Q2VKt8jZkwY-00000-00000003-00000567 Are markets moral? Every day millions of people around the world depend on Q2VKt8jZkwY-00001-00000567-00000977 markets to satisfy their basic needs, to keep in touch with friends and loved Q2VKt8jZkwY-00002-00000977-00001536 ones, to perk up and to relax. So why is it that capitalism and its supporters Q2VKt8jZkwY-00003-00001536-00001914 are often portrayed in popular literature and scholarly debate as Q2VKt8jZkwY-00004-00001914-00002472 monsters? Vampire capitalism is said to suck the blood of workers, further Q2VKt8jZkwY-00005-00002472-00002982 enriching the wealthy and impoverishing the disadvantaged. Zombie capitalism is Q2VKt8jZkwY-00006-00002982-00003360 lumbering around the landscape, eating human brains and turning us into Q2VKt8jZkwY-00007-00003360-00003885 mindless withered things. Demon capitalism possesses us all, turning us Q2VKt8jZkwY-00008-00003885-00004239 into slavish soulless creatures who produce only what we are told to produce Q2VKt8jZkwY-00009-00004239-00004746 and consume only what we are told to consume. A common thread running through Q2VKt8jZkwY-00010-00004746-00005085 these criticisms of the market is the notion that markets are morally Q2VKt8jZkwY-00011-00005085-00005634 corrupting but this criticism of markets is at root and empirical rather than a Q2VKt8jZkwY-00012-00005634-00006119 philosophical claim. We can evaluate whether or not it is true that markets Q2VKt8jZkwY-00013-00006119-00006501 are likely to be morally corrupting using a theoretical understanding of how Q2VKt8jZkwY-00014-00006501-00006947 markets can and should work and on the basis of evidence regarding how markets Q2VKt8jZkwY-00015-00006947-00007436 do work. People who live in market societies are wealthier, happier, Q2VKt8jZkwY-00016-00007436-00007906 healthier, and better connected than people who live in non-market societies. Q2VKt8jZkwY-00017-00007906-00008300 These benefits are not only enjoyed by the privileged few in these communities Q2VKt8jZkwY-00018-00008300-00008760 the least advantaged in market societies are better off than the least advantaged Q2VKt8jZkwY-00019-00008760-00009179 in non-market societies, and may be better off than the most well-off in Q2VKt8jZkwY-00020-00009179-00009836 some non-market societies this material fact argue Ginny Seung Choi and Virgil Q2VKt8jZkwY-00021-00009836-00010368 Henry Storr is of moral significance. In their book, "Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?" Q2VKt8jZkwY-00022-00010368-00010865 they demonstrate that relative to people in non-market societies people in market Q2VKt8jZkwY-00023-00010865-00011385 societies are less materialistic, give more to charity, are less corrupt and Q2VKt8jZkwY-00024-00011385-00011943 more likely to be cosmopolitan trusting and trustworthy. Rather than being Q2VKt8jZkwY-00025-00011943-00012300 morally corrupting, the market is a moral training ground that offers us Q2VKt8jZkwY-00026-00012300-00012681 opportunities to discover others who have the moral qualities that we admire Q2VKt8jZkwY-00027-00012681-00013172 and where virtuous behavior is rewarded and immoral behavior is punished in Q2VKt8jZkwY-00028-00013172-00013662 markets. So, are markets morally corrupting? To dig Q2VKt8jZkwY-00029-00013662-00014079 into the details of how the market may actually improve morality, read "Do Q2VKt8jZkwY-00030-00014079-00014531 Markets Corrupt Our Morals?" published by Palgrave Macmillan Q3xCBJzyWDc-00000-00000072-00000463 The state of Vermont has one of the greenest grids in the US. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00001-00000463-00000888 Two thirds of their electricity comes from renewable energy sources, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00002-00000888-00001240 like solar, wind, or hydroelectric plants. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00003-00001240-00001686 The current goal is to be at 75% by 2032. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00004-00001686-00002220 Which is why it was pretty surprising when a new solar project here was denied. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00005-00002280-00002480 This area doesn’t have a lot of people, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00006-00002480-00002856 but it does have plenty of potential for renewable energy. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00007-00002856-00003288 The power plants here, in addition to a regular power supply from Canada, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00008-00003288-00003760 already put about 450 megawatts of electricity onto the grid — Q3xCBJzyWDc-00009-00003760-00004032 and by grid, I mean these power lines — Q3xCBJzyWDc-00010-00004032-00004500 but the grid’s capacity is around… 450 megawatts. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00011-00004500-00004986 So the grid just wouldn’t be able to handle any more power generated here. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00012-00005024-00005264 If we want a greener future in the US, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00013-00005264-00005576 we’ll need to build more renewable energy plants. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00014-00005576-00006181 But to actually use that electricity, we’ll also need to build more of these. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00015-00006559-00006904 This is a map of where everyone in the continental US lives; Q3xCBJzyWDc-00016-00006904-00007064 the density of each county. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00017-00007064-00007441 Here’s New York City, LA, Chicago… Q3xCBJzyWDc-00018-00007441-00007744 And here’s where every big power plant is currently. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00019-00007744-00008068 Appropriately, they tend to be where the people are. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00020-00008068-00008456 In Washington, DC, where I live, we get nearly all our electricity Q3xCBJzyWDc-00021-00008456-00008960 from surrounding states’ power plants— mostly nuclear and natural gas. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00022-00008960-00009416 Electricity goes from the power plant, through big high-voltage transmission lines, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00023-00009416-00009824 to a substation, where the electricity is dispersed onto smaller, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00024-00009824-00010272 lower-powered distribution lines, that send it into my house. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00025-00010280-00010536 Like Vermont, DC also plans to be greener. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00026-00010536-00011152 The goal is to have 100% renewable sources making our electricity by 2032. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00027-00011152-00011360 It’s part of a national goal, too. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00028-00011360-00011832 President Biden wants to reduce emissions in the US 50% by 2030, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00029-00011832-00012304 with nearly half of US power coming from solar plants by 2050. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00030-00012304-00012704 That means switching out those natural gas plants for wind turbines. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00031-00012704-00012984 Coal plants, for solar farms. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00032-00012984-00013463 Lowering emissions also means switching from gas cars to electric cars. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00033-00013463-00013896 Heating our buildings not with natural gas, but with electric heat pumps. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00034-00013896-00014162 Cooking on electric stoves. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00035-00014162-00014488 Basically, we’re going to be using a lot more electricity: Q3xCBJzyWDc-00036-00014488-00015008 Anywhere from 40-100% more than we currently use. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00037-00015008-00015177 So, back to the map. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00038-00015177-00015472 If we’re going to replace all these polluting energy plants, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00039-00015472-00015712 we can’t just build a wind turbine in their place. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00040-00015712-00016024 They need to be where it's, you know, windy. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00041-00016024-00016224 This is a model, created by Princeton, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00042-00016224-00016496 mapping out possible places in the continental US Q3xCBJzyWDc-00043-00016496-00016928 where wind and solar projects could, in theory, be built. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00044-00016928-00017424 Aside from some offshore wind farms, it's mostly in the middle of the US. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00045-00017424-00017864 Another study found that these states have most of the wind and solar potential, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00046-00017864-00018408 yet the people living there would only make up 30% of the electricity demand. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00047-00018408-00018992 In a decarbonized future, we’re going to need to get electricity from here to here. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00048-00018992-00019304 And, we’re going to move a lot of it. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00049-00019304-00019622 That’s where high-voltage transmission lines come in. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00050-00019622-00019904 ROB GRAMLICH: I think the infrastructure is the most important thing. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00051-00019904-00020264 It doesn't get a lot of attention but it really is the key. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00052-00020264-00020664 This is where the US currently has high-voltage transmission lines. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00053-00020664-00021024 The Princeton model shows this is where new lines will need to be built Q3xCBJzyWDc-00054-00021024-00021416 if the US uses all renewable energy by 2050. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00055-00021416-00021680 But it’s not a simple process. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00056-00021680-00022356 Every wire in your house has plastic over it, because if two electrical lines get too close… Q3xCBJzyWDc-00057-00022456-00022984 But high-voltage power lines are the bare active wire. No plastic. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00058-00022984-00023200 They’re insulated by the air. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00059-00023200-00023600 Basically, if they’re kept far enough apart from each other, it’s safe. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00060-00023600-00023976 But they also have to be kept far away from… everything. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00061-00023976-00024186 Trees included. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00062-00024272-00024632 This is actually how some of the California wildfires were started: Q3xCBJzyWDc-00063-00024632-00025128 Trees coming in contact with the super-big high-voltage transmission lines. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00064-00025128-00025272 And those are what we’ll need more of, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00065-00025272-00025712 as we lengthen the distance from energy source to energy need. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00066-00025712-00026080 We’ll also need to make many current ones even bigger. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00067-00026080-00026344 Because bigger means more power. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00068-00026344-00026536 Physically, the cables are thicker — Q3xCBJzyWDc-00069-00026536-00026816 the bigger the cable, the more power can run through them. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00070-00026816-00027208 And because they’re bigger, they have to be really far apart for insulation, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00071-00027208-00027432 and built higher up. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00072-00027432-00027632 It makes them kind of a pain to build -- Q3xCBJzyWDc-00073-00027632-00027824 partly because of how large they are, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00074-00027824-00028127 but also how much private land they have to cross. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00075-00028127-00028568 GRAMLICH: Very often, the developer can get 99% of the landowners to agree, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00076-00028568-00028783 but then there's that last 1%, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00077-00028783-00029161 and that can take forever, and can crater the whole thing. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00078-00029161-00029655 So experts say we should start building now, even before we build the plants. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00079-00029655-00029856 GRAMLICH: You can do a generation project in a year. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00080-00029856-00030280 The transmission, three, if you're lucky, but it can go over ten. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00081-00030280-00030895 We don't want to do this in a reactive mode, where we build a lot of stranded generation. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00082-00030895-00031304 We want to proactively build the transmission to where we know the resources are. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00083-00031304-00031760 And the thing about wind and solar resources is, we know where they are. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00084-00031760-00032088 A greener grid in the US means thinking nationally: Q3xCBJzyWDc-00085-00032088-00032224 Building more transmission lines, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00086-00032224-00032576 so when it’s sunny in Arizona, it can power Chicago. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00087-00032576-00032928 And at night, Illinois wind can power Phoenix. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00088-00032928-00033496 To do that efficiently, the US will need a new, interconnected, high-voltage grid. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00089-00033496-00034104 Princeton found it would take nearly $320 billion in investments in the next 10 years. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00090-00034104-00034563 Almost as much as investments in solar and wind plants themselves. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00091-00034563-00034912 Congress is working on an infrastructure bill that contains some funding, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00092-00034912-00035184 but really only a fraction of what’s needed. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00093-00035184-00035640 GRAMLICH: I'm optimistic about our ability to do it, because we have done it before. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00094-00035640-00035848 I am nervous about the execution, Q3xCBJzyWDc-00095-00035848-00036232 between legislation, regulation, and industry follow-through. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00096-00036232-00036856 The US is currently on track to have 42% of our energy come from renewables by 2050. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00097-00036856-00037392 If current proposals turn into real policy, we could be closer to 80%. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00098-00037392-00037696 But just making greener electricity isn’t enough. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00099-00037696-00037922 We have to be able to move it. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00100-00037922-00038168 GRAMLICH: Transmission is important for the clean energy future. Q3xCBJzyWDc-00101-00038168-00038492 We're just not going to decarbonize without it. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00000-00000060-00000510 In this unit we will learn about the big cats or the jungle cats. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00001-00000618-00000996 [MUSIC} Q3AgEOtMyqu-00002-00001196-00001860 This is a caracal which derives its name from the word ‘karakulak’ which means black ears. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00003-00001885-00002502 It is found mostly in Africa, the middle east, persia and the indian sub-continent. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00004-00002884-00003645 This is a cheetah, it can run at the speed of 113km/h making it the fastest land animal. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00005-00003647-00003986 The cheetahs use their tails to change their direction while sprinting. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00006-00003989-00004603 They are found in eastern and southern africa and in some parts of iran. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00007-00004933-00005397 This is a cougar, also known as puma or a mauntain lion. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00008-00005408-00005868 They are solitary and secretive and most active during dawn and dusk. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00009-00005870-00006172 They are present all over North America. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00010-00006585-00007206 This is a jaguar, it can be differentiated by it spots which look like roses from a distance. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00011-00007224-00007850 The spots of a jaguar are called rossetes. It is mostly found in America. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00012-00008138-00008284 This is a leopard. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00013-00008286-00008976 They are the most adaptable member of the cat family as it can adapt to any weather or climate. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00014-00009007-00009600 It is mostly found in the sub-saharan areas and some parts of asia. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00015-00009893-00010777 The king of the jungle the lion is the only member of the cat family with a mane and its roar can be heard upto 5 miles away. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00016-00010819-00011330 The lions are the most social cats of the cat family as they live in prides. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00017-00011352-00011671 They are found all over Africa. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00018-00011986-00012770 The lynx is the only member of the cat family which has types with such a diversified group characters amongst the cat family. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00019-00012790-00013054 It is mostly found all over America. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00020-00013078-00013636 There are 4 types of lynx and the lynx shown in the picture is a Canada lynx. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00021-00014017-00014335 This is an ocelot also called a dwarf. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00022-00014377-00014627 They are good swimmers and climbers. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00023-00014647-00014858 They are extremely territorial. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00024-00014867-00015377 The male lynx is called a torn and a female is called a queen. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00025-00015380-00015698 It is mostly found in South America. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00026-00016053-00016209 This is a panther. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00027-00016219-00016803 The panther is mostly referred to jaguars and leopard with a white or a black mutation. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00028-00016806-00017489 They are the rarest amongst the cat family. It is mostly found in America, Asia, and Africa. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00029-00017842-00018302 The tiger is the largest cat of the cat family and the strongest. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00030-00018325-00018667 It has the second largest brain among the carnivores. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00031-00018670-00019035 They use roars to communicate with other tigers. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00032-00019038-00019428 Unlike other big cats they are adept swimmers. Q3AgEOtMyqu-00033-00019441-00019691 They are found in Asia and Russia. Q4sU81i1tOy-00000-00000127-00000434 BMW M Series Darien Connecticut Q4sU81i1tOy-00001-00000434-00001015 The BMW M Series, known as the Motorsports series, with coupes, sedans, or convertible Q4sU81i1tOy-00002-00001015-00001118 models. Q4sU81i1tOy-00003-00001118-00001796 Our M3, 5 or 6 series models created with the driving enthusiast in mind with modified Q4sU81i1tOy-00004-00001796-00002609 engines, transmissions, suspension, interior and exterior modifications and of course aerodynamics. Q4sU81i1tOy-00005-00002609-00003546 Learn more by calling BMW of Darien at 203-656-1804 to schedule the ultimate test drive with our Q4sU81i1tOy-00006-00003546-00003654 M series. Q4sU81i1tOy-00007-00003654-00004232 It’s an unforgettable drive with the ultimate driving machine M series class of vehicles. Q4sU81i1tOy-00008-00004232-00004922 BMW of Darien Connecticut, conveniently located just off I-95 at 140 Ledge Rd. Q4sU81i1tOy-00009-00004922-00005165 Call 203-656-1804. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00000-00000355-00001382 So down here on the side we have a small airbrush compressor that provides about 30 PSI to this Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00001-00001382-00002148 hose that goes across the entire top, this blue pipe here and is connected to these solenoids. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00002-00002148-00003076 And each one of those has a wire going along the back to a bank of relays on the side of Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00003-00003076-00003339 the shelf. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00004-00003339-00003582 Looks like this. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00005-00003582-00004312 And these relays are controlled by a Raspberry Pi right here with these ribbon cables. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00006-00004312-00004880 The Raspberry has a little screen and a keyboard and a mouse. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00007-00004880-00006353 And it's got a Python script on it that can control the relays, and that looks like this. Q5ZDUHbzT2c-00008-00006353-00006598 And you can see the lights blinking when the relays turn on. Q6glrGE-9Ju-00000-00000000-00000200 Simple tools Q6glrGE-9Ju-00001-00000200-00000400 Making round Q6glrGE-9Ju-00002-00000400-00000600 Street food Q70xEKlcjJy-00000-00000208-00000688 ELENA CHUDAEVA: In this activity, we're going to talk about context in statistics. Q70xEKlcjJy-00001-00000688-00001242 Context-- in other words-- situation, is very important. Q70xEKlcjJy-00002-00001242-00001476 And here is why. Q70xEKlcjJy-00003-00001555-00002289 Have a look at these five numbers: 1, 2, 4, 5, 25. Q70xEKlcjJy-00004-00002289-00002673 What can we tell about these numbers? Q70xEKlcjJy-00005-00002731-00003324 They are all positive; they are all whole numbers; and they are Q70xEKlcjJy-00006-00003324-00003616 in increasing order. Q70xEKlcjJy-00007-00003628-00004125 We looked at the numbers from mathematical point of view. Q70xEKlcjJy-00008-00004208-00004834 Now, what if you know that these numbers are masses of cats Q70xEKlcjJy-00009-00004834-00005409 recorded yesterday in a vet clinic, in kilograms? Q70xEKlcjJy-00010-00005409-00005743 Any questions about the data? Q70xEKlcjJy-00011-00005901-00005989 Right. Q70xEKlcjJy-00012-00005989-00006256 Twenty-five kilogram for a cat? Q70xEKlcjJy-00013-00006256-00006418 Really? Q70xEKlcjJy-00014-00006418-00006777 A cat or a small lion? Q70xEKlcjJy-00015-00006777-00007102 Now we know the context. Q70xEKlcjJy-00016-00007161-00007399 These numbers are not just numbers. Q70xEKlcjJy-00017-00007399-00007678 We are talking about masses of cats. Q70xEKlcjJy-00018-00007678-00008316 So 25 kilograms does not make sense. Q70xEKlcjJy-00019-00008487-00009205 Context in statistics or, in other words, situation; Q70xEKlcjJy-00020-00009205-00009751 Words in statistics are just as important as numbers. Q70xEKlcjJy-00021-00009751-00010239 The context allows us make sense of data. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00000-00000000-00000229 Whenever you say you want to put on weight because you’re too skinny Q9FII1NrkgQ-00001-00000229-00000476 people say “oh wow, what a good excuse to eat anything you want!” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00002-00000476-00000578 What about fried chicken? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00003-00000622-00000694 Can you see this? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00004-00000718-00001090 …that’s how this muscle… are you okay? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00005-00001146-00001266 [Dano CCTV] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00006-00001266-00001474 Hi everyone, I’m Jessie from Dano. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00007-00001474-00001558 I’m Coach Bennie. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00008-00001558-00001778 It’s been a long time Q9FII1NrkgQ-00009-00001778-00001955 since we’ve been on camera together. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00010-00001955-00002060 Yep, it is. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00011-00002060-00002280 Do you know why we are here together? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00012-00002280-00002346 No... (that’s not true) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00013-00002346-00002796 DanoTV has been started a new segment. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00014-00002796-00002958 And it’s… Dano CCTV! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00015-00002958-00003076 [Dano CCTV] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00016-00003076-00003278 If you guys send us a video of yourselves Q9FII1NrkgQ-00017-00003278-00003504 doing a diet and workout, in the form of a Vlog, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00018-00003504-00003842 then we’ll watch it together and give you some online coaching advice. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00019-00003842-00004164 So, Bennie will give you professional tips more about exercise, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00020-00004164-00004518 and I’ll give you tips about your diet, behavioural changes Q9FII1NrkgQ-00021-00004518-00004646 and new habits. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00022-00004646-00004834 And that’s why we’ve begun this project. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00023-00004834-00005004 I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun. Jessie : It is, isn’t it? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00024-00005004-00005148 I’m really looking forward to this too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00025-00005148-00005490 Then now, we’ll bring on our first guest for Dano CCTV. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00026-00005490-00005634 Please come in! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00027-00005776-00006138 Hi, eveyone! I’m Siyummy (a habit shaping content creator here at Dano.) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00028-00006138-00006344 Our first guest for Dano CCTV is Q9FII1NrkgQ-00029-00006344-00006602 Siyummy, who has recently joined us Q9FII1NrkgQ-00030-00006602-00006764 as a habit shaping content creator. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00031-00006764-00006952 I heard that Q9FII1NrkgQ-00032-00006954-00007334 you had been doing a weight-gain diet Q9FII1NrkgQ-00033-00007334-00007558 but now you’ve started a new project Q9FII1NrkgQ-00034-00007558-00007754 as part of your health care routine. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00035-00007756-00008000 Can you tell me what it is? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00036-00008000-00008184 It’s a “Healthy-Yum Project” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00037-00008184-00008504 and I’ve been doing it now for 28 days. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00038-00008504-00008614 I’ll give some more details about it Q9FII1NrkgQ-00039-00008614-00008912 with the clips we’ll see here. Jessie : Great! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00040-00008912-00009078 [Dano CCTV EP.01 : Healthy-Yum Project] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00041-00009078-00009424 [Q1. Why have you started this Healthy-Yum Project?] I started because… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00042-00009424-00009758 I recently realised that I’d been losing a lot of weight Q9FII1NrkgQ-00043-00009758-00010034 because of my busy daily schedule. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00044-00010034-00010164 So, one day I stood Q9FII1NrkgQ-00045-00010164-00010502 in front of the mirror wearing my yoga/fitness clothes, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00046-00010502-00010620 and I found myself... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00047-00010622-00010890 too skinny, too bony. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00048-00010890-00011122 I don’t even want to see myself looking so thin. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00049-00011122-00011524 And I hate to being told that I look too thin and weak. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00050-00011524-00011750 I really don't want to hear that anymore. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00051-00011750-00012130 So I thought ‘how about putting on some weight in a healthy way?” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00052-00012130-00012404 That’s why I started the “Healthy-Yum Project”. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00053-00012404-00012664 So you mean, the project is about... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00054-00012664-00012919 gaining weight healthily Q9FII1NrkgQ-00055-00012919-00013238 and being more energetic? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00056-00013238-00013310 Yes, that’s right. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00057-00013310-00013656 When I looked into it, there was heaps of information about how to lose weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00058-00013656-00014032 but much less about how to gain weight the healthy way. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00059-00014032-00014258 So, that’s why I want to do that myself Q9FII1NrkgQ-00060-00014258-00014441 and I've started this project. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00061-00014441-00014684 But the problem is I don’t know how to do it, so I want to ask you about it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00062-00014684-00014946 Whenever you say you want to put on weight because you’re too skinny, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00063-00014946-00015224 then people say “oh wow, what a good excuse to eat anything you want!” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00064-00015224-00015436 “It’s easy; eat some late-night food!”, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00065-00015436-00015652 “I’m jealous of you”, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00066-00015658-00015830 “I wish that was my problem...” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00067-00015830-00016010 But that’s really not the case. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00068-00016010-00016308 Putting on muscles and gaining weight for skinny people is, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00069-00016308-00016434 in my opinion, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00070-00016434-00016654 much harder Q9FII1NrkgQ-00071-00016654-00016828 than trying to lose weight. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00072-00016828-00016936 Yep, it is really hard. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00073-00016936-00017030 When we’re working on losing weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00074-00017030-00017382 we don’t think that eating less is the only and right way to do it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00075-00017382-00017612 That will ruin your health, we know that. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00076-00017612-00017820 In the same way, gaining weight needs Q9FII1NrkgQ-00077-00017820-00018052 healthy eating, not just eating a lot. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00078-00018052-00018344 What I mean is, of course increasing meal portions is important Q9FII1NrkgQ-00079-00018344-00018558 but we need to figure out how to balance our nutrients, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00080-00018558-00018764 for example: carbohydrates, protein and fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00081-00018764-00018996 By what percentage should we increase them? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00082-00018996-00019154 These kinds of things are important. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00083-00019154-00019580 Then now, Siyummy took a video of her eating and exercises, right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00084-00019580-00019738 Should we take a look? Siyummy : Yep. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00085-00019738-00019908 [06:00 Morning Yoga] It’s 6am in the morning. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00086-00019908-00020270 I’ll go and do yoga now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00087-00020270-00020530 I’m going to eat one egg before I go. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00088-00020530-00020726 I’ve changed into my yoga outfit. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00089-00020726-00020990 Today’s mirror check. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00090-00020990-00021546 I feel like my legs and glutes are stronger than before. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00091-00021546-00021816 Can you please blur this bit out? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00092-00021816-00021872 hehe.... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00093-00021938-00022040 Bye~ Q9FII1NrkgQ-00094-00022040-00022320 [08:24 Back home after Yoga] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00095-00022320-00022494 Today’s morning yoga done. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00096-00022562-00022736 I’m a bit worried that Q9FII1NrkgQ-00097-00022736-00023132 eating just one egg before my yoga is not enough. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00098-00023132-00023340 Right, I was about to say that. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00099-00023340-00023520 You know, when we exercise, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00100-00023520-00023720 the energy we use Q9FII1NrkgQ-00101-00023720-00024152 usually comes from carbs and fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00102-00024152-00024468 But an egg has protein in it rather that carbs or fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00103-00024468-00024730 In order to use energy quickly, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00104-00024730-00024920 it’s better to take carbs. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00105-00024920-00025104 So, before a work out, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00106-00025104-00025412 I recommend foods with lots of carbohydrates. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00107-00025412-00025660 Bananas, for example. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00108-00025660-00025822 Okay I got it. Bananas! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00109-00025822-00026122 [09:00 Breakfast while listening to a lecture] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00110-00026126-00026294 I went to Yoga~ Q9FII1NrkgQ-00111-00026294-00026426 Today’s breakfast is… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00112-00026426-00026818 Greek yogurt, an apple and Brown Rice Protein Granola Cereal. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00113-00026818-00027038 My favourites are the chocolate flavour and berry flavour. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00114-00027038-00027166 I love it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00115-00027752-00027938 (updating my food journal) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00116-00027938-00028156 Apples and yogurt make a good combination. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00117-00028156-00028450 Fibre sustains the probiotics, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00118-00028450-00028754 and apple has a lot of fibre, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00119-00028754-00029200 so more probiotics can reach our gut when you eat those together. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00120-00029200-00029364 Siyummy: Ah, so I’ll have to go to toilet more regularly? Jessie: Yep! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00121-00029364-00029422 But, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00122-00029422-00029662 there’s not enough carbs in total Q9FII1NrkgQ-00123-00029662-00029856 for a morning meal. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00124-00029889-00030208 That’s because the Brown Rice Protein Granola Cereal has only a tiny amount of carbs itself. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00125-00030208-00030412 It’s designed Q9FII1NrkgQ-00126-00030412-00030782 to have less carbs for weight loss. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00127-00030782-00031124 and also… apple has fibre rather than carbs… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00128-00031124-00031410 Okay, you might think, “Carbohydrates are like fuel in our body, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00129-00031410-00031635 and proteins are like a brick”. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00130-00031636-00031870 So if t here’s not enough fuel (the carbohydrates) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00131-00031870-00032126 then the body uses proteins, the bricks. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00132-00032126-00032389 This causes your body to use the bricks (the protein) as fuel, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00133-00032389-00032583 rather than for their actual job of building muscle. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00134-00032583-00032866 So, even though you might eat protein for gaining muscle mass, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00135-00032866-00033098 it's effectively wasted. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00136-00033100-00033436 So I’d say that it’d be better to eat more carbs like potato or sweet potato. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00137-00033436-00033708 If it’s too hard for you to take Q9FII1NrkgQ-00138-00033708-00033900 then a smoothie might be good alternative too, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00139-00033900-00034236 like a banana and avocado smoothie. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00140-00034236-00034406 I would recommend that one. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00141-00034406-00034662 It’s possible that increasing the amount might be difficult. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00142-00034662-00034868 So, then, just adding a bit of honey would be good. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00143-00034868-00035046 I mean, you just finished your exercise Q9FII1NrkgQ-00144-00035046-00035298 so your sugar levels might be low, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00145-00035298-00035588 but honey will be absorbed quickly and easily. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00146-00035588-00035806 But, most importantly, it’s yummy. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00147-00035848-00036054 That’s a really useful tip. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00148-00036054-00036350 I love to drink warm water. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00149-00036350-00036580 So, basically, I drink lots of water. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00150-00036778-00036926 I’m going to drink pumpkin tea now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00151-00037156-00038150 [Eating breakfast slowly while listening to a lecture] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00152-00038154-00038374 Do you know that eating apple in the morning is like eating gold? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00153-00038650-00038784 Q. Do you drink tea often? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00154-00038784-00038986 I drink lots of water in a day. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00155-00038986-00039222 I consciously tried to drink lots of water before, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00156-00039222-00039498 and it’s just a habit now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00157-00039498-00039768 These days I finish this 600ml of bottle more than 5 times a day. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00158-00039768-00040040 I’m like a hippo which drinks a lot and can’t live without water. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00159-00040076-00040282 I often heard that ... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00160-00040282-00040738 you shouldn’t drink too much water during meals, because it can cause you indigestion. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00161-00040742-00040946 But, when I looked into it, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00162-00040946-00041162 some said it’s not bad if it’s not too much. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00163-00041162-00041422 So, as there’s differing opinions about it, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00164-00041422-00041596 I’d like to know which is right. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00165-00041596-00041859 Okay, our bodies have this normal digestive process: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00166-00041859-00042155 digestion starts in your mouth as your mouth has its own digestive fluid, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00167-00042156-00042506 and once it’s going through to the stomach there’s also a digestive liquid to break food down further. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00168-00042506-00042816 All of this works properly Q9FII1NrkgQ-00169-00042816-00042967 when the food is going through them at the right speed: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00170-00042968-00043354 it will work better if there’s enough time to break down and mix with the digestive fluids. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00171-00043354-00043642 However, if you drink water too often while eating a meal, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00172-00043642-00043864 it’ll wash it down. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00173-00043872-00044154 This doesn’t leave the digestive fluids with enough time to properly deal with the food, which eventually leads to indigestion. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00174-00044154-00044518 So, in that case, our stomach and gut have to work harder to complete the digestion. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00175-00044518-00044880 So… I recommend drinking water just to relieve your thirst during a meal, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00176-00044884-00045298 and you can drink more water an hour after eating. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00177-00045298-00045382 Okay, I got it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00178-00045382-00045592 [11:00 Weight Training] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00179-00046198-00046402 I just did an abs and glutes workout. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00180-00046402-00046698 I usually do this workout at night, but I just finished it now Q9FII1NrkgQ-00181-00046698-00046886 because I have a plan to go out for a walk tonight. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00182-00046890-00047098 [Q. How did you change your workout plan to go from weight loss to weight gain?] When I wanted to lose weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00183-00047098-00047248 I was focused on losing fat Q9FII1NrkgQ-00184-00047248-00047438 so did exercise with an empty stomach Q9FII1NrkgQ-00185-00047438-00047698 and focused on aerobic exercises. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00186-00047698-00048126 But now my goal is gaining weight and body fat, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00187-00048126-00048326 so I completely stopped exercising on an empty stomach. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00188-00048326-00048702 I also stopped making time for aerobic exercises because my daily lifestyle keeps me active anyway, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00189-00048702-00048848 so it’s a good substitute. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00190-00048848-00049006 I started doing Ashtanga Yoga, which uses a lot of muscles, three times a week. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00191-00049006-00049188 Except for those three days, I exercise at home Q9FII1NrkgQ-00192-00049188-00049380 or do some weight training at the gym. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00193-00049380-00049710 If I have some energy left after finishing my yoga, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00194-00049710-00049874 and if I want to do more, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00195-00049874-00050054 then I do some quick weight training at home. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00196-00050054-00050340 Now you want to increase your muscle, and that’s the main goal, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00197-00050340-00050416 right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00198-00050416-00050644 The important thing to understand about gaining muscle is Q9FII1NrkgQ-00199-00050644-00050874 the “Progressive Overload Principle” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00200-00050874-00050982 This means Q9FII1NrkgQ-00201-00050982-00051286 you must continually make your muscles work harder than they’re used to working. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00202-00051286-00051446 What that means is... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00203-00051446-00051596 ... you’re used to exercising without any equipment, right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00204-00051596-00051922 According to the principle, you have to increase the demands on your muscular system by “overloading” them by increasingly harder work. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00205-00051922-00052070 That’s how this muscle…. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00206-00052070-00052329 Are you okay..?? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00207-00052329-00052536 So, your muscle thinks Q9FII1NrkgQ-00208-00052536-00052817 “I can’t stay like this” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00209-00052817-00053091 and so decides to grow like… “boom!” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00210-00053134-00053432 Anyway, when I looked at your posture in the clip, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00211-00053432-00053566 I can tell that you’re used to exercising, even without equipment. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00212-00053566-00053850 We often say that for muscle growth Q9FII1NrkgQ-00213-00053850-00054250 you should do about 12 reps of an exercise. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00214-00054250-00054566 That doesn’t mean 12 reps that you can complete easily and quickly, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00215-00054567-00054966 but rather you’ll need to choose the weight that you can only manage to do 12 times. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00216-00054966-00055266 So here what you need is to increase the weight you're using. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00217-00055266-00055648 If it’s still difficult to go gym because of the situation around us now Q9FII1NrkgQ-00218-00055648-00055790 then using dumbbells at home is good, too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00219-00055790-00056048 Jessie: She has dumbbells in her house, I saw it! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00220-00056048-00056176 How did you spot that? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00221-00056176-00056354 She’s the CCTV! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00222-00056354-00056526 I’ve got hawk eyes. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00223-00056529-00056828 I saw that you did the bird dog exercise in your video. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00224-00056828-00057162 That becomes an aerobic exercise Q9FII1NrkgQ-00225-00057162-00057348 if you do it speedily and without equipment. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00226-00057348-00057482 However, even though it’s the same exercise, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00227-00057482-00057790 if you use a resistance band on your legs and do it slowly, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00228-00057790-00058100 with lots of intensity, like “Grr…!” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00229-00058100-00058346 Just 12 reps, to your maximum capacity, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00230-00058346-00058543 with that intensity, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00231-00058544-00058664 then it becomes weight training. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00232-00058724-00058879 So you can do same exercises Q9FII1NrkgQ-00233-00058879-00059145 either in an aerobic way or in an anaerobic way. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00234-00059146-00059417 You already know lots of exercises Q9FII1NrkgQ-00235-00059417-00059590 and how to do them correctly, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00236-00059590-00059846 so I recommend that you think about how to adapt them for muscle gain, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00237-00059846-00060136 using proper weight equipment. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00238-00060136-00060202 Okay! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00239-00060212-00060626 [It’s important to have the correct posture during exercises so that the correct muscles are targeted. Incorrect technique can put excessive pressure on your joints and ligaments, which can lead to injury.] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00240-00060626-00060840 [12:00 Preparing my lunch] This is my simple lunch: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00241-00060840-00061238 Smoked chicken breast… kimchi rice… with egg? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00242-00061238-00062082 [Lunch: one fistful of brown rice, smoked chicken breast, kimchi / cucumber / egg + perilla seed oil] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00243-00062082-00062132 Done! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00244-00062132-00062384 (pop the yolk) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00245-00062396-00062496 Jessie: That looks yummy..! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00246-00062716-00063091 After I decided to eat less bread and eat more rice, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00247-00063091-00063328 I’m starting to really enjoy it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00248-00063472-00063755 [Q. Didn’t you eat rice during your time as a bread-lover?] My main meals always had bread before. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00249-00063755-00063988 I always thought “I’d rather eat bread than eat rice!” Q9FII1NrkgQ-00250-00063988-00064194 and just ate bread all the time. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00251-00064194-00064341 But since I started this Healthy-Yum Project, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00252-00064341-00064588 I’ve been eating natural food with rice, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00253-00064588-00064764 and rice is growing on me more and more. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00254-00064764-00064976 So now I eat bread only as a snack, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00255-00064976-00065191 and I really must include healthy carbohydrates Q9FII1NrkgQ-00256-00065191-00065316 like rice in my meals: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00257-00065316-00065602 breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00258-00066068-00066254 It’s hot, so I’m just drinking sparkling water. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00259-00066602-00066870 [But also some warm pumpkin tea…] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00260-00066870-00067118 I’ve reused the bag so many times, it’s getting weak. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00261-00067118-00067278 Jessie: You just use one tea bag in a day… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00262-00067278-00067422 I do the same thing too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00263-00067422-00067654 It’s really dark and strong in the morning... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00264-00067654-00067888 but by night-time it’s weak. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00265-00067910-00068068 Do you like a chicken breast? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00266-00068068-00068180 Yes, I do. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00267-00068180-00068484 My favourite meats are beef and chicken. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00268-00068484-00068582 Oh, and duck too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00269-00068582-00069000 You know that chicken breast provides less fat Q9FII1NrkgQ-00270-00069000-00069160 and more protein. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00271-00069160-00069388 I think it’s quite difficult for you Q9FII1NrkgQ-00272-00069388-00069544 to increase the amount you eat at meals, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00273-00069544-00069916 so I recommend choosing high calories foods when you choose your ingredients. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00274-00069916-00070048 For example, in this case Q9FII1NrkgQ-00275-00070048-00070298 it’d be better to use beef rather than chicken breast Q9FII1NrkgQ-00276-00070298-00070552 as beef has protein and more fat than chicken. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00277-00070552-00070856 Then, what about fried chicken? Jessie : That’s a good question. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00278-00070856-00071020 With fried chicken, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00279-00071020-00071364 it uses oil with a high smoke point, usually vegetable oil, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00280-00071364-00071698 But the problem with using and reusing vegetable oils for frying chicken Q9FII1NrkgQ-00281-00071698-00072046 is that it contains trans-fats and can contribute to high cholesterol. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00282-00072046-00072256 So if you eat fried chicken with fresh oil, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00283-00072256-00072480 it’s fine. Like homemade fried chicken. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00284-00072480-00072776 And, actually, I think that eating fried chicken sometimes is not that bad. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00285-00072776-00073002 I agree. If you ban it completely, it can cause binge eating later. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00286-00073002-00073260 (add a little ketchup) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00287-00073422-00073604 Bennie: It must be a bit bland? Siyummy: Yep. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00288-00073700-00073960 Since I’ve started doing all these little steps to gain weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00289-00073960-00074302 I can feel that I’m gradually gaining muscle too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00290-00074426-00074584 Can you see this? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00291-00074672-00074924 Jessie: Haha, so cute. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00292-00075166-00075644 (eating slowly and deliberately while watching a drama) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00293-00075726-00075902 I’m already full but I have to eat it all, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00294-00075942-00076204 ‘cause I have to increase my food intake. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00295-00076652-00076824 This much left. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00296-00076930-00077120 Bennie: You look like you were having a hard time to finish it all. Siyummy: Yes, I was really full. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00297-00077128-00077416 The main goal here is to increase your daily calorie intake, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00298-00077416-00077618 so I think you can spread it throughout the day Q9FII1NrkgQ-00299-00077618-00077862 rather than eating so much all at once. Siyummy: Okay, I'll do that! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00300-00078072-00078390 [14:30 Snack] I brought a cookie for my snack. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00301-00078506-00078872 I really have to eat some baked goods, not just rice. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00302-00078876-00079006 So I chose this cookie. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00303-00079118-00079646 (Injeolmi cookie) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00304-00079854-00080018 Pumpkin tea again. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00305-00080018-00080238 Bennie: That’s a new tea bag! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00306-00080238-00080384 Look at the colour! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00307-00080384-00080458 (Cacao cookie) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00308-00080458-00080662 This is really good for boosting your sugar levels. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00309-00080732-00081028 You mentioned potato and sweet potato earlier, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00310-00081028-00081232 are they okay for my snacks? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00311-00081232-00081366 Of course, that’s really good. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00312-00081366-00081634 And I recommend rice cakes (ddeok) too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00313-00081634-00081758 Ah, I like a ddeok! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00314-00081764-00082080 When you're choosing carbohydrates Q9FII1NrkgQ-00315-00082080-00082242 there are lots of options to choose from, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00316-00082242-00082650 rice cakes have more carbs compared to other types of high-carb food, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00317-00082650-00082814 which means it gives you more carbs Q9FII1NrkgQ-00318-00082814-00083046 and is more filling. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00319-00083046-00083380 I especially recommend brown rice ddeok and bean ddeok Q9FII1NrkgQ-00320-00083380-00083592 rather than other types of rice cake with simpler forms of sugar. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00321-00083592-00083958 [18:00 Preparing dinner] Today’s dinner is Tofu Sweet Potato Salad. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00322-00083958-00084346 I’ll also add a cucumber and tomatoes to freshen it up as it’s hot these days. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00323-00084346-00084480 And also, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00324-00084480-00084756 with the crab meat that I like! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00325-00084756-00084884 I'll make this now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00326-00084884-00085050 I’ll put the tofu in the air fryer... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00327-00085158-00085802 and fry it 5 minutes at 180 degrees. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00328-00085832-00086376 [Salad, sweet potato, chicken breast, tofu, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and crab meat] This is my plentiful dinner: now Chicken Breast Tofu Salad! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00329-00086376-00086678 This is much bigger than my usual amount Q9FII1NrkgQ-00330-00086678-00086836 and I’m not that hungry at the moment Q9FII1NrkgQ-00331-00086854-00087192 but I prepared it now because I try to eat dinner four hours before I go to bed, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00332-00087192-00087488 and don’t want to skip dinner tonight. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00333-00087488-00087672 I’ll try to eat as much as possible, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00334-00087672-00087902 and I’ll just leave some if I can’t finish it all. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00335-00087908-00088078 [Q. What do you care most about your diet?] Increasing quantity. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00336-00088078-00088442 I try to increase the amount I eat Q9FII1NrkgQ-00337-00088442-00088706 as the main goal in my diet is to eat more. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00338-00088706-00088830 And, actually, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00339-00088830-00089152 that was almost double the size of my usual dinners. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00340-00089152-00089398 What I care about is increasing my overall intake with healthy natural foods Q9FII1NrkgQ-00341-00089398-00089623 while still eating stuff like cookies for my snacks, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00342-00089623-00089836 balancing carbohydrates, protein and fat as well. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00343-00089844-00090070 So what you’re eating now is double what you’re used to? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00344-00090070-00090357 I’d say… 1.5 times? Not exactly double. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00345-00090358-00090524 Then you must be really full after eating, right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00346-00090524-00090746 What I want to say about your dinner is… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00347-00090748-00090990 it has a cucumber and tofu, right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00348-00090990-00091142 Those are really good for when you want to lose weight. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00349-00091144-00091458 But amongst the vegetables, cucumber hasn’t got good nutritional balance, which means it doesn’t help in gaining weight. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00350-00091458-00091832 It consists mostly of water and is comparatively low in nutrients. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00351-00091832-00092030 Both your lunch and your dinner Q9FII1NrkgQ-00352-00092030-00092346 contained low-fat and low-carbohydrate foods, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00353-00092346-00092496 so I recommend Q9FII1NrkgQ-00354-00092496-00092669 thinking about how to make higher calorie meals Q9FII1NrkgQ-00355-00092669-00092997 while increasing the amount slowly. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00356-00094171-00094271 With crab meat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00357-00094772-00094962 I finished it! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00358-00094962-00095182 [20:30 Going for a walk a night] It’s getting cooler outside Q9FII1NrkgQ-00359-00095182-00095418 so I’ll go for a walk. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00360-00095426-00095822 It’s so hot during the day so it’s better to walk at night. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00361-00095822-00095987 Walking is a great way for me to organise my thoughts Q9FII1NrkgQ-00362-00095987-00096230 and also help me to digest my dinner before I go to bed. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00363-00096230-00096306 It’s good! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00364-00096558-00096788 It’s a great habit to get outside often Q9FII1NrkgQ-00365-00096788-00096915 and go for a walk, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00366-00096916-00097224 That's because, keeping active and moving helps increase your appetite. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00367-00097224-00097432 Yeah that’s true, I wake up next morning because I’m hungry, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00368-00097432-00097550 so I eat more at breakfast. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00369-00097550-00097892 But here, there is one thing that I was worried about walking for exercise: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00370-00097892-00098280 Is it okay to do this kind of aerobic workout when my main goal is gaining weight? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00371-00098372-00098500 Right, that’s fair. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00372-00098500-00098738 One of the positive effects of aerobic exercise is that ... Q9FII1NrkgQ-00373-00098738-00099180 it improves our cardiovascular health Q9FII1NrkgQ-00374-00099180-00099430 And, also, you know that there are some things in our body that cause fatigue, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00375-00099430-00099746 cardio exercises help to release that quickly too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00376-00099746-00099932 so even when you’re trying to gain weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00377-00099932-00100186 it’s still good to do some cardio exercise too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00378-00100186-00100468 But, you have limits on your time Q9FII1NrkgQ-00379-00100468-00100678 and energy for exercising, right? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00380-00100678-00100860 So, in your case, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00381-00100860-00101198 focusing on weight training would be a better way to use that energy Q9FII1NrkgQ-00382-00101198-00101392 than aerobic exercise. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00383-00101392-00101452 Okay, I got it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00384-00101476-00101803 [10:00 Sleep after stretching] Hey guys, I just got home Q9FII1NrkgQ-00385-00101804-00101992 and now I’ll do some stretching Q9FII1NrkgQ-00386-00101992-00102092 and then go to sleep. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00387-00102092-00102260 I hope this is a fun and useful, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00388-00102260-00102533 and a good video for you guys. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00389-00102533-00102692 (shy...) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00390-00102692-00102898 [Q. Lastly, Is there anything you regret?] One thing I regret is that Q9FII1NrkgQ-00391-00102898-00103161 I wanted to show and share lots of recipes with you guys, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00392-00103161-00103420 but because I’m a 21 year old university student and living away from my family at the moment, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00393-00103420-00103750 I only showed you my quick and simple meals. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00394-00103750-00104108 I’ll try harder to show you lots of different recipes from now on. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00395-00104148-00104314 I hope you can look forward to that! :) Q9FII1NrkgQ-00396-00104314-00104498 Healthy-Yum Project Journey! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00397-00104583-00104678 How do you act so cute? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00398-00104709-00104802 Bennie : That’s what I was thinking. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00399-00105054-00105180 I want to be like that too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00400-00105180-00105238 What? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00401-00105238-00105456 Have you ever done an InBody scan? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00402-00105459-00105590 Yes, I have. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00403-00105590-00105954 It said that I have 18.5% muscle Q9FII1NrkgQ-00404-00105954-00106158 and seven kilos of body fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00405-00106158-00106306 Jessie: So that’s a 16% body fat mass? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00406-00106306-00106488 Yep. But what I’m really worried about is… Q9FII1NrkgQ-00407-00106488-00106726 I’ve stopped gaining body fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00408-00106726-00106942 So my goal is to increase my body fat mass Q9FII1NrkgQ-00409-00106942-00107182 while gaining muscle too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00410-00107188-00107274 Yep, you can do it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00411-00107280-00107456 I can do it! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00412-00107456-00107726 I do think you need to increase your weight now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00413-00107726-00107914 When you gain weight, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00414-00107914-00108235 it automatically follows that you gain some muscle too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00415-00108235-00108378 Siyummy: True, I've heard about that too. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00416-00108378-00108782 So I recommend that you set clear figures for each of these three: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00417-00108782-00109120 your Weight, your SMM (Skeletal Muscle Mass) and Body Fat Mass. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00418-00109120-00109440 And, of course, make sure you keep an eye on your overall condition. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00419-00109440-00109588 That includes thinking about your health objectively, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00420-00109588-00109840 Like noting if you feel any brighter or livelier, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00421-00109840-00110159 and check the mirror for any changes to your body. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00422-00110159-00110472 I recommend setting precise individual goals for any of those things. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00423-00110472-00110546 Siyummy: Okay, I get it! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00424-00110546-00110683 I believe that Q9FII1NrkgQ-00425-00110683-00110783 one day, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00426-00110783-00111002 as you’re doing this Healthy-Yum project, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00427-00111002-00111344 your figure in the mirror will become the role-model you see for yourself now. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00428-00111356-00111724 So, should we sum up the coaching we’ve provided? Q9FII1NrkgQ-00429-00111724-00111830 [Dano CCTV Coaching Summary for EP.1] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00430-00111830-00112232 First, what I want to say is Q9FII1NrkgQ-00431-00112232-00112418 your exercise habits are already really good. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00432-00112418-00112714 I can tell that you enjoy exercise and you like doing it, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00433-00112714-00112919 not just manage to do it. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00434-00112920-00113100 It was good to see that. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00435-00113100-00113468 And these days, even though it’s hard to keep active because of COVID-19, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00436-00113468-00113609 it was nice to see that Q9FII1NrkgQ-00437-00113609-00113852 you tried to get outside and keep moving. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00438-00113852-00114082 I think that's a really good habit. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00439-00114082-00114494 On the other hand, even though you said you’ve increased how much you eat, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00440-00114494-00114714 the portions still looked quite small to me, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00441-00114720-00115154 especially with regards to carbohydrates and fat. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00442-00115159-00115378 Also, even though you work hard on your exercises, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00443-00115383-00115785 they focus mainly on aerobic exercises such as your yoga and workouts without equipment. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00444-00115785-00116106 That is to say, your workout routine lacked weight training, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00445-00116106-00116259 which it would be better to include. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00446-00116259-00116424 So what we want to recommend to you Q9FII1NrkgQ-00447-00116424-00116576 based on these conclusions is: Q9FII1NrkgQ-00448-00116576-00117006 First, increase the amount you eat in a day. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00449-00117006-00117216 If that makes you too full, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00450-00117216-00117459 then increase the nutrient density. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00451-00117459-00117846 Second, with regards to exercise, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00452-00117846-00118032 I recommend increasing the demand on your muscles Q9FII1NrkgQ-00453-00118032-00118309 so that they’ll grow stronger and bigger. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00454-00118359-00118588 I think when your self-confidence comes Q9FII1NrkgQ-00455-00118588-00118794 not from the number on the scales but from what you see in the mirror. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00456-00118794-00118992 As you see your body begin to change, and you feel brighter, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00457-00118992-00119254 And you tell yourself you’re doing really well, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00458-00119254-00119552 you’ll get through this journey in more sustainable way. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00459-00119556-00119670 [Dano CCTV] Q9FII1NrkgQ-00460-00119670-00119920 I really appreciate all the great tips Q9FII1NrkgQ-00461-00119920-00120200 and useful information. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00462-00120200-00120606 I’ll definitely make use of all your advice and apply it in my project. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00463-00120606-00121022 Next time, I’ll coach you online using the MYDANO application, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00464-00121022-00121342 based on what you post on there. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00465-00121342-00121583 So if there is anything you want to know, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00466-00121583-00121818 you can use our chatting room in the MYDANO app, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00467-00121818-00121968 and I’ll give you an answer there. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00468-00121968-00122176 Okay, got it! I’ll try my best. Q9FII1NrkgQ-00469-00122176-00122485 Then, I hope you guys also encourage Siyummy here, Q9FII1NrkgQ-00470-00122485-00122632 in gaining weight, the healthy way! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00471-00122632-00122844 Bye for now! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00472-00122844-00123026 Okay! Q9FII1NrkgQ-00473-00123026-00123135 Thanks for today! QqiIIssYwLc-00000-00000037-00000165 So this is exciting..! QqiIIssYwLc-00001-00000165-00000631 Since my last video, the public has been piling pressure on the mayor and commission for criminal QqiIIssYwLc-00002-00000631-00000963 justice reform across multiple fronts. QqiIIssYwLc-00003-00000963-00001420 The Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement came out in force to the April 2nd voting session, QqiIIssYwLc-00004-00001420-00001636 and I've got their comments, coming up. QqiIIssYwLc-00005-00001636-00002183 But there's more, the 2020 SPLOST Citizen's Advisory Committee is in a tug of war right QqiIIssYwLc-00006-00002183-00002625 now with the commission over the proposed new judicial center. QqiIIssYwLc-00007-00002625-00003178 For background on the 2020 SPLOST and the $81 million dollar judicial center idea, check QqiIIssYwLc-00008-00003178-00003423 out that link that just popped up. QqiIIssYwLc-00009-00003423-00003882 Assuming everyone's caught up, let's listen to two members of the advisory committee describe QqiIIssYwLc-00010-00003882-00004307 why they did not recommend the judicial center for funding. QqiIIssYwLc-00011-00004307-00004780 Opposition to this project went very deep and touched on systemic issues in our justice QqiIIssYwLc-00012-00004780-00004880 system. QqiIIssYwLc-00013-00004880-00005414 As a member of the black community here, I can tell you that, as a youth, we've seen QqiIIssYwLc-00014-00005414-00005823 the system prey on our people day in and day out. QqiIIssYwLc-00015-00005823-00006396 So what we're asking is that, we see a clear change from leadership, which is you guys, QqiIIssYwLc-00016-00006396-00006569 mayor and commission. QqiIIssYwLc-00017-00006569-00006966 Before the commission could debate the judicial center at the April 2nd voting session, they QqiIIssYwLc-00018-00006966-00007401 heard a barrage of comments from the public about criminal justice reform. QqiIIssYwLc-00019-00007401-00008084 I'm here in support of Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement's request for a community police QqiIIssYwLc-00020-00008084-00008214 accountability board. QqiIIssYwLc-00021-00008214-00008843 People from communities who are most impacted from police and incarceration should have QqiIIssYwLc-00022-00008843-00009247 more of a say on what policing and incarceration looks like. QqiIIssYwLc-00023-00009247-00009675 It would help to balance the power to ensure fair policing because the voices of these QqiIIssYwLc-00024-00009675-00009947 victims and their families are not being heard. QqiIIssYwLc-00025-00009947-00010393 Community police accountability board must have subpoena power, disciplinary authority QqiIIssYwLc-00026-00010393-00010918 and power to evaluate the patterns, practices and procedures and to make recommendations QqiIIssYwLc-00027-00010918-00011134 to the police department. QqiIIssYwLc-00028-00011134-00011592 Community Police Accountability Boards are present in many places across the country, QqiIIssYwLc-00029-00011592-00012118 including in Fairfax, Virginia where ACCPD Police Chief Spruill is from, so he's very QqiIIssYwLc-00030-00012118-00012249 familiar with how they work. QqiIIssYwLc-00031-00012249-00012787 That fact, together with his focus on community policing and the community pressure, makes QqiIIssYwLc-00032-00012787-00013244 it seem likely to me that we'll see one of these boards created in Athens soon. QqiIIssYwLc-00033-00013244-00013708 AADM also spoke at length on the need for ending cash bail. QqiIIssYwLc-00034-00013708-00014009 First, you could out why cash bail is a problem here. QqiIIssYwLc-00035-00014009-00014443 I urge you to pass a local ordinance that would reduce the number of people arrested QqiIIssYwLc-00036-00014443-00014947 and second would completely eliminate cash bail for any arrests or violations of the QqiIIssYwLc-00037-00014947-00015094 Athens-Clarke County code. QqiIIssYwLc-00038-00015094-00015556 Research shows people who spend even a short period of time in jail, as opposed to being QqiIIssYwLc-00039-00015556-00015951 released pre-trial, are more likely to commit future crime. QqiIIssYwLc-00040-00015951-00016433 Washington, DC moved away from the cash bail system nearly three decades ago, yet the overwhelming QqiIIssYwLc-00041-00016433-00016803 majority of defendants have shown up for their appointed court dates. QqiIIssYwLc-00042-00016803-00017504 Will you pledge tonight to put on the agenda an ordinance that will abolish cash bail as QqiIIssYwLc-00043-00017504-00017724 broadly as is possible? QqiIIssYwLc-00044-00017724-00018112 We'll find out how the commission responded, but let's put a pin in that for now and move QqiIIssYwLc-00045-00018112-00018328 on with the regularly scheduled meeting. QqiIIssYwLc-00046-00018328-00018809 So, the commission sets their Goals and Objectives every year, which is the primary document QqiIIssYwLc-00047-00018809-00019173 that informs budget discussions, which are currently ongoing. QqiIIssYwLc-00048-00019173-00019560 This year's Goals and Objectives include a number of ambitious components. QqiIIssYwLc-00049-00019560-00020220 For example, there's a commitment to the 100% Athens plan for 100% renewable energy by 2035, QqiIIssYwLc-00050-00020220-00020726 moving towards fare-free transit, a municipal wireless network for broadband across Athens, QqiIIssYwLc-00051-00020726-00021341 and a number of criminal justice reforms showing a focus on rehabilitation instead of incarceration. QqiIIssYwLc-00052-00021341-00021854 In response to the community's concerns and comments, Commissioner Parker inserted 'ending QqiIIssYwLc-00053-00021854-00022215 cash bail' into the commission's Goals and Objectives. QqiIIssYwLc-00054-00022215-00022649 I would like to add, in the second sentence, eliminating cash bail, phasing out the inmate QqiIIssYwLc-00055-00022649-00022848 labor for free program, etc. QqiIIssYwLc-00056-00022848-00023468 I would like to, in short, include that particular community concern brought to the podium tonight. QqiIIssYwLc-00057-00023468-00023859 Her motion was briefly in danger of being delayed by Commissioner NeSmith, who wanted QqiIIssYwLc-00058-00023859-00024397 to re-word the part about fare-free transit, but in the end it was passed unanimously. QqiIIssYwLc-00059-00024397-00024898 Then came the discussion and vote on the proposed new judicial center and other SPLOST projects. QqiIIssYwLc-00060-00024898-00025701 I want to know if we could separate the judicial system from the housing piece, so I would QqiIIssYwLc-00061-00025701-00025981 like to make a motion to divide the question. QqiIIssYwLc-00062-00025981-00026482 The projects involving affordable housing, support for Bogart and Winterville and debt QqiIIssYwLc-00063-00026482-00026793 service weren't controversial and passed easily. QqiIIssYwLc-00064-00026793-00027143 The same can't be said about the proposed new judicial center. QqiIIssYwLc-00065-00027143-00027788 I'm not supporting the judicial center tonight, because I think these citizens gave their QqiIIssYwLc-00066-00027788-00028356 time and their energy, and when they tried to get information to help them make their QqiIIssYwLc-00067-00028356-00028639 decision, they did not get what they needed. QqiIIssYwLc-00068-00028639-00029555 I've talked to some of the CAC folk, and presenters stated that the issues of Athens-Clarke County QqiIIssYwLc-00069-00029555-00030183 disproportionately incarcerating African-Americans… that to me, is not progressive. QqiIIssYwLc-00070-00030183-00030588 As a strong proponent of criminal justice reform, coming to think about the ways interacting QqiIIssYwLc-00071-00030588-00031075 within that space when you come in for trial... feeling safe, feeling like you have dignity QqiIIssYwLc-00072-00031075-00031339 by having space to meet with your attorney privately. QqiIIssYwLc-00073-00031339-00031792 If you're an inmate, having space to wait without being out in public where people see QqiIIssYwLc-00074-00031792-00032058 you shackled or in your jumpsuit. QqiIIssYwLc-00075-00032058-00032195 Things like that are really important. QqiIIssYwLc-00076-00032195-00032628 And so, I've kind of come around to the idea of figuring out someplace to put this judicial QqiIIssYwLc-00077-00032628-00032850 center, perhaps in a revised form. QqiIIssYwLc-00078-00032850-00033191 We have outgrown our courthouse. QqiIIssYwLc-00079-00033191-00034022 We need more room to create a place where the dignity of all humans, no matter the reason QqiIIssYwLc-00080-00034022-00034234 why they're in the courthouse, is respected. QqiIIssYwLc-00081-00034234-00034659 Our courthouse was built when we had one superior court judge and now we have four. QqiIIssYwLc-00082-00034659-00034994 The only problem I have is that I cannot support it at this price. QqiIIssYwLc-00083-00034994-00035334 When it comes to the judicial center, I think we need to get out on the front-end with these QqiIIssYwLc-00084-00035334-00035878 criminal justice reforms and assure the public that we are serious about changing this system. QqiIIssYwLc-00085-00035878-00036403 Well before this ends up on a ballot, we need to make those commitments and make it clear QqiIIssYwLc-00086-00036403-00036621 that we are committed to them. QqiIIssYwLc-00087-00036621-00037487 We can do an awesome building, which is definitely, definitely needed, but if we have these attitudes, QqiIIssYwLc-00088-00037487-00037725 it doesn't matter what kind of building we have. QqiIIssYwLc-00089-00037725-00038170 This same commission had actually overturned the decision to designate funds for the judicial QqiIIssYwLc-00090-00038170-00038556 center in January, and had pressed the manager for other options. QqiIIssYwLc-00091-00038556-00039641 Are the saying that you can or you cannot give us another plan or idea, something creative? QqiIIssYwLc-00092-00039641-00040137 Let me huddle with staff and with the courts folks as well, and we'll take another hard QqiIIssYwLc-00093-00040137-00040493 look at what we've got so far, and see if there's any alternatives. QqiIIssYwLc-00094-00040493-00040725 Did he ever deliver those other options? QqiIIssYwLc-00095-00040725-00040826 Yes. QqiIIssYwLc-00096-00040826-00041265 According to Commissioner Denson, there are a number of options currently being discussed. QqiIIssYwLc-00097-00041265-00041690 Commissioner Wright and Edwards crafted their motion to be very broad, including a lot of QqiIIssYwLc-00098-00041690-00042088 room for these different options, such as renovating an existing structure instead of QqiIIssYwLc-00099-00042088-00042433 building new, which would be significantly less expensive. QqiIIssYwLc-00100-00042433-00042841 Whatever is eventually decided upon, commissioners are convinced that something will have to QqiIIssYwLc-00101-00042841-00043291 happen with our courthouse within SPLOST's 9-10 year time frame. QqiIIssYwLc-00102-00043291-00043791 So, they chose to take action and to go ahead and designate the new judicial center as part QqiIIssYwLc-00103-00043791-00044002 of SPLOST 2020. QqiIIssYwLc-00104-00044002-00044488 This proposal passed 8-2, with Commissioners Davenport and Thornton voting no. QqiIIssYwLc-00105-00044488-00044824 Now, it goes back to the advisory committee and the public. QqiIIssYwLc-00106-00044824-00045352 There is an open house meeting for public input on Wednesday, April 10 at 5:30pm at QqiIIssYwLc-00107-00045352-00045678 the Dougherty Street Government building (120 W Dougherty Street). QqiIIssYwLc-00108-00045678-00046116 As we've seen, the community's voice is very powerful when we speak out. QqiIIssYwLc-00109-00046116-00046590 Hopefully, before the SPLOST is finalized and voted on, we'll see real and substantial QqiIIssYwLc-00110-00046590-00047059 commitments from the mayor and commission to finally reform our criminal justice system. QqiIIssYwLc-00111-00047059-00047578 Then we can vote with trust that the new judicial center will truly be a center for justice QqiIIssYwLc-00112-00047578-00047681 and restoration. QqiIIssYwLc-00113-00047681-00048266 I know we'll all be watching carefully to see what happens over the next few months. QqiIIssYwLc-00114-00048266-00048644 Thanks for watching, and if you're not subscribed to my channel, definitely go ahead and hit QqiIIssYwLc-00115-00048644-00048997 that red button so you'll be informed of my future videos. QqiIIssYwLc-00116-00048997-00049166 Bye for now. QqiIIssYwLc-00117-00049166-00050015 I've sat here for more than a few times, and the last time, $250,000 was given to a police QqiIIssYwLc-00118-00050015-00050269 officer who hit a man with his car. QqiIIssYwLc-00119-00050269-00050683 And so, what would have happened if we had a community police accountability board who QqiIIssYwLc-00120-00050683-00050809 could have said, you know what? QqiIIssYwLc-00121-00050809-00051132 “We still feel uncomfortable with this person being in our police department.” Qt2AfmAPfWy-00002-00038013-00039252 Sides Qt2AfmAPfWy-00003-00039252-00041754 Matt Target Pratice NOT QwbRAJJmGs0-00000-00000407-00000713 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00001-00000713-00001020 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00002-00001020-00001327 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00003-00001327-00001631 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00004-00001631-00001938 Lakeland Public Television presents Currents. QwbRAJJmGs0-00005-00001938-00002245 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00006-00002245-00002552 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00007-00002552-00002862 Bethany: Hello QwbRAJJmGs0-00008-00002862-00003176 and welcome to Lakeland Currents. I'm Bethany Wesley. QwbRAJJmGs0-00009-00003176-00003483 In 2010 the suburb of Burnsville became the first QwbRAJJmGs0-00010-00003483-00003797 city in Minnesota to embrace the use of body-worn cameras QwbRAJJmGs0-00011-00003797-00004107 for its police officers. Today, Burnsville QwbRAJJmGs0-00012-00004107-00004417 is far from alone. It has been reported that more than 40 Minnesota QwbRAJJmGs0-00013-00004417-00004728 law-enforcement agencies, including the Minneapolis Police Department, QwbRAJJmGs0-00014-00004728-00005038 have also taken steps toward utilizing such cameras. QwbRAJJmGs0-00015-00005038-00005351 The Bemidji Police Department is now among them. QwbRAJJmGs0-00016-00005351-00005668 Bemidji Police Chief Mike Mastin has announced his intention to equip QwbRAJJmGs0-00017-00005668-00005979 his officers with body-worn cameras yet this year. QwbRAJJmGs0-00018-00005979-00006292 In developing the policy for such cameras, Chief Mastin and the Bemidji QwbRAJJmGs0-00019-00006292-00006609 Police Department have reached out to the community, both QwbRAJJmGs0-00020-00006609-00006913 with a survey and public meeting to gauge community interest and collect QwbRAJJmGs0-00021-00006913-00007217 public comment. Tonight I welcome Chief Mastin QwbRAJJmGs0-00022-00007217-00007520 to our program to continue the discussion of what body-worn QwbRAJJmGs0-00023-00007520-00007824 cameras are, what they record and how QwbRAJJmGs0-00024-00007824-00008131 they could help strengthen the relationship between the police QwbRAJJmGs0-00025-00008131-00008438 and the public. But before we begin our conversation QwbRAJJmGs0-00026-00008438-00008742 I'd like to turn your attention to an April report from Mal Meyer QwbRAJJmGs0-00027-00008742-00009045 with Lakeland News. His report on the Bemidji Police QwbRAJJmGs0-00028-00009045-00009349 Department's public meeting will help set the stage for tonight's QwbRAJJmGs0-00029-00009349-00009656 discussion. QwbRAJJmGs0-00030-00009656-00009963 Mal: The bill signed into law last May by Governor Mark Dayton QwbRAJJmGs0-00031-00009963-00010263 allows law enforcement to record audio and video QwbRAJJmGs0-00032-00010263-00010570 on devices other than the cameras inside their QwbRAJJmGs0-00033-00010570-00010880 patrol cars. Mike: The trouble with that is if it didn't QwbRAJJmGs0-00034-00010880-00011184 happen in front of the squad car, it wasn't on video. QwbRAJJmGs0-00035-00011184-00011488 Mal: So when it came to complaints about police brutality or QwbRAJJmGs0-00036-00011488-00011798 misconduct, it was hard to prove either way in favor of QwbRAJJmGs0-00037-00011798-00012102 the citizen or the arresting officer. Mike: Now we're hoping QwbRAJJmGs0-00038-00012102-00012412 that integrating the camera with the officer we'll get a QwbRAJJmGs0-00039-00012412-00012722 first hand view of what happened and be more apt to QwbRAJJmGs0-00040-00012722-00013033 accurately investigate any claims against an officer. QwbRAJJmGs0-00041-00013033-00013339 Mal: The department released a public survey in February QwbRAJJmGs0-00042-00013339-00013643 and received a very positive response in light of this. QwbRAJJmGs0-00043-00013643-00013950 As required by state legislation, they held their first QwbRAJJmGs0-00044-00013950-00014257 public meeting Wednesday night. Police Officer: So some of them might have QwbRAJJmGs0-00045-00014257-00014567 an upfront cost. Mal: Mayor Rita Albright says she wanted to hear QwbRAJJmGs0-00046-00014567-00014874 what community members had to say about it. Mayor: I think it was QwbRAJJmGs0-00047-00014874-00015191 great that we had some criminal justice students from Bemidji State QwbRAJJmGs0-00048-00015191-00015505 University here. Ah, apparently there's not a lot QwbRAJJmGs0-00049-00015505-00015815 of broad interest because we didn't have a whole lot of citizens QwbRAJJmGs0-00050-00015815-00016126 here so maybe that's a good sign. Mal: Council woman Nancy Erickson QwbRAJJmGs0-00051-00016126-00016429 has already seen the presentation and says that they have QwbRAJJmGs0-00052-00016429-00016736 her full support. Nancy: I totally support them. QwbRAJJmGs0-00053-00016736-00017043 If the officers want them. And it appears QwbRAJJmGs0-00054-00017043-00017350 that they do. Mal: Now moving forward the department will have to QwbRAJJmGs0-00055-00017350-00017657 decide on the best system for data storage QwbRAJJmGs0-00056-00017657-00017961 expected life span and cost. Nancy: I know that they are QwbRAJJmGs0-00057-00017961-00018268 an expensive system but I believe in this day and age QwbRAJJmGs0-00058-00018268-00018571 they are invaluable both for the public and QwbRAJJmGs0-00059-00018571-00018885 for the officer. Mal: The police department hopes to have a type of QwbRAJJmGs0-00060-00018885-00019202 body camera picked out by May and have a beta group QwbRAJJmGs0-00061-00019202-00019506 test them in June. In Bemidji, I'm Mal Meyer, Lakeland News. QwbRAJJmGs0-00062-00019506-00019813 Bethany: Well, QwbRAJJmGs0-00063-00019813-00020123 welcome to the program. Chief Mike Mastin: Thanks for having me. Bethany: Hey, thanks. As we QwbRAJJmGs0-00064-00020123-00020426 get started, let's talk a little bit first about the department itself. So QwbRAJJmGs0-00065-00020426-00020744 how big are you? How many officers do we have? Mike: Well, we have QwbRAJJmGs0-00066-00020744-00021054 currently 33 licensed officers and 3 QwbRAJJmGs0-00067-00021054-00021357 civilian staff. Bethany: Okay. And what's an average call load a year? QwbRAJJmGs0-00068-00021357-00021661 Give or take? Mike: Our annual call load has increased QwbRAJJmGs0-00069-00021661-00021965 over the years. Last year I believe we finished QwbRAJJmGs0-00070-00021965-00022268 the year around 27,800 QwbRAJJmGs0-00071-00022268-00022575 calls. Bethany: Ok. And you've been at 33 now for QwbRAJJmGs0-00072-00022575-00022886 two years, right? The number of peace officers. [Correct, correct] And so you've kind of QwbRAJJmGs0-00073-00022886-00023193 slowly added over the years as well. Mike: Over, I would say QwbRAJJmGs0-00074-00023193-00023506 over the last ten years, um, although our QwbRAJJmGs0-00075-00023506-00023817 calls for service have increased about 55%. QwbRAJJmGs0-00076-00023817-00024130 Our ah, employee QwbRAJJmGs0-00077-00024130-00024444 ration has only increased by about 6%. [Okay] So it's not quite QwbRAJJmGs0-00078-00024444-00024748 keeping up but, ah, we manage well. Bethany: So your officers are busy? QwbRAJJmGs0-00079-00024748-00025055 Mike: We're busy. [laughing] Bethany: I want to talk about cameras and QwbRAJJmGs0-00080-00025055-00025361 recording and policing in general first before we move specifically QwbRAJJmGs0-00081-00025361-00025665 to the body-worn cameras. [Mmhmm] QwbRAJJmGs0-00082-00025665-00025972 Bethany: Cameras in policing isn't new. You have squad car cameras. [We have] QwbRAJJmGs0-00083-00025972-00026279 And you've had those for a number of years? Mike: Ah, we first implemented QwbRAJJmGs0-00084-00026279-00026586 squad car video cameras back in around 2002. QwbRAJJmGs0-00085-00026586-00026896 [Okay] And there ah, QwbRAJJmGs0-00086-00026896-00027203 they were, they were initially just QwbRAJJmGs0-00087-00027203-00027514 installed in marked squad cars. None of our QwbRAJJmGs0-00088-00027514-00027824 investigators had them at the time. Since then, QwbRAJJmGs0-00089-00027824-00028138 almost all of our squad cars, marked and unmarked, have QwbRAJJmGs0-00090-00028138-00028448 a vehicle mounted recording QwbRAJJmGs0-00091-00028448-00028752 system. Bethany: Okay. So are there limitations to QwbRAJJmGs0-00092-00028752-00029058 a dashboard or a squad car camera that a body-worn QwbRAJJmGs0-00093-00029058-00029365 camera could help address? Mike: Yes. There's you know QwbRAJJmGs0-00094-00029365-00029669 when you look at the squad car based system QwbRAJJmGs0-00095-00029669-00029973 and those have changed as well. They went from a single camera and a QwbRAJJmGs0-00096-00029973-00030290 VHS tape to now it's digital media QwbRAJJmGs0-00097-00030290-00030607 and within a car we have 3 cameras. So we have a QwbRAJJmGs0-00098-00030607-00030914 forward facing that captures a QwbRAJJmGs0-00099-00030914-00031214 long range view. We have a forward facing that captures a wide QwbRAJJmGs0-00100-00031214-00031531 angle. So at intersections we can get approaching vehicles. QwbRAJJmGs0-00101-00031531-00031848 And then we also have one in the ah, in the backseat QwbRAJJmGs0-00102-00031848-00032152 area so we can can monitor and record QwbRAJJmGs0-00103-00032152-00032455 actions by suspects or whoever's back there. Bethany: Okay. And are QwbRAJJmGs0-00104-00032455-00032759 the, do those run everytime the car QwbRAJJmGs0-00105-00032759-00033069 is in operation? Or does the officer turn them on and off QwbRAJJmGs0-00106-00033069-00033373 for when they're responding to calls? Mike: They have QwbRAJJmGs0-00107-00033373-00033690 several ways to trigger them to activate. Ah, one QwbRAJJmGs0-00108-00033690-00034007 is as simple as ah manual activation, just push QwbRAJJmGs0-00109-00034007-00034310 a button and it stars. [Okay] The probably the second QwbRAJJmGs0-00110-00034310-00034631 most common is, once you turn the lights on the emergency lights QwbRAJJmGs0-00111-00034631-00034934 all the cameras activate. Ah, there are QwbRAJJmGs0-00112-00034934-00035238 inertia sensors so if there's ever an accident, they automatically QwbRAJJmGs0-00113-00035238-00035542 start recording. You know, we set up triggers if a car QwbRAJJmGs0-00114-00035542-00035845 goes above a certain speed, they come on. There's QwbRAJJmGs0-00115-00035845-00036149 also our officers wear a microphone. Which isn't much QwbRAJJmGs0-00116-00036149-00036456 smaller than that. But it's QwbRAJJmGs0-00117-00036456-00036763 a microphone with a remote activation button. So if they're involved QwbRAJJmGs0-00118-00036763-00037066 in something whether it's in front of the car or QwbRAJJmGs0-00119-00037066-00037373 a certain distance away from the car, they can press that. They can at least QwbRAJJmGs0-00120-00037373-00037677 record the audio. But it starts recording QwbRAJJmGs0-00121-00037677-00037984 at least whatever the car cameras can capture. QwbRAJJmGs0-00122-00037984-00038288 So, but that that in lies the limitation. QwbRAJJmGs0-00123-00038288-00038598 For the actual video portion of it, you QwbRAJJmGs0-00124-00038598-00038912 only get what's around the car or inside the car. QwbRAJJmGs0-00125-00038912-00039229 Bethany: Let's start moving to talking specifically about these body QwbRAJJmGs0-00126-00039229-00039532 worn cameras. At what point did you in the department kind of first QwbRAJJmGs0-00127-00039532-00039833 start talking about these knowing that, you know, perhaps it was going QwbRAJJmGs0-00128-00039833-00040140 to be an option? Mike: You know, we've actually been talking about QwbRAJJmGs0-00129-00040140-00040450 it I would say better than two years. QwbRAJJmGs0-00130-00040450-00040760 It's always been, ah....an interest QwbRAJJmGs0-00131-00040760-00041077 of mine in capturing better evidence. QwbRAJJmGs0-00132-00041077-00041381 In my opinion there's nothing better than for QwbRAJJmGs0-00133-00041381-00041691 a potential jury to be able to see what the officer QwbRAJJmGs0-00134-00041691-00042001 was seeing at the time. To be able to see what it looks like inside QwbRAJJmGs0-00135-00042001-00042322 that home or that environment at the time that it QwbRAJJmGs0-00136-00042322-00042639 happened. It's much different than the reports. So, we've been looking at QwbRAJJmGs0-00137-00042639-00042942 it for quite some time. But you know QwbRAJJmGs0-00138-00042942-00043256 things have changed dramatically in two years and it's starting to influence QwbRAJJmGs0-00139-00043256-00043560 now how...we're still looking at them. QwbRAJJmGs0-00140-00043560-00043863 Bethany: Was there a specific incident or a case that kind of prompted QwbRAJJmGs0-00141-00043863-00044177 you to think about it or no? It was just in general transparency QwbRAJJmGs0-00142-00044177-00044481 evidence? Mike: Really, it was just in general. It was QwbRAJJmGs0-00143-00044481-00044794 just the idea that how can we get a better sense QwbRAJJmGs0-00144-00044794-00045108 to the public of what...what this looks like. QwbRAJJmGs0-00145-00045108-00045428 Now of course over the years and all the things that have happened QwbRAJJmGs0-00146-00045428-00045745 across our nation it definitely is a QwbRAJJmGs0-00147-00045745-00046065 a tool that I think can increase transparency QwbRAJJmGs0-00148-00046065-00046369 and get people to realize QwbRAJJmGs0-00149-00046369-00046673 what this actually looks like. What this QwbRAJJmGs0-00150-00046673-00046976 experience is for the officer. Often we see QwbRAJJmGs0-00151-00046976-00047280 so many videos that are from someones iPhone QwbRAJJmGs0-00152-00047280-00047584 from across the street. And it usually only happens QwbRAJJmGs0-00153-00047584-00047887 after the incident has come to a head and typically QwbRAJJmGs0-00154-00047887-00048191 cases, force is used. That's what you typically see. QwbRAJJmGs0-00155-00048191-00048495 And what I QwbRAJJmGs0-00156-00048495-00048798 would like to see and I think people need to see, is what QwbRAJJmGs0-00157-00048798-00049102 happened before? And just like our backing up a little QwbRAJJmGs0-00158-00049102-00049409 bit, like our squad cars. They all have a pre QwbRAJJmGs0-00159-00049409-00049712 record event feature. So they can record, and most companies QwbRAJJmGs0-00160-00049712-00050016 have this, up to two minutes before I push that QwbRAJJmGs0-00161-00050016-00050320 button. So it might not be QwbRAJJmGs0-00162-00050320-00050627 escalating to the point where I feel right now it needs to be recorded QwbRAJJmGs0-00163-00050627-00050930 but the systems doing it. Same thing within the vehicle QwbRAJJmGs0-00164-00050930-00051234 you know, it's like the idea you can put QwbRAJJmGs0-00165-00051234-00051538 a seat belt on before you have a crash, well you can't. But in QwbRAJJmGs0-00166-00051538-00051841 this instance you pressed record. Cause it was recording QwbRAJJmGs0-00167-00051841-00052148 before that impact sensor went off. So we get QwbRAJJmGs0-00168-00052148-00052455 two minutes of driving conduct before whatever QwbRAJJmGs0-00169-00052455-00052762 happened. And that's really helpful in a lot of cases QwbRAJJmGs0-00170-00052762-00053069 you know even just as simple as driving QwbRAJJmGs0-00171-00053069-00053376 infractions. Running a red light. You know, it happens in front of you without QwbRAJJmGs0-00172-00053376-00053683 the camera you see it, but you know QwbRAJJmGs0-00173-00053683-00053990 there's some argument did you see it? Did you not? It's recorded. QwbRAJJmGs0-00174-00053990-00054297 You know, so. Bethany: Interesting. So would you say QwbRAJJmGs0-00175-00054297-00054607 that the cameras protect the police or protect QwbRAJJmGs0-00176-00054607-00054911 the public or both? Mike: I would say both. QwbRAJJmGs0-00177-00054911-00055221 I think it offers an opportunity for transparency QwbRAJJmGs0-00178-00055221-00055532 on both sides. And QwbRAJJmGs0-00179-00055532-00055845 it...I'll say it's an independent QwbRAJJmGs0-00180-00055845-00056162 set of eyes on any QwbRAJJmGs0-00181-00056162-00056476 incident. Now, you know and maybe we'll get QwbRAJJmGs0-00182-00056476-00056793 into this later but there are some limitations on what a camera can QwbRAJJmGs0-00183-00056793-00057110 record. And it can't record everything that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00184-00057110-00057427 happening. It can only capture what's in it's field of QwbRAJJmGs0-00185-00057427-00057734 view. And sometimes things that influence an QwbRAJJmGs0-00186-00057734-00058037 officer's behavior may be outside that field of view. QwbRAJJmGs0-00187-00058037-00058341 Bethany: Has there been any research done in terms of QwbRAJJmGs0-00188-00058341-00058655 the departments that have been using them whether like QwbRAJJmGs0-00189-00058655-00058975 complaints with the public or complaints from other people? Is there an effect QwbRAJJmGs0-00190-00058975-00059289 on any of that? Mike: You know I've seen some initial QwbRAJJmGs0-00191-00059289-00059606 studies that have shown complaints QwbRAJJmGs0-00192-00059606-00059916 on officers who've gone down. And use of force QwbRAJJmGs0-00193-00059916-00060236 incidents have gone down. So it QwbRAJJmGs0-00194-00060236-00060550 seems to be having an effect on both sides QwbRAJJmGs0-00195-00060550-00060857 if you will. And you know like for us QwbRAJJmGs0-00196-00060857-00061171 we've always done use of force reports. So any incident that QwbRAJJmGs0-00197-00061171-00061484 we get involved in, where we have to QwbRAJJmGs0-00198-00061484-00061791 use anything beyond just open hand kind of controlling people. QwbRAJJmGs0-00199-00061791-00062108 If there's a force of any type beyond that QwbRAJJmGs0-00200-00062108-00062425 used we do a it's called a QwbRAJJmGs0-00201-00062425-00062742 response to resistance report. It's a supplement to that case. QwbRAJJmGs0-00202-00062742-00063046 So there's even more detail on what was used and why it was used. And a supervisor QwbRAJJmGs0-00203-00063046-00063349 approves it. We've always done that. And this QwbRAJJmGs0-00204-00063349-00063653 using or implementing body QwbRAJJmGs0-00205-00063653-00063957 worn cameras just gives one more tool to QwbRAJJmGs0-00206-00063957-00064264 show maybe why that was. Not just what's written on paper QwbRAJJmGs0-00207-00064264-00064567 but the actual footage. The video of it. QwbRAJJmGs0-00208-00064567-00064878 Bethany: Interesting. We know that there's a number of departments that QwbRAJJmGs0-00209-00064878-00065195 have that have embraced them that are using them now. QwbRAJJmGs0-00210-00065195-00065508 Is it prevalent up in this area? Are there other departments who QwbRAJJmGs0-00211-00065508-00065822 are using them? Mike: No, QwbRAJJmGs0-00212-00065822-00066126 like we said the legislation passed about ten months QwbRAJJmGs0-00213-00066126-00066439 ago roughly. And that was a huge obstacle. QwbRAJJmGs0-00214-00066439-00066756 And I'm sure we'll get more into that. QwbRAJJmGs0-00215-00066756-00067073 But mainly the... QwbRAJJmGs0-00216-00067073-00067390 the implementation has occurred in the metro area. QwbRAJJmGs0-00217-00067390-00067694 And we've seen like Burnsville long ago QwbRAJJmGs0-00218-00067694-00068001 started it. And other departments are picking it up. Some QwbRAJJmGs0-00219-00068001-00068301 of that is maybe influenced by neighboring QwbRAJJmGs0-00220-00068301-00068608 agencies and you know, you get that kind ofinfluence. But up QwbRAJJmGs0-00221-00068608-00068908 north I'm only familiar with our QwbRAJJmGs0-00222-00068908-00069212 interest. I believe Leech Lake QwbRAJJmGs0-00223-00069212-00069516 tribal police have obtained the equipment QwbRAJJmGs0-00224-00069516-00069823 I don't know if they've implemented them yet. And Duluth. QwbRAJJmGs0-00225-00069823-00070126 But that's the only northern Minnesota agencies that I know of QwbRAJJmGs0-00226-00070126-00070433 that implement them yet. Bethany: Ok. A lot of people will be watching? Mike: I'm sure. QwbRAJJmGs0-00227-00070433-00070747 [laughter] You know there's gotta be someone who goes first. QwbRAJJmGs0-00228-00070747-00071050 Bethany: I want to talk a little bit about the process because there really has QwbRAJJmGs0-00229-00071050-00071361 been a, I'm assuming deliberate intent to reach QwbRAJJmGs0-00230-00071361-00071678 out to the public to kind of get their thoughts. Tell QwbRAJJmGs0-00231-00071678-00071991 us about that process. How did it kind of begin and who dictates QwbRAJJmGs0-00232-00071991-00072295 how you go forward with that? Mike: Well, QwbRAJJmGs0-00233-00072295-00072599 as we waited for legislative direction. QwbRAJJmGs0-00234-00072599-00072909 I'll back up a step. QwbRAJJmGs0-00235-00072909-00073213 Some of the hesitation was based on and my QwbRAJJmGs0-00236-00073213-00073520 hesitation to implement this was based on data privacy. QwbRAJJmGs0-00237-00073520-00073827 And there were some questions because prior to the QwbRAJJmGs0-00238-00073827-00074130 legislation in August of last year QwbRAJJmGs0-00239-00074130-00074437 all the video data captured would've been QwbRAJJmGs0-00240-00074437-00074744 public after the cases dispositioned. QwbRAJJmGs0-00241-00074744-00075051 Or closed. QwbRAJJmGs0-00242-00075051-00075361 And that meant, you know I went to a persons house for a QwbRAJJmGs0-00243-00075361-00075665 burglary complaint. We would have our conversation, we'd walk through QwbRAJJmGs0-00244-00075665-00075975 the house. Once that was determined either QwbRAJJmGs0-00245-00075975-00076286 to be closed or you know we caught the bad guys and they were convicted. QwbRAJJmGs0-00246-00076286-00076593 That becomes public data. And now anyone QwbRAJJmGs0-00247-00076593-00076903 from the public could have went up and asked for that QwbRAJJmGs0-00248-00076903-00077213 video. And now they have a blueprint or a road map of your QwbRAJJmGs0-00249-00077213-00077524 house. They can see everything that's in it. You know and some things QwbRAJJmGs0-00250-00077524-00077841 just shouldn't be public you know. We get QwbRAJJmGs0-00251-00077841-00078154 response to medicals where you know, someone fell down in the shower QwbRAJJmGs0-00252-00078154-00078468 and we have to pick them up or help them get back on their feet. That QwbRAJJmGs0-00253-00078468-00078785 shouldn't be public you know. Or an QwbRAJJmGs0-00254-00078785-00079098 interview of a child who's been sexually assaulted or something. QwbRAJJmGs0-00255-00079098-00079415 That shouldn't be public. That should never be public. But prior to the QwbRAJJmGs0-00256-00079415-00079736 legislation that would've been. So we QwbRAJJmGs0-00257-00079736-00080053 absolutely had no interest in bringing this on board before that QwbRAJJmGs0-00258-00080053-00080360 was clarified. The legislation in August QwbRAJJmGs0-00259-00080360-00080667 helped to clarify that and it made body worn QwbRAJJmGs0-00260-00080667-00080970 camera, exclusively body worn, not QwbRAJJmGs0-00261-00080970-00081274 squad car. Squad car is still under public data. Body worn QwbRAJJmGs0-00262-00081274-00081578 camera is private. Except to the QwbRAJJmGs0-00263-00081578-00081881 people ah contained within the video. [Ok] QwbRAJJmGs0-00264-00081881-00082185 Now that's a little tighter. QwbRAJJmGs0-00265-00082185-00082489 But there are...that adds some issues QwbRAJJmGs0-00266-00082489-00082792 I do like it because it adds that private QwbRAJJmGs0-00267-00082792-00083099 classification and it makes it QwbRAJJmGs0-00268-00083099-00083403 not everyone can just request it. However QwbRAJJmGs0-00269-00083403-00083706 if you're a subject within the video you do have the QwbRAJJmGs0-00270-00083706-00084010 ability to request it. You might QwbRAJJmGs0-00271-00084010-00084314 not be the subject, you might be someone standing in the crowd QwbRAJJmGs0-00272-00084314-00084621 and you still have the ability to request that video. QwbRAJJmGs0-00273-00084621-00084924 So, the reality of that happening in your house QwbRAJJmGs0-00274-00084924-00085228 where it should be private probably not an issue. But out on the street QwbRAJJmGs0-00275-00085228-00085535 that adds a an added QwbRAJJmGs0-00276-00085535-00085839 difficulty. A layer of difficulty to us because QwbRAJJmGs0-00277-00085839-00086149 ah, once we capture that crowd QwbRAJJmGs0-00278-00086149-00086452 if there's a juvenile we have to redact that. Now we have to have QwbRAJJmGs0-00279-00086452-00086759 someone going an redact the juvenile because someone requested it QwbRAJJmGs0-00280-00086759-00087066 well they're entitled to the video but they're not entitled to the QwbRAJJmGs0-00281-00087066-00087370 juvenile. So it is going to add QwbRAJJmGs0-00282-00087370-00087677 a whole layer of administrative QwbRAJJmGs0-00283-00087677-00087984 office staff time in redaction that we had QwbRAJJmGs0-00284-00087984-00088294 not anticipated. But as far as the legislation goes QwbRAJJmGs0-00285-00088294-00088608 I think they were on the right step. And that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00286-00088608-00088912 I think that was the crux QwbRAJJmGs0-00287-00088912-00089219 a lot of departments were waiting for before doing this. Bethany: Waiting for that clarification from QwbRAJJmGs0-00288-00089219-00089526 down in St. Paul in terms of what they were going to do with the data. Mike: Correct, correct. QwbRAJJmGs0-00289-00089526-00089833 Bethany: Ok and so then that passed last August QwbRAJJmGs0-00290-00089833-00090140 I believe is when it went into effect. Mike: Correct. Bethany: And so, QwbRAJJmGs0-00291-00090140-00090446 shortly thereafter you really kind of said ok, we're going to QwbRAJJmGs0-00292-00090446-00090753 move forward with this? Mike: Yeah, with that clarification we QwbRAJJmGs0-00293-00090753-00091064 we decided you know what? Let's really start QwbRAJJmGs0-00294-00091064-00091374 looking at this now, figure out what vendors. And at the time QwbRAJJmGs0-00295-00091374-00091681 there were only just, there were only a hand full of vendors. Now there QwbRAJJmGs0-00296-00091681-00091985 are a lot of vendors. Because they're, ah I hate QwbRAJJmGs0-00297-00091985-00092295 to say it, there's a lot of money involved in this. [Sure] These are not QwbRAJJmGs0-00298-00092295-00092609 inexpensive pieces of equipment. There's a lot of money. So QwbRAJJmGs0-00299-00092609-00092916 there's that continues to complicate the process. QwbRAJJmGs0-00300-00092916-00093226 But at the time we said you know what, let's move forward this is important to us. QwbRAJJmGs0-00301-00093226-00093543 Our officers want them. QwbRAJJmGs0-00302-00093543-00093860 They've had enough experience with the dash cam videos that it's QwbRAJJmGs0-00303-00093860-00094177 very positive. You know initially and I'll back up to QwbRAJJmGs0-00304-00094177-00094494 the dash cam. When we implemented QwbRAJJmGs0-00305-00094494-00094814 them there were, I was a patrol man at the time, QwbRAJJmGs0-00306-00094814-00095118 half of us that we're like yeah! That's exactly what we want. QwbRAJJmGs0-00307-00095118-00095431 And there were some that said you know what, I don't need people watching QwbRAJJmGs0-00308-00095431-00095748 me do my job. I do it just fine. QwbRAJJmGs0-00309-00095748-00096059 I don't do it wrong. But I don't need someone watching me. QwbRAJJmGs0-00310-00096059-00096362 You know, and if you think about it do you really...how would QwbRAJJmGs0-00311-00096362-00096666 you feel at your job someone over your back scrutinizing QwbRAJJmGs0-00312-00096666-00096980 everything you do. And I never really thought of it that way but I QwbRAJJmGs0-00313-00096980-00097293 it's realistic. Now, I don't QwbRAJJmGs0-00314-00097293-00097607 have anyone that says we don't want them. I have QwbRAJJmGs0-00315-00097607-00097921 a staff that says sometimes when are we getting them? QwbRAJJmGs0-00316-00097921-00098234 Are they here yet? Cause they see QwbRAJJmGs0-00317-00098234-00098551 the benefit. On both sides. But I think they see the benefit QwbRAJJmGs0-00318-00098551-00098868 in the fact, I QwbRAJJmGs0-00319-00098868-00099185 do a good job. I do exactly what I'm supposed to do and I QwbRAJJmGs0-00320-00099185-00099489 want people to see that. And so, QwbRAJJmGs0-00321-00099489-00099796 so we ah we decided to start the QwbRAJJmGs0-00322-00099796-00100103 process. And some of the process QwbRAJJmGs0-00323-00100103-00100406 is dictated legislatively. You have QwbRAJJmGs0-00324-00100406-00100710 to do certain steps. There was a QwbRAJJmGs0-00325-00100710-00101020 very large group of a lot of QwbRAJJmGs0-00326-00101020-00101327 group...ah interest groups that want that had an opinion QwbRAJJmGs0-00327-00101327-00101634 on when they should be operated, when they shouldn't be operated, who should QwbRAJJmGs0-00328-00101634-00101945 have access to the data. And that's.... QwbRAJJmGs0-00329-00101945-00102252 really what created that legislation. And QwbRAJJmGs0-00330-00102252-00102562 within that there's a requirement for auditing QwbRAJJmGs0-00331-00102562-00102872 and there's a requirement for um...ah... QwbRAJJmGs0-00332-00102872-00103183 you know, what should be recorded what shouldn't be recorded. QwbRAJJmGs0-00333-00103183-00103493 And we're now having to navigate that a little QwbRAJJmGs0-00334-00103493-00103803 bit to you know make sure that we're up. QwbRAJJmGs0-00335-00103803-00104117 But mainly the process was dictated QwbRAJJmGs0-00336-00104117-00104430 legislatively but i was glad to see and have the QwbRAJJmGs0-00337-00104430-00104737 opportunity to find out what our public wanted. QwbRAJJmGs0-00338-00104737-00105054 To see if anyone had any questions. Cause I'm always QwbRAJJmGs0-00339-00105054-00105378 welcoming to questions if anyone wants to ask anything. QwbRAJJmGs0-00340-00105378-00105695 More than willing to talk and be open about it. Because I think that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00341-00105695-00106012 a major piece of this. Is being open about it and what does QwbRAJJmGs0-00342-00106012-00106322 the public want, so. Bethany: It was interesting in the QwbRAJJmGs0-00343-00106322-00106633 surveys that were done with the community, I think in fact QwbRAJJmGs0-00344-00106633-00106950 I'll touch on one of them here. It says, do you agree that police body QwbRAJJmGs0-00345-00106950-00107263 worn cameras could help increase the communities trust in law QwbRAJJmGs0-00346-00107263-00107577 enforcement? And it was an 85% response QwbRAJJmGs0-00347-00107577-00107881 of yes. Did that surprise you at all? Mike: No, that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00348-00107881-00108188 actually what I expected. Bethany: What you expected. Mike: I think both sides QwbRAJJmGs0-00349-00108188-00108495 agree that it QwbRAJJmGs0-00350-00108495-00108798 will or it has the potential to QwbRAJJmGs0-00351-00108798-00109102 increase perhaps trust on both sides. You know, QwbRAJJmGs0-00352-00109102-00109405 the research is saying people are on both sides acting QwbRAJJmGs0-00353-00109405-00109709 better and I think that's what we'll see. [interesting] QwbRAJJmGs0-00354-00109709-00110019 Or at least be able to show. So QwbRAJJmGs0-00355-00110019-00110323 you know that online survey that was our initial first QwbRAJJmGs0-00356-00110323-00110627 step. [okay] And we opened that up and we QwbRAJJmGs0-00357-00110627-00110930 released it through our social media. Well, QwbRAJJmGs0-00358-00110930-00111237 as everyone realizes social media is QwbRAJJmGs0-00359-00111237-00111544 very broad. And it's not just local city QwbRAJJmGs0-00360-00111544-00111848 residents and it was really just a litmus test QwbRAJJmGs0-00361-00111848-00112158 to see what the initial feelings [the feelings] QwbRAJJmGs0-00362-00112158-00112468 was. And you know our first question was are you a city resident? QwbRAJJmGs0-00363-00112468-00112775 And I was really interested QwbRAJJmGs0-00364-00112775-00113086 to see how many people weighing in actually were QwbRAJJmGs0-00365-00113086-00113393 part of our community. Cause that's...not that I don't care about other QwbRAJJmGs0-00366-00113393-00113696 voices but I really want to know what our community says. QwbRAJJmGs0-00367-00113696-00114000 And it was interesting to see how much how QwbRAJJmGs0-00368-00114000-00114307 small of a percentage that was QwbRAJJmGs0-00369-00114307-00114621 compared to. Because there are some very QwbRAJJmGs0-00370-00114621-00114924 motivated voices QwbRAJJmGs0-00371-00114924-00115231 nationally that pick up on things like that and they do share their opinion. QwbRAJJmGs0-00372-00115231-00115535 Positive or negative. And you know QwbRAJJmGs0-00373-00115535-00115842 if you live on the west coast maybe your opinion isn't quite QwbRAJJmGs0-00374-00115842-00116146 as ah, important QwbRAJJmGs0-00375-00116146-00116452 as someone who lives right in my own community. Cause that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00376-00116452-00116759 who I serve. And ah, so that was really just a QwbRAJJmGs0-00377-00116759-00117063 test.[okay] But it did very much give a nice QwbRAJJmGs0-00378-00117063-00117370 peek into what we could expect. QwbRAJJmGs0-00379-00117370-00117677 Bethany: I want to talk about the actual cameras themselves and kind QwbRAJJmGs0-00380-00117677-00117991 of the process for how they'd be working. Cause I know that's what people really want to know QwbRAJJmGs0-00381-00117991-00118301 is how are they going to be working? So these are examples of what they QwbRAJJmGs0-00382-00118301-00118611 could be, correct? Mike: Yeah, correct. Bethany: So show us a little bit in terms of the difference QwbRAJJmGs0-00383-00118611-00118925 between these two. This one is...mounts QwbRAJJmGs0-00384-00118925-00119235 here, correct? Mike: Yup, this is through QwbRAJJmGs0-00385-00119235-00119539 the company that we currently we've used this vendor for our squad cars QwbRAJJmGs0-00386-00119539-00119852 for about a decade.[okay] They do very good. And this is QwbRAJJmGs0-00387-00119852-00120163 their version of a body worn camera. [Ok] And what they QwbRAJJmGs0-00388-00120163-00120476 decided to do which is a little different from other companies QwbRAJJmGs0-00389-00120476-00120780 is this is the computer unit. This is the data QwbRAJJmGs0-00390-00120780-00121097 storage unit. And officers are able to most QwbRAJJmGs0-00391-00121097-00121404 that have preliminarily worn this just as a QwbRAJJmGs0-00392-00121404-00121711 test phase, this was actually years ago when we first started looking at these. QwbRAJJmGs0-00393-00121711-00122018 Within our ballistic vest there's QwbRAJJmGs0-00394-00122018-00122328 a small pouch. People guys would put this into QwbRAJJmGs0-00395-00122328-00122639 that pouch because we so much things in other QwbRAJJmGs0-00396-00122639-00122952 pockets running out of places to put things. So this was nice. QwbRAJJmGs0-00397-00122952-00123266 It was within the vest and you didn't notice the weight of it. QwbRAJJmGs0-00398-00123266-00123573 Then it was just the camera. And this is a smaller type camera QwbRAJJmGs0-00399-00123573-00123880 than most others on the market because they don't have to try to QwbRAJJmGs0-00400-00123880-00124183 incorporate the battery and the data storage. QwbRAJJmGs0-00401-00124183-00124494 And this would go onto, most often onto your QwbRAJJmGs0-00402-00124494-00124801 shirt, centered and it turns with your QwbRAJJmGs0-00403-00124801-00125118 body. There's good and bad QwbRAJJmGs0-00404-00125118-00125421 with that, it's very protected in that location. QwbRAJJmGs0-00405-00125421-00125735 But you know, in practical getting in and out of a car QwbRAJJmGs0-00406-00125735-00126049 the seat belt comes across it and flicks it off. QwbRAJJmGs0-00407-00126049-00126352 There's all kinds of problems when you're, hopefully QwbRAJJmGs0-00408-00126352-00126669 never. But if you ever have to use your weapon QwbRAJJmGs0-00409-00126669-00126976 when you're holding it out all the camera's see and you can see QwbRAJJmGs0-00410-00126976-00127283 footage existing now from departments that use it, you see the QwbRAJJmGs0-00411-00127283-00127587 back of the hand. That does no good to see what I see. QwbRAJJmGs0-00412-00127587-00127894 So we also look at this type QwbRAJJmGs0-00413-00127894-00128197 of camera which is designed QwbRAJJmGs0-00414-00128197-00128501 to fit onto like a glasses frame. [okay] And it QwbRAJJmGs0-00415-00128501-00128811 would look wherever you look. QwbRAJJmGs0-00416-00128811-00129122 When we implement these this is the type that I will request QwbRAJJmGs0-00417-00129122-00129432 for when I work the road. Because I want that camera QwbRAJJmGs0-00418-00129432-00129746 mobile. The world doesn't just happen QwbRAJJmGs0-00419-00129746-00130056 in front of anyone. It happens all around us. QwbRAJJmGs0-00420-00130056-00130373 And the camera can only see so much. There's QwbRAJJmGs0-00421-00130373-00130677 only a this has a 130 degree field QwbRAJJmGs0-00422-00130677-00130980 of view. You know which is about this...you know. [Ok] QwbRAJJmGs0-00423-00130980-00131284 The wearable one is the same but that at least has QwbRAJJmGs0-00424-00131284-00131591 the ability to articulate with my head. QwbRAJJmGs0-00425-00131591-00131895 And if somethings happening I'm going to try to be looking at it. QwbRAJJmGs0-00426-00131895-00132198 So the camera is more apt to catch it QwbRAJJmGs0-00427-00132198-00132505 mounted on something that I...it's more apt to QwbRAJJmGs0-00428-00132505-00132809 see what I'm seeing rather than what my chest is seeing. [mmhmm] QwbRAJJmGs0-00429-00132809-00133109 And you know, but with that QwbRAJJmGs0-00430-00133109-00133413 not everyone wears glasses. And not QwbRAJJmGs0-00431-00133413-00133716 everyone's comfortable having something hanging off the side of their face QwbRAJJmGs0-00432-00133716-00134020 all day. It's not comfortable. You know, so QwbRAJJmGs0-00433-00134020-00134327 there'd be some variation. It's going to take some time to QwbRAJJmGs0-00434-00134327-00134634 figure out what exactly we want to do. QwbRAJJmGs0-00435-00134634-00134938 But ah, those are the two types that we're currently looking at. QwbRAJJmGs0-00436-00134938-00135245 Bethany: Ok, so let's go through a QwbRAJJmGs0-00437-00135245-00135562 scenario where the body cameras are here, they're in use, everyone's QwbRAJJmGs0-00438-00135562-00135875 got them in your department. So QwbRAJJmGs0-00439-00135875-00136189 they go out to a call, an officer goes out to QwbRAJJmGs0-00440-00136189-00136502 a call and expects perhaps that it might QwbRAJJmGs0-00441-00136502-00136806 you know get to be a bigger a bigger situation. [Yup] QwbRAJJmGs0-00442-00136806-00137123 So he turns it on. After the call is done does he do the QwbRAJJmGs0-00443-00137123-00137430 report before he sees the video or does he do it after he QwbRAJJmGs0-00444-00137430-00137734 sees the video? Mike: You know in most instances QwbRAJJmGs0-00445-00137734-00138037 even right now with dash cam videos QwbRAJJmGs0-00446-00138037-00138341 the officers don't review it. They go off QwbRAJJmGs0-00447-00138341-00138645 their training, they go off their experience and they write their report QwbRAJJmGs0-00448-00138645-00138948 as what they saw. Most often that's that's QwbRAJJmGs0-00449-00138948-00139252 what happens. Sometimes you need some details QwbRAJJmGs0-00450-00139252-00139562 as to you know what room or QwbRAJJmGs0-00451-00139562-00139863 something you might have seen. If you need more details the officers are allowed to go QwbRAJJmGs0-00452-00139863-00140166 back in and look at that video. QwbRAJJmGs0-00453-00140166-00140476 So, they ah if QwbRAJJmGs0-00454-00140476-00140783 they're wearing body worn QwbRAJJmGs0-00455-00140783-00141090 there is a and it's in QwbRAJJmGs0-00456-00141090-00141394 our policy which is in draft form right now and it's visible on the city QwbRAJJmGs0-00457-00141394-00141698 website that does allow QwbRAJJmGs0-00458-00141698-00142005 for instances that QwbRAJJmGs0-00459-00142005-00142312 are not use of force related for officers QwbRAJJmGs0-00460-00142312-00142619 to go in and review their video and use it to help supplement QwbRAJJmGs0-00461-00142619-00142926 writing their report. There's QwbRAJJmGs0-00462-00142926-00143226 I guess current conversation as to whether officers QwbRAJJmGs0-00463-00143226-00143530 should be allowed to view that QwbRAJJmGs0-00464-00143530-00143833 in a use of force incident. And QwbRAJJmGs0-00465-00143833-00144143 that was not made clear in the legislation. There QwbRAJJmGs0-00466-00144143-00144444 was some groups that very much were adamant and QwbRAJJmGs0-00467-00144444-00144747 wanted officers to be able to see it. And there's groups that QwbRAJJmGs0-00468-00144747-00145054 didn't want officers to be able to view it before they made a report. QwbRAJJmGs0-00469-00145054-00145358 And our draft policy allows the QwbRAJJmGs0-00470-00145358-00145665 investigative agents because if we had a use of force QwbRAJJmGs0-00471-00145665-00145972 incident that involved use of deadly force QwbRAJJmGs0-00472-00145972-00146279 we would bring in an outside agency QwbRAJJmGs0-00473-00146279-00146586 to investigate it. We wouldn't investigate ourselves. QwbRAJJmGs0-00474-00146586-00146893 That's ridiculous. We would bring in an outside agency. Most likely QwbRAJJmGs0-00475-00146893-00147197 would be the BCA. So our policy QwbRAJJmGs0-00476-00147197-00147503 leaves viewing the video up to the investigating agency. QwbRAJJmGs0-00477-00147503-00147814 And the current policy, the BCA is QwbRAJJmGs0-00478-00147814-00148124 not to allow. And I would say our department QwbRAJJmGs0-00479-00148124-00148434 myself included agree with that policy. QwbRAJJmGs0-00480-00148434-00148741 You know, the statute for use of deadly force QwbRAJJmGs0-00481-00148741-00149055 is written very clearly. QwbRAJJmGs0-00482-00149055-00149365 The ah...that QwbRAJJmGs0-00483-00149365-00149676 the use of force is based on the officers observations QwbRAJJmGs0-00484-00149676-00149989 at the time of the event. And these events QwbRAJJmGs0-00485-00149989-00150300 occur very rapidly under high stress situations. QwbRAJJmGs0-00486-00150300-00150617 And it's important that the officers QwbRAJJmGs0-00487-00150617-00150934 perceptions are what's judged. Not what a camera QwbRAJJmGs0-00488-00150934-00151247 captures. Because a camera might differ a bit. QwbRAJJmGs0-00489-00151247-00151568 And that's a little bit difficult for some people QwbRAJJmGs0-00490-00151568-00151884 to understand but if you look at research that shows QwbRAJJmGs0-00491-00151884-00152205 stress encounters and how vision changes and hearing QwbRAJJmGs0-00492-00152205-00152505 changes those occur to officers QwbRAJJmGs0-00493-00152505-00152809 just the same. And what they perceive at QwbRAJJmGs0-00494-00152809-00153112 the time might not be exactly the same as what's on QwbRAJJmGs0-00495-00153112-00153416 the video. And we don't want QwbRAJJmGs0-00496-00153416-00153720 that to change a statement. We want to know QwbRAJJmGs0-00497-00153720-00154023 what happened, what they were thinking. Not the camera. QwbRAJJmGs0-00498-00154023-00154327 What they were thinking at the time they decided to use QwbRAJJmGs0-00499-00154327-00154637 force. Bethany: Okay, interesting. So where are you QwbRAJJmGs0-00500-00154637-00154951 at now in the process? You're QwbRAJJmGs0-00501-00154951-00155265 still looking into I think the costs? Is that kind of where we're at? QwbRAJJmGs0-00502-00155265-00155582 Mike: Yup. We did some preliminary. We'velooked at this company QwbRAJJmGs0-00503-00155582-00155885 and several others. And we've gone through QwbRAJJmGs0-00504-00155885-00156202 the public meeting, the public notifications. Ah they QwbRAJJmGs0-00505-00156202-00156519 allowed for comment at a city QwbRAJJmGs0-00506-00156519-00156823 council meeting. And we've taken care of all of those steps. QwbRAJJmGs0-00507-00156823-00157130 We had budgetary numbers which I'm sure have changed a little bit now. QwbRAJJmGs0-00508-00157130-00157433 But we're encountering some issues QwbRAJJmGs0-00509-00157433-00157737 a little bit with QwbRAJJmGs0-00510-00157737-00158044 the cost of the auditing requirement QwbRAJJmGs0-00511-00158044-00158351 which is legislatively QwbRAJJmGs0-00512-00158351-00158661 mandated. And there's no issues QwbRAJJmGs0-00513-00158661-00158968 with that. That's fine to have an audit. But it doesn't make QwbRAJJmGs0-00514-00158968-00159275 it clear. And initially we thought you could QwbRAJJmGs0-00515-00159275-00159586 use another law enforcement agency QwbRAJJmGs0-00516-00159586-00159896 to do the audit for you. So we would QwbRAJJmGs0-00517-00159896-00160200 reciprocate and there would be no cost transferred to tax payers for this. QwbRAJJmGs0-00518-00160200-00160510 However, now there's QwbRAJJmGs0-00519-00160510-00160820 an...I won't say an argument...but some conversation QwbRAJJmGs0-00520-00160820-00161130 that in fact it shouldn't be, even though it's an independent agency it QwbRAJJmGs0-00521-00161130-00161444 shouldn't be a law enforcement agency. It should be a private auditing QwbRAJJmGs0-00522-00161444-00161761 company. And the preliminary numbers that we're QwbRAJJmGs0-00523-00161761-00162078 getting are far more than I ever thought they would be. So now that QwbRAJJmGs0-00524-00162078-00162395 it's something we're going to have to work through before I think we're going to implement QwbRAJJmGs0-00525-00162395-00162712 ah any further. We're going to have to figure out how to QwbRAJJmGs0-00526-00162712-00163029 pay for that. Because this is not cheap. QwbRAJJmGs0-00527-00163029-00163333 And just changing. Bethany: Is the QwbRAJJmGs0-00528-00163333-00163636 intention still to do a pilot program before you roll it out to QwbRAJJmGs0-00529-00163636-00163940 department wide? Mike: Very much so.[okay] You know, there's so much QwbRAJJmGs0-00530-00163940-00164247 technology involved in this. And there's so much technology. QwbRAJJmGs0-00531-00164247-00164554 We'll go back to the call scenario. Now when the officer QwbRAJJmGs0-00532-00164554-00164861 gets back to the car, not only do they have QwbRAJJmGs0-00533-00164861-00165171 well more calls pending, but they have to remember QwbRAJJmGs0-00534-00165171-00165478 to label this video. QwbRAJJmGs0-00535-00165478-00165785 So it coincides with the records management system so QwbRAJJmGs0-00536-00165785-00166092 that video links up with this case. And QwbRAJJmGs0-00537-00166092-00166402 it just continues to QwbRAJJmGs0-00538-00166402-00166709 add more steps to the officer that's already has a lot on their QwbRAJJmGs0-00539-00166709-00167020 plate. Bethany: Well, Mike I want to thank you for coming QwbRAJJmGs0-00540-00167020-00167327 on and talking to us about body cameras. This is something we'll all be watching QwbRAJJmGs0-00541-00167327-00167634 I'm sure in the news and in the media as it comes QwbRAJJmGs0-00542-00167634-00167944 into fruition. I want to encourage you if you'd like to learn more QwbRAJJmGs0-00543-00167944-00168251 about this and the policy that's being developed you can visit QwbRAJJmGs0-00544-00168251-00168561 the city of Bemidji website. Which is here on the bottom of your screen. QwbRAJJmGs0-00545-00168561-00168875 Thank you for tuning in tonight, join us next time. QwbRAJJmGs0-00546-00168875-00169185 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00547-00169185-00169499 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00548-00169499-00169816 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00549-00169816-00170133 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00550-00170133-00170450 ♪ QwbRAJJmGs0-00551-00170450-00170550 ♪ Qxtjx8KC5XY-00000-00000022-00000338 What's in your diet Nick? * another friend falls * Qxtjx8KC5XY-00001-00000368-00000560 -Whats going on? - *laughing* just fell... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00002-00000578-00000890 Actually *friends name* just fell off his chair. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00003-00000890-00000990 *laughs* Qxtjx8KC5XY-00004-00001076-00001234 *Insert friends name here* collapse. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00005-00001276-00001326 - I... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00006-00002478-00002688 - How nice though, right? Qxtjx8KC5XY-00007-00002718-00002920 - I'll try again...*connection dies* Qxtjx8KC5XY-00008-00002948-00003236 - Oh the robot went off. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00009-00003344-00003444 - * something similar to "oh come on" * Qxtjx8KC5XY-00010-00004254-00004394 Lets do a thing, hold on... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00011-00004898-00005112 - No, no, no.... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00012-00005172-00005446 And now "eshuffle"... (shuffles the song queue) Qxtjx8KC5XY-00013-00005902-00005958 - No! Qxtjx8KC5XY-00014-00006308-00006504 - Ok i'll try, i'll try... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00015-00006528-00007068 * to save your hearing i lowered the volume by 30db * Qxtjx8KC5XY-00016-00007426-00007662 What is that?? - Armsy... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00017-00007716-00007976 - Ok, ok, okay, i have a plan - let's run! Qxtjx8KC5XY-00018-00008118-00008274 He just slapped your ass. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00019-00008340-00008456 - Still hit me. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00020-00008853-00009159 - Hold on i have an idea, idea, idea... I'll just shoot him with a pistol. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00021-00009185-00009291 - Yeah shoot him. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00022-00009359-00009491 [now] you shoot. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00023-00009660-00009796 Shoot again. Qxtjx8KC5XY-00024-00009904-00010168 Nono, shoot... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00025-00010620-00010696 Be careful! Qxtjx8KC5XY-00026-00010852-00011038 Got 'em! There's another one... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00027-00011084-00011192 - I have 1HP left! Qxtjx8KC5XY-00028-00011459-00011559 * inaudible * Qxtjx8KC5XY-00029-00011778-00012078 No way i found diamonds while mining... Qxtjx8KC5XY-00030-00012116-00012270 Noooo my [pickaxe] broke!!! Qxtjx8KC5XY-00031-00012504-00012805 * a latvian dish name poorly translated to english * Qxtjx8KC5XY-00032-00012886-00013032 - What does THAT mean? Qxtjx8KC5XY-00033-00013056-00013194 - He won't get it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00000-00002116-00002710 << THE NEW KNOWLEDGE >> Q_SgzZm03z4-00001-00002712-00003622 In terms of conspiracy theories, the Philadelphia project is one of the strongest arguments that US military has carried out experiments, hidden from humanity. Q_SgzZm03z4-00002-00003650-00004272 The main concept of the project has been to build a ship, which is invisible to Hitler's radars. Q_SgzZm03z4-00003-00004300-00004822 Participation in "Philadelphia" take the grate, dedicated scientists Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. Q_SgzZm03z4-00004-00004850-00005420 The first one develops the theoretical part and the second one - the technical execution of the project. Q_SgzZm03z4-00005-00005450-00006414 On the 22-nd of July, 1943, the USS Eldridge disappears from the horizon, almost completely, with just a slight mist marking its shape. Q_SgzZm03z4-00006-00006445-00006922 The bravest theories claim that the ship has been teleported to another dimension. Q_SgzZm03z4-00007-00006950-00007704 Just before their death Einstein, but also Tesla, destroy some of their work on this and other discoveries. Q_SgzZm03z4-00008-00008406-00008664 Hello and welcome professor Filipov! *// Deputy Director of the Bulgarian Space Research and Technology Institute //* Q_SgzZm03z4-00009-00008692-00009350 It seems that there is a great enigma lurking in the space, around us, for more than 70 years. Q_SgzZm03z4-00010-00009394-00009682 What is your take on this? Q_SgzZm03z4-00011-00009778-00010500 Look, I don't think that this is a made up legend, because the last few years... Q_SgzZm03z4-00012-00010536-00011270 when we talk about it, with you, here, for declassified US documents, for Area 51, for UFO... Q_SgzZm03z4-00013-00011362-00011762 we can see that a lot of truths come out. Q_SgzZm03z4-00014-00011806-00012700 And to a large degree, we can say that the US government and especially their agencies are quite cunning. Q_SgzZm03z4-00015-00012740-00013404 In other words, it becomes clear that, in time, all of these things have been happening. They've simply been buried deeply. Q_SgzZm03z4-00016-00013432-00014060 The project Philadelphia is not something new, when it has been assigned to Einstein and Tesla Q_SgzZm03z4-00017-00014094-00015100 ...because in the 16th hundreds, one mathematician: Fermat (not Enrico Fermi, but Fermat) Q_SgzZm03z4-00018-00015150-00015900 ...with his so called, famous for its reward, theorem of Fermat: A(n) + B(n) = C(n) Q_SgzZm03z4-00019-00015930-00016369 ...which is not yet proven and the money is not yet given, because he leaves a huge reward for it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00020-00016400-00017530 But he shares a hypothesis that if around an object is created a powerful field (although the notion of "field" did not exist back then), but a strong shell of some kind Q_SgzZm03z4-00021-00017564-00018386 ...then it can be rendered invisible to people. The light waves would go around the object. Q_SgzZm03z4-00022-00018412-00019150 This idea has simply been dropped during the years, because apparently there hasn't been a way to develop such kind of field. Q_SgzZm03z4-00023-00019200-00020250 Albert Einstein... we have talked about him already and I would like to tell you that we'll talk about him quite some more, because this year is the 100th anniversary of the theory of General Relativity. Q_SgzZm03z4-00024-00020280-00020550 He completed it in 1916. Q_SgzZm03z4-00025-00020600-00021400 With his equation, he proves that if you have a powerful energy field, you could distort space and time Q_SgzZm03z4-00026-00021430-00022250 ...and the object, which happens to be there, could become invisible or disappear, to break through space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00027-00022350-00023424 The problem has been such that there has been a need for a strong energy source and then Tesla has been the one capable of providing such powerful electromagnetic field. Q_SgzZm03z4-00028-00023454-00023948 Tesla has been recruited as a technical developer for this project. Q_SgzZm03z4-00029-00023990-00024450 This idea has been quite the science fiction at the time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00030-00024500-00024850 Nevertheless, it has been realistic and possible to complete. Q_SgzZm03z4-00031-00024880-00025366 Although, both Tesla and Einstein have not known the outcome of this experiment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00032-00025400-00026000 Quite often, Einstein has been a bit naive when it comes to these things... Q_SgzZm03z4-00033-00026020-00026600 because that's how he has also signed the project for the atomic bomb, which he has later regretted. Q_SgzZm03z4-00034-00026630-00027080 After that, he has become one of the leading scientists who have fought against it... Q_SgzZm03z4-00035-00027100-00027300 realizing what he has signed. Q_SgzZm03z4-00036-00027330-00028100 The same way, he has joined this project (Philadelphia), without knowing what would happen to that ship and its crew. Q_SgzZm03z4-00037-00028300-00028622 The project starts in 1942. Q_SgzZm03z4-00038-00028664-00029352 And when Tesla finds out that there will be living people on the ship, a crew - he retreats. Q_SgzZm03z4-00039-00029380-00029756 That's why, it's untrue that he stays until the end. Q_SgzZm03z4-00040-00029782-00029995 He quits in 1942. Q_SgzZm03z4-00041-00030022-00030386 In his place, a mathematician is recruited. His name is Nollman. Q_SgzZm03z4-00042-00030412-00030698 His task has been to finish the job of Tesla. Q_SgzZm03z4-00043-00030724-00031394 As we all know, Tesla has died in January, 1943, in very mysterious circumstances. Q_SgzZm03z4-00044-00031420-00031894 It's quite likely, because he has known a lot of details about this project. Q_SgzZm03z4-00045-00032072-00032526 Tesla has been shocked to learn that there will be living people on the ship... Q_SgzZm03z4-00046-00032556-00033368 because until then he has known that it is not at all clear how this strong, energy field would influence the living matter and the people. Q_SgzZm03z4-00047-00033408-00034624 Professor Filipov! In general, during those times, has science been capable of actually producing such solutions, for dematerialization and rematerialization? Q_SgzZm03z4-00048-00034686-00035196 Nobody has known anything! Nobody has known what would happen! Q_SgzZm03z4-00049-00035256-00036202 Looking at Einstein's equation, which at the time nobody new everything about and even today we're still clearing up some of the details of the General Relativity... Q_SgzZm03z4-00050-00036232-00037016 because, at moment, we don't know how to break through space, how to create wormholes and the so called mole-holes... Q_SgzZm03z4-00051-00037048-00037402 how to make those portals, that perhaps exist. Q_SgzZm03z4-00052-00037434-00038000 The only thing known, for sure, has been that if we have a powerful energy source, we could distort space. Q_SgzZm03z4-00053-00038032-00038610 And because war has been upon them, the military has decided to run that risky experiment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00054-00038700-00039406 Well, you know how during war time, both people's lives and equipment are easily spent. Q_SgzZm03z4-00055-00039562-00040322 And that's why this experiment is put together, because at the time the German army has been very successful in sinking all the ships, with their submarines. Q_SgzZm03z4-00056-00040340-00040590 It has been a great problem. Q_SgzZm03z4-00057-00040708-00040900 Stop! Q_SgzZm03z4-00058-00040932-00041314 Don't the submarines use sonars? Q_SgzZm03z4-00059-00041340-00041508 That's right! Q_SgzZm03z4-00060-00041534-00041798 Then how do we make this ship invisible? Q_SgzZm03z4-00061-00041826-00042208 ...for the eyes, for the senses, for the sonar equipment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00062-00042232-00042764 Look! The sonar works with sound waves, not with electromagnetic waves. Q_SgzZm03z4-00063-00042790-00043292 The radars, which detect ships on the surface, do so by using electromagnetic waves. Q_SgzZm03z4-00064-00043320-00043990 The idea has been to create a field around this ship, in order to render it invisible. Q_SgzZm03z4-00065-00044034-00044652 At the moment, we already have such technology: invisible planes etc. Q_SgzZm03z4-00066-00044684-00045376 Most likely, the UFOs also use this technology when they defend themselves from the attacks of our military planes. Q_SgzZm03z4-00067-00045408-00045912 Our military shoots at them, but the UFOs are not hit at all. Q_SgzZm03z4-00068-00045942-00046162 Apparently, they have this technology. Q_SgzZm03z4-00069-00046188-00046438 But back then, it was not clear what would happen. Q_SgzZm03z4-00070-00046458-00046690 Perhaps, back then, there was no Roswell 1946? Q_SgzZm03z4-00071-00046724-00046966 That's right! It hasn't happened yet. Q_SgzZm03z4-00072-00047002-00047596 The first experiment is conducted in the summer of 1943. At that time Tesla is out of the game. Q_SgzZm03z4-00073-00047694-00048582 The generator turns on. The ship disappears for a few hours and then reappears in the same place. This is the first experiment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00074-00048620-00049544 However, the 2nd experiment, which is conducted in the fall of 1943, results in the miracle of moving through space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00075-00049580-00050324 The ship completely disappears from the bey and reappears in 600 km. from there, in another point in space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00076-00050386-00050724 All of this has been classified, all of it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00077-00050772-00051848 After the 1st experiment, where the ship disappears for a few hours, the crew has been highly disoriented, but still alive. There hasn't been so much injury. Q_SgzZm03z4-00078-00051912-00052794 But during the 2nd experiment, which has been conducted in October, half of the crew has been burned, the other half has been mentally injured. Q_SgzZm03z4-00079-00052836-00053210 And just a few of them have been alive. Q_SgzZm03z4-00080-00053296-00053814 A few of the crew members have managed to jump off the ship, to save themselves. Q_SgzZm03z4-00081-00053867-00054344 And they have become the witnesses of this experiment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00082-00054420-00055074 I read somewhere that there have been people frozen into the metal corpus. Q_SgzZm03z4-00083-00055117-00055840 Not only that, some of them have been frozen in their tracks, like they are stuffed. Q_SgzZm03z4-00084-00055876-00056122 But they have died? Q_SgzZm03z4-00085-00056158-00056686 Still, it turns out that, after awhile, some of them have regained consciousness. Q_SgzZm03z4-00086-00056720-00057310 Because of that movement through space and time, the people have lost the time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00087-00057398-00057648 This has become the aftereffect! Q_SgzZm03z4-00088-00057676-00058620 Einstein himself have not known about all of these consequences. After that, he documents it thoroughly, I think, in his works, which he burns just before he dies. Q_SgzZm03z4-00089-00058650-00058954 That's why we don't know a lot of his calculations. Q_SgzZm03z4-00090-00058982-00059729 Just from some of his separate notes, it is known that Einstein has done calculations and analysis for the Philadelphia project. Q_SgzZm03z4-00091-00059779-00060191 So, I think that even now they conduct experiments. Q_SgzZm03z4-00092-00060224-00061120 And this technology is probably stored somewhere in the archives of the military. Q_SgzZm03z4-00093-00061254-00062226 But this is actually one of the things which we now learn: that through a powerful field we could create a hole in space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00094-00062267-00063320 This is not like moving an object from one place to another, like for instance in Quantum Mechanics, where we have a transfer in space from a particle to a particle. Q_SgzZm03z4-00095-00063386-00064370 This is actually a hole in space, where you could open the space, go somewhere and if this space closes, you will not come back! Q_SgzZm03z4-00096-00064534-00065116 But those, who have the technology to open and close the space, could travel in it? Q_SgzZm03z4-00097-00065155-00065274 Precisely! Q_SgzZm03z4-00098-00065300-00066090 We presume that the Extraterrestrials or the UFOs, who fly around us, by resolving the problem with the so called light speed limit... Q_SgzZm03z4-00099-00066112-00066712 they actually cross space and time with such element, if they use this technology. Q_SgzZm03z4-00100-00066800-00068082 I've said it here, before, that through energy or mass, you could merge two points in space and instead of traveling from one to the other, you could be there instantly. Q_SgzZm03z4-00101-00068208-00068894 This is, indeed, Einstein - Rosen - Podolsky. This is the effect, which they have discovered. Q_SgzZm03z4-00102-00069002-00069606 And that's the thing which is still considered to be the future of our space travel. Q_SgzZm03z4-00103-00069632-00070148 Currently, in NASA, an experiment is conducted about deformation of space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00104-00070198-00071366 Now with the discovery of the gravity waves, we could eventually determine how to influence this space and time, because gravity waves are an effect of influence. Q_SgzZm03z4-00105-00071398-00072736 This is... imagine a plane which you could turn into a wave-like surface and you could surf those waves, by using the deformation of space and time, through gravity Q_SgzZm03z4-00106-00072788-00073204 And we consider gravity to be a topology - a distortion of space. Q_SgzZm03z4-00107-00073258-00073918 Unlike other fields, which we currently use, this field is related to space and time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00108-00073994-00075298 This is the effect which Einstein and the rest have not considered, that they might break through time and space. And instead of turning the object invisible, they have ended up moving it from one place to another. Q_SgzZm03z4-00109-00075398-00075570 Where is the mistake? Q_SgzZm03z4-00110-00075592-00075996 The mistake is starting without knowing the end effect. Q_SgzZm03z4-00111-00076058-00076208 That's the mistake! Q_SgzZm03z4-00112-00076228-00076324 I'll say it again! Q_SgzZm03z4-00113-00076346-00076612 That's what happened with the atomic bomb, as well. Q_SgzZm03z4-00114-00076648-00077682 Oppenheimer has developed the atomic bomb, without knowing that the consequences of the nuclear blast will be so devastating that we won't be able to recover from them. Q_SgzZm03z4-00115-00077734-00078208 It is no coincidence that right now there is a nuclear restraint. Q_SgzZm03z4-00116-00078238-00079042 ...because everybody knows that one hit by a nuclear bomb, will result in a residual radiation, creating a dead zone for a long time. Q_SgzZm03z4-00117-00079076-00079320 We now talk about Chernobyl. Q_SgzZm03z4-00118-00079372-00079546 ...30 years since Chernobyl. Q_SgzZm03z4-00119-00079578-00079952 Indeed, the people there cannot enter the place, for 30 years. Q_SgzZm03z4-00120-00079978-00080756 So, what would be the point to drop a few atomic bombs somewhere and then to not be able to enter that city or zone, for years after? Q_SgzZm03z4-00121-00080792-00081006 Who needs this kind of war? Q_SgzZm03z4-00122-00081050-00081272 This has been the unknown! Q_SgzZm03z4-00123-00081306-00081920 And when it comes to the General Theory of Relativity, still a lot of things are not yet known about it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00124-00081958-00082354 Unlike Quantum Mechanics, it is a theoretical theory. Q_SgzZm03z4-00125-00082394-00082704 Firstly, it has to be experimentally confirmed! Q_SgzZm03z4-00126-00082740-00083290 The gravity waves, which were recently discovered, are to a large degree a part of the confirmation. Q_SgzZm03z4-00127-00083324-00083896 But we don't know the degree to which these gravity waves correspond to Einstein's equations? Q_SgzZm03z4-00128-00083936-00084552 Are you saying that science, back then and perhaps even today, is "shooting in the dark"? Q_SgzZm03z4-00129-00084610-00085382 I would like to tell you that in science, unlike a lot of other things, we don't have a guidebook. Q_SgzZm03z4-00130-00085460-00086064 We go forward, we conduct experiments, we discover. For instance, what did we do right now? Q_SgzZm03z4-00131-00086102-00086630 We talk about the universe and all of a sudden, it turns out that we don't understand it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00132-00086678-00088364 At one point we realize, that for a 100 years, we've been building a theory about the Big Bang and everything else. But now we have to turn it upside down and start over, rewriting this theory. Q_SgzZm03z4-00133-00088496-00088962 That's how we go forward: an attempt - a mistake an attempt - a mistake an attempt - a mistake Q_SgzZm03z4-00134-00088984-00089530 It's a kind of labyrinth and there are no clues inside. Q_SgzZm03z4-00135-00089666-00090304 We are pushing forward in an endless Universe, little by little, through experiments. Q_SgzZm03z4-00136-00090334-00090774 I've said it before and I'll say it again: What is a physics theory? Q_SgzZm03z4-00137-00090814-00091274 So, we have an observation and we have an experiment, which delivers data. Q_SgzZm03z4-00138-00091308-00092172 We build a hypothesis, or a few hypotheses. Then what do we do with them? Based on them, we develop prognostics of a sort. Q_SgzZm03z4-00139-00092208-00093106 Then we conduct an experiment, again, based on those prognostics. And if they are not confirmed, we have to rewrite the hypotheses. Q_SgzZm03z4-00140-00093148-00093834 If they are confirmed, we say: "yes we have found the way". Then we follow it, up to a point where we hit a wall. Q_SgzZm03z4-00141-00093888-00094432 This is exactly what I would like you to elaborate on, after the break. And I will ask you the following question: Q_SgzZm03z4-00142-00094464-00095384 Aren't the scientists, around the world, part of a secret society, that deceives the people with their equations, which only they and their close circle understand? Q_SgzZm03z4-00143-00095414-00095672 We'll be back after the break. Q_SgzZm03z4-00144-00096116-00096606 << THE NEW KNOWLEDGE >> Q_SgzZm03z4-00145-00096610-00097074 The Philadelphia project is one of the most shocking secrets in the history of the US military. Q_SgzZm03z4-00146-00097104-00097820 During the 2nd experiment, the USS Eldridge disappears completely from the horizon, after it is engulfed by a blinding, bluish radiance. Q_SgzZm03z4-00147-00097854-00098558 The next couple of minutes, the vessel has been spotted hundreds of kilometers away, in Norfolk, Virginia. Q_SgzZm03z4-00148-00098606-00099688 The most shocking discovery is that five of the Eldridge crew members have literary materialized inside the metal structure of the ship's deck. Q_SgzZm03z4-00149-00100118-00100256 Professor Filipov! Q_SgzZm03z4-00150-00100282-00101926 Do we realize that maybe scientists around the world, by using the weakness and the ignorance of the masses, could deceive us or use science for their own ends? Q_SgzZm03z4-00151-00102152-00102322 I would say... Q_SgzZm03z4-00152-00102466-00102830 that this statement could be true, but not about all scientists. Q_SgzZm03z4-00153-00102888-00103400 There are some scientists who truly abuse the ignorance of society. Q_SgzZm03z4-00154-00103482-00104682 By serving certain financial circles, who fund the various researches, they achieve technology developments, which aren't to the benefit of humanity. Q_SgzZm03z4-00155-00104720-00105385 I've mentioned before Rockefeller, Russian oligarchs and others who are funding such initiatives. Q_SgzZm03z4-00156-00105476-00107335 However, I wouldn't generalize all of the scientists, because there are some of them who do try to popularize science and lower the level of human illiteracy. Q_SgzZm03z4-00157-00107476-00109804 Currently, we are experiencing a heavy crisis of civilization, where a large part of society doesn't understand the scientific research and those people believe that the funds are wasted. Q_SgzZm03z4-00158-00110024-00111233 Indeed, bringing science closer to society would be useful, because there is a serious stagnation in science, at the moment. Q_SgzZm03z4-00159-00111316-00112190 Those, who are financing the research, are not interested in the science progress of humanitarian needs. Q_SgzZm03z4-00160-00112283-00112740 Instead, they are interested in the development of technology, for their own benefit. Q_SgzZm03z4-00161-00112820-00113582 And now we have a stagnation in cosmic research, in physics, in certain areas. Q_SgzZm03z4-00162-00113616-00114638 But what do we make of all this? In 1942, the entire Philadelphia project has been funded by the military. Are we to believe that the military is the main force who initiates progress? Q_SgzZm03z4-00163-00114674-00114922 Wait! I've never denied such a thing. Q_SgzZm03z4-00164-00114961-00115994 I would like to tell you that both in the West and in the East, the main investments, responsible for the big breakthroughs in science and technology, are done by the military. Q_SgzZm03z4-00165-00116030-00116724 Do you think that Russian science, for instance, would be booming if it wasn't for the progress of their military-industrial complex? Q_SgzZm03z4-00166-00116756-00117250 All of this, which currently flies, hovers, blasts, is done by scientists. Q_SgzZm03z4-00167-00117302-00117842 All of the things which fly, hover, blast in the US, are developed by scientists. Q_SgzZm03z4-00168-00117883-00118480 And this is exactly... how should I say it... the dark side of these scientists, who follow the carret. Q_SgzZm03z4-00169-00118504-00119008 Whichever direction the financial interests are waving, then that's the one that they follow... Q_SgzZm03z4-00170-00119038-00119564 without grasping that their research ends up being used for that exact purpose. Q_SgzZm03z4-00171-00119602-00120435 Their chain of logic is simply this: "well, at least together with all the mass destruction, we'll get to do our science work as well" Q_SgzZm03z4-00172-00120483-00121050 Now, professor Filipov, you are challenging me to ask you this question: Q_SgzZm03z4-00173-00121085-00121904 Can you name a few technologies, designed for peaceful purposes, which are not well camouflaged military projects at their core? Q_SgzZm03z4-00174-00121926-00122146 Perhaps the X-rays? Q_SgzZm03z4-00175-00122174-00122472 They've been accidentally discovered! It's random. Q_SgzZm03z4-00176-00122516-00123332 The so called decay of the atoms is discovered, the same way, by Joliot-Curie. Q_SgzZm03z4-00177-00123376-00124132 Later on, the laser is discovered in a similar manner, but it's now used in a different field. Q_SgzZm03z4-00178-00124202-00124518 These are all accidental discoveries! Q_SgzZm03z4-00179-00124618-00125446 And at certain moment, it turns out that all of this is quickly absorbed by the military, because they see a gold mine in it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00180-00125488-00126488 Unfortunately, many scientists don't have enough funding for their labs and they are lured by financial interest. This happens everywhere. Q_SgzZm03z4-00181-00126540-00127042 Maybe here we don't do it, because we don't have military interest. Q_SgzZm03z4-00182-00127148-00128056 In this studio, there have been people who have defended the Bulgarian national interest, through extraordinary discoveries. You know some of them! Q_SgzZm03z4-00183-00128085-00128604 ...not to mention the "Hornets", not to mention the military facilities made in Bulgaria. Q_SgzZm03z4-00184-00128638-00128958 I'll add the space food we produced, as well! Q_SgzZm03z4-00185-00128992-00129296 Ok but you are talking about the past. Q_SgzZm03z4-00186-00129364-00129735 At the moment, we have a Drone project in our institute. Q_SgzZm03z4-00187-00129778-00130109 But it was not meant for what you imply. Q_SgzZm03z4-00188-00130161-00130456 Indeed, back then it was happening. Q_SgzZm03z4-00189-00130482-00131180 I would like to tell you that Arsenal (factory), which has problems from time to time, was based on scientific research. Q_SgzZm03z4-00190-00131216-00132114 In the Ministry of Defence, there was a science - research institute, which wasn't on a lower level than the Academy of Science. Q_SgzZm03z4-00191-00132176-00132878 Oh, how you are raising the curiosity of the majority of our viewers. Then, I'll ask you a question: Q_SgzZm03z4-00192-00132956-00133610 It is kind of close to the Philadelphia experiment, but what about the Tsarichina experiment, professor Filipov? Q_SgzZm03z4-00193-00133678-00133946 This isn't an experiment! Q_SgzZm03z4-00194-00133976-00134176 It's like this: Q_SgzZm03z4-00195-00134226-00135398 A lady called Loginova, who happens to have a certain information, signals to both the Bulgarian Academy of Science and to the Ministry of Defence. Q_SgzZm03z4-00196-00135486-00136574 And when it became clear that this information could potentially lead to some kind of a secret, related to an alien civilization... Q_SgzZm03z4-00197-00136628-00137896 and this secret may give the Defense Ministry's operatives some kind of advantage over the others, they isolated the academy. Q_SgzZm03z4-00198-00138010-00138376 Meaning, all of a sudden, they started to work alone. Q_SgzZm03z4-00199-00138432-00138686 That's how it always happens! Q_SgzZm03z4-00200-00138716-00139366 I apologize, I don't mean to offend the military, but sometimes their brains are hardly working! Q_SgzZm03z4-00201-00139414-00139832 ...without thinking about the result of their actions. Q_SgzZm03z4-00202-00139896-00140220 Let's get back, a little, to Philadelphia. Q_SgzZm03z4-00203-00140256-00140652 This experiment... is a sign of what? Q_SgzZm03z4-00204-00140778-00141618 This experiment confirms that Einstein's equation works. Q_SgzZm03z4-00205-00141740-00142300 Although, the end result is... negative! Q_SgzZm03z4-00206-00142338-00142766 However, it demonstrates that this thing could really be done. Q_SgzZm03z4-00207-00142818-00143194 I already said but I'll say it again. Q_SgzZm03z4-00208-00143228-00143926 I'm convinced that after Philadelphia, in the secret bases of both Russia and the US, such experiments are carried out. Q_SgzZm03z4-00209-00143960-00144768 So you deeply believe that it has been a genuine experiment, taking place during the time and not a fiction by conspiracy theorists? Q_SgzZm03z4-00210-00144798-00145100 No, no, no... I said in the beginning. Q_SgzZm03z4-00211-00145138-00146050 There are a lot of things that are yet to come out... about all of this research by the military, over the years. Q_SgzZm03z4-00212-00146168-00146768 It will confirm that all sides, involved, have been plotting against the public. Q_SgzZm03z4-00213-00146804-00147172 A lot of things have been hidden from view. Q_SgzZm03z4-00214-00147212-00147684 The things that are said about the Philadelphia project, about that bluish cloud... Q_SgzZm03z4-00215-00147704-00148316 Do you know that when most of the UFOs appear and disappear, they do so in bluish cloud? Q_SgzZm03z4-00216-00148360-00148606 Therefore, this isn't made up! Q_SgzZm03z4-00217-00148638-00149710 How would they know, in 1943, about a bluish cloud appearing around the UFO, when we are just finding out about this and other surrounding details, like the UFO's maneuvers and such? Q_SgzZm03z4-00218-00149756-00150592 We also spoke about the secrets of the CIA. For a long time, they've been confiscating, deconstructing and using the UFO's technology. Q_SgzZm03z4-00219-00150628-00150980 And then they have been introducing it as their own designs. Q_SgzZm03z4-00220-00151014-00151214 It's hardly a secret anymore! Q_SgzZm03z4-00221-00151248-00151480 They've been taken apart many times. Q_SgzZm03z4-00222-00151512-00151740 Many things are piled up! Q_SgzZm03z4-00223-00151796-00152516 However, it turns out that even if you steal something you can't make it work, right away, if you don't know its mechanics. Q_SgzZm03z4-00224-00152582-00153146 And then they bring scientists, who are supposed to dig deeper, in order to find clues. Q_SgzZm03z4-00225-00153208-00154450 At the moment, this whole subject is buried on purpose, in order to make it look like they are coming up with this on their own, instead of stealing it from the aliens. Q_SgzZm03z4-00226-00154584-00156262 I get the feeling that each new technology, which happens to be of the highest caliber, somehow possess a foreign trait - a foreign planet trait? Q_SgzZm03z4-00227-00156362-00157332 It's quite possible. I would like to say that a lot of things are hints. A lot of scientists have often said: "the idea just came to me"! Q_SgzZm03z4-00228-00157386-00158738 For example, take Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci. These are people who have been receiving information, which is years ahead of all the technologies that we have on earth. Q_SgzZm03z4-00229-00158938-00159252 Then, after a while, this thing gets restored. Q_SgzZm03z4-00230-00159286-00159922 And another thing... let's be honest! We're not the first civilization to walk the earth. Q_SgzZm03z4-00231-00159998-00160632 Apparently, there was knowledge that we used to have. Then we've lost it. And now we're restoring it. Q_SgzZm03z4-00232-00160674-00161130 For instance, take the Indian script about the universe, emerging from nothing. Q_SgzZm03z4-00233-00161164-00161680 ...about the Vimanas and the laser weapons which they've used. Q_SgzZm03z4-00234-00161712-00161952 How have these people known about it? Q_SgzZm03z4-00235-00161980-00162524 Take the pyramids, which we still don't know what their purpose is, as a technological facility. Q_SgzZm03z4-00236-00162556-00163318 After all, these are things which either someone is modifying so that we won't be able to understand them... Q_SgzZm03z4-00237-00163350-00164114 or we are doing it ourselves, because we are unable to restore the technology and we misinterpret history. Q_SgzZm03z4-00238-00164148-00164538 We're writing history which, in time, will have to be revised. Q_SgzZm03z4-00239-00164566-00164880 Professor Filipov! Thank you for joining us! Q_SgzZm03z4-00240-00164946-00165180 // subs by eyeCU13 // QAIAWobeQOu-00000-00000000-00000200 Best Of Drifting 2022 #RaKafunny #shorts #viral QAIAWobeQOu-00001-00000200-00000400 #shorts #viral QDUFqzrXlm8-00000-00000056-00000664 well, i just had a zoo meeting with michelle today, and it was about miss jenny's leaving QDUFqzrXlm8-00001-00000664-00001560 class. she won't be coming back tomorrow, and she won't come since next year. i sent to mrs, QDUFqzrXlm8-00002-00001560-00002776 i had a message with that, and told me that it would be sad to see it, and it would also be. QEqe99Rp1ok-00000-00000681-00000834 Hello and welcome to QEqe99Rp1ok-00001-00000834-00001221 the AMPedNH Connect community, where you can start QEqe99Rp1ok-00002-00001221-00001596 to build your professional network and QEqe99Rp1ok-00003-00001596-00001935 recruit students from the Community College System of QEqe99Rp1ok-00004-00001935-00002243 New Hampshire to fill positions open QEqe99Rp1ok-00005-00002243-00002747 at your organization. To get started, you may want to introduce yourself QEqe99Rp1ok-00006-00002747-00003130 to this community. Click the “Conversations” tab. QEqe99Rp1ok-00007-00003130-00003511 Use the drop-down a row here to select QEqe99Rp1ok-00008-00003511-00004032 “Write a Post”. In about 75 to 150 words QEqe99Rp1ok-00009-00004032-00004437 say “hello” and tell us a little about yourself QEqe99Rp1ok-00010-00004437-00004746 and your company. 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QEqe99Rp1ok-00021-00008738-00009065 To learn more about this individual, QEqe99Rp1ok-00022-00009065-00009425 I can click on his name to see his Profile. QEqe99Rp1ok-00023-00009425-00009822 On the left side I once again can see all of the Badges QEqe99Rp1ok-00024-00009822-00010257 he has earned. If I want to stay current with the things he posts, QEqe99Rp1ok-00025-00010257-00010711 I can click “Follow”. I'm actually already following this user, QEqe99Rp1ok-00026-00010711-00011120 so it says “Unfollow” which I definitely do not want to do. QEqe99Rp1ok-00027-00011120-00011452 When I clicked “Follow”, he received an email QEqe99Rp1ok-00028-00011452-00011782 indicating that I have followed him and had the choice QEqe99Rp1ok-00029-00011782-00012104 to follow me back or send a request QEqe99Rp1ok-00030-00012104-00012561 for me to mentor him, which means he wants to ask me some questions. QEqe99Rp1ok-00031-00012561-00013038 If I want to get a jump on this recruit I can select QEqe99Rp1ok-00032-00013038-00013409 the “Mentor Me” button and the student will receive QEqe99Rp1ok-00033-00013409-00013737 an email indicating I want to connect QEqe99Rp1ok-00034-00013737-00014147 a little more with him and if he accepts my mentoring request QEqe99Rp1ok-00035-00014147-00014466 I will be able to exchange private messages with him. QEqe99Rp1ok-00036-00014466-00014831 But maybe I want to learn more about this person QEqe99Rp1ok-00037-00014831-00015166 first, which is a good idea. I can read through QEqe99Rp1ok-00038-00015166-00015509 his Professional Interests and Skills by scrolling down QEqe99Rp1ok-00039-00015509-00015915 and reading through the left panel. I can look to the right QEqe99Rp1ok-00040-00015915-00016454 and read his Profile. Using the tabs above I can see QEqe99Rp1ok-00041-00016454-00016837 which Conversations he has started and contributed to, QEqe99Rp1ok-00042-00016837-00017167 and also who he is connected with. QEqe99Rp1ok-00043-00017167-00017501 If you would like to post a job in the QEqe99Rp1ok-00044-00017501-00017809 AMPedNH Connect community, click the “Jobs” tab QEqe99Rp1ok-00045-00017809-00018118 after logging in to AMPedNH Connect. QEqe99Rp1ok-00046-00018118-00018425 To post a job please click QEqe99Rp1ok-00047-00018425-00018829 here to complete the Job Submission QEqe99Rp1ok-00048-00018829-00019229 Form. Your job will be posted within 48 hours. QEqe99Rp1ok-00049-00019229-00019559 AMPedNH Connect is a great place QEqe99Rp1ok-00050-00019559-00019968 to recruit students from a highly skilled and qualified pool of QEqe99Rp1ok-00051-00019968-00020334 applicants. Connect today to build your business QEqe99Rp1ok-00052-00020334-00020379 for tomorrow! QGsNfzY0uqo-00000-00000160-00000372 mmm-mmhm mmhm? QGsNfzY0uqo-00001-00000872-00001218 hey hey everybody thanks for coming back to my channel this week if you're new QGsNfzY0uqo-00002-00001238-00001622 here my name is Danni Dawn you'll notice I'm taking off my glasses QGsNfzY0uqo-00003-00001623-00002130 I can't figure out how to record with no glare it's not a big deal I just QGsNfzY0uqo-00004-00002130-00002616 have a stigmatism in my left eye so I can see I just can't see stuff really QGsNfzY0uqo-00005-00002616-00002988 far away so we're solid today for today's video QGsNfzY0uqo-00006-00002988-00003632 we are going to do weird body tricks some of these things I can do some of QGsNfzY0uqo-00007-00003632-00004017 them I don't know if I can do or not I looked up a bunch of stuff on the QGsNfzY0uqo-00008-00004017-00004644 internet I have a whole list of like 10 things that only 1% of people can do and QGsNfzY0uqo-00009-00004644-00004986 guess what wiggling ears is on that list and that's QGsNfzY0uqo-00010-00004986-00005434 gonna be my first trick for check it out QGsNfzY0uqo-00011-00005580-00005764 ohhh my god QGsNfzY0uqo-00012-00005828-00006060 is she wiggling her ears QGsNfzY0uqo-00013-00006423-00006564 she sure is QGsNfzY0uqo-00014-00006590-00007511 I can raise one eyebrow can you smellllllllllll yup and that's pretty much why ever since I saw QGsNfzY0uqo-00015-00007511-00007865 the rock doing it I was bound and determined as a child to be able to QGsNfzY0uqo-00016-00007865-00008604 raise my eyebrow I can't do the other one though it just looked like I smell a QGsNfzY0uqo-00017-00008604-00009246 fart like did you fart what I can do lots of tricks with my tongue I I can't QGsNfzY0uqo-00018-00009246-00009711 do the clover I wish I could I know somebody who can I'm so jealous that she QGsNfzY0uqo-00019-00009711-00010215 can do it I I can't I can do I call it the hot dog tongue but I think a lot of QGsNfzY0uqo-00020-00010215-00010825 people call it the tube I can fold it in half QGsNfzY0uqo-00021-00010840-00011986 I can fold in half the other way I can do the spoon ah I can twist it to the QGsNfzY0uqo-00022-00011986-00013693 side but I can't do the clover start with a hotdog I think mmm no it doesn't QGsNfzY0uqo-00023-00013693-00014844 i can't do the clover I can touch my tongue to my chin but not to my nose no QGsNfzY0uqo-00024-00014844-00015283 not to my nose but to my chin for sure when I was a kid I used to be obsessed QGsNfzY0uqo-00025-00015283-00015862 with gene Simmons thought the dude was so cool because his tongue was like blaaaah I QGsNfzY0uqo-00026-00015862-00016546 would try to stretch my tongue as a kid like this and sometimes I would even QGsNfzY0uqo-00027-00016546-00017269 pull it like this I thought you could stretch your tongue no he just has a QGsNfzY0uqo-00028-00017269-00017743 long tongue I think this is a thing but I'm not sure I wasn't able to find QGsNfzY0uqo-00029-00017743-00018348 anything on it but I can do rubberband lips I can't do it the other way QGsNfzY0uqo-00030-00018348-00018588 though QGsNfzY0uqo-00031-00018664-00019162 It's like the eyebrows I can do it one way and can't do it the other way QGsNfzY0uqo-00032-00019162-00019615 what else can I do oh this was kind of a fun one QGsNfzY0uqo-00033-00019615-00020131 so I can cross like all sorts of fingers like without any assistance all sorts of QGsNfzY0uqo-00034-00020131-00020833 different ways but the trick is to cross your pinky finger over top of your ring QGsNfzY0uqo-00035-00020833-00021234 finger without obviously moving it like I just did QGsNfzY0uqo-00036-00021338-00021678 ohhh I'm so close on this one QGsNfzY0uqo-00037-00021704-00021926 eh-no I'm really not but it's really hard QGsNfzY0uqo-00038-00021940-00022656 try it maybe you can do it I don't hope you guys can see this another trick is to so QGsNfzY0uqo-00039-00022657-00023148 put your hand flat on the surface and then bend your middle finger in push QGsNfzY0uqo-00040-00023148-00023410 your hand down as flat as you can go lift your thumb QGsNfzY0uqo-00041-00023410-00023911 lift your first finger lift your pinky lift your ring finger I bet you can't QGsNfzY0uqo-00042-00023911-00024475 I can and I think it's because I have like this missing tendon in here like if QGsNfzY0uqo-00043-00024475-00024916 you grab all of your fingers together you should see a tendon running I have QGsNfzY0uqo-00044-00024916-00025336 this one but I don't have one going through here and I think that's that's QGsNfzY0uqo-00045-00025336-00025866 why like only 14% of people have that missing tendon I believe and it's QGsNfzY0uqo-00046-00025866-00026364 missing I don't know if it's connected to this whole thing but I can do that QGsNfzY0uqo-00047-00026364-00026945 and it's kind of rare to be able to do oh I can bend the the tips of my finger joints QGsNfzY0uqo-00048-00026945-00027613 oh man like this the right hand I'm not that great but you can see like this QGsNfzY0uqo-00049-00027613-00028702 fingers not doing anything oh look at that one what what oh it's crazy I QGsNfzY0uqo-00050-00028702-00029302 always wanted always wanted to be able to twitch my nose like bewitched but I QGsNfzY0uqo-00051-00029302-00030410 can't I don't think I can flare my nostrils what hmm but I QGsNfzY0uqo-00052-00030410-00030806 can't like QGsNfzY0uqo-00053-00031058-00031706 another one is to shake your eyes I don't know if they're shaking I just QGsNfzY0uqo-00054-00031706-00032608 feel like are they shaking this is what I do this is this is what I do I don't QGsNfzY0uqo-00055-00032608-00032990 think I can do this can't believe I'm actually going to try it I'm gonna try QGsNfzY0uqo-00056-00032990-00033509 to fit my fist in my mouth I've seen different like ways that people do this QGsNfzY0uqo-00057-00033509-00033995 like different weird ways they hold their hand so I'm we're we're gonna do QGsNfzY0uqo-00058-00033995-00034364 this we're gonna put it out there because why not QGsNfzY0uqo-00059-00035000-00035228 *mumbles* QGsNfzY0uqo-00060-00035894-00036092 I don't think that counts QGsNfzY0uqo-00061-00036156-00036372 that was weird I can't QGsNfzY0uqo-00062-00036392-00036740 I can't wait to watch the footage on that because I feel like my fist was QGsNfzY0uqo-00063-00036740-00037385 kind of in my mouth oh I probably not maybe not but I think I'm kind of QGsNfzY0uqo-00064-00037385-00038018 ambidextrous like I know sign language and so I can sign I can you know with QGsNfzY0uqo-00065-00038018-00038585 both of my hands at the same time I can't do two different words though see QGsNfzY0uqo-00066-00038585-00039007 cat dog QGsNfzY0uqo-00067-00039377-00039889 okay maybe with more practice let's see QGsNfzY0uqo-00068-00040235-00041113 ahhhhh I can sort of write with my left hand I will show you in my notebook here QGsNfzY0uqo-00069-00041248-00041777 I mean yes it looks like a kindergartener is writing this but I can kind of write QGsNfzY0uqo-00070-00041777-00042218 with my left hand maybe I could draw you a picture it kind of looks like a QGsNfzY0uqo-00071-00042218-00043031 kindergarten no offense to kindergarteners can I write my name QGsNfzY0uqo-00072-00043122-00043421 well that's weird I never make my a's like that but when I write with my left hand QGsNfzY0uqo-00073-00043421-00043988 it was kind of natural never make a's like that and sometimes when I'm cooking QGsNfzY0uqo-00074-00043988-00044393 if I get tired of like mixing or stirring or like breaking up food with QGsNfzY0uqo-00075-00044393-00044675 my right hand now just going with my left hand brush my teeth with my left QGsNfzY0uqo-00076-00044675-00045170 hand in the morning kind of a little surprise my husband can do this thing I QGsNfzY0uqo-00077-00045170-00045776 can't really do it but he can like touch oh man he can like lock his fingers up QGsNfzY0uqo-00078-00045776-00046572 with it though hmm come here fingers I feel you QGsNfzY0uqo-00079-00046894-00047506 that's all the weird body tricks that I have for you I think my favorite is wiggling my ears I do that a QGsNfzY0uqo-00080-00047507-00047849 lot I'm gonna be practicing that clover though because I feel like I could get QGsNfzY0uqo-00081-00047849-00048185 it and I'm really excited to see if I actually put my fist in my mouth that QGsNfzY0uqo-00082-00048185-00048593 was kind of bizarre thanks for watching if you like this video click the like QGsNfzY0uqo-00083-00048593-00049103 button head on over to my channel subscribe and hit that notification beli QGsNfzY0uqo-00084-00049103-00049508 if you want to be alerted every time I post a new video on my channel I really QGsNfzY0uqo-00085-00049508-00049862 appreciate all of you guys following and you know just keeping tabs on what's QGsNfzY0uqo-00086-00049862-00050159 going on week to week I've got some awesome ideas especially for this QGsNfzY0uqo-00087-00050159-00050645 summertime and I can get out and do stuff and it's not cold in Ohio QGsNfzY0uqo-00088-00050645-00051065 let me know what you guys want to see to in doing this cuz I want to laugh and I QGsNfzY0uqo-00089-00051065-00051404 want to make people laugh and I want to know what makes you guys laugh give me a QGsNfzY0uqo-00090-00051404-00051817 cool challenge to do give me some ideas you know if there's something that you QGsNfzY0uqo-00091-00051817-00052066 want to know how to do maybe I know how to do it QGsNfzY0uqo-00092-00052066-00052508 maybe I don't and I'll try to figure it out and record it for you it doesn't QGsNfzY0uqo-00093-00052508-00052823 matter I'm happy blast doing this so I hope you guys are QGsNfzY0uqo-00094-00052823-00053194 having a blast watching it until next week guys just keep marching to the beat QGsNfzY0uqo-00095-00053194-00053604 of your own drum too peace QIC0YR96i7y-00000-00000437-00000894 In this video, we're going to look at how to balance chemical equations and while QIC0YR96i7y-00001-00000894-00001217 we're doing that we'll discuss one of the primary laws of chemistry and indeed QIC0YR96i7y-00002-00001217-00001839 the universe, the law of conservation of mass. The law of conservation of mass QIC0YR96i7y-00003-00001839-00002235 states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it can be changed QIC0YR96i7y-00004-00002235-00002678 from one form into another and mixtures can be separated or made and pure QIC0YR96i7y-00005-00002678-00003152 substances can be decomposed into other pure substances but the total amount of QIC0YR96i7y-00006-00003152-00003740 mass remains constant. This means that whenever a chemical reaction occurs, the QIC0YR96i7y-00007-00003740-00004139 total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products since QIC0YR96i7y-00008-00004139-00004584 mass cannot be gained or lost and the reason the mass remains constant is that QIC0YR96i7y-00009-00004584-00005055 the atoms cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged. So another way of QIC0YR96i7y-00010-00005055-00005535 looking at this, a way that helps us in balancing equations, is that the number QIC0YR96i7y-00011-00005535-00005964 and type of atoms in the reactants, which are written on the left of an equation QIC0YR96i7y-00012-00005964-00006398 must be identical to the number and type of atoms in the products, which are QIC0YR96i7y-00013-00006398-00006818 written on the right of the equation. All that can happen is that the atoms are QIC0YR96i7y-00014-00006818-00007340 rearranged. This law came about from the work of many early chemists but it was QIC0YR96i7y-00015-00007340-00007725 the Frenchman Antoine Lavoisier, along with his wife Mary Anne who most QIC0YR96i7y-00016-00007725-00008196 conclusively showed it to be true in the late 1700s and it was only by some QIC0YR96i7y-00017-00008196-00008652 excruciating leap, precise and careful lab work and the use of the best technology QIC0YR96i7y-00018-00008652-00009060 of the day, in particular accurate balances, that they were able to prove QIC0YR96i7y-00019-00009060-00009361 this law conclusively. QJz-2g0Tdzu-00000-00000000-00000200 [Music] QJz-2g0Tdzu-00001-00000200-00000400 [Music] QKYnCKTMgm0-00000-00000014-00000365 Andrew Neil: The newish President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has been QKYnCKTMgm0-00001-00000365-00000789 in a spot of bother following leaks of documents accussing him of playing a central role in QKYnCKTMgm0-00002-00000789-00001207 making Luxembourg one of Europe's biggest tax havens. During the 18 years he was the QKYnCKTMgm0-00003-00001207-00001584 country's Prime Minister - he was also the Finance Minister - he must have known what QKYnCKTMgm0-00004-00001584-00002005 was going on. But Mr Juncker claims he's done nothing wrong! Well, this week he faced a QKYnCKTMgm0-00005-00002005-00002578 censure motion in the European Parliament. We went to Strasbourg to follow the vote. QKYnCKTMgm0-00006-00002578-00003125 [narrator]: Jean-Claude Juncker was only sworn in a month ago as President of the European QKYnCKTMgm0-00007-00003125-00003654 Commission, promising to clamp down on tax avoidance in member states. But his fitness QKYnCKTMgm0-00008-00003654-00004137 to head up the EU's executive for the next five years has already come under attack in QKYnCKTMgm0-00009-00004137-00004245 the European Parliament. QKYnCKTMgm0-00010-00004245-00004405 [Italian in background] QKYnCKTMgm0-00011-00004405-00004895 [narrator]: A motion brought by the Italian Five Star Movement, backed by UKIP and Marine QKYnCKTMgm0-00012-00004895-00005451 Le Pen's Front National claims Mr Juncker's involvement in creating aggressive tax avoidance QKYnCKTMgm0-00013-00005451-00005821 schemes in Luxembourg when he was Prime Minister has undermined his position. QKYnCKTMgm0-00014-00005821-00006520 Marco Zanni MEP: Having been involved in this big scandal, and being responsible for this QKYnCKTMgm0-00015-00006545-00007245 system in Luxembourg, because Mr Juncker was the Prime Minister of Luxembourg for about QKYnCKTMgm0-00016-00007247-00008180 20 years until 2013, only one year ago, it's not a huge period. So he is responsible for QKYnCKTMgm0-00017-00008187-00008887 this system and he doesn't have the credibility to rule the European Union and to change this QKYnCKTMgm0-00018-00008887-00008956 system. QKYnCKTMgm0-00019-00008956-00009440 [narrator]: But the attempt to force out Mr Juncker has been dismissed as a cynical plot QKYnCKTMgm0-00020-00009440-00010030 orchestrated by anti-EU parties. Mr Juncker's defence is that what happened in Luxembourg QKYnCKTMgm0-00021-00010030-00010519 was perfectly legal, and he has the support of the two main groups on both the right and QKYnCKTMgm0-00022-00010519-00010646 left in the Parliament. QKYnCKTMgm0-00023-00010646-00011346 Paulo Rangel MEP: I would say that there is a problem with the personality of Mr Juncker QKYnCKTMgm0-00024-00011350-00012050 and with the Commission as a whole. I think this is a natural, political game of the far-right QKYnCKTMgm0-00025-00012092-00012792 radicals. If you asked me "What is the news now?", it's that Mr Farage is united with QKYnCKTMgm0-00026-00013073-00013690 Madame Le Pen. And this is really the political cause of this censure motion. QKYnCKTMgm0-00027-00013690-00014157 [narrator]: Jean-Claude Juncker stayed away as MEPs filed into the chamber to vote on QKYnCKTMgm0-00028-00014157-00014331 the censure motion against him. QKYnCKTMgm0-00029-00014331-00014538 You don't stand a chance with this vote, do you? QKYnCKTMgm0-00030-00014538-00014873 Steven Woolfe: Well, we have a very good chance of showing that the people of Europe are concerned QKYnCKTMgm0-00031-00014873-00015329 about the hypocrisy of Juncker. I believe that having spoken to some parties we'll do QKYnCKTMgm0-00032-00015329-00015849 reasonably well. But of course, once again, the Conservatives, the Socialists and the QKYnCKTMgm0-00033-00015849-00016220 EPP all have one voice saying "We're here to defend the interests of the Europeans, QKYnCKTMgm0-00034-00016220-00016584 we'll stick together". It's politicians being protected by politicians. QKYnCKTMgm0-00035-00016584-00017201 [narrator]: The MEPs have just voted on the motion which was roundly defeated as expected. QKYnCKTMgm0-00036-00017201-00017706 But while Mr Juncker and his position as Commission President were never under any real threat, QKYnCKTMgm0-00037-00017706-00018093 it's been a very uncomfortable week for him and the Commission. QKYnCKTMgm0-00038-00018093-00018687 More bad headlines could be on the way, questioning Jean-Claude Juncker's record on tax avoidance. QKYnCKTMgm0-00039-00018687-00018896 Then there's the issue of reputational damage. QKYnCKTMgm0-00040-00018896-00019406 Lorenzo Consoli: I think the reputation of Juncker has been damaged by this scandal, QKYnCKTMgm0-00041-00019406-00020106 by the Luxleaks scandal, but politically he managed to come out of this with a political QKYnCKTMgm0-00042-00020315-00020960 solution because he promised to change the situation that has determined this scandal. QKYnCKTMgm0-00043-00020960-00021284 He has convinced the Parliament. QKYnCKTMgm0-00044-00021284-00021804 [narrator]: Jean-Claude Juncker is safe for now, but there could be further inquiries QKYnCKTMgm0-00045-00021804-00022260 into his record when he was Prime Minister of Luxembourg, meaning it's unlikely to be QKYnCKTMgm0-00046-00022260-00022387 the end of the story. QKYnCKTMgm0-00047-00022387-00023087 Andrew Neil: So, Molly Scott Cato, the Greens have been highly critical of aggressive tax QKYnCKTMgm0-00048-00023276-00023785 deals that big corporations as well as individuals have been doing. But you voted for Mr Juncker QKYnCKTMgm0-00049-00023785-00023887 on this motion - why? QKYnCKTMgm0-00050-00023887-00024316 Molly Scott Cato: We didn't vote for Mr Juncker, we voted against the censure motion. We thought QKYnCKTMgm0-00051-00024316-00024713 that wasn't constructive. We think that actually, what's happened with the Luxleaks scandal QKYnCKTMgm0-00052-00024713-00025148 is that we've got tremendous momentum now to make some progress on the advances we want QKYnCKTMgm0-00053-00025148-00025555 to see so that corporations can't shop around and they do have to pay their taxes properly QKYnCKTMgm0-00054-00025555-00025781 so that governments have enough to invest in public services. QKYnCKTMgm0-00055-00025781-00026227 Andrew Neil: But he is the man who presided over all these deals, these letters of comfort QKYnCKTMgm0-00056-00026227-00026858 that were given to the companies, that if you come and base youself here you'll basically QKYnCKTMgm0-00057-00026858-00027424 pay no tax. He wasn't just the Prime Minister, he was the Finance Minister. And can I point QKYnCKTMgm0-00058-00027424-00028108 out that in doing these deals, he deprived other European governments of billions and QKYnCKTMgm0-00059-00028108-00028222 billions in tax revenue. QKYnCKTMgm0-00060-00028222-00028574 Molly Scott Cato: I absolutely agree, I'm no defender of juncker at all, and we have QKYnCKTMgm0-00061-00028574-00028883 a message for him which is 'Act or Go' - so we've put him on notice there. QKYnCKTMgm0-00062-00028883-00028969 Andrew Neil: How long are you giving him? QKYnCKTMgm0-00063-00028969-00029374 Molly Scott Cato: Well, we're thinking six months initially, and we're also calling for QKYnCKTMgm0-00064-00029374-00029724 a parliamentary inquiry, so I'd like to ask Julie whether she"s going to support that QKYnCKTMgm0-00065-00029724-00029747 call. QKYnCKTMgm0-00066-00029747-00030111 Andrew Neil: Indeed, well, you've done my job for me which is unusual and I'm grateful! QKYnCKTMgm0-00067-00030111-00030562 Julie Girling, what's the answer? Because you abstained on the vote! QKYnCKTMgm0-00068-00030562-00030884 Julie Girling: Yes, I abstained, my group abstained because we don't believe that this QKYnCKTMgm0-00069-00030884-00031315 is constructuve, the same as Molly. That doesn't mean to say that we support Mr Juncker, as QKYnCKTMgm0-00070-00031315-00031952 you know we voted against Mr Juncker way back a few months ago. However, he's there, there QKYnCKTMgm0-00071-00031952-00032595 is an inquiry on the state aid-side of this going on, it's already been put into place. QKYnCKTMgm0-00072-00032595-00033158 Andrew Neil: But that's an inquiry by the European Commission. Remind me who the Head QKYnCKTMgm0-00073-00033158-00033271 of the European Commission is? QKYnCKTMgm0-00074-00033271-00033375 Julie Girling: Yes, Mr Juncker. QKYnCKTMgm0-00075-00033375-00033762 Andrew Neil: Right, investigating what he did when he was Prime Minister of Luxembourg? QKYnCKTMgm0-00076-00033762-00033890 How's that going to work? QKYnCKTMgm0-00077-00033890-00034084 Julie Girling: There may be questions to ask about that. QKYnCKTMgm0-00078-00034084-00034447 Andrew Neil: Well, I think there are! What's the answer? QKYnCKTMgm0-00079-00034447-00035147 Julie Girling: Can I answer please?! Our view is that we should wait until we get that, QKYnCKTMgm0-00080-00035191-00035777 he'll still be there, nothing will change. We believe that you should see the evidence QKYnCKTMgm0-00081-00035777-00035862 and then you should act on it. QKYnCKTMgm0-00082-00035862-00036018 Andrew Neil: And how long will that be? QKYnCKTMgm0-00083-00036018-00036355 Julie Girling: As far as I know that's not going to be very long - a matter of weeks. QKYnCKTMgm0-00084-00036355-00036593 Andrew Neil: What, the European Commission report? QKYnCKTMgm0-00085-00036593-00036828 Julie Girling: That's that they're saying, they're going to expedite it. QKYnCKTMgm0-00086-00036828-00036940 Andrew Neil to Molly Scott Cato: Is that your understanding? QKYnCKTMgm0-00087-00036940-00037168 Molly Scott Cato: Well, Julie says we need to look for the evidence, but we're talking QKYnCKTMgm0-00088-00037168-00037471 about secret deals. We're actually relying on whistleblowers, we wouldn't know any of QKYnCKTMgm0-00089-00037471-00037540 this at all- QKYnCKTMgm0-00090-00037540-00037827 Andrew Neil: Can I say, if it hadn't been for some investigative journalism! QKYnCKTMgm0-00091-00037827-00038174 Molly Scott Cato: Some investigative journalism, yes, your trade is showing itself in good QKYnCKTMgm0-00092-00038174-00038528 colours! But also, people actually having the courage to come forward - perhaps they QKYnCKTMgm0-00093-00038528-00038886 have grudges, but they also come forward and tell the truth. Now, we need to have protections QKYnCKTMgm0-00094-00038886-00039284 for people who are talking about these illegal deals so that we can actually get hold of QKYnCKTMgm0-00095-00039284-00039550 the evidence we need, because I don't think people are going to come forward to the Commission. QKYnCKTMgm0-00096-00039550-00040047 Andrew Neil: What about the European Parliament's role in this? Should it mount a major inquiry? QKYnCKTMgm0-00097-00040047-00040387 Julie Girling: Possibly, but I think it's premature to do that now. I think what we've QKYnCKTMgm0-00098-00040387-00040959 got- let's see the evidence, let's not play the man, let's play the ball. QKYnCKTMgm0-00099-00040959-00041312 Andrew Neil: But the man is at the centre of this! He is the man! QKYnCKTMgm0-00100-00041312-00041840 Julie Girling: Yes, but at the moment what we know he did as Prime Minister and Finance QKYnCKTMgm0-00101-00041840-00042356 Minister of Luxembourg was he made Luxembourg an attractive place for companies to come. QKYnCKTMgm0-00102-00042356-00042443 Now, that's not illegal! QKYnCKTMgm0-00103-00042443-00042640 Andrew Neil: But at the cost of everybody else in Europe! QKYnCKTMgm0-00104-00042640-00043093 Julie Girling: That's not illegal. The answer to that is tax harmonisation. That means every QKYnCKTMgm0-00105-00043093-00043497 one of the 28 member states has to have the same tax regime. Now, the Greens would like QKYnCKTMgm0-00106-00043497-00043887 that - we would not. That's not what we want to see as the end of the line. QKYnCKTMgm0-00107-00043887-00044515 Andrew Neil: But doesn't this explain peoples' cynicism about Europe at the moment - that QKYnCKTMgm0-00108-00044515-00044959 the man who was running the country when all these deals were done is now the President QKYnCKTMgm0-00109-00044959-00045227 of the European Commission, he's now investigating himself? QKYnCKTMgm0-00110-00045227-00045661 Molly Scott Cato: Well, exactly, which is why it's absolutely important that we do have QKYnCKTMgm0-00111-00045661-00045980 this proper inquiry. We believe the law has been broken. QKYnCKTMgm0-00112-00045980-00046174 Andrew Neil: You think the law's been broken too? QKYnCKTMgm0-00113-00046174-00046572 Molly Scott Cato: Yes, we think the treaty has been broken because countries are required QKYnCKTMgm0-00114-00046572-00046828 to not give illegal state aid and they're required to cooperate. QKYnCKTMgm0-00115-00046828-00047218 Andrew Neil: Should he not be required, or Luxembourg not be required, to make public QKYnCKTMgm0-00116-00047218-00047711 these secret deals? At the very least, should they not be required to make them public? QKYnCKTMgm0-00117-00047711-00048027 Julie Girling: Well, I think it should be fair treatment for all members states and QKYnCKTMgm0-00118-00048027-00048415 if that were to be the case then would you be demanding that the UK government made all QKYnCKTMgm0-00119-00048415-00048615 its tax arrangements with companies public? QKYnCKTMgm0-00120-00048615-00048738 Andrew Neil: With major corporations? Absolutely! QKYnCKTMgm0-00121-00048738-00048833 Julie Girling: And individuals? QKYnCKTMgm0-00122-00048833-00049263 Molly Scott Cato: Well, we are making progress towards that kind of transparency actually. QKYnCKTMgm0-00123-00049263-00049631 We have it in the banking sector now and we're arguing that it should apply to all major QKYnCKTMgm0-00124-00049631-00049641 corporations. QKYnCKTMgm0-00125-00049641-00049887 Andrew Neil: We shall see! I look forward to the report on Mr Juncker. QLHDcFmtpQU-00000-00000000-00000509 UFO's report to be provided to the U.S Congress drop a thumbs up let's check it out subscribe QLHDcFmtpQU-00001-00000509-00000930 if you're new man the eyes of the US Congress will be on the skies they hand down a report QLHDcFmtpQU-00002-00000930-00001494 on potentially extraterrestrial encounters now look while most signings send out to be like QLHDcFmtpQU-00003-00001494-00001973 weather balloon I I just don't think man I don't know you all really think they're gonna really QLHDcFmtpQU-00004-00001973-00002592 reveal that after keeping that thing a secret for hundreds of years if not longer than that QLHDcFmtpQU-00005-00002592-00003252 it's jungle for lessons maybe even now drones some are unable to be explained so joining us QLHDcFmtpQU-00006-00003252-00003936 now to discuss this is investigative reporter and editor of extraordinarybeliefs.com Jeremy Corbell QLHDcFmtpQU-00007-00003936-00004584 in Los Angeles Jeremy those of you that are not sure Jeremy actually helped with Bob Lazar to QLHDcFmtpQU-00008-00004584-00005238 make his uh documentary and he's definitely one of those guys that is also seeking the truth and he QLHDcFmtpQU-00009-00005238-00005862 was also on jorgon podcast with Bob Lazar and also Commander David who actually did see with his own QLHDcFmtpQU-00010-00005862-00006408 eyes some UF was like a Tic Tac UFO that was like going around back in 2004 and he recently came QLHDcFmtpQU-00011-00006408-00006888 on talked about it which is kind of wild good to see you this is a huge topic people debate QLHDcFmtpQU-00012-00006888-00007380 all the time why do you think there's been an increase let's say in sightings in the last year QLHDcFmtpQU-00013-00007488-00008136 yeah it is a huge topic and it should be a huge topic because the sightings have increased in QLHDcFmtpQU-00014-00008136-00008682 frequency and this is due to an actual increase I wanna know like is this like real footage I QLHDcFmtpQU-00015-00008682-00009330 mean this is on the news so I'm assuming it's probably real wrong but but you know what I mean QLHDcFmtpQU-00016-00009330-00009942 it's on the news so is this like a real footage or a face of these unidentified impunity within QLHDcFmtpQU-00017-00009942-00010542 our restricted airspace but also our Technologies are getting better in some of our fighter planes QLHDcFmtpQU-00018-00010542-00011166 where we're able to track and verify through multi-platforms that these things are real UFOs QLHDcFmtpQU-00019-00011166-00011676 are real they outpace outmaneuver and outperform anything we have so this is a real issue I QLHDcFmtpQU-00020-00011676-00012150 love this it's a Chinese lantern stories so much U.S intelligence agent it's a balloon QLHDcFmtpQU-00021-00012150-00012732 set to release a report next week about UFO incidents what are you expecting to hear QLHDcFmtpQU-00022-00012858-00013422 it's a Lantern Chinese lantern it's a balloon yeah well look fingers crossed that we do get QLHDcFmtpQU-00023-00013422-00013997 this report next week it was actually due on Halloween but that could be internally they QLHDcFmtpQU-00024-00013997-00014597 have to put out an uncle version because okay so it is supposed to okay today it's November QLHDcFmtpQU-00025-00014597-00015276 the 2nd so and it was supposed to come out on October 31st and now we're like two days in so QLHDcFmtpQU-00026-00015276-00015797 technically in five days can we're gonna have a new report damn public wants to know this is QLHDcFmtpQU-00027-00015797-00016338 a flight safety issue for our aviators but also this is something that's been with Humanity for a QLHDcFmtpQU-00028-00016338-00016986 long time so in this report my highest hoax is there's no more obfuscation and ridicule that QLHDcFmtpQU-00029-00016986-00017568 really kills the scientific study of what is a very real phenomenon which is UFOs yeah right QLHDcFmtpQU-00030-00017568-00018066 so there's greater calls for transparency like you're saying for UFOs or uaps is now they like QLHDcFmtpQU-00031-00018066-00018534 to be called I mean should this just be it should just be on the public record shouldn't it yeah QLHDcFmtpQU-00032-00018636-00019224 it's like crime man it's that crime to not tell the public what's going on over two biggest QLHDcFmtpQU-00033-00019224-00019704 questions ever has been what happens after that and are we alone in the universe I would like to QLHDcFmtpQU-00034-00019704-00020478 believe we're not but you know what I do I would like to believe that they know the answer they QLHDcFmtpQU-00035-00020478-00021018 know way more I understand that there's probably some things that you don't want to tell everyone QLHDcFmtpQU-00036-00021018-00021702 but but I mean it's crime it should be criminal to not tell the public man come on man it's exactly QLHDcFmtpQU-00037-00021702-00022272 what people are are doing and you're right there is a call for transparency that is beyond anything QLHDcFmtpQU-00038-00022272-00022860 that I have seen in my generation and in my lifetime people want to know the truth they QLHDcFmtpQU-00039-00022860-00023406 have a duty in my eyes to find out the truth this is a we all deserve the truth man we all QLHDcFmtpQU-00040-00023406-00024168 no matter how dark or uh bad that might be we all deserve to know the truth man Global phenomenon I QLHDcFmtpQU-00041-00024168-00024630 get emails from Australia every day with videos this is something that the public is curious QLHDcFmtpQU-00042-00024630-00025308 about rightfully so it's a vast Universe what we're seeing is not our technology have you seen QLHDcFmtpQU-00043-00025308-00025782 anything or have you you know through this your website and your discussions with lots of people QLHDcFmtpQU-00044-00025782-00026292 have you seen something that is abs absolutely without a shadow of a doubt convinced you QLHDcFmtpQU-00045-00026430-00026952 yeah it's a cumulative effect of evidence but certainly as you see from what I've been able QLHDcFmtpQU-00046-00026952-00027545 to don't Dodge the question pain and release which is confirmed military footage of UFOs for QLHDcFmtpQU-00047-00027545-00028050 multi-system platforms that was something that I put out with my mentor in journalism George QLHDcFmtpQU-00048-00028050-00028638 Knapp imagine what I can't put out so there are so many things that have convinced me there's a true QLHDcFmtpQU-00049-00028638-00029333 mystery here and there is a physical aspect to it in craft I I don't have the luxury of disbelief so QLHDcFmtpQU-00050-00029333-00029856 you know for a long time okay no I mean not a bad answer but but still he didn't say whether he seen QLHDcFmtpQU-00051-00029856-00030294 it with his eyes or not I would like to believe you did not which is fine I I also personally QLHDcFmtpQU-00052-00030294-00030762 have not but it's just one of those questions right it's actually very entertaining but one QLHDcFmtpQU-00053-00030762-00031439 thing is the third and if they actually reveal the truth you'd think that the public will go in panic QLHDcFmtpQU-00054-00031439-00031782 do you think that's the reason why they're not telling I would like to believe that some people QLHDcFmtpQU-00055-00031782-00032382 will go in panic there will be some people that will the anxiety will kick in but nowadays it's QLHDcFmtpQU-00056-00032382-00033006 like it's one of those things that we all kind of feel like that we all talk about it in some QLHDcFmtpQU-00057-00033006-00033864 way shape or form the movies Avengers like Marvel has definitely shaped the entire planet and I feel QLHDcFmtpQU-00058-00033864-00034398 like the movies have done a really good job to desensitize a lot of people on this matter and QLHDcFmtpQU-00059-00034398-00034956 brought a lot of awareness and what if what could this and that so I feel like a lot of people are QLHDcFmtpQU-00060-00034956-00035652 like wouldn't go and panic if we actually find that out in in real life you know what I mean but QLHDcFmtpQU-00061-00035652-00036342 it's really one of those things like if whenever that happens it's just gonna be insane I I don't QLHDcFmtpQU-00062-00036342-00036756 know how the reaction would be people would have thought that this sort of reporting or this sort QLHDcFmtpQU-00063-00036756-00037248 of investigating was just a bit kooky or a bit of a conspiracy theory and now these sorts of QLHDcFmtpQU-00064-00037248-00037650 reports they sort of vindicate what you're talking about how does that make you feel QLHDcFmtpQU-00065-00037716-00038322 wrong right so the climate has changed in this trade when it comes to this topic I think we've QLHDcFmtpQU-00066-00038322-00038928 sobered up we're looking at this now Through The Eyes Of This is actually being picked up with our QLHDcFmtpQU-00067-00038928-00039462 radar systems by our Pilots by credible people sure there's a sense of vindication for people QLHDcFmtpQU-00068-00039462-00040098 that have been into this but much more importantly we are now facing reality and we're saying who are QLHDcFmtpQU-00069-00040098-00040632 operating these craft where do they come from and what do they want I often feel like you QLHDcFmtpQU-00070-00040632-00041076 know it's probably John Cena especially leaders who probably have access to this information like QLHDcFmtpQU-00071-00041076-00041556 apparently Obama had access to this information or Trump or Joe Biden they never say anything QLHDcFmtpQU-00072-00041556-00041934 and I don't know why they're not saying anything or they're just going guys it's fine you want to QLHDcFmtpQU-00073-00041934-00042426 know what's crazy the thing is that a lot of the presidents were like oh I'm gonna find the truth QLHDcFmtpQU-00074-00042426-00042876 I'm gonna let them know there's what there was a very good video that I saw in the beginning QLHDcFmtpQU-00075-00042876-00043638 Trump was like yeah whatever whatever and then a year after he was asked the same question about QLHDcFmtpQU-00076-00043638-00044220 ET extraterrestrial have you seen have you seen some data and he was kind of like uh where his QLHDcFmtpQU-00077-00044220-00044916 response was very much like I can't tell you and Obama actually went on record and says that I QLHDcFmtpQU-00078-00044916-00045456 cannot tell you there's so many I believe even George W bush also did say that I can tell you QLHDcFmtpQU-00079-00045456-00046134 right straight up I would like to believe that they have seen something they must have seen QLHDcFmtpQU-00080-00046134-00046770 something that probably made them like damn we can't tell the public about it right and what is QLHDcFmtpQU-00081-00046770-00047148 that what is that it's like Trump said everything else I know he said literally everything else QLHDcFmtpQU-00082-00047148-00047712 so are we gonna get any closer to confirmation possibly I mean next week is midterms over there QLHDcFmtpQU-00083-00047712-00048216 so it might be pushed again but are we getting any closer to actually finding extraterrestrial life QLHDcFmtpQU-00084-00048348-00048882 so I I don't know that UFOs necessarily represent extraterrestrial life it might QLHDcFmtpQU-00085-00048882-00049338 be Stranger than that we might be dealing with a natural phenomenon that's been here longer than QLHDcFmtpQU-00086-00049338-00050202 us there does seem to be craft though and those craft need to be occupied or driven by in by an QLHDcFmtpQU-00087-00050202-00050682 intelligence biological or not so look this is the big mystery this is what we need to find QLHDcFmtpQU-00088-00050682-00051120 out it would be a great waste of space if there weren't other beings but the real question is not QLHDcFmtpQU-00089-00051120-00051732 are there aliens or this sort of thing the real question is who's visiting here what do you think QLHDcFmtpQU-00090-00051816-00052398 you know I'm gonna suspend my judgment until we can get a larger study on this and everybody in QLHDcFmtpQU-00091-00052398-00052824 the scientific Community should be salivating over this this is Uncharted Territory it's QLHDcFmtpQU-00092-00052824-00053466 unexplained this is a new topography and we are cartographers this is a whole new world QLHDcFmtpQU-00093-00053466-00053910 where science can study a phenomenon that could give us a lot of answers that could help a lot QLHDcFmtpQU-00094-00053910-00054384 of people Jeremy ladies and gentlemen click on this video on the screen we recently had QLHDcFmtpQU-00095-00054384-00054870 like NASA stuff it's actually pretty mind-boggling click on it and I'll see you right there subscribe QMp17bwb7ho-00000-00004699-00004899 Hello~I'm Prettyman~ QMp17bwb7ho-00001-00004920-00005717 Today's menu is Magnum Almond, Magnum Classic, Nutella, Maltesers, and Gugu Ice Cream~ QMp17bwb7ho-00002-00005928-00006128 Then I'll try to eat it QMp17bwb7ho-00003-00006233-00006433 deliciously today. QMp17bwb7ho-00004-00078730-00079229 I'll eat it thank you . See you next time~ (Thank you ^^) QOYtiwSZLZY-00000-00000003-00000573 Setting up weighted grades in canvas.The course navigation menu has a link to the QOYtiwSZLZY-00001-00000573-00001088 assignments area. This area contains assignment groups and all graded QOYtiwSZLZY-00002-00001088-00001505 assignments that have been created for the course. The assignment area is QOYtiwSZLZY-00003-00001505-00001926 directly linked to the gradebook. For every assignment group, there is a group QOYtiwSZLZY-00004-00001926-00002439 column in the grade book. For every graded assignment, which includes quizzes, QOYtiwSZLZY-00005-00002439-00002969 graded discussions, and assignments, there is a grading column in the grade book. QOYtiwSZLZY-00006-00002969-00003617 You must create a graded assignment to generate a column in the grade book. To QOYtiwSZLZY-00007-00003617-00004203 set up weighted grades, you create assignment groups. In this demonstration QOYtiwSZLZY-00008-00004203-00004536 I will be using the following information to create the assignment QOYtiwSZLZY-00009-00004536-00005514 groups: activity and grade percentage, participation 10%, exams 20%, projects 50%, QOYtiwSZLZY-00010-00005514-00006836 and group work 20%. Start by going to the assignments area. On the upper right, QOYtiwSZLZY-00011-00006836-00007829 choose the three dots. Choose 'assignment groups weight'. Turn on weighted grading. QOYtiwSZLZY-00012-00007829-00008820 Save. Change the group name, assignments, to the first activity name. Choose the QOYtiwSZLZY-00013-00008820-00009728 three dots in the group. Choose edit. Highlight and change the name. QOYtiwSZLZY-00014-00010331-00012175 Type in the grade percentage. Participation 10%. Save. Choose plus group. Type in the QOYtiwSZLZY-00015-00012175-00014113 next activity, exams and the percentage 20%. Save. Add the next group, projects 50%. QOYtiwSZLZY-00016-00014113-00015040 Save and add the last group, group work QOYtiwSZLZY-00017-00015222-00016031 20% and save. Now if you scroll down you will see each of these groups has been QOYtiwSZLZY-00018-00016031-00016712 added to your assignment area. If you go to your gradebook area and scroll to the QOYtiwSZLZY-00019-00016712-00017345 far right you will find that each of these groups has also been added to the QOYtiwSZLZY-00020-00017345-00018014 gradebook. These are cumulative columns for each graded percentage. Now QOYtiwSZLZY-00021-00018014-00018500 that weighted grades are setup make sure to place content items in the QOYtiwSZLZY-00022-00018500-00019216 appropriate group. You can do this by simply dragging and dropping. QOYtiwSZLZY-00023-00019815-00020387 Be aware of point differences between assignments. Although this is 10% of the QOYtiwSZLZY-00024-00020387-00021033 grade, if you have an item that's twice as many points as another item, it has QOYtiwSZLZY-00025-00021033-00021461 twice the value within the group. QPnoSUFqTsc-00000-00000299-00000816 Joshua is a software developer in Johannesburg he was hired after he QPnoSUFqTsc-00001-00000816-00001329 graduated from Rhodes University with a degree in business science he has also QPnoSUFqTsc-00002-00001329-00001800 used his degree to develop his own technology to help gym goers keep track QPnoSUFqTsc-00003-00001800-00002318 of their fitness progress Pollan graduated from Rhodes University with QPnoSUFqTsc-00004-00002318-00002832 law and science degrees she works as an environmental lawyer and hopes to soon QPnoSUFqTsc-00005-00002832-00003353 be in her dream job working for the United Nations climate change programs QPnoSUFqTsc-00006-00003353-00003857 Paula and Joshua are just two alumni of Rhodes a science faculty who are QPnoSUFqTsc-00007-00003857-00004602 contributing to South Africa's many science-based industries in the small QPnoSUFqTsc-00008-00004602-00005028 city of Mukunda in the East Cape is a long and rich tradition of scientific QPnoSUFqTsc-00009-00005028-00005484 learning and research with its many schools the city plays host to the QPnoSUFqTsc-00010-00005484-00006123 National Schools Science Festival known as Sai fest after matriculating many QPnoSUFqTsc-00011-00006123-00006486 learners choose to study for a science degree at Rhodes University's QPnoSUFqTsc-00012-00006486-00007017 prestigious science faculty here are highly qualified lecturers and senior QPnoSUFqTsc-00013-00007017-00007415 students breathe life into science through their teaching research and QPnoSUFqTsc-00014-00007415-00008081 innovative community upliftment projects the institutes for water research and QPnoSUFqTsc-00015-00008081-00008540 environmental biotechnology are also attached to the faculty giving students QPnoSUFqTsc-00016-00008540-00009099 plenty of hands-on research experience a degree in science from Rhodes University QPnoSUFqTsc-00017-00009099-00009732 is highly regarded and structured for maximum subject flexibility the faculty QPnoSUFqTsc-00018-00009732-00010272 offers two three year degrees the first is a Bachelor of Science or BSC a QPnoSUFqTsc-00019-00010272-00010710 general science degree if you graduate with an upper second in a particular QPnoSUFqTsc-00020-00010710-00011207 subject you could study for an honours degree in that subject the second QPnoSUFqTsc-00021-00011207-00011690 three-year degree is a Bachelor of Science and information systems there is QPnoSUFqTsc-00022-00011690-00012146 also an extended studies program to assist students who need extra coaching QPnoSUFqTsc-00023-00012146-00012744 the faculty itself has 14 departments with huge scope of choice there are four QPnoSUFqTsc-00024-00012744-00013294 main categories biological sciences QPnoSUFqTsc-00025-00013743-00014597 birth and environmental sciences chemical sciences QPnoSUFqTsc-00026-00014597-00015306 and mathematical and physical sciences my name is Joshua Movember I majored in QPnoSUFqTsc-00027-00015306-00015729 computer science and information system under the bachelor degree of science at QPnoSUFqTsc-00028-00015729-00016215 burns University my name is Joanna and I'm a second year MBA student in the QPnoSUFqTsc-00029-00016215-00016631 department my name is Watson and I am a computer QPnoSUFqTsc-00030-00016631-00017163 science and information systems student my name is Elaine champions but I went QPnoSUFqTsc-00031-00017163-00017684 by really be hidden in University and I studied a Bachelor of Science in high QPnoSUFqTsc-00032-00017684-00018120 demand I'll be my name is Hassan Bala I finished my undergrad degree at Rice QPnoSUFqTsc-00033-00018120-00018519 University majoring in biochemistry microbiology and psychology and QPnoSUFqTsc-00034-00018519-00018861 currently doing my honours degree in biotechnology efforts in terrorism QPnoSUFqTsc-00035-00018861-00019293 so I've always been interested in that sounds like how do i how do I protect QPnoSUFqTsc-00036-00019293-00019736 the environment without being like chained myself to the trunk of a tree QPnoSUFqTsc-00037-00019736-00020507 but how do i ineffectively speak for the trees and and that's where they're all QPnoSUFqTsc-00038-00020507-00020862 came in people really do like the idea of me before having fun roads QPnoSUFqTsc-00039-00020862-00021279 having to decrease that a different and different problem was always a bit of a QPnoSUFqTsc-00040-00021279-00021672 room I don't think I could have had the luxury to do that kind of combination QPnoSUFqTsc-00041-00021672-00022263 anyone else I said my roads experience was quite adventurous it was very QPnoSUFqTsc-00042-00022263-00022512 positive it hasn't benefited me quite a lot QPnoSUFqTsc-00043-00022512-00022917 because before I even got to work for the company I do right now merge QPnoSUFqTsc-00044-00022917-00023306 University got me be plugged in with some investors that helped me out with QPnoSUFqTsc-00045-00023306-00023707 some of the projects that I was running back when I was at QPnoSUFqTsc-00046-00023707-00024340 the connection between my technology and my fitness industry is that a lot of QPnoSUFqTsc-00047-00024340-00024895 technology cannot develop nowadays an aiding actly seem to be better if you QPnoSUFqTsc-00048-00024895-00025418 look at athletes like Usain Bolt's you look at me like you are just exactly all QPnoSUFqTsc-00049-00025418-00025972 of those athletes are a ones that practice with technology technology is QPnoSUFqTsc-00050-00025972-00026608 the future why not have technology and fitness in one industry a big draw card QPnoSUFqTsc-00051-00026608-00027032 is the groundbreaking research for the meerkat telescope the forerunner to the QPnoSUFqTsc-00052-00027032-00027619 Square Kilometre Array radio telescope being built in South Africa the SCAR QPnoSUFqTsc-00053-00027619-00028039 project aims to collect massive amounts of data from space to help us solve some QPnoSUFqTsc-00054-00028039-00028444 of the biggest mysteries of the universe it's especially exciting for roads QPnoSUFqTsc-00055-00028444-00028777 physicists who are working with top researchers to design the most QPnoSUFqTsc-00056-00028777-00029222 sophisticated data capturing and processing systems for the telescope's QPnoSUFqTsc-00057-00029222-00029770 data successful students can also apply for skaar bursaries to continue solving QPnoSUFqTsc-00058-00029770-00030289 the mysteries of the universe studying for a science degree at Rhodes is a QPnoSUFqTsc-00059-00030289-00030680 challenging but very rewarding experience one of the biggest benefits QPnoSUFqTsc-00060-00030680-00031193 is the smaller teacher to student ratios this means students have the attention QPnoSUFqTsc-00061-00031193-00031639 of their teachers even the most senior ones there were lecturers that were very QPnoSUFqTsc-00062-00031639-00032093 friendly they were very they were very keen to work with students into QPnoSUFqTsc-00063-00032093-00032488 different projects whatever a student isn't you don't don't leave their doors QPnoSUFqTsc-00064-00032488-00032806 open seven for you pop by and to ask them QPnoSUFqTsc-00065-00032806-00033205 questions about whatever project you want to work into at large universities QPnoSUFqTsc-00066-00033205-00033688 students don't go near a Dean they will see faculty offices and get information QPnoSUFqTsc-00067-00033688-00034174 from that yeah at Rose especially in the science faculty the Dean has an QPnoSUFqTsc-00068-00034174-00034594 open-door policy he's prepared to deal with him on an academic basis on a QPnoSUFqTsc-00069-00034594-00035281 personal basis eventually you know straight after leaving the leaving the QPnoSUFqTsc-00070-00035281-00035705 the school environment you've got a job you you've got a way forward you've got QPnoSUFqTsc-00071-00035705-00036056 a foot in the real working world and that's what I really really loved QPnoSUFqTsc-00072-00036056-00036736 about Rhodes university's computer science and information system faculty QPnoSUFqTsc-00073-00036990-00037444 Rhodes has the best throughput rate which means you have the best chance of QPnoSUFqTsc-00074-00037444-00037949 passing and minimum time this is not only because of access to teachers but QPnoSUFqTsc-00075-00037949-00038412 because students can immerse themselves in their technology QPnoSUFqTsc-00076-00038650-00039192 for example in the chemistry department every single first year has a practical QPnoSUFqTsc-00077-00039192-00039949 every single week of the academic year and they have hands-on practical with QPnoSUFqTsc-00078-00039949-00040600 real lab equipment something Rhodes prides itself on is learning and leading QPnoSUFqTsc-00079-00040600-00041035 through community engagement science students get to hone and develop their QPnoSUFqTsc-00080-00041035-00041752 knowledge by helping Mukunda citizens create change through innovation various QPnoSUFqTsc-00081-00041752-00042190 science projects are always on the go from human kinetics and ergonomics QPnoSUFqTsc-00082-00042190-00042712 well-being programs working with school learners and laboratories to grow in QPnoSUFqTsc-00083-00042712-00043237 water-wise plants students research and help communities find solutions to QPnoSUFqTsc-00084-00043237-00043645 fundamental problems that afflict them community engagement efforts university QPnoSUFqTsc-00085-00043645-00044077 spreads whitest terms that means engagement continuum so this basically QPnoSUFqTsc-00086-00044077-00044515 means that it ranges from credit bearing activities such as service-learning QPnoSUFqTsc-00087-00044515-00044938 engage research or even community engaged learning to non-credit bearing QPnoSUFqTsc-00088-00044938-00045451 activities such as volunteerism thus learning to lead equips students with QPnoSUFqTsc-00089-00045451-00045898 more than technical skills it's about being a human who cares about their QPnoSUFqTsc-00090-00045898-00046534 world and can innovate and inspire others to improve it to find out more QPnoSUFqTsc-00092-00050298-00050855 you QPVZyTCx-FE-00000-00000102-00000290 Let’s start with a simple question. QPVZyTCx-FE-00001-00000320-00000540 A human does not get afraid whatever it knows. QPVZyTCx-FE-00002-00000588-00000858 Is knowing enough to overcome fears? QPVZyTCx-FE-00003-00000890-00001136 Do really believe in that? QPVZyTCx-FE-00004-00001170-00001338 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. QPVZyTCx-FE-00005-00001346-00001702 “It is certain that we try a little fear, hunger QPVZyTCx-FE-00006-00001722-00002098 and decrease of properties. QPVZyTCx-FE-00007-00002140-00002340 herald people having patient.” QPVZyTCx-FE-00008-00003497-00003747 When your child comes into your room QPVZyTCx-FE-00009-00003754-00003944 and says that there is a ghost in the room, QPVZyTCx-FE-00010-00003954-00004202 you do not wait and suddenly go towards the room. QPVZyTCx-FE-00011-00004216-00004490 You look around and turn on the light if it is dark. QPVZyTCx-FE-00012-00004506-00004730 You show everywhere and explain or prove that ghosts QPVZyTCx-FE-00013-00004734-00004970 are not real. You try to explain that ghosts are fictions. QPVZyTCx-FE-00014-00005032-00005382 Then you wait yoru child goes to bed and sleep. QPVZyTCx-FE-00015-00005446-00005618 Has there been anybody who has achieved that? QPVZyTCx-FE-00016-00005626-00005916 Yes daddy, you are right. Ghosts are not real QPVZyTCx-FE-00017-00005922-00006104 and so I will go to bed an sleep. QPVZyTCx-FE-00018-00006104-00006304 You can go and sleep in your bed. QPVZyTCx-FE-00019-00006334-00006656 So if there is a child, let us know QPVZyTCx-FE-00020-00006690-00007098 Lets turn back to adults now. QPVZyTCx-FE-00021-00007188-00007481 Cenabı Hak tells people in Quran. QPVZyTCx-FE-00022-00007502-00007738 You will be examined. QPVZyTCx-FE-00023-00007750-00007888 You will be tested. QPVZyTCx-FE-00024-00007906-00008162 Sometimes there will be hunger or sometimes fears. QPVZyTCx-FE-00025-00008206-00008546 That means that our fears will cover us. QPVZyTCx-FE-00026-00008586-00008786 You will be one of them who are afraid. QPVZyTCx-FE-00027-00008810-00009132 Because you like your property and yourselves QPVZyTCx-FE-00028-00009176-00009448 You load much more meaning to all you built QPVZyTCx-FE-00029-00009456-00009716 with your hands than wishes of your soul. QPVZyTCx-FE-00030-00009760-00009968 I did, I made on my own QPVZyTCx-FE-00031-00009970-00010090 and alone. QPVZyTCx-FE-00032-00010118-00010340 You say I would. QPVZyTCx-FE-00033-00010378-00010730 Naturally you are getting more and more afraid when you QPVZyTCx-FE-00034-00010750-00010950 hear that you will lose your everything financial. QPVZyTCx-FE-00035-00010980-00011224 So, Allahu Zülcelal does not make you afraid. QPVZyTCx-FE-00036-00011300-00011544 When you lose your assets and ownings financial and QPVZyTCx-FE-00037-00011554-00011726 the body loses the health a human starts to get afraid. QPVZyTCx-FE-00038-00011738-00012116 Actually it is Muslim. In Qur’an all is explained clearly. QPVZyTCx-FE-00039-00012152-00012362 Allahu Zülcelal tells that opeople will be tested QPVZyTCx-FE-00040-00012362-00012560 and examined with souls and assets. QPVZyTCx-FE-00041-00012614-00012934 When there is a damage on properties starts to shout. QPVZyTCx-FE-00042-00012950-00013147 It is even not necessary to get harmed, every night QPVZyTCx-FE-00043-00013147-00013546 loses sleep in the event that everything goes worse. QPVZyTCx-FE-00044-00013574-00013758 Always thinking about rivals and new initiatives QPVZyTCx-FE-00045-00013758-00014086 whether to be successful or not. QPVZyTCx-FE-00046-00014088-00014332 Standing up and walking around at home. QPVZyTCx-FE-00047-00014341-00014656 Hospitals are full of businessman who has heart attacks QPVZyTCx-FE-00048-00014678-00014962 due to their business or economical crisis. QPVZyTCx-FE-00049-00015010-00015190 When you feel a pain anywhere on your body, you ask QPVZyTCx-FE-00050-00015190-00015397 where it is coming from QPVZyTCx-FE-00051-00015397-00015608 and you are covered by excietement. QPVZyTCx-FE-00052-00015608-00015718 You start to eat your heart out. QPVZyTCx-FE-00053-00015718-00015996 Hospitals are full of with people believing and worrying QPVZyTCx-FE-00054-00015996-00016328 that there is a tumor on the brain just becuse of a headache. QPVZyTCx-FE-00055-00016347-00016532 Now lets turn back to the beginning of the story. QPVZyTCx-FE-00056-00016572-00016996 What is the difference between those childeren QPVZyTCx-FE-00057-00017038-00017228 here in above and such a man? QPVZyTCx-FE-00058-00017244-00017475 The only difference is they do not think QPVZyTCx-FE-00059-00017476-00017646 about what will happen tomorrow. QPVZyTCx-FE-00060-00017658-00017874 They do with only their ownings. QPVZyTCx-FE-00061-00017896-00018092 Yes maybe you do not leave your room QPVZyTCx-FE-00062-00018092-00018348 due to the belief that there is a ghost, QPVZyTCx-FE-00063-00018416-00018698 but you are interrupting your sleep with huge fears QPVZyTCx-FE-00064-00018698-00018908 in the event that there may be some risks QPVZyTCx-FE-00065-00018916-00019088 about your posessions and soul. QPVZyTCx-FE-00066-00019124-00019460 You are not like a child. You are worse than a child. QPVZyTCx-FE-00067-00019480-00019690 I wish you could be as much as a child. QPVZyTCx-FE-00068-00019696-00019902 Then alike with the child hugging QPVZyTCx-FE-00069-00019902-00020048 the dad Because of the fears you would follow QPVZyTCx-FE-00070-00020048-00020358 and hug orders of Ya Rabb and it would pass. QPVZyTCx-FE-00071-00020406-00020702 Neither know you how to do nor how to hug you want QPVZyTCx-FE-00072-00020702-00020997 both live well and happily on the World and QPVZyTCx-FE-00073-00021016-00021312 on the other World and finally not be tested. QPVZyTCx-FE-00074-00021370-00021532 Actually all of them are for you. QPVZyTCx-FE-00075-00021560-00021838 Delivering to the address has been left to the destiny. QPVZyTCx-FE-00076-00021864-00022120 If it is not so, you will know the power from your inside. QPVZyTCx-FE-00077-00022164-00022434 You do not surrender yourself with a clean and since heart to Ya Rabb QPVZyTCx-FE-00078-00022454-00022744 but you suppose to meet with Allah (C.C.) on kotows. QPVZyTCx-FE-00079-00022771-00023108 If it is so, why are you getting afraid? QPVZyTCx-FE-00080-00023158-00023405 It is such a big life that all humanity QPVZyTCx-FE-00081-00023405-00023708 can live and see everything. QPVZyTCx-FE-00082-00023748-00024092 Life starts with a birth and finals with the death QPVZyTCx-FE-00083-00024126-00024372 and there are some news in all. QPVZyTCx-FE-00084-00024386-00024570 Somesimets being happy with news QPVZyTCx-FE-00085-00024570-00024760 or sometimes sad and if there is a rise in the World QPVZyTCx-FE-00086-00024764-00024932 it is becoming more sad and owing to QPVZyTCx-FE-00087-00024962-00025222 those bad news but if there are good news QPVZyTCx-FE-00088-00025228-00025492 it becomes very surprised. QPVZyTCx-FE-00089-00025496-00025806 However Cenabı Hak Ayeti tells in Verses. QPVZyTCx-FE-00090-00025864-00026116 Herald them, they have endured. QPVZyTCx-FE-00091-00026136-00026362 They are masters of patience. QPVZyTCx-FE-00092-00026374-00026686 That is the reality that poeple who are patient can move QPVZyTCx-FE-00093-00026686-00027092 one step further on the way to know better Ya Rabb. QPVZyTCx-FE-00094-00027160-00027412 Do not suppose that every person who is patient has QPVZyTCx-FE-00095-00027412-00027560 this experience because there is an exam, QPVZyTCx-FE-00096-00027560-00027764 the patience is a way of life fır all of us. QPVZyTCx-FE-00097-00027812-00028162 So the patience is a way of lifestyle. QPVZyTCx-FE-00098-00028208-00028410 All of our life is tested through QPVZyTCx-FE-00099-00028420-00028626 all difficulties during our life. QPVZyTCx-FE-00100-00028645-00028870 So the patience is a way of lifestyle. QPVZyTCx-FE-00101-00028906-00029200 So the patience is a way to know Ya Rabb much more. QPVZyTCx-FE-00102-00029214-00029539 It is certain that existance is an indication of destiny. QPVZyTCx-FE-00103-00029560-00029758 It is the reality QPVZyTCx-FE-00104-00029845-00030092 if you would like to know our Rabb, be patient. QPVZyTCx-FE-00105-00030124-00030332 If you have patience you will be aware QPVZyTCx-FE-00106-00030333-00030500 of the exams around you. QPVZyTCx-FE-00107-00030542-00030814 If you are aware, you do not get tired QPVZyTCx-FE-00108-00030832-00031112 trying to understand what the life is or not QPVZyTCx-FE-00109-00031164-00031330 and nothing makes you sad. QPVZyTCx-FE-00110-00031412-00031542 Take care yourself. QR1sZjfesZM-00002-00003156-00003414 I love you! QR1sZjfesZM-00004-00003757-00005647 Come in! It's time --------to meet me! QR1sZjfesZM-00005-00005910-00006462 No problem! Darling! QR1sZjfesZM-00006-00006552-00006798 Time to meet! QR1sZjfesZM-00007-00006798-00007675 Our love is ------------------growing! QR1sZjfesZM-00008-00007675-00008234 Time----------- to meet! QR1sZjfesZM-00009-00008234-00008851 I am thinking---------- means! QR1sZjfesZM-00010-00008851-00009379 Don't take----------far away,.. QR1sZjfesZM-00011-00009450-00010470 Our secret! I'm into------------- caress. QR1sZjfesZM-00012-00010470-00011265 Our night, our night, is still---------- right there! QR1sZjfesZM-00013-00011265-00011928 Amour! Love! QR1sZjfesZM-00014-00011928-00012325 Darling, I fell in love,--------- QR1sZjfesZM-00015-00012325-00012672 with you. Cours. QR1sZjfesZM-00016-00012672-00012804 Come on, darling! QR1sZjfesZM-00017-00012804-00013780 Time to meet, darling,---------- I am in love. QR1sZjfesZM-00018-00013836-00013913 Think hard! QR1sZjfesZM-00019-00013913-00015012 Our future, darling-------------to grow! QR1sZjfesZM-00020-00015012-00015875 Oh! Darling! Be there, on time, darling! QR1sZjfesZM-00021-00015875-00016445 Our secret to reveal--------------Hug me! QR1sZjfesZM-00022-00016445-00016943 Come to me! QR1sZjfesZM-00023-00016943-00017198 Come to me, darling. QR1sZjfesZM-00024-00017388-00018084 Be patient? QR1sZjfesZM-00025-00018084-00018386 Be patient. QR1sZjfesZM-00026-00018386-00019490 Counting, counting.... counting on you-----------Darling. QR1sZjfesZM-00027-00019490-00019685 Darling,.... QR1sZjfesZM-00028-00019890-00020250 We, we can do it. QR1sZjfesZM-00029-00020250-00020557 We can do it. QTAhmj0VxxI-00000-00001030-00001310 Hi, how are you? My name is Uinic Cervantes QTAhmj0VxxI-00001-00001310-00001468 and I'm here with my daughters: QTAhmj0VxxI-00002-00001478-00001818 I'm Yami and I'm seven years old. QTAhmj0VxxI-00003-00001870-00002228 and: Nikki, I'm ten years old. QTAhmj0VxxI-00004-00002270-00002646 Ok, so my daughters and I want to share another tool with you. QTAhmj0VxxI-00005-00002726-00003190 And it's about how we create agreements. We have a very important agreement. QTAhmj0VxxI-00006-00003228-00003747 Which emerged because of disagreements that we had. QTAhmj0VxxI-00007-00003770-00004238 So in a situation in which we had an argument QTAhmj0VxxI-00008-00004238-00004376 [Yami] and we were fighting QTAhmj0VxxI-00009-00004376-00004574 [Uinic] Especially between sisters. QTAhmj0VxxI-00010-00004596-00004986 We started talking and thinking about how we'd like to solve this in the future QTAhmj0VxxI-00011-00005006-00005376 and we created this agreement that's very important for us. QTAhmj0VxxI-00012-00005392-00005892 The first thing that we do in this agreement is: "I ask and I listen" QTAhmj0VxxI-00013-00005904-00006218 Exactly, I ask and I listen. So first I ask QTAhmj0VxxI-00014-00006286-00006706 to understand what the other person feels, and I listen, and then: QTAhmj0VxxI-00015-00006758-00007030 [Yami] We come to an agreement. QTAhmj0VxxI-00016-00007030-00007331 [Uinic] We come to an agreement about the thing that bothered me QTAhmj0VxxI-00017-00007331-00007580 or that I'd like to be different. QTAhmj0VxxI-00018-00007709-00008054 [Yami] Respect. So I respect the agreement we created. QTAhmj0VxxI-00019-00008068-00008428 [Uinic] Exactly, I respect the agreement that we just made. And then? QTAhmj0VxxI-00020-00008428-00008768 [Yami] Check if it's working. QTAhmj0VxxI-00021-00008834-00009228 [Uinic] Exactly, so we check if the agreement is working. QTAhmj0VxxI-00022-00009286-00009680 And if it's not working I go back to what? QTAhmj0VxxI-00023-00009708-00009956 [Yami] To asking and listening! QTAhmj0VxxI-00024-00009964-00010418 [Uinic] This agreement was created to resolve conflicts. QTAhmj0VxxI-00025-00010436-00010872 And based on that we created some other, for example: QTAhmj0VxxI-00026-00010928-00011624 [Yami] For example "People are more important than screens" QTAhmj0VxxI-00027-00011630-00011974 That means that for example instead of watching QTAhmj0VxxI-00028-00011990-00012474 the TV or your phone or your computer or whatever QTAhmj0VxxI-00029-00012560-00012813 which has to do with screens QTAhmj0VxxI-00030-00012902-00013391 you could stop doing those things and play with your family QTAhmj0VxxI-00031-00013460-00013832 or do something with your family or someone else. QTAhmj0VxxI-00032-00013832-00014141 Something that's not about screens. QTAhmj0VxxI-00033-00014154-00014396 [Uinic] And why did we create this agreement? QTAhmj0VxxI-00034-00014447-00014850 [Yami] Because many people in our family wanted to be only with their screens. QTAhmj0VxxI-00035-00014880-00015372 [Uinic] Sometimes what happened is that because of spending time with our phone or the computer QTAhmj0VxxI-00036-00015440-00016030 we didn't take care of a family member's request or QTAhmj0VxxI-00037-00016030-00016232 our responsibilities or something like that QTAhmj0VxxI-00038-00016232-00016432 Here we have another agreement which says: QTAhmj0VxxI-00039-00016470-00016976 [Yami] My words are the most important thing. QTAhmj0VxxI-00040-00017026-00017500 [Uinic] "My words are the most important thing" is an agreement that we created because QTAhmj0VxxI-00041-00017516-00017934 sometimes I might say something and I forget that I said it QTAhmj0VxxI-00042-00017934-00018134 and then I don't fulfill what I said. QTAhmj0VxxI-00043-00018142-00018636 [Nikki] So this agreement is to remember that our words are the most important thing QTAhmj0VxxI-00044-00018640-00018840 and that we have to keep our promises QTAhmj0VxxI-00045-00018904-00019230 [Uinic] And at last a new one that we just created: QTAhmj0VxxI-00046-00019230-00019402 [Nikki] "A good diet" QTAhmj0VxxI-00047-00019440-00019900 Which is about balancing what you eat: QTAhmj0VxxI-00048-00020068-00020440 Fruits and vegetables: A lot! QTAhmj0VxxI-00049-00020532-00020732 Proteins: More or less. QTAhmj0VxxI-00050-00020782-00020996 Sugar and fat: a lot less. QTAhmj0VxxI-00051-00020996-00021410 [Uinic] What's important about this is that we create them all together QTAhmj0VxxI-00052-00021418-00021654 These posters were made by Nicky for example QTAhmj0VxxI-00053-00021736-00022176 She made them, she coloured them, we cut them out together QTAhmj0VxxI-00054-00022338-00022770 and we all agree that those are our agreements, right? QTAhmj0VxxI-00055-00022770-00022900 [Nikki] Yes. QTAhmj0VxxI-00056-00022900-00023204 [Uinic] And because we all agree on that we all respect them QTAhmj0VxxI-00057-00023204-00023640 and respecting them, each of us takes care of them QTAhmj0VxxI-00058-00023640-00023840 and that shapes us as a family. QTAhmj0VxxI-00059-00023844-00024080 This is another tool we want to share with you QTAhmj0VxxI-00060-00024080-00024658 for all the people that are in quarantine and feel chaos emerging QTAhmj0VxxI-00061-00024696-00025102 We propose that you have a meeting QTAhmj0VxxI-00062-00025102-00025452 we call it the "change up meeting" QTAhmj0VxxI-00063-00025518-00025812 And that's because in those meetings we decide what to change in our agreements QTAhmj0VxxI-00064-00025812-00025966 and which agreements stay the same QTAhmj0VxxI-00065-00026004-00026308 If an agreements works and it's already being practiced QTAhmj0VxxI-00066-00026364-00026756 we can put it here where we see it so we remember it. QTAhmj0VxxI-00067-00026806-00027120 For example, if I'm with my computer QTAhmj0VxxI-00068-00027174-00027556 and it's time to eat they can remind me of the agreement and say QTAhmj0VxxI-00069-00027556-00027860 Hey, are screens more important or people? QTAhmj0VxxI-00070-00027904-00028136 So this is another tool, plan your change up meetings! QTAhmj0VxxI-00071-00028145-00028345 Everybody's voice is equal. QTAhmj0VxxI-00072-00028383-00028872 The agreements are created in an organized an harmonious way QTAhmj0VxxI-00073-00028888-00029230 and if one isn't working try it just for a week or a month QTAhmj0VxxI-00074-00029238-00029538 and if it doesn't work just propose something new. QTAhmj0VxxI-00075-00029654-00029970 Okay, that's all for this video, we hope you liked it! QTAhmj0VxxI-00076-00029998-00030308 Thank you for listening to us and seeing us QTAhmj0VxxI-00077-00030326-00030652 Leave us a comment and let us know what else you'd like us to share about QTAhmj0VxxI-00078-00030652-00030810 and we'll see each other in our next video. QTAhmj0VxxI-00079-00030839-00031016 Bye! Take care! QUoKpsz2KPu-00000-00000129-00000329 [♪♪♪] QUoKpsz2KPu-00001-00001860-00002047 [SINGING] QUoKpsz2KPu-00002-00002047-00002331 [PEOPLE LAUGHING] QUoKpsz2KPu-00003-00002331-00002706 [SINGING LULLABY] QUoKpsz2KPu-00004-00003254-00003934 [SINGING] QUoKpsz2KPu-00005-00005115-00005307 [♪♪♪] QVggHvpZojo-00000-00000014-00000564 welcome to screencast-o-matic a fast free and easy to use screen stroke QVggHvpZojo-00001-00000564-00001054 cam recorder used by millions worldwide . let's get started QVggHvpZojo-00002-00001054-00001604 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00003-00001604-00001986 start recording for free QVggHvpZojo-00004-00002016-00002552 If this is your first time you will be prompted to launch and install the free recorder QVggHvpZojo-00005-00002552-00003265 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00006-00003265-00003696 Go ahead and download it QVggHvpZojo-00007-00003828-00004172 Once installed just a one click launch QVggHvpZojo-00008-00004172-00004788 Now you can record the screen,webcam or both. QVggHvpZojo-00009-00004810-00005244 You have a maximum duration of 15 minutes to record. QVggHvpZojo-00010-00005244-00005714 You record as many videos as you want as long as their are 15 minutes long . QVggHvpZojo-00011-00005734-00006380 To have unlimited recording, minutes you have to upgrade to their software. QVggHvpZojo-00012-00006428-00007304 You can resize the the area of your recording QVggHvpZojo-00013-00007444-00008346 You can record any part of your video I mean any part of your screen that you want QVggHvpZojo-00014-00008380-00009080 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00015-00009080-00009706 With webcam selected you can drag and resize the webcam frame within recording area. QVggHvpZojo-00016-00010096-00011246 You can also pre- select the HT sizes 480p, 720p and full screen QVggHvpZojo-00017-00011268-00012054 Now to start recording make sure that the narration bar is flashing QVggHvpZojo-00018-00012242-00012956 You can also select preferences such as hot key webcam key count down option QVggHvpZojo-00019-00012956-00013474 you can change all these for they are in default. QVggHvpZojo-00020-00013474-00013836 Once that is done hit the record key and QVggHvpZojo-00021-00013888-00014402 start recording on count down of three so in this case I'm recording this QVggHvpZojo-00022-00014403-00015569 part of the area.You can pause and i can proceed to where I left QVggHvpZojo-00023-00015854-00016890 You can also delete everything and start over. and once done hit the done button QVggHvpZojo-00024-00016890-00017344 You can trim start and the end part of the video QVggHvpZojo-00025-00017344-00017966 in this case I want to listen to what I have just recorded QVggHvpZojo-00026-00017966-00018428 I am recording this part of the area QVggHvpZojo-00027-00018462-00018986 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00028-00019110-00020632 once done you can save your video to your computer and also save it to YouTube and QVggHvpZojo-00029-00020632-00020958 click on screencast-o-matic QVggHvpZojo-00030-00020990-00021308 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00031-00021366-00021864 In this case I'll choose a file and save it QVggHvpZojo-00032-00021864-00023354 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00033-00023396-00024022 now lets go and play that video that I've just created QVggHvpZojo-00034-00024050-00024880 ***Music*** QVggHvpZojo-00035-00024930-00025534 And that's all.Do have a good experiencing with screencast-o-matic QXr4tNdoLJM-00000-00000010-00000060 TAKING IN ORGANIC RECYCLING. QXr4tNdoLJM-00001-00000060-00000066 TAKING IN ORGANIC RECYCLING. QXr4tNdoLJM-00002-00000066-00000200 TAKING IN ORGANIC RECYCLING. THE WASTE MANAGER SAYS THAT QXr4tNdoLJM-00003-00000200-00000206 TAKING IN ORGANIC RECYCLING. THE WASTE MANAGER SAYS THAT QXr4tNdoLJM-00004-00000206-00000647 TAKING IN ORGANIC RECYCLING. THE WASTE MANAGER SAYS THAT PROJECT WILL BEGIN SOMETIME IN QXr4tNdoLJM-00005-00000647-00000653 THE WASTE MANAGER SAYS THAT PROJECT WILL BEGIN SOMETIME IN QXr4tNdoLJM-00006-00000653-00000717 THE WASTE MANAGER SAYS THAT PROJECT WILL BEGIN SOMETIME IN APRIL. QXr4tNdoLJM-00007-00000717-00000724 PROJECT WILL BEGIN SOMETIME IN APRIL. QXr4tNdoLJM-00008-00000724-00000850 PROJECT WILL BEGIN SOMETIME IN APRIL. >> SHIRELLE: ANGLERS ON MILLE QXr4tNdoLJM-00009-00000850-00000857 APRIL. >> SHIRELLE: ANGLERS ON MILLE QXr4tNdoLJM-00010-00000857-00001030 APRIL. >> SHIRELLE: ANGLERS ON MILLE LACS LAKE LOO SOON BE ABLE TO QXr4tNdoLJM-00011-00001030-00001037 >> SHIRELLE: ANGLERS ON MILLE LACS LAKE LOO SOON BE ABLE TO QXr4tNdoLJM-00012-00001037-00001291 >> SHIRELLE: ANGLERS ON MILLE LACS LAKE LOO SOON BE ABLE TO KEEP WALLEYE DURING OPEN WATER QXr4tNdoLJM-00013-00001291-00001297 LACS LAKE LOO SOON BE ABLE TO KEEP WALLEYE DURING OPEN WATER QXr4tNdoLJM-00014-00001297-00001484 LACS LAKE LOO SOON BE ABLE TO KEEP WALLEYE DURING OPEN WATER FISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE QXr4tNdoLJM-00015-00001484-00001491 KEEP WALLEYE DURING OPEN WATER FISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE QXr4tNdoLJM-00016-00001491-00001541 KEEP WALLEYE DURING OPEN WATER FISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2015. QXr4tNdoLJM-00017-00001541-00001548 FISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2015. QXr4tNdoLJM-00018-00001548-00001731 FISHING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2015. ACCORDING TO THE MINNESOTA QXr4tNdoLJM-00019-00001731-00001738 2015. ACCORDING TO THE MINNESOTA QXr4tNdoLJM-00020-00001738-00001808 2015. ACCORDING TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, QXr4tNdoLJM-00021-00001808-00001815 ACCORDING TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, QXr4tNdoLJM-00022-00001815-00001958 ACCORDING TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, AN IMPROVING WALLEYE POPULATION QXr4tNdoLJM-00023-00001958-00001965 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, AN IMPROVING WALLEYE POPULATION QXr4tNdoLJM-00024-00001965-00002348 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, AN IMPROVING WALLEYE POPULATION HAS BEEN PROTECTED BY QXr4tNdoLJM-00025-00002348-00002355 AN IMPROVING WALLEYE POPULATION HAS BEEN PROTECTED BY QXr4tNdoLJM-00026-00002355-00002505 AN IMPROVING WALLEYE POPULATION HAS BEEN PROTECTED BY CONSERVATIVE FISHING REGULATION QXr4tNdoLJM-00027-00002505-00002512 HAS BEEN PROTECTED BY CONSERVATIVE FISHING REGULATION QXr4tNdoLJM-00028-00002512-00002625 HAS BEEN PROTECTED BY CONSERVATIVE FISHING REGULATION IN RECENT YEARS. QXr4tNdoLJM-00029-00002625-00002632 CONSERVATIVE FISHING REGULATION IN RECENT YEARS. QXr4tNdoLJM-00030-00002632-00002739 CONSERVATIVE FISHING REGULATION IN RECENT YEARS. MILLE LACS ANGLERS WILL BE ABLE QXr4tNdoLJM-00031-00002739-00002746 IN RECENT YEARS. MILLE LACS ANGLERS WILL BE ABLE QXr4tNdoLJM-00032-00002746-00003019 IN RECENT YEARS. MILLE LACS ANGLERS WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP ONE WALLEYE BETWEEN 21 QXr4tNdoLJM-00033-00003019-00003026 MILLE LACS ANGLERS WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP ONE WALLEYE BETWEEN 21 QXr4tNdoLJM-00034-00003026-00003073 MILLE LACS ANGLERS WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP ONE WALLEYE BETWEEN 21 AND 23 INCHES OR ONE WALLEYE QXssnZXCZoM-00000-00000000-00001812 Clever cat that turns off a light instead of a butler QXDTgfovzEQ-00000-00000109-00000587 Hello guys and welcome to a new video .. I wonna start this season by showcasing my favourite QXDTgfovzEQ-00001-00000587-00001044 gun of all time the MX9 .. and I know I already showcased it last season .. but this time QXDTgfovzEQ-00002-00001044-00001460 I'll be using the Large Caliber Mag instead of the Hyprid Mag .. and what it does it increases QXDTgfovzEQ-00003-00001460-00001992 the overall damage but in return you're sacrificing mag capacity so you'll be carrying 10 less ammo. QXDTgfovzEQ-00004-00001999-00002325 So what I'm gonna do now is I'll be testing the damage of this loadout shown on the screen QXDTgfovzEQ-00005-00002325-00002817 to see how much damage it does to an enemy with a level 3 vest and 150 health and then we'll QXDTgfovzEQ-00006-00002817-00003223 compare it to the previous build we made last season with the hyprid mag to see the damage QXDTgfovzEQ-00007-00003223-00003439 difference and wether it's worth it or not. QXDTgfovzEQ-00008-00003439-00003795 and after we're done with the testing I'll show you a crazy game full of action and full QXDTgfovzEQ-00009-00003795-00004292 of kills showcasing the power of the large caliber MX9 .. I hope you guys enjoy and I QXDTgfovzEQ-00010-00004292-00004603 hope you find it useful .. let's get started. QXDTgfovzEQ-00011-00005359-00006048 So the MX9 with large caliber deals 19 damage to the chest and with a fire rate of 860 RPM QXDTgfovzEQ-00012-00006048-00006618 it can kill an enemy within 488 ms which is insane because not only it beats the hyprid QXDTgfovzEQ-00013-00006618-00007113 mag version of the MX9 but it also beats the fennec .. the gun with the fastest fire rate QXDTgfovzEQ-00014-00007113-00007706 in the game .. because the fennec has a killing time of 535 ms. QXDTgfovzEQ-00015-00007706-00008100 And If you think that's crazy then wait till you hear this .. the Large Caliber Mag increases QXDTgfovzEQ-00016-00008100-00008592 the damage of all body parts .. so it increases the legs damage by 4 .. the chest damage by QXDTgfovzEQ-00017-00008592-00008930 3 and the head damage by 5 which is ridiculous. QXDTgfovzEQ-00018-00008930-00009392 And that's not it .. because if we comapre the MX9 to the fennec the MX9 wins in 2 other QXDTgfovzEQ-00019-00009392-00009807 things .. first of all is the vest penetration .. in here you can see side to side comparison QXDTgfovzEQ-00020-00009807-00010228 of the enemy armor after 4 shots to the chest and you can notice that the MX9 damaged the QXDTgfovzEQ-00021-00010228-00010625 vest more than the fennec which can highly affect the killing time against enemies with QXDTgfovzEQ-00022-00010625-00010725 a damaged vest. QXDTgfovzEQ-00023-00010725-00011134 The 2nd thing is the hipfire accuracy and again you can see that the MX9 has higher QXDTgfovzEQ-00024-00011134-00011522 hipfire accuracy than the fennec .. I mean the gunsmith build you choose obviously makes QXDTgfovzEQ-00025-00011522-00011984 a difference but overall the MX9 has better hipfire accuracy and easier to control. QXDTgfovzEQ-00026-00011984-00012374 So yeah forget about the fennec .. the MX9 is the best close range gun in the game right QXDTgfovzEQ-00027-00012374-00012770 now next to the 1 tap shotguns like the HS04 and the BY-15. QXDTgfovzEQ-00028-00012770-00013144 And now that we're done with the testing we gonna see this beast in action so let's move QXDTgfovzEQ-00029-00013144-00013244 on to the gameplay. QXDTgfovzEQ-00030-00013244-00013635 I had a really intense and fun game but before we start I'm trying something new here and QXDTgfovzEQ-00031-00013635-00013987 I want you guys to share your opinion in the comments .. so you will notice that the gameplay QXDTgfovzEQ-00032-00013987-00014353 in this video is in full screen compared to the previous videos where there were black QXDTgfovzEQ-00033-00014353-00014807 bars on the sides .. and sadly that's an issue with ipad recordings they come with side bars QXDTgfovzEQ-00034-00014807-00015160 .. obviously full screen is better but in order to have a full screen I had to zoom QXDTgfovzEQ-00035-00015160-00015532 in a little bit which means the guns section isn't visible .. as well as the number of QXDTgfovzEQ-00036-00015532-00015938 kills and the map .. they're not that important but it's up to you guys .. I can move the QXDTgfovzEQ-00037-00015938-00016344 number of kills inside but the guns section and the map are a bit hard to move beacsue QXDTgfovzEQ-00038-00016344-00016724 I'm used to them being there .. as for the actual gameplay itself it's not affected because QXDTgfovzEQ-00039-00016724-00017084 I set my field of view to 80 so you won't miss anything .. another good thing about QXDTgfovzEQ-00040-00017084-00017471 having full screen is that the quality is much better .. so please watch the video and QXDTgfovzEQ-00041-00017471-00017790 let me know what you prefer .. do you like full screen with higher quality or do you QXDTgfovzEQ-00042-00017790-00018090 want me to go back to showing everything but with black bars. QXDTgfovzEQ-00043-00018090-00018468 Anyway in this game there was no platform so the 2nd best option was the black market QXDTgfovzEQ-00044-00018468-00018862 .. it was a highlited area .. next to the plane path and I can get a helicopter if I QXDTgfovzEQ-00045-00018862-00019259 survive .. and I dunno about you guys but I'm Starting to love games without the platform QXDTgfovzEQ-00046-00019259-00019646 because whenever the platform spawns most strong squads land there and most of them QXDTgfovzEQ-00047-00019646-00020039 get killed and as a result the rest of the game becomes a bit boring where you'll mostly QXDTgfovzEQ-00048-00020039-00020423 fight bots and weak players and overall it becomes harder to get more kills .. but this QXDTgfovzEQ-00049-00020423-00020808 game was full of action from the start to the end mainly because there was no platform QXDTgfovzEQ-00050-00020808-00020953 and I ended up getting many kills. QXDTgfovzEQ-00051-00020953-00021373 So this is my plan for the black market .. land underground .. get as much loot as possible QXDTgfovzEQ-00052-00021373-00021750 and eliminate any players inside .. and once you're done use the airborne to get vision QXDTgfovzEQ-00053-00021750-00022018 over the area and plan your next attack. QXDTgfovzEQ-00054-00028419-00028800 When you rush enemies like this my advice is to avoid flying straight to their face QXDTgfovzEQ-00055-00028800-00029163 because good enemies will shoot you while you're in mid air and even 1 shot you with QXDTgfovzEQ-00056-00029163-00029657 a shotgun when you get close to them .. so it's best to steer to the sides. QXDTgfovzEQ-00057-00032859-00033263 When I'm the one being rushed like this what I like to do is sprint then slide and jump QXDTgfovzEQ-00058-00033263-00033699 as soon they land .. and it's mostly helpful against shotguns. QXDTgfovzEQ-00059-00034100-00034578 so in this case not only I avoided echo shots but I also avoided the defender stun. QXDTgfovzEQ-00060-00041081-00041513 Those were some good wipes .. and I managed to come out with 8 kills 7 of them were real players QXDTgfovzEQ-00061-00041513-00042029 after that I went to the airdrop and I prioritized my AK-47 because a blue MX9 honestly is more QXDTgfovzEQ-00062-00042029-00042419 than enough then I upgraded my ninja class on the way to the farm and I ended up chasing QXDTgfovzEQ-00063-00042419-00042935 a helicopter all the way to the docks where another airdrop was landing there. QXDTgfovzEQ-00064-00048011-00048417 Now I can say that I'm a %100 ready for anything .. one thing to keep in mind that when you QXDTgfovzEQ-00065-00048417-00048846 use caliber mag you're sacrificing ammo capacity .. even though I'm using a purple extended QXDTgfovzEQ-00066-00048846-00049318 mag I only have 45 bullets .. compared to using a hyprid mag which gives you 10 extra QXDTgfovzEQ-00067-00049318-00049686 bullets and extra reload speed on top of that .. so that's something you need to consider QXDTgfovzEQ-00068-00049686-00050024 when picking the mag .. do you want to go for extra damage with the caliber mag or do QXDTgfovzEQ-00069-00050024-00050388 you want extra ammo capacity and reaload speed with the hyprid mag. QXDTgfovzEQ-00070-00050388-00050718 After that I headed towards the next airdrop and that's what you need to do if you're looking QXDTgfovzEQ-00071-00050718-00051179 for more action and more kills .. it's always a party near airdrops and it was a big party here QXDTgfovzEQ-00072-00051179-00051522 I believe there were 3 squads around that area. QXDTgfovzEQ-00073-00056823-00057213 I dunno how much health this guy had but that was a fast knock just to show the power of QXDTgfovzEQ-00074-00057213-00057573 this build .. and since his teammate didn't rush me there it means that he's reviving QXDTgfovzEQ-00075-00057573-00058039 the one I knocked in the start so I decided to rush them while they're busy. QXDTgfovzEQ-00076-00059748-00060152 While jumping down I noticed that this enemy is busy healing up and has his back turned QXDTgfovzEQ-00077-00060152-00060499 on me so I decided to switch to the other one and eliminate him first because he's the QXDTgfovzEQ-00078-00060499-00060712 bigger threat here. QXDTgfovzEQ-00079-00061113-00061511 Another good wipe eliminating another strong squads .. next I had to enter the circle and QXDTgfovzEQ-00080-00061511-00061856 I managed to get even more kills on the way. QXDTgfovzEQ-00081-00069470-00070063 Here I was getting trapped from 2 sides plus a helicopter above my head so the safest option QXDTgfovzEQ-00082-00070063-00070454 was to change position and plan another attack. QXDTgfovzEQ-00083-00074155-00074537 That was a great awareness and a smart use of cover by the enemy on the roof and that's QXDTgfovzEQ-00084-00074537-00074936 how you know the player is decent and that you need to be a bit careful I was fully exposed QXDTgfovzEQ-00085-00074936-00075330 to him while he had his body covered so I jumped down right away once I realized I'm QXDTgfovzEQ-00086-00075333-00075596 in a disadvantage. QXDTgfovzEQ-00087-00082197-00082548 The fight wasn't worth it because the enemy was pretty good and he had trickster which QXDTgfovzEQ-00088-00082548-00082947 means he can hear all my steps loud and clear even if I engage and kill him .. there is QXDTgfovzEQ-00089-00082947-00083319 a big chance that the zone will finish me off so I decided to play it safe and enter QXDTgfovzEQ-00090-00083319-00083695 the zone to fight in better circumstances. QXDTgfovzEQ-00091-00096897-00097279 I hope you guys enjoyed the gameplay and I hope you found the testing useful to help QXDTgfovzEQ-00092-00097279-00097488 you decide which gun to use at close range. QXDTgfovzEQ-00093-00097488-00097864 If you enjoyed this video a like would be highly appreciated .. thank you for watching QXDTgfovzEQ-00094-00097864-00098269 and I'll see you in the next one .. peace QZiDg4t34oc-00000-00000053-00000406 this is our city called biotopia and QZiDg4t34oc-00001-00000406-00000712 well here it is obviously and here QZiDg4t34oc-00002-00000712-00001087 is the lake while we derive all of our water and here's a dam QZiDg4t34oc-00003-00001087-00001491 that stops the lake from overflooding all of us QZiDg4t34oc-00004-00001491-00001807 and it actually derives QZiDg4t34oc-00005-00001807-00002143 energy, hydropower from QZiDg4t34oc-00006-00002143-00002663 the flow of water and it goes in here, and here are solar panels over our laboratories QZiDg4t34oc-00007-00002663-00003113 to extract energy from the Sun cause why not and QZiDg4t34oc-00008-00003113-00003432 it goes into here under this bridge QZiDg4t34oc-00009-00003432-00003775 into the water purification Center which is right here QZiDg4t34oc-00010-00003775-00004346 flip this lever (and it water purificates) and it goes all the way right here QZiDg4t34oc-00011-00004346-00004678 to people's homes, to QZiDg4t34oc-00012-00004678-00005051 have and into the farm right over here QZiDg4t34oc-00013-00005051-00005439 the farm has wheat, potato, QZiDg4t34oc-00014-00005439-00005805 carrot, and yeah that's it, and QZiDg4t34oc-00015-00005805-00006152 after the farmers harvest all their crops they can QZiDg4t34oc-00016-00006152-00006512 put their crops in here, flip this QZiDg4t34oc-00017-00006512-00006886 and it goes into the laboratories and the people QZiDg4t34oc-00018-00006886-00007109 to harvest QZiDg4t34oc-00019-00007109-00007436 and here are trees for the people QZiDg4t34oc-00020-00007436-00007852 well not really for the people but like trees for the QZiDg4t34oc-00021-00007852-00008318 ecosystem for the animals to live in here are houses for the QZiDg4t34oc-00022-00008318-00008639 farmers I think yeah farmers QZiDg4t34oc-00023-00008639-00008978 houses for the miners right there (is) the mine QZiDg4t34oc-00024-00008978-00009299 the mine or the mountains yeah QZiDg4t34oc-00025-00009299-00009605 we got to the mountains to get ores QZiDg4t34oc-00026-00009605-00009919 such as here (where are they) QZiDg4t34oc-00027-00009919-00010452 (oh right here) coal, iron, gold, diamond, emeralds, QZiDg4t34oc-00028-00010452-00010877 and more. So you can put them here, flip this lever QZiDg4t34oc-00029-00010877-00011264 and it goes into the mainland and here are they QZiDg4t34oc-00030-00011264-00011822 the mountains, and also here are some wind turbines where we harvest energy from QZiDg4t34oc-00031-00011822-00011892 the wind QZiDg4t34oc-00032-00011892-00012369 and here they are QZiDg4t34oc-00033-00012369-00012711 and here are some animals QZiDg4t34oc-00034-00012711-00013100 around here. THESE SHEEP ARE EXTREMELY HUNGRY AND LOOK HE IS EATING GRASS QZiDg4t34oc-00035-00013100-00013640 and he just regained his wool coat. Maybe the other sheep will to eventually QZiDg4t34oc-00036-00013640-00013994 oh he just did and (the other ones...) QZiDg4t34oc-00037-00013994-00014176 okay QZiDg4t34oc-00038-00014176-00014473 OH NO WHAT IS THIS, WOLFS! THEY ARE EATING THE SHEEP QZiDg4t34oc-00039-00014473-00014893 NO! this is called predator and prey relationship QZiDg4t34oc-00040-00014893-00015215 oh no this wolf is eating this sheep too QZiDg4t34oc-00041-00015215-00015687 look at it with its demons eyes and look they turn so cute after they eat the sheep QZiDg4t34oc-00042-00015687-00016043 isn't that cute QZiDg4t34oc-00043-00016043-00016498 oh no, he is eating that sheep too, predator-prey relationship QZiDg4t34oc-00044-00016498-00016835 oh no (maybe this wolf would like to eat this sheep too) QZiDg4t34oc-00045-00016835-00017170 come on sheep! sacrifice yourself! QZiDg4t34oc-00046-00017170-00017506 for the science project. Come on! Eat him! QZiDg4t34oc-00047-00017506-00017985 Uh, oh yes now, aww they are so cute QZiDg4t34oc-00048-00017985-00018297 anyways so here's QZiDg4t34oc-00049-00018297-00018643 our predator-prey relationship the sheep eats the grass and gains QZiDg4t34oc-00050-00018643-00018945 energy and then the wolf eats the sheep and gains energy QZiDg4t34oc-00051-00018945-00019445 he's the apex predator in this ecosystem so once he dies he decomposers eat him QZiDg4t34oc-00052-00019445-00019850 technically kinda, ok let's check out the labs QZiDg4t34oc-00053-00019850-00020282 we already saw the water purification center and here is (after this are auto generated captions) QZiDg4t34oc-00054-00020282-00020701 this the biotechnology lab soft QZiDg4t34oc-00055-00020701-00021157 we just invented a new cloning machine for in the shower I'm scientists QZiDg4t34oc-00056-00021157-00021565 kinda weird have mom has but the question that QZiDg4t34oc-00057-00021565-00021953 to hog a god slot throughout the summer QZiDg4t34oc-00058-00021953-00022532 me simple pop-up see the Select issued by now this is our sheep condit QZiDg4t34oc-00059-00022532-00022875 again of the content and Flavel scientists QZiDg4t34oc-00060-00022875-00023293 had and also this machine QZiDg4t34oc-00061-00023293-00023876 our thing yeah yet this to get this give me the speed the plant the seeds QZiDg4t34oc-00062-00023876-00024251 the news are a match for fertilizer kisses the name maybe QZiDg4t34oc-00063-00024251-00024637 and then the planet and and so gross QZiDg4t34oc-00064-00024637-00025415 game ankle socks and chase us give an example QZiDg4t34oc-00065-00025415-00025481 of got QZiDg4t34oc-00066-00025481-00025879 there's a super we extracted some process some layers QZiDg4t34oc-00067-00025879-00026273 from outside that seek I think his side when I was looking on Sat behind the QZiDg4t34oc-00068-00026273-00026333 months QZiDg4t34oc-00069-00026333-00026995 to the big explosion yeah right there and need to check to some layers QZiDg4t34oc-00070-00026995-00027335 and here are layers QZiDg4t34oc-00071-00027335-00027688 from like I agency self QZiDg4t34oc-00072-00027688-00027836 like QZiDg4t34oc-00073-00027836-00028262 has tried this on cheese sell its plant a tree may be here QZiDg4t34oc-00074-00028262-00028612 yes Ono it up that you have to plan to QZiDg4t34oc-00075-00028612-00028988 dari its popped off QZiDg4t34oc-00076-00028988-00029288 magical okay here is the QZiDg4t34oc-00077-00029288-00029625 on which houses more like that side slit QZiDg4t34oc-00078-00029625-00030087 they have many beds for their many children and there's a bed for them in QZiDg4t34oc-00079-00030087-00030199 the life and there's QZiDg4t34oc-00080-00030199-00030580 tests and stuff to get their stuff there's an trying to soften my QZiDg4t34oc-00081-00030580-00030987 collette they're all the same uniform so nobody fights and here QZiDg4t34oc-00082-00030987-00031525 is the followers houses are that sounds a little like that how everyone to call QZiDg4t34oc-00083-00031525-00031556 them QZiDg4t34oc-00084-00031556-00031869 here's the doors test QZiDg4t34oc-00085-00031869-00032193 clock Avion financing think that QZiDg4t34oc-00086-00032193-00032513 just left pat of RS and QZiDg4t34oc-00087-00032513-00032915 if you're successful farmer are minor you can live here QZiDg4t34oc-00088-00032915-00033284 have cracked prop I QZiDg4t34oc-00089-00033284-00033666 test at that figure Sun on girl whatever QZiDg4t34oc-00090-00033666-00033980 daughter Anna yeah and suffering parks QZiDg4t34oc-00091-00033980-00034462 and yeah here's a farms that showed in the trees QZiDg4t34oc-00092-00034462-00034800 and the mining center here look at this QZiDg4t34oc-00093-00034800-00035225 are we received your shipment AAA we take our stuff QZiDg4t34oc-00094-00035225-00035540 but by now QZiDg4t34oc-00095-00035540-00035996 is call a Wii as a disease lab QZiDg4t34oc-00096-00035996-00036463 says he can see the stem also arm Inc aides to the San imported and on since QZiDg4t34oc-00097-00036463-00036525 this QZiDg4t34oc-00098-00036525-00036905 sauces cuz they all not not try it was we keep them in QZiDg4t34oc-00099-00036905-00037287 captivity is so they don't go off and do in the ecosystem QZiDg4t34oc-00100-00037287-00037544 cell here a spring so I QZiDg4t34oc-00101-00037544-00038034 um heart disease a guest QZiDg4t34oc-00102-00038034-00038475 they are able to sell truck disease saw the accident QZiDg4t34oc-00103-00038475-00038870 look at this this big this pig see you get hurt QZiDg4t34oc-00104-00038870-00039216 this poison and the sheep to get hurt either QZiDg4t34oc-00105-00039216-00039600 maybe the scalp the hurt either QZiDg4t34oc-00106-00039600-00039941 Saugus other sources like came out my son QZiDg4t34oc-00107-00039941-00040454 that she gets her sadly sealed because his health contact but he will not die QZiDg4t34oc-00108-00040454-00040519 for metal QZiDg4t34oc-00109-00040519-00040944 as you can see it slowly dying QZiDg4t34oc-00110-00040944-00041316 slowly dying from the hearts but now he seems to have happened QZiDg4t34oc-00111-00041316-00041646 at heart and he will not die he will not try QZiDg4t34oc-00112-00041646-00042043 he'll prevail to this disease be genetically engineered them to be able QZiDg4t34oc-00113-00042043-00042135 to mop up to QZiDg4t34oc-00114-00042135-00042541 our training how wonderful and sniping QZiDg4t34oc-00115-00042541-00042941 to him there is slight and stuff so he can kinda see QZiDg4t34oc-00116-00042941-00043304 Andy at these are energy sources and QZiDg4t34oc-00117-00043304-00043654 yeah thank you for watching I now QZ-baughP_c-00000-00000038-00000680 we're here at avellino's pizza we're about to eat the diavalo pizza it means devil because QZ-baughP_c-00001-00000680-00001136 devil's in the details you gotta sign a whole waiver before you're even allowed to try it QZ-baughP_c-00002-00001136-00001738 so here i am i just signed the waiver i got my guardian buddy with me in case i die and QZ-baughP_c-00003-00001738-00003082 uh let's see if i can handle this oh let me go through the peppers so it's called habanero QZ-baughP_c-00004-00007124-00009806 sauce so you know you got peppers in the sauce you got peppers on top. QZ-baughP_c-00005-00009806-00010898 a few moments later QZ-baughP_c-00007-00014254-00014409 much harder like ghost peppers this is just standard. QZ-baughP_c-00008-00014409-00014509 you're crazy QZ-baughP_c-00009-00014509-00014751 okay nothing a little cocky on the first one this second pizza had the peppermint QZ-baughP_c-00011-00018252-00019406 ma'am is there any kind of prize for reading this all QZ-baughP_c-00012-00019406-00019506 a costume QZ-baughP_c-00013-00019506-00019606 a dessert pizza QZ-baughP_c-00014-00019606-00019706 what's the QZ-baughP_c-00015-00019706-00020484 the [ __ ] you say to me you little [ __ ] QZ-baughP_c-00016-00020484-00021691 what's the fastest someone ate this an hour i'm about to win like they better put my name QZ-baughP_c-00017-00021691-00023758 on the wall i'll send them a photo i don't care where right there on the way to the bathroom QZ-baughP_c-00018-00023758-00025189 he destroyed this QZ-baughP_c-00019-00025189-00025666 beautiful QZ-baughP_c-00020-00025666-00026144 oh QZ-baughP_c-00021-00026144-00027025 one more flyer and i guess this what is that there's a bunch of peppers it's really like QZ-baughP_c-00022-00027025-00027187 12 different peppers QZ-baughP_c-00023-00027187-00028110 i'm worried about that eat it i feel it in my gut it feels like a swallow like a rock QZ-baughP_c-00024-00028110-00030705 and it's just crushing up my inside i don't want it i wanna go QZ-baughP_c-00025-00030705-00031391 home right guys QZ-baughP_c-00026-00031391-00031619 yep QZ-baughP_c-00027-00031619-00033812 eat it i just saw all the peppers i'm like no that's the better why are you dancing this QZ-baughP_c-00028-00033812-00034075 is involuntary QZ-baughP_c-00029-00034075-00034521 how do you feel you know what i knew i had it in me okay uh QcgiIkZw3pU-00000-00000148-00000416 I'm begining to feel like a dimwit dimwit QcgiIkZw3pU-00001-00000434-00000736 All my people from the front to the back of the classroom QcgiIkZw3pU-00002-00000742-00000961 If you be blacking out with that language QcgiIkZw3pU-00003-00000972-00001022 oh QcgiIkZw3pU-00004-00001050-00001312 If you had one A and then you wrecked it QcgiIkZw3pU-00005-00001330-00001408 Yikes QcgiIkZw3pU-00006-00001422-00001700 But to write like Mr. Self it ain't gotta be in your genes QcgiIkZw3pU-00007-00001702-00001862 You got a Ipad in your backpack QcgiIkZw3pU-00008-00001868-00002023 Use it to write words that snapback QcgiIkZw3pU-00009-00002030-00002282 Cause you don't need a tudor for the weekend QcgiIkZw3pU-00010-00002294-00002378 Facts QcgiIkZw3pU-00011-00002394-00002626 We got that remedy, you need it QcgiIkZw3pU-00012-00002626-00002680 Yuh QcgiIkZw3pU-00013-00002696-00002964 (We got that remedy, you need it) QcgiIkZw3pU-00014-00003040-00003240 If it's not arguable then how QcgiIkZw3pU-00015-00003240-00003290 (How) QcgiIkZw3pU-00016-00003322-00003576 If it's not arguable then why QcgiIkZw3pU-00017-00003576-00003644 (why) QcgiIkZw3pU-00018-00003646-00003822 If it's not arguable then QcgiIkZw3pU-00019-00003822-00003915 so that QcgiIkZw3pU-00020-00003918-00004236 Hit bat, knock that statement out da park. QcgiIkZw3pU-00021-00004344-00004604 If ya statement ain't got strength, what you doin son? QcgiIkZw3pU-00022-00004658-00004916 Counterclaims, then, won't be any fun QcgiIkZw3pU-00023-00004974-00005200 Clarity, now, is it clear? QcgiIkZw3pU-00024-00005278-00005576 If not how the reader follow main idea? QcgiIkZw3pU-00025-00005598-00005864 Finally, check that specificity QcgiIkZw3pU-00026-00005912-00006210 Yeah say it with me, specificity QcgiIkZw3pU-00027-00006232-00006568 Now we all really got that intellect QcgiIkZw3pU-00028-00006578-00006938 All my people from the front to the back of the classroom QcgiIkZw3pU-00029-00006938-00007180 We ain’t blackin out with dat language QcgiIkZw3pU-00030-00007258-00007508 You got all A’s, yeah you saved it QcgiIkZw3pU-00031-00007573-00007872 To write like Mr. Self it ain't gotta be in your genes QcgiIkZw3pU-00032-00007872-00008038 With that Ipad in your backpack QcgiIkZw3pU-00033-00008038-00008218 You wrote words, that snapped back QcgiIkZw3pU-00034-00008218-00008444 Now repetition, know the track QcgiIkZw3pU-00035-00008550-00008818 First pick a universal idea QcgiIkZw3pU-00036-00008868-00009140 Study it until you know it well QcgiIkZw3pU-00037-00009200-00009360 Next, your main idea QcgiIkZw3pU-00038-00009360-00009446 (Main idea) QcgiIkZw3pU-00039-00009504-00009790 Then all that leaves is the final seal QcgiIkZw3pU-00040-00009798-00010140 A connecting phrase which we talked about QcgiIkZw3pU-00041-00010162-00010448 Then evidence should get all the clout QcgiIkZw3pU-00042-00010476-00010740 (evidence should get all the clout) QcgiIkZw3pU-00043-00010812-00011096 Now let's recite it with supersonic speed QcgiIkZw3pU-00044-00011114-00011268 T-H-E-S-I-S Statement QcgiIkZw3pU-00045-00011268-00011440 No matter what you do don't be impatient QcgiIkZw3pU-00046-00011440-00011572 If you give it enough time you will be the greatest QcgiIkZw3pU-00047-00011574-00011738 And I promise you that's not an understatement QcgiIkZw3pU-00048-00011790-00011926 May of thought writing was a waste of time, QcgiIkZw3pU-00049-00011926-00012142 But no more since u heard this sick rhymes QcFBAswdvRA-00000-00000529-00000803 most worthy of love in our lives QcFBAswdvRA-00001-00000803-00001144 first Allah second prophet third parent QcFBAswdvRA-00002-00001162-00001464 fourth is our partner and family QcFBAswdvRA-00003-00001464-00001814 Qurrota A'yun if you don't have at least three first QcFBAswdvRA-00004-00001872-00001991 Allah the prophet and QcFBAswdvRA-00005-00002024-00002124 parents QcFBAswdvRA-00006-00002152-00002453 The sequence is not random, sequence QcFBAswdvRA-00007-00002484-00002610 so it's not fair QcFBAswdvRA-00008-00002610-00002762 if we really love our parents QcFBAswdvRA-00009-00002762-00002876 but to Allah & His Messenger QcFBAswdvRA-00010-00002908-00003108 like it doesn't have any excitement QcFBAswdvRA-00011-00003108-00003218 ordinary QcFBAswdvRA-00012-00003272-00003578 it is the turn of God's name to be called casual no taste QcFBAswdvRA-00013-00003578-00003778 wajilat qulubuhum QcFBAswdvRA-00014-00003778-00003867 well, this is not fair in my opinion QcFBAswdvRA-00015-00003868-00004148 learn slowly build it up QcFBAswdvRA-00016-00004148-00004418 amazed at Allah remember how good Allah is with us QcFBAswdvRA-00017-00004434-00004566 amazed at the Prophet QcFBAswdvRA-00018-00004566-00004714 remember how good the Prophet was with us Qe2ccSvFnRI-00000-00000032-00000368 our room and then we go to the train station yeah it better be Qe2ccSvFnRI-00001-00000368-00000792 yes what why don't we just take the level let's rock they're making a uh Qe2ccSvFnRI-00002-00000792-00001336 um well let me just take the lemons back man to where back to the lineup no no i don't know Qe2ccSvFnRI-00003-00001976-00002984 do you want to go through the room for half an hour yeah Qe2ccSvFnRI-00004-00003528-00004384 yet Qe2ccSvFnRI-00005-00004976-00005784 now Qe2ccSvFnRI-00006-00006831-00007456 well it's it's over it's done it's it's speechless i am speechless i'm speechless Qe2ccSvFnRI-00007-00007512-00008095 i'm this is our room this is after the event how do you feel about it Qe2ccSvFnRI-00008-00008095-00008584 oh it was wonderful we loved him it was great wasn't his speech incredible Qe2ccSvFnRI-00009-00009896-00010304 people uh to jump out of that car oh when he jumped out of the car and just took off Qe2ccSvFnRI-00010-00010304-00010752 it was great everybody just took over it was so emotional so much positive energy Qe2ccSvFnRI-00011-00010752-00011376 the children everything i had a great time i did cry i almost cried but i did do you realize Qe2ccSvFnRI-00012-00011376-00011864 there were children there that are dying yeah do you understand yeah matt what did you feel Qe2ccSvFnRI-00013-00011936-00012480 i feel like i need some sleep yeah it was fantastic michael was great and it all went Qe2ccSvFnRI-00014-00012480-00013280 really smoothly matt matt was matt uh was or is still the um chief of the security here and Qe2ccSvFnRI-00015-00013280-00014184 yeah he has his own martial arts academies yes and it was just amazing amazing thank you so much Qe2ccSvFnRI-00016-00014672-00014928 thanks for wearing my scarf oh i love it Qe2ccSvFnRI-00017-00015408-00015584 otherwise Qe2ccSvFnRI-00018-00016504-00016984 matt how do you move this television to the other channels Qe2ccSvFnRI-00019-00018312-00018728 we'll go ahead and load to you we'll go ahead is it ready yeah we're just ready i'll go first Qe2ccSvFnRI-00020-00018792-00019256 where is the batch from where is it from no it's what is it it is fascinating Qe2ccSvFnRI-00021-00019584-00020384 it's very old yes how old is his name wow who gave it to you i bought it i took my Qe2ccSvFnRI-00022-00020384-00021088 ten-year-old granddaughter to euro disney last weekend it's so nice that was incredible these Qe2ccSvFnRI-00023-00022272-00022584 no problem Qe2ccSvFnRI-00024-00023744-00023984 yeah for everyone Qe2ccSvFnRI-00025-00024152-00025384 show them the shirts Qe2ccSvFnRI-00026-00026672-00027320 i have it i have it can i have it oh my gosh there they go QfM0eYcUPRY-00000-00000909-00001281 In this task, I'll use a digital elevation model to create several QfM0eYcUPRY-00001-00001281-00001401 terrain-related datasets: QfM0eYcUPRY-00002-00001401-00001930 Slope, Aspect and Hill shade. These elevation drive data sets can be really QfM0eYcUPRY-00003-00001930-00002000 useful QfM0eYcUPRY-00004-00002000-00002302 in site selection analyses and other terrain-related QfM0eYcUPRY-00005-00002302-00002753 spatial analyses .So you've got QGIS desktop open with the DEM QfM0eYcUPRY-00006-00002753-00003084 and this particular dataset covers the Sandia Mountains QfM0eYcUPRY-00007-00003084-00003535 on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico. First, I'll investigate this layer. QfM0eYcUPRY-00008-00003535-00004036 I'm going to open up the layer properties for it, go to the General tab and QfM0eYcUPRY-00009-00004036-00004353 I can see that it's in a UTM coordinate system QfM0eYcUPRY-00010-00004353-00004677 zone 13 Nad 83 and UTM has QfM0eYcUPRY-00011-00004677-00005121 x,y coordinate values in meters. Next I'll switch to the QfM0eYcUPRY-00012-00005121-00005443 meta-data tab and I'll scroll down here. QfM0eYcUPRY-00013-00005443-00005813 I can see that it has a pixel size QfM0eYcUPRY-00014-00005813-00006139 of 10 by 10 meaning each pixel represents QfM0eYcUPRY-00015-00006139-00006604 10 by 10 meters on the ground. Now I'll switch to the style tab QfM0eYcUPRY-00016-00006604-00007304 and for me the minimum and max values range from 1841 to 3094 and, QfM0eYcUPRY-00017-00007311-00007748 by default, the Load Min/Max values setting is Cumulative Count Cut QfM0eYcUPRY-00018-00007748-00008250 and the Accuracy is set to Estimate. I'm going to switch this to min max QfM0eYcUPRY-00019-00008250-00008592 and the Accuracy to Actual then click Load and QfM0eYcUPRY-00020-00008592-00009031 now I'll get the actual range for min to max from 1775 QfM0eYcUPRY-00021-00009031-00009595 to 3255. The Elevation values of a DEM are typically in either feet or meters. QfM0eYcUPRY-00022-00009595-00009967 The Sandia mountain range reaches an elevation of 10,678 QfM0eYcUPRY-00023-00009967-00010149 feet above sea level. QfM0eYcUPRY-00024-00010149-00010459 Therefore I can deduce that these elevation units are in meters not feet. QfM0eYcUPRY-00025-00010459-00010861 Before working with DEM's it's important to understand what QfM0eYcUPRY-00026-00010861-00011282 the X, Y and Z values are in. Here all three are in meters. QfM0eYcUPRY-00027-00011282-00011684 Now I'm going to use the raster terrain analysis plugin to create 3 QfM0eYcUPRY-00028-00011684-00012103 elevation related data sets. I'm going to close the Layer Properties, QfM0eYcUPRY-00029-00012103-00012502 and I've already enabled the raster terrain analysis plugin QfM0eYcUPRY-00030-00012502-00012922 and it's found on the Raster Menu under Terrain Analysis. QfM0eYcUPRY-00031-00012922-00013258 First I'll create a Hill shade image. I'll open a hill shade tool. QfM0eYcUPRY-00032-00013258-00013662 And hill shades are really useful for creating nice maps of an area, QfM0eYcUPRY-00033-00013662-00013988 they give you a sense of the terrain. My elevation layer QfM0eYcUPRY-00034-00013988-00014397 is going to be the DEM. I'm going to choose an output format QfM0eYcUPRY-00035-00014397-00014543 of Erdas Imagine image QfM0eYcUPRY-00036-00014543-00014919 and I'll click Browse and navigate to my QfM0eYcUPRY-00037-00014919-00015540 lab folder and I'll name this Hill Shade QfM0eYcUPRY-00038-00015540-00015846 dot IMG. QfM0eYcUPRY-00039-00015846-00016387 Click Save. I'm going to keep the defaults QfM0eYcUPRY-00040-00016387-00016833 for the azimuth and the vertical angle of the sun and the z factor I'll keep as one two QfM0eYcUPRY-00041-00016833-00017108 since my X, Y and Z units are all in meters, QfM0eYcUPRY-00042-00017108-00017482 I can keep that at one. If my X&Y units were QfM0eYcUPRY-00043-00017482-00017789 in meters and my elevation were in feet, I'd have to put in a QfM0eYcUPRY-00044-00017789-00018197 conversion factor from feet two meters. With those set, I'll click OK QfM0eYcUPRY-00045-00018197-00018511 and my hill shade is generated. QfM0eYcUPRY-00046-00018511-00018912 Now I've got a grayscale Hill shade rendering, I'm going to use both the original QfM0eYcUPRY-00047-00018912-00019092 DEM and the Hill Shade QfM0eYcUPRY-00048-00019092-00019559 to create a color Hill Shade image. I'm going to drag the hill shade below the DEM in the QfM0eYcUPRY-00049-00019559-00019677 table of contents QfM0eYcUPRY-00050-00019677-00020039 and then open Layer properties for the DEM QfM0eYcUPRY-00051-00020039-00020493 and go to the style tab. I'll change the render type to a single band pseudocolor QfM0eYcUPRY-00052-00020493-00020950 and change the color ramp to BRBG QfM0eYcUPRY-00053-00020950-00021270 and I'll change the Load min/max values to min/max QfM0eYcUPRY-00054-00021270-00021619 and the Accuracy to actual and click Load QfM0eYcUPRY-00055-00021619-00021963 and finally click Classify. Now I'll go to the QfM0eYcUPRY-00056-00021963-00022306 transparency tab and I'll use the global transparency slider QfM0eYcUPRY-00057-00022306-00022674 and set it to about fifty percent and click OK. QfM0eYcUPRY-00058-00022674-00023120 Now I've got a nice color Hill Shade image looking at the hill shade QfM0eYcUPRY-00059-00023120-00023559 through the semi transparent color DEM. Now I'll create a slope dataset. QfM0eYcUPRY-00060-00023559-00024045 Go to the raster menu, to terrain analysis, QfM0eYcUPRY-00061-00024045-00024461 slope. The elevation layer is going to be the DEM, QfM0eYcUPRY-00062-00024461-00024839 make sure you don't set that to the hill shade, and I'll QfM0eYcUPRY-00063-00024839-00025539 click the Browse button to browse and I'll call this Slope.img. QfM0eYcUPRY-00064-00025549-00026144 Click save, then click OK. This raster shows the steepest areas in white QfM0eYcUPRY-00065-00026144-00026573 and the flattest terrain in black. The tool determines the steepness of each pixel QfM0eYcUPRY-00066-00026573-00026613 by QfM0eYcUPRY-00067-00026613-00026962 comparing the elevation value of each individual pixel QfM0eYcUPRY-00068-00026962-00027431 to that of the eight surrounding pixels. The slope values are degrees of slope QfM0eYcUPRY-00069-00027431-00027875 and finally I'll create an aspect dataset. Go back to the raster menu, QfM0eYcUPRY-00070-00027875-00028210 terrain analysis, aspect. QfM0eYcUPRY-00071-00028210-00028589 Again I'll use the DEM as the elevation layer. Click Browse, QfM0eYcUPRY-00072-00028589-00028907 save this as Aspect.img QfM0eYcUPRY-00073-00028907-00029349 and click OK. QfM0eYcUPRY-00074-00029349-00029856 Aspect measures which cardinal direction the train in each pixel is facing: QfM0eYcUPRY-00075-00029856-00030439 north facing versus south facing, etc. The output values range from 0 to 360 QfM0eYcUPRY-00076-00030439-00030750 representing degrees where 0 equals North QfM0eYcUPRY-00077-00030750-00031091 90 equals East, 180 degrees equals south, QfM0eYcUPRY-00078-00031091-00031408 and 270 West. In the next task QfM0eYcUPRY-00079-00031408-00031727 you'll use some GRASS tools to reclassify raster data QfM0eYcUPRY-00080-00031727-00031848 into meaningful categories. QgqXjpfTHFg-00000-00000017-00000442 Hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel process simplification please don't forget QgqXjpfTHFg-00001-00000442-00000961 to subscribe this channel so in this tutorial I'll explain you how you can easily get all QgqXjpfTHFg-00002-00000961-00002551 the magic cards because in the video utility what you are going to do you are simply just QgqXjpfTHFg-00003-00002551-00003180 get all the magic cards so let's begin and just see the magic of the process simplification QgqXjpfTHFg-00004-00003180-00004046 utility so I'm just selecting this and I'm taking the lookup value these values I just QgqXjpfTHFg-00005-00004046-00004937 want to look up and these values should be found in that column and this is the column QgqXjpfTHFg-00006-00004937-00006039 that I want to read in here and then I have to select here one cell that in which column QgqXjpfTHFg-00007-00006039-00007251 I just want to print the result I'm just like that have been found here so again also work QgqXjpfTHFg-00008-00007251-00008904 in the reverse direction for example I'm just putting this value I want to look up these QgqXjpfTHFg-00009-00008904-00009528 values and I just want to written all the match reports from here so again I'm just QgqXjpfTHFg-00010-00009528-00010570 doing it okay now I'm going to do click over it again and I'm just again selecting the QgqXjpfTHFg-00011-00010570-00011114 value of the blue cup what sort of values I just want to look up here I'm just liking QgqXjpfTHFg-00012-00011114-00011746 the rage I'm just selecting the column where these values should be found it should be QgqXjpfTHFg-00013-00011746-00012534 found in and what would be the written value all the match of cards from this column should QgqXjpfTHFg-00014-00012534-00013283 be printed here okay where do I want to paste it I just want to get these result written QgqXjpfTHFg-00015-00013283-00013869 in that column then. QgqXjpfTHFg-00016-00013869-00014387 I hope you like this video so I would prefer you should share your feedback and release QgqXjpfTHFg-00017-00014387-00015018 in the comment section so I can develop more utilities in order to simplify the work or QgqXjpfTHFg-00018-00015018-00015733 you can say I can just develop that sort of a utilities which can reduce the manual effort QgqXjpfTHFg-00019-00015733-00016046 or reduce or save your time thank you Qknm7AzkX3M-00000-00000000-00001689 Subscribe and Like for job update R0u0NZtwpLU-00000-00000816-00001142 - It is the diversity of backgrounds that really comes up. R0u0NZtwpLU-00001-00001142-00001453 The class size is also, is difficult to deal with. R0u0NZtwpLU-00002-00001453-00001765 So one of the things that we ran into was R0u0NZtwpLU-00003-00001765-00002061 students who knew the mathematics would do well R0u0NZtwpLU-00004-00002061-00002281 on those parts of the assignments, R0u0NZtwpLU-00005-00002281-00002736 but then they would fail the programming side of things. R0u0NZtwpLU-00006-00002736-00002942 And then they'd struggle, so they were struggling more R0u0NZtwpLU-00007-00002942-00003050 on the programming. It's not a programming course per se. R0u0NZtwpLU-00008-00003050-00003420 It's more about learning the methodologies. R0u0NZtwpLU-00009-00003420-00003876 So we didn't want them learning to program on the fly. R0u0NZtwpLU-00010-00003876-00004232 Vice versa, it's not completely a mathematics course either. R0u0NZtwpLU-00011-00004232-00004616 It's an unfortunate crossover between both of those. R0u0NZtwpLU-00012-00004616-00005017 And so having students have a level playing field with their R0u0NZtwpLU-00013-00005017-00005433 backgrounds was really challenging to get started. R0u0NZtwpLU-00014-00005566-00006066 So one of the things we kind of tried to really target R0u0NZtwpLU-00015-00006093-00006502 with the RFP was trying to do pairs of program, R0u0NZtwpLU-00016-00006502-00006689 trying to do pairs of diversity ... R0u0NZtwpLU-00017-00006689-00006994 You know, these diverse backgrounds, attempting to really R0u0NZtwpLU-00018-00006994-00007430 tackle that particular problem and then et scale. R0u0NZtwpLU-00019-00007430-00007875 So you know, with 140 students in the classroom R0u0NZtwpLU-00020-00007875-00008185 and kind of trying to make it, so it's not we're adding R0u0NZtwpLU-00021-00008185-00008537 more work for us in particular, but you now, really trying R0u0NZtwpLU-00022-00008537-00008887 to even out the numbers that we're seeing. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00000-00000834-00001172 [Professor Perez] Hey, I'm Professor Perez from Saddleback College. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00001-00001172-00001540 In this example we are going to do a dosage calculation. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00002-00001540-00001857 So let's get started...right there. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00003-00001857-00002266 Calculate the amount of amoxicillin to administer. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00004-00002266-00003016 Here we have ordered amoxicillin...450 milligrams...to be given orally every eight hours. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00005-00003016-00003639 Our dosage strength is 400 milligrams amoxicillin per 5 milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00006-00003639-00004060 Note...the dose on hand is the same units as the dose ordered. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00007-00004060-00004206 Therefore no conversion is required. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00008-00004206-00004726 We are going to perform this calculation using three different methods. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00009-00004726-00005042 Let's go to our first method...the proportion method. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00010-00005042-00005242 Well, what is a proportion? R1tG-ssPQ4I-00011-00005242-00005821 Remember...a proportion is an equation of two ratios. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00012-00005821-00006166 Let's begin by using our dosage strength ratio. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00013-00006166-00006580 Here we have the ratio...dose on hand to the dosage unit. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00014-00006580-00007277 And this ratio is equal to the desired dose to the amount to administer. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00015-00007277-00007767 Now let's go ahead and represent our quantities using their capital letter abbreviations. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00016-00007767-00008547 So here we have H over Q...is equal to...D over A. Now remember...we have to solve for R1tG-ssPQ4I-00017-00008547-00008954 A. To do so we are going to cross-multiply first. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00018-00008954-00009665 So we go...A times H...is equal to...Q times D. And to solve our equation for A, we will R1tG-ssPQ4I-00019-00009665-00010436 divide both sides by H...giving us the equation A equals...Q times D...divided by H. Let's R1tG-ssPQ4I-00020-00010436-00010886 go ahead and remind ourselves what these capital letter abbreviations represent. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00021-00010886-00011510 Remember Q represents the dosage unit...D represents the desired dose and H represents R1tG-ssPQ4I-00022-00011510-00011613 the dose on hand. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00023-00011613-00012286 Remember, A represents the amount to administer...and that is what we are trying to calculate here. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00024-00012286-00012507 So let's go ahead and put in our quantities. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00025-00012507-00012897 Our dosage unit is 5 milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00026-00012897-00013313 Our desired dose is 450 milligrams. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00027-00013313-00013611 Our dose on hand is 400 milligrams. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00028-00013611-00014222 Notice here that the milligrams cancel leaving us with the desired units of milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00029-00014222-00014682 Performing our calculation we get 5.625 milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00030-00014682-00015155 Rounding to the nearest hundredth gives us 5.63 milliliters which is said...five and R1tG-ssPQ4I-00031-00015155-00015519 sixty-three hundredths milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00032-00015519-00016091 Don't forget to...circle or box your final answer. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00033-00016091-00016585 Now let's go ahead and perform the same calculation using dimensional analysis which means we R1tG-ssPQ4I-00034-00016585-00016883 are going to a conversion factor. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00035-00016883-00017298 Remember we're asked to calculate the amount to administer in milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00036-00017298-00017758 So let's begin with our desired dose and let's right that as a ratio. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00037-00017758-00018065 450 milligrams to 1. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00038-00018065-00018643 Now we need to convert these milligrams to milliliters using a conversion factor. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00039-00018643-00019234 And the information for the conversion factor is going to come from our dosage strength. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00040-00019234-00019926 But notice here...we put the dose on hand in the denominator because we want those milligrams R1tG-ssPQ4I-00041-00019926-00020082 to cancel. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00042-00020082-00020448 In the numerator we place our dosage unit. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00043-00020448-00021085 And notice...milligrams cancel leaving us with units of milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00044-00021085-00021671 Once again...performing our calculation we get 5.625 milliliters which gives us five R1tG-ssPQ4I-00045-00021671-00022040 and sixty-three hundredths of a milliliter rounded to the nearest hundredth. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00046-00022040-00022453 And again always circle or box your final answer. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00047-00022453-00023067 Now notice here...the amount to administer is equal to the desired dose times the dosage R1tG-ssPQ4I-00048-00023067-00023323 unit divided by the dose on hand. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00049-00023323-00023563 Well this gives us a formula to use. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00050-00023563-00024007 And that takes us to our final method for calculating the amount to administer in this R1tG-ssPQ4I-00051-00024007-00024135 example. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00052-00024135-00024356 It's called the formula method. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00053-00024356-00024462 So what is our formula? R1tG-ssPQ4I-00054-00024462-00025073 Well, the amount to administer is equal to the desired dose times the dosage unit divided R1tG-ssPQ4I-00055-00025073-00025285 by the dose on hand. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00056-00025285-00025672 This is what we saw in the previous example. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00057-00025672-00026176 And so...let's represent our quantities using their capitol letter abbreviations. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00058-00026176-00026994 Here we have A is equal to D times Q divided by H. Representing the D as a fraction we R1tG-ssPQ4I-00059-00026994-00027226 simply place it over 1. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00060-00027226-00027702 Multiplying the fractions together gives us our formula for the amount to administer. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00061-00027702-00028800 A is equal to D times Q divided by H. So let’s use this formula to perform this calculation. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00062-00028800-00029379 Let's replace D with 450 milligrams...remember that's out desired dose. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00063-00029379-00029697 Our dosage unit Q is 5 milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00064-00029697-00030120 And our dose on hand H is 400 milligrams. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00065-00030120-00030772 Notice once again milligrams cancel...leaving us with the desired units of milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00066-00030772-00030945 Performing our calculation we get 5.625 milliliters. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00067-00030945-00031814 Rounded to the nearest hundredth we get 5.63 milliliters which is properly said as five R1tG-ssPQ4I-00068-00031814-00032068 and sixty-three hundredths of a milliliter. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00069-00032068-00032527 Don't forget to circle or box your final answer and always remember to do that homework. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00070-00032527-00033159 And don't forget...always...say yes to homework...and no to drugs. R1tG-ssPQ4I-00071-00033159-00033315 We'll see you all again soon! R3T3_ebqnzk-00000-00000070-00000194 I am sick and tired R3T3_ebqnzk-00001-00000316-00000582 of hearing from large corporations, R3T3_ebqnzk-00002-00000650-00000888 who have outsourced millions of jobs, R3T3_ebqnzk-00003-00000888-00001248 who have cut the wages and health care benefits of their workers. R3T3_ebqnzk-00004-00001248-00001504 Come into Washington, D.C. R3T3_ebqnzk-00005-00001570-00001788 and then lecture the Congress, R3T3_ebqnzk-00006-00001788-00002000 about how we have to cut social security, R3T3_ebqnzk-00007-00002000-00002254 cut Medicare, cut Medicaid. R3T3_ebqnzk-00008-00002590-00002770 Well maybe it's just time, R3T3_ebqnzk-00009-00002770-00003160 that they cut the compensation packages that they get. R81yvUaJ5nu-00000-00000048-00000696 wow R9nq9M6uRKc-00000-00001683-00001904 Hi ka Art.Corner R9nq9M6uRKc-00001-00001904-00002026 so welcome to my channel! R9nq9M6uRKc-00002-00002026-00002149 What I'm going to do today R9nq9M6uRKc-00003-00002149-00002504 is to use Acrylic Pouring Technique R9nq9M6uRKc-00004-00002504-00002678 so we're going to paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00005-00002678-00002878 an art commission R9nq9M6uRKc-00006-00002878-00003173 what I'm showing now is R9nq9M6uRKc-00007-00003173-00003395 the bottles that I'm going to use R9nq9M6uRKc-00008-00003395-00003634 I recycled the bottles R9nq9M6uRKc-00011-00003932-00004147 So I washed it already R9nq9M6uRKc-00013-00004262-00004603 In the acrylic Pouring technique, we need a pouring medium R9nq9M6uRKc-00014-00004603-00005124 But Floetrol and other pouring mediums are very expensive R9nq9M6uRKc-00015-00005124-00005435 so instead, we will use white glue R9nq9M6uRKc-00016-00005435-00006212 and water for our homemade pouring medium. R9nq9M6uRKc-00017-00006212-00006471 We also need silicone oil R9nq9M6uRKc-00018-00006471-00006970 This is to avoid over mixing of the paint since this is a pouring technique R9nq9M6uRKc-00020-00007229-00007662 Of course, we need to have acrylic paints. R9nq9M6uRKc-00022-00007906-00008158 What I need is a white paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00024-00008530-00008938 You don't need to worry we're going to dilute this later. R9nq9M6uRKc-00025-00008938-00009254 Next is beige R9nq9M6uRKc-00027-00009570-00009816 And Color pink R9nq9M6uRKc-00029-00010246-00010670 I forgot we also need the color gold. R9nq9M6uRKc-00030-00010670-00010967 and here, R9nq9M6uRKc-00031-00010967-00011493 I'll show you what is gold leaf. R9nq9M6uRKc-00032-00011493-00011826 So it usually looks like this. R9nq9M6uRKc-00033-00011826-00012390 And these will give an accent to our painting later. R9nq9M6uRKc-00036-00012886-00013213 So here's my box for my arts and crafts. R9nq9M6uRKc-00037-00013213-00013467 What I have are glitters R9nq9M6uRKc-00039-00013667-00014061 So I have different sizes of glitters. R9nq9M6uRKc-00040-00014061-00014197 then R9nq9M6uRKc-00041-00014197-00014406 alcohol inks R9nq9M6uRKc-00042-00014406-00014712 so this is color red R9nq9M6uRKc-00044-00014980-00015495 yellow, red Violet, Blue, green R9nq9M6uRKc-00045-00015495-00015768 I have plenty of alcohol inks R9nq9M6uRKc-00046-00015768-00016086 it will also help us accentuate our painting later R9nq9M6uRKc-00047-00016086-00016523 of course, don't forget to sanitize your hands R9nq9M6uRKc-00049-00016842-00017172 When you need to create your pouring medium , R9nq9M6uRKc-00050-00017172-00017657 What you need is an equal amount of glue and water R9nq9M6uRKc-00051-00017657-00018405 so in my case what I need is half a cup of glue, R9nq9M6uRKc-00052-00018405-00018644 and half a cup of water R9nq9M6uRKc-00054-00018891-00019169 I also have a silicone oil R9nq9M6uRKc-00055-00019169-00019562 Just for the paints not to over mix R9nq9M6uRKc-00056-00019562-00020049 It will also help us gives a R9nq9M6uRKc-00057-00020049-00020257 technique where you can see R9nq9M6uRKc-00058-00020257-00020389 the bubble effect R9nq9M6uRKc-00059-00020389-00020589 once it's heated R9nq9M6uRKc-00061-00020781-00021038 Slowly mix the water and glue R9nq9M6uRKc-00064-00021600-00021800 For your paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00065-00021800-00022149 what you need is only 1/4 of a cup R9nq9M6uRKc-00066-00022149-00022438 for the acrylic paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00068-00023275-00023551 You just need to R9nq9M6uRKc-00069-00023551-00023850 slowly pour your pouring medium R9nq9M6uRKc-00070-00023850-00024426 until you are satisfied with the consistency R9nq9M6uRKc-00072-00026233-00026562 You don't have to worry if your pouring medium is very watery R9nq9M6uRKc-00073-00026562-00026997 Acrylic paint is thick R9nq9M6uRKc-00074-00026997-00027565 so it will balance the R9nq9M6uRKc-00075-00027565-00027832 mixture very well, so as you can see R9nq9M6uRKc-00076-00027832-00028085 it's thick R9nq9M6uRKc-00077-00028085-00028561 and we need a flowy white paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00078-00028561-00028952 so we need to add more pouring medium R9nq9M6uRKc-00080-00029611-00029722 For our glue R9nq9M6uRKc-00081-00029722-00029922 please don't use any wood glue R9nq9M6uRKc-00082-00029922-00030517 I can recommend Elmer's glue or other white Glue R9nq9M6uRKc-00083-00030517-00030968 that is usually used for arts and crafts R9nq9M6uRKc-00089-00032802-00033091 This is the consistency that was looking for. R9nq9M6uRKc-00090-00033091-00033513 Not too thick not too watery R9nq9M6uRKc-00091-00033513-00034080 So right now I am trying to mix R9nq9M6uRKc-00092-00034080-00034283 old rose paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00093-00034283-00034666 but it looks like mud R9nq9M6uRKc-00094-00034666-00034866 but it's old rose in person R9nq9M6uRKc-00096-00035071-00035407 Now, I am mixing the color pink R9nq9M6uRKc-00097-00035753-00036014 I am happy with the mixtures R9nq9M6uRKc-00098-00036014-00036214 So these are the colors that I'm going to use R9nq9M6uRKc-00099-00036446-00036723 I am just cleaning my space, R9nq9M6uRKc-00100-00037039-00037089 Because we only have a small space R9nq9M6uRKc-00101-00037089-00037545 and I need to be efficient and able to maximize the spaces. R9nq9M6uRKc-00103-00038115-00038239 I ordered these R9nq9M6uRKc-00104-00038239-00038680 wonderful canvasses from Ronin Art canvass R9nq9M6uRKc-00105-00038680-00039250 They have very great quality and gallery-type canvass. R9nq9M6uRKc-00107-00039410-00039740 It's very affordable R9nq9M6uRKc-00108-00039740-00040362 So I'm doing the white paint which is the base paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00110-00040532-00040791 we need a lot of paint from here R9nq9M6uRKc-00112-00041132-00041389 There you can see my recycled bottle R9nq9M6uRKc-00113-00041389-00041763 That's where I placed my white paint R9nq9M6uRKc-00114-00041763-00042233 You don't have to worry about this one(mess) R9nq9M6uRKc-00115-00042233-00042523 It may look messy at first R9nq9M6uRKc-00116-00042523-00042865 but you just need to trust the process R9nq9M6uRKc-00117-00042865-00043104 of course, if your going to R9nq9M6uRKc-00118-00043104-00043327 do this technique make sure that R9nq9M6uRKc-00119-00043327-00043700 your place is covered well R9nq9M6uRKc-00120-00043700-00044139 Because you don't like you paint to go to places R9nq9M6uRKc-00121-00044139-00044418 That is hard to clean R9nq9M6uRKc-00122-00044418-00044757 Make sure you have plastic underneath R9nq9M6uRKc-00124-00045752-00046141 I already put white, old rose R9nq9M6uRKc-00125-00046141-00046767 pink, red violet, violet, red, R9nq9M6uRKc-00127-00046967-00047167 then some color white again R9nq9M6uRKc-00129-00047436-00047636 then color gold R9nq9M6uRKc-00131-00047898-00048098 So aside from gold leaf R9nq9M6uRKc-00132-00048098-00048148 I have a color gold paint as well. R9nq9M6uRKc-00134-00048353-00048665 Here are the details R9nq9M6uRKc-00135-00048665-00048865 And when I zoom in R9nq9M6uRKc-00136-00048865-00049183 we can add R9nq9M6uRKc-00137-00049183-00049367 details like this R9nq9M6uRKc-00139-00049828-00050186 I have my blower or should I say a heat gun R9nq9M6uRKc-00140-00050186-00051059 It will be better if you have a hairdryer R9nq9M6uRKc-00141-00051059-00051580 because that is much better than a heat gum R9nq9M6uRKc-00143-00051780-00051978 Here I used mica power. R9nq9M6uRKc-00144-00051978-00052249 because it really reflects very well R9nq9M6uRKc-00145-00052249-00052491 most especially for color gold. R9nq9M6uRKc-00147-00052852-00053315 It really looks like a glitter or a make up R9nq9M6uRKc-00149-00053647-00053820 I really like the gold leaf here R9nq9M6uRKc-00151-00054001-00054315 and here's the final results R9nq9M6uRKc-00152-00054492-00054820 I delivered it to PristineSkin Aesthetic Clinic R9nq9M6uRKc-00153-00054820-00055013 Thank you so much Dra. Tony R9nq9M6uRKc-00155-00055127-00055324 You can visit PristineSkin Aesthetic Clinic R9nq9M6uRKc-00157-00055663-00055752 at Baliuag Bulacan R9nq9M6uRKc-00158-00055752-00055895 The Doctor is very nice R9nq9M6uRKc-00159-00055895-00056090 She can treat your acne R9nq9M6uRKc-00160-00056090-00056258 enhancements on your skin R9nq9M6uRKc-00161-00056258-00056575 Cure hair loss R9nq9M6uRKc-00162-00056575-00056928 Can give you gluta push R9nq9M6uRKc-00163-00056928-00057210 if you also R9nq9M6uRKc-00164-00057210-00057383 need to pamper your skin R9nq9M6uRKc-00165-00057383-00057663 you can still visit PristineSkin Aesthetic Clinic RrtX2hPnzju-00000-00000008-00000472 what's one tip that you want to give to to student athletes that you want them to take away one tip RrtX2hPnzju-00001-00000752-00001760 student athletes one tip um i would man it's kind of like a two-parter to me man one tip never RrtX2hPnzju-00002-00001839-00002616 never give up man never give up um first of all keep god first and then never give up RrtX2hPnzju-00003-00002688-00003456 because this i mean i think no matter what when you push yourself to the fullest man and things RrtX2hPnzju-00004-00003456-00003879 get tough if you never give up where are you going to do whatever you want to do in life RrtX2hPnzju-00005-00004024-00004600 so keep god first and never give up for real that's in school or anything that's RrtX2hPnzju-00006-00004600-00005192 staying true with anything i'm telling you yeah and this is because and this is coming RrtX2hPnzju-00007-00005192-00005896 how many so how many degrees do you have now um i'm about to be on my i about to have four RrtX2hPnzju-00008-00005952-00006648 you about to have four i have well certifications probably don't count for you but i mean RrtX2hPnzju-00009-00006648-00007392 i mean i got the green sustainable sociology project management and sustainability RrtX2hPnzju-00010-00007592-00008496 so now i'm about to get my engineering software wow and on top of that you have a super bowl ring RsqurIxgmUY-00000-00000786-00001550 dear Jesus if this test is negative I promise I will never tequila and tinder again RsqurIxgmUY-00001-00003078-00003484 only anal from now on RsqurIxgmUY-00002-00003697-00004348 hey bitch yeah we're good yeah let's go get bombed RsF1r3RafHM-00000-00000884-00001084 Bharat Mata Ki jai RtyC7sigkgc-00000-00001487-00001932 Alpha Titan Testo: ¬- Improves the entire body system RtyC7sigkgc-00001-00001932-00002177 What is Alpha Titan Testo? RtyC7sigkgc-00002-00002177-00002678 It is a faster testosterone booster supplement that utilizes the power of natural ingredients RtyC7sigkgc-00003-00002678-00003184 and promotes to increases the volume of essential libido and testosterone hormones and potentially RtyC7sigkgc-00004-00003184-00003414 increases the strength of the body. RtyC7sigkgc-00005-00003414-00003825 This strength will become very useful to perform really well on the bed with the partner without RtyC7sigkgc-00006-00003825-00004064 getting tired for so much time. RtyC7sigkgc-00007-00004064-00004312 Pros of Alpha Titan Testo RtyC7sigkgc-00008-00004312-00004677 This supplement will support to give these benefits to the users: - RtyC7sigkgc-00009-00004677-00004778 1. RtyC7sigkgc-00010-00004778-00005132 It increases the testosterone count 2. RtyC7sigkgc-00011-00005132-00005453 It raises the desire of sex 3. RtyC7sigkgc-00012-00005453-00005798 It improves the sexual performance 4. RtyC7sigkgc-00013-00005798-00006132 It makes you passionate during sex 5. RtyC7sigkgc-00014-00006132-00006476 It also increases muscle mass 6. RtyC7sigkgc-00015-00006476-00006714 It works quickly and effective RtyC7sigkgc-00016-00006714-00006945 Cons of Alpha Titan Testo RtyC7sigkgc-00017-00006945-00007351 Some limitations of this male enhancement supplement are listed here: - RtyC7sigkgc-00018-00007351-00007451 1. RtyC7sigkgc-00019-00007451-00007706 Its results may vary from one consumer to other RtyC7sigkgc-00020-00007706-00007861 2. RtyC7sigkgc-00021-00007861-00008100 This supplement is not available at local stores RtyC7sigkgc-00022-00008100-00008266 3. RtyC7sigkgc-00023-00008266-00008508 You have to take it only try and cool place RtyC7sigkgc-00024-00008508-00008675 How does it work? RtyC7sigkgc-00025-00008675-00009076 This supplement comes in the form of the capsule and if any person consumes it daily then it RtyC7sigkgc-00026-00009076-00009512 works perfectly around the whole body through increasing the count of testosterone and libido RtyC7sigkgc-00027-00009512-00009691 hormones in the body. RtyC7sigkgc-00028-00009691-00010093 This change will increase sexual desire and improve the performance too. RtyC7sigkgc-00029-00010093-00010543 It also increases the size of penis for a better pleasure of both partners and yes, RtyC7sigkgc-00030-00010543-00010671 it is quick! RtyC7sigkgc-00031-00010671-00010818 How to use it? RtyC7sigkgc-00032-00010818-00010920 1. RtyC7sigkgc-00033-00010920-00011209 Take two capsules per day 2. RtyC7sigkgc-00034-00011209-00011459 You can take it with water or milk 3. RtyC7sigkgc-00035-00011459-00011805 Don’t use it as a drug 4. RtyC7sigkgc-00036-00011805-00012107 Use it regularly for better results RtyC7sigkgc-00037-00012107-00012339 Ingredients of Alpha Titan Testo RtyC7sigkgc-00038-00012339-00012705 This male enhancement supplement contains these ingredients: - RtyC7sigkgc-00039-00012705-00012805 1. RtyC7sigkgc-00040-00012805-00013038 Saw Palmetto 2. RtyC7sigkgc-00041-00013038-00013290 Tongkat Ali 3. RtyC7sigkgc-00042-00013290-00013494 Boron 4. RtyC7sigkgc-00043-00013494-00013730 Horny Goat Weed 5. RtyC7sigkgc-00044-00013730-00014009 Wild Yam Extracts 6. RtyC7sigkgc-00045-00014009-00014229 Nettle Extracts RtyC7sigkgc-00046-00014229-00014329 Consumer Reviews RtyC7sigkgc-00047-00014329-00014809 Thomas: - This supplement is really effective and quick because it amazingly works to improve RtyC7sigkgc-00048-00014809-00014993 my sexual performance. RtyC7sigkgc-00049-00014993-00015412 With the help of this supplement, my problem of erectile dysfunction is treated and now RtyC7sigkgc-00050-00015412-00015745 I feel more confident during having sex with the partner. RtyC7sigkgc-00051-00015745-00016190 I am so thankful for this supplement because it offers me these experiences. RtyC7sigkgc-00052-00016190-00016682 Jericho: - My problem of lower stamina is got rectified because of this supplement. RtyC7sigkgc-00053-00016682-00017046 I am using it for several months and this supplement supported me at the peak level RtyC7sigkgc-00054-00017046-00017487 and because of this, I feel really well and very powerful most of the time. RtyC7sigkgc-00055-00017487-00020240 This is an affordable and quite useful formula. RtJI21tq2iu-00000-00000777-00000900 Oh, hey, welcome back, guys. RtJI21tq2iu-00001-00000900-00001067 To the book chat. RtJI21tq2iu-00002-00001067-00001398 I read Don Miguel Ruiz' Four Agreements every other day. RtJI21tq2iu-00003-00001401-00001731 Talk about my insights and the relevance executive functions. RtJI21tq2iu-00004-00001768-00002098 If you guys like what I talk about, please like and subscribe to our channel. RtJI21tq2iu-00005-00002128-00002325 Comment down below about what you guys like. RtJI21tq2iu-00006-00002325-00002632 If there's something that you guys don't like, still comment down below. RtJI21tq2iu-00007-00002632-00003033 We love the feedback and your support means the world to me and my team. RtJI21tq2iu-00008-00003079-00003299 Now I just finished the fifth chapter RtJI21tq2iu-00009-00003346-00003623 which is entitled The Fourth Agreement Always Your Best. RtJI21tq2iu-00010-00003693-00003720 Don't. RtJI21tq2iu-00011-00003720-00004110 Miguel starts off with talking about how doing our best RtJI21tq2iu-00012-00004110-00004644 is circumstantial to the situation and we want to be able to do our best RtJI21tq2iu-00013-00004644-00005108 and no more or no less than whatever our best is at that specific moment. RtJI21tq2iu-00014-00005145-00005298 And I want to kind of explain this to you, RtJI21tq2iu-00015-00005298-00005632 is that every single morning when we wake up, RtJI21tq2iu-00016-00005632-00006129 our best is going to be different than what our best was yesterday. RtJI21tq2iu-00017-00006156-00006339 It could be more. It could be less. RtJI21tq2iu-00018-00006339-00006566 It all depends on our capacity RtJI21tq2iu-00019-00006609-00006903 to do whatever we are trying to do that day. RtJI21tq2iu-00020-00006930-00007267 It also depends on how much passion, how much purpose we have RtJI21tq2iu-00021-00007313-00007634 for the things that we're trying to accomplish for that day. RtJI21tq2iu-00022-00007697-00007907 If we're very, very passionate about RtJI21tq2iu-00023-00007957-00008445 whatever we're setting ourselves up to do and we have enough energy, the capacity RtJI21tq2iu-00024-00008445-00008805 to do that thing, then we're obviously going to really, really RtJI21tq2iu-00025-00008805-00009229 give our best in the maximum capacity that we're talking about. RtJI21tq2iu-00026-00009262-00009546 But if we're doing something that we're not super passionate about RtJI21tq2iu-00027-00009546-00009979 and we are like depressed or anxious or just like sad or RtJI21tq2iu-00028-00010050-00010477 didn't have good food or whatever it is, we will not be able RtJI21tq2iu-00029-00010517-00010800 to actually give our best to what we think is our best. RtJI21tq2iu-00030-00010874-00011287 And I think this idea is so critical because our best is different RtJI21tq2iu-00031-00011287-00011414 every single day RtJI21tq2iu-00032-00011414-00011735 and it's important to remember that so that we're not so hard on ourselves RtJI21tq2iu-00033-00011761-00012298 and we're not following these agreements, that our best means this in our best, RtJI21tq2iu-00034-00012298-00012625 means this our best is going to be different depending on how RtJI21tq2iu-00035-00012625-00012862 we feel and the day of the week, etc. RtJI21tq2iu-00036-00012926-00013189 If it's sunny outside, if it's raining, whatever. RtJI21tq2iu-00037-00013189-00013249 Right? RtJI21tq2iu-00038-00013256-00013636 It all really depends on that specific moment in our life. RtJI21tq2iu-00039-00013673-00013947 And I think that one of the things Domagoj Reece RtJI21tq2iu-00040-00013947-00014334 brings up on page 78 is doing your best. RtJI21tq2iu-00041-00014371-00014587 You're going to live life intensely. RtJI21tq2iu-00042-00014587-00014884 You're going to be productive, you're going to be good to yourself RtJI21tq2iu-00043-00014884-00015108 because you will be giving yourself to your family, RtJI21tq2iu-00044-00015141-00015368 to your community, to everything. RtJI21tq2iu-00045-00015368-00015779 But it is the action that is going to make you feel intensely happy. RtJI21tq2iu-00046-00015832-00016069 When you always do your best, you take action. RtJI21tq2iu-00047-00016106-00016416 Doing your best is taking action because you love it, RtJI21tq2iu-00048-00016449-00016720 not because you're expecting a reward. RtJI21tq2iu-00049-00016720-00017033 And that is super critical RtJI21tq2iu-00050-00017050-00017360 to my work with my clients and executive functions coaching. RtJI21tq2iu-00051-00017417-00017607 Whenever I work with a new client, RtJI21tq2iu-00052-00017607-00017981 there's always a discussion with the support system and no more. RtJI21tq2iu-00053-00017984-00018134 So this time it's with parents RtJI21tq2iu-00054-00018134-00018581 about what the possible consequences and the rewards are. RtJI21tq2iu-00055-00018618-00018898 If the student does their homework RtJI21tq2iu-00056-00018898-00019329 or attends class or gets assignments in on time. RtJI21tq2iu-00057-00019329-00019743 And oftentimes, especially because of recent pandemic RtJI21tq2iu-00058-00019759-00020080 and gaming in general, a lot of this is tied to, well, RtJI21tq2iu-00059-00020080-00020353 if they do this and this and this, they're allowed to play games. RtJI21tq2iu-00060-00020387-00020507 They do this and this and this. RtJI21tq2iu-00061-00020507-00020794 They're allowed to like go out and have fun or etc.. RtJI21tq2iu-00062-00020860-00021111 And, you know, these consequences RtJI21tq2iu-00063-00021111-00021388 and these rewards can help at times. RtJI21tq2iu-00064-00021468-00021785 But oftentimes what I find is that until RtJI21tq2iu-00065-00021855-00022128 a client of mine has an intense passion RtJI21tq2iu-00066-00022188-00022479 or purpose for whatever it is that they're doing, RtJI21tq2iu-00067-00022525-00022942 it is very hard for them to do their best because they're not interested RtJI21tq2iu-00068-00022942-00023046 in doing it for themselves. RtJI21tq2iu-00069-00023046-00023149 They're interested in doing it RtJI21tq2iu-00070-00023149-00023556 for this consequence, a reward that they're going to have in the future. RtJI21tq2iu-00071-00023636-00023903 And that reward and that consequence, RtJI21tq2iu-00072-00023947-00024204 they may not be feeling it every single day. RtJI21tq2iu-00073-00024204-00024534 Like I know that everybody or mostly everybody RtJI21tq2iu-00074-00024534-00024798 has this one thing that they always want to do every single day. RtJI21tq2iu-00075-00024844-00025228 But there are obviously some days when playing games is not what you want to do. RtJI21tq2iu-00076-00025258-00025528 There are obviously some days when you know, RtJI21tq2iu-00077-00025598-00025975 you know, doing anything in geometry, filming or watching Netflix, etc. RtJI21tq2iu-00078-00025975-00026316 is not what you want to do. So rewards don't RtJI21tq2iu-00079-00026419-00026733 bring longevity to establishing habits. RtJI21tq2iu-00080-00026806-00027160 Now, I think the next thing that I want to talk about RtJI21tq2iu-00081-00027160-00027364 is this idea that RtJI21tq2iu-00082-00027477-00027670 doing our best sometimes RtJI21tq2iu-00083-00027670-00027977 is just doing what is good enough RtJI21tq2iu-00084-00028044-00028451 and I think this is so relevant to anybody out there struggling with anxiety RtJI21tq2iu-00085-00028451-00028818 and depression and the concept of, Hey, just do your best. RtJI21tq2iu-00086-00028818-00029115 Everybody out there that is trying to support RtJI21tq2iu-00087-00029135-00029452 or be a part of a person's life that has anxiety and depression. RtJI21tq2iu-00088-00029496-00029839 I hear this so often is just do your best, RtJI21tq2iu-00089-00029856-00030160 just try your best, whatever it is, just try your best. RtJI21tq2iu-00090-00030160-00030610 And I think that this phrase of just do your best becomes such a cliche RtJI21tq2iu-00091-00030610-00030800 for individuals with anxiety and depression RtJI21tq2iu-00092-00030800-00031057 that it doesn't have any actual meaning anymore. RtJI21tq2iu-00093-00031107-00031388 And I think what Reese does is actually bring RtJI21tq2iu-00094-00031388-00031674 more meaning to this phrase of just do our best. RtJI21tq2iu-00095-00031705-00032078 If I remember from my previous quote that I read, he talks RtJI21tq2iu-00096-00032078-00032408 about how doing our best actually RtJI21tq2iu-00097-00032408-00032719 just means giving action to anything. RtJI21tq2iu-00098-00032766-00032852 Just one step. RtJI21tq2iu-00099-00032852-00033273 I tell my clients, if you just do one step towards making the progress RtJI21tq2iu-00100-00033273-00033693 you want to make on whatever it is, one step is all you need to do today. RtJI21tq2iu-00101-00033727-00033917 You don't do don't need to do anymore. RtJI21tq2iu-00102-00033917-00034140 And you'll just make one step forward. RtJI21tq2iu-00103-00034140-00034294 And if you can make that one step four, RtJI21tq2iu-00104-00034294-00034497 maybe tomorrow you can take two steps forward. RtJI21tq2iu-00105-00034497-00034804 Maybe the next day you can take three steps forward and hey, maybe one day RtJI21tq2iu-00106-00034804-00035275 you'll take two suspect that is okay because you are making action. RtJI21tq2iu-00107-00035308-00035565 You're trying your best because you're making action. RtJI21tq2iu-00108-00035592-00035942 And hopefully as you make more and more actions, RtJI21tq2iu-00109-00035942-00036276 you know, depression doesn't go away, but depression may not be as severe. RtJI21tq2iu-00110-00036312-00036599 You'll have times of intense joy and happiness RtJI21tq2iu-00111-00036599-00037077 because you are trying your best in a way that makes sense RtJI21tq2iu-00112-00037110-00037384 because you have the plan you're taking one step forward, one RtJI21tq2iu-00113-00037384-00037537 step forward, one step forward. RtJI21tq2iu-00114-00037537-00037594 And guess what? RtJI21tq2iu-00115-00037594-00038004 When you do that, the inner judge in all of us RtJI21tq2iu-00116-00038034-00038375 has nothing they have or nothing they can really say to us anymore. RtJI21tq2iu-00117-00038421-00038641 Because what is the inner judge? RtJI21tq2iu-00118-00038651-00039082 The inner judge is just our own blabbing in our mind, our own anxiety RtJI21tq2iu-00119-00039082-00039305 that says that we're not doing enough, we're not media, RtJI21tq2iu-00120-00039386-00039599 we're not meeting standard or not meet expectations. RtJI21tq2iu-00121-00039646-00040053 And when we set standards and expectations of just making actions, RtJI21tq2iu-00122-00040053-00040180 just take a step. RtJI21tq2iu-00123-00040180-00040473 Then the judge in us cannot say anything to us anymore RtJI21tq2iu-00124-00040500-00040910 because we are doing what we deem as the best. RtJI21tq2iu-00125-00040930-00041020 And that's so powerful. RtJI21tq2iu-00126-00041020-00041174 Whenever I'm working with any of my clients RtJI21tq2iu-00127-00041174-00041468 with anxiety, depression, is that all it takes is one step. RtJI21tq2iu-00128-00041518-00041618 What is your next step? RtJI21tq2iu-00129-00041715-00041925 So the next thing I want to RtJI21tq2iu-00130-00041925-00042228 talk about is actually on page 81. RtJI21tq2iu-00131-00042228-00042812 So let me go ahead and pull that up and read it to you all. RtJI21tq2iu-00132-00042812-00043166 When you do your best, you learn to accept yourself, RtJI21tq2iu-00133-00043219-00043476 but you have to be aware and learn from mistakes. RtJI21tq2iu-00134-00043540-00043780 Learning from your mistakes means you practice, RtJI21tq2iu-00135-00043817-00044204 look honestly at the results and keep practicing. RtJI21tq2iu-00136-00044224-00044454 This increases your awareness. RtJI21tq2iu-00137-00044454-00044684 Let's talk about this in the relevance to executive function RtJI21tq2iu-00138-00044684-00044881 coaching and reflective journaling, RtJI21tq2iu-00139-00044881-00045195 which is one of the things I like to do the most with any of my clients. RtJI21tq2iu-00140-00045248-00045625 And the reason why I like doing reflective journaling is it actually calls us RtJI21tq2iu-00141-00045625-00046102 to sit there and really think about whatever prompt I proposed to them RtJI21tq2iu-00142-00046172-00046406 and really think about the structure RtJI21tq2iu-00143-00046406-00046666 and the steps that go with that prompt. RtJI21tq2iu-00144-00046666-00047057 What really happened that caused me to not eat breakfast, RtJI21tq2iu-00145-00047080-00047397 what really happened that caused me to not get on that treadmill RtJI21tq2iu-00146-00047397-00048001 or go to the gym or, you know, eat dinner or go out with my fiancee? RtJI21tq2iu-00147-00048001-00048264 I don't have a fiance anyway. But you know RtJI21tq2iu-00148-00048378-00048518 what really happened? RtJI21tq2iu-00149-00048518-00048878 You know, really asking yourself and being honest with yourself about what RtJI21tq2iu-00150-00048878-00049442 really happened opens us up to being aware of what our best actually is. RtJI21tq2iu-00151-00049472-00049709 And when we're aware of what our best actually is, RtJI21tq2iu-00152-00049733-00049876 then we actually know what we can do. RtJI21tq2iu-00153-00049876-00050046 And when we can do that, we feel happy. RtJI21tq2iu-00154-00050046-00050380 We feel like we've taken the right action to doing our best. RtJI21tq2iu-00155-00050400-00050914 And that means the difference between being anxious about and my meeting RtJI21tq2iu-00156-00050914-00051431 expectations versus being proud that you are meeting expectations. RtJI21tq2iu-00157-00051461-00051558 And that's a big difference. RtJI21tq2iu-00158-00051558-00051795 And I really want to emphasize RtJI21tq2iu-00159-00051851-00052295 now, one of the last things I want to talk about is Reece's idea RtJI21tq2iu-00160-00052295-00052659 that we are the manifestation of God in this chapter. RtJI21tq2iu-00161-00052709-00053066 Now, I'm not a very religious or spiritual kind of dude, RtJI21tq2iu-00162-00053109-00053323 but I think that when I really thought about this RtJI21tq2iu-00163-00053323-00053670 and I read into it, I thought about this idea that RtJI21tq2iu-00164-00053793-00053997 at least to ourselves, RtJI21tq2iu-00165-00053997-00054254 we should always prioritize ourselves first RtJI21tq2iu-00166-00054294-00054607 if we're able to take care of ourselves and we're able to put ourselves first, RtJI21tq2iu-00167-00054607-00054671 then we're able RtJI21tq2iu-00168-00054671-00055021 to actually have enough energy to do good for the rest of the world. RtJI21tq2iu-00169-00055085-00055365 And if we say that RtJI21tq2iu-00170-00055398-00055615 and that's not even just a God that just say RtJI21tq2iu-00171-00055678-00056129 anything that you out there deem as the most important thing to your life. RtJI21tq2iu-00172-00056129-00056523 If you say that you're the manifestation of that thing, RtJI21tq2iu-00173-00056523-00056903 then what you're really saying to yourself is that you are the most important thing RtJI21tq2iu-00174-00056903-00057000 to yourself. RtJI21tq2iu-00175-00057000-00057487 And when you have that self-love and that awareness that you are the most, RtJI21tq2iu-00176-00057490-00057927 you're the thing that you want to prioritize, then and only then RtJI21tq2iu-00177-00057967-00058425 can you look deep within yourself and say what is my best? RtJI21tq2iu-00178-00058454-00058648 How do I do my best? RtJI21tq2iu-00179-00058648-00059162 And I think this ties in so well to the last three chapters of what was it again? RtJI21tq2iu-00180-00059165-00059636 Chapter one was, um, the first agreement that we actually RtJI21tq2iu-00181-00059692-00060036 for as the first agreement was, okay, be impeccable with your word. RtJI21tq2iu-00182-00060180-00060513 You know, don't take things personally and don't make assumptions. RtJI21tq2iu-00183-00060513-00060680 And when I think about those three agreements, RtJI21tq2iu-00184-00060680-00061004 I think about how impossible that sounds. RtJI21tq2iu-00185-00061061-00061367 I don't know if you guys felt this way when you guys were reading this, RtJI21tq2iu-00186-00061421-00061785 but I thought about how is it humanly possible RtJI21tq2iu-00187-00061825-00062128 for me to always be impeccable with my word, RtJI21tq2iu-00188-00062175-00062609 to never take things personally and to never make an assumption? RtJI21tq2iu-00189-00062649-00062839 How is that even possible? RtJI21tq2iu-00190-00062839-00063213 And I think this last agreement ties it all together. RtJI21tq2iu-00191-00063213-00063680 Is that, well, you don't have to just try your best RtJI21tq2iu-00192-00063743-00064067 if you can keep these four agreements for an hour, RtJI21tq2iu-00193-00064117-00064564 that can translate to maybe a few hours, that can translate to a whole day, RtJI21tq2iu-00194-00064614-00064971 that could even translate to a whole week, a whole month, a whole year, RtJI21tq2iu-00195-00064994-00065095 the rest of your life. RtJI21tq2iu-00196-00065201-00065495 It just means that you want to start off RtJI21tq2iu-00197-00065505-00065862 somewhere, recognize where your best is at this moment. RtJI21tq2iu-00198-00065905-00066186 You know, when I first started living by myself, RtJI21tq2iu-00199-00066222-00066623 I could not cook for my life, and cooking was the hardest thing that I had to do. RtJI21tq2iu-00200-00066623-00066933 Even now, I can never think about RtJI21tq2iu-00201-00067000-00067233 what should I have for dinner or should I have for lunch? RtJI21tq2iu-00202-00067233-00067347 Which to have a breakfast. RtJI21tq2iu-00203-00067347-00067670 There's three meals in a whole freakin day that you got to take care of. RtJI21tq2iu-00204-00067670-00068091 Is that that's just insane to me is like I have to wake up every morning RtJI21tq2iu-00205-00068091-00068351 and think about what is breakfast, lunch and dinner. RtJI21tq2iu-00206-00068398-00068595 I don't know why. They're like, breakfast, lunch and dinner. RtJI21tq2iu-00207-00068595-00068828 And I have to do it for my nephew as well. RtJI21tq2iu-00208-00068872-00069062 And he eats completely different things. RtJI21tq2iu-00209-00069062-00069412 And I it is so frustrating. But then RtJI21tq2iu-00210-00069662-00069956 when I'm able to do it for a day RtJI21tq2iu-00211-00069956-00070230 and I'm able then to do it for a week, then RtJI21tq2iu-00212-00070230-00070670 I feel prouder of myself and know that, hey, I can at least do it for a week. RtJI21tq2iu-00213-00070670-00070810 My best is at least to go RtJI21tq2iu-00214-00070810-00071154 one week without going berserk about what I'm going to eat. RtJI21tq2iu-00215-00071221-00071381 Then maybe I can do it for a month, RtJI21tq2iu-00216-00071381-00071628 and then maybe I could do it for the whole year. Maybe I can go RtJI21tq2iu-00217-00071628-00071998 a whole year without criticizing my nephew for his eating habits. RtJI21tq2iu-00218-00072058-00072549 And if I can do that, then I can do it maybe for the rest of my life. RtJI21tq2iu-00219-00072549-00072762 I think that is the key to doing RtJI21tq2iu-00220-00072762-00073086 McGarry's is for agreements is that take these agreements RtJI21tq2iu-00221-00073086-00073423 step by step, one day at a time, and if you can try your best RtJI21tq2iu-00222-00073503-00073843 just for one day, for one week, for one year, then RtJI21tq2iu-00223-00073940-00074190 the rest becomes more manageable. RtJI21tq2iu-00224-00074237-00074591 Now, I hope you guys enjoyed that book chat. RtJI21tq2iu-00225-00074591-00074894 If you did, please like and subscribe to our channel. RtJI21tq2iu-00226-00074951-00075108 Your support means the world to us. RtJI21tq2iu-00227-00075108-00075442 Like I keep saying this, but it really does. RtJI21tq2iu-00228-00075442-00075755 And if you have any questions, any comments, comment down below. RtJI21tq2iu-00229-00075792-00075952 Talk to you guys next time. RtJI21tq2iu-00230-00075952-00076182 Thanks. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00000-00000012-00000449 About 2 weeks ago, I decided to make a mini series and this video is part 2. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00001-00000449-00000687 You can watch part 1 here If you're interested. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00002-00000687-00001276 I just summed up everything about Albedo and Rhine until 2.3.Part 1 does have the whole Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00003-00001276-00001485 thought process carried over to this video. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00004-00001485-00001810 But If you wanna watch this first, it's okay too. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00005-00001810-00002170 Part 2 is going to include: Rhinnedotir’s goal and True motive. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00006-00002170-00002417 The True Goal of The Primordial Human Project The Heart of Naberius and what it is Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00007-00002417-00003222 The Rendition of The Magnum Opus Albedo and a little bit on Rhinnedotir Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00008-00003222-00003604 Theory on Rhinnedotir creating The True Primordial Being Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00009-00003604-00004212 So let's get on with the video Starting off, I want to make a clarification Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00010-00004212-00004510 on Rhinnedotir’s True goals and motives. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00011-00004510-00004907 Because it seems that she isn't as evil as the game says and that she wasn't driven to Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00012-00004907-00005151 madness or corrupted in any sort of manner. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00013-00005151-00005635 The original Chinese script of the Book “Breeze amidst the forests' ' says that “Rhinnedotir Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00014-00005635-00005919 became a sinner and gave rise to countless monsters''. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00015-00005919-00006337 But translations to English say she was “corrupted by their greed”. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00016-00006337-00006459 whose greed? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00017-00006459-00006559 Khaenriah? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00018-00006559-00006659 Celestia? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00019-00006659-00006759 Alchemists? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00020-00006759-00006926 Her own? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00021-00006926-00007284 What the book tries to tell you is that she was corrupted by the greed of Khaenriah. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00022-00007284-00007526 But that's from the perspective of Teyvat’s people. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00023-00007526-00007894 So what I did instead is put together the 2 different sentences. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00024-00007894-00008297 Then what should have been said is that Gold gave in to the sin of creating and unleashing Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00025-00008297-00008453 those evil monsters. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00026-00008453-00008883 Which would mean that she was led more by her own curiosity and doubt than greed of Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00027-00008883-00009189 anyone to create and release the shadowy monsters. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00028-00009189-00009413 This makes her more innocent than what the books entail. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00029-00009413-00009947 But by doing so, Khaenriah and Gold herself have crossed a line that the Gods in Celestia Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00030-00009947-00010103 call The Heavenly principles. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00031-00010103-00010447 And the price they pay for crossing that line is nothing short of extinction. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00032-00010447-00010992 Similar to Sal Vindagnyr and the Skyfrost nail, but this time Khaenriah fought back. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00033-00010992-00011378 And in the midst of that Rhine sadly had to let loose the shadowy monsters and allowed Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00034-00011378-00011643 Durin to show his beauty. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00035-00011643-00011830 And although they were utterly defeated. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00036-00011830-00012189 Khaenriah intended to keep on fighting and made the Abyss Order. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00037-00012189-00012675 But Gold however, intends to keep creating, which reveals more into what she really wants Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00038-00012675-00012796 to achieve. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00039-00012796-00013181 Interestingly her lore shows her intention to create more creatures and "whatevers" as Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00040-00013181-00013418 well as continue to pursue her craft in Alchemy. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00041-00013418-00013909 But this time as Rhine, while still recovering from the impact of Khaenriah’s fall for Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00042-00013909-00014062 defying the Gods. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00043-00014062-00014599 And the being she created, even now starts to doubt those same laws placed upon them. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00044-00014599-00015159 What you might not notice or think about is that Rhinnedotir was already in the process Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00045-00015159-00015673 of The Primordial Human Project, even before the events of the cataclysm and possibly even Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00046-00015673-00015834 before she created Durin. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00047-00015834-00016276 If anything, Durin was the first “living” or sentient being that she created, along Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00048-00016276-00016410 with the Rift creatures. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00049-00016410-00016681 After that she then moved on to Human creation. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00050-00016681-00016878 And create humans she did. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00051-00016878-00017368 These ominous words spoken by albedo, tell of the multiple failures and experiments Rhine Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00052-00017368-00017638 has done before creating Albedo. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00053-00017638-00018288 “(However, unbeknownst to Subject One, the alchemist had tried the same experiment many Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00054-00018288-00018601 times before he had come into being. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00055-00018601-00019199 Some of the rejects from failed experiments had been discarded, but had not died.)” Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00056-00019199-00019685 These words spoken within a few seconds, don't show enough of how terrible The art of Alchemy Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00057-00019685-00019785 can get. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00058-00019785-00020117 Khemia specifically, because it's not within the seven regions of Teyvat. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00059-00020117-00020595 But even after Albedo, Rhine’s journey to create things didn't stop there. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00060-00020595-00021127 Apparently as the two alchemists were traveling together they stumbled upon the Heart of Naberius. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00061-00021127-00021663 Which if taken from some demonology, Naberius is actually the same as Cerberus but in a Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00062-00021663-00021969 different form. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00063-00021969-00022770 But not as just a 3 headed hellhound guarding the underworld. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00064-00022770-00023154 Cerberus or Naberius is a very friendly and affluent marquee of the underworld. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00065-00023154-00023523 Often depicted as a 3 head dog or a three headed raven. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00066-00023523-00024025 But a few things that might interest you and Rhinnedotir is that in one of his achievements, Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00067-00024025-00024571 Naberius was said to have been set free by Hades to join the “Old gods'' as their equals. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00068-00024571-00025117 The old gods are from what I understand is the 12 Olympians including Zeus, Poseidon, Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00069-00025117-00025217 and the like. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00070-00025217-00025722 Naberius also has the power to restore and take away the ranks and honors of the unworthy, Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00071-00025722-00025852 Humans and Demons alike. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00072-00025852-00026388 As it is his job to keep a political eye on everything happening in both the Human and Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00073-00026388-00026625 Demon world. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00074-00026625-00027118 A Demon from the underworld that was set free to join the old gods, a fallen kingdom from Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00075-00027118-00027543 under the world of Teyvat. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00076-00027543-00028008 And an alchemist from Khaenriah, finding its heart. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00077-00028008-00028663 Seems very interesting indeed. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00078-00028663-00029113 One interesting bit of info that Rhine left with Albedo is the remaining text pertaining Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00079-00029113-00029275 to the Opus Magnum. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00080-00029275-00029762 And as we all know the Opus Magnum or Magnum Opus is a term for the alchemical process Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00081-00029762-00029886 known as the great work. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00082-00029886-00030420 This great work was and still probably is theorized to revolve around Albedo becoming Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00083-00030420-00030520 Rubedo. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00084-00030520-00030857 With the theorized meaning of Albedo becoming evil and causing destruction. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00085-00030857-00031527 But the word Rubedo or “Iosis” is pertained as the alchemical success of the Magnum Opus. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00086-00031527-00031956 and “Gold” or the Philosopher’s stone is the end result of the transformation of Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00087-00031956-00032222 the base "rima materia" becoming Rubedo. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00088-00032222-00032883 And this theory points fingers at Albedo becoming evil, which is not only very conflicting considering Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00089-00032883-00033402 the whole point of the Opus Magnum. which is for chaos to become a perfect Item/entity. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00090-00033402-00033847 But the fact that no one saw the huge elephant in the room just because we were too focused Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00091-00033847-00033972 on one stage name. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00092-00033972-00034465 If we take the same Opus Magnum and put the process into Rhine’s perspective, this easily Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00093-00034465-00034706 points to her creation of The Primordial Human. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00094-00034706-00034806 “Primordial” Human. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00095-00034806-00035428 The very first Being, and the stages of Alchemy could be the stages of which Rhine has been Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00096-00035428-00035692 taking note of for creating the perfect Being. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00097-00035692-00036829 Meaning that Albedo is only the second stage of Rhine’s journey through the Opus Magnum. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00098-00036829-00037250 With Either The first Albedo or Durin signifying the first stage Nigredo. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00099-00037250-00037891 Meaning Decomposition and Putrefaction, or Decay and Rotting. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00100-00037891-00038368 Having said this, Rhine still needs to go through Citrinitas, and finally move on to Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00101-00038368-00038574 Rubedo, and create the perfect being. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00102-00038574-00039006 Which is what I think Rhinnedotir has been wanting to do all this time, even before anything Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00103-00039006-00039578 related to the Cataclysm occurred. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00104-00039578-00040009 So here's where I'll start to delve deeper into Rhine’s motives using theory. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00105-00040009-00040587 And our prime example is the Primordial Human Project, and the Heart of Naberius. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00106-00040587-00040923 AGAIN I IMPLORE YOU to take this with a grain of salt. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00107-00040923-00041150 Because theories will only be theories. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00108-00041150-00041356 That and i just wanna talk more about alchemy. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00109-00041356-00042296 SO If we link the Heart of Naberius with Rhine’s Primordial Human Project, as well as the Gods Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00110-00042296-00042511 unquestionable Laws on mankind. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00111-00042511-00042981 I get the terrifying feeling that Rhine used that Heart to create another being, one that's Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00112-00042981-00043356 far better and even more perfect than the Perfect Albedo we know. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00113-00043356-00043682 One capable of exceeding the mere principles of humans. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00114-00043682-00044062 One that perceives the The Principle of Gods as imperfect, or incorrect. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00115-00044062-00044437 And question their control over us. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00116-00044437-00044621 Such is the arrogance of man. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00117-00044621-00045169 So much so that even Albedo himself mentions this at the end of our conversation with him Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00118-00045169-00045350 in 2.3. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00119-00045350-00045988 “The only thing is that sometimes, when I think about how mighty the power of alchemy Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00120-00045988-00046361 is, I feel so small. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00121-00046361-00046866 As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00122-00046866-00047260 destiny, and in desiring to create? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00123-00047260-00047546 Is creation an arrogant act, Traveler? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00124-00047546-00048218 If not, why do we call the ones that created us and control us, "gods"? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00125-00048218-00048944 If it is, then what qualifies us to call ourselves creators? Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00126-00048944-00050602 How far must we take our reverence and respect, and what purpose does it serve?” Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00127-00050602-00051024 An artificial being that doubts the principles set by the Gods. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00128-00051024-00051340 One that dares to find what the Gods themselves hide. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00129-00051340-00051676 An Alchemist that creates artificial beings. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00130-00051676-00051927 A fallen Kingdom that defied Gods. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00131-00051927-00052472 A Demon of the underworld, Yet has become one of the Gods themselves. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00132-00052472-00053394 This is possibly The True Primordial that Rhinndotir was pursuing to create. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00133-00053394-00053648 The Primordial Human that defies the Gods. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00134-00053648-00054123 With those words from the Chief Alchemist and my own words, I will end this video here. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00135-00054123-00054450 For the next video I think that you guys might already know. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00136-00054450-00054876 I've been hinting at some key words like Arrogance, and Creation. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00137-00054876-00055078 Arrogations and Humans. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00138-00055078-00055194 Principles and Gods. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00139-00055194-00056155 I know this ends in quite a cliffhanger but i wanted to keep the videos in short 10 segments Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00140-00056155-00056386 instead of 20 minute ramblings. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00141-00056386-00056862 That way I get to keep the focus of each video on topics I specifically want to discuss. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00142-00056862-00057113 And keep you guys from getting too confused. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00143-00057113-00057716 So the third Video for this mini series is going to be my take on the ludicrous Laws Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00144-00057716-00058416 set by the Gods upon mankind, and the lucrative position the Gods have over Humans. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00145-00058416-00058516 The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00146-00058516-00059124 And possibly finally a full on theory on Rhinnedotir’s Greatest Creation. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00147-00059124-00059447 That is, The True Primordial Human, The Recreation of Naberius, Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00148-00059447-00059607 That's gonna be it for this video. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00149-00059607-00060137 I hope you guys enjoyed watching and listening. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00150-00060137-00060622 If you guys want to see more of my video theories, make sure to hit the like button and comment Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00151-00060622-00061050 your thoughts, as well as subscribing and clicking on the bell icon to stay updated Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00152-00061050-00061157 on my next discussion video. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00153-00061157-00061295 And with that i'll see you guys in the next video. Ru3fhsEj4Uu-00154-00061295-00061343 BYE! RuWLzeyYnkQ-00000-00000000-00000657 >>Get started >>Everybody's like okay this is cool, but not that cool. Apart from John who's RuWLzeyYnkQ-00001-00000657-00001157 totally cool. Okay should we start? >>Let's start! >>Alright >>you're up! >>So I'm gonna boot RuWLzeyYnkQ-00002-00001391-00001891 this off because I I sort of started Shellphish but I'm sort of reaping the um the benefit of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00003-00002469-00002952 it without really doing anything. These guys are actually the brains behind it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00004-00002952-00003513 and the guys who stayed up all night doing all the work. I'm just looking at them thinking oh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00005-00003513-00004204 my god! I remember when I did that twenty five years ago! >>Giovanni did a lot of high RuWLzeyYnkQ-00006-00004204-00004901 level planning and sushi delivery >>Exactly, that's my role, feed them, they will poop RuWLzeyYnkQ-00007-00004901-00005281 software [laughter] okay. Cyber grand challenge- >>If you look at our code, that's really RuWLzeyYnkQ-00008-00005281-00005915 actually true >>That's actually true so eh eh I I'm going to be very short on this eh Shellphish RuWLzeyYnkQ-00009-00005915-00006409 was born out of the sec lab which is the security group at UC Santa Barbara, everytime you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00010-00006616-00007147 say UC people say Universe of California, that's not right, that's Berkeley, UC Santa RuWLzeyYnkQ-00011-00007147-00007834 Monica, that does not exist, it's UC Santa Barbara, so get it right, Sec lab is the group, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00012-00007834-00008511 that's where we come from. And uh the group is led currently by me and my um uh colleague RuWLzeyYnkQ-00013-00008511-00009202 Christopher Kruegel uh we look very professional here like professors but we're actually- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00014-00009202-00009746 >>It's basically >>Hackers behind weird handles like everybody else, I, I never got RuWLzeyYnkQ-00015-00009746-00010437 the handle thing, but I, I needed one and so if you look about Zanardi on the on the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00016-00010437-00010937 internet it is somebody with a gigantic nose and a ponytail which I once had >>Giovanni RuWLzeyYnkQ-00017-00010937-00011464 would you say, Chris is your life partner? >>I think Chris ma- ke- Chris ma- [chuckle] RuWLzeyYnkQ-00018-00011464-00011965 Christopher is my academic wife so I I have to take care of all his needs and his uh I wish he RuWLzeyYnkQ-00019-00012339-00012886 would be here it would be very he's super proud of everybody but this is our University, not RuWLzeyYnkQ-00020-00012886-00013390 bad and that's why Shellphish is here our lab is exactly there where the arrow points, we're RuWLzeyYnkQ-00021-00013660-00014157 right on the beach, we have a private beach, and that's why our tagline is HEX on the beach. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00022-00014157-00014801 Um uh we're lucky that >>Might be back here? Is it back here? >>Yes it is it is >>Hah right! RuWLzeyYnkQ-00023-00014801-00015302 >So how this started, it started in 2004, I know it's incredibly such a long time ago uh it's me RuWLzeyYnkQ-00024-00015735-00016236 but then I had a bunch of um grad students including Chris uh and we evolved into uh a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00025-00016603-00017167 community and in 2005 we actually won Defcon CTF, never once since then that was the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00026-00017167-00017694 good old days and it's all it's awesome because they say the older you get the more awesome RuWLzeyYnkQ-00027-00017694-00018188 you were so so I'm milking it for whatever I can but we grew up you know and then suddenly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00028-00018421-00018922 void, Chris moved to Vienna, became a professor there, recruited some more people, that RuWLzeyYnkQ-00029-00019129-00019716 became more people, that came back to Santa Barbara because it's awesome, became more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00030-00019716-00020337 people, more students, more students, even more students and what happened is that some RuWLzeyYnkQ-00031-00020337-00020837 people went to Boston so we have a substantial presence in Boston and we evolved as a group more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00032-00021101-00021785 and more in the years until at a certain point all our grad- graduate students actually RuWLzeyYnkQ-00033-00021785-00022285 became professors as well and so a lot of U- you know UC people became professor all around the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00034-00022716-00023216 world, in London, at Arizona State University, Eurocom in France, and right now Shellphish RuWLzeyYnkQ-00035-00023436-00023937 is a very big group of all academic people all around the world doing interesting stuff so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00036-00024214-00024794 right now our group is pretty much this we're very inclusive, we're you know, we foster RuWLzeyYnkQ-00037-00024794-00025295 research and that's what we care about and with this I'll give my presentation baton to Yan RuWLzeyYnkQ-00038-00025825-00026506 >>Thank you Giovanni. So before we go on with uh the Cyber Grand challenge itself, I'd like to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00039-00026506-00027007 give a shout out to uh all the other Shellphish-es in the audience. So raise your hand, if RuWLzeyYnkQ-00040-00027340-00027841 your Shellphish, oh yeah right there! [applause] nice! Nice! [whistle] yeah Shellphish is uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00041-00028188-00028825 bigger than just the CGC Team, the CGC Team is a straight subset but we have a lot of uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00042-00028825-00029345 people that were cheering us from the sidelines even on the team. So let's talk about the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00043-00029345-00030030 Cyber Grand Challenge um DARPA has a history of Grand Challenges right? You guys are RuWLzeyYnkQ-00044-00030030-00030507 probably familiar with the self driving car grand challenge, and the robotics grand challenge RuWLzeyYnkQ-00045-00030507-00031041 because uh they got a lot of press similar to the cyber grand challenge just now and uh the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00046-00031041-00031241 idea behind these is DARPA finds this fledgling technology, self driving cars, uh and they fund RuWLzeyYnkQ-00047-00031241-00031741 it with a lot of money right? So their prizes, million dollar prizes for uh self driving cars RuWLzeyYnkQ-00048-00032676-00033119 and this motivated a lot of people to put a lot of research into it. At the time people were RuWLzeyYnkQ-00049-00033119-00033616 of course saying, because the time was 2006 when we didn't even have smart phones and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00050-00033616-00034050 people were saying, 'do you really think that some day you'll be sitting inside a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00051-00034050-00034714 computer and it'll be driving you around? That's absurd', and now we have people driving RuWLzeyYnkQ-00052-00034714-00035231 themselves to the hospital while they're having a heart attack in their Tesla and so you know this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00053-00035231-00035732 technology push really pays off. And it's probably gonna be the same with robotics, DARPA did RuWLzeyYnkQ-00054-00035932-00036279 the robotics cyber grand challenge and probably in ten years we're all gonna be dead RuWLzeyYnkQ-00055-00036686-00037200 [laughter] And it's also gonna be the same with programs so the cyber grand challenge really RuWLzeyYnkQ-00056-00037200-00037701 pushed the frontier of automatic program analysis exploitation and defense right now it's in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00057-00038094-00038788 it's infancy I think uh if you'll see how the CRS' did at Defcon CTF uh but maybe they RuWLzeyYnkQ-00058-00038788-00039322 won't beat the best humans, but that's the beginning. The chess systems didn't beat the best RuWLzeyYnkQ-00059-00039322-00039743 humans, and the self driving cars aren't going to beat the best humans in races right now, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00060-00039743-00040283 but eventually they will and eventually mechanical phish will kill us all, or hack us all, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00061-00040283-00040957 while the actual robots kill us. [laughter] So this is a cyber grand challenge, um let's talk RuWLzeyYnkQ-00062-00040957-00041508 about Shellphish's involvement in the cyber grand challenge. As Giovanni said, Shellphish is a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00063-00041508-00042002 bunch of academics and hackers right so we're kind of 'hackademics' so um at one point RuWLzeyYnkQ-00064-00042345-00042846 we decided to shift our research uh interests in uh at UCSB closer to binary analysis right RuWLzeyYnkQ-00065-00043099-00043790 we started looking into uh doing automated binary analysis and all of the things along with RuWLzeyYnkQ-00066-00043790-00044351 that automatic vulnerability discovery and so forth completely independent of the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00067-00044351-00044684 cyber grand challenge, we started doing this some time in twenty thirteen, and then late RuWLzeyYnkQ-00068-00044684-00045275 twenty thirteen DARPA announces the cyber grand challenge right? And so I have an email somewhere RuWLzeyYnkQ-00069-00045275-00045785 in my history saying 'hey guys! Check this out, this is this cool thing, maybe you should RuWLzeyYnkQ-00070-00045785-00046139 participate because we were working on a lot of the same stuff' and everyone said 'yeah! RuWLzeyYnkQ-00071-00046139-00046596 Let's do it, let's go for it!' I said 'great' and then promptly forgot about it for like a year, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00072-00046596-00047097 right? So the deadline for registration was in late twenty fourteen, I sent in the kind of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00073-00047514-00048034 uh application literally fifteen seconds before the deadline because that's that's how we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00074-00048034-00048535 roll and they uh said 'great you're in congratulations uh let's you know see what you've RuWLzeyYnkQ-00075-00048858-00049436 got the first scored event is coming up in like four months and so we were like 'okay cool' RuWLzeyYnkQ-00076-00049436-00050056 oh no like on the graph is like in one month right? So we said cool, let's let's build a CRS RuWLzeyYnkQ-00077-00050056-00050470 we're gonna we're gonna rock the scored event the the first kind of practice round that that was RuWLzeyYnkQ-00078-00050470-00050964 the term DARPA used for the scored events. So the first practice round uh we're gonna RuWLzeyYnkQ-00079-00050964-00051491 we're gonna do super awesome, we were gonna kill it and we totally forgot about it. The RuWLzeyYnkQ-00080-00051491-00051995 morning of the practice round I wake up and I'm like shit there's a practice round for the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00081-00051995-00052609 the CGC stuff tonight and so we start working on our CRS right so the first commit to the CRS RuWLzeyYnkQ-00082-00052609-00053109 is two hours maybe three hours let's say before the practice round begins right? So we start RuWLzeyYnkQ-00083-00053326-00053870 writing our CRS, practice round begins, we play the practice round with some janky ass CRS RuWLzeyYnkQ-00084-00053870-00054454 that that kinda half works cool. So then we like alright well now that we've started we're gonna RuWLzeyYnkQ-00085-00054454-00054888 get it all super put together before the second practice round. Second practice round RuWLzeyYnkQ-00086-00054888-00055415 rolls around, and now we remember about it maybe three days before right? So the second RuWLzeyYnkQ-00087-00055415-00055985 commit to the CRS happens three days before the second practice round. We uh build it up build RuWLzeyYnkQ-00088-00055985-00056383 it up build it up play in the second round, say okay cool, now we have this uh kinda cyber RuWLzeyYnkQ-00089-00056383-00056883 reasoning system that's uh kind of ready to play in the CGE if we keep working on it solidly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00090-00057173-00057734 until the uh qualifiers. And then of course, we forget about it for another couple months. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00091-00057734-00058258 And then two and a half weeks before the qualifiers we remember hey wait a second the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00092-00058258-00058898 qualifiers are coming up so then we start working like crazy and not sleeping three weeks of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00093-00058898-00059569 complete insanity until the cyber grand challenge qualifiers and we have a cyber reasoning RuWLzeyYnkQ-00094-00059569-00060200 system that we can feel for the cyber uh grand challenge qualifiers and we qualify with RuWLzeyYnkQ-00095-00060200-00060700 three weeks of absolute insanity. And so then we figured cool! Now A, we're super rich, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00096-00060940-00061454 'cause the qualifiers came with seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars of prize money, and B we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00097-00061454-00061955 can now spend a year working solidly, right? Solidly, with test cases, test cases, code RuWLzeyYnkQ-00098-00062185-00062686 freezes, milestones, milestones, lots of milestones, and absolutely you know continuous RuWLzeyYnkQ-00099-00063019-00063660 uh integration and then and you know tests uh rounds and everything for an entire RuWLzeyYnkQ-00100-00063660-00064160 freakin' year! Agile development that's that's the key word here, none of that happened. So for uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00101-00064430-00065095 nine months we uh use our money to fly around the world giving conference talks and like saying RuWLzeyYnkQ-00102-00065095-00065595 how how cool we are and how you know phish is uh is a chinese martial arts expert or wait that RuWLzeyYnkQ-00103-00065839-00066396 was that was Kevin, Kevin's a chinese martial arts expert and you know Antonio's mysterious RuWLzeyYnkQ-00104-00066396-00066763 and all this shit but didn't really do what we should have been doing is working on the CRS RuWLzeyYnkQ-00105-00066763-00067454 right? And three months before the uh three months ago we realize this and we're like RuWLzeyYnkQ-00106-00067454-00068024 crap! We should really write a CRS for real actually right? Like I mean we should take what RuWLzeyYnkQ-00107-00068024-00068712 we had in quals and actually like you know extend it so it can win finals so three months RuWLzeyYnkQ-00108-00068712-00069389 ago we we started working like crazy we stopped sleeping right? I have a fiance and I haven't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00109-00069389-00069889 seen her in three months basically that that's you know the insanity. >>To the founding RuWLzeyYnkQ-00110-00070103-00070603 agency that are listening, we're a lot more responsible than it looks. >>Yeah, yeah th- this is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00111-00070807-00071321 our hacker persona, right? We also have an academic persona where of course we have CI, of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00112-00071321-00071925 course, come on who doesn't have CI, when code freezes right we we'd finish all our papers two RuWLzeyYnkQ-00113-00071925-00072552 weeks before they're due so that our professors can uh go over them and absolutely this this is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00114-00072552-00073053 the hacker [inaudible] persona [chuckle] Alright anyways, so we went crazy for three months, we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00115-00073313-00073813 got uh the final commit to the CRS, thirty minutes before the air gap was established, thirty RuWLzeyYnkQ-00116-00074104-00074694 minutes alright? And it was a commit in one of the core components so shit could go RuWLzeyYnkQ-00117-00074694-00075382 wrong, there's a slide for that. And >>Killing us >>Alright, I'm killing us, so we did it. We RuWLzeyYnkQ-00118-00075382-00075962 played the CGC, you got third, and this is the team that we already introduced. We are from RuWLzeyYnkQ-00119-00075962-00076463 all around the world, Italy, Germany, the U.S., India, there was a guy uh qualifying with us RuWLzeyYnkQ-00120-00076820-00077497 who's hopefully sitting in the uh audience from Santa Golf, uh Phish is from China, we're from RuWLzeyYnkQ-00121-00077497-00078181 all, all over the place. And we are very rich because we got two seven hundred and fifty thousand RuWLzeyYnkQ-00122-00078181-00078802 dollar prizes now, so, that's kind of a brief intro to our involvement in the CGC I'll pass RuWLzeyYnkQ-00123-00078802-00079302 it off to Ya Kapow to introduce the CGC as a platform and what it means. [applause] >>Right so, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00124-00079549-00080050 thanks Yan for the very very very true and very effective introduction to the Shellphish RuWLzeyYnkQ-00125-00080326-00080824 hacker, very distinct from academia, very distinct from the Shellphish academia, uh right RuWLzeyYnkQ-00126-00080824-00081504 so, just very briefly, so what does it mean to actually score well in the CGC? You have to, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00127-00081504-00081988 you're gonna go blind with binaries that you have never seen before, you have to analyze RuWLzeyYnkQ-00128-00081988-00082569 them in whatever way you want, there's no limitation of how you do it, you have to own them, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00129-00082569-00083079 either by a crash or by leaking a secret, and you also have to patch them so that the other RuWLzeyYnkQ-00130-00083079-00083580 guys can not do the same to you and this is a classic um classic CTF uh structure that has some RuWLzeyYnkQ-00131-00084044-00084567 modifications to decree in in the decree operating system to make it more moddable- more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00132-00084567-00085255 easier to model and easier to handle for a for a program okay? So on the simplifications is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00133-00085255-00085942 that uh so the architecture is Intel x86 all op codes are legal which can lead to interesting RuWLzeyYnkQ-00134-00085942-00086606 situations that we will see in a- in a bit. Um syscalls are simplified, much easier to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00135-00086606-00087167 model, pretty much read and write, select, uh allocate deallocate like modlook and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00136-00087167-00087667 free, random and opposite exit, a lot easier to model for a program and the actual binaries RuWLzeyYnkQ-00137-00087891-00088391 are actually a lot a lot more realistic uh are very real, they're not uh complete fake RuWLzeyYnkQ-00138-00088631-00089329 binaries. >>So as a side note, the Defcon CTF just finished, and the Defcon CTF was also RuWLzeyYnkQ-00139-00089329-00089793 played on the same platform so just as an example of how real and complex these binaries can RuWLzeyYnkQ-00140-00089793-00090336 be, one of the challenges in the Defcon CTF was a powerPC interpreter and jitterer which RuWLzeyYnkQ-00141-00090336-00090837 was awful and so there's a lot of room for complexity in these programs. >>And on the actual RuWLzeyYnkQ-00142-00091204-00091704 pwning side um I don't know if some of you guys want to barge in but basically what it means RuWLzeyYnkQ-00143-00091938-00092439 is that there is no there is no state every program runs once there is no state it runs you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00144-00092782-00093233 either own it or it's gonna do its thing there's no uh there's no state there's no file system RuWLzeyYnkQ-00145-00093233-00093827 to modify, it's a lot easier to to model for the for the qualifications and only for the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00146-00093827-00094414 qualification it was just enough to crash the program set forward illegal instruction you will get RuWLzeyYnkQ-00147-00094414-00094958 the point, you have owned the binaries. For the finals, things a lot more nuanced and the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00148-00094958-00095535 actual exploitation as we will see is a lot a- is a lot more complicated and is a very RuWLzeyYnkQ-00149-00095535-00096029 interesting application of how to use symbolic execution and static analysis uh but as as a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00150-00096332-00096980 as a basic idea the two ways you do is either via a control crash in which you can show that you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00151-00096980-00097577 can not only crash the program in some place but you can actually crash the program at a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00152-00097577-00098168 place that the API, that DARPA's gonna tell you please crash the program in this place and set RuWLzeyYnkQ-00153-00098168-00098752 this register to this value, if you can do that you verify that you have actually control of the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00154-00098752-00099252 program or alternative that you can leak a secret flag from memory and on the patch inside RuWLzeyYnkQ-00155-00099566-00100066 just a a brief note on how you unlo- how this API is designed so that it does not become too RuWLzeyYnkQ-00156-00100273-00100703 easy like for instance, we can submit patches to the binary okay so what is preventing us RuWLzeyYnkQ-00157-00100703-00101347 from just submitting a binary just exits? Kay? This programs- this program obviously never RuWLzeyYnkQ-00158-00101347-00101958 crashes but it also does not do anything useful so the way this is prevented is b- is that there RuWLzeyYnkQ-00159-00101958-00102529 are functionality checks if you if the program does not maintain it's benign function, if the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00160-00102529-00103059 program is um a math calculator it needs to still be able to do all the math generation that it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00161-00103059-00103560 can do normally and similarly there is no signal handling so no way to just hide away the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00162-00103980-00104481 segfaults, if you segfault you are crashing, and finally how would prevent us from putting in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00163-00104697-00105145 an interpreter that runs everything, so checks before every possible instruction, am I RuWLzeyYnkQ-00164-00105145-00105598 gonna crash? Am I gonna crash? Obviously it would never crash, and the way this is prevented by RuWLzeyYnkQ-00165-00105598-00106149 DARPA that you can actually do it, you can do it if you want, but you're gonna pay a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00166-00106149-00106830 performance price you're gonna lose points for performance this is believe me not as easy as it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00167-00106830-00107410 sound, understanding exactly how your patch is performing is definitely not an easy task many RuWLzeyYnkQ-00168-00107410-00107894 of us looked into it, I looked into it a bit, Antonio looked into it into bit in a beet, it's RuWLzeyYnkQ-00169-00107894-00108401 definitely pretty hard. >>And then we gave up testing performance we'd just say, this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00170-00108401-00109052 is our patch, deal with it >>Yes, yes, that's very true and on a you know informally we know RuWLzeyYnkQ-00171-00109052-00109702 other teams also had trouble but I think no one more than Arven, knows very well how much of a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00172-00109702-00110300 pain, how much of a big pain it can be to actually test the performance and the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00173-00110300-00110864 functionality of binaries so big props to Arven for actually pushing through this task RuWLzeyYnkQ-00174-00110864-00111364 [applause] and actually making it and this actually helped us a lot doing our own internal RuWLzeyYnkQ-00175-00111661-00112161 testing even if it did not go into the live part and I will now hand over >>Somebody just go RuWLzeyYnkQ-00176-00112562-00113062 >>Somebody! >>Antonio! [shouting] >>Alright so the uh CQE for the qualifying event was RuWLzeyYnkQ-00177-00113383-00113883 not the full [inaudible off mic comment] no it was not the full cyber grand challenge, it was, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00178-00114324-00114701 you needed to patch binaries and you needed to crash binaries, you didn't need to exploit RuWLzeyYnkQ-00179-00114701-00115365 anything, you just needed to crash it. The final event, you need to patch binaries, crash RuWLzeyYnkQ-00180-00115365-00115895 binaries to find where vulnerabilities are and then exploit those vulnerabilities RuWLzeyYnkQ-00181-00115895-00116396 and on top of that it wasn't just a simple game or a simple program challenge where you got RuWLzeyYnkQ-00182-00116803-00117313 a binary and you crashed it, it was a game, so you had to have a game theoretic aspect that uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00183-00117313-00117814 played against other actual competitors, right? Similar to a human CTF but all with RuWLzeyYnkQ-00184-00117814-00118314 computers. Um so the competition was actually divided into ninety six rounds uh and that wasn't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00185-00118635-00119219 predetermined, it was, you know, however many rounds they got through in a day uh there was a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00186-00119219-00119712 minimum time per round, and it ended up being ninety six, um there was a bunch of um RuWLzeyYnkQ-00187-00119712-00120213 challenge binaries as they term uh as DARPA terms them uh which were provided to the teams to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00188-00120443-00120944 hack and for each score for each round the team would have a separate round score that when RuWLzeyYnkQ-00189-00121167-00121624 aggregated would be their total score for the game, the score was calculated based on the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00190-00121624-00122232 multiplication of the team's availability, which means how much they fuck up the binary and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00191-00122232-00122692 how fast the binary still was, right? How much overhead the patches had which is something RuWLzeyYnkQ-00192-00122692-00123239 uh Yak already alluded to the security score, which is how exploitable where the binaries RuWLzeyYnkQ-00193-00123239-00123773 still? Or were they still exploitable and the validation score which means did we find- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00194-00123773-00124274 did the team find an exploit for this binary. So it was very easy to screw yourself in this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00195-00124507-00124998 context because they're all multipliers, if you completely break the binary, even if you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00196-00124998-00125622 have perfect offense, even if you find all of the exploits for this binary then you still get RuWLzeyYnkQ-00197-00125622-00126262 zero points because you broke the binary. In developing for this competition we uh ran into RuWLzeyYnkQ-00198-00126262-00126940 a lot of kind of uh organizational things as I alluded to earlier, we started RuWLzeyYnkQ-00199-00126940-00127514 super late, so for example, up until depressing the short time ago this was our database, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00200-00127514-00128014 right? >>After all this is a research group ran by an Italian [laughter] >>Yes, again this is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00201-00128425-00128898 our hacker persona. So we actually had to do a join on this database at one point when RuWLzeyYnkQ-00202-00128898-00129352 we uh got the real database up we were joining between the paper database and the actual RuWLzeyYnkQ-00203-00129352-00129742 database. >>This is relevant because it's about our performance scores this is- the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00204-00129742-00130026 graph is a database of our performance scores we're trying to analyze that's >>Yeah RuWLzeyYnkQ-00205-00130026-00130390 >>relevant to the previous slides >>Specifically this database contains the feedback RuWLzeyYnkQ-00206-00130390-00131080 from some uh practice sessions for the final event so this is what DARPA called sparring RuWLzeyYnkQ-00207-00131080-00131611 partner sessions we wrote 'em down and then we had to join them with the real database to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00208-00131611-00132265 get the actual information that we needed to tune our patches. Uh we also tried to go into code RuWLzeyYnkQ-00209-00132265-00132766 freeze several times, so at 4:01 pm on some god forsaken day uh we froze a component of our uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00210-00133046-00133546 CRS called farnsworth uh and very shortly thereafter this is the commit log right so the code RuWLzeyYnkQ-00211-00133820-00134320 freeze didn't work very well um there are commits such as this gem here [laughter] so that RuWLzeyYnkQ-00212-00134641-00135215 that's that's Francesco here that the you know [applause] beautiful, beautiful code the- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00213-00135215-00135672 this commit was okay actually he just has very high standards. Actually it was probably crap RuWLzeyYnkQ-00214-00135672-00136172 but you know. Um and then of course this is uh a long time into our code freeze twelve- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00215-00136546-00137240 fifteen hours before our nodes were shut down a couple days ago we were still changing very core RuWLzeyYnkQ-00216-00137240-00137740 components of the system. That's me upside down, I was at this point, no longer sane. So our uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00217-00138111-00138611 CRS consisted of a lot of components, right? We had a um we had a central database that RuWLzeyYnkQ-00218-00139088-00139589 we called farnsworth for some reason uh which is stored all of the data that uh we got from the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00219-00139859-00140360 uh cyber grand challenge API through a component that uh we'll talk about later um it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00220-00140590-00141090 stored network uh catchers it uh made uh it stored the scheduling decisions of what jobs to run RuWLzeyYnkQ-00221-00141411-00141968 and then it stored the result of those jobs so now we're gonna go one by one into all of these RuWLzeyYnkQ-00222-00141968-00142562 components probably pretty quickly, fifteen minutes left? And we'll start with the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00223-00142562-00143069 organization of the core organization components and I'll hand it over to Francesco and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00224-00143069-00143269 Kevin. >>So obviously coordination is very important if you're running a cluster of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00225-00143269-00143470 sixty four nodes. Um and of course um since we needed to do that we essentially came up with RuWLzeyYnkQ-00226-00143470-00143670 like using one database to essentially store all of the ground truth that we have um as RuWLzeyYnkQ-00227-00143670-00144164 a bunch of you probably know this is from Futurama um so we just went with essentially RuWLzeyYnkQ-00228-00145311-00145892 farnsworth because well good news everyone um and it's the only component that we actually RuWLzeyYnkQ-00229-00145892-00146362 tested fairly well had about 69% test coverage, I think the rest probably dumps around at like RuWLzeyYnkQ-00230-00146362-00146863 one percent um >>Zero >>Zero, oh! Perfect, even better. Um and who needs testing anyways right? RuWLzeyYnkQ-00231-00147076-00147587 >>Angr has at least fifteen percent code coverage >>I think Francesco probably disagrees but RuWLzeyYnkQ-00232-00147587-00148238 uh eh who cares. Um then on top of that we essentially had to meister which the Germans in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00233-00148238-00148671 here now it's essentially just master. Um which looks at scheduling jobs and deciding RuWLzeyYnkQ-00234-00148671-00149185 what jobs we want to run, what kind of hardware pipeline we want to run, exploits patching, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00235-00149185-00149689 if we want to run AFL, these kind of things, and schedule them based on priority and this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00236-00149689-00150156 obviously- sorry the last component that we actually changed with the last commit RuWLzeyYnkQ-00237-00150156-00150857 being I guess two hours and eighteen minutes before the actual deadline so yeah this one RuWLzeyYnkQ-00238-00150857-00151478 said twelve forty two and the same deadline to actually the node shutdown was at three pm RuWLzeyYnkQ-00239-00151478-00151818 >>we made a commit, I think we rolled that commit thirty minutes before the deadline RuWLzeyYnkQ-00240-00151818-00152168 >>yeah there were a bunch of commits at like two pm but we actually reverted them and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00241-00152168-00152549 cleaned up the history just to make sure that they're actually not there, because they caused a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00242-00152549-00153119 bunch of failures on our site. Um anyways um we would also like to give a big shout out to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00243-00153119-00153510 essentially the open source components that we essentially rely on one of them is Python, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00244-00153510-00153927 the Microsoft research Z3 compiler, all of our things run into- inside of docker RuWLzeyYnkQ-00245-00153927-00154621 containers which are running ubuntu with pypy, um we're also using kubernetes, Qemu, PeeWee , RuWLzeyYnkQ-00246-00154621-00155088 Vex, Postgres, obviously Angr which I'm sure a bunch of people are going to talk about now, and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00247-00155088-00155588 I think that's probably Yan, possibly Sulse, Andrew, John I guess and Pizza yeah go ahead RuWLzeyYnkQ-00248-00155892-00156386 >>I want to say something- I agree with everything he said [laughter] >>Angrs the open RuWLzeyYnkQ-00249-00156830-00157207 source binary proj- binary analysis project that we have in the sec lab it's really really RuWLzeyYnkQ-00250-00157207-00157557 cool it's been open sourced for like a year now we released it at Defcon last year, right? RuWLzeyYnkQ-00251-00157557-00158138 Yeah! Um it does everything it's cool um no time it's very cool that's our logo it's creative RuWLzeyYnkQ-00252-00158138-00158615 commons um we in order to do the actual exploitation and analysis pipeline we split it up into a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00253-00158615-00159038 whole bunch of components and rearranged them into these weird uh things like we've used RuWLzeyYnkQ-00254-00159038-00159602 concolic execution in order to do some basic analysis of what can go where, there's automatic RuWLzeyYnkQ-00255-00159602-00159953 exploitation in patching which will all be talked about I think they've all go their section in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00256-00159953-00160453 this presentation um there's crashes >>I think you can slow down a little [laughter] just a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00257-00160904-00161501 tad >>Fine [inaudible] sorry, so who's cra- who wants to talk about crashing? >>Crashing >>Eh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00258-00161501-00161998 guys we haven't been sleeping for three days so >>I always talk this fast I'm sorry if RuWLzeyYnkQ-00259-00161998-00162469 you're friends with me >>To all the founding agency, we're not doing drugs, or alcohol RuWLzeyYnkQ-00260-00162469-00163166 [laughter] looks like it but we're not >>I'm not even twenty one >>Alright crashes, Sulse, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00261-00163166-00163666 Nick, talk about it, you see how prepared we were for this huge defcon talk >>Hello uh so uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00262-00164537-00165038 crashing uh so our exploitation strategy is we find crashes and we turn those into exploits uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00263-00165278-00165972 so >>Pretty incredible >>Uh so actually like a lot of the team's, the thing we do the most RuWLzeyYnkQ-00264-00165972-00166312 is fuzzing and this is what generates a lot- lots of test cases, lots of crashes, the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00265-00166312-00166813 majority are crashes but not entirely all the goodies we find. So we use AFL as our core RuWLzeyYnkQ-00266-00167033-00167534 component uh fuzzing, we uh I'm will explain how AFL works like these slides do I suppose and uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00267-00167957-00168408 essentially beg- begins by generating lots of inputs which attempt to explore different RuWLzeyYnkQ-00268-00168408-00169032 parts of the program uh the inputs are basically random uh some of them are are more or RuWLzeyYnkQ-00269-00169032-00169462 less educated guesses and how well these inputs do when exploring the program is tracked RuWLzeyYnkQ-00270-00169462-00170066 by instrumentation which is compound to the binary or which is provided by uh an emulator RuWLzeyYnkQ-00271-00170066-00170567 like QMM. Um so, let's see did I go over all of these? So Avo's a great job of doing this, we've RuWLzeyYnkQ-00272-00170954-00171434 modified it slightly to work better on CGC binaries so we have a couple of hacks which I RuWLzeyYnkQ-00273-00171434-00171935 think we'll be open sourcing which make it perfect for CGC or at least a lot better uh okay uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00274-00172505-00173049 the uncrasher I don't think that's actually, that actually exists but [laughter] >>No >>I RuWLzeyYnkQ-00275-00173049-00173536 don't think there's an uncrasher man [laughter] >>The points a flag in all this shit >>Yes so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00276-00173536-00174030 >>it's like karaoke slides >>right uh shoot I already mentioned this right? AFL, it's RuWLzeyYnkQ-00277-00174290-00174791 great, this is how fuzzing works uh random stuff gets put into the binary yep same input all RuWLzeyYnkQ-00278-00175168-00175548 over again, eventually it comes up with a random thing that works, this is much harder for a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00279-00175548-00176186 fuzzer we have to generate a very specific input fuzzing will have no luck with this of keeps RuWLzeyYnkQ-00280-00176186-00176673 continues to lose uh makes absolutely no progress. >>If you guys can't feel like you can't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00281-00176673-00177300 keep up with Mike Pizza, I feel like that very frequently. >>Okay so Angr on the other hand RuWLzeyYnkQ-00282-00177300-00177734 is a symbolic execution engine, it's slower and more heavy weight, but it's great at RuWLzeyYnkQ-00283-00177734-00178158 finding more specific cases like the one we just described. And the way this works is by RuWLzeyYnkQ-00284-00178158-00178478 generating these states following different paths, as you can see here in the control RuWLzeyYnkQ-00285-00178478-00178915 flow graph we have different states which are being um followed uh eventually there is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00286-00178915-00179449 a state which will satisfy the you win expression and we talk to Z3 we ask it to generate an RuWLzeyYnkQ-00287-00179449-00179949 input which gives us this state and boom. So what we tried to do is combine both AFL and Angr RuWLzeyYnkQ-00288-00180230-00180613 [laugh] and we- this is called Driller, Driller begins by fuzzing it gets basic code RuWLzeyYnkQ-00289-00180613-00181080 coverage of the program the way you would expect AFL to and ge- maybe gets a couple test cases RuWLzeyYnkQ-00290-00181080-00181581 in this example x and y we get the cheap coverage, next slide [laughter] dyna- okay then we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00291-00181805-00182208 take those test cases and we trace all of them with Angr so we make the input completely RuWLzeyYnkQ-00292-00182208-00182609 concrete almost we actually make it- keep it symbolic but we can strain it to be this concrete RuWLzeyYnkQ-00293-00182609-00183012 input that AFL generated and we see at any point in the program if we could've taken a different RuWLzeyYnkQ-00294-00183012-00183513 path which AFL failed to take, if we could have taken that path, we talk to Z3 or Angr more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00295-00183513-00184000 specifically and we say, give me an input which satisfies this new path. In this case we get RuWLzeyYnkQ-00296-00184000-00184501 the CGC magic and the new test case is generated and now we continue the loop and we feed RuWLzeyYnkQ-00297-00184717-00185054 this back in the AFL which continues to mutate that further and fuzz and it goes on and on RuWLzeyYnkQ-00298-00185054-00185625 until we continue to get more code coverage uh >>we play video games >>Alright so this next RuWLzeyYnkQ-00299-00185625-00186309 part is the auto exploitation, how we go from a crash, which is generated by AFL and Driller to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00300-00186309-00186810 actually an exploit for the CGC which scores us a flag. Alright so in this example I think RuWLzeyYnkQ-00301-00187010-00187670 there's a buf- so there's a buffer overflow inside the- he- inside this mallet object here RuWLzeyYnkQ-00302-00187670-00188171 and when you overflow this buffer you actually control the function pointer and so we- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00303-00188388-00188922 inputting inputting inputting symbolic bytes and eventually we c- c- control the buffer, the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00304-00188922-00189492 symbolic address, we're gonna call in into an address we control and so to exploit this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00305-00189492-00189993 we use Angr, we check we trace the input using Angr and check that first the IP is symbolic, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00306-00190226-00190857 the PC here we say is a state, does a state have a symbolic PC, at that point we know it's RuWLzeyYnkQ-00307-00190857-00191394 probably exploitable we can control where we're gonna jump to and so let's set the buffer RuWLzeyYnkQ-00308-00191394-00191928 to contain our shellcode. We ask Z3 to give us input where the buffer point contains shellcode RuWLzeyYnkQ-00309-00191928-00192595 and then we jump to the buffer and that'll give us an exploit. Um and to do this we synthesize RuWLzeyYnkQ-00310-00192595-00193119 the input and in Angr that's just called state dot pausex dot dung zero. >>So in the CGC this RuWLzeyYnkQ-00311-00193119-00193536 is discovered by taking and crashing input and tracing that with Angr, so keeping all the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00312-00193536-00194043 input that AFL created, symbolic and then following the path that took until we have our crashing RuWLzeyYnkQ-00313-00194043-00194544 symbolic state >>So Alright >>Keep in mind this is very simplified, we have a bunch more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00314-00194787-00195341 techniques that handle the harder cases and that can take a not so good crash and turn it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00315-00195341-00195758 into a better crash and you can find those all when we do our open source release and when we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00316-00195758-00196392 release more details and papers later >>And in the open source release um this component is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00317-00196392-00196956 called Rex if you're interested in auto exploitation, check that out. >>Alright so then the steps RuWLzeyYnkQ-00318-00196956-00197574 again, we create a vulnerable symbolic state where we- control the PC, we add the constraints RuWLzeyYnkQ-00319-00197574-00198191 to set the shellcode and to set the the program counter to point to the shellcode and then we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00320-00198191-00198825 send the files to the input and that creates our exploit. >>Okay so this uh this component we'll RuWLzeyYnkQ-00321-00198825-00199305 be talking about auto quotation of flag leaks so if you didn't know there are two types of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00322-00199305-00199796 exploits you can generate in the CGC, the type one is sort of classic memory corruption, show RuWLzeyYnkQ-00323-00199796-00200206 that you can control the program uh counter, show that you can also control a general purpose RuWLzeyYnkQ-00324-00200206-00200770 register, how- however there's another type called the type two, very creative, which uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00325-00200770-00201214 shows that you can leak arbitrary memory from the program so in the CGC there's RuWLzeyYnkQ-00326-00201214-00201855 actually a uh sensitive crypt- uh sensitive data that's mapped at a special address uh in every RuWLzeyYnkQ-00327-00201855-00202475 single binary and if you leak content from this page in memory, you score points. Like RuWLzeyYnkQ-00328-00202475-00203122 uh heartbleed for example would uh there was a heartbleed challenge in this game which uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00329-00203122-00203670 where the premise was leaking this data from this flag page, the- the sensitive data. So the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00330-00203670-00204337 way we do this in a fast way, is we actually use uh the unicorn engine which Angr integrates to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00331-00204337-00204924 make the entire input completely uh concrete the only thing which is symbolic during the flag leak RuWLzeyYnkQ-00332-00204924-00205481 detection, is the flag page itself. So we trace the entire program and execute very fast RuWLzeyYnkQ-00333-00205481-00206055 because everything is being concretely eh- uh emulated by QMM with Unicorn and we can RuWLzeyYnkQ-00334-00206055-00206589 detect uh and transmit because we hook it with Angr when the flag page is actually being RuWLzeyYnkQ-00335-00206589-00206986 emitted and then we can see exactly which transformations are done to those flag page you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00336-00206986-00207380 m- you can tell if it's been XOR'd or if some complicated constraints been applied for RuWLzeyYnkQ-00337-00207380-00208014 example this actually solved the Defcon CTF challenge uh which [chuckle] ye- okay, so we don't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00338-00208014-00208358 have enough time to talk about that but we solved the Defcon CTF challenge this way, so. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00339-00208358-00208985 >>We'll- we'll talk about it a little more later >>Patrick, go! Go fast, >>So uh >>You have RuWLzeyYnkQ-00340-00208985-00209469 seven minutes >>So of course one of the challenge was to patch this binary so we had the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00341-00209469-00209989 component called Patcherex that was going from patch from from a patch binary to patch binary so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00342-00209989-00210423 they generate this via patching techniques for instance let's start- let's increase the return RuWLzeyYnkQ-00343-00210423-00210887 address and this patching techniques generates patches such as let's start this code RuWLzeyYnkQ-00344-00210887-00211391 here let's start this data there and this patches were injecting within the binary, we had three RuWLzeyYnkQ-00345-00211391-00212028 different ways, the first one was slower but more reliable, and the last one was faster but RuWLzeyYnkQ-00346-00212028-00212649 uh less a little bit less reliable and phish is probably gonna talk about the reassemble. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00347-00212649-00213283 And so we had adversarial patches that were designed not to make uh our binary our patch RuWLzeyYnkQ-00348-00213283-00213783 binary analyze were by others and this is one of them that is pretty cool and >>Um this is a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00349-00214057-00214581 detect- QEMU detection, this, if you run this code in QEMU, QEMU F3D6, it'll hang forever, well RuWLzeyYnkQ-00350-00214581-00214958 not really forever, as long as it takes to int- to increment a sixty four byte int- into the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00351-00214958-00215528 sixty four times, that's basically forever um and we actually owned the cyber grand RuWLzeyYnkQ-00352-00215528-00215909 challenge um visualization infrastructure with this, they're apparently using QEMU RuWLzeyYnkQ-00353-00215909-00216302 for instruction tracing and so at one point during the CGC we noticed that their instruction RuWLzeyYnkQ-00354-00216302-00216809 tracing had just stopped, and it stopped, right on this code which was designed to detect RuWLzeyYnkQ-00355-00216809-00217267 QEMU and crash- well not crash but hang forever >>This was a zero day, take a picture >>Uh RuWLzeyYnkQ-00356-00217267-00217797 there- we have a lot of open source bug fixes to contribute starting now [laugh] >>So there RuWLzeyYnkQ-00357-00217797-00218338 were other sorts of- of sort of adversarial patches so to speak for instance our binary was RuWLzeyYnkQ-00358-00218338-00218965 starting by transmitting the flag out but uh uh they were transmitting to stderr- so so- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00359-00218965-00219465 to stderr so that uh this could probably confuse an analogy system that could misidentify RuWLzeyYnkQ-00360-00219716-00220370 this as a- as a type two vulnerability. We also have a backdoor that if some team was RuWLzeyYnkQ-00361-00220370-00220870 using our patch uh in the- in their uh submission we could actually exploit it and I'm not RuWLzeyYnkQ-00362-00221211-00221708 sure if the backdoor worked during the CGC but for sure it worked during the CTF. >>Yeah RuWLzeyYnkQ-00363-00221708-00222161 how many team >>During Defcon >>How many team fielded that our backdoor >>I know that other RuWLzeyYnkQ-00364-00222161-00222722 teams use our backdoor doing uh Defcon >>Can, can, can you name names? >>I'm sure >>No no no no RuWLzeyYnkQ-00365-00222722-00223223 names >>It was three teams that fielded our backdoor at the CTF >>During CGC? >>CTF >>Uh CTF RuWLzeyYnkQ-00366-00223426-00223883 >>Okay cool so then we had those also sort of generic patches that are- these are more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00367-00223883-00224410 standard academic things such as uh protecting their return pointer, protecting data codes, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00368-00224410-00224938 and when when we are gonna release this uh code you will see all this sort of kinda more RuWLzeyYnkQ-00369-00224938-00225498 standard techniques and then target Apache so the general idea- oh you can speak about RuWLzeyYnkQ-00370-00225498-00225999 >>Yeah so so targeted patches right so- qu- mmm- qualification events oh we just wanted to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00371-00226209-00226746 avoid crashes right? 'Cause anything that crashes counts as an exploit so we had some uh you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00372-00226746-00227417 know we just checked uh using a weird quirk of one of the syscalls uh using a weird quirk RuWLzeyYnkQ-00373-00227417-00228034 of one of the syscalls we checked to see if the um if if memory was uh readable at a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00374-00228034-00228675 certain point if it wasn't we crashed. So I would like to take sp- specific credit for our back RuWLzeyYnkQ-00375-00228675-00229285 one slide for our targeted patches in the final event which were exactly nil. And it worked RuWLzeyYnkQ-00376-00229285-00229796 great so what what can I say [applause] >>And the- and one note that uh no functionality RuWLzeyYnkQ-00377-00229796-00230223 overhead from >>I thought it was a bug in the slides >>No no that was intentional, and one one RuWLzeyYnkQ-00378-00230223-00230733 cool thing about this that we we thought we were cooler finding this uh weird syscall tricks to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00379-00230733-00231287 detect memory locations but actually when we analyze uh uh qualification binaries from RuWLzeyYnkQ-00380-00231287-00231674 other teams when they were released we found that at least one other team was using exactly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00381-00231674-00232175 the same trick. >>So you're saying you were both cool? >>Yeah we were both cool >>Okay RuWLzeyYnkQ-00382-00232428-00232949 >>Phish! >>So uh we are running out of time so what I- the only thing I want to say is uh Angr RuWLzeyYnkQ-00383-00232949-00233329 is awesome I spent three days in writing uh reassembler and another three days in writing RuWLzeyYnkQ-00384-00233329-00233776 optimizer so it works out >>So so what is a reassembler? Just real quick? >>Reassembler is a RuWLzeyYnkQ-00385-00233776-00234270 static binary uh rewriter that basically okay we'll um talk about it later >>No no no okay RuWLzeyYnkQ-00386-00234767-00235395 >>Alright we have a- we have a- breakdown from our I think I think one of our slide guys is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00387-00235395-00236079 uh is um >>It's fine >>okay it's fine the reassembler is awesome [laugh]. Phish wrote a binary RuWLzeyYnkQ-00388-00236079-00236579 rewriter where you can inject code into binaries and it'll seamlessly reassemble the binary RuWLzeyYnkQ-00389-00236846-00237457 to include that code, check it out in the open source release. You go. >>Now there's nothing RuWLzeyYnkQ-00390-00237457-00238121 much to say, basically I tried, so we, DARPA gave us sixty four mm- powerful servers >>Wait, how RuWLzeyYnkQ-00391-00238121-00238708 many servers? >>Sixty four?! >>No I'm not joking, sixty four! >>Holy shit! >>Not thirty, sixty RuWLzeyYnkQ-00392-00238708-00239209 four. So we tried to maximize this usage, the usage of these nodes and yeah we kinda did it RuWLzeyYnkQ-00393-00239499-00239999 with the CPU list [laugh] not the memory but that's it. >>That, that's it. So the sixty RuWLzeyYnkQ-00394-00240269-00240770 four servers we had a lot of media attention over the CGC and uh what we got wh- what we got RuWLzeyYnkQ-00395-00241017-00241661 people excited about the most strangely enough is the fact that we had sixty four servers RuWLzeyYnkQ-00396-00241661-00242161 all to ourselves, incredible. Anyways so. We implement all these systems in uh break neck RuWLzeyYnkQ-00397-00242572-00243072 like three months uh and we pushed as hard as could, we got it all running, we made commits RuWLzeyYnkQ-00398-00243292-00243913 at the last second, and we played the game, or rather, our baby played the game. She walked RuWLzeyYnkQ-00399-00243913-00244554 on her own, we walk into the room, and they told us hey! Your guys' bot started up and is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00400-00244554-00245221 doing a lot of DISK-I-O and we fucking lost it because up until- we freaking lost it, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00401-00245221-00245805 because up until then we thought you know it's gonna turn on and something will fail and and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00402-00245805-00246456 it'll all crap itself so this was incredible and then we got third place top three is amazing RuWLzeyYnkQ-00403-00246456-00247083 for us guys I can't- I can't tell you how incredible it is to have been part of this comp- and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00404-00247083-00247584 we're going on? [applause] it was incredible. >>Since we played in the CTF we didn't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00405-00247961-00248498 really get much of a chance to actually look at the data >>Yeah >>Um hardware we quickly briefly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00406-00248498-00248892 looked at it so in total there were eighty two challenge sets fielded, at least our bot saw RuWLzeyYnkQ-00407-00248892-00249372 only eighty two so if more have been fielded we might have actually missed them. In total RuWLzeyYnkQ-00408-00249372-00249899 mechanical phish generated about two thousand four hundred fifty exploits um we generated the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00409-00249899-00250456 total of one thousand seven exploits for fourteen out of the eighty two um challenge sets. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00410-00250456-00251024 All of them have one hundred percent reliability and so far as score- like always leaking or RuWLzeyYnkQ-00411-00251024-00251531 essentially um crashing at a specific address >>Did you check how many were like mostly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00412-00251531-00252095 reliable? >>Um I did not so this essentially seems that we only got fourteen out of eighty two RuWLzeyYnkQ-00413-00252095-00252655 challenge sets, we do not know how many essentially Gram Attack with Tech AX and Zandra got or RuWLzeyYnkQ-00414-00252655-00253156 Mayhem with four all secure >>The rumors are that we have topic exploitation but we didn't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00415-00253503-00254160 have the best game theory >>So like always our SLA sucks >>Our SLA is shit >>And yes so in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00416-00254160-00254554 total-, can you back up one slide? These were essentially the exploits where we actually RuWLzeyYnkQ-00417-00254554-00255038 generated some uh for >>Actually I- I should say, the caveats of those rumors, is Mayhem was only RuWLzeyYnkQ-00418-00255038-00255571 up half the game, and I think they still got almost as many exploits so >>Yeah >>Yeah >>And RuWLzeyYnkQ-00419-00255571-00255965 so we got two of the rematch challenges so so- two of the historical challenges that DARPA RuWLzeyYnkQ-00420-00255965-00256516 introduced. One of them was SQLSlammer which I think two other teams also got but don't RuWLzeyYnkQ-00421-00256516-00257153 quote me on that. And then there was also Crackaddr which supposedly only we got right. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00422-00257153-00257594 And then in total if you look at essentially the different challenges that we had and the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00423-00257594-00257954 vulnerabilities that were in there, this is the list of challenge sets that essentially RuWLzeyYnkQ-00424-00257954-00258147 we got. And with that, from all of us >>Yeah >>Thank you for the attention [applause] >>So, real RuWLzeyYnkQ-00425-00258147-00258648 quick, let's talk about the next steps real quick the next steps beyond automated hacking is RuWLzeyYnkQ-00426-00260043-00260543 machines augmenting human intelligence so in defcon CTF we hooked up our CRS, Mayhem as the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00427-00260863-00261541 winner, they played completely autonomously. We played with our CRS so I mentioned already that RuWLzeyYnkQ-00428-00261541-00262235 the CRS actually pwned one binary without us even realizing it it actually assisted us with RuWLzeyYnkQ-00429-00262235-00262735 five of the exploits. There were five exploits at which either after providing the crash um or RuWLzeyYnkQ-00430-00262979-00263479 after just providing interaction it created an exploit for it. And our CRS inserts backdoors RuWLzeyYnkQ-00431-00263733-00264200 into every binary that it patches and so you might of heard already that a lot of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00432-00264200-00264701 teams actually use our backdoor. >>This sounds all awesome, but we didn't win even close >>yes RuWLzeyYnkQ-00433-00264914-00265525 >>We almost got close to last so >>And- and- and- >>Let's turn down the bragging just a tiny RuWLzeyYnkQ-00434-00265525-00266075 bit >>The CRS did amazing, but there were some issues, like for example, the Defcon organizers RuWLzeyYnkQ-00435-00266075-00266606 had to implement a separate API for the infrastructure than DARPA did right because the RuWLzeyYnkQ-00436-00266606-00267133 DARPA API had to be secret so that you know everyone was on an ev- even playing field. And so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00437-00267133-00267694 there were some A- API incompatibilities. And computers are very brittle and so these RuWLzeyYnkQ-00438-00267694-00268241 API incompatibilities screwed us until the very last day, so the last day I feel we had a good RuWLzeyYnkQ-00439-00268241-00268778 showing up until then the CRS kept crashing, the CRS kept getting invalid data, it was RuWLzeyYnkQ-00440-00268778-00269279 kinda touch and go. Um so as you uh might of heard we're going to open source everything. We're RuWLzeyYnkQ-00441-00269609-00270103 gonna do [applause] Thank you. We uh we're gonna do a full open source vomit because we believe RuWLzeyYnkQ-00442-00270650-00271150 in raising the playing field for everybody so the next time a CGC runs around, rolls around, we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00443-00271364-00271864 expect all of you to play as well hopefully using our stuff. So [applause] we don't uh have RuWLzeyYnkQ-00444-00272465-00273052 it all ready right now to push to Github because we're playing the CTF, we thought we'd have RuWLzeyYnkQ-00445-00273052-00273499 time, but we don't. But Chris, do you think we could do a symbolic open sourcing of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00446-00273499-00274000 AngrOp? >>Yeah >>Alright, let's do it. Right on stage uh I'm gonna unplug the video Kevin so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00447-00274397-00274921 if Chris isn't logging in on this that means just don't type your password into the wrong RuWLzeyYnkQ-00448-00274921-00275421 field [laughter] I've seen that before, at Defcon, it was incredible. It was someone RuWLzeyYnkQ-00449-00275852-00276346 fairly famous too. Ah there we go. Better safe than sorry. I think their password was star RuWLzeyYnkQ-00450-00276926-00277427 star star star star star star star >>I enable login before pschh >>Caio caio four is what RuWLzeyYnkQ-00451-00277684-00278184 Giovanni says. I think that's his password though. Alright so we're gonna plug it back in RuWLzeyYnkQ-00452-00278418-00278918 while we try to uh desperately find the settings of the open source project. So AngrOp is our RuWLzeyYnkQ-00453-00279155-00279656 rawp compiler so if you're tired of writing return oriented programming payloads by hand you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00454-00279949-00280563 can wait- hold on, let me explain what it is, you can uh use AngrOp which uses Angr to RuWLzeyYnkQ-00455-00280563-00281130 compile raw payloads into whatever you want. So you say, actually just read this memory, RuWLzeyYnkQ-00456-00281130-00281728 or execute the syscall, and it figures out the rawp payload that it needs to generate. Chris RuWLzeyYnkQ-00457-00281728-00282165 wrote it, he's an amazing guy and it's an amazing project. And here it is being open sourced RuWLzeyYnkQ-00458-00282165-00282665 for the world boom [applause] The rest of the code we need to scrub free of uh private keys RuWLzeyYnkQ-00459-00283686-00284187 because there are so depressingly many um and other uh depressing uh things and then RuWLzeyYnkQ-00460-00284514-00285154 we'll push it out this week. >>Also if you find a private key that we haven't scrubbed can you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00461-00285154-00285588 please gently let us know instead of >>Yes please >>Destroying our infrastructure RuWLzeyYnkQ-00462-00285588-00286045 I- we will appreciate it [laughter] >>We're hackers, hackers have some of the worst RuWLzeyYnkQ-00463-00286045-00286546 security in the world so and then and my password is six characters long just to give you RuWLzeyYnkQ-00464-00286546-00287046 an idea. Alright, Kevin how to I get back to our uh thing? But I think we're done, basically. RuWLzeyYnkQ-00465-00287493-00287994 >>Thank you guys! [applause] >>Thank you guys! So stay in touch, hit us up on Twitter, by RuWLzeyYnkQ-00466-00288601-00289175 email, jump on our C channel, you can chat with us about our CRS at SHellphish CRS and RuWLzeyYnkQ-00467-00289175-00289756 freenode. I'm the only one there right now, it's super exclusive or on Angr at freed node on Angr RuWLzeyYnkQ-00468-00289756-00290256 questions. Are there any actual questions? >>Yeah, hi, uh congratulations >>Thank you >>On RuWLzeyYnkQ-00469-00290697-00291197 your uh work um so in your driller paper you said that the the fuzzing was mostly RuWLzeyYnkQ-00470-00291618-00292118 responsible for sixty eight of the binaries whereas uh having the symbolic execution based RuWLzeyYnkQ-00471-00292362-00292862 fuzzing only let you find uh vulnerabilities in eleven more than that so what is- that still RuWLzeyYnkQ-00472-00293089-00293640 the case or is the symbolic execution more effective than fuzzing now? >>You want to talk RuWLzeyYnkQ-00473-00293640-00294324 about drilling three point o? >>Uh sure, one thing we've done to actually improve [silence] RuWLzeyYnkQ-00474-00294324-00294824 one thing- one thing we've done in [laugh] to actually improve uh Driller uh a history on CGC RuWLzeyYnkQ-00475-00295138-00295692 binaries is to identify functions and install sym procedures uh in their place so RuWLzeyYnkQ-00476-00295692-00296245 what this means is that a lot of basic block transitions which are hard for uh or uninteresting RuWLzeyYnkQ-00477-00296245-00296686 for one small execution solve are more interesting a more interesting procedure- we can RuWLzeyYnkQ-00478-00296686-00297186 talk about it more if you want to come up here. >>Mic >>Oh last question okay well congrats guys RuWLzeyYnkQ-00479-00297507-00297977 >>Thank you! >>First uh second I wanted to know uh how compute bound you felt, like were the- RuWLzeyYnkQ-00480-00297977-00298368 did you get enough compute power, too little, too much, would you have put something RuWLzeyYnkQ-00481-00298368-00298992 else in there? Back plain ram? What'd you think? >>This uh this point we don't actually know RuWLzeyYnkQ-00482-00298992-00299402 because we haven't gotten a chance to actually look through all of the logs um we had some RuWLzeyYnkQ-00483-00299402-00299876 problems in the very beginning so actually on Wednesday still to get all of our kubernetes RuWLzeyYnkQ-00484-00299876-00300376 parts scheduled simply because kubernetes were not catching up um we kind of solved that but we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00485-00300610-00301074 at this point we don't really know what the status is in so far as the utilization of all RuWLzeyYnkQ-00486-00301074-00301681 the nodes >>From watching the power consumption, it seemed that the way that it dropped off RuWLzeyYnkQ-00487-00301681-00302165 it seemed that it had a lot of unnecessary jobs that it would deschedule later, so I think we RuWLzeyYnkQ-00488-00302165-00302792 could have used a little less even and and it will still yeah we could've probably used thirty RuWLzeyYnkQ-00489-00302792-00303373 two nodes and done about the same but the more the merrier especially if you can schedule RuWLzeyYnkQ-00490-00303373-00303830 more jobs. We definitely had jobs to schedule, that we couldn't schedule, because of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00491-00303830-00304517 delays in kubernetes. >>Cool >>Thanks >>Alright thank you >>Thank you, and thank you for RuWLzeyYnkQ-00492-00304517-00304717 organizing this thing >>Everybody, please give Shellphish team a huge round of RuWLzeyYnkQ-00493-00304717-00305178 applause, what they've accomplished is immense. [applause] >>Thank you guys! It RuWLzeyYnkQ-00494-00305178-00305521 was a dream come true to be here. >>Yes RztPutwCyq8-00000-00000040-00000220 Let us quickly review some of the concepts RztPutwCyq8-00001-00000220-00000473 we have discussed in this demonstration. RztPutwCyq8-00002-00000473-00000874 In this session, we discussed the use of our regular analysis tools RztPutwCyq8-00003-00000874-00001281 to combine Event and Tracker data with our routine, aggregated data. RztPutwCyq8-00004-00001705-00002072 We can analyze this data in any of our analysis applications. RztPutwCyq8-00005-00002188-00002525 This can be done through the use of both Program indicators RztPutwCyq8-00006-00002525-00002779 as well as combined indicators. RztPutwCyq8-00007-00003093-00003416 Program indicators take our individual data values RztPutwCyq8-00008-00003416-00003616 that are entered per event, RztPutwCyq8-00009-00003616-00003833 and provide an aggregated output RztPutwCyq8-00010-00003833-00004047 based on those responses that are filled in. RztPutwCyq8-00011-00004347-00004617 We can also review combined indicators. RztPutwCyq8-00012-00005158-00005472 Combined indicators can use a Program indicator as either RztPutwCyq8-00013-00005472-00005702 the numerator, the denominator, RztPutwCyq8-00014-00005702-00005919 or both the numerator and denominator. RztPutwCyq8-00015-00006259-00006700 This allows us to combine indicators using Event and Tracker programs RztPutwCyq8-00016-00006700-00007070 with our routine data, using one Indicator. RztPutwCyq8-00017-00007357-00007777 We can also compare all of this data to our aggregated information. RztPutwCyq8-00018-00008271-00008518 This means that we can combine any combination RztPutwCyq8-00019-00008518-00008665 of Program indicators, RztPutwCyq8-00020-00008665-00009039 combined indicators and routine, aggregated Indicators RztPutwCyq8-00021-00009039-00009269 together in our analysis. RztPutwCyq8-00022-00010667-00010877 We can see that within DHIS2, RztPutwCyq8-00023-00010877-00011204 we can take data from all of these different sources, RztPutwCyq8-00024-00011204-00011474 whether it's aggregated Data Entry, RztPutwCyq8-00025-00011474-00011681 Event or Tracker Capture, RztPutwCyq8-00026-00011681-00012115 and combine them together to create outputs as required. RztPutwCyq8-00027-00012115-00012328 This allows DHIS2 to combine RztPutwCyq8-00028-00012328-00012629 all this various data together for analysis. RztPutwCyq8-00029-00012882-00013223 This ends this session on event data analysis RztPutwCyq8-00030-00013223-00013483 and wraps up the Tracker module. RztPutwCyq8-00031-00013483-00013666 Please give the exercise a try RztPutwCyq8-00032-00013666-00013887 and let us know if you have any questions RztPutwCyq8-00033-00013887-00014304 regarding any of the concepts that we have discussed in this demonstration. RztPutwCyq8-00034-00014367-00014471 In the next session, RztPutwCyq8-00035-00014471-00014844 we will discuss some summary concepts related to DHIS2. R-GXmj3txbg-00000-00000481-00000724 welcome to instant efficiency series R-GXmj3txbg-00001-00000724-00001024 do you take notes R-GXmj3txbg-00002-00001024-00001495 using word or notebook if yes R-GXmj3txbg-00003-00001495-00001823 just spend the next few minutes and R-GXmj3txbg-00004-00001823-00002246 get to know about onenote. It may revolutionize the way you work R-GXmj3txbg-00005-00002246-00002586 of course R-GXmj3txbg-00006-00002586-00002923 formal document should be created using Word R-GXmj3txbg-00007-00002923-00003415 Excel and Powerpoint R-GXmj3txbg-00008-00003415-00003789 everything else which you want to note down R-GXmj3txbg-00009-00003789-00004194 use Onenote R-GXmj3txbg-00010-00004194-00004644 usually we put all notes in one diary until the pages are R-GXmj3txbg-00011-00004644-00004773 over R-GXmj3txbg-00012-00004773-00005088 all kinds of notes get mixed up R-GXmj3txbg-00013-00005088-00005507 and then more diaries pile up creating confusion R-GXmj3txbg-00014-00005507-00005776 Onenote is like a regular notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00015-00005776-00006155 where each notebook has colored sections and pages R-GXmj3txbg-00016-00006155-00006428 but there is a difference R-GXmj3txbg-00017-00006428-00006577 in Onenote R-GXmj3txbg-00018-00006577-00007055 you create a separate note book for separate things R-GXmj3txbg-00019-00007055-00007427 this way your notes always remain separate but R-GXmj3txbg-00020-00007427-00007895 all your notebooks are always available and searchable R-GXmj3txbg-00021-00007895-00008148 if you're starting a new project R-GXmj3txbg-00022-00008148-00008402 you must create a new notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00023-00008402-00009013 if you have 5 team members do not create five separate notebooks R-GXmj3txbg-00024-00009013-00009349 right way is to create a single notebook and share it R-GXmj3txbg-00025-00009349-00009602 with your team R-GXmj3txbg-00026-00009602-00010000 see how easy this is using Onenote and SharePoint R-GXmj3txbg-00027-00010000-00010482 online which is a part of Office 365 R-GXmj3txbg-00028-00010482-00010797 first step is to create a document library in R-GXmj3txbg-00029-00010797-00011014 SharePoint TeamSite R-GXmj3txbg-00030-00011014-00011503 the default document type should be OneNote Notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00031-00011503-00011893 when you click new document OneNote opens automatically R-GXmj3txbg-00032-00011893-00012201 and allows you to create a notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00033-00012201-00012503 you can now invite your team members to access R-GXmj3txbg-00034-00012503-00012864 this notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00035-00012864-00013231 through your book remains on SharePoint and everyone gets R-GXmj3txbg-00036-00013231-00013701 an offline copy of shared notebook R-GXmj3txbg-00037-00013701-00014155 team can work online or offline R-GXmj3txbg-00038-00014155-00014471 whenever you connect to the network all changes will be automatically R-GXmj3txbg-00039-00014471-00014981 synchronized with everyone R-GXmj3txbg-00040-00014981-00015087 along R-GXmj3txbg-00041-00015087-00015433 to send repeated mails with attachments to keep R-GXmj3txbg-00042-00015433-00015726 everyone in the team in sync R-GXmj3txbg-00043-00015726-00016275 Onenote gives you 0 effort synchronization R-GXmj3txbg-00044-00016275-00016366 when you gather for a R-GXmj3txbg-00045-00016366-00016776 review meeting just create a one-page to take notes R-GXmj3txbg-00046-00016776-00017100 everyone types notes on the same page and sees R-GXmj3txbg-00047-00017100-00017689 each other's notes live R-GXmj3txbg-00048-00017689-00017831 don't worry R-GXmj3txbg-00049-00017831-00018131 everything that is being done is fully auditable R-GXmj3txbg-00050-00018131-00018371 and trackable R-GXmj3txbg-00051-00018371-00018876 is be able to find ok who changed what and when R-GXmj3txbg-00052-00018876-00019200 during long meetings it allows you to record audio R-GXmj3txbg-00053-00019200-00019559 this way you can take down only brief notes R-GXmj3txbg-00054-00019559-00019863 but you don't have to worry about missing anything R-GXmj3txbg-00055-00019863-00020197 which was discussed R-GXmj3txbg-00056-00020197-00020526 Notes can be made more meaningful by attaching R-GXmj3txbg-00057-00020526-00020883 tags to them R-GXmj3txbg-00058-00020883-00021040 finally you can search R-GXmj3txbg-00059-00021040-00021320 these tags across not books R-GXmj3txbg-00060-00021320-00021940 the list all issues all pending work are all ideas R-GXmj3txbg-00061-00021940-00022365 obviously a long meeting will have a long audio recording R-GXmj3txbg-00062-00022365-00022675 problem is how will you correlate your notes R-GXmj3txbg-00063-00022675-00023101 with your actual discussion R-GXmj3txbg-00064-00023101-00023196 Lum R-GXmj3txbg-00065-00023196-00023535 this click on the play button next to your note and R-GXmj3txbg-00066-00023535-00023852 Onenote will automatically jump to the correct location R-GXmj3txbg-00067-00023852-00024353 in your audio recording R-GXmj3txbg-00068-00024353-00024767 if you insert scanned documents or printouts or visiting cards R-GXmj3txbg-00069-00024767-00024906 into Onenote R-GXmj3txbg-00070-00024906-00025427 these become automatically searchable R-GXmj3txbg-00071-00025427-00025508 Onenote R-GXmj3txbg-00072-00025508-00025883 is available on all devices. You can take notes R-GXmj3txbg-00073-00025883-00026254 on any device and even sync automatically with R-GXmj3txbg-00074-00026254-00026627 other devices R-GXmj3txbg-00075-00026627-00026765 why don't you try Onenote R-GXmj3txbg-00076-00026765-00027450 and make your team more efficient will send us R-GXmj3txbg-00077-00027450-00027658 your feedback thank you RBZjnzDCA_Y-00000-00000040-00000488 In this tutorial we'll see how to remove seams from photos to create seamlessly tiling textures. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00001-00000552-00001088 In other tutorials we've seen this done by generating or synthesizing the entire image, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00002-00001088-00001576 but the point of this tutorial is on removing seams by just generating the image edges. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00003-00001576-00002264 Now, this cannot be done in all types of textures and we'll see examples where this will not work. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00004-00002264-00002496 Let's start by opening a photo of a textile... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00005-00002704-00002808 In the 3D Preview RBZjnzDCA_Y-00006-00002808-00003208 I'll set the tiling multiplier to 2 so that we can better see the seams. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00007-00003408-00004015 You can see that at the image edges we can clearly spot these seams, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00008-00004096-00004600 less so in the horizontal seam, but the vertical seam is quite evident. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00009-00004728-00005592 We have Tiling Borders enabled in the editor which also helps us better see the the seams. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00010-00005728-00006504 We'll be using the Tiling Synth tool and in the Seed Image drop menu, I'll select Use Current Map. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00011-00006648-00007488 We'll select an area around the image edges, in this case the vertical edge. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00012-00007600-00007968 This works because when PixPlant is generating to an area, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00013-00007968-00008344 it will also generate to a small border around that area. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00014-00008448-00008960 Since we're using PixPlant with horizontal and vertical tiling, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00015-00008960-00009432 and this can be set here in the Tiling Mode - these are the Global Settings RBZjnzDCA_Y-00016-00009432-00009704 and the Tiling Mode is set to horizontal and vertical. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00017-00009792-00010376 And because PixPlant will also generate around the selected area, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00018-00010376-00010728 this will wrap around to the other side, and this is why it works. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00019-00010784-00011264 So I'll click Generate and let's watch here in the 3D Preview. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00020-00011336-00011840 The seam is going away and let's also do the same in the horizontal edge, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00021-00011976-00012464 although it's not really much visible. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00022-00012464-00012976 There so the seam is gone - the seams are gone. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00023-00013319-00013680 We still have this feature here which can be noticeable, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00024-00013760-00014519 but we can get rid of it in the usual manner, we select it and click Generate and it's now gone. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00025-00014576-00014928 And let's now see another example, a knitted textile. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00026-00015208-00015647 Okay, and here the seams are really quite visible. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00027-00016104-00016760 So we'll also go to Tiling Synth tool and (select) Use Current Map, but now, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00028-00016760-00017368 instead of generating next to the edges, I'll control-click with the left mouse button RBZjnzDCA_Y-00029-00017368-00017912 and offset so that the edges are now around the center of the image. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00030-00018000-00018696 We can now select the area with the edges, in this case the vertical edge... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00031-00018912-00019056 where the seam is... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00032-00019440-00019984 And it's now fixed, we we can do the same to the horizontal seam... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00033-00020728-00021408 Okay, and it's now been fixed, let's now see an example where this doesn't work. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00034-00021408-00021920 I'll be opening a rough linen textile, - oops, sorry it's not this one - RBZjnzDCA_Y-00035-00021920-00022712 it's this one, and we can see that there are some subtle lighting differences, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00036-00022792-00023048 this part at the bottom is darker... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00037-00023264-00023592 And let's see what happens when we try to Generate, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00038-00023648-00023984 by use the the methods we've been using... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00039-00024040-00024792 Okay so I'll select the bottom and let's see what happens... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00040-00025184-00025695 So, this is quite a problem, because due to the lighting differences, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00041-00025695-00026616 we have these patches that are clearly visible, and this Seed Image has other problems too, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00042-00026672-00027239 we have some unfocused areas in the edges, like this one which are unusable, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00043-00027416-00027808 so this this is quite hard and the best solution in this case RBZjnzDCA_Y-00044-00027904-00028336 is to generate the entire area, as we've seen in other tutorials. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00045-00028392-00029000 Because of the unfocused areas our best bet is to out-select them RBZjnzDCA_Y-00046-00029176-00029400 and just use the area in the middle. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00047-00029544-00029904 And another thing is that... let's Equalize Brightness a bit... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00048-00030176-00030424 to avoid the lighting differences. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00049-00030695-00030983 Let's now see how it goes... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00050-00032336-00032527 Okay, and it's much better. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00051-00033160-00034128 By the way, PixPlant now has a new 3D model, the Cloth model, which is better suited RBZjnzDCA_Y-00052-00034208-00034800 for this kind of textures, I'll undock the Preview to full screen... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00053-00034800-00035844 (It's too shinny for linen, because we are not using the Roughness nor Metallic maps) RBZjnzDCA_Y-00054-00036176-00036384 Okay, so let's now see another example. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00055-00036560-00036928 I'll get back to Plane and to twice. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00056-00037072-00037800 This is an example of a brick wall, and it's also quite problematic RBZjnzDCA_Y-00057-00037856-00038288 to make seamlessly tile by just generating the edges, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00058-00038288-00038680 because it has these large repeated elements - the bricks - RBZjnzDCA_Y-00059-00038680-00039056 we cannot simply come here and generate one of the edges, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00060-00039056-00039416 because the bricks will not match when they wrap around. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00061-00039416-00039856 But let's see what happens (when we try) RBZjnzDCA_Y-00062-00039856-00040048 So I'll equalize brightness a bit... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00063-00040416-00040784 Let's generate this area... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00064-00041224-00041416 Well, you can see it's quite a mess. RBZjnzDCA_Y-00065-00041544-00041904 In cases like this the only good solution RBZjnzDCA_Y-00066-00041904-00042456 is to check out Seed Wizard to see if the image is straightened RBZjnzDCA_Y-00067-00042520-00043584 and to see if the pattern is okay, and then just Generate... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00068-00044144-00044400 Okay and it's a much better solution... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00069-00044480-00044616 Let's see one more example, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00070-00044856-00045240 for surfaces without a pattern, or with smaller repeated elements, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00071-00045240-00045744 we can just generate around the image edges, as we've seen in the beginning, RBZjnzDCA_Y-00072-00045928-00046384 so Use Current Map. Generate the bottom... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00073-00046720-00047072 And generate the vertical image edge... RBZjnzDCA_Y-00074-00047528-00048712 Okay, and so we have a good tiling texture... RCq0p7MQdQ4-00000-00000036-00000450 So my name is Austin I'm from Sheffield Harlem University and I'm talking to you today about RCq0p7MQdQ4-00001-00000450-00000977 working alongside students to evaluate teaching learning and assessment practices a lovely RCq0p7MQdQ4-00002-00000977-00001518 introduction from Alex there and and I'm going to be referring to some of my activities at RCq0p7MQdQ4-00003-00001518-00001938 Sheffield Helen I'll also be thinking a little bit about some of the work I've been doing up RCq0p7MQdQ4-00004-00001938-00002502 in the Scottish sector so I'm also evaluating uh the impact of the enhancement themes in Scotland RCq0p7MQdQ4-00005-00002562-00002988 and I'm also doing a bit of work across the higher education sector as well to understand RCq0p7MQdQ4-00006-00003084-00003629 um and to explore evaluation practices so I'll be drawing on some of those examples as we're RCq0p7MQdQ4-00007-00003629-00004079 talking through today with a focus very much specifically on working alongside students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00008-00004079-00004680 so all of the examples I provide today um have a component of student engagement and I don't RCq0p7MQdQ4-00009-00004680-00005214 think you can untangle uh evaluation and student engagement particularly when student feedback and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00010-00005214-00005838 student voices are so integral to learning what's working and and how we make decisions about change RCq0p7MQdQ4-00011-00005982-00006342 so this is what I'm going to be talking about I'm going to start with RCq0p7MQdQ4-00012-00006408-00007014 um my suggestions on why evaluate so why do we do it um and I'll be asking you as the audience RCq0p7MQdQ4-00013-00007014-00007559 as well to maybe give you some give us some of your insights into why you evaluate I'll then RCq0p7MQdQ4-00014-00007559-00008034 move on to talk a little bit about some of the principles of evaluation and and as Alex said RCq0p7MQdQ4-00015-00008094-00008640 um I'm encouraging a debate around not just why we do it but how we do it and how we do that in RCq0p7MQdQ4-00016-00008640-00009234 an ethical supportive valued way uh I'll talk a little bit about some evaluation strategies RCq0p7MQdQ4-00017-00009300-00009876 um and uh specifically ways that you can embed embed evaluative thinking into your practices RCq0p7MQdQ4-00018-00009948-00010356 um in teaching learning and assessment and then I'll be looking at some projects that we're doing RCq0p7MQdQ4-00019-00010356-00010860 at Sheffield Hallam just to give you some examples of the ways um that people are approaching this RCq0p7MQdQ4-00020-00010860-00011328 and I'm lucky enough to have worked on or or they've told me about the work that they're doing RCq0p7MQdQ4-00021-00011328-00011886 and then I've asked if I can share some of those practices with you today at the end of the session RCq0p7MQdQ4-00022-00011886-00012432 we will pause for some Reflections there will hopefully be time for discussion uh some challenge RCq0p7MQdQ4-00023-00012432-00012863 tell me if you agree tell me if you disagree with the things I've been talking about today and also RCq0p7MQdQ4-00024-00012863-00013397 an opportunity for people to share the things that they might be doing uh so to collaborate and share RCq0p7MQdQ4-00025-00013397-00013836 practices across those on the keynote today that will be um a great way to end the session RCq0p7MQdQ4-00026-00014028-00014519 so I'm going to start by thinking a little bit about why evaluate so why bother why do RCq0p7MQdQ4-00027-00014519-00014934 we do this why is this important why is this the theme of our discussion today RCq0p7MQdQ4-00028-00015132-00015522 so one of the bits of work that I'm doing at the moment is to work across the higher RCq0p7MQdQ4-00029-00015522-00016128 education sector to bring together people who are interested in evaluating across the student RCq0p7MQdQ4-00030-00016128-00016566 life cycle so that incorporates learning teaching assessment practices but also RCq0p7MQdQ4-00031-00016566-00017046 thinks about access to higher education and also progress out of higher education as well RCq0p7MQdQ4-00032-00017106-00017598 and I'm working with a number of like-minded colleagues to think about what evaluation means RCq0p7MQdQ4-00033-00017598-00018030 to us and we've defined evaluation and I'm really Keen to know whether this definition RCq0p7MQdQ4-00034-00018030-00018678 of evaluation chimes with you whether you agree whether you um uh would suggest an alternative RCq0p7MQdQ4-00035-00018804-00019236 so the group that I'm working with that we call ourselves the evaluation Collective we're a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00036-00019236-00019728 group of advocates for evaluation practices across the sector and we Define evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00037-00019728-00020268 as an approach which helps to understand and explore what works and doesn't work in a given RCq0p7MQdQ4-00038-00020268-00020958 context and really importantly that that is our value to stakeholders so the aim of evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00039-00020958-00021618 is actionable evidenced-informed learning and continuous Improvement of both process and impact RCq0p7MQdQ4-00040-00021618-00022236 now thinking about my values base and Anna's as a collective we particularly stand against RCq0p7MQdQ4-00041-00022236-00023148 performative evaluation so task focused evaluation The Tick box evaluation machine so when evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00042-00023148-00023754 is an expectation but it's not valued and we Define evaluation as a collective responsibility RCq0p7MQdQ4-00043-00023754-00024378 within organizations focusing our attention and effort on transformative educational outcomes RCq0p7MQdQ4-00044-00024450-00024888 now I want to know whether that chimes with you is that a definition of evaluation which RCq0p7MQdQ4-00045-00024888-00025398 you relate to or do you have a definition which is something else am I describing an approach RCq0p7MQdQ4-00046-00025398-00025974 which exists at Harriet what do you have this evaluative culture and if not then then what RCq0p7MQdQ4-00047-00025974-00026520 else is there or what else there is there out in the sector as well please do let me RCq0p7MQdQ4-00048-00026520-00027108 know so do you agree tell me whether this uh definition of evaluation chimes with you and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00049-00027108-00027486 please do use the chat Alex will be keeping an eye on the chat and others and if there RCq0p7MQdQ4-00050-00027486-00027839 are things that you want to explore and you want to raise with me then please please do RCq0p7MQdQ4-00051-00027948-00028548 I believe so my stance is that evaluation this understanding of what's working and and isn't RCq0p7MQdQ4-00052-00028548-00029382 working can be empowering if we take control or some ownership of our own evaluative evidence so RCq0p7MQdQ4-00053-00029382-00030054 when we start to explore and understand our own context in our own terms then we can start to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00054-00030054-00030827 understand and and learn from our experiences now you tell me what that means to you so so um you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00055-00030827-00031212 know tell me I'm right tell me I'm wrong but I'm really interested in your thoughts on that as well RCq0p7MQdQ4-00056-00031452-00032039 so moving beyond my value base and so the approach that I'm taking to evaluation I want to explore a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00057-00032039-00032592 little bit and the principles of evaluation as well and so this is something that I've written RCq0p7MQdQ4-00058-00032592-00033288 about at times and I've talked about but I want to introduce to you as well in this Keynote so I RCq0p7MQdQ4-00059-00033288-00033792 started thinking about this most specifically in the middle of covid when I was being asked in my RCq0p7MQdQ4-00060-00033792-00034362 own institution to think about the impact of the transition to online learning or hybrid Blended RCq0p7MQdQ4-00061-00034362-00034944 learning and on our students and I was thinking about how do we know what impact this is having RCq0p7MQdQ4-00062-00035028-00035538 and by looking at the literature by thinking about my own practice by talking to practitioners RCq0p7MQdQ4-00063-00035616-00036090 um I came up with a set of principles for Effective evaluation which I still think hold true RCq0p7MQdQ4-00064-00036090-00036576 to the context in which we're current delivery currently delivering our learning teaching and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00065-00036576-00037164 assessment practices now I could deliver a keynote on any one of these principles of effective RCq0p7MQdQ4-00066-00037164-00037590 evaluation but I've been asked specifically to talk about the importance of student RCq0p7MQdQ4-00067-00037590-00038184 involvement and it's always been there as a core component of a principle of effective evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00068-00038382-00038718 um and I've provided the reference at the top of the page if you want to explore these in a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00069-00038718-00039258 little bit more detail but to pick out another uh another couple that I think um will raise RCq0p7MQdQ4-00070-00039258-00039768 their head throughout this presentation I also think that it's important that evaluation is RCq0p7MQdQ4-00071-00039768-00040314 supported strategically within an institution and as I mentioned before that there is um an RCq0p7MQdQ4-00072-00040314-00040974 evaluative culture but this is also supported by um strategic goals around continuous Improvement RCq0p7MQdQ4-00073-00040974-00041640 continuous enhancement and evaluative thinking um so I'm interested in uh in that as well RCq0p7MQdQ4-00074-00041730-00042324 it's also really important that we consider resource and capacity I cannot sit here today and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00075-00042324-00042924 say you must evaluate more and without saying You must also have the support for that and you must RCq0p7MQdQ4-00076-00042924-00043386 be resourced in order to do that and if there's need for development of skills and knowledge RCq0p7MQdQ4-00077-00043386-00043908 around evaluation then that should be available and some of that we can do through sharing of our RCq0p7MQdQ4-00078-00043908-00044424 own practices but some of that is institutionally bound as well so I think that's really important RCq0p7MQdQ4-00079-00044424-00045234 that there is also a recognition of the time that it takes to evaluate and evaluate robustly some of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00080-00045234-00045726 the other indicators on this screen the principles of effective evaluation I'll touch on a little RCq0p7MQdQ4-00081-00045726-00046290 bit as we move through this session today um but uh particularly some of the more methodological RCq0p7MQdQ4-00082-00046290-00046896 aspects of this but as I say have a little read of the work I've published so far if you want to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00083-00046896-00047436 delve into this in a little bit more detail but as is highlighted on the screen the focus of this RCq0p7MQdQ4-00084-00047436-00048018 keynote is around student involvement and how we can engage students in our evaluation practices RCq0p7MQdQ4-00085-00048264-00048744 so I want to talk a little bit about evaluation strategies so RCq0p7MQdQ4-00086-00048744-00049146 um if you're sat in the audience today thinking well Liz I don't know where to start where do I RCq0p7MQdQ4-00087-00049146-00049680 begin how do I start to think more evaluatively and how do I develop my evaluation practices RCq0p7MQdQ4-00088-00049680-00050202 particularly to understand what's working and not working in teaching learning and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00089-00050202-00050682 assessments but also bearing in mind what you've just said about building in student involvement RCq0p7MQdQ4-00090-00050808-00051516 so I'm going to focus on two takeaway uh points from this one of them is that it's important to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00091-00051516-00052164 embed a clear rationale for what you are doing and why and that will help you to evaluate RCq0p7MQdQ4-00092-00052254-00052841 the other strategy that I'll focus on is the collection of impact evidence so both ends of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00093-00052841-00053591 this evaluative cycle so I'm going to explore particularly how change occurs and how we can RCq0p7MQdQ4-00094-00053591-00054162 start to conceptualize or theorize how change occurs and this will take us through a framework RCq0p7MQdQ4-00095-00054162-00054822 which helps us to ground a rationale for why we're doing what we're doing but also gather that impact RCq0p7MQdQ4-00096-00054822-00055367 evidence through sound evaluation planning and the way I'm going to introduce this to you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00097-00055367-00055896 before talking about some of those more specific strategies is to introduce a theory of change RCq0p7MQdQ4-00098-00056076-00056520 so what you'll see on the slide at the minute is a loads of arrows connecting RCq0p7MQdQ4-00099-00056520-00056940 arrows between different concepts and I'm going to talk you through these in particular RCq0p7MQdQ4-00100-00057144-00057564 I'm starting this discussion with a conversation about how change RCq0p7MQdQ4-00101-00057564-00057888 happens so I think it's really important that we RCq0p7MQdQ4-00102-00057888-00058614 um we move Beyond activity or delivery-led thinking and we start focusing on outcome-led RCq0p7MQdQ4-00103-00058614-00059148 thinking and that drives our decision making and it also drives our evaluation strategies RCq0p7MQdQ4-00104-00059244-00059838 so higher education is quickly adopting a theory of change approach to evaluation and it does have RCq0p7MQdQ4-00105-00059838-00060474 some merits in different spaces I believe it's less used in teaching learning and assessment RCq0p7MQdQ4-00106-00060474-00060966 contexts but I think there are some useful points that I want to pull out today for you and think RCq0p7MQdQ4-00107-00060966-00061446 about how you might be able to apply this to your evaluative thinking in your own spaces RCq0p7MQdQ4-00108-00061728-00062310 the first thing that a theory of change asks you to do is explore your own context so understand RCq0p7MQdQ4-00109-00062310-00062952 where you're working and what the problem is that you want to solve so what is it that you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00110-00062952-00063516 want to address and how do you aim to solve it so an exploration of your context and situation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00111-00063516-00064122 should be the first thing that you do before you implement a new activity a new pedagogic RCq0p7MQdQ4-00112-00064122-00064667 approach a new assessment design what is it that we're trying to achieve so explore that context RCq0p7MQdQ4-00113-00064794-00065279 the next thing that a theory of change does is it asks you to critique that context so RCq0p7MQdQ4-00114-00065279-00066024 there is a level of criticality to our design of interventions and approaches and also the design RCq0p7MQdQ4-00115-00066024-00066582 of evaluation so what evidence do we have about what works what has already been published in the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00116-00066582-00067134 sector what can we use to drive our thinking for new initiatives and new approaches to our learning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00117-00067134-00067620 teaching and assessment and really importantly what assumptions are we making about how change RCq0p7MQdQ4-00118-00067620-00068160 happens in this space are there any biases are there any points of view that we need to consider RCq0p7MQdQ4-00119-00068160-00068778 voices that aren't already heard in these spaces and that's an important critique to uh to address RCq0p7MQdQ4-00120-00068940-00069684 once we've done all of that we start to think about outcome-led or theory-led change processes RCq0p7MQdQ4-00121-00069684-00070296 so focusing and attention on outcomes will force us to say what will change look like RCq0p7MQdQ4-00122-00070296-00070980 and how will this be designed and how will we realize this change and move Beyond simply RCq0p7MQdQ4-00123-00070980-00071526 addressing what we do our activities and our output and moving the attention to what do RCq0p7MQdQ4-00124-00071526-00071982 we want to achieve what do we want to happen what how are we going to realize those aims RCq0p7MQdQ4-00125-00072096-00072678 and then provide some space for the discussion the arrows connect them the mechanisms for RCq0p7MQdQ4-00126-00072678-00073146 change so how is change happening in these spaces so that we're moving to a situation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00127-00073146-00073632 where we're talking about not just what we've done but why we've done it and how change has RCq0p7MQdQ4-00128-00073632-00074142 happened in these spaces and as you can see at the bottom of the screen all of this contextual RCq0p7MQdQ4-00129-00074142-00074832 theorizing of what we want to do and why leads into a well-crafted well-considered evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00130-00074832-00075318 plan because we can link what we want to know with what we thought we wanted to find RCq0p7MQdQ4-00131-00075498-00076236 to give you a very specific example of this then consider a course-based research experience so I RCq0p7MQdQ4-00132-00076236-00076698 was trying to think of an example that was based on uh in a career you know something within the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00133-00076698-00077436 curriculum so this is a particular intervention that has been found to have impact on uh retention RCq0p7MQdQ4-00134-00077436-00077982 attainment and progression within the student life cycle so that focus on student outcomes RCq0p7MQdQ4-00135-00078042-00078564 so a piece of work that I did with Advanced HE the references at the bottom of the screen we looked RCq0p7MQdQ4-00136-00078564-00079206 at the impact evidence and this was one thing that was um particularly useful in moving students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00137-00079206-00079944 towards those particular outcomes now what you can see on the screen is a link between the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00138-00079944-00080496 intervention as it was designed and then how this can help us to think about evaluation planning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00139-00080562-00081012 so it's important that they were clear outcomes for this intervention so what is it that we RCq0p7MQdQ4-00140-00081012-00081588 thought a course-based research experience would help us to achieve so in the short term we would RCq0p7MQdQ4-00141-00081588-00082140 want students to understand the expectations of a course-based research experience and feel RCq0p7MQdQ4-00142-00082140-00082746 supported to engage in that experience in the medium term we'd want students to develop their RCq0p7MQdQ4-00143-00082746-00083256 research skills we'd want them to develop confidence self-efficacy and teamworking RCq0p7MQdQ4-00144-00083352-00083832 and then following that logical connection of how change happens we would then hope RCq0p7MQdQ4-00145-00083832-00084456 to see students being retained uh so uh decreasing withdrawal better end of year RCq0p7MQdQ4-00146-00084456-00085026 grades and hopefully a progression on to highly skilled employment or further research study RCq0p7MQdQ4-00147-00085158-00085698 once you have thought about the outcomes you then think about how your activities RCq0p7MQdQ4-00148-00085698-00086298 will help students to achieve those outcomes so you almost work backwards to think about RCq0p7MQdQ4-00149-00086298-00086874 what inputs do we need our staff time what activities do we need to allow this RCq0p7MQdQ4-00150-00086874-00087474 intervention to take place and how will we know that that students have been engaged within it RCq0p7MQdQ4-00151-00087576-00088194 in higher education we are very focused on the middle section the what we do so our activity-led RCq0p7MQdQ4-00152-00088194-00088854 we're very focused on doing something and what a theory of change can encourage is a focus on not RCq0p7MQdQ4-00153-00088854-00089508 just the doing but the finding out of whether um something has worked so an activity uh moving from RCq0p7MQdQ4-00154-00089508-00090306 activity-led to outcome or theory-led approaches to design and evaluation and this may seem like RCq0p7MQdQ4-00155-00090306-00090906 a lot of front loaded work but this will save you time in your evaluation because when you come to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00156-00090906-00091392 design an evaluation when you come to think about what impact evidence you need and importantly what RCq0p7MQdQ4-00157-00091392-00091968 your students can start to tell you you align them to what you think and what you thought you might RCq0p7MQdQ4-00158-00091968-00092670 might achieve so your methodology your evaluation plan is specifically aligned to what you think RCq0p7MQdQ4-00159-00092670-00093426 your outcomes will be and how you will evidence that so theory of change is one approach to um RCq0p7MQdQ4-00160-00093426-00094140 conceptualizing what you want to do but also a really solid basis for your evaluation uh planning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00161-00094272-00094914 so how do you embed uh student voices or student feedback uh as was um as was introduced at the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00162-00094914-00095610 beginning of this keynote to this evaluative cycle of theorizing change and then exploring impact RCq0p7MQdQ4-00163-00095724-00096126 so let's start at the beginning let's think about student voices that can RCq0p7MQdQ4-00164-00096126-00096636 be used to create and understand your rationale for change so your why narrative RCq0p7MQdQ4-00165-00096744-00097404 um so I think it's important at this stage in the design phase of anything new or any adaptations of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00166-00097404-00097944 our teaching learning and assessment practices that we build in student feedback and student RCq0p7MQdQ4-00167-00097944-00098838 voices into uh into that design so creating a narrative or a clear rationale for why you are RCq0p7MQdQ4-00168-00098838-00099408 adopting each approach to learning teaching and assessment and your planned activities is really RCq0p7MQdQ4-00169-00099408-00100080 crucial we can use a lot of different types of evidence in this process but asking your students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00170-00100080-00100692 to feed back into the what could we do differently or why should we do something differently is a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00171-00100692-00101382 really important place to start it's also really important as I've said to focus on outcomes but RCq0p7MQdQ4-00172-00101382-00102012 these can be co-created with your student body so you uh you have learning outcomes or will RCq0p7MQdQ4-00173-00102012-00102611 have learning outcomes for your learning teaching and assessment but also think beyond that think RCq0p7MQdQ4-00174-00102611-00103116 about what else it is that your students might be benefiting from your activities and interventions RCq0p7MQdQ4-00175-00103266-00103656 so you don't always have to think about uh learning games we could be thinking about RCq0p7MQdQ4-00176-00103656-00104292 other skills development personal development that our students might be um achieving through your RCq0p7MQdQ4-00177-00104292-00104885 activities I think it's really important that you ask for student input into the creation of those RCq0p7MQdQ4-00178-00104885-00105426 outcomes so a discussion about the learning outcomes of a module or or for a particular RCq0p7MQdQ4-00179-00105426-00105894 intervention and then ask your students what else what else are you learning how else are RCq0p7MQdQ4-00180-00105894-00106433 you developing what else should we be capturing as impact evidence and so to co-create those RCq0p7MQdQ4-00181-00106433-00106926 measurable outcomes from the outset with your students I think is a really important thing to do RCq0p7MQdQ4-00182-00107135-00107514 I also think it's really important that you consider uh the the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00183-00107580-00108264 um the engagement that is currently in place so I'm not advocating uh for evaluation to always be RCq0p7MQdQ4-00184-00108264-00108972 an additional ask so if you can embed evaluation into your existing activities by thinking a little RCq0p7MQdQ4-00185-00108972-00109494 bit about what you do before delivery but also the strategies that you employ during and immediately RCq0p7MQdQ4-00186-00109494-00109938 after your learning teaching and assessment activities and how your students are already RCq0p7MQdQ4-00187-00109938-00110574 involved in that and can mean that your approach to evaluation is proportionate and realistic RCq0p7MQdQ4-00188-00110688-00111174 so for example don't wait for your students to leave class before asking them about how RCq0p7MQdQ4-00189-00111174-00111738 they found it use the time that you already have with your students to embed evaluative thinking RCq0p7MQdQ4-00190-00111911-00112404 some specific examples then before an activity an intervention or a teaching session RCq0p7MQdQ4-00191-00112506-00113046 and consider how you are going to gather your impact evidence so for example you may want to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00192-00113046-00113711 design a before and after consideration of how change has happened so you may ask a series of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00193-00113711-00114185 questions before your intervention you may ask a series of questions after and then you can RCq0p7MQdQ4-00194-00114185-00114744 look at the difference and how um and and how your intervention is has had an impact RCq0p7MQdQ4-00195-00114744-00115356 on change so some way of evaluating distance traveled now this could be more through formal RCq0p7MQdQ4-00196-00115356-00115830 mechanisms and methodologies or it might just be about a dialogue and a conversation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00197-00115830-00116333 about where students were and now how they've progressed and what has made that difference RCq0p7MQdQ4-00198-00116472-00117006 you can also co-construct or or create a process for co-construction construction of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00199-00117006-00117522 these conversations so encourage students to think about what the learning teaching and assessment RCq0p7MQdQ4-00200-00117522-00118176 strategies are and ask them to share or send questions in advance of your of your interventions RCq0p7MQdQ4-00201-00118296-00118818 check for assumptions see what kind of questions students are raising and then return to those RCq0p7MQdQ4-00202-00118818-00119490 at another um another point in time so you can look at how uh how learning or any other RCq0p7MQdQ4-00203-00119490-00120161 measure of outcome has changed so building in these evaluative conversations and by planning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00204-00120161-00120804 this in advance of your session we can also think about what happens during our activities so think RCq0p7MQdQ4-00205-00120804-00121242 about what tools you have at your disposal whether that's Anonymous polls and already RCq0p7MQdQ4-00206-00121242-00121818 digital technology whether there's ability to rank and prioritize um aspects of learning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00207-00121818-00122352 whether you can embed storytelling or narratives within your learning and teaching and assessment RCq0p7MQdQ4-00208-00122352-00122909 practices so that you're embedding dialogue with your students that have an evaluative function RCq0p7MQdQ4-00209-00123006-00123498 so the kind of questions around uh how do we think that went what should we carry on doing RCq0p7MQdQ4-00210-00123498-00123930 what should we stop doing and what should we start doing that we're not doing already are RCq0p7MQdQ4-00211-00123930-00124488 really pertinent questions that we can start to ask and then after the sessions you have a whole RCq0p7MQdQ4-00212-00124488-00124956 range of data at your uh at your fingertips hopefully around student engagement that you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00213-00124956-00125526 might want to look at so whether that's engagement with your virtual learning environment uh whether RCq0p7MQdQ4-00214-00125526-00126233 that's around the downloads of of pre uh available resources so there may be some quantitative data RCq0p7MQdQ4-00215-00126233-00126720 you can look at and why not discuss those with your students to find out what they mean and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00216-00126720-00127194 so what does this tell us about how students are learning and how effective your learning teaching RCq0p7MQdQ4-00217-00127194-00127722 and assessment strategies are again another example of evaluative dialogue with students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00218-00127811-00128309 and really importantly don't forget to record all of this so not just that you're documenting how RCq0p7MQdQ4-00219-00128309-00128808 that change has happened but then you are able to feed back to students to complete that Loop RCq0p7MQdQ4-00220-00128808-00129450 uh to suggest how you've used uh student feedback and student voices to think evaluatively and make RCq0p7MQdQ4-00221-00129450-00130235 changes and and a point here is just to note and that if you can avoid a transactional approach to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00222-00130235-00130788 um the feedback loop and focus on dialogues of a continued conversation about what's RCq0p7MQdQ4-00223-00130788-00131238 working and not working and that would definitely be my preferred suggestion RCq0p7MQdQ4-00224-00131502-00132156 so talking uh quite generally about evaluative dialogue and embedding that uh in your thinking RCq0p7MQdQ4-00225-00132156-00132630 before you deliver something and then also during the process of delivery RCq0p7MQdQ4-00226-00132630-00133074 um is one way to approach this the other way to approach this is to think about RCq0p7MQdQ4-00227-00133182-00133662 um projects that you might have done as a practitioner um as a someone who's RCq0p7MQdQ4-00228-00133662-00134292 delivering those interventions and or also working independently um with evaluators or RCq0p7MQdQ4-00229-00134292-00134904 researchers within your institution that can help you support embedding student involvement in your RCq0p7MQdQ4-00230-00134904-00135606 evaluations so I'm going to take you through four case studies now um that I will introduce you to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00231-00135606-00136320 the methodology of them in particular and they in all of these examples they have a particular focus RCq0p7MQdQ4-00232-00136320-00137058 on meaningful student involvement and I and And I stress the word meaningful um on purpose there RCq0p7MQdQ4-00233-00137334-00138108 so my first point in relation to project work um evaluative project work and this is drawing RCq0p7MQdQ4-00234-00138108-00138870 on some of my examples from Helen the first one is around using disciplinary methods to evaluate RCq0p7MQdQ4-00235-00138870-00139728 change now I am in a really um uh privileged position in my institution that I hear about a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00236-00139728-00140454 lot of work that happens across our colleges and our schools and I co-chair what we call an impact RCq0p7MQdQ4-00237-00140454-00141048 and evaluation group across institution group where we invite speakers to come in and tell us RCq0p7MQdQ4-00238-00141048-00141708 about their uh their projects and their mechanisms for evaluating effectiveness in their teaching RCq0p7MQdQ4-00239-00141708-00142146 learning and assessment spaces and something struck me the other day when I was listening RCq0p7MQdQ4-00240-00142146-00142626 to these presentations is that actually our colleagues in the disciplines know how to evaluate RCq0p7MQdQ4-00241-00142680-00143496 so our psychologists for example know how to adopt pre and post measures with validated scales um and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00242-00143496-00143994 and because that's part of their disciplinary culture our colleagues in the biosciences know RCq0p7MQdQ4-00243-00143994-00144720 how to construct a um an experimental conditions so that they compare what's happening in one group RCq0p7MQdQ4-00244-00144720-00145344 of students to another group of students that's part of their disciplinary culture so evaluative RCq0p7MQdQ4-00245-00145344-00145908 thinking exists within our subject knowledge as well and I I wonder whether we can draw on some RCq0p7MQdQ4-00246-00145908-00146382 of those experiences within institutions uh rather than thinking there's a there's RCq0p7MQdQ4-00247-00146382-00146958 a skill or capacity gap in evaluative thinking ask the question about who's doing this already RCq0p7MQdQ4-00248-00147072-00147552 so two of my examples on screen one of them is my colleague Lizzie Freeman in Psychology who RCq0p7MQdQ4-00249-00147552-00148146 ran a booster week to improve students academic skills and progression and what she did is she RCq0p7MQdQ4-00250-00148146-00148902 implemented uh pre and post measures so she talked to the students and also implemented a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00251-00148902-00149514 questionnaire before the booster week to look at their levels of self-esteem self-efficacy RCq0p7MQdQ4-00252-00149514-00150072 autonomous learning and then she asked them again after the intervention to see what had changed RCq0p7MQdQ4-00253-00150156-00150618 in particular for this example she co-created her entire intervention RCq0p7MQdQ4-00254-00150618-00151194 the booster week and her approach to evaluation with student researchers so it was co-created RCq0p7MQdQ4-00255-00151194-00151848 and co-led with student researchers. In the biosciences my colleague Mel Lacey RCq0p7MQdQ4-00256-00151902-00152562 um is was exploring decision-based online learning and what she had created is two in-class RCq0p7MQdQ4-00257-00152562-00153222 comparison groups so she had traditional ordered learning of online resources for RCq0p7MQdQ4-00258-00153222-00153864 one group of students and almost a Choose Your Own Adventure decision-based approach to using RCq0p7MQdQ4-00259-00153864-00154638 online resources in another and uh she compared a number of different measures she had a you know a RCq0p7MQdQ4-00260-00154638-00155160 clear understanding of the statistical measures needed and students engage with this willingly RCq0p7MQdQ4-00261-00155160-00155850 they consented to be part of this exploration and some of that consent um and because I questioned RCq0p7MQdQ4-00262-00155850-00156306 you know how did students feel about that and Mel talked about the supportive pedagogic RCq0p7MQdQ4-00263-00156306-00156936 research culture in her um in her discipline and the fact that students are aware that that RCq0p7MQdQ4-00264-00156936-00157308 um that we need to evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to learning and teaching RCq0p7MQdQ4-00265-00157530-00158202 the second example is to look at participatory methods within evaluation and this again was the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00266-00158202-00158700 evaluation of of a course this was a one-year postgraduate professional development course RCq0p7MQdQ4-00267-00158700-00159414 which was predominantly Blended delivery um and myself my colleague Alan Donnelly um uh explored RCq0p7MQdQ4-00268-00159414-00160080 this qualitatively uh and the way that we did that is that we recruited an advisory group of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00269-00160080-00160704 10 current students and graduates to co-create the outcomes so what is it that this course RCq0p7MQdQ4-00270-00160758-00161394 um is is delivering in terms of outcomes but also the methodology what would be the best approach RCq0p7MQdQ4-00271-00161394-00162084 to talk to students and to ascertain whether this course is having an impact and The Advisory Group RCq0p7MQdQ4-00272-00162168-00162774 um designed the methodology which which was pled interviews um and very much focused the evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00273-00162774-00163314 on the outcomes which were relevant to them and they were very much Beyond The Learning outcome so RCq0p7MQdQ4-00274-00163314-00163902 the things that students were experiencing Beyond The Learning outcomes that were anticipated in the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00275-00163902-00164640 kind of module and course documentation and that was uh um again an example of meaningful student RCq0p7MQdQ4-00276-00164640-00165216 involvement in the evaluation of a course that meant a lot to them um as current students and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00277-00165216-00165930 as alumni and that was something which was kind of independently evaluated um and also funded RCq0p7MQdQ4-00278-00166140-00166746 my third example is to think about um appreciative inquiry if anybody's come across appreciative RCq0p7MQdQ4-00279-00166746-00167586 inquiry before um it's a um an approach which avoids deficit or problem focused uh deficit RCq0p7MQdQ4-00280-00167586-00168276 Focus problem solving techniques that's a mouthful um so sometimes when there is a requirement to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00281-00168276-00168888 evaluate or to learn about Effectiveness and this is uh into you know internalized quite negatively RCq0p7MQdQ4-00282-00168888-00169530 and the appreciative acquiry approach taking through a cycle of defining discovering dreaming RCq0p7MQdQ4-00283-00169596-00170316 uh and delivering um asks uh courses to think about the best things about their practice under RCq0p7MQdQ4-00284-00170316-00170976 evaluation and to consider their perfect course scenario and from that non-deficit approach RCq0p7MQdQ4-00285-00170976-00171606 there's a real um meaningful consideration of what's working and what's not working so this RCq0p7MQdQ4-00286-00171606-00172098 was independently facilitated we've done this with course teams at Sheffield Hallam we have RCq0p7MQdQ4-00287-00172098-00172566 a number of Staff sessions a number of student sessions and then we bring stuff and students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00288-00172566-00173106 together and what this does is it moves us through and the kind of blue skies thinking all the way RCq0p7MQdQ4-00289-00173106-00173616 through to what can we meaningfully change some tangible outcomes to enhance the course RCq0p7MQdQ4-00290-00173616-00174192 and specifically thinking about about what it is that we want to focus on whether that's declining RCq0p7MQdQ4-00291-00174192-00174660 NSS scores whether that's embedding student voices into the curriculum whatever the the RCq0p7MQdQ4-00292-00174720-00175296 um the course team has defined as the problem under investigation so an appreciative uh RCq0p7MQdQ4-00293-00175296-00175962 inquiry approach is again something which we can adopt as an evaluative approach to course RCq0p7MQdQ4-00294-00175962-00176454 enhancement and it's been really successful at Hallam with uh conversations with course teams RCq0p7MQdQ4-00295-00176622-00176958 my final example is just to talk a little bit about infrastructure RCq0p7MQdQ4-00296-00177030-00177558 um and we have a student researcher program at Sheffield Hallam which is designed and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00297-00177558-00177978 delivered by a central directorate so when I'm talking about student research is a meaningful RCq0p7MQdQ4-00298-00177978-00178518 student engagement sometimes I'm talking about a system which we've had for a couple of years RCq0p7MQdQ4-00299-00178518-00179214 where we recruit through our campus jobs about 50 student researchers we provide RCq0p7MQdQ4-00300-00179214-00179646 them with a training package for evaluation and research we meet with them monthly to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00301-00179646-00180174 build a community for our researchers and we allocate the students to projects that RCq0p7MQdQ4-00302-00180174-00180690 are happening within our colleges within our bursary evaluation bursary projects because RCq0p7MQdQ4-00303-00180690-00181182 we have some specific funding for evaluation at Sheffield Hallam and any other activity as RCq0p7MQdQ4-00304-00181182-00181860 it arises and really importantly for this scheme all activity for our students is paid so if they RCq0p7MQdQ4-00305-00181860-00182340 engage in training if they come to our monthly meetings if they complete their time sheets for RCq0p7MQdQ4-00306-00182340-00182898 their Project work just as I was talking about Lizzy's booster week all that activity is paid RCq0p7MQdQ4-00307-00182898-00183582 and again meaningful student involvement there is a question around incentivizing but also valuing RCq0p7MQdQ4-00308-00183582-00184164 the input of our students in these spaces and we're paid for our enhancement activity RCq0p7MQdQ4-00309-00184164-00184740 and there is uh there is the consideration of of how we value our student engagement in that too RCq0p7MQdQ4-00310-00184920-00185370 so in summary I want to leave some time for questions and for uh collaboration RCq0p7MQdQ4-00311-00185370-00186198 and consideration I've given you a really quick overview of of how you can work alongside students RCq0p7MQdQ4-00312-00186198-00186786 in an evaluative cycle so I've talked a little bit about the evidence the change the outcome RCq0p7MQdQ4-00313-00186786-00187584 focus and then again the evidence of impact at the end um and and I think if you can uh if you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00314-00187584-00188064 can conceptualize change in this manner um and think about how you embed students within this RCq0p7MQdQ4-00315-00188064-00188646 I think this can really make some steps forwards in um effective practice so I've talked to you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00316-00188646-00189144 a little bit about embedding student voices in the rationale stage so the understanding of why RCq0p7MQdQ4-00317-00189228-00189918 um and thinking about a rationale for change and how uh you can embed student voices within RCq0p7MQdQ4-00318-00189918-00190548 that to the design of new activities or the adaption of existing activities I've talked RCq0p7MQdQ4-00319-00190548-00190998 a little bit about the change focus and the outcome Focus that I think is really important RCq0p7MQdQ4-00320-00190998-00191646 in our thinking so moving beyond activity led to outcome-led design of the work that we do RCq0p7MQdQ4-00321-00191760-00192204 then at the other end of the cycle I think it's really important that we explore student voices RCq0p7MQdQ4-00322-00192204-00192714 and when we are thinking about our impact evidence and so whether this is embedding RCq0p7MQdQ4-00323-00192714-00193218 student voices within our existing engagement with our students or commissioning Project work RCq0p7MQdQ4-00324-00193218-00193860 or independent evaluation um I think there's there are different strategies to impact exploration RCq0p7MQdQ4-00325-00193944-00194466 at this point I would also say there is great strength in practitioner-led evaluation RCq0p7MQdQ4-00326-00194568-00195126 um so you know your context better than anybody and so please do value your own Reflections in RCq0p7MQdQ4-00327-00195126-00195738 this evaluative cycle as well and that brings me to my final point which is how do you know you're RCq0p7MQdQ4-00328-00195738-00196134 teaching learning and assessment practices are working well your students will tell you RCq0p7MQdQ4-00329-00196242-00196734 um and if they uh if you gather that as evidence that's a really important part of this cycle RCq0p7MQdQ4-00330-00196800-00197442 but it's not the only part of this cycle my uh my note of caution and I will end on RCq0p7MQdQ4-00331-00197442-00198024 this is that sometimes we can give too much weight uh to our student voices and we need RCq0p7MQdQ4-00332-00198024-00198474 to balance that with the other voices and the other uh data sources evidence RCq0p7MQdQ4-00333-00198474-00198966 sources that we have at our disposal so making sure that we triangulate student RCq0p7MQdQ4-00334-00198966-00199428 voices with other impact evidence or rationale evidence is really important RCq0p7MQdQ4-00335-00199662-00200244 so that was a very Whistle Stop tour of um some of the principles of evaluation the value base that RCq0p7MQdQ4-00336-00200244-00200790 I'm coming from and and how you can approach it in different ways I'm really interested in RCq0p7MQdQ4-00337-00200790-00201330 how confident you feel to evaluate your learning teaching and assessment context I'd like to know RCq0p7MQdQ4-00338-00201330-00201774 about some of the opportunities and challenges to working alongside students to evaluate learning RCq0p7MQdQ4-00339-00201774-00202224 teaching and assessment and I want to know if you've got any of your own evaluative strategies RCq0p7MQdQ4-00340-00202224-00202746 that you could share with people on the call today uh I've I've given you some examples of RCq0p7MQdQ4-00341-00202746-00203262 mine and I'd really love to hear some of your own as well uh I'll stop sharing the slides now RCq0p7MQdQ4-00342-00203262-00203784 but there is a list of some of the references that I've spoken about or some extended reading RCq0p7MQdQ4-00343-00203784-00204342 that you might want to have a look at but then I will I'll stop sharing and I'll pass over to RCq0p7MQdQ4-00344-00204342-00204960 Alex to do a bit of chairing of any questions I really hope that was useful it was very quick and RCq0p7MQdQ4-00345-00205019-00205476 um uh um you know sketchy at times I know that there's a lot more detail I could have provided RCq0p7MQdQ4-00346-00205476-00205896 but I hope that gave you some insight into some of the things that you could do. Thank you. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00000-00000664-00001528 Sadhguru: True compassion is not about giving or taking. True compassion is just doing what's needed. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00001-00001528-00002200 You have no preferences of your own; simply doing what's needed is compassion. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00002-00002200-00002818 You revving yourself up into a huge amount of emotion and reaching out to somebody is not compassion. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00003-00002818-00003370 Tch, this is just self-satisfaction, devious ways to fulfill yourself. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00004-00003370-00003997 Compassion is possible, genuine compassion is possible RFb-ww8Ti2o-00005-00003997-00004476 when there is nothing to fulfill in you, you’re just doing what's needed. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00006-00004476-00005006 But always if you get into a deep emotion and do something, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00007-00005006-00005288 you think that was a very compassionate moment. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00008-00005288-00005642 No, you’re seeking self-fulfillment. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00009-00005642-00006328 I am not saying anything right or wrong, it is still coming from a certain inadequacy. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00010-00006328-00007216 So one overly-compassionate sage who was indiscriminately disposing of people’s needs - RFb-ww8Ti2o-00011-00007216-00007818 because of his austerities, he had attained to a certain capability and he was giving it away. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00012-00007818-00008474 So one day Shiva called him and tried to advise him. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00013-00008474-00009456 ‘See this is not good; the way you are dispensing gifts and boons to other people, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00014-00009456-00009950 this will not bring well-being to you or to the people whom you give. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00015-00009950-00010586 It may bring you much trouble, it may bring him much trouble, or both of you much trouble. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00016-00010586-00011100 So stop giving these boons. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00017-00011100-00011682 People come and ask, it's okay, you don't have to give.’ RFb-ww8Ti2o-00018-00011682-00012458 Parvathi, Shiva's wife who was sitting there, she said, ‘Oh my Lord, how is this possible? RFb-ww8Ti2o-00019-00012458-00012904 As it is there are very few givers in the world, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00020-00012904-00013428 as it is there are very few people who are willing to give anything in the world; RFb-ww8Ti2o-00021-00013428-00014256 and a few men who are giving, you are trying to restrain them also, what is the point? RFb-ww8Ti2o-00022-00014256-00014763 At least a few men who are willing to give, let them give, you must explain this to me. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00023-00014763-00015980 This is not fair; there are very few givers that also you want to discount and make it much smaller?’ RFb-ww8Ti2o-00024-00015980-00017206 Then Shiva said, ‘See, this is not about depriving people of something. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00025-00017206-00017780 This is not about depriving the world of receiving something, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00026-00017780-00018462 nor is it an effort to deprive the person to have the pleasure of giving something. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00027-00018462-00019500 It is just that instead of helping people to evolve where they will naturally receive the bounty of life... RFb-ww8Ti2o-00028-00019500-00019992 an un-evolved person if you give something, you will only overburden him. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00029-00019992-00020170 You will only destroy his life. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00030-00020170-00020220 You… RFb-ww8Ti2o-00031-00020220-00020648 If you are concerned about somebody's ultimate well being, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00032-00020648-00021320 you must put him through the painstaking process of evolving him to a higher possibility, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00033-00021320-00021734 where he will receive higher dimensions of life, RFb-ww8Ti2o-00034-00021734-00022194 where receiving just happens to him because he deserves it. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00035-00022194-00023174 If you gift a ton of gold to an ant, it will only crush the ant. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00036-00023174-00023678 It will not make the ant rich; it’ll only crush the ant. RFb-ww8Ti2o-00037-00023678-00024370 So what you give, how you give, it's very important. You don't just give because somebody's asking.’ RKVe5-F-Wpc-00000-00000600-00002540 Louise and Jamie Redknapp will be officially divorcing tomorrow. The former Eternal and Strictly Come Dancing star and the footballer turned Sky Sports pundit are calling time on their relationship after 19 years of marriage. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00001-00002690-00004184 They'll be granted a decree nisi, with the case scheduled to be heard by a judge at London's Central Family Court tomorrow, according to reports in The Sun. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00002-00004334-00005696 It's said that the pair are expected to reach amicable terms on custody of their two sons, Charley, 13, and Beau, nine. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00003-00005846-00007916 Louise, 43, confirmed her split with husband Jamie in October after 20 years of marriage. It comes after Louise reportedly hired former Strictly partner Kevin Clifton as her official choreographer as she plans her comeback. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00004-00008066-00009425 Dance pro Kevin is believed to be putting together routines for the former Eternal singer's New Year's Eve show at London nightclub G-A-Y. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00005-00009575-00010963 The news came days after the pair, who were runners-up on the 2016 Strictly series, were spotted getting cosy on a night out. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00006-00011113-00012417 The two were seen for the first time since it was claimed that Kevin's wife Karen Clifton warned Jamie Redknapp to 'keep his wife away from him'. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00007-00012567-00014001 Since then Strictly pro Kevin, 35, has been plagued with rumours of a break up with his wife who is also a dancer on Strictly Come Dancing. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00008-00014151-00015249 It now seems the duo will be spending more time together as they work on Louise's music comeback. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00009-00015399-00016689 The Sun quoted a Strictly source as saying: 'Kevin and Louise clearly have such a strong bond and enjoy working together. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00010-00016839-00018553 'They know their latest link-up is bound to cause a stir but they're being professional.' Meanwhile, Karen Clifton flew to the US to spend Christmas with her family - without hubby Kevin. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00011-00018703-00020878 The Strictly star, 35, shared a series of sweet snaps of her with her young nieces. The professional dancer will reportedly spend Christmas in New York, thousands of miles away from Kevin, who is believed to be celebrating with family in Grimsby. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00012-00021028-00023038 Karen reportedly embarked on a fling with a 27-year-old US accountant named Stuart Wood. However, their reported romance ended as 'heartbroken' Stuart flew back to America amid claims Karen wanted to patch up her marriage. RKVe5-F-Wpc-00013-00023188-00024180 Mirror Online has contacted Louise and Jamie's representatives for comment. RLA_rSfAVa8-00000-00000304-00001080 i didn't have a rich father i tried it three times for university all failed i applied for harvard RLA_rSfAVa8-00001-00001080-00001752 for 10 times all failed they don't want to see me for the last time i went to the teacher's college RLA_rSfAVa8-00002-00001752-00002688 which was considered the third or fourth class of my city so i applied jobs for 30 times got RLA_rSfAVa8-00003-00002688-00003552 rejected it was so difficult at that time i was so frustrated because i taught in the university my RLA_rSfAVa8-00004-00003552-00004136 pay was ten dollars a month because i could not find a good job in 1994 discuss that i'm going RLA_rSfAVa8-00005-00004136-00004824 to do something called internet and 23 of them against it they say this is a stupid idea we have RLA_rSfAVa8-00006-00004824-00005328 never heard about internet and you know nothing about computer and i never thought i was smart RLA_rSfAVa8-00007-00005584-00005968 nobody believed that i could be successful because everybody said well this guy RLA_rSfAVa8-00008-00005968-00006336 think differently thinker crazily you know they think about something never work RLA_rSfAVa8-00009-00006520-00007312 i tried to borrow 3 000 us dollars from the banks took me three months but i still cannot get it we RLA_rSfAVa8-00010-00007312-00007992 talked to over 30 or 40 venture capitalists everybody said no forget it a lot of people RLA_rSfAVa8-00011-00007992-00008624 said alibaba is a terrible model as i said i believe it i think this thing could be big RLA_rSfAVa8-00012-00008624-00009336 if we keep on working i never thought it would be that big like today but i believe that something RLA_rSfAVa8-00013-00009336-00009744 something is waiting for me there and i have to work hard RLA_rSfAVa8-00014-00009744-00010568 to prove myself that was the tough experience so we gathered 50 000 u.s dollars from 18 founders RLA_rSfAVa8-00015-00010696-00011384 we started for the first three years we do not have even one dollar revenue from our business RLA_rSfAVa8-00016-00011472-00012240 it's not easy you don't make any money you've got extraordinary claims and yet you make nothing RLA_rSfAVa8-00017-00012360-00013112 that's internet yes but what's the point are you a millionaire no no do you want to be fun well RLA_rSfAVa8-00018-00013112-00014224 i think i hope but why it keeps on going ahead going forward because i received lots of email RLA_rSfAVa8-00019-00014224-00014888 of thanks from the customer they say this is such a great thing we cannot pay you but this thing RLA_rSfAVa8-00020-00014888-00015544 helped us if you keep on helping us one day you will be successful and i believe this little by RLA_rSfAVa8-00021-00015544-00016160 little we build up our business little by little we build up our ecosystem of the infrastructure RLA_rSfAVa8-00022-00016160-00016848 and now after 16 years we have an alibaba group we have a tmall group we have a taobao group we have RLA_rSfAVa8-00023-00016848-00017832 alipay and people that you are so smart how could you make a company like that RMwouJhTEoo-00000-00000394-00000498 like the video? RPxiVmKP8xy-00000-00000003-00000519 In this exercise we want to know which graphs represent one-to-one functions to RPxiVmKP8xy-00001-00000519-00000900 test to see if a graph is a one-to-one function we first have to see if the RPxiVmKP8xy-00002-00000900-00001283 graph is a function and then test to see if it's a one-to-one function. RPxiVmKP8xy-00003-00001283-00001802 Graphically the vertical line test can be used to see if a graph represents a RPxiVmKP8xy-00004-00001802-00002294 function. To perform the vertical line test we pass a vertical line across the RPxiVmKP8xy-00005-00002294-00002748 graph and if it does not intersect the graph in more than one point it passes RPxiVmKP8xy-00006-00002748-00003282 the vertical line test and is a function. Once we know a graph is a function, we RPxiVmKP8xy-00007-00003282-00003642 can test to see if it's a one-to-one function using the horizontal line test. RPxiVmKP8xy-00008-00003642-00004242 It's a similar test but we use a horizontal line instead to see if the graph of a RPxiVmKP8xy-00009-00004242-00004695 function is one-to-one we pass a horizontal line across the graph and if RPxiVmKP8xy-00010-00004695-00005144 it does not intersect the graph in more than one point then it passes the RPxiVmKP8xy-00011-00005144-00005451 horizontal line test and is a one-to-one function. RPxiVmKP8xy-00012-00005451-00005877 So we always want to perform the vertical line test first and then the RPxiVmKP8xy-00013-00005877-00006309 horizontal line test if the graph does not represent a function it cannot be a RPxiVmKP8xy-00014-00006309-00006756 one-to-one function. So looking at our first example here let's perform the RPxiVmKP8xy-00015-00006756-00007340 vertical line test so I'll sketch several vertical lines across the graph. RPxiVmKP8xy-00016-00007340-00007722 We can see these lines would never intersect the graph in more than one RPxiVmKP8xy-00017-00007722-00008543 point which means this blue graph is a function. So it is a function so now we RPxiVmKP8xy-00018-00008543-00008957 can test to see if it's a one-to-one function by performing the horizontal RPxiVmKP8xy-00019-00008957-00009363 line test. Now we'll sketch several horizontal RPxiVmKP8xy-00020-00009363-00009950 lines across this graph. We can quickly see these horizontal lines do intersect RPxiVmKP8xy-00021-00009950-00010386 the graph in more than one point therefore it fails the horizontal line RPxiVmKP8xy-00022-00010386-00011034 test and is not a one-to-one function. So this blue graph is a function but it's RPxiVmKP8xy-00023-00011034-00011553 not one-to-one. Let's look at the graph here. Now again we'll start with the RPxiVmKP8xy-00024-00011553-00012011 vertical line test. Notice these vertical lines do intersect RPxiVmKP8xy-00025-00012011-00012579 the graph in more than one point which means this graph is not a function and RPxiVmKP8xy-00026-00012579-00013031 if it's not a function it obviously can't be a one-to-one function. So these RPxiVmKP8xy-00027-00013031-00013362 first two graphs are out. Neither of them are one-to-one functions. RPxiVmKP8xy-00028-00013362-00013726 Let's take a look at this graph here. Again we'll start with the vertical line RPxiVmKP8xy-00029-00013726-00013976 test. RPxiVmKP8xy-00030-00014301-00014688 Notice these vertical lines do not intersect the graph in more than one RPxiVmKP8xy-00031-00014688-00015318 point therefore it passes the function test so we can say it's a function and RPxiVmKP8xy-00032-00015318-00015732 now we'll perform the horizontal line test to see if it's a one-to-one RPxiVmKP8xy-00033-00015732-00016654 function. Notice as we pass horizontal lines across this graph they do not RPxiVmKP8xy-00034-00016654-00017203 intersect the graph in more than one point looks like it might be close near RPxiVmKP8xy-00035-00017203-00017656 the origin but it does not intersect the graph in more than one point. Therefore RPxiVmKP8xy-00036-00017656-00018129 it passes the horizontal line test and this is not only a function this is also RPxiVmKP8xy-00037-00018129-00019173 a one-to-one function. And then for our last graph we'll start with the vertical RPxiVmKP8xy-00038-00019173-00019563 line test and again we can quickly see this fails the vertical line test RPxiVmKP8xy-00039-00019563-00020097 because these vertical lines intersect the graph in two points . Therefore it's RPxiVmKP8xy-00040-00020097-00020650 not a function therefore it cannot be one-to-one . So of all these four graphs the RPxiVmKP8xy-00041-00020650-00021318 only graph that represents a one-to-one function is this graph here. Okay we'll RPxiVmKP8xy-00042-00021318-00021681 look at some more examples in the next video. RQSuEIYgYcM-00000-00000096-00000944 Section 7.2 Example 2. Suppose 65% of all Chicago area specialty doctors refuse to make appointments RQSuEIYgYcM-00001-00001008-00001672 for children whose primary medical coverage is Medicaid. So in a weird way our "success" is RQSuEIYgYcM-00002-00001672-00002112 refusing appointments, so in real life that's not a success, but that's what we're measuring. RQSuEIYgYcM-00003-00002192-00003064 So 65% do not get medical appointments so 0.65 is my p. So isn't that I mean it's terrible right, RQSuEIYgYcM-00004-00003064-00003544 all these children are being declined appointments because they're using Medicaid. RQSuEIYgYcM-00005-00003760-00004384 So let's suppose we're going to take random samples of 273, so n is 273, RQSuEIYgYcM-00006-00004560-00004960 of specialty doctors offers offices and we're going to call and ask to make an appointment RQSuEIYgYcM-00007-00004960-00005360 and we're going to keep track if they're giving us an appointment or not. So let's RQSuEIYgYcM-00008-00005360-00006048 find the distribution. So to find distribution we need to check those requirements. So np and nq. RQSuEIYgYcM-00009-00006224-00007408 So np will be 273 times 0.65 and nq will be 273 times 1 minus 0.65, which is 0.35, RQSuEIYgYcM-00010-00008000-00008704 so for np I get 177.45 and for nq I get 95.55. RQSuEIYgYcM-00011-00008768-00009168 Since they're both at least 10 the requirements are met we can use the normal curve! RQSuEIYgYcM-00012-00009496-00009984 If they're smaller than 10, then we just can't do anything, it means we probably need more data. RQSuEIYgYcM-00013-00010392-00010824 So now that I know it's normal, let's find the mean and standard deviation so p-hat is normal, RQSuEIYgYcM-00014-00011024-00011568 the average is just p or 0.65, so on average my sample should be 65%. RQSuEIYgYcM-00015-00012000-00012784 And then the standard deviation will be square root pq over n. RQSuEIYgYcM-00016-00012904-00013047 So we'll take the square root RQSuEIYgYcM-00017-00013600-00014391 of p 0.65 times q 0.35 divided by 273, and make sure they're all in the square root RQSuEIYgYcM-00018-00014496-00015584 and we get a standard deviation of 0.028868 because I want 5 digits. RQSuEIYgYcM-00019-00015791-00016304 All right. So what's the probability that we get the exact value of the true population proportion RQSuEIYgYcM-00020-00016304-00016584 in our sample? So we get exactly RQSuEIYgYcM-00021-00016664-00017232 65%? It's a lot of words but it's just saying what's the chance we get exactly 65%? RQSuEIYgYcM-00022-00017552-00018384 And we've gone over this, it's basically 0, it's not exact but should be close. RQSuEIYgYcM-00023-00019296-00019728 What is the expected error of our point estimate? So we learned expected error is RQSuEIYgYcM-00024-00019728-00020064 within those two standard deviations that we've been talking about a lot. RQSuEIYgYcM-00025-00020176-00021184 So we will do two times the standard deviation 0.028868. RQSuEIYgYcM-00026-00021400-00022856 2 times 0.028868 and we get expected error of about 0.057736. So basically plus or minus, like RQSuEIYgYcM-00027-00023024-00023392 when we say within, it could be a little over under, that's what plus or minus means. RQSuEIYgYcM-00028-00023392-00023512 So plus or minus 5.77% RQSuEIYgYcM-00029-00023904-00024152 from that original value of 65. RQSuEIYgYcM-00030-00024688-00025256 So let's see what happens to expected error if I change the sample size. So the expected error RQSuEIYgYcM-00031-00025256-00025936 changes because my standard deviation changes. So expected error is within two standard deviations RQSuEIYgYcM-00032-00026016-00026800 but now that we have a sample size of 521, we get a new value for the standard deviation. RQSuEIYgYcM-00033-00026800-00027016 Bigger samples will have less variation. RQSuEIYgYcM-00034-00027120-00027520 So let's see what that does to the standard deviation. So square root of p RQSuEIYgYcM-00035-00027520-00028183 times q 0.65 times 0.35 and then we'll divide it by our new n of 521. RQSuEIYgYcM-00036-00028992-00029632 So we'll do the square root of 0.65 times 0.35 divided by 521. RQSuEIYgYcM-00037-00029704-00030464 and we get a smaller standard deviation of 0.020896 RQSuEIYgYcM-00038-00030752-00031144 And so then our expected error is within two of these. So our expected error RQSuEIYgYcM-00039-00031200-00032536 is within two standard deviations. So two times .020896. Probably rounds a little bit differently, RQSuEIYgYcM-00040-00032536-00033504 so let's just type it out, so about 0.041792. So now it's basically within RQSuEIYgYcM-00041-00033752-00034192 4.18% so we're going to get better estimates because there's less error. RQSuEIYgYcM-00042-00034480-00035184 So our sample should be closer to the true value because my expected error is smaller. RQSuEIYgYcM-00043-00035472-00035712 I'm comparing to the 0.577. RQSuEIYgYcM-00044-00036216-00036832 So what are some key points from this section? When we're estimating p by p-hat, it's typical, RQSuEIYgYcM-00045-00036832-00037240 that they're exactly equal, the probability that p-hat equals p. RQSuEIYgYcM-00046-00037568-00038024 The probability that they're exactly equal is pretty much zero squiggly lines mean "about" zero, RQSuEIYgYcM-00047-00038240-00038344 but probably close. RQSuEIYgYcM-00048-00038784-00039464 And the best way to decrease error is to increase our, this has been true all semester, sample size. RQSuEIYgYcM-00049-00039672-00040120 So we saw the error decrease from part c to part d as we increased sample size RQSuEIYgYcM-00050-00040184-00040632 so if we're getting too much error it means we probably need a larger sample. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00000-00000016-00000225 - Busy fall, the secretary certainly will be busy. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00001-00000225-00000465 Going to begin with some opening comments here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00002-00000465-00000689 before I turn to your questions RRw_KbFPOrQ-00003-00000689-00000951 since it's been a while since we gathered here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00004-00000951-00001137 and I want to start with developments in the RRw_KbFPOrQ-00005-00001137-00001333 counter-ISIL fight and the transfer of authority RRw_KbFPOrQ-00006-00001333-00001556 that took place this weekend. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00007-00001556-00001745 As you know, last summer, Secretary Carter RRw_KbFPOrQ-00008-00001745-00001884 strategically consolidated RRw_KbFPOrQ-00009-00001884-00002176 our coalition military campaign plan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00010-00002176-00002328 for Iraq and Syria under one single command, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00011-00002328-00002555 charging Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland RRw_KbFPOrQ-00012-00002555-00002791 as the overall operational commander. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00013-00002791-00002960 Under General MacFarland's leadership, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00014-00002960-00003231 Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve RRw_KbFPOrQ-00015-00003231-00003463 now has momentum int he fight against ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00016-00003463-00003730 and clear results on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00017-00003742-00003971 Working with our local partners in Iraq and Syria, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00018-00003971-00004204 we have been able to degrade RRw_KbFPOrQ-00019-00004232-00004394 and methodologically dismantle ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00020-00004394-00004628 Today, the barbaric group now finds itself in retreat RRw_KbFPOrQ-00021-00004628-00004824 thanks to the coalition's efforts RRw_KbFPOrQ-00022-00004824-00005025 on the ground and in the air. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00023-00005025-00005202 Its finances are in trouble, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00024-00005202-00005364 its communications are challenged RRw_KbFPOrQ-00025-00005364-00005590 and its leadership, those that have survived, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00026-00005590-00005804 find it increasingly difficult to physically RRw_KbFPOrQ-00027-00005804-00006071 move anywhere much less operate. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00028-00006071-00006312 Secretary Carter is grateful to General MacFarland RRw_KbFPOrQ-00029-00006312-00006552 for the extraordinary job he and his entire team RRw_KbFPOrQ-00030-00006552-00006758 did in this important fight. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00031-00006758-00006988 They have served the country with skill and dedication RRw_KbFPOrQ-00032-00006988-00007285 and accelerated ISIL's ultimate defeat. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00033-00007285-00007525 The secretary knew that Lieutenant General MacFarland, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00034-00007525-00007740 with his tremendous knowledge of the region and its people, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00035-00007740-00007979 was the right man for the job last year. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00036-00007979-00008269 The secretary also has total confidence in the man RRw_KbFPOrQ-00037-00008269-00008427 now replacing General MacFarland, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00038-00008427-00008697 18th Airborne Corp commander, Lieutenant General RRw_KbFPOrQ-00039-00008697-00009040 Steve Townsend who took command, as you know, on Sunday. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00040-00009040-00009343 Like General MacFarland, General Townsend is familiar RRw_KbFPOrQ-00041-00009343-00009517 with the region, the players RRw_KbFPOrQ-00042-00009517-00009743 and the continued threat posed by ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00043-00009743-00009889 As a former brigade commander, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00044-00009889-00010059 he served in Iraq previously, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00045-00010059-00010274 including time in Mosul itself. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00046-00010274-00010442 That will serve him well as the coalition RRw_KbFPOrQ-00047-00010442-00010617 looks to collapse ISIL's control over that city RRw_KbFPOrQ-00048-00010617-00011007 and the group's other power center, Raqqah in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00049-00011007-00011241 He and the rest of the 18th Airborne Corps headquarters RRw_KbFPOrQ-00050-00011241-00011405 team have hit the ground running. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00051-00011405-00011649 The secretary is looking to Lieutenant General Townsend RRw_KbFPOrQ-00052-00011649-00011872 and the coalition to keep the pressure on ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00053-00011872-00012055 in every way possible. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00054-00012089-00012412 I also wanted to discuss some recent events in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00055-00012412-00012665 and what's happening in Aleppo specifically, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00056-00012665-00013010 given the concerns about the humanitarian situation there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00057-00013010-00013153 The recent escalation in airstrikes RRw_KbFPOrQ-00058-00013153-00013400 and ground fighting Aleppo is a concern, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00059-00013400-00013563 of course, to the United States, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00060-00013563-00013785 as it's only bringing more suffering RRw_KbFPOrQ-00061-00013785-00014089 to an already deplorable humanitarian crisis. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00062-00014089-00014270 The Syrian regime aided and abetted RRw_KbFPOrQ-00063-00014270-00014461 by its allies, Russia and Iran, is driving RRw_KbFPOrQ-00064-00014461-00014878 the escalation with its indiscriminate bombing campaign. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00065-00014878-00015095 Bombing densely populated urban areas, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00066-00015095-00015334 interrupting water and electrical services RRw_KbFPOrQ-00067-00015334-00015563 and maiming civilians is only adding fuel RRw_KbFPOrQ-00068-00015563-00015729 to Syria's civil war RRw_KbFPOrQ-00069-00015773-00015942 and does nothing to degrade extremist groups RRw_KbFPOrQ-00070-00015942-00016176 which was of course Russia's original reason RRw_KbFPOrQ-00071-00016176-00016454 for it's military intervention in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00072-00016454-00016686 By intervening militarily in this civil war RRw_KbFPOrQ-00073-00016686-00017080 Russian assumed enormous responsibility for Syria's future. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00074-00017080-00017396 It is long past time for Russia to protect civilians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00075-00017396-00017702 guarantee open access for humanitarian agencies RRw_KbFPOrQ-00076-00017702-00018032 and create conditions conducive for political transition, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00077-00018032-00018310 as Secretary Carter has repeatedly stated. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00078-00018310-00018484 The United States remains engaged RRw_KbFPOrQ-00079-00018484-00018658 with Russia on these issues, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00080-00018658-00018824 but as our colleagues at the RRw_KbFPOrQ-00081-00018824-00018962 State Department have made clear, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00082-00018962-00019152 we will not commit indefinitely to discussions RRw_KbFPOrQ-00083-00019152-00019384 that do not lead to results. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00084-00019384-00019525 Contrary to recent claims, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00085-00019525-00019755 we have not finalized plans with Russia RRw_KbFPOrQ-00086-00019755-00019951 on potential coordinated efforts. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00087-00019951-00020164 Serious issues must first be resolved RRw_KbFPOrQ-00088-00020164-00020325 before we can implement the steps RRw_KbFPOrQ-00089-00020325-00020568 Secretary Kerry and Minister Lavrov discussed RRw_KbFPOrQ-00090-00020568-00020703 in Moscow last month. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00091-00020703-00020902 We are not there yet and the regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00092-00020902-00021091 and Russia's recent actions only make it harder RRw_KbFPOrQ-00093-00021091-00021416 to consider any potential coordination. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00094-00021465-00021636 Finally, on behalf of Secretary Carter RRw_KbFPOrQ-00095-00021636-00021813 and the entire Department of Defense, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00096-00021813-00021960 I wanted to reiterate our strong condemnation RRw_KbFPOrQ-00097-00021960-00022291 this weekend's cowardly terrorist attack in Turkey. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00098-00022291-00022504 Our thoughts and prayers are with the families RRw_KbFPOrQ-00099-00022504-00022704 of those who lost loved ones in the Gaziantep bombing RRw_KbFPOrQ-00100-00022704-00022826 and the many injured. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00101-00022826-00023055 This was a depraved act targeting innocent RRw_KbFPOrQ-00102-00023055-00023218 civilians at a wedding party. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00103-00023218-00023391 We will continue to stand with Turkey, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00104-00023391-00023624 a vital NATO ally and key member of RRw_KbFPOrQ-00105-00023624-00023756 the counter-ISIL coalition, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00106-00023756-00023930 as we confront the terrorism threat facing RRw_KbFPOrQ-00107-00023930-00024185 our countries in the civilized world. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00108-00024185-00024347 If this was the work of ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00109-00024347-00024528 it only highlights once again the need for all of us RRw_KbFPOrQ-00110-00024528-00024783 to accelerate the group's demise. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00111-00024783-00025118 And with that, I'd be happy to take your questions. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00112-00025118-00025201 Bob? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00113-00025218-00025385 - Peter, question for you about all the recent RRw_KbFPOrQ-00114-00025385-00025625 incidents in northeastern Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00115-00025625-00025883 where the US aircraft responded RRw_KbFPOrQ-00116-00025885-00026114 to a couple of incidences of Syrian RRw_KbFPOrQ-00117-00026114-00026456 air forces operating in the Hasakah area. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00118-00026709-00026850 Could you explain kind of what the, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00119-00026850-00027046 is there a continuous combat air patrol RRw_KbFPOrQ-00120-00027046-00027213 being flown now over that area RRw_KbFPOrQ-00121-00027213-00027488 in protection of the US personnel RRw_KbFPOrQ-00122-00027506-00027654 who are on the ground there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00123-00027654-00027807 And does this amount to essentially RRw_KbFPOrQ-00124-00027807-00028131 a no-fly zone for the Syrian air force? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00125-00028131-00028409 - Well, Bob, we've repeatedly said that we will protect RRw_KbFPOrQ-00126-00028409-00028701 coalition forces as needed in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00127-00028858-00029106 and I think we demonstrated that last week. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00128-00029106-00029235 And I'm not going to get into the specifics RRw_KbFPOrQ-00129-00029235-00029587 of our air operations, but we will continue to do that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00130-00029587-00029879 We will use our air power as needed RRw_KbFPOrQ-00131-00029986-00030295 to protect coalition forces in our partnered operations. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00132-00030295-00030512 And, and we haven't had a, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00133-00030571-00030814 we haven't had a repeat of that in the last few days. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00134-00030814-00031231 And again, I think you heard, my colleague Captain Davis RRw_KbFPOrQ-00135-00031237-00031554 made clear last week we would continue RRw_KbFPOrQ-00136-00031657-00031941 to advise the Syrian regime to steer clear of those areas. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00137-00031941-00032127 - Can you just say whether there are combat air patrols RRw_KbFPOrQ-00138-00032127-00032284 that are being flown continuously over RRw_KbFPOrQ-00139-00032284-00032402 that area to keep them out? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00140-00032402-00032567 - I'm just going to make clear that we're RRw_KbFPOrQ-00141-00032567-00032737 going to continue to provide the air support RRw_KbFPOrQ-00142-00032737-00032982 we need for our coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00143-00032982-00033197 and our partnered operations to make sure RRw_KbFPOrQ-00144-00033197-00033395 that they are as safe as possible in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00145-00033395-00033612 - [Bob] Not a no-fly zone? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00146-00033626-00033741 - It's not a no-fly zone, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00147-00033741-00034008 but I would just again reiterate RRw_KbFPOrQ-00148-00034117-00034279 what you heard from Captain Davis last week RRw_KbFPOrQ-00149-00034279-00034489 and which you'll hear from me again, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00150-00034489-00034675 that the Syrian regime would be wise RRw_KbFPOrQ-00151-00034675-00035092 to avoid areas where coalition forces have been operating. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00152-00035140-00035330 And we will continue to defend them RRw_KbFPOrQ-00153-00035330-00035487 and if need be we will send aircraft RRw_KbFPOrQ-00154-00035487-00035712 again to defend our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00155-00035775-00036134 - And also apply to defending allied Syrian RRw_KbFPOrQ-00156-00036248-00036424 democratic forces that are on the ground there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00157-00036424-00036807 - We will continue to support coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00158-00036810-00037029 and our partnered operations on the ground in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00159-00037029-00037237 as we've said previously. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00160-00037295-00037378 Yes? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00161-00037378-00037631 - Just a follow up on Bob's question. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00162-00037631-00037827 Is Russia being used as a conduit to communicate RRw_KbFPOrQ-00163-00037827-00038119 to the Syrian air force to back off RRw_KbFPOrQ-00164-00038204-00038468 or is there direct communication RRw_KbFPOrQ-00165-00038468-00038682 to the Syrian air force from the US side? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00166-00038682-00038869 - Yes, I think we pointed out last week, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00167-00038869-00039129 we did engage through our memorandum of understanding RRw_KbFPOrQ-00168-00039129-00039373 with the Russians specifically after that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00169-00039373-00039789 instance to have them communicate to the Syrian regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00170-00039811-00040065 our concerns about what had happened RRw_KbFPOrQ-00171-00040065-00040409 and the fact that it shouldn't happen again. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00172-00040409-00040613 We will continue to use that as a resource RRw_KbFPOrQ-00173-00040613-00040847 given the Russian relationship with the Syrians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00174-00040847-00041261 but we are also prepared to speak, engage directly, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00175-00041261-00041432 communicated directly if needed, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00176-00041432-00041616 in order to avoid these kinds of situations RRw_KbFPOrQ-00177-00041616-00041749 in the first place. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00178-00041749-00041874 Our goal is not to have this kind RRw_KbFPOrQ-00179-00041874-00042101 of situation happen in the first place. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00180-00042101-00042228 - So the second, you said there was also RRw_KbFPOrQ-00181-00042228-00042385 communication through Russia RRw_KbFPOrQ-00182-00042385-00042769 to the Syrians or just to the US aircraft for? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00183-00042890-00043272 - My understanding is there were efforts to communicate RRw_KbFPOrQ-00184-00043272-00043392 between the aircraft, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00185-00043392-00043742 but when our aircraft arrived in the area, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00186-00043749-00043921 the Syrian aircraft departed. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00187-00043921-00044029 - Separate topic? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00188-00044029-00044112 - Sure. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00189-00044200-00044460 - Today US forces in Afghanistan announced that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00190-00044460-00044764 100 US troops were sent to Lashkar Gah RRw_KbFPOrQ-00191-00044764-00045172 in the Helmand Province to help secure that area, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00192-00045180-00045488 but less than, I think, two weeks ago RRw_KbFPOrQ-00193-00045495-00045646 or a little over two weeks ago, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00194-00045646-00045832 General Nicholson had briefed us RRw_KbFPOrQ-00195-00045832-00046059 that Helmand Province was largely cleared RRw_KbFPOrQ-00196-00046059-00046420 and that the 215th Corps had done a good job under, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00197-00046420-00046640 with advise and assist of the US forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00198-00046640-00046850 so it's a little confusing how there RRw_KbFPOrQ-00199-00046850-00047102 has been a lot of progress made RRw_KbFPOrQ-00200-00047102-00047240 and the Helmand was largely cleared, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00201-00047240-00047542 but all of a sudden Lakshar Gah is in a state of, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00202-00047542-00047823 I guess, in a threatened state which requires RRw_KbFPOrQ-00203-00047823-00048035 additional US forces to be sent there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00204-00048035-00048271 - I don't recall General Nicholson's exact description RRw_KbFPOrQ-00205-00048271-00048608 of the situation, but let me tell you first of all RRw_KbFPOrQ-00206-00048608-00048737 what these troops are doing. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00207-00048737-00048888 As you said, about 100 troops, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00208-00048888-00049160 an expeditionary advisory package, in total. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00209-00049160-00049451 They've been sent to first provide train, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00210-00049451-00049802 advise, and assist to the police zone headquarters RRw_KbFPOrQ-00211-00049802-00049911 there in Lashkar Gah RRw_KbFPOrQ-00212-00049911-00050085 and second to provide force protection RRw_KbFPOrQ-00213-00050085-00050281 for those actually doing the advising. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00214-00050281-00050461 So some of these forces are there to protect those forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00215-00050461-00050767 and they were all done under the Resolute Support mission. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00216-00050767-00050945 They've gone down there RRw_KbFPOrQ-00217-00050945-00051090 to assist the police zone headquarters RRw_KbFPOrQ-00218-00051090-00051303 and their leadership team with a focused train, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00219-00051303-00051651 advise and assist mission looking largely at the RRw_KbFPOrQ-00220-00051651-00051767 force protection issue RRw_KbFPOrQ-00221-00051767-00051904 and this will not be a permanent presence. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00222-00051904-00052247 They will return to their base at some point. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00223-00052247-00052441 Getting back to your larger question about Helmand Province, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00224-00052441-00052661 I think what General Nicholson has made clear RRw_KbFPOrQ-00225-00052661-00052970 is that there are still challenges in Afghanistan. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00226-00052970-00053183 There are dangerous places in Afghanistan. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00227-00053183-00053471 But we continue to support Afghan forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00228-00053471-00053600 that have shown progress RRw_KbFPOrQ-00229-00053600-00053867 and resiliency in recent months, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00230-00053946-00054120 including in the Helmand Province, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00231-00054120-00054504 and this reflects, again, our support for their efforts. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00232-00054504-00054738 And there are going to be setbacks along the way. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00233-00054738-00054923 I think General Nicholson was pretty clear about that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00234-00054923-00055340 but in germs of the ANDSF forces and their performance. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00235-00055561-00055816 I think he feels good about where they are, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00236-00055816-00056062 but certainly there's room for improvement RRw_KbFPOrQ-00237-00056062-00056217 and there are going to be setbacks along the way. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00238-00056217-00056379 Part of that effort will be, again, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00239-00056379-00056533 to reinforce them in areas, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00240-00056533-00056665 particularly in Afghanistan, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00241-00056665-00056826 where they have seen some setbacks RRw_KbFPOrQ-00242-00056826-00057042 and Helmand's one of them. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00243-00057073-00057156 Joe? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00244-00057216-00057505 - [Joe] Could you explain to us what has changed RRw_KbFPOrQ-00245-00057505-00057922 in the rules of engagement with the Syrian regime? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00246-00057985-00058224 You're asking, you're saying that the Syrian regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00247-00058224-00058587 is being asked to stay away or to avoid flying RRw_KbFPOrQ-00248-00058587-00058945 over areas where the SDF and the Kurds are. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00249-00059196-00059513 In another way, you are putting, like, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00250-00059514-00059731 no-fly zones inside Syria? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00251-00059799-00060149 - Joe, what I'm doing is, sorry, go ahead. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00252-00060176-00060403 - Explain to us what's the difference between RRw_KbFPOrQ-00253-00060403-00060781 asking the Syrian regime to avoid flying over Hasakah RRw_KbFPOrQ-00254-00060781-00061098 and Manbij and applying a no-fly zone? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00255-00061292-00061692 - Sure, and I think, I just, it's consistent with RRw_KbFPOrQ-00256-00061692-00061782 where we've been in the past. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00257-00061782-00062199 We've said repeatedly that we would defend coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00258-00062290-00062412 on the ground, for one, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00259-00062412-00062783 and we would continue to defend our partnered operations RRw_KbFPOrQ-00260-00062783-00063148 and that is an area in which we've been active. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00261-00063148-00063351 We've been clear about that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00262-00063351-00063601 And so we're going to continue RRw_KbFPOrQ-00263-00063652-00063812 to defend our forces in that area. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00264-00063812-00064026 We're going to tell the Syrians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00265-00064026-00064254 and anyone else who may threaten our forces in that area, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00266-00064254-00064343 we will defend them RRw_KbFPOrQ-00267-00064343-00064565 and they have a right to defend themselves as well. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00268-00064565-00064657 - You think the Syrian regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00269-00064657-00064974 has a right to fly over its territory? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00270-00064975-00065167 - We are fighting ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00271-00065242-00065614 We have, again, forces on the ground supporting RRw_KbFPOrQ-00272-00065614-00065943 our partnered forces who are engaged in that fight RRw_KbFPOrQ-00273-00065943-00066138 and we will defend our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00274-00066138-00066421 - Last question, the police that you're talking about RRw_KbFPOrQ-00275-00066421-00066629 in Hasakah and in Manbij, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00276-00066688-00067104 this could be implemented in other areas, for example? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00277-00067125-00067317 In Aleppo, for example? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00278-00067362-00067687 - We will continue to defend our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00279-00067722-00067918 in our fight against ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00280-00067918-00068335 as you know, and we will, as our forces move in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00281-00068518-00068740 and continue their partnered operations, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00282-00068740-00068969 we will do what we need to do to protect our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00283-00068969-00069181 As you know, we have not been RRw_KbFPOrQ-00284-00069181-00069381 operating in all parts of Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00285-00069381-00069687 and so there are limitations to where we're going RRw_KbFPOrQ-00286-00069687-00069963 because our forces are not everywhere in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00287-00069963-00070115 - Have you been in touch with the Syrian regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00288-00070115-00070299 through third parties, for example? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00289-00070299-00070651 And what's the response, what (mumbles). RRw_KbFPOrQ-00290-00070651-00070865 - As I mentioned, we communicated through the Russians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00291-00070865-00071116 to explain our concerns about what happened last week RRw_KbFPOrQ-00292-00071116-00071389 and I think that was communicated effectively. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00293-00071389-00071472 - And they are okay with that? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00294-00071472-00071820 - You'll have to check with the Syrian regime. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00295-00071820-00071904 Kristina? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00296-00071904-00072010 - Thanks, Peter. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00297-00072010-00072322 With the Kurdish YPG fighting Syrian forces on the ground, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00298-00072322-00072696 is there, do the US, will the US forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00299-00072696-00073104 also be supporting the SDF against the regime on the ground? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00300-00073104-00073521 And if not is there any concern that US forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00301-00073660-00073822 might get pulled into the fight RRw_KbFPOrQ-00302-00073822-00074072 between YPG and Syrian forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00303-00074083-00074179 - Kristina, as you know, our fight RRw_KbFPOrQ-00304-00074179-00074385 and our focus is with ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00305-00074385-00074756 and we'll continue to conduct ourselves on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00306-00074756-00075079 in those partnered operations focused on ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00307-00075079-00075313 and we're going to continue to take the steps that we need RRw_KbFPOrQ-00308-00075313-00075553 to make sure that our forces remain RRw_KbFPOrQ-00309-00075553-00075684 as safe as possible in that effort RRw_KbFPOrQ-00310-00075684-00075970 and they will continue to stay focused on ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00311-00075970-00076071 as they have been in the last RRw_KbFPOrQ-00312-00076071-00076225 few days even after this event. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00313-00076225-00076554 - (mumbles) via air against the Syrian regime. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00314-00076554-00076722 - I'm not gonna get into everything RRw_KbFPOrQ-00315-00076722-00076914 we are doing to protect our forces on the ground, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00316-00076914-00077297 but one way we can do that is to advise people RRw_KbFPOrQ-00317-00077318-00077455 to stay away from our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00318-00077455-00077628 and that is what we've done in this instance. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00319-00077628-00077712 Barbara? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00320-00077723-00077871 - Just a couple of things to circle back. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00321-00077871-00078105 You said a minute ago that you were going to protect RRw_KbFPOrQ-00322-00078105-00078397 partnered operations on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00323-00078422-00078839 So, straight up, is the warning to the Syrian regime RRw_KbFPOrQ-00324-00078911-00079115 to keep its aircraft out, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00325-00079115-00079340 also include keep them away RRw_KbFPOrQ-00326-00079400-00079619 from your SDF partners on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00327-00079619-00079863 or just US special, US troops? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00328-00079863-00080038 Does this protection, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00329-00080072-00080272 you said partnered operations, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00330-00080272-00080518 so does it extend to you are going RRw_KbFPOrQ-00331-00080518-00080889 to protect the SDF from the Syrian air force? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00332-00080889-00081172 - We've been clear, Barbara, from the start RRw_KbFPOrQ-00333-00081172-00081438 that we are, our focus is on ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00334-00081438-00081682 The forces that are taking the fight to ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00335-00081682-00081949 and partnered with us will enjoy RRw_KbFPOrQ-00336-00082095-00082291 the support of the United States and-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00337-00082291-00082574 - So are you going to protect SDF? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00338-00082623-00082806 - We're going to continue, we're not going to get into our RRw_KbFPOrQ-00339-00082806-00082906 rules of engagement, Barbara. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00340-00082906-00083191 We're going to continue to support and protect and provide RRw_KbFPOrQ-00341-00083191-00083491 that military support for our coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00342-00083491-00083725 and our partnered operations, our coalition RRw_KbFPOrQ-00343-00083725-00083858 partnered operations on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00344-00083858-00084125 - My next question is on Aleppo. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00345-00084187-00084379 You said that, you know, the discussions, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00346-00084379-00084596 I'm paraphrasing slightly. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00347-00084601-00084939 You said that it couldn't go on forever, right? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00348-00084939-00085256 I think those were the words you used. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00349-00085387-00085771 So, and you're not, I think you also indicated RRw_KbFPOrQ-00350-00085793-00086159 you're just not there yet with the Russians. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00351-00086174-00086515 So what is the, if it can't go on forever RRw_KbFPOrQ-00352-00086670-00086848 and you're not there with the Russians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00353-00086848-00087001 it's not a hypothetical question. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00354-00087001-00087212 You lay out that it can't go on, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00355-00087212-00087387 these discussions can't, you know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00356-00087387-00087470 you're not going to wait forever. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00357-00087470-00087658 What's your answer on Aleppo? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00358-00087658-00088053 What can you do or is the only answer if it doesn't work RRw_KbFPOrQ-00359-00088053-00088380 out with the Russian negotiations to keep the status quo RRw_KbFPOrQ-00360-00088380-00088580 in the Aleppo situation? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00361-00088621-00088804 Is there anything else other RRw_KbFPOrQ-00362-00088804-00088998 than an agreement with the Russians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00363-00088998-00089286 that you're not there yet, or the status quo? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00364-00089286-00089406 - Well, there are lots of things that could happen RRw_KbFPOrQ-00365-00089406-00089822 in Aleppo that are not, don't require the United States. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00366-00089861-00090027 There's a lot that the regime could do, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00367-00090027-00090198 that the Russians could do-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00368-00090198-00090281 - [Barbara] In terms of? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00369-00090281-00090594 - Well, let me be clear that the responsibility, Barbara, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00370-00090594-00090856 lies with those who are carrying out this bombing campaign RRw_KbFPOrQ-00371-00090856-00091207 and that's right now the Syrian regime and the Russians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00372-00091207-00091599 and there are steps that they could take to try RRw_KbFPOrQ-00373-00091606-00091788 and ease the situation there RRw_KbFPOrQ-00374-00091788-00092046 and I think we and our US government partners RRw_KbFPOrQ-00375-00092046-00092268 have made that clear to them at every step. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00376-00092268-00092526 We'd like to ease the suffering of the Syrian people. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00377-00092526-00092662 We'd all like to see that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00378-00092662-00092970 and the engagement with the Russians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00379-00092989-00093095 one of the goals, of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00380-00093095-00093297 has been to try and achieve that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00381-00093297-00093572 and we remain, and our colleagues at the State Department RRw_KbFPOrQ-00382-00093572-00093753 lead by Secretary Kerry, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00383-00093753-00093968 continue to engage with the Russians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00384-00093968-00094110 to achieve exactly that end RRw_KbFPOrQ-00385-00094110-00094318 and the larger goal here, of course, Barbara, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00386-00094318-00094718 is to resolve the situation in Syria peacefully, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00387-00094725-00095057 to get a political resolution to something RRw_KbFPOrQ-00388-00095057-00095202 that cannot be solved militarily. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00389-00095202-00095419 - But you are indicating today that you're, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00390-00095419-00095819 the Pentagon is just not yet there on this, so-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00391-00095926-00096066 - I don't think it's just the Pentagon. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00392-00096066-00096350 I think it's certainly our fellow, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00393-00096605-00096748 our colleagues at the State Department RRw_KbFPOrQ-00394-00096748-00096915 and elsewhere who would like to see RRw_KbFPOrQ-00395-00096915-00097097 the Russians change their behavior. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00396-00097097-00097428 - So what's, right, it doesn't appear to be happening. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00397-00097428-00097753 So what's Plan B for the administration RRw_KbFPOrQ-00398-00097801-00098009 if you cannot get an agreement RRw_KbFPOrQ-00399-00098009-00098172 with the Russians and the Syrians? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00400-00098172-00098386 What's your Plan B for Aleppo? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00401-00098386-00098649 - We're going to stay focused for now, Barbara, on Plan A RRw_KbFPOrQ-00402-00098649-00098863 which is to continue to engage the Russians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00403-00098863-00099163 continue to urge that steps be taken RRw_KbFPOrQ-00404-00099186-00099418 to ease the situation in Aleppo, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00405-00099418-00099835 the very dire situation that I think we've all seen play out RRw_KbFPOrQ-00406-00099863-00100085 on our TV screens the last couple of days. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00407-00100085-00100360 This is a very serious situation, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00408-00100368-00100656 a serious humanitarian situation that could be eased RRw_KbFPOrQ-00409-00100656-00100946 and we will continue to take steps that we think RRw_KbFPOrQ-00410-00100946-00101125 are appropriate to try and achieve that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00411-00101125-00101275 - I'm sorry, can I just very quickly ask RRw_KbFPOrQ-00412-00101275-00101464 one other topic on North Korea? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00413-00101464-00101732 With the US military exercise starting now RRw_KbFPOrQ-00414-00101732-00102124 and the North Koreans, as usual, with their rhetoric RRw_KbFPOrQ-00415-00102124-00102492 about threatening attacks against the coalition RRw_KbFPOrQ-00416-00102492-00102742 and against the South Koreans, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00417-00102758-00102995 what's the assessment of this department RRw_KbFPOrQ-00418-00102995-00103286 in terms of just the usual rhetoric RRw_KbFPOrQ-00419-00103554-00103848 and, you know, sort of brush it aside? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00420-00103848-00104100 Or is there anything with the North Koreans right now, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00421-00104100-00104257 their missile testing program, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00422-00104257-00104459 their nuclear program, their rhetoric, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00423-00104459-00104764 that is causing you particular concern? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00424-00104764-00105026 - I don't think we brush anything aside RRw_KbFPOrQ-00425-00105026-00105204 with regard to North Korea, Barbara, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00426-00105204-00105591 and we obviously watch this situation very closely. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00427-00105591-00105806 The reason for this exercise, as you know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00428-00105806-00106071 it's an exercise that's been in place RRw_KbFPOrQ-00429-00106071-00106307 since 1976, an annual exercise. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00430-00106307-00106549 It's to demonstrate again our RRw_KbFPOrQ-00431-00106683-00106878 commitment to the South Koreans. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00432-00106878-00107236 It's to train in terms of defensive actions RRw_KbFPOrQ-00433-00107256-00107409 that might need to be taken RRw_KbFPOrQ-00434-00107409-00107826 and it is prudent planning on the part of our forces there RRw_KbFPOrQ-00435-00107855-00108081 and, of course, the South Korean forces to make sure RRw_KbFPOrQ-00436-00108081-00108279 we're doing everything possible, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00437-00108279-00108596 but this is, it is an annual exercise. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00438-00108611-00108964 We have seen the rhetoric from North Korea. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00439-00108964-00109210 We have seen that rhetoric in the past and, of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00440-00109210-00109585 we would urge the North Koreans to do what they can do RRw_KbFPOrQ-00441-00109585-00109870 to ease the tensions in the Korean Peninsula. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00442-00109870-00110236 That's certainly something we would welcome. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00443-00110512-00110713 I'll go to Aaron and then move over. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00444-00110713-00110822 - [Aaron] Hi, Peter. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00445-00110822-00110984 Just to clarify, you said there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00446-00110984-00111174 these can't go on indefinitely, these discussions? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00447-00111174-00111483 So, is there a date, a rough timeline RRw_KbFPOrQ-00448-00111525-00111722 that this building says at this point RRw_KbFPOrQ-00449-00111722-00111943 to bring out discussions and find a Plan B? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00450-00111943-00112292 - We're not going to put a calendar deadline on it. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00451-00112292-00112493 I will defer to Secretary Kerry, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00452-00112493-00112792 who's leading this effort very admirably in trying RRw_KbFPOrQ-00453-00112792-00112997 to move this process along. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00454-00112997-00113188 He has been, obviously, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00455-00113288-00113439 I'll leave it to the State Department RRw_KbFPOrQ-00456-00113439-00113839 to characterize it, but has done tireless effort RRw_KbFPOrQ-00457-00113848-00113972 to try and make this happen RRw_KbFPOrQ-00458-00113972-00114206 and we will continue to support his efforts, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00459-00114206-00114622 but at some point, if we do not see progress again, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00460-00114636-00114860 there's not going to be a resolution here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00461-00114860-00115152 and we think there is an opportunity to ease RRw_KbFPOrQ-00462-00115152-00115302 the situation in Aleppo, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00463-00115302-00115408 but more importantly, Aaron, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00464-00115408-00115608 to address the wider situation. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00465-00115608-00115823 There is an opportunity for Russia RRw_KbFPOrQ-00466-00115823-00115983 to use its significant influence RRw_KbFPOrQ-00467-00115983-00116133 with the Assad regime, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00468-00116133-00116436 and we have yet to see them demonstrate RRw_KbFPOrQ-00469-00116436-00116581 a willingness to do that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00470-00116581-00116970 and so for now the suffering of the Syrian people continues. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00471-00116970-00117204 - So just aside of that the, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00472-00117271-00117414 we keep asking about no-fly zones a lot RRw_KbFPOrQ-00473-00117414-00117597 and I'm wondering if you could just, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00474-00117597-00117833 for me because I'm not that smart at this stuff, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00475-00117833-00118183 what's the difference from the podium view RRw_KbFPOrQ-00476-00118191-00118359 between a formal no-fly zone RRw_KbFPOrQ-00477-00118359-00118659 and what's been declared over the last week, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00478-00118659-00118769 which essentially seemed to be a, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00479-00118769-00118996 "Hey guys, don't fly your planes here. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00480-00118996-00119215 That's a zone you can't fly in RRw_KbFPOrQ-00481-00119215-00119372 because our guys are down there." RRw_KbFPOrQ-00482-00119372-00119494 So, I'm trying to understand what RRw_KbFPOrQ-00483-00119494-00119775 the difference is in this building's viewpoint. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00484-00119775-00119982 - The distinction here is that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00485-00119982-00120186 we're going to defend our forces where they are RRw_KbFPOrQ-00486-00120186-00120493 and we're not going to tell you exactly where they are, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00487-00120493-00120808 but we have been operating in that area in particular. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00488-00120808-00121225 We made that clear to the Syrian regime last week, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00489-00121353-00121569 through our, the Russians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00490-00121600-00121760 through our memorandum of understanding. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00491-00121760-00121993 We, again, would advise them RRw_KbFPOrQ-00492-00122034-00122295 to steer clear of areas where we're operating. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00493-00122295-00122605 - So it's a matter of a geographically fenced-off area RRw_KbFPOrQ-00494-00122605-00122872 versus where our forces operate? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00495-00122926-00123200 - Again, it's, the message should be clear to the Syrians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00496-00123200-00123385 that we're going to defend our people RRw_KbFPOrQ-00497-00123385-00123617 and I think we demonstrated that last week. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00498-00123617-00123700 Courtney? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00499-00123700-00123825 - What do you mean by our forces? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00500-00123825-00123931 Do you mean specifically US RRw_KbFPOrQ-00501-00123931-00124123 or does that also mean the YPG RRw_KbFPOrQ-00502-00124123-00124236 because it was our understanding RRw_KbFPOrQ-00503-00124236-00124479 that after that initial round of strikes RRw_KbFPOrQ-00504-00124479-00124806 by the regime last week, that the Americans left, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00505-00124806-00125082 but the US continued to fly CAPs for a matter of days. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00506-00125082-00125263 So, who, what do you mean by our forces? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00507-00125263-00125488 Does that extend to the YPG RRw_KbFPOrQ-00508-00125600-00125810 or would we be wrong that the Americans did not leave? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00509-00125810-00126227 - I'm referring you specifically to our coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00510-00126264-00126382 that are on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00511-00126382-00126465 I'm not-- - [Courtney] YGP? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00512-00126465-00126708 - I'm going to discuss specifics-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00513-00126708-00126895 - These are non-Americans then, non-Americans, right? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00514-00126895-00127132 Our forces that, because you've used that term over RRw_KbFPOrQ-00515-00127132-00127269 and over and over and I don't think it's unreasonable RRw_KbFPOrQ-00516-00127269-00127545 to ask for a clarification on what you mean by our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00517-00127545-00127920 That includes non-Americans fighting with or, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00518-00127941-00128217 you know, with the US, with the coalition. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00519-00128217-00128373 - There are forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00520-00128373-00128481 that we've been working with RRw_KbFPOrQ-00521-00128481-00128618 that are fighting ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00522-00128618-00128775 We will continue to provide support to those forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00523-00128775-00129192 You know, there are our own coalition forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00524-00129238-00129601 and we'll continue to defend those forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00525-00129601-00129847 particularly as they conduct partnered operations. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00526-00129847-00130086 - Because in Hasakah after the Americans left RRw_KbFPOrQ-00527-00130086-00130302 after the initial round of air strikes by the Syrians, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00528-00130302-00130586 the US continued to fly CAPs over the area RRw_KbFPOrQ-00529-00130586-00130886 to discourage the Syrian regime from additional strikes RRw_KbFPOrQ-00530-00130886-00131077 on the YPG that were there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00531-00131077-00131493 So that would mean those CAPs were flow to protect YPG, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00532-00131495-00131663 non-Americans who were on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00533-00131663-00131800 - I'm not going to. I'm not going to-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00534-00131800-00131883 - It's a simple-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00535-00131883-00131966 - I'm not going to discuss-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00536-00131966-00132050 - It's not, it's not to suggest-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00537-00132050-00132133 - I'm not going to discuss where RRw_KbFPOrQ-00538-00132133-00132216 are forces are at this moment in time. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00539-00132216-00132299 - I'm not asking you to-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00540-00132299-00132456 - We're going to continue to provide support RRw_KbFPOrQ-00541-00132456-00132856 and to provide defensive support, in particular, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00542-00132861-00133240 to forces on the ground engaged in the ISIL fight RRw_KbFPOrQ-00543-00133240-00133369 and particularly for those forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00544-00133369-00133696 that are partnered up with coalition forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00545-00133696-00133913 - So and why, why can't you say whether the US RRw_KbFPOrQ-00546-00133913-00134146 is continuing to fly CAPs over that area? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00547-00134146-00134235 We, I mean-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00548-00134235-00134319 - I'm not going to-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00549-00134319-00134480 - For several days, for several days we were told, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00550-00134480-00134590 I mean, you need to understand, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00551-00134590-00134785 if someone tells us something for several days in a row RRw_KbFPOrQ-00552-00134785-00134961 and then just refuses to say it, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00553-00134961-00135122 you can understand why that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00554-00135122-00135272 that raises a question in our minds. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00555-00135272-00135494 So, why is it, is it, something force protection concern? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00556-00135494-00135675 - The question should be answered, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00557-00135675-00135904 that we are going to provide air cover RRw_KbFPOrQ-00558-00135904-00136058 and air support to our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00559-00136058-00136277 on the ground where they may be. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00560-00136277-00136379 We're not going to disclose RRw_KbFPOrQ-00561-00136379-00136544 where they are at any particular time. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00562-00136544-00136828 We did indicate that they were in a particular area, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00563-00136828-00136988 had been operating there previously, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00564-00136988-00137180 and that's why we provided RRw_KbFPOrQ-00565-00137180-00137324 that particular warning for that area, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00566-00137324-00137511 but I'm not going to disclose where our forces are RRw_KbFPOrQ-00567-00137511-00137613 in Syria at any particular time. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00568-00137613-00137697 - I'm not asking you to, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00569-00137697-00137822 but, again, we were told last week, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00570-00137822-00138013 and correct me if I'm wrong or we were all wrong, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00571-00138013-00138126 but we were told that-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00572-00138126-00138209 - I was not here last week, so-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00573-00138209-00138293 - I know, I know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00574-00138293-00138450 but we were told that the Americans, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00575-00138450-00138659 after the initial round of strikes, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00576-00138659-00138794 that the Americans left, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00577-00138794-00139069 yet the US continued to fly CAPs, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00578-00139104-00139268 so I don't, again, I don't understand RRw_KbFPOrQ-00579-00139268-00139443 why you can't tell us RRw_KbFPOrQ-00580-00139443-00139733 whether the Americans are continuing to fly CAPs there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00581-00139733-00139817 What is it? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00582-00139817-00139900 What is the reason? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00583-00139900-00140101 Is it because Americans are back on the ground? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00584-00140101-00140285 Is that what the concern is? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00585-00140285-00140702 - I'm not going to get into all of our air patrols, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00586-00140848-00141096 our missions sorties at this moment in time RRw_KbFPOrQ-00587-00141096-00141330 and I'm certainly not going to describe where our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00588-00141330-00141503 are on the ground for understandable reasons RRw_KbFPOrQ-00589-00141503-00141771 and we'll continue to provide support RRw_KbFPOrQ-00590-00141771-00141995 and continue to protect our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00591-00141995-00142162 and their partnered operations on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00592-00142162-00142245 - [Courtney] And again-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00593-00142245-00142351 - I'm sorry I can't be more specific, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00594-00142351-00142533 but I don't want to divulge some of that information. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00595-00142533-00142668 - I mean, if you tell us something, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00596-00142668-00142856 if we were told a fact day after day, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00597-00142856-00143033 it's like if every single day you tell us RRw_KbFPOrQ-00598-00143033-00143190 exactly how many troops are in Afghanistan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00599-00143190-00143358 and then one day you just refuse to say it, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00600-00143358-00143450 you can understand why that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00601-00143450-00143687 that raises a question in our minds of why? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00602-00143687-00143886 - Well, we're going to do what we can to protect our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00603-00143886-00144110 - I'm no tasking you to put the forces in danger. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00604-00144110-00144256 I'm just asking you to be consistent. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00605-00144256-00144486 If you're going to provide us information that would, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00606-00144486-00144591 then explain why you can't? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00607-00144591-00144813 - Well, you know that we fly missions RRw_KbFPOrQ-00608-00144813-00145055 in a range of areas in Syria, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00609-00145125-00145408 including that area, so it would not be unusual RRw_KbFPOrQ-00610-00145408-00145767 for us to continue flying sorties over that area. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00611-00145767-00145851 We've-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00612-00145851-00146033 - That raises the question even more of why you wouldn't RRw_KbFPOrQ-00613-00146033-00146173 acknowledge if you're continuing to fly CAPs there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00614-00146173-00146295 but okay, fine. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00615-00146295-00146500 We're going to just, I'm kind of done on this one. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00616-00146500-00146731 SO, can you talk about Jarablus then? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00617-00146731-00146912 What's going on there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00618-00146912-00147088 And the Turks announced today RRw_KbFPOrQ-00619-00147088-00147254 that they have conducted a bunch of strikes there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00620-00147254-00147444 some artillery strikes, and they say that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00621-00147444-00147756 they're hitting at ISIS militants but also some YPG? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00622-00147756-00147987 What is the US military's understanding RRw_KbFPOrQ-00623-00147987-00148132 of what's going on there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00624-00148132-00148286 Are the YPG being struck by the Turks and-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00625-00148286-00148454 - I'll leave it to the Turks RRw_KbFPOrQ-00626-00148454-00148658 to describe their military activities. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00627-00148658-00149021 I know that ISIL is certainly present in Jarablus RRw_KbFPOrQ-00628-00149021-00149368 and this is a critical spot on the Turkish border. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00629-00149368-00149564 It's been an area that's been a concern, of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00630-00149564-00149713 because of the foreign fighter flows RRw_KbFPOrQ-00631-00149713-00150099 and so the, anything that puts pressure on ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00632-00150099-00150328 anywhere in Syria, but particularly in an area RRw_KbFPOrQ-00633-00150328-00150697 like that that is of such significance is, is important RRw_KbFPOrQ-00634-00150697-00151055 and we want to see ISIL ejected and removed RRw_KbFPOrQ-00635-00151077-00151341 from as many parts of Syria as possible, including there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00636-00151341-00151486 - They've also been striking YPG there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00637-00151486-00151771 the same YPG that the US was protecting last week, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00638-00151771-00152029 so is there any US military outreach to the Turks? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00639-00152029-00152314 Any concern about the fact that they're hitting a US ally RRw_KbFPOrQ-00640-00152314-00152694 who the US is working on the ground with in other areas? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00641-00152694-00152973 - I'll leave it to the, to the Turks to describe RRw_KbFPOrQ-00642-00152973-00153151 their operations and what their goals are, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00643-00153151-00153391 but the focus should be in our view, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00644-00153391-00153667 the fight against ISIL and targeting ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00645-00153667-00153889 and from what we've seen that has been happening. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00646-00153889-00154019 - But, again, is the US military RRw_KbFPOrQ-00647-00154019-00154167 concerned that the US partner, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00648-00154167-00154452 the YPG, are being struck in Jarablus right now? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00649-00154452-00154635 Is there any concern by the US on that? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00650-00154635-00154935 - Our concern and focus remains ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00651-00154973-00155256 and doing everything we can to target ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00652-00155256-00155441 and to keep the focus on ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00653-00155441-00155674 including making sure that our efforts RRw_KbFPOrQ-00654-00155674-00155866 of forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00655-00155994-00156352 stay laser-focused on ISIL itself and not-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00656-00156412-00156662 - Are you concerned that the YPG were being struck RRw_KbFPOrQ-00657-00156662-00156809 in Hasakah but not in Jarablus? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00658-00156809-00156912 Is that the concern? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00659-00156912-00156996 - Our-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00660-00156996-00157079 - [Courtney] Or is it who's doing the (mumbles). RRw_KbFPOrQ-00661-00157079-00157224 - Our concern, Courtney, is ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00662-00157224-00157528 and the fact that ISIL is present in Jarablus RRw_KbFPOrQ-00663-00157528-00157824 and any other part of Syria, any other part of Iraq is, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00664-00157824-00157998 continues to be our concern. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00665-00157998-00158246 Our focus would be to try and shape efforts RRw_KbFPOrQ-00666-00158246-00158471 focused exclusively on ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00667-00158523-00158672 and we're going ton continue to do that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00668-00158672-00158755 Bill? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00669-00158755-00158898 - [Bill] I understand that General Scaparrotti RRw_KbFPOrQ-00670-00158898-00159048 was in Turkey today. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00671-00159048-00159176 Do have anything on that? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00672-00159176-00159593 - I do understand he was, bear with me one second. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00673-00160290-00160493 I know that he was there and me met, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00674-00160493-00160737 I think he was at Incirlik itself, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00675-00160737-00161154 and my understanding is he met with Turkish officials there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00676-00161197-00161363 some of his counterparts, and, of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00677-00161363-00161665 talked about the importance of the NATO alliance RRw_KbFPOrQ-00678-00161665-00161935 and the vital role that Turkey plays in that alliance. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00679-00161935-00162352 I don't know if it's, if he's already wrapped up his visit, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00680-00162354-00162464 but I know he was there today. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00681-00162464-00162742 - Do you know if the Jarablus operation came up RRw_KbFPOrQ-00682-00162742-00162875 or the Hasakah-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00683-00162979-00163309 - I'd have to refer you to EUCOM for that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00684-00163309-00163726 - Okay, with the Hasakah, you said that there was, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00685-00163947-00164164 there's not a no-fly zone, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00686-00164201-00164585 but you're instructing Syria not to fly there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00687-00164733-00165040 So what's the difference between those two? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00688-00165040-00165457 - I, again, our warning to the Syrians is the same RRw_KbFPOrQ-00689-00165483-00165613 that we've had for some time, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00690-00165613-00165855 that we're going to defend our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00691-00165855-00166134 and they would be advised not to fly in areas RRw_KbFPOrQ-00692-00166134-00166304 where our forces have been operating RRw_KbFPOrQ-00693-00166304-00166469 and that's what happened last week. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00694-00166469-00166616 - And when you say our forces, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00695-00166616-00166941 you mean coalition forces, not just US? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00696-00167060-00167319 - Coalition forces and our partnered forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00697-00167319-00167554 - So, but that seems to be a change RRw_KbFPOrQ-00698-00167554-00167788 from what we knew before, right? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00699-00167788-00168091 I mean, are you now threatening to shoot down aircraft RRw_KbFPOrQ-00700-00168091-00168350 that come near coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00701-00168527-00168786 that threaten coalition forces? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00702-00168786-00169095 - I made clear, we're going to defend RRw_KbFPOrQ-00703-00169162-00169380 our forces on the ground, absolutely. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00704-00169380-00169680 - Okay, previous to this we had not, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00705-00169683-00170099 we had not known that the US aircraft would engage RRw_KbFPOrQ-00706-00170281-00170542 Syrian aircraft had they threatened RRw_KbFPOrQ-00707-00170542-00170764 coalition forces on the ground, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00708-00170764-00170981 but that's now the policy? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00709-00171074-00171244 - Again, I want to be clear here. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00710-00171244-00171394 We're talking about coalition forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00711-00171394-00171597 in partnered operations on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00712-00171597-00171880 that are focused on the ISIL campaign. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00713-00171880-00172106 Bill, we've been talking about this from the start. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00714-00172106-00172277 We've always said that we would defend our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00715-00172277-00172577 We have US forces, in this instance, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00716-00172601-00172918 that were on the ground in that region RRw_KbFPOrQ-00717-00172921-00173338 and that was obviously our first and foremost concern RRw_KbFPOrQ-00718-00173338-00173541 and continues to be our first and foremost concern RRw_KbFPOrQ-00719-00173541-00173705 and we're going to continue to RRw_KbFPOrQ-00720-00173705-00173844 do everything we need to defend those forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00721-00173844-00173964 - I understand the US forces part, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00722-00173964-00174381 but you're saying our forces, meaning coalition forces, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00723-00174434-00174650 which is a pretty, that's a blanket, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00724-00174650-00174846 that's a pretty wide blanket RRw_KbFPOrQ-00725-00174846-00175006 and that means that there are RRw_KbFPOrQ-00726-00175006-00175373 a lot of potential engagements out there now RRw_KbFPOrQ-00727-00175383-00175561 if you're saying that you're going to, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00728-00175561-00175952 you're threatening to shoot down Syrian or Russian aircraft RRw_KbFPOrQ-00729-00175952-00176148 that could engage our partners on the ground? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00730-00176148-00176348 - I'm going to leave it where, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00731-00176348-00176548 I think we've been quite clear on what we're doing here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00732-00176548-00176881 and that's defending our forces on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00733-00176881-00177094 and when they are conducting partnered operations, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00734-00177094-00177460 we need to defend those too and we're gonna. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00735-00177474-00177648 That's the message we sent to the Syrians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00736-00177648-00177820 and we're gonna continue to defend our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00737-00177820-00177960 and I'm not going to get into specifics RRw_KbFPOrQ-00738-00177960-00178124 about where our forces are RRw_KbFPOrQ-00739-00178124-00178353 and hypothetical situations in the future. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00740-00178353-00178494 That is where we are. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00741-00178494-00178738 That is what we're gonna do to defend our forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00742-00178738-00178882 and our partnered operations on the ground. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00743-00178882-00179048 - [Barbara] Peter, would you say that's only RRw_KbFPOrQ-00744-00179048-00179314 when they're in action against ISIS? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00745-00179314-00179676 Maybe I just was missing it until now, that there-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00746-00179676-00179981 - You know, Barbara, that our focus is against ISIL RRw_KbFPOrQ-00747-00179981-00180215 and the work that we've been doing in that part of Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00748-00180215-00180449 and elsewhere is all focused against ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00749-00180449-00180807 - Defense of partners on the ground is when RRw_KbFPOrQ-00750-00180865-00181165 they are in operations against ISIS, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00751-00181246-00181569 not any boarder action they might be doing separately. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00752-00181569-00181679 Is that right? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00753-00181679-00181830 - Our focus all along in Syria has been on ISIL, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00754-00181830-00182083 working with local partners on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00755-00182083-00182315 willing to take the fight to ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00756-00182315-00182474 That continues to be our focus. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00757-00182474-00182742 That's why we are on the ground in those areas RRw_KbFPOrQ-00758-00182742-00182919 and we'll continue to. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00759-00182919-00183145 That will be our mission in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00760-00183145-00183259 - I think you can understand, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00761-00183259-00183526 we're all really looking for some clarity here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00762-00183526-00183610 and I know it's difficult, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00763-00183610-00184000 but is there any way you can just clarify these points RRw_KbFPOrQ-00764-00184000-00184136 because we keep asking? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00765-00184136-00184386 So is it that the extension of RRw_KbFPOrQ-00766-00184474-00184846 the protection to partnered forces on the ground, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00767-00184846-00185263 the YPG or SDF, is when they are in action against ISIS. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00768-00185317-00185434 Is that right? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00769-00185435-00185685 - We've been prepared and have RRw_KbFPOrQ-00770-00185703-00185930 in the past used our air power to support RRw_KbFPOrQ-00771-00185930-00186133 forces on the ground taking the fight RRw_KbFPOrQ-00772-00186133-00186298 to ISIL and to defend them RRw_KbFPOrQ-00773-00186298-00186528 and we are prepared to defend them. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00774-00186528-00186766 - Right, so it's when they are in action against ISIS, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00775-00186766-00186887 not when it's-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00776-00186887-00186972 - That's, that's what we're doing RRw_KbFPOrQ-00777-00186972-00187126 with them right now, Barbara. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00778-00187126-00187330 Everything we're doing with them is focused on ISIL. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00779-00187330-00187735 So we're not, we haven't changed our mission in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00780-00187735-00188116 - If the Syrians know they have a broad understanding, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00781-00188116-00188245 I want to go back to Bill's question. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00782-00188245-00188645 You're making clear that the Syrians should now, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00783-00188652-00188809 through the Russians, have a broad understanding RRw_KbFPOrQ-00784-00188809-00189038 of where the US forces are operating RRw_KbFPOrQ-00785-00189038-00189346 and that they should not fly in areas RRw_KbFPOrQ-00786-00189389-00189664 where there are potentially going RRw_KbFPOrQ-00787-00189676-00189936 to be seen as threatening US forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00788-00189936-00190353 So if you were telling them no-fly in those areas, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00789-00190456-00190739 just is there a way you can explain to us RRw_KbFPOrQ-00790-00190739-00190931 why that is not a no-fly zone? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00791-00190931-00191261 - You can label it what you want, Barbara. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00792-00191261-00191405 I'm explaining to you what we're doing RRw_KbFPOrQ-00793-00191405-00191637 with regard to defending our forces, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00794-00191637-00191814 the coalition forces on the ground, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00795-00191814-00192072 our partnered operations there. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00796-00192097-00192240 - [Barbara] Is it a no-fly zone? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00797-00192240-00192542 - It remains the same warning that we've had in effect RRw_KbFPOrQ-00798-00192542-00192851 since we started operations in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00799-00192928-00193267 We're going to defend our people on the ground RRw_KbFPOrQ-00800-00193267-00193427 and do what we need to protect them. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00801-00193427-00193538 That's what we did last week. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00802-00193538-00193749 And to the first part of your question, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00803-00193749-00193938 the Syrians should be aware of that based RRw_KbFPOrQ-00804-00193938-00194105 on the message we delivered through the Russians. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00805-00194105-00194350 They should be, if they're not clear about that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00806-00194350-00194494 they should be hearing me today RRw_KbFPOrQ-00807-00194494-00194811 and we have, if they don't understand, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00808-00194853-00195157 then I would ask you to ask the Russians RRw_KbFPOrQ-00809-00195157-00195268 if they haven't communicated that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00810-00195268-00195351 information to the Syrians. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00811-00195351-00195561 - Are you prepared, is the US military RRw_KbFPOrQ-00812-00195561-00195701 prepared to shoot down RRw_KbFPOrQ-00813-00195701-00196091 a Syrian or Russian aircraft if they threaten US forces? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00814-00196091-00196189 - If they threaten US forces, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00815-00196189-00196572 we always have the right to defend our forces. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00816-00196672-00196756 Yes? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00817-00196756-00196921 - (mumbles) with TV Tokyo. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00818-00196921-00197252 Over the weekend, according to a report, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00819-00197252-00197652 China's ambassador to Japan said that Tokyo will RRw_KbFPOrQ-00820-00197661-00198078 cross a red line if Japan's self-defense forces sail RRw_KbFPOrQ-00821-00198094-00198511 with the Americans in waters near the reclamation activity. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00822-00198588-00199004 My question is, in terms of freedom of navigation, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00823-00199182-00199534 is it okay for Japan to operate with the United States? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00824-00199534-00199693 And do you have any concerns about RRw_KbFPOrQ-00825-00199693-00199991 the rhetoric coming from Japan, sorry, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00826-00199991-00200408 coming from China, with regard to Japan's cooperation? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00827-00200495-00200749 - Let me just say that I'm not totally familiar RRw_KbFPOrQ-00828-00200749-00200892 with the quote you referred to RRw_KbFPOrQ-00829-00200892-00201078 so I'm not going to comment on that RRw_KbFPOrQ-00830-00201078-00201277 because I just don't know exactly where that came from. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00831-00201277-00201564 But I will just say that I think, you know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00832-00201564-00201783 anyone who's heard the secretary RRw_KbFPOrQ-00833-00201783-00202141 and heard us talk about the South China Sea RRw_KbFPOrQ-00834-00202147-00202448 and more broadly freedom of navigation around the world, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00835-00202448-00202682 the importance of freedom of navigation not just RRw_KbFPOrQ-00836-00202682-00202890 to the United States but to all countries, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00837-00202890-00203122 including China, and the right to defend freedom RRw_KbFPOrQ-00838-00203122-00203524 of navigation and we will continue to support the notion RRw_KbFPOrQ-00839-00203524-00203646 of freedom of navigation RRw_KbFPOrQ-00840-00203646-00204063 and allowing people to operate within international law, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00841-00204126-00204408 as we do in the South China Sea and elsewhere. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00842-00204408-00204809 - Do you have any concerns about that close an ally as Japan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00843-00204809-00205067 getting that kind of rhetoric from China in terms of, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00844-00205067-00205193 "You can't sail there," RRw_KbFPOrQ-00845-00205193-00205384 when you're talking about the South China Sea? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00846-00205384-00205692 - We have concerns about any rhetoric RRw_KbFPOrQ-00847-00205703-00206001 that escalates tensions in the region. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00848-00206001-00206109 We've made that clear. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00849-00206109-00206442 We think, based most recently of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00850-00206475-00206644 the arbitral ruling, if there's an opportunity RRw_KbFPOrQ-00851-00206644-00206934 to bring those tensions and the rhetoric down RRw_KbFPOrQ-00852-00206934-00207076 and to try and resolve these RRw_KbFPOrQ-00853-00207076-00207325 disputes peacefully and diplomatically. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00854-00207325-00207579 That's what the arbitral ruling represented RRw_KbFPOrQ-00855-00207579-00207842 and we certainly hope that the countries RRw_KbFPOrQ-00856-00207842-00208122 in the region will take advantage of that opportunity RRw_KbFPOrQ-00857-00208122-00208367 and will take additional steps to try RRw_KbFPOrQ-00858-00208367-00208660 and lower the temperature, if you will. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00859-00208660-00208743 Yes, Goyal. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00860-00208743-00208826 - [Goyal] Two questions. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00861-00208826-00208997 One, going back to Afghanistan, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00862-00208997-00209264 what do you think recent stories RRw_KbFPOrQ-00863-00209294-00209507 also terrorism in Afghanistan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00864-00209507-00209830 and also disunity among the government there? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00865-00209830-00210035 And what is the future as far as RRw_KbFPOrQ-00866-00210035-00210437 US security (mumbles) is concerned? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00867-00210437-00210591 - Well you know, the secretary RRw_KbFPOrQ-00868-00210591-00210801 traveled recently to Afghanistan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00869-00210801-00211118 and we'll continue to work closely with the government RRw_KbFPOrQ-00870-00211118-00211529 of Afghanistan to bolster the security situation there, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00871-00211529-00211714 to enable the Afghan security forces RRw_KbFPOrQ-00872-00211714-00211987 to better defend the country on their own. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00873-00211987-00212217 That's been the goal of our mission there RRw_KbFPOrQ-00874-00212217-00212430 and the reason our forces are there in the first place, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00875-00212430-00212640 in addition to, of course, the counter-terrorism mission RRw_KbFPOrQ-00876-00212640-00212750 that they're carrying out RRw_KbFPOrQ-00877-00212750-00213125 and so we will certainly continue to maintain RRw_KbFPOrQ-00878-00213335-00213507 that relationship with the Afghan government RRw_KbFPOrQ-00879-00213507-00213801 and expand our security relationship to make sure RRw_KbFPOrQ-00880-00213801-00214041 that the, Afghanistan continues to move RRw_KbFPOrQ-00881-00214041-00214325 in a forward direction with regard RRw_KbFPOrQ-00882-00214331-00214494 to its own safety and security. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00883-00214494-00214753 - And second, as far as the US. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00884-00214894-00215257 and Pakistan relations on fighting against terrorism, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00885-00215257-00215673 before US talked this, (mumbles), RRw_KbFPOrQ-00886-00215854-00216035 Pakistan supposed to do the job. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00887-00216035-00216452 Now, Pentagon has cut almost $350 million from the Pakistan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00888-00216643-00216818 defense budget or so. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00889-00216853-00217140 Is that something that, (mumbles), RRw_KbFPOrQ-00890-00217140-00217363 attacks again started against Pakistan. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00891-00217363-00217568 So is there something Pakistan has not done RRw_KbFPOrQ-00892-00217568-00217827 the job they're supposed to do? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00893-00217831-00218078 - Well, we continue to have a close relationship RRw_KbFPOrQ-00894-00218078-00218196 with Pakistan with regard RRw_KbFPOrQ-00895-00218196-00218496 to terrorism and fighting terrorism. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00896-00218511-00218792 It's obviously in Pakistan's own interest RRw_KbFPOrQ-00897-00218792-00219087 and the United States interest to combat terrorism RRw_KbFPOrQ-00898-00219087-00219279 in as many ways as possible. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00899-00219279-00219447 We'll continue working closely with Pakistan RRw_KbFPOrQ-00900-00219447-00219631 and we've seen, of course, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00901-00219631-00219978 significant efforts on the part of the Pakistanis. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00902-00219978-00220394 With regard to that $300 million, that was money that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00903-00220527-00220722 there was a deadline in terms of whether RRw_KbFPOrQ-00904-00220722-00220964 or not to transfer that money RRw_KbFPOrQ-00905-00221055-00221298 or to use that money in other ways, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00906-00221298-00221520 and it was determined that at this moment in time, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00907-00221520-00221923 it was best to reprogram that money in another direction. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00908-00221923-00222006 Yes? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00909-00222008-00222425 - My name is (mumbles) and about the DPRK, North Korea. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00910-00222467-00222550 - Yes. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00911-00222550-00222633 - So the-- - [Peter] Welcome, by the way. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00912-00222633-00222717 - Thank you. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00913-00222717-00223133 The new IAEA report assess that the DPRK still continue RRw_KbFPOrQ-00914-00223295-00223557 in the, (mumbles), development of the nuclear program. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00915-00223557-00223973 It is reported that DPRK resumed to make plutonium again. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00916-00224212-00224604 So how do you assess their nuclear program now? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00917-00224684-00224847 - Okay. I'm not going to get RRw_KbFPOrQ-00918-00224847-00225073 into intelligence assessments from up here, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00919-00225073-00225398 but of course, we've talked repeatedly about our concerns RRw_KbFPOrQ-00920-00225398-00225690 about North Korea and its efforts to try RRw_KbFPOrQ-00921-00225690-00225907 and obtain a nuclear weapon RRw_KbFPOrQ-00922-00225907-00226070 and we continue to have those concerns. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00923-00226070-00226486 There's an opportunity for North Korea to, to resolve, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00924-00226863-00227174 lower the tensions on the Korean Peninsula, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00925-00227174-00227473 and we certainly have not seen from their most recent RRw_KbFPOrQ-00926-00227473-00227890 actions any clear attempt by the North Koreans to do that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00927-00227921-00228155 And we will continue to have concerns about their efforts RRw_KbFPOrQ-00928-00228155-00228390 to try and obtain a nuclear weapon and, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00929-00228390-00228681 and their continued testing that takes place. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00930-00228681-00228984 And it's something we watch very, very closely. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00931-00228984-00229167 And I mentioned earlier, the exercises we're doing RRw_KbFPOrQ-00932-00229167-00229396 with the South Koreans, which are defensive in nature. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00933-00229396-00229663 And of course, the reason we're doing those kinds of things RRw_KbFPOrQ-00934-00229663-00229935 is because we see the kind of provocative actions RRw_KbFPOrQ-00935-00229935-00230173 that the North Koreans have taken recently. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00936-00230173-00230361 - So (mumbles) questions. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00937-00230361-00230746 So it is reported that the president considers new, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00938-00230746-00231163 new Korea policies, and including the idea no first use, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00939-00231165-00231324 the nuclear weapons. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00940-00231324-00231740 So some allies concerned about the idea of the no first use. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00941-00231758-00232167 So do you think, do you have any comment on this? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00942-00232413-00232609 - Our, our policy position has not changed RRw_KbFPOrQ-00943-00232609-00232847 and I'm just going to leave it at that. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00944-00232847-00232947 - Thank you. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00945-00233062-00233146 - Yes? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00946-00233211-00233430 - [Tajinder] This is Tajinder from Indian American Times. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00947-00233430-00233673 What is your reading about on the RRw_KbFPOrQ-00948-00233673-00234090 Indian Minister M.J. Akbar's visit last week to Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00949-00234184-00234458 and his meeting with, with Assad? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00950-00234458-00234751 Because this is not normal times in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00951-00234751-00234988 so every visit has to be noted. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00952-00234988-00235109 So what is your reading? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00953-00235109-00235380 What are you seeing in that visit? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00954-00235380-00235655 - I'm going to leave that to the Indian government to RRw_KbFPOrQ-00955-00235655-00235955 describe that visit and its purpose. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00956-00235961-00236129 And perhaps my colleagues at the State Department RRw_KbFPOrQ-00957-00236129-00236367 would be best to, to respond to that question. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00958-00236367-00236576 - The State Department says this is a, you know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00959-00236576-00236898 it's an independent country, but Syria-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00960-00236898-00237067 - I would agree with the State Department. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00961-00237067-00237483 - And you know, it's not a normal situation in Syria, so-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00962-00237529-00237813 - No, it's not a normal situation in Syria. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00963-00237813-00238229 And I just would refer back to what I said at the beginning RRw_KbFPOrQ-00964-00238231-00238605 about the, the situation with the Syrian civil war RRw_KbFPOrQ-00965-00238605-00239022 and the dire humanitarian situation on the ground in Syria RRw_KbFPOrQ-00966-00239046-00239312 in places like Aleppo and an opportunity for, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00967-00239312-00239729 for the regime in Syria to take the most important steps RRw_KbFPOrQ-00968-00239937-00240261 here to try and resolve this diplomatically, peacefully RRw_KbFPOrQ-00969-00240261-00240564 and end the suffering for the Syrian people. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00970-00240564-00240726 And I think the most important move here RRw_KbFPOrQ-00971-00240726-00240977 is on the part of the Syrian regime. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00972-00240977-00241300 - Do you think that the Indians are going to help RRw_KbFPOrQ-00973-00241300-00241625 in any way with resolving or, you know, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00974-00241638-00241822 or are they going to-- RRw_KbFPOrQ-00975-00241890-00242007 - I'm going to leave that to RRw_KbFPOrQ-00976-00242007-00242191 the Indian government to describe its, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00977-00242191-00242449 the motives and what transpired RRw_KbFPOrQ-00978-00242472-00242767 and what the benefits were of the visit. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00979-00242767-00242850 - Okay. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00980-00242915-00243027 - Just a quick question. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00981-00243027-00243360 As far as campaign is concerned, when secretary travels RRw_KbFPOrQ-00982-00243360-00243702 and meets other foreign defense ministers RRw_KbFPOrQ-00983-00243719-00244077 and all that, do they ask what is going on in the campaign RRw_KbFPOrQ-00984-00244077-00244493 here as far as security concern to those countries RRw_KbFPOrQ-00985-00244659-00244833 in the future of whoever comes, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00986-00244833-00245150 either Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump? RRw_KbFPOrQ-00987-00245432-00245580 - Goyal, this tells me you have been paying RRw_KbFPOrQ-00988-00245580-00245748 too much time over at the White House RRw_KbFPOrQ-00989-00245748-00246165 and have not heard Secretary Carter on this issue over here. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00990-00246176-00246386 The secretary is, first of all, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00991-00246386-00246593 I'm not going to describe the secretary's private RRw_KbFPOrQ-00992-00246593-00246802 conversations with other ministers of defense, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00993-00246802-00246984 but he has been clear that, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00994-00246984-00247229 with regard to discussions of the campaign RRw_KbFPOrQ-00995-00247229-00247434 and this political season, that that is not a topic RRw_KbFPOrQ-00996-00247434-00247850 for us at the Department of Defense to be weighing in on. RRw_KbFPOrQ-00997-00247850-00247985 We have an important job to do to defend RRw_KbFPOrQ-00998-00247985-00248232 the American people, to defend our nation's security, RRw_KbFPOrQ-00999-00248232-00248341 and we'll continue to do that RRw_KbFPOrQ-01000-00248341-00248598 and we'll continue to do what we need to do in terms RRw_KbFPOrQ-01001-00248598-00248777 of the transition to the next administration, RRw_KbFPOrQ-01002-00248777-00248902 as appropriate. RRw_KbFPOrQ-01003-00248924-00249065 - Thank you, sir. RRw_KbFPOrQ-01004-00249094-00249269 - Thanks, everybody. RU8dF2I9q9U-00000-00000150-00000542 Hello, everyone. Today I'm going to teach you. RU8dF2I9q9U-00001-00000550-00000985 How to turn on CC subtitles with PC version RU8dF2I9q9U-00002-00001055-00001279 First you have to order the video you want to watch. RU8dF2I9q9U-00003-00001325-00001568 Let's get it in there first. RU8dF2I9q9U-00004-00001637-00001902 Look at five in the bottom right corner. RU8dF2I9q9U-00005-00001902-00002152 One is subtitled. RU8dF2I9q9U-00006-00002152-00002405 Go down this way. RU8dF2I9q9U-00007-00002581-00002773 The caption just came out. RU8dF2I9q9U-00008-00003509-00003861 If you don't want it in the subtitles. RU8dF2I9q9U-00009-00003861-00004040 Just press C one more time. RU8dF2I9q9U-00010-00004040-00004187 Then he disappeared. RU8dF2I9q9U-00011-00004379-00004513 Besides turning on the subtitles. RU8dF2I9q9U-00012-00004539-00004974 There's also a place to set the subtitle size. RU8dF2I9q9U-00013-00005050-00005301 You click on this setting. RU8dF2I9q9U-00014-00005339-00005486 There's a subtitle. RU8dF2I9q9U-00015-00005710-00005851 There is an option in the top right corner. RU8dF2I9q9U-00016-00006056-00006401 There's a font size over there. RU8dF2I9q9U-00017-00006536-00006901 Turn it down a bit. RU8dF2I9q9U-00018-00007969-00008245 Subtitles can also be opened with the keyboard. RU8dF2I9q9U-00019-00008245-00008481 Pressing C on the keyboard will also turn it on. RU8dF2I9q9U-00020-00008481-00008869 Press "C" and it will come out. RU8dF2I9q9U-00021-00008869-00009153 Press it again and it will turn off. RU8dF2I9q9U-00022-00009601-00010023 How to adjust the subtitle size on Android phone RU8dF2I9q9U-00023-00010285-00010644 First of all, you need to go to "Settings" of your Android phone RU8dF2I9q9U-00024-00010714-00010919 Search for "subtitles." RU8dF2I9q9U-00025-00011092-00011361 Then "Manage Subtitle Settings" comes up. RU8dF2I9q9U-00026-00011497-00012122 Once inside, you'll see a lot of options. RU8dF2I9q9U-00027-00012154-00012673 Text size, subtitle style, RU8dF2I9q9U-00028-00012743-00013140 Set it up yourself. You can set it up here. RU8dF2I9q9U-00029-00013197-00013498 And now for the iPhone (Android). RU8dF2I9q9U-00030-00013592-00013972 How is YT going to turn on the CC subtitles? RU8dF2I9q9U-00031-00013991-00014241 First open the YOUTUBE APP. RU8dF2I9q9U-00032-00014343-00014708 Then go to the video and pick any one. RU8dF2I9q9U-00033-00014721-00014869 Point down. RU8dF2I9q9U-00034-00015069-00015419 Go to the top right corner of the screen RU8dF2I9q9U-00035-00015460-00015645 Click. RU8dF2I9q9U-00036-00015687-00015994 There's a three-dot pattern. RU8dF2I9q9U-00037-00016062-00016440 It has a (CC) subtitle at the second dot RU8dF2I9q9U-00038-00016440-00016785 Tap Chinese, open it, and it's on. RU8dF2I9q9U-00039-00017117-00017392 So the subtitles will turn on. RU8dF2I9q9U-00040-00017422-00018222 (Voice over video) RU8dF2I9q9U-00041-00018252-00018437 Introducing again. RU8dF2I9q9U-00042-00018452-00019297 How to change the size of the iPhone in the subtitle YOUTUBE setting RU8dF2I9q9U-00043-00019553-00019706 Setting in. RU8dF2I9q9U-00044-00020615-00020717 general RU8dF2I9q9U-00045-00020826-00021210 Usually inside, "assisted use." RU8dF2I9q9U-00046-00021428-00021842 Assistive Use There is one below. RU8dF2I9q9U-00047-00021972-00022235 Subtitles and hidden subtitles RU8dF2I9q9U-00048-00022429-00022582 Point down. RU8dF2I9q9U-00049-00022851-00023056 Style, click. RU8dF2I9q9U-00050-00023114-00023318 See what you want. RU8dF2I9q9U-00051-00023370-00023702 Large Traditional Medium or Style RU8dF2I9q9U-00052-00023822-00024042 Or a new style. RU8dF2I9q9U-00053-00024176-00024470 Change the words yourself. RU8dF2I9q9U-00054-00025467-00025795 Color can also be adjusted. RU8dF2I9q9U-00055-00025795-00026173 See what color you want. Make your own. RU8dF2I9q9U-00056-00026437-00026838 You can set it all up yourself. RU8dF2I9q9U-00057-00026864-00027126 Thank you all for watching. RU8dF2I9q9U-00058-00027184-00027606 Like my videos remember to click on the bottom right corner to subscribe thanks RVh-cXUk55g-00000-00000008-00000184 Hi, my name is Matheus, RVh-cXUk55g-00001-00000184-00000648 and I will present my team’s solution for the Nordic AI & Open Data Hackathon. RVh-cXUk55g-00002-00000648-00001184 Our solution is named Intelligent Real-time Accident Warning System, and is directly related RVh-cXUk55g-00003-00001184-00001320 to road accidents. RVh-cXUk55g-00004-00001320-00001952 People are still dying in road accidents. In the Nordic countries, 691 people died in a car RVh-cXUk55g-00005-00001952-00002448 accident in 2020. That is bad, especially considering that Sweden created the term RVh-cXUk55g-00006-00002448-00003064 Vision Zero. Sweden had a plan to reach zero deaths in road accidents by 2020. We can see RVh-cXUk55g-00007-00003064-00003560 that we failed. And worse, road accidents are not diminishing at an acceptable rate. RVh-cXUk55g-00008-00003560-00004160 However, it is not impossible to reach vision zero. We will not have deaths caused by road RVh-cXUk55g-00009-00004160-00004696 accidents in the future. Experts are working on it, and among many solutions, such as road RVh-cXUk55g-00010-00004696-00005184 redesign or speed reduction, one of the problems is the rescue time when an accident happens. RVh-cXUk55g-00011-00005184-00005528 Ambulances need to get to the accident scene as fast as possible, RVh-cXUk55g-00012-00005528-00006040 given that each second counts. And this starts with the accident notification. While the rescue RVh-cXUk55g-00013-00006040-00006512 teams are always improving their performance on getting into the accident in a fast manner, RVh-cXUk55g-00014-00006512-00007023 the time when an accident occurs and the authorities get notified has not been improved. RVh-cXUk55g-00015-00007023-00007431 Communication time is a very important component in the total rescue time, RVh-cXUk55g-00016-00007431-00007704 and we need to improve that. The longer the communication, RVh-cXUk55g-00017-00007704-00008176 the longer is the total rescue time, incurring a higher probability of fatalities. RVh-cXUk55g-00018-00008176-00008552 What if we identify road accidents in real time? And better, RVh-cXUk55g-00019-00008552-00008832 using infrastructure that already exists? RVh-cXUk55g-00020-00008832-00009168 This is the proof of concept developed during the hackathon. RVh-cXUk55g-00021-00009168-00009592 Here a machine learning model can process images from the provided cameras RVh-cXUk55g-00022-00009592-00010104 and answer a simple question: is this a normal traffic scenario or should it generate an alert? RVh-cXUk55g-00023-00010104-00010488 You can access the link and test it for yourself. Just take an image RVh-cXUk55g-00024-00010488-00010912 from a camera used to train the models by dragging and dropping. It is that simple. RVh-cXUk55g-00025-00010912-00011264 In order to develop that, we used several OpenSource tools, RVh-cXUk55g-00026-00011264-00011792 and built some deep learning models that identify if there is an accident or not. We used images RVh-cXUk55g-00027-00011792-00012296 from Nordic cameras provided in the hackathon, and we trained the models with real and fake data. RVh-cXUk55g-00028-00012296-00012616 Our implementation was based on the transfer learning technique. RVh-cXUk55g-00029-00012616-00013144 All the technical specifications are available on our Github repository, but in short RVh-cXUk55g-00030-00013144-00013672 this model can predict potential accidents. Then, we can send alerts to dispatch teams! RVh-cXUk55g-00031-00013672-00014000 Due to different environments, angles and distances, RVh-cXUk55g-00032-00014000-00014440 each camera must have a trained model. Each training takes less than a minute, RVh-cXUk55g-00033-00014440-00014863 so the model can be retrained constantly to improve, at a low cost. RVh-cXUk55g-00034-00014863-00015240 Our model is lightweight. It can be easily automated for RVh-cXUk55g-00035-00015240-00015688 thousands of cameras and retrained weekly with low computing power. RVh-cXUk55g-00036-00015688-00016296 The application is able to run in seconds. As the image stream varies from seconds to minutes, RVh-cXUk55g-00037-00016296-00016776 there is enough time to process the image and send the warning if necessary. So, RVh-cXUk55g-00038-00016776-00017360 the time to notify the authorities depends more on the camera timestamp than on the system itself. RVh-cXUk55g-00039-00017360-00017712 Finally, we work with Open Source tools and frameworks. Thus, RVh-cXUk55g-00040-00017712-00018072 we guarantee greater transparency and lower implementation costs. RVh-cXUk55g-00041-00018072-00018488 The starting point for our proposal was last March 18th. We have to solve the RVh-cXUk55g-00042-00018488-00018936 technical problems and look for partners to make this solution possible and save lives. RVh-cXUk55g-00043-00018936-00019400 Between 2023 and 2024 we will have to put this into practice. RVh-cXUk55g-00044-00019400-00019744 With pilots and seeking partnership with stakeholders. RVh-cXUk55g-00045-00019744-00020088 After 2025 we would be in all Nordic countries. RVh-cXUk55g-00046-00020088-00020624 We would be able to save lives. Still, we aim to advance to entire Europe. RVh-cXUk55g-00047-00020624-00021128 There are several people involved in a project like this. We see this project to be used by RVh-cXUk55g-00048-00021128-00021640 the government, being implemented directly for the dispatch teams. The system should display RVh-cXUk55g-00049-00021640-00022144 an immediate alert to authorities, that should review and dispatch ambulances and police teams RVh-cXUk55g-00050-00022144-00022664 to the scene of the accident. Additionally, all the statistics should be easily available to RVh-cXUk55g-00051-00022664-00023216 transport agencies that can be aware of possible dangerous places and take some future measures. RVh-cXUk55g-00052-00023216-00023720 A team of experts are required to create such a system, which should work together with RVh-cXUk55g-00053-00023720-00024072 local governments to improve and define the future of the solution. RVh-cXUk55g-00054-00024072-00024532 In conclusion, here we present a solution that was quickly developed as a proof of concept, where RVh-cXUk55g-00055-00024532-00025136 a deep learning-based model is used to identify possible road accidents. The model is very light, RVh-cXUk55g-00056-00025136-00025680 but at the same time provides promising results. The current accuracy of this first implementation RVh-cXUk55g-00057-00025680-00026224 is around 70%, but we must stress that this is an initial model, and with more time we can RVh-cXUk55g-00058-00026224-00026727 drastically improve the model, by using more images and tuning models. We can also in the RVh-cXUk55g-00059-00026727-00027336 future identify different types of accidents. This adds extra value, and should improve the accuracy. RVh-cXUk55g-00060-00027336-00027632 Another concern we had was using existing tools RVh-cXUk55g-00061-00027632-00027983 and infrastructure. So we built this solution to take advantage RVh-cXUk55g-00062-00027983-00028408 of the existing camera infrastructure already provided by the Nordic countries. RVh-cXUk55g-00063-00028408-00028808 Finally, we had in mind since the beginning to create a solution that is RVh-cXUk55g-00064-00028808-00029320 easy to use and fast to onboard. The future system must also take that into consideration. RVh-cXUk55g-00065-00029320-00029704 I am glad to be part of this excellent team behind the proposed solution. RVh-cXUk55g-00066-00029704-00029944 Thank you very much for this opportunity and your time! RVyRgNIVHuc-00000-00000400-00000968 the wonderful enchanted walk is just right next to the Pepper Cradle Mountain lodge RVyRgNIVHuc-00001-00001128-00001880 it is not not difficult to find it is just next to it and it is a very short walk around like RVyRgNIVHuc-00002-00001936-00002392 20 minutes for all ages 1.1 kilometer RVyRgNIVHuc-00003-00002392-00002984 long RVyRgNIVHuc-00004-00003352-00004024 the reason i want to go for a walk is because i'm i'm fascinating with the RVyRgNIVHuc-00005-00004024-00004416 red color mushroom and i heard that i can find some here RVyRgNIVHuc-00006-00004784-00005240 but unfortunately i couldn't find it because i heard and i heard someone say RVyRgNIVHuc-00007-00005240-00005824 that it is actually during the winter months months which is around like July or August RVyRgNIVHuc-00008-00005824-00006664 so i went in December time so of course i couldn't find any but now i know RVyRgNIVHuc-00009-00006952-00007368 As you know the red color mushroom is very photogenic as just RVyRgNIVHuc-00010-00007608-00008584 fascinating look on the pictures is so one so beautiful color like red color here yeah of course RVyRgNIVHuc-00011-00008912-00009232 so if you like nature you like waterfall you like all types of RVyRgNIVHuc-00012-00009328-00009960 features in nature the enchanter walk could be a good try out before you went into a long long RVyRgNIVHuc-00013-00009960-00010480 walk inside the Cradle mountain which is like two to three hours walk the return will be like RVyRgNIVHuc-00014-00010568-00012784 around three hours i think and it's six kilometers long but this is just a short good baby one RVyRgNIVHuc-00015-00017856-00017864 you RXYMDXZSe8E-00000-00000100-00000466 This region is my home RXYMDXZSe8E-00001-00000466-00000714 I grew up in Springe and went to school in Wennigsen. RXYMDXZSe8E-00002-00000714-00000953 I graduated from high school in Ronnenberg RXYMDXZSe8E-00003-00000953-00001188 I spent a large part of my free time in Hemmingen. RXYMDXZSe8E-00004-00001440-00001893 Politics lives from commitment. That's why I decided to join the SPD in 2016, RXYMDXZSe8E-00005-00001944-00002205 because I really wanted to achieve something for my fellow human beings. RXYMDXZSe8E-00006-00002298-00002508 A lot has happened since then. After working in RXYMDXZSe8E-00007-00002508-00003069 production and services, I started studying politicsproduction and services, I started studying politics RXYMDXZSe8E-00008-00003069-00003336 and law at Leibniz University in Hanover in 2016. RXYMDXZSe8E-00009-00003600-00003984 At the same time, a lot has also happened in the party. I became party leader RXYMDXZSe8E-00010-00003984-00004520 in 2019, was elected to the city council in 2021 and to the regional parliament. RXYMDXZSe8E-00011-00004700-00004983 Even today, I am concerned with the important investments in the future. RXYMDXZSe8E-00012-00005000-00005235 I know where the shoe pinches right now and I want to campaign for these RXYMDXZSe8E-00013-00005235-00005526 projects at the state level as well. We need kindergartens, we need RXYMDXZSe8E-00014-00005526-00006357 schools and we need fire brigades, and they have to be financed. RXYMDXZSe8E-00015-00006357-00006648 Successful local politics can only be shaped with the right framework conditions at the state level. RXYMDXZSe8E-00016-00006648-00007002 It is important to me to tackle these challenges and not just to debate them. RXYMDXZSe8E-00017-00007159-00007790 I want to be active for you in the constituency, to be approachable at any time RXYMDXZSe8E-00018-00007790-00008105 and to tackle the issues that lie ahead of us together with you. We are still a long way from reaching our goal. RXYMDXZSe8E-00019-00008464-00008789 I am Brian Baatzsch and I want to win this constituency for you. RY_VnmkmuGI-00000-00000567-00001276 Fans have been eagerly awaiting new music since her chart-topping LP Sheezus back in 2014. RY_VnmkmuGI-00001-00001393-00002124 And Lily Allen finally confirmed she is releasing a new album, titled No Shame, on Wednesday afternoon. RY_VnmkmuGI-00002-00002241-00003579 Taking to , the singer, 32, announced her fourth studio record will be available for purchase in 'early summer 2018', and is to be promoted by three intimate tour dates around the UK. RY_VnmkmuGI-00003-00003696-00004871 Scroll down for video The British star, best known for hits such as Smile and LDN, will promote her new music with a string of gigs in March - in London, Manchester and Glasgow RY_VnmkmuGI-00004-00004988-00005832 Along with the album announcement, Lily also dropped the music video for her new single Trigger Bang, featuring rapper Giggs RY_VnmkmuGI-00005-00005949-00006836 The video sees actors portraying the pair as party animals in their youth, before the two musicians meet up for a greasy meal later on RY_VnmkmuGI-00006-00006953-00007698 The track leaked in December, prompting Lily to release the song across different streaming platforms that month. RY_VnmkmuGI-00007-00007815-00008810 Lily was quick to praise her pal Giggs in an interview with VICE soon after - and credited him for helping her to 're-find her artistic voice' over the last three years. RY_VnmkmuGI-00008-00008927-00010131 She explained that the duo had first met at V Festival in 2014, where Giggs had called Lily out for not playing her old material during her set, and sticking to songs from her new album. RY_VnmkmuGI-00009-00010248-00010818 Taken aback by the criticism, Lily explained: 'He laid into me slightly.. RY_VnmkmuGI-00010-00010935-00011654 It is this no nonsense, straight to the point approach and attitude that makes Giggs so special and unique. RY_VnmkmuGI-00011-00011771-00012929 'A rapper, a stranger, an actual artist that I liked, bowls into my dressing room to tell me exactly what he thought and I could tell straightaway that it was coming from a place of kindness.' RY_VnmkmuGI-00012-00013046-00013779 Becoming inspired by the rapper, Lily added: 'Everything he does or says has to have purpose or meaning.' RY_VnmkmuGI-00013-00013896-00014656 The new album marks Lily's first record in four years, following the release of LP Sheezus in 2014. RY_VnmkmuGI-00014-00014772-00015576 The project still soared to the top of the UK charts, despite receiving mixed reviews from both fans and critics RY_VnmkmuGI-00015-00015693-00016671 During her break from music, Lily has become known for voicing her political and views on - and has caused outrage with her comments on numerous occasions RY_VnmkmuGI-00016-00016788-00017605 However, she most recently hit out at Wireless Festival for only featuring three female acts on their weekend line-up. RY_VnmkmuGI-00017-00017722-00018755 The singer shared a photo of the event's poster to her page - but with all the male artists edited out, leaving just three names and huge amounts of blank space. RY_VnmkmuGI-00018-00018872-00020020 She accompanied the image with the simple caption: 'The struggle is real', before stating to a questioning fan: '[The problem is] that wireless have booked 3 women over 3 days of festival.' RZMlYNKWyAE-00000-00000000-00000200 . RZMlYNKWyAE-00001-00000200-00000400 0..0 RZMlYNKWyAE-00002-00000400-00000600 0.0..0.0 RbmGnH2ambM-00000-00000008-00000942 [Music Plays] RbmGnH2ambM-00001-00000979-00001200 I’m Sally Burdon. We run Asia Bookroom, RbmGnH2ambM-00002-00001203-00001479 which is a physical bookshop here in Canberra, RbmGnH2ambM-00003-00001482-00001829 but because of the internet we’re anywhere in the world, RbmGnH2ambM-00004-00001835-00002344 simultaneously, 24 hours a day, even though thankfully we’re not open 24 hours a day. RbmGnH2ambM-00005-00002441-00003024 We sell books on Asia, as our name suggests, and we sell everything from antiquarian, RbmGnH2ambM-00006-00003027-00003375 which is the antiques of books, through to brand new books. RbmGnH2ambM-00007-00003377-00004087 Because we are a specialist business, what we’re offering our customers is expertise and service, RbmGnH2ambM-00008-00004089-00004412 and we’re just using the internet to do that, and of course RbmGnH2ambM-00009-00004415-00004728 we also have an open shop and we do it here too. RbmGnH2ambM-00010-00004730-00005267 So, I mean I don’t think there is anything very different about the internet, RbmGnH2ambM-00011-00005270-00005413 so for anyone who is sort of thinking, RbmGnH2ambM-00012-00005416-00005699 “Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know anything about it,” RbmGnH2ambM-00013-00005701-00005982 the best thing to do is leap in and get started RbmGnH2ambM-00014-00005984-00006300 and to use general business principles. RbmGnH2ambM-00015-00006303-00006731 The same things that apply whether you’ve got someone standing in front of you, RbmGnH2ambM-00016-00006734-00007222 also apply if somebody’s in Chicago or you know Moscow or wherever. RbmGnH2ambM-00017-00007230-00007423 They expect to get what they expect, RbmGnH2ambM-00018-00007427-00007895 they expect to get value for money, they expect a good service and you know, RbmGnH2ambM-00019-00007897-00008097 really, if you can do all those things, RbmGnH2ambM-00020-00008100-00008578 which is damned hard, then you’re on a winner, I think. RbmGnH2ambM-00021-00008582-00009102 I sort of view the whole internet selling thing as like having another shop. RbmGnH2ambM-00022-00009104-00009523 So if you open a shop or open any business there are all sorts of costs involved, RbmGnH2ambM-00023-00009525-00009828 and if you want to do without carpet and you want to do without all these things, RbmGnH2ambM-00024-00009831-00010181 well, great if you’re selling junky stuff, RbmGnH2ambM-00025-00010183-00010521 but if you’re trying to do something a bit better than that, RbmGnH2ambM-00026-00010524-00010666 you know, you’re crazy. RbmGnH2ambM-00027-00010668-00011058 And it’s the same with setting yourself up on the internet. RbmGnH2ambM-00028-00011061-00011392 So getting a decent website, getting decent software, all that sort of thing, RbmGnH2ambM-00029-00011394-00011902 I would really suggest people look around and make the right choices on that, RbmGnH2ambM-00030-00011928-00012197 which I know is easier said than done, but it is possible. RbmGnH2ambM-00031-00012199-00012542 Fortunately for many people who are in the antiquarian book trade RbmGnH2ambM-00032-00012544-00012737 we were already used to mail order, RbmGnH2ambM-00033-00012740-00013039 and I think being used to mail order is a great advantage. RbmGnH2ambM-00034-00013042-00013342 It doesn’t mean if you aren’t that you can’t do it, at all, RbmGnH2ambM-00035-00013344-00013678 but you’ve got to bear in mind that it’s like anything, RbmGnH2ambM-00036-00013680-00013914 there’s a supply chain and you’re part of it. RbmGnH2ambM-00037-00013916-00014116 You’ve got to be able to deliver properly, RbmGnH2ambM-00038-00014119-00014500 you know, having an area set up for packing and sending things out. RbmGnH2ambM-00039-00014563-00014862 And just basically like any business proposition, RbmGnH2ambM-00040-00014865-00015210 thinking it through and thinking through all the various things RbmGnH2ambM-00041-00015213-00015478 you need to have set up so that in the end RbmGnH2ambM-00042-00015480-00015854 you can impress people with your service, because if you can’t, RbmGnH2ambM-00043-00015857-00016210 it’s so easy to click onto somebody else’s website and they’re gone. RbmGnH2ambM-00044-00016213-00016524 I often feel that people kind of get wrapped up in this whole internet thing, RbmGnH2ambM-00045-00016527-00016720 and it’s just another way of delivery, RbmGnH2ambM-00046-00016723-00017051 it’s just very similar to when we used to do printed catalogues, RbmGnH2ambM-00047-00017054-00017230 before the internet came along. RbmGnH2ambM-00048-00017232-00017496 You know, we still had to get all those things right, RbmGnH2ambM-00049-00017499-00017896 it’s a bit faster now and people probably expect more of you – you know, RbmGnH2ambM-00050-00017898-00018047 that you need to update your website RbmGnH2ambM-00051-00018049-00018472 and you need to do all these – you need to look like you’re alive, basically. RbmGnH2ambM-00052-00018482-00018792 We only sell books on Asia – a little bit on the RbmGnH2ambM-00053-00018796-00019029 Pacific and the Middle East – but basically RbmGnH2ambM-00054-00019031-00019391 we are so not mainstream as to be, you know. RbmGnH2ambM-00055-00019393-00019721 And there’s very few of us doing the sort of business we do in the world. RbmGnH2ambM-00056-00019724-00020006 I mean, people find this hard to believe but it is true. RbmGnH2ambM-00057-00020008-00020499 There’s about three or four other people who are similar to us worldwide, RbmGnH2ambM-00058-00020506-00020992 so I think the internet is amazing because used correctly RbmGnH2ambM-00059-00020994-00021214 you do have a possible world market. RbmGnH2ambM-00060-00021232-00022278 [Music Plays] Rcg3l_1zXDu-00000-00000627-00000995 Attorney For Mollie Tibbetts Murder Suspect Says He Just An ‘All-American Boy’ And Rcg3l_1zXDu-00001-00000995-00001171 You Should Feel Sorry Rcg3l_1zXDu-00002-00001171-00001644 Mollie Tibbetts body was found in a cornfield covered by plants, lifeless, and the dreamy Rcg3l_1zXDu-00003-00001644-00002130 American was forever separated from her family when she was murdered by an illegal immigrant. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00004-00002130-00002554 She was only 20-years-old and in her second year of college when a jog turned into a nightmare Rcg3l_1zXDu-00005-00002554-00002839 for her, her friends, and her family. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00006-00002839-00003336 Her story has broken national headlines and the deeper we go, the worse it gets. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00007-00003336-00003743 The attorney for her murder suspect is saying “He was just a part of the community. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00008-00003743-00003989 An all-American boy working really hard.” Rcg3l_1zXDu-00009-00003989-00004457 These comments infuriated readers on social media and comment sections of blogs. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00010-00004457-00004805 This is not what the general public wanted to hear about someone who is suspected of Rcg3l_1zXDu-00011-00004805-00005082 brutally murdering someone with a sharp object. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00012-00005082-00005511 For attorneys who covers murder trials, this is probably nothing new to them. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00013-00005511-00005904 However, with all the people grieving over the loss of someone, then it’s certainly Rcg3l_1zXDu-00014-00005904-00006339 not something Mollie’s friends, family, and loved ones would like to see or hear in Rcg3l_1zXDu-00015-00006339-00006465 the press. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00016-00006465-00006875 The killer is still alive and his girlfriend and child will get to see him again. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00017-00006875-00007156 The same can’t be said by Mollie’s loved ones. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00018-00007156-00007515 The attorney for the murder suspect appears to want people to remember that we should Rcg3l_1zXDu-00019-00007515-00007918 assume that he’s innocent until proven guilty, even though there’s allegedly a confession Rcg3l_1zXDu-00020-00007918-00008113 by the suspected killer. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00021-00008113-00008524 Mollie Tibbetts was supposedly stabbed until lifeless, but it was by an “all-American Rcg3l_1zXDu-00022-00008524-00008853 boy” who just happens to be an illegal immigrant. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00023-00008853-00009307 CNN reported on what caused her injuries: “A preliminary report from the autopsy on Rcg3l_1zXDu-00024-00009307-00009699 Mollie Tibbetts’ body determined that her death was a “homicide resulting from multiple Rcg3l_1zXDu-00025-00009699-00010102 sharp force injuries,” the Iowa State Medical Examiner said. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00026-00010102-00010610 Tibbetts, a 20-year-old student at the University of Iowa, went missing after an evening jog Rcg3l_1zXDu-00027-00010610-00011053 on July 18, sparking an extensive month-long search in the region. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00028-00011053-00011477 A body that officials believed to be hers was found on Tuesday in a rural area, hidden Rcg3l_1zXDu-00029-00011477-00011838 under corn stalks, and the autopsy confirmed her identity. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00030-00011838-00012285 “Sharp force injuries” are those caused by pointed or sharp-edged objects, such as Rcg3l_1zXDu-00031-00012285-00012864 in stab wounds, incised wounds and chop wounds, according to the medical news site Medscape.” Rcg3l_1zXDu-00032-00012864-00013102 Does that sound like an all-American boy? Rcg3l_1zXDu-00033-00013102-00013482 Is any of this what her parents wanted to wake up and read about in the morning? Rcg3l_1zXDu-00034-00013482-00013893 Yahoo posted this information about the attorney and the claim of being an all-American boy: Rcg3l_1zXDu-00035-00013893-00014297 “The man accused of murdering 20-year-old college sophomore Mollie Tibbetts made his Rcg3l_1zXDu-00036-00014297-00014731 first appearance at the Poweshiek County Courthouse in Iowa on Wednesday. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00037-00014731-00015172 At the hearing, Cristhian Bahena Rivera’s attorney Allan Richards argued against allowing Rcg3l_1zXDu-00038-00015172-00015638 expanded news media coverage of the case, and shed light on Rivera’s life before Tibbetts’ Rcg3l_1zXDu-00039-00015638-00015738 death. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00040-00015738-00016086 “The coverage that’s out there is leaning all one way and in fact, government has weighed Rcg3l_1zXDu-00041-00016086-00016368 in at the highest levels,” Richards said in court. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00042-00016368-00016789 “In our system of justice, he’s entitled to that presumption of innocence until some Rcg3l_1zXDu-00043-00016789-00016967 evidence is presented. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00044-00016967-00017358 Portraying Cristhian as something that he isn’t, in some ways I view that as a political Rcg3l_1zXDu-00045-00017358-00017682 payback for what’s swirling around,” Richards continued. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00046-00017682-00018184 “One nod of the head, one glance, one slight of hand that will be partially taken out of Rcg3l_1zXDu-00047-00018184-00018629 context and presented over and over which would be highly prejudicial to the defendant, Rcg3l_1zXDu-00048-00018629-00019089 so I urge the court to exclude the media from these proceedings,” Richards added. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00049-00019089-00019554 Richards later explained that before Tibbets’ murder, Rivera had “no prior criminal record,” Rcg3l_1zXDu-00050-00019554-00019848 telling PEOPLE: “He was just a part of the community. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00051-00019848-00020113 An all-American boy working really hard.” Rcg3l_1zXDu-00052-00020113-00020486 Richards said, “Whether or not there was something that happened that was very outrageous Rcg3l_1zXDu-00053-00020486-00020614 that is a different matter. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00054-00020614-00021014 I have seen no evidence on that at no point and he is presumed innocent until we see it.” Rcg3l_1zXDu-00055-00021014-00021501 “He was a very productive worker,” Richards explained in reference to Rivera’s job at Rcg3l_1zXDu-00056-00021501-00021712 Yarrabee Farms in Brooklyn, Iowa. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00057-00021712-00022222 “He lived alone and worked 12 hours [a] day, seven days a week. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00058-00022222-00022421 He was handling the milk supply. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00059-00022421-00022687 He is a loving father,” Richards added. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00060-00022687-00023331 Despite Richards’ plea for mercy, Rivera’s bond was increased from $1 million to $5 million. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00061-00023331-00023769 In court on Wednesday, Rivera appeared in a black-and-white striped jumpsuit and required Rcg3l_1zXDu-00062-00023769-00024004 translators throughout the hearing. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00063-00024004-00024441 Richards also tells PEOPLE Rivera’s girlfriend and young child attended the hearing. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00064-00024441-00024882 Tibbetts’ dead body was found earlier this month, several weeks after she went missing Rcg3l_1zXDu-00065-00024882-00025390 following her usual jog in Brooklyn, Iowa, a Police source told PEOPLE Tuesday. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00066-00025390-00025831 Rivera was charged with her first-degree murder, and according to the police affidavit obtained Rcg3l_1zXDu-00067-00025831-00026297 by PEOPLE, he led investigators to her body, which he concealed with plants. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00068-00026297-00026808 Rivera’s next court date is a preliminary hearing set for Aug. 31. Rcg3l_1zXDu-00069-00026808-00027195 President Donald Trump has used Tibbetts’ slaying and Rivera’s status as an undocumented Rcg3l_1zXDu-00070-00027195-00028625 Mexican immigrant to justify his calls to build “the wall,” and tighten up immigration Rcg3l_1zXDu-00071-00028625-00028778 laws.” RcTCxHMJm8A-00000-00000016-00000483 Today I have Dr. Andrew Blackwood with me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00001-00000483-00000905 We are going to be delving into self-care and relationships. RcTCxHMJm8A-00002-00000905-00001279 And when we're talking about self-care and relationships we are talking about emotional RcTCxHMJm8A-00003-00001279-00001913 intimacy, and that is what we are going to be honing in on and talking about how we can RcTCxHMJm8A-00004-00001913-00002497 really cultivate a sense of empowerment, cultivate your self-care as you're developing that all-important RcTCxHMJm8A-00005-00002497-00003985 emotional intimacy in your relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00006-00003985-00004180 Hello everyone and welcome. RcTCxHMJm8A-00007-00004180-00004884 I am thrilled because today I have Dr. Andrew Blackwood with me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00008-00004884-00005393 We are going to be delving into self-care and relationships, and when we're talking RcTCxHMJm8A-00009-00005393-00005770 about self-care and relationships we are talking about emotional intimacy. RcTCxHMJm8A-00010-00005770-00006339 Now, just to give you a little bit of background about Dr. Andrew Blackwood, otherwise known RcTCxHMJm8A-00011-00006339-00006537 as Coach Drew or Drew. RcTCxHMJm8A-00012-00006537-00007131 He is a registered psychotherapist, he is a life coach, and he is somebody that I have RcTCxHMJm8A-00013-00007131-00007587 personally been impacted by with the work that he is putting out into the world. RcTCxHMJm8A-00014-00007587-00008169 He is the author of the book, The Art of the Genuine Apology, which you need to read, so RcTCxHMJm8A-00015-00008169-00008536 I'm linking that in the description below. RcTCxHMJm8A-00016-00008536-00008761 Make sure that you check it out. RcTCxHMJm8A-00017-00008761-00009458 And his work does revolve around what it means to be in a meaningful, impactful, and healthy RcTCxHMJm8A-00018-00009458-00009692 relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00019-00009692-00010420 So Drew, I'm so excited and so grateful that you're taking time out of your really busy RcTCxHMJm8A-00020-00010420-00010811 schedule to have this conversation with me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00021-00010811-00011418 You and I have recently connected, but I was just sharing with you, before we started recording, RcTCxHMJm8A-00022-00011418-00012164 how much your work is impacting how I am functioning in my relationship with my husband right now. RcTCxHMJm8A-00023-00012164-00012743 And I know that what you're offering has the potential to impact so many more and is impacting RcTCxHMJm8A-00024-00012743-00013088 so many more right now. RcTCxHMJm8A-00025-00013088-00013953 So let's dive right in and I'd love to hear from you, how you define emotional intimacy, RcTCxHMJm8A-00026-00013953-00014579 and why it is so important for people to cultivate that in the relationships they have. RcTCxHMJm8A-00027-00014579-00015135 Well, for starters, thanks so much, Heather for having me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00028-00015135-00015597 I'm touched and I appreciate it because that's part of my mission. RcTCxHMJm8A-00029-00015597-00016097 That's what I exist to do, help people have healthier relationships, and part of that RcTCxHMJm8A-00030-00016097-00016375 is emotional intimacy. RcTCxHMJm8A-00031-00016375-00017171 And that really, emotional intimacy is a composite of a number of things, but one of the main RcTCxHMJm8A-00032-00017171-00017577 things is authenticity. RcTCxHMJm8A-00033-00017577-00018381 You cannot consider yourself emotionally intimate if you are not being yourself. RcTCxHMJm8A-00034-00018381-00018505 If you're not showing up. RcTCxHMJm8A-00035-00018505-00018839 If you're not comfortable enough. RcTCxHMJm8A-00036-00018839-00019499 I know I come from a biblical world view and I grew up in church, and there's this phrase RcTCxHMJm8A-00037-00019499-00020142 that I love so much, it's called naked and not ashamed, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00038-00020142-00021020 Be with someone and bear everything and feel no shame, that's emotional intimacy. RcTCxHMJm8A-00039-00021020-00021552 And I mean, so you can be emotionally intimate with your daughter, your son, your father, RcTCxHMJm8A-00040-00021552-00021652 your friend. RcTCxHMJm8A-00041-00021652-00022110 It really doesn't matter because we're not talking about sexuality, it can go there, RcTCxHMJm8A-00042-00022110-00022859 depending on the relationship, but it is about being truly you and being comfortable to be RcTCxHMJm8A-00043-00022859-00023329 that. RcTCxHMJm8A-00044-00023329-00024042 With that idea, with being that vulnerable, vulnerability is scary for some people, I RcTCxHMJm8A-00045-00024042-00024582 think, because it means putting yourself out there in some ways and maybe pushing the edges RcTCxHMJm8A-00046-00024582-00024859 of boundaries we have. RcTCxHMJm8A-00047-00024859-00025475 So I'm wondering how does somebody take care of themselves when they're being that vulnerable RcTCxHMJm8A-00048-00025475-00025575 in a relationship? RcTCxHMJm8A-00049-00025575-00026249 And I love that you've defined relationship as well, that it's not just about a sexually RcTCxHMJm8A-00050-00026249-00026618 intimate partnership, that it can be with other people in our lives. RcTCxHMJm8A-00051-00026618-00027205 So how do we take care of ourselves when we're in the midst of being that vulnerable and RcTCxHMJm8A-00052-00027205-00027394 being that authentic? RcTCxHMJm8A-00053-00027394-00027526 Right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00054-00027526-00028022 It's the whole idea of boundaries is key. RcTCxHMJm8A-00055-00028022-00028354 You can't really talk about boundaries unless you're really talking about self-awareness, RcTCxHMJm8A-00056-00028354-00028454 right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00057-00028454-00029441 Because if you don't know who you are, you don't know how you are when certain things RcTCxHMJm8A-00058-00029441-00030051 happen, then it's very hard to get a real appreciation of what you need and where your RcTCxHMJm8A-00059-00030051-00030420 limits are, and that is so important. RcTCxHMJm8A-00060-00030420-00031393 So when I think about self-awareness, I think about the reality that it's important, and RcTCxHMJm8A-00061-00031393-00031870 most of us don't think about life this way, but it's important to tease apart our feelings RcTCxHMJm8A-00062-00031870-00032067 from our thoughts. RcTCxHMJm8A-00063-00032067-00032577 And [inaudible 00:05:20] and how they all work together because they're very different. RcTCxHMJm8A-00064-00032577-00033394 But if you cannot, if you struggle to identify how you feel, label how you feel, tolerate RcTCxHMJm8A-00065-00033394-00033938 how you feel, then it's going to be very difficult to put that in words and convey it to somebody RcTCxHMJm8A-00066-00033938-00034066 else. RcTCxHMJm8A-00067-00034066-00034636 Then we're going to be stuck thinking sometimes that they should know how I feel, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00068-00034636-00035007 We're in a relationship, how could you not get this? RcTCxHMJm8A-00069-00035007-00035331 Well, you didn't tell me, so how am I supposed to get it? RcTCxHMJm8A-00070-00035331-00035570 We're two different people, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00071-00035570-00036076 So we have these assumptions that we're not even aware of and they form our expectations. RcTCxHMJm8A-00072-00036076-00036663 So the more you are aware of how you feel, what's going on for you, and I like the term RcTCxHMJm8A-00073-00036663-00036763 baggage. RcTCxHMJm8A-00074-00036763-00037099 Your stuff, your history, the stuff that comes with you. RcTCxHMJm8A-00075-00037099-00037837 The more aware you are of that is the better chance you are able to, one, understand it, RcTCxHMJm8A-00076-00037837-00038369 validate it, manage it, and then communicate it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00077-00038369-00038872 Because a lot of people, they can't tell their stuff from the other person's stuff because RcTCxHMJm8A-00078-00038872-00038972 everybody's [inaudible 00:06:29] baggage. RcTCxHMJm8A-00079-00038972-00039268 They open it all and it's all just in one pile. RcTCxHMJm8A-00080-00039268-00039881 Then you have more than just one problem because you can't tell yourself apart from their stuff, RcTCxHMJm8A-00081-00039881-00040125 and everybody's got stuff, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00082-00040125-00040225 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00083-00040225-00040734 So yeah, I think that awareness starts there. RcTCxHMJm8A-00084-00040734-00041194 I know what's my stuff, then I can manage that stuff. RcTCxHMJm8A-00085-00041194-00042231 And I think being able to manage our stuff is so important because when we don't manage RcTCxHMJm8A-00086-00042231-00043118 our stuff well, then it makes it very hard to take responsibility, and that impacts safety RcTCxHMJm8A-00087-00043118-00043369 in relationships, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00088-00043369-00043949 Because if you don't take responsibility, then often somebody's going to try to force RcTCxHMJm8A-00089-00043949-00044535 you to take responsibility and hold you accountable. RcTCxHMJm8A-00090-00044535-00044913 That dynamic doesn't bode well in relationships. RcTCxHMJm8A-00091-00044913-00045038 It really doesn't. RcTCxHMJm8A-00092-00045038-00045507 So yeah, it helps not to play the blame game that way. RcTCxHMJm8A-00093-00045507-00046257 Yeah, and you work with individuals on a regular basis. RcTCxHMJm8A-00094-00046257-00046466 You're working with couples on a regular basis. RcTCxHMJm8A-00095-00046466-00047077 I'm curious what tip you might give somebody who's looking at all of this laundry on the RcTCxHMJm8A-00096-00047077-00047602 floor and they're going, "I don't even know how to start sorting my stuff from the other RcTCxHMJm8A-00097-00047602-00047730 person's stuff." RcTCxHMJm8A-00098-00047730-00048372 I think what can happen in relationships and what I've seen in my own work is there's this, RcTCxHMJm8A-00099-00048372-00048688 all of a sudden everything gets intertwined. RcTCxHMJm8A-00100-00048688-00049057 And people end up feeling like, "Okay, what's mine is theirs and what's theirs is mine," RcTCxHMJm8A-00101-00049057-00049428 and we can't separate the two. RcTCxHMJm8A-00102-00049428-00049850 Much like we've just got this pile of laundry on the floor, I don't know whose white T-shirt RcTCxHMJm8A-00103-00049850-00050214 that is, it might be yours, it might be mine. RcTCxHMJm8A-00104-00050214-00050698 What tips do you give couples or give people who are in relationships where they need to RcTCxHMJm8A-00105-00050698-00050913 start that sorting process? RcTCxHMJm8A-00106-00050913-00051312 Wow, that's a good question. RcTCxHMJm8A-00107-00051312-00051477 Let's stick with the laundry analogy, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00108-00051477-00051577 Yeah, I like it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00109-00051577-00051779 That's a good one. RcTCxHMJm8A-00110-00051779-00051883 It's working. RcTCxHMJm8A-00111-00051883-00052351 The same way you would sort out laundry is the same way you sort out your stuff up, one RcTCxHMJm8A-00112-00052351-00052508 piece at a time. RcTCxHMJm8A-00113-00052508-00052608 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00114-00052608-00052854 It really doesn't matter where you start. RcTCxHMJm8A-00115-00052854-00053379 You can pick this thing up and be like, "Hmm, is this mine or is this yours?" RcTCxHMJm8A-00116-00053379-00054014 Okay, because sometimes there are patterns in our engagement, and so if something keeps RcTCxHMJm8A-00117-00054014-00054279 happening, it's good to stop. RcTCxHMJm8A-00118-00054279-00054758 We're not at the point where we're going to be judgmental and telling people, "Well this RcTCxHMJm8A-00119-00054758-00054897 is your stuff." RcTCxHMJm8A-00120-00054897-00055038 That's not the way to go about it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00121-00055038-00055323 To say okay, this is the situation we find ourselves in. RcTCxHMJm8A-00122-00055323-00055470 You got to ask yourself, "Is this mine?" RcTCxHMJm8A-00123-00055470-00055845 I think that's the place to start. RcTCxHMJm8A-00124-00055845-00056404 Do I have a history of this before this particular relationship? RcTCxHMJm8A-00125-00056404-00056520 Is this a pattern of mine? RcTCxHMJm8A-00126-00056520-00057161 Have other people told me that you tend to get snippy around 9:00, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00127-00057161-00057399 Maybe you should call it quits, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00128-00057399-00057587 And just wrap it up. RcTCxHMJm8A-00129-00057587-00058166 So it can be as simple as that, because I know I'm a morning person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00130-00058166-00058476 My wife is not so much a morning person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00131-00058476-00058929 I'm fresh, I'm ready to go in the morning, I'm ready to tackle stuff, whereas at night RcTCxHMJm8A-00132-00058929-00059516 I'm just like, "No," right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00133-00059516-00060138 But knowing myself, knowing that I can be a little less attentive and maybe even grumpy RcTCxHMJm8A-00134-00060138-00060482 and short at night, that's my stuff, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00135-00060482-00060847 So when I own that, it's a part of it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00136-00060847-00061011 So that becomes part of my awareness. RcTCxHMJm8A-00137-00061011-00061170 Then I look at the next thing. RcTCxHMJm8A-00138-00061170-00061310 Okay, where is this from? RcTCxHMJm8A-00139-00061310-00061536 What does this have to do with, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00140-00061536-00062470 Then I journal, and let me tell you, Heather, I journal every day and sometimes twice a RcTCxHMJm8A-00141-00062470-00062570 day. RcTCxHMJm8A-00142-00062570-00062670 Okay. RcTCxHMJm8A-00143-00062670-00062770 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00144-00062770-00063183 In the morning and at night, and I reflect, okay, this is what I wanted to experience RcTCxHMJm8A-00145-00063183-00063283 in my day. RcTCxHMJm8A-00146-00063283-00063383 This is what's happening. RcTCxHMJm8A-00147-00063383-00063716 I tell you yesterday, I journaled three times in one day. RcTCxHMJm8A-00148-00063716-00063816 Wow, okay. RcTCxHMJm8A-00149-00063816-00064068 Because there was a lot going on, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00150-00064068-00064683 So writing things down really helps me to process what's going on for me because my RcTCxHMJm8A-00151-00064683-00064874 stuff, I'll tell you about my stuff. RcTCxHMJm8A-00152-00064874-00065389 When I get stressed, anxiety provoking thoughts, that's when they creep up. RcTCxHMJm8A-00153-00065389-00065855 When uncertainty is happening in life, okay, it's like I start to question things, and RcTCxHMJm8A-00154-00065855-00066152 I start to use all or nothing thinking patterns. RcTCxHMJm8A-00155-00066152-00066539 When I'm in good spirits and I'm relaxed, that's not a problem for me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00156-00066539-00066639 Right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00157-00066639-00066739 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00158-00066739-00066862 But because I know that, that's my stuff. RcTCxHMJm8A-00159-00066862-00067405 So again, that awareness, it doesn't matter where you start, it's you continue to get RcTCxHMJm8A-00160-00067405-00067638 to know yourself better, and better, and better. RcTCxHMJm8A-00161-00067638-00068195 And again, a lot of the times we focus on what other people aren't doing wrong, doing RcTCxHMJm8A-00162-00068195-00068486 to us, and what we want people to change. RcTCxHMJm8A-00163-00068486-00069105 And it is so powerful when we take ownership of our own stuff, increase our awareness, RcTCxHMJm8A-00164-00069105-00069436 and then we can model, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00165-00069436-00069792 We can model taking that responsibility for other people. RcTCxHMJm8A-00166-00069792-00069892 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00167-00069892-00070660 To me what you're talking about in that start with one thing, move through it, feel into RcTCxHMJm8A-00168-00070660-00070760 it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00169-00070760-00071166 That is self-care and empowerment right there in a relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00170-00071166-00071669 Because it's like when we aren't aware of what our stuff is, we're falling into these RcTCxHMJm8A-00171-00071669-00071806 habits and patterns, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00172-00071806-00072342 Maybe the all or nothing thinking, or the anxiety provoking thoughts, and when we don't RcTCxHMJm8A-00173-00072342-00072635 understand where that comes from, it takes us off center. RcTCxHMJm8A-00174-00072635-00073123 It takes us off balance, and when we're off balance in a relationship, I know when I'm RcTCxHMJm8A-00175-00073123-00073594 off balance in my relationship, it's not a good situation, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00176-00073594-00073733 I'm not communicating well. RcTCxHMJm8A-00177-00073733-00074504 I can't hold space for anybody really because I'm in my head and I'm not grounded in myself. RcTCxHMJm8A-00178-00074504-00074868 I'm not living in alignment with my core values. RcTCxHMJm8A-00179-00074868-00075442 And I think when we begin that process of sorting and picking it up, looking at it, RcTCxHMJm8A-00180-00075442-00075994 owning it, which is incredibly empowering to say, "Yep, that's mine and I have the power RcTCxHMJm8A-00181-00075994-00076379 to do something about this." RcTCxHMJm8A-00182-00076379-00076867 It can really transform not only how we're looking at the other person in a relationship, RcTCxHMJm8A-00183-00076867-00077212 but also how we're viewing ourself in the relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00184-00077212-00077312 Exactly. RcTCxHMJm8A-00185-00077312-00077412 Yes, [crosstalk 00:12:54]. RcTCxHMJm8A-00186-00077412-00077512 Yeah. RcTCxHMJm8A-00187-00077512-00077612 I love it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00188-00077612-00077712 Because I know Some people have a pattern. RcTCxHMJm8A-00189-00077712-00078177 One of their things is when, because a lot of people don't enjoy conflict. RcTCxHMJm8A-00190-00078177-00079004 I'm one of those people, but I'm becoming increasingly more and more comfortable with RcTCxHMJm8A-00191-00079004-00079177 navigating conflict. RcTCxHMJm8A-00192-00079177-00079958 A big shift for me was there's a difference between addressing an issue and engaging in RcTCxHMJm8A-00193-00079958-00080058 conflict, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00194-00080058-00080532 Being in confrontation and issues will always be present. RcTCxHMJm8A-00195-00080532-00081010 So it makes sense to become proficient and adept at navigating that. RcTCxHMJm8A-00196-00081010-00081724 And one of the coping strategies or one of the ways that some people manage is they dumb RcTCxHMJm8A-00197-00081724-00082260 down themselves on some level, almost as if they disappear. RcTCxHMJm8A-00198-00082260-00082779 They don't matter, they are insignificant, and again, that might be a learned behavior, RcTCxHMJm8A-00199-00082779-00083163 that might be from other things that have happened in their lives. RcTCxHMJm8A-00200-00083163-00083976 However, especially when it comes to offering an apology, a lot of people think that I don't RcTCxHMJm8A-00201-00083976-00084076 matter. RcTCxHMJm8A-00202-00084076-00084477 My perspective, my view, my experience doesn't matter. RcTCxHMJm8A-00203-00084477-00085160 Once I take ownership and I apologize, that means I take all the wrong, I deserve all RcTCxHMJm8A-00204-00085160-00085785 the bad treatment, I deserve it, I deserve it, and that's not it at all. RcTCxHMJm8A-00205-00085785-00086092 It's still important to be able to say, "You know what? RcTCxHMJm8A-00206-00086092-00086286 This is what I'm taking responsibility for. RcTCxHMJm8A-00207-00086286-00086432 This is my part." RcTCxHMJm8A-00208-00086432-00086649 I'll talk to you about your part. RcTCxHMJm8A-00209-00086649-00086798 This is internal dialogue. RcTCxHMJm8A-00210-00086798-00087342 Another day, another time we will get to your stuff, but I want to take ownership of my RcTCxHMJm8A-00211-00087342-00087941 stuff, and that doesn't mean that you open yourself to take abuse and all that stuff. RcTCxHMJm8A-00212-00087941-00088539 I was talking to somebody yesterday and I was just admiring how he's grown so much. RcTCxHMJm8A-00213-00088539-00089216 I mean, he was the extreme in terms of like, listen, I ain't taking, I'm not taking nobody's RcTCxHMJm8A-00214-00089216-00089820 stuff, no, and he was very aggressive. RcTCxHMJm8A-00215-00089820-00090505 But now he's found that balance where he can say, "Listen, I hear what you're trying to RcTCxHMJm8A-00216-00090505-00091214 say to me, but how you're saying it, that's not going to work." RcTCxHMJm8A-00217-00091214-00091314 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00218-00091314-00091414 "I want to hear you out." RcTCxHMJm8A-00219-00091414-00092097 He was able to manage that interaction in a way that was so respectful to him and the RcTCxHMJm8A-00220-00092097-00092483 other person, even though the other person wasn't being respectful. RcTCxHMJm8A-00221-00092483-00093287 That created change in that dynamic because he didn't force the person to take responsibility. RcTCxHMJm8A-00222-00093287-00093967 He just made it clear, you are crossing a boundary here, and that's not going to work. RcTCxHMJm8A-00223-00093967-00094279 That's not what we want with each other, that's not right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00224-00094279-00094389 I just listened to him. RcTCxHMJm8A-00225-00094389-00094602 I'm like, "Ah, I love it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00226-00094602-00094702 I love it." RcTCxHMJm8A-00227-00094702-00094839 It's so good. RcTCxHMJm8A-00228-00094839-00094981 It's so good. RcTCxHMJm8A-00229-00094981-00095172 It is, it is. RcTCxHMJm8A-00230-00095172-00096067 A lot of your work focuses on the apology, and I really feel as though an apology is RcTCxHMJm8A-00231-00096067-00096832 one of the most intimate things we could offer someone else and ourselves. RcTCxHMJm8A-00232-00096832-00097017 Yeah. RcTCxHMJm8A-00233-00097017-00097918 And I'm wondering, your work focuses on the art of the genuine apology. RcTCxHMJm8A-00234-00097918-00098091 This is a kind of a two-part question. RcTCxHMJm8A-00235-00098091-00098229 Why the apology? RcTCxHMJm8A-00236-00098229-00098573 Why has this become such a fascination for you? RcTCxHMJm8A-00237-00098573-00099014 Because I think it's something a lot of people tend to avoid. RcTCxHMJm8A-00238-00099014-00099580 We don't want to take that responsibility, or there's shame associated with apologizing, RcTCxHMJm8A-00239-00099580-00099855 and there's a vulnerability in apologizing. RcTCxHMJm8A-00240-00099855-00100038 Because what if that apology is rejected? RcTCxHMJm8A-00241-00100038-00100582 Or what if somebody doesn't appreciate the apology or they can't hear it right now? RcTCxHMJm8A-00242-00100582-00100787 So the first part is why the apology? RcTCxHMJm8A-00243-00100787-00101424 I'm really fascinated by that and then the second part is you walk through steps of how RcTCxHMJm8A-00244-00101424-00102120 to create a genuine apology, and the part that really intrigues me is imagining the RcTCxHMJm8A-00245-00102120-00102386 impact. RcTCxHMJm8A-00246-00102386-00102827 So first, why the apology and then could you break down imagining the impact? RcTCxHMJm8A-00247-00102827-00103210 Because I think that imagining the impact speaks to our self-care and personal empowerment RcTCxHMJm8A-00248-00103210-00103827 as well as the self-care and personal empowerment of the other person in the relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00249-00103827-00103969 Certainly, certainly. RcTCxHMJm8A-00250-00103969-00104195 So why the apology? RcTCxHMJm8A-00251-00104195-00104770 There are so many reasons for it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00252-00104770-00105579 I think we don't understand it because there are different levels to apologies, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00253-00105579-00106285 There's the commonplace one, then there's the Band-Aid one, where just like just get RcTCxHMJm8A-00254-00106285-00106548 it over with. RcTCxHMJm8A-00255-00106548-00107411 When it comes down to rupture in a relationship, where there has been either a betrayal or RcTCxHMJm8A-00256-00107411-00107657 loss and grief, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00257-00107657-00108273 Because a lot of people don't realize when there's hurt in a relationship, it impacts RcTCxHMJm8A-00258-00108273-00108508 the other person's expectation. RcTCxHMJm8A-00259-00108508-00109292 Their dream of what they wanted with you, what they expected from you. RcTCxHMJm8A-00260-00109292-00110294 I see a lot of people trying to address it without success because they don't ... Woven RcTCxHMJm8A-00261-00110294-00110969 into an apology is communication, healthy communication, which has a whole lot to do RcTCxHMJm8A-00262-00110969-00111133 with listening, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00263-00111133-00111496 A lot of people think an apology are just the words, I'm sorry. RcTCxHMJm8A-00264-00111496-00111765 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. RcTCxHMJm8A-00265-00111765-00111957 What are you sorry for, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00266-00111957-00112197 You're not just sorry for the behavior. RcTCxHMJm8A-00267-00112197-00112884 You're sorry for the impact the behavior had on the other person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00268-00112884-00113759 And when we appreciate that there's a growing awareness that again, I'm not you. RcTCxHMJm8A-00269-00113759-00114393 Even though I didn't intend for this to happen, that doesn't mean that you were not significantly RcTCxHMJm8A-00270-00114393-00114493 hurt. RcTCxHMJm8A-00271-00114493-00114629 You are a different person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00272-00114629-00115161 So what hurts you and impacts you the way it does, it may not impact me that way and RcTCxHMJm8A-00273-00115161-00115395 it doesn't have to. RcTCxHMJm8A-00274-00115395-00116415 When I can get a hold of that and I can really appreciate it, then I start to allow myself RcTCxHMJm8A-00275-00116415-00117174 to feel what you feel, to connect with you, to connect with your pain, to then only when RcTCxHMJm8A-00276-00117174-00117576 I understand your pain can I fully address it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00277-00117576-00118365 If I don't get it, no matter how sincere my offering is, it's going to seem like I'm patronizing RcTCxHMJm8A-00278-00118365-00118660 you, or I'm trivializing the situation because I don't get it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00279-00118660-00119116 If I don't want to get it, you can see what a problem that is. RcTCxHMJm8A-00280-00119116-00119216 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00281-00119216-00119758 And what a problem that's going to be because I'm devaluing you, I am minimizing your concerns, RcTCxHMJm8A-00282-00119758-00120183 and that's not loving. RcTCxHMJm8A-00283-00120183-00120983 So the apology, it holds all of that together, and the way I see it, it's a bridge from, RcTCxHMJm8A-00284-00120983-00121185 it bridges people, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00285-00121185-00121839 Because when there's a rupture between us, there's this gap and the apology is building RcTCxHMJm8A-00286-00121839-00122683 a bridge from one place to the other, and a lot of people ... The way I see it and I RcTCxHMJm8A-00287-00122683-00123306 talk about it, and I could talk about it as you know for days because the genuine apology, RcTCxHMJm8A-00288-00123306-00123597 it bridges forgiveness and reconciliation. RcTCxHMJm8A-00289-00123597-00123704 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00290-00123704-00124298 Ultimately the destination is reconciliation, and reconciliation is when we are on the same RcTCxHMJm8A-00291-00124298-00124438 page. RcTCxHMJm8A-00292-00124438-00124950 When we know where we want to go and we know how we're going to get there together. RcTCxHMJm8A-00293-00124950-00125290 A lot of people are in a relationship together and they are not reconciled. RcTCxHMJm8A-00294-00125290-00126057 They're not on the same page about so many different things and the reality is that happens RcTCxHMJm8A-00295-00126057-00126616 in relationships, but there's a difference between not being on the same page about what RcTCxHMJm8A-00296-00126616-00127363 color to paint the wall, versus how you are going to treat me when I'm wounded, when I'm RcTCxHMJm8A-00297-00127363-00127486 in need. RcTCxHMJm8A-00298-00127486-00128345 I was working with one couple and the wife asked the question, "Are you going to take RcTCxHMJm8A-00299-00128345-00128696 care of me when I get older?" RcTCxHMJm8A-00300-00128696-00129434 And it was such a powerful question, came from a very, very deep place and it was a RcTCxHMJm8A-00301-00129434-00129576 no-brainer for the husband. RcTCxHMJm8A-00302-00129576-00130491 Because he knew his intentions, but he wasn't aware of the small hurts over the years that RcTCxHMJm8A-00303-00130491-00130978 caused her to question, are you going to be able to care for me? RcTCxHMJm8A-00304-00130978-00131485 I know that you're saying that you will, but in these moments you're not caring for me RcTCxHMJm8A-00305-00131485-00131585 now. RcTCxHMJm8A-00306-00131585-00131685 Right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00307-00131685-00132254 So why would I think and believe that you're going to care for me then? RcTCxHMJm8A-00308-00132254-00132822 And when he was able to really see that in present day. RcTCxHMJm8A-00309-00132822-00133165 "Oh, ooh." RcTCxHMJm8A-00310-00133165-00133338 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00311-00133338-00133958 So the apology and creating an atmosphere for a genuine apology, because it goes both RcTCxHMJm8A-00312-00133958-00134262 ways, it moves one to hear and to feel. RcTCxHMJm8A-00313-00134262-00135011 So to the second part of your question, when we can imagine the impact that we've had, RcTCxHMJm8A-00314-00135011-00135544 and in that dynamic I was supporting them to communicate that to each other. RcTCxHMJm8A-00315-00135544-00135926 These things are so deep, we don't often talk about those things. RcTCxHMJm8A-00316-00135926-00136172 So sometimes that's why, that's where the coaching comes in. RcTCxHMJm8A-00317-00136172-00136272 That's right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00318-00136272-00136860 I've honed this whole listening thing over the past 15, 16 years professionally, and RcTCxHMJm8A-00319-00136860-00137422 then before that, the calling where people just come and talk to me. RcTCxHMJm8A-00320-00137422-00137526 Yes, totally. RcTCxHMJm8A-00321-00137526-00138124 So you know, but that's the beauty when people learn how to do that, eventually they don't RcTCxHMJm8A-00322-00138124-00138555 need to come to me to do that because they've experienced that, they've learned how to do RcTCxHMJm8A-00323-00138555-00138762 that with and for each other. RcTCxHMJm8A-00324-00138762-00139293 But if the person is not communicating that to you, you still have the opportunity to RcTCxHMJm8A-00325-00139293-00139496 sit back and think about it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00326-00139496-00139988 Knowing what I know about this person, if this situation happened to this person, if RcTCxHMJm8A-00327-00139988-00140548 I did this when I did this, it probably impacted them this way. RcTCxHMJm8A-00328-00140548-00140756 What did it cause them to feel? RcTCxHMJm8A-00329-00140756-00141091 What are they probably thinking? RcTCxHMJm8A-00330-00141091-00141286 What impact did it have? RcTCxHMJm8A-00331-00141286-00141676 And when I start to do that, oh, it's like, "Oh, okay." RcTCxHMJm8A-00332-00141676-00141916 Then their actions start to make sense. RcTCxHMJm8A-00333-00141916-00142549 So it's like, "Oh, that's why she burnt up all my clothes." RcTCxHMJm8A-00334-00142549-00142649 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00335-00142649-00142882 That's why that laundry pile was no longer on the floor, oh. RcTCxHMJm8A-00336-00142882-00142982 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00337-00142982-00143213 "That's why she stop answering my call. RcTCxHMJm8A-00338-00143213-00143313 That's why." RcTCxHMJm8A-00339-00143313-00143839 I mean it doesn't make the behavior right or appropriate, but when you can generate RcTCxHMJm8A-00340-00143839-00144532 that understanding and that empathy, then when we offer the apology, when people hear RcTCxHMJm8A-00341-00144532-00145240 that, they're like, "Oh, yeah, that is how I felt. RcTCxHMJm8A-00342-00145240-00145340 Yeah. RcTCxHMJm8A-00343-00145340-00145526 So you actually put some thought into this. RcTCxHMJm8A-00344-00145526-00145626 Okay." RcTCxHMJm8A-00345-00145626-00145831 They're not ready to trust you yet. RcTCxHMJm8A-00346-00145831-00145931 Right, right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00347-00145931-00146573 But their ears are listening, their heart starting to listen like, "Okay, all right, RcTCxHMJm8A-00348-00146573-00146743 so you're paying attention. RcTCxHMJm8A-00349-00146743-00146843 Okay. RcTCxHMJm8A-00350-00146843-00147135 You know me." RcTCxHMJm8A-00351-00147135-00147546 At the end of the day, that's what this is all about. RcTCxHMJm8A-00352-00147546-00147646 Knowing the other person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00353-00147646-00148114 And the truth is because they haven't necessarily told you, you might not get it right, but RcTCxHMJm8A-00354-00148114-00148758 just the effort that you put in, people are so gracious to be like, "Well that's not quite RcTCxHMJm8A-00355-00148758-00149275 it, but close" or "You're getting there" or I appreciate the effort." RcTCxHMJm8A-00356-00149275-00149819 And then because it's a dialogue, you can say, "Okay, help me understand because I don't RcTCxHMJm8A-00357-00149819-00149919 quite have it yet. RcTCxHMJm8A-00358-00149919-00150125 I want to get it right." RcTCxHMJm8A-00359-00150125-00150651 And once you get that, then you move on into the next step. RcTCxHMJm8A-00360-00150651-00150751 Right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00361-00150751-00151000 And that's where the credibility starts to really get restored. RcTCxHMJm8A-00362-00151000-00151100 Yes. RcTCxHMJm8A-00363-00151100-00151769 You know this apology, and I like to call it flexing your empathy muscle because it RcTCxHMJm8A-00364-00151769-00152013 takes practice and it's not a one and done. RcTCxHMJm8A-00365-00152013-00152350 You have to do it over and over and over again. RcTCxHMJm8A-00366-00152350-00153062 To me, flexing that empathy muscle, to me, showing up with that humility, with that vulnerability, RcTCxHMJm8A-00367-00153062-00153660 with that authenticity, with the willingness to excavate and go deeper if you haven't quite RcTCxHMJm8A-00368-00153660-00153813 got it. RcTCxHMJm8A-00369-00153813-00154824 That for me is that emotional intimacy and that's how we can take care of ourselves and RcTCxHMJm8A-00370-00154824-00155325 that's how we can show up for the other person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00371-00155325-00155897 But also when we're doing that, we're showing up for ourself and I think, I think oftentimes RcTCxHMJm8A-00372-00155897-00156065 people think that it's just a give. RcTCxHMJm8A-00373-00156065-00156282 I'm just going to give it away. RcTCxHMJm8A-00374-00156282-00156661 I'm just going to, you know, I'm, I'm the giver in the relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00375-00156661-00156761 I'm the giver in the relationship. RcTCxHMJm8A-00376-00156761-00156918 I'm always showing up for the other person. RcTCxHMJm8A-00377-00156918-00157215 But what we have to remember is that if we show up with that humility, vulnerability. RcTCxHMJm8A-00378-00157215-00157838 If we show up with that willingness to excavate our own stuff and start pulling our own pieces RcTCxHMJm8A-00379-00157838-00158100 of laundry off the floor. RcTCxHMJm8A-00380-00158100-00158662 If we're willing to flex that empathy muscle and listen to what is being said and not just RcTCxHMJm8A-00381-00158662-00158886 verbally, not just verbally. RcTCxHMJm8A-00382-00158886-00159225 Physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually. RcTCxHMJm8A-00383-00159225-00160263 If we're listening to that, I do think it cultivates our ability to have that healthy RcTCxHMJm8A-00384-00160263-00160788 relationship that you're on a mission to support everybody to have. RcTCxHMJm8A-00385-00160788-00161244 When you, and I'm speaking for myself and to everybody who's watching. RcTCxHMJm8A-00386-00161244-00161931 When you do this work and you actually start putting it into practice, I have found it RcTCxHMJm8A-00387-00161931-00162614 is incredibly transformational and when we start applying these strategies, we are cultivating RcTCxHMJm8A-00388-00162614-00163100 that healthy emotional intimacy that enables self-care and enables personal empowerment, RcTCxHMJm8A-00389-00163100-00163561 and it enables the other person the freedom to show up as themselves. RcTCxHMJm8A-00390-00163561-00163661 Right. RcTCxHMJm8A-00391-00163661-00163761 Exactly. RcTCxHMJm8A-00392-00163761-00164051 Which is huge. RcTCxHMJm8A-00393-00164051-00164151 Yeah. RcTCxHMJm8A-00394-00164151-00164251 Yeah. RcTCxHMJm8A-00395-00164251-00165176 So Dr. Andrew Blackwood, thank you so much and I know that you work with people around RcTCxHMJm8A-00396-00165176-00165296 the world. RcTCxHMJm8A-00397-00165296-00165872 Tell us how we might engage with you, how we would sign up for a session with you. RcTCxHMJm8A-00398-00165872-00166380 Everything you've got going on, and again, I'm going to be linking to his book down in RcTCxHMJm8A-00399-00166380-00166918 the description below, the Art of the Genuine Apology, which you want to read. RcTCxHMJm8A-00400-00166918-00167168 So Drew, how do we, how do we work with you? RcTCxHMJm8A-00401-00167168-00168054 Oh, well, my website, www.coachdrew.ca you'll find ways to contact me there. RcTCxHMJm8A-00402-00168054-00168890 I'm launching this wonderful course and let's see info@coachdrew.ca. RcTCxHMJm8A-00403-00168890-00169372 You can email me there, but I like the links on my website. RcTCxHMJm8A-00404-00169372-00169831 You can just schedule [crosstalk 00:28:15] Just put yourself in my calendar. RcTCxHMJm8A-00405-00169831-00170061 It's so easy with technology, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00406-00170061-00170161 [crosstalk 00:28:21]. RcTCxHMJm8A-00407-00170161-00170642 The beauty of the virtual option. RcTCxHMJm8A-00408-00170642-00170879 It's so accessible. RcTCxHMJm8A-00409-00170879-00171211 People meet with me from their home or they can meet with me from their office. RcTCxHMJm8A-00410-00171211-00171477 It is the way to go. RcTCxHMJm8A-00411-00171477-00171717 It's amazing. RcTCxHMJm8A-00412-00171717-00172103 You can catch Drew in a myriad of places. RcTCxHMJm8A-00413-00172103-00172612 I'm going to link to some of his YouTube videos down below so you can get to know Drew a little RcTCxHMJm8A-00414-00172612-00172712 bit better. RcTCxHMJm8A-00415-00172712-00172859 Again, his website is exceptional. RcTCxHMJm8A-00416-00172859-00173107 You can book a session directly from his site. RcTCxHMJm8A-00417-00173107-00173410 He offers those sessions online. RcTCxHMJm8A-00418-00173410-00173856 The link to his book is there and that online course that you're launching, you can also RcTCxHMJm8A-00419-00173856-00174067 get information about that link to it there. RcTCxHMJm8A-00420-00174067-00174410 I know that you're offering a webinar in a couple of days, which I think will happen RcTCxHMJm8A-00421-00174410-00175114 before this video is out there, but I know that you have another one that you make available. RcTCxHMJm8A-00422-00175114-00175687 It's a prerecorded webinars so people can access that as well. RcTCxHMJm8A-00423-00175687-00175996 Coach Drew, I am so grateful. RcTCxHMJm8A-00424-00175996-00176134 I'm grateful for you. RcTCxHMJm8A-00425-00176134-00176780 I'm grateful for the work that you're doing and I am sure that every other person who's RcTCxHMJm8A-00426-00176780-00177355 encountered you and has even tried a little bit of the strategies and approaches that RcTCxHMJm8A-00427-00177355-00177834 you're offering can attest to the power it has. RcTCxHMJm8A-00428-00177834-00178007 So thank you for all you're doing, really. RcTCxHMJm8A-00429-00178007-00178121 I don't mind Heather. RcTCxHMJm8A-00430-00178121-00178481 I really appreciate it and I appreciate you too and all that you do. RcTCxHMJm8A-00431-00178481-00178612 I love watching your videos. RcTCxHMJm8A-00432-00178612-00178787 As I tell you all the time. RcTCxHMJm8A-00433-00178787-00178914 You see my comments. RcTCxHMJm8A-00434-00178914-00179051 I love this. RcTCxHMJm8A-00435-00179051-00179561 You just offer such a wonderful way of seeing things and again, that's the beauty of difference RcTCxHMJm8A-00436-00179561-00179664 says, right? RcTCxHMJm8A-00437-00179664-00179946 You see things I don't see or you see them in ways that I don't. RcTCxHMJm8A-00438-00179946-00180254 So I encourage you to keep doing what you do, too. RcTCxHMJm8A-00439-00180254-00180530 And I'm so glad that we did this, so glad. RcTCxHMJm8A-00440-00180530-00180634 I am, too. RcTCxHMJm8A-00441-00180634-00180805 I'm thank you so much. RcTCxHMJm8A-00442-00180805-00181162 And everybody again, all of the links will be in the description below. RcTCxHMJm8A-00443-00181162-00181452 As always, stay ignited out there. RcTCxHMJm8A-00444-00181452-00181801 If you liked this video, be sure to click that bell. RcTCxHMJm8A-00445-00181801-00182121 Subscribe to my channel, head on over to Coach Drew's channel as well. RcTCxHMJm8A-00446-00182121-00182319 Make sure you subscribe there. RcTCxHMJm8A-00447-00182319-00182502 We will see you soon. RcTCxHMJm8A-00448-00182502-00184194 Take care, bye. RcWa9Wo_-qE-00000-00004536-00004688 see what is on TV today RcWa9Wo_-qE-00001-00009302-00009578 hello Arki if you want to see once more their will meet with me in BigCiti and you have to be the same if not, your friends die have two days DarkOcto RcWa9Wo_-qE-00002-00010220-00010310 I need them to somehow help RcWa9Wo_-qE-00003-00010336-00010394 but Individuals do not have any chance RcWa9Wo_-qE-00004-00010396-00010460 I will need the help of friends RcWa9Wo_-qE-00005-00011104-00011154 one hour later RdLhOTagSwM-00000-00003852-00004252 Uncle Goat’s Treasure RdLhOTagSwM-00001-00004288-00004936 For the inhabitants of the Alps who are over a year old, a yearly tournament is organised. RdLhOTagSwM-00002-00004988-00005704 The final round is close, but new tests await our heroes. RdLhOTagSwM-00003-00006064-00006595 Owch! Look where you’re walking, I nearly fell! RdLhOTagSwM-00004-00006620-00007328 Look where you’re walking, too! You’re making the log move, I can barely stay balanced! RdLhOTagSwM-00005-00007820-00008052 Owch! RdLhOTagSwM-00006-00008080-00008668 We have to cross the river on the log and not fall in like the deer! RdLhOTagSwM-00007-00008716-00009012 If we help each other, we’ll make it. RdLhOTagSwM-00008-00009036-00009712 First, you hold the log, so that it doesn’t move, and I cross the river. RdLhOTagSwM-00009-00009740-00010384 Then, I hold the log and you cross the river. RdLhOTagSwM-00010-00010424-00010744 Cocco, you found the solution! RdLhOTagSwM-00011-00013636-00013912 Hurray, we did it! RdLhOTagSwM-00012-00013936-00014204 It’s nearly night, we have to hurry! RdLhOTagSwM-00013-00015988-00016276 Mmmmm… Here’s the treasure. RdLhOTagSwM-00014-00016319-00016608 But how do we get up there? RdLhOTagSwM-00015-00016664-00017420 The springboard! Now the marmots can use it to come first! RdLhOTagSwM-00016-00017456-00017772 Do you remember the wall? RdLhOTagSwM-00017-00017792-00018036 We couldn’t get up because we didn't help each other like Roggy and Cocco. RdLhOTagSwM-00018-00018060-00018276 Now, we have to act together. RdLhOTagSwM-00019-00018332-00018884 Exactly! I’ll jump on the springboard and the board will launch you towards the treasure. RdLhOTagSwM-00020-00018928-00020080 Who is invading my land? Violating my tranquility? Leave or I’ll crush you! RdLhOTagSwM-00021-00020184-00020992 It’s the giant deer! I’ve heard many horrible tales of her, let’s leave - and quick! RdLhOTagSwM-00022-00021032-00021336 We can’t save ourselves. Don’t you remember the stories? RdLhOTagSwM-00023-00021364-00021668 Faster than the wind, stronger than the mountains. RdLhOTagSwM-00024-00021748-00021972 There’s only one way then. RdLhOTagSwM-00025-00021996-00022576 One of us jumps on the springboard and sacrifices himself and saves his friend. RdLhOTagSwM-00026-00022696-00023072 Do you want me to sacrifice myself? Why me and not you? RdLhOTagSwM-00027-00023576-00024492 What do we do, Cocco? The giant deer is coming to crush the marmots, and then us! RdLhOTagSwM-00028-00024576-00025168 Yes, Roggy, but we can’t leave the marmots behind! We have to save them. RdLhOTagSwM-00029-00025208-00025512 Yes, Cocco, you were a good friend. RdLhOTagSwM-00030-00025895-00026324 Roggy, start with one, two, three… RdLhOTagSwM-00031-00027472-00027972 Didn’t you recognize me? It’s me! It’s me. RdLhOTagSwM-00032-00027992-00028183 Capria? RdLhOTagSwM-00033-00028272-00029239 Yes, it’s me. How funny you are! Uncle Goat gave me this role a long time ago, and I agreed with him. RdLhOTagSwM-00034-00029276-00029552 But we heard a strange noise… RdLhOTagSwM-00035-00029583-00029844 This one? RdLhOTagSwM-00036-00030324-00031076 Who’s the winner then? We got to the treasure first, and we’ll open it first! RdLhOTagSwM-00037-00031156-00031476 Are these two candies the treasure? RdLhOTagSwM-00038-00031556-00031900 No, it’s under the springboard. RdLhOTagSwM-00039-00032639-00033008 It’s a key. But for what? RdLhOTagSwM-00040-00033028-00033436 Read what’s written on it. RdLhOTagSwM-00041-00033544-00033880 Friendship and loyalty. RdLhOTagSwM-00042-00034032-00034492 Friendship and loyalty was the true treasure all along. RdLhOTagSwM-00043-00034808-00035148 Forgive me, marmot friend. RdLhOTagSwM-00044-00035192-00035704 Congratulations, you completed this together, without hesitating a minute, RdLhOTagSwM-00045-00035724-00035950 and you helped the others as well! Re6ckRCXYGY-00000-00000000-00000200 I am not sure how the subscriber count could be like this. RiJosRqTEwu-00114-00039670-00039782 Nandula Sisters RjmI5wKyQG4-00000-00000101-00000200 Sup guys! RjmI5wKyQG4-00001-00000277-00000657 I bring you today the unboxing of Mario Kart 8 Limited Edition. RjmI5wKyQG4-00002-00000734-00001150 As you can see, the limited edition comes with the Spiky Shell and the game. RjmI5wKyQG4-00003-00001243-00001343 Let's get to it. RjmI5wKyQG4-00004-00002233-00002333 The copy of the game. RjmI5wKyQG4-00005-00002377-00002597 I'll set it aside. We'll get to it in a minute. RjmI5wKyQG4-00006-00002830-00002930 And... RjmI5wKyQG4-00007-00003106-00003268 ...the shell. Let me just put this aside. RjmI5wKyQG4-00008-00004578-00004678 Right! RjmI5wKyQG4-00009-00004957-00005057 We have here: RjmI5wKyQG4-00010-00005139-00005239 The Shell. RjmI5wKyQG4-00011-00005314-00005414 Let me set this aside. RjmI5wKyQG4-00012-00005665-00005765 The instruction manual. RjmI5wKyQG4-00013-00006290-00006388 And the stand to put the shell. RjmI5wKyQG4-00014-00006964-00007398 We also have here, a stand that has Mario Kart 8 engraved on it. RjmI5wKyQG4-00015-00007886-00007986 And the Spiky shell. RjmI5wKyQG4-00016-00009370-00009470 Let's open the game. RjmI5wKyQG4-00017-00010848-00010948 Right! RjmI5wKyQG4-00018-00010992-00011194 We have Nintendo points. RjmI5wKyQG4-00019-00011566-00011666 The Game. RjmI5wKyQG4-00020-00011700-00011800 And... RjmI5wKyQG4-00021-00012026-00012126 ...manuals. RlPtX0llkuu-00000-00000128-00000315 Why is Ghana So Rich? RlPtX0llkuu-00001-00000315-00000913 Ghana is located in the heart of Africa’s Gold Coast, with a 535-kilometer coastline RlPtX0llkuu-00002-00000913-00001216 that contains lagoons and mangrove forests. RlPtX0llkuu-00003-00001216-00001673 The country’s tropical climate ranges from a Sudanese-like environment in the north with RlPtX0llkuu-00004-00001673-00002290 a brief rainy season to the forested Guinean and Guineo-congolian Regions in the southwest, RlPtX0llkuu-00005-00002290-00002506 which have a high rainfall regime. RlPtX0llkuu-00006-00002506-00003059 Ghana’s economy has traditionally been driven by cocoa exports, and the country is now one RlPtX0llkuu-00007-00003059-00003411 of the world’s major cocoa exporters. RlPtX0llkuu-00008-00003411-00003948 Agriculture continues to be a major source of income for roughly half of Ghanaians. RlPtX0llkuu-00009-00003948-00004253 Natural resources are abundant in the country. RlPtX0llkuu-00010-00004253-00004837 Ghana is one of the richer countries in West Africa, thanks to timber, gold, diamonds, RlPtX0llkuu-00011-00004837-00005096 bauxite, manganese, and oil. RlPtX0llkuu-00012-00005096-00005587 Despite having one of the most prosperous economies in the region, it is nevertheless RlPtX0llkuu-00013-00005587-00005937 significantly reliant on international funding. RlPtX0llkuu-00014-00005937-00006554 Ghana, like most West African countries, faces significant environmental issues due to its RlPtX0llkuu-00015-00006554-00006979 reliance on natural resources for economic development. RlPtX0llkuu-00016-00006979-00007623 To facilitate increased cocoa production, large swaths of deep forest have been removed. RlPtX0llkuu-00017-00007623-00008100 Localized land degradation and water contamination are caused by mining. RlPtX0llkuu-00018-00008100-00008546 A fourth of the population lives along the limited beach strip. RlPtX0llkuu-00019-00008546-00009078 In today’s video, we will be giving reasons why we think Ghana has got a lot of riches RlPtX0llkuu-00020-00009078-00009438 and how these riches are contributing to the growth of the nation. RlPtX0llkuu-00021-00009438-00009953 To bring out these reasons, we will be looking at the economy and also contributions from RlPtX0llkuu-00022-00009953-00010489 other sectors like the mining, manufacturing and touristic sectors. RlPtX0llkuu-00023-00010489-00011268 Stay connected as we discover more about Ghana's riches. RlPtX0llkuu-00024-00011268-00011657 The Economy of Ghana. RlPtX0llkuu-00025-00011657-00012203 Ghana’s economy is broad and wealthy in resources, including industries such as digital RlPtX0llkuu-00026-00012203-00012836 technology production and exportation, automotive and ship construction and exportation, and RlPtX0llkuu-00027-00012836-00013494 the exportation of various and rich resources such as hydrocarbons and industrial minerals. RlPtX0llkuu-00028-00013494-00014200 Ghana now has one of the highest GDP per capita in West Africa as a result of these factors. RlPtX0llkuu-00029-00014200-00014919 Ghana became the world’s fastest-growing economy in 2011 as a result of a GDP rebasement. RlPtX0llkuu-00030-00014919-00015504 In 2012, the Ghanaian domestic economy was centered on services, which accounted for RlPtX0llkuu-00031-00015504-00016037 50% of GDP and employed 28% of the workforce. RlPtX0llkuu-00032-00016037-00016659 Aside from mineral and oil-related industrialization, Ghana’s industrial development is still RlPtX0llkuu-00033-00016659-00017287 quite rudimentary, with plastics being a common example (such as for chairs, plastic bags, RlPtX0llkuu-00034-00017287-00017504 razors and pens). RlPtX0llkuu-00035-00017504-00018095 Agriculture employed 53.6 percent of Ghana’s workforce in 2013. RlPtX0llkuu-00036-00018095-00018787 Ghana is Africa’s top gold producer, surpassing South Africa in 2019, and the continent’s RlPtX0llkuu-00037-00018787-00019145 second-largest cocoa producer (after Ivory Coast). RlPtX0llkuu-00038-00019145-00020278 Diamonds, manganese ore, bauxite, and oil are also abundant. RlPtX0llkuu-00039-00020278-00020485 Contributions from the Manufacturing Industry. RlPtX0llkuu-00040-00020485-00020748 Ghana has a well-developed industrial base. RlPtX0llkuu-00041-00020748-00021264 Electronics manufacture is an example of an import-substitution industry. RlPtX0llkuu-00042-00021264-00021879 Rlg Communications is West Africa’s largest information and communications technology RlPtX0llkuu-00043-00021879-00022378 and mobile phone manufacturing company, and the first indigenous African company to build RlPtX0llkuu-00044-00022378-00022672 laptops, desktops, and mobile phones. RlPtX0llkuu-00045-00022672-00023251 Ghana’s automotive industry began with the production of the SMATI Turtle 1, a prototype RlPtX0llkuu-00046-00023251-00023703 rugged SUV designed for use in the harsh African terrain. RlPtX0llkuu-00047-00023703-00024303 Suame Magazine Industrial Development Organization’s Artisans designed and manufactured it. RlPtX0llkuu-00048-00024303-00024820 Since 2014, Ghana has been producing urban electric vehicles. RlPtX0llkuu-00049-00024820-00025445 Akosombo Textiles Limited, Tex Style Ghana Limited, Printex Ghana, and Ghana Textile RlPtX0llkuu-00050-00025445-00026039 Manufacturing Company were the four biggest textile enterprises in Ghana in 2012. RlPtX0llkuu-00051-00026039-00026688 Exploration, exploitation, and refining of crude oil and gas are handled by Ghana National RlPtX0llkuu-00052-00026688-00027994 Petroleum Corporation and Ghana Oil Company. RlPtX0llkuu-00053-00027994-00028299 Contributions from the Agricultural Sector. RlPtX0llkuu-00054-00028299-00028943 Agriculture accounted for 53.6 percent of Ghana’s overall labor force in 2013. RlPtX0llkuu-00055-00028943-00029402 Agribusiness contributes only a minor portion of the country’s total domestic output. RlPtX0llkuu-00056-00029402-00030249 Corn, plantain, rice, millet, sorghum, cassava, and yam are the most often harvested crops. RlPtX0llkuu-00057-00030249-00030933 The crop sector, unlike the agricultural livestock, forestry, and fisheries sectors, is critical RlPtX0llkuu-00058-00030933-00031181 to Ghana’s agricultural industry. RlPtX0llkuu-00059-00031181-00031889 Ghana produced the following in 2018: 20.8 million tons of cassava (4th largest RlPtX0llkuu-00060-00031889-00032558 producer in the world, trailing only Nigeria, Thailand, and Congo); 7.8 million tons of RlPtX0llkuu-00061-00032558-00033303 yam (2nd largest producer in the world, trailing only Nigeria); 4.1 million tons of plantain RlPtX0llkuu-00062-00033303-00034028 (2nd largest producer in the world, trailing only Congo); 2.6 million tons of palm oil RlPtX0llkuu-00063-00034028-00034890 (8th largest producer in the world 2.3 million tons maize; 1.4 million tons taro (4th largest RlPtX0llkuu-00064-00034890-00035755 producer in the world, behind Nigeria, China, and Cameroon); 947 thousand tons cocoa (2nd RlPtX0llkuu-00065-00035755-00036653 largest producer in the world, behind Ivory Coast); 769 thousand tons rice; 753 thousand RlPtX0llkuu-00066-00036653-00037449 tons orange (19th largest producer in the world); 713 thousand tons pineapple (11th RlPtX0llkuu-00067-00037449-00037997 largest producer in the world); 521 thousand tons peanut. RlPtX0llkuu-00068-00037997-00038838 Other agricultural goods, such as sweet potato (151 thousand tons), natural rubber (23 thousand RlPtX0llkuu-00069-00038838-00040888 tons), and tobacco, are produced in lower quantities (2.3 thousand tons). RlPtX0llkuu-00070-00040888-00041112 Contributions from the Tourism Sector. RlPtX0llkuu-00071-00041112-00041752 The Ministry of Tourism has placed a strong emphasis on continued tourism growth and support. RlPtX0llkuu-00072-00041752-00042533 In 2009, tourism accounted for 4.9 percent of GDP, with roughly 500,000 visitors. RlPtX0llkuu-00073-00042533-00043256 Ghana’s many castles and forts, national parks, beaches, natural reserves, landscapes, RlPtX0llkuu-00074-00043256-00043790 and World Heritage monuments and sites are all popular tourist destinations. RlPtX0llkuu-00075-00043790-00044346 Ghana was named the tenth nicest country in the world by Forbes magazine in 2011. RlPtX0llkuu-00076-00044346-00044912 The claim was based on a 2010 survey of a diverse group of tourists. RlPtX0llkuu-00077-00044912-00045413 Ghana was placed first out of all the African countries that were included in the poll. RlPtX0llkuu-00078-00045413-00045966 Except for select entrepreneurs on business travels, entering Ghana requires a visa issued RlPtX0llkuu-00079-00045966-00046143 by the Ghanaian government. RlPtX0llkuu-00080-00046143-00046788 Today, the tourism sector boost about 20% of Ghana’s economy and brings in about 600000 RlPtX0llkuu-00081-00046788-00047122 visitors from every nation across the globe. RlPtX0llkuu-00082-00047122-00047634 Contributions from the Mining Sector. RlPtX0llkuu-00083-00047634-00048528 Ghana’s petroleum reserves range from 5 billion to 7 billion barrels. RlPtX0llkuu-00084-00048528-00049347 In 2007, a huge oilfield with up to 3 billion barrels of sweet crude oil was discovered. RlPtX0llkuu-00085-00049347-00049847 Oil exploration is still going on, and the amount of oil available is growing. RlPtX0llkuu-00086-00049847-00050193 Ghana produces crude oil, and up to June 2011, it exploited roughly 120,000 barrels per day, RlPtX0llkuu-00087-00050193-00050508 with output predicted to climb to 2.5 million barrels per day in 2014. RlPtX0llkuu-00088-00050508-00050846 Many foreign multinational corporations operating in Ghana rely on Ghana’s large natural gas RlPtX0llkuu-00089-00050846-00050946 reserves. RlPtX0llkuu-00090-00050946-00051309 The hydrocarbon sector has had significant repercussions for Ghana’s regional and urban RlPtX0llkuu-00091-00051309-00051755 development, and these are expected to grow further in the coming years. RlPtX0llkuu-00092-00051755-00052000 Since the turn of the century, mining has become increasingly important in Ghana’s RlPtX0llkuu-00093-00052000-00052283 economy, with a 30 percent increase in 2007. RlPtX0llkuu-00094-00052283-00052658 Bauxite, gold (Ghana is one of the world’s greatest gold producers), and phosphates are RlPtX0llkuu-00095-00052658-00052811 the principal mining products. RlPtX0llkuu-00096-00052811-00052964 Contributions from Imports and Exports. RlPtX0llkuu-00097-00052964-00053349 Crude petroleum ($2.66 billion), gold ($2.39 billion), cocoa beans ($2.27 billion), cocoa RlPtX0llkuu-00098-00053349-00053876 paste ($382 million), and cocoa butter ($252 million) were Ghana’s main exports in 2016. RlPtX0llkuu-00099-00053876-00054270 Switzerland ($1.73 billion), China ($1.06 billion), France ($939 million), India ($789 RlPtX0llkuu-00100-00054270-00054672 million), and the Netherlands ($778 million) were Ghana’s main export destinations in RlPtX0llkuu-00101-00054672-00054772 2018. RlPtX0llkuu-00102-00054772-00055111 Refined petroleum ($2.18 billion), crude petroleum ($546 million), gold ($428 million), rice RlPtX0llkuu-00103-00055111-00055304 ($328 million), and packaged medicaments ($297 million) were Ghana’s top import categories RlPtX0llkuu-00104-00055304-00055404 in 2016. RlPtX0llkuu-00105-00055404-00055504 China ($4.1 billion), the Netherlands ($1.58 billion), the United States ($1.1 billion), RlPtX0llkuu-00106-00055504-00057038 Nigeria ($920 million), and India ($668 million) were the top importers to Ghana in 2016. RlPtX0llkuu-00107-00057038-00057511 For a country to be rich, there are certain contributions needed from the various sectors RlPtX0llkuu-00108-00057511-00057760 in order to necessitate growth. RlPtX0llkuu-00109-00057760-00058252 Riches are not measured by physical cash but by the natural resources of a nation. RlPtX0llkuu-00110-00058252-00058776 Ghana has got a great percentage of natural resources which are being exploited on a daily RlPtX0llkuu-00111-00058776-00059183 basis subsequently contributing to the country's resources. RlPtX0llkuu-00112-00059183-00059810 As the days go by, Ghana's riches keep growing on a rapid scale regardless of infrastructural RlPtX0llkuu-00113-00059810-00059910 development. RlPtX0llkuu-00114-00059910-00060040 Thanks for watching. RlPtX0llkuu-00115-00060040-00060221 We hope you enjoyed this video. RlPtX0llkuu-00116-00060221-00060807 If you did, do not hesitate to like, share, subscribe and turn on the notification button RlPtX0llkuu-00117-00060807-00061005 for more updates. Sok3FDKVxIg-00000-00000000-00000428 COOKIE MONSTER: Me going to ask most important question of all watch. Sok3FDKVxIg-00001-00000428-00000634 You no can miss this. Sok3FDKVxIg-00002-00000686-00000731 Prairie. Sok3FDKVxIg-00003-00000731-00000793 PRAIRIE: Yes. Sok3FDKVxIg-00004-00000793-00001079 COOKIE MONSTER: Um, can me uh. Sok3FDKVxIg-00005-00001079-00001299 Have sex? Sok3FDKVxIg-00006-00001299-00001563 PRAIRIE: Well, the answer is yes. Sok3FDKVxIg-00007-00001563-00001651 COOKIE MONSTER: [Gasps] Sok3FDKVxIg-00008-00001651-00001781 Oh boy, oh boy. SoHdbYjkO-A-00000-00000096-00000648 okay and that's now you all have a question that how can you convert the distribution SoHdbYjkO-A-00001-00000712-00001456 of the features into the probability so how can we do that well uh the answer is SoHdbYjkO-A-00002-00001456-00002016 that that's really depending on the type of the data that you have um in the data set SoHdbYjkO-A-00003-00002112-00002840 so we have the bernoulli i'm not sure i pronounce that right naive bayes that is for the features SoHdbYjkO-A-00004-00002840-00003800 that we have the binary data so 0 1 yes or no so those type data and we have the multi-nominal SoHdbYjkO-A-00005-00003800-00004592 knife base those are for the features those are discrete numbers for example 0 three five SoHdbYjkO-A-00006-00004592-00005424 so something like that all the integers okay and we also have the guessing knife base so that SoHdbYjkO-A-00007-00005424-00006064 is default one so that all the features of continues so in our case the house price SoHdbYjkO-A-00008-00006232-00007336 okay are the continuous data so we can use that as a guessing model so that feed that convert SoHdbYjkO-A-00009-00007336-00007792 distribution into a normal distribution so back out in the normal distribution SoHdbYjkO-A-00010-00007959-00008320 so that guessing normal distribution so we convert the distribution SoHdbYjkO-A-00011-00008320-00008800 into the gassing distribution so that we can calculate the p values SoHdbYjkO-A-00012-00009056-00009752 or we can have kernel knife base that is also for continuous numbers however we SoHdbYjkO-A-00013-00009752-00010744 estimate the likelihood of each features with kernel densities so this will be more accurate SoHdbYjkO-A-00014-00010912-00011616 than all the other threes okay so that will result if for the same for the price if i SoHdbYjkO-A-00015-00011616-00012200 using gassing distribution you can see this may not fit perfectly with the distribution SoHdbYjkO-A-00016-00012256-00013112 however if i use kernel densities that will fit perfectly with the distribution okay so if you SoHdbYjkO-A-00017-00013112-00014000 see the difference so kernel density will give you probably higher accuracy on the training data and SoHdbYjkO-A-00018-00014000-00014600 also that will also lead a problem of the overfeed because that may give you a very high accuracy SoHdbYjkO-A-00019-00014719-00015584 on the training but low performance on the testing okay uh so let's see that we compare that one so SoHdbYjkO-A-00020-00015647-00016263 here we have the naive bayes and we already know that knife base by default we are using gaussian SoHdbYjkO-A-00021-00016336-00017200 and we know we simulate a distribution by using a normal distribution however if we replace that one SoHdbYjkO-A-00022-00017200-00017912 we by using kernel knife b which is actually exactly here so let's bring that one and SoHdbYjkO-A-00023-00018328-00018544 okay so let's report both results SoHdbYjkO-A-00024-00019088-00019576 and you can see that's the kernel knife b and if you compare this one against SoHdbYjkO-A-00025-00019680-00020144 the normal distribution so let's look at the price so that's a normal distribution for the price SoHdbYjkO-A-00026-00020224-00020952 however in the kernel naive bayes you can see the estimation is much more like the real data so SoHdbYjkO-A-00027-00020952-00021824 if we look at the real data okay and you can see the distribution is much more like the real data SoHdbYjkO-A-00028-00021824-00022416 so that means accuracy will be higher and also potentially it will be a more overheat issue SoHdbYjkO-A-00029-00022504-00023192 okay so let's check whether or not it is over fit or not so to check whether or not it is all fit or SoHdbYjkO-A-00030-00023192-00024200 not so we can use a split test so if we search split and split validation okay and let's just SoHdbYjkO-A-00031-00024264-00025384 right now remove those models and let's first let's do the naive bay so guessing model SoHdbYjkO-A-00032-00025727-00026783 and we pass a model out there and let's apply the model and also classification SoHdbYjkO-A-00033-00027368-00028616 okay and let's say we want those kappa and as accuracy and this is the p of training let's pass SoHdbYjkO-A-00034-00028792-00029632 that one to the result and let's do the same thing for the testing SoHdbYjkO-A-00035-00030000-00030320 so there's a p of testing SoHdbYjkO-A-00036-00030560-00031280 okay so we bring the data and bring the test date we bring the model and our test data and we report SoHdbYjkO-A-00037-00031280-00032272 the performance okay and here again we split the data so 70 percent go for training 30 percent go SoHdbYjkO-A-00038-00032272-00033048 for testing and automatic means that if those are categoric data so that will be used street fight SoHdbYjkO-A-00039-00033048-00033736 but let's just use stratified uh for sure and let's go up to the process SoHdbYjkO-A-00040-00033736-00034464 and let's report the both result and let's see if there's over fit for the guessing SoHdbYjkO-A-00041-00034744-00035648 we can see copper for testing is 0.3 4 8 and also cover for this one is 0.371 so SoHdbYjkO-A-00042-00035712-00036616 um it's not bad in terms of copper but in terms of accuracy that they are all much similar SoHdbYjkO-A-00043-00036616-00037272 however so let's let's see if the let's replace this one with kernel so we can also replace SoHdbYjkO-A-00044-00037496-00038752 and that is in a predictive kernel okay and also you can see the laplace correction is SoHdbYjkO-A-00045-00038752-00039504 used to avoid zero probabilities okay so um it's always recommended always check that one SoHdbYjkO-A-00046-00039688-00039848 and now let's run it SoHdbYjkO-A-00047-00040104-00040816 okay so the kappa on the testing actually increased a little bit however on the training SoHdbYjkO-A-00048-00040816-00041520 it's increased a lot so it's 0.6 so basically the accuracy on the training and also testing SoHdbYjkO-A-00049-00041520-00042464 are much higher than the gasoline however the difference of those entries also become bigger SoHdbYjkO-A-00050-00042464-00043064 so that's it's it's more like a overfit issue all those accuracy increased on both of them SoHdbYjkO-A-00051-00043312-00043880 okay so that's really depending on the type data so if all the data are binary SoHdbYjkO-A-00052-00043880-00044496 you can choose this one all the data are discrete numbers you can choose this one if you have at SoHdbYjkO-A-00053-00044496-00045128 least one feature is guessing and you you probably need to choose this one guess knife base however SoHdbYjkO-A-00054-00045128-00045736 if you want a more accurate result high accuracy on the training set you can shoot kernel naive bay SoHdbYjkO-A-00055-00045792-00046648 but that may be an overfit issue okay so that might be an overfit issue so that keep in mind SoHdbYjkO-A-00056-00046816-00047616 okay to summarize so laplace correction can be used to avoid zero probabilities SoHdbYjkO-A-00057-00047616-00048328 so so fast if you have a lot of features that are zero in such category so this can be used SoHdbYjkO-A-00058-00048328-00048832 to avoid zero probabilities so just remember that always check that one if possible SoHdbYjkO-A-00059-00049000-00049728 naive b is very fast to train or make prediction and also hopefully that process is easy to SoHdbYjkO-A-00060-00049728-00050328 understand so next smash next section when we talk about neural networks you will see that those SoHdbYjkO-A-00061-00050328-00051096 models are very hard and standard process the model works very well with high dimensional data SoHdbYjkO-A-00062-00051096-00051855 so that means if you have so many features like the uh you have a lot of columns okay like 100 or SoHdbYjkO-A-00063-00051912-00052312 of columns so naivebay works very well with high dimensional data SoHdbYjkO-A-00064-00052512-00053184 it also often use on very large datasets so that means you have a lot of sample size so SoHdbYjkO-A-00065-00053184-00053544 it's very long and also it's very wide the table SoHdbYjkO-A-00066-00053784-00054376 because of the efficiency so it can be used for making predictions in a real time so that's pretty SoHdbYjkO-A-00067-00054376-00055224 cool and it has been successfully it has been extremely success in the text classification SoHdbYjkO-A-00068-00055288-00055912 such as spam filtering so that's identifying spam emails and also sentimental analysis SoHdbYjkO-A-00069-00055984-00056520 okay so in this week's lab so we are going to use naive bay to classify SoHdbYjkO-A-00070-00056520-00057096 some twitter data and you can see that how success knife b can be in the text SoHdbYjkO-A-00071-00057152-00057424 classification S1osY9idZHA-00000-00000000-00000986 So this is a hexaflexagon. It is a hexagon which has two sides, as you can S1osY9idZHA-00001-00000986-00001226 see, In this case S1osY9idZHA-00002-00001226-00002060 yellow and this rainbow side. And you can do this interesting thing with it. Now, the rainbow S1osY9idZHA-00003-00002060-00002808 side changed into green one. We can continue this sort of thing, and now the yellow S1osY9idZHA-00004-00002808-00003885 changed into the blue. And you can do it again. Blue yellow... we already saw S1osY9idZHA-00005-00003885-00005169 that one... and now we have red; and try different one; and this one, and now we S1osY9idZHA-00006-00005169-00005900 have purple, and there is all sorts of other... There is actually twelve sides, just to S1osY9idZHA-00007-00005901-00006633 this. Twelve different colours that you can see. And there is this graph of transitions S1osY9idZHA-00008-00006633-00007295 which you can follow and by following these transitions you can achieve S1osY9idZHA-00009-00007295-00008115 every color on this dodeca-hexaflexagon. Well I hope you like it, and be good. S1zhNlg4O9k-00000-00000223-00000388 Funny S1zhNlg4O9k-00001-00000388-00000459 sound S26wZQE-cEU-00000-00003573-00004032 For More Information visit www.homznspace.com S2gjt_DMaRQ-00000-00000046-00000288 G Major 16+PlatinumChorded S2gjt_DMaRQ-00001-00000288-00002118 It Is Looks Like S2gjt_DMaRQ-00002-00002118-00003489 Milk Chorded G Major 16 S38AU2HmL44-00000-00000825-00001085 Gustavo Sudre: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, S38AU2HmL44-00001-00001085-00001726 or ADHD, is the most common neuropsychiatric disorder of childhood. S38AU2HmL44-00002-00001726-00002273 About one in 1- kids here in Montgomery County are diagnosed with a disorder, and one in S38AU2HmL44-00003-00002273-00002601 15 takes psychostimulants as a treatment. S38AU2HmL44-00004-00002601-00003139 Now, what many people don’t know is that about 30 percent of those kids are still going S38AU2HmL44-00005-00003139-00003926 to have ADHD as adults, and those adults usually suffer of lower educational and working achievements. S38AU2HmL44-00006-00003926-00004632 Now, one of the issues is that ADHD is currently diagnosed using a clinical interview. S38AU2HmL44-00007-00004632-00005396 In our lab, we aim to quantify ADHD using genetics and neural data, and this way have S38AU2HmL44-00008-00005396-00005658 a better understanding of the disorder. S38AU2HmL44-00009-00005658-00005947 But what kind of markers are we looking for? S38AU2HmL44-00010-00005947-00006722 Well, we know that ADHD is highly heritable; we also know that ADHD evolves different systems S38AU2HmL44-00011-00006722-00006911 in the brain. S38AU2HmL44-00012-00006911-00007620 So here we ask, what connections in the brain are both heritable and associated with symptoms S38AU2HmL44-00013-00007620-00007877 of ADHD? S38AU2HmL44-00014-00007877-00008372 The brain imaging that we’re going to be using is called diffusion tractography imaging, S38AU2HmL44-00015-00008372-00008520 or DTI. S38AU2HmL44-00016-00008520-00009299 DTI uses properties of water diffusion to infer the orientation of different connections S38AU2HmL44-00017-00009299-00009459 in the brain. S38AU2HmL44-00018-00009459-00009838 These connections are called white fiber tracts. S38AU2HmL44-00019-00009838-00010404 So think of a brain image as different 3D cubes, and within each of these cubes, we’re S38AU2HmL44-00020-00010404-00010787 going to estimate their orientation -- and that’s the different colors in the figure S38AU2HmL44-00021-00010787-00011038 -- of the different connections. S38AU2HmL44-00022-00011038-00011637 Then, based on this orientation, we’re going to group the different fiber tracks into 11 S38AU2HmL44-00023-00011637-00011747 major tracks. S38AU2HmL44-00024-00011747-00012218 That’s what we show here in the lateral view of the brain. S38AU2HmL44-00025-00012218-00012742 For each of these 11 major tracks, we’re going to estimate two properties. S38AU2HmL44-00026-00012742-00013028 So think of these connections as a water hose. S38AU2HmL44-00027-00013028-00013540 Water in a hose can flow along the axis of the hose -- so that would be the axial diffusivity S38AU2HmL44-00028-00013540-00014169 -- or along the radius of the hose; that will be the radial diffusivity. S38AU2HmL44-00029-00014169-00014659 So for each of these 11 major tracks, we have these two different properties. S38AU2HmL44-00030-00014659-00015427 Now, in our findings, out of the 22 possible variables, 10 are highly heritable in ADHD. S38AU2HmL44-00031-00015427-00016031 Out of these 10, four are also associated with symptoms of ADHD. S38AU2HmL44-00032-00016031-00016491 And I show these tracks in the rotating brain. S38AU2HmL44-00033-00016491-00017064 The fascinating thing is that these tracks connect regions that have been shown in the S38AU2HmL44-00034-00017064-00017451 literature to be associated with ADHD. S38AU2HmL44-00035-00017451-00018053 Also, another very important finding is that these results are restricted to the radial S38AU2HmL44-00036-00018053-00018153 component. S38AU2HmL44-00037-00018153-00018729 Now, people have shown in the literature that the radial component is related to myelin. S38AU2HmL44-00038-00018729-00019315 Myelin is an insulating sheet in these connections, and it’s crucial for proper functioning S38AU2HmL44-00039-00019315-00019501 of the nervous system. S38AU2HmL44-00040-00019501-00020104 So we see that these different properties, the RD properties could be a target for future S38AU2HmL44-00041-00020104-00020204 genomic studies. S38AU2HmL44-00042-00020204-00020204 [end of transcript] S3zMaxDEROk-00000-00000000-00000990 SCP-3006 "Twice The Number One" Object Class: Euclid S3zMaxDEROk-00001-00001136-00001292 Item #: SCP-3006 S3zMaxDEROk-00002-00001292-00001628 Object Class: Euclid S3zMaxDEROk-00003-00001628-00002243 Special Containment Procedures: Online video distribution sites impacted by SCP-3006 are S3zMaxDEROk-00004-00002243-00002575 to be monitored by Foundation webcrawlers. S3zMaxDEROk-00005-00002575-00003175 Manifestations of videos containing SCP-3006 are to be removed upon posting and/or detection. S3zMaxDEROk-00006-00003175-00003661 Foundation personnel embedded in the Alphabet corporation are to ensure that no members S3zMaxDEROk-00007-00003661-00003921 of the public are able to view SCP-3006. S3zMaxDEROk-00008-00003921-00004550 It is estimated that, without proper implementation of the containment procedures, that most videos S3zMaxDEROk-00009-00004550-00005003 on the global public internet would be affected within 128 hours. S3zMaxDEROk-00010-00005003-00005582 The Foundation has not found any ways to prevent additional SCP-3006 videos from being posted. S3zMaxDEROk-00011-00005582-00005995 No other SCP objects are to be referred to in the documentation. S3zMaxDEROk-00012-00005995-00006720 Description: SCP-3006 is a video titled "we are number one except every time you play S3zMaxDEROk-00013-00006720-00007297 it there are twice as many robbie rottens but the room is the same size[nsfw]" which S3zMaxDEROk-00014-00007297-00007825 was posted to the YouTube video hosting service on October 12th 2016. S3zMaxDEROk-00015-00007825-00008300 It features a musical clip from the show "Lazy Town" that, on repeated playbacks, causes S3zMaxDEROk-00016-00008300-00008783 a number of humanoids identical to Stefán Karl Stefánsson to appear. S3zMaxDEROk-00017-00008783-00009258 Videos impacted by SCP-3006 are capable of spreading their effects, primarily by being S3zMaxDEROk-00018-00009258-00009671 posted in threads where multiple non-affected videos are present. S3zMaxDEROk-00019-00009671-00010093 Within 1-5 minutes of being linked to, all other videos linked in the same thread will S3zMaxDEROk-00020-00010093-00010460 begin manifesting SCP-3006's effects. S3zMaxDEROk-00021-00010460-00010881 Humans or living humanoids featured in the video will double with each playback, including S3zMaxDEROk-00022-00010881-00011322 individuals who are off-screen such as cameramen and sound personnel. S3zMaxDEROk-00023-00011322-00011886 The effect is exponential in that, upon each playback, the number of subjects in each videos S3zMaxDEROk-00024-00011886-00011986 doubles. S3zMaxDEROk-00025-00011986-00012477 For example, a video containing 2 subjects, will instead have four upon the second playback, S3zMaxDEROk-00026-00012477-00012844 the third would have 8, and the 5th 32. S3zMaxDEROk-00027-00012844-00013522 None of these entities appear to have knowledge of SCP-3006's effect, and find it highly distressing. S3zMaxDEROk-00028-00013522-00014130 Although affecting linked videos, SCP-3006 effect is unique to each viewer; that is, S3zMaxDEROk-00029-00014130-00014602 SCP-3006's effect is dependent on how many times the individual person has watched the S3zMaxDEROk-00030-00014602-00014702 video. S3zMaxDEROk-00031-00014702-00015075 If more than one subject is viewing it, this effect will occur based on who physically S3zMaxDEROk-00032-00015075-00015213 activated the video. S3zMaxDEROk-00033-00015213-00015806 If the subject views a series of videos the effect will also carry over to the next one. S3zMaxDEROk-00034-00015806-00016370 SCP-3006 primarily appears to affect videos taking place in enclosed environments, although S3zMaxDEROk-00035-00016370-00016681 this cannot be confirmed as a deliberate effect. S3zMaxDEROk-00036-00016681-00017267 Once affected by SCP-3006, it is not possible for recorded subjects to exit the area in S3zMaxDEROk-00037-00017267-00017483 which the video is taking place. S3zMaxDEROk-00038-00017483-00017959 At a certain point, affected subjects will begin perishing due to overheating, exposure, S3zMaxDEROk-00039-00017959-00018364 or crushing force from exponential humanoids instantaneously appearing at the beginning S3zMaxDEROk-00040-00018364-00018466 of video playback. S3zMaxDEROk-00041-00018466-00018939 This does not prevent SCP-3006's effect from persisting. S3zMaxDEROk-00042-00018939-00019346 Eventually, playback reaches a point where the camera and sound equipment are destroyed S3zMaxDEROk-00043-00019346-00019720 due to intense viscera pressure in the enclosed space. S3zMaxDEROk-00044-00019720-00020148 At this time, the appearance of the video is variable, with non-anomalous graphics spliced S3zMaxDEROk-00045-00020148-00020358 with corrupted digital images. S3zMaxDEROk-00046-00020358-00021047 SCP-3006 was initially discovered after social media reports of unusual videos came to Foundation S3zMaxDEROk-00047-00021047-00021218 attention. S3zMaxDEROk-00048-00021218-00021856 11,346 individuals who viewed the first anomalous instance of SCP-3006 were tracked down and S3zMaxDEROk-00049-00021856-00022028 given Class-C amnestics. S3zMaxDEROk-00050-00022028-00022537 After interrogation, several subjects featured in the initial video were determined to be S3zMaxDEROk-00051-00022537-00022896 non-anomalous and were given Class-B amnestics. S3zMaxDEROk-00052-00022896-00023489 As of 01/18/2017, SCP-3006 is classified as Euclid. S3zMaxDEROk-00053-00023489-00023740 Addendum: Examples of Affected Videos S3zMaxDEROk-00054-00023740-00023889 Title: S3zMaxDEROk-00055-00023889-00024008 Video Description: S3zMaxDEROk-00056-00024008-00024248 SCP-3006 effect: S3zMaxDEROk-00057-00024248-00024348 Colin Furze S3zMaxDEROk-00058-00024348-00024770 Title: So What IF loads of fireworks exploded in my Van S3zMaxDEROk-00059-00024770-00025234 Video Description: A full-sized van is filled with fireworks, which are then lit to destroy S3zMaxDEROk-00060-00025234-00025334 the vehicle. S3zMaxDEROk-00061-00025334-00025781 Notes: During the second playback, it was initially unclear where additional humanoid S3zMaxDEROk-00062-00025781-00025894 entities were. S3zMaxDEROk-00063-00025894-00026330 However, analysis showed that human hands were visible against the windows of the vehicle S3zMaxDEROk-00064-00026330-00026507 as the fireworks were going off. S3zMaxDEROk-00065-00026507-00026952 None of the other subjects featured in the video appear to notice, and playback continues S3zMaxDEROk-00066-00026952-00027133 as normal. S3zMaxDEROk-00067-00027133-00027361 Mystery Science Theater 3000 S3zMaxDEROk-00068-00027361-00028050 Title: MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER MANOS HANDS OF FATE FREE/Manos: The Hands of Fate S3zMaxDEROk-00069-00028050-00028574 Video Description: An illegal upload of the January 30, 1993 episode of the television S3zMaxDEROk-00070-00028574-00029212 show Mystery Science Theater 3000 which features low-budget films and humorous commentary. S3zMaxDEROk-00071-00029212-00029719 Film attached to episode is the 1966 film Manos: The Hands of Fate. S3zMaxDEROk-00072-00029719-00030361 SCP-3006 effect: Due to the metallic nature of the puppets, after 12 playbacks there were S3zMaxDEROk-00073-00030361-00030787 several hundred copies of the host being impaled by the metallic implements created when the S3zMaxDEROk-00074-00030787-00031018 puppets fell apart. S3zMaxDEROk-00075-00031018-00031436 In addition, the film being riffed on had the actors appearing exponentially, with leg S3zMaxDEROk-00076-00031436-00032086 braces worn by one character causing fatal amounts of puncture wounds in the other actors. S3zMaxDEROk-00077-00032086-00032186 Game Grumps S3zMaxDEROk-00078-00032186-00032522 Title: Dudes With Attitude: In the not too distant future… S3zMaxDEROk-00079-00032522-00032660 - PART 1 S3zMaxDEROk-00080-00032660-00033093 Video Description: Two adult males play a video game, with footage from the game and S3zMaxDEROk-00081-00033093-00033406 only sound produced in the recording space being audible. S3zMaxDEROk-00082-00033406-00034099 SCP-3006 effect: Neither of the hosts appears to be aware of the imminence of SCP-3006. S3zMaxDEROk-00083-00034099-00034269 Episode proceeds normally. S3zMaxDEROk-00084-00034269-00034606 Title: Dudes With Attitude: That's No Moon! S3zMaxDEROk-00085-00034606-00034743 - PART 2 S3zMaxDEROk-00086-00034743-00034983 Number of Entities Present: 4 S3zMaxDEROk-00087-00034983-00035414 Notes: Subjects display confusion and argue for the entirety of the episode. S3zMaxDEROk-00088-00035414-00035805 Several attempts to exit the recording area can be heard, all of which are unsuccessful. S3zMaxDEROk-00089-00035805-00036331 Title: Dudes With Attitude: Scottie doesn't know - PART 3 S3zMaxDEROk-00090-00036331-00036594 Number of Entities Present: 6 S3zMaxDEROk-00091-00036594-00036830 Notes: Subjects become aware of the anomalous effect. S3zMaxDEROk-00092-00036830-00037283 The sounds of violence can be heard with at least one of the entities appearing to be S3zMaxDEROk-00093-00037283-00037383 terminated. S3zMaxDEROk-00094-00037383-00037805 This does not appear to have affected the number of entities present in subsequent videos. S3zMaxDEROk-00095-00037805-00038175 Title: Dudes With Attitude: Wait, is this real? S3zMaxDEROk-00096-00038175-00038321 - PART 4 S3zMaxDEROk-00097-00038321-00038556 Number of Entities Present: 24 S3zMaxDEROk-00098-00038556-00038806 Notes: Mass confusion can be heard. S3zMaxDEROk-00099-00038806-00039249 The game is completely ignored from this point on, with graphics not advancing past any title S3zMaxDEROk-00100-00039249-00039349 screen. S3zMaxDEROk-00101-00039349-00039762 In the background, subjects appear to have organized, and only speak when holding a 'magic S3zMaxDEROk-00102-00039762-00039869 stick'. S3zMaxDEROk-00103-00039869-00040312 During the course of a debate it is decided to store soiled clothing in a basket, and S3zMaxDEROk-00104-00040312-00040762 rationing of food and water while they attempt to exit the recording area. S3zMaxDEROk-00105-00040762-00041105 Several outbreaks of violence are suppressed by the other entities. S3zMaxDEROk-00106-00041105-00041493 Slightly before the end of the video, the sound of a sofa being used as a battering S3zMaxDEROk-00107-00041493-00041618 ram can be heard. S3zMaxDEROk-00108-00041618-00042005 Title: Dune Buggy: Hot Sand Massage - PART 11 S3zMaxDEROk-00109-00042005-00042352 Number of Entities Present: 576 S3zMaxDEROk-00110-00042352-00042756 Notes: Continuous, incomprehensible screaming. S3zMaxDEROk-00111-00042756-00043094 Title: Please Oh Please: Why does this always happen to me? S3zMaxDEROk-00112-00043094-00043284 - PART 77 S3zMaxDEROk-00113-00043284-00043653 Number of Entities Present: ~500,000 S3zMaxDEROk-00114-00043653-00044289 Notes: Sound of gentle sloshing with scrambled, reddish digitized video graphics. S3zMaxDEROk-00115-00044289-00044655 Addendum: Transcript of Interview 3006-J S3zMaxDEROk-00116-00044655-00044872 [VIDEO REDACTED] S3zMaxDEROk-00117-00044872-00044981 Interviewed: ███ ██████ S3zMaxDEROk-00118-00044981-00045218 Interviewer: Dr. Krang S3zMaxDEROk-00119-00045218-00045964 Foreword: On 02/14/2017, another video producer, ███ ██████, discovered several S3zMaxDEROk-00120-00045964-00046205 of their videos affected by SCP-3006. S3zMaxDEROk-00121-00046205-00046750 This transcription is for an iteration of the interview, the original has been lost S3zMaxDEROk-00122-00046750-00046897 or may never have existed. S3zMaxDEROk-00123-00046897-00047008 <Begin Log> S3zMaxDEROk-00124-00047008-00047386 Dr. Krang: Can you state your name, for the record, and spell it? S3zMaxDEROk-00125-00047386-00047486 Person: Sure. S3zMaxDEROk-00126-00047486-00047817 (nervous laughter) Kinda like a newspaper interview, I guess. S3zMaxDEROk-00127-00047817-00048083 I'm ███ ██████, █ █ █, █ █ █ █ █ █. But you already knew that, right? S3zMaxDEROk-00128-00048083-00048533 Dr. Krang: When did you first become aware of the videos? S3zMaxDEROk-00129-00048533-00048733 ███ ██████: Someone linked it to me on Twitter, I think. S3zMaxDEROk-00130-00048733-00048983 It's weird, seeing people you know get fucked up like that. S3zMaxDEROk-00131-00048983-00049320 You feel bad, but they're just little computer people, right? S3zMaxDEROk-00132-00049320-00049480 So not really a big deal. S3zMaxDEROk-00133-00049480-00049637 That's what I thought, at least. S3zMaxDEROk-00134-00049637-00050015 Dr. Krang: How long did it take for you to discover the videos you were featured in? S3zMaxDEROk-00135-00050015-00050412 ███ ██████: Yeah, well, y'know, it was one of the suggested videos. S3zMaxDEROk-00136-00050412-00050512 God. S3zMaxDEROk-00137-00050512-00050900 Dude, I just… it's not something I want to describe. S3zMaxDEROk-00138-00050900-00051224 So I tried reporting it and… now I'm here with you guys. S3zMaxDEROk-00139-00051224-00051580 Dr. Krang: How many times did you watch the video? S3zMaxDEROk-00140-00051580-00051680 ███ ██████: I don't know. S3zMaxDEROk-00141-00051680-00051865 At a certain point you lose track. S3zMaxDEROk-00142-00051865-00052021 Because it's funny, right? S3zMaxDEROk-00143-00052021-00052214 It's weird seeing a ton of yourself. S3zMaxDEROk-00144-00052214-00052539 I didn't know what else to do there, to be perfectly honest. S3zMaxDEROk-00145-00052539-00052752 Dr. Krang: What do you mean? S3zMaxDEROk-00146-00052752-00052914 ███ ██████: Well, it's just… S3zMaxDEROk-00147-00052914-00053157 I don't know why I went. S3zMaxDEROk-00148-00053157-00053570 Felt like… you ever do something, and then when you're done you don't even know why you S3zMaxDEROk-00149-00053570-00053680 did it? S3zMaxDEROk-00150-00053680-00053819 That's what it felt like. S3zMaxDEROk-00151-00053819-00054032 Almost like it was a dream or something. S3zMaxDEROk-00152-00054032-00054386 Dr. Krang: What were you expecting to happen? S3zMaxDEROk-00153-00054386-00054764 ███ ██████: From what they told me… well, they said it'd be like they S3zMaxDEROk-00154-00054764-00054977 were in there with each other forever. S3zMaxDEROk-00155-00054977-00055284 But it's not a them, it's me. S3zMaxDEROk-00156-00055284-00055597 There were thousands of me, and they're dead now. S3zMaxDEROk-00157-00055597-00055701 Crushed. S3zMaxDEROk-00158-00055701-00055801 Viscera puree. S3zMaxDEROk-00159-00055801-00056192 One of the eyes floated by, and I saw myself in it dude. S3zMaxDEROk-00160-00056192-00056364 That's fucked. S3zMaxDEROk-00161-00056364-00056774 At this point both the interviewer and interviewee become aware of several humanoids identical S3zMaxDEROk-00162-00056774-00057185 to themselves present in the room, standing around the edges. S3zMaxDEROk-00163-00057185-00057319 ███ ██████: Jesus! S3zMaxDEROk-00164-00057319-00057860 Several iterations of Dr. Krang immediately attempt to exit the room, but are unsuccessful. S3zMaxDEROk-00165-00057860-00058330 All instances begin fighting one another, while the copies of ███ ██████ congregate S3zMaxDEROk-00166-00058330-00058689 in the opposite side of the room around the original interviewee, covering their faces S3zMaxDEROk-00167-00058689-00058827 with their hands. S3zMaxDEROk-00168-00058827-00058958 ███ ██████: Get away! S3zMaxDEROk-00169-00058958-00059058 Stop! S3zMaxDEROk-00170-00059058-00059158 Help! S3zMaxDEROk-00171-00059158-00059507 Copies of ███ ██████ begin violently ripping flesh and skin off of him, S3zMaxDEROk-00172-00059507-00059770 while copies of Dr. Krang do the same. S3zMaxDEROk-00173-00059770-00060091 This violence continues until there are only one iteration of each left. S3zMaxDEROk-00174-00060091-00060485 It is unknown whether or not these are the originals. S3zMaxDEROk-00175-00060485-00060937 Video playback ends with both attempting unsuccessfully to exit the interview area. S3zMaxDEROk-00176-00060937-00061091 <End Log> S3zMaxDEROk-00177-00061091-00061516 Closing Statement: Subject was issued Class-C amnestics at the interview. S3zMaxDEROk-00178-00061516-00062116 The SCP-3006 anomaly continues to persist, and several other instances of SCP-3006 have S3zMaxDEROk-00179-00062116-00062552 been subsequently documented in Foundation video archives. S3zMaxDEROk-00180-00062552-00062789 Classification upgrade to Keter is under consideration. S3Qxh8zj8uI-00001-00001646-00002070 This video shows the texture of the smoke tree (parikova a tree, smoke tree, sumac tanning, Paradise-wood, Tanner, Hungarian yellow wood). S3Qxh8zj8uI-00052-00025712-00026145 Thank you for watching, subscribe to my channel, put likes and write comments. S3XES4ENiZ4-00000-00000384-00001592 is S3XES4ENiZ4-00001-00002376-00002824 hello lovely people i'm Michal Kali Griks today i will speak about the differences S3XES4ENiZ4-00002-00002824-00003432 of giving the young massages by men and by the woman what are the pluses and minuses S3XES4ENiZ4-00003-00003432-00004024 of each approach and it may help you to choose what is the best for you at that moment S3XES4ENiZ4-00004-00004104-00004768 of your life so there are few major differences according to that so let me explain you first from S3XES4ENiZ4-00005-00004768-00005496 the woman's approach so when the woman give to the woman is usually very safe usually women when S3XES4ENiZ4-00006-00005496-00006328 they get the massage it's pretty safe because they are less driven by the desires than the men also S3XES4ENiZ4-00007-00006328-00007336 very often the womans who need the young healing their sexuality through the long massage sometimes S3XES4ENiZ4-00008-00007336-00008176 they are so traumatized by the man that to approach the man it's for them not possible they S3XES4ENiZ4-00009-00008256-00008712 mistrust they feel too much triggered and they don't want to be touched S3XES4ENiZ4-00010-00008712-00009664 by the man because something would happen in the past was too bad that they don't want that anymore S3XES4ENiZ4-00011-00009736-00010752 and for them could be only way to receive the yummy massage is by doing it yourself or S3XES4ENiZ4-00012-00010752-00011448 by another woman who is qualified to do this it's also a beautiful way of supporting S3XES4ENiZ4-00013-00011448-00012208 women each other in sisterhood guiding also the woman actually knows from their own experience S3XES4ENiZ4-00014-00012208-00012824 how is it to be touched in the yummy how does it feel at different points the bank only knows S3XES4ENiZ4-00015-00012824-00013568 from his experience by giving it to someone but he never felt that inside so that's also a huge S3XES4ENiZ4-00016-00013568-00014263 advantage of the woman the woman also knows how the woman feels inside and so on and so on so S3XES4ENiZ4-00017-00014263-00015128 that's that's the beautiful process of the yummy massage given by the woman now i will explain S3XES4ENiZ4-00018-00015128-00015896 about the process of yogi massage given by the man tantra massage is work with the sexuality that's S3XES4ENiZ4-00019-00015896-00016672 why we also touch intimate parts of the body and it's working with the sexual energy as much as S3XES4ENiZ4-00020-00016672-00017768 the woman as the person allowed us to do i always explain that as more pleasure circulates as more S3XES4ENiZ4-00021-00017952-00019256 ecstasy as more sexual energy circulates than more power to heal to liberate from the conditionings S3XES4ENiZ4-00022-00019328-00020520 to expanding love to grow in ecstasy when two people are lovers that's the best circumstances S3XES4ENiZ4-00023-00020616-00021392 to have the best effects in the yogi massage because there is love and there is trust S3XES4ENiZ4-00024-00021472-00022272 and there is excitement when the man gives a woman massage there is more probable S3XES4ENiZ4-00025-00022272-00022976 excitement of course there are preferences so i'm talking here about the general preferences S3XES4ENiZ4-00026-00022976-00023640 when the man will give to the woman young massage he is more exciting in most of the cases S3XES4ENiZ4-00027-00023728-00024608 to have than another woman if there is less excitement then it's not so easy sometimes to S3XES4ENiZ4-00028-00024704-00025800 activate the points what need to be activated to grow through the pain and emotional release S3XES4ENiZ4-00029-00026016-00026848 in tatra we use the ecstasy in the young massage that the woman can focus on the ecstasy S3XES4ENiZ4-00030-00026848-00027744 can feel the ecstasy and that helps her with going through all the pain which have to go through S3XES4ENiZ4-00031-00027952-00028639 release that physical pain and emotional pain it's a bit similar to philosophy what is used in the S3XES4ENiZ4-00032-00028639-00029495 orgasmic birth that when the woman feel ecstasy she can deliver the baby and she can remember this S3XES4ENiZ4-00033-00029495-00030327 event as a one of the most ecstatic experiences in her life instead of one of the most traumatizing S3XES4ENiZ4-00034-00030327-00031112 experience in life they be giving their birth to their child and that also gives good step towards S3XES4ENiZ4-00035-00031112-00031912 good life for the child new mother and so so the same use of ecstasy is used in the tantric massage S3XES4ENiZ4-00036-00031912-00032639 when we have to heal the pain physical pain emotional pain in the woman and as more she's S3XES4ENiZ4-00037-00032639-00033280 ecstatic as more she's excited it's easier for her to go through that's why we work with the sexual S3XES4ENiZ4-00038-00033280-00034016 extent that's why we also massage her or body to prepare her to make her sad to feel her trusted S3XES4ENiZ4-00039-00034016-00034808 connected to feel loved come as close as possible to make her feeling like hey she's worshiped S3XES4ENiZ4-00040-00034808-00035752 goddess she's in the safe hands she can allow her to go to ecstasy and when she feels ecstasy then S3XES4ENiZ4-00041-00035752-00036392 it's easier for her to go through the pain this is one of the main clues what men approaching the S3XES4ENiZ4-00042-00036392-00036992 woman with the only massage have advantage but there are also disadvantages what i have to say S3XES4ENiZ4-00043-00037056-00037672 and that's why it's very important that the person who is giving their your massage S3XES4ENiZ4-00044-00037672-00038360 have good reputations doesn't leave behind the victims with the broken heart the news the abuse S3XES4ENiZ4-00045-00038416-00039096 these two have the another lovers he's not on the level of the fightborn and going around S3XES4ENiZ4-00046-00039096-00039536 breaking the woman's heart abusing the situation in my daughter movement school S3XES4ENiZ4-00047-00039536-00040224 i always require from any professional tantra practitioner there is a teacher or master or S3XES4ENiZ4-00048-00040328-00041176 whoever especially the men have to be free from desires so he has to master his non-ejaculatory S3XES4ENiZ4-00049-00041176-00042024 mastery and he have to make love make the only massages out of sharing love out of choices not S3XES4ENiZ4-00050-00042024-00042760 out of the desires because if he does from out of the desires then he can get lost in this so S3XES4ENiZ4-00051-00042760-00043352 this is very important that's the thing to think about it in the same time i'm saying S3XES4ENiZ4-00052-00043352-00044152 the ecstasy yes but everything in the control the professional masseur should be able also to give S3XES4ENiZ4-00053-00044152-00044840 the massage to the woman who feel like i don't want your sexual energy and then you respect S3XES4ENiZ4-00054-00044840-00045536 this you don't cross this boundary you don't push for this boundary more information a lot about S3XES4ENiZ4-00055-00045536-00046200 the young massages how to do it everything also about different to female approach you can find S3XES4ENiZ4-00056-00046200-00047784 on our tantra movement youtube channel thank you for watching share the love better thank you S3XES4ENiZ4-00057-00048792-00048800 you S4rVf1xZ1YE-00000-00000000-00000630 Hi every, i hope you're fine, and in this video i'll talk about an anime i love S4rVf1xZ1YE-00001-00000634-00000999 Magi, the labyrinth of magic, or the magic kingdom, that's the same S4rVf1xZ1YE-00002-00001000-00001288 I will summarize the beginning, to restore the basics S4rVf1xZ1YE-00003-00001296-00001728 and then more to interest more in the future, if you are ready I am also so let's go! S4rVf1xZ1YE-00004-00003288-00003594 the first season of magi, is called Magi the magic labyrinth S4rVf1xZ1YE-00005-00003594-00003856 and at the beginning of it we find alibaba who deals with slave traders S4rVf1xZ1YE-00006-00003884-00004096 while he himself thinks that slavery should not exist S4rVf1xZ1YE-00007-00004118-00004352 but it acts in the fear, until he meets Aladdin S4rVf1xZ1YE-00008-00004352-00004672 a little boy, who defines himself as a magi, a wizard of creation S4rVf1xZ1YE-00009-00004672-00005004 accompanied by his flute enclosing the djinn Ugo who himself is his friend S4rVf1xZ1YE-00010-00005004-00005314 Aladdin will make Alibaba understand that we must act for his conviction S4rVf1xZ1YE-00011-00005314-00005652 Then we have Morgiane who is a fanalis a race of combattants S4rVf1xZ1YE-00012-00005656-00005920 but dedspite her she was trapped by a slave trader S4rVf1xZ1YE-00013-00005922-00006258 and then was released by Ali-baba then she will become one of their companions S4rVf1xZ1YE-00014-00006258-00006466 i pass on the why of how i love this anime S4rVf1xZ1YE-00015-00006466-00006786 captivating and charismatic character, vast and rich universe of culture S4rVf1xZ1YE-00016-00006786-00007116 the plot of the story which ends on a beautiful moral lesson, the evolution of the combats S4rVf1xZ1YE-00017-00007116-00007576 and the confrontation of the war between the different empire, in short i will not make a draw S4rVf1xZ1YE-00018-00007576-00007692 but then when is it ? S4rVf1xZ1YE-00019-00007692-00008150 for beginnig, the anime has stop the production at the season 2, called Magi the magic kingdom S4rVf1xZ1YE-00020-00008150-00008630 after the end of 25 episodes, she was arrested because alas the anime took too much ahead of the manga S4rVf1xZ1YE-00021-00008630-00008908 is limited if in the end it does not start to overtake S4rVf1xZ1YE-00022-00008908-00009288 there is no more information about an anime sequel but no one says that there is no chance at all S4rVf1xZ1YE-00023-00009288-00009732 but if you're not patient and that an anime like this give you the desire to read S4rVf1xZ1YE-00024-00009732-00010036 you will be relieved to know that the folowing of that, is avaible in manga S4rVf1xZ1YE-00025-00010036-00010266 which is still more suitable than a light novel S4rVf1xZ1YE-00026-00010266-00010814 for those who are interested and could resume where you been by reading fron the volume 21 S4rVf1xZ1YE-00027-00010820-00011124 which is really the following, then you see if you like it or not S4rVf1xZ1YE-00028-00011124-00011368 and if you really like it, know that you can go on S4rVf1xZ1YE-00029-00011368-00011678 because the manga ended a few month ago on the volume 34 S4rVf1xZ1YE-00030-00011678-00012000 one more reason to think that the anime will have a sequel S4rVf1xZ1YE-00031-00012012-00012338 because the manga now finished it will not meet the problem before S4rVf1xZ1YE-00032-00012338-00012812 besides i recommend you to watch the spin off of the adventure of Sinbad which my faith all as well S4rVf1xZ1YE-00033-00012813-00013206 to come back to the manga the lastest have not yet been translated S4rVf1xZ1YE-00034-00013206-00013550 because in France we are in the 29th of 34 (don't k 4 the USA) S4rVf1xZ1YE-00035-00013550-00013960 one last information about the spin off is that if you are really interested S4rVf1xZ1YE-00036-00013974-00014369 and you want to know more there is an epilogue in manga which is avaible S4rVf1xZ1YE-00037-00014369-00014578 and this one will link this work to the original S4rVf1xZ1YE-00038-00014578-00014938 i think to have said everything, i repeat it again for those who did not watch go it ! S4rVf1xZ1YE-00039-00014938-00015288 this anime is just awesome, and i think i will not be disppointed later by the manga S4rVf1xZ1YE-00040-00015290-00015810 so that was all for this video, i hope she has informed you, that she taught you thing you did not know S4rVf1xZ1YE-00041-00015844-00016230 or simply give you the desire to discover the anime, if is the case please subcribe S4rVf1xZ1YE-00042-00016230-00016432 it's really would make me really happy S4rVf1xZ1YE-00043-00016432-00016724 i told you until the next video, well ciao bye S4e9nYAqpWM-00000-00017558-00017918 ** Please SUBSCRIBE to our BEAUTY TUTORIAL CHANNEL ** S4e9nYAqpWM-00001-00057300-00057660 ** Please SUBSCRIBE to our BEAUTY TUTORIAL CHANNEL ** S4e9nYAqpWM-00002-00057660-00058020 ** Please SUBSCRIBE to our BEAUTY TUTORIAL CHANNEL ** S4UgY6ol1DI-00000-00000003-00000365 If you have a problem with the roof in Stockton and you're looking for a local S4UgY6ol1DI-00001-00000365-00000861 Stockton roofing contractor call Certified Roof and Inspection. We do every S4UgY6ol1DI-00002-00000861-00001379 type of roofing work, dry rot work and we supply welded steel S4UgY6ol1DI-00003-00001379-00001980 gutters, we also have an in-house sheet metal shop for any custom sheet metal S4UgY6ol1DI-00004-00001980-00002433 work that may need to be done so save money in the long run and call S4UgY6ol1DI-00005-00002433-00003371 Certified Roof and Inspection at 800 409 4910 or on the web at S4UgY6ol1DI-00006-00003371-00003671 www.roofcertified.com S5Pij4SzcbM-00000-00000020-00000394 Twenty-four percent of the Earth's surface is covered by mountains. S5Pij4SzcbM-00001-00000492-00000908 If you look at all of our operations and our conflicts that we've been in, S5Pij4SzcbM-00002-00000908-00001370 there's always been arduous training at some point for operational sense. S5Pij4SzcbM-00003-00001518-00002080 By using these animals and teaching this skill set, our students are able to learn S5Pij4SzcbM-00004-00002080-00002516 something that they can take in where they could acquire it in-country if need be. S5Pij4SzcbM-00005-00002516-00002986 They could use it for an evasion platform if they were compromised. S5Pij4SzcbM-00006-00003082-00003578 Skills that we teach here off of our animals they can use anywhere in the world. S6cyWwjKVjc-00000-00000006-00000256 Here we have all kind of sauces that we're putting inside. S6cyWwjKVjc-00001-00000256-00000442 you see it's soft? S6cyWwjKVjc-00002-00000442-00000650 look at this happy dog! S6cyWwjKVjc-00003-00000656-00001202 it was kind of obvious that Seba's road to MasterChef did cross the border of the land of the rising sun! S6cyWwjKVjc-00004-00001206-00001912 so, today he is going to prepare a typical dish from the region of Sichuan in China! S6cyWwjKVjc-00005-00001912-00002046 the super spicy mabo tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00006-00002052-00002352 will our hero survive? S6cyWwjKVjc-00007-00002520-00002758 we are here again in the lost land S6cyWwjKVjc-00008-00002760-00003048 like I promised I do another cooking video! S6cyWwjKVjc-00009-00003052-00003320 so, here before I start to travel around the world S6cyWwjKVjc-00010-00003322-00003654 I do another cooking with Seba video! S6cyWwjKVjc-00011-00003654-00003838 if your new to this channel, please subscribe! S6cyWwjKVjc-00012-00003844-00004136 Today we need to buy 2 boxes of Tofu, like these, S6cyWwjKVjc-00013-00004140-00004356 and then the Negi S6cyWwjKVjc-00014-00004360-00004708 here we have some strawberries, but I can't imagine the cost! S6cyWwjKVjc-00015-00004708-00004970 but I also want to buy some snacks! S6cyWwjKVjc-00016-00004974-00005380 well, we can also buy the mabo tofu directly in this box, S6cyWwjKVjc-00017-00005380-00005512 but we want to cook it! S6cyWwjKVjc-00018-00005518-00005746 I think I take this for lunch! S6cyWwjKVjc-00019-00005748-00006042 well, we spent like 16€! S6cyWwjKVjc-00020-00006046-00006360 so, we have everything for our mabo tofu. S6cyWwjKVjc-00021-00006362-00006586 We're at my friends house - Inuyasha S6cyWwjKVjc-00022-00006586-00006856 and we're preapring the mabo tofu! S6cyWwjKVjc-00023-00006856-00007056 I'm sorry for the noise! S6cyWwjKVjc-00024-00007130-00007570 Remember that when you cook the rice in Japan, you need to shake it like this S6cyWwjKVjc-00025-00008566-00008908 He said that if you want that the rice tastes better, S6cyWwjKVjc-00026-00008912-00009244 you need to do like he did before S6cyWwjKVjc-00027-00009244-00009408 now we're putting it here S6cyWwjKVjc-00028-00009428-00009682 look at how big the cooker is! it's family format S6cyWwjKVjc-00029-00009684-00010102 now its 6pm and in 46 minutes the rice will be ready! S6cyWwjKVjc-00030-00010118-00010388 ok now let's go on with the other ingredients! S6cyWwjKVjc-00031-00010402-00010678 today this mabu tofu will be perfect! S6cyWwjKVjc-00032-00010682-00011008 we are super prepared! I have my personal collaborator S6cyWwjKVjc-00033-00011014-00011454 also the gloves cant miss, so that the mabu will be fantastic S6cyWwjKVjc-00034-00011460-00011824 so, this is basically a chinese recipe from Sichuan S6cyWwjKVjc-00035-00011852-00012214 it tastes really good, but you need to do it super spicy! S6cyWwjKVjc-00036-00012236-00012500 here we have like all kind of sauces S6cyWwjKVjc-00037-00012500-00012830 the meat, the tofu, the tare sauce and some Niwa S6cyWwjKVjc-00038-00012830-00013030 and the chili peppers S6cyWwjKVjc-00039-00013040-00013262 so, let's see how the result will be! we open the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00040-00013266-00013646 then we have here some garlic S6cyWwjKVjc-00041-00013646-00013822 we are cutting it S6cyWwjKVjc-00042-00013826-00014132 so, now we're ready! S6cyWwjKVjc-00043-00014146-00014346 we cut also the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00044-00014456-00014776 and once the water boils, we put the tofu inside S6cyWwjKVjc-00045-00014780-00015116 in your opinion, would I be capable in cooking chinese dishes? S6cyWwjKVjc-00046-00015119-00015546 we will discover it in this episode of Sebastiano in Asia S6cyWwjKVjc-00047-00015550-00015819 it's not obligatory to boil the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00048-00015826-00016218 but my friend said that the tofu will be more soft, if you boil it S6cyWwjKVjc-00049-00016219-00016710 so, if you prefer more hard tofu you don't need to put it in the boiling water, S6cyWwjKVjc-00050-00016710-00017490 but if you want that a soft tofu, I recommend to boil it in warm water because it's better in my opinion. S6cyWwjKVjc-00051-00017492-00017802 chinese knifes cut very well! S6cyWwjKVjc-00052-00018444-00018644 my friend said I can't do it! S6cyWwjKVjc-00053-00018648-00018968 in reality it's not true, it's only that I like to cut them in a different way S6cyWwjKVjc-00054-00018976-00019352 so, that each tofu piece is original S6cyWwjKVjc-00055-00019354-00019672 because in my opinion you need to be original in life! S6cyWwjKVjc-00056-00019682-00020000 so, now our tofu is ready S6cyWwjKVjc-00057-00020000-00020166 see it's soft S6cyWwjKVjc-00058-00020172-00020506 like this it tastes like nothing S6cyWwjKVjc-00059-00020506-00020752 but we will add some other things. S6cyWwjKVjc-00060-00020760-00021072 we clean the pan, we turn the gas on S6cyWwjKVjc-00061-00021076-00021470 and we're ready for the sauce! S6cyWwjKVjc-00062-00021470-00021622 you put the oil S6cyWwjKVjc-00063-00022572-00022898 he said that chinese dishes contain a lot of oil S6cyWwjKVjc-00064-00022908-00023186 yes, you use oil a lot in chinese cuisine S6cyWwjKVjc-00065-00023192-00023392 our little dog is also here S6cyWwjKVjc-00066-00023666-00023768 we are cooking! S6cyWwjKVjc-00067-00023768-00023912 isn't he cute? S6cyWwjKVjc-00068-00023922-00024246 good, let's continue! S6cyWwjKVjc-00069-00024258-00024618 we put the meat with this smiley face! S6cyWwjKVjc-00070-00024998-00025198 some oil reached me S6cyWwjKVjc-00071-00025542-00026156 well, we have the fire under the pan, so I recommend to buy my song Fire on iTunes S6cyWwjKVjc-00072-00026156-00026488 and also on Spotify and Amazon, just a little advertising! S6cyWwjKVjc-00073-00026494-00027056 you need to know that this ladle did buy 5 CD's of fire, so you should also do it! S6cyWwjKVjc-00074-00027070-00027442 see? the meat did already changed color. S6cyWwjKVjc-00075-00027442-00027624 we are cutting the chili pepper S6cyWwjKVjc-00076-00027624-00027736 the rice is ready! S6cyWwjKVjc-00077-00027945-00028145 you put the garlic inside! S6cyWwjKVjc-00078-00028206-00028316 why are you laughing^^ S6cyWwjKVjc-00079-00028316-00028450 some ginger S6cyWwjKVjc-00080-00028464-00028870 I didn't knew that you put also ginger in the mabu tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00081-00028877-00029116 I'm going away from here, it's dangerous! S6cyWwjKVjc-00082-00029210-00029410 you will see this cooking video from far away! S6cyWwjKVjc-00083-00029418-00029618 because it's risky! S6cyWwjKVjc-00084-00029638-00029930 good, let the garlic roast S6cyWwjKVjc-00085-00029980-00030486 we put this mistery sauce, that is super spicy S6cyWwjKVjc-00086-00030495-00030789 well, it has inside some cilli peppers and S6cyWwjKVjc-00087-00030792-00031094 the mix of all these sauces! S6cyWwjKVjc-00088-00031098-00031377 the smell is soo good! S6cyWwjKVjc-00089-00031377-00031562 now we add the meat S6cyWwjKVjc-00090-00031572-00031772 like this S6cyWwjKVjc-00091-00031798-00032189 it smells like mabu tofu! good! S6cyWwjKVjc-00092-00032208-00032550 I'm super convinced that after this video I will partecipate at MasterChef S6cyWwjKVjc-00093-00032560-00032892 but with my partners, not alone... S6cyWwjKVjc-00094-00032896-00033096 now we put the niwa S6cyWwjKVjc-00095-00033096-00033226 you can also put it earlier inside S6cyWwjKVjc-00096-00033226-00033424 and also the cilli peppers S6cyWwjKVjc-00097-00033424-00033624 nice hair - like Beyonce! ^^ S6cyWwjKVjc-00098-00033624-00033756 and then the niwa S6cyWwjKVjc-00099-00034202-00034356 now you add the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00100-00034650-00034850 they look like marshmellows, but they aren't S6cyWwjKVjc-00101-00034862-00035516 now this is a little bit difficult, because you need to let the sauce act on the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00102-00035524-00035806 without ruining the tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00103-00035812-00036012 because they taste better like this. S6cyWwjKVjc-00104-00036028-00036418 Now you can add also some water, S6cyWwjKVjc-00105-00036440-00036906 it will be better. S6cyWwjKVjc-00106-00036924-00037450 It smells so good, this is by far my favourite chinese dish S6cyWwjKVjc-00107-00037508-00037782 I need to say that it's difficult to find a good one S6cyWwjKVjc-00108-00037782-00038030 here they do it like in every chinese restaurant S6cyWwjKVjc-00109-00038030-00038326 it's not so expensive, but sometimes it's difficult to find a good one! S6cyWwjKVjc-00110-00038328-00038540 now we add some chinese black pepper S6cyWwjKVjc-00111-00038540-00038698 look at this S6cyWwjKVjc-00112-00038914-00039126 Then you put some Sichuan oil S6cyWwjKVjc-00113-00039126-00039310 not to much, because it's super spicy! S6cyWwjKVjc-00114-00039320-00039756 they usually add one more sauce, but it was finished S6cyWwjKVjc-00115-00039916-00040178 you also want to try our mabu tofu? S6cyWwjKVjc-00116-00040212-00040812 let's try it as good chef, so that I can give my opinion! S6cyWwjKVjc-00117-00041398-00041830 the idea was very good, but your execution wasn't the best one! S6cyWwjKVjc-00118-00041830-00042042 it is below my expectations S6cyWwjKVjc-00119-00042042-00042238 no, I'm joking! it's delicious! S6cyWwjKVjc-00120-00042302-00042464 look how much rice arrived! S6cyWwjKVjc-00121-00042914-00043182 there is written that it's made with love by the farmers S6cyWwjKVjc-00122-00043190-00043390 and that they're super proud of this rice! S6cyWwjKVjc-00123-00043468-00043774 10 kilos of rice from Hokkaido S6cyWwjKVjc-00124-00043774-00043974 our dog is so happy right now! S6cyWwjKVjc-00125-00044516-00044768 and to complete our mabo tofu S6cyWwjKVjc-00126-00044768-00044894 we cut some negi! S6cyWwjKVjc-00127-00045078-00045294 good this is the final result! S6cyWwjKVjc-00128-00045306-00045648 I already tried it and it's soo good and super spicy! S6cyWwjKVjc-00129-00045648-00045832 it's very easy to prepare S6cyWwjKVjc-00130-00045842-00046092 and also not that expensive, I recommend to try it! S6cyWwjKVjc-00131-00046100-00046640 See you tomorrow with another video always at 2pm (GMT+1) and write in the comments if you liked this video about asian cuisine S6cyWwjKVjc-00132-00046646-00046944 leave a like and share it with all of your friends! S9t6R3eps5M-00000-00000569-00000656 You may receive S9t6R3eps5M-00001-00000656-00001054 an invitation to join a Foliotek ePortfolio S9t6R3eps5M-00002-00001054-00001441 Community. Communities are set up for a variety of reasons. S9t6R3eps5M-00003-00001441-00001814 For example, a Community may be created for the purpose of S9t6R3eps5M-00004-00001814-00002255 your course so you can share your ePortfolio with your instructor S9t6R3eps5M-00005-00002255-00002650 and fellow students. If you are invited to join a Community, S9t6R3eps5M-00006-00002650-00003126 the invitation will be sent to your student email account and will come from S9t6R3eps5M-00007-00003126-00003216 Foliotek. 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You can also see if there are any Projects S9t6R3eps5M-00030-00011897-00012206 that are related to this Community, and see a list S9t6R3eps5M-00031-00012206-00012763 Members who are and this community. Each Member is represented by a circle. S9t6R3eps5M-00032-00012763-00013078 The icon here will bring you to S9t6R3eps5M-00033-00013078-00013456 their Identity Page, which acts as their online business card. S9t6R3eps5M-00034-00013456-00013819 The icon here S9t6R3eps5M-00035-00013819-00014147 will bring you to any Projects that the user may have created S9t6R3eps5M-00036-00014147-00014612 and added to the Community. Any S9t6R3eps5M-00037-00014612-00014938 book icon will bring you to the ePortfolios S9t6R3eps5M-00038-00014938-00015185 that this user has shared in the Community. S9yRvjgRi3A-00000-00000010-00000063 GRADUATING CLASS OF 2017 HAT 50 S9yRvjgRi3A-00001-00000063-00000070 GRADUATING CLASS OF 2017 HAT 50 S9yRvjgRi3A-00002-00000070-00000263 GRADUATING CLASS OF 2017 HAT 50 STUDENTS IN NATURAL HONOR S9yRvjgRi3A-00003-00000263-00000270 GRADUATING CLASS OF 2017 HAT 50 STUDENTS IN NATURAL HONOR S9yRvjgRi3A-00004-00000270-00000440 GRADUATING CLASS OF 2017 HAT 50 STUDENTS IN NATURAL HONOR SOCIETY AND 49 OF THEM GRADUATED S9yRvjgRi3A-00005-00000440-00000447 STUDENTS IN NATURAL HONOR SOCIETY AND 49 OF THEM GRADUATED S9yRvjgRi3A-00006-00000447-00001181 STUDENTS IN NATURAL HONOR SOCIETY AND 49 OF THEM GRADUATED WITH TOP HONORS. S9yRvjgRi3A-00007-00001181-00001187 SOCIETY AND 49 OF THEM GRADUATED WITH TOP HONORS. S9yRvjgRi3A-00008-00001187-00001254 SOCIETY AND 49 OF THEM GRADUATED WITH TOP HONORS. IT'S PLANTING SEASON AND IN S9yRvjgRi3A-00009-00001254-00001261 WITH TOP HONORS. IT'S PLANTING SEASON AND IN S9yRvjgRi3A-00010-00001261-00001317 WITH TOP HONORS. IT'S PLANTING SEASON AND IN ORDER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00011-00001317-00001324 IT'S PLANTING SEASON AND IN ORDER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00012-00001324-00001381 IT'S PLANTING SEASON AND IN ORDER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO BLOSSOM... PROPER CARE IS S9yRvjgRi3A-00013-00001381-00001388 ORDER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO BLOSSOM... PROPER CARE IS S9yRvjgRi3A-00014-00001388-00001544 ORDER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO BLOSSOM... PROPER CARE IS NECESSARY. S9yRvjgRi3A-00015-00001544-00001551 BLOSSOM... PROPER CARE IS NECESSARY. S9yRvjgRi3A-00016-00001551-00001611 BLOSSOM... PROPER CARE IS NECESSARY. WHEN PLANTS ARE GROWN IN A S9yRvjgRi3A-00017-00001611-00001618 NECESSARY. WHEN PLANTS ARE GROWN IN A S9yRvjgRi3A-00018-00001618-00001691 NECESSARY. WHEN PLANTS ARE GROWN IN A GREENHOUSE THEY'RE NOT USE TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00019-00001691-00001698 WHEN PLANTS ARE GROWN IN A GREENHOUSE THEY'RE NOT USE TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00020-00001698-00002258 WHEN PLANTS ARE GROWN IN A GREENHOUSE THEY'RE NOT USE TO ELEMENTS SUCH AS THE WIND. S9yRvjgRi3A-00021-00002258-00002265 GREENHOUSE THEY'RE NOT USE TO ELEMENTS SUCH AS THE WIND. S9yRvjgRi3A-00022-00002265-00002332 GREENHOUSE THEY'RE NOT USE TO ELEMENTS SUCH AS THE WIND. ACCORDING TO TYLER OLSON WITH S9yRvjgRi3A-00023-00002332-00002338 ELEMENTS SUCH AS THE WIND. ACCORDING TO TYLER OLSON WITH S9yRvjgRi3A-00024-00002338-00002409 ELEMENTS SUCH AS THE WIND. ACCORDING TO TYLER OLSON WITH NATURE'S EDGE GARDEN CENTER S9yRvjgRi3A-00025-00002409-00002415 ACCORDING TO TYLER OLSON WITH NATURE'S EDGE GARDEN CENTER S9yRvjgRi3A-00026-00002415-00002479 ACCORDING TO TYLER OLSON WITH NATURE'S EDGE GARDEN CENTER BRINGING PLANTS IN AND OUT SO S9yRvjgRi3A-00027-00002479-00002485 NATURE'S EDGE GARDEN CENTER BRINGING PLANTS IN AND OUT SO S9yRvjgRi3A-00028-00002485-00002675 NATURE'S EDGE GARDEN CENTER BRINGING PLANTS IN AND OUT SO THEY CAN BE ACCLIMATED TO THE S9yRvjgRi3A-00029-00002675-00002682 BRINGING PLANTS IN AND OUT SO THEY CAN BE ACCLIMATED TO THE S9yRvjgRi3A-00030-00002682-00002739 BRINGING PLANTS IN AND OUT SO THEY CAN BE ACCLIMATED TO THE SUN IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL S9yRvjgRi3A-00031-00002739-00002746 THEY CAN BE ACCLIMATED TO THE SUN IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL S9yRvjgRi3A-00032-00002746-00003089 THEY CAN BE ACCLIMATED TO THE SUN IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL GARDENING. S9yRvjgRi3A-00033-00003089-00003096 SUN IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL GARDENING. S9yRvjgRi3A-00034-00003096-00003353 SUN IS KEY TO SUCCESSFUL GARDENING. >> NORMALLY FORMIAL DAY WEEK S9yRvjgRi3A-00035-00003353-00003360 GARDENING. >> NORMALLY FORMIAL DAY WEEK S9yRvjgRi3A-00036-00003360-00003490 GARDENING. >> NORMALLY FORMIAL DAY WEEK EBBED, WE ARE READY TO PLANT, S9yRvjgRi3A-00037-00003490-00003496 >> NORMALLY FORMIAL DAY WEEK EBBED, WE ARE READY TO PLANT, S9yRvjgRi3A-00038-00003496-00003693 >> NORMALLY FORMIAL DAY WEEK EBBED, WE ARE READY TO PLANT, AND EVEN THOUGH WE DO NEED TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00039-00003693-00003700 EBBED, WE ARE READY TO PLANT, AND EVEN THOUGH WE DO NEED TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00040-00003700-00003877 EBBED, WE ARE READY TO PLANT, AND EVEN THOUGH WE DO NEED TO LOOK AT THE WEATHER TO MAKE SURE S9yRvjgRi3A-00041-00003877-00003883 AND EVEN THOUGH WE DO NEED TO LOOK AT THE WEATHER TO MAKE SURE S9yRvjgRi3A-00042-00003883-00004013 AND EVEN THOUGH WE DO NEED TO LOOK AT THE WEATHER TO MAKE SURE THERE'S NO MORE FROST COMING IN S9yRvjgRi3A-00043-00004013-00004020 LOOK AT THE WEATHER TO MAKE SURE THERE'S NO MORE FROST COMING IN S9yRvjgRi3A-00044-00004020-00004140 LOOK AT THE WEATHER TO MAKE SURE THERE'S NO MORE FROST COMING IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE IT HAS S9yRvjgRi3A-00045-00004140-00004147 THERE'S NO MORE FROST COMING IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE IT HAS S9yRvjgRi3A-00046-00004147-00004421 THERE'S NO MORE FROST COMING IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE IT HAS HAPPENED IN JUNE BEFORE. S9yRvjgRi3A-00047-00004421-00004427 THE FUTURE BECAUSE IT HAS HAPPENED IN JUNE BEFORE. S9yRvjgRi3A-00048-00004427-00004534 THE FUTURE BECAUSE IT HAS HAPPENED IN JUNE BEFORE. >> Josh: SOME FLOWERS START AS S9yRvjgRi3A-00049-00004534-00004541 HAPPENED IN JUNE BEFORE. >> Josh: SOME FLOWERS START AS S9yRvjgRi3A-00050-00004541-00004694 HAPPENED IN JUNE BEFORE. >> Josh: SOME FLOWERS START AS EARLY AS JANUARY AND OTHERS S9yRvjgRi3A-00051-00004694-00004701 >> Josh: SOME FLOWERS START AS EARLY AS JANUARY AND OTHERS S9yRvjgRi3A-00052-00004701-00004871 >> Josh: SOME FLOWERS START AS EARLY AS JANUARY AND OTHERS START APRIL AND IN BETWEEN. S9yRvjgRi3A-00053-00004871-00004878 EARLY AS JANUARY AND OTHERS START APRIL AND IN BETWEEN. S9yRvjgRi3A-00054-00004878-00005121 EARLY AS JANUARY AND OTHERS START APRIL AND IN BETWEEN. AS LONG AS IT'S NOT FREEZING S9yRvjgRi3A-00055-00005121-00005128 START APRIL AND IN BETWEEN. AS LONG AS IT'S NOT FREEZING S9yRvjgRi3A-00056-00005128-00005241 START APRIL AND IN BETWEEN. AS LONG AS IT'S NOT FREEZING OUTSIDE, FLOWERS AND PLANT S9yRvjgRi3A-00057-00005241-00005248 AS LONG AS IT'S NOT FREEZING OUTSIDE, FLOWERS AND PLANT S9yRvjgRi3A-00058-00005248-00005331 AS LONG AS IT'S NOT FREEZING OUTSIDE, FLOWERS AND PLANT SHOULD BE OKAY. S9yRvjgRi3A-00059-00005331-00005338 OUTSIDE, FLOWERS AND PLANT SHOULD BE OKAY. S9yRvjgRi3A-00060-00005338-00005505 OUTSIDE, FLOWERS AND PLANT SHOULD BE OKAY. HERE ARE TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00061-00005505-00005512 SHOULD BE OKAY. HERE ARE TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND TO S9yRvjgRi3A-00062-00005512-00006132 SHOULD BE OKAY. HERE ARE TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND TO PROTECT YOUR GARDEN. S9yRvjgRi3A-00063-00006132-00006139 HERE ARE TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND TO PROTECT YOUR GARDEN. S9yRvjgRi3A-00064-00006139-00006469 HERE ARE TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND TO PROTECT YOUR GARDEN. >> MAKE SURE IT'S WATERED AND S9yRvjgRi3A-00065-00006469-00006476 PROTECT YOUR GARDEN. >> MAKE SURE IT'S WATERED AND S9yRvjgRi3A-00066-00006476-00006703 PROTECT YOUR GARDEN. >> MAKE SURE IT'S WATERED AND DOESN'T DRY OUT. S9yRvjgRi3A-00067-00006703-00006709 >> MAKE SURE IT'S WATERED AND DOESN'T DRY OUT. S9yRvjgRi3A-00068-00006709-00006903 >> MAKE SURE IT'S WATERED AND DOESN'T DRY OUT. AS SUMMER PROGRESSES AND GETS S9yRvjgRi3A-00069-00006903-00006910 DOESN'T DRY OUT. AS SUMMER PROGRESSES AND GETS S9yRvjgRi3A-00070-00006910-00007177 DOESN'T DRY OUT. AS SUMMER PROGRESSES AND GETS WARMER, YOU NEED TO WATER MORE. S9yRvjgRi3A-00071-00007177-00007183 AS SUMMER PROGRESSES AND GETS WARMER, YOU NEED TO WATER MORE. S9yRvjgRi3A-00072-00007183-00007287 AS SUMMER PROGRESSES AND GETS WARMER, YOU NEED TO WATER MORE. >> Josh: ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR Sq7qQi7hzII-00000-00000010-00000093 YOUR SPORTS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00001-00000093-00000100 YOUR SPORTS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00002-00000100-00000160 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. Sq7qQi7hzII-00003-00000160-00000166 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. Sq7qQi7hzII-00004-00000166-00000240 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. Sq7qQi7hzII-00005-00000240-00000246 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. Sq7qQi7hzII-00006-00000246-00000440 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. AFTER BEING ANNOUNCED AS A TOP Sq7qQi7hzII-00007-00000440-00000447 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. AFTER BEING ANNOUNCED AS A TOP Sq7qQi7hzII-00008-00000447-00000627 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. AFTER BEING ANNOUNCED AS A TOP 10 CITY IN THE SMALL BUSINESS Sq7qQi7hzII-00009-00000627-00000633 AFTER BEING ANNOUNCED AS A TOP 10 CITY IN THE SMALL BUSINESS Sq7qQi7hzII-00010-00000633-00000760 AFTER BEING ANNOUNCED AS A TOP 10 CITY IN THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION, THE BRAINERD LAKES Sq7qQi7hzII-00011-00000760-00000767 10 CITY IN THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION, THE BRAINERD LAKES Sq7qQi7hzII-00012-00000767-00000954 10 CITY IN THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION, THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW Sq7qQi7hzII-00013-00000954-00000960 REVOLUTION, THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW Sq7qQi7hzII-00014-00000960-00001121 REVOLUTION, THE BRAINERD LAKES AREA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OFF THE CITY TO THE TEAM FROM Sq7qQi7hzII-00015-00001121-00001127 AREA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OFF THE CITY TO THE TEAM FROM Sq7qQi7hzII-00016-00001127-00001398 AREA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OFF THE CITY TO THE TEAM FROM THE DELUXE CORPORATION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00017-00001398-00001404 OFF THE CITY TO THE TEAM FROM THE DELUXE CORPORATION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00018-00001404-00001511 OFF THE CITY TO THE TEAM FROM THE DELUXE CORPORATION. CLAYTON CASTLE WAS AT THE RALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00019-00001511-00001518 THE DELUXE CORPORATION. CLAYTON CASTLE WAS AT THE RALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00020-00001518-00001708 THE DELUXE CORPORATION. CLAYTON CASTLE WAS AT THE RALLY AND HAS MORE ON WHAT WINNING THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00021-00001708-00001714 CLAYTON CASTLE WAS AT THE RALLY AND HAS MORE ON WHAT WINNING THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00022-00001714-00001961 CLAYTON CASTLE WAS AT THE RALLY AND HAS MORE ON WHAT WINNING THE COMPETITION WOULD MEAN FOR Sq7qQi7hzII-00023-00001961-00001968 AND HAS MORE ON WHAT WINNING THE COMPETITION WOULD MEAN FOR Sq7qQi7hzII-00024-00001968-00002555 AND HAS MORE ON WHAT WINNING THE COMPETITION WOULD MEAN FOR BRAINERD. Sq7qQi7hzII-00025-00002555-00002562 COMPETITION WOULD MEAN FOR BRAINERD. Sq7qQi7hzII-00026-00002562-00002695 COMPETITION WOULD MEAN FOR BRAINERD. >> CLAYTON: THE ROAR OF THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00027-00002695-00002702 BRAINERD. >> CLAYTON: THE ROAR OF THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00028-00002702-00002826 BRAINERD. >> CLAYTON: THE ROAR OF THE CROWD MADE AN I AM BRETION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00029-00002826-00002832 >> CLAYTON: THE ROAR OF THE CROWD MADE AN I AM BRETION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00030-00002832-00002982 >> CLAYTON: THE ROAR OF THE CROWD MADE AN I AM BRETION. >> THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, I HAVE Sq7qQi7hzII-00031-00002982-00002989 CROWD MADE AN I AM BRETION. >> THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, I HAVE Sq7qQi7hzII-00032-00002989-00003069 CROWD MADE AN I AM BRETION. >> THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, I HAVE TO SAY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00033-00003069-00003076 >> THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, I HAVE TO SAY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00034-00003076-00003670 >> THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, I HAVE TO SAY. WE HAVE -- -- IMPRESSION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00035-00003670-00003676 TO SAY. WE HAVE -- -- IMPRESSION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00036-00003676-00003793 TO SAY. WE HAVE -- -- IMPRESSION. >> IT LOOKED LIKE A SURPRISE Sq7qQi7hzII-00037-00003793-00003800 WE HAVE -- -- IMPRESSION. >> IT LOOKED LIKE A SURPRISE Sq7qQi7hzII-00038-00003800-00003840 WE HAVE -- -- IMPRESSION. >> IT LOOKED LIKE A SURPRISE PARTY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00039-00003840-00003847 >> IT LOOKED LIKE A SURPRISE PARTY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00040-00003847-00003980 >> IT LOOKED LIKE A SURPRISE PARTY. WE KNEW THE PARTY WAS HAPPENING. Sq7qQi7hzII-00041-00003980-00003987 PARTY. WE KNEW THE PARTY WAS HAPPENING. Sq7qQi7hzII-00042-00003987-00004060 PARTY. WE KNEW THE PARTY WAS HAPPENING. >> THE CITY OF BRAINERD IS IN Sq7qQi7hzII-00043-00004060-00004067 WE KNEW THE PARTY WAS HAPPENING. >> THE CITY OF BRAINERD IS IN Sq7qQi7hzII-00044-00004067-00004247 WE KNEW THE PARTY WAS HAPPENING. >> THE CITY OF BRAINERD IS IN THE TOP 10 CITIES TO BE SELECTED Sq7qQi7hzII-00045-00004247-00004254 >> THE CITY OF BRAINERD IS IN THE TOP 10 CITIES TO BE SELECTED Sq7qQi7hzII-00046-00004254-00004444 >> THE CITY OF BRAINERD IS IN THE TOP 10 CITIES TO BE SELECTED BY THE DELUXE CORPORATION AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00047-00004444-00004451 THE TOP 10 CITIES TO BE SELECTED BY THE DELUXE CORPORATION AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00048-00004451-00004581 THE TOP 10 CITIES TO BE SELECTED BY THE DELUXE CORPORATION AND THE WEB SHOWS SMALL BUSINESS Sq7qQi7hzII-00049-00004581-00004587 BY THE DELUXE CORPORATION AND THE WEB SHOWS SMALL BUSINESS Sq7qQi7hzII-00050-00004587-00004781 BY THE DELUXE CORPORATION AND THE WEB SHOWS SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF Sq7qQi7hzII-00051-00004781-00004788 THE WEB SHOWS SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF Sq7qQi7hzII-00052-00004788-00004998 THE WEB SHOWS SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF $500,000 FOR DOWNTOWN Sq7qQi7hzII-00053-00004998-00005004 REVOLUTION FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF $500,000 FOR DOWNTOWN Sq7qQi7hzII-00054-00005004-00005065 REVOLUTION FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF $500,000 FOR DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00055-00005065-00005071 $500,000 FOR DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00056-00005071-00005195 $500,000 FOR DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THE BRAINERD Sq7qQi7hzII-00057-00005195-00005201 REVITALIZATION. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THE BRAINERD Sq7qQi7hzII-00058-00005201-00005365 REVITALIZATION. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY HELD A RALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00059-00005365-00005372 ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY HELD A RALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00060-00005372-00005598 ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY HELD A RALLY TO WELCOME THE DELUXE TEAM AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00061-00005598-00005605 BUSINESS COMMUNITY HELD A RALLY TO WELCOME THE DELUXE TEAM AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00062-00005605-00005795 BUSINESS COMMUNITY HELD A RALLY TO WELCOME THE DELUXE TEAM AND SHOW STAR AMANDA BRINKMAN. Sq7qQi7hzII-00063-00005795-00005802 TO WELCOME THE DELUXE TEAM AND SHOW STAR AMANDA BRINKMAN. Sq7qQi7hzII-00064-00005802-00005945 TO WELCOME THE DELUXE TEAM AND SHOW STAR AMANDA BRINKMAN. >> OUR COMMUNITY CAME OUT, OUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00065-00005945-00005952 SHOW STAR AMANDA BRINKMAN. >> OUR COMMUNITY CAME OUT, OUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00066-00005952-00006066 SHOW STAR AMANDA BRINKMAN. >> OUR COMMUNITY CAME OUT, OUR BUSINESS COMMUNITY CAME OUT, AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00067-00006066-00006072 >> OUR COMMUNITY CAME OUT, OUR BUSINESS COMMUNITY CAME OUT, AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00068-00006072-00006249 >> OUR COMMUNITY CAME OUT, OUR BUSINESS COMMUNITY CAME OUT, AND THEY WERE CHEERING HERE LIKE THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00069-00006249-00006256 BUSINESS COMMUNITY CAME OUT, AND THEY WERE CHEERING HERE LIKE THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00070-00006256-00006413 BUSINESS COMMUNITY CAME OUT, AND THEY WERE CHEERING HERE LIKE THE VIKINGS WON THE SUPER BOWL, AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00071-00006413-00006419 THEY WERE CHEERING HERE LIKE THE VIKINGS WON THE SUPER BOWL, AND Sq7qQi7hzII-00072-00006419-00006589 THEY WERE CHEERING HERE LIKE THE VIKINGS WON THE SUPER BOWL, AND THAT'S WHAT WE WERE AFTER, TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00073-00006589-00006596 VIKINGS WON THE SUPER BOWL, AND THAT'S WHAT WE WERE AFTER, TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00074-00006596-00006876 VIKINGS WON THE SUPER BOWL, AND THAT'S WHAT WE WERE AFTER, TO MAKE A DYNAMIC IMPRESSION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00075-00006876-00006883 THAT'S WHAT WE WERE AFTER, TO MAKE A DYNAMIC IMPRESSION. Sq7qQi7hzII-00076-00006883-00007020 THAT'S WHAT WE WERE AFTER, TO MAKE A DYNAMIC IMPRESSION. >> BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00077-00007020-00007027 MAKE A DYNAMIC IMPRESSION. >> BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00078-00007027-00007147 MAKE A DYNAMIC IMPRESSION. >> BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESSES IS AT THE HEART OF THE SMALL Sq7qQi7hzII-00079-00007147-00007153 >> BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESSES IS AT THE HEART OF THE SMALL Sq7qQi7hzII-00080-00007153-00007290 >> BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESSES IS AT THE HEART OF THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION AS THOSE Sq7qQi7hzII-00081-00007290-00007297 IS AT THE HEART OF THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION AS THOSE Sq7qQi7hzII-00082-00007297-00007427 IS AT THE HEART OF THE SMALL BUSINESS REVOLUTION AS THOSE SMALL BUSINESSES ARE EXTREMELY Sq7qQi7hzII-00083-00007427-00007434 BUSINESS REVOLUTION AS THOSE SMALL BUSINESSES ARE EXTREMELY Sq7qQi7hzII-00084-00007434-00007604 BUSINESS REVOLUTION AS THOSE SMALL BUSINESSES ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IN SMALL TOWNS LIKE Sq7qQi7hzII-00085-00007604-00007610 SMALL BUSINESSES ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IN SMALL TOWNS LIKE Sq7qQi7hzII-00086-00007610-00007680 SMALL BUSINESSES ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IN SMALL TOWNS LIKE BRAINERD. Sq7qQi7hzII-00087-00007680-00007687 IMPORTANT IN SMALL TOWNS LIKE BRAINERD. Sq7qQi7hzII-00088-00007687-00007824 IMPORTANT IN SMALL TOWNS LIKE BRAINERD. >> WE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00089-00007824-00007831 BRAINERD. >> WE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00090-00007831-00007941 BRAINERD. >> WE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING TO REALLY HONOR SMALL BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00091-00007941-00007947 >> WE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING TO REALLY HONOR SMALL BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00092-00007947-00008154 >> WE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING TO REALLY HONOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND TURN THE SPOTLIGHT ON TO THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00093-00008154-00008161 REALLY HONOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND TURN THE SPOTLIGHT ON TO THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00094-00008161-00008298 REALLY HONOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND TURN THE SPOTLIGHT ON TO THE IMPORTANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES, Sq7qQi7hzII-00095-00008298-00008304 AND TURN THE SPOTLIGHT ON TO THE IMPORTANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES, Sq7qQi7hzII-00096-00008304-00008488 AND TURN THE SPOTLIGHT ON TO THE IMPORTANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES, AND NOR IS THAT TRUE THAN IN OUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00097-00008488-00008495 IMPORTANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES, AND NOR IS THAT TRUE THAN IN OUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00098-00008495-00008568 IMPORTANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES, AND NOR IS THAT TRUE THAN IN OUR SMALL TOWN. Sq7qQi7hzII-00099-00008568-00008575 AND NOR IS THAT TRUE THAN IN OUR SMALL TOWN. Sq7qQi7hzII-00100-00008575-00008775 AND NOR IS THAT TRUE THAN IN OUR SMALL TOWN. SO WE STARTED THIS TO REALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00101-00008775-00008782 SMALL TOWN. SO WE STARTED THIS TO REALLY Sq7qQi7hzII-00102-00008782-00008895 SMALL TOWN. SO WE STARTED THIS TO REALLY CREATE A MOVEMENT. Sq7qQi7hzII-00103-00008895-00008902 SO WE STARTED THIS TO REALLY CREATE A MOVEMENT. Sq7qQi7hzII-00104-00008902-00009012 SO WE STARTED THIS TO REALLY CREATE A MOVEMENT. >> FOR BRAINERD, THE BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00105-00009012-00009019 CREATE A MOVEMENT. >> FOR BRAINERD, THE BUSINESSES Sq7qQi7hzII-00106-00009019-00009205 CREATE A MOVEMENT. >> FOR BRAINERD, THE BUSINESSES IN DOWNTOWN ARE IMPORTANT TO THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00107-00009205-00009212 >> FOR BRAINERD, THE BUSINESSES IN DOWNTOWN ARE IMPORTANT TO THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00108-00009212-00009466 >> FOR BRAINERD, THE BUSINESSES IN DOWNTOWN ARE IMPORTANT TO THE VITALITY OF THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00109-00009466-00009472 IN DOWNTOWN ARE IMPORTANT TO THE VITALITY OF THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00110-00009472-00009686 IN DOWNTOWN ARE IMPORTANT TO THE VITALITY OF THE CITY. >> SMALL BUSINESSES THAT FOUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00111-00009686-00009693 VITALITY OF THE CITY. >> SMALL BUSINESSES THAT FOUR Sq7qQi7hzII-00112-00009693-00009883 VITALITY OF THE CITY. >> SMALL BUSINESSES THAT FOUR BLOCKS IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY Sq7qQi7hzII-00113-00009883-00009889 >> SMALL BUSINESSES THAT FOUR BLOCKS IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY Sq7qQi7hzII-00114-00009889-00010009 >> SMALL BUSINESSES THAT FOUR BLOCKS IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY IS THE HEART OF THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00115-00010009-00010016 BLOCKS IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY IS THE HEART OF THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00116-00010016-00010126 BLOCKS IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY IS THE HEART OF THE CITY. WITHOUT THAT FOUR BLOCKS IS A Sq7qQi7hzII-00117-00010126-00010133 IS THE HEART OF THE CITY. WITHOUT THAT FOUR BLOCKS IS A Sq7qQi7hzII-00118-00010133-00010500 IS THE HEART OF THE CITY. WITHOUT THAT FOUR BLOCKS IS A HUGE TAX INCENTIVE TO KEEP THAT Sq7qQi7hzII-00119-00010500-00010507 WITHOUT THAT FOUR BLOCKS IS A HUGE TAX INCENTIVE TO KEEP THAT Sq7qQi7hzII-00120-00010507-00010603 WITHOUT THAT FOUR BLOCKS IS A HUGE TAX INCENTIVE TO KEEP THAT FOUR BLOCKS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00121-00010603-00010610 HUGE TAX INCENTIVE TO KEEP THAT FOUR BLOCKS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00122-00010610-00010750 HUGE TAX INCENTIVE TO KEEP THAT FOUR BLOCKS. PER SQUARE FOOT, THAT'S THE MOST Sq7qQi7hzII-00123-00010750-00010757 FOUR BLOCKS. PER SQUARE FOOT, THAT'S THE MOST Sq7qQi7hzII-00124-00010757-00010894 FOUR BLOCKS. PER SQUARE FOOT, THAT'S THE MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00125-00010894-00010900 PER SQUARE FOOT, THAT'S THE MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. Sq7qQi7hzII-00126-00010900-00011097 PER SQUARE FOOT, THAT'S THE MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. >> AS FOR THE SHOWING BRAINERD Sq7qQi7hzII-00127-00011097-00011104 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. >> AS FOR THE SHOWING BRAINERD Sq7qQi7hzII-00128-00011104-00011291 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. >> AS FOR THE SHOWING BRAINERD PUT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, CHAMBER Sq7qQi7hzII-00129-00011291-00011297 >> AS FOR THE SHOWING BRAINERD PUT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, CHAMBER Sq7qQi7hzII-00130-00011297-00011611 >> AS FOR THE SHOWING BRAINERD PUT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, CHAMBER PRESIDENT MATT KILLIAN BELIEVES Sq7qQi7hzII-00131-00011611-00011618 PUT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, CHAMBER PRESIDENT MATT KILLIAN BELIEVES Sq7qQi7hzII-00132-00011618-00011801 PUT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, CHAMBER PRESIDENT MATT KILLIAN BELIEVES THEY -- DELUXE WILL HAVE A TOUGH Sq7qQi7hzII-00133-00011801-00011808 PRESIDENT MATT KILLIAN BELIEVES THEY -- DELUXE WILL HAVE A TOUGH Sq7qQi7hzII-00134-00011808-00011968 PRESIDENT MATT KILLIAN BELIEVES THEY -- DELUXE WILL HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO PICK THE TOP 5. Sq7qQi7hzII-00135-00011968-00011975 THEY -- DELUXE WILL HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO PICK THE TOP 5. Sq7qQi7hzII-00136-00011975-00012132 THEY -- DELUXE WILL HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO PICK THE TOP 5. >> I THINK WE REALLY SHOWCASED Sq7qQi7hzII-00137-00012132-00012138 DECISION TO PICK THE TOP 5. >> I THINK WE REALLY SHOWCASED Sq7qQi7hzII-00138-00012138-00012252 DECISION TO PICK THE TOP 5. >> I THINK WE REALLY SHOWCASED THE ENERGY AND THE PASSION OF Sq7qQi7hzII-00139-00012252-00012258 >> I THINK WE REALLY SHOWCASED THE ENERGY AND THE PASSION OF Sq7qQi7hzII-00140-00012258-00012385 >> I THINK WE REALLY SHOWCASED THE ENERGY AND THE PASSION OF THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY, Sq7qQi7hzII-00141-00012385-00012392 THE ENERGY AND THE PASSION OF THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY, Sq7qQi7hzII-00142-00012392-00012639 THE ENERGY AND THE PASSION OF THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY, AND THE MOOD IN THIS PLACE IS Sq7qQi7hzII-00143-00012639-00012645 THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY, AND THE MOOD IN THIS PLACE IS Sq7qQi7hzII-00144-00012645-00012772 THE BRAINERD BUSINESS COMMUNITY, AND THE MOOD IN THIS PLACE IS ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC, AND SO Sq7qQi7hzII-00145-00012772-00012779 AND THE MOOD IN THIS PLACE IS ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC, AND SO Sq7qQi7hzII-00146-00012779-00012956 AND THE MOOD IN THIS PLACE IS ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC, AND SO THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A TOUGH Sq7qQi7hzII-00147-00012956-00012962 ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC, AND SO THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A TOUGH Sq7qQi7hzII-00148-00012962-00013343 ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC, AND SO THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO GO FROM 10 TO 5, BUT Sq7qQi7hzII-00149-00013343-00013349 THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO GO FROM 10 TO 5, BUT Sq7qQi7hzII-00150-00013349-00013536 THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A TOUGH DECISION TO GO FROM 10 TO 5, BUT BRAINERD MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION Sq7qQi7hzII-00151-00013536-00013543 DECISION TO GO FROM 10 TO 5, BUT BRAINERD MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION Sq7qQi7hzII-00152-00013543-00013650 DECISION TO GO FROM 10 TO 5, BUT BRAINERD MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION TONIGHT, AND WE'RE GOING TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00153-00013650-00013656 BRAINERD MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION TONIGHT, AND WE'RE GOING TO Sq7qQi7hzII-00154-00013656-00013740 BRAINERD MADE A GREAT IMPRESSION TONIGHT, AND WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW. Sq7qQi7hzII-00155-00013740-00013747 TONIGHT, AND WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW. Sq7qQi7hzII-00156-00013747-00013890 TONIGHT, AND WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW. >> THE TOP 5 WILL BE ANNOUNCED Sq7qQi7hzII-00157-00013890-00013897 CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW. >> THE TOP 5 WILL BE ANNOUNCED Sq7qQi7hzII-00158-00013897-00014100 CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW. >> THE TOP 5 WILL BE ANNOUNCED TIME IN MID-FEBRUARY FOLLOWED BY Sq7qQi7hzII-00159-00014100-00014107 >> THE TOP 5 WILL BE ANNOUNCED TIME IN MID-FEBRUARY FOLLOWED BY Sq7qQi7hzII-00160-00014107-00014264 >> THE TOP 5 WILL BE ANNOUNCED TIME IN MID-FEBRUARY FOLLOWED BY AN ONLINE FAN VOTE TO DETERMINE Sq7qQi7hzII-00161-00014264-00014270 TIME IN MID-FEBRUARY FOLLOWED BY AN ONLINE FAN VOTE TO DETERMINE Sq7qQi7hzII-00162-00014270-00014344 TIME IN MID-FEBRUARY FOLLOWED BY AN ONLINE FAN VOTE TO DETERMINE THE WINNER. Sq7qQi7hzII-00163-00014344-00014350 AN ONLINE FAN VOTE TO DETERMINE THE WINNER. Sq7qQi7hzII-00164-00014350-00014574 AN ONLINE FAN VOTE TO DETERMINE THE WINNER. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CAN CLAIT Sq7qQi7hzII-00165-00014574-00014581 THE WINNER. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CAN CLAIT Sq7qQi7hzII-00166-00014581-00014774 THE WINNER. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CAN CLAIT CLAIT, LAKELAND NEWS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00167-00014774-00014781 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CAN CLAIT CLAIT, LAKELAND NEWS. Sq7qQi7hzII-00168-00014781-00014961 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CAN CLAIT CLAIT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> BRINKMAN AND THE REST OF THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00169-00014961-00014968 CLAIT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> BRINKMAN AND THE REST OF THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00170-00014968-00015094 CLAIT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> BRINKMAN AND THE REST OF THE DELUXE TEAM VISITED THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00171-00015094-00015101 >> BRINKMAN AND THE REST OF THE DELUXE TEAM VISITED THE Sq7qQi7hzII-00172-00015101-00015168 >> BRINKMAN AND THE REST OF THE DELUXE TEAM VISITED THE BUSINESSES OF DOWNTOWN BRAINERD SrbY1pB0UVg-00000-00000057-00000315 Hello, I'm Daniel. I'll tell you about a small project SrbY1pB0UVg-00001-00000325-00000476 of mine that I'm starting up, Technology Enhanced SrbY1pB0UVg-00002-00000486-00000803 Learning Studies. The name is a combination of two SrbY1pB0UVg-00003-00000814-00001013 fields. It's the first one being Technology Enhanced SrbY1pB0UVg-00004-00001023-00001281 Learning, which provides a synchronous yet interactive SrbY1pB0UVg-00005-00001353-00001743 learning material which is reusable and particularly SrbY1pB0UVg-00006-00001753-00001996 reproducible when it comes to studying it. SrbY1pB0UVg-00007-00002031-00002306 And this lends itself nicely to to the second half, SrbY1pB0UVg-00008-00002317-00002535 which is Learning Studies. And this is a research SrbY1pB0UVg-00009-00002545-00002861 methodology developed by Ference Marton at Gothenburg SrbY1pB0UVg-00010-00002871-00003159 University. It consists of combining the variation SrbY1pB0UVg-00011-00003169-00003384 theory of learning with design based research, SrbY1pB0UVg-00012-00003393-00003656 which is an iterative research methodology SrbY1pB0UVg-00013-00003666-00003866 to improve something like teaching. SrbY1pB0UVg-00014-00003970-00004170 And the idea is to combine these two SrbY1pB0UVg-00015-00004263-00004446 because they provide nice properties, particularly SrbY1pB0UVg-00016-00004456-00004656 the reproducibility and scalability. SrbY1pB0UVg-00017-00004704-00005058 And the idea is to create teaching material SrbY1pB0UVg-00018-00005068-00005315 for introductory programming, which is well SrbY1pB0UVg-00019-00005325-00005681 founded in pedagogy and didactic research. However, SrbY1pB0UVg-00020-00005691-00005892 the impact for KTH is, of course, I'll apply this SrbY1pB0UVg-00021-00005902-00006250 in my introductory programming courses. I have SrbY1pB0UVg-00022-00006295-00006675 a bit more than 300 students per year and different types SrbY1pB0UVg-00023-00006684-00006918 of students, which is good for studying the effect SrbY1pB0UVg-00024-00006927-00007143 of the teaching. It covers three programs. SrbY1pB0UVg-00025-00007183-00007516 I also ... all of which are non-CS majors. SrbY1pB0UVg-00026-00007576-00007875 I recruit TAs from the CL program, which is nice SrbY1pB0UVg-00027-00007884-00008115 because they are well versed in other theories SrbY1pB0UVg-00028-00008125-00008440 of learning so they are equipped with SrbY1pB0UVg-00029-00008455-00008648 research methodology for studying learning, SrbY1pB0UVg-00030-00008658-00008886 but they will also learn and practice this methodology, SrbY1pB0UVg-00031-00008895-00009084 which is not included in their program. SrbY1pB0UVg-00032-00009094-00009405 And lastly, they also get teaching material SrbY1pB0UVg-00033-00009415-00009615 which they have helped develop and research SrbY1pB0UVg-00034-00009645-00009920 which is open to use, because it's open under a Creative SrbY1pB0UVg-00035-00009930-00010251 Commons license. However, it also impacts society SrbY1pB0UVg-00036-00010261-00010468 because we will open this teaching for schools, SrbY1pB0UVg-00037-00010483-00010706 because this teaching is available by design SrbY1pB0UVg-00038-00010716-00010913 and the schools must teach programming and the maths SrbY1pB0UVg-00039-00010923-00011133 classes starting already in the first year. However, SrbY1pB0UVg-00040-00011143-00011463 our material is relevant from seventh grade SrbY1pB0UVg-00041-00011473-00011795 and onwards. These CL TAs will eventually move SrbY1pB0UVg-00042-00011805-00012043 to schools where they can continue to contribute SrbY1pB0UVg-00043-00012066-00012270 and study this material and improving it. SrbY1pB0UVg-00044-00012291-00012573 And the schools, the teachers who SrbY1pB0UVg-00045-00012622-00012800 haven't taken the CL program, they can SrbY1pB0UVg-00046-00012811-00013109 contribute anyway as well, which is nice because then SrbY1pB0UVg-00047-00013119-00013405 they get into this research practice, which can benefit SrbY1pB0UVg-00048-00013428-00013738 improving teaching in other subjects and other SrbY1pB0UVg-00049-00013738-00014050 classes that they teach. And that was it. Thanks a lot. SsM9Hzfqsfy-00000-00000034-00000384 Welcome back to VJSystemPresents, I'm LeoRocker SsM9Hzfqsfy-00001-00000404-00000680 Today we're going to do SsM9Hzfqsfy-00002-00000892-00001176 Resident Evil 6 remastered SsM9Hzfqsfy-00003-00001358-00001718 In German, Let's go SsM9Hzfqsfy-00004-00022906-00023284 Ok Leon, here we are in Resident Evil 6 SsM9Hzfqsfy-00005-00023572-00023772 remastered SsM9Hzfqsfy-00006-00023896-00024270 if you are wondering this videogame SsM9Hzfqsfy-00007-00024492-00024688 Can you play in 2 players? SsM9Hzfqsfy-00008-00024714-00024890 The answer is yes SsM9Hzfqsfy-00009-00024986-00025176 Someone could be Leon SsM9Hzfqsfy-00010-00025220-00025460 another one could be Helena SsM9Hzfqsfy-00011-00025883-00026268 I really like this kind of videogame SsM9Hzfqsfy-00012-00026360-00026492 because SsM9Hzfqsfy-00013-00026698-00027000 It's similar to see a movie SsM9Hzfqsfy-00014-00027298-00027745 Let's see what happen when we're opening the door SsM9Hzfqsfy-00015-00034312-00034654 this videogame have four stories SsM9Hzfqsfy-00016-00034712-00035126 one of them is Leon and Helena SsM9Hzfqsfy-00017-00035224-00035592 the second one is Chris and Piers SsM9Hzfqsfy-00018-00035724-00035882 Jake and Sherry SsM9Hzfqsfy-00019-00035904-00036188 and finally Ada Wong SsM9Hzfqsfy-00020-00037858-00038056 ok Let's follow him SsM9Hzfqsfy-00021-00039144-00039768 I approach Subscribers to say, thank you for giving Like or Comment SsM9Hzfqsfy-00022-00039930-00040378 I really enjoy this experience to show you SsM9Hzfqsfy-00023-00040446-00040716 How to practice German SsM9Hzfqsfy-00024-00042126-00042654 When the episode is ending, SsM9Hzfqsfy-00025-00042716-00042916 We're sugesting a video SsM9Hzfqsfy-00026-00042964-00043352 How to learn German with Duolingo SsM9Hzfqsfy-00027-00043536-00043864 Let's see what happen when we're opening the door SsM9Hzfqsfy-00028-00050782-00051070 ok we need to find her daughter SsM9Hzfqsfy-00029-00051805-00051962 Let's help him SsM9Hzfqsfy-00030-00052798-00052944 Good question SsM9Hzfqsfy-00031-00057348-00057736 Mr. president was Adam Benford SsM9Hzfqsfy-00032-00067694-00067882 nice music the piano SsM9Hzfqsfy-00033-00068298-00068774 If you are a big fan of Resident Evil movies SsM9Hzfqsfy-00034-00068854-00069434 this is the correct videogame for you SsM9Hzfqsfy-00035-00075612-00075914 ok Let's help them SsM9Hzfqsfy-00036-00078454-00078940 If you want to do an instruction to your parther SsM9Hzfqsfy-00037-00079034-00079476 just press circule and follow SsM9Hzfqsfy-00038-00080870-00081168 this part you will do with your parther SsM9Hzfqsfy-00039-00082778-00083458 Let's see what happen when we are in the elevator SsM9Hzfqsfy-00040-00090238-00090524 oh oh, oh no SsM9Hzfqsfy-00041-00090744-00091026 She is transforming! SsM9Hzfqsfy-00042-00093906-00094110 Rest in peace SsM9Hzfqsfy-00043-00096962-00097198 no, we are not alone SsM9Hzfqsfy-00044-00100224-00100436 I couldn't agree SsM9Hzfqsfy-00045-00100950-00101322 Let's see what happen when we're opening the door SsM9Hzfqsfy-00046-00103096-00103198 Help! SsM9Hzfqsfy-00047-00104492-00104692 Look around behind them SsM9Hzfqsfy-00048-00105370-00105576 yeah, It's too late SsM9Hzfqsfy-00049-00107811-00108182 Thank you for watching the video, Don't miss the next episode SsM9Hzfqsfy-00050-00108248-00108692 Because It will be very, very interesting SsM9Hzfqsfy-00051-00108768-00109180 We are VJSystemPresents, See you later SuPGqLL3-mc-00000-00000199-00000500 Hello, and welcome to Bay College's online lectures for SuPGqLL3-mc-00001-00000500-00000588 College Algebra. SuPGqLL3-mc-00002-00000588-00000672 I'm Jim Helmer. SuPGqLL3-mc-00003-00000672-00001041 And in this video, we're going to talk about section 3.3, SuPGqLL3-mc-00004-00001041-00001362 which works with a little bit of the properties of functions SuPGqLL3-mc-00005-00001362-00001570 and some of the things we can look for when we're dealing SuPGqLL3-mc-00006-00001570-00001885 with polynomial functions. SuPGqLL3-mc-00007-00001885-00002168 The first thing that we should be somewhat familiar with is SuPGqLL3-mc-00008-00002168-00002246 intercepts. SuPGqLL3-mc-00009-00002246-00002484 When we're looking for the y-intercept, we essentially SuPGqLL3-mc-00010-00002484-00002910 set x equal to 0 and find a y-intercept. SuPGqLL3-mc-00011-00002910-00003077 Now notice, it's singular. SuPGqLL3-mc-00012-00003077-00003225 There's only one y-intercept. SuPGqLL3-mc-00013-00003225-00003517 If there were more than one, we wouldn't have a function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00014-00003517-00003727 We wouldn't be working with something that would pass the SuPGqLL3-mc-00015-00003727-00004071 vertical line test, as we had discussed before. SuPGqLL3-mc-00016-00004071-00004529 Also, in function notation, you notice we have when x is SuPGqLL3-mc-00017-00004529-00004852 0, the function evaluated at 0. SuPGqLL3-mc-00018-00004852-00005135 So we can write it in function notation, as well. SuPGqLL3-mc-00019-00005135-00005381 But one thing we always have to be aware of when dealing SuPGqLL3-mc-00020-00005381-00005852 with functions is the value x equal to 0 in the domain. SuPGqLL3-mc-00021-00005852-00006152 If not, then we don't have a y-intercept. SuPGqLL3-mc-00022-00006152-00006504 So if we are looking for a y-intercept, x equal to 0 has SuPGqLL3-mc-00023-00006504-00006825 to be within the domain of the function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00024-00006825-00007184 The other intercept that we can find, or intercepts, is SuPGqLL3-mc-00025-00007184-00007273 the x-intercept. SuPGqLL3-mc-00026-00007273-00007619 That's where we set the function equal to 0 and find SuPGqLL3-mc-00027-00007619-00007716 any solutions. SuPGqLL3-mc-00028-00007716-00007904 Now, there might be multiple solutions. SuPGqLL3-mc-00029-00007904-00008139 We might have no intercepts. SuPGqLL3-mc-00030-00008139-00008427 We might have one, two, three, or even more, depending on the SuPGqLL3-mc-00031-00008427-00008620 degree of the polynomial. SuPGqLL3-mc-00032-00008620-00009053 So we should be familiar with how to find the intercepts. SuPGqLL3-mc-00033-00009053-00009232 The next thing we're going to do is we're going to recall SuPGqLL3-mc-00034-00009232-00009716 something from chapter two section two when we talked SuPGqLL3-mc-00035-00009716-00009834 about symmetry. SuPGqLL3-mc-00036-00009834-00010190 We're going to use the tool of symmetry to determine if a SuPGqLL3-mc-00037-00010190-00010392 function is even or odd. SuPGqLL3-mc-00038-00010392-00010886 Now, an even function has symmetry with the y-axis. SuPGqLL3-mc-00039-00010886-00011271 And essentially, what we do if we change the value of x from SuPGqLL3-mc-00040-00011271-00011631 a positive value to a negative value, do we get the same SuPGqLL3-mc-00041-00011631-00012085 value of y, o, which means on either side of the y-axis we SuPGqLL3-mc-00042-00012085-00012488 have a value negative x, positive y, positive x, SuPGqLL3-mc-00043-00012488-00012566 positive y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00044-00012566-00012798 We get the same value of y no matter if x SuPGqLL3-mc-00045-00012798-00012933 is positive or negative. SuPGqLL3-mc-00046-00012933-00013394 That tells us it's symmetric with the y-axis. SuPGqLL3-mc-00047-00013394-00013706 Now, we could have symmetry with the origin, as we SuPGqLL3-mc-00048-00013706-00013952 discussed in section 2.2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00049-00013952-00014359 When we put in a value x, we get out a value y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00050-00014359-00014724 When we put in a negative x, we get out a negative value y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00051-00014724-00015009 In the graph here, if we have this value here, through the SuPGqLL3-mc-00052-00015009-00015391 origin, we have the same value except the signs SuPGqLL3-mc-00053-00015391-00015594 change for x and y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00054-00015594-00015851 So there's a sign change for both of them. SuPGqLL3-mc-00055-00015851-00016196 So if we review, when we put in a negative x and we get out SuPGqLL3-mc-00056-00016196-00016523 the same function we started with, that tells us it's SuPGqLL3-mc-00057-00016523-00016757 symmetric with y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00058-00016757-00017062 That also tells us that it's an even function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00059-00017062-00017321 So we get two bits of information from doing our SuPGqLL3-mc-00060-00017321-00017519 test for symmetry. SuPGqLL3-mc-00061-00017519-00017842 In this example here, f of negative x equals SuPGqLL3-mc-00062-00017842-00017976 negative f of y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00063-00017976-00018231 Well, that means if we put in a negative value of x, it SuPGqLL3-mc-00064-00018231-00018653 changes the entire function to a negative, changes all the SuPGqLL3-mc-00065-00018653-00018767 terms' sign. SuPGqLL3-mc-00066-00018767-00019011 That tells me it's symmetric with the origin. SuPGqLL3-mc-00067-00019011-00019423 So if I have a value in the second quadrant, I'm going to SuPGqLL3-mc-00068-00019423-00019728 have a value in the fourth quadrant with those same SuPGqLL3-mc-00069-00019728-00020052 values, except of different sign. SuPGqLL3-mc-00070-00020052-00020334 And then we have symmetry with the x-axis, which we SuPGqLL3-mc-00071-00020334-00020637 discussed it in 2.2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00072-00020637-00021007 The thing about that is if it's symmetric with x-axis, as SuPGqLL3-mc-00073-00021007-00021236 you can see here in the illustration, it wouldn't pass SuPGqLL3-mc-00074-00021236-00021376 the vertical line test. SuPGqLL3-mc-00075-00021376-00021529 So it's not a function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00076-00021529-00021739 When it comes to something like that, we're really not SuPGqLL3-mc-00077-00021739-00021910 going to worry about it, because we're looking at the SuPGqLL3-mc-00078-00021910-00022053 properties of functions. SuPGqLL3-mc-00079-00022053-00022339 This would not be a function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00080-00022339-00022380 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00081-00022380-00022592 Let's look at the next board here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00082-00023184-00023498 to actually look at an example of determining if a function SuPGqLL3-mc-00083-00023498-00023672 is even, odd, or neither-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00084-00023672-00024096 because if it's not even or if it's not odd, then it has to SuPGqLL3-mc-00085-00024096-00024442 be neither-- what we'll find is if it's one, SuPGqLL3-mc-00086-00024442-00024583 it's not the others. SuPGqLL3-mc-00087-00024583-00024958 So it could only be one or the other, not both. SuPGqLL3-mc-00088-00024958-00025097 So let's look at this function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00089-00025097-00025355 We have f of x equals x plus 1 over x. SuPGqLL3-mc-00090-00025355-00025582 Well, we could do the same thing we did before to test SuPGqLL3-mc-00091-00025582-00025714 for symmetry. SuPGqLL3-mc-00092-00025714-00026041 It'll tell us if it's even, odd, or neither. SuPGqLL3-mc-00093-00026041-00026375 So if I want to test for symmetry, I'm just going to SuPGqLL3-mc-00094-00026375-00026610 plug in and evaluate the function for a SuPGqLL3-mc-00095-00026610-00026807 negative value of x. SuPGqLL3-mc-00096-00026807-00027432 And if I do that, I get negative x here, plus 1 over a SuPGqLL3-mc-00097-00027432-00027508 negative x there. SuPGqLL3-mc-00098-00027508-00027723 And if I do a little simplifying, I say, hey, both SuPGqLL3-mc-00099-00027723-00027936 of these terms change sign. SuPGqLL3-mc-00100-00027936-00028833 Let's factor out that negative and just assess for a moment SuPGqLL3-mc-00101-00028833-00029106 how did this change the function? SuPGqLL3-mc-00102-00029106-00029339 Well, all it did was turn it to a negative. SuPGqLL3-mc-00103-00029339-00029813 So it's the same thing as negative f of x. SuPGqLL3-mc-00104-00029813-00030094 So essentially, what we have here is we can now determine SuPGqLL3-mc-00105-00030094-00030417 if this is an even function, odd function, or neither. SuPGqLL3-mc-00106-00030417-00030735 Well, if I put in a negative value of x and got out the SuPGqLL3-mc-00107-00030735-00031125 negative of the function, that tells me that it's symmetric SuPGqLL3-mc-00108-00031125-00031629 with the origin, which means it's an odd function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00109-00031629-00031807 So we have an odd function here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00110-00031807-00032162 Now, it's not even, because the case wasn't where we put SuPGqLL3-mc-00111-00032162-00032476 in a negative x and got the exact same value o. SuPGqLL3-mc-00112-00032476-00032574 This is different. SuPGqLL3-mc-00113-00032574-00032847 This is a negative times the function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00114-00032847-00032929 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00115-00032929-00033147 Let's look at some different types of functions we might SuPGqLL3-mc-00116-00033147-00033209 come across. SuPGqLL3-mc-00117-00033209-00033450 One is the constant function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00118-00033450-00033669 And we should be familiar with that. SuPGqLL3-mc-00119-00033669-00034035 It's essentially the equation of a horizontal line, in this SuPGqLL3-mc-00120-00034035-00034293 case, y equals some number b. SuPGqLL3-mc-00121-00034293-00034502 0, b would be our intercept. SuPGqLL3-mc-00122-00034502-00034792 It doesn't increase or decrease. SuPGqLL3-mc-00123-00034792-00035058 It stays constant. SuPGqLL3-mc-00124-00035058-00035306 We could also write that in function notation, where the SuPGqLL3-mc-00125-00035306-00035712 function equals a constant. SuPGqLL3-mc-00126-00035712-00036153 What this means is over any interval from a to b, from SuPGqLL3-mc-00127-00036153-00036419 left to right, for any value of x, no matter what I SuPGqLL3-mc-00128-00036419-00036698 evaluate it at, whether it's a or b, it's SuPGqLL3-mc-00129-00036698-00036808 going to be the same. SuPGqLL3-mc-00130-00036808-00036945 It's never going to change. SuPGqLL3-mc-00131-00036945-00037282 That's why we call it the constant function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00132-00037282-00037440 An increasing function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00133-00037440-00037640 Now, when we look at different functions and different SuPGqLL3-mc-00134-00037640-00037943 curves, sometimes they go up, sometimes they goes down. SuPGqLL3-mc-00135-00037943-00038198 So we want to determine is the function is increasing or SuPGqLL3-mc-00136-00038198-00038448 decreasing over some interval? SuPGqLL3-mc-00137-00038448-00038675 Well, if we look at this, as we look at it from left to SuPGqLL3-mc-00138-00038675-00039141 right, from some value of x being a and some value of x SuPGqLL3-mc-00139-00039141-00039475 being b, as we move left to right-- that's why a is less SuPGqLL3-mc-00140-00039475-00039654 than b on our graph-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00141-00039654-00040029 it's going upwards in y. y is increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00142-00040029-00040455 So what that means is if we evaluate a function at some SuPGqLL3-mc-00143-00040455-00040936 value of x, and as we move to the right, this value is SuPGqLL3-mc-00144-00040936-00041312 smaller than the next value, which means as we move left to SuPGqLL3-mc-00145-00041312-00041676 right on the graph the function is increasing in y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00146-00041676-00042024 So we call this an increasing function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00147-00042024-00042207 Now, let's look at another example. SuPGqLL3-mc-00148-00042769-00042951 What about a decreasing function? SuPGqLL3-mc-00149-00042951-00043390 Using the same property of a to b, moving left to right on SuPGqLL3-mc-00150-00043390-00043673 our graph, we see the function is going down. SuPGqLL3-mc-00151-00043673-00044019 y is decreasing or getting more negative. SuPGqLL3-mc-00152-00044019-00044207 Well again, we're moving left to right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00153-00044207-00044636 So this value of x is less than the next value of x. SuPGqLL3-mc-00154-00044636-00045044 The value that we first evaluated at f of a, our y SuPGqLL3-mc-00155-00045044-00045345 value, is greater than f of b. SuPGqLL3-mc-00156-00045345-00045751 As we move further down the x-axis, our y values are SuPGqLL3-mc-00157-00045751-00045828 decreasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00158-00045828-00046021 This one is bigger than that one. SuPGqLL3-mc-00159-00046021-00046332 So we can see that this function is decreasing over SuPGqLL3-mc-00160-00046332-00046586 some interval from a to b. SuPGqLL3-mc-00161-00046586-00046918 Now, we write these in interval notation. SuPGqLL3-mc-00162-00046918-00047119 So let's actually look at an example and see SuPGqLL3-mc-00163-00047119-00047354 how we apply this. SuPGqLL3-mc-00164-00047354-00047781 Here, I have the parabola, some x square root function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00165-00047781-00048007 We can see, oh, this is an even function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00166-00048007-00048242 It's symmetric with y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00167-00048242-00048559 What intervals is it increasing or decreasing? SuPGqLL3-mc-00168-00048559-00048924 Well, if we move from left to right, we notice the graph is SuPGqLL3-mc-00169-00048924-00049307 decreasing in y and how we get to the origin, here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00170-00049307-00049619 So it's decreasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00171-00049619-00049982 Because this arrow is going all the way to infinity, from SuPGqLL3-mc-00172-00049982-00050536 negative infinity to x to 0, this function is SuPGqLL3-mc-00173-00050536-00050681 decreasing in y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00174-00050681-00050905 So it's a decreasing function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00175-00050905-00051095 Now, notice I didn't include 0. SuPGqLL3-mc-00176-00051095-00051409 And we'll talk a little bit about that in a moment. SuPGqLL3-mc-00177-00051409-00051861 An increasing function, well, once we get to this point, our SuPGqLL3-mc-00178-00051861-00052274 origin, and to the right, this function is increasing in y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00179-00052274-00052816 So we say, over the interval, from x equal to 0 all the way SuPGqLL3-mc-00180-00052816-00053166 to infinity, this function is going to increase in y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00181-00053166-00053487 So it's increasing over that interval. SuPGqLL3-mc-00182-00053487-00053778 So what happens at x equals to 0? SuPGqLL3-mc-00183-00053778-00054196 Well, if you're moving onto higher maths-- maybe calculus SuPGqLL3-mc-00184-00054196-00054311 is in your future-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00185-00054311-00054592 this is an important concept we have to understand. SuPGqLL3-mc-00186-00054592-00054980 This is where the slope, or the average rate of change, or SuPGqLL3-mc-00187-00054980-00055297 whatever you want to call it at this point in math, is SuPGqLL3-mc-00188-00055297-00055460 decreasing in here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00189-00055460-00056020 Well, when it gets to 0, it's not increasing or decreasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00190-00056020-00056255 So at this value, we can't include it. SuPGqLL3-mc-00191-00056255-00056666 Because what's happening at 0, it's not decreasing, nor is it SuPGqLL3-mc-00192-00056666-00056737 increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00193-00056737-00056903 So it's neither at this point. SuPGqLL3-mc-00194-00056903-00057135 So we have to keep that concept in mind. SuPGqLL3-mc-00195-00057135-00057582 This is where it changes from decreasing to increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00196-00057582-00057835 And that's why we do not include any SuPGqLL3-mc-00197-00057835-00058003 one particular point. SuPGqLL3-mc-00198-00058003-00058378 So I have parentheses instead of brackets, because it's not SuPGqLL3-mc-00199-00058378-00058725 increasing or decreasing at that value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00200-00058725-00058997 All right, let's look at another example here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00201-00058997-00059360 Here I have some piecewise function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00202-00059360-00059579 I should have qualified the question first. SuPGqLL3-mc-00203-00059579-00059730 Is this a function? SuPGqLL3-mc-00204-00059730-00060077 Well, we can test it by using the vertical line test. SuPGqLL3-mc-00205-00060077-00060410 And it only intersects at once, no matter where I put a SuPGqLL3-mc-00206-00060410-00060478 vertical line. SuPGqLL3-mc-00207-00060478-00060645 So yes, this is a function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00208-00061040-00061336 With a function, we should always determine its domain. SuPGqLL3-mc-00209-00061336-00061701 Well, the domain value, what's the lowest x value? SuPGqLL3-mc-00210-00061701-00062022 If I look here, it's negative 3. SuPGqLL3-mc-00211-00062022-00062204 And it includes that value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00212-00062204-00062488 I see a solid dot here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00213-00062488-00062886 And it goes to positive 5. SuPGqLL3-mc-00214-00062886-00063145 And again, a solid dot, so it includes that value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00215-00063145-00063247 So that's my domain. SuPGqLL3-mc-00216-00063247-00063634 These are the values of x where I will find some piece SuPGqLL3-mc-00217-00063634-00063770 of the graph. SuPGqLL3-mc-00218-00063770-00064125 The range, as we recall, is the lowest y value to the SuPGqLL3-mc-00219-00064125-00064269 highest y value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00220-00064269-00064524 Well, if I look at this, this is lowest and y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00221-00064524-00064762 And it looks to be at negative 4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00222-00064762-00064930 And again, it's a solid dot, so I SuPGqLL3-mc-00223-00064930-00065129 include it with a bracket. SuPGqLL3-mc-00224-00065129-00065622 And its highest point looks to be positive 2, SuPGqLL3-mc-00225-00065622-00065716 all the way up here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00226-00065716-00066006 And there are several locations where it's 2, but 2 SuPGqLL3-mc-00227-00066006-00066267 is the highest value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00228-00066267-00066695 If we want to determine over what intervals is this SuPGqLL3-mc-00229-00066695-00066959 function here in increasing, or decreasing, SuPGqLL3-mc-00230-00066959-00067118 or where is it constant. SuPGqLL3-mc-00231-00067118-00067340 Well, let's just look at where it's increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00232-00067340-00067687 Where is the y increasing as we move left to right? SuPGqLL3-mc-00233-00067687-00068217 Well, from an x value of 3 to an x value of 1, this function SuPGqLL3-mc-00234-00068217-00068425 is increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00235-00068425-00069180 So we're going to say from negative 3 to positive 1, the SuPGqLL3-mc-00236-00069180-00069304 function's increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00237-00069304-00069571 My y values are getting greater. SuPGqLL3-mc-00238-00069571-00069721 Where is it decreasing? SuPGqLL3-mc-00239-00069721-00070103 Well, if I look from this value here, which looks to be SuPGqLL3-mc-00240-00070103-00070748 positive 3 to positive 5, my y values are decreasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00241-00070748-00070920 It's going down. SuPGqLL3-mc-00242-00070920-00071462 So we're going to say from 3 to 5. SuPGqLL3-mc-00243-00071462-00071664 We can say this is a decreasing SuPGqLL3-mc-00244-00071664-00071953 function over this interval. SuPGqLL3-mc-00245-00071953-00072324 And notice again, I didn't include the points, because SuPGqLL3-mc-00246-00072324-00072462 what is actually doing here? SuPGqLL3-mc-00247-00072462-00072705 Well, there's nothing below it, so I can't say it's SuPGqLL3-mc-00248-00072705-00072985 increasing or decreasing at this point. SuPGqLL3-mc-00249-00072985-00073237 And that's why it's not included. SuPGqLL3-mc-00250-00073237-00073362 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00251-00073543-00073836 Where is the function constant? SuPGqLL3-mc-00252-00073836-00074365 If we look from 1 to 3, there is no increase up or down. SuPGqLL3-mc-00253-00074365-00074535 It is staying constant. SuPGqLL3-mc-00254-00074535-00075085 So from x equals 1 to 3, the function isn't changing in y. SuPGqLL3-mc-00255-00075085-00075244 It's staying constant. SuPGqLL3-mc-00256-00075244-00075486 So that's how we assess a function, even if it's just a SuPGqLL3-mc-00257-00075486-00075647 piece of function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00258-00075647-00075719 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00259-00075719-00075990 The next thing we're going to look at is SuPGqLL3-mc-00260-00075990-00076331 local extrema values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00261-00076331-00076670 When we have higher order polynomials, sometimes we want SuPGqLL3-mc-00262-00076670-00076942 to determine what's the highest value over a SuPGqLL3-mc-00263-00076942-00077320 particular interval, or what's the lowest value? SuPGqLL3-mc-00264-00077320-00077787 Now, if we look at this, we call our highest value a local SuPGqLL3-mc-00265-00077787-00078075 maximum, or our lowest value a local SuPGqLL3-mc-00266-00078075-00078283 minimum over some interval. SuPGqLL3-mc-00267-00078283-00078617 So let's just assess this from left to right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00268-00078617-00078998 If I see this value right here over some interval, this is SuPGqLL3-mc-00269-00078998-00079151 the highest point. SuPGqLL3-mc-00270-00079151-00079376 The highest point is a maximum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00271-00079376-00079804 The maximum refers to the value in y SuPGqLL3-mc-00272-00079804-00079942 where it is the highest. SuPGqLL3-mc-00273-00079942-00080588 So the local maximum for this here would be y equal to SuPGqLL3-mc-00274-00080588-00080798 whatever, some value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00275-00080798-00080986 We'll just call it a. SuPGqLL3-mc-00276-00080986-00081270 We'll call this value a. SuPGqLL3-mc-00277-00081270-00081709 And that occurs at some point, which we'll get to shortly. SuPGqLL3-mc-00278-00081709-00082014 What if I want to find other local maximum? SuPGqLL3-mc-00279-00082014-00082341 And that's why we call them local, because over this SuPGqLL3-mc-00280-00082341-00082651 location, we have a maximum, and maybe over some other SuPGqLL3-mc-00281-00082651-00082977 location, maybe over in an interval here we can see, hey, SuPGqLL3-mc-00282-00082977-00083504 this value is also a maximum over some interval-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00283-00083504-00083682 let's see what that is. SuPGqLL3-mc-00284-00083682-00083890 Let's just call it b, for now-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00285-00083890-00084098 at y equals b. SuPGqLL3-mc-00286-00084098-00084403 Now, when we ask for a maximum or minimum, we're looking for SuPGqLL3-mc-00287-00084403-00084509 the y value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00288-00084509-00084763 We have to make sure we recall that. SuPGqLL3-mc-00289-00084763-00085011 We're not just looking for the point. SuPGqLL3-mc-00290-00085011-00085041 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00291-00085041-00085169 What about local minimums? SuPGqLL3-mc-00292-00085169-00085460 Well, if I see over this interval, this looks like the SuPGqLL3-mc-00293-00085460-00085700 lowest spot on the graph over this interval. SuPGqLL3-mc-00294-00085700-00086015 A low spot, where it's changing from decreasing to SuPGqLL3-mc-00295-00086015-00086117 increasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00296-00086117-00086334 That's where we're going to find a local minimum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00297-00086334-00086588 And as I should have said over here, as it's increasing to SuPGqLL3-mc-00298-00086588-00086907 decreasing, that's where we're going to find a local maximum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00299-00086907-00087141 So let's look at this minimum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00300-00087141-00087535 Let's call its y value some point c. SuPGqLL3-mc-00301-00087535-00087804 So y equals c, that is the local minimum SuPGqLL3-mc-00302-00087804-00088091 value, the y value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00303-00088091-00088636 And if we notice here, we have another local minimum over SuPGqLL3-mc-00304-00088636-00088772 some interval. SuPGqLL3-mc-00305-00088772-00089090 And maybe let's call that d. SuPGqLL3-mc-00306-00089502-00089667 So these would just be numbers. SuPGqLL3-mc-00307-00089667-00090004 But for now, we're saying this is a local maximum, a and b, SuPGqLL3-mc-00308-00090004-00090438 and local minimum c and d are the y values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00309-00090438-00090728 Now, they occur at different x values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00310-00090728-00091023 Maybe we'll call this x1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00311-00091023-00091229 We'll call this x2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00312-00091229-00091694 We'll call this x3. SuPGqLL3-mc-00313-00091694-00092009 And this one right here, x4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00314-00092009-00092356 These are the values at which a local minimum or maximum SuPGqLL3-mc-00315-00092356-00092611 occur, but they are not the local SuPGqLL3-mc-00316-00092611-00092748 minimum or maximum value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00317-00092748-00092895 It's just where they occur. SuPGqLL3-mc-00318-00092895-00093305 So we want we want to know the difference between the maximum SuPGqLL3-mc-00319-00093305-00093406 and minimum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00320-00093406-00093713 These are actually asking us for y values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00321-00093713-00093936 If you're asked to find a local maximum, you're going to SuPGqLL3-mc-00322-00093936-00094336 state y is this value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00323-00094336-00094490 And if it asks, well, where does this SuPGqLL3-mc-00324-00094490-00094691 maximum or minimum occur? SuPGqLL3-mc-00325-00094691-00094946 You'll say at this x value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00326-00094946-00095026 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00327-00095026-00095359 So here's your quiz for this lecture video. SuPGqLL3-mc-00328-00095359-00095510 Using a graphing utility-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00329-00095510-00095853 and if you're not familiar with your calculator, they all SuPGqLL3-mc-00330-00095853-00095944 come with a big book. SuPGqLL3-mc-00331-00095944-00096331 You can dive into that book and maybe find some of the SuPGqLL3-mc-00332-00096331-00096526 abilities of your calculator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00333-00096526-00096713 Hopefully you are somewhat familiar with it. SuPGqLL3-mc-00334-00096713-00097095 If you have a Texas Instrument, you can actually SuPGqLL3-mc-00335-00097095-00097359 find video tutorials that explain how to use all the SuPGqLL3-mc-00336-00097359-00097565 functions of a calculator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00337-00097565-00097794 And you can find some real nice videos it SuPGqLL3-mc-00338-00097794-00097919 hotmath.com/grap hing_calculators. SuPGqLL3-mc-00339-00098315-00098734 And you can choose your TI instrument and actually look SuPGqLL3-mc-00340-00098734-00098982 at different videos where you can find local SuPGqLL3-mc-00341-00098982-00099133 maximums, local minimum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00342-00099133-00099407 Is it also tells you how to find the zeroes or the SuPGqLL3-mc-00343-00099407-00099638 x-intercepts. SuPGqLL3-mc-00344-00099638-00099900 You can do all kinds of things with your calculator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00345-00099900-00100102 And for the cost of these calculators, hopefully they'd SuPGqLL3-mc-00346-00100102-00100246 do more, right? SuPGqLL3-mc-00347-00100246-00100674 So your quiz today is to take the function f of x equals SuPGqLL3-mc-00348-00100674-00101385 negative 2 minus 0.3x minus 0.5x squared plus 0.9x cubed, SuPGqLL3-mc-00349-00101385-00101599 and find the local extrema. SuPGqLL3-mc-00350-00101599-00101901 Find the minimum or maximum values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00351-00101901-00102239 Keep in mind, you're looking for y values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00352-00102239-00102744 Also, look for the intervals of increasing and decreasing. SuPGqLL3-mc-00353-00102744-00102985 So write out those intervals, as well. SuPGqLL3-mc-00354-00102985-00103131 So try it on your own. SuPGqLL3-mc-00355-00103131-00103300 Get familiar with your calculator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00356-00103300-00103493 Know how to find those values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00357-00103493-00103753 There are functions where you could just find local minimum SuPGqLL3-mc-00358-00103753-00103909 or find local maximum. SuPGqLL3-mc-00359-00103909-00104220 And it's really easy in your function, or that function in SuPGqLL3-mc-00360-00104220-00104284 your calculator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00361-00104284-00104531 When the functions get kind of ugly, you know, we notice we SuPGqLL3-mc-00362-00104531-00104654 have some decimals. SuPGqLL3-mc-00363-00104654-00104959 They're not going to be nice integer values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00364-00104959-00105280 So try that for yourself. SuPGqLL3-mc-00365-00105280-00105936 The next thing we're going to take a look at is a little bit SuPGqLL3-mc-00366-00105936-00106967 review from section 3.1, average rate of change. SuPGqLL3-mc-00367-00106967-00107315 And if we recall the average rate of change, we redefined SuPGqLL3-mc-00368-00107315-00107664 it in 3.1 and called this the difference quotient. SuPGqLL3-mc-00369-00107664-00107964 Now, the difference quotient is nothing more than slope. SuPGqLL3-mc-00370-00107964-00108248 Slope is the change in y over the change in x, and we know SuPGqLL3-mc-00371-00108248-00108360 this formula. SuPGqLL3-mc-00372-00108360-00108823 Well, we redefine it using function notation for an x SuPGqLL3-mc-00373-00108823-00109234 value and some other x value that we're calling h down the SuPGqLL3-mc-00374-00109234-00109480 line, h units away. SuPGqLL3-mc-00375-00109480-00109723 So if we recall this illustration-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00376-00109723-00109943 this was also in 3.1-- SuPGqLL3-mc-00377-00109943-00110446 if we have some value of x at c some value of x at x, we can SuPGqLL3-mc-00378-00110446-00110728 find these points as a function. SuPGqLL3-mc-00379-00110728-00110939 Well, we want to find the average rate of change of SuPGqLL3-mc-00380-00110939-00111034 these points. SuPGqLL3-mc-00381-00111034-00111516 Now, using the notation of c, we have if c is my input, f of SuPGqLL3-mc-00382-00111516-00111798 c is my output, my x and y values. SuPGqLL3-mc-00383-00111798-00112138 If x is my input, f of x is my output. SuPGqLL3-mc-00384-00112138-00112399 And we can see we can find the average rate of change just by SuPGqLL3-mc-00385-00112399-00113057 finding the y2 value, or f of x, minus the y1 value, which SuPGqLL3-mc-00386-00113057-00113408 is f of c, and then finding the difference in x, the SuPGqLL3-mc-00387-00113408-00113778 change in x, x minus c, this value minus that value, as SuPGqLL3-mc-00388-00113778-00114133 long as x isn't equal to c, because then we'd 0 zero in SuPGqLL3-mc-00389-00114133-00114178 our denominator. SuPGqLL3-mc-00390-00114178-00114365 It's undefined. SuPGqLL3-mc-00391-00114365-00114400 All right. SuPGqLL3-mc-00392-00114400-00114595 So let's actually see an example of that. SuPGqLL3-mc-00393-00114595-00114914 Here we have f of x equals x squared. SuPGqLL3-mc-00394-00114914-00115486 So we recognize this function as being a parabola. SuPGqLL3-mc-00395-00115486-00115689 It's one of our library functions. SuPGqLL3-mc-00396-00115689-00116038 We're asked to find the average rate of change from x SuPGqLL3-mc-00397-00116038-00116229 equals 1 to x equals 2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00398-00116229-00116471 Well, the average rate of change is just the difference SuPGqLL3-mc-00399-00116471-00116788 quotient, which we know as slope. SuPGqLL3-mc-00400-00116788-00117130 So let's actually find this using SuPGqLL3-mc-00401-00117130-00117315 this function, x squared. SuPGqLL3-mc-00402-00117315-00117758 Well f of 2 is going to give me 4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00403-00117758-00117900 So f of 2 is 4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00404-00117900-00118160 Minus f of 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00405-00118160-00118400 So I'm finding change in y, f of 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00406-00118400-00118625 Well, 1 squared is 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00407-00118625-00119165 Over the change in x, 2 minus 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00408-00119165-00119451 And if we simplify this, 4 minus 1 is 3, and SuPGqLL3-mc-00409-00119451-00119553 2 minus 1 is 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00410-00119553-00119778 3 over 1 is 3. SuPGqLL3-mc-00411-00119778-00120354 So the average rate of change is three y units per x unit. SuPGqLL3-mc-00412-00120354-00120506 So that's our average rate of change. SuPGqLL3-mc-00413-00120506-00120640 So we can find that. SuPGqLL3-mc-00414-00120640-00121214 Now it says find the equation of the secant line between 1 SuPGqLL3-mc-00415-00121214-00121638 and f of 1, this point, and 2, f of 2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00416-00121638-00122009 Well, how do we find the equation of a line? SuPGqLL3-mc-00417-00122009-00122241 Well, the first thing we have to find is slope. SuPGqLL3-mc-00418-00122241-00122357 Well, we've already done that. SuPGqLL3-mc-00419-00122357-00122482 So we know slope. SuPGqLL3-mc-00420-00122756-00123078 And now we can just, essentially, use any one of SuPGqLL3-mc-00421-00123078-00123129 our points. SuPGqLL3-mc-00422-00123129-00123758 Well, when x was 1 our function was 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00423-00123758-00124163 And when x was 2 our function was 4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00424-00124163-00124478 So we can use any one of those points and use the equation we SuPGqLL3-mc-00425-00124478-00124723 call point slope, because we have points SuPGqLL3-mc-00426-00124723-00124814 and we know the slope. SuPGqLL3-mc-00427-00124814-00125002 So I'm just going to do it right here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00428-00125002-00125183 y minus the y value. SuPGqLL3-mc-00429-00125183-00125601 I'm going to choose this point right here. SuPGqLL3-mc-00430-00125601-00125857 So my value's y minus 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00431-00125857-00126278 Equals the slope times x minus the x value SuPGqLL3-mc-00432-00126278-00126481 from my point is 1. SuPGqLL3-mc-00433-00126481-00126717 And then we'll just do some simplifying. SuPGqLL3-mc-00434-00126979-00127488 Add 1 to both sides. y equals 3x minus 2. SuPGqLL3-mc-00435-00127488-00127927 This is the equation of the secant line between the points SuPGqLL3-mc-00436-00127927-00128210 1, 1 and 2, 4. SuPGqLL3-mc-00437-00128210-00128486 This has been section 3.3. SuPGqLL3-mc-00438-00128486-00128611 Thank you for watching. SxsP4oyMsyA-00000-00000016-00000560 hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another true crime SxsP4oyMsyA-00001-00000560-00001128 deep dive this is part two of the ellen greenberg case and if you haven't seen part one yet SxsP4oyMsyA-00002-00001128-00001504 you're going to need to do that in order to understand what we're talking about today SxsP4oyMsyA-00003-00001504-00001912 because one always comes before two so i've linked it in the description box check that SxsP4oyMsyA-00004-00001912-00002408 out and then come back and join us here for part two we have a lot to go over here i basically just SxsP4oyMsyA-00005-00002408-00002792 took a quick break took my sweater off and took my braids out and put my hair up in a SxsP4oyMsyA-00006-00002792-00003240 bun so i could tell the difference between the files because i just recorded part one um so SxsP4oyMsyA-00007-00003320-00003640 i'm gonna jump right in okay i'm gonna jump right in because we got a lot to talk about SxsP4oyMsyA-00008-00003640-00004280 before we dive in though let's have a word from the sponsor of today's video magellan tv if you're SxsP4oyMsyA-00009-00004280-00004928 like me and you love documentaries the way that i do you've probably already exhausted most of your SxsP4oyMsyA-00010-00004928-00005560 documentary options on streaming platforms maybe you've even watched some of them twice that is why SxsP4oyMsyA-00011-00005560-00006280 you should try magellan tv a documentary streaming service founded by filmmakers magellan tv has more SxsP4oyMsyA-00012-00006280-00006920 true crime documentaries than any other platform and every week they add 15 to 20 hours of new SxsP4oyMsyA-00013-00006920-00007456 content so you'll never run out of something to watch yesterday i was jumping in the shower to SxsP4oyMsyA-00014-00007456-00008008 get ready to record a new episode of crime weekly so i popped out a documentary called sleepwalkers SxsP4oyMsyA-00015-00008008-00008520 who kill which i have to admit for some reason i thought was a science documentary like SxsP4oyMsyA-00016-00008520-00009072 about the science of sleepwalking but it actually ended up being a true crime documentary SxsP4oyMsyA-00017-00009072-00009592 and and this film totally captured my attention and it made me stay in the shower SxsP4oyMsyA-00018-00009592-00009984 for way too long and then everyone got mad at me because they had to wait for more hot water SxsP4oyMsyA-00019-00010064-00010744 sleepwalking although common can sometimes be dangerous turning innocent good intentioned people SxsP4oyMsyA-00020-00010744-00011328 into what appear to be cold-blooded killers will the judge and jury believe that these suspects SxsP4oyMsyA-00021-00011328-00011896 were truly asleep great question right and you can find out the answer for yourself when you try SxsP4oyMsyA-00022-00011896-00012512 magellan tv which is completely ad free and can be watched anytime anywhere on your television cell 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today's video and let's dive in okay so when we last left off the parents of 27 SxsP4oyMsyA-00031-00017864-00018448 year old ellen ray greenberg had decided that if they were going to get any justice for their only SxsP4oyMsyA-00032-00018448-00019040 child they were going to have to fight like hell for it so they built a case showing that ellen SxsP4oyMsyA-00033-00019040-00019600 could not have possibly taken her own life in an effort to get her cause of death changed because SxsP4oyMsyA-00034-00019600-00020152 while it was listed as suicide no investigation could take place and after consulting SxsP4oyMsyA-00035-00020152-00020720 with multiple experts the greenbergs and their allies had uncovered a plethora of new information SxsP4oyMsyA-00036-00020720-00021256 and evidence to support their claims but before we talk about that new information i want to talk SxsP4oyMsyA-00037-00021256-00021816 about some internet searches on ellen's computer that the attorney general's office claimed SxsP4oyMsyA-00038-00021816-00022376 that they found years after the initial police and authorities had claimed there was no relevant SxsP4oyMsyA-00039-00022376-00022856 information in ellen's apartment or on her computer that showed she had taken her own life SxsP4oyMsyA-00040-00022856-00023360 here is the statement from the attorney general's office quote following the initial SxsP4oyMsyA-00041-00023360-00023968 2011 investigation carried out by the philadelphia police department our office received this case in SxsP4oyMsyA-00042-00023968-00024600 2018 on a conflict referral from the philadelphia district attorney's office we conducted our own SxsP4oyMsyA-00043-00024600-00025120 thorough investigation to determine a manner of death interviewing the chief medical examiner SxsP4oyMsyA-00044-00025120-00025632 of philadelphia and the medical examiner who performed the autopsy meeting with the family's SxsP4oyMsyA-00045-00025632-00026176 representatives and reviewing information they provided to our attorneys among other steps SxsP4oyMsyA-00046-00026176-00026744 among the additional evidence we reviewed were web searches for methods of committing suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00047-00026744-00027288 quick death and depression which were done on miss greenberg's personal computer in the weeks SxsP4oyMsyA-00048-00027288-00027888 before her death and text messages between miss greenberg and a family member her mother shortly SxsP4oyMsyA-00049-00027888-00028520 before her death showing the descendant in serious mental distress our office has concluded that this SxsP4oyMsyA-00050-00028520-00029120 evidence supports suicide as the manner of death accordingly we have communicated our findings to SxsP4oyMsyA-00051-00029120-00029768 the family through its representatives and have closed this investigation end quote first of all SxsP4oyMsyA-00052-00029824-00030416 i would like to say once again nothing i've seen or read to you in text from ellen to her mother SxsP4oyMsyA-00053-00030416-00031000 suggested she was ready to end it all in fact it seemed that she was you know getting therapy and SxsP4oyMsyA-00054-00031000-00031495 she was on medication because she did not like the way she was feeling and she wanted to feel better SxsP4oyMsyA-00055-00031495-00032168 which is normal not everyone who is in serious mental distress decides to stab themselves 20 SxsP4oyMsyA-00056-00032168-00032776 times in fact very few people do a lot of us are in serious mental distress every day and i find SxsP4oyMsyA-00057-00032776-00033176 it offensive that the da's office is painting a picture that people who are going through a SxsP4oyMsyA-00058-00033176-00033720 rough time are just steps away from taking their own lives many people struggle with this stuff SxsP4oyMsyA-00059-00033720-00034264 all the time and they fight to get better which is what ellen was clearly doing and in a text SxsP4oyMsyA-00060-00034264-00034736 to her mother she seemed relieved to report that the klonopin was working and it was helping her SxsP4oyMsyA-00061-00034800-00035440 but let's talk about the internet searches that apparently led the officials to concretely believe SxsP4oyMsyA-00062-00035440-00036160 that ellen had done this to herself on december 18 2010 there was a safari search for suffocation SxsP4oyMsyA-00063-00036160-00036688 that same day there was a search for suffocation that ended up at wikipedia on january 3rd SxsP4oyMsyA-00064-00036688-00037312 someone using ellen's computer had viewed a cnn story about a sex fantasy death now i looked this SxsP4oyMsyA-00065-00037312-00037896 up and this is just simply a news story about a woman from oklahoma named rebecca sadell who SxsP4oyMsyA-00066-00037896-00038400 died from a gunshot wound to her head and her husband arthur was later arrested for her death SxsP4oyMsyA-00067-00038400-00039008 with the police saying the couple often engaged in sexual fantasies involving a gun so i guess SxsP4oyMsyA-00068-00039008-00039520 if i end up mysteriously stabbed a million times the police will just look at all the crazy true SxsP4oyMsyA-00069-00039520-00040136 crime stories i search up and assume i committed suicide good to know there's another news story SxsP4oyMsyA-00070-00040136-00040672 about the death of a woman like a bathtub and then a few days later there are some searches for SxsP4oyMsyA-00071-00040672-00041176 zoloft on january 6 2011. and that's right around the time that ellen would have been prescribed SxsP4oyMsyA-00072-00041176-00041776 to this by her psychiatrist dr ellen berman on that same day there are some searches for prozac SxsP4oyMsyA-00073-00041776-00042384 its side effects and benefits and then as january progresses some more websites SxsP4oyMsyA-00074-00042384-00043072 discussing recent true crime cases then on january 10 2011 we have a google search for SxsP4oyMsyA-00075-00043072-00043752 quick suicide and someone viewed an article on the age titled euthanasia a dangerous weapon SxsP4oyMsyA-00076-00043752-00044496 and then a utopian.com article about painless suicide so i went to this page because i think SxsP4oyMsyA-00077-00044496-00045088 that's important if she was searching a painless suicide you know let's look into this more and SxsP4oyMsyA-00078-00045160-00045712 this webpage actually threw me for a loop man so it starts off you know pretty much true to the SxsP4oyMsyA-00079-00045712-00046296 article a true painless method of suicide easiest and simplest painless suicide method how to commit SxsP4oyMsyA-00080-00046296-00046832 suicide best of painless suicide methods are you looking for a painless method to end your life SxsP4oyMsyA-00081-00046832-00047416 painless death a quick way to commit suicide and or a clean way to die if so you have come to the SxsP4oyMsyA-00082-00047416-00047960 right place methods like slitting wrists cutting throat poisons suffocation jumping off a cliff SxsP4oyMsyA-00083-00047960-00048520 or tall buildings are not painless methods of suicide not even inhaling carbon monoxide SxsP4oyMsyA-00084-00048520-00049040 why and here's where the bee drops because the real pain comes after death being burnt SxsP4oyMsyA-00085-00049040-00049496 eternally in hell the bible teaches that all non-believers are destined for hell some people SxsP4oyMsyA-00086-00049496-00049896 accuse us of condemning people or playing god but before you arrive at this conclusion please SxsP4oyMsyA-00087-00049896-00050336 read our below section in red christ loves us by allowing the condemnation to be on him and died SxsP4oyMsyA-00088-00050336-00050784 for our sins so that we can live and all we have to do is embrace him most people misunderstood SxsP4oyMsyA-00089-00050784-00051232 that once a person dies that's the end of life that is not true okay i'm done with this SxsP4oyMsyA-00090-00051232-00051888 i just did not expect it to go in that in that direction at all um it shocked me a little bit but SxsP4oyMsyA-00091-00051888-00052591 here's the thing ellen was jewish right this is a christian website jewish people don't believe in SxsP4oyMsyA-00092-00052591-00053104 all of the same things that christians believe and why would someone who was devout in their faith SxsP4oyMsyA-00093-00053104-00053632 be looking at christian websites for advice this website talks about jesus and SxsP4oyMsyA-00094-00053632-00054040 you know how he views you taking your own life and how he like died for your sins and he took your SxsP4oyMsyA-00095-00054040-00054591 sins on you all you have to do is accept him etc etc but jesus is not part of the jewish theology SxsP4oyMsyA-00096-00054591-00055200 he's not considered like a divine being capable of taking on your sins or forgiving your sins so why SxsP4oyMsyA-00097-00055200-00055760 would ellen even be looking at a web page like this and if alan was looking for painless ways SxsP4oyMsyA-00098-00055760-00056248 to take her own life why would she end up doing it in the most painful and torturous way possible SxsP4oyMsyA-00099-00056248-00056760 right like yeah painless methods to take your own life all of these things and then nope i'm SxsP4oyMsyA-00100-00056760-00057216 just gonna stab myself with this kitchen knife ten times in the back now here's guy deandrea SxsP4oyMsyA-00101-00057216-00057864 explaining why the internet searches seemed odd to him as well that ellen or someone had searched SxsP4oyMsyA-00102-00057864-00058520 for pain-free or painless ways to commit suicide here's what i'll tell you about the computer and SxsP4oyMsyA-00103-00058576-00059279 what was or was not contained in the original case file so first when i reviewed the case SxsP4oyMsyA-00104-00059279-00059808 file and again i had it for months if not years i mean closer to years actually before i left the SxsP4oyMsyA-00105-00059808-00060591 district attorney's office there were no computer searches at all so not that there were computer SxsP4oyMsyA-00106-00060591-00061008 searches that showed suicide or not suicide there just weren't any searches in that file SxsP4oyMsyA-00107-00061064-00061520 so one of the questions i've always had since leaving the office is now that these searches SxsP4oyMsyA-00108-00061520-00062184 have come out it's who performed them where were they performed how are they performed and a lot SxsP4oyMsyA-00109-00062184-00062696 of other questions concerning that particular topic so that's not a great answer in terms of SxsP4oyMsyA-00110-00062696-00063167 who did the searches but i i have a lot of questions about that as well because again that SxsP4oyMsyA-00111-00063167-00063600 was not contained in my file so i would like to know where those searches came from as well what SxsP4oyMsyA-00112-00063600-00064320 i can tell you about the computer is that on the scene after ellen was found and the police were SxsP4oyMsyA-00113-00064408-00065040 notified and arrived the electronics were given to which was a computer and several other electronic SxsP4oyMsyA-00114-00065040-00065736 devices they were returned to or not returned to but rather given to uh ellen's fiance at the time SxsP4oyMsyA-00115-00065736-00066240 as well as his family i don't know why that was done it wasn't documented in the file why that SxsP4oyMsyA-00116-00066240-00066768 was done i don't know why that was done i never got a good answer for that i will tell you that SxsP4oyMsyA-00117-00066768-00067440 those devices were ultimately turned back over to the philadelphia police department several days SxsP4oyMsyA-00118-00067440-00068200 after they were given uh to the fiance and his family and so what does that mean from a legal SxsP4oyMsyA-00119-00068200-00068576 perspective well there's a couple of things that i did want to address and i don't want to go too far SxsP4oyMsyA-00120-00068576-00069008 into the weeds with this but there is and i don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence but there is SxsP4oyMsyA-00121-00069008-00069584 a concept in criminal law that's called chain of custody and what that means is when the police SxsP4oyMsyA-00122-00069584-00070136 recover evidence from any scene they have to maintain that evidence and they have to SxsP4oyMsyA-00123-00070136-00070576 create a log of where it was who touched it when they touched it so it's not just about SxsP4oyMsyA-00124-00070632-00071128 whether or not a civilian touched it but the log has to include everyone within the chain in other SxsP4oyMsyA-00125-00071128-00071784 words who had that evidence so if you are going to use reliable incredible evidence it must maintain SxsP4oyMsyA-00126-00071784-00072384 its integrity which is the chain of custody and it was broken here additionally we have a report SxsP4oyMsyA-00127-00072384-00073232 from a man named louis a lazarus phd completed on september 20th 2019. now lazarus is a clinical SxsP4oyMsyA-00128-00073232-00073800 neuropsychologist who gave his psychological opinion regarding the nature of ellen's death SxsP4oyMsyA-00129-00073800-00074352 lazarus says that there is no evidence that ellen herself did any of these internet searches and in SxsP4oyMsyA-00130-00074352-00074880 his opinion the information from these searches was more of a red herring than anything else and SxsP4oyMsyA-00131-00074880-00075360 not relevant to ellen's mental states a lot of people also said they could be shadow searches SxsP4oyMsyA-00132-00075360-00075864 because she was looking at true crime content and sometimes you know these sites like utopia.com SxsP4oyMsyA-00133-00075864-00076312 they'll like advertise on these pages and you might accidentally like click on it not meaning SxsP4oyMsyA-00134-00076312-00076952 to you know pop-ups things like that and i mean this is 2011. so yeah it was the time of pop-ups SxsP4oyMsyA-00135-00076952-00077456 lazarus mentions that allen did not show any signs or symptoms of suicidal ideation SxsP4oyMsyA-00136-00077456-00077984 at or around the time of her death or at any point in her history and there's no family history SxsP4oyMsyA-00137-00077984-00078544 of mental health illness the report also talks about a notebook that was allegedly recovered SxsP4oyMsyA-00138-00078544-00079056 from the scene which contained information about medication that ellen was taking as well as her SxsP4oyMsyA-00139-00079056-00079656 state of mind while she was taking it but this notebook was not made available for lazarus to SxsP4oyMsyA-00140-00079656-00080304 review and lazarus says quote with respect to the means of committing suicide it has been noted that SxsP4oyMsyA-00141-00080304-00080848 suicide by the way of sharp instruments accounts for approximately two to three percent of suicides SxsP4oyMsyA-00142-00080848-00081456 and majority by males end quote lazarus also mentions that the nature and location of ellen's SxsP4oyMsyA-00143-00081456-00082064 wounds are helpful when making a determination of suicide versus homicide so things like hesitation SxsP4oyMsyA-00144-00082064-00082520 marks would often be found in cases where suicide is achieved by way of a sharp object SxsP4oyMsyA-00145-00082520-00083064 and hesitation marks are basically when you're you know trying to hurt yourself you sort of go SxsP4oyMsyA-00146-00083064-00083624 in lighter at first to see how much does it hurt work up the bravery work up your courage whatever SxsP4oyMsyA-00147-00083624-00084240 but none of ellen's wounds described and observed in the records could be considered representative SxsP4oyMsyA-00148-00084240-00084808 of a hesitation wound lazarus also went on to say quote the trajectory of self-inflicted SxsP4oyMsyA-00149-00084808-00085464 wounds is typically uniform unlike what was miss greenberg's situation end quote cause allen had SxsP4oyMsyA-00150-00085464-00085832 like stab wounds but they were coming from all different directions right like going up going SxsP4oyMsyA-00151-00085832-00086544 down from the side all different directions almost as if somebody stabbed her according to dr lazarus SxsP4oyMsyA-00152-00086544-00087064 ellen's behavior didn't line up with what is often seen in cases where people take their own lives SxsP4oyMsyA-00153-00087064-00087560 no saying goodbye to friends no giving away of possessions or getting her affairs in order SxsP4oyMsyA-00154-00087560-00088216 no suicide note left behind to explain why she had made this decision lazarus said quote an SxsP4oyMsyA-00155-00088216-00088744 additional behavior that is often demonstrated in suicides which was not present in ms goldberg's SxsP4oyMsyA-00156-00088744-00089264 case is the removal of clothing and being found in the position in which the inflicted wounds were SxsP4oyMsyA-00157-00089264-00089912 sustained in miss greenberg's case she was stabbed through her clothing and experts have clearly SxsP4oyMsyA-00158-00089912-00090440 indicated that her final resting place was not in the position in which she was when inflicted with SxsP4oyMsyA-00159-00090440-00091032 the knife wounds end quote and i'm going to talk about that that her position was not the original SxsP4oyMsyA-00160-00091032-00091568 position when she started you know being stabbed but let's talk about the internet searches for a SxsP4oyMsyA-00161-00091568-00092120 minute because i think that even if the internet searches were truly made by ellen they certainly SxsP4oyMsyA-00162-00092120-00092624 don't give us enough to say beyond the shadow of a doubt that she took her own life or that she SxsP4oyMsyA-00163-00092624-00093128 was even considering it additionally since those laptops were out of law enforcement's hands for SxsP4oyMsyA-00164-00093128-00093696 several days and in the hands of someone close to the one person that could be considered a suspect SxsP4oyMsyA-00165-00093696-00094264 in her death anything found on her computer is irrelevant if the chain of custody being broken SxsP4oyMsyA-00166-00094264-00094768 makes the information found on her computers inadmissible in court it should also make that SxsP4oyMsyA-00167-00094768-00095360 information inadmissible in deciding whether ellen died via homicide or suicide but apparently the SxsP4oyMsyA-00168-00095360-00095888 district's attorney office they don't think that in september of 2019 the greenbergs and their SxsP4oyMsyA-00169-00095888-00096576 attorney formally requested that dr marlin osborne the medical examiner who performed ellen's autopsy SxsP4oyMsyA-00170-00096576-00097176 voluntarily amend ellen's death certificate to reflect a manner of death other than suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00171-00097176-00097696 based on additional medical and other information which dr osborne would not have been familiar with SxsP4oyMsyA-00172-00097696-00098272 in early 2011 and we are going to talk about that information now so in 2012 the greenbergs SxsP4oyMsyA-00173-00098272-00098760 approached well-known forensic pathologist cyril wecht he's going to be at crime con SxsP4oyMsyA-00174-00098760-00099312 this coming week i'm so excited and cyril wecht he reviewed the records and the SxsP4oyMsyA-00175-00099312-00099952 materials connected to ellen's death and he had some interesting takeaways he said quote SxsP4oyMsyA-00176-00099952-00100568 suicidal stab wounds can rarely be multiple suicides by stabbing are becoming less frequent SxsP4oyMsyA-00177-00100568-00101112 with simpler choices being drugs hanging or gunshot cutting of the wrist and throat is often SxsP4oyMsyA-00178-00101112-00101720 associated with suicide whereas stab wounds to the back are unlikely to be suicide a murder usually SxsP4oyMsyA-00179-00101720-00102312 involves multiple stab wounds to the side back or stomach in a suicide there may be additional cuts SxsP4oyMsyA-00180-00102312-00102832 across the wrist or tentative stabbings to see if it will hurt or to work up the courage then SxsP4oyMsyA-00181-00102832-00103448 there will usually only be one wound and most likely in the chest end quote so cyril wecht SxsP4oyMsyA-00182-00103448-00104016 felt that the multiple stab wounds to the back and upper neck and lower head they were unlikely SxsP4oyMsyA-00183-00104016-00104480 suicide stab wounds especially considering once again they're going in different directions some SxsP4oyMsyA-00184-00104480-00105016 vertically left to right some going vertically straight some going horizontally left to right SxsP4oyMsyA-00185-00105016-00105592 dr cyril wacht concluded saying quote based upon a reasonable degree of medical certainty SxsP4oyMsyA-00186-00105592-00106080 it is my professional opinion that the manner of the death of ellen greenberg is strongly SxsP4oyMsyA-00187-00106080-00106704 suspicious of homicide end quote okay but he's just one person right it's subjective SxsP4oyMsyA-00188-00106704-00107144 i agree there you know i think it's a much stronger argument if you have multiple experts SxsP4oyMsyA-00189-00107144-00107752 who all see the same thing it's just like getting a second opinion when you go to the doctor so now SxsP4oyMsyA-00190-00107752-00108480 we also have dr wayne k ross a forensic pathology specialist who also reviewed all the pertinent SxsP4oyMsyA-00191-00108480-00109056 information in allen's case now not only did ross conclude that the evidence of a stab wound SxsP4oyMsyA-00192-00109056-00109672 through ellen's cranial cavity would have caused her to once again experience severe pain cranial SxsP4oyMsyA-00193-00109672-00110152 nerve damage and dysfunction and traumatic brain signs and symptoms such as numbness SxsP4oyMsyA-00194-00110152-00110808 tingling respiratory depression neurogenic shock and impaired or loss of consciousness but dr ross SxsP4oyMsyA-00195-00110808-00111311 found evidence of strangulation on allen's body in the crime scene photos and autopsy report he SxsP4oyMsyA-00196-00111311-00111816 said quote there was a mark over the front of the neck which was consistent with a fingernail mark SxsP4oyMsyA-00197-00111816-00112248 there were multiple bruises under the neck and in the strap muscles over the right side of the SxsP4oyMsyA-00198-00112248-00112864 neck the patterns were compatible with manual strangulation end quote wayne ross also noted SxsP4oyMsyA-00199-00112864-00113424 multiple bruises on ellen's body in different stages of healing which were consistent with SxsP4oyMsyA-00200-00113424-00114056 repeated beatings and his conclusion was quote the scene findings were indicative of a homicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00201-00114056-00114752 end quote let's go back to dr ross's opinion on ellen's spinal cord which we were told was intact SxsP4oyMsyA-00202-00114752-00115256 based on a one sentence mentioned in the autopsy report from a forensic neuropathologist who can't SxsP4oyMsyA-00203-00115256-00115935 even remember being on the case or billing for her time on the case it was discovered that a piece of SxsP4oyMsyA-00204-00115935-00116528 ellen's spinal cord had been kept in storage at the medical examiner's office and so wayne ross SxsP4oyMsyA-00205-00116528-00117111 was able to examine it and he claimed that it had in fact been penetrated and damaged SxsP4oyMsyA-00206-00117111-00117735 which would have made additional self-inflicted stab wounds pretty much impossible ellen suffered SxsP4oyMsyA-00207-00117735-00118296 a significant wound to the base of her skull which penetrated her brain by several centimeters and SxsP4oyMsyA-00208-00118296-00118824 this particular wound resulted from an upward strike to the base of her skull that would have SxsP4oyMsyA-00209-00118824-00119352 been difficult if not impossible for her to have inflicted on herself and don't just hold your hand SxsP4oyMsyA-00210-00119352-00119816 here because you can try it out don't hold your hand here remember you're holding a knife it's a SxsP4oyMsyA-00211-00119816-00120304 long knife you're going to hold it at the handle you've got to go back far enough to put enough SxsP4oyMsyA-00212-00120304-00120983 pressure to penetrate the skull and the brain and how would you do that it doesn't make any sense SxsP4oyMsyA-00213-00120983-00121616 okay look can't even get my hand back far enough okay and then to go up ow to go up SxsP4oyMsyA-00214-00121688-00122383 no it hurts it's not natural additionally there's also evidence that some of the stab wounds to SxsP4oyMsyA-00215-00122383-00122911 ellen's body were possibly made after she was already dead which obviously makes it difficult SxsP4oyMsyA-00216-00122911-00123520 for her to have inflicted them on herself dr lindsey emery a state-hired neuropathologist SxsP4oyMsyA-00217-00123520-00123992 she claimed during a deposition that there was no hemorrhaging in the spinal cord have you ever SxsP4oyMsyA-00218-00123992-00124728 been deposed before yes now this deposition of a city hired medical expert reveals testimony SxsP4oyMsyA-00219-00124728-00125304 that corroborates those images according to the greenberg's family attorney joe pedraza SxsP4oyMsyA-00220-00125304-00126080 in this neuropathologist's best determination alan wasn't alive when she was stabbed the deposition SxsP4oyMsyA-00221-00126080-00126624 is of neuropathologist lindsey emery she was hired by philadelphia to review ellen SxsP4oyMsyA-00222-00126624-00127288 greenberg's spinal cord a few years ago watch as emery reveals her findings for the first time SxsP4oyMsyA-00223-00127288-00127752 to the greenberg's attorney joe pedraza what's significant here is that there's no hemorrhage SxsP4oyMsyA-00224-00127896-00128696 and in your experience no hemorrhage can equate to the person having been deceased at the time SxsP4oyMsyA-00225-00128696-00129080 of the administration of the trauma yeah i mean in general no hemorrhage means no pulse SxsP4oyMsyA-00226-00129080-00129896 people without pulses do not stab themselves repeatedly so that by itself establishes suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00227-00129896-00130472 is absolutely impossible in this case corroborates what we've always thought this was not a suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00228-00130472-00131080 this was a vicious homicide now just to tell you because the state hired her right philadelphia SxsP4oyMsyA-00229-00131080-00131600 pennsylvania hired dr lindsay emery and they were like oh she was mistaken in her deposition SxsP4oyMsyA-00230-00131688-00132232 okay and dr wayne ross also brought forward strong evidence that more than one knife had SxsP4oyMsyA-00231-00132232-00132792 been used to stab ellen one with a serrated blade like the one recovered from her body and one with SxsP4oyMsyA-00232-00132792-00133448 a smooth blade and this is noted in her autopsy report that some of her wounds have serrated edges SxsP4oyMsyA-00233-00133448-00133912 while some are smoother now where's that knife we don't know if there was a knife missing from SxsP4oyMsyA-00234-00133912-00134464 the knife black we don't know if there was another knife found i'm going to go ahead and say that if SxsP4oyMsyA-00235-00134568-00135152 she was stabbed with two knives she didn't kill herself and especially if that knife couldn't SxsP4oyMsyA-00236-00135152-00135728 be found with her blood on it she couldn't have you know taken it out cleaned her blood off and SxsP4oyMsyA-00237-00135728-00136352 put it back on the counter so any evidence that there was two knives used to stab ellen would SxsP4oyMsyA-00238-00136352-00137000 lean very much more towards homicide than suicide now due to his findings dr wayne ross contacted SxsP4oyMsyA-00239-00137000-00137560 detective scott eelman who specializes in crime scene reconstruction and evidence processing SxsP4oyMsyA-00240-00137560-00138048 and management and one of the things that really confused many of the professionals involved with SxsP4oyMsyA-00241-00138048-00138728 this case was the direction of the blood flow on ellen's body on her face and located at the scene SxsP4oyMsyA-00242-00138728-00139344 of her death images of ellen at the scene show a stream of blood running horizontally across her SxsP4oyMsyA-00243-00139344-00140000 cheek from the side of her nose towards her left ear but her body was found upright and slumped SxsP4oyMsyA-00244-00140000-00140560 forward police claimed that ellen had stabbed herself while she was in a standing position SxsP4oyMsyA-00245-00140560-00141032 and then slid to the floor which does not explain the direction of blood flow SxsP4oyMsyA-00246-00141032-00141592 guy d'andria said quote the blood flow path defies gravity you don't need to be a pathologist to have SxsP4oyMsyA-00247-00141592-00142200 an appreciation for that either she moved herself or someone moved her end quote now detective SxsP4oyMsyA-00248-00142200-00142752 eelman he focused on this blood flow problem in his report according to crime scene photos ellen SxsP4oyMsyA-00249-00142752-00143200 was found in the corner of the kitchen area between the sink and the stove her back was SxsP4oyMsyA-00250-00143200-00143768 leaning against the corner cabinet and she was slumped forward with her feet and arms extended SxsP4oyMsyA-00251-00143768-00144280 her head was found to be tilted slightly forward and to the right with her chin resting against SxsP4oyMsyA-00252-00144280-00144792 her right shoulder and the right side of her head resting against the corner kitchen cabinet SxsP4oyMsyA-00253-00144792-00145376 in eelman's report it says quote the blood stains on her face are inconsistent with the position in SxsP4oyMsyA-00254-00145376-00146048 which she was found specifically the blood stain flow pattern diagonally across her forehead from SxsP4oyMsyA-00255-00146048-00146576 the right to the left and terminating in her right eyebrow would move against the law of gravity SxsP4oyMsyA-00256-00146576-00147160 this particular flow pattern indicates that her head was tilted slightly backwards and to the SxsP4oyMsyA-00257-00147160-00147672 left as the origination of that blood occurred in the hairline somewhere above and to the right SxsP4oyMsyA-00258-00147672-00148248 of the anterior forehead the blood flow from the medial corner of the left eye has several branches SxsP4oyMsyA-00259-00148248-00148736 the branch closest to the nose would be consistent with the position in which she was found SxsP4oyMsyA-00260-00148736-00149240 it flows along the left side of the nose and terminates under the left nostril the remaining SxsP4oyMsyA-00261-00149240-00149688 branches of this complex blood stain do not comport with the position in which she was found SxsP4oyMsyA-00262-00149688-00150184 a significant amount of blood flowed from the medial corner of her left eye moved across her SxsP4oyMsyA-00263-00150184-00150720 left cheek and across the surface of a raised cheekbone from there this complex blood stain SxsP4oyMsyA-00264-00150720-00151208 has several branches which indicate her head was in different positions as this blood flowed SxsP4oyMsyA-00265-00151208-00151792 end quote so basically if her head was in the position that the police found it and the SxsP4oyMsyA-00266-00151792-00152304 they took pictures of her right it didn't make sense how the blood flow was going on her face SxsP4oyMsyA-00267-00152304-00152680 her head was bent like this but the blood flow's going the opposite way which it SxsP4oyMsyA-00268-00152680-00153120 wouldn't do and over a raised cheekbone as well which i mean this is some pretty strong blood SxsP4oyMsyA-00269-00153120-00153664 this blood is like a pioneer in a covered wagon going through the roughest of terrains to get SxsP4oyMsyA-00270-00153664-00154232 to its goal you know that's just not physically possible the report goes on to describe each of SxsP4oyMsyA-00271-00154232-00154672 the paths that the blood took and they don't make sense with how ellen would have been positioned SxsP4oyMsyA-00272-00154672-00155088 when she stabbed herself or how she would have been positioned when she slumped down SxsP4oyMsyA-00273-00155088-00155584 and ended in like this slouch seated position if you take a look at the victim the victim is SxsP4oyMsyA-00274-00155664-00156328 sitting in the corner like this and there's dried dried and coagulated blood SxsP4oyMsyA-00275-00156440-00157208 running from the nose to the ear okay how should that you know if it's dried and coagulated SxsP4oyMsyA-00276-00157352-00158184 should that be running horizontally or vertically right okay it should be running down the face SxsP4oyMsyA-00277-00158184-00158592 well it's running from the nose to the ear so that's the first thing i noticed SxsP4oyMsyA-00278-00158696-00159368 and i looked at it and i said hmm the body's been moved she when that blood dried she would SxsP4oyMsyA-00279-00159368-00160280 have been laying flat on the ground right and she was moved to be put in that corner right right and SxsP4oyMsyA-00280-00160352-00161416 if you listen to the 9-1-1 call sam will even say she's on her back so sam told the 911 operator SxsP4oyMsyA-00281-00161416-00162040 that ellen was on her back the evidence shows she was on her back so how the hell did she get moved SxsP4oyMsyA-00282-00162040-00162608 to be in a seated position propped against the kitchen cabinets who moved her why was she moved SxsP4oyMsyA-00283-00162608-00163120 scott eelman concluded that in his opinion allen was not in the position that she was found at the SxsP4oyMsyA-00284-00163120-00163608 time the blood was deposited on her sweatpants sweatshirts and shoes he felt that ellen's head SxsP4oyMsyA-00285-00163608-00164048 had been in several positions during the time of blood flow and they remained in these positions SxsP4oyMsyA-00286-00164048-00164584 long enough to have the blood flow across her face and back towards her ear upward towards SxsP4oyMsyA-00287-00164584-00165224 her eyes and also downwards towards her chin circular and elliptical shaped blood stains were SxsP4oyMsyA-00288-00165224-00165744 found on ellen's sweatshirt and this indicates that the source of blood would be from above SxsP4oyMsyA-00289-00165744-00166104 that level most likely coming from her head wounds or her neck wounds SxsP4oyMsyA-00290-00166104-00166624 these blood stains were consistent with dropped blood and they indicated that her head was tilted SxsP4oyMsyA-00291-00166624-00167120 forward at the time they were dropped from her wounds so when the blood came out of her wounds SxsP4oyMsyA-00292-00167120-00167576 her head would have been slumped forward like this similar blood stains on ellen's sweatpants SxsP4oyMsyA-00293-00167576-00168088 were consistent with ellen being in a seated position with her head leaning forward and her SxsP4oyMsyA-00294-00168088-00168680 feet flat on the floor seen by what is called void patterns to the upper portion of the sweatpants SxsP4oyMsyA-00295-00168680-00169272 between ellen's waist and upper legs so for clarification a void pattern occurs when a person SxsP4oyMsyA-00296-00169272-00169864 or an object is blocking the path of blood and these void patterns are very important to a crime SxsP4oyMsyA-00297-00169864-00170440 scene because they can show investigators at that scene if something is missing where a person was SxsP4oyMsyA-00298-00170440-00170920 at the time of the incident or if the body was moved i mean i guess it's important like most SxsP4oyMsyA-00299-00170920-00171480 investigators but not the philadelphia police department so when alan's found she's sitting SxsP4oyMsyA-00300-00171480-00172384 against the wall with her legs straight out but according to her blood patterns she was like this SxsP4oyMsyA-00301-00172488-00172912 right does this make sense with like her knees pushed up against her SxsP4oyMsyA-00302-00172912-00173400 scott eelman said quote should miss greenberg have been standing at the time of the blood SxsP4oyMsyA-00303-00173400-00173920 being dropped onto her upper pants these blood stains would be elliptical in nature with some SxsP4oyMsyA-00304-00173920-00174480 evidence of directionality one would expect to find blood stains on the lower pant legs as well SxsP4oyMsyA-00305-00174480-00174952 end quote now these blood stains they were circular not elliptical that means they didn't SxsP4oyMsyA-00306-00174952-00175584 have a lot of time to sort of fall right so the blood's going to keep a circular pattern the less SxsP4oyMsyA-00307-00175584-00176008 area it has to fall so if it's coming from like her neck wound and her her legs are like right SxsP4oyMsyA-00308-00176008-00176480 up here it's going to remain circular but if she's standing up and the blood has to fall SxsP4oyMsyA-00309-00176480-00176920 from her neck wounds or her head wounds all the way down to her pants it's going to get like you SxsP4oyMsyA-00310-00176920-00177464 know because of gravity like lengthened out and be more elliptical the report says that the number SxsP4oyMsyA-00311-00177464-00177968 and volume of blood drops on ellen's sweatshirt sweatpants and boots is significant like there's SxsP4oyMsyA-00312-00177968-00178632 a lot of it however the number of blood stains on the floor is minimal compared to what was found on SxsP4oyMsyA-00313-00178632-00179224 her person swipe patterns were also found at the scene and this led scott eelman to believe that SxsP4oyMsyA-00314-00179224-00179904 ellen's body had been moved after her death the report says quote swipe patterns noted on the sink SxsP4oyMsyA-00315-00179904-00180520 side cabinet face of the corner cabinet indicate miss greenberg's bloody hair came in contact with SxsP4oyMsyA-00316-00180520-00181088 this cabinet face the first contact was near the opening side of the cabinet face and moved SxsP4oyMsyA-00317-00181088-00181648 rearward her head was then separated from the cabinet face and later reconnected the cabinet SxsP4oyMsyA-00318-00181648-00182216 face in a lower position than the original contact where it moved backward and slightly downward SxsP4oyMsyA-00319-00182216-00182776 end quote of special interest to scott eelman was a blood stain on the floor between ellen's right SxsP4oyMsyA-00320-00182776-00183336 hand and her glasses the blood stain had a hard edge to it meaning that something or someone had SxsP4oyMsyA-00321-00183336-00183960 gotten in the way preventing the flow of blood or the blood was moved or altered in some way now in SxsP4oyMsyA-00322-00183960-00184544 the photographs scott eelman did think he noticed an area of pinkish discoloration at the lower edge SxsP4oyMsyA-00323-00184544-00185024 of this bloodstain which he felt might suggest there had been an attempt to clean it up there SxsP4oyMsyA-00324-00185024-00185576 was also a pattern in the bloodstain that may have been consistent with footwear like a footwear SxsP4oyMsyA-00325-00185576-00186096 pattern on the bottom of your shoe or something else you know basically like someone walked on SxsP4oyMsyA-00326-00186096-00186840 or through that blood and detective scott eelman did not think that the blood located on the bottom SxsP4oyMsyA-00327-00186840-00187488 of ellen's ugg boots um matched that pattern and there wasn't enough on the bottom of her boots SxsP4oyMsyA-00328-00187488-00188016 which i feel like if you stabbed yourself in a standing position and then slid down to the floor SxsP4oyMsyA-00329-00188080-00188664 you wouldn't have any blood on the bottom of your boots right another well-known forensic expert SxsP4oyMsyA-00330-00188664-00189416 dr henry lee he also weighed in and in a report authored by henry lee and elaine pagliaro evidence SxsP4oyMsyA-00331-00189416-00190072 noted by scott eelman was elaborated on the report says that swipe type patterns seen on the cabinet SxsP4oyMsyA-00332-00190072-00190664 corner areas are consistent with ellen falling to the floor indicating that she had received some SxsP4oyMsyA-00333-00190664-00191200 of her wounds while standing up which was also supported by the blood spatter type patterns SxsP4oyMsyA-00334-00191200-00191920 and a blood dripping in a downward direction on the cabinet located to ellen's right so basically SxsP4oyMsyA-00335-00191920-00192496 the blood started higher on the cabinet and then drifted down so she was most likely in a standing SxsP4oyMsyA-00336-00192496-00192992 position when she was stabbed and once again many of these experts say this isn't typical SxsP4oyMsyA-00337-00192992-00193496 in a suicide usually you would get in the position that you're going to end up in when you take your SxsP4oyMsyA-00338-00193496-00193976 own life you know that's why people do it in bed or seated in their favorite comfortable chair the SxsP4oyMsyA-00339-00193976-00194560 report says quote there are at least three to four hundred blood drops on her upper thighs and waist SxsP4oyMsyA-00340-00194560-00195136 area these stains are consistent with vertical blood drops formed when blood fell from her wounds SxsP4oyMsyA-00341-00195136-00195680 onto this area while she was in a sitting position there is also blood on the floor between her legs SxsP4oyMsyA-00342-00195680-00196144 based on the appearance of the bloodstains and their locations these are consistent with the SxsP4oyMsyA-00343-00196144-00196688 knife being inserted at the area where she was found so they mean like it all happened there SxsP4oyMsyA-00344-00196688-00197056 in the kitchen she wasn't stabbed somewhere else she wasn't moved from the kitchen but SxsP4oyMsyA-00345-00197152-00197768 her body was probably moved once she was in the kitchen the report continues saying she later fell SxsP4oyMsyA-00346-00197768-00198376 onto the floor with the dripping wounds over her legs end quote dr lee goes on to describe blood SxsP4oyMsyA-00347-00198376-00198928 stains on ellen's lower legs and the top of her boots stating that some of the stains appeared SxsP4oyMsyA-00348-00198928-00199504 to be the result of vertical blood drops and based on the number and distribution of the drops SxsP4oyMsyA-00349-00199504-00200208 they were consistent with having been from ellen's initial injuries so as we suspected ellen seems to SxsP4oyMsyA-00350-00200208-00200688 have been attacked from behind she was stabbed and she slid down to the floor where she was SxsP4oyMsyA-00351-00200688-00201328 stabbed some more because they believe that those first stab wounds were in the neck and head and SxsP4oyMsyA-00352-00201328-00201880 the last stab wound was in her chest henry lee said that the location of several of ellen's SxsP4oyMsyA-00353-00201880-00202368 wounds were located in a place that would have been difficult for her to do to herself SxsP4oyMsyA-00354-00202368-00202960 yes absolutely and he concluded that the number and type of wounds along with the blood stain SxsP4oyMsyA-00355-00202960-00203600 patterns observed were consistent with a homicide scene the greenbergs also entered into evidence SxsP4oyMsyA-00356-00203600-00204368 a 3d anatomical recreation of ellen's wounds conducted by bio mx consulting in norfolk virginia SxsP4oyMsyA-00357-00204368-00205040 this recreation illustrates the size depth and angle of each of the wounds on ellen's body SxsP4oyMsyA-00358-00205040-00205704 draza plans to prove once and for all the case is a homicide using a technology called SxsP4oyMsyA-00359-00205704-00206392 photogrammetry it's an actual re-creation of ellen's anatomical and physiological SxsP4oyMsyA-00360-00206464-00207144 attributes he exclusively shared these images with eyewitness news explaining it would be impossible SxsP4oyMsyA-00361-00207144-00207832 for greenberg to stab herself in the back of her head multiple times it is clear beyond any medical SxsP4oyMsyA-00362-00207832-00208488 certainty biomx concluded that the back head and neck stab wounds were not biomechanically SxsP4oyMsyA-00363-00208488-00209104 consistent with self-infliction and they would have required multiple intentional dynamic motions SxsP4oyMsyA-00364-00209104-00209816 of the proximal and distal radial ulnar joints so the proximal joint is located near the elbow SxsP4oyMsyA-00365-00209816-00210216 the distal is located near the wrist they're both classified as pivot joints SxsP4oyMsyA-00366-00210216-00210792 but they can only pivot so far you know i showed you that it would be pretty difficult and go SxsP4oyMsyA-00367-00210792-00211312 against what my body wants to do to take a knife this far back away from my head because there's a SxsP4oyMsyA-00368-00211312-00211800 handle on it and i gotta put the blade i gotta put the tip of the blade on my head and once i do this SxsP4oyMsyA-00369-00211800-00212800 it would be very difficult to get enough to go up it hurts it hurts the report also said that even SxsP4oyMsyA-00370-00212800-00213384 non-penetrating trauma to the back of the head and neck would have caused disruption to ellen's SxsP4oyMsyA-00371-00213384-00213992 proprioceptors and this is very interesting i had to look this up proprioceptors are like sensory SxsP4oyMsyA-00372-00213992-00214504 receptors in the body they're found mainly in the muscles tendon and skin muscle spindles SxsP4oyMsyA-00373-00214504-00214944 those are known as stretch receptors they're very sensitive to changes in muscle length SxsP4oyMsyA-00374-00214944-00215480 and they allow you to know when and how far you can stretch your arms when reaching the SxsP4oyMsyA-00375-00215480-00216008 purpose of this is to protect your body by sending signals to the brain so for instance SxsP4oyMsyA-00376-00216064-00216504 if you're lifting weights that you're not strong enough for they're too heavy for you you're going SxsP4oyMsyA-00377-00216504-00216967 to have trouble lifting those weights because the proprioceptors are getting a message from the SxsP4oyMsyA-00378-00216967-00217480 brain saying that these weights are too heavy for the muscle and the proprioceptor is going to be SxsP4oyMsyA-00379-00217480-00217912 like now we're not doing this and the person doing this lifting will either get this message listen SxsP4oyMsyA-00380-00217912-00218400 to their body and try lighter weights when they're physically incapable of lifting the weights SxsP4oyMsyA-00381-00218400-00219016 they've chosen or they'll continue to try and lift the weights causing injury to themselves they call SxsP4oyMsyA-00382-00219016-00219456 it like the sixth sense of the body it's very very cool basically this report is saying like SxsP4oyMsyA-00383-00219528-00220112 she would have hurt herself even non-penetrating trauma so even if she just put the knife back SxsP4oyMsyA-00384-00220112-00220671 here and wasn't able to get enough force to stab herself through her skull which i don't think she SxsP4oyMsyA-00385-00220671-00221271 would have guys try it yourself look at these pictures okay try it yourself i don't think she SxsP4oyMsyA-00386-00221271-00221816 would have had enough force to shove that knife through her skull in the position her arm was in SxsP4oyMsyA-00387-00221816-00222456 they're saying even non-penetrating force would have caused those prior preceptors to basically SxsP4oyMsyA-00388-00222456-00222864 scream out and say no we can't do this this isn't the way our body's supposed to move and once SxsP4oyMsyA-00389-00222864-00223392 again gavin fish shout out to gavin fish guys go over and subscribe to him he has some great work SxsP4oyMsyA-00390-00223392-00224016 done on ellen i really like the way his videos are formatted i like um the way he does investigations SxsP4oyMsyA-00391-00224016-00224536 i like the way his brain works so check him out follow him but gavin he wanted to reenact this SxsP4oyMsyA-00392-00224536-00225160 to see if ellen would have been physically capable of doing this and he enlisted the help of his wife SxsP4oyMsyA-00393-00225160-00225871 who has similar body proportions to ellen ellen greenberg was five foot seven 136 pounds SxsP4oyMsyA-00394-00226080-00227000 turns out that my wife is five foot 736 pounds so we thought that she would be a good avatar for SxsP4oyMsyA-00395-00227000-00227871 ellen greenberg if we were to recreate the wounds that she supposedly made to herself right now SxsP4oyMsyA-00396-00227976-00228408 we are much older than ellen greenberg was when she died she could be our daughter SxsP4oyMsyA-00397-00228408-00229208 yes but kimberly actually has a pretty good range of motion so we kind of feel like because of her SxsP4oyMsyA-00398-00229208-00229888 exercise the yoga and pilates and stuff that if anybody could she would flexibility SxsP4oyMsyA-00399-00229888-00230719 is there yes anybody so what we've got here guys is the stir stick because i didn't want my wife SxsP4oyMsyA-00400-00230719-00231744 to be stabbing herself with a knife so i've marked off the size um that you know ellen greenberg that SxsP4oyMsyA-00401-00231744-00232400 basically you know this is the handle and then the other side it would be the blade and the idea SxsP4oyMsyA-00402-00232400-00232936 love being that also because it's a flat thing we can put it in the right right orientation right SxsP4oyMsyA-00403-00233048-00233664 we're not going to get this perfectly but if we take a look at this one which is l it is situated SxsP4oyMsyA-00404-00233664-00234464 kind of between the ears closer to closer to there and it's ears rather up and down it's like SxsP4oyMsyA-00405-00234544-00235504 it's about like that and she is right-handed well oh yeah she had a towel in her left hand so SxsP4oyMsyA-00406-00235736-00235919 go ahead and grab that SxsP4oyMsyA-00407-00236136-00236784 uh but it can't be up like that it has to be like that okay but you're holding the blade so SxsP4oyMsyA-00408-00236848-00237760 it leads to that yeah okay and it has to be that's here no it's it's upward facing SxsP4oyMsyA-00409-00238032-00238512 so deep okay so now you know kind of where it is SxsP4oyMsyA-00410-00238832-00239584 you think you can stab yourself like that SxsP4oyMsyA-00411-00239656-00240240 okay this can you tell my voice this is a huge effort that i mean you're really SxsP4oyMsyA-00412-00240440-00241104 how much pressure can you put on yourself from that angle yeah well i SxsP4oyMsyA-00413-00241328-00241744 okay yeah you can stop does it feel SxsP4oyMsyA-00414-00242048-00242360 i mean you can clearly see that this position it doesn't even look SxsP4oyMsyA-00415-00242360-00242888 normal or comfortable and if someone was going to stab themselves in the back of the head SxsP4oyMsyA-00416-00242944-00243384 they would probably do it in a position that felt natural to their body which this clearly doesn't SxsP4oyMsyA-00417-00243384-00243888 to kimberly and like my arm still hurts from trying to do it okay now there's one kind of SxsP4oyMsyA-00418-00244048-00244680 so it's higher and it's more in the center of the head so it's like about there okay getting SxsP4oyMsyA-00419-00244680-00245296 closer will be more doable where put it in the right spot yeah SxsP4oyMsyA-00420-00245648-00246584 just so if you were to go from the one before to that one yeah i don't see that as working SxsP4oyMsyA-00421-00246664-00247112 okay so that uh it has to kind of turn your head a little bit like that SxsP4oyMsyA-00422-00247512-00248696 okay let's do the next one there are two kind of straight in like at the base uh here SxsP4oyMsyA-00423-00248992-00249408 so like that SxsP4oyMsyA-00424-00249408-00249767 just if you're going to commit suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00425-00250056-00250792 seems like an awfully hard way to commit suicide okay i i have very long arms right i have very SxsP4oyMsyA-00426-00250792-00251656 long arms and and i do yoga i can do a bridge and mermaid and for anybody who knows you know that SxsP4oyMsyA-00427-00251823-00252816 i have the flexibility that is that is challenging to even get that would you say i mean SxsP4oyMsyA-00428-00252967-00253760 for 46 year old woman you are you are flexible right right okay for a 27 year old woman SxsP4oyMsyA-00429-00253823-00254400 are you still would you consider yourself very flexible right the average woman would not be able SxsP4oyMsyA-00430-00254400-00255088 to do that right that's that's where it puts oh my goodness but i would have to come up here and SxsP4oyMsyA-00431-00255088-00255712 have oh yeah your range of motion has to come from the top it has to come from out here how SxsP4oyMsyA-00432-00255712-00256216 how do you get that from in order for so stay right where you are let me grab this SxsP4oyMsyA-00433-00256280-00256656 so they can let go of it in order for it to come in this way SxsP4oyMsyA-00434-00256712-00257328 then your arm would have to be pointed back right and go as far as you can like SxsP4oyMsyA-00435-00257567-00258280 yeah there's in order like when you bend your elbow and make that thrusting move SxsP4oyMsyA-00436-00258280-00258871 it has to come from the top right right and then nothing none of these wounds SxsP4oyMsyA-00437-00259080-00259416 none of them come at a downward angle right they're all SxsP4oyMsyA-00438-00259480-00260288 coming in straight from the back so this is what i think i think an assailant i'm the assailant SxsP4oyMsyA-00439-00260408-00261096 like i'm six foot two i don't know how tall her fiance was but and you're just you're just wearing SxsP4oyMsyA-00440-00261096-00262112 regular shoes little heels no yeah little heels so about there at six foot two i can come in straight SxsP4oyMsyA-00441-00262208-00262808 i can come in straight like with a stabbing motion i can come in straight my belief is that SxsP4oyMsyA-00442-00262808-00263648 it started over here and boom boom boom boom and he wasn't moving she was turning this direction SxsP4oyMsyA-00443-00263648-00264176 i mean come on we can all admit this would be incredibly difficult to do right and ellen would SxsP4oyMsyA-00444-00264176-00264656 not have been trying to prove her flexibility to anyone you know she's not like in cirque de soleil SxsP4oyMsyA-00445-00264712-00265248 she's not like trying to attempt to make her self-inflicted death as difficult as humanly SxsP4oyMsyA-00446-00265248-00265952 possible so why is anyone with two brain cells to rub together expected to believe that ellen SxsP4oyMsyA-00447-00265952-00266584 did this to herself the medical examiner who did ellen's autopsy was questioned for the civil suit SxsP4oyMsyA-00448-00266584-00267096 and here's what he has to say the evidence includes this never before publicly seen SxsP4oyMsyA-00449-00267096-00267736 deposition of then assistant philadelphia medical examiner marlon osborne the greenberg say he's SxsP4oyMsyA-00450-00267736-00268432 the man who ruled ellen's death a suicide watch as the greenberg's family attorney questioned osborne SxsP4oyMsyA-00451-00268432-00269032 if it could be proven that one or more of the wounds that ellen sustained could not have been SxsP4oyMsyA-00452-00269032-00269576 inflicted by her objection would you agree with me then the manner of death of suicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00453-00269576-00270384 would be improper or incorrect osborne waits several seconds before he answers i SxsP4oyMsyA-00454-00270696-00271392 i would have to agree well i mean thank god marlon osborne thank god that we can at least SxsP4oyMsyA-00455-00271392-00271920 all agree on something which is if one or more of ellen's wounds were not self-inflicted she most SxsP4oyMsyA-00456-00271920-00272512 likely did not kill herself and i think there's a plethora of evidence that suggests just that i SxsP4oyMsyA-00457-00272512-00273168 mean there's 20 stab wounds 10 of them to the back of her body why would you stab yourself like that SxsP4oyMsyA-00458-00273168-00273616 why would you do that you don't need to do that now remember the attorney general's office the SxsP4oyMsyA-00459-00273616-00274064 state attorney general's office they claimed they did a thorough investigation on this case which SxsP4oyMsyA-00460-00274064-00274568 apparently did not include speaking to any of the experts that the greenberg family had brought SxsP4oyMsyA-00461-00274568-00275128 in to give their opinion on the case and they never examined the spinal cord specimen either SxsP4oyMsyA-00462-00275128-00275672 and where is that video that building manager melissa ware had taken before the cleaning crew SxsP4oyMsyA-00463-00275672-00276424 came in she claims she provided it to the police but in an email dated may 25 2021 attorney ellen SxsP4oyMsyA-00464-00276424-00277032 berkowitz the lawyer for the city of philadelphia claims there's no videotape in ellen's file other SxsP4oyMsyA-00465-00277032-00277608 than surveillance footage which had already been provided ellen berkowitz has also indicated that SxsP4oyMsyA-00466-00277608-00278128 there were three documents related to dr marlon osborne that she would give to the greenberg's SxsP4oyMsyA-00467-00278128-00278912 legal team if they withdrew their motion to compel those documents as well as further motions related SxsP4oyMsyA-00468-00278912-00279488 to the medical examiner's office she wrote in an email quote i'm willing to give you the documents SxsP4oyMsyA-00469-00279488-00280080 now if you agree to withdraw the motion why do you need to see them first this is all there is SxsP4oyMsyA-00470-00280080-00280600 end quote there's a ton of back and forth about these files and evidence that was supposed to be SxsP4oyMsyA-00471-00280600-00281176 released to the greenberg legal team and you know berkowitz was really dragging her feet there was SxsP4oyMsyA-00472-00281176-00281680 always some excuse to push it off like her father was sick she was out of town and then an outright SxsP4oyMsyA-00473-00281680-00282256 tit for tat right you do this and i'll give you what you want why the games why the back and forth SxsP4oyMsyA-00474-00282312-00282992 why there's somebody's life on the line here like somebody's life the way they remembered SxsP4oyMsyA-00475-00282992-00283632 their justice there could be a killer on the loose why the games and in dr marlon osborne's SxsP4oyMsyA-00476-00283632-00284160 own deposition he admits that he initially believed he'd had enough information to make SxsP4oyMsyA-00477-00284160-00284736 the determination of homicide he says that from his exam he thought there was injury to ellen's SxsP4oyMsyA-00478-00284736-00285288 spinal cord but he wasn't certain so he consulted with other associates and decided to have the SxsP4oyMsyA-00479-00285288-00285864 spinal cord looked at by a neuropathologist which would have happened within a day or two SxsP4oyMsyA-00480-00285864-00286488 or just weeks after he completed the autopsy but we know that this alleged neuropathologist doesn't SxsP4oyMsyA-00481-00286488-00287040 remember ever being called in to do this marlon osborne said quote again i was not completely SxsP4oyMsyA-00482-00287040-00287608 a hundred percent certain that there was actual injury to the spinal cord and if so the question SxsP4oyMsyA-00483-00287608-00288104 was if there was injury how severe would it be which the question would be would miss greenberg SxsP4oyMsyA-00484-00288104-00288616 not be able to continue to inflict injury to herself because of this injury end quote yeah SxsP4oyMsyA-00485-00288680-00289216 definitely the question right if she severed her spinal cord if she did damage to her spinal cord SxsP4oyMsyA-00486-00289216-00289672 it would be incredibly difficult for her to continue stabbing herself but remember SxsP4oyMsyA-00487-00289672-00290232 that this neuropathologist dr lucy rourke adams she couldn't remember being brought on this case SxsP4oyMsyA-00488-00290232-00290912 she had no paperwork of her charging for her work on the case no corresponding report was ever found SxsP4oyMsyA-00489-00290912-00291384 to support the one sentence claim in the autopsy report that ellen's spinal cord was not damaged SxsP4oyMsyA-00490-00291448-00291936 and then you had another neuropathologist two more neuropathologists examine the spinal cord SxsP4oyMsyA-00491-00291936-00292512 and say that there was damage present and then dr osborne had a meeting with the police and the SxsP4oyMsyA-00492-00292512-00293016 district attorney after he had said that ellen's death was a homicide and he claims they gave him SxsP4oyMsyA-00493-00293016-00293528 new information that was not available at the time that he determined allen had died from a homicide SxsP4oyMsyA-00494-00293528-00294144 he claims now he was presented with psychiatric records prior to this he was also contacted SxsP4oyMsyA-00495-00294144-00294664 by the lead investigator on ellen's case who requested that osborne change the manner of death SxsP4oyMsyA-00496-00294664-00295208 from homicide to suicide while the police kept looking into it you would think right my shoulder SxsP4oyMsyA-00497-00295208-00295704 really hurts from trying to do that by the way it really hurts and i'm pretty limber all right SxsP4oyMsyA-00498-00295704-00296200 i do yoga i'm flexible i can touch my hands together i can touch my hands together at the back SxsP4oyMsyA-00499-00296200-00296760 look huh what do you think can you see can you see yeah i'm doing it i'm doing it all right i'm SxsP4oyMsyA-00500-00296760-00297216 pretty limber and this hurts this hurts why the hell would you do this so anyways back to this SxsP4oyMsyA-00501-00297216-00297552 you would think that if you were going to change the manner of death SxsP4oyMsyA-00502-00297608-00298168 to a victim's death certificate prior to the investigation being completed you would change SxsP4oyMsyA-00503-00298168-00298720 it to undetermined that's suicide right why would you change from homicide to suicide if the police SxsP4oyMsyA-00504-00298720-00299176 are like we're still investigating we don't know for sure if it was a homicide so change it to SxsP4oyMsyA-00505-00299176-00299720 suicide it doesn't make any sense and all the greenbergs want at this point is for the manner SxsP4oyMsyA-00506-00299720-00300240 of death to be changed to undetermined so that the case can be reopened but the powers that be SxsP4oyMsyA-00507-00300296-00300968 refused to even move in iota on that matter what do we do now i mean obviously it needs to be SxsP4oyMsyA-00508-00301032-00301608 reinvestigated so we asked the attorney general is there anything you can do yesterday and he wrote SxsP4oyMsyA-00509-00301608-00302176 back in the statement we've looked at all no we're not going to reopen this case as of now he needs SxsP4oyMsyA-00510-00302176-00302704 more evidence he says what is heart it goes into how it's heartbreaking and all that but he says SxsP4oyMsyA-00511-00302704-00303304 they don't have legitimate new evidence to bring forward it has not been brought forward yet SxsP4oyMsyA-00512-00303304-00303840 so we're not going to do anything so what can we do they don't have legitimate new evidence SxsP4oyMsyA-00513-00303840-00304512 final answer guys final answer it's absolutely ludicrous that no one with the power to do so SxsP4oyMsyA-00514-00304512-00304960 will help these grieving parents the greenbergs don't want anyone hauled away in handcuffs and SxsP4oyMsyA-00515-00304960-00305504 thrown into prison they simply want the case looked at again and to be given a fair shot SxsP4oyMsyA-00516-00305504-00306008 in february of 2022 the attorney's general office has now closed the case still claiming SxsP4oyMsyA-00517-00306008-00306544 that suicide makes sense in the face of all the glaring evidence that it absolutely does not SxsP4oyMsyA-00518-00306544-00307080 and i'm specifically referring to josh shapiro pennsylvania's attorney general who this year will SxsP4oyMsyA-00519-00307080-00307624 be running for governor of the state and he is the only man who has the power to open the door that SxsP4oyMsyA-00520-00307624-00308264 might lead to justice for ellen and her family and i don't think it's a huge stretch to mention SxsP4oyMsyA-00521-00308264-00308832 that given sam goldberg's uncle james's prominence in legal and political circles around philadelphia SxsP4oyMsyA-00522-00308832-00309376 shapiro and uncle james they might have some sort of professional or even personal relationship SxsP4oyMsyA-00523-00309376-00309872 that's certainly a conflict of interest if that's the case so you know even the state's ag office SxsP4oyMsyA-00524-00309872-00310688 should not have been on this case if that is true if uncle james and shapiro the ag of the state SxsP4oyMsyA-00525-00310688-00311192 have a friendship or a professional relationship the state's ag should not have been responsible SxsP4oyMsyA-00526-00311192-00311632 for that case for that investigation they should have brought in a special prosecutor period now SxsP4oyMsyA-00527-00311632-00312248 is there a chance that ellen greenberg took her own life i mean of course sure right anything is SxsP4oyMsyA-00528-00312248-00312888 possible all anyone wants is the case reopened so that it can be stated with certainty because SxsP4oyMsyA-00529-00312888-00313352 i truly don't think anyone can look at what happened to ellen and say like yeah caught and SxsP4oyMsyA-00530-00313352-00314032 dry suicide absolutely makes sense nothing to see here ellen was having some problems with anxiety SxsP4oyMsyA-00531-00314032-00314552 and she even mentioned wanting to move back home and there's clear evidence of long-term SxsP4oyMsyA-00532-00314552-00315024 physical abuse on her body that cannot be debated that cannot be disputed and it's SxsP4oyMsyA-00533-00315024-00315480 true that ellen never told anyone outright that she was in an abusive relationship but people SxsP4oyMsyA-00534-00315480-00315896 usually don't share that with their friends or family because they're afraid that they might SxsP4oyMsyA-00535-00315896-00316224 patch things up with their significant other and then their friends and their family and SxsP4oyMsyA-00536-00316224-00316744 the people they love they'll never get over what she told them that he did to her and it's always SxsP4oyMsyA-00537-00316744-00317184 going to be awkward and strained and there's a wedding coming up in seven months in my opinion SxsP4oyMsyA-00538-00317184-00317752 just from those texts that sam sent ellen while he was outside of the apartment trying to get in SxsP4oyMsyA-00539-00317832-00318400 they show that he wasn't very nice to her just because somebody locked the door while you were SxsP4oyMsyA-00540-00318400-00318816 out of it doesn't mean you can be like oh you have no idea you better have a good excuse for this SxsP4oyMsyA-00541-00318816-00319288 that tells me that if he was responsible for what happened to her if i'm not saying he was allegedly SxsP4oyMsyA-00542-00319288-00319816 don't come for me but if he was responsible for what happened to her he sent those texts as a SxsP4oyMsyA-00543-00319816-00320136 cover-up to show that he was trying to get in touch with her and he was trying to get in the SxsP4oyMsyA-00544-00320136-00320768 apartment and he sent those texts thinking that they don't seem wrong they don't seem like mean SxsP4oyMsyA-00545-00320768-00321296 they don't seem like verbally and emotionally abusive they're threatening they're scary what SxsP4oyMsyA-00546-00321296-00321696 if she took a nap because she was tired and you're gonna be out there texting her like you have no SxsP4oyMsyA-00547-00321696-00322360 idea you better have a good excuse what the [ __ ] what is that that's somebody that's got a temper SxsP4oyMsyA-00548-00322360-00322904 that's somebody that's got a temper and clearly he didn't think there was anything wrong with SxsP4oyMsyA-00549-00322904-00323416 writing those texts while she was dead inside the apartment which means that he doesn't think there SxsP4oyMsyA-00550-00323416-00323952 is anything wrong with it which means that when he's not thinking he's being watched or looked at SxsP4oyMsyA-00551-00324016-00324504 he's probably worse probably is worse of a temper that's just my opinion allegedly don't come for me SxsP4oyMsyA-00552-00324504-00325104 first amendment freedom of speech i can't get over that 9-1-1 call man like he never truly SxsP4oyMsyA-00553-00325104-00325560 sounds panicked he never truly sounds stressed out when she says you got to calm down sir we can help SxsP4oyMsyA-00554-00325560-00325992 you he calms down right away and he talks very conversationally when he sees that knife in her SxsP4oyMsyA-00555-00325992-00326536 chest he's like oh my there's a knife here wow that's crazy what's a knife doing in her chest SxsP4oyMsyA-00556-00326536-00327064 it's not like oh my god oh my god somebody stabbed her there's a knife in her chest SxsP4oyMsyA-00557-00327064-00327592 what the hell is going on like some panic some literal shock he seems super chill i'm almost like SxsP4oyMsyA-00558-00327592-00328040 it's not the first time he's seen the knife in her chest but that's just my opinion we might also be SxsP4oyMsyA-00559-00328040-00328672 looking at a police department who made a snap decision much too quickly based on might i add SxsP4oyMsyA-00560-00328672-00329112 a simple statement from the only person who was in the apartment with ellen that day SxsP4oyMsyA-00561-00329112-00329616 oh the door was locked from the inside that must be true case closed no one knows if the door is SxsP4oyMsyA-00562-00329616-00330080 actually locked from the inside when sam goldberg came back from the gym it's just what he claimed SxsP4oyMsyA-00563-00330080-00330440 and yes the neighbors did hear him banging on the door and calling her name and yes he did text her SxsP4oyMsyA-00564-00330520-00330888 but that's what he would have done if he was trying to make it seem like the door was SxsP4oyMsyA-00565-00330888-00331448 locked from the inside right that small amount of damage that was done to that lock i just don't see SxsP4oyMsyA-00566-00331448-00332008 how that would be so small and so inconsequential if you literally broke the door down that small SxsP4oyMsyA-00567-00332008-00332416 amount of damage could have easily been done from the inside of that apartment to make it look as if SxsP4oyMsyA-00568-00332416-00332968 he had to break the door down like it's literally like those nails were rusted all you had to do was SxsP4oyMsyA-00569-00332968-00333504 like get something in between the metal part and then just pry and it will come right off so like SxsP4oyMsyA-00570-00333504-00333984 what kind of police force are we talking about here what kind of backwards lazy ass police work SxsP4oyMsyA-00571-00333984-00334472 are we looking at here okay sir well the door was locked from the inside so you must be completely SxsP4oyMsyA-00572-00334472-00334992 innocent even though many women who are killed are killed at the hands of their partners it's crazy SxsP4oyMsyA-00573-00334992-00335464 to me like all the door was locked from the inside i don't think it ever was locked from the inside SxsP4oyMsyA-00574-00335464-00335992 he's the only one that said it was and that's why he said the doorman was with him when he broke it SxsP4oyMsyA-00575-00335992-00336392 down that's why he said phil hanton was with him when he broke it down because that proves that it SxsP4oyMsyA-00576-00336392-00336840 was locked from the inside if you have to break it down but phil hinton was not with him phil hanson SxsP4oyMsyA-00577-00336840-00337256 said never not once was he with him when he broke that door down i'm not saying that sam goldberg is SxsP4oyMsyA-00578-00337256-00337912 responsible for ellen's death of course not but i am saying it's irresponsible and disrespectful SxsP4oyMsyA-00579-00337912-00338280 to have completed a backwards investigation and then look us in the eye and tell us it was SxsP4oyMsyA-00580-00338280-00338752 a thorough one the police did a really bad job here and when they found out that the emmy had SxsP4oyMsyA-00581-00338752-00339208 ruled ellen's death a homicide after they'd given the green light for the crime scene to be cleaned SxsP4oyMsyA-00582-00339208-00339728 they panicked and they bullied him into changing it in my opinion to cover their own asses and SxsP4oyMsyA-00583-00339728-00340400 maybe someone else's too it's unacceptable and we cannot let it stand that kind of thinking offers SxsP4oyMsyA-00584-00340400-00340912 protection to no one who has ever experienced a bout of anxiety or depression i'm telling you SxsP4oyMsyA-00585-00340912-00341496 better make sure no one murders you if you've ever seen a psychiatrist or taken medication for SxsP4oyMsyA-00586-00341496-00341888 mental health or confided in friends or family that you're going through a rough time because SxsP4oyMsyA-00587-00341888-00342344 apparently that's enough for the law to write your death off as a suicide without even giving it a SxsP4oyMsyA-00588-00342344-00342776 second thought or the care and time that your life deserved i truly think this is what happened in SxsP4oyMsyA-00589-00342776-00343280 the phoebe hans chuck case as well she committed suicide by throwing herself down a garbage chute SxsP4oyMsyA-00590-00343280-00343832 like come on man it's disgusting i'm disgusted and i hope you are as well because now it's SxsP4oyMsyA-00591-00343832-00344376 time to take action there's a petition for the pennsylvania attorney general that you can sign SxsP4oyMsyA-00592-00344376-00344952 you know get on twitter if you have to at the [ __ ] out of shapiro write letters make phone calls SxsP4oyMsyA-00593-00344952-00345496 all the contact information is in the petition which i've linked below especially if you live in SxsP4oyMsyA-00594-00345496-00346080 the state of pennsylvania make some noise because as a taxpayer you have the right to make sure SxsP4oyMsyA-00595-00346080-00346496 that the politicians you voted in are doing the right thing for the people you know the SxsP4oyMsyA-00596-00346496-00346904 ones they're supposedly public servants to like i said under the petition you can find SxsP4oyMsyA-00597-00346904-00347392 multiple ways to contact josh shapiro because if he wants to be governor of the great state SxsP4oyMsyA-00598-00347392-00347840 of pennsylvania he better start acting like someone who gives a [ __ ] about the people SxsP4oyMsyA-00599-00347840-00348424 who live there and that includes ellen seriously guys make some noise go sign the petition add him SxsP4oyMsyA-00600-00348424-00348912 do everything possible you know just like we did for praveen just like we've done in the past for SxsP4oyMsyA-00601-00348912-00349312 these victims who deserve justice and they deserve their story told and they deserve to have their SxsP4oyMsyA-00602-00349312-00349824 voice back and not just written off because it's easier for the people involved and that's what it SxsP4oyMsyA-00603-00349824-00350328 really is and every single person who's working in that attorney general's office who claimed like oh SxsP4oyMsyA-00604-00350328-00350848 yeah we did a thorough investigation you're full of [ __ ] that's [ __ ] you did not you did not SxsP4oyMsyA-00605-00350848-00351312 but you don't want to make waves because the reason anybody goes into the attorney general's SxsP4oyMsyA-00606-00351312-00351728 office is to one day become a judge and one day have tenure and one day you know basically be able SxsP4oyMsyA-00607-00351728-00352248 to make all sorts of crazy calls and not ever be held responsible for them like we know judges do SxsP4oyMsyA-00608-00352248-00352680 that's the reason somebody goes into the attorney general's office instead of private practice SxsP4oyMsyA-00609-00352680-00353056 and they don't want to make waves and they don't want to push back because they know then they SxsP4oyMsyA-00610-00353056-00353400 won't achieve what they want to achieve they won't reach their dreams they won't reach the heights SxsP4oyMsyA-00611-00353400-00353920 that they think they can reach if they start standing up for the little guy but the little guy SxsP4oyMsyA-00612-00353920-00354408 is who you're supposed to be standing up for like that's your one job it's your only purpose SxsP4oyMsyA-00613-00354408-00354944 and it seems they've forgotten this the police the lawyers the attorney general the district SxsP4oyMsyA-00614-00354944-00355736 attorneys all of these people they've forgotten who puts them there who pays their salaries SxsP4oyMsyA-00615-00355736-00356248 and we need to remind them okay thank you so much for being here guys um i'm losing my voice SxsP4oyMsyA-00616-00356248-00356856 completely now so i can't believe i got through this but stay kind stay beautiful stay safe SxsP4oyMsyA-00617-00356856-00357288 i will see you very soon and for those of you who are going to crime con i'm probably there now or SxsP4oyMsyA-00618-00357352-00358584 on my way there but i cannot wait to see you guys thank you so much see you very soon SxsP4oyMsyA-00619-00359400-00359936 is SxsP4oyMsyA-00620-00360832-00362784 you don't know how deep it goes until it's getting you slowly so you got to let it go SxsP4oyMsyA-00621-00364064-00364096 god SxsP4oyMsyA-00622-00364856-00364928 somehow SylNo6GY0Au-00000-00000848-00001332 For students using their email to log into Seesaw first have them open the SylNo6GY0Au-00001-00001332-00001914 Seesaw app on their device or go to app.seesaw.me on a Chromebook or computer SylNo6GY0Au-00002-00001914-00002427 then tap the i'ma student button students that need to connect to a class SylNo6GY0Au-00003-00002427-00002855 for the first time or create their account will enter the class join code SylNo6GY0Au-00004-00002855-00003588 provided by their teacher here and select go students will select either SylNo6GY0Au-00005-00003588-00004244 continue with Google or enter their name email and desired password to create SylNo6GY0Au-00006-00004244-00004794 their account now I will show you how students with existing Seesaw accounts SylNo6GY0Au-00007-00004794-00005282 can join your class first have them open the Seesaw app on their device or go to SylNo6GY0Au-00008-00005282-00005876 app.seesaw.me then tap the I'm a student button students who already have SylNo6GY0Au-00009-00005876-00006396 a Seesaw account can type in their email and password or select sign in with SylNo6GY0Au-00010-00006396-00006834 Google once the student is logged in they will tap their profile icon located SylNo6GY0Au-00011-00006834-00007448 in the top left corner then tap join class they will then enter the class SylNo6GY0Au-00012-00007448-00008202 join code provided by their teacher then tap join class the student will see a SylNo6GY0Au-00013-00008202-00008639 confirmation screen with a link to go directly to their newly joined class SylNo6GY0Au-00014-00008639-00009072 students with email address log in can toggle between their classes without SylNo6GY0Au-00015-00009072-00009584 having to log out and back in each time students will tap their profile icon SylNo6GY0Au-00016-00009584-00010077 then select the desired class from the class list and that's all there is to it SylNo6GY0Au-00017-00010077-00010452 you now know how to get your students logged in and connected with their email SylNo6GY0Au-00018-00010452-00010703 accounts SzhToiCCbg4-00000-00001024-00001560 the panther kf-51 is a main battle tank developed by the german company rheinmetall SzhToiCCbg4-00001-00001560-00002288 it was announced on 13 june 2022 at euro satori the kf-51 panther main battle tank equipped with SzhToiCCbg4-00002-00002288-00003000 a massive 5 and 130 millimeters main gun which is more powerful than the four-end 120 millimeters SzhToiCCbg4-00003-00003000-00003496 gun on the leopard 2. this private venture design is aimed as a long-term successor to the SzhToiCCbg4-00004-00003496-00004152 widely used and aging leopard 2. the kf-51 panther offers superior firepower against all current and SzhToiCCbg4-00005-00004152-00004680 foreseeable mechanized targets this smoothbore gun incorporates a fully automatic ammunition SzhToiCCbg4-00006-00004680-00005248 handling system that holds 20 ready rounds that are instantly available with an operational weight SzhToiCCbg4-00007-00005248-00005832 of just 59 tons the panther delivers far greater mobility than current systems and has a maximum SzhToiCCbg4-00008-00005832-00006423 operating range of around 500 kilometers the panther fulfills the core capability of dominate SzhToiCCbg4-00009-00006423-00006976 and destroy with the rhine middle future gun system consisting of a 130 millimeters cannon SzhToiCCbg4-00010-00006976-00007559 a fully automated ammunition handling system and the additional armament options of the hero 120 SzhToiCCbg4-00011-00007559-00008095 loitering ammunition the panther has concentrated firepower for long range strikes in multi-target SzhToiCCbg4-00012-00008095-00008616 engagement the panther is configured with a pre-shot detection capability enabling it to SzhToiCCbg4-00013-00008616-00009176 strike first threats from above are defeated by the rheinmetall top attack protection system the SzhToiCCbg4-00014-00009176-00009688 panther is designed to control assigned unmanned aerial vehicles such as on board or off-board SzhToiCCbg4-00015-00009688-00010216 drones loitering ammunition and a range of uncrewed ground vehicles the combat weight of just SzhToiCCbg4-00016-00010216-00010776 59 tons provides far greater mobility than current systems this puts it in a battle winning weight SzhToiCCbg4-00017-00010776-00011336 category and it also fits the tunnel profile a mob 4l without preparation a requirement that SzhToiCCbg4-00018-00011336-00012456 no current mbt upgrade fulfills consequently the panther excels in tactical and strategic mobility SzxWEdKWTf0-00000-00000847-00003722 subscriber S-M6HFvEZTE-00000-00000000-00000424 Good Morning, John. This is one of those videos that you write fifteen times and you still aren't happy with, S-M6HFvEZTE-00001-00000424-00001016 but here goes. After Christina Grimmie was murdered, I... ran away from home. I went camping in a place where S-M6HFvEZTE-00002-00001016-00001506 there was no cell service. I spent that time with my friends, not wanting to confront the reality that someone S-M6HFvEZTE-00003-00001506-00002052 who shared my passions and ambitions had been killed doing what she loved, and something that I had just S-M6HFvEZTE-00004-00002052-00002828 spent the last two weeks of my life doing, meeting fans after a show. And I spent that time crying and feeling the S-M6HFvEZTE-00005-00002828-00003444 frailness of my own body in a way I never had before. Understanding how easy it is to have it all taken away. S-M6HFvEZTE-00006-00003444-00004040 That, I imagine, is similar to how every police officer in America felt after the shootings in Dallas. Looking at S-M6HFvEZTE-00007-00004040-00004560 thier family and knowing that they could be taken away not just in the course of doing their job, but because of S-M6HFvEZTE-00008-00004560-00005174 what their job is. A difficult job that is usually done well. And now, the ones who have options of exploring other S-M6HFvEZTE-00009-00005174-00005772 careers, maybe they're thinking this job isn't so worth it anymore. And then I think of my neighbours and friends S-M6HFvEZTE-00010-00005772-00006346 and fellow creators who have felt the frailness of their own bodies for their whole lives, and the frailness of their S-M6HFvEZTE-00011-00006346-00006954 children's and their parents' bodies, not because of what they do, but because of the colour of their skin, because S-M6HFvEZTE-00012-00006954-00007514 of who they are. People who have lived their whole lives under that weight, because they're more likely to be seen S-M6HFvEZTE-00013-00007514-00008118 as a threat, because they know that any insignificant little move that could be seen as a suspicious action S-M6HFvEZTE-00014-00008118-00008636 could mean the end of them. I can never fully understand that experience. But I can listen, and I can be S-M6HFvEZTE-00015-00008636-00009088 open, and I can do some research myself. Research that shows that a black person being arrested by a police S-M6HFvEZTE-00016-00009088-00009652 officer is more likely to be shot, injured, pepper sprayed, tazed, and beaten. Research that shows that they're more likely S-M6HFvEZTE-00017-00009652-00010162 to be convicted of crimes and get plea deals that involve prison sentences. And that shows that once convicted, S-M6HFvEZTE-00018-00010162-00010690 they're more likely to receive longer, harsher sentences than the average American. We're promised that the law S-M6HFvEZTE-00019-00010690-00011260 sees all of us equally. But we know that's not true. We aren't that surprised when it's a young white man who S-M6HFvEZTE-00020-00011260-00011954 stands convicted of rape, that we hear from a judge about the loss of his future, and the terrible tragedy of all S-M6HFvEZTE-00021-00011954-00012384 of the opportunity that a harsh sentence would bring this person. But when it's a young black man convicted of S-M6HFvEZTE-00022-00012384-00012888 selling pot going to jail, well, that's not that big of a deal. We know this. We've seen this. It's in the experience of S-M6HFvEZTE-00023-00012888-00013406 every black American I've talked to about this, and the data consistently shows it. So when we say black lives S-M6HFvEZTE-00024-00013406-00014012 matter, we aren't just talking about Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and Michael Brown and Rekia Boyd S-M6HFvEZTE-00025-00014012-00014591 and Sandra Bland and Tamir Rice. We're talking about a fundamental and deep-seated and destructive belief in S-M6HFvEZTE-00026-00014591-00015216 this country, that black lives matter less. A belief that's expressed at every level of society, but as a white S-M6HFvEZTE-00027-00015216-00015854 person, I could go my entire life completely ignorant of. But that black Americans are fully aware of, and made S-M6HFvEZTE-00028-00015854-00016219 aware of, even as children. To the black members of this community, thank you for being a part of what we're S-M6HFvEZTE-00029-00016219-00016636 doing here. And thank you for your strength and your courage, and for sharing your experiences with us. S-M6HFvEZTE-00030-00016636-00017158 A while back, John, you created a playlist of a bunch of different creators sharing their perspectives and S-M6HFvEZTE-00031-00017158-00017662 experiences on this stuff, and I've added to that and I've put it down in the description. We only get to have our S-M6HFvEZTE-00032-00017662-00018188 one life through which to experience the world, and we're lucky to be able to have this platform through which we S-M6HFvEZTE-00033-00018188-00018656 can understand other people's experiences of the world. So everybody, if you can, if you have time today, just take S-M6HFvEZTE-00034-00018656-00019372 some time to listen. Not to shout or judge or fight or dismiss, or even comment, just, that most S-M6HFvEZTE-00035-00019372-00020052 underappreciated verb in all of internet discourse, listen. It's not so bad. John, I'll see you on Tuesday. S_CPQXRMWHk-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello, I'm Irene. S_CPQXRMWHk-00001-00000200-00000518 This is Rolling hills golf club S_CPQXRMWHk-00002-00000518-00000620 Classic Course 18 hole S_CPQXRMWHk-00003-00000620-00000830 four people's round of golf S_CPQXRMWHk-00004-00000830-00001105 all four people are beginners S_CPQXRMWHk-00007-00004353-00004553 This is Chan.her first trip to the golf course S_CPQXRMWHk-00008-00004553-00005136 Do you know how to drive? S_CPQXRMWHk-00009-00005136-00005248 . S_CPQXRMWHk-00010-00005248-00006076 It was uncomfortable. I like a push cart more S_CPQXRMWHk-00011-00006076-00006276 let's go S_CPQXRMWHk-00016-00009893-00010892 Helen. We're the same age. S_CPQXRMWHk-00017-00010892-00010942 did you see my ball ? S_CPQXRMWHk-00018-00010942-00011364 in front of bunker S_CPQXRMWHk-00020-00011862-00012954 Irene. me S_CPQXRMWHk-00021-00012904-00012954 It's the best. S_CPQXRMWHk-00022-00013185-00013611 What's with the strange laughter? S_CPQXRMWHk-00023-00013611-00013944 A happy smile. S_CPQXRMWHk-00024-00014760-00016299 I feel hurry S_CPQXRMWHk-00025-00016299-00016499 I'm not relaxed. S_CPQXRMWHk-00026-00016499-00016699 Let's go! S_CPQXRMWHk-00027-00016699-00016931 I lost her driver because I was in a hurry. S_CPQXRMWHk-00028-00016931-00017219 is this yours? Is that mine? S_CPQXRMWHk-00030-00017757-00017957 she threw away her driver. S_CPQXRMWHk-00031-00018128-00018533 I think you need to hit it with an iron. S_CPQXRMWHk-00032-00018533-00019137 I don't think iron will go far either. S_CPQXRMWHk-00033-00019137-00019448 The ball is on the green. S_CPQXRMWHk-00034-00019398-00019448 I don't think so S_CPQXRMWHk-00036-00020397-00020776 You have to fly the ball from the bunker. S_CPQXRMWHk-00037-00020963-00021441 You did well. S_CPQXRMWHk-00038-00022886-00023116 you couldn't escape. S_CPQXRMWHk-00045-00023966-00024166 It's racing. S_CPQXRMWHk-00047-00024366-00024566 The golf agent told me to hit it quickly. S_CPQXRMWHk-00053-00025566-00025766 make chicken wings' pose S_CPQXRMWHk-00056-00026374-00026574 The ball flew. S_CPQXRMWHk-00057-00026574-00027335 She lost putter S_CPQXRMWHk-00058-00027774-00028457 Go to the 3rd hole. S_CPQXRMWHk-00059-00028457-00028926 we keep losing my golf club today. S_CPQXRMWHk-00060-00028926-00029536 It's not the 3rd hole. It's the 4th one. S_CPQXRMWHk-00061-00029686-00029918 Wake up. S_CPQXRMWHk-00063-00030577-00031344 she is confused about gripping putter and iron S_CPQXRMWHk-00064-00031344-00032847 Why are you doing? S_CPQXRMWHk-00066-00033173-00033518 Her butt is chubby. S_CPQXRMWHk-00067-00033518-00033711 What's that sound? S_CPQXRMWHk-00068-00033711-00034221 Do you want me to give you a room? S_CPQXRMWHk-00069-00034221-00034406 The golf teacher told me to do it like this. S_CPQXRMWHk-00070-00034453-00034604 You look like a swan. S_CPQXRMWHk-00072-00036328-00036617 not nice S_CPQXRMWHk-00073-00038593-00039048 You're so mean S_CPQXRMWHk-00074-00041920-00042470 It's a rule violation to put your tee in front of it. S_CPQXRMWHk-00075-00043872-00044260 pull out your tee S_CPQXRMWHk-00076-00045184-00045792 Your hair is the same as comedian Lee Youngja's. S_CPQXRMWHk-00077-00047727-00047919 I got a hook S_CPQXRMWHk-00078-00048979-00049282 I'm hungry. S_CPQXRMWHk-00079-00049784-00050038 Eat tomatoes. S_CPQXRMWHk-00080-00053108-00053562 delicious S_CPQXRMWHk-00081-00053574-00053624 Feel strong. S_CPQXRMWHk-00082-00053624-00053973 I didn't eat breakfast because of stomach fat. S_CPQXRMWHk-00083-00055087-00056882 The reason there are a lot of people here is because it's cheap. S_CPQXRMWHk-00084-00057059-00057461 This golf is a bit late for tee time. S_CPQXRMWHk-00085-00057461-00057932 we were so busy playing golf. S_CPQXRMWHk-00086-00057932-00058338 Don't be late for tee time and relax and play golf. SBsrknYT67I-00000-00003030-00003225 Now i'm obviously not allowed to talk SBsrknYT67I-00001-00003225-00003432 about the numbers we made ... SBsrknYT67I-00002-00003432-00003938 But the party upstairs is doing quite well :-) SEPqCnjOLcA-00000-00000814-00001128 I could’ve told you things SEPqCnjOLcA-00001-00001178-00001482 That I never got to say SEPqCnjOLcA-00002-00001492-00002196 I still remember the day that we started like it was just yesterday SEPqCnjOLcA-00003-00002206-00002518 And we’ve been through so much SEPqCnjOLcA-00004-00002532-00002874 I thought we were forever SEPqCnjOLcA-00005-00002894-00003106 I could’ve stayed with you SEPqCnjOLcA-00006-00003106-00003590 But all those are behind our better days SEPqCnjOLcA-00007-00003596-00003884 I wanna feel your touch SEPqCnjOLcA-00008-00003926-00004236 I wanna hear your voice SEPqCnjOLcA-00009-00004274-00004474 I wanna feel you care SEPqCnjOLcA-00010-00004488-00004948 Even if it’s so much to bear SEPqCnjOLcA-00011-00004970-00005224 I wanna hold your hand SEPqCnjOLcA-00012-00005312-00005640 I wanna lean on your shoulder SEPqCnjOLcA-00013-00005666-00005900 I wanna feel your love SEPqCnjOLcA-00014-00005900-00006380 Feel it like I never left so SEPqCnjOLcA-00015-00006409-00007108 Play this at my funeral SEPqCnjOLcA-00016-00007116-00007459 Let me know you’re there SEPqCnjOLcA-00017-00007462-00007790 I’ll protect you still SEPqCnjOLcA-00018-00007798-00008108 Even if I’m far SEPqCnjOLcA-00019-00008180-00008466 I will love you still SEPqCnjOLcA-00020-00008476-00008800 Nothing is forever SEPqCnjOLcA-00021-00008806-00009124 That is what you made me see SEPqCnjOLcA-00022-00009134-00009860 Everything kept hurting, dying for your love that kills me SEPqCnjOLcA-00023-00009868-00010152 Everything feels too late SEPqCnjOLcA-00024-00010194-00010480 There’s no more going back SEPqCnjOLcA-00025-00010506-00011228 Let’s just let everything go forward, let it go and we will grow SEPqCnjOLcA-00026-00011244-00011526 I never felt this free SEPqCnjOLcA-00027-00011552-00011880 But I feel hurt at the same time SEPqCnjOLcA-00028-00011926-00012636 And I don’t want you to feel the feeling that will crush your chest SEPqCnjOLcA-00029-00012644-00012918 Now all of it is cold SEPqCnjOLcA-00030-00012954-00013341 But I’ll never forget you SEPqCnjOLcA-00031-00013350-00013546 I guess this is goodbye SEPqCnjOLcA-00032-00013546-00014026 But I’m always just right next to you SEPqCnjOLcA-00033-00014180-00014286 So... SEPqCnjOLcA-00034-00014432-00015068 Play this at my funeral SEPqCnjOLcA-00035-00015090-00015444 Let me know you’re there SEPqCnjOLcA-00036-00015478-00015719 I’ll protect you still SEPqCnjOLcA-00037-00015802-00016104 Even if I’m far SEPqCnjOLcA-00038-00016118-00016468 I will love you still SEPqCnjOLcA-00039-00016498-00017138 Play this at my funeral SEPqCnjOLcA-00040-00017212-00017554 Let me know you’re there SEPqCnjOLcA-00041-00017560-00017892 I’ll protect you still SEPqCnjOLcA-00042-00017904-00018582 Stay beside you, I will love you still SMSmAdeWFeY-00000-00000056-00001592 sorry it's dj SMSmAdeWFeY-00001-00002240-00002984 i want nobody bout you i want nobody SMSmAdeWFeY-00002-00004168-00004384 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00003-00006712-00007184 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00004-00009080-00009984 so SMSmAdeWFeY-00005-00015224-00015584 thank you SMSmAdeWFeY-00006-00016560-00016984 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00007-00019440-00019784 okay SMSmAdeWFeY-00008-00023648-00023984 okay SMSmAdeWFeY-00009-00024800-00025384 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00010-00026616-00026783 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00011-00029400-00029583 ah SMSmAdeWFeY-00012-00030704-00030983 oh yeah SMSmAdeWFeY-00013-00033152-00033784 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00014-00037848-00037984 oh SMSmAdeWFeY-00015-00038336-00039384 thank you SMSmAdeWFeY-00016-00040672-00040784 is SMSmAdeWFeY-00017-00042424-00043584 everytime SMSmAdeWFeY-00018-00044976-00045026 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00019-00048432-00049184 so SMSmAdeWFeY-00020-00052528-00053384 foreign SMSmAdeWFeY-00021-00069304-00070184 so SMSmAdeWFeY-00022-00072880-00074032 hey bye SO6w4rLaipE-00000-00001233-00001576 We usually recommend that faculty build their grade SO6w4rLaipE-00001-00001576-00001918 center right from the start of the semester, SO6w4rLaipE-00002-00001918-00002203 that their course should be fully ready before they start, SO6w4rLaipE-00003-00002203-00002350 and their grade center should also SO6w4rLaipE-00004-00002350-00002603 be fully ready before the start of the semester. SO6w4rLaipE-00005-00002603-00002936 The reason we do this is because on the menu, SO6w4rLaipE-00006-00002936-00003379 you need to have a link toward the grade book. SO6w4rLaipE-00007-00003379-00003675 In our system blackboard, it's called My Grades usually. SO6w4rLaipE-00008-00003675-00003817 You can call it whatever you want, SO6w4rLaipE-00009-00003817-00003922 and you can change the name of it SO6w4rLaipE-00010-00003922-00004120 But the tool itself is called My Grades, SO6w4rLaipE-00011-00004120-00004396 and we recommend that our instructors put a My Grades SO6w4rLaipE-00012-00004396-00004705 link so students can use that information as a project SO6w4rLaipE-00013-00004705-00004963 management tool over the course of a semester SO6w4rLaipE-00014-00004963-00005291 It's also a feedback tool and a communication tool. SO6w4rLaipE-00015-00005291-00005509 So as a project management tool, you SO6w4rLaipE-00016-00005509-00005734 can set it up so that your students can see things SO6w4rLaipE-00017-00005734-00005962 in the order they're due, or you can set it SO6w4rLaipE-00018-00005962-00006280 up so that students see things according to what they are. SO6w4rLaipE-00019-00006280-00006446 All the assignments are in one place, SO6w4rLaipE-00020-00006446-00006601 all the discussions are in one place, SO6w4rLaipE-00021-00006601-00006730 all the tests are in one place. SO6w4rLaipE-00022-00006730-00007063 They can also use it as a communication SO6w4rLaipE-00023-00007063-00007330 space, where you're giving them the feedback. SO6w4rLaipE-00024-00007330-00007501 So they can see what their grades are, SO6w4rLaipE-00025-00007501-00007690 you can put in your narrative comments, SO6w4rLaipE-00026-00007690-00007867 they can see those comments. SO6w4rLaipE-00027-00007867-00008134 If they have a question, they can get back to you about them. SO6w4rLaipE-00028-00008134-00008317 They can also access their assignment SO6w4rLaipE-00029-00008317-00008701 and check in to a question they might have. SO6w4rLaipE-00030-00008701-00008881 It's an important resource for the students SO6w4rLaipE-00031-00008881-00009082 to be successful within your course. SO6w4rLaipE-00032-00009082-00009379 So if you plan it from the beginning, SO6w4rLaipE-00033-00009379-00009778 and you plan it with intent, it will help your students SO6w4rLaipE-00034-00009778-00009974 to be successful within your course. SO6w4rLaipE-00035-00009974-00010199 Some students will think they're not doing well. SO6w4rLaipE-00036-00010199-00010337 They make a lot of assumptions. SO6w4rLaipE-00037-00010337-00010491 So they think they are not doing well SO6w4rLaipE-00038-00010491-00010705 and they could very easily withdraw from the class, SO6w4rLaipE-00039-00010705-00010922 because they don't understand how the grade book works, SO6w4rLaipE-00040-00010922-00011116 or they don't know how to access their grades. SO6w4rLaipE-00041-00011116-00011295 Or another student might think that they're SO6w4rLaipE-00042-00011295-00011728 doing very, very well, because they haven't paid attention SO6w4rLaipE-00043-00011728-00011834 to criteria. SO6w4rLaipE-00044-00011834-00011990 The criteria isn't clear for them. SO6w4rLaipE-00045-00011990-00012358 So they might not make a change in their behavior SO6w4rLaipE-00046-00012358-00012565 that they need to make, if they really SO6w4rLaipE-00047-00012565-00012706 knew where their grade was. SO6w4rLaipE-00048-00012706-00013036 So I have a link to My Grades now, SO6w4rLaipE-00049-00013036-00013435 right from the start of the menu. SO6w4rLaipE-00050-00013435-00013644 So students can go in at any point in time. SO6w4rLaipE-00051-00013644-00014094 And I update it constantly. SO6w4rLaipE-00052-00014094-00014347 I took a couple of online classes last semester, SO6w4rLaipE-00053-00014347-00014622 and one professor didn't update our grades SO6w4rLaipE-00054-00014622-00014760 at all for maybe six weeks. SO6w4rLaipE-00055-00014760-00014956 I had no idea what my grade in the course was-- SO6w4rLaipE-00056-00014956-00015238 I mean, I assumed it was a good grade. SO6w4rLaipE-00057-00015238-00015591 But the other one was up within 48 hours. SO6w4rLaipE-00058-00015591-00015850 I'd submit an assignment, within 48 hours I had feedback, SO6w4rLaipE-00059-00015850-00016087 I had a grade, and I just, as from the student end, SO6w4rLaipE-00060-00016087-00016276 that made me feel so much more comfortable. SO6w4rLaipE-00061-00016276-00016414 Even knowing I was a good student SO6w4rLaipE-00062-00016414-00016563 and I was getting an A in the class. SO6w4rLaipE-00063-00016563-00016765 And so I think it's super important SO6w4rLaipE-00064-00016765-00017095 that students have all the information available to them SO6w4rLaipE-00065-00017095-00017341 before they make important decisions about whether to stay SO6w4rLaipE-00066-00017341-00017669 in a class, or how much time to spend on their next assignment. SO6w4rLaipE-00067-00017669-00017890 I think students don't always understand SO6w4rLaipE-00068-00017890-00018043 how percentages are set up. SO6w4rLaipE-00069-00018043-00018358 And so you might have a bunch of informal assessments SO6w4rLaipE-00070-00018358-00018613 that are worth a very small percentage SO6w4rLaipE-00071-00018613-00019018 of their overall grade, and their midterm exam SO6w4rLaipE-00072-00019018-00019174 is worth 25%. SO6w4rLaipE-00073-00019174-00019682 And so if they don't have somewhere very clearly laid out SO6w4rLaipE-00074-00019682-00019828 for them how those percentages work SO6w4rLaipE-00075-00019828-00020032 in terms of their overall grade, and they're just SO6w4rLaipE-00076-00020032-00020370 paying attention to those mini grades as they come in, SO6w4rLaipE-00077-00020370-00020545 they could have a very skewed sense of how SO6w4rLaipE-00078-00020545-00020657 they're doing in the class. SO6w4rLaipE-00079-00020657-00020842 Another pitfall that often occurs SO6w4rLaipE-00080-00020842-00021181 if we don't plan our grade centers out from the start SO6w4rLaipE-00081-00021181-00021478 is that students will get information SO6w4rLaipE-00082-00021478-00021768 when they click on that link, their My Grades link. SO6w4rLaipE-00083-00021768-00021923 When they click on the My Grades link SO6w4rLaipE-00084-00021923-00022351 they'll get information that is inaccurate or confusing. SO6w4rLaipE-00085-00022351-00022753 So sometimes what students will see is multiple total columns, SO6w4rLaipE-00086-00022753-00022999 and they don't know what it means, and the numbers in there SO6w4rLaipE-00087-00022999-00023164 don't make sense to them. SO6w4rLaipE-00088-00023164-00023503 Or there'll be assignments from a previous semester, SO6w4rLaipE-00089-00023503-00023695 but you're not using them this semester, SO6w4rLaipE-00090-00023695-00023842 but they're still showing up. SO6w4rLaipE-00091-00023842-00023936 And things like that. SO6w4rLaipE-00092-00023936-00024078 And you'll get a lot of questions, SO6w4rLaipE-00093-00024078-00024235 students will be confused. SO6w4rLaipE-00094-00024235-00024544 Their experience of the course will be distracted, SO6w4rLaipE-00095-00024544-00024835 it'll be shifted toward resolving SO6w4rLaipE-00096-00024835-00025126 these small minor logistics problems SO6w4rLaipE-00097-00025126-00025453 instead of focusing their energy on wrestling with the content SO6w4rLaipE-00098-00025453-00025616 and doing a good job. SO6w4rLaipE-00099-00025616-00025987 So as instructors, we want to plan that area from the start SO6w4rLaipE-00100-00025987-00026237 so that we make sure it has everything the students need, SO6w4rLaipE-00101-00026237-00026463 and nothing that they don't. SOMGCoVzOVI-00000-00000000-00000432 as 2021 comes to a close we're gonna take one last look at who the most SOMGCoVzOVI-00001-00000432-00000927 powerful players are here in rise of kingdoms what's going on guys cheers SOMGCoVzOVI-00002-00001152-00001664 now it's been a few months since we took a look at the top 10 most powerful players here in this game SOMGCoVzOVI-00003-00001664-00002184 so i figured why not take one last look before the year is over we'll take a quick snapshot at the SOMGCoVzOVI-00004-00002184-00002752 very end of 2021 just to see who the most powerful players are and we can look back in a few months SOMGCoVzOVI-00005-00002752-00003360 in 2022 and we can see how these lists change over time now just as a quick disclaimer obviously SOMGCoVzOVI-00006-00003360-00003832 there are hundreds of thousands of players here in rise of kingdoms and using different stat SOMGCoVzOVI-00007-00003832-00004256 tracker websites we can sort of piece together who the top 10 most powerful are although SOMGCoVzOVI-00008-00004256-00004816 some of these players some players don't show up in stat tracking websites so if i do miss one SOMGCoVzOVI-00009-00004816-00005256 or two players who aren't on this list that are supposed to be make sure you comment down below SOMGCoVzOVI-00010-00005256-00005720 with their names and what alliance kingdom that they're in so way i can keep track of them myself SOMGCoVzOVI-00011-00005720-00006096 and then maybe next time we can include them in the list anyway without further ado let's SOMGCoVzOVI-00012-00006096-00006880 jump into the top 10 list with number 10 coming from kingdom 1647 and we have none other than uh SOMGCoVzOVI-00013-00007104-00007952 i ayanoheim i don't know the strongest player in alliance w-s-a samurai has 549 million power now SOMGCoVzOVI-00014-00007952-00008552 to put that into perspective when we did this top 10 list in a couple of months ago the number 10 SOMGCoVzOVI-00015-00008552-00009344 spot had 500 million so we're already starting 10 more powerful than the last list we have 4.4 SOMGCoVzOVI-00016-00009344-00009944 billion kill points it looks like it breaks down to mostly t5 kill points really impressive stuff SOMGCoVzOVI-00017-00009944-00010432 here we see the germany civilization makes a lot of sense we often see germany in these top tier SOMGCoVzOVI-00018-00010432-00010896 players if we take a look at their highest power ever they are currently pretty much there this SOMGCoVzOVI-00019-00010896-00011440 is their most powerful i've ever been while we're here we can see that they also have 70.6 million SOMGCoVzOVI-00020-00011440-00011872 dead troops as well looking at their achievements it looks like they're showing off their uh their SOMGCoVzOVI-00021-00011872-00012416 gathering skill freddy's expertise i don't know why you would do that killing 10 000 barbs SOMGCoVzOVI-00022-00012416-00012880 a bunch of sieve changes emojis i don't think they care too much about their achievement while it SOMGCoVzOVI-00023-00012880-00013296 looks like if we take a look at their commanders it looks like their details have been hidden but SOMGCoVzOVI-00024-00013296-00013863 i would assume that they have expertise nebu zhang you pakal perhaps this player is a rally SOMGCoVzOVI-00025-00013863-00014344 lead we do see three of the most powerful rallying commanders here right on the wall so that's really SOMGCoVzOVI-00026-00014344-00014776 impressive stuff there looks like they're missing one commander right aren't there 75 commanders in SOMGCoVzOVI-00027-00014776-00015144 the game now looks like they're missing just one that's interesting stuff let's take a look at SOMGCoVzOVI-00028-00015144-00015616 the album shall we this looks like some uh some sort of really delicious dessert love that this SOMGCoVzOVI-00029-00015616-00016240 is really uh cute car i guess i don't know what what we're looking at here um i can't read any of SOMGCoVzOVI-00030-00016240-00016784 this i don't know if this is trying to like tell a story we've got uh feet only fans going on here SOMGCoVzOVI-00031-00016784-00017376 i don't know happy everyday very cute this is an adorable profile this is this is just so kawaii i SOMGCoVzOVI-00032-00017376-00018096 love it moving on to number nine on the list we have farmwell 808 from kingdom 23 22 this is by SOMGCoVzOVI-00033-00018096-00018664 far the youngest kingdom on any top 10 list that we've ever done i love this avatar it's perfect SOMGCoVzOVI-00034-00018664-00019528 it's got it's just a laughing well it's it's amazing we see 573 million power with 2.5 billion SOMGCoVzOVI-00035-00019528-00019968 kill points we can take a look here it looks like those kill points are pretty evenly distributed SOMGCoVzOVI-00036-00019968-00020464 mostly t4 looks like they're rocking the france civilization i don't know if this is like a troll SOMGCoVzOVI-00037-00020464-00021000 account or what's going on here but they have lost a hundred battles uh looks like they've unlocked SOMGCoVzOVI-00038-00021000-00021560 tier two units nice congrats on tier two man i can i really think that's impressive you've defeated SOMGCoVzOVI-00039-00021560-00022128 a level one barbarian fort oh my god and you have one piece of equipment wow that's impressive 100 SOMGCoVzOVI-00040-00022128-00022624 chests in the tavern looks like they did uh end up in the stone ranking for olympia champions of SOMGCoVzOVI-00041-00022624-00023200 olympia good for you guys that's awesome take a look at their commanders we see a lot of uh kvk SOMGCoVzOVI-00042-00023200-00023744 season two commanders here i don't know if this is maybe their first uh their first kingdom which SOMGCoVzOVI-00043-00023744-00024304 would be crazy but they've expertised alexander constantine martel edward of woodstock cleopatra SOMGCoVzOVI-00044-00024304-00024832 and minamoto lots of crazy stuff there if we look at their highest power ever it used to be SOMGCoVzOVI-00045-00024896-00025520 643 million so it looks like they lost quite a bit i don't know if they were in kvk or whatnot SOMGCoVzOVI-00046-00025520-00026127 but they do have almost 29 million dead troops unfortunately we have no album i wish they had SOMGCoVzOVI-00047-00026127-00026568 some sort of troll pictures here but they don't they're not even rocking an avatar frame they're SOMGCoVzOVI-00048-00026568-00027056 just doing whatever they want man anyway moving on to number eight on the list is none other than SOMGCoVzOVI-00049-00027056-00027704 flying baroness of kingdom 1601 flying baroness being an infamous player many players have met SOMGCoVzOVI-00050-00027704-00028400 them on the battlefield you can see 601 million power perfectly lines up with their kingdom number SOMGCoVzOVI-00051-00028400-00029024 nice nice little touch there 9.3 billion kill points absolutely insane you can see a majority SOMGCoVzOVI-00052-00029024-00029608 coming from the tier 5 kills really nice stuff there rocking the france civilization you get SOMGCoVzOVI-00053-00029608-00030072 that nice little health buff and the healing cost reduction rocking the france civilization you get SOMGCoVzOVI-00054-00030072-00030416 that nice little health buff i think that's really premium we could take a look here at SOMGCoVzOVI-00055-00030416-00030960 their achievements um everything level 25 rank one and sunset canyon they've got the kraken the SOMGCoVzOVI-00056-00030960-00031456 golden horde and god of war those are some really awesome achievements there i love the avatar here SOMGCoVzOVI-00057-00031456-00031936 also no avatar frame let's take a look at their commanders they are hiding their commander uh SOMGCoVzOVI-00058-00031936-00032616 details but we can assume that they have expertise attila zenobia ramses which means they probably SOMGCoVzOVI-00059-00032616-00033184 have also expertised their counterparts so yi sun sin takeda i mean when you have a player of this SOMGCoVzOVI-00060-00033184-00033552 of this level like you know their commanders are all gonna be expertised let's take a look SOMGCoVzOVI-00061-00033552-00034360 here their highest power ever 618 million totally crazy stuff almost 80 million dead troops as well SOMGCoVzOVI-00062-00034360-00034856 flying baroness also not having any album what what are we gonna take a look at if we're just SOMGCoVzOVI-00063-00034856-00035320 if we're just peeking at the profile also only 74 commanders i wonder if these guys just didn't SOMGCoVzOVI-00064-00035320-00035728 participate in the latest mightiest governor to get suleiman i don't know coming in at number SOMGCoVzOVI-00065-00035728-00036488 seven all the way from kingdom 1122 we have none other than uh apparently bert gavin is that is SOMGCoVzOVI-00066-00036488-00037320 that your like government name so we got bert over here in alliance k9 and my man rocking 619 million SOMGCoVzOVI-00067-00037320-00038008 power with 3.1 billion kill points those points split pretty evenly down the middle with t4 and t5 SOMGCoVzOVI-00068-00038008-00038584 rocking the viking civilization quite the choice here i love the vikings no photos on the album we SOMGCoVzOVI-00069-00038584-00039008 got no a frame here either i don't know what is going on with these players they just don't care SOMGCoVzOVI-00070-00039008-00039520 about the cosmetics of their account and i gotta say this is not the only player in 1122 that's on SOMGCoVzOVI-00071-00039520-00039968 this list so make sure you stay tuned because it gets even crazier but we've got ready to rumble SOMGCoVzOVI-00072-00039968-00040496 building power 100 million technology points to your alliance this is some interesting stuff here SOMGCoVzOVI-00073-00040496-00041080 taking a look at the more info it looks like they are currently at their highest power ever with SOMGCoVzOVI-00074-00041080-00041904 29 million dead troops and we can take a look at their commanders we do see saladin guan yu pakal SOMGCoVzOVI-00075-00041904-00042440 attila and mulan it looks like these also are hidden so we can't see they're most likely SOMGCoVzOVI-00076-00042440-00042976 expertised only 72 commanders owned so they are missing a small handful there you do have SOMGCoVzOVI-00077-00042976-00043472 to appreciate though the uh the ninja gaiden logo here we love to see it moving on to number six we SOMGCoVzOVI-00078-00043472-00044160 are brought all the way over to kingdom 14 46 with none other than kvk miller you guys are familiar SOMGCoVzOVI-00079-00044160-00044944 with this player we've talked about them in other videos kvk miller sitting at 624 million power one SOMGCoVzOVI-00080-00044944-00045576 thing that i want to note real quick here before we move forward there are a ton of millers here in SOMGCoVzOVI-00081-00045576-00046200 this alliance obviously kvk miller having the most power but there are plenty of other uh members SOMGCoVzOVI-00082-00046200-00046776 here with the name miller it's actually crazy obviously this player can't possibly own all of SOMGCoVzOVI-00083-00046776-00047248 these accounts i don't know if this is some sort of cult but it is quite interesting we see kvk SOMGCoVzOVI-00084-00047248-00047760 miller with almost 5 billion kill points rocking the rome civilization this is not something that SOMGCoVzOVI-00085-00047760-00048312 we usually see here in uh in the top 10 lists it's just i don't know why it's just not that common SOMGCoVzOVI-00086-00048312-00048784 but we could take a look it looks like they are basically showing off their commanders and their SOMGCoVzOVI-00087-00048784-00049448 equipment with the achievement wall i love to see that let's take a look here team 1446 i do think SOMGCoVzOVI-00088-00049448-00049984 we've got some sort of like uh cult like following going on here in this kingdom but hey i totally SOMGCoVzOVI-00089-00049984-00050536 understand man i totally understand we see some impressive reports here that they're showing off SOMGCoVzOVI-00090-00050536-00051128 on their wall uh looks like we got some uh some more artwork and uh legion x it looks like we've SOMGCoVzOVI-00091-00051128-00051655 got yeah definitely some pretty impressive stuff in this kingdom we see their highest power ever SOMGCoVzOVI-00092-00051655-00052367 with 684 million totally insane last time they were on this list they were actually in the number SOMGCoVzOVI-00093-00052367-00052967 five slot with 676 million so they have dropped a significant amount about 50 million power since SOMGCoVzOVI-00094-00052967-00053560 the last time we took a look at their account but they do have 29 million dead units as well SOMGCoVzOVI-00095-00053560-00053991 and if we take a look at their commanders it looks like they do not have this locked SOMGCoVzOVI-00096-00053991-00054504 so they obviously are a garrison lead probably a rally lead as well if we're being honest but SOMGCoVzOVI-00097-00054567-00055184 there's nobody zenobia yss here we've got the the extra health on these guys helps a ton guan SOMGCoVzOVI-00098-00055184-00055712 you pakal we love to see that obviously this you know pical is definitely a rally lead only SOMGCoVzOVI-00099-00055712-00056408 has 72 of the commanders so again we're missing a couple here um on kbk miller account as well SOMGCoVzOVI-00100-00056408-00057064 moving on to number five brings us to kingdom 1860 with none other than dark cookie last time SOMGCoVzOVI-00101-00057064-00057552 dark cookie showed up on this list they were much farther down most likely because of kvk SOMGCoVzOVI-00102-00057552-00058312 or something of the sort but dark cookie right now sitting at 660 million power 4.5 billion kill SOMGCoVzOVI-00103-00058312-00058912 points broken down mostly t5 baby you already know the drill rocking the viking civilization another SOMGCoVzOVI-00104-00058912-00059408 interesting choice here for dark cookie now one thing that i do want to point out it looks like SOMGCoVzOVI-00105-00059408-00060096 dark cookie dark brownie and dark oreo are the three strongest players in kingdom 1860 SOMGCoVzOVI-00106-00060096-00060584 is it possible that all three of these accounts are owned by the same person i've heard that at SOMGCoVzOVI-00107-00060584-00061128 least dark brownie is owned by dark cookie as well that's my uh that's what i've been told i don't SOMGCoVzOVI-00108-00061128-00061720 know if that's 100 true but is dark oreo theirs as well do they could they possibly own all three of SOMGCoVzOVI-00109-00061720-00062312 these insane accounts at the same time that would be crazy what's even crazier is if you add up all SOMGCoVzOVI-00110-00062312-00062800 of their power they still wouldn't be the most powerful player in the game anyway let's take a SOMGCoVzOVI-00111-00062800-00063767 look at dark cookie here their highest power ever was 746 million absolutely insane we have 62.8 SOMGCoVzOVI-00112-00063767-00064432 million dead troops boys a true warrior here dark cookie is not afraid to get their troops killed in SOMGCoVzOVI-00113-00064432-00065048 a battle we see a ton of cool stuff here bronze age owning minimoto okay total true power is SOMGCoVzOVI-00114-00065048-00065584 a million we've got 500 000 true power 5 million true power oh no that's total power whatever let's SOMGCoVzOVI-00115-00065584-00066216 take a look at their commanders uh it looks like they are probably both a garrison and a rally lead SOMGCoVzOVI-00116-00066216-00066840 who knows why we have honda as the as the ranger here i'm not sure what's going on there but we do SOMGCoVzOVI-00117-00066840-00067424 see a mandatory and zenobia so they definitely can fill more than one garrison with the commanders SOMGCoVzOVI-00118-00067424-00067944 that they own we see guan yu zhangyu as well obviously they're gonna be a rally captain SOMGCoVzOVI-00119-00067944-00068408 too which is really impressive stuff here unfortunately no album on dark cookie i was SOMGCoVzOVI-00120-00068408-00068864 hoping we would get some sort of baked treats in this album but unfortunately there's nothing SOMGCoVzOVI-00121-00068864-00069480 moving on to number four you are familiar with this player as well we have none other than gt SOMGCoVzOVI-00122-00069480-00070216 duck guy from kingdom 1960. this player was number four on the list last time but they are a bit SOMGCoVzOVI-00123-00070216-00070880 lower on power than they were back then right now they're sitting at 687 million so clearly SOMGCoVzOVI-00124-00070880-00071472 they were in some sort of battle some sort of kvk we do see the germany civilization and a whopping SOMGCoVzOVI-00125-00071472-00072264 15 billion kill points on this guy totally insane stuff there mostly t5 kill points we love to see SOMGCoVzOVI-00126-00072264-00072880 it we see germany that's something that is pretty common we also see the gold rank of champions SOMGCoVzOVI-00127-00072880-00073280 of olympia steven season one here so really impressive stuff that's not something that we see SOMGCoVzOVI-00128-00073280-00073704 too much even in this top 10 list i don't think many of these players really play champions of SOMGCoVzOVI-00129-00073704-00074240 olympia uh but duck guy does so here we go let's take a look at the album here i think i remember SOMGCoVzOVI-00130-00074240-00074960 yeah yes okay i do remember this album plenty of cars okay beautiful impressive mercedes what is SOMGCoVzOVI-00131-00074960-00075632 this sort of lamborghini here absolutely beautiful stuff i love to see it and it looks like this SOMGCoVzOVI-00132-00075632-00076376 honestly this page and this page might be more expensive than this page at this page in this page SOMGCoVzOVI-00133-00076376-00076952 let's just be real okay let's be real this might be more expensive but this is pretty insane stuff SOMGCoVzOVI-00134-00076952-00077440 okay you can see that he's pretty much expertised everybody that there is to expertise i'm not sure SOMGCoVzOVI-00135-00077440-00077896 what he's doing with uh edward over here uh without all that good equipment on it and maybe SOMGCoVzOVI-00136-00077896-00078416 just he just doesn't have anything other anything good to do with it but um a little tip ramsay's SOMGCoVzOVI-00137-00078416-00078832 would be better here than than edward obviously we've got nebu as well so that's impressive stuff SOMGCoVzOVI-00138-00078832-00079176 there but hey this guy knows what he's doing i'm sure he's i'm sure he knows what he's doing SOMGCoVzOVI-00139-00079176-00079728 but anyway we got some really uh crazy equipment here my god we've got multiple accessories some of SOMGCoVzOVI-00140-00079728-00080328 which are talented some of which aren't i i just i cannot believe that this is real like that this SOMGCoVzOVI-00141-00080328-00080872 exists this is absolutely insane it's very cool that this player did actually decide to show us SOMGCoVzOVI-00142-00080872-00081384 pretty much everything uh on their account i really do love that and this is what they're uh SOMGCoVzOVI-00143-00081440-00081928 oh my god 66 million gems that's actually insane so yeah taking a look at their commander view you SOMGCoVzOVI-00144-00081928-00082352 see yi seong you see edward of woodstock i don't know if this player was recently playing like SOMGCoVzOVI-00145-00082352-00083080 kbk2 or something but this rally combo really only useful in in that kvk attila takeda as well this SOMGCoVzOVI-00146-00083080-00083616 is definitely more of a kvk oh i guess four but i don't know interesting choices here we've got khan SOMGCoVzOVI-00147-00083616-00084256 here as the ranger not sure what the strategy is there but hey it is what it is they do own all 75 SOMGCoVzOVI-00148-00084256-00084848 commanders good stuff equip eight special talent equipment on five commanders that's actually SOMGCoVzOVI-00149-00084904-00085648 insane how gathering of elites infinite blade forge uh 20 permanent city themes mastercraftmen SOMGCoVzOVI-00150-00085648-00086272 this is truly a beautiful account and a master of rise of kingdoms number three on the list brings SOMGCoVzOVI-00151-00086272-00086864 us back to kingdom 1122 like i mentioned before they have multiple players on this list and this SOMGCoVzOVI-00152-00086864-00087600 is none other than george wolves mr wolves we saw him in the last video as well this player also SOMGCoVzOVI-00153-00087600-00088352 having much less power than they had previously currently they are sitting at 698 million power SOMGCoVzOVI-00154-00088352-00088936 last time they were on this list they were at 811 million which is totally insane they must SOMGCoVzOVI-00155-00088936-00089704 have been in some sort of massive kvk we also see here their highest power ever is 846 million with SOMGCoVzOVI-00156-00089704-00090440 137 million dead troops they really don't care they really just don't care they'll kill their SOMGCoVzOVI-00157-00090440-00091024 troops it doesn't matter they have 7.1 billion kill points a majority of which being of course SOMGCoVzOVI-00158-00091024-00091512 tier 5 troops we've got no album on this account unfortunately but we've got some SOMGCoVzOVI-00159-00091512-00092072 ingenious craftsmanship and of course showing off their expertise commanders meta breaker as SOMGCoVzOVI-00160-00092072-00092528 well really cool stuff here it looks like if we jump into their commander view they do own every SOMGCoVzOVI-00161-00092528-00093120 single commander in the game and we can see here that they are obviously both a rally and garrison SOMGCoVzOVI-00162-00093120-00093768 captain they've got zhang yu zenobia pakal guan yu we've also got sundukan and shida so that's some SOMGCoVzOVI-00163-00093768-00094320 cool stuff there george wolves rocking the germany civilization obviously something that we see often SOMGCoVzOVI-00164-00094320-00094936 saving a ton on the training moving on to number two on this list we have to head over to kingdom SOMGCoVzOVI-00165-00094936-00095504 14 12 ladies and gentlemen you know you know the drill you know who it is boys and girls this is SOMGCoVzOVI-00166-00095504-00096192 baba tc out of turk this player is always on the top power list baba is famous and perhaps infamous SOMGCoVzOVI-00167-00096192-00096680 in the rise of kingdoms community he's got a youtube channel he is he's all over the place okay SOMGCoVzOVI-00168-00096680-00097288 you can't think of the best players in rise of kingdoms without thinking of baba we've got over 1 SOMGCoVzOVI-00169-00097288-00097936 billion power now of course last time baba was on this list he was at 1.1 billion so definitely down SOMGCoVzOVI-00170-00097936-00098456 just a little bit but you can see that he wanted to just push just above that one billion mark he SOMGCoVzOVI-00171-00098456-00099048 didn't want any no 900 million no no no 1 billion or better baby and that's how baba likes to roll SOMGCoVzOVI-00172-00099048-00099472 we're rocking the ottoman empire so definitely getting that extra skill damage probably for SOMGCoVzOVI-00173-00099472-00100168 rallies and garrison purposes we also see the glorious gold champion of olympia season 1 as well SOMGCoVzOVI-00174-00100168-00100944 19 billion kill points absolutely insane way more t5 kill points than t4 kill points as well coming SOMGCoVzOVI-00175-00100944-00101904 into the more info we can see his highest power ever was 1.2 billion with 121 million dead troops SOMGCoVzOVI-00176-00101904-00102472 absolutely insane i have no idea what this is a gifted audience i rejoice at the sight of such SOMGCoVzOVI-00177-00102472-00102896 talents in my vicinity what is what does that mean i don't even know what that one is coming into the SOMGCoVzOVI-00178-00102896-00103408 album here we're familiar with the motorcycles we know baba loves the ducati we also have a picture SOMGCoVzOVI-00179-00103408-00103904 of what i assumed to be with his son if you guys didn't know the reason that baba originally pushed SOMGCoVzOVI-00180-00103904-00104480 to t5 is because uh the story goes the legend has it that somebody i guess attacked his son's SOMGCoVzOVI-00181-00104480-00104983 uh base and rise of kingdoms so baba just powered all the way up and just burned the entire kingdom SOMGCoVzOVI-00182-00104983-00105616 down basically which honestly is pretty badass we've got some pretty slick looking photos here of SOMGCoVzOVI-00183-00105616-00106288 baba himself is that a is that a Mercedes i can't really see too closely there but my god almost 7 SOMGCoVzOVI-00184-00106288-00106744 000 likes on this picture that's crazy oh over seven thousand on this one that's actually nuts SOMGCoVzOVI-00185-00106744-00107224 i love it of course the motorcycles got over nine thousand okay okay anyway taking a look at baba's SOMGCoVzOVI-00186-00107224-00107711 commanders we see some interesting choices here we've got gilgamesh we know he's gonna be rallying SOMGCoVzOVI-00187-00107711-00108392 with ya boy gilgamesh guan yu over here trajan as well which is really impressive stuff if you ever SOMGCoVzOVI-00188-00108392-00108856 wanted to know their talent builds it does look like baba does share with you the talent builds SOMGCoVzOVI-00189-00108856-00109440 that he has on his account so if you guys want to play like baba go ahead and check out basically SOMGCoVzOVI-00190-00109440-00109888 his profile you'll see everything that he has got going on here i guess he's not doing a mixed SOMGCoVzOVI-00191-00109888-00110304 army with his trajan it must be all infantry or something because he didn't go for armor to the SOMGCoVzOVI-00192-00110304-00110800 teeth or arm to the teeth so that's interesting choice there oh baba you got an opportunity here SOMGCoVzOVI-00193-00110800-00111232 with guan yu i think you could change a little bit on the guan talent build okay i don't know if SOMGCoVzOVI-00194-00111232-00111616 i don't know if you know that your talent build is like this but you do not need latent power SOMGCoVzOVI-00195-00111616-00112016 on your wand and in fact i wouldn't even get feral nature to be honest with you i would go SOMGCoVzOVI-00196-00112016-00112424 probably all the way up to the top of this elite soldiers maybe putting one or two elite soldiers SOMGCoVzOVI-00197-00112424-00112872 and putting the rest in strong of body really interesting stuff here and it's very interesting SOMGCoVzOVI-00198-00112872-00113440 that uh being able to peek inside you can we can sort of see um what these talent builds are yeah SOMGCoVzOVI-00199-00113440-00113824 i don't know what's going on here i don't know if this is bugged out but yeah you definitely want SOMGCoVzOVI-00200-00113824-00114408 four points in venomous sting and uh again feral nature i i mean i don't know probably not the best SOMGCoVzOVI-00201-00114408-00114848 choice but what do i know right he's got 19 billion kill points so i guess i can just shut SOMGCoVzOVI-00202-00114848-00115472 up moving on to number one on the list we have of course everybody knows that you know it i know it SOMGCoVzOVI-00203-00115472-00116120 we've got maverick l in kingdom 2010 this player was also number one on the list last time they SOMGCoVzOVI-00204-00116120-00116816 have 10 million more power than they did before before they had 1.35 now they're at 1.36 billion SOMGCoVzOVI-00205-00116816-00117568 power with 4.3 billion kill points we can see um mostly t5 kill points here as well they did SOMGCoVzOVI-00206-00117568-00118208 participate in champions of olympia landing in iron three they've got no album or achievements SOMGCoVzOVI-00207-00118208-00118711 on their wall not too much to show off here they are rocking the germany civilization we could SOMGCoVzOVI-00208-00118711-00119304 take a look at their commanders we can see uh richard charlemagne bro what are you doing with SOMGCoVzOVI-00209-00119304-00119824 the charlemagne there's got there's no way there's no way you're using charlemagne and what is what's SOMGCoVzOVI-00210-00119824-00120320 alexander in the ranger slot for is he gonna be is he gonna be killing your what what is this SOMGCoVzOVI-00211-00120320-00120680 maverick do you know what this screw do you know did you know that you have these commanders here SOMGCoVzOVI-00212-00120744-00121176 he does have all commanders which is cool but uh what's what's going on here i feel like we we SOMGCoVzOVI-00213-00121176-00121696 we we should switch alex and Aethelflaed maybe i don't know i'm not really sure but taking a look SOMGCoVzOVI-00214-00121696-00122448 at the highest power ever we have 1.39 billion power with 88 million dead troops now listen okay SOMGCoVzOVI-00215-00122448-00123096 i got a lot of comments on my last video saying that maverick is a bot or maverick is you know SOMGCoVzOVI-00216-00123159-00123800 an employee who works at lilith or maybe he's just a test account a dummy account right guys i don't SOMGCoVzOVI-00217-00123800-00124416 know the story behind maverick okay he's got 300 million more power than baba yet baba has way more SOMGCoVzOVI-00218-00124416-00124944 kill points and a way more impressive commander wall he also has a better champions of olympia SOMGCoVzOVI-00219-00124944-00125320 like i don't know okay i don't know the story behind maverick but you know maverick if you're SOMGCoVzOVI-00220-00125320-00125832 watching if you're seeing this video okay i invite you to come on the channel or i'll interview you SOMGCoVzOVI-00221-00125832-00126264 or or something like that i want to know your story do you work at lilith like what's going SOMGCoVzOVI-00222-00126264-00126776 on here behind the maverick account or are you just a mega whale who only plays a little bit more SOMGCoVzOVI-00223-00126776-00127216 casually than some of the other players on this list that's totally possible as well anyway the SOMGCoVzOVI-00224-00127216-00127759 top four players on this list did not change they did lose a little bit of power since last time but SOMGCoVzOVI-00225-00127759-00128504 it is the same four so who knows if 2022 is going to be the year where the top four get changed is SOMGCoVzOVI-00226-00128504-00128992 there gonna be a new player in the number one spot i would love to see it but i think that's unlikely SOMGCoVzOVI-00227-00128992-00129376 anyway with that being said guys if you enjoyed the video drop a thumbs up on it it really helps SOMGCoVzOVI-00228-00129376-00129704 out the channel a ton it helps get this video out into the youtube algorithm so other rise of SOMGCoVzOVI-00229-00129704-00130080 kings players might see it if you're new here make sure you subscribe to the channel and click that SOMGCoVzOVI-00230-00130080-00130448 bell to be notified the next time that i upload a rise of kingdoms video but with that being said SOMGCoVzOVI-00231-00130448-00130904 guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace