VL_IrvVzzqA-00000-00001409-00001897 Hey what's going on guys today's video i'm actually doing a live commentary. This is me right now on the screen right VL_IrvVzzqA-00001-00001901-00002320 So I'm gonna be doing a live commentary right now and what I'm gonna be commentating today VL_IrvVzzqA-00002-00002358-00003047 I'm gonna be commentating on three ways to get into someone's 90 and three ways to get out of your own 90 now VL_IrvVzzqA-00003-00003047-00003247 These are going to be more of advanced tips that VL_IrvVzzqA-00004-00003270-00003823 Really are not that easy to do and it will take some practice to get used to. So let's get straight to the video VL_IrvVzzqA-00005-00003823-00004023 So I'm doing gonna do everything live for you guys VL_IrvVzzqA-00006-00004047-00004576 So first we were talking about the three ways to get out of the turtle. So the first way you are going VL_IrvVzzqA-00007-00004577-00005086 to want to get out of the turtle is let me just grab a shotgun and I will show you guys what I'm talking about VL_IrvVzzqA-00008-00005178-00005425 Okay, so you're in your turtle, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00009-00005502-00006145 And you guys have all been in this situation where someone's out there they're trying to break your walls, right? We keep on replacing your walls VL_IrvVzzqA-00010-00006146-00006386 I try to break and keep on replacing right VL_IrvVzzqA-00011-00006450-00007006 Now there's gonna be point where they start spraying your wall. All right, they start spraying it, spraying it,it spray if you're gonna keep replacing alright VL_IrvVzzqA-00012-00007029-00007288 Now what you want to do is the second they break your wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00013-00007302-00007798 They're gonna break it right the second they break you just want to BOP and then replace the wall really quickly VL_IrvVzzqA-00014-00007809-00008161 So they're gonna break it you want to shoot and then replace now VL_IrvVzzqA-00015-00008161-00008650 This is like still catching a lot of people off-guard because no one expects to be breaking. It looks like VL_IrvVzzqA-00016-00008650-00009067 They're gonna replace the wall gets shotgunned in the face. It's it's really not that hard to do VL_IrvVzzqA-00017-00009067-00009227 I'll do you a lot especially in VL_IrvVzzqA-00018-00009227-00009752 Solo squads when your'e in a turtle it really so just make sure that what you're inside turtle, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00019-00009777-00010288 Someone breaks your wall if you're not on like on six health or if you're on very low health you do not want to do VL_IrvVzzqA-00020-00010288-00010488 This because there is a potential to take a bit of damage VL_IrvVzzqA-00021-00010509-00011107 But if someone breaks your wall and you are on a comfortable amount of health go for the shotgun shot and then replace your wall, so you break it VL_IrvVzzqA-00022-00011138-00011288 Go for the shot VL_IrvVzzqA-00023-00011288-00011614 Replace the wall. Break it, shot, and replace. Okay VL_IrvVzzqA-00024-00011688-00012238 Now going on to the second tip right now, let's go straight from here. So the second way to get out of one by one is VL_IrvVzzqA-00025-00012317-00012766 Called um It's basically side jumping from inside your 1 by 1. Now, this is a very advanced technique VL_IrvVzzqA-00026-00012767-00013159 A lot of people really don't know about this, but it's just very advanced VL_IrvVzzqA-00027-00013159-00013579 So what you're going to be doing is so someone is spraying you all right, you keep on replacing the wall, someones spraying at it VL_IrvVzzqA-00028-00013611-00013811 You keep on replacing it, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00029-00013837-00014430 Now what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to place a ramp, right? You've all been the situation somebody someone's out there VL_IrvVzzqA-00030-00014497-00014622 that was a lag spike VL_IrvVzzqA-00031-00014622-00015086 Someone's out there shooting at your front wall, you place the ramp to give extra cover you're in this situation right now VL_IrvVzzqA-00032-00015087-00015447 You don't really know what to do, right because as you guys could see you have oh wait VL_IrvVzzqA-00033-00015447-00015849 You have two lines cover between you but this is not the best situation you want to be in, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00034-00015874-00016469 So what's your going to do you simply just do that edit and then really easily just jump, side jump like that VL_IrvVzzqA-00035-00016504-00016790 And then you can go for an edit you can do whatever you want to them VL_IrvVzzqA-00036-00016791-00017105 This is as I said a very advanced technique I'll show what it is again VL_IrvVzzqA-00037-00017119-00017480 Your going to be inside your 1 by 1 somebody is spraying down your walls spraying your wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00038-00017494-00018102 You're gonna, will go place the ramp. Then you're gonna edit this wall. Go out, side jump and do your thing VL_IrvVzzqA-00039-00018181-00018467 Now, this is going to catch a lot of players off guard its very good strat VL_IrvVzzqA-00040-00018472-00018849 We mentioned the next one as I just wanna make this video very quick. I don't want to waste your time VL_IrvVzzqA-00041-00018870-00019241 This is gonna be the double 90 out, but it's not normal double 90s VL_IrvVzzqA-00042-00019242-00019392 So normally when you're inside a one by one VL_IrvVzzqA-00043-00019392-00019944 You're going to double 90 and hit two 90s like this and boom you got high ground right, now if you are versing a good player VL_IrvVzzqA-00044-00019944-00020270 They are probably just going to start shooting your builds out and it's gonna be useless. All right VL_IrvVzzqA-00045-00020365-00020664 Or they're gonna be following you. They're gonna know how to keep high ground, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00046-00020707-00021176 So this way that your going to want to do it is very advanced, but it works very well VL_IrvVzzqA-00047-00021176-00021680 So what you're going to want to do is you're gonna come out of it one by one and have the double 90s setup and VL_IrvVzzqA-00048-00021712-00022053 Then you're gonna want to turn you're gonna want to connect this wall and connect that wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00049-00022117-00022458 Once you jump there's gonna be a wall that you can make it could shit VL_IrvVzzqA-00050-00022473-00022901 You could connect right over there, right? So we are going to want to connect this wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00051-00022901-00023321 And then your going to want to, woah, I screwed myself up there and you go up for highgound just like that. VL_IrvVzzqA-00052-00023398-00023840 Now this is very unexpected. A lot of people really don't know about this trick yet VL_IrvVzzqA-00053-00023905-00024305 And that's why it's really just so effective. So I'm gonna show it again, you know VL_IrvVzzqA-00054-00024376-00024731 Make a 1 by 1 over here like full speed. So basically VL_IrvVzzqA-00055-00024956-00025106 okay, so basically VL_IrvVzzqA-00056-00025106-00025429 You're gonna be inside your going to be inside your 1 by 1 and they are going to be spraying down your walls, spraying down your walls VL_IrvVzzqA-00057-00025429-00025776 Your going to make the edit their to go like this and then really nice and easily VL_IrvVzzqA-00058-00025820-00026042 Build up for highground like that VL_IrvVzzqA-00059-00026042-00026337 Normally what they're doing is they're gonna be following your ramp VL_IrvVzzqA-00060-00026381-00026820 Probably one story above right maybe even two stories above they're never gonna expect this VL_IrvVzzqA-00061-00026845-00027631 Really jumping out like this is completely unexpected and it really catches a lot of people off-guard. It's an absolutely amazing tip to do VL_IrvVzzqA-00062-00027683-00028179 Now the next thing to do is how to get into some ones 1 by 1 we're going to tell you three ways really quickly VL_IrvVzzqA-00063-00028189-00028633 First one is someone's is inside their 1 by 1. they're sitting there sitting in there. So VL_IrvVzzqA-00064-00028694-00029073 This is if you're on top of them, right what you're gonna be doing is gonna be VL_IrvVzzqA-00065-00029077-00029364 You're gonna keep like breaking this stuff. Right, they are going to keep on replacing it VL_IrvVzzqA-00066-00029364-00029872 Nothing's gonna happen. Right? What you want to do. This time is place 2 walls like this go right into the corner VL_IrvVzzqA-00067-00029888-00030168 They're gonna to be you're gonna to break the pyramid of it, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00068-00030169-00030654 But basically when they place the pyramid as you can see, it's glowing yellow that means i'm phasing through it VL_IrvVzzqA-00069-00030656-00031069 So they're gonna keep holding a pyramid =keep holding a pyramid right and now I going to break the floor VL_IrvVzzqA-00070-00031151-00031428 And boom, i'm into their 1 by 1 and their pyramid looks it's still there. So VL_IrvVzzqA-00071-00031483-00031891 This has been caught on by some of the much better players VL_IrvVzzqA-00072-00031891-00032257 Some people know about this, but still a lot of you really don't know about it VL_IrvVzzqA-00073-00032257-00032391 So I would say if you're trying to go for a high VL_IrvVzzqA-00074-00032391-00032643 Kill game you can't waste any time try to go for this VL_IrvVzzqA-00075-00032644-00033120 It does work pretty well break and then they're gonna place their pyramid and your are going to literally right through it VL_IrvVzzqA-00076-00033227-00033903 You're literally facing right through your pyramid all the way in the corner go break through that and now you're inside, okay VL_IrvVzzqA-00077-00034007-00034576 So the second way to break or coming into a 1 by 1, I'm gonna show you this right now VL_IrvVzzqA-00078-00034576-00035031 It's called it's basically this is a very, it plays mind games on your opponent VL_IrvVzzqA-00079-00035075-00035677 alright, so, I don't know if a lot of you guys are familiar with this tip, but if you hit a wall, right VL_IrvVzzqA-00080-00035789-00036195 Look, so let's say we're in a situation. You're hitting a wall. All right, I am sorry for the phone in the background VL_IrvVzzqA-00081-00036206-00036475 So you're hitting a wall right here to keep breaking it VL_IrvVzzqA-00082-00036475-00036792 They're gonna keep replacing it here right now when I place this ramp VL_IrvVzzqA-00083-00036793-00037123 Right the guy inside the 1 by 1 the guy inside here, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00084-00037145-00037515 He's gonna expect for you to come to the fore the top right? That's exactly what he's gonna do VL_IrvVzzqA-00085-00037516-00037885 He's gonna hold out pyramid and try to go out here for the top, right? VL_IrvVzzqA-00086-00037958-00038078 now VL_IrvVzzqA-00087-00038078-00038278 What you're gonna want to do? VL_IrvVzzqA-00088-00038282-00038751 Hit this once go like this and now. You keep that blue circle through walls so VL_IrvVzzqA-00089-00038788-00039303 Your just gonna hit it and replace it with your own. And now as you guys can see, that's my wall. I own it VL_IrvVzzqA-00090-00039304-00039834 I mean, I owned all these walls cuz I'm showing it to you guys, but I can replace it with my own home wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00091-00039838-00040407 So i'g going to show you that one more time. So you're gonna hit it there to replace the ramp and then you're gonna break VL_IrvVzzqA-00092-00040408-00040716 All right, Wow, okay, you're gonna break right through like that VL_IrvVzzqA-00093-00040757-00041164 Now the last tip I am going to show you is basically using the same thing of hitting through walls VL_IrvVzzqA-00094-00041164-00041330 But it's just it plays VL_IrvVzzqA-00095-00041330-00041522 complete mind games on your opponent's so VL_IrvVzzqA-00096-00041522-00041988 We're gonna be doing for this one is your going to hit the wall once let's just see if this ramp is not here. VL_IrvVzzqA-00097-00042029-00042768 You're gonna hit so let's make this fully build house here. I was gonna say okay Wow i'm getting lag spikes. Okay, so VL_IrvVzzqA-00098-00042841-00043041 you're gonna hit this wall once VL_IrvVzzqA-00099-00043058-00043258 then your going to go and hit this wall. Alright VL_IrvVzzqA-00100-00043283-00043735 Now the next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna hit this blue circle through. Well, I have to do it kind of quickly VL_IrvVzzqA-00101-00043838-00044343 Uh, cause the blue circle is gonna fade away. So I actually have to go kind of quickly. VL_IrvVzzqA-00102-00044402-00045163 wow, hit this once hit this once hit that blue, boom, and replace like that now basically what this does to other people is VL_IrvVzzqA-00103-00045166-00045468 So you hit the small box right over here right there like, okay VL_IrvVzzqA-00104-00045469-00045879 There's start place now you go over here you and now they are holding down turbo build for this wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00105-00045908-00046341 You hit it once, you know they are holding down turbo build for this wall the second you break this wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00106-00046352-00046860 They're gonna turn and rebuild this wall right now as they are turning and rebuilding this wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00107-00046861-00047425 You're gonna break this wall and replace it with your own now. Now these one two, three walls in the room this wall VL_IrvVzzqA-00108-00047425-00047727 It's not theirs so you can just make an edit play and shoot them VL_IrvVzzqA-00109-00047797-00048048 Alright guys, that's it for today's video. Hope you guys enjoyed VL_IrvVzzqA-00110-00048049-00048259 I hope you guys learned something useful in this video VL_IrvVzzqA-00111-00048259-00048613 If you guys want me to do more of these types of videos where it's basically just a live commentary VL_IrvVzzqA-00112-00048674-00049090 Let me know and I will be sure because these videos are really not that hard for me to do VL_IrvVzzqA-00113-00049112-00049648 Alright with that being said, I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see it. I'm saying that it feels right VpEdofJeakM-00000-00001284-00001839 So in this next module, I'm just going to give a quick overview of paper number two. VpEdofJeakM-00001-00001839-00002147 If you did paper number one, it's very similar. VpEdofJeakM-00002-00002147-00002715 So I'll just give you a few tips about the topics that are available to you for this VpEdofJeakM-00003-00002715-00003197 paper. So this papers going to be due next VpEdofJeakM-00004-00003197-00003341 Sunday. Sunday night. VpEdofJeakM-00005-00003341-00003714 So again, you need to get it in on time. So make sure you leave yourself a little VpEdofJeakM-00006-00003714-00004110 bit of time in case there are any glitches in the submission process, don't wait till VpEdofJeakM-00007-00004110-00004506 the last hour to submit the paper please. If you don't submit it you won't be able VpEdofJeakM-00008-00004506-00004888 to participate, if you don't submit it on time you won't be able to participate in VpEdofJeakM-00009-00004888-00005158 the peer review. So the topics available to you, you can VpEdofJeakM-00010-00005158-00005466 write an introduction section. So if you're working on an original VpEdofJeakM-00011-00005466-00005838 manuscript right now, where you've got data and you're ready to write part of VpEdofJeakM-00012-00005838-00006216 that manuscript, or maybe you've already written some parts of the manuscript, you VpEdofJeakM-00013-00006216-00006616 could write an introduction section. Or, if you've got some published work, VpEdofJeakM-00014-00006616-00006967 your own published work, You could rewrite an introduction section VpEdofJeakM-00015-00006967-00007357 of a paper that you've wrote before. Now that you've learned a number of skills VpEdofJeakM-00016-00007357-00007724 in this class you have an opportunity to practice those skills and make your VpEdofJeakM-00017-00007724-00007995 introduction clearer and more concise and easier to read. VpEdofJeakM-00018-00007995-00008386 Yeah, if you don't have anything published yet you could also take an introduction VpEdofJeakM-00019-00008386-00008767 section from something in the published literature that's not your own work and VpEdofJeakM-00020-00008767-00009091 rewrite that, using all the skills that you've learned in this class. VpEdofJeakM-00021-00009105-00009420 Really give it a good working and of course make sure you cite it. VpEdofJeakM-00022-00009438-00009809 You can also write a letter to the editor of a, a journal. VpEdofJeakM-00023-00009809-00010316 So some journal in your field, if there's a recent paper that was of interest that VpEdofJeakM-00024-00010316-00010724 you want to respond to, write, you can write a letter to the editor. VpEdofJeakM-00025-00010743-00011232 You could also write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine in VpEdofJeakM-00026-00011232-00011654 response to a recent science-related article in, in either a newspaper or VpEdofJeakM-00027-00011654-00011876 magazine. So, those are the topic choices. VpEdofJeakM-00028-00011876-00012314 Again, it's a little bit flexible if you wanna be a little creative within that. VpEdofJeakM-00029-00012314-00012764 You can see this is a little bit more of a scientific paper than the first paper. VpEdofJeakM-00030-00012764-00013180 But, other than that, it's a little flexible if you want to kind of deviate VpEdofJeakM-00031-00013180-00013436 slightly from one of those topics. That's fine. VpEdofJeakM-00032-00013453-00013924 Again, same as with the last assignment, after you turn in a paper, the following VpEdofJeakM-00033-00013924-00014358 Sunday what will be due is that you will assess five other students' works. VpEdofJeakM-00034-00014358-00014665 You will be assessing, I mean, the exact same as before, VpEdofJeakM-00035-00014665-00014916 On clarity and concision, language, and style. VpEdofJeakM-00036-00014916-00015309 And focus and organization. And you'll pro-, be providing them with an VpEdofJeakM-00037-00015309-00015634 edited copy. If you didn't participate in the first VpEdofJeakM-00038-00015634-00016090 paper, I'll refer you to module 4.7 in week four for more instructions on how to VpEdofJeakM-00039-00016090-00016492 do the peer assessment and editing. So have fun with the paper. VpEdofJeakM-00040-00016598-00017197 The preceding program is copyrighted by the Board of Trustees of the Leland VpEdofJeakM-00041-00017197-00017695 Stanford Junior University. Please visit us at med.stanford.edu. VPq3GsCbXUE-00000-00000139-00000412 How do I find journal articles? VPq3GsCbXUE-00001-00000412-00000620 Journal articles provide information that may be VPq3GsCbXUE-00002-00000620-00000863 too new to have been published in a book. VPq3GsCbXUE-00003-00000863-00001283 They can also provide very specific information on a topic, including cutting-edge VPq3GsCbXUE-00004-00001283-00001383 research. VPq3GsCbXUE-00005-00001383-00001632 They frequently have bibliographies that can lead you to additional VPq3GsCbXUE-00006-00001632-00001938 information on the topic as well. VPq3GsCbXUE-00007-00001938-00002214 You can find journal articles by using a search tool that contains VPq3GsCbXUE-00008-00002214-00002657 citations to journal articles called a database. VPq3GsCbXUE-00009-00002657-00002935 Databases are essentially search engines that look for articles and VPq3GsCbXUE-00010-00002935-00003156 sometimes other scholarly materials. VPq3GsCbXUE-00011-00003156-00003470 You can type in the topics you're looking for, and find articles discussing VPq3GsCbXUE-00012-00003470-00003694 that topic. VPq3GsCbXUE-00013-00003694-00004035 To find journal articles, pick a database that matches your topic. VPq3GsCbXUE-00014-00004035-00004207 If you're just starting your research, a general VPq3GsCbXUE-00015-00004207-00004678 database, such as Academic Search Complete, is a good place to begin. VPq3GsCbXUE-00016-00004678-00004979 If you've already searched a general database for your topic, you may want to move VPq3GsCbXUE-00017-00004979-00005432 on to a subject specific database. VPq3GsCbXUE-00018-00005432-00005810 Regardless of where you start, article databases generally work the same way - VPq3GsCbXUE-00019-00005810-00006135 you type your search terms into the blanks, consider whether you need to VPq3GsCbXUE-00020-00006135-00006673 limit your search in any way (most times you won't need to), and click search. VPq3GsCbXUE-00021-00006673-00007081 Make sure you enter a Boolean style search - for example transportation and VPq3GsCbXUE-00022-00007081-00007481 environment - rather than entering a question or a phrase. VPq3GsCbXUE-00023-00007481-00007745 Databases have a difficult time finding relevant results when VPq3GsCbXUE-00024-00007745-00008293 a phrase is entered, so it's best to simplify the search to only the main ideas. VPq3GsCbXUE-00025-00008293-00008690 If there are too many results or the results are too general, try narrowing VPq3GsCbXUE-00026-00008690-00008970 the search by adding an additional term or two. VPq3GsCbXUE-00027-00008970-00009206 For example, if you're really only interested in the VPq3GsCbXUE-00028-00009206-00009542 effects of Transportation on the environment in this country, you might VPq3GsCbXUE-00029-00009542-00009895 want to phrase your search as transportation AND environment AND VPq3GsCbXUE-00030-00009895-00010029 United States. VPq3GsCbXUE-00031-00010029-00010442 Once you have results it's a good idea to determine whether the VPq3GsCbXUE-00032-00010442-00010813 database is showing results sorted by relevance or whether it's showing the VPq3GsCbXUE-00033-00010813-00011081 most recent articles first. VPq3GsCbXUE-00034-00011081-00011321 For most topics, changing the sorting to show the VPq3GsCbXUE-00035-00011321-00011667 most relevant results first is the best option. VPq3GsCbXUE-00036-00011667-00011868 Now our results look a little better. VPq3GsCbXUE-00037-00011868-00012203 Clicking on the linked title of an item you're interested in will lead you to more VPq3GsCbXUE-00038-00012203-00012590 information about it, also called the full record. VPq3GsCbXUE-00039-00012590-00012843 Here's what the top of a full record looks like. VPq3GsCbXUE-00040-00012843-00013209 The full record often includes an abstract - a summary of VPq3GsCbXUE-00041-00013209-00013363 the article. VPq3GsCbXUE-00042-00013363-00013672 There's also information about the authors of the article, the source VPq3GsCbXUE-00043-00013672-00014082 or journal the article came from, and citation information, including the date the VPq3GsCbXUE-00044-00014082-00014563 article was published, and the volume issue, and page numbers. VPq3GsCbXUE-00045-00014563-00014803 If you want the full text of the article, not just a VPq3GsCbXUE-00046-00014803-00015212 summary, look for a link that says HTML full text or PDF full text. VPq3GsCbXUE-00047-00015212-00015495 Either of those will lead directly to the complete text VPq3GsCbXUE-00048-00015495-00015700 of the article. VPq3GsCbXUE-00049-00015700-00015928 Sometimes that option isn't available, so look for an icon VPq3GsCbXUE-00050-00015928-00016213 that says Search for Full Text URI Library. VPq3GsCbXUE-00051-00016213-00016409 Click on that link. VPq3GsCbXUE-00052-00016409-00016611 On the following page, there might be a link to VPq3GsCbXUE-00053-00016611-00016730 the article. VPq3GsCbXUE-00054-00016730-00017127 Sometimes that's located in the middle of the page. VPq3GsCbXUE-00055-00017127-00017391 In most cases these steps will help you find journal articles VPq3GsCbXUE-00056-00017391-00017501 on a topic. VPq3GsCbXUE-00057-00017501-00017767 If you run into problems, though, please consult a librarian VPq3GsCbXUE-00058-00017767-00017854 for assistance. VTVXCAhGg5A-00000-00000343-00000543 We are the neighbor who says good morning to you VTVXCAhGg5A-00001-00000729-00000978 We are the shy kid next door VTVXCAhGg5A-00002-00001076-00001303 but also those that make a little more fuss VTVXCAhGg5A-00003-00001431-00001686 We are children, teenagers and young people with dreams VTVXCAhGg5A-00004-00001785-00001962 but also parents and employees! VTVXCAhGg5A-00005-00002066-00002372 We are the largest volunteer movement for young people in the world VTVXCAhGg5A-00006-00002571-00002776 We are the people with the blue scarfs VTVXCAhGg5A-00007-00002915-00003085 We are... The Scouts! VTVXCAhGg5A-00008-00003211-00003385 and we have a common Vision and Goal: VTVXCAhGg5A-00009-00003563-00003782 Creating a better World! VTVXCAhGg5A-00010-00003933-00004130 With love for Society and the Environment VTVXCAhGg5A-00011-00004268-00004587 No discrimination based on religion, race or gender VTVXCAhGg5A-00012-00004696-00004827 We are The Scouts! VTVXCAhGg5A-00013-00004903-00005107 We are ambassadors of a Better World VTVXCAhGg5A-00014-00005213-00005416 We invite you to join forces! VTVXCAhGg5A-00015-00005504-00005676 www.scoutsofgreece.gr VWChPHwLwIk-00000-00000000-00000200 i9-13900K | Horizon Zero Down | RTX 4090 vs RX 7900 XTX VXsqy3ns08M-00000-00000000-00000050 how much do prajakta koli mostly sane comedy youtubers make VXsqy3ns08M-00001-00000050-00000822 today we have a new genre a new type of niche its comedy requested by a subscriber VXsqy3ns08M-00002-00000822-00001557 mostly sane going by the channel name mostly sane prajakta koli and this is her VXsqy3ns08M-00003-00001557-00001752 channel check it out VXsqy3ns08M-00004-00001752-00002643 she has a ton of videos you know ridiculing people talking about stuff VXsqy3ns08M-00005-00002643-00003360 requested things the most popular videos are 10 hilarious words Delhi people use VXsqy3ns08M-00006-00003360-00004428 it has 99 around nine lakh views how to mess English like an Indian then this VXsqy3ns08M-00007-00004428-00004686 Radhe Maa VXsqy3ns08M-00008-00004686-00005361 then there is Men in Love versus Women. This it's it's fun just I mean if you need a good VXsqy3ns08M-00009-00005361-00005991 laugh this is one channel to check out and the let's look at the oldest videos VXsqy3ns08M-00010-00005991-00006146 they have a VXsqy3ns08M-00011-00006146-00006670 even the older ones just one year ago and still they have like 54,000 use five VXsqy3ns08M-00012-00006670-00007163 types of singles on valentines day, five types of people you meet on local trains VXsqy3ns08M-00013-00007163-00007745 everything was five types and it slowly picked up the channel slowly picked up VXsqy3ns08M-00014-00007745-00008492 its that she has gotten more what you say you know she's able to express VXsqy3ns08M-00015-00008492-00009275 herself much more on this on screen let's look at the analytics she VXsqy3ns08M-00016-00009275-00009749 registered this a year ago in 2015 the channel type is comedy VXsqy3ns08M-00017-00009749-00010349 registered in india has already gotten six million you 6 million views and VXsqy3ns08M-00018-00010349-00010880 eighty nine thousand subscribers today there are 130 to upload it has a big VXsqy3ns08M-00019-00010880-00011084 trading so quick VXsqy3ns08M-00020-00011084-00011813 Wow and she's gaming 3000 subscribers approximately $MONEY per month for black VXsqy3ns08M-00021-00011813-00012077 views per month VXsqy3ns08M-00022-00012077-00012550 let's take a look look at some more standards she just started the channel VXsqy3ns08M-00023-00012550-00013451 in fabric 2015 and by around it you can see by around july there's a spike it VXsqy3ns08M-00024-00013451-00014156 picked up in July so it's corresponds to the subscriber speaking up and the views VXsqy3ns08M-00025-00014156-00014647 have been tipped a bit then they're consistent now she's kind of at the peak VXsqy3ns08M-00026-00014647-00015476 of reviews so this andheri girl from Mumbai is going far are you wondering if VXsqy3ns08M-00027-00015476-00015922 for comedy youtubers in comedy to us can actually burn money VXsqy3ns08M-00028-00016013-00016691 well guess they are take a look then his various words deadly people use this was VXsqy3ns08M-00029-00016691-00017015 the most popular video we have seen VXsqy3ns08M-00030-00017070-00017648 she has 4,000 commands and these are the estimated earnings between 500 that's VXsqy3ns08M-00031-00017648-00018662 around 30,000 rupees to 4k that's quite a bit for get orders so I mean wow look VXsqy3ns08M-00032-00018662-00019179 at the amount of mornings I mean if you have a tan and why not right VXsqy3ns08M-00033-00019179-00019884 so you pulled up the stat in pull up the amount she her network is claimed by VXsqy3ns08M-00034-00019884-00020553 another channels claimed by a net one single media so obviously the this VXsqy3ns08M-00035-00020553-00021219 affects her Owings so here it says that shes owning between 120 4221 $24 on VXsqy3ns08M-00036-00021219-00021981 should be to 2,000 k dollars but her actual earnings should be around it 44.2 VXsqy3ns08M-00037-00021981-00022556 dollars that would be around 56 thousand rupees per month VXsqy3ns08M-00038-00022556-00023226 this is the estimated earnings and I have actually noticed that arm and since VXsqy3ns08M-00039-00023226-00023723 it's a new channel and it's a growing channel so sometimes you don't get this VXsqy3ns08M-00040-00023723-00024482 mountain and sometimes you can to see up to one-fourth to half of this on hand so VXsqy3ns08M-00041-00024482-00025041 well we shall be able to need a review it and in next month will actually know VXsqy3ns08M-00042-00025041-00025727 the actual figures but still even if it is 20,000 it's a really good income but VXsqy3ns08M-00043-00025727-00026327 ask for my cancellations and she should be getting 55 times and don't VXsqy3ns08M-00044-00026327-00026844 as by sep tember so awesome awesome awesome and the channel is to click VXsqy3ns08M-00045-00026844-00027318 growing so she will be making much much more VXsqy3ns08M-00046-00027318-00027750 I mean if you have the standard then please do go ahead share some of your VXsqy3ns08M-00047-00027750-00028445 comedy videos and have fun and make money please like subscribe and comment VXsqy3ns08M-00048-00028445-00028830 and i will get back to you with some more cool videos VXsqy3ns08M-00049-00028911-00029076 see I love you all VYgqUKN4d4M-00000-00000010-00000070 DEALS AND COUPONS OFFERED IN THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00001-00000070-00000076 DEALS AND COUPONS OFFERED IN THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00002-00000076-00000176 DEALS AND COUPONS OFFERED IN THE STORE. VYgqUKN4d4M-00003-00000176-00000183 DEALS AND COUPONS OFFERED IN THE STORE. VYgqUKN4d4M-00004-00000183-00000336 DEALS AND COUPONS OFFERED IN THE STORE. >>> THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS VYgqUKN4d4M-00005-00000336-00000343 STORE. >>> THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS VYgqUKN4d4M-00006-00000343-00000550 STORE. >>> THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS PLAYING HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00007-00000550-00000557 >>> THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS PLAYING HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00008-00000557-00000834 >>> THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS PLAYING HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LIONS ORGANIZATION VYgqUKN4d4M-00009-00000834-00000840 PLAYING HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LIONS ORGANIZATION VYgqUKN4d4M-00010-00000840-00000994 PLAYING HOST TO MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LIONS ORGANIZATION FOR THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION. VYgqUKN4d4M-00011-00000994-00001000 INTERNATIONAL LIONS ORGANIZATION FOR THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION. VYgqUKN4d4M-00012-00001000-00001154 INTERNATIONAL LIONS ORGANIZATION FOR THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION. MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION VYgqUKN4d4M-00013-00001154-00001161 FOR THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION. MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION VYgqUKN4d4M-00014-00001161-00001257 FOR THEIR ANNUAL CONVENTION. MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION ARRIVED EARLIER TODAY AT THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00015-00001257-00001264 MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION ARRIVED EARLIER TODAY AT THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00016-00001264-00001364 MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION ARRIVED EARLIER TODAY AT THE SANFORD CENTER FOR THE KICKOFF VYgqUKN4d4M-00017-00001364-00001371 ARRIVED EARLIER TODAY AT THE SANFORD CENTER FOR THE KICKOFF VYgqUKN4d4M-00018-00001371-00001628 ARRIVED EARLIER TODAY AT THE SANFORD CENTER FOR THE KICKOFF OF THEIR CONVENTION. VYgqUKN4d4M-00019-00001628-00001634 SANFORD CENTER FOR THE KICKOFF OF THEIR CONVENTION. VYgqUKN4d4M-00020-00001634-00001791 SANFORD CENTER FOR THE KICKOFF OF THEIR CONVENTION. OVER 500 MEMBERS FROM THE LIONS VYgqUKN4d4M-00021-00001791-00001798 OF THEIR CONVENTION. OVER 500 MEMBERS FROM THE LIONS VYgqUKN4d4M-00022-00001798-00001951 OF THEIR CONVENTION. OVER 500 MEMBERS FROM THE LIONS CLUB ORGANIZATION HAVE TRAVELED VYgqUKN4d4M-00023-00001951-00001958 OVER 500 MEMBERS FROM THE LIONS CLUB ORGANIZATION HAVE TRAVELED VYgqUKN4d4M-00024-00001958-00002112 OVER 500 MEMBERS FROM THE LIONS CLUB ORGANIZATION HAVE TRAVELED TO BEMIDJI FROM AROUND THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00025-00002112-00002118 CLUB ORGANIZATION HAVE TRAVELED TO BEMIDJI FROM AROUND THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00026-00002118-00002322 CLUB ORGANIZATION HAVE TRAVELED TO BEMIDJI FROM AROUND THE STATE, MANITOBA, AND NORTHWEST VYgqUKN4d4M-00027-00002322-00002328 TO BEMIDJI FROM AROUND THE STATE, MANITOBA, AND NORTHWEST VYgqUKN4d4M-00028-00002328-00002479 TO BEMIDJI FROM AROUND THE STATE, MANITOBA, AND NORTHWEST ONTARIO FOR THE WEEKEND. VYgqUKN4d4M-00029-00002479-00002485 STATE, MANITOBA, AND NORTHWEST ONTARIO FOR THE WEEKEND. VYgqUKN4d4M-00030-00002485-00002642 STATE, MANITOBA, AND NORTHWEST ONTARIO FOR THE WEEKEND. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00031-00002642-00002649 ONTARIO FOR THE WEEKEND. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00032-00002649-00002799 ONTARIO FOR THE WEEKEND. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE EARLY '40s THAT THE CONVENTION VYgqUKN4d4M-00033-00002799-00002806 THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE EARLY '40s THAT THE CONVENTION VYgqUKN4d4M-00034-00002806-00002952 THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE EARLY '40s THAT THE CONVENTION HAS BEEN HELD IN BEMIDJI. VYgqUKN4d4M-00035-00002952-00002959 EARLY '40s THAT THE CONVENTION HAS BEEN HELD IN BEMIDJI. VYgqUKN4d4M-00036-00002959-00003266 EARLY '40s THAT THE CONVENTION HAS BEEN HELD IN BEMIDJI. FOR LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE LIONS, VYgqUKN4d4M-00037-00003266-00003273 HAS BEEN HELD IN BEMIDJI. FOR LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE LIONS, VYgqUKN4d4M-00038-00003273-00003369 HAS BEEN HELD IN BEMIDJI. FOR LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE LIONS, IT'S AN HONOR TO SHOW OFF VYgqUKN4d4M-00039-00003369-00003376 FOR LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE LIONS, IT'S AN HONOR TO SHOW OFF VYgqUKN4d4M-00040-00003376-00003676 FOR LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE LIONS, IT'S AN HONOR TO SHOW OFF BEMIDJI AT ITS FINEST. VYgqUKN4d4M-00041-00003676-00003683 IT'S AN HONOR TO SHOW OFF BEMIDJI AT ITS FINEST. VYgqUKN4d4M-00042-00003683-00003890 IT'S AN HONOR TO SHOW OFF BEMIDJI AT ITS FINEST. >> WE'RE VERY PROUD TO HAVE VYgqUKN4d4M-00043-00003890-00003897 BEMIDJI AT ITS FINEST. >> WE'RE VERY PROUD TO HAVE VYgqUKN4d4M-00044-00003897-00003920 BEMIDJI AT ITS FINEST. >> WE'RE VERY PROUD TO HAVE THIS. VYgqUKN4d4M-00045-00003920-00003927 >> WE'RE VERY PROUD TO HAVE THIS. VYgqUKN4d4M-00046-00003927-00004084 >> WE'RE VERY PROUD TO HAVE THIS. WE'RE VERY PROUD OF THE VENUE VYgqUKN4d4M-00047-00004084-00004090 THIS. WE'RE VERY PROUD OF THE VENUE VYgqUKN4d4M-00048-00004090-00004267 THIS. WE'RE VERY PROUD OF THE VENUE THAT WE HAVE. VYgqUKN4d4M-00049-00004267-00004274 WE'RE VERY PROUD OF THE VENUE THAT WE HAVE. VYgqUKN4d4M-00050-00004274-00004404 WE'RE VERY PROUD OF THE VENUE THAT WE HAVE. WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING ACCOLADES VYgqUKN4d4M-00051-00004404-00004411 THAT WE HAVE. WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING ACCOLADES VYgqUKN4d4M-00052-00004411-00004771 THAT WE HAVE. WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING ACCOLADES ALL DAY ABOUT THE VENUE, THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00053-00004771-00004778 WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING ACCOLADES ALL DAY ABOUT THE VENUE, THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00054-00004778-00004998 WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING ACCOLADES ALL DAY ABOUT THE VENUE, THE CLEANLINESS, THE COMPACTNESS AND VYgqUKN4d4M-00055-00004998-00005004 ALL DAY ABOUT THE VENUE, THE CLEANLINESS, THE COMPACTNESS AND VYgqUKN4d4M-00056-00005004-00005191 ALL DAY ABOUT THE VENUE, THE CLEANLINESS, THE COMPACTNESS AND THE AVAILABILITY OF ALL OF THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00057-00005191-00005198 CLEANLINESS, THE COMPACTNESS AND THE AVAILABILITY OF ALL OF THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00058-00005198-00005378 CLEANLINESS, THE COMPACTNESS AND THE AVAILABILITY OF ALL OF THE SERVICES. VYgqUKN4d4M-00059-00005378-00005385 THE AVAILABILITY OF ALL OF THE SERVICES. VYgqUKN4d4M-00060-00005385-00005452 THE AVAILABILITY OF ALL OF THE SERVICES. WE'VE ALSO BEEN GETTING VYgqUKN4d4M-00061-00005452-00005458 SERVICES. WE'VE ALSO BEEN GETTING VYgqUKN4d4M-00062-00005458-00005612 SERVICES. WE'VE ALSO BEEN GETTING TREMENDOUS ACCOLADES ABOUT OUR VYgqUKN4d4M-00063-00005612-00005618 WE'VE ALSO BEEN GETTING TREMENDOUS ACCOLADES ABOUT OUR VYgqUKN4d4M-00064-00005618-00005719 WE'VE ALSO BEEN GETTING TREMENDOUS ACCOLADES ABOUT OUR HOTELS AND EVERYTHING FOR SUCH A VYgqUKN4d4M-00065-00005719-00005725 TREMENDOUS ACCOLADES ABOUT OUR HOTELS AND EVERYTHING FOR SUCH A VYgqUKN4d4M-00066-00005725-00005885 TREMENDOUS ACCOLADES ABOUT OUR HOTELS AND EVERYTHING FOR SUCH A SMALL TOWN. VYgqUKN4d4M-00067-00005885-00005892 HOTELS AND EVERYTHING FOR SUCH A SMALL TOWN. VYgqUKN4d4M-00068-00005892-00005959 HOTELS AND EVERYTHING FOR SUCH A SMALL TOWN. >> Dennis: THE CONVENTION WILL VYgqUKN4d4M-00069-00005959-00005965 SMALL TOWN. >> Dennis: THE CONVENTION WILL VYgqUKN4d4M-00070-00005965-00006039 SMALL TOWN. >> Dennis: THE CONVENTION WILL HOST TOURS THROUGHOUT THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00071-00006039-00006046 >> Dennis: THE CONVENTION WILL HOST TOURS THROUGHOUT THE VYgqUKN4d4M-00072-00006046-00006099 >> Dennis: THE CONVENTION WILL HOST TOURS THROUGHOUT THE BEMIDJI AREA AND WILL CONCLUDE VZrdlFERvCu-00000-00000698-00000818 hey guys comment down below VZrdlFERvCu-00001-00000834-00000994 if... oh yeah yeah VZrdlFERvCu-00002-00000994-00001044 oh what the frick men VZrdlFERvCu-00003-00001044-00001194 Yeah, fragged you, yeah I fragged you VZrdlFERvCu-00004-00003284-00003400 Oh skripe i hit the bhop oh -bhop frag? VZrdlFERvCu-00005-00003444-00003494 haha VZrdlFERvCu-00006-00004274-00004384 Man what VZrdlFERvCu-00007-00004384-00004514 behind you VZrdlFERvCu-00008-00004714-00004836 hahaha -Fuck VZrdlFERvCu-00009-00005484-00005648 Oh VZrdlFERvCu-00010-00005750-00005992 That's an Epics.gg onetap VZrdlFERvCu-00011-00006002-00006342 Did you just say Epics.gg? -Epics.gg VZrdlFERvCu-00012-00006342-00006504 Scream:EPICS.GG VZrdlFERvCu-00013-00006504-00006878 Epics.gg bro, let me hit a epics.gg bhop VZrdlFERvCu-00014-00006944-00007152 Hoo, what the fuck are you doing? VZrdlFERvCu-00015-00007208-00007408 I got to show you an Easter Egg follow me dude VZrdlFERvCu-00016-00007408-00007802 See purple my favorite color, but that's not what it's about gotta move over to a site VZrdlFERvCu-00017-00007802-00008036 So the thing is you want to go over here in the middle, VZrdlFERvCu-00018-00008036-00008390 You want to shoot in the X then you want to go back to this board over here VZrdlFERvCu-00019-00008457-00008744 You want to kind of like shoot the bullet hole needs to be visible VZrdlFERvCu-00020-00008763-00008861 There you go VZrdlFERvCu-00021-00008861-00009419 If you shoot in if you put this in the middle you wait one second as video will start playing that's fucking epic VZrdlFERvCu-00022-00009456-00009785 Hey, that's pretty epic, it's Epics.gg dude VZrdlFERvCu-00023-00009885-00010160 So thank you Epics.gg for sponsoring today's video VZrdlFERvCu-00024-00010160-00010733 If you do not know what Epics.gg is it is basically an app on your phone where you can collect and trade cards VZrdlFERvCu-00025-00010733-00011164 Of professional csgo players and the better your deck is the higher you will be on the scoreboard VZrdlFERvCu-00026-00011164-00011758 But wait, the most epic thing of all is that you can actually trade cards with skins on them, which you can redeem in-game VZrdlFERvCu-00027-00011759-00012136 I think it's pretty cool. So thanks again Epics.gg for sponsoring today's video VZrdlFERvCu-00028-00012240-00012440 ye, (slicka) VZrdlFERvCu-00029-00012482-00012690 (ding) (kuk) VZrdlFERvCu-00030-00012690-00012976 Ho, okay, why you had to make this shit gay skripe VZrdlFERvCu-00031-00013058-00013258 bro I'm just telling the truth VZrdlFERvCu-00032-00013906-00014106 Okay VZrdlFERvCu-00033-00014450-00014650 OOooOOoOshiiiit VZrdlFERvCu-00034-00014938-00015138 Where are you from, bro? VZrdlFERvCu-00035-00015252-00015452 I like that country VZrdlFERvCu-00036-00015608-00015869 What is it like living there bro VZrdlFERvCu-00037-00016080-00016280 Orange your mic is not working , it's just like this VZrdlFERvCu-00038-00016368-00016432 [some sort of microphone sound?] VZrdlFERvCu-00039-00016496-00016618 [starting a motorcycle] VZrdlFERvCu-00040-00016952-00017112 Yeah VZrdlFERvCu-00041-00017256-00017456 I can't bhop under pressure VZrdlFERvCu-00042-00018518-00018630 WhAt? VZrdlFERvCu-00043-00019058-00019302 What? why -I don't know it was you, sorry VZrdlFERvCu-00044-00019310-00019510 Yo, neok -ay VZrdlFERvCu-00045-00019510-00019710 Yo neok check this VZrdlFERvCu-00046-00019710-00019910 Zuhn who VZrdlFERvCu-00047-00020268-00020492 Your Spanish where eh VZrdlFERvCu-00048-00020625-00021106 You're actually Russian. Yeah what your English is so good for what the fuck? VZrdlFERvCu-00049-00021198-00021704 You're not from Russia bro. -I'm from Russia. -All right, tell me what does this mean VZrdlFERvCu-00050-00021738-00021962 [Russian] -What does it mean? VZrdlFERvCu-00051-00021984-00022688 [Russian] -I fuck your mom. Oh shit, bro what the fuck. How is your how are you from Russia? Your English is so good VZrdlFERvCu-00052-00022770-00022932 Nadeking can you drop me some grenades? VZrdlFERvCu-00053-00023031-00023231 Yep, what do you want? -A nade VZrdlFERvCu-00054-00023402-00023760 Casual nade? Yeah over here. Thanks, bro VZrdlFERvCu-00055-00024432-00024632 [In Russian] I want to get puked on tomorrow VZrdlFERvCu-00056-00024876-00025218 Okay, oh that's not safe there VZrdlFERvCu-00057-00025218-00025418 I won't go there VZrdlFERvCu-00058-00026166-00026366 Shalom Aleichem VZrdlFERvCu-00059-00026568-00027157 Honestly Milosh good what still bro you got a chill why are you flexing so hard how many languages do you speak? VZrdlFERvCu-00060-00027212-00027422 Please speak Finland. Finland "finish" VZrdlFERvCu-00061-00029189-00029577 Movement player. Stop shouting yourself out VZrdlFERvCu-00062-00030939-00031430 Mattcs-Strafing! (CS:GO Bhop Song/prod. Trip) VZrdlFERvCu-00063-00031452-00031652 do you know FACE? BURGER? VZrdlFERvCu-00064-00031652-00031852 FACE! YES! FACE! VZrdlFERvCu-00065-00031902-00032102 ESHKELE!!! VZrdlFERvCu-00066-00032102-00032464 Yes, I know face you like him no no VZrdlFERvCu-00067-00032590-00033177 Wait, Matt you said you're going to only buy nades from this point right? I want to see Matt's nade. -CT VZrdlFERvCu-00068-00033259-00033459 here I get nade damage now VZrdlFERvCu-00069-00033620-00033922 There you go "Matt attacked a teammate" VZrdlFERvCu-00070-00034016-00034216 fuckk VZrdlFERvCu-00071-00036618-00037300 I'm the worst bhopper.I want to show you something. Okay? Okay, I show you first okay? VZrdlFERvCu-00072-00037327-00037527 Okay, ay press control VZrdlFERvCu-00073-00037588-00037729 control? VZrdlFERvCu-00074-00037729-00037929 Nice, you know VZrdlFERvCu-00075-00037960-00038165 You like the blowjob, nice... VZrdlFERvCu-00076-00038272-00038738 Wait, what am I missing out on? Come back, man. Okay, okay VZrdlFERvCu-00077-00038769-00039119 Wait, you need to tell me if this a good trick okay? VZrdlFERvCu-00078-00039229-00039464 Watch and good one Oh enemy VZrdlFERvCu-00079-00039577-00039777 haha VZrdlFERvCu-00080-00039832-00040032 Don't go don't go no time VZrdlFERvCu-00081-00040291-00040641 Bomb has been planted. Oh my god VZrdlFERvCu-00082-00041434-00041634 Shit VZrdlFERvCu-00083-00041788-00042164 Well, that's what easy alright stop flexing now, I'm VZrdlFERvCu-00084-00042313-00042513 Registering you as a flex offender here VZrdlFERvCu-00085-00042691-00042953 So you speak Swiss no I speak French VZrdlFERvCu-00086-00043006-00043553 What that's crazy. Yeah, dude, [French] VZrdlFERvCu-00087-00043596-00044001 Oh, you speak good. Merci. Merci, that's the only thing I know by the way VZrdlFERvCu-00088-00047279-00047790 Well-played, thanks, bro. neok. I'll keep trying to see some movement. I'll show you some movement VZrdlFERvCu-00089-00048095-00048387 In say bro VZrdlFERvCu-00090-00048698-00049284 Now you want to miss with an awp? miss with an awp yeah. Yeah. Thanks [some language] VZrdlFERvCu-00091-00049766-00049866 Nice VZrdlFERvCu-00092-00049866-00050066 connector connector connector VZrdlFERvCu-00093-00050158-00050358 HUHH OHH VZrdlFERvCu-00094-00050358-00050466 fuck VZrdlFERvCu-00095-00051355-00051589 window window windows jungle jungle jungle VZrdlFERvCu-00096-00051800-00052000 Here we go VZrdlFERvCu-00097-00052050-00052166 That's the clip VZrdlFERvCu-00098-00052166-00052441 THAT'S THE CLIP BABY! FUCK UP THE BHOP VZrdlFERvCu-00099-00052562-00052932 Purple with the bhop, here we go VZrdlFERvCu-00100-00053224-00053424 purple with the bhop but still got the frag VZrdlFERvCu-00101-00054202-00054402 First jump VZrdlFERvCu-00102-00054572-00054836 NO I MISSED AAaAaaAAaaAAhh VZrdlFERvCu-00103-00054896-00055334 Thanks Neok, Im a bhopper so there we go. There you go VZrdlFERvCu-00104-00057074-00057505 Wait, sorry, what was that Alex? Can you teach me how to bhop? of course. VZrdlFERvCu-00105-00057604-00057954 Alex it's easy. I smashed the spacebar VZrdlFERvCu-00106-00057998-00058573 No, you just download autohotkey and you use that and you just hold spacebar you use a script Oh VZrdlFERvCu-00107-00058769-00059052 Who scrolls in 2019 c'mon VZrdlFERvCu-00108-00059729-00060066 Dead okay. Here we go VZrdlFERvCu-00109-00060379-00060601 Oh shit Oh VZrdlFERvCu-00111-00061418-00061645 Nice skin smile. Oh, yeah, man VZrdlFERvCu-00112-00061718-00061987 Yeah quick flex Oh quick VZrdlFERvCu-00113-00062057-00062653 Way to bhop quick bhop flex connector connector. Look at this. Look at this bhop. Flex. Oh VZrdlFERvCu-00114-00063566-00063991 Okay, 1HP. -you know how I do that's an Epics.gg clutch haha VZrdlFERvCu-00115-00064661-00065170 I hit so many bhops dude. I'm a smoke middle somewhere. I don't know VZrdlFERvCu-00116-00065170-00065554 I'm gonna look where it lands. Nadeking, Please be with me, please NadeKing, please VZrdlFERvCu-00117-00065567-00066133 Where did I smoke oh I smoked short? What the hell? This is a pretty okay smoke never mind. It's not VZrdlFERvCu-00118-00066458-00066667 [???] VZrdlFERvCu-00119-00067524-00068218 Your aim lock is kind of bad I'll give you my settings. I was aim-locking or bhop scripting?? -what about both? VZrdlFERvCu-00120-00068282-00068462 nice -maybe go next game? VZrdlFERvCu-00121-00068462-00069121 but you say "zatknis"me -yeah why? -why? -yes VZrdlFERvCu-00122-00069222-00069342 I VZrdlFERvCu-00123-00069342-00069624 bratan you -"bratan me VZrdlFERvCu-00124-00069624-00069824 new video title:"how to get away with bhop scripting" VZrdlFERvCu-00125-00069894-00070094 just kidding that's my next video VZrdlFERvCu-00126-00070124-00070760 so we played this game and 30 minutes after Skripe uploaded the video with this title has basically proved we live in a simulation VZrdlFERvCu-00127-00070916-00071140 How'd you get away with bhop scripting! VZrdlFERvCu-00128-00071140-00071480 "I just hit a bhop, I love it" VZrdlFERvCu-00129-00071642-00071990 "I did like 15 strafes, I'm off it" VZrdlFERvCu-00130-00072200-00072475 "300 units fast looking like a" VZrdlFERvCu-00131-00072522-00073161 " f*cking rocket left mirage window open, hopped it i just scoped in and i dropped him VZrdlFERvCu-00132-00073161-00073595 My team is getting mad because all my skin's are VVS VZrdlFERvCu-00133-00073615-00074075 See me hopping through cobble Mirage inferno and even cache VZrdlFERvCu-00134-00074137-00074299 What? VZrdlFERvCu-00135-00074299-00074530 Cuz I just hit a bhop VZrdlFERvCu-00136-00074592-00074678 I love it VZrdlFERvCu-00137-00074678-00074792 (stop this, stop this man) VZrdlFERvCu-00138-00074792-00075436 I did like 15 strafe. I'm off it what? Hey, I'll stop VZrdlFERvCu-00139-00075844-00076044 MY AIM IS SILENT LIKE MY PHONE VZrdlFERvCu-00140-00076118-00078144 MattCS - Strafing! (CS:GO Bhop Song/prod. Trip) Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00000-00000019-00000550 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00001-00000600-00001142 Born in Natchez, Mississippi in 1854, George Earle Chamberlain was an American attorney, Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00002-00001142-00001605 politician, and public official in Oregon. Chamberlain’s father had attended medical Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00003-00001605-00002177 school in Philadelphia before moving to Natchez in 1837, attracted by the prospects for a Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00004-00002177-00002633 young doctor. George attended Natchez Public Schools before heading to Washington and Lee Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00005-00002633-00003211 University where he received dual degrees, including a Bachelor of Law. Chamberlain briefly Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00006-00003211-00003737 returned to Natchez but found the professional prospects in the post-war South were marginal Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00007-00003737-00004306 at best. He departed for a new life in Oregon where after a stint as a teacher in a small Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00008-00004306-00004842 country school, he was appointed as a deputy clerk for Linn County. After he passed the Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00009-00004842-00005453 Oregon state bar, Chamberlain embarked on an amazingly successful career in state politics, Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00010-00005453-00006071 rising from district attorney to state Attorney General to Governor to U. S. Senator. While Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00011-00006071-00006520 in the Senate, Chamberlain was Chairman of the Geological Survey and a member of the Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00012-00006520-00007042 Committee on Military Affairs, Public Lands, and Expenditures in the War Department. He Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00013-00007042-00007553 is best known for the Chamberlain Military Preparedness Bill of 1918 which authorized Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00014-00007553-00008204 the creation of a munitions ministry. Chamberlain died in Oregon on July 9, 1928. Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00015-00008390-00008928 I’m David Higgs, a volunteer for the National Park Service in Natchez, MS and this has been Vc_1Pl_wy5M-00016-00008928-00009073 your Natchez History Minute. Vg6DpLGFQFA-00000-00000000-00000200 Yummy fried snack Vg6DpLGFQFA-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food VhFKvkVKaaE-00000-00000112-00000656 Yes this is the video we recorded from tylers channel, which is why he is doing his intro. my phone acted up so i just downloaded his and uploaded it. Enjoy anyways. VidrmDgg_t8-00000-00000000-00000200 Check boxes in Google sheet VlWWzOoqFzI-00000-00000566-00000697 Hello everybody! VlWWzOoqFzI-00001-00000697-00001087 In this video, I’m going to show you how to disable automatic restart in a Windows VlWWzOoqFzI-00002-00001087-00002686 operating system, what makes a computer restart and how to fix this problem. VlWWzOoqFzI-00003-00002686-00005521 A computer suddenly restarting while you’re doing some important work is probably one VlWWzOoqFzI-00004-00005521-00005821 of the most unpleasant things to face. VlWWzOoqFzI-00005-00005821-00006316 There are many things to cause it, ranging from incorrect configuration to hardware issues. VlWWzOoqFzI-00006-00006316-00006638 Causes If it happens while your computer is still VlWWzOoqFzI-00007-00006638-00006880 booting, it can be a hardware conflict. VlWWzOoqFzI-00008-00006880-00007380 Functionality issues can cause regular restarts when booting your computer, especially if VlWWzOoqFzI-00009-00007380-00007583 some new equipment has been installed recently. VlWWzOoqFzI-00010-00007583-00008164 If the hardware elements are incompatible or faulty, the operating system reacts immediately VlWWzOoqFzI-00011-00008164-00008598 by restarting, hoping to fix this problem automatically. VlWWzOoqFzI-00012-00008598-00009261 If that’s the case, check your hardware. VlWWzOoqFzI-00013-00009261-00009520 Power failures can also cause sudden restarts. VlWWzOoqFzI-00014-00009520-00010086 They can happen because of the power supply unit no longer able to work properly, so it VlWWzOoqFzI-00015-00010086-00010522 should be checked too. VlWWzOoqFzI-00016-00010522-00010947 Overheating is one more thing to make your computer restart out of the blue. VlWWzOoqFzI-00017-00010947-00011498 It can happen because of a fauty cooler, dust-covered radiators or dried-up thermal paste between VlWWzOoqFzI-00018-00011498-00011667 the processor and the radiator. VlWWzOoqFzI-00019-00011667-00012170 You can check your cpomputer for overheating with AIDA64, and there’s a tutorial on this VlWWzOoqFzI-00020-00012170-00012496 topic in our channel. VlWWzOoqFzI-00021-00012496-00013147 There can also be problems because of a faulty system memory module: if you have several VlWWzOoqFzI-00022-00013147-00013661 modules installed, check them by removing one of them at a time and see how your computer VlWWzOoqFzI-00023-00013661-00014060 works, or try inserting the module into another slot. VlWWzOoqFzI-00024-00014060-00014658 A damaged hard disk, motherboard, graphics card or other components can also cause cyclic VlWWzOoqFzI-00025-00014658-00015068 restarts. VlWWzOoqFzI-00026-00015068-00015601 Another possible cause is malware – if problems started after installation of a certain program, VlWWzOoqFzI-00027-00015601-00015860 try checking your computer for viruses. VlWWzOoqFzI-00028-00015860-00016169 Watch one of our videos about removing viruses. VlWWzOoqFzI-00029-00016169-00016650 Find the link in the description. VlWWzOoqFzI-00030-00016650-00017147 In Windows 10, seeing your computer restart sometimes means it’s an automatic restart VlWWzOoqFzI-00031-00017147-00017535 for installation of updates. VlWWzOoqFzI-00032-00017535-00017912 It can happen both while you’re working with the computer and it restarts to install VlWWzOoqFzI-00033-00017912-00018310 an update, and while you’re away from the computer for a while. VlWWzOoqFzI-00034-00018310-00018782 So, let’s find out how to disable such restarts, and what your options are. VlWWzOoqFzI-00035-00018782-00018882 How to disable automatic restarts in Windows 10 VlWWzOoqFzI-00036-00018882-00019165 Configure Windows 10 restart policy The first method doesn’t disable restarts VlWWzOoqFzI-00037-00019165-00019461 but allows to you decide when they take place. VlWWzOoqFzI-00038-00019461-00019898 To do it, go to Settings / Update & Security. VlWWzOoqFzI-00039-00019898-00020266 In Windows Update section, you can set up update and restart options. VlWWzOoqFzI-00040-00020266-00020726 You can change active hours here by setting the period of time when your computer should VlWWzOoqFzI-00041-00020726-00020852 not restart. VlWWzOoqFzI-00042-00020852-00021641 Such period cannot be longer than 12 hours. VlWWzOoqFzI-00043-00021641-00022120 Restart options - this setting is only active when updates have been downloaded and a restart VlWWzOoqFzI-00044-00022120-00022220 is scheduled. VlWWzOoqFzI-00045-00022220-00022618 With this option, you can change the scheduled time of automatic restart for installation VlWWzOoqFzI-00046-00022618-00022718 of updates. VlWWzOoqFzI-00047-00022718-00022960 With Local Group Policy Editor and Registry Editor VlWWzOoqFzI-00048-00022960-00023379 The second method allows you to disable Windows automatic restart completely. VlWWzOoqFzI-00049-00023379-00023643 You can do it with Local Group Policy Editor. VlWWzOoqFzI-00050-00023643-00024607 To use it, open the Run window by pressing Win+R key shortcut and enter gpedit.msc. VlWWzOoqFzI-00051-00024607-00025201 Then follow the path: Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components VlWWzOoqFzI-00052-00025201-00025819 / Windows Update, and open the line “No auto-restart with logged on users for scheduled VlWWzOoqFzI-00053-00025819-00026070 automatic update installations.” VlWWzOoqFzI-00054-00026070-00026827 Set the value for Enabled and apply changes; and set the value Disabled for the line “Always VlWWzOoqFzI-00055-00026827-00027248 automatically restart at the scheduled time.” VlWWzOoqFzI-00056-00027248-00028177 As a result, Windows 10 won’t restart if there are any users who signed in. VlWWzOoqFzI-00057-00028177-00028610 If your operating system doesn’t have the Local Group Policy Editor, you can do it with VlWWzOoqFzI-00058-00028610-00028981 the Registry Editor To start it, type “regedit” in the Run VlWWzOoqFzI-00059-00028981-00030370 window, and follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU VlWWzOoqFzI-00060-00030370-00030787 - if there are no such folders, create them by right-clicking on the necessary key and VlWWzOoqFzI-00061-00030787-00031645 select New / Key. VlWWzOoqFzI-00062-00031645-00032264 In this key, create a DWORD value and name it as NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers, and then VlWWzOoqFzI-00063-00032264-00032747 set its value data as 1. VlWWzOoqFzI-00064-00032747-00033258 Changes should take place without rebooting, but it’s better to restart the computer. VlWWzOoqFzI-00065-00033258-00034062 Disable restarts with the Task Scheduler One more way to disable Windows 10 restarts VlWWzOoqFzI-00066-00034062-00034438 after update installation is by using the Task Scheduler. VlWWzOoqFzI-00067-00034438-00034775 To do it, type “control schedtasks” in the Run window. VlWWzOoqFzI-00068-00034775-00036284 In the window that opens, go to Task Scheduler Library, Microsoft, Windows, UpdateOrchestrator, VlWWzOoqFzI-00069-00036284-00036573 right-click on Reboot and select Disable. VlWWzOoqFzI-00070-00036573-00036940 After that, the computer will never restart to install an update. VlWWzOoqFzI-00071-00036940-00037313 Instead, updates will only be installed when you restart it manually. VlWWzOoqFzI-00072-00037313-00037825 At the moment, these are all methods I have available to disable automatic restart when VlWWzOoqFzI-00073-00037825-00038269 Windows 10 updates, but I think they will be enough if the system restarts really annoy VlWWzOoqFzI-00074-00038269-00038427 you. VlWWzOoqFzI-00075-00038427-00039062 Since Windows 10 was updated to version 1709, such restarts have become more frequent; watch VlWWzOoqFzI-00076-00039062-00039394 another video in our channel on how to view your system information. VlWWzOoqFzI-00077-00039394-00039872 I will give the link in the description. VlWWzOoqFzI-00078-00039872-00040393 If you’re using this version, try disabling the fast startup function; to do it, go to VlWWzOoqFzI-00079-00040393-00041140 Settings / System / Power & Sleep / Additional power settings, then open “Choose what the VlWWzOoqFzI-00080-00041140-00041260 power buttons do.” VlWWzOoqFzI-00081-00041260-00041655 First, click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable” to make the boxes VlWWzOoqFzI-00082-00041655-00042109 active, and then check off the box next to “Turn on fast startup.” VlWWzOoqFzI-00083-00042109-00042338 Save changes and restart the computer. VlWWzOoqFzI-00084-00042338-00042833 You can also encounter such problems with computers based on AMD or Xeon processors, VlWWzOoqFzI-00085-00042833-00043402 and if you own one, try using this method or updating/rolling back your operating system. VlWWzOoqFzI-00086-00043402-00044038 There is a special video guide about system rollback in our channel, and I will give the VlWWzOoqFzI-00087-00044038-00044270 link in the description. VlWWzOoqFzI-00088-00044270-00044535 That is all for now. VlWWzOoqFzI-00089-00044535-00044763 Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. VlWWzOoqFzI-00090-00044763-00044913 Leave comments to ask questions. VlWWzOoqFzI-00091-00044913-00045027 Thank you for watching. VlWWzOoqFzI-00092-00045027-00045075 Good luck. W1Yul1tbGTk-00000-00000050-00000501 Okay, so I'm gonna do this super fast because I'm building the Corridor of Horror, and I W1Yul1tbGTk-00001-00000501-00000900 need to finish that ASAP for an even worse viewing experience! W1Yul1tbGTk-00002-00000900-00001100 Therefore, to the changes! W1Yul1tbGTk-00003-00001100-00001522 In GNOME 42 the Morning Day and Night wallpapers have been dropped, and they have replaced W1Yul1tbGTk-00004-00001522-00001685 with Dark and Light variants. W1Yul1tbGTk-00005-00001685-00001993 Hence, each wallpaper can have two modes. W1Yul1tbGTk-00006-00001993-00002352 That's the dark variant, and this is the light preview. W1Yul1tbGTk-00007-00002352-00002766 So now we are in dark mode and we have this background, and when we're selecting the light W1Yul1tbGTk-00008-00002766-00003002 theme we're getting the light wallpaper. W1Yul1tbGTk-00009-00003002-00003389 The same will happen if we pick that, and needless to say how good work GNOME has done W1Yul1tbGTk-00010-00003389-00003552 again on the graphics. W1Yul1tbGTk-00011-00003589-00004028 Oh, another thing is that on next versions of GNOME we may also get a time scheduler W1Yul1tbGTk-00012-00004028-00004371 for automatically switching between the dark and the light modes. W1Yul1tbGTk-00013-00004371-00004800 But perhaps that's a bit over-doing, because the upcoming Shell menu also comes with a W1Yul1tbGTk-00014-00004800-00005238 quick toggle to switch between the two modes, and sometimes when it automatically changes W1Yul1tbGTk-00015-00005238-00005547 it can get annoying, even if it is us we have set it that way. W1Yul1tbGTk-00016-00005696-00006150 So, what are gonna do here is to create an animated wallpaper with Miku and Rikka! W1Yul1tbGTk-00017-00006213-00006686 And by the way, it is very unfortunate design that doesn't allow us to create an animate W1Yul1tbGTk-00018-00006686-00007141 variant from within the UI, possibly by dragging a wallpaper over another. W1Yul1tbGTk-00019-00007188-00007495 Anyhoo, till then, lets do it manually! W1Yul1tbGTk-00020-00007495-00007774 And I'm closing this, we don't need it for now. W1Yul1tbGTk-00021-00007774-00008154 I already have the two backgrounds here to save time, and the first thing we need to W1Yul1tbGTk-00022-00008154-00008495 do is to go to the code to find the description file. W1Yul1tbGTk-00023-00008495-00009033 It's inside backgrounds directory, and Adwaita XML will do fine. W1Yul1tbGTk-00024-00009033-00009519 That creates only a single variant, but we can make a list with as many as we want. W1Yul1tbGTk-00025-00009519-00009878 But lets copy it for now, and open it to our Text Editor! W1Yul1tbGTk-00026-00010264-00010714 Okay all done, and the next step is to replace the filenames. W1Yul1tbGTk-00027-00010714-00010871 So we want this path, W1Yul1tbGTk-00028-00011108-00011259 and we want to put it here. W1Yul1tbGTk-00029-00011379-00011838 Obviously we're gonna get those applications that they will create background combos for us, W1Yul1tbGTk-00030-00011838-00012126 so you will not need to do anything of those! W1Yul1tbGTk-00031-00012126-00012628 So that's basically like a walk-through movie, just because GNOME 42 is so pretty! W1Yul1tbGTk-00032-00012853-00013122 And Rikka Dark, .jpg! W1Yul1tbGTk-00033-00013122-00013439 So we can use both PNG and JPG! W1Yul1tbGTk-00034-00013477-00013976 Now, the final step is to save our file, but we need to save it to a special place. W1Yul1tbGTk-00035-00013976-00014400 System wide is under USR and SHARE and gnome-background-properties. W1Yul1tbGTk-00036-00014400-00014694 But instead we will use our home location. W1Yul1tbGTk-00037-00014694-00015136 So we're gonna create a gnome-background-properties folder inside our local share. W1Yul1tbGTk-00038-00015382-00015628 And back to our Text Editor to save it. W1Yul1tbGTk-00039-00015628-00016213 Of course I could create the folder directly from the file picker, but Files 42 is an addiction! W1Yul1tbGTk-00040-00016213-00016324 Anyway! W1Yul1tbGTk-00041-00016324-00016714 The name doesn't really matter, will just call it "mybg.xml". W1Yul1tbGTk-00042-00016756-00016870 And Save! W1Yul1tbGTk-00043-00016870-00017005 And actually? W1Yul1tbGTk-00044-00017005-00017354 That was everything, because now if we open our Settings.. W1Yul1tbGTk-00045-00017439-00017733 we'll see our insanely sweet Miku-Rikka combination! W1Yul1tbGTk-00046-00017769-00017973 Rikka for dark, Miku for light! W1Yul1tbGTk-00047-00018907-00019184 This movie isn't designated for Ubuntu users, W1Yul1tbGTk-00048-00019184-00019411 because you won't get any of those any time soon! W1Yul1tbGTk-00049-00019452-00019576 Bye Bye suckers! W2o38NdOOLc-00000-00000392-00001071 This is part three of our negotiation book, preparing strategies. And we're W2o38NdOOLc-00001-00001071-00001590 going to be looking at the vocabulary here. So let's jump right into the W2o38NdOOLc-00002-00001590-00002161 vocabulary, and we start out with our first word which is acceptable. W2o38NdOOLc-00003-00002161-00002775 Acceptable, meaning that the offer is good enough, that it meets your W2o38NdOOLc-00004-00002775-00003332 requirements. It's okay. Usually, we use this in our negotiation by just saying W2o38NdOOLc-00005-00003332-00003872 your price is acceptable. And the great thing about this word is it doesn't make W2o38NdOOLc-00006-00003872-00004236 it sound like you're super happy. So it helps you to keep your secret W2o38NdOOLc-00007-00004236-00004737 information secret because you don't say oh this price is wonderful. You just say W2o38NdOOLc-00008-00004737-00005226 acceptable. You can say it with a very straight poker face, and you don't let W2o38NdOOLc-00009-00005226-00005612 any clues out because remember you want to keep your secret information secret. W2o38NdOOLc-00010-00005612-00006105 So acceptable is a great word. Of course the opposite is unacceptable. Same thing, W2o38NdOOLc-00011-00006105-00006528 you don't say it's too high or too low or how far. You just say you can't do it. W2o38NdOOLc-00012-00006528-00007181 Is it a big miss or a small miss? Unknown. So acceptable, great word to use in your W2o38NdOOLc-00013-00007181-00007938 negotiation. Accommodate-- now accommodate means to give something up or to give in W2o38NdOOLc-00014-00007938-00008525 to or to allow the other side to get something they want. Now, usually, we would W2o38NdOOLc-00015-00008525-00009152 use this to ask the other side to please accommodate, or we can ask them to W2o38NdOOLc-00016-00009152-00009792 accommodate for something we need. So for example, we can say something like, "Could W2o38NdOOLc-00017-00009792-00010224 you please accommodate our shipping requirements? We must have the shipment W2o38NdOOLc-00018-00010224-00010914 ready before January, so accommodate us, help us somehow", like this. Now, it doesn't W2o38NdOOLc-00019-00010914-00011256 mean that you give me something and I give you something in return, although W2o38NdOOLc-00020-00011256-00011765 that could be the case. It just means that you're asking to get something or W2o38NdOOLc-00021-00011765-00012215 you're saying yes I can accommodate you on that. That means we can let you have W2o38NdOOLc-00022-00012215-00012689 that. Usually, it would mean that we're going to give you something, kind of out W2o38NdOOLc-00023-00012689-00013286 of a feeling of cooperation or goodwill. So it's not always.. I would W2o38NdOOLc-00024-00013286-00013936 say usually, it's not a an exchange of something to give something back. W2o38NdOOLc-00025-00013936-00014626 Alternative-- so the alternative is if you can have A but you could also have B, W2o38NdOOLc-00026-00014626-00015143 then you can choose this B as an alternative. So the alternative is great W2o38NdOOLc-00027-00015143-00015572 in your negotiation because you can actually tell the other side, "I do not W2o38NdOOLc-00028-00015572-00016153 have to buy from you. I have another alternative." So I can go to another W2o38NdOOLc-00029-00016153-00016697 seller and buy from them that's my alternative. At the same time, you could W2o38NdOOLc-00030-00016697-00017273 say something just the opposite and say, "You don't have any alternative." So if W2o38NdOOLc-00031-00017273-00017693 I'm a buyer and you're a seller, and there's no other buyers, I could tell you I need your W2o38NdOOLc-00032-00017693-00018089 price to be lower because there's no other buyers you have no other W2o38NdOOLc-00033-00018089-00018931 alternative. So very often to be used in a negotiation, no problem. Avoid-- avoid W2o38NdOOLc-00034-00018931-00019404 meaning to stay away from something or not do something because it's dangerous, W2o38NdOOLc-00035-00019404-00020107 or it's something that's not good. Now in in negotiation, of course, how do we use W2o38NdOOLc-00036-00020107-00020584 the word avoid? Usually, you would not use this in your negotiation, but rather you W2o38NdOOLc-00037-00020584-00021154 would use this in your team, with your team, to talk about your strategy or your W2o38NdOOLc-00038-00021154-00021682 tactics. And avoid here, meaning I want to avoid negotiating with another group. And W2o38NdOOLc-00039-00021682-00022129 maybe it's a specific group that never gives you a good deal or maybe your W2o38NdOOLc-00040-00022129-00022604 company just has a really bad position. Your price is not good. Your price is too W2o38NdOOLc-00041-00022604-00023035 high as a seller. Maybe your quality is too low. Your shipping is too long, and W2o38NdOOLc-00042-00023035-00023445 there's really nothing you can get no matter what. And you may want to avoid W2o38NdOOLc-00043-00023445-00023869 negotiation. Or the opposite could be true too. You could have a great position, W2o38NdOOLc-00044-00023869-00024325 and you don't want to hurt your position, so you avoid negotiation, W2o38NdOOLc-00045-00024325-00024985 so "avoid". Behavior-- of course, behavior is the way people act, the way they speak, W2o38NdOOLc-00046-00024985-00025462 and what they do. So behavior is not a word we use in our negotiation, but W2o38NdOOLc-00047-00025462-00025969 rather it's something we look at. We look at the other side's behavior. It's very W2o38NdOOLc-00048-00025969-00026476 important to try to understand the other side. This is really key because that's W2o38NdOOLc-00049-00026476-00026914 secret information. Remember you must keep your information secret, but how do W2o38NdOOLc-00050-00026914-00027292 you win in negotiations? By finding out as much as you can about the other W2o38NdOOLc-00051-00027292-00027816 side's secrets. And how do you do that? You have to watch their behavior. By W2o38NdOOLc-00052-00027816-00028435 watching their behavior, you can see how they react, very important. Collaborate-- so W2o38NdOOLc-00053-00028435-00028939 collaborate means to work together. In a way, it's like cooperate, but it's not W2o38NdOOLc-00054-00028939-00029524 exactly the same. Right? Cooperate infers that you work together, happily, that you W2o38NdOOLc-00055-00029524-00030163 really try to integrate, whereas collaborate means that you basically are W2o38NdOOLc-00056-00030163-00030633 doing something together but maybe not so integrated. So collaboration, W2o38NdOOLc-00057-00030633-00031156 meaning maybe I do something and you do something, and together, we can succeed or W2o38NdOOLc-00058-00031156-00031636 we can get to the goal of this negotiation. So collaboration can work in W2o38NdOOLc-00059-00031636-00032176 many ways in a negotiation of course. For examplem, there's nothing that says that W2o38NdOOLc-00060-00032176-00032812 you have to work alone. Your group in our RPG negotiation can work with other W2o38NdOOLc-00061-00032812-00033346 groups. That could be collaboration. In other words, you are a buyer, and there's W2o38NdOOLc-00062-00033346-00033928 other buyers. You may work with those other buyers in order to help your W2o38NdOOLc-00063-00033928-00034654 situation get a good outcome. Or you may sacrifice something to help them get W2o38NdOOLc-00064-00034654-00035077 good outcome, and they could be buyers or sellers on either side. So you work with W2o38NdOOLc-00065-00035077-00035509 other groups, but you're not negotiating with them directly, rather you're W2o38NdOOLc-00066-00035509-00036004 collaborating to gets something positive. Now, maybe you get something positive now, W2o38NdOOLc-00067-00036004-00036588 or maybe you sacrifice something, and get something positive later. W2o38NdOOLc-00068-00036598-00037046 Kind of opposite of that is compete. So compete, meaning that you're working W2o38NdOOLc-00069-00037046-00037430 against another team to win. You're working against another company to win. W2o38NdOOLc-00070-00037430-00037985 You want to beat them. And this compete, of course, is the core of the negotiation. W2o38NdOOLc-00071-00037985-00038513 You're going to be competing. Now, you're competing, of course, against your other W2o38NdOOLc-00072-00038513-00038912 team that you're negotiating with. But, more importantly, you're competing W2o38NdOOLc-00073-00038912-00039353 against all the other companies in the marketplace. And in our case it's not a W2o38NdOOLc-00074-00039353-00039788 real market place. It's a make-believe market marketplace, an RPG marketplace, W2o38NdOOLc-00075-00039788-00040163 but you're still competing. I think you're going to need to remember this W2o38NdOOLc-00076-00040163-00040490 word-- compete. Now, you don't use this word in your negotiation. You never say W2o38NdOOLc-00077-00040490-00040979 something like, "We are competing with you." That's a little bit too harsh, rather W2o38NdOOLc-00078-00040979-00041336 you're always saying things like, "I would love to collaborate with you. We want to W2o38NdOOLc-00079-00041336-00041768 cooperate with you." But back in your team, when you're making your planning, when W2o38NdOOLc-00080-00041768-00042260 you're talking with your team members, remember competition, that compete idea. W2o38NdOOLc-00081-00042260-00042854 You need to compete, need to get out there and compete in order to win. Demand-- W2o38NdOOLc-00082-00042854-00043379 of course demand is something we often talk about, demand and supply, right? W2o38NdOOLc-00083-00043379-00043786 Supply and demand, your economic class. In this case, what we're talking about is a W2o38NdOOLc-00084-00043786-00044333 demand. I demand something. I want something or I need something. And W2o38NdOOLc-00085-00044333-00044891 demand is a very strong word, so you would use this inside your negotiation W2o38NdOOLc-00086-00044891-00045380 very normally, but not too often. You cannot say everything is a demand. "I W2o38NdOOLc-00087-00045380-00045785 demand a low price and I demand a fast shipment and I demand high quality." Well, W2o38NdOOLc-00088-00045785-00046265 if you say this word too many times, people stop believing you that it's W2o38NdOOLc-00089-00046265-00046769 really a demand. so the demand would be maybe one or two things, usually, one that W2o38NdOOLc-00090-00046769-00047279 is really important and so you demand that. It's a very strong word. You can say W2o38NdOOLc-00091-00047279-00047672 it. We demand it. But you have to be careful because it could cause the other W2o38NdOOLc-00092-00047672-00048092 side to walk away. If you demand it and the other side is not going to give in W2o38NdOOLc-00093-00048092-00048593 to you, they're not going to give up or compromise on that, then they could just W2o38NdOOLc-00094-00048593-00049274 say, "We're going to just not negotiate. We're going to withdraw. Expensive-- of W2o38NdOOLc-00095-00049274-00049835 course we use this word. Oops, I missed one. Emphasis-- there we go. Emphasize, emphasize-- W2o38NdOOLc-00096-00049835-00050405 So emphasize is a word that you can use in your negotiation. It's very W2o38NdOOLc-00097-00050405-00050950 helpful. You can say I emphasize. Now, this is really great that this word is right W2o38NdOOLc-00098-00050950-00051401 next to demand because in a way they're similar. Emphasize here is the verb. W2o38NdOOLc-00099-00051401-00051758 You're going to put emphasis on something. You're going to stress that's W2o38NdOOLc-00100-00051758-00052258 very important. So you make a plan, and then you emphasize what's most important W2o38NdOOLc-00101-00052258-00052607 to you, and maybe the price is most important. Maybe the delivery, maybe the W2o38NdOOLc-00102-00052607-00053048 relationship is something you emphasize. You can also use this in your W2o38NdOOLc-00103-00053048-00053708 negotiation, and you can tell the other side, "I want to emphasize that quality is W2o38NdOOLc-00104-00053708-00054200 very important." And that's a better word than demand because demand is kind of W2o38NdOOLc-00105-00054200-00054833 like take it or leave it. Demand is give it to me or game over. Emphasize is can you W2o38NdOOLc-00106-00054833-00055227 please give me as much as possible because this is something that we W2o38NdOOLc-00107-00055227-00055910 emphasize. Expensive-- meaning the price is high, and you use this in your W2o38NdOOLc-00108-00055910-00056402 negotiation all the time. "Your price is too expensive. We need a product that's W2o38NdOOLc-00109-00056402-00056924 not so expensive. We need shipping that is not so expensive". So expensive you can W2o38NdOOLc-00110-00056924-00057358 use all of the time. But you don't want to say the opposite. You don't want to W2o38NdOOLc-00111-00057358-00057857 say cheap. I think a lot of times we use cheap, but in English cheap can also mean W2o38NdOOLc-00112-00057857-00058526 low quality, not really good thing, not just low price. So, rather than saying low W2o38NdOOLc-00113-00058526-00059052 price, you say expensive as the opposite, Saying your product is too expensive. W2o38NdOOLc-00114-00059052-00059648 Your product is too much, too expensive, which means I want it to be cheaper. But W2o38NdOOLc-00115-00059648-00059927 you don't say I want it to be cheaper. You just say "No, that's too expensive W2o38NdOOLc-00116-00059927-00060604 for me." That's a great word to use. Haggle is another way to say bargain. It's a W2o38NdOOLc-00117-00060604-00061247 synonym for bargain, so haggle or haggling means that there's two sides two people W2o38NdOOLc-00118-00061247-00061666 or two companies. And, usually, when we use the word haggle, we do think of two W2o38NdOOLc-00119-00061666-00062054 people haggling. So, usually, at the market when you go to the market, you go to the W2o38NdOOLc-00120-00062054-00062354 fresh market with your mom or your dad, and you're buying fresh W2o38NdOOLc-00121-00062354-00063111 food at the market, and you can haggle with the person at the sale stall W2o38NdOOLc-00122-00063111-00063576 there and haggle usually over price. Right? Although, sometimes you can haggle W2o38NdOOLc-00123-00063576-00064058 over quantity or quality or usually it's just over price, so it's haggling. W2o38NdOOLc-00124-00064058-00064461 You would not use this in your negotiation. This is something to talk W2o38NdOOLc-00125-00064461-00065463 about your negotiation. List price is just the standard price. And you can W2o38NdOOLc-00126-00065463-00065811 remember this by thinking of the price that's on the product or the price W2o38NdOOLc-00127-00065811-00066233 that's on the list of the product. So this price usually means the retail W2o38NdOOLc-00128-00066233-00066699 price. Now, we can use this in our negotiation by coming out and saying, "You W2o38NdOOLc-00129-00066699-00067164 must give us a price lower than list price. In other words, I don't want to pay W2o38NdOOLc-00130-00067164-00067539 list price if i'm going to buy from you. You're the seller. I'm the buyer. I want to W2o38NdOOLc-00131-00067539-00067935 buy from you. I need a price that's lower than the list price because i'm going to W2o38NdOOLc-00132-00067935-00068442 turn around and sell it, so I need to have a margin. So list price is something W2o38NdOOLc-00133-00068442-00069105 we can often use in our negotiation. Opposed-- meaning to be against something, W2o38NdOOLc-00134-00069105-00069594 to work against that. And you can come out and use this word openly in your W2o38NdOOLc-00135-00069594-00070095 negotiation, and just say we oppose something. Now it's a pretty serious word. W2o38NdOOLc-00136-00070095-00070652 It's not a word that you want to use lightly. We oppose really sounds like W2o38NdOOLc-00137-00070652-00071091 we're against it. So you want to be careful, but you can use it in your W2o38NdOOLc-00138-00071091-00071652 negotiation. We oppose postponing this negotiation. So they say, "Well let's wait W2o38NdOOLc-00139-00071652-00072020 until Monday", but you don't want to wait until Monday, so what do you say? You say, W2o38NdOOLc-00140-00072020-00072549 "We would we oppose. we would like to oppose a postponement of this W2o38NdOOLc-00141-00072549-00072975 negotiation. We would like to finish today." So that's the kind of way to use W2o38NdOOLc-00142-00072975-00073589 oppose. It'd be really hard to use oppose about price or product or quality or W2o38NdOOLc-00143-00073589-00074120 quantity because it kind of ruins a negotiation, right? How can you oppose W2o38NdOOLc-00144-00074120-00074532 something in the negotiation because the other side makes these offers, and you W2o38NdOOLc-00145-00074532-00074922 make a counteroffer. But I guess you could. You could say something like, "We W2o38NdOOLc-00146-00074922-00075398 oppose changing the price, or we oppose the price going any higher." W2o38NdOOLc-00147-00075398-00076022 That's possible. It's pretty strong. Outcome-- so outcome is what comes out of W2o38NdOOLc-00148-00076022-00076619 the negotiation. It's the final result, and we can use this in our negotiation, W2o38NdOOLc-00149-00076619-00077087 by telling the other side, "I want to have a positive outcome. We are working W2o38NdOOLc-00150-00077087-00077531 towards a positive outcome. We're working towards a good outcome." So this outcome W2o38NdOOLc-00151-00077531-00077813 means we're trying to do something good. We're trying to do something positive. W2o38NdOOLc-00152-00077813-00078350 It's very positive, even the word outcome, usually, you think of it as in a positive W2o38NdOOLc-00153-00078350-00078826 way. And the reason for that, in negotiation, is if the negotiation fails, W2o38NdOOLc-00154-00078826-00079388 it's not an outcome that's a failure. It's just no outcome. So an outcome in- W2o38NdOOLc-00155-00079388-00079787 fers or kind of means that we're going to have some kind of success in the W2o38NdOOLc-00156-00079787-00080171 negotiation, something's going to come out of the negotiation, and that's a good W2o38NdOOLc-00157-00080171-00080822 thing. Quote-- quote is the price that you're going to be offering. And it's not W2o38NdOOLc-00158-00080822-00081323 the price of the product. It's a quote. So remember the price can be up or down or W2o38NdOOLc-00159-00081323-00081917 anything, basically, so we don't really say the price, rather it's a quote. So can W2o38NdOOLc-00160-00081917-00082406 you give me a quote? Can you quote me a lower price? That would be a verb. W2o38NdOOLc-00161-00082406-00082853 Can you give me a higher... well you would never ask for a higher quote, would you? W2o38NdOOLc-00162-00082853-00083192 Can you give me a lower quote? If you're a buyer, you'd always ask for a lower W2o38NdOOLc-00163-00083192-00083735 quote. So that's price, but a better way to say that inside your negotiation W2o38NdOOLc-00164-00083735-00084217 because it infers that it's flexible. W2o38NdOOLc-00165-00084223-00084920 Okay. Relationship-- relationship of course between two parties, between the two W2o38NdOOLc-00166-00084920-00085247 sides, you have a relationship. And one thing we're learning in this class is W2o38NdOOLc-00167-00085247-00085835 relationship is just as important as any other part of negotiation, may be more W2o38NdOOLc-00168-00085835-00086225 important than things like price and shipping and quantity and quality. W2o38NdOOLc-00169-00086225-00086714 Relationship can be very important. So in your negotiation, you can use this word, W2o38NdOOLc-00170-00086714-00087254 relationship, very simply by telling the other side, "We want to have a good W2o38NdOOLc-00171-00087254-00087728 relationship. We're working towards a relationship. We want to improve our W2o38NdOOLc-00172-00087728-00088154 relationship. Don't you want to improve the relationship?" Or, "If you give us this W2o38NdOOLc-00173-00088154-00088589 price, I'm sure we can have a good relationship for the next ten years." So W2o38NdOOLc-00174-00088589-00089175 relationship is a word you can often use. It's very positive. Strategy-- of W2o38NdOOLc-00175-00089175-00089508 course strategy, we've talked about inside the chapter. It's going to be this W2o38NdOOLc-00176-00089508-00090195 overall high level plan you have. And it's something that doesn't have many W2o38NdOOLc-00177-00090195-00090690 specifics, but it does have your overall direction, and your big goal that you W2o38NdOOLc-00178-00090690-00091095 want to have. So it's important to think what's your goal, and then implement it W2o38NdOOLc-00179-00091095-00091548 through a strategy. So this is the plan now. You never tell the other side your W2o38NdOOLc-00180-00091548-00091950 strategy. When you use this word, it's only inside your group, inside your W2o38NdOOLc-00181-00091950-00092403 company. When you form your strategy, you make your strategy, you would never tell W2o38NdOOLc-00182-00092403-00092769 the other side your strategy. And you would never really say this word at all W2o38NdOOLc-00183-00092769-00093192 in a negotiation. It sounds very odd. Even if you said it to the other side, for W2o38NdOOLc-00184-00093192-00093633 example, you might say, "Oh, I know your strategy. You're trying to delay." Well, W2o38NdOOLc-00185-00093633-00094119 that sounds really weird, and who cares? It's a word you'd only use to keep your W2o38NdOOLc-00186-00094119-00094482 secrets, to talk about your secrets and how you're going to do it. And "tactic" is W2o38NdOOLc-00187-00094482-00095100 the same thing. So strategy is the big picture, whereas tactics are the small W2o38NdOOLc-00188-00095100-00095676 picture. How do you do it? What's the behavior? How do you execute? So your W2o38NdOOLc-00189-00095676-00096159 strategy is your big goal. Your tactics is each little behavior, how to implement it. W2o38NdOOLc-00190-00096159-00096669 And again, you would use this inside your group, talking about your plan, planning W2o38NdOOLc-00191-00096669-00097437 how you're going to execute your actual negotiation. And Withdraw-- meaning to W2o38NdOOLc-00192-00097437-00097980 leave the negotiation, to pull out of the negotiation, and give up on the W2o38NdOOLc-00193-00097980-00098538 negotiation. And you can always use this as a threat: "If you do not give us W2o38NdOOLc-00194-00098538-00099036 this lower price, we're going to withdraw from this negotiation." Or you can just W2o38NdOOLc-00195-00099036-00099507 go ahead and do it, and then just say, "That's it. We withdraw, and you leave. W2o38NdOOLc-00196-00099507-00099860 You leave the negotiation. W2o38NdOOLc-00197-00100055-00100547 Okay. That's it for part three. Thank you! W5u7rvaO28I-00000-00003192-00003504 Copyright © REDROP. 2019 All rights reserved. W5u7rvaO28I-00001-00007258-00007626 cyborg 357 activated W5u7rvaO28I-00002-00008200-00008340 memory loading W5u7rvaO28I-00003-00010988-00011206 missing files W5u7rvaO28I-00004-00012318-00012522 memory plugin founded W5u7rvaO28I-00005-00014038-00014206 flashback replay W5u7rvaO28I-00006-00014344-00014586 [take care of yourself my dear son] W5u7rvaO28I-00007-00016628-00016874 warning danger area W5u7rvaO28I-00008-00017490-00017734 warning danger area W5u7rvaO28I-00009-00018330-00018498 warning danger area W5u7rvaO28I-00010-00019602-00019796 unusual creature founded W5u7rvaO28I-00011-00021974-00022092 zombie attack W5u7rvaO28I-00012-00028464-00028976 notification: you can download an antivirus W5u7rvaO28I-00013-00029002-00029052 yes W5u7rvaO28I-00014-00029106-00029316 freeze time activated W5u7rvaO28I-00015-00029448-00029558 loading files W5u7rvaO28I-00016-00029594-00029756 password missing W5u7rvaO28I-00017-00029858-00030070 write : protect me W5u7rvaO28I-00018-00030402-00030762 wrong password, you still have 2 chances W5u7rvaO28I-00019-00031333-00031588 [dure] wet painted word founded W5u7rvaO28I-00020-00031654-00031866 write [dure] loading W5u7rvaO28I-00021-00032074-00032398 wrong password, you still have 1 chance W5u7rvaO28I-00022-00032586-00032838 freeze time deactivated in W5u7rvaO28I-00023-00032856-00032906 9 W5u7rvaO28I-00024-00032928-00032978 8 W5u7rvaO28I-00025-00033006-00033056 7 W5u7rvaO28I-00026-00033086-00033136 6 W5u7rvaO28I-00027-00033158-00033208 5 W5u7rvaO28I-00028-00033236-00033286 4 W5u7rvaO28I-00029-00033324-00033374 3 W5u7rvaO28I-00030-00033408-00033458 2 W5u7rvaO28I-00031-00033492-00033542 1 W8E3swCVbUI-00000-00000000-00000144 İyi Seyirler Dostlar W8E3swCVbUI-00001-00000144-00000280 Like Atmayı Unutmayın !!! W8EpmvG5AsE-00000-00000012-00000726 I lost 121 pounds with a Lap Band and it's been 21 months I feel great I feel very good I feel W8EpmvG5AsE-00001-00000726-00001428 healthy young a lot of energy active I have a new outlook in life I used to have sleep apnea W8EpmvG5AsE-00002-00001500-00002022 high blood pressure pre-diabetic and high cholesterol and due to the lap band W8EpmvG5AsE-00003-00002082-00002712 all those are gone I don't sleep with the mask anymore or breathing machine I W8EpmvG5AsE-00004-00002712-00003156 don't have high cholesterol and I don't have high blood pressure and I'm not pre-diable W8EpmvG5AsE-00005-00003272-00004020 Most of them don't recognize me I'll give you an example last night I saw a former W8EpmvG5AsE-00006-00004020-00004422 employee of mine that I haven't seen for three years and he didn't recognize me I went up to W8EpmvG5AsE-00007-00004476-00005046 and I said hey how you doing and he looked at me and I and I told him you know Sonic said W8EpmvG5AsE-00008-00005046-00005424 what happened to you are you okay and I'm like oh yeah I did the live band a couple W8EpmvG5AsE-00009-00005424-00005994 years ago I feel great and uh he was happy to see that you know I looked good procedure W8EpmvG5AsE-00010-00005994-00006564 worked and they were surprised some people asked me you know are you okay, are you okay, W8EpmvG5AsE-00011-00006564-00007242 yes I'm fine and I proudly say that I had a lap band I'm not ashamed of it it was something that W8EpmvG5AsE-00012-00007242-00008045 I needed to do for me and my family and in the beginning, I was embarrassed, not embarrassed, W8EpmvG5AsE-00013-00008045-00008694 shy or embarrassed but I see the results and I see all the positive comments that I hear from W8EpmvG5AsE-00014-00008694-00009444 my family friends staff that you know I'm happy to say that you know I am a left-hand patient W8EpmvG5AsE-00015-00009846-00010182 When you're at the point where you need a lap band W8EpmvG5AsE-00016-00010182-00010872 you either have medical issues like I did or you are going to have medical issues and in order to W8EpmvG5AsE-00017-00010872-00011376 prevent or solve some of those issues we need to take corrective action and that's what I did W8EpmvG5AsE-00018-00011376-00011760 and that's what that person should do is take that corrective action if none of those other W8EpmvG5AsE-00019-00011760-00012276 diets work bariatric procedure should work and I think the left hand would be the best choice W8EpmvG5AsE-00020-00012869-00013368 I'm happy that I had the procedure done I'm happy that I've lost all this weight I'm happy W8EpmvG5AsE-00021-00013368-00014352 I'm spending more time with my family my friends my parents I'm happy that I look good that from W8EpmvG5AsE-00022-00014352-00015354 a size double X I'm a medium now from a size 46 I'm a size 34. I'm just happy all around Wv0nxRwzSg4-00000-00000535-00000951 hello everyone my name is angela osterreicherr i'd like to thank you Wv0nxRwzSg4-00001-00000951-00001296 for joining me today we're going to be talking about impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00002-00001296-00001752 factors and i'm from the wrha virtual library Wv0nxRwzSg4-00003-00001752-00002096 I just wanted to give you the context of this webinar Wv0nxRwzSg4-00004-00002096-00002456 it came up as a follow-up to a webinar i did Wv0nxRwzSg4-00005-00002456-00002911 several months ago called where do i publish Wv0nxRwzSg4-00006-00002911-00003215 in that webinar i mentioned several times Wv0nxRwzSg4-00007-00003215-00003584 uh it's a good idea to publish in a reputable journal Wv0nxRwzSg4-00008-00003584-00003952 or a high impact journal and i kind of realized that Wv0nxRwzSg4-00009-00003952-00004271 the audience perhaps didn't really understand what that meant Wv0nxRwzSg4-00010-00004271-00005032 or how exactly you go about doing that so that's how this webinar was Wv0nxRwzSg4-00011-00005032-00005400 envisioned that we will look at the journal impact level Wv0nxRwzSg4-00012-00005400-00005807 a little bit of housekeeping first though Wv0nxRwzSg4-00013-00005807-00006223 uh this webinar will be recorded and put on our youtube site Wv0nxRwzSg4-00014-00006223-00006536 uh it'll probably be up in a couple of days Wv0nxRwzSg4-00015-00006536-00007159 uh we'll send out a deck slide of a deck slide will be mailed to all those who Wv0nxRwzSg4-00016-00007159-00007615 have registered for the session and if you have any questions just put Wv0nxRwzSg4-00017-00007615-00008023 them in the chat box i'll do my best to try to monitor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00018-00008023-00008368 that as we go through Wv0nxRwzSg4-00019-00008400-00008888 so the objectives for today i'm hoping to ensure that Wv0nxRwzSg4-00020-00008888-00009304 you have an understanding what an impact factor is and how it came to be Wv0nxRwzSg4-00021-00009304-00009952 a bit of a history uh how an impact factor is calculated and what it means Wv0nxRwzSg4-00022-00009952-00010272 where do you find impact factors and using Wv0nxRwzSg4-00023-00010272-00010968 journal metrics responsibly so to begin with a bit of a background Wv0nxRwzSg4-00024-00010968-00011384 i'm just throwing up this number maybe for the past hundred years Wv0nxRwzSg4-00025-00011384-00011760 or so librarians and information scientists Wv0nxRwzSg4-00026-00011760-00012071 have been evaluating the quality of journals Wv0nxRwzSg4-00027-00012071-00012432 very early on individuals or groups would create lists Wv0nxRwzSg4-00028-00012432-00012775 of recommended journals but it was felt that they were too Wv0nxRwzSg4-00029-00012775-00013463 biased as they were based on personal or group opinion so in an effort to create Wv0nxRwzSg4-00030-00013463-00014095 unbiased measures of journal quality various statistical methods were applied Wv0nxRwzSg4-00031-00014095-00014928 as this work progressed it eventually the term bibliometrics was coined Wv0nxRwzSg4-00032-00014928-00015319 it's the use of statistical methods to analyze books Wv0nxRwzSg4-00033-00015319-00015672 articles and other publications bibliometh Wv0nxRwzSg4-00034-00015672-00016023 bibliometric methods are used in my field Wv0nxRwzSg4-00035-00016023-00016431 library and information science to analyze or trace Wv0nxRwzSg4-00036-00016431-00016959 the relationship among academic journal citations Wv0nxRwzSg4-00037-00016959-00017328 citation analysis is just one bibliometric Wv0nxRwzSg4-00038-00017328-00017728 application now a subfield of bibliometrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00039-00017728-00018176 is scientometrics and that's simply bibliometrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00040-00018176-00018800 applied to the analyzing of scientific publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00041-00018800-00019200 so an early pioneer in the field of bibliometrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00042-00019200-00019959 was eugene garfield who in around 1955 coined the terms or first mentioned Wv0nxRwzSg4-00043-00019959-00020568 citation metrics and the whole purpose of the citation metric was primarily Wv0nxRwzSg4-00044-00020568-00021120 intended for librarians to use to make purchasing decisions and to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00045-00021120-00021984 identify publishing venues for authors so the premise is of journal impact or Wv0nxRwzSg4-00046-00021984-00022400 impact factors the premise is is that the value of a journal Wv0nxRwzSg4-00047-00022400-00023015 can be measured by the number of times its use is formalized in the form of a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00048-00023015-00023287 citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00049-00023415-00023887 so this eventually led Wv0nxRwzSg4-00050-00023928-00024456 to the ranking to journal rankings which are based on citation frequency Wv0nxRwzSg4-00051-00024456-00024943 which were eventually recorded in what was is known as the science citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00052-00024943-00025431 index around about 1961. Wv0nxRwzSg4-00053-00025431-00026032 the citation index along with the arrival of computers led Wv0nxRwzSg4-00054-00026032-00026504 to computer compiled statistical reporting on the output of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00055-00026504-00027032 journals and also citation frequency so journal impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00056-00027032-00027352 factor was born Wv0nxRwzSg4-00057-00027608-00028295 thompson reuters began at this point thompson reuters took over Wv0nxRwzSg4-00058-00028295-00028752 and began publishing the impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00059-00028752-00029191 in what is known as the journal citation reports Wv0nxRwzSg4-00060-00029191-00029527 the journal citation reports are a database Wv0nxRwzSg4-00061-00029527-00029927 that provides bibliometric analysis Wv0nxRwzSg4-00062-00029927-00030503 of journals in science and technology as well as social sciences and the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00063-00030503-00031032 citation data comes from the web of science database Wv0nxRwzSg4-00064-00031032-00031775 today clarivet analytics calculates journal impact factor and publishes the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00065-00031775-00032319 journal citation reports annually you can get the journal impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00066-00032319-00032632 factor from the database journal of citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00067-00032632-00033032 reports directly or you can access it via the web of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00068-00033032-00033272 science Wv0nxRwzSg4-00069-00033447-00033816 so this is the formula for calculating the impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00070-00033816-00034496 factor for a journal the impact factor stated is calculated annually as the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00071-00034496-00034960 mean number of citations to articles published in any given journal in the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00072-00034960-00035560 two preceding years as an example the 2019 impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00073-00035560-00036224 factor for journal x is calculated as the number of citations in 2019 Wv0nxRwzSg4-00074-00036224-00036984 to all items published in 2017-2018 over the number of articles and reviews Wv0nxRwzSg4-00075-00036984-00037624 published in 2017-2018 so if the numerator is 200 and the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00076-00037624-00038024 denominator is 100 then the impact factor for this journal Wv0nxRwzSg4-00077-00038024-00038536 x would be two a journal impact factor of two means Wv0nxRwzSg4-00078-00038536-00038928 that on average the articles published two years Wv0nxRwzSg4-00079-00038928-00039319 ago have been cited two times so in general Wv0nxRwzSg4-00080-00039319-00039640 the higher impact factor journals in a given field Wv0nxRwzSg4-00081-00039640-00040080 are perceived to be more prestigious than other titles Wv0nxRwzSg4-00082-00040080-00040456 so i'd like to point out that in the numerator jcr Wv0nxRwzSg4-00083-00040456-00040847 takes the citation received for all document types Wv0nxRwzSg4-00084-00040847-00041519 so articles reviews could be letters editorials meeting abstracts whereas the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00085-00041519-00041903 denominator they're only looking at articles and Wv0nxRwzSg4-00086-00041903-00042447 reviews and proceedings so this is a consideration that you need Wv0nxRwzSg4-00087-00042447-00042888 to keep in mind in some cases some people say it's a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00088-00042888-00043375 criticism or a caveat with the editorials and Wv0nxRwzSg4-00089-00043375-00043919 letters being excluded from the gif denominator but including the new Wv0nxRwzSg4-00090-00043919-00044416 numerator they can often Wv0nxRwzSg4-00091-00044424-00045031 contain many citations so that artificially boosts the impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00092-00045031-00045584 for some subject areas such as in biomedicine in that field Wv0nxRwzSg4-00093-00045584-00046208 you can have very substantial editorials and letters written that have Wv0nxRwzSg4-00094-00046208-00046703 several citations in them so those would be included Wv0nxRwzSg4-00095-00046703-00047040 in the numerator Wv0nxRwzSg4-00096-00047087-00047391 which would skew the result as opposed to other Wv0nxRwzSg4-00097-00047391-00048031 fields that don't have the same editorial practices Wv0nxRwzSg4-00098-00048303-00048736 so how do you find the impact factor uh the journal publishers Wv0nxRwzSg4-00099-00048736-00049344 will often indicate on their website their JIF but you do need to be aware of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00100-00049344-00049984 predatory journals and fake impact factors otherwise you can obtain Wv0nxRwzSg4-00101-00049984-00050319 by contact you can obtain this information by contacting Wv0nxRwzSg4-00102-00050319-00050768 one of the librarians within the wha virtual library Wv0nxRwzSg4-00103-00050768-00051128 we have access to the journal citation reports Wv0nxRwzSg4-00104-00051128-00051536 it's paid through the university of manitoba and we have access to that Wv0nxRwzSg4-00105-00051536-00051976 we can also access it through the web of science which is another u of m Wv0nxRwzSg4-00106-00051976-00052504 subscription so the journal citation report covers Wv0nxRwzSg4-00107-00052504-00052927 scholarly journals for science and social sciences but it's restricted to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00108-00052927-00053424 the content provided in the web of science database so this is another Wv0nxRwzSg4-00109-00053424-00053704 considerations that you need to keep in mind when using Wv0nxRwzSg4-00110-00053704-00054239 the journal citation report the JIF Wv0nxRwzSg4-00111-00054288-00054760 in other words uh what i mean by the content being provided solely in the web Wv0nxRwzSg4-00112-00054760-00055079 of science a citation count in web of science Wv0nxRwzSg4-00113-00055079-00055383 indicates how many times that item was cited by Wv0nxRwzSg4-00114-00055383-00055895 other papers that are also in web of science Wv0nxRwzSg4-00115-00055895-00056255 so the citation metrics for individual papers Wv0nxRwzSg4-00116-00056255-00056672 may be different based on which database you use Wv0nxRwzSg4-00117-00056672-00057008 it's also known that the web of science has a geographic Wv0nxRwzSg4-00118-00057008-00057388 language bias as it leans towards publications from Wv0nxRwzSg4-00119-00057388-00057767 english-speaking countries so you need to be aware Wv0nxRwzSg4-00120-00057767-00058127 that you're limited to the pool of information from Wv0nxRwzSg4-00121-00058127-00058704 web of science which is uh generally english from english-speaking Wv0nxRwzSg4-00122-00058704-00059183 countries the publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00123-00059216-00059591 if you dig deeper into the journal citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00124-00059591-00060283 uh impact report uh i've pulled up by category of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00125-00060283-00060832 gerontology a list of titles uh gerontology titles and where the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00126-00060832-00061416 purple arrow is you can see the journal impact factor is listed Wv0nxRwzSg4-00127-00061683-00062320 so the gif has been criticized for various limitations i mentioned the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00128-00062320-00062688 first two already being the difference between the papers Wv0nxRwzSg4-00129-00062688-00063007 included in the numerated versus the denominator Wv0nxRwzSg4-00130-00063007-00063488 and that the web of science sciences anglophone has an anglophone bias Wv0nxRwzSg4-00131-00063488-00063800 but there are other considerations as well one of them being Wv0nxRwzSg4-00132-00063800-00064416 you cannot make comparisons across disciplines or subject fields Wv0nxRwzSg4-00133-00064416-00064736 and the reason for this uh what i mean by this is Wv0nxRwzSg4-00134-00064736-00065272 uh for instance you could not compare cell biology to history Wv0nxRwzSg4-00135-00065272-00065664 uh comparing impact factors across disciplines Wv0nxRwzSg4-00136-00065664-00066224 is meaningless and this is as it is results because of different levels and Wv0nxRwzSg4-00137-00066224-00066736 patterns of citation activity between journals in different fields for Wv0nxRwzSg4-00138-00066736-00067264 example if you have a high number of authors per article you end up with Wv0nxRwzSg4-00139-00067264-00067720 generally a higher impact factor due to the fact that the authors Wv0nxRwzSg4-00140-00067720-00068064 are then citing their own work so self-citing Wv0nxRwzSg4-00141-00068064-00068576 can skew impact factor again in biomedicine we usually have Wv0nxRwzSg4-00142-00068576-00069288 many authors to one paper as opposed to other subject fields social sciences Wv0nxRwzSg4-00143-00069288-00069680 tends to use books to disseminate information so you have less Wv0nxRwzSg4-00144-00069680-00070095 inter-journal citation same thing happens in engineering Wv0nxRwzSg4-00145-00070095-00070512 where they publish in conference proceedings Wv0nxRwzSg4-00146-00070512-00070951 within a subject field you can see variations in the total number of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00147-00070951-00071592 citations for example applied versus basic research fields applied journals Wv0nxRwzSg4-00148-00071592-00072007 will reference basic research but the reverse Wv0nxRwzSg4-00149-00072007-00072312 usually doesn't happen so as a result basic Wv0nxRwzSg4-00150-00072312-00072680 research fields will have a higher impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00151-00072680-00073127 so basic medicine field will have a higher impact factor than those Wv0nxRwzSg4-00152-00073127-00073448 in the clinical fields Wv0nxRwzSg4-00153-00073504-00073872 again jcr only uses information for web of science Wv0nxRwzSg4-00154-00073872-00074280 which covers social science journals but it's a little bit Wv0nxRwzSg4-00155-00074280-00074768 lower coverage when you have lower subject coverage that means there are lower Wv0nxRwzSg4-00156-00074768-00075168 citation levels which results in a lower impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00157-00075168-00075704 in the social sciences there's something known as a citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00158-00075704-00076192 curve or the peak citation rate and that varies for Wv0nxRwzSg4-00159-00076192-00076624 different disciplines again cell biology will have most of its Wv0nxRwzSg4-00160-00076624-00076983 citations happen within a two-year window Wv0nxRwzSg4-00161-00076983-00077536 but in economics or math citations peak within a five year window Wv0nxRwzSg4-00162-00077536-00077927 so two year citation window is not long enough Wv0nxRwzSg4-00163-00077927-00078607 in some fields to reach citation peak an impact factor favors research where Wv0nxRwzSg4-00164-00078607-00079176 life cycle of data is short such as in biology or chemistry as Wv0nxRwzSg4-00165-00079176-00079512 opposed to more slowly developing ones such as Wv0nxRwzSg4-00166-00079512-00080032 social sciences and management even within the subfields Wv0nxRwzSg4-00167-00080032-00080368 of a subject such as nursing there can be high Wv0nxRwzSg4-00168-00080368-00080888 variations of impact factors this can be due to small versus Wv0nxRwzSg4-00169-00080888-00081295 large journal general versus specialty journal Wv0nxRwzSg4-00170-00081295-00081904 you really can only compare journals that target the same reader segment Wv0nxRwzSg4-00171-00081904-00082376 for instance you can't really compare a general journal nursing Wv0nxRwzSg4-00172-00082376-00083368 such as nursing outlook versus a specialty journal like nephrology nursing Wv0nxRwzSg4-00173-00083600-00084151 another consideration is a highly cited highly cited papers really within a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00174-00084151-00084495 journal the impact factor is generally inflated Wv0nxRwzSg4-00175-00084495-00084863 by one or two highly cited papers the majority of the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00176-00084863-00085472 articles in a journal will not have the majority of the citations and in Wv0nxRwzSg4-00177-00085472-00086063 some cases not at all so the calculation is a mean Wv0nxRwzSg4-00178-00086063-00086368 rather than a median Wv0nxRwzSg4-00179-00086383-00086768 i'd like to point out for that for this reason you Wv0nxRwzSg4-00180-00086768-00087224 can't use the overall ranking of a journal Wv0nxRwzSg4-00181-00087224-00087736 to tell you the quality or significance of a single article within it Wv0nxRwzSg4-00182-00087736-00088439 it's often skewed by one or two articles review articles are an example review Wv0nxRwzSg4-00183-00088439-00088880 articles are highly sought after and are highly cited which Wv0nxRwzSg4-00184-00088880-00089288 inflates the impact factor for journals that publish mainly Wv0nxRwzSg4-00185-00089288-00089792 review articles and then as one author put it coin the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00186-00089792-00090239 term expert blockbusters are out there Wv0nxRwzSg4-00187-00090239-00090583 he's referring to guidelines precision statements Wv0nxRwzSg4-00188-00090583-00091304 disease definitions these will be widely cite widely cited by members of a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00189-00091304-00091848 professional society but are often not evidence-based Wv0nxRwzSg4-00190-00092048-00092744 so all this as law and leung put it all this is to say that jif Wv0nxRwzSg4-00191-00092744-00093375 is not a solely reliable representation of a journal quality the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00192-00093375-00093919 calculations are not robust enough but Wv0nxRwzSg4-00193-00093919-00094639 the jif has remained the top indicator but since jif has arrived several other Wv0nxRwzSg4-00194-00094639-00094951 metrics have come on the market as well those being Wv0nxRwzSg4-00195-00094951-00095680 site source elsevier source normalized impact per paper and scimago Wv0nxRwzSg4-00196-00095680-00096024 journal and country rank Wv0nxRwzSg4-00197-00096104-00096760 site score was created by elsevier it's fairly new it came out in december 2016 Wv0nxRwzSg4-00198-00096760-00097175 the metrics are freely available it's based Wv0nxRwzSg4-00199-00097175-00097751 data is comes from scopus rather than the web of science and by Wv0nxRwzSg4-00200-00097751-00098063 some accounts scopus has doubled the number of index Wv0nxRwzSg4-00201-00098063-00098383 journals as compared to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00202-00098392-00099072 the web of science they boast that their calculations are transparent rather than Wv0nxRwzSg4-00203-00099072-00099483 a two-year calculation they use a three-year Wv0nxRwzSg4-00204-00099483-00099919 calculation and they focus on peer-reviewed publications such as Wv0nxRwzSg4-00205-00099919-00100375 articles reviews conference proceedings Wv0nxRwzSg4-00206-00100424-00100872 book chapters from serial titles and data papers Wv0nxRwzSg4-00207-00100872-00101280 so that is the calculation for the site score at the top of the page Wv0nxRwzSg4-00208-00101280-00101936 there simply stated the site score 26 for 2016 equals citations over Wv0nxRwzSg4-00209-00101936-00102232 publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00210-00102327-00102895 um but you can see the full calculation listed at the top there i've included Wv0nxRwzSg4-00211-00102895-00103264 this image here as well which i have obtained for the university of western Wv0nxRwzSg4-00212-00103264-00103735 ontario uh to just give you a visual description Wv0nxRwzSg4-00213-00103735-00104359 of what we're talking about so for the numerator uh the citations Wv0nxRwzSg4-00214-00104359-00104664 uh of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00215-00104703-00105344 for a 2016 citation site score you would be looking at citations 2015 Wv0nxRwzSg4-00216-00105344-00105679 to typically peer-reviewed publications in the source Wv0nxRwzSg4-00217-00105679-00106200 published from 2012 to 2014 over the denominator which Wv0nxRwzSg4-00218-00106200-00106559 is b uh which is typically Wv0nxRwzSg4-00219-00106559-00106935 peer-reviewed publications in the source published in 2012 to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00220-00106935-00107264 2014. i know that's a bit hard to follow verbally Wv0nxRwzSg4-00221-00107264-00107711 so hopefully that image there will will help you understand it it's Wv0nxRwzSg4-00222-00107711-00108464 fairly basic arithmetic so to find site score there is the url Wv0nxRwzSg4-00223-00108464-00109016 again i've limited to geriatrics and gerontology i now have a nice list Wv0nxRwzSg4-00224-00109016-00109608 of titles with the site score available to me Wv0nxRwzSg4-00225-00109624-00109944 source normalized impact per paper or snip Wv0nxRwzSg4-00226-00109944-00110664 is another uh calculation that is the formula for it Wv0nxRwzSg4-00227-00110664-00111024 simply stated its journal citation count per paper Wv0nxRwzSg4-00228-00111024-00111655 over the citation potential in its subject field Wv0nxRwzSg4-00229-00111679-00112055 i tried to find more information to understand what Wv0nxRwzSg4-00230-00112055-00112432 this citation potential in its subject fields Wv0nxRwzSg4-00231-00112432-00112911 means and from this citation here waltman 2013 Wv0nxRwzSg4-00232-00112911-00113408 i was able to find this formula unfortunately it didn't help me much i'm not Wv0nxRwzSg4-00233-00113408-00113744 sure if it's going to help you much but you can certainly check it out further Wv0nxRwzSg4-00234-00113744-00114424 in that citation 2013. otherwise the source normalized impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00235-00114424-00114744 per paper measures the impact of a paper within a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00236-00114744-00115096 subject field it was created by hank moed at the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00237-00115096-00115424 center for science and technology studies Wv0nxRwzSg4-00238-00115424-00116040 it as well is based on data from scopus what it's tried to do is correct for Wv0nxRwzSg4-00239-00116040-00116567 subject field differences the impact of a single citation is given Wv0nxRwzSg4-00240-00116567-00116935 a higher value in subject areas where citations are Wv0nxRwzSg4-00241-00116935-00117576 less likely for example mathematics as opposed to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00242-00117600-00118103 a subject area as medicine that would receive a lower value Wv0nxRwzSg4-00243-00118103-00118664 as it has higher citations Wv0nxRwzSg4-00244-00118759-00119096 this allows you to make direct comparisons of journals in different Wv0nxRwzSg4-00245-00119096-00119440 subject field they also use three years of cited Wv0nxRwzSg4-00246-00119440-00119776 publication and it includes the citations only from Wv0nxRwzSg4-00247-00119776-00120240 selected document types articles conference papers conference Wv0nxRwzSg4-00248-00120240-00120559 papers and reviews unlike jif which includes Wv0nxRwzSg4-00249-00120559-00121015 citations from all sources and documents Wv0nxRwzSg4-00250-00121352-00121696 to find the snip it's available at the cwts Wv0nxRwzSg4-00251-00121696-00122383 journal indicators again i've selected geriatrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00252-00122383-00123120 and gerontology and you can see the snip value there Wv0nxRwzSg4-00253-00123248-00123591 although these are different calculations a lot of them have still Wv0nxRwzSg4-00254-00123591-00124096 have the same considerations or concerns as the impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00255-00124096-00124455 journals that publish many review articles will still have a higher snip Wv0nxRwzSg4-00256-00124455-00124976 value to those that do not you can't use it to indicate the value Wv0nxRwzSg4-00257-00124976-00125320 of individual papers self Wv0nxRwzSg4-00258-00125320-00125703 self citations are not accounted for in the snip but Wv0nxRwzSg4-00259-00125703-00126040 they do report them as a separate indicator Wv0nxRwzSg4-00260-00126040-00126552 and it doesn't work well for journals with small numbers of publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00261-00126552-00127335 uh i should have mentioned they have a stability interval which Wv0nxRwzSg4-00262-00127335-00127920 uh reflects the stability or reliability of an indicator the wider the stability Wv0nxRwzSg4-00263-00127920-00128240 interval the less reliable the indicator the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00264-00128240-00128711 indicators are likely to fluctuate over time Wv0nxRwzSg4-00265-00128711-00129296 and one of those reasons could be as i was just saying it doesn't work Wv0nxRwzSg4-00266-00129296-00129624 well for journals with small numbers of publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00267-00129624-00130103 those will have a wide stability interval indicator Wv0nxRwzSg4-00268-00130103-00130503 also if you have few highly cited publications Wv0nxRwzSg4-00269-00130503-00131048 that will also skew the results and the will be reflected in the stability Wv0nxRwzSg4-00270-00131048-00131832 indicator it will be wider as it's less stable Wv0nxRwzSg4-00271-00131832-00132336 so scimago is the last one that i was going to talk about Wv0nxRwzSg4-00272-00132336-00132903 uh that is the calculation there it was developed and calculated Wv0nxRwzSg4-00273-00132903-00133567 annually by scimago university of granada spain came out in Wv0nxRwzSg4-00274-00133567-00133984 2010 also based on scopus data the metric can Wv0nxRwzSg4-00275-00133984-00134464 be applied to journals book series and conference proceedings Wv0nxRwzSg4-00276-00134464-00134832 what they've tried to do is they've incorporated the subject field the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00277-00134832-00135503 quality and reputation of the journal and to have an effect on the value of a Wv0nxRwzSg4-00278-00135503-00135912 citation so what they've done each citation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00279-00135912-00136552 received by a journal is assigned a weight based on the sjr Wv0nxRwzSg4-00280-00136552-00137015 of the citing journal so a citation from a journal with a high Wv0nxRwzSg4-00281-00137015-00137512 sjr value is worth more than a citation from a journal with a low Wv0nxRwzSg4-00282-00137512-00137808 sjr value Wv0nxRwzSg4-00283-00137840-00138240 the sjr normalizes the differences in citation behavior Wv0nxRwzSg4-00284-00138240-00138672 between subject fields so that you can do those comparisons Wv0nxRwzSg4-00285-00138672-00139032 the higher the sdr value indicates the greater Wv0nxRwzSg4-00286-00139032-00139367 the journal the prestige Wv0nxRwzSg4-00287-00139560-00140215 the sjr can be obtained from this url here i've pulled it up again limiting it Wv0nxRwzSg4-00288-00140215-00140791 to geriatrics and gerontology and you can see the sjr where i have the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00289-00140791-00141215 purple arrow so those are just a few examples there Wv0nxRwzSg4-00290-00141215-00141544 are definitely more alternatives that are out there impact Wv0nxRwzSg4-00291-00141544-00142008 per publication eigenfactor and h5 Wv0nxRwzSg4-00292-00142008-00142376 index from google scholar Wv0nxRwzSg4-00293-00142655-00143144 all this is to say as quoted from elsevier the company elsevier Wv0nxRwzSg4-00294-00143144-00143832 it's impossible for one metric to serve all the necessary purposes you really Wv0nxRwzSg4-00295-00143832-00144503 need to use a mix of quantitative and qualitative evaluation Wv0nxRwzSg4-00296-00144503-00145103 and we did just that in the webinar that i did a few months Wv0nxRwzSg4-00297-00145103-00145815 ago which was where do i publish uh Wv0nxRwzSg4-00298-00145815-00146200 as a reminder you should try to figure out Wv0nxRwzSg4-00299-00146200-00146632 whether the journal or publisher is well known Wv0nxRwzSg4-00300-00146632-00147160 is the journal indexed in general or a subject-specific database Wv0nxRwzSg4-00301-00147160-00147600 is the journal peer reviewed is the journal recommended by library Wv0nxRwzSg4-00302-00147600-00148088 colleagues have they published in it have are they Wv0nxRwzSg4-00303-00148088-00148896 reading those journals how long has the journal been around but Wv0nxRwzSg4-00304-00148896-00149344 most importantly by going over these metrics is the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00305-00149344-00150160 realization that you need to use a variety of journal metrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00306-00150160-00150496 these are the citation to references that i have if you'd like to delve into the Wv0nxRwzSg4-00307-00150496-00150944 subject in more in depth but otherwise Wv0nxRwzSg4-00308-00150944-00151376 i'm happy to entertain any questions i didn't do a very good job of Wv0nxRwzSg4-00309-00151376-00151848 monitoring i'm afraid but Wv0nxRwzSg4-00310-00151903-00152303 no questions at this point what i was hoping to do Wv0nxRwzSg4-00311-00152303-00152720 is ensure that you have an idea what is an impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00312-00152720-00153167 how they came to be and what they were intended for Wv0nxRwzSg4-00313-00153167-00153479 we looked at several examples the jif citescore Wv0nxRwzSg4-00314-00153479-00154040 snip and scimago we looked at the many considerations and Wv0nxRwzSg4-00315-00154040-00154415 or criticism caveats about using these indices Wv0nxRwzSg4-00316-00154415-00154840 and i leave you with the final note that you have to gather metrics Wv0nxRwzSg4-00317-00154840-00155336 from a variety of sources both quantitative and qualitative in order to Wv0nxRwzSg4-00318-00155336-00155944 get the most complete picture of a journal's impact factor Wv0nxRwzSg4-00319-00155991-00156360 so seeing no questions i'd like to thank you again for Wv0nxRwzSg4-00320-00156360-00156784 joining this session feel free to contact me at this email Wv0nxRwzSg4-00321-00156784-00157415 or call us at this phone number and we'd be happy to answer any of your Wv0nxRwzSg4-00322-00157415-00158672 questions thank you very much and have a great day WyVdwdgyPsk-00000-00001078-00001354 Item #: SCP-1520 WyVdwdgyPsk-00001-00001354-00001562 Object Class: Safe WyVdwdgyPsk-00002-00001562-00002166 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1520 is to be seated in the corner of a standard cell WyVdwdgyPsk-00003-00002166-00002857 of the type used to contain Safe-class humanoid SCP objects. No furniture, fixtures, or amenities WyVdwdgyPsk-00004-00002857-00003429 are to be provided. No external or internal light sources are to be provided except when WyVdwdgyPsk-00005-00003429-00003985 SCP-1520 is being directly interacted with; when interaction is necessary, personnel shall WyVdwdgyPsk-00006-00003985-00004464 wear low-light goggles and light provided shall be of a bare minimum necessary to allow WyVdwdgyPsk-00007-00004464-00005092 their functioning. The chamber is to be soundproofed to prevent any external stimulus. Air shall WyVdwdgyPsk-00008-00005092-00005630 be filtered constantly and silently to prevent any odiferous compounds from accumulating. WyVdwdgyPsk-00009-00005630-00005912 Air temperature is to be maintained at 16ºC. WyVdwdgyPsk-00010-00005912-00006616 SCP-1520 is to be fed one nutritionally-supplemented wafer with a neutral taste profile once per WyVdwdgyPsk-00011-00006616-00007365 day, as well as 30 mL of filtered water. Interaction with SCP-1520 for interview and examination WyVdwdgyPsk-00012-00007365-00008016 purposes shall be kept to a minimum. Any physical interaction with SCP-1520 is to be conducted WyVdwdgyPsk-00013-00008016-00008653 by personnel wearing elbow-length gloves and direct contact between SCP-1520 and exposed WyVdwdgyPsk-00014-00008653-00009364 flesh is not to occur. Medical examination of SCP-1520 shall be conducted once per month WyVdwdgyPsk-00015-00009364-00009938 to determine whether additional attention is required; SCP-1520 is not to be adjusted WyVdwdgyPsk-00016-00009938-00010410 from its current position during examinations unless necessary, and all examinations are WyVdwdgyPsk-00017-00010410-00010771 to be performed as quietly and in as little light as possible. WyVdwdgyPsk-00018-00010771-00011418 SCP-1520 may be provided, at its request, with a pair of opaque goggles. WyVdwdgyPsk-00019-00011418-00012171 Description: SCP-1520 is a human male of Japanese ancestry, approximately 400 years of age at WyVdwdgyPsk-00020-00012171-00012859 the time it entered Foundation custody. SCP-1520 is highly desiccated and dehydrated in a manner WyVdwdgyPsk-00021-00012859-00013396 resembling the corpses of Buddhist monks prepared by an archaic process called sokushinbutsu, WyVdwdgyPsk-00022-00013396-00013956 wherein the aspirant was gradually dehydrated by means of a special diet over the course WyVdwdgyPsk-00023-00013956-00014747 of several years in order to produce a natural mummy after death. SCP-1520's flesh is dried WyVdwdgyPsk-00024-00014747-00015297 and translucent and is stretched taut over its bones. X-ray and MRI analysis has shown WyVdwdgyPsk-00025-00015297-00015950 that musculature and internal organs, excluding the brain, eyes, and ears, are severely atrophied. WyVdwdgyPsk-00026-00015950-00016623 SCP-1520 has been noted to inhale and exhale once approximately every 8.3 minutes - heart WyVdwdgyPsk-00027-00016623-00017223 rate is approximately 2-3 beats per hour. SCP-1520's circulatory system contains less WyVdwdgyPsk-00028-00017223-00018045 than 0.5 liters of blood - other bodily fluids are found in quantities negligible to nonexistent. WyVdwdgyPsk-00029-00018045-00018530 SCP-1520's body temperature is not significantly higher than room temperature. Due to its inhibited WyVdwdgyPsk-00030-00018530-00019115 metabolism, SCP-1520 requires little food or water and does not appear to excrete or WyVdwdgyPsk-00031-00019115-00019215 sweat. WyVdwdgyPsk-00032-00019215-00019823 SCP-1520 is fully conscious and aware of its surroundings, and is able to speak a dialect WyVdwdgyPsk-00033-00019823-00020454 of Japanese found in ████████ Prefecture in the 16th century, and to make signs through WyVdwdgyPsk-00034-00020454-00021029 simple movements of its hands and fingers. SCP-1520 is either unwilling or unable to WyVdwdgyPsk-00035-00021029-00021526 engage in any other physical movements. When not being interacted with by Foundation personnel, WyVdwdgyPsk-00036-00021526-00022148 SCP-1520 sits in a Lotus position, motionless except for breathing and occasional quiet WyVdwdgyPsk-00037-00022148-00022681 recitation of prayers; at other times, it appears to be sleeping or meditating and does WyVdwdgyPsk-00038-00022681-00023385 not react to external stimuli. It is not apparent whether SCP-1520 is capable of sleep or whether WyVdwdgyPsk-00039-00023385-00023769 it remains aware of its surroundings during these periods of inactivity. WyVdwdgyPsk-00040-00023769-00024431 SCP-1520 was surrendered to Foundation custody in 1946, when United States Army personnel WyVdwdgyPsk-00041-00024431-00024881 found it enshrined in a Buddhist temple in ███████████, Japan during WyVdwdgyPsk-00042-00024881-00025601 the Allied occupation. Temple priests referred to SCP-1520 as a "living Buddha" who had undergone WyVdwdgyPsk-00043-00025601-00026297 sokushinbutsu in 1576, and had been revered as a god by the templegoers. WyVdwdgyPsk-00044-00026297-00026417 Interview Log 1520: WyVdwdgyPsk-00045-00026417-00026583 Date: ██/██/19██ WyVdwdgyPsk-00046-00026583-00026933 Interviewer: Dr. Y█████, hereafter "Y." WyVdwdgyPsk-00047-00026933-00027210 Interviewee: SCP-1520 WyVdwdgyPsk-00048-00027210-00028197 Foreword: SCP-1520 has, in general, politely refused any attempts to interview it, responding WyVdwdgyPsk-00049-00028197-00028731 to any attempts to question it with silence or by saying "I cannot discuss that." The WyVdwdgyPsk-00050-00028731-00029233 extent of SCP-1520's spoken comments have consisted of simple requests pertaining to WyVdwdgyPsk-00051-00029233-00029700 its containment, such as clean robes, goggles when it is being examined in brightly lit WyVdwdgyPsk-00052-00029700-00030406 areas, and to be given less water in its daily feeding. On ██/██/19██, during WyVdwdgyPsk-00053-00030406-00031088 a medical examination in its cell, SCP-1520 abruptly began to speak to Y., a native Japanese WyVdwdgyPsk-00054-00031088-00031666 speaker, while Y. was monitoring its pulse. The following is a translation of the conversation WyVdwdgyPsk-00055-00031666-00031818 that ensued. WyVdwdgyPsk-00056-00031818-00032302 Foot note 1: As no audio recording equipment was on hand when the incident occured, this WyVdwdgyPsk-00057-00032302-00032855 translation is based on notes compiled by Y. after the incident occured. Y. has stated WyVdwdgyPsk-00058-00032855-00033369 that the original Japanese spoken by SCP-1520 was considerably more "flowery" and "old-fashioned" WyVdwdgyPsk-00059-00033369-00033850 than the version he has produced, and that it made use of several terms not used in modern WyVdwdgyPsk-00060-00033850-00034163 Japanese which he was unfamiliar with. WyVdwdgyPsk-00061-00034163-00034349 <Begin Log> WyVdwdgyPsk-00062-00034349-00034581 SCP-1520: It beats when it must. WyVdwdgyPsk-00063-00034581-00034963 Y: What the… (Y. recoils from SCP-1520) WyVdwdgyPsk-00064-00034963-00035436 SCP-1520: You are afraid? Fear not. Fear is only an aspect of Maya. WyVdwdgyPsk-00065-00035436-00035916 Y: You're… you're speaking. (Y. attempts to regain his composure.) WyVdwdgyPsk-00066-00035916-00036016 SCP-1520: Yes. WyVdwdgyPsk-00067-00036016-00036366 Y: You've never just started talking before. Why now? WyVdwdgyPsk-00068-00036366-00036501 SCP-1520: Because I must. WyVdwdgyPsk-00069-00036501-00036604 Y: Why? WyVdwdgyPsk-00070-00036604-00036796 SCP-1520: Because I have failed. WyVdwdgyPsk-00071-00036796-00036994 Y: Failed at what? WyVdwdgyPsk-00072-00036994-00037553 SCP-1520: I have sat and meditated and pondered for how long I do not know awaiting Nirvana, WyVdwdgyPsk-00073-00037553-00038047 but this body is unwilling to release me from its grasp. I am… unable to achieve what WyVdwdgyPsk-00074-00038047-00038209 I set out to accomplish. WyVdwdgyPsk-00075-00038209-00038325 Y: Why? WyVdwdgyPsk-00076-00038325-00038931 SCP-1520: I have regrets. They… keep me here. I am unable to rid myself truly of desire WyVdwdgyPsk-00077-00038931-00039513 while this work is undone. I must ask you to help me do what I cannot do for myself. WyVdwdgyPsk-00078-00039513-00039759 Y: Do you want us to kill you? WyVdwdgyPsk-00079-00039759-00040242 SCP-1520: No. Death will come to this body when it will. You must bring a message to WyVdwdgyPsk-00080-00040242-00040531 a woman I left behind when I chose this path. WyVdwdgyPsk-00081-00040531-00041023 Y: No offense, but do you know what year it is? Everyone you knew before you "chose this WyVdwdgyPsk-00082-00041023-00041166 path" is long dead. WyVdwdgyPsk-00083-00041166-00041731 SCP-1520: It has been long since I counted the days. If she has died, take it to her WyVdwdgyPsk-00084-00041731-00042053 children. Have you a scroll and ink? I shall wait. WyVdwdgyPsk-00085-00042053-00042235 <End Log> WyVdwdgyPsk-00086-00042235-00042698 Footnote: Following this conversation, Y. acquired a pen and paper and proceeded to WyVdwdgyPsk-00087-00042698-00043250 transcribe a lengthy letter to a woman named ██████ ████, in which WyVdwdgyPsk-00088-00043250-00043824 SCP-1520 apologized for leaving her, explained his reasons for becoming a monk, and stated WyVdwdgyPsk-00089-00043824-00044276 his hope that their child would grow up wise and benevolent. Foundation historians were WyVdwdgyPsk-00090-00044276-00044983 able to identify ████ as having died in 1588; a descendant, ██████ ████, was WyVdwdgyPsk-00091-00044983-00045698 identified living in Scranton, PA. An English-language copy of the letter was delivered to ████, who WyVdwdgyPsk-00092-00045698-00046227 could not speak or read Japanese, under the pretense of being a family memento discovered WyVdwdgyPsk-00093-00046227-00046808 during an estate sale. After delivery was completed, Y. returned to SCP-1520's chamber WyVdwdgyPsk-00094-00046808-00047477 and informed it that the task had been completed. SCP-1520 exhibited no reaction to this news WyVdwdgyPsk-00095-00047477-00047836 and has not made any attempt to communicate with Foundation staff since. WzikDMhOauM-00000-00000041-00000260 (groovy music) WzikDMhOauM-00001-00000260-00000496 - We are at the really early stage of learning analytics. WzikDMhOauM-00002-00000496-00000766 The numbers have actually gone down from 2012. WzikDMhOauM-00003-00000766-00001090 So, fewer places are doing learning analytics WzikDMhOauM-00004-00001090-00001378 than said that they were doing it. WzikDMhOauM-00005-00001378-00001636 An it's, it's a lower level of priority. WzikDMhOauM-00006-00001638-00001833 And there are a couple of reasons for that, I think. WzikDMhOauM-00007-00001833-00002118 One, is uh, it's difficult. WzikDMhOauM-00008-00002118-00002353 I mean it's technically difficult. WzikDMhOauM-00009-00002353-00002578 Uh, it's a very new market, WzikDMhOauM-00010-00002578-00002861 the solutions really aren't there. WzikDMhOauM-00011-00002861-00003043 It's also is a big issue. WzikDMhOauM-00012-00003043-00003274 It's got all of these different moving parts, WzikDMhOauM-00013-00003274-00003551 and there's not really a solution, a technical solution. WzikDMhOauM-00014-00003551-00003759 But sometimes people look for one. WzikDMhOauM-00015-00003759-00003968 It's also politically really charged. WzikDMhOauM-00016-00003968-00004091 You know, if you think about it. WzikDMhOauM-00017-00004091-00004246 So, you can do institutional analytics, WzikDMhOauM-00018-00004246-00004386 because it doesn't stick on the faculty. WzikDMhOauM-00019-00004386-00004655 Once you start talking about learning WzikDMhOauM-00020-00004655-00004949 and gathering learning data, especially at the course level, WzikDMhOauM-00021-00004949-00005141 you run into faculty autonomy issues, WzikDMhOauM-00022-00005141-00005300 and you've got to be really delicate, WzikDMhOauM-00023-00005300-00005447 and I think a lot of people are not doing learning WzikDMhOauM-00024-00005447-00005891 analytics right now because they are staying away from that. WzikDMhOauM-00025-00005891-00006054 I think of myself as a data person. WzikDMhOauM-00026-00006054-00006167 I'm a social scientist. WzikDMhOauM-00027-00006167-00006378 I love data, but I came across this article, WzikDMhOauM-00028-00006378-00006782 it was actually a history article by some historians WzikDMhOauM-00029-00006782-00007199 uh, who were perplexed by the statistics about surviving WzikDMhOauM-00030-00007370-00007559 a sinking ship, okay? WzikDMhOauM-00031-00007559-00007662 Because what do you think of WzikDMhOauM-00032-00007662-00007816 when you think of a sinking ship? WzikDMhOauM-00033-00007816-00007940 It's women and children first, okay? WzikDMhOauM-00034-00007940-00008161 And the crew goes down with the ship. WzikDMhOauM-00035-00008161-00008406 Well, it turns out that all comes from one ship. WzikDMhOauM-00036-00008406-00008576 That comes from the Titanic. WzikDMhOauM-00037-00008576-00008754 And so they looked at a larger data set. WzikDMhOauM-00038-00008754-00008938 They looked at all of the ship wreck WzikDMhOauM-00039-00008938-00009081 statistics that they could find. WzikDMhOauM-00040-00009081-00009237 So, it's a really large data set. WzikDMhOauM-00041-00009237-00009447 And it turns out men outsurvive women WzikDMhOauM-00042-00009447-00009739 by a substantial percentage, and the crew outsurvives WzikDMhOauM-00043-00009739-00009994 the passengers by a substantial percentage. WzikDMhOauM-00044-00009994-00010144 (laughing) WzikDMhOauM-00045-00010144-00010396 So, it's a little depressing from a practical point of view WzikDMhOauM-00046-00010396-00010700 you know, but it just shows the value WzikDMhOauM-00047-00010700-00010967 of sort of asking really complex questions WzikDMhOauM-00048-00010967-00011148 you know, you're asking questions WzikDMhOauM-00049-00011148-00011498 about things that you assume to be the case, WzikDMhOauM-00050-00011498-00011684 and then also getting a big enough data set. WzikDMhOauM-00051-00011684-00011970 So, I think that we need to sort of probe those things. WzikDMhOauM-00052-00011970-00012076 You know, I know that one of the things WzikDMhOauM-00053-00012076-00012255 I'm frustrated about with predictive analytics WzikDMhOauM-00054-00012255-00012473 is like, you go there and um, WzikDMhOauM-00055-00012473-00012614 you talk to people and they say, okay, WzikDMhOauM-00056-00012614-00012998 our number one predictor of student success is GPA. WzikDMhOauM-00057-00012998-00013296 It's like, no, that's an indicator of student success. WzikDMhOauM-00058-00013296-00013436 You know, like, it's like WzikDMhOauM-00059-00013436-00013592 the successful students are successful. WzikDMhOauM-00060-00013592-00013839 We actually need to get sort of at deeper levels WzikDMhOauM-00061-00013839-00014038 and ask tougher questions, I think. WzikDMhOauM-00062-00014038-00014364 (upbeat electronic music) WzikDMhOauM-00063-00014364-00014596 We'll see it much more and we'll see it WzikDMhOauM-00064-00014596-00014909 sort of driven by a larger approach to digital strategy WzikDMhOauM-00065-00014909-00015084 at the level of the institution. WzikDMhOauM-00066-00015084-00015321 But in terms of the actual technologies, I think we'll WzikDMhOauM-00067-00015321-00015817 see it get much more into the course level kinds of things, WzikDMhOauM-00068-00015817-00015986 because right now it really is that sort of WzikDMhOauM-00069-00015986-00016159 big macro kinds of things. WzikDMhOauM-00070-00016159-00016339 I'm sort of excited by some of the companies. WzikDMhOauM-00071-00016339-00016565 For some reason they're coming out of Scandinavia, WzikDMhOauM-00072-00016565-00016775 so, one is a company called Connexus WzikDMhOauM-00073-00016775-00016983 a Norwegian company that works in K12, WzikDMhOauM-00074-00016983-00017295 but they've got these great sort of dashboards for teachers, WzikDMhOauM-00075-00017295-00017519 where they can, you know, use multiple sources of data WzikDMhOauM-00076-00017519-00017717 to actually see how students are progressing, WzikDMhOauM-00077-00017717-00018076 and do um, some sort of micro-interventions WzikDMhOauM-00078-00018238-00018531 at that sort of level, and I think we'll see more of that. WzikDMhOauM-00079-00018531-00018828 I think we will also see it become much automated, uh, WzikDMhOauM-00080-00018828-00019215 in a sense that uh, you know, if I am not doing something, WzikDMhOauM-00081-00019215-00019631 my phone will start to buzz and nudge me to do it. W_f4v08-QnQ-00000-00001564-00001802 St Bartholomew, known as St Bartholomew for the intimate, W_f4v08-QnQ-00001-00001802-00002294 is a small paradise island, renowned domain of the richest. W_f4v08-QnQ-00002-00002322-00002806 This small piece of arid land is the smallest island in the French W_f4v08-QnQ-00003-00002830-00003226 Antilles, a true pearl of the Caribbean. W_f4v08-QnQ-00004-00003264-00003704 In this video, we will go around this exceptional destination W_f4v08-QnQ-00006-00003754-00004198 watch the video until the end to know our favorite. We left for the summary. W_f4v08-QnQ-00007-00006102-00006830 St Barth is best known for its billionaires, its rich villas, its restaurants and its very VIP atmosphere. W_f4v08-QnQ-00008-00006864-00007618 but behind the luxury of hotels hides a unique and protected nature. W_f4v08-QnQ-00009-00008066-00008708 Originally, Breton and Norman settlers settled there to make a living from fishing and farming. W_f4v08-QnQ-00010-00008736-00009744 Even today, more than 80% of the resident population is white and from the west of France. W_f4v08-QnQ-00011-00009892-00010844 Alternately French, English then Swedish, she became French again under Louis XIV. W_f4v08-QnQ-00012-00011174-00011502 It is a free port exempt from customs and taxes. W_f4v08-QnQ-00013-00011514-00011906 In 1957, the American billionaire Rockefeller W_f4v08-QnQ-00014-00011922-00012510 discover the island and set in motion tourist fashion which has not left it since. W_f4v08-QnQ-00015-00012997-00013640 To roam the island freely, you can choose between a motorcycle or a quad, W_f4v08-QnQ-00016-00013641-00014382 or for fun, like us, rent a “Mini Moke”, the emblematic vehicle of St Barth. W_f4v08-QnQ-00017-00017908-00018294 The capital Gustavia is more of a large village than a city. W_f4v08-QnQ-00018-00018298-00018602 Son port de plaisance, aux embarcations très haut de gamme, est entouré de maisons de style antillais. W_f4v08-QnQ-00019-00018602-00018928 Its marina, with very high-end boats, is surrounded by West Indian-style houses. W_f4v08-QnQ-00020-00019452-00019748 The streets breathe the authenticity of the Caribbean W_f4v08-QnQ-00021-00019748-00020132 with an air of French city in the tropics. W_f4v08-QnQ-00022-00020598-00021470 Shops are mainly composed of a large amount of luxury shops, normal! we are in ST Barth! W_f4v08-QnQ-00023-00022868-00023200 The 2 churches, one anglicism and the other catholic W_f4v08-QnQ-00024-00023216-00023730 are separated by a square where there is a funeral chapel. W_f4v08-QnQ-00025-00024490-00024786 There are traces of the northern interlude like W_f4v08-QnQ-00026-00024806-00025174 the old governor's house or the Swedish bell tower. W_f4v08-QnQ-00027-00025836-00026210 The 10 ton anchor at Place de la Rétrocession W_f4v08-QnQ-00028-00026226-00026852 was allegedly found when a tug accidentally hung it. W_f4v08-QnQ-00029-00027024-00027342 In the back garden of the community hotel, W_f4v08-QnQ-00030-00027342-00027620 is a series of bronze statues W_f4v08-QnQ-00031-00027632-00028483 it is the work of a Danish artist whose talent and humor appeals to adults and children alike! W_f4v08-QnQ-00032-00028716-00029450 Gustavia is a pleasant quiet town easy to walk around. W_f4v08-QnQ-00033-00030464-00030976 To appreciate St Barth, you have to meet the parties savages of the island. W_f4v08-QnQ-00034-00030992-00031326 Anse du Colombier is a perfect example. W_f4v08-QnQ-00035-00031344-00031912 This blond sandy beach is all the more pleasant because it is sheltered and uncrowded. W_f4v08-QnQ-00036-00031939-00032488 It must be said that it is only accessible on foot or by boat. W_f4v08-QnQ-00037-00032606-00033244 I recommend that you get up early to follow the coastal path that connects the cove to the village of Flamand. W_f4v08-QnQ-00038-00033266-00034400 A magical moment immersed in this magnificent nature in the company of kids and turtles. W_f4v08-QnQ-00039-00036768-00037798 Beach lovers will also appreciate the governor's cove, Petite Anse and Grande Anse, whose beaches are not very touristy. W_f4v08-QnQ-00040-00038760-00039232 The village of Saint-Jean bordered by a magnificent bay with turquoise waters. W_f4v08-QnQ-00041-00039246-00040076 And in homes, feet in the water the most touristy place. W_f4v08-QnQ-00042-00040446-00040978 In Lorient, fans of the French rock icon (Johnny Halliday,) W_f4v08-QnQ-00043-00040982-00041400 will not fail to meditate on the singer's grave W_f4v08-QnQ-00044-00041400-00041904 one last home in the sun for this exceptional artist. W_f4v08-QnQ-00045-00042482-00043230 Beyond the "flashy", Saint-Barth still has a virginity to assert W_f4v08-QnQ-00046-00043794-00044350 The inhabitants have chosen to preserve their island by limiting the number of privileged people W_f4v08-QnQ-00047-00044370-00045108 whose villas are not allowed to exceed the height of a palm tree. W_f4v08-QnQ-00048-00045476-00046370 The desire for a protected environment is clearly displayed as indicated by the presence of ashtrays in recycled cans. W_f4v08-QnQ-00049-00047252-00048116 Underwater, we take advantage of some beautiful species such as its suction cup fish that have settled under the hull of our sailboat. W_f4v08-QnQ-00050-00048728-00049556 Despite its isolation and high prices, St Bath remains accessible to everyone at least for a short stay. W_f4v08-QnQ-00051-00049640-00050340 The archipelago, in addition to being a rock for billionaires, has an intact nature W_f4v08-QnQ-00052-00050360-00051118 and its beaches are practically all accessible to the public. W_f4v08-QnQ-00053-00052100-00052904 We really fell in love with this "little France" of the Caribbean, W_f4v08-QnQ-00054-00052924-00053782 an idyllic island which advocates intimate tourism. WAlA3A6Tn08-00000-00000206-00000833 In this video you will learn to identify the most acidic or basic atom within a single molecule. WAlA3A6Tn08-00001-00000833-00001606 First we need to explicitly draw all the potentially acidic protons. WAlA3A6Tn08-00002-00001606-00002093 I’ve explicitly drawn out a proton on an sp2 hybridized carbon WAlA3A6Tn08-00003-00002093-00002429 and a proton on an sp3 hybridized carbon. WAlA3A6Tn08-00004-00002430-00002833 There is a proton on oxygen and a proton on nitrogen. WAlA3A6Tn08-00005-00002833-00003203 These are the main types of protons present in this molecule. WAlA3A6Tn08-00006-00003203-00003833 We can use method 1 or method two to identify the most acidic proton. WAlA3A6Tn08-00007-00003833-00004609 To use the pKa method, we look up the pKa value of each functional group in a pKa table. WAlA3A6Tn08-00008-00004610-00005033 What is the pKa value of each of the indicated protons? WAlA3A6Tn08-00009-00005033-00005756 The pKa value of an alkyl proton is best approximated using propane's pKa value of about 51. WAlA3A6Tn08-00010-00005756-00006199 Similarly for an alkene type proton—the one on the phenyl ring— WAlA3A6Tn08-00011-00006200-00006540 has a pKa value of approximately 50. WAlA3A6Tn08-00012-00006540-00006896 The hydroxyl proton's pKa value is 16 or 17, WAlA3A6Tn08-00013-00006896-00007223 and the amine has a value of about 38. WAlA3A6Tn08-00014-00007223-00007813 You should refer back to the video on estimating pKa values if this is not easy for you to do. WAlA3A6Tn08-00015-00007813-00008183 Remember the lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid. WAlA3A6Tn08-00016-00008183-00008633 Analogously, the higher the pKa value the weaker the acid. WAlA3A6Tn08-00017-00008633-00009013 We can conclude that the hydroxyl proton is the most acidic WAlA3A6Tn08-00018-00009013-00009373 and the alkyl proton is the least acidic. WAlA3A6Tn08-00019-00009373-00009809 We can also use method 1 to determine the most basic atom in a molecule. WAlA3A6Tn08-00020-00009810-00010196 To do so, we protonate each of the basic atoms in turn, WAlA3A6Tn08-00021-00010196-00010423 draw each of the conjugate acids, WAlA3A6Tn08-00022-00010423-00010809 then find the pKa value of each acidic proton. WAlA3A6Tn08-00023-00010810-00011330 The pKa value of the phenoxide's conjugate acid is 10. WAlA3A6Tn08-00024-00011330-00011786 What is the pKa value of the carboxylate's conjugate acid? WAlA3A6Tn08-00025-00011786-00012669 First draw the conjugate acid, then find the value in the table. WAlA3A6Tn08-00026-00012670-00012940 It's approximately 5. WAlA3A6Tn08-00027-00012940-00013463 Remember that the stronger the base, the weaker its conjugate acid (and vice versa). WAlA3A6Tn08-00028-00013463-00013746 The phenol is the weaker acid of the two, WAlA3A6Tn08-00029-00013746-00014189 meaning that phenoxide is the stronger base. WAlA3A6Tn08-00030-00014190-00014930 If we introduced an acid into a solution with this dianion, the phenoxide would be protonated first. WAlA3A6Tn08-00031-00014930-00015416 Alternatively, we could use method 2 to determine the most acidic proton. WAlA3A6Tn08-00032-00015416-00015769 To do so, we start by drawing each of the conjugate bases. WAlA3A6Tn08-00033-00015769-00016016 Now compare the conjugate bases. WAlA3A6Tn08-00034-00016016-00016689 We focus on the location of negative charge and how that negative charge is stabilized in each base. WAlA3A6Tn08-00035-00016690-00017340 When comparing the atoms we first need to consider which of the factors is going to be most important to compare. WAlA3A6Tn08-00036-00017340-00017800 Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are in the same row of the periodic table. WAlA3A6Tn08-00037-00017800-00018376 Across a row, electronegativity is the most important factor affecting stability. WAlA3A6Tn08-00038-00018376-00018923 Oxygen is the most electronegative of the three so it can best stabilize the negative charge, WAlA3A6Tn08-00039-00018923-00019186 making it the weakest base. WAlA3A6Tn08-00040-00019186-00019756 Carbon is the least electronegative of the three so it is the worst at stabilizing the negative charge, WAlA3A6Tn08-00041-00019756-00020146 making it the most unstable, or the strongest base. WAlA3A6Tn08-00042-00020146-00020636 The stronger the acid, the weaker its conjugate base (and vice versa). WAlA3A6Tn08-00043-00020636-00021346 Because the weakest base is the alkoxide, the hydroxyl proton is most acidic in this group. WAlA3A6Tn08-00044-00021346-00021819 Notice that we came to the same conclusion using the pKa method and we should. WAlA3A6Tn08-00045-00021820-00022240 Otherwise, we would know that we had made a mistake somewhere. WAlA3A6Tn08-00046-00022240-00022596 To use method 2 to determine the most basic atom in a molecule, WAlA3A6Tn08-00047-00022596-00023053 you can directly compare the basic atoms instead of drawing the conjugates first. WAlA3A6Tn08-00048-00023053-00023763 In summary, in the video you learned to identify the most acidic or basic atom within a single molecule WAlA3A6Tn08-00049-00023763-00024013 using method 1 and method 2. WCJAE51S6C8-00000-00000000-00000200 قناة بيت من لحن القصائد للشاعرة الدكتورة امل العربى تهتم بالثقافة والادب والشعر والفنون WCJAE51S6C8-00001-00000200-00000400 #أدعمونا_بالأشتراك WCJAE51S6C8-00002-00000400-00000600 #قصيدة_ذكرى_الرحيل #للشاعرة_دكتورة_امل_العربي WCJAE51S6C8-00003-00000600-00000800 #لاتنسي_الأشتراك_و_المتابعة #و_عمل_لايك_وتفعيل_الجرس WCJAE51S6C8-00004-00000800-00001000 #لاتنسي_الأشتراك_و_المتابعة #و_عمل_لايك_وتفعيل_الجرس WCJAE51S6C8-00005-00001000-00001200 #لاتنسي_الأشتراك_و_المتابعة #و_عمل_لايك_وتفعيل_الجرس WCJAE51S6C8-00006-00001200-00001400 #لاتنسي_الأشتراك_و_المتابعة #و_عمل_لايك_وتفعيل_الجرس WD_9FitTNko-00000-00000046-00000125 >> Hello again. WD_9FitTNko-00001-00000150-00000325 Still looking at trigonometric functions. WD_9FitTNko-00002-00000354-00000584 This is this first tan function we've looked at. WD_9FitTNko-00003-00000596-00000807 But we're going to see the considerations are really the same. WD_9FitTNko-00004-00000875-00001322 We just introduced this idea of the unit circle and cast to remind us WD_9FitTNko-00005-00001322-00001659 where the different things, sine, cos, and tan, will be positive. WD_9FitTNko-00006-00001714-00001791 So remember this. WD_9FitTNko-00007-00001799-00002082 If you don't, go back to the other video, watch it again. WD_9FitTNko-00008-00002107-00002198 It's a good reference. WD_9FitTNko-00009-00002226-00002659 And we also looked at -- We end up solving one of the angles from our calculator, WD_9FitTNko-00010-00002693-00003111 but if there's a second value, we're going to get it from one of these three cases. WD_9FitTNko-00011-00003146-00003544 Yeah, I recommend checking the last video if you haven't seen this before. WD_9FitTNko-00012-00003597-00003792 So we'll come back to this in a second. WD_9FitTNko-00013-00003792-00003912 Let's start solving this. WD_9FitTNko-00014-00003986-00005325 Because what we have is tan of 2x minus 3 equals minus 2 and tan of 2x again. WD_9FitTNko-00015-00005497-00005900 Great. Well, as always, we want to get all of the x's to one side, WD_9FitTNko-00016-00005900-00006060 all the numbers to the other side. WD_9FitTNko-00017-00006104-00006223 So what do we want to do first? WD_9FitTNko-00018-00006257-00006505 Well, in this case, we can add 3 to both sides. WD_9FitTNko-00019-00006542-00006885 In fact, if I want, I can just write it right here, plus 3, plus 3. WD_9FitTNko-00020-00006971-00007064 That will cancel. WD_9FitTNko-00021-00007105-00008048 You're now going to have tan 2x equals a minus 2tan 2x plus 3. WD_9FitTNko-00022-00008163-00008539 But I want to get this minus tan 2x to the other side. WD_9FitTNko-00023-00008539-00009368 So I'm going to subtract minus 2 -- We're going to add, sorry, 2tan 2x to both sides. WD_9FitTNko-00024-00009392-00009513 Remember, always the opposite. WD_9FitTNko-00025-00009513-00009653 So it wouldn't have made sense to subtract. WD_9FitTNko-00026-00009713-00010051 What I'm doing is adding 2tan and 2x to both sides. WD_9FitTNko-00027-00010143-00010596 So the same thing here; 2tan of 2x. WD_9FitTNko-00028-00010615-00010785 You add it to both sides. WD_9FitTNko-00029-00010785-00010909 We name it a plus here if you want. WD_9FitTNko-00030-00011136-00011308 Great. Those will cancel. WD_9FitTNko-00031-00011348-00012090 And 2tan 2x plus tan 2x, you can think of that's the same as a 2y plus y plus 3y, WD_9FitTNko-00032-00012090-00012717 or in our case, 3tan of 2x, which is equal to 3. WD_9FitTNko-00033-00012868-00013261 Great. We still have to get tan and 2x or x ultimately on its own. WD_9FitTNko-00034-00013261-00013373 That's our big goal, remember. WD_9FitTNko-00035-00013373-00013699 We want to solve for x. Get 2x or x on its own. WD_9FitTNko-00036-00013720-00013834 Divide both sides by 3. WD_9FitTNko-00037-00013894-00014943 And now we have tan of 2x is equal to 1, or we take the tan to the minus 1 on both sides. WD_9FitTNko-00038-00014965-00015256 And I have to actually give myself more room. WD_9FitTNko-00039-00015483-00016348 And what we're going to get, these two cancel, so we're left 2x and tan to the minus 1 of 1. WD_9FitTNko-00040-00016348-00016501 We punch it into our calculator. WD_9FitTNko-00041-00016528-00016703 We should get 45 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00042-00016792-00017035 Again, in this case, we're considering a range. WD_9FitTNko-00043-00017062-00017390 I left most of these things from the previous question and cleaned it up a little bit. WD_9FitTNko-00044-00017404-00017676 But we're still considering between 0 and 360 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00045-00017711-00018040 So this is part of our one answer. WD_9FitTNko-00046-00018046-00018201 We still have to solve for x, of course. WD_9FitTNko-00047-00018225-00018975 So we divide both sides by 2, and we will get x equals 22.5 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00048-00019043-00019390 That is our first answer: x equals that. WD_9FitTNko-00049-00019513-00019774 Remember, we still want to solve the other answer as well. WD_9FitTNko-00050-00019874-00020085 And things are going to get a little trickier this time. WD_9FitTNko-00051-00020168-00020437 But we're still using the same basic reasoning. WD_9FitTNko-00052-00020545-00020804 We are in this first quadrant. WD_9FitTNko-00053-00020921-00021358 And we want to think, well, tan was ultimately equal to 1. WD_9FitTNko-00054-00021402-00021627 We got tan equals 1. WD_9FitTNko-00055-00021769-00021905 Great. So tan's a positive. WD_9FitTNko-00056-00021971-00022240 So we need it either in one of these two quadrants right here. WD_9FitTNko-00057-00022357-00023242 Well, what we're actually considering is not the 22.5 but the 45 because we had tan 2x equals 1. WD_9FitTNko-00058-00023329-00023852 Well, that whole thing is going to be true when 2x equals 45. WD_9FitTNko-00059-00023852-00024291 So we're actually considering the 45 in this type of problem. WD_9FitTNko-00060-00024336-00024892 We solved for x, but when we want to solve the other x, we have to think, well, WD_9FitTNko-00061-00024892-00025339 the other one will be related to 45 when we do this reasoning right here. WD_9FitTNko-00062-00025410-00025877 Great. So 45 is in this quadrant right here, in this quadrant right here. WD_9FitTNko-00063-00025903-00026030 Where else is tan positive? WD_9FitTNko-00064-00026117-00026328 Here. So we look at our three cases. WD_9FitTNko-00065-00026388-00026812 If we started from the bottom, 360 minus 45, it's going to put us in this quadrant; WD_9FitTNko-00066-00026830-00027113 180 minus 45, going to put us in this quadrant; WD_9FitTNko-00067-00027217-00027514 45 plus 180 will put us in the right quadrant we want. WD_9FitTNko-00068-00027567-00027866 So sure enough, we should check 180 -- WD_9FitTNko-00069-00027989-00028775 Okay, going to switch colours a second; 180 plus 45 or 225. WD_9FitTNko-00070-00028834-00029258 And what we should find is tan of 225 is equal to 1. WD_9FitTNko-00071-00029291-00029473 Punch it in our calculator, we should get that answer. WD_9FitTNko-00072-00029559-00029890 But in this case, remember, that's our actual 2x. WD_9FitTNko-00073-00029961-00030785 So 2x, you [inaudible] think it's our second angle if we want, 2x2 equals 225. WD_9FitTNko-00074-00030869-00031873 And thus, x2 is this divided by 2 or 112.5 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00075-00031954-00032210 So again, it might seem a little messy. WD_9FitTNko-00076-00032267-00032647 The whole thing is, we're still doing the same kind of thing we did with the previous problem WD_9FitTNko-00077-00032666-00032897 where we figure out where other quadrant it is, WD_9FitTNko-00078-00032917-00033261 but we were actually considering the entire 2x that we solved here. WD_9FitTNko-00079-00033261-00033635 We said because we were interested in what tan is equal to. WD_9FitTNko-00080-00033698-00034376 We then later, after realizing what was actually of 2x, but tan of 2x equaled 45. WD_9FitTNko-00081-00034456-00034697 So that's what we consider, that 45. WD_9FitTNko-00082-00034697-00035150 We're going to see another example in a little bit where this kind of idea happens again. WD_9FitTNko-00083-00035199-00035383 So find the initial angle. WD_9FitTNko-00084-00035403-00035763 That's the one you're going to use when doing this quadrant analysis and figuring WD_9FitTNko-00085-00035763-00035987 out which of these three formulas to use. WD_9FitTNko-00086-00036024-00036292 Then you plug that in and solve for the other x2. WD_9FitTNko-00087-00036292-00036735 So we actually have two valid solutions. WD_9FitTNko-00088-00036782-00037033 Either one should solve our initial equation. WD_9FitTNko-00089-00037191-00037760 So we just finished looking at this problem: tan 2x minus 3 equals minus 2tan 2x. WD_9FitTNko-00090-00037804-00037995 But we actually didn't solve it all the way through. WD_9FitTNko-00091-00038050-00038197 We didn't get to the final solution. WD_9FitTNko-00092-00038197-00038562 There's still a couple of steps we missed actually. WD_9FitTNko-00093-00038571-00039273 So, so far in this problem, we had simplified it down and get it as tan 2x equals 1 and solved WD_9FitTNko-00094-00039282-00040015 for our first two values of x: x equals 22.5 and 112.5, both viable answers. WD_9FitTNko-00095-00040124-00040329 But they're not potentially the only answers. WD_9FitTNko-00096-00040374-00040697 The big trick here is that we have a number in front of the x, WD_9FitTNko-00097-00040781-00041015 a number in front of the x. We're looking for all the values WD_9FitTNko-00098-00041015-00041279 between 0 and 360 that satisfies equation. WD_9FitTNko-00099-00041295-00041559 Well, this 2 affects our period. WD_9FitTNko-00100-00041594-00042172 Remember, normally for a tan, sine, cos, they all have a period of 2pi or 360. WD_9FitTNko-00101-00042196-00042520 Since we're working in degrees, we should write it as degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00102-00042576-00042914 So normally the period is 360 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00103-00042981-00043115 But this 2 influences it. WD_9FitTNko-00104-00043131-00043585 Remember, we talked about before that this 2, often written as k, affects the period. WD_9FitTNko-00105-00043622-00043936 What we do is take 360 and divide by this number. WD_9FitTNko-00106-00044008-00044400 So in this case, our period's actually being reduced to 180 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00107-00044513-00044930 So this function is repeating itself faster than we would normally expect. WD_9FitTNko-00108-00045011-00045296 So we're actually going to get more than just two solutions WD_9FitTNko-00109-00045321-00045618 because basically we didn't think it repeats itself. WD_9FitTNko-00110-00045618-00045997 Every 180 degrees, the same exact values are going to occur. WD_9FitTNko-00111-00046117-00046676 So if we add one of our solutions, we can call it x1 and x2, WD_9FitTNko-00112-00046690-00047147 two of our viable solutions occurred, well, they're going to reoccur 180 degrees later. WD_9FitTNko-00113-00047192-00048144 So we can think some third solution, x3, would be equal to 22.5 degrees plus 180 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00114-00048219-00048430 It's going to repeat itself 180 degrees later. WD_9FitTNko-00115-00048455-00049208 So at, what do we got, 202.5 degrees, we should get the same exact value. WD_9FitTNko-00116-00049227-00049472 In fact, we plug this into the formula up here WD_9FitTNko-00117-00049472-00049781 or the simplified one, we should see it satisfies it. WD_9FitTNko-00118-00049781-00050037 You could also keep going. WD_9FitTNko-00119-00050037-00050848 The thing is, if I add 180 to this, so if I consider an x4 202 plus 180, WD_9FitTNko-00120-00050848-00051001 that's going to be outside the range. WD_9FitTNko-00121-00051008-00051422 It'd be a solution; 382.5 would solve this equation, WD_9FitTNko-00122-00051439-00051626 but it's outside the range we're looking. WD_9FitTNko-00123-00051626-00051806 So we are done with this solution. WD_9FitTNko-00124-00051806-00052251 We could also look at the other one: x4. WD_9FitTNko-00125-00052251-00052838 Well, if 112.5 is a solution, 180 degrees later, we're going to have another. WD_9FitTNko-00126-00052847-00053287 As long as it falls in the range we're interested in, we're okay, which in this case, WD_9FitTNko-00127-00053302-00053674 it sure does because we get 292.5 degrees. WD_9FitTNko-00128-00053712-00054196 Again, we plug this in, it should solve our equation; 180 degrees later, WD_9FitTNko-00129-00054196-00054498 we get another solution, but it would fall outside 360. WD_9FitTNko-00130-00054521-00054895 So in this case, we actually have four viable solutions, WD_9FitTNko-00131-00054895-00055218 the two we solved before and these two new ones. WD_9FitTNko-00132-00055258-00055599 So we have to be very careful with this range. WD_9FitTNko-00133-00055614-00055795 We want to find all the x's in this range. WD_9FitTNko-00134-00055817-00056254 And normally, most sine, cosine, tan functions have a period of 360. WD_9FitTNko-00135-00056346-00056679 Always look for what's in front of the x. And what's in front WD_9FitTNko-00136-00056679-00056949 of the x is not a 1, our period is changing. WD_9FitTNko-00137-00056949-00057343 In this case, it's a number greater than 1, so the period's getting smaller. WD_9FitTNko-00138-00057385-00057479 We could also have a fraction. WD_9FitTNko-00139-00057517-00058179 If this was say 1/2, the period would actually become 360 divided by a half or 720. WD_9FitTNko-00140-00058193-00058368 So it'd stretch our function out. WD_9FitTNko-00141-00058385-00058582 We'd probably get less solutions than we expect. WD_9FitTNko-00142-00058582-00059161 In this case, because it's constricting our graph, if it's making it occur more often, WD_9FitTNko-00143-00059182-00059454 we're getting more solutions than we'd normally expect in that range. WD_9FitTNko-00144-00059492-00059590 So be very careful. WD_9FitTNko-00145-00059614-00059864 Look at what's in front of the x. figure out the new period. WD_9FitTNko-00146-00059864-00060169 And you can still find your initial solution the same way, WD_9FitTNko-00147-00060202-00060385 but then you have to consider are there more. WD_9FitTNko-00148-00060443-00060656 Keep adding until you get out of the range. WD_9FitTNko-00149-00060685-00060950 So this should now be it. WHj69BAPr2g-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata. WHj69BAPr2g-00001-00000200-00000667 It's right before rainy season, and weather feels so good! WHj69BAPr2g-00002-00000667-00001112 So, I felt like painting some summer image. WHj69BAPr2g-00003-00003748-00003969 When I paint summer image, WHj69BAPr2g-00004-00003969-00004143 expressing cool image WHj69BAPr2g-00005-00004143-00004415 or using hot hot passion colors WHj69BAPr2g-00006-00004415-00004683 that makes me feel it's summer! WHj69BAPr2g-00007-00004683-00004963 Today I tried to paint like summer WHj69BAPr2g-00008-00004963-00005199 and began to start like this. WHj69BAPr2g-00009-00005199-00005799 I'd like to express summer image neither cool nor hot. WHj69BAPr2g-00010-00010491-00010714 It looks unpleasantly hot, WHj69BAPr2g-00011-00010714-00011106 but I'll make it hot and also cool! WHj69BAPr2g-00012-00019079-00019243 I finished! WHj69BAPr2g-00013-00019243-00019554 The title is "The Orange Sun". WHj69BAPr2g-00014-00019554-00019752 I expressed summer, WHj69BAPr2g-00015-00019752-00020028 but it doesn't have to be summer, WHj69BAPr2g-00016-00020028-00020626 I just thought combinations of green, orange and yellow are interesting. WHj69BAPr2g-00017-00020626-00021223 I also wanted express both hot and cool. WHj69BAPr2g-00018-00021223-00021591 Cool image in hot summer is nice, WHj69BAPr2g-00019-00021591-00022027 but I also like hot image in hot hot summers well! WHj69BAPr2g-00020-00022027-00022397 Well, I painted with acrylic today. WHj69BAPr2g-00021-00022397-00022647 Thank you for watching! WHj69BAPr2g-00022-00022647-00023201 If you like this video, please consider subscribing! WHj69BAPr2g-00023-00023201-00023551 See you next time! Bye bye!! WIQ2jQcjQac-00000-00000718-00001220 Anupam Kher: I feel very proud to be an Indian and I’m sure lot of people feel, WIQ2jQcjQac-00001-00001220-00001826 but corruption bothers me and I'm sure you also spoke about it. WIQ2jQcjQac-00002-00001996-00002678 How… Do you think spirituality can help get rid of corruption to some extent? WIQ2jQcjQac-00003-00002783-00003150 Sadhguru: See, let’s understand this corruption, because WIQ2jQcjQac-00004-00003328-00003924 it’s a very important thing that everybody understands this properly in its right perspective WIQ2jQcjQac-00005-00003924-00004208 rather than reacting against a bunch of people WIQ2jQcjQac-00006-00004208-00004626 who are in an advantageous position, okay? WIQ2jQcjQac-00007-00004626-00004841 (Laughter) WIQ2jQcjQac-00008-00004966-00005189 Why I want you to understand this is, WIQ2jQcjQac-00009-00005189-00005701 because for the first time in the history of independent India, WIQ2jQcjQac-00010-00005701-00005860 these sixty four years, WIQ2jQcjQac-00011-00005860-00006125 that means two generations of people, WIQ2jQcjQac-00012-00006125-00006771 they have… at least fifty to sixty percent of them have had such a bad deal. WIQ2jQcjQac-00013-00006771-00006905 Today you and me, WIQ2jQcjQac-00014-00006905-00007177 will talk all this and go home and eat well. WIQ2jQcjQac-00015-00007177-00007344 There’s a whole bunch of people, WIQ2jQcjQac-00016-00007344-00007786 almost four hundred million people who cannot do that. WIQ2jQcjQac-00017-00007786-00008475 So if we handle the next five to ten years right, WIQ2jQcjQac-00018-00008475-00008613 we can change that. WIQ2jQcjQac-00019-00008613-00008925 It’s a tremendous possibility which is on our threshold. WIQ2jQcjQac-00020-00008925-00009214 There’s an economic possibility sitting on the threshold. WIQ2jQcjQac-00021-00009214-00009525 If we conduct this right, we can change their lives, WIQ2jQcjQac-00022-00009525-00009732 those people who have not eaten properly, WIQ2jQcjQac-00023-00009732-00009933 those children who are malnourished – WIQ2jQcjQac-00024-00009933-00010116 which is of the highest level of malnourishment, WIQ2jQcjQac-00025-00010116-00010230 those who are not educated, WIQ2jQcjQac-00026-00010230-00010398 those who don’t have opportunities, WIQ2jQcjQac-00027-00010398-00010716 those who are in that horrible social and economic pit, WIQ2jQcjQac-00028-00010716-00011031 their lives can change in the next five to ten years WIQ2jQcjQac-00029-00011031-00011310 if we conduct our act right. WIQ2jQcjQac-00030-00011310-00011537 Every Indian should understand this – WIQ2jQcjQac-00031-00011537-00011897 it is not just about economy means stock market, WIQ2jQcjQac-00032-00011897-00012264 it is about hungry people who will have food on their plate. WIQ2jQcjQac-00033-00012264-00012529 Economy does not mean stock market. WIQ2jQcjQac-00034-00012529-00012878 Economy does not mean foreign cars coming into India. WIQ2jQcjQac-00035-00012878-00013244 Economy does not mean you wear better clothes or this and that. WIQ2jQcjQac-00036-00013244-00013736 Improving economy means there will be no hungry children in the country, WIQ2jQcjQac-00037-00013736-00014198 which is something all of us should do something about (Applause), WIQ2jQcjQac-00038-00014198-00014425 and that possibility WIQ2jQcjQac-00039-00014425-00014716 that possibility is being jeopardized. WIQ2jQcjQac-00040-00014716-00015172 So this possibility is being jeopardized by a handful of people, WIQ2jQcjQac-00041-00015172-00015380 or it is wrong to say it’s a handful of people – WIQ2jQcjQac-00042-00015380-00015628 it’s a nation-full of corruption, WIQ2jQcjQac-00043-00015628-00016014 because how many people in Mumbai streets, WIQ2jQcjQac-00044-00016014-00016407 if there is no policemen, will stop at the red light? WIQ2jQcjQac-00045-00016407-00016620 I think only ten percent will stop. WIQ2jQcjQac-00046-00016620-00016850 So these ninety percent are corrupt people. WIQ2jQcjQac-00047-00016850-00017393 If they make… If you make them the chief ministers and prime ministers you know what they will do. (Applause) WIQ2jQcjQac-00048-00017393-00017818 So instead of just calling it by one bad word called ‘corruption’, WIQ2jQcjQac-00049-00017818-00017946 we need to understand WIQ2jQcjQac-00050-00017946-00018820 we as a society are trying to move from a feudalistic way of managing our lives to a democratic way. WIQ2jQcjQac-00051-00018820-00019145 The democratic way has still not sunk into us. WIQ2jQcjQac-00052-00019145-00019645 Democracy will not happen without an active sense of education as to what is democracy, WIQ2jQcjQac-00053-00019645-00019814 what is the power of democracy, WIQ2jQcjQac-00054-00019814-00019931 what it means, WIQ2jQcjQac-00055-00019931-00020285 what is the responsibility of living in a democratic society – WIQ2jQcjQac-00056-00020285-00020477 this has not been done, WIQ2jQcjQac-00057-00020477-00020667 we just took democracy from the British WIQ2jQcjQac-00058-00020667-00021120 and we think if they just put their vote and get their fingers dirty once in five years, WIQ2jQcjQac-00059-00021120-00021280 everything is settled. WIQ2jQcjQac-00060-00021280-00021510 No, we have not educated people. WIQ2jQcjQac-00061-00021510-00021956 We are still a feudalistic society acting to be democratic. WU8OwKaULx8-00000-00000000-00000200 ម៉ាក់ប៉ាគួរដឹង កត្តាទាំងនេះបណ្តាលឲ្យកូនតូចៗរលាកខួរក្បាល WUiSnphdbe0-00000-00000079-00000410 (car engines) WUiSnphdbe0-00001-00000410-00000827 >> [Voiceover] Live from Silicon Valley, it's theCube, WUiSnphdbe0-00002-00000963-00001289 covering Mobile World Congress 2017. WUiSnphdbe0-00003-00001289-00001489 Brought to you by Intel. WUiSnphdbe0-00004-00001710-00001811 >> Okay welcome back everyone, WUiSnphdbe0-00005-00001811-00001939 we are here live in Palo Alto WUiSnphdbe0-00006-00001939-00002148 for the Cube's special coverage WUiSnphdbe0-00007-00002148-00002345 of two days of wall to wall coverage WUiSnphdbe0-00008-00002345-00002526 of Mobile World Congress 2017, WUiSnphdbe0-00009-00002526-00002700 we're doing it here in Palo Alto, WUiSnphdbe0-00010-00002700-00002876 covering what's happening in Barcelona, WUiSnphdbe0-00011-00002876-00003008 with folks over there, we've got analysts, WUiSnphdbe0-00012-00003008-00003185 we've got reporters, and we have friends there WUiSnphdbe0-00013-00003185-00003376 phoning in and sharing their commentary, WUiSnphdbe0-00014-00003376-00003533 certainly on Twitter as well. WUiSnphdbe0-00015-00003533-00003616 And we're doing it from inside WUiSnphdbe0-00016-00003616-00003800 our new studio in Palo Alto, WUiSnphdbe0-00017-00003800-00003888 and we're going to break it down. WUiSnphdbe0-00018-00003888-00004120 As their day ends, we're going to be analyzing WUiSnphdbe0-00019-00004120-00004388 and discussing the future implications WUiSnphdbe0-00020-00004388-00004725 of what it all means, teasing out the top news, WUiSnphdbe0-00021-00004725-00004912 giving our opinion and our commentary WUiSnphdbe0-00022-00004912-00005088 in reaction to all the breaking news. WUiSnphdbe0-00023-00005088-00005326 I'm John Furrier with Silicon Angle and theCube. WUiSnphdbe0-00024-00005326-00005470 I think the next guest is Willie Lu, WUiSnphdbe0-00025-00005470-00005694 who is a Facebook friend who I've been WUiSnphdbe0-00026-00005694-00005899 having conversations with, it's great to meet in person. WUiSnphdbe0-00027-00005899-00006241 He's a wireless guru, going back to his ph.D in the 90s, WUiSnphdbe0-00028-00006241-00006439 now chairman of the Palo Alto Research Group. WUiSnphdbe0-00029-00006439-00006697 Extensive experience in dealing with fixed wireless, WUiSnphdbe0-00030-00006697-00006898 mobile wireless, but more importantly, WUiSnphdbe0-00031-00006898-00007184 creating the technologies with industry WUiSnphdbe0-00032-00007184-00007483 to understand what's it going to take to invent the future. WUiSnphdbe0-00033-00007483-00007676 Willie, great to have you inside the studio. WUiSnphdbe0-00034-00007676-00007785 >> Thank you very much, John. WUiSnphdbe0-00035-00007785-00007870 >> One of the great things about WUiSnphdbe0-00036-00007870-00008020 having the Palo Alto studio is while everyone's WUiSnphdbe0-00037-00008020-00008200 out in Barcelona right now having dinner, WUiSnphdbe0-00038-00008200-00008349 probably going out for the evening, WUiSnphdbe0-00039-00008349-00008482 we get to sit inside the studio WUiSnphdbe0-00040-00008482-00008716 and talk about what they did today. WUiSnphdbe0-00041-00008716-00009100 So the big story inside Mobile World Congress in Barcelona WUiSnphdbe0-00042-00009100-00009264 was obviously, the devices. WUiSnphdbe0-00043-00009264-00009445 You're seeing Blackberry making a comeback, WUiSnphdbe0-00044-00009445-00009675 Nokia, you know, pumping their new muscles, WUiSnphdbe0-00045-00009675-00009868 bringing back the old Nokia Phone, WUiSnphdbe0-00046-00009868-00010005 and rolling out their new ones. WUiSnphdbe0-00047-00010005-00010212 Huawei, you got bringing in their Apple killer, WUiSnphdbe0-00048-00010212-00010429 they want to go up and down the stack. WUiSnphdbe0-00049-00010429-00010706 So certainly the device centric jewelry, WUiSnphdbe0-00050-00010706-00011060 if you will, the phone, the eye candy, the VR, WUiSnphdbe0-00051-00011060-00011266 the AR, the virtual reality. WUiSnphdbe0-00052-00011266-00011366 But also 5G. WUiSnphdbe0-00053-00011483-00011799 Intel, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Nokia, WUiSnphdbe0-00054-00011799-00011982 all the major telcos are rolling WUiSnphdbe0-00055-00011982-00012177 out essentially what they are calling WUiSnphdbe0-00056-00012177-00012379 5G and beyond, which is essentially WUiSnphdbe0-00057-00012379-00012737 not just wireless, but an end to end network WUiSnphdbe0-00058-00012737-00013012 to be the new fabric of wireless. WUiSnphdbe0-00059-00013170-00013350 Not only for the devices in the phones, WUiSnphdbe0-00060-00013350-00013626 but the devices being the people in the cars. WUiSnphdbe0-00061-00013626-00014016 And the factories, and the cities, and the entertainment, WUiSnphdbe0-00062-00014016-00014142 this is an area that you have WUiSnphdbe0-00063-00014142-00014290 a lot of work in at a technical level. WUiSnphdbe0-00064-00014290-00014566 So I went to spend this segment talking about WUiSnphdbe0-00065-00014566-00014738 the picture of the future. WUiSnphdbe0-00066-00014738-00014822 Right? WUiSnphdbe0-00067-00014822-00015150 You know, obviously we need that next step up function WUiSnphdbe0-00068-00015150-00015457 of architecture, we need that next network. WUiSnphdbe0-00069-00015457-00015566 We need those next devices, WUiSnphdbe0-00070-00015566-00015779 that's something that you're thinking a lot about. WUiSnphdbe0-00071-00015779-00016129 What's your picture, what's the future look like for you? WUiSnphdbe0-00072-00016129-00016296 >> Yeah, thanks John. WUiSnphdbe0-00073-00016464-00016777 I'm the wireless mobile system architect WUiSnphdbe0-00074-00016777-00017070 for almost 25 to 30 years. WUiSnphdbe0-00075-00017070-00017278 So from my point of view, WUiSnphdbe0-00076-00017376-00017611 because I'm the technical eyes, WUiSnphdbe0-00077-00017611-00017799 from a technical point of view, WUiSnphdbe0-00078-00017799-00018025 when you're talking about mobile communications, WUiSnphdbe0-00079-00018025-00018226 normally we have three factors WUiSnphdbe0-00080-00018226-00018522 we have to trade off, compromise each other, okay? WUiSnphdbe0-00081-00018522-00018736 The first is high speed transmission, WUiSnphdbe0-00082-00018736-00019032 the second one is mobility, fluid mobility, WUiSnphdbe0-00083-00019032-00019263 the third one is capacity. WUiSnphdbe0-00084-00019263-00019351 Make sure capacity, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00085-00019351-00019551 Make sure the operator make money, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00086-00019551-00019995 So, before, previously in the last 20 or 30 years, WUiSnphdbe0-00087-00019995-00020228 our phones from the step-by-step, WUiSnphdbe0-00088-00020228-00020470 from 2G which is GSM or CDMA, WUiSnphdbe0-00089-00020574-00020795 the basic CDMA which is IS-95 WUiSnphdbe0-00090-00020795-00021143 to 3G which is WCDMA to the 4G which is OFGMA, WUiSnphdbe0-00091-00021143-00021260 including LTE. WUiSnphdbe0-00092-00021358-00021790 And these phones basically is still focused on one issues, WUiSnphdbe0-00093-00021790-00022087 even mobility issue, even high speed issue, WUiSnphdbe0-00094-00022087-00022436 but in the future in the 4G, 5G, 6G whatever, WUiSnphdbe0-00095-00022436-00022646 you know we need a very high speed. WUiSnphdbe0-00096-00022646-00022890 Very high speed, one giga beyond, over there. WUiSnphdbe0-00097-00022890-00023167 We also need a mobility, frame mobility, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00098-00023167-00023323 We also make sure able to make money, WUiSnphdbe0-00099-00023323-00023453 the operator make money, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00100-00023453-00023537 >> That's the number one. WUiSnphdbe0-00101-00023537-00023802 >> So how to, we want three, WUiSnphdbe0-00102-00023802-00024083 we want mobility, high speed, capacity. WUiSnphdbe0-00103-00024083-00024302 We, everything we need. WUiSnphdbe0-00104-00024302-00024667 And then single one standard is not going to work, WUiSnphdbe0-00105-00024667-00024927 because if you want pick LTE, a very high speed, WUiSnphdbe0-00106-00024927-00025051 you lose the mobility. WUiSnphdbe0-00107-00025051-00025342 If you pick free mobility, you lose the bandwidth. WUiSnphdbe0-00108-00025342-00025588 So the issue, that's the issue. WUiSnphdbe0-00109-00025588-00025790 We, 20 years ago, when I do the ph.D WUiSnphdbe0-00110-00025790-00025979 and when I was Stanford professor, WUiSnphdbe0-00111-00025979-00026170 I was a consulting professor at Stanford, WUiSnphdbe0-00112-00026170-00026440 we started the open wireless access, WUiSnphdbe0-00113-00026440-00026741 it's means converge a multiple standard together, WUiSnphdbe0-00114-00026741-00026999 converge the wifi, LTE, and the WUiSnphdbe0-00115-00027117-00027404 broadband wide access together in a same device. WUiSnphdbe0-00116-00027404-00027640 So when you have a wifi, you can go to wifi, WUiSnphdbe0-00117-00027640-00027864 which is very high speed, can be very very high speed WUiSnphdbe0-00118-00027864-00027955 in the future right? WUiSnphdbe0-00119-00027955-00028175 And then you go to the highway, where very fast there, WUiSnphdbe0-00120-00028175-00028268 you cannot get a wifi, WUiSnphdbe0-00121-00028268-00028534 but you can get LTE, or 3G or 2G, that's fine. WUiSnphdbe0-00122-00028534-00028792 So that's the research we are working WUiSnphdbe0-00123-00028792-00029208 on the open wireless access or open wireless architecture WUiSnphdbe0-00124-00029314-00029398 or OWA. WUiSnphdbe0-00125-00029398-00029481 And there's, it's WUiSnphdbe0-00126-00029481-00029898 the (inaudible) map is from TGMA, CGMA, OFDMA, to OWA. WUiSnphdbe0-00127-00029987-00030201 Okay, that's the technical point side. WUiSnphdbe0-00128-00030201-00030490 And for the device design side, WUiSnphdbe0-00129-00030490-00030696 my picture is for the next five years, ten years, WUiSnphdbe0-00130-00030696-00030833 fifteen years, twenty years, WUiSnphdbe0-00131-00030833-00031037 which very clear, okay? WUiSnphdbe0-00132-00031037-00031298 Before that, in the last 20 years, WUiSnphdbe0-00133-00031298-00031428 everybody their mobile phones, WUiSnphdbe0-00134-00031428-00031608 is still a carrier-centric mobile phone. WUiSnphdbe0-00135-00031608-00031785 Is means when I have a mobile phone, WUiSnphdbe0-00136-00031785-00032100 it's AT&T, it's AT&T, it's locked to AT&T WUiSnphdbe0-00137-00032100-00032290 or it's AT&T phone, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00138-00032290-00032626 And right now, from last year to this year, WUiSnphdbe0-00139-00032626-00032855 we are on a very important transition WUiSnphdbe0-00140-00032855-00033254 from the carrier-centric phone to a user-centric phone. WUiSnphdbe0-00141-00033254-00033344 Yeah probably, couple of company, WUiSnphdbe0-00142-00033344-00033613 Google, other company, they are working on the, WUiSnphdbe0-00143-00033613-00033864 on the virtualization, mobile virtualization right? WUiSnphdbe0-00144-00033864-00033947 Means what? WUiSnphdbe0-00145-00033947-00034356 Means a user can pick up different operators WUiSnphdbe0-00146-00034356-00034456 on the way, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00147-00034456-00034705 So this phone, if I don't have signal, WUiSnphdbe0-00148-00034705-00034932 I don't have T-mobile signal, WUiSnphdbe0-00149-00034932-00035245 I can using AT&T to get a LTE. WUiSnphdbe0-00150-00035245-00035489 And if I don't have AT&T, I can use Verizon. WUiSnphdbe0-00151-00035489-00035730 So we are on the way from the carrier-centric WUiSnphdbe0-00152-00035730-00035906 to a user-centric at the moment. WUiSnphdbe0-00153-00035906-00036026 >> [John] So let's stop right there, WUiSnphdbe0-00154-00036026-00036226 'cus I really think you're onto something really important WUiSnphdbe0-00155-00036226-00036494 and I think this is, there's some history to look at. WUiSnphdbe0-00156-00036494-00036676 I mean if you look at wireless, I agree, WUiSnphdbe0-00157-00036676-00036868 this is a very carrier-centric. WUiSnphdbe0-00158-00036868-00036984 And for the consumers out there, WUiSnphdbe0-00159-00036984-00037201 you can think of just the basic WUiSnphdbe0-00160-00037201-00037422 concepts of most people's experience: WUiSnphdbe0-00161-00037422-00037616 I want to unlock my phone, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00162-00037616-00037893 These are kind of known terms of consumers, WUiSnphdbe0-00163-00037893-00038137 whether they're, it's my kids or adults. WUiSnphdbe0-00164-00038137-00038295 "I don't want to be stuck to the carrier" WUiSnphdbe0-00165-00038295-00038379 "on their plan." WUiSnphdbe0-00166-00038379-00038535 "I want to move my phone around." WUiSnphdbe0-00167-00038535-00038694 But that's just on the service. WUiSnphdbe0-00168-00038694-00038948 Now you want to decouple it further to the person. WUiSnphdbe0-00169-00038948-00039154 So, take a car. WUiSnphdbe0-00170-00039154-00039383 I might want to have a relationship with my car, WUiSnphdbe0-00171-00039383-00039574 as if I'm, going to be never buying a car, WUiSnphdbe0-00172-00039574-00039855 I might use autonomous cars or Uber or other services. WUiSnphdbe0-00173-00039855-00040166 And I get into the car and I need personalization. WUiSnphdbe0-00174-00040166-00040362 So this is the user-centric thing is that WUiSnphdbe0-00175-00040362-00040519 super important point. WUiSnphdbe0-00176-00040519-00040870 But now we are stuck, still stuck, in my opinion, WUiSnphdbe0-00177-00040870-00041104 in siloed telco stacks, WUiSnphdbe0-00178-00041104-00041459 meaning I'm stuck to the carrier, I have limited services, WUiSnphdbe0-00179-00041459-00041800 and now I want to shift that to better performance. WUiSnphdbe0-00180-00041800-00042007 I mean you can't look any further than hyper convergence WUiSnphdbe0-00181-00042007-00042305 or converged infrastructure on the data centers. WUiSnphdbe0-00182-00042305-00042468 So where it's networking combining. WUiSnphdbe0-00183-00042468-00042683 So are you taking that same approach WUiSnphdbe0-00184-00042683-00042968 to say that you think wireless will converge in? WUiSnphdbe0-00185-00042968-00043180 Is that the idea? WUiSnphdbe0-00186-00043180-00043498 >> Yes, when you wireless converging. WUiSnphdbe0-00187-00043498-00043899 Take examples: wifi, LTE, and converge together. WUiSnphdbe0-00188-00043899-00044305 So your phone basically is running on wifi. WUiSnphdbe0-00189-00044305-00044578 Actually in the priority order, wifi first. WUiSnphdbe0-00190-00044578-00044826 Wifi first, and then second is LTE, WUiSnphdbe0-00191-00044826-00045039 and then probably 3G is the second one there. WUiSnphdbe0-00192-00045039-00045279 So, and then if you have wifi you go wifi, WUiSnphdbe0-00193-00045279-00045695 and if car, the car also can be a micro base station, WUiSnphdbe0-00194-00045803-00045887 okay, WUiSnphdbe0-00195-00045887-00046189 to connect to the wifi, LTE together, and then distribute WUiSnphdbe0-00196-00046189-00046377 to the passengers in the car, WUiSnphdbe0-00197-00046377-00046550 so this is also we can, for the future, WUiSnphdbe0-00198-00046550-00046765 work in mobile office project. WUiSnphdbe0-00199-00046765-00046887 I can stay in the car, WUiSnphdbe0-00200-00046887-00047100 and the car itself is a sub base station, WUiSnphdbe0-00201-00047100-00047277 and then connect each other. WUiSnphdbe0-00202-00047277-00047435 There also, WUiSnphdbe0-00203-00047435-00047717 okay let's talking about the future picture, okay. WUiSnphdbe0-00204-00047717-00047959 In the next five years, okay, WUiSnphdbe0-00205-00048049-00048133 there's a couple companies working, WUiSnphdbe0-00206-00048133-00048365 already working on the mobile wifi network. WUiSnphdbe0-00207-00048365-00048591 So it's means if I am living in Palo Alto there, WUiSnphdbe0-00208-00048591-00048875 I'm moving around in my neighborhood in Palo Alto, WUiSnphdbe0-00209-00048875-00049141 I don't have, I don't even add AT&T, Verizon operator, WUiSnphdbe0-00210-00049141-00049403 I can have a mobile service because I can share WUiSnphdbe0-00211-00049403-00049610 all neighbor's wifi networks together WUiSnphdbe0-00212-00049610-00049742 as a mobile protocol. WUiSnphdbe0-00213-00049742-00049834 Then I can moving, WUiSnphdbe0-00214-00049834-00050162 I can hike, I jogging, your house, my house to there. WUiSnphdbe0-00215-00050162-00050445 We can share the wifi together, we call. WUiSnphdbe0-00216-00050445-00050675 We divide the wifi into the home wifi, WUiSnphdbe0-00217-00050675-00051011 and the visitor wifi we can rent the service to outside. WUiSnphdbe0-00218-00051011-00051334 So this called community mobile network based on wifi. WUiSnphdbe0-00219-00051334-00051503 That's the next five years picture. WUiSnphdbe0-00220-00051503-00051587 >> [John] How does that happen? WUiSnphdbe0-00221-00051587-00051705 I mean I just found, first of all I believe, WUiSnphdbe0-00222-00051705-00051845 and that's a great philosophy. WUiSnphdbe0-00223-00051845-00051994 And you're starting to see Xfinity do that WUiSnphdbe0-00224-00051994-00052248 with their current wifi, WUiSnphdbe0-00225-00052248-00052563 creating a little metro neighborhood network. WUiSnphdbe0-00226-00052563-00052671 That's really hard to pull off WUiSnphdbe0-00227-00052671-00052943 'cus of the security concerns. WUiSnphdbe0-00228-00052943-00053245 Is it viable in the next five years, WUiSnphdbe0-00229-00053245-00053419 do you think that is even doable? WUiSnphdbe0-00230-00053419-00053744 What has to happen to make that happen? WUiSnphdbe0-00231-00053841-00054224 >> I think this going to be not a major issue WUiSnphdbe0-00232-00054224-00054513 because wifi still have a lot of bandwidth, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00233-00054513-00054955 And you can exchange bandwidth with security issue there. WUiSnphdbe0-00234-00054955-00055351 So wifi is more easy to the security than LTE, WUiSnphdbe0-00235-00055351-00055540 because LTE for the similar network, WUiSnphdbe0-00236-00055540-00055715 the spectrum is very expensive right? WUiSnphdbe0-00237-00055715-00055935 So that's why we cannot using a lot of overheads WUiSnphdbe0-00238-00055935-00056120 for security. WUiSnphdbe0-00239-00056120-00056500 So I always say, the most secure is wifi, then LTE. WUiSnphdbe0-00240-00056500-00056718 'Cus LTE, the data, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00241-00056718-00057023 When you open it, there's not much overhead WUiSnphdbe0-00242-00057023-00057273 available for secure encryption, whatever there. WUiSnphdbe0-00243-00057273-00057373 So wifi you can, WUiSnphdbe0-00244-00057373-00057546 >> [John] So they're maximizing their signal for performance, WUiSnphdbe0-00245-00057546-00057684 not security. WUiSnphdbe0-00246-00057684-00057767 >> Yeah, not security. WUiSnphdbe0-00247-00057767-00058076 And wifi you can take like 40%, 30% the overhead load WUiSnphdbe0-00248-00058076-00058268 for the security and it's very secure. WUiSnphdbe0-00249-00058268-00058474 So that's not issue, that's why. WUiSnphdbe0-00250-00058474-00058660 That's the five, next five moment. WUiSnphdbe0-00251-00058660-00058804 Okay and then beyond that, WUiSnphdbe0-00252-00058804-00059214 when the mobile wifi neighborhood is built, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00253-00059214-00059540 Then we back to the traditional settled WUiSnphdbe0-00254-00059540-00059646 operator networks there. WUiSnphdbe0-00255-00059646-00059938 We'll converge together, then user for the next ten years, WUiSnphdbe0-00256-00059938-00060359 after ten years, user can pick up his preferred operators WUiSnphdbe0-00257-00060359-00060446 as he like. WUiSnphdbe0-00258-00060446-00060636 For example, if I'm in Palo Alto WUiSnphdbe0-00259-00060636-00060938 and then AT&T give me a good package, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00260-00060938-00061178 They give an offer, and I click my AT&T, WUiSnphdbe0-00261-00061178-00061330 it's go to AT&T. WUiSnphdbe0-00262-00061330-00061559 And I back to the Cupertino and Cupertino, WUiSnphdbe0-00263-00061559-00061651 >> [John] It's like network hopping. WUiSnphdbe0-00264-00061651-00061734 >> Yeah. WUiSnphdbe0-00265-00061734-00061845 >> It's like not radio hop, frequency hopping, WUiSnphdbe0-00266-00061845-00061930 it's network hopping. WUiSnphdbe0-00267-00061930-00062041 >> That's an idea, right right right. WUiSnphdbe0-00268-00062041-00062321 But still you need a converging network info together. WUiSnphdbe0-00269-00062321-00062451 >> So let's take it back to Mobile World Congress. WUiSnphdbe0-00270-00062451-00062713 So right now the current present is, WUiSnphdbe0-00271-00062713-00063079 that they're painting the picture of a 5G world WUiSnphdbe0-00272-00063079-00063337 where autonomous vehicles, entertainment, WUiSnphdbe0-00273-00063337-00063542 smart cities, and smart home WUiSnphdbe0-00274-00063542-00063779 are all being powered by an end-to-end, WUiSnphdbe0-00275-00063779-00064066 from the network to the edge, WUiSnphdbe0-00276-00064066-00064219 software and capabilities, WUiSnphdbe0-00277-00064219-00064483 from silicon software to device. WUiSnphdbe0-00278-00064483-00064566 >> Yes. WUiSnphdbe0-00279-00064566-00064819 >> So that's cool, makes a lot of sense. WUiSnphdbe0-00280-00064819-00065066 Now is 5G truly the enabler, WUiSnphdbe0-00281-00065066-00065466 that 5, 6 G is the wireless enabler for this WUiSnphdbe0-00282-00065466-00065550 in your view? WUiSnphdbe0-00283-00065550-00065705 In your picture of the future, WUiSnphdbe0-00284-00065705-00066166 what role does wireless play in creating this new fabric? WUiSnphdbe0-00285-00066166-00066525 >> Yeah, I think it's very much possible WUiSnphdbe0-00286-00066525-00066621 because when I say WUiSnphdbe0-00287-00066621-00066902 when we converge the different wireless solutions together WUiSnphdbe0-00288-00066902-00067197 then you have more space to focus on one direction, WUiSnphdbe0-00289-00067197-00067336 you focus on very high speed. WUiSnphdbe0-00290-00067336-00067633 We can one giga, two giga, even ten giga is enough right? WUiSnphdbe0-00291-00067633-00067909 And the other side, we increase the mobility issue, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00292-00067909-00068328 And then the other side we converge on the operator side. WUiSnphdbe0-00293-00068328-00068614 In the future, I mean AT&T, Verizon, it's not, WUiSnphdbe0-00294-00068614-00068854 they're not going to just provide WUiSnphdbe0-00295-00068854-00069033 the cellular mobile access only, WUiSnphdbe0-00296-00069033-00069230 they want to provide more service WUiSnphdbe0-00297-00069230-00069596 around its 5G, 6G, be new business model right? WUiSnphdbe0-00298-00069596-00069694 For traditional business model, WUiSnphdbe0-00299-00069694-00069982 you just provide the radio, the hand phone access. WUiSnphdbe0-00300-00069982-00070235 But in future, this operator is going to WUiSnphdbe0-00301-00070235-00070535 help provide more service, service-oriented platform. WUiSnphdbe0-00302-00070535-00070795 >> Is that consistent, that service business model, WUiSnphdbe0-00303-00070795-00071002 is that viable in your vision of the future. WUiSnphdbe0-00304-00071002-00071200 What is, or let me ask differently. WUiSnphdbe0-00305-00071200-00071415 What is the business model for the operator, WUiSnphdbe0-00306-00071415-00071682 in your vision of this multi-network world? WUiSnphdbe0-00307-00071682-00071957 What do they do, what kind of services are they delivering? WUiSnphdbe0-00308-00071957-00072430 >> I think in the future, very important service, WUiSnphdbe0-00309-00072430-00072680 around the ten years, around the time frame, WUiSnphdbe0-00310-00072680-00072880 is very important service is called WUiSnphdbe0-00311-00072880-00073075 mobile virtualization service. WUiSnphdbe0-00312-00073075-00073424 So in the future, Google can run mobile service, WUiSnphdbe0-00313-00073424-00073735 but they're working with AT&T and Verizon. WUiSnphdbe0-00314-00073735-00073925 >> [John] It's like MVL on steroids, basically, WUiSnphdbe0-00315-00073925-00074159 it's all doing pipe management. WUiSnphdbe0-00316-00074159-00074316 >> Yeah and then WUiSnphdbe0-00317-00074316-00074657 let's say for example, Google did a contract with AT&T WUiSnphdbe0-00318-00074657-00075011 for how much bandwidth every year, probably one P, WUiSnphdbe0-00319-00075011-00075147 or a large bandwidth. WUiSnphdbe0-00320-00075147-00075452 And then AT&T provides its bandwidth to Google, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00321-00075452-00075652 And then AT&T can do other service also, WUiSnphdbe0-00322-00075652-00076065 so AT&T save a lot of cost in the individual marketing. WUiSnphdbe0-00323-00076065-00076255 You know, right now the operator spend a lot of money WUiSnphdbe0-00324-00076255-00076369 for the marketing, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00325-00076369-00076659 But later they can cut off this cost, WUiSnphdbe0-00326-00076659-00076830 because Google can do marketing, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00327-00076830-00077014 >> [John] So it's, this is economic reconfiguration. WUiSnphdbe0-00328-00077014-00077112 >> [Willie] Yes. WUiSnphdbe0-00329-00077112-00077293 >> Okay, so here's the next question. WUiSnphdbe0-00330-00077293-00077551 In today's landscape of the marketplace, WUiSnphdbe0-00331-00077551-00077862 what would be bad behavior from your standpoint, WUiSnphdbe0-00332-00077862-00077986 that would screw up that future? WUiSnphdbe0-00333-00077986-00078390 What would be the signs that it's not going the right way WUiSnphdbe0-00334-00078390-00078478 in the ecosystem, WUiSnphdbe0-00335-00078478-00078648 because part of the things that I'm seeing WUiSnphdbe0-00336-00078648-00079017 with things like Intel and the big players is WUiSnphdbe0-00337-00079017-00079234 there's an ecosystem that needs to get agreement; WUiSnphdbe0-00338-00079234-00079412 That to accelerate the future, WUiSnphdbe0-00339-00079412-00079663 there has to be a new model, a new network. WUiSnphdbe0-00340-00079663-00079959 What are some signs that are warning signs for you? WUiSnphdbe0-00341-00079959-00080151 You know, people holding onto a certain thing, WUiSnphdbe0-00342-00080151-00080267 certain technology. WUiSnphdbe0-00343-00080267-00080445 What would be a red flag for you, WUiSnphdbe0-00344-00080445-00080605 if you look at the marketplace, WUiSnphdbe0-00345-00080605-00080746 what kind of activities would say WUiSnphdbe0-00346-00080746-00080918 "woah, that's not good." WUiSnphdbe0-00347-00080918-00081093 >> Okay, I think it depends on, WUiSnphdbe0-00348-00081093-00081353 for the operator, I think it's not good, WUiSnphdbe0-00349-00081353-00081442 in the future it's not good, WUiSnphdbe0-00350-00081442-00081709 you just focus on making money from the access size. WUiSnphdbe0-00351-00081709-00081860 Because in the future, access will be cheaper, cheaper, WUiSnphdbe0-00352-00081860-00081974 cheaper, cheaper. WUiSnphdbe0-00353-00081974-00082311 So if AT&T just focus on access revenue, WUiSnphdbe0-00354-00082311-00082486 it's going to red flag, okay? WUiSnphdbe0-00355-00082486-00082747 So you have to provide total solution, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00356-00082747-00082870 And from the vendor side, WUiSnphdbe0-00357-00082870-00083090 you cannot support one single standards. WUiSnphdbe0-00358-00083090-00083343 You only support LTE, it's going to dangerous. WUiSnphdbe0-00359-00083343-00083436 So you have to be open. WUiSnphdbe0-00360-00083436-00083608 So in the future, I think in the future, WUiSnphdbe0-00361-00083608-00083839 from my personal point of view, WUiSnphdbe0-00362-00083839-00084147 Comcast, AT&T, all these company, WUiSnphdbe0-00363-00084147-00084302 they are going to merge together. WUiSnphdbe0-00364-00084302-00084613 Because they want provide a converged solution, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00365-00084613-00084754 So in the future access will be WUiSnphdbe0-00366-00084754-00084915 cheaper, cheaper, cheaper, cheaper. WUiSnphdbe0-00367-00084915-00085110 And then you have to, they have another revenues WUiSnphdbe0-00368-00085110-00085252 from the other sides. WUiSnphdbe0-00369-00085252-00085430 >> [John] I wrote a paper in 2001 called WUiSnphdbe0-00370-00085430-00085624 "Broadband Starvation". WUiSnphdbe0-00371-00085624-00085895 And it was the beginning before wifi really hit, WUiSnphdbe0-00372-00085895-00086170 and then wifi hit and New York Times picked it up, WUiSnphdbe0-00373-00086170-00086272 was one of those stories. WUiSnphdbe0-00374-00086272-00086497 But we talked about the starvation from America WUiSnphdbe0-00375-00086497-00086624 for more bandwidth. WUiSnphdbe0-00376-00086624-00086745 Obviously even outside the US, WUiSnphdbe0-00377-00086745-00087181 you saw accelerated bandwidth, broadband penetration. WUiSnphdbe0-00378-00087181-00087392 I called it the "Broadband Starvation" because WUiSnphdbe0-00379-00087392-00087627 broadband starvation was in rural areas, WUiSnphdbe0-00380-00087627-00087968 so it always was limited by the actual physical connection. WUiSnphdbe0-00381-00087968-00088187 You know, the cable, the last mile. WUiSnphdbe0-00382-00088187-00088412 We all know the history of the policy side WUiSnphdbe0-00383-00088412-00088662 of the Arbox and the days of you know, WUiSnphdbe0-00384-00088662-00088794 the telephone companies. WUiSnphdbe0-00385-00088794-00089018 But now Comcast and now AT&T (laugh), WUiSnphdbe0-00386-00089018-00089179 they're the fiber to the home, WUiSnphdbe0-00387-00089179-00089370 there's some, or the coaxial to the home. WUiSnphdbe0-00388-00089370-00089534 They bring in, off the street WUiSnphdbe0-00389-00089534-00089714 and terminate it into the house. WUiSnphdbe0-00390-00089714-00089939 Wireless changes that. WUiSnphdbe0-00391-00089939-00090354 Is that a scenario where you see 5G going where WUiSnphdbe0-00392-00090354-00090762 ultimately, this notion of fiber to the home could be WUiSnphdbe0-00393-00090762-00090976 you know, ancient history? WUiSnphdbe0-00394-00090976-00091200 Or, 'cus that always, there's still construction. WUiSnphdbe0-00395-00091200-00091512 You got to still trench, you still got provisions, WUiSnphdbe0-00396-00091512-00091708 and the circuits to the homes. WUiSnphdbe0-00397-00091708-00091916 You know, is wireless an opportunity there? WUiSnphdbe0-00398-00091916-00092204 And will that free up more competition? WUiSnphdbe0-00399-00092204-00092482 >> Yeah, I think that's a big question, WUiSnphdbe0-00400-00092482-00092608 and a big picture, okay. WUiSnphdbe0-00401-00092608-00092910 I think from my personal experience, WUiSnphdbe0-00402-00092910-00093255 when we design technology for next 10 years, 15 years, WUiSnphdbe0-00403-00093255-00093513 the very big picture you think about is very important is: WUiSnphdbe0-00404-00093513-00093748 we're on the way to transition, WUiSnphdbe0-00405-00093748-00093945 to transition from the mobile communication WUiSnphdbe0-00406-00093945-00094117 to a personal communication. WUiSnphdbe0-00407-00094117-00094284 So previously, the mobile communication WUiSnphdbe0-00408-00094284-00094418 >> Personal communication, you mean people-centric? WUiSnphdbe0-00409-00094418-00094535 >> Yeah, people-centric. WUiSnphdbe0-00410-00094535-00094640 So mobile communication, WUiSnphdbe0-00411-00094640-00094876 previously we call mobile communication is a telecom term. WUiSnphdbe0-00412-00094876-00095024 Is means just for connection, WUiSnphdbe0-00413-00095024-00095180 just for envisioning connection, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00414-00095180-00095264 But in future WUiSnphdbe0-00415-00095264-00095347 >> [John] Endpoint, that's it. WUiSnphdbe0-00416-00095347-00095456 >> Yeah that's right. WUiSnphdbe0-00417-00095456-00095542 So we're on the way. WUiSnphdbe0-00418-00095542-00095787 Even at some universities, they change the course WUiSnphdbe0-00419-00095787-00096027 from mobile communication to personal communication. WUiSnphdbe0-00420-00096027-00096296 Personal communication means is: everything is personal. WUiSnphdbe0-00421-00096296-00096453 Personal-centric, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00422-00096453-00096628 So in a personal-centric, so in the future, WUiSnphdbe0-00423-00096628-00096966 the operator, the vendor, the provider think about, WUiSnphdbe0-00424-00096966-00097264 in the future, you're not only provider, WUiSnphdbe0-00425-00097264-00097458 information connection only, WUiSnphdbe0-00426-00097458-00097777 you provide anything a person needed for his life, WUiSnphdbe0-00427-00097777-00098077 including health, security, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00428-00098077-00098161 Everything there. WUiSnphdbe0-00429-00098161-00098244 >> [John] Transportation. WUiSnphdbe0-00430-00098244-00098327 >> Transportation, yeah. WUiSnphdbe0-00431-00098327-00098434 >> [John] Could be all digital services. WUiSnphdbe0-00432-00098434-00098517 >> The transportation, WUiSnphdbe0-00433-00098517-00098601 security. >> healthcare. WUiSnphdbe0-00434-00098601-00098844 >> And everything there and then each application WUiSnphdbe0-00435-00098844-00099298 will need a different requirements of the bandwidth, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00436-00099298-00099409 Especially for the health, WUiSnphdbe0-00437-00099409-00099756 we need lots of lots of video transmission, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00438-00099756-00099905 And this is going to, WUiSnphdbe0-00439-00099905-00100299 that's why we need a WLAN, a wireless network, WUiSnphdbe0-00440-00100299-00100461 is converging together. WUiSnphdbe0-00441-00100461-00100774 And then wireless is still a lots, lots of way WUiSnphdbe0-00442-00100774-00100876 we have to invent. WUiSnphdbe0-00443-00100876-00101081 >> The word "convergence" is back again, WUiSnphdbe0-00444-00101081-00101281 it's happening everywhere. WUiSnphdbe0-00445-00101281-00101408 Willie, thanks so much for the commentary. WUiSnphdbe0-00446-00101408-00101572 Love this, this is consistent with, WUiSnphdbe0-00447-00101572-00101682 Wikibonds had a research, WUiSnphdbe0-00448-00101682-00101808 siliconANGLE had a research, WUiSnphdbe0-00449-00101808-00101980 Peter Burris who was on our opening segment WUiSnphdbe0-00450-00101980-00102368 talking about not IOT, only IOT, internet of things, WUiSnphdbe0-00451-00102368-00102598 but IOT and P, people. WUiSnphdbe0-00452-00102598-00102744 Internet of People. WUiSnphdbe0-00453-00102744-00103083 >> [Willie] Yes, and think about IOT, okay? WUiSnphdbe0-00454-00103083-00103418 What's the major technologies inside the IOT? WUiSnphdbe0-00455-00103418-00103574 One is sensing technology, okay? WUiSnphdbe0-00456-00103574-00103750 The other one is wireless connection, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00457-00103750-00103982 You want to connect to that billion billion nodes together, WUiSnphdbe0-00458-00103982-00104164 so we need a multidimensional, WUiSnphdbe0-00459-00104164-00104305 different wireless technology. WUiSnphdbe0-00460-00104305-00104635 How to connect this billion billion nodes together? WUiSnphdbe0-00461-00104635-00104891 That's also we need wireless technology. WUiSnphdbe0-00462-00104891-00105095 >> I worry about that not happening WUiSnphdbe0-00463-00105095-00105344 because I think the telcos have been slow, WUiSnphdbe0-00464-00105344-00105610 and I think I'm seeing movement now with the telcos, WUiSnphdbe0-00465-00105610-00105825 that now is the time to make their move. WUiSnphdbe0-00466-00105825-00106224 NFV's viable, and now their business model WUiSnphdbe0-00467-00106224-00106363 is somewhat emerging. WUiSnphdbe0-00468-00106363-00106676 The question is, will they be fast enough to move? WUiSnphdbe0-00469-00106676-00106777 That's the question. WUiSnphdbe0-00470-00106777-00106962 >> Yeah, I think. >> Are they? WUiSnphdbe0-00471-00106962-00107168 >> That's also my question, because WUiSnphdbe0-00472-00107168-00107260 the moving, WUiSnphdbe0-00473-00107343-00107524 the virtualization like from Google, WUiSnphdbe0-00474-00107524-00107829 they're moving very fast than a traditional telco, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00475-00107829-00108050 So telco have to change their way of thinking WUiSnphdbe0-00476-00108050-00108199 in the business, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00477-00108199-00108325 >> I think Google should be the telco, WUiSnphdbe0-00478-00108325-00108410 take over the telco. WUiSnphdbe0-00479-00108410-00108658 >> That's why in the the next five, ten years, WUiSnphdbe0-00480-00108658-00108768 people just go to Google, WUiSnphdbe0-00481-00108768-00109033 using Google account to get access to the phone, WUiSnphdbe0-00482-00109033-00109139 to the mobile phone. WUiSnphdbe0-00483-00109139-00109311 You get a phone number from Google, right? WUiSnphdbe0-00484-00109311-00109522 >> They're going to call it Apple World Congress, WUiSnphdbe0-00485-00109522-00109710 or Google World Congress. WUiSnphdbe0-00486-00109710-00109933 Uber World Congress, if we don't. WUiSnphdbe0-00487-00109933-00110236 >> But anyway, we still need everybody work together. WUiSnphdbe0-00488-00110236-00110522 It's like different wireless standards converge together. WUiSnphdbe0-00489-00110522-00110767 And different company they also want to converge together. WUiSnphdbe0-00490-00110767-00110989 And then eventually, the target is very simple. WUiSnphdbe0-00491-00110989-00111196 It's the personal, it's the personal centric, WUiSnphdbe0-00492-00111196-00111460 user centric, the wireless world. WUiSnphdbe0-00493-00111460-00111544 That's the future. WUiSnphdbe0-00494-00111544-00111648 >> [John] Willie Lu here from Palo Alto Research. WUiSnphdbe0-00495-00111648-00111933 In here Palo Alto, a good Facebook friend guru WUiSnphdbe0-00496-00111933-00112161 in the wireless area all the way down WUiSnphdbe0-00497-00112161-00112304 from back in his ph.D days, WUiSnphdbe0-00498-00112304-00112564 as a practitioner and inventing the future. WUiSnphdbe0-00499-00112564-00112751 Great vision, I agree with it 100%. WUiSnphdbe0-00500-00112751-00112973 I think Intel and all the big players would agree. WUiSnphdbe0-00501-00112973-00113320 The ecosystem of smart movement right now is critical, WUiSnphdbe0-00502-00113320-00113527 and I think there's a huge opportunity to, WUiSnphdbe0-00503-00113527-00113792 to tie it all together there in IOT and people, WUiSnphdbe0-00504-00113792-00113891 a people-centric world. WUiSnphdbe0-00505-00113891-00114028 Congratulations on your work WUiSnphdbe0-00506-00114028-00114345 at the Wireless Mobile Congress that you started, WUiSnphdbe0-00507-00114345-00114596 and also the open, this open alliance, WUiSnphdbe0-00508-00114596-00114736 open wireless alliance. WUiSnphdbe0-00509-00114736-00114825 Congratulations. WUiSnphdbe0-00510-00114825-00114925 Willie Lu here inside theCube, WUiSnphdbe0-00511-00114925-00115009 I'm John Furrier, WUiSnphdbe0-00512-00115009-00115138 for more exclusive coverage WUiSnphdbe0-00513-00115138-00115324 of Mobile World Congress here in Palo Alto WUiSnphdbe0-00514-00115324-00115497 after the short break. WUiSnphdbe0-00515-00115497-00115788 (electronic music) WUiSnphdbe0-00516-00116807-00117174 (cheerful electronic music) WVXoEp6a82c-00000-00000704-00000805 Hello there Peoples! WVXoEp6a82c-00001-00000805-00000905 CaliMeatwagon here. WVXoEp6a82c-00002-00000905-00001407 Bringing you the changes in GTA: Online for the week of August 19th, 2021 WVXoEp6a82c-00003-00001407-00001952 This week’s Prize Ride is the Vapid Dominator GTT, won by placing in the top 5 in 10 LS WVXoEp6a82c-00004-00001952-00002154 Car Meet Series races. WVXoEp6a82c-00005-00002154-00002745 The Podium vehicle is the Dinka Veto Modern The Pfister Growler is now purchasable. WVXoEp6a82c-00006-00002745-00003238 And Kart Krash: Full Auto Adversary Mode is now available WVXoEp6a82c-00007-00003238-00003704 This week’s Premium Race is Crossing Paths The Time Trial is Maze Bank Arena WVXoEp6a82c-00008-00003704-00004040 And the RC Trial is Construction Site II WVXoEp6a82c-00009-00004040-00004498 The Discounts for this week are 40% Off of the H-V-Y Nightshark, B-F Weevil WVXoEp6a82c-00010-00004498-00005414 30% Off Rune Kosatka, Karin Futo GTX, Pegassi Toreador, the Sea Sparrow, and the Dinka Veto WVXoEp6a82c-00011-00005414-00005532 Classic WVXoEp6a82c-00012-00005532-00006037 This week’s Bonuses are Double Cash and RP on Kart Krash: Full Auto Adversary Mode, WVXoEp6a82c-00013-00006037-00006480 Store Holdups, and Exotic Exports deliveries and completion bonus WVXoEp6a82c-00014-00006480-00009070 Alrighty Peoples, that’s it for this week, until the next one WWcYh3oJFg8-00000-00000043-00000383 Hello, welcome to another Reaper Tutorial. WWcYh3oJFg8-00001-00000383-00000690 Today we´ll talk on how to create a simple custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00002-00000730-00000981 I will also show WWcYh3oJFg8-00003-00000981-00001178 what are transient detectors WWcYh3oJFg8-00004-00001178-00001365 and how to use it. WWcYh3oJFg8-00005-00001365-00001620 Let´s see what all this means, ok? Lets Go.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00006-00002998-00003454 Once you´re inside Reaper, you will see at the top menu , the actions list WWcYh3oJFg8-00007-00003495-00003743 Has we´ve seen on other videos WWcYh3oJFg8-00008-00003776-00003978 All the actions WWcYh3oJFg8-00009-00004008-00004203 that come with reaper WWcYh3oJFg8-00010-00004203-00004535 all these menus , anywhere you click WWcYh3oJFg8-00011-00004563-00004943 it is a pre made action that comes with reaper WWcYh3oJFg8-00012-00004983-00005356 The Custom Actions, can be created here at the bottom WWcYh3oJFg8-00013-00005386-00005813 are actions that combine multiple actions WWcYh3oJFg8-00014-00005953-00006133 When i click "PLAY", WWcYh3oJFg8-00015-00006133-00006386 it is one action being triggered. WWcYh3oJFg8-00016-00006420-00007370 We can prove that using the "find shortcut" and hit SPACEBAR. WWcYh3oJFg8-00017-00007430-00008025 For today, we will create a new custom action. WWcYh3oJFg8-00018-00008043-00008580 When you hit "create new" a sub menu will popup WWcYh3oJFg8-00019-00008580-00008845 and here we will choose WWcYh3oJFg8-00020-00008845-00009345 which actions we will combine for our new custom action. WWcYh3oJFg8-00021-00009388-00009601 A custom action, is in its essence WWcYh3oJFg8-00022-00009601-00009786 a combination of actions WWcYh3oJFg8-00023-00009786-00010086 triggered with only one shortcut, for example. WWcYh3oJFg8-00024-00010123-00010436 Or we can choose to leave that custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00025-00010436-00010641 on a toolbar menu. WWcYh3oJFg8-00026-00010641-00010826 Today, we will create something simple. WWcYh3oJFg8-00027-00010843-00011060 and from here, you can understand WWcYh3oJFg8-00028-00011060-00011166 how to create WWcYh3oJFg8-00029-00011181-00011491 custom actions for all your needs, ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00030-00011611-00011736 Today we will.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00031-00011771-00011938 create a custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00032-00011938-00012278 that will split the media items WWcYh3oJFg8-00033-00012305-00012546 using the grid value. WWcYh3oJFg8-00034-00012546-00012990 We will split according the value of the session grid WWcYh3oJFg8-00035-00013056-00013136 So.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00036-00013136-00013336 we want, to select the track WWcYh3oJFg8-00037-00013336-00013591 lets write in the filter WWcYh3oJFg8-00038-00013591-00013813 Forgot to mention, its better to give the name first WWcYh3oJFg8-00039-00013813-00014010 normally i label... WWcYh3oJFg8-00040-00014088-00014188 GERARDO WWcYh3oJFg8-00041-00014255-00014355 dash WWcYh3oJFg8-00042-00014518-00014746 split items WWcYh3oJFg8-00043-00014893-00015048 ... WWcYh3oJFg8-00044-00015198-00015675 Split Items at Grid Time...ok! WWcYh3oJFg8-00045-00015675-00015843 and for now, WWcYh3oJFg8-00046-00015885-00015978 quarter notes WWcYh3oJFg8-00047-00016015-00016190 The action will be based on quarter notes. WWcYh3oJFg8-00048-00016206-00016285 This is the name WWcYh3oJFg8-00049-00016294-00016395 that will show WWcYh3oJFg8-00050-00016453-00016823 ...in the actions list WWcYh3oJFg8-00051-00016883-00017065 ok, lets continue creating our new custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00052-00017065-00017453 we know we need to select items WWcYh3oJFg8-00053-00017631-00017841 "select all items in track" WWcYh3oJFg8-00054-00017926-00017996 ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00055-00018008-00018231 and then , we drag to the right menu. WWcYh3oJFg8-00056-00018271-00018371 next we need WWcYh3oJFg8-00057-00018473-00018573 Set WWcYh3oJFg8-00058-00018671-00018771 grid WWcYh3oJFg8-00059-00018925-00019025 to quarter notes WWcYh3oJFg8-00060-00019056-00019195 Drag once again and.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00061-00019216-00019416 Split Items WWcYh3oJFg8-00062-00019668-00020200 ...we do split items.....at timeline grid...ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00063-00020251-00020351 Good! WWcYh3oJFg8-00064-00020371-00020471 And then we press "OK". WWcYh3oJFg8-00065-00020565-00020815 If i search for "GERARDO". WWcYh3oJFg8-00066-00020848-00021190 I find, split items at grid time. WWcYh3oJFg8-00067-00021223-00021323 Lets test it. WWcYh3oJFg8-00068-00021521-00021916 To test it we hit RUN, ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00069-00021980-00022366 The selected action, we press run to test it. WWcYh3oJFg8-00070-00022406-00022506 And , instantly WWcYh3oJFg8-00071-00022573-00022740 the action made cuts WWcYh3oJFg8-00072-00022793-00023140 ...on media items in quarter notes. WWcYh3oJFg8-00073-00023165-00023436 To prove it cuts in quarter notes. WWcYh3oJFg8-00074-00023436-00023596 i´ll leave the session WWcYh3oJFg8-00075-00023596-00023753 to Whole Note WWcYh3oJFg8-00076-00023765-00023865 run our new action WWcYh3oJFg8-00077-00023901-00024143 and has we can see it automatically changes WWcYh3oJFg8-00078-00024143-00024228 to quarter note WWcYh3oJFg8-00079-00024240-00024521 and splits all the items. ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00080-00024585-00024746 Really handy! WWcYh3oJFg8-00081-00024765-00025010 That´s the purpose of custom actions. WWcYh3oJFg8-00082-00025050-00025251 That´s why Reaper WWcYh3oJFg8-00083-00025303-00025446 is such a customizable DAW. WWcYh3oJFg8-00084-00025446-00025643 Like i said many times before WWcYh3oJFg8-00085-00025695-00025931 Is up to the user WWcYh3oJFg8-00086-00025986-00026086 .... WWcYh3oJFg8-00087-00026113-00026343 You have to be creative WWcYh3oJFg8-00088-00026343-00026575 making your own custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00089-00026575-00026838 Creating a custom action is really simple. WWcYh3oJFg8-00090-00026871-00026971 Actions menu WWcYh3oJFg8-00091-00027091-00027191 Show actions WWcYh3oJFg8-00092-00027260-00027461 Create new action WWcYh3oJFg8-00093-00027468-00027568 name it.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00094-00027568-00027863 Drag the actions you want WWcYh3oJFg8-00095-00027863-00028061 Save and click OK. Simple. WWcYh3oJFg8-00096-00028064-00028131 And then WWcYh3oJFg8-00097-00028131-00028233 has shown on other videos WWcYh3oJFg8-00098-00028241-00028441 you can place that custom action WWcYh3oJFg8-00099-00028475-00028651 in one of the toolbars. WWcYh3oJFg8-00100-00028693-00028811 Lets place this action WWcYh3oJFg8-00101-00028901-00029013 right click, customize WWcYh3oJFg8-00102-00029060-00029160 add WWcYh3oJFg8-00103-00029268-00029464 we search for "GERARDO" WWcYh3oJFg8-00104-00029496-00029596 split at time WWcYh3oJFg8-00105-00029673-00029748 select WWcYh3oJFg8-00106-00029823-00029911 save WWcYh3oJFg8-00107-00029948-00030048 and automatically WWcYh3oJFg8-00108-00030053-00030170 in the toolbar WWcYh3oJFg8-00109-00030213-00030313 i have my WWcYh3oJFg8-00110-00030346-00030468 new action that we have created WWcYh3oJFg8-00111-00030486-00030830 using a combination of multiple action. Ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00112-00030945-00031045 ... WWcYh3oJFg8-00113-00031045-00031370 Let´s talk now about the transient detection. WWcYh3oJFg8-00114-00031386-00031486 Transient detection WWcYh3oJFg8-00115-00031601-00031701 is.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00116-00031760-00031955 ...and lets undo the splits. WWcYh3oJFg8-00117-00032021-00032263 I will select WWcYh3oJFg8-00118-00032375-00032551 a short audio item WWcYh3oJFg8-00119-00032716-00032856 Transients.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00120-00032981-00033245 Transient detection is.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00121-00033358-00033558 Think of it has the initial attack WWcYh3oJFg8-00122-00033563-00033663 of the waveform WWcYh3oJFg8-00123-00033665-00033795 Its common pratice WWcYh3oJFg8-00124-00033798-00033898 to split WWcYh3oJFg8-00125-00033925-00034070 when editing audio WWcYh3oJFg8-00126-00034138-00034275 Drums, bass, WWcYh3oJFg8-00127-00034283-00034488 guitars, vocals, etc.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00128-00034515-00034771 We have... WWcYh3oJFg8-00129-00034780-00035030 the manual function to WWcYh3oJFg8-00130-00035045-00035165 using the TAB key WWcYh3oJFg8-00131-00035220-00035370 with the media item selected WWcYh3oJFg8-00132-00035433-00035763 Reaper automatically detects the first attack. WWcYh3oJFg8-00133-00035886-00036146 and doing it so, we can split WWcYh3oJFg8-00134-00036175-00036275 here WWcYh3oJFg8-00135-00036293-00036358 Split here WWcYh3oJFg8-00136-00036365-00036431 TAB WWcYh3oJFg8-00137-00036448-00036500 Split WWcYh3oJFg8-00138-00036546-00036741 TAB , Split...Ok? WWcYh3oJFg8-00139-00036808-00036886 But this split WWcYh3oJFg8-00140-00036893-00036993 is created WWcYh3oJFg8-00141-00037205-00037388 based on a detection algorithm WWcYh3oJFg8-00142-00037388-00037535 on these trasients. WWcYh3oJFg8-00143-00037541-00037731 You can find in the Edit menu WWcYh3oJFg8-00144-00037835-00038026 Transient detection settings. WWcYh3oJFg8-00145-00038083-00038221 This window will popup, WWcYh3oJFg8-00146-00038245-00038500 and you can see in the media item WWcYh3oJFg8-00147-00038551-00038758 There are new lines WWcYh3oJFg8-00148-00038830-00038995 that represent the detection threshold. WWcYh3oJFg8-00149-00039033-00039170 The threshold is.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00150-00039195-00039678 The value on which the detection starts happening. WWcYh3oJFg8-00151-00039678-00039870 The upper control WWcYh3oJFg8-00152-00039870-00040210 is related to the sensibility of that detection. WWcYh3oJFg8-00153-00040230-00040378 Let´s change some values WWcYh3oJFg8-00154-00040378-00040570 and lets increase the threshold value WWcYh3oJFg8-00155-00040593-00040723 without closing this window WWcYh3oJFg8-00156-00040750-00040886 hit TAB. WWcYh3oJFg8-00157-00040946-00041173 TAB is not working because WWcYh3oJFg8-00158-00041188-00041503 the algorithm is not detecting WWcYh3oJFg8-00159-00041525-00041760 any data to process. WWcYh3oJFg8-00160-00041760-00042038 If i lower the threshold value WWcYh3oJFg8-00161-00042058-00042355 to detect the peak values of the waveform WWcYh3oJFg8-00162-00042445-00042531 we have one here WWcYh3oJFg8-00163-00042558-00042645 another one WWcYh3oJFg8-00164-00042671-00042736 another one WWcYh3oJFg8-00165-00042815-00043013 I click TAB, goes to the first one WWcYh3oJFg8-00166-00043068-00043408 TAB , to the next one..and so on so on.. WWcYh3oJFg8-00167-00043408-00043508 and stops here. WWcYh3oJFg8-00168-00043545-00043941 The threshold is the most important factor WWcYh3oJFg8-00169-00043963-00044161 in the algorithm detection WWcYh3oJFg8-00170-00044270-00044501 The reason why i talked about the transient detection WWcYh3oJFg8-00171-00044546-00044855 is related to the custom action we did previously WWcYh3oJFg8-00172-00044855-00044946 using the grid lines WWcYh3oJFg8-00173-00044946-00045251 but you can also split media items WWcYh3oJFg8-00174-00045258-00045358 automatically WWcYh3oJFg8-00175-00045418-00045646 using the transient detection algorithm WWcYh3oJFg8-00176-00045646-00045906 and changing the threshold values. WWcYh3oJFg8-00177-00046023-00046193 I hope this tutorial was useful. WWcYh3oJFg8-00178-00046328-00046650 I have to thank everyone that is supporting the channel WWcYh3oJFg8-00179-00046650-00047030 by subscribing, commenting, sharing. WWcYh3oJFg8-00180-00047073-00047228 I will make more videos, WWcYh3oJFg8-00181-00047231-00047521 i didn´t forget the Reaper tutorials WWcYh3oJFg8-00182-00047538-00047685 even if there are other video uploads recently WWcYh3oJFg8-00183-00047685-00047923 containing other topics. WWcYh3oJFg8-00184-00048116-00048266 Subscribe , share .. WWcYh3oJFg8-00185-00048266-00048535 I hope you enjoyed this video. WWcYh3oJFg8-00186-00048535-00048660 Thanks for watching. WYYzsO1pqEY-00000-00000000-00000288 I swear there’s mountains over there somewhere. WYYzsO1pqEY-00001-00000288-00000399 Good morning, John. WYYzsO1pqEY-00002-00000400-00000530 I’m going to Australia. WYYzsO1pqEY-00003-00000530-00000636 Getting on the plane right now. WYYzsO1pqEY-00004-00000636-00001026 I’m in Denver, or as I still honestly call it, Isengard. WYYzsO1pqEY-00005-00001026-00001136 Remember those, John? WYYzsO1pqEY-00006-00001454-00001818 Airports are a really good time to like sit and look at people, WYYzsO1pqEY-00007-00001818-00002412 and think, how do I feel like I know so much that person just by glancing at them? WYYzsO1pqEY-00008-00002413-00002814 It feels like it takes so little data for me to put somebody in a category. WYYzsO1pqEY-00009-00002814-00003010 and then like, I also kind of believe it, though. WYYzsO1pqEY-00010-00003010-00003408 Oh, that person’s a student. That person’s a businessperson. That’s just a family with kids. WYYzsO1pqEY-00011-00003408-00003540 But it’s deeper than that, right? WYYzsO1pqEY-00012-00003540-00003918 ‘Cause like, I look at somebody and I’ll be like—I feel like I know things about them. WYYzsO1pqEY-00013-00003918-00004468 I know things about their politics, or I know things about how they see the world, just by, like, looking at their beard. WYYzsO1pqEY-00014-00004470-00004680 You can’t help but do that, right? WYYzsO1pqEY-00015-00004680-00004892 At least you gotta think about the fact that you’re doing it. WYYzsO1pqEY-00016-00004892-00005142 This is my plane. They’re gonna put some food on it. WYYzsO1pqEY-00017-00005142-00005282 Put some food on my plane, please. WYYzsO1pqEY-00018-00005282-00005657 My autofocus isn’t working, which is really—that’s not good. WYYzsO1pqEY-00019-00005657-00006022 This was an expensive lens. I want it to not be broken. WYYzsO1pqEY-00020-00006022-00006552 I have great news: I turned it on and turned it back off again, and it works now. WYYzsO1pqEY-00021-00006552-00006956 It jacked itself up. Now it’s up there. I didn’t expect that to happen. WYYzsO1pqEY-00022-00006956-00007394 I mean, what’s in that thing, really? Except for just a bunch of pretzels. WYYzsO1pqEY-00023-00007394-00007606 This makes me wanna play Airport Simulator. WYYzsO1pqEY-00024-00007606-00007908 Okay, it’s 5:30, I am now playing Airport Simulator at an airport. WYYzsO1pqEY-00025-00007908-00008022 Getting on the plane. WYYzsO1pqEY-00026-00008022-00008648 I’m in LA. This is what the ceiling looks like. I'm exhausted. Oh man. WYYzsO1pqEY-00027-00008648-00008994 And there’s my gate. And there’s Dave’s head. Hello, Dave's head. WYYzsO1pqEY-00028-00009116-00009342 What’s that? Oh my God, this is a beautiful shot. WYYzsO1pqEY-00029-00009342-00009456 Grace: Hi, Hank! WYYzsO1pqEY-00030-00009456-00009618 Hank: Grace just got really excited about the US Open. WYYzsO1pqEY-00031-00009618-00009960 Grace: Look, Lindsay Davenport is so excited! She’s crying! She’s so happy! WYYzsO1pqEY-00032-00009960-00010070 Hank: Who’s Lindsay Davenport? WYYzsO1pqEY-00033-00010070-00010594 Grace: Lindsay Davenport is a famous—like a—on the tail end of when Serena and Venus were like rising, she was like— WYYzsO1pqEY-00034-00010594-00010694 Hank: She’s a tennis player. WYYzsO1pqEY-00035-00010694-00010988 Grace: Tennis player, yes. That’s the first thing I should have said. She’s a tennis player. WYYzsO1pqEY-00036-00010988-00011378 The American underdog won, which is, like, what I wish the story of my life was. WYYzsO1pqEY-00037-00011378-00011474 Getting on the plane. WYYzsO1pqEY-00038-00011474-00012434 So the word is, stay up as late as you can, and then go to sleep and wake up and it’ll be morning in Melbourne, so I’m just gonna power through. That's my plan. WYYzsO1pqEY-00039-00012434-00012586 Everybody’s asleep. WYYzsO1pqEY-00040-00012586-00012704 They say not to go to sleep. WYYzsO1pqEY-00041-00012704-00012988 Why are all of these people going to sleep? WYYzsO1pqEY-00042-00012988-00013080 I guess I did have a coffee. WYYzsO1pqEY-00043-00013080-00013318 The Earth is very big. WYYzsO1pqEY-00044-00013318-00013560 I’m gonna work on some of my VidCon talks. WYYzsO1pqEY-00045-00013560-00013656 I changed my mind. WYYzsO1pqEY-00046-00013656-00013778 I’m watching One Punch Man. WYYzsO1pqEY-00047-00013778-00014068 When I wake up, I’ll be in the southern hemisphere. WYYzsO1pqEY-00048-00014068-00014200 Is that painter’s tape? WYYzsO1pqEY-00049-00014200-00014610 Tiniest little toothpaste… Woah! WYYzsO1pqEY-00050-00014610-00015138 I frickin’ did it. I woke up a lot, but I just went back to bed. WYYzsO1pqEY-00051-00015138-00015591 And when I woke up, pretty much everybody else had already woken up, so I feel like I win. WYYzsO1pqEY-00052-00015591-00015800 I’m gonna have a great first day in Melbourne. WYYzsO1pqEY-00053-00017140-00017608 This is my big, beautiful view of the outside of beautiful Melbourne, WYYzsO1pqEY-00054-00017608-00017948 and there’s a lot of beautiful sunlight coming through, and I got this chocolate bar. WYYzsO1pqEY-00055-00018040-00018440 Oh no. Hello, beautiful chocolate. I’m sorry. WYYzsO1pqEY-00056-00018440-00018808 I just got directions to boba tea from a Crash Course fan. We’ll see how this turns out. WYYzsO1pqEY-00057-00018808-00018904 Success! WYYzsO1pqEY-00058-00018904-00019042 Cash only. WYYzsO1pqEY-00059-00019042-00019286 More bad news. Okay, well, tomorrow, then. WYYzsO1pqEY-00060-00019292-00019520 I rented a bike. WYYzsO1pqEY-00061-00019520-00019820 This is where VidCon’s gonna be tomorrow. WYYzsO1pqEY-00062-00019936-00020388 It’s time now for something that I wanna do even though it seems a little silly. WYYzsO1pqEY-00063-00020388-00020562 This looks like an okay spot. WYYzsO1pqEY-00064-00020816-00020918 Southern hemisphere. WYYzsO1pqEY-00065-00021914-00022052 John, I’ll see you on Tuesday. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00000-00000153-00000370 (male narrator) So for another example of sort of how graphs come into things, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00001-00000373-00000470 uh...consider this. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00002-00000473-00000613 Back in the 18th century, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00003-00000617-00000847 uh...there was a Prussian city called Konigsberg, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00004-00000850-00001084 uh...where a river-- you can see here-- Wbdqx8GDOjE-00005-00001087-00001217 ran through the city. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00006-00001221-00001394 Uh...the river forks, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00007-00001397-00001701 Uh...and-and there were seven bridges that connected, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00008-00001704-00001965 uh...that crossed the various forks in the river. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00009-00001968-00002098 And as a weekend amusement, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00010-00002102-00002342 people would see if they could find a route Wbdqx8GDOjE-00011-00002345-00002599 that would take them across every bridge once Wbdqx8GDOjE-00012-00002602-00002866 uh...and then return them to where they started. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00013-00002869-00003356 And, uh...uh...Leonhard Euler, uh...was sort of the father Wbdqx8GDOjE-00014-00003359-00003703 of this branch of mathematics called "graph theory." Wbdqx8GDOjE-00015-00003706-00003900 And he analyzed this problem Wbdqx8GDOjE-00016-00003903-00004134 uh...and kind of like we're doing Wbdqx8GDOjE-00017-00004137-00004601 introduced a, uh...graph into this situation. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00018-00004604-00004851 So let's see if we can do that here. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00019-00004854-00004994 So really what's important? Wbdqx8GDOjE-00020-00004998-00005238 What we really care about is the bridges. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00021-00005241-00005548 You know, if I start here and...whoops...yeah, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00022-00005552-00005885 if I start here and walk across this bridge, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00023-00005889-00006102 and then I'm gonna walk across this bridge, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00024-00006106-00006396 I don't really care how far I have to walk here. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00025-00006399-00006553 That's not relevant to this question. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00026-00006556-00006679 Right? Wbdqx8GDOjE-00027-00006683-00007103 All that matters is that I went from this island to this side, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00028-00007106-00007557 and then maybe walked back across this bridge to really... Wbdqx8GDOjE-00029-00007700-00007984 we walked back to this side Wbdqx8GDOjE-00030-00007987-00008304 of the...of-of...to go back to the island. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00031-00008308-00008555 And then if I walk across this bridge Wbdqx8GDOjE-00032-00008558-00008815 and then walk back across to the island, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00033-00008818-00009305 I'm really treating all of this island as one location. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00034-00009309-00009606 So really we have sort of the-the whole... Wbdqx8GDOjE-00035-00009609-00009959 the whole north bank area up here. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00036-00009963-00010273 We have our-our island here... Wbdqx8GDOjE-00037-00010420-00010693 and, uh...we have our whole south bank here, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00038-00010697-00011137 and-and our whole sort of east bank, uh...over here. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00039-00011141-00011291 And we have two bridges Wbdqx8GDOjE-00040-00011294-00011554 connecting the north bank to the island, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00041-00011558-00011908 two bridges connecting the south bank to the island, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00042-00011911-00012208 one bridge connecting the island to the east bank, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00043-00012212-00012352 one bridge collecting... Wbdqx8GDOjE-00044-00012355-00012609 connecting the north bank to the east bank, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00045-00012612-00012986 and one bridge connecting the east bank to the south bank. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00046-00012989-00013329 And this picture starts getting at sort of the core notion, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00047-00013333-00013490 but again, it doesn't really matter Wbdqx8GDOjE-00048-00013493-00013703 where in the north bank we are. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00049-00013706-00014080 So what we could do is shrink this entire north bank down Wbdqx8GDOjE-00050-00014083-00014380 to a single vertex. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00051-00014384-00014564 And the island could be represented Wbdqx8GDOjE-00052-00014567-00014697 by a single vertex, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00053-00014701-00014878 and the south bank can be represented Wbdqx8GDOjE-00054-00014881-00015011 by a single vertex, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00055-00015014-00015188 and the east bank can be represented Wbdqx8GDOjE-00056-00015191-00015348 by a single vertex. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00057-00015351-00015538 And there are two routes to get Wbdqx8GDOjE-00058-00015542-00015752 from the north bank to the island. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00059-00015755-00015902 Two routes to get Wbdqx8GDOjE-00060-00015905-00016136 from the south bank to the island. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00061-00016139-00016439 One route here, one route here, and one route here. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00062-00016443-00016736 And so here is a simplified graph Wbdqx8GDOjE-00063-00016739-00016963 that represents this scenario. Wbdqx8GDOjE-00064-00016966-00017130 And by looking at this graph, Wbdqx8GDOjE-00065-00017133-00017430 it makes it a little easier to look at the question Wbdqx8GDOjE-00066-00017434-00017907 of, you know, is it possible to walk over every bridge-- Wbdqx8GDOjE-00067-00017911-00018314 in this case, that would mean crossing over every edge once-- Wbdqx8GDOjE-00068-00018318-00018521 and return to your starting location? Wbdqx8GDOjE-00069-00018525-00018792 In other words, return to your starting vertex. WcJQbdYK3xu-00000-00001464-00002096 Building Resilience to Health Misinformation in Local Communities A Public and Academic Library's WcJQbdYK3xu-00001-00002096-00002888 Partnership in San Diego County California, our objective is to mitigate health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00002-00002888-00003408 and build resilience to it in the local communities of san diego county california WcJQbdYK3xu-00003-00003472-00004000 and our project is a collaboration of public and academic libraries in the county WcJQbdYK3xu-00004-00004192-00004728 our strategy is to share reliable health information and support health information WcJQbdYK3xu-00005-00004728-00005408 literacy we use a multi-pronged approach that includes information sharing training and events WcJQbdYK3xu-00006-00005408-00006200 strategic partnerships and community engagement our collaboration is through san diego circuit WcJQbdYK3xu-00007-00006256-00006895 circuit is a consortium of two public and four academic libraries in san diego county our WcJQbdYK3xu-00008-00006895-00007512 association serves academic users and the general public of over 3.3 million people WcJQbdYK3xu-00009-00007631-00008080 circuit has historically focused on an interlibrary loan service among WcJQbdYK3xu-00010-00008080-00008736 members additionally our libraries regularly collaborate on strategic information initiatives WcJQbdYK3xu-00011-00008936-00009608 in 2021 the san diego county board of supervisors declared health misinformation a public health WcJQbdYK3xu-00012-00009608-00010136 crisis this declaration acknowledged the negative impact of misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00013-00010136-00010792 on health awareness and choices during the covet 19 pandemic san diego county has launched WcJQbdYK3xu-00014-00010792-00011456 a campaign to counteract health misinformation and build our community's resilience to it the WcJQbdYK3xu-00015-00011456-00012008 campaign includes a strategy that aligns with the surgeon general's recommendations for the problem WcJQbdYK3xu-00016-00012216-00012696 circuit libraries will support the county's campaign by developing health information WcJQbdYK3xu-00017-00012696-00013344 programs and building community resilience to health misinformation this effort directly WcJQbdYK3xu-00018-00013344-00013936 aligns with the public service mission of our academic institutions and public libraries WcJQbdYK3xu-00019-00014016-00014591 in the early stages of our work we found that many university regional government and WcJQbdYK3xu-00020-00014591-00015319 community groups share our focus on promoting health information literacy we recently kicked WcJQbdYK3xu-00021-00015319-00015952 off the project work in january 2022 therefore this project briefing will WcJQbdYK3xu-00022-00015952-00016584 describe our preliminary work specifically our planning process and our style of collaboration WcJQbdYK3xu-00023-00016888-00017248 let's look at some background details on health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00024-00017312-00017888 misinformation is false or misleading information contradicting the best available evidence WcJQbdYK3xu-00025-00017976-00018624 people may unintentionally share misinformation therefore it is different from disinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00026-00018624-00019152 where people intentionally spread false information to deceive others WcJQbdYK3xu-00027-00019408-00019768 for examples of health misinformation the cdc has WcJQbdYK3xu-00028-00019768-00020464 outlined common myths and rumors about covet 19 vaccines which they disprove with facts WcJQbdYK3xu-00029-00020584-00021184 the cdc has another webpage that counters health myths about cholesterol WcJQbdYK3xu-00030-00021344-00022008 health misinformation poses significant risks it may cause confusion so mistrust WcJQbdYK3xu-00031-00022008-00022488 harm people's health and undermine public health efforts in society WcJQbdYK3xu-00032-00022584-00023144 therefore the surgeon general has declared that limiting the spread of health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00033-00023144-00023680 is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole of society effort WcJQbdYK3xu-00034-00023904-00024376 there are global national and regional efforts to mitigate health and misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00035-00024456-00025200 the who cdc johns hopkins center for health security and the surgeon general have launched WcJQbdYK3xu-00036-00025200-00025816 campaigns to counteract health misinformation the office of the surgeon general has developed WcJQbdYK3xu-00037-00025816-00026392 a community toolkit of particular note it provides tools for the general public to WcJQbdYK3xu-00038-00026456-00027039 quote understand identify and stop misinformation and help others do the same WcJQbdYK3xu-00039-00027304-00027856 at our regional level the san diego county government developed a web page to help WcJQbdYK3xu-00040-00027856-00028583 citizens evaluate covet 19 information the county also hosts covet 19 public health WcJQbdYK3xu-00041-00028583-00029200 misinformation panels they are online meetings for county residents to engage with health WcJQbdYK3xu-00042-00029200-00030024 experts on questions about covet 19 and health misinformation how we designed our initiatives WcJQbdYK3xu-00043-00030080-00030727 we used an inclusive participatory process to design work for broad impact to coordinate our WcJQbdYK3xu-00044-00030727-00031400 different expertise and resources and align our partner library's missions and services we WcJQbdYK3xu-00045-00031400-00032056 relied on an advisory team of nine librarians to design and plan our health information initiatives WcJQbdYK3xu-00046-00032127-00032896 our team includes representation from all six libraries in san diego circuit here's our process WcJQbdYK3xu-00047-00033016-00033408 first we analyzed recommendations for mitigating health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00048-00033464-00034112 focusing on guidance from san diego county and the surgeon general we identified four action areas WcJQbdYK3xu-00049-00034112-00034848 that resonated with library work they include information sharing educational services community WcJQbdYK3xu-00050-00034848-00035496 engagement and strategic partnerships next we brainstormed health information initiatives for WcJQbdYK3xu-00051-00035496-00036176 each action area we generated ideas at individual and team levels to surface our different WcJQbdYK3xu-00052-00036176-00036856 perspectives and organizational values we strive to accommodate these differences in our planning WcJQbdYK3xu-00053-00037064-00037728 afterwards we prioritized high-impact initiatives that have a high ease of doing we conducted WcJQbdYK3xu-00054-00037728-00038368 multiple rounds of scoring and voting on the proposed projects an essential element WcJQbdYK3xu-00055-00038368-00039024 was graphing our ratings on a 2x2 matrix of impact scores versus ease of doing scores WcJQbdYK3xu-00056-00039088-00039768 to focus on those projects in the top right hand corner next we collaboratively WcJQbdYK3xu-00057-00039768-00040432 drafted project plans for each priority finally we presented our project plans WcJQbdYK3xu-00058-00040432-00041032 to the library directors of all circuit organizations for review revision and approval WcJQbdYK3xu-00059-00041344-00041824 we checked for mutually beneficial and complementary work across our different WcJQbdYK3xu-00060-00041824-00042392 organizations throughout our design process consequently each library WcJQbdYK3xu-00061-00042392-00042952 has the necessary resources expertise and mission alignment to succeed in this work WcJQbdYK3xu-00062-00043144-00043792 our planning resulted in eight prioritized initiatives to carry out in 2022 we will WcJQbdYK3xu-00063-00043792-00044448 present these initiatives in a logic model a logic model can show the relationships among our library WcJQbdYK3xu-00064-00044448-00045112 resources activities and intended outputs the model can illustrate how this work supports the WcJQbdYK3xu-00065-00045112-00045832 impact areas of the county's campaign against health misinformation here's the logic model WcJQbdYK3xu-00066-00046160-00046768 first we identified the requisite resources to develop health information literacy in local WcJQbdYK3xu-00067-00046768-00047320 communities the resources include staffing and partners who will contribute to the activities WcJQbdYK3xu-00068-00047384-00047904 funding for programs and services technology for web publishing and communications WcJQbdYK3xu-00069-00047976-00048544 organizational support to prioritize health information literacy and community networks WcJQbdYK3xu-00070-00048544-00049184 for public engagement through these resources we can conduct activities that build WcJQbdYK3xu-00071-00049184-00049832 community resilience to health misinformation specifically there are eight initiatives promote WcJQbdYK3xu-00072-00049832-00050456 health information sources build health reference skills and a referral guide for library workers WcJQbdYK3xu-00073-00050552-00051296 develop a library network for collaborative health information work conduct instruction and events to WcJQbdYK3xu-00074-00051296-00051976 support health information literacy engage public officials to collaborate on health information WcJQbdYK3xu-00075-00051976-00052624 initiatives engage community advocates to promote library services and programs WcJQbdYK3xu-00076-00052728-00053360 invite health experts to work with libraries on misinformation mitigation and WcJQbdYK3xu-00077-00053360-00053855 train health workers on health information literacy support with the public WcJQbdYK3xu-00078-00054032-00054432 we categorized our initiatives between a type and b type WcJQbdYK3xu-00079-00054655-00055120 the first four initiatives the a type represent high impact and high ease of WcJQbdYK3xu-00080-00055120-00055688 doing initiatives our advisory team of circuit librarians will lead this work WcJQbdYK3xu-00081-00055864-00056488 the b type initiatives are high impact but they have low ease of doing we reserve this work WcJQbdYK3xu-00082-00056488-00057120 for circuit library directors since it requires higher administrative and collaborative capacity WcJQbdYK3xu-00083-00057464-00057896 here are our intended outputs they are the products and services WcJQbdYK3xu-00084-00057896-00058488 we hope to deliver outputs include health subject guides promotional materials WcJQbdYK3xu-00085-00058544-00059176 training and community events a community of practice and strategic partnerships with WcJQbdYK3xu-00086-00059176-00059800 public officials community leaders and health experts for health information literacy support WcJQbdYK3xu-00087-00060072-00060672 consequently these outputs could support four impact areas in the county and national WcJQbdYK3xu-00088-00060672-00061248 recommendations for counteracting health misinformation the impact areas include WcJQbdYK3xu-00089-00061248-00061544 disseminate reliable health information to the public WcJQbdYK3xu-00090-00061624-00062288 partner on strategic initiatives related to health misinformation provide educational services about WcJQbdYK3xu-00091-00062288-00063008 misinformation and health information literacy and engage community groups through health information WcJQbdYK3xu-00092-00063184-00063544 while there are additional impact areas for building WcJQbdYK3xu-00093-00063544-00064112 health misinformation resilience these four areas notably resonate with libraries WcJQbdYK3xu-00094-00064440-00064904 we have directly tied our library initiatives to the county's campaign WcJQbdYK3xu-00095-00064904-00065632 goals the relationships in our model indicated by the row organization and the connective threads WcJQbdYK3xu-00096-00065632-00066368 show the direct link between our work and the public goals overall this logic model WcJQbdYK3xu-00097-00066368-00066952 helps us focus on the broader impact and explain our contributions to the county's effort WcJQbdYK3xu-00098-00067128-00067472 we commit to these project values in our collaborative work WcJQbdYK3xu-00099-00067536-00068208 first we will work as a unified inclusive group of libraries we rely on each other's unique expertise WcJQbdYK3xu-00100-00068288-00068960 share resources and achieve collective impact secondly we will conduct sustainable work through WcJQbdYK3xu-00101-00068960-00069624 focused projects on a one-year timeline they are more feasible and offer room for WcJQbdYK3xu-00102-00069624-00070264 flexibility and change lastly we seek to reach a broad range of communities WcJQbdYK3xu-00103-00070264-00070872 in san diego county we support the whole of society effort endorsed by the surgeon general WcJQbdYK3xu-00104-00071104-00071704 we take a phased approach in our work in the first phase we will build an online guide of WcJQbdYK3xu-00105-00071704-00072272 health information sources this guide will help the general public find reliable information WcJQbdYK3xu-00106-00072328-00073008 critically evaluate health information and use libraries to explore their health questions WcJQbdYK3xu-00107-00073008-00073584 additionally we will host the training class on health reference skills for library workers WcJQbdYK3xu-00108-00073584-00074104 serving the general public the network of the national library of medicine will be teaching WcJQbdYK3xu-00109-00074104-00074752 this class additionally we've met with county public health workers and have begun exploring WcJQbdYK3xu-00110-00074752-00075400 collaboration opportunities in subsequent phases we will build on these foundational elements WcJQbdYK3xu-00111-00075400-00076024 to develop a community of practice and to forge strategic partnerships for larger scale work WcJQbdYK3xu-00112-00076280-00076672 after reflecting on our design process we want to highlight a few WcJQbdYK3xu-00113-00076672-00077184 practices that helped our diverse libraries collaborate on a broad social initiative WcJQbdYK3xu-00114-00077264-00077728 the collective impact model encapsulates many of our collaboration techniques WcJQbdYK3xu-00115-00077800-00078248 we will review this model and describe how our work reflects its principles WcJQbdYK3xu-00116-00078528-00079200 collective impact is a framework for collaboration problem solving and social innovation it is a WcJQbdYK3xu-00117-00079200-00079856 network of community members organizations and institutions who advance equity by learning WcJQbdYK3xu-00118-00079856-00080552 together aligning and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change WcJQbdYK3xu-00119-00080792-00081320 it differs from other collaborations by emphasizing a centralized infrastructure WcJQbdYK3xu-00120-00081320-00081976 a dedicated staff and a structured process that leads to a common agenda shared WcJQbdYK3xu-00121-00081976-00082784 measurement continuous communication and mutually reinforcing activities among all participants WcJQbdYK3xu-00122-00082936-00083656 five conditions drive collective impact they include a common agenda shared measurement systems WcJQbdYK3xu-00123-00083656-00084264 mutually reinforcing activities continuous communication and backbone support organizations WcJQbdYK3xu-00124-00084472-00085024 the first condition is a common agenda which includes a shared vision a common understanding WcJQbdYK3xu-00125-00085024-00085696 and a joint approach to action in our experience we quickly noticed that our libraries have a WcJQbdYK3xu-00126-00085696-00086328 shared mission to help people find reliable information and to engage communities through WcJQbdYK3xu-00127-00086328-00087064 learning and technology additionally we defined our common agenda based upon recommendations by WcJQbdYK3xu-00128-00087064-00087720 leading organizations including the cdc the surgeon general and the national library of WcJQbdYK3xu-00129-00087720-00088384 medicine their research and vetting strengthened our confidence to mitigate health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00130-00088640-00089040 the second condition is shared measurement systems an agreement WcJQbdYK3xu-00131-00089040-00089640 on data collection measurement and reporting to monitor outcomes and facilitate learning WcJQbdYK3xu-00132-00089736-00090360 identifying measurement systems was challenging especially as health misinformation resilience WcJQbdYK3xu-00133-00090360-00090968 is an emerging space for libraries and our partners have different missions and roles WcJQbdYK3xu-00134-00091056-00091616 furthermore our work provides intangible benefits that are difficult to quantify WcJQbdYK3xu-00135-00091616-00092376 and measure such as information literacy and critical evaluation skills currently we will WcJQbdYK3xu-00136-00092376-00093120 rely on the traditional measures of participant counts at events and resource use statistics we WcJQbdYK3xu-00137-00093120-00093712 need to continue exploring library assessment methods around health misinformation resilience WcJQbdYK3xu-00138-00093952-00094504 the third condition is mutually reinforcing activities whereby stakeholders coordinate WcJQbdYK3xu-00139-00094504-00094968 their unique strengths and expertise to support and complement one another WcJQbdYK3xu-00140-00095072-00095600 in our work we designed our efforts for mutual benefit and harmony WcJQbdYK3xu-00141-00095600-00096320 with existing services roles and capacity additionally we used a systematic process WcJQbdYK3xu-00142-00096320-00097064 to plan our initiatives with multiple rounds of voting scoring and discussing this protocol WcJQbdYK3xu-00143-00097064-00097640 helped us recognize our organizational needs and define our respective contributions WcJQbdYK3xu-00144-00097920-00098600 the fourth condition is continuous communication such as regular meetings our advisory team meets WcJQbdYK3xu-00145-00098600-00099216 monthly we have pre-work for every meeting including readings brainstorming exercises WcJQbdYK3xu-00146-00099216-00099896 revisions and planning because of this preparation we can focus on analysis decision making and WcJQbdYK3xu-00147-00099896-00100624 project delegation during meetings the last condition is backbone support organizations WcJQbdYK3xu-00148-00100624-00101088 which comprise dedicated staffing and organizations for project management WcJQbdYK3xu-00149-00101088-00101728 data management and work facilitation in our collaboration we rely on a project manager WcJQbdYK3xu-00150-00101728-00102440 to convene monthly meetings set the agenda design the pre-work and coordinate inclusive decision WcJQbdYK3xu-00151-00102440-00103248 making and project work exercises additionally our advisory team includes a circuit library director WcJQbdYK3xu-00152-00103248-00103944 who facilitates regular communication with all library directors on project progress and resource WcJQbdYK3xu-00153-00103944-00104808 needs let's recap our project public and academic libraries in the san diego circa consortium are WcJQbdYK3xu-00154-00104808-00105432 collaborating to support the county's campaign against health misinformation we use the project WcJQbdYK3xu-00155-00105432-00106048 design process to ensure our work is mutually beneficial and complementary of our different WcJQbdYK3xu-00156-00106048-00106800 library expertise and capacity our program goal is to build resilience to health misinformation WcJQbdYK3xu-00157-00106856-00107592 among local communities in san diego county our strategy is to share reliable health information WcJQbdYK3xu-00158-00107592-00108304 and support health information literacy we will take a multi-pronged approach that includes WcJQbdYK3xu-00159-00108304-00109111 information sharing training and events strategic partnerships and community engagement our logic WcJQbdYK3xu-00160-00109111-00109800 model helped us connect our resources activities and outputs to the impact areas recommended by WcJQbdYK3xu-00161-00109800-00110783 the county lastly our collaboration style reflects the conditions within the collective impact model WcJQbdYK3xu-00162-00113320-00113370 you Wdr2h98CK7c-00000-00000272-00000560 So the topic today of our discussion is cellular Wdr2h98CK7c-00001-00000560-00000969 respiration. I've drawn for you here out the Wdr2h98CK7c-00002-00000969-00001212 equation, the overall equation for cellular Wdr2h98CK7c-00003-00001212-00001485 respiration, and so let's look at it for just a Wdr2h98CK7c-00004-00001485-00001863 second. What we see is this is one molecule of Wdr2h98CK7c-00005-00001863-00002505 glucose in the presence of oxygen yields water. Wdr2h98CK7c-00006-00002658-00002817 Carbon dioxide. Wdr2h98CK7c-00007-00003041-00003608 And ATP, which is the energy currency for the Wdr2h98CK7c-00008-00003608-00004053 cell. Now, we know from previous lessons that all Wdr2h98CK7c-00009-00004053-00004575 cells require ATP to carry out their cellular work, Wdr2h98CK7c-00010-00004632-00004869 therefore, if cells don't have ATP, they're going Wdr2h98CK7c-00011-00004869-00005433 to die. So this reaction shows you how your cells Wdr2h98CK7c-00012-00005433-00005748 in your body are actually producing the ATP that Wdr2h98CK7c-00013-00005748-00006107 they need in order to function. Now, I want to Wdr2h98CK7c-00014-00006107-00006356 point out a couple of things to you, and first of Wdr2h98CK7c-00015-00006356-00006614 all, we have oxygen, gas and we have carbon Wdr2h98CK7c-00016-00006614-00006992 dioxide and you already know that you breathe in Wdr2h98CK7c-00017-00006992-00007326 oxygen, gas, and then you exhale carbon dioxide. Wdr2h98CK7c-00018-00007397-00007706 This reaction is why you must have a supply of Wdr2h98CK7c-00019-00007706-00007991 oxygen and you have a waste of carbon dioxide that Wdr2h98CK7c-00020-00007991-00008354 you have to breathe out. In order for cells to do Wdr2h98CK7c-00021-00008354-00008558 this process, they have to have a continuous Wdr2h98CK7c-00022-00008558-00008861 supply of oxygen, which you supply by breathing. Wdr2h98CK7c-00023-00008909-00009185 And then the waste gas, carbon dioxide is what Wdr2h98CK7c-00024-00009185-00009482 you're exhaling. So now you see why you actually Wdr2h98CK7c-00025-00009482-00009683 need to breathe, because your cells need to Wdr2h98CK7c-00026-00009683-00009950 continue to produce ATP to stay healthy. Wdr2h98CK7c-00027-00010151-00010349 Now, the other thing I want to talk about is this Wdr2h98CK7c-00028-00010349-00010759 molecule right here, glucose. And we know Wdr2h98CK7c-00029-00010759-00010972 something about glucose. We know this is this is a Wdr2h98CK7c-00030-00010972-00011284 sugar and therefore we know it's in a lot of the Wdr2h98CK7c-00031-00011284-00011623 food that we eat, even starch, we know is broken Wdr2h98CK7c-00032-00011623-00012004 down into individual glucose molecules. So this is Wdr2h98CK7c-00033-00012135-00012517 by ingesting and digesting food. This is one of Wdr2h98CK7c-00034-00012517-00012739 the nutrients that your digestive system breaks Wdr2h98CK7c-00035-00012739-00012985 down. Now, obviously, we eat more than just sugar. Wdr2h98CK7c-00036-00013009-00013419 We eat fats and we eat proteins. So glucose is not Wdr2h98CK7c-00037-00013419-00013804 our only energy source. But for this lesson, we're Wdr2h98CK7c-00038-00013804-00014155 going to follow one molecule of glucose until it's Wdr2h98CK7c-00039-00014155-00014443 completely oxidized or broken down into carbon Wdr2h98CK7c-00040-00014443-00014836 dioxide to show how the cell generates energy. Now, Wdr2h98CK7c-00041-00014836-00015103 at the end, I'm going to show you that no matter Wdr2h98CK7c-00042-00015103-00015550 whether you're ingesting fats or proteins or other Wdr2h98CK7c-00043-00015550-00015916 sugars, they all get broken down in a similar Wdr2h98CK7c-00044-00015916-00016162 process to produce energy for the cell. But for Wdr2h98CK7c-00045-00016162-00016402 now, we're just going to track through one Wdr2h98CK7c-00046-00016402-00016633 molecule of glucose to see how the energy is Wdr2h98CK7c-00047-00016633-00017011 produced. Now, the other thing I want to point out Wdr2h98CK7c-00048-00017011-00017350 to you is this glucose molecule, it does have Wdr2h98CK7c-00049-00017350-00018121 energy, OK, stored in the chemical bonds, so in Wdr2h98CK7c-00050-00018121-00018457 other words, there are bonds between those carbons Wdr2h98CK7c-00051-00018478-00018820 and the carbons and hydrogen and oxygen, those Wdr2h98CK7c-00052-00018820-00019105 bonds themselves Wdr2h98CK7c-00053-00019355-00019832 are potential energy. Therefore, this process is Wdr2h98CK7c-00054-00019832-00020399 essentially the slow breakdown or oxidation of Wdr2h98CK7c-00055-00020830-00021267 the bonds of glucose. As those bonds are broken, Wdr2h98CK7c-00056-00021312-00021714 energy is released and that energy is used to Wdr2h98CK7c-00057-00021714-00022203 generate ATP molecules, and that's what the cell Wdr2h98CK7c-00058-00022203-00022355 uses to do with cellular work. Wdr2h98CK7c-00059-00022622-00022964 So let's talk a little bit now about something Wdr2h98CK7c-00060-00022964-00023400 called a redox reaction in a cell. This process Wdr2h98CK7c-00061-00023549-00023894 is a redox reaction, as well as the next lesson Wdr2h98CK7c-00062-00023894-00024047 that you'll talk about next week, which is Wdr2h98CK7c-00063-00024047-00024486 photosynthesis is also a redox reaction. Now, what Wdr2h98CK7c-00064-00024486-00024663 do I mean by Redox? Well. Wdr2h98CK7c-00065-00024881-00025313 Something can be reduced chemically and something Wdr2h98CK7c-00066-00025313-00025682 can be oxidized, a reduction just simply means the Wdr2h98CK7c-00067-00025682-00026273 gain of electrons. Oxidation means the loss of Wdr2h98CK7c-00068-00026273-00026666 electrons. Now we know that bonds, chemical bonds Wdr2h98CK7c-00069-00026666-00026920 are made up of electrons. So when we break bonds, Wdr2h98CK7c-00070-00026939-00027230 we can have the transfer of electrons from one Wdr2h98CK7c-00071-00027230-00027673 molecule to another. Now, for us in this Wdr2h98CK7c-00072-00027673-00027964 particular equation, to make it easier to follow Wdr2h98CK7c-00073-00027964-00028195 what's happening with the electrons, we can also Wdr2h98CK7c-00074-00028195-00028620 say gaining a hydrogen or losing a hydrogen, Wdr2h98CK7c-00075-00028620-00028785 because we're not talking about a hydrogen ion, Wdr2h98CK7c-00076-00028786-00028957 we're talking about hydrogen that carries with it Wdr2h98CK7c-00077-00028957-00029364 an electron. So by gaining a hydrogen, we can say Wdr2h98CK7c-00078-00029364-00029586 that that's gaining an electron and vice versa. Wdr2h98CK7c-00079-00029587-00029919 Losing a hydrogen would be losing an electron. So Wdr2h98CK7c-00080-00029919-00030261 we want to find out which of these so on this side Wdr2h98CK7c-00081-00030261-00030627 of the arrow over here [left side] are the reactants and on Wdr2h98CK7c-00082-00030627-00030867 this side of the arrow [right] are the products. We first Wdr2h98CK7c-00083-00030867-00031089 want to find out which one of these reactants is Wdr2h98CK7c-00084-00031089-00031392 being oxidized and which one is being reduced, Wdr2h98CK7c-00085-00031439-00031797 because when one molecule is gaining electrons, Wdr2h98CK7c-00086-00031836-00032064 those electrons had to come from somewhere. Right. Wdr2h98CK7c-00087-00032091-00032352 So therefore, another molecule had to lose Wdr2h98CK7c-00088-00032355-00032751 electrons. And that's why we call this a redox Wdr2h98CK7c-00089-00032751-00032940 reaction, because we have both occurring a Wdr2h98CK7c-00090-00032940-00033315 reduction and an oxidation. Let's start with Wdr2h98CK7c-00091-00033315-00033609 glucose, glucose is our only carbon containing Wdr2h98CK7c-00092-00033609-00033978 compound on the reactant side, and therefore we Wdr2h98CK7c-00093-00033978-00034416 realize that it is being converted into carbon Wdr2h98CK7c-00094-00034416-00034623 dioxide because that's the only carbon containing Wdr2h98CK7c-00095-00034623-00034947 compound on the product side. So we start with Wdr2h98CK7c-00096-00034947-00035295 glucose, which has 12 hydrogens. We end up with Wdr2h98CK7c-00097-00035295-00035523 carbon dioxide, which has no hydrogen. So we can Wdr2h98CK7c-00098-00035523-00035880 say, all right, we have a loss of hydrogens, Wdr2h98CK7c-00099-00035880-00036147 which means we have a loss of electrons. This Wdr2h98CK7c-00100-00036147-00036684 tells me this is the oxidation reaction. Glucose Wdr2h98CK7c-00101-00036684-00037163 is being oxidized into carbon dioxide. Oxygen is Wdr2h98CK7c-00102-00037163-00037541 our other reactant, OK, and it is being converted Wdr2h98CK7c-00103-00037541-00038003 into water, oxygen has no hydrogen's, but water Wdr2h98CK7c-00104-00038003-00038394 has several. So we say, well, we have a game. Of Wdr2h98CK7c-00105-00038394-00038832 hydrogen's or a gain of electrons, therefore, this Wdr2h98CK7c-00106-00038991-00039408 shows that oxygen is being reduced into water. Wdr2h98CK7c-00107-00040034-00040229 Before we move on, so I'm going to I'm going to Wdr2h98CK7c-00108-00040229-00040592 have a separate video for you for each of the main Wdr2h98CK7c-00109-00040592-00040931 processes of cellular respiration. So this one Wdr2h98CK7c-00110-00040931-00041285 reaction is actually we're going to break it down Wdr2h98CK7c-00111-00041285-00041627 into three different process to show in detail how Wdr2h98CK7c-00112-00041627-00041930 this actually is carried out in the cell. And so Wdr2h98CK7c-00113-00041930-00042104 the first process we're going to talk about is Wdr2h98CK7c-00114-00042104-00042725 called glycolysis, OK? And this occurs in the Wdr2h98CK7c-00115-00042725-00043236 cytoplasm of the cell, not the mitochondria. The Wdr2h98CK7c-00116-00043236-00043681 next process is called the Krebs cycle. Or Wdr2h98CK7c-00117-00043681-00044002 sometimes it's referred to as the citric acid Wdr2h98CK7c-00118-00044002-00044405 cycle, so those are the same thing. This is Wdr2h98CK7c-00119-00044405-00044672 occurring in the mitochondria. Wdr2h98CK7c-00120-00044975-00045260 And the third process is called the electron Wdr2h98CK7c-00121-00045260-00045398 transport chain. Wdr2h98CK7c-00122-00045864-00046149 And this is important because a process called Wdr2h98CK7c-00123-00046406-00046541 Oxidative Wdr2h98CK7c-00124-00046882-00047218 phosphorylation is carried out here. We'll talk Wdr2h98CK7c-00125-00047218-00047374 about that in detail when we talk about the Wdr2h98CK7c-00126-00047374-00047689 electron transport chain. This is also carried out Wdr2h98CK7c-00127-00047689-00047806 in the mitochondria. Wdr2h98CK7c-00128-00048176-00048628 So. You'll need to watch each successive video Wdr2h98CK7c-00129-00048628-00048889 about the Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport Wdr2h98CK7c-00130-00048889-00049126 chain to get the details of this cellular Wdr2h98CK7c-00131-00049126-00049276 respiration process. WfoNdAkgt6c-00000-00001232-00001655 The American news this time focuses on existing chemicals, for which several changes can be WfoNdAkgt6c-00001-00001655-00002136 seen on the horizon. Our TSCA news anchor for this ChemConnection is David Fisher, WfoNdAkgt6c-00002-00002136-00002560 former EPA deputy administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution. WfoNdAkgt6c-00003-00002560-00002976 David now works for Keller and Heckman in Washington. David great to have you with WfoNdAkgt6c-00004-00002976-00003424 us. With the new Biden administration, what is the current state of risk evaluation of WfoNdAkgt6c-00005-00003424-00003992 existing chemicals within EPA. Great question. I don't really know the answer, but perhaps WfoNdAkgt6c-00006-00003992-00004640 the negotiators thought they were in agreement five years ago, in 2016, when TSCA was amended WfoNdAkgt6c-00007-00004704-00005160 only to find out that their recollections had changed over those five years. WfoNdAkgt6c-00008-00005336-00005984 And we now find ourselves in a situation, where there is without a doubt a fundament of WfoNdAkgt6c-00009-00006040-00006952 disagreements, as to exactly how TSCA was intended to be implemented. Even after five years WfoNdAkgt6c-00010-00006952-00007552 we are still in that situation and we'll see how things unfold over the next, certainly the next WfoNdAkgt6c-00011-00007552-00008440 several months, next year or so to understand perhaps, how TSCA really is to be implemented. WfoNdAkgt6c-00012-00008440-00009184 We'll have court opinions being issued, we'll have a much better sense of what EPA intends to do WfoNdAkgt6c-00013-00009248-00009984 vis-a-vis TSCA implementation. But for the moment, we don't absolutely know WfoNdAkgt6c-00014-00010144-00010784 how TSCA was intended to be implemented, because there was disagreement, as I have mentioned. The WfoNdAkgt6c-00015-00010784-00011280 TSCA amendments are five years old, but it seems as if the fundamental pieces are still in flux. WfoNdAkgt6c-00016-00011280-00012104 Why is that? It's certainly in flux, because the principal deputy assistant administrator for the WfoNdAkgt6c-00017-00012104-00012672 Office of Chemical Safety Pollution Prevention, soon to be the assistant administrator herself, WfoNdAkgt6c-00018-00012776-00013536 Dr Michal Freedhoff, has made it very clear that EPA is reconsidering a number of the WfoNdAkgt6c-00019-00013647-00014247 substantive and key policy decisions that were made in the prior administration. And WfoNdAkgt6c-00020-00014247-00014968 those policy reconsiderations will require further analysis, perhaps in each of the 10 WfoNdAkgt6c-00021-00014968-00015584 risk evaluations that have been finalised to date. But meanwhile, the risk management rules WfoNdAkgt6c-00022-00015728-00016528 that their development at least are continuing. So we have flux, in exactly how the risk evaluations WfoNdAkgt6c-00023-00016584-00017232 are to be carried out. Even though they're now final, EPA has WfoNdAkgt6c-00024-00017232-00018056 has made it very clear that they will be going back to reconsider some of the issues that were WfoNdAkgt6c-00025-00018056-00018712 decided in the prior administration. At the same time the risk management rules were underway WfoNdAkgt6c-00026-00018776-00019496 to address the risks that were identified in the final risk evaluations for the initial 10. So WfoNdAkgt6c-00027-00019600-00019920 it may sound a little bit confusing, so we have a lot of things going on WfoNdAkgt6c-00028-00019920-00020568 all at the same time. What was very clear was that Dr Freedhoff did not want to hold up WfoNdAkgt6c-00029-00020704-00021184 the promulgation of those risk management rules. So those are continuing WfoNdAkgt6c-00030-00021280-00021880 meanwhile some re-analysis and reassessment of some of the considerations that were made WfoNdAkgt6c-00031-00021936-00022824 in the prior administration are underway now and they may result in changes to the risk evaluation WfoNdAkgt6c-00032-00022824-00023400 and subsequently risk management. So we'll have to wait to see. What changes are WfoNdAkgt6c-00033-00023400-00024072 expected to the way which EPA conducts risk evaluations? At least three changes that EPA WfoNdAkgt6c-00034-00024144-00024736 has telegraphed to the stakeholders at large, that it intends to take a hard look at. WfoNdAkgt6c-00035-00024872-00025328 And the three are the following; let's start off with one of the largest WfoNdAkgt6c-00036-00025328-00025912 and most significant changes that EPA intends to make. Or has suggested that he plans on making WfoNdAkgt6c-00037-00025912-00026608 this. It hasn't made it yet. And that that involves whether or not then unreasonable risk WfoNdAkgt6c-00038-00026608-00027432 determination is per condition of use or for the particular chemical undergoing risk evaluation. WfoNdAkgt6c-00039-00027504-00028144 So there would be a binary determination, either the chemical is or does or does not WfoNdAkgt6c-00040-00028144-00028744 present unreasonable risk, period. We don't make a determination based on conditions of WfoNdAkgt6c-00041-00028744-00029695 use. So unlike the 10 risk evaluations that were finalised you won't see going forward at least WfoNdAkgt6c-00042-00030008-00030495 the risk evaluation having a litany of conditions or use that either WfoNdAkgt6c-00043-00030495-00031352 pose unreasonable risk or do not. Going forward, the unreasonable risk determination will be WfoNdAkgt6c-00044-00031352-00031824 focused just on a particular chemical. Now that doesn't mean the conditions of use won't be WfoNdAkgt6c-00045-00031824-00032383 part of the risk evaluation, they certainly will be. That's absolutely clear in the statute. WfoNdAkgt6c-00046-00032583-00033040 So the challenge for the EPA at this juncture is, well what about the current WfoNdAkgt6c-00047-00033040-00033904 10 final risk evaluations. What will EPA do for them? They are already based on conditions of use, WfoNdAkgt6c-00048-00033992-00034568 so the risk management rules are for the conditions of use that were deemed to propose WfoNdAkgt6c-00049-00034568-00035112 unreasonable risk. It's a little unclear, at this point exactly, how all that will WfoNdAkgt6c-00050-00035112-00036056 unfold, if EPA makes a determination that congress had always intended. A binary determination on WfoNdAkgt6c-00051-00036056-00036648 the chemical itself, not on the conditions of use. So that is still in flux, but a very very WfoNdAkgt6c-00052-00036648-00037424 important consideration for folks to follow. Two others, really quickly. EPA has also made it clear WfoNdAkgt6c-00053-00037512-00038128 that it believes that the 10 final risk evaluations didn't look at fence line WfoNdAkgt6c-00054-00038248-00038912 subpopulations. That may be more exposed than the general population, so they would be considered a WfoNdAkgt6c-00055-00038912-00039696 potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulation, a PESS. None of the 10 looked at fence line WfoNdAkgt6c-00056-00039696-00040352 communities, that are outside of a manufacturing facility, for example. Manufacturing facility WfoNdAkgt6c-00057-00040352-00040816 making the chemical, that's the subject of the risk evaluation. Dr Michal Freedhoff WfoNdAkgt6c-00058-00040816-00041328 has indicated that those risk evaluations should have looked at that subpopulation. WfoNdAkgt6c-00059-00041480-00042224 That also indicates that EPA is going to take a harder look at this concept of regulatory nexus. WfoNdAkgt6c-00060-00042224-00042832 The reason why the prior administration did not look at fence line communities is because WfoNdAkgt6c-00061-00042888-00043504 at least from air exposures and that's where Dr Freedhoff has indicated she wants to focus on. WfoNdAkgt6c-00062-00043504-00044200 Air emissions, air exposures to fence line communities. The reason why WfoNdAkgt6c-00063-00044200-00044488 we did not look at that when I was the deputy assistant administrator WfoNdAkgt6c-00064-00044552-00045208 for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention is under the reg nexus approach. WfoNdAkgt6c-00065-00045432-00046072 EPA at that time believe TSCA was a gap-filling statute. There are lots of other statutes that WfoNdAkgt6c-00066-00046072-00046864 deal with other environmental media and those are the domain of other program offices. Like the air WfoNdAkgt6c-00067-00046864-00047456 office or the office of water, office of land and emergency response, for example. There are WfoNdAkgt6c-00068-00047456-00048360 other offices within EPA, that look at and control and manage exposures from chemicals through other WfoNdAkgt6c-00069-00048360-00049184 pathways. That EPA opted not to include in the risk evaluations that have been finalised to date. WfoNdAkgt6c-00070-00049296-00049656 So that air exposure pathway, from that facility WfoNdAkgt6c-00071-00049656-00050448 to the fence line, was carved out of the risk evaluations, because at that time we deemed it WfoNdAkgt6c-00072-00050520-00051192 an area that was being addressed through the air program under the Clean Air Act. That supposition, WfoNdAkgt6c-00073-00051272-00052440 that consideration is now under review by EPA. So there are at least three areas of review that are WfoNdAkgt6c-00074-00052440-00052952 ongoing, by the current Biden administration. And we'll see how all that plays out. It's going to WfoNdAkgt6c-00075-00052952-00053464 take some time for all that to be settled out, but those are three areas, that stakeholders need to WfoNdAkgt6c-00076-00053520-00054040 keep an eye on very closely. How impactful to industry, do you think these changes will be? WfoNdAkgt6c-00077-00054040-00054544 Without a doubt, as I have probably alluded to in the answer to the prior question, WfoNdAkgt6c-00078-00054640-00055079 the changes that are underway are going to be significantly impactful to industry. WfoNdAkgt6c-00079-00055336-00056000 If in fact EPA, for example, takes a much different view of the concept of regulatory nexus WfoNdAkgt6c-00080-00056072-00056767 and in fact brings into risk evaluations, exposure pathways that in the prior administration were WfoNdAkgt6c-00081-00056767-00057400 scoped out of the risk evaluation. Now all of a sudden the authority of TSCA WfoNdAkgt6c-00082-00057400-00058272 will bleed into the authorities of other statutes and other programs within EPA. And how exactly EPA WfoNdAkgt6c-00083-00058272-00059040 will craft a risk management rule to, for example, deal with an air exposure issue from a particular WfoNdAkgt6c-00084-00059040-00059696 facility, that might be leading to unreasonable risk for a subpopulation at the fence line, WfoNdAkgt6c-00085-00059840-00060440 remains to be seen. Will it work with the air office to promulgate that rule? Will WfoNdAkgt6c-00086-00060440-00061160 the air office promulgate that rule? Or assist the office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention WfoNdAkgt6c-00087-00061160-00061800 in promulgating that rule? What exactly will that rule look like and how would be it be reconciled WfoNdAkgt6c-00088-00061800-00062544 with, for example the permitting process for that facility? So that's another reason, why WfoNdAkgt6c-00089-00062544-00063208 the prior administration opted to scope out some of those exposure pathways. WfoNdAkgt6c-00090-00063208-00063736 Because we believe they were best dealt with through other programs, under other statutes. WfoNdAkgt6c-00091-00063920-00064584 All this is to say, these are significant changes. That will be definitely impactful to industry, WfoNdAkgt6c-00092-00064655-00065432 and bear a very close eye on. As things become a little more settled and less influx over the next WfoNdAkgt6c-00093-00065528-00066096 months and years. The amended TSCA allows a manufacturer to request a risk evaluation for WfoNdAkgt6c-00094-00066096-00066496 a manufactured chemical. Is this something you would recommend manufacturers to do? WfoNdAkgt6c-00095-00066568-00067000 So in a word, I would have to say no. I really don't see WfoNdAkgt6c-00096-00067000-00067728 any benefit of using that provision of TSCA for industry. WfoNdAkgt6c-00097-00067952-00068616 It had been used and has been used to date by a handful of companies, WfoNdAkgt6c-00098-00068760-00069288 but that was all done in the prior administration. None of which have been finalised by the way. So WfoNdAkgt6c-00099-00069288-00069984 all those risk evaluations are still underway and presumably will be impacted by those changes, WfoNdAkgt6c-00100-00069984-00070328 that are coming down the pike that I chatted about earlier. WfoNdAkgt6c-00101-00070552-00071192 Right those won't be immune to the changes that are happening to the risk evaluation process now. WfoNdAkgt6c-00102-00071192-00072048 Those will impact the manufacturing requested risk evaluations. So I honestly don't see that vehicle WfoNdAkgt6c-00103-00072136-00072984 as of benefit to industry. That's not to say however that industry should not be proactive. WfoNdAkgt6c-00104-00073080-00073704 Under amended TSCA, there are many opportunities for the industry to be proactive, long before WfoNdAkgt6c-00105-00073760-00074248 your chemical might be chosen as a and designated as a high priority chemical. WfoNdAkgt6c-00106-00074248-00074744 And therefore subject to risk evaluation. There are many things that industry can do WfoNdAkgt6c-00107-00074800-00075416 and it's certainly something that I've been advocating. In really every job I've had over WfoNdAkgt6c-00108-00075416-00075968 the last several years, since TSCA was amended. Whether I was at the American Chemistry Council, WfoNdAkgt6c-00109-00075968-00076616 a deputy assistant administrator at EPA or now as counsel for the law firm of Keller and Heckman. WfoNdAkgt6c-00110-00076616-00077520 I'm very much a believer and promoter of proactive activities, engagement by industry with EPA, WfoNdAkgt6c-00111-00077520-00078200 with other stakeholders. There's always something that can be done, long before your chemical WfoNdAkgt6c-00112-00078200-00078688 is prioritised. At ChemCon The Americas in Philadelphia, I discussed with Alex Dunn the WfoNdAkgt6c-00113-00078688-00079216 key lessons learned and experiences with the risk evaluations for the first 10 priority substances. WfoNdAkgt6c-00114-00079216-00079680 When do you expect that EPA can completely finish the risk management measures for these first 10 WfoNdAkgt6c-00115-00079680-00080496 substances? That's an excellent question and the answer to which is unclear. This statute WfoNdAkgt6c-00116-00080616-00081264 however is clear in requiring EPA to promulgate a proposed rule within a year WfoNdAkgt6c-00117-00081368-00082040 of the final risk evaluation being issued. And then finalise that proposed rule within another WfoNdAkgt6c-00118-00082040-00082824 year. So a total of two years. So once the risk evaluation is completed and issued as final, WfoNdAkgt6c-00119-00082824-00083560 the clock starts. And that two-year time period starts to winnow down and that is happening for WfoNdAkgt6c-00120-00083560-00084272 all 10 risk evaluations. So we are well within that two-year time frame, the months are passing. WfoNdAkgt6c-00121-00084408-00085160 So let me use another, same term I've been using before. It's in flux, the timeline is a bit in WfoNdAkgt6c-00122-00085160-00085880 flux. Even though the statute is very clear, that a final risk management rule is to be issued two WfoNdAkgt6c-00123-00085880-00086472 years after the risk evaluation is finalised. And as we know all 10 risk evaluations are final WfoNdAkgt6c-00124-00086616-00087384 and have been finalised, some several months ago. So EPA's timeline continues to shrink WfoNdAkgt6c-00125-00087384-00088064 with each passing month. And in light of those reconsiderations, that I mentioned WfoNdAkgt6c-00126-00088128-00088928 earlier. Of those reconsiderations, if they impact the risk evaluations that have been finalised, WfoNdAkgt6c-00127-00088928-00089688 they will in turn, presumably, impact the risk management rules that are underway. So I think WfoNdAkgt6c-00128-00089688-00090160 a couple things will happen. I believe EPA will probably miss the two-year deadline. WfoNdAkgt6c-00129-00090224-00090992 And it may in fact issue risk management rules, for a given chemical, in WfoNdAkgt6c-00130-00091144-00091584 more than one segment, more than one part. So you may get a risk management rule, WfoNdAkgt6c-00131-00091664-00092336 that deals with certain risks. And then that risk management rule, might be supplemented based on WfoNdAkgt6c-00132-00092456-00093296 the reconsiderations, that are underway for some of the final risk evaluations. So you might get, WfoNdAkgt6c-00133-00093384-00094152 again, a final risk management rule, dealing with a number of the exposure pathways, for example. WfoNdAkgt6c-00134-00094240-00094896 Or worker exposure issues for example, that might be finalised and then be supplemented WfoNdAkgt6c-00135-00094952-00095688 by another rule that deals with the exposures that were reevaluated. Or reconsidered that were not WfoNdAkgt6c-00136-00095688-00096416 scoped in when those risk evaluations were being developed. But are now scoped in, WfoNdAkgt6c-00137-00096416-00096944 in light of the decisions made by the Biden administration. So I think we'll miss the WfoNdAkgt6c-00138-00096944-00097744 deadline. I don't know by how much. And there may be supplemental risk management rules issued WfoNdAkgt6c-00139-00097848-00098392 EPA has not said that per se, but that could happen. So an important WfoNdAkgt6c-00140-00098560-00099376 metric to watch for is, when exactly does the EPA issue the proposed rules. Again, that's supposed WfoNdAkgt6c-00141-00099376-00100000 to be within a year. So if EPA misses that by so many months, it will in turn miss that two-year WfoNdAkgt6c-00142-00100000-00100544 deadline, by as many months, without a doubt. So we'll have to see what happens over the next WfoNdAkgt6c-00143-00100608-00101248 six months or so. Recall that methylene chloride risk evaluation was the first risk WfoNdAkgt6c-00144-00101248-00101664 evaluation to be issued and that was issued within the three and a half year time frame, WfoNdAkgt6c-00145-00101744-00102488 for issuing a risk evaluation. So we'll see what that risk management rule looks like and when that WfoNdAkgt6c-00146-00102488-00103208 is issued as a proposed rule. So time will tell. David, thank you very much for your information. WfoNdAkgt6c-00147-00103208-00103783 I'm sure we hear more about this at ChemCon Europe in London. I look forward to seeing you there. WhQoQzxcmHg-00000-00000039-00000806 SS-806: The elastomer ear pick has 1 bush end and WhQoQzxcmHg-00001-00000806-00001171 1 spiral end to help dislodge earwax easily. WhQoQzxcmHg-00002-00001171-00001666 The brush end catches tiny residual earwax while the screw end helps to catch and dislodge WhQoQzxcmHg-00003-00001666-00001848 earwax easily. WhQoQzxcmHg-00004-00001848-00002010 The elastomer is durable and easy clean. WhQoQzxcmHg-00005-00002010-00002563 To use, carefully scrape the side of the ear canal in an upward motion without scraping WhQoQzxcmHg-00006-00002563-00002798 too hard or inserting too far. WhQoQzxcmHg-00007-00002798-00003643 Keep earwax in check with the elastomer ear pick by Seki Edge. WlMSizuplH4-00000-00001100-00001800 Kid Rock Officially Announced His Bid To Run For The U.S. Senate WlMSizuplH4-00001-00001900-00003000 Many of you know by now, that yesterday morning the famous star Kid Rock officially announced his bid to run for the U.S. Senate in his home state of Michigan. WlMSizuplH4-00002-00003100-00004600 Even though he is known for his music as a rock star, he also is a huge second amendment defender. In fact, he was one of the first famous people to come out and support Trump in the presidential elections. WlMSizuplH4-00003-00004700-00006100 He was so enthusiastic about Trump being the President of U.S. that he even started selling President Trump memorabilia on his own website store with items that read “God, Guns, and Trump!”. WlMSizuplH4-00004-00006200-00007800 Massachusetts Senator and Looney Liberal Progressive icon Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is taking Rock’s candidacy so serious that even though they are not running in the same state, she is using this opportunity to collect money as a fundraising. WlMSizuplH4-00005-00007900-00009000 She sent an email saying that she thinks that Kid Rock’s candidacy is a joke, but at the beginning she also thought that Trump’s candidacy was a joke. WlMSizuplH4-00006-00009100-00010100 She continued by saying that she thinks that this is only for publicity so that he can sell more records, but that she also felt about Trump at some point. WlMSizuplH4-00007-00010200-00011000 “I know a lot of people are thinking: this is some sort of joke, right?” Warren said in her email. WlMSizuplH4-00008-00011100-00012200 “Well, maybe this is all a joke — but we all thought Donald Trump was joking when he rode down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his campaign, too.”. WlMSizuplH4-00009-00012300-00014000 “And sure, maybe this is just a marketing gimmick for a new album or tour — but we all thought Donald Trump was just promoting his reality TV show, too,” she said. Please share this post on Facebook to support Senator Rock. WlMSizuplH4-00010-00014100-00014800 What is your opinion on this? Scroll down to comment below!. WmmxHhsLm3A-00000-00000604-00000999 In this module we will explore the origin and evolution of beaches. WmmxHhsLm3A-00001-00000999-00001312 We will start by looking at a fairly large time scale, WmmxHhsLm3A-00002-00001312-00001616 spanning many thousands of years. WmmxHhsLm3A-00003-00001616-00002046 As this graph shows, the last two hundred thousand years, WmmxHhsLm3A-00004-00002046-00002698 the earth has experienced a number of glacial or cold and interglacial or warm periods. WmmxHhsLm3A-00005-00002698-00003344 About 20.000 years ago, the Earth experienced the Last Glacial Maximum, WmmxHhsLm3A-00006-00003344-00003510 a cold period. WmmxHhsLm3A-00007-00003510-00004056 Presently, we are in the warm period of the Holocene interglacial. WmmxHhsLm3A-00008-00004056-00004736 Note that the sea level was as low as 135 m below present sea level at the Last Glacial WmmxHhsLm3A-00009-00004736-00005114 Maximum, rising fast since. WmmxHhsLm3A-00010-00005114-00005660 Around the last Glacial Maximum, the shallow North Sea basin was almost completely dry. WmmxHhsLm3A-00011-00005682-00006157 As a result, for quite some long time, one could actually travel, by land, WmmxHhsLm3A-00012-00006157-00006475 from the European continent to the UK. WmmxHhsLm3A-00013-00006475-00006897 As the sea level was rising, the basin experienced flooding. WmmxHhsLm3A-00014-00006897-00007415 It is this drowning process, that has created our present-day North Sea. WmmxHhsLm3A-00015-00007415-00007767 But rising sea levels have not just impacted the North Sea. WmmxHhsLm3A-00016-00007767-00008095 All around the globe, the relatively shallow areas that surround WmmxHhsLm3A-00017-00008095-00008390 our continents have been drowned. WmmxHhsLm3A-00018-00008390-00008672 We call these areas continental shelves. WmmxHhsLm3A-00019-00008798-00009420 They are nowadays recognized as the underwater land masses that extend from the continents. WmmxHhsLm3A-00020-00009518-00009770 The shallow seas, covering the shelves, WmmxHhsLm3A-00021-00009771-00010273 have water depths up to and often less than 200 m. WmmxHhsLm3A-00022-00010288-00010661 The continental shelves are covered by sediments, which were eroded, WmmxHhsLm3A-00023-00010661-00011103 during millions of years, from continental rock. WmmxHhsLm3A-00024-00011103-00011574 On land, mechanical and chemical processes caused the breakdown of rock into smaller WmmxHhsLm3A-00025-00011574-00011729 particles. WmmxHhsLm3A-00026-00011729-00012429 These particles were then carried to the continental shelf by rivers, glaciers and wind. WmmxHhsLm3A-00027-00012531-00012934 The drowning of the continental shelves since the last Glacial Maximum, WmmxHhsLm3A-00028-00012934-00013286 was due to the rather large rates of sea-level rise. WmmxHhsLm3A-00029-00013286-00013815 However, in the last thousands of years, the rate of sea-level rise has leveled off, WmmxHhsLm3A-00030-00013815-00014263 to about 1 to 3 mm/year in the last century. WmmxHhsLm3A-00031-00014263-00014948 As a result, this eustatic or absolute sea-level rise is presently of secondary importance. WmmxHhsLm3A-00032-00014948-00015404 This can of course change again if the rate of sea level rise will increase significantly WmmxHhsLm3A-00033-00015404-00015596 in the future. WmmxHhsLm3A-00034-00015596-00016168 There are observations that suggest that sea level is starting to rise faster, WmmxHhsLm3A-00035-00016168-00016546 say 3 or 4 mm/year. WmmxHhsLm3A-00036-00016546-00017223 The latest projections of the IPCC even indicate that sea level rise may increase to as much WmmxHhsLm3A-00037-00017223-00017568 as 4 or 7 mm/year. WmmxHhsLm3A-00038-00017568-00017845 In the Netherlands, we have also made an extreme projection, WmmxHhsLm3A-00039-00017845-00018251 which will eventually call for major protection. WmmxHhsLm3A-00040-00018484-00018949 On a large spatial scale, first order features of the world’s coastlines WmmxHhsLm3A-00041-00018949-00019437 are determined by their position on the tectonic earth plates. WmmxHhsLm3A-00042-00019437-00020041 In this graph we see the delineation of the many earth plates that form the earth’s crust. WmmxHhsLm3A-00043-00020072-00020363 We call this the lithosphere. WmmxHhsLm3A-00044-00020363-00021063 The lithosphere is divided in 12 large, tightly fitting plates and several small ones. WmmxHhsLm3A-00045-00021081-00021698 In the graph the rate of movement of the diverging plate boundaries are indicated. WmmxHhsLm3A-00046-00021698-00022098 The order of magnitude of the movements is cm’s per year. WmmxHhsLm3A-00047-00022098-00022221 Interesting isn’t it? WmmxHhsLm3A-00048-00022221-00022694 We are on cm’s per year moving earth plates right now. WmmxHhsLm3A-00049-00022694-00023394 We see that plates collide or converge on one side and diverge on the other side. WmmxHhsLm3A-00050-00023423-00024010 Inman and Nordstrom in the early 1970’s were the first to observe that the first order WmmxHhsLm3A-00051-00024010-00024588 character of a coast is determined by its position on the earth plates. WmmxHhsLm3A-00052-00024588-00025193 As illustrated in this graph, three main classes of coasts are distinguished: WmmxHhsLm3A-00053-00025193-00025785 the first class are leading edge or collision coasts associated by the leading edge of a WmmxHhsLm3A-00054-00025785-00026287 crustal plate; they are characterized by rugged, cliffed coastlines, WmmxHhsLm3A-00055-00026287-00026898 tectonic activity and a narrow shelf; the second class are trailing edge coasts that WmmxHhsLm3A-00056-00026898-00027541 are located away from plate boundaries and are generally tectonically stable because WmmxHhsLm3A-00057-00027541-00028002 the continent and adjoin ocean floor are of the same plate, WmmxHhsLm3A-00058-00028002-00028702 they have wide continental shelves; and finally the third class marginal sea coasts, WmmxHhsLm3A-00059-00028814-00029397 these are tectonically stable coasts protected from the open ocean by island arcs at converging WmmxHhsLm3A-00060-00029397-00029624 plate boundaries. WmmxHhsLm3A-00061-00029624-00030229 Most of the world’s larger deltas are located on trailing edge and marginal sea coasts. WmmxHhsLm3A-00062-00030229-00030768 These coasts combine ample sediment supply with wide and flat shelves. WmmxHhsLm3A-00063-00030768-00031248 This combination ensures a rapid building out of the coast. WmmxHhsLm3A-00064-00031248-00032008 Let us have a closer look at the location of two important deltas: the Amazon and the Ganges. WmmxHhsLm3A-00065-00032056-00032702 You may check that they are indeed located far from plate boundaries. WmmxHhsLm3A-00066-00032702-00033176 Also note, in both cases, the large catchment areas that supply these WmmxHhsLm3A-00067-00033176-00033506 deltas with sediment. WmmxHhsLm3A-00068-00033506-00033905 As we suggested before, when it comes to the fate of a coast, WmmxHhsLm3A-00069-00033905-00034520 the eustatic or absolute sea-level rise is presently only a second order effect. WmmxHhsLm3A-00070-00034520-00034943 And this is especially true for delta regions. WmmxHhsLm3A-00071-00034943-00035214 So what then are the primary factors? WmmxHhsLm3A-00072-00035318-00036018 There are two: the 1st factor is the availability or shortage of sediment. WmmxHhsLm3A-00073-00036019-00036575 An example is a river providing a high sediment load to the coast. WmmxHhsLm3A-00074-00036575-00037165 Or think of the cut-off of this sediment supply due to man-made structures. WmmxHhsLm3A-00075-00037165-00037615 The 2nd factor in many low-lying regions is local, WmmxHhsLm3A-00076-00037615-00038048 mainly human-induced subsidence or sinking of the land. WmmxHhsLm3A-00077-00038048-00038555 For instance, ground water extraction may lead to soil compaction. WmmxHhsLm3A-00078-00038555-00038888 As a result, the land sinks relative to the sea. WmmxHhsLm3A-00079-00038888-00039233 Locally, this leads to a relative sea level rise, WmmxHhsLm3A-00080-00039233-00039614 even if the absolute sea levels do not change. WmmxHhsLm3A-00081-00039614-00040017 These two factors, rather than absolute sea level rise, WmmxHhsLm3A-00082-00040017-00040226 determine the coastal sediment budget. WmmxHhsLm3A-00083-00040226-00040926 Therefore, they define whether the coast accretes, is stable or erodes. WmmxHhsLm3A-00084-00041030-00041770 Regional and local features of coastlines are also affected by tides, wind waves, storm WmmxHhsLm3A-00085-00041770-00042470 surges, monsoons, typhoons - which are also called cyclones or hurricanes - and tsunami. WmmxHhsLm3A-00086-00042511-00043038 These forcings vary considerably from region to region or even from coast to coast. WmmxHhsLm3A-00087-00043038-00043438 On top of that the sediment size varies greatly. WmmxHhsLm3A-00088-00043438-00043988 Therefore, on a regional and local scale each beach is different. WmmxHhsLm3A-00089-00043988-00044383 Now, let us finally look at a real beach. WmmxHhsLm3A-00090-00044383-00045017 It will not come as a surprise that we chose a Dutch beach in its contemporary setting. WmmxHhsLm3A-00091-00045017-00045419 You may have observed that beaches are made up of loose material. WmmxHhsLm3A-00092-00045450-00045908 Let us listen to Max on a Dutch beach. WmmxHhsLm3A-00093-00046034-00046428 Actually, beaches are made of whatever loose material is available. WmmxHhsLm3A-00094-00046428-00046998 If you ask a visitor what a dutch beach is made of, they will probably say "light-colored sand". WmmxHhsLm3A-00095-00046998-00047198 But what does this sand consist of? WmmxHhsLm3A-00096-00047366-00047964 It's actually tiny grains of quartz and feldspar, the two most common minerals found in solid rock. WmmxHhsLm3A-00097-00048024-00048570 But, how did all these grains end up here at the beach? And where do they come from? WmmxHhsLm3A-00098-00048616-00049023 You probably can guess, but if you want to know the details, WmmxHhsLm3A-00099-00049023-00049424 watch the video The Origin and Evolution of a Beach. WmmxHhsLm3A-00100-00049424-00050027 You will learn that these grains originate primarily from the Rhine river basin and are WmmxHhsLm3A-00101-00050027-00050509 transported by the river to the coast where the river’s capacity to carry the sediment WmmxHhsLm3A-00102-00050509-00050804 along flow dies. WmmxHhsLm3A-00103-00050804-00051191 Then you may wonder, why does it not pile up at the mouth of rivers WmmxHhsLm3A-00104-00051191-00051357 that deliver it? WmmxHhsLm3A-00105-00051357-00051984 Why does it form into beaches that stretch for as much hundred km down the coast? WmmxHhsLm3A-00106-00051984-00052352 You may have noticed that waves usually approach the coast at an angle, WmmxHhsLm3A-00107-00052352-00052451 not straight on. WmmxHhsLm3A-00108-00052451-00052974 This is because the wave directions are determined by the wind, that created the waves. WmmxHhsLm3A-00109-00053007-00053657 When waves from a certain direction approach the coast, they tend to become more and more parallel WmmxHhsLm3A-00110-00053658-00053995 to the coastline, but a small angle remains. WmmxHhsLm3A-00111-00053995-00054316 Let us observe Max at the beach with oblique waves, WmmxHhsLm3A-00112-00054316-00054623 throwing some tracers into the water. WmmxHhsLm3A-00113-00054623-00055119 How does this process influence the movement of these markers? WmmxHhsLm3A-00114-00055119-00055567 With every breaking wave, they move towards the beach, WmmxHhsLm3A-00115-00055567-00055879 but they are transported along the coast as well.. WmmxHhsLm3A-00116-00057572-00058039 Now Max uses dye: look at the aerial shot of the surf zone with a cloud of dye injected WmmxHhsLm3A-00117-00058039-00058361 in the middle of the surfzone. WmmxHhsLm3A-00118-00058361-00058783 The dye shows the water outside the surf zone hardly moves at all. WmmxHhsLm3A-00119-00058867-00059300 In the surf zone however, the water clearly moves down the coast. WmmxHhsLm3A-00120-00059346-00059891 It is the process of wave breaking that drives this so-called along shore currents. WmmxHhsLm3A-00121-00060700-00061311 Sediment is brought into suspension by the breaking waves and moves along with the current. WmmxHhsLm3A-00122-00061311-00061717 This is the so-called longshore transport. WmmxHhsLm3A-00123-00061717-00062091 So we think of the beach as ‘a river of sand’, WmmxHhsLm3A-00124-00062091-00062486 confined between the beach face and the outer edge of the surf zone. WmmxHhsLm3A-00125-00062486-00063162 It is this river of sand that distributes the sediment and creates long stretches of beach. WmmxHhsLm3A-00126-00063475-00063847 So now you have gained some understanding of beach processes. WmmxHhsLm3A-00127-00063847-00064349 And the homework video - The Origin and Evolution of a Beach - will teach you more. WmmxHhsLm3A-00128-00064349-00064889 The processes that we discussed are strongly influenced by human interventions. WmmxHhsLm3A-00129-00064889-00065539 These interventions are mostly directed towards exploiting our unique coastal resources. WmmxHhsLm3A-00130-00065539-00065880 The various types of interventions that mankind made, WmmxHhsLm3A-00131-00065880-00066439 still makes and will make will be discussed in the submodule Coastal Interventions. WmmxHhsLm3A-00132-00066439-00066601 See you there! XoxltKQk0ZY-00000-00001036-00001628 Welcome to Newsies, the report from Sustainable Media. Let's talk about the XoxltKQk0ZY-00001-00001655-00002032 war in Syria for the sake of clarity, because people are confused. XoxltKQk0ZY-00002-00002036-00002808 Media presents this situation in a distorted way, making the entire context, XoxltKQk0ZY-00003-00002808-00003689 look like a big chaos. For me the thing is simple. It's all about oil and gas. XoxltKQk0ZY-00004-00003689-00004289 There is a gas field in the Persian Gulf, actually the biggest gas field in the world. XoxltKQk0ZY-00005-00004289-00005021 Qatar owns part of this field, and they spoke with Turkey in 2009, two years before the XoxltKQk0ZY-00006-00005021-00005298 beginning of the war. XoxltKQk0ZY-00007-00005298-00005907 Qatar, should have sold the gas through a pipeline crossing Saudi Arabia, Syria, and XoxltKQk0ZY-00008-00005907-00006581 Turkey to finally reach the European market, because keeping it in Qatar is not XoxltKQk0ZY-00009-00006581-00006665 worth it. XoxltKQk0ZY-00010-00006665-00007472 The problem is that, for the pipes, to pass through Syria they needed Assad's permission, XoxltKQk0ZY-00011-00007472-00008186 and the Assad said no. Qatar, of course did not like such answer, even because XoxltKQk0ZY-00012-00008186-00008697 the ownership of the field is claimed by Iran too. This field is a very special XoxltKQk0ZY-00013-00008697-00009375 one. Giving its dimensions, it provides access to both countries, either from XoxltKQk0ZY-00014-00009375-00009893 Qatar and the Iran. Those pumping it faster had a XoxltKQk0ZY-00015-00009962-00010514 competitive advantage . Iran would also like to sell to Europe, by building a XoxltKQk0ZY-00016-00010514-00011357 green pipeline. Iran also asked to Assad, and Assad this times said yes. So the XoxltKQk0ZY-00017-00011357-00012089 thing is plain and simple. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, all Sunnite countries, XoxltKQk0ZY-00018-00012089-00012878 with USA, France, UK and Turkey, at least until it was part of NATO, since now XoxltKQk0ZY-00019-00012878-00013550 Turkey is with Russia, don’t want to keep Assad. The Shiite-Iran, XoxltKQk0ZY-00020-00013550-00014126 Shiite-Hezbollah want to keep him in power with Russia, that has 2 military bases in XoxltKQk0ZY-00021-00014126-00014750 Syria and owns Gazprom, with which it already signed some agreements with Europe, XoxltKQk0ZY-00022-00014750-00015326 and therefore would like to keep selling them the gas. A few things XoxltKQk0ZY-00023-00015326-00016046 seem very complicated, but that just because media mislead us. It's only XoxltKQk0ZY-00024-00016046-00016814 geopolitics. There is a coalition on one side asking for a change, and on the XoxltKQk0ZY-00025-00016814-00017318 other side another coalition that doesn't. This war has been going on for XoxltKQk0ZY-00026-00017318-00018023 4 years and a half, with more than 500,000 dead, with civil women and XoxltKQk0ZY-00027-00018023-00018539 children. We are told that only Assad is the mean one, XoxltKQk0ZY-00028-00018539-00019448 the Damascus executioner. Nobody says anything about oil or gas. They tell us XoxltKQk0ZY-00029-00019448-00019904 they didn't intervene for a long time and that they did it when he started XoxltKQk0ZY-00030-00019904-00020615 massacring his people. Blessed by NATO, Saudi Arabia and Turkey deliberately sent XoxltKQk0ZY-00031-00020615-00021323 radical jihadists in Syria. Their goal was to destabilize the Syrian society XoxltKQk0ZY-00032-00021323-00021517 and they made it. XoxltKQk0ZY-00033-00021517-00022372 If one gives Jihadists lethal weapons, then it is possible to destabilize any country, XoxltKQk0ZY-00034-00022372-00023098 as with Saddam in Iraq, and Gaddafi in Libya in 2011. NATO countries, USA, UK, XoxltKQk0ZY-00035-00023098-00023758 France are with the rebels, the jihadists, and when people realize what XoxltKQk0ZY-00036-00023758-00024045 is happening, there will be a catastrophe. XoxltKQk0ZY-00037-00024045-00024733 They say NATO fights terrorism, but in the end this story is a bunch of XoxltKQk0ZY-00038-00024733-00025072 lies. The mechanism repeats itself. XoxltKQk0ZY-00039-00025228-00025876 Remember Colin Powell, with a phial in his hands saying Saddam had chemical XoxltKQk0ZY-00040-00025876-00026674 weapons. We now officially know it was not true at all, and today as we broadcast, they XoxltKQk0ZY-00041-00026674-00027331 carry on like that, leading to misinformation using mass media. They tell XoxltKQk0ZY-00042-00027331-00027994 the same story from a corrupted point of view. Maybe we will find out that phial had XoxltKQk0ZY-00043-00027994-00028522 just dust in it. Thanks for watching. See you soon. X2l0cCxdmNo-00000-00000000-00000150 Heaven: Bee you knocked me, come on! X2l0cCxdmNo-00001-00000575-00000990 Heaven: You knocked me while I'm shooting, he came from the back, he entered again...? X2l0cCxdmNo-00002-00001019-00001220 Heaven: Ok... Really Bee!? X2l0cCxdmNo-00003-00001422-00001644 Heaven: He's inside, take care. Ignore ignore me(?) X2l0cCxdmNo-00004-00002010-00002246 Heaven: I'm not what!?!?!? X2l0cCxdmNo-00005-00002344-00002520 Heaven: Really WTF!?? :) X2l0cCxdmNo-00006-00002610-00004650 Heaven: *Laughing* X3zPWCiRoqQ-00000-00000037-00000317 各位 今天很特别 Hi, everyone. Today is special. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00001-00000317-00000530 就是我手上的花朵 These are the flowers in my hand. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00002-00000530-00000723 我很爱美 I love beauty. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00003-00000723-00000900 我知道你们喜欢看的 I know what you like to watch. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00004-00000900-00001083 不是用来吃的 It's not for eating. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00005-00001083-00001280 你们不喜欢看饮食的视频 You don't like to watch the videos of food and drinks. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00006-00001280-00001438 因为太肥腻了 Because it's too fat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00007-00001438-00001667 你喜欢自己太肥吗? Do you like being too fat? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00008-00001667-00001855 当然不喜欢 Of course not. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00009-00001855-00002063 这是我的新创意 This is my new idea. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00010-00002087-00002400 还有一样东西更重 There is one more thing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00011-00002400-00002635 就是这种材料 This is a material. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00012-00002635-00002947 让我来介绍一下这种材料 Let me introduce this material. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00013-00002947-00003497 这是我们用来做瑜珈用的地垫 This is the floor mat we use for yoga. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00014-00003497-00003750 有一点柔软 It is a little soft. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00015-00003750-00003981 这些都是我发明的 These are all invented by me. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00016-00003981-00004197 是用来做小小的枕头 I used to make small pillows. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00017-00004197-00004512 我先把它们放在一旁 I put them aside. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00018-00004512-00004785 等一下再来看 Process it later. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00019-00004785-00005007 我把这个套进去 I put this in. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00020-00005220-00005407 等一下 Wait a moment. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00021-00005407-00005705 我赶时间 不方便 I'm in a hurry, it's inconvenient. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00022-00005892-00006325 另外 我已准备好一些材料 In addition, I have prepared some materials. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00023-00006325-00006762 我要告诉你为什么我要造这种东西出来 I'm going to tell you why I built this stuff. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00024-00006762-00006907 你看这里 Look at here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00025-00006907-00007150 自从我睡了这种东西之后 Since I slept with this stuff. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00026-00007150-00007415 发觉真的很舒服 I feel really comfortable. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00027-00007575-00008051 这个就是我自己造出来的枕头 This is the pillow I made myself. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00028-00008051-00008255 是不是很特别? Isn't it special? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00029-00008255-00008497 外面是买不到的 It's not available to buy from outside. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00030-00008497-00008871 我睡得好舒服 I sleep very well. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00031-00008927-00009297 为什么会睡得这么舒服? Why do I sleep so comfortably? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00032-00009335-00009920 我拿一些道具来帮忙解释它的好处 I take some props to help explain its benefits. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00033-00009957-00010310 之前有些不简单的事情发生在我身上 Something extraordinary happened to me before. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00034-00010310-00010693 这个枕头是特别为我而设计的 This pillow is specially designed for me. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00035-00010845-00011202 拍一下这部份 Shoot this part. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00036-00011202-00011477 这里有一条坑 There is a slot here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00037-00011477-00011795 我先告诉你它的好处 I'll tell you its benefits first. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00038-00011795-00012167 然后再告诉你怎样做出来 And then tell you how to make it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00039-00012167-00012797 譬如说 当一个人要睡在这个枕头上 For example, when a person wants to sleep on this pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00040-00012797-00013212 我们要先把一个枕头套放上去 We're going to put a pillowcase on it first. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00041-00013212-00013750 我没有时间 就简单的盖上去吧 I don't have time, just cover it on. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00042-00013822-00014194 这端是有一点硬的 This end is a bit hard. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00043-00014194-00014435 而另外这一端是软的 And the other end is soft. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00044-00014435-00014785 这里有一条小圆柱 Here is a small round stick. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00045-00014785-00015102 我把整个枕头的方向反过来 I reverse the direction of the whole pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00046-00015102-00015380 把软和硬的方向倒转 Reverse the direction of soft and hard. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00047-00015380-00015782 这个枕头的高度不要造得太低 The height of this pillow should not be made too low. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00048-00015782-00016202 当你睡一、两个月之后它自己会塌下来 It collapses itself when you sleep for a month or two. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00049-00016202-00016471 比较适合我们的头部 It's more suitable for our head. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00050-00016471-00016635 不需要再调整 No need to adjust. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00051-00016635-00017075 当然 开始的时候你会睡得不舒服 Of course, you'll sleep uncomfortable at first. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00052-00017075-00017470 但是睡两个月之后这里会塌下来 But after sleeping for two months, it's going to collapse. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00053-00017470-00017681 你睡起来就会感到很舒服 You will feel comfortable when you sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00054-00017681-00017880 我解释给你们知道 Let me explain to you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00055-00017880-00018300 每个人的头形都不一样 Everyone's head shape is different. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00056-00018345-00018640 有什么不一样? What's the difference? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00057-00018672-00018917 这里你们摸不到 You can't touch it here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00058-00018917-00019507 我的头形在后脑部份这里有一点尖 My head shape is a little bit pointy here at the back of my head. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00059-00019507-00019677 是凸出来的 It is protruding. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00060-00019732-00020185 像这个婴儿这部份是凸出来的 Like this baby, this part is protruding. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00061-00020185-00021022 睡觉的时候如果普通的枕头是平的 When sleeping, if ordinary pillows are flat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00062-00021051-00021390 我的头就要打侧来睡 I'm going to sleep with my head on a side. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00063-00021390-00021680 因为后面这部份是尖的 Because the back part is pointed. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00064-00021680-00021987 所以我一定要打侧来睡 so I have to sleep on a side. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00065-00021987-00022292 自从我发明了这种枕头之后 Since I invented this pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00066-00022292-00022573 这样睡觉我没什么咳嗽 I don't have any cough when I sleep like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00067-00022573-00022800 我现在想到了 I think of it now. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00068-00022800-00023327 在睡觉的时候 好像这个婴孩这样 While sleeping like this baby. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00069-00023377-00023690 我用婴孩来做演示 I use babies for a demonstration. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00070-00023690-00024142 睡觉的时候 由於头部有一点尖 When sleeping, because the head is a little pointed. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00071-00024142-00024397 躺平来睡不舒服 It is uncomfortable lying down to sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00072-00024397-00024717 通常要打侧来睡才舒服 It is usually comfortable to sleep on the side. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00073-00024717-00025107 但是这样睡呼吸不畅通 But sleeping like this is hard to breathe. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00074-00025132-00025597 胃部的食物也不容易消化 The food in the stomach is also not easy to digest. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00075-00025597-00025971 所以我们咳嗽跟胃部也是有关系 So our cough is also related to the stomach. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00076-00025971-00026235 你吃了东西在胃部要消化得好 When you eat something, it needs to be digested well in the stomach. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00077-00026235-00026560 之前我做过一些防止咳嗽的视频 I've done some videos on cough prevention before. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00078-00026560-00026755 希望你们有看过 I hope you have watched them. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00079-00026755-00026914 主要不是靠吃药 Mainly not by taking medicine. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00080-00026914-00027180 要吃药的我不敢乱乱的介绍给你们 Those who want to take medicine, I dare not introduce them to you indiscriminately. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00081-00027180-00027547 我完全是靠自己的构思 I'm completely on my own ideas. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00082-00027572-00028108 这种枕头我大概睡了两个多月 I slept on this pillow for about two months. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00083-00028137-00028457 身体很好 没有什么咳嗽 It's good for health and no cough. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00084-00028457-00028910 我联想到会不会跟这种枕头有关系 I wonder if it is related to this kind of pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00085-00028910-00029222 我认为会有一点关系 I think it's a little bit related. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00086-00029247-00029662 还有 我今天才刚刚想到 And I just thought of it today. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00087-00029662-00029975 所以才拍一个视频出来 So I made a video. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00088-00029975-00030380 为什么我以前常常咳嗽? Why do I often cough in the past? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00089-00030380-00030632 我不可以躺平来睡觉 I can't lie flat to sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00090-00030632-00030969 因为我的头部后面很尖 Because the back of my head is very pointed. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00091-00030969-00031107 这里凸出来 Protruding at here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00092-00031107-00031300 我睡觉时常常侧来侧去 I often turn sideways when I sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00093-00031300-00031523 不可以这样睡 I can't sleep like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00094-00031523-00031737 我这样睡不舒服 I don't feel comfortable sleeping like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00095-00031737-00032039 每次都这样睡觉 I sleep like this every time. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00096-00032039-00032300 或者是这样睡觉 Or sleep like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00097-00032300-00032775 如果是用这种方式来睡觉 If I sleep in this way. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00098-00032822-00033312 胃部也跟着反侧了 The stomach also turned sideways. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00099-00033635-00034017 这会影响到呼吸 This affects breathing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00100-00034017-00034316 所以我以前常常咳嗽 So I used to cough a lot. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00101-00034316-00034555 自从我用了这种枕头之后 Since I used this kind of pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00102-00034555-00034695 没有再咳嗽了 No more coughing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00103-00034695-00034942 所以防止咳嗽有两种方法 So there are two methods to prevent coughing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00104-00034942-00035122 第一种是用包肚子的方法 The first is to use the method of wrapping the belly. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00105-00035122-00035512 第二种就是用我今天介绍的这种枕头 The second is to use the pillow I introduced today. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00106-00035512-00035658 真的很好 It's really good. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00107-00035658-00035932 我睡得很舒服 睡得很憇 I slept very comfortably and slept very well. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00108-00035932-00036250 新造出来的时候有一点硬 It is a bit hard when it is new. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00109-00036250-00036607 但睡了两个月之后会扁下来 But after sleeping for two months, it will flatten. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00110-00036607-00036807 就会睡得很舒服 It will sleep comfortably. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00111-00036835-00037145 我解释给你知道 I explain it to you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00112-00037145-00037445 当一个人在睡觉 When one is sleeping. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00113-00037445-00037832 很多时候身体是躺平的 Most of the time the body is lying flat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00114-00037832-00038212 如果用这种特别设计的枕头 If you use this specially designed pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00115-00038212-00038402 这里有一条凹进去的坑 There's a slot here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00116-00038402-00038910 有些人像我的头形后面是凸出来的 Some people have a bulge at the back of their heads like mine. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00117-00038910-00039227 尖尖的 跟你们不一样 It's pointy and different with you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00118-00039227-00039480 这里有一条凹进去的坑道 There's a sunken track here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00119-00039480-00039748 刚好抵销了凸出来的头形 Just offset the protruding head shape. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00120-00039748-00039882 这样非常好 This is very good. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00121-00039882-00040077 会睡得很憩 You will sleep well. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00122-00040077-00040312 睡觉时不需要侧来侧去 No need to turn sideways when sleeping. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00123-00040312-00040522 所以这种设计一级棒 So this design is great. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00124-00040522-00041010 通常在外面买回来的枕头不是太扁 就是太大 Usually the pillows bought from outside are either too flat or too big. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00125-00041010-00041175 睡觉时不方便 It's inconvenient to sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00126-00041175-00041477 我设计这种是比较小 I designed this kind of pillow is relatively small. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00127-00041477-00041637 大概几吋厚 About a few inches thick. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00128-00041637-00042036 你不需要做到这么长 You don't have to make it so long. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00129-00042036-00042300 长度可以适可而止 The length can be enough. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00130-00042300-00042612 最主要是适合自己的颈和头 The most important thing is to fit your neck and head. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00131-00042612-00042930 每个人都不一样 Everyone is different. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00132-00042930-00043407 例如成年人跟小孩子都不一样 For example, adults are different from children. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00133-00043407-00043730 枕头的厚度或高度自然不一样 Pillows naturally vary in thickness or height. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00134-00043730-00043860 你自己去调整 You may adjust yourself. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00135-00043860-00044101 我不可以告诉你那个厚度才适合你 I can't tell you which thickness is suitable for you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00136-00044101-00044351 我做的枕头厚度大概是四吋厚就够了 The thickness of the pillow I made is about four inches thick. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00137-00044351-00044530 垫起来四吋就够 Four inches is enough. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00138-00044530-00045010 另外一半这里是空空的 比较软的 The other half is empty and relatively soft. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00139-00045010-00045212 这里就比较硬 It's harder here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00140-00045212-00045507 里面包了一条小圆柱进去 There is a small round stick inside. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00141-00045507-00045797 等一下我教你们怎样做 Wait a minute, I will show you how to do it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00142-00045797-00046065 我现在先介绍它的好处 I will introduce its benefits first. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00143-00046065-00046387 你们才会喜欢跟我学 So that you will like to learn from me. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00144-00046387-00046740 我为了这个问题已经烦恼了很久 I've been struggling with this problem for a long time. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00145-00046740-00047115 因为我的头形跟别人不一样 Because my head shape is different from others. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00146-00047115-00047617 当我出生的时候 我的头形特别尖 When I was born I had a very pointed head. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00147-00047617-00047915 凸出来而且又硬 protruding and hard. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00148-00047915-00048272 好像一个陀螺这样尖尖的 Pointy like a spinning top. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00149-00048272-00048621 不可以睡在平的枕头上 I can't sleep on a flat pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00150-00048621-00048902 每次睡觉都要打侧来睡 I sleep on a side every time. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00151-00048902-00049147 呼吸不好 所以很容易咳嗽 I can't breathe well, so cough easily. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00152-00049147-00049414 这么多年来都没有改善 It hasn't improved over the years. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00153-00049414-00049892 睡了这种特别设计的枕头 我就没有咳嗽了 I don't cough anymore after sleeping on this specially designed pillow. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00154-00049892-00050162 所以你不要打侧来睡觉 So you don't sleep on a side. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00155-00050162-00050328 你们要注意一下 You have to pay attention. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00156-00050328-00050694 如果用这种枕头 头形尖的人都可以躺平来睡觉 If this kind of pillow is used, people with pointed heads can lie flat and sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00157-00050694-00051200 如果我没有这种枕头 我是没有办法躺平来睡的 If I didn't have this pillow, I wouldn't be able to sleep with my body on flat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00158-00051200-00051491 好 我已经解释清楚了 Okay, I have explained it clearly. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00159-00051491-00051817 现在我教你们怎样做出来 Now I am going to teach you how to make it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00160-00051817-00051977 很容易做的 It's easy to make. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00161-00051977-00052232 很简单 看住啦 It's simple. Just watch it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00162-00052304-00052622 把多馀的花朵丢掉 I throw away the extra flowers. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00163-00052660-00053012 我现在开始做 I will start now. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00164-00053012-00053502 先把这个已经做好的放在一旁 Put this ready-made product aside. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00165-00053502-00053765 做起来比较舒服 So that more comfortable to make. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00166-00053765-00054001 把多馀的东西拿走 Take away the excess. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00167-00054001-00054422 开始的时候我已经介绍过 I have introduced at the beginning. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00168-00054422-00054807 这是一块做瑜珈用的垫子 This is a mat for yoga. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00169-00054807-00055181 你要自己决定枕头的长度 You have to decide the length of the pillow yourself. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00170-00055181-00055622 可以做长一点 也可以做短一点 Can be made longer or shorter. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00171-00055622-00055937 现在我做的是比较短的 Now I'm making a shorter one. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00172-00055937-00056167 主要都是为了方便 It's mostly for convenience. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00173-00056167-00056417 应该怎样做呢? What should be done? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00174-00056417-00056985 我们要把它分成两部份卷起来 We're going to roll it up in two portions. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00175-00056985-00058190 用这种双边胶纸黏在小圆柱上 Use this double-sided adhesive tape to stick to the small round stick. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00176-00058190-00058695 用这种双边胶纸也可以 You may also use this kind of double-sided adhesive tape. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00177-00058695-00058825 你自己喜欢 Up to your favor. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00178-00058825-00059207 就好像这样黏在小圆柱上面 As like as sticking to this little round stick like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00179-00059207-00059617 然后开始把垫子卷起来 And start rolling up the mat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00180-00059617-00059877 稍为用一点力 Use a little force. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00181-00059877-00060159 圆柱黏在胶纸上 The round stick is sticked to tape. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00182-00060262-00060790 黏得很紧 这样位罝才不会跑掉 Stick it tight so that the position won't run away. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00183-00060790-00061229 如果没有黏住它 位置是会跑掉的 If you don't stick it, the position will be lost. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00184-00061229-00061379 现在开始卷起来 Roll up now. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00185-00061379-00061665 你们最好买这种垫子 You better buy this kind of mat. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00186-00061665-00062175 这种材料睡起来也是很舒服 This material is also very comfortable to sleep on. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00187-00062175-00062477 不过它太滑了 But it's too slippery. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00188-00062477-00062675 最好是用这种材料来做 It is best to use this material. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00189-00062675-00062820 它是小格子形状 It has small grid shape. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00190-00062820-00062975 你自己看着办 You decide yourself. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00191-00062975-00063147 把它卷起来 Roll it up. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00192-00063147-00063358 我已经准备好 I'm ready. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00193-00063358-00063525 我要省一点时间 I need to save some time. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00194-00063525-00063745 因为我怕时间不够用 Because I'm afraid I don't have enough time. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00195-00063745-00064104 卷完之后用鞋带的绳子绑起来 After rolling, tie it with the string of shoelaces. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00196-00064104-00064329 不要用橡皮带来绑 Don't tie it with a rubber belt. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00197-00064329-00064610 橡皮带会松掉的 Rubber belt will come loose. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00198-00064610-00064901 松了就不好 It's not good if it's loose. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00199-00064901-00065099 我要赶时间 I'm in a hurry. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00200-00065099-00065447 暂时用橡皮带来绑 Temporarily I tied with a rubber belt. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00201-00065500-00065702 就是这样 That's it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00202-00065760-00066017 你可以绑多两条 You may tie two more. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00203-00066017-00066525 这部份是用来垫着颈部的 This part is used to cushion the neck. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00204-00066525-00067165 不管头形有没有凸出来的人都可以用 No matter whether the head shape is protruding or not, people can use it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00205-00067165-00067867 这种设计主要是用来帮助头尖的人 This design is mainly used to help people with pointed heads. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00206-00067905-00068122 好 第一部份做好了 Ok, the first part is done. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00207-00068122-00068430 第二部份也是类似做法 The second part is similar. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00208-00068430-00068670 同一个道理 Same concept. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00209-00068670-00069030 只是卷出来的圈数比较少 It's just that the number of rolls are relatively small. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00210-00069030-00069491 头部躺上去相对比较软 The head is relatively soft to lie on. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00211-00069491-00069815 用的材料一样要这么多 Same size of material is used. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00212-00069815-00070237 这部份不需要放小圆柱 This portion no need to put any small round stick. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00213-00070265-00070522 看着我怎么做 Watch me how I make it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00214-00070522-00071040 把第一部份放上去 Put the first part on here. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00215-00071040-00071385 然后要这样做 看住 Then do in this way. Watch it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00216-00071385-00071875 这样卷起来 Rolled up like this. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00217-00071875-00072071 就是这样 That's it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00218-00072115-00072557 我试过只做第一部份是不行的 I tried just making the first part and it didn't work. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00219-00072557-00072717 睡起来不舒服 It's uncomfortable to sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00220-00072717-00073017 中间部份是空空的 The middle portion is empty. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00221-00073017-00073622 我不够时间 暂时用橡皮带来绑住它 I don't have enough time to tie it with a rubber belt for now. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00222-00073622-00073907 我要方便自己 I want to make it easier for myself. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00223-00073907-00075110 最好是用鞋带的绳子来绑它 It's better to tie it with the string of shoelaces. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00224-00075110-00075635 我要赶时间没有办法 I'm in a hurry and there's no choice. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00225-00075635-00075932 这样就完成了 This is finished. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00226-00075932-00076201 然后你再准备一个枕头袋 Then you get a pillow bag. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00227-00076201-00076570 把它套上去 Put it on. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00228-00076570-00076845 我没有时间就不套了 I don't have time, so I don't put on. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00229-00076845-00077300 要睡觉的时候就这样睡 You can sleep like this when you want to sleep. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00230-00077300-00077567 这个厚度当然是不适合婴儿 Of course, this thickness is not suitable for babies. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00231-00077567-00077830 我用回这个成年的模特儿来演示 I'm using back this adult model to demonstrate. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00232-00077830-00078067 这个尺寸适合成年人 This size is suitable for adults. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00233-00078067-00078282 不管头部是否凸出的人都可以用 No matter people with or without protruding heads also can use it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00234-00078282-00078497 她当然是躺在床上 Of course she is lying on the bed. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00235-00078497-00078770 只是我不能演示得很完美 It's just that I can't demonstrate perfectly. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00236-00078770-00079060 这种设计我睡得真的很舒服 I sleep really comfortably with this design. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00237-00079060-00079550 希望你们看了之后明白我怎样做 I hope you understand how I make it after watching it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00238-00079550-00079901 如果你睡得不舒服 那只是暂时性的 If you're not sleeping well, it's only for temporary. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00239-00079901-00080300 因为这部份垫起来不够扁 Because this part is not flat enough. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00240-00080300-00080751 但当你睡了一、两个月之后 它就会扁下去 But when you sleep for a month or two, it will flatten out. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00241-00080751-00080950 比较适合你的头形 It's more suitable for your head shape. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00242-00080950-00081222 就好像你穿新的鞋子一样 Just like you're wearing new shoes. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00243-00081222-00081571 开始穿的时候是不舒服的 It's uncomfortable to wear at first. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00244-00081571-00081855 但当你穿过一段时间之后 But when you wear through for a while. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00245-00081855-00082168 或者睡过一段时间之后 Or after sleeping for a while. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00246-00082168-00082513 就会变得舒服 It will become comfortable. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00247-00082513-00082800 这都是同一个道理 it's all the same concept. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00248-00082800-00083050 习惯就好了 Just get used to it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00249-00083050-00083356 不要说我林平方骗你们 Don't say I, Lam Ping Fong, lied to you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00250-00083356-00083547 我没有骗你 I did not lie to you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00251-00083547-00083960 我用过之后 咳嗽改善了 After I used it, my cough is improved. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00252-00083960-00084440 因为经常打侧睡觉会影响呼吸 Sleeping on a side often affects your breathing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00253-00084440-00084804 不管是成年人或小孩 Whether adult or child. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00254-00084804-00085020 胃部被反侧了 Stomach is turned sideways. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00255-00085020-00085635 吃了的食物不容易消化 影响呼吸 The food eaten is not easy to digest and affects breathing. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00256-00085635-00085967 所以每个人都应该仰睡 So everyone should sleep with lying on their back. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00257-00085967-00086140 呼吸才会畅通 So that can breathe smoothly. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00258-00086140-00086560 我这样会睡得很憩 I sleep well in this way. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00259-00086560-00086912 希望你们知道我怎样做出来 I hope you guys know how I make it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00260-00086912-00087120 不会很难做 对不对? It's not difficult to make, right? X3zPWCiRoqQ-00261-00087120-00087405 看起来可能觉得很麻烦 It may seem like a hassle. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00262-00087405-00087575 我也害怕这个视频做得不好 I'm also afraid that this video is not shooted well. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00263-00087575-00088047 我已经想好了怎样去解释 怎样去演示 I've figured out how to explain, how to demonstrate. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00264-00088047-00088482 我想了很多天才想到这个方法 I thought for a long time before I came up with this method. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00265-00088482-00088855 现在才比较完美的介绍给你们 It is now a perfect introduction to you. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00266-00088855-00089242 我本来有一点害怕 Initially I was a little scared. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00267-00089242-00089616 不知道怎样才能把这个视频拍得好一点 I don't know how to make this video better. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00268-00089616-00089770 幸好已经解决了 Fortunately, it has been resolved. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00269-00089770-00090112 好 希望你们用得着 I hope you can use it. X3zPWCiRoqQ-00270-00090112-00090248 再见 Good bye. X64HgloliZU-00000-00000560-00001490 ‏About people - they live - in the city - the capital Sana'a, give me the news X64HgloliZU-00001-00001490-00002421 ‏News with the smells of the breeze X64HgloliZU-00002-00002371-00002421 ‏Be comfortable calm down X64HgloliZU-00003-00002421-00004095 ‏Stop: Speak slowly in order to understand the heart that - I miss them X64HgloliZU-00004-00004095-00004839 ‏Are they on the covenant? ‏The unfaithful does not fulfill the covenant X6sTI5-Pody-00000-00000000-00000134 This is a recently set up tank X6sTI5-Pody-00001-00000184-00000580 As you can see, I've mostly used Hygrolon. I'll keep posting regular update, to show you how it's starting to overgrow with moss. X6sTI5-Pody-00002-00000654-00000876 It's a standard 18x18x18 (45x45x45cm) Exo Terra. X6sTI5-Pody-00003-00001106-00001546 I'm just dumping some Drosophila hydei, dusted with Dendrocare. X6sTI5-Pody-00004-00002076-00002332 Not too much. Just enough for two days. X6sTI5-Pody-00005-00004064-00004248 Here's my (confirmed) male X6sTI5-Pody-00006-00007328-00007592 The one to the left is probably a female. X6sTI5-Pody-00007-00012114-00012813 If you have any questions about this build, feel free to ask in the comments, or drop me a message on the fanpage. X6sTI5-Pody-00008-00014641-00015097 My camera decided that the ferns are more interesting than the frog. X6sTI5-Pody-00009-00016097-00016798 The suspected female (right) is keeping m confused. It doesn't have the hump, but the toepads are noticable smaller, than those of the calling male (left) X6sTI5-Pody-00010-00023204-00023322 Thank you! X9nRS-O64EI-00000-00000000-00000200 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00001-00000200-00000400 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00002-00000400-00000600 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00003-00000600-00000800 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00004-00000800-00001000 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00005-00001000-00001200 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00006-00001200-00001400 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00007-00001400-00001600 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00008-00001600-00001800 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00009-00001800-00002000 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ X9nRS-O64EI-00010-00002000-00002200 PAVITRA ENGINEERS, 9167424066/9004917850/9224272866 mail: pavitraengineers1977@gmail.com , Web:- https://www.pavitraengineers.com/ XvKLTM7q-Wk-00000-00000018-00000306 Hi, I'm Zidney and this is my Life Verse. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00001-00000400-00000500 [Music] XvKLTM7q-Wk-00002-00001374-00001633 So my life verse is sort of unique. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00003-00001633-00001993 It's found inHabbakuk 3:17 to 18. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00004-00003800-00004091 So my life has been a series of ups and downs. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00005-00004091-00004276 I grew up in a broken family. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00006-00004276-00004463 I've ended friendships. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00007-00004463-00004591 I've been bullied. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00008-00004591-00004842 And you know, I felt depressed. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00009-00004842-00005137 And I thought I could findjoy in things. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00010-00005137-00005536 I thought that if I lose one thing, I could just go to the next. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00011-00005536-00006132 When I lost the idea of a perfect family, I thought I could find joy in my friends. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00012-00006132-00006654 And thenwhen I ended friendships, I thought I could find joy even in my ministry. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00013-00006654-00007045 And then when my smallgroup diminished in numbers, XvKLTM7q-Wk-00014-00007045-00007293 not even them was my source of joy. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00015-00007293-00007601 That's why I held on so much to this verse. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00016-00007601-00008039 It's a constant reminder that Christ alone is my source of joy. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00017-00008039-00008454 This passagereminds me that even if I have nothing, XvKLTM7q-Wk-00018-00008454-00008773 I still have everything because of my relationshipwith Christ. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00019-00008773-00009185 I can still be joyful because I am eternally secure in God, XvKLTM7q-Wk-00020-00009185-00009443 whatever the day maybring. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00021-00009443-00009731 I'm Zidney and that was my Life Verse. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00022-00010038-00010486 Hi, guys! So that was the first episode ofLife Verse. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00023-00010486-00010931 So Life Verse is a new series that I'm gonna do in my YouTube channel XvKLTM7q-Wk-00024-00010931-00011426 and that's where we're gonna share or where people are gonna share their life verse XvKLTM7q-Wk-00025-00011426-00011741 and they're gonna explain how it came to be. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00026-00011741-00012250 And maybe it would encourage you to also findyour life verse, if you haven't. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00027-00012250-00012454 And you know, I wanted to set an example. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00028-00012454-00012858 That's why I wasthe first one to share. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00029-00012858-00013370 See? I even have a t-shirt on Habakkuk 3:17 to 18. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00030-00013370-00013675 It's actuallybeen my— this is my third life verse. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00031-00013675-00013746 I've had XvKLTM7q-Wk-00032-00013816-00014466 two life verses like it was Colossians 3:23and the second one was Isaiah 55:8 to 9. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00033-00014519-00014735 Yeah and yeah. XvKLTM7q-Wk-00034-00014735-00014813 So tune in! XvKLTM7q-Wk-00035-00014813-00015052 And hope to seeyou next time! XvKLTM7q-Wk-00036-00015052-00015328 So bye! Thanks for watching! XvKLTM7q-Wk-00037-00016086-00016136 foreign XyEk3T2yf5u-00000-00000000-00000200 varicose veins removal cream XICv-ECurcU-00000-00002489-00002949 Fearing that I'm not loved by you, XICv-ECurcU-00001-00002949-00003572 who is more precious than anyone, XICv-ECurcU-00002-00003572-00004097 I fled in one single leap XICv-ECurcU-00003-00004097-00004565 to a star ten thousand years ahead. XICv-ECurcU-00004-00007095-00007604 I try to slowly open my eyelids XICv-ECurcU-00005-00007604-00008280 The black ocean of the sky appeared in front of my eyes XICv-ECurcU-00006-00008280-00008788 flowing towards the horizon, XICv-ECurcU-00007-00008788-00009224 one hundred million years ahead. XICv-ECurcU-00008-00009268-00010424 Before the temperature of the void I inspired XICv-ECurcU-00009-00010424-00011040 ends up freezing my senses, XICv-ECurcU-00010-00011156-00011664 to this body, for once XICv-ECurcU-00011-00011664-00011864 give it love. XICv-ECurcU-00012-00012260-00012460 give it love XICv-ECurcU-00013-00012828-00013028 give it love XICv-ECurcU-00014-00013407-00013607 give it love XICv-ECurcU-00015-00014003-00014591 give it love, right away XICv-ECurcU-00016-00014591-00015179 give love to me XICv-ECurcU-00017-00015179-00015775 give me love, please XICv-ECurcU-00018-00015775-00016347 give me love, oh give me love XICv-ECurcU-00019-00016347-00017043 give me love XICv-ECurcU-00020-00017523-00017723 (give me love) XICv-ECurcU-00021-00018795-00019315 Atop a star whose light doesn't shine, XICv-ECurcU-00022-00019315-00019954 in order not to be swallowed by the darkness, XICv-ECurcU-00023-00019954-00020490 I gaze alone at the sunset that is XICv-ECurcU-00024-00020490-00020890 ten thousand years ahead. XICv-ECurcU-00025-00021042-00021626 Surely, along with this stardust XICv-ECurcU-00026-00021626-00022226 I'll keep drifting away forever XICv-ECurcU-00027-00022226-00023074 so before I disappear, I ask you, please XICv-ECurcU-00028-00023074-00023502 please XICv-ECurcU-00029-00023650-00024250 give me love, right away XICv-ECurcU-00030-00024250-00024842 give love to me XICv-ECurcU-00031-00024842-00025426 give me love, please XICv-ECurcU-00032-00025426-00026020 give me love, oh give me love XICv-ECurcU-00033-00026020-00026801 give me love XICv-ECurcU-00034-00027173-00027757 give me love, oh give me love XICv-ECurcU-00035-00027757-00027957 give me love XICv-ECurcU-00036-00028345-00028545 give me love XICv-ECurcU-00037-00028805-00029005 Translated by ARIOTSU XKyuIdlPDcu-00000-00000096-00000421 Everybody I wanted to do a quick video on an app that I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00001-00000421-00000769 found I've been using a lot actually a service I've been ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00002-00000769-00001103 using a lot lately over the last year so this is a happy ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00003-00001103-00001481 accident I'm bringing my kids to the library throughout the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00004-00001481-00001784 summer we would go once a week and check out books ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00005-00001784-00002140 and you know the usual thing so we're going to the library ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00006-00002140-00002519 and as I'm checking out I see a little placard a little card or ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00007-00002519-00002897 newsletter there that talks about the digital offerings at ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00008-00002897-00003003 the library has. XKyuIdlPDcu-00009-00003076-00003387 And so you know I said okay well what specifically do you ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00010-00003387-00003719 have in the library media specialist said why don't really ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00011-00003719-00004037 know basically the card is right there you can take a look ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00012-00004037-00004159 at it and take it home. XKyuIdlPDcu-00013-00004228-00004623 Sermon this is my library but I'm assuming most libraries ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00014-00004623-00004960 have a lot of the same offerings so I go online and I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00015-00004960-00005355 check out for my library you know they have a lot of digital ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00016-00005355-00005635 offerings products and stuff like that. XKyuIdlPDcu-00017-00005704-00006017 So basically indicate that they have few no ebooks ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00018-00006017-00006383 audiobooks digital magazines and stuff like that so one by ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00019-00006383-00006726 one I start working my way through the system in signing ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00020-00006726-00007085 up for these not at the nice thing about this is that you're ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00021-00007085-00007428 signing up for all of this and it's free as a member of the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00022-00007428-00007831 library which is a free Hino service to as a member of the library. XKyuIdlPDcu-00023-00007892-00008321 All you're doing is going over to like rbdigital or Jasmine and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00024-00008321-00008684 you're signing in with your library card number your ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00025-00008684-00009030 library account create a password and then you can ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00026-00009030-00009459 use the service so I checked out Jazz man I check out rbdigital. XKyuIdlPDcu-00027-00009536-00009915 Rbdigital is really nice because you can see that the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00028-00009915-00010295 magazine apps now or you know part of rbdigital so the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00029-00010295-00010571 nice thing is if I go over to rbdigital. XKyuIdlPDcu-00030-00010660-00011137 It will pump me through my library and then I can basically ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00031-00011137-00011584 read or listen to any of these audio books I can take out ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00032-00011584-00012022 check out magazines I can look at the books rbdigital ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00033-00012022-00012519 works really well I like it the challenge with rbdigital is. XKyuIdlPDcu-00034-00012596-00012921 If I see a book that I want some of them are available ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00035-00012921-00013270 right away and some of them you have to wait almost like ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00036-00013270-00013626 it's a quote-unquote real book in The Labyrinth so as an ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00037-00013626-00013975 example one of the audio books that was available and I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00038-00013975-00014316 have to sign in right now but one of them audiobooks it ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00039-00014316-00014634 was available it wasn't available at that time so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00040-00014634-00014998 basically put like a hold on it and then I just got an email ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00041-00014998-00015394 last night that the book was available I think it was actually ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00042-00015394-00015719 the Marie kondo book about cleaning up in tithing. XKyuIdlPDcu-00043-00015796-00016193 So the nice thing is with rbdigital I can grab you know ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00044-00016193-00016617 a magazine and so what I'll do is all open this up on my iPad ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00045-00016617-00017033 I don't really use my iPad as much as I probably should so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00046-00017033-00017457 I can you know get ready for a flight or have it in my bag and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00047-00017457-00017827 if I stop I can read Popular Science I don't really ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00048-00017827-00018243 subscribe to magazines when I do they serve to pile up in ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00049-00018243-00018658 my house but I can subscribe to Popular Science you know ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00050-00018658-00019055 check it out and it can stay in my bag in in in my iPad and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00051-00019055-00019507 when I'm done with it it's gone it stays for about 2 weeks ago. XKyuIdlPDcu-00052-00019588-00019965 It's rbdigital is really nice some of the other offerings ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00053-00019965-00020351 are nice digital flip books is TumbleBooks is is okay I wish ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00054-00020351-00020768 it was a little bit better with the killer app for me is hoopa so if ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00055-00020768-00021122 I go online and I search for hoopla I can see all of these ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00056-00021122-00021500 different Services they have an iPad app in Android app so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00057-00021500-00021877 the nice thing is that I can put it on my iPad I can also put on ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00058-00021877-00021995 my Android phone. XKyuIdlPDcu-00059-00022064-00022438 So when I go to hoopla the really cool thing is I can ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00060-00022438-00022848 basically sign in and when I check things out on hoopla ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00061-00022848-00023295 they will go over to my other devices automatically so I can ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00062-00023295-00023678 pull it up on my Android phone I can also read it in my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00063-00023678-00023915 browser I can read it on my iPad. XKyuIdlPDcu-00064-00023996-00024479 And so what I'll do is you can see I don't have any offerings ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00065-00024479-00025003 that you know for this month but I can go through and I can see my. XKyuIdlPDcu-00066-00025072-00025473 Who blow will show the things that I've checked out in the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00067-00025473-00025703 past and I can let see favorites. XKyuIdlPDcu-00068-00025888-00026249 So you can see I've been reading a lot of graphic novels ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00069-00026249-00026627 normally when I would go to the library I would sit with my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00070-00026627-00027020 kids and make sure they are fine and insertive just let them ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00071-00027020-00027366 explore but I never had a chance to sit and really dig ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00072-00027366-00027783 through the graphic novels or the comic books that were there. XKyuIdlPDcu-00073-00027860-00028273 And so with hoopla what I can do is I can quickly check out ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00074-00028273-00028677 three four five of these graphic novels of these comic ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00075-00028677-00029063 books and I can save them to my iPad and I found it that ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00076-00029063-00029467 allows me to you notes save one read a chapter to see if I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00077-00029467-00029951 like it or not if I like it I can follow through and keep reading it. XKyuIdlPDcu-00078-00030020-00030426 And so don't think it's nice as I can get audiobooks ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00079-00030426-00030755 audiobooks work the same way I also have. XKyuIdlPDcu-00080-00030908-00031032 So if we check this out. XKyuIdlPDcu-00081-00031104-00031604 I can get audio books I can get what else is there. XKyuIdlPDcu-00082-00031727-00032198 Where's the piece alright so I can basically go through will ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00083-00032198-00032612 do it up here so I can go audio books movies music comic ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00084-00032612-00033035 books ebooks and TV don't really check out the TV side. XKyuIdlPDcu-00085-00033156-00033515 She can see pretty decent offering of TV shows ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00086-00033515-00033932 Nickelodeon PBS show stuff like that and some Comedy ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00087-00033932-00034329 Central so decent you know offering of TV shows and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00088-00034329-00034765 there is a lot of ebooks this is predominantly one of the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00089-00034765-00035247 things that I'll grab so I can get a audiobook I can get a eBook. XKyuIdlPDcu-00090-00035324-00035694 You can read this ebook in the proprietary reader in ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00091-00035694-00036099 Hoopa or you can have it read you going to read it in Kindle ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00092-00036099-00036504 so if your Kindle person it'll pump it over to Kendall you ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00093-00036504-00036875 can read it there I can also grab while I'm here comic ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00094-00036875-00037254 books I talked about that so I've been reading a lot of ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00095-00037254-00037633 comic books with my kids by myself some of these you no ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00096-00037633-00037995 more adult themed comic books I can read and really ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00097-00037995-00038409 enjoy the time that you know to dig into this genre music is ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00098-00038409-00038547 available as well. XKyuIdlPDcu-00099-00038668-00039081 So I can basically download these to my device and listen ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00100-00039081-00039416 to them and this is all free once again movies. XKyuIdlPDcu-00101-00039484-00039766 So I can pull up these different movie save them to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00102-00039766-00040083 my device and watch them if I have Chromecast I can being ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00103-00040083-00040407 that elsewhere that's another video for another day and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00104-00040407-00040731 then audiobooks is is where I started so the nice thing is ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00105-00040731-00040903 that I can basically you know. XKyuIdlPDcu-00106-00041028-00041428 Listen to watch the sing so I'm going to look at this book that ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00107-00041428-00041644 I've been reading you know I can. XKyuIdlPDcu-00108-00041740-00042071 Read it I can check it out and I checked this out a couple ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00109-00042071-00042380 days ago and you can see that this is going to return ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00110-00042380-00042697 automatically on the 2nd of February so it's about 2 ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00111-00042697-00042895 weeks 3 weeks if I'm done with it. XKyuIdlPDcu-00112-00042968-00043303 I can see what other areas I might be interested in once ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00113-00043303-00043645 I'm done I can play this in the browser when I'm done I can ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00114-00043645-00043883 just hit return now and it'll say that. XKyuIdlPDcu-00115-00043944-00044331 It's going to send it right back so as long as you know I can ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00116-00044331-00044719 continue to check it out continue to review it if I like it ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00117-00044719-00044851 but I don't have to. XKyuIdlPDcu-00118-00044924-00045588 So also what school is I can go into the comic books I can hit resume. XKyuIdlPDcu-00119-00045696-00046067 And what it will do is it'll open this book up in my browser so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00120-00046067-00046400 the cool thing is you know if I'm a way I can pull up in my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00121-00046400-00046742 browser I can download it elsewhere if I'm a teacher or ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00122-00046742-00047067 want to show this to someone else I can pull it up in my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00123-00047067-00047287 browser and display read it there. XKyuIdlPDcu-00124-00047372-00047788 Super really offers a lot of opportunities the only the only ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00125-00047788-00048214 weird thing is really weird but the only interesting thing to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00126-00048214-00048564 think about with hoopla is when you first sign up so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00127-00048564-00048972 you're basically go to hoopla you're going to sign in using ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00128-00048972-00049356 your library credentials once again go to your library ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00129-00049356-00049756 Google your library and basically search for the library ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00130-00049756-00050131 or the County Library NC digital see what is out there. XKyuIdlPDcu-00131-00050208-00050505 If you have in a whatever Services you have try them ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00132-00050505-00050867 out you can sign in with your library credentials if you can't ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00133-00050867-00051193 do that talk to your library and I'm not your library but ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00134-00051193-00051512 basically sign in and see what you have access to if you ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00135-00051512-00051873 don't have a library card get yourself to the library and sign ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00136-00051873-00052235 up for a library card they're incredible but sign in with your ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00137-00052235-00052525 library card started all up if you have the hoopla ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00138-00052525-00052915 subscription it's incredible sign in the only interesting thing ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00139-00052915-00053007 weird thing is. XKyuIdlPDcu-00140-00053067-00053527 Sony sign in what they'll do is for everything that you're ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00141-00053527-00053948 checking out your library is paying for service so my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00142-00053948-00054397 library part of a County Library says about four or five I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00143-00054397-00054904 believe libraries in the county and what they'll do is they will ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00144-00054904-00055191 pay for a certain amount of you know. XKyuIdlPDcu-00145-00055244-00055624 Subscriptions are certain amount of borrowing per day. XKyuIdlPDcu-00146-00055696-00056070 Set my p520 might be a hundred people allowed to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00147-00056070-00056435 borrow at a given time so what I've noticed is. XKyuIdlPDcu-00148-00056500-00056828 Later in the day if I try to check something out so what ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00149-00056828-00057230 they'll do is they'll put artificial constraints on what you're ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00150-00057230-00057581 allowed to borrow so for me it basically says okay you're ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00151-00057581-00057946 allowed to borrow five titles a month okay by Carlos is a lot ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00152-00057946-00058297 considering it'll take me a while to get through an audio ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00153-00058297-00058632 book a comic book so he got five titles a month so that's ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00154-00058632-00058923 one limitation the other limitation is if I had ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00155-00058923-00059311 opportunities to borrow right now what it would do is it would. XKyuIdlPDcu-00156-00059388-00059803 Stop me as we get later in the day so what I've noticed is if I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00157-00059803-00060200 want to borrow something I bet I have to go first thing in ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00158-00060200-00060598 the morning so what they might do is the library will say ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00159-00060598-00060987 and I don't know how they organized but from searching ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00160-00060987-00061376 online it seems like what libraries will do is just say ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00161-00061376-00061757 okay we have 25 or hundred borrower opportunities to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00162-00061757-00062102 borrow per day so as you get later in the day those ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00163-00062102-00062448 opportunities might dry up they might also put a ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00164-00062448-00062967 constraint and say okay will will not allow people to borrow afternoon. XKyuIdlPDcu-00165-00063036-00063340 Candy ideas to keep costs down for the library and I ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00166-00063340-00063463 totally get that so. XKyuIdlPDcu-00167-00063524-00063849 If I get home from work it's six 7 at night I try to borrow ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00168-00063849-00064197 something it'll say you can't borrow right now you need to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00169-00064197-00064508 borrow in the morning or borrow after midnight when ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00170-00064508-00064863 your library resets so that's the only the only weird thing ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00171-00064863-00065189 or interesting thing is sometimes we'll try to borrow ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00172-00065189-00065551 an old tell you that there's no more opportunity to borrow so ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00173-00065551-00065884 all I do is first thing in the morning I go and I basically ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00174-00065884-00066267 look at my favorites and I look at things that I want to check out. XKyuIdlPDcu-00175-00066336-00066671 And say okay I didn't have a chance to you know check out ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00176-00066671-00067087 this book here so I'm going to do is I'm going to favorite this thing. XKyuIdlPDcu-00177-00067160-00067516 And then tomorrow morning I'm going to borrow it so you ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00178-00067516-00067881 can see it's available for 21 days and it goes right to my ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00179-00067881-00068023 device so once again. XKyuIdlPDcu-00180-00068120-00068496 That is the Hoopla app Incredible App absolutely love ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00181-00068496-00068914 it it's an opportunity for me to really I've used my I've been ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00182-00068914-00069241 using my iPad much more often now because of the ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00183-00069241-00069609 Hoopla app so really great opportunity you know to to ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00184-00069609-00069968 read more experience different things if you're an ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00185-00069968-00070303 educator it's a great opportunity to pull up who ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00186-00070303-00070763 played in your class so you can basically you know grab that piece. XKyuIdlPDcu-00187-00070900-00071240 Pull up a book that you're currently reading opening up in class. XKyuIdlPDcu-00188-00071332-00071612 Read through it or pull that graphic novel of that, XKyuIdlPDcu-00189-00071612-00071899 cup in your class you can zoom into you know specific ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00190-00071899-00072226 things but basically you can pull up in your class read read ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00191-00072226-00072534 it on your device it's awesome I love it it's all for free ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00192-00072534-00072821 definitely recommend the Hoopla app and also check ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00193-00072821-00073135 out what your library has offer once again if you're not a ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00194-00073135-00073408 member of a library get yourself to a library get a ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00195-00073408-00073756 library card it's a free service is an incredible service your ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00196-00073756-00074096 library media specialist will love seeing you so definitely ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00197-00074096-00074423 check it out to see what digital offerings are out there and ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00198-00074423-00074771 definitely check out the hoop lap all right hopefully that was ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00199-00074771-00075091 a benefit to you subscribe if you haven't already give me a ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00200-00075091-00075385 thumbs-up thumbs-down leave a comment if there's an ... XKyuIdlPDcu-00201-00075385-00075739 issue for something I messed up but by all means have a great day. XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00000-00001136-00001544 okay so we obviously filmed this after all the pranks were done XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00001-00001544-00002000 but i realized we didn't even have an intro because i don't know who started the pranks but XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00002-00002000-00002656 i think you wait who did start the video i just know that today was honestly one of the craziest XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00003-00002656-00003088 most eventful days of our lives be sure to give this video a like if you're excited to see what XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00004-00003088-00004384 we have and you know what we just want to show you guys what happened so let's just jump in a video XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00005-00005032-00005784 do XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00006-00007104-00007480 okay so he's been like banging on the door for the past five minutes so i actually filled this cup XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00007-00007480-00007856 up with water and i'm gonna put it on top of the door so when he comes in i was gonna drop on him XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00008-00008176-00008512 alex calm down i'm not calm XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00009-00009936-00010048 i would crack my phone too XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00010-00010320-00010968 i'm sorry okay so since alan wants to play games and put fire on me i can do that too XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00011-00010968-00011384 right yeah oh that's perfect okay XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00012-00014096-00014536 why'd you do that i thought there was a car coming why are you holding my hand oh cause i thought XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00013-00014536-00014984 i think i thought you're gonna hurt me for doing that okay so i have this very spicy chili powder XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00014-00014984-00015440 here and what i'm gonna be doing is i'm gonna be putting this underneath this toilet paper oh my XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00015-00015440-00015928 god that way when he uses the restroom and uses toilet paper it's gonna burn his butt and look XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00016-00015928-00016256 at that you can't even tell that there's spice underneath it so he's gonna be in for a treat XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00017-00016784-00017472 alan is everything okay alan what's wrong oh allen what's wrong oh i can't feel my oh i XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00018-00017472-00017848 don't know what do i just feel so hot oh what feels hot alan tell me what's going on are you XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00019-00017848-00018384 okay i'm getting a cramp dude oh dude i gotta go to the hospital man what allen went for real XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00020-00018672-00018784 dang how do you feel alan XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00021-00019272-00019784 okay please XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00022-00020072-00020336 so how do you actually feel though you know when you put chili peppers up your butt you XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00023-00020336-00020696 tell me how it feels huh what do you mean i didn't put chili peppers up your butt XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00024-00020696-00020960 okay so i'm gonna get along with this coke mentos prank basically i'm gonna be XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00025-00020960-00021328 tying the mentos on a string and i'm gonna be putting it underneath this cap right here and XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00026-00021328-00021744 basically what's gonna happen now is when he opens up the cap it's gonna spill all over his face XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00027-00021744-00022080 hey alan have this coke right here uh she think i'm an idiot first off XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00028-00022080-00022584 there's a camera and second off it's april fool's bro give me this gunk i'm not stupid XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00029-00023160-00023640 dude this is not a prank dude you just messed up the entire apartment you put mentos in both of XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00030-00023640-00023984 them yes i did because i knew what you're going to do i'm serious you have to clean it up though XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00031-00023984-00024392 seriously right now stop recording because you're going to help us clean this too so i'm in 10 XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00032-00024392-00024768 different kinds of pain right now because alex but little does he know i'm gonna get him back with XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00033-00024768-00025400 the same prank pick one right now okay i'll drink this one open it okay calm down all right come on XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00034-00025656-00026304 you're just you're just messing up our apartment at this point stop well this whole point of this XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00035-00026304-00026800 that's the thrill of doing this because i'm trying to get you in the pressure okay so alan's been XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00036-00026800-00027168 inside the target restaurant for like 20 minutes now um i think he's pooping but i think i have a XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00037-00027168-00027520 way to speed him up right here's a fake snake and i know that like fake snakes are like number three XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00038-00027520-00027880 on his most feared list i know he's gonna get like really really mad at me for this but his XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00039-00027880-00029583 reaction is gonna be worth it so just trust me guys let's go put the fake snake in a restroom XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00040-00030536-00030872 wait did you did you why maybe you have to go XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00041-00030872-00031168 back in there okay alan so hug it out come on give me a hug XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00042-00031480-00031880 this puppy came over like a few days ago and it pooped on our carpet right here and XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00043-00031880-00032264 alan and i have been arguing back and forth on who should be to want to clean it up he won't do XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00044-00032264-00032776 it i won't do it i already cleaned it up a little bit so i decided to have a little fun with it um XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00045-00032776-00033232 basically this is not real poop right here this is nutella and i also put fart spray on it so it XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00046-00033232-00033696 smells like poop and basically because alan's now helping me clean this up i'm going to be pranking XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00047-00033696-00034224 him with this yeah let's see how it turns out hey alan allen you know the uh the dog poop XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00048-00034224-00034792 the truck the dog why are you all so angry i can't hear you okay you know the dog poop so i XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00049-00034792-00035208 sprayed it down with this right here and i got it to be like a little bit wet why does it look like XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00050-00035208-00035624 that well that's because i sprayed it down with that and um i was able to clean all of it up but XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00051-00035624-00036072 that little bit right there so bro that's what yeah that's actually why i don't want a dog yeah XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00052-00036072-00036648 same here same here like it's oh it smells did you just smell it with your problem because it smells XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00053-00036648-00038400 it smells wait allen can you unlock your door alan unlock the door he wants to lock the door i XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00054-00038400-00039272 will unlock it like this there we go alan alan you want to clean the dog food how can you want to dog XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00055-00040488-00040784 just trust me XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00056-00041008-00041416 how's it taste i cleaned the dog poop and then you could do that to me just because you cleaned it XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00057-00041416-00041840 huh alan you're not listening let me finish though that's not real that's nutella why does it smell XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00058-00041840-00042408 like poop thing because it's probably because i put fart spray on it bro uh that's not even XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00059-00042408-00043584 a prank man you can get up now just take a taste of it that still smells i'm not allen all right XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00060-00043768-00044168 oh don't move alan what was that for whoa there's a bug on you don't move XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00061-00044328-00044952 i killed it i killed it for you there's nothing on your hand there is something on my hand look XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00062-00044952-00045640 oh what is it it's a ant how dare you try to bite my brother alan stop you're annoying stop XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00063-00045640-00045928 all right so we're setting up for the broken tv prank on alex XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00064-00046200-00046728 oh crap um just just give it back to me all right are you ready right here go two that's one XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00065-00046952-00047320 of the tv what was that right what do you think give it back to me not throw it XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00066-00047320-00047616 you say you want to play kickball but you could have give you could have to XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00067-00047616-00048056 stand up and give it to me look what you did i did i passed it look what you did XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00068-00048248-00048720 alex i promised i was out that was shot don't even lie why are you lying right now i don't XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00069-00048720-00049152 care you did it you guys can go to target right now they're closed i don't character clothes XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00070-00049152-00049536 find when that's open fun when it's open you know you watch tv why do you care i don't care XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00071-00049536-00050584 i don't care dory's so mad dude huh why are you so bad right now it's a broken tv XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00072-00051120-00051424 okay so his lights are off which means he's asleep i'm gonna get XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00073-00051424-00051672 him with the good old whipped cream make him scratch his nose and then XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00074-00051672-00051984 stuff this over the whipped cream wait shaving cream this is shaving cream XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00075-00052984-00053464 what was that for you're supposed to sleep you missed me too i actually almost fell asleep XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00076-00053464-00053800 waiting for you because i knew you're going to do something like this you didn't know that i just XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00077-00053800-00054079 i did you realize you've got your own room dirty right i'm pranking XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00078-00054079-00054367 you you're going to have to clean this up because i don't have to clean this up XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00079-00054600-00055000 okay so i told alex about 30 minutes ago that i left the house to go buy some groceries XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00080-00055000-00055424 and i'm about to prank alex like he's never been pranked before so i'm going to call him XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00081-00055424-00055712 right now and tell him i'm going to be home in five minutes and he needs to meet me on the XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00082-00055712-00056184 rooftop to help me carry in some groceries i can act like i'm driving to sell it okay XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00083-00056320-00056808 alex why are you frowning wait alex i'm gonna be home in uh like 10 minutes um can you help XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00084-00056808-00057240 me carry up the groceries i'm on the route i'm gonna be on the rooftop okay the files aren't XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00085-00057240-00057920 transferred by the way oh okay all right bye are you gonna hang out for oh all right so i have XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00086-00057920-00058344 the exact replica of the clothes i'm wearing right here that i stuffed with old clothes XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00087-00058344-00058896 and basically what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put these underneath the car like this okay so that XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00088-00058896-00059328 definitely looks real enough to fool him for a few seconds and i can't wait to see his reaction XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00089-00059600-00060384 alex alex XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00090-00061640-00062024 underneath in the first place it didn't even get me i was waiting XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00091-00062024-00062320 for me i know and then replay that look you should have seen his face XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00092-00062728-00063176 why are you trying to lift the car so we just really wanted to get this off XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00093-00063176-00063488 our chest i'm not even sure if you guys care or not all jokes aside XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00094-00063488-00063967 we're gonna take some time off of youtube this was a hard decision to make i'm not sure if XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00095-00063967-00064584 you guys will support that i feel like we'll just be taking a break until um this sunday XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00096-00064720-00065344 okay all right this was an april april joke guys today's actually april fools but um comment down XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00097-00065344-00065984 below we got you or not for a second but speaking of jokes and pranks in our last prank video i know XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00098-00065984-00066400 we announced we were gonna give away this fake red bull cup um maybe some of you guys don't know XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00099-00066456-00066976 and the giveaway is actually still happening and all you have to do to enter is to subscribe burn XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00100-00066976-00067312 or post notifications and comment done when you are done we'll be announcing a winner XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00101-00067312-00067696 in the next video so stay tuned for that also it's gonna be autographed oh yeah we're gonna XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00102-00067696-00068128 sign it too so if you wanna watch another cool video click right here if you guys laughed at XMd6FQqbJ8Y-00103-00068128-00068784 all please give this video a like stay tuned for our next video and we will see you guys next time XprxKh_fzig-00000-00000000-00001188 and say beautiful guys from my heart and XprxKh_fzig-00001-00001003-00001995 what's up XprxKh_fzig-00002-00001188-00002186 and for those who don't know me my name is XprxKh_fzig-00003-00001995-00002391 brazilian carol in test this here XprxKh_fzig-00004-00002186-00002595 so you can go on there you can leave XprxKh_fzig-00005-00002391-00002838 like a comment I'm always XprxKh_fzig-00006-00002595-00003243 responding to your comments and XprxKh_fzig-00007-00002838-00003492 today south gal in the morning very beautiful XprxKh_fzig-00008-00003243-00003954 about to have my breakfast there XprxKh_fzig-00009-00003492-00004271 I had an idea why not pass 24 XprxKh_fzig-00010-00003954-00004536 hours eating everything at temperatures XprxKh_fzig-00011-00004271-00004782 inverted like so how so XprxKh_fzig-00012-00004536-00005019 inverted temperature normally at XprxKh_fzig-00013-00004782-00005292 people have a cold coke a XprxKh_fzig-00014-00005019-00005619 coke is going to be hot normally the XprxKh_fzig-00015-00005292-00006012 people eat like rice and stuff XprxKh_fzig-00016-00005619-00006237 hot so it will be chilled or frozen XprxKh_fzig-00017-00006012-00006518 in case someone second who is a potato XprxKh_fzig-00018-00006237-00006782 hot fries will be iced with coffee XprxKh_fzig-00019-00006518-00007053 hot is going to be icy that so XprxKh_fzig-00020-00006782-00007189 successively the gui is chilled for XprxKh_fzig-00021-00007053-00007606 example an ice cream XprxKh_fzig-00022-00007189-00007828 good so let's start this video that XprxKh_fzig-00023-00007606-00008152 I will record these 24 hours eating XprxKh_fzig-00024-00007828-00008442 everything in inverted temperatures XprxKh_fzig-00025-00008152-00008746 start guys is this let's go XprxKh_fzig-00026-00008442-00009217 start right by breakfast now XprxKh_fzig-00027-00008746-00009496 it's 9:46 and usually what the fall of XprxKh_fzig-00028-00009217-00009832 coffee coffee I do this one here is the XprxKh_fzig-00029-00009496-00010177 normally hot starbucks cappuccino XprxKh_fzig-00030-00009832-00010456 burning I love it when it's boiling but XprxKh_fzig-00031-00010177-00010681 today I'm going to do and I'm going to put what XprxKh_fzig-00032-00010456-00010936 my pebbles of ice this here are XprxKh_fzig-00033-00010681-00011158 they are ice rocks that stay inside XprxKh_fzig-00034-00010936-00011491 of the deal to not get the taste of XprxKh_fzig-00035-00011158-00011695 ice is there you are ice that i'm XprxKh_fzig-00036-00011491-00011899 here at home but I'll put the XprxKh_fzig-00037-00011695-00012172 pebbles of ice inside the cafe will XprxKh_fzig-00038-00011899-00012406 get an iced cappuccino coffee I don't XprxKh_fzig-00039-00012172-00012672 like milk in reality I had a XprxKh_fzig-00040-00012406-00012919 much better idea on this machine I XprxKh_fzig-00041-00012672-00013150 I can select here if I want XprxKh_fzig-00042-00012919-00013187 it cold or hot so i'm already going XprxKh_fzig-00043-00013150-00013847 direct XprxKh_fzig-00044-00013187-00014431 and in the cold today he will do it straight XprxKh_fzig-00045-00013847-00014740 he is cold and I will still put the XprxKh_fzig-00046-00014431-00015011 gelinho inside and beyond the coffee that I XprxKh_fzig-00047-00014740-00015238 I take it every morning if I have a cappuccino XprxKh_fzig-00048-00015011-00015532 now it's cold I eat too XprxKh_fzig-00049-00015238-00015779 cornflakes with iced milk i love hey the XprxKh_fzig-00050-00015532-00016062 very cold milk but today it will XprxKh_fzig-00051-00015779-00016357 be hot and painting here guys XprxKh_fzig-00052-00016062-00016844 cornflakes and chilled milk like me XprxKh_fzig-00053-00016357-00017242 I just love that straight to the microwave I will XprxKh_fzig-00054-00016844-00017848 put a minute and a half to stay XprxKh_fzig-00055-00017242-00018331 boiling microwave people whistled here ok XprxKh_fzig-00056-00017848-00018651 smoke coming out look this our turned XprxKh_fzig-00057-00018331-00019156 Mallorca, it lasted almost a mass of XprxKh_fzig-00058-00018651-00019188 cornflakes good come on tour guaranteed and XprxKh_fzig-00059-00019156-00019701 without XprxKh_fzig-00060-00019188-00019935 and look that the time has come for my XprxKh_fzig-00061-00019701-00020286 coffee is not inverted I showed you XprxKh_fzig-00062-00019935-00020487 what I did I have here the cornflakes don't XprxKh_fzig-00063-00020286-00020649 have a spoon I'll get a spoon right XprxKh_fzig-00064-00020487-00020976 because the business is already boiling as it is XprxKh_fzig-00065-00020649-00021195 that I’m going to eat ready, look here XprxKh_fzig-00066-00020976-00021465 this we can see the amount of XprxKh_fzig-00067-00021195-00021639 smoke coming out of this is too much XprxKh_fzig-00068-00021465-00021855 too much but I don't know if you XprxKh_fzig-00069-00021639-00022185 you can see trying to focus for you XprxKh_fzig-00070-00021855-00022569 understood the little pot but I finally look XprxKh_fzig-00071-00022185-00022820 I'm a lot of smoke, I think it's here XprxKh_fzig-00072-00022569-00022820 it's too hot XprxKh_fzig-00073-00022874-00023654 and not rivel but in the mouth is that I like XprxKh_fzig-00074-00023405-00023804 when milk is too cold you know if XprxKh_fzig-00075-00023654-00024290 it’s just room temperature, I don’t XprxKh_fzig-00076-00023804-00024596 taste in the milk is boiling boiling XprxKh_fzig-00077-00024290-00024779 really and now let's go to the coffee here XprxKh_fzig-00078-00024596-00024971 are the pebbles of ice that in this case already XprxKh_fzig-00079-00024779-00025244 are melted but I can see XprxKh_fzig-00080-00024971-00025548 one melted in the bottom coffee is fine XprxKh_fzig-00081-00025244-00025787 cute is a cappuccino right but XprxKh_fzig-00082-00025548-00026011 I don't know how this is going to be XprxKh_fzig-00083-00025787-00026011 not here XprxKh_fzig-00084-00026014-00026638 our iced coffee is bad my god XprxKh_fzig-00085-00026477-00026762 heaven but I need to eat right because otherwise XprxKh_fzig-00086-00026638-00027177 I won't eat all day XprxKh_fzig-00087-00026762-00027177 because nothing will be good good like that XprxKh_fzig-00088-00027356-00027833 good then guys did a meeting did XprxKh_fzig-00089-00027616-00028133 some things that I needed and arrived XprxKh_fzig-00090-00027833-00028418 lunchtime I already prepared and I XprxKh_fzig-00091-00028133-00028727 I ordered a mac and chips when he XprxKh_fzig-00092-00028418-00029006 arrived look just where he went already XprxKh_fzig-00093-00028727-00029318 I put it in the freezer. XprxKh_fzig-00094-00029006-00029773 gelinhos on top look this is with XprxKh_fzig-00095-00029318-00030086 gelinho over the time that is already here XprxKh_fzig-00096-00029773-00030241 come all hard my god in heaven XprxKh_fzig-00097-00030086-00030575 ahead but has a hamburger with XprxKh_fzig-00098-00030241-00030785 frozen french fries and along with XprxKh_fzig-00099-00030575-00031114 french fries burger i also ordered XprxKh_fzig-00100-00030785-00031361 a soda and the case the soda XprxKh_fzig-00101-00031114-00031597 it's great when it comes super cold right XprxKh_fzig-00102-00031361-00031945 but today it goes to the microwave XprxKh_fzig-00103-00031597-00032168 although heat this one up then XprxKh_fzig-00104-00031945-00032419 next guys I open here the XprxKh_fzig-00105-00032168-00032750 coca-cola which by the way is cold XprxKh_fzig-00106-00032419-00033101 I'll put it in the cup, right, why don't we XprxKh_fzig-00107-00032750-00033354 to be able to put the can in the waves and from here XprxKh_fzig-00108-00033101-00033900 goes straight to XprxKh_fzig-00109-00033354-00034176 the microwave first also guys XprxKh_fzig-00110-00033900-00034359 so I'm here with my lunch I'm XprxKh_fzig-00111-00034176-00034677 kinda desperate but which one am I XprxKh_fzig-00112-00034359-00034935 smoke coming out look at the level crisp XprxKh_fzig-00113-00034677-00035294 that she's frozen she doesn't even move that I XprxKh_fzig-00114-00034935-00035294 really no XprxKh_fzig-00115-00035306-00035666 and I just wanted to say when you guys XprxKh_fzig-00116-00035531-00036032 think you are clumsy XprxKh_fzig-00117-00035666-00036393 remember me look what i did i XprxKh_fzig-00118-00036032-00036681 I'm going to mack I'm going back to eat XprxKh_fzig-00119-00036393-00036909 it's good guys the walking zap more XprxKh_fzig-00120-00036681-00037155 known as carol bresolin came back and XprxKh_fzig-00121-00036909-00037403 passes alcohol on the entire table, right, because XprxKh_fzig-00122-00037155-00037530 otherwise it would stick to the next generation of XprxKh_fzig-00123-00037403-00037857 amount of sugar you have in the XprxKh_fzig-00124-00037530-00038150 coca-cola but finally I got hot again XprxKh_fzig-00125-00037857-00038418 making smoke is here besides the fruit XprxKh_fzig-00126-00038150-00038603 frozen because I left it I think XprxKh_fzig-00127-00038418-00039044 stayed for about three hours and look at this XprxKh_fzig-00128-00038603-00039353 hamburger guys he's so hard XprxKh_fzig-00129-00039044-00039711 that is frozen like that the cheese was XprxKh_fzig-00130-00039353-00040019 this which helps to completely hard XprxKh_fzig-00131-00039711-00040152 look I'm leaning and don't even move XprxKh_fzig-00132-00040019-00040431 I don't even know if I'll be able to eat XprxKh_fzig-00133-00040152-00040611 it looks like this it doesn't even fold I don't know if XprxKh_fzig-00134-00040431-00040833 I will be able to chew I mean XprxKh_fzig-00135-00040611-00041159 but let's try isn't it all XprxKh_fzig-00136-00040833-00041159 practice in wonderful XprxKh_fzig-00137-00041163-00041814 and it gets very frozen but denies XprxKh_fzig-00138-00041534-00042105 look just to see how much I'm moving XprxKh_fzig-00139-00041814-00042264 and just don't move I will confess XprxKh_fzig-00140-00042105-00042594 that measures can be so good that even XprxKh_fzig-00141-00042264-00042863 frozen so let's see the fries XprxKh_fzig-00142-00042594-00042863 g1 XprxKh_fzig-00143-00042898-00043987 they asked me it's pure ice XprxKh_fzig-00144-00043789-00044289 several pieces of ice but it's fine XprxKh_fzig-00145-00043987-00044587 also me now what I'm afraid XprxKh_fzig-00146-00044289-00044803 who is going to happen inside my XprxKh_fzig-00147-00044587-00044989 belly when I take that coca cola XprxKh_fzig-00148-00044803-00045184 who's in charge because it's not hot like XprxKh_fzig-00149-00044989-00045370 so it's not at room temperature XprxKh_fzig-00150-00045184-00046081 I go to the market sometimes to buy coca XprxKh_fzig-00151-00045370-00046522 warm and now I take a look XprxKh_fzig-00152-00046081-00046890 our lady is bad she totally loses XprxKh_fzig-00153-00046522-00047172 gas totally free XprxKh_fzig-00154-00046890-00047507 the hot very hot I put a minute and XprxKh_fzig-00155-00047172-00047805 kinda will continue here my mega lunch XprxKh_fzig-00156-00047507-00047968 soft and I'll be back for the afternoon snack XprxKh_fzig-00157-00047805-00048211 1 XprxKh_fzig-00158-00047968-00048444 oh so it was time for afternoon snack XprxKh_fzig-00159-00048211-00048705 who knows me well that is already written in XprxKh_fzig-00160-00048444-00048958 channel for a while you know how much I am XprxKh_fzig-00161-00048705-00049183 in love with leaving and then I decided that XprxKh_fzig-00162-00048958-00049491 my afternoon snack an extensive and today XprxKh_fzig-00163-00049183-00049810 look here i have açaí with ice cream ok XprxKh_fzig-00164-00049491-00050218 well frozen and it will XprxKh_fzig-00165-00049810-00050364 directly where exactly film XprxKh_fzig-00166-00050218-00050583 goal ii XprxKh_fzig-00167-00050364-00051090 [Music] XprxKh_fzig-00168-00050583-00051903 and put that in two and a half minutes XprxKh_fzig-00169-00051090-00052305 I think 2 and a half minutes is fine XprxKh_fzig-00170-00051903-00052888 it's a crowd is staying here cruise XprxKh_fzig-00171-00052305-00053220 how is our hot ours are XprxKh_fzig-00172-00052888-00053407 seeing the conversation our lady will be XprxKh_fzig-00173-00053220-00053901 that if I have to do well and we XprxKh_fzig-00174-00053407-00054183 and fear of the smoke so let's go XprxKh_fzig-00175-00053901-00054673 there so guys I'm already here with my XprxKh_fzig-00176-00054183-00054933 açaí delicinha before everything leaves its XprxKh_fzig-00177-00054673-00055135 like before I try this out what time XprxKh_fzig-00178-00054933-00055338 of your like who is not registered yet XprxKh_fzig-00179-00055135-00055573 subscribe to this wonderful channel that XprxKh_fzig-00180-00055338-00055767 comment which books do you like which XprxKh_fzig-00181-00055573-00055983 you want to see here on the channel that XprxKh_fzig-00182-00055767-00056342 I will always record for you now I XprxKh_fzig-00183-00055983-00056342 I will taste this açaí XprxKh_fzig-00184-00056569-00057138 hi guys we don't even know XprxKh_fzig-00185-00056860-00057661 oh but I'm drinking broth you know like XprxKh_fzig-00186-00057138-00057923 manioc soup looks like this ours XprxKh_fzig-00187-00057661-00058223 lady is XprxKh_fzig-00188-00057923-00058469 and so I'm not going to say it's bad that XprxKh_fzig-00189-00058223-00058772 I like the ones there it remains only that it is XprxKh_fzig-00190-00058469-00059051 weird so kind of being liquid XprxKh_fzig-00191-00058772-00059191 it's a little bit strange right XprxKh_fzig-00192-00059051-00059491 it's with the consistency that we XprxKh_fzig-00193-00059191-00059740 it usually looks like it changes the taste just XprxKh_fzig-00194-00059491-00060184 because it's hot XprxKh_fzig-00195-00059740-00060349 and then you’re not sure I didn’t like it very much XprxKh_fzig-00196-00060184-00060469 I also have no option, right? I have XprxKh_fzig-00197-00060349-00060646 to stay 24 hours how come XprxKh_fzig-00198-00060469-00060814 wrong temperature i will eat açaí XprxKh_fzig-00199-00060646-00061129 so yes because otherwise i will die of XprxKh_fzig-00200-00060814-00061372 hungry so I'm going to eat like this XprxKh_fzig-00201-00061129-00061621 guys it's almost dark and I XprxKh_fzig-00202-00061372-00061882 I decided to make a little orange juice XprxKh_fzig-00203-00061621-00062212 that as I am 24 hours eating at XprxKh_fzig-00204-00061882-00062476 contrary temperature I came to show XprxKh_fzig-00205-00062212-00062671 for you that in this case the juice he is XprxKh_fzig-00206-00062476-00062884 at room temperature that we XprxKh_fzig-00207-00062671-00063249 now do that right there XprxKh_fzig-00208-00062884-00063448 put in the microwave microwave my XprxKh_fzig-00209-00063249-00063717 love XprxKh_fzig-00210-00063448-00064291 I will not put a cup on us XprxKh_fzig-00211-00063717-00064698 better then I will put two minutes XprxKh_fzig-00212-00064291-00064920 orange juice I think it's good, right XprxKh_fzig-00213-00064698-00065116 company believes that I almost dropped the XprxKh_fzig-00214-00064920-00065433 orange juice I also have it with my hand XprxKh_fzig-00215-00065116-00065743 today but infinite here only arrives XprxKh_fzig-00216-00065433-00066019 it's hot like this XprxKh_fzig-00217-00065743-00066622 very cool orange and now let's see XprxKh_fzig-00218-00066019-00066910 which is hot orange juice in XprxKh_fzig-00219-00066622-00067139 I exaggerated in time XprxKh_fzig-00220-00066910-00067139 too hot XprxKh_fzig-00221-00067174-00067933 our lady thinks mo hard knows XprxKh_fzig-00222-00067675-00068253 when who hurts me here I go again to XprxKh_fzig-00223-00067933-00068253 try to taste it XprxKh_fzig-00224-00068318-00068939 the cazedo but I think it's already done but XprxKh_fzig-00225-00068687-00069152 as it got bad I think I'll pass XprxKh_fzig-00226-00068939-00069491 see this video because all the XprxKh_fzig-00227-00069152-00069677 very bad drinks coca is XprxKh_fzig-00228-00069491-00069827 terrible for the freezer to get worse XprxKh_fzig-00229-00069677-00070016 which is which I think I think XprxKh_fzig-00230-00069827-00070268 I will be thirsty in this video XprxKh_fzig-00231-00070016-00070667 wait for dinner to finish soon XprxKh_fzig-00232-00070268-00070946 god love good guys arrived now XprxKh_fzig-00233-00070667-00071117 my dinner time I confess that I XprxKh_fzig-00234-00070946-00071396 I'm not very nice I don't know if it was XprxKh_fzig-00235-00071117-00071687 to come out who's gone the hot juice but XprxKh_fzig-00236-00071396-00071861 it gave me a pain in my stomach XprxKh_fzig-00237-00071687-00072077 stomach pain so I'm not going to eat XprxKh_fzig-00238-00071861-00072428 nothing too heavy I had thought of XprxKh_fzig-00239-00072077-00072716 eat a frozen pizza some other XprxKh_fzig-00240-00072428-00072911 thing in that style but then I remembered that XprxKh_fzig-00241-00072716-00073154 i have a salty he is a XprxKh_fzig-00242-00072911-00073370 snack made of chicken with XprxKh_fzig-00243-00073154-00073592 cauliflower I always make them at night XprxKh_fzig-00244-00073370-00073901 I put it in the air fryer to heat it up and XprxKh_fzig-00245-00073592-00074293 they are far from that one thing I XprxKh_fzig-00246-00073901-00074626 I love what I think is here XprxKh_fzig-00247-00074293-00074980 and look at a chicken salty with XprxKh_fzig-00248-00074626-00075258 cauliflower so i'm going to eat them i XprxKh_fzig-00249-00074980-00075772 I don't know if it's not too frozen XprxKh_fzig-00250-00075258-00075991 for me to dine him I think so he XprxKh_fzig-00251-00075772-00076237 it's like a lot that I already, so I'm going XprxKh_fzig-00252-00075991-00076543 like letting it thaw for a while XprxKh_fzig-00253-00076237-00076777 and then I go back to eat like no XprxKh_fzig-00254-00076543-00076942 so frozen like that and if not I don't XprxKh_fzig-00255-00076777-00077343 I won't even be able to eat or break my XprxKh_fzig-00256-00076942-00077679 tooth there will be neither video nor tooth XprxKh_fzig-00257-00077343-00077955 hi tannin i waited an hour i XprxKh_fzig-00258-00077679-00078239 I put it to thaw in the water but XprxKh_fzig-00259-00077955-00078458 look he continues with gelinho on top XprxKh_fzig-00260-00078239-00078747 there are some ice cubes but I think XprxKh_fzig-00261-00078458-00079038 he is no longer as frozen XprxKh_fzig-00262-00078747-00079266 or yes but I'm a little better now XprxKh_fzig-00263-00079038-00079500 I think somebody is very cold I'm fine XprxKh_fzig-00264-00079266-00079752 cold even the point it's being smoke XprxKh_fzig-00265-00079500-00079992 although the gelinho vase can be seen XprxKh_fzig-00266-00079752-00080280 the ice I left it closed XprxKh_fzig-00267-00079992-00080561 him inside the wheel to see the stones of XprxKh_fzig-00268-00080280-00080948 ice do like that i'm going to try to eat is XprxKh_fzig-00269-00080561-00081251 I really don't think it will look XprxKh_fzig-00270-00080948-00081506 and the fork just doesn't stick XprxKh_fzig-00271-00081251-00081881 frozen I'll try to get it out XprxKh_fzig-00272-00081506-00082138 a piece is hard hard hard hard just to XprxKh_fzig-00273-00081881-00082379 another one for you because you don't XprxKh_fzig-00274-00082138-00082507 can feel the temperature but it gives you XprxKh_fzig-00275-00082379-00082772 to see that it is very cold that the XprxKh_fzig-00276-00082507-00083312 chicken is frozen and it's just you mine XprxKh_fzig-00277-00082772-00083498 dinner hi all back at that moment XprxKh_fzig-00278-00083312-00083750 you are like with a vision problem XprxKh_fzig-00279-00083498-00083936 right, my focus is leaving you with XprxKh_fzig-00280-00083750-00084488 vision problem don't worry you XprxKh_fzig-00281-00083936-00084938 are not vision problem and XprxKh_fzig-00282-00084488-00085398 hi heaven people any bad but XprxKh_fzig-00283-00084938-00085616 this is tenebrous it's like frozen XprxKh_fzig-00284-00085398-00086375 with ice pebble XprxKh_fzig-00285-00085616-00086600 and how will I continue here we good XprxKh_fzig-00286-00086375-00086861 my loves we come to the end of one more XprxKh_fzig-00287-00086600-00087017 video I hope you liked it I XprxKh_fzig-00288-00086861-00087244 really like that I won't say that I XprxKh_fzig-00289-00087017-00087554 I loved this video that my god approved XprxKh_fzig-00290-00087244-00087773 things very different from the ordinary we XprxKh_fzig-00291-00087554-00088000 nor imagine how much the temperature of XprxKh_fzig-00292-00087773-00088213 one thing can change in races but it is XprxKh_fzig-00293-00088000-00088414 this who stayed until the end comments XprxKh_fzig-00294-00088213-00088588 icy hashtag i'm going to leave the XprxKh_fzig-00295-00088414-00089037 little heart for everyone closed my XprxKh_fzig-00296-00088588-00089037 loves I love you guys bye XORlngCFbRY-00000-00000054-00000301 - The pectoral girdle is considered part of XORlngCFbRY-00001-00000304-00000901 the appendicular skeleton because even though it's found XORlngCFbRY-00002-00000904-00001551 kind of medial, it actually is where the limbs attach, XORlngCFbRY-00003-00001554-00001797 where the upper limbs attach to the body. XORlngCFbRY-00004-00001799-00002072 So it is considered part of your axial-- XORlngCFbRY-00005-00002075-00002389 I mean your appendicular skeleton. XORlngCFbRY-00006-00002391-00002731 Two bones that we have to know as part of our pectoral girdle. XORlngCFbRY-00007-00002733-00003039 First is the clavicle. That's this guy. XORlngCFbRY-00008-00003041-00003497 The clavicle is your collarbone. XORlngCFbRY-00009-00003499-00004039 It has a sternal end, which articulates with the sternum. XORlngCFbRY-00010-00004041-00004410 And it has an acromial end that actually articulates XORlngCFbRY-00011-00004412-00004685 with the scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00012-00004687-00005056 I think of the scapula--look at my skeleton right here. XORlngCFbRY-00013-00005058-00005397 You can barely even see the scapula on my skeleton. XORlngCFbRY-00014-00005399-00005685 I think of the scapula as a posterior bone, XORlngCFbRY-00015-00005687-00006456 and it is but it has pieces that actually come up and around XORlngCFbRY-00016-00006458-00006793 to the anterior aspect of your body. XORlngCFbRY-00017-00006795-00006997 And so the scapula can actually-- XORlngCFbRY-00018-00007000-00007464 from the posterior side can actually attach to the stern-- XORlngCFbRY-00019-00007466-00007568 or to the clavicle XORlngCFbRY-00020-00007570-00007914 which is definitely on the anterior surface. XORlngCFbRY-00021-00007916-00008276 You can see how they attach to each other here, XORlngCFbRY-00022-00008279-00008547 but let's take a closer look at the scapula itself XORlngCFbRY-00023-00008550-00008897 and maybe label some parts on this guy. XORlngCFbRY-00024-00008900-00009197 You can see the little purple scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00025-00009199-00009585 Definitely a posterior bone. It's on the outside. XORlngCFbRY-00026-00009587-00010126 It's posterior to the rib cage on the back of the body. XORlngCFbRY-00027-00010129-00010851 But yeah. It's an arm bone and comes around to the front. XORlngCFbRY-00028-00010854-00011185 All right. Ready? Let's name some parts. XORlngCFbRY-00029-00011187-00011551 The part--let's name the achromian. Ready. XORlngCFbRY-00030-00011554-00011922 If you look at the posterior, this is the posterior view. XORlngCFbRY-00031-00011925-00012547 This is the anterior view. This is a lateral view. XORlngCFbRY-00032-00012550-00012889 Does that work for you? Let's name this part first. XORlngCFbRY-00033-00012891-00013300 This is the glenoid fossa. XORlngCFbRY-00034-00013512-00013826 The glenoid fossa is the fossa, fossa, fossa, XORlngCFbRY-00035-00013829-00014485 which is a smooth articulation where the humerus attaches. XORlngCFbRY-00036-00014487-00014710 The humerus is your upper arm bone. XORlngCFbRY-00037-00014712-00015076 So the humerus actually sticks into the glenoid fossa XORlngCFbRY-00038-00015079-00015372 and forms a joint, your shoulder joint. XORlngCFbRY-00039-00015375-00015897 Now, if the glenoid fossa is on your scapula XORlngCFbRY-00040-00015899-00016393 is it medial or lateral if it's attaching to the humerus? XORlngCFbRY-00041-00016395-00016551 It's lateral. Do you agree with that? XORlngCFbRY-00042-00016554-00016839 Because it--it was medial your arm would be coming out XORlngCFbRY-00043-00016841-00017031 of the middle of your back. XORlngCFbRY-00044-00017033-00017135 Mine isn't. XORlngCFbRY-00045-00017137-00017381 I don't know about yours, but mine definitely isn't. XORlngCFbRY-00046-00017383-00018022 So this is lateral. This is medial. XORlngCFbRY-00047-00018025-00018551 If you look at the posterior aspect heading lateral, XORlngCFbRY-00048-00018554-00019210 because here's glenoid fossa, you'll see a spine. XORlngCFbRY-00049-00019212-00019410 You can feel your spine. XORlngCFbRY-00050-00019412-00019597 Go ahead and palpate your scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00051-00019599-00019935 You can feel the spine of your scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00052-00019937-00020397 The spine of the scapula terminates in a giant bump XORlngCFbRY-00053-00020399-00020656 called the acromion. XORlngCFbRY-00054-00020658-00020851 Acromion. XORlngCFbRY-00055-00020854-00021205 The acromion is where the clavicle XORlngCFbRY-00056-00021208-00021481 articulates with the scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00057-00021483-00022043 So clavicle is going to attach to the acromion. XORlngCFbRY-00058-00022045-00022235 You also have, if you look--okay. XORlngCFbRY-00059-00022237-00022672 So here is acromion. XORlngCFbRY-00060-00022675-00022968 I'm just going to make a note, "A." XORlngCFbRY-00061-00022970-00023181 Guess who that guy is. XORlngCFbRY-00062-00023183-00023733 That's a different one. That's a little coracoid process. XORlngCFbRY-00063-00024208-00024639 The coracoid--the word coracoid means, like, crow's beak. XORlngCFbRY-00064-00024641-00024931 It kind of looks like a little crow's beak right there. XORlngCFbRY-00065-00024933-00025118 Acromion is big. XORlngCFbRY-00066-00025120-00025510 An acromion is the termination of the spine. XORlngCFbRY-00067-00025512-00025697 So if you get confused, which one is acromion XORlngCFbRY-00068-00025699-00026372 and which one is coracoid, then take a look at which one XORlngCFbRY-00069-00026375-00026560 is attached to the spine. XORlngCFbRY-00070-00026562-00027143 The coracoid process actually comes out anterior. XORlngCFbRY-00071-00027145-00027497 Anterior. Posterior. XORlngCFbRY-00072-00027499-00027756 Although you can palpate your acromion, XORlngCFbRY-00073-00027758-00028039 you can actually feel that puppy. XORlngCFbRY-00074-00028041-00028660 All right. We have some flat spaces on our scapula. XORlngCFbRY-00075-00028662-00029726 Here is my spine. My infraspinous process, right. XORlngCFbRY-00076-00029729-00030297 Is infra--below the spine. So who's this? XORlngCFbRY-00077-00030299-00031081 That's my supraspinous process. It's above the spine. XORlngCFbRY-00078-00031083-00031685 Now, that was the posterior view. Above and below the spine. XORlngCFbRY-00079-00031687-00031914 Take a look at the anterior view. XORlngCFbRY-00080-00031916-00032460 I can't touch the anterior aspect of my scapula unless-- XORlngCFbRY-00081-00032462-00032705 I mean, there's ways you can move your shoulder to, like-- XORlngCFbRY-00082-00032708-00032926 have you ever had a massage person, like, reach up XORlngCFbRY-00083-00032929-00033197 underneath your scapula and it feels kind of wonky, XORlngCFbRY-00084-00033199-00033439 but, you know, they get in there and they actually massage XORlngCFbRY-00085-00033441-00033764 your subscapularis, XORlngCFbRY-00086-00033766-00034593 because it is attached to your subscapular fossa, XORlngCFbRY-00087-00034595-00034751 and it's smooth. XORlngCFbRY-00088-00034754-00035214 The subscapula fossa is--there's no spine separating XORlngCFbRY-00089-00035216-00035510 superior and inferior. XORlngCFbRY-00090-00035512-00035697 And it's on the anterior surface. XORlngCFbRY-00091-00035699-00036131 You can see it through the ribs if you take a look. XORlngCFbRY-00092-00036133-00036376 I think that's everybody that we had to do XORlngCFbRY-00093-00036379-00036635 for the pectoral girdle. XORlngCFbRY-00094-00036637-00036876 Next up is the superior limb, XORlngCFbRY-00095-00036879-00037099 and there's lots of people there. XSeTcsvxtiM-00000-00000741-00001048 Chromebooks have a variety of accessibility features that ... XSeTcsvxtiM-00001-00001071-00001121 you can enable. XSeTcsvxtiM-00002-00001225-00001487 And realize that they're enabled to the account so ... XSeTcsvxtiM-00003-00001487-00001810 they would be there for any Chromebook that the user logs into. XSeTcsvxtiM-00004-00001905-00002053 One of my favorites. XSeTcsvxtiM-00005-00002120-00002356 Is the highlighted cursor, XSeTcsvxtiM-00006-00002400-00002718 arrow, mouse pointer. It puts a red circle around it. XSeTcsvxtiM-00007-00002856-00003137 You can go to your manage accessibility settings so if you ... XSeTcsvxtiM-00008-00003183-00003438 click down here where the clock/time is XSeTcsvxtiM-00009-00003615-00003927 and if you go to the settings icon. XSeTcsvxtiM-00010-00004933-00005221 and up here I'm just going to type accessibility. XSeTcsvxtiM-00011-00005523-00005767 Go to manage accessibility features. XSeTcsvxtiM-00012-00005966-00006321 There's a number of them that you might want to look at. XSeTcsvxtiM-00013-00006457-00006533 Scroll down. XSeTcsvxtiM-00014-00006853-00007217 I can show the large mouse cursor making the mouse larger. XSeTcsvxtiM-00015-00007357-00007603 Can automatically click when the cursor stops. XSeTcsvxtiM-00016-00007633-00007905 The one that I'm using right now highlight the mouse ... XSeTcsvxtiM-00017-00007905-00008030 cursor when it's moving. XSeTcsvxtiM-00018-00008132-00008372 So if the mouse isn't moving, you see it fades. XSeTcsvxtiM-00019-00008448-00008764 If it is moving, you get the red circle so be sure to enable that. XSeTcsvxtiM-00020-00008764-00009253 (upbeat music) XSOxiQMRiGc-00000-00000016-00000424 what's up what's up you guys all right first welcome back to the channel and if you have not XSOxiQMRiGc-00001-00000424-00000800 already make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit that bell so you guys are notified when XSOxiQMRiGc-00002-00000800-00001248 i drop new content like this now for you guys that don't know some may do i'm a pretty heavy XSOxiQMRiGc-00003-00001248-00001760 reader and i go through about three to four books a month where i try to consume and learn XSOxiQMRiGc-00004-00001760-00002440 new information and in our last marketing video i talked about a concept of being anti-fragile a XSOxiQMRiGc-00005-00002440-00002896 very important technique that you guys can apply and in this video we're going to dive deep into XSOxiQMRiGc-00006-00002896-00003447 the book antifragile all right let's start from the beginning so we can better consume XSOxiQMRiGc-00007-00003447-00004176 this idea that naseem talib presents us with of being anti-fragile and to understand XSOxiQMRiGc-00008-00004176-00004792 anti-fragile or anti-fragility we have to understand the counter which is fragile right and XSOxiQMRiGc-00009-00004856-00005560 things that are fragile i think we get the more its attack the more it's destroyed right it's XSOxiQMRiGc-00010-00005560-00006088 very delicate there are some things in our lives that are very delicate to us and there are fragile XSOxiQMRiGc-00011-00006088-00006816 places where if it's attack that that might be a place that can actually break us down right XSOxiQMRiGc-00012-00006904-00007488 but there's an alternative to fragile which we would understand as resilient or robust right XSOxiQMRiGc-00013-00007488-00008016 things that are resilient the interesting part about resiliency is that when things that are XSOxiQMRiGc-00014-00008016-00008664 that have that understanding of being resilient when you attack it it has a way of getting back XSOxiQMRiGc-00015-00008664-00009232 in position right we don't lose our step those of us that understand resilience or being resilient XSOxiQMRiGc-00016-00009232-00009840 and whatever we're trying to do we understand how to get back in position and get to it right XSOxiQMRiGc-00017-00009840-00010560 but here's a fascinating concept that nassim presents us with and that's anti-fragile the XSOxiQMRiGc-00018-00010560-00011152 amazing thing about things that are anti-fragile the more you attack it the more stress that's XSOxiQMRiGc-00019-00011152-00011680 put on it the stronger it gets it gets bigger and it gets stronger which is a XSOxiQMRiGc-00020-00011680-00012480 fascinating concept when you can figure out how do i apply anti-fragility or anti-fragile techniques XSOxiQMRiGc-00021-00012480-00013360 into my day-to-day now uniquely enough we already apply uh anti-fragility in some of our day-to-day XSOxiQMRiGc-00022-00013360-00013880 and it's it's all around us in a sense of certain types of systems and one of the system that we XSOxiQMRiGc-00023-00013880-00014591 easily adapted to is our muscular system right for those of us that work out we understand the XSOxiQMRiGc-00024-00014591-00015152 more pressure we put on the muscle the bigger the muscle get but not only do the muscles get bigger XSOxiQMRiGc-00025-00015152-00015696 they get stronger at the exact same time well uniquely enough we can apply those exact XSOxiQMRiGc-00026-00015696-00016456 same techniques into what i use and that's our learning we can always push ourselves to learn XSOxiQMRiGc-00027-00016456-00017120 at another level depending on the stress we apply now when i talk about learning i'm talking about XSOxiQMRiGc-00028-00017120-00017928 being open to new information the worst thing you could ever do is to take on the ideology or the XSOxiQMRiGc-00029-00017928-00018640 concept or even state i know it's a very dangerous statement i know is a very dangerous statement the XSOxiQMRiGc-00030-00018640-00019192 minute you say i know your mind closes for new information and you take the assumption that you XSOxiQMRiGc-00031-00019192-00019832 already have it even if you have some awareness of some information prior to someone providing it you XSOxiQMRiGc-00032-00019832-00020608 should always be open to learning new information that in itself is where i've seen anti-fragility XSOxiQMRiGc-00033-00020608-00021352 be its best and its strongest where it doesn't matter what the the situation is or problem XSOxiQMRiGc-00034-00021408-00022056 or concept that i don't understand i'm always open to new information even when i'm challenged XSOxiQMRiGc-00035-00022056-00022688 even when i'm i'm positioned to a place of insult i take the stance that i know nothing XSOxiQMRiGc-00036-00022688-00023248 and i'm always willing to learn and when you can understand that you can be anti-fragile and you're XSOxiQMRiGc-00037-00023248-00023800 learning and you're always progressing even when it seems as though people are putting you down XSOxiQMRiGc-00038-00023800-00024480 you're always at a place of learning from a thing or a person or a statement or something you reply XSOxiQMRiGc-00039-00024544-00025248 that in itself is a superpower if you apply it correctly now in my pursuit of of trying XSOxiQMRiGc-00040-00025248-00026000 to really understand how to apply anti-fragile or becoming anti-fragile my life i came across XSOxiQMRiGc-00041-00026000-00026895 a concept called ptg post-traumatic growth which is a fascinating concept now with ptsd is about XSOxiQMRiGc-00042-00026895-00027912 uh breaking down and getting weaker well ptsg is about growing stronger as a result of pressure and XSOxiQMRiGc-00043-00027912-00028552 stress which is a fascinating concept when you understand how to apply it and kind of flip it XSOxiQMRiGc-00044-00028608-00029160 where instead of taking that pressure and that stress and it becomes more of a XSOxiQMRiGc-00045-00029288-00029936 weakening component anti-fragile or anti-fragility helps you understand how to get stronger how to XSOxiQMRiGc-00046-00029936-00030583 increase how to get bigger from that pressure or from stress especially when it comes to learning XSOxiQMRiGc-00047-00030583-00031376 so let's quickly recap as long as we understand that anti-fragile has to be applied it's manually XSOxiQMRiGc-00048-00031376-00032056 applied fragile is easily accepted because it's part of some of our day-to-day we know that there XSOxiQMRiGc-00049-00032056-00032712 are things that we you know the shift in our lives but to apply anti-fragility we have to XSOxiQMRiGc-00050-00032712-00033248 be willing to understand in our learning that we know nothing and we're always open to learn XSOxiQMRiGc-00051-00033248-00033864 new information if you can take that stance that ability to become anti-fragile in your learning XSOxiQMRiGc-00052-00033864-00034496 will become a superpower and you're always open to new information and new information gives you the XSOxiQMRiGc-00053-00034496-00035224 ability to take on a new skill set and a new skill set like i said is the utility and the utility XSOxiQMRiGc-00054-00035224-00035744 is the value it's a fascinating place to be when you're willing to accept that i know nothing and XSOxiQMRiGc-00055-00035744-00036528 i'm always open to new information anti-fragile i'll suggest everyone pick up the book take some XSOxiQMRiGc-00056-00036528-00036992 time to consume it i've actually read this book about seven times and i always get new XSOxiQMRiGc-00057-00036992-00037528 components and new techniques from it but we can go deeper into some of the core components but the XSOxiQMRiGc-00058-00037584-00038120 isolated area that i wanted to focus on is just the superpower of becoming anti-fraction and XSOxiQMRiGc-00059-00038120-00038712 you're learning you guys know how i move and how i operate i live by a very very simple philosophy XSOxiQMRiGc-00060-00038712-00039384 i just believe that the unprepared will always get abused you guys until the next one peace everybody XUK9D63UWgA-00000-00000040-00000120 Hello, XUK9D63UWgA-00001-00000119-00000312 once you’ve started selling on eBay, XUK9D63UWgA-00002-00000312-00000496 it’s important to start thinking about XUK9D63UWgA-00003-00000496-00000787 how to set up your business for long-term success. XUK9D63UWgA-00004-00000816-00000959 After watching this video, XUK9D63UWgA-00005-00000959-00001200 you’ll learn how to create a plan, workspace, XUK9D63UWgA-00006-00001200-00001503 and schedule to organiseyour goals and activities, XUK9D63UWgA-00007-00001503-00001864 Meet retail standards to deliveron customer expectations, XUK9D63UWgA-00008-00001864-00002056 Effectively manage your inventory, XUK9D63UWgA-00009-00002055-00002343 Assess your options for sellingacross multiple channels, XUK9D63UWgA-00010-00002344-00002640 And manage your eBay business with Seller Hub. XUK9D63UWgA-00011-00002639-00002832 To prepare for your growth on eBay, XUK9D63UWgA-00012-00002832-00003048 you’ll want to first set your business goals XUK9D63UWgA-00013-00003048-00003256 and then develop a plan to meet them. XUK9D63UWgA-00014-00003256-00003567 For example, if you’re simplylooking to increase revenue, XUK9D63UWgA-00015-00003567-00003920 you could consider expandingyour inventory with new products. XUK9D63UWgA-00016-00003920-00004072 If you want to test new products, XUK9D63UWgA-00017-00004071-00004400 you might develop some promotionsto gauge customer interest. XUK9D63UWgA-00018-00004400-00004632 Or, if you have a brick and mortar store XUK9D63UWgA-00019-00004632-00004935 and are looking to liquidateolder or seasonal inventory, XUK9D63UWgA-00020-00004935-00005167 you’ll need a process to track and move products XUK9D63UWgA-00021-00005167-00005376 from your shop to your eBay store. XUK9D63UWgA-00022-00005432-00005711 Your eBay business is open 24/7, XUK9D63UWgA-00023-00005711-00005975 so make time every day for listing, shipping, XUK9D63UWgA-00024-00005975-00006175 and responding to inquiries. XUK9D63UWgA-00025-00006175-00006512 If you also sell through aphysical store or other channels, XUK9D63UWgA-00026-00006512-00006831 consider how to best balanceyour time across your businesses. XUK9D63UWgA-00027-00006831-00007015 You can also designate employees XUK9D63UWgA-00028-00007015-00007247 to handle some of the eBay activities. XUK9D63UWgA-00029-00007248-00007559 The eBay multi-user account access tool allows XUK9D63UWgA-00030-00007559-00007864 others to manage select sellingfunctions on your behalf. XUK9D63UWgA-00031-00007864-00008071 Be sure to dedicate some time to regularly XUK9D63UWgA-00032-00008071-00008387 check your organisational systems and processes. XUK9D63UWgA-00033-00008431-00008639 Ultimately, this will help you save time XUK9D63UWgA-00034-00008640-00008984 and money by fulfilling ordersefficiently and correctly. XUK9D63UWgA-00035-00008984-00009282 Today’s consumers have a lot of choices. XUK9D63UWgA-00036-00009312-00009432 To stay competitive, XUK9D63UWgA-00037-00009431-00009687 we recommend adopting a few service practices XUK9D63UWgA-00038-00009687-00009895 that many customers now expect: XUK9D63UWgA-00039-00009895-00010255 For starters, customerslove free and fast shipping, XUK9D63UWgA-00040-00010256-00010492 so offer this service whenever you can. XUK9D63UWgA-00041-00010504-00010800 Offering 30-day returns isanother appealing incentive XUK9D63UWgA-00042-00010800-00011023 to buyers and helps them feel confident XUK9D63UWgA-00043-00011023-00011183 in their purchases with you. XUK9D63UWgA-00044-00011184-00011360 It’s also important to give customers XUK9D63UWgA-00045-00011359-00011551 a great shopping experience. XUK9D63UWgA-00046-00011551-00011778 This begins with communication. XUK9D63UWgA-00047-00011800-00012031 When buyers have questions or issues, XUK9D63UWgA-00048-00012031-00012383 be sure to respond promptly,professionally and politely. XUK9D63UWgA-00049-00012384-00012624 We also encourage you to create an attractive, XUK9D63UWgA-00050-00012623-00012877 branded eBay store, so your customers XUK9D63UWgA-00051-00012877-00013223 can geta sense of your business’ unique story and value. XUK9D63UWgA-00052-00013224-00013343 Let’s talk a bit more about XUK9D63UWgA-00053-00013343-00013600 these important two retail practices... XUK9D63UWgA-00054-00013600-00013880 Communication is key to delivering great service XUK9D63UWgA-00055-00013880-00014040 and keeping customers happy, XUK9D63UWgA-00056-00014040-00014256 especially with an online business. XUK9D63UWgA-00057-00014263-00014567 When customers contact youwith questions or concerns, XUK9D63UWgA-00058-00014568-00014815 be sure to respond within 24 hours. XUK9D63UWgA-00059-00014815-00015079 If any order or fulfillment issues arise, XUK9D63UWgA-00060-00015080-00015334 be proactive and let your buyers know. XUK9D63UWgA-00061-00015343-00015575 For example, reach out right away if: XUK9D63UWgA-00062-00015575-00015815 An ordered item is no longer available, XUK9D63UWgA-00063-00015815-00016000 There are handling delays with an order, XUK9D63UWgA-00064-00016000-00016240 Or there are updates to share regarding a return XUK9D63UWgA-00065-00016240-00016377 or refund request. XUK9D63UWgA-00066-00016408-00016600 If an issue arises with a buyer, XUK9D63UWgA-00067-00016600-00016896 use friendly language, avoid accusations, XUK9D63UWgA-00068-00016896-00017112 and be clear that you want to help. XUK9D63UWgA-00069-00017112-00017352 eBay can intervene if needed, but do your XUK9D63UWgA-00070-00017352-00017520 best to resolve it directly. XUK9D63UWgA-00071-00017519-00017703 To entice customers with a pleasant, XUK9D63UWgA-00072-00017703-00017871 branded shopping experience, XUK9D63UWgA-00073-00017871-00018031 you can make a few simple additions XUK9D63UWgA-00074-00018031-00018287 to your business’ profile page on eBay: XUK9D63UWgA-00075-00018287-00018584 A high quality banner withan eye-catching cover photo XUK9D63UWgA-00076-00018584-00018831 that captures the essence of your business. XUK9D63UWgA-00077-00018831-00018928 For best results, XUK9D63UWgA-00078-00018928-00019359 it should be 1200 pixels wide by 270 pixels tall. XUK9D63UWgA-00079-00019359-00019623 A logo, ideally with your company name. XUK9D63UWgA-00080-00019624-00019936 It should be 300 by 300 pixels for maximum XUK9D63UWgA-00081-00019936-00020288 visibility and impact, And aconcise but friendly description XUK9D63UWgA-00082-00020287-00020607 about your business thatexplains why it’s special. XUK9D63UWgA-00083-00020608-00020944 The website displays the first 160 characters, XUK9D63UWgA-00084-00020943-00021112 so lead with impact. XUK9D63UWgA-00085-00021112-00021440 To create a more dynamic,branded shopping experience, XUK9D63UWgA-00086-00021440-00021656 consider an eBay Store subscription, XUK9D63UWgA-00087-00021656-00022000 which includes a customizablestorefront homepage with: XUK9D63UWgA-00088-00022000-00022174 A Featured Items section XUK9D63UWgA-00089-00022174-00022431 Store categories to organise your merchandise XUK9D63UWgA-00090-00022431-00022712 And an optimised mobile shopping experience XUK9D63UWgA-00091-00022712-00022936 Store subscribers also benefit from: XUK9D63UWgA-00092-00022936-00023176 Discounts on fees and some free listings XUK9D63UWgA-00093-00023175-00023328 Premium marketing tools XUK9D63UWgA-00094-00023328-00023664 And access to powerful business insights to help you grow. XUK9D63UWgA-00095-00023663-00023975 You don’t need a store subscriptionto run your business on eBay, XUK9D63UWgA-00096-00023975-00024247 but it’s a good option toconsider depending on the size XUK9D63UWgA-00097-00024247-00024430 and goals of your business. XUK9D63UWgA-00098-00024440-00024678 Now let’s talk about managing inventory. XUK9D63UWgA-00099-00024712-00024928 Knowing what you have and having enough on XUK9D63UWgA-00100-00024928-00025231 hand is critical to sustaining your business. XUK9D63UWgA-00101-00025231-00025471 Here are some tips to reduce inventory risks XUK9D63UWgA-00102-00025471-00025680 and ensure customer satisfaction: XUK9D63UWgA-00103-00025680-00025975 Create a custom SKU number for each item, XUK9D63UWgA-00104-00025975-00026168 Follow an order processing flow XUK9D63UWgA-00105-00026168-00026425 and use a software tool to track your products, XUK9D63UWgA-00106-00026448-00026792 Keep your inventory organisedand conduct regular audits. XUK9D63UWgA-00107-00026792-00027104 Prepare a stock contingencyplan to prevent any shortfalls XUK9D63UWgA-00108-00027104-00027280 or disruptions with your inventory XUK9D63UWgA-00109-00027280-00027695 And respond quickly to customersif an item is no longer available. XUK9D63UWgA-00110-00027695-00027879 If you sell on multiple platforms XUK9D63UWgA-00111-00027880-00028152 or are managing both digitaland physical storefronts, XUK9D63UWgA-00112-00028151-00028383 there are various software tools available to help XUK9D63UWgA-00113-00028383-00028615 you coordinate your cross-channel operations XUK9D63UWgA-00114-00028616-00028808 and maximize profits. XUK9D63UWgA-00115-00028807-00028975 Provided by well-known companies, XUK9D63UWgA-00116-00028975-00029319 such as Shopify, ChannelAdvisor, and InkFrog, XUK9D63UWgA-00117-00029319-00029559 these tools assist eBay sellers with a variety XUK9D63UWgA-00118-00029560-00029904 of critical business functions,like order management, XUK9D63UWgA-00119-00029904-00030264 shipping and fulfillmentlogistics, advertising, accounting, XUK9D63UWgA-00120-00030263-00030415 reporting, and more. XUK9D63UWgA-00121-00030416-00030624 While you might not need these tools now, XUK9D63UWgA-00122-00030624-00030824 you may want to explore them as your business XUK9D63UWgA-00123-00030824-00031142 grows and operations become more complex. XUK9D63UWgA-00124-00031160-00031224 Finally, XUK9D63UWgA-00125-00031224-00031407 let’s take a look at Seller Hub XUK9D63UWgA-00126-00031407-00031871 Seller Hub is a free and powerfultool available to all eBay sellers. XUK9D63UWgA-00127-00031872-00032224 Your selling activities are allin one place to enable you to: XUK9D63UWgA-00128-00032224-00032600 Get a full view of your sellingactivity with a customised dashboard XUK9D63UWgA-00129-00032600-00033024 Manage orders from end-to-endCreate and manage listings XUK9D63UWgA-00130-00033024-00033272 Access tools to promote your listings XUK9D63UWgA-00131-00033272-00033680 Analyse business performancewith real-time data and insights XUK9D63UWgA-00132-00033680-00033904 View your payments and pay your fees XUK9D63UWgA-00133-00033904-00034208 And get personalised recommendations and pricing XUK9D63UWgA-00134-00034207-00034527 and inventory insights to help grow your business. XUK9D63UWgA-00135-00034551-00034815 Before we wrap up, let’s review some top tips XUK9D63UWgA-00136-00034816-00035040 to set your business up for success: XUK9D63UWgA-00137-00035039-00035287 Develop the right plan, space and schedule XUK9D63UWgA-00138-00035287-00035523 to achieve your eBay business goals. XUK9D63UWgA-00139-00035543-00035768 Put the right operational practices in place XUK9D63UWgA-00140-00035768-00036024 to satisfy today’s retail standards. XUK9D63UWgA-00141-00036024-00036256 Give customers a unique shopping experience XUK9D63UWgA-00142-00036256-00036551 with an attractive, branded eBay storefront. XUK9D63UWgA-00143-00036551-00036831 Manage your inventory carefully to maximize sales XUK9D63UWgA-00144-00036831-00037000 and customer satisfaction. XUK9D63UWgA-00145-00037000-00037280 Consider using a software tool to sync operations XUK9D63UWgA-00146-00037280-00037463 across multiple sales channels. XUK9D63UWgA-00147-00037463-00037914 And use eBay’s Seller Hub to manage,analyze and grow your business. XUK9D63UWgA-00148-00037927-00038055 Ready to get growing? XUK9D63UWgA-00149-00038056-00038472 Head to ebay.com/sellercenter for more resources XUK9D63UWgA-00150-00038472-00038721 to help you learn and succeed on eBay. XUK9D63UWgA-00151-00038760-00039384 Thanks for watching! XXbkenqedhI-00000-00001169-00002009 So the people, like Harriet Tubman, who ran the Underground Railroad, and who were conductors, XXbkenqedhI-00001-00002009-00002420 were incredibly brave and effective given their numbers. XXbkenqedhI-00002-00002420-00002855 But they knew that there was a limit to what they were accomplishing. XXbkenqedhI-00003-00002855-00003433 In a really successful year they might free 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000 people XXbkenqedhI-00004-00003433-00003954 and get them out of the South and escaped into the North or into Canada. XXbkenqedhI-00005-00003954-00004415 But the problem was that the growth of slavery at the time, XXbkenqedhI-00006-00004415-00005061 the growth of enslaved people by birth was far, far faster than they could make up for XXbkenqedhI-00007-00005062-00005336 by smuggling people out through the Underground Railroad. XXbkenqedhI-00008-00005336-00005906 So as time went on, people increasingly wanted to shift to more aggressive tactics, XXbkenqedhI-00009-00005906-00006272 people like Harriet Tubman, and also people like this man, John Brown XXbkenqedhI-00010-00006272-00006802 who was a militant abolitionist. He was not much for talking and dialogue, XXbkenqedhI-00011-00006802-00007249 he was a man of action so he would go to abolitionist meetings XXbkenqedhI-00012-00007249-00007742 and complain about how it was all talk and said, “what we need is action, action.” XXbkenqedhI-00013-00007742-00008413 So he hatched a plan along with several others, and the plan was basically this: XXbkenqedhI-00014-00008413-00009077 They would go to the armory at Harpers Ferry, and they would seize the armory, XXbkenqedhI-00015-00009077-00009485 and they would get the arms and the powder and so forth. XXbkenqedhI-00016-00009485-00009937 They would disseminate into the South in guerrilla groups XXbkenqedhI-00017-00009937-00010530 and lead what some historians have called an insurgency of self-defense. XXbkenqedhI-00018-00010531-00011006 They would go from plantation to plantation and they would liberate enslaved people XXbkenqedhI-00019-00011006-00011384 and some of those people would go into hiding in the hills or remote areas XXbkenqedhI-00020-00011385-00011904 and some of those people would join this armed insurgency. It would spread and spread until XXbkenqedhI-00021-00011904-00012389 all of the plantations had been depopulated of the slaves XXbkenqedhI-00022-00012389-00012686 and the economy of the South collapsed. XXbkenqedhI-00023-00012686-00013367 There were many people, many historians who believe this was actually a very sound strategy and would have worked out, XXbkenqedhI-00024-00013367-00013897 perhaps very effectively and successfully, if there weren't some hurdles along the way. XXbkenqedhI-00025-00013898-00014403 [Laughter] One of the hurdles involved numbers. XXbkenqedhI-00026-00014403-00014885 John Brown, they'd been behind the scenes organizing XXbkenqedhI-00027-00014885-00015510 to get people to show up for this event, for the start of this uprising. XXbkenqedhI-00028-00015510-00015882 They had done fund raising and underground logistics XXbkenqedhI-00029-00015882-00016426 and they'd gotten about 1,000 firearms that they would use to start off with XXbkenqedhI-00030-00016426-00016732 even before they took over this armory. XXbkenqedhI-00031-00016732-00017257 So John Brown thought, “1,000 people, that would be perfect. XXbkenqedhI-00032-00017257-00017705 1,000 to start off with would be exactly what we need.” XXbkenqedhI-00033-00017705-00018232 On the morning of the action, the number of people who showed up was 20. XXbkenqedhI-00034-00018232-00018918 So they had many arms per person at that point already. [Laughter] XXbkenqedhI-00035-00018918-00019369 But John Brown said, “Okay, well this problem isn't going to go away XXbkenqedhI-00036-00019369-00019916 if we don't do anything, so we'll just go ahead with the people we have, 'cause that's what we've gotta do.” XXbkenqedhI-00037-00019916-00020583 So they did and they were able to successfully capture the armory. XXbkenqedhI-00038-00020584-00021006 And that's where things kind of went off the rails and it's not exactly clear XXbkenqedhI-00039-00021006-00021375 why they made some of the decisions that they did and why John Brown did. XXbkenqedhI-00040-00021375-00021742 But they captured a couple of towns people who'd come XXbkenqedhI-00041-00021742-00022130 to try to stop them from taking over the armory. XXbkenqedhI-00042-00022130-00022491 But instead of taking what they needed and moving on XXbkenqedhI-00043-00022491-00023034 in the traditional guerrilla hit-and-run fashion which he probably wasn't very familiar with, XXbkenqedhI-00044-00023034-00023482 they actually stayed in Harpers Ferry for a fairly long time XXbkenqedhI-00045-00023482-00023955 and they allowed these captured people to order out for breakfast XXbkenqedhI-00046-00023955-00024365 and go on escorted visits with their families and this sort of thing. XXbkenqedhI-00047-00024365-00025049 They stayed there for a day by which time the army was able to march from the next town XXbkenqedhI-00048-00025049-00025441 and they were captured and many of them were hanged. XXbkenqedhI-00049-00025441-00026267 He obviously made some tactical mistakes but what I think is interesting XXbkenqedhI-00050-00026267-00026716 is how many people really condemned him at the time. Even abolitionists. XXbkenqedhI-00051-00026716-00027211 There was a fairly low level of support among white abolitionists for John Brown XXbkenqedhI-00052-00027211-00027709 and they said, “oh you've really gone too far. This is really violent, how could you--?” XXbkenqedhI-00053-00027709-00028258 The same kind of pacifists, like, “how could you fight violence with violence? This isn't going to work.” XXbkenqedhI-00054-00028258-00028592 One of the reasons that John Brown did this was XXbkenqedhI-00055-00028592-00029035 because he really saw the writing on the wall in the antebellum South. XXbkenqedhI-00056-00029036-00029983 He saw that the growing size of slavery increasing slave state power as they expanded, XXbkenqedhI-00057-00029983-00030639 he saw that there was going to be a civil war essentially and that this conflict XXbkenqedhI-00058-00030639-00031036 between these different forces was inevitably going to lead to great violence. XXbkenqedhI-00059-00031036-00031594 Of course that's what happened. Only a few months after the raid on Harpers Ferry XXbkenqedhI-00060-00031594-00032301 the Civil War broke out, and it was, in terms of soldier deaths, it was the bloodiest war XXbkenqedhI-00061-00032301-00032869 in American history. More soldiers died then in any war before or since. XXbkenqedhI-00062-00032869-00033598 I think this is a really important lesson for us to internalize: that being nice XXbkenqedhI-00063-00033598-00034358 and that using persuasive tactics and using nonviolent tactics XXbkenqedhI-00064-00034358-00034885 doesn't necessarily lead to a nonviolent outcome. In fact it can lead to an extremely violent outcome. XXbkenqedhI-00065-00034885-00035400 I think that especially when we're looking down the barrel XXbkenqedhI-00066-00035400-00036144 of a horrendous climate collapse and the effects of destroying the biosphere of a planet XXbkenqedhI-00067-00036144-00036696 that the violence that we are going to face and experience XXbkenqedhI-00068-00036696-00037362 as a people in the next few decades are going to be really horrendous XXbkenqedhI-00069-00037362-00037838 if we can't identify and rapidly implement the strategies and tactics XXbkenqedhI-00070-00037838-00038437 that are gonna need to be used to stop that with the least amount of violence possible. XXbkenqedhI-00071-00038437-00039223 Another example of a resistance movement that went through different developmental phases XXbkenqedhI-00072-00039223-00039677 is a resistance movement in France during World War II. Here's a photo of Hitler XXbkenqedhI-00073-00039677-00040368 shortly after Paris was occupied. When France was initially occupied XXbkenqedhI-00074-00040368-00040954 people were really in a state of shock. The Nazis had expanded and occupied Europe XXbkenqedhI-00075-00040954-00041242 in a very short period of time. No one really expected XXbkenqedhI-00076-00041242-00041697 that they would have so much power and so much control so quickly. XXbkenqedhI-00077-00041698-00042640 So they were quite stunned. Early examples of French resistance were not very inspiring. XXbkenqedhI-00078-00042640-00043109 But there's a change around 1943; there is a really dramatic shift XXbkenqedhI-00079-00043109-00043655 in the dialogue of underground resistance newspapers. So you saw newspapers XXbkenqedhI-00080-00043655-00044071 that before had privileged spiritual resistance and argued for nonviolence XXbkenqedhI-00081-00044071-00044417 and this sort of thing, they started publishing editorials saying XXbkenqedhI-00082-00044417-00044879 it was the duty of every French person to assassinate Nazi officers. XXbkenqedhI-00083-00044880-00045497 You saw a dramatic increase in that year of assassinations, also of sabotage, XXbkenqedhI-00084-00045497-00045962 attacks on rail lines and communication infrastructure and all of these things. XXbkenqedhI-00085-00045962-00046466 The reason that it started to change at that time in particular XXbkenqedhI-00086-00046467-00046916 was because it started to look like the Nazis might lose the war. XXbkenqedhI-00087-00046916-00047435 So that kind of facade of invincibility that they had tried so hard to cultivate XXbkenqedhI-00088-00047435-00047741 and stamp into people was starting to crack. XXbkenqedhI-00089-00047741-00048274 And that, along with well organized underground infrastructure and communications, XXbkenqedhI-00090-00048274-00048696 was really what enabled large numbers of people to take on that action, XXbkenqedhI-00091-00048696-00049025 to take on more serious action, and to take on real resistance. XXbkenqedhI-00092-00049026-00049559 I think that in some ways, we're approaching some parallels now. XXbkenqedhI-00093-00049559-00049925 I think that the cracks in industrial civilization are really starting to show, XXbkenqedhI-00094-00049925-00050699 whether we're talking about skyrocketing oil prices, food crises, economic collapses. XXbkenqedhI-00095-00050699-00051614 I think that then, as now it's time to make that shift to a more serious kind of resistance XXbkenqedhI-00096-00051614-00052167 and I think that if we can do that then we'll win. XXbkenqedhI-00097-00053200-00053500 Subtitles by the Amara.org community XYWRv_soE7y-00000-00000000-00000200 Ghamasan.com XboYv9Ur694-00000-00000000-00000326 hello This is Dream Interpretation TV XboYv9Ur694-00001-00000326-00000602 Today we're going to talk about elephant dreams XboYv9Ur694-00002-00000602-00000952 I'm going to read your elephant dreams in audiobook format XboYv9Ur694-00003-00000952-00001108 in audiobook format XboYv9Ur694-00004-00001108-00001482 Listen to it and compare it to the dream you had last night XboYv9Ur694-00005-00001482-00001720 with the dreams you had the night before XboYv9Ur694-00006-00001720-00002063 For more information, check out the read more section XboYv9Ur694-00007-00002063-00002411 and let us know if you have any questions in the comments XboYv9Ur694-00008-00002411-00002610 And please subscribe and like XboYv9Ur694-00009-00002610-00002692 Thank you XboYv9Ur694-00010-00002692-00002932 Dreaming that a woman rides an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00011-00002932-00003268 You will meet a wealthy person or be recognized by others XboYv9Ur694-00012-00003268-00003460 Dreaming of a black elephant XboYv9Ur694-00013-00003460-00003770 You will do something related to black money or riches XboYv9Ur694-00014-00003770-00003940 You should resist temptation XboYv9Ur694-00015-00003940-00004252 Dreaming of flying in the sky on a winged elephant XboYv9Ur694-00016-00004252-00004576 Your status will increase and you will rise to prominence XboYv9Ur694-00017-00004576-00005183 It is auspicious for admission, promotion, election, passing, degree, and promotion XboYv9Ur694-00018-00005183-00005519 Dreaming of a man and woman riding an elephant together XboYv9Ur694-00019-00005519-00005929 A good man and a good woman will get married due to heavenly favor XboYv9Ur694-00020-00005929-00006114 It is a pink inclination XboYv9Ur694-00021-00006114-00006647 Dreaming that an ordinary person rides an elephant around the neighborhood several times XboYv9Ur694-00022-00006647-00007077 You will be elected to parliament or other elections by a large margin XboYv9Ur694-00023-00007077-00007359 Dreaming of an elephant with only one tusk XboYv9Ur694-00024-00007359-00007842 To dream that you will make a lot of money in business by concentrating all your efforts XboYv9Ur694-00025-00007842-00008131 Dreaming of a baby elephant a baby elephant XboYv9Ur694-00026-00008131-00008511 You will have seed money for a business that will make you a lot of money XboYv9Ur694-00027-00008511-00009046 Dreaming that the elephant you are riding does not move so you whip it and make it walk away XboYv9Ur694-00028-00009046-00009766 A business or academic endeavor that is not going well will be put back on track in a good way, and you will eventually succeed XboYv9Ur694-00029-00009766-00010092 Dreaming that you are being chased by a herd of elephants XboYv9Ur694-00030-00010092-00010541 Suggests that you are under a lot of pressure, strain, or anxiety XboYv9Ur694-00031-00010541-00010738 Dreaming that you are an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00032-00010738-00011033 You will become very wealthy and have certain rights XboYv9Ur694-00033-00011033-00011239 Dreaming of a sleeping elephant XboYv9Ur694-00034-00011239-00012139 You will become very frustrated because you are stagnant and unable to fulfill your wishes, desires, and ambitions, but if you actively seek and take measures, XboYv9Ur694-00035-00012139-00012413 things will be resolved and you will have great luck XboYv9Ur694-00036-00012413-00012840 Dreaming of an elephant with a blocked nose and not knowing what to do XboYv9Ur694-00037-00012840-00013327 A friend or lover fails to fulfill a promise, causing you to become anxious XboYv9Ur694-00038-00013327-00013608 Dreaming that you are riding on an elephant's back XboYv9Ur694-00039-00013608-00014326 In your dream, you will meet someone who will help you or teach you something, and you will soon become the head of a company or organization XboYv9Ur694-00040-00014326-00014600 Dreaming of an elephant's claw falling off XboYv9Ur694-00041-00014600-00014852 You will lose a family member or subordinate XboYv9Ur694-00042-00014852-00015094 You will lose money and have real losses XboYv9Ur694-00043-00015094-00015334 Dreaming of holding an elephant tusk XboYv9Ur694-00044-00015334-00015658 You will be appointed to a social group or organization XboYv9Ur694-00045-00015658-00015863 You will win a large sum of money XboYv9Ur694-00046-00015863-00016229 Dream of holding an elephant's nose and ascending to the sky XboYv9Ur694-00047-00016229-00016611 You will make a name for yourself with the help of a talented person XboYv9Ur694-00048-00016611-00017240 It is auspicious for promotion, acceptance, election, victory, success, etc XboYv9Ur694-00049-00017240-00017588 Hanging on to or being wrapped around an elephant's nose XboYv9Ur694-00050-00017588-00017852 You will be tormented by a powerful person XboYv9Ur694-00051-00017852-00018313 To dream that nuggets of gold keep pouring out of an elephant's nostrils XboYv9Ur694-00052-00018313-00018536 You will receive a gift from the gods XboYv9Ur694-00053-00018536-00019122 You will receive orders for government work, subcontracting work, customization, etc XboYv9Ur694-00054-00019122-00019319 and earn a huge amount of money XboYv9Ur694-00055-00019319-00019888 It is auspicious for wealth, money, goods, food, windfall, etc XboYv9Ur694-00056-00019888-00020162 Dreaming that an elephant poops a lot of poop XboYv9Ur694-00057-00020162-00020565 The business you've been doing is going well and you're making progress XboYv9Ur694-00058-00020565-00020963 It is an omen of wealth, money, food, and windfall XboYv9Ur694-00059-00020963-00021239 Dreaming of an elephant pooping profusely XboYv9Ur694-00060-00021239-00021762 To dream that the work you have been doing is going well and you will get results or have a windfall XboYv9Ur694-00061-00021762-00022112 Dreaming that an elephant collapses helplessly in the yard XboYv9Ur694-00062-00022112-00022666 A parent or family member will defecate in the house, and the situation will become critical XboYv9Ur694-00063-00022666-00022964 Dreaming that an elephant defecates profusely XboYv9Ur694-00064-00022964-00023360 You will be rewarded for a job well done and receive a windfall XboYv9Ur694-00065-00023360-00023622 Dreaming that an elephant enters your stomach XboYv9Ur694-00066-00023622-00024145 Your stepdaughter or wife will become pregnant and give birth to a great saint or priest XboYv9Ur694-00067-00024145-00024404 Dreaming that an elephant kills a person XboYv9Ur694-00068-00024404-00024814 You will suffer losses from someone who is jealous of you and hates you XboYv9Ur694-00069-00024814-00025124 To dream that you will win by eliminating a competitor XboYv9Ur694-00070-00025124-00025366 Dreaming that an elephant falls down XboYv9Ur694-00071-00025366-00025601 You will suffer great losses in wealth XboYv9Ur694-00072-00025601-00025852 You should not be negligent in your management XboYv9Ur694-00073-00025852-00026239 Dreaming that an elephant falls down helplessly in your front yard XboYv9Ur694-00074-00026239-00026769 A member of the household, a close relative, or a friend will be defecating in your yard XboYv9Ur694-00075-00026769-00027011 Dreaming of an Elephant Charging at You XboYv9Ur694-00076-00027011-00027420 Suggests that you should go all out to achieve success and riches XboYv9Ur694-00077-00027420-00027839 Dreaming that an elephant does tricks and kicks up a cloud of dust XboYv9Ur694-00078-00027839-00028432 You are being made fun of by others for something trivial, or you have been defecated on and you are upset XboYv9Ur694-00079-00028432-00028816 Dreaming that an elephant splashes clear water into your house XboYv9Ur694-00080-00028816-00029222 If you dream that an elephant is spouting clear water in your house, XboYv9Ur694-00081-00029222-00029716 it means that there is something auspicious going on in your house and that things are going well XboYv9Ur694-00082-00029716-00029973 Dreaming of an elephant entering the house XboYv9Ur694-00083-00029973-00030343 You will have an important guest or welcome a new family member XboYv9Ur694-00084-00030343-00030792 Career, honor, wealth, love, and children are rolling in XboYv9Ur694-00085-00030792-00031073 You meet someone of great skill and receive help XboYv9Ur694-00086-00031073-00031414 Dreaming that an elephant has a stuffy nose and grunts XboYv9Ur694-00087-00031414-00031968 A friend or lover whom you trusted like a rock will not be able to come due to circumstances XboYv9Ur694-00088-00031968-00032389 Sales, commerce, information, news, etc XboYv9Ur694-00089-00032389-00032522 become impossible XboYv9Ur694-00090-00032522-00032781 Dreaming of an Elephant Kicking Up Dust XboYv9Ur694-00091-00032781-00033489 If you dream that an elephant stirs up dirt, you will be teased and ridiculed by others, which will depress you considerably XboYv9Ur694-00092-00033489-00033731 Dreaming of Elephants Stirring up Dirt XboYv9Ur694-00093-00033731-00034098 A political or social group unites in an organized manner XboYv9Ur694-00094-00034098-00034840 to fulfill their responsibilities for a common purpose and benefit, and demonstrate a strong sense of community and cooperation XboYv9Ur694-00095-00034840-00035320 To strengthen international competitiveness by using advanced management techniques XboYv9Ur694-00096-00035320-00035954 and our own technological innovation strategy to dominate the international market with domestic products XboYv9Ur694-00097-00035954-00036648 Auspicious for groups, organizations, gatherings, trade, wealth, windfalls, etc XboYv9Ur694-00098-00036648-00036965 Dream of following an elephant into a large building XboYv9Ur694-00099-00036965-00037277 There will be a change of residence and office relocation XboYv9Ur694-00100-00037277-00037551 You will be promoted and your position will change XboYv9Ur694-00101-00037551-00037745 Dreaming of seeing an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00102-00037745-00038230 Your plans will go smoothly, and your financial affairs will be resolved with your help XboYv9Ur694-00103-00038230-00038429 Dreaming of riding an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00104-00038429-00038799 You will rise in status or honor and have a happy marriage XboYv9Ur694-00105-00038799-00039085 Riding an elephant to a temple or hermitage XboYv9Ur694-00106-00039085-00039603 You leave your worldly home and enter a Buddhist monastery, and through diligent practice, XboYv9Ur694-00107-00039603-00040169 you attain Buddhahood and the Great Awakening and become a highly virtuous monk or Buddhist nun XboYv9Ur694-00108-00040169-00040800 Monasticism, admission, employment, election, founding, promotion, etc XboYv9Ur694-00109-00040800-00041095 Dream of crossing a large ocean on an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00110-00041095-00041419 You will accomplish great deeds and rise to prominence XboYv9Ur694-00111-00041419-00041757 An international treaty or agreement will be successful XboYv9Ur694-00112-00041757-00041975 Being entrusted with a big job XboYv9Ur694-00113-00041975-00042217 Dreaming of seeing the back of an elephant XboYv9Ur694-00114-00042217-00042428 Financial luck may escape you XboYv9Ur694-00115-00042428-00042584 You need to take care of it XboYv9Ur694-00116-00042584-00042858 Dreaming of an elephant's claw falling off XboYv9Ur694-00117-00042858-00043384 There will be real losses, such as the scattering of company employees or the loss of money XboYv9Ur694-00118-00043384-00043816 Dreaming of holding an elephant's nose and being lifted into the sky XboYv9Ur694-00119-00043816-00044428 Symbolizes promotion, acceptance, election, victory, success, etc XboYv9Ur694-00120-00044428-00044802 Dreaming of being coiled or suspended by an elephant's nose XboYv9Ur694-00121-00044802-00045030 You will be harassed by several people XboYv9Ur694-00122-00045030-00045229 Dreaming of a large elephant XboYv9Ur694-00123-00045229-00045582 An elephant in a dream symbolizes wealth or riches XboYv9Ur694-00124-00045582-00045784 The bigger it is, the better XboYv9Ur694-00125-00045784-00046353 Dreaming that you are riding a large elephant into a large government building or something similar XboYv9Ur694-00126-00046353-00047001 You are called to enter a lucky course, government office, council, social organization, etc XboYv9Ur694-00127-00047001-00047791 It is auspicious for honor, promotion, election, acceptance, admission, employment, capital, etc XboYv9Ur694-00128-00047791-00048113 Dreaming of a white elephant a white elephant dream XboYv9Ur694-00129-00048113-00048430 Wealth overflows, and everything you do goes well XboYv9Ur694-00130-00048430-00048785 People around you want to help you, and your health improves XboYv9Ur694-00131-00048785-00049251 A white elephant is a sign that God appears in a dream in a different form XboYv9Ur694-00132-00049251-00049455 Dreaming of an Angry Elephant XboYv9Ur694-00133-00049455-00049798 Your possessions are scattered and people appear who want your money XkQHGzpqB2k-00000-00003597-00004112 Chicken, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, peppercorn, and bay leaves XkQHGzpqB2k-00001-00004173-00004544 combine the chicken, vinegar, and garlic and marinade for at least 1 hour XkQHGzpqB2k-00002-00004545-00005225 place the chicken and cook until soft XkQHGzpqB2k-00003-00005226-00005572 simmer for 40 minutes to 1 hour XkQHGzpqB2k-00004-00005588-00005788 serve while hot XkQHGzpqB2k-00005-00005788-00005988 and enjoy Xl6rDev2fNc-00000-00000002-00000208 After modifying a microwave oven transformer Xl6rDev2fNc-00001-00000212-00000436 with 2 turns of 1 guage wire, Xl6rDev2fNc-00002-00000476-00000732 it was able to pump out nearly 800 amps. Xl6rDev2fNc-00003-00000772-00000908 Let's try it on a nail Xl6rDev2fNc-00004-00003520-00003704 How about some copper wire. Xl6rDev2fNc-00005-00004746-00004796 An LED Xl6rDev2fNc-00006-00005180-00005370 And a galvanized screw Xl6rDev2fNc-00007-00008596-00008996 And this is a nail with some kind of coating that caught fire. Xl6rDev2fNc-00008-00011386-00011874 Here's a quarter. So much current flowed that it turned of my power strip. Xl6rDev2fNc-00009-00012940-00013196 Let's try destroying an Aluminum can. Xl6rDev2fNc-00010-00013196-00013418 Let's just pretend it's a soda can. Xlfmzu813Yu-00000-00001696-00002354 Welcome back to this course on rocket propulsion. So, if you recall, in the last class, we have Xlfmzu813Yu-00001-00002354-00002884 been discussing the design of rocket combustion chamber and we have solved a problem also Xlfmzu813Yu-00002-00002884-00003550 on rocket combustion chamber design. Now, to continue our discussion on the chemical Xlfmzu813Yu-00003-00003550-00004195 rockets, we had discussed various flow regimes for a nozzle flow. We will continue with the Xlfmzu813Yu-00004-00004195-00004937 nozzle flow. So, first thing what we are going to do today is define some efficiency parameters Xlfmzu813Yu-00005-00004937-00005753 for the nozzles. So, let us define some efficiencies for the nozzle. There are several efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00006-00005753-00006333 parameters, which are often used to describe a rocket performance. Xlfmzu813Yu-00007-00006333-00007802 One such parameter is called cycle efficiency, which is designated by eta c y. Cycle efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00008-00007802-00009595 is defined as the ratio of ideal mechanical energy of the exhaust, that is, the hot gases Xlfmzu813Yu-00009-00009595-00011528 that is leaving the rocket and the stagnation enthalpy after combustion. So, let us see Xlfmzu813Yu-00010-00011528-00012238 what does it physically mean. The stagnation enthalpy after the combustion is the total Xlfmzu813Yu-00011-00012238-00012880 enthalpy – total energy available with the hot gases after the combustion has occurred. Xlfmzu813Yu-00012-00012880-00013486 The cycle efficiency essentially represent out of this total enthalpy is available, how Xlfmzu813Yu-00013-00013486-00014216 much is being converted to effective thrust. So… And, that is, we are talking about the Xlfmzu813Yu-00014-00014216-00014863 ideal mechanical energy of the exhaust, which essentially is the kinetic energy of the exhaust. Xlfmzu813Yu-00015-00014863-00015613 So, if I look at the rocket that we had been discussing so far; let us say this is the Xlfmzu813Yu-00016-00015613-00016258 combustion chamber and a converging-diverging nozzle representing the nozzle. Then, after Xlfmzu813Yu-00017-00016258-00017016 the combustion, thus total stagnation enthalpy in the combustion chamber is h c naught; where, Xlfmzu813Yu-00018-00017016-00017722 this subscript naught represents the stagnation state. And then at the exit, the static enthalpy Xlfmzu813Yu-00019-00017722-00018319 is h e. Therefore, from energy conservation or first Xlfmzu813Yu-00020-00018319-00018845 law of thermodynamics, we have shown it before that, the total enthalpy here is nothing but Xlfmzu813Yu-00021-00018845-00019532 the static enthalpy plus the kinetic energy term. So, that is, h e plus – now, what Xlfmzu813Yu-00022-00019532-00020505 is the kinetic energy? The exhaust velocity is u e; and, i represents ideal state without Xlfmzu813Yu-00023-00020505-00021123 any losses. Therefore, the total stagnation enthalpy after the combustion is given as Xlfmzu813Yu-00024-00021123-00021931 h e, which is the static enthalpy at the exhaust plus the kinetic energy of the exhaust. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00025-00021931-00022722 the cycle efficiency now can be defined as this divided by this. So, that is, half u Xlfmzu813Yu-00026-00022722-00023735 e i square by h c naught; where, as I have been mentioning again and again, u e i is Xlfmzu813Yu-00027-00023735-00024965 the ideal exhaust velocity. Now, first of all, let us recapitulate what Xlfmzu813Yu-00028-00024965-00025501 we have said as the ideal rocket. We have said that, an ideal rocket is a rocket for Xlfmzu813Yu-00029-00025501-00026194 which there is no pressure forces. So, the expansion is ideal. Therefore, for ideal exhaust, Xlfmzu813Yu-00030-00026194-00026894 P e is equal to P a. The exit pressure at the exit of the nozzle is equal to the ambient Xlfmzu813Yu-00031-00026894-00027438 pressure. That is the ideal rocket for us. At the same time, we have also said that, Xlfmzu813Yu-00032-00027438-00028993 there are no frictional losses and isentropic flow – isentropic flow in the nozzle. Let Xlfmzu813Yu-00033-00028993-00029638 us first understand the physical significance of these assumptions. Even if the flow… Xlfmzu813Yu-00034-00029638-00030227 Let us say we have seen the different cases at different back pressure. There are different Xlfmzu813Yu-00035-00030227-00030739 type of flows that exist in the nozzle. Let us for the time being assume that, the Xlfmzu813Yu-00036-00030739-00031539 back pressure is such that there is a shock wave inside the nozzle. If that happens, across Xlfmzu813Yu-00037-00031539-00032125 the shock wave, the flow becomes subsonic. And then the subsonic flow will reach ambient Xlfmzu813Yu-00038-00032125-00033002 pressure. Therefore, this condition will be satisfied, but is it ideal? No, because the Xlfmzu813Yu-00039-00033002-00033511 flow is not isentropic. If you have the shock wave sitting in between, the flow is no longer Xlfmzu813Yu-00040-00033511-00034136 isentropic, because shock wave is a irreversible process. Therefore, in order to assume the Xlfmzu813Yu-00041-00034136-00034606 ideal expansion, we have to assume that, the flow is isentropic, so that there are no shock Xlfmzu813Yu-00042-00034606-00035163 waves actually inside. And then a part from that, there will be a shock-induced change Xlfmzu813Yu-00043-00035163-00035838 irreversibility. Also, in the presence of friction, there are some frictional losses. Xlfmzu813Yu-00044-00035838-00036371 So, that also we are neglecting. So, with this assumption, then the velocity that we Xlfmzu813Yu-00045-00036371-00036918 will get is a theoretical velocity, which we have already discussed in detail. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00046-00036918-00037490 that is our ideal exhaust velocity. So, now, the cycle efficiency is defined with respect Xlfmzu813Yu-00047-00037490-00038140 to that ideal kinetic energy and the stagnation enthalpy at the exit of the combustion chamber Xlfmzu813Yu-00048-00038140-00038865 or at the inlet of the nozzle. So, now, if I combine these two, what we can Xlfmzu813Yu-00049-00038865-00039793 see here is half u e i square is nothing but the difference in enthalpy between the inlet Xlfmzu813Yu-00050-00039793-00040400 and exit of the nozzle, because at the inlet of the nozzle, the enthalpy is the stagnation Xlfmzu813Yu-00051-00040400-00040891 enthalpy, because the flow is stagnant here. Therefore, the inlet of the nozzled enthalpy Xlfmzu813Yu-00052-00040891-00041377 is stagnation enthalpy and the exit of the nozzle we have the static enthalpy h e. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00053-00041377-00041813 the kinetic energy for the ideal expansion case is nothing but the difference between Xlfmzu813Yu-00054-00041813-00041993 these two enthalpies. Xlfmzu813Yu-00055-00041993-00042924 So, we can write this expression then; the cycle efficiency as h c naught minus h e by Xlfmzu813Yu-00056-00042924-00044425 h c naught. Now, we can write this as 1 minus h e by h c naught. Now, the working fluid Xlfmzu813Yu-00057-00044425-00045027 at… Remember at the beginning of our discussion on chemical rockets; we made a list of assumptions. Xlfmzu813Yu-00058-00045027-00045402 One of the assumptions is regarding the state of the working fluid. We assume the working Xlfmzu813Yu-00059-00045402-00045938 fluid to be perfect gas; that means it is calorically perfect as well as thermally perfect. Xlfmzu813Yu-00060-00045938-00046546 Therefore, the enthalpy can be expressed as a function of temperature only. So, if we Xlfmzu813Yu-00061-00046546-00047568 do that, this is equal to 1 minus C p T e i – this is the ideal temperature divided Xlfmzu813Yu-00062-00047568-00048421 by C p T c naught; where, C p is the specific heat at constant pressure. Xlfmzu813Yu-00063-00048421-00049028 Now, we have also assumed that, the composition does not change in the nozzle. We have assumed Xlfmzu813Yu-00064-00049028-00049686 that, it is a frozen flow. And, we have assumed also that, the C p is constant, because temperature Xlfmzu813Yu-00065-00049686-00050252 variation is not much; there is no recombination, no dissociation of the gases. Therefore, C Xlfmzu813Yu-00066-00050252-00050718 p is constant through the nozzle; that means the value of C p at the inlet and exit are Xlfmzu813Yu-00067-00050718-00051417 same. Therefore, this C p – let me put it as i and o just to differentiate between the Xlfmzu813Yu-00068-00051417-00051946 exit and inlet… e and o – let me put it like this. Now, these two are same. So, I Xlfmzu813Yu-00069-00051946-00053063 can cancel this off. So, the cycle efficiency now is nothing but 1 minus T e i by T c naught. Xlfmzu813Yu-00070-00053063-00053900 Now, this is the temperature ratio now. And, we are assuming the process to be isentropic. Xlfmzu813Yu-00071-00053900-00054329 That assumption is already there. Therefore, the temperature ratio can be expressed in Xlfmzu813Yu-00072-00054329-00055408 terms of pressure ratio; which for the isentropic flow, since the flow is isentropic, we had Xlfmzu813Yu-00073-00055408-00056484 earlier discussed the isentropic relationship that, T e i by T c naught equal to P e i by Xlfmzu813Yu-00074-00056484-00057253 P c naught to the power gamma minus 1 by gamma; where, gamma is the ratio of specific heats, Xlfmzu813Yu-00075-00057253-00058287 which we have discussed. Here P e i is the exit pressure for the ideal case and P c naught Xlfmzu813Yu-00076-00058287-00059294 is the stagnation pressure in the combustion chamber. Therefore, this is how for an isentropic Xlfmzu813Yu-00077-00059294-00059819 flow we can describe the temperature ratio. So, now, we can put it back into the efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00078-00059819-00061072 definition. This becomes 1 minus P e i by P c naught to the power gamma minus 1 by gamma. Xlfmzu813Yu-00079-00061072-00061984 And, now, P e i is a function of the shape, but we are considering ideal expansion. So, Xlfmzu813Yu-00080-00061984-00062507 what we have already assumed that, P e is equal to P a. And, ambient pressure is something Xlfmzu813Yu-00081-00062507-00063158 that we know. Therefore, here in this expression, we can replace P e i by the ambient pressure Xlfmzu813Yu-00082-00063158-00063995 P a. Therefore, this can be written as 1 minus P a upon P c naught to the power gamma minus Xlfmzu813Yu-00083-00063995-00064995 1 by gamma. So, now, this is the definition of cycle efficiency. As we can see that, this Xlfmzu813Yu-00084-00064995-00065681 is a function of the pressure ratio; nothing else. This cycle efficiency physically is Xlfmzu813Yu-00085-00065681-00066505 the measure of the fraction of energy produced by combustion in thrust generation. The total Xlfmzu813Yu-00086-00066505-00067101 energy it is produced essentially is this – the stagnation enthalpy. Out of this fraction, Xlfmzu813Yu-00087-00067101-00067674 how much is use for thrust generation. So, that is what the cycle efficiency represents. Xlfmzu813Yu-00088-00067674-00068375 And, we have got an expression for the cycle efficiency. So, as a designer, what we want Xlfmzu813Yu-00089-00068375-00069082 to do is always maximize cycle efficiency. How do we maximize the cycle efficiency? By Xlfmzu813Yu-00090-00069082-00069710 increasing P c naught. That is why for rocket application, we always want to get as high Xlfmzu813Yu-00091-00069710-00070188 pressure as possible in the combustion chamber, so that the cycle efficiency will be more. Xlfmzu813Yu-00092-00070188-00070963 But, cycle efficiency like any thermodynamic cycle cannot be more than 1; that is for sure. Xlfmzu813Yu-00093-00070963-00071556 Therefore, this cycle efficiency cannot be more than 1. In the limiting case, when we Xlfmzu813Yu-00094-00071556-00072298 have absolute vacuum, P a is tending to 0; then this ratio will tend to 0; cycle efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00095-00072298-00072728 will tend to be 1. So, that is the ultimate thrust that we have already discussed. So, Xlfmzu813Yu-00096-00072728-00073361 in the case of ultimate thrust, the cycle efficiency will be leading towards 1; it will Xlfmzu813Yu-00097-00073361-00073931 not be 1; there will be some differences. But, it will be very close to 1. So, either Xlfmzu813Yu-00098-00073931-00074568 as… Therefore, it says that, as we go up – as the rocket goes up, the cycle efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00099-00074568-00075139 increases, because the ambient pressure continuously decreases at the rocket is launched higher Xlfmzu813Yu-00100-00075139-00075929 up. Therefore, this is how we define the cycle efficiency. The cycle efficiency as we can Xlfmzu813Yu-00101-00075929-00076557 see is the efficiency of the entire rocket cycle, which includes the combustion chamber Xlfmzu813Yu-00102-00076557-00077125 as well. Now, let us define another efficiency parameter, Xlfmzu813Yu-00103-00077125-00078002 which is called nozzle efficiency. If you look at the cycle efficiency, we have considered Xlfmzu813Yu-00104-00078002-00078778 the nozzle to be ideally expanded. But, in practical cases, we will not have ideal expansion; Xlfmzu813Yu-00105-00078778-00079326 that is for sure because we have seen that, there is only one case. Out of all the ambient Xlfmzu813Yu-00106-00079326-00079934 pressures, there is only one solution, which will give us the isentropic flow. So, that Xlfmzu813Yu-00107-00079934-00080400 is very difficult to achieve in practical big cases, because we would not be continuously Xlfmzu813Yu-00108-00080400-00081035 varying P c naught. So, then P a is varying continuously. Therefore, it is almost impossible Xlfmzu813Yu-00109-00081035-00081756 to have a continuous application with ideal nozzle. Therefore, the next step that comes Xlfmzu813Yu-00110-00081756-00082234 in is to define the efficiency of the nozzle. So, when we say the efficiency of the nozzle, Xlfmzu813Yu-00111-00082234-00082804 we do not make these assumptions. We say the nozzle is not ideal. So, if the nozzle is Xlfmzu813Yu-00112-00082804-00083385 not ideal, how much fraction is getting converted; that is the nozzle efficiency. So, next, let Xlfmzu813Yu-00113-00083385-00083692 us define the nozzle efficiency. Xlfmzu813Yu-00115-00087855-00089028 now, in order to define this actual mechanical energy; what is the actual mechanical energy Xlfmzu813Yu-00116-00089028-00089999 will be represented by? Here P e is not equal to P a. So, if you recall at the beginning; Xlfmzu813Yu-00117-00089999-00090760 when we defined the thrust or specific impulse, we have defined an equivalent velocity. So, Xlfmzu813Yu-00118-00090760-00091452 that contains the information regarding the non-idealness of the expansion. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00119-00091452-00092148 the kinetic energy that will be there if the expansion is not ideal will be represented Xlfmzu813Yu-00120-00092148-00092932 by that equivalent velocity. So, the actual mechanical energy then will be half u equivalent Xlfmzu813Yu-00121-00092932-00093818 square. So, this is the kinetic energy of the exhaust for the actual nozzle, which is Xlfmzu813Yu-00122-00093818-00094756 not ideal. And, for the ideal, we have already seen that, this is equal to half u e i square. Xlfmzu813Yu-00123-00094756-00095767 Therefore, straight away we can see that, the nozzle efficiency can be given as u equivalent Xlfmzu813Yu-00124-00095767-00096488 by u e i square. So, what does the nozzle efficiency now physically Xlfmzu813Yu-00125-00096488-00097237 representing? If you look at the cycle efficiency; cycle efficiency tells us that, out of the Xlfmzu813Yu-00126-00097237-00097827 total energy it is produced because of combustion, how much is getting converted for an ideal Xlfmzu813Yu-00127-00097827-00098542 expansion for the exhaust. Now, how tough that is ideally supposed to have been converted; Xlfmzu813Yu-00128-00098542-00099162 how much is actually getting converted; that gives the nozzle efficiency. Therefore, nozzle Xlfmzu813Yu-00129-00099162-00099790 efficiency is the measure of the losses occurring in the nozzle during the expansion of propellant Xlfmzu813Yu-00130-00099790-00100473 through it. However, how much is the losses because of the non-idealness? Which will be Xlfmzu813Yu-00131-00100473-00101003 frictional losses; which will be shock-induced losses; which will be because of over expansion, Xlfmzu813Yu-00132-00101003-00101630 under expansion, everything; all those things included in the definition of nozzle efficiency. Xlfmzu813Yu-00133-00101630-00102753 So, now, with this, what we can see is that, u equivalent then can be written as… u equivalent Xlfmzu813Yu-00134-00102753-00103409 can be written as u equivalent square by 2 is half u e i square by eta n; where, eta Xlfmzu813Yu-00135-00103409-00104504 n is the nozzle efficiency. And, we have defined the cycle efficiency as half u e i square Xlfmzu813Yu-00136-00104504-00105667 by h c naught. Therefore, half u e i square is h c naught times cycle efficiency. Now, Xlfmzu813Yu-00137-00105667-00106260 if I combine this and this, I get an expression for the equivalent velocity in terms of the Xlfmzu813Yu-00138-00106260-00107008 cycle efficiencies and the total energy that is available for the exhaust, that is, the Xlfmzu813Yu-00139-00107008-00107207 stagnation enthalpy after the combustion. Xlfmzu813Yu-00140-00107207-00108249 So, if I combine these two, what I will get is u equivalent square by 2 equal to h c naught Xlfmzu813Yu-00141-00108249-00109290 eta cycle upon eta nozzle. Now, h c naught is the total stagnation enthalpy at the inlet Xlfmzu813Yu-00142-00109290-00110339 of the nozzle. Once again, the stagnation enthalpy is equal to C p T c naught. And, Xlfmzu813Yu-00143-00110339-00111074 C p – we have shown this before is equal to gamma R upon gamma minus 1. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00144-00111074-00111696 h c naught is gamma R upon gamma minus 1 times T c naught; where, T c naught is the stagnation Xlfmzu813Yu-00145-00111696-00112285 temperature after the combustion. So, it is the temperature that exists after the combustion Xlfmzu813Yu-00146-00112285-00113849 has occurred. So, then… And, we have shown that, cycle efficiency is equal to 1 minus Xlfmzu813Yu-00147-00113849-00114641 P a upon P c naught to the power gamma minus 1 by gamma. Now, let us combine all these Xlfmzu813Yu-00148-00114641-00115332 and get an expression for the equivalent velocity. So, the equivalent velocity will be equal Xlfmzu813Yu-00149-00115332-00116260 to h c naught, which is gamma R upon gamma minus 1 times T c naught times eta n times Xlfmzu813Yu-00150-00116260-00118469 the cycle efficiency. So, this is the expression for equivalent velocity. Remember that, the Xlfmzu813Yu-00151-00118469-00118794 specific impulse is a function of equivalent velocity. Xlfmzu813Yu-00152-00118794-00119420 So, now, just to recap what we have discussed; we have shown that, the performance of the Xlfmzu813Yu-00153-00119420-00119954 rocket; that the flight mechanics part is a function of the specific impulse. We started Xlfmzu813Yu-00154-00119954-00120535 all our discussion on chemical rockets essentially to estimate the specific impulse for a given Xlfmzu813Yu-00155-00120535-00121072 propellant system and the nozzle design. Now, what we have seen is that, there is an expression Xlfmzu813Yu-00156-00121072-00121758 for equivalent velocity in terms of the nozzle efficiency and the combustion chamber conditions. Xlfmzu813Yu-00157-00121758-00122233 And of course, gamma and R also depends on the composition. So, after the combustion, Xlfmzu813Yu-00158-00122233-00122766 the composition of the propellants will dictate what will be the value of gamma and R. So, Xlfmzu813Yu-00159-00122766-00123249 now, we are inching closer to our goal. Now, we have an expression for equivalent Xlfmzu813Yu-00160-00123249-00124452 velocity. This can be further written as 2 gamma R upon gamma minus 1 T c naught eta Xlfmzu813Yu-00161-00124452-00125654 n 1 minus P a upon P c naught to the power gamma minus 1 upon gamma. This is the expression Xlfmzu813Yu-00162-00125654-00126469 for equivalent velocity. And, as we see that, this is a function of T c naught, P c naught, Xlfmzu813Yu-00163-00126469-00126952 the ambient pressure and gamma and R, which are the function of the composition. And, Xlfmzu813Yu-00164-00126952-00127575 eta n – eta n is essentially the rocket nozzle design, because that will dictate what Xlfmzu813Yu-00165-00127575-00128400 kind of losses will be there in the nozzle. So, this expression then gives us all the Xlfmzu813Yu-00166-00128400-00128790 information required to estimate the specific impulse. Xlfmzu813Yu-00167-00128790-00129808 Now, I would like to point out few more things here. Let us assume that, the nozzle is not Xlfmzu813Yu-00168-00129808-00130579 fully expanded, is under expanded nozzle. And, at the same time, there are no losses, Xlfmzu813Yu-00169-00130579-00130983 because typically, the losses are because of the boundary layer; frictional losses are Xlfmzu813Yu-00170-00130983-00131686 because of the boundary layer. The boundary layer is so thin in these cases that, it is Xlfmzu813Yu-00171-00131686-00132182 confined only very close to the wall. Therefore, the momentum loss because of the boundary Xlfmzu813Yu-00172-00132182-00132755 layer is insignificant compared to the total momentum. So, we can assume that, the frictional Xlfmzu813Yu-00173-00132755-00133528 losses are very small. So, under that scenario, if the frictional losses are very small, we Xlfmzu813Yu-00174-00133528-00134183 can still have under expansion; and, at the same time, there are no losses. What happens Xlfmzu813Yu-00175-00134183-00134378 to the nozzle efficiency under that scenario? Xlfmzu813Yu-00176-00134378-00135875 So, let me look at that case. First of all, eta n is equal to u equivalent square by 2 Xlfmzu813Yu-00177-00135875-00136574 upon u e i square by 2. This is the ideal expansion case. Now, we are assuming that, Xlfmzu813Yu-00178-00136574-00137619 there are no losses. On top of that, if the expansion was ideal; if the expansion was Xlfmzu813Yu-00179-00137619-00138347 ideal, then this value… Then, eta n will be equal to 1. Therefore, this value is equal Xlfmzu813Yu-00180-00138347-00139357 to this value. So, what is the ideal expansion? That P e is equal to P a. Therefore, this Xlfmzu813Yu-00181-00139357-00140419 number – u e i square by 2 essentially is the exit velocity without any losses and ideal Xlfmzu813Yu-00182-00140419-00141230 expansion. So, that is essentially u equivalent square by 2 when the expansion is ideal – P Xlfmzu813Yu-00183-00141230-00142233 e equal to P a and no losses. Therefore, the nozzle efficiency definition then is equal Xlfmzu813Yu-00184-00142233-00143104 to the actual case u equivalent square by 2 divided by u equivalent square by 2 for Xlfmzu813Yu-00185-00143104-00144200 ideal expansion, which is P e equal to P a and no losses. So, I can write the nozzle Xlfmzu813Yu-00186-00144200-00145014 efficiency like this. Now, what is equivalent velocity? This is Xlfmzu813Yu-00187-00145014-00145689 the expression for the thrust – F equal to m dot by u equivalent. That we have derived Xlfmzu813Yu-00188-00145689-00146385 at the beginning our discussion. So, from here u equivalent is nothing but F upon m Xlfmzu813Yu-00189-00146385-00147023 dot. But, F is the total thrust that is produced and m dot is the mass flow rate of the propellant. Xlfmzu813Yu-00190-00147023-00147742 With this definition, let us go back to this and put this here. So, then nozzle efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00191-00147742-00149059 becomes F upon m dot for the actual case divided by F upon m dot for ideal expansion with no Xlfmzu813Yu-00192-00149059-00150160 losses. Now, remember that, we have discussed the thrust coefficient. We have discussed Xlfmzu813Yu-00193-00150160-00150787 the thrust. When we discussed the thrust, we have shown both mathematically as well Xlfmzu813Yu-00194-00150787-00151484 as with some arguments that, the thrust is maximum when the expansion is ideal. And, Xlfmzu813Yu-00195-00151484-00152010 for all those cases, we assume there were no losses. Therefore, the denominator here Xlfmzu813Yu-00196-00152010-00152809 corresponds to the maximum thrust. So, maximum thrust also means maximum thrust coefficient. Xlfmzu813Yu-00197-00152809-00153604 Therefore, and also, this term will be proportional to the thrust coefficient. Therefore, this Xlfmzu813Yu-00198-00153604-00154178 is the actual thrust coefficient divided by maximum thrust coefficient. So, we can write Xlfmzu813Yu-00199-00154178-00155334 this as C F upon C F max. And, it will be squared, because thrust coefficient is proportional Xlfmzu813Yu-00200-00155334-00156430 to u equivalent. Therefore, the value of nozzle efficiency… Remember all these we are doing Xlfmzu813Yu-00201-00156430-00157117 with no losses – no frictional losses. So, for no losses, the nozzle efficiency is given Xlfmzu813Yu-00202-00157117-00158000 by C F upon C F max squared. This is for no losses. Xlfmzu813Yu-00203-00158000-00158840 So, once again, the value of C F max is the thrust coefficient when P e is equal to P Xlfmzu813Yu-00204-00158840-00159864 a; otherwise, it is C F. Therefore, we have defined now the nozzle efficiency when there Xlfmzu813Yu-00205-00159864-00160480 are no losses. I would like to point out here one more very critical thing. This is the Xlfmzu813Yu-00206-00160480-00161494 maximum thrust that is produced for a given ambient pressure. It is not the ultimate thrust Xlfmzu813Yu-00207-00161494-00162126 produced by the rocket, because ultimate thrust will be produced when the cycle efficiency Xlfmzu813Yu-00208-00162126-00163035 is 1. And, cycle efficiency is 1 when this term goes to 0; which means P a tends to 0. Xlfmzu813Yu-00209-00163035-00163848 So, that is the vacuum. Therefore, this C F max is not the ultimate thrust. So, let Xlfmzu813Yu-00210-00163848-00164110 me just rephrase it here. Xlfmzu813Yu-00211-00164110-00165260 In this case, C F max is not is equal to C F ultimate, because ultimate thrust is the Xlfmzu813Yu-00212-00165260-00166072 condition when P a tends to 0 or P c naught tends to infinity, but that is highly unlikely. Xlfmzu813Yu-00213-00166072-00166754 So, we will take P a tends to 0. So, we are going to almost vacuum. Then, the thrust produced Xlfmzu813Yu-00214-00166754-00167384 is the ultimate thrust. And, that is not equal to the maximum thrust we are discussing here. Xlfmzu813Yu-00215-00167384-00167982 Maximum thrust is we have shown that, when P e is equal to P a, when the expansion is Xlfmzu813Yu-00216-00167982-00168775 ideal – optimum expansion; it is neither over expanded nor under expanded. So, this Xlfmzu813Yu-00217-00168775-00169466 is the definition of nozzle efficiency. All these definitions we have been deriving so Xlfmzu813Yu-00218-00169466-00170134 far for the nozzle efficiencies were considering converging-diverging nozzles. So, this is Xlfmzu813Yu-00219-00170134-00170615 all for converging-diverging. What if we have just a converging nozzle? Xlfmzu813Yu-00220-00170615-00171527 So, in the next case, we will be discussing is just for a converging nozzle. And, that Xlfmzu813Yu-00221-00171527-00172424 will bring out the efficacy of providing the diverging section once we discuss the converging Xlfmzu813Yu-00222-00172424-00172960 nozzle alone. So, for a converging nozzle… Essentially, what is a converging nozzle? Xlfmzu813Yu-00223-00172960-00173629 That a nozzle which terminates at the throat; it does not have the diverging portion; otherwise, Xlfmzu813Yu-00224-00173629-00174371 it would have been like this. But, the diverging portion is not there; it is terminated here. Xlfmzu813Yu-00225-00174371-00175573 So, then the exit area here is the throat area; exit area is equal to the throat area. Xlfmzu813Yu-00226-00175573-00176233 Now, under that scenario, what is the Mach number at the exit? It is 1. So, the exit Xlfmzu813Yu-00227-00176233-00176736 Mach number for a converging nozzle is equal to 1. Xlfmzu813Yu-00228-00176736-00177703 Now, we have shown for the isentropic process or an isentropic flow, the pressure relationship Xlfmzu813Yu-00229-00177703-00178213 as a function of Mach number. So, when we put the exit pressure, a Mach number equal Xlfmzu813Yu-00230-00178213-00178782 to 1; that essentially corresponds to a unique exit pressure. And, that will be of course, Xlfmzu813Yu-00231-00178782-00179453 depending on the P c naught. So, for this case, P e upon P c naught is equal to a function Xlfmzu813Yu-00232-00179453-00180627 of only gamma; that we have shown before. So, P e by P c naught is equal to 2 upon gamma Xlfmzu813Yu-00233-00180627-00181398 plus 1 raise to the power gamma upon gamma minus 1. With this then the thrust coefficient Xlfmzu813Yu-00234-00181398-00182526 converging for just the converging nozzle will reduce to… We can look at the expression Xlfmzu813Yu-00235-00182526-00184062 for the thrust coefficient will be gamma square 2 upon gamma plus 1 plus 2 upon gamma plus Xlfmzu813Yu-00236-00184062-00184873 1 to the power gamma upon gamma minus 1 minus P a upon P c naught. Xlfmzu813Yu-00237-00184873-00185461 Let me explain this expression. We had derived the expression for the thrust coefficient Xlfmzu813Yu-00238-00185461-00186261 before. Now, we are considering only a converging nozzle. So, for the converging nozzle, the Xlfmzu813Yu-00239-00186261-00186777 pressure ratio… This is the exit pressure, which… Now, we are saying that, it is not Xlfmzu813Yu-00240-00186777-00187144 equal to the atmospheric pressure or ambient pressure, because we do not have an ideal Xlfmzu813Yu-00241-00187144-00187750 expansion in this case let us say. The exit pressure is a function of only gamma; and, Xlfmzu813Yu-00242-00187750-00188460 there will be now because the expansion is not ideal, there is a pressure term appearing Xlfmzu813Yu-00243-00188460-00189199 here. If you look at these two, this is nothing but this. So, this is nothing but P e minus Xlfmzu813Yu-00244-00189199-00189734 P a upon P c naught. So, it is coming from there. And, this term raise to the mass flow Xlfmzu813Yu-00245-00189734-00190335 rate m dot and u equivalent. So, that will come like this. So, bottom line is if I look Xlfmzu813Yu-00246-00190335-00191052 at this expression for the only converging nozzle; then the thrust coefficient is function Xlfmzu813Yu-00247-00191052-00191847 of gamma and this pressure ratio – P a by P c naught, because P e by P c naught is function Xlfmzu813Yu-00248-00191847-00192673 of only gamma in this case. So, the thrust coefficient for the converging nozzle is given Xlfmzu813Yu-00249-00192673-00192790 like this. Xlfmzu813Yu-00250-00192790-00193879 Now, let us define some more parameters. All these parameters are actually used for design. Xlfmzu813Yu-00251-00193879-00194974 Let us look at another parameter, which is the ratio of thrust for actual nozzle, which Xlfmzu813Yu-00252-00194974-00195724 is converging-diverging. So, the converging-diverging nozzle divided by a corresponding converging Xlfmzu813Yu-00253-00195724-00196252 nozzle; that is, we have cut that nozzle at the throat. So, the ratio of thrust produced Xlfmzu813Yu-00254-00196252-00196903 by these two will be nothing but the thrust coefficient for the actual nozzle divided Xlfmzu813Yu-00255-00196903-00197965 by the thrust coefficient for the corresponding converging nozzle. Now, the thrust coefficient Xlfmzu813Yu-00256-00197965-00198837 for the actual nozzle will be – we have shown this before – function of gamma, the Xlfmzu813Yu-00257-00198837-00199504 composition of the propellants, the exit pressure and the ambient pressure. So, the nozzle design Xlfmzu813Yu-00258-00199504-00200223 as well as the composition. So, we have shown this before that, this is a function of gamma Xlfmzu813Yu-00259-00200223-00201000 P e and P naught. On the other hand, for the converging nozzle Xlfmzu813Yu-00260-00201000-00201842 alone has we are showing here that, the dependence on P e by P c naught is replaced by a dependence Xlfmzu813Yu-00261-00201842-00202753 only on gamma. Therefore, for the converging nozzle alone, thrust coefficient is function Xlfmzu813Yu-00262-00202753-00203979 of only gamma and… This is P a – gamma and P c naught. Now, let me write is as ratios, Xlfmzu813Yu-00263-00203979-00204700 so that P c naught also comes into the picture. So, now, for the converging nozzle, it is Xlfmzu813Yu-00264-00204700-00205264 no longer the function of the exit pressure, because exit pressure is already predetermined, Xlfmzu813Yu-00265-00205264-00205719 because we are saying that, at the exit, the Mach number is 1. So, the exit pressure is Xlfmzu813Yu-00266-00205719-00206494 already predetermined from this relationship. Therefore, this is the functional relationship. Xlfmzu813Yu-00267-00206494-00207306 If I now combine these two and look back at this ratio – F upon F converging; then that Xlfmzu813Yu-00268-00207306-00208619 becomes a function of gamma P e by P c naught and P a by P c naught; the pressure ratios Xlfmzu813Yu-00269-00208619-00209469 as well as the composition. Let us now look at the physical significance of this. For Xlfmzu813Yu-00270-00209469-00210229 that, what I will do is I will plot… Now, one point I would like to point out here that, Xlfmzu813Yu-00271-00210229-00210978 this pressure ratio P a by P c naught – on which parameter does it depend? It depends Xlfmzu813Yu-00272-00210978-00211528 on the area ratio – exit to the throat area ratio. So, what will be the exit pressure? Xlfmzu813Yu-00273-00211528-00212017 Will be dictated by the nozzle design, which is the area ratio is one of the prime factors. Xlfmzu813Yu-00274-00212017-00212325 Of course, if you have a shock wave, it is going to change; but here we are assuming Xlfmzu813Yu-00275-00212325-00212878 there is no shock wave; is an isentropic flow; there is a function of only the area ratio. Xlfmzu813Yu-00276-00212878-00214756 Therefore, now, if I make a plot of area ratio versus… This is A e by A star; A e is the Xlfmzu813Yu-00277-00214756-00215542 exit area of the nozzle, A star is the throat area versus this thrust ratio – F upon F Xlfmzu813Yu-00278-00215542-00216703 converging. First of all, for the converging nozzle, A e is equal to A star. So, when this Xlfmzu813Yu-00279-00216703-00217471 ratio is equal to 1, then this is equal to 1 also. So, let me say that, I start from Xlfmzu813Yu-00280-00217471-00218575 here 1, 1. Second point – we have proved that, now, in order to get the expansion, Xlfmzu813Yu-00281-00218575-00219127 the area must increase. That we have shown before. Therefore, now, this ratio cannot Xlfmzu813Yu-00282-00219127-00219910 be less than 1; it will always increase. So, the ideal converging case is this. I will Xlfmzu813Yu-00283-00219910-00220954 just drop a line here representing the ratio to be equal to 1. Xlfmzu813Yu-00284-00220954-00221969 Now, first of all, let us look at this dependence – P a upon P c naught. So, for the given Xlfmzu813Yu-00285-00221969-00223059 value of A e by A star, as we decrease P a by P c naught, what will happen? This thrust Xlfmzu813Yu-00286-00223059-00223802 is going to increase and it will monotonically increase till it reaches the ultimate thrust. Xlfmzu813Yu-00287-00223802-00225428 Therefore, if I plot this for different values, it goes like this. And, this is the ultimate Xlfmzu813Yu-00288-00225428-00226167 thrust let us say; where, P a by P c naught is equal to 0. Remember that, we have shown Xlfmzu813Yu-00289-00226167-00226685 that, ultimate thrust is also finite, because that becomes a function of gamma only; we Xlfmzu813Yu-00290-00226685-00227482 do not have infinite thrust. That is why it is monotonically will approach this value. Xlfmzu813Yu-00291-00227482-00228733 Now, on the other hand, when we look at the variation with respect to P e by P c naught; Xlfmzu813Yu-00292-00228733-00229635 that is a function of A e by A star. So, as A e by A star increases, initially, the thrust Xlfmzu813Yu-00293-00229635-00230304 is going to increase; reaches the maximum for the optimum; and then drops. That we have Xlfmzu813Yu-00294-00230304-00230866 shown that, the thrust is going to be maximum for ideal expansion. So, till the ideal expansion, Xlfmzu813Yu-00295-00230866-00231673 it will increase; then start to drop. So, let me now just maintain this one and remove Xlfmzu813Yu-00296-00231673-00232726 this. So, now, if I draw the variation with respect to P e by P c naught; this is for Xlfmzu813Yu-00297-00232726-00234098 a given value of P e by P c naught; then we increase it; it goes like this. So, this is Xlfmzu813Yu-00298-00234098-00235963 the increasing P e by P c naught. What we see here that, every one of them has a maximum Xlfmzu813Yu-00299-00235963-00237590 point. So, I can draw a line joining these maximum points. So, this is the maximum thrust Xlfmzu813Yu-00300-00237590-00238396 line. This is the maximum thrust line; that is the optimum thrust line. So, now, I have Xlfmzu813Yu-00301-00238396-00239140 the maximum thrust line represented here. And, let us say this is we are doing for gamma Xlfmzu813Yu-00302-00239140-00239934 – particular gamma value of 1.2. So, what we are seeing here is that, this is the converging Xlfmzu813Yu-00303-00239934-00240714 portion that is limiting here. Now, the diverging portion starts. Diverging portion depending Xlfmzu813Yu-00304-00240714-00241336 on this area ratio and the atmospheric pressure of course, gives different contribution to Xlfmzu813Yu-00305-00241336-00242232 the… Actually, this is P a by P c naught; this is P a by… Let me put it P e only because Xlfmzu813Yu-00306-00242232-00242984 we are considering expansion to be proper. So, the diverging portion gives a contribution Xlfmzu813Yu-00307-00242984-00243646 to the thrust in a nonlinear manner. Initially, it increases; which is the optimum value when Xlfmzu813Yu-00308-00243646-00244500 the expansion is ideal and then it starts to drop. So, for each value of P a by P c Xlfmzu813Yu-00309-00244500-00245166 naught… As we can see here, this is different values of P a by P c naught. For each values Xlfmzu813Yu-00310-00245166-00246607 of P a by P c naught, we have an optimum point. And, this optimum point corresponds to a specific Xlfmzu813Yu-00311-00246607-00248146 area ratio. Now, this area ratio then is our ideal expansion area ratio. So, when we are Xlfmzu813Yu-00312-00248146-00248901 getting this maximum, at this point, the exit pressure P e is equal to this pressure. Therefore, Xlfmzu813Yu-00313-00248901-00249583 this ratio is equal to the ratio that we are getting here. So, for a given value of P a Xlfmzu813Yu-00314-00249583-00250240 by P c naught, there is an optimum value of area ratio, which will give us the maximum Xlfmzu813Yu-00315-00250240-00250705 thrust, because that gives us the ideal expansion. Thrust… Xlfmzu813Yu-00316-00250705-00251680 Now, what we are seeing is that, if we add an area larger than this, what we have is Xlfmzu813Yu-00317-00251680-00252491 over expansion. And, over expansion is going to reduce the thrust. So, there is an optimum Xlfmzu813Yu-00318-00252491-00252990 area. If you add area more than that, the thrust is going to reduce. So, that is proved Xlfmzu813Yu-00319-00252990-00254296 here. Now, for a reasonable pressure ratio, let us say if P a by P c naught is greater Xlfmzu813Yu-00320-00254296-00255367 than 0.02; this is the reasonable pressure ratio we are considering. It can be shown Xlfmzu813Yu-00321-00255367-00256223 that, for this type of pressure ratio, this reduction in thrust will not happen unless Xlfmzu813Yu-00322-00256223-00257309 A e by A star is greater than 30. So, for this pressure ratio – ambient to total, Xlfmzu813Yu-00323-00257309-00258058 when area ratio becomes greater than 30 only, then the thrust is going to reduce. So, I Xlfmzu813Yu-00324-00258058-00259546 can show it here. Let us say this is 30; this is 0.02. So, this line here corresponds to Xlfmzu813Yu-00325-00259546-00260361 this pressure ratio P a by P c naught corresponding to 0.02. This is the thrust that a converging Xlfmzu813Yu-00326-00260361-00260971 nozzle had produced, would have produced. Now, what we are seeing is that, if we are Xlfmzu813Yu-00327-00260971-00261419 adding a diverging portion, beyond a certain area ratio, the thrust produces actually less Xlfmzu813Yu-00328-00261419-00262469 than the converging nozzle – a thrust. Therefore, that ratio is about 30. So, beyond that value, Xlfmzu813Yu-00329-00262469-00263175 adding the diverging portion does not benefit at all. Before this value, even though there Xlfmzu813Yu-00330-00263175-00264000 is a reduction in thrust, it is not the optimum value; but still it is greater than the converging Xlfmzu813Yu-00331-00264000-00264496 thrust. So, we are having some advantage. But, beyond this, there is no advantage; there Xlfmzu813Yu-00332-00264496-00264876 is a disadvantage; the thrust is reducing. At the same time, by increasing the area, Xlfmzu813Yu-00333-00264876-00265640 you are increasing the weight. So, there is an optimum value, beyond which there is no Xlfmzu813Yu-00334-00265640-00266123 advantage; optimum value of area ratio, beyond with there is no advantage in adding the diverging Xlfmzu813Yu-00335-00266123-00266816 portion. Less than that, even though the thrust is not maximum, it is still advantageous over Xlfmzu813Yu-00336-00266816-00267470 the converging portion. Now, for very small pressure ratios; let us Xlfmzu813Yu-00337-00267470-00268595 say if the pressure ratio is close to 0.001; then as we can see that, as we are… because Xlfmzu813Yu-00338-00268595-00269053 this is pressure increasing. So, decreasing will be in this direction. If you have very Xlfmzu813Yu-00339-00269053-00269979 small pressure ratio, this area ratio is very large. So, we can have huge areas or very Xlfmzu813Yu-00340-00269979-00270697 large areas associated with the maximum thrust. So, for the very small pressure ratios, we Xlfmzu813Yu-00341-00270697-00271376 need to have large nozzle exits in order to get the maximum thrust; which may not we all Xlfmzu813Yu-00342-00271376-00271947 this possible. So, we may not have the maximum thrust, but we may have something still more Xlfmzu813Yu-00343-00271947-00272701 than the converging portion. So, that is the advantage that we will be obtaining. Xlfmzu813Yu-00344-00272701-00273576 Now, let us look at another scenario. As we keep on decreasing the pressure ratio, what Xlfmzu813Yu-00345-00273576-00274504 happens? What happens we have discussed as we reduce the back pressure. What happens? Xlfmzu813Yu-00346-00274504-00275243 Shock wave forms. So, as we keep on increasing this pressure, the shock wave initially will Xlfmzu813Yu-00347-00275243-00276078 be outside, slowly it will move in. So, when the shock will stand at the exit, after that Xlfmzu813Yu-00348-00276078-00276740 the flow becomes subsonic. So, that is the limiting point of ambient pressure or limiting Xlfmzu813Yu-00349-00276740-00277311 point of area ratio. We do not want to operate beyond that because the flow becomes now non-isentropic; Xlfmzu813Yu-00350-00277311-00277958 there is a shock wave in the nozzle. So, there is a limiting value here. This is called shock Xlfmzu813Yu-00351-00277958-00279134 line. So, for each value of this pressure ratio, there is a point, beyond which we can Xlfmzu813Yu-00352-00279134-00280224 have a shock wave going into the nozzle. So, this line represents the pressure ratio Xlfmzu813Yu-00353-00280224-00281106 and area ratio for which a shock enters the nozzle. And then we can… We absolutely do Xlfmzu813Yu-00354-00281106-00281557 not want to operate beyond that; we do not want to have a shock going into the nozzle, Xlfmzu813Yu-00355-00281557-00282104 because the flow becomes subsonic, you will use huge amount of thrust. So, we do not want Xlfmzu813Yu-00356-00282104-00282821 to operate at all in that condition. And, that condition can also be derived mathematically. Xlfmzu813Yu-00357-00282821-00283638 We can derive an expression for this condition, that is, the pressure ratio and area ratio Xlfmzu813Yu-00358-00283638-00284236 for which a shock will be sitting at the exit. If you increase the… If the ambient pressure Xlfmzu813Yu-00359-00284236-00285013 is little more than that, the shock will go in. Or, if the area ratio is little more than Xlfmzu813Yu-00360-00285013-00285776 that, the shock will go in. So, this is another limiting line, which we can derive. Xlfmzu813Yu-00361-00285776-00286533 So, what we will do now is a… Rather I think we have exhausted the time today. So, we will Xlfmzu813Yu-00362-00286533-00287045 stop here today. In the next class, we will start from deriving this expression, that Xlfmzu813Yu-00363-00287045-00287774 is, the expression for the pressure ratio and area ratio for which a shock will be sitting Xlfmzu813Yu-00364-00287774-00288471 at the exit of the nozzle. So, that will give us the shock line. So, just two recapitulate Xlfmzu813Yu-00365-00288471-00288911 what we have discussed today; we have defined the nozzle efficiencies; we have defined the Xlfmzu813Yu-00366-00288911-00289660 cycle efficiency; we have defined nozzle efficiency; we have defined the ratio of thrust for the Xlfmzu813Yu-00367-00289660-00290252 converging area only. We have shown that, the advantage of adding the diverging area Xlfmzu813Yu-00368-00290252-00290800 is limited to a certain range. If the area ratio is more than that, we do not get any Xlfmzu813Yu-00369-00290800-00291325 advantage; actually it is disadvantageous to have the diverging portion beyond a particular Xlfmzu813Yu-00370-00291325-00291972 area ratio. But, that is a function of how much pressure ratio we have. And, we have Xlfmzu813Yu-00371-00291972-00292559 discussed this plot, which essentially is the performance plot I would say. So, in the Xlfmzu813Yu-00372-00292559-00293180 next class, we will first discuss the relationship or we derive the expressions when the shock Xlfmzu813Yu-00373-00293180-00293704 will sit at the exit of the nozzle; and then we will take on from there going to the shaped Xlfmzu813Yu-00374-00293704-00294000 nozzles. So, we will stop here. Thank you. XnX4GpMqH44-00000-00000000-00000756 this is Oren Lee Staley nfo president a member of the nfo staff has been XnX4GpMqH44-00001-00000756-00001451 instructed to call on you you probably have read the editorial in the Prairie XnX4GpMqH44-00002-00001451-00002367 farmer in which it correctly stated that the nfo had won a court case in the XnX4GpMqH44-00003-00002367-00003402 Illinois State Court requiring members to pay back dues this Court decision XnX4GpMqH44-00004-00003402-00004545 that the nfo one was not unexpected our lawyers had always said that we would XnX4GpMqH44-00005-00004545-00005262 win because the membership agreement is a contract and the basis of business in XnX4GpMqH44-00006-00005262-00006051 this country is a contract and business is conducted by contracts and any XnX4GpMqH44-00007-00006051-00006647 adverse decision the NFL membership agreement would have rocked the very XnX4GpMqH44-00008-00006647-00007598 foundation of the business community in this country courts have ruled time and XnX4GpMqH44-00009-00007598-00008343 time again that membership agreements are valid contracts and enforceable XnX4GpMqH44-00010-00008343-00009342 contracts it is not the desire of the nfo to sue the payment of back dues is a XnX4GpMqH44-00011-00009342-00010134 business obligation and we want you not only to pay your back dues but to be a XnX4GpMqH44-00012-00010134-00011046 good NF o-- member but we do have to have the payment of back dues in the XnX4GpMqH44-00013-00011046-00011703 court case in Illinois the members that were sued went together and fought the XnX4GpMqH44-00014-00011703-00012725 case they lost their lawyer at one point in the case stalled the case for XnX4GpMqH44-00015-00012725-00013311 whatever reason he may have had an additional win fo people had to make XnX4GpMqH44-00016-00013311-00013997 trips to Illinois by private plane and this meant XnX4GpMqH44-00017-00013997-00014700 extra costs to the nfo when the judge ruled he rule not only that the members XnX4GpMqH44-00018-00014700-00015258 had to pay their back dues but that they had to pay the extra expense incurred by XnX4GpMqH44-00019-00015258-00016050 the nfo so after the court decision was rendered the sheriff went to the farms XnX4GpMqH44-00020-00016050-00016992 and collected the dues there was an error that happened some way that if XnX4GpMqH44-00021-00016992-00017868 they did not include the additional charges and costs that the nfo had had XnX4GpMqH44-00022-00017868-00018762 in the case so he made another trip that's the sheriff and got the rest of XnX4GpMqH44-00023-00018762-00019679 the money this is not good for anybody it is not a businesslike way to do it XnX4GpMqH44-00024-00019679-00020529 but we have to follow the procedure because we're trying to help farmers it XnX4GpMqH44-00025-00020529-00021170 takes money to do it and then fo as the farmers only hope but really this is XnX4GpMqH44-00026-00021170-00022008 just a business decision a contract is a contract the nfo has one like decisions XnX4GpMqH44-00027-00022008-00023208 in five other states in some cases the nfo has gone to probate court after the XnX4GpMqH44-00028-00023208-00023763 members have passed away and it has been ruled that the dues were payable and XnX4GpMqH44-00029-00023763-00024516 collectible and would have to be paid by the estates in the editorial in the XnX4GpMqH44-00030-00024516-00025622 prairie farmer they spelled out that the dues are going to have to be paid the XnX4GpMqH44-00031-00025622-00026404 big issue of course is that this is a matter of contracts XnX4GpMqH44-00032-00026491-00027199 and it's strictly a matter of contracts sometimes local attorneys get farmers XnX4GpMqH44-00033-00027199-00027697 into an awful lot of problems because they don't understand that a membership XnX4GpMqH44-00034-00027697-00028186 agreement is a contract and that when there is a contract agreed to by both XnX4GpMqH44-00035-00028186-00029008 parties it is enforceable time and time again courts have been very liberal in XnX4GpMqH44-00036-00029008-00029551 their interpretation of membership agreements and the fact that they're XnX4GpMqH44-00037-00029551-00030877 very binding certainly we want to save money for you of the organization to XnX4GpMqH44-00038-00030877-00031594 save time and to save embarrassment we don't want money to have to be spent for XnX4GpMqH44-00039-00031594-00032230 paying a lawyers fees and wasting time so we're here to offer you an XnX4GpMqH44-00040-00032230-00033106 opportunity to pay your dues the staff man will give a written report that he XnX4GpMqH44-00041-00033106-00034230 will file on his visit with you it's strictly business XnX4GpMqH44-00042-00034230-00034956 we must have the dues and we want to do it in a businesslike way