There’s a lot of government content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00139-00060795-00061301 So, trying to figure out what it is we need to be preserving during this time and trying BtT2Bx35naQ-00140-00061301-00061679 to ensure that we are doing a good job is tricky. BtT2Bx35naQ-00141-00061679-00062186 So, the end of term archive, the 2008 and BtT2Bx35naQ-00142-00062186-00062710 2012 archives are available through a protal that the California digital library is hosting, BtT2Bx35naQ-00143-00062710-00063324 internet archive is hosting the archive content but the CDL interface does the metadata and BtT2Bx35naQ-00144-00063324-00063552 search and browse. BtT2Bx35naQ-00145-00063552-00064083 We recognize that this is probably a bit outdated and we need to do a little bit better. BtT2Bx35naQ-00146-00064083-00064429 Our old partner Tracy Seneca is here and she helped us set this up but that was BtT2Bx35naQ-00147-00064429-00064530 a number of years ago. BtT2Bx35naQ-00148-00064530-00065029 Particularly now that there’s a lot more interest in this content and making it accessible BtT2Bx35naQ-00149-00065029-00065373 to research use, we need to do a better job on the access end. BtT2Bx35naQ-00150-00065373-00065681 Just to mention a couple other efforts, we BtT2Bx35naQ-00151-00065681-00066186 have a Twitter account that you can follow and see updates from the project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00152-00066186-00066613 Also, there's been other papers published around the work that our volunteers have done BtT2Bx35naQ-00153-00066613-00067037 so its really exciting to see and also think about what might come out of some of these BtT2Bx35naQ-00154-00067037-00067425 datathons or hackathons…or datathons, whatever we're calling them. BtT2Bx35naQ-00155-00067425-00067798 There's also a number of other efforts around BtT2Bx35naQ-00156-00067798-00067945 this time that are related. BtT2Bx35naQ-00157-00067945-00068425 The Internet Archive has done an election, crowd source election. BtT2Bx35naQ-00158-00068425-00068948 Other institutions like the Library or Congress, we also archive campaign web sites separate BtT2Bx35naQ-00159-00068948-00069298 from this archive but it’s all related. BtT2Bx35naQ-00160-00069298-00069805 And I hear the Internet Archive is also doing some work with the White House in terms of BtT2Bx35naQ-00161-00069805-00070377 documenting the web and social media data as a part of the transition process. BtT2Bx35naQ-00162-00070377-00070685 I'm sure Jefferson, again, can answer questions about that later. BtT2Bx35naQ-00163-00070685-00071083 So, handing it off to Mark now to talk a little BtT2Bx35naQ-00164-00071083-00071599 bit about what we know about the archive we have collected so far. BtT2Bx35naQ-00165-00071599-00071938 MARK: So one of the things that is kind of BtT2Bx35naQ-00166-00071938-00072388 interesting about this collection is that we tend to get together for the identification, BtT2Bx35naQ-00167-00072388-00072927 for the capturing, and we do a big data transfer. BtT2Bx35naQ-00168-00072927-00073260 Any of the institutions can take a full copy of all of the data. BtT2Bx35naQ-00169-00073260-00073814 LC takes a copy, the Internet Archives takes a full copy, and UNT takes a full copy and BtT2Bx35naQ-00170-00073814-00074364 we kind of weed through three years and go about our normal lives and come back. BtT2Bx35naQ-00171-00074364-00074863 One of the things we kept getting asked was “Now that you have longitudinal data, you BtT2Bx35naQ-00172-00074863-00075352 have 2008 and 2012, surely you have learned a lot and can tell us what's changed.” BtT2Bx35naQ-00173-00075352-00075812 And we don’t really have a lot of those numbers. BtT2Bx35naQ-00174-00075812-00076466 We did a little bit of exploratory research in this for a paper this summer at the web BtT2Bx35naQ-00175-00076466-00077012 archives and digital libraries workshop around JCL and that’s what a little bit of this BtT2Bx35naQ-00176-00077012-00077149 is going to be presenting on. BtT2Bx35naQ-00177-00077149-00077825 But jut some of the numbers of the archives, the 2008 is probably the set that we have BtT2Bx35naQ-00178-00077825-00077940 done the most work on. BtT2Bx35naQ-00179-00077940-00078464 There is a research grant that UNT got to look at classification of the web archive BtT2Bx35naQ-00180-00078464-00078825 and we actually got to dig a little bit into that. BtT2Bx35naQ-00181-00078825-00079564 But, the full 2012 is actually quite a bit larger than the 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00182-00079564-00080006 One of the questions we get asked a lot of times is, “Who coordinates all the crawlings BtT2Bx35naQ-00183-00080006-00080270 that you are duplicating effort?” BtT2Bx35naQ-00184-00080270-00080370 And when we say BtT2Bx35naQ-00185-00080370-00080619 No one really is we kind of just do our own BtT2Bx35naQ-00186-00080619-00081023 thing and everyone says your wasting all this effort. BtT2Bx35naQ-00187-00081023-00081816 One of the things we looked at was just PDF content that we ha between the 2008 and 2012. BtT2Bx35naQ-00188-00081816-00082658 So the big pie chart in the red and blue is the PDF content—red is the stuff that was BtT2Bx35naQ-00189-00082658-00083055 not present in 2012 and was present in 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00190-00083055-00083424 So, missing content from the archive. BtT2Bx35naQ-00191-00083424-00084417 The blue little slice is the content that we found, PDF content, in 2012 that was there BtT2Bx35naQ-00192-00084417-00084517 in 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00193-00084517-00084809 So, it’s a pretty small set of the pie. BtT2Bx35naQ-00194-00084809-00084944 And this wasn’t based on the URL’s. BtT2Bx35naQ-00195-00084944-00085448 It was actually based on the content, content hashes of the files so the files could have BtT2Bx35naQ-00196-00085448-00085956 migrated to the different parts of the federal web and so there was actually quite a bit BtT2Bx35naQ-00197-00085956-00086099 that wasn’t available. BtT2Bx35naQ-00198-00086099-00086199 Just PDF content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00199-00086199-00087175 When we look at the overlap and how much I how much we crawl so the green…so the blue BtT2Bx35naQ-00200-00087175-00088067 pie chart is the amount of content that is unique to the archive in all of the crawls. BtT2Bx35naQ-00201-00088067-00088629 It’s only a small slice that’s actually a duplicate of other archives. BtT2Bx35naQ-00202-00088629-00088827 And you see that with, actually, all of ours. BtT2Bx35naQ-00203-00088827-00089082 So, the more we crawl, the better picture we get. BtT2Bx35naQ-00204-00089082-00089316 There’s overlap and it’s the good kind of overlap. BtT2Bx35naQ-00205-00089316-00089705 It’s kind of reinforcing content that we’re not getting from others. BtT2Bx35naQ-00207-00089867-00090152 We also got asked, “When did you guys crawl?” BtT2Bx35naQ-00208-00090152-00090831 And I think this gets into important ideas on, especially these really large collaborations BtT2Bx35naQ-00209-00090831-00091272 on collection, and you actually have a researcher who wants to use this collection and they BtT2Bx35naQ-00210-00091272-00091519 have all these questions like, “When did you crawl? BtT2Bx35naQ-00211-00091519-00091619 How did you crawl? BtT2Bx35naQ-00212-00091619-00091719 What did you do?” BtT2Bx35naQ-00213-00091719-00092369 A lot of this we didn’t really have great numbers on but this is a nice little graphic BtT2Bx35naQ-00214-00092369-00092791 of the 2008 crawling process and the 2012. BtT2Bx35naQ-00215-00092791-00093487 So, 2008 was different from 2012 and you see the big green spike, which was content that BtT2Bx35naQ-00216-00093487-00093738 was captured right after the inauguration. BtT2Bx35naQ-00217-00093738-00094390 And we went to 2012 and there wasn’t a change in office, we had a little bit different crawling BtT2Bx35naQ-00218-00094390-00094817 pattern because we knew there wouldn’t be the same kind of volatility that we expected BtT2Bx35naQ-00219-00094817-00095079 from the years with the transition. BtT2Bx35naQ-00220-00095079-00095592 And so I am sure our graphs will look more like the green with quite a bit spike after BtT2Bx35naQ-00221-00095592-00095692 the inauguration. BtT2Bx35naQ-00222-00095692-00096212 We’ve been doing kind of a slow crawl going up into it and then there will be a spike BtT2Bx35naQ-00223-00096212-00096335 of activity as we go. BtT2Bx35naQ-00224-00096335-00096581 But a little bit of the breakdown, looking BtT2Bx35naQ-00225-00096581-00096981 between the two—so the 2008 collection and the 2012. BtT2Bx35naQ-00226-00096981-00097774 They’re roughly the same amount of topical domain, the .com, .gov, .mil, but there's BtT2Bx35naQ-00227-00097774-00098281 only 225 that we have in common between the two so there’s some outliers that are interesting BtT2Bx35naQ-00228-00098281-00098381 and weird. BtT2Bx35naQ-00229-00098381-00098594 When we start to look at the domain names BtT2Bx35naQ-00230-00098594-00099213 themselves, you see that we obviously have more domain names than in 2012 and that there's BtT2Bx35naQ-00231-00099213-00099876 actually not a lot…I mean, there is a lot but I always expected there would be more BtT2Bx35naQ-00232-00099876-00100019 overlap in domains. BtT2Bx35naQ-00233-00100019-00100648 But when you go down to sub domains you get BtT2Bx35naQ-00234-00100648-00101068 even more and surprisingly not as much overlap. BtT2Bx35naQ-00235-00101068-00101860 And so you really do see that these two collections, as the web evolves and as federal government BtT2Bx35naQ-00236-00101860-00102426 continued and continues to use the web as a vehicle to communicate its goings on, you BtT2Bx35naQ-00237-00102426-00102701 see more and more content that goes out there. BtT2Bx35naQ-00238-00102701-00103094 We looked a little bit at the biggest change BtT2Bx35naQ-00239-00103094-00103263 and some of this was planned. BtT2Bx35naQ-00240-00103263-00103714 So one of the things that we did in 2012 was we really started to capture social media. BtT2Bx35naQ-00241-00103714-00104461 So, there are a lot more .com’s, there are a lot more of the non-.gov’s, non-.mil. BtT2Bx35naQ-00242-00104461-00104941 We also said we really need to do a better job of capturing the .mil content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00243-00104941-00105479 We had gotten some of it in 2008 but we really focused quite a bit more…so you’ll actually BtT2Bx35naQ-00244-00105479-00106308 see we captured 484% more .com content in 2012 than we did in 2008. BtT2Bx35naQ-00245-00106308-00106898 We actually went down in .gov content, which is weird [chuckles]. BtT2Bx35naQ-00246-00106898-00107701 We had quite a bit of a bump in the amount of .mil content and then we had, .ly, we had BtT2Bx35naQ-00247-00107701-00107991 a huge jump in the amount of content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00248-00107991-00108468 We actually saw a lot of evidence that one of the things that happened between 2008 and BtT2Bx35naQ-00249-00108468-00108766 2012 was link shorteners. BtT2Bx35naQ-00250-00108766-00109161 And we hadn’t really had a whole lot of evidence of that and then suddenly in BtT2Bx35naQ-00251-00109161-00109431 2012 you see that all over the place. BtT2Bx35naQ-00252-00109431-00110306 So, our two largest changing sets are .ly and .me and .gl. BtT2Bx35naQ-00253-00110306-00110765 These are all variations on link shortening, which is…what’ really kind of an interesting BtT2Bx35naQ-00254-00110765-00111383 phenomenon, when we look at the web and we look at the web archives, we know but we don’t BtT2Bx35naQ-00255-00111383-00111593 necessarily think we're going to see in all of this content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00256-00111593-00112002 The biggest…when we just look at the .gov BtT2Bx35naQ-00257-00112002-00112727 and the .mil content we see that the biggest change we had was in the House and the Senate, BtT2Bx35naQ-00258-00112727-00113365 or sorry, not the biggest change but the top sets and you can see the change over time. BtT2Bx35naQ-00259-00113365-00113894 The biggest ones you see, we have osd.mil, navy.mil—and this kind of goes along with BtT2Bx35naQ-00260-00113894-00114308 the idea that we said we would capture more .mil and we can show that, yes, we did it BtT2Bx35naQ-00261-00114308-00114408 through that. BtT2Bx35naQ-00262-00114408-00114881 And we gained quite a bit in the House and Senate because of some of the different ways BtT2Bx35naQ-00263-00114881-00115049 we were crawling that over time as well. BtT2Bx35naQ-00265-00115342-00116151 Some interesting things to look at are also things that existed in 2008 that weren’t BtT2Bx35naQ-00266-00116151-00116714 in 2012…domains that just didn’t exist and not only domains but domains that had BtT2Bx35naQ-00267-00116714-00117036 lots of content there. BtT2Bx35naQ-00268-00117036-00117313 Usually this is really well planned. BtT2Bx35naQ-00269-00117313-00117906 There were some initiatives that went through, and have gone through, to reduce the growth BtT2Bx35naQ-00270-00117906-00118495 of the domains and the federal government and reduce and make it simpler. BtT2Bx35naQ-00271-00118495-00118658 And you see some of the effort there. BtT2Bx35naQ-00272-00118658-00119335 And you see, like, geodata.gov got folded into some other work. BtT2Bx35naQ-00273-00119335-00120047 There’s a number of others and these are the URLs…a number of URLs that are present BtT2Bx35naQ-00274-00120047-00120724 in 2008 that there are no traces of this domain anywhere in the 2012 content, which is kind BtT2Bx35naQ-00275-00120724-00120824 of interesting. BtT2Bx35naQ-00277-00120924-00121153 The other thing that happens then is content that is new. BtT2Bx35naQ-00278-00121153-00121466 So these are the new parties to the set. BtT2Bx35naQ-00279-00121466-00121889 And so you have a lot of the .mil content that we weren’t getting and you have a lot BtT2Bx35naQ-00280-00121889-00122050 of the initiatives. BtT2Bx35naQ-00281-00122050-00122546 If you’re familiar with the Obama Administration, which I'm just slightly kind of looking at BtT2Bx35naQ-00282-00122546-00123118 this, you see some of the things, like transparency.gov and the some of the initiatives that we associate BtT2Bx35naQ-00283-00123118-00123729 with that administration coming in and becoming more visible in the archive. BtT2Bx35naQ-00284-00123729-00124309 And so, as we go through and look at the 2016, once we are said and done with that, we will BtT2Bx35naQ-00285-00124309-00124847 be able to start to look at this longitudinally over three different sets. BtT2Bx35naQ-00286-00124847-00125554 We wish we had more sets in between but at least we have these four-year data sets as BtT2Bx35naQ-00287-00125554-00125654 we go forward. BtT2Bx35naQ-00288-00125654-00126407 I will turn it over to Jefferson now. BtT2Bx35naQ-00289-00126407-00126608 Hi. BtT2Bx35naQ-00290-00126608-00127183 So, yeah, one of the things that we have been trying to do, especially because it is this BtT2Bx35naQ-00291-00127183-00127748 longitudinal, snapshots, it has some organic character to the end of term collections, BtT2Bx35naQ-00292-00127748-00128490 is figure out how to support researcher access in a variety of ways—not just computational BtT2Bx35naQ-00293-00128490-00129002 analysis, which obviously is growing in popularity, but also just insight to some of the things BtT2Bx35naQ-00294-00129002-00129608 that Mark mention about, like provenance, capture information, information about the BtT2Bx35naQ-00295-00129608-00129829 crawl beyond replay of the web pages. BtT2Bx35naQ-00296-00129829-00130207 So, one of the projects that we did that started BtT2Bx35naQ-00297-00130207-00131032 about two years ago or so was work in providing working with a third party, which is Altiscale, BtT2Bx35naQ-00298-00131032-00131491 which is a sort of Hadoop in the cloud service provider, uh, the people that created BtT2Bx35naQ-00299-00131491-00131591 Hadoop and BtT2Bx35naQ-00300-00131591-00132223 Yahoo spun off and formed Altiscale and they do a lot of support of data mining projects BtT2Bx35naQ-00301-00132223-00132694 and computational infrastructures for research use. BtT2Bx35naQ-00302-00132694-00133316 And so we extracted a lot of the .gov content and a good bit of the end of term collections, BtT2Bx35naQ-00303-00133316-00134065 put 100 terabytes into their research cluster and then waited for people to show up. BtT2Bx35naQ-00304-00134065-00134762 And, the build it and they will come model may not yet quite mature enough for data mining BtT2Bx35naQ-00305-00134762-00135156 research, at least in the academic/social science community. BtT2Bx35naQ-00306-00135156-00135528 But, we did have at least three or four users. BtT2Bx35naQ-00307-00135528-00136102 Probably the most successful ones were political science department at the University of Washington, BtT2Bx35naQ-00308-00136102-00136281 which does a lot of poly informatics. BtT2Bx35naQ-00309-00136281-00136954 They’re already doing data mining of government content, legislative, and digitized materials BtT2Bx35naQ-00310-00136954-00137054 at scale. BtT2Bx35naQ-00311-00137054-00137718 And Rutgers, which is looking at this sort of communications and social aspects of government BtT2Bx35naQ-00312-00137718-00138062 content and change over time. BtT2Bx35naQ-00313-00138062-00138629 They have both published on their papers and looked at things like term frequency, changes BtT2Bx35naQ-00314-00138629-00139377 over the course, you know, the two end of term collections, how government properties BtT2Bx35naQ-00315-00139377-00140012 around specific topics emerge, disappear, content changes, content drift. BtT2Bx35naQ-00316-00140012-00140405 So, there are a couple of publications out there if you look at end of term or .gov data BtT2Bx35naQ-00317-00140405-00140505 mining. BtT2Bx35naQ-00318-00140505-00140807 They’re good examples of this. BtT2Bx35naQ-00319-00140807-00141176 But, we haven’t necessarily gotten the uptake we would have expected, especially since this BtT2Bx35naQ-00320-00141176-00141449 is a fully subsidized project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00321-00141449-00141649 People can basically log in, use the data. BtT2Bx35naQ-00322-00141649-00142010 All the compute is also subsided by Altiscale. BtT2Bx35naQ-00323-00142010-00142725 So, it was basically a come and use the infrastructure and I think there are hurdles for all of us BtT2Bx35naQ-00324-00142725-00143552 to get over as far as providing the sort of support mechanisms, the educational aspects, BtT2Bx35naQ-00325-00143552-00144193 the training, even just account administration of using data mining platforms. BtT2Bx35naQ-00326-00144193-00144408 So, I think there is work to do there. BtT2Bx35naQ-00327-00144408-00144775 We have certainly seen a lot more interest and gotten a number of researcher e-mails BtT2Bx35naQ-00328-00144775-00145250 already and, you know, we only started crawling maybe a month or two ago. BtT2Bx35naQ-00329-00145250-00145530 So, I think there will be a lot more of this type of research in the future. BtT2Bx35naQ-00330-00145530-00145791 Another way we are trying to give access to BtT2Bx35naQ-00331-00145791-00146058 researchers is through derived datasets. BtT2Bx35naQ-00332-00146058-00146738 So, for people that don’t want to deal with 100+, 200 terabyte collections, or don’t BtT2Bx35naQ-00333-00146738-00147210 have the infrastructure to take a copy of that, we will do data mining internally on BtT2Bx35naQ-00334-00147210-00147860 our own cluster and try to create data sets that can inform specific types of research. BtT2Bx35naQ-00335-00147860-00148611 So, there’s sort of extract certain metadata from each individual research, like page title, BtT2Bx35naQ-00336-00148611-00149102 links, anchor text, things like that and put it in a small, much smaller, file that still BtT2Bx35naQ-00337-00149102-00149748 contains useful information for data mining across a whole collection but is much easier BtT2Bx35naQ-00338-00149748-00149868 to deal with. BtT2Bx35naQ-00339-00149868-00150136 We also do link graph files. BtT2Bx35naQ-00340-00150136-00150593 Network analysis is quite popular so this is what links to what with a time stamp and BtT2Bx35naQ-00341-00150593-00150952 you can, of course, track that over time. BtT2Bx35naQ-00342-00150952-00151415 There's been a couple of efforts around this with the Canadian government content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00343-00151415-00151906 We’ve worked with some folks in Canada on and there’s, if you go to webarchives.ca BtT2Bx35naQ-00344-00151906-00152411 there's a good network analysis of Canadian political parties. BtT2Bx35naQ-00345-00152411-00152927 Political parties are not necessarily government but you see how departments and agencies link BtT2Bx35naQ-00346-00152927-00153415 to each other and get in fights and stuff linking to each other and so forth. BtT2Bx35naQ-00347-00153415-00153858 So, graph analysis is super popular. BtT2Bx35naQ-00348-00153858-00154530 And then we also extract name entities so its people, places, organizations, names. BtT2Bx35naQ-00349-00154530-00154740 And all of these are associated with time stamps. BtT2Bx35naQ-00350-00154740-00155281 They’re associated with the URL that they came from so you can do data mining like that. BtT2Bx35naQ-00351-00155281-00155756 And, these can be delivered usually as JSON files that people can interact with and we’ve BtT2Bx35naQ-00352-00155756-00155955 also been building API’s BtT2Bx35naQ-00353-00155955-00156502 Another angle of research support is sort BtT2Bx35naQ-00354-00156502-00156916 of the more hackathon community of oriented model. BtT2Bx35naQ-00355-00156916-00157722 We do work a good bit with Archives Unleashed, which is mostly NSF funded project to get BtT2Bx35naQ-00356-00157722-00157922 researchers to use archives more. BtT2Bx35naQ-00357-00157922-00158339 We had an event at Library of Congress in March…June. BtT2Bx35naQ-00358-00158339-00158783 The one at the University of Toronto, I guess, was March. BtT2Bx35naQ-00359-00158783-00158935 So, two last year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00360-00158935-00159575 We’ll have at least two coming up next year and a lot of these we use .gov datasets. BtT2Bx35naQ-00361-00159575-00160098 Not all 100+ terabytes, but smaller portions of it, like just Whitehouse.gov or things BtT2Bx35naQ-00362-00160098-00160659 like that that people can work on locally at their laptops with engineers or archivist BtT2Bx35naQ-00363-00160659-00160981 and collection people there in the room with them. BtT2Bx35naQ-00364-00160981-00161153 That’s been super successful. BtT2Bx35naQ-00365-00161153-00161327 There’s webarchives.ca. BtT2Bx35naQ-00366-00161327-00162046 We’ve also supported similar style hackathons using .gov data in Europe so the .gov stuff BtT2Bx35naQ-00367-00162046-00162612 is public domain so its very easy to give out and to give to people and it gets around BtT2Bx35naQ-00368-00162612-00162929 a lot of the issues of trying to get permissions or rights or whatever. BtT2Bx35naQ-00369-00162929-00163510 So, a lot of hackathons are working with web archives and end up using .gov stuff. BtT2Bx35naQ-00370-00163510-00163915 SLIDE 33 – wbm beta access to .gov So, semi affiliated, but I figure I’d mention BtT2Bx35naQ-00371-00163915-00164580 it is a lot of this sight search capabilities that we're putting on wayback machine at internet BtT2Bx35naQ-00372-00164580-00165319 archives at web-beta.archive.org and some of the things there are driven by the same BtT2Bx35naQ-00373-00165319-00165772 desires to give information, insight, and provenance to captures. BtT2Bx35naQ-00374-00165772-00166230 SLIDE 34 – wayback beta profile/stats That is useful for .gov. BtT2Bx35naQ-00375-00166230-00166745 One thing, here on the left, is there are API’s around capture information at the BtT2Bx35naQ-00376-00166745-00166936 host and domain level. BtT2Bx35naQ-00377-00166936-00167425 So, for instance, here, like just this .gov, Whitehouse.gov., you can actually hit this BtT2Bx35naQ-00378-00167425-00168066 endpoint and look at certain mine types, a number of mine-type captures per year as well BtT2Bx35naQ-00379-00168066-00168345 as information like, “Is it a new capture? BtT2Bx35naQ-00380-00168345-00168469 Is it a revisit? BtT2Bx35naQ-00381-00168469-00168894 Something we already had that hasn’t changed?” and so that’s super useful for people that BtT2Bx35naQ-00382-00168894-00169295 are interested in looking at a domain change over time. BtT2Bx35naQ-00383-00169295-00169669 And then there are similar visuals on top of each domain. BtT2Bx35naQ-00384-00169669-00170244 So, graphs around how much content was image, or how much was media, and so ... BtT2Bx35naQ-00385-00170244-00170757 there's a good bit of those. …We’ve also been doing an extraction project BtT2Bx35naQ-00386-00170757-00171435 for specific domain levels or even host or subdomain level around specific type of content BtT2Bx35naQ-00387-00171435-00171601 that people will be more interested in. BtT2Bx35naQ-00388-00171601-00171894 So, we have a PowerPoint and PDF search. BtT2Bx35naQ-00389-00171894-00172446 Its basic faceted search by the domain, the year, and mime type. BtT2Bx35naQ-00390-00172446-00173098 And then do a sort of, keyword search-ish thing, which is mostly running on anger BtT2Bx35naQ-00391-00173098-00173695 and metatag and titletag so its not necessarily full content text but once you start mining BtT2Bx35naQ-00392-00173695-00174189 across domain and year and content type, you can get pretty good search results. BtT2Bx35naQ-00393-00174189-00174495 Other extracted special web collections. BtT2Bx35naQ-00394-00174495-00175021 This is one that we did for our 20th anniversary, which was extracting every PowerPoint from BtT2Bx35naQ-00395-00175021-00175195 the .mil web domains. BtT2Bx35naQ-00396-00175195-00175698 So, if you’re interested in looking at military PowerPoints, there’s like 50 thousand of BtT2Bx35naQ-00397-00175698-00176220 them in this collection, all associated with the host that they were captured from. BtT2Bx35naQ-00398-00176220-00176520 So, you’ve got some pretty insane graphics. BtT2Bx35naQ-00399-00176520-00177204 So, it was…there is a great article about military PowerPoints if you search for ‘military BtT2Bx35naQ-00400-00177204-00178204 PowerPoints’ and its just sort of a mind-boggling mix of war, bureaucracy, and PowerPoint culture. BtT2Bx35naQ-00401-00178204-00178677 And I have no idea where that ends up but it ends up somewhere very weird. BtT2Bx35naQ-00403-00178995-00179505 So this year, the eot 2016, we actually had a number of new partners join and the core BtT2Bx35naQ-00404-00179505-00179751 partners, of course, remain. BtT2Bx35naQ-00405-00179751-00180189 George Washington University Libraries, which is here is town, is has built a social feed BtT2Bx35naQ-00406-00180189-00180463 manager tool, as talked a little bit about in the last session. BtT2Bx35naQ-00407-00180463-00180875 They are using this is an API based capture method so they’re not crawling. BtT2Bx35naQ-00408-00180875-00181607 Their hitting Twitter and waybo, not for government, but, Tumbler and a couple BtT2Bx35naQ-00409-00181607-00182048 of others in doing social media capture via API as part of the project. BtT2Bx35naQ-00410-00182048-00182256 So, that’s super cool and exciting. BtT2Bx35naQ-00411-00182256-00182722 Stanford University Libraries, which has a big government documents program is coordinating BtT2Bx35naQ-00412-00182722-00183719 a lot of other FDLPs and gov doc libraries to contribute to the crowd source seed mining BtT2Bx35naQ-00413-00183719-00183819 method. BtT2Bx35naQ-00414-00183819-00184345 And then the federal government web archiving working group is also contributing. BtT2Bx35naQ-00415-00184345-00184787 They have helped us in occasions like when the Senate blocked crawlers, which happens BtT2Bx35naQ-00416-00184787-00184887 quite often. BtT2Bx35naQ-00417-00184887-00185313 They have good connections to the congressional body so they sometimes help when we encounter BtT2Bx35naQ-00418-00185313-00185693 technical difficulties on the server side. BtT2Bx35naQ-00419-00185693-00185943 So our time frame, you know, sort of kicked BtT2Bx35naQ-00420-00185943-00186064 off in the summer. BtT2Bx35naQ-00421-00186064-00186606 We have been having regular calls, regular meetings, lots of outreach, especially round BtT2Bx35naQ-00422-00186606-00186862 the migration of URLs. BtT2Bx35naQ-00423-00186862-00187384 We’ve all been crawling for a good while now and the sort of time frame for the crawling BtT2Bx35naQ-00424-00187384-00187921 is that we’ll stop before the transition…the day before the transition…and start the BtT2Bx35naQ-00425-00187921-00188543 day after the little segmentation between the free administration change crawl and the BtT2Bx35naQ-00426-00188543-00188670 post administration crawl. BtT2Bx35naQ-00427-00188670-00189262 It will run a couple of months after that so there should be good documentation of change, BtT2Bx35naQ-00428-00189262-00189766 at least immediate change, once the administration turns over. BtT2Bx35naQ-00429-00189766-00190157 It will take a little while for the full text search and metadata to get into the public BtT2Bx35naQ-00430-00190157-00190699 access portal but all that should happen sort of mid-next year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00431-00190699-00190951 I'm excited to explore other research opportunities. BtT2Bx35naQ-00432-00190951-00191406 So, what have we thought about expanding acquisition. BtT2Bx35naQ-00433-00191406-00191561 I mention the API based harvest. BtT2Bx35naQ-00434-00191561-00191894 So, we are using a number of different crawling mechanisms. BtT2Bx35naQ-00435-00191894-00192700 That’s not just regular link-hop crawling but also browser automation, browser based BtT2Bx35naQ-00436-00192700-00192801 crawling, the API captures. BtT2Bx35naQ-00437-00192801-00193332 So, there is definitely some sort of panoply of crawling strategies that we’re doing BtT2Bx35naQ-00438-00193332-00193886 a lot more of, which a lot of us are doing in our day to day capacity anyway. BtT2Bx35naQ-00439-00193886-00194295 We're exploring some of the things like the new search tools, new indexing tools. BtT2Bx35naQ-00440-00194295-00195066 We’ll probably do some language analysis to see what type of volume of some of these BtT2Bx35naQ-00441-00195066-00195571 Spanish language content on the .gov domain, which is also something we're working on. BtT2Bx35naQ-00442-00195571-00196019 We’ve seen a lot more community engagement around nominating seeds but we’ve also had BtT2Bx35naQ-00443-00196019-00196526 a good bit of interest from the federal government itself as well for helping us out-get seeds. BtT2Bx35naQ-00444-00196526-00196962 So, we’ve been using things like the US digital registry guide to get all the social BtT2Bx35naQ-00445-00196962-00197557 media accounts, a number of other government API’s, some of which have just given us BtT2Bx35naQ-00446-00197557-00197711 dumps of the content. BtT2Bx35naQ-00447-00197711-00198239 So, we’ve seen the seed nominations and how we discover things and Abbie mentioned BtT2Bx35naQ-00448-00198239-00198527 that Google was interested in the project, and has also helped out. BtT2Bx35naQ-00449-00198527-00198956 We’ve been getting much more stuff to crawl, which is exciting. BtT2Bx35naQ-00450-00198956-00199315 We’ve also seen more educational opportunities. BtT2Bx35naQ-00451-00199315-00199706 We mentioned the PRAT class, but there still will be a couple of other classes at other BtT2Bx35naQ-00452-00199706-00200246 LIS programs or undergraduate programs that are going to be talking about .gov, the end BtT2Bx35naQ-00453-00200246-00200802 of term projects, and looking at government change and how its represented on the web, BtT2Bx35naQ-00454-00200802-00200948 and then researcher engagement. BtT2Bx35naQ-00455-00200948-00201323 So, I've mentioned most of these already so BtT2Bx35naQ-00456-00201323-00201658 I’ll tie it up so we can chat a bit now. BtT2Bx35naQ-00457-00201658-00201917 We’ve talked about all the positives so BtT2Bx35naQ-00458-00201917-00202167 what are the challenges. BtT2Bx35naQ-00459-00202167-00202288 You know, content is complex. BtT2Bx35naQ-00460-00202288-00202805 There’s much more dynamic content than there was 8 years ago. BtT2Bx35naQ-00461-00202805-00203411 Some of that is challenging to capture with scalable crawling technologies. BtT2Bx35naQ-00462-00203411-00203808 There’s obviously just much more content on the web. BtT2Bx35naQ-00463-00203808-00204343 The social media registry alone had over 10 thousand registered social media accounts BtT2Bx35naQ-00464-00204343-00204925 for agencies and those are just the people that bothered to register with the GSA registry, BtT2Bx35naQ-00465-00204925-00205053 which is probably not all of them. BtT2Bx35naQ-00466-00205053-00205377 so, that’s a pretty mind boggling number itself. BtT2Bx35naQ-00467-00205377-00206102 And, obviously, it’s a best effort what we can do with our time and resources and BtT2Bx35naQ-00468-00206102-00206202 such. BtT2Bx35naQ-00469-00206202-00206785 So, there's not necessarily a high degree of Q/A beyond the automated Q/A methods that BtT2Bx35naQ-00470-00206785-00206998 a lot of us use already. BtT2Bx35naQ-00471-00206998-00207567 There's a lot more partners, so a lot more partner management, project management work, BtT2Bx35naQ-00472-00207567-00207819 and a lot more seeds. BtT2Bx35naQ-00473-00207819-00208366 So, yeah, technical and time limitations, obviously. BtT2Bx35naQ-00474-00208366-00208771 The presidential change will happen regardless of our crawling strategies. BtT2Bx35naQ-00475-00208771-00209037 So, there are some challenges. BtT2Bx35naQ-00476-00209037-00209492 What we have as far as a seed list—I think BtT2Bx35naQ-00477-00209492-00210167 we have over 200 thousand unique domains that we know about that are in the crawler. BtT2Bx35naQ-00478-00210167-00210669 Google gave us a very big index dump that we haven’t finished parsing yet. BtT2Bx35naQ-00479-00210669-00210889 Its URL specific, its not domains. BtT2Bx35naQ-00480-00210889-00211363 So, the domains are basically set up to scope-in sub domains, scope in directories, and all BtT2Bx35naQ-00481-00211363-00211476 that sort of thing. BtT2Bx35naQ-00482-00211476-00211817 So, I think we’ll have a very definitive list. BtT2Bx35naQ-00483-00211817-00212377 We also mine a number of search engines that go way back, historical, as well as third-party BtT2Bx35naQ-00484-00212377-00212477 sites. BtT2Bx35naQ-00485-00212477-00212753 And, we get donated lists of domain registries. BtT2Bx35naQ-00486-00212753-00212983 So, we are not lacking in seeds. BtT2Bx35naQ-00487-00212983-00213083 I’ll say that. BtT2Bx35naQ-00488-00213083-00213582 How you can help Judicial branch web sites, sometimes, as we’ve BtT2Bx35naQ-00489-00213582-00214159 heard from a number of people around the environment and climate data sets this year, we're getting BtT2Bx35naQ-00490-00214159-00214860 a very good capture of data.gov but there are sometimes FTP servers or other directories BtT2Bx35naQ-00491-00214860-00215303 that the crawler might not discover because they are hidden or their URL is generated BtT2Bx35naQ-00492-00215303-00215465 in an early, wanky way. BtT2Bx35naQ-00493-00215465-00216346 So, if there are sort of sub directories or very hard to find or many hops off that have BtT2Bx35naQ-00494-00216346-00217079 rich content in them, even if that content is not direct links, those things are very BtT2Bx35naQ-00495-00217079-00217186 useful to identify. BtT2Bx35naQ-00496-00217186-00217853 We’ve had a lot of back and forth around gov sites on non.gov and it’s a judgement BtT2Bx35naQ-00497-00217853-00218403 call on some of those, like the FRB (Federal Reserve Banks) are not .got but clearly they BtT2Bx35naQ-00498-00218403-00218510 are government entities. BtT2Bx35naQ-00499-00218510-00218809 The National Parks are similar. BtT2Bx35naQ-00500-00218809-00219544 So, the more nominations the better and we’ll probably just crawl it all anyway so you might BtT2Bx35naQ-00501-00219544-00219644 as well nominate it. BtT2Bx35naQ-00503-00219744-00219844 So there is a nomination form. BtT2Bx35naQ-00504-00219844-00219944 Here is the URL. BtT2Bx35naQ-00505-00219944-00220044 You can probably Google it too. BtT2Bx35naQ-00506-00220044-00220481 And, it does allow for dedupe so if somebody has nominated something you’ll BtT2Bx35naQ-00507-00220481-00220760 know that as well as adding some metadata. BtT2Bx35naQ-00508-00220760-00221192 So that will be useful for when this all ends up going into the portal. BtT2Bx35naQ-00509-00221192-00221480 What's our plan? BtT2Bx35naQ-00510-00221480-00222209 We’re crawling as much as possible and we’ll probably crawl even more as January 20th comes BtT2Bx35naQ-00511-00222209-00222319 up. BtT2Bx35naQ-00512-00222319-00222842 Access—there are, I think, obviously there is the portal for looking at the pages and BtT2Bx35naQ-00513-00222842-00223358 sites but I think there’s other access methods that we’ll think about for this year. BtT2Bx35naQ-00514-00223358-00224036 We do share all our data across partners and that’s open for sharing with others as well. BtT2Bx35naQ-00515-00224036-00224267 And then there’s regular communication and outreach. BtT2Bx35naQ-00516-00224267-00224619 We did get some press today. BtT2Bx35naQ-00517-00224619-00224904 There’s the motherboard article and library journal article. BtT2Bx35naQ-00518-00224904-00225461 It’s been really interesting to have the media entities read to us. BtT2Bx35naQ-00519-00225461-00225786 I’ll say one…can I say one of the challenges? BtT2Bx35naQ-00520-00225786-00226303 [laughing] One of the challenges is that some institutions may have some political sensitives BtT2Bx35naQ-00521-00226303-00227309 around framing this project entirely as a hysteria-driven rescue job due to eminent BtT2Bx35naQ-00522-00227309-00227419 changes. BtT2Bx35naQ-00523-00227419-00228238 This project was predicated on the idea that web content has changed drastically at every BtT2Bx35naQ-00524-00228238-00228466 presidential administration. BtT2Bx35naQ-00525-00228466-00229196 Certainly this upcoming presidential change, given past statements, has even more potential BtT2Bx35naQ-00526-00229196-00229865 for volatility and immediate disappearance and politically driven ephemerality instead BtT2Bx35naQ-00527-00229865-00230700 of just benign neglect ephemerality, but sort of talking to the media about that has been BtT2Bx35naQ-00528-00230700-00231310 interesting because I think it’s a valid point but its also one that informs the project BtT2Bx35naQ-00529-00231310-00231835 but does not necessarily drive the project outright. BtT2Bx35naQ-00530-00231835-00232113 I think that will be an interesting point of discussion, hopefully. BtT2Bx35naQ-00531-00232113-00232367 So, that’s all I have. BtT2Bx35naQ-00532-00232367-00232417 Thanks. BubGAmEsE7E-00000-00000006-00000715 In 2006, 85-year-old Dorothy Szany was bludgeoned to death in the backyard of her Hammond, Indiana BubGAmEsE7E-00001-00000715-00001266 home while her husband, Joseph, who suffered from severe Alzheimer’s, sat unaware on BubGAmEsE7E-00002-00001266-00001384 the couch. BubGAmEsE7E-00003-00001384-00001823 Later he would tell the couple's children that the killer had said “they would come BubGAmEsE7E-00004-00001823-00002650 back and get him.” BubGAmEsE7E-00005-00002650-00002750 -- BubGAmEsE7E-00006-00002750-00004844 RESEARCH BY: THEBONESOFAUTUMN BubGAmEsE7E-00007-00004844-00005132 Welcome to True Crime Stories, my name is Ty Notts. BubGAmEsE7E-00008-00005132-00005567 If you like true crime documentaries and want to stay up to date on all the latest cold BubGAmEsE7E-00009-00005567-00005880 case files, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe. BubGAmEsE7E-00010-00005880-00006309 It’s completely free and will keep you up to date with all of the latest true crime BubGAmEsE7E-00011-00006309-00006464 videos. BubGAmEsE7E-00012-00006464-00006829 Joseph and Dorothy Szany were your average American couple. BubGAmEsE7E-00013-00006829-00007486 They’d been married for over 64 years and lived in a somewhat quiet community in Hammond, BubGAmEsE7E-00014-00007486-00007586 Indiana. BubGAmEsE7E-00015-00007586-00008120 Dorothy was 85-years-old back in 2006 and she’d been in the kitchen on the evening BubGAmEsE7E-00016-00008120-00008551 of May 24th making dinner for herself and her husband. BubGAmEsE7E-00017-00008551-00009024 Her husband’s health had taken a dark turn in recent months, leaving her with the constant BubGAmEsE7E-00018-00009024-00009293 fear of being left alone. BubGAmEsE7E-00019-00009293-00009700 Joseph and Dorothy’s family knew that putting Joseph in a nursing home would be the best BubGAmEsE7E-00020-00009700-00010009 option for him, but Dorothy refused. BubGAmEsE7E-00021-00010009-00010478 According to her loved ones, Dorothy insisted that placing her husband in a home was out BubGAmEsE7E-00022-00010478-00011050 of the question, and she truly believed she could look after him on her own, but his Alzheimer’s BubGAmEsE7E-00023-00011050-00011265 had been getting worse and worse lately. BubGAmEsE7E-00024-00011265-00011796 He’d often forget where he was, who he was, or what he was doing. BubGAmEsE7E-00025-00011796-00012349 Dorothy put a boiling pot of water on the stove as she began her preparations for dinner. BubGAmEsE7E-00026-00012349-00012793 But immediately after doing this, something caused her to leave the kitchen and head to BubGAmEsE7E-00027-00012793-00013008 the couple’s backyard. BubGAmEsE7E-00028-00013008-00013344 Their lawn had been overgrown for many years. BubGAmEsE7E-00029-00013344-00013863 After Joseph’s health declined, maintenance around the home was all-but forgotten. BubGAmEsE7E-00030-00013863-00014466 The lawn was full of old cars and parts, now, nothing but memories of Joseph's former life BubGAmEsE7E-00031-00014466-00014661 before his illness took hold. BubGAmEsE7E-00032-00014661-00015200 A tall wooden fence outlined the yard and separated the couple from a set of railroad BubGAmEsE7E-00033-00015200-00015412 tracks that ran behind their home. BubGAmEsE7E-00034-00015412-00015995 A vacant house sat next door, leaving nothing but still and quiet nature surrounding the BubGAmEsE7E-00035-00015995-00016149 couple’s home. BubGAmEsE7E-00036-00016149-00016601 Just two hours later, a local police officer had been parked a few blocks away from the BubGAmEsE7E-00037-00016601-00016701 family home. BubGAmEsE7E-00038-00016701-00017176 He’d been stationed here to perform seatbelt checks and vehicles passed by, but he was BubGAmEsE7E-00039-00017176-00017654 startled when a call came through requesting that he head to a nearby neighborhood. BubGAmEsE7E-00040-00017654-00018218 According to the police report, passing vehicles had noticed smoke pouring out of a home located BubGAmEsE7E-00041-00018218-00018669 on Gostlin Street - the home of Joseph and Dorothy. BubGAmEsE7E-00042-00018669-00019205 The officers got back into his car and immediately headed towards the home to make sure everyone BubGAmEsE7E-00043-00019205-00019368 was okay. BubGAmEsE7E-00044-00019368-00019809 As the officer pulled up to investigate, he confirmed that the witness reports were true BubGAmEsE7E-00045-00019809-00020378 - the home was ablaze with smoke billowing out of the windows and doors. BubGAmEsE7E-00046-00020378-00020868 As the officer pulled into the driveway, he saw 91-year-old Joseph sitting on the front BubGAmEsE7E-00047-00020868-00021379 porch, alongside his 34-year-old granddaughter, Amy, who had been living with the couple at BubGAmEsE7E-00048-00021379-00021515 the time. BubGAmEsE7E-00049-00021515-00021958 Amy had just come home from work and noticed smoke coming from the home. BubGAmEsE7E-00050-00021958-00022400 When she rushed inside to see what was going on, she saw her grandfather sitting helpless BubGAmEsE7E-00051-00022400-00022820 on the couch as the kitchen had burst into flames. BubGAmEsE7E-00052-00022820-00023198 Joseph had been wheelchair bound, but his wife helped him get in and out of his chair BubGAmEsE7E-00053-00023198-00023462 so he could sit on the couch and watch TV. BubGAmEsE7E-00054-00023462-00023997 She’d placed her husband on the couch just before she began dinner, but now, Dorothy BubGAmEsE7E-00055-00023997-00024237 was nowhere in sight. BubGAmEsE7E-00056-00024237-00024759 Amy says she searched the home for her grandmother but was unable to find her before the fire BubGAmEsE7E-00057-00024759-00024945 grew out of hand. BubGAmEsE7E-00058-00024945-00025422 She was eventually forced to abandon her search, grab her grandfather and make a run for the BubGAmEsE7E-00059-00025422-00025535 porch. BubGAmEsE7E-00060-00025535-00025985 Fire crews managed to extinguish the blaze before it consumed the entire home, but the BubGAmEsE7E-00061-00025985-00026219 damage had already been done. BubGAmEsE7E-00062-00026219-00026700 The entire interior of the house had been littered with smoke and stains. BubGAmEsE7E-00063-00026700-00027144 As they cleaned up the mess, firefighters were able to discover that the pot Dorothy BubGAmEsE7E-00064-00027144-00027491 had placed on the stove was the culprit of the fire. BubGAmEsE7E-00065-00027491-00028119 The pot boiled over and the gas burner beneath the pot had ignited the entire kitchen. BubGAmEsE7E-00066-00028119-00028477 Firefighters sifted through the remnants in search of Dorothy, but she was nowhere to BubGAmEsE7E-00067-00028477-00028658 be found inside the home. BubGAmEsE7E-00068-00028658-00029058 They eventually made their way outside of the house and searched around the parameter BubGAmEsE7E-00069-00029058-00029528 - and that’s when they came across a twisted crime scene that had been left behind by an BubGAmEsE7E-00070-00029528-00029738 unidentified intruder. BubGAmEsE7E-00071-00029738-00030002 Dorothy was found lying out in the backyard. BubGAmEsE7E-00072-00030002-00030502 She’d been attacked from behind, murdered in her own backyard. BubGAmEsE7E-00073-00030502-00030914 Crime scene investigators were called to the scene, as well as a coroner. BubGAmEsE7E-00074-00030914-00031363 The coroner reported that Dorothy had been killed with a single blow to the head, but BubGAmEsE7E-00075-00031363-00031753 the murderer kept on hitting her after she’d already lost her life. BubGAmEsE7E-00076-00031753-00032270 She’d been struck multiple times in the head, face and chest. BubGAmEsE7E-00077-00032270-00032825 The coroner's opinion was that Dorothy had lost her life due to a brain laceration. BubGAmEsE7E-00078-00032825-00033238 Forensic evidence was found all throughout the backyard, but investigators and special BubGAmEsE7E-00079-00033238-00033644 agents were never able to determine what the murder weapon was. BubGAmEsE7E-00080-00033644-00034179 They took samples of all the evidence that was found at the scene, but all of the DNA BubGAmEsE7E-00081-00034179-00034767 came back as a forensic match to Dorothy - meaning the killer had left nothing behind that would BubGAmEsE7E-00082-00034767-00034956 help officers identify them. BubGAmEsE7E-00083-00034956-00035425 Just a short way up the street from the Szany household, police spoke about a small community BubGAmEsE7E-00084-00035425-00035853 of homeless people and scrappers who lived on the streets. BubGAmEsE7E-00085-00035853-00036311 This area was known to have been riddled with crime, but the Szany’s stayed far away from BubGAmEsE7E-00086-00036311-00036447 this area. BubGAmEsE7E-00087-00036447-00036972 The only problem was that the criminals who lived here didn’t stay away from the Szany’s. BubGAmEsE7E-00088-00036972-00037434 Police recalled multiple disturbances in which they were called to the Szany household after BubGAmEsE7E-00089-00037434-00038006 Dorothy had seen scary people wandering around her backyard searching for scrap they could BubGAmEsE7E-00090-00038006-00038106 sell. BubGAmEsE7E-00091-00038106-00038488 When investigating the scene of the crime, detectives noticed a small hold in the Szany’s BubGAmEsE7E-00092-00038488-00038999 fence that gave scrappers a perfect view of everything in the back garden. BubGAmEsE7E-00093-00038999-00039453 This meant that anytime someone walked by, they’d be able to clearly see all of the BubGAmEsE7E-00094-00039453-00040012 valuable metals and car parts that had been left behind by Joseph all those years ago. BubGAmEsE7E-00095-00040012-00040499 Considering this area was known for being impoverished, it’s understandable that the BubGAmEsE7E-00096-00040499-00040940 Szany’s often struggled to keep their backyard private. BubGAmEsE7E-00097-00040940-00041456 This led detectives to the obvious theory that the motive behind the murder was nothing BubGAmEsE7E-00098-00041456-00041732 more than a robbery gone wrong. BubGAmEsE7E-00099-00041732-00042266 But there was only one problem - as far as special agents could tell, nothing had been BubGAmEsE7E-00100-00042266-00042703 stolen from the property and nothing had been disturbed. BubGAmEsE7E-00101-00042703-00043183 There was no trace of anyone having been in the backyard at any point recently. BubGAmEsE7E-00102-00043183-00043662 -- If you’ve made it this far in the video, type the word “backyard” in the comments BubGAmEsE7E-00103-00043662-00044211 so I know you’re still watching and I’ll do my best to respond to everyone who does. BubGAmEsE7E-00104-00044211-00044311 -- BubGAmEsE7E-00105-00044311-00044663 After police had reached a dead end in their investigation, they decided to question Joseph BubGAmEsE7E-00106-00044663-00044938 about the circumstances of the murder. BubGAmEsE7E-00107-00044938-00045410 Keep in mind, his Alzheimers had claimed most of his memories by this point and he rarely BubGAmEsE7E-00108-00045410-00045650 understood what was going on around him. BubGAmEsE7E-00109-00045650-00046181 However, his children recalled that, for the last several months, he would speak with Dorothy BubGAmEsE7E-00110-00046181-00046653 about a strange group of criminals that he would only refer to as “they”. BubGAmEsE7E-00111-00046653-00047140 Every once in a while before the couple would go to bed, Joseph would ask Dorothy to check BubGAmEsE7E-00112-00047140-00047541 all of the windows of their home and make sure they were locked. BubGAmEsE7E-00113-00047541-00047911 He said that he wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to get in. BubGAmEsE7E-00114-00047911-00048347 According to Joseph, this mysterious group had promised that “they” would come back BubGAmEsE7E-00115-00048347-00048475 and get him. BubGAmEsE7E-00116-00048475-00049034 No one ever fully understood who Joseph was referring to, because as far as anyone knew, BubGAmEsE7E-00117-00049034-00049525 no one had ever broken into the family’s home before, so investigators were never able BubGAmEsE7E-00118-00049525-00049990 to uncover where Joseph had picked up these deranged fantasies. BubGAmEsE7E-00119-00049990-00050528 Unfortunately, this meant that Joseph’s testimony was virtually useless - and the BubGAmEsE7E-00120-00050528-00051010 children certainly had no clues as to who would want to harm their mother. BubGAmEsE7E-00121-00051010-00051405 After all, Dorothy was known for being an upstanding woman in her community and she BubGAmEsE7E-00122-00051405-00051771 certainly never let her advanced age get the better of her. BubGAmEsE7E-00123-00051771-00052191 She was an active member of her local church, and she even helped set up a coup kitchen BubGAmEsE7E-00124-00052191-00052538 for the homeless who lived nearby. BubGAmEsE7E-00125-00052538-00052975 According to everyone who knew her, she was always seen at the soup kitchen serving the BubGAmEsE7E-00126-00052975-00053445 less fortunate, and she would often put in extra hours around the holidays. BubGAmEsE7E-00127-00053445-00053745 To top this off, Dorothy was also an avid bowler. BubGAmEsE7E-00128-00053745-00054310 She’d spent a lot of time helping to establish a local bowling club for the younger generation BubGAmEsE7E-00129-00054310-00054491 and would teach children how to bowl. BubGAmEsE7E-00130-00054491-00054995 Dorothy’s children say that just three years after Dorothy’s murder, Joseph would pass BubGAmEsE7E-00131-00054995-00055095 away. BubGAmEsE7E-00132-00055095-00055576 They don’t believe he ever fully understood what happened to his wife, as he’d ask about BubGAmEsE7E-00133-00055576-00055732 her from time to time. BubGAmEsE7E-00134-00055732-00056264 A reward for information was offered by Dorothy’s local church, but police were never able to BubGAmEsE7E-00135-00056264-00056576 track down anyone who could have committed the crime. BubGAmEsE7E-00136-00056576-00057050 They questioned several suspects during their investigation, but all of these leads took BubGAmEsE7E-00137-00057050-00057198 them nowhere. BubGAmEsE7E-00138-00057198-00057716 In the end, they never made any arrests and Dorothy’s case remains unsolved more than BubGAmEsE7E-00139-00057716-00059770 15 years later. Bw4YX03tpig-00000-00000354-00000543 Dan Roden: Next slide, please. Bw4YX03tpig-00001-00000543-00000643 Thank you. Bw4YX03tpig-00002-00000643-00001159 So, John raised an interesting point which I think will be a recurrent theme, and, actually, Bw4YX03tpig-00003-00001159-00001629 you know, is a recurrent discussion area within eMERGE. Bw4YX03tpig-00004-00001629-00002239 That's why I didn't contribute to the discussion before because I had my 10 minutes in the Bw4YX03tpig-00005-00002239-00002339 sun now. Bw4YX03tpig-00006-00002339-00002889 So, as I thought about what I wanted to say, it is a balance between this idea of discovery Bw4YX03tpig-00007-00002889-00003379 -- and discovery can be, you know, across the EMR, and it can also be in other kinds Bw4YX03tpig-00008-00003379-00004111 of cohorts; we're not going to consider that here -- and then -- and then implementation Bw4YX03tpig-00009-00004111-00004266 in the EMR. Bw4YX03tpig-00010-00004266-00004718 And it's implementation, as everybody on this call knows, or everybody on this call whose Bw4YX03tpig-00011-00004718-00005261 part of eMERGE knows, is not simply a matter of dumping a bunch of genotypes into the EMR Bw4YX03tpig-00012-00005261-00005361 and letting magic happen. Bw4YX03tpig-00013-00005361-00005890 It is a very complex process that we are just beginning to understand. Bw4YX03tpig-00014-00005890-00006142 So, next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00015-00006142-00006310 Brandy, good. Bw4YX03tpig-00016-00006310-00006409 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00017-00006409-00006551 Click again. Bw4YX03tpig-00018-00006551-00006707 Click. Bw4YX03tpig-00019-00006707-00007506 Okay, so I just wanted to make the point which Rex made before, that discovery science in Bw4YX03tpig-00020-00007506-00008127 eMERGE is involved not just discovering new genotype/phenotype associations, but discovering Bw4YX03tpig-00021-00008127-00008400 how to do research across the electronic medical records. Bw4YX03tpig-00022-00008400-00008774 So, deploying algorithms that work across multiple EMRs. Bw4YX03tpig-00023-00008774-00009314 This is a screenshot of a table from the hypothyroidism paper. Bw4YX03tpig-00024-00009314-00009502 Click again, Brandy. Bw4YX03tpig-00025-00009502-00010496 And then, of course, using existing data, and that's the hypothyroid GWAS. Bw4YX03tpig-00026-00010496-00010596 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00027-00010596-00011185 And then we've shown that you can use the EMRs for phenome-wide association, which as Bw4YX03tpig-00028-00011185-00011993 Rex said and I will reemphasize, is an experiment that is hard to think about implementing in Bw4YX03tpig-00029-00011993-00012708 other kinds of datasets, the principle being that the phenotypes have to be broadly defined Bw4YX03tpig-00030-00012708-00012813 and of medical relevance. Bw4YX03tpig-00031-00012813-00013351 And so if you have a diabetes study, you can -- it's very difficult to think of how to Bw4YX03tpig-00032-00013351-00013451 do this. Bw4YX03tpig-00033-00013451-00013707 In community cohorts, it's conceivable this could be done in some fashion. Bw4YX03tpig-00034-00013707-00014443 But it just depends on what the phenotype definition is, and we have interest in phenotypes Bw4YX03tpig-00035-00014443-00014543 in eMERGE. Bw4YX03tpig-00036-00014543-00014643 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00037-00014643-00014851 This is my version of a slide that Rex showed. Bw4YX03tpig-00038-00014851-00015354 I updated it after Erwin said that he thought the numbers were a little bit wrong, and I'm Bw4YX03tpig-00039-00015354-00015876 sure that everybody will tell me that their numbers are higher than they were, but this Bw4YX03tpig-00040-00015876-00016530 is -- the current number that I see is 362,000 in the imputed data set. Bw4YX03tpig-00041-00016530-00017312 GWAS is 50,000, and may, as I heard just now, go as high as a couple tens of thousands more, Bw4YX03tpig-00042-00017312-00017540 so, 70,000, 80,000, 90,000. Bw4YX03tpig-00043-00017540-00017676 So, click again. Bw4YX03tpig-00044-00017676-00017990 So, no, go back. Bw4YX03tpig-00045-00017990-00018148 Thank you. Bw4YX03tpig-00046-00018148-00018684 I -- this is a personal comment -- I think that if we're going to individualize medicine, Bw4YX03tpig-00047-00018684-00019154 we're going to treat patients differently, the only rational way to develop a dataset Bw4YX03tpig-00048-00019154-00019529 to do that is some approach like this. Bw4YX03tpig-00049-00019529-00020014 If you have 1,000 patients and 10 of them are likely to respond differently in some Bw4YX03tpig-00050-00020014-00020629 way, those 10 will never provide the evidence base that will allow you to treat them differently Bw4YX03tpig-00051-00020629-00020734 with a straight face. Bw4YX03tpig-00052-00020734-00020893 They won't pass a SNP test. Bw4YX03tpig-00053-00020893-00021453 So you -- if you have 100,000 people and 1,000 of them respond differently, then you can Bw4YX03tpig-00054-00021453-00021802 start to make a case that this group should be defined differently. Bw4YX03tpig-00055-00021802-00022309 So it speaks to -- it speaks to what Gail was talking about with the rare variants. Bw4YX03tpig-00056-00022309-00022651 We have to have evidence around rare variants. Bw4YX03tpig-00057-00022651-00023030 And when she says rare variants, she might mean 1 in 10,000. Bw4YX03tpig-00058-00023030-00023496 When I say rare variants, I might mean 1 in 1,000, but those are the kinds of subsets Bw4YX03tpig-00059-00023496-00023925 that we can now begin to identify with a dataset that is this large. Bw4YX03tpig-00060-00023925-00024484 And again, I emphasize, and I think that the point has been made before, that there's a Bw4YX03tpig-00061-00024484-00025099 lot of GWAS data in this set, there's less rare variants sequence data -- rare variant Bw4YX03tpig-00062-00025099-00025291 or sequence data in this set. Bw4YX03tpig-00063-00025291-00025626 Go on, next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00064-00025626-00026094 So as I thought about what to say about the discovery and implementation missions, and Bw4YX03tpig-00065-00026094-00026634 I guess I telegraph my bias at the top because I think we ought to think about both, and Bw4YX03tpig-00066-00026634-00026800 have some way of balancing those. Bw4YX03tpig-00067-00026800-00027274 And I'll come back to the idea that they interact with each other at the end of this little Bw4YX03tpig-00068-00027274-00027374 chat. Bw4YX03tpig-00069-00027374-00027819 So I thought, well, what is eMERGE -- what can eMERGE contribute uniquely to discovery Bw4YX03tpig-00070-00027819-00028077 and what can eMERGE contribute uniquely to implementation? Bw4YX03tpig-00071-00028077-00028614 There are lots of people doing GWASes, for example, in lipid traits, or in acute myocardial Bw4YX03tpig-00072-00028614-00028714 infarction traits. Bw4YX03tpig-00073-00028714-00029089 And we can participate in those studies because we have large datasets that can contribute Bw4YX03tpig-00074-00029089-00029407 to very large med analysis and that sort of thing. Bw4YX03tpig-00075-00029407-00029835 But what eMERGE ought to focus on, I think, is what we can do that other people would Bw4YX03tpig-00076-00029835-00030170 have a harder time to do, and that's what I'm going to talk about. Bw4YX03tpig-00077-00030170-00030361 Next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00078-00030361-00031139 So, the easiest examples I think are in drug responses and cancer susceptibility. Bw4YX03tpig-00079-00031139-00031756 And you can say, well, you know, we understand the pharmacogenomics of Clopidogrel, or Warfarin, Bw4YX03tpig-00080-00031756-00032037 or Simvastatin, and therefore we don't need to study them anymore. Bw4YX03tpig-00081-00032037-00032137 All we need to do is implement them. Bw4YX03tpig-00082-00032137-00032677 And the same thing goes for some of the commoner cancer susceptibility alleles; we know that Bw4YX03tpig-00083-00032677-00032828 -- I'll just say that. Bw4YX03tpig-00084-00032828-00033295 So, but the real question is, do we really know all there is to know about all the variable Bw4YX03tpig-00085-00033295-00033395 responses? Bw4YX03tpig-00086-00033395-00033495 That's a rhetorical question. Bw4YX03tpig-00087-00033495-00033888 I'm going to make the case over the next three or four slides with an old drug that there's Bw4YX03tpig-00088-00033888-00034283 lots and lots and lots that we don't know, and part of the reason we don't know it is Bw4YX03tpig-00089-00034283-00034755 because we've been limited in the size of datasets that we've been able to study so Bw4YX03tpig-00090-00034755-00034919 far. Bw4YX03tpig-00091-00034919-00035084 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00092-00035084-00035509 So I'm going to talk -- I'm going to go through four or five slides of Warfarin data. Bw4YX03tpig-00093-00035509-00036090 This is a slide that I'm very fond of showing because it shows what happens when you examine Bw4YX03tpig-00094-00036090-00036664 people who are on Warfarin, on very large doses of Warfarin, to achieve therapeutic Bw4YX03tpig-00095-00036664-00036852 anticoagulation. Bw4YX03tpig-00096-00036852-00037332 And without going into the details, the major message of this slide is actually that the Bw4YX03tpig-00097-00037332-00037815 reason people need very large doses to achieve therapeutic anticoagulation is because they're Bw4YX03tpig-00098-00037815-00037915 noncompliant. Bw4YX03tpig-00099-00037915-00038206 They don't actually take their Warfarin, or they don't absorb it for some reason. Bw4YX03tpig-00100-00038206-00038799 But if you take people who actually take their Warfarin and who have very high dosage requirements, Bw4YX03tpig-00101-00038799-00039370 it turns out that there's a group of people who have rare variants in VKORC1. Bw4YX03tpig-00102-00039370-00039680 So this is the gene that encodes the Warfarin target. Bw4YX03tpig-00103-00039680-00039924 Hit the advance button, Brandy. Bw4YX03tpig-00104-00039924-00040183 And there's a rare variant called D36Y. Bw4YX03tpig-00105-00040183-00040943 D36Y is rare, but if you practice -- if you run an anticoagulation clinic in Israel, you Bw4YX03tpig-00106-00040943-00041415 have to take it into account because it's a 5-percenter in the Ashkenazi population Bw4YX03tpig-00107-00041415-00041713 and most people require very large doses of Warfarin. Bw4YX03tpig-00108-00041713-00042320 And I'm sure, I'm sure, that there are other rarer variants that have very large affect Bw4YX03tpig-00109-00042320-00042607 sizes when it comes to determining Warfarin dose. Bw4YX03tpig-00110-00042607-00042897 Now, if we ever use Warfarin again. Bw4YX03tpig-00111-00042897-00043088 Next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00112-00043088-00043661 So this is -- these are data from a study that we did in BioView, probably around the Bw4YX03tpig-00113-00043661-00044028 time we were joining eMERGE, so these are older data but I think they really make an Bw4YX03tpig-00114-00044028-00044128 interesting point. Bw4YX03tpig-00115-00044128-00044715 We looked at the predictors of Warfarin study state dose in our own cohort. Bw4YX03tpig-00116-00044715-00045427 And you can see there the CYP2C9*2 and *3; those are the marqueed areas of CYP2C9. Bw4YX03tpig-00117-00045427-00046053 They have strong -- they have minor allele frequencies that are shown and strong associations Bw4YX03tpig-00118-00046053-00046236 with ultimate steady state dose. Bw4YX03tpig-00119-00046236-00046841 There are three VKORC1 SNPs, all in LD in this particular group, with very, very strong Bw4YX03tpig-00120-00046841-00047059 associations with Warfarin dose. Bw4YX03tpig-00121-00047059-00047193 Go on. Bw4YX03tpig-00122-00047193-00047293 Okay. Bw4YX03tpig-00123-00047293-00047681 Now that population is actually both a Caucasian and African-American population. Bw4YX03tpig-00124-00047681-00048136 But we broke it down by European American or African American. Bw4YX03tpig-00125-00048136-00048572 The statistical significance is oddly so much less in the African Americans because the Bw4YX03tpig-00126-00048572-00048672 dataset is much smaller. Bw4YX03tpig-00127-00048672-00049456 But we actually lose the CYP2C9*2 signal entirely, and the genomic architecture of VKORC1 is Bw4YX03tpig-00128-00049456-00050136 such that the three SNPs that were LD for Caucasians are no longer LD in the African Bw4YX03tpig-00129-00050136-00050236 Americans. Bw4YX03tpig-00130-00050236-00050530 And the SNP that counts is actually the bottom one, 9923231. Bw4YX03tpig-00131-00050530-00050991 So, hit the button again, Brandy. Bw4YX03tpig-00132-00050991-00051278 So this is a Warfarin -- Warfarin is more complicated. Bw4YX03tpig-00133-00051278-00051507 It is more than two genes. Bw4YX03tpig-00134-00051507-00051744 Just showing you where the other genes are on this slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00135-00051744-00051879 Hit the button again. Bw4YX03tpig-00136-00051879-00052295 So we actually looked at common variants across many, many genes in this slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00137-00052295-00052805 And the point is, to look down at the bottom, there are sick variants in African Americans Bw4YX03tpig-00138-00052805-00053519 that are -- whose minor allele frequencies are, for example, *8 is a 7-percenter in African Bw4YX03tpig-00139-00053519-00053854 Americans with an effect on ultimate dose. Bw4YX03tpig-00140-00053854-00054270 But nobody ever thinks about that one when they consider creating algorithms. Bw4YX03tpig-00141-00054270-00054852 So I think we really have a long way to go before we understand even common variation Bw4YX03tpig-00142-00054852-00055201 in commonly-used drugs. Bw4YX03tpig-00143-00055201-00055566 And that's what these slides are supposed to show. Bw4YX03tpig-00144-00055566-00055766 Next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00145-00055766-00056541 So you heard from Rex that there are efforts to implement some really interesting genetic Bw4YX03tpig-00146-00056541-00057029 variants in the EMR: Factor V Leiden, HFE, and APOL1. Bw4YX03tpig-00147-00057029-00057454 And these are the poster children for the idea that they are common variants that may Bw4YX03tpig-00148-00057454-00057724 have large effect sizes in defined populations. Bw4YX03tpig-00149-00057724-00058347 And my question to you and the rest of -- and anyone else on the call is, are these really Bw4YX03tpig-00150-00058347-00058858 the only common variants that have large effect sizes, or isn't there a place for discovery Bw4YX03tpig-00151-00058858-00058961 of more of these? Bw4YX03tpig-00152-00058961-00059391 The APOL1 story has really only emerged the last two or three years. Bw4YX03tpig-00153-00059391-00059799 Erwin can talk much more about that than I can, but it's a fascinating story, and, of Bw4YX03tpig-00154-00059799-00060054 course, it's only in African Americans. Bw4YX03tpig-00155-00060054-00060154 So -- Bw4YX03tpig-00156-00060154-00060254 Teri Manolio: Dan, this is Teri. Bw4YX03tpig-00157-00060254-00060354 Dan Roden: Yes. Bw4YX03tpig-00158-00060354-00060454 Teri Manolio: You have about one minute. Bw4YX03tpig-00159-00060454-00060554 You have about one minute, please. Bw4YX03tpig-00160-00060554-00060739 Dan Roden: And I have about one minute. Bw4YX03tpig-00161-00060739-00060870 You're right. Bw4YX03tpig-00162-00060870-00060970 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00163-00060970-00061070 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00164-00061070-00061336 Okay, and then as you heard from Iftikhar -- go back. Bw4YX03tpig-00165-00061336-00062008 You heard from Iftikhar, we are also deploying complex combinations, and the questions are Bw4YX03tpig-00166-00062008-00062391 how to deploy, how to validate them, how to measure impacted outcome. Bw4YX03tpig-00167-00062391-00062944 And I'll just ask Brandy to hit the next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00168-00062944-00063460 So, discovery science, the 362,000 DNA samples coupled to EMR can enable PheWAS -- I've already Bw4YX03tpig-00169-00063460-00063670 said that -- complex outcomes. Bw4YX03tpig-00170-00063670-00063885 Brandy hit the slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00171-00063885-00064431 And the complex outcomes are not only longitudinal over time, and drug responses and disease Bw4YX03tpig-00172-00064431-00064744 subtypes, but gene by all those. Bw4YX03tpig-00173-00064744-00064889 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00174-00064889-00065412 I think we have to think about ancestry and develop ways of generating larger African-American Bw4YX03tpig-00175-00065412-00065512 cohorts. Bw4YX03tpig-00176-00065512-00065881 We probably have 50,000 African Americans across eMERGE right now. Bw4YX03tpig-00177-00065881-00066425 And then there are issues around privacy that we still need to address. Bw4YX03tpig-00178-00066425-00066575 Next. Bw4YX03tpig-00179-00066575-00067052 The implementation science, I'll let you read what it says there, but it basically -- how Bw4YX03tpig-00180-00067052-00067382 do -- if you're going to implement, you have to have evidence, and the evidence comes from Bw4YX03tpig-00181-00067382-00067514 the discovery side. Bw4YX03tpig-00182-00067514-00067614 How do you do it? Bw4YX03tpig-00183-00067614-00067714 In who? Bw4YX03tpig-00184-00067714-00068068 Education issues, decision support issues, and then tracking outcomes I think is something Bw4YX03tpig-00185-00068068-00068455 that somebody has to do, and if it's not us, who else? Bw4YX03tpig-00186-00068455-00068555 Next slide. Bw4YX03tpig-00187-00068555-00069247 And then I just want to make this point that as we implement, we learn, and as we learn, Bw4YX03tpig-00188-00069247-00069452 we generate larger datasets. Bw4YX03tpig-00189-00069452-00070056 So if you implement HFE in a very large cohort, you'll generate data on HFE that will then Bw4YX03tpig-00190-00070056-00070235 feed back into the discovery side. Bw4YX03tpig-00191-00070235-00070799 So I don't think that it's discovery or implementation, they each feed on each other, and I would Bw4YX03tpig-00192-00070799-00071074 argue that we have to retain both. Bw4YX03tpig-00193-00071074-00071292 We have to think about what kind of discovery we can do that we're uniquely positioned to Bw4YX03tpig-00194-00071292-00071392 do. Bw4YX03tpig-00195-00071392-00071611 That's the end of my 10 minutes. Bw4YX03tpig-00196-00071611-00071962 Male Speaker: Okay, thank you for that. Bw4YX03tpig-00197-00071962-00072439 And we're going to try and quickly pass the baton to Mary Relling for her reaction. Bw4YX03tpig-00198-00072439-00072666 Mary Relling: Can you hear me? Bw4YX03tpig-00199-00072666-00072766 Yes. Bw4YX03tpig-00200-00072766-00072892 Male Speaker: Yes, we can. BwfHwb7EgWo-00000-00000000-00000300 American Civil War Army Organisation BwfHwb7EgWo-00001-00000351-00001047 A "File" consists of 2 man first the frontman and second the rear man BwfHwb7EgWo-00002-00001064-00001868 The "Front or 1st Rank" consist of the first line of man during the establishment of the Line BwfHwb7EgWo-00003-00001885-00002723 During the battle the front rank can also stand in the rear rank. In this case the front rank won't change to the rear rank BwfHwb7EgWo-00004-00002734-00003793 The "Rear or 2nd Rank" consist of the rear man of the line. They are led on the far right by a 1stSgt BwfHwb7EgWo-00005-00003845-00004206 A Company consist (in the Battle line) of: BwfHwb7EgWo-00006-00004206-00004605 8 "Squads" a 10man led by a Cpl BwfHwb7EgWo-00007-00004605-00005005 4 "Sections" a 20man led by a Sgt BwfHwb7EgWo-00008-00005005-00005405 2 "Platoons" a 40man led by a Lt BwfHwb7EgWo-00009-00005405-00005731 The Cpt is the only officer who is standing directly inside the line BwfHwb7EgWo-00010-00006243-00006936 The letter " J " wasn't used because it's sounded like the letter " A " and was written like the letter " I " BwZoNdrZOCI-00000-00000770-00001529 Well, our best memories when we come into town on the Saturday mid-50s, early mid-50s, BwZoNdrZOCI-00001-00001529-00002450 and going to the central cinema to a Matinee, the cast at a time either 4 pence or 6 BwZoNdrZOCI-00002-00002450-00002838 pence depending on your type of seat. BwZoNdrZOCI-00003-00002838-00003467 Mr Swanick yeah at that time that's why it's at the time and then that time you'd have BwZoNdrZOCI-00004-00003467-00003725 a couple more pennies to buy what we call, a lucky bag chance you luck at wasting your BwZoNdrZOCI-00005-00003725-00004705 money Johnson shop Birchgrove and they gave a local service essential groceries and ice BwZoNdrZOCI-00006-00004705-00005187 cream which as far as we're conserving the ice cream was the big attraction for the young BwZoNdrZOCI-00007-00005187-00005806 kids which is awfully expensive ice cream is very expensive money was scarce BwZoNdrZOCI-00008-00005806-00006975 But we had connection with the town my father actually was born in Dunlo bar, in Dunlo street BwZoNdrZOCI-00009-00006975-00007075 upstairs. BwZoNdrZOCI-00010-00007075-00007464 My mother was a nurse, she was a maternity nurse around here for about 20 years about BwZoNdrZOCI-00011-00007464-00007984 30 years and they know something she never had a baby there no alternative because we BwZoNdrZOCI-00012-00007984-00008335 ever fight and we've gone through them you know of course BwZoNdrZOCI-00013-00008335-00008911 Anyway my father had the timberworks in town here and he exported from the canal they cut BwZoNdrZOCI-00014-00008911-00009556 the timber open and i had to cut the timber all around county Galway and county Roscommon BwZoNdrZOCI-00015-00009556-00009852 was crews out there so that time it was all labour it was very intensive labour at the BwZoNdrZOCI-00016-00009852-00010524 time and bring it into the sawmill behind the pub in Dunlo street and this is the cut BwZoNdrZOCI-00017-00010524-00011215 their and split into logs and he nad fleet of trucks, he bring it up to Dublin as well BwZoNdrZOCI-00018-00011215-00011695 as being a turf up to Phoenix park during the emergency that's got emergency years and BwZoNdrZOCI-00019-00011695-00012392 then he had a base in Clondalkin and in Dublin where the boats the the canal boats or barrages BwZoNdrZOCI-00020-00012392-00012900 were loaded here Shannonbridge was taken up by horse, horse pull them up to Dublin at BwZoNdrZOCI-00021-00012900-00013044 the time. BwZoNdrZOCI-00022-00013044-00013422 I walked around it yesterday a bit and I walked around this morning half past four because BwZoNdrZOCI-00023-00013422-00013825 I had to get up so I walked around it and I was here maybe seven or eight years ago BwZoNdrZOCI-00024-00013825-00014212 I couldn't i come back to funerals and all that but i have a look around i have a look BwZoNdrZOCI-00025-00014212-00014784 around and every so often but this is the best i've seen it for a long time you know BwZoNdrZOCI-00026-00014784-00015287 obviously there's a big change going on here as well and i think i just wonder BwZoNdrZOCI-00027-00015287-00015696 this canal have anything to do with it and for the future i would recommend i see a sign BwZoNdrZOCI-00028-00015696-00015993 up there about greenway get it if you can get us because it's going to bring a load BwZoNdrZOCI-00029-00015993-00016093 of BwZoNdrZOCI-00030-00016093-00016512 tourism into your town you saw the difference it made Mayo you want to put it if you go BwZoNdrZOCI-00031-00016512-00016834 up to the north of Clew bay from Westport second BwZoNdrZOCI-00032-00016834-00017273 each town had boom Newport and Mulranny were BwZoNdrZOCI-00033-00017273-00017640 falling apart and now they're fantastic and they're buzzing they're full of people and BwZoNdrZOCI-00034-00017640-00018231 bikes people walk up there they will drive up part of it and it's fantastic it brings BwZoNdrZOCI-00035-00018231-00018331 so many tourists. BwZoNdrZOCI-00036-00018331-00018781 I take away for memories from years ago there is a good bustling town BwZoNdrZOCI-00037-00018781-00019190 but it went down badly back in the 90s and 00s but BwZoNdrZOCI-00038-00019190-00019987 what i notice about today it's the kenyans moved improve the streets and footpath everything BwZoNdrZOCI-00039-00019987-00020112 painted buildings BwZoNdrZOCI-00040-00020112-00020690 it looks pretty good today and it's lovely to see some of the old families like Clarks BwZoNdrZOCI-00041-00020690-00021436 shop I mean in the hotel that some of the old families have survived the downturns BwZoNdrZOCI-00042-00021436-00021945 over the years and you can still see a Croffy name up on the wall down in the BwZoNdrZOCI-00043-00021945-00022045 square. BwZoNdrZOCI-00044-00022045-00022356 One more thing when the idle wall was when we were young BwZoNdrZOCI-00045-00022356-00022456 my mother said don't sit in the idle wall because BwZoNdrZOCI-00046-00022456-00022844 you'll never had a job if you sitting in idle wall. BwZoNdrZOCI-00047-00022844-00023493 And I set up a photograph taken mother wherever you are you were right BwZoNdrZOCI-00048-00023493-00023665 two things about it. BwZoNdrZOCI-00049-00023665-00023981 you never sat on the idle wall it sat the lazy wall, sorry the lazy wall. BwZoNdrZOCI-00050-00023981-00024104 one more mistake I made. BwZoNdrZOCI-00051-00024104-00024779 When I complemented Gullane's Hotel it's Thomas Gullane who's proprietor BwZoNdrZOCI-00052-00024779-00025406 See there, the new road cleanliness and the grass is mowed everything to perfection BwZoNdrZOCI-00053-00025406-00025798 I think we must acknowledge what the guys in Garbally done for us as well BwZoNdrZOCI-00054-00025798-00026145 we went up there and at the time we started off there's nobody BwZoNdrZOCI-00055-00026145-00026730 going to secondary school from around us tony white was only one cycling in and out and BwZoNdrZOCI-00056-00026730-00026954 Austin Whelan done two years and he left. BwZoNdrZOCI-00057-00026954-00027776 And I started going on Hughie and Johnny Whelan and all squad people and we cycled oppen down BwZoNdrZOCI-00058-00027776-00027876 and the borders were there. BwZoNdrZOCI-00059-00027876-00028138 It was a fantastic place and there were no pressure BwZoNdrZOCI-00060-00028138-00028372 i needed to become a priest i think it was BwZoNdrZOCI-00061-00028372-00028472 more an athletic BwZoNdrZOCI-00062-00028472-00029176 school sports college they had pitches swings some rope climbers tennis but i look when BwZoNdrZOCI-00063-00029176-00029501 i look back and see all the sport they had encouraging BwZoNdrZOCI-00064-00029501-00029706 this sport and of course rugby my father paid 0:04:57.110,1193:02:47.295 BwZoNdrZOCI-00065-00029706-00030249 to come in at a time and it changed from you know rugby college to the GAA college but BwZoNdrZOCI-00066-00030249-00030349 Christy BwZoNdrZOCI-00067-00030349-00030773 Glynn kept the rugby going at the time you know it was Christy Glynn and father Ryan BwZoNdrZOCI-00068-00030773-00030873 and BwZoNdrZOCI-00069-00030873-00031304 as coaches the the head of the guys the head coaches around the world know that they were BwZoNdrZOCI-00070-00031304-00031741 so good when i look at the rugby matches and the basics that Christy Glynn then talked BwZoNdrZOCI-00071-00031741-00031841 about BwZoNdrZOCI-00072-00031841-00032206 still applied but they're not have done that's why we're not losing we're not winning more BwZoNdrZOCI-00073-00032206-00032781 matches that we could do Bx8e1YgzcBc-00000-00000112-00000592 Hola, acabo de salir de la cancha de tenis, así que me siento un poco Bx8e1YgzcBc-00001-00000592-00000832 desagradable en este momento, pero solo siento la necesidad de compartir un Bx8e1YgzcBc-00002-00000832-00001304 un poco de mi corazón um, es muy fácil para mí ser un libro abierto Bx8e1YgzcBc-00003-00001304-00001583 sobre mi salud y todas las cosas horribles por las que he pasado en el Bx8e1YgzcBc-00004-00001583-00001760 pasado porque no estoy pasando por ellos ahora he tenido la enfermedad Bx8e1YgzcBc-00005-00001760-00002432 de crohn desde que tenía 17, así que 40 menos 17 ya sabes durante 23 años Bx8e1YgzcBc-00006-00002432-00002816 24 años, creo que no lo hice, así que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00007-00002816-00003247 muchos de ellos pasaron muchos días oscuros. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00008-00003247-00003592 pero nunca entendí realmente cuando mis amigos me hablaban Bx8e1YgzcBc-00009-00003592-00004039 sobre el cbd y sobre la ansiedad y sobre la depresión. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00010-00004039-00004392 de la depresión y yo solo um mi remedio fue salir y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00011-00004392-00004632 hacer cosas que no creo que haya tenido realmente graves Bx8e1YgzcBc-00012-00004632-00005319 depresión, pero hace un año comencé a escribir un libro y quería Bx8e1YgzcBc-00013-00005319-00005632 escribir un libro sobre mi historia sobre las cosas divertidas. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00014-00005632-00005935 acerca de tener la enfermedad de Crohn porque sabes que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00015-00005935-00006271 hay muchas cosas asquerosas y muchas cosas divertidas y tú Bx8e1YgzcBc-00016-00006271-00006551 Tengo que tener sentido del humor y me di cuenta de que después de empezar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00017-00006551-00007023 escribiendo mi libro comencé a tener cosas raras que pasaban Bx8e1YgzcBc-00018-00007023-00007447 estaba en la intersección y simplemente estallaba en lágrimas y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00019-00007447-00007864 solo miedos irracionales tenía miedo de estar solo, lo cual Bx8e1YgzcBc-00020-00007864-00008128 es una locura porque tengo tres hijos y me encanta estar solo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00021-00008128-00008704 y, um, uno de mis amigos de la universidad a quien amo mucho, pero no nos mantenemos en Bx8e1YgzcBc-00022-00008704-00009056 contacto con mucha frecuencia de la nada, me envió un correo electrónico para verificar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00023-00009056-00009392 yo y les digo que esto es tres años después Bx8e1YgzcBc-00024-00009392-00009592 de que estuve séptico y en el hospital por Bx8e1YgzcBc-00025-00009592-00009864 ocho semanas y pasando por todas estas cosas y dijo que solo quería ver cómo me estaba Bx8e1YgzcBc-00026-00009864-00010343 yendo y dije que estoy bien, lo estoy haciendo bien, la vida es increíble y ella Bx8e1YgzcBc-00027-00010343-00010839 como que hice algunas preguntas de sondeo y las descarté y luego lo pensé Bx8e1YgzcBc-00028-00010839-00011128 una hora más tarde le envié un correo electrónico y le dije que ya sabes qué Bx8e1YgzcBc-00029-00011128-00011600 Creo que tengo algo que hacer y ella sugirió que tenía un poco de trastorno de estrés Bx8e1YgzcBc-00030-00011600-00012096 postraumático, que en mi opinión, el trastorno de estrés postraumático es para hombres. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00031-00012096-00012352 que han estado en la guerra y la gente ha luchado y ha visto Bx8e1YgzcBc-00032-00012352-00012808 cosas terribles um no me sentí como que califiqué para eso Bx8e1YgzcBc-00033-00012808-00013416 y ella está en el campo de la medicina y la psicología psíquica, por lo que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00034-00013416-00013768 como que empecé a pensar en ello durante las próximas semanas y empecé a hablar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00035-00013768-00014136 de ello y me di cuenta de que durante el último año las cosas se han puesto Bx8e1YgzcBc-00036-00014136-00014631 peor para mí tengo muchos miedos irracionales y te digo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00037-00014631-00015016 que estoy sentado en un semáforo y voy a romper a llorar o Bx8e1YgzcBc-00038-00015016-00015344 Estaré sentada en mi habitación y me pongo muy llorosa y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00039-00015344-00015768 muy sola. Obviamente, si me conoces, soy muy extrovertida y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00040-00015768-00016247 y esas cosas no son normales para mí así que finalmente oh irritabilidad soy muy Bx8e1YgzcBc-00041-00016247-00016840 bajita um me pongo muy irritable muy rápido y um no sabía que eso era la ansiedad Bx8e1YgzcBc-00042-00016840-00017112 y entonces mi esposo me dio un número de teléfono, buscó el número Bx8e1YgzcBc-00043-00017112-00017704 de teléfono para mí y me envió a ver una clínica de psicología. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00044-00017704-00018120 así que hay consejeros y psiquiatras y fui la semana pasada Bx8e1YgzcBc-00045-00018120-00018431 y comencé a decir que sabes que creo que estoy bien ahora Bx8e1YgzcBc-00046-00018431-00018887 Creo que todo está bien um y ella comenzó a hacer las preguntas correctas Bx8e1YgzcBc-00047-00018887-00019359 y presionar mis botones y yo era un montón de lágrimas en el piso de ella. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00048-00019359-00019744 oficina y ella realmente validó que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00049-00019744-00020256 he pasado por mucho y que estoy Bx8e1YgzcBc-00050-00020256-00020592 aunque todos esos sentimientos eran válidos y probablemente fue un pequeño trastorno por estrés Bx8e1YgzcBc-00051-00020592-00021072 postraumático, lo cual me siento raro al decir que principalmente ansiedad y ella dijo que solo hay Bx8e1YgzcBc-00052-00021072-00021400 tanto que cuando pasas por algo traumático como eso y las personas que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00053-00021400-00021768 te ayudan, yo no soy tan gente indefensa que está acostumbrada a ayudar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00054-00021768-00022072 otras personas tienden a tener más dificultades para superar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00055-00022072-00022484 esas cosas y las rechazamos hasta que, de repente, todo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00056-00022484-00022823 explota, así que mi pensamiento instantáneo fue darme medicina haz que Bx8e1YgzcBc-00057-00022823-00023240 desaparezca es una sensación horrible con la que nunca he podido relacionarme Bx8e1YgzcBc-00058-00023240-00023912 La ansiedad y la ansiedad es un sentimiento incontrolable muy horrible Bx8e1YgzcBc-00059-00023912-00024400 del que siento que no puedo escapar y, cuando pedí el medicamento, Bx8e1YgzcBc-00060-00024400-00024904 Empecé a pensar en humo santo, estoy vendiendo cbd y estoy tratando de ayudar Bx8e1YgzcBc-00061-00024904-00025320 a otras personas a salir de la ansiedad, la depresión y las cosas que tengo. Bx8e1YgzcBc-00062-00025320-00025744 medicina puedo tomar el cbd y déjeme decirle que había aumentado Bx8e1YgzcBc-00063-00025744-00026039 mi dosis porque mi dosis normal es simplemente mantenida Bx8e1YgzcBc-00064-00026039-00026272 Estoy feliz y porque siento que tal vez estoy en Bx8e1YgzcBc-00065-00026272-00026632 modo de crisis de cotización, aumenté mi dosis a mil Bx8e1YgzcBc-00066-00026632-00027088 miligramos y lo tomo durante el día, puede tomarlo hasta cuatro veces durante el Bx8e1YgzcBc-00067-00027088-00027600 día, pero siempre que siento esa falta de control, um cuando sé que me estoy poniendo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00068-00027600-00027895 realmente corto y a punto de volarme la cabeza con mis hijos Bx8e1YgzcBc-00069-00027895-00028295 más de lo habitual um tomo una dosis de mi cbd y me lo pongo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00070-00028295-00028624 debajo de la lengua esta es mi botella de 500 miligramos Bx8e1YgzcBc-00071-00028624-00029032 pero acabo de ponerlo bajo mi forma loca, esto es, soy un trabajo en Bx8e1YgzcBc-00072-00029032-00029656 progreso, disfruto tener ansiedad porque siento que puedo relacionarme Bx8e1YgzcBc-00073-00029656-00030080 Tengo tantos amigos con ansiedad, así que no digo que disfrute la Bx8e1YgzcBc-00074-00030080-00030368 ansiedad, pero me encanta que ahora entiendo lo que están sintiendo y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00075-00030368-00030727 por lo que están pasando y cómo quieres algo quieres algo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00076-00030727-00031080 para llevar que mi corazón se acelera mis manos sudan Bx8e1YgzcBc-00077-00031080-00031680 um, mi estómago, todo se junta, así que lo que estoy compartiendo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00078-00031680-00032112 contigo ahora tengo ansiedad agrégalo a mi lista, pero Bx8e1YgzcBc-00079-00032112-00032495 lo que me está ayudando sin tener que tomar medicamentos es mi Bx8e1YgzcBc-00080-00032495-00032903 aceite de cbd y estoy asombrado de cómo me trae cuando estoy Bx8e1YgzcBc-00081-00032903-00033247 aquí arriba, me trae de vuelta aquí abajo, es bastante Bx8e1YgzcBc-00082-00033247-00033472 impresionante, así que solo quería compartirlo con Bx8e1YgzcBc-00083-00033472-00033728 todos ustedes hoy espero que estén teniendo un día maravilloso y Bx8e1YgzcBc-00084-00033728-00034112 disfruten de este hermoso clima creo que está a punto de empeorar de nuevo Bx8e1YgzcBc-00085-00034112-00034624 pero gracias adios BxSGPwKo8kU-00000-00000082-00000618 Hi everybody, this is Julie with Julez Travel I wanted to talk to you a little BxSGPwKo8kU-00001-00000618-00001175 bit about passports. We've been talking about passports a little bit here and BxSGPwKo8kU-00002-00001175-00001664 there and I just feel like it's just so important for you to know as much as you BxSGPwKo8kU-00003-00001664-00002082 can when you're traveling internationally. Especially if you're BxSGPwKo8kU-00004-00002082-00002496 going to travel internationally on your own and you've planned your own BxSGPwKo8kU-00005-00002496-00003063 international trip. You need to really check the requirements for your passport BxSGPwKo8kU-00006-00003063-00003461 for the country that you're going into. If you're working with a travel agent we BxSGPwKo8kU-00007-00003461-00003854 are going to check that for you so you're not going to need to worry BxSGPwKo8kU-00008-00003854-00004359 about those things. If you are planning your own international travel BxSGPwKo8kU-00009-00004359-00004748 you really need to check those requirements because some countries BxSGPwKo8kU-00010-00004748-00005448 require your passport to be valid at least six months upon your return. So for BxSGPwKo8kU-00011-00005448-00006071 example if you were planning to go to Antigua and you were going to go in BxSGPwKo8kU-00012-00006071-00006588 December and return home on the 18th of December your passport would need to be BxSGPwKo8kU-00013-00006588-00007331 valid until June 18th which is six months after you return home. If it's BxSGPwKo8kU-00014-00007331-00007803 not and you get to the airport they will deny you from being able to go on that BxSGPwKo8kU-00015-00007803-00008172 trip, so it's really important that you check those requirements if you're BxSGPwKo8kU-00016-00008172-00009368 planning all this on your own. The other thing that is important to check is blank pages to your passport some countries require you to have at least BxSGPwKo8kU-00017-00009368-00009947 two blank pages for your passport especially if you're going to Europe and BxSGPwKo8kU-00018-00009947-00010218 you're going to a couple of different countries. You really need to make sure BxSGPwKo8kU-00019-00010218-00010640 that you have some of those blank pages in there. Checking BxSGPwKo8kU-00020-00010640-00011163 those requirements beforehand is so important so, check those requirements so BxSGPwKo8kU-00021-00011163-00011540 that you can get on those trips. We really want you to take those trips get BxSGPwKo8kU-00022-00011540-00012110 out and explore ! Have a great day Bz4nScKcslI-00000-00000000-00000200 I saw that this channel was made for kids, but I do not know why. Bzkoug8XGv0-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscribe my channel BDc9y2huijE-00000-00000039-00000535 big shout to the ghosts and the ghostettes on this episode we discuss BDc9y2huijE-00001-00000535-00001055 earning your patch the culmination of the hard work the blood the sweat and BDc9y2huijE-00002-00001055-00001424 tears the time you put in to get that top BDc9y2huijE-00003-00001424-00001807 rocker and we get into it on this episode BDc9y2huijE-00004-00001807-00004097 of demons row tv and oh yeah we #ghostin baby BDc9y2huijE-00007-00006840-00007343 big shout out to the ghosts and the ghostettes welcome to demons row tv BDc9y2huijE-00008-00007343-00007872 the holy grail of mc culture where we cover everything motorcycle club BDc9y2huijE-00009-00007872-00008208 involved i'm sose the ghost i'm your host for the BDc9y2huijE-00010-00008208-00008504 evening and today we're going to talk about it BDc9y2huijE-00011-00008504-00009024 all your hard work the culmination of so much hard work BDc9y2huijE-00012-00009024-00009375 let me know in the comments the crazy stuff you had to do BDc9y2huijE-00013-00009375-00009840 but we all had to put in work that's the common denominator right there BDc9y2huijE-00014-00009840-00010336 so that feeling when your president or your sergeant-at-arms or your sponsor BDc9y2huijE-00015-00010336-00010688 however your club works hands you that leather BDc9y2huijE-00016-00010688-00011032 hands you that denim depending on what club you're in BDc9y2huijE-00017-00011032-00011488 that feeling we're gonna get into that but the first thing i want you to do BDc9y2huijE-00018-00011488-00011871 like we always do on this channel is to hit me BDc9y2huijE-00019-00011871-00012471 with that #ghostin and that lets me know you're alive and BDc9y2huijE-00020-00012471-00012887 well sitting on twos doing what you do or just part of the BDc9y2huijE-00021-00012887-00013319 demon's row community one of my ghosts shout to all my new BDc9y2huijE-00022-00013319-00013663 subscribers welcome to the row big shout out to BDc9y2huijE-00023-00013663-00013880 everybody that's been rocking with me since BDc9y2huijE-00024-00013880-00014280 day one big shout out to my crew big john amanda serrano BDc9y2huijE-00025-00014280-00014712 we're doing major things right now shout out to everybody that's been supporting BDc9y2huijE-00026-00014712-00015191 the demons row clothing follow the sose the ghost page follow BDc9y2huijE-00027-00015191-00015591 me on instagram at @sosetheghost_ at BDc9y2huijE-00028-00015591-00016031 demons row and let's get into it this week's BDc9y2huijE-00029-00016031-00016736 certified ghost that goes out to tennessee win BDc9y2huijE-00030-00016736-00017168 dixie oh yeah one of my closest homegirls BDc9y2huijE-00031-00017168-00017616 representing that raven dixie line go check out her clothing BDc9y2huijE-00032-00017616-00018015 go check out her youtube she's a pillar in the community BDc9y2huijE-00033-00018823-00019583 earning that full patch that you put so much work in and this is why it's so BDc9y2huijE-00034-00019583-00020279 important to prospect to hang around because that long stretch of hanging BDc9y2huijE-00035-00020279-00020783 around getting to know the brothers that you want to consider your family because BDc9y2huijE-00036-00020783-00021279 when you throw that top rock on that is now considered your family that BDc9y2huijE-00037-00021279-00021663 top rocker my o.g nick said when you get that top BDc9y2huijE-00038-00021663-00021927 rocker that's like getting your last name BDc9y2huijE-00039-00021927-00022327 that's how serious it is for some of these mc's depending on what BDc9y2huijE-00040-00022327-00022631 type of club you in if you're in a more serious club like BDc9y2huijE-00041-00022631-00022927 mine it's like getting your last name it's a very BDc9y2huijE-00042-00022927-00023295 serious major thing that you have to work BDc9y2huijE-00043-00023295-00023711 very hard for and it doesn't get handed to you easy BDc9y2huijE-00044-00023711-00024071 to all my prospects out there that are working hard BDc9y2huijE-00045-00024071-00024383 doing what they got to do putting in that work BDc9y2huijE-00046-00024383-00024735 to get fully patched hit me with a pound prospect BDc9y2huijE-00047-00024735-00025039 let me know you're doing your thing and if you are BDc9y2huijE-00048-00025039-00025399 a fully patched member hit me with a pound BDc9y2huijE-00049-00025399-00025767 fully patched and rep your mc i like to see BDc9y2huijE-00050-00025767-00026159 what clubs and what states you know everybody's coming out of BDc9y2huijE-00051-00026159-00026527 and and how we all gel together we got people from like BDc9y2huijE-00052-00026527-00026919 africa and australia new zealand new york BDc9y2huijE-00053-00026919-00027391 you know like all over the world the uk it's just crazy the collective BDc9y2huijE-00054-00027391-00027895 of people on this channel and in this community now getting fully patched BDc9y2huijE-00055-00027895-00028223 is one of the greatest moments like i'll never forget BDc9y2huijE-00056-00028223-00028767 the day that i got fully patched and let me know some prospect stories too BDc9y2huijE-00057-00028767-00029143 in the comments let me know your prospect story of when you got fully BDc9y2huijE-00058-00029143-00029455 patched i'll never forget the day i got fully BDc9y2huijE-00059-00029455-00029807 patched it was such a surprise it was last BDc9y2huijE-00060-00029807-00030023 minute they just shocked me you know what i BDc9y2huijE-00061-00030023-00030383 mean and it was like you feel like a little kid opening a BDc9y2huijE-00062-00030383-00030775 christmas gift like it's it's an amazing feeling so that's why i BDc9y2huijE-00063-00030775-00031079 say there's no sunshine without the rain if BDc9y2huijE-00064-00031079-00031423 you don't put in work you're never gonna feel that that BDc9y2huijE-00065-00031423-00031759 feeling that i got to feel when i finally got that cut BDc9y2huijE-00066-00031759-00032247 and i've seen people in clubs that get fully patched from the door BDc9y2huijE-00067-00032247-00032823 and it always ends with them leaving sooner or later they never they'll take BDc9y2huijE-00068-00032823-00033175 that cut off in two seconds they'll have an argument BDc9y2huijE-00069-00033175-00033599 and that cut will come off but when you that prospect that hung BDc9y2huijE-00070-00033599-00033951 around for a year that prospected for a year maybe BDc9y2huijE-00071-00033951-00034431 prospected for two years six months whatever the timing was you BDc9y2huijE-00072-00034431-00034767 will not let that cut go easily you will wear BDc9y2huijE-00073-00034767-00035135 that cut like it's your last name and it should be and you should never BDc9y2huijE-00074-00035135-00035567 let anyone touch your cut or disrespect your cut and you need to BDc9y2huijE-00075-00035567-00035967 understand that now you are held accountable for BDc9y2huijE-00076-00035967-00036399 the reputation of your club if somebody questions you BDc9y2huijE-00077-00036399-00036767 about anything involved in your club you need to know BDc9y2huijE-00078-00036767-00037271 proper protocol you need to know what things mean you need to know BDc9y2huijE-00079-00037271-00037599 how to protect your brothers if something goes down BDc9y2huijE-00080-00037599-00037983 when you're a prospect you have every excuse in the book BDc9y2huijE-00081-00037983-00038319 not to know something once you're fully patched BDc9y2huijE-00082-00038319-00039055 you're expected to know the game no more no more excuses you're held accountable BDc9y2huijE-00083-00039055-00039439 for everything when you're prospect ask a lot of questions BDc9y2huijE-00084-00039439-00039807 and i hope if you got fully patched that you did that BDc9y2huijE-00085-00039807-00040159 and you asked a lot of questions and you learned what you needed to know BDc9y2huijE-00086-00040159-00040575 because once you're fully patched and you hit that street BDc9y2huijE-00087-00040575-00040903 and you jump on that bike you're accountable for BDc9y2huijE-00088-00040903-00041231 everything that comes with that like i said before BDc9y2huijE-00089-00041231-00041575 that top rocker that's now your last name BDc9y2huijE-00090-00041575-00041959 you are a brother and you do represent a nation BDc9y2huijE-00091-00041959-00042383 when you're a prospect most clubs have either the town BDc9y2huijE-00092-00042383-00042991 or the state or probationary or probate whatever it is underneath the cut but BDc9y2huijE-00093-00042991-00043367 once you're repping a town or a state even more if BDc9y2huijE-00094-00043367-00043823 you're in a one percent club now you hold the weight of that state BDc9y2huijE-00095-00043823-00044207 and that top rocker and your brothers are counting on you to BDc9y2huijE-00096-00044207-00044631 know what you're doing and to understand every situation so BDc9y2huijE-00097-00044631-00045095 that's why i don't understand why people are so against prospecting BDc9y2huijE-00098-00045095-00045543 prospecting is the period where you are not held accountable and a BDc9y2huijE-00099-00045543-00045871 lot of people lack accountability so why wouldn't the BDc9y2huijE-00100-00045871-00046303 prospect phase be more loved because once you're fully patched all BDc9y2huijE-00101-00046303-00046647 excuses go out the door BDc9y2huijE-00102-00046703-00047079 when you're fully patched your job is just starting BDc9y2huijE-00103-00047079-00047447 you see a lot of prospects watching every bike BDc9y2huijE-00104-00047447-00047823 at every event anytime you need them they're right there BDc9y2huijE-00105-00047823-00048151 and then when they get fully patched there's nowhere to be found and then you BDc9y2huijE-00106-00048151-00048567 know what happens your cut gets taken you get ran down on BDc9y2huijE-00107-00048567-00049111 and you don't understand why do not fall off continue to keep the BDc9y2huijE-00108-00049111-00049455 momentum going and like i remember brother of mines BDc9y2huijE-00109-00049455-00049863 used to always say forever prospect that is a mentality BDc9y2huijE-00110-00049863-00050215 that you have to have because your brothers should never ask BDc9y2huijE-00111-00050215-00050583 you to do something that they wouldn't do it yourself you BDc9y2huijE-00112-00050583-00050943 should still feel that you can do the same things BDc9y2huijE-00113-00050943-00051327 that you did as a prospect as a fully patched member and i got some BDc9y2huijE-00114-00051327-00051783 brothers that just got fully patched and i swear the way they move you would BDc9y2huijE-00115-00051783-00052039 think they were still a prospect still helping now BDc9y2huijE-00116-00052039-00052351 you know that's the type of person you want to be you don't want to be BDc9y2huijE-00117-00052351-00052743 so hollywood once you get that cut that you fall back BDc9y2huijE-00118-00052743-00053071 because a lot of people lose their cut because of it BDc9y2huijE-00119-00053071-00053447 just because you get fully patched does not mean that that patch BDc9y2huijE-00120-00053447-00053751 won't get taken off your back just as quickly BDc9y2huijE-00121-00053751-00054127 you gotta hold it it's like a boxer it's like amanda serrano BDc9y2huijE-00122-00054127-00054487 she can't just hold on to the title she knocks people out BDc9y2huijE-00123-00054487-00054895 to keep that title so you got to keep the same energy BDc9y2huijE-00124-00054895-00055207 and still keep doing your thing keep putting in work BDc9y2huijE-00125-00055207-00055543 and don't get lacked because i see it a lot of people get laughs BDc9y2huijE-00126-00055543-00055919 once they get fully patched so when you get that full patch BDc9y2huijE-00127-00055919-00056503 it's usually at an annual or special ceremony some people do challenges let BDc9y2huijE-00128-00056503-00056895 me know in the comments if you had to do a challenge i've seen BDc9y2huijE-00129-00056895-00057239 where people get they have to walk through a line and take some blows to BDc9y2huijE-00130-00057239-00057735 get to the cut i've seen where nomads get sent out BDc9y2huijE-00131-00057735-00058095 on a dummy mission somewhere far and then they tell them to turn all the way BDc9y2huijE-00132-00058095-00058407 back like you'll be in in uh let's say we start BDc9y2huijE-00133-00058407-00058631 off and we're in florida they'll tell you BDc9y2huijE-00134-00058631-00059015 meet me in north carolina you'll grab something and then they'll tell you BDc9y2huijE-00135-00059015-00059591 all right now meet me in uh chicago so when you're there at chicago everybody's BDc9y2huijE-00136-00059591-00059991 there waiting for you it's a big party and it's like you see if you if you went BDc9y2huijE-00137-00059991-00060407 that far and over years or over a year or whatever BDc9y2huijE-00138-00060407-00060847 that it took you to get fully patched all the work you put in you're gonna BDc9y2huijE-00139-00060847-00061279 that that's gonna be so crazy to you like when you step into that BDc9y2huijE-00140-00061279-00061799 it's gonna be an amazing feeling so this goes to everything in life BDc9y2huijE-00141-00061799-00062103 anything that you get easy is never gonna mean BDc9y2huijE-00142-00062103-00062423 shit to you if you work hard for something it's BDc9y2huijE-00143-00062423-00062815 always gonna be like the greatest accomplishment but if you just get it BDc9y2huijE-00144-00062815-00063087 easy it's not worth anything and me i'm the BDc9y2huijE-00145-00063087-00063383 type of person i don't want anything that comes easy BDc9y2huijE-00146-00063383-00063831 i'm okay with putting my work in and if a club is not going to make you BDc9y2huijE-00147-00063831-00064383 put your work in then that shows you they're not worth the effort that it BDc9y2huijE-00148-00064383-00064735 takes to put in that work it says a lot about a club if they'll BDc9y2huijE-00149-00064735-00065047 pat you that quick now if it's a patch over BDc9y2huijE-00150-00065047-00065415 that's a different situation because the whole club is patching over BDc9y2huijE-00151-00065415-00065783 so there's different politics that come in with a patch over BDc9y2huijE-00152-00065783-00066239 or a new chapter in a new area there's different stuff that we can get into on BDc9y2huijE-00153-00066239-00066639 other episodes but if you're coming in a prospect or BDc9y2huijE-00154-00066639-00066871 hang around and you're working your way up the BDc9y2huijE-00155-00066871-00067319 ladder there is no better feeling than knowing that you put your work in BDc9y2huijE-00156-00067319-00067679 nobody could ever tell you that you got anything for free BDc9y2huijE-00157-00067679-00068095 you work hard for everything that you got and there's nothing worth more than BDc9y2huijE-00158-00068095-00068439 that that is the best feeling hard work hard BDc9y2huijE-00159-00068439-00068671 work pays that's the same thing with demons BDc9y2huijE-00160-00068671-00068991 road tv i've been doing this for a year and a BDc9y2huijE-00161-00068991-00069511 half every week without fail i don't miss a week and look the results BDc9y2huijE-00162-00069511-00069887 are showing our community is growing i'm getting so BDc9y2huijE-00163-00069887-00070255 many relationships with so many great people if i was BDc9y2huijE-00164-00070255-00070623 trying to do instant gratification i would be like one of these channels BDc9y2huijE-00165-00070623-00071079 just paying for views and and getting no real reach not BDc9y2huijE-00166-00071079-00071383 building a community acting like i'm better than everybody BDc9y2huijE-00167-00071383-00071783 and that's not what i do here this is a platform that it's about all BDc9y2huijE-00168-00071783-00072039 of us it's not just me i'm the host of the show BDc9y2huijE-00169-00072039-00072495 but it's about all of us and that's why i say as long as it's respectful BDc9y2huijE-00170-00072495-00072975 i want to hear everybody's opinion like i have no problem debating i'm a libra BDc9y2huijE-00171-00072975-00073223 so i i'm debatable anyway like i could go BDc9y2huijE-00172-00073223-00073511 either way i'm the type of person if you lay down BDc9y2huijE-00173-00073511-00073815 facts and you can show me factually how i'm wrong BDc9y2huijE-00174-00073815-00074079 i'm not going to write off emotions i'm going to be like you know what you're BDc9y2huijE-00175-00074079-00074263 right and that's the problem with a lot of BDc9y2huijE-00176-00074263-00074623 people they can't hold themselves accountable they can't work hard BDc9y2huijE-00177-00074623-00074999 and they can't say you know what i'm wrong you're right and learn something BDc9y2huijE-00178-00074999-00075215 from it they gotta act like they're always right BDc9y2huijE-00179-00075215-00075535 and that's why they don't progress and that's why they don't shine BDc9y2huijE-00180-00075535-00076031 so this community we work hard we put in work for everything we get and maybe BDc9y2huijE-00181-00076031-00076367 that's why our community is the best community to BDc9y2huijE-00182-00076367-00076847 me i really believe that when i say it and i feel like that resonates with the BDc9y2huijE-00183-00076847-00077111 show i really believe that this is the best BDc9y2huijE-00184-00077111-00077615 community because we put in work a lot of communities do not put in work BDc9y2huijE-00185-00077615-00078087 a lot of people in our culture came for military and how much BDc9y2huijE-00186-00078087-00078431 work you got to put into being in the military you know what i mean you BDc9y2huijE-00187-00078431-00078735 got to do the most extensive training in the world BDc9y2huijE-00188-00078735-00079071 to be in the military so if you could do that BDc9y2huijE-00189-00079071-00079527 joining the mc is a little lighter load than the things that you have to do in BDc9y2huijE-00190-00079527-00079823 hand-to-hand combat and all the type of stuff that you got BDc9y2huijE-00191-00079823-00080367 to do but don't get it twisted join in at mc you got to put in work and BDc9y2huijE-00192-00080367-00080927 depending on what club you're in it gets worse you know it's hard to work BDc9y2huijE-00193-00080927-00081471 and if you're still prospecting never ask when you're gonna get fully patched BDc9y2huijE-00194-00081471-00082023 i know i don't think i've said that on a show yet but that's one major thing BDc9y2huijE-00195-00082023-00082463 that i know some of the brothers if you ask when you're gonna be fully patched BDc9y2huijE-00196-00082463-00082967 they will extend your time i know people that were just on the verge of getting BDc9y2huijE-00197-00082967-00083287 fully patched and they asked and their time got extended and BDc9y2huijE-00198-00083287-00083695 they didn't even know it so never ask when you're going to get BDc9y2huijE-00199-00083695-00083975 fully patched and i feel like a lot of people don't BDc9y2huijE-00200-00083975-00084223 tell people that because it's kind of a cheat code BDc9y2huijE-00201-00084223-00084575 but that's what demons row is about i cheat BDc9y2huijE-00202-00084575-00084927 and i want y'all to be like super mcs out here so BDc9y2huijE-00203-00084927-00085303 the more you know the stronger our community will be BDc9y2huijE-00204-00085303-00085687 so this is a weapon that you can use to your advantage BDc9y2huijE-00205-00085687-00086147 let me know in the comments if you just got fully patched if you did BDc9y2huijE-00206-00086147-00086519 congratulations big shout to everybody that works BDc9y2huijE-00207-00086519-00086927 hard and does their thing to get where they want to get in life BDc9y2huijE-00208-00086927-00087271 that's what it's all about at the end of the day growing BDc9y2huijE-00209-00087271-00087591 taking care of our family riding on motorcycles BDc9y2huijE-00210-00087591-00088095 you know the same ride and never hiding support the demons roll merch BDc9y2huijE-00211-00088095-00088615 rep that on your motorcycle and thank you for tuning in the demons road tv BDc9y2huijE-00212-00088615-00089183 the holy grail of mc culture like subscribe and comment share this on BDc9y2huijE-00213-00089183-00089495 your feed so you could teach some people that are BDc9y2huijE-00214-00089495-00089719 lacking knowledge because a lot of people BDc9y2huijE-00215-00089719-00090183 don't have the knowledge and they don't have the og to give it them BDc9y2huijE-00216-00090183-00090511 i'm lucky i'm blessed i have a og that really BDc9y2huijE-00217-00090511-00090815 guides me through this walk and as much as i learn BDc9y2huijE-00218-00090815-00091127 i want to give it back to a certain extent you know what i mean BDc9y2huijE-00219-00091127-00091607 as as much as we could do on youtube but everybody rides safe out there BIMNPx_6zPo-00000-00000055-00000431 - Okay. Two, three... - Hello! We're OnlyOneOf! BIMNPx_6zPo-00001-00000456-00000552 We're OnlyOneOf! BIMNPx_6zPo-00002-00000552-00000701 [So what is all this in front of us?] So what is all this in front of us? BIMNPx_6zPo-00003-00000701-00000783 [So what is all this in front of us?] BIMNPx_6zPo-00004-00000783-00001258 - On our last live stream, we promised we'd wrap these up ourselves. - That's right! BIMNPx_6zPo-00005-00001258-00001449 [Refer to RALLYPOINT Homepage Event.2] So we're going to do that now! BIMNPx_6zPo-00006-00001449-00001649 [Member ver. prize wrapping time!] BIMNPx_6zPo-00007-00001681-00001938 The weather was still pretty warm when we did that live stream. BIMNPx_6zPo-00008-00001953-00002331 But now these hoodies will be very useful and warm. BIMNPx_6zPo-00009-00002331-00002615 Delicious hoodie Rally hoodie! BIMNPx_6zPo-00010-00002615-00002812 [All start packing in their own styles] BIMNPx_6zPo-00011-00002812-00003019 I recently saw something. BIMNPx_6zPo-00012-00003057-00003235 It showed me how to fold this to look really good. BIMNPx_6zPo-00013-00003235-00003566 I majored in folding t-shirts. BIMNPx_6zPo-00014-00003579-00003943 - I heard it's really hard to get in! - I got accepted through early admissions. BIMNPx_6zPo-00015-00003943-00004257 I've folded clothes all the time (Korean pun). BIMNPx_6zPo-00016-00004257-00004666 I'm just going to fold normally and add a picture in the box. BIMNPx_6zPo-00017-00004673-00004960 I prepared a perfume. BIMNPx_6zPo-00018-00004960-00005262 This way I can give you my scent. BIMNPx_6zPo-00019-00005262-00005505 - These are for our fans. Why are you throwing them? - No, no! I'm not! BIMNPx_6zPo-00020-00005505-00005665 - I'm not! - Why are you so awful? BIMNPx_6zPo-00021-00005665-00005840 Don't do that! BIMNPx_6zPo-00022-00005840-00006040 I prepared a perfume as well. BIMNPx_6zPo-00023-00006127-00006627 I told you about the scents I use on YouTube live streams. BIMNPx_6zPo-00024-00006627-00006780 And this is one of them. BIMNPx_6zPo-00025-00006861-00007044 And you know what this is? BIMNPx_6zPo-00026-00007044-00007207 You know what this is, right? This thing that glows? BIMNPx_6zPo-00027-00007207-00007373 This glows under lights? BIMNPx_6zPo-00028-00007400-00007592 Ah! BIMNPx_6zPo-00029-00007592-00007693 Ah! What is it? BIMNPx_6zPo-00030-00007693-00007833 - Scotch (light)! - Yes, that's right! BIMNPx_6zPo-00031-00007833-00008012 To keep you safe at night. BIMNPx_6zPo-00032-00008127-00008318 And now I'll fold this without looking. BIMNPx_6zPo-00033-00008395-00008548 Just like this. Like I'm watching television. BIMNPx_6zPo-00034-00008548-00008772 Look! The camera is watching you. BIMNPx_6zPo-00035-00009004-00009290 I'm watching TV. It's fun. It's good. BIMNPx_6zPo-00036-00009316-00009439 It's that show. BIMNPx_6zPo-00037-00009439-00009586 Nope, I gotta do this properly. BIMNPx_6zPo-00038-00009684-00009796 Just like this. BIMNPx_6zPo-00039-00009820-00009943 (Straight edge) BIMNPx_6zPo-00040-00009973-00010191 [Working hard to draw RYAN] BIMNPx_6zPo-00041-00010219-00010383 This is almost like wrapping up pizza. BIMNPx_6zPo-00042-00010439-00010577 OnlyOneOf wearing a hoodie. BIMNPx_6zPo-00043-00010623-00010729 What? That's cute. BIMNPx_6zPo-00044-00010760-00010870 I wish that wouldn't fit in the box. BIMNPx_6zPo-00045-00010947-00011117 Hoodies are hard to fold! BIMNPx_6zPo-00046-00011144-00011194 (Thinking...) BIMNPx_6zPo-00047-00011194-00011400 (Thinking...) I'm doing it but the material is... BIMNPx_6zPo-00048-00011400-00011628 (Start...) BIMNPx_6zPo-00049-00011628-00011829 No! This is not it! BIMNPx_6zPo-00050-00011911-00012091 You know how artistic I am. BIMNPx_6zPo-00051-00012111-00012563 I think the short-sleeves are best if we just stacked them normally. BIMNPx_6zPo-00052-00012605-00012754 I'm not very talented in drawing. BIMNPx_6zPo-00053-00012754-00013100 - But I'm going to include this in the box. - Guys, I'm in trouble! BIMNPx_6zPo-00054-00013146-00013497 - What? - It's dusty in here and my nose is starting to itch. BIMNPx_6zPo-00055-00013588-00013670 Are you done? BIMNPx_6zPo-00056-00014447-00014618 It'd be nice if the box looked completely full. BIMNPx_6zPo-00057-00014618-00014783 I should only imitate the speaker, right? BIMNPx_6zPo-00058-00014854-00015049 My short-sleeves are nice. BIMNPx_6zPo-00059-00015283-00015548 (It's not closing...) BIMNPx_6zPo-00060-00015955-00016035 Perfect. BIMNPx_6zPo-00061-00016154-00016380 I'll spray some so see what you think. BIMNPx_6zPo-00062-00016380-00016603 You know you should smell scents just like this, right? BIMNPx_6zPo-00063-00016700-00016804 What? What do they know? BIMNPx_6zPo-00064-00016870-00017451 - What do you know? - About a woman's heart BIMNPx_6zPo-00065-00017451-00017738 I'll put this in the box so the scent gets on the hoddie. BIMNPx_6zPo-00066-00017752-00017907 It'd be better if I made my own, right? BIMNPx_6zPo-00067-00017907-00018134 It'd be nice with a sweater since it's for winter. BIMNPx_6zPo-00068-00018134-00018417 [New use for wrappers] BIMNPx_6zPo-00069-00018446-00018765 Guys, I have a great tip! You see this line on the sticker? BIMNPx_6zPo-00070-00018765-00018906 Fold it here once. BIMNPx_6zPo-00071-00018942-00019109 And then remove the sticker and then stick it on. It's great. BIMNPx_6zPo-00072-00019109-00019334 - Stick it where? - Here. BIMNPx_6zPo-00073-00019334-00019570 Really? I thought they were for including in the box. BIMNPx_6zPo-00074-00019570-00019861 - Include one and stick one. - I see. You're right. BIMNPx_6zPo-00075-00019893-00020142 Wait. It's not... I have a bad feeling. BIMNPx_6zPo-00076-00020142-00020258 I'll have to flatten this. BIMNPx_6zPo-00077-00020500-00020766 What is such a big deal about this that my hands are shaking? BIMNPx_6zPo-00078-00020791-00020978 [Redoing his scarf] BIMNPx_6zPo-00079-00023111-00023449 Mine is quite fat when you look at it from the side. BIMNPx_6zPo-00080-00023449-00023666 - Wow, it looks like you. - It's fat. BIMNPx_6zPo-00081-00023666-00023947 We wrapped them up in our own unique styles, guys. BIMNPx_6zPo-00082-00023947-00024425 - It was really heart-felt the way we all wrapped... - A heart-felt pizza delivery. BIMNPx_6zPo-00083-00024521-00024795 - You're right! They look like... - They'll be delivered with love. BIMNPx_6zPo-00084-00024795-00025086 Delicious hoodie Rally hoodie! BIMNPx_6zPo-00085-00025104-00025409 Please send lots of love and support to OnlyOneOf. BIMNPx_6zPo-00086-00025409-00025703 This was OnlyOneOf! Thank you! BIMNPx_6zPo-00087-00025703-00026093 [Lots of love to project OOO as well, please] Lots of love to RALLYPOINT as well RALLYPOINT is the best! BIMNPx_6zPo-00088-00026093-00026287 [Lots of love to project OOO as well, please] Ding-dong! Delivery! BIMNPx_6zPo-00089-00026287-00026494 [Lots of love to project OOO as well, please] BJ6aNk0rkc0-00000-00000000-00000261 Chicago mayoral hopefuls take back seat to fighter Conor McGregor at St Patrick's Day parade Worl BJnCtLJoXfU-00000-00000733-00001167 “We always treat you like family, even if you’re a cheating whore.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00001-00001167-00001616 Elsa has no reaction to this, because it’s actually a reflection of the viewer’s thoughts, BJnCtLJoXfU-00002-00001616-00001716 not hers. BJnCtLJoXfU-00003-00001716-00001975 That is a terrible way to transport eggs. BJnCtLJoXfU-00004-00001975-00002311 Elsa is still not satisfied after sexing two guys. BJnCtLJoXfU-00005-00002311-00002697 “Now open for business, just like Elsa Gardner’s vagina.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00006-00002697-00003015 Yeah no, you’re not winning me over with the same thing again. BJnCtLJoXfU-00007-00003015-00003386 Can we get back to the Autistic guy this show is allegedly about? BJnCtLJoXfU-00008-00003386-00003542 “I cheated on my husband.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00009-00003542-00003914 Wow, she’s really incapable of shutting up. BJnCtLJoXfU-00010-00003914-00004204 “Animals sprint at top speed when escaping a predator.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00011-00004204-00004661 From the very beginning the show says Teen Sheldon’s passion is Antarctica, but then BJnCtLJoXfU-00012-00004661-00005273 he references chickens, bees, iguanas, mantis shrimp, and now general predator/prey relations. BJnCtLJoXfU-00013-00005273-00005698 He can have more than one passion, but the way it’s presented just seems like random BJnCtLJoXfU-00014-00005698-00005918 autism things in a blender. BJnCtLJoXfU-00015-00005918-00006076 Clarifications, people. BJnCtLJoXfU-00016-00006076-00006178 They are important. BJnCtLJoXfU-00017-00006178-00006398 “I was hoping she’d still be hurt.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00018-00006398-00006656 Do you hear yourself? BJnCtLJoXfU-00019-00006656-00006868 “Excuse me, could you keep your head still? BJnCtLJoXfU-00020-00006868-00007114 Your ponytail is hitting me in the face.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00021-00007114-00007543 Did no one in eighteen (18) years teach him that he could say things like that? BJnCtLJoXfU-00022-00007543-00007663 Or just walk away? BJnCtLJoXfU-00023-00007663-00008050 Three (3) family members who need to miss Casey’s big win, three (3) contrivances BJnCtLJoXfU-00024-00008050-00008164 to remove them. BJnCtLJoXfU-00025-00008164-00008264 Poon. BJnCtLJoXfU-00026-00008264-00008467 It went all the way through the drainage pipes? BJnCtLJoXfU-00027-00008467-00008654 Yeah, that phone is fucked. BJnCtLJoXfU-00028-00008654-00009082 “Parents didn’t show up for the big game or similar school activity” cliché. BJnCtLJoXfU-00029-00009082-00009402 Who are these two (2) people specifically rooting for Casey? BJnCtLJoXfU-00030-00009402-00009628 Seriously, I have no idea who that is. BJnCtLJoXfU-00031-00009628-00010103 “There’s no way you could have predicted that he would grab that girl’s ponytail.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00032-00010103-00010203 “You would have.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00033-00010203-00010303 “Probably.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00034-00010303-00010747 So far, Elsa has demonstrated zero predictive power for her son’s behavior. BJnCtLJoXfU-00035-00010747-00011075 “You can’t have one; please don’t ask.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00036-00011075-00011211 *takes one* “Hey!” BJnCtLJoXfU-00037-00011211-00011340 “I didn’t ask.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00038-00011340-00011889 Teen Sheldon looks annoyed when he should appreciate the Autisticness of Casey’s logic. BJnCtLJoXfU-00039-00011889-00012303 The school bell also features a Bat Signal, causing this group of gossipers to disappear BJnCtLJoXfU-00040-00012303-00012403 instantly. BJnCtLJoXfU-00041-00012403-00012503 “I can’t hear you. BJnCtLJoXfU-00042-00012503-00012686 I’m wearing noise-canceling headphones.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00043-00012686-00012890 That’s not how noise-canceling headphones work. BJnCtLJoXfU-00044-00012890-00013243 They actually make it EASIER to hear speech. BJnCtLJoXfU-00045-00013243-00013605 “I’m getting an A in biology and you’re only getting an A minus. BJnCtLJoXfU-00046-00013605-00013776 That wouldn’t benefit me at all.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00047-00013776-00014050 Wow, so many things wrong with that line. BJnCtLJoXfU-00048-00014050-00014440 First of all, with how much Teen Sheldon knows about animals, and how literally he interprets BJnCtLJoXfU-00049-00014440-00014922 language, realistically he would be giving answers that are so correct the less-knowledgeable BJnCtLJoXfU-00050-00014922-00015241 teacher marks them as wrong, thus lowering his grade. BJnCtLJoXfU-00051-00015241-00015656 Second, how does a helicopter mom who never lets her son do anything on his own create BJnCtLJoXfU-00052-00015656-00015809 a straight-A student? BJnCtLJoXfU-00053-00015809-00016108 Show is trying to have its cake and eat it too. BJnCtLJoXfU-00054-00016108-00016363 Third, A’s don’t mean you’re good at the subject. BJnCtLJoXfU-00055-00016363-00016582 They don’t even mean you’re good at school. BJnCtLJoXfU-00056-00016582-00017201 They mostly just mean the teacher likes you, which, fourth, we’ve seen that they don’t. BJnCtLJoXfU-00057-00017201-00017451 Fifth, studying is not a zero-sum game. BJnCtLJoXfU-00058-00017451-00017795 The person with the higher grade actually benefits more. BJnCtLJoXfU-00059-00017795-00018020 We’ve got science on this. BJnCtLJoXfU-00060-00018020-00018229 Sixth, minuses are made-up. BJnCtLJoXfU-00061-00018229-00018464 “It’s a fancy fruit. BJnCtLJoXfU-00062-00018464-00018629 It’s a sex fruit, Miles.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00063-00018629-00018872 I already don’t like the therapist character. BJnCtLJoXfU-00064-00018872-00019145 Can she please NOT get her own contrived storyline? BJnCtLJoXfU-00065-00019145-00019428 “He should’ve got your favorite flower, ranunculus.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00066-00019428-00019679 “Can’t believe you remembered that.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00067-00019679-00019992 Because he wants to bang you which is why he broke into your house and dropped a strawberry BJnCtLJoXfU-00068-00019992-00020170 can we just skip to the part where you figure it out? BJnCtLJoXfU-00069-00020170-00020487 “Annoying girl ... Wants me to study with her even though we’re both getting A’s.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00070-00020487-00020793 Did you just admit that minuses don’t matter? BJnCtLJoXfU-00071-00020793-00020926 “Weigh the pros and cons.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00072-00020926-00021243 “That’s what I did when I went to the pet store to get a turtle...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00073-00021243-00021456 Hereinlies the problem with our lead character. BJnCtLJoXfU-00074-00021456-00021849 He’s just as unlikable as everyone else, but not because he’s Autistic. BJnCtLJoXfU-00075-00021849-00022079 Those traits just fail to redeem him. BJnCtLJoXfU-00076-00022079-00022509 His vile behaviors are toxic masculinity and objectification of women. BJnCtLJoXfU-00077-00022509-00022929 Here he is ranking suitability of girls based on physical attributes, comparing them to BJnCtLJoXfU-00078-00022929-00023293 tortoises with no awareness that these things aren’t equivalent. BJnCtLJoXfU-00079-00023293-00023750 His therapist says “get a girlfriend” and he interprets that as “someone to have BJnCtLJoXfU-00080-00023750-00024043 sex with” as if there’s no difference. BJnCtLJoXfU-00081-00024043-00024511 And he gets no opportunity for character growth because no one – not his therapist, sister, BJnCtLJoXfU-00082-00024511-00025124 dad, certainly not mom – no one explains to him that his misogynistic behavior is wrong BJnCtLJoXfU-00083-00025124-00025295 because women are people. BJnCtLJoXfU-00084-00025295-00025762 The message seems to be either that we’re supposed to blame this on autism, rather than BJnCtLJoXfU-00085-00025762-00026391 upbringing, gross, or that we should excuse his behavior because he’s Autistic and doesn’t BJnCtLJoXfU-00086-00026391-00026574 know better, also gross. BJnCtLJoXfU-00087-00026574-00026786 “I’ll never find a girl as good as Edison.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00088-00026786-00027056 I don’t know, has Paige killed any puppies lately? BJnCtLJoXfU-00089-00027056-00027156 Sign-shaming. BJnCtLJoXfU-00090-00027156-00027277 I mean, slut-stopping. BJnCtLJoXfU-00091-00027277-00027661 I mean- hhh you know what I mean. BJnCtLJoXfU-00092-00027661-00027761 “What?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00093-00027761-00027861 “Nothing.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00094-00027861-00028208 Is this implying that Elsa is literally hallucinating, not just as a plot device? BJnCtLJoXfU-00095-00028208-00028356 The autism stuff is bad enough. BJnCtLJoXfU-00096-00028356-00028689 I don’t want to see what Robia does with a voice-hearer character. BJnCtLJoXfU-00097-00028689-00028841 Fuck this entire scene. BJnCtLJoXfU-00098-00028841-00028998 It’s beyond bad writing. BJnCtLJoXfU-00099-00028998-00029164 I’m offended that it even exists. BJnCtLJoXfU-00100-00029164-00029754 I can’t even- you know what, no, forget it, it’s not even laughably bad it’s just BJnCtLJoXfU-00101-00029754-00029854 infuriating. BJnCtLJoXfU-00102-00029854-00030016 I’m not doing it. BJnCtLJoXfU-00103-00030016-00030116 No. BJnCtLJoXfU-00104-00030116-00030216 Skip it. BJnCtLJoXfU-00105-00030216-00030369 “All your favorite foods. BJnCtLJoXfU-00106-00030369-00030613 Doug, apple pie a la mode...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00107-00030613-00031033 You’d think they would already know their own favorite foods without the forced exposition BJnCtLJoXfU-00108-00031033-00031133 dump. BJnCtLJoXfU-00109-00031133-00031520 I get that sometimes you have to exposit and you just can’t find a less awkward way, BJnCtLJoXfU-00110-00031520-00031997 but I’m pretty sure us knowing the gang’s favorite foods is not important information. BJnCtLJoXfU-00111-00031997-00032097 “Bacon-wrapped figs.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00112-00032097-00032364 “I haven’t eaten pork in two (2) years.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00113-00032364-00032766 At first I thought this was just Elsa being terrible at mothering, but then I realized BJnCtLJoXfU-00114-00032766-00033268 it’s supposed to be somehow autism’s fault as the “normal” child gets ignored, which BJnCtLJoXfU-00115-00033268-00033565 is a lazy myth that needs to die. BJnCtLJoXfU-00116-00033565-00033665 “He seems okay. BJnCtLJoXfU-00117-00033665-00033793 Stop beating up on yourself.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00118-00033793-00034097 And start being hard on me, your wife who just cheated on you. BJnCtLJoXfU-00119-00034097-00034546 “I just wanted you to know, and I don’t think I’m breaking any rules here...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00120-00034546-00034911 Oh, suddenly you care about the HIPAA rights of your client? BJnCtLJoXfU-00121-00034911-00035031 “He’s still Autistic. BJnCtLJoXfU-00122-00035031-00035347 It doesn’t change how he is in the world.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00123-00035347-00035644 This line came so close to being a good line. BJnCtLJoXfU-00124-00035644-00036055 The problem is that Teen Sheldon should be the one saying it, not his dad or any other BJnCtLJoXfU-00125-00036055-00036216 non-Autistic person. BJnCtLJoXfU-00126-00036216-00036606 “Thick hair like arctic fox” ♫ Aw shucks, foxy lady… BJnCtLJoXfU-00127-00036606-00036963 ♫ “There’s only one list you need: She’s BJnCtLJoXfU-00128-00036963-00037124 a girl who wants to touch your peen.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00129-00037124-00037477 So it doesn’t matter if you find her unattractive or even repulsive? BJnCtLJoXfU-00130-00037477-00037744 or what if you’re asexual or demi and have to make a connection first? BJnCtLJoXfU-00131-00037744-00037857 what if she has lots of STDs and you’re not comfortable with that BJnCtLJoXfU-00132-00037857-00038257 a girl could be a Nazi or a serial killer but if she wants to touch your peen that’s BJnCtLJoXfU-00133-00038257-00038381 no problem Parents who threaten to kill you just because BJnCtLJoXfU-00134-00038381-00038515 you’re dating their daughter How good is she with boundaries and the respecting BJnCtLJoXfU-00135-00038515-00038668 thereof? or what if you’re just not in the mood for BJnCtLJoXfU-00136-00038668-00038768 sex at this particular moment? BJnCtLJoXfU-00137-00038768-00038868 How far away does she live? BJnCtLJoXfU-00138-00038868-00038968 ‘cause that could make it difficult to have sex on a regular basis BJnCtLJoXfU-00139-00038968-00039068 Is she also eighteen? BJnCtLJoXfU-00140-00039068-00039168 Remember we have a good Autistic rule follower here BJnCtLJoXfU-00141-00039168-00039268 Personality compatibility could still matter in the bedroom BJnCtLJoXfU-00142-00039268-00039368 Just use Tinder if all you’re looking for is a hookup, not your classmates BJnCtLJoXfU-00143-00039368-00039468 The last girl wanted to touch him but look how that went BJnCtLJoXfU-00144-00039468-00039759 Braces could actually be a sexual problem She hasn’t said that she wants to touch BJnCtLJoXfU-00145-00039759-00039859 his peen. BJnCtLJoXfU-00146-00039859-00040012 “That’s not a list.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00147-00040012-00040405 “She’s a girl” and “wants to touch you sexually” are two (2) things so technically BJnCtLJoXfU-00148-00040405-00040519 that IS a list. BJnCtLJoXfU-00149-00040519-00040750 “You want me to throw balls at Paige?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00150-00040750-00040850 Clearly he does. BJnCtLJoXfU-00151-00040850-00040950 Your balls! BJnCtLJoXfU-00152-00040950-00041096 Come on, Zahid, missed opportunity. BJnCtLJoXfU-00153-00041096-00041324 “Would you like to hang out with me?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00154-00041324-00041524 “Are you kidding me? BJnCtLJoXfU-00155-00041524-00041624 Yes!” BJnCtLJoXfU-00156-00041624-00041796 Why is she so excited to hang out with him? BJnCtLJoXfU-00157-00041796-00042058 She barely knows him and he’s mostly been rude to her. BJnCtLJoXfU-00158-00042058-00042546 And not like normal Autisticness that stuck-up neurotypicals think is rude, actually rude! BJnCtLJoXfU-00159-00042546-00042662 “I’m sorry for her.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00160-00042662-00042969 Thank you, sister unit, your burn has been received. BJnCtLJoXfU-00161-00042969-00043384 Therefore we shall now perform the synchronized conversation ending protocol. BJnCtLJoXfU-00162-00043384-00043484 Good day. BJnCtLJoXfU-00163-00043484-00043640 “Are you sure your parents are cool with me coming to dinner?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00164-00043640-00043900 “Yeah they’re fine with it, ‘cause they don’t know.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00165-00043900-00044309 Casey has no motive for this deception, other than “I felt like it.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00166-00044309-00044759 “Evan” “Mr. Gardner” “Dad” “Why are we all saying each other’s names?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00167-00044759-00044926 “Dad” is not a name. BJnCtLJoXfU-00168-00044926-00045258 “Tell an embarrassing story about yourself...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00169-00045258-00045719 Helicopter mom thinks she knows how to relate to teens better than five (5) people who ARE BJnCtLJoXfU-00170-00045719-00045819 teens. BJnCtLJoXfU-00171-00045819-00046350 Well, to be fair they have high-functioning adolescence so they don’t know what it’s BJnCtLJoXfU-00172-00046350-00046450 really like. BJnCtLJoXfU-00173-00046450-00046550 “You talked to Julia?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00174-00046550-00046650 “No.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00175-00046650-00046851 Why do you need to lie about that? BJnCtLJoXfU-00176-00046851-00047133 Talking to your son’s therapist is not a crime. BJnCtLJoXfU-00177-00047133-00047271 “I say stuff like that too.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00178-00047271-00047715 You’re right Elsa, you sure can pee farther than Julia can. BJnCtLJoXfU-00179-00047715-00048009 This is the “wish my husband was younger and hotter” face. BJnCtLJoXfU-00180-00048009-00048291 “See whether Paige has what it takes to be your bae.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00181-00048291-00048649 I thought all she needed was her gender and a desire to touch his peen. BJnCtLJoXfU-00182-00048649-00048846 “We need you at the same school as Sam.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00183-00048846-00048946 For what purpose? BJnCtLJoXfU-00184-00048946-00049095 To hand him his lunch money? BJnCtLJoXfU-00185-00049095-00049472 That’s not a necessary task in the first place, just put it in his bag! BJnCtLJoXfU-00186-00049472-00049626 “He relies on you heavily.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00187-00049626-00049741 No he doesn’t. BJnCtLJoXfU-00188-00049741-00049841 “Zahid. BJnCtLJoXfU-00189-00049841-00050009 That’s an interesting name. BJnCtLJoXfU-00190-00050009-00050222 Where’s your family from?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00191-00050222-00050322 “Vermont.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00192-00050322-00050624 Racism, but also, calling out the racism, so… BJnCtLJoXfU-00193-00050624-00050858 “Got a lot of things goin’ on, don’t you sweetie?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00194-00050858-00051158 Doug does not act like Paige is a threat to his property. BJnCtLJoXfU-00195-00051158-00051665 I’m just asking for consistency. BJnCtLJoXfU-00196-00051665-00052242 I have to do the parent group scene, don’t I? BJnCtLJoXfU-00197-00052242-00052572 You need to know that I’m not just picking on this show because I think it makes good BJnCtLJoXfU-00198-00052572-00052672 videos. BJnCtLJoXfU-00199-00052672-00052998 It’s really an awful, hateful script. BJnCtLJoXfU-00200-00052998-00053433 Atypical is basically an avatar of the Autism Society of America. BJnCtLJoXfU-00201-00053433-00053914 What I mean is if we all played a game called “what if your scammy hate organization were BJnCtLJoXfU-00202-00053914-00054057 a video series?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00203-00054057-00054544 TACA would be Vaxxed, obviously; Autism Speaks already makes their own movies, and Autism BJnCtLJoXfU-00204-00054544-00054762 Society would be Atypical. BJnCtLJoXfU-00205-00054762-00055016 Alright, consider that your trigger warning. BJnCtLJoXfU-00206-00055016-00055116 Here we go. BJnCtLJoXfU-00207-00055116-00055704 “I know it may seem silly to be celebrating a 15-year-old making a 3-word sentence...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00208-00055704-00056154 You got your audism on my autism. BJnCtLJoXfU-00209-00056154-00056591 Also, grading humans by arbitrary numerical figures. BJnCtLJoXfU-00210-00056591-00056738 Also, grading humans. BJnCtLJoXfU-00211-00056738-00056921 Also, grading your own child. BJnCtLJoXfU-00212-00056921-00057276 “Honestly it was one of the top five (5) moments of my life.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00213-00057276-00057716 If that made the cut then your life must be one of the top five (5) most boring lives. BJnCtLJoXfU-00214-00057716-00057895 Applauding your own share. BJnCtLJoXfU-00215-00057895-00058054 “Higher-functioning kiddos...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00216-00058054-00058327 [Sigh] You made it three (3) episodes without that bullshit. BJnCtLJoXfU-00217-00058327-00058427 Why start now? BJnCtLJoXfU-00218-00058427-00058826 Come to think of it, why is this even in a show called Atypical? BJnCtLJoXfU-00219-00058826-00059254 This is the most TYPICAL depiction of a parent group I’ve ever seen. BJnCtLJoXfU-00220-00059254-00059358 “Higher-functioning kiddos...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00221-00059358-00059849 Also, Teen Sheldon definitely isn’t a “kiddo” and I really wouldn’t call a 15-year-old BJnCtLJoXfU-00222-00059849-00059997 that either. BJnCtLJoXfU-00223-00059997-00060470 “those of us with higher-functioning kiddos to forget what it’s like for some of our BJnCtLJoXfU-00224-00060470-00060570 other parents.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00225-00060570-00060746 There’s two (2) ways you could interpret that. BJnCtLJoXfU-00226-00060746-00061324 Either she literally means forgetting how your child used to be, thereby admitting that BJnCtLJoXfU-00227-00061324-00061939 Autistic speech development is just another trajectory, or she is claiming intimate knowledge BJnCtLJoXfU-00228-00061939-00062341 of the experience of being a different parent raising a different child who she herself BJnCtLJoXfU-00229-00062341-00062622 just said is #NotLikeMyChild. BJnCtLJoXfU-00230-00062622-00062983 But Autistic people knowing about autism? BJnCtLJoXfU-00231-00062983-00063247 That’s CRAZY! BJnCtLJoXfU-00232-00063247-00063670 Show thinks Elsa being a “cheating whore” will distract us from how terrible all of BJnCtLJoXfU-00233-00063670-00063790 the other moms are. BJnCtLJoXfU-00234-00063790-00063890 Show is wrong. BJnCtLJoXfU-00235-00063890-00064171 “We actually prefer to use people-first language here.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00236-00064171-00064274 I take it back. BJnCtLJoXfU-00237-00064274-00064507 Elsa is not the worst mom ever. BJnCtLJoXfU-00238-00064507-00064607 This bitch is. BJnCtLJoXfU-00239-00064607-00065116 “We don’t say “Autistic kid”, we say “kid with Autism”. BJnCtLJoXfU-00240-00065116-00065311 Person before diagnosis.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00241-00065311-00065641 The word you just used was kid, not person. BJnCtLJoXfU-00242-00065641-00065986 Also it’s not a fucking “diagnosis” because diagnoses are for medical problems. BJnCtLJoXfU-00243-00065986-00066207 “We don’t do that at our house.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00244-00066207-00066702 By which you mean you don’t talk about autism at all because if you don’t talk about it, BJnCtLJoXfU-00245-00066702-00066858 it doesn’t exist. BJnCtLJoXfU-00246-00066858-00067205 “So sorry to interrupt you again...” BJnCtLJoXfU-00247-00067205-00067305 You don’t seem sorry. BJnCtLJoXfU-00248-00067305-00067622 You seem more like a smug self-entitled cunt on a power trip. BJnCtLJoXfU-00249-00067622-00068121 I hereby retract all my punching wishes from Elsa and deliver them to Kathy. BJnCtLJoXfU-00250-00068121-00068695 I’d just like to clarify that Kathy is the name of the character, not the actor. BJnCtLJoXfU-00251-00068695-00069105 If the script said to act like a smug self-entitled cunt then Wendy Braun the actor is doing her BJnCtLJoXfU-00252-00069105-00069205 job excellently. BJnCtLJoXfU-00253-00069205-00069451 “There is no getting better in autism.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00254-00069451-00069763 Doug didn’t say his son was becoming less Autistic. BJnCtLJoXfU-00255-00069763-00070242 And even if he did, that’s not the reason you should object to the word better. BJnCtLJoXfU-00256-00070242-00070448 “Not a curable disease.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00257-00070448-00070734 You just called it a “diagnosis” 35 seconds ago. BJnCtLJoXfU-00258-00070734-00070879 Contradicting yourself. BJnCtLJoXfU-00259-00070879-00071224 “It’s a neurological condition, not a curable disease.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00260-00071224-00071753 Also neurological conditions, which autism is not, can be gotten better from. BJnCtLJoXfU-00261-00071753-00071949 A concussion is a neurological condition. BJnCtLJoXfU-00262-00071949-00072209 You also heal from it. BJnCtLJoXfU-00263-00072209-00072845 “He means that Sam has been having more success using his replacement behaviors.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00264-00072845-00073440 Elsa models to the group how to speak more offensively than the way Doug just spoke. BJnCtLJoXfU-00265-00073440-00073747 “...replacement behaviors in response to environmental stimuli.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00266-00073747-00074168 Hey Elsa, how’s that science paper on rat psychology coming along? BJnCtLJoXfU-00267-00074168-00074315 Still dictating your summaries? BJnCtLJoXfU-00268-00074315-00074415 ... What? BJnCtLJoXfU-00269-00074415-00074591 It’s not about rats? BJnCtLJoXfU-00270-00074591-00075019 You’re actually talking about a human fucking being? BJnCtLJoXfU-00271-00075019-00075186 “That is great news.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00272-00075186-00075683 If you can even comprehend the convoluted behaviorist “news” she just shat out of BJnCtLJoXfU-00273-00075683-00075783 her mouth. BJnCtLJoXfU-00274-00075783-00076017 “Doug, would you like to add anything else?” BJnCtLJoXfU-00275-00076017-00076311 At this point I think that qualifies as bullying. BJnCtLJoXfU-00276-00076311-00076779 A weird trial-and-error behaviorist kind of bullying, but what else would you expect from BJnCtLJoXfU-00277-00076779-00076902 Autism Moms? BJnCtLJoXfU-00278-00076902-00077022 “No, I’m good.” BJnCtLJoXfU-00279-00077022-00077317 Ah, you can see the “fuck you” in his eyes. BJnCtLJoXfU-00280-00077317-00077538 Nice boundaries there, Doug. BJnCtLJoXfU-00281-00077538-00078352 If you had told Kathy to shut up or stormed out of the room, I woulda took a sin off. BJnCtLJoXfU-00282-00078352-00079254 Oh well. BLBMwHbBVZE-00000-00000000-00001120 SCP-1230 "A Hero is Born" object class: safe BLBMwHbBVZE-00001-00001145-00001418 item #: SCP-1230 BLBMwHbBVZE-00002-00001418-00001596 Object Class: Safe BLBMwHbBVZE-00003-00001596-00002332 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1230 is to be kept in a secure storage locker at Site-12. BLBMwHbBVZE-00004-00002332-00002850 Access requires minimum Clearance 2 with authorization and supervision by Clearance 3 research and BLBMwHbBVZE-00005-00002850-00003047 security staff respectively. BLBMwHbBVZE-00006-00003047-00003493 Supervising personnel are not to view SCP-1230's contents. BLBMwHbBVZE-00007-00003493-00003989 Personnel accessing SCP-1230 are required to submit written accounts of dreams experienced BLBMwHbBVZE-00008-00003989-00004225 within 48 hours of access. BLBMwHbBVZE-00009-00004225-00005076 (See Addendum-1230-A) SCP-1230 has been relocated to a secure storage locker behind the desk BLBMwHbBVZE-00010-00005076-00005337 of Site-12's main library. BLBMwHbBVZE-00011-00005337-00005740 Access is available to Clearance 2 personnel deemed to be in satisfactory psychological BLBMwHbBVZE-00012-00005740-00006128 condition by site psychiatric staff. BLBMwHbBVZE-00013-00006128-00006622 Personnel accessing SCP-1230 must submit written accounts of their dreams within 48 hours of BLBMwHbBVZE-00014-00006622-00007016 access and submit to follow-up psychological examination. BLBMwHbBVZE-00015-00007016-00007698 Description: SCP-1230 is an unlabeled, green hardcover book with no apparent exceptional BLBMwHbBVZE-00016-00007698-00007861 qualities. BLBMwHbBVZE-00017-00007861-00008454 When SCP-1230 is opened, it displays the phrase “A hero is born” on the first page viewed, BLBMwHbBVZE-00018-00008454-00008504 SCP-1230 BLBMwHbBVZE-00019-00008504-00008939 while all other pages will be blank, "resetting" once the book is closed. BLBMwHbBVZE-00020-00008939-00009422 This has no obvious effects at first, but upon falling asleep, the reader will dream BLBMwHbBVZE-00021-00009422-00009924 of a fantasy world where they are the protagonist of a troubled land. BLBMwHbBVZE-00022-00009924-00010334 Dreamers are completely aware and all senses work just as well as when awake. BLBMwHbBVZE-00023-00010334-00010745 Results vary depending on the imagination of the reader and are mostly attuned to fantasies BLBMwHbBVZE-00024-00010745-00010997 of adventure that the reader would enjoy. BLBMwHbBVZE-00025-00010997-00011543 In the mind of the reader, these dreams have been documented to last anywhere from 45 seconds BLBMwHbBVZE-00026-00011543-00012450 (see Experiment 1230-3) to 200 years (see Experiment 1230-5) but in reality, the reader BLBMwHbBVZE-00027-00012450-00012897 will usually never be asleep longer than they would normally. BLBMwHbBVZE-00028-00012897-00013333 Upon awaking, the reader is able to remember every aspect of their dream in detail. BLBMwHbBVZE-00029-00013333-00014172 In SCP-1230 induced dreams, there is always a character called the “Book Keeper” (SCP-1230-1) BLBMwHbBVZE-00030-00014172-00014681 appearing as a bearded man in a green cloak who claims to be the personification of SCP-1230 BLBMwHbBVZE-00031-00014681-00014781 himself. BLBMwHbBVZE-00032-00014781-00015515 SCP-1230-1 has been reported to be very amicable and helpful towards dreamers. BLBMwHbBVZE-00033-00015515-00015926 It has stated that it enjoys creating these “fantasy-scapes” and always tries to shape BLBMwHbBVZE-00034-00015926-00016409 them in such a way that the dreamer garners the most entertainment out of it. BLBMwHbBVZE-00035-00016409-00016837 It has expressed sorrow when the dream comes to an end and asks the dreamer to “please BLBMwHbBVZE-00036-00016837-00017040 visit again soon”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00037-00017040-00017712 Discovery: In a small bookstore located [DATA EXPUNGED] the shopkeeper had no recollection BLBMwHbBVZE-00038-00017712-00018167 of owning the unlabeled book but attempted to sell a story to local newspapers about BLBMwHbBVZE-00039-00018167-00018365 a “magical dream book”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00040-00018365-00019200 The Foundation was able to dispel the story as a hoax and SCP-1230 was confiscated. BLBMwHbBVZE-00041-00019200-00019719 Experiment-1230-01: Dr. F███████, in an attempt to test its effective range, BLBMwHbBVZE-00042-00019719-00020357 opened SCP-1230 and boarded a flight to his hometown of [REDACTED] where he spent the BLBMwHbBVZE-00043-00020357-00020622 night at a hotel. BLBMwHbBVZE-00044-00020622-00021237 Upon his return, Dr. F███████ reported that SCP-1230-1 appeared in his dreams BLBMwHbBVZE-00045-00021237-00021706 and explained that once you read ‘A hero is born’, the dream is immediately implanted BLBMwHbBVZE-00046-00021706-00022287 in your subconscious, after which SCP-1230-1 is able to manipulate it remotely. BLBMwHbBVZE-00047-00022287-00022987 Dr. F███████ expressed his appreciation for SCP-1230-1’s cooperation. BLBMwHbBVZE-00048-00022987-00023754 Experiment-1230-02: A camera was set-up above SCP-1230 and, using a mechanical “arm”, BLBMwHbBVZE-00049-00023754-00023909 the book was opened. BLBMwHbBVZE-00050-00023909-00024068 All pages were revealed to be blank. BLBMwHbBVZE-00051-00024068-00024645 It seems SCP-1230 is only effective when opened by beings that are able to have dreams. BLBMwHbBVZE-00052-00024645-00025265 SCP-1230-1 explained to a subsequent dreamer that it is actually only able to affect beings BLBMwHbBVZE-00053-00025265-00025794 “with an imagination” and that most creatures such as animals would not be affected. BLBMwHbBVZE-00054-00025794-00026442 Experiment-1230-03: One (1) D-class was instructed to open the book and (after much reassurance BLBMwHbBVZE-00055-00026442-00026858 that his experiences would only be dreams) ordered to immediately find a way to kill BLBMwHbBVZE-00056-00026858-00027095 himself in the dream. BLBMwHbBVZE-00057-00027095-00027544 The subject was asleep for merely 45 seconds before he awoke with a start in a nervous BLBMwHbBVZE-00058-00027544-00027644 sweat. BLBMwHbBVZE-00059-00027644-00028163 He reported being at the summit of a volcano called “The Ashen Spire” on a quest for BLBMwHbBVZE-00060-00028163-00028464 “Caladius, the Blessed Blade”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00061-00028464-00028863 When asked how the subject knew the names, he stated, “It’s like I knew them all BLBMwHbBVZE-00062-00028863-00028963 along”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00063-00028963-00029402 He apparently leapt into the volcano and “felt an intense heat” before awakening. BLBMwHbBVZE-00064-00029402-00029719 D-class requested permission to "give it another go". BLBMwHbBVZE-00065-00029719-00029839 Request was denied. BLBMwHbBVZE-00066-00029839-00030547 Experiment-1230-04: One (1) D-class was instructed to open the book and attempt to non-fatally BLBMwHbBVZE-00067-00030547-00030705 injure himself in his dream. BLBMwHbBVZE-00068-00030705-00031180 After 6 hours, the D-class awoke and reported that he was able to feel a “numbed” sort BLBMwHbBVZE-00069-00031180-00031607 of pain where it was never so intense as to be unbearable. BLBMwHbBVZE-00070-00031607-00032082 He also reported meeting an elderly, cloaked man who asked him why he was harming himself, BLBMwHbBVZE-00071-00032082-00032566 but thanked him for not immediately killing himself “like that other rude fellow”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00072-00032566-00033486 Experiment-1230-05: Prof. B████ filed a request for access to SCP-1230 and was quickly BLBMwHbBVZE-00073-00033486-00033904 permitted, given his Level 4 clearance. BLBMwHbBVZE-00074-00033904-00034456 Staff members recalled that Prof. B████ was almost “visibly shaking with excitement” BLBMwHbBVZE-00075-00034456-00035047 and some reported that Prof. B████ was an avid fan of tabletop and role-playing BLBMwHbBVZE-00076-00035047-00035206 games. BLBMwHbBVZE-00077-00035206-00035740 Surveillance shows that Prof. B████ opened the book, read the phrase, sat down BLBMwHbBVZE-00078-00035740-00036103 beside the desk and promptly fell asleep. BLBMwHbBVZE-00079-00036103-00036769 Staff members were alarmed when Prof. B████ did not awake after 15 hours and alerted security. BLBMwHbBVZE-00080-00036769-00037382 The on-site medical staff were able to confirm that Prof. B████ was still alive and BLBMwHbBVZE-00081-00037382-00037484 in good health. BLBMwHbBVZE-00082-00037484-00038107 After approximately 24 hours since falling asleep, Prof. B████ began to move, BLBMwHbBVZE-00083-00038107-00038697 reported to have "slowly raised his head and looked around the room, appearing deeply confused". BLBMwHbBVZE-00084-00038697-00039130 Security entered the room to ensure he was alright, to which he replied, “Where am BLBMwHbBVZE-00085-00039130-00039230 I?”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00086-00039230-00039567 He was sent to Medical where staff explained where and who he was. BLBMwHbBVZE-00087-00039567-00040064 Several minutes later, Prof. B████ appeared to have regained his memory and excused BLBMwHbBVZE-00088-00040064-00040222 himself to the restroom. BLBMwHbBVZE-00089-00040222-00040894 When 15 minutes passed and Prof. B████ had not exited, a nurse entered to find he BLBMwHbBVZE-00090-00040894-00041112 had hung himself with his belt. BLBMwHbBVZE-00091-00041112-00041588 A scribbled message on the wall revealed his last words: “I can’t go back to this”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00092-00041588-00042395 Dr. F███████ went to ask SCP-1230-1 what had happened, but upon opening SCP-1230, BLBMwHbBVZE-00093-00042395-00042843 all its pages were soaking wet with the same message on every page: “I’m so sorry. BLBMwHbBVZE-00094-00042843-00043025 I never intended for this to happen. BLBMwHbBVZE-00095-00043025-00043247 I just wanted to make people happy.” BLBMwHbBVZE-00096-00043247-00043429 repeated over and over. BLBMwHbBVZE-00097-00043429-00043998 SCP-1230 remained in this state for three weeks and its desk had to be wiped dry biweekly. BLBMwHbBVZE-00098-00043998-00044612 In an attempt to communicate, Dr. F███████ placed a sticky note inside SCP-1230 with BLBMwHbBVZE-00099-00044612-00045017 the statement, “I’d like to talk to you, if that’s alright”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00100-00045017-00045496 The next morning, Dr. F███████ filed a report about a dream he had concerning BLBMwHbBVZE-00101-00045496-00045777 SCP-1230-1. BLBMwHbBVZE-00102-00045777-00046260 - Report-1230-14 Upon falling asleep last night, I dreamt I BLBMwHbBVZE-00103-00046260-00046427 was in a dark void. BLBMwHbBVZE-00104-00046427-00046918 There was a streetlamp and underneath it was SCP-1230-1 sitting in a puddle. BLBMwHbBVZE-00105-00046918-00047205 His cloak was visibly soaked and he was sobbing profusely. BLBMwHbBVZE-00106-00047205-00047371 I remember our conversation: BLBMwHbBVZE-00107-00047371-00047552 Dr. F███████: Book Keeper? BLBMwHbBVZE-00108-00047552-00047652 Is that you? BLBMwHbBVZE-00109-00047652-00047811 My god, man, where are we? BLBMwHbBVZE-00110-00047811-00048323 Book Keeper: (between sobs) I… couldn’t think of anything to make for a landscape. BLBMwHbBVZE-00111-00048323-00048622 Dr. F███████: Book Keeper… what happened that day? BLBMwHbBVZE-00112-00048622-00048905 Why did Prof. B████ kill himself? BLBMwHbBVZE-00113-00048905-00049098 We have to know your side of the story. BLBMwHbBVZE-00114-00049098-00049378 Book Keeper: (wiping his eyes) He had such an active imagination! BLBMwHbBVZE-00115-00049378-00049781 I was able to create a vast and beautiful universe for him and it was obvious that he BLBMwHbBVZE-00116-00049781-00050015 had wanted a life like that for so long. BLBMwHbBVZE-00117-00050015-00050325 He conquered foul beasts and rescued princesses… BLBMwHbBVZE-00118-00050325-00050736 He built kingdoms and even raised a family… but he never wanted to leave. BLBMwHbBVZE-00119-00050736-00051233 He delved so far into his fantasy world that I soon realized he preferred his dream over BLBMwHbBVZE-00120-00051233-00051351 the real world. BLBMwHbBVZE-00121-00051351-00051857 I reminded him that this was all merely an illusion, but he wouldn’t listen to me. BLBMwHbBVZE-00122-00051857-00052251 He stated that if he was ever forced to leave, he would immediately end his life. BLBMwHbBVZE-00123-00052251-00052520 I tried to keep him happy for as long as I could… BLBMwHbBVZE-00124-00052520-00052965 Dr. F███████: …Book Keeper… how long was the dream from his point of view? BLBMwHbBVZE-00125-00052965-00053197 Book Keeper: …200 years, Doctor. BLBMwHbBVZE-00126-00053197-00053520 I did my best but I could only hold onto him for 200 years. BLBMwHbBVZE-00127-00053520-00053991 As sweet as dreams may be, eventually we all have to wake up. BLBMwHbBVZE-00128-00053991-00054179 I awoke almost immediately after. BLBMwHbBVZE-00129-00054179-00054523 I can’t believe he spent 200 years in his dream. BLBMwHbBVZE-00130-00054523-00054954 I’m astounded by his foolishness but it’s such a shame to have lost a brilliant mind BLBMwHbBVZE-00131-00054954-00055180 to his own delusions. BLBMwHbBVZE-00132-00055180-00055689 Shortly after the report was filed, surveillance showed Dr. F███████ slipping BLBMwHbBVZE-00133-00055689-00055982 another small paper into SCP-1230. BLBMwHbBVZE-00134-00055982-00056598 A few days later, SCP-1230 began showing its usual “A hero is born” greeting once again. BLBMwHbBVZE-00135-00056598-00057175 When asked what the note said, Dr. F███████ declined to give detailed comment, simply BLBMwHbBVZE-00136-00057175-00057559 stating that he "just gave it some friendly advice". BLBMwHbBVZE-00137-00057559-00058317 Addendum-1230-A: During initial testing, SCP-1230-1 asked dreaming personnel if it could be relocated BLBMwHbBVZE-00138-00058317-00058823 to an area with many books (preferably fiction) so that it could think of even better ways BLBMwHbBVZE-00139-00058823-00058994 to construct its “fantasy-scapes”. BLBMwHbBVZE-00140-00058994-00059539 After numerous experiments were performed to ensure that SCP-1230 posed no threat, the BLBMwHbBVZE-00141-00059539-00059989 request was accepted and SCP-1230 has been relocated to Site-12's library. BLCaqxw7aac-00000-00000000-00000200 fortnite redeem codes 2022 - v bucks codes - fortnite code 2022 BNRHczM7wu0-00000-00000000-00000436 This video will show some basic features and functions of DDS-CAD. BNRHczM7wu0-00001-00000470-00000760 First of all, let's introduce the mouse functions. BNRHczM7wu0-00002-00000760-00001216 With left mouse click we can select objects. BNRHczM7wu0-00003-00001216-00001783 With right mouse click we open the context menu of the active function. BNRHczM7wu0-00004-00001903-00002463 By rolling the scroll wheel up and down we can zoom in and out. BNRHczM7wu0-00005-00002523-00003089 Press and holding the left mouse button for two seconds activates the pan function. BNRHczM7wu0-00006-00003220-00003810 If we press the scroll button and move your mouse upwards, we also activate the pan function. BNRHczM7wu0-00007-00003910-00004486 But, if you press the scroll button and move your mouse downwards, we activate the zoom window function. BNRHczM7wu0-00008-00004486-00004946 Clicking the scroll button once restore the latests zoom view. BNRHczM7wu0-00009-00004946-00005543 If we double click the scroll button it activates the zoom all function. BNRHczM7wu0-00010-00005543-00006096 The zoom all function is also available in the toolbar. BNRHczM7wu0-00011-00006426-00006826 Now, we will demonstrate the various copy and move functions. BNRHczM7wu0-00012-00006893-00007266 Select an object and open the context menu with a right mouse click. BNRHczM7wu0-00013-00007266-00007489 Here we will find the copy function. BNRHczM7wu0-00014-00007626-00008093 Open the context menu again to select the paste function. BNRHczM7wu0-00015-00008093-00008536 As we can see, the copied object is now attached to the mouse cursor. BNRHczM7wu0-00016-00008536-00009133 With a left mouse click we can insert and position the object in the model as many times as you like. BNRHczM7wu0-00017-00009133-00009796 By using the arrow keys, we can insert new objects by distance whilst using the latest inserted object as a reference. BNRHczM7wu0-00018-00009796-00010326 In this dialog we enter the distance. BNRHczM7wu0-00019-00010393-00010793 Press Esc to close the function. BNRHczM7wu0-00020-00010893-00011393 To delete an object from the model, simply select it and press Delete. BNRHczM7wu0-00021-00011573-00012466 By selecting an object and subsequently clicking on one of the available nodes, we can freely move it and reposition with left click. BNRHczM7wu0-00022-00012466-00012989 Also in this case we can use the arrow keys to move the object by a certain distance. BNRHczM7wu0-00023-00012990-00013506 The same dialog opens in which we enter the distance. BNRHczM7wu0-00024-00014336-00014736 Now, let's cover some of the selection options that DDS-CAD offers. BNRHczM7wu0-00025-00014850-00015393 Press and hold Ctrl to add single objects to a selection. BNRHczM7wu0-00026-00015463-00015863 DDS-CAD also provides four options for a selection window. BNRHczM7wu0-00027-00015923-00016323 From the right to the left we have two deselect windows. BNRHczM7wu0-00028-00016323-00017409 For example, if we press and hold the left button and move it diagonally from top right to bottom left we see a green dashed line which represents a deselection window. BNRHczM7wu0-00029-00017410-00018143 All objects that are inside or intersected by the window will be deselected. BNRHczM7wu0-00030-00018143-00018543 From the left to the right we have two selection windows. BNRHczM7wu0-00031-00018543-00019403 In this case, pressing and holding left button from bottom left to top right will select only objects that are completely inside the selection window. BNRHczM7wu0-00032-00019403-00020009 The selection window is represented by a red solid line. BNRHczM7wu0-00033-00020010-00020870 From bottom right to top left we activate the deselection window that only deselects objects that are completely inside the window. BNRHczM7wu0-00034-00020870-00021240 It is represented by a green solid line. BNRHczM7wu0-00035-00021290-00022386 Lastly, by pressing and holding left mouse button and moving the cursor from top left to bottom right, we create a selection window represented by a red dashed line. BNRHczM7wu0-00036-00022386-00022923 This selection window selects all objects inside and intersected by the window. BNRHczM7wu0-00037-00023043-00024229 Additionally, to only select objects of a similar type we can use the function select objects of same type as the one selected from the context menu. BNRHczM7wu0-00038-00024230-00025553 After having activated this function, we can make a selection window and only objects of the type 'window' will be selected. BNRHczM7wu0-00039-00025676-00026216 DDS-CAD also offers an alignment function, which can be found in the context menu. BNRHczM7wu0-00040-00026216-00026946 After selecting multiple objects, we will see six different alignment options. BNRHczM7wu0-00041-00026946-00027746 By using the option uniform distribution horizontal in this example, the chair in the middle gets horizontally aligned to the others. BNRHczM7wu0-00042-00027856-00028779 With the top alignment option, the middle chair is aligned to the chairs above it. BNRHczM7wu0-00043-00028893-00029293 DDS-CAD also offers options to rotate objects. BNRHczM7wu0-00044-00029293-00029873 For example, let's select and copy these three chairs and rotate them to the other side of the table. BNRHczM7wu0-00045-00029873-00030459 In this case we use the option copy objects by free reference point. BNRHczM7wu0-00046-00030460-00031160 After the option is selected, we first have to define a reference point. BNRHczM7wu0-00047-00031160-00031820 In the context menu we will find the rotate counter clockwise and rotate clockwise options. BNRHczM7wu0-00048-00031820-00032470 By selecting one of these, the selected objects are rotated by default with 90 degrees. BNRHczM7wu0-00049-00032470-00033273 Instead of using the context menu, we can rotate the objects by pressing Ctrl+Shift and left or right mouse button. BNRHczM7wu0-00050-00033336-00034509 To position the chairs, click on the reference point and press Esc to close the function. BNRHczM7wu0-00051-00034690-00035100 Help geometry functions are also available in DDS-CAD. BNRHczM7wu0-00052-00035100-00035513 We can use them to create snap or intersection points for easy object positioning. BNRHczM7wu0-00053-00035513-00036036 The help geometry function is found at the bottom left. BNRHczM7wu0-00054-00036036-00037023 By having the snap points function activated, the cursor automatically snaps to mid-points and end-points. BNRHczM7wu0-00055-00037103-00037889 If this function is deactivated, the cursor will not automatically snap to available points. BNRHczM7wu0-00056-00037890-00038393 By pressing 1 on the keyboard we can quickly toggle this function on and off. BNRHczM7wu0-00057-00038393-00039016 Once a snap is highlighted, press right mouse click to open the context menu with the various help line options. BNRHczM7wu0-00058-00039016-00039356 In this case, select the option horizontal help line. BNRHczM7wu0-00059-00039356-00039823 Next, go to the wall in the top and search for the midpoint. BNRHczM7wu0-00060-00039823-00040646 Open the context menu again and select the option vertical help line. BNRHczM7wu0-00061-00040646-00041109 In this example, we want to reposition the table and chairs to the center of the room. BNRHczM7wu0-00062-00041110-00041773 To do so, select the objects and click on the center node of the selected group. BNRHczM7wu0-00063-00041773-00042676 Move the object group to the center snap and press left mouse button to position it. BNRHczM7wu0-00064-00042676-00043473 Once the help lines are no longer required, we can press the delete all help geometry button. BNRHczM7wu0-00065-00043813-00044313 Objects can be automatically rotated and aligned using the automatic rotation function. BNRHczM7wu0-00066-00044313-00044819 Let's first select the objects and activate the function. BNRHczM7wu0-00067-00044820-00045206 Press and hold Ctrl and move the mouse cursor against a line. BNRHczM7wu0-00068-00045206-00045743 As we can see, the objects are automatically aligned to the reference line. BNRHczM7wu0-00069-00045743-00046366 At last, the ortho mode assists us in creating straight lines or ones at a consistent angle. BNRHczM7wu0-00070-00046366-00046979 In this case, we want to move the table on the left straight upwards and position it in the room above it. BNRHczM7wu0-00071-00046980-00047453 Select the objects, open the context menu and select the move option. BNRHczM7wu0-00072-00047453-00047853 You can freely move the objects if the ortho mode is deactivated. BNRHczM7wu0-00073-00047853-00048526 But with the ortho mode activated, the step angle is set to 22,5 degrees by default. BNRHczM7wu0-00074-00048526-00049083 You can change the ortho angle by selecting the specify ortho angle option in the context menu. BNRHczM7wu0-00075-00049083-00049623 In the dialog we can enter a new angle for the ortho mode. BPQAZRSwDRk-00000-00000020-00000216 - Elsa, she's so pretty. BPQAZRSwDRk-00001-00000216-00000382 She's so aaaaahhhh! BPQAZRSwDRk-00002-00000506-00000704 (laughing) BPQAZRSwDRk-00003-00000704-00000831 Welcome to today's video. BPQAZRSwDRk-00004-00000831-00001142 Today, we have Ooshies. BPQAZRSwDRk-00005-00001240-00001650 We got WWE and we got a Disney review for you. BPQAZRSwDRk-00006-00001650-00001796 God, I'm so excited! BPQAZRSwDRk-00007-00001796-00002038 - (gasping) I got a glow in the dark! BPQAZRSwDRk-00008-00002038-00002286 - We're gonna find out what these bad boys are all about. BPQAZRSwDRk-00009-00002286-00002386 If you smell BPQAZRSwDRk-00010-00002690-00003063 what The Rock is cooking. BPQAZRSwDRk-00011-00003063-00003146 - [Both] Next! BPQAZRSwDRk-00012-00003146-00003438 (bright pop music) BPQAZRSwDRk-00013-00003571-00003715 - Welcome back to our channel. BPQAZRSwDRk-00014-00003715-00004089 Today we have, once again, Disney and WWE Ooshies. BPQAZRSwDRk-00015-00004234-00004445 Make sure you stay tuned throughout the video, BPQAZRSwDRk-00016-00004445-00004623 we're gonna announce the giveaway winners BPQAZRSwDRk-00017-00004623-00005123 for our Zuru Toys, Rainbocorn and X-Shot giveaway. BPQAZRSwDRk-00018-00005154-00005379 Liz is a huge WWE fan, aren't you Liz? BPQAZRSwDRk-00019-00005379-00005547 Who's your favorite wrestler? BPQAZRSwDRk-00020-00005547-00005630 Is it. BPQAZRSwDRk-00021-00005743-00005888 Is it Mandy Rose? BPQAZRSwDRk-00022-00005888-00006028 - One of them. BPQAZRSwDRk-00023-00006028-00006271 - Can't really put a pinpoint on BPQAZRSwDRk-00024-00006271-00006458 who your favorite wrestler is. BPQAZRSwDRk-00025-00006458-00006541 - Um. BPQAZRSwDRk-00026-00006642-00007062 - If you have any idea who Lizzie's favorite wrestler is, BPQAZRSwDRk-00027-00007062-00007376 do us a favor, comment down below BPQAZRSwDRk-00028-00007376-00007604 with the name of that wrestler. BPQAZRSwDRk-00029-00007604-00007687 - Okay. BPQAZRSwDRk-00030-00007687-00007770 - Okay. BPQAZRSwDRk-00031-00007905-00008067 Alright Lizzie, I'm so excited. BPQAZRSwDRk-00032-00008067-00008229 Wait! Before she opens. BPQAZRSwDRk-00033-00008412-00008745 If you like board games and opening toys, BPQAZRSwDRk-00034-00008745-00009143 then you should consider subscribing down below. BPQAZRSwDRk-00035-00009401-00009485 - Now? BPQAZRSwDRk-00036-00009485-00009963 - And don't forget to hit that bell notification! BPQAZRSwDRk-00037-00009963-00010111 Da-la-la-la-la-le! BPQAZRSwDRk-00038-00010111-00010339 Ding ding ding ding. BPQAZRSwDRk-00039-00010339-00010422 - Now? BPQAZRSwDRk-00040-00010422-00010505 - Okay now. BPQAZRSwDRk-00041-00010505-00010606 Wait! BPQAZRSwDRk-00042-00010855-00010938 Love you guys. BPQAZRSwDRk-00043-00011077-00011268 Alright, let's open it up. BPQAZRSwDRk-00044-00011268-00011395 - Yay. BPQAZRSwDRk-00045-00011395-00011536 - Hold on! BPQAZRSwDRk-00046-00011536-00011682 Do I have one? BPQAZRSwDRk-00047-00011682-00011832 - No. BPQAZRSwDRk-00048-00011832-00011955 - Okay. BPQAZRSwDRk-00049-00011955-00012081 Nice. BPQAZRSwDRk-00050-00012081-00012249 Alright. BPQAZRSwDRk-00051-00012249-00012401 Oooh, I'm so excited. BPQAZRSwDRk-00052-00012401-00012601 Who do you think she's got? Who do you think she's got? BPQAZRSwDRk-00053-00012601-00012685 I'm so excited! BPQAZRSwDRk-00054-00012685-00013016 - (gasping) I got a glow in the dark! BPQAZRSwDRk-00055-00013016-00013200 I got the Rock! - What? BPQAZRSwDRk-00056-00013369-00013504 - Do your People's Eyebrow. BPQAZRSwDRk-00057-00013504-00013651 People Eyebrow for the Rock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00058-00013952-00014191 (sniffing) BPQAZRSwDRk-00059-00014191-00014300 If you smell BPQAZRSwDRk-00060-00014584-00014793 what the Rock is cooking! BPQAZRSwDRk-00061-00015084-00015266 Let me see him. BPQAZRSwDRk-00062-00015266-00015461 He's pretty awesome. BPQAZRSwDRk-00063-00015461-00015701 If The Rock is your favorite character BPQAZRSwDRk-00064-00015701-00016058 from WWE, comment down below. BPQAZRSwDRk-00065-00016058-00016323 I'll tell you this, I think the Rock might be BPQAZRSwDRk-00066-00016323-00016687 one of the greatest, if not the greatest BPQAZRSwDRk-00067-00016687-00017013 WWE Superstar of all time. BPQAZRSwDRk-00068-00017013-00017221 He is also, three years running, BPQAZRSwDRk-00069-00017221-00017531 the highest grossing action star in the world. BPQAZRSwDRk-00070-00017531-00017956 Bet you didn't know that little fun fact, did ya Liz? BPQAZRSwDRk-00071-00017956-00018059 - Maybe. BPQAZRSwDRk-00072-00018059-00018184 - Maybe she did. BPQAZRSwDRk-00073-00018184-00018542 Alright, now we're gonna open our Disney. BPQAZRSwDRk-00074-00018542-00018635 What are these? BPQAZRSwDRk-00075-00018635-00018876 - Disney Ooshies. BPQAZRSwDRk-00076-00018876-00019080 - Disney Ooshies. I like that. BPQAZRSwDRk-00077-00019080-00019311 I like Disney Ooshies. BPQAZRSwDRk-00078-00019311-00019491 Alright, let's go ahead and open it. BPQAZRSwDRk-00079-00019703-00019819 Keep them close. BPQAZRSwDRk-00080-00019819-00020093 Alright, let's open it up! Who'd we get? BPQAZRSwDRk-00081-00020093-00020264 - (gasping) I got Elsa! BPQAZRSwDRk-00082-00020264-00020455 - We got Elsa! BPQAZRSwDRk-00083-00020455-00020538 - Icy Glow Elsa. BPQAZRSwDRk-00084-00020538-00020800 (blowing) BPQAZRSwDRk-00085-00020800-00021031 Everybody now has an Elsa. BPQAZRSwDRk-00086-00021031-00021247 (blowing) BPQAZRSwDRk-00087-00021334-00021436 - Do you hear that? BPQAZRSwDRk-00088-00021569-00021700 Hi, Elsa. BPQAZRSwDRk-00089-00021700-00021894 I'm Elsa. I'm Elsa. BPQAZRSwDRk-00090-00021894-00022193 Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. BPQAZRSwDRk-00091-00022193-00022462 Oh no! She froze The Rock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00092-00022564-00022714 Look, doesn't he look frozen? BPQAZRSwDRk-00093-00022854-00022937 - No. BPQAZRSwDRk-00094-00022937-00023041 - Liz, knock knock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00095-00023041-00023134 - Who's there? BPQAZRSwDRk-00096-00023134-00023217 - Smell. BPQAZRSwDRk-00097-00023217-00023300 - Smell who? BPQAZRSwDRk-00098-00023300-00023470 - Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? BPQAZRSwDRk-00099-00023470-00023556 Knock knock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00100-00023556-00023640 - Who's there? BPQAZRSwDRk-00101-00023640-00024112 - It doesn't matter who's there! BPQAZRSwDRk-00102-00024112-00024244 That's Rock! BPQAZRSwDRk-00103-00024244-00024381 Thanks Rock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00104-00024381-00024472 Hey. BPQAZRSwDRk-00105-00024472-00024563 - What? BPQAZRSwDRk-00106-00024563-00024647 - Knock knock. BPQAZRSwDRk-00107-00024647-00024760 - Who's there? BPQAZRSwDRk-00108-00024760-00024843 - Daniel. BPQAZRSwDRk-00109-00024843-00024926 - Daniel-- BPQAZRSwDRk-00110-00024926-00025123 - It doesn't matter who Daniel Bryan is! BPQAZRSwDRk-00111-00025272-00025503 Recycle. I'm a champ. BPQAZRSwDRk-00112-00025503-00025668 Yes yes yes. BPQAZRSwDRk-00113-00025668-00026022 Alright, so the first winner in the Zuru Toy giveaway, BPQAZRSwDRk-00114-00026022-00026305 this person won the X-Shot, BPQAZRSwDRk-00115-00026305-00026725 is James Lee from Washington State! BPQAZRSwDRk-00116-00026725-00026910 Congratulations James Lee! BPQAZRSwDRk-00117-00026910-00027002 Woo hoo! BPQAZRSwDRk-00118-00027091-00027174 Alright, Liz. BPQAZRSwDRk-00119-00027174-00027257 - Now? BPQAZRSwDRk-00120-00027257-00027450 - Let's go ahead, open the final bag! BPQAZRSwDRk-00121-00027895-00028037 It's almost over. BPQAZRSwDRk-00122-00028158-00028357 - Oh my god I got another glow in the dark. BPQAZRSwDRk-00123-00028357-00028591 - Another glow in the dark! Who did you get this time? BPQAZRSwDRk-00124-00028591-00028728 - I got the Ultimate Warrior. BPQAZRSwDRk-00125-00028728-00028850 - The Ultimate Warrior! BPQAZRSwDRk-00126-00028850-00029075 (grunting) BPQAZRSwDRk-00127-00029329-00029412 That's what he did. BPQAZRSwDRk-00128-00029412-00029495 He would run in the ring and go. BPQAZRSwDRk-00129-00029495-00029788 (grunting) BPQAZRSwDRk-00130-00029788-00029917 - Dad. Can we get ice cream? BPQAZRSwDRk-00131-00029917-00030142 (grunting) BPQAZRSwDRk-00132-00030821-00031021 - The Ultimate Warrior! BPQAZRSwDRk-00133-00031213-00031418 - Dad, that's not right. BPQAZRSwDRk-00134-00031418-00031614 - That's how Howard Finkel used to say it. BPQAZRSwDRk-00135-00031614-00031754 Howard Fink. BPQAZRSwDRk-00136-00031754-00031837 - Fink. BPQAZRSwDRk-00137-00031837-00031939 - Fink. BPQAZRSwDRk-00138-00031939-00032030 - (both) Fink. BPQAZRSwDRk-00139-00032030-00032134 - Hall of Famer. BPQAZRSwDRk-00140-00032134-00032601 Let me tell you something, Mean Gene. BPQAZRSwDRk-00141-00032601-00032701 Whoo! - Gene? BPQAZRSwDRk-00142-00032895-00033182 - Who do you think my favorite wrestler is of all time? BPQAZRSwDRk-00143-00033182-00033265 - I don't know. BPQAZRSwDRk-00144-00033265-00033448 - It's The Rock, man! BPQAZRSwDRk-00145-00033448-00033712 Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? BPQAZRSwDRk-00146-00033712-00034079 Cuz I do, and it's something delicious, mmm. BPQAZRSwDRk-00147-00034187-00034291 - What? BPQAZRSwDRk-00148-00034291-00034425 - What do you mean, what? BPQAZRSwDRk-00149-00034425-00034516 - What's so delicious? BPQAZRSwDRk-00150-00034516-00034669 - Whatever he's cooking. BPQAZRSwDRk-00151-00034770-00034902 We're still trying to figure out BPQAZRSwDRk-00152-00034902-00035217 what is The Rock cooking back there, right? BPQAZRSwDRk-00153-00035217-00035383 - Yeah, sure. BPQAZRSwDRk-00154-00035383-00035583 - Hmm. Yeah. BPQAZRSwDRk-00155-00035583-00035778 Well, anyway, Liz. BPQAZRSwDRk-00156-00035778-00035861 - Yes? BPQAZRSwDRk-00157-00035953-00036235 I remember when DX BPQAZRSwDRk-00158-00036235-00036436 cooked hot dogs backstage. BPQAZRSwDRk-00159-00036709-00036897 I watched it on YouTube. BPQAZRSwDRk-00160-00036897-00036994 - YouTube. BPQAZRSwDRk-00161-00036994-00037099 Hey! BPQAZRSwDRk-00162-00037266-00037425 We're on YouTube right now. BPQAZRSwDRk-00163-00037425-00037539 - Whoopsie. BPQAZRSwDRk-00164-00037539-00037632 - That's fun. BPQAZRSwDRk-00165-00037632-00037814 - That's fun. BPQAZRSwDRk-00166-00037814-00037897 - So Liz-- BPQAZRSwDRk-00167-00037897-00038299 - Wait, don't we show them how they glow in the dark? BPQAZRSwDRk-00168-00038402-00038753 - Let's show them how they glow in the dark. BPQAZRSwDRk-00169-00038753-00039086 Let's see these bad boys glow in the dark. BPQAZRSwDRk-00170-00039086-00039220 (snapping) BPQAZRSwDRk-00171-00039220-00039304 - Whooo! BPQAZRSwDRk-00172-00039426-00039613 Oh my god they really do glow, that's awesome. BPQAZRSwDRk-00173-00039613-00039709 Elsa kinda glows. BPQAZRSwDRk-00174-00039709-00039803 (gasp) Elsa glows! BPQAZRSwDRk-00175-00039803-00039995 - Ooh, Elsa's glowing too! BPQAZRSwDRk-00176-00039995-00040078 (snapping) BPQAZRSwDRk-00177-00040078-00040197 Whoa, what happened? BPQAZRSwDRk-00178-00040197-00040350 - Ummm. - What was that? BPQAZRSwDRk-00179-00040350-00040524 - I think we felt the glow. BPQAZRSwDRk-00180-00040524-00040718 - It is like we felt the glow. BPQAZRSwDRk-00181-00040718-00040868 If you felt the glow, BPQAZRSwDRk-00182-00041052-00041191 comment down below. BPQAZRSwDRk-00183-00041449-00041717 That's right, I'm the comment guy in this video. BPQAZRSwDRk-00184-00041819-00042109 Comment down below! Comment down below! BPQAZRSwDRk-00185-00042109-00042327 Comment down below! BPQAZRSwDRk-00186-00042327-00042587 Alright, now to announce the Rainbocorn BPQAZRSwDRk-00187-00042587-00042805 and Cotton Candy Cutie winner. BPQAZRSwDRk-00188-00042805-00043109 The winner is Heather Jones from West Virginia! BPQAZRSwDRk-00189-00043109-00043193 Oh, yeah! BPQAZRSwDRk-00190-00043454-00043538 Oh yeah! BPQAZRSwDRk-00191-00043673-00043861 Congratulations Heather Jones! BPQAZRSwDRk-00192-00043861-00044073 Alright, so thanks so much for watching today. BPQAZRSwDRk-00193-00044073-00044311 Lizzie, they liked this video what should they do? BPQAZRSwDRk-00194-00044311-00044394 - Give it a thumbs up. BPQAZRSwDRk-00195-00044394-00044791 - Give it a thumbs up and make sure you click that red-- BPQAZRSwDRk-00196-00044791-00044925 - Subscribe button. BPQAZRSwDRk-00197-00044925-00045008 - And click that-- BPQAZRSwDRk-00198-00045008-00045091 - Bell notification. BPQAZRSwDRk-00199-00045091-00045325 - So you don't miss out on any of our future videos. BPQAZRSwDRk-00200-00045325-00045485 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much. BPQAZRSwDRk-00201-00045485-00045796 This has been WWE and Disney Ooshies. BPQAZRSwDRk-00202-00045796-00045969 We'll see you in the next one. BPQAZRSwDRk-00203-00045969-00046292 - (both) Bye! BPQAZRSwDRk-00204-00046292-00046376 - Aahh! BPQAZRSwDRk-00205-00046602-00046771 They got us with fireballs. BPQAZRSwDRk-00206-00046771-00046891 - Fire? Why fire? BPQAZRSwDRk-00207-00046891-00046995 Why not ice? BPQAZRSwDRk-00208-00047126-00047368 - Hmm. That would have been a better joke. BPQAZRSwDRk-00209-00047368-00047569 (laughing) Good job, Liz! BRAP1Slrm0E-00000-00000176-00001208 uh i i've i think i'm i'm going to start it's 9 00 am here in france uh i hope you can see my screen BRAP1Slrm0E-00001-00001280-00002016 you know the sun is good i want to thank you all to be here BRAP1Slrm0E-00002-00002296-00003368 i hope you are still awake you are awake enough or depending of your time zone and depending of uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00003-00003368-00004264 how many hours you attend already at this summit uh i hope you are going to enjoy uh this one hour BRAP1Slrm0E-00004-00004264-00005584 session i'm really glad to have the opportunity to talk about labview events now and i want to BRAP1Slrm0E-00005-00005584-00006592 thank uh three people here that have reviewed part of my presentation or the the whole presentation BRAP1Slrm0E-00006-00006776-00007744 fabula uh cyril and uh greg smith from uh ni rnd uh it was already great to have your inputs BRAP1Slrm0E-00007-00007744-00008584 uh i learned things i i'm still learning things on events so i hope you will learn things to BRAP1Slrm0E-00008-00008656-00009424 at least one or two things things here so just before diving into the presentation BRAP1Slrm0E-00009-00009424-00010592 i just want to introduce myself quickly my name is olivier jordan i'm a labor architect i'm a BRAP1Slrm0E-00010-00010592-00011560 lobby champion i'm from france i think you hear that and i started my own company three years ago BRAP1Slrm0E-00011-00011560-00012416 i've been using labview for more than 20 years now actually i started using it in the last century BRAP1Slrm0E-00012-00012592-00013519 and i started the overlap three years ago we are ni partner uh decrement trusted advisor BRAP1Slrm0E-00013-00013519-00014624 and we are here to help everyone that have uh needs with a labview programmation we can design BRAP1Slrm0E-00014-00014752-00015696 develop labview applications we can help labview developer or team of labview developers to BRAP1Slrm0E-00015-00015784-00017312 improve their their skills to help them use tools like git or continuous integration we have BRAP1Slrm0E-00016-00017488-00018120 training courses about how to use git in labview environment how to BRAP1Slrm0E-00017-00018232-00019512 set up a continuous integration process and also how to master the qmh framework so uh yeah as BRAP1Slrm0E-00018-00019600-00020352 far as it's related to labview we can help um i'm also part of the BRAP1Slrm0E-00019-00020672-00021352 board of the dq match consortium so this is the new company that is responsible of maintaining BRAP1Slrm0E-00020-00021352-00022584 and improving the dqmx framework and that's really a great journey to be a part of this consortium so BRAP1Slrm0E-00021-00022680-00023664 that being said um i want to show you 10 things to know or more about subject events and BRAP1Slrm0E-00022-00023816-00024568 i don't have any slides today it's just labview examples so let's get started BRAP1Slrm0E-00023-00024864-00025895 first thing i want to show you and we are going probably to start with really basic BRAP1Slrm0E-00024-00025992-00027327 things and dive into uh more advanced uh things uh after but where uh events can come from in labview BRAP1Slrm0E-00025-00027392-00028256 the first thing and i think everyone knows that air and this is the the first thing you BRAP1Slrm0E-00026-00028256-00028976 uh you use when you start using events in labview is the event uh coming from the BRAP1Slrm0E-00027-00028976-00029968 user interface so it's really easy to uh under event like value change on a button you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00028-00030104-00030952 handle the mouse mouse move event to get the the mouse position you can handle the keyboard event BRAP1Slrm0E-00029-00030952-00031568 etc etc it's all happening in the event structure and you add a new case BRAP1Slrm0E-00030-00031568-00032583 to handle the new kind of event you want to under this is really easy another way to have events BRAP1Slrm0E-00031-00032744-00033784 in labview it's the event user the user event so basically it's just BRAP1Slrm0E-00032-00034112-00035040 firing event programmatically so you need to create an event so in this example i'm BRAP1Slrm0E-00033-00035040-00035584 creating an event at the beginning of the the code i'm registering this event BRAP1Slrm0E-00034-00035800-00036784 here and then with the dynamic event node i can tell this event structure to handle BRAP1Slrm0E-00035-00036880-00037856 these two new events and in the bottom loop i'm generating events and in the top loop i'm handling BRAP1Slrm0E-00036-00037856-00038632 the events with the event structure at the end of the execution i'm unregistering the events BRAP1Slrm0E-00037-00038688-00039400 and i'm destroying the user event created at the beginning so this is a BRAP1Slrm0E-00038-00039600-00040112 good way to share data between the different parts of your code BRAP1Slrm0E-00039-00040472-00041064 i think these are the most known way to have events BRAP1Slrm0E-00040-00041120-00041704 and to use events in labview there are other way to use events in labview BRAP1Slrm0E-00041-00041896-00042800 the event callback this is probably something not really known um but you have this um BRAP1Slrm0E-00042-00043016-00043256 register event callback node here BRAP1Slrm0E-00043-00043320-00043760 and this is something that could be really interesting to use when you are BRAP1Slrm0E-00044-00044088-00044584 making some ui and you want to avoid BRAP1Slrm0E-00045-00044800-00045504 duplication so how it works here you can see that i have no event structure in this code BRAP1Slrm0E-00046-00045560-00046512 but i have this register event callback node and i linked to this register then go back via BRAP1Slrm0E-00047-00046616-00047616 the reference of the vi and i have this static vi reference and i'm BRAP1Slrm0E-00048-00047712-00048608 handling the key down event on the vi pane i can handle any kind of BRAP1Slrm0E-00049-00048792-00049576 event related to the vi i can link any reference to any control here and BRAP1Slrm0E-00050-00049744-00050784 anytime a hidden event is going to be fired this vi is going to be called in this example BRAP1Slrm0E-00051-00050784-00051984 it's just recording the character types on the keyboard in a file so if i run the example BRAP1Slrm0E-00052-00052167-00053760 and i'm hitting some key on my keyboard i can find now a new file on the desktop with the key i hit BRAP1Slrm0E-00053-00054064-00054784 this is really useful if you make this part of code a suvi you can drop the subvi BRAP1Slrm0E-00054-00054848-00055872 in any other vi to get the feature uh embedded in your uh in your code so that's a great solution to BRAP1Slrm0E-00055-00055991-00057088 uh make feature available in any part of your code without rewriting all the code at each time BRAP1Slrm0E-00056-00057424-00057976 last source of events uh that mx event BRAP1Slrm0E-00057-00058176-00059504 here in my code i'm handling the acquisition of data through uh task events so you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00058-00059591-00060479 register for event with a task and here i'm calling the read the deca mix read on an event BRAP1Slrm0E-00059-00060704-00061648 handling and i call the read each time i have at least 500 samples BRAP1Slrm0E-00060-00061648-00062440 acquired into the buffer there are other kind of events available with uh dykemix task BRAP1Slrm0E-00061-00062440-00063184 but it could be really interesting sometimes to have this uh way to to BRAP1Slrm0E-00062-00063384-00064344 to be aware of what is happening with your task there are also a way to have events BRAP1Slrm0E-00063-00064344-00065000 with dot net and activix i don't have examples here but yeah it's good to know that too BRAP1Slrm0E-00064-00065200-00065944 um olivier any questions question yes um java asked if we will share the project BRAP1Slrm0E-00065-00065944-00066728 after the presentation yes it will it will be available uh through gitlab so i i will uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00066-00066728-00067384 share the link at the end at the end of the presentation good question BRAP1Slrm0E-00067-00067576-00068856 speaking of ui events a thing that should be mentioned here is the filtered event um you BRAP1Slrm0E-00068-00068928-00069592 probably uh may notice that uh if you are uh this is something BRAP1Slrm0E-00069-00069664-00070512 i think it's known but it's always good to remember this that sometimes you can see BRAP1Slrm0E-00070-00070784-00071584 events duplicated kind of duplicated events in the edit events window BRAP1Slrm0E-00071-00071648-00072120 here we have the key done and the key done but we have a question mark at the end BRAP1Slrm0E-00072-00072120-00072680 and the arrow is green for one and red for for the user BRAP1Slrm0E-00073-00072944-00073680 this is when you have the the question mark at the end of the event this is a filtered event BRAP1Slrm0E-00074-00073752-00074896 so what it means it means that this event is fired before the action linked to the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00075-00074896-00075840 is done so you can modify the event or discard it so if we run the example here i have BRAP1Slrm0E-00076-00076192-00077080 a string control where i can write things and i'm just displaying the last key pressed BRAP1Slrm0E-00077-00077168-00078152 and now i'm going to discard the key down event so i'm hitting the keyboard you can see that last BRAP1Slrm0E-00078-00078152-00079008 key pressed change but in the input as far as i discard the event nothing is happening BRAP1Slrm0E-00079-00079176-00079840 the second thing i can do with filter event it's modifying the event so here if i modify the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00080-00079896-00080640 you can see that i'm just incrementing the character the car numeric ascent so BRAP1Slrm0E-00081-00080784-00082152 if i'm hitting a input i have b uh written and if i hit b i have c etc etc the most BRAP1Slrm0E-00082-00082568-00083520 used case for this filtered event it's probably using the the close button to stop your BRAP1Slrm0E-00083-00083624-00084672 vi execution here i'm going to close the window the window is not is not closed but the code BRAP1Slrm0E-00084-00084792-00085784 is stopped because i'm asking the while loop to stop but i discard the close window event so i can BRAP1Slrm0E-00085-00085856-00087136 avoid adding a stop button on my user interface and simply use this when i want to stop the code BRAP1Slrm0E-00086-00087528-00088472 now i want to dive on a topic really really important this is the memory management because BRAP1Slrm0E-00087-00088528-00089696 when we talk about events um uh there are uh some people that are uh concerned uh about uh how the BRAP1Slrm0E-00088-00089696-00090896 memory is managed and i i need to show you how the memory management works with events so here BRAP1Slrm0E-00089-00091000-00092064 i have um a code below the example that is monitoring the the memory windows memory BRAP1Slrm0E-00090-00092128-00093048 so i'm going to continuously monitor monitored the memory in the left graph and in the right BRAP1Slrm0E-00091-00093048-00093984 graph you just have the the data it's just to see what is happening so i'm starting the this vi uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00092-00094080-00095632 and uh yes we can see that uh the memory uh is about zero this is a delta um so what i'm doing BRAP1Slrm0E-00093-00095632-00096720 in this example i'm starting by creating a user event and then i'm adding 100 user events with BRAP1Slrm0E-00094-00096720-00097544 large data a large amount of data here as you can see in the memory uh graph nothing is happening BRAP1Slrm0E-00095-00097600-00098656 so we have messages that weights half a megabyte and we have nothing because we didn't register BRAP1Slrm0E-00096-00098656-00099584 the user but now i'm going to register the event and generate again 100 user events BRAP1Slrm0E-00097-00099872-00100480 so we can see that the memory is increasing and now i'm going to BRAP1Slrm0E-00098-00100648-00101240 handle this event i'm going to handle half of the 100 BRAP1Slrm0E-00099-00101496-00102472 messages so you can see that we still have things in memory about half the the memory and now BRAP1Slrm0E-00100-00102472-00103544 i'm going to unregister for event and as soon as i'm unregistering the event the memory goes down BRAP1Slrm0E-00101-00103776-00103783 so BRAP1Slrm0E-00102-00104080-00104776 if you don't have any register event you can generate event it's not BRAP1Slrm0E-00103-00104776-00105600 a problem with memory it's not going to create a memory leak as soon as you are handling the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00104-00105816-00106759 fast enough you are removing event from memory and when you unregistered event you are going to free BRAP1Slrm0E-00105-00106759-00107616 all the memory with all the unhandled events that's the basic way memory is managed with BRAP1Slrm0E-00106-00107616-00108720 events another example in the memory management and another question another concern people can BRAP1Slrm0E-00107-00108720-00110311 have with memory usage so i'm still monitoring the windows memory location here and i'm creating 100 BRAP1Slrm0E-00108-00110311-00111376 events so i created the user event i registered i'm adding the 100 events and now i'm going to BRAP1Slrm0E-00109-00111616-00111856 enter in the while loop but the BRAP1Slrm0E-00110-00112080-00113048 event structure is not handling my data user event so what is going to happen uh to this BRAP1Slrm0E-00111-00113048-00113976 uh events in memory and in the same time i'm go i'm going to continuously generate user events BRAP1Slrm0E-00112-00114248-00114983 in parallel so i'm reading the code and yeah as soon as the event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00113-00115200-00115752 is executed the event not handled by the event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00114-00115848-00116752 are freed from memory and i can continuously generate user events but there is no BRAP1Slrm0E-00115-00116944-00117872 handler for for them so the memory remains to zero there are no memory leak in this situation BRAP1Slrm0E-00116-00118008-00118616 the only memory leak you can have with events is that you are registering user event and BRAP1Slrm0E-00117-00118616-00119648 your event structure is not handling event fast enough uh and so you are uh basically BRAP1Slrm0E-00118-00119648-00120632 uh uh having your even cue growing uh because you are not ending the event uh uh fast enough BRAP1Slrm0E-00119-00120904-00121176 is there any question about the memory management BRAP1Slrm0E-00120-00121359-00122040 the only question was from java asking if we close the vi without unregistering and there BRAP1Slrm0E-00121-00122040-00122608 are still unhandled messages will the memory be released to which we think the answer is yes BRAP1Slrm0E-00122-00122783-00123496 yes i would say too but this is something you don't have you don't have BRAP1Slrm0E-00123-00123583-00124335 uh yeah yeah i think uh if you are not on registering events uh it's still in memory BRAP1Slrm0E-00124-00124583-00125808 but yeah you have to unregister uh events when you finish uh the the the code uh and and the BRAP1Slrm0E-00125-00125808-00126496 call to the device structure yeah that probably the memory will be released when the vi leaves BRAP1Slrm0E-00126-00126496-00127135 the memory which i think too and as he says there's not a good control other than removing BRAP1Slrm0E-00127-00127135-00127888 the the iphone memory but still like whatever said it's good practice to just clean up after you BRAP1Slrm0E-00128-00128192-00128335 okay okay um BRAP1Slrm0E-00129-00128552-00129400 now i'm going to show you rules uh to follow when you are using event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00130-00129400-00130728 and rules to know uh anything first is about registering events so in green in the left this is BRAP1Slrm0E-00131-00130864-00131984 the way you should do every time so if you want to handle events in two different event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00132-00131984-00132616 you need to have one register event for each event structure so you need to fork BRAP1Slrm0E-00133-00132616-00133848 the wire the event wire and not as the event register wire as you can see on the on the right BRAP1Slrm0E-00134-00133928-00135160 why i didn't put this in red because i think 99.9 percent of the time you need to do this BRAP1Slrm0E-00135-00135320-00136056 if you are forking the event registration revenue you are not going BRAP1Slrm0E-00136-00136304-00136736 to know which event structure is going to handle event BRAP1Slrm0E-00137-00137024-00137752 the register event node is creating the queue here you are telling the code BRAP1Slrm0E-00138-00137824-00138608 you have one queue but you have two different structures that are going to handle the event so BRAP1Slrm0E-00139-00138608-00139416 they are going to share the queue so events are going to be handled randomly by one or another BRAP1Slrm0E-00140-00139576-00140216 event structure it could be interesting if you want to optimize the thread usage BRAP1Slrm0E-00141-00140336-00141160 of your vi and obviously data contained in your event should be BRAP1Slrm0E-00142-00141416-00142048 independent from other events so yeah it's not in red but BRAP1Slrm0E-00143-00142176-00143432 um yeah do it carefully if you need to to do it uh a second thing to know it's the um multiple BRAP1Slrm0E-00144-00143584-00144384 uh event structure in a while loop this is in red i'm strongly um BRAP1Slrm0E-00145-00144712-00145600 asking you to not doing this because it's going to be a nightmare to to use so just remember that BRAP1Slrm0E-00146-00145664-00146616 this is not to be done olivia just a commentary question going back to the previous example BRAP1Slrm0E-00147-00146616-00147184 mike asked that on the right hand side in the yellow case if you can show it quickly once more BRAP1Slrm0E-00148-00147576-00148056 yeah in this one the question was if event handling cases will be in separate while loops BRAP1Slrm0E-00149-00148120-00148584 will they end up in separate parallel threads BRAP1Slrm0E-00150-00148760-00149168 good question i don't know i don't really know BRAP1Slrm0E-00151-00149392-00149848 but it would be a problem right because the the problem itself would still be the same thing so BRAP1Slrm0E-00152-00149848-00150504 fab asked to say out loud but the problem with forking the wire is that there is a case where BRAP1Slrm0E-00153-00150504-00151384 both can handle it so then one would starve the other one if we fork the event registration wire BRAP1Slrm0E-00154-00151672-00151888 so maybe maybe reiterate that BRAP1Slrm0E-00155-00152360-00152760 that there can be a problem most times there will be a problem when you fork the BRAP1Slrm0E-00156-00152760-00153744 event registration wire yes but it could be some time interesting to use it carefully BRAP1Slrm0E-00157-00153832-00154600 and and this this is something i discussed with uh craig smith uh from an irani BRAP1Slrm0E-00158-00154600-00155488 and uh it didn't tell me that uh you mustn't fork this wire but you need to be aware that BRAP1Slrm0E-00159-00155792-00156840 it should be handled carefully really carefully yeah okay is it is it okay i think that should BRAP1Slrm0E-00160-00156840-00157304 be the takeaway for everybody if you [ __ ] the wire that's really you have to know what BRAP1Slrm0E-00161-00157304-00158144 you're doing and more probably so yes yes yeah this this is fine there no issue with this air BRAP1Slrm0E-00162-00158384-00158440 this is a BRAP1Slrm0E-00163-00158648-00159192 great power but it's great responsibility too okay if i may BRAP1Slrm0E-00164-00159400-00159784 use this uh words BRAP1Slrm0E-00165-00159936-00160856 okay now let's dive into timeout events because sometimes timeouts events is not really BRAP1Slrm0E-00166-00160856-00161808 understanded understand by uh by user so what is the detailed event this is uh and this is the BRAP1Slrm0E-00167-00161808-00162592 the default case you have when you drop the event structure in your diagram so we need to understand BRAP1Slrm0E-00168-00162592-00163800 what is it so uh the timeout event is fired uh as soon as you don't have any other events uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00169-00163800-00164760 in handle uh by the even structure fired during the time you you set uh in the timeout terminal BRAP1Slrm0E-00170-00165128-00166272 here we can see in the example that timeout events are executed repeatedly now if i'm BRAP1Slrm0E-00171-00166344-00167120 moving the slider you can see that the timeout is not executing anymore because i'm handling BRAP1Slrm0E-00172-00167120-00168184 the value change on the slider so this is the thing to know the thing to know is that you are BRAP1Slrm0E-00173-00168320-00169224 you don't have to have a timeout uh event uh case uh in your event structure you you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00174-00169224-00169976 remove it and just handle the event you want and if there is a timeout case you need to BRAP1Slrm0E-00175-00170040-00171008 wear your value in the timeout terminal this is what we need to know about timeout events but BRAP1Slrm0E-00176-00171136-00171872 we need to go further than that and um what we can do with the timeout event and for BRAP1Slrm0E-00177-00171928-00172592 i think probably for the qama user uh it's something uh really interesting to know because BRAP1Slrm0E-00178-00172592-00173616 uh you can add a helper loop in your uh dqmh module and it's still relaying on the on an BRAP1Slrm0E-00179-00173616-00174352 event structure and if you want an upper loop to do something repetitively you are going to use the BRAP1Slrm0E-00180-00174560-00175184 probably you are going to use the timeout event so we can have some issue with with this because BRAP1Slrm0E-00181-00175312-00175928 here in this example i'm generating i'm simulating a BRAP1Slrm0E-00182-00176168-00177408 repetitive reading action on an instrument so it's working well uh in my first graph i have the the BRAP1Slrm0E-00183-00177408-00178040 the data read and on the the graph below i'm plotting the the time between BRAP1Slrm0E-00184-00178104-00178536 two reads but it's simulated and i'm just BRAP1Slrm0E-00185-00178760-00179936 generating a sine wave but to be more realistic i need to add some delay some random delay on the BRAP1Slrm0E-00186-00179936-00181024 read action so if i'm doing that we can see that uh the time elapsed between two reads uh are not BRAP1Slrm0E-00187-00181264-00182280 is not the same so i have the delay because the timeout is starting when the event structure is BRAP1Slrm0E-00188-00182280-00183456 uh which is rich again in the data flow so if i it took uh 100 milliseconds to execute the timeout BRAP1Slrm0E-00189-00183512-00184592 case i'm going to add this to the 250 millisecond i set here and another issue BRAP1Slrm0E-00190-00184656-00185656 i can have is that if my event structure is handling another event like right action if i'm BRAP1Slrm0E-00191-00185744-00186496 doing this i'm resetting the timeout and if i'm doing the right action faster than the timeout BRAP1Slrm0E-00192-00186640-00187952 period i'm completely stopping the reduction so this is not going to work to have a steady BRAP1Slrm0E-00193-00188088-00189184 execution period so how we can fix these issues that's the point that is interesting BRAP1Slrm0E-00194-00189264-00190168 here i have this example the same example but if i run it and if i add reading delay BRAP1Slrm0E-00195-00190312-00190944 i can see that the elapsed time between two reads is the same if i'm writing BRAP1Slrm0E-00196-00191040-00191984 and i'm rating fast my reading is not stopped and everything is working fine so how we fix that BRAP1Slrm0E-00197-00192064-00192808 we just have to rectify the timeout period so for the timeout case BRAP1Slrm0E-00198-00192888-00193656 i'm just keeping track of the time the read operation is taking to BRAP1Slrm0E-00199-00193952-00194560 to to get the the data and i'm subtracting it to the actual BRAP1Slrm0E-00200-00194696-00195416 rating period i want and for the right uh action the thing is as BRAP1Slrm0E-00201-00195496-00196656 for each timeout execution i'm keeping track of the time the case is uh executing and in the uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00202-00196656-00197824 writing uh case i'm just removing the actual the current time to the latest time the timeout case BRAP1Slrm0E-00203-00197824-00198656 uh as it has been executed and i'm removing from the the actual period so i can keep the BRAP1Slrm0E-00204-00198832-00199984 reading period steady and equal so this is uh probably a really easy trick to implement but BRAP1Slrm0E-00205-00199984-00200944 it is something you need to have in mind when you use the timeouts case to have a repetitive action BRAP1Slrm0E-00206-00201384-00202272 to make a repetitive action it's you need to have uh in mind that the timeout could be uh uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00207-00202568-00203184 prevented to execute as you uh may uh want uh if you are not keeping BRAP1Slrm0E-00208-00203256-00203728 this rectification code in your code BRAP1Slrm0E-00209-00203992-00204584 so i hope it could help people to use timeouts even that's one question BRAP1Slrm0E-00210-00204720-00205192 uh one question that's i think would be good for you to answer benjamin is asking if this BRAP1Slrm0E-00211-00205192-00205552 if this could be achieved with the wait for next um multiple BRAP1Slrm0E-00212-00205776-00206344 wait for next millisecond multiple yeah in in which in in which BRAP1Slrm0E-00213-00206344-00207384 case you want to add the weight multiple milliseconds i don't think it could be ah BRAP1Slrm0E-00214-00207536-00208152 used in this case i i don't see how you can uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00215-00208464-00209408 i don't think the short the short reply for me it's no you can uh you can fix this issue with BRAP1Slrm0E-00216-00209408-00210016 the weight multiple uh millisecond so i think the idea would be to make the timer itself very small BRAP1Slrm0E-00217-00210016-00210608 and then put the weight function in the timeout case so that you time out immediately and then BRAP1Slrm0E-00218-00210608-00211280 wait for the period there but mike adds that if any handling takes then actually longer BRAP1Slrm0E-00219-00211352-00211984 than the wait period there will be some skewing in the face but that is a problem BRAP1Slrm0E-00220-00211984-00212616 anyhow i think no matter what the mechanism here is if but yeah you do takes longer than a timeout BRAP1Slrm0E-00221-00212800-00213584 yeah the difference probably is that if the reading uh action is uh taking more than two uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00222-00213680-00214552 150 milliseconds you are going to have the timeout uh event uh the timeout to zero so it's going to BRAP1Slrm0E-00223-00214712-00215336 go faster to the the next trade if you are using the next multiple millisecond i think BRAP1Slrm0E-00224-00215336-00216416 you are going to wait for the next multiple minus one iteration right yes yes i think so BRAP1Slrm0E-00225-00216416-00217856 i yeah i i i use this trick many times uh it's working fine i didn't see any uh cavets BRAP1Slrm0E-00226-00218008-00218752 and i yeah i wouldn't use the the next multiple uh the weight next multiple milliseconds BRAP1Slrm0E-00227-00219048-00219800 we can discuss it uh later if you uh if it's an interesting point and probably we we would need to BRAP1Slrm0E-00228-00219800-00220352 to modify this example uh this example uh and use the the the the weight the next BRAP1Slrm0E-00229-00220352-00221384 multiple millisecond uh node uh and see what what's is happening now i i never tried it BRAP1Slrm0E-00230-00221936-00223144 get back to the user interface event this is something i really like i i like uh user interface BRAP1Slrm0E-00231-00223208-00223888 and i like uh making really advanced user interface and this is something i BRAP1Slrm0E-00232-00223976-00225216 i used and i've been using for a dynamic user interface i would say you can register you need BRAP1Slrm0E-00233-00225216-00226328 to know that you can register event dynamically when we talk about user interface events uh we BRAP1Slrm0E-00234-00226423-00227432 probably think uh first that we need to add a new case to handle a kidon event or value change event BRAP1Slrm0E-00235-00227432-00228512 but we can also register events dynamically so you can wire a reference on the register event you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00236-00228512-00229544 select which event you want to handle and here in this example i'm going to i'm just going to BRAP1Slrm0E-00237-00229704-00230448 to to make you the demo so yeah i want to be able to uh move controls uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00238-00230656-00231184 when i run the vi so how we are going to to do that BRAP1Slrm0E-00239-00231256-00231944 we are at the beginning of the code we are registering uh all the uh mouse done BRAP1Slrm0E-00240-00232016-00232816 event on all the controls we can find uh in the ui and then i'm also preparing and BRAP1Slrm0E-00241-00233023-00233367 the event structure to handle the mouse move BRAP1Slrm0E-00242-00233367-00234096 and the mouse up event on the pane but as you can see i'm just wiring air a constant so BRAP1Slrm0E-00243-00234223-00234800 events are not registered but we are just telling the event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00244-00235016-00235567 there could be this event to end up and now in the event structure i can BRAP1Slrm0E-00245-00236152-00237064 handle the milestone event and when i have a mouse down event on one of the control here BRAP1Slrm0E-00246-00237144-00237632 i'm registering the mouse move and the mouse up event on the pane BRAP1Slrm0E-00247-00237944-00238864 with this i can follow the mouse when i grab the control and change the position of the BRAP1Slrm0E-00248-00238864-00239680 control and when the mouse up event is fired i'm just unregistering the mouse move and mouse up BRAP1Slrm0E-00249-00239680-00240744 event and i don't have any even to handle here anymore and the the the really cool thing uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00250-00240823-00241832 in this vi is that i can duplicate the controls run the vi and it's working for all the duplicated BRAP1Slrm0E-00251-00241832-00242919 events so yeah i like that and uh it's really interesting to know this uh to be able to BRAP1Slrm0E-00252-00243008-00243784 to make advanced uh ui uh interface i think BRAP1Slrm0E-00253-00244104-00244776 now the end of the the presentation and the examples is more about BRAP1Slrm0E-00254-00244888-00245560 how to debug an application that use event events in it BRAP1Slrm0E-00255-00245840-00246671 first thing to know is that labview is providing the event inspector window this is BRAP1Slrm0E-00256-00246671-00247232 a tool uh you can uh find in the the view menu and uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00257-00247360-00248328 this is uh something that allows you to monitor the event queue so if i'm running this vi or BRAP1Slrm0E-00258-00248456-00249496 this other vi uh the thing is that we can select which vi we want to and which queue we want to BRAP1Slrm0E-00259-00249496-00250504 monitor we have a log so here we can see that all these timeouts events have been handled BRAP1Slrm0E-00260-00250696-00251392 the underlying table is here to let you know that everything is going fine BRAP1Slrm0E-00261-00251392-00252408 you don't have any unrelevant here if this table is growing it's not good for you and uh if i'm BRAP1Slrm0E-00262-00252648-00253616 looking at what the event inspector window can give us i'm just moving one control BRAP1Slrm0E-00263-00253616-00254208 and i can see in the lobe that i have the mouse down event on string two BRAP1Slrm0E-00264-00254392-00255296 handle some must move on the pane and one muscop on the pane so i can see all the events BRAP1Slrm0E-00265-00255296-00256119 i described uh to you uh before in this uh in this window so this is a a great tool to know uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00266-00256119-00256792 if you have uh if you need to inspect uh what is happening with your events uh in your code BRAP1Slrm0E-00267-00256928-00257816 and one thing yeah just one thing to know about this is that you can find uh the vi BRAP1Slrm0E-00268-00257816-00258608 used to create the event inspector window in the labview resource dialog event inspector folder BRAP1Slrm0E-00269-00258696-00259344 and so you can build your own event inspector or yeah get information on the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00270-00259344-00260271 on this and uh just be careful this are not public vi so it can be modified or removed without notice BRAP1Slrm0E-00271-00260416-00261112 by an eye yes you're good there are questions i think that's kind of already answering it BRAP1Slrm0E-00272-00261112-00261552 mike asked if there is a way to programmatically read the length of unhandled events here BRAP1Slrm0E-00273-00261728-00262632 yes we with the the the vi uh here you can get the information exactly thank you you're welcome BRAP1Slrm0E-00274-00262872-00263576 and um now now we we we know that uh we have the events inspector BRAP1Slrm0E-00275-00263704-00264512 uh what kind of [ __ ] situation uh can be lead to uh what i call an overflowed event structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00276-00264512-00264960 so an event structure that has events unhandled BRAP1Slrm0E-00277-00265184-00266328 here i have an example where i have two sliders here and i have one case BRAP1Slrm0E-00278-00266456-00267584 for each of this slider with different options and we are going to look at the latency BRAP1Slrm0E-00279-00267720-00268816 of the event ending so what is latency is uh the measurement of the difference between the time BRAP1Slrm0E-00280-00268816-00269512 where the event is generated and the time where the structure event is handling the event and BRAP1Slrm0E-00281-00269632-00270480 i want to point out to you that we have a really useful output here on the left of the structure BRAP1Slrm0E-00282-00270480-00271648 this is the time output and this is something i i learned six months ago so i i'm using labview for BRAP1Slrm0E-00283-00271744-00272576 20 years now and i still learning things on events so uh yeah it's it's great to have this kind of BRAP1Slrm0E-00284-00272576-00273280 uh feature and and this kind of learning uh when you you are coding with you so this BRAP1Slrm0E-00285-00273280-00274248 uh output is not uh as i was thinking uh before it's not the time where the case is BRAP1Slrm0E-00286-00274248-00275296 executing but it's the time where the event that is generating the execution of this case has been BRAP1Slrm0E-00287-00275504-00276400 fired has been generated so if you are subtracting the current time to time you have the latency uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00288-00276504-00277280 you can uh you are uh handling the event so if i get back to the example BRAP1Slrm0E-00289-00277520-00278392 we are expecting to have the lowest latency possible so here we can see that for both BRAP1Slrm0E-00290-00278480-00279464 sliders value change event i'm about zero latency but i have nothing to do in my BRAP1Slrm0E-00291-00279520-00280240 event case so i'm going to add some delay here and i'm going to see what is happening with the BRAP1Slrm0E-00292-00280240-00281120 first slider so the first layer we can see that we still have the zero latency but the slider BRAP1Slrm0E-00293-00281120-00282088 is not moving smoothly we can see that we are missing some event and on the second slider BRAP1Slrm0E-00294-00282240-00283192 i still have the smooth way to move the slider but we can see that the latency is uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00295-00283328-00284656 growing so i'm going to have to i'm i'm unqueueing some events and i'm handling it with delay so if BRAP1Slrm0E-00296-00284656-00285368 you have this kind of situation in your ui uh the user uh is going to have a really BRAP1Slrm0E-00297-00285464-00286464 bad experience uh so what's the difference with the two uh sliders the first one has the BRAP1Slrm0E-00298-00286704-00287320 lock panel option enabled this is the default value for this option so BRAP1Slrm0E-00299-00287376-00287792 as far as you have this option enabled BRAP1Slrm0E-00300-00288216-00289104 labview is going to defer any event that could happen until the case the event case BRAP1Slrm0E-00301-00289248-00290336 completes so you are not adding events in the queue in the second uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00302-00290432-00291288 event i disabled this function so all the events are entered in the event queue BRAP1Slrm0E-00303-00291344-00292376 so if it takes time to handle each event you are going to have the the the queue growing BRAP1Slrm0E-00304-00292480-00293000 another option you can use here is that you can limit the maximum instance of BRAP1Slrm0E-00305-00293072-00293640 this event in the queue if you want to to keep track of the 10 lightest BRAP1Slrm0E-00306-00293800-00294888 instances of this event in your queue you can define it here so yeah be aware be aware of BRAP1Slrm0E-00307-00294944-00295656 there are some controls there are some events that are really prone to this kind of issue sliders uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00308-00295712-00296520 mouse move events etc etc the the old event that that can all the event that can generate BRAP1Slrm0E-00309-00296624-00297432 all the controls that can generate lots of events when the user is moving the mouse i would say BRAP1Slrm0E-00310-00297736-00298112 olivia another question came in yes mike asks if BRAP1Slrm0E-00311-00298112-00298672 one can do the q length limiting also for user events BRAP1Slrm0E-00312-00298896-00299784 yes the excellent question we are going to the next example thank you for this question BRAP1Slrm0E-00313-00299872-00299976 this was not prepared BRAP1Slrm0E-00314-00300192-00301184 we can flush events so we saw in the previous example a way to statically statically BRAP1Slrm0E-00315-00301272-00301568 configure the way the event queue is BRAP1Slrm0E-00316-00302056-00302952 is uh handling uh the event that that come in in the queue but we have this uh function the flush BRAP1Slrm0E-00317-00303032-00304120 function so uh just to reminder events functions are in the dialogue and user interface palette BRAP1Slrm0E-00318-00304120-00304752 right that's probably not the right place but anyway you need to know that and you can find BRAP1Slrm0E-00319-00304752-00305520 the uh flush event here so this function is really powerful it's a bit complicated to use BRAP1Slrm0E-00320-00305520-00306368 but it's really powerful so speaking of user events and how to handle an overflowed BRAP1Slrm0E-00321-00306624-00307640 user event uh this is uh the usual example i have uh so i i create a user event BRAP1Slrm0E-00322-00307640-00308320 i have a loop that generates data and my main loop is handling the event uh everything is BRAP1Slrm0E-00323-00308496-00309072 going fine i'm i can open the event inspector and this is something to know you can open the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00324-00309072-00310032 inspector directly from the event structure uh right clicking when on it when the code BRAP1Slrm0E-00325-00310032-00310568 is running and you have the event inspector window available here and we can see that BRAP1Slrm0E-00326-00310792-00311920 we don't have an handled event here but as usual i can add some delay in the event in the case BRAP1Slrm0E-00327-00311920-00312840 that handled the event and we are going to see that the unhandled event table is growing so BRAP1Slrm0E-00328-00312840-00314016 we have an issue here i can enable the flush i can remove the delay and so you see that everything is BRAP1Slrm0E-00329-00314168-00315032 going fine again but if i add delay i can also flush the overflowed events and this is something BRAP1Slrm0E-00330-00315032-00316256 really interesting because we can select which type of event which event we want to uh to flash BRAP1Slrm0E-00331-00316256-00317112 so you can register multiple events here and it could be user event it could be user interface BRAP1Slrm0E-00332-00317112-00318048 event it could be any kind of event in this flush function and you can tell this function to flush BRAP1Slrm0E-00333-00318264-00318992 one or more type of event here and you can tell BRAP1Slrm0E-00334-00319200-00320048 it that uh you want to keep the n most recent event here i'm just keeping the 10 most recent BRAP1Slrm0E-00335-00320048-00321112 events so you can see that my uh my data is not really good but we know that this is the BRAP1Slrm0E-00336-00321112-00321944 most recent data here and we can also uh tell the flush function that we want to keep the BRAP1Slrm0E-00337-00322104-00322800 oldest event time uh so we we we want to keep the here the uh all the events that BRAP1Slrm0E-00338-00322800-00323384 happen during the the last seconds so you can do a lot of things here and i would say BRAP1Slrm0E-00339-00323384-00324192 that the best thing to do it's that your code obviously need to handle events correctly but BRAP1Slrm0E-00340-00324192-00325120 you can use the flush event to monitor uh your code execution so we can imagine that in your code BRAP1Slrm0E-00341-00325272-00325872 a user is uh modifying the setting or your computer is not working uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00342-00326024-00326384 working fine and the time processing is is BRAP1Slrm0E-00343-00326600-00327464 bigger than usual and you can get the number of events discarded so you can monitor uh if there BRAP1Slrm0E-00344-00327464-00328552 are some events older than once again or 500 milliseconds not handled and warned the user BRAP1Slrm0E-00345-00328552-00329288 that there is probably an issue with the with the code so that's really an interesting and uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00346-00329472-00330528 excellent uh function to use when you are dealing with uh events we have five minutes for the latest BRAP1Slrm0E-00347-00330528-00331192 example and this is some uh this is an example i really uh i wasn't uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00348-00331440-00332200 i yeah i hesitated to to to add this to my presentation but this is something that BRAP1Slrm0E-00349-00332200-00332984 happens really really often when you uh are discussing events with people uh it comes BRAP1Slrm0E-00350-00332984-00334040 that we need to compare events with queue and i don't want to be dogmatic i really like events BRAP1Slrm0E-00351-00334040-00335056 and i like q also i use them when it's needed but yeah i just want to highlight the similarities BRAP1Slrm0E-00352-00335056-00335944 and the differences uh between cues and events so first thing uh is similarities with events BRAP1Slrm0E-00353-00336000-00336832 and with q you can have priority message uh with q you have the unqueue element at opposite opposite BRAP1Slrm0E-00354-00336832-00337792 end and with the generate user event you can tell this function to on queue with high priority BRAP1Slrm0E-00355-00337968-00338800 just be aware that there are small differences between these two when you are generating user BRAP1Slrm0E-00356-00338800-00339720 events with high priority it's just adding the event in top of the normal priority so BRAP1Slrm0E-00357-00339720-00340656 if you have two events with high priority generated the second event will be less BRAP1Slrm0E-00358-00340904-00341920 will be added after the first high priority message so yes you and this is uh this is in BRAP1Slrm0E-00359-00341920-00342800 the documentation but it's it's not that obvious uh when you read the documentation as far for BRAP1Slrm0E-00360-00342800-00343704 a non-native english speaker you can flush event and you can flush q this is the same and with the BRAP1Slrm0E-00361-00343760-00344720 uh flush uh event queue uh it could it could be selective depending of the event you want to clash BRAP1Slrm0E-00362-00344808-00345368 now talking about differences there's no preview event queue BRAP1Slrm0E-00363-00345528-00345968 element that's something to know there are no uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00364-00346176-00347424 uh anything uh that could be uh identical to the named queue so for those who don't know you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00365-00347424-00348040 create a queue with a name if you are uh coding the obtain queue with the same name it's not BRAP1Slrm0E-00366-00348040-00348880 going to create a new uh queue reference but it's going to to call the same uh reference BRAP1Slrm0E-00367-00348880-00349480 but yeah uh it's breaking the data flow uh it's like having a global but this is something you can BRAP1Slrm0E-00368-00349480-00350128 have with the queue and it could be interesting to to to use it sometimes a big difference between BRAP1Slrm0E-00369-00350128-00351056 queues and events is that events are one-to-many relationship and q queues are one-to-one so BRAP1Slrm0E-00370-00351120-00351624 if you have if you create one user event and you register to many BRAP1Slrm0E-00371-00351864-00352560 different user event structure and you generate a user event all the event BRAP1Slrm0E-00372-00352560-00353392 structure are going to receive this this event in the uh with the queue you click the queue BRAP1Slrm0E-00373-00353448-00354080 you have an enqueue you need to have a dq uh and you can't have uh multiple dq BRAP1Slrm0E-00374-00354192-00355016 or you are not going to to know which of the dq uh function is going to under the event so this BRAP1Slrm0E-00375-00355016-00355816 is probably the the biggest difference between queue queues and events uh another thing to know BRAP1Slrm0E-00376-00355816-00356472 is that and i showed you in the previous example uh if you create an event and generate user events BRAP1Slrm0E-00377-00356472-00357224 you are not going to have any memory as soon as you are not registering the the event uh with the BRAP1Slrm0E-00378-00357224-00357968 queue if you do the same if you unqueue without dequeuing you are going to have a memory uh BRAP1Slrm0E-00379-00358128-00358848 latest thing i wanted to know to to tell you uh is uh it's about differences BRAP1Slrm0E-00380-00358904-00359568 uh one cool thing with events uh is that with the same structure here BRAP1Slrm0E-00381-00359568-00360560 i can handle different type and uh i have a case for each of the events with the uh data BRAP1Slrm0E-00382-00360616-00361384 available in the the left uh output yeah if i want to do the same with the queues BRAP1Slrm0E-00383-00361504-00362320 i need to create two different queues this is possible and if i want to handle the BRAP1Slrm0E-00384-00362584-00363392 different data type in the same queue i need to to use the the well-known uh cluster enum and BRAP1Slrm0E-00385-00363392-00364504 variant or string with variant so i can know when i dq the element of the queue that the queue BRAP1Slrm0E-00386-00364504-00365168 contains a boolean or string and i need to use the valiant to data function and it's prone to the BRAP1Slrm0E-00387-00365392-00365952 91 error when you change the data type here okay this is something BRAP1Slrm0E-00388-00366120-00367032 different from the cube but as i said use the queue when it's good to use them and use events BRAP1Slrm0E-00389-00367032-00367800 when it's good to to use them i'm done with this i'm sorry i'm a bit late and the code is available BRAP1Slrm0E-00390-00367928-00368976 on gitlab uh at this address yeah this is really easy it's gitlab.com overlap and open dash source BRAP1Slrm0E-00391-00368976-00369760 and you have all the open source projects robolab is maintaining available here thank you all BRAP1Slrm0E-00392-00369760-00370400 for your time and for your listening uh i hope you learn things and if you have any questions BRAP1Slrm0E-00393-00370568-00371296 i can reply it or we can yes just reach out to me and i would be pleased to talk about events BRAP1Slrm0E-00394-00371416-00372056 again thanks thank you olivier um there were no more questions in the chat BRAP1Slrm0E-00395-00372056-00372768 actually we could handle a few things that came up and we'll be interested to see all BRAP1Slrm0E-00396-00372768-00373344 the community contributions to your open source repository implementing all the BRAP1Slrm0E-00397-00373432-00374160 variations yes et cetera if you want to add things in these examples yes feel free to to add them BRAP1Slrm0E-00398-00374160-00374832 i will be happy to to look at them thank you everyone and uh thank you and i BRAP1Slrm0E-00399-00374832-00375848 have a a good end of the summit three hours left for those that didn't sleep from the beginning BVK2b2R9TuQ-00000-00000008-00000352 ourselves all right we have some breaking news we're gonna follow right now are we gonna go right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00001-00000352-00001064 to it uh Fox alert here this is a chase occurring now in downtown LA there you see a white vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00002-00001192-00001792 going through city streets in downtown LA this is a silver Camry going through downtown la BVK2b2R9TuQ-00003-00001792-00002152 and uh oh it's going a pretty fast speed there swerving in and out of traffic BVK2b2R9TuQ-00004-00002272-00002704 and the cops are on its tail and you can see choppers above following this guy we don't know BVK2b2R9TuQ-00005-00002704-00003456 what's kicked off this pursuit but this driver is driving pretty erratically right now running red BVK2b2R9TuQ-00006-00003456-00003815 lights running running as you can see right there in that intersection making a right turn there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00007-00003872-00004400 5:20 right now so we're looking at uh the busy time of the rush hour commute now just the start BVK2b2R9TuQ-00008-00004400-00005224 of the rush hour commute in a very congested area of the city there you can see under a under BVK2b2R9TuQ-00009-00005224-00005872 under an overpass there and uh driving on the wrong side of the road and there he goes again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00010-00005872-00006280 all the cars stopped and uh driving on the wrong side there was a pedestrian there too BVK2b2R9TuQ-00011-00006280-00006776 running out of the crosswalk because he makes it left dangerous he is on the wrong side of the road BVK2b2R9TuQ-00012-00006776-00007352 flying by these cars this car is headed was he still headed westbound at this time he just turned BVK2b2R9TuQ-00013-00007352-00007912 so he's headed south now really interesting here uh the hollenbeck division uh now on this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00014-00007912-00008608 LAPD hollenbeck division pursuing this and they're going into a tracking mode what they're concerned BVK2b2R9TuQ-00015-00008608-00009168 about at this point is the vehicle is going at a very high rate of speed so if they started whoa BVK2b2R9TuQ-00016-00009168-00009824 look at that right between two cars uh but they're doing this at a true this is very very dangerous BVK2b2R9TuQ-00017-00009936-00010392 uh a tracking mode they're concerned that if they continue to try and pursue this vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00018-00010392-00010816 that he will go even faster so they're in a tracking mode right now they obviously have BVK2b2R9TuQ-00019-00010816-00011168 uh usually in this situation they'll have an airship in the air at this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00020-00011168-00011600 point it only looks like we have one individual in this car but potentially BVK2b2R9TuQ-00021-00011704-00012008 if we learn that there's more we'll let you know there there he is as he tries BVK2b2R9TuQ-00022-00012008-00012608 as he drives erratically right now with police in surveillance mode we don't know if anyone's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00023-00012608-00013008 waiting up ahead or where he this guy is headed or what even tipped off this pursuit but he is BVK2b2R9TuQ-00024-00013008-00013472 in a rush and he is not slowing down for anything this is creating quite a hazard for other drivers BVK2b2R9TuQ-00025-00013472-00013984 on the road and as you can imagine as bobby said earlier really busy time right now in downtown l.a BVK2b2R9TuQ-00026-00013984-00014560 you got that huge freeway interchange there with many people trying to get home tonight this guy BVK2b2R9TuQ-00027-00014560-00015152 is creating quite a hazard there he goes weaving through traffic and once again in the wrong lane BVK2b2R9TuQ-00028-00015152-00015768 in the wrong lane headed the wrong way this is uh he is headed southbound on Alameda right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00029-00015936-00016504 and you can see the train tracks right there to the left of this car all of the cars there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00030-00016504-00017176 stopped at the light and he goes right through the intersection um again hollaback division BVK2b2R9TuQ-00031-00017176-00017776 tracking this we believe right now he is going westbound on alameda and LAPD officers you BVK2b2R9TuQ-00032-00017776-00018384 don't see any cruisers there any police whoa and he's just skins skin some of those cars BVK2b2R9TuQ-00033-00018496-00019112 going in this uh tracking mode as they continue to watch him because they are afraid that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00034-00019112-00019784 this vehicle as you can see already going at a very high rate of speed we have seen him go on the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00035-00019920-00020592 wrong side of the road and then also uh someone crossing a a a crosswalk there and running to get BVK2b2R9TuQ-00036-00020592-00021008 out of his way he's headed southbound on alameda he's approaching Vernon he may have passed that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00037-00021008-00021464 he's going so fast you can see him weaving in and out of cars and that's really the the danger here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00038-00021464-00021960 because he has no regard for drivers uh he's sharing the road with driving on the wrong side BVK2b2R9TuQ-00039-00021960-00022520 of the road headed in the wrong direction right now still headed south headed towards Slauson BVK2b2R9TuQ-00040-00022520-00023080 avenue once again this chase in downtown LA police are following this vehicle but they BVK2b2R9TuQ-00041-00023080-00023584 are in surveillance mode as far as we know right now uh meaning you can't you can't see them uh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00042-00023680-00024176 hot on his trail here if you will they're they're uh a bit behind him and it's probably a good thing BVK2b2R9TuQ-00043-00024176-00024728 for other drivers because this guy is flying down these side streets here in downtown la BVK2b2R9TuQ-00044-00024728-00025368 driving on the wrong side not stopping at red lights still on alameda headed south making a BVK2b2R9TuQ-00045-00025368-00026064 left there into the wrong going against traffic here and they moved out of the way look at this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00046-00026064-00026536 look at this and just pushing his way through on the center medium again i'll get you a street BVK2b2R9TuQ-00047-00026536-00026983 but again working his way well into solid in the downtown area we're going to be getting into the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00048-00026983-00027576 Huntington park area i can tell you that now we're working our way eastbound we is kind of heading BVK2b2R9TuQ-00049-00027576-00028232 towards the 710 major freeways not in this area not at all right now the only thing he's got right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00050-00028232-00028783 now are going to be surface streets major surface streets and going through Santa Fe and again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00051-00028895-00029376 excuse me uh just really just driving through the driving these crazy speeds BVK2b2R9TuQ-00052-00029376-00030024 pushing his way through these areas definitely in tracking mode I'm listening to LAPD in one ear BVK2b2R9TuQ-00053-00030024-00030432 and they're talking they're telling their officers back off they have backed off BVK2b2R9TuQ-00054-00030552-00031080 and we were on Slauson now we're on pacific southbound pacific avenue this is going to be one BVK2b2R9TuQ-00055-00031080-00031632 of those major arteries through Huntington park the Huntington park area this is the area where BVK2b2R9TuQ-00056-00031632-00032183 it's kind of like the old downtown where there's a lot of pedestrians out here uh look at you can BVK2b2R9TuQ-00057-00032183-00032695 see this driver look at this guy making a left turn whoa right there right there he sees that's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00058-00032695-00033168 called the traffic collision he hit that car and still didn't and it is still going going BVK2b2R9TuQ-00059-00033240-00033560 you know that was inevitable though the way that guy was driving we just BVK2b2R9TuQ-00060-00033624-00034184 knew that something like that was going to happen and hopefully they can uh get tagged there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00061-00034392-00034960 yeah this guy he hit another definitely running out no he didn't got really close he swerved the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00062-00034960-00035352 car kind of with his car a little bit went sideways looks like we're getting into a BVK2b2R9TuQ-00063-00035352-00035992 residential neighborhood right now speed slowing down quite a bit people backing up again uh his BVK2b2R9TuQ-00064-00035992-00036456 speeds slowed down I'm looking I'm trying to do a couple things right now looking out the window BVK2b2R9TuQ-00065-00036456-00036888 I want to see if LAPD is even in the neighborhood right now I don't want to get away from this car BVK2b2R9TuQ-00066-00036944-00037488 the helicopter overhead calling it out but again a passing gauge right there that was a major BVK2b2R9TuQ-00067-00037552-00037984 and it's continuing southbound residential neighborhood he's already been in one major BVK2b2R9TuQ-00068-00037984-00038504 i would call that a major collision as he hit that truck head on pretty much front end damage BVK2b2R9TuQ-00069-00038504-00039016 to the vehicle but it seems like all four tires are still solid and continuing southbound look BVK2b2R9TuQ-00070-00039016-00039480 at that skateboarder right there again on the wrong side of the road you know this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00071-00039480-00040176 is very dangerous oh there we go oh there and he's trying to continue this you know BVK2b2R9TuQ-00072-00040456-00040800 we can't even possibly just determine the charges that are being racked BVK2b2R9TuQ-00073-00040800-00041256 up against this guy i mean first of all the six months for fleeing police but now he's got BVK2b2R9TuQ-00074-00041256-00041856 several reckless and maybe even assault with uh with a weapon being his vehicle seeing how BVK2b2R9TuQ-00075-00041856-00042376 he just purposely ran into those two cars no doubt Stu this guy's this is some of BVK2b2R9TuQ-00076-00042376-00042784 the craziest driving that we've seen there's a person he almost hit yeah some of the craziest BVK2b2R9TuQ-00077-00042784-00043128 driving we've seen it was the original call did you say it was simply a stolen vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00078-00043296-00043792 yes originally that's what we were hearing was stolen vehicle that's what this guy is wanted for BVK2b2R9TuQ-00079-00043792-00044248 and again you know that that second collision that we just saw right there that was head on BVK2b2R9TuQ-00080-00044248-00044776 that other vehicle sustaining a lot of damage right there amazing that this car still even BVK2b2R9TuQ-00081-00044776-00045400 on the road driving again you know the LAPD definitely calling for an ambulance for that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00082-00045400-00045976 other driver we're keeping an eye on this guy for sure look at this though twisting through these BVK2b2R9TuQ-00083-00045976-00046840 streets out here in the center lane moving still moving 45 miles an hour plus 50 in traffic uh LAPD BVK2b2R9TuQ-00084-00046840-00047320 helicopter still overhead calling this pursuit working our way on a major against southbound BVK2b2R9TuQ-00085-00047320-00047808 that was Florence we were on getting a little bit more of a picture of the damage that vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00086-00047808-00048328 it does seem like it got hit right on the side there but it doesn't seem that bad amazing BVK2b2R9TuQ-00087-00048328-00048968 but again this guy's still going and again people on the roads out here as pedestrians and BVK2b2R9TuQ-00088-00049096-00049720 it's just amazing that you know i mean it isn't anymore we have seen two crashes amazing nobody's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00089-00049720-00050152 been majorly injured again using lanes that he's not supposed to trying to pass BVK2b2R9TuQ-00090-00050216-00050944 and again just keeping up this bad driving dangerous driving excuse me and again LAPD BVK2b2R9TuQ-00091-00050944-00051496 not in pursuit not in pursuit this they're just following this guy this is the point in time where BVK2b2R9TuQ-00092-00051496-00052000 you'd like to see a foot bale you know because so I won't stop no one else well it possibly BVK2b2R9TuQ-00093-00052000-00052544 could I mean he's now he's uh is he slowing down Stu I thought he was well there was a vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00094-00052624-00053176 right there these are close right it was because he had no place to go and he's driving fast to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00095-00053176-00053648 a residential area this guy is a menace he's a menace very fast through a residential area BVK2b2R9TuQ-00096-00053736-00054336 sorry about that we had to build for anyone else on the road and and cops need to uh get a hold BVK2b2R9TuQ-00097-00054336-00054767 of him but we all know how these things typically end here he goes another intersection here and yes BVK2b2R9TuQ-00098-00054879-00055520 so at last report we uh know that he was in Southgate on eighth from Florence BVK2b2R9TuQ-00099-00055520-00056128 and again really difficult to track him right now because he's just weaving and going on uh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00100-00056128-00056720 just random streets blowing all the red lights driving at really high rate of speed already hit BVK2b2R9TuQ-00101-00056720-00057312 two cars you can see that speed limit was 35 there he's going a lot faster than that in the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00102-00057312-00057888 wrong headed them wrong way 25 right there south on state coming up to broadway and now it's uh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00103-00058040-00058640 he's eastbound going south on California now making another turn and east BVK2b2R9TuQ-00104-00058872-00059384 this guy just waved to the helicopter above but you can't see any police close by they are still BVK2b2R9TuQ-00105-00059384-00059824 in tracking mode and that's because it's hard to tell what this guy is going to do they're not sure BVK2b2R9TuQ-00106-00059824-00060328 where to track him too this is a residential area here still in south gate I believe as we pull out BVK2b2R9TuQ-00107-00060328-00060896 further another another intersection where he makes another right turn you can see his car is BVK2b2R9TuQ-00108-00060896-00061520 pretty banged up from the traffic collision he had with another sedan that t-bowed him two traffic BVK2b2R9TuQ-00109-00061520-00062160 collision now coming up on some railroad tracks here we understand that he is now south on Otis BVK2b2R9TuQ-00110-00062216-00062744 from liberty again going through yet another intersection he seems to know that although BVK2b2R9TuQ-00111-00062744-00063312 there are not there are no police cars police cruisers on his tail he seems to know that he BVK2b2R9TuQ-00112-00063312-00063624 is being watched that there's a helicopter and they've got a few helicopters in the air BVK2b2R9TuQ-00113-00063712-00064264 at that helicopter so again typically officers might know where he might be going next or they BVK2b2R9TuQ-00114-00064264-00064928 may they may put down some spike strips to try and slow or stop the vehicle but he has been going BVK2b2R9TuQ-00115-00064928-00065592 on so many random streets traveling at a high rate of speed just going down making lefts rights BVK2b2R9TuQ-00116-00065592-00066144 you name it just trying to figure out a way to escape bobby we see these chases all the time but BVK2b2R9TuQ-00117-00066144-00066528 wouldn't you say this is some of the craziest driving we've seen by a suspect in pursuit BVK2b2R9TuQ-00118-00066984-00067384 another solid red BVK2b2R9TuQ-00119-00069120-00069760 you know in this pursuit we started up in the rampart area look at this whoa there we go oh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00120-00069760-00070328 there we go and he's trying to continue there is no way this car is going to keep going very BVK2b2R9TuQ-00121-00070328-00071072 much farther that he just hit that Toyota 4runner again alexander he's on a street called Alexander BVK2b2R9TuQ-00122-00071072-00071488 Southgate like you said part of the answer that you needed to hear is that we have gone BVK2b2R9TuQ-00123-00071488-00072008 through so many different other cities that LAPD is not part of so they are not really BVK2b2R9TuQ-00124-00072008-00072448 in the area this car really starting to smoke out there does appear that he threw something BVK2b2R9TuQ-00125-00072448-00072952 out the window not sure what it was right there again though that car definitely smoking right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00126-00072952-00073560 now it seems like something's coming off the passenger side of it but he's really starting to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00127-00073672-00074384 come to an end LAPD actually saying right now we need to bring this to an end coming to another BVK2b2R9TuQ-00128-00074384-00074968 intersection right here this car coming apart he's running through another intersection right there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00129-00074968-00075696 barely missing some other vehicles but again this has got to come to an end soon as this car cannot BVK2b2R9TuQ-00130-00075696-00076288 keep this up we're coming up on another major out here imperial highway he's on the brakes right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00131-00076288-00077184 going into oncoming traffic again look at this front end look at this car unbelievable again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00132-00077680-00078584 you know it BVK2b2R9TuQ-00133-00079184-00079864 wrong side of the road with an island he's got no place to go right now and basically just moving BVK2b2R9TuQ-00134-00079864-00080648 as fast as he can right here going it just and again just trying to trying to stay ahead I do see BVK2b2R9TuQ-00135-00080648-00081160 an officer behind him right now i don't know if that's an LAPD or possibly a sheriff's department BVK2b2R9TuQ-00136-00081160-00081824 oh look at another full intersection just got through that one again LAPD or that sheriff's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00137-00081824-00082432 department oh oh look at this right across the center medium took out a sign again this car BVK2b2R9TuQ-00138-00082432-00083168 still kind of going i can't believe this again eastbound imperial we're coming up on the 710 now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00139-00083168-00083816 going over the 710 and again just trying to keep away unclear what this guy's playing BVK2b2R9TuQ-00140-00083816-00084312 could possibly be this afternoon I'm trying to get a look at the vehicles that are behind them BVK2b2R9TuQ-00141-00084312-00084704 I don't know if those are LAPD or sheriffs but definitely law enforcement behind them BVK2b2R9TuQ-00142-00084704-00085288 could have picked those guys up in south park uh south um Southgate again right now center divider BVK2b2R9TuQ-00143-00085456-00085976 i believe i believe this is imperial right now I'm tr I I I believe this is imperial BVK2b2R9TuQ-00144-00085976-00086480 you were uh eastbound imperial and again look at this wrong side of the road whoa BVK2b2R9TuQ-00145-00086544-00087224 whoa okay there we go took two two cars out he's out he's trying to run oh he's trying to carjack BVK2b2R9TuQ-00146-00087224-00087824 somebody and it looks like it looks like he has a weapon he does he's got a weapon he's got a BVK2b2R9TuQ-00147-00087824-00088384 weapon he's trying to carjack somebody pulling a woman out of the car taking another vehicle again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00148-00088464-00088976 stay out of the way they're telling everybody stay out of the way officers out there these are LAPD BVK2b2R9TuQ-00149-00089032-00089552 again southbound we clearly saw this guy with a weapon i have never seen something like this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00150-00089552-00090248 before unbelievable he's got a new car i believe this is going to be a uh some sort of Volkswagen BVK2b2R9TuQ-00151-00090304-00091056 again just carjacked that vehicle saw it live on television amazing I'm so I'm so thankful nobody BVK2b2R9TuQ-00152-00091056-00091512 was injured in that especially that driver it seemed to be a woman this guy definitely BVK2b2R9TuQ-00153-00091512-00092624 trying to get away from officers i will get you across street but this changes the game entirely BVK2b2R9TuQ-00154-00092624-00092656 oh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00155-00093200-00093712 pat you are you are so correct about that we're just assuming that there was nobody BVK2b2R9TuQ-00156-00093712-00094280 else in that vehicle again you'd you'd hope that that a mother would not allow that to happen BVK2b2R9TuQ-00157-00094280-00094824 you know the motherly instinct but again right now all we know is that he did carjack this vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00158-00094824-00095432 clearly saw a weapon in this guy's hand they are talking about exactly what you had mentioned BVK2b2R9TuQ-00159-00095432-00095824 they are talking about going back and talking to that victim to make sure that there is nobody BVK2b2R9TuQ-00160-00095824-00096328 else in that vehicle LAPD definitely still there right behind this vehicle right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00161-00096328-00096704 changing the entire uh prospect of what we saw BVK2b2R9TuQ-00162-00096704-00097400 this guy desperate armed and definitely trying to get away extremely dangerous situation yes BVK2b2R9TuQ-00163-00098096-00098528 yes yes they are they are being a little bit more aggressive it looks like we're approaching or BVK2b2R9TuQ-00164-00098528-00099168 are entering the seven at the 105 freeway right by the 710 we can we see the vehicle BVK2b2R9TuQ-00165-00099168-00099664 getting onto the freeway right now LAPD definitely behind this vehicle right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00166-00099720-00100264 and again looks like we're going to be taking the northbound 710 I just read that sign again the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00167-00100264-00100816 LAPD right now not really calling out the streets anymore their their tactics are totally changing BVK2b2R9TuQ-00168-00100816-00101336 they're getting they're getting their units in in position they're talking about notifying other BVK2b2R9TuQ-00169-00101336-00101968 agencies this guy is armed and willing to use that weapon again we're looking like we're going to be BVK2b2R9TuQ-00170-00101968-00102576 entering the northbound 710 a lot of traffic out here on this transition road there is an emergency BVK2b2R9TuQ-00171-00102576-00103080 lane which he's probably going to try to use a lot of traffic out here this afternoon again looks BVK2b2R9TuQ-00172-00103080-00103672 like we're entering northbound 710 freeway we have at least four units from the LAPD right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00173-00103728-00104264 very very close behind they are definitely not going to allow that kind of a danger to the public BVK2b2R9TuQ-00174-00104264-00105183 to happen again if this vehicle does come to a stop so a very dangerous situation this afternoon BVK2b2R9TuQ-00175-00105280-00106048 most definitely and it looks like he's kind of stuck here on this uh on this emergency lane BVK2b2R9TuQ-00176-00106048-00106528 it may push him off onto the imperial off ramp that's going to be the next one that's coming up BVK2b2R9TuQ-00177-00106528-00107056 right now again though just keeping up these uh freeway speeds passing vehicles that are BVK2b2R9TuQ-00178-00107056-00107640 not driving freeway speeds at all again though this car carjacked if anybody's just joining us BVK2b2R9TuQ-00179-00107640-00108088 carjacked with a weapon after they totaled that car that he had hit BVK2b2R9TuQ-00180-00108088-00108552 at least three other people with this afternoon look at the officers backing out of the way BVK2b2R9TuQ-00181-00108552-00109232 letting this guy go but again they're just doing that so that they can let this guy make his move BVK2b2R9TuQ-00182-00109232-00109600 not try to block them in but you can see all these LAPD units right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00183-00109600-00110783 in the South gate area so you know these units were following when this was going on BVK2b2R9TuQ-00184-00112976-00113583 Toyota Camry BVK2b2R9TuQ-00185-00114535-00115000 well you know I can tell you I definitely saw something that looks like a gun I know with BVK2b2R9TuQ-00186-00115000-00115576 this litigious world that we live in we can't say has a weapon or that was a gun definitely looked BVK2b2R9TuQ-00187-00115576-00116192 like a gun in his hand and the the driver of that vehicle obviously thought it was a gun also as she BVK2b2R9TuQ-00188-00116192-00116672 got out of that vehicle and allowed him to take it the original vehicle he was in was described BVK2b2R9TuQ-00189-00116672-00117240 as a Toyota Camry this one looks to be more like a Volkswagen a larger Volkswagen but again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00190-00117240-00117768 unconfirmed at this time that he seems to be staying northbound right now on the 710 well BVK2b2R9TuQ-00191-00117768-00118256 established he does seem to be clipping other vehicles pushing other vehicles out of the way BVK2b2R9TuQ-00192-00118256-00118735 I'm not sure if this is some sort of plan that this guy has but again he seems to be cutting BVK2b2R9TuQ-00193-00118735-00119328 other vehicles off almost intentionally again LAPD definitely following this guy right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00194-00119328-00120016 as his pursuit's continuing northbound now on the 710 freeway as we're getting into the Cudahy area BVK2b2R9TuQ-00195-00120016-00120600 right now again though this guy carjacked the vehicle you could I don't know if other viewers BVK2b2R9TuQ-00196-00120600-00121176 picked up that same thing but you could feel the desperation or you saw it in his uh movements in BVK2b2R9TuQ-00197-00121176-00121720 his attitude when he got out of that car he tried to carjack one car then he came up to this one BVK2b2R9TuQ-00198-00121720-00122224 and actually was able to do it again that woman probably doing the right thing by giving up that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00199-00122224-00122911 vehicle but again we saw or what looked like a gun in this guy's hand very clearly officers from the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00200-00122911-00123583 LAPD saw that as well again this is a pursuit but with that type of weapon and that type of attitude BVK2b2R9TuQ-00201-00123583-00124128 that he's displayed this is something entirely different right now as LAPD is chasing this guy BVK2b2R9TuQ-00202-00124128-00124552 they want to bring this to an end they don't want any public hurt obviously they don't want to hurt BVK2b2R9TuQ-00203-00124552-00125176 any of them any other officers but again right now moving kind of slower but LAPD definitely in BVK2b2R9TuQ-00204-00125176-00126183 pursuit they're going to follow this guy they're going to bring this to an end one way or another BVK2b2R9TuQ-00205-00130432-00130456 okay BVK2b2R9TuQ-00206-00131120-00131624 right now you can see LAPD in number right there behind him now these are all the officers that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00207-00131624-00131984 have basically got picked up along the way that were following as he passed through BVK2b2R9TuQ-00208-00131984-00132608 their divisions and ETC again though they were you know in trail they were basically trying to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00209-00132608-00133128 stay nearby if this came to some sort of ending so that they could set up a quick perimeter to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00210-00133128-00133688 basically block this guy in right now though that is all changed they are basically re-engaged in BVK2b2R9TuQ-00211-00133688-00134288 pursuit of this vehicle you can see that one SUV type of that ford explorer those are the newer BVK2b2R9TuQ-00212-00134288-00134904 vehicles that the LAPD picked up they're a little bit heavier unsure if this officer is pit maneuver BVK2b2R9TuQ-00213-00134904-00135520 qualified but again you're right the speeds have kind of normalized if you can even say that about BVK2b2R9TuQ-00214-00135520-00136104 this uh in this this situation that's been going on we can see that vehicle definitely has some BVK2b2R9TuQ-00215-00136104-00136648 damage on it right now probably from bumping into other vehicles we saw him clipping other vehicles BVK2b2R9TuQ-00216-00136648-00137408 earlier on again northbound on the 710 amazingly light traffic this afternoon as we're getting up BVK2b2R9TuQ-00217-00137408-00137872 into the the Maywood area right now and we'll be approaching the five freeway BVK2b2R9TuQ-00218-00137872-00138416 uh there is some traffic coming up I can tell you that I unsure what he's gonna do but you BVK2b2R9TuQ-00219-00138416-00140184 can see LAPD definitely still behind him this is definitely a very dangerous pursuit BVK2b2R9TuQ-00220-00142352-00142984 oh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00221-00144168-00144384 oh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00222-00146552-00147184 ah BVK2b2R9TuQ-00223-00147336-00147352 It BVK2b2R9TuQ-00224-00148272-00148584 just looks like it's taking us to the 10. BVK2b2R9TuQ-00225-00149000-00149392 well we are 7 10. it looks like we're going to be transitioning on the westbound 10 BVK2b2R9TuQ-00226-00149392-00149784 uh right now you can see I'm still weaving in and out of traffic out here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00227-00149784-00150216 and again too you know the the victims that were involved in those crashes BVK2b2R9TuQ-00228-00150216-00150640 especially that second one i mean the last one where he got out of the vehicle you just BVK2b2R9TuQ-00229-00150640-00151176 gotta wonder about them we are hopeful that they are not badly injured obviously they've BVK2b2R9TuQ-00230-00151176-00151736 got to have some sort of injuries with those type of impacts this guy apparently though very much BVK2b2R9TuQ-00231-00151736-00152304 you know maybe it's adrenaline who knows but he seems to be very determined to keep this going BVK2b2R9TuQ-00232-00152304-00152992 again right now we are westbound on the 10 freeway and we are in the east LA area LAPD very much in BVK2b2R9TuQ-00233-00152992-00153536 pursuit the helicopter still lighting him up they have backed off a little bit probably because they BVK2b2R9TuQ-00234-00153536-00154040 are unable to make those type of dangerous maneuvers to keep up with this guy as he's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00235-00154040-00154608 working his way along the freeway out here he has an opportunity right now to use an off ramp he's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00236-00154608-00155104 using that gore point it looks like we are going to be taking an off ramp right here or possibly BVK2b2R9TuQ-00237-00155104-00155760 uh getting onto another freeway I'll get you an update here just in a second but again again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00238-00155872-00156304 and it looks like we might be doing something here with the 60 freeway as we understand it BVK2b2R9TuQ-00239-00156304-00156792 but again he has an opportunity for east or west right here again though very high BVK2b2R9TuQ-00240-00156792-00157352 speeds very dangerous maneuvers uh you know again it is definitely a pursuit definitely BVK2b2R9TuQ-00241-00157352-00157944 public in danger but again this guy with that possible weapon we saw that carjacking very BVK2b2R9TuQ-00242-00157944-00158576 aggressive attitude it's going to be an entirely different ending when LAPD finally get this guy BVK2b2R9TuQ-00243-00158576-00159168 cornered with that was after seeing what we saw this afternoon again you know three people uh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00244-00159168-00159664 we saw involved in traffic collisions with this via with the original vehicle with the suspect BVK2b2R9TuQ-00245-00159728-00160400 again you know those uh we're hoping that they're okay right now though we can see that is driving BVK2b2R9TuQ-00246-00160400-00160816 if anything we can say is normalized if you're watching this or just joining us BVK2b2R9TuQ-00247-00160816-00161272 this is normalized driving again center island center look at that look getting BVK2b2R9TuQ-00248-00161272-00161768 a little squirrely there as he's trying to get off on Atlantic we've seen that that rear end kick out BVK2b2R9TuQ-00249-00161768-00162304 a couple times on this car again you know he's looks like he's trying to he's forced right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00250-00162304-00162792 to stay on the Atlantic off ramp unless he pushes his way through there LAPD definitely talking to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00251-00162792-00163360 the sheriff's department east LA is the area that will be getting off on and again you can see LAPD BVK2b2R9TuQ-00252-00163360-00163720 definitely still in pursuit getting a little bit wider i don't know what's at the end of that off BVK2b2R9TuQ-00253-00163720-00164152 ramp but i can tell you a lot of traffic so he's going to be doing some crazy maneuvers again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00254-00164152-00164744 this vehicle carjacked we watched this guy carjack this car from a woman pulling her out BVK2b2R9TuQ-00255-00164744-00165288 of the vehicle and taking this vehicle by force with a weapon or what we believe to be a weapon BVK2b2R9TuQ-00256-00165288-00165712 squeezing his way through a bunch of cars right there and possibly bumping into them and it looks BVK2b2R9TuQ-00257-00165712-00166248 like we're going to be going eastbound on Atlantic established in the east la area again though BVK2b2R9TuQ-00258-00166304-00166720 LAPD definitely in pursuit looks like we're just going to be getting back on the freeway maybe too BVK2b2R9TuQ-00259-00166720-00167288 much traffic for him but again this pursuit's got to come to an end LAPD definitely been following BVK2b2R9TuQ-00260-00167288-00168136 this guy crazy earlier on like you said earlier i personally have never seen a pursuit as crazy as BVK2b2R9TuQ-00261-00168136-00168920 this with as many accidents and harm to the public and then that carjacking just was appalling and BVK2b2R9TuQ-00262-00168920-00169552 again you can see this guy continuing on back on the 60 freeway and again it looks like he's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00263-00169552-00170088 going to have to get off the freeway again just basically taking every opportunity he can letting BVK2b2R9TuQ-00264-00170088-00170984 traffic fall create his route LAPD definitely in pursuit they want to bring this to an end BVK2b2R9TuQ-00265-00173432-00173784 again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00266-00174344-00175144 oh oh he's wedged in there here he goes again this is again same type of technique BVK2b2R9TuQ-00267-00175144-00175536 basically Ronnie came up to him it looks like a SUV Alexis SUV BVK2b2R9TuQ-00268-00175536-00176024 he's got officers are in pursuit right now this guy getting other people trying to get BVK2b2R9TuQ-00269-00176024-00176432 away from him again Jason Jason you got to move around got to move you got to move you got to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00270-00176576-00177984 oh okay it looks like the it looks like he is down the suspect is down suspect is down again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00271-00178696-00179096 this is just below the Pomona freeway just trying to carjack somebody he's on the ground right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00272-00179096-00179664 he may have been tased on the suspect yeah he's on the ground right now be careful here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00273-00179664-00180040 law enforcement officers are right on top of this guy we're going to come around that tree right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00274-00180040-00180576 now they got their guns on unsure what exactly transpired there again suspect is down officers BVK2b2R9TuQ-00275-00180576-00181104 from the LAPD making their move right now trying to get this guy into custody you can see this has BVK2b2R9TuQ-00276-00181104-00181800 finally come to an end right off the 60 freeway we'll get you an off ramp here and a supervisor to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00277-00181800-00182192 come out to this city to the situation at the end here we believe that we're in the city of BVK2b2R9TuQ-00278-00182192-00182720 Montebello this is on viacampo and it's the name of the street that we're on right there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00279-00182720-00183232 and it's very close to Garfield again they've they're calling for an ambulance right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00280-00183304-00183832 and again they believe that there were shots fired at the end as we understand it it's going to be BVK2b2R9TuQ-00281-00183832-00184352 shots fired call and we do know the suspect is down we don't see any officers injured at this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00282-00184352-00184824 time but again this is going to be a lengthy investigation for the officers of the LAPD BVK2b2R9TuQ-00283-00184824-00185352 and again we do know they did call for an ambulance for that suspect who is cuffed BVK2b2R9TuQ-00284-00185352-00186008 right now and on the ground officers around him uh offering or doing first aid or what they BVK2b2R9TuQ-00285-00186008-00186544 can for this guy right now and again they get a little bit wider you can see some of these cars BVK2b2R9TuQ-00286-00186544-00186976 in the area that are unable to uh continue on because of that shutdown BVK2b2R9TuQ-00287-00186976-00187672 and other officers again when this vehicle got stuck uh you know he basically jumped out yellow BVK2b2R9TuQ-00288-00187736-00188232 on a surface street with an attempted carjacking all right attempted carjacking the suspect then BVK2b2R9TuQ-00289-00188232-00188680 shot by the police another reason if you're just driving along you just never know always BVK2b2R9TuQ-00290-00188680-00189184 keep your doors locked always keep your doors locked I'm not sure if we can re uh go back BVK2b2R9TuQ-00291-00189184-00189760 through that video again to see if he was able to get the door open on that car or if the door BVK2b2R9TuQ-00292-00189920-00190272 if the car had if he'd been able to open that door slightly if someone had been BVK2b2R9TuQ-00293-00190272-00190720 able to pull it closed the best thing is don't give them a chance to even open the door keep BVK2b2R9TuQ-00294-00190720-00191096 the doors locked at all times when you're driving because you just never know roger BVK2b2R9TuQ-00295-00191192-00191656 but uh it appears now that uh the the suspect is down or an ambulance has been requested BVK2b2R9TuQ-00296-00191656-00192096 but I don't see one having arrived in the area there look there's a tight shot let's BVK2b2R9TuQ-00297-00192096-00192656 get that that is uh a weapon we can see on our monitor here they had a they just shine shown BVK2b2R9TuQ-00298-00192656-00193104 their flashlights on a weapon it appeared to be an automatic pistol semi-automatic pistol BVK2b2R9TuQ-00299-00193104-00193664 that was laying on the ground in the vicinity of the suspect they uh shown their flashlights on BVK2b2R9TuQ-00300-00193664-00194136 it there it is again uh I'm looking at it in our large monitor here I can see I'm not sure if you BVK2b2R9TuQ-00301-00194136-00194616 can make it out at home it's a little smaller on your screen we've got a giant monitor here uh so BVK2b2R9TuQ-00302-00194616-00195264 there it is they're looking at it uh and it's uh right there in the vicinity of where the suspect BVK2b2R9TuQ-00303-00195264-00195784 is down but again no ambulance on the scene yet that I can tell bill Thomas can you tell BVK2b2R9TuQ-00304-00195784-00196312 whether there's an ambulance either there or on its way there I think an ambulance is on the way BVK2b2R9TuQ-00305-00196312-00196736 but via campo is just jammed right now it seems to be a difficult situation for them to get in BVK2b2R9TuQ-00306-00196736-00197104 uh by the way they've also closed the Pomona freeway in the area the situation where it BVK2b2R9TuQ-00307-00197104-00197488 came to an end on via combo as you can see is right next to the Pomona freeway so temporarily BVK2b2R9TuQ-00308-00197488-00197960 all lanes eastbound 60 and Montebello are blocked via capo eastbound for commuter traffic BVK2b2R9TuQ-00309-00197960-00198392 that's shut down as well it's going to be very difficult for the fire department to get in here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00310-00198392-00198848 but I'm sure they are in roof they do know they have a gunshot suspect on the ground right now BVK2b2R9TuQ-00311-00198848-00199248 who does need immediate attention law enforcement officers in the meantime they can do what they can BVK2b2R9TuQ-00312-00199248-00199808 they can administer first aid to that suspect but um but the situation is at least uh over BVK2b2R9TuQ-00313-00199808-00200416 as far as the pursuit and um and the violence that has taken place involved in this pursuit we did BVK2b2R9TuQ-00314-00200416-00201112 learn from the driver who was carjacked in Lynwood um he told or she told police that the driver did BVK2b2R9TuQ-00315-00201112-00201680 in fact have a weapon and so then when we saw this person get out of the car in mount abello BVK2b2R9TuQ-00316-00201680-00202096 and trying to carjack another person it was really frightening to watch knowing that that person did BVK2b2R9TuQ-00317-00202096-00202720 in fact have a weapon but police did not let it get to that point they they took the suspect down BVK2b2R9TuQ-00318-00202776-00203280 before he was able to carjack another another innocent person and the desperation with which BVK2b2R9TuQ-00319-00203280-00203792 this individual conducted himself throughout this whole process has been pretty frightening uh just BVK2b2R9TuQ-00320-00203792-00204344 the way he drove the fact that crashing didn't stop him you know normally they crash they give up BVK2b2R9TuQ-00321-00204400-00205016 this guy crashed he looked for somebody to carjack and managed to do it at least once uh and tried to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00322-00205016-00205464 do it a second time when he got pinned and that was when police stepped up and stopped him but BVK2b2R9TuQ-00323-00205536-00205952 they had tried at one point to back off a little bit because he was driving so erratically but BVK2b2R9TuQ-00324-00205952-00206488 clearly this was someone who was a a very definite danger both to the motoring public and just BVK2b2R9TuQ-00325-00206488-00207296 anybody in in any situation and so what we have here is a suspect who was extremely dangerous BVK2b2R9TuQ-00326-00207296-00207952 who has now been stopped and arrested shot and wounded at least by pursuing officers of the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00327-00207952-00208496 LAPD didn't see any uh I know it was on the freeway for much of the time bill Thomas but BVK2b2R9TuQ-00328-00208496-00209048 I didn't see any CHP officers at least up close in this pursuit as it was winding down did you BVK2b2R9TuQ-00329-00209216-00209592 according to highway patrol officers I saw what appeared to be LAPD officers because it began BVK2b2R9TuQ-00330-00209592-00209984 in Boyle heights this might be an area that is patrolled by LAPD and they may have stayed on BVK2b2R9TuQ-00331-00209984-00210560 it the entire time it's possible the CHP officers were participating once it was well patent Paul it BVK2b2R9TuQ-00332-00210560-00210992 was a crazy scene out here this afternoon I have to apologize I know we want to roll tape because BVK2b2R9TuQ-00333-00210992-00211528 we got to show the viewers what was going on in the city of Los Angeles and adjoining cities as BVK2b2R9TuQ-00334-00211528-00212192 this crazy pursuit worked its way from the la area all the way through Huntington park BVK2b2R9TuQ-00335-00212192-00212712 Southgate and then working its way even farther south now we can see right now this is where we BVK2b2R9TuQ-00336-00212712-00213367 picked up that pursuit on alameda and apparently 60 mile an hour speeds driving against traffic BVK2b2R9TuQ-00337-00213367-00214056 in many times making turns into traffic many times bumping many many vehicles now this car the silver BVK2b2R9TuQ-00338-00214056-00214656 one that he originally started with this afternoon and got involved into at least three major BVK2b2R9TuQ-00339-00214656-00215384 accidents colliding with vehicles at intersections most of the time again every time continued on BVK2b2R9TuQ-00340-00215384-00216064 until the last one where the car actually was hit spun out and then we saw that suspect jump BVK2b2R9TuQ-00341-00216064-00216600 out of the vehicle and fumble around into in his shirt and his pants and then what pulled out what BVK2b2R9TuQ-00342-00216600-00217119 appeared to be a weapon he ran up to a couple of vehicles at a couple of times i actually have BVK2b2R9TuQ-00343-00217119-00217664 some of the off air right now we can see we can see right now and pushing his way through some BVK2b2R9TuQ-00344-00217664-00218264 of these streets out here again this was a very dangerous pursuit very dangerous for the public BVK2b2R9TuQ-00345-00218264-00218848 and especially at the end when he pulled out that gun and carjacked a woman pulling her out BVK2b2R9TuQ-00346-00218848-00219584 of the vehicle and taking her vehicle after that one the LAPD was in a different frame of mind BVK2b2R9TuQ-00347-00219584-00220144 after they saw that they went ahead they basically was making uh trying to get that uh trying to get BVK2b2R9TuQ-00348-00220144-00220680 this thing to stop as now that they knew they were dealing with a violent armed suspect again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00349-00220680-00221104 though they were making their moves are out here this afternoon trying to bring this to an end BVK2b2R9TuQ-00350-00221104-00221648 after they've said that second carjacking that I'm sorry that carjacking and again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00351-00221767-00222480 right now we can tell you that uh live outside it did come to an end off of the 60 freeway BVK2b2R9TuQ-00352-00222480-00223088 city of Montebello it's actually on viocampo it's a road that takes you over to Garfield off the 60. BVK2b2R9TuQ-00353-00223088-00223648 now what had happened was his vehicle got stuck he got out of that vehicle and tried to carjack BVK2b2R9TuQ-00354-00223648-00224280 at least two other vehicles LAPD was very close behind he did have that weapon in his hand we do BVK2b2R9TuQ-00355-00224280-00224936 know there were shots fired and that that suspect went down officers from the LAPD surrounded him BVK2b2R9TuQ-00356-00224936-00225392 handcuffed him and administered first aid and called for an ambulance what we're seeing right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00357-00225392-00225928 now is that ambulance is here on scene medics are working with him as we speak they're going to load BVK2b2R9TuQ-00358-00225928-00226480 him up onto that gurney get him to a hospital right now that very violent suspect ended that BVK2b2R9TuQ-00359-00226536-00227167 ended right here on the ocampo city of Montebello and again 60 freeway eastbound still shut down BVK2b2R9TuQ-00360-00227167-00227704 because of the police activity right now you can see there's a large backup right there and again BVK2b2R9TuQ-00361-00227767-00228288 with that suspect he's being treated by an ambulance a county fire and we're going to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00362-00228288-00228944 we're going to transport him to a local yes yes we are we're going to go back to that suspect and and BVK2b2R9TuQ-00363-00228944-00229784 we're going to we're going to see him get loaded onto an onto a gurney and place into an ambulance BVK2b2R9TuQ-00364-00230336-00230776 the ambulance is here these are medics they're working with them right now they're administering BVK2b2R9TuQ-00365-00230776-00231344 first aid we do see a gurney there unclear that suspect's condition at this time you have to BVK2b2R9TuQ-00366-00231344-00231856 remember he was shot and there was a little bit of a delay getting getting an ambulance here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00367-00231856-00232400 because of the traffic and the situation that the suspect created again though we do see the medics BVK2b2R9TuQ-00368-00232400-00232928 working with this guy right now administering first aid we see the gurney there so it's unclear BVK2b2R9TuQ-00369-00232928-00233432 that condition of that suspect but they can tell you medics are working with him right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00370-00233432-00233919 now and if they do transport him they will take him to a local hospital again it does BVK2b2R9TuQ-00371-00233919-00234319 seem like they're placing them on the gurney so they will be transporting it very very shortly BVK2b2R9TuQ-00372-00234960-00235608 well Paul right now the 60 freeway is a disaster it is solid headlights all the way eastbound BVK2b2R9TuQ-00373-00235608-00236112 from this location all the way out to the east la interchange which is several several miles right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00374-00236112-00236632 there you gotta get a feel that once the 60 is completely shut down they are stuck right there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00375-00236719-00237232 is basically blocking that Garfield off ramp right now but it has the entire 60 shut down BVK2b2R9TuQ-00376-00237232-00237760 probably until that suspect is transported there is still some traffic here on the ocampo right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00377-00237760-00238288 before Garfield that traffic probably will be moving out here as shortly after this BVK2b2R9TuQ-00378-00238352-00238592 suspect is transported but again you can see the BVK2b2R9TuQ-00379-00238656-00239167 uh the medics out here from the county fire department working with the suspect carrying them BVK2b2R9TuQ-00380-00239167-00239632 over to a gurney uh hopefully we'll see him get it loaded onto that ambulance here very shortly I'm BVK2b2R9TuQ-00381-00239632-00240144 gonna try to move sky 9 a little bit to see if we can get a little bit closer to see that ambulance BVK2b2R9TuQ-00382-00240208-00240984 again though the traffic is going to be a nightmare on the 60 until this is done BVK2b2R9TuQ-00383-00241664-00241712 all right BVK2b2R9TuQ-00384-00241928-00242080 move it stay right here stay right here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00385-00242519-00243784 oh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00386-00248632-00249384 what would you like us to do you want to follow the ambulance or you want to stay here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00387-00249912-00250784 five by five sir five by five BVK2b2R9TuQ-00388-00250888-00251032 no just business as usual BVK2b2R9TuQ-00389-00251664-00252104 it's a suspect we haven't moved uh he's just he's like a block away from where uh BVK2b2R9TuQ-00390-00252104-00252184 where he was picked up BVK2b2R9TuQ-00391-00252816-00253232 that is the suspect yes that's the ambulance but we the helicopter we haven't BVK2b2R9TuQ-00392-00253232-00253584 left our location do you want to follow him over to USC or do you want to stay here BVK2b2R9TuQ-00393-00257592-00257784 go ahead sir BVK2b2R9TuQ-00394-00258784-00259223 yep we got it it's right there BVK2b2R9TuQ-00395-00259223-00260632 USC BVK2b2R9TuQ-00396-00260632-00261984 he's underneath the bridge there he is he popped out on the on the south side of the 60. BVK2b2R9TuQ-00397-00264784-00264792 you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00000-00000026-00000546 how to add music to your YouTube videos hey adding music to your videos can BWHl7Lj2txQ-00001-00000546-00001296 change a lot I mean your music could sound like this like this or even like BWHl7Lj2txQ-00002-00001296-00001814 this but the point is adding music is really cool but you say J.R. music's BWHl7Lj2txQ-00003-00001814-00002208 expensive I can't afford to buy rights to music and in this video I'm going to BWHl7Lj2txQ-00004-00002208-00002682 show you how you can get all kinds of music thousands of songs absolutely free BWHl7Lj2txQ-00005-00002682-00003138 amer starting right now haseyo thank you so much for joining me BWHl7Lj2txQ-00006-00003138-00003519 on my channel I appreciate you being here if you're not a subscriber hey why BWHl7Lj2txQ-00007-00003519-00003914 don't you be one go down there hit that subscribe button it's a belt turn on BWHl7Lj2txQ-00008-00003914-00004337 notifications that way every time I do a video you'll be notified make sure you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00009-00004337-00004787 set it to get all notifications I also the free course I'm in the description BWHl7Lj2txQ-00010-00004787-00005171 that can make you kind of money check it out click the links absolutely free BWHl7Lj2txQ-00011-00005171-00005607 regularly $97 it'll go back there soon so you better did it that I did it for BWHl7Lj2txQ-00012-00005607-00006107 it does ok click that link down there also put any comments you have if you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00013-00006107-00006564 want videos on other subjects what you thought of this video what's going on BWHl7Lj2txQ-00014-00006564-00006747 today just put some comments down there I BWHl7Lj2txQ-00015-00006747-00007068 really appreciate give me a thumbs up thumbs down and let's get started now BWHl7Lj2txQ-00016-00007068-00007506 you want music in your videos but the thing I will tell you before I tell you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00017-00007506-00007881 to add music because I've done this my editor has done this is make sure the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00018-00007881-00008385 music's not too loud the volume doesn't matter quite as much if you're not BWHl7Lj2txQ-00019-00008385-00008742 talking but if you're talking and there's music competing with what you're BWHl7Lj2txQ-00020-00008742-00009186 saying it could be really difficult ok so we don't want to do that but let me BWHl7Lj2txQ-00021-00009186-00009471 show you where you're gonna get this music first off and it's absolutely free BWHl7Lj2txQ-00022-00009471-00009738 you can get all the music you want you don't have to worry about paying anybody BWHl7Lj2txQ-00023-00009738-00010410 let's get going ok I'm in my youtube studio account right now and what I want BWHl7Lj2txQ-00024-00010410-00010829 to do is I want to show you where you find the music now right now you can't BWHl7Lj2txQ-00025-00010829-00011114 even see it okay so that's not good so I'm gonna scroll up here and if you see BWHl7Lj2txQ-00026-00011114-00011547 look how that's popping out right there that is actually covered so a lot of BWHl7Lj2txQ-00027-00011547-00011895 people get here and they go well to junior I don't see any place to get BWHl7Lj2txQ-00028-00011895-00012234 music anywhere in here I don't see it that's cuz you got to go over here and BWHl7Lj2txQ-00029-00012234-00012645 go like this and then click on audio library ok this is where you're gonna BWHl7Lj2txQ-00030-00012645-00013109 find all your music and it's organized pretty cool you're gonna have free music BWHl7Lj2txQ-00031-00013109-00013359 right here and then you're gonna have sound effects BWHl7Lj2txQ-00032-00013359-00013893 right here ok and then it'll switch over there we go ok so let's look at the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00033-00013893-00014423 sound effects now you can switch this category by what you want okay so let's BWHl7Lj2txQ-00034-00014423-00014868 go with will go with tours right now let's see what they've got for doors BWHl7Lj2txQ-00035-00014868-00015261 now you can listen to any one of these before you download it by just clicking BWHl7Lj2txQ-00036-00015261-00016758 right here let me make sure we get some volume doing here ok so it's like a BWHl7Lj2txQ-00037-00016758-00017262 creaking wooden door now I'm gonna stop that let's see a cupboard door this is a BWHl7Lj2txQ-00038-00017262-00018294 short window in two seconds ok a deadbolt block alright let's see here BWHl7Lj2txQ-00039-00018294-00018825 let's pick a different now let's do horror see what they've got there this BWHl7Lj2txQ-00040-00018825-00019250 is 7 second one aggressive zombie snarls BWHl7Lj2txQ-00041-00019445-00020693 ok let's see what else do we have cutting flesh oh that's a nice one BWHl7Lj2txQ-00042-00021058-00021493 it's a I can barely hear that one if you guys can or not so that probably would BWHl7Lj2txQ-00043-00021493-00021982 be a good one female aggressive zombie okay let's BWHl7Lj2txQ-00044-00021982-00022639 check that out see I'm gonna have a hard time figuring out the difference in the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00045-00022639-00023310 male and female zombie according to that let's see what else we got in good guys BWHl7Lj2txQ-00046-00023310-00024403 human voices let's see eating and slurping yeah I don't think I could BWHl7Lj2txQ-00047-00024403-00025336 listen to that for very long how about female screams okay so we've BWHl7Lj2txQ-00048-00025336-00025891 got that so let's move on to producing and all we do and I didn't show you'll BWHl7Lj2txQ-00049-00025891-00026188 never scream but all you do is click right here you can download it now this BWHl7Lj2txQ-00050-00026188-00026548 is where it's gonna get a little bit tricky guys you have a lot of different BWHl7Lj2txQ-00051-00026548-00026941 choices here and depending upon what you're picking you have different BWHl7Lj2txQ-00052-00026941-00027364 requirements okay and some of these songs are longer it's 17 minutes 17 BWHl7Lj2txQ-00053-00027364-00027789 minutes you can pick your genre right here and they've got alternative Punk BWHl7Lj2txQ-00054-00027789-00028218 ambien children's cinema graphic whatever it is you want so let's pick BWHl7Lj2txQ-00055-00028218-00028558 what do we want we're gonna pick hip hop and rap okay BWHl7Lj2txQ-00056-00028558-00029070 now once you've picked your genre here you have your mood you want dark calm BWHl7Lj2txQ-00057-00029070-00029776 bright angry let's go with dramatic okay so as you see it constantly changes down BWHl7Lj2txQ-00058-00029776-00030127 here based on what I'm doing up here we can also pick the instrument I'm not BWHl7Lj2txQ-00059-00030127-00030475 gonna worry about that for rap that's not that important duration if you want BWHl7Lj2txQ-00060-00030475-00030826 short ones long ones whatever I'm not gonna worry about that here's the one BWHl7Lj2txQ-00061-00030826-00031375 you get a worry about guys if you want to use this music and you don't want to BWHl7Lj2txQ-00062-00031375-00031845 have to attribute it to anybody okay then you need to pick attribution not BWHl7Lj2txQ-00063-00031845-00032380 required if you Pig your attribution required you have to do what it says BWHl7Lj2txQ-00064-00032380-00032941 let's pick that one to start off with and it says uh uh-huh nothing in that BWHl7Lj2txQ-00065-00032941-00033451 category we'll take off some of these filters here we'll say all moods all BWHl7Lj2txQ-00066-00033451-00034102 right there we go so these here are attribution required so if I click on BWHl7Lj2txQ-00067-00034102-00034537 one of these it's going to say down here what I have to do you're free to use the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00068-00034537-00034921 song in any of your videos but you must include the following in your video BWHl7Lj2txQ-00069-00034921-00035644 description ice cold by audio knotek's is licensed BWHl7Lj2txQ-00070-00035644-00035995 under Creative Commons Attribution license right there so that's what you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00071-00035995-00036328 would have to put your description alright so if you don't want to do that BWHl7Lj2txQ-00072-00036328-00036907 you would have to select over here and let's go here you'd have to select over BWHl7Lj2txQ-00073-00036907-00037576 here attribution not required okay so now all of these songs I can use in my BWHl7Lj2txQ-00074-00037576-00038032 videos I don't have to worry about somebody saying hey you can't use that BWHl7Lj2txQ-00075-00038032-00038629 music so let me play one of these here you can fast-forward to some of them BWHl7Lj2txQ-00076-00038629-00039289 have long lead ends okay let's see what else we got got the Joker BWHl7Lj2txQ-00077-00039289-00039834 good let's see what that is interesting and I was wrong it's not that BWHl7Lj2txQ-00078-00039834-00040380 interesting okay cutting it close right here and I tell BWHl7Lj2txQ-00079-00040380-00040929 you when I'm doing these it's really hard for me to find music I like there's BWHl7Lj2txQ-00080-00040929-00041415 a lot of good music in here guys but I tell you you know to get that exact link BWHl7Lj2txQ-00081-00041415-00041802 is super super important and I do want to reiterate what I told you in the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00082-00041802-00042162 beginning of this video is that you don't want to have your music too loud BWHl7Lj2txQ-00083-00042162-00042723 one thing you can do if you're using something like Camtasia which I will put BWHl7Lj2txQ-00084-00042723-00043221 a link in the description below for Camtasia that is the editing software I BWHl7Lj2txQ-00085-00043221-00043623 use but what you can do is if you're shooting b-roll in other words you're BWHl7Lj2txQ-00086-00043623-00044007 not talking on-screen you can have that music real loud and then when it goes BWHl7Lj2txQ-00087-00044007-00044433 back to you and you're talking on-screen you can lower that volume super easy to BWHl7Lj2txQ-00088-00044433-00044985 do in Camtasia but that's what I would recommend you're doing music can make or BWHl7Lj2txQ-00089-00044985-00045417 break a video I've seen music when videos that so did not match the video I BWHl7Lj2txQ-00090-00045417-00045822 mean it just didn't it was upbeat music where somebody was getting killed or it BWHl7Lj2txQ-00091-00045822-00046170 was you know somebody who was very upbeat and happy and they had some you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00092-00046170-00046569 know horror dramatic music behind him so you don't want to do that you want to be BWHl7Lj2txQ-00093-00046569-00046935 very careful about that okay so that's what you're gonna get it from and once BWHl7Lj2txQ-00094-00046935-00047340 again you're gonna come right over here and you just click download and that's BWHl7Lj2txQ-00095-00047340-00047739 gonna download that music that just did that was joker so i just downloaded BWHl7Lj2txQ-00096-00047739-00048204 joker and you're gonna find that file mine goes into my download folder right BWHl7Lj2txQ-00097-00048204-00048690 here so let me find that real quick and there's Joker and I can play it now BWHl7Lj2txQ-00098-00048690-00049473 it's on my computer that same music and we can insert that wherever we want into BWHl7Lj2txQ-00099-00049473-00050184 our videos into our audios and all this music is free you know YouTube is nice BWHl7Lj2txQ-00100-00050184-00050439 if we provide all this to you they also put the little buttons on here if BWHl7Lj2txQ-00101-00050439-00050787 there's new ones let's say you've been through it you know a week ago and you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00102-00050787-00051057 couldn't find anything in one of these new ones I don't know how new they BWHl7Lj2txQ-00103-00051057-00051440 consider this let's click on one of these here BWHl7Lj2txQ-00104-00051440-00051845 I think I some think of some really cool stuff in here guys there's no need to BWHl7Lj2txQ-00105-00051845-00052220 pay one of these services if you don't want to certainly you can if you find a BWHl7Lj2txQ-00106-00052220-00052496 service that you like and you think they're really cool and you like the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00107-00052496-00052898 kind of music they provide go right ahead but it is free here and then all BWHl7Lj2txQ-00108-00052898-00053285 you have to do is upload this to your Timeline than any audio file that you BWHl7Lj2txQ-00109-00053285-00053852 have any video file that you have and you're good to go so guys that's all BWHl7Lj2txQ-00110-00053852-00054254 there is to it if you want to add music it's there for you don't worry about BWHl7Lj2txQ-00111-00054254-00054725 that and I do suggest you having some kind of background music it does make BWHl7Lj2txQ-00112-00054725-00054941 your video sound a little bit more professional BWHl7Lj2txQ-00113-00054941-00055490 a little bit more polished but like I said be very cautious too too knowing BWHl7Lj2txQ-00114-00055490-00055937 that that music should match the mood of your video what I like to do is make BWHl7Lj2txQ-00115-00055937-00056354 folders of different moods and then you can you know categorize it so I may have BWHl7Lj2txQ-00116-00056354-00056732 a folder that is happy and then when I go into the folder it may have another BWHl7Lj2txQ-00117-00056732-00057302 folder in there that says guitar piano instrumental whatever it is that way I BWHl7Lj2txQ-00118-00057302-00057650 can quickly go back and find it because I tell you searching through music can BWHl7Lj2txQ-00119-00057650-00058088 waste hours of your time I know you don't think it will but it will so once BWHl7Lj2txQ-00120-00058088-00058469 you get in there you're gonna see that this is a time to suck so and don't BWHl7Lj2txQ-00121-00058469-00058796 think that you have to have new music for every single video if you get a BWHl7Lj2txQ-00122-00058796-00059228 couple tracks that you like I've seen a lot of food bloggers or recipe people BWHl7Lj2txQ-00123-00059228-00059633 they'll have the same music on every video I know chef John I watched Chef BWHl7Lj2txQ-00124-00059633-00060050 John's channel all the time and he said the same piece of music I think for 15 BWHl7Lj2txQ-00125-00060050-00060371 years it's been seems like he's been there forever but it works for him it BWHl7Lj2txQ-00126-00060371-00060713 works for his tone his voice and everything he's doing and you know BWHl7Lj2txQ-00127-00060713-00060971 you're listening to one of his videos because you always hear that same music BWHl7Lj2txQ-00128-00060971-00061283 so if you think you want to build a brand and do that it's another cool BWHl7Lj2txQ-00129-00061283-00061654 thing you can do I really appreciate you listening to this video I have a $97 BWHl7Lj2txQ-00130-00061654-00062005 course that I'm giving away free for a limited time there is a link in the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00131-00062005-00062396 description down there go down there and grab it while it's still free don't miss BWHl7Lj2txQ-00132-00062396-00062771 out on that don't forget also to subscribe to my channel if you haven't BWHl7Lj2txQ-00133-00062771-00063203 done so make sure you ring the bell that's right ring the notification bell BWHl7Lj2txQ-00134-00063203-00063608 turn on all notifications that way you can be part of the Fisher family the VIP BWHl7Lj2txQ-00135-00063608-00063887 group it gets notified every single time I do BWHl7Lj2txQ-00136-00063887-00064241 these videos wouldn't that be cool you'd be ahead of everybody else it's like BWHl7Lj2txQ-00137-00064241-00064777 jumping in front of the line in front of everybody else which is pretty darn cool BWHl7Lj2txQ-00138-00064777-00065155 awesome what else I had free of you notes from you do oh yeah you wanted to BWHl7Lj2txQ-00139-00065155-00065630 like this video did you do the thumbs up like this video ouu under do okay yeah BWHl7Lj2txQ-00140-00065630-00066019 okay you can give me a thumbs down that's fine put your comments in the BWHl7Lj2txQ-00141-00066019-00066314 comment section below to ask me any questions you got BWHl7Lj2txQ-00142-00066314-00066647 I love getting your questions I appreciate your comments so very much BWHl7Lj2txQ-00143-00066647-00066943 thank you so much BWHl7Lj2txQ-00144-00067080-00067990 [Music] BWHl7Lj2txQ-00145-00068193-00068509 [Music] BY768HZKhSQ-00000-00000000-00001592 foreign BY768HZKhSQ-00001-00002656-00003511 hey what is going on everybody hello there uh welcome to another edition of media club which we BY768HZKhSQ-00002-00003511-00004240 have every thursday live on facebook and youtube and what we do here in media club as we talk about BY768HZKhSQ-00003-00004240-00004928 all things unreduced this is in unoduce production uh introduced multimedia based here in lansing BY768HZKhSQ-00004-00004928-00005496 michigan and so basically what we do is we talk a little bit about what we're what we're looking BY768HZKhSQ-00005-00005496-00006096 at what we're working on for the week then we go into something that we all have that has caught BY768HZKhSQ-00006-00006096-00006768 our attention out in the world of media and then we follow up with a question in the q a section in BY768HZKhSQ-00007-00006768-00007512 which i have a good question on our production process so stay tuned all the way to that but BY768HZKhSQ-00008-00007664-00008616 nevertheless let us dive deep into who we are well right now i am your host and owner and creative BY768HZKhSQ-00009-00008616-00009208 video strategist for introduced multimedia paul schmidt and we celebrate as we're going into our BY768HZKhSQ-00010-00009208-00010496 21st year of doing media and then over to my right i think uh yeah that way you james the other way BY768HZKhSQ-00011-00010656-00011160 uh yeah i'm james i am the creative live stream alchemist at unidues multimedia BY768HZKhSQ-00012-00011160-00011592 uh that's not to say i don't do any videos because i still do but i'm in charge of all BY768HZKhSQ-00013-00011592-00012000 the live streams but for more video work we're going to talk to that guy down there BY768HZKhSQ-00014-00012128-00012776 yeah so my name is nick i'm the creative video architect here at introduce yes i make all of the BY768HZKhSQ-00015-00012776-00013488 videos that are not live streams here at introduce excellent and speaking of all the videos that are BY768HZKhSQ-00016-00013488-00014080 live streams as well as the stuff that are live streams let's talk a little bit about what we BY768HZKhSQ-00017-00014080-00014776 are working on um this time around what are we working on nick what do you want to talk about BY768HZKhSQ-00018-00014888-00015663 yeah so i will be talking about um a couple weeks ago we filmed a video for a new life prosthetics BY768HZKhSQ-00019-00015663-00016632 and orthotics they are a really cool company based out of detroit who make prosthetics for people um BY768HZKhSQ-00020-00016696-00017376 so we were able to visit their shop you know get to know them um you know talk to the owner there BY768HZKhSQ-00021-00017376-00017968 um and yeah just really like get to know them um they're really cool because uh they seem like BY768HZKhSQ-00022-00018072-00018704 like a a more you know a more affordable option for a lot of people or just a different option BY768HZKhSQ-00023-00018704-00019432 for people who want to get a prosthetic made um and they really seem to be focused on just BY768HZKhSQ-00024-00019544-00020184 uh getting to know you know who their uh clients are and really just giving them a good uh BY768HZKhSQ-00025-00020184-00020712 product um and yeah you could really just just from going there and filming you can BY768HZKhSQ-00026-00020712-00021304 really see like the passion that they have for prosthetics um i mean that their owner BY768HZKhSQ-00027-00021304-00022056 um has a prosthetic so he's like has you know he knows you know the ins and out of what BY768HZKhSQ-00028-00022120-00022544 clients want and you know really just want to make clients feel comfortable and you know BY768HZKhSQ-00029-00022544-00023072 satisfied with you know this thing that's going to be attached to their body for most of the day BY768HZKhSQ-00030-00023144-00023784 um so yeah so i'm editing that video right now and yeah that's uh a video right now that i'm really BY768HZKhSQ-00031-00023784-00024736 excited about so i'm excited about this video too um i've known chris for a while we were both uh BY768HZKhSQ-00032-00024824-00025888 um participants in the goldman sachs 10 000 small business program in detroit and that's where i met BY768HZKhSQ-00033-00025888-00026656 him this was way back in 2018 and um met a lot of different really cool people in that program and BY768HZKhSQ-00034-00026744-00027439 this was a unique um situation and so and we've been talking for a while off and on in different BY768HZKhSQ-00035-00027439-00028080 different aspects and i'm so glad that we were able to come in and and help him tell his story BY768HZKhSQ-00036-00028152-00028856 in in that way so i'm real excited to see what what how this uh video BY768HZKhSQ-00037-00028856-00029583 turns out so awesome awesome awesome it is ironic because i saw him this morning out of the blue BY768HZKhSQ-00038-00029695-00030472 yeah something like that anyway thanks nick i can't wait to see the see the video so BY768HZKhSQ-00039-00030544-00031016 over in the live stream world or at least we're probably going to talk about live live streaming BY768HZKhSQ-00040-00031016-00031616 world right now james what do what are you working on what do you want to talk about yeah i'm always BY768HZKhSQ-00041-00031616-00032200 working on live streams you know that uh but yesterday i actually started recording the virtual BY768HZKhSQ-00042-00032200-00032736 sessions for michigan community action's annual conference so this is going to be an ongoing BY768HZKhSQ-00043-00032736-00033160 project that i'll probably talk about a couple more times in the upcoming weeks mainly because BY768HZKhSQ-00044-00033160-00033584 when i'm recording these virtual sessions i'm also listening to these virtual sessions and i want to BY768HZKhSQ-00045-00033584-00034000 hype them up because they're really cool at least the first one i've recorded has been really cool BY768HZKhSQ-00046-00034128-00034584 but mca is a great client and their conference this year is up at boeing mountain however we're BY768HZKhSQ-00047-00034584-00034984 handling all of their back end and managing their live streams from down here in lansing BY768HZKhSQ-00048-00035120-00035600 but yesterday i got to record one of the keynote speakers who is also a virtual conference session BY768HZKhSQ-00049-00035600-00036104 speaker her name is meredith she's from native north tours and she taught me a lot about the BY768HZKhSQ-00050-00036104-00036624 history of the anishinabe people in michigan in the united states and how their culture has BY768HZKhSQ-00051-00036624-00037176 stayed as true as it could throughout colonization and how the government's tried to keep them down BY768HZKhSQ-00052-00037232-00037776 and all of this her talk uh well one of her talks not the keynote but the virtual session BY768HZKhSQ-00053-00037832-00038336 is anish nabe 101 and it was a great opportunity for me to both learn something new about BY768HZKhSQ-00054-00038336-00038968 michigan's history and get an amazingly amazingly good head start on gearing up BY768HZKhSQ-00055-00038968-00039608 for this conference because it is not until like july 22nd and i'm already recording stuff BY768HZKhSQ-00056-00039824-00040568 uh you said she is from native north tours where are they out of um that i don't know because i BY768HZKhSQ-00057-00040568-00041232 didn't look into it but give me one second and native north tours let me just google it BY768HZKhSQ-00058-00041336-00042424 oh this is another well i'm sorry she's from hmm why doesn't it say uh they are out of petoskey BY768HZKhSQ-00059-00042552-00043024 interesting yes well there is a huge connection there BY768HZKhSQ-00060-00043024-00043752 because that's where i'm originally from that's um so i know uh i i've heard of the anishinabe BY768HZKhSQ-00061-00043752-00044392 um because that that is exactly where they're located and there's a lot of really cool um uh BY768HZKhSQ-00062-00044392-00044984 things going on and so yeah that's really sweet native north tours out of patosky i will have to BY768HZKhSQ-00063-00045064-00045608 give her a shout what was her name again her name is meredith i never got her last name but BY768HZKhSQ-00064-00045608-00046208 i just saw it on the website so let me scroll all the way down again it is meredith kennedy BY768HZKhSQ-00065-00046208-00046792 meredith kennedy that's cool yeah anyway so that's really cool i mean uh michigan community action BY768HZKhSQ-00066-00046792-00047424 and we've been working with them was wasn't last year our first year with them yes last BY768HZKhSQ-00067-00047424-00048248 year was our first year with them and we did their entire conference virtually we had a dj in studio BY768HZKhSQ-00068-00048248-00048744 to cover the brakes we were managing all the back end of their entire conference this year they BY768HZKhSQ-00069-00048744-00049232 decided to go with a hybrid so again they'll be up at point mountain and we'll be managing stuff here BY768HZKhSQ-00070-00049400-00050136 yeah that's really cool yeah it's a it's enjoyable to see how they want to incorporate technology to BY768HZKhSQ-00071-00050136-00050720 make sure that it's inclusive and that's the big thing with michigan community action it's it this BY768HZKhSQ-00072-00050720-00051312 is all fitting within their their mission of trying to make this inclusive as well as BY768HZKhSQ-00073-00051312-00051984 um you know simple um even though they're going to be in multiple places and so it's really BY768HZKhSQ-00074-00052136-00052840 easy and we'll we'll be manning three i think three stations for this conference virtually BY768HZKhSQ-00075-00052840-00053336 three concurrent stations it should be me you and cat on those yep and we're using a BY768HZKhSQ-00076-00053336-00053728 new platform that we haven't used before but i took the tour and it's a really nice platform BY768HZKhSQ-00077-00053784-00054216 give them a little shout out to it's canopy first time we're working with them BY768HZKhSQ-00078-00054216-00054912 but so far so good nice nice all right well i know that you guys are itching to get into the BY768HZKhSQ-00079-00054912-00056184 next section which is about what we are paying attention to outside of the introduced walls BY768HZKhSQ-00080-00056352-00056912 i'm wondering if we should kind of like adjust that graphic a little bit yeah BY768HZKhSQ-00081-00056912-00057248 maybe not always about what we're watching because i'm not going to be talking about BY768HZKhSQ-00082-00057248-00058120 something that i watched again but yeah yeah technically we are but technically we aren't BY768HZKhSQ-00083-00058255-00058752 so anyway i'm going to start it all off with a brand new podcast i stumbled upon BY768HZKhSQ-00084-00058872-00059848 uh listening to a different one and it is by a couple of folks um that i really think do BY768HZKhSQ-00085-00059848-00060808 marvelous journalism work and it is called will be wild what it what it is about it is about the BY768HZKhSQ-00086-00061024-00061824 run-up to the insurrection of january 6 what the causes are who is affected and when i say BY768HZKhSQ-00087-00061824-00062632 who is affected this is about the folks that were either participating or or just BY768HZKhSQ-00088-00062704-00063608 in the fallout between the familial relationships with that also a great interview with one of the BY768HZKhSQ-00089-00063608-00064376 capitol police officers who's you know moved on from being a police officer and now he works BY768HZKhSQ-00090-00064376-00065064 as a correspondent um because of the simple fact that he cannot he can no longer work as a police BY768HZKhSQ-00091-00065064-00065776 officer because of what happened um and they you know and it was just uh it's just a wonderfully BY768HZKhSQ-00092-00065776-00066424 it's only a well they're adding a couple bonus episodes on but it was an eight episode arc BY768HZKhSQ-00093-00066424-00067424 in which they really dove deep into um how this affected folks across the country um and in either BY768HZKhSQ-00094-00067504-00068200 uh in their words a positive light or a negative light and it just really dives deep into BY768HZKhSQ-00095-00068312-00069024 really good storytelling and learning families and what they've gone through and such as BY768HZKhSQ-00096-00069024-00069832 one of the kids or i shouldn't say kids but he was a a young man who turned his dad into the fbi BY768HZKhSQ-00097-00069888-00070488 who participated in the insurrection because he was scared of what BY768HZKhSQ-00098-00070576-00071216 you know what his dad was doing and what he was getting involved with and um so on and so forth BY768HZKhSQ-00099-00071216-00072048 and so it was just it's just a really well done um podcast and they've done stuff in the past BY768HZKhSQ-00100-00072048-00072728 that i really liked andrea bernstein she leads it she's a really good interviewer as well as BY768HZKhSQ-00101-00072832-00073640 the her co-heart her uh co-worker co-producer whom i can't think of his name right now his BY768HZKhSQ-00102-00073640-00074512 name is slipping me but yeah i highly recommend it it's really intense um and it's very very raw BY768HZKhSQ-00103-00074576-00075304 and uh so it's just interesting to see some of the uh aftermath um and what's going BY768HZKhSQ-00104-00075304-00075824 forward and so they had actually added bonus episodes on because of the simple fact that BY768HZKhSQ-00105-00075824-00076720 when their podcast ended that's when the current january 6 hearing started so that was kind of BY768HZKhSQ-00106-00076720-00077376 serendipitous for them they didn't plan that it just happened that way so they if they finish one BY768HZKhSQ-00107-00077376-00077920 bonus episode and they're going to another one but that's uh will be wild it can be found on BY768HZKhSQ-00108-00077920-00078768 any of your podcasting platforms it actually hit number one um the number one podcast downloaded um BY768HZKhSQ-00109-00078840-00079344 last week or something like that over the last couple weeks so highly recommend it BY768HZKhSQ-00110-00079344-00079880 like i said it's really well told really good story good journalism um very fair BY768HZKhSQ-00111-00079936-00080656 um to the people involved uh and so no judgments it was just one of those things where they're just BY768HZKhSQ-00112-00080736-00081656 showing what is going on what happened and how um what the aftermath is so yep highly recommend BY768HZKhSQ-00113-00081656-00082496 it so that's what i was listening to lately and now i'm going to turn it over to nick and james BY768HZKhSQ-00114-00082496-00083008 who are going to tag team on something that's caught their attention i have a question first BY768HZKhSQ-00115-00083008-00083504 you said you found this podcast while listening to another podcast what podcast were you listening to BY768HZKhSQ-00116-00083504-00084000 when you stumbled upon this one well there's one that i listen to every week it's called this um BY768HZKhSQ-00117-00084136-00085176 oh gosh oh my gosh i just blanked i blanked um it's one i listen to religiously every week BY768HZKhSQ-00118-00085176-00085768 and it is oh my gosh i'm looking i'm looking i'm trying to be quick um BY768HZKhSQ-00119-00086048-00086448 on the media on the media from uh uh BY768HZKhSQ-00120-00086664-00087568 so wnyc studios which is uh an npr affiliate um so yes and they had a small segment on BY768HZKhSQ-00121-00087568-00088280 on that and so yeah that's where i heard about him like this sounds awesome and it was i BY768HZKhSQ-00122-00088280-00088856 whipped through it going uh on a longer trip so anyway but i don't want to take up any more time BY768HZKhSQ-00123-00088928-00089696 all right so anybody you know listen to will be wild yeah nick and i have spent way too BY768HZKhSQ-00124-00089696-00090192 much time outside of work not watching anything except for video game stuff from summer games BY768HZKhSQ-00125-00090376-00090936 is that accurate for you nick yeah i mean yeah pretty much i guess it started last week but BY768HZKhSQ-00126-00090936-00091552 yeah pretty much like every day after work just like watching all these trailers and just yeah BY768HZKhSQ-00127-00091552-00092176 find a recap page and just open all the tabs that's what i've been doing yeah all right so BY768HZKhSQ-00128-00092176-00092800 do you want to start with what summer games fest is yeah so it was my pen so silver game says for BY768HZKhSQ-00129-00092800-00093304 people who don't know um i think it's about like two years old now but it really spun out of there BY768HZKhSQ-00130-00093304-00093864 was this uh event or expo called e3 which for years and years and years was like the video game BY768HZKhSQ-00131-00093936-00094416 show every july where it was like a it was at the la convention center and there was just you BY768HZKhSQ-00132-00094416-00094960 know tons of games were shown off there and like that's where like people you know first saw like BY768HZKhSQ-00133-00095056-00095544 new consoles when they come when they're announced and um so like for years and years and years like BY768HZKhSQ-00134-00095544-00096120 throughout the 90s 2000s um you know me as a kid like i was obsessed with e3 like BY768HZKhSQ-00135-00096120-00096632 um every june just like oh man like have you seen like the new like resident evil coming out BY768HZKhSQ-00136-00096632-00097408 like just getting so uh excited um so that didn't happen this year um but we have this thing called BY768HZKhSQ-00137-00097408-00097848 summer games fest instead which basically is doing the same thing that e3 did where a bunch BY768HZKhSQ-00138-00097848-00098416 of new games are shown off and announced um yeah so i think me and james are going to talk about BY768HZKhSQ-00139-00098416-00098848 we're each going to talk about two games that really yeah we just want to highlight a couple of BY768HZKhSQ-00140-00098848-00099408 games that stood out to us and that that garners our interest so let's just go in order here BY768HZKhSQ-00141-00099520-00100984 um and there you go nick that's all you yeah are we doing trailers okay all right BY768HZKhSQ-00142-00101232-00102384 huh BY768HZKhSQ-00143-00102983-00103783 hmm BY768HZKhSQ-00144-00106472-00106583 hello BY768HZKhSQ-00145-00109072-00109408 uh BY768HZKhSQ-00146-00109408-00110783 um BY768HZKhSQ-00147-00113535-00114144 so yeah so that was cult of the lamb um it's a game developed by a massive monster uh BY768HZKhSQ-00148-00114144-00114680 published by devolver digital um it's coming as you can see from the trailer august 11th BY768HZKhSQ-00149-00114680-00115159 um what really stood out to me is um there's a game called binding of isaac that i really BY768HZKhSQ-00150-00115159-00115792 like and it definitely gives me vibes of that game um so you're like going into a dungeon and BY768HZKhSQ-00151-00115880-00116328 uh each time you know the dungeon is different and you're like getting upgrades and it's kind BY768HZKhSQ-00152-00116328-00117008 of uh it's it's all randomized um but the another cool hook with this game is it also has like a BY768HZKhSQ-00153-00117072-00117744 like a village town builder aspect um i listened to an interview where they um compared to kind of BY768HZKhSQ-00154-00117744-00118208 like the animal crossing where you have um in the dungeons you'll find villagers that you'll BY768HZKhSQ-00155-00118208-00118744 bring back and they'll you know you'll get them to join your cults and it's like that balance of like BY768HZKhSQ-00156-00118744-00119576 cutesy with um you know dark um dark cult stuff um in in that interview they also compared it to BY768HZKhSQ-00157-00119576-00120176 um like gravity falls and like mid-summer which are you know two things that i really like um BY768HZKhSQ-00158-00120232-00120656 so yeah uh it just really it looks super polished like the art style is great BY768HZKhSQ-00159-00120656-00121264 um so that's one that i'm excited for the gameplay loop to me kind of looked like hades mixed with a BY768HZKhSQ-00160-00121264-00122040 village builder yeah like the fast-paced top-down isometric yeah slasher gameplay BY768HZKhSQ-00161-00122280-00122783 yeah it definitely gives me the binding of isaac uh feeling and like just like how the like it's BY768HZKhSQ-00162-00122783-00123208 like a square that you're going to and you're going into another like the the room layout BY768HZKhSQ-00163-00123208-00123856 look kind of like binding advising but yeah james you want to go next yes okay so this is our other BY768HZKhSQ-00164-00123856-00124288 long trailer sorry for sandwiching the long trailers back to back that one was a little BY768HZKhSQ-00165-00124288-00124728 over over two minutes and this one's under two minutes but this is demon school i'm probably BY768HZKhSQ-00166-00124728-00126183 going to cut the trailer off halfway through because it's fine you'll get the gist of it BY768HZKhSQ-00167-00127952-00128983 so BY768HZKhSQ-00168-00130696-00130959 all right that's all i'm showing of that but BY768HZKhSQ-00169-00131136-00131624 uh this game looks incredible i love the art style i love how it combine combines like flat BY768HZKhSQ-00170-00131624-00132320 2d pixel art with 3d worlds like did you guys see that skeleton thing that looked crazy but it is BY768HZKhSQ-00171-00132320-00132880 a tactics rpg which means all the combat is grid based as you saw and tactical so you have to set BY768HZKhSQ-00172-00132880-00133384 your guys up in a strategic way so that they combo off each other to kill the bad guys before the bad BY768HZKhSQ-00173-00133384-00134152 guys kill you it also looks to be a rather indie take on the the the popular games called persona BY768HZKhSQ-00174-00134152-00134736 which is like a high school simulator but you're also fighting demons and that's very much my games BY768HZKhSQ-00175-00134736-00135336 i like those games so i'm very excited about this i'm also excited about persona side note at summer BY768HZKhSQ-00176-00135336-00135824 games fest they got announced that they're coming to xbox game pass on pc and whatever so there's BY768HZKhSQ-00177-00135824-00136504 three four and five coming to game pass um but this game is being developed by necrosoft games BY768HZKhSQ-00178-00136504-00137216 and being published by a name i cannot say it's like ysbrid i haven't played any of their games BY768HZKhSQ-00179-00137216-00137656 before but the publisher i have played a couple of their games before namely world of horror BY768HZKhSQ-00180-00137656-00138200 which was a really good like ac text-based horror game that came out a couple years ago BY768HZKhSQ-00181-00138264-00139184 and the one before that was va11 hall-a a cyberpunk bartender action uh where you learn the BY768HZKhSQ-00182-00139184-00139888 story of your patrons in the world as you play as a cyberpunk bartender in a cyberpunk dystopia and BY768HZKhSQ-00183-00139888-00140544 you're entirely at a bar learning stories and it's fantastic but this game looks incredible BY768HZKhSQ-00184-00140544-00141120 and i am more than excited to get my hands on it it's supposed to come out next year but who knows BY768HZKhSQ-00185-00141272-00141712 yeah yeah that game looks cool like i like how it like places perspective like when they're BY768HZKhSQ-00186-00141712-00142152 like running through the school it's like behind the back and then yeah yeah exactly BY768HZKhSQ-00187-00142240-00142816 and up next we got another one for me this is a complete other end of the kind of games BY768HZKhSQ-00188-00142816-00143392 i play the trailer's only 30 seconds here we go colossal kaiju have appeared around the world to BY768HZKhSQ-00189-00143392-00144384 bring an end to humanity these kaiju aren't killers lucky they're just looking for love BY768HZKhSQ-00190-00146232-00146920 so i actually played the demo for this game yesterday and i i gotta say i loved the demo BY768HZKhSQ-00191-00146920-00147472 it limited you to three dates with one person and of course i chose mothra which is the mothra clone BY768HZKhSQ-00192-00147472-00148208 that's made out of a forest in the top right there by the kaichu title but i love kaiju i love cute BY768HZKhSQ-00193-00148208-00148920 things and dating sims can be fun and this one is just it's just so like i want to say it's got like BY768HZKhSQ-00194-00148920-00149624 a wholesome filter on destroying landmarks because the dates are you go to a landmark and if you BY768HZKhSQ-00195-00149624-00150056 destroy the landmark by answering the questions of the other monster correctly you destroy the land BY768HZKhSQ-00196-00150160-00150832 and then kiss at the end of the date i will say i haven't played any of the games either published BY768HZKhSQ-00197-00150888-00151536 by this company which is top hat studios or any other games developed by this uh developer which BY768HZKhSQ-00198-00151536-00151976 is squitter shins but when i was just playing this the other day i was just like this is this BY768HZKhSQ-00199-00151976-00152840 is a vibe i'm just smashing stuff up and dating a monster a mothra that's made out of a forest and BY768HZKhSQ-00200-00152840-00153496 it's just cute and silly and fun and i enjoyed it a lot what do you think about that one nick BY768HZKhSQ-00201-00153584-00154304 it looks cool i mean it looks like a game designed for you because like you love kaiju BY768HZKhSQ-00202-00154560-00154936 but yeah definitely especially if it's on game pass i'll check it out like it seems BY768HZKhSQ-00203-00154936-00155488 like uh what was that game last year that was uh boyfriend dungeon like oh which got an update i BY768HZKhSQ-00204-00155488-00155952 played through that whole game that game was good boyfriend dungeon paul because i see you're very BY768HZKhSQ-00205-00155952-00156608 curious right now it was a dungeon crawler but your weapons were people like they could transform BY768HZKhSQ-00206-00156608-00157152 between human and weapon and when you would go to the dungeon with them you'd go on dates with them BY768HZKhSQ-00207-00157368-00157848 yeah it's a different kind of game anyhoo all right so like what you got yeah really quick BY768HZKhSQ-00208-00157848-00158128 let me talk about straight i'll play some of the trailer we'll play all of it because BY768HZKhSQ-00209-00158248-00159784 we don't want to run out of time so here we go BY768HZKhSQ-00210-00160248-00161184 so BY768HZKhSQ-00211-00161976-00162584 oh BY768HZKhSQ-00212-00162952-00163984 so BY768HZKhSQ-00213-00164384-00165224 yeah so that's straight um it's coming out i think july 14th um and yeah you play as a cat BY768HZKhSQ-00214-00165224-00165952 uh there's also you know robot people that you interact with um the robots are like the cool BY768HZKhSQ-00215-00165952-00166568 like monitor head kind of looking robots um yeah i'm really excited about this obviously i mean BY768HZKhSQ-00216-00166632-00167112 not many games you can play as a cat and this one just looks like so polished like the atmosphere BY768HZKhSQ-00217-00167112-00167624 the world i'm really excited to figure out like you know what's going on like the story um BY768HZKhSQ-00218-00167704-00168272 you know i think they've said you're looking for your family you're looking to like return to BY768HZKhSQ-00219-00168416-00168856 your family or finding what happened so i'm really interested just to like experience this world and BY768HZKhSQ-00220-00168920-00169336 and figure out you know what what the story is in this world BY768HZKhSQ-00221-00169336-00169584 um and yeah it looks super cute like you can BY768HZKhSQ-00222-00169808-00170064 do cat stuff so i'm yeah this looks awesome BY768HZKhSQ-00223-00170200-00170696 yeah i've been excited for this one since they announced it a couple years ago um just because BY768HZKhSQ-00224-00170696-00171360 it's it's a completely different game than most games it looks like it's combining a walking BY768HZKhSQ-00225-00171360-00172016 simulator but you're a cat and it's cyberpunk and dystopia and robot people instead of people BY768HZKhSQ-00226-00172120-00172864 yeah why is that let's find out yeah yeah is this coming to pc i didn't check not at release yeah BY768HZKhSQ-00227-00172944-00173784 yeah so james will be coming over to my house to play it yep maybe maybe just stream it yeah BY768HZKhSQ-00228-00173976-00174600 but yeah so that is our little recap of summer games fest um we tried to pick games that weren't BY768HZKhSQ-00229-00174600-00175352 super aaa but had our had our interest and both of the ones i chose were very indie um i just i BY768HZKhSQ-00230-00175352-00175832 don't know indie games capture my excitement right now way more than the next call of duty BY768HZKhSQ-00231-00176240-00176584 back to you paul BY768HZKhSQ-00232-00176944-00177448 yeah paul if you're muted paul out of those four games what game would you BY768HZKhSQ-00233-00177448-00178032 play what out of those four games which one would you probably demon school oh BY768HZKhSQ-00234-00178032-00178624 nice demon school's got that mixture man that 2d 3d tactic that's my stuff BY768HZKhSQ-00235-00178816-00179528 so um not so sure we're going to get in the question like i thought so anyway and BY768HZKhSQ-00236-00179592-00180096 so we might have to save that one for next week but if you do have that question and you're BY768HZKhSQ-00237-00180096-00180776 itching to know what the answer you know how to reach us you can go to introduce.com you can uh BY768HZKhSQ-00238-00180776-00181576 you know reach us there as well as all the all the platforms youtube instagram BY768HZKhSQ-00239-00181576-00182208 facebook linkedin all of those platforms you can reach us there we're all on there as well as BY768HZKhSQ-00240-00182208-00182816 don't forget to subscribe to this uh tell your friends share this if you happen to miss one BY768HZKhSQ-00241-00182816-00183512 you can always catch the replay on our youtube channel or on our blog the following week so until BY768HZKhSQ-00242-00183512-00184048 next time i promise we'll answer the question and we won't run over with all these crazy video games BY768HZKhSQ-00243-00184048-00184672 so do something creative in this next week and we will see you next time bye everyone BY768HZKhSQ-00244-00184944-00184984 out BY768HZKhSQ-00245-00186936-00186944 you BaflY1iDbNc-00000-00000463-00000938 Hello. I'm High Heel Knight. Welcome to my channel. This is my BaflY1iDbNc-00001-00000938-00001702 miniature movie review of Overcomer. It is the sixth movie from the Kendrick Brothers. BaflY1iDbNc-00002-00001704-00002448 It is a Christian faith drama. Alex Kendrick plays Coach John Harrison BaflY1iDbNc-00003-00002448-00003125 He is the basketball coach of a Christian high school. He had an amazing BaflY1iDbNc-00004-00003125-00003700 previous season. He's gearing up for excellent season coming forth. BaflY1iDbNc-00005-00003702-00004454 But during the summer, a major factory of the town shuts down and move its BaflY1iDbNc-00006-00004455-00005028 operations elsewhere. Many residents of the town also move. They are BaflY1iDbNc-00007-00005028-00005487 following their jobs or just trying to find work in other places. This leaves BaflY1iDbNc-00008-00005487-00005976 the school with less students, which means there's less players for the BaflY1iDbNc-00009-00005976-00006668 basketball team. The coach is not only left with a non-ideal basketball team, BaflY1iDbNc-00010-00006668-00007214 but he also has to take on several other teaching duties around the school, BaflY1iDbNc-00011-00007215-00007895 including becoming the coach of the cross-country racing program. To make BaflY1iDbNc-00012-00007895-00008403 things even more frustrating, there's only one person that even bothered to try out BaflY1iDbNc-00013-00008403-00009072 for cross-country running. That person, her name is Hannah. She has asthma. BaflY1iDbNc-00014-00009072-00009732 Things are not really going swimmingly for Coach Harrison. Hannah herself? BaflY1iDbNc-00015-00009732-00010320 She's a nice girl, but her parents have died. She lives with her grandmother. BaflY1iDbNc-00016-00010320-00011070 She's sort of a loner. She is going through life just day-by-day BaflY1iDbNc-00017-00011070-00011675 She is not necessarily a bad kid. She doesn't look forward to much in life BaflY1iDbNc-00018-00011676-00012226 besides running. She finds some goodness with running. BaflY1iDbNc-00019-00012226-00012674 The coach and the young lady, they get to know each other. Through various BaflY1iDbNc-00020-00012675-00013091 trials and tribulations, their faith in God BaflY1iDbNc-00021-00013091-00013593 is reaffirmed and/or restored. They both come out much better. BaflY1iDbNc-00022-00013593-00014048 Yes, technically that is a spoiler, but this is a Christian drama. BaflY1iDbNc-00023-00014048-00014475 Things are usually gonna work out pretty well for everyone involved when it comes to BaflY1iDbNc-00024-00014475-00014966 Christian films. That leads me to what I liked about this movie. Because it takes BaflY1iDbNc-00025-00014966-00015468 place in a Christian community with a Christian high school, it makes a BaflY1iDbNc-00026-00015468-00015987 lot of sense when folks actually start talking about God, Jesus, faith, and stuff. BaflY1iDbNc-00027-00015987-00016404 That's really the toughest thing about religious movies. You gotta talk about BaflY1iDbNc-00028-00016404-00016900 the religious stuff. How can you really fit it into a conversation that feels natural? BaflY1iDbNc-00029-00016900-00017381 On that front, it went really well. But on the flip side, one of BaflY1iDbNc-00030-00017381-00017790 the conversations in this movie - which has nothing really to do with faith BaflY1iDbNc-00031-00017790-00018334 or God- just falls flat. The coach and his wife get into an argument. BaflY1iDbNc-00032-00018334-00019008 The initial argument is troublesome at best with the dialogue between them. But when BaflY1iDbNc-00033-00019008-00019629 they make up, it's even worse. I hated that scene. It was just terrible. BaflY1iDbNc-00034-00019629-00020054 I couldn't believe a single word coming out of the wife. The way they made up/ BaflY1iDbNc-00035-00020054-00020568 I was like/ I would have just shot this very, very differently. That's what I would BaflY1iDbNc-00036-00020568-00021050 consider a bad part about the movie. BaflY1iDbNc-00037-00021050-00021588 There were a couple things that slightly frustrated me but not too bad. BaflY1iDbNc-00038-00021588-00022262 For instance, Hannah. As she gets better with her running, she starts getting support BaflY1iDbNc-00039-00022263-00022764 from some of the students. They come to her rallies and cheer for her. BaflY1iDbNc-00040-00022764-00023282 Things like that would normally be wonderful. But I'm thinking, "When did she become friends... BaflY1iDbNc-00041-00023282-00023622 ...with these people?" At no point in the whole movie does she BaflY1iDbNc-00042-00023622-00024048 interact with any other students besides the coach's two sons. BaflY1iDbNc-00043-00024048-00024500 The coach's eldest son knows several other teenagers. Maybe he encourages them to BaflY1iDbNc-00044-00024500-00025064 come see the running meet. But still/ They chant, "Yay Hannah! Go Hannah!" BaflY1iDbNc-00045-00025064-00025558 What? You're friends? When did this happen? BaflY1iDbNc-00046-00025562-00026270 Another thing that slightly frustrated me/ There is a trope unfortunately known as BaflY1iDbNc-00047-00026270-00026854 the magical mystical negro. That's when a lead protagonist - usually White - BaflY1iDbNc-00048-00026856-00027324 meets a supporting character - usually Black. It could be nearly BaflY1iDbNc-00049-00027324-00027669 any minority, but it's usually Black. That supporting character has some type of BaflY1iDbNc-00050-00027669-00028266 special skill, knowledge, power, or ability. He comes into the protagonist's life out BaflY1iDbNc-00051-00028266-00028992 of bizarre circumstances and helps uplift and raise and help the White BaflY1iDbNc-00052-00028992-00029544 protagonist triumph. You'll see this in films like The Green Mile or Happy Gilmore or BaflY1iDbNc-00053-00029544-00030270 in Kevin Costner's and Taron Egerton's versions of the Robin Hood mythos. BaflY1iDbNc-00054-00030276-00030689 I was a little nervous because that seemed to be where the movie was going. BaflY1iDbNc-00055-00030689-00031556 It does dip its toe into a little bit. But in this case, the Black person BaflY1iDbNc-00056-00031556-00032160 fits in with the narrative a lot better and a lot more organically, especially with BaflY1iDbNc-00057-00032160-00032697 themes of forgiveness and reconnecting with faith and things like that. BaflY1iDbNc-00058-00032697-00033285 The story worked really well, but it dipped its toe into that trope. BaflY1iDbNc-00059-00033285-00033690 Another thing that it dips its toe into tropes was the drama teacher who BaflY1iDbNc-00060-00033690-00034197 might be gay. He's not outwardly gay. But he has a lot of those gay tropes BaflY1iDbNc-00061-00034197-00034876 associated with being [flamboyant teasing]. If the character is gay, then great! BaflY1iDbNc-00062-00034878-00035240 We got a gay character in a Christian movie! But if the character is not gay, BaflY1iDbNc-00063-00035241-00035835 then you need to reevaluate what you think a drama teacher is like. BaflY1iDbNc-00064-00035835-00036428 I took drama while growing up in high school I had some teachers, none of them BaflY1iDbNc-00065-00036430-00037020 were like that. Yes, I did like this movie. I enjoyed it overall. It is a very nice, BaflY1iDbNc-00066-00037020-00037782 uplifting, warming, and fantastic film. Not the best dialogue. Not the best acting. BaflY1iDbNc-00067-00037784-00038316 But still/ It was enjoyable. It was nice. I liked it. I recommend Overcomer. BaflY1iDbNc-00068-00038316-00038684 If you've seen the movie, I would love to know what you thought of the film. BaflY1iDbNc-00069-00038684-00038984 Be sure to share whatever comments you'd like in the Comment Section. BaflY1iDbNc-00070-00038984-00039398 Be sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe or Dislike, Share, and Subscribe. BaflY1iDbNc-00071-00039398-00039718 Once again, I'm High Heel Knight. Thank you for watching and remember: BaflY1iDbNc-00072-00039718-00040096 Find Inspiration Everywhere! Be_0Xci_9LU-00000-00000000-00000200 Like a Limonade with no Bubbles in it - TemmieChan Be_0Xci_9LU-00001-00002374-00002695 I'm covered with bittersweets Be_0Xci_9LU-00002-00002695-00002974 My lips taste like sugar Be_0Xci_9LU-00003-00002974-00003252 cringe and soft at the same time Be_0Xci_9LU-00004-00003500-00003811 But deep inside I'm just plate Be_0Xci_9LU-00005-00003811-00004320 Like a limonade with no bubbles in it Be_0Xci_9LU-00006-00004735-00005032 There's some candycane in my heart, Be_0Xci_9LU-00007-00005032-00005280 But all of them, are just crush Be_0Xci_9LU-00008-00005280-00005580 by the pressure I endure Be_0Xci_9LU-00009-00005905-00006308 I like you whenever you like me Be_0Xci_9LU-00010-00006511-00006957 Kiss me 'till my body is full with sweets Be_0Xci_9LU-00011-00007063-00007169 You know I hate me Be_0Xci_9LU-00012-00007169-00007369 but also I feel comfy being me Be_0Xci_9LU-00013-00007646-00007884 Combine all the opposite to create a thing Be_0Xci_9LU-00014-00007884-00008084 who can be like me Be_0Xci_9LU-00015-00008170-00008568 Form a cotton candy with a ton of imperfections Be_0Xci_9LU-00016-00008809-00009000 Touch my bare hand and tell me Be_0Xci_9LU-00017-00009000-00009200 you will love my 'till the end Be_0Xci_9LU-00018-00009384-00009684 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00019-00009684-00009927 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00020-00009927-00010196 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00021-00010239-00010439 There~ Be_0Xci_9LU-00022-00010551-00010814 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00023-00010848-00011077 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00024-00011077-00011478 I could promise you that I will always be there Be_0Xci_9LU-00025-00011503-00011670 There~ Be_0Xci_9LU-00026-00011713-00011978 Deep inside... Be_0Xci_9LU-00027-00012000-00012246 just plate... Be_0Xci_9LU-00028-00012369-00012525 limonade... Be_0Xci_9LU-00029-00012649-00012947 bubbles in it... Be_0Xci_9LU-00030-00012947-00013147 Deep inside... Be_0Xci_9LU-00031-00013235-00013432 just plate... Be_0Xci_9LU-00032-00013500-00013728 limonade... Be_0Xci_9LU-00033-00013777-00014139 bubbles in it... Bea8TKVISOE-00000-00000012-00001308 Our thinking is not good nowadays for each other but we speak very sweetly but the vibration will Bea8TKVISOE-00001-00001308-00002196 reach the simplest way to be happy should be through thinking and speaking what we think should be spoken Bea8TKVISOE-00002-00002346-00002802 because if it is not worth speaking then it is also worth sleeping It is not Bea8TKVISOE-00003-00002952-00003726 like if someone comes to the house, should I say that he has come at the time of Bea8TKVISOE-00004-00003726-00004770 eating Bea8TKVISOE-00005-00004770-00005382 ? The person in front receives two sms because the vibration reaches both of them, that's why Bea8TKVISOE-00006-00005382-00006106 sometimes they sit for a while, sometimes they get up a little, then how they give energy while cooking [music] Bea8TKVISOE-00007-00006246-00007086 So if you can't agree then change your thought Need but thought different words different why we can't speak like this Bea8TKVISOE-00008-00007086-00007728 because we think what people will think in our elder what will people Bea8TKVISOE-00009-00007728-00008838 say in our elder means when they are happy with us then we can't please good people here one Not pleasing Bea8TKVISOE-00010-00008838-00009540 one soul and we have gone on to please all The thing we can do Bea8TKVISOE-00011-00009540-00010482 is keep ourselves happy Our vibrations of happiness will radiate We will Bea8TKVISOE-00012-00010482-00011272 try to please And most important try to please by not being happy Mission will not be accomplished [MUSIC] Bea8TKVISOE-00013-00011334-00012114 To Khush Khush Rahna Sikh Jo more Then teach others if you do this then it will be very good in life Bea8TKVISOE-00014-00012264-00012630 if everyone understands this then life will be filled with happiness Bea8TKVISOE-00015-00012846-00013416 because it is not just for the person in front because it is not just for the person in front Bea8TKVISOE-00016-00013416-00014268 we also negative energy in our You are saved like this because if you have to cook, then why not Bea8TKVISOE-00017-00014268-00014916 cook it happily, after how many days you have come, you will go after eating food, if I cook it then what will happen, Bea8TKVISOE-00018-00015047-00015719 but on the other hand, if you cook food by creating negative vibrations with negative thinking, it will Both Bea8TKVISOE-00019-00015719-00016247 have loss because if we think negative then first of all we do our own loss Bea8TKVISOE-00020-00016247-00016918 because first of all we are getting that vibration so think very carefully [music] BeabRiIOMvE-00000-00000737-00000952 In a statement released by the Defense Department BeabRiIOMvE-00001-00000952-00001311 Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno is offering his thoughts BeabRiIOMvE-00002-00001311-00001651 and prayers to the family of Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene who was killed BeabRiIOMvE-00003-00001651-00002078 yesterday in a mass shooting in Kabul Afghanistan that caused up to 15 casualties BeabRiIOMvE-00004-00002078-00002277 The Shooter believed to be a member of the BeabRiIOMvE-00005-00002277-00002518 Afghan Security forces was also killed BeabRiIOMvE-00006-00002518-00003042 Pentagon official said yesterday it's hard to completely eliminate the threat of an insider attack BeabRiIOMvE-00007-00003042-00003342 but you can work hard to mitigate it minimize it and BeabRiIOMvE-00008-00003486-00003940 and I would as terrible as today is and it is a BeabRiIOMvE-00009-00003940-00004255 it's a terrible day terrible tragedy BeabRiIOMvE-00010-00004255-00004660 we haven't seen in the course of the last year BeabRiIOMvE-00011-00004660-00005091 as you described it a spate of these insider threat attacks BeabRiIOMvE-00012-00005091-00005477 An investigation into the shooting is under way that's your BeabRiIOMvE-00013-00005477-00005807 DOD news update Bfx5kXlcEwy-00000-00000529-00000827 Here we go for Today's UFO Plate. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00001-00000827-00001189 It's February 3rd, 2023. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00002-00001189-00001607 Fantastic UFO Plates, Succulent UFO Plates from Italy, in particular from Naples in Campania. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00003-00001607-00002659 First of all as you know observe carefully today at the small UFO Plate above the soup UFO Plate. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00004-00002851-00003493 Then you make the two UFO Plates fly (whistle). Bfx5kXlcEwy-00005-00003493-00004387 Now perform the magic musical moment with the cuttler (whistle). Bfx5kXlcEwy-00006-00004387-00005175 And finally remove the small UFO Plate from the soup UFO Plate. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00007-00005275-00007011 Today's UFO Plate is...? Bfx5kXlcEwy-00008-00007708-00008011 Pasta with Peas. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00009-00008011-00008650 Yes as perhaps someone know (I don't know) it's not one of my Bfx5kXlcEwy-00010-00008650-00009002 favorite Plates in absolute but I think in the Top 10-15 yes. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00011-00009002-00009814 So, however a very good plate, also with Parmesan, very beautiful. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00012-00009814-00010346 Yes, Pasta with Peas. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00013-00010346-00010756 And not one of my favorites in absolute but Bfx5kXlcEwy-00014-00010756-00010982 a very good plate. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00015-00010982-00011311 I think also with Parmesan it's more beautiful. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00016-00011311-00011527 And this is the 6th time it came out. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00017-00011527-00011921 It came out a first time on October 31st, Bfx5kXlcEwy-00018-00011921-00012664 a second one on November 16th, third one on December 5th, fourth on January 4th, Bfx5kXlcEwy-00019-00012664-00013228 fifth one on January 11th, and so today was the 6th. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00020-00013228-00013847 And today it reached also Pasta with Lentils and with Cabbage or better Neapolitan Cabbage, Bfx5kXlcEwy-00021-00013847-00013987 called "Cauliflower", Bfx5kXlcEwy-00022-00013987-00014604 that is, I remember this for those who don't know this, it's my favorite Plate Bfx5kXlcEwy-00023-00014604-00015270 Pasta with Neapolitan Cabbage, called "Cauliflower", is my favorite plate of ever. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00024-00015270-00015556 But as always if you're interested for this data and other consult the list in the Bfx5kXlcEwy-00025-00015556-00016260 comment sections to deepen that thing, all the data etc.. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00026-00016360-00016844 Surely at least one time I think you ate this Plate in your life, it's impossible the contrary. Bfx5kXlcEwy-00027-00016844-00017614 In fact as always I hope you enjoy the Plate, I don't know, and the video, Bfx5kXlcEwy-00028-00017614-00017946 have a great day again. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00000-00000063-00000456 Congratulations to Elections Saskatchewan from Canada. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00001-00000619-00001298 Their Accessibility Implementation Plan was created to address the needs of voters with disabilities. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00002-00001298-00001823 After identifying problems through focus groups and consultations in 2013, ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00003-00001823-00002480 ... solutions such as improved polling accessibility and homebound voting were carried out. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00004-00002898-00003534 I am Michael Boda and as Chief Electoral Officer for the Canadian province of Saskatchewan ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00005-00003534-00004123 ... it's my role to reduce barriers for all voters including those who are disabled and our seniors. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00006-00004123-00004585 But I couldn't do that alone in 2016, during our general election. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00007-00004585-00005258 There we spoke with many of our accessibility groups in the province ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00008-00005258-00005460 ... and received input from them. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00009-00005460-00005783 We also received some help from outside experts ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00010-00005783-00006049 ... from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00011-00006049-00006457 and from the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00012-00006456-00006989 And then over 12,000 of our election officials implemented a plan ... Bi5Vxbj49t8-00013-00006989-00007419 to increase accessibility at polls across the province. Bi5Vxbj49t8-00014-00007419-00007838 So here's to you Saskatchewan, congratulations on winning this award. BnfdIbqvjxc-00000-00019295-00019579 ROCKFISH. LOOKS LIKE A STARRY BnfdIbqvjxc-00001-00019579-00019586 ROCKFISH. LOOKS LIKE A STARRY BnfdIbqvjxc-00002-00019586-00019846 ROCKFISH. LOOKS LIKE A STARRY EYE, OR... BnfdIbqvjxc-00003-00019846-00019853 ROCKFISH. LOOKS LIKE A STARRY EYE, OR... BnfdIbqvjxc-00004-00019853-00020046 ROCKFISH. LOOKS LIKE A STARRY EYE, OR... WHAT A NICE ROCKFISH RIGHT THERE BnfdIbqvjxc-00005-00020046-00020053 EYE, OR... WHAT A NICE ROCKFISH RIGHT THERE BnfdIbqvjxc-00006-00020053-00020487 EYE, OR... WHAT A NICE ROCKFISH RIGHT THERE ON THAT BUCKTAIL. BnfdIbqvjxc-00007-00020487-00020493 WHAT A NICE ROCKFISH RIGHT THERE ON THAT BUCKTAIL. BnfdIbqvjxc-00008-00020493-00020700 WHAT A NICE ROCKFISH RIGHT THERE ON THAT BUCKTAIL. NICE QUALITY FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00009-00020700-00020707 ON THAT BUCKTAIL. NICE QUALITY FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00010-00020707-00020774 ON THAT BUCKTAIL. NICE QUALITY FISH. STEAM THIS GUY UP, BnfdIbqvjxc-00011-00020774-00020780 NICE QUALITY FISH. STEAM THIS GUY UP, BnfdIbqvjxc-00012-00020780-00020947 NICE QUALITY FISH. STEAM THIS GUY UP, HE'LL TASTE DELICIOUS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00013-00020947-00020954 STEAM THIS GUY UP, HE'LL TASTE DELICIOUS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00014-00020954-00021040 STEAM THIS GUY UP, HE'LL TASTE DELICIOUS. ALL RIGHT, WE'LL TAKE A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00015-00021040-00021047 HE'LL TASTE DELICIOUS. ALL RIGHT, WE'LL TAKE A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00016-00021047-00021154 HE'LL TASTE DELICIOUS. ALL RIGHT, WE'LL TAKE A LITTLE BREAK AND SEE IF WE CAN GET BnfdIbqvjxc-00017-00021154-00021161 ALL RIGHT, WE'LL TAKE A LITTLE BREAK AND SEE IF WE CAN GET BnfdIbqvjxc-00018-00021161-00022692 ALL RIGHT, WE'LL TAKE A LITTLE BREAK AND SEE IF WE CAN GET ANOTHER ONE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00019-00022692-00022699 BREAK AND SEE IF WE CAN GET ANOTHER ONE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00020-00022699-00023753 BREAK AND SEE IF WE CAN GET ANOTHER ONE. [INDISTINCT CHATTER] BnfdIbqvjxc-00021-00023753-00023950 >> LARGER BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00022-00023950-00023957 >> LARGER BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00023-00023957-00024274 >> LARGER BONITA. >> VERY NICE BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00024-00024274-00024280 >> LARGER BONITA. >> VERY NICE BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00025-00024280-00024444 >> LARGER BONITA. >> VERY NICE BONITA. >> GO, DAN. BnfdIbqvjxc-00026-00024444-00024451 >> VERY NICE BONITA. >> GO, DAN. BnfdIbqvjxc-00027-00024451-00024644 >> VERY NICE BONITA. >> GO, DAN. >> THERE'S A NICE BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00028-00024644-00024651 >> GO, DAN. >> THERE'S A NICE BONITA. BnfdIbqvjxc-00029-00024651-00024751 >> GO, DAN. >> THERE'S A NICE BONITA. HERE'S THAT BONITA I JUST BnfdIbqvjxc-00030-00024751-00024758 >> THERE'S A NICE BONITA. HERE'S THAT BONITA I JUST BnfdIbqvjxc-00031-00024758-00024868 >> THERE'S A NICE BONITA. HERE'S THAT BONITA I JUST CAUGHT. CAUGHT HIM ON A LIVE BnfdIbqvjxc-00032-00024868-00024874 HERE'S THAT BONITA I JUST CAUGHT. CAUGHT HIM ON A LIVE BnfdIbqvjxc-00033-00024874-00025038 HERE'S THAT BONITA I JUST CAUGHT. CAUGHT HIM ON A LIVE ANCHOVY. WAS TRYING TO CATCH BnfdIbqvjxc-00034-00025038-00025045 CAUGHT. CAUGHT HIM ON A LIVE ANCHOVY. WAS TRYING TO CATCH BnfdIbqvjxc-00035-00025045-00025198 CAUGHT. CAUGHT HIM ON A LIVE ANCHOVY. WAS TRYING TO CATCH A CALICO AND HE CAUGHT A BONITA BnfdIbqvjxc-00036-00025198-00025205 ANCHOVY. WAS TRYING TO CATCH A CALICO AND HE CAUGHT A BONITA BnfdIbqvjxc-00037-00025205-00025321 ANCHOVY. WAS TRYING TO CATCH A CALICO AND HE CAUGHT A BONITA HERE. AND THAT'S WHAT'S NEAT BnfdIbqvjxc-00038-00025321-00025328 A CALICO AND HE CAUGHT A BONITA HERE. AND THAT'S WHAT'S NEAT BnfdIbqvjxc-00039-00025328-00025465 A CALICO AND HE CAUGHT A BONITA HERE. AND THAT'S WHAT'S NEAT ABOUT FISHING THESE KELP AREAS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00040-00025465-00025472 HERE. AND THAT'S WHAT'S NEAT ABOUT FISHING THESE KELP AREAS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00041-00025472-00025618 HERE. AND THAT'S WHAT'S NEAT ABOUT FISHING THESE KELP AREAS. YOU NEVER KNOW IF IT'S GOING BnfdIbqvjxc-00042-00025618-00025625 ABOUT FISHING THESE KELP AREAS. YOU NEVER KNOW IF IT'S GOING BnfdIbqvjxc-00043-00025625-00025825 ABOUT FISHING THESE KELP AREAS. YOU NEVER KNOW IF IT'S GOING TO BE A CALICO, COULD BE A SAND BnfdIbqvjxc-00044-00025825-00025832 YOU NEVER KNOW IF IT'S GOING TO BE A CALICO, COULD BE A SAND BnfdIbqvjxc-00045-00025832-00025955 YOU NEVER KNOW IF IT'S GOING TO BE A CALICO, COULD BE A SAND BASS ON THE EDGE, A HALIBUT DOWN BnfdIbqvjxc-00046-00025955-00025962 TO BE A CALICO, COULD BE A SAND BASS ON THE EDGE, A HALIBUT DOWN BnfdIbqvjxc-00047-00025962-00026119 TO BE A CALICO, COULD BE A SAND BASS ON THE EDGE, A HALIBUT DOWN THERE. MAYBE EVEN YELLOWTAIL BnfdIbqvjxc-00048-00026119-00026126 BASS ON THE EDGE, A HALIBUT DOWN THERE. MAYBE EVEN YELLOWTAIL BnfdIbqvjxc-00049-00026126-00026279 BASS ON THE EDGE, A HALIBUT DOWN THERE. MAYBE EVEN YELLOWTAIL OR WHITE SEA BASS. AND TODAY WAS BnfdIbqvjxc-00050-00026279-00026286 THERE. MAYBE EVEN YELLOWTAIL OR WHITE SEA BASS. AND TODAY WAS BnfdIbqvjxc-00051-00026286-00026463 THERE. MAYBE EVEN YELLOWTAIL OR WHITE SEA BASS. AND TODAY WAS A NICE BIG BONITA. BIGGEST BnfdIbqvjxc-00052-00026463-00026469 OR WHITE SEA BASS. AND TODAY WAS A NICE BIG BONITA. BIGGEST BnfdIbqvjxc-00053-00026469-00026956 OR WHITE SEA BASS. AND TODAY WAS A NICE BIG BONITA. BIGGEST BONITA OF THE DAY SO FAR. BnfdIbqvjxc-00054-00026956-00029386 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] BnfdIbqvjxc-00055-00029386-00029546 >> WHAT NUMBER YOU? BnfdIbqvjxc-00056-00029546-00029552 >> WHAT NUMBER YOU? BnfdIbqvjxc-00057-00029552-00029716 >> WHAT NUMBER YOU? >> UH, 15. BnfdIbqvjxc-00058-00029716-00029723 >> WHAT NUMBER YOU? >> UH, 15. BnfdIbqvjxc-00059-00029723-00029863 >> WHAT NUMBER YOU? >> UH, 15. >> GOOD JOB. BnfdIbqvjxc-00060-00029863-00029869 >> UH, 15. >> GOOD JOB. BnfdIbqvjxc-00061-00029869-00029939 >> UH, 15. >> GOOD JOB. HEY, GUYS, WE GOT DUSTIN HERE BnfdIbqvjxc-00062-00029939-00029946 >> GOOD JOB. HEY, GUYS, WE GOT DUSTIN HERE BnfdIbqvjxc-00063-00029946-00030086 >> GOOD JOB. HEY, GUYS, WE GOT DUSTIN HERE WITH A VERY NICE SALMON GROUPER. BnfdIbqvjxc-00064-00030086-00030093 HEY, GUYS, WE GOT DUSTIN HERE WITH A VERY NICE SALMON GROUPER. BnfdIbqvjxc-00065-00030093-00030170 HEY, GUYS, WE GOT DUSTIN HERE WITH A VERY NICE SALMON GROUPER. HE JUST PULLED IT OFF THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00066-00030170-00030176 WITH A VERY NICE SALMON GROUPER. HE JUST PULLED IT OFF THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00067-00030176-00030256 WITH A VERY NICE SALMON GROUPER. HE JUST PULLED IT OFF THE BOTTOM. WE'RE FISHING ABOUT 32 BnfdIbqvjxc-00068-00030256-00030263 HE JUST PULLED IT OFF THE BOTTOM. WE'RE FISHING ABOUT 32 BnfdIbqvjxc-00069-00030263-00030473 HE JUST PULLED IT OFF THE BOTTOM. WE'RE FISHING ABOUT 32 FATHOMS JUST OUTSIDE OF LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00070-00030473-00030480 BOTTOM. WE'RE FISHING ABOUT 32 FATHOMS JUST OUTSIDE OF LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00071-00030480-00030744 BOTTOM. WE'RE FISHING ABOUT 32 FATHOMS JUST OUTSIDE OF LITTLE GIBRALTAR HERE. IS THIS BnfdIbqvjxc-00072-00030744-00030750 FATHOMS JUST OUTSIDE OF LITTLE GIBRALTAR HERE. IS THIS BnfdIbqvjxc-00073-00030750-00030817 FATHOMS JUST OUTSIDE OF LITTLE GIBRALTAR HERE. IS THIS YOUR FIRST SALMON GROUPER? BnfdIbqvjxc-00074-00030817-00030824 GIBRALTAR HERE. IS THIS YOUR FIRST SALMON GROUPER? BnfdIbqvjxc-00075-00030824-00030940 GIBRALTAR HERE. IS THIS YOUR FIRST SALMON GROUPER? >> YEAH, ABSOLUTELY. BnfdIbqvjxc-00076-00030940-00030947 YOUR FIRST SALMON GROUPER? >> YEAH, ABSOLUTELY. BnfdIbqvjxc-00077-00030947-00031057 YOUR FIRST SALMON GROUPER? >> YEAH, ABSOLUTELY. >> RIGHT ON. HE DID A VERY GOOD BnfdIbqvjxc-00078-00031057-00031064 >> YEAH, ABSOLUTELY. >> RIGHT ON. HE DID A VERY GOOD BnfdIbqvjxc-00079-00031064-00031164 >> YEAH, ABSOLUTELY. >> RIGHT ON. HE DID A VERY GOOD JOB PUTTING HIS ROD ON RAILS, BnfdIbqvjxc-00080-00031164-00031171 >> RIGHT ON. HE DID A VERY GOOD JOB PUTTING HIS ROD ON RAILS, BnfdIbqvjxc-00081-00031171-00031267 >> RIGHT ON. HE DID A VERY GOOD JOB PUTTING HIS ROD ON RAILS, STEADY WOUND IT ALL THE WAY BnfdIbqvjxc-00082-00031267-00031274 JOB PUTTING HIS ROD ON RAILS, STEADY WOUND IT ALL THE WAY BnfdIbqvjxc-00083-00031274-00031367 JOB PUTTING HIS ROD ON RAILS, STEADY WOUND IT ALL THE WAY TO THE BOAT. FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS BnfdIbqvjxc-00084-00031367-00031374 STEADY WOUND IT ALL THE WAY TO THE BOAT. FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS BnfdIbqvjxc-00085-00031374-00031564 STEADY WOUND IT ALL THE WAY TO THE BOAT. FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS AND HE GOT A NICE LITTLE SALMON. BnfdIbqvjxc-00086-00031564-00031571 TO THE BOAT. FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS AND HE GOT A NICE LITTLE SALMON. BnfdIbqvjxc-00087-00031571-00031648 TO THE BOAT. FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS AND HE GOT A NICE LITTLE SALMON. GOOD JOB, BROTHER. BnfdIbqvjxc-00088-00031648-00031654 AND HE GOT A NICE LITTLE SALMON. GOOD JOB, BROTHER. BnfdIbqvjxc-00089-00031654-00031741 AND HE GOT A NICE LITTLE SALMON. GOOD JOB, BROTHER. >> THANKS A LOT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00090-00031741-00031748 GOOD JOB, BROTHER. >> THANKS A LOT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00091-00031748-00032028 GOOD JOB, BROTHER. >> THANKS A LOT. >> ALL RIGHT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00092-00032028-00032035 >> THANKS A LOT. >> ALL RIGHT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00093-00032035-00032188 >> THANKS A LOT. >> ALL RIGHT. >> CALICO BASS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00094-00032188-00032195 >> ALL RIGHT. >> CALICO BASS. BnfdIbqvjxc-00095-00032195-00032338 >> ALL RIGHT. >> CALICO BASS. AND THE SKIPPER JUST MADE BnfdIbqvjxc-00096-00032338-00032345 >> CALICO BASS. AND THE SKIPPER JUST MADE BnfdIbqvjxc-00097-00032345-00032612 >> CALICO BASS. AND THE SKIPPER JUST MADE A MOVE. HE'S GOT--LET ME SEE BnfdIbqvjxc-00098-00032612-00032619 AND THE SKIPPER JUST MADE A MOVE. HE'S GOT--LET ME SEE BnfdIbqvjxc-00099-00032619-00032826 AND THE SKIPPER JUST MADE A MOVE. HE'S GOT--LET ME SEE THAT. THIS IS THE GARIBALDI. BnfdIbqvjxc-00100-00032826-00032832 A MOVE. HE'S GOT--LET ME SEE THAT. THIS IS THE GARIBALDI. BnfdIbqvjxc-00101-00032832-00032999 A MOVE. HE'S GOT--LET ME SEE THAT. THIS IS THE GARIBALDI. THIS IS A STATE FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00102-00032999-00033006 THAT. THIS IS THE GARIBALDI. THIS IS A STATE FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00103-00033006-00033123 THAT. THIS IS THE GARIBALDI. THIS IS A STATE FISH. YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00104-00033123-00033129 THIS IS A STATE FISH. YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS FISH. BnfdIbqvjxc-00105-00033129-00033353 THIS IS A STATE FISH. YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS FISH. BUT VERY RARELY DO YOU SEE BnfdIbqvjxc-00106-00033353-00033359 YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS FISH. BUT VERY RARELY DO YOU SEE BnfdIbqvjxc-00107-00033359-00033516 YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS FISH. BUT VERY RARELY DO YOU SEE A STATE FISH CAUGHT EVER BnfdIbqvjxc-00108-00033516-00033523 BUT VERY RARELY DO YOU SEE A STATE FISH CAUGHT EVER BnfdIbqvjxc-00109-00033523-00033660 BUT VERY RARELY DO YOU SEE A STATE FISH CAUGHT EVER BY A HOOK, AND THERE'S ONE RIGHT BnfdIbqvjxc-00110-00033660-00033666 A STATE FISH CAUGHT EVER BY A HOOK, AND THERE'S ONE RIGHT BnfdIbqvjxc-00111-00033666-00033933 A STATE FISH CAUGHT EVER BY A HOOK, AND THERE'S ONE RIGHT THERE. WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD BnfdIbqvjxc-00112-00033933-00033940 BY A HOOK, AND THERE'S ONE RIGHT THERE. WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD BnfdIbqvjxc-00113-00033940-00034140 BY A HOOK, AND THERE'S ONE RIGHT THERE. WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD AND RELEASE THAT GUY. BnfdIbqvjxc-00114-00034140-00034147 THERE. WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD AND RELEASE THAT GUY. BnfdIbqvjxc-00115-00034147-00034377 THERE. WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD AND RELEASE THAT GUY. HERE'S A LITTLE CALICO THAT BnfdIbqvjxc-00116-00034377-00034384 AND RELEASE THAT GUY. HERE'S A LITTLE CALICO THAT BnfdIbqvjxc-00117-00034384-00034744 AND RELEASE THAT GUY. HERE'S A LITTLE CALICO THAT I CAUGHT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00118-00034744-00034751 HERE'S A LITTLE CALICO THAT I CAUGHT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00119-00034751-00035081 HERE'S A LITTLE CALICO THAT I CAUGHT. >> YOU GOT A GIANT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00120-00035081-00035088 I CAUGHT. >> YOU GOT A GIANT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00121-00035088-00035678 I CAUGHT. >> YOU GOT A GIANT. MONSTER FISH, CALICO. BnfdIbqvjxc-00122-00035678-00035685 >> YOU GOT A GIANT. MONSTER FISH, CALICO. BnfdIbqvjxc-00123-00035685-00035962 >> YOU GOT A GIANT. MONSTER FISH, CALICO. >> OH, RIGHT THERE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00124-00035962-00035969 MONSTER FISH, CALICO. >> OH, RIGHT THERE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00125-00035969-00036149 MONSTER FISH, CALICO. >> OH, RIGHT THERE. >> NICE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00126-00036149-00036156 >> OH, RIGHT THERE. >> NICE. BnfdIbqvjxc-00127-00036156-00036493 >> OH, RIGHT THERE. >> NICE. >> OH, YEAH. COME ON! BnfdIbqvjxc-00128-00036493-00036499 >> NICE. >> OH, YEAH. COME ON! BnfdIbqvjxc-00129-00036499-00036619 >> NICE. >> OH, YEAH. COME ON! >> SEE WHAT KIND OF FISH THIS BnfdIbqvjxc-00130-00036619-00036626 >> OH, YEAH. COME ON! >> SEE WHAT KIND OF FISH THIS BnfdIbqvjxc-00131-00036626-00037133 >> OH, YEAH. COME ON! >> SEE WHAT KIND OF FISH THIS IS. LOOKS LIKE A CALICO. BnfdIbqvjxc-00132-00037133-00037140 >> SEE WHAT KIND OF FISH THIS IS. LOOKS LIKE A CALICO. BnfdIbqvjxc-00133-00037140-00037447 >> SEE WHAT KIND OF FISH THIS IS. LOOKS LIKE A CALICO. THERE WE GO. SO IT'S NOT A BIG BnfdIbqvjxc-00134-00037447-00037454 IS. LOOKS LIKE A CALICO. THERE WE GO. SO IT'S NOT A BIG BnfdIbqvjxc-00135-00037454-00037677 IS. LOOKS LIKE A CALICO. THERE WE GO. SO IT'S NOT A BIG CALICO. NOT EVERY TRIP, BnfdIbqvjxc-00136-00037677-00037684 THERE WE GO. SO IT'S NOT A BIG CALICO. NOT EVERY TRIP, BnfdIbqvjxc-00137-00037684-00037771 THERE WE GO. SO IT'S NOT A BIG CALICO. NOT EVERY TRIP, YOU'RE GOING TO GET MONSTER BnfdIbqvjxc-00138-00037771-00037777 CALICO. NOT EVERY TRIP, YOU'RE GOING TO GET MONSTER BnfdIbqvjxc-00139-00037777-00037917 CALICO. NOT EVERY TRIP, YOU'RE GOING TO GET MONSTER FISH. SEE THE LITTLE ANCHOVY I BnfdIbqvjxc-00140-00037917-00037924 YOU'RE GOING TO GET MONSTER FISH. SEE THE LITTLE ANCHOVY I BnfdIbqvjxc-00141-00037924-00038148 YOU'RE GOING TO GET MONSTER FISH. SEE THE LITTLE ANCHOVY I WAS USING. BUT IT'S GOOD BnfdIbqvjxc-00142-00038148-00038154 FISH. SEE THE LITTLE ANCHOVY I WAS USING. BUT IT'S GOOD BnfdIbqvjxc-00143-00038154-00038251 FISH. SEE THE LITTLE ANCHOVY I WAS USING. BUT IT'S GOOD TO ALWAYS PRACTICE THE TECHNIQUE BnfdIbqvjxc-00144-00038251-00038258 WAS USING. BUT IT'S GOOD TO ALWAYS PRACTICE THE TECHNIQUE BnfdIbqvjxc-00145-00038258-00038495 WAS USING. BUT IT'S GOOD TO ALWAYS PRACTICE THE TECHNIQUE AND GET USED TO FISHING BnfdIbqvjxc-00146-00038495-00038501 TO ALWAYS PRACTICE THE TECHNIQUE AND GET USED TO FISHING BnfdIbqvjxc-00147-00038501-00038601 TO ALWAYS PRACTICE THE TECHNIQUE AND GET USED TO FISHING CORRECTLY. AND THAT'S HOW WE DO BnfdIbqvjxc-00148-00038601-00038608 AND GET USED TO FISHING CORRECTLY. AND THAT'S HOW WE DO BnfdIbqvjxc-00149-00038608-00038775 AND GET USED TO FISHING CORRECTLY. AND THAT'S HOW WE DO IT. TODAY I'M GETTING THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00150-00038775-00038782 CORRECTLY. AND THAT'S HOW WE DO IT. TODAY I'M GETTING THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00151-00038782-00038915 CORRECTLY. AND THAT'S HOW WE DO IT. TODAY I'M GETTING THE SMALLER CALICOS. NEXT TRIP BnfdIbqvjxc-00152-00038915-00038922 IT. TODAY I'M GETTING THE SMALLER CALICOS. NEXT TRIP BnfdIbqvjxc-00153-00038922-00039048 IT. TODAY I'M GETTING THE SMALLER CALICOS. NEXT TRIP IT MIGHT BE SIX POUNDERS BnfdIbqvjxc-00154-00039048-00039055 SMALLER CALICOS. NEXT TRIP IT MIGHT BE SIX POUNDERS BnfdIbqvjxc-00155-00039055-00039245 SMALLER CALICOS. NEXT TRIP IT MIGHT BE SIX POUNDERS OR EIGHT POUNDERS. BUT IT'S ALL BnfdIbqvjxc-00156-00039245-00039252 IT MIGHT BE SIX POUNDERS OR EIGHT POUNDERS. BUT IT'S ALL BnfdIbqvjxc-00157-00039252-00039395 IT MIGHT BE SIX POUNDERS OR EIGHT POUNDERS. BUT IT'S ALL THE SAME TECHNIQUE. IT'S JUST BnfdIbqvjxc-00158-00039395-00039402 OR EIGHT POUNDERS. BUT IT'S ALL THE SAME TECHNIQUE. IT'S JUST BnfdIbqvjxc-00159-00039402-00039506 OR EIGHT POUNDERS. BUT IT'S ALL THE SAME TECHNIQUE. IT'S JUST A DIFFERENT SIZED HOOK. MAYBE BnfdIbqvjxc-00160-00039506-00039512 THE SAME TECHNIQUE. IT'S JUST A DIFFERENT SIZED HOOK. MAYBE BnfdIbqvjxc-00161-00039512-00039629 THE SAME TECHNIQUE. IT'S JUST A DIFFERENT SIZED HOOK. MAYBE HEAVIER LINE NEXT TIME, BnfdIbqvjxc-00162-00039629-00039636 A DIFFERENT SIZED HOOK. MAYBE HEAVIER LINE NEXT TIME, BnfdIbqvjxc-00163-00039636-00039853 A DIFFERENT SIZED HOOK. MAYBE HEAVIER LINE NEXT TIME, MAYBE BIGGER BAIT. TIME OF YEAR, BnfdIbqvjxc-00164-00039853-00039859 HEAVIER LINE NEXT TIME, MAYBE BIGGER BAIT. TIME OF YEAR, BnfdIbqvjxc-00165-00039859-00040003 HEAVIER LINE NEXT TIME, MAYBE BIGGER BAIT. TIME OF YEAR, RIGHT NOW IT'S FALL AND THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00166-00040003-00040009 MAYBE BIGGER BAIT. TIME OF YEAR, RIGHT NOW IT'S FALL AND THE BnfdIbqvjxc-00167-00040009-00040173 MAYBE BIGGER BAIT. TIME OF YEAR, RIGHT NOW IT'S FALL AND THE WATER'S STARTING TO GET A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00168-00040173-00040180 RIGHT NOW IT'S FALL AND THE WATER'S STARTING TO GET A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00169-00040180-00040280 RIGHT NOW IT'S FALL AND THE WATER'S STARTING TO GET A LITTLE BIT COLDER, BUT WE'RE STILL BnfdIbqvjxc-00170-00040280-00040286 WATER'S STARTING TO GET A LITTLE BIT COLDER, BUT WE'RE STILL BnfdIbqvjxc-00171-00040286-00040410 WATER'S STARTING TO GET A LITTLE BIT COLDER, BUT WE'RE STILL GETTING THEM ON LIVE BAIT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00172-00040410-00040417 BIT COLDER, BUT WE'RE STILL GETTING THEM ON LIVE BAIT. BnfdIbqvjxc-00173-00040417-00040510 BIT COLDER, BUT WE'RE STILL GETTING THEM ON LIVE BAIT. ALL RIGHT, LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00174-00040510-00040517 GETTING THEM ON LIVE BAIT. ALL RIGHT, LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BnfdIbqvjxc-00175-00040517-00040630 GETTING THEM ON LIVE BAIT. ALL RIGHT, LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BREAK FROM THE ACTION HERE AT BnfdIbqvjxc-00176-00040630-00040637 ALL RIGHT, LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BREAK FROM THE ACTION HERE AT BnfdIbqvjxc-00177-00040637-00040744 ALL RIGHT, LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BREAK FROM THE ACTION HERE AT CATALINA ISLAND ABOARD BnfdIbqvjxc-00178-00040744-00040750 BREAK FROM THE ACTION HERE AT CATALINA ISLAND ABOARD BnfdIbqvjxc-00179-00040750-00040847 BREAK FROM THE ACTION HERE AT CATALINA ISLAND ABOARD THE "GAIL FORCE," AND WHEN BnfdIbqvjxc-00180-00040847-00040854 CATALINA ISLAND ABOARD THE "GAIL FORCE," AND WHEN BnfdIbqvjxc-00181-00040854-00040974 CATALINA ISLAND ABOARD THE "GAIL FORCE," AND WHEN WE RETURN, I'LL BE GIVING YOU BnfdIbqvjxc-00182-00040974-00040980 THE "GAIL FORCE," AND WHEN WE RETURN, I'LL BE GIVING YOU BnfdIbqvjxc-00183-00040980-00042809 THE "GAIL FORCE," AND WHEN WE RETURN, I'LL BE GIVING YOU THIS WEEK'S TIP OF THE WEEK. BnfdIbqvjxc-00184-00042809-00042952 THAT'S RIGHT, BnfdIbqvjxc-00185-00042952-00042959 THAT'S RIGHT, BnfdIbqvjxc-00186-00042959-00043526 THAT'S RIGHT, THE CORRECT ANSWER IS 14 INCHES. C31Yyxx4M8E-00000-00000600-00001180 Welcome to the introduction to aerospace engineering systems group activity in order C31Yyxx4M8E-00001-00001180-00001590 to take part in this activity. You must first decide what group you want to be in C31Yyxx4M8E-00002-00001660-00002150 each of you has been assigned to one of four online help sessions with other students. C31Yyxx4M8E-00003-00002240-00002620 If you liaise with students in the unit and figure out those of you who are in the C31Yyxx4M8E-00004-00002620-00003070 same session, then you can figure out which group design groups. You can sign up C31Yyxx4M8E-00005-00003070-00003510 for for those of you with a Monday at 11 a.m. C31Yyxx4M8E-00006-00003529-00004040 Session that's groups one through eleven twelve PM session that's groups 12 through C31Yyxx4M8E-00007-00004040-00004860 22, i'ii p.m. Session groups 23:33 and for the four pm sessions groups 34 through C31Yyxx4M8E-00008-00004860-00005470 44, you must sign up in groups of three to four students. If after next week, you're C31Yyxx4M8E-00009-00005470-00005890 not in a group with three to four students. Please contact me and we will move you C31Yyxx4M8E-00010-00005890-00006470 enjoin you up in order to sign up and access the source material. You must do two C31Yyxx4M8E-00011-00006470-00006509 things. C31Yyxx4M8E-00012-00006520-00007109 Things we start on the home page and we go to the Practical activity Aerospace Systems C31Yyxx4M8E-00013-00007109-00007740 activity Learning module. We can sign up for a group click to launch here and then C31Yyxx4M8E-00014-00007740-00008250 choose your group. I will choose systems group one as an example. Once you have C31Yyxx4M8E-00015-00008250-00008820 done that you are now in a group and we can go back to the learning module and see C31Yyxx4M8E-00016-00008820-00009370 the rest of the content. So we go back to course content again select practical C31Yyxx4M8E-00017-00009370-00009510 activity to airspace. C31Yyxx4M8E-00018-00009530-00009940 Activity systems activity Learning module and we can go to the system's activity C31Yyxx4M8E-00019-00009940-00010510 description which you must read before you can access the source material. It's C31Yyxx4M8E-00020-00010510-00010930 an easy read it tells us what we're doing and how things work. Once you're done C31Yyxx4M8E-00021-00010930-00011220 reading it. Make sure you click Mark reviewed. C31Yyxx4M8E-00022-00011740-00012170 Once it is marked reviewed you'll be able to see the source material. C31Yyxx4M8E-00023-00012310-00012740 In each of the bits and you can look at the two Source material things as you'll C31Yyxx4M8E-00024-00012740-00013210 know from reading the description each member of the group should split and take C31Yyxx4M8E-00025-00013210-00013660 up one bit of source material and you'll be learning this and summarizing it and C31Yyxx4M8E-00026-00013660-00014100 teaching it to the other group members. Each of your groups has a collaborate session C31Yyxx4M8E-00027-00014100-00014590 that you can meet in or you can choose to be neat and other areas in the end like C31Yyxx4M8E-00028-00014590-00015119 all of the other activities you will take an online Blackboard test quiz to assess C31Yyxx4M8E-00029-00015119-00015269 your knowledge that will C31Yyxx4M8E-00030-00015280-00015819 Take place in week 10 of the teaching term and is due on the fourth of December. C31Yyxx4M8E-00031-00015940-00016340 Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you on Monday. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00000-00000126-00000318 Hi. My name is Bill Crossley. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00001-00000318-00000706 I'm the J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics C3-Xq3ETjnI-00002-00000706-00000906 at Purdue University. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00003-00000906-00001174 I joined the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1995 C3-Xq3ETjnI-00004-00001174-00001344 as an assistant professor. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00005-00001344-00001562 That was the year we were celebrating our 50th anniversary. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00006-00001630-00001902 Since 1995, the School moved from Grissom Hall to C3-Xq3ETjnI-00007-00001902-00002102 Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00008-00002102-00002302 Our enrollment grew from 361 to C3-Xq3ETjnI-00009-00002302-00002502 graduate and undergraduate students C3-Xq3ETjnI-00010-00002502-00002702 to 1,477 students last year. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00011-00002830-00003170 We added a successful non-thesis distance master's degree C3-Xq3ETjnI-00012-00003170-00003370 to serve working engineers. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00013-00003370-00003597 Our research has grown in ways too numerous to count here. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00014-00003678-00003878 Our graduates have gone on to roles C3-Xq3ETjnI-00015-00003878-00004224 in the aerospace industry, at government labs, teaching as faculty at other universities C3-Xq3ETjnI-00016-00004224-00004518 and onto other endeavors, building upon their aerospace engineering background. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00017-00004644-00004944 We added more aero and astro alumni to the cadre of Purdue astronauts C3-Xq3ETjnI-00018-00005022-00005330 both with NASA and the emerging commercial space industry. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00019-00005432-00005632 I am really eager to see the contributions C3-Xq3ETjnI-00020-00005632-00005924 that our School will make for the future of aerospace engineering. C3-Xq3ETjnI-00021-00006016-00006316 Please join me in celebrating the anniversary C3-Xq3ETjnI-00022-00006316-00006516 of Purdue's School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Happy 75th. C3D77PYYpG8-00000-00000001-00000334 [Music plays] 2016 Green Globe Awards C3D77PYYpG8-00001-00000337-00000611 (Richard Morecroft) The host of the Green Globe Awards. C3D77PYYpG8-00002-00000614-00000735 Please welcome the Minister. C3D77PYYpG8-00003-00000737-00000954 (Mark Speakman) It’s the seventeenth Green Globe Awards C3D77PYYpG8-00004-00000957-00001189 and this is a great chance for everyone in New South Wales C3D77PYYpG8-00005-00001191-00001368 to recognise environmental excellence. C3D77PYYpG8-00006-00001371-00001605 (Richard Morecroft) I know that some of those projects C3D77PYYpG8-00007-00001608-00001822 and people who are going to be rewarded tonight C3D77PYYpG8-00008-00001824-00001991 have done some fantastic things. C3D77PYYpG8-00009-00001994-00002175 (Clarence Slockee) I would like to acknowledge C3D77PYYpG8-00010-00002177-00002324 that we are on Aboriginal land. C3D77PYYpG8-00011-00002327-00002549 Aboriginal people, we were green before green was cool. C3D77PYYpG8-00012-00002552-00002855 (Nicolette Boele) It’s probably one of the most inspiring times of the year C3D77PYYpG8-00013-00002858-00003026 when I get to judge the Green Globe Awards. C3D77PYYpG8-00014-00003029-00003265 (Kate Harris) Do you know what, there was a lot of entries, C3D77PYYpG8-00015-00003268-00003373 which is a good thing. C3D77PYYpG8-00016-00003376-00003517 It made for quite a lot of reading C3D77PYYpG8-00017-00003520-00003975 but I loved all of the entrants’ passion and determination. C3D77PYYpG8-00018-00003977-00004239 (Mark Speakman) Recognising the influence that people can have C3D77PYYpG8-00019-00004242-00004648 as private citizens, as corporations, as community leaders, C3D77PYYpG8-00020-00004651-00004820 community groups, local councils, C3D77PYYpG8-00021-00004822-00004953 in influencing the environment C3D77PYYpG8-00022-00004955-00005161 around them and making the world a better place. C3D77PYYpG8-00023-00005163-00005464 (Sal Bua) Really inspiring talking to other people C3D77PYYpG8-00024-00005466-00005747 about their sustainable and green initiatives. C3D77PYYpG8-00025-00005749-00006007 It encourages us to do even more for the environment. C3D77PYYpG8-00026-00006009-00006216 (Nicolette Boele) And the first winner is… C3D77PYYpG8-00027-00006218-00006415 (Clarence Slockee) This is a way for people C3D77PYYpG8-00028-00006417-00006698 to actually be rewarded for work, C3D77PYYpG8-00029-00006700-00006937 some of them have probably been doing it for years but C3D77PYYpG8-00030-00006939-00007301 for others to realise that this is beneficial to my business. C3D77PYYpG8-00031-00007304-00007500 This is beneficial to my community. C3D77PYYpG8-00032-00007503-00007684 (Stephen Butt) It’s just great to be here, C3D77PYYpG8-00033-00007686-00008002 let alone to be selected as an award winner. C3D77PYYpG8-00034-00008005-00008195 (Robin Mellon) Time and time again we see that C3D77PYYpG8-00035-00008198-00008503 people putting in their nominations come out on top C3D77PYYpG8-00036-00008505-00008708 when they thought they were just a small company. C3D77PYYpG8-00037-00008711-00008958 (Cate McQuillen) Tonight we were awarded the Green Globe Award C3D77PYYpG8-00038-00008960-00009310 for Resource Efficiency for our project, the Get Grubby project. C3D77PYYpG8-00039-00009313-00009702 (Louise Gulbis) We won the best in our category of Community Leadership C3D77PYYpG8-00040-00009705-00010013 and then very surprisingly, very unexpectedly C3D77PYYpG8-00041-00010016-00010409 we also took out the best of the best Gold Globe C3D77PYYpG8-00042-00010412-00010595 for Best Overall Achievement. C3D77PYYpG8-00043-00010597-00010891 (Jason McMaster) It is becoming common practice now across all industries C3D77PYYpG8-00044-00010894-00011138 for people to get more involved in it. I think it’s essential. C3D77PYYpG8-00045-00011140-00011437 It’s not just important but it really makes good business sense as well. C3D77PYYpG8-00046-00011439-00011712 (Sue Turner) For small businesses, when we are struggling on our own, C3D77PYYpG8-00047-00011714-00011980 this kind of event is amazing. It actually gives us support. C3D77PYYpG8-00048-00011982-00012279 It gives us hope. It gives us initiative to carry on C3D77PYYpG8-00049-00012282-00012617 and it gives us kind of recognition of what we’re doing C3D77PYYpG8-00050-00012620-00012919 because when you’re on your own you think nobody’s noticing C3D77PYYpG8-00051-00012921-00013303 but this kind of event night supports us and makes us go further. C3D77PYYpG8-00052-00013305-00013579 (Matthew Scard) It’s a great way to find out about new trends, C3D77PYYpG8-00053-00013581-00013833 innovations and what’s happening in this industry. C3D77PYYpG8-00054-00013835-00014115 If we didn’t have this, how would we know what was going on. C3D77PYYpG8-00055-00014118-00014344 It’s such a great way to pull all these ideas together. C3D77PYYpG8-00056-00014347-00014516 (Annette Mayne) We’re absolutely thrilled. C3D77PYYpG8-00057-00014519-00014845 We have never gone for anything like this before. C3D77PYYpG8-00058-00014847-00015091 (Cate McQuillen) To be able to have that kind of support C3D77PYYpG8-00059-00015094-00015420 and that kind of pat on the back. It’s phenomenal. C3D77PYYpG8-00060-00015423-00015956 So, we will be absolutely milking this for all it’s worth, C3D77PYYpG8-00061-00015958-00016221 in the nicest possible way. C3D77PYYpG8-00062-00016222-00016616 environment.nsw.gov.au forward slash, green globes. C4UqfpNbG4A-00000-00000122-00000531 We have just seen the presentation of the Sixth Assessment Report by the IPCC. C4UqfpNbG4A-00001-00000531-00000839 And the message is unfortunately not good. C4UqfpNbG4A-00002-00000839-00001042 Climate change is here to stay. C4UqfpNbG4A-00003-00001042-00001171 Climate change is irreversible. C4UqfpNbG4A-00004-00001171-00001905 So, we, as a global community, can no longer afford to simply focus only on climate mitigation. C4UqfpNbG4A-00005-00001905-00002451 But are going to have to shift our efforts to better include adaptation. C4UqfpNbG4A-00006-00002451-00003232 Climate adaptation is one of the most important agenda points for us in the future. C4UqfpNbG4A-00007-00003232-00004152 Our new track: water hazards, risks and climate change, tries to address those challenges. C4UqfpNbG4A-00008-00004152-00004358 If you are from engineering. C4UqfpNbG4A-00009-00004358-00004595 If you are an IT person. C4UqfpNbG4A-00010-00004595-00004903 If you are more interested in governance and management. C4UqfpNbG4A-00011-00004903-00005329 Or if you are primarily looking at the environment. C4UqfpNbG4A-00012-00005329-00005806 From all these different profiles, we will look at new solutions and state-of-the-art C4UqfpNbG4A-00013-00005806-00006281 technologies to cope with future climate adaptation. C4UqfpNbG4A-00014-00006281-00006467 Things like nature-based solutions. C4UqfpNbG4A-00015-00006467-00006862 How those really add up? C4UqfpNbG4A-00016-00006862-00007344 How do we finance our future adaptation? C4UqfpNbG4A-00017-00007344-00007597 Climate change has the nasty habit to be very uncertain. C4UqfpNbG4A-00018-00007597-00008133 You have seen maybe the many scenarios that we typically develop. C4UqfpNbG4A-00019-00008133-00008430 We might need adaptive planning to better cope with that. C4UqfpNbG4A-00020-00008430-00008691 How do you do that in relation to your stakeholders? C4UqfpNbG4A-00021-00008691-00009035 How do you organise climate adaptation? C4UqfpNbG4A-00022-00009035-00009676 Whether you are focussed on coastal areas, on urban areas, maybe on drylands, on river C4UqfpNbG4A-00023-00009676-00009811 basis. C4UqfpNbG4A-00024-00009811-00010170 This new track might be really the track for you. C4UqfpNbG4A-00025-00010170-00010394 And we hope to welcome you in the future. C4UqfpNbG4A-00026-00010394-00010487 Here at IHE Delft. C75G2juPZy4-00000-00000008-00000322 the easy route never pays well C75G2juPZy4-00001-00000322-00000533 the only route in life that pays well C75G2juPZy4-00002-00000533-00000687 is the hard route C75G2juPZy4-00003-00000687-00001066 because that hardship and that pain and thatstruggle C75G2juPZy4-00004-00001066-00001827 and that frustration they give you the skills that will forge you into a champion C9TJPUSg_nY-00000-00000498-00001036 Here's a function that draws a square with 50 pixel sides. That's great but what if I C9TJPUSg_nY-00001-00001036-00001644 wanted to draw a square with sides 50 pixels and another square with sides of 100 pixels? C9TJPUSg_nY-00002-00001644-00002119 We shouldn't have to make two separate functions that do almost the same thing. Instead, we C9TJPUSg_nY-00003-00002119-00002743 can use one function with a parameter. Parameters allow us to pass values into a function that C9TJPUSg_nY-00004-00002743-00003225 get used as variables inside the function. Let's try adding a parameter called like to C9TJPUSg_nY-00005-00003225-00003786 this function so we can use it to create squares of different sizes. In the function editor, C9TJPUSg_nY-00006-00003786-00004298 you can edit the name and description like before but now you can also add a parameter. C9TJPUSg_nY-00007-00004298-00004828 Write the name of your parameter in the space and click Add Parameter. This will create C9TJPUSg_nY-00008-00004828-00005446 a red block with the name of the parameter you just created. Now we can replace the move C9TJPUSg_nY-00009-00005446-00006196 forward by 100 block with the parameter Length so it will move forward by Length. Click save C9TJPUSg_nY-00010-00006196-00006793 and close and drag out your new create a square block from the functions category in the toolbox. C9TJPUSg_nY-00011-00006793-00007198 You'll notice there's an empty space next to length because the function wants to know C9TJPUSg_nY-00012-00007198-00007711 what value the parameter Length should have. Drag a number block from the Math category C9TJPUSg_nY-00013-00007711-00008205 and place it in this space. See how you can use the function again and again with different C9TJPUSg_nY-00014-00008205-00008589 lengths to make squares of different sizes? Try it for yourself! CqlKZsJcYoY-00000-00000002-00000347 亲爱的朋友 您们好吗? Dear friends, how are you? CqlKZsJcYoY-00001-00000377-00000768 今次我要讲的是有关插座与插头的问题 This time I'm going to talk about the problem sockets and plugs. CqlKZsJcYoY-00002-00000802-00001107 你知道吗? Do you know? CqlKZsJcYoY-00003-00001160-00001602 我差点就把我的电水煲烧掉 I almost burned my water boiler. CqlKZsJcYoY-00004-00001602-00001760 为什么呢? Why? CqlKZsJcYoY-00005-00001760-00002207 原来是这种插座有问题 It's because the socket got problem. CqlKZsJcYoY-00006-00002207-00002446 它是新的插座 It's the new socket. CqlKZsJcYoY-00007-00002446-00002909 但不是所有在市面上售卖的插座都合规格的 But not all sockets on the market are compliant. CqlKZsJcYoY-00008-00002909-00003140 我只可以跟你们说 I can only tell you. CqlKZsJcYoY-00009-00003140-00003342 一定要注意 Be sure to pay attention. CqlKZsJcYoY-00010-00003342-00003657 不管它是新的或者是旧的 Whether it's new or old. CqlKZsJcYoY-00011-00003657-00004262 当我们把插头插进去的时候 When we put the plug in. CqlKZsJcYoY-00012-00004262-00004691 要注意一点 Must be careful. CqlKZsJcYoY-00013-00004825-00005349 如果你发觉插头这里很热 If you find the plug hot in here. CqlKZsJcYoY-00014-00005417-00005837 要立刻把这个插座丢掉 Throw away this socket immediately. CqlKZsJcYoY-00015-00005957-00006232 不可以继续用下去 It cannot continue to be used. CqlKZsJcYoY-00016-00006232-00006604 因为这个插座已经坏掉了 Because the socket is spoiled. CqlKZsJcYoY-00017-00006604-00006956 那时候我发现这里超热 That time when I found out it was super hot. CqlKZsJcYoY-00018-00006956-00007238 换了这排插座之后 After replacing the socket. CqlKZsJcYoY-00019-00007270-00007682 问题就解决了 这个插头不再发热 The problem was solved, the plug no longer heats up. CqlKZsJcYoY-00020-00007756-00008040 你要研究一下 You have to research. CqlKZsJcYoY-00021-00008040-00008280 可能是插座的问题 Might be it's the socket issue. CqlKZsJcYoY-00022-00008280-00008507 也可能是插头的问题 It could also be a problem with the plug. CqlKZsJcYoY-00023-00008507-00008947 因为现在的电水煲耗电非常大 Because the current electric kettle consumes a lot of electricity power. CqlKZsJcYoY-00024-00008947-00009147 有两千多瓦特 More than two thousand watts. CqlKZsJcYoY-00025-00009147-00009362 甚至叁千瓦特都有 Or even three kilowatts. CqlKZsJcYoY-00026-00009362-00009785 煲水时它发出很大的热量 It generates a lot of heat when boiling water. CqlKZsJcYoY-00027-00009785-00010336 通常我们都是长期插住的 没有拔出来 Usually we plugg in for a long time without pulling it out. CqlKZsJcYoY-00028-00010336-00010848 通电时这里有七十多、八十度 When the power is turned on, there are 70 to 80 Celsius degrees here. CqlKZsJcYoY-00029-00010937-00011442 有一些劣质的插座是不能承受的 There are some inferior sockets that cannot be afforded. CqlKZsJcYoY-00030-00011442-00011832 週围的胶质会因为过热而开始溶化 The surrounding plastic will start to melt due to overheating. CqlKZsJcYoY-00031-00011832-00012190 日后乾了之后就会膨涨和变形 After drying, it will swell and deform. CqlKZsJcYoY-00032-00012190-00012518 然后会把插头黏得很紧 Then the plug will be sticked tightly. CqlKZsJcYoY-00033-00012518-00012767 所以很难拔出来 So it's hard to pull out. CqlKZsJcYoY-00034-00012767-00013117 通常我是不拔出来的 长期插住 Usually I don't pull it out, plug it in for a long time. CqlKZsJcYoY-00035-00013157-00013385 不过一定要注意 But must pay attention. CqlKZsJcYoY-00036-00013385-00013905 如果你发现这部份超热 你要去找出原因 If you find this part super hot, you have to find out why. CqlKZsJcYoY-00037-00013905-00014112 为什么会这么热? Why is it so hot? CqlKZsJcYoY-00038-00014112-00014528 很大机会这个是劣质插座 不能继续用下去 There is a high chance that this is an inferior socket and cannot continue to be used. CqlKZsJcYoY-00039-00014528-00014832 个别的电线或者还可以承受 Individual wires might still abe to withstand. CqlKZsJcYoY-00040-00014832-00015127 但这部份里面的胶质已开始溶化 But the plastic material in this portion has begun to melt. CqlKZsJcYoY-00041-00015127-00015465 日后乾了就会变形 导致插头拔不出来 In the future, it will be deformed when it dries, so that the plug cannot be pulled out. CqlKZsJcYoY-00042-00015465-00015725 所以不要再用 马上换掉它 So don't use it anymore, replace it right away. CqlKZsJcYoY-00043-00015725-00015872 好 再见 OK, good bye. CqY4aSh6ZMo-00000-00001530-00003246 Gala Gala can be cooked by coating sugar syrup or by adding sugar with Maida CqY4aSh6ZMo-00002-00007352-00010050 Add Maida, Salt, Baking powder, Rava, Ghee, Rava CqY4aSh6ZMo-00003-00010050-00011262 Mix sugar in water well CqY4aSh6ZMo-00004-00011262-00013046 Mix the dry ingredients CqY4aSh6ZMo-00005-00013046-00014166 Now add Sugar water and make a Dough CqY4aSh6ZMo-00006-00014166-00014863 Rest the Dough for 30 minutes CqY4aSh6ZMo-00007-00014863-00016054 Make Small balls CqY4aSh6ZMo-00009-00020552-00021538 Do this with all the Dough CqY4aSh6ZMo-00011-00031414-00033104 Drain on absorbent paper CqY4aSh6ZMo-00012-00033104-00033614 Fry the remaining Gala Galas CqY4aSh6ZMo-00014-00037652-00038388 Thank you Cs4BzyvPhRg-00000-00001496-00001984 okay so i think i'd be lying to you guys if i said that this city is not beautiful what's Cs4BzyvPhRg-00001-00001984-00002656 going on peeps welcome back it's your boy unreal royale and this is cyberpunk 2077. all right so Cs4BzyvPhRg-00002-00002656-00003064 i gotta go meet up with a few people because uh first and foremost i have to go meet up Cs4BzyvPhRg-00003-00003064-00003784 with jackie but i think that i might go on ahead and skip the main missions here a bit now the one Cs4BzyvPhRg-00004-00003784-00004192 problem i have is this watch this right so let's just say i want to punch somebody's lights out bam Cs4BzyvPhRg-00005-00004192-00004616 it's like they don't even fall like nothing ends up happening right they just end up running away Cs4BzyvPhRg-00006-00004616-00005264 so i would say the overall mechanics for this game are a little you know wonky per se because Cs4BzyvPhRg-00007-00005264-00005768 it doesn't really seem to you know make sense like an enemy wise right i feel like i feel like just Cs4BzyvPhRg-00008-00005768-00006232 jumping in front of this car oh god whoa you saw that he almost knocked me out watch this it was Cs4BzyvPhRg-00009-00006232-00006776 good shoddy you want to dance yeah like nothing happens she just ends up dropping and running Cs4BzyvPhRg-00010-00006776-00007288 away right so that that's what i'm saying though right all right so uh i think there are a bunch Cs4BzyvPhRg-00011-00007288-00007912 of gang members on the corner there which i don't want to initiate or end up getting myself into so Cs4BzyvPhRg-00012-00007912-00008456 i want to go on ahead and explore the city a bit look at this this is like the slums right here dog Cs4BzyvPhRg-00013-00008512-00009032 this reminds me of like new york back like in the early 2000's when it was just garbage everywhere Cs4BzyvPhRg-00014-00009032-00009656 all right so um i have to call uh militech the militech agent and i have to do my thing let me Cs4BzyvPhRg-00015-00009656-00010240 go on ahead and see something real quick so let me uh where's my journal real quick shards messages Cs4BzyvPhRg-00016-00010240-00010616 not really interested in any of that i'm level three by the way so i'm gonna have to up up my uh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00017-00010688-00011264 my status is there all right so where wow the city's huge i mean just just to get a scope Cs4BzyvPhRg-00018-00011264-00012096 of this look at this this metropolis is huge and i'm only like you know in this part of town which Cs4BzyvPhRg-00019-00012096-00012688 really isn't much all right so we have a few side jobs um you know what i'm about to do i'm about to Cs4BzyvPhRg-00020-00012760-00013168 i'm about to go take up the side job i'm about to go take up the side job Cs4BzyvPhRg-00021-00013168-00013600 to see what it is that i have to do that's going to get me on by all right so by the Cs4BzyvPhRg-00022-00013600-00014000 way if you guys are new smash that subscribe button give this video a big fat thumbs up Cs4BzyvPhRg-00023-00014000-00014552 and um also i i want to get your thoughts on the criticisms of this game if you guys believe that Cs4BzyvPhRg-00024-00014552-00015168 yo if you guys you know what i'm about to draw the smoke what up you want to talk no oh wait a minute Cs4BzyvPhRg-00025-00015168-00015584 y'all better not yo i swear to go wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up i swear to god Cs4BzyvPhRg-00026-00015680-00015984 all right i i i have no idea why i just took that where's my uh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00027-00016040-00016576 where's my gun there it is right there that's that's my beauty there we go all right yay oh you Cs4BzyvPhRg-00028-00016576-00017072 so damn damn damn damn damn i have to shoot her in the head yeah this is gang warfare right here Cs4BzyvPhRg-00029-00017208-00017696 wow i want i want all the smoke that's exactly why i came i want all the smoke Cs4BzyvPhRg-00030-00017840-00018384 all right there we go hold on let me let me end this person's existence nice little head shot Cs4BzyvPhRg-00031-00018456-00018736 this is why i'm here i'm here to steal from them oh there's one more Cs4BzyvPhRg-00032-00018832-00019344 where's last person i'm about to end your life yay yay oh there's a pedestrian here hold on let Cs4BzyvPhRg-00033-00019344-00019984 me shoot him in the penis real quick yay oh he's still alive hold on damn it damn it no no damn Cs4BzyvPhRg-00034-00020152-00020680 come on come on come there we go how many headshots can these people take all right so it's Cs4BzyvPhRg-00035-00020680-00021400 best if i just steal whatever it is that i want to steal from these people and just get my ass out of Cs4BzyvPhRg-00036-00021400-00022056 here um i'm gonna borrow this corpse here for uh scientific research purposes wink wink nudge nudge Cs4BzyvPhRg-00037-00022256-00022648 that's pretty dope you're able to do that i i just love it all right let me just drop this Cs4BzyvPhRg-00038-00022648-00023144 body off real quick let me just read my message um all right no answer better meaning business Cs4BzyvPhRg-00039-00023144-00023680 okay whatever um i think that was jackie if i'm not mistaken whatever all right let me Cs4BzyvPhRg-00040-00023680-00024240 go up here real quick damn these people are already oh crap is there someone behind us Cs4BzyvPhRg-00041-00024328-00024616 i think there's someone tracking me which i have to be very careful about Cs4BzyvPhRg-00042-00024760-00025240 by the way this game is very long from what i've been uh seeing and hearing so but it does have a Cs4BzyvPhRg-00043-00025240-00025744 lot of like i would say problems to it that it needs to be fixed and addressed which i mean Cs4BzyvPhRg-00044-00025816-00026280 the game just launched so it is what it is but you know i think people expected more from what Cs4BzyvPhRg-00045-00026280-00026944 they had or what they got oh did you just see that i was about to jump is that where the map Cs4BzyvPhRg-00046-00026944-00027720 is guiding me like this map is like yo homie just jump oh damn all right i'm gonna i can't believe Cs4BzyvPhRg-00047-00027720-00028152 i'm about to pull this off let me see if i could try something real quick i know this is going to Cs4BzyvPhRg-00048-00028152-00028839 be a bad idea oh god oh wow it actually worked i can't believe it it actually freaking worked Cs4BzyvPhRg-00049-00029048-00029583 i i just skidded down the side of this bridge all right whatever i mean hey to each its own right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00050-00029583-00030032 i'm not really liking this too much this seems a little fishy to me i don't know what i'm doing Cs4BzyvPhRg-00051-00030032-00030639 around these parts of town i'm not supposed to be out here you feel me i feel like a lone ranger Cs4BzyvPhRg-00052-00030927-00031512 i mean for for what it's worth um the game seems very explorable oh someone's calling me regina Cs4BzyvPhRg-00053-00031512-00032168 cyber psycho attack all confirmed a cyber psycho attack where thing is nobody's gonna show cause Cs4BzyvPhRg-00054-00032168-00032720 militech shut it right down oh crap this cops here ask me psycho's got to be one of theirs my eddies Cs4BzyvPhRg-00055-00032720-00033136 are on lieutenant all right i'm not supposed to be here doing this so let me just come over here Cs4BzyvPhRg-00056-00033192-00033672 so make very very sure you keep how the hell am i supposed to is there like an alleyway i'm supposed Cs4BzyvPhRg-00057-00033672-00034496 to go to is this it oh wait did they really block this off i think they did oh wait a minute y'all Cs4BzyvPhRg-00058-00034496-00035024 y'all really blocked this off so i i can't even get down there if i wanted to wow the cops really Cs4BzyvPhRg-00059-00035024-00035672 blocked this off all you freaking [ __ ] bro that sucks like i can't even all right you know what Cs4BzyvPhRg-00060-00035672-00036232 i'ma have to jack this dude for his ride homie sorry buster all right let me let me take control Cs4BzyvPhRg-00061-00036232-00036584 let me take control yo get the freak out the car yo i ain't playing would you get out the car Cs4BzyvPhRg-00062-00036648-00037384 get out the car yo she's not even afraid you know what i'm about to do it i don't even care yeah all Cs4BzyvPhRg-00063-00037384-00037832 right get out the car get out the freaking car oh damn it the cops are gonna be after me dude Cs4BzyvPhRg-00064-00037912-00038640 there we go holy [ __ ] all right time for me oh time for me to skedaddle time for me to skedaddle Cs4BzyvPhRg-00065-00038760-00039472 yeah this is uh this is definitely something that i i did not wait all right let me just go ahead Cs4BzyvPhRg-00066-00039472-00040144 and turn this off all right perfect so i have no idea where it is i'm gonna be going i have no idea Cs4BzyvPhRg-00067-00040144-00040712 where this is going to be taking me but so as long as i can avoid the cops by all means then i think Cs4BzyvPhRg-00068-00040712-00041552 i'm good all right uh find the cyber psycho okay i have no idea where this cyber cycle is at so Cs4BzyvPhRg-00069-00041624-00042000 unless i'm supposed to be looking on this map so obviously i i can't go down there Cs4BzyvPhRg-00070-00042064-00042608 uh is this where the cyber psycho is at all right the pickup meet up with jackie all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00071-00042608-00043184 that's that's the destination then that is the oh crap there's cops like there's cops posted up Cs4BzyvPhRg-00072-00043184-00043968 everywhere dude let me go ahead and turn this i will also say this game reminds me so much of uh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00073-00043968-00044496 of like saints row but at the same time i don't know like i just feel like i feel like this game Cs4BzyvPhRg-00074-00044496-00044976 could have improved so much more you feel me but that's just me if you guys have not checked out Cs4BzyvPhRg-00075-00044976-00045352 my cyberpunk playlist then you guys can go on ahead and check that out got some cool stuff on Cs4BzyvPhRg-00076-00045352-00045904 there oh thank god those cops didn't really spot me my driving skills are terrible in this game Cs4BzyvPhRg-00077-00046024-00046576 oh wait a minute did the cops spot me i hope not because that that is definitely not what i want Cs4BzyvPhRg-00078-00046576-00047096 to do i i do not want to get myself involved oh can i can i break there we go i do not want Cs4BzyvPhRg-00079-00047096-00047512 to get myself involved in something that i'm not ready for especially when all i have is Cs4BzyvPhRg-00080-00047512-00048136 a pistol you feel me but let's just take a second to like admire this like fictional city it's just Cs4BzyvPhRg-00081-00048136-00048816 beautiful right like you know they they really did a great job with like bringing to life this world Cs4BzyvPhRg-00082-00048816-00049376 this unknown oh this is bad oh my vehicle or should i say the former woman's vehicle Cs4BzyvPhRg-00083-00049456-00049936 all right is this where i'm supposed to meet him up there i am what up jackie can i get the Cs4BzyvPhRg-00084-00049936-00050680 hell out the car yo what up pops oh he's on a bike let me hear what you squared away well uh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00085-00050680-00051056 let's just see i guess i'll choose this first paid the middle stream is for the corporal bot Cs4BzyvPhRg-00086-00051112-00051640 thing is can't be sure yeah there's a whole lot of hoopla going on brody he paid up front Cs4BzyvPhRg-00087-00051864-00052520 i did i did whatever let's go get this tech you're scared all right you got a plan do i Cs4BzyvPhRg-00088-00052520-00052864 do i have a plan uh i doubt this will go smoothly that's that's my responsibility Cs4BzyvPhRg-00089-00052967-00053384 this is maelstrom gang world true true Cs4BzyvPhRg-00090-00054591-00054944 i guess all right onward we go all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00091-00054944-00055448 let's not go oh this is not going to end well see if they even open up all right so Cs4BzyvPhRg-00092-00055448-00055912 what am i doing in my am i am i riding the bike or what am i or am i following jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00093-00056616-00056960 this gang life is not the life well it is the life for me but you know what i'm saying Cs4BzyvPhRg-00094-00057152-00057544 you know what they want why is he walking like that like he has a spoon up his ass [ __ ] off Cs4BzyvPhRg-00095-00057632-00058328 with maelstrom you just never know all right well i guess since you're talking about us Cs4BzyvPhRg-00096-00058328-00058960 not knowing we're about to find out all right uh do i bang on the gate or some [ __ ] hey Cs4BzyvPhRg-00097-00058960-00059488 open up it's the policy what am i supposed to do am i supposed to like bang on the gate Cs4BzyvPhRg-00098-00059664-00060040 gotta get this done all right but where's the ring and thing thing in the thing in the Cs4BzyvPhRg-00099-00060040-00060560 thingy okay is this it okay there we go i thought i was supposed to bang on the gate Cs4BzyvPhRg-00100-00060560-00061191 open up don't know you well you know me now talk to royce deck sent us Cs4BzyvPhRg-00101-00061664-00062191 oh this ain't gonna end well all right call ended oh crap what up guys Cs4BzyvPhRg-00102-00062288-00062496 damn they got they got sentry turns and everything Cs4BzyvPhRg-00103-00062640-00063064 they could use a few players look at this who the hell has a dumpster in their freaking warehouse Cs4BzyvPhRg-00104-00063064-00063552 like that like it's all like planted up and stuff don't think i've ever seen security Cs4BzyvPhRg-00105-00063552-00064079 like this in the ciao factory yeah they got some tight security up in here but it does look like Cs4BzyvPhRg-00106-00064079-00064600 some abandoned ass like you know what i'm saying like what is this whoa lasers don't do it oh crap Cs4BzyvPhRg-00107-00064760-00065079 oh that's that's pretty crazy like the lasers are all set up special Cs4BzyvPhRg-00108-00065255-00065664 oh this is clean stuff directional shrapnel spitter Cs4BzyvPhRg-00109-00065736-00066256 my face that is crazy all right so we're about to open the door and find out stay cool Cs4BzyvPhRg-00110-00066568-00067056 of course they're trying to spook us i'm scared though i know i know [ __ ] Cs4BzyvPhRg-00111-00067056-00067384 this looks like the umbrella laboratory right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00112-00067608-00068024 what are you calling a [ __ ] shiba i smack the shadow can i take your [ __ ] Cs4BzyvPhRg-00113-00068024-00068360 see i i would take your stuff but y'all gonna [ __ ] shoot me so Cs4BzyvPhRg-00114-00068360-00068992 the hell with y'all all right let's do this we're in the elevator remember Cs4BzyvPhRg-00115-00069336-00070136 i understand that they're probably listening in uh we're here for the flathead model mt-0d12 called Cs4BzyvPhRg-00116-00070136-00070968 the flathead and the hell you care guy i remember i already paid brick for it i'm just here for the Cs4BzyvPhRg-00117-00070968-00071504 yeah that's true that's true talk director royce if necessary yeah that's true you talk Cs4BzyvPhRg-00118-00072232-00072736 name's dum-dum all right dum-dum what kind of name is dum-dum that's stupid all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00119-00072736-00073064 so i'm gonna have to negotiate with a dumbass all right well let's just see how this goes Cs4BzyvPhRg-00120-00073168-00073504 all right give me the [ __ ] straight up that that's that's it Cs4BzyvPhRg-00121-00073720-00073896 oh man these dudes got shotties and Cs4BzyvPhRg-00122-00073896-00075048 everything all right pretty ballsy of jackie [ __ ] ass on the [ __ ] couch make me Cs4BzyvPhRg-00123-00075128-00075928 [ __ ] oh jackie don't do it oh crap don't do it jack sit down calm down jackie sit down Cs4BzyvPhRg-00124-00076184-00077304 [ __ ] come on let's just talk all right all right where's the [ __ ] look at android 55 take a hit Cs4BzyvPhRg-00125-00077496-00077720 we doing some drugs i mean all right i'll pass Cs4BzyvPhRg-00126-00078024-00078584 yeah take t take your [ __ ] inhaler there you go these dudes are all mecca ties look at this Cs4BzyvPhRg-00127-00078776-00079088 princess oh punch you in the face Cs4BzyvPhRg-00128-00079088-00079984 oh is it is that the stuff is that the porn stash i think it is yeah buddy Cs4BzyvPhRg-00129-00080216-00080800 damn right baby all right you know what uh show it to me show yourself Cs4BzyvPhRg-00130-00080928-00081384 all right let me see it better not be some show whoa Cs4BzyvPhRg-00131-00082304-00082712 actuators made of titanium vanadium kevlar composite Cs4BzyvPhRg-00132-00084072-00084184 that's true Cs4BzyvPhRg-00133-00084456-00084744 uh i i guess we'll we'll take it take it Cs4BzyvPhRg-00134-00085320-00085848 okay brick got it it's all paid up oh whoa Cs4BzyvPhRg-00135-00086160-00087304 what the hell whoa whoa whoa down here do you whoa bro i really expect me to pay twice uh come on Cs4BzyvPhRg-00136-00087304-00088008 dude don't do it and who the [ __ ] are you to say what can it be he'll pay for whoa whoa i i bust Cs4BzyvPhRg-00137-00088344-00088448 these dudes don't even have eyes Cs4BzyvPhRg-00138-00088928-00089784 all right uh prepare to offer us a discount maybe this dude is really about to like shoot us bro Cs4BzyvPhRg-00139-00089992-00090240 oh you know you never did this oh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00140-00090384-00090888 you never did say who you're working for dexter i'm not working for anybody bro Cs4BzyvPhRg-00141-00091632-00091968 all right i'm about to draw my weapon it's over watch this watch this Cs4BzyvPhRg-00142-00092336-00092736 go ahead do it i'll blow your brains out brody consider my offer now Cs4BzyvPhRg-00143-00093024-00093264 you better do it i'll blow your head off Cs4BzyvPhRg-00144-00093496-00094040 all right you better do it i'll shoot him bang oh that's what i'm talking about baby Cs4BzyvPhRg-00145-00094216-00094912 oh that was clean ye that was i that was so clean come on come on come on come on jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00146-00094912-00095360 let's get him shoot him in the penis oh that was clean we walked in here Cs4BzyvPhRg-00147-00095360-00095744 we just shot everybody grab the gear give me all your stuff quick Cs4BzyvPhRg-00148-00095992-00096288 wait what do you mean quick the [ __ ] we supposed to oh we supposed to grab that thing Cs4BzyvPhRg-00149-00096424-00096896 all right let me let me grab everything is he still moving all right let me i i Cs4BzyvPhRg-00150-00096896-00097424 we had to steal the [ __ ] and control it all right let's go let's get the hell out of here Cs4BzyvPhRg-00151-00097552-00098184 i wait what you mean the quicker the better you're walking brody like come on hurry up Cs4BzyvPhRg-00152-00098256-00098608 yo this was this was crazy we just busted in there we just shot the dude Cs4BzyvPhRg-00153-00098608-00098880 and just took all his stuff all right what do we do are we going or what Cs4BzyvPhRg-00154-00098984-00099632 oh god go go go go go i'm stealing everything i am taking everything from this place Cs4BzyvPhRg-00155-00099864-00100088 all right what's where do we go where do we go Cs4BzyvPhRg-00156-00100312-00100784 yeah but where do we go like turn on the production line how do we turn on the production Cs4BzyvPhRg-00157-00100784-00101576 line uh all right what do we do here do i use this by any chance all right uh local network i guess Cs4BzyvPhRg-00158-00101648-00102256 uh connect devices let me see turn off remote takeover ah damn it i don't know how to do this Cs4BzyvPhRg-00159-00102384-00102832 turn on the production line how that oh wait am i supposed to jump up here oh i am okay never mind Cs4BzyvPhRg-00160-00102911-00103272 i was about to say what the hell all right jackie go go go go go Cs4BzyvPhRg-00161-00103432-00103783 let's go all right let's get the hell out of here man Cs4BzyvPhRg-00162-00104104-00104848 oh crap yeah they probably have their weapons drawn and everything we gotta get the full crap Cs4BzyvPhRg-00163-00105016-00105632 i'm grabbing beer bottles and everything oh crap oh oh oh oh jesus oh he had a shoddy Cs4BzyvPhRg-00164-00105792-00106288 not anymore he doesn't i'm grabbing that shot he what's that tech weapon piercing all right we got Cs4BzyvPhRg-00165-00106288-00106768 tech weapon piercing i'm trying to get the hell out of here man i am not trying to stay here any Cs4BzyvPhRg-00166-00106768-00107344 longer come on nice head shots we got a few head shots going on here yep good good good good good Cs4BzyvPhRg-00167-00107535-00107952 listen i'm just trying to bring back the tech to the guy that i'm supposed to bring it back to Cs4BzyvPhRg-00168-00107952-00108464 all right i never wanted all this smoke but since you guys want to be [ __ ] i'm i'm Cs4BzyvPhRg-00169-00108464-00109072 grabbing all the smoke i'm i'm i'm grabbing all this oh whoa whoa i missed like every shot there Cs4BzyvPhRg-00170-00109072-00109672 we go point blank range give me your weapon all right open the door open the door come on Cs4BzyvPhRg-00171-00109672-00110416 oh crap oh crap crap crap crap crap this is not good they're like all over the freaking place dude Cs4BzyvPhRg-00172-00110600-00110872 yo these dudes are literally you know if i had a sniper or something Cs4BzyvPhRg-00173-00110872-00111104 that that would definitely do me more justice than this oh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00174-00111376-00111720 holy crap come on jackie i need your help good job jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00175-00111783-00112304 oh crap i i didn't even see homeboy what did you see that he just spider-man his way up there Cs4BzyvPhRg-00176-00112392-00113104 oh this is bad this is very very bad all right jackie come on homie let's go jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00177-00113183-00113600 ah come on come on come on come on there we go good job i'm trying to hide behind Cs4BzyvPhRg-00178-00113600-00114135 boxes and oh damn it all right we have to go upstairs we have to go upstairs Cs4BzyvPhRg-00179-00114359-00114983 damn it damn it damn it all right come on come on jackie let's go jackie no you ain't getting nobody Cs4BzyvPhRg-00180-00115168-00115864 oh crap what is that oh that's the freaking thingy mabob all right that's oh crap oh oh Cs4BzyvPhRg-00181-00115864-00116656 oh oh oh yep yup yup a few headshots ought to do it and he's dead beautiful i can't believe like Cs4BzyvPhRg-00182-00116656-00117304 my gun actually overheats i'm about to die if i'm not careful i'm about to die all right there we go Cs4BzyvPhRg-00183-00117304-00118208 my health is back who is shooting at me oh this is this is not what i wanted oh oh god all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00184-00118208-00118768 this dude that dude got a shoddy listen like in real life i i think i would have been dead by now Cs4BzyvPhRg-00185-00118911-00119344 shut up all right come on come on jackie come on jackie i need your help jackie where is jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00186-00119559-00119816 where where's the problems where's the problems come on come on come on Cs4BzyvPhRg-00187-00119888-00120759 yay point blank range right to the skull all right oh crap come on why is it that we're facing all of Cs4BzyvPhRg-00188-00120759-00121472 these people by ourselves come on come on come on there you go good job oh crap oh crap come on come Cs4BzyvPhRg-00189-00121472-00122032 on come on we have bigger problems all right good open the chamber let's get the hell out Cs4BzyvPhRg-00190-00122032-00122583 of here holy crap what is going on here oh wait a minute are they waiting for us they probably are Cs4BzyvPhRg-00191-00122696-00123048 all right they're over here yeah they're probably waiting for us Cs4BzyvPhRg-00192-00123128-00123920 crap all right this is this is the end this is the end of the line yep yep yep Cs4BzyvPhRg-00193-00123920-00124280 a few more shots come on come on a few more shots oh we got a nice head shot going on there Cs4BzyvPhRg-00194-00124392-00125032 oh [ __ ] oh this guy's right here hold on oh they're throwing grenades i'll throw grenades too Cs4BzyvPhRg-00195-00125032-00125583 i'll throw a whole bunch of grenades yeah yeah you ain't want that smoke yeah you want Cs4BzyvPhRg-00196-00125583-00126088 that smoke homie come on come on oh this is not good yeah he has a he has a freaking ak Cs4BzyvPhRg-00197-00126144-00126696 or whatever the hell it is a semi-automatic come on come on let's get the hell out of here jackie Cs4BzyvPhRg-00198-00126880-00127664 jackie let's go jackie where's jackie where's jackie is he serious Cs4BzyvPhRg-00199-00127808-00128383 dude hurry up come on is he walking oh my god he's literally walking this guy Cs4BzyvPhRg-00200-00128535-00128872 that was really that was really clean yo can you hurry up Cs4BzyvPhRg-00201-00128935-00129576 come on taking a sweet ass time there we go holy crap good job Cs4BzyvPhRg-00202-00129783-00130408 all right are we supposed to go back to the uh to the bike now or what Cs4BzyvPhRg-00203-00130408-00130911 oh my car's still here that's great and his bike we walked up in there we shot everybody dude Cs4BzyvPhRg-00204-00131184-00132040 all right so now uh that's true that's true that's true that's the way to do business all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00205-00132192-00132800 it is it is couldn't agree more because i'm right always nice of you to notice okay Cs4BzyvPhRg-00206-00133024-00133384 all right mr big balls so now what is the plan Cs4BzyvPhRg-00207-00133384-00133664 i'm assuming now that we're going to leave oh we we caused traffic Cs4BzyvPhRg-00208-00133936-00134488 i love it too oh you almost got hit and brotherly hate but if you got the gohan brotherly hate Cs4BzyvPhRg-00209-00135032-00135272 unless you catch them all right so what's the plan are you leaving or not Cs4BzyvPhRg-00210-00135360-00135760 even then is he leaving or what right and the street will talk Cs4BzyvPhRg-00211-00135968-00136960 that's true this dude's crazy bro what now now i go back find misty okay something to make me feel Cs4BzyvPhRg-00212-00136960-00137520 all right again it could have shot us i see what you're talking about ways about it they could have Cs4BzyvPhRg-00213-00137592-00138152 risks come with the job all right ducked in time to avoid death sweeping sight again Cs4BzyvPhRg-00214-00138248-00138568 only right this dude jackie's crazy even though we get to do that Cs4BzyvPhRg-00215-00138656-00138912 it was his fault he didn't want to sit down so like here we are Cs4BzyvPhRg-00216-00139312-00139688 all right hasta luego homie oh he ran into the damn pole all right well Cs4BzyvPhRg-00217-00139848-00140464 that goes that finally mission complete jackie's out of here oh what up dex all right i got it Cs4BzyvPhRg-00218-00140680-00141184 and what about the military oh we did sure of course there's trouble royce couldn't have Cs4BzyvPhRg-00219-00141184-00141720 given two shits that you and brick is shaking on how'd you get him on board yeah we we popped him Cs4BzyvPhRg-00220-00141784-00142400 did it without melitta holding my hand didn't want to risk it so how'd you get that nice Cs4BzyvPhRg-00221-00142400-00143192 nice hand over the flat head only way i know that we didn't brute force brute force yeah Cs4BzyvPhRg-00222-00143384-00144096 yes i do ready to go what now now we do the job i hired you to do grabbing that biochip Cs4BzyvPhRg-00223-00144096-00144808 okay we'll talk about the rest of it see you there great be there in no time all right Cs4BzyvPhRg-00224-00144808-00145440 there's a nightclub called the afterlife interesting well i guess that goes that Cs4BzyvPhRg-00225-00145440-00145832 that was pretty intense either way guys i want to thank you all so much for your time i want Cs4BzyvPhRg-00226-00145832-00146192 to thank you all so much for watching if you guys are new hit that subscribe button give this video Cs4BzyvPhRg-00227-00146192-00147184 a big fat thumbs up and i'll be seeing you all in the next episode take it easy guys Cs4BzyvPhRg-00228-00147400-00148608 we've got you Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00000-00000011-00000229 - All right here we are lesson number three Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00001-00000229-00000504 in our stress busters series. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00002-00000504-00001003 This time we're going to talk about stress from work, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00003-00001051-00001460 deal with the general problem of burnout Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00004-00001557-00002057 caused by continued overstress, and how to deal with it. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00005-00002093-00002312 We talked about that last time. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00006-00002312-00002762 And we said that if an individual is dealing with overstress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00007-00002762-00002962 and that overstress has led that person Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00008-00002962-00003222 to what we call burnout, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00009-00003222-00003365 couple of things necessary Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00010-00003365-00003724 to kind of get ourselves out of that state. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00011-00003724-00004180 One, a knowledge of the way that stress affects you. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00012-00004321-00004815 Two, a change towards a more realistic view of your limits. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00013-00004815-00005146 And three, of course for believers, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00014-00005146-00005577 a faith adjustment in drawing nearer to God. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00015-00005577-00006077 So last time we discussed the nature of stress from worry Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00016-00006130-00006513 and how worrying created unnecessary stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00017-00006513-00006737 which was harmful to us. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00018-00006737-00007237 Dealing with worry meant that we had to do certain things. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00019-00007253-00007548 We had to correct our perspective Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00020-00007548-00008028 and trust that God would provide one day's resources Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00021-00008028-00008210 to deal with one day's problems. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00022-00008210-00008532 Remember I said, the problem with worry Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00023-00008532-00008891 is that we tend to worry about things in the future. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00024-00008891-00009299 So we focus on the future than on today, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00025-00009299-00009502 and God gives us what we need Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00026-00009502-00009787 in order to take care of today. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00027-00009787-00010130 And then we needed to change our attitude, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00028-00010130-00010529 a shift from an acquisition-based type lifestyle Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00029-00010529-00010853 to a righteousness-based lifestyle. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00030-00010853-00011040 Now I didn't mean that you can't be Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00031-00011040-00011181 in the business of acquisition Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00032-00011181-00011312 if you're a businessman Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00033-00011312-00011496 or you have a store or whatever. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00034-00011496-00011899 I'm just saying that our focus, our internal focus, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00035-00011899-00012262 our spiritual focus is not exclusively Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00036-00012262-00012621 on acquiring things, and building, up and stockpiling Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00037-00012621-00012913 in order to provide security for ourselves. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00038-00013040-00013293 Our inward focus ought to be Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00039-00013293-00013711 a lifestyle of righteousness to please God, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00040-00013711-00014081 because this is what guarantees our life. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00041-00014081-00014397 This is what guarantees our peace of mind Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00042-00014397-00014744 and not, you know, as the Bible says, bigger barns. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00043-00014744-00015069 So making these changes would lower the worry level Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00044-00015069-00015378 and diminish our overstress that causes Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00045-00015378-00015675 so many of our problems. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00046-00015675-00015916 This time, we're going to talk about overstress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00047-00015916-00016416 that is produced by our work, our jobs, our careers. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00048-00016509-00016919 So a couple of quotes, not quotes, rather, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00049-00016919-00017213 the couple of questions rather that I'd like to ask Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00050-00017213-00017567 and have you discuss among yourselves Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00051-00017567-00017796 or discuss at home, think about. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00052-00017796-00018096 First question, did you ever work at a job Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00053-00018096-00018464 where you were overworked and underpaid? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00054-00018464-00018835 What were the circumstances, and how did you feel? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00055-00018835-00019216 A great question for a kind of a small group discussion. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00056-00019328-00019675 Another question that I want you to talk about, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00057-00019675-00019939 and that is, under what circumstances Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00058-00019939-00020356 would you willingly take a lower paying job? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00059-00020356-00020677 What non-tangible incentive Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00060-00020677-00020989 would make you work for less money? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00061-00020989-00021167 Another great question. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00062-00021167-00021363 We can't do that in this context here, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00063-00021363-00021560 have a, you know, a group discussion. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00064-00021560-00021870 But I give you those two questions to ask yourself Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00065-00021870-00022360 and perhaps ask if you're a group to talk about this. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00066-00022360-00022793 I guarantee you it'll yield a lot of different insights. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00067-00022793-00022929 And I have a couple of quotes Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00068-00022929-00023109 that I want to read as we begin. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00069-00023109-00023429 One quote, "I may be a lousy father and husband, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00070-00023429-00023815 "but when Merrill Lynch needs me, I'm here." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00071-00023815-00024302 Of course, Merrill Lynch, the company, stockbroking company. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00072-00024302-00024802 And then another quote, this one by a famous man. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00073-00024894-00025245 And I want you to guess which famous man made this quote. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00074-00025245-00025716 He said, "My father taught me to work, but not to love it. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00075-00025716-00025998 "I never did like to work and I don't deny it. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00076-00025998-00026301 "I'd rather read, tell stories, crack jokes, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00077-00026301-00026657 "talk, laugh - anything but work." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00078-00026657-00026740 Who do you think? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00079-00026740-00026948 What famous man do you think said this? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00080-00027124-00027257 Yeah, Abraham Lincoln. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00081-00027345-00027448 Abraham Lincoln. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00082-00027448-00027605 I would have never thought it. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00083-00027605-00027893 I would've never thought it myself. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00084-00027893-00028163 Anyways. The stress caused from work Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00085-00028163-00028586 is usually caused by one of two extremes. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00086-00028586-00029026 The first of which is, one type of stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00087-00029026-00029526 is caused by a job or an employer or fellow employees Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00088-00029531-00030031 that cause our stress, that cause our overstress, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00089-00030033-00030320 whether it's too much work with not enough time, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00090-00030320-00030669 or not enough support, or not the right equipment, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00091-00030669-00030985 or not enough money to do the job, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00092-00030985-00031476 or an unreasonable or unfair boss, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00093-00031476-00031822 or a job that is dangerous or monotonous, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00094-00031822-00032220 or a job that is insecure, or a company that is failing. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00095-00032220-00032394 I mean, nothing more stressful Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00096-00032394-00032541 than working for a company Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00097-00032541-00032794 where the gossip in the office is. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00098-00032794-00032922 "Are they going to close the doors, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00099-00032922-00033105 "are we going to make it to, you know, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00100-00033105-00033426 "HR is starting to let off people. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00101-00033426-00033744 "I read in the paper that our stock has gone down. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00102-00033744-00033989 "Maybe the company's going to go bankrupt." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00103-00033989-00034482 Very hard to be motivated and cheerful and positive Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00104-00034482-00034735 when you're working for a company like that. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00105-00034735-00035093 In other words, sometimes the job Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00106-00035093-00035427 and the way that the job is, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00107-00035427-00035719 is the thing that causes the stress, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00108-00035719-00036018 the thing that causes the overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00109-00036018-00036518 A biblical example of this is in II Corinthians 11. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00110-00036593-00037038 Here, Paul the apostle is reacting to the danger Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00111-00037038-00037385 of false apostles that have crept into the church. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00112-00037385-00037812 And these false apostles were preaching a different Jesus, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00113-00037812-00038132 a different gospel, and in doing so, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00114-00038132-00038248 they were damaging the church Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00115-00038248-00038409 and they were getting away with it, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00116-00038409-00038679 because they boasted of impressive speech Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00117-00038679-00038868 and important credentials. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00118-00038868-00039103 And nobody was calling them Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00119-00039103-00039457 on the things that they were teaching that were incorrect. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00120-00039457-00039726 And so in warning the church against them, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00121-00039726-00040003 Paul describes his own credentials, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00122-00040003-00040403 both as a Jew and as a Christian apostle. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00123-00040403-00040732 And in his description, we get a glimpse Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00124-00040732-00041050 of the type of situation where the job Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00125-00041050-00041293 was the thing that created the stress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00126-00041293-00041611 And so we read, he says, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00127-00041611-00041905 "But in whatever respect anyone else is bold, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00128-00041905-00042064 "I speak in foolishness, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00129-00042064-00042341 "I am just as bold myself." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00130-00042341-00042552 So he's saying, you know, "These guys are bragging. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00131-00042552-00042754 "So let me brag a little bit. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00132-00042754-00042870 "You know I'm being foolish here. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00133-00042870-00042994 "Let me brag a little bit." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00134-00042994-00043317 So he says, "Are they Hebrews? So am I. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00135-00043317-00043565 "Are they Israelites? So am I. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00136-00043565-00043887 "Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00137-00043887-00044070 "Are they servants of Christ? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00138-00044070-00044241 "I speak as if insane. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00139-00044241-00044503 "I'm more so in far more labors, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00140-00044503-00044711 "in far more imprisonments, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00141-00044711-00045211 "beaten times without number, often in danger of death. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00142-00045302-00045633 "Five times I received from the Jews 39 lashes. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00143-00045633-00045823 "Three times I was beaten with rods. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00144-00045823-00045946 "Once I was stoned. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00145-00045946-00046181 "Three times I was shipwrecked, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00146-00046181-00046437 "a night and a day I've spent in the deep. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00147-00046437-00046745 "I have been on frequent journeys in dangers from rivers, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00148-00046745-00047055 "dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00149-00047055-00047374 "dangers from Gentiles, dangers in the city, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00150-00047374-00047643 "dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00151-00047643-00047927 "dangers among false brethren. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00152-00047927-00048125 "I've been in labor and hardship, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00153-00048125-00048313 "through many sleepless nights, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00154-00048313-00048621 "in hunger and thirst, often without food, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00155-00048621-00048782 "in cold and exposure. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00156-00048782-00049048 "Apart from such an external things, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00157-00049048-00049237 "there is the daily pressure on me Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00158-00049237-00049482 "of concern for all the churches. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00159-00049482-00049733 "Who is weak without my being weak? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00160-00049733-00050160 "Who is led into sin without my intense concern? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00161-00050160-00050378 "If I have to boast, I will boast Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00162-00050378-00050604 "of what pertains to my weakness. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00163-00050604-00050852 "The God and Father of the Lord, Jesus, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00164-00050852-00051105 "He who is blessed forever, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00165-00051105-00051346 "knows that I am not lying. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00166-00051346-00051716 "In Damascus. the ethnarch under Aretas the king Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00167-00051716-00052096 "was guarding the city of the Damascenes Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00168-00052096-00052240 "in order to seize me, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00169-00052240-00052413 "and I was let down in a basket Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00170-00052413-00052585 "through a window in the wall, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00171-00052585-00052855 "and so escaped his hands." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00172-00052855-00053280 And so Paul is describing his job here, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00173-00053280-00053520 his job description as an apostle. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00174-00053520-00053979 And his job definitely caused him overstress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00175-00054099-00054273 for a variety of reasons. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00176-00054273-00054479 You know, we may have a situation Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00177-00054479-00054638 that is somewhat like this. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00178-00054638-00054962 Hopefully not this bad, but somewhat like this. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00179-00054962-00055352 And if we do, we have a variety of options. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00180-00055352-00055826 We can change our job, or change careers. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00181-00055826-00056038 Or we can try to deal with the people Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00182-00056038-00056320 or the responsibilities in such a way Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00183-00056320-00056751 as to reduce their negative effects on us. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00184-00056751-00057066 But sometimes you see the problem is Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00185-00057066-00057385 we don't have the luxury of doing these things. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00186-00057385-00057580 We don't have the luxury of quitting the job. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00187-00057580-00057954 We don't have the luxury of starting a new career. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00188-00057954-00058303 You know, if you're caring for a sick spouse, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00189-00058303-00058704 or if you're raising a bunch of small children at home, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00190-00058704-00059084 if you've put many, many years into a career Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00191-00059084-00059376 and can't afford to leave it, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00192-00059376-00059873 or if you own a business and many people depend on you Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00193-00059873-00060117 for your leadership and for a salary Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00194-00060117-00060270 that your business pays. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00195-00060380-00060725 The boss doesn't care what we think. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00196-00060725-00061117 The nasty fellow employee may not change or go away. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00197-00061225-00061565 The mission perhaps that we've undertaken is incomplete. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00198-00061565-00061816 And we cannot let it go like Paul, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00199-00061816-00062133 no matter how much stress it's causing us. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00200-00062133-00062444 In a case like that, what do we do? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00201-00062444-00062631 That's my point. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00202-00062631-00062860 If our job is causing us overstress, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00203-00062860-00063078 while we can always quit or change jobs, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00204-00063078-00063310 but a lot of times we can't do that. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00205-00063397-00063856 So when we can't do that, what other options do we have? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00206-00063949-00064158 Well, the relief from this kind of stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00207-00064158-00064516 is given again by Paul in the following chapter. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00208-00064516-00064824 He says that in addition to all of this, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00209-00064824-00065191 the Lord gave him a thorn or a trial in his life Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00210-00065191-00065453 that just would not go away. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00211-00065453-00065807 Just one more stressor to make the meter, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00212-00065807-00065991 you know the meters we were talking about Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00213-00065991-00066356 from low stress to overstress, those meters? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00214-00066356-00066519 Well, it says if the Lord gave him Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00215-00066519-00066759 one more thorn in the flesh, one more stressor Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00216-00066759-00067162 to make those meters go into the overstress zone, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00217-00067162-00067447 time and time again. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00218-00067447-00067867 And so we read in II Corinthians this time, excuse me, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00219-00067867-00068224 yeah, II Corinthians 12, beginning verse eight, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00220-00068224-00068462 Paul says, "Concerning this," Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00221-00068462-00068833 meaning that thorn in the flesh, that extra stressor, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00222-00068833-00068998 he says, "Concerning this Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00223-00068998-00069356 "I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00224-00069356-00069723 "And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00225-00069723-00070029 "'for power is perfected in weakness.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00226-00070029-00070260 "Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00227-00070260-00070545 "about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00228-00070545-00070702 "may dwell in me. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00229-00070702-00070986 "Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00230-00070986-00071309 "with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00231-00071309-00071607 "with difficulties, for Christ's sake, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00232-00071607-00072041 "for when I am weak, then I am strong." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00233-00072041-00072444 Very famous words from Paul concerning Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00234-00072444-00072730 this thorn in the flesh that he has. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00235-00072730-00073086 In this passage, Paul explains the way Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00236-00073086-00073558 to deal with this ongoing stress of being cornered. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00237-00073558-00073866 This no way out type of stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00238-00073866-00074230 caused either by the job or anything else for that matter Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00239-00074230-00074564 in our life that continually drives us Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00240-00074564-00074845 into the overstress zone. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00241-00074845-00075270 And what he says is, "The power that we need to deal Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00242-00075270-00075568 "with this kind of stress does not Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00243-00075568-00076005 "and cannot be self-generated." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00244-00076005-00076166 I repeat that again. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00245-00076166-00076544 The power that we need to deal with this kind of stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00246-00076544-00077026 does not and cannot be self generated. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00247-00077126-00077321 You know the power perfected in weakness Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00248-00077321-00077492 that he talks about? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00249-00077492-00077744 This is the situation where we finally arrive Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00250-00077744-00078153 at the realization that this job, or these people, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00251-00078153-00078531 or this situation, or whatever is just killing me. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00252-00078531-00078647 I can't do it. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00253-00078647-00078818 It's beyond me. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00254-00078818-00078944 I need help. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00255-00079079-00079391 And this is where we begin to experience Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00256-00079391-00079556 the power of Christ. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00257-00079556-00079813 Remember I said at the beginning of this series Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00258-00079813-00080241 that I am talking about stress and burnout, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00259-00080241-00080720 these topics here, from the perspective of a believer. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00260-00080720-00081108 I'm talking about Christians who are overstressed, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00261-00081108-00081399 Christians who experience burnout. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00262-00081399-00081693 And so the overstress caused by the job Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00263-00081693-00082038 that's eating our lunch can temporarily be dealt with Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00264-00082038-00082228 by change and adjustment. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00265-00082228-00082424 But ultimately as Christians, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00266-00082424-00082731 we need to learn how to live and work Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00267-00082731-00083137 under and through the power of Christ. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00268-00083137-00083599 In verse 10, Paul resigns himself to the fact Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00269-00083599-00083884 that the job that he has will ultimately Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00270-00083884-00084022 kill him in the end. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00271-00084022-00084332 But, he has finally found contentment Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00272-00084332-00084726 because he operates no longer with his power, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00273-00084726-00085009 but has surrendered control to Christ Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00274-00085009-00085330 and is content to deal with his ministry Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00275-00085330-00085557 under the power of Christ. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00276-00085557-00085786 You know the little diagram that I've got here, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00277-00085786-00086122 you have your power here that starts Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00278-00086122-00086499 from zero to 100%, let's just say, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00279-00086499-00086800 and then you have no more power. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00280-00086935-00087312 Your ability is exhausted at 100. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00281-00087312-00087583 And then I put Christ's power. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00282-00087583-00088032 And if you note Christ's power starts when yours ends. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00283-00088209-00088508 His power doesn't start where yours start. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00284-00088508-00088790 It starts where yours ends. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00285-00088790-00089059 That's the point that Paul is making. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00286-00089059-00089294 He has all of these difficulties Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00287-00089294-00089541 plus the thorn in the flesh. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00288-00089541-00089862 And he realizes after that, he can't go on. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00289-00089862-00090025 He can't do it by himself. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00290-00090025-00090134 And then he realizes, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00291-00090134-00090634 "Oh, Oh Christ is the one who's going to empower me Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00292-00090653-00091076 "to live, to work, to minister, and to be content Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00293-00091076-00091576 "despite all of the things that are taking place." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00294-00091641-00091987 In other words, Christ's power kicks in Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00295-00091987-00092487 when ours is exhausted, or ours is relinquished. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00296-00092541-00093016 All right, so there's stress, overstress from the job. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00297-00093110-00093438 The job is creating the overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00298-00093438-00093650 Well then there's another kind of stress Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00299-00093650-00094030 and that is stress from a workaholic attitude. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00300-00094118-00094406 One type of stress is from our job. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00301-00094406-00094671 The other type of stress in the workplace Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00302-00094671-00095146 is from our attitude that we have regarding our job. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00303-00095146-00095432 Some people are workaholics. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00304-00095432-00095669 They live to work. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00305-00095669-00095971 A stressful job or a demanding boss, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00306-00095971-00096171 it destroys our sense of self Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00307-00096171-00096453 and it ruins our bodies in the long run. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00308-00096453-00096652 But too much attention to work, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00309-00096652-00096982 and too much work destroys our souls. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00310-00096982-00097371 And what is needed in that situation is balance. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00311-00097371-00097782 A passage that addresses not necessarily Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00312-00097782-00098020 a workaholic point of view, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00313-00098020-00098302 but an improper attitude about work Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00314-00098302-00098557 which is what workaholism is, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00315-00098557-00098804 is found in Matthew Chapter 20. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00316-00098804-00099024 So we're going to read that passage together. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00317-00099024-00099268 Let's begin in verse one. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00318-00099268-00099607 Jesus says, "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00319-00099607-00099752 "who went out early in the morning Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00320-00099752-00100002 "to hire laborers for his vineyard. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00321-00100002-00100178 "When he had agreed with the laborers Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00322-00100178-00100365 "for a denarius for the day, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00323-00100365-00100520 "he sent them into his vineyard. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00324-00100520-00100705 "And he went out about the third hour Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00325-00100705-00101063 "and saw others standing idle in the marketplace. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00326-00101063-00101187 "And to those, he said, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00327-00101187-00101300 "'You also go into the vineyard, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00328-00101300-00101554 "'and whatever is right I will give you.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00329-00101554-00101688 "And so they went. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00330-00101688-00102011 "Again, he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00331-00102011-00102133 "and did the same thing. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00332-00102133-00102313 "And about the 11th hour he went out Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00333-00102313-00102466 "and found others standing around, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00334-00102466-00102718 "and he said to them, 'Why have you been standing here Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00335-00102718-00102878 "'idle all day long?' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00336-00102878-00103114 "They said to him, 'Because no one hired us.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00337-00103114-00103465 "He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard too.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00338-00103465-00103660 "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00339-00103660-00103902 "said to his foreman, 'Call the laborers Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00340-00103902-00104025 "'and pay them their wages Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00341-00104025-00104323 "'beginning with the last group to the first.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00342-00104323-00104583 "When those hired about the 11th hour came, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00343-00104583-00104866 "each one received a denarius. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00344-00104866-00105062 "When those hired first came, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00345-00105062-00105266 "they thought that they would receive more. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00346-00105266-00105627 "But each of them also received a denarius. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00347-00105627-00105866 "When they received it, they grumbled at the landowner Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00348-00105866-00106149 "saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00349-00106149-00106316 "'and you have made them equal to us Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00350-00106316-00106473 "'who have borne the burden Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00351-00106473-00106724 "'and the scorching heat of the day.' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00352-00106724-00106908 "But he answered and said to one of them, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00353-00106908-00107141 "'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00354-00107141-00107418 "'Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00355-00107418-00107572 "'Take what is yours and go, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00356-00107572-00107910 "'but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00357-00107910-00108211 "'Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00358-00108211-00108336 "'with what is my own? Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00359-00108336-00108661 "'Or is your eye envious because I am generous?' Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00360-00108661-00109161 "So the last shall be first, and the first last." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00361-00109223-00109504 Well we see here that Jesus places Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00362-00109504-00109940 man's attitude regarding work next to God's attitude Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00363-00109940-00110201 in order to compare the two. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00364-00110201-00110505 Man sees work as an equation. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00365-00110622-00110861 "I work hard. I'm talented. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00366-00110861-00111147 "I get paid more, and I accumulate more." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00367-00111147-00111388 I mean, it's just natural. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00368-00111388-00111727 God's attitude is that all talent, and opportunity, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00369-00111727-00112209 and gain, are a matter of grace and not payment. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00370-00112209-00112615 The stress in the parable was not a matter of wages. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00371-00112615-00112966 Everyone was paid a fair wage. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00372-00112966-00113186 The wage was in keeping with the time. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00373-00113186-00113339 A denarius for a day's work, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00374-00113339-00113447 that was a fair wage. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00375-00113447-00113614 It was a fair price. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00376-00113614-00113872 The stress was caused by jealousy, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00377-00113872-00114246 since the boss decided to reward the workers equally Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00378-00114246-00114505 regardless of their effort. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00379-00114505-00114793 The idea is that the stress was caused Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00380-00114793-00115049 by the attitude of the people, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00381-00115049-00115283 their attitude that they had Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00382-00115283-00115510 about the work that they did. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00383-00115510-00115665 Of course, in this world Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00384-00115665-00115985 there needs to be consideration for effort and skill. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00385-00115985-00116410 I mean, the parable taught how God rewards in the Kingdom, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00386-00116410-00116834 not how General Motors ought to be run. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00387-00116834-00117083 In the physical world, there is an equation Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00388-00117083-00117422 for effort, skill, and time worked Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00389-00117422-00117685 because this provides motivation. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00390-00117685-00117945 But the parable teaches us, however, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00391-00117945-00118276 that those things that are imperishable, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00392-00118276-00118496 things like eternal life, and joy, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00393-00118496-00118854 and forgiveness, and peace, and contentment, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00394-00118854-00119198 these things are not earned in this way. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00395-00119198-00119402 They're given freely. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00396-00119402-00119715 That's how things work in the Kingdom. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00397-00119715-00119994 For the workaholic, the danger is in thinking Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00398-00119994-00120290 that his or her attitude about work Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00399-00120290-00120584 can be transferred to the Kingdom. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00400-00120584-00120830 And they need to understand that it can't Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00401-00120830-00121026 because it doesn't work there. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00402-00121026-00121301 You can't earn contentment. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00403-00121301-00121683 You can't earn peace from your work, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00404-00121683-00121938 or your good work, or your hard work. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00405-00121938-00122220 You may get momentary satisfaction, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00406-00122220-00122573 but not contentment that just stays with you. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00407-00122573-00122852 In Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 Solomon says, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00408-00123180-00123439 "I know that there is nothing better for them Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00409-00123439-00123727 "than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime; Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00410-00123727-00123998 "moreover, that every man who eats and drinks Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00411-00123998-00124215 "sees good in all of his labor." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00412-00124215-00124337 And here's the point. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00413-00124337-00124627 "It is the gift of God." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00414-00124627-00124859 It is the gift of God. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00415-00124859-00125120 Contentment is a gift from God. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00416-00125120-00125283 It comes through faith. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00417-00125283-00125474 It comes through thanksgiving. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00418-00125474-00125784 It doesn't come through earning. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00419-00125784-00125985 It doesn't come through striving. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00420-00125985-00126264 It doesn't come through, "I do better work Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00421-00126264-00126442 "or harder work than you." Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00422-00126531-00126771 It's a gift that God gives to everyone Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00423-00126771-00127155 who asks of it from Him by faith. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00424-00127155-00127579 And so the overstress that comes from the workplace Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00425-00127579-00127949 is usually a question of imbalance. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00426-00127949-00128271 We're overstressed because the job Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00427-00128271-00128671 is either too much for us for some reason or other. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00428-00128671-00128963 In other words, the job takes too much out of us, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00429-00128963-00129303 and because of that, it creates overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00430-00129303-00129610 And when this is so, we need to allow the Lord Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00431-00129610-00129953 to provide his power to sustain us in what we do. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00432-00130036-00130368 And this requires recognizing that we really can't, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00433-00130368-00130594 that we're over our head here. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00434-00130594-00130870 It requires us to understand that He can, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00435-00130870-00131111 that He can help us in every situation. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00436-00131111-00131421 And of course it requires that we ask Him for help Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00437-00131421-00131850 and persevere with confidence, not resignation. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00438-00131850-00132291 And then secondly, we are overstressed Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00439-00132291-00132672 because we put too much of ourselves into the job. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00440-00132841-00133218 In one manner the job is taking too much out of us, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00441-00133218-00133384 creating overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00442-00133384-00133559 In another way, we're putting Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00443-00133559-00133786 too much of ourselves into the job, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00444-00133786-00134053 and that creates overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00445-00134053-00134316 And when this is the case, we need to remember Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00446-00134316-00134574 that what we are giving up of ourselves Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00447-00134574-00134853 will only gain earthly treasures. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00448-00134947-00135172 Workaholics need to understand Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00449-00135172-00135362 and take the time to experience Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00450-00135362-00135786 the treasures of heaven that are given out for free, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00451-00135786-00136117 love, and joy, and peace, and contentment, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00452-00136117-00136464 and purity, and fidelity, and hope, and patience. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00453-00136464-00136746 These things, these things are free. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00454-00136746-00137115 These things are gifts from the Spirit of God. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00455-00137115-00137264 And if we do these things, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00456-00137264-00137462 if we do receive these things, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00457-00137462-00137775 we will have a balanced, and productive, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00458-00137775-00138067 and satisfying work life. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00459-00138067-00138375 Okay, well, that's some ideas, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00460-00138375-00138631 some hopefully helpful ideas, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00461-00138631-00139074 dealing with the problem of stress from work. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00462-00139168-00139668 Now in your, online rather, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00463-00139670-00140038 we have resources online, some bonus material. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00464-00140038-00140445 Of course you have the worksheet that you can use Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00465-00140445-00140738 to follow along with the lesson. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00466-00140835-00141227 And I've added also another bonus material, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00467-00141227-00141525 and that is a burnout assessment test, okay. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00468-00141525-00141698 There are a couple that you can take. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00469-00141698-00142037 They're real easy, just numbers, answer the question, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00470-00142037-00142144 fill out the blanks. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00471-00142144-00142402 Then you fill up the numbers, or add up the numbers, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00472-00142402-00142602 and it'll give you at least an idea Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00473-00142602-00142866 of where you are on the on the stress scale, Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00474-00142866-00143114 you know low, medium, overstress. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00475-00143114-00143614 It's a good way of maybe assessing your own stress level Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00476-00143896-00144158 in the work that you are presently doing. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00477-00144158-00144413 Okay, so that's our lesson for today. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00478-00144413-00144648 We'll continue with this topic next time. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00479-00144648-00144747 Thank you. God bless you. Ct9Gi5VLUMU-00480-00144747-00144887 We'll see you soon. Bye-bye. CwG4HzXAo70-00000-00000000-00000557 Korean traditional rice cake CwG4HzXAo70-00001-00000903-00001103 Material Preparation CwG4HzXAo70-00002-00001570-00002664 Wash chives thoroughly several times and sieve the water out. CwG4HzXAo70-00003-00002931-00003560 Chop 1/2 onions. CwG4HzXAo70-00004-00005030-00005838 Remove the seeds from the 3 red peppers and shred them. CwG4HzXAo70-00005-00009128-00009900 Remove the seeds and shred the chili pepper and cheongyang chili peppers are also shredded. CwG4HzXAo70-00006-00012317-00013196 Cut chives into 2-3cm long pieces so that they are not too long. CwG4HzXAo70-00007-00013316-00013516 Doughing Ingredients CwG4HzXAo70-00008-00013620-00014213 Two cups of flour, one cup of water, and a little more. CwG4HzXAo70-00009-00014734-00015864 Add 1T of red pepper paste and 2T of soybean paste and knead. CwG4HzXAo70-00010-00018713-00019664 Add onions, peppers, and chives and mix them well. CwG4HzXAo70-00011-00022046-00022425 Put plenty of cooking oil. CwG4HzXAo70-00012-00022629-00023223 Scoop one by one and put it in. CwG4HzXAo70-00013-00024728-00025857 It may burn with soybean paste and red pepper paste, so fry it over low heat. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00000-00000026-00000334 Hi, my name is Dave and I'm a Republican voter from Pennsylvania. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00001-00000404-00001082 Our country has a long tradition of an orderly peaceful transition of power CzuQ4EBYPpo-00002-00001121-00001457 from one administration to the other. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00003-00001534-00001700 This year should be no exception. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00004-00001794-00002372 The results of the election are fairly clear and Joe Biden is going to be the CzuQ4EBYPpo-00005-00002372-00002509 next president of the United States. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00006-00002603-00003236 It's time for the Trump administration to recognize the results, recognize CzuQ4EBYPpo-00007-00003236-00003658 the will of the people, and begin the transition of power from CzuQ4EBYPpo-00008-00003658-00003818 one administration to the other. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00009-00003845-00004305 We need to be able to hit the ground running on January 20th. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00010-00004308-00004572 The delay is only going to hurt the security of this country. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00011-00004638-00005094 The 9/11 commission, when they issued their report, stated that because of CzuQ4EBYPpo-00012-00005094-00005628 the events surrounding the elections in 2000, there was a delay in that CzuQ4EBYPpo-00013-00005628-00006255 transition from happening and it cost us critical time and information that CzuQ4EBYPpo-00014-00006255-00006580 may have prevented the events of 9/11. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00015-00006606-00006717 We won't know that. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00016-00006755-00007404 But we do know that in order to maintain our security going forward, that orderly CzuQ4EBYPpo-00017-00007406-00007651 transition to power has to take place. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00018-00007848-00008206 I understand that there's questions about the election. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00019-00008209-00008296 There shouldn't be. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00020-00008344-00008815 In Pennsylvania, we've had a pretty decent, outstanding CzuQ4EBYPpo-00021-00008857-00009157 election - more people voting this year than I've ever voted before. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00022-00009220-00009523 Mail-in voting came off without a hitch. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00023-00009593-00009941 We don't have the problems that people are claiming that we do. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00024-00009978-00010495 The process in Pennsylvania was a bi-partisan process. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00025-00010522-00011199 The extension that allowed the additional three days of voting was agreed to by a CzuQ4EBYPpo-00026-00011244-00011619 bi-partisan Supreme Court elected judges. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00027-00011620-00011985 There just has not been the problem within the state that people from CzuQ4EBYPpo-00028-00011985-00012141 the outside would like to make it. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00029-00012171-00012282 The election has been safe. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00030-00012282-00012492 It's been secure and it's valid. CzuQ4EBYPpo-00031-00012549-00013011 The Trump administration now needs to start working with the Biden CzuQ4EBYPpo-00032-00013011-00013590 administration and getting that transition going so that our interests, CzuQ4EBYPpo-00033-00013593-00013920 the United States of America, our interests are being protected. CHuqUevNaqM-00000-00000036-00001032 today, we have one small thing for you, and that's because our views, they just pretty much stopped CHuqUevNaqM-00001-00001032-00002022 for a moment. it was down to around 45 views per hour because, well, the other videos stopped and CHuqUevNaqM-00002-00002022-00002694 it became 10 times slower. let's just come with another Channel just throw it in at the same time. CKVvOPD6YL8-00000-00000599-00001157 Some minutes after 4am this morning, my wife woke me to inform me about our 13-month-old CKVvOPD6YL8-00001-00001157-00001357 daughter's high temperature. CKVvOPD6YL8-00002-00001357-00001617 The next thing was to rush her to the hospital. CKVvOPD6YL8-00003-00001617-00002111 After spending over an hour in the hospital running test and taking her medications, we CKVvOPD6YL8-00004-00002111-00002225 returned home. CKVvOPD6YL8-00005-00002225-00002657 Returning home, I know that my morning has been interrupted from what it used to be. CKVvOPD6YL8-00006-00002657-00003163 I needed to lie down and reset my mind and as I was trying to do that, what I heard next CKVvOPD6YL8-00007-00003163-00003447 to me is the video my brother-in-law was watching. CKVvOPD6YL8-00008-00003447-00003922 It was just around 6am in the morning and my brother-in-law was busy watching comedy CKVvOPD6YL8-00009-00003922-00004022 video. CKVvOPD6YL8-00010-00004022-00004415 I feel like slapping him but in my culture, if you do that, nobody comes to your home CKVvOPD6YL8-00011-00004415-00004515 again. CKVvOPD6YL8-00012-00004515-00004971 In today's video, I'll be sharing with you the one wrong thing every poor person does CKVvOPD6YL8-00013-00004971-00005071 in the morning. CKVvOPD6YL8-00014-00005071-00005551 If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting videos CKVvOPD6YL8-00015-00005551-00005754 like this. CKVvOPD6YL8-00016-00005754-00006162 Minding Your Own Business The one wrong thing almost every poor person CKVvOPD6YL8-00017-00006162-00006590 I know does wrong is that they don't usually mind their own business. CKVvOPD6YL8-00018-00006590-00007130 This is even worse because most people I know wake up every morning to another man's business. CKVvOPD6YL8-00019-00007130-00007545 You can never be rich if you wake up every morning to prioritize other people's life CKVvOPD6YL8-00020-00007545-00007795 or business over yours. CKVvOPD6YL8-00021-00007795-00008285 If there's anything you need to be extremely selfish about, that's your morning and I'll CKVvOPD6YL8-00022-00008285-00008403 explain why. CKVvOPD6YL8-00023-00008403-00008831 You see, when you wake up in the morning, everything in you is alive and you can spend CKVvOPD6YL8-00024-00008831-00009122 the first hour to set the tone for the day. CKVvOPD6YL8-00025-00009122-00009596 Unfortunately, your mind can hardly get the nourishment it needs to build a solid foundation CKVvOPD6YL8-00026-00009596-00010071 for the day, by consuming entertainment or news, first thing in the morning. CKVvOPD6YL8-00027-00010071-00010667 Instead, something like staying alone, meditation, thinking, reading or listening to motivational CKVvOPD6YL8-00028-00010667-00011303 speeches may be the best thing to have a positive spirit you need to conquer your day. CKVvOPD6YL8-00029-00011303-00011650 Unprepared Soldiers Life is a battle. CKVvOPD6YL8-00030-00011650-00011899 You don't need anyone to tell you about that. CKVvOPD6YL8-00031-00011899-00012400 What I think most of us need to be told is that you have to prepare for these battles, CKVvOPD6YL8-00032-00012400-00012800 every morning or else you will lose to your enemies. CKVvOPD6YL8-00033-00012800-00013011 What are the battles I'm talking about? CKVvOPD6YL8-00034-00013011-00013485 When I was a struggling entrepreneur, I knew that each day when I woke up, there was a CKVvOPD6YL8-00035-00013485-00013708 big battle to be fought. CKVvOPD6YL8-00036-00013708-00014190 One day, it could mean that I'll go and negotiate with a potential investor. CKVvOPD6YL8-00037-00014190-00014622 Another day, I might be that I'll need to convince someone to work for my company without CKVvOPD6YL8-00038-00014622-00014891 pay until we're profitable. CKVvOPD6YL8-00039-00014891-00015221 The next day, it might be that I'll launch a new product. CKVvOPD6YL8-00040-00015221-00015708 All these are heavy loads and nobody could carry them except you are motivated to do CKVvOPD6YL8-00041-00015708-00016202 so and that's the reason why I had to wake up each morning to cool down my head, read CKVvOPD6YL8-00042-00016202-00016636 a few pages in a motivational book or listen to motivational music. CKVvOPD6YL8-00043-00016636-00017192 Today, I don't have as much heavy load to carry as I did a few years ago, yet, I can't CKVvOPD6YL8-00044-00017192-00017487 afford to attack any day with a weak spirit. CKVvOPD6YL8-00045-00017487-00017982 Don't start your day with a weak spirit and don't start your day with other people's business. CKVvOPD6YL8-00046-00017982-00018205 Life is tough and the battle is daily. CKVvOPD6YL8-00047-00018205-00018665 You can't afford to attack your day unprepared for the ups and downs inside it and that's CKVvOPD6YL8-00048-00018665-00019038 why you don't want to start your day with entertainment. CKVvOPD6YL8-00049-00019038-00019218 The busy employee CKVvOPD6YL8-00050-00019218-00019636 There are a million things I hate about being an employee and one of them is the fact that CKVvOPD6YL8-00051-00019636-00019909 you're just too busy doing your job. CKVvOPD6YL8-00052-00019909-00020132 Most people don't think this is a bad thing. CKVvOPD6YL8-00053-00020132-00020540 Some people are proud of being busy doing a job or their business. CKVvOPD6YL8-00054-00020540-00021049 Well, I can be happy being busy as long as I can have an hour or two each day to nourish CKVvOPD6YL8-00055-00021049-00021159 my mind. CKVvOPD6YL8-00056-00021159-00021627 When I advise that people should spend their first hour in the day to mind their own business, CKVvOPD6YL8-00057-00021627-00021990 many people will think, "Well, I have to rush to my job." CKVvOPD6YL8-00058-00021990-00022300 Yea, that's not necessarily a bad thing. CKVvOPD6YL8-00059-00022300-00022699 But you as long as you don't have a few minutes in the morning to set your mind in the right CKVvOPD6YL8-00060-00022699-00023229 motion and an hour in the day to learn and develop your mind, you'll be where you will CKVvOPD6YL8-00061-00023229-00023633 be in the next 10 years, exactly where you are today. CKVvOPD6YL8-00062-00023633-00023980 This is simple arithmetic but most people don't understand it. CKVvOPD6YL8-00063-00023980-00024309 Your mind is the only asset that matters but it's like a tree. CKVvOPD6YL8-00064-00024309-00024601 If you nourish it, your mind will grow and produce fruits. CKVvOPD6YL8-00065-00024601-00025189 If you neglect it, your mind will bring you no fruit and you'll have no progress in life. CKVvOPD6YL8-00066-00025189-00025641 To be successful in life, you have to spend the first half-hour of your day for yourself, CKVvOPD6YL8-00067-00025641-00025839 to program your mind for a great day. CKVvOPD6YL8-00068-00025839-00026302 If you're too busy to do this, you're too busy to grow or succeed. CKVvOPD6YL8-00069-00026302-00026761 Aside from using your morning to set a good foundation for the day, every living being CKVvOPD6YL8-00070-00026761-00027172 should have at least half-hour every day, to nourish their mind. CKVvOPD6YL8-00071-00027172-00027702 You should have some time in the day to learn a new thing, read a book or watch some educative CKVvOPD6YL8-00072-00027702-00027802 videos. CKVvOPD6YL8-00073-00027802-00027999 You can't just be too busy. CKVvOPD6YL8-00074-00027999-00028099 You can't. CKVvOPD6YL8-00075-00028099-00028577 If your job makes you so busy that you've got no time to nourish your mind, then, that's CKVvOPD6YL8-00076-00028577-00028741 slavery. CKVvOPD6YL8-00077-00028741-00029086 The Sweet TV When I was a little boy, I read a few books CKVvOPD6YL8-00078-00029086-00029266 that make me hate the TV. CKVvOPD6YL8-00079-00029266-00029366 Don't get me wrong. CKVvOPD6YL8-00080-00029366-00029652 There are some very educative programs on the TV. CKVvOPD6YL8-00081-00029652-00030162 The only problem I have with the TV is that, it's very interesting and so the social media CKVvOPD6YL8-00082-00030162-00030377 and every other entertainment box. CKVvOPD6YL8-00083-00030377-00030873 The problem with the TV and social media being interesting is that they are not your business. CKVvOPD6YL8-00084-00030873-00031333 When something is so interesting that people wake up in the morning to consume it and such CKVvOPD6YL8-00085-00031333-00031802 thing is either their business or helping their business, then, that's the invitation CKVvOPD6YL8-00086-00031802-00031955 to poverty. CKVvOPD6YL8-00087-00031955-00032419 As a matter of principle, I make sure that I derive the most pleasure from my work and CKVvOPD6YL8-00088-00032419-00032846 whenever something else seems to be super pleasant, I look for the door that leads me CKVvOPD6YL8-00089-00032846-00033021 out of such thing. CKVvOPD6YL8-00090-00033021-00033581 That's the reason why I don't have a TV or use Face Book, Instagram, etc. CKVvOPD6YL8-00091-00033581-00034043 These things are not bad for people who have self-control but for people like me who don't CKVvOPD6YL8-00092-00034043-00034566 have self-control, TV and social media should be your suspects. CKVvOPD6YL8-00093-00034566-00034806 How do you know whether you have self-control? CKVvOPD6YL8-00094-00034806-00035287 Well, by the time your first duty in the morning is to check your social media profile, the CKVvOPD6YL8-00095-00035287-00035750 post of photos, start spending the first 30 minutes of your day watching a comedy video CKVvOPD6YL8-00096-00035750-00036241 or a TV show, then, you've lost your mind to the world around you and you need to retrace CKVvOPD6YL8-00097-00036241-00036363 your feet. CKVvOPD6YL8-00098-00036363-00036781 Let me summarize this video by reminding you of the most important advice from The Richest CKVvOPD6YL8-00099-00036781-00037237 Man in Babylon and that's ‘Pay Yourself First.’ CKVvOPD6YL8-00100-00037237-00037731 While this advice has a lot to do with your money, it's as well important for your time. CKVvOPD6YL8-00101-00037731-00038208 When you wake up each day, remember this: "Pay Yourself First." CKVvOPD6YL8-00102-00038208-00038594 Spend the first half-hour for yourself, to nourish and develop your mind. CKVvOPD6YL8-00103-00038594-00039103 Don't spend your first hour in the day to consume other people's product or creativity, CKVvOPD6YL8-00104-00039103-00039774 except such product, video or creativity helps you to become a better individual. CKVvOPD6YL8-00105-00039774-00039993 Thank you very much for watching our videos. CKVvOPD6YL8-00106-00039993-00040490 We’ll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then, CKVvOPD6YL8-00107-00040490-00040853 our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends CKVvOPD6YL8-00108-00040853-00040953 on social media. CKVvOPD6YL8-00109-00040953-00041480 If you’re new here, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss other interesting videos CKVvOPD6YL8-00110-00041480-00041612 like this. CKVvOPD6YL8-00111-00041612-00043003 Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next. CKVvOPD6YL8-00112-00043003-00045959 We love you! CLZax5u7xjc-00000-00000548-00000848 Hello everyone, Chano-san here CLZax5u7xjc-00001-00000864-00001456 It's December again, which means its time for another Channel Update Video CLZax5u7xjc-00002-00001488-00001889 I guess I haven't uploaded a lot recently... CLZax5u7xjc-00003-00001894-00002336 Some might think the channel is dead, but CLZax5u7xjc-00004-00002336-00002508 I'm still plugging away here. CLZax5u7xjc-00005-00002508-00002990 We just crossed 1800 subs here on YouTube, CLZax5u7xjc-00006-00003014-00003361 Bitchute broke 160, CLZax5u7xjc-00007-00003361-00003690 and PeerTube is just under 30. CLZax5u7xjc-00008-00003690-00003832 Congrats, me (^o^) CLZax5u7xjc-00009-00003832-00004082 Sorry I don't upload more. CLZax5u7xjc-00010-00004186-00004504 Since there's some news and updates, CLZax5u7xjc-00011-00004504-00004834 I'd like to roll them up in this video and tell everyone. CLZax5u7xjc-00012-00004834-00005224 First, the next ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI video is... CLZax5u7xjc-00013-00005224-00005484 ...not made yet, sorry. CLZax5u7xjc-00014-00005484-00005778 I wanted to do them every two months, but CLZax5u7xjc-00015-00005778-00006130 recently I got busy. CLZax5u7xjc-00016-00006186-00006584 And by "busy" I mean I've been playing too much Death Stranding. CLZax5u7xjc-00017-00006584-00007016 There were a lot of requests for different topics, CLZax5u7xjc-00018-00007016-00007234 Japan-America Free Trade Agreements, CLZax5u7xjc-00019-00007234-00007488 and 5G networking, CLZax5u7xjc-00020-00007502-00008424 but I wanted to talk about Chinese economic policy & censorship, CLZax5u7xjc-00021-00008424-00008624 and the Hong Kong demos too. CLZax5u7xjc-00022-00008624-00009242 I'd like to make it this month if possible, but that might be impossible (lol) CLZax5u7xjc-00023-00009242-00009726 If I can't do it this month, January for sure. CLZax5u7xjc-00024-00009726-00009888 That's a promise. CLZax5u7xjc-00025-00009888-00010548 Honestly, I have been playing a lot of Death Stranding, but I've done real work too. CLZax5u7xjc-00026-00010548-00010932 Recently I've been focusing on software localization work. CLZax5u7xjc-00027-00010932-00011378 Right now, I'm helping to localize the Tor Browser User Manual. CLZax5u7xjc-00028-00011378-00011810 I heard this from the Tor Browser Translation Team, but... CLZax5u7xjc-00029-00011810-00012354 ...apparently there are 20,000 update checks for JP version Tor Browser daily. CLZax5u7xjc-00030-00012354-00012522 Impressive. CLZax5u7xjc-00031-00012522-00013212 So they said the manual really ought to be translated soon, CLZax5u7xjc-00032-00013212-00013662 so together with other members, I'm working to translate it now. CLZax5u7xjc-00033-00013662-00014196 The Tor Manual strings are on a translation platform, "Transifex". CLZax5u7xjc-00034-00014196-00014680 Those familiar with localization work, please join and help out. CLZax5u7xjc-00035-00014680-00014796 Here's the address ↑↑↑ CLZax5u7xjc-00036-00014796-00015108 But localization work isn't just with Tor. CLZax5u7xjc-00037-00015108-00015494 Recently I'm focusing on another project...Loki CLZax5u7xjc-00038-00015494-00015852 To explain what Loki is, it's kind of like the Tor Network... CLZax5u7xjc-00039-00015852-00016482 Accessing the net through Loki, privacy and anonymity are protected. CLZax5u7xjc-00040-00016514-00017216 And like Tor Hidden Services, you can make darknet sites/apps called "SNApps". CLZax5u7xjc-00041-00017246-00017736 Explaining the differences between Loki and Tor gets a bit difficult, but... CLZax5u7xjc-00042-00017736-00018228 Tor has problems with malicious Exit Nodes. CLZax5u7xjc-00043-00018228-00018456 Since anybody can set up a node, CLZax5u7xjc-00044-00018466-00018894 there's a risk of session data being accessed or logged. CLZax5u7xjc-00045-00018894-00019660 With Loki, running nodes requires staking cryptocurrency resources, CLZax5u7xjc-00046-00019660-00020150 so the risk of malicious nodes is at least partially mitigated. CLZax5u7xjc-00047-00020172-00020732 Some might think "Why develop Loki, just use Tor", but... CLZax5u7xjc-00048-00020732-00021266 maybe this is just me, but relying on one piece of software too much isn't good. CLZax5u7xjc-00049-00021272-00022044 Giving Tor some competition offers more choice to the end user, CLZax5u7xjc-00050-00022044-00022260 and drives better development through competition. CLZax5u7xjc-00051-00022260-00022636 Anyway, Loki is still in early development, CLZax5u7xjc-00052-00022636-00023166 For now I've forked their docs in my own Github repo. CLZax5u7xjc-00053-00023166-00023512 Those who want to help translate, please take a look there. CLZax5u7xjc-00054-00023512-00024372 Whether Tor Browser or Loki, we need more people capable of translation and software localization. CLZax5u7xjc-00055-00024394-00024936 So anyone who can do English to Japanese translation, please get in touch. CLZax5u7xjc-00056-00024936-00025288 There's a mountain of translation work to do, and I can't do it alone. CLZax5u7xjc-00057-00025288-00025530 What else was there... CLZax5u7xjc-00058-00025530-00025777 PeerTube! We're still using it. CLZax5u7xjc-00059-00025777-00026376 YouTube is slowly going to shit, and this account might get deleted someday CLZax5u7xjc-00060-00026376-00026939 but as long as PeerTube and Bitchute are there, people can still see these videos. CLZax5u7xjc-00061-00026939-00027477 So make sure you subscribe on PeerTube and Bitchute too, not just here. CLZax5u7xjc-00062-00027477-00027960 Bitchute is English only, but do your best and go sub there just in case. CLZax5u7xjc-00063-00027960-00028516 All videos are uploaded there too, so even if YouTube goes to shit CLZax5u7xjc-00064-00028516-00028824 there's backups on other platforms. CLZax5u7xjc-00065-00028824-00029212 Speaking of going to shit, there's Twitter too... CLZax5u7xjc-00066-00029212-00029412 It's just getting stricter there. CLZax5u7xjc-00067-00029470-00029900 In place of Twitter there's Mastodon, but Pawoo... CLZax5u7xjc-00068-00029900-00030132 I wonder what's going to happen with them. CLZax5u7xjc-00069-00030132-00030692 There's been news recently, some other company is buying the platform... CLZax5u7xjc-00070-00030732-00031380 I keep thinking I should set up my own instance, but haven't done it yet. CLZax5u7xjc-00071-00031380-00031580 Need to do that eventually. CLZax5u7xjc-00072-00031638-00032094 Last announcement, but of course we're participating in this year's Winter Comiket. CLZax5u7xjc-00073-00032094-00032672 Day 3, December 30th, South Hall フ42a CLZax5u7xjc-00074-00032686-00033080 As always, we'll have the Disconnect books. CLZax5u7xjc-00075-00033080-00033216 Getting a bit old now, but... CLZax5u7xjc-00076-00033216-00033544 I'm still in touch with the Disconnect artist, CLZax5u7xjc-00077-00033544-00033964 and we'd still like to make more stories with the same characters, but CLZax5u7xjc-00078-00033964-00034252 nothing's actually made now. CLZax5u7xjc-00079-00034252-00034494 In other words, regarding new works... CLZax5u7xjc-00080-00034494-00034764 ...it'd be nice if there was any, lol CLZax5u7xjc-00081-00034764-00035258 If there is anything new this year, it'll be an info booklet rather than a doujin. CLZax5u7xjc-00082-00035258-00035658 Info about Loki, and PeerTube, and our other projects. CLZax5u7xjc-00083-00035658-00036120 It'll probably be a free paper, but I haven't decided anything yet. CLZax5u7xjc-00084-00036120-00036450 Anyway, if you have time, please drop by. CLZax5u7xjc-00085-00036450-00036650 You don't need to buy anything CLZax5u7xjc-00086-00036650-00036954 Well, that's all for announcements. CLZax5u7xjc-00087-00036968-00037550 To everybody who's subbed, on YouTube, on PeerTube, on Bitchute... CLZax5u7xjc-00088-00037550-00037772 Thank you all so much. CLZax5u7xjc-00089-00037772-00037882 I appreciate it. CLZax5u7xjc-00090-00037882-00038296 While saying I'd like to upload more frequently from now on... CLZax5u7xjc-00091-00038376-00038796 I'm sure I'll get lazy again in future, so please forgive me. CLZax5u7xjc-00092-00038796-00039488 The Kabikiller Upload Festival was fun, so I'd like to make a YTP with Japanese sources again. CLZax5u7xjc-00093-00039488-00039884 And English YTPs like usual, CLZax5u7xjc-00094-00039884-00040366 and serious stuff like ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI and info videos. CLZax5u7xjc-00095-00040366-00040704 So please look forward to more content going into next year. CLZax5u7xjc-00096-00040704-00041128 And until next time... MACHIUKENASAI CNJc5fjCrf4-00000-00000076-00000620 The authors provide a sketch of the Curriculum Integration Process. CNJc5fjCrf4-00001-00000620-00001112 It starts with the study of the students’ needs. CNJc5fjCrf4-00002-00001112-00001695 They argue in their paper that students’ needs today are various and are different CNJc5fjCrf4-00003-00001695-00002065 than what are met by course books alone. CNJc5fjCrf4-00004-00002065-00002600 They talk about the need for teachers to add to the materials in the course book in order CNJc5fjCrf4-00005-00002600-00003164 to provide units that are really relevant to the students. CNJc5fjCrf4-00006-00003164-00003822 So their approach is not to throw out the course book but to add to it gradually, little CNJc5fjCrf4-00007-00003822-00004142 by little based on students’ needs. CNJc5fjCrf4-00008-00004142-00004910 Now, their project doesn’t talk about technology at all, that’s what we need to add in for CNJc5fjCrf4-00009-00004910-00005123 our course. CNJc5fjCrf4-00010-00005123-00005653 And so in talking about each of these ten steps, I’m going to do just that: I’ll CNJc5fjCrf4-00011-00005653-00006182 add the technology component. CNJc5fjCrf4-00012-00006182-00006787 The first three steps are what I would call planning; this is where teachers look at the CNJc5fjCrf4-00013-00006787-00007008 students’ needs. CNJc5fjCrf4-00014-00007008-00007543 What are the students’ needs with respect to both language and technology use? CNJc5fjCrf4-00015-00007543-00008001 In our analysis, we need to think about the fact that a lot of language is used through CNJc5fjCrf4-00016-00008001-00008223 technology today. CNJc5fjCrf4-00017-00008223-00008860 And so we need to consider language and technology needs for students’ communication. CNJc5fjCrf4-00018-00008860-00009546 For the second step, preparing the goals and objectives, we need to ask this question: CNJc5fjCrf4-00019-00009546-00010151 what language and technology skills will students learn as a result of the unit? CNJc5fjCrf4-00020-00010151-00010433 So that’s the basic goal setting. CNJc5fjCrf4-00021-00010433-00010827 Third, developing test tasks. CNJc5fjCrf4-00022-00010827-00011415 In their approach, they have the test tasks developed early on in the process. CNJc5fjCrf4-00023-00011415-00012081 The test tasks allow the teachers to see what would be considered evidence of success of CNJc5fjCrf4-00024-00012081-00012339 the new units. CNJc5fjCrf4-00025-00012339-00013270 So to develop the test tasks, the question is what tasks will be used to evaluate students’ CNJc5fjCrf4-00026-00013270-00013409 accomplishments? CNJc5fjCrf4-00027-00013409-00014426 And I would add, how will technology be used for these tasks to make them relevant to instruction? CNJc5fjCrf4-00028-00014426-00015115 The next two steps I would call analysis, identifying language and skills: What are CNJc5fjCrf4-00029-00015115-00015652 the language and technology skills required for completing the task? CNJc5fjCrf4-00030-00015652-00016106 These are analyzed by having teachers try out the tasks. CNJc5fjCrf4-00031-00016106-00016670 This is a really important aspect of the process because the teachers develop the assessment CNJc5fjCrf4-00032-00016670-00017245 tasks and then they actually do the assessment tasks themselves. CNJc5fjCrf4-00033-00017245-00017723 This produces some very concrete knowledge about what’s needed to be able to do these CNJc5fjCrf4-00034-00017723-00018559 tasks, both with respect to language needs and the technology skills that are needed. CNJc5fjCrf4-00035-00018559-00018765 The next step then is sequencing. CNJc5fjCrf4-00036-00018765-00019391 In what sequence should the teacher use these key components of language and technology CNJc5fjCrf4-00037-00019391-00019631 skills? CNJc5fjCrf4-00038-00019631-00020221 Once the skills are identified, how can they be divided up and taught gradually across CNJc5fjCrf4-00039-00020221-00020979 a week or two weeks or however long that unit is going to last. CNJc5fjCrf4-00040-00020979-00021490 The next two steps I would call development & use. CNJc5fjCrf4-00041-00021490-00021954 What learning materials are needed to teach the unit? CNJc5fjCrf4-00042-00021954-00022634 Materials include the language and activities needed as well as the technologies. CNJc5fjCrf4-00043-00022634-00022998 Collaboration is critically important in developing the materials. CNJc5fjCrf4-00044-00022998-00023698 And this is something that the authors emphasize and we are going to hear our CALL expert emphasize CNJc5fjCrf4-00045-00023698-00024436 the same thing: that collaboration among teachers is extremely important. CNJc5fjCrf4-00046-00024436-00024651 The next step is teaching. CNJc5fjCrf4-00047-00024651-00024848 Teachers try them out. CNJc5fjCrf4-00048-00024848-00025257 How do the materials actually work in class? CNJc5fjCrf4-00049-00025257-00025645 Teachers use the materials and note how students respond to them. CNJc5fjCrf4-00050-00025645-00026391 An important aspect of the teaching in this model is that teachers are not only teaching, CNJc5fjCrf4-00051-00026391-00026989 but also carefully observing how the students respond. CNJc5fjCrf4-00052-00026989-00027351 This is something that we do pretty naturally in the classroom. CNJc5fjCrf4-00053-00027351-00028166 But in this case, these observations are going to be used later in this process. CNJc5fjCrf4-00054-00028166-00028648 Teaching isn’t the last step, it’s only one part of the overall process. COpCHn8g0wo-00000-00000010-00000286 AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. COpCHn8g0wo-00001-00000286-00000293 AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. COpCHn8g0wo-00002-00000293-00000463 AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS COpCHn8g0wo-00003-00000463-00000470 AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS COpCHn8g0wo-00004-00000470-00000623 AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS 73-YEAR HISTORY, THE BEMIDJI COpCHn8g0wo-00005-00000623-00000630 >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS 73-YEAR HISTORY, THE BEMIDJI COpCHn8g0wo-00006-00000630-00000767 >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS 73-YEAR HISTORY, THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL ADDED A COpCHn8g0wo-00007-00000767-00000774 73-YEAR HISTORY, THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL ADDED A COpCHn8g0wo-00008-00000774-00000924 73-YEAR HISTORY, THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL ADDED A SAILING REGATTA. COpCHn8g0wo-00009-00000924-00000930 JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL ADDED A SAILING REGATTA. COpCHn8g0wo-00010-00000930-00001067 JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL ADDED A SAILING REGATTA. THE BOAT RACE TOOK PLACE AT LAKE COpCHn8g0wo-00011-00001067-00001074 SAILING REGATTA. THE BOAT RACE TOOK PLACE AT LAKE COpCHn8g0wo-00012-00001074-00001247 SAILING REGATTA. THE BOAT RACE TOOK PLACE AT LAKE BEMIDJI AND DREW A CROWD. COpCHn8g0wo-00013-00001247-00001254 THE BOAT RACE TOOK PLACE AT LAKE BEMIDJI AND DREW A CROWD. COpCHn8g0wo-00014-00001254-00001408 THE BOAT RACE TOOK PLACE AT LAKE BEMIDJI AND DREW A CROWD. THE AUDIENCE WATCHED AND CHEERED COpCHn8g0wo-00015-00001408-00001414 BEMIDJI AND DREW A CROWD. THE AUDIENCE WATCHED AND CHEERED COpCHn8g0wo-00016-00001414-00001524 BEMIDJI AND DREW A CROWD. THE AUDIENCE WATCHED AND CHEERED AS RACERS MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH COpCHn8g0wo-00017-00001524-00001531 THE AUDIENCE WATCHED AND CHEERED AS RACERS MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH COpCHn8g0wo-00018-00001531-00001674 THE AUDIENCE WATCHED AND CHEERED AS RACERS MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LAKE. COpCHn8g0wo-00019-00001674-00001681 AS RACERS MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LAKE. COpCHn8g0wo-00020-00001681-00001828 AS RACERS MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LAKE. IT WAS ALSO THE LARGEST FLEET COpCHn8g0wo-00021-00001828-00001835 THE LAKE. IT WAS ALSO THE LARGEST FLEET COpCHn8g0wo-00022-00001835-00001991 THE LAKE. IT WAS ALSO THE LARGEST FLEET WITH 16 BOATS COMPETING AND COpCHn8g0wo-00023-00001991-00001998 IT WAS ALSO THE LARGEST FLEET WITH 16 BOATS COMPETING AND COpCHn8g0wo-00024-00001998-00002118 IT WAS ALSO THE LARGEST FLEET WITH 16 BOATS COMPETING AND RACERS WENT ABOUT TEN MILES PER COpCHn8g0wo-00025-00002118-00002125 WITH 16 BOATS COMPETING AND RACERS WENT ABOUT TEN MILES PER COpCHn8g0wo-00026-00002125-00002228 WITH 16 BOATS COMPETING AND RACERS WENT ABOUT TEN MILES PER HOUR. COpCHn8g0wo-00027-00002228-00002235 RACERS WENT ABOUT TEN MILES PER HOUR. COpCHn8g0wo-00028-00002235-00002625 RACERS WENT ABOUT TEN MILES PER HOUR. THE WINNER COMPLETED THE RACE IN COpCHn8g0wo-00029-00002625-00002632 HOUR. THE WINNER COMPLETED THE RACE IN COpCHn8g0wo-00030-00002632-00002806 HOUR. THE WINNER COMPLETED THE RACE IN JUST UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF COpCHn8g0wo-00031-00002806-00002812 THE WINNER COMPLETED THE RACE IN JUST UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF COpCHn8g0wo-00032-00002812-00003163 THE WINNER COMPLETED THE RACE IN JUST UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF AND WAS ONE OF TWO SOLO COpCHn8g0wo-00033-00003163-00003169 JUST UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF AND WAS ONE OF TWO SOLO COpCHn8g0wo-00034-00003169-00003363 JUST UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF AND WAS ONE OF TWO SOLO CAPTAINS. COpCHn8g0wo-00035-00003363-00003370 AND WAS ONE OF TWO SOLO CAPTAINS. COpCHn8g0wo-00036-00003370-00003443 AND WAS ONE OF TWO SOLO CAPTAINS. >> YEAH. COpCHn8g0wo-00037-00003443-00003450 CAPTAINS. >> YEAH. COpCHn8g0wo-00038-00003450-00003613 CAPTAINS. >> YEAH. I MADE NO MISTAKES OUT THERE. COpCHn8g0wo-00039-00003613-00003620 >> YEAH. I MADE NO MISTAKES OUT THERE. COpCHn8g0wo-00040-00003620-00003843 >> YEAH. I MADE NO MISTAKES OUT THERE. I SAILED OVER, CAUGHT THE BREEZE COpCHn8g0wo-00041-00003843-00003850 I MADE NO MISTAKES OUT THERE. I SAILED OVER, CAUGHT THE BREEZE COpCHn8g0wo-00042-00003850-00004033 I MADE NO MISTAKES OUT THERE. I SAILED OVER, CAUGHT THE BREEZE OFF THE POINT, OFF DIAMOND COpCHn8g0wo-00043-00004033-00004040 I SAILED OVER, CAUGHT THE BREEZE OFF THE POINT, OFF DIAMOND COpCHn8g0wo-00044-00004040-00004180 I SAILED OVER, CAUGHT THE BREEZE OFF THE POINT, OFF DIAMOND POINT, PICKED UP A LITTLE SPEED COpCHn8g0wo-00045-00004180-00004187 OFF THE POINT, OFF DIAMOND POINT, PICKED UP A LITTLE SPEED COpCHn8g0wo-00046-00004187-00004354 OFF THE POINT, OFF DIAMOND POINT, PICKED UP A LITTLE SPEED AND I WAS ABLE TO POINT UPWIND COpCHn8g0wo-00047-00004354-00004361 POINT, PICKED UP A LITTLE SPEED AND I WAS ABLE TO POINT UPWIND COpCHn8g0wo-00048-00004361-00004607 POINT, PICKED UP A LITTLE SPEED AND I WAS ABLE TO POINT UPWIND REALLY WELL. COpCHn8g0wo-00049-00004607-00004614 AND I WAS ABLE TO POINT UPWIND REALLY WELL. COpCHn8g0wo-00050-00004614-00004778 AND I WAS ABLE TO POINT UPWIND REALLY WELL. >>Haydee: THE WINNING BOAT WAS COpCHn8g0wo-00051-00004778-00004784 REALLY WELL. >>Haydee: THE WINNING BOAT WAS COpCHn8g0wo-00052-00004784-00004958 REALLY WELL. >>Haydee: THE WINNING BOAT WAS JUST 14 FEET LONG WHICH IS CON_3fRF0Eg-00000-00000000-00000543 Hi everyone, welcome to Library 10! My name is Aloha and I am your instructor. CON_3fRF0Eg-00001-00000543-00001104 And that is my real name! I am not from Hawaii, CON_3fRF0Eg-00002-00001104-00001701 I am from Santa Cruz, and I am a librarian at Cabrillo. I just wanted to CON_3fRF0Eg-00003-00001701-00002208 quickly let you know that I'm excited to work with you during this CON_3fRF0Eg-00004-00002208-00002772 unprecedented time and I hope you're all hanging in there. This module is all CON_3fRF0Eg-00005-00002772-00003375 about introductions. So, introducing the class, and introducing our learning CON_3fRF0Eg-00006-00003375-00003921 environment, and then introducing yourself! So I look forward to meeting CON_3fRF0Eg-00007-00003921-00004586 you. And have fun, and let me know if you have any questions. CPp0-A-6C2g-00000-00000094-00000752 hi my name is Carlos brand from ace it driving school today I'm going to CPp0-A-6C2g-00001-00000752-00001515 demonstrate how what technique we use to teach how to parallel park okay so first CPp0-A-6C2g-00002-00001515-00001941 thing you do is you indicate you put your right signal on so we put our CPp0-A-6C2g-00003-00001941-00002285 right signal we approach the vehicle we're going to be parking behind off and CPp0-A-6C2g-00004-00002285-00002660 we want to be about a meter away from the side of the vehicle make sure you CPp0-A-6C2g-00005-00002660-00003159 check behind you for other traffic before you break now you pull CPp0-A-6C2g-00006-00003159-00003567 beside the other vehicle about approximately about a meter away what CPp0-A-6C2g-00007-00003567-00003957 you want to do is as you pulling forward you want to look at the backend of your CPp0-A-6C2g-00008-00003957-00004355 car in the backend of the other vehicle you want to align your back ends okay CPp0-A-6C2g-00009-00004355-00004836 and it's not gonna be perfect but as long as it's close enough it'll CPp0-A-6C2g-00010-00004836-00005273 be good okay from this point you get a place your vehicle in reverse you're CPp0-A-6C2g-00011-00005273-00005703 gonna do a 360-degree check around the vehicle before you start backing up to CPp0-A-6C2g-00012-00005703-00006137 make sure it's safe there's some traffic coming so we're gonna wait for them to CPp0-A-6C2g-00013-00006137-00006371 go by CPp0-A-6C2g-00014-00006628-00007171 I'll wait a little bit longer here and before we start parking so first thing CPp0-A-6C2g-00015-00007171-00007447 we want to do is we want to turn put it in reverse turn the wheels all CPp0-A-6C2g-00016-00007447-00008056 the way to the right or right turn okay and we're gonna visualize a 45 degree CPp0-A-6C2g-00017-00008056-00008624 angle to the middle of the car so we are approximately at a 45 degree angle now CPp0-A-6C2g-00018-00008624-00009043 we're going to stop at that point we're gonna straighten up wheels make it wheel CPp0-A-6C2g-00019-00009043-00009461 straight to turns back we get a continue backing up looking behind you can show CPp0-A-6C2g-00020-00009461-00009875 there's nothing there what we're gonna do is we're going to line up the back of CPp0-A-6C2g-00021-00009875-00010195 the side mirror or the passenger side mirror with the middle of the back end CPp0-A-6C2g-00022-00010195-00010495 of the vehicle you're back in behind off at that point you're gonna turn your CPp0-A-6C2g-00023-00010495-00010756 wheels quickly all the way to the left and you're gonna continue backing up CPp0-A-6C2g-00024-00010756-00011218 until your car is straight behind the other vehicle at that point you're gonna CPp0-A-6C2g-00025-00011218-00011797 stop you're gonna straighten your car and your wheels place the vehicle in CPp0-A-6C2g-00026-00011797-00012256 park and you put your parking brake on and that's how you do it CQNBdzmQCxY-00000-00000115-00000451 The COVID 19 pandemic continues to be complicated CQNBdzmQCxY-00001-00000451-00000802 The number of worldwide infections has now reached the 14 million mark CQNBdzmQCxY-00002-00000802-00001086 while the number of deaths is nearly 600,000 CQNBdzmQCxY-00003-00001086-00001728 The United States is the hardest hit country, with nearly 3.7 million infections and more than 141,000 deaths CQNBdzmQCxY-00004-00001772-00002268 And India today joined the list of countries with millions of cases CQNBdzmQCxY-00005-00002718-00003036 The US yesterday recorded more than 71,000 new COVID 19 infections CQNBdzmQCxY-00006-00003036-00003270 Raising a total of more than 3.6 million cases CQNBdzmQCxY-00007-00003282-00003484 Of which 141000 deaths CQNBdzmQCxY-00008-00003484-00003854 This is the highest number of new cases within 1 day of the outbreak CQNBdzmQCxY-00009-00003854-00004088 and is the seventh record number this month CQNBdzmQCxY-00010-00004112-00004496 In June, the average number of infections a day was 28,000 CQNBdzmQCxY-00011-00004500-00004796 By July, this number had increased to 57,000 CQNBdzmQCxY-00012-00004796-00005014 The US is experiencing new infections CQNBdzmQCxY-00013-00005014-00005338 with 30/50 states recording a record increase for the day CQNBdzmQCxY-00014-00005422-00005646 And in Brazil, in the last 24 hours CQNBdzmQCxY-00015-00005646-00006044 The country's health ministry has more than 45,000 new infections, surpassing the 2 million mark CQNBdzmQCxY-00016-00006108-00006292 This number can be 4-5 times CQNBdzmQCxY-00017-00006292-00006526 Because Brazil has not conducted extensive testing CQNBdzmQCxY-00018-00006526-00006966 The average number of deaths per day exceeds 1,000 within the past month CQNBdzmQCxY-00019-00006978-00007122 Many experts predict CQNBdzmQCxY-00020-00007122-00007564 Brazil will overtake the US to become the country with the largest number of deaths in the world by early August CQNBdzmQCxY-00021-00007658-00008034 Meanwhile, India has become the third largest epidemic region in the world CQNBdzmQCxY-00022-00008034-00008440 With more than 1 million people infected with COVID 19 and more than 25,000 deaths CQNBdzmQCxY-00023-00008440-00008728 The majority of infected people are in Maharashtra state CQNBdzmQCxY-00024-00008750-00008956 New Delhi and Tamilat state CQNBdzmQCxY-00025-00008956-00009352 But yesterday, more than 125 million people in the state of Minah CQNBdzmQCxY-00026-00009352-00009668 was forced to re-impose the restrictions for an additional 15 days CQNBdzmQCxY-00027-00009668-00009988 due to the number of deaths from COVID 19 increasing by more than 600 per day CS7d5gq7xFY-00000-00000048-00000736 i hit myself 50 times because i took a photo, and 50 more times because i bit my tongue. CS7d5gq7xFY-00001-00000736-00001480 i always do this, but i'm trying to reduce those numbers by putting a punishment on myself, so that CS7d5gq7xFY-00002-00001480-00002328 way, i would have fewer incidents. by the way, i've also added a new user to my channel which means, CS7d5gq7xFY-00003-00002392-00003016 i am a slime hunter, thank you for joining our community by adding your first comment. i love you. CSLjw63-TAg-00000-00000639-00001103 George W. Bush and Michelle Obama Caught On Video That McCain Orchestrated CSLjw63-TAg-00001-00001103-00001475 ShareTweetFlipPlusEmail With the death of Senator John McCain has CSLjw63-TAg-00002-00001475-00001886 come a string of memorial services, lying in state, and wakes. CSLjw63-TAg-00003-00001886-00002243 However, now that a week has passed those services are over. CSLjw63-TAg-00004-00002243-00002738 But, what people have to say about what went on during them is still going on. CSLjw63-TAg-00005-00002738-00003208 Former President Obama, his wife former First Lady Michelle Obama, and former President CSLjw63-TAg-00006-00003208-00003664 George W. Bush and his wife former First Lady Barbara Bush were in attendance. CSLjw63-TAg-00007-00003664-00004072 It was the unlikely showcase of friendship between Michelle Obama and George Bush that CSLjw63-TAg-00008-00004072-00004234 had people talking. CSLjw63-TAg-00009-00004234-00004433 Some in very different ways. CSLjw63-TAg-00010-00004433-00004539 The Hill reported, CSLjw63-TAg-00011-00004539-00005033 “A light-hearted moment between former President George W. Bush and former first lady Michelle CSLjw63-TAg-00012-00005033-00005703 Obama during the funeral service for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Saturday went viral. CSLjw63-TAg-00013-00005703-00006119 Social media users quickly caught on to the brief moment, showing Bush passing something CSLjw63-TAg-00014-00006119-00006390 from former first lady Laura Bush to Obama. CSLjw63-TAg-00015-00006390-00006978 It’s unclear what exactly was passed to Obama, though MSNBC described it as candy. CSLjw63-TAg-00016-00006978-00007369 Bush has spoken openly before about his “genuine” affection for Michelle Obama. CSLjw63-TAg-00017-00007369-00007631 “She kind of likes my sense of humor. CSLjw63-TAg-00018-00007631-00008213 Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like,” Bush told People Magazine last year. CSLjw63-TAg-00019-00008213-00008568 The pair are often seen laughing at events together and a photo of them sharing a hug CSLjw63-TAg-00020-00008568-00009068 during the opening ceremony of the African American History Museum in Washington in 2016 CSLjw63-TAg-00021-00009068-00009237 went viral on social media. CSLjw63-TAg-00022-00009237-00009592 “I needle her a little bit and around her, I’m fairly lighthearted. CSLjw63-TAg-00023-00009592-00010080 [The Obamas] are around serious people all the time, and we just took to each other,” CSLjw63-TAg-00024-00010080-00010259 Bush said last year. CSLjw63-TAg-00025-00010259-00010725 Both Bush and former President Obama gave eulogies during McCain’s service Saturday. CSLjw63-TAg-00026-00010725-00011333 McCain died last week at the age of 81, a year after being diagnosed with brain cancer. CSLjw63-TAg-00027-00011333-00011821 Obama praised McCain’s ability to rise above “small and mean and petty” political controversies. CSLjw63-TAg-00028-00011821-00012046 He also spoke about McCain’s sense of humor. CSLjw63-TAg-00029-00012046-00012444 “What better way to get a last laugh than to make George and I say nice things about CSLjw63-TAg-00030-00012444-00012808 him to a national audience,” Obama joked. CSLjw63-TAg-00031-00012808-00013187 President Trump was not invited to McCain’s funeral services, though several members of CSLjw63-TAg-00032-00013187-00013616 his administration attended, including his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared CSLjw63-TAg-00033-00013616-00013727 Kushner. CSLjw63-TAg-00034-00013727-00014211 Defense Secretary James Mattis, White House chief of staff John Kelly and national security CSLjw63-TAg-00035-00014211-00014550 adviser John Bolton were also in attendance Saturday.” CSLjw63-TAg-00036-00014550-00015143 “Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Saturday shared a photo of three former presidents from two CSLjw63-TAg-00037-00015143-00015709 political parties in attendance at the funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), declaring CSLjw63-TAg-00038-00015709-00015826 “decency wins.” CSLjw63-TAg-00039-00015826-00016398 Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Saturday shared a photo of three former presidents from two CSLjw63-TAg-00040-00016398-00016977 political parties in attendance at the funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), declaring CSLjw63-TAg-00041-00016977-00017093 “decency wins.” CSLjw63-TAg-00042-00017093-00017570 Flake, who is retiring after this year, joined McCain as one of Trump’s most vocal critics CSLjw63-TAg-00043-00017570-00018074 in the GOP, frequently criticizing the Trump administration over various policy positions CSLjw63-TAg-00044-00018074-00018266 and comments from the president. CSLjw63-TAg-00045-00018266-00018712 The retiring senator has repeatedly criticized Trump in the past year, including taking to CSLjw63-TAg-00046-00018712-00019113 the Senate floor in January to denounce the president’s attacks on the mainstream news CSLjw63-TAg-00047-00019113-00019223 media. CSLjw63-TAg-00048-00019223-00019682 Twenty-four senators, including Flake, attended the funeral service Saturday for McCain in CSLjw63-TAg-00049-00019682-00020223 Washington, D.C., according to Roll Call, while six former senators also attended. CSLjw63-TAg-00050-00020223-00020729 McCain, who served in the Senate since 1987, was known for bucking party and operating CSLjw63-TAg-00051-00020729-00021265 as a “maverick” senator who frequently crossed party lines to find bipartisan consensus. CSLjw63-TAg-00052-00021265-00021695 His funeral arrangements underscored his tense relationship with Trump, who questioned his CSLjw63-TAg-00053-00021695-00022202 status as a war hero during the 2016 presidential race and blasted his vote last year against CSLjw63-TAg-00054-00022202-00022463 a scaled-down ObamaCare repeal bill. CSLjw63-TAg-00055-00022463-00022888 Trump was not invited to attend McCain’s funeral service, instead spending several CSLjw63-TAg-00056-00022888-00023143 hours on Saturday at at his golf course in Virginia. CSLjw63-TAg-00057-00023143-00023632 Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner attended the funeral. CSLjw63-TAg-00058-00023632-00024142 Bush and Obama, who both faced McCain during their respective White House runs, eulogized CSLjw63-TAg-00059-00024142-00024468 the late senator on Saturday among friends and family.” CSLjw63-TAg-00060-00024468-00024998 McCain ran for president in 2008 against the ultimate winner, then-Senator Barack Obama. CSLjw63-TAg-00061-00024998-00025443 He was a military officer and prominent American politician who served two terms in the United CSLjw63-TAg-00062-00025443-00025885 States House of Representatives as well as several terms in the United States Senate. CSLjw63-TAg-00063-00025885-00026337 Prior to his public service, he served the United States in the military. CSLjw63-TAg-00064-00026337-00026786 In 1958 he graduated from the United States Naval Academy and was commissioned into the CSLjw63-TAg-00065-00026786-00026976 United States Navy. CSLjw63-TAg-00066-00026976-00027380 During his time in service, he was a naval aviator who undertook flying ground attack CSLjw63-TAg-00067-00027380-00027670 aircraft from aircraft carriers in the ocean. CSLjw63-TAg-00068-00027670-00027943 This all took place during the Vietnam war. CSLjw63-TAg-00069-00027943-00028429 His service is most notable for his being seriously injured, shot down, and later captured CSLjw63-TAg-00070-00028429-00028833 by North Vietnamese forces when he was on a bombing mission during Operation Rolling CSLjw63-TAg-00071-00028833-00029120 Thunder near Hanoi in 1967. CSLjw63-TAg-00072-00029120-00029413 For several years he was a prisoner of war and was tortured. CSLjw63-TAg-00073-00029413-00030239 However, he refused early repatriation and remained with CSLjw63-TAg-00074-00030239-00030811 his fellow prisoners of war. CV3ZRiuHDxk-00000-00000000-00000200 you're right mate CVAH_hEIdGg-00000-00003020-00003846 In terms of our space and this is very much kind of where so much of the value CVAH_hEIdGg-00001-00003846-00004605 of having our own space has been actually just getting together CVAH_hEIdGg-00002-00004605-00005454 in real life, so the actual, you know, table, large round table as a platform is CVAH_hEIdGg-00003-00005454-00005780 actually one of the most valuable. Cdtc9l921lY-00000-00000000-00000726 All Jesus needed from the disciples was stay here with me and keep watch with me and that is what we Cdtc9l921lY-00001-00000726-00001278 need from our friends that is what we need from the people that is in our Circle stay here with Cdtc9l921lY-00002-00001278-00001950 me find your safe space the number one thing that emptiness will make you do is to go into isolation Cdtc9l921lY-00003-00001950-00002412 wants to make you withdraw from people because you feel like nobody understands me nobody will Cdtc9l921lY-00004-00002412-00003084 get me your safe space is finding a safe circle of family and friends and people you can trust Cdtc9l921lY-00005-00003084-00003852 whereby you can be you you can share you can be vulnerable because you need this space whether Cdtc9l921lY-00006-00003852-00004482 you believe me or not you need a safe space you can't do life in isolation a proverb in my place Cdtc9l921lY-00007-00004482-00005160 says a tree don't stand alone to become a forest so if you ever want to become something great you Cdtc9l921lY-00008-00005160-00005766 will need people because you need them to hold up space for you and that is God's best for you Cdtc9l921lY-00009-00005766-00006330 I know the feeling of they may not understand me and how can they even help the truth is they don't Cdtc9l921lY-00010-00006330-00006894 need to understand you but you know that you need them just for you to be able to pour out Cdtc9l921lY-00011-00006894-00007481 your heart and lose that weight and let go of that burden just to be vulnerable and to share Cdtc9l921lY-00012-00007481-00008009 that is what you need them for and indeed they cannot solve all your problems they don't need Cdtc9l921lY-00013-00008009-00008496 to have the answers to the questions you have you don't need to have the answers to the things that Cdtc9l921lY-00014-00008496-00009084 trouble you but you need to have a safe space where you not be judged or criticized or looked Cdtc9l921lY-00015-00009084-00009768 down upon because Joe in scripture expected that it would have had a safe Circle who understood Cdtc9l921lY-00016-00009768-00010440 him but instead his friends were there trying to put more fire to make the fire upon and if you Cdtc9l921lY-00017-00010440-00011016 have such a circle around you it is not a safe space for you you need to find yourself space Cdtc9l921lY-00018-00011016-00011640 even Jesus in the scriptures needed a safe space and the twelve was not a safe space so you need Cdtc9l921lY-00019-00011640-00012162 to find the three we could go up to the amount of transfiguration done with and he could lead Cdtc9l921lY-00020-00012162-00012858 them into places that others did not know he could lead them to let them know his secrets and at this Cdtc9l921lY-00021-00012858-00013446 particular point in Jesus life in Matthew chapter 26 he was at one of the most distressing time in Cdtc9l921lY-00022-00013446-00014226 his life and immediate his self-space the Bible says he took Peter and Debbie's two sons James Cdtc9l921lY-00023-00014226-00014982 and John and he became anguished and distressed he told them my soul is crushed with grief to Cdtc9l921lY-00024-00014982-00015636 the point of death stay here and keep watch with me that is all he needed first of all he Cdtc9l921lY-00025-00015636-00016182 just needed to upload his heart to be vulnerable to share with them my soul is crushed with grief Cdtc9l921lY-00026-00016182-00016866 the purpose that I have ahead of me the mission ahead of me is so great that I am grieving already Cdtc9l921lY-00027-00016926-00017490 my soul is distressed and he did not tell Peter James and John this so that they can offer any Cdtc9l921lY-00028-00017490-00018042 help or start advising him and this is for you who may be a friend someone going through something it Cdtc9l921lY-00029-00018042-00018582 is not everything that your friend comes to share with you that you need to offer advice some things Cdtc9l921lY-00030-00018582-00019194 they just need you to listen it is not everything that they need you to offer advice somebody might Cdtc9l921lY-00031-00019194-00019692 need your perspective and if they do fine you can offer but don't be this friend that is always Cdtc9l921lY-00032-00019692-00020424 eager to want to offer solution because you don't have solution to everything it is humans you want Cdtc9l921lY-00033-00020424-00021006 to offer solutions to people's problems but then you have to be so aware that some problems they Cdtc9l921lY-00034-00021006-00021582 don't share it for you to offer solution they share it for you to just listen just eat me Cdtc9l921lY-00035-00021582-00022182 half this is what I'm going through I am learning this and oh Jesus needed from the disciples was Cdtc9l921lY-00036-00022182-00022872 stay here with me and keep watch with me and that is what we need from our friends that is what we Cdtc9l921lY-00037-00022872-00023424 need from the people that is in our Circle stay here with me let me know that you stand with me Cdtc9l921lY-00038-00023424-00023940 in this let me know you are praying for me let me know you're watching this space for me let Cdtc9l921lY-00039-00023940-00024468 me know you're keeping this space for me this is our safe space I hope you have a safe space Cdtc9l921lY-00040-00024468-00025128 I hope you can find a safe space I hope you can create a safe space because you need it I need a Cdtc9l921lY-00041-00025128-00025686 safe space my friends need a safe space in me and I hope I can become a safe space for them Cdtc9l921lY-00042-00025686-00026322 in conclusion resting is a big part of feeling the void of emptiness inside of you you need Cdtc9l921lY-00043-00026322-00026777 to rest so that you can be refreshed you need to physically do things that are going to help Cdtc9l921lY-00044-00026777-00027372 your soul get refreshed if you need a size get some whatever you need to make sure that you Cdtc9l921lY-00045-00027372-00028044 are operating fully get to do it and make sure that you are sound you can drop in the comments Cdtc9l921lY-00046-00028044-00028554 how you deal with your emptiness and whatever you do to feel the void thank you so much for Cdtc9l921lY-00047-00028554-00029076 watching this video If this video is helpful to you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to Cdtc9l921lY-00048-00029076-00029532 this channel I am over my pan this is my YouTube channel it is a pleasure to have you watch thank Cdtc9l921lY-00049-00029532-00030192 you so much for watching I'm smiling at you thank you God bless you see you in my next video bye CehTzxgVuZU-00000-00000256-00000916 We will now do a little pause our schedule, tomorrow we will be together again CehTzxgVuZU-00001-00004270-00004643 Signal Test CehTzxgVuZU-00002-00007290-00009566 Audio Test CggJ04aLTzQ-00000-00000136-00000773 Questioner: Virtual reality has become one of the most prominent technologies in modern world. CggJ04aLTzQ-00001-00000773-00001386 A lot of researchers are exploring this technology to bring a lot of well-being to human beings. CggJ04aLTzQ-00002-00001386-00002164 But, currently the technology is causing a lot of issues like alter ego, escapism, CggJ04aLTzQ-00003-00002164-00002758 anti-social behavior, and especially addiction to gaming. CggJ04aLTzQ-00004-00002759-00003428 So, how can virtual reality be used to benefit humans? CggJ04aLTzQ-00005-00003428-00003929 And more importantly, what is its impact on human consciousness? CggJ04aLTzQ-00006-00003929-00005998 Sadhguru: Well, when you use it well, you will see right now you’re using it, Sadhguru’s still in India (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00007-00005998-00006645 See, no technology is harmful, CggJ04aLTzQ-00008-00006645-00007098 it is just that, CggJ04aLTzQ-00009-00007098-00008524 when human mind is in a certain level of destructive mode, every technology is harmful – everything. CggJ04aLTzQ-00010-00008524-00009024 You can take your laptop and slit somebody’s head (Few Laugh). CggJ04aLTzQ-00011-00009024-00009512 Does it mean to say computers are dangerous? CggJ04aLTzQ-00012-00009512-00009750 Suppose a few incidents happen like this, CggJ04aLTzQ-00013-00009750-00010282 in many offices it happened – let’s say in ten offices it so happened somebody took CggJ04aLTzQ-00014-00010282-00010608 Apple Air and slit somebody’s head (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00015-00010608-00011034 Does it mean to say laptops are dangerous? CggJ04aLTzQ-00016-00011034-00011522 No, human beings are stupid (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00017-00011522-00012044 Whatever comes their way, they know how to turn it against themselves. CggJ04aLTzQ-00018-00012044-00012354 When they turn their own brains against themselves, CggJ04aLTzQ-00019-00012354-00012720 what else do you want? CggJ04aLTzQ-00020-00012720-00013318 Now there are (Laughs) technology de-addiction centers. CggJ04aLTzQ-00021-00013318-00013636 You know this? CggJ04aLTzQ-00022-00013636-00014436 Like there are drug de-addiction, alcohol de-addiction, now technology de-addiction centers. CggJ04aLTzQ-00023-00014436-00014819 Simply because we are in a compulsive mode CggJ04aLTzQ-00024-00014819-00015384 – if we start eating, we don’t know when to stop eating. CggJ04aLTzQ-00025-00015384-00015672 That’s a problem, big problem! CggJ04aLTzQ-00026-00015672-00015968 Quite a big problem. CggJ04aLTzQ-00027-00015968-00016398 If we start drinking, you don’t know when to stop drinking. CggJ04aLTzQ-00028-00016398-00016802 If we start shopping, we don’t know when to stop shopping. CggJ04aLTzQ-00029-00016802-00017192 If we start using the phone, we don’t know when to stop using the phone. CggJ04aLTzQ-00030-00017192-00017716 So the problem is not of technology, the problem is of compulsiveness. CggJ04aLTzQ-00031-00017716-00018364 When you say compulsiveness, it’s just absence of consciousness, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00032-00018364-00018718 If we were conscious human beings, CggJ04aLTzQ-00033-00018718-00019222 we would use everything for our well-being and everybody’s well-being. CggJ04aLTzQ-00034-00019222-00019728 Because we are compulsive, we start doing something – we don’t know how to stop. CggJ04aLTzQ-00035-00019728-00020066 Endlessly we will do the same silly thing. CggJ04aLTzQ-00036-00020066-00020798 So, whether it’s virtual reality, or artificial intelligence, or anything of anything, CggJ04aLTzQ-00037-00020798-00021160 the problem is not of technology never CggJ04aLTzQ-00038-00021160-00021670 because they are just devices, created by us, CggJ04aLTzQ-00039-00021670-00022000 we are supposed to use it for our well-being – CggJ04aLTzQ-00040-00022000-00022238 that’s the idea, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00041-00022238-00022836 But see most of the cutting edge technology always goes into military usage in the world, CggJ04aLTzQ-00042-00022836-00023430 obviously we don’t know how to use it for our well-being we are always using it to destroy something. CggJ04aLTzQ-00043-00023430-00024236 This has been the thing always, not just now because we have never worked on human consciousness. CggJ04aLTzQ-00044-00024236-00024826 If human beings lived consciously, if the leadership in the world was a conscious leadership, CggJ04aLTzQ-00045-00024826-00025362 the question of using technology against human well-being or the well-being of anything, CggJ04aLTzQ-00046-00025362-00025639 wouldn’t arise, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00047-00025639-00026162 Is technology means enhancement of our capability, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00048-00026162-00027292 So right now, I have a microphone... (Touches beard) hmm (Few Laugh)? CggJ04aLTzQ-00049-00027292-00027752 No really, see (Touches beard) (Few Laugh)? CggJ04aLTzQ-00050-00027752-00028502 This is an enhancement of our capability, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00051-00028502-00029427 If I spoke without microphone, only this many people would hear, this is just an enhancement. CggJ04aLTzQ-00052-00029427-00030176 So suppose just because I have a microphone, I start screaming (Few Laugh), CggJ04aLTzQ-00053-00030176-00030494 now the problem is not of microphone. CggJ04aLTzQ-00054-00030494-00030718 You think the problem is of microphone? CggJ04aLTzQ-00055-00030718-00031208 “Oh, this microphone is screaming so loudly,” is it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00056-00031208-00031454 So this is what we are talking – CggJ04aLTzQ-00057-00031454-00031866 no technology is a problem, no matter what it is. CggJ04aLTzQ-00058-00031866-00032176 The question is will we use it consciously? CggJ04aLTzQ-00059-00032176-00032848 Or will we either compulsively or commercially (Laughs)? CggJ04aLTzQ-00060-00032848-00033222 Commerce is a compulsion right now. CggJ04aLTzQ-00061-00033222-00034094 We started trading like this – I have some rice, you have some chicken, we exchanged, little okay? CggJ04aLTzQ-00062-00034094-00034624 Because I had something extra – I had more potatoes, you had more eggs, we exchanged. CggJ04aLTzQ-00063-00034624-00034792 This is how commerce started, CggJ04aLTzQ-00064-00034792-00035224 something excess we give it to you, what you have excess you give it to me so that CggJ04aLTzQ-00065-00035224-00035670 you live your life, I live my life. CggJ04aLTzQ-00066-00035670-00036124 Slowly because of our compulsiveness, we have grown commerce to such a point! CggJ04aLTzQ-00067-00036124-00036628 that it controls every aspect of our life right now. CggJ04aLTzQ-00068-00036628-00036822 Well, the government is telling you, CggJ04aLTzQ-00069-00036822-00037454 “Please all of you take more loans otherwise economy will go down” (Laughs). CggJ04aLTzQ-00070-00037454-00037588 Yes or no? CggJ04aLTzQ-00071-00037588-00037742 They are encouraging you... CggJ04aLTzQ-00072-00037742-00038098 because somebody told me, “Sadhguru you have no credit worthiness (Few Laugh) CggJ04aLTzQ-00073-00038098-00038272 because you’ve never taken a loan.” CggJ04aLTzQ-00074-00038272-00038614 I thought it’s a good thing (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00075-00038614-00038910 I thought I’ve never taken a loan is a very good thing. CggJ04aLTzQ-00076-00038910-00039218 But they’re telling me it’s a bad thing, tch. CggJ04aLTzQ-00077-00039218-00039588 “You have no credit worthiness, you must take some loan.” CggJ04aLTzQ-00078-00039588-00039712 “What do I do?” CggJ04aLTzQ-00079-00039712-00040330 “Just buy a house somewhere (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00080-00040330-00040576 Just buy a house somewhere and rent it, Sadhguru. CggJ04aLTzQ-00081-00040576-00041150 You’ll have credit worthiness” (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00082-00041150-00041740 This is compulsiveness transformed itself into commerce, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00083-00041740-00042210 Well, people built a home because they want to live there. CggJ04aLTzQ-00084-00042210-00042596 But now we’ve made this so compulsive, CggJ04aLTzQ-00085-00042596-00042946 that commerce is eating up the planet! CggJ04aLTzQ-00086-00042946-00043198 Just recently, I don’t know if you saw this news, CggJ04aLTzQ-00087-00043198-00043446 about twenty days ago, CggJ04aLTzQ-00088-00043446-00044114 one of the Russian container carriers – a big ship CggJ04aLTzQ-00089-00044114-00044494 a big ship something like 40,000 ton ship CggJ04aLTzQ-00090-00044494-00044872 broke through the Atlantic ice CggJ04aLTzQ-00091-00044872-00045108 and they established a new route because... CggJ04aLTzQ-00092-00045108-00045586 I’m sorry, the Arctic ice where they could not come. CggJ04aLTzQ-00093-00045586-00046150 This reduces the distance to where it used to travel by 8,000 kilometers CggJ04aLTzQ-00094-00046150-00046544 and they’re going to save so much money but they’re going through the Arctic ice. CggJ04aLTzQ-00095-00046544-00046728 Because it’s thin, they’re breaking through CggJ04aLTzQ-00096-00046728-00047248 and commercial shipping is going to happen through the Arctic. CggJ04aLTzQ-00097-00047248-00047833 This is compulsive commerce – you don’t understand what the hell you are doing, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00098-00047833-00047965 Yes or no? CggJ04aLTzQ-00099-00047966-00048198 It’s just compulsiveness! CggJ04aLTzQ-00100-00048198-00048482 Don’t call this commerce, this is just human compulsiveness – CggJ04aLTzQ-00101-00048482-00048790 they can’t keep quiet, they have to do something. CggJ04aLTzQ-00102-00048790-00049038 This is why we thought at least CggJ04aLTzQ-00103-00049038-00049780 if we get the whole population to simply sit quietly for twenty-one minutes, planet could be saved (Laughter)! CggJ04aLTzQ-00104-00049780-00050264 Even if they don’t know how to meditate (Laughs) (Applause)! CggJ04aLTzQ-00105-00050264-00051241 Just imagine, all these 7.6 billion people did nothing for twenty minutes in a day (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00106-00051241-00051529 This is why I’ve been saying... CggJ04aLTzQ-00107-00051529-00051990 see, it is not human intelligence which is saving the planet, CggJ04aLTzQ-00108-00051990-00052738 it is not human love or compassion saving the planet – it’s human lethargy (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00109-00052738-00053394 Half the people are lazy – they are the ones who are saving the planet (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00110-00053394-00053941 If everybody gets fully industrious using all the technology we have, poof, CggJ04aLTzQ-00111-00053941-00054474 in fifteen-twenty years, I think the planet will be shaved clean (Laughter). CggJ04aLTzQ-00112-00054474-00054614 Yes or no? CggJ04aLTzQ-00113-00054614-00054826 We’re going there? CggJ04aLTzQ-00114-00054826-00055252 So, doesn’t matter what’s the technology, CggJ04aLTzQ-00115-00055252-00056129 never a technology or any kind of enhancement of capability, should be a problem! Isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00116-00056129-00056600 If human capability’s enhanced, should it become a problem? CggJ04aLTzQ-00117-00056600-00056944 Always it’s a solution for something, isn’t it? CggJ04aLTzQ-00118-00056944-00057520 But we make it a problem because we use it compulsively. CggJ04aLTzQ-00119-00057520-00057822 So the key is not in holding back the technologies, CggJ04aLTzQ-00120-00057822-00058602 the key is making human beings more conscious about how they function. CiAmrKJ3dx8-00000-00000000-00000200 moonlight went to moon love Miftachul Wachyudi(Yudee) | indonesiabesardanmaju D3XW3ei1mry-00000-00000019-00000587 Coming up on Mobile Learning in the Classroom, elementary science with the Properties of Matter App D3XW3ei1mry-00001-00000598-00000746 (music) D3XW3ei1mry-00002-00001873-00002366 Hi, my name is Guy Trainin and this is Mobile Learning in the Classroom from Tech Edge, D3XW3ei1mry-00003-00002366-00002642 and today we're talking to Dr. Krista Adams D3XW3ei1mry-00004-00002643-00003091 about her app, Properties of Matter, which helps teach elementary science D3XW3ei1mry-00005-00003091-00003602 and a little bit of math in this process. So, tell us a little bit about the app. D3XW3ei1mry-00006-00003602-00004031 The Properties of Matter was designed with my colleagues D3XW3ei1mry-00007-00004031-00004986 Doug Golick, who is a science educator who focuses on technology, Soo-Young Hong, D3XW3ei1mry-00008-00004986-00005598 Dr. Soo-Young Hon, who is in the early elementary education D3XW3ei1mry-00009-00005598-00006091 with emphasis in science, and then we also worked with practicing teachers D3XW3ei1mry-00010-00006091-00006784 and an undergraduate elementary teacher, and we felt that was very important so we D3XW3ei1mry-00011-00006784-00007143 had the feedback from people who were working with children D3XW3ei1mry-00012-00007143-00007523 and who really have spent a lot of time with young children D3XW3ei1mry-00013-00007523-00008138 from ages two and three on up to first, second, and third grade. D3XW3ei1mry-00014-00008138-00009063 We went to the research to design the app. We focused on what children know about properties D3XW3ei1mry-00015-00009063-00009385 of matter, so we looked at misconceptions that children D3XW3ei1mry-00016-00009385-00009814 have and things that you need to consider D3XW3ei1mry-00017-00009814-00010181 as properties of matter. And along with misconceptions, it was also D3XW3ei1mry-00018-00010181-00010589 aligned with the standards, specifically K, second D3XW3ei1mry-00019-00010589-00011057 grade standards, and, as well, the early childhood standards, D3XW3ei1mry-00020-00011057-00011549 because young children, like from ages two and three D3XW3ei1mry-00021-00011549-00011945 on up to second, third, even fourth grade are looking D3XW3ei1mry-00022-00011945-00012471 at this Properties of Matter. However, it's really geared for the pre-K, D3XW3ei1mry-00023-00012471-00012724 kindergartner, to first, second grade. D3XW3ei1mry-00024-00012724-00013187 Oh, yeah. The app was designed for that age range. D3XW3ei1mry-00025-00013187-00013795 What we really like about the app is, so we deal with actually four different aspects D3XW3ei1mry-00026-00013795-00014051 of properties of matter. The first one is-- D3XW3ei1mry-00027-00014051-00014690 Bring back at least three items each chest. We looked at this idea of how do you, D3XW3ei1mry-00028-00014690-00014870 what are properties of matter. Mm-hm. D3XW3ei1mry-00029-00014870-00015344 And we give the student the opportunity to actually D3XW3ei1mry-00030-00015344-00015926 move these different items into the treasure chests. D3XW3ei1mry-00031-00015926-00016331 So the idea is there's a pirate adventure. Right. D3XW3ei1mry-00032-00016331-00016682 Which is a way to engage and keep kids coming back to it. D3XW3ei1mry-00033-00016682-00016968 Right. It gives us a general story and now we can D3XW3ei1mry-00034-00016968-00017242 explore these items. So let's say I take this item. D3XW3ei1mry-00035-00017242-00017539 And what do I do with it? I drop it somewhere? D3XW3ei1mry-00036-00017539-00018040 Yeah, you drop it into the chest itself. Mm-hm. D3XW3ei1mry-00037-00018040-00018523 And if you noticed, you may have noticed when we came into this one. D3XW3ei1mry-00038-00018523-00018959 Yeah. That you hear a young child say D3XW3ei1mry-00039-00018959-00019351 that what you're supposed to do is sort. And so the children have any, D3XW3ei1mry-00040-00019351-00019700 they could put things together for whatever reason that they want. Yeah. D3XW3ei1mry-00041-00019700-00020273 So I'm sorting some living things here, and maybe food. Yeah. D3XW3ei1mry-00042-00020273-00020428 Even drink. Right. D3XW3ei1mry-00043-00020428-00020692 All right, and the globe goes here. Yeah. D3XW3ei1mry-00044-00020692-00021068 I don't know where this goes. I'll put it here. D3XW3ei1mry-00045-00021068-00021331 What is this? A tire. D3XW3ei1mry-00046-00021331-00021665 A tire. But here's the thing with this, D3XW3ei1mry-00047-00021665-00022417 now the child can decide what, but here we can also go up to the top D3XW3ei1mry-00048-00022417-00022718 and you can also get the weight. Mm-hm. D3XW3ei1mry-00049-00022718-00023271 Now notice that we use weigh instead of mass, which is okay for these younger children. D3XW3ei1mry-00050-00023271-00023392 Yeah. It's an okay thing. D3XW3ei1mry-00051-00023392-00023898 And you can see that the hat is a little bit heavier than an orange and less than. D3XW3ei1mry-00052-00023898-00024415 But I can also go and say, "What is the length?" D3XW3ei1mry-00053-00024415-00024826 Yeah. And finally, "What is it made out of?" D3XW3ei1mry-00054-00024826-00025156 Because these are all options that children can use to-- D3XW3ei1mry-00055-00025156-00025321 To explore. To explore. D3XW3ei1mry-00056-00025321-00025668 Now, the great thing here is now once I'm done. D3XW3ei1mry-00057-00025668-00026008 While you organize the objects into each of the chests. D3XW3ei1mry-00058-00026008-00026520 It comes up and with a lot of the apps that are out there they have multiple choices, D3XW3ei1mry-00059-00026520-00026885 and that's really pushing the child to have to D3XW3ei1mry-00060-00026885-00027163 be able to read. Well we're working with a demographic that D3XW3ei1mry-00061-00027163-00027413 are in the process of learning to read D3XW3ei1mry-00062-00027413-00027882 and such, and so we actually have a lot of the D3XW3ei1mry-00063-00027882-00028414 things have the character actually explaining what they need to do. D3XW3ei1mry-00064-00028414-00028613 And this is the nice thing, 'cause then you can D3XW3ei1mry-00065-00028613-00029514 actually record why the child actually sorted the things as D3XW3ei1mry-00066-00029514-00029845 they are as they're putting into the treasure chest. D3XW3ei1mry-00067-00029845-00030177 So what is important for a teacher here is to make sure that they're actually doing D3XW3ei1mry-00068-00030177-00030398 it and not just clicking let's go to the next D3XW3ei1mry-00069-00030398-00030631 game, they're actually recording and explaining D3XW3ei1mry-00070-00030631-00030995 why they did it which pushes a reasoning behind it. D3XW3ei1mry-00071-00030995-00031341 Right. So it'll be a good idea for a teacher to know all of this in advance D3XW3ei1mry-00072-00031341-00031944 to make sure that the students actually are doing it and know that it's coming. D3XW3ei1mry-00073-00031944-00032619 Yeah, and the great thing here is that after you record, there are rewards, D3XW3ei1mry-00074-00032619-00033177 'cause it's again, did you do it? And so now they get the opportunity to say D3XW3ei1mry-00075-00033177-00033663 will this sink or float, which is another thing that's really D3XW3ei1mry-00076-00033663-00033912 in a lot of the curriculum for the younger ages. D3XW3ei1mry-00077-00033912-00034196 Yeah especially preschool. Right, exactly, right, D3XW3ei1mry-00078-00034196-00034795 so I can so oh it'll sink, oh it's wrong, so float, but then I can keep on going. D3XW3ei1mry-00079-00034795-00035378 So that's our first activity, now with the audio, you can actually, D3XW3ei1mry-00080-00035378-00035803 we can go back to the teachers and I can go into, D3XW3ei1mry-00081-00035803-00036459 and I can enter in whether I want it as Fahrenheit or Celsius. D3XW3ei1mry-00082-00036459-00036962 How long do I want my audio to be, because again, the teacher can go in and hear D3XW3ei1mry-00083-00036962-00037267 this, so if they want it to be short, let's keep D3XW3ei1mry-00084-00037267-00037704 it short, and then I can also enable student accounts. D3XW3ei1mry-00085-00037704-00038144 So I can add where if you're in a classroom with one app D3XW3ei1mry-00086-00038144-00038499 or one iPad or at home and you have multiple children, D3XW3ei1mry-00087-00038499-00038913 then you can actually add in and then go in and listen to what did-- D3XW3ei1mry-00088-00038913-00039209 What the individual students say. What each individual student said D3XW3ei1mry-00089-00039209-00039652 and then go back and hear it again. So, go back in, D3XW3ei1mry-00090-00039652-00040226 so the first activity was to sort, the second one is this idea of weight and D3XW3ei1mry-00091-00040226-00040641 balance and so the child actually, at this point right D3XW3ei1mry-00092-00040641-00041090 now, they just put in things, and it goes to the D3XW3ei1mry-00093-00041090-00041391 center, and all I have to do is push it to the side, D3XW3ei1mry-00094-00041391-00041751 and it's not balanced. So I could put the banana. D3XW3ei1mry-00095-00041751-00042095 And it's a little bit more balanced. Yeah, so. D3XW3ei1mry-00096-00042095-00042540 And if I put this here now it's balanced the other way. D3XW3ei1mry-00097-00042540-00042948 Okay, but you can start planning based on the weight-- D3XW3ei1mry-00098-00042948-00043365 Right. Actually do it mathematically although you can do it visually as well. D3XW3ei1mry-00099-00043365-00043623 Right, exactly, and so-- Is there any point where the boat D3XW3ei1mry-00100-00043623-00044091 just capsizes? Capsizes? No, we decided not to go that route, D3XW3ei1mry-00101-00044091-00044269 but it is-- That's fine. D3XW3ei1mry-00102-00044269-00044762 But in this iteration right now it's just to balance, we hope in the future that we D3XW3ei1mry-00103-00044762-00045061 will actually have a little more D3XW3ei1mry-00104-00045061-00045314 variables that are impacting this, and so the student D3XW3ei1mry-00105-00045314-00045677 has to actually decide, well okay there is a lot of D3XW3ei1mry-00106-00045677-00046378 motion out on the seas, and such, and that one also is, they can audio record D3XW3ei1mry-00107-00046378-00046759 why did they do what they did. Okay, so let's see another example, D3XW3ei1mry-00108-00046759-00047126 so this is the third level of the game? Yeah this is the third game, D3XW3ei1mry-00109-00047126-00048030 in this one we look at the states of matter, and you'll notice here we really don't deal D3XW3ei1mry-00110-00048030-00048289 with gases, and we do this specific-- D3XW3ei1mry-00111-00048289-00048686 A coconut just fell on my head! That's funny. D3XW3ei1mry-00112-00048686-00049307 So we specifically don't deal with gases because young children, this is a misconception, D3XW3ei1mry-00113-00049307-00049765 and a lot of things, they'll put a balloon, but are you talking about the balloon D3XW3ei1mry-00114-00049765-00050244 or the gas inside? And I don't want that to become a confused-- D3XW3ei1mry-00115-00050244-00050729 A source for new misconceptions. So we decided to only stick with solids and D3XW3ei1mry-00116-00050729-00050980 liquids but the nice thing here is, he says, D3XW3ei1mry-00117-00050980-00051380 "Oh I need some ice." Okay, so we go, he needs, D3XW3ei1mry-00118-00051380-00051887 oops, wrong button, so he's asking for ice, so oh it's perfect. D3XW3ei1mry-00119-00051887-00052416 So we had a nice little thing, so now. Now you know about the states of matter, D3XW3ei1mry-00120-00052416-00052771 what did you learn by making-- So and again it goes back in D3XW3ei1mry-00121-00052771-00053054 record what did you learn about the states of matter? D3XW3ei1mry-00122-00053054-00053430 Yeah. But anyway, so here it'll have another sink or float. D3XW3ei1mry-00123-00053430-00053824 Yeah. Will this sink or will this float? D3XW3ei1mry-00124-00053824-00054287 And in our fourth game it's kind of building on all the things playing out. D3XW3ei1mry-00125-00054287-00054873 throughout, so we've got the, well they've gotta get across, they've gotta D3XW3ei1mry-00126-00054873-00055169 get the wheelbarrow across from the boat, D3XW3ei1mry-00127-00055169-00055911 so now I have to figure out, well what happens, I've got the sea here, what do I put out here D3XW3ei1mry-00128-00055911-00056538 that will be appropriate to get the-- So that connects to the sink and float idea. D3XW3ei1mry-00129-00056538-00057023 Exactly, so, these three things, it may, D3XW3ei1mry-00130-00057023-00057520 and again, it may not like what I have, so sometimes it actually prefers. D3XW3ei1mry-00131-00057520-00057937 So I put it right here, and I'll find another one, D3XW3ei1mry-00132-00057937-00058710 I know he likes this one. So, three items, and it goes across. D3XW3ei1mry-00133-00058710-00059162 Okay so here we're learning about ways to use things that float D3XW3ei1mry-00134-00059162-00059346 to go all the way back to land. Right, yeah. D3XW3ei1mry-00135-00059346-00059860 So, here. You need to construct a road D3XW3ei1mry-00136-00059860-00060117 to get my wheelbarrow with a ladder, and medical supplies to Pat. D3XW3ei1mry-00137-00060117-00060878 (playful music) D3XW3ei1mry-00138-00060878-00061222 All right, so now it comes to the second place D3XW3ei1mry-00139-00061223-00061471 where it's talking about balance, and so what we've D3XW3ei1mry-00140-00061471-00062382 gotta do is actually get this little ramp, you deal with the ramp and get across. D3XW3ei1mry-00141-00062382-00062765 So. So that's again balance just like we did D3XW3ei1mry-00142-00062765-00063257 on the ship so the same principles link throughout the mini games. D3XW3ei1mry-00143-00063257-00063830 Right, exactly, now here we're dealing with hot lava, now this is where, D3XW3ei1mry-00144-00063830-00064405 again, having the teacher, the parent involved in this to be aware of what's coming up. D3XW3ei1mry-00145-00064405-00064729 But you need to get material that won't burn up, D3XW3ei1mry-00146-00064729-00065397 so I'm getting these three things. Mm hmm. D3XW3ei1mry-00147-00065397-00065859 So it'll go across, and we've reached Pat the Parrot. D3XW3ei1mry-00148-00065859-00066287 All right, so let's see the last game. So the final place that it actually goes to D3XW3ei1mry-00149-00066287-00066783 is where, now the students have collected all these coins along the way and so now D3XW3ei1mry-00150-00066783-00067351 they can spend their coins and buy little rewards to go along with it, D3XW3ei1mry-00151-00067351-00067968 so I'm gonna go, oh yes, buy. Again, these are just coins that they've earned D3XW3ei1mry-00152-00067968-00068486 as a little reward. Of course, gotta have the sunglasses, D3XW3ei1mry-00153-00068486-00069159 so anyway, this is where the child can actually purchase and decorate Pat the Parrot. D3XW3ei1mry-00154-00069159-00069617 All right, so this is a great app for young kids D3XW3ei1mry-00155-00069617-00070285 to explore some science concepts around measurement, and those are also math D3XW3ei1mry-00156-00070285-00070612 concepts, and then science around properties of matter D3XW3ei1mry-00157-00070612-00071016 and really be playful and just play with that environment, D3XW3ei1mry-00158-00071016-00071455 explore it, get some information, and what I love about it, is that ability D3XW3ei1mry-00159-00071455-00071675 to be meta cognitive and actually explain why you D3XW3ei1mry-00160-00071675-00071924 made choices. Right. So you can't just randomly D3XW3ei1mry-00161-00071924-00072277 do that, or if you do, then the teacher or the parent will know D3XW3ei1mry-00162-00072277-00072688 because you're supposed to record why you've made your choices. D3XW3ei1mry-00163-00072688-00073433 And in the instances that we've done this we also have the supplementary material. D3XW3ei1mry-00164-00073433-00073913 We kind of see the app as the supplementary because again, it's a good app. D3XW3ei1mry-00165-00073913-00074302 Yup. But we don't think it is a standalone, you're talking about properties D3XW3ei1mry-00166-00074302-00074557 of matter and things that they need to touch and feel D3XW3ei1mry-00167-00074557-00075123 and that's the real world experience. But you can come here, do maybe like D3XW3ei1mry-00168-00075123-00075665 a pre-assessment, find out what they know and then have the curriculum and all D3XW3ei1mry-00169-00075665-00076091 go along with it, and then come back and see how much they've grown and taken away D3XW3ei1mry-00170-00076091-00076510 to play out in this activity. Okay so there's a greater curriculum D3XW3ei1mry-00171-00076510-00077002 where this fits as a piece of that curriculum, maybe as formative assessment, maybe as practice. D3XW3ei1mry-00172-00077002-00077322 Yeah. But it's part of a greater whole. D3XW3ei1mry-00173-00077322-00077692 Okay, so today, on Mobile Learning In The Classroom, D3XW3ei1mry-00174-00077692-00078092 we talked about elementary science with the Properties of Matter app, and we'll see you D3XW3ei1mry-00175-00078092-00078310 next time on Mobile Learning In The Classroom. D3XW3ei1mry-00176-00078310-00078454 (upbeat techno music) D3XW3ei1mry-00177-00078454-00079176 Email: gtrainin2@unl.edu Twitter: @tgite D4G2svAWpV8-00000-00000000-00001513 preview D4G2svAWpV8-00001-00001899-00002094 Hello, everyone. D4G2svAWpV8-00002-00002110-00002283 The reason I turned on the video today is! D4G2svAWpV8-00003-00002287-00002744 One of the comments in my video asked me to do a leggings review. D4G2svAWpV8-00004-00002744-00003007 I don't know if it was a coincidence. D4G2svAWpV8-00005-00003008-00003471 When I started working out, I bought a lot of leggings! D4G2svAWpV8-00006-00003521-00004251 After I registered for the gym, I wore STL leggings that were at home. D4G2svAWpV8-00007-00004257-00004707 I saw my first week of working out on VLOG. D4G2svAWpV8-00008-00004710-00005102 When he did deadlift, I could see his underwear line. D4G2svAWpV8-00009-00005142-00005459 So I was looking for places like "Seximix" and "Andar" in a hurry. D4G2svAWpV8-00010-00005459-00005577 (And you...?) What's with the pronunciation?) D4G2svAWpV8-00011-00005607-00005931 I bought a lot of leggings from XEXIX. D4G2svAWpV8-00012-00006004-00006536 # Black Label Signature 380N Black L, Aurora Gray M / KRW 49,000 The first thing I decided to buy leggings was... D4G2svAWpV8-00013-00006536-00007119 This is the signature line 380N of Seximix' D4G2svAWpV8-00014-00007122-00007535 This is the thickest black line label. D4G2svAWpV8-00015-00007552-00007722 The black label is now... D4G2svAWpV8-00016-00007722-00008285 300, 330, 360, 380... I heard there are these. D4G2svAWpV8-00017-00008289-00008742 Among them, it's the highest level, 380 level. D4G2svAWpV8-00018-00008745-00008917 The reason I chose this one is! D4G2svAWpV8-00019-00008922-00009286 One of the reviews said, "It really helps with fattening." D4G2svAWpV8-00020-00009289-00009755 And the rubber band is much thicker than the other ones. D4G2svAWpV8-00021-00009782-00010188 I heard that it's less dry when you do lower body exercises. D4G2svAWpV8-00022-00010189-00010365 So I bought this. D4G2svAWpV8-00023-00010372-00010552 I'm very satisfied.👍 D4G2svAWpV8-00024-00010565-00010906 I heard that there are a lot of people who like it or dislike it. D4G2svAWpV8-00025-00010922-00010999 Well .. D4G2svAWpV8-00026-00011159-00011405 I'm just wearing it so well. D4G2svAWpV8-00027-00011412-00012175 And for the 380 line, there's a label on the top right. D4G2svAWpV8-00028-00012243-00012816 This is the black label signature 380N line that I just showed you. D4G2svAWpV8-00029-00012836-00013213 It's "Aurora Gray" color that's different from black. D4G2svAWpV8-00030-00013216-00013582 I wore it once or twice and the color is so pretty. D4G2svAWpV8-00031-00013583-00013876 How can you make this color? D4G2svAWpV8-00032-00013883-00014529 The 380 line had a pastel tone, so they picked out a variety of colors well. D4G2svAWpV8-00033-00014533-00015035 This is a size M, so it kind of sticks. D4G2svAWpV8-00034-00015036-00015216 The color is so pretty. D4G2svAWpV8-00035-00015219-00015617 I feel like I need to lose weight quickly to wear this. D4G2svAWpV8-00036-00015619-00015848 These leggings make you feel that way! D4G2svAWpV8-00037-00015849-00016190 If I ordered a large one, D4G2svAWpV8-00038-00016193-00016359 With black, too. D4G2svAWpV8-00039-00016363-00016746 I wear this on my back and black on my lower body. D4G2svAWpV8-00040-00016749-00017027 I think I would wear them alternately. D4G2svAWpV8-00041-00017027-00017422 But it's M size, so it's a bit stuffy for me. D4G2svAWpV8-00042-00017423-00017908 For the 380 line, the hips are like this. D4G2svAWpV8-00043-00018789-00019122 These are leggings that I'm really satisfied with! D4G2svAWpV8-00044-00019218-00019612 If you look at this, it's okay because it's winter. D4G2svAWpV8-00045-00019629-00019987 I think it might be a bit stuffy in the summer. D4G2svAWpV8-00046-00020339-00020642 Even if you stretch it out like this! D4G2svAWpV8-00047-00020665-00021086 It's not see-through at all. There's no such thing! D4G2svAWpV8-00048-00021134-00021505 It's really thick and the material is really good. D4G2svAWpV8-00049-00021514-00021778 Even if I feel frustrated, D4G2svAWpV8-00050-00021779-00022372 When I wear leggings that hold it well, it feels like I'm exercising better. D4G2svAWpV8-00051-00022372-00022742 So, Black Label Signature 380N... D4G2svAWpV8-00052-00022755-00023122 Since my first leggings, I've been wearing them so well. D4G2svAWpV8-00053-00023123-00023565 Among the reasons why I thought hard about 360 and 380, D4G2svAWpV8-00054-00023565-00023898 (360) has a lot of lint, so I picked 380... D4G2svAWpV8-00055-00023899-00024401 The material is stronger and better than I thought, so I don't get lint easily! D4G2svAWpV8-00056-00024402-00024732 If you look at this aurora gray color, you'll really fall in love. (Serious) D4G2svAWpV8-00057-00024809-00024830 # Black Label Signature 360N Black M, Rosalie Beige M, Grashmint M 69,000 won D4G2svAWpV8-00058-00024830-00025206 Next is Black Label Signature 360N. D4G2svAWpV8-00059-00025223-00025377 Ta-da! D4G2svAWpV8-00060-00025806-00025990 I bought three colors.Ooh. D4G2svAWpV8-00061-00025990-00026067 (Mysterious acting tone) D4G2svAWpV8-00062-00026070-00026394 The color was so pretty in the aurora gray leggings. D4G2svAWpV8-00063-00026395-00026764 I just got the desire to buy leggings in various colors! D4G2svAWpV8-00064-00026765-00027239 The first Black Label Signature 380N that I bought D4G2svAWpV8-00065-00027373-00027587 I don't know if it's because I bought a large size, D4G2svAWpV8-00066-00027658-00028105 It's a bit... Even though it's leggings with elasticity, D4G2svAWpV8-00067-00028105-00028516 I lost some weight on my lower body, so it didn't feel like I was controlling it. D4G2svAWpV8-00068-00028530-00028986 So I thought, "Oh! I need to buy another pair of leggings!" D4G2svAWpV8-00069-00029016-00029293 To buy black in M size, D4G2svAWpV8-00070-00029293-00029660 I was thinking about buying another 380N size. D4G2svAWpV8-00071-00029666-00029953 360N also has good reviews. D4G2svAWpV8-00072-00029960-00030740 # Black Label Signature 360N - Black M I bought a black and m size. D4G2svAWpV8-00073-00030740-00030827 Cheers! D4G2svAWpV8-00074-00030833-00031280 I haven't opened the new one yet because I've been wearing 380N. D4G2svAWpV8-00075-00031557-00031930 380N vs 360N waistband comparison This is the signature black label 380N. D4G2svAWpV8-00076-00031930-00032481 You can see the Seximix logo on the bottom right. D4G2svAWpV8-00077-00032614-00032838 And as for the rubber band, D4G2svAWpV8-00078-00032909-00033178 About this much? D4G2svAWpV8-00079-00033260-00033847 If you look here, the rubber band is kind of high. D4G2svAWpV8-00080-00033966-00034311 The fact that it's this thick is 380N. D4G2svAWpV8-00081-00034354-00034959 This is the 360N model from the same black label signature! D4G2svAWpV8-00082-00034960-00035565 If 380N had a wide rubber band, this one is thinner. D4G2svAWpV8-00083-00036139-00036550 380N Black M 380N Black L D4G2svAWpV8-00084-00036575-00037137 # Black Label Signature 360N - Roseley Beige M This is the black label signature 360N's "Rosely Beige" color. D4G2svAWpV8-00085-00037137-00037309 I ordered a size M. D4G2svAWpV8-00086-00037440-00037823 I think Seximix is really good at making colors. D4G2svAWpV8-00087-00037874-00038047 If you look at this... D4G2svAWpV8-00088-00038307-00038630 This is a nude light pink color. D4G2svAWpV8-00089-00038637-00038834 It's not a beige color that makes you look dark. D4G2svAWpV8-00090-00038840-00039381 I think it makes you look bright with light pink. D4G2svAWpV8-00091-00039435-00039914 # Black Label Signature 360N - Grayshmint M It's Black Label Signature 360N's Grashmint color. D4G2svAWpV8-00092-00039914-00040167 In the review, the color was so pretty. D4G2svAWpV8-00093-00040194-00040527 I bought it because a lot of people recommended it. D4G2svAWpV8-00094-00040529-00040857 It feels like a mix of gray and mint. D4G2svAWpV8-00095-00041385-00041729 380N vs 360N Color Comparison It's a 360N grey mint color. D4G2svAWpV8-00096-00041729-00042175 I'll show you how the 380N's aurora gray color is different! D4G2svAWpV8-00097-00043301-00043698 360N Grayshmint 380N aurora gray D4G2svAWpV8-00098-00043699-00043829 Looking at it like this! D4G2svAWpV8-00099-00043835-00044179 360N goes well with the Grashmint color. D4G2svAWpV8-00100-00044199-00044476 It feels like a mix of gray and mint. D4G2svAWpV8-00101-00044489-00044784 The 380N aurora gray color is D4G2svAWpV8-00102-00044795-00045212 It's gray, but it's subtly light purple? D4G2svAWpV8-00103-00045315-00045516 This one is close to green. D4G2svAWpV8-00104-00045516-00045911 This is a light purple and gray color. D4G2svAWpV8-00105-00045911-00046112 It's really mysterious and both of them are pretty! D4G2svAWpV8-00106-00046119-00046551 380N vs 360N Difference If you hold 380N in the same place, D4G2svAWpV8-00107-00046551-00046951 To the point where you can't see the logo of Seximix, the lower part of your thighs? D4G2svAWpV8-00108-00046962-00047224 There's a logo on the top of the knee. D4G2svAWpV8-00109-00047242-00047429 If you put it up like this! D4G2svAWpV8-00110-00047445-00047542 You can see it right here, right? D4G2svAWpV8-00111-00047549-00047907 So you can see that they're different. D4G2svAWpV8-00112-00047918-00048219 I wanted to compare the lines on the butt. D4G2svAWpV8-00113-00048223-00048526 If I use black, you can't see the line well. D4G2svAWpV8-00114-00048526-00048719 I chose a color that has colors! D4G2svAWpV8-00115-00048753-00049236 The left side is Black Label Signature 380N Aurora Gray. D4G2svAWpV8-00116-00049249-00049756 The right side is Black Label Signature 360N Grayshmint. D4G2svAWpV8-00117-00049766-00050418 For 380N, there's a line that comes down from the butt to the thighs. D4G2svAWpV8-00118-00050419-00050766 It says on the homepage that it shows the hip-up effect better! D4G2svAWpV8-00119-00050769-00051322 For 360N, there's only one line above the butt. D4G2svAWpV8-00120-00051323-00051635 The same goes for V-Up 3D Plus leggings. D4G2svAWpV8-00121-00051635-00052050 It has the same line as 360N. D4G2svAWpV8-00122-00052160-00052210 # V-Up 3D Plus Leggings 1+1 Black M, Walnut Beige M / KRW 32,000 D4G2svAWpV8-00123-00052210-00052744 Next, I only wear 380N line, so it's too thick. D4G2svAWpV8-00124-00052750-00053073 It was really nice to have elasticity. D4G2svAWpV8-00125-00053074-00053461 So I sweated and I wanted to find light leggings. D4G2svAWpV8-00126-00053467-00053769 Out of the cheap Xexy mix leggings, D4G2svAWpV8-00127-00053771-00054026 These are V-UP 3D Plus leggings! D4G2svAWpV8-00128-00054034-00054224 This is "Wilnut Beige" color. D4G2svAWpV8-00129-00054228-00054458 I bought this in black. D4G2svAWpV8-00130-00054461-00054700 Unlike the signature line, D4G2svAWpV8-00131-00054714-00055197 This one has a simple logo that represents XEXIX. D4G2svAWpV8-00132-00055217-00055339 There's nothing else. D4G2svAWpV8-00133-00055348-00055728 V-UP 3D Plus leggings are for the waist. D4G2svAWpV8-00134-00055741-00056131 It doesn't have a banding effect. D4G2svAWpV8-00135-00056144-00056722 I bought it because I thought it would be good to wear lightly because it's high-waist. D4G2svAWpV8-00136-00056811-00057131 After the review, the messy room... D4G2svAWpV8-00137-00057699-00059665 # Black Label Signature 380N (Black L) D4G2svAWpV8-00138-00059667-00060809 # Black Label Signature 380N (Aurora Gray M) D4G2svAWpV8-00139-00060812-00061793 # Black Label Signature 360N (Black M) D4G2svAWpV8-00140-00061794-00062769 # Black Label Signature 360N (Roseley Beige M) D4G2svAWpV8-00141-00062771-00063780 # Black Label Signature 360N : Grayshmint M D4G2svAWpV8-00142-00063783-00065719 # V-Up 3D Plus. : Black M D4G2svAWpV8-00143-00065722-00065907 # V-Up 3D Plus. : Wilnut Beige M (Thickness that looks thin at a glance) D4G2svAWpV8-00144-00065907-00066105 # V-Up 3D Plus. : Wilnut Beige M : Seamless T-Shirt D4G2svAWpV8-00145-00066105-00066299 It's because I wore a small size, Compared to the signature line, the elasticity is not good, so it wrinkles a lot! D4G2svAWpV8-00146-00066299-00066408 # V-Up 3D Plus. : Wilnut Beige M : Wearing dark underwear D4G2svAWpV8-00147-00066408-00066669 It's see-through... So I never wore it. D4G2svAWpV8-00148-00066765-00067103 # V-Up 3D Plus. : Wilnut Beige M : Seamless T-Shirt Dark-colored underwear is obvious even if you don't bend down, so only the nude-tone underwear version is filmed! D4G2svAWpV8-00149-00067103-00067282 Leggings review and wearing shots are over! D4N04S1hHGo-00000-00000478-00000658 - [Bethany] Hello, this is Bethany O'Rear, D4N04S1hHGo-00001-00000658-00000894 Regional Agent for Alabama Extension. D4N04S1hHGo-00002-00000894-00001029 Thank you for joining me today D4N04S1hHGo-00003-00001029-00001244 to learn more about planting the summer garden, D4N04S1hHGo-00004-00001244-00001473 a part of our series for home vegetable gardeners D4N04S1hHGo-00005-00001473-00001645 called Grow More, Give More. D4N04S1hHGo-00006-00001645-00001754 At the end of this talk, D4N04S1hHGo-00007-00001754-00001937 you'll see a list of several publications D4N04S1hHGo-00008-00001937-00002276 you might find useful at our website, aces.edu. D4N04S1hHGo-00009-00002381-00002598 Summer is the season when it all comes together D4N04S1hHGo-00010-00002598-00002694 for mini gardeners. D4N04S1hHGo-00011-00002694-00002809 You're growing tomatoes, D4N04S1hHGo-00012-00002809-00003140 cucumbers and corn with fond memories of summers passed. D4N04S1hHGo-00013-00003140-00003332 Maybe your grandfather always raised D4N04S1hHGo-00014-00003332-00003472 a certain type of zucchini, D4N04S1hHGo-00015-00003472-00003652 or your mother, canned tomatoes. D4N04S1hHGo-00016-00003652-00003793 Or maybe this is the first time D4N04S1hHGo-00017-00003793-00003999 you've ever put a seed in the ground. D4N04S1hHGo-00018-00003999-00004130 Wherever you're coming from, D4N04S1hHGo-00019-00004130-00004268 it's important to have a plan D4N04S1hHGo-00020-00004268-00004407 because whatever you seed, D4N04S1hHGo-00021-00004407-00004675 plant or fail to remove from the garden now D4N04S1hHGo-00022-00004675-00004944 will affect your success for the next several months. D4N04S1hHGo-00023-00004944-00005201 You can use a paper and pencil to plan out your garden, D4N04S1hHGo-00024-00005201-00005326 but I recommend SOW, D4N04S1hHGo-00025-00005326-00005590 a free app from aces.edu. D4N04S1hHGo-00026-00005590-00005728 Whatever method you choose, D4N04S1hHGo-00027-00005728-00005869 think ahead and keep records D4N04S1hHGo-00028-00005869-00006065 to learn what works and what doesn't. D4N04S1hHGo-00029-00006477-00006770 Preparing the garden soil is critical to success. D4N04S1hHGo-00030-00006770-00007042 The best way to know the nutrient content of your soil D4N04S1hHGo-00031-00007042-00007250 is to conduct a soil test. D4N04S1hHGo-00032-00007250-00007357 Our publication, D4N04S1hHGo-00033-00007357-00007613 "Home Soil Testing: Taking a Sample," D4N04S1hHGo-00034-00007613-00007825 tells you everything you need to know. D4N04S1hHGo-00035-00007825-00008103 Soil preparation is your best and last chance D4N04S1hHGo-00036-00008103-00008196 to get things right D4N04S1hHGo-00037-00008196-00008456 before those beautifully large crops take over. D4N04S1hHGo-00038-00008632-00008806 Summer vegetables love sun. D4N04S1hHGo-00039-00008806-00009144 Six hours a day is the minimum to support summer crops. D4N04S1hHGo-00040-00009144-00009477 Morning sunlight is better than the burn of afternoon sun. D4N04S1hHGo-00041-00009477-00009693 Bear in mind that your garden may get less sun D4N04S1hHGo-00042-00009693-00009824 during the summer than the spring D4N04S1hHGo-00043-00009824-00009907 because of the way D4N04S1hHGo-00044-00009907-00010182 the trees or shrubs have leafed out, plan accordingly. D4N04S1hHGo-00045-00010293-00010475 Reliable moisture is key, D4N04S1hHGo-00046-00010475-00010732 plant where you can easily supply additional water, D4N04S1hHGo-00047-00010732-00010995 but be sure the soil doesn't stay too wet. D4N04S1hHGo-00048-00010995-00011184 That may mean choosing the right container D4N04S1hHGo-00049-00011184-00011351 or improving your soil. D4N04S1hHGo-00050-00011351-00011543 It's best to give it a little thought now D4N04S1hHGo-00051-00011543-00011764 rather than watch your plants wilt. D4N04S1hHGo-00052-00011764-00012014 Uneven moisture can aggravate some diseases D4N04S1hHGo-00053-00012014-00012243 and cause other issues as well. D4N04S1hHGo-00054-00012243-00012493 Small containers may need daily watering. D4N04S1hHGo-00055-00012493-00012697 Plants that don't always need daily watering D4N04S1hHGo-00056-00012697-00012819 at the beginning of the season D4N04S1hHGo-00057-00012819-00013118 may move to that need as they mature and temperatures rise. D4N04S1hHGo-00058-00013204-00013419 Summer crops need more nutrition and water D4N04S1hHGo-00059-00013419-00013516 than spring crops. D4N04S1hHGo-00060-00013516-00013716 Summer vegetables may be a bit needier, D4N04S1hHGo-00061-00013716-00013918 but they reward us with the extra sugars D4N04S1hHGo-00062-00013918-00014081 and summertime flavors. D4N04S1hHGo-00063-00014081-00014164 If you think about D4N04S1hHGo-00064-00014164-00014408 how tomatoes or corn taste right from the field, D4N04S1hHGo-00065-00014408-00014638 it makes sense why they need a little bit extra D4N04S1hHGo-00066-00014638-00014794 to be that good. D4N04S1hHGo-00067-00014794-00015000 Crops are planted in April and May, D4N04S1hHGo-00068-00015000-00015162 Alabama, however, is lucky D4N04S1hHGo-00069-00015162-00015437 in that we can even plant another crop out in July D4N04S1hHGo-00070-00015437-00015708 that will mature before fall's hard frost. D4N04S1hHGo-00071-00015801-00016032 Summer crops thrive with our heat and moisture, D4N04S1hHGo-00072-00016032-00016193 and they need plenty of space. D4N04S1hHGo-00073-00016193-00016363 Rows should be three feet apart. D4N04S1hHGo-00074-00016363-00016446 In a row, D4N04S1hHGo-00075-00016446-00016700 space plants 18 to 36 inches apart D4N04S1hHGo-00076-00016700-00016888 depending on vegetable type. D4N04S1hHGo-00077-00017004-00017429 Vegetables appreciate a balanced fertilizer like 13-13-13, D4N04S1hHGo-00078-00017429-00017634 and then compensate for any extra needs D4N04S1hHGo-00079-00017634-00017896 specific to the crop or soil with side dressing D4N04S1hHGo-00080-00017896-00018069 four to six weeks after planting D4N04S1hHGo-00081-00018069-00018296 for hungry plants like tomatoes. D4N04S1hHGo-00082-00018296-00018430 Beans and peas, however, D4N04S1hHGo-00083-00018430-00018619 fix their own nitrogen in the soil, D4N04S1hHGo-00084-00018619-00018823 so you don't need to side dress them. D4N04S1hHGo-00085-00018915-00019139 Choose your vegetable varieties strategically. D4N04S1hHGo-00086-00019139-00019268 It's easy to fall in love D4N04S1hHGo-00087-00019268-00019456 with the beautiful photo on a seed packet D4N04S1hHGo-00088-00019456-00019623 or in a gardening magazine, D4N04S1hHGo-00089-00019623-00019781 but it's important to drill down D4N04S1hHGo-00090-00019781-00019960 on what's best for your garden. D4N04S1hHGo-00091-00019960-00020110 A smaller garden will benefit D4N04S1hHGo-00092-00020110-00020442 with varieties labeled patio and container in the names. D4N04S1hHGo-00093-00020442-00020616 Seeds which are disease resistant D4N04S1hHGo-00094-00020616-00020787 will have letters following their name D4N04S1hHGo-00095-00020787-00021098 signifying the diseases they've been bred to resist. D4N04S1hHGo-00096-00021098-00021272 Some plants need the extra boost D4N04S1hHGo-00097-00021272-00021437 of being transplanted as seedlings, D4N04S1hHGo-00098-00021437-00021638 like tomato, eggplant and pepper, D4N04S1hHGo-00099-00021638-00021842 while other crops prefer to be planted D4N04S1hHGo-00100-00021842-00022051 directly into the ground as seeds, D4N04S1hHGo-00101-00022051-00022246 like corn, squash and cucumbers. D4N04S1hHGo-00102-00022496-00022720 Most plants will need support for their stems, D4N04S1hHGo-00103-00022720-00022962 or at least protection from rot on the ground. D4N04S1hHGo-00104-00022962-00023167 Commercial metal structures for tomatoes D4N04S1hHGo-00105-00023167-00023385 can bear weight of full sized crops. D4N04S1hHGo-00106-00023385-00023641 You can also use bamboo or other supports. D4N04S1hHGo-00107-00023641-00023827 With plants like cucumbers and squash D4N04S1hHGo-00108-00023827-00023941 which sprawl or climb, D4N04S1hHGo-00109-00023941-00024191 a fence may be your wisest use of space. D4N04S1hHGo-00110-00024313-00024507 Space is so important in the garden. D4N04S1hHGo-00111-00024507-00024691 When you plant a raised bed, D4N04S1hHGo-00112-00024691-00024867 make sure you don't make it so wide D4N04S1hHGo-00113-00024867-00025116 that you can't reach the middle from either side. D4N04S1hHGo-00114-00025116-00025256 Plant roots are the life force, D4N04S1hHGo-00115-00025256-00025411 so you don't want to walk all over them D4N04S1hHGo-00116-00025411-00025578 when you weed or harvest. D4N04S1hHGo-00117-00025578-00025666 For the same reason, D4N04S1hHGo-00118-00025666-00025852 you don't want plants to crowd each other out D4N04S1hHGo-00119-00025852-00026009 for sunlight or nutrition. D4N04S1hHGo-00120-00026126-00026419 The Alabama Vegetable Gardener is a great resource. D4N04S1hHGo-00121-00026419-00026847 You can find it and many others at aces.edu. D4N04S1hHGo-00122-00026847-00026992 Have gardening questions? D4N04S1hHGo-00123-00026992-00027110 We have answers. D4N04S1hHGo-00124-00027110-00027473 Call the Master Gardener Helpline at 877 252 4769. D4N04S1hHGo-00125-00027670-00027774 Thanks for watching, D4N04S1hHGo-00126-00027774-00027971 and until next time, happy gardening. D58l0fC_mio-00000-00000000-00000200 Sleep music for deep sleep under thunder and rain. Fall asleep to the soothing sounds of rain and thunder in this ultra-HD video. The 12,000 hz video captures every drop of rain and helps to lull you to sleep. D7zsezCbWnQ-00000-00000160-00000640 Working for the Department, I originally thought it was dirty boots on ground. D7zsezCbWnQ-00001-00000640-00001192 And it's so much more than that. There are so many opportunities to protect our environment. D7zsezCbWnQ-00002-00001480-00001872 I first started with the Department in 1982 as a Ranger. And from there, D7zsezCbWnQ-00003-00001872-00002304 I've progressed as a Ranger, as a Planner, as a Management Officer, D7zsezCbWnQ-00004-00002304-00002832 in a range of different roles there. Until now, I am involved in Community Engagement D7zsezCbWnQ-00005-00002832-00003424 with a whole range of different stakeholder groups. It's more than just working with wildlife. D7zsezCbWnQ-00006-00003511-00003815 You can work in media. You can work with drones. You can D7zsezCbWnQ-00007-00003815-00004384 work with cutting edge technology. You can work behind the scenes. And it's pretty exciting stuff. D7zsezCbWnQ-00008-00004536-00005200 In my role, we're not on the front line but we are supporting the staff who are on the front line. I D7zsezCbWnQ-00009-00005200-00005784 love connecting with other staff. Anything we can do to make their day easier is really rewarding. D7zsezCbWnQ-00010-00005880-00006344 Everyone has something to offer the Department. You’ve just got to find what it might be. D7zsezCbWnQ-00011-00006344-00006695 There are so many opportunities and so many doors that are opening D7zsezCbWnQ-00012-00006695-00007048 often. And if you take those opportunities, D7zsezCbWnQ-00013-00007048-00007536 you never know what's around the corner. The most important thing for me is the team D7zsezCbWnQ-00014-00007536-00008176 connection that I have. The environment is very supportive. The management and leadership D7zsezCbWnQ-00015-00008176-00008744 walk the talk. They have integrity. They’re very warm, and they know how to lead a team. D7zsezCbWnQ-00016-00008856-00009616 We are encouraged to learn every day and sign up for learning programs, look for opportunities D7zsezCbWnQ-00017-00009616-00010224 because if you don't take it, somebody else will. For me, it was just a fantastic opportunity to D7zsezCbWnQ-00018-00010224-00010616 work in the environment in a place that I loved. And I think this Department in D7zsezCbWnQ-00019-00010616-00011104 particular attracts people who've got a love and a passion and a commitment to the environment, D7zsezCbWnQ-00020-00011104-00012672 and trying to achieve something positive, trying to get a better outcome at the end of the day. Dql6qO5Js54-00000-00000048-00000124 You Dql6qO5Js54-00001-00000130-00000198 Yeah Dql6qO5Js54-00002-00000212-00000288 You Dql6qO5Js54-00003-00000358-00000432 You Dql6qO5Js54-00004-00000434-00000504 Me Dql6qO5Js54-00005-00000512-00000566 Me Dql6qO5Js54-00006-00000566-00000630 You Dql6qO5Js54-00007-00000648-00000702 Me Dql6qO5Js54-00008-00000702-00000764 Me Dql6qO5Js54-00009-00001594-00002174 We started excavation on the project, and he came in, and he's got a lot of knowledge, Dql6qO5Js54-00010-00002174-00002762 so he started to show us different ways to do things, a lot easier ways than what we've done. Dql6qO5Js54-00011-00002878-00003244 So after that, that was kind of our bonding moment. Dql6qO5Js54-00012-00004220-00005182 And then at night when we're hanging out, out of uniform, kicked back relaxing, we'll play fútbol. Dql6qO5Js54-00013-00005182-00005608 And the school children, they're playing fútbol, and I just jumped right in with them, Dql6qO5Js54-00014-00005608-00006080 and I have videos of it, and that's one of the reasons that I love sports. Dql6qO5Js54-00015-00006102-00006418 Soccer, because, you know, he knows, I know. Dql6qO5Js54-00016-00006788-00006886 What? Dql6qO5Js54-00017-00007370-00007514 Oh, really? Dql6qO5Js54-00018-00007808-00007945 You talk too short. Dql6qO5Js54-00019-00008416-00008944 We both like to joke around, and it livens the mood a little bit on the project site. Dql6qO5Js54-00020-00008944-00009204 I definitely have made a life long friend. DxmKLakri3E-00000-00001075-00001604 Dinesh D�Souza America is a nation of immigrants �but not a nation of refugees� DxmKLakri3E-00001-00001604-00001879 By: Jayson Veley. DxmKLakri3E-00002-00001879-00002410 On Fox and Friends Sunday morning, conservative filmmaker Dinesh D�Souza gave his take on DxmKLakri3E-00003-00002410-00002926 Donald Trump�s immigration ban, noting that although America is a nation of immigrants, DxmKLakri3E-00004-00002926-00003143 it is not a nation of refugees. DxmKLakri3E-00005-00003143-00003703 �An immigrant is somebody who has made a decision of the will to choose America. DxmKLakri3E-00006-00003703-00004067 Immigrants want to come to this country because they believe in America. DxmKLakri3E-00007-00004067-00004523 They want the kind of life that America makes possible,� D�Souza explained. DxmKLakri3E-00008-00004523-00005104 �A refugee is someone who just wants to get away from some problem, a civil war, a DxmKLakri3E-00009-00005104-00005395 famine, something that�s going on in his or her own country.� DxmKLakri3E-00010-00005395-00006007 D�Souza�s explanation, though simplistic and straightforward, was much needed considering DxmKLakri3E-00011-00006007-00006553 all of the rhetoric swirling throughout the mainstream media and Washington DC. DxmKLakri3E-00012-00006553-00007084 America does and always has celebrated immigration, as the liberals like to tell us nowadays, DxmKLakri3E-00013-00007084-00007479 but that doesn�t mean there shouldn�t be certain requirements upon admittance into DxmKLakri3E-00014-00007479-00007626 our country. DxmKLakri3E-00015-00007626-00008109 For example, if someone who is trying to come into this country doesn�t embrace our values DxmKLakri3E-00016-00008109-00008636 and has no interest in assimilating, should we really still bring that person in? DxmKLakri3E-00017-00008636-00009113 The problem with the Left�s plan of bringing in unlimited numbers of refugees is the same DxmKLakri3E-00018-00009113-00009558 as the problem with illegal immigration through the southern border: We don�t know a thing DxmKLakri3E-00019-00009558-00009760 about these people. DxmKLakri3E-00020-00009760-00010247 Without a proper vetting system, it is impossible to determine whether or not they have criminal DxmKLakri3E-00021-00010247-00010782 records, whether they intend on contributing to our society, and whether they will embrace DxmKLakri3E-00022-00010782-00010882 Americanism. DxmKLakri3E-00023-00010882-00011384 (RELATED: You won�t believe how many criminals have been released by America�s sanctuary DxmKLakri3E-00024-00011384-00011492 cities). DxmKLakri3E-00025-00011492-00011899 Wanting to accept only the best and brightest into our country is not something that we DxmKLakri3E-00026-00011899-00012511 should be ashamed of; rather, it is something that we as a people should cherish and embrace. DxmKLakri3E-00027-00012511-00012850 The Founding Fathers had a similar view on immigration. DxmKLakri3E-00028-00012850-00013449 In a House debate on naturalization in 1790, James Madison explained that the sole purpose DxmKLakri3E-00029-00013449-00013931 of immigration into America was �to increase the wealth and strength of the community,� DxmKLakri3E-00030-00013931-00014394 adding that, �those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength DxmKLakri3E-00031-00014394-00014807 or wealth of the community are not the people we are in want of.� DxmKLakri3E-00032-00014807-00015372 Similarly, George Washington wrote in a letter to John Adams that immigrants have the responsibility DxmKLakri3E-00033-00015372-00015913 to embrace the American way of life so that, �by an intermixture with our people, they, DxmKLakri3E-00034-00015913-00016519 or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become DxmKLakri3E-00035-00016519-00016669 one people.� DxmKLakri3E-00036-00016669-00017214 Alexander Hamilton in the year 1802 wrote, �The safety of a republic depends essentially DxmKLakri3E-00037-00017214-00017784 on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; DxmKLakri3E-00038-00017784-00018284 on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country DxmKLakri3E-00039-00018284-00018831 which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and DxmKLakri3E-00040-00018831-00018955 family.� DxmKLakri3E-00041-00018955-00019470 The framers held nearly the same view as D�Souza � we need to be sure that we are only bringing DxmKLakri3E-00042-00019470-00019701 in those who believe in America. DxmKLakri3E-00043-00019701-00020240 We are a nation of immigrants, but even more than that, we are a nation of Americans. DxmKLakri3E-00044-00020240-00020662 It is our duty as patriots to keep it that way and fight back against those who seek DxmKLakri3E-00045-00020662-00021848 to undermine this centuries old belief. Dz2xZP3nY1g-00000-00009440-00009688 Home Movie: 97214: Trip to California and Colorado DEdk_W_GYUQ-00000-00000142-00000296 Commentus DEdk_W_GYUQ-00001-00000827-00001038 Originalus DEdk_W_GYUQ-00002-00001610-00001813 Paintus DEdk_W_GYUQ-00003-00002412-00002681 Subscribus DEdk_W_GYUQ-00004-00003236-00003531 The endus DEdk_W_GYUQ-00005-00003531-00004051 tHE eNdUs DEbjcIv7pv4-00000-00000000-00000383 Today I made an important astronomical discovery DEbjcIv7pv4-00001-00000389-00000623 And now, I can place on record DEbjcIv7pv4-00002-00000636-00000884 that the Sun and the Moon DEbjcIv7pv4-00003-00000890-00001048 are the same thing DEbjcIv7pv4-00004-00001060-00001192 Of course, I can prove it DEbjcIv7pv4-00005-00001201-00001251 So DEbjcIv7pv4-00006-00001258-00001436 Sun lives in space DEbjcIv7pv4-00007-00001443-00001680 Moon lives in space too DEbjcIv7pv4-00008-00001688-00001967 They both have the same circular shape DEbjcIv7pv4-00009-00001982-00002257 They both can destroy our planet DEbjcIv7pv4-00010-00002280-00002432 if they crash into it DEbjcIv7pv4-00011-00002455-00002655 They both shine DEbjcIv7pv4-00012-00002724-00002859 Sun isn’t dumb DEbjcIv7pv4-00013-00002871-00003180 It understands that people need to sleep DEbjcIv7pv4-00014-00003192-00003514 Therefore it starts to shine weaker DEbjcIv7pv4-00015-00003530-00003642 When night falls DEbjcIv7pv4-00016-00003661-00003904 The Sun goes into the night mode DEbjcIv7pv4-00017-00003917-00004115 and becomes The Moon DEbjcIv7pv4-00018-00004133-00004337 I think I provided enough proof DEbjcIv7pv4-00019-00004356-00004406 Please DEbjcIv7pv4-00020-00004415-00004562 Share this video DEbjcIv7pv4-00021-00004578-00004719 We have to know the truth DKVrnHo5V8E-00000-00000152-00000633 All right, so the goal here is we want to see how it feels when everybody's sort of talking at the same time. DKVrnHo5V8E-00001-00000633-00001318 So we have to pick something that, you know, will get us all to say something. DKVrnHo5V8E-00002-00001318-00002014 Right. How about... (laughing) I mean, my idea is to say everybody's favoritemusic, or favorite band. DKVrnHo5V8E-00003-00002014-00002451 How does that sound? I think that sounds really good. That sounds good. DKVrnHo5V8E-00004-00002456-00003096 We could do favorite food, too, but... Ooh, food! Food's a good idea. Let's do food. DKVrnHo5V8E-00005-00003160-00003911 Food item, or genre? Genre, food genre. That could be the same thing, right? DKVrnHo5V8E-00006-00003911-00004416 Right, so, this would be the thing like in the Doordash recommendations. DKVrnHo5V8E-00007-00004416-00004912 As far as categories, yeah. Okay, on the count of... I'm gonna blurt out three! DKVrnHo5V8E-00008-00004912-00005040 (Laughing) DKVrnHo5V8E-00009-00005040-00005808 You gotta pick your favorite.Ready? Okay, one... two... three! DKVrnHo5V8E-00010-00005808-00005976 (All talking over each other.) DKVrnHo5V8E-00011-00006048-00006509 ... Did somebody say chocolate? That's fair. (Laughing) That's a genre. DKVrnHo5V8E-00012-00006509-00007397 Food item, or genre? Genre, food genre. That could be the same thing, right? DKVrnHo5V8E-00013-00007397-00007936 Right, so, this would be the thing like in the Doordash recommendations, or categories. DKVrnHo5V8E-00014-00007936-00008346 Right, categories? Okay, on the count of... I'm gonna blurt out three! DKVrnHo5V8E-00015-00008346-00009134 You can't do that, no, you gotta pick your favorite. Ready? Okay, one... two... three! DKVrnHo5V8E-00016-00009134-00009334 Give me a good sandwich. Italian. Seafood. Chocolate. DKVrnHo5V8E-00017-00009400-00009904 ... Did somebody say chocolate? Chocolate, nice. (Laughing) That'sfair, that's a genre. That's legit. DKVrnHo5V8E-00018-00009904-00010286 Yeah, that counts, right? In some lands. Absolutely. DKVrnHo5V8E-00019-00010286-00010751 White chocolate? Dark chocolate? Better than no chocolate, as my brother wouldsay, DKVrnHo5V8E-00020-00010751-00011240 when you ask them about white chocolate. Yeah, definitely the bottom of the list though. DKVrnHo5V8E-00021-00011240-00011893 Yeah, what doesn't count is carob. That can go tohell. What about Hershey's chocolate? DKVrnHo5V8E-00022-00012041-00012769 If you haven't been eating good chocolate, it's okay. It's betterthan no chocolate, once again. DKVrnHo5V8E-00023-00012769-00013510 What's the worst thing that y'all got for Halloween, in terms ofcandy? Well, nothing. Yeah, I didn't get anything. The nothingness of it. DKVrnHo5V8E-00024-00013510-00014215 Twizzlers. You don't like Twizzlers? Go away, Twizzlers. Red vines, or Twizzlers? DKVrnHo5V8E-00025-00014215-00014634 No, red vines are good. You like them stale, right? I do, in fact... DN1_clF4Fru-00000-00000587-00000863 What's up, everyone, I'm Giovanni here at Web DN1_clF4Fru-00001-00000863-00001295 Summit 2021 with Andrew Serwer, the DN1_clF4Fru-00002-00001343-00001538 editor-in-chief of Yahoo Finance. DN1_clF4Fru-00003-00001541-00001610 How are you doing today, Andrew? DN1_clF4Fru-00004-00001655-00001811 I'm doing great, Giovanni. How are you doing? DN1_clF4Fru-00005-00001853-00002111 I'm doing great. What are your first impressions DN1_clF4Fru-00006-00002111-00002288 of the conference so far? DN1_clF4Fru-00007-00002300-00002540 Well, it's great to be back in person. DN1_clF4Fru-00008-00002540-00002738 And you know, we've all been living in this DN1_clF4Fru-00009-00002738-00003075 virtual world for 18 months. DN1_clF4Fru-00010-00003077-00003715 And so, to see everyone in real time is amazing, DN1_clF4Fru-00011-00003715-00003879 and there's a lot of energy here. DN1_clF4Fru-00012-00003881-00004217 This is almost back to what it was before the DN1_clF4Fru-00013-00004217-00004292 pandemic. DN1_clF4Fru-00014-00005273-00005504 Among the speakers, among the leading speakers of DN1_clF4Fru-00015-00005504-00005828 the opening ceremony, there was the CEO and DN1_clF4Fru-00016-00005828-00006392 co-founder of Sorare, NFT Unicorn, so, a DN1_clF4Fru-00017-00006392-00006734 representative of the crypto industry was opening DN1_clF4Fru-00018-00006734-00007134 one of the largest tech conferences in the world. DN1_clF4Fru-00019-00007136-00007373 And also the conference has an entire section DN1_clF4Fru-00020-00007373-00007652 dedicated to crypto this year. DN1_clF4Fru-00021-00007655-00008075 So, what does that tell us about the role that DN1_clF4Fru-00022-00008075-00008348 crypto is playing today in the global tech DN1_clF4Fru-00023-00008348-00008420 industry? DN1_clF4Fru-00024-00008462-00008822 Well, I saw a little bit of his remarks, and the DN1_clF4Fru-00025-00008825-00009239 entire hall was filled, filled and people were DN1_clF4Fru-00026-00009239-00009446 rapt. You know, they were paying very close DN1_clF4Fru-00027-00009446-00009608 attention to everything he was saying. DN1_clF4Fru-00028-00009608-00010010 And obviously, it shows how important crypto is DN1_clF4Fru-00029-00010010-00010250 in terms of the thinking of the leading DN1_clF4Fru-00030-00010250-00010513 technologists around the world right now. DN1_clF4Fru-00031-00010513-00010793 It is very much front and center for all kinds of DN1_clF4Fru-00032-00010793-00011069 reasons. Obviously, people are looking to build DN1_clF4Fru-00033-00011069-00011494 technology that fits into this space. DN1_clF4Fru-00034-00011495-00011771 They're looking to use blockchain and DN1_clF4Fru-00035-00011771-00012032 cryptocurrencies in their businesses, and they're DN1_clF4Fru-00036-00012032-00012329 looking to partner with companies that are in DN1_clF4Fru-00037-00012329-00012431 this space as well. DN1_clF4Fru-00038-00012431-00012701 So, it's almost like, you know, you can't avoid DN1_clF4Fru-00039-00012701-00012916 it. I mean, a few years ago, we would say that DN1_clF4Fru-00040-00012916-00013166 every company is a technology company or every DN1_clF4Fru-00041-00013166-00013304 company is an internet company. DN1_clF4Fru-00042-00013304-00013591 Now, to an extent, every company is going to be a DN1_clF4Fru-00043-00013591-00013888 crypto company in one regard or another. DN1_clF4Fru-00044-00014769-00015115 Now, I would like to talk about the concept of the DN1_clF4Fru-00045-00015115-00015403 metaverse. So, everybody is talking about this DN1_clF4Fru-00046-00015403-00015672 metaverse, especially after Facebook decided to DN1_clF4Fru-00047-00015672-00015897 rebrand itself as Meta. DN1_clF4Fru-00048-00015901-00016261 So, what does this word mean to you and why DN1_clF4Fru-00049-00016261-00016525 should the world pay attention to this concept? DN1_clF4Fru-00050-00016555-00016906 Well, you know, it really is the next form of the DN1_clF4Fru-00051-00016906-00017422 internet: virtual, persistent, always on so many DN1_clF4Fru-00052-00017422-00017713 use cases, both from the enterprise and consumer DN1_clF4Fru-00053-00017713-00018082 standpoint. And the Facebook rebranding is DN1_clF4Fru-00054-00018082-00018222 really, really interesting to me. DN1_clF4Fru-00055-00018223-00018454 Obviously, you know, Mark Zuckerberg has talked DN1_clF4Fru-00056-00018454-00018847 about this for at least 18 months or two years DN1_clF4Fru-00057-00018847-00019114 now in terms of pushing the company further in DN1_clF4Fru-00058-00019168-00019390 using the Oculus platform, of course. DN1_clF4Fru-00059-00019459-00019876 And the name itself is funny to me because it's DN1_clF4Fru-00060-00019876-00020197 sort of like it would be like Giovanni taking DN1_clF4Fru-00061-00020224-00020501 saying @Giovanni when Twitter first came out. DN1_clF4Fru-00062-00020501-00020717 Like, you grab that name first. DN1_clF4Fru-00063-00020719-00020974 And so, it's either that, which is going to be DN1_clF4Fru-00064-00020974-00021211 really smart, or it's kind of like naming your DN1_clF4Fru-00065-00021211-00021490 company IOT, you know, which is like, kind of, DN1_clF4Fru-00066-00021493-00021751 you know, internet of things jargony, like very DN1_clF4Fru-00067-00021751-00021974 four years ago that people will forget. DN1_clF4Fru-00068-00021976-00022285 So, you know, is it going to be a name and DN1_clF4Fru-00069-00022297-00022756 something a label that has longevity? DN1_clF4Fru-00070-00022756-00023110 In other words, is it a sustainable name, not DN1_clF4Fru-00071-00023110-00023329 just the concept, which I think is sustainable, DN1_clF4Fru-00072-00023329-00023467 but it's sort of the label. DN1_clF4Fru-00073-00023467-00023794 And Facebook is basically like planted its flag DN1_clF4Fru-00074-00023794-00023926 and said: 'You know, that's us. DN1_clF4Fru-00075-00023926-00024028 That's who we are.' DN1_clF4Fru-00076-00024043-00024385 So, do you see Facebook's move more of a marketing DN1_clF4Fru-00077-00024388-00024844 move than a substantial step into this kind of DN1_clF4Fru-00078-00024844-00024970 visions of the future? DN1_clF4Fru-00079-00024985-00025171 Well, you know, I wouldn't say either, or I think DN1_clF4Fru-00080-00025171-00025417 it's both right. I mean, you know, they've had DN1_clF4Fru-00081-00025417-00025798 some issues in terms of their reputation. DN1_clF4Fru-00082-00025873-00026127 So, you know, changing the name is something that DN1_clF4Fru-00083-00026127-00026374 is a time-tested strategy like: 'Oh, so we don't DN1_clF4Fru-00084-00026374-00026514 like that name, we're going to have this name.' DN1_clF4Fru-00085-00026514-00026710 Although let's remember the Facebook name, in DN1_clF4Fru-00086-00026710-00027026 terms of the product, still will remain. DN1_clF4Fru-00087-00027027-00027370 Right. So, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and DN1_clF4Fru-00088-00027370-00027574 Instagram, so there's that. DN1_clF4Fru-00089-00027574-00027805 But I think, you know, so that's the marketing DN1_clF4Fru-00090-00027805-00027994 part to your point, Giovanni. DN1_clF4Fru-00091-00027994-00028297 And then the other point is, you know, no, this DN1_clF4Fru-00092-00028297-00028608 is actually a real signal to the world, to the DN1_clF4Fru-00093-00028608-00028879 marketplace, to our customers that this is where DN1_clF4Fru-00094-00028879-00029083 we're going and this is what's really important. DN1_clF4Fru-00095-00029116-00029389 And so what does crypto have to, what's the role DN1_clF4Fru-00096-00029389-00029581 that crypto has in the development of this DN1_clF4Fru-00097-00029581-00029713 metaverse, according to you? DN1_clF4Fru-00098-00029791-00030055 Well, you know, right now, you know, this sort of DN1_clF4Fru-00099-00030055-00030418 elementary use case for instances when you're DN1_clF4Fru-00100-00030418-00030637 using the metaverse for the consumer experience DN1_clF4Fru-00101-00030637-00030739 in gaming, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00102-00030739-00030952 If you're getting tokens and badges, and you're DN1_clF4Fru-00103-00030952-00031192 playing and you're using crypto to do DN1_clF4Fru-00104-00031192-00031466 transactions in the metaverse. DN1_clF4Fru-00105-00031466-00031683 You know, it's not like going to be a situation DN1_clF4Fru-00106-00031683-00032077 where like, enter your credit card number, what's DN1_clF4Fru-00107-00032077-00032377 the expiration date and your security code. DN1_clF4Fru-00108-00032377-00032557 That's not going to happen in the metaverse. DN1_clF4Fru-00109-00032557-00032716 I mean, it probably will happen a little bit. DN1_clF4Fru-00110-00032716-00033037 But in other words, the default currency that is DN1_clF4Fru-00111-00033037-00033364 going to fuel the metaverse is going to be crypto DN1_clF4Fru-00112-00033436-00033664 . You know, in the same way that it's like Ether DN1_clF4Fru-00113-00033664-00033788 for NFTs, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00114-00033790-00034117 I don't know which particular form of crypto is DN1_clF4Fru-00115-00034117-00034375 going to be powering the metaverse. DN1_clF4Fru-00116-00034375-00034576 Probably, all manner of them. DN1_clF4Fru-00117-00034615-00034984 I don't think any one crypto will dominate the DN1_clF4Fru-00118-00034984-00035293 metaverse. If the metaverse is a reflection of DN1_clF4Fru-00119-00035293-00035596 the real world, then all these coins will DN1_clF4Fru-00120-00035596-00035815 proliferate. But it'll be so interesting. DN1_clF4Fru-00121-00035815-00035992 I mean, certainly, I think some will become more DN1_clF4Fru-00122-00035992-00036259 dominant than others, and we are already in that DN1_clF4Fru-00123-00036259-00036559 situation right now, you know, there's the Top 5, DN1_clF4Fru-00124-00036559-00036799 the Top 10, the Top 5, and then it becomes very DN1_clF4Fru-00125-00036799-00037027 much of a long tail in terms of the other DN1_clF4Fru-00126-00037027-00037210 currencies, right? So, I think same thing for the DN1_clF4Fru-00127-00037210-00037273 metaverse. DN1_clF4Fru-00128-00038111-00038321 And I would like to ask you your thoughts about DN1_clF4Fru-00129-00038321-00038717 the coverage of crypto, because still today when DN1_clF4Fru-00130-00038717-00038907 we are seeing crypto getting more and more into DN1_clF4Fru-00131-00038909-00039167 mainstream, we see that traditional financial DN1_clF4Fru-00132-00039167-00039512 media tend to be quite skeptical about it. DN1_clF4Fru-00133-00039515-00039690 And so, what are your thoughts on that? DN1_clF4Fru-00134-00039692-00040067 Why are they so skeptical and what would it take DN1_clF4Fru-00135-00040067-00040370 for them to change a bit their stance towards DN1_clF4Fru-00136-00040370-00040520 this emerging industry? DN1_clF4Fru-00137-00040553-00040838 Well, remember, skeptical is a very good quality DN1_clF4Fru-00138-00040838-00040982 for journalists to have, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00139-00040982-00041198 So, I think that's number one. DN1_clF4Fru-00140-00041198-00041708 Number two, remember that the media has decades, DN1_clF4Fru-00141-00041708-00042248 if not hundred years of being aligned with DN1_clF4Fru-00142-00042248-00042516 legacy financial systems. DN1_clF4Fru-00143-00042518-00043001 So, in other words, if you and your editor and DN1_clF4Fru-00144-00043001-00043454 the father of your editor all knows JPMorgan and, DN1_clF4Fru-00145-00043508-00043832 you know, and all the way that JPMorgan works, DN1_clF4Fru-00146-00043835-00044075 it's very hard to get you to like, change on a DN1_clF4Fru-00147-00044075-00044558 dime. You know, even though the CEO of, and DN1_clF4Fru-00148-00044558-00044777 especially because the CEO of JPMorgan, Jamie DN1_clF4Fru-00149-00044777-00045005 Dimon, is somewhat skeptical about crypto, DN1_clF4Fru-00150-00045005-00045228 although of course he's changing his views. DN1_clF4Fru-00151-00045230-00045461 So, you've seen like, what's happening in the DN1_clF4Fru-00152-00045461-00045635 media is so interesting because there's a whole DN1_clF4Fru-00153-00045635-00046131 new group of crypto media organizations, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00154-00046133-00046466 And so, instead of the legacy organizations like DN1_clF4Fru-00155-00046466-00046709 Dow Jones and Bloomberg and Yahoo Finance DN1_clF4Fru-00156-00046727-00047141 immediately pivoting to crypto, they're kind of DN1_clF4Fru-00157-00047141-00047333 going more slowly. And at the same time, there's DN1_clF4Fru-00158-00047333-00047750 just a whole crop of new media that's covering it DN1_clF4Fru-00159-00047750-00047870 just by themselves. DN1_clF4Fru-00160-00047870-00048230 And there's a debate like: 'Oh, that the crypto DN1_clF4Fru-00161-00048230-00048455 first news organizations are better than the DN1_clF4Fru-00162-00048455-00048685 legacy ones. The legacy ones will never get it.' DN1_clF4Fru-00163-00048685-00048905 And the legacy ones go: 'No, we're more skeptical, DN1_clF4Fru-00164-00048905-00049199 and you guys are just buying into it too DN1_clF4Fru-00165-00049199-00049403 quickly.' So, it'll be interesting to see how DN1_clF4Fru-00166-00049403-00049505 this plays out, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00167-00050376-00050552 Yeah, that's very interesting. DN1_clF4Fru-00168-00050552-00050833 So, now, a little bit of a look into the future. DN1_clF4Fru-00169-00050833-00051108 So, 2021 was an amazing year for cryptocurrency. DN1_clF4Fru-00170-00051108-00051329 We saw the rise of NFT technology. DN1_clF4Fru-00171-00051329-00051487 We saw the adoption. DN1_clF4Fru-00172-00051489-00051915 I mean, the approval of the first Bitcoin ETF. DN1_clF4Fru-00173-00051917-00052170 So, what are the milestones that, according to DN1_clF4Fru-00174-00052170-00052464 you, we should look forward to see in 2022? DN1_clF4Fru-00175-00052527-00052878 Don't forget Shiba Inu, you know, or the Squid DN1_clF4Fru-00176-00052878-00053109 coin. So, there's a lot going on. DN1_clF4Fru-00177-00053109-00053385 Obviously, I think the regulatory framework is DN1_clF4Fru-00178-00053385-00053595 going to be very, very interesting. DN1_clF4Fru-00179-00053625-00053796 You know, that's a big issue in the United DN1_clF4Fru-00180-00053796-00053976 States, obviously, with the Securities and DN1_clF4Fru-00181-00053976-00054179 Exchange Commission, which oversees the financial DN1_clF4Fru-00182-00054179-00054530 markets, trying to wrap their brain around DN1_clF4Fru-00183-00054530-00054816 crypto. And you know, Gary Gensler, who is the DN1_clF4Fru-00184-00054816-00054987 head of the SEC in the United States. DN1_clF4Fru-00185-00054999-00055166 You know, if he has a press conference, DN1_clF4Fru-00186-00055217-00055425 immediately, you know, there'll be a lot of DN1_clF4Fru-00187-00055425-00055541 questions about crypto. DN1_clF4Fru-00188-00055541-00055710 You know, people aren't really asking, well, how DN1_clF4Fru-00189-00055710-00056049 are you regulating the FANG stocks, and what's DN1_clF4Fru-00190-00056049-00056219 the disclosure in the unicorns? DN1_clF4Fru-00191-00056219-00056398 Just like crypto, crypto, crypto. DN1_clF4Fru-00192-00056398-00056733 So, you know, they've got to come up with a DN1_clF4Fru-00193-00056733-00056835 framework very quickly. DN1_clF4Fru-00194-00056835-00056997 And it's not just one framework, it's a lot of DN1_clF4Fru-00195-00056997-00057177 different things. Because, you know, when you DN1_clF4Fru-00196-00057177-00057345 talk to people, they're investing in these DN1_clF4Fru-00197-00057345-00057450 things, right? DN1_clF4Fru-00198-00057465-00057691 In these coins, buying these coins. DN1_clF4Fru-00199-00057692-00057992 And so, you know, if there's, you know, we've DN1_clF4Fru-00200-00057992-00058221 seen some scandals and people lose money before, DN1_clF4Fru-00201-00058221-00058404 but that was at a much smaller scale. DN1_clF4Fru-00202-00058407-00058647 If something really blows up here, you know, it DN1_clF4Fru-00203-00058647-00058860 could be, I don't know if systemic, but it could DN1_clF4Fru-00204-00058860-00058966 be significant. DN1_clF4Fru-00205-00058967-00059199 And I think the regulators need to step up. DN1_clF4Fru-00206-00059361-00059555 Thank you very much, Andrew, that was very DN1_clF4Fru-00207-00059555-00059664 interesting talking to you. DN1_clF4Fru-00208-00059721-00059807 Great. Thank you.