9kWTHyEI4aE-00000-00000050-00000413 mussel soybean paste soup 9kWTHyEI4aE-00001-00000430-00000722 SANGEOIMO 9kWTHyEI4aE-00002-00000756-00000990 mussel 200g 9kWTHyEI4aE-00003-00001284-00001630 boiled mussels 9kWTHyEI4aE-00004-00002806-00003222 mussel-boiled stock 9kWTHyEI4aE-00005-00003222-00003665 Do not add salt when boiling mussels 9kWTHyEI4aE-00006-00005306-00005842 a spoon of soybean paste 9kWTHyEI4aE-00007-00005964-00006530 1/2 spoon chopped garlic 9kWTHyEI4aE-00008-00006648-00007354 1 spoon red pepper 9kWTHyEI4aE-00009-00008958-00009180 It's boiling. 9kWTHyEI4aE-00010-00009282-00009594 Add boiled cabbage 9kWTHyEI4aE-00011-00013540-00013850 Add salt to your taste. 9kWTHyEI4aE-00012-00027333-00028188 Thank you for subscribing 9kaw26ao-jM-00000-00000628-00001164 Sadhguru: You need to understand, life as you know it. 9kaw26ao-jM-00001-00001164-00001562 What you right now call as me is life. 9kaw26ao-jM-00002-00001562-00002236 Maybe right now you are referring to just your personality which is essentially a bundle 9kaw26ao-jM-00003-00002236-00003404 of thoughts, emotions, opinions, ideas and prejudices, of course I am missing out the important thing. 9kaw26ao-jM-00004-00003404-00004098 Leaving that part of your personality if you just refer to this (Referring to oneself) as me, 9kaw26ao-jM-00005-00004098-00005384 essentially you are referring to this life. This life process is me. This life process has not grown, please see. 9kaw26ao-jM-00006-00005384-00005762 It is the same life process. 9kaw26ao-jM-00007-00005762-00006164 If you do not remember the womb, at least you remember 9kaw26ao-jM-00008-00006164-00006750 when you were five, six, seven, eight years of age; 9kaw26ao-jM-00009-00006750-00007614 when the body was that small, it was the same life process. Now it is the same life process. 9kaw26ao-jM-00010-00007614-00008434 It will be the same unless… unless 9kaw26ao-jM-00011-00008434-00009364 you become free from the five elements and then it bursts open into a different possibility. 9kaw26ao-jM-00012-00009364-00010006 This whole terminology of spiritual growth is a false terminology, 9kaw26ao-jM-00013-00010006-00010620 because there is no such thing as spiritual growth. 9kaw26ao-jM-00014-00010620-00011242 Either you explode into another state or you don’t. 9kaw26ao-jM-00015-00011242-00012782 “No, many times I did explode but again I am the same.” That’s because, 9kaw26ao-jM-00016-00012782-00013516 you know during the Diwali time, if you try to light the crackers, 9kaw26ao-jM-00017-00013516-00014082 there are some crackers you light them sch… sch… sch… su… (Laughter). 9kaw26ao-jM-00018-00014082-00014652 You thought they are going to go boom, but they do schscchhh (Laughter)… 9kaw26ao-jM-00019-00014652-00015122 You light them again sch… schkkk (Laughter). 9kaw26ao-jM-00020-00015122-00016108 Then you have to really poke some, just a… a small little, you know, the… 9kaw26ao-jM-00021-00016108-00016814 the incense stick that you are using is not enough; you really have to put something bigger fire inside, 9kaw26ao-jM-00022-00016814-00017316 then they go boom. 9kaw26ao-jM-00023-00017316-00018034 But then you have to be careful because they are going to explode too quick in your face. 9kaw26ao-jM-00024-00018034-00019014 So, your experiences of those moments when you almost exploded is like that, sch… sch… sch… boom… 9kaw26ao-jM-00025-00019014-00019792 “I almost tch, became boundless.” 9kaw26ao-jM-00026-00019792-00020542 I want you to experiment this “almost”. “I almost had my dinner. 9kaw26ao-jM-00027-00020542-00021124 I almost went to the toilet (Laughter). I almost had my breakfast.” 9kaw26ao-jM-00028-00021124-00021676 Please do that for the next three days, “I almost, I almost, I almost,” 9kaw26ao-jM-00029-00021676-00022666 then you will be ready to explode (Laughter) in some way (Laughs). 9kaw26ao-jM-00030-00022666-00023370 So all those things which really matter, either you do it or you don’t do it. 9kaw26ao-jM-00031-00023370-00024364 Spiritual process you almost… you keep on almosting… No! 9kaw26ao-jM-00032-00024364-00024916 So, “How did I become a full-fledged human being?” 9kaw26ao-jM-00033-00024916-00025468 You have not become a full-fledged human being. I am not trying to insult you, 9kaw26ao-jM-00034-00025468-00026372 I am just reminding you you have not become a full-fledged human being. 9kaw26ao-jM-00035-00026372-00027358 A full-fledged human being is too immense to be described. He is not a humbug, a made up thing. 9kaw26ao-jM-00036-00027358-00028008 A full-fledged human being is a phenomena and that will not happen slowly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00037-00028008-00028907 Yes, you have to cultivate it every day for it to explode one day, but it doesn’t happen slowly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00038-00028907-00029924 Slowly you can create the situation, slowly you can create the situation, but explosion is one time 9kaw26ao-jM-00039-00029924-00030364 and even it happens, nobody can miss it. 9kaw26ao-jM-00040-00030364-00031280 Neither you can miss it, nor anybody around you can miss it because it's there to see. 9kaw26ao-jM-00041-00031280-00032283 So how does this little piece of life, these two cells that met in somebody’s womb became 9kaw26ao-jM-00042-00032283-00033244 a meatball to start with, became a life process and now a human being? 9kaw26ao-jM-00043-00033244-00033924 Human being, yes, not a full-fledged human being. No. 9kaw26ao-jM-00044-00033924-00034498 This (Referring to oneself) has to become a full-fledged human being means 9kaw26ao-jM-00045-00034498-00035152 the same things that nurture you, are the same things which bind you. 9kaw26ao-jM-00046-00035152-00036002 The same things which look like the source of your life, are also the limitations upon your life. 9kaw26ao-jM-00047-00036002-00036666 That is why people are so confused as to what to remove and what to keep. 9kaw26ao-jM-00048-00036666-00037600 All the things that you think are the goodies are the baddies too; that’s the problem. 9kaw26ao-jM-00049-00037601-00038322 If it was very simple, goodies were different, baddies were different; very easy to dump the baddies. 9kaw26ao-jM-00050-00038322-00039132 The goodies are baddies, baddies are goodies, that is the problem. 9kaw26ao-jM-00051-00039132-00039884 So you have to dump the goodies and the baddies, or you have to embrace the goodies and the baddies. 9kaw26ao-jM-00052-00039884-00040446 Embracing the goodies and the baddies is very difficult. 9kaw26ao-jM-00053-00040446-00041092 Your life would become very multi-dimensional if you could, but you cannot do that. 9kaw26ao-jM-00054-00041092-00041606 You may pretend to do… do that. 9kaw26ao-jM-00055-00041606-00042686 People’s idea of embracing everything is, they try to paint everything as good and they call themselves saints. 9kaw26ao-jM-00056-00042686-00043140 There is nothing saintly about it. It's quite silly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00057-00043140-00044162 Not being able to see what is what in the world is not saintliness; it's just being silly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00058-00044162-00045152 But it passes off as saintliness. “I see goodness in everything” is not saintly, it is silly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00059-00045152-00045434 (Laughs) Different things are different ways. 9kaw26ao-jM-00060-00045434-00046024 If you don't know how to deal with it, you are just being silly, not being saintly. 9kaw26ao-jM-00061-00046024-00046632 But unfortunately you… it passes off as saintliness. 9kaw26ao-jM-00062-00046632-00047218 Being able to see everything just the way it is and still being able to accept it absolutely 9kaw26ao-jM-00063-00047218-00048024 the way it is, takes a lot. So it's better to keep a little distance from everything. 9kaw26ao-jM-00064-00048024-00048552 Keep small distance; you don’t have to run away; just a little distance from everything. 9kaw26ao-jM-00065-00048552-00049250 You deal with everything but with a little distance. This is a easier way to handle. 9kaw26ao-jM-00066-00049250-00049874 I am not saying it is a better way; it is a good way. I am just saying it's easier way. 9kaw26ao-jM-00067-00049874-00050610 If you like to do it, the more exciting and more difficult way, you’re welcome. 9kaw26ao-jM-00068-00050610-00051024 Only if you have the strength not to break up on the way, 9kaw26ao-jM-00069-00051024-00051544 you attempt that, otherwise it’s better to keep a little distance. 9kaw26ao-jM-00070-00051544-00052001 You look at on everything - it doesn’t matter for me whether it is good or bad, from 9kaw26ao-jM-00071-00052002-00052655 everything I keep a little distance, from everything. 9kaw26ao-jM-00072-00052655-00053176 “Now what is this Sadhguru, just in the beginning, you were talking about love, now 9kaw26ao-jM-00073-00053176-00053933 you are talking about distance?” Only because there is distance, you can love. Please know that. 9kaw26ao-jM-00074-00053934-00054746 If you create anything which is receptive, life will naturally come to it. 9kaw26ao-jM-00075-00054746-00055500 It doesn’t matter who you are; generally a womb is a natural space which has been created with that 9kaw26ao-jM-00076-00055500-00056466 possibility that if a little formation happens there, actually it’s just a meatball at that time. 9kaw26ao-jM-00077-00056466-00057052 It is a very wrong way to, obscene way of referring to you when you were a fetus in your mother’s womb, 9kaw26ao-jM-00078-00057052-00057650 an obscene way of saying it. I am saying it this way because I want you to understand it's just a meatball. 9kaw26ao-jM-00079-00057650-00058117 Even now you are just a meatball; except for the life process that is throbbing within 9kaw26ao-jM-00080-00058117-00058416 you, you are just a meatball, aren’t you? 9kaw26ao-jM-00081-00058416-00058800 Tch, “What is this Sadhguru? 9kaw26ao-jM-00082-00058800-00060000 All these insults - meatball, water body (Few laugh), what else are you going to call us?” 9kaw26ao-jM-00083-00060000-00060650 If the life doesn’t throb within you, you are just a meatball. 9kaw26ao-jM-00084-00060650-00061708 If a tiger walks in right now, he goes for you, he sees you as a meatball, I want you to know (Laughter). 9kaw26ao-jM-00085-00061708-00061929 Yes or no? Meditators: Yes. 9kaw26ao-jM-00086-00061929-00062679 Sadhguru: He doesn’t see you as a possibility for enlightenment. 9kaw26ao-jM-00087-00062679-00063163 He doesn’t see you as some great something. 9kaw26ao-jM-00088-00063163-00063732 He sees you as a meatball, and he will treat you as a meatball and he will make you into a meatball. 9kaw26ao-jM-00089-00063732-00064076 (Laughter). Yes or no? 9kaw26ao-jM-00090-00064076-00064828 If you don’t like it, if you want to experiment, walk into the forest and see (Laughs). 9kaw26ao-jM-00091-00064828-00065810 An elephant may treat you as a football (Laughter) but the tiger will treat you as a meatball. 9kaw26ao-jM-00092-00065810-00066696 Football you are not, some of you are working towards it (Laughter), but you are not a football. 9kaw26ao-jM-00093-00066696-00067560 That’s a wrong perception of the elephant. But tiger’s perception is right; you are a meatball, isn't it? 9kaw26ao-jM-00094-00067560-00068018 So before life entered, you are definitely a meatball. 9kaw26ao-jM-00095-00068018-00068920 But suddenly, suddenly the moment this life entered, suddenly this just meatball 9kaw26ao-jM-00096-00068920-00069782 becomes a live process and a tremendous possibility. A little meatball, what a possibility it's become? 9kaw26ao-jM-00097-00069782-00070290 That be… meatball also became a Buddha, that meatball also became a Krishna, 9kaw26ao-jM-00098-00070290-00070786 that meatball became so many wonderful things on this planet. 9kaw26ao-jM-00099-00070786-00071438 So I want you to understand that today, what you are is not the point. 9kaw26ao-jM-00100-00071438-00072100 If you allow it to function - this process of life (Referring to oneself), if you allow it to burst open, 9kaw26ao-jM-00101-00072100-00072614 then the possibilities are immense. 9kaw26ao-jM-00102-00072614-00073166 Nature has delivered you here to this level of intelligence, 9kaw26ao-jM-00103-00073166-00074116 to this level of capability, to this level of consciousness, free. Total free ride, isn't it? 9kaw26ao-jM-00104-00074116-00075336 From being an amoeba, a single celled micro creature to what you are today - absolute free ride, isn't it so? 9kaw26ao-jM-00105-00075336-00075849 Total free ride… without even you asking for it. 9kaw26ao-jM-00106-00075849-00076719 Here, just here, you are expected to do your own thing, and don’t treat it as a burden. 9kaw26ao-jM-00107-00076720-00077538 It is a privilege that now nature has decided, the creator has decided 9kaw26ao-jM-00108-00077538-00078196 that you are worthy of being given a choice as to how you live. 9kaw26ao-jM-00109-00078196-00079240 This is the greatest privilege that the creator himself has decided that you are worthy of being given the choice 9kaw26ao-jM-00110-00079240-00079944 to be whichever way you want to be please prove your worthiness. Don’t disappoint him. 9kaw26ao-jM-00111-00079944-00080670 Lot of people in the world are depressed simply because of the creator’s work. Isn't it so? 9kaw26ao-jM-00112-00080670-00081070 (Laughs) They are questioning his judgment also. 9kaw26ao-jM-00113-00081070-00081839 That which is the very basis of who you are, that which brought you from being a single-celled micro creature 9kaw26ao-jM-00114-00081840-00082518 to who you are right now, without… unasked it brought you till here, you are questioning the judgment 9kaw26ao-jM-00115-00082518-00083610 of that also. “Why is creation like this, why it is like this? It should have been some other way.” 9kaw26ao-jM-00116-00083610-00084480 This is not intelligence. Don’t ever convince yourself to think this is intelligence. 9kaw26ao-jM-00117-00084480-00084872 This is the height of ignorance. 9kaw26ao-jM-00118-00084872-00085526 The privilege that has been handed over to you that now your life is your own, 9kaw26ao-jM-00119-00085526-00086336 everything is by choice; this moment how you are is your choice. Please enjoy the privilege. 9kaw26ao-jM-00120-00086336-00087774 Please exercise the privilege and only then you can say I am a full-fledged human being. May this happen to you. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00000-00000078-00000648 Rossana and I traveled during the pandemic, everything was quiet and we felt safe 9n-4gtd5BCk-00001-00000648-00001330 Follow tips on how to travel in the pandemic, and don't forget to like this video, 9n-4gtd5BCk-00002-00001330-00001811 subscribe to the channel and click on Tinker Bell to receive notifications of new videos 9n-4gtd5BCk-00003-00001811-00002098 we post 9n-4gtd5BCk-00004-00002098-00002680 Leaving from Alpharetta, it took over 24 hours to reach our destination: Goiânia, capital 9n-4gtd5BCk-00005-00002680-00003045 of the State of Goiás, in the Midwest of Brazil. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00006-00003045-00003450 between changing food the day before you fly, 9n-4gtd5BCk-00007-00003450-00003796 having everything you need on the flight in your on-board luggage 9n-4gtd5BCk-00008-00003796-00003896 and everything. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00009-00003896-00004254 we got ready for this trip at least a week before 9n-4gtd5BCk-00010-00004254-00005367 As soon as we passed security, we went straight to terminal E but there was 9n-4gtd5BCk-00011-00005367-00005926 nothing open there 9n-4gtd5BCk-00012-00005926-00006049 Everything is closed here 9n-4gtd5BCk-00013-00006049-00007195 The terminal is empty, E18 ... there is no open restaurant. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00014-00007195-00007793 We then proceed to terminal D where we CAN have a beer and have a meal before 9n-4gtd5BCk-00015-00007793-00008079 the flight. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00016-00008079-00008689 So here's an important tip to ask the check-in agent, what are the options 9n-4gtd5BCk-00017-00008689-00008839 inside the terminals? 9n-4gtd5BCk-00018-00008839-00010569 Look, there's the outside ... 9n-4gtd5BCk-00019-00010569-00011206 Time to prepare and organize the stuff for the flight 9n-4gtd5BCk-00020-00011206-00011476 Remember to take photos to document the moment 9n-4gtd5BCk-00021-00011476-00011917 Rossana: I cut you, come later 9n-4gtd5BCk-00022-00011917-00012464 If you are a user of Google Maps and Google photos you can follow your trip 9n-4gtd5BCk-00023-00012464-00012944 THROUGH the timeline 9n-4gtd5BCk-00024-00012944-00013278 Soon after we went to terminal E 9n-4gtd5BCk-00025-00013278-00014228 The Free shop on this side was closed, if you wanted to buy one thing, it would have to be 9n-4gtd5BCk-00026-00014228-00014569 in terminal D before coming here 9n-4gtd5BCk-00027-00014569-00015665 Don't forget: what to buy here is not part of your Free Shop quota in Brazil 9n-4gtd5BCk-00028-00015665-00016122 As Delta was blocking the central seats of the middle rows, we marked the 9n-4gtd5BCk-00029-00016122-00016782 seat of the left and right side of the centrals and with that we had four seats 9n-4gtd5BCk-00030-00016782-00016882 for both of us 9n-4gtd5BCk-00031-00016882-00018043 My screen was crazy turned on the light changed the channel, called the commissioner and several 9n-4gtd5BCk-00032-00018043-00018677 other things, so I moved to the next seat 9n-4gtd5BCk-00033-00018677-00019034 I was happy with the measurements taken by Delta for our safety 9n-4gtd5BCk-00034-00019034-00020340 Rossana ran out there ahead of time Her flight is now ... I will take 9n-4gtd5BCk-00035-00020340-00020495 a little while 9n-4gtd5BCk-00036-00020495-00021051 Guarulhos airport is quite large and has several options for food and things 9n-4gtd5BCk-00037-00021051-00021151 to do 9n-4gtd5BCk-00038-00021151-00021949 The internet service is free for two hours 9n-4gtd5BCk-00039-00021949-00022479 Another thing to note is that you can only enter the secure area three hours before 9n-4gtd5BCk-00040-00022479-00022633 your flight 9n-4gtd5BCk-00041-00022633-00023080 Some places did not accept my American Express card, but I was able to use the 9n-4gtd5BCk-00042-00023080-00023665 debit card and this happened in several places during my stay in Brazil. Not all 9n-4gtd5BCk-00043-00023665-00024147 cards are accepted at merchants so take a credit card that does not 9n-4gtd5BCk-00044-00024147-00024726 have an international rate or debit card and always carry cash. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00045-00024726-00025243 One more warning: Pay close attention to your boarding gate can change at 9n-4gtd5BCk-00046-00025243-00025343 any time 9n-4gtd5BCk-00047-00025343-00026506 I like to remember that much of Brazil the use of masks is required 9n-4gtd5BCk-00048-00026506-00027187 Supermarkets and shopping centers are CHECKING The temperature and also forcing the use of the 9n-4gtd5BCk-00049-00027187-00027287 mask 9n-4gtd5BCk-00050-00027287-00027387 Not all cards are accepted in the establishments so take the credit card that does not 9n-4gtd5BCk-00051-00027387-00027487 have the international rate the debit card and always carry cash (THIS PART IS 9n-4gtd5BCk-00052-00027487-00027587 ALONG WITH THE 4th PARAGRAPH ABOVE) 9n-4gtd5BCk-00053-00027587-00027992 Check your reservation periodically for changes that may happen 9n-4gtd5BCk-00054-00027992-00028835 My flights have been canceled several times 9n-4gtd5BCk-00055-00028835-00029198 Now I remembered why it is important to have a travel agent 9n-4gtd5BCk-00056-00029198-00030043 And here I go to Viracopos 9n-4gtd5BCk-00057-00030043-00030679 This leg of the trip is more tiring together with the anxiety of coming home 9n-4gtd5BCk-00058-00030679-00031344 When arriving in Viracopos, coming from Goiânia, remember that the area international only opens 9n-4gtd5BCk-00059-00031344-00031813 three hours before the flight I should have stayed inside the domestic area 9n-4gtd5BCk-00060-00031813-00033335 Disembarkation and Arrivals, international connection pier A, domestic connection p ere B interesting 9n-4gtd5BCk-00061-00033335-00034365 So the tip is if you are going to make this connection from Goiânia to Fort Lauderdale de Viracopos 9n-4gtd5BCk-00062-00034365-00035375 and take a flight very early my flight was at 2:20 pm I arrived that 3:40 pm, more or less what happened 9n-4gtd5BCk-00063-00035375-00035475 was the following 9n-4gtd5BCk-00064-00035475-00036275 I left the domestic area to the hall main airport that is right here to enter 9n-4gtd5BCk-00065-00036275-00036743 the International area at the time I arrived in the international area only opens three hours 9n-4gtd5BCk-00066-00036743-00037082 before the flight, so now they are taking a flight from Lisbon 9n-4gtd5BCk-00067-00037082-00037376 so I will stay outside 9n-4gtd5BCk-00068-00037376-00037637 Outside there is even one nice little place has this cafe and two other cafes there 9n-4gtd5BCk-00069-00037637-00038741 but the options are very little food and everything else so I should have stayed there 9n-4gtd5BCk-00070-00038741-00039718 at the domestic until about 6:30 or 7 am, the time to open the International and then enter 9n-4gtd5BCk-00071-00039718-00039818 international 9n-4gtd5BCk-00072-00039818-00040379 Ie, I would leave the domestic at this time around seven to enter the international 9n-4gtd5BCk-00073-00040379-00040739 And I don't know what the international options are I will look there now 9n-4gtd5BCk-00074-00040739-00041328 I never flew to this airport so here's a tip if you are going to catch this flight 9n-4gtd5BCk-00075-00041328-00041853 too soon from Goiânia or whatever city you are in. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00076-00041853-00042134 Another tip I'm in Viracopos 9n-4gtd5BCk-00077-00042134-00043961 So I always wanted to say that I'm dizzy in Toronto. I'm turning the glass on Viracopos 9n-4gtd5BCk-00078-00043961-00044945 Viracopos is again Okay continuation inside 9n-4gtd5BCk-00079-00044945-00045544 I entered the International area where there were also only two restaurants open 9n-4gtd5BCk-00080-00045544-00046050 I could go through the duty-free shop and then wait three hours for the flight 9n-4gtd5BCk-00081-00046050-00046638 When the boarding agents showed up I took a break for him to organize and serve 9n-4gtd5BCk-00082-00046638-00046929 the first passengers 9n-4gtd5BCk-00083-00046929-00047531 I went there to talk about doing an upgrade that was $ 320 or changing my seat to a better 9n-4gtd5BCk-00084-00047531-00047900 option 9n-4gtd5BCk-00085-00047900-00048377 I am very grateful to this people who marked me in the middle seat where there was no 9n-4gtd5BCk-00086-00048377-00049176 other passenger and I stayed comfortably throughout the flight 9n-4gtd5BCk-00087-00049176-00049645 Upon landing in the United States for having Global Entry I went through immigration in 9n-4gtd5BCk-00088-00049645-00050344 less than five minutes and after picking up my bags, customs went even faster 9n-4gtd5BCk-00089-00050344-00050901 We landed at Terminal 4 and had to walk to Terminal 1, there was a bus, however, I 9n-4gtd5BCk-00090-00050901-00051163 had missed it for a few seconds 9n-4gtd5BCk-00091-00051163-00051692 My Southwest flight was at one o'clock in the afternoon and upon arriving at check-in I asked the agent to 9n-4gtd5BCk-00092-00051692-00052054 advance my flight but aria many points 9n-4gtd5BCk-00093-00052054-00052560 She then gave me the tip to enter the application to change my ticket and 9n-4gtd5BCk-00094-00052560-00052864 with that I still got 1500 points back 9n-4gtd5BCk-00095-00052864-00053574 The work of air agents has been very difficult with the stress of uncertainty and cut 9n-4gtd5BCk-00096-00053574-00054216 in personnel. At all times I realized that they are doing everything possible to serve passengers well 9n-4gtd5BCk-00097-00054216-00054941 and I am very grateful for that. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00098-00054941-00055501 It was a busy 15 days We 9n-4gtd5BCk-00099-00055501-00056132 celebrated our granddaughter's birthday 9n-4gtd5BCk-00100-00056132-00056514 We also had time to create some Episodes We 9n-4gtd5BCk-00101-00056514-00057004 interviewed Ian Baiocchi, one of the biggest names in world gastronomy today, 9n-4gtd5BCk-00102-00057004-00057175 and some of his ventures 9n-4gtd5BCk-00103-00057175-00057547 I met Grá Bistró AND Grá rooftop 9n-4gtd5BCk-00104-00057547-00058104 We also went to the ice cream parlor Alata that with a regional flair has become yet another 9n-4gtd5BCk-00105-00058104-00058591 tasty 9n-4gtd5BCk-00106-00058591-00058691 tour 9n-4gtd5BCk-00107-00058691-00059925 In Pirenópolis, a historic and tourist town in Goiás, we met with our 9n-4gtd5BCk-00108-00059925-00060443 friend Inaudy, at the Loft Quinta do Rosário, to get to know this project 9n-4gtd5BCk-00109-00060443-00060749 he built. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00110-00060749-00061242 Soon after he took us to see the Parque do Coqueiro, also in “Pirí”, 9n-4gtd5BCk-00111-00061242-00062526 a loving way that everyone calls the city. It is a must-see waterfall complex. 9n-4gtd5BCk-00112-00062526-00063011 Finally, returning to Goiânia, I visited The Rock Steakhouse, a nightclub with a 9n-4gtd5BCk-00113-00063011-00064142 theme about rock and roll and decoration dedicated to the history of rock 9n-4gtd5BCk-00114-00064142-00064604 Wait for the new episodes like this video, subscribe to our channel and click on the bell 9n-4gtd5BCk-00115-00064604-00065015 to receive notification, when our videos are posted aoBfqyaXzdE-00000-00000320-00001113 Chop an onion aoBfqyaXzdE-00001-00001583-00002443 Don't forget to subscribe ;) aoBfqyaXzdE-00002-00002866-00003529 Olive oil aoBfqyaXzdE-00003-00003610-00004256 Add the onion aoBfqyaXzdE-00004-00005123-00005886 4 cloves of garlic aoBfqyaXzdE-00005-00006783-00007426 Paprika aoBfqyaXzdE-00006-00008073-00009173 Add 14 oz / 400 g of tomato sauce aoBfqyaXzdE-00007-00009660-00010720 Salt and pepper aoBfqyaXzdE-00008-00010956-00012010 Pour 2 cups / 500 ml of water aoBfqyaXzdE-00009-00012626-00013553 Bring to a boil aoBfqyaXzdE-00010-00013676-00014703 0.7 lb / 300 g Rigatoni aoBfqyaXzdE-00011-00015183-00016333 Cover and cook for 30 minutes aoBfqyaXzdE-00012-00016593-00017526 Parsley aoBfqyaXzdE-00013-00019316-00020583 Drain two 5 oz / 140 g cans of tuna aoBfqyaXzdE-00014-00022860-00024090 Add the tuna and the parsley aoBfqyaXzdE-00015-00024483-00024816 Oregano aoBfqyaXzdE-00016-00024936-00026156 Four tablespoons of Greek yogurt aoBfqyaXzdE-00017-00026580-00027596 Mix it all together aoBfqyaXzdE-00018-00029136-00029593 Parsley aoBfqyaXzdE-00019-00030070-00031510 I hope you'll like it a688yghQIXc-00000-00000012-00001968 hey it's Jackie and welcome back to my channel I am currently driving to Tampa a688yghQIXc-00001-00001968-00002556 and we are headed to the Taylor Swift heiress tour me and Tyler are so excited and I've been a688yghQIXc-00002-00002556-00002892 getting ready in the car because it was like a three hour drive but we wanted a688yghQIXc-00003-00002892-00003408 to give us a lot of time because parking could be a nightmare but this is my little a688yghQIXc-00004-00003408-00003840 lover heart on my eye I'm gonna Force Tyler to do the same thing Chick-fil-A a688yghQIXc-00005-00003840-00005970 straight to your face a688yghQIXc-00006-00006066-00006930 I'll show you my dress in a minute but I also put a688yghQIXc-00007-00006930-00007236 on these nails and they are perfect for my theme today a688yghQIXc-00008-00007818-00009294 accessories I have this butterfly clutch and then I have these butterfly earrings so I might put a688yghQIXc-00009-00009294-00009714 these on but I also have a pair that remind me of the Bejeweled music video but it's not as on theme a688yghQIXc-00010-00009714-00010644 so I'm still deciding on that and we headed to a um J crew what's it called a bunch of outlets oh a688yghQIXc-00011-00011160-00011904 these are very lover era and I got this really cute bag that reminds me of Vera Bradley but it a688yghQIXc-00012-00011904-00012468 was like way less expensive look how nice it is and I got just comfy shorts and a shirt because I a688yghQIXc-00013-00012468-00012978 forgot to bring anything and we are headed to an Airbnb after this because we are quite far away a688yghQIXc-00014-00013128-00013230 got some cute socks a688yghQIXc-00015-00013950-00014352 we found a sports bar so we're gonna have some dinner I'll do Tyler's makeup and a688yghQIXc-00016-00014352-00014826 check in with you guys then they tastes chocolate Tyler's healthy a688yghQIXc-00017-00015197-00015647 I finally got to toss out my curls in the bathroom there there were so many swifties I a688yghQIXc-00018-00015647-00016194 had a Seltzer like the right amount of a little buzzed okay heart tutorial so I'm gonna do it a688yghQIXc-00019-00016194-00016512 on the opposite side no you don't have to do it on the office yeah so I'm going to take a a688yghQIXc-00020-00016512-00017058 photo we'll both have a heart no but one mile on the right side you said Taylor's did it on the a688yghQIXc-00021-00017058-00017388 right side I don't want to be it's easier for me to do it on this side but this handle okay a688yghQIXc-00022-00018054-00018468 done next I'm gonna use this Kaja a688yghQIXc-00023-00018540-00019164 pink shadow to set it in place so if you get a tutorial you're my model a688yghQIXc-00024-00019398-00019878 the fun part's the glitter everybody loved the glitter in the restaurant oh a688yghQIXc-00025-00019878-00020496 yeah I love it what's that lady saying oh she was very drunk yeah she was drunk yeah a688yghQIXc-00026-00020496-00021162 my breath is in the smell because of that salad in case you kiss Taylor yeah a688yghQIXc-00027-00021276-00021954 no Katy Perry does that okay next I'm using the close to you gel eyeshadow by colourpop I love a688yghQIXc-00028-00021954-00022494 these except they're actually kind of hard to use so I kind of did a chunky effect with them a688yghQIXc-00029-00022494-00022974 I'm going to do the same thing again a little less chunky yet no more chunky it looks good a688yghQIXc-00030-00023280-00023790 Christian don't laugh at me he would do it with Claudia I know he would a688yghQIXc-00031-00024078-00024318 halfway there is no don't judge again a688yghQIXc-00032-00024522-00024930 I gotta get the stickers I want to zoom in so you can see my process more a688yghQIXc-00033-00025320-00025704 so I'm deciding between these two I'm gonna do a poll a688yghQIXc-00034-00025788-00026388 on IG wait and where the where are the winner yeah wow that's what I'll do a688yghQIXc-00035-00026688-00027233 then what's harder with my nails a688yghQIXc-00036-00027786-00028254 oh my God a688yghQIXc-00037-00028560-00029292 tune challenge hell yeah that much more couple I can't do it a688yghQIXc-00038-00029400-00030227 maybe you should do it in the mirror yeah that's good on the dots a688yghQIXc-00039-00030768-00031074 yeah the parking was no problem so now we are headed into the concert a688yghQIXc-00040-00031302-00031374 sparkles a688yghQIXc-00041-00031914-00032940 I'm in a romper and I'm effectively nude in a photo potty a688yghQIXc-00042-00034080-00034284 thank you a688yghQIXc-00043-00036558-00036828 foreign a688yghQIXc-00044-00039732-00040698 thank you a688yghQIXc-00045-00043440-00043540 faith a688yghQIXc-00046-00043728-00043914 in the middle of the guy a688yghQIXc-00047-00048138-00048372 how long was I gone a688yghQIXc-00048-00050472-00050496 foreign a688yghQIXc-00049-00054414-00055086 foreign a688yghQIXc-00050-00055800-00055955 Airbnb on the water a688yghQIXc-00051-00056184-00056910 I'm gonna go cute little kitchen bedroom yeah this is nice enough a688yghQIXc-00052-00057594-00057852 to wash off the makeup a688yghQIXc-00053-00058716-00059310 goodbye little house it's the next morning we're all packed up and we're headed back to St a688yghQIXc-00054-00059310-00060000 Augustine but that concert was incredible I think my favorite was the folklore set and then also a688yghQIXc-00055-00060096-00060336 um midnights of course was super fun at the end a688yghQIXc-00056-00062808-00063270 of all too well 10 minute version, Tyler knows a lot more at Taylor than I expected a688yghQIXc-00057-00063270-00063612 because I don't play all the albums only usually the more recent ones but he knew a688yghQIXc-00058-00063612-00064044 like all the reputation songs so it was just the best time and now we're gonna get a688yghQIXc-00059-00064044-00064674 some breakfast we're both really hungry I have the J.Crew outfit on that I just got let's eat a688yghQIXc-00060-00065040-00066096 good boys good boys I've been posting all the little videos I took on my stories for the Taylor a688yghQIXc-00061-00066096-00066732 concert and like reliving the experience it truly was like such a phenomenal show I can't believe I a688yghQIXc-00062-00066732-00067218 got to go like I feel so lucky and totally believe that I didn't get them roll Clips really hoping I a688yghQIXc-00063-00067218-00067674 get these tickets but my computer looks like it's gonna die and I didn't bring my freaking charger a688yghQIXc-00064-00067758-00068538 laughs five minutes less than one minute 2 000 people are ahead of me a688yghQIXc-00065-00068886-00069552 wow I didn't get my Taylor tickets yeah but we're gonna leave hopefully when home I just a688yghQIXc-00066-00069552-00070044 closed my computer and in defeat I almost exited my tab and Tyler was like no no what a688yghQIXc-00067-00070044-00070446 are you doing just like close your computer and maybe when you get home you'll like miraculously a688yghQIXc-00068-00070446-00070812 be in and that is what happened I opened my computer and it said your session has a688yghQIXc-00069-00070812-00071340 started I picked my two seats and then I was good to go and now my parents are here so I a688yghQIXc-00070-00071340-00071802 just quickly got ready I love this dress did some quick makeup and I'm not doing a688yghQIXc-00071-00071802-00072324 my hair today but we're headed to the Antique store I always go so I wanted to show it to a688yghQIXc-00072-00072324-00072954 my mom let's head out oh and petite Perry we're gonna get some cheese boards foreign a688yghQIXc-00073-00073812-00074166 so I found a new favorite shop this is the candle a688yghQIXc-00074-00074166-00074652 garden and this is a really yummy scent I'll show you a688yghQIXc-00075-00074652-00075180 it's right beside La Petite Paris a688yghQIXc-00076-00075564-00075726 love coming here for a walk a688yghQIXc-00077-00076614-00076692 laughs a688yghQIXc-00078-00076818-00077946 I'll show you guys what I picked up at the antique store for my next Vlog I have some a688yghQIXc-00079-00077946-00078354 home decor updates coming up and I'm also working on recreating Taylor Swift's Our a688yghQIXc-00080-00078354-00078960 Song makeup because that was one of the first makeup tutorials I ever did with my hair undone a688yghQIXc-00081-00078960-00079638 in the front seat of his car he's got a one and feel on the steering wheel the other on a688yghQIXc-00082-00079638-00080370 my heart I look around turn the radio down it says baby is something wrong definitely can do a688yghQIXc-00083-00080370-00080832 it better now maybe I'll put together more eras inspired outfits if you guys want to see that a688yghQIXc-00084-00081150-00081966 you know what oh wow a688yghQIXc-00085-00082230-00082596 if you're wanting to watch another fun Vlog check out my Disney World experience a688yghQIXc-00086-00083556-00084054 and if you want to check out my latest Beauty video I also covered douyin makeup a6a7Ytp1sgo-00000-00000010-00000393 WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8-6 a6a7Ytp1sgo-00001-00000393-00000400 WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8-6 a6a7Ytp1sgo-00002-00000400-00000563 WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8-6 TO 16-1. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00003-00000563-00000570 WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8-6 TO 16-1. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00004-00000570-00000630 WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8-6 TO 16-1. HITTING THE HARDWOOD, CLASS a6a7Ytp1sgo-00005-00000630-00000637 TO 16-1. HITTING THE HARDWOOD, CLASS a6a7Ytp1sgo-00006-00000637-00000707 TO 16-1. HITTING THE HARDWOOD, CLASS THREE A'S SIXTH RANKED GRAND a6a7Ytp1sgo-00007-00000707-00000714 HITTING THE HARDWOOD, CLASS THREE A'S SIXTH RANKED GRAND a6a7Ytp1sgo-00008-00000714-00000780 HITTING THE HARDWOOD, CLASS THREE A'S SIXTH RANKED GRAND RAPIDS TAKING ON AA'S 14TH a6a7Ytp1sgo-00009-00000780-00000787 THREE A'S SIXTH RANKED GRAND RAPIDS TAKING ON AA'S 14TH a6a7Ytp1sgo-00010-00000787-00001044 THREE A'S SIXTH RANKED GRAND RAPIDS TAKING ON AA'S 14TH RANKED ESKO. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00011-00001044-00001051 RAPIDS TAKING ON AA'S 14TH RANKED ESKO. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00012-00001051-00001381 RAPIDS TAKING ON AA'S 14TH RANKED ESKO. EARLY ON THEY GO TO WORK. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00013-00001381-00001388 RANKED ESKO. EARLY ON THEY GO TO WORK. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00014-00001388-00001688 RANKED ESKO. EARLY ON THEY GO TO WORK. HAMMILY FROM HIND THE ARC, THREE a6a7Ytp1sgo-00015-00001688-00001695 EARLY ON THEY GO TO WORK. HAMMILY FROM HIND THE ARC, THREE a6a7Ytp1sgo-00016-00001695-00001828 EARLY ON THEY GO TO WORK. HAMMILY FROM HIND THE ARC, THREE BALL FALLS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00017-00001828-00001835 HAMMILY FROM HIND THE ARC, THREE BALL FALLS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00018-00001835-00002255 HAMMILY FROM HIND THE ARC, THREE BALL FALLS. HERE COME THE ESKIMOS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00019-00002255-00002262 BALL FALLS. HERE COME THE ESKIMOS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00020-00002262-00002462 BALL FALLS. HERE COME THE ESKIMOS. ESKO RECOVERS THE LOOSE MAUL a6a7Ytp1sgo-00021-00002462-00002469 HERE COME THE ESKIMOS. ESKO RECOVERS THE LOOSE MAUL a6a7Ytp1sgo-00022-00002469-00002746 HERE COME THE ESKIMOS. ESKO RECOVERS THE LOOSE MAUL BAWL AND TAKES IT COAST TO COAST a6a7Ytp1sgo-00023-00002746-00002752 ESKO RECOVERS THE LOOSE MAUL BAWL AND TAKES IT COAST TO COAST a6a7Ytp1sgo-00024-00002752-00002926 ESKO RECOVERS THE LOOSE MAUL BAWL AND TAKES IT COAST TO COAST FOR ANOTHER LAYUP. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00025-00002926-00002932 BAWL AND TAKES IT COAST TO COAST FOR ANOTHER LAYUP. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00026-00002932-00003243 BAWL AND TAKES IT COAST TO COAST FOR ANOTHER LAYUP. THEY DRIVE FOR TWO OF THE 13 a6a7Ytp1sgo-00027-00003243-00003249 FOR ANOTHER LAYUP. THEY DRIVE FOR TWO OF THE 13 a6a7Ytp1sgo-00028-00003249-00003276 FOR ANOTHER LAYUP. THEY DRIVE FOR TWO OF THE 13 POINTS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00029-00003276-00003283 THEY DRIVE FOR TWO OF THE 13 POINTS. a6a7Ytp1sgo-00030-00003283-00003356 THEY DRIVE FOR TWO OF THE 13 POINTS. GRAND RAPIDS WINS THIS ONE a7SddBM8tWI-00000-00000000-00000152 Maymun Oʻzbekiston da axbGmpRj7OQ-00000-00000438-00000508 welcome axbGmpRj7OQ-00001-00000508-00000980 Sharon Ramel here. This is an introduction to the transmission axbGmpRj7OQ-00002-00000980-00001680 of the nine rights of the Munay Ki axbGmpRj7OQ-00003-00002566-00002903 let's travel together over the coming weeks axbGmpRj7OQ-00004-00002903-00003303 you will learn a lot about the Munay Ki one week at the time axbGmpRj7OQ-00005-00003303-00003615 or dayto time depending on the pace set by you axbGmpRj7OQ-00006-00003615-00004019 we will plant the seeds that are the nine rites of the Munay Ki axbGmpRj7OQ-00007-00004019-00004412 together we will meditate we will dance we will journal axbGmpRj7OQ-00008-00004412-00004872 and grow the seed right deep within our beings using the fire ceremony axbGmpRj7OQ-00009-00004872-00005569 the peace to you on your path. The nine rights at the Munay Ki axbGmpRj7OQ-00010-00005569-00006026 a transmissions and attunements kept alive and handed down by a lineage axbGmpRj7OQ-00011-00006026-00006390 a Earthkeepers they are the wisdom traditions axbGmpRj7OQ-00012-00006390-00007011 shared by many ancient cultures worldwide, the external form varies from culture to axbGmpRj7OQ-00013-00007011-00007089 culture axbGmpRj7OQ-00014-00007089-00007456 but the essence of the transmission is universal axbGmpRj7OQ-00015-00007456-00007881 what is handed down are transmission for energetic seeds axbGmpRj7OQ-00016-00007881-00008358 that we nurtured within you quicken path to spiritual development axbGmpRj7OQ-00017-00008358-00008482 enlightenment axbGmpRj7OQ-00018-00008482-00008950 a quicken out journey towards new and what we are becoming and axbGmpRj7OQ-00019-00008950-00009318 species. The seeds at the these 9 rites axbGmpRj7OQ-00020-00009318-00009657 can grow within anyone this axbGmpRj7OQ-00021-00009657-00009967 is a human birthright, our path. axbGmpRj7OQ-00022-00009967-00010660 the nine rite are bought to us from the Quero shamans up the Peruvian Andes axbGmpRj7OQ-00023-00010660-00010992 they are a path the fire a powerful axbGmpRj7OQ-00024-00010992-00011525 lightning a fast-track to recognizing at true divine nature axbGmpRj7OQ-00025-00011525-00012052 many have felt to calling from spirit and their awakening to make a difference axbGmpRj7OQ-00026-00012052-00012381 in this world. We as a people axbGmpRj7OQ-00027-00012381-00012849 are on a vision quest living a vision and questing for more axbGmpRj7OQ-00028-00012849-00013519 who we truly can become. I had been receiving the same message from spirit axbGmpRj7OQ-00029-00013519-00013853 the many many moon, arise axbGmpRj7OQ-00030-00013853-00014211 awaken, remember your true self axbGmpRj7OQ-00031-00014211-00014887 as a radiant being of light. All these is a journey in space-time and energy axbGmpRj7OQ-00032-00014887-00015294 as a radiant being of light. This is a key, rocket fuel for this journey axbGmpRj7OQ-00033-00015294-00015826 I invite you to discover the nine right through the Munay Ki axbGmpRj7OQ-00034-00015826-00016172 and engage the quest the deeper broader vision up who axbGmpRj7OQ-00035-00016172-00016672 and what you truly are. By choosing to work with these rights axbGmpRj7OQ-00036-00016672-00016990 you accept fully who you are becoming axbGmpRj7OQ-00037-00016990-00017359 it is an honor to share these rights with you axbGmpRj7OQ-00038-00017359-00017676 and then it will be your honour axbGmpRj7OQ-00039-00017676-00018376 to share them to others. Let the dawn com axbGmpRj7OQ-00040-00018407-00018750 let all the people and all the creatures have peace axbGmpRj7OQ-00041-00018750-00019318 it all things live happily love must not only be between humans axbGmpRj7OQ-00042-00019318-00019868 but between all living things, they said we are the children that the Sun axbGmpRj7OQ-00043-00019868-00020298 we are the children of time and we other travelers in space axbGmpRj7OQ-00044-00020298-00020737 now is the time to go out into the world and spread the light axbGmpRj7OQ-00045-00020737-00021089 sacred flame has been kept for this purpose axbGmpRj7OQ-00046-00021089-00021568 and now the time approaches we knew will be required to love all axbGmpRj7OQ-00047-00021568-00021931 things level world that has gone crazy axbGmpRj7OQ-00048-00021931-00022542 to rebalance the heavens and the for the time love warning has come to pass axbGmpRj7OQ-00049-00022542-00023051 and we do not have long this is the same from the main axbGmpRj7OQ-00050-00023051-00023751 grand elder Don Aleiandro. Now after a brief axbGmpRj7OQ-00051-00023870-00024200 overview up the nine rites as they will unfold axbGmpRj7OQ-00052-00024200-00024564 the first three are commonly known as the foundation rights axbGmpRj7OQ-00053-00024564-00024864 they are the healers rite the bands of power axbGmpRj7OQ-00054-00024864-00025223 and the third in the harmony rite. The first one, the healers rite axbGmpRj7OQ-00055-00025223-00025687 a deep under- current of h ealing will be activated from within our core axbGmpRj7OQ-00056-00025687-00026006 and we get to understand that healing can take place axbGmpRj7OQ-00057-00026006-00026495 out on an etheric level that there's no need for us to invite disease into our axbGmpRj7OQ-00058-00026495-00026616 physical beings axbGmpRj7OQ-00059-00026616-00026938 it awakens their ability to heal ourselves axbGmpRj7OQ-00060-00026938-00027331 and others. Next we move on to the bands of power axbGmpRj7OQ-00061-00027331-00027735 the band to power install the essential protection axbGmpRj7OQ-00062-00027735-00028156 into our luminous energy field it comprises of five axbGmpRj7OQ-00063-00028156-00028466 belts of earth, water, fire, axbGmpRj7OQ-00064-00028466-00028938 light and air, these are woven into our energy field axbGmpRj7OQ-00065-00028938-00029277 and they offer us essential protections axbGmpRj7OQ-00066-00029277-00029591 that help to break down any negative energy axbGmpRj7OQ-00067-00029591-00029953 the coming towards us. The third tie axbGmpRj7OQ-00068-00029953-00030400 the Harmony rite, this assists in you clearing your past axbGmpRj7OQ-00069-00030400-00030752 as the seeds will break down the sludge that has axbGmpRj7OQ-00070-00030752-00031060 collected within your chakras over this axbGmpRj7OQ-00071-00031060-00031531 and former lifetimes. We will go through a chakra alignment axbGmpRj7OQ-00072-00031531-00032169 in order to proceed. axbGmpRj7OQ-00073-00032169-00032558 The second group is commonly called the linage rites axbGmpRj7OQ-00074-00032558-00032961 they are the seers rite, which re-awakens our ability to see the invisible axbGmpRj7OQ-00075-00032961-00033044 world axbGmpRj7OQ-00076-00033044-00033441 of auras and energies, these are available to until around the age of seven seven axbGmpRj7OQ-00077-00033441-00033840 we all freely interacted with spirit but along the way axbGmpRj7OQ-00078-00033840-00034209 life got in the way and we lost that ability. axbGmpRj7OQ-00079-00034209-00034608 We will go through a series of attunements and the rite will enable us axbGmpRj7OQ-00080-00034608-00034783 to once again axbGmpRj7OQ-00081-00034783-00035097 see and be the witness in our lives axbGmpRj7OQ-00082-00035097-00035602 The next is the day keepers right the day keepers are the protectors of our axbGmpRj7OQ-00083-00035602-00035725 mother earth axbGmpRj7OQ-00084-00035725-00036178 and this rite moves to heal the feminine divine within us. axbGmpRj7OQ-00085-00036178-00036522 Next the third at the rights is the wisdom keepers rite axbGmpRj7OQ-00086-00036522-00036878 and with this right we heal the masculine divine axbGmpRj7OQ-00087-00036878-00037336 and we restore our relationship with the heavens and the high mountains axbGmpRj7OQ-00088-00037336-00037844 and as a wisdom keeper it will be your job to protect the ancient teachings axbGmpRj7OQ-00089-00037844-00038544 and a pass them on to others when it comes your turn. axbGmpRj7OQ-00090-00039066-00039491 The last three right are also known as the rites to come axbGmpRj7OQ-00091-00039491-00039930 they had the Earthkeepers rite the Earthkeepers reconnect the the lineage axbGmpRj7OQ-00092-00039930-00040131 of archangels axbGmpRj7OQ-00093-00040131-00040437 who are the guardians of our solar system axbGmpRj7OQ-00094-00040437-00040838 with this right we come to understand that we are responsible for every axbGmpRj7OQ-00095-00040838-00040925 thought axbGmpRj7OQ-00096-00040925-00041377 deed and action and that a single blessing upon another axbGmpRj7OQ-00097-00041377-00041759 can give them peace for seven generations axbGmpRj7OQ-00098-00041759-00042137 we follow along with the star keepers rite which is the rite axbGmpRj7OQ-00099-00042137-00042619 at the time to come it helps us to be responsible with co creators axbGmpRj7OQ-00100-00042619-00043037 for the future and help slow down the aging process axbGmpRj7OQ-00101-00043037-00043487 and we become conscious and responsible members our society axbGmpRj7OQ-00102-00043487-00043840 and the future. Last have the rite axbGmpRj7OQ-00103-00043840-00044247 Creation rite, also called the spirit rite axbGmpRj7OQ-00104-00044247-00044556 with this ritewe understand axbGmpRj7OQ-00105-00044556-00044897 that we have responsibility for all life axbGmpRj7OQ-00106-00044897-00045209 and their we bring into creation axbGmpRj7OQ-00107-00045209-00045581 life the we live. We have responsibility axbGmpRj7OQ-00108-00045581-00045899 for everything from the smallest grain of sand axbGmpRj7OQ-00109-00045899-00046393 to the largest cluster of galaxies we are the custodians axbGmpRj7OQ-00110-00046393-00046802 and we had to treat our life and our planet axbGmpRj7OQ-00111-00046802-00047090 with the greatest amount love and respect azln8Iv7b_k-00000-00000084-00000600 hello here I'd like to pause it an idea for a model Beyond The Big Bang azln8Iv7b_k-00001-00000744-00001308 and I need to preface this by saying I'm not a physicist and I don't have azln8Iv7b_k-00002-00001308-00001800 any schooling Beyond high school so take it with a grain of salt what I say here azln8Iv7b_k-00003-00001944-00002814 but however I'd like to start by saying if you look at the course of the Earth the course the azln8Iv7b_k-00004-00002814-00003515 Earth takes to space as it orbits around the Sun and you ignore the time component or rather azln8Iv7b_k-00005-00003515-00004512 look at it in all times that it essentially be a large cone that spirals through space azln8Iv7b_k-00006-00004710-00005856 and I say that to point out how I started in this thinking more or less that this could essentially azln8Iv7b_k-00007-00005856-00006570 be what black holes are doing that if you were to circle around a black hole you wouldn't azln8Iv7b_k-00008-00006630-00007290 see anything other than the black hole in the center but that these black holes are rather azln8Iv7b_k-00009-00007434-00008130 connected to a larger structure which we could call a mega black hole or something like that and azln8Iv7b_k-00010-00008280-00009120 they're connected to this larger structure through something like cosmic strings so a very small azln8Iv7b_k-00011-00009204-00009822 dimensional essentially a dimension outside of access to us azln8Iv7b_k-00012-00009930-00010686 connecting these particles to the mega structure so if you were to look at azln8Iv7b_k-00013-00010794-00011250 something on the smallest scales which we might have pictured here and these azln8Iv7b_k-00014-00011250-00011946 diagrams are just here to help me represent things not that they're actually relevant but azln8Iv7b_k-00015-00012270-00012888 for to look at this is like one of the cosmic strings of the black hole connecting it in order azln8Iv7b_k-00016-00012888-00013560 to place a particle near that Cosmic string it would essentially funnel out in a way azln8Iv7b_k-00017-00013674-00014069 and it could obtain some sort of Spin and if you were to put azln8Iv7b_k-00018-00014069-00014382 several particles there they might become entangled in this sense azln8Iv7b_k-00019-00014597-00015797 and overall the these structures would lead all the way to the edge of the universe and azln8Iv7b_k-00020-00016013-00016488 not so much that were I don't like to think of it that we're inside of the azln8Iv7b_k-00021-00016488-00017202 black hole but rather the black hole is on the outsides of our universe such as that azln8Iv7b_k-00022-00017340-00017700 it basically encompasses our entire universe azln8Iv7b_k-00023-00017952-00018444 so near the edge of that black hole you might see something like this which would be azln8Iv7b_k-00024-00018510-00019116 charged particles or light what have you and it'd be accelerated constantly azln8Iv7b_k-00025-00019206-00020298 so it'd be highly highly energetic and it will be thrown around as it's sort of thrown inwards azln8Iv7b_k-00026-00020400-00021132 away from the black hole in towards the center of the universe essentially you'd have bits of azln8Iv7b_k-00027-00021132-00022086 it that would kind of percolate into a Zone that looks more like our Observer observable universe azln8Iv7b_k-00028-00022320-00022818 and this is what you could essentially think of as the Big Bang itself azln8Iv7b_k-00029-00022986-00024024 if you think of the unruh effect uh the outside here might be something like the rindler horizon azln8Iv7b_k-00030-00024378-00024450 and azln8Iv7b_k-00031-00024828-00025386 it's about all I want to say so I hope that helps a-tDlTmKTYy-00000-00000000-00000200 WTF Thats Lot aFsaTPT9bFY-00000-00000010-00000063 BRECK WON LAST SEASON'S MATCHUP aFsaTPT9bFY-00001-00000063-00000070 BRECK WON LAST SEASON'S MATCHUP aFsaTPT9bFY-00002-00000070-00000126 BRECK WON LAST SEASON'S MATCHUP 3-2, JUST EIGHT SECONDS INTO aFsaTPT9bFY-00003-00000126-00000133 BRECK WON LAST SEASON'S MATCHUP 3-2, JUST EIGHT SECONDS INTO aFsaTPT9bFY-00004-00000133-00000176 BRECK WON LAST SEASON'S MATCHUP 3-2, JUST EIGHT SECONDS INTO OVERTIME. aFsaTPT9bFY-00005-00000176-00000183 3-2, JUST EIGHT SECONDS INTO OVERTIME. aFsaTPT9bFY-00006-00000183-00000283 3-2, JUST EIGHT SECONDS INTO OVERTIME. >>> THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS aFsaTPT9bFY-00007-00000283-00000290 OVERTIME. >>> THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS aFsaTPT9bFY-00008-00000290-00000390 OVERTIME. >>> THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS IN THE HOMESTRETCH OF THEIR aFsaTPT9bFY-00009-00000390-00000397 >>> THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS IN THE HOMESTRETCH OF THEIR aFsaTPT9bFY-00010-00000397-00000550 >>> THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS IN THE HOMESTRETCH OF THEIR SEASON. aFsaTPT9bFY-00011-00000550-00000557 IN THE HOMESTRETCH OF THEIR SEASON. aFsaTPT9bFY-00012-00000557-00000657 IN THE HOMESTRETCH OF THEIR SEASON. THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY aFsaTPT9bFY-00013-00000657-00000663 SEASON. THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY aFsaTPT9bFY-00014-00000663-00000820 SEASON. THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY FOR HOME ICE, BUT WITH aFsaTPT9bFY-00015-00000820-00000827 THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY FOR HOME ICE, BUT WITH aFsaTPT9bFY-00016-00000827-00001041 THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY FOR HOME ICE, BUT WITH 15th-RANKED BOWLING GREEN ON TAP aFsaTPT9bFY-00017-00001041-00001047 FOR HOME ICE, BUT WITH 15th-RANKED BOWLING GREEN ON TAP aFsaTPT9bFY-00018-00001047-00001201 FOR HOME ICE, BUT WITH 15th-RANKED BOWLING GREEN ON TAP THIS WEEK AND FOURTH-RANKED aFsaTPT9bFY-00019-00001201-00001207 15th-RANKED BOWLING GREEN ON TAP THIS WEEK AND FOURTH-RANKED aFsaTPT9bFY-00020-00001207-00001267 15th-RANKED BOWLING GREEN ON TAP THIS WEEK AND FOURTH-RANKED MINNESOTA STATE NEXT WEEK, aFsaTPT9bFY-00021-00001267-00001274 THIS WEEK AND FOURTH-RANKED MINNESOTA STATE NEXT WEEK, aFsaTPT9bFY-00022-00001274-00001344 THIS WEEK AND FOURTH-RANKED MINNESOTA STATE NEXT WEEK, THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF WORK TO aFsaTPT9bFY-00023-00001344-00001351 MINNESOTA STATE NEXT WEEK, THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF WORK TO aFsaTPT9bFY-00024-00001351-00001698 MINNESOTA STATE NEXT WEEK, THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF WORK TO BE DONE. aFsaTPT9bFY-00025-00001698-00001705 THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF WORK TO BE DONE. aFsaTPT9bFY-00026-00001705-00001865 THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF WORK TO BE DONE. THE FINAL HOME SERIES FOR THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00027-00001865-00001871 BE DONE. THE FINAL HOME SERIES FOR THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00028-00001871-00002182 BE DONE. THE FINAL HOME SERIES FOR THE BEAVERS AS WELL IS A LONG TIME aFsaTPT9bFY-00029-00002182-00002188 THE FINAL HOME SERIES FOR THE BEAVERS AS WELL IS A LONG TIME aFsaTPT9bFY-00030-00002188-00002308 THE FINAL HOME SERIES FOR THE BEAVERS AS WELL IS A LONG TIME ZAMBONI DRIVER, RETIRING AFTER aFsaTPT9bFY-00031-00002308-00002315 BEAVERS AS WELL IS A LONG TIME ZAMBONI DRIVER, RETIRING AFTER aFsaTPT9bFY-00032-00002315-00002519 BEAVERS AS WELL IS A LONG TIME ZAMBONI DRIVER, RETIRING AFTER 45 YEARS, AND RIGHT AT THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00033-00002519-00002525 ZAMBONI DRIVER, RETIRING AFTER 45 YEARS, AND RIGHT AT THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00034-00002525-00002729 ZAMBONI DRIVER, RETIRING AFTER 45 YEARS, AND RIGHT AT THE START, THE BEAVERS GET INTO A aFsaTPT9bFY-00035-00002729-00002736 45 YEARS, AND RIGHT AT THE START, THE BEAVERS GET INTO A aFsaTPT9bFY-00036-00002736-00002759 45 YEARS, AND RIGHT AT THE START, THE BEAVERS GET INTO A HOLE. aFsaTPT9bFY-00037-00002759-00002766 START, THE BEAVERS GET INTO A HOLE. aFsaTPT9bFY-00038-00002766-00002896 START, THE BEAVERS GET INTO A HOLE. MAX JOHNSON PUTS IN THE REBOUND, aFsaTPT9bFY-00039-00002896-00002902 HOLE. MAX JOHNSON PUTS IN THE REBOUND, aFsaTPT9bFY-00040-00002902-00003043 HOLE. MAX JOHNSON PUTS IN THE REBOUND, JUST 26 SECONDS IN. aFsaTPT9bFY-00041-00003043-00003049 MAX JOHNSON PUTS IN THE REBOUND, JUST 26 SECONDS IN. aFsaTPT9bFY-00042-00003049-00003259 MAX JOHNSON PUTS IN THE REBOUND, JUST 26 SECONDS IN. INTO THE SECOND, BOWLING GREEN aFsaTPT9bFY-00043-00003259-00003266 JUST 26 SECONDS IN. INTO THE SECOND, BOWLING GREEN aFsaTPT9bFY-00044-00003266-00003326 JUST 26 SECONDS IN. INTO THE SECOND, BOWLING GREEN ON THE POWER PLAY. aFsaTPT9bFY-00045-00003326-00003333 INTO THE SECOND, BOWLING GREEN ON THE POWER PLAY. aFsaTPT9bFY-00046-00003333-00003623 INTO THE SECOND, BOWLING GREEN ON THE POWER PLAY. WILL CULLEN BURIES IT, FIRST aFsaTPT9bFY-00047-00003623-00003630 ON THE POWER PLAY. WILL CULLEN BURIES IT, FIRST aFsaTPT9bFY-00048-00003630-00003786 ON THE POWER PLAY. WILL CULLEN BURIES IT, FIRST FAILED PENALTY KILL FOR THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00049-00003786-00003793 WILL CULLEN BURIES IT, FIRST FAILED PENALTY KILL FOR THE aFsaTPT9bFY-00050-00003793-00003893 WILL CULLEN BURIES IT, FIRST FAILED PENALTY KILL FOR THE BEAVERS THIS CALENDAR YEAR. aFsaTPT9bFY-00051-00003893-00003900 FAILED PENALTY KILL FOR THE BEAVERS THIS CALENDAR YEAR. aFsaTPT9bFY-00052-00003900-00004217 FAILED PENALTY KILL FOR THE BEAVERS THIS CALENDAR YEAR. IN THE THIRD, THE BEAVERS GET aFsaTPT9bFY-00053-00004217-00004224 BEAVERS THIS CALENDAR YEAR. IN THE THIRD, THE BEAVERS GET aFsaTPT9bFY-00054-00004224-00004461 BEAVERS THIS CALENDAR YEAR. IN THE THIRD, THE BEAVERS GET ONE BACK, THE TWO ON ONE, HE aFsaTPT9bFY-00055-00004461-00004467 IN THE THIRD, THE BEAVERS GET ONE BACK, THE TWO ON ONE, HE aFsaTPT9bFY-00056-00004467-00004581 IN THE THIRD, THE BEAVERS GET ONE BACK, THE TWO ON ONE, HE GETS HIS SIXTH OF THE YEAR. aHZD0u0NGkY-00000-00000083-00000475 [music] aHZD0u0NGkY-00001-00000475-00000821 Here at Woodland Hills, we provide care to moms who are aHZD0u0NGkY-00002-00000821-00001343 healthy and expecting their uneventful first or second child aHZD0u0NGkY-00003-00001343-00001668 to moms who come in with challenges throughout their aHZD0u0NGkY-00004-00001668-00002010 pregnancy or having some additional medical conditions. aHZD0u0NGkY-00005-00002010-00002310 [music] aHZD0u0NGkY-00006-00002565-00002761 If we as nurses are afraid to talk to the doctors, aHZD0u0NGkY-00007-00002761-00003044 then we're not communicating key pieces to their care, aHZD0u0NGkY-00008-00003044-00003303 so that is very important to patient safety. aHZD0u0NGkY-00009-00003303-00003536 Twice a day, we do have board reports. aHZD0u0NGkY-00010-00003536-00003803 It's the charge nurse, the physicians, aHZD0u0NGkY-00011-00003803-00004104 the midwives and the nurses. aHZD0u0NGkY-00012-00004104-00004287 It really gives us a chance to go through the patients aHZD0u0NGkY-00013-00004287-00004667 in depth and it ensures that whatever information that team aHZD0u0NGkY-00014-00004667-00005017 that's leaving is relayed to the new team. aHZD0u0NGkY-00015-00005017-00005221 There's no one person that leads it. aHZD0u0NGkY-00016-00005221-00005459 Everybody has a voice. aHZD0u0NGkY-00017-00005459-00005697 We have something called the morning huddle. aHZD0u0NGkY-00018-00005697-00006039 It includes the ward clerks, the scrub techs, aHZD0u0NGkY-00019-00006039-00006327 the charge nurses and the oncoming staff. aHZD0u0NGkY-00020-00006327-00006619 And then it includes the outgoing charge nurse. aHZD0u0NGkY-00021-00006619-00006806 We do safety checks. aHZD0u0NGkY-00022-00006806-00007090 We make sure that the I.D. band is correct, aHZD0u0NGkY-00023-00007090-00007248 the patient care plan is correct. aHZD0u0NGkY-00024-00007248-00007407 We check all the I.V. lines. aHZD0u0NGkY-00025-00007407-00007615 We do it at the bedside so the patient can chime in aHZD0u0NGkY-00026-00007615-00007849 if there's anything that they want to add. aHZD0u0NGkY-00027-00007849-00008154 The Getting to Know You cards are basically an ice breaker aHZD0u0NGkY-00028-00008154-00008308 for the patient and the nurse. aHZD0u0NGkY-00029-00008308-00008650 It provides information such as if they have children at home, aHZD0u0NGkY-00030-00008650-00008929 and it just provides a conversation piece for the nurse aHZD0u0NGkY-00031-00008929-00009163 and the patient. aHZD0u0NGkY-00032-00009163-00009413 The Care Board is basically a snapshot of the patient's aHZD0u0NGkY-00033-00009413-00009601 care team for the day. aHZD0u0NGkY-00034-00009601-00010097 Nurses have a great input in what information they feel aHZD0u0NGkY-00035-00010097-00010331 pertinent to be on that board. aHZD0u0NGkY-00036-00010331-00010635 It's very important for the patient to know what's going on aHZD0u0NGkY-00037-00010635-00010990 in her care so that she can give her input. aHZD0u0NGkY-00038-00010990-00011290 [music] aHZD0u0NGkY-00039-00011695-00011999 Our relationship with our physicians is very unique. aHZD0u0NGkY-00040-00011999-00012349 We can talk to them very easily, and we can give them aHZD0u0NGkY-00041-00012349-00012475 our opinions. aHZD0u0NGkY-00042-00012475-00012704 They're very open to hear us. aHZD0u0NGkY-00043-00012704-00012996 The nursing team here is amazing. aHZD0u0NGkY-00044-00012996-00013313 They really care about the patients and that really shows. aHZD0u0NGkY-00045-00013313-00013613 The way that the nurses and the physicians and the midwives aHZD0u0NGkY-00046-00013613-00014055 all work together, really provides the best care we can. aHZD0u0NGkY-00047-00014055-00014456 [music] aMvNHVt-2xc-00000-00004745-00005150 bear paws corrupted dungeon aQuSR-gKiV4-00000-00000049-00000180 Kathryn Erbe: Oh my gosh! aQuSR-gKiV4-00001-00000307-00000411 Tonya Pinkins: Is that a baby? Where's the baby? aQuSR-gKiV4-00002-00000642-00000837 Luba Mason: Oh my God! Cherryl had a baby! aQuSR-gKiV4-00003-00000871-00001085 - Aquaila Barnes: Yes. - Luba: Oh my God! aQuSR-gKiV4-00004-00001280-00001429 You made a movie and a baby. aQuSR-gKiV4-00005-00002563-00002717 Luba Mason: I don't remember she was pregnant. aQuSR-gKiV4-00006-00002930-00003157 Tonya Pinkins: Keep another secret from me, she didn't want me to know. aQuSR-gKiV4-00007-00003530-00003794 Luba: What is her name, or his name? aQuSR-gKiV4-00008-00004044-00004374 Cherryl Davis: His name is Prince Antoine. Yes, two first names. aQuSR-gKiV4-00009-00004850-00005007 Kathryn Erbe: He is beautiful. aQuSR-gKiV4-00010-00005362-00005689 Tonya Pinkins: Hi Minji Kang, none of you have met Minji who's our editor. aQuSR-gKiV4-00011-00005689-00005894 I was with her in South Korea. aQuSR-gKiV4-00012-00005894-00005967 Aquaila: Hello Minji. aQuSR-gKiV4-00013-00006000-00006142 Tonya: Minji get a little light in there! aQuSR-gKiV4-00014-00006198-00006305 Minji Kang: Hi everyone! aQuSR-gKiV4-00015-00006479-00006518 Rubén Blades: How are you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00016-00006582-00006834 - Great job. - Beautiful work, Minji. aQuSR-gKiV4-00017-00006834-00006912 - Yeah beautiful. aQuSR-gKiV4-00018-00006979-00007074 - Great job. - Amazing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00019-00007099-00007285 Luba: Tonya, congratulations my dear! aQuSR-gKiV4-00020-00007343-00007511 Congratulations all of you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00021-00007577-00008073 - I applaud you so, so much. - We applaud you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00022-00008106-00008215 Wow wow wow! aQuSR-gKiV4-00023-00008260-00008535 I applaud all of you for playing with me. aQuSR-gKiV4-00024-00008620-00008829 You know, we did a miracle! aQuSR-gKiV4-00025-00008907-00009173 Congratulations, really congratulations! aQuSR-gKiV4-00026-00009242-00009474 Luba: Beautiful, beautiful work. aQuSR-gKiV4-00027-00009590-00009787 Rubén Blades: It's incredible that you made a movie at all. aQuSR-gKiV4-00028-00010344-00010561 - We watched it yesterday. - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00029-00010598-00010878 And in what I was... like, you know aQuSR-gKiV4-00030-00010950-00011353 I mean, when you really think about the time you had to do this. aQuSR-gKiV4-00031-00011353-00011420 Luba: Oh my God. aQuSR-gKiV4-00032-00011426-00011528 Kathryn: Oh my God. aQuSR-gKiV4-00033-00011557-00011915 And the little amount that you have to do this aQuSR-gKiV4-00034-00012014-00012227 and you end up with a movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-00035-00012333-00012472 And this is your first time. aQuSR-gKiV4-00036-00012517-00012776 Luba: Wow, wow, wow. aQuSR-gKiV4-00037-00012802-00012891 Kim: That's amazing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00038-00012891-00013268 - That in itself is a huge achievement. - It really is, it's huge. aQuSR-gKiV4-00039-00013270-00013433 The good thing about you with this movie aQuSR-gKiV4-00040-00013433-00013779 is that people are going to have to see it like 10 times to understand. aQuSR-gKiV4-00041-00013779-00014527 [Laugter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00042-00014630-00014801 - We just saw it and we want to see again. aQuSR-gKiV4-00043-00014801-00014901 Robin Guthridge: I saw it and I want to see it again. aQuSR-gKiV4-00044-00014931-00015034 Luba: I want to see it again. aQuSR-gKiV4-00045-00015034-00015245 Did you read what Coleman wrote? aQuSR-gKiV4-00046-00015340-00015391 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00047-00015547-00016045 Coleman sent me an email, he said like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00048-00016092-00016321 I'm not going to comment on it, because I'm still processing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00049-00016572-00016748 I said, Coleman you'll not be the only one. aQuSR-gKiV4-00050-00016843-00017187 There's so much symbolism, there's so much symbolism. aQuSR-gKiV4-00051-00017296-00017462 And it's really astonishing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00052-00017462-00017722 You know, I told Luba, do you know that movie, The Wicker Man? aQuSR-gKiV4-00053-00017785-00017835 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00054-00018015-00018230 - It sort of reminded me... - I don't know that one. aQuSR-gKiV4-00055-00018261-00018741 Yeah, it's an old movie, it's from the 70s, I think that movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-00056-00018741-00018983 There were two made, but I'm talking about the first one aQuSR-gKiV4-00057-00019038-00019358 with Christopher Lee, I think, was in it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00058-00019422-00019541 And it's a movie that it's... aQuSR-gKiV4-00059-00019635-00020126 there were some things that make me make the connection. aQuSR-gKiV4-00060-00020126-00020466 But it has that kind of feel to it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00061-00020488-00020652 - Yeah that eerie feel to it, exactly. aQuSR-gKiV4-00062-00020720-00020794 Rubén: It's a connection. aQuSR-gKiV4-00063-00020794-00021359 It's a very strange unsettling type of situation aQuSR-gKiV4-00064-00021359-00021686 that permeates the whole production here. aQuSR-gKiV4-00065-00021686-00021808 So you managed to do that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00066-00021808-00022083 - The editor was really good. - Excellent. aQuSR-gKiV4-00067-00022083-00022220 - Very good. - Really nice. aQuSR-gKiV4-00068-00022336-00022427 With what she did. aQuSR-gKiV4-00069-00022427-00022671 The other thing, Tonya, you can also send aQuSR-gKiV4-00070-00022671-00023194 the first like five minutes, maybe to Virginia to the tourism sector. aQuSR-gKiV4-00071-00023252-00023372 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00072-00023703-00023983 In spite of all the racism and stuff come and see Virginia aQuSR-gKiV4-00073-00024446-00024768 I mean, I think I dropped this as panelists earlier, aQuSR-gKiV4-00074-00024768-00024973 before we could figure out the cameras, aQuSR-gKiV4-00075-00025001-00025273 and, you know, I think it was Greg, aQuSR-gKiV4-00076-00025273-00025467 who was saying this was like a really good testament aQuSR-gKiV4-00077-00025467-00025872 to how black women and people of color are dealing with things aQuSR-gKiV4-00078-00025872-00026004 and it stays till now. aQuSR-gKiV4-00079-00026074-00026373 But it's really for everyone because you forget that aQuSR-gKiV4-00080-00026395-00026545 if you get too comfortable, aQuSR-gKiV4-00081-00026586-00026758 you forget that there's a lot of moving parts aQuSR-gKiV4-00082-00026758-00027210 that are not for unity, not for like health and wellness aQuSR-gKiV4-00083-00027210-00027476 and you know us progressing and heeling wounds aQuSR-gKiV4-00084-00027476-00027691 that are like violent and, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00085-00027691-00027874 are not doing what they say they're going to do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00086-00027874-00028062 I know for me, you know, we're... aQuSR-gKiV4-00087-00028062-00028340 I feel like I woked really hard to vote for Biden. aQuSR-gKiV4-00088-00028400-00028793 And it's not even two, three days, passed 100 days, aQuSR-gKiV4-00089-00028835-00029178 and I am just like floored right now about what's happening. aQuSR-gKiV4-00090-00029178-00029391 So you always have to kind of stay on your toes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00091-00029414-00029675 And this will be makes me remember that I have to stay aQuSR-gKiV4-00092-00029675-00029873 aware of what's happening around me. aQuSR-gKiV4-00093-00029914-00029965 Do you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-00094-00030154-00030268 Tonya: Yeah, we do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00095-00030337-00030527 Kim: Yes, always. aQuSR-gKiV4-00096-00030556-00030727 Tonya: What were some of your surprising? aQuSR-gKiV4-00097-00030727-00030890 Did anything surprise you about it? aQuSR-gKiV4-00098-00031007-00031140 Rubén Blades: Were you talking to everybody? aQuSR-gKiV4-00099-00031199-00031437 Tonya: Yeah, I mean was there anything... aQuSR-gKiV4-00100-00031437-00031629 Rubén Blades: What surprised was it was made at all aQuSR-gKiV4-00101-00031629-00031862 I mean it was like the first surprise, aQuSR-gKiV4-00102-00031862-00032026 the second thing is that I think that aQuSR-gKiV4-00103-00032026-00032363 I mean, I've worked in a lot of movies aQuSR-gKiV4-00104-00032434-00032849 and I tell you that is not an easy thing to do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00105-00032849-00033015 I mean, I've seen big production, aQuSR-gKiV4-00106-00033015-00033164 I've been in a lot of accidents aQuSR-gKiV4-00107-00033248-00033521 that were like very expensive accidents, aQuSR-gKiV4-00108-00033588-00033910 you know, and when I analyze what you've done, aQuSR-gKiV4-00109-00033974-00034126 in the time that you did it, aQuSR-gKiV4-00110-00034154-00034357 and with the message that you incorporated, aQuSR-gKiV4-00111-00034357-00034590 another cat that's coming in to say hello. aQuSR-gKiV4-00112-00034645-00034920 You should do what cats do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00113-00034959-00035398 So the fact that you did all these things aQuSR-gKiV4-00114-00035476-00035782 was astonishing to me, I mean... aQuSR-gKiV4-00115-00035782-00036120 I know you're talented but that's not enough. aQuSR-gKiV4-00116-00036212-00036435 You have to put all pieces together aQuSR-gKiV4-00117-00036435-00036626 and that's not an easy thing to do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00118-00036670-00037037 So it surprised me that with such little time, aQuSR-gKiV4-00119-00037161-00037448 in such a small margin for error. aQuSR-gKiV4-00120-00037517-00037556 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00121-00037596-00037968 This happened at all and thanks to everybody who was involved. aQuSR-gKiV4-00122-00037968-00038056 Luba: Oh god yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00123-00038082-00038361 Tonya: Yeah, I couldn't have done it without amazing actors like you guys aQuSR-gKiV4-00124-00038361-00038671 because I could say we're gonna shoot 14 pages in right now aQuSR-gKiV4-00125-00038671-00038831 and you need to memorize them all. aQuSR-gKiV4-00126-00038831-00038979 Because we're gonna shoot it straight through. aQuSR-gKiV4-00127-00039036-00039156 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00128-00039361-00039517 Luba: Adesola, hello! aQuSR-gKiV4-00129-00039566-00039847 Adesola: Hi, good to see you everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-00130-00039882-00039959 Jake O'Flaherty: Adesolaaa. aQuSR-gKiV4-00131-00040000-00040181 - Hey Adesola, how are you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00132-00040215-00040426 Adesola: I'm good, Stephen how are you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00133-00041866-00042111 Luba: And Maija, hello! aQuSR-gKiV4-00134-00042136-00042257 - Hello Maija and Miles aQuSR-gKiV4-00135-00042527-00042685 Jake: See everybody's face. aQuSR-gKiV4-00136-00042772-00042839 Hi Aquaila. aQuSR-gKiV4-00137-00042918-00042992 Aquaila: Hello! aQuSR-gKiV4-00138-00043713-00043930 Was it 10 days, is that right Tonya? aQuSR-gKiV4-00139-00044030-00044333 Tonya: We shot in 10 days with the main cast aQuSR-gKiV4-00140-00044365-00044525 and there was one day that was thrown aQuSR-gKiV4-00141-00044555-00044702 and we had one reshoot day aQuSR-gKiV4-00142-00044745-00045139 and then one day that was just me that kind of got messed up aQuSR-gKiV4-00143-00045139-00045373 because our camera truck didn't come that day. aQuSR-gKiV4-00144-00045539-00045644 Rubén Blades: We had a camera truck? aQuSR-gKiV4-00145-00045744-00045864 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00146-00046068-00046125 Rubén: Oh my god! aQuSR-gKiV4-00147-00046125-00046305 Tonya: John Hudak brought his camera truck aQuSR-gKiV4-00148-00046444-00046546 Rubén: That's like big time. aQuSR-gKiV4-00149-00047285-00047386 Catherine: It was shot so beautifully aQuSR-gKiV4-00150-00047469-00047591 Rubén: You say was. aQuSR-gKiV4-00151-00047711-00047769 Catherine: It was fabulous. aQuSR-gKiV4-00152-00047912-00048094 Luba: Who is talking? I don't even see. aQuSR-gKiV4-00153-00048124-00048220 Rubén: Cathy. aQuSR-gKiV4-00154-00048342-00048664 Catherine: The whole movie is beautiful and it's extraordinary aQuSR-gKiV4-00155-00048664-00048969 and so sad and so terrifying. aQuSR-gKiV4-00156-00049296-00049371 Rubén: You were scary. aQuSR-gKiV4-00157-00049623-00049723 Rubén: You were really scary. aQuSR-gKiV4-00158-00050000-00050140 Catherine: Scary, like there's such a heavy... aQuSR-gKiV4-00159-00050234-00050548 it's a very heavy message and it's very resonant. aQuSR-gKiV4-00160-00050576-00050842 You know, I felt the message to be very resonant. aQuSR-gKiV4-00161-00050967-00051272 Luba: You know what, it was also very intelligent, aQuSR-gKiV4-00162-00051359-00051776 I mean you're... for this horror movie to happen aQuSR-gKiV4-00163-00051815-00052537 and you had written in so many different symbolic dialogue aQuSR-gKiV4-00164-00052630-00052803 that just really made you think aQuSR-gKiV4-00165-00052837-00053039 and it kind of like stopped you in your tracks aQuSR-gKiV4-00166-00053081-00053208 about what was going on. aQuSR-gKiV4-00167-00053447-00053549 - Yeah I love that too. aQuSR-gKiV4-00168-00053651-00053848 Shamika Cotton is here in the room aQuSR-gKiV4-00169-00053848-00054175 and she wants to know how long it took me to write it aQuSR-gKiV4-00170-00054195-00054323 and it wrote itself pretty fast aQuSR-gKiV4-00171-00054323-00054762 it was, you know, I mean from the time I thought about it aQuSR-gKiV4-00172-00054762-00054889 to the time it was written. aQuSR-gKiV4-00173-00054920-00055157 It was probably about a month aQuSR-gKiV4-00174-00055157-00055403 from when Kim and I had the conversation at her house, aQuSR-gKiV4-00175-00055403-00055617 she invited me to her country house aQuSR-gKiV4-00176-00055617-00055884 We shot at her house, she's in it right now. aQuSR-gKiV4-00177-00055933-00056061 She doesn't like horror movies aQuSR-gKiV4-00178-00056061-00056323 and I've now made her country house a place she doesn't enjoy. aQuSR-gKiV4-00179-00056387-00056485 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00180-00056485-00056693 It was about a month from when we had the conversation aQuSR-gKiV4-00181-00056693-00057021 to when I had written the script and then a month later we were shooting. aQuSR-gKiV4-00182-00057068-00057207 Yeah about two months later we were shooting. aQuSR-gKiV4-00183-00057276-00057332 - That's amazing! aQuSR-gKiV4-00184-00057443-00057540 And Tonya, I want you to know aQuSR-gKiV4-00185-00057591-00057858 I'm actually in the city now, but I want you to know aQuSR-gKiV4-00186-00057858-00058129 that every now and then I move furniture aQuSR-gKiV4-00187-00058129-00058279 and there's a splatter of blood. aQuSR-gKiV4-00188-00058316-00058500 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00189-00058806-00058896 And then I remember the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-00190-00059320-00059726 Rubén: It must me, because everybody else got burned or hung. aQuSR-gKiV4-00191-00059749-00059869 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00192-00060218-00060321 Kiara: I want to pop in aQuSR-gKiV4-00193-00060352-00060519 because I'm supposed to be moderating, aQuSR-gKiV4-00194-00060519-00060714 but you guys don't need me, I could sit back out, aQuSR-gKiV4-00195-00060714-00060902 you guys did a great job of hanging out. aQuSR-gKiV4-00196-00060944-00061133 Rubén: No, no, no.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00197-00061199-00061585 Tonya: She's an amazing producer, director, and filmmaker as well. aQuSR-gKiV4-00198-00061755-00062012 Kiara: First of all, I just want to congratulate all of you on the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-00199-00062032-00062329 and I hear you all congratulate Tonya on getting the film done. aQuSR-gKiV4-00200-00062329-00062847 It is a remarkable feat, there are so many projects that do not get finished, aQuSR-gKiV4-00201-00062882-00063091 they get started, maybe they get shot, aQuSR-gKiV4-00202-00063091-00063216 they get halfway through edit, aQuSR-gKiV4-00203-00063238-00063532 they get something and you never, you never see anything. aQuSR-gKiV4-00204-00063591-00064102 And the fact that we're here talking about a piece of cinematic work aQuSR-gKiV4-00205-00064102-00064551 that we can discuss together is monumentous. aQuSR-gKiV4-00206-00064582-00064644 It is huge. aQuSR-gKiV4-00207-00064644-00064863 And I just want to take a second to applaud aQuSR-gKiV4-00208-00064863-00065171 her and all of you and everyone who contributed to the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-00209-00065235-00065585 because this was clearly a team effort that made it happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00210-00065585-00065950 But it would not have happened without the leadership of Tonya Pinkins aQuSR-gKiV4-00211-00065950-00066151 and the visionary leadership of Tonya Pinkins. aQuSR-gKiV4-00212-00066174-00066483 So I just want to celebrate that for a second. aQuSR-gKiV4-00213-00066517-00066752 I've been on the other side a lot of times where I'm going aQuSR-gKiV4-00214-00066802-00066974 Didn't really make a movie? aQuSR-gKiV4-00215-00067011-00067116 Didn't we shoot? aQuSR-gKiV4-00216-00067206-00067391 What happened to that thing? aQuSR-gKiV4-00217-00067515-00067907 So, Tonya, most people here had a chance to see the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-00218-00067939-00068210 And I remember conversations that we had early on aQuSR-gKiV4-00219-00068242-00068524 about sort of this project and what you want to do with it, aQuSR-gKiV4-00220-00068524-00068808 but I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk to folks about, aQuSR-gKiV4-00221-00068808-00069124 like, what the horror genre means to you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00222-00069124-00069387 Like, you know, when you say because I would hear you say, aQuSR-gKiV4-00223-00069387-00069605 oh, this is not a horror person. aQuSR-gKiV4-00224-00069605-00069777 And this person doesn't understand horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-00225-00069819-00069954 What is horror to you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00226-00070104-00070413 Tonya: I mean, horror for me is very relaxing and fun. aQuSR-gKiV4-00227-00070413-00070891 But it is the state where you can talk about things in a real way that, aQuSR-gKiV4-00228-00070891-00071182 you know, if you put it in a drama, aQuSR-gKiV4-00229-00071260-00071333 sometimes you can't. aQuSR-gKiV4-00230-00071358-00071566 I mean, when I wrote this script, aQuSR-gKiV4-00231-00071566-00071803 people thought it would be far fetched and extreme. aQuSR-gKiV4-00232-00071883-00072185 And I think had we come out in march as we planned to? aQuSR-gKiV4-00233-00072218-00072535 People would have dismissed it as far fetched and extreme, aQuSR-gKiV4-00234-00072583-00073104 so that it has come out after all of that has actually happened in reality. aQuSR-gKiV4-00235-00073198-00073572 I think that, you know, some of our writers who we think of it like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00236-00073624-00073740 they're prophetic. aQuSR-gKiV4-00237-00073782-00073955 They're just seeing the patterns. aQuSR-gKiV4-00238-00073955-00074294 And because sometimes I would talk to people about what I had seen, aQuSR-gKiV4-00239-00074327-00074663 and they treat me like I had two heads or treat me with contempt. aQuSR-gKiV4-00240-00074705-00074930 I was just like, there's no point in telling people what I see. aQuSR-gKiV4-00241-00074966-00075271 I'm going to put it in a movie, and I want it to be fun. aQuSR-gKiV4-00242-00075354-00075567 And I want it to be smart, because I'm smart. aQuSR-gKiV4-00243-00075567-00075860 And I need you know, my entertainment to be smart so. aQuSR-gKiV4-00244-00075963-00076027 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00245-00076027-00076256 I felt like I needed the movie that I would want to see. aQuSR-gKiV4-00246-00076302-00076382 And I feel like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00247-00076455-00076821 I think the biggest lesson I learned about this was that aQuSR-gKiV4-00248-00076904-00077063 whatever your story is, aQuSR-gKiV4-00249-00077194-00077362 it kind of doesn't matter what people... aQuSR-gKiV4-00250-00077509-00078042 If you have a story you want to tell and you see it clearly, aQuSR-gKiV4-00251-00078105-00078272 that's what makes it right. aQuSR-gKiV4-00252-00078303-00078630 And if other people don't get it, that's okay. aQuSR-gKiV4-00253-00078657-00078999 I mean, if you trust like there's a kind of not, aQuSR-gKiV4-00254-00078999-00079183 you feel inside of you when something isn't right. aQuSR-gKiV4-00255-00079183-00079560 And then, only some people are able to help you figure out aQuSR-gKiV4-00256-00079594-00079796 what's not right about it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00257-00079796-00079977 Maybe it's the moment before, maybe... aQuSR-gKiV4-00258-00080140-00080271 But your vision is right aQuSR-gKiV4-00259-00080299-00080480 and don't let anybody talk. aQuSR-gKiV4-00260-00080601-00080802 Catherine Dail: Yes, yes, yes, yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00261-00080857-00081077 Hail and salute and hallelujah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00262-00081168-00081315 Artists unite. aQuSR-gKiV4-00263-00081557-00081712 Thinking people unite, aQuSR-gKiV4-00264-00081979-00082215 Kiara: So who was the first person who sort of.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00265-00082215-00082416 Okay, because I'm sure when you were pitching this... aQuSR-gKiV4-00266-00082452-00082646 Well, let me ask you, did you try to go to studio? aQuSR-gKiV4-00267-00082687-00082851 How far did you pitch? aQuSR-gKiV4-00268-00082851-00083038 And who was the first person who sort of came on and was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00269-00083038-00083181 you know what Tonya? aQuSR-gKiV4-00270-00083181-00083368 I think you got something here. aQuSR-gKiV4-00271-00083438-00083660 Tonya: That person didn't exist. aQuSR-gKiV4-00272-00083703-00083823 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00273-00084226-00084371 Everybody told me when they say, aQuSR-gKiV4-00274-00084371-00084548 if you don't have money, you need time. aQuSR-gKiV4-00275-00084548-00084699 If you don't have time, you need money. aQuSR-gKiV4-00276-00084699-00084999 And I didn't have either, but I had a vision and I was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00277-00085037-00085285 I'm gonna keep taking one step forward. aQuSR-gKiV4-00278-00085315-00085604 And it's either going to happen or it's not going to happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00279-00085604-00085799 And it doesn't matter to me one way or the other aQuSR-gKiV4-00280-00085799-00085904 because of the process. aQuSR-gKiV4-00281-00085945-00086146 I mean, Mellicent was like, she just like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00282-00086146-00086390 I was like, Mellicent, you come back from vacation, aQuSR-gKiV4-00283-00086390-00086651 get on a train and come up here, I need you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00284-00086714-00087226 Yeah, I mean, when I sent it, I had sent it to Kathy Erbe aQuSR-gKiV4-00285-00087257-00087479 and who I hadn't seen in a long time, aQuSR-gKiV4-00286-00087479-00087701 and she called me up the next day and said, aQuSR-gKiV4-00287-00087701-00087876 I was walking down the street in New York, and she said, aQuSR-gKiV4-00288-00087876-00088079 What did you say Kathy? Do you remember? aQuSR-gKiV4-00289-00088272-00088421 Kathryn Erbe: I think I said I'm in. aQuSR-gKiV4-00290-00088514-00088664 Tonya: She said, what you actually said is, aQuSR-gKiV4-00291-00088664-00089175 "Tonya, thank you for inviting me to play this awful woman." aQuSR-gKiV4-00292-00089228-00089348 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00293-00089803-00090075 - Yeah, because your character was really cut through. aQuSR-gKiV4-00294-00090075-00090276 It was the kind of thing that was... aQuSR-gKiV4-00295-00090276-00090473 That's what was maybe the most horrifying aQuSR-gKiV4-00296-00090556-00090731 kind of reveal is when you realize aQuSR-gKiV4-00297-00090801-00091059 that there's a potential for someone to be so close to you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00298-00091239-00091317 Catherine Dial: That's the Red Pill. aQuSR-gKiV4-00299-00091399-00091817 - We know, In America.. few instances of that happen aQuSR-gKiV4-00300-00091817-00091989 even with like, I think there was a.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00301-00092161-00092628 either a hopi tribe or native american tribe that had oil rights in the 1950s aQuSR-gKiV4-00302-00092628-00092893 and a lot of people married into their family to kill them. aQuSR-gKiV4-00303-00092970-00093170 And they take the ownership of their land aQuSR-gKiV4-00304-00093192-00093330 and I'm just like what is?! aQuSR-gKiV4-00305-00093330-00093393 Kim: What?! aQuSR-gKiV4-00306-00093456-00093961 - You had children with these people, like, these things have happened. aQuSR-gKiV4-00307-00093961-00094080 Catherine: Oh my god, oh my god! aQuSR-gKiV4-00308-00094142-00094448 - These things have happened, you know, it's a real thing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00309-00094542-00094732 Kiara: You know, it's interesting.. I'm sorry go ahead. aQuSR-gKiV4-00310-00094769-00094831 - No go ahead. aQuSR-gKiV4-00311-00094888-00095220 Miles Harden: I think the wonderful thing about it is.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00312-00095331-00095557 one of the many wonderful things about it is like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00313-00095603-00096059 for those of us who were there while filming aQuSR-gKiV4-00314-00096138-00096435 even when watching the movie we were... aQuSR-gKiV4-00315-00096470-00096653 I was yelling at the screen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00316-00096653-00096826 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00317-00096990-00097033 - Me too. aQuSR-gKiV4-00318-00097070-00097362 Miles Harden: Ladies, Erbe going aaah... aQuSR-gKiV4-00319-00097469-00097756 It's her, can't you tell, it's her. aQuSR-gKiV4-00320-00097784-00097910 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00321-00098105-00098430 Tonya: And there's still people who watch it and go, so who is the red pill? aQuSR-gKiV4-00322-00099096-00099422 Kiara: It's interesting because of COVID and everything else aQuSR-gKiV4-00323-00099422-00099646 you're not getting the sort of communal experience aQuSR-gKiV4-00324-00099646-00100044 that I keep telling you like if you had this in a theater with actual humans, aQuSR-gKiV4-00325-00100078-00100358 the things that you would hear would blow your mind. aQuSR-gKiV4-00326-00100480-00100727 People are yelling at the screen, people are very upset, aQuSR-gKiV4-00327-00100727-00101083 people are, you know, it was just sort of mind blown, aQuSR-gKiV4-00328-00101171-00101408 but, you know, it's like it seems aQuSR-gKiV4-00329-00101466-00101797 we keep talking about as visionary but this is a classic story, right? aQuSR-gKiV4-00330-00101826-00102154 This is into the woods, this is the gingerbread house, aQuSR-gKiV4-00331-00102184-00102583 you know, like yeah you're gonna be a noble human being and go aQuSR-gKiV4-00332-00102624-00102874 and then you discover the candy house aQuSR-gKiV4-00333-00102874-00103104 and then the monster is in there and they eat you to death. aQuSR-gKiV4-00334-00103365-00103461 Was that your intention? aQuSR-gKiV4-00335-00103498-00103567 Catherine: It's mythic. aQuSR-gKiV4-00336-00103765-00104074 Tonya: I'm gonna say that John Hudak our DP one of our camera... aQuSR-gKiV4-00337-00104074-00104310 I mean our DP our main DP just popped in, aQuSR-gKiV4-00338-00104310-00104434 I don't think he has his camera on. aQuSR-gKiV4-00339-00104521-00104820 I think the part that was my intention was aQuSR-gKiV4-00340-00104850-00105234 I feel like, you know, as Malcolm X says, the black woman is the most disrespected, aQuSR-gKiV4-00341-00105293-00105523 disrespected, underprotected woman in America. aQuSR-gKiV4-00342-00105612-00105976 And I really wanted to put our point of view out aQuSR-gKiV4-00343-00106079-00106364 because I don't think people really pay attention to aQuSR-gKiV4-00344-00106425-00106737 how we save the world and yet we continue to save the world. aQuSR-gKiV4-00345-00106761-00107028 We continue to save America, we burst it, we built it, aQuSR-gKiV4-00346-00107067-00107209 and we keep saving it and so aQuSR-gKiV4-00347-00107209-00107512 I felt like this is an experience I have aQuSR-gKiV4-00348-00107512-00107743 and I feel like a lot of black women will know what this is aQuSR-gKiV4-00349-00107743-00107973 and most people aren't even interested, they don't really care. aQuSR-gKiV4-00350-00108018-00108109 We're just, you know... aQuSR-gKiV4-00351-00108146-00108266 are we useful to them? aQuSR-gKiV4-00352-00108437-00108788 You know, even watching it and knowing that people are gonna be like restless, aQuSR-gKiV4-00353-00108788-00108948 like, why am I following this person? aQuSR-gKiV4-00354-00108948-00109237 Because we aren't usually centered in this way aQuSR-gKiV4-00355-00109237-00109530 so that was really the kind of the most important thing for me. aQuSR-gKiV4-00356-00109606-00109645 - Wow! aQuSR-gKiV4-00357-00109767-00110217 Kiara: You shot this before the insurrection. aQuSR-gKiV4-00358-00110288-00110797 Whatever we're gonna call this when we finally determine what it was. aQuSR-gKiV4-00359-00110838-00111082 But after of course the election, aQuSR-gKiV4-00360-00111152-00111507 how did the the living through the Trump presidency aQuSR-gKiV4-00361-00111589-00111725 sort of effect your.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00362-00111725-00112319 Or did it incite you? Did it inflame you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00363-00112407-00112588 Tonya: No, that was inevitable to me, aQuSR-gKiV4-00364-00112588-00112808 so I mean, I wrote this in 2018 aQuSR-gKiV4-00365-00112898-00113232 that we didn't change, we didn't change the movie long aQuSR-gKiV4-00366-00113255-00113447 before those things happen, I mean aQuSR-gKiV4-00367-00113538-00113740 to me what happened in America was inevitable aQuSR-gKiV4-00368-00113740-00113977 when you give a strong man that kind of power aQuSR-gKiV4-00369-00114010-00114472 like, yeah, I didn't change any of the storyline based on the facts aQuSR-gKiV4-00370-00114472-00114808 I sort of anticipated that those were the facts that were gonna happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00371-00115051-00115112 Kiara: Absolutely! aQuSR-gKiV4-00372-00115142-00115343 So let's talk a little bit about your talent. aQuSR-gKiV4-00373-00115428-00115900 As you were casting, these wonderfully gifted actors aQuSR-gKiV4-00374-00115928-00116325 who in no way embody the characters that they portray, I'm sure, aQuSR-gKiV4-00375-00116533-00117336 that made you believe that they could infuse the realities of this aQuSR-gKiV4-00376-00117358-00117731 very unique ideology into these human beings. aQuSR-gKiV4-00377-00117888-00118151 Tonya: Well I wrote it for Rubén and Luba aQuSR-gKiV4-00378-00118187-00118421 like, I heard them and I wrote it for them. aQuSR-gKiV4-00379-00118421-00118652 I did not know that that would even be possible, aQuSR-gKiV4-00380-00118722-00118944 but I was just visioning it when I wrote it aQuSR-gKiV4-00381-00118986-00119464 and a coincidence happened where Luba invited me to dinner at her house aQuSR-gKiV4-00382-00119547-00119799 and I went and had dinner with Luba and Rubén aQuSR-gKiV4-00383-00119799-00120091 and Rubén said, one of the first things he said was, aQuSR-gKiV4-00384-00120091-00120236 "you know, in this day and age, aQuSR-gKiV4-00385-00120236-00120400 you really got to make your own projects." aQuSR-gKiV4-00386-00120433-00120660 And I had a script in my bag and I was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00387-00120721-00120939 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00388-00121250-00121408 - Very clever, very clever. aQuSR-gKiV4-00389-00122047-00122283 Tonya: When I was casting Katie, I was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00390-00122283-00122713 Who is the person that no one would ever, ever, ever believe? aQuSR-gKiV4-00391-00122742-00122911 That would be the bad person. aQuSR-gKiV4-00392-00122941-00123387 And Katie is always so, so innocent and everything aQuSR-gKiV4-00393-00123432-00123789 I don't know if I can get Katie, aQuSR-gKiV4-00394-00123833-00124033 you know, and fortunately, she said yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00395-00124127-00124678 With Adesola, I had another actor who was going to do it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00396-00124699-00125118 Harold Perrineau, actually, and his schedule did not match with Rubén's. aQuSR-gKiV4-00397-00125155-00125402 And he also, he was a little scared. aQuSR-gKiV4-00398-00125458-00125671 He was like, you know, I'm married to a white woman, Tonya, aQuSR-gKiV4-00399-00125678-00125871 Is this like, I hate white people? aQuSR-gKiV4-00400-00126125-00126336 - We just have to have these conversations, it's okay. aQuSR-gKiV4-00401-00126598-00126872 Tonya: Oh, I had met Adesola, aQuSR-gKiV4-00402-00126939-00127443 maybe six or eight months earlier in the lobby of the public theater. aQuSR-gKiV4-00403-00127517-00127732 And I'd seen his work and had been an admirer of his work. aQuSR-gKiV4-00404-00127757-00128264 And I don't want to speak out of turn, but Adesola is a Babalawo. aQuSR-gKiV4-00405-00128337-00128527 And he began to read me aQuSR-gKiV4-00406-00128527-00128913 there on the spot and he said, "There's something very big coming for you." aQuSR-gKiV4-00407-00129006-00129295 And so when I had to choose between Rubén and Harold, aQuSR-gKiV4-00408-00129295-00129453 and I was like, I'm going with Rubén and Luba aQuSR-gKiV4-00409-00129453-00129532 because I wrote it for them. aQuSR-gKiV4-00410-00129565-00129917 I was like, this is the something very big, Adesola. aQuSR-gKiV4-00411-00129952-00130287 And he is actually, you know, Afro Cuban, aQuSR-gKiV4-00412-00130329-00130476 and he can give me the Brit thing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00413-00130507-00130848 So, I called him and fortunately, he said, "Yes." aQuSR-gKiV4-00414-00130848-00131064 I mean, I'm lucky that the people I wanted say yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00415-00131134-00131229 Now, Jake! aQuSR-gKiV4-00416-00131502-00132093 Jake, my buddy from the playground in Los Angeles, our kid. aQuSR-gKiV4-00417-00132146-00132505 Rubén: You were very good Jake! - Luba : He was hysterical, Jake! aQuSR-gKiV4-00418-00132529-00132613 - Yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00419-00132713-00132760 - Thank you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00420-00132797-00133174 Yeah, Jake and I, we go back to our kids being like four and five, aQuSR-gKiV4-00421-00133174-00133491 his daughter is like a little toe head and my daughter's a chocolate drop. aQuSR-gKiV4-00422-00133533-00133724 And they made friends in the park. aQuSR-gKiV4-00423-00133849-00134299 And Jake is like, so not like Nick. aQuSR-gKiV4-00424-00134321-00134557 Jake is like, you know, the most straight, aQuSR-gKiV4-00425-00134605-00134924 the most mannered and polite person in the world, aQuSR-gKiV4-00426-00134963-00135095 but he is so funny aQuSR-gKiV4-00427-00135158-00135533 that everybody else who read that part was terrified of it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00428-00135591-00135980 They were just too afraid to play that character because he's the fool. aQuSR-gKiV4-00429-00136008-00136213 And normally the fool is the black person, aQuSR-gKiV4-00430-00136213-00136388 or the Asian person, or the Latin person. aQuSR-gKiV4-00431-00136429-00136857 So, the white guys that I asked to do it, were like not having aQuSR-gKiV4-00432-00136857-00137141 and I was like, you know, Jake is so good and he's so funny. aQuSR-gKiV4-00433-00137141-00137240 He could kill this. aQuSR-gKiV4-00434-00137240-00137405 And so I asked him to come do it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00435-00137557-00137733 Kiara: I mean, it's interesting about Jake, aQuSR-gKiV4-00436-00137733-00137910 because you say he's, you know, he plays the fool. aQuSR-gKiV4-00437-00137910-00138103 Like, he's the he's the one that we laugh at. aQuSR-gKiV4-00438-00138103-00138332 But my sister, when she watched the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-00439-00138332-00138577 she was like, he's the only one you could trust. aQuSR-gKiV4-00440-00138625-00138745 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00441-00138921-00138972 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00442-00138972-00139075 Kiara: At least he was honest. aQuSR-gKiV4-00443-00139075-00139221 Like you knew from the beginning, aQuSR-gKiV4-00444-00139267-00139569 and he said what he said, but at least you knew, aQuSR-gKiV4-00445-00139569-00139777 you know, it's like, what they say about people who curse, aQuSR-gKiV4-00446-00139801-00140045 they're the most trustworthy because they're not holding their words. aQuSR-gKiV4-00447-00140091-00140294 Okay, all right.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00448-00140294-00140479 Jake O'Flaherty: That was my idea from the beginning, aQuSR-gKiV4-00449-00140479-00140661 was this guy has no filter. aQuSR-gKiV4-00450-00140774-00141032 You know, he just he's talking, you know, crap. aQuSR-gKiV4-00451-00141077-00141467 And the dirty jokes and anything that comes to his mind, he just says it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00452-00141489-00141864 And at least that way, he would never stay a clown. aQuSR-gKiV4-00453-00141944-00142153 He at least the truth would come in between the joke aQuSR-gKiV4-00454-00142218-00142284 that was my idea. aQuSR-gKiV4-00455-00142328-00142537 Rubén Blades: That was a skill, that was very skillful, aQuSR-gKiV4-00456-00142537-00142728 because you didn't come out like a clown. aQuSR-gKiV4-00457-00142756-00142998 I didn't I didn't get that sense when I saw that thing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00458-00142998-00143150 I didn't get that feeling. aQuSR-gKiV4-00459-00143198-00143881 And I saw a progression in what you were at the beginning aQuSR-gKiV4-00460-00143903-00144047 and when you were in the car aQuSR-gKiV4-00461-00144075-00144289 and when not and what started going on later on. aQuSR-gKiV4-00462-00144289-00144581 I mean, you held yourself very well, aQuSR-gKiV4-00463-00144617-00144848 because that's a very tricky role. aQuSR-gKiV4-00464-00144924-00145172 You know, it's a very tricky role, it could have gone either way, aQuSR-gKiV4-00465-00145203-00145465 if you just mess once and you're.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00466-00145503-00145703 you know, and you lose it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00467-00145734-00146014 So I congratulate you, we're two commenting about that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00468-00146014-00146256 Oh, yeah, even like your death scene aQuSR-gKiV4-00469-00146256-00146517 or when you get taken through the window. aQuSR-gKiV4-00470-00146517-00147012 You're still making a joke, but you're scared to shit at that point. aQuSR-gKiV4-00471-00147012-00147386 And it was just very.. it was funny but scary. aQuSR-gKiV4-00472-00147430-00147575 You know, it was great. aQuSR-gKiV4-00473-00147603-00147837 It's funny because I wasn't thinking, aQuSR-gKiV4-00474-00147837-00148039 I never got the sense of a clown, never. aQuSR-gKiV4-00475-00148039-00148347 And that's because of the way you played. aQuSR-gKiV4-00476-00148347-00148467 It could have happened. aQuSR-gKiV4-00477-00148560-00148626 But it didn't happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00478-00148720-00148821 Jake: Thank you so much! aQuSR-gKiV4-00479-00148821-00149065 That's amazing coming from you two. aQuSR-gKiV4-00480-00149126-00149195 Rubén: Send me the money. aQuSR-gKiV4-00481-00149195-00149396 You got my address, send me the check, please. aQuSR-gKiV4-00482-00149396-00149516 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00483-00149711-00149950 - Kiara: I have to say I'm looking around... - Rubén: Adesola. aQuSR-gKiV4-00484-00150028-00150455 Kiara: The brady bunch board here and I see Minji who has... aQuSR-gKiV4-00485-00150455-00150578 Are you in Korea? aQuSR-gKiV4-00486-00150744-00150930 Minji: Hi Kiara, I'm in New York at the moment. aQuSR-gKiV4-00487-00151116-00151365 Tonya: Can we get some light on your face Minji, so we can see you? aQuSR-gKiV4-00488-00151515-00151793 Kiara: We have to talk about the part where it's the middle of COVID aQuSR-gKiV4-00489-00151832-00152210 and Tonya calls me just to say hi, aQuSR-gKiV4-00490-00152210-00152335 and I'm like how are you doing. aQuSR-gKiV4-00491-00152362-00152519 I think my mom was sick at the time, aQuSR-gKiV4-00492-00152571-00152747 and she says I'm going to Korea. aQuSR-gKiV4-00493-00152778-00152930 And I'm like you're what?! aQuSR-gKiV4-00494-00153247-00153413 And she's like I'm going to finish my film aQuSR-gKiV4-00495-00153413-00153597 and I'm going to Korea to do it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00496-00153597-00153772 I'm gonna have to quarantine for two weeks. aQuSR-gKiV4-00497-00153772-00154015 I mean, the things you had to actually do aQuSR-gKiV4-00498-00154090-00154599 to actually accomplish the delivery of this film are a bit extraordinary. aQuSR-gKiV4-00499-00154706-00154958 Luba: And it's carzy! aQuSR-gKiV4-00500-00154987-00155376 Catherine Dial: The mystery meals in quarantine, nice dedication! aQuSR-gKiV4-00501-00155600-00155784 Greg: Instagram aQuSR-gKiV4-00502-00155998-00156361 Luba: Or that poop store you went to, I don't know what that was. aQuSR-gKiV4-00503-00156397-00156594 Tonya: That's a very famous store in Korea. aQuSR-gKiV4-00504-00156594-00156731 Luba: I know, I know aQuSR-gKiV4-00505-00156775-00156886 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00506-00156886-00157000 - Did you say a poop store?! aQuSR-gKiV4-00507-00157000-00157183 Tonya: Yes, everything is shaped like poop aQuSR-gKiV4-00508-00157183-00157533 and you eat it in little toilet bowl shaped things and you know... aQuSR-gKiV4-00509-00157595-00157754 Kiara: It is the middle of a pandemic aQuSR-gKiV4-00510-00157754-00158102 and this woman is in Korea eating poop shaped food! aQuSR-gKiV4-00511-00158553-00158798 Tonya: You know, Korea was going better with COVID than America. aQuSR-gKiV4-00512-00158798-00159052 So I felt like making a choice to go to Korea aQuSR-gKiV4-00513-00159052-00159318 was a far safer choice than staying in New York. aQuSR-gKiV4-00514-00159352-00159764 And I was nine months into, oh god I got you all up on the big tv, aQuSR-gKiV4-00515-00159785-00160179 I was nine months into editing and I didn't have a film aQuSR-gKiV4-00516-00160179-00160366 and I really just thought I had failed. aQuSR-gKiV4-00517-00160462-00160708 You know, I thought that there was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00518-00160708-00161045 I'm very much instinctively, you know, guided aQuSR-gKiV4-00519-00161045-00161277 and like everybody said I didn't have the money or the time aQuSR-gKiV4-00520-00161277-00161488 and I was just like if it's supposed to happen, it's supposed to happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-00521-00161578-00161938 And then, nine months after finishing shooting, I didn't even have a rough cut aQuSR-gKiV4-00522-00162026-00162271 and so I just, you know, had to go like I failed. aQuSR-gKiV4-00523-00162358-00162457 I tried, I failed. aQuSR-gKiV4-00524-00162501-00162794 And maybe because I'm a gemini there's a part of me that's, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00525-00162857-00163091 okay I failed but is there any hope? aQuSR-gKiV4-00526-00163140-00163555 And then I got on this idea of like, I've been working with male editors aQuSR-gKiV4-00527-00163555-00163819 and they don't take my notes and they don't do what I asked them to do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00528-00163871-00164046 I'm only going to do with a female, aQuSR-gKiV4-00529-00164046-00164219 and I'm only going to do a female of color aQuSR-gKiV4-00530-00164258-00164467 and "of color" mean non American. aQuSR-gKiV4-00531-00164591-00165019 So I had a Berliner and I had an African American woman aQuSR-gKiV4-00532-00165041-00165308 and Minji came to me as a recommendation aQuSR-gKiV4-00533-00165308-00165489 from another filmmaker friend of mine. aQuSR-gKiV4-00534-00165489-00165886 Minji can edit, but Minji is a an extraordinary filmmaker. aQuSR-gKiV4-00535-00165958-00166038 Greg Nanamura: Yes, she is. aQuSR-gKiV4-00536-00166160-00166464 Tonya: When I looked at her movies online aQuSR-gKiV4-00537-00166486-00166634 and you should look at them the loyalist. aQuSR-gKiV4-00538-00166661-00167003 I just watched all seven of her films and I just became a fan. aQuSR-gKiV4-00539-00167069-00167489 So I didn't ever even dream that Minji was a possibility aQuSR-gKiV4-00540-00167537-00167761 and when Minji said she would, aQuSR-gKiV4-00541-00167856-00168075 you know, even have a meeting with me aQuSR-gKiV4-00542-00168203-00168541 that was huge, so Minji, why don't you tell us your side of it? aQuSR-gKiV4-00543-00168541-00168784 Because I was just like, oh my god if we can have Minji, aQuSR-gKiV4-00544-00168784-00168913 I don't care what anybody else says. aQuSR-gKiV4-00545-00168913-00169069 What about your side of the story, Minji? aQuSR-gKiV4-00546-00169353-00169639 Minji Kang: The way the project was came to me aQuSR-gKiV4-00547-00169639-00169769 I mean, when it came to me aQuSR-gKiV4-00548-00169819-00170036 was very special so I thought... aQuSR-gKiV4-00549-00170036-00170294 or maybe it is something that I should do it aQuSR-gKiV4-00550-00170294-00170614 because universe was sort of calling aQuSR-gKiV4-00551-00170711-00171133 because I got introduced to Tonya aQuSR-gKiV4-00552-00171230-00171677 a producer who I have met in Berlin aQuSR-gKiV4-00553-00171742-00171920 was a 2017 Berlinale, aQuSR-gKiV4-00554-00171920-00172328 because one of the short film that I edited, one honorable mention aQuSR-gKiV4-00555-00172453-00172693 at the International Berlin Film Festival aQuSR-gKiV4-00556-00172730-00173089 and then I haven't really kept in touch with the producer for years. aQuSR-gKiV4-00557-00173159-00173324 And then one day out of the blue, aQuSR-gKiV4-00558-00173345-00173572 I was actually in quarantine in Korea, aQuSR-gKiV4-00559-00173572-00173903 because I split my time between US and Korea. aQuSR-gKiV4-00560-00173975-00174192 I just came back to Korea from L.A. aQuSR-gKiV4-00561-00174261-00174400 And then I was in quarantine aQuSR-gKiV4-00562-00174400-00174625 and then suddenly I got an email about this film. aQuSR-gKiV4-00563-00174625-00175087 And I said, okay I'll take a look and I will read the script aQuSR-gKiV4-00564-00175127-00175319 and then I thought it was very special film aQuSR-gKiV4-00565-00175378-00175700 had a lot of symbolism, had a lot of messages aQuSR-gKiV4-00566-00175820-00176386 and when I first spoke to Tonya, I wanted to work on the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-00567-00176603-00176797 Kiara: And we are so glad that you did. aQuSR-gKiV4-00568-00177181-00177523 Tonya: You know, one of the things that was challenging is I wanted all this art aQuSR-gKiV4-00569-00177595-00178109 and there was all this use of painting and all the symbolism and stuff aQuSR-gKiV4-00570-00178109-00178329 and so many of the editors I had worked with, aQuSR-gKiV4-00571-00178329-00178617 they would just stick the painting in and it wasn't working. aQuSR-gKiV4-00572-00178677-00178884 And, you know, I'm going to brag on Minji, aQuSR-gKiV4-00573-00178884-00179154 Minji is a painter, she has a degree from the art institute, aQuSR-gKiV4-00574-00179201-00179356 she also has a degree from... aQuSR-gKiV4-00575-00179440-00180112 Minji: Sorry Tonya, I didn't major in painting at SCIC, I majored film and art, aQuSR-gKiV4-00576-00180153-00180581 but I did a lot of painting back into high school in my senior year, I think... aQuSR-gKiV4-00577-00180756-00181292 Tonya: She's a painter, she went to the Savannah school of design, aQuSR-gKiV4-00578-00181292-00181492 and she also went to Columbia for directing aQuSR-gKiV4-00579-00181492-00181659 and she's a brilliant filmmaker. aQuSR-gKiV4-00580-00181705-00182241 And looking at her work and what she did with art and images, aQuSR-gKiV4-00581-00182241-00182666 I was like this is what I'm trying to do, she does it in her own films. aQuSR-gKiV4-00582-00182699-00183012 She will understand what I'm doing with the fact that aQuSR-gKiV4-00583-00183012-00183301 the paintings which were all made by Kim Sykes aQuSR-gKiV4-00584-00183350-00183692 who's an amazing artist amongst other things, actress, aQuSR-gKiV4-00585-00183692-00183896 you know, director of "Girl Be Heard." aQuSR-gKiV4-00586-00183955-00184358 I wrote this script around Kim's paintings and then I commissioned Kim aQuSR-gKiV4-00587-00184401-00184676 to do the painting of the donkey and the lion skin. aQuSR-gKiV4-00588-00184724-00185176 And so I needed an editor who understood how to work with art and storytelling aQuSR-gKiV4-00589-00185176-00185439 and one of my favorite things about Minji, I start telling her, aQuSR-gKiV4-00590-00185508-00185801 you know, this is what I'm trying to do and as you all know I'm heady, aQuSR-gKiV4-00591-00185801-00186032 so I have a lot of ideas and Minji... aQuSR-gKiV4-00592-00186058-00186170 Rubén: Oh, no! aQuSR-gKiV4-00593-00186315-00186374 Really! aQuSR-gKiV4-00594-00186374-00186602 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00595-00186630-00186753 Greg: Impossiple, not true at all! aQuSR-gKiV4-00596-00187065-00187403 Tonya: Minji would say to me that sounds good in a sentence. aQuSR-gKiV4-00597-00187434-00187954 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00598-00188098-00188147 - I love it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00599-00188284-00188730 Kiara: That's a note for your.. I will use it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00600-00188850-00189350 I see our illustrious DP John Hudak is in the house. aQuSR-gKiV4-00601-00189867-00190228 Cinema photography and framing and drone shots aQuSR-gKiV4-00602-00190249-00190611 and all kinds of things that you did of miraculousness. aQuSR-gKiV4-00603-00190718-00190872 John Hudak: Wait, what was that last word? aQuSR-gKiV4-00604-00190872-00190951 Recklessness! aQuSR-gKiV4-00605-00191017-00191347 Kiara: Miraculousness. aQuSR-gKiV4-00606-00191417-00191798 John: Chasing skies and chasing light coming up aQuSR-gKiV4-00607-00191798-00191955 and chasing darks going away. aQuSR-gKiV4-00608-00192043-00192103 It was fun. aQuSR-gKiV4-00609-00192181-00192234 Kiara: Yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00610-00192448-00192656 John: I don't know it was all Tonya not all of it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00611-00192697-00193100 We'd spent what like three days talking beforehand aQuSR-gKiV4-00612-00193273-00193584 and then like we just tossed movies back and forth, aQuSR-gKiV4-00613-00193584-00193820 tossed paintings back and forth. aQuSR-gKiV4-00614-00193932-00194186 The day that we drove up I almost wrecked the cube truck. aQuSR-gKiV4-00615-00194292-00194392 Do you remember that, Tonya? aQuSR-gKiV4-00616-00194464-00194877 Tonya: Yeah, we lost a day of shooting because that truck, aQuSR-gKiV4-00617-00194964-00195094 you know, fell apart. aQuSR-gKiV4-00618-00195159-00195407 John: Well, clearly you should have had Rubén drive the truck! aQuSR-gKiV4-00619-00195441-00195569 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00620-00195569-00195735 Tonya: Tha's a funny story. aQuSR-gKiV4-00621-00195788-00195902 Adesola: I was just gonna say that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00622-00195943-00196196 Tonya: A week before we start shooting Luba says to me, aQuSR-gKiV4-00623-00196230-00196403 "Tonya, has Rubén talk to you?" aQuSR-gKiV4-00624-00196460-00196526 I'm like, no! aQuSR-gKiV4-00625-00196562-00197002 She said, "I keep telling him he needs to tell you, he doesn't drive!" aQuSR-gKiV4-00626-00197382-00197634 Rubén: I really do not know how to drive a car. aQuSR-gKiV4-00627-00197673-00197887 Tonya: Well you were rolling everybody in the movie! aQuSR-gKiV4-00628-00197982-00198289 Jake: The fear of that scene was real. aQuSR-gKiV4-00629-00198394-00198464 Adesoal: Yes, that was real, aQuSR-gKiV4-00630-00198604-00198961 because initially I think I was scheduled, aQuSR-gKiV4-00631-00198961-00199126 as the possibility right that aQuSR-gKiV4-00632-00199126-00199367 I was gonna drive and that didn't work out for whatever reason aQuSR-gKiV4-00633-00199459-00199873 and Rubén was behind the wheel and we all were like, okay! aQuSR-gKiV4-00634-00199971-00200121 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00635-00200121-00200499 Rubén: But it was a good thing that we were like in these, like, sort of... aQuSR-gKiV4-00636-00200531-00200853 we were like in a witness protection program areas. aQuSR-gKiV4-00637-00201057-00201334 There weren't that many cars or human beings, aQuSR-gKiV4-00638-00201334-00201576 you know, maybe UFOs or werewolves, aQuSR-gKiV4-00639-00201576-00201934 but that could people actually, like, drive aQuSR-gKiV4-00640-00201934-00202274 you know, with your arm out and have a conversation at the same time. aQuSR-gKiV4-00641-00202321-00202618 You know, it was like but empty, thank god for that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00642-00202671-00202968 Otherwise I would have.. you didn't even have insurance, aQuSR-gKiV4-00643-00202968-00203445 ... for nothing, no way. aQuSR-gKiV4-00644-00203640-00203879 Tonya: Here are two questions here for Cathy Curtin, aQuSR-gKiV4-00645-00203910-00204124 someone wants to know Cathy Curtin, aQuSR-gKiV4-00646-00204124-00204339 how you prepared for your role? aQuSR-gKiV4-00647-00204371-00204743 And they want to know about the scene sitting on the couch. aQuSR-gKiV4-00648-00205004-00205732 Catherine Curtin: Well, I didn't... like, I feel like, Tonya you have that special thing aQuSR-gKiV4-00649-00205762-00206060 that you just sort of enter into your world aQuSR-gKiV4-00650-00206146-00206334 and you don't prepare, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00651-00206398-00206670 you know, like I really think that aQuSR-gKiV4-00652-00206670-00206999 I didn't really come to this film knowing that I was going to do this aQuSR-gKiV4-00653-00207064-00207206 dystopian character. aQuSR-gKiV4-00654-00207254-00207418 I just sort of followed your script aQuSR-gKiV4-00655-00207487-00207909 and I just felt like your writing... aQuSR-gKiV4-00656-00207909-00208126 and maybe it's because you've been an actor for so long, aQuSR-gKiV4-00657-00208229-00208343 a brilliant, brilliant actor aQuSR-gKiV4-00658-00208415-00208729 that you know your writing allows you to go in. aQuSR-gKiV4-00659-00208779-00208992 You know, you just follow the script and you go in aQuSR-gKiV4-00660-00209026-00209398 and you just go in as you just morph into something aQuSR-gKiV4-00661-00209398-00209562 you know it's like a... aQuSR-gKiV4-00662-00209668-00210296 your writing is very magical and it creates a magical environment aQuSR-gKiV4-00663-00210323-00210751 in which to work is simply to show up, aQuSR-gKiV4-00664-00210818-00210999 you know, to allow yourself to be there aQuSR-gKiV4-00665-00211085-00211295 and I don't know like that was, aQuSR-gKiV4-00666-00211342-00211680 your vision is very clear and so aQuSR-gKiV4-00667-00211777-00212056 I just showed up, that's what I did. aQuSR-gKiV4-00668-00212259-00212381 Tonya: All of you more than showed up, aQuSR-gKiV4-00669-00212381-00212856 I mean, you know, there was no talking, whispering to the actors... aQuSR-gKiV4-00670-00212910-00213317 I hired people who are all magnificent at what they do aQuSR-gKiV4-00671-00213385-00213597 and who I knew that one word aQuSR-gKiV4-00672-00213672-00213820 they could take it and run with it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00673-00213878-00214086 And so the extent of my directing was, aQuSR-gKiV4-00674-00214119-00214375 I'm gonna say action, you're gonna take a 10 cap before you start aQuSR-gKiV4-00675-00214400-00214615 and when you get to there, take 20 there aQuSR-gKiV4-00676-00214615-00214833 because, you know, I know I want your reactions in there aQuSR-gKiV4-00677-00214833-00215026 and that was about the extent of my direction aQuSR-gKiV4-00678-00215065-00215286 and I would turn on the camera and let them go aQuSR-gKiV4-00679-00215286-00215642 because I have a great love and respect for actors in what we do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00680-00215701-00215896 And all of these actors were fantastic, aQuSR-gKiV4-00681-00215896-00216137 If I told him I need you to take time here and take time there, aQuSR-gKiV4-00682-00216137-00216298 I knew they would fill that time aQuSR-gKiV4-00683-00216344-00216691 and so you know, Cathy, I just turned the camera on her aQuSR-gKiV4-00684-00216691-00217040 and she would just go. aQuSR-gKiV4-00685-00217099-00217500 John: I think you're giving.. you're cutting yourself a little short though. aQuSR-gKiV4-00686-00217500-00217847 Like, even as a DP, like, I read the script aQuSR-gKiV4-00687-00217910-00218239 and I like, we exchanged what we wanted it to look like aQuSR-gKiV4-00688-00218261-00218483 and pictures and references and everything else, aQuSR-gKiV4-00689-00218558-00218853 but, like, I knew what I was doing, like, I knew what you wanted aQuSR-gKiV4-00690-00218892-00219130 by reading the script, your script was... aQuSR-gKiV4-00691-00219172-00219328 and I think everybody could say this, aQuSR-gKiV4-00692-00219350-00219592 it was a roadmap that we just needed to follow. aQuSR-gKiV4-00693-00219663-00219794 - Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. aQuSR-gKiV4-00694-00219836-00220188 John: You were so perfect, the script was written so well that it was aQuSR-gKiV4-00695-00220258-00220489 you made our jobs easy. aQuSR-gKiV4-00696-00220599-00221000 Tonya: Well, I wish I believe that, thank you for saying such things. aQuSR-gKiV4-00697-00221055-00221338 Someone asked about the moment on the couch. aQuSR-gKiV4-00698-00221637-00221900 Catherine: That was really you, T, that was really you. aQuSR-gKiV4-00699-00221968-00222655 I think also you have this sort of like the vibrancy directorial aQuSR-gKiV4-00700-00222684-00222873 to just be like to this. aQuSR-gKiV4-00701-00223161-00223331 Tonya: I was like, Cathy, I want to be a cobra aQuSR-gKiV4-00702-00223356-00223645 and I want you to swallow an animal hole aQuSR-gKiV4-00703-00223684-00224273 and I want to see it going all the way down your body as you're eating it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00704-00224357-00224565 Catherine: Exactly, now while you're sitting on this couch aQuSR-gKiV4-00705-00225296-00225735 but I really love working that sort of creatively aQuSR-gKiV4-00706-00225856-00226159 where it's very collaborative with this sort of like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00707-00226206-00226639 you really do have a spiritual map in your work aQuSR-gKiV4-00708-00226716-00227141 and a map through which you can just simply go. aQuSR-gKiV4-00709-00227391-00227691 So, I don't know, I thought that was really... aQuSR-gKiV4-00710-00227905-00228169 you know, and then also I think being in an environment aQuSR-gKiV4-00711-00228169-00228397 that everybody was just going, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-00712-00228486-00228736 It's the blessing to be working, aQuSR-gKiV4-00713-00228736-00229018 it doesn't matter if you have 10 days or 10,000 days. aQuSR-gKiV4-00714-00229091-00229483 If you're in an environment where nobody is really going, it doesn't matter. aQuSR-gKiV4-00715-00229581-00229917 But if you're in an environment where everybody is going and you have 10 days aQuSR-gKiV4-00716-00229917-00230224 it's like you have a million days, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00717-00230350-00230647 and I think that was also so amazing too. aQuSR-gKiV4-00718-00230739-00230894 It was a beautiful family. aQuSR-gKiV4-00719-00231100-00231304 Greg Nanmura: You know, it's amazing to witness you Cathy aQuSR-gKiV4-00720-00231328-00231772 developing that character onset and photographing all of you aQuSR-gKiV4-00721-00231816-00232114 but it was just you bored to the heart of it aQuSR-gKiV4-00722-00232150-00232357 you walked on set and developed this character aQuSR-gKiV4-00723-00232357-00232643 and it became that and I was just witness to aQuSR-gKiV4-00724-00232643-00232800 it was this extraordinary experience, aQuSR-gKiV4-00725-00232858-00232916 it was brilliant. aQuSR-gKiV4-00726-00232994-00233428 Catherine: I think that's a testament to the unifying factor aQuSR-gKiV4-00727-00233542-00234026 of all of this, you know, like I think filmmaking is an algebraic equation aQuSR-gKiV4-00728-00234139-00234495 and your world's there too, Greg. aQuSR-gKiV4-00729-00234551-00235182 Everybody there every day was about this thing that we were doing aQuSR-gKiV4-00730-00235206-00235584 - and it was a gift, it was a gift. - Greg: Yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00731-00235656-00236110 Catherine: And so I feel like that is something that is very special, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-00732-00236358-00236453 Kiara: It is, it is. aQuSR-gKiV4-00733-00236453-00236792 Tonya: The bug has bitten me, I'll be calling you again aQuSR-gKiV4-00734-00236821-00237102 because I'm like, I'm addicted now, this is my new drug. aQuSR-gKiV4-00735-00237133-00237302 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00736-00237329-00237553 Kiara: I have a question form the audience it says aQuSR-gKiV4-00737-00237653-00237861 one of the scenes I found to be the most powerful and provocative aQuSR-gKiV4-00738-00237861-00238373 is the white women lamenting and mourning the lynching of Jake's character white man, aQuSR-gKiV4-00739-00238373-00238736 did you experience any shift in your psychology or emotions aQuSR-gKiV4-00740-00238773-00239009 relative to what black woman must have felt aQuSR-gKiV4-00741-00239009-00239271 seeing their beloved black men and sons lynched, aQuSR-gKiV4-00742-00239271-00239547 could you describe your feelings and thought process aQuSR-gKiV4-00743-00239547-00239694 as you enacted that scene? aQuSR-gKiV4-00744-00239993-00240178 Who it's directed to, this question? aQuSR-gKiV4-00745-00240268-00240413 Tonya: The ladies who were in that scene aQuSR-gKiV4-00746-00240623-00240776 Kathryn Erbe: The white ladies in that scene? aQuSR-gKiV4-00747-00240913-00241137 Luba, you and I, I think. aQuSR-gKiV4-00748-00241570-00241797 Luba: We didn't see him, we actually didn't see him. aQuSR-gKiV4-00749-00241820-00242193 That was, do you know, we had to just kind of act on the moment, aQuSR-gKiV4-00750-00242233-00242437 Tonya, just let us, she was telling us that, aQuSR-gKiV4-00751-00242437-00242956 you know, he's gonna be hanging from this tree, he's on fire, and go. aQuSR-gKiV4-00752-00243049-00243467 So, what was the question, Kiara? aQuSR-gKiV4-00753-00243633-00243793 Kiara: It's I guess the question is about aQuSR-gKiV4-00754-00243832-00244507 did performing in this film feel sort of viscerally affects you as an actor? aQuSR-gKiV4-00755-00244806-00245123 Kathryn Erbe: Yeah, even watching it like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00756-00245152-00245642 we just went from one horror moment to another, aQuSR-gKiV4-00757-00245682-00246043 you know, I was thinking about going down the stairs into the basement. aQuSR-gKiV4-00758-00246232-00246540 And then, you know, I felt like a ping pong ball, aQuSR-gKiV4-00759-00246565-00246844 we felt like, you know, we were just catapulting aQuSR-gKiV4-00760-00246879-00247410 between one horrible thing to another and aQuSR-gKiV4-00761-00247741-00248441 you know, to just sit there screaming together hope clutching each other. aQuSR-gKiV4-00762-00248794-00249296 Trying to put that image of him burning in our heads. aQuSR-gKiV4-00763-00249351-00249613 It was it was not easy, it was not easy. aQuSR-gKiV4-00764-00250018-00250469 You screaming and all of your work was really so, aQuSR-gKiV4-00765-00250509-00250710 I thought it was so chilling. aQuSR-gKiV4-00766-00250766-00251401 And Catherine, I really would not have known that you were the pill aQuSR-gKiV4-00767-00251429-00251924 I really I was sort of like, and made me ill, made me want to vomit. aQuSR-gKiV4-00768-00251955-00252357 You know, like, and so I just feel like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00769-00252529-00253268 this is an incredibly successful film for where it has taken us, aQuSR-gKiV4-00770-00253296-00253645 you know, and I hope a lot of people get to see it, I really do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00771-00253645-00253954 I hope it gets out to a wide audience. aQuSR-gKiV4-00772-00253987-00254699 And you know, I think it's prophetic and profound. aQuSR-gKiV4-00773-00254739-00255210 And we need to be a part of this movement forward. aQuSR-gKiV4-00774-00255268-00255743 And if horror is a genre that enables us to sort of have these conversations aQuSR-gKiV4-00775-00256009-00256143 that's brave of Tonya, aQuSR-gKiV4-00776-00256143-00256549 and I just thought, I think it's very successful film. aQuSR-gKiV4-00777-00256732-00256775 You know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00778-00257010-00257326 I mean, I think whenever you're holding a loaded gun, aQuSR-gKiV4-00779-00257374-00257766 you know, you're always the person who is the killer. aQuSR-gKiV4-00780-00257936-00258452 But this movie did more than just pick the killer, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00781-00258552-00258727 it did more than just sort of say, aQuSR-gKiV4-00782-00258841-00259294 like, the philosophic aspects, the social aspects, aQuSR-gKiV4-00783-00259322-00259896 the horrible aspects of what's going on and has gone on our society, aQuSR-gKiV4-00784-00259971-00260344 that really came to bear here without... aQuSR-gKiV4-00785-00260478-00260678 in a new way of understanding it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00786-00260851-00261149 You know, it shows the power of art. aQuSR-gKiV4-00787-00261252-00261441 Rubén Blades: One thing I wanted to tell you before I forget, aQuSR-gKiV4-00788-00261441-00261674 you know, it was really good that you didn't, aQuSR-gKiV4-00789-00261674-00261805 you didn't load the dice, aQuSR-gKiV4-00790-00261805-00262047 you know, you didn't put people like with a MAGA hat on. aQuSR-gKiV4-00791-00262098-00262131 - Yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-00792-00262173-00262342 Rubén Blades: That would have been like, the cheap thing, aQuSR-gKiV4-00793-00262378-00262526 like, the easy thing to do. aQuSR-gKiV4-00794-00262598-00263003 It's like, because it's not that easy to identify people today. aQuSR-gKiV4-00795-00263109-00263273 Catherine Dial: Right, right! aQuSR-gKiV4-00796-00263390-00263512 Rubén: So the guy with the hat, no, aQuSR-gKiV4-00797-00263512-00263745 but the guy without the hat is also, aQuSR-gKiV4-00798-00263768-00263959 you know, the one with the hat. aQuSR-gKiV4-00799-00263959-00264320 So, it was a good thing that wasn't cabled. aQuSR-gKiV4-00800-00264404-00264646 And it was not a cheap, you know, punch, aQuSR-gKiV4-00801-00264687-00265037 you know, you like kept it smart in the sense, aQuSR-gKiV4-00802-00265037-00265342 you know, this is what's happening and it's happening all over, aQuSR-gKiV4-00803-00265362-00265654 it's not just people, some people, the people that you think, aQuSR-gKiV4-00804-00265720-00265880 are the ones that are going to hurt you, aQuSR-gKiV4-00805-00265918-00266079 or are going to act a certain way. aQuSR-gKiV4-00806-00266099-00266271 It's just, it's all over the place. aQuSR-gKiV4-00807-00266321-00266540 So the work is even more difficult. aQuSR-gKiV4-00808-00266626-00267090 You know, because you have to identify the danger. aQuSR-gKiV4-00809-00267274-00267482 And you don't know where it is, aQuSR-gKiV4-00810-00267595-00267739 because you can't tell anymore. aQuSR-gKiV4-00811-00267876-00268268 That was another thing I picked up from that experience. aQuSR-gKiV4-00812-00268347-00268480 Tonya: And that was important to me.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00813-00268507-00268550 - Absolutely right! aQuSR-gKiV4-00814-00268582-00268729 Tonya: In the sense that I feel like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00815-00268763-00269209 Hollywood storytelling has primed us to be prey for psychopaths. aQuSR-gKiV4-00816-00269301-00269520 The whole idea of save the cat aQuSR-gKiV4-00817-00269543-00269778 and if a person does this, then they're a good person. aQuSR-gKiV4-00818-00269813-00270159 Well, now all the bad people, all they had to do is do these things aQuSR-gKiV4-00819-00270198-00270384 and then people would think they're good people. aQuSR-gKiV4-00820-00270410-00270587 And so I really wanted to play with that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00821-00270587-00270779 I also want to say Jayson Munn came in, aQuSR-gKiV4-00822-00270809-00271231 who did, you know, all of that beautiful Halloween direction and the scarecrow. aQuSR-gKiV4-00823-00271231-00271385 - Hey Jayson! aQuSR-gKiV4-00824-00271607-00271849 Tonya: He's a nice, nice white guy living in Vermont, aQuSR-gKiV4-00825-00271849-00272029 one of the whitest states in America. aQuSR-gKiV4-00826-00272029-00272455 Tell him about me asking you to make a Black Sambo scarecrows, Jayson. aQuSR-gKiV4-00827-00272457-00272565 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-00828-00272565-00272685 - Oh my god! aQuSR-gKiV4-00829-00272850-00273023 Jayson Munn: I was petrified actually, aQuSR-gKiV4-00830-00273125-00273453 I actually have permission to do blackface. aQuSR-gKiV4-00831-00273550-00273852 Northern boys from Vermont are allowed to do this. aQuSR-gKiV4-00832-00273903-00274272 So it was actually challenging for me, aQuSR-gKiV4-00833-00274395-00274614 I asked the question like, what am I doing? aQuSR-gKiV4-00834-00274637-00274753 And, Is this okay? aQuSR-gKiV4-00835-00275244-00275586 And because you said I should do it, I did it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00836-00275606-00275714 And I guess it was okay. aQuSR-gKiV4-00837-00275942-00276225 Kiara: But, you know, it's interesting that everybody seems comfortable aQuSR-gKiV4-00838-00276225-00276487 about having these conversations in the genre of horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-00839-00276519-00276826 Tonya, can you talk about your choice for that? aQuSR-gKiV4-00840-00276826-00277161 And how other films like get out, you know, these sorts of things aQuSR-gKiV4-00841-00277161-00277490 are sort of advancing the conversation, aQuSR-gKiV4-00842-00277525-00277740 the sort of social conversation that we're having? aQuSR-gKiV4-00843-00277875-00278080 Tonya: I think because people don't take horror seriously. aQuSR-gKiV4-00844-00278175-00278527 You know, they don't think it has weight and I love horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-00845-00278576-00278822 And so I was like, well, can I put weight in horror? aQuSR-gKiV4-00846-00278951-00279106 And so I don't know, you all can tell me, aQuSR-gKiV4-00847-00279106-00279220 was I able was the horror, aQuSR-gKiV4-00848-00279220-00279445 able to hold on the weight of all the issues I put in It? aQuSR-gKiV4-00849-00279523-00279578 - Absolutely! aQuSR-gKiV4-00850-00279630-00279929 Kiara: And I have to compliment you on, aQuSR-gKiV4-00851-00279929-00280161 you know, like, playing within the genre, aQuSR-gKiV4-00852-00280161-00280453 like you had an appropriate amount of jump scares, aQuSR-gKiV4-00853-00280632-00280735 the black man died. aQuSR-gKiV4-00854-00280959-00281212 All the things that was supposed to happen, happened. aQuSR-gKiV4-00855-00281212-00281356 And we still had this, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00856-00281462-00281920 a politically charged educational experience about a conversation about, aQuSR-gKiV4-00857-00281920-00282145 you know, race and identity in America. aQuSR-gKiV4-00858-00282465-00282631 Aquaila Barnes: Can I add something to that? aQuSR-gKiV4-00859-00282843-00282993 When I saw, sometimes horror, aQuSR-gKiV4-00860-00282993-00283231 I haven't been someone who's watched horror or liked horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-00861-00283254-00283418 And I'm trying to tell you, aQuSR-gKiV4-00862-00283418-00283559 I watched a horror film yesterday that I love. aQuSR-gKiV4-00863-00283742-00284001 But I was watching one of the earlier cuts, aQuSR-gKiV4-00864-00284045-00284442 and really begin to get appreciation just of horror aQuSR-gKiV4-00865-00284442-00284597 and the way it's used. aQuSR-gKiV4-00866-00284664-00284855 And even for me as a black woman, aQuSR-gKiV4-00867-00284991-00285156 there was another layer of horror aQuSR-gKiV4-00868-00285253-00285431 on top of the, you know, what comes with the genre. aQuSR-gKiV4-00869-00285462-00285595 So even just in the beginning where, aQuSR-gKiV4-00870-00285625-00286186 when the car pulls over and everyone gets out of the car aQuSR-gKiV4-00871-00286186-00286359 except for Cass, to get the sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-00872-00286453-00286678 I was like, no, no, no, no, don't do that. aQuSR-gKiV4-00873-00286756-00286970 That in my body, you know, that reaction aQuSR-gKiV4-00874-00287030-00287381 was another layer of horror for me watching this film. aQuSR-gKiV4-00875-00287498-00287983 So at the same time, it gave me the space to feel that fear, aQuSR-gKiV4-00876-00288078-00288387 kind of a container of where horror is expressed, aQuSR-gKiV4-00877-00288551-00288830 that I'm finding some appreciations to kind of working through, aQuSR-gKiV4-00878-00288830-00289015 but yeah, there was another layer for me. aQuSR-gKiV4-00879-00289015-00289189 And that happened, of course, throughout the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-00880-00289628-00289786 Greg Nanmura: You have to ask Jake about aQuSR-gKiV4-00881-00289836-00290029 how the film crew felt about that sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-00882-00290084-00290356 Everyone was mortified as these people were driving by. aQuSR-gKiV4-00883-00290798-00291072 Rubén Blades: Do you remember the woman that came out of the car aQuSR-gKiV4-00884-00291072-00291336 and we had like, the violent argument in the street? aQuSR-gKiV4-00885-00291397-00291461 - Yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-00886-00291802-00291948 - Whose side of that sign was she on? aQuSR-gKiV4-00887-00292014-00292108 Rubén: No, she was pissed. aQuSR-gKiV4-00888-00292129-00292218 - Oh, she was against the sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-00889-00292492-00292713 Luba: She was on our side, but she just felt... aQuSR-gKiV4-00890-00292833-00293106 Kim Sykes: Can I say two things on that? aQuSR-gKiV4-00891-00293140-00293416 1- First of all, I hate horror movies, aQuSR-gKiV4-00892-00293488-00293644 and I hate them because... aQuSR-gKiV4-00893-00293753-00293953 and as a black woman, I watched them and I think, aQuSR-gKiV4-00894-00294022-00294353 wow, because usually horror movies around the death of a white woman. aQuSR-gKiV4-00895-00294387-00294600 They're always like, poor white women are being killed aQuSR-gKiV4-00896-00294600-00294855 and murdered and mangled on horror movies all the time. aQuSR-gKiV4-00897-00294892-00295014 And I always look at that and go, aQuSR-gKiV4-00898-00295046-00295197 well, if they're doing that to white women, aQuSR-gKiV4-00899-00295197-00295327 what are they going to do to us? aQuSR-gKiV4-00900-00295450-00295680 And so Tonya's movie for me was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00901-00295725-00295839 that's what they're doing to us. aQuSR-gKiV4-00902-00295839-00296041 You know, so it was scary in that sense. aQuSR-gKiV4-00903-00296086-00296328 But also in the hood, you know, in my hood, aQuSR-gKiV4-00904-00296380-00296928 North Chatham is considered a very, very progressive Chatham. aQuSR-gKiV4-00905-00296977-00297111 You know, there's five Chathams, right. aQuSR-gKiV4-00906-00297139-00297471 So North Chatham is supposed to be like, really cool. aQuSR-gKiV4-00907-00297698-00297880 but all that being said, aQuSR-gKiV4-00908-00298033-00298299 you know, the conversation around, there are people around, aQuSR-gKiV4-00909-00298299-00298491 you don't know who's who and all this other stuff aQuSR-gKiV4-00910-00298491-00298678 that totally exists everywhere. aQuSR-gKiV4-00911-00298825-00298996 But people would say to me, aQuSR-gKiV4-00912-00299127-00299203 one of my neighbors said, aQuSR-gKiV4-00913-00299321-00299577 "Was that a person hanging from the tree?" aQuSR-gKiV4-00914-00299879-00300068 "Oh my god, how could that happen? aQuSR-gKiV4-00915-00300088-00300266 And how could that be happening?" aQuSR-gKiV4-00916-00300293-00300575 You know, there was that I've heard about the sign, aQuSR-gKiV4-00917-00300628-00301002 I heard about people just being horrified about these things. aQuSR-gKiV4-00918-00301002-00301417 And it's interesting because these things happen aQuSR-gKiV4-00919-00301535-00301746 not just in movies, they're happening in real life. aQuSR-gKiV4-00920-00301912-00302385 And so it's interesting to see the reactions aQuSR-gKiV4-00921-00302385-00302623 because that's the way we should feel, aQuSR-gKiV4-00922-00302717-00303130 but I feel like we should feel that as well when we see, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-00923-00303130-00303503 George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and all these other things aQuSR-gKiV4-00924-00303503-00303672 that are actually real. aQuSR-gKiV4-00925-00304049-00304285 Tonay: You're not telling them that signs like that aQuSR-gKiV4-00926-00304285-00304505 were up in your neighborhood right after the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-00927-00304629-00304910 Catherine Dial: Well, that's why I think horror is the perfect genre aQuSR-gKiV4-00928-00304910-00305227 for your message because it's holding hands with reality aQuSR-gKiV4-00929-00305247-00305608 or true crime or, you know, it's a fine line unfortunately and... aQuSR-gKiV4-00930-00305608-00305877 Kim Sykes: And by the way, Tonya's right. aQuSR-gKiV4-00931-00305877-00306038 After the movie was done, aQuSR-gKiV4-00932-00306108-00306286 during the hottest part of the election, aQuSR-gKiV4-00933-00306335-00306563 we had signs appear all over North Chatham aQuSR-gKiV4-00934-00306663-00306951 and the signs, I'll try to find a photo of it, aQuSR-gKiV4-00935-00306951-00307140 the signs were like single spaced, aQuSR-gKiV4-00936-00307208-00307436 they were like 24 by 30, aQuSR-gKiV4-00937-00307501-00308104 and they were like, you know, you people should die, you progressives aQuSR-gKiV4-00938-00308197-00308404 and, you know, you don't belong here. aQuSR-gKiV4-00939-00308433-00308590 I mean, really visceral. aQuSR-gKiV4-00940-00308737-00308892 You know, very scary signs aQuSR-gKiV4-00941-00308914-00309205 and they were appearing in different roads and stuff. aQuSR-gKiV4-00942-00309205-00309626 So it was like, art imitating life, or life imitating art. aQuSR-gKiV4-00943-00309626-00310172 Adesola: Also, if I may, one of the things in regards to the scarecrow aQuSR-gKiV4-00944-00310282-00310732 and the scene with the stocks with Bobby getting the brand, aQuSR-gKiV4-00945-00310777-00310990 I really appreciated the fact that Tonya aQuSR-gKiV4-00946-00310990-00311457 went to those realities that people oftentimes want to aQuSR-gKiV4-00947-00311457-00311743 act or make seem as if they didn't happen, aQuSR-gKiV4-00948-00311821-00312055 you know, I remember that scene with the branding aQuSR-gKiV4-00949-00312055-00312365 and there's no way that I was looking forward to it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00950-00312443-00312633 I wasn't scared of anything in the script, aQuSR-gKiV4-00951-00312665-00313169 but I knew or I had an idea what that emotionally would do to me aQuSR-gKiV4-00952-00313169-00313333 just visualizing myself in there aQuSR-gKiV4-00953-00313380-00313674 and I think we did it and Tonya was really like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00954-00313674-00314035 okay, so we won't keep you long, it was also freezing aQuSR-gKiV4-00955-00314130-00314549 and I remember thinking if this is what it was, right, aQuSR-gKiV4-00956-00314633-00315030 and I have the luxury of doing this aQuSR-gKiV4-00957-00315083-00315366 and walking away and going and relaxing aQuSR-gKiV4-00958-00315366-00315504 and getting on a cell phone aQuSR-gKiV4-00959-00315582-00315946 then imagine the fear of getting up in the day aQuSR-gKiV4-00960-00315946-00316246 and not knowing if for reckless eyeballing aQuSR-gKiV4-00961-00316305-00316607 or for not moving fast enough, if this could happen to you, aQuSR-gKiV4-00962-00316658-00316921 and you don't see that in content today. aQuSR-gKiV4-00963-00316949-00317160 You see it in real life like to your point Kim, aQuSR-gKiV4-00964-00317160-00317529 with the murders and the things that we've seen in the last year aQuSR-gKiV4-00965-00317557-00317705 and in the last 50 or 100 years aQuSR-gKiV4-00966-00317727-00318280 but to put it on film so blatantly and vividly was really courageous aQuSR-gKiV4-00967-00318280-00318696 and I felt it empowered me and I grew, aQuSR-gKiV4-00968-00318732-00318916 even though I did not like the feeling, aQuSR-gKiV4-00969-00318985-00319244 and I did not like the actual process aQuSR-gKiV4-00970-00319244-00319516 and I think it was, Katie, I was like, are you okay? aQuSR-gKiV4-00971-00319551-00319666 But I don't know how I looked like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00972-00319666-00319977 but everyone in the cast was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-00973-00320033-00320160 yo, are you good? aQuSR-gKiV4-00974-00320160-00320383 And I think not really, but.. aQuSR-gKiV4-00975-00320405-00320680 I want the people to feel the same way I felt when they do it. aQuSR-gKiV4-00976-00320680-00321049 Even if it's one second, I don't how long I'm gonna be there, you know so... aQuSR-gKiV4-00977-00321429-00321586 Mellicent Dyane: It's so funny Tonya, I don't know if I told you this aQuSR-gKiV4-00978-00321586-00321798 but the day that we were lynching Jake, aQuSR-gKiV4-00979-00322196-00322340 a cute little lady.. because we used her house aQuSR-gKiV4-00980-00322340-00322437 as one of the rooms aQuSR-gKiV4-00981-00322437-00322729 she had seen me walking back to the production house aQuSR-gKiV4-00982-00322756-00322908 and she runs over and she's like, "Mellicent, aQuSR-gKiV4-00983-00322931-00323069 is that guy okay? aQuSR-gKiV4-00984-00323128-00323370 They got a rope around his neck, is he okay?" aQuSR-gKiV4-00985-00323370-00323555 I was like, he's fine, it's just acting. aQuSR-gKiV4-00986-00323942-00324333 She got so concerned, she's like, "This really is gonna be a really good film." aQuSR-gKiV4-00987-00324333-00324497 I said, "You have no idea!" aQuSR-gKiV4-00988-00324661-00324809 - That's the hard part though aQuSR-gKiV4-00989-00324809-00325139 because it's the branding, it's like the outright, aQuSR-gKiV4-00990-00325192-00325483 the the horror makes it so that you can think about these things, aQuSR-gKiV4-00991-00325483-00325638 and you're prepared to be on. aQuSR-gKiV4-00992-00325903-00326144 Catherine Dial: I remember in that big finale scene aQuSR-gKiV4-00993-00326344-00326953 when, you know, Tonya's got burlap on and a rope around her neck... aQuSR-gKiV4-00994-00327525-00327788 In that final scene where Tonya has a rope around her neck, aQuSR-gKiV4-00995-00327788-00327989 and wearing a burlap sack and everything. aQuSR-gKiV4-00996-00327989-00328217 I remember after the incredible performance she came aQuSR-gKiV4-00997-00328253-00328628 just going over to her and giving her a hug and saying, are you okay? aQuSR-gKiV4-00998-00328628-00329158 Because it's really scary, it's really scary for real. aQuSR-gKiV4-00999-00329295-00329673 Kiara: Yeah, it's interesting, Daniella, I'll get right to you, aQuSR-gKiV4-01000-00329703-00330255 interesting what I experienced is the scariest part of the movie aQuSR-gKiV4-01001-00330255-00330597 is the horror of human beings and how horrible the fact aQuSR-gKiV4-01002-00330597-00330934 that we can be so horrible to one another aQuSR-gKiV4-01003-00330988-00331317 based on anything like race, like, whatever your issue is, aQuSR-gKiV4-01004-00331317-00331670 the idea that one human being would treat someone that way. aQuSR-gKiV4-01005-00331670-00331928 Beyond the jump scares, beyond the fire, beyond everything, aQuSR-gKiV4-01006-00331928-00332083 you know, that bow and arrow, aQuSR-gKiV4-01007-00332083-00332342 which is the one of the scariest things to me in the world, aQuSR-gKiV4-01008-00332371-00332609 archers, like, that would scare shit out of me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01009-00332786-00333148 But the fact that I'm talking to somebody in the grocery store, aQuSR-gKiV4-01010-00333148-00333414 and in their mind, they have these horrible thoughts about aQuSR-gKiV4-01011-00333444-00333547 what they could do to me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01012-00333586-00333764 Like that's the real horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-01013-00333869-00333964 Daniella, you had your hand up? aQuSR-gKiV4-01014-00334059-00334102 Daniella Paiewonsky: Yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-01015-00334134-00334655 Hi, I just wanted to say, aQuSR-gKiV4-01016-00334792-00335045 I have not watched the movie yet. aQuSR-gKiV4-01017-00335144-00335362 But I did the script supervising. aQuSR-gKiV4-01018-00335362-00335772 So my experience so far has been with the script. aQuSR-gKiV4-01019-00335795-00335950 And I just wanted to add that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01020-00336085-00336459 it was a very emotionally charged story aQuSR-gKiV4-01021-00336511-00336824 and one of the things that kept popping up in my mind is, aQuSR-gKiV4-01022-00336875-00337080 something that made me feel really uncomfortable, aQuSR-gKiV4-01023-00337080-00337697 is this idea of fake sisterhood, fighting white and black women. aQuSR-gKiV4-01024-00337743-00338186 It's like, we try to be there for each other in womanhood, aQuSR-gKiV4-01025-00338186-00338340 because we're women, right. aQuSR-gKiV4-01026-00338400-00338817 But it is clear that there is a huge gap in perception, aQuSR-gKiV4-01027-00338871-00339252 and priorities, and history between white and black women. aQuSR-gKiV4-01028-00339312-00339590 That honestly made me feel very uncomfortable. aQuSR-gKiV4-01029-00339663-00339927 Because I take a lot of things for granted, aQuSR-gKiV4-01030-00339998-00340148 because I'm white, obviously. aQuSR-gKiV4-01031-00340231-00340592 And the way you wrote this, Tonya, aQuSR-gKiV4-01032-00340639-00340775 honestly, I was just like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01033-00340841-00341105 it was an honor for me to be part of your crew. aQuSR-gKiV4-01034-00341167-00341239 It really was. aQuSR-gKiV4-01035-00341269-00341811 And I think all of the white women who participated in this movie aQuSR-gKiV4-01036-00341811-00342023 were amazing, aQuSR-gKiV4-01037-00342092-00342210 given the subject matter. aQuSR-gKiV4-01038-00342236-00342430 And I wanted to... aQuSR-gKiV4-01039-00342430-00342714 before I forgot, like I had to say this, aQuSR-gKiV4-01040-00342714-00343320 Adesola, I think one of the most disturbing things that I saw, aQuSR-gKiV4-01041-00343417-00343680 other than that scene we were just talking about aQuSR-gKiV4-01042-00343680-00344009 was when you had to strip to do the lake, aQuSR-gKiV4-01043-00344092-00344494 - on a really, really frozen cold morning. - Greg: Oh, yes! aQuSR-gKiV4-01044-00344542-00344855 Like I do not know how you did that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01045-00344945-00345358 My hat's tip off to you all the time for that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01046-00345358-00345743 And just these specific scenes that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01047-00345743-00346339 that show this terrible violence that we take for granted. aQuSR-gKiV4-01048-00346444-00346563 And I say we as in like... aQuSR-gKiV4-01049-00346607-00347028 you know, I don't even know how to talk about it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01050-00347150-00347334 It is a little bit uncomfortable for me, aQuSR-gKiV4-01051-00347334-00347579 because I do take these things for granted, I have. aQuSR-gKiV4-01052-00347683-00348173 And it was horrible, it really was, it's horrible. aQuSR-gKiV4-01053-00348198-00348475 And continuing... I forgot. aQuSR-gKiV4-01054-00348551-00348798 Who was it? Who said that they didn't like horror movies? aQuSR-gKiV4-01055-00348798-00348975 Because they always kill a white woman. aQuSR-gKiV4-01056-00349045-00349231 I thought that was very spot on. aQuSR-gKiV4-01057-00349231-00349572 And honestly, I do not watch horror movies precisely because of that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01058-00349572-00349796 It's like, oh, it's just another woman getting killed. aQuSR-gKiV4-01059-00349867-00350028 Or not another stupid guy getting killed. aQuSR-gKiV4-01060-00350028-00350131 It's like, it's no fun. aQuSR-gKiV4-01061-00350186-00350367 But this is another level of horror. aQuSR-gKiV4-01062-00350448-00350765 This has so many layers, like some of you have mentioned aQuSR-gKiV4-01063-00350801-00351047 and I can't wait to see it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01064-00351109-00351225 I feel terrible, but I haven't, aQuSR-gKiV4-01065-00351225-00351387 I'm probably the only one who hasn't. aQuSR-gKiV4-01066-00351539-00351899 But after this is over I would love to know, where I can see it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01067-00352010-00352079 I've just been... aQuSR-gKiV4-01068-00352230-00352590 Kiara: You know, it's interesting the comment about aQuSR-gKiV4-01069-00352701-00352819 horror films killing white woman, aQuSR-gKiV4-01070-00352970-00353144 you know, it's the news for us. aQuSR-gKiV4-01071-00353208-00353461 You know, like the way you guys are reacting to the ideology, aQuSR-gKiV4-01072-00353461-00353611 like, I don't want to watch horror films aQuSR-gKiV4-01073-00353611-00353751 because they're just gonna kill white women. aQuSR-gKiV4-01074-00353771-00354002 I don't want to watch the news because they're just gonna kill black people aQuSR-gKiV4-01075-00354002-00354257 they just kill black men and I gonna see it everyday and it's real. aQuSR-gKiV4-01076-00354453-00354629 I have another question from the audience. aQuSR-gKiV4-01077-00354629-00354901 But I need a prop, I need a prop to ask this question aQuSR-gKiV4-01078-00354901-00355081 let me see if I grab it fast enough. aQuSR-gKiV4-01079-00355201-00355256 Tonya: What's the prop? aQuSR-gKiV4-01080-00355287-00355531 Kiara: You know, I gotta do you right Tonya. aQuSR-gKiV4-01081-00355556-00355744 - This could be really scary! aQuSR-gKiV4-01082-00355813-00355998 - Oh, all right, drum roll. aQuSR-gKiV4-01083-00356163-00356406 Kiara: Okay, the morning after we watch the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01084-00356428-00356614 I came to my mother like this. aQuSR-gKiV4-01085-00356825-00357158 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01086-00357326-00357664 She was in her bed and I came and I said, "Mother!" aQuSR-gKiV4-01087-00357684-00358051 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01088-00358051-00358220 She did not think that was funny at all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01089-00358529-00358790 The symbolism of urine in the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01090-00359072-00359178 And let's see, yes, aQuSR-gKiV4-01091-00359215-00359550 they said that it's one of the most haunting elements of the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-01092-00359584-00359843 and I was repeatedly disgusted by. aQuSR-gKiV4-01093-00360166-00360595 Tonya: And that's probably the most historical aspect of the film aQuSR-gKiV4-01094-00360654-00360995 is the use of urine in tweed where... aQuSR-gKiV4-01095-00361065-00361240 that was original preservative aQuSR-gKiV4-01096-00361266-00361404 and sourdough bread. aQuSR-gKiV4-01097-00361404-00361577 Urine was how people paid rent. aQuSR-gKiV4-01098-00361639-00361740 People find that... aQuSR-gKiV4-01099-00361782-00362260 I have a whole book here, just called the life of pee, and all the things. aQuSR-gKiV4-01100-00362260-00362579 Urine was what we used to make bullets and gunpowder. aQuSR-gKiV4-01101-00362635-00362879 Like, there's just, you know, always just history. aQuSR-gKiV4-01102-00362879-00363108 I didn't make up anything in the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01103-00363108-00363277 It's all based on real things. aQuSR-gKiV4-01104-00363277-00363560 The urine ritual is a real ritual, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01105-00363707-00363744 yeah. aQuSR-gKiV4-01106-00363816-00364230 Catherine Dial: With the champagne cascading thing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01107-00364340-00364476 You invented that, you invented that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01108-00364608-00364813 Kiara: Oh, no! aQuSR-gKiV4-01109-00364865-00364944 People do things. aQuSR-gKiV4-01110-00365013-00365240 People do weird things. aQuSR-gKiV4-01111-00366373-00366627 People, adults, anyway. aQuSR-gKiV4-01112-00366821-00366957 Speaking of the symbol, aQuSR-gKiV4-01113-00367035-00367360 let's talk about the symbol that the red pill women wore aQuSR-gKiV4-01114-00367360-00367860 and how you came to the ideology of manipulating that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01115-00367860-00368032 you know, Sanskrit imagery. aQuSR-gKiV4-01116-00368149-00368368 Tonya: Okay, before I say that, I want to just make sure aQuSR-gKiV4-01117-00368368-00368633 there's a bunch of people who have their hands held up. aQuSR-gKiV4-01118-00368633-00368782 And I don't know how to do that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01119-00368782-00369124 So, I hope either Katie or Kiara, you know, how to aQuSR-gKiV4-01120-00369124-00369374 let those people answer the question, because I don't know. aQuSR-gKiV4-01121-00369374-00369549 Now I'll answer the question about the symbol. aQuSR-gKiV4-01122-00369705-00370093 Kim Sykes and I were sitting at her dinner table in the country. aQuSR-gKiV4-01123-00370180-00370530 And it was the weekend after the two shoot mass shootings in a row. aQuSR-gKiV4-01124-00370624-00370749 And Kim was kind of like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01125-00370749-00371050 oh, you know, these are random, crazy people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01126-00371130-00371255 And out of my mouth came, aQuSR-gKiV4-01127-00371302-00371685 that's what you think, because you don't see them having a leader aQuSR-gKiV4-01128-00371734-00372035 who has a vision for 1000 year reign. aQuSR-gKiV4-01129-00372074-00372276 And I started thinking about that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01130-00372276-00372749 like, what if all these mass shooters are actually acting on a mission? aQuSR-gKiV4-01131-00372893-00373080 And over the next few weeks, aQuSR-gKiV4-01132-00373161-00373516 I started researching the forked cross, which was one of the most, aQuSR-gKiV4-01133-00373588-00373835 you know, venerable signs in Hinduism and Buddhism. aQuSR-gKiV4-01134-00373915-00374046 And then, one day... aQuSR-gKiV4-01135-00374219-00374624 that image popped into my head and I can only say it was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01136-00374624-00374853 the Muse told me that and I looked at it, aQuSR-gKiV4-01137-00374886-00375139 and I flipped it to the right, and I was like, Whoa! aQuSR-gKiV4-01138-00375344-00375447 Okay, okay! aQuSR-gKiV4-01139-00375508-00375766 And it's the way that there's this cultural appropriation, aQuSR-gKiV4-01140-00375850-00376150 you know, that the Okay, sign has now become a white supremacy sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-01141-00376150-00376511 And so, you know, that idea at the beginning of the film aQuSR-gKiV4-01142-00376511-00376711 that people become loyal to lies. aQuSR-gKiV4-01143-00376791-00377144 I was like, Okay, well, you can make the Om sign into the white supremacy sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-01144-00377144-00377436 And it's as much a lie as this is the white supremacy sign. aQuSR-gKiV4-01145-00377436-00377966 And I was just fascinated by people getting very loyal aQuSR-gKiV4-01146-00377989-00378249 and willing to risk their lives for these inventions aQuSR-gKiV4-01147-00378249-00378430 that are just kind of ridiculous. aQuSR-gKiV4-01148-00378977-00379330 Catherine: One thing that I feel like that your use of symbolism aQuSR-gKiV4-01149-00379330-00379577 in this film was very Brechtian in the sense that aQuSR-gKiV4-01150-00379683-00379849 it was a film within a film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01151-00379941-00380047 You know, and you did that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01152-00380133-00380350 when you showed footage of the house, aQuSR-gKiV4-01153-00380383-00380666 while they were watching, while they were laughing, aQuSR-gKiV4-01154-00380699-00380830 while we were waiting for Luba... aQuSR-gKiV4-01155-00380830-00381013 movie's character. aQuSR-gKiV4-01156-00381013-00381439 You know, it was the the concept of putting the film within the film aQuSR-gKiV4-01157-00381524-00381725 is also how you up ended aQuSR-gKiV4-01158-00381816-00381984 and gave a point of view about symbols, aQuSR-gKiV4-01159-00382066-00382456 and about how all of these symbols are meaningless aQuSR-gKiV4-01160-00382489-00382666 in the context of human action. aQuSR-gKiV4-01161-00382723-00382886 They're just symbols. aQuSR-gKiV4-01162-00382942-00383178 They don't have actual knowledge. aQuSR-gKiV4-01163-00383220-00383415 Human action is where the knowledge is, aQuSR-gKiV4-01164-00383415-00383627 and hiding behind the symbols, aQuSR-gKiV4-01165-00383652-00384205 you know, when... The Hitler, the footage, aQuSR-gKiV4-01166-00384205-00384370 you know, everything was really, aQuSR-gKiV4-01167-00384424-00385146 you really were pulling that together so much, that is iconographic. aQuSR-gKiV4-01168-00385218-00385675 And it's incredibly sort of like super smart, aQuSR-gKiV4-01169-00385716-00386133 you know, super intellectuals, super symbolic. aQuSR-gKiV4-01170-00386211-00386647 And so it's not really horror, it's like an intellectual horror, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-01171-00386751-00386918 And that is just, aQuSR-gKiV4-01172-00387015-00387368 it stays with you more, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-01173-00387451-00387629 Tonya: I have to give that to Minji Kang, aQuSR-gKiV4-01174-00387676-00388015 because I had a lot of ideas and as you can see, I can be very heady aQuSR-gKiV4-01175-00388051-00388338 and Minji would take them and make them be cinematic aQuSR-gKiV4-01176-00388365-00388549 and there are things that are happening aQuSR-gKiV4-01177-00388549-00388904 that she started teaching me about nonlinear storytelling. aQuSR-gKiV4-01178-00389010-00389221 And so like some people who get very linear aQuSR-gKiV4-01179-00389221-00389434 and how things need to be would be like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01180-00389434-00389632 wait, you move these things and they aren't linear, aQuSR-gKiV4-01181-00389632-00390078 and I was like, once I surrendered to Minji teaching me about nonlinear storytelling. aQuSR-gKiV4-01182-00390142-00390218 I was like, okay, aQuSR-gKiV4-01183-00390248-00390540 just tell the story, you know, the juxtaposition of images, aQuSR-gKiV4-01184-00390540-00390724 which is what Eisenstein talked about. aQuSR-gKiV4-01185-00390754-00390985 And and that is really a credit to Minji's aQuSR-gKiV4-01186-00391029-00391315 you know, understanding of image and symbol aQuSR-gKiV4-01187-00391339-00391506 and the space inside the screen, aQuSR-gKiV4-01188-00391570-00391831 as a different space than the 3D world that we live in. aQuSR-gKiV4-01189-00391968-00392133 Kiara: Tonya, when you think about this film, aQuSR-gKiV4-01190-00392133-00392419 sort of in the lexicon of things that are especially like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01191-00392419-00392519 what's coming out right now, aQuSR-gKiV4-01192-00392519-00392614 like, what are we watching, aQuSR-gKiV4-01193-00392614-00392899 Judas and the Black Messiah, Lovecraft Country? aQuSR-gKiV4-01194-00393007-00393188 You know, like, all these films that are sort of aQuSR-gKiV4-01195-00393188-00393563 re-envisioning the black experience from the black perspective, right... aQuSR-gKiV4-01196-00393599-00394063 What do you hope its effect is going to be on sort of the cinema landscape? aQuSR-gKiV4-01197-00394322-00394517 Tonya: I mean, I guess for me, I feel like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01198-00394605-00395341 you know, I've kind of gone out on a real limb in letting you aQuSR-gKiV4-01199-00395405-00395517 see the inside of my mind. aQuSR-gKiV4-01200-00395642-00395863 And it's very vulnerable. aQuSR-gKiV4-01201-00395954-00396266 It's, you know, it's not for everybody, it's going to offend people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01202-00396394-00396685 I think my greatest hope is that someone goes, she got away with that?! aQuSR-gKiV4-01203-00396768-00396956 I'm getting ready to do like, nothing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01204-00397005-00397253 [laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01205-00397701-00398024 Kiara: Yeah, because I heard somebody was just having a conversation. aQuSR-gKiV4-01206-00398243-00398560 And they were asking the director, do you feel responsible? aQuSR-gKiV4-01207-00398651-00398768 Maybe it was for Shamika. aQuSR-gKiV4-01208-00398768-00399057 Do you feel like you have a responsibility to do, aQuSR-gKiV4-01209-00399103-00399385 you know, to tell the history of people and to be accurate about it aQuSR-gKiV4-01210-00399427-00399593 and, you know, and all that sort of thing? aQuSR-gKiV4-01211-00399660-00399764 And he very beautifully said like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01212-00399764-00399967 if it's a story I want to tell, aQuSR-gKiV4-01213-00400035-00400464 I love, love, love that you just telled your story the way you wanted to tell it aQuSR-gKiV4-01214-00400464-00400648 and you know, just put it out there. aQuSR-gKiV4-01215-00400764-00400981 It is going to free some other person to be like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01216-00400981-00401392 "Yeah, I got some shit to say too." aQuSR-gKiV4-01217-00401757-00402073 I'm sure you were nervous about sort of letting aQuSR-gKiV4-01218-00402129-00402276 this cat out of the bag. aQuSR-gKiV4-01219-00402276-00402421 How are you feeling, aQuSR-gKiV4-01220-00402509-00402864 sort of like, first few days, I know, it's still very new, aQuSR-gKiV4-01221-00402864-00403379 this whole other people looking in your underwear drawer situation? aQuSR-gKiV4-01222-00403442-00403617 How are you feeling? aQuSR-gKiV4-01223-00403765-00404067 Tonya: Well, you know, right before watching it with you guys, today, aQuSR-gKiV4-01224-00404087-00404493 I watched it with the cast of women of the movement down here in Mississippi. aQuSR-gKiV4-01225-00404557-00404778 And that was, you know, my first time seeing it on a screen, aQuSR-gKiV4-01226-00404809-00404887 seeing it with people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01227-00404998-00405232 It was an audience of white people, black people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01228-00405316-00405840 So, you know, as expected, I was really clear, aQuSR-gKiV4-01229-00405880-00406182 you know, I could see when some of the white guy's legs were shaking, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01230-00406298-00406526 nothing's happening this is... and it was like, oh, aQuSR-gKiV4-01231-00406595-00406764 you know, that's how we feel when you all aQuSR-gKiV4-01232-00406764-00407027 film a paper bag flying in the wind. aQuSR-gKiV4-01233-00407058-00407225 And we're supposed to think that's beautiful. aQuSR-gKiV4-01234-00407406-00407669 But this is us actually telling you how we feel aQuSR-gKiV4-01235-00407669-00407788 and what we're going through. aQuSR-gKiV4-01236-00407788-00408046 But you know, paper bag in the wind is beautiful. aQuSR-gKiV4-01237-00408074-00408206 And we should call that high art. aQuSR-gKiV4-01238-00408228-00408692 So it was nice. It was what I thought. aQuSR-gKiV4-01239-00408717-00408909 Like, I know that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01240-00408909-00409194 you know, for many white people, this is like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01241-00409548-00409762 why I gotta listen to this? I don't care. aQuSR-gKiV4-01242-00409762-00409931 I'm not interested, what is this gonna do for me? aQuSR-gKiV4-01243-00410038-00410384 And there's a joy in making them have to sit through it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01244-00410384-00410561 I mean, they don't have to, they don't have to pay for it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01245-00410589-00410753 But I guess, aQuSR-gKiV4-01246-00410889-00411164 you know, that's the gift you have when you're a storyteller, aQuSR-gKiV4-01247-00411196-00411501 you've got this audience and you have them. aQuSR-gKiV4-01248-00411631-00411734 You know, you've got this rain, aQuSR-gKiV4-01249-00411734-00411878 and you get to leave them where... aQuSR-gKiV4-01250-00411944-00412064 where you want to take them. aQuSR-gKiV4-01251-00412139-00412461 And so I think that because there's so many layers, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01252-00412481-00412759 there's so many things we haven't even talked about that are in the story, aQuSR-gKiV4-01253-00412833-00413181 that I know that this film will continue to work on people aQuSR-gKiV4-01254-00413268-00413484 long after the seeing of the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01255-00413522-00413749 I mean, for many of the black people who were watching it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01256-00413823-00414026 They were just like... aQuSR-gKiV4-01257-00414197-00414360 You know, they were stunned. aQuSR-gKiV4-01258-00414393-00414729 They were like, did she really tell them truth? aQuSR-gKiV4-01259-00414929-00415024 Oh, whoa, like, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-01260-00415024-00415289 you get lynched for telling lesser truth than that! aQuSR-gKiV4-01261-00415289-00415584 She actually told stuff that we say to each other. aQuSR-gKiV4-01262-00415606-00416010 And think about and I feel like that's a really important thing, aQuSR-gKiV4-01263-00416038-00416382 because so much of America is this denial of truth and facts. aQuSR-gKiV4-01264-00416444-00416687 And the more people tell their version of reality, aQuSR-gKiV4-01265-00416738-00417063 the closer we're going to get to equality, aQuSR-gKiV4-01266-00417063-00417346 the more individual specific stories we all hear, aQuSR-gKiV4-01267-00417413-00417546 the better it's going to be for all of us. aQuSR-gKiV4-01268-00417607-00417909 Luba: I have to say, when you first gave me the script, aQuSR-gKiV4-01269-00418148-00418210 and I read it, aQuSR-gKiV4-01270-00418243-00418799 it was very disturbing, it was raw. aQuSR-gKiV4-01271-00418977-00419383 I couldn't believe you had written half the shit that you wrote. aQuSR-gKiV4-01272-00419503-00419735 And some of it I didn't understand. aQuSR-gKiV4-01273-00419927-00420492 But I was hungry to really get a grip on it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01274-00420530-00420723 And so I read it again. aQuSR-gKiV4-01275-00420832-00421187 And it started to really affect me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01276-00421474-00421738 And I wanted to do it, I felt it was so different. aQuSR-gKiV4-01277-00421791-00422204 It was not just a horror film, but as I said, it's a political horror film, aQuSR-gKiV4-01278-00422232-00422546 a very intellectual horror film, political horror film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01279-00422610-00422738 When I was shooting it, aQuSR-gKiV4-01280-00422882-00423110 I was really just doing my job. aQuSR-gKiV4-01281-00423169-00423446 It didn't affect me as much when I was shooting it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01282-00423516-00423833 But when I watched it last night with Rubén, aQuSR-gKiV4-01283-00424046-00424484 the horror of it, and the reality of what was going on in the movie aQuSR-gKiV4-01284-00424607-00424876 was very shocking to me and it was very disturbing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01285-00424974-00425118 And I think that's great. aQuSR-gKiV4-01286-00425277-00425904 It was, yeah, it really, it just hit me to... it hit my core. aQuSR-gKiV4-01287-00426460-00426654 Yeah, there's something I was like... aQuSR-gKiV4-01288-00426729-00426800 I don't know, it was just... aQuSR-gKiV4-01289-00427053-00427324 You did your job, Tonya, is what I'm saying. aQuSR-gKiV4-01290-00427371-00427575 You know, it moved me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01291-00427671-00427962 Tonya: If you can be moved by yourself, you did your job too. aQuSR-gKiV4-01292-00428053-00428288 Luba: It was just the whole picture of it all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01293-00428335-00428682 And there was so much symbolism, as everybody's been saying, aQuSR-gKiV4-01294-00428717-00428872 and Rubén and I even talked about it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01295-00428920-00429185 There was so much that I missed that when I watched it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01296-00429251-00429521 I went oh, oh, oh, okay! aQuSR-gKiV4-01297-00429568-00429867 You know, and it just started to come together aQuSR-gKiV4-01298-00429867-00430047 and it was very, very strong. aQuSR-gKiV4-01299-00430178-00430345 Your message was very strong. aQuSR-gKiV4-01300-00430614-00430938 Kiara: I think all of you deserve a severe round of applause. aQuSR-gKiV4-01301-00430968-00431350 I mean, it's tremendous work, it really is! aQuSR-gKiV4-01302-00431350-00431718 People, you know, like to say, oh, this movie this, and this movie that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01303-00431718-00432031 But until you done it your damn self. aQuSR-gKiV4-01304-00432031-00432514 You just do not know how hard it is to actually finish a film aQuSR-gKiV4-01305-00432552-00432893 and get it into a presentable format. aQuSR-gKiV4-01306-00433030-00433329 I've seen people finish films and they never distributed, aQuSR-gKiV4-01307-00433329-00433531 nobody ever sees it anyway. aQuSR-gKiV4-01308-00433571-00433743 You got to go to a mama house to see the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01309-00433801-00434157 Kim Sykes: And I might add to be in it and direct it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01310-00434199-00434404 I mean, god damn, Tonya! aQuSR-gKiV4-01311-00434477-00434691 You produced it, acted, and directed! aQuSR-gKiV4-01312-00434803-00435060 Greg: Yeah, she's an unstoppable force! aQuSR-gKiV4-01313-00435100-00435294 You know, I never thought for a second aQuSR-gKiV4-01314-00435294-00435507 that this film was not gonna be not made, aQuSR-gKiV4-01315-00435507-00435655 she's unstoppable woman! aQuSR-gKiV4-01316-00435767-00435824 Kim Sykes: This is true. aQuSR-gKiV4-01317-00435824-00435937 Luba: You were going on, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01318-00435937-00436187 two or three hours of sleep a night, I remember. aQuSR-gKiV4-01319-00436234-00436633 Tonya: Send them notes at three o'clock in the morning. aQuSR-gKiV4-01320-00436826-00437136 Robin lives in North Chatham, where we shot with Kim, aQuSR-gKiV4-01321-00437136-00437302 and this was Robin's first film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01322-00437337-00437385 Robin! aQuSR-gKiV4-01323-00437473-00437614 Robin Guthridge: Hi, yes. aQuSR-gKiV4-01324-00437693-00437994 Yeah, I guess a unique perspective as someone aQuSR-gKiV4-01325-00438023-00438170 that's never been around aQuSR-gKiV4-01326-00438170-00438579 any film crew, any actors, anything like that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01327-00438690-00439096 And it was just this amazing invasion of the town. aQuSR-gKiV4-01328-00439140-00439376 And I'm so lucky to meet, aQuSR-gKiV4-01329-00439442-00439642 you know, several of you amazing actors. aQuSR-gKiV4-01330-00439703-00440254 And I just witnessed three partial days of shooting, aQuSR-gKiV4-01331-00440254-00440760 but it was intriguing and amazing and so much fun, really! aQuSR-gKiV4-01332-00441114-00441188 Tonya: She killed Rubén. aQuSR-gKiV4-01333-00441294-00441457 Robin Guthridge: I did, I'm sorry Rubén. aQuSR-gKiV4-01334-00441529-00441637 Rubén: I didn't appreciate that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01335-00441667-00441877 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01336-00441877-00442030 - Yeah, especially the eye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01337-00442350-00442640 Rubén: I got more more arrows in me than... aQuSR-gKiV4-01338-00442906-00443072 I mean, you didn't shoot another arrow aQuSR-gKiV4-01339-00443072-00443315 because probably the budget, you know, didn't allow you to. aQuSR-gKiV4-01340-00443315-00443423 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01341-00443582-00443671 Robin Guthridge: Yeah, I do apologise. aQuSR-gKiV4-01342-00443907-00444060 Kiara: I have to say somebody said earlier aQuSR-gKiV4-01343-00444060-00444191 they didn't know where to see the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01344-00444223-00444496 You guys remind friends and family members, aQuSR-gKiV4-01345-00444496-00444649 the Pan African Film Festival right now aQuSR-gKiV4-01346-00444649-00445043 is screening the film through what the 15th, the 14th. aQuSR-gKiV4-01347-00445110-00445235 Which means you go online, aQuSR-gKiV4-01348-00445266-00445435 you pay $8 and you can watch the film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01349-00445474-00445732 You know, it's worth it aQuSR-gKiV4-01350-00445732-00446024 to be able to continue this conversation with others aQuSR-gKiV4-01351-00446024-00446281 because this is a film like you can't explain to anybody aQuSR-gKiV4-01352-00446281-00446458 what this film is about. aQuSR-gKiV4-01353-00446488-00446713 You cannot chit chat about what this film... aQuSR-gKiV4-01354-00446713-00446926 Rubén: I wanted to say one last thing before I return, aQuSR-gKiV4-01355-00446926-00447427 that I really, I'm very, very, very grateful, Tonya, aQuSR-gKiV4-01356-00447449-00447744 for you including me in your project. aQuSR-gKiV4-01357-00447796-00448320 - And I'm also very, very happy to work with all of you. - Luba: Oh, absolutely! aQuSR-gKiV4-01358-00448320-00448744 Because what we've done is to show character, aQuSR-gKiV4-01359-00448744-00449043 you know, support for an idea. aQuSR-gKiV4-01360-00449110-00449337 That is what embodies this country, really. aQuSR-gKiV4-01361-00449407-00449735 The idea of people from different backgrounds to getting together aQuSR-gKiV4-01362-00449765-00450210 and getting a message out and working together. aQuSR-gKiV4-01363-00450238-00450498 In spite of the differences of upbringing, aQuSR-gKiV4-01364-00450498-00451069 or economic situation, or race, or place of origin, and whatnot. aQuSR-gKiV4-01365-00451086-00451350 So what we've done, I mean, and we did it out of respect, aQuSR-gKiV4-01366-00451350-00451456 and out of affection, aQuSR-gKiV4-01367-00451484-00451831 and out of understanding of the need to put this idea forward. aQuSR-gKiV4-01368-00451895-00452213 So I'm very, very grateful to have met all of you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01369-00452263-00452681 And thank you for allowing me to be a better person at the same time. aQuSR-gKiV4-01370-00452764-00453114 Because by seeing you, you reinforce everything, aQuSR-gKiV4-01371-00453170-00453354 by being here and doing this, aQuSR-gKiV4-01372-00453354-00453609 you reinforce everything that is good about this country, aQuSR-gKiV4-01373-00453652-00453884 and about the world itself. aQuSR-gKiV4-01374-00454199-00454321 I wanted to thank you all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01375-00454493-00454556 - Thank you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01376-00454621-00454702 - Love you Rubén! aQuSR-gKiV4-01377-00454996-00455171 I'm going to chase the cat now. aQuSR-gKiV4-01378-00455391-00455634 I don't know, it's very quite, I don't know what he's doing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01379-00455785-00455999 Kiara: We have one more question from the audience. aQuSR-gKiV4-01380-00456006-00456081 They want to know, aQuSR-gKiV4-01381-00456128-00456417 what you think people should do with the feelings aQuSR-gKiV4-01382-00456425-00456640 that they have that come up watching the film? aQuSR-gKiV4-01383-00456779-00456956 Tonya: You can always write me, aQuSR-gKiV4-01384-00457029-00457226 Tonyapinkins@gmail.com aQuSR-gKiV4-01385-00457233-00457384 I love having the conversation. aQuSR-gKiV4-01386-00457391-00457619 I made a movie that is supposed to get under your skin. aQuSR-gKiV4-01387-00457720-00457970 We are still a very segregated society. aQuSR-gKiV4-01388-00458042-00458356 And there aren't spaces for people to have these conversations aQuSR-gKiV4-01389-00458381-00458504 that have to be had. aQuSR-gKiV4-01390-00458570-00458862 And so I am open to having the conversation with you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01391-00458873-00459047 Send me an email, we'll have the conversation. aQuSR-gKiV4-01392-00459102-00459434 I think that, that's the only way we can change the world is when we aQuSR-gKiV4-01393-00459440-00459701 have spaces to take these uncomfortable feelings aQuSR-gKiV4-01394-00459734-00459981 and talk to somebody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01395-00460156-00460278 Kiara: Well, the film is out now, aQuSR-gKiV4-01396-00460302-00460558 it's traveling to festivals, already won two awards! aQuSR-gKiV4-01397-00460573-00460803 I mean, people are seeing it, having very visceral... aQuSR-gKiV4-01398-00460833-00460964 I'm about to add, I could go on Fridays news. aQuSR-gKiV4-01399-00461006-00461122 Tonya: Four, we won four. aQuSR-gKiV4-01400-00461131-00461311 Mykonos, best fisrt feature film Mykonos, aQuSR-gKiV4-01401-00461322-00461500 best Black Lives Matter film in Mykonos. aQuSR-gKiV4-01402-00461511-00461717 We won the best feature film in Amsterdam. aQuSR-gKiV4-01403-00461776-00462124 We won the best first feature in Sweden. aQuSR-gKiV4-01404-00462178-00462320 - Whoho! aQuSR-gKiV4-01405-00462714-00462964 Daniella Paiewonsky: You're already getting prizes like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01406-00462972-00463297 that's amazing Tonya, congratulations, that's awesome! aQuSR-gKiV4-01407-00463325-00463381 Tonya: Thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01408-00463472-00463603 - International recognition aQuSR-gKiV4-01409-00463630-00463892 Tonya: That's Vop Osili, I don't know if he's really there. aQuSR-gKiV4-01410-00463902-00464172 He was... made that cameo in the opening. aQuSR-gKiV4-01411-00464197-00464502 He got killed very quickly. aQuSR-gKiV4-01412-00464520-00464599 Vob, are you there? aQuSR-gKiV4-01413-00464611-00464803 You're gonna say Hi to everybody, your camera's off? aQuSR-gKiV4-01414-00464921-00465234 Vop Osili: Hi everybody, Tonya it was a great, great honor aQuSR-gKiV4-01415-00465249-00465623 just to be in the midst of amazing people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01416-00465699-00465918 I don't think you want to see me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01417-00465923-00466115 It's not a great hair day for me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01418-00466133-00466329 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01419-00466433-00466807 By the way, I had my COVID shot and made me really, really sick. aQuSR-gKiV4-01420-00466857-00466936 - Oh. aQuSR-gKiV4-01421-00466942-00467038 So, I would probably be not look at my best, aQuSR-gKiV4-01422-00467222-00467308 but at least it's behind, aQuSR-gKiV4-01423-00467327-00467455 but Tonya, it was just amazing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01424-00467479-00467616 And just even my little cameo, aQuSR-gKiV4-01425-00467675-00468018 I'm just thrilled to have been part of it, so thank you, just amazing! aQuSR-gKiV4-01426-00468077-00468204 Tonya: Thank you Vop, feel better, get better! aQuSR-gKiV4-01427-00468222-00468543 Greg: Vop, it was a pleasure holding the noose around aQuSR-gKiV4-01428-00468555-00468680 over your neck. aQuSR-gKiV4-01429-00468761-00468958 Vop Osili: You know, I think a lot of people feel that way, aQuSR-gKiV4-01430-00468983-00469052 when they're around me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01431-00469077-00469271 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01432-00469477-00469868 Tonya: Vop is the president of the city council of Indianapolis, be has a supermajority. aQuSR-gKiV4-01433-00469911-00470133 So, this is one of our elected officials. aQuSR-gKiV4-01434-00470180-00470313 Kathryn Erbe: We loved working with Vop. aQuSR-gKiV4-01435-00470443-00470630 Vop: Thank you! It was an honor, thank you so much! aQuSR-gKiV4-01436-00470711-00470777 Tonya: Thank you Vop, feel better. aQuSR-gKiV4-01437-00470807-00470897 And Stephen Hendel, aQuSR-gKiV4-01438-00470921-00471169 you all didn't get to meet, he's one of our producers also, aQuSR-gKiV4-01439-00471177-00471551 and Kati Rosin, Katie we got to meet but everyone wasn't here. aQuSR-gKiV4-01440-00471560-00471913 So I just wanted to let each of them say something, before we wrap it up. aQuSR-gKiV4-01441-00472008-00472164 Stephen Hendel: Well, I've known Tonya for... aQuSR-gKiV4-01442-00472179-00472364 I don't know probably about 20 years, aQuSR-gKiV4-01443-00472448-00472775 maybe not quite 20 years and there's nothing Tonya can't do. aQuSR-gKiV4-01444-00472850-00473224 And I agree with whatever said, aQuSR-gKiV4-01445-00473241-00473713 when Tonya sets out to do something, she brings everything to it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01446-00473796-00474179 I thought the film was really, really remarkable. aQuSR-gKiV4-01447-00474196-00474449 I almost never watch horror movies, aQuSR-gKiV4-01448-00474505-00474830 because I get very creeped out very, very easily aQuSR-gKiV4-01449-00474921-00475108 and I was very creeped out. aQuSR-gKiV4-01450-00475307-00475495 And then there were these surprising things, aQuSR-gKiV4-01451-00475495-00475850 I think when that arrow went through Rubén's eye, aQuSR-gKiV4-01452-00475916-00476141 I don't even know how that took place, aQuSR-gKiV4-01453-00476294-00476560 but to think that you could get this film up also when aQuSR-gKiV4-01454-00476610-00477093 you know, the guy got swept out of the house and on fire aQuSR-gKiV4-01455-00477116-00477327 and, you know, hung. aQuSR-gKiV4-01456-00477341-00477555 I don't know how you made those effects aQuSR-gKiV4-01457-00477627-00477977 but the film works on all these levels obviously aQuSR-gKiV4-01458-00478094-00478188 it was put together, aQuSR-gKiV4-01459-00478290-00478563 you know, from artists respecting each other and Tonya. aQuSR-gKiV4-01460-00478636-00478850 On a very, very low budget, aQuSR-gKiV4-01461-00478950-00479230 going to Korea, I don't even know how that was possible! aQuSR-gKiV4-01462-00479339-00479638 And now the film is here forever and people will see it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01463-00479733-00480050 And it will evoke a lot of comments aQuSR-gKiV4-01464-00480138-00480334 and so congratulations everybody, aQuSR-gKiV4-01465-00480346-00480627 it was an amazing collective effort aQuSR-gKiV4-01466-00480686-00480947 and, you know, I think you achieved a lot, aQuSR-gKiV4-01467-00481057-00481322 I think you achieved really, really a tremendous amount aQuSR-gKiV4-01468-00481338-00481849 and really beyond what you think you can do in 10 days aQuSR-gKiV4-01469-00481960-00482211 with a shoestring budget, you know, so.. aQuSR-gKiV4-01470-00482337-00482469 Tonya: Producer talking, right? aQuSR-gKiV4-01471-00482757-00482867 Stephen Hendel: Yeah and then, you know, aQuSR-gKiV4-01472-00482871-00483151 this question of how do you get these this film scene? aQuSR-gKiV4-01473-00483218-00483540 You know, that's gonna take some thought, aQuSR-gKiV4-01474-00483573-00483957 you know, the festivals are good, you got to find a distributor, aQuSR-gKiV4-01475-00484118-00484256 but, you know, look there's a... aQuSR-gKiV4-01476-00484265-00484443 it's a big world, it's a big audience. aQuSR-gKiV4-01477-00484605-00485121 And Tonya, you wrote, I mean people say you directed and acted, aQuSR-gKiV4-01478-00485167-00485487 but you wrote the film and you put everything together, aQuSR-gKiV4-01479-00485557-00485890 and I'm sure lots and lots of people are going to see it and have aQuSR-gKiV4-01480-00485996-00486587 the thrill of seeing it and have to reckon with it as well. aQuSR-gKiV4-01481-00486637-00486711 So, good luck! aQuSR-gKiV4-01482-00486760-00486815 - Thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01483-00486857-00486985 - Thank you Stephen! aQuSR-gKiV4-01484-00487175-00487240 - Thank you Stephen! aQuSR-gKiV4-01485-00487332-00487471 Mellicent Dyane: Thank you Stephen! aQuSR-gKiV4-01486-00487486-00487601 Tonya: Katie, you want to say something? aQuSR-gKiV4-01487-00487675-00488046 Katie Rosin: Yeah, I guess from my vantage point, aQuSR-gKiV4-01488-00488067-00488245 I came on to the project sort of, aQuSR-gKiV4-01489-00488339-00488748 a very much around this time last year, maybe in February aQuSR-gKiV4-01490-00488865-00489306 and I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you all and being on set with you aQuSR-gKiV4-01491-00489314-00489732 which, you know, is really one of the fun parts, aQuSR-gKiV4-01492-00489754-00490004 although Tonya, says the film is made three times aQuSR-gKiV4-01493-00490020-00490251 and I really do think that she's right about that aQuSR-gKiV4-01494-00490279-00490662 because I got to sit in you know the sound mix a couple weeks ago aQuSR-gKiV4-01495-00490675-00491037 and that was a really pivotal moment in the making of this project aQuSR-gKiV4-01496-00491103-00491171 but for me aQuSR-gKiV4-01497-00491198-00491637 and you guys have all sort of said this so eloquently and beautifully tonight was that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01498-00491718-00492051 you know, Tonya has a very important voice and something aQuSR-gKiV4-01499-00492066-00492218 that needs to be shared with the world aQuSR-gKiV4-01500-00492250-00492539 and that the message of this film needs to be shared with the world. aQuSR-gKiV4-01501-00492598-00493401 And Tonya's visionary in so many moments in the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-01502-00493414-00493840 like, I keep thinking about even the toilet paper line, aQuSR-gKiV4-01503-00493850-00494139 because I cannot believe she wrote that line in 2019. aQuSR-gKiV4-01504-00494164-00494551 And way before toilet paper became such a huge thing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01505-00494579-00494931 And then, you know, the other line for me that really resonates is, like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01506-00494957-00495181 the president refuses to leave the White House aQuSR-gKiV4-01507-00495189-00495579 and like, again, something she wrote two years ago aQuSR-gKiV4-01508-00495612-00495918 before we move through this moment all together. aQuSR-gKiV4-01509-00495957-00496182 And so, I think Tonya is really right, again, aQuSR-gKiV4-01510-00496279-00496620 about the fact that like, this is the moment for the film, aQuSR-gKiV4-01511-00496629-00496936 like we did think that it.. coming up before the election. aQuSR-gKiV4-01512-00496973-00497140 But I actually think that aQuSR-gKiV4-01513-00497212-00497536 people will see this film and understand it aQuSR-gKiV4-01514-00497693-00498038 and be able to absorb the messaging better now, aQuSR-gKiV4-01515-00498049-00498301 knowing that there really are, aQuSR-gKiV4-01516-00498390-00498510 you know, the Becky's and the Karen's aQuSR-gKiV4-01517-00498520-00498801 and the QAnons of the world. aQuSR-gKiV4-01518-00498884-00499321 Like, this is not a fragment of a horror film, this is reality. aQuSR-gKiV4-01519-00499392-00499704 And Tonya is just turning the lens on it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01520-00499740-00499989 And so that's why I'm here. aQuSR-gKiV4-01521-00500002-00500209 I feel like it's important to get this messaging out. aQuSR-gKiV4-01522-00500220-00500740 And I really am grateful for all of you and all your hard work on it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01523-00500854-00500918 - Thank you, Katie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01524-00501034-00501387 Yeah, and I have to say, you know, God bless the actual people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01525-00501392-00501648 My sister is one of those people who goes to people's houses aQuSR-gKiV4-01526-00501656-00501760 and try to get them to vote. aQuSR-gKiV4-01527-00501773-00502145 They actually do that, and we got this vote aQuSR-gKiV4-01528-00502168-00502476 and that we don't have to be under that presidency, aQuSR-gKiV4-01529-00502485-00502698 because I don't think we'd be able to watch this film aQuSR-gKiV4-01530-00502707-00502859 with that person, still in the White House. aQuSR-gKiV4-01531-00502891-00503130 I don't think anybody would be able to sit back aQuSR-gKiV4-01532-00503140-00503410 for an hour and a half and consider this reality, aQuSR-gKiV4-01533-00503440-00503810 if we didn't think that they were better parents for the nation, right now. aQuSR-gKiV4-01534-00503954-00504460 - But this film still, you know, I said at the top of the webinar, aQuSR-gKiV4-01535-00504577-00504868 I'm not pleased with Biden's done in the first 100 days, aQuSR-gKiV4-01536-00504898-00505184 you know, so this film reminds you that aQuSR-gKiV4-01537-00505190-00505376 it's an ongoing thing you have to question, aQuSR-gKiV4-01538-00505443-00505654 you have to figure out how to get people to be accountable, aQuSR-gKiV4-01539-00505716-00505896 especially because I feel like I worked really hard. aQuSR-gKiV4-01540-00505906-00506207 I was in line in Brooklyn for six hours trying to vote. aQuSR-gKiV4-01541-00506278-00506457 You know, and that was early. aQuSR-gKiV4-01542-00506662-00506910 You know, so it's like, even though I feel like I've done a lot, aQuSR-gKiV4-01543-00506986-00507339 it's still nothing compared to the ongoing conversations, aQuSR-gKiV4-01544-00507349-00507569 we have to keep having and holding people accountable. aQuSR-gKiV4-01545-00507677-00507797 Mellicent: Yes, good point. aQuSR-gKiV4-01546-00507866-00507925 Very good point. aQuSR-gKiV4-01547-00507999-00508263 Kim: Yeah, everyone keeps calling the stimulus, aQuSR-gKiV4-01548-00508346-00508676 a generous thing that keeps saying, it's a generous thing we're doing aQuSR-gKiV4-01549-00508687-00508980 and I think it's not generous, it's owed. aQuSR-gKiV4-01550-00509078-00509216 And it's way past due. aQuSR-gKiV4-01551-00509271-00509405 And there needs to be more aQuSR-gKiV4-01552-00509487-00509911 to help people because it's been a long time in aQuSR-gKiV4-01553-00509922-00510238 which this economy has been starving people aQuSR-gKiV4-01554-00510258-00510499 and making people work for no money aQuSR-gKiV4-01555-00510534-00510872 and destroying families, in all races, aQuSR-gKiV4-01556-00510980-00511067 you know, all genders. aQuSR-gKiV4-01557-00511093-00511200 It's just been horrible. aQuSR-gKiV4-01558-00511227-00511505 You know, capitalism has gone amok! aQuSR-gKiV4-01559-00511597-00511964 And so, yeah, there is a reckoning happening, aQuSR-gKiV4-01560-00512002-00512304 and it has to continue and it's this first 100 days. aQuSR-gKiV4-01561-00512447-00512905 You know, it's a disappointment, but I'm hopeful, I'm still hopeful. aQuSR-gKiV4-01562-00512963-00513062 I'm not ready to give up. aQuSR-gKiV4-01563-00513153-00513242 - No, you can't! aQuSR-gKiV4-01564-00513250-00513357 This movie shows you, you can't give up. aQuSR-gKiV4-01565-00513650-00513852 Greg: Tonya, I love the credits. aQuSR-gKiV4-01566-00513905-00514006 The credits were amazing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01567-00514052-00514272 And yeah, kind of the story of your journey aQuSR-gKiV4-01568-00514367-00514903 between all far before the start of this movie, and the end of the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01569-00514930-00515483 And the photo montage is we're just inside your mind and I saw it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01570-00515550-00515683 I thought it was really brilliant. aQuSR-gKiV4-01571-00515774-00516027 Tonya: Credits are one of my favorite things about it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01572-00516036-00516251 I didn't realize there were two pages of us aQuSR-gKiV4-01573-00516261-00516472 and we have to seal Blumenbar here who is one of aQuSR-gKiV4-01574-00516482-00516905 our narrators at the end, she's in Germany somewhere aQuSR-gKiV4-01575-00516911-00517214 and Garber who is also one of our narrators in the multiple languages aQuSR-gKiV4-01576-00517233-00517389 of news, stories that happened at the end. aQuSR-gKiV4-01577-00517427-00517559 I didn't realize there were two pages. aQuSR-gKiV4-01578-00517574-00517900 The credits are really.. I loved the credits, aQuSR-gKiV4-01579-00517933-00518132 like, they were as much a part of the movie for me aQuSR-gKiV4-01580-00518166-00518550 as the movie, you know, body of the movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01581-00518669-00518829 Greg: They could be easter eggs aQuSR-gKiV4-01582-00518864-00519130 that just I have to watch it all the way to the end to see aQuSR-gKiV4-01583-00519138-00519663 what a filmmakers mind wants the viewer to just actually experience aQuSR-gKiV4-01584-00519716-00519997 at the end of credits and even you deliver. aQuSR-gKiV4-01585-00520266-00520315 Tonya: Thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01586-00520402-00520644 Well, I thank you all for coming here and watching aQuSR-gKiV4-01587-00520654-00520972 and for sharing all of your talents with me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01588-00521039-00521172 You are priceless aQuSR-gKiV4-01589-00521189-00521583 and, you know, when I get that 100 million dollar movie, aQuSR-gKiV4-01590-00521595-00521910 I'm calling you back and paying you what you're used to getting paid. aQuSR-gKiV4-01591-00522082-00522164 Adesola: We're going to hold you to that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01592-00522259-00522332 Luba: Just tell us where! aQuSR-gKiV4-01593-00522475-00522582 Tell us where and when! aQuSR-gKiV4-01594-00522723-00522773 Tonya: I adore you all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01595-00522784-00523079 And thank you Kiara for taking the lead for me tonight. aQuSR-gKiV4-01596-00523085-00523251 So I could just be with everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01597-00523377-00523522 - Congratulations, everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01598-00523552-00523803 - Tonya, thank you for being so amazing, seriously! aQuSR-gKiV4-01599-00523880-00523934 Greg: Love you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01600-00523977-00524041 - Thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01601-00524058-00524213 Thank you for doing this, thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01602-00524249-00524321 - Bye, bye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01603-00524553-00524612 Mellicent: Tonya, we got your back! aQuSR-gKiV4-01604-00524775-00524948 - Okay, bye, bye, good luck! aQuSR-gKiV4-01605-00525093-00525168 I can't wait for the next one. aQuSR-gKiV4-01606-00525558-00525637 Mellicent: Let's do it again. aQuSR-gKiV4-01607-00525642-00525703 Let's do it tomorrow. aQuSR-gKiV4-01608-00525953-00526058 - Take care you all, be safe! aQuSR-gKiV4-01609-00526181-00526345 - Good bye everybody! aQuSR-gKiV4-01610-00526797-00527045 Jake: Cathy, I have your Arnicare still. aQuSR-gKiV4-01611-00527094-00527359 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01612-00527512-00527795 Catherine Curtin: Use it well, use it well! aQuSR-gKiV4-01613-00527906-00527981 I have some becuase of you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01614-00528058-00528179 Jake: I came running out of the house, aQuSR-gKiV4-01615-00528190-00528476 and like, where's Cathy? I've got her Arnicare, oh she laughs... aQuSR-gKiV4-01616-00528606-00528839 Tonya: We forgot about Maija who had that scream aQuSR-gKiV4-01617-00528854-00529354 at the beginning of the movie and then did like 100 other jobs and Miles... aQuSR-gKiV4-01618-00529993-00530238 Jake: Miles and Maija, thank you so much! aQuSR-gKiV4-01619-00530871-00531010 Adesola: Alright, take care everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01620-00531270-00531363 Catherine Curtin: This is your seventh seal, Tonya. aQuSR-gKiV4-01621-00531379-00531552 This is your seventh seal. aQuSR-gKiV4-01622-00531585-00531940 They will be keeping this in classes aQuSR-gKiV4-01623-00532015-00532421 for years and years and years to come. aQuSR-gKiV4-01624-00532452-00532684 You are going to make it into the great film classes. aQuSR-gKiV4-01625-00532740-00532943 You are going to make it into the film canon. aQuSR-gKiV4-01626-00533068-00533135 Tonya: Thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01627-00533229-00533341 - It just the beginning, baby girl! aQuSR-gKiV4-01628-00533446-00533649 Jake: Cathy, I need to start teaching classes, aQuSR-gKiV4-01629-00533681-00533965 how you sit still on a couch or something aQuSR-gKiV4-01630-00533971-00534216 and then give, like, this amazing performance. aQuSR-gKiV4-01631-00534253-00534401 Adesola: That was ridiculous! aQuSR-gKiV4-01632-00534462-00534649 Jake: I played it back four times. aQuSR-gKiV4-01633-00534665-00534799 Like, hold on, wait with this... aQuSR-gKiV4-01634-00534827-00534954 What is she doing with her... aQuSR-gKiV4-01635-00534990-00535040 How? aQuSR-gKiV4-01636-00535086-00535268 Because at some point I know with me, aQuSR-gKiV4-01637-00535277-00535537 my nose would start to itch or something would happen. aQuSR-gKiV4-01638-00535631-00535745 I would not be able to do that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01639-00535874-00536271 I just kept looking frozen if you really.. No, she's... aQuSR-gKiV4-01640-00536613-00536789 It was so good. Oh my God. aQuSR-gKiV4-01641-00537043-00537160 Greg: Good night all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01642-00537262-00537401 Jake: Bye, Greg, good to see you too! aQuSR-gKiV4-01643-00537437-00537529 - Bye, Greg! aQuSR-gKiV4-01644-00537588-00537655 - Love you all. aQuSR-gKiV4-01645-00537944-00538101 Jake: I don't want to go. I don't want to leave. aQuSR-gKiV4-01646-00538409-00538482 - Bye Maija, bye Miles! aQuSR-gKiV4-01647-00538574-00538696 Adesola: Hudak, Great to see man! aQuSR-gKiV4-01648-00539118-00539241 Good night, take care! aQuSR-gKiV4-01649-00539323-00539504 Jake: Adesola, Great to see you and congrats on your short film. aQuSR-gKiV4-01650-00539556-00539687 Adesola: Thank you, thank you, thank you! aQuSR-gKiV4-01651-00539756-00539927 Jake: Bye Maija, I love you. I'll see you soon! aQuSR-gKiV4-01652-00539984-00540036 Bye Tonya! aQuSR-gKiV4-01653-00540074-00540272 Adesola: Thank you, Tonya. aQuSR-gKiV4-01654-00540305-00540398 Adesola: Thank you again, Tonya. aQuSR-gKiV4-01655-00540803-00540931 - " T ", you're awesome. So proud of you, girl! aQuSR-gKiV4-01656-00541034-00541153 Tonya: Thank you, here we are. aQuSR-gKiV4-01657-00541298-00541381 We're down to the wire. aQuSR-gKiV4-01658-00541391-00541677 There's six of us and five panelists left on here. aQuSR-gKiV4-01659-00541768-00541884 Thank you guys so much. aQuSR-gKiV4-01660-00541989-00542295 Melli, and Katie, and Kiara and Cathy. aQuSR-gKiV4-01661-00542331-00542482 So Cathy, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-01662-00542489-00542656 One of your producers on homeland. aQuSR-gKiV4-01663-00542666-00542848 She watched the film the other day and she was like, aQuSR-gKiV4-01664-00542951-00543234 I would never have thought of Cathy in that way. aQuSR-gKiV4-01665-00543256-00543456 But I'm so glad you did! aQuSR-gKiV4-01666-00543476-00544250 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01667-00544317-00544441 I just loved it at the end, aQuSR-gKiV4-01668-00544451-00544758 at the end of the movie how you didn't think aQuSR-gKiV4-01669-00544766-00545095 you were watching them same movie that you were watching before! aQuSR-gKiV4-01670-00545182-00545488 And you didn't think that you were watching the same characters. aQuSR-gKiV4-01671-00545588-00545930 That was the way the footage, aQuSR-gKiV4-01672-00545937-00546271 I mean, that was awesome dude, I just love that. aQuSR-gKiV4-01673-00546356-00546679 I just love the way it was a movie within a movie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01674-00546728-00546870 That was oh... aQuSR-gKiV4-01675-00546955-00547362 Because then you didn't think you were still with the same people. aQuSR-gKiV4-01676-00547370-00547723 You thought you were watching footage, but you weren't watching footage. aQuSR-gKiV4-01677-00547737-00547942 You're watching the characters play it out. aQuSR-gKiV4-01678-00548009-00548186 It was so tricky. aQuSR-gKiV4-01679-00548215-00548365 It was so awesome. aQuSR-gKiV4-01680-00548493-00548558 You know? aQuSR-gKiV4-01681-00548793-00548919 Minji Kang, you got that, aQuSR-gKiV4-01682-00548922-00549220 Minji Kang telling me about nonlinear storytelling. aQuSR-gKiV4-01683-00549294-00549546 I was like, Minji, I have to flow with you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01684-00549765-00549947 Catherine: You guys got to team up again, aQuSR-gKiV4-01685-00549977-00550602 because I think the way you team up is kind of beyond extraordinary, you know? aQuSR-gKiV4-01686-00550703-00551115 So definitely together. aQuSR-gKiV4-01687-00551174-00551421 Kiara: You have to go to Korea and quarantine aQuSR-gKiV4-01688-00551479-00551750 and eat toilet shit food, whatever that was! aQuSR-gKiV4-01689-00551769-00552041 [Laughter] aQuSR-gKiV4-01690-00552051-00552195 Katie: She did all sorts of crazy things. aQuSR-gKiV4-01691-00552285-00552444 What did you get? aQuSR-gKiV4-01692-00552462-00552596 You also got a Vampire Facial. aQuSR-gKiV4-01693-00552630-00552752 Tonya: Oh, I got the Vampire Facial aQuSR-gKiV4-01694-00552766-00552941 where they take the blood out of your arm aQuSR-gKiV4-01695-00552963-00553158 and then injected back into your face. aQuSR-gKiV4-01696-00553210-00553444 I got the strings, where they put some strings aQuSR-gKiV4-01697-00553452-00553683 that's supposed to lift shit up, that shit didn't do nothing to me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01698-00553691-00553861 This face is still sagging. aQuSR-gKiV4-01699-00554006-00554170 I tried all things in Korea. aQuSR-gKiV4-01700-00554295-00554504 Mellicent: Wow, wow, wow! aQuSR-gKiV4-01701-00554692-00555120 Kiara: All right, ladies, it's so funny John Hudak is the gaffer on this shoot aQuSR-gKiV4-01702-00555134-00555220 that I'm doing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01703-00555295-00555372 Oh John Hudak! aQuSR-gKiV4-01704-00555404-00555470 Oh, he's great! aQuSR-gKiV4-01705-00555548-00555650 It launches tomorrow. aQuSR-gKiV4-01706-00555828-00555931 Katie: Well, you better get some sleep. aQuSR-gKiV4-01707-00556059-00556181 Kiara, Thank you so much! aQuSR-gKiV4-01708-00556234-00556467 Kiara: I have 76 emails to send out before dawn. aQuSR-gKiV4-01709-00556481-00556554 You know, how it is. aQuSR-gKiV4-01710-00556864-00557063 Thank you so much! You did an amazing job! aQuSR-gKiV4-01711-00557070-00557203 I'm sorry you had trouble connecting. aQuSR-gKiV4-01712-00557297-00557362 Thank you, darling! aQuSR-gKiV4-01713-00557387-00557633 Kiara: I had like six different links and none of them worked. aQuSR-gKiV4-01714-00557640-00557895 I wanted to just stay in and stay in the conversation. aQuSR-gKiV4-01715-00557903-00558122 I was just gonna sit back and watch because they were doing it. aQuSR-gKiV4-01716-00558136-00558250 It would have been fine without me. aQuSR-gKiV4-01717-00558290-00558379 Katie: You did great. aQuSR-gKiV4-01718-00558409-00558572 No, it was wonderful to have you, thank you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01719-00558642-00558722 Kiara: All right, darling. aQuSR-gKiV4-01720-00558783-00558840 Tonya: It was wonderful to have you, aQuSR-gKiV4-01721-00558845-00559089 so that I could like rest rather than feel I have to work this too. aQuSR-gKiV4-01722-00559152-00559293 Kiara: Yes, absolutely, absolutely. aQuSR-gKiV4-01723-00559313-00559379 Happy to be here. aQuSR-gKiV4-01724-00559405-00559475 Congratulations! aQuSR-gKiV4-01725-00559564-00559678 All right, sweetheart, good night. aQuSR-gKiV4-01726-00560003-00560245 Katie: I'm gonna pop off too because... aQuSR-gKiV4-01727-00560275-00560378 - All right, thank you, Katie! aQuSR-gKiV4-01728-00560383-00560520 Those kiddos are gonna get me up early. aQuSR-gKiV4-01729-00560528-00560787 But congratulations, Tonya, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. aQuSR-gKiV4-01730-00560836-00560883 - Thank you. aQuSR-gKiV4-01731-00560909-00560967 - Thank you, Katie. aQuSR-gKiV4-01732-00560973-00561136 Nice to meet you, both, Bye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01733-00561217-00561289 - Stay safe. aQuSR-gKiV4-01734-00561428-00561742 Catherine: I love you guys so much. aQuSR-gKiV4-01735-00561773-00561915 I had such a beautiful time. aQuSR-gKiV4-01736-00561970-00562370 Tonya: Catherine, you know, I could just put a camera on you and just let it roll. aQuSR-gKiV4-01737-00562440-00562592 Catherine: Well, you guys are amazing. aQuSR-gKiV4-01738-00562604-00563104 But I mean, truly, I think it was an amazing film and I think aQuSR-gKiV4-01739-00563217-00563700 I just, I will take that final scene with me forever. aQuSR-gKiV4-01740-00563797-00563884 At wherever I go, aQuSR-gKiV4-01741-00563898-00564150 I'm going to take that final thirty... aQuSR-gKiV4-01742-00564159-00564365 you know, the whole film was beautiful. aQuSR-gKiV4-01743-00564475-00564709 That third act was extraordinary. aQuSR-gKiV4-01744-00564764-00565317 And truly some of the best filmmaking I think I've seen in a really long time, aQuSR-gKiV4-01745-00565392-00565503 beside your message, aQuSR-gKiV4-01746-00565588-00565851 which is amazing and important and necessary aQuSR-gKiV4-01747-00565870-00566226 and so sad and so terrible and so terrifying. aQuSR-gKiV4-01748-00566284-00566745 The way you're telling them giving that message is... aQuSR-gKiV4-01749-00566831-00567184 It's of the great of the greats, you know. aQuSR-gKiV4-01750-00567206-00567794 So I can't wait to see what you do next, I cannot wait. aQuSR-gKiV4-01751-00567906-00568034 Tonya: Me too, Me too! aQuSR-gKiV4-01752-00568044-00568195 Thank you so much for lending me your time. aQuSR-gKiV4-01753-00568204-00568331 Thank you Melli for coming up there aQuSR-gKiV4-01754-00568339-00568590 and jumping in, honey, and saving the day. aQuSR-gKiV4-01755-00568656-00568700 Mellicent: You're welcome. aQuSR-gKiV4-01756-00568734-00568903 Catherine: Yeah, yeah, you guys are extraordinary! aQuSR-gKiV4-01757-00569198-00569365 Tonya: Alright, we're gonna say thanks to everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01758-00569379-00569647 Thanks everybody who tuned in and listened and hung with us. aQuSR-gKiV4-01759-00569656-00570012 Appreciate you and email me if you want to talk about anything. aQuSR-gKiV4-01760-00570160-00570241 Good night to everybody. aQuSR-gKiV4-01761-00570278-00570393 Good night ladies, love you guys. aQuSR-gKiV4-01762-00570479-00570617 I love you so, I love you so! aQuSR-gKiV4-01763-00570801-00570844 Bye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01764-00570868-00570928 Bye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01765-00570984-00571042 Bye, bye. aQuSR-gKiV4-01766-00571099-00571263 Bye, bye. aR03PXLMjvk-00000-00000000-00000400 Window Contractor Salt Lake City aR03PXLMjvk-00001-00000400-00001034 BestSaltLakeCityWindows.Com aR03PXLMjvk-00002-00001034-00001632 Are you in search for the best window contractor Salt Lake City has to offer? aR03PXLMjvk-00003-00001632-00002310 Look no further! We have the best window contractor Salt Lake City for your special window project! aR03PXLMjvk-00004-00002310-00003247 (801) 447-1972 www.BestSaltLakeCityWindows.com aTw2GtQZNsc-00000-00000000-00000200 Ranjo computer solutions ajni7hiyzRA-00000-00000032-00000246 When this babyhits 88mph ajni7hiyzRA-00001-00000350-00000523 You're gonna see some serious SHIT ajni7hiyzRA-00002-00000582-00000632 CUNT b0Kq08cyGdE-00000-00000000-00000516 WELCOME TO A NEW WEEK OF THE RUNDOWN. ON THIS EPISODE, WE HAVE THE LATEST ON b0Kq08cyGdE-00001-00000516-00000957 THE RATING MODERNIZATION, AN UPDATE EVERY SAILOR NEEDS TO KNOW, b0Kq08cyGdE-00002-00000957-00001449 CNO AWARDED CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL FOR WORK ACCOMPLISHED WITH SAILOR 2025, PLUS b0Kq08cyGdE-00003-00001449-00002208 NEW INFORMATION ON THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM. TO ALIGN WITH THE WAY b0Kq08cyGdE-00004-00002208-00002481 OTHER SERVICES CLASSIFY ITS ENLISTED RATINGS, b0Kq08cyGdE-00005-00002481-00002949 THE NAVY WILL REFER TO ITS ENLISTED SAILORS BY RANK, INSTEAD OF RATE, b0Kq08cyGdE-00006-00002949-00003440 THE CHANGE WAS ANNOUNCED THURSDAY. FOR EXAMPLE, I WILL NOW BE ADDRESSED AS b0Kq08cyGdE-00007-00003440-00004101 PETTY OFFICER SECOND CLASS OR P-O-2 INSTEAD OF MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST SECOND CLASS OR M-C-2. b0Kq08cyGdE-00008-00004101-00004614 THE CHANGE WAS DESIGNED TO MODERNIZE THE NAVY’S CAREER FIELDS, ALLOWING FOR b0Kq08cyGdE-00009-00004614-00004982 SAILORS TO LEARN MORE SKILLS ACROSS CAREER PATHS AND BETTER ALLOW FOR b0Kq08cyGdE-00010-00004982-00005496 TRANSLATING THOSE SKILLS TO THE PUBLIC WHEN THEY LEAVE THE NAVY. . REMEMBER…WE ARE b0Kq08cyGdE-00011-00005496-00005976 SAILORS FIRST. THERE’S PLENTY TO LEARN ABOUT THE CHANGE, AND. YOU CAN READ OUR 5 b0Kq08cyGdE-00012-00005976-00006414 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR MORE INSIGHT, OR CHECK OUT OR STORY ON NAVY.MIL b0Kq08cyGdE-00013-00006414-00006761 WHICH ADDRESS WHY THE CHANGE WAS IMPLEMENTED AND HOW IT FITS INTO OTHER b0Kq08cyGdE-00014-00006761-00007304 PERSONNEL OBJECTIVES THAT LEADERSHIP HAS. AS PART OF THIS DISCUSSION, CNO AND MCPON b0Kq08cyGdE-00015-00007304-00007713 HOSTED A LIVE STREAM ON NAVY DOT MIL AND FACEBOOK WHERE THEY TALKED WITH b0Kq08cyGdE-00016-00007713-00008175 SAILORS ON PERSONNEL INITIATIVES FROM CNO’S GOLD LINE OF EFFORT. CNO AND b0Kq08cyGdE-00017-00008175-00008553 MCPON DISCUSSED THE CHANGES TO ENLISTED RATINGS, ADDITIONAL EDUCATION b0Kq08cyGdE-00018-00008553-00009015 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAILORS, AND NEW LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLANS TO NAME A FEW. b0Kq08cyGdE-00019-00009015-00009495 CNO ALSO DETAILED HIS DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING MARITIME SUPERIORITY. b0Kq08cyGdE-00020-00009495-00010011 VIEW CNO AND MCPONS TALK ON CNO’S HOME PAGE AND ON NAVY.MIL. b0Kq08cyGdE-00021-00010011-00010410 IT WAS A BUSY WEEK FOR CNO, AS HE CAME TO OUR COMMAND TO AWARD THE CHIEF OF NAVAL b0Kq08cyGdE-00022-00010410-00010935 PERSONNEL WITH A MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION, OR MUC, FOR WORK ACCOMPLISHED b0Kq08cyGdE-00023-00010935-00011442 WITH SAILOR 2025. THE UNIT AWARD WAS GIVEN TO SAILORS AND CIVILIANS AT THE b0Kq08cyGdE-00024-00011442-00011817 COMMAND FOR INITIATIVES THAT INCLUDE THE FLEET SCHOLARS EDUCATION PROGRAM, b0Kq08cyGdE-00025-00011817-00012440 SECNAV’S TOURS WITH INDUSTRY, SAPR AND THE NAVY’S PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. b0Kq08cyGdE-00026-00012440-00012759 N1 SERVICE MEMBERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO WEAR THE MUC RIBBON FOR SERVICE b0Kq08cyGdE-00027-00012759-00013359 BETWEEN AUGUST 2013 AND MAY 2016. FINALLY, THE NAVY IS PROVIDING b0Kq08cyGdE-00028-00013359-00013719 SAILORS NEW TRAINING COURSES ON THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM BEFORE b0Kq08cyGdE-00029-00013719-00014265 ITS IMPLEMENTATION, JANUARY 1, 2018. THE TRAINING IS DESIGNED TO INFORM SAILORS b0Kq08cyGdE-00030-00014265-00014730 ON DECISIONS THEY NEED TO MAKE ON THE NEW SYSTEM. SAILORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO b0Kq08cyGdE-00031-00014730-00015216 COMPLETE EITHER THE BRS LEADERS TRAINING, OR THE BRS OPT IN TRAINING COURSE THAT b0Kq08cyGdE-00032-00015216-00015741 WILL BE RELEASED EARLY 2017. THE LEADERS TRAINING COURSE IS AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE b0Kq08cyGdE-00033-00015741-00016311 NOW ON JOINT KNOWLEDGE ONLINE AND NAVY E LEARNING. IN ADDITION, A COURSE FOR b0Kq08cyGdE-00034-00016311-00016719 FINANCIAL AND RETIREMENT COUNSELORS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN OCTOBER TO HELP PREPARE b0Kq08cyGdE-00035-00016719-00017163 THOSE WHO ADVISE SAILORS FOR THE TRANSITION. CHECK OUT OUR STORY ON NAVY.MIL b0Kq08cyGdE-00036-00017163-00017694 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND LINKS AND READ NAVADMIN 217/16. b0Kq08cyGdE-00037-00017694-00018168 THAT’S ALL FOR THIS WEEK; FOR ANY QUESTIONS, SEND US A MESSAGE AT b0Kq08cyGdE-00038-00018168-00018629 USNPEOPLE@GMAIL DOT COM. FOR THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL, I’M PO2 LJ BURLESON. b0Kq08cyGdE-00039-00018629-00018804 THANKS FOR WATCHING. b0PJfoWdVvE-00000-00001912-00002296 we're back for another web show it has been six months since we've done a proper website hello b0PJfoWdVvE-00001-00002296-00002696 film fans it's been a little while hasn't it we don't want to just rush out any old crap b0PJfoWdVvE-00002-00002696-00003168 web show so we're always looking to bring you incredible guests and today's guest is b0PJfoWdVvE-00003-00003168-00003720 incredible we didn't get the pleasure to meet him in person for life after the navigator but we did b0PJfoWdVvE-00004-00003720-00004328 manage to interview him over the phone digitally thanks Edward Eyth is today's guest on the b0PJfoWdVvE-00005-00004328-00004792 web show tell us some of his credits you may or may not know the name but you will know his work b0PJfoWdVvE-00006-00004792-00005416 he is production designer illustrator conceptual artist storyboard artist for films such as back b0PJfoWdVvE-00007-00005416-00005960 to the future two hook fly the navigator arachnophobia captain eo with michael and b0PJfoWdVvE-00008-00005960-00006559 some of the directors he's worked with spielberg francis ford coppola he's worked with george lucas b0PJfoWdVvE-00009-00006559-00006984 so i mean you will know his work you'll see some of his work in the interview so we won't b0PJfoWdVvE-00010-00006984-00007536 dilly dally so excited to get the web show back and running ladies and gentlemen mr edward eyth b0PJfoWdVvE-00011-00007720-00008312 you've worked according to imdb as production artist conceptual artist production illustrator b0PJfoWdVvE-00012-00008312-00008808 uh if i have that right for someone who isn't familiar with those roles what does that mean b0PJfoWdVvE-00013-00008808-00009576 that you do well yeah i had a very uh sort of wide range of titles in the film industry because b0PJfoWdVvE-00014-00009576-00009952 number one the union often controls the titles under certain titles you can have b0PJfoWdVvE-00015-00009952-00010456 the other thing is i just sort of worked in a different function for a variety of different b0PJfoWdVvE-00016-00010456-00010920 projects so production designer obviously is sort of the overseer of the film fulfilling the b0PJfoWdVvE-00017-00010920-00011248 director's grand vision i guess you could say but the production designer controls b0PJfoWdVvE-00018-00011248-00011848 the imagery for the film the sets yeah you become the guy who creates the platform to tell the story b0PJfoWdVvE-00019-00011848-00012504 on the biggest title you could have in the art department of a film i've done concept design b0PJfoWdVvE-00020-00012504-00013080 which is probably my favorite and most fulfilling role because you're just tired to sort of come up b0PJfoWdVvE-00021-00013080-00013488 with ideas for the visuals for the film production designer has the overview he'll often have b0PJfoWdVvE-00022-00013488-00013968 several concept designers working particularly on a science fiction film you know i sit down and i b0PJfoWdVvE-00023-00013968-00014656 come up with the spaceship and the aliens and some of the sets and what's this planet look like and b0PJfoWdVvE-00024-00014656-00015272 so much of my job is what i call the what if role if the director needs a spaceship he doesn't know b0PJfoWdVvE-00025-00015272-00015600 what he wants it to look like it's well what if it looked like this and what if it looked like b0PJfoWdVvE-00026-00015600-00016047 that and what if it's to me that's where the real creativity happens because you're just sort of b0PJfoWdVvE-00027-00016047-00016448 speculating about what could happen and trying to come up with something unique and original i know b0PJfoWdVvE-00028-00016448-00016872 when i worked in entertainment the big catchphrase was we need to do something that's never been seen b0PJfoWdVvE-00029-00016872-00017392 before and even a flight of the navigator when i uh met randall and he looked at my portfolio b0PJfoWdVvE-00030-00017392-00017888 book you know i had done some sketches that were sort of star wars-like and some typical sci-fi b0PJfoWdVvE-00031-00017888-00018432 spaceships and um his remark was yeah this is great and it showed him that i could draw and he b0PJfoWdVvE-00032-00018432-00018952 said but we want to do something different and what can we do with a reflective spaceship and b0PJfoWdVvE-00033-00019008-00019344 so it became the sculptural exercise and what if it looked like this and what if it looked b0PJfoWdVvE-00034-00019344-00019840 like that so that's a lot of what concept design is just filling in those what-ifs so i've done b0PJfoWdVvE-00035-00019840-00020392 concept design i've done production illustrator which can be i mean that's a union coin term b0PJfoWdVvE-00036-00020392-00021024 which back when i worked in the film industry met that you were hired to sometimes do storyboards b0PJfoWdVvE-00037-00021024-00021584 sometimes do set illustrations but for me you know i'm a designer i have a design degree and it meant b0PJfoWdVvE-00038-00021744-00022176 designing so it was kind of a misner because an illustrator is a person that sort of puts b0PJfoWdVvE-00039-00022176-00022728 other person's ideas on paper and when you're more of a designer you're actually coming up b0PJfoWdVvE-00040-00022728-00023256 with ideas and creating the visuals so there's all sorts of overlaps with those and then storyboards b0PJfoWdVvE-00041-00023256-00023712 is probably um that's what i did sort of like a filler when i couldn't get those design positions b0PJfoWdVvE-00042-00023712-00024136 and it was still fun and it was still in education and i learned a lot about filmmaking working with b0PJfoWdVvE-00043-00024136-00024592 some great directors doing storyboards i think that encompasses all the things on imdb that b0PJfoWdVvE-00044-00024592-00025152 i'm listed for so you said that you did a design degree i said yeah i studied industrial design b0PJfoWdVvE-00045-00025152-00025616 in college and i was gearing to be a a product designer basically you know the person who designs b0PJfoWdVvE-00046-00025616-00026248 the phones and the luggage and you know anything so i was geared to design for mass production b0PJfoWdVvE-00047-00026248-00026864 but my last couple semesters in school i saw what was going on in film with you know star wars and b0PJfoWdVvE-00048-00026927-00027352 joe johnson who i'm sure you're familiar with who designed most of the star wars spaceships and then b0PJfoWdVvE-00049-00027352-00027744 there's another great designer by the name of sid mead who just passed away last year who was b0PJfoWdVvE-00050-00027744-00028208 uh did designs for blade runner and you know so here i am with all my product portfolio thinking b0PJfoWdVvE-00051-00028208-00028727 how fun would it be to work in entertainment and design you know aliens and spaceships and b0PJfoWdVvE-00052-00028792-00029295 other planets and other technologies and um so yeah i put together a sketchbook with hopes of b0PJfoWdVvE-00053-00029295-00030183 getting in the industry by a string of convenient um chance meetings i ended up working in film b0PJfoWdVvE-00054-00030183-00030695 about three months after i graduated was there one moment that was the turning point of a certain b0PJfoWdVvE-00055-00030695-00031120 meeting or someone that you met that allowed you to get into the industry so i had assembled b0PJfoWdVvE-00056-00031120-00031695 this sci-fi sketch portfolio to supplement my product work and one of my professors knew the b0PJfoWdVvE-00057-00031695-00032200 effects house that did the star wars of her star wars films that was called apogee they were in b0PJfoWdVvE-00058-00032200-00032639 california he connected me with them and i dropped my sketchbook off a few days later randall came in b0PJfoWdVvE-00059-00032695-00033128 discussing the options for them to do the effects for a flight of the navigator and they showed my b0PJfoWdVvE-00060-00033128-00033672 sketchbook and we met after that and sort of snowballed after that i was able to quit my b0PJfoWdVvE-00061-00033672-00034352 full-time job at an industrial design firm and work in film which was really you know my dream b0PJfoWdVvE-00062-00034352-00034880 what did you design what were you responsible for on flight of the navigator i was initially hired b0PJfoWdVvE-00063-00034880-00035632 to work on the spaceship and then it became the spaceship the creatures um i did some storyboards b0PJfoWdVvE-00064-00035632-00036368 with randall max the main character of course so yeah pretty much all the hardware and the robotic b0PJfoWdVvE-00065-00036368-00036896 vehicle that joey escapes in ralph yeah ralph you know him so designed ralph so yeah all the b0PJfoWdVvE-00066-00036896-00037312 hardware and characters and it was just a blast randall's such a great guy to work with i couldn't b0PJfoWdVvE-00067-00037312-00037712 have picked a better film or a better director work with my first experience in hollywood so b0PJfoWdVvE-00068-00037712-00038176 there were a few few characters that were um i didn't design that were designed by either b0PJfoWdVvE-00069-00038176-00038728 the effects house that did them or a uh there was another guy that worked on the film called lane b0PJfoWdVvE-00070-00038728-00039248 liska who was also passed away he was an amazing sculptor so he did some of the characters too b0PJfoWdVvE-00071-00039248-00039912 so with movies it always feels like everyone's like trying to hit the schedule and the budget and b0PJfoWdVvE-00072-00039912-00040416 do you feel any kind of pressure with maybe not just flood and navigator but other films you've b0PJfoWdVvE-00073-00040416-00040904 worked on if you have tight deadlines how do you stay creative and inspired well i had the good b0PJfoWdVvE-00074-00040904-00041400 fortune you know i worked on some pretty high-end films they had pretty decent budgets and the b0PJfoWdVvE-00075-00041400-00041880 directors were well-known so in that case there's still pressure and you start to meet deadlines and b0PJfoWdVvE-00076-00041880-00042368 you still have to come up with ideas the creative team or the director approves of so i think with b0PJfoWdVvE-00077-00042368-00042896 the lower budget projects i worked on and the projects that weren't quite as high profile are b0PJfoWdVvE-00078-00042896-00043480 usually the ones that just required the long days sleep was a luxury and you're putting in long days b0PJfoWdVvE-00079-00043480-00044088 and long hours so yeah the higher budget films it seems like there's enough padding and they create b0PJfoWdVvE-00080-00044088-00044624 enough room in the pre-production schedule to enable you to get things done and then b0PJfoWdVvE-00081-00044624-00045048 towards the end of pre-production you are sort of scrambling and sometimes you get called back b0PJfoWdVvE-00082-00045048-00045448 in because i was usually the guy that got hired one of the first people and i'd sit down with b0PJfoWdVvE-00083-00045448-00045928 the director it would just start hammering out the visuals for the film and then often the production b0PJfoWdVvE-00084-00045928-00046536 designer came in after that after you know some of these elements were already designed and so um b0PJfoWdVvE-00085-00046536-00046912 when pre-production was done unless i was doing storyboards with the director there really was b0PJfoWdVvE-00086-00046912-00047392 no need for me to hang around during production so i'd typically go on to the next project and b0PJfoWdVvE-00087-00047392-00048016 you know there's very rare occasions when i was along for shooting or on the set when things were b0PJfoWdVvE-00088-00048016-00048608 happening so what were those occasions oh let's see i did storyboards on the movie hook and i got b0PJfoWdVvE-00089-00048608-00049064 called back a few times for that so i remember going to the sets and delivering storyboards b0PJfoWdVvE-00090-00049064-00049480 the second project i worked on actually i was working on it simultaneously with flight of the b0PJfoWdVvE-00091-00049480-00050144 navigator was uh captain eo the michael jackson theme park ride i would work on navigator from b0PJfoWdVvE-00092-00050144-00050584 i'd go to the studio early in the morning like 6 a.m and i'd worked about three in the afternoon b0PJfoWdVvE-00093-00050656-00051272 then i'd go home drive across town in la and eat dinner and then i'd work from like six at night to b0PJfoWdVvE-00094-00051272-00051728 about 11 doing storyboards for captain eo and in that case i'd drive to the studio the next b0PJfoWdVvE-00095-00051728-00052136 morning which is the same studio where they were shooting navigator and i'd hand over the boards b0PJfoWdVvE-00096-00052136-00052600 and usually the line producer was sitting there in his bmw waiting for me i'd drive in and hand b0PJfoWdVvE-00097-00052600-00053088 him a stack of storyboards and he'd go right to michael jackson's house to review the storyboards b0PJfoWdVvE-00098-00053088-00053504 so that one was great because they were shooting it while i was still working on navigator and i b0PJfoWdVvE-00099-00053504-00054088 was able to walk onto the set and see this amazing set francis ford coppola directing michael jackson b0PJfoWdVvE-00100-00054088-00054624 starring george lucas producing and it was a disney project so you know the fact that i even b0PJfoWdVvE-00101-00054624-00055191 got to work on it at all is just miraculous to me but it was a great project fun time and just being b0PJfoWdVvE-00102-00055191-00055560 on the set and watching the dance routines and just watching the rehearsals and things b0PJfoWdVvE-00103-00055560-00056216 i was working my butt off but it was joy i mean there's not a day that went by that i just super b0PJfoWdVvE-00104-00056336-00056879 excited to sit down and you know i was always excited to do that work and it was just yeah dream b0PJfoWdVvE-00105-00056879-00057504 come true is there one role where you have more input than others presumably with a storyboard b0PJfoWdVvE-00106-00057504-00057936 you have to work more closely with people or can you be left to your own devices what's your kind b0PJfoWdVvE-00107-00057936-00058504 of collaboration process different directors have different approaches so the best example is when i b0PJfoWdVvE-00108-00058504-00059024 did storyboards with steven spielberg on hook i'd sit down at a meeting with him for often you know b0PJfoWdVvE-00109-00059024-00059416 sometimes these meetings were gone for hours and he would sit down with a stack of eight and a half b0PJfoWdVvE-00110-00059416-00059808 by 11 paper in front of him and he'd stare at it for a while with his he had this habit of sticking b0PJfoWdVvE-00111-00059808-00060320 his pinky in his mouth and just stare at the paper and you could tell that the film was playing in b0PJfoWdVvE-00112-00060320-00060920 his head and that had already been shot in his head so um he was just sort of adapting what was b0PJfoWdVvE-00113-00060920-00061391 going on in his head and putting it on paper so he'd draw little smiley faces and stick figures b0PJfoWdVvE-00114-00061391-00061928 that were basically saying okay we start with a close-up on hook and then we move to a wide shot b0PJfoWdVvE-00115-00061928-00062455 here and then we go to a close up here and then two shot here and just shot by shot in very crude b0PJfoWdVvE-00116-00062455-00062936 little sketches showing me what was happening and i would just be sitting there feverishly taking b0PJfoWdVvE-00117-00062936-00063472 notes and then i'd walk away with a stack of these drawings that he had done and i'd go back and b0PJfoWdVvE-00118-00063472-00064008 clean them up and just make them more presentable so he was interesting because he knew down to the b0PJfoWdVvE-00119-00064008-00064712 frame what he wanted on that screen the surprise for me is when i got hired to work on captain eo i b0PJfoWdVvE-00120-00064712-00065152 did some design work on that with the effects guys for a spaceship and things but i was primarily b0PJfoWdVvE-00121-00065152-00065608 hired to do storyboards i was so excited because i thought you know when they told me we needed to do b0PJfoWdVvE-00122-00065608-00066032 storyboards i thought oh my gosh working with coppola what an education you know i can just b0PJfoWdVvE-00123-00066168-00066672 understand how he thinks and how he directs the film and everything and uh it turns out the line b0PJfoWdVvE-00124-00066672-00067192 producer handed me the script and said so go board it and i said well i don't need to meet with him b0PJfoWdVvE-00125-00067192-00067792 no the the contrast is steven seemed to know exactly everything you wanted and occasionally b0PJfoWdVvE-00126-00067792-00068184 if i had a suggestion i could put it in there but it was you know and justifiably so i mean b0PJfoWdVvE-00127-00068288-00068800 when you have a storyteller that caliber i'm not too inclined to say hey why don't you just change b0PJfoWdVvE-00128-00068800-00069336 this shot right here but with coppola you could tell that he uses storyboards more for like a b0PJfoWdVvE-00129-00069336-00069800 springboard for ideas i'm in the position where i'm a very visual person obviously so if i read b0PJfoWdVvE-00130-00069800-00070248 a script and it's written well it will sort of play in my head like a film and i can sort of b0PJfoWdVvE-00131-00070248-00070584 the shot sort of happened the way they would in the film so that's just what i did i sat down and b0PJfoWdVvE-00132-00070664-00071208 um sketched out the shots the way i thought they'd be done if he liked the shot it was a shot that b0PJfoWdVvE-00133-00071288-00071672 he thought would tell the story well he'd use it and if he didn't he'd just shoot it the way he b0PJfoWdVvE-00134-00071672-00072216 wanted to or whatever the set parameters demanded same thing with design there are some directors b0PJfoWdVvE-00135-00072216-00072904 like the george lucas's and the um james cameron's who just james cameron's has a background as an b0PJfoWdVvE-00136-00072904-00073352 illustrator joe johnson has a background as an industrial designer and they know pretty much b0PJfoWdVvE-00137-00073352-00073880 visually you know they're very astute and they have a very clear preconceived notion of how they b0PJfoWdVvE-00138-00073880-00074360 want to tell the story and what the imagery should be like and then there are others who have a b0PJfoWdVvE-00139-00074360-00074944 vague idea i mean randall is just chrome you know reflective on the inside reflective on the outside b0PJfoWdVvE-00140-00074944-00075448 and it just wide you know these are wide open for your own uh contribution and your own sort of ego b0PJfoWdVvE-00141-00075448-00075968 investment in the film so that was a lot of fun too but um yeah it's just interesting to watch b0PJfoWdVvE-00142-00075968-00076672 the way different directors directors work and um the contrast between their their methods well for b0PJfoWdVvE-00143-00076672-00077368 someone that wanted to uh start out designing luggage and and items of everyday life and then b0PJfoWdVvE-00144-00077368-00077792 suddenly you're not even really too many years into your career and suddenly you've got coppola b0PJfoWdVvE-00145-00077792-00078624 and randall and zemeckis and i mean that's kind of amazingly intimidating and amazing and wonderful b0PJfoWdVvE-00146-00078688-00079104 very much so and very mind-blowing for me because you know three months out of college when you're b0PJfoWdVvE-00147-00079104-00079696 standing on a set with michael jackson coppola and george lucas i'm thinking to myself i guess b0PJfoWdVvE-00148-00079792-00080200 i must have done something right yeah and i can own the fact i worked really hard in college b0PJfoWdVvE-00149-00080200-00080584 um i put myself through school so i valued every day i was there and i just uh worked b0PJfoWdVvE-00150-00080584-00080912 my butt off but the fact is i've one of those fortunate people that always knew b0PJfoWdVvE-00151-00080912-00081408 from an early age that i wanted to be an artist i wanted to be in the visual arts in some way b0PJfoWdVvE-00152-00081408-00081824 you know it began as wanting to be a disney animator like so many people in entertainment b0PJfoWdVvE-00153-00081888-00082616 and then um that gradually it just evolved and uh and there i was working on some great films but uh b0PJfoWdVvE-00154-00082616-00083040 but interestingly enough i only worked in entertainment in hollywood for about b0PJfoWdVvE-00155-00083184-00083896 uh five years five really solid years and then um i moved to new york ended up working for the b0PJfoWdVvE-00156-00083896-00084464 jim henson company which was definitely a career highlight i did creative direction there for nine b0PJfoWdVvE-00157-00084464-00084920 years almost 10 years well that was actually going to be my next question about jim henson what was b0PJfoWdVvE-00158-00084920-00085552 that whole experience like what was your kind of day-to-day month-to-month role there i've always b0PJfoWdVvE-00159-00085552-00086040 admired the guy's work i mean i grew up on the muppet show and just thought he was so brilliant b0PJfoWdVvE-00160-00086040-00086504 the impact he had on our culture i know there was one year when he was always in the top 100 most b0PJfoWdVvE-00161-00086504-00087064 influential people in our culture it was a time magazine list it would be impossible to estimate b0PJfoWdVvE-00162-00087064-00087664 the impact he had with you know the muppet show and sesame street and yeah it was a treat to work b0PJfoWdVvE-00163-00087664-00088032 there but to answer your question what was my day like on a day-to-day basis that's what made b0PJfoWdVvE-00164-00088032-00088408 it fascinating for me and that's why i stayed there so long is because every day was different b0PJfoWdVvE-00165-00088408-00088960 like one day i'm designing a puppet the next day i'm designing a set the next day i'm designing b0PJfoWdVvE-00166-00089016-00089384 a product there's so many companies that wanted to license the muppet characters to b0PJfoWdVvE-00167-00089384-00090192 put them on everything from lamps to keychains to underwear you know so you had to control the b0PJfoWdVvE-00168-00090248-00090640 you know the quality of the puppets and make sure there's integrity to the designs and b0PJfoWdVvE-00169-00090640-00091232 things got translated into products at a you know a level that jim would have um approved b0PJfoWdVvE-00170-00091232-00091632 and appreciated of i felt bad that i never got to work with him because i started working there b0PJfoWdVvE-00171-00091632-00092160 five years after he had passed away it was just tragic because he was i mean you can't fill b0PJfoWdVvE-00172-00092160-00092616 shoes like that that's the guy who he grew up with television i mean he started working in television b0PJfoWdVvE-00173-00092616-00093312 when television was born he was doing um puppet shows for a local news station in dc i think b0PJfoWdVvE-00174-00093424-00094096 so um yeah but to have some part in maintaining that legacy excuse me was just b0PJfoWdVvE-00175-00094200-00094832 again privileged career highlight and um loved every day of it obviously i mean you're just b0PJfoWdVvE-00176-00094904-00095376 renowned for what you've worked on in film but when you were growing up what films do b0PJfoWdVvE-00177-00095376-00096072 you remember having a really big influence on you i was an animation guy i pretty much love cartoons b0PJfoWdVvE-00178-00096072-00096552 growing up on the old school cartoons like popeye and mighty mouse and the warner brothers cartoons b0PJfoWdVvE-00179-00096552-00097136 disney movies just opened the door for me and then someone in high school um my girlfriend bought me b0PJfoWdVvE-00180-00097136-00097648 a art of disney book i would page for that book on a daily basis i was just so entranced and thought b0PJfoWdVvE-00181-00097648-00098216 to myself god to make to sit around all day and make art like this um you know these beautiful b0PJfoWdVvE-00182-00098216-00098720 painting backgrounds and um you know animating characters and things like that i just thought b0PJfoWdVvE-00183-00098720-00099336 that just has to be a dream so that's sort of what um got me going but in terms of um films b0PJfoWdVvE-00184-00099448-00099808 that's the odd part i worked in entertainment i got to work on these top films and i'm not telling b0PJfoWdVvE-00185-00099808-00100456 you i i'm not uh in fact i felt inadequate a lot of the times but i'm not a hardcore film guy i'm a b0PJfoWdVvE-00186-00100456-00101056 designer and uh you know i get in these films and a lot of the other people in the art department b0PJfoWdVvE-00187-00101056-00101544 will be talking about this director back in the 30s and this film and this shot in this film and b0PJfoWdVvE-00188-00101600-00101912 um most of those films i hadn't even seen i don't know who the directors they were b0PJfoWdVvE-00189-00101912-00102296 talking about and i just thought god should i be in this business because i'm really you know it's b0PJfoWdVvE-00190-00102296-00102928 not about it's about creating really good design and um so yeah that's why and that's how i got on b0PJfoWdVvE-00191-00102928-00103824 those films i came to the table with a designer mentality and an ability to um to take ideas from b0PJfoWdVvE-00192-00103824-00104440 someone else's head and put them on paper or my head and put them on paper where a team b0PJfoWdVvE-00193-00104496-00104952 could understand what was going on because you can have the best idea in your head you can be the b0PJfoWdVvE-00194-00105024-00105583 the top director with the most clear um vision in your head but if you can't relate it to the crew b0PJfoWdVvE-00195-00105583-00105816 and the cameraman and the lighting and everybody else b0PJfoWdVvE-00196-00105944-00106704 you're stuck so i made a career out of basically being a um a visual translator i guess you call it b0PJfoWdVvE-00197-00106768-00107111 and when it was my ideas and coming up an idea for a spaceship or whatever b0PJfoWdVvE-00198-00107111-00107824 it was uh sort of the purest in the sense of design where um doing the what-ifs and then b0PJfoWdVvE-00199-00107824-00108248 communicating them and then when it was taking an idea from a director's head b0PJfoWdVvE-00200-00108376-00108983 it was more like i often felt like a police sketch artist like um so the alien he has a big head or b0PJfoWdVvE-00201-00108983-00109656 he has a small thing you know sort of taking this descriptive aspects of this visual and creating a b0PJfoWdVvE-00202-00109656-00110168 um so you're taking something really abstract and you're making it something more concrete when i b0PJfoWdVvE-00203-00110168-00110664 found out you worked on arachnophobia i was very excited so what was your role on arachnophobia b0PJfoWdVvE-00204-00110664-00111176 and that was uh directed by frank marshall who is steven spielberg's producer as you may know and b0PJfoWdVvE-00205-00111176-00111800 this is his first opportunity to direct the film himself not only did i do storyboards but b0PJfoWdVvE-00206-00111911-00112416 i did a lot of design work too i helped design the spider talk about the star of the show b0PJfoWdVvE-00207-00112416-00112864 it had to be designed did a lot of what-ifs on what this spider could look like some of b0PJfoWdVvE-00208-00112864-00113304 them were pretty fanciful and sort of fantasy they weren't real spiders and some of them were b0PJfoWdVvE-00209-00113304-00113816 based on real spiders and the final spider design was more um the work of chris willis b0PJfoWdVvE-00210-00113816-00114304 who's an amazing effects guy so that and then some set design i got to work with jim bissell b0PJfoWdVvE-00211-00114304-00114840 who um worked with him on several films including the rocketeer he was production designer and it b0PJfoWdVvE-00212-00114840-00115424 became so can you design barn that was a sort of a main set in the film and so some of the set work b0PJfoWdVvE-00213-00115424-00115776 some of the props and then when it came to storyboards it was just sort of b0PJfoWdVvE-00214-00115872-00116456 often orchestrating um like the basement where the big finale scene happens how do we b0PJfoWdVvE-00215-00116456-00116920 put that set together and how can we leave room for the camera and choreograph this and so there's b0PJfoWdVvE-00216-00116920-00117568 a whole lot of work just um calculating how the film could be shot and again frank marshall became b0PJfoWdVvE-00217-00117735-00118256 sort of the coppola style where here's the script go storyboard it and sometimes it had feedback and b0PJfoWdVvE-00218-00118256-00118896 i'd change the the boards but um it was kind of fun because he was more open to what do you think b0PJfoWdVvE-00219-00118896-00119504 you know how you think this should be shot you mentioned rocketeer you uh did some pretty iconic b0PJfoWdVvE-00220-00119504-00119935 designs on that but that film was uh uh interesting because it was one of those films b0PJfoWdVvE-00221-00119935-00120376 where you know when you work on any project it's a crap shoot like any film i worked on you know b0PJfoWdVvE-00222-00120376-00120952 when you're working with a director like spielberg or zemeckis you're pretty confident it's going to b0PJfoWdVvE-00223-00120952-00121456 be a hit but you never know so when rocketeer came up i read the script and i just thought oh my god b0PJfoWdVvE-00224-00121456-00121952 this is going to be the next indiana jones this is such a cool film it was based on a graphic b0PJfoWdVvE-00225-00121952-00122552 novel by dave stevens a beautiful graphic novel so richly he wrote it and illustrated it and b0PJfoWdVvE-00226-00122552-00122959 disney optioned it to make this film and i just thought this is probably gonna be the biggest b0PJfoWdVvE-00227-00122959-00123656 film on my resume because it just had all the uh excitement and all the things that would make a b0PJfoWdVvE-00228-00123656-00124168 good project but in this case it had modest box office success for a number of reasons i think was b0PJfoWdVvE-00229-00124168-00124583 up against some tough pictures at the time when it was released but it's got this cult following now b0PJfoWdVvE-00230-00124583-00125159 where there are just hundreds of people out there who are building the rocket packs and doing the b0PJfoWdVvE-00231-00125159-00125776 costume and the film holds up it's you know it's old school effects not a whole lot of computer b0PJfoWdVvE-00232-00125776-00126304 generated imagery in it it's sort of one of those films that it didn't have that peak box office b0PJfoWdVvE-00233-00126304-00126872 100 million dollar weekend of opening weekend but it's just sustained and it continues and there's b0PJfoWdVvE-00234-00126872-00127472 always rumors of a a sequel so i worked on the rocket pack mostly because that was the star b0PJfoWdVvE-00235-00127472-00127976 of the film the heart of the story in terms of it motivated all the characters performances in b0PJfoWdVvE-00236-00127976-00128528 terms of everybody wanted the rocket pack so um it had to be a convincing prop so i and probably b0PJfoWdVvE-00237-00128528-00129040 did 50 iterations before we finally narrowed it down and it wasn't just me there was a another b0PJfoWdVvE-00238-00129040-00129640 great legendary concept designer ron cobb and joe johnson of course had played a crucial part yeah b0PJfoWdVvE-00239-00129640-00130104 that's one of the props i'm most proud of in terms of it filled the role as opposed to as convincing b0PJfoWdVvE-00240-00130104-00130632 as a prop and it also reasonably accurate we had to do something that was accurate for the period b0PJfoWdVvE-00241-00130632-00131208 which is late 30s but still look prototypical and innovative and and cutting edge so i think b0PJfoWdVvE-00242-00131280-00131768 ultimately it did all those things and that's probably why the film continues to maintain its b0PJfoWdVvE-00243-00131768-00132256 uh its audience out there you mentioned zamekas you worked on back to the future b0PJfoWdVvE-00244-00132256-00132880 too well that was interesting i worked on back to future two and oddly enough i never met him b0PJfoWdVvE-00245-00132968-00133384 i always worked with the production designer it was me and about four or five other guys b0PJfoWdVvE-00246-00133384-00133944 um locked in a trailer we were locked but um we're in a trailer in the universal back lot b0PJfoWdVvE-00247-00133944-00134432 and our assignment was just just to speculate about what life would be like in the far off b0PJfoWdVvE-00248-00134432-00135088 distant future of 2015 and that for me was what i was born to do because i'm a geek about futuristic b0PJfoWdVvE-00249-00135088-00135640 concepts and innovative materials pretty much having just graduated i knew what the advanced b0PJfoWdVvE-00250-00135640-00136176 technologies were and what was speculated for a lot of the future technology and i was tasked with b0PJfoWdVvE-00251-00136176-00136776 designing marty mcfly's condo in the future and some of the electronics and the props and we spent b0PJfoWdVvE-00252-00136776-00137256 a lot of time designing communication devices for people in the future because we were speculating b0PJfoWdVvE-00253-00137256-00137648 everyone would have like a the equivalent of a smartwatch production designer thought wouldn't b0PJfoWdVvE-00254-00137648-00138160 it be great if everybody personalizes theirs so women might have like bangles and feathers and b0PJfoWdVvE-00255-00138160-00138536 things hanging from theirs and men might be you know more stylized and things so i did a lot of b0PJfoWdVvE-00256-00138672-00139216 a lot of times spent designing these wrist devices which you know if you look really closely b0PJfoWdVvE-00257-00139216-00139816 you might see one in the film there's a scene where george mcfly is in that upside down back b0PJfoWdVvE-00258-00139816-00140392 brace device that i also designed and um he's got one of the watch communicators on you can see it's b0PJfoWdVvE-00259-00140392-00141016 got a little screen and so yeah that was back to future but never met zemeckis um i think i was b0PJfoWdVvE-00260-00141016-00141688 on the set once in town square and hill valley so i got to see that but did you get into 2015 b0PJfoWdVvE-00261-00141688-00142312 and be sorely disappointed or pleasantly surprised it's interesting because 2015 rolled around and i b0PJfoWdVvE-00262-00142312-00142760 get an email from newsweek magazine saying hey you worked on this film right they wanted to talk to b0PJfoWdVvE-00263-00142760-00143264 me about the film we got most of it right i mean the one thing that's pointed out most often is b0PJfoWdVvE-00264-00143264-00143752 the fax machine where mardi gras gets fired which i also designed but made it more futuristic but b0PJfoWdVvE-00265-00143752-00144192 there's a scene in the kitchen and they're wearing these glasses that were you know hinted towards b0PJfoWdVvE-00266-00144192-00144760 like a vr headset or augmented reality headset or google there was an article online recently b0PJfoWdVvE-00267-00144760-00145296 about how google glass is so close to what was in back to the future yeah the big screen tv b0PJfoWdVvE-00268-00145296-00145776 didn't exist back then the big screen tv that marty gets fired on from his boss just the fact b0PJfoWdVvE-00269-00145776-00146184 that we got enough right to make it believable and i'm going to tell you when any filmmaker b0PJfoWdVvE-00270-00146184-00146576 starts predicting about the future you're taking a big chance and if you asked me to work on like b0PJfoWdVvE-00271-00146576-00147296 a back to the future 4 now or i speculated about what life would be like 20 years future from 2021 b0PJfoWdVvE-00272-00147488-00148104 it would just i can't imagine because the way things are changing now it's just exponentially b0PJfoWdVvE-00273-00148104-00148688 more dramatic than it was back in the 80s so i'm sure that two or three years from now there'd be b0PJfoWdVvE-00274-00148688-00149240 a technology that no one saw common that might change the whole face of everything all your b0PJfoWdVvE-00275-00149240-00149808 sketches designs storyboards do you keep everything are they in museums yeah with b0PJfoWdVvE-00276-00149808-00150424 the exception of a few studios i made a point um of having something in my uh b0PJfoWdVvE-00277-00150424-00150896 deal memo that said i kept the originals because i had the good uh the good sense to know that there b0PJfoWdVvE-00278-00150896-00151192 might be some value to them and i just wanted to keep them from my own personal archives b0PJfoWdVvE-00279-00151192-00151960 so i did and um a few projects like captain eo uh the originals uh were signed off to disney b0PJfoWdVvE-00280-00151960-00152416 because you were sort of worked for a higher person when you worked for physique so um yeah b0PJfoWdVvE-00281-00152416-00153032 but for the most part i've managed to maintain a pretty a pretty good archive of the work i did and b0PJfoWdVvE-00282-00153176-00153600 over the past few years i've sold most of them most of the portfolios including navigator and b0PJfoWdVvE-00283-00153600-00154152 back to the future hook and uh the rocketeer were bought by the hollywood art museum as part b0PJfoWdVvE-00284-00154152-00154672 of their permanent collection was your move to teaching an easy decision to do and is that what b0PJfoWdVvE-00285-00154672-00155184 you do full time now design is my first passion and teaching has always been my second so when i b0PJfoWdVvE-00286-00155256-00155800 graduated and they asked me to come back and teach i was i was delighted to although it became b0PJfoWdVvE-00287-00155800-00156432 hard to schedule it so i ended up teaching on a saturday but um yeah i love teaching and i love b0PJfoWdVvE-00288-00156432-00156952 the idea of giving back and the most satisfying part is when you see a student's work go from b0PJfoWdVvE-00289-00156952-00157616 there to there and you know the students that i taught that got jobs not because i taught them b0PJfoWdVvE-00290-00157616-00158136 everything but because you know they went on to work in entertainment some of them acknowledging b0PJfoWdVvE-00291-00158136-00158696 the fact that they were inspired by the work i did this that's a big payoff so yeah and b0PJfoWdVvE-00292-00158696-00159400 teaching right now you know i've got a family and uh the economy just got sort of weird and uh the b0PJfoWdVvE-00293-00159400-00160064 work i was doing between sculpture and consulting work you know when you're single you can tolerate b0PJfoWdVvE-00294-00160160-00160792 the ups and downs but when you're when you have a family it's um sort of uh b0PJfoWdVvE-00295-00160792-00161200 compels you to have something more stable and teaching is that but i still you know i only b0PJfoWdVvE-00296-00161200-00161864 teach half the year and the other half i still do consulting i still do sculpture and i still um b0PJfoWdVvE-00297-00161864-00162408 do my own artwork what's the biggest piece of advice that you give your students if you had b0PJfoWdVvE-00298-00162408-00163120 to say one thing to them before they went out into the big bad world don't lose touch with your own b0PJfoWdVvE-00299-00163120-00163656 voice when you get caught up in the industry and the projects go from one to the next it's easy b0PJfoWdVvE-00300-00163656-00164096 just to lose touch with your own values and the things that are important to you and if you're not b0PJfoWdVvE-00301-00164096-00164656 paying attention life takes over and those things kind of fall to the wayside so that's a tough one b0PJfoWdVvE-00302-00164656-00165296 but i think it really is just important to keep in touch with your own vision and final question do b0PJfoWdVvE-00303-00165296-00166080 you feel like teaching and sculpture and your own artwork is your path now do you think you'll ever b0PJfoWdVvE-00304-00166080-00166648 go back to hollywood or are you keeping everything open i'm keeping everything open and when those b0PJfoWdVvE-00305-00166648-00167040 opportunities come and you know you have to turn down that really great film part of me says boy b0PJfoWdVvE-00306-00167136-00167768 um i'm not sure how long i can turn these things down where they're that good so um b0PJfoWdVvE-00307-00167768-00168256 yeah i'm keeping it up for now i'm very i'm very pleased i'm teaching at a great school and b0PJfoWdVvE-00308-00168472-00169200 i really enjoy the process and i often wish that just the teaching part is the most fun b0PJfoWdVvE-00309-00169200-00169672 being in the classroom with the students or teaching virtually is equally as engaging b0PJfoWdVvE-00310-00169672-00170368 and working with young people is always you know exciting and helping them get to the next level b0PJfoWdVvE-00311-00170520-00171208 but the part that comes with it the administrative part and the grading and the evaluations and b0PJfoWdVvE-00312-00171208-00171704 all that stuff it's like any job i mean there's a creative part and then there's a b0PJfoWdVvE-00313-00171840-00172480 more managerial administrative part that probably takes up more time but b0PJfoWdVvE-00314-00172568-00173176 it's all it's all good and i feel fortunate that i'm now at that perfect balance where i b0PJfoWdVvE-00315-00173296-00174056 i do design i do sculpture i teach i still sketch for my own gratification and draw for myself and b0PJfoWdVvE-00316-00174168-00174792 um yeah and i learn which is also a big thing for me so to teach that innovation class i have to b0PJfoWdVvE-00317-00174792-00175368 stay up on what the latest technologies are and to teach anything these days you better be willing to b0PJfoWdVvE-00318-00175368-00175808 keep re-educating yourself because there's always some new software program and there's some new b0PJfoWdVvE-00319-00175872-00176472 implications i'm sure you've seen what's going on with um virtual sets and virtual productions b0PJfoWdVvE-00320-00176472-00177128 which is just you know that's some of the most exciting stuff ever and it really makes me wish b0PJfoWdVvE-00321-00177192-00177896 um you know when i saw the mandalorian and the capabilities of of the imaginative visuals that b0PJfoWdVvE-00322-00177896-00178600 you can do with virtual sets so affordably and so simply without all the post-production i b0PJfoWdVvE-00323-00178600-00179160 just wanted to do over like you know let me go back to hollywood now i would love to you know b0PJfoWdVvE-00324-00179160-00179664 come up with things that are you know because before it would you design something and then b0PJfoWdVvE-00325-00179664-00180000 it would be drafted and then they would build it and it would just go on for months b0PJfoWdVvE-00326-00180056-00180512 and then they'd shoot it and rip it all down and throw it away but now you can come up with an idea b0PJfoWdVvE-00327-00180592-00180928 build it in the computer the same day and go on the set and have this b0PJfoWdVvE-00328-00180984-00181720 beautiful landscape or another planet or a set all um probably not that fast for some of it but b0PJfoWdVvE-00329-00181816-00182352 the gratification and the the ability to control the imagery and change things to b0PJfoWdVvE-00330-00182352-00182792 a point where well i'm sure you don't want to go into a whole virtual production lecture but b0PJfoWdVvE-00331-00182848-00183368 it's pretty it's pretty amazing and yeah i'm even more excited for students getting out now because b0PJfoWdVvE-00332-00183368-00184376 the opportunities for creativity and remarkable visuals is just better than it's ever been b0PJfoWdVvE-00333-00184376-00184952 fingers crossed that you do get to share your talents on the screen once more really appreciate b0PJfoWdVvE-00334-00184952-00185368 you taking the time this has been a long time coming so i'm so excited that we could finally b0PJfoWdVvE-00335-00185368-00185936 sit down and do this um and i just i'm so inspired by you and your career and your talents and b0PJfoWdVvE-00336-00185936-00186496 just a talent i wish i had but don't um so thank you so much for taking the time today i really b0PJfoWdVvE-00337-00186496-00186864 appreciate them it's a pleasure and you got to get to savannah we got to do this live next time b0PJfoWdVvE-00338-00186992-00187648 well i think you can all agree that that gentleman knows his stuff and his work is incredible i mean b0PJfoWdVvE-00339-00187648-00188104 anything you see that he's put yeah i can't even draw a stick man i try and draw i can't draw b0PJfoWdVvE-00340-00188104-00188536 anything i'm really envious of people who've got that vision and the ability to bring it to life b0PJfoWdVvE-00341-00188536-00188904 my stick figures always look like this because i could never draw arms down by the side like me b0PJfoWdVvE-00342-00188904-00189536 after christmas my stick figure well we're excited for 2022. happy new year everybody i don't know b0PJfoWdVvE-00343-00189536-00190128 when this will go out but around new year um hope you have a wonderful new year and please subscribe b0PJfoWdVvE-00344-00190128-00191344 so you can see all the wonderful interviews that will be coming your way in 2022 until next time b1IYO2l2mUY-00000-00000010-00000063 THEM TO DEFRAY EXPENSIVE CLAIMS. b1IYO2l2mUY-00001-00000063-00000070 THEM TO DEFRAY EXPENSIVE CLAIMS. b1IYO2l2mUY-00002-00000070-00000120 THEM TO DEFRAY EXPENSIVE CLAIMS. SHE SAYS THAT SHOULD HELP TO b1IYO2l2mUY-00003-00000120-00000126 THEM TO DEFRAY EXPENSIVE CLAIMS. SHE SAYS THAT SHOULD HELP TO b1IYO2l2mUY-00004-00000126-00000193 THEM TO DEFRAY EXPENSIVE CLAIMS. SHE SAYS THAT SHOULD HELP TO STABILIZE THE INSURANCE MARKET. b1IYO2l2mUY-00005-00000193-00000200 SHE SAYS THAT SHOULD HELP TO STABILIZE THE INSURANCE MARKET. b1IYO2l2mUY-00006-00000200-00000266 SHE SAYS THAT SHOULD HELP TO STABILIZE THE INSURANCE MARKET. ELEVEN TEACHERS FROM ACROSS THE b1IYO2l2mUY-00007-00000266-00000273 STABILIZE THE INSURANCE MARKET. ELEVEN TEACHERS FROM ACROSS THE b1IYO2l2mUY-00008-00000273-00000807 STABILIZE THE INSURANCE MARKET. ELEVEN TEACHERS FROM ACROSS THE STATE HAVE BEEN NAMED FINALISTS b1IYO2l2mUY-00009-00000807-00000814 ELEVEN TEACHERS FROM ACROSS THE STATE HAVE BEEN NAMED FINALISTS b1IYO2l2mUY-00010-00000814-00000914 ELEVEN TEACHERS FROM ACROSS THE STATE HAVE BEEN NAMED FINALISTS IN THE 2017 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00011-00000914-00000920 STATE HAVE BEEN NAMED FINALISTS IN THE 2017 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00012-00000920-00001267 STATE HAVE BEEN NAMED FINALISTS IN THE 2017 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR PROGRAM. b1IYO2l2mUY-00013-00001267-00001274 IN THE 2017 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR PROGRAM. b1IYO2l2mUY-00014-00001274-00001341 IN THE 2017 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR PROGRAM. AN INDEPENDENT SELECTION PANEL b1IYO2l2mUY-00015-00001341-00001348 THE YEAR PROGRAM. AN INDEPENDENT SELECTION PANEL b1IYO2l2mUY-00016-00001348-00001411 THE YEAR PROGRAM. AN INDEPENDENT SELECTION PANEL OF 23 LEADERS IN THE AREAS OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00017-00001411-00001418 AN INDEPENDENT SELECTION PANEL OF 23 LEADERS IN THE AREAS OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00018-00001418-00001484 AN INDEPENDENT SELECTION PANEL OF 23 LEADERS IN THE AREAS OF EDUCATION, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT b1IYO2l2mUY-00019-00001484-00001491 OF 23 LEADERS IN THE AREAS OF EDUCATION, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT b1IYO2l2mUY-00020-00001491-00001551 OF 23 LEADERS IN THE AREAS OF EDUCATION, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFITS SELECTED THE b1IYO2l2mUY-00021-00001551-00001558 EDUCATION, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFITS SELECTED THE b1IYO2l2mUY-00022-00001558-00001618 EDUCATION, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFITS SELECTED THE FINALISTS FROM A GROUP OF 37 b1IYO2l2mUY-00023-00001618-00001624 AND NON-PROFITS SELECTED THE FINALISTS FROM A GROUP OF 37 b1IYO2l2mUY-00024-00001624-00001741 AND NON-PROFITS SELECTED THE FINALISTS FROM A GROUP OF 37 SEMIFINALISTS. b1IYO2l2mUY-00025-00001741-00001748 FINALISTS FROM A GROUP OF 37 SEMIFINALISTS. b1IYO2l2mUY-00026-00001748-00001815 FINALISTS FROM A GROUP OF 37 SEMIFINALISTS. NONE OF THE FINALISTS ARE FROM b1IYO2l2mUY-00027-00001815-00001821 SEMIFINALISTS. NONE OF THE FINALISTS ARE FROM b1IYO2l2mUY-00028-00001821-00001881 SEMIFINALISTS. NONE OF THE FINALISTS ARE FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. b1IYO2l2mUY-00029-00001881-00001888 NONE OF THE FINALISTS ARE FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. b1IYO2l2mUY-00030-00001888-00001958 NONE OF THE FINALISTS ARE FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. IN ALL THERE WERE 132 TEACHER OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00031-00001958-00001965 THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. IN ALL THERE WERE 132 TEACHER OF b1IYO2l2mUY-00032-00001965-00002308 THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. IN ALL THERE WERE 132 TEACHER OF THE YEAR CANDIDATES FOR THIS b1IYO2l2mUY-00033-00002308-00002315 IN ALL THERE WERE 132 TEACHER OF THE YEAR CANDIDATES FOR THIS b1IYO2l2mUY-00034-00002315-00002469 IN ALL THERE WERE 132 TEACHER OF THE YEAR CANDIDATES FOR THIS PROGRAM YEAR. b1IYO2l2mUY-00035-00002469-00002475 THE YEAR CANDIDATES FOR THIS PROGRAM YEAR. b1IYO2l2mUY-00036-00002475-00002559 THE YEAR CANDIDATES FOR THIS PROGRAM YEAR. THE WINNER OF THE 2017 TEACHER b1IYO2l2mUY-00037-00002559-00002565 PROGRAM YEAR. THE WINNER OF THE 2017 TEACHER b1IYO2l2mUY-00038-00002565-00002632 PROGRAM YEAR. THE WINNER OF THE 2017 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD WILL BE b1IYO2l2mUY-00039-00002632-00002639 THE WINNER OF THE 2017 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD WILL BE b1IYO2l2mUY-00040-00002639-00002736 THE WINNER OF THE 2017 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MAY 7TH. b4J26hZ5IdE-00000-00000000-00000328 Are you a local small business owner looking to take your b4J26hZ5IdE-00001-00000328-00000540 business to the next level? b4J26hZ5IdE-00002-00000540-00001071 This video will uncover why focusing on increasing your customer base, b4J26hZ5IdE-00003-00001071-00001467 revenues, and profits won't work for growing your local business. b4J26hZ5IdE-00004-00001467-00001950 Let's discover why together right after this. b4J26hZ5IdE-00005-00001950-00002472 Local small business owners often seek to increase their customer base, b4J26hZ5IdE-00006-00002472-00002642 revenues, and profits. b4J26hZ5IdE-00007-00002642-00003044 However, these results can be hard to come by without the b4J26hZ5IdE-00008-00003044-00003164 right strategy. b4J26hZ5IdE-00009-00003247-00003604 It's easy to focus on the wrong metrics when trying to b4J26hZ5IdE-00010-00003604-00004067 grow a local small business- like increasing sales or cutting costs b4J26hZ5IdE-00011-00004067-00004521 - but this won't necessarily lead you toward your desired outcome. b4J26hZ5IdE-00012-00004521-00004927 This video will discuss how focusing on the right metrics is b4J26hZ5IdE-00013-00004927-00005195 vital for local small business growth, b4J26hZ5IdE-00014-00005195-00005284 and success. b4J26hZ5IdE-00015-00005284-00005780 We'll explain why it's essential to focus on margins, b4J26hZ5IdE-00016-00005780-00006044 average dollar sale amount, b4J26hZ5IdE-00017-00006044-00006276 number of transactions, b4J26hZ5IdE-00018-00006276-00006793 number of leads and conversion rate to see real results. b4J26hZ5IdE-00019-00006793-00006992 How is this possible? b4J26hZ5IdE-00020-00006992-00007278 Don't you need more customers, b4J26hZ5IdE-00021-00007278-00007487 revenues and profits? b4J26hZ5IdE-00022-00007487-00007642 Of course you do! b4J26hZ5IdE-00023-00007642-00008181 You just can't impact any of them directly because they are b4J26hZ5IdE-00024-00008181-00008446 the result of other factors. b4J26hZ5IdE-00025-00008446-00008703 Let's start with customers. b4J26hZ5IdE-00026-00008703-00008928 How do you get customers? b4J26hZ5IdE-00027-00008928-00009164 First, you market to them, b4J26hZ5IdE-00028-00009164-00009281 right? Then, b4J26hZ5IdE-00029-00009281-00009592 once they raise their hand and say, b4J26hZ5IdE-00030-00009594-00009728 "I'm interested," b4J26hZ5IdE-00031-00009728-00009997 you sell them your product or service. b4J26hZ5IdE-00032-00009997-00010375 So your number of customers is a function of the number b4J26hZ5IdE-00033-00010375-00010677 of people you attract with your marketing, b4J26hZ5IdE-00034-00010677-00010828 your number of leads, b4J26hZ5IdE-00035-00010828-00011281 multiplied by the percentage of those leads you can convert into b4J26hZ5IdE-00036-00011281-00011524 customers, your conversion rate. b4J26hZ5IdE-00037-00011524-00011701 So to get more customers, b4J26hZ5IdE-00038-00011701-00012028 you need to focus on leads and conversion rate. b4J26hZ5IdE-00039-00012028-00012289 The same thing is true for revenues. b4J26hZ5IdE-00040-00012289-00012698 Your revenues are a function of the number of customers, b4J26hZ5IdE-00041-00012698-00013151 multiplied by the average amount they spend with you when they b4J26hZ5IdE-00042-00013151-00013369 buy, the average sale amount, b4J26hZ5IdE-00043-00013369-00013769 and multiplied by the average number of times they buy, b4J26hZ5IdE-00044-00013769-00013978 the number of transactions. b4J26hZ5IdE-00045-00013978-00014284 So to get more revenue from your customers, b4J26hZ5IdE-00046-00014284-00014649 you need to focus on your average sale amount and the b4J26hZ5IdE-00047-00014649-00014827 number of transactions. b4J26hZ5IdE-00048-00014827-00015294 Finally, your profit is a function of your revenues multiplied by b4J26hZ5IdE-00049-00015294-00015736 the percentage of your revenues that goes to paying the bills, b4J26hZ5IdE-00050-00015736-00015838 your margins. b4J26hZ5IdE-00051-00015838-00015988 So to get more profit, b4J26hZ5IdE-00052-00015988-00016222 you have to focus on your margins. b4J26hZ5IdE-00053-00016222-00016332 In conclusion, b4J26hZ5IdE-00054-00016332-00016843 local small business owners should focus on increasing their margins to b4J26hZ5IdE-00055-00016843-00016977 increase profits, b4J26hZ5IdE-00056-00016977-00017471 average dollar sale amount and number of transactions per customer to b4J26hZ5IdE-00057-00017471-00017614 increase revenues, b4J26hZ5IdE-00058-00017614-00018024 leads in conversion rate to increase number of customers. b4J26hZ5IdE-00059-00018024-00018325 By focusing on these intertwined metrics, b4J26hZ5IdE-00060-00018325-00018778 you can create a successful growth strategy for your local small b4J26hZ5IdE-00061-00018778-00019004 business. With this knowledge, b4J26hZ5IdE-00062-00019004-00019497 you're ready to take your local small business development efforts up b4J26hZ5IdE-00063-00019497-00019556 a notch! b4J26hZ5IdE-00064-00019556-00020025 Thanks for watching this video about local small business growth. b4J26hZ5IdE-00065-00020025-00020360 We've hope you've learned something new today! b4J26hZ5IdE-00066-00020360-00020704 We'd love to hear from you in the comment section. b4J26hZ5IdE-00067-00020704-00021056 Share your experiences - both good and bad - so that b4J26hZ5IdE-00068-00021056-00021441 other local small business owners can learn from them. b4J26hZ5IdE-00069-00021441-00021512 After all, b4J26hZ5IdE-00070-00021512-00021695 we're all in this together! b4J26hZ5IdE-00071-00021695-00022091 Talk about what strategies or tactics have worked for you in b4J26hZ5IdE-00072-00022091-00022305 increasing your customer base, b4J26hZ5IdE-00073-00022305-00022456 revenues and profits. b4J26hZ5IdE-00074-00022456-00022892 Tell us which metrics have been most effective for driving growth b4J26hZ5IdE-00075-00022892-00023090 in your local small business. b4J26hZ5IdE-00076-00023090-00023566 Or maybe share insights on any mistakes or pitfalls you've encountered b4J26hZ5IdE-00077-00023566-00023788 along the way so we can avoid them. b4J26hZ5IdE-00078-00023788-00024249 Your stories are invaluable and will help empower other local small b4J26hZ5IdE-00079-00024249-00024484 business owners achieve success! b4J26hZ5IdE-00080-00024484-00024873 Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with b4J26hZ5IdE-00081-00024873-00024978 our community. b4J26hZ5IdE-00082-00024978-00025349 Would you like to learn more about local small business growth, b4J26hZ5IdE-00083-00025349-00025623 and other topics regarding business success? b4J26hZ5IdE-00084-00025623-00025693 Yes! Great! b4J26hZ5IdE-00085-00025693-00025952 Than there are a few things that you need to do b4J26hZ5IdE-00086-00025952-00026014 right now. b4J26hZ5IdE-00087-00026014-00026156 First, like this video, b4J26hZ5IdE-00088-00026156-00026317 so I know that you got value, b4J26hZ5IdE-00089-00026317-00026548 and I'll make more videos like this one. b4J26hZ5IdE-00090-00026548-00026827 Second, subscribe to this channel, b4J26hZ5IdE-00091-00026827-00027227 and click the bell to get notified whenever we post a b4J26hZ5IdE-00092-00027227-00027600 new video so that you don't miss a single piece of b4J26hZ5IdE-00093-00027600-00027879 the valuable information we share. b4J26hZ5IdE-00094-00027879-00027945 I'm Doug Barra, b4J26hZ5IdE-00095-00027945-00028161 and I believe it takes great courage to own a small, b4J26hZ5IdE-00096-00028161-00028233 local business, b4J26hZ5IdE-00097-00028233-00028339 and for the last 16 years, b4J26hZ5IdE-00098-00028339-00028617 I've been making sure that business owners like yourself get the b4J26hZ5IdE-00099-00028617-00028674 time, money, b4J26hZ5IdE-00100-00028674-00028781 and freedom you deserve. b4J26hZ5IdE-00101-00028781-00028997 Be sure to click the link to learn more about having b4J26hZ5IdE-00102-00028997-00029145 a business that works without you! b4J26hZ5IdE-00103-00029145-00029248 Thank you for watching. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00000-00000096-00000378 The Harlem Globetrotters should definitely be at the Archives. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00001-00000436-00000636 You're right, Hot Rod. Let me see... b5PC-Asjr4Y-00002-00000636-00000836 Ah, which one? How about that one right there? b5PC-Asjr4Y-00003-00000836-00001036 That one? b5PC-Asjr4Y-00004-00001036-00001073 Yeah b5PC-Asjr4Y-00005-00001236-00001536 Now let's see if we can fit in there now, that's the test b5PC-Asjr4Y-00006-00001703-00001766 Oh yeah, let me see. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00007-00001803-00002003 Boop! Oh, it fits. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00008-00002003-00002103 You think that fits?! b5PC-Asjr4Y-00009-00002103-00002153 Yeah! b5PC-Asjr4Y-00010-00002169-00002703 Hey man, well you gotta put that back. It's not going to fit in that spot. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00011-00002659-00002802 Oh it's gonna fit. I'm going to find a spot for it. b5PC-Asjr4Y-00012-00002902-00003002 There you go! b5PC-Asjr4Y-00013-00003102-00003202 Of course! b8P_zsX_CnA-00000-00000610-00000926 Now that we've seen how to create a new post b8P_zsX_CnA-00001-00000926-00001409 I want to cover editing an existing post and also adding some b8P_zsX_CnA-00002-00001410-00001770 more advanced content. In this case images. b8P_zsX_CnA-00003-00001770-00001970 To manage an existing post b8P_zsX_CnA-00004-00001970-00002256 all you do simply go to Posts b8P_zsX_CnA-00005-00002256-00002529 All Posts b8P_zsX_CnA-00006-00002530-00003010 That will take you to the Posts page that lists all of the posts you have created. b8P_zsX_CnA-00007-00003010-00003603 By default they're going to be in reverse chronological order so all your newest ones will there at the top. b8P_zsX_CnA-00008-00003603-00003939 From here we can edit any of the existing posts. b8P_zsX_CnA-00009-00003940-00004973 For example, if I want to edit the item that is there called My New Post I point my cursor to that row and then choose the Edit option. b8P_zsX_CnA-00010-00004973-00005719 That will take me to a page that is exactly the same as what we saw when we published the post previously. b8P_zsX_CnA-00011-00005720-00006253 The only difference is that now it's going to show the status as being published and if we're making b8P_zsX_CnA-00012-00006253-00006786 any changes we have an update button to accept those changes. b8P_zsX_CnA-00013-00006786-00007396 Let's assume I want to add an image to this post. I could certainly add anything I want. b8P_zsX_CnA-00014-00007396-00008006 More text, more links, or whatever. I'm going to just give myself some space down here and I'm going to add an image. b8P_zsX_CnA-00015-00008006-00008526 The way you do that in WordPress is pretty easy. There's an Add Media button right above the b8P_zsX_CnA-00016-00008526-00009046 content editor and clicking on that button will bring up the Add Media dialog box. b8P_zsX_CnA-00017-00009046-00010136 From here we can select files in a few different ways. One thing is if we had previously uploaded any images or other types of media to our b8P_zsX_CnA-00018-00010136-00010996 WordPress site we would be able to choose it here from this list but since we're starting from a brand new site and don't have any existing files b8P_zsX_CnA-00019-00010996-00011366 we need to upload files. b8P_zsX_CnA-00020-00011366-00012319 It's possible to drag and drop files into this window but for this recording I'm going to take the option of clicking on the Select Files button. b8P_zsX_CnA-00021-00012320-00013390 I have some images that are preloaded on my desktop so I'm going to choose this one called music.jpeg and click on Open. b8P_zsX_CnA-00022-00013390-00014319 That will upload that file to the site. It hasn't actually inserted it into my post yet. It has only uploaded the file into WordPress. b8P_zsX_CnA-00023-00014319-00014943 After uploading it, if it's selected here as this one is, on the right hand side there are many options for that image. b8P_zsX_CnA-00024-00014943-00015823 It also provides some basic information. You see that it has the file name and the date that it was uploaded. b8P_zsX_CnA-00025-00015823-00016706 We have the width and height of the image in pixels. In this case 600 by 350 but of course it will depend on your specific image. b8P_zsX_CnA-00026-00016706-00017509 It does give you the option of editing the image. It's a cool feature of WordPress that allows you to go in and b8P_zsX_CnA-00027-00017510-00018046 be able to edit images meaning you can resize them, crop them, and rotate them. I won't be covering that in b8P_zsX_CnA-00028-00018046-00018583 this video but it's something to keep in mind that you can do. b8P_zsX_CnA-00029-00018583-00019156 It also gives the option of deleting it if you upload the wrong image or decide you don't need that image after all. b8P_zsX_CnA-00030-00019156-00019946 Down below that there are some setting that we can control. That includes the Title of the image. By default it just takes the file name as b8P_zsX_CnA-00031-00019946-00020473 the title but you can change that to whatever you want. You can also add a Caption here. b8P_zsX_CnA-00032-00020473-00021159 I'll go ahead and add a caption so you can see where that's going to show up. I'll just call it "My Caption". b8P_zsX_CnA-00033-00021160-00021723 And there's an Alt Text area. The Alt Text can be pretty important. It's where you're going to put text that would be read b8P_zsX_CnA-00034-00021723-00022286 to someone who is using a screen reader, for example. b8P_zsX_CnA-00035-00022286-00022663 In that situation it might be someone who has a visual impairment b8P_zsX_CnA-00036-00022663-00023043 and they're unable to see the website or at least not see it very well. b8P_zsX_CnA-00037-00023043-00023659 They can use a screen reader to read them the text of the webpage. When they reach that image in the screen reader b8P_zsX_CnA-00038-00023660-00024406 since they can't see the image or can't see it very well it would instead read them the alternate text that you've specified here. b8P_zsX_CnA-00039-00024406-00024903 It would be a good place to describe the image. In this case it's a building b8P_zsX_CnA-00040-00024903-00025399 so I'll just say "Photo of building". b8P_zsX_CnA-00041-00025400-00026056 It also gives you the option of putting a description. The description might be a longer description then what you put in the caption. b8P_zsX_CnA-00042-00026056-00026799 The description is not always displayed on the page with your post. Sometimes you have to click on the image to see the description. b8P_zsX_CnA-00043-00026800-00027546 It depends on how you have it set up so that something that you'll want to play around with. b8P_zsX_CnA-00044-00027546-00028286 You may not need to specify the description or the caption depending on your theme and how you will be using it. b8P_zsX_CnA-00045-00028286-00028656 Below those settings we have the option to choose the Alignment. b8P_zsX_CnA-00046-00028656-00029236 The default Alignment is None. That generally means that it's going to default to left aligned but you can b8P_zsX_CnA-00047-00029236-00029819 specifically choose the alignment that you want. b8P_zsX_CnA-00048-00029820-00030586 We also have an option to control how this image gets linked. The default is for an image to be linked as an Attachment Page. b8P_zsX_CnA-00049-00030586-00031356 This means that when someone sees your image in the post and clicks on it they will be brought to another page in your WordPress site. b8P_zsX_CnA-00050-00031356-00032116 It will show them the image and the description and in many cases give them the option of commenting on the image. b8P_zsX_CnA-00051-00032116-00032879 In some cases you may not want that so you may want there to be no link at all meaning that clicking on image doesn't do anything at all. b8P_zsX_CnA-00052-00032880-00033620 Another option is that you might want to link the image to some custom web page that you want to send the person to. b8P_zsX_CnA-00053-00033620-00034610 Another option is to link to the Media File which means that when they click on the image they're going to see the full size image open. b8P_zsX_CnA-00054-00034610-00035423 Below that we have the option for specifying the Size. In this case it defaulted to the medium size but we can have it show as full size or b8P_zsX_CnA-00055-00035423-00035966 even a small thumbnail of it. I'll leave it on the medium size so I can demonstrate how that will work. b8P_zsX_CnA-00056-00035966-00036513 I'm going to set the Link To option to Media File. b8P_zsX_CnA-00057-00036513-00037379 That's going to allow people to click on the small or medium version of the image and see the full version of it. b8P_zsX_CnA-00058-00037380-00037960 Once you have all of the options set, to insert the image into your post b8P_zsX_CnA-00059-00037960-00038433 At that point it will insert it there and in this case it lists the caption below it. b8P_zsX_CnA-00060-00038433-00039063 That's something that's a function of your theme so if you chose an alternate theme then you may find that the caption displays differently b8P_zsX_CnA-00061-00039063-00039483 or the image is displayed slightly differently but usually it's going to look something like this. b8P_zsX_CnA-00062-00039483-00039903 It will usually display the image with the caption right below it. b8P_zsX_CnA-00063-00039903-00040676 Now that I've made these changes I can add additional content or change existing continent if I wanted to. If I want to make changes to the b8P_zsX_CnA-00064-00040676-00041449 image I can click on it here in the editor and I have a couple options. One thing is I do have an option just to delete the image from the post. b8P_zsX_CnA-00065-00041450-00042226 It doesn't delete it from the Media Library so you can always use it at a later time or in a different post. b8P_zsX_CnA-00066-00042226-00042673 But it will delete it from this this specific post for now. b8P_zsX_CnA-00067-00042673-00043029 Next to that button there is an Edit Image button. If I click on that b8P_zsX_CnA-00068-00043030-00043526 it brings me to a screen that gives me various options many of which we've already seen. b8P_zsX_CnA-00069-00043526-00044023 Things like choosing the Alignment of the image, setting the Title, b8P_zsX_CnA-00070-00044023-00044316 the Alternate Text, the Caption, and so forth. b8P_zsX_CnA-00071-00044316-00045116 That's something you may need to go back and make some changes to. You can also switch over to an Advanced Settings tab. b8P_zsX_CnA-00072-00045116-00045789 On that tab you'll have some other options including setting a specific size of the image. b8P_zsX_CnA-00073-00045790-00046230 In this case I don't need to make any changes so I'm just going to Cancel this window. b8P_zsX_CnA-00074-00046230-00046846 Clicking away from the image will let you see that the image displays correctly still. b8P_zsX_CnA-00075-00046846-00047923 Let's assume that I'm done editing this post and now I'm just going to click this Update button. b8P_zsX_CnA-00076-00047923-00048409 Once it's finished updating you get the bar at the top that shows the post was updated b8P_zsX_CnA-00077-00048410-00048900 and it will let you view the post. I'll click on View post so we can see what it will look like. b8P_zsX_CnA-00078-00048900-00049756 We can see now that it looks basically the same as the post did before except we now have that image in the middle of the post. b8P_zsX_CnA-00079-00049756-00050743 If I were to click on it, it will open up the a full size image for me to see and I can click the back button to go back to the post. bsyn6OYDnWA-00000-00000065-00000648 New text fields allow us to mix date and time with the bubbles on the Bubble Cloud watch bsyn6OYDnWA-00001-00000648-00000748 face. bsyn6OYDnWA-00002-00000748-00001361 We can now add one or two rows of information to the "split" digital watch face layout. bsyn6OYDnWA-00003-00001361-00001992 The analog clock smart auto layout even rearranges the bubbles to make room for an upper or lower bsyn6OYDnWA-00004-00001992-00002153 text field. bsyn6OYDnWA-00005-00002153-00002966 This provides an easy way to create dual, analog+digital watch faces requested by many. bsyn6OYDnWA-00006-00002966-00003784 I will show you how to set up these in the phone app first, then using the settings on bsyn6OYDnWA-00007-00003784-00004020 the watch itself. bsyn6OYDnWA-00008-00004020-00004540 For a dual clock I choose the theme that came with the Notification Icons plugin (theme bsyn6OYDnWA-00009-00004540-00004671 pack #11). bsyn6OYDnWA-00010-00004671-00005255 Normally, the bubbles go all the way around the dial, making room for more, as bubbles bsyn6OYDnWA-00011-00005255-00005509 get added to the watch face. bsyn6OYDnWA-00012-00005509-00005976 Adding the digital time is as simple as bringing up the Smart Auto Layout screen, and tapping bsyn6OYDnWA-00013-00005976-00006580 on the top or bottom text field. bsyn6OYDnWA-00014-00006580-00007101 Let's enable the field, I choose the 12 hour time from the list of presets, bsyn6OYDnWA-00015-00007101-00007744 but I can edit the template to remove the AM/PM part simply by deleting the letter A. bsyn6OYDnWA-00016-00007744-00008358 Assign any click-action to open an app or start Tasker routines, toggle Smart lights bsyn6OYDnWA-00017-00008358-00008635 or other built in functions. bsyn6OYDnWA-00018-00008635-00008859 Adjust font style, size. bsyn6OYDnWA-00019-00008859-00009388 If ambient mode visibility is enabled we can set its color separately. bsyn6OYDnWA-00020-00009388-00009922 See how the Smart Auto Layout arranged the bubbles in a half circle so they don't interfere bsyn6OYDnWA-00021-00009922-00010088 with the text field? bsyn6OYDnWA-00022-00010088-00010877 On the watch, we can long press the text field to bring up the same settings. bsyn6OYDnWA-00023-00010877-00011469 Seek-bars now have fine adjustment via the plus/minus buttons. bsyn6OYDnWA-00024-00011469-00011990 Long press the label to reset, or long press it again to undo. bsyn6OYDnWA-00025-00011990-00012536 Let's turn off the bottom-text-field for now, and set up a digital watch face that will bsyn6OYDnWA-00026-00012536-00012868 now include the date. bsyn6OYDnWA-00027-00012868-00013618 For this we take the font and initial layout from the theme Kaffeesatz in Theme Pack #12. bsyn6OYDnWA-00028-00013618-00014202 This shows the time using words, but under "Clock settings" we can still select to show bsyn6OYDnWA-00029-00014202-00014622 hours and/or minutes using numbers. bsyn6OYDnWA-00030-00014622-00015271 While we are here, let's make space for the date row by adjusting the new "vertical shift" bsyn6OYDnWA-00031-00015271-00015390 parameter. bsyn6OYDnWA-00032-00015390-00015512 Beautiful. bsyn6OYDnWA-00033-00015512-00016287 All we need now is to add the text field, available under the favorite cloud section. bsyn6OYDnWA-00034-00016287-00016556 We use the top row this time. bsyn6OYDnWA-00035-00016556-00016854 For field content; we select the date. bsyn6OYDnWA-00036-00016854-00017418 Yes, its position on the screen needs some adjustment, we can apply a bit of "vertical bsyn6OYDnWA-00037-00017418-00017720 shift" to the text fields as well. bsyn6OYDnWA-00038-00017720-00018368 By vertically shifting a second text field could even be placed above or below the time bsyn6OYDnWA-00039-00018368-00018821 digits and the editable format-strings provide great bsyn6OYDnWA-00040-00018821-00019289 flexibility over what we might want to show on our watch faces. bsyn6OYDnWA-00041-00019289-00019715 Your feature requests directly contributed to these new features. bsyn6OYDnWA-00042-00019715-00020279 Please email me with questions and bug reports too, I am always happy to hear from fellow bsyn6OYDnWA-00043-00020279-00020413 Wear OS users. bsyn6OYDnWA-00044-00020413-00021022 You can also support this project, by liking my youtube videos, and leaving 5-star ratings bsyn6OYDnWA-00045-00021022-00021356 for my apps and theme packs in the Play Store. bsyn6OYDnWA-00046-00021356-00021545 Thank you if you already did. bsyn6OYDnWA-00047-00021545-00021848 And as always, keep enjoying the bubble clouds! byIAEBB0SxE-00000-00000000-00000330 we're in the bay today we're at Sneaker Con we're about to turn up we're about to see if byIAEBB0SxE-00001-00000330-00000654 we can buy some shoes I got some stuff on my Hit List we got a lot of people out here I'm byIAEBB0SxE-00002-00000654-00001014 going to be giving out teas having a good time asking questions it's going to be a good day byIAEBB0SxE-00003-00001014-00001518 today so let's go ahead and just keep the camera rolling have a good time and uh yeah let's get it byIAEBB0SxE-00004-00001518-00002940 hey what size charger smaller medium yeah it's more medium um we're for sure radio all right byIAEBB0SxE-00005-00002940-00003300 come on let's go over here y'all subscribe to the channel yes okay that's what I thought I'm byIAEBB0SxE-00006-00003300-00003708 like there's no way just random person that doesn't know who I am would just be trying byIAEBB0SxE-00007-00003708-00004104 to take a picture that'd be kind of weird right I see y'all with the kicks we got to get a little a byIAEBB0SxE-00008-00004104-00004728 big check out here you see this look at the skies with the Reds with the jerseys I see it I love it byIAEBB0SxE-00009-00004794-00005664 that's what I'm talking about small yeah all right their number one out of 23. so you guys oh it's my byIAEBB0SxE-00010-00005664-00006246 favorite number you got my favorite number what number did you get are you six and nine we got 69 byIAEBB0SxE-00011-00006426-00006804 this is great wait is she on the right side I think she needs to be on this side so the byIAEBB0SxE-00012-00006804-00007362 six is over here The Nine's over there okay let's get the video there we go yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00013-00007452-00007986 this is comedy this is comedy oh shoot she got the matching cast I love it byIAEBB0SxE-00014-00008130-00008844 head all right I appreciate it y'all I appreciate it for sure nice to meet you hey what I got byIAEBB0SxE-00015-00008844-00009270 another question too what is the uh what's your favorite videos on the channel like what style byIAEBB0SxE-00016-00009270-00009696 of video is your favorite I like me I'm this is my style I'm just chilling I mean like the videos byIAEBB0SxE-00017-00009696-00010536 that you like to watch on the video on the channel um for me uh mainly like reveals kicks the kicks byIAEBB0SxE-00018-00010626-00011154 what else you're getting me nervous like I don't know I mean it's a cool job all right byIAEBB0SxE-00019-00011154-00011550 what's good byIAEBB0SxE-00020-00011796-00012222 well if you guys if you have something if you have an idea let me know we'll be doing some byIAEBB0SxE-00021-00012222-00012876 interviews and stuff later too I appreciate it y'all have a good day what's good how you doing byIAEBB0SxE-00022-00012876-00013247 what's good what's good it's all good what up what up what up I'm sorry I'm assuming byIAEBB0SxE-00023-00013247-00013788 you're subscribed to the channel I already subscribing you know I'm watching you look byIAEBB0SxE-00024-00013788-00014316 like a large XL all right come on we got a shirt for you over here bro come on bro byIAEBB0SxE-00025-00014316-00014706 come on bro I might as well just carry this bag around with me now and just get this stuff out byIAEBB0SxE-00026-00014706-00015210 the way hey go ahead talk your stuff real quick hey you know I see all of this guy byIAEBB0SxE-00027-00015210-00015930 collection damn man I'm gonna be like this guy one day man especially when you do your byIAEBB0SxE-00028-00015930-00016518 uh your your dad your pumps man yeah yeah juicy shoes oh man I want to do that too byIAEBB0SxE-00029-00016728-00016800 here we go byIAEBB0SxE-00030-00016926-00018174 number seven out of 23.7 out of 23.7 hey subscribe like yeah it ain't show baby let's get it let's byIAEBB0SxE-00031-00018174-00018900 get it so we ain't made it that far and at this point I got this bag shout out to kicks case hey byIAEBB0SxE-00032-00018900-00019344 if you want 10 off of a duffel bag I'm telling y'all kicks case go check it out link down below byIAEBB0SxE-00033-00019434-00019980 but we got some uh we got some teas in here we got 23 T's I'm wearing one on my back so I guess byIAEBB0SxE-00034-00019980-00020646 there's only 22 that's going to be available but I'm trying to look for shoes to buy they byIAEBB0SxE-00035-00020646-00021072 look at look what they did to the Chicago's they knew this was going to trigger everybody great byIAEBB0SxE-00036-00021072-00021900 marketing right dirty pair clean pair a little bit of mud on there damn I remember that I'm sure that byIAEBB0SxE-00037-00021900-00022398 hurts a lot of people's feelings in the comment section they're all like no why did they do that byIAEBB0SxE-00038-00022476-00023550 are you filming right now yep hello nice I was gonna talk to you about uh I know Daniel wanted byIAEBB0SxE-00039-00023550-00023994 to talk to you about the hats and stuff okay so oh yeah yeah I gotta check out the house last time I byIAEBB0SxE-00040-00023994-00024300 just seen him 20 minutes ago he was wearing a black one so I mean you know people switching byIAEBB0SxE-00041-00024300-00024834 out samples this is a one-on-one okay hey you gotta check them out tell me a stuff uh Winona byIAEBB0SxE-00042-00024834-00025434 kicks on everything on everything without the on everything it's just on everything platforms but byIAEBB0SxE-00043-00025434-00026280 it's just everything oh Pinterest everything okay run the horizons exactly so yeah he uh he got some byIAEBB0SxE-00044-00026280-00026736 time to stop at his boots yeah we gotta stop by y'all and see what's up with it get some in the byIAEBB0SxE-00045-00026736-00027245 works with you okay he's he's looking to network and uh okay get stuff happening oh you got the byIAEBB0SxE-00046-00027245-00027972 underbrim on there I got some designs on there too is this Saturday it's unreal details on the inside byIAEBB0SxE-00047-00028074-00028608 and we're actually doing a different side patch where red is the colors on that one byIAEBB0SxE-00048-00028608-00028974 is clean it's gonna be the same colors it's just gonna be a different design that's clean byIAEBB0SxE-00049-00029052-00029442 yes okay some cool stuff I'm gonna have to go check it out then hey if y'all want to byIAEBB0SxE-00050-00029442-00029802 see some new hats let me know Down Below in the comment section Adobe rocket hats every byIAEBB0SxE-00051-00029802-00030545 now and then all right all right so this bag is low-key kind of heavy we gotta get through byIAEBB0SxE-00052-00030545-00031116 this quick should we just go hit the line first see what's up or just like stay inside byIAEBB0SxE-00053-00031212-00031674 right there which one you go hit the line all right let's go see what's up outside byIAEBB0SxE-00054-00031674-00032436 see if we can find some shoes on the way see if we find anything just trying to you know byIAEBB0SxE-00055-00032514-00032946 see how this new this new vlogging format goes you know we're just trying something byIAEBB0SxE-00056-00032946-00033426 different I never I don't know we'll just see we'll see how it goes that's all I can say byIAEBB0SxE-00057-00033558-00034092 y'all know me later in the day I'm gonna be looking for major heat trying to see byIAEBB0SxE-00058-00034092-00034572 what people got I know people always do the fit checks and everything but I got my organ threes byIAEBB0SxE-00059-00034572-00035532 just chilling and then I got a little cargo camo what a DNA shirt yay nice outfit wow Applause wow byIAEBB0SxE-00060-00035760-00036654 okay so I don't know Chase B is behind the camera he was looking for stuff earlier and byIAEBB0SxE-00061-00036654-00037422 we both noticed because I'm looking for you know lost and found Zion won Lowe's Trophy Room sevens byIAEBB0SxE-00062-00037422-00037980 I need a couple other things I got some pairs on the way but I want them right now I'm itching for byIAEBB0SxE-00063-00037980-00038574 a pair and the problem is it's hard to find a size 13 when you go to Events first off second byIAEBB0SxE-00064-00038574-00039036 of all there's just not that many pairs out right now no no and I mean maybe it's going to byIAEBB0SxE-00065-00039036-00039606 be people in line bringing them in we don't know we'll see but as of right now it's looking like byIAEBB0SxE-00066-00039714-00040074 we might be slim on our chances when it comes to I haven't even seen a trophy room seven yet byIAEBB0SxE-00067-00040074-00040920 I haven't seen his eye on one low yet at all should we go out there yeah it looks it looks byIAEBB0SxE-00068-00040920-00041364 pretty hectic I don't know let's go see what the line's looking like over here I don't know byIAEBB0SxE-00069-00041364-00041922 the line I don't know how long the line is though we're gonna see how far it is it's kind of thick byIAEBB0SxE-00070-00041922-00042780 on the inside let's see let's see I wonder how many what's the percentage of resellers compared byIAEBB0SxE-00071-00042780-00043710 compared to collectors that are in the crowd it's probably like 30 collectors 70 resellers that's byIAEBB0SxE-00072-00043710-00044382 my guess but I don't know we'll see I'm just looking for somebody to be like and then I'll byIAEBB0SxE-00073-00044382-00045072 be like hey I got a picture I got a t-shirt for you yay all right oh this line is kind of thick byIAEBB0SxE-00074-00045072-00045636 huh it's like two lines I got some what's up bro how you doing what's up what you got what you byIAEBB0SxE-00075-00045636-00046452 rocking with some guns yeah what size shirt you wearing shirt yeah large large oh I got something byIAEBB0SxE-00076-00046452-00046848 for you bro you subscribe to the channel let me see your phone I got to see your phone man byIAEBB0SxE-00077-00047052-00048042 glasses my dog I appreciate the support man we only did 23 of these what number you get 18 18 byIAEBB0SxE-00078-00048042-00048390 out of 23. we got some new drops you know what I'm saying we're about to start doing byIAEBB0SxE-00079-00048390-00048672 merch we're gonna have some fun but I just want to give it all away I ain't trying to byIAEBB0SxE-00080-00048672-00049008 make no money I just want to say I just want to give it away to you I appreciate that I don't byIAEBB0SxE-00081-00049008-00049470 care about selling it making money that's what you're good for hold on listen here oh he ain't byIAEBB0SxE-00082-00049470-00050166 even subscriber he's shaking in his boots Oh no you're right you might be better off searching byIAEBB0SxE-00083-00050166-00050652 it you subscribe to a lot of people now I never see so much he's like well maybe I follow you byIAEBB0SxE-00084-00050652-00051084 on Instagram that might be what it is it's a lot of platforms bro I get it there we go byIAEBB0SxE-00085-00051294-00051966 oh yep here we go we got to do it look at whenever he get number 18 right there my dog byIAEBB0SxE-00086-00051966-00052728 I appreciate it tell them to subscribe to the game subscribe let's get it I appreciate it bro byIAEBB0SxE-00087-00052884-00053370 that was anything I'm gonna see y'all on the inside and uh yeah stay tuned we're gonna have a byIAEBB0SxE-00088-00053370-00053766 lot of cool gifts on the channel so keep subscribe trust me I got a lot of big giveaways coming soon byIAEBB0SxE-00089-00054126-00054516 they push everybody on the inside oh wow oh no let's go out here yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00090-00054516-00054870 let's look at this real quick the line is thick all right we didn't gave away byIAEBB0SxE-00091-00054870-00055272 like four or five T's we're having a good time the doors are just opening byIAEBB0SxE-00092-00055379-00056448 and you know I'm feeling the love I hear people in the background oh that's all that's funny it'd be byIAEBB0SxE-00093-00056448-00057017 funny now we just got to figure out like who's next you know what I'm saying who wants some byIAEBB0SxE-00094-00057017-00057672 that's what we got to see just waiting waiting for it patiently waiting getting a lot of eyeballs byIAEBB0SxE-00095-00057810-00058308 any second huh you guys I think we're not popping enough we need to get the subscribers up hit byIAEBB0SxE-00096-00058308-00058740 the Subscribe button right now we gotta get to a million Subs bro I don't care they keep saying oh byIAEBB0SxE-00097-00058740-00059267 you got you're only at 250 000 you're never you're not close to a million well I'm closer to you than byIAEBB0SxE-00098-00059460-00060204 in the comments but like no subscribers no Channel talking [__] what's happening bro what's good byIAEBB0SxE-00099-00060204-00060750 you subscribed to the channel well then come here man I got something for you what size shirt you byIAEBB0SxE-00100-00060750-00061386 wear what size shirt you wear okay yo I made sure I packed it big sizes too just in case because you byIAEBB0SxE-00101-00061386-00061841 know people they don't get no appreciation they always be going up to the xl's I know how it go byIAEBB0SxE-00102-00062070-00062490 they got jumbled up I was organized at the beginning of the day you know how that goes byIAEBB0SxE-00103-00062562-00063078 yes sir then life happens next thing you know it's all in shambles trying to figure out why you spent byIAEBB0SxE-00104-00063078-00063582 two thousand dollars on a pair of shoes don't know what happened I'm Gonna Keep moving hold on byIAEBB0SxE-00105-00063696-00064128 you can move forward I got you if you if you gotta go I don't want you to get left out oh byIAEBB0SxE-00106-00064128-00064584 there it is what number did you get I got 23 of these we gotta take a picture bro number 22 out byIAEBB0SxE-00107-00064584-00065154 of 23. you the man I got you bro I appreciate the love just know we got a lot of cool stuff byIAEBB0SxE-00108-00065154-00065508 happening for the channel we're gonna be dropping some merch we're having a good time I don't want byIAEBB0SxE-00109-00065508-00065850 to sell nothing I just want to give it all the way to y'all I appreciate you bro thank you yes sir byIAEBB0SxE-00110-00066318-00066744 let's get it all right we got another one what's good bro what size shirt you wearing byIAEBB0SxE-00111-00066744-00067308 he wear a large all right I just seen a large Tick Tock what you like about the tick tocks byIAEBB0SxE-00112-00067308-00067818 bro yeah you got all of them bro all of them you and Morgan bro I'll just be having fun byIAEBB0SxE-00113-00067818-00068586 bro talking my mess what numbers you get there we go I appreciate it bro yes sir byIAEBB0SxE-00114-00068796-00069156 all right let's get a couple more people then we go back inside let's see who else we got byIAEBB0SxE-00115-00069156-00069672 what's good how you doing how you doing how you been what size shirt you wearing I think byIAEBB0SxE-00116-00069672-00070296 you know what's coming right all right let's see what he got for him I was organized I swear byIAEBB0SxE-00117-00070374-00070662 and then they got out of order trying to keep them clean byIAEBB0SxE-00118-00070752-00071292 you know what I'm saying see I need to put all these together right here for you byIAEBB0SxE-00119-00071988-00072732 there it is there she blows my dog what numbers you get number 12 out of 23. I appreciate it byIAEBB0SxE-00120-00072732-00073170 thanks for subscribing of course save that take a picture tag me just know there might byIAEBB0SxE-00121-00073170-00073578 be some more giveaways to anybody that's got the teas later in life so keep that tea send byIAEBB0SxE-00122-00073578-00073998 me a photo and you might be the lucky person that's all right all right I appreciate it bro byIAEBB0SxE-00123-00074214-00074694 all right I'm getting hot let's go inside foreign byIAEBB0SxE-00124-00074772-00075786 moving so fast got a lot of stuff going on a whole lot of things let's see what byIAEBB0SxE-00125-00075786-00076236 we got let's see what we got now we gotta see the thing on even let us back in we can byIAEBB0SxE-00126-00076236-00076710 go through this door right here this might be the way no they got a line up in there too look byIAEBB0SxE-00127-00076776-00077256 yeah what is this excuse me sir thank you excuse me man thank you byIAEBB0SxE-00128-00077598-00078474 okay all right it's okay warmer in here I thought that was going to be the opposite all right y'all byIAEBB0SxE-00129-00078474-00078834 we gave away some shirts people know what's up they got their cheese they're getting byIAEBB0SxE-00130-00078834-00079446 the exclusive what's good with you bro how you doing what size shirt you wear me I am a large byIAEBB0SxE-00131-00079446-00079890 a large oh that's the ones I was grabbing the most earlier look at that that was easy it was byIAEBB0SxE-00132-00079890-00080622 the easiest one out there buddy bro wow bro 11 out of 23. keep the tea take a picture tag me we'll do byIAEBB0SxE-00133-00080622-00081012 save the shirt just know one day you might be entered into a giveaway that's all I'm saying byIAEBB0SxE-00134-00081012-00081396 I appreciate you bro I ain't trying to sell nothing I'm just trying to give it all away byIAEBB0SxE-00135-00081732-00082818 he's scared all right all right so the line got condensed to one line right here now so byIAEBB0SxE-00136-00082884-00083442 I'm low-key gonna go inside and put the uh oh that was a presale tickets okay byIAEBB0SxE-00137-00083586-00083772 let's go there's no chairs no chairs okay byIAEBB0SxE-00138-00084132-00084834 give it out a bunch of cheese thank you thank you it was good what's good we need to go back and byIAEBB0SxE-00139-00084834-00085710 uh get organized and see where everything stands that was fun we're giving out some teas just know byIAEBB0SxE-00140-00085710-00086112 there might be some lucky winners that's what I'm saying if you see me at an event don't be shy pull byIAEBB0SxE-00141-00086112-00086496 up say what's up let's take a picture let's have a good time I appreciate y'all for subscribing byIAEBB0SxE-00142-00086592-00086970 I'm just trying to show love back I see all the love in the comments section all the time byIAEBB0SxE-00143-00087060-00087690 yeah okay so they got some heat over here you see the Air Mags hey just know I got my byIAEBB0SxE-00144-00087690-00088056 pair yesterday y'all ain't seen the video yet but just know it's coming it's gonna be fire byIAEBB0SxE-00145-00088488-00089094 I got some heat up in here shot I got some heat up in here byIAEBB0SxE-00146-00089334-00090000 where man the question is am I even gonna find something to buy what y'all think let me know byIAEBB0SxE-00147-00090000-00090798 the struggles size 13 gang where you at drop a comment down below it'd be a struggle out here I byIAEBB0SxE-00148-00090798-00091194 want to get one of those spinning wheels but like a big one oh yeah it'd be like a thousand dollars byIAEBB0SxE-00149-00091356-00091992 I want it to be legit okay we got Blitz over here pulling out some heat we're gonna have to stop by byIAEBB0SxE-00150-00091992-00092400 this booth in a minute or two or see what's up cause I know they got some bangers over here byIAEBB0SxE-00151-00092454-00093006 Blitz always pulling out the heat all right we're gonna get we're gonna get reset up right byIAEBB0SxE-00152-00093006-00093390 here take a water break and then uh we'll be back at you after this scheduled programming byIAEBB0SxE-00153-00093792-00094602 oh wait yeah go ahead hi here comes the ASMR today we're going to be doing an ASMR how good byIAEBB0SxE-00154-00094602-00095304 is this can you hear that it might be even better oh without the phone oh yeah like right in there byIAEBB0SxE-00155-00095304-00096330 in today's video I'm going to be doing an ASMR yeah you like that we got the uh Brooklyn Air byIAEBB0SxE-00156-00096330-00096828 Force ones we got some Louis Air Force ones we got the Reds the greens the black sways to go byIAEBB0SxE-00157-00096828-00097722 all a good majority of the colors over here um over here we got Legend Of Summer twos uh this byIAEBB0SxE-00158-00097722-00098370 is three of the four Legend Of Summer ones there's one that's missing and then uh dior's Oregon Ducks byIAEBB0SxE-00159-00098370-00099042 Travis Lowes Yeezys got a bunch of different stuff over here a nice little variety uh it's all very byIAEBB0SxE-00160-00099042-00099534 similar but still a nice little variety I like it I like it okay they putting stuff out right here byIAEBB0SxE-00161-00099678-00100218 they got nah hey not for real though finding like the used shoes is always the way for sure byIAEBB0SxE-00162-00100218-00100824 what's good how you doing what's good what size shirts you wearing I wear this is a byIAEBB0SxE-00163-00100824-00101376 2X 2x all right yeah you probably need a 2X in this one too oh this is an XL but I love byIAEBB0SxE-00164-00101376-00101922 Keisha to put the 2x on number two out of 23. hold this shirt take a photo send it to me on byIAEBB0SxE-00165-00101922-00102300 IG you might be entering into something I appreciate it might be a lucky winner byIAEBB0SxE-00166-00102504-00102744 XL byIAEBB0SxE-00167-00102833-00103248 uh what's your larger XL we got a couple you byIAEBB0SxE-00168-00103248-00103500 want to walk away one not a speaker that one any of those byIAEBB0SxE-00169-00104111-00104118 yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00170-00104118-00104609 what size are you uh XL byIAEBB0SxE-00171-00104609-00105576 thank you very much I appreciate it what's your favorite videos on the channel like what's the byIAEBB0SxE-00172-00105576-00106302 style of videos you like thank you going through your collection going through my collection like byIAEBB0SxE-00173-00106302-00106680 oh like when I do like all my Jordan sixes all my Jordan four stuff like that I need to do that byIAEBB0SxE-00174-00106680-00107082 more often I appreciate that recommendation I gotta there'll be one coming soon because of byIAEBB0SxE-00175-00107082-00107694 that I like that okay I got you I got you yeah it just it takes a lot of work to make those videos byIAEBB0SxE-00176-00107694-00108611 people want me to do my entire collection like it is too much work y'all it is a lot of work byIAEBB0SxE-00177-00108611-00109002 okay okay we got some used stuff over here this is where we find the deals dude I got the what byIAEBB0SxE-00178-00109002-00109338 the done something there I know that's the small size though that's probably like a 10 or something byIAEBB0SxE-00179-00109338-00109985 like right here yeah the weather dunks they got the off-white ones in the Chicago colorway got byIAEBB0SxE-00180-00109985-00110376 some good used stuff around here that's what we find the deals y'all don't be too bougie to not byIAEBB0SxE-00181-00110376-00110754 buy a pair of used shoes you can get a really good deal if you're gonna wear the shoe anyways byIAEBB0SxE-00182-00110754-00111258 might as well just grab the used one especially if it's clean you can save a lot of money byIAEBB0SxE-00183-00111516-00112080 oh they got some little OG's over here look at that little baby OG pear fear guys they got some byIAEBB0SxE-00184-00112080-00112716 different stuff over here this is a scattered table they're organized but not organized at byIAEBB0SxE-00185-00112716-00113292 the same time I love it I love it okay we got off white Chicago Ones couple pairs over here byIAEBB0SxE-00186-00113292-00113916 off-white Supreme Travis Scott lots of unions Travis smokers oh look okay byIAEBB0SxE-00187-00113916-00114444 look guys prime example do they have any 13s in there okay they have one byIAEBB0SxE-00188-00114618-00115116 you see what I'm saying it'd be a struggle bro it'd be a struggle I already have a pair byIAEBB0SxE-00189-00115116-00115535 so I'm not I'm not stressed but I'm saying for my size 13 gang out there byIAEBB0SxE-00190-00115596-00116178 I know y'all struggle I feel y'all struggle I feel your pain look at the panda dunks what should we byIAEBB0SxE-00191-00116178-00116772 do should we buy a pair of panda dunks how much are they I don't know what's the price what's the byIAEBB0SxE-00192-00116772-00117330 price on a panda dunks like the cheapest one like an adult pair like the best deal you can give me byIAEBB0SxE-00193-00118056-00118156 um byIAEBB0SxE-00194-00118470-00119142 they're all sold okay all right somebody bought all the panda dunks all of them they byIAEBB0SxE-00195-00119142-00119472 bought all of them already I was gonna buy a pair and just give them away or we could byIAEBB0SxE-00196-00119472-00119898 have burned them in a trash can but hey either one not one to burn them I'll give them away byIAEBB0SxE-00197-00120072-00120432 but it would have been kind of fun if we did that if we just bought a byIAEBB0SxE-00198-00120432-00120870 pair and we'd just like sea walking on them right here at Sneaker Con byIAEBB0SxE-00199-00121104-00121661 that would actually be funny and they're like oh my gosh why don't you do that byIAEBB0SxE-00200-00121661-00123288 scratch it over here no they got it they got two sides 13s right there SB 1400 byIAEBB0SxE-00201-00123383-00124422 is that cool I might have to call a couple people I might have to look into that one byIAEBB0SxE-00202-00124422-00125033 are we gonna be able to go over here byIAEBB0SxE-00203-00125268-00125922 huh yeah we'll do that later we got back this way byIAEBB0SxE-00204-00126132-00126678 is it good all right all right you guys so we're over here we're looking for some expensive shoes byIAEBB0SxE-00205-00126678-00127008 the first expensive shoe that I've seen so far right here we got the green Louis byIAEBB0SxE-00206-00127008-00127626 Vuitton Air Force One how much you asking for the green Louis Force five bands what size is it byIAEBB0SxE-00207-00127728-00128226 seven okay so we got five bands for a size seven right here honestly that's pretty byIAEBB0SxE-00208-00128226-00128622 solid you know I'm saying the Prices range depending on the size I'm gonna call her a byIAEBB0SxE-00209-00128622-00128880 couple friends we might actually have a buyer we'll talk about this shoe later byIAEBB0SxE-00210-00128880-00129209 I'm gonna we're gonna retract about this one a little bit I don't know we'll see byIAEBB0SxE-00211-00129390-00129882 what's good what's up with y'all you like the channel you subscribed yeah if you subscribe byIAEBB0SxE-00212-00129882-00130392 you subscribe okay that's the stuff I'd love to see it I love to see it you take a picture byIAEBB0SxE-00213-00130476-00131100 you taking a picture what's the channel what's the videos y'all like to see on the channel byIAEBB0SxE-00214-00131100-00132126 bro honestly the reviews the reviews okay the index reviews details okay no no that's what's byIAEBB0SxE-00215-00132126-00132426 up that's what's up I love hearing that all right let's get the picture let's get in here byIAEBB0SxE-00216-00133002-00133320 all right so I appreciate it bro y'all have a good day byIAEBB0SxE-00217-00133416-00134028 so we we've been giving out shirts uh to the subscribers throughout the day we didn't catch it byIAEBB0SxE-00218-00134028-00134544 all on camera because we were shooting some tick tocks and stuff earlier but we did 23 shirts I got byIAEBB0SxE-00219-00134610-00135108 number 23 on my back so we did 22 shirts that were given to people that were subscribed that was just byIAEBB0SxE-00220-00135108-00135498 walking up to me and different stuff like that I got one shirt left there goes a McCaffrey Jersey byIAEBB0SxE-00221-00135564-00136308 uh I got one shirt left size extra large and we gotta find somebody to give it to this way yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00222-00136398-00137442 yeah okay um farther or up to you all right so we got people in line over here for something byIAEBB0SxE-00223-00137442-00138114 this is the entire line right here wow what's going on what everybody got for for sale it's byIAEBB0SxE-00224-00138114-00138522 honestly bro it's been a struggle again like I said we didn't have the camera on earlier but byIAEBB0SxE-00225-00138522-00139008 trying to find a size 13 it's always hard for your boy it may sound like I'm always byIAEBB0SxE-00226-00139008-00139440 complaining and whining about it but any of my people you know in the comment section byIAEBB0SxE-00227-00139506-00139860 drop a comment down below if you wear a size 13. the struggle is real byIAEBB0SxE-00228-00139944-00140832 infrared Carhartt Ford I mean uh got some off-white dunks got a lot of lot dunks in here byIAEBB0SxE-00229-00140898-00141504 what's good what's good got people showing love bro hey y'all been showing mad love too byIAEBB0SxE-00230-00141504-00142002 I appreciate everybody taking photos saying what's up to everybody tell me what you guys love about byIAEBB0SxE-00231-00142002-00142512 the channel I appreciate it this stuff is an honor you see what I'm saying look at it what's up bro byIAEBB0SxE-00232-00142512-00143070 how you doing what's good tell the people what's good it's amazing out here so the hello pairs byIAEBB0SxE-00233-00143070-00143682 that's what I'm talking about I love to see it but where's the size 13s at though matter why Oreo byIAEBB0SxE-00234-00143748-00144708 13. they're worse I'm struggling out here I appreciate it struggling out here byIAEBB0SxE-00235-00144822-00145764 is that too loud oh you don't got a headset it I'll just put my vibe in there yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00236-00145842-00146598 all right what's the best deals you got in a size 13 size 13 or 12 and a half I guess byIAEBB0SxE-00237-00146652-00147360 right here it's a pretty clean pair guys byIAEBB0SxE-00238-00147414-00148008 what do you think very well taken care of well taken care of what was the price again byIAEBB0SxE-00239-00148008-00148866 on these I did the 480 on those 480 okay 13. left on way better man it's been a while since byIAEBB0SxE-00240-00148866-00149484 we've seen these y'all it's been a while man bringing back memories right here this is wow byIAEBB0SxE-00241-00149568-00151380 walkie-talkie over there we got both we got 480. 480 on those okay so off 45 might byIAEBB0SxE-00242-00151380-00152100 be something you interested in us yeah that's pretty good it's pretty solid okay we're just byIAEBB0SxE-00243-00152100-00152604 now finally taking our lap around looking for stuff to buy so we're doing our yeah I've seen byIAEBB0SxE-00244-00152604-00153132 you guys walk around like seven hours yeah we've been filming filming other stuff so that's been byIAEBB0SxE-00245-00153132-00153624 the problem too shout out yourself uh so I'm Crispy cakes sneaker dealer with uh swish life byIAEBB0SxE-00246-00153624-00154212 21 we're here from Chicago yeah we're at every Sneaker Con that's what's up that's what's up byIAEBB0SxE-00247-00154212-00154758 congratulations on everything yes I'll be back if I if I want to get the unless you want to get them byIAEBB0SxE-00248-00155010-00155346 are you on it it's up to you we can come back we can come byIAEBB0SxE-00249-00155346-00155778 back we'll decide we have the rock paper scissors for him okay no no byIAEBB0SxE-00250-00155958-00156666 all right so everybody is lined up right now oh no that's to get merch okay I'm trying to byIAEBB0SxE-00251-00156666-00157176 see they got people oh we gotta wait I think I think they got people lined up right here byIAEBB0SxE-00252-00157392-00157986 there's too many people oh because they got uh what's his name in here that's why did you just byIAEBB0SxE-00253-00157986-00158406 get this or you made it these are my [__] oh dope dope so it's called tradition kicks everybody byIAEBB0SxE-00254-00158502-00159012 um this is tradition kicks I'm Native American so being you know Native American we don't see byIAEBB0SxE-00255-00159012-00159360 a lot of you know Street Wear uh that has the kicks on it you mind if I pull these byIAEBB0SxE-00256-00159360-00159804 the shirt out yeah go ahead go ahead I hope this music in the background doesn't mess it all up byIAEBB0SxE-00257-00159918-00160788 that's what sucks about going to events so this is what the shirt looks like byIAEBB0SxE-00258-00160854-00161652 this is what the shirt looks like over the the music he has a blankets on okay I'll see it okay byIAEBB0SxE-00259-00161652-00162078 so this is for you my man because you appreciate it I appreciate it thank you seriously thank you byIAEBB0SxE-00260-00162156-00162522 um this is what the stuff comes in so I don't know okay yeah no I'll take the back I'll put byIAEBB0SxE-00261-00162522-00162840 it over here with my stuff thank you master I appreciate it tell everybody to subscribe byIAEBB0SxE-00262-00162840-00163506 hey go follow me on uh Tick Tock it is Aaron little voice Aaron little voice byIAEBB0SxE-00263-00163506-00164880 follow me on Tick Tock all right all right I'll see you later I appreciate it soon byIAEBB0SxE-00264-00165216-00166002 what else you looking for Wow I know bro congrats on the deal bro byIAEBB0SxE-00265-00166002-00167274 we doing Throwbacks Throwbacks take those auto show today foreign byIAEBB0SxE-00266-00167358-00168348 this guy right here he kind of famous now he he kind of he kind of famous byIAEBB0SxE-00267-00168348-00169158 now and now he he the shoe plug now you know so I'm trying to get like him yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00268-00169158-00170346 the little traps really hit him yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00269-00170346-00171504 just keeping fresh I like it yeah yeah nine and a half into a beef because it's byIAEBB0SxE-00270-00171504-00171930 too small there's only I've literally seen like a couple of people wearing byIAEBB0SxE-00271-00171930-00172482 Vapes and then like two on the tables you got that that boy wants some babes byIAEBB0SxE-00272-00172548-00173136 so what's the what's the deal you can you can just collect them and not wear them or in photos byIAEBB0SxE-00273-00173136-00173970 or what yeah that's good I know this Dame was uh he'd been wearing Vapes too Air Forces all byIAEBB0SxE-00274-00173970-00174816 that bump shows all the time looking for some baby shoes for the sun yeah the whole bottom two lines byIAEBB0SxE-00275-00175836-00178602 yeah fixed kick Santa Clara California you know you know right here a lot of players yes sir byIAEBB0SxE-00276-00178602-00179148 formerly Raiders used to be out here you already know Dion feel good play good yeah it's not for byIAEBB0SxE-00277-00179148-00179844 real for real I like that we got her doing yeah I like that for real gotta keep them fresh bro byIAEBB0SxE-00278-00179844-00180450 my freaking hand is so sweaty from holding this microphone it is it's foul like I don't want to byIAEBB0SxE-00279-00180450-00181026 shake people up because my hand is sweaty from holding this microphone it's like awkward he byIAEBB0SxE-00280-00181026-00181566 only got those anyone looking for the bases huh pretty much got everything for real yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00281-00181962-00183240 it's tough out here I'll be struggling bro y'all byIAEBB0SxE-00282-00183240-00183594 know you'll be struggling yeah I never got nothing in our size that we want byIAEBB0SxE-00283-00183660-00185016 all right byIAEBB0SxE-00284-00185496-00187098 shopping struggle shop byIAEBB0SxE-00285-00187302-00187776 what size are you 11 right yeah 11. byIAEBB0SxE-00286-00187872-00188544 remember earlier yeah but it was like I seen I've seen I feel like byIAEBB0SxE-00287-00188544-00188862 more people wearing them than I've seen actually at a table you still byIAEBB0SxE-00288-00188862-00189360 need a Swarovski what size you need to know 11. all right I'll hit my boy byIAEBB0SxE-00289-00190092-00192498 okay byIAEBB0SxE-00290-00195882-00195960 New Jersey byIAEBB0SxE-00291-00196098-00196878 let's go he's got to get done together y'all hear sneaker shopping everybody's byIAEBB0SxE-00292-00196878-00197268 hooking them up with stuff right now which is great obviously you know if you're one of the byIAEBB0SxE-00293-00197268-00197616 best receivers in the NFL I could understand why people would give you a lot of free things byIAEBB0SxE-00294-00197616-00198666 but he's looking for bases right now and uh if you guys uh love Devo send him size 11's Jordans byIAEBB0SxE-00295-00198762-00199434 I think he'd appreciate it and kids uh Paris for his son take care of his baby boy how byIAEBB0SxE-00296-00199434-00200100 does it feel to be Depot's security and all the shopping stuff I could pay to do my job byIAEBB0SxE-00297-00200472-00201234 I think that would be good let's show I think that would be good all the kids are byIAEBB0SxE-00298-00201234-00201894 taking pictures it's getting some good pickups looking for sneakers out on the hunt I couldn't byIAEBB0SxE-00299-00201894-00202314 find nothing so we got something for him man he found something right that's all that's good byIAEBB0SxE-00300-00202374-00203010 everything's straight somebody does some copping around here it won't be me because there ain't byIAEBB0SxE-00301-00203010-00203448 nothing in a size 13. okay Vape table this is what he's been looking for right here byIAEBB0SxE-00302-00203730-00204480 looking for the big table you think you really forgot everything this is the only byIAEBB0SxE-00303-00204480-00205236 level we have on him ten and a half at all we got a bunch of tens I got tens right here at byIAEBB0SxE-00304-00205236-00205980 least the John collab I could Jug on that 11 and a half well not just half minutes byIAEBB0SxE-00305-00205980-00207564 they all get different inventory yeah tapping with one you get all right so we're all tapped in yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00306-00207936-00208308 I'm like low-key in the background of all these people taking selfies byIAEBB0SxE-00307-00209058-00209573 oh man I keep bumping into you okay that's what's up that's what's up that's my guy we byIAEBB0SxE-00308-00209573-00209898 used to resell shoes when we was in high school back together like years ago you byIAEBB0SxE-00309-00209898-00210258 know who else would you leave that uh I forgot the name flash that's my guy byIAEBB0SxE-00310-00210258-00210906 yeah not him for a while yeah remember that guy Malcolm also from Portland uh byIAEBB0SxE-00311-00210906-00211458 what's his last name I don't know he was interning for me that's good memories but byIAEBB0SxE-00312-00211721-00212082 love your work love your work anything funny and we're still we're still rolling you know byIAEBB0SxE-00313-00212082-00212460 what I'm saying I told y'all this is just real raw we're just out here Random clips we're gonna byIAEBB0SxE-00314-00212460-00212862 see what's happening hour-long videos just smiling around yeah six o'clock right now byIAEBB0SxE-00315-00213000-00213864 they gotta go check in yeah game day tomorrow hey go Steelers sign on a byIAEBB0SxE-00316-00213864-00214667 jacket trying to see how it fits got the whole freaking gang over here it's deep doing stuff byIAEBB0SxE-00317-00214914-00214938 foreign byIAEBB0SxE-00318-00215028-00216210 all we can do is just see what happens keep it rolling what do you think this video is byIAEBB0SxE-00319-00216210-00216888 gonna do thank you for watching now we gotta switch the title again go Niners go Steelers byIAEBB0SxE-00320-00217121-00217440 they go to York you're talking about I like that I like that I like byIAEBB0SxE-00321-00217440-00217806 that I like that Seahawks man that's gross that's gross byIAEBB0SxE-00322-00217806-00219084 what's your name on it yeah DNA show DNA show yep out here signing stuff look at all the cameras byIAEBB0SxE-00323-00219084-00219576 everybody everybody's like out it is crazy out here imagine just going to Sneaker Con you just byIAEBB0SxE-00324-00219576-00220164 got people flocking around you everywhere you go like crazy you follow me on Tick Tock that's byIAEBB0SxE-00325-00220164-00220944 what's up bro I appreciate it thank you thank you this is ridiculous we actually just got byIAEBB0SxE-00326-00220944-00221400 like waited out I don't know what are we gonna do should we walk up in there looking at something byIAEBB0SxE-00327-00221454-00222048 oh he's getting hooked up with a uh with a bag and stuff I think he signed something I got that byIAEBB0SxE-00328-00222048-00222594 red blinker red blinker on what the battery yeah oh damn I got another battery in my pocket I got byIAEBB0SxE-00329-00222594-00223373 one yeah that's what I'm talking about hot bricks ready to go yeah that's what's up bro I appreciate byIAEBB0SxE-00330-00223373-00223764 it I just like I don't know I couldn't say nothing that's like for the life of me I couldn't even byIAEBB0SxE-00331-00223764-00224130 remember you you know yeah but I don't care how to come see you and I'm when I say what's byIAEBB0SxE-00332-00224130-00224550 up bro I'll be watching you though but when I when I go home it's almost time I like it like byIAEBB0SxE-00333-00224550-00224921 bro you don't know who I saw let's take a picture let's take a picture oh man I've been chasing you byIAEBB0SxE-00334-00224921-00225312 everywhere that's what's up bro man you guys we gotta take it like a selfie Style on your phone byIAEBB0SxE-00335-00225312-00225960 yeah yeah there you go oh Dave Brad oh my dude no you give me one of me and him the full body byIAEBB0SxE-00336-00225960-00226800 I'm like holding my it's gonna be 2 000. I don't care no yeah no I'm with him that's what's up bro byIAEBB0SxE-00337-00226800-00227298 I appreciate it I appreciate you thank you thank you all your information bro if it wasn't for like byIAEBB0SxE-00338-00227298-00227736 the hype bro and sneakers and [__] bro like in all your Intel that's what made me like listen and byIAEBB0SxE-00339-00227736-00228221 like get my knowledge my all like all [__] aside like when it comes down like facts and [__] it's byIAEBB0SxE-00340-00228221-00228612 like you're the one I go to I appreciate it is it the latest drop or like something you got like you byIAEBB0SxE-00341-00228612-00229104 got all the fours from um the we the best yeah and I watched that video over and over again and byIAEBB0SxE-00342-00229104-00229536 make sure like try to keep you all up to date man I I can't believe you're out here still showing byIAEBB0SxE-00343-00229536-00230202 it you know and I'm like bro you're the you're the best bro like oh man thank you I want to byIAEBB0SxE-00344-00230202-00230754 hang out with you but like I got other people to [__] down I appreciate it have a good day nice byIAEBB0SxE-00345-00230754-00231719 to meet you you may be bro what's up bro let's go what you got planned for the morning what you uh byIAEBB0SxE-00346-00231719-00232248 I'm about to go pick my car because I gotta do uh byIAEBB0SxE-00347-00232740-00234192 yeah he about to get his car we're trying to schedule some stuff for tomorrow see byIAEBB0SxE-00348-00234192-00234569 what's up go to the game trying to go to the game yes sir all right byIAEBB0SxE-00349-00234864-00235446 you shot for the pictures and he said he saw oh I don't even know uh she said and even though like byIAEBB0SxE-00350-00235446-00236117 he's that famous now that's funny what do you think about this stuff on the wall right here byIAEBB0SxE-00351-00236117-00236892 we got easy twos we got all three colorways we got the Supreme dunks the skunks easy ones what byIAEBB0SxE-00352-00236892-00237444 the dunks none of those I've seen like in person before like yeah those are so real byIAEBB0SxE-00353-00237444-00237948 they look really good huh really good yeah I like these shoes I like how they make things like that byIAEBB0SxE-00354-00237948-00238548 definitely that one's not like your shoes but it's kind of like a made out of a board or something byIAEBB0SxE-00355-00238548-00239232 yeah the floor this wall is loaded with a bunch of very expensive SBS and Yeezys and stuff like that byIAEBB0SxE-00356-00239232-00239688 so any of the SB heads out here you guys are going to enjoy seeing different stuff like this I know byIAEBB0SxE-00357-00239688-00240126 some commonly seen ones are going to be something like this the Tiffany one or you got the other one byIAEBB0SxE-00358-00240126-00240594 the Yellow Version right here those are the ones that a lot of people hype up but these denim ones byIAEBB0SxE-00359-00240594-00241032 and stuff like this very slept on which way is your most favorite these two right here is going byIAEBB0SxE-00360-00241032-00241626 to be the great debate like what does everybody love these two or the yellow lobsters over there byIAEBB0SxE-00361-00241626-00242082 like everybody's always talking about that like which one do you like more yellow Lobster that byIAEBB0SxE-00362-00242082-00242592 that would do I don't know the yellow Lobster really just pops like goes crazy but the what the byIAEBB0SxE-00363-00242592-00243264 dunk in my mind has been like just fire for a long time so for me I might have to stick with them byIAEBB0SxE-00364-00243264-00243917 what the dunk is just the best one like I remember that time what you think what the dump yeah yeah I byIAEBB0SxE-00365-00243917-00244434 think overall like Grand schema thing what the dunk is probably the greatest SV dunk Club no byIAEBB0SxE-00366-00244434-00244878 matter what the prices are right so let me talk on your own Paris dunks those are nice they look cool byIAEBB0SxE-00367-00244878-00245538 but I don't know they just it just hits different communities those are like 12 bands 15 bands yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00368-00245538-00246348 yeah this is like 30 bands no way yeah different prices uh no I'm looking for these in a size 13. byIAEBB0SxE-00369-00246348-00246732 it's hard to find a good pair that's really nice Condition it's either they're tore up or they're byIAEBB0SxE-00370-00246732-00247086 brand new and they want too much so it's always like finding that thing I just got these though byIAEBB0SxE-00371-00247169-00247902 on your own yes I got him yesterday size 13. how much you pick yo I need this pedestal bro yeah you byIAEBB0SxE-00372-00247902-00248417 do yeah what the hell where did they get this from who who's running this I just thought about that byIAEBB0SxE-00373-00248417-00249000 I need this exact thing to put mine in the one I was looking at did they set this up or did they byIAEBB0SxE-00374-00249000-00249521 yes did he I'll see you guys huh did you guys set this up I need to know where these came from this byIAEBB0SxE-00375-00249521-00250002 pedestal I have no idea I just got the future my friend well I just got my pair yesterday size 13. byIAEBB0SxE-00376-00250002-00250602 I finally got a 13. so I was looking for some a case like this to put at the house but yeah I'm byIAEBB0SxE-00377-00250602-00251064 trying to figure out online we gotta find the logistics on the back end of this stuff I did byIAEBB0SxE-00378-00251064-00251664 a trade I traded some shoes so these were for about 25 000 so 25 very very expensive How many byIAEBB0SxE-00379-00251664-00252282 pairs do you shoot for I did 50 pairs of shoes for for this one 50 pairs of three pairs yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00380-00252282-00253098 yep five zero we got Louis Vuitton Air Force Ones over here we got white suede we've seen a byIAEBB0SxE-00381-00253098-00253608 lot of Louie forces popping up more and more at different times we got every color at the shop byIAEBB0SxE-00382-00253608-00254226 yep yep off-whites from the 10 you got the is it all three colorways yep all three when it comes to byIAEBB0SxE-00383-00254226-00254928 the off-white ones Dr one low some Miami Vibes out here Supreme dunk clothes swarovskis what do you byIAEBB0SxE-00384-00254928-00255678 think about these so I have this one but I need this one okay no they're actually like four or 5K byIAEBB0SxE-00385-00255828-00256344 a little bit cheaper but this one is this one's more expensive though I need this one in the 13 byIAEBB0SxE-00386-00256344-00256932 still I got these but I need those I wore these I already wore these yeah I just need these two byIAEBB0SxE-00387-00256992-00257592 but all this other stuff I got all this stuff like this I still need to get these I still need byIAEBB0SxE-00388-00257592-00258078 to get the I was being bougie about these ones I was being bougie I was like ah it's too much byIAEBB0SxE-00389-00258078-00258432 and then the price went up and then the price went up and I was like ah what was I thinking I byIAEBB0SxE-00390-00258432-00259073 should have got them when I had the chance this how much are these worth again 50k 30k too much byIAEBB0SxE-00391-00259073-00259860 I forgot what these were worth he got two pairs it's from a band from a band yeah never made it byIAEBB0SxE-00392-00259860-00260628 right yeah yeah right here it's crazy I need a this one's wobbly I gotta back up from that one byIAEBB0SxE-00393-00260628-00261456 stay away so oh yeah so you guys know this is the bin kicks booth that we're in right now we try to byIAEBB0SxE-00394-00261456-00261858 come in and catch them earlier but it was kind of packed in the music and everything which is bad so byIAEBB0SxE-00395-00261858-00262362 once you give you guys a recap what do you think about this booth uh it's so cool man especially byIAEBB0SxE-00396-00262362-00262860 with you with more experience than coming over here and now I know the prize it is learning a byIAEBB0SxE-00397-00262860-00263352 couple things learning a lot man it's kind of wow cool yeah how much do you think this whole Booth byIAEBB0SxE-00398-00263352-00264120 is worth oh this is uh I would say what do you think the worst of this booth is 500k 500 okay byIAEBB0SxE-00399-00264198-00264936 300 400 300 400k he says 500 kids I guess yeah it depends on what people value it at on these shoes byIAEBB0SxE-00400-00264936-00265320 it's kind of like luxury real estate some people may value it at this some people might value that byIAEBB0SxE-00401-00265320-00265740 you kind of got that loose and especially if it's like a rare shoe you then you got a byIAEBB0SxE-00402-00265740-00266382 different pricing on it it's all very interesting it's already 50k so right right yep that's 250k byIAEBB0SxE-00403-00266382-00267018 already you got about 10 10 10 10 5 5. next thing you know starts adding up very expensive for sure byIAEBB0SxE-00404-00267108-00267798 how much over this this is what are these heading for now like 30 40. okay so it's going up it's byIAEBB0SxE-00405-00267798-00268278 going up so it's only 100K so I'm close yeah these These are worth probably more than those byIAEBB0SxE-00406-00268344-00268872 why tell me why why does this it's like a friends and family it's more limited so and byIAEBB0SxE-00407-00268872-00269214 people have a really hard time trying to get their hands on them and everybody that got byIAEBB0SxE-00408-00269214-00269796 them they kept them or inside or no so you heard historic Concepts in Boston no so they byIAEBB0SxE-00409-00269796-00270252 have different ones so they got like the blue the red the yellow the yellow is more rare so byIAEBB0SxE-00410-00270252-00270576 it's based around a lobster so you know how lobsters come in different colors and stuff byIAEBB0SxE-00411-00270576-00270936 they got a white one coming out and they got the purple and green that recently came out byIAEBB0SxE-00412-00270996-00271434 so each one came out yeah I used to have the blue ones and then I sold them for a couple hundred byIAEBB0SxE-00413-00271434-00271788 bucks now they're like a thousand dollar shoe remember the bands on them like that yeah like byIAEBB0SxE-00414-00271788-00272196 you know at the restaurant we're on The Lobster Claw yeah yeah they have a rubber band on them byIAEBB0SxE-00415-00272196-00272994 every shoes all the famous shoes have a great story behind it exactly exactly all these shoes byIAEBB0SxE-00416-00272994-00273612 every single shoes you can tell a story yeah like 20 30 minutes exactly exactly that is what drives byIAEBB0SxE-00417-00273612-00274278 the price on sneakers that's why which one oh the Freddy yeah definitely I'll see you look at there byIAEBB0SxE-00418-00274278-00274794 you go he's over there right there I got a pair on paraphrase on what do you know there it is so yeah byIAEBB0SxE-00419-00274794-00275166 this is what the booth is like I just wanted to make sure we stopped by and checked it out I know byIAEBB0SxE-00420-00275166-00275484 the night's coming to an end I hope you guys are enjoying this there's a lot of stuff going on you byIAEBB0SxE-00421-00275484-00276006 having a good time yeah thanks uh the DNA show yeah brought me here you know never know that byIAEBB0SxE-00422-00276006-00276282 behind the story a couple of things you know what I'm saying appreciate it was having a good time byIAEBB0SxE-00423-00276282-00276744 it's been a great day I hope you guys had a good time try to record as much as I could I know it byIAEBB0SxE-00424-00276744-00277146 was all random something different we had never done before appreciate you guys as always and byIAEBB0SxE-00425-00277146-00277590 shout out to everybody that showed love per usual so I'm gonna see you guys in another video I'm out byIAEBB0SxE-00426-00277794-00278250 yo before you go I just launched my Sneakerhead Academy where we got everything on the inside I byIAEBB0SxE-00427-00278250-00278604 teach you all the stuff that I learned over the past 15 years when it comes to sneakers byIAEBB0SxE-00428-00278604-00279024 scaling real estate you name it we talk about all of it in there and there's an eight week byIAEBB0SxE-00429-00279024-00279504 program plus a bunch of monthly giveaways I give away shoes literally way too much honestly but byIAEBB0SxE-00430-00279504-00279876 either way I'll see you guys on the inside hit the link Down Below in my description or pin byIAEBB0SxE-00431-00279876-00280302 in the comment section for DJ Sneakerhead Academy and I'll see you guys over there byIAEBB0SxE-00432-00280302-00281034 thank you bz3KsFrmE0u-00000-00000003-00000584 Have you ever felt alone in a room full of people do you feel as if nobody truly bz3KsFrmE0u-00001-00000637-00000924 Understands you do you feel empty lost? bz3KsFrmE0u-00002-00000982-00001180 hopeless all worthless bz3KsFrmE0u-00003-00001180-00001682 Does your anxiety stop you from doing things you want to do in your life? bz3KsFrmE0u-00004-00001682-00002175 Are you depressed and don't know who to turn to for help or guidance? bz3KsFrmE0u-00005-00002232-00002522 Are you currently struggling with your mental health? bz3KsFrmE0u-00006-00002584-00002826 You never have to feel alone again bz3KsFrmE0u-00007-00002889-00003684 We understand you. We feel exactly like you do and we are here to support you. Share your story bz3KsFrmE0u-00008-00003769-00004311 connect with like-minded people learn more about mental illnesses, and how you bz3KsFrmE0u-00009-00004345-00004949 Can improve your mental health together we can make a difference and together bz3KsFrmE0u-00010-00004980-00005204 We can reduce the stigma bz3KsFrmE0u-00011-00005269-00005589 Welcome to authentic mental health bz3KsFrmE0u-00012-00005782-00005996 It is estimated that more than bz3KsFrmE0u-00013-00006114-00006314 264 million people worldwide bz3KsFrmE0u-00014-00006369-00006517 suffer from depression bz3KsFrmE0u-00015-00006517-00007208 Which means the majority of us either know someone who currently struggles with depression or are struggling with depression bz3KsFrmE0u-00016-00007288-00008045 Themselves dealing with depression is difficult enough, even when you have a supportive network of family and friends bz3KsFrmE0u-00017-00008197-00008558 Depression can completely turn someone's life upside down bz3KsFrmE0u-00018-00008653-00009368 Sucking them of all of their energy all of their joy and all of their ability to perform basic bz3KsFrmE0u-00019-00009415-00009536 Functions, please bz3KsFrmE0u-00020-00009536-00010262 Don't make it harder for someone who's struggling with depression by saying the following 10 things people with depression bz3KsFrmE0u-00021-00010300-00011081 Don't want to hear number 1. I know what it's like I feel so sad when I watch a sad movie bz3KsFrmE0u-00022-00011172-00011870 Depression is nothing like watching a sad movie. It's actually very insulting to try and compare the two bz3KsFrmE0u-00023-00011953-00012419 Depression is a mental illness being sad is a natural human emotion bz3KsFrmE0u-00024-00012525-00013229 Please do not trivialize something serious like depression by comparing it to watching a sad movie bz3KsFrmE0u-00025-00013272-00013728 Number 2. Have you tried praying? I think you need Jesus in your life bz3KsFrmE0u-00026-00013788-00014574 yes, praying and having Jesus in your life works for some people but not everybody is religious and bz3KsFrmE0u-00027-00014581-00015083 Not everybody believes in Jesus either if you know somebody isn't bz3KsFrmE0u-00028-00015115-00015804 Religious or even believes in the same religion as you please do not push this onto them bz3KsFrmE0u-00029-00015813-00016197 It's only going to make them feel a million times worse bz3KsFrmE0u-00030-00016291-00016926 Number three you're doing a lot better than other people are people who are struggling with depression bz3KsFrmE0u-00031-00016942-00017489 Do not need a guilt trip about how they have food good friends bz3KsFrmE0u-00032-00017545-00018345 Family members around them and a roof over their head. Yes on the outside. It may seem like they have a very good life bz3KsFrmE0u-00033-00018412-00019029 But that does not mean they can't be depressed and it does not invalidate bz3KsFrmE0u-00034-00019081-00019231 depression either bz3KsFrmE0u-00035-00019231-00020016 Saying this to them isn't helping at all. So please don't say it number four you have bz3KsFrmE0u-00036-00020076-00020492 Everything in your life. You have no reason to be depressed bz3KsFrmE0u-00037-00020533-00020789 this one links back to number three bz3KsFrmE0u-00038-00020803-00021594 But this one makes people who are depressed feel even worse. It makes people who are struggling with depression bz3KsFrmE0u-00039-00021688-00022283 Think their feelings are invalid and they are not allowed to feel the way they're currently feeling bz3KsFrmE0u-00040-00022326-00022589 Because they have everything in life bz3KsFrmE0u-00041-00022612-00023328 They also think and feel that if they truly do have everything in life and what you're saying is true bz3KsFrmE0u-00042-00023373-00024035 But they still feel this way and they still feel depressed. Then nothing's ever going to get better bz3KsFrmE0u-00043-00024036-00024226 Is it number five? bz3KsFrmE0u-00044-00024226-00024470 Can't you just try and ignore it? bz3KsFrmE0u-00045-00024470-00024875 If you could ignore your depression you would wouldn't you? bz3KsFrmE0u-00046-00024904-00025329 But it's not that simple and it's something that you just cannot do bz3KsFrmE0u-00047-00025363-00025802 Saying this to somebody who is depressed is a pretty stupid thing to say bz3KsFrmE0u-00048-00025847-00026642 So please do not say this number six, you're not the same and you're not fun to be around anymore bz3KsFrmE0u-00049-00026697-00027042 Saying this to somebody who is depressed is like rubbing salt bz3KsFrmE0u-00050-00027118-00027870 Into somebody's wounds, they can't help not feeling the way that they used to feel. It's not their fault at all bz3KsFrmE0u-00051-00027927-00028127 They need support bz3KsFrmE0u-00052-00028158-00028802 Compassion and love during this period of time they do not need somebody who is going to make them feel bz3KsFrmE0u-00053-00028837-00029333 Guilty for feeling the way they're feeling when it's not their fault at all bz3KsFrmE0u-00054-00029333-00029913 And they didn't choose to feel this way. Either number seven. You're just sad bz3KsFrmE0u-00055-00029913-00030611 I feel like a broken record with this one because I have said this so many times here on YouTube on our bz3KsFrmE0u-00056-00030622-00031083 Instagram and on our tik-tok depression is a mental illness bz3KsFrmE0u-00057-00031192-00031683 Sadness is a human emotion. There is a major major major bz3KsFrmE0u-00058-00031764-00031964 difference between the two bz3KsFrmE0u-00059-00032002-00032538 Number eight it's all in your head by saying this to somebody who is depressed bz3KsFrmE0u-00060-00032548-00032852 You are implying they are making it up bz3KsFrmE0u-00061-00032853-00033264 This is going to make somebody who is depressed feel like they're going crazy bz3KsFrmE0u-00062-00033313-00033783 And by saying this you are invalidating their own feelings bz3KsFrmE0u-00063-00033865-00034235 Please do not say this number nine bz3KsFrmE0u-00064-00034291-00034431 Just get over it bz3KsFrmE0u-00065-00034431-00034697 This will make somebody who is depressed feel bz3KsFrmE0u-00066-00034747-00035238 Misunderstood and ashamed if they could just simply get over it bz3KsFrmE0u-00067-00035254-00035583 Do you not think they would saying this? bz3KsFrmE0u-00068-00035635-00036161 Really isn't helping at all and it's only making things a million times worse bz3KsFrmE0u-00069-00036241-00036885 Please do not say this ever number 10. Just think positively bz3KsFrmE0u-00070-00036961-00037197 depression causes you to think and feel bz3KsFrmE0u-00071-00037255-00037527 negatively the majority of the day bz3KsFrmE0u-00072-00037552-00038235 it's extremely difficult for somebody who is depressed to just think positively and even if they could bz3KsFrmE0u-00073-00038284-00038913 Just think positively it's not going to cure their depression or help them overcome it either bz3KsFrmE0u-00074-00038953-00039747 Please do not say this to them either. Are you currently depressed or have you ever struggled with depression before? bz3KsFrmE0u-00075-00039799-00040335 Would you three that? These are 10 things depressed people never ever? bz3KsFrmE0u-00076-00040396-00040968 Want to hear has anyone ever told or said to you any of these ten things? bz3KsFrmE0u-00077-00041029-00041327 Let me and others know in the comment section down below bz3KsFrmE0u-00078-00041376-00041954 If you've been able to relate to this video, please give this video a like if you're new here bz3KsFrmE0u-00079-00041955-00042516 Please consider subscribing to authentic mental health to join a community of like-minded people bz3KsFrmE0u-00080-00042583-00043134 Just like you take care guys and girls and I'll see you all again in another video bz4dFrHS6go-00000-00000010-00000126 YOUR SPORTS. bz4dFrHS6go-00001-00000126-00000133 YOUR SPORTS. bz4dFrHS6go-00002-00000133-00000213 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. bz4dFrHS6go-00003-00000213-00000220 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. bz4dFrHS6go-00004-00000220-00000300 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. bz4dFrHS6go-00005-00000300-00000306 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. bz4dFrHS6go-00006-00000306-00000480 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. NOW THAT THE CITY OF BEMIDJI HAS bz4dFrHS6go-00007-00000480-00000487 THANKS FOR JOINING US. NOW THAT THE CITY OF BEMIDJI HAS bz4dFrHS6go-00008-00000487-00000630 THANKS FOR JOINING US. NOW THAT THE CITY OF BEMIDJI HAS APPROVED THE RESTORATION OF ITS bz4dFrHS6go-00009-00000630-00000637 NOW THAT THE CITY OF BEMIDJI HAS APPROVED THE RESTORATION OF ITS bz4dFrHS6go-00010-00000637-00000834 NOW THAT THE CITY OF BEMIDJI HAS APPROVED THE RESTORATION OF ITS CARNEGIE LIBRARY, AN AGGRESSIVE bz4dFrHS6go-00011-00000834-00000840 APPROVED THE RESTORATION OF ITS CARNEGIE LIBRARY, AN AGGRESSIVE bz4dFrHS6go-00012-00000840-00001044 APPROVED THE RESTORATION OF ITS CARNEGIE LIBRARY, AN AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE IS BEING PUT IN PLACE. bz4dFrHS6go-00013-00001044-00001051 CARNEGIE LIBRARY, AN AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE IS BEING PUT IN PLACE. bz4dFrHS6go-00014-00001051-00001154 CARNEGIE LIBRARY, AN AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE IS BEING PUT IN PLACE. OUR JOSH PETERSON BREAKS DOWN bz4dFrHS6go-00015-00001154-00001161 TIMELINE IS BEING PUT IN PLACE. OUR JOSH PETERSON BREAKS DOWN bz4dFrHS6go-00016-00001161-00001374 TIMELINE IS BEING PUT IN PLACE. OUR JOSH PETERSON BREAKS DOWN THE PROJECT'S DEADLINES. bz4dFrHS6go-00017-00001374-00001381 OUR JOSH PETERSON BREAKS DOWN THE PROJECT'S DEADLINES. bz4dFrHS6go-00018-00001381-00001611 OUR JOSH PETERSON BREAKS DOWN THE PROJECT'S DEADLINES. >> AFTER THE FINAL VOTE WAS READ bz4dFrHS6go-00019-00001611-00001618 THE PROJECT'S DEADLINES. >> AFTER THE FINAL VOTE WAS READ bz4dFrHS6go-00020-00001618-00001805 THE PROJECT'S DEADLINES. >> AFTER THE FINAL VOTE WAS READ TO APPROVE THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY bz4dFrHS6go-00021-00001805-00001811 >> AFTER THE FINAL VOTE WAS READ TO APPROVE THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY bz4dFrHS6go-00022-00001811-00002011 >> AFTER THE FINAL VOTE WAS READ TO APPROVE THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY RESTORATION PROJECT, THE COUNCIL bz4dFrHS6go-00023-00002011-00002018 TO APPROVE THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY RESTORATION PROJECT, THE COUNCIL bz4dFrHS6go-00024-00002018-00002282 TO APPROVE THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY RESTORATION PROJECT, THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ERUPTED WITH APPLAUSE. bz4dFrHS6go-00025-00002282-00002288 RESTORATION PROJECT, THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ERUPTED WITH APPLAUSE. bz4dFrHS6go-00026-00002288-00002419 RESTORATION PROJECT, THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ERUPTED WITH APPLAUSE. BUT THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO bz4dFrHS6go-00027-00002419-00002425 CHAMBERS ERUPTED WITH APPLAUSE. BUT THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO bz4dFrHS6go-00028-00002425-00002642 CHAMBERS ERUPTED WITH APPLAUSE. BUT THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO CELEBRATE AS THE PROJECT WILL BE bz4dFrHS6go-00029-00002642-00002649 BUT THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO CELEBRATE AS THE PROJECT WILL BE bz4dFrHS6go-00030-00002649-00002806 BUT THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO CELEBRATE AS THE PROJECT WILL BE A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. bz4dFrHS6go-00031-00002806-00002812 CELEBRATE AS THE PROJECT WILL BE A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. bz4dFrHS6go-00032-00002812-00002966 CELEBRATE AS THE PROJECT WILL BE A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. >> A LOT OF HISTORIC bz4dFrHS6go-00033-00002966-00002972 A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. >> A LOT OF HISTORIC bz4dFrHS6go-00034-00002972-00003083 A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. >> A LOT OF HISTORIC REQUIREMENTS, YOU WANT TO bz4dFrHS6go-00035-00003083-00003089 >> A LOT OF HISTORIC REQUIREMENTS, YOU WANT TO bz4dFrHS6go-00036-00003089-00003263 >> A LOT OF HISTORIC REQUIREMENTS, YOU WANT TO RESPECT ALL OF THE FINISHES. bz4dFrHS6go-00037-00003263-00003269 REQUIREMENTS, YOU WANT TO RESPECT ALL OF THE FINISHES. bz4dFrHS6go-00038-00003269-00003590 REQUIREMENTS, YOU WANT TO RESPECT ALL OF THE FINISHES. THEY CALL IT THE HISTORIC bz4dFrHS6go-00039-00003590-00003596 RESPECT ALL OF THE FINISHES. THEY CALL IT THE HISTORIC bz4dFrHS6go-00040-00003596-00003757 RESPECT ALL OF THE FINISHES. THEY CALL IT THE HISTORIC FABRIC, SO THE PLASTER, THE bz4dFrHS6go-00041-00003757-00003763 THEY CALL IT THE HISTORIC FABRIC, SO THE PLASTER, THE bz4dFrHS6go-00042-00003763-00003823 THEY CALL IT THE HISTORIC FABRIC, SO THE PLASTER, THE WOODWORK. bz4dFrHS6go-00043-00003823-00003830 FABRIC, SO THE PLASTER, THE WOODWORK. bz4dFrHS6go-00044-00003830-00003950 FABRIC, SO THE PLASTER, THE WOODWORK. YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN AND bz4dFrHS6go-00045-00003950-00003957 WOODWORK. YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN AND bz4dFrHS6go-00046-00003957-00004033 WOODWORK. YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN AND PRESERVE ALL OF THAT. bz4dFrHS6go-00047-00004033-00004040 YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN AND PRESERVE ALL OF THAT. bz4dFrHS6go-00048-00004040-00004160 YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN AND PRESERVE ALL OF THAT. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION bz4dFrHS6go-00049-00004160-00004167 PRESERVE ALL OF THAT. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION bz4dFrHS6go-00050-00004167-00004340 PRESERVE ALL OF THAT. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT FACES A VERY AGGRESSIVE bz4dFrHS6go-00051-00004340-00004347 >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT FACES A VERY AGGRESSIVE bz4dFrHS6go-00052-00004347-00004464 >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT FACES A VERY AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE, MEANING THAT ONE YEAR bz4dFrHS6go-00053-00004464-00004471 PROJECT FACES A VERY AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE, MEANING THAT ONE YEAR bz4dFrHS6go-00054-00004471-00004687 PROJECT FACES A VERY AGGRESSIVE TIMELINE, MEANING THAT ONE YEAR FROM NOW THE PROJECT SHOULD bz4dFrHS6go-00055-00004687-00004694 TIMELINE, MEANING THAT ONE YEAR FROM NOW THE PROJECT SHOULD bz4dFrHS6go-00056-00004694-00004934 TIMELINE, MEANING THAT ONE YEAR FROM NOW THE PROJECT SHOULD ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE. bz4dFrHS6go-00057-00004934-00004941 FROM NOW THE PROJECT SHOULD ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE. bz4dFrHS6go-00058-00004941-00005088 FROM NOW THE PROJECT SHOULD ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE. >> WITH GRANTS THAT NEED TO BE bz4dFrHS6go-00059-00005088-00005095 ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE. >> WITH GRANTS THAT NEED TO BE bz4dFrHS6go-00060-00005095-00005238 ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE. >> WITH GRANTS THAT NEED TO BE USED BY SPECIFIC DEADLINES, bz4dFrHS6go-00061-00005238-00005245 >> WITH GRANTS THAT NEED TO BE USED BY SPECIFIC DEADLINES, bz4dFrHS6go-00062-00005245-00005405 >> WITH GRANTS THAT NEED TO BE USED BY SPECIFIC DEADLINES, THERE WILL BE A RAPID bz4dFrHS6go-00063-00005405-00005412 USED BY SPECIFIC DEADLINES, THERE WILL BE A RAPID bz4dFrHS6go-00064-00005412-00005512 USED BY SPECIFIC DEADLINES, THERE WILL BE A RAPID TRANSFORMATION OVER THE NEXT bz4dFrHS6go-00065-00005512-00005518 THERE WILL BE A RAPID TRANSFORMATION OVER THE NEXT bz4dFrHS6go-00066-00005518-00005568 THERE WILL BE A RAPID TRANSFORMATION OVER THE NEXT YEAR. bz4dFrHS6go-00067-00005568-00005575 TRANSFORMATION OVER THE NEXT YEAR. bz4dFrHS6go-00068-00005575-00005825 TRANSFORMATION OVER THE NEXT YEAR. >> RESTORATION OF THE EXTERIOR bz4dFrHS6go-00069-00005825-00005832 YEAR. >> RESTORATION OF THE EXTERIOR bz4dFrHS6go-00070-00005832-00005982 YEAR. >> RESTORATION OF THE EXTERIOR MASONRY, BRICK WORK, STONE WORK, bz4dFrHS6go-00071-00005982-00005989 >> RESTORATION OF THE EXTERIOR MASONRY, BRICK WORK, STONE WORK, bz4dFrHS6go-00072-00005989-00006109 >> RESTORATION OF THE EXTERIOR MASONRY, BRICK WORK, STONE WORK, THAT ALL NEEDS COMPLETED BY THE bz4dFrHS6go-00073-00006109-00006116 MASONRY, BRICK WORK, STONE WORK, THAT ALL NEEDS COMPLETED BY THE bz4dFrHS6go-00074-00006116-00006286 MASONRY, BRICK WORK, STONE WORK, THAT ALL NEEDS COMPLETED BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, END OF bz4dFrHS6go-00075-00006286-00006292 THAT ALL NEEDS COMPLETED BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, END OF bz4dFrHS6go-00076-00006292-00006352 THAT ALL NEEDS COMPLETED BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, END OF DECEMBER. bz4dFrHS6go-00077-00006352-00006359 END OF THIS YEAR, END OF DECEMBER. bz4dFrHS6go-00078-00006359-00006463 END OF THIS YEAR, END OF DECEMBER. AND THAT'S ALL VERY DOABLE. bz4dFrHS6go-00079-00006463-00006469 DECEMBER. AND THAT'S ALL VERY DOABLE. bz4dFrHS6go-00080-00006469-00006646 DECEMBER. AND THAT'S ALL VERY DOABLE. >> WHAT SAVED THIS 108-YEAR-OLD bz4dFrHS6go-00081-00006646-00006653 AND THAT'S ALL VERY DOABLE. >> WHAT SAVED THIS 108-YEAR-OLD bz4dFrHS6go-00082-00006653-00006786 AND THAT'S ALL VERY DOABLE. >> WHAT SAVED THIS 108-YEAR-OLD BUILDING WAS A PASSIONATE bz4dFrHS6go-00083-00006786-00006793 >> WHAT SAVED THIS 108-YEAR-OLD BUILDING WAS A PASSIONATE bz4dFrHS6go-00084-00006793-00006923 >> WHAT SAVED THIS 108-YEAR-OLD BUILDING WAS A PASSIONATE GRASSROOTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE A bz4dFrHS6go-00085-00006923-00006930 BUILDING WAS A PASSIONATE GRASSROOTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE A bz4dFrHS6go-00086-00006930-00007040 BUILDING WAS A PASSIONATE GRASSROOTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE A PIECE OF BEMIDJI HISTORY. bz4dFrHS6go-00087-00007040-00007047 GRASSROOTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE A PIECE OF BEMIDJI HISTORY. bz4dFrHS6go-00088-00007047-00007343 GRASSROOTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE A PIECE OF BEMIDJI HISTORY. >> WE'RE GOING TO ACTUALLY SEE A bz4dFrHS6go-00089-00007343-00007350 PIECE OF BEMIDJI HISTORY. >> WE'RE GOING TO ACTUALLY SEE A bz4dFrHS6go-00090-00007350-00007534 PIECE OF BEMIDJI HISTORY. >> WE'RE GOING TO ACTUALLY SEE A FINISHED ORIGINAL LOOKING bz4dFrHS6go-00091-00007534-00007540 >> WE'RE GOING TO ACTUALLY SEE A FINISHED ORIGINAL LOOKING bz4dFrHS6go-00092-00007540-00007757 >> WE'RE GOING TO ACTUALLY SEE A FINISHED ORIGINAL LOOKING CARNEGIE LIBRARY BACK WHERE IT bz4dFrHS6go-00093-00007757-00007764 FINISHED ORIGINAL LOOKING CARNEGIE LIBRARY BACK WHERE IT bz4dFrHS6go-00094-00007764-00007947 FINISHED ORIGINAL LOOKING CARNEGIE LIBRARY BACK WHERE IT SHOULD BE IN THE CITY OF bz4dFrHS6go-00095-00007947-00007954 CARNEGIE LIBRARY BACK WHERE IT SHOULD BE IN THE CITY OF bz4dFrHS6go-00096-00007954-00008011 CARNEGIE LIBRARY BACK WHERE IT SHOULD BE IN THE CITY OF BEMIDJI. bz4dFrHS6go-00097-00008011-00008018 SHOULD BE IN THE CITY OF BEMIDJI. bz4dFrHS6go-00098-00008018-00008148 SHOULD BE IN THE CITY OF BEMIDJI. >> BUT JUST BECAUSE THE PROJECT bz4dFrHS6go-00099-00008148-00008154 BEMIDJI. >> BUT JUST BECAUSE THE PROJECT bz4dFrHS6go-00100-00008154-00008314 BEMIDJI. >> BUT JUST BECAUSE THE PROJECT IS MOVING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN bz4dFrHS6go-00101-00008314-00008321 >> BUT JUST BECAUSE THE PROJECT IS MOVING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN bz4dFrHS6go-00102-00008321-00008468 >> BUT JUST BECAUSE THE PROJECT IS MOVING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN THE FUNDRAISING HAS STOPPED. bz4dFrHS6go-00103-00008468-00008475 IS MOVING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN THE FUNDRAISING HAS STOPPED. bz4dFrHS6go-00104-00008475-00008718 IS MOVING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN THE FUNDRAISING HAS STOPPED. WITH OVER $2 MILLION RAISED SO bz4dFrHS6go-00105-00008718-00008725 THE FUNDRAISING HAS STOPPED. WITH OVER $2 MILLION RAISED SO bz4dFrHS6go-00106-00008725-00008938 THE FUNDRAISING HAS STOPPED. WITH OVER $2 MILLION RAISED SO FAR, FUNDRAISING EFFORTS WILL bz4dFrHS6go-00107-00008938-00008945 WITH OVER $2 MILLION RAISED SO FAR, FUNDRAISING EFFORTS WILL bz4dFrHS6go-00108-00008945-00009008 WITH OVER $2 MILLION RAISED SO FAR, FUNDRAISING EFFORTS WILL CONTINUE. bz4dFrHS6go-00109-00009008-00009015 FAR, FUNDRAISING EFFORTS WILL CONTINUE. bz4dFrHS6go-00110-00009015-00009119 FAR, FUNDRAISING EFFORTS WILL CONTINUE. >> I THINK THAT THERE'S GOING TO bz4dFrHS6go-00111-00009119-00009125 CONTINUE. >> I THINK THAT THERE'S GOING TO bz4dFrHS6go-00112-00009125-00009302 CONTINUE. >> I THINK THAT THERE'S GOING TO BE A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW WHO WILL bz4dFrHS6go-00113-00009302-00009309 >> I THINK THAT THERE'S GOING TO BE A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW WHO WILL bz4dFrHS6go-00114-00009309-00009422 >> I THINK THAT THERE'S GOING TO BE A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW WHO WILL RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S REALLY GOING bz4dFrHS6go-00115-00009422-00009429 BE A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW WHO WILL RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S REALLY GOING bz4dFrHS6go-00116-00009429-00009592 BE A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW WHO WILL RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN AND IT'S THEIR TIME bz4dFrHS6go-00117-00009592-00009599 RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN AND IT'S THEIR TIME bz4dFrHS6go-00118-00009599-00009809 RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN AND IT'S THEIR TIME NOW TO STEP UP AND SUPPORT IT. bz4dFrHS6go-00119-00009809-00009816 TO HAPPEN AND IT'S THEIR TIME NOW TO STEP UP AND SUPPORT IT. bz4dFrHS6go-00120-00009816-00010186 TO HAPPEN AND IT'S THEIR TIME NOW TO STEP UP AND SUPPORT IT. >> WITH LIBRARY PARK SET TO KEEP bz4dFrHS6go-00121-00010186-00010193 NOW TO STEP UP AND SUPPORT IT. >> WITH LIBRARY PARK SET TO KEEP bz4dFrHS6go-00122-00010193-00010537 NOW TO STEP UP AND SUPPORT IT. >> WITH LIBRARY PARK SET TO KEEP ITS LIBRARY, THE RICH HISTORY OF bz4dFrHS6go-00123-00010537-00010543 >> WITH LIBRARY PARK SET TO KEEP ITS LIBRARY, THE RICH HISTORY OF bz4dFrHS6go-00124-00010543-00010697 >> WITH LIBRARY PARK SET TO KEEP ITS LIBRARY, THE RICH HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE WILL LIVE ON FOR bz4dFrHS6go-00125-00010697-00010704 ITS LIBRARY, THE RICH HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE WILL LIVE ON FOR bz4dFrHS6go-00126-00010704-00010804 ITS LIBRARY, THE RICH HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE WILL LIVE ON FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. bz4dFrHS6go-00127-00010804-00010810 THE CARNEGIE WILL LIVE ON FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. bz4dFrHS6go-00128-00010810-00010944 THE CARNEGIE WILL LIVE ON FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, bz4dFrHS6go-00129-00010944-00010950 GENERATIONS TO COME. IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, bz4dFrHS6go-00130-00010950-00010994 GENERATIONS TO COME. IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. bz4dFrHS6go-00131-00010994-00011000 IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. bz4dFrHS6go-00132-00011000-00011097 IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION bz4dFrHS6go-00133-00011097-00011104 LAKELAND NEWS. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION bz4dFrHS6go-00134-00011104-00011204 LAKELAND NEWS. >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT IS EXPECTED TO BE BEGIN bz4dFrHS6go-00135-00011204-00011211 >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT IS EXPECTED TO BE BEGIN bz4dFrHS6go-00136-00011211-00011377 >> THE CARNEGIE RESTORATION PROJECT IS EXPECTED TO BE BEGIN IN EARLY AUGUST WITH THE ENTIRE bz4dFrHS6go-00137-00011377-00011384 PROJECT IS EXPECTED TO BE BEGIN IN EARLY AUGUST WITH THE ENTIRE bz4dFrHS6go-00138-00011384-00011501 PROJECT IS EXPECTED TO BE BEGIN IN EARLY AUGUST WITH THE ENTIRE PROJECT COMPLETED BY THE END OF b-8pM3gJLyA-00000-00000000-00000166 [Female narrator] What if being in recovery b-8pM3gJLyA-00001-00000168-00000434 from a mental or substance use disorder was something b-8pM3gJLyA-00002-00000434-00000646 we proudly showed the world? b-8pM3gJLyA-00003-00000646-00001034 Millions of people are in recovery, sharing hope and support b-8pM3gJLyA-00004-00001042-00001254 with family, friends, and community. b-8pM3gJLyA-00005-00001266-00001458 Join the voices for recovery. b-8pM3gJLyA-00006-00001462-00001639 For confidential information for mental b-8pM3gJLyA-00007-00001646-00001986 and substance use disorders, call 1-800-662-HELP. b-yP_urRNpo-00000-00000528-00001320 At the national level, um, so Australia has the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience and b-yP_urRNpo-00001-00001320-00002328 that document, in a way, outlines responsibilities for individuals, for businesses, for different b-yP_urRNpo-00002-00002328-00003168 levels of government. Um, and my concern, you know, as a researcher, is whether that b-yP_urRNpo-00003-00003415-00004064 whether official government policy place responsibilities on people who b-yP_urRNpo-00004-00004064-00004752 may be unable to fulfil them, and why those responsibilities may be unable to be fulfilled. b-yP_urRNpo-00005-00004752-00005544 So, for example, government policy makes it fairly clear, as an individual it is your responsibility b-yP_urRNpo-00006-00005544-00006208 to understand what risks you face, particularly, and to be adequately insured for them. So the b-yP_urRNpo-00007-00006208-00006776 government is basically saying our, you know, number one way of mitigating damage is for insurance. b-yP_urRNpo-00008-00006904-00007295 There have been many, many identified problems around insurance, b-yP_urRNpo-00009-00007423-00008104 you know, insurance being inadequate, unclear, and so on so forth, so there is a responsibility on making b-yP_urRNpo-00010-00008104-00009008 sure that this, you know, that the insurance industry is actually regulated and non-exploitative in many b-yP_urRNpo-00011-00009008-00009576 ways. And there have been a number of reports, you know, a number of reports to show that, that b-yP_urRNpo-00012-00009576-00010256 may not be happening in all cases. So, if people are saying, you know, if the government is saying people b-yP_urRNpo-00013-00010256-00010824 must have insurance then there must be an adequate insurance industry to fulfil that responsibility. b-yP_urRNpo-00014-00010928-00011520 Now, in terms of preparing for disasters, um, you know, there is a lot of responsibility placed b-yP_urRNpo-00015-00011520-00012240 on home owners to prepare for a disaster. If that responsibility is unfulfilled and the property is b-yP_urRNpo-00016-00012240-00013056 rented, then the renter has some responsibility and some rights but not as many. And, b-yP_urRNpo-00017-00013128-00013896 you know, earlier this year before COVID we've had a number of reports about the unequal b-yP_urRNpo-00018-00013976-00014944 relationship between renters and homeowners. So you know, in the, in the way that the market was b-yP_urRNpo-00019-00014944-00015632 renters felt unsafe about speaking out, um, about things that, you know, were wrong with a property b-yP_urRNpo-00020-00015632-00016328 out of fear of being kicked out. Now, it's interesting with what happened during COVID is b-yP_urRNpo-00021-00016328-00016984 that the government specifically protected renters because they identified them as a vulnerable group. bE3wtrJtvD0-00000-00000088-00000214 Shame on you! bE3wtrJtvD0-00001-00000214-00000395 Policeman to stone throwing fascist: Calm down! Calm down! bE3wtrJtvD0-00002-00000459-00000612 You piece of shit! You son of a bitch! bE3wtrJtvD0-00003-00000612-00000746 Son of a bitch! bE3wtrJtvD0-00004-00000880-00001080 Arrest him! Arrest this bastard! bE3wtrJtvD0-00005-00001084-00001245 Drop him, the son of a bitch! bE3wtrJtvD0-00006-00003494-00003946 Guys, crack down on him coz I have to show that we are [inaudible]. bE3wtrJtvD0-00007-00006852-00006958 Enter, enter! bE3wtrJtvD0-00008-00006958-00007036 What happened?! bE3wtrJtvD0-00009-00007245-00007352 What happened?! bE3wtrJtvD0-00010-00007359-00007459 Excuse me, this is a synagogue! bE3wtrJtvD0-00011-00007470-00007692 Excuse me, this is a synagogue! bE8DDWW64i0-00000-00000076-00000690 Hello everyone, this is your German teacher Erhan Özdemir from Istanbul Turkey. In this lesson bE8DDWW64i0-00001-00000690-00001172 we are going to have "müssen". "müssen" stands for "must" in English. bE8DDWW64i0-00002-00001220-00001488 First of all, we are going to conjugate "müssen", bE8DDWW64i0-00003-00001516-00002080 but then after we are going to have different kinds of examples to "müssen". bE8DDWW64i0-00004-00002102-00002340 Let's get started with the conjugation. bE8DDWW64i0-00005-00002466-00003174 "müssen" as I say "Ich" I, "I must" then I will say "Ich muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00006-00003210-00003820 "ich muss" for "I must" if I mention you for the second bE8DDWW64i0-00007-00003840-00004194 singular form, I will say "du musst" bE8DDWW64i0-00008-00004236-00004490 you must "du musst" bE8DDWW64i0-00009-00004560-00005006 "er muss, sie muss, es muss". bE8DDWW64i0-00010-00005038-00005448 "Er "stands for "he" but also "der" article. bE8DDWW64i0-00011-00005474-00005858 "sie" stands for "she" but also "die" article. bE8DDWW64i0-00012-00005886-00006336 "es" for "it" but also "das" article. bE8DDWW64i0-00013-00006360-00006409 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00014-00006509-00007014 So "er/sie/es" will be conjugated with "muss". bE8DDWW64i0-00015-00007036-00007100 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00016-00007112-00007258 Here we have "wir" bE8DDWW64i0-00017-00007295-00007564 "wir müssen" we must bE8DDWW64i0-00018-00007623-00008012 So "we must" stands for "wir müssen". bE8DDWW64i0-00019-00008102-00008670 "ihr müsst" here we have "ihr". "ihr" stands for the second plural form. bE8DDWW64i0-00020-00008726-00009262 so if I mention a group of two or more people that indicates to "ihr". bE8DDWW64i0-00021-00009280-00009470 So "ihr müsst". bE8DDWW64i0-00022-00009478-00009862 "Sie müssen", "sie müssen" as I have mentioned before bE8DDWW64i0-00023-00009890-00010458 "Sie" is the polite form of saying "you" and here we have the second bE8DDWW64i0-00024-00010500-00010886 plural form of "sie" as I mention "they". bE8DDWW64i0-00025-00010928-00011002 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00026-00011002-00011450 So this stands for "müssen". So let's repeat this again. bE8DDWW64i0-00027-00011500-00011650 "ich muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00028-00011710-00011872 "ich muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00029-00011916-00012116 "du musst" bE8DDWW64i0-00030-00012162-00012340 "du musst" bE8DDWW64i0-00031-00012388-00012542 "er muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00032-00012604-00012756 "er muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00033-00012802-00012952 "sie muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00034-00013002-00013156 "sie muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00035-00013224-00013366 "es muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00036-00013432-00013584 "es muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00037-00013654-00013816 "wir müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00038-00013852-00014006 wir müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00039-00014046-00014190 "ihr müsst" bE8DDWW64i0-00040-00014272-00014418 "ihr müsst" bE8DDWW64i0-00041-00014482-00014602 "Sie müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00042-00014640-00014758 "sie müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00043-00014784-00014856 Okay. bE8DDWW64i0-00044-00014880-00015150 So let's look at the examples. bE8DDWW64i0-00045-00015169-00015258 First of all, bE8DDWW64i0-00046-00015278-00015791 I'm going to show you the regular form in a normal sentence actually bE8DDWW64i0-00047-00015826-00016602 and then after we are going to have the "müssen" and we are going to add the "müssen" into the bE8DDWW64i0-00048-00016648-00016728 sentence bE8DDWW64i0-00049-00016806-00016978 here we have the first example: bE8DDWW64i0-00050-00017000-00017194 "Ich lerne Deutsch." bE8DDWW64i0-00051-00017222-00017498 "lerne" stands for learning. bE8DDWW64i0-00052-00017522-00017732 "Deutsch" stands for German. bE8DDWW64i0-00053-00017774-00017884 So if I say bE8DDWW64i0-00054-00017906-00018402 "I learn German." or "I am learning German." bE8DDWW64i0-00055-00018402-00018758 this indicates to "Ich lerne Deutsch." bE8DDWW64i0-00056-00018800-00018980 "Ich lerne Deutsch". bE8DDWW64i0-00057-00019000-00019214 So what do I do if I say bE8DDWW64i0-00058-00019236-00019516 I must learn German? bE8DDWW64i0-00059-00019548-00019628 Easy. bE8DDWW64i0-00060-00019640-00019804 I will put "müssen". bE8DDWW64i0-00061-00019822-00019878 I will bE8DDWW64i0-00062-00019956-00020404 conjugate "müssen" with "Ich muss" so bE8DDWW64i0-00063-00020488-00020782 Here comes "Ich muss Deutsch" bE8DDWW64i0-00064-00020818-00021518 "lernen". As you have noticed "lernen" stands for in the infinitive form, so bE8DDWW64i0-00065-00021614-00021988 Just it remains the same. It won't be conjugated. bE8DDWW64i0-00066-00022012-00022492 But instead, the conjugation will take place in "müssen" form. bE8DDWW64i0-00067-00022508-00022866 So I will conjugate "müssen" and leave bE8DDWW64i0-00068-00022884-00023418 the work as it is in the infinitive form, so I will say bE8DDWW64i0-00069-00023440-00024070 for "I must learn German" "Ich muss Deutsch lernen." bE8DDWW64i0-00070-00024090-00024386 "Ich muss Deutsch lernen." bE8DDWW64i0-00071-00024430-00024970 here in the following example, we have "Du arbeitest in Köln." bE8DDWW64i0-00072-00025038-00025842 "Du" stands for "you", singular form. "arbeiten" is a verb which Germans love bE8DDWW64i0-00073-00025866-00026068 "arbeiten" stands for "to work". bE8DDWW64i0-00074-00026094-00026144 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00075-00026160-00026438 and it is conjugated with "arbeitest" bE8DDWW64i0-00076-00026448-00026570 according to "Du". bE8DDWW64i0-00077-00026582-00026989 The infinitive form would be "arbeiten" as it is here. bE8DDWW64i0-00078-00027026-00027142 "in Köln". bE8DDWW64i0-00079-00027189-00027500 So you are working in Cologne. bE8DDWW64i0-00080-00027532-00027900 Then I would say "Du arbeitest in Köln". bE8DDWW64i0-00081-00027914-00027974 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00082-00027974-00028194 "Du arbeitest in Köln". bE8DDWW64i0-00083-00028214-00028580 So this stands for you are working in Cologne. bE8DDWW64i0-00084-00028626-00029227 What do I say if I add "müssen" into this sentence? bE8DDWW64i0-00085-00029250-00029320 Easy. bE8DDWW64i0-00086-00029339-00029560 I will conjugate "müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00087-00029560-00030330 with "Du" so, this will stand for "Du musst" and "arbeitest" will be in bE8DDWW64i0-00088-00030388-00030777 infinitive form and we will put it to the end of the sentence. bE8DDWW64i0-00089-00030794-00031482 This is very important that the work will stand in the infinitive form but in the ending. bE8DDWW64i0-00090-00031508-00031558 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00091-00031570-00032333 So I will say "You must work in Cologne" then this will be "Du musst in Köln arbeiten." bE8DDWW64i0-00092-00032360-00033060 "You must work in Cologne" stands for "Du musst in Köln arbeiten." bE8DDWW64i0-00093-00033188-00033274 Here we have bE8DDWW64i0-00094-00033324-00033550 "Er geht nach Hause." bE8DDWW64i0-00095-00033584-00033954 "gehen" here means "to go". bE8DDWW64i0-00096-00033984-00034100 "nach Hause" bE8DDWW64i0-00097-00034297-00034742 this actually stands for "nach", "to" bE8DDWW64i0-00098-00034941-00035504 "to home" actually, it doesn't refer, you know, it isn't appropriate to English bE8DDWW64i0-00099-00035504-00036130 but I'll say "nach Hause" "to home" actually. Okay? Then I will say "He goes home." bE8DDWW64i0-00100-00036238-00037156 "Er geht nach Hause." He goes home." "Er geht nach Hause." How do I say "He must go to his home."? bE8DDWW64i0-00101-00037182-00037564 or "He must go home." I will say "Er muss" bE8DDWW64i0-00102-00037580-00038092 It is conjugated with "muss" Right? So I'll put "muss" and the bE8DDWW64i0-00103-00038112-00038966 infinitive form "gehen" will be in the ending of the sentence and I'll say "Er muss nach Hause gehen." bE8DDWW64i0-00104-00038984-00039558 "He must go home." I'll say "Er muss nach Hause gehen." bE8DDWW64i0-00105-00039746-00039908 "Ich lerne Deutsch." bE8DDWW64i0-00106-00039962-00040118 "Ich lerne Deutsch." bE8DDWW64i0-00107-00040226-00040394 "Ich muss Deutsch lernen." bE8DDWW64i0-00108-00040518-00040680 "Ich muss Deutsch lernen." bE8DDWW64i0-00109-00040800-00041006 "Du arbeitest in Köln?" bE8DDWW64i0-00110-00041136-00041322 "Du arbeitest in Köln?" bE8DDWW64i0-00111-00041446-00041640 "Du muss in Köln arbeiten." bE8DDWW64i0-00112-00041782-00041958 "Du muss in Köln arbeiten." bE8DDWW64i0-00113-00042072-00042232 "Er geht nach Hause." bE8DDWW64i0-00114-00042286-00042436 "Er geht nach Hause." bE8DDWW64i0-00115-00042486-00042654 "Er muss nach Hause gehen." bE8DDWW64i0-00116-00042766-00042938 "Er muss nach Hause gehen." bE8DDWW64i0-00117-00043298-00043532 Now let's look at the following examples. bE8DDWW64i0-00118-00043600-00043868 "Wir üben Mathematik." bE8DDWW64i0-00119-00043878-00044274 "üben", this stands for "to work on, to exercise" bE8DDWW64i0-00120-00044294-00044350 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00121-00044350-00044696 so we are working on we are exercising mathematics. bE8DDWW64i0-00122-00044712-00044800 So I'll say bE8DDWW64i0-00123-00044810-00045026 "Wir üben Mathematik." bE8DDWW64i0-00124-00045052-00045112 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00125-00045130-00045356 So what do I do if I put bE8DDWW64i0-00126-00045376-00045460 "müssen"? bE8DDWW64i0-00127-00045468-00045928 The conjugation for "müssen" in the "wir" form will be "wir müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00128-00045954-00046248 So it remains the same so I'll put bE8DDWW64i0-00129-00046276-00046456 "Wir müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00130-00046480-00047134 but then after comes mathematic and in the infinitive form stands "üben" in the bE8DDWW64i0-00131-00047212-00047378 ending of the sentence. bE8DDWW64i0-00132-00047392-00047640 So I'll say for we must bE8DDWW64i0-00133-00047680-00047786 exercise bE8DDWW64i0-00134-00047806-00047976 Mathematics I'll say bE8DDWW64i0-00135-00047976-00048344 "Wir müssen Mathematik üben". bE8DDWW64i0-00136-00048344-00048408 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00137-00048408-00048700 "Wir müssen Mathematik üben." bE8DDWW64i0-00138-00048708-00048990 Here we have in the following example bE8DDWW64i0-00139-00049012-00049250 "Ihr fliegt nach Berlin." bE8DDWW64i0-00140-00049282-00049708 "fliegen" here we have it in the infinitive form, means "to fly". bE8DDWW64i0-00141-00049708-00049790 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00142-00049790-00049944 "Ihr fliegt" bE8DDWW64i0-00143-00049970-00050230 It is conjugated as "Ihr fliegt". bE8DDWW64i0-00144-00050272-00050532 We had this before in the previous lesson. bE8DDWW64i0-00145-00050638-00051064 The verb forms the conjugations for those who didn't watch the video bE8DDWW64i0-00146-00051078-00051544 I want you to subscribe to our channel so that you can follow up the bE8DDWW64i0-00147-00051590-00051720 lessons. bE8DDWW64i0-00148-00051814-00052079 Yeah, here we have as I said "Ihr fliegt" bE8DDWW64i0-00149-00052079-00052200 "You fly" bE8DDWW64i0-00150-00052217-00052344 "nach Berlin". bE8DDWW64i0-00151-00052366-00052840 This is the second plural form and stands for a group of people and bE8DDWW64i0-00152-00052866-00053370 "Ihr fliegt nach Berlin" stands for "You fly to Berlin." bE8DDWW64i0-00153-00053438-00053555 What do I do for bE8DDWW64i0-00154-00053582-00054267 "Ihr" when I conjugate with "müssen"? "Ihr müsst" Right? So I'll say "Ihr müsst" bE8DDWW64i0-00155-00054300-00054804 "nach Berlin" and the conjugation will have the infinitive form. bE8DDWW64i0-00156-00054834-00054994 "fliegen" in the end. bE8DDWW64i0-00157-00055016-00055150 So I'll say bE8DDWW64i0-00158-00055160-00055367 "Ihr müsst nach Berlin fliegen." bE8DDWW64i0-00159-00055390-00055684 "You must fly to Berlin." bE8DDWW64i0-00160-00055705-00055767 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00161-00055796-00056079 "Ihr müsst nach Berlin fliegen." bE8DDWW64i0-00162-00056116-00056679 Here in the following example we have, "Wir schlafen sehr früh." bE8DDWW64i0-00163-00056760-00056976 "schlafen", "to sleep" bE8DDWW64i0-00164-00057012-00057250 "sehr früh", "very early" bE8DDWW64i0-00165-00057276-00057326 Okay? bE8DDWW64i0-00166-00057341-00057628 "very early" stands for "sehr früh". bE8DDWW64i0-00167-00057640-00057855 "You sleep very early." bE8DDWW64i0-00168-00057855-00058000 This can indicate to bE8DDWW64i0-00169-00058024-00058182 "Sie" or "sie". bE8DDWW64i0-00170-00058212-00058305 This is the bE8DDWW64i0-00171-00058428-00058864 polite version of saying "you" or you. bE8DDWW64i0-00172-00058966-00059124 for "sie" for "they". Right? bE8DDWW64i0-00173-00059124-00059541 It could be either "they" or the polite way of saying "you". bE8DDWW64i0-00174-00059600-00059741 So I'll say bE8DDWW64i0-00175-00059741-00059936 "Sie schlafen sehr früh." bE8DDWW64i0-00176-00059936-00060114 "You sleep very early." bE8DDWW64i0-00177-00060114-00060344 "You must sleep very early." bE8DDWW64i0-00178-00060360-00060512 What do I do? bE8DDWW64i0-00179-00060548-00060912 I put "Sie müssen" so "Sie müssen" bE8DDWW64i0-00180-00060964-00061141 "sehr früh." bE8DDWW64i0-00181-00061141-00061317 "schlafen" bE8DDWW64i0-00182-00061317-00061432 infinitive form bE8DDWW64i0-00183-00061495-00061926 will stand in the ending of the sentence and I'll say bE8DDWW64i0-00184-00061926-00062286 "Sie müssen sehr früh schlafen." bE8DDWW64i0-00185-00062414-00062602 "Wir üben Mathematik." bE8DDWW64i0-00186-00062691-00062910 "Wir üben Mathematik." bE8DDWW64i0-00187-00062998-00063266 "Wir müssen Mathematik üben." bE8DDWW64i0-00188-00063370-00063628 "Wir müssen Mathematik üben." bE8DDWW64i0-00189-00063776-00063994 "Ihr fliegt nach Berlin." bE8DDWW64i0-00190-00064058-00064267 "Ihr fliegt nach Berlin." bE8DDWW64i0-00191-00064352-00064629 "Ihr müsst nach Berlin fliegen." bE8DDWW64i0-00192-00064670-00064940 "Ihr müsst nach Berlin fliegen." bE8DDWW64i0-00193-00065062-00065288 "Sie schlafen sehr früh." bE8DDWW64i0-00194-00065378-00065618 "Sie schlafen sehr früh." bE8DDWW64i0-00195-00065708-00066030 "Sie müssen sehr früh schlafen." bE8DDWW64i0-00196-00066074-00066378 "Sie müssen sehr früh schlafen." bE8DDWW64i0-00197-00066720-00067084 In this video we have learned the modal verb "müssen". bE8DDWW64i0-00198-00067104-00067252 I hope you enjoyed it. bE8DDWW64i0-00199-00067278-00067530 Please do not forget to subscribe to our channel. bE8DDWW64i0-00200-00067530-00067722 Hit the bell button for follow-ups. bE8DDWW64i0-00201-00067772-00068224 Command and share with those who want to learn the German language. bE8DDWW64i0-00202-00068244-00068330 See you soon. bE8DDWW64i0-00203-00068338-00068424 Till then bE8DDWW64i0-00204-00068438-00068556 Tschüss... bGvLowTf6jk-00000-00000650-00001052 As in just myself or government? bGvLowTf6jk-00001-00001072-00001508 Sometimes I think I feel powerless because it's always in the hands of the government bGvLowTf6jk-00002-00001526-00001814 and I don't feel that they're providing enough information bGvLowTf6jk-00003-00001842-00002410 You can lobby sign petitions those sorts of things I do that all the time bGvLowTf6jk-00004-00002442-00002838 Sustainable power generation clean power generation is the obvious one bGvLowTf6jk-00005-00002860-00003168 I mean there's so much to be invested in renewables still bGvLowTf6jk-00006-00003168-00003326 Protest bGvLowTf6jk-00007-00003714-00004004 When it gets super hot bGvLowTf6jk-00008-00004020-00004730 It was autumn and it was still way hot I felt like summer was colder this year compared to autumn bGvLowTf6jk-00009-00004730-00004930 We had hotter Autumn days bGvLowTf6jk-00010-00004958-00005326 I'm a volunteer at the CFA so I've seen more bushfires bGvLowTf6jk-00011-00005672-00005796 Cars bGvLowTf6jk-00012-00005814-00006398 You just want to faint all that diesel and petrol just poisoning the air bGvLowTf6jk-00013-00006398-00006684 power generation shipping shipping and freight bGvLowTf6jk-00014-00006938-00007252 definitely not positively there's always traffic jams things like that bGvLowTf6jk-00015-00007278-00007514 Ah well I think all cars emit pollution bGvLowTf6jk-00016-00007514-00007759 The number of trucks on the road is just massive bGvLowTf6jk-00017-00007973-00008104 There's just so much more we can do bGvLowTf6jk-00018-00008123-00008390 I think it's beyond switching your light bulbs bGvLowTf6jk-00019-00008418-00009222 A lot more greener areas better paths for bikes better transport plans so people can get around bGvLowTf6jk-00020-00009242-00009596 the way we can construct buildings from the inside will have to change bGvLowTf6jk-00021-00009596-00009942 A sustainable Melbourne I think is all-encompassing at the end of the day bGvLowTf6jk-00022-00009942-00010332 It has to be a bit of everything and I think the community needs to be part of the solution bGG4loNu_BM-00000-00000000-00000700 Hello everyone. Today I'm going to show you what it means to poke with your jaw. bGG4loNu_BM-00001-00000700-00001400 Using it with the jaw means using a person in a dignified manner. bGG4loNu_BM-00002-00001400-00001900 Let's get started. bGG4loNu_BM-00003-00001900-00002400 There is a company stock in the world. bGG4loNu_BM-00004-00002400-00003400 The company is used in the jaw by the boss. bMkttP_5b8c-00000-00000231-00000800 Here we are zooming into a Hubble image of M74 also known as the Phantom Galaxy. bMkttP_5b8c-00001-00000952-00001552 It's a stunning example of a grand designed spiral galaxy that is viewed by earth observers bMkttP_5b8c-00002-00001552-00002240 nearly face on. It's perfectly symmetrical spiral arms emanate from the central nucleus bMkttP_5b8c-00003-00002240-00002984 and are dotted with clusters of young blue stars and glowing pink H2 regions of ionized hydrogen bMkttP_5b8c-00004-00003072-00003744 tracing along spiral arms or winding dust lanes that also begin very near the galaxy's nucleus bMkttP_5b8c-00005-00003808-00004040 and follow along the length of the spiral arms. bMkttP_5b8c-00006-00004304-00004920 Here we see the Webb view. The galaxy's spiral arms are rich with star-forming gas bMkttP_5b8c-00007-00004920-00005624 seeded with young and emerging stars. The galaxy is part of an ongoing astrophysics survey designed bMkttP_5b8c-00008-00005624-00006272 to produce a better chart of the connections between young stars and the clouds of cold bMkttP_5b8c-00009-00006272-00006895 molecular gas within which they evolve. Webb's early images like this one, show bMkttP_5b8c-00010-00006895-00007736 that the newly deployed space telescope is going to help immensely in this endeavor. bMI0MqbbDno-00000-00000007-00000107 PRAAAA! bMI0MqbbDno-00001-00000107-00000614 Whats up my people, my name is Spicey and today I have 2 Stories coming out of the subreddit bMI0MqbbDno-00002-00000614-00000714 PR. bMI0MqbbDno-00003-00000714-00001196 We are close to 2500 subscribers and to thank you for this amazing journey, I am giving bMI0MqbbDno-00004-00001196-00001664 away 4 Amazon gift cards once we reach the 2500 subs mark. bMI0MqbbDno-00005-00001664-00002233 I have not yet decide if it will be $25 gift cards of $50 gift cards, but to participate bMI0MqbbDno-00006-00002233-00002699 in the giveaway, you need to subscribe to the channel and like this video and if you’re bMI0MqbbDno-00007-00002699-00002973 having fun here, leave a fire emoji in the comments. bMI0MqbbDno-00008-00002973-00003222 Congratulation XXX for the comment of the day. bMI0MqbbDno-00009-00003222-00003322 PRAA bMI0MqbbDno-00010-00003322-00003422 https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/ahqrd5/refuse_to_provide_accurate_investment_percentages/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/ak5x1n/wont_move_your_car_i_hope_you_like_rotting_meat/ bMI0MqbbDno-00011-00003422-00003522 Won't move your car? bMI0MqbbDno-00012-00003522-00003719 I hope you like rotting meat in your vents bMI0MqbbDno-00013-00003719-00004029 This is my first Reddit post so here I go. bMI0MqbbDno-00014-00004029-00004277 Also, this is mostly told by my mom. bMI0MqbbDno-00015-00004277-00004401 TL;DR at the bottom. bMI0MqbbDno-00016-00004401-00004823 Let me set the scene, the year is 2017 and my family and I live in a quiet suburban street. bMI0MqbbDno-00017-00004823-00005144 It's mostly retired couples and some families with very young kids. bMI0MqbbDno-00018-00005144-00005244 Normal. bMI0MqbbDno-00019-00005244-00005690 Now earlier this year the house diagonal from us decided to move and sold it. bMI0MqbbDno-00020-00005690-00006146 About the day after everything's packed away, five cars come peeling down the street, and bMI0MqbbDno-00021-00006146-00006548 pull into the driveway and out in the road. bMI0MqbbDno-00022-00006548-00006709 They're a bunch of college-age kids, so we give them some slack and let them go for a bMI0MqbbDno-00023-00006709-00006809 day or two. bMI0MqbbDno-00024-00006809-00007215 Meanwhile, day in and day out different cars keep peeling down the street, some are over bMI0MqbbDno-00025-00007215-00007413 30 miles over the speed limit. bMI0MqbbDno-00026-00007413-00007875 This does not go over well with the neighbors, for most of the younger kids walk and ride bMI0MqbbDno-00027-00007875-00007975 their bikes down our street. bMI0MqbbDno-00028-00007975-00008075 Everyone's concerned they might hurt someone or someone's dog. bMI0MqbbDno-00029-00008075-00008228 Before something serious can happen, some of the neighbors who've lived here 20+ years bMI0MqbbDno-00030-00008228-00008328 go over and meet the newbies. bMI0MqbbDno-00031-00008328-00008438 This includes my mom. bMI0MqbbDno-00032-00008438-00008554 They're polite at first. bMI0MqbbDno-00033-00008554-00008952 They agreed to not go over 35, but more cars keep racing down the road. bMI0MqbbDno-00034-00008952-00009382 Along with that, they seem to be having parties every other Tuesday with about 30 cars up bMI0MqbbDno-00035-00009382-00009482 the street. bMI0MqbbDno-00036-00009482-00009636 Now the niceties are over, and the cops are called. bMI0MqbbDno-00037-00009636-00010038 Usually, they wouldn't do this, but about 5 calls came in from a bunch of houses and bMI0MqbbDno-00038-00010038-00010153 the police department was fed-up. bMI0MqbbDno-00039-00010153-00010604 Having nothing better to do, they send one of the deputies and they wait around the corner bMI0MqbbDno-00040-00010604-00010752 for a few hours a day. bMI0MqbbDno-00041-00010752-00011029 About 2 fines are given, and then they slow down. bMI0MqbbDno-00042-00011029-00011500 Except they get smart, there's only one place the deputy can hide, so they send one car bMI0MqbbDno-00043-00011500-00011639 to see if they're there. bMI0MqbbDno-00044-00011639-00011778 If not they speed again. bMI0MqbbDno-00045-00011778-00012038 The deputy gives up after about 3 days and is gone. bMI0MqbbDno-00046-00012038-00012418 A few months pass, and we were at a loss of what to do. bMI0MqbbDno-00047-00012418-00012707 Summer is almost here so my brother and I are outside more. bMI0MqbbDno-00048-00012707-00013147 We have a basketball hoop at the edge of the road, right across from the house. bMI0MqbbDno-00049-00013147-00013730 Our driveway is at almost a 45° angle, and all my brother's buddies come and play, so bMI0MqbbDno-00050-00013730-00013868 we leave it there. bMI0MqbbDno-00051-00013868-00014150 There's a problem, the cars keep parking to block the hoop. bMI0MqbbDno-00052-00014150-00014491 My brother's pissed since that's all he used to do in the summer. bMI0MqbbDno-00053-00014491-00014988 He goes over to the house and guys just shut the door on him. bMI0MqbbDno-00054-00014988-00015088 Now my mom's pissed. bMI0MqbbDno-00055-00015088-00015816 She marches over there and asks them to move their cars, sweetly, and when they refuse bMI0MqbbDno-00056-00015816-00015994 she hatches a plan. bMI0MqbbDno-00057-00015994-00016549 This summer was a hot one, and my mom decides to cook some homemade pea soup. bMI0MqbbDno-00058-00016549-00016870 Now she burns this batch, by "accident" of course. bMI0MqbbDno-00059-00016870-00017494 Now instead of chucking it out, she puts it in this big plastic jar, seels the lid, and bMI0MqbbDno-00060-00017494-00018013 places it out on the back porch in the middle of the sun. bMI0MqbbDno-00061-00018013-00018268 Weeks pass, and she occasionally opens it. bMI0MqbbDno-00062-00018268-00018668 There are maggots squirming around and it turned a deep brown-green. bMI0MqbbDno-00063-00018668-00019104 There's also this clear yellow liquid that separated itself to the top. bMI0MqbbDno-00064-00019104-00019204 Disgusting. bMI0MqbbDno-00065-00019204-00019585 Meanwhile, my brother is determined to play basketball when there's a little opening. bMI0MqbbDno-00066-00019585-00020138 About twenty minutes in, the ball bounces onto one of the cars by accident. bMI0MqbbDno-00067-00020138-00020684 There was no mark, but the car alarm goes off so he's trying to leave. bMI0MqbbDno-00068-00020684-00021238 I run out to see one of the regulars who lived there, a woman, yelling obscenities at my bMI0MqbbDno-00069-00021238-00021653 brother and how he needs to pay for her car. bMI0MqbbDno-00070-00021653-00022461 My mother runs out after me and starts yelling at the lady to get away from my brother. bMI0MqbbDno-00071-00022461-00022763 There was no damage, and it was clear, but the lady kept screaming. bMI0MqbbDno-00072-00022763-00023266 My brother and I run inside and watch as the woman follows my mom up the driveway, waving bMI0MqbbDno-00073-00023266-00023433 her arms and still yelling. bMI0MqbbDno-00074-00023433-00023905 My mom yells for her to get off her property or she'll call the cops. bMI0MqbbDno-00075-00023905-00024329 By now our older neighbors are watching, some walking over, and the lady realizes that she bMI0MqbbDno-00076-00024329-00024497 better leave it or she might actually get in trouble. bMI0MqbbDno-00077-00024497-00024775 She runs across the street and slams the door. bMI0MqbbDno-00078-00024775-00025547 Around 2 am on a Tuesday with one of their parties, my mom puts on a gas mask (my dad bMI0MqbbDno-00079-00025547-00026089 worked in pest control so he had one) and takes out the soup. bMI0MqbbDno-00080-00026089-00026229 The stench was terrible. bMI0MqbbDno-00081-00026229-00026516 It was rotting meat and something indescribable. bMI0MqbbDno-00082-00026516-00027142 She takes the jar and goes over to the cars as quiet as possible. bMI0MqbbDno-00083-00027142-00027738 Onto almost every car she dumps the rotting pea soup onto the windshield and into that bMI0MqbbDno-00084-00027738-00027838 space where there are the windshield wipers. bMI0MqbbDno-00085-00027838-00027979 Before anything, I have to explain these were nice cars. bMI0MqbbDno-00086-00027979-00028289 Not sports, but Priuses and new cars, which doesn't fit with their age. bMI0MqbbDno-00087-00028289-00028649 The next morning my mom's out sitting in the garage, smoking a cigarette like always. bMI0MqbbDno-00088-00028649-00029004 It's around 6 am and the lady that yelled at my brother comes out first. bMI0MqbbDno-00089-00029004-00029232 She's obviously tired and get's into her car. bMI0MqbbDno-00090-00029232-00029601 A minute or two passes as this woman has the most disgusted face. bMI0MqbbDno-00091-00029601-00029952 She turns on the windshield wipers and a hunk of rotting ham is sent flying. bMI0MqbbDno-00092-00029952-00030160 My mom's now in tears, and I mean tears. bMI0MqbbDno-00093-00030160-00030601 I wake up and head downstairs to the garage to see the woman yelling and about 20ish kids bMI0MqbbDno-00094-00030601-00030752 heading out to their cars. bMI0MqbbDno-00095-00030752-00030852 Each one's trashed. bMI0MqbbDno-00096-00030852-00031008 The cops are called, but since no evidence, they can't press charges against my mom. bMI0MqbbDno-00097-00031008-00031243 One by one they leave in their ruined cars. bMI0MqbbDno-00098-00031243-00031455 They moved out 3 weeks later. bMI0MqbbDno-00099-00031455-00031819 Refuse to Provide Accurate Investment Percentages And Take Me Off Reporting Team? bMI0MqbbDno-00100-00031819-00032157 Enjoy being fired and losing equity in the business. bMI0MqbbDno-00101-00032157-00032399 I posted this on r/maliciouscompliance and several posters suggested this may belong bMI0MqbbDno-00102-00032399-00032499 here. bMI0MqbbDno-00103-00032499-00032708 I'm not sure it does, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. bMI0MqbbDno-00104-00032708-00032809 I work for a very large financial company. bMI0MqbbDno-00105-00032809-00033109 Like the tech industry, occasionally we will want to pursue market opportunities in areas bMI0MqbbDno-00106-00033109-00033413 we are not necessarily experts in, and it is much easier and faster to buy (either whole bMI0MqbbDno-00107-00033413-00033763 or a controlling interest) in a specialized investment company or advisor in order to bMI0MqbbDno-00108-00033763-00033999 acquire their talent, resources and industry connections (commonly called an acqui-hire). bMI0MqbbDno-00109-00033999-00034295 Several years ago, we acquired a controlling interest in one such company. bMI0MqbbDno-00110-00034295-00034651 As an incentive to keep the talent on board and minimize disruptions to their business, bMI0MqbbDno-00111-00034651-00035002 instead of buying them outright, we bought about 2/3 of the interest and the management bMI0MqbbDno-00112-00035002-00035102 bought the remainder. bMI0MqbbDno-00113-00035102-00035607 They then hung shares of that remainder over the heads of certain key managers as future bMI0MqbbDno-00114-00035607-00036030 bonuses to be triggered by performance and remaining with the company for specific amounts bMI0MqbbDno-00115-00036030-00036196 of time beyond the acquisition. bMI0MqbbDno-00116-00036196-00036494 The CIO of the company was one such employee. bMI0MqbbDno-00117-00036494-00036693 We shall call him Asshole CIO. bMI0MqbbDno-00118-00036693-00036883 This guy was a piece of work. bMI0MqbbDno-00119-00036883-00037265 He prided himself in having attended some university (I forget which) and felt that bMI0MqbbDno-00120-00037265-00037543 anyone without a certain title or higher was beneath him. bMI0MqbbDno-00121-00037543-00038094 He was used to being a big fish at his company, but didn't quite get that guys like him in bMI0MqbbDno-00122-00038094-00038305 his new corporate parent were a dime a dozen. bMI0MqbbDno-00123-00038305-00038652 I worked on the acquisition of his company and interacted with him fairly regularly, bMI0MqbbDno-00124-00038652-00039312 and while he was super nice with my boss, he never wasted an opportunity to be condescending bMI0MqbbDno-00125-00039312-00040211 to me (even though I was doing the bulk of the work). bMI0MqbbDno-00126-00040211-00040781 His favorite move was to refuse to answer my calls or emails and instead instruct his bMI0MqbbDno-00127-00040781-00041376 secretary to reply on his behalf after I had reached out to him multiple times about the bMI0MqbbDno-00128-00041376-00041476 same thing. bMI0MqbbDno-00129-00041476-00042012 Luckily his secretary was awesome and IMHO, probably good enough to have done his job. bMI0MqbbDno-00130-00042012-00042648 Anyhow, as a result of the acquisition, the company now had to report a host of different bMI0MqbbDno-00131-00042648-00043092 activities to the parent company on a fairly regular basis. bMI0MqbbDno-00132-00043092-00043870 One of these things was the percentage ownership of certain investments in a wide range of bMI0MqbbDno-00133-00043870-00044159 funds, by a host of different entities. bMI0MqbbDno-00134-00044159-00044668 The thing to know is that as you invested in these funds, your entity acquired an equity bMI0MqbbDno-00135-00044668-00044911 stake that varied somewhat from reporting period to reporting period based on the performance bMI0MqbbDno-00136-00044911-00045412 of the fund and how much you were invested in it at the time. bMI0MqbbDno-00137-00045412-00045793 Unless the size of your investment changed substantially, the percentage variation in bMI0MqbbDno-00138-00045793-00046295 the ownership stake varied very little from one period to another. bMI0MqbbDno-00139-00046295-00046558 Still, those fluctuations had to be reported regardless of size. bMI0MqbbDno-00140-00046558-00047013 I tracked these for a host of similar companies owned by the parent company and had developed bMI0MqbbDno-00141-00047013-00047349 a reporting system that all of them used, which ensured detailed and accurate reporting. bMI0MqbbDno-00142-00047349-00047862 Everyone that is, except for this company, which at the express direction of their Asshole bMI0MqbbDno-00143-00047862-00047962 CIO, refused. bMI0MqbbDno-00144-00047962-00048546 Now I tried talking sense to the Asshole CIO, his analysts and to his secretary, and in bMI0MqbbDno-00145-00048546-00048646 every case, he shut me down. bMI0MqbbDno-00146-00048646-00049116 Instead of supplying the information in the manner requested, he sent me an automatic bMI0MqbbDno-00147-00049116-00049573 performance summary generated by different software and told me to figure out the numbers bMI0MqbbDno-00148-00049573-00049919 myself, because his staff didn't have the time to change their methods and accommodate bMI0MqbbDno-00149-00049919-00050019 me. bMI0MqbbDno-00150-00050019-00050623 Of course, I went to my bosses with this, and their advice that since this was a new bMI0MqbbDno-00151-00050623-00050987 company and we really wanted to build good relations with them while we were integrating bMI0MqbbDno-00152-00050987-00051316 them into our business, to just play along and try and play nice with this guy. bMI0MqbbDno-00153-00051316-00051496 In other words, make the best of it. bMI0MqbbDno-00154-00051496-00051596 Enter Malicious compliance. bMI0MqbbDno-00155-00051596-00051804 I did exactly what they ordered me to do. bMI0MqbbDno-00156-00051804-00052280 Every single reporting period, for a year, I took their crappy report, fleshed out their bMI0MqbbDno-00157-00052280-00052602 numbers as best as possible, and reported them, fully knowing that they were inaccurate. bMI0MqbbDno-00158-00052602-00053249 Every single time, I interacted with their staff, I made sure to tell them this and to bMI0MqbbDno-00159-00053249-00053627 ask them to please use the system every other investment subsidiary was using. bMI0MqbbDno-00160-00053627-00054077 Every single time, they came back with orders from the Asshole CIO to refuse. bMI0MqbbDno-00161-00054077-00054478 Around that time, the Asshole CIO decided to grace us with his presence and flies in bMI0MqbbDno-00162-00054478-00054733 to do a meet and greet with our team. bMI0MqbbDno-00163-00054733-00055101 My boss and I even had a one on one meeting with him. bMI0MqbbDno-00164-00055101-00055529 Asshole CIO comes into the room greets my boss and then proceeds to ignore that I'm bMI0MqbbDno-00165-00055529-00056021 standing in front of him with my hand out waiting to shake his (even looked me in the bMI0MqbbDno-00166-00056021-00056374 eye while proceeding to ignore me in front of my boss). bMI0MqbbDno-00167-00056374-00056629 I waved off his behavior and time passed. bMI0MqbbDno-00168-00056629-00057229 About 6 months later the parent company decides to audit their business, and what do you think bMI0MqbbDno-00169-00057229-00057329 they find? bMI0MqbbDno-00170-00057329-00057691 yep, they find that all their equity and performance reports are off (sometimes way off). bMI0MqbbDno-00171-00057691-00058126 Of course, the president of the sub gets a call from my boss's boss,the Parent Company's bMI0MqbbDno-00172-00058126-00058280 CIO and gets an earful. bMI0MqbbDno-00173-00058280-00058738 They in turn pull in the Asshole CIO and give him an earful about their reports. bMI0MqbbDno-00174-00058738-00058994 He immediately proceeds to throw me under the bus. bMI0MqbbDno-00175-00058994-00059532 The next day I get called in to my boss’s office for a conference call with the president bMI0MqbbDno-00176-00059532-00059929 of the subsidiary, the Asshole CIO and the Corporate CIO. bMI0MqbbDno-00177-00059929-00060915 Right off the bat Asshole CIO starts demeaning me and demanding to know how I could possibly bMI0MqbbDno-00178-00060915-00061073 have fucked up their reporting. bMI0MqbbDno-00179-00061073-00062553 The guy lays into me and demands that I be fired for the fuck up. bMI0MqbbDno-00180-00062553-00063529 By now I'm tired of this guy's bullshit and I'm done playing nice with him, so I asked bMI0MqbbDno-00181-00063529-00064732 to be excused, get my laptop and return. bMI0MqbbDno-00182-00064732-00066017 I then proceeded to forward and quote email after email evidencing my requests for compliance bMI0MqbbDno-00183-00066017-00066839 and his express refusal to do so... for a year and fucking half. bMI0MqbbDno-00184-00066839-00068767 The Corporate CIO thanked me and asked me to step out of the meeting. bMI0MqbbDno-00185-00068767-00069706 A couple of days later, my boss pulls me aside to tell me that going forward, the subsidiary bMI0MqbbDno-00186-00069706-00070878 will be reporting all figures as per my instructions, and the Asshole CIO had gotten the ass chewing bMI0MqbbDno-00187-00070878-00071632 of a lifetime by his and my bosses. bMI0MqbbDno-00188-00071632-00072714 However, while he agreed to comply going forward, he demanded that I no longer be part of the bMI0MqbbDno-00189-00072714-00072814 reporting process. bMI0MqbbDno-00190-00072814-00074002 My boss told me not to worry about it, that it was one less thing for me to worry about bMI0MqbbDno-00191-00074002-00074963 and the Asshole CIO was just being vindictive because I had embarrassed him in front of bMI0MqbbDno-00192-00074963-00075166 his bosses. bMI0MqbbDno-00193-00075166-00077481 Fair enough, I passed the process on to someone else and enjoyed the reduced stress. bMI0MqbbDno-00194-00077481-00078061 I still had to interact with the company's analysts on direct investments, but I no longer bMI0MqbbDno-00195-00078061-00078718 had to interact with the Asshole CIO, which was fine by me. bMI0MqbbDno-00196-00078718-00079558 Fast forward two months and I find out that Asshole CIO has been fired, and that it was bMI0MqbbDno-00197-00079558-00080588 his handling of my report that caused the Corporate CIO to order a review of this guy's bMI0MqbbDno-00198-00080588-00080842 investments and reporting at every level. bMI0MqbbDno-00199-00080842-00081048 They found discrepancies everywhere (sometimes serious ones). bMI0MqbbDno-00200-00081048-00081716 It seems he had been fudging numbers in order to report better performance than he was actually bMI0MqbbDno-00201-00081716-00083664 generating because he was not one of the initial equity holders but was one of those managers bMI0MqbbDno-00202-00083664-00084171 who had been offered equity stakes in the company based on performance and longevity. bMI0MqbbDno-00203-00084171-00084768 His refusal to play ball with my little report ended up shinning a light on his activities, bMI0MqbbDno-00204-00084768-00085491 which ultimately cost him his job and a very lucrative equity stake in the business which bMI0MqbbDno-00205-00085491-00085623 was probably worth 7 figures. bMI0MqbbDno-00206-00085623-00086166 Before I let you go away from the heat that you just received, I want to thank you for bMI0MqbbDno-00207-00086166-00086324 watching my videos. bMI0MqbbDno-00208-00086324-00086793 Thank you, you, for liking the video, for commenting, subscribing and even for those bMI0MqbbDno-00209-00086793-00086939 who shares the videos. bMI0MqbbDno-00210-00086939-00087270 This really help me a lot and I appreciate what you do for me. bMI0MqbbDno-00211-00087270-00087747 All of our efforts will ultimately allow me to make better videos for you, I have a ton bMI0MqbbDno-00212-00087747-00088058 of ideas but without support, I can’t get to this point. bMI0MqbbDno-00213-00088058-00088464 I wish you all a beautiful day, I hope you are doing your best to reach your dreams, bMI0MqbbDno-00214-00088464-00088788 live a fulfilled life, have fun and love the people around you. bp7vpN1SQWo-00000-00001832-00002056 Hi, my name is Samantha Ranck, bp7vpN1SQWo-00001-00002056-00002520 and I wanted to talk to youtoday about communication. bp7vpN1SQWo-00002-00002576-00003024 Communication is one of the most common things bp7vpN1SQWo-00003-00003024-00003304 that puts a strain on relationships. bp7vpN1SQWo-00004-00003304-00003608 And, a lot of times communicationis one of the primary things bp7vpN1SQWo-00005-00003672-00003920 that could be cleared up by asking a few questions bp7vpN1SQWo-00006-00004008-00004280 So I wanted to present a little bit ofinformation bp7vpN1SQWo-00007-00004280-00004588 on how to have a hard conversation. bp7vpN1SQWo-00008-00004648-00005168 The first thing is just rememberthat showing up imperfectly bp7vpN1SQWo-00009-00005168-00005400 is better than not showing up at all. bp7vpN1SQWo-00010-00005400-00005768 We have a tendency in in lifeto avoid very hard things, bp7vpN1SQWo-00011-00005768-00005960 things that causes a lot of discomfort bp7vpN1SQWo-00012-00006056-00006392 and avoiding those hardconversations ensures comfort, bp7vpN1SQWo-00013-00006392-00006648 but that comfort is only short term. bp7vpN1SQWo-00014-00006648-00006984 Confronting these conversationsthat invites growth bp7vpN1SQWo-00015-00006984-00007200 and that is long lasting. bp7vpN1SQWo-00016-00007200-00007431 The second thing to think about is bp7vpN1SQWo-00017-00007431-00007920 you want to in a conversation definethe terms that you're discussing. bp7vpN1SQWo-00018-00008000-00008584 So, if your partner says to you,“You don't say I love you enough.” bp7vpN1SQWo-00019-00008584-00008832 A fair question would be, “What is enough?” bp7vpN1SQWo-00020-00008896-00009104 Because you have to have reassurance bp7vpN1SQWo-00021-00009104-00009312 that you guys are talking about the same thing bp7vpN1SQWo-00022-00009312-00009552 because most of the time we're not. bp7vpN1SQWo-00023-00009640-00009904 Taking a few minutes to clear that up is fair. bp7vpN1SQWo-00024-00009960-00010344 This isn't something that only happenswith family and in relationships bp7vpN1SQWo-00025-00010344-00010672 If your boss is talking to youabout your performance at work. bp7vpN1SQWo-00026-00010744-00010992 How does your boss define productivity? bp7vpN1SQWo-00027-00010992-00011120 That's a valid question. bp7vpN1SQWo-00028-00011184-00011480 Again, you want to make sure thatyou're talking about the same thing, bp7vpN1SQWo-00029-00011592-00011912 and just think about howeasily that could be remedied. bp7vpN1SQWo-00030-00011984-00012496 The third thing is replaceany judgment that you may have bp7vpN1SQWo-00031-00012496-00012919 or that you may have come tothe conversation with curiosity. bp7vpN1SQWo-00032-00012976-00013463 And, if we can communicate withsomeone in a calm, curious tone, bp7vpN1SQWo-00033-00013463-00014104 We’re going to get a lot further thanwe ever will by stopping our feet bp7vpN1SQWo-00034-00014104-00014344 and insisting that our way is the way. bp7vpN1SQWo-00035-00014416-00014696 The fourth thing is, and thisis hard for people to do, bp7vpN1SQWo-00036-00014784-00015216 is to allow room for silencein a difficult conversation. bp7vpN1SQWo-00037-00015328-00015656 It's not that people haverun out of things to say, bp7vpN1SQWo-00038-00015656-00015880 it's not that someone's stalling, bp7vpN1SQWo-00039-00016016-00016328 but you want to use that timeto process the information bp7vpN1SQWo-00040-00016328-00016627 that you've learned to consider your thoughts, bp7vpN1SQWo-00041-00016627-00016976 and to formulate your next step, what you might bp7vpN1SQWo-00042-00016976-00017256 want to say, something you mightwant the other person to consider. bp7vpN1SQWo-00043-00017320-00017952 You want to be respectful in communicationand all of these things together bp7vpN1SQWo-00044-00017952-00018416 are going to make a hardconversation much more palatable. bp7vpN1SQWo-00045-00018416-00018600 Thank you so much! bpKc5oRVjQ8-00000-00000008-00000376 Operation Cobra Gold, an exercise involving more than 24 countries bpKc5oRVjQ8-00001-00000376-00000572 kicked off, February 14th bpKc5oRVjQ8-00002-00000572-00001074 and a Japan Ground Self Defense Force pilot trains with Marines on the MV-22B Osprey, bpKc5oRVjQ8-00003-00001074-00001242 this week on the Corps Report. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00004-00002696-00003052 On February 15, Marines with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment bpKc5oRVjQ8-00005-00003052-00003558 and Heavy Helicopter Squadron 464 completed Mountain Warfare Training in Bridgeport, California. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00006-00003628-00003886 The Sergeant Major if the Marine Corps, Sergeant Major Green, bpKc5oRVjQ8-00007-00003886-00004234 testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 14th bpKc5oRVjQ8-00008-00004235-00004454 about the single Marine and family readiness programs. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00009-00004807-00005164 Thailand and the United States are hosting Operation Cobra Gold. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00010-00005164-00005680 The annual, multilateral exercise started February 14th and will end February 24th. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00011-00005680-00005985 The exercise takes place throughout the kingdom of Thailand. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00012-00005985-00006487 More than 24 countries are participating in the 36th iteration of Cobra Gold. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00013-00006487-00006823 More than 3,600 U.S. personnel will deploy with a focus on a bpKc5oRVjQ8-00014-00006823-00007251 Senior Enlisted Seminar, Field Training and Humanitarian Assistance Projects. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00015-00007522-00007795 A pilot with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force trained with bpKc5oRVjQ8-00016-00007795-00008210 Marines from 2nd Marine Air Wing on the MV-22B Osprey. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00017-00008210-00008738 The pilot graduated from ground school and a simulation phase and is now ready for flight school. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00018-00008739-00009059 He will be a pilot instructor when Japan introduces the Osprey late next year. bpKc5oRVjQ8-00019-00009059-00009281 That’s all for this week on the Corps Report. bpKyhMOVLCo-00000-00000006-00000564 Let's start with YB. All the motion is along the x-axis and so it shouldn't be bpKyhMOVLCo-00001-00000564-00001184 too hard to convince yourself that YB is just YA. Alice and Bob agree on the bpKyhMOVLCo-00002-00001184-00001872 y-coordinate. Okay what about the x-coordinate, well this is at some time T bpKyhMOVLCo-00003-00001872-00002444 and all this time Alice has been traveling at a speed V. So over all, the bpKyhMOVLCo-00004-00002444-00003128 distance Alice has traveled in this time is VT. And from this you should be able bpKyhMOVLCo-00005-00003128-00003792 to convince yourself that xB equals xA plus VT these are what we call the bpKyhMOVLCo-00006-00003792-00004432 Galilean transformations between two inertial reference frames bOGmsorwyl8-00000-00000413-00001161 Hello and Welcome to 2020 a Channel for the very first time I am Rochelle my bOGmsorwyl8-00001-00001161-00001721 Brand is a DIY Affiliate 🏃🏾‍♀️and I help 😲New Online Entrepreneurs and Business Owners bOGmsorwyl8-00002-00001721-00002343 Grow an Online Business💯 if you want to learn the New Trending Marketing bOGmsorwyl8-00003-00002343-00003033 Strategies 🏆 to increase your Network Profile 🎇become an Influencer🗣️ Create a bOGmsorwyl8-00004-00003033-00003900 Brand 🍀and make an Impact💫 with Online Video then you are in the Right Place💯 by bOGmsorwyl8-00005-00003900-00004507 the End of this Video you will learn the Easiest way possible to be Able to bOGmsorwyl8-00006-00004507-00005118 Create your Links your Products 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bOGmsorwyl8-00079-00086673-00087357 move your text up or your image up I just moved it up here on top of you link bOGmsorwyl8-00080-00087357-00088847 to any page at Amazon select a product line select a subcategory bOGmsorwyl8-00081-00089097-00090328 wellness as an example and then name your link get the HTML so this is what I bOGmsorwyl8-00082-00090328-00091719 have created here and then you would highlight it copy go back over to your bOGmsorwyl8-00083-00091719-00092019 post bOGmsorwyl8-00084-00093506-00095021 custom HTML and then paste it in preview and here is your link right there and bOGmsorwyl8-00085-00095021-00095528 here you can test your link to make sure that it's going to where you want it to bOGmsorwyl8-00086-00095528-00095884 go if you just click in continue bOGmsorwyl8-00087-00096590-00097127 you have to make sure that it starts with the HTTP colon forward slash bOGmsorwyl8-00088-00097127-00097546 forward slash and then check link bOGmsorwyl8-00089-00098227-00099157 this link text to a valid take or sub tag for your associate ID okay if you bOGmsorwyl8-00090-00099157-00099505 have found this video helpful then please give this video a thumbs up and bOGmsorwyl8-00091-00099505-00099955 subscribe to my channel if you have not subscribed as there will be more videos bOGmsorwyl8-00092-00099955-00100747 on becoming an Amazon affiliate as well as other affiliate networks this is bOGmsorwyl8-00093-00100747-00101238 Rochelle from the DIY affiliate wishing everybody a wonderful evening bPwh8H8fMlM-00000-00000021-00000631 I have had a number of reactions again on the review of the fantastic UpTone Audio EtherREGEN bPwh8H8fMlM-00001-00000631-00001244 audiophile ethernet switch, especially from people with knowledge of computer networks. bPwh8H8fMlM-00002-00001244-00001730 They state, simply put, that if the sound differs, the switch must have altered the bPwh8H8fMlM-00003-00001730-00001830 data. bPwh8H8fMlM-00004-00001830-00003010 I agree, but in what way. bPwh8H8fMlM-00005-00003010-00003451 Before I get into the subject at hand, let me first try to explain what I consider to bPwh8H8fMlM-00006-00003451-00003790 be my function in the audio universe. bPwh8H8fMlM-00007-00003790-00004467 I am no researcher or designer, I am a tech journalist and reviewer, specialised in audio. bPwh8H8fMlM-00008-00004467-00004991 Like a motoring journalist is no mobility researcher or car designer. bPwh8H8fMlM-00009-00004991-00005486 His technical knowledge is clearly limited compared to these researcher and designer. bPwh8H8fMlM-00010-00005486-00005980 But he does have a broad overview over all makes and types of cars. bPwh8H8fMlM-00011-00005980-00006584 When a new technology is developed, the manufacturer invites journalists to a press meeting and bPwh8H8fMlM-00012-00006584-00007313 have one or more technicians explain why the new technology is such a big improvement - and bPwh8H8fMlM-00013-00007313-00007654 they almost always exaggerate. bPwh8H8fMlM-00014-00007654-00008118 When then another brand organises a press meeting, the journalist asks technicians of bPwh8H8fMlM-00015-00008118-00008564 that manufacturer what they think of their competitor’s new system. bPwh8H8fMlM-00016-00008564-00009088 A good journalist listens carefully to the arguments in favour and against and then tries bPwh8H8fMlM-00017-00009088-00009584 to see if he finds resulting behaviour during test drives. bPwh8H8fMlM-00018-00009584-00010183 Since he test drives dozens of cars a year, he is in a very good position to compare. bPwh8H8fMlM-00019-00010183-00010503 Especially if he has done this job for years. bPwh8H8fMlM-00020-00010503-00010946 And a good motoring journalist is also able to explain new technologies to his audience bPwh8H8fMlM-00021-00010946-00011142 comprehensively. bPwh8H8fMlM-00022-00011142-00011716 He should tell his audience that more valves in a cylinder head in general increases horsepower bPwh8H8fMlM-00023-00011716-00012268 as claimed in the advertisement but that this often goes at the expense of torque. bPwh8H8fMlM-00024-00012268-00012634 Unless a well dimensioned turbo is added. bPwh8H8fMlM-00025-00012634-00013202 And a good motoring journalist does not only drives a car in top gear sideways but also bPwh8H8fMlM-00026-00013202-00013558 reports on normal use, economics and so on. bPwh8H8fMlM-00027-00013558-00014046 He does simple measurements like acceleration, top speed and fuel consumption but far more bPwh8H8fMlM-00028-00014046-00014541 important is de feel of the car and its practicalities like boot space. bPwh8H8fMlM-00029-00014541-00015119 I consider myself in a more or less equal position as a decent motoring journalist. bPwh8H8fMlM-00030-00015119-00015680 I do basic measurements just to check if something is wrong, get information from manufacturers bPwh8H8fMlM-00031-00015680-00016185 or their technicians and if considered interesting report on it. bPwh8H8fMlM-00032-00016185-00016683 But my added value is in test-driving audio equipment, so judging by ear. bPwh8H8fMlM-00033-00016683-00017328 If you don’t agree, do what I do with tv-programs I don’t like: I don’t watch them. bPwh8H8fMlM-00034-00017328-00017869 And if you want to save the world from people like me: start your own YouTube channel. bPwh8H8fMlM-00035-00017869-00018528 OK, back to the subject. bPwh8H8fMlM-00036-00018528-00018973 Can a switch have so much influence on the sound quality? bPwh8H8fMlM-00037-00018973-00019370 In the end the only way to establish this is to listen. bPwh8H8fMlM-00038-00019370-00019883 Trained listeners certainly don’t need double blind tests, if the stereo setup used has bPwh8H8fMlM-00039-00019883-00020136 sufficient audiophile qualities. bPwh8H8fMlM-00040-00020136-00020473 See my view on double blind tests in a separate video. bPwh8H8fMlM-00041-00020473-00020901 I was rather sceptic when I heard about the ‘sound of switches’. bPwh8H8fMlM-00042-00020901-00021313 So I approached AQVox to see if I could have a review sample on loan. bPwh8H8fMlM-00043-00021313-00021804 They were holding back a bit since they had negative experiences with some members of bPwh8H8fMlM-00044-00021804-00021948 the press. bPwh8H8fMlM-00045-00021948-00022428 But in the end they send me the AQ Switch Special Edition. bPwh8H8fMlM-00046-00022428-00022931 Watch my review and you’ll see I was rather surprised by the improvement it brought. bPwh8H8fMlM-00047-00022931-00023465 In retrospect I even think I underplayed the outcome because of unbelief. bPwh8H8fMlM-00048-00023465-00023870 When I reviewed the SOtM sNH-10G switch I had accepted the influence of switches on bPwh8H8fMlM-00049-00023870-00024113 the sound a lot more. bPwh8H8fMlM-00050-00024113-00024621 So much more that I accepted the sound difference between a network cable and a fibre cable bPwh8H8fMlM-00051-00024621-00025215 between the switch near the Intel NUC Roon server on the third floor and the SOtM switch bPwh8H8fMlM-00052-00025215-00025493 in my living at ground level. bPwh8H8fMlM-00053-00025493-00025923 Again from a network specialist’s standpoint fully ludicrous. bPwh8H8fMlM-00054-00025923-00026493 Total cable length is 15 meters, slightly under 50 ft, even for CAT5 cable no problem bPwh8H8fMlM-00055-00026493-00026636 at all. bPwh8H8fMlM-00056-00026636-00027203 When I backup my video editing files of several hundreds of gigabytes from my editing computer bPwh8H8fMlM-00057-00027203-00027813 to the big Synology NAS at the third floor, the files remain perfectly in tact when copied bPwh8H8fMlM-00058-00027813-00028075 back to the editing computer. bPwh8H8fMlM-00059-00028075-00028570 So the connection is completely lossless and more than fast enough for audio. bPwh8H8fMlM-00060-00028570-00029659 Even 384 kHz 24 bit files only do 18.4 Mbit/s while modern networks do 1000 Mbit/s. bPwh8H8fMlM-00061-00029659-00030430 I once had 8 streams running from the Roon server to 11 Roon Endpoints without any problem. bPwh8H8fMlM-00062-00030430-00031165 So why should fibre sound somewhat better than CAT6 Cable. bPwh8H8fMlM-00063-00031165-00031659 I think that we can agree that all data sent over a normally functioning network arrives bPwh8H8fMlM-00064-00031659-00031850 unharmed. bPwh8H8fMlM-00065-00031850-00032444 Switches are supposed to galvanically isolate each port by what is called a magnetics module. bPwh8H8fMlM-00066-00032444-00032936 I wondered if the consumer grade switches I used conform to this. bPwh8H8fMlM-00067-00032936-00033563 I opened the Linksys SLM2008 and it indeed has two 4 port modules. bPwh8H8fMlM-00068-00033563-00034293 I also opened the Sitecom LN-120v1 that had four 2 port modules. bPwh8H8fMlM-00069-00034293-00034762 Since these were rather cheap switches we might conclude that in general - and certainly bPwh8H8fMlM-00070-00034762-00035272 in my case - cheap switches offer galvanic separation. bPwh8H8fMlM-00071-00035272-00035781 Remains the question how well these high frequency transformers perform. bPwh8H8fMlM-00072-00035781-00036547 I seem to recall that the SOtM did not use magnetic modules and you might wonder why. bPwh8H8fMlM-00073-00036547-00036847 But the EtherREGEN does use them. bPwh8H8fMlM-00074-00036847-00037246 Perhaps here again quality of the components plays a role. bPwh8H8fMlM-00075-00037246-00037788 The magnetic modules I found use center tap transformers for use with Power over Ethernet bPwh8H8fMlM-00076-00037788-00038133 - abbreviated to PoE. bPwh8H8fMlM-00077-00038133-00038612 Only a slight mismatch between the two halves of the transformer windings might already bPwh8H8fMlM-00078-00038612-00038858 cause a DC offset. bPwh8H8fMlM-00079-00038858-00039530 That offset might even be within IEEE specifications for it won’t disturb normal network use. bPwh8H8fMlM-00080-00039530-00040243 I’ll come back to this offset later on. bPwh8H8fMlM-00081-00040243-00040574 All digital techniques work with stepped processes. bPwh8H8fMlM-00082-00040574-00041128 Like a mechanical clock that steps through a minute in 120 half-second movements of the bPwh8H8fMlM-00083-00041128-00041293 escapement. bPwh8H8fMlM-00084-00041293-00041797 Digital techniques have a crystal oscillator as escapement which makes sure that going bPwh8H8fMlM-00085-00041797-00042177 through the steps happens at a regular interval. bPwh8H8fMlM-00086-00042177-00042693 In this graph those intervals are drawn by vertical dotted lines and a digital signal bPwh8H8fMlM-00087-00042693-00042863 then looks like this. bPwh8H8fMlM-00088-00042863-00042988 At least in theory. bPwh8H8fMlM-00089-00042988-00043553 In practice those intervals are not really as constant as we would like. bPwh8H8fMlM-00090-00043553-00044091 That becomes visible when on an oscilloscope the traces are superimposed. bPwh8H8fMlM-00091-00044091-00044311 This animation shows what happens. bPwh8H8fMlM-00092-00044311-00044793 We see the vertical lines get wider since they vary in timing. bPwh8H8fMlM-00093-00044793-00045344 Sometimes the vertical movements, both up and down, are earlier or later. bPwh8H8fMlM-00094-00045344-00045646 This phenomenon is know as jitter. bPwh8H8fMlM-00095-00045646-00046052 Within limits this is no problem for data transport. bPwh8H8fMlM-00096-00046052-00046516 Even if it goes wrong and a bit is missed, the error correction is able to repair that bPwh8H8fMlM-00097-00046516-00046697 bit or even more than one bit. bPwh8H8fMlM-00098-00046697-00047208 And when the error correction is confronted with too many faults to repair, the receiving bPwh8H8fMlM-00099-00047208-00047937 side simply asks the sender to resend that package. bPwh8H8fMlM-00100-00047937-00048462 Up till now we have seen perfect square waves but these never happen for it would require bPwh8H8fMlM-00101-00048462-00048703 unlimited bandwidth. bPwh8H8fMlM-00102-00048703-00049274 They will at least have rounded corners but to explain the problem at hand I drew what bPwh8H8fMlM-00103-00049274-00049586 can happen in a very exaggerated way. bPwh8H8fMlM-00104-00049586-00050186 I have drawn two horizontal lines that indicate the thresholds for the electronics to decide bPwh8H8fMlM-00105-00050186-00050444 if there is a polarity change. bPwh8H8fMlM-00106-00050444-00051081 The upper vertical line is for up going voltage and the lower for down going voltage. bPwh8H8fMlM-00107-00051081-00051650 The vertical dotted lines show that the moment in time the voltage change is detected has bPwh8H8fMlM-00108-00051650-00052025 moved to the right - thus later in time. bPwh8H8fMlM-00109-00052025-00052436 This again is no problem if it is as constant as shown here. bPwh8H8fMlM-00110-00052436-00053077 Problems get more serious when we combine the distorted wave form with phase noise. bPwh8H8fMlM-00111-00053077-00053595 Now the detection of the voltage change can be at the moment of the dotted vertical red bPwh8H8fMlM-00112-00053595-00054207 line but just as good at the second red line and the difference between them again shows bPwh8H8fMlM-00113-00054207-00054333 the jitter. bPwh8H8fMlM-00114-00054333-00055177 If we then add a less stable power rail, you see the wave form als very in amplitude, the bPwh8H8fMlM-00115-00055177-00055371 vertical axis. bPwh8H8fMlM-00116-00055371-00055827 Because the rounded shape of the wave form, not only variations in the time domain - the bPwh8H8fMlM-00117-00055827-00056428 horizontal axis - but also variations in amplitude, the vertical axis, change the moment the voltage bPwh8H8fMlM-00118-00056428-00056678 change is detected. bPwh8H8fMlM-00119-00056678-00057240 Still for data transport this would not be a problem if these errors are within the defined bPwh8H8fMlM-00120-00057240-00057340 limits. bPwh8H8fMlM-00121-00057340-00057834 Let’s make the deviation more visible by copying the distances between the vertical bPwh8H8fMlM-00122-00057834-00058360 white lines to these green dotted lines and move them to about the middle of the jittered bPwh8H8fMlM-00123-00058360-00058603 signal of the first half cycle. bPwh8H8fMlM-00124-00058603-00059067 Now look at the other cycles and you see the nice stable clock is gone. bPwh8H8fMlM-00125-00059067-00059427 And this is a relatively static representation. bPwh8H8fMlM-00126-00059427-00059791 In real live all parameters can constantly change. bPwh8H8fMlM-00127-00059791-00060424 But normally this will not harm data integrity during transport or storage. bPwh8H8fMlM-00128-00060424-00060917 So what can go wrong then? bPwh8H8fMlM-00129-00060917-00061480 Jitter - for that is what we talk about - can only harm at two places in the audio chain: bPwh8H8fMlM-00130-00061480-00061979 during analog to digital conversation and during digital to analog conversion. bPwh8H8fMlM-00131-00061979-00062450 The analog to digital conversion is done in the studio and thus beyond our control. bPwh8H8fMlM-00132-00062450-00062971 But the digital to analog conversion is, so let’s see what happens there. bPwh8H8fMlM-00133-00062971-00063527 The digital player, being a cd-player, streamer, network bridge and the like, reads series bPwh8H8fMlM-00134-00063527-00064175 of voltages that are registered on cd or in an audio file in binary form and renders these bPwh8H8fMlM-00135-00064175-00064467 in voltages of an analog signal. bPwh8H8fMlM-00136-00064467-00065076 I use here a straight line as analog signal for educational reasons, normally a straight bPwh8H8fMlM-00137-00065076-00065414 line is most unlikely in audio. bPwh8H8fMlM-00138-00065414-00066033 You can see that when the plotted voltages are connected by a line, it results in a perfectly bPwh8H8fMlM-00139-00066033-00066213 straight line. bPwh8H8fMlM-00140-00066213-00066717 This is the function of the reconstruction filter that evens out voltage changes faster bPwh8H8fMlM-00141-00066717-00067195 than a bandwidth of half the sampling rate would allow. bPwh8H8fMlM-00142-00067195-00067620 Watch my video ‘Digital audio: Pulses are not real world. bPwh8H8fMlM-00143-00067620-00067947 Sine waves are’ for more information. bPwh8H8fMlM-00144-00067947-00068486 As soon as the timing is off, like so, the line is no longer straight. bPwh8H8fMlM-00145-00068486-00068933 This is how jitter causes distortion in the analog signal. bPwh8H8fMlM-00146-00068933-00069487 Depending on the spectrum of the jitter - at what frequencies the jitter modulates the bPwh8H8fMlM-00147-00069487-00069927 digital stream - the impact on the sound quality will vary. bPwh8H8fMlM-00148-00069927-00070544 If the jitter is at general consumer equipment level, harshness is quite common. bPwh8H8fMlM-00149-00070544-00070702 Also deep lows can fully disappear. bPwh8H8fMlM-00150-00070702-00071442 The stereo image is usually quite poor while transients sound rather poor. bPwh8H8fMlM-00151-00071442-00072063 With streamers at the level of my setup 2 harshness is clearly less to a level it doesn’t bPwh8H8fMlM-00152-00072063-00072309 irritate anymore. bPwh8H8fMlM-00153-00072309-00073108 Lows are more defined, voices start sounding more natural with only sibilance being audible. bPwh8H8fMlM-00154-00073108-00073672 Digital sources at the level of my setup 1 have instruments and voices more separated bPwh8H8fMlM-00155-00073672-00074378 and projected in a virtual space, transients make for instance a picked guitar sound in bPwh8H8fMlM-00156-00074378-00074688 front of the speakers and a piano sounds far more dynamic. bPwh8H8fMlM-00157-00074688-00075326 When were is no sound, there really is no sound, described in the audiophile world as bPwh8H8fMlM-00158-00075326-00075511 ‘black background’. bPwh8H8fMlM-00159-00075511-00075956 This phenomenon is hard to explain other than that it can shock people. bPwh8H8fMlM-00160-00075956-00076768 I link this to time smearing, where the energy of a pulse is smeared over a longer time span. bPwh8H8fMlM-00161-00076768-00077693 Quote: “If digital transport is so robust you can easily buffer it and all is fine.” bPwh8H8fMlM-00162-00077693-00078148 This is the comment I frequently get from the Digital Inquisition, waving with their bPwh8H8fMlM-00163-00078148-00078372 Malleus Nyquistum. bPwh8H8fMlM-00164-00078372-00078881 If that was the case, how then can I hear a difference between digital sources? bPwh8H8fMlM-00165-00078881-00079077 And I am not alone. bPwh8H8fMlM-00166-00079077-00079645 The Digital Inquisition can’t hear a different or often haven’t even bothered. bPwh8H8fMlM-00167-00079645-00080057 I have seen it all before in the 80’s when we didn’t know about jitter. bPwh8H8fMlM-00168-00080057-00080629 Me and my colleagues clearly heard a difference but since it was not yet understood technically, bPwh8H8fMlM-00169-00080629-00080988 we were told we heard thing that weren’t there. bPwh8H8fMlM-00170-00080988-00081129 L’histoire se répète. bPwh8H8fMlM-00171-00081129-00081637 I’ll give you possible reasons why buffers don’t solve the problem but first a real bPwh8H8fMlM-00172-00081637-00082381 life example: I have used a fantastic Chord QDB76HDSD digital to analog converter for bPwh8H8fMlM-00173-00082381-00082538 years. bPwh8H8fMlM-00174-00082538-00083351 It had a large buffer built in that could store up to 3 seconds of 44.1 kHz audio. bPwh8H8fMlM-00175-00083351-00084003 I have extensively compared the buffer lengths offered by that DAC and didn’t hear a difference. bPwh8H8fMlM-00176-00084003-00084366 I did hear differences when changing the digital source, though. bPwh8H8fMlM-00177-00084366-00084644 Regardless of the length of the buffer. bPwh8H8fMlM-00178-00084644-00084863 How can that happen? bPwh8H8fMlM-00179-00084863-00085379 This is what designers told me: after the buffer the signal has to be sent to the chip bPwh8H8fMlM-00180-00085379-00085653 that does the digital to analog conversion. bPwh8H8fMlM-00181-00085653-00085982 During this transport jitter can be introduced again. bPwh8H8fMlM-00182-00085982-00086502 I already mentioned a noisy ground pane and varying voltages on power rails. bPwh8H8fMlM-00183-00086502-00087113 That is why the EtherREGEN has the secondary side completely isolated from the primary bPwh8H8fMlM-00184-00087113-00087398 side, including the power supply. bPwh8H8fMlM-00185-00087398-00087947 I am also told that buffers can - or will - generate noise that can vary depending on bPwh8H8fMlM-00186-00087947-00088274 how hard the buffer has to work. bPwh8H8fMlM-00187-00088274-00088754 Logic introduced intermodulation distortion was also mentioned, although I can’t imagine bPwh8H8fMlM-00188-00088754-00088967 how and where. bPwh8H8fMlM-00189-00088967-00089572 Common mode noise on ethernet is mentioned too as cause for a noisy ground pane.. bPwh8H8fMlM-00190-00089572-00090207 I sincerely hope research will find definitive answers although definitive answers don’t bPwh8H8fMlM-00191-00090207-00090523 seem to go together with serious audio very often. bPwh8H8fMlM-00192-00090523-00091122 One reason being that many researchers rather believe their theories and measurement gear bPwh8H8fMlM-00193-00091122-00091301 than their ears. bPwh8H8fMlM-00194-00091301-00091765 Those researchers with ears to trust often work at smaller companies that keep their bPwh8H8fMlM-00195-00091765-00092261 findings to themselves since applying for a patent is far too costly. bPwh8H8fMlM-00196-00092261-00092468 If possible at all. bPwh8H8fMlM-00197-00092468-00093042 Only a very limited number of small companies are open about their products and designs, bPwh8H8fMlM-00198-00093042-00093302 UpTone Audio being one of them. bPwh8H8fMlM-00199-00093302-00094159 You don’t need to trust my ears but please don’t write me long comments without researching bPwh8H8fMlM-00200-00094159-00094423 the phenomenon yourself. bPwh8H8fMlM-00201-00094423-00094813 What you need is a proper stereo setup of at least € 4,000. bPwh8H8fMlM-00202-00094813-00095158 The better the setup, the easier it is to hear. bPwh8H8fMlM-00203-00095158-00095688 If you do want to write a comment, start with a full list of equipment and the conditions bPwh8H8fMlM-00204-00095688-00095926 you did your listening evaluation with. bPwh8H8fMlM-00205-00095926-00096598 If you can’t understand why a switch influences the sound quality to the degree I have described, bPwh8H8fMlM-00206-00096598-00096798 I appreciate that. bPwh8H8fMlM-00207-00096798-00097283 But any discussion is fruitless if you haven’t researched it yourself. bPwh8H8fMlM-00208-00097283-00097572 There is no use in fighting prejudice. bPwh8H8fMlM-00209-00097572-00098126 I have seen that UpTone Audio allows for a 30 day return period, so there is no excuse bPwh8H8fMlM-00210-00098126-00098260 for trying. bPwh8H8fMlM-00211-00098260-00098844 And to those that reacted with hands-on reports on the reviews of audiophile ethernet switches, bPwh8H8fMlM-00212-00098844-00099229 I agree completely: they’re great. bPwh8H8fMlM-00213-00099229-00099390 That brings us to the end of this video. bPwh8H8fMlM-00214-00099390-00099896 There will be a new video, as always at Fridays at 5 PM central European time. bPwh8H8fMlM-00215-00099896-00100387 If you don’t want to miss that, subscribe to this channel or follow me on the social bPwh8H8fMlM-00216-00100387-00100796 media so you’ll be informed when new videos are out. bPwh8H8fMlM-00217-00100796-00101172 If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up. bPwh8H8fMlM-00218-00101172-00101647 Many thanks to those viewers that support this channel financially, it keeps me independent bPwh8H8fMlM-00219-00101647-00101776 and thus trustworthy. bPwh8H8fMlM-00220-00101776-00102191 If that makes you feel like supporting my work too, the links are in the comments below bPwh8H8fMlM-00221-00102191-00102445 this video on Youtube. bPwh8H8fMlM-00222-00102445-00103009 I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on theHBproject.com. bPwh8H8fMlM-00223-00103009-00103334 And whatever you do, as always, enjoy the music. bW0h9FPMKzI-00000-00001106-00001352 good day guys and girls bW0h9FPMKzI-00001-00001368-00001718 I am ale and this is my channel ale fotoblog bW0h9FPMKzI-00002-00001718-00002005 subscribe now and like to this video bW0h9FPMKzI-00003-00002018-00002364 today we are going to talk about macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00004-00002388-00002682 macro photography as the word indicates bW0h9FPMKzI-00005-00002682-00002942 it is the opposite of micro bW0h9FPMKzI-00006-00002942-00003154 micro means small bW0h9FPMKzI-00007-00003154-00003352 macro means big bW0h9FPMKzI-00008-00003365-00003747 macro photography is a very developed style within photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00009-00003764-00004020 and its main uses are in bW0h9FPMKzI-00010-00004029-00004406 related to research photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00011-00004414-00004602 with biology bW0h9FPMKzI-00012-00004612-00004960 Take photos of small species, insects, plants, animals bW0h9FPMKzI-00013-00004972-00005306 from a very close perspective bW0h9FPMKzI-00014-00005326-00005572 what you see in the image is very large bW0h9FPMKzI-00015-00005572-00005858 the size is extended and is very close bW0h9FPMKzI-00016-00005858-00006082 macro photography fascinates everyone because bW0h9FPMKzI-00017-00006082-00006398 because it lets us see those things that at first glance do not look bW0h9FPMKzI-00018-00006402-00006806 insect mosquitoes with many eyes bW0h9FPMKzI-00019-00006806-00007008 incredible colors bW0h9FPMKzI-00020-00007008-00007230 the flight of a colibri bW0h9FPMKzI-00021-00007230-00007616 incredible nature scenes bW0h9FPMKzI-00022-00007630-00007930 later we also have another variant of macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00023-00007938-00008242 abstract macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00024-00008242-00008614 this means that there are images that you do not know where they come from bW0h9FPMKzI-00025-00008636-00008888 but that they have a composition bW0h9FPMKzI-00026-00008894-00009074 one way, lines, colors bW0h9FPMKzI-00027-00009080-00009380 that are harmonic, often extraordinary bW0h9FPMKzI-00028-00009380-00009842 and that they are in those little things that we do not pay attention to bW0h9FPMKzI-00029-00009856-00009964 so bW0h9FPMKzI-00030-00009972-00010366 Most common, compact digital cameras bW0h9FPMKzI-00031-00010366-00010629 they come with a macro mode, which is not a real macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00032-00010629-00010928 but that gives the idea of macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00033-00010928-00011246 it is usually indicated with a small flower bW0h9FPMKzI-00034-00011266-00011624 that macro mode can be used to take pictures more closely bW0h9FPMKzI-00035-00011632-00011978 and its function is to give more clarity and focus bW0h9FPMKzI-00036-00012000-00012208 but the truth is that bW0h9FPMKzI-00037-00012234-00012566 does not look too much like the real macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00038-00012568-00012872 in reflex cameras there is also this macro mode bW0h9FPMKzI-00039-00012874-00013122 indicated with a small flower bW0h9FPMKzI-00040-00013122-00013584 and we could say that it adjusts the camera to take pictures in the foreground bW0h9FPMKzI-00041-00013594-00013894 and achieve an unfocused background bW0h9FPMKzI-00042-00013932-00014124 It should be clear bW0h9FPMKzI-00043-00014147-00014424 it does not matter what type of camera you take the picture with bW0h9FPMKzI-00044-00014424-00014568 but the most important thing is the objective bW0h9FPMKzI-00045-00014578-00014812 you can try to make macro photos with a reflex camera bW0h9FPMKzI-00046-00014812-00014954 in macro mode bW0h9FPMKzI-00047-00014968-00015288 but if you do not have a special goal for macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00048-00015288-00015540 it's going to be very difficult for you to achieve the results bW0h9FPMKzI-00049-00015540-00015828 what you see in professional macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00050-00015828-00016130 there are many different objectives for macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00051-00016141-00016492 but you have to take into account also how to compose the image bW0h9FPMKzI-00052-00016532-00016698 not everyone can buy macro lenses bW0h9FPMKzI-00053-00016698-00016998 a lens for portrait, a lens for high shutter speed bW0h9FPMKzI-00054-00016998-00017298 a wide-angle lens, a fish eye bW0h9FPMKzI-00055-00017298-00017622 when you investigate the prices of the objectives bW0h9FPMKzI-00056-00017660-00017962 you see that they cost a lot of money bW0h9FPMKzI-00057-00017962-00018106 but do not worry bW0h9FPMKzI-00058-00018126-00018304 There are other economic options bW0h9FPMKzI-00059-00018304-00018504 a converter lens bW0h9FPMKzI-00060-00018524-00018822 that offer an approach to the macro bW0h9FPMKzI-00061-00018980-00019214 provides a zoom to the image bW0h9FPMKzI-00062-00019216-00019450 and allows you to focus more closely bW0h9FPMKzI-00063-00019462-00019768 Sharpness and image quality are lost bW0h9FPMKzI-00064-00019768-00020140 but it serves to experiment and the price is very low bW0h9FPMKzI-00065-00020242-00020515 there are also other accessories that are bW0h9FPMKzI-00066-00020516-00020856 rings or extension tubes bW0h9FPMKzI-00067-00020988-00021124 you can see them in this image bW0h9FPMKzI-00068-00021124-00021382 they serve to generate the macro effect bW0h9FPMKzI-00069-00021382-00021774 without having to buy a macro lens bW0h9FPMKzI-00070-00021800-00021940 they can be digital or mechanical bW0h9FPMKzI-00071-00021940-00022296 the digital ones allow to do autofocus bW0h9FPMKzI-00072-00022304-00022508 the important thing bW0h9FPMKzI-00073-00022508-00022992 is that the tube can communicate with the camera electronically bW0h9FPMKzI-00074-00023036-00023568 so that you have the same options as with a goal bW0h9FPMKzI-00075-00023636-00023782 There are different prices bW0h9FPMKzI-00076-00023794-00024000 depending on the brand and the quality bW0h9FPMKzI-00077-00024028-00024244 and the number of options they offer bW0h9FPMKzI-00078-00024244-00024532 but they are a very interesting macro alternative bW0h9FPMKzI-00079-00024532-00024796 of very good quality bW0h9FPMKzI-00080-00024796-00025028 Let's see some examples bW0h9FPMKzI-00081-00025028-00025138 of macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00082-00025522-00025656 as you can see bW0h9FPMKzI-00083-00025818-00026106 it is very important to compose the image correctly bW0h9FPMKzI-00084-00026210-00026335 give much importance to color bW0h9FPMKzI-00085-00026336-00026632 color balance, temperature bW0h9FPMKzI-00086-00026720-00027036 the types of colors that we are going to use bW0h9FPMKzI-00087-00027054-00027283 observe the tonal contrasts that there are bW0h9FPMKzI-00088-00027283-00027570 for example between violet and yellow bW0h9FPMKzI-00089-00027570-00027822 red and green, orange and blue bW0h9FPMKzI-00090-00027822-00028122 it is important to know the theory of color bW0h9FPMKzI-00091-00028122-00028436 how the colors interact with each other bW0h9FPMKzI-00092-00028436-00028666 observe bW0h9FPMKzI-00093-00028666-00028952 that these photographs are a work of art bW0h9FPMKzI-00094-00028952-00029224 then we must take into account every detail bW0h9FPMKzI-00095-00029224-00029354 many times macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00096-00029368-00029592 is subsequently edited in photoshop bW0h9FPMKzI-00097-00029592-00029698 to touch up the background bW0h9FPMKzI-00098-00029698-00029862 add clarity, sharpness bW0h9FPMKzI-00099-00029862-00029968 Focus to the foreground bW0h9FPMKzI-00100-00029968-00030250 but also can be edited in adobe lightroom bW0h9FPMKzI-00101-00030250-00030442 and achieve very similar results bW0h9FPMKzI-00102-00030444-00030751 notice that it is a branch of photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00103-00030752-00031042 which is very interesting to investigate and experience bW0h9FPMKzI-00104-00031042-00031316 whether they have macro lens or not bW0h9FPMKzI-00105-00031316-00031574 Conversion rings or lens converted bW0h9FPMKzI-00106-00031588-00031925 Anyway, I think it's interesting to train the eye bW0h9FPMKzI-00107-00031926-00032217 the most important thing in macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00108-00032218-00032524 is that the foreground is correctly focused bW0h9FPMKzI-00109-00032524-00032756 then you observe that bW0h9FPMKzI-00110-00032756-00033078 when they are very close to the object to be photographed bW0h9FPMKzI-00111-00033090-00033392 it's going to be difficult to focus bW0h9FPMKzI-00112-00033392-00033588 the automatic focus alternates continuously bW0h9FPMKzI-00113-00033606-00033870 between the background and the foreground bW0h9FPMKzI-00114-00033876-00034062 there you should have patience bW0h9FPMKzI-00115-00034062-00034222 try not to move your hand too much bW0h9FPMKzI-00116-00034222-00034520 because that does not contribute to the approach bW0h9FPMKzI-00117-00034527-00034819 and thus achieve that appropriate focus point bW0h9FPMKzI-00118-00034820-00035016 in which it is correct to shoot the photo bW0h9FPMKzI-00119-00035032-00035350 it's a very interesting exercise to play with macro photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00120-00035366-00035532 to learn to focus well bW0h9FPMKzI-00121-00035546-00035732 correctly, clearly the images bW0h9FPMKzI-00122-00035732-00036032 that's why I recommend you to do experiments bW0h9FPMKzI-00123-00036032-00036268 and take many macro photos bW0h9FPMKzI-00124-00036268-00036492 of close-ups or detail plans bW0h9FPMKzI-00125-00036492-00036692 to be able to develop this perception bW0h9FPMKzI-00126-00036774-00036984 another very interesting topic bW0h9FPMKzI-00127-00036984-00037320 is to be able to play with the forms, the lines, the colors bW0h9FPMKzI-00128-00037320-00037658 looking for more abstract photographs bW0h9FPMKzI-00129-00037680-00038096 in which there is no clearly figurative object bW0h9FPMKzI-00130-00038096-00038424 like an insect, bird, flower bW0h9FPMKzI-00131-00038520-00038758 but rather shapes, lines, colors bW0h9FPMKzI-00132-00038782-00039008 as we can see in these images bW0h9FPMKzI-00133-00039034-00039254 we have different compositions bW0h9FPMKzI-00134-00039254-00039476 that are really fascinating bW0h9FPMKzI-00135-00039476-00039676 and many times we do not pay attention bW0h9FPMKzI-00136-00039680-00039878 that's why I highly recommend them bW0h9FPMKzI-00137-00039888-00040086 look at my videos on composition rules bW0h9FPMKzI-00138-00040086-00040350 or do the course that appears in the description of the video bW0h9FPMKzI-00139-00040502-00040726 on composition rules in photography bW0h9FPMKzI-00140-00040854-00041132 I hope you have served the video bW0h9FPMKzI-00141-00041134-00041478 Any questions you have left in the comments bW0h9FPMKzI-00142-00041478-00041950 and comment on what topics they are interested in seeing on the channel bW0h9FPMKzI-00143-00041970-00042110 do not forget to like bW0h9FPMKzI-00145-00042260-00042564 visit the facebook page bW0h9FPMKzI-00146-00042564-00042882 until next time bfmjkZSGxAu-00000-00000042-00000508 Why you should stop thinking and start sharing... bfmjkZSGxAu-00001-00000508-00000836 When I travel, where I go, sometimes people ask me bfmjkZSGxAu-00002-00000836-00001160 Henrique, why do you travel so much? Why do you get involved with so many events? bfmjkZSGxAu-00003-00001160-00001648 And I've never had a clear, direct and objective answer to this. bfmjkZSGxAu-00004-00001648-00001907 But today, arriving at RuPy Brazil in São José dos Campos bfmjkZSGxAu-00005-00001907-00002060 I have found the answer bfmjkZSGxAu-00006-00002062-00002250 and my friend Glória will show you. bfmjkZSGxAu-00007-00002272-00002472 After... bfmjkZSGxAu-00008-00002616-00003116 I started an anti-depressive treatment by myself... bfmjkZSGxAu-00009-00003214-00003414 I was a truck driver bfmjkZSGxAu-00010-00003414-00003614 Driving huge trucks bfmjkZSGxAu-00011-00003688-00003914 and had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease level 4 bfmjkZSGxAu-00012-00003914-00004068 very dangerous bfmjkZSGxAu-00013-00004070-00004286 and I was retired early bfmjkZSGxAu-00014-00004286-00004501 I was depressive for 2 years bfmjkZSGxAu-00015-00004501-00004686 got very heavy bfmjkZSGxAu-00016-00004686-00004978 started suffering a lot because of the desease bfmjkZSGxAu-00017-00004978-00005196 until I decided to react bfmjkZSGxAu-00018-00005196-00005468 and the reaction came through the internet bfmjkZSGxAu-00019-00005468-00005858 trying to find something usefull to do bfmjkZSGxAu-00020-00005858-00006166 What I found usefull to do bfmjkZSGxAu-00021-00006166-00006570 was beyond spending time on Facebook and similars bfmjkZSGxAu-00022-00006570-00007106 was to study, to try to fulfill myself somehow... bfmjkZSGxAu-00023-00007106-00007426 I was even scared of Alzheimer... bfmjkZSGxAu-00024-00007564-00007945 And during this search I started to learn many things bfmjkZSGxAu-00025-00007945-00008088 I studied Java bfmjkZSGxAu-00026-00008088-00008368 Everything I've found gracefully on the internet bfmjkZSGxAu-00027-00008368-00008668 until I've met the Python User Group bfmjkZSGxAu-00028-00008670-00009094 And interacting and talking to them bfmjkZSGxAu-00029-00009094-00009294 I'm learning Python bfmjkZSGxAu-00030-00009294-00009996 Python is programming language bfmjkZSGxAu-00031-00009996-00010256 very interesting, very "sticky" bfmjkZSGxAu-00032-00010256-00010536 And through Python I've learned about bfmjkZSGxAu-00033-00010536-00010836 Raspberry, Arduino bfmjkZSGxAu-00034-00010836-00011228 Today I'm studing Arduino and Raspberry bfmjkZSGxAu-00035-00011228-00011744 And I ended up here, to give, in person bfmjkZSGxAu-00036-00011744-00012264 this testimonial to Henrique Bastos, Eric Hideki, Fernando Masanori bfmjkZSGxAu-00037-00012264-00012468 and all the people present here bfmjkZSGxAu-00038-00012468-00012908 Through the good will of these people bfmjkZSGxAu-00039-00012908-00013535 that intends to gracefully teach and incentivize others to learn bfmjkZSGxAu-00040-00013535-00013743 to strive for it bfmjkZSGxAu-00041-00013744-00013912 I've found myself again... bfmjkZSGxAu-00042-00013913-00014113 at my age... bfmjkZSGxAu-00043-00014113-00014396 being an early retired... bfmjkZSGxAu-00044-00014396-00014644 with a new perspective on life bfmjkZSGxAu-00045-00014644-00015116 and a very serious reason to keep living, learning and evolving. bfmjkZSGxAu-00046-00015116-00015304 Thank you. bfC3hP6PYHM-00000-00000000-00002800 Music Playing bgg9wq6-FG4-00000-00000159-00000560 Hello and welcome to C631 "Advanced Programming in the UNIX bgg9wq6-FG4-00001-00000560-00001024 Environment"! Don't panic - I'm from the internet and I'm here to help. bgg9wq6-FG4-00002-00001024-00001400 My name is Jan Schaumann and I've been an adjunct professor at Stevens Institute bgg9wq6-FG4-00003-00001400-00001832 of Technology since around 2005 or so teaching this class bgg9wq6-FG4-00004-00001832-00002384 as well as CS615 System Administration which some of you may have taken before. bgg9wq6-FG4-00005-00002384-00002743 Besides that, I work as a principal infrastructure security architect at bgg9wq6-FG4-00006-00002743-00003252 VerizonMedia. You can reach me via email at jschauma@stevens.edu bgg9wq6-FG4-00007-00003252-00003671 and the course website is located at the link shown in the slide bgg9wq6-FG4-00008-00003671-00004015 here. Despite having taught this class for bgg9wq6-FG4-00009-00004015-00004464 going on about 15 years now, this is the first time we are holding it bgg9wq6-FG4-00010-00004464-00004823 entirely online and so you are spared the very long late bgg9wq6-FG4-00011-00004823-00005296 monday night lectures, so good for you! Instead, we are going to bgg9wq6-FG4-00012-00005296-00005664 break the lectures into smaller segments for you to consume asynchronously bgg9wq6-FG4-00013-00005664-00006080 and at your own time and instead use a scheduled class time for interactive bgg9wq6-FG4-00014-00006080-00006576 discussions and for me to help you with any questions or problems you may have bgg9wq6-FG4-00015-00006576-00007040 this online lecture today summarizes the class. We discuss what we will cover, bgg9wq6-FG4-00016-00007040-00007440 how we will work, what the syllabus looks like, and what resources you should bgg9wq6-FG4-00017-00007440-00007823 bookmark. In our second part, we will then review bgg9wq6-FG4-00018-00007823-00008215 the history of the unix operating system and perform a whirlwind tour of the unix bgg9wq6-FG4-00019-00008215-00008496 programming environment and some of the features of the c bgg9wq6-FG4-00020-00008496-00008911 programming language. as is the first time we are flipping the bgg9wq6-FG4-00021-00008911-00009424 classroom and moving all content online I'm going to rely on your feedback bgg9wq6-FG4-00022-00009424-00009768 throughout the semester to help you get the most out of this bgg9wq6-FG4-00023-00009768-00010072 class and to help me be a more efficient teacher bgg9wq6-FG4-00024-00010072-00010464 so please don't be shy and let me know what you think, okay? bgg9wq6-FG4-00025-00010464-00010832 With that out of the way, and if you are still with me right now and haven't yet switched over to bgg9wq6-FG4-00026-00010832-00011232 your facebook tab, let's begin! bgg9wq6-FG4-00027-00011336-00011871 Okay, so this class is called "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment". bgg9wq6-FG4-00028-00011871-00012256 Each of those words is aptly picked and it's important to note what bgg9wq6-FG4-00029-00012256-00012671 this class is not: Specifically, this class is not an bgg9wq6-FG4-00030-00012671-00013080 introduction to using unix. All students are expected to be bgg9wq6-FG4-00031-00013080-00013352 comfortable using a unix-like operating system from bgg9wq6-FG4-00032-00013352-00013728 the command line exclusively. I assume that you are able to use a bgg9wq6-FG4-00033-00013728-00014136 common unix text editor, know how to find, search, and manage files, bgg9wq6-FG4-00034-00014136-00014544 how to use the shell and the various common tools, how to compile your code, bgg9wq6-FG4-00035-00014544-00014944 and run your program. All the things that you currently see over here in this bgg9wq6-FG4-00036-00014944-00015368 little screen recording. If you are not familiar bgg9wq6-FG4-00037-00015368-00015736 with unix systems or are not comfortable using the command line interface, this bgg9wq6-FG4-00038-00015736-00016184 class will be very, very challenging for you. bgg9wq6-FG4-00039-00016263-00016712 Secondly, this class is not an introductory programming class. bgg9wq6-FG4-00040-00016712-00017072 That is, you are expected to have written sizable programs before bgg9wq6-FG4-00041-00017072-00017408 and to be familiar with most common paradigms or the practical efforts bgg9wq6-FG4-00042-00017408-00017800 involved in writing and debugging code. bgg9wq6-FG4-00043-00017864-00018248 Finally, in this class we will be using the C programming language bgg9wq6-FG4-00044-00018248-00018656 and you are expected to be familiar with that as well. bgg9wq6-FG4-00045-00018656-00019080 Please note that there's a difference between C and C++. bgg9wq6-FG4-00046-00019080-00019440 As you will see in the second segment of our week one lectures, bgg9wq6-FG4-00047-00019440-00019759 the C programming language and the unix operating system bgg9wq6-FG4-00048-00019759-00020151 are deeply intertwined. In this class we will only write bgg9wq6-FG4-00049-00020151-00020623 plain old C, so in a nutshell if what you see here on the screen in the terminal bgg9wq6-FG4-00050-00020623-00020895 looks in any way foreign or strange to you, bgg9wq6-FG4-00051-00020895-00021223 then this class is not for you. It's called bgg9wq6-FG4-00052-00021223-00021568 "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" for a reason and that is bgg9wq6-FG4-00053-00021568-00022048 what we will be doing. Okay, so having gotten that out of the bgg9wq6-FG4-00054-00022048-00022344 way and now being on the same page about what this class is not, bgg9wq6-FG4-00055-00022344-00023064 let's talk about what this class is. Specifically, what we're doing here bgg9wq6-FG4-00056-00023176-00023559 As we're talking about advanced programming in the unix environment, bgg9wq6-FG4-00057-00023559-00023904 let us take a quick look at what this environment looks like: bgg9wq6-FG4-00058-00023904-00024215 As you know, the system provides a number of standard tools bgg9wq6-FG4-00059-00024215-00024687 in the '/bin' directory. By the end of this class you should be able to bgg9wq6-FG4-00060-00024687-00024984 implement any one of these tools. You should be bgg9wq6-FG4-00061-00024984-00025264 able to look at the manual page for a given tool bgg9wq6-FG4-00062-00025264-00025584 and from there determine how to write the code to provide the given bgg9wq6-FG4-00063-00025584-00025912 functionality, to be aware of some of the edge cases bgg9wq6-FG4-00064-00025912-00026144 the hidden requirements that you may encounter bgg9wq6-FG4-00065-00026144-00026752 and so on. In fact, by the end of week one these lectures that we are talking about bgg9wq6-FG4-00066-00026752-00027056 right now we already have looked at how to implement, bgg9wq6-FG4-00067-00027056-00027400 maybe from the most basic level, an interactive shell... bgg9wq6-FG4-00068-00027400-00027824 the ls command, as well as the cat utility. bgg9wq6-FG4-00069-00027824-00028152 So some of the most basic commands that you're familiar with we will have bgg9wq6-FG4-00070-00028152-00028639 covered already in the first lecture to some degree. Take a look at what the bgg9wq6-FG4-00071-00028639-00029104 commands that you find in '/bin', look around, think about what all these bgg9wq6-FG4-00072-00029104-00029447 programs do and how you would implement them. Can you bgg9wq6-FG4-00073-00029447-00029736 jot down the pseudocode for three or four of them? bgg9wq6-FG4-00074-00029736-00030112 Just pick any ones - look at those you have the date command, bgg9wq6-FG4-00075-00030112-00030639 you have the df command, perhaps the tar command, or the mv command. bgg9wq6-FG4-00076-00030639-00031000 Those are all commands that you use day in and day out and you should be able bgg9wq6-FG4-00077-00031000-00031552 to have an idea of how you implement them. bgg9wq6-FG4-00078-00031552-00031888 If you're not familiar with any of these commands you see here take note bgg9wq6-FG4-00079-00031888-00032303 and look them up later on remember that our unix system comes with detailed bgg9wq6-FG4-00080-00032303-00032727 manual pages for each of the provided commands. bgg9wq6-FG4-00081-00032863-00033208 But this class goes beyond just the command line utilities that we use bgg9wq6-FG4-00082-00033208-00033575 day-to-day as useful and interesting as that is. bgg9wq6-FG4-00083-00033575-00033863 In addition, we will be looking at interprocess communications and even bgg9wq6-FG4-00084-00033863-00034200 some network programming in a client server model. bgg9wq6-FG4-00085-00034200-00034519 What you see here on the screen right now are most of the network library bgg9wq6-FG4-00086-00034519-00034880 functions needed to implement communications across the internet bgg9wq6-FG4-00087-00034880-00035256 between hosts: to listen on a socket, to accept connections, bgg9wq6-FG4-00088-00035256-00035703 to send and receive data. Note that all of these functions bgg9wq6-FG4-00089-00035703-00036080 are operating on an integer file descriptor thereby providing a simple bgg9wq6-FG4-00090-00036080-00036503 flexible and consistent API. We'll talk a whole lot more about this bgg9wq6-FG4-00091-00036503-00036784 in future lectures. bgg9wq6-FG4-00092-00037016-00037319 So what are we doing in this class? Obviously bgg9wq6-FG4-00093-00037319-00037768 we will be performing some programming in the unix environment - hence the name. bgg9wq6-FG4-00094-00037768-00038119 But as so often in academia, the outcomes and lessons of the class bgg9wq6-FG4-00095-00038119-00038519 go well beyond just the practical tasks performed. bgg9wq6-FG4-00096-00038519-00038863 That is, we are going to specifically look into bgg9wq6-FG4-00097-00038863-00039224 gaining an understanding of the unix operating systems bgg9wq6-FG4-00098-00039224-00039663 from a programmer's perspective. We are also looking to gain bgg9wq6-FG4-00099-00039663-00040144 systems programming experience. Programming on the systems level bgg9wq6-FG4-00100-00040144-00040519 is somewhat different from programming on for example the kernel level, from bgg9wq6-FG4-00101-00040519-00040896 programming in embedded environments, or from programming mobile apps or bgg9wq6-FG4-00102-00040896-00041263 databases. We will be using the unix environment as bgg9wq6-FG4-00103-00041263-00041488 well as understanding how it is implemented, bgg9wq6-FG4-00104-00041488-00041984 how we can write tools for and within the unix environment. bgg9wq6-FG4-00105-00041984-00042440 In so doing, we will further gain a deeper understanding of a number of bgg9wq6-FG4-00106-00042440-00042800 fundamental operating system concepts. Even though we bgg9wq6-FG4-00107-00042800-00043272 are focusing on the unix family these concepts will still translate to bgg9wq6-FG4-00108-00043272-00043903 other operating system families as well. Many of you will already have some bgg9wq6-FG4-00109-00043903-00044256 familiarity with these concepts, but i believe that all of you will find us bgg9wq6-FG4-00110-00044256-00044608 revisiting these concepts in class will strengthen your understanding and deepen bgg9wq6-FG4-00111-00044608-00045063 your knowledge. These concepts are: general multi-user bgg9wq6-FG4-00112-00045063-00045452 concepts, how an operating system that has to accommodate multiple users bgg9wq6-FG4-00113-00045452-00045800 simultaneously functions and what the implications bgg9wq6-FG4-00114-00045800-00046208 are. We'll talk about basic and advanced I/O, bgg9wq6-FG4-00115-00046208-00046616 we will talk about process relationships, we will handle interprocess bgg9wq6-FG4-00116-00046616-00047000 communications, and, as mentioned earlier, we will discuss basic network bgg9wq6-FG4-00117-00047000-00047456 programming using a client server model which seems like a good basis for any bgg9wq6-FG4-00118-00047456-00048103 programmer to develop. Okay, great! So learning all these things bgg9wq6-FG4-00119-00048103-00048519 sounds awesome but why are we doing this? Well, of course you bgg9wq6-FG4-00120-00048519-00048952 are doing this probably so that you get hopefully a good grade and are able to bgg9wq6-FG4-00121-00048952-00049247 graduate but I do naively hope that we have bgg9wq6-FG4-00122-00049247-00049736 additional goals as we follow this class. For starters, bgg9wq6-FG4-00123-00049736-00050047 understanding the unix family of operating systems gives you a better bgg9wq6-FG4-00124-00050047-00050503 understanding of other operating systems concepts; bgg9wq6-FG4-00125-00050519-00050831 the systems level experience that we gain in this class bgg9wq6-FG4-00126-00050831-00051136 will make us better more advanced users of the system; bgg9wq6-FG4-00127-00051136-00051432 it will let us better understand the limitations of all programs or bgg9wq6-FG4-00128-00051432-00051839 applications that we encounter. bgg9wq6-FG4-00129-00051936-00052271 Next, as mentioned earlier we are programming in C. bgg9wq6-FG4-00130-00052271-00052608 Nowadays, C is often considered a low level bgg9wq6-FG4-00131-00052608-00052976 programming language - something we'll get back to in our next segment - bgg9wq6-FG4-00132-00052976-00053327 and there are many problems being called out in using a language like C for bgg9wq6-FG4-00133-00053327-00053816 modern programming tasks. However, understanding how C works and bgg9wq6-FG4-00134-00053816-00054167 what these limitations are will help us better understand a bgg9wq6-FG4-00135-00054167-00054527 number of general programming and operating system concepts, again bgg9wq6-FG4-00136-00054527-00054848 reinforcing some previous lessons and hopefully helping you gain new insights bgg9wq6-FG4-00137-00054848-00055327 as well. Lastly, C is far from obsolete. In fact, bgg9wq6-FG4-00138-00055327-00055688 it is ubiquitous. As we look at the different APIs and bgg9wq6-FG4-00139-00055688-00056127 interfaces of the standard libraries, we will find that many, if not most, of the bgg9wq6-FG4-00140-00056127-00056439 higher level programming languages eventually fall bgg9wq6-FG4-00141-00056439-00056791 back onto exactly these standard libraries. bgg9wq6-FG4-00142-00056791-00057176 From a systems perspective, C remains the de facto standard bgg9wq6-FG4-00143-00057176-00057544 and understanding how to write C in the unix environment will make you a better bgg9wq6-FG4-00144-00057544-00057816 programmer all around. It will make you a better python bgg9wq6-FG4-00145-00057816-00058224 programmer, a better Go programmer, a better Perl or Rust or even Javascript bgg9wq6-FG4-00146-00058224-00058455 programmer. bgg9wq6-FG4-00147-00058704-00059104 So now that we know what we're doing and why we're doing it, bgg9wq6-FG4-00148-00059104-00059432 let's take a look at how we're going to do it. bgg9wq6-FG4-00149-00059432-00059800 As we will discuss in our next segment, the history of the unix family of bgg9wq6-FG4-00150-00059800-00060200 operating systems is long and complex and different flavors have emerged over bgg9wq6-FG4-00151-00060200-00060479 time. For this class, we will need a single bgg9wq6-FG4-00152-00060479-00060800 reference platform to ensure that all students are working in the same bgg9wq6-FG4-00153-00060800-00061032 environment and I can grade your work on that bgg9wq6-FG4-00154-00061032-00061424 platform so that we do not end up with a discussion about how your code works bgg9wq6-FG4-00155-00061424-00061824 just fine on your laptop but not on mine, or how your version of the hottest linux bgg9wq6-FG4-00156-00061824-00062120 distribution of the month has certain libraries but bgg9wq6-FG4-00157-00062120-00062607 last month's variant does not, and now your code explodes when I run it. bgg9wq6-FG4-00158-00062607-00062927 So for this reason, we are going to use the NetBSD operating bgg9wq6-FG4-00159-00062927-00063367 system as our reference platform. Of course you can develop and run your bgg9wq6-FG4-00160-00063367-00063879 code on, for example, your macOS system, or your linux VPS, but at the end of the bgg9wq6-FG4-00161-00063879-00064344 day your code is expected to compile and run on the NetBSD 9.0 systems bgg9wq6-FG4-00162-00064344-00064832 which is where I will test and grade it. There are many different ways for you to bgg9wq6-FG4-00163-00064832-00065207 get access to a NetBSD system; to make it easy for you I've put bgg9wq6-FG4-00164-00065207-00065648 together step-by-step instructions on how to install in a virtual box VM bgg9wq6-FG4-00165-00065648-00066248 which you can see at the link shown here. This is the environment that I will be bgg9wq6-FG4-00166-00066248-00066607 using throughout this class and all code and terminal examples or bgg9wq6-FG4-00167-00066607-00067000 snippets shown in these slides or used in the bgg9wq6-FG4-00168-00067000-00067448 discussions or in the mailing list are, unless explicitly noted, from a bgg9wq6-FG4-00169-00067448-00067960 NetBSD 9.0 virtual machine. So it's in your interest to make sure bgg9wq6-FG4-00170-00067960-00068416 that you have this reference platform set up as early as possible, preferably bgg9wq6-FG4-00171-00068416-00068751 even before we come together for our first interactive bgg9wq6-FG4-00172-00068751-00068983 class. bgg9wq6-FG4-00173-00069216-00069656 The next thing we note about programming is that it's useful to be able to read bgg9wq6-FG4-00174-00069656-00070000 code. In fact, reading code is a critical skill bgg9wq6-FG4-00175-00070000-00070351 not always stressed enough when it comes to programming or computer science bgg9wq6-FG4-00176-00070351-00070792 education. In this class, you should be should be in bgg9wq6-FG4-00177-00070792-00071144 the habit of reading a lot of code. Fortunately for bgg9wq6-FG4-00178-00071144-00071448 us, many of the Unix flavors that are popular these days bgg9wq6-FG4-00179-00071448-00071912 are open source and we can easily browse their source code. bgg9wq6-FG4-00180-00071912-00072295 Being able to maneuver an entire operating system source tree bgg9wq6-FG4-00181-00072295-00072672 and identifying where to find the code snippets you're looking for bgg9wq6-FG4-00182-00072672-00073016 is a really important skill. Being able to dive into a code base bgg9wq6-FG4-00183-00073016-00073456 and extracting what information you need from it is something else you have to bgg9wq6-FG4-00184-00073456-00074000 simply practice to develop. The NetBSD operating system is an open source bgg9wq6-FG4-00185-00074000-00074280 operating system as well, and so Irecommend that you bgg9wq6-FG4-00186-00074280-00074512 actually fetch and extract the source code bgg9wq6-FG4-00187-00074512-00074824 as shown on the screen here and make yourself familiar with the bgg9wq6-FG4-00188-00074824-00075239 code base. That you maneuver through the source tree, open a couple of source bgg9wq6-FG4-00189-00075239-00075512 files, and see what the different tools are and bgg9wq6-FG4-00190-00075512-00075839 how to jump into the C library and things like that. bgg9wq6-FG4-00191-00075839-00076216 So poke around the source tree, find the utilities that we mentioned earlier, bgg9wq6-FG4-00192-00076216-00076632 that you might understand how they are implemented, then look at the code. bgg9wq6-FG4-00193-00076632-00077007 Look at all the tools from '/bin' that we discussed or that you picked bgg9wq6-FG4-00194-00077007-00077368 previously and see if you find the source and then bgg9wq6-FG4-00195-00077368-00077904 see if it makes sense to you. Another interesting thing to do is bgg9wq6-FG4-00196-00077904-00078295 compare how different systems have implemented the same tools. bgg9wq6-FG4-00197-00078295-00078607 Consider that all the Unix systems come with a whole bunch of tools that are bgg9wq6-FG4-00198-00078607-00078944 more or less the same - or at least they're very similar - across bgg9wq6-FG4-00199-00078944-00079527 the different platforms. So do they share code? Do they implement bgg9wq6-FG4-00200-00079527-00080000 the same logic? Are they done the same way? bgg9wq6-FG4-00201-00080000-00080416 On the website, there's a recommended exercise that is over here in the slides bgg9wq6-FG4-00202-00080416-00080832 linked at the bottom to give you a hint of how to compare the bgg9wq6-FG4-00203-00080832-00081224 different code bases of three different open source operating bgg9wq6-FG4-00204-00081224-00081560 systems. Maybe take a look at that and see if bgg9wq6-FG4-00205-00081560-00081856 that makes sense to you. bgg9wq6-FG4-00206-00082000-00082336 Now obviously reading code is only one part. bgg9wq6-FG4-00207-00082336-00082792 The much more obvious part and which is what people really think about when they hear bgg9wq6-FG4-00208-00082792-00083119 something like "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" bgg9wq6-FG4-00209-00083119-00083504 is that we will be writing a whole lot of code in this class bgg9wq6-FG4-00210-00083504-00084000 and i am going to be very, very pedantic about the quality of your code. bgg9wq6-FG4-00211-00084000-00084463 Code is communication. Code needs to be easy to read, bgg9wq6-FG4-00212-00084463-00084919 not just for the author right now but for others as well. bgg9wq6-FG4-00213-00084919-00085288 The reason for this is that you will always spend a disproportionately bigger bgg9wq6-FG4-00214-00085288-00085592 amount of time reading code, debugging code, than bgg9wq6-FG4-00215-00085592-00086007 actually writing code. When you work on a code base with others bgg9wq6-FG4-00216-00086007-00086224 or when you're debugging a tool that somebody else wrote bgg9wq6-FG4-00217-00086224-00086632 it's critical that you can quickly dive right in and are not confused by bgg9wq6-FG4-00218-00086632-00087056 that author's specific style preferences or what have you. bgg9wq6-FG4-00219-00087056-00087648 And writing legible, clear code is something that can only be honed with practice. bgg9wq6-FG4-00220-00087672-00088104 So for every assignment and all the code you write in this class bgg9wq6-FG4-00221-00088104-00088583 let's make sure that it is: clearly structured; bgg9wq6-FG4-00222-00088583-00088992 your code should be well separated, compartmentalized, bgg9wq6-FG4-00223-00088992-00089360 split into functions and different modules as makes sense bgg9wq6-FG4-00224-00089360-00089895 to actually provide a decent structure that is easy to discern. bgg9wq6-FG4-00225-00089895-00090416 The code needs to be well formatted with appropriate line breaks and white space bgg9wq6-FG4-00226-00090416-00090951 used consistently. We want to use a very specific bgg9wq6-FG4-00227-00090951-00091263 consistent coding style. Different people have different bgg9wq6-FG4-00228-00091263-00091672 preferences about where they place their braces, how they indent things, bgg9wq6-FG4-00229-00091672-00092063 but if you are working with other people you all have to agree on one style and bgg9wq6-FG4-00230-00092063-00092480 it may not always be the style that you wish, and it would be your preference bgg9wq6-FG4-00231-00092480-00092848 so we are going to use a specific coding style linked later on bgg9wq6-FG4-00232-00092848-00093239 that i will be enforcing for all assignments. bgg9wq6-FG4-00233-00093239-00093616 Make sure that you use meaningful names when you are bgg9wq6-FG4-00234-00093616-00094063 declaring variables, when you are using functions or objects; that those are bgg9wq6-FG4-00235-00094063-00094480 descriptively and intuitively named bgg9wq6-FG4-00236-00094480-00094912 and remember that vowels don't cost extra as we name things. For some reason bgg9wq6-FG4-00237-00094912-00095488 programmers seem to eschew vowels int variable names etc. Make sure bgg9wq6-FG4-00238-00095488-00095895 that you can fluently read the code. bgg9wq6-FG4-00239-00095912-00096216 Another thing we will be focusing on is providing comments bgg9wq6-FG4-00240-00096216-00096616 that we are only using when they are necessary. One of the things that a lot bgg9wq6-FG4-00241-00096616-00096863 of computer science students learn early on bgg9wq6-FG4-00242-00096863-00097256 is that every line of code must be commented bgg9wq6-FG4-00243-00097256-00097656 and rather than that I think it's important to keep in mind that as you're bgg9wq6-FG4-00244-00097656-00097968 reading code, and as you're reading comments, your bgg9wq6-FG4-00245-00097968-00098272 context switching. You're switching from one language to bgg9wq6-FG4-00246-00098272-00098656 another: you're switching from the machine language, the programming bgg9wq6-FG4-00247-00098656-00099007 language to another language - oftentimes that's bgg9wq6-FG4-00248-00099007-00099327 english and that may not even be your native language, so you have even another bgg9wq6-FG4-00249-00099327-00099783 context switch right there. So make sure that we are reducing the bgg9wq6-FG4-00250-00099783-00100072 context switching for the person reading the code and bgg9wq6-FG4-00251-00100072-00100575 optimize for legibility and readability of the code by itself bgg9wq6-FG4-00252-00100575-00100912 and we are focusing on really only providing comments that bgg9wq6-FG4-00253-00100912-00101439 explain why you're doing something, not how you're doing it. bgg9wq6-FG4-00254-00101575-00101919 We have a coding style guide linked over here bgg9wq6-FG4-00255-00101919-00102583 at the bottom of this slide at this particular link. bgg9wq6-FG4-00256-00102767-00103248 Okay, so now on to more practical things. Since this is a university class and bgg9wq6-FG4-00257-00103248-00103464 you're paying a lot of money on tuition, bgg9wq6-FG4-00258-00103464-00103840 we're gonna have to give you a grade at the end of the semester. bgg9wq6-FG4-00259-00103840-00104240 Trust me, I wish I didn't have to, but you know, it is what it is. bgg9wq6-FG4-00260-00104240-00104655 So here's how we're going to do this: even though this class is online bgg9wq6-FG4-00261-00104655-00105040 we are - hopefully anyway - going to have interactive exchanges, bgg9wq6-FG4-00262-00105040-00105448 sometimes synchronously via zoom sessions, sometimes asynchronously on the bgg9wq6-FG4-00263-00105448-00105703 mailing list, sometimes semi-synchronously on the bgg9wq6-FG4-00264-00105703-00106159 class Slack channel. Your participation here will matter. I'm bgg9wq6-FG4-00265-00106159-00106624 looking for you to speak up, to contribute, to ask questions, to follow bgg9wq6-FG4-00266-00106624-00107103 up on the lectures, and all around to be mentally present so this is kind bgg9wq6-FG4-00267-00107103-00107367 of a nice change from our in-class interactions where bgg9wq6-FG4-00268-00107367-00107679 students generally are physically present but often not bgg9wq6-FG4-00269-00107679-00108016 mentally so maybe in this version of the class we'll strike a reasonable bgg9wq6-FG4-00270-00108016-00108416 equilibrium, right? :-) Anyway, so class participation and your bgg9wq6-FG4-00271-00108416-00108711 preparation for each week in the form of course notes - bgg9wq6-FG4-00272-00108711-00109191 which we'll discuss more in more detail in a minute - will make up 50 points. bgg9wq6-FG4-00273-00109191-00109528 There will be two smaller programming assignments, maybe something like bgg9wq6-FG4-00274-00109528-00110008 200 lines of code or so; then there will be a more sizable midterm project which bgg9wq6-FG4-00275-00110008-00110432 we'll assign after the second week that will likely be several hundred bgg9wq6-FG4-00276-00110432-00110967 lines of code maybe up to 2000 or so. We then have a larger project that will bgg9wq6-FG4-00277-00110967-00111391 be done in teams of two or three people, and finally another individual project bgg9wq6-FG4-00278-00111391-00111896 towards the end of the semester. So as you can see, this class is heavy on bgg9wq6-FG4-00279-00111896-00112255 programming because you really can only get better at bgg9wq6-FG4-00280-00112255-00112800 programming by doing it. So we're going to try to really do a lot of that. bgg9wq6-FG4-00281-00112800-00113167 All of these points should add up to 500 total points. bgg9wq6-FG4-00282-00113167-00113783 The letter grades then being given out are explained on the course website. bgg9wq6-FG4-00283-00113791-00114167 As I mentioned, your course participation will in part be evaluated based on the bgg9wq6-FG4-00284-00114167-00114464 course notes you take. This is something that I found to be bgg9wq6-FG4-00285-00114464-00114816 useful to help students come to class prepared, to help guide them through bgg9wq6-FG4-00286-00114816-00115208 the semester. So here's how you will do this: bgg9wq6-FG4-00287-00115208-00115728 you should create a git repository with a single text file for each lecture; bgg9wq6-FG4-00288-00115728-00116079 before each lecture in the text file you'll note bgg9wq6-FG4-00289-00116079-00116408 what you've read before, what code exercises you've done, bgg9wq6-FG4-00290-00116408-00116832 what questions you have; this should help you prepare for the class bgg9wq6-FG4-00291-00116832-00117255 and then be able to ask these questions in class or on the mailing list to help bgg9wq6-FG4-00292-00117255-00117616 you really gain an understanding of what wasn't clear based on your bgg9wq6-FG4-00293-00117616-00117952 reading or the preparation that you've done. bgg9wq6-FG4-00294-00117952-00118352 After each lecture, I want you to go back. I want you to write down whether or not bgg9wq6-FG4-00295-00118352-00118664 you found the answers to the questions that you had, bgg9wq6-FG4-00296-00118664-00118976 or note anything that you learned that was of particular bgg9wq6-FG4-00297-00118976-00119352 interest, but of course oftentimes new questions come up bgg9wq6-FG4-00298-00119352-00119720 as we go into the lectures, so you may want to write those down. bgg9wq6-FG4-00299-00119720-00120103 You may want to see which questions you didn't get answered, right? bgg9wq6-FG4-00300-00120103-00120520 So write those down so you can keep track of that. bgg9wq6-FG4-00301-00120520-00120888 Afterwards, you can then follow up on the unanswered questions either in class or bgg9wq6-FG4-00302-00120888-00121248 on the mailing list and at the end of the semester you bgg9wq6-FG4-00303-00121248-00121800 submit all your notes to me. And so the goal is for you to have a way bgg9wq6-FG4-00304-00121800-00122144 to review your progress throughout the semester. bgg9wq6-FG4-00305-00122144-00122600 As you can tell, if you're preparing for each class with beforehand work bgg9wq6-FG4-00306-00122600-00122944 and then rework it afterwards that should give you an idea bgg9wq6-FG4-00307-00122944-00123352 of what you've accomplished each week, but at the same time it will also give bgg9wq6-FG4-00308-00123352-00123800 you an idea how much you've accomplished across the semester. Something that might bgg9wq6-FG4-00309-00123800-00124064 not have made much sense in the second or third week bgg9wq6-FG4-00310-00124064-00124400 may then become clearer towards the end of the semester. bgg9wq6-FG4-00311-00124400-00124728 So use these notes to guide you to what questions to ask, bgg9wq6-FG4-00312-00124728-00125144 what to see clarification on, and what to share with your classmates. bgg9wq6-FG4-00313-00125144-00125464 Im going to review the notes at the end of the semester and then gauge your bgg9wq6-FG4-00314-00125464-00125815 progress as well, so the more detailed your notes are, bgg9wq6-FG4-00315-00125815-00126383 the easier it will be for me to give you credit here. bgg9wq6-FG4-00316-00126655-00127079 The assignments that we have, the coding assignments will be posted to the class bgg9wq6-FG4-00317-00127079-00127335 mailing list and announced in the video lecture, bgg9wq6-FG4-00318-00127335-00127728 but it is your responsibility to note the due date and submit your code on bgg9wq6-FG4-00319-00127728-00128088 time. I understand that especially at this time bgg9wq6-FG4-00320-00128088-00128488 many people have different obligations and anything may come up that may derail bgg9wq6-FG4-00321-00128488-00128928 your plans. If that happens, please come to me right away. I'm okay bgg9wq6-FG4-00322-00128928-00129248 with granting an extension if circumstances require it, bgg9wq6-FG4-00323-00129248-00129664 but I cannot grant an extension simply for poor time management and planning bgg9wq6-FG4-00324-00129664-00130103 where you come to me and say "Oh, I started my assignment last night and it bgg9wq6-FG4-00325-00130103-00130464 turns out it takes me longer than a few hours to actually complete it - can I bgg9wq6-FG4-00326-00130464-00131048 submit it late?" It is not going to be a good excuse. bgg9wq6-FG4-00327-00131048-00131415 The assignments that I give are generally given with sufficient time to bgg9wq6-FG4-00328-00131415-00131776 complete them, but in my experience students often bgg9wq6-FG4-00329-00131776-00132160 times start much too late. You won't be able to complete the bgg9wq6-FG4-00330-00132160-00132503 assignments in a rushed manner in the last minute or even in the last 24 hours bgg9wq6-FG4-00331-00132503-00132928 before they are due, so please don't delay working on the bgg9wq6-FG4-00332-00132928-00133240 assignments. Oftentimes unexpected problems arise and bgg9wq6-FG4-00333-00133240-00133560 clarifications are necessary as you work on them. bgg9wq6-FG4-00334-00133560-00134000 The sooner you discover these issues the better for you. bgg9wq6-FG4-00335-00134160-00134584 Given the circumstances and trying to adopt to our new online syllabus, bgg9wq6-FG4-00336-00134584-00134912 I'm also changing another important aspect of this class: bgg9wq6-FG4-00337-00134912-00135255 while there will be no makeup assignments or no extra credit work bgg9wq6-FG4-00338-00135255-00135536 towards the end of semester or anything like that, bgg9wq6-FG4-00339-00135536-00135920 I will allow you to resubmit your code after you have received your grade to bgg9wq6-FG4-00340-00135920-00136384 correct any major problems. This option will be available if the bgg9wq6-FG4-00341-00136384-00136824 work you submitted did not receive an 'A'. In that case, you may take my comments bgg9wq6-FG4-00342-00136824-00137079 that I will provide to you and the feedback bgg9wq6-FG4-00343-00137079-00137736 and resubmit your improved code a week later to attempt to bump up your grade. bgg9wq6-FG4-00344-00137752-00138064 Finally, and I'm said that i have to explicitly point this out, bgg9wq6-FG4-00345-00138064-00138448 you are responsible for your own work. bgg9wq6-FG4-00346-00138448-00138784 Every semester, I have at least one student who will hand in code that they bgg9wq6-FG4-00347-00138784-00139224 did not write themselves. Sometimes they find code on the internet, bgg9wq6-FG4-00348-00139224-00139600 sometimes they find code from previous students that have taken the bgg9wq6-FG4-00349-00139600-00140015 class, sometimes they hand in code that I have written and assume that I don't bgg9wq6-FG4-00350-00140015-00140448 recognize it. This constitutes plagiarism and possibly bgg9wq6-FG4-00351-00140448-00140776 copyright violations and this will immediately yield a bgg9wq6-FG4-00352-00140776-00141176 failing grade. Please note that even though the code bgg9wq6-FG4-00353-00141176-00141584 for the unix systems we are using is publicly available and is licensed bgg9wq6-FG4-00354-00141584-00141912 as open source code, you may still not take that code and bgg9wq6-FG4-00355-00141912-00142279 submit it as your own for assignments in this class. bgg9wq6-FG4-00356-00142279-00142679 The same holds for smaller code segments and snippets. If you run into a problem, bgg9wq6-FG4-00357-00142679-00142991 search the internet, follow the first google results to the bgg9wq6-FG4-00358-00142991-00143400 stack overflow answer, and then copy that code snippet into your assignment, bgg9wq6-FG4-00359-00143400-00143920 then that still may be plagiarism. At a minimum, you need to identify to me bgg9wq6-FG4-00360-00143920-00144284 in your code which part you did not write yourself and copied from the bgg9wq6-FG4-00361-00144284-00144584 internet. I know very well that in the so-called bgg9wq6-FG4-00362-00144584-00144991 "real world" out there people search for and copy code from Stackoverflow all bgg9wq6-FG4-00363-00144991-00145240 the time, but it's critical for computer science bgg9wq6-FG4-00364-00145240-00145655 students to learn to properly cite their sources. bgg9wq6-FG4-00365-00145655-00146055 The programming assignments given here are not like the problems you're solving bgg9wq6-FG4-00366-00146055-00146424 in that mystical real world: they are not an objective for you to bgg9wq6-FG4-00367-00146424-00146879 produce but an opportunity for you to learn something. bgg9wq6-FG4-00368-00146879-00147200 By blindly copying code from the internet and gluing together something bgg9wq6-FG4-00369-00147200-00147527 that perhaps even works but that you did not write yourself bgg9wq6-FG4-00370-00147527-00147872 you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to really understand the bgg9wq6-FG4-00371-00147872-00148272 problem, to learn. So the best way to avoid any problems bgg9wq6-FG4-00372-00148272-00148840 here is for you to actually sit down and write all code you hand in yourself. bgg9wq6-FG4-00373-00148840-00149152 And if you run into problems or if bgg9wq6-FG4-00374-00149152-00149488 you have questions about how to best do something, please reach out on bgg9wq6-FG4-00375-00149488-00149832 the class mailing lists where I encourage all of you to share code bgg9wq6-FG4-00376-00149832-00150303 segments and discuss the best approach to any given problem. bgg9wq6-FG4-00377-00150560-00150872 All right, now that we have all these formalities out of the way, bgg9wq6-FG4-00378-00150872-00151232 let's take a look at our syllabus: we will by and large bgg9wq6-FG4-00379-00151232-00151560 follow the outline of the course book, although we will also throw in a lecture bgg9wq6-FG4-00380-00151560-00151848 on using the unix environment in an efficient manner. bgg9wq6-FG4-00381-00151848-00152167 Other than that, I hope that you will find a certain progression and topics bgg9wq6-FG4-00382-00152167-00152684 we'll cover. We'll begin with local file I/O and file bgg9wq6-FG4-00383-00152684-00153024 systems, then take a look at process bgg9wq6-FG4-00384-00153024-00153503 relationships, move on to interprocess communication bgg9wq6-FG4-00385-00153503-00153832 and network programming, before we round out our understanding bgg9wq6-FG4-00386-00153832-00154352 of the system with a number of mixed and advanced topics. bgg9wq6-FG4-00387-00154352-00154752 The order of the lectures may be subject to change - it all depends bgg9wq6-FG4-00388-00154752-00155103 on how much time I find to put these lectures together and arrange them, bgg9wq6-FG4-00389-00155103-00155784 but hopefully also based on interest and discussions in our class. bgg9wq6-FG4-00390-00155815-00156176 Over here on this slide I've put together the most important bgg9wq6-FG4-00391-00156176-00156608 course resources that by now you should have bookmarked already. bgg9wq6-FG4-00392-00156608-00156912 The most critical one is of course the first link, right? bgg9wq6-FG4-00393-00156912-00157440 It's the one that is the website for this class, the course website. bgg9wq6-FG4-00394-00157440-00157791 It is linked to from the Steven's Canvas shell and remains authoritative for all bgg9wq6-FG4-00395-00157791-00158167 information about the class. And please do note that there is no bgg9wq6-FG4-00396-00158167-00158584 other information in the Stevens Canvas shell - make sure that you bgg9wq6-FG4-00397-00158584-00158879 refer to the course website for all materials bgg9wq6-FG4-00398-00158879-00159312 that we have here. The second most important part is the bgg9wq6-FG4-00399-00159312-00159736 course mailing list, which will be our primary means of communication. bgg9wq6-FG4-00400-00159736-00160055 I subscribed all students who are currently enrolled in the class; bgg9wq6-FG4-00401-00160055-00160367 if you are not subscribed, please do subscribe yourself bgg9wq6-FG4-00402-00160367-00160760 using the stevens.edu email address. I can't and won't bgg9wq6-FG4-00403-00160760-00161096 accept any other addresses on this mailing list. bgg9wq6-FG4-00404-00161096-00161496 The mailing list is a discussion list, not an announcement only list. bgg9wq6-FG4-00405-00161496-00161896 I will send announcements there, sure, but I expect you to participate in bgg9wq6-FG4-00406-00161896-00162215 discussions on the list. If you have a question and seek bgg9wq6-FG4-00407-00162215-00162688 clarification about anything, please send the mail to the mailing list. bgg9wq6-FG4-00408-00162688-00163112 If you send it to me in private, chances are that I will reply saying bgg9wq6-FG4-00409-00163112-00163367 "Please send your question to the class mailing list." bgg9wq6-FG4-00410-00163367-00163752 so save yourself that round trip. The only time you should email me bgg9wq6-FG4-00411-00163752-00164096 offlist is if you're referring to your grades or any other personal bgg9wq6-FG4-00412-00164096-00164408 circumstances. Any generic questions should go to the bgg9wq6-FG4-00413-00164408-00164736 list. The reason for this is that it's quite bgg9wq6-FG4-00414-00164736-00165136 likely that if you have a question that other students would also benefit from bgg9wq6-FG4-00415-00165136-00165664 an answer or clarification, so please don't be shy. bgg9wq6-FG4-00416-00165679-00166072 Also do not rely on me to respond to every question you see in the class bgg9wq6-FG4-00417-00166072-00166312 mailing lists: if you know the answer or you think you bgg9wq6-FG4-00418-00166312-00166744 do, please reply on the list. If you come across an interesting link bgg9wq6-FG4-00419-00166744-00167120 relevant to the class in general or a specific topic in particular, please bgg9wq6-FG4-00420-00167120-00167591 share i. I'm actually looking actively for your interactions on the bgg9wq6-FG4-00421-00167591-00168000 list. I've also set up a slack channel for bgg9wq6-FG4-00422-00168000-00168384 this class and have invited all registered students to join. If you have bgg9wq6-FG4-00423-00168384-00168808 not received an invite, please email me and I will add you. The slack channel is bgg9wq6-FG4-00424-00168808-00169279 intended to let us discuss anything, well, semi-synchronously. bgg9wq6-FG4-00425-00169279-00169600 You may share links, post questions, or engage in code analysis bgg9wq6-FG4-00426-00169600-00170064 or comparison at any time. However, while the mailing list is mandatory reading, bgg9wq6-FG4-00427-00170064-00170527 the slack channel is optional for you. That is, announcements bgg9wq6-FG4-00428-00170527-00170815 of any importance will be sent to the mailing list but I hope that we can bgg9wq6-FG4-00429-00170815-00171255 enjoy chatting a little bit less formally on slack as time permits. bgg9wq6-FG4-00430-00171255-00171503 I myself will peek into the slack channel every bgg9wq6-FG4-00431-00171503-00171864 so often but you shouldn't expect me to immediately respond bgg9wq6-FG4-00432-00171864-00172215 right away to any question you may have there. bgg9wq6-FG4-00433-00172215-00172576 Finally, the last link shown here goes to the course youtube channel bgg9wq6-FG4-00434-00172576-00172903 where I will upload to these video lectures like this bgg9wq6-FG4-00435-00172903-00173376 as soon as I finish them for each week. I will likely post an announcement to bgg9wq6-FG4-00436-00173376-00173984 the list once new material is there, but you can also of course subscribe there. bgg9wq6-FG4-00437-00174048-00174624 All right, looks like we're going to reach the end of the first segment so bgg9wq6-FG4-00438-00174624-00174952 let's take a look at a recap of what homework you have in bgg9wq6-FG4-00439-00174952-00175376 order to get the most out of this class. And I want to stress that the homework bgg9wq6-FG4-00440-00175376-00175912 that I expect you to complete really is primarily intended to guide bgg9wq6-FG4-00441-00175912-00176191 you to learn and to get the best and the bgg9wq6-FG4-00442-00176191-00176736 most experience out of this class. That is, in effect i'm looking for you to bgg9wq6-FG4-00443-00176736-00177008 do prep work that relates to the course notes that we bgg9wq6-FG4-00444-00177008-00177336 discussed and something that I expect any good student to already be in the bgg9wq6-FG4-00445-00177336-00177672 habit of. So you should for every lecture review bgg9wq6-FG4-00446-00177672-00177920 the previous weeks slides and notes that we have, bgg9wq6-FG4-00447-00177920-00178384 watch the video lectures and the slides for the class, follow up with questions, bgg9wq6-FG4-00448-00178384-00178800 follow the links that are on the course website for the given week, bgg9wq6-FG4-00449-00178800-00179327 and do the recommended exercises. The course website has a number of bgg9wq6-FG4-00450-00179327-00179608 so-called "recommended" exercises that are not graded bgg9wq6-FG4-00451-00179608-00179991 assignments. That is, I put together a whole bunch of problems bgg9wq6-FG4-00452-00179991-00180303 or tasks that I believe will help you better understand the topic for the bgg9wq6-FG4-00453-00180303-00180591 given week, and I very much recommend that you use bgg9wq6-FG4-00454-00180591-00181160 them as a self-guided study tool to deepen your understanding of the topic. bgg9wq6-FG4-00455-00181167-00181560 You will also know that my lecture slides include a lot of code snippets; bgg9wq6-FG4-00456-00181560-00181991 even in the video lecture they may be flying by too quickly for you to really bgg9wq6-FG4-00457-00181991-00182336 see what we're doing here, so i recommend that after you review the bgg9wq6-FG4-00458-00182336-00182672 lecture, you take some time to run the commands and examples bgg9wq6-FG4-00459-00182672-00183039 that we used. This will help help you understand also again bgg9wq6-FG4-00460-00183039-00183352 what we're trying to do and may even teach you a couple of tricks bgg9wq6-FG4-00461-00183352-00183767 in the unix environment as well. And then of course you ought to update your class bgg9wq6-FG4-00462-00183767-00184144 notes as we discussed. bgg9wq6-FG4-00463-00184239-00184664 For this week in particular your homework is really basically just to get bgg9wq6-FG4-00464-00184664-00185048 set up for this class, bookmark all the resources, initialize bgg9wq6-FG4-00465-00185048-00185367 your course notes, and get your NetBSD reference platform bgg9wq6-FG4-00466-00185367-00185912 set up. If you run into any problems with these tasks please bgg9wq6-FG4-00467-00185912-00186191 - guess what - send an email to the mailing list and we bgg9wq6-FG4-00468-00186191-00186584 will discuss it there. bgg9wq6-FG4-00469-00186600-00186976 Alright, so this concludes our first video segment for week one bgg9wq6-FG4-00470-00186976-00187439 of the fall 2020 semester of CS631 "Advanced Programming in the UNIX bgg9wq6-FG4-00471-00187439-00187767 Environment". I hope you were able to pay attention bgg9wq6-FG4-00472-00187767-00188232 and find that this video lecture is helpful. The slides accompanying this bgg9wq6-FG4-00473-00188232-00188439 video are of course available from the course website as well. bgg9wq6-FG4-00474-00188439-00189024 In our next web segment, we'll cover the UNIX history and take a bgg9wq6-FG4-00475-00189024-00189344 look at some of the basics of the Unix programming environment and important bgg9wq6-FG4-00476-00189344-00189791 features of the C programming language, which, as you know, can be a little bit fickle. bgg9wq6-FG4-00477-00189791-00190232 But more on that in our next segment. bgg9wq6-FG4-00478-00190232-00190784 Thanks for watching, and until the next time - cheers! bimQQoE0hlc-00000-00000010-00000473 ONLINE AT CTC GO DOT COM. bimQQoE0hlc-00001-00000473-00000480 ONLINE AT CTC GO DOT COM. bimQQoE0hlc-00002-00000480-00000563 ONLINE AT CTC GO DOT COM. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA PUBLIC bimQQoE0hlc-00003-00000563-00000570 ONLINE AT CTC GO DOT COM. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA PUBLIC bimQQoE0hlc-00004-00000570-00000730 ONLINE AT CTC GO DOT COM. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO TRAVELED UP NORTH TO bimQQoE0hlc-00005-00000730-00000737 >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO TRAVELED UP NORTH TO bimQQoE0hlc-00006-00000737-00000920 >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO TRAVELED UP NORTH TO BEMIDJI TO LEARN THE SECRET bimQQoE0hlc-00007-00000920-00000927 RADIO TRAVELED UP NORTH TO BEMIDJI TO LEARN THE SECRET bimQQoE0hlc-00008-00000927-00001054 RADIO TRAVELED UP NORTH TO BEMIDJI TO LEARN THE SECRET BEHIND SOME OF THOSE MOST bimQQoE0hlc-00009-00001054-00001061 BEMIDJI TO LEARN THE SECRET BEHIND SOME OF THOSE MOST bimQQoE0hlc-00010-00001061-00001174 BEMIDJI TO LEARN THE SECRET BEHIND SOME OF THOSE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. bimQQoE0hlc-00011-00001174-00001181 BEHIND SOME OF THOSE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. bimQQoE0hlc-00012-00001181-00001314 BEHIND SOME OF THOSE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE bimQQoE0hlc-00013-00001314-00001321 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE bimQQoE0hlc-00014-00001321-00001414 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US WHY THE COMMUNITY bimQQoE0hlc-00015-00001414-00001421 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US WHY THE COMMUNITY bimQQoE0hlc-00016-00001421-00001604 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US WHY THE COMMUNITY WAS CHOSEN FOR THE CONVERSATION. bimQQoE0hlc-00017-00001604-00001611 MOORE TELLS US WHY THE COMMUNITY WAS CHOSEN FOR THE CONVERSATION. bimQQoE0hlc-00018-00001611-00001801 MOORE TELLS US WHY THE COMMUNITY WAS CHOSEN FOR THE CONVERSATION. >> IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE AT THE bimQQoE0hlc-00019-00001801-00001808 WAS CHOSEN FOR THE CONVERSATION. >> IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE AT THE bimQQoE0hlc-00020-00001808-00001908 WAS CHOSEN FOR THE CONVERSATION. >> IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE AT THE HAMPTON INN TONIGHT AS COMMUNITY bimQQoE0hlc-00021-00001908-00001915 >> IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE AT THE HAMPTON INN TONIGHT AS COMMUNITY bimQQoE0hlc-00022-00001915-00002005 >> IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE AT THE HAMPTON INN TONIGHT AS COMMUNITY MEMBERS CAME OUT TO JOIN bimQQoE0hlc-00023-00002005-00002012 HAMPTON INN TONIGHT AS COMMUNITY MEMBERS CAME OUT TO JOIN bimQQoE0hlc-00024-00002012-00002118 HAMPTON INN TONIGHT AS COMMUNITY MEMBERS CAME OUT TO JOIN MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO IN bimQQoE0hlc-00025-00002118-00002125 MEMBERS CAME OUT TO JOIN MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO IN bimQQoE0hlc-00026-00002125-00002232 MEMBERS CAME OUT TO JOIN MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO IN LEARNING THE SECRET BEHIND A FEW bimQQoE0hlc-00027-00002232-00002238 MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO IN LEARNING THE SECRET BEHIND A FEW bimQQoE0hlc-00028-00002238-00002368 MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO IN LEARNING THE SECRET BEHIND A FEW OF BEMIDJI'S SUCCESSFUL bimQQoE0hlc-00029-00002368-00002375 LEARNING THE SECRET BEHIND A FEW OF BEMIDJI'S SUCCESSFUL bimQQoE0hlc-00030-00002375-00002482 LEARNING THE SECRET BEHIND A FEW OF BEMIDJI'S SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. bimQQoE0hlc-00031-00002482-00002489 OF BEMIDJI'S SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. bimQQoE0hlc-00032-00002489-00002565 OF BEMIDJI'S SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. >> BEMIDJI OVER THE YEARS HAS bimQQoE0hlc-00033-00002565-00002572 BUSINESSES. >> BEMIDJI OVER THE YEARS HAS bimQQoE0hlc-00034-00002572-00002826 BUSINESSES. >> BEMIDJI OVER THE YEARS HAS BECOME A HOTBED OF STARTING bimQQoE0hlc-00035-00002826-00002832 >> BEMIDJI OVER THE YEARS HAS BECOME A HOTBED OF STARTING bimQQoE0hlc-00036-00002832-00003043 >> BEMIDJI OVER THE YEARS HAS BECOME A HOTBED OF STARTING COMPANIES AND EXPANDING bimQQoE0hlc-00037-00003043-00003049 BECOME A HOTBED OF STARTING COMPANIES AND EXPANDING bimQQoE0hlc-00038-00003049-00003106 BECOME A HOTBED OF STARTING COMPANIES AND EXPANDING COMPANIES. bimQQoE0hlc-00039-00003106-00003113 COMPANIES AND EXPANDING COMPANIES. bimQQoE0hlc-00040-00003113-00003313 COMPANIES AND EXPANDING COMPANIES. I BECAME REALLY INTERESTED IN bimQQoE0hlc-00041-00003313-00003319 COMPANIES. I BECAME REALLY INTERESTED IN bimQQoE0hlc-00042-00003319-00003420 COMPANIES. I BECAME REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE. bimQQoE0hlc-00043-00003420-00003426 I BECAME REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE. bimQQoE0hlc-00044-00003426-00003977 I BECAME REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE. >> BEMIDJI BREWING, AIR CORPS bimQQoE0hlc-00045-00003977-00003983 WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE. >> BEMIDJI BREWING, AIR CORPS bimQQoE0hlc-00046-00003983-00005031 WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE. >> BEMIDJI BREWING, AIR CORPS AVIATION AND STITTSWORTH MEATS bimQQoE0hlc-00047-00005031-00005038 >> BEMIDJI BREWING, AIR CORPS AVIATION AND STITTSWORTH MEATS bimQQoE0hlc-00048-00005038-00005418 >> BEMIDJI BREWING, AIR CORPS AVIATION AND STITTSWORTH MEATS BECAME PART OF THE CONVERSATION. bimQQoE0hlc-00049-00005418-00005425 AVIATION AND STITTSWORTH MEATS BECAME PART OF THE CONVERSATION. bimQQoE0hlc-00050-00005425-00005578 AVIATION AND STITTSWORTH MEATS BECAME PART OF THE CONVERSATION. TO TRICKS AND SECRETS OF THEIR bimQQoE0hlc-00051-00005578-00005585 BECAME PART OF THE CONVERSATION. TO TRICKS AND SECRETS OF THEIR bimQQoE0hlc-00052-00005585-00005702 BECAME PART OF THE CONVERSATION. TO TRICKS AND SECRETS OF THEIR TRADES, TO HIRING THE RIGHT bimQQoE0hlc-00053-00005702-00005709 TO TRICKS AND SECRETS OF THEIR TRADES, TO HIRING THE RIGHT bimQQoE0hlc-00054-00005709-00006046 TO TRICKS AND SECRETS OF THEIR TRADES, TO HIRING THE RIGHT STAFF, FINDING THE IDEAL bimQQoE0hlc-00055-00006046-00006052 TRADES, TO HIRING THE RIGHT STAFF, FINDING THE IDEAL bimQQoE0hlc-00056-00006052-00006209 TRADES, TO HIRING THE RIGHT STAFF, FINDING THE IDEAL LOCATION AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF bimQQoE0hlc-00057-00006209-00006216 STAFF, FINDING THE IDEAL LOCATION AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF bimQQoE0hlc-00058-00006216-00006289 STAFF, FINDING THE IDEAL LOCATION AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. bimQQoE0hlc-00059-00006289-00006296 LOCATION AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. bimQQoE0hlc-00060-00006296-00006386 LOCATION AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. >> I HAD A PROBLEM WITH bimQQoE0hlc-00061-00006386-00006393 SOCIAL MEDIA. >> I HAD A PROBLEM WITH bimQQoE0hlc-00062-00006393-00006516 SOCIAL MEDIA. >> I HAD A PROBLEM WITH ADVERTISING AND NOT KNOWING HOW bimQQoE0hlc-00063-00006516-00006523 >> I HAD A PROBLEM WITH ADVERTISING AND NOT KNOWING HOW bimQQoE0hlc-00064-00006523-00006613 >> I HAD A PROBLEM WITH ADVERTISING AND NOT KNOWING HOW WELL IT WORKED. bimQQoE0hlc-00065-00006613-00006619 ADVERTISING AND NOT KNOWING HOW WELL IT WORKED. bimQQoE0hlc-00066-00006619-00006893 ADVERTISING AND NOT KNOWING HOW WELL IT WORKED. SO WHEN I GOT IN TO SOCIAL MEDIA bimQQoE0hlc-00067-00006893-00006900 WELL IT WORKED. SO WHEN I GOT IN TO SOCIAL MEDIA bimQQoE0hlc-00068-00006900-00007040 WELL IT WORKED. SO WHEN I GOT IN TO SOCIAL MEDIA AND DOING THINGS LIKE THAT, I bimQQoE0hlc-00069-00007040-00007047 SO WHEN I GOT IN TO SOCIAL MEDIA AND DOING THINGS LIKE THAT, I bimQQoE0hlc-00070-00007047-00007227 SO WHEN I GOT IN TO SOCIAL MEDIA AND DOING THINGS LIKE THAT, I COULD SEE DIRECT RESULTS ON HOW bimQQoE0hlc-00071-00007227-00007233 AND DOING THINGS LIKE THAT, I COULD SEE DIRECT RESULTS ON HOW bimQQoE0hlc-00072-00007233-00007377 AND DOING THINGS LIKE THAT, I COULD SEE DIRECT RESULTS ON HOW WELL DIFFERENT THINGS WORKED. bimQQoE0hlc-00073-00007377-00007384 COULD SEE DIRECT RESULTS ON HOW WELL DIFFERENT THINGS WORKED. bimQQoE0hlc-00074-00007384-00007594 COULD SEE DIRECT RESULTS ON HOW WELL DIFFERENT THINGS WORKED. >> ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE bimQQoE0hlc-00075-00007594-00007600 WELL DIFFERENT THINGS WORKED. >> ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE bimQQoE0hlc-00076-00007600-00007787 WELL DIFFERENT THINGS WORKED. >> ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE LEARNED WHEN WE WERE EXPLORING bimQQoE0hlc-00077-00007787-00007794 >> ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE LEARNED WHEN WE WERE EXPLORING bimQQoE0hlc-00078-00007794-00008021 >> ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE LEARNED WHEN WE WERE EXPLORING WHERE TO GO IS HOW MUCH bimQQoE0hlc-00079-00008021-00008028 LEARNED WHEN WE WERE EXPLORING WHERE TO GO IS HOW MUCH bimQQoE0hlc-00080-00008028-00008221 LEARNED WHEN WE WERE EXPLORING WHERE TO GO IS HOW MUCH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HAPPENING IN bimQQoE0hlc-00081-00008221-00008228 WHERE TO GO IS HOW MUCH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HAPPENING IN bimQQoE0hlc-00082-00008228-00008338 WHERE TO GO IS HOW MUCH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HAPPENING IN GREATER MINNESOTA. bimQQoE0hlc-00083-00008338-00008344 ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HAPPENING IN GREATER MINNESOTA. bimQQoE0hlc-00084-00008344-00008445 ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HAPPENING IN GREATER MINNESOTA. THERE'S A LOT GOING ON. bimQQoE0hlc-00085-00008445-00008451 GREATER MINNESOTA. THERE'S A LOT GOING ON. bimQQoE0hlc-00086-00008451-00008631 GREATER MINNESOTA. THERE'S A LOT GOING ON. THERE ARE STORIES TO BE TOLD. bimQQoE0hlc-00087-00008631-00008638 THERE'S A LOT GOING ON. THERE ARE STORIES TO BE TOLD. bimQQoE0hlc-00088-00008638-00008798 THERE'S A LOT GOING ON. THERE ARE STORIES TO BE TOLD. THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE bimQQoE0hlc-00089-00008798-00008805 THERE ARE STORIES TO BE TOLD. THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE bimQQoE0hlc-00090-00008805-00008968 THERE ARE STORIES TO BE TOLD. THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE BEING STARTED. bimQQoE0hlc-00091-00008968-00008975 THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE BEING STARTED. bimQQoE0hlc-00092-00008975-00009232 THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE BEING STARTED. >> WHEN ASKED WHY THEY CHOSE bimQQoE0hlc-00093-00009232-00009239 BEING STARTED. >> WHEN ASKED WHY THEY CHOSE bimQQoE0hlc-00094-00009239-00009389 BEING STARTED. >> WHEN ASKED WHY THEY CHOSE BEMIDJI FOR THE DISCUSSION, THE bimQQoE0hlc-00095-00009389-00009396 >> WHEN ASKED WHY THEY CHOSE BEMIDJI FOR THE DISCUSSION, THE bimQQoE0hlc-00096-00009396-00009489 >> WHEN ASKED WHY THEY CHOSE BEMIDJI FOR THE DISCUSSION, THE HOST SAYS IT'S JUST SOMETHING bimQQoE0hlc-00097-00009489-00009496 BEMIDJI FOR THE DISCUSSION, THE HOST SAYS IT'S JUST SOMETHING bimQQoE0hlc-00098-00009496-00009596 BEMIDJI FOR THE DISCUSSION, THE HOST SAYS IT'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT MAKES bimQQoE0hlc-00099-00009596-00009602 HOST SAYS IT'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT MAKES bimQQoE0hlc-00100-00009602-00009699 HOST SAYS IT'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT MAKES THE TOWN UNIQUE. bimQQoE0hlc-00101-00009699-00009706 ABOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT MAKES THE TOWN UNIQUE. bimQQoE0hlc-00102-00009706-00009826 ABOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT MAKES THE TOWN UNIQUE. >> IT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THOSE bimQQoE0hlc-00103-00009826-00009833 THE TOWN UNIQUE. >> IT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THOSE bimQQoE0hlc-00104-00009833-00009923 THE TOWN UNIQUE. >> IT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THOSE PLACES THAT'S TRYING TO bimQQoE0hlc-00105-00009923-00009929 >> IT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THOSE PLACES THAT'S TRYING TO bimQQoE0hlc-00106-00009929-00010050 >> IT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THOSE PLACES THAT'S TRYING TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO START THEIR bimQQoE0hlc-00107-00010050-00010056 PLACES THAT'S TRYING TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO START THEIR bimQQoE0hlc-00108-00010056-00010370 PLACES THAT'S TRYING TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS, SHARE INFORMATION, bimQQoE0hlc-00109-00010370-00010377 ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS, SHARE INFORMATION, bimQQoE0hlc-00110-00010377-00010593 ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS, SHARE INFORMATION, NURTURE NEW BUSINESSES, bimQQoE0hlc-00111-00010593-00010600 OWN BUSINESS, SHARE INFORMATION, NURTURE NEW BUSINESSES, bimQQoE0hlc-00112-00010600-00010767 OWN BUSINESS, SHARE INFORMATION, NURTURE NEW BUSINESSES, ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURS, AND bimQQoE0hlc-00113-00010767-00010774 NURTURE NEW BUSINESSES, ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURS, AND bimQQoE0hlc-00114-00010774-00010914 NURTURE NEW BUSINESSES, ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURS, AND THAT'S THE KIND OF ENVIRONMENT bimQQoE0hlc-00115-00010914-00010920 ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURS, AND THAT'S THE KIND OF ENVIRONMENT bimQQoE0hlc-00116-00010920-00011231 ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURS, AND THAT'S THE KIND OF ENVIRONMENT THAT WE LIKE EXPLORING AND bimQQoE0hlc-00117-00011231-00011237 THAT'S THE KIND OF ENVIRONMENT THAT WE LIKE EXPLORING AND bimQQoE0hlc-00118-00011237-00011304 THAT'S THE KIND OF ENVIRONMENT THAT WE LIKE EXPLORING AND UNDERSTANDING. bimQQoE0hlc-00119-00011304-00011311 THAT WE LIKE EXPLORING AND UNDERSTANDING. bimQQoE0hlc-00120-00011311-00011424 THAT WE LIKE EXPLORING AND UNDERSTANDING. >> FOR ANYONE HOPING TO START bimQQoE0hlc-00121-00011424-00011431 UNDERSTANDING. >> FOR ANYONE HOPING TO START bimQQoE0hlc-00122-00011431-00011561 UNDERSTANDING. >> FOR ANYONE HOPING TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS ONE DAY, OUR bimQQoE0hlc-00123-00011561-00011568 >> FOR ANYONE HOPING TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS ONE DAY, OUR bimQQoE0hlc-00124-00011568-00011768 >> FOR ANYONE HOPING TO START THEIR OWN BUSINESS ONE DAY, OUR PANEL OFFERED SOME KEY ADVICE. bimQQoE0hlc-00125-00011768-00011775 THEIR OWN BUSINESS ONE DAY, OUR PANEL OFFERED SOME KEY ADVICE. bimQQoE0hlc-00126-00011775-00012005 THEIR OWN BUSINESS ONE DAY, OUR PANEL OFFERED SOME KEY ADVICE. >> JUST KIND OF ALWAYS SAY YES. bimQQoE0hlc-00127-00012005-00012011 PANEL OFFERED SOME KEY ADVICE. >> JUST KIND OF ALWAYS SAY YES. bimQQoE0hlc-00128-00012011-00012228 PANEL OFFERED SOME KEY ADVICE. >> JUST KIND OF ALWAYS SAY YES. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. bimQQoE0hlc-00129-00012228-00012235 >> JUST KIND OF ALWAYS SAY YES. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. bimQQoE0hlc-00130-00012235-00012659 >> JUST KIND OF ALWAYS SAY YES. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. JUST STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE bimQQoE0hlc-00131-00012659-00012665 DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. JUST STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE bimQQoE0hlc-00132-00012665-00012819 DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. JUST STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE UP, I GUESS. bimQQoE0hlc-00133-00012819-00012826 JUST STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE UP, I GUESS. bimQQoE0hlc-00134-00012826-00012939 JUST STAY FOCUSED AND DON'T GIVE UP, I GUESS. >> REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, bimQQoE0hlc-00135-00012939-00012946 UP, I GUESS. >> REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, bimQQoE0hlc-00136-00012946-00013196 UP, I GUESS. >> REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. bimQQoE0hlc-00137-00013196-00013203 >> REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. bimQQoE0hlc-00138-00013203-00013349 >> REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: TONIGHT'S DISCUSSION bimQQoE0hlc-00139-00013349-00013356 SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: TONIGHT'S DISCUSSION bimQQoE0hlc-00140-00013356-00013386 SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: TONIGHT'S DISCUSSION AIRED LIVE ON MPR. bisggfKo88Q-00000-00020706-00020780 SALO_MUX: Are they coming now? bisggfKo88Q-00001-00020780-00021071 mediocrity: I'll flash the left side bisggfKo88Q-00002-00021071-00021121 Yakuza: In the gap bisggfKo88Q-00003-00021121-00021171 SALO_MUX: At least 1 more bisggfKo88Q-00004-00021171-00021284 weqt2: They're running out bjDUbSpIZqQ-00000-00000444-00000734 Welcome back to Ikebana Lusy's channel! bjDUbSpIZqQ-00001-00000734-00001396 Today, I'm going to make an Ikenobo Ikebana Jiyuka with straws. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00002-00001410-00001732 These straws which I've made this morning are finally done. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00003-00001748-00002044 The straws resemble a construction site, don't you think so? bjDUbSpIZqQ-00004-00002044-00002188 Let me spin it a bit. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00005-00002294-00003104 Thee straws have their own thickness and this is to make it look more alive. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00006-00003306-00003640 The materials I'm going to use today, are as follows : bjDUbSpIZqQ-00007-00003654-00003952 Two stalks of Eremurus. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00008-00003979-00004338 And I will also be using Craspedia. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00009-00004408-00004826 Next, we have a Carnation as well. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00010-00004906-00005334 I also have this Lisianthus. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00011-00005350-00006054 And I will use this Chrysanthemum, which is also known as Calimero. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00012-00006304-00007002 We will begin with the placement of the Eremurus. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00013-00007002-00007552 And since the Eremurus has a thick layer, we'll have to cut it shorter, like this. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00014-00007623-00008164 As always, I'm going to find the best position for the direction of this material. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00015-00008250-00008566 Perhaps I'm going to place it here. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00016-00008592-00009838 We have to make sure the Eremurus to not be covered up by this construction of straws. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00017-00009912-00010104 Let's place another one as well. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00018-00010230-00010686 I'm adding some cuts to it too. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00019-00010968-00011546 I'm going to place this one over here. This one will be placed slightly to the back. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00020-00011600-00011986 This is to create a space between them. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00021-00012006-00012166 This one's a bit hard. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00022-00012452-00012852 There we go, alright. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00023-00013022-00013469 Yes, this looks good enough. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00024-00013756-00014300 I'm going to make one face the back to create a dimension within the arrangement. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00025-00014316-00014728 Now the Eremurus have been placed. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00026-00014791-00015058 I'll fix the straw construction just a little bit. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00027-00015126-00015868 Time to add the Craspedia into the arrangement. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00028-00015969-00016138 I'll place one here. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00029-00016770-00017118 Please note that this arrangement is a Parallel-formed Jiyuka. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00030-00017312-00017452 A parallel-formed arrangement indeed. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00031-00017760-00018278 And I'm placing another one here slightly to the front. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00032-00018736-00018936 There we go. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00033-00018986-00019110 Right then. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00034-00019146-00019454 Now, I'm going to add the Philodendron leaves. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00035-00019506-00019846 I have previously put a wire inside this Philodendron leaf. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00036-00019948-00020162 I'm placing one at the back. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00037-00020334-00020650 Oh, and please note that the insertion technique is also in a parallel manner. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00038-00020808-00021650 There seems to be an obstacle from the straw construction when I try to place it. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00039-00021650-00021804 But no worries. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00040-00021858-00022274 Let's find a good spot to place it. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00041-00022452-00022586 And another leaf at the front. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00042-00022618-00022758 Just like that. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00043-00022826-00022946 Right then. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00044-00023128-00023370 I believe it's time to add some flowers. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00045-00023444-00023758 Let's place the Carnation over here. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00046-00023984-00024186 I'm placing the short one at the back. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00047-00024272-00024504 I'm looking for the Kenzan to place the flower on top of it. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00048-00024722-00025342 And as always, the taller flower goes at the front. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00049-00025404-00025568 Smiling at us. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00050-00025730-00025852 There you go. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00051-00025918-00026600 And perhaps I'll put another one over here to cover the base of the straws. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00052-00026664-00026870 Look at how they smile at us, as well! bjDUbSpIZqQ-00053-00027012-00027788 Now I'm going to add the Eustoma for the arrangement's accent. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00054-00028054-00028539 This Eustoma that serves as the accent is quite tiny. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00055-00028574-00028786 Perhaps I should move it. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00056-00028906-00029048 There we go. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00057-00029298-00029472 The Eustoma is indeed a little small. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00058-00029489-00029872 I'm going to add this Eustoma bud over here. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00059-00029962-00030558 This is to create an impression of a material that faces the front. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00060-00030612-00030845 Alright then. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00061-00031004-00031524 And now it's time to add the Chrysanthemum. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00062-00031798-00032483 The Chrysanthemum serves as the Ashirai and to cover up the Kenzan. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00063-00032522-00032724 But in a vague manner, of course. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00064-00032733-00033016 It doesn't have to be very clear when you cover it up. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00065-00033620-00034100 As for this one, I'm going to place it at the back too. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00066-00034166-00034456 This will make it wonderful when you see it from above. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00067-00034684-00034772 See? bjDUbSpIZqQ-00068-00034806-00035030 And it's finally done! bjDUbSpIZqQ-00069-00035080-00036032 A Jiyuka arrangement with the construction of straws. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00070-00036170-00036510 But let me view its front display first. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00071-00036654-00037038 I have to admit this Ikebana arrangement demo is quite difficult. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00072-00037038-00037736 Because I'm not sharing the same perspective as I have when creating this arrangement with the audience. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00073-00037758-00038302 But when the audience sees this arrangement from a correct point of view, mine obliquely sees it instead. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00074-00038302-00038872 That is why I have to be more careful when creating this arrangement. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00075-00038948-00039164 And now, my arrangement is finally finished. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00076-00039212-00039638 A Jiyuka arrangement with straws. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00077-00039664-00040282 Remember, we may use any material we wish as an accessory to the Jiyuka, which is really fun to do. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00078-00040302-00040844 If you like this arrangement of mine, please leave a like, share this video, and subscribe to my channel! bjDUbSpIZqQ-00079-00040844-00041132 And if you have any questions, please write it in the comment section below. bjDUbSpIZqQ-00080-00041132-00041250 Thank you! bjVlWnFaZck-00000-00000000-00000052 Subscribe bjVlWnFaZck-00001-00000153-00000409 New speed news bnjOdKluBw8-00000-00000652-00001036 From my point of view as responsible of a research group in educational technology bnjOdKluBw8-00001-00001082-00001498 this session organized by “Bizkaired” it has been very interesting bnjOdKluBw8-00002-00001536-00002152 furthermore with the LAZARUS device generating debate on the use of technologies at school bnjOdKluBw8-00003-00002202-00002918 It is awesome to discover the use and possibilities that technology brings but also the risks that its missuse implies bnjOdKluBw8-00004-00002968-00003360 That’s why families and both teachers and students bnjOdKluBw8-00005-00003388-00003846 require to be informed and to know what the use of such technology implies bnjOdKluBw8-00006-00003868-00004154 and Lazarus is a great device to get to know bnjOdKluBw8-00007-00004176-00004798 the use of that technology and to participate actively and interact with the other users of that technology bnjOdKluBw8-00008-00004832-00005300 We all agree that there are many benefits when educating and that the use of technologies at school bnjOdKluBw8-00009-00005316-00005650 is being everyday more crucial and will increase even more bnjOdKluBw8-00010-00005674-00005970 and for all of these we should all learn and get to know bnjOdKluBw8-00011-00005988-00006332 which are all positive usages available as well as the potential risks involved co3YJbApP3o-00000-00031938-00032275 Hello guys! co3YJbApP3o-00001-00032275-00032747 Welcome to our video! coUxlvuDfhU-00000-00000090-00000190 Dr. Jean Jenkins: Hello. coUxlvuDfhU-00001-00000190-00000681 This is Dr. Kathy Calzone from the National Cancer Institute, NIH and I'm Dr. Jean Jenkins coUxlvuDfhU-00002-00000681-00001137 of the National Human Genome Research Institute, also at the NIH. coUxlvuDfhU-00003-00001137-00001576 We plan to share with you today information about a new resource that will be useful to coUxlvuDfhU-00004-00001576-00002199 you, the Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2013 Genomics Special Issue with articles that coUxlvuDfhU-00005-00002199-00002575 highlight the relevance of genomics to healthcare and nursing practice. coUxlvuDfhU-00006-00002575-00002965 Dr. Kathy Calzone: Genomics applications in healthcare are increasingly coUxlvuDfhU-00007-00002965-00003522 relevant to care delivery by all healthcare professionals including nurses who are practicing coUxlvuDfhU-00008-00003522-00003803 in every healthcare setting. coUxlvuDfhU-00009-00003803-00004248 Nurses bring an important perspective to the application of genomics in patient care. coUxlvuDfhU-00010-00004248-00004860 And in particular, there was an expressed interest by nursing deans for an updated genomics coUxlvuDfhU-00011-00004860-00005234 clinical series as a resource for education. coUxlvuDfhU-00012-00005234-00005521 Jenkins: The purpose of this special issue is to provide coUxlvuDfhU-00013-00005521-00005959 evidence reviews about the genomics of common health conditions with relevance for nursing coUxlvuDfhU-00014-00005959-00006216 practice and services. coUxlvuDfhU-00015-00006216-00006715 The issue consists of an editorial and 11 articles, all intended to provide a platform coUxlvuDfhU-00016-00006715-00007259 for preparing both the practicing and academic communities for a new reality. coUxlvuDfhU-00017-00007259-00007886 The articles provide an overview of current and emerging genomic science and technology; coUxlvuDfhU-00018-00007886-00008413 implications for international nursing care; the state of the evidence about genomic variation coUxlvuDfhU-00019-00008413-00009014 and clinical implications for common diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic coUxlvuDfhU-00020-00009014-00009779 syndrome, and cancer; and includes content about both pediatric and adult conditions. coUxlvuDfhU-00021-00009779-00010283 Crucial to competent nursing care the ethical, legal, social, and nursing research issues coUxlvuDfhU-00022-00010283-00010774 associated with the translation of genomics into healthcare are reviewed. coUxlvuDfhU-00023-00010774-00011149 Calzone: The special issue begins with an editorial coUxlvuDfhU-00024-00011149-00011639 and it's entitled "Relevance of Genomics to Healthcare and Nursing Practice" written by coUxlvuDfhU-00025-00011639-00012326 myself, Dr. Jean Jenkins, Dr. Nick Nicol from the Universal College of Learning in New Zealand, coUxlvuDfhU-00026-00012326-00012828 Dr. Heather Skirton from Plymouth University in the United Kingdom, and Dr. Greg Feero, coUxlvuDfhU-00027-00012828-00013350 who at the time was working at the National Human Genome Research Institute and is a primary coUxlvuDfhU-00028-00013350-00013897 care physician; as well as Dr. Eric Green, who is the director of the National Human coUxlvuDfhU-00029-00013897-00014301 Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health. coUxlvuDfhU-00030-00014301-00014861 The editorial highlights the relevance and value of this special issue for nurses and coUxlvuDfhU-00031-00014861-00015316 their important role in the application of genomics to clinical care. coUxlvuDfhU-00032-00015316-00015625 Jenkins: Each article included in this special issue coUxlvuDfhU-00033-00015625-00015853 may be of interest to you. coUxlvuDfhU-00034-00015853-00016346 We now provide a few details about each so you can target those of greatest value to coUxlvuDfhU-00035-00016346-00016535 your practice. coUxlvuDfhU-00036-00016535-00017116 The article "Integration of Genomics in Cancer Care" by Dr. Erika Santos and others provides coUxlvuDfhU-00037-00017116-00017725 an overview of cancer etiology, hereditary cancer syndromes, epigenetics factors, and coUxlvuDfhU-00038-00017725-00018106 the influence of genomics on cancer management. coUxlvuDfhU-00039-00018106-00018612 The authors use case studies to illustrate how rapidly developing genomic advances are coUxlvuDfhU-00040-00018612-00018962 changing all aspects of cancer care. coUxlvuDfhU-00041-00018962-00019367 Calzone: A topic of great interest to nurses is the coUxlvuDfhU-00042-00019367-00019723 article on "Genomics and Autism Spectrum Disorder." coUxlvuDfhU-00043-00019723-00020319 It was written by Dr. Norah Johnson and colleagues and this article provides an overview of Autism coUxlvuDfhU-00044-00020319-00020976 Spectrum Disorder identification, diagnosis, and the implications for the family. coUxlvuDfhU-00045-00020976-00021476 The authors review the genomic contributions to the risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder and coUxlvuDfhU-00046-00021476-00022112 highlight how current research on Autism Spectrum Disorder underscores the complexity of genetic coUxlvuDfhU-00047-00022112-00022319 processes involved. coUxlvuDfhU-00048-00022319-00022838 The genomics of Autism Spectrum Disorder is not yet well understood so the repercussions coUxlvuDfhU-00049-00022838-00023445 of this lack of complete information for nursing practice, education, and research are addressed. coUxlvuDfhU-00050-00023445-00023823 Jenkins: "Current and Emerging Approaches in Genomics" coUxlvuDfhU-00051-00023823-00024406 by Dr. Yvette Conley and others focuses on the application of technologies for collecting, coUxlvuDfhU-00052-00024406-00024798 analyzing, and interpreting genomic information. coUxlvuDfhU-00053-00024798-00025313 The authors summarize information about four approaches used for genomic research with coUxlvuDfhU-00054-00025313-00025894 implications for clinical application including genome sequencing, genome-wide association coUxlvuDfhU-00055-00025894-00026235 studies, epigenomics, and gene expression. coUxlvuDfhU-00056-00026235-00026519 Jenkins: Understanding the ethical, legal, and social coUxlvuDfhU-00057-00026519-00027072 issues in the translation of genomic information into practice is essential to provide patients, coUxlvuDfhU-00058-00027072-00027530 families, and communities with competent, safe, effective healthcare. coUxlvuDfhU-00059-00027530-00027993 Laurie Badzek and others in their article entitled "Ethical, Legal, & Social Issues coUxlvuDfhU-00060-00027993-00028735 in the Translation of Genomics into Healthcare" provide a review of ethical and legal foundations. coUxlvuDfhU-00061-00028735-00029302 These authors highlight issues confronting nurses today such as confidentiality and privacy coUxlvuDfhU-00062-00029302-00029877 of genomic information, informed consent, genetic testing, and biorepositories. coUxlvuDfhU-00063-00029877-00030266 Calzone: Dr. Jacquelyn Taylor and others wrote "An coUxlvuDfhU-00064-00030266-00030652 Overview of the Genomics of Metabolic Syndrome." coUxlvuDfhU-00065-00030652-00031268 This article provides an overview of the diagnostic criteria for the components of metabolic syndrome. coUxlvuDfhU-00066-00031268-00031935 The contributions of cardiovascular, obesity, and diabetes genomic risk factors for metabolic coUxlvuDfhU-00067-00031935-00032525 syndrome and the number of overlapping genes and polymorphisms associated with metabolic coUxlvuDfhU-00068-00032525-00033107 syndrome are described with guidance for nurses of what this information means in practice. coUxlvuDfhU-00069-00033107-00033781 Then building on the metabolic syndrome article is another article on "Cardiovascular Genomics" coUxlvuDfhU-00070-00033781-00034406 written by Dr. Shu-Fen Wung and others, which provides an update on cardiovascular genomics coUxlvuDfhU-00071-00034406-00034723 using clinically relevant exemplars. coUxlvuDfhU-00072-00034723-00035334 Those include myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease, stroke, and sudden cardiac coUxlvuDfhU-00073-00035334-00035529 death. coUxlvuDfhU-00074-00035529-00036140 Genetic testing is commercially available but not recommended for clinical use for cardiovascular coUxlvuDfhU-00075-00036140-00036514 disease, myocardial infarction, or stroke. coUxlvuDfhU-00076-00036514-00036979 However, genetic testing for sudden cardiac death can provide valuable information for coUxlvuDfhU-00077-00036979-00037336 tailoring prevention and management strategies. coUxlvuDfhU-00078-00037336-00037819 The authors discuss the benefits and limitations of genetic testing for each of these case coUxlvuDfhU-00079-00037819-00038316 examples and describe specific implications for nurses. coUxlvuDfhU-00080-00038316-00038703 Calzone: An important article for pediatric nurses coUxlvuDfhU-00081-00038703-00039040 is the one written by Cynthia Prows and colleagues. coUxlvuDfhU-00082-00039040-00039548 The purpose of this article "An Update of Childhood Genetic Disorders" is to increase coUxlvuDfhU-00083-00039548-00040136 awareness of new developments in genetic disorders that are commonly seen in practice and taught coUxlvuDfhU-00084-00040136-00040387 by nursing faculty. coUxlvuDfhU-00085-00040387-00040915 Nurses have an important role in the identification of children with genetic disorders and facilitating coUxlvuDfhU-00086-00040915-00041246 access to services and resources. coUxlvuDfhU-00087-00041246-00041692 This article illustrates important genomic concepts of relevance to nurses who care for coUxlvuDfhU-00088-00041692-00042416 infants, children, or adolescents and specifies resources to assist in this care. coUxlvuDfhU-00089-00042416-00042783 Jenkins: Dr. Diane Seibert and Dr. Thomas Darling wrote coUxlvuDfhU-00090-00042783-00043318 the article "Physical, Psychological, & Ethical Issues in Caring for Individuals with Genetic coUxlvuDfhU-00091-00043318-00043484 Skin Disease." coUxlvuDfhU-00092-00043484-00044000 This article provides an overview of five genetic skin disorders including information coUxlvuDfhU-00093-00044000-00044475 about inheritance patterns, genomics, and treatments. coUxlvuDfhU-00094-00044475-00045055 The authors also discuss issues and concerns important to caring for patients with genetic-based coUxlvuDfhU-00095-00045055-00045218 skin diseases. coUxlvuDfhU-00096-00045218-00045596 Calzone: The article "Implications of Newborn Screening coUxlvuDfhU-00097-00045596-00046183 for Nurses" written by Dr. Jane DeLuca and others provides content that may be more familiar coUxlvuDfhU-00098-00046183-00046512 to nurses who work with newborns. coUxlvuDfhU-00099-00046512-00047024 This article provides an overview of current newborn screening activities but also includes coUxlvuDfhU-00100-00047024-00047668 details about current controversies and ethical considerations that may be new to you. coUxlvuDfhU-00101-00047668-00048163 The roles of nurses in the newborn screening process with suggestions for nursing education coUxlvuDfhU-00102-00048163-00048340 and research are described. coUxlvuDfhU-00103-00048340-00048990 A summary of expected future developments in newborn screening such as genome sequencing coUxlvuDfhU-00104-00048990-00049728 with implications for policy, practice, education, and research is also included. coUxlvuDfhU-00105-00049728-00050088 Jenkins: As nurses are increasingly seeing older patients coUxlvuDfhU-00106-00050088-00050663 in their practice, the article by Dr. Debra Schutte and others "The Implications of Genomics coUxlvuDfhU-00107-00050663-00051253 on the Nursing Care of Adults with Neuropsychiatric Conditions" may be quite important for nurses coUxlvuDfhU-00108-00051253-00051468 working with adults. coUxlvuDfhU-00109-00051468-00052037 Neuropsychiatric disorders represent neurological conditions that may have both cognitive and/or coUxlvuDfhU-00110-00052037-00052306 behavioral manifestations. coUxlvuDfhU-00111-00052306-00052864 The purpose of this paper is to review genomic contributions to the following adult conditions: coUxlvuDfhU-00112-00052864-00053426 irreversible dementias, Alzheimer disease, and Huntington Disease. coUxlvuDfhU-00113-00053426-00053985 The authors examine immediate as well as future implications for nursing practice and research coUxlvuDfhU-00114-00053985-00054358 presented by these challenging patients and their families. coUxlvuDfhU-00115-00054358-00054661 Calzone: The final article in this Genomics Special coUxlvuDfhU-00116-00054661-00055232 Issue is "A Blueprint for Genomic Nursing Science" written by myself and others. coUxlvuDfhU-00117-00055232-00055851 This article summarizes recommendations from a 2012 Genomic Nursing State of the Science coUxlvuDfhU-00118-00055851-00056044 Advisory Panel. coUxlvuDfhU-00119-00056044-00056538 The blueprint provides the framework for furthering genomic nursing science to improve health coUxlvuDfhU-00120-00056538-00056750 outcomes. coUxlvuDfhU-00121-00056750-00057215 Suggestions for targeted research to build the evidence base of the value of genomic coUxlvuDfhU-00122-00057215-00057433 information are offered. coUxlvuDfhU-00123-00057433-00057823 Jenkins: This 2013 Genomics Special Issue provides coUxlvuDfhU-00124-00057823-00058347 a world perspective of the impact of genomic knowledge on clinical nursing practice and coUxlvuDfhU-00125-00058347-00058556 healthcare in general. coUxlvuDfhU-00126-00058556-00059166 All articles are open access and can be viewed at this genome.gov website. coUxlvuDfhU-00127-00059166-00059691 We'd like to thank the editor of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship Dr. Susan Gennaro and coUxlvuDfhU-00128-00059691-00060279 their editorial board for supporting the publication of this information of great value to nurses coUxlvuDfhU-00129-00060279-00060594 as well as other healthcare providers. coUxlvuDfhU-00130-00060594-00061163 This Genomics Special Issue was made possible by several colleagues who provided their creativity, coUxlvuDfhU-00131-00061163-00061679 expertise, and time to plan and review all these wonderful manuscripts. coUxlvuDfhU-00132-00061679-00062244 The issue lead editors included Dr. Kathy Calzone and myself in collaboration with Dr. coUxlvuDfhU-00133-00062244-00062404 Nick Nicol. coUxlvuDfhU-00134-00062404-00063129 Our editorial advisory board included Cynthia Prows, Dr. Diane Seibert, and Dr. Greg Feero. coUxlvuDfhU-00135-00063129-00063429 Calzone: For other genomic educational resources we coUxlvuDfhU-00136-00063429-00064002 encourage you to visit the Genetic and Genomic Competency Center for Education, or G2C2 for coUxlvuDfhU-00137-00064002-00064579 short, and the Global Genetics and Genomics Community, or G3C for short. coUxlvuDfhU-00138-00064579-00065054 We hope you enjoy these articles and that you find them helpful to integrate genomic coUxlvuDfhU-00139-00065054-00065355 information in your nursing responsibilities. coUxlvuDfhU-00140-00065355-00066019 Additional webinars with insights from the special issue authors will be coming in 2013 coUxlvuDfhU-00141-00066019-00066447 so we encourage you to keep your eyes open for future announcements. coUxlvuDfhU-00142-00066447-00066867 And we welcome your feedback on the topics or content provided in this special issue, coUxlvuDfhU-00143-00066867-00067430 so please email your thoughts to either Jean Jenkins or myself and we thank you for your coUxlvuDfhU-00144-00067430-00067472 time. c2U6s3lbYXU-00000-00000059-00000332 Welcome to RaceMyGhost where powerful technology c2U6s3lbYXU-00001-00000332-00000766 turns indoor cycling into addictive exercise. Using the Wahoo Fitness c2U6s3lbYXU-00002-00000766-00001379 iPhone bike case or ANT+ dongle, your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad can c2U6s3lbYXU-00003-00001379-00001898 receive speed, cadence, and heart rate data from any compatible ANT+ sensors. c2U6s3lbYXU-00004-00001898-00002232 The RaceMyGhost application turns indoor cycling c2U6s3lbYXU-00005-00002232-00002620 into a race filled with psychological data that motivates you and c2U6s3lbYXU-00006-00002620-00002963 allows you to determine your best race tactics. c2U6s3lbYXU-00007-00002963-00003622 Here we can see the interface. For each race c2U6s3lbYXU-00008-00003622-00003875 you are represented as the blue rider. c2U6s3lbYXU-00009-00003875-00004146 The yellow rider represents your best performance. c2U6s3lbYXU-00010-00004146-00004407 The red rider represents your worst performance. c2U6s3lbYXU-00011-00004407-00004786 The green rider represents your average performance for previous races on c2U6s3lbYXU-00012-00004786-00005101 the same time based or distance based track. c2U6s3lbYXU-00013-00005101-00005459 You will also notice heart rate tabs on the left of each rider c2U6s3lbYXU-00014-00005459-00005758 indicating their heart rate at that point of the race. c2U6s3lbYXU-00015-00005758-00005973 By using this information you can see during c2U6s3lbYXU-00016-00005973-00006350 the race whether you're in good physical standing to set a new personal best. c2U6s3lbYXU-00017-00006350-00006540 In this example, although you are c2U6s3lbYXU-00018-00006540-00006729 currently in second place, your heart rate c2U6s3lbYXU-00019-00006729-00006847 indicates you are in a good c2U6s3lbYXU-00020-00006847-00007167 position to set a new personal best. c2U6s3lbYXU-00021-00007167-00007358 On the bar to the right you have an overview c2U6s3lbYXU-00022-00007358-00007763 of the entire race. The total distance or time of the track can c2U6s3lbYXU-00023-00007763-00008279 be seen at the top, and the percentage completed can be seen at the bottom. c2U6s3lbYXU-00024-00008279-00008874 The top two numbers on the left reflect your current speed and average speed. c2U6s3lbYXU-00025-00008874-00009008 These also show you with c2U6s3lbYXU-00026-00009008-00009379 both colour and optional expression, where you would place in the race at c2U6s3lbYXU-00027-00009379-00009554 that current speed. c2U6s3lbYXU-00028-00009554-00010029 For example, in this screen shot, although you are in c2U6s3lbYXU-00029-00010029-00010367 second place, if the current speed is maintained at yellow, you will c2U6s3lbYXU-00030-00010367-00010703 eventually pass the leader and set a new personal best. c2U6s3lbYXU-00031-00010703-00010990 Your heart rate will change colour depending c2U6s3lbYXU-00032-00010990-00011249 on which training zone you are in. c2U6s3lbYXU-00033-00011249-00011422 You can adjust your optimum cadence range c2U6s3lbYXU-00034-00011422-00011620 in the settings. c2U6s3lbYXU-00035-00011620-00011907 The cadence will be either red or yellow to indicate whether c2U6s3lbYXU-00036-00011907-00012122 you are in this range. c2U6s3lbYXU-00037-00012122-00012479 In the example shown, you can see that they have dropped off their cadence to c2U6s3lbYXU-00038-00012479-00012733 a less efficient rate. c2U6s3lbYXU-00039-00012733-00013433 Let RaceMyGhost turn your indoor cycling into addictive exercise. c3rF9_jDM6A-00000-00001061-00001511 Hello welcome to IF We post new videos biweekly c3rF9_jDM6A-00001-00001511-00001909 Hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with the latest. c3rF9_jDM6A-00002-00001909-00002356 Let me quickly begin by saying thank you to all the new subscribers that have joined the c3rF9_jDM6A-00003-00002356-00002488 channel. c3rF9_jDM6A-00004-00002488-00003093 If we continue to support one another by subscribing, like I mentioned in the last video c3rF9_jDM6A-00005-00003093-00003660 We can get through the recent knock back for small creators from YouTube. c3rF9_jDM6A-00006-00003660-00004225 In this video we take a look at the United States a country that is becoming increasingly c3rF9_jDM6A-00007-00004225-00004333 divided. c3rF9_jDM6A-00008-00004333-00004727 We ask if this division could end with a new civil war! c3rF9_jDM6A-00009-00004727-00004875 Has the countdown to war begun? c3rF9_jDM6A-00010-00004875-00005672 At the stroke of midnight Friday 19 January 2018, the federal government shut down. c3rF9_jDM6A-00011-00005672-00006377 Negotiations crumbled as Senate Democrats blocked a four-week stopgap extension, this c3rF9_jDM6A-00012-00006377-00006838 causing the fourth government shutdown in twenty five years. c3rF9_jDM6A-00013-00006838-00007429 Critical government functions did continue, with uniformed service members, health inspectors c3rF9_jDM6A-00014-00007429-00007951 and law enforcement officer’s continuing to work without pay. c3rF9_jDM6A-00015-00007951-00008195 Both parties were quick to blame the other. c3rF9_jDM6A-00016-00008195-00008661 Democrats laid blame on the Republicans, who control both chambers of Congress and the c3rF9_jDM6A-00017-00008661-00009132 White House and have struggled with building an internal consensus. c3rF9_jDM6A-00018-00009132-00009695 Republicans declared that Democrats were responsible after they declined to provide the votes needed c3rF9_jDM6A-00019-00009695-00010328 to overcome an immigration policy filibuster. c3rF9_jDM6A-00020-00010328-00010847 This infighting and growing vocal opposition to the President is beginning to manifest c3rF9_jDM6A-00021-00010847-00010964 some darker resentment. c3rF9_jDM6A-00022-00010964-00011499 There is a chasm forming in the US, can this be solved? c3rF9_jDM6A-00023-00011499-00011864 Will we see an escalation and violence? c3rF9_jDM6A-00024-00011864-00012524 It’s easy to think that a second civil war may occur in a similar way to the first: two c3rF9_jDM6A-00025-00012524-00013154 institutionalized factions wielding armies against one another along strategic fronts. c3rF9_jDM6A-00026-00013154-00013661 Generals choosing a side, Troops from all sides fighting to claim victory c3rF9_jDM6A-00027-00013661-00013979 this once again seeing brother fighting brother. c3rF9_jDM6A-00028-00013979-00014591 The outcome a winner-take-all restructuring of the United States and its power base. c3rF9_jDM6A-00029-00014591-00015016 However in this day and age it’s not how wars are fought. c3rF9_jDM6A-00030-00015016-00015616 We would most likely see networks forming, tasking small strike force units, a guerrilla c3rF9_jDM6A-00031-00015616-00016247 based war, no monolithic forces clashing in huge face to face battles. c3rF9_jDM6A-00032-00016247-00016834 A Homeland conflict would be asymmetrical, as groups split along racial, religious, and c3rF9_jDM6A-00033-00016834-00017022 economic lines. c3rF9_jDM6A-00034-00017022-00017609 These groups would more than likely use high-value terror attacks against soft and hard targets. c3rF9_jDM6A-00035-00017609-00018152 This combined with light skirmishes along the overlapping edges of their networks. c3rF9_jDM6A-00036-00018152-00018748 These factions may form, disband and reform using their networks to organize and carry c3rF9_jDM6A-00037-00018748-00018872 out attacks. c3rF9_jDM6A-00038-00018872-00019234 Much alike a resistance movement in an occupied country. c3rF9_jDM6A-00039-00019234-00019734 The new civil war would have a more digital element than other civil wars. c3rF9_jDM6A-00040-00019734-00020310 The cyber age opening up a new front with propaganda and media manipulation be critical c3rF9_jDM6A-00041-00020310-00020695 to all sides. c3rF9_jDM6A-00042-00020695-00021256 Network analysis used to map and track these groups across their digital territories and c3rF9_jDM6A-00043-00021256-00021700 to identify their backers, funders, and agitators. c3rF9_jDM6A-00044-00021700-00022111 These backers may also be in the form of foreign adversaries. c3rF9_jDM6A-00045-00022111-00022636 The US has been struggling internationally with many bad policy choices causing a souring c3rF9_jDM6A-00046-00022636-00022917 of many international relationships. c3rF9_jDM6A-00047-00022917-00023631 These nations may take the opportunity to fund and support different sides of the conflict. c3rF9_jDM6A-00048-00023631-00024231 Also recent immigration changes have divided families and provide a group from which recruitment c3rF9_jDM6A-00049-00024231-00024793 would be easy, these deportees choosing to fight for a country where they can once again c3rF9_jDM6A-00050-00024793-00025026 be with their loved ones. c3rF9_jDM6A-00051-00025026-00025616 If a civil war doe’s break out one thing is for sure it will be a long drawn out affair. c3rF9_jDM6A-00052-00025616-00026239 The impact of the war would be felt worldwide, economically, politically and socially. c3rF9_jDM6A-00053-00026239-00026795 Some countries could use the time to assert their dominance over global politics, this c3rF9_jDM6A-00054-00026795-00027474 could then have the knock on effect of causing more instability globally. c3rF9_jDM6A-00055-00027474-00028108 If a civil wars occurs in the US it could well be the first domino of a wider conflict. c3rF9_jDM6A-00056-00028108-00028802 Love or the hate the US it undeniable that its presence helps to keep the status quo. c3rF9_jDM6A-00057-00028802-00029299 If it was to descend into war the rest of the world may just follow. c3rF9_jDM6A-00058-00029299-00029880 For now, America is held in line with a strong rule of law and a fairly strong economy this c3rF9_jDM6A-00059-00029880-00030420 means most people still have something to lose by choosing violence. c3rF9_jDM6A-00060-00030420-00031083 But as the government continues to deconstruct rule of law and economic opportunity, the c3rF9_jDM6A-00061-00031083-00031540 shutdown being the most recent sign of its dysfunction the likelihood of a second U.S. c3rF9_jDM6A-00062-00031540-00031687 civil war grows. c3rF9_jDM6A-00063-00031687-00032140 Do you think The USA is heading toward civil war? c3rF9_jDM6A-00064-00032140-00032458 What global impact do you think it would have? c3rF9_jDM6A-00065-00032458-00032805 Let me know your thoughts in the comments below c3rF9_jDM6A-00066-00032805-00033321 Catch us on social media Like share and subscribe c3rF9_jDM6A-00067-00033321-00033617 Thanks for watching See you next time. c3D_jc4N7Nc-00000-00000006-00000429 What happens if your webmaster disappears? Or you go through a webmaster c3D_jc4N7Nc-00001-00000429-00001008 divorce? It happens. We break up. I want to make sure you're prepared so that you c3D_jc4N7Nc-00002-00001008-00001639 can hire and fire easily and with confidence. c3D_jc4N7Nc-00003-00002321-00002757 Whenever we start a relationship with a new design firm, we are in the honeymoon c3D_jc4N7Nc-00004-00002757-00003143 stage. Everything is great. They're so brilliant. They know exactly what I want. c3D_jc4N7Nc-00005-00003143-00003651 They're going to transform my business. And then it starts. And then maybe it doesn't c3D_jc4N7Nc-00006-00003651-00004110 go quite as you would expect it. So, we have to think about how fast are they c3D_jc4N7Nc-00007-00004110-00004521 responding to emails? Is it really quick at first and then it kind of wanes after c3D_jc4N7Nc-00008-00004521-00004929 a while? You send them an email you don't get a response for a couple days and it c3D_jc4N7Nc-00009-00004929-00005444 just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. And then pretty soon, you are not c3D_jc4N7Nc-00010-00005444-00005676 able to reach them for weeks. Don't know where they went, c3D_jc4N7Nc-00011-00005676-00006047 the emails don't come back. You're like, "Oh, my God. My webmaster got hit by a bus. c3D_jc4N7Nc-00012-00006047-00006527 What do I do now?" Well ,here's just some quick things to do if your webmaster c3D_jc4N7Nc-00013-00006527-00007143 disappears. Number 1, make sure you go in and change the passwords immediately c3D_jc4N7Nc-00014-00007143-00007659 so that you don't let anyone have access who might be being a little flaky. The c3D_jc4N7Nc-00015-00007659-00008045 next big thing is make sure that you have an agreement between the web c3D_jc4N7Nc-00016-00008045-00008347 developer and yourself. First thing that should be in that agreement is a c3D_jc4N7Nc-00017-00008347-00008826 non-disparagement clause. A non-disparagement clause means that web c3D_jc4N7Nc-00018-00008826-00009216 designer cannot go out and say horrible things about you if the relationship c3D_jc4N7Nc-00019-00009216-00009660 doesn't end well and vice versa. Non disparages me. They can't go under review c3D_jc4N7Nc-00020-00009660-00010047 sites. They can't post anything negative about your company. Very important you c3D_jc4N7Nc-00021-00010047-00010470 have a non-disparagement agreement with your website vendor. The other one is c3D_jc4N7Nc-00022-00010470-00010926 make sure that you own the intellectual property. They do not own your domain. c3D_jc4N7Nc-00023-00010926-00011385 They do not own your hosting account. They do not own the passwords to your c3D_jc4N7Nc-00024-00011385-00011811 website. That's your intellectual property, not theirs. And you be amazed. Do you c3D_jc4N7Nc-00025-00011811-00012168 think the less isn't it obvious, it would be mine/ No, it's not. Obvious. Because c3D_jc4N7Nc-00026-00012168-00012603 they're the ones who designed it. So, they think it belongs to them. You think it c3D_jc4N7Nc-00027-00012603-00013031 belongs to you and this is just a riddled with problems. So, make sure that c3D_jc4N7Nc-00028-00013031-00013509 you have a confidentiality agreement with a non-disparagement clause. You have c3D_jc4N7Nc-00029-00013509-00013854 that signed with every vendor you work with. And then the next one is you have c3D_jc4N7Nc-00030-00013854-00014343 an independent contractor agreement that says for a web developer, we own the c3D_jc4N7Nc-00031-00014343-00015131 domain, we own the design. We own the copy, we own the website. And one really c3D_jc4N7Nc-00032-00015131-00015609 important distinction here is don't ever let them put your website c3D_jc4N7Nc-00033-00015609-00016051 their personal server. Have it all the time. So, he's like, "Oh, it's in the c3D_jc4N7Nc-00034-00016051-00016338 honeymoon and we're great we're doing design. And there's oh we have this great c3D_jc4N7Nc-00035-00016338-00016753 deal we have a server that we use and it's done it." And you're like, "Great!" c3D_jc4N7Nc-00036-00016753-00017134 And then when you follow up when this relationship falls apart, now they're the c3D_jc4N7Nc-00037-00017134-00017581 ones holding the keys to your kingdom because it's on their hosts. Not a good c3D_jc4N7Nc-00038-00017581-00018103 idea. Make sure you have an autonomous host and that you are not on a c3D_jc4N7Nc-00039-00018103-00018526 proprietary system. So, when you're speaking with web developers and they're c3D_jc4N7Nc-00040-00018526-00018973 like, "Oh, my gosh. I have this custom code I use, it's amazing it's Drupal or Joomla c3D_jc4N7Nc-00041-00018973-00019554 or Lord forbid cold fusion or iframes." Or something that you wouldn't really know c3D_jc4N7Nc-00042-00019554-00019915 whether that was good or bad, the one thing you need to think about is if they c3D_jc4N7Nc-00043-00019915-00020532 say it's custom. Custom means they're the only ones who can ever fix it. And if you c3D_jc4N7Nc-00044-00020532-00021018 break from your web designer... Incase key gets hit by a bus, you're able to be in c3D_jc4N7Nc-00045-00021018-00021418 like a WordPress environment where anyone can step in and keep the ball c3D_jc4N7Nc-00046-00021418-00021951 rolling, okay? So, no proprietary backends. Never host your website with your c3D_jc4N7Nc-00047-00021951-00022522 developers host and always stay autonomous at every single moment. So, c3D_jc4N7Nc-00048-00022522-00023056 when your web developer disappears, you are confident in that you've made the c3D_jc4N7Nc-00049-00023056-00023523 right decisions up to that point, you can pivot to another developer in a c3D_jc4N7Nc-00050-00023523-00024093 heartbeat, off you go. Things happen. This is a systemic issue in my business. I see c3D_jc4N7Nc-00051-00024093-00024529 web developers just disappear like that and you have absolutely no idea why. So, c3D_jc4N7Nc-00052-00024529-00025113 protect yourself. Protect your domain and be ready when your webmaster gets hit by c3D_jc4N7Nc-00053-00025113-00025543 a bus. Yep, it's a rocky road out there on the Internet. And I'm here and committed c3D_jc4N7Nc-00054-00025543-00026050 to giving you all the best feedbacks, tools and tips to be the most findable c3D_jc4N7Nc-00055-00026050-00026458 business on line. Make sure to subscribe to our Channel. We'd love giving you c3D_jc4N7Nc-00056-00026458-00027055 great measurable content that will make you the most findable business online. c5uVxMHyfAc-00000-00004901-00005046 who we are anonymous c5uVxMHyfAc-00001-00005046-00005293 it has come to our attention that the hero c5uVxMHyfAc-00002-00005293-00005422 bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00003-00005422-00005698 has become the subject of the great controversy c5uVxMHyfAc-00004-00005698-00005904 this may not come as a surprise c5uVxMHyfAc-00005-00005904-00006217 his actions have been marked by controversy since he took a courageous c5uVxMHyfAc-00006-00006217-00006648 leap of faith and decided to use his position as a communications officer to c5uVxMHyfAc-00007-00006648-00007044 blow the whistle on the war crimes of this corrupt government and bring into c5uVxMHyfAc-00008-00007044-00007231 the light it's lies and deceit c5uVxMHyfAc-00009-00007231-00007639 this controversy is coming from a single individual within the san francisco gay c5uVxMHyfAc-00010-00007639-00007848 pride parade organization c5uVxMHyfAc-00011-00007848-00007981 this individual c5uVxMHyfAc-00012-00007981-00008131 Lisa L Williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00013-00008131-00008313 has taken it upon herself c5uVxMHyfAc-00014-00008313-00008521 for reasons unknown c5uVxMHyfAc-00015-00008521-00008922 and, in essence, vetoed the will of the parades electoral college c5uVxMHyfAc-00016-00008922-00009337 sources say that manning received five out of a total of fifteen votes of the c5uVxMHyfAc-00017-00009337-00009492 electoral college c5uVxMHyfAc-00018-00009492-00009721 the highest of any of the nominees c5uVxMHyfAc-00019-00009721-00009868 this electoral college c5uVxMHyfAc-00020-00009868-00010346 which consists of former grand marshals of the san francisco gay pride parade c5uVxMHyfAc-00021-00010346-00010727 fully understood the contribution to the world that the hero private bradley c5uVxMHyfAc-00022-00010727-00010936 manning had given selflessly c5uVxMHyfAc-00023-00010936-00011220 they understood the importance of his sacrifice c5uVxMHyfAc-00024-00011220-00011639 there are times when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders c5uVxMHyfAc-00025-00011639-00011839 bradley manning knew this well c5uVxMHyfAc-00026-00011839-00012253 but lisa williams decided to take it upon herself to override the wishes of c5uVxMHyfAc-00027-00012253-00012638 the parades electoral college in effect, disobeying the orders c5uVxMHyfAc-00028-00012638-00012904 and the will of the electoral college c5uVxMHyfAc-00029-00012904-00013078 if this had been the military c5uVxMHyfAc-00030-00013078-00013277 she would have been court-martialed c5uVxMHyfAc-00031-00013277-00013459 just like bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00032-00013459-00013868 lisa l williams then proceeded to issue a statement to the press c5uVxMHyfAc-00033-00013868-00014251 here are some of the gems she spewed in this very sad excuse for c5uVxMHyfAc-00034-00014251-00014437 what she must think is c5uVxMHyfAc-00035-00014437-00014884 public relations "bradley manning is facing the military justice system of c5uVxMHyfAc-00036-00014884-00015250 this country we all await the decision of that system c5uVxMHyfAc-00037-00015250-00015326 however c5uVxMHyfAc-00038-00015326-00015457 until that time c5uVxMHyfAc-00039-00015457-00015848 even the hint of support for actions which placed in harm's way the lives of c5uVxMHyfAc-00040-00015848-00016060 our men and women in uniform c5uVxMHyfAc-00041-00016060-00016211 and countless others c5uVxMHyfAc-00042-00016211-00016658 military and civilian the like will not be tolerated by the leadership of san c5uVxMHyfAc-00043-00016658-00016877 francisco pride c5uVxMHyfAc-00044-00016877-00016987 and would be c5uVxMHyfAc-00045-00016987-00017148 an insult to everyone c5uVxMHyfAc-00046-00017148-00017587 gay and straight who has ever served in the military of this country" c5uVxMHyfAc-00047-00017587-00017875 this statement from lisa l williams basically c5uVxMHyfAc-00048-00017875-00018065 and not subtly what so ever c5uVxMHyfAc-00049-00018065-00018462 does all but called bradley manning guilty and then insinuates that those that c5uVxMHyfAc-00050-00018462-00018813 erroneously believe him to be innocent have the right to do so under the c5uVxMHyfAc-00051-00018813-00019050 constitution but that they are wrong c5uVxMHyfAc-00052-00019050-00019398 her tone also strikes a chord of severe obedience to the state to the c5uVxMHyfAc-00053-00019398-00019641 military industrial complex c5uVxMHyfAc-00054-00019641-00020103 her belief is that anyone who denies the officials story or dissents c5uVxMHyfAc-00055-00020103-00020389 disobeys direct orders because of conscience c5uVxMHyfAc-00056-00020389-00020772 or participates in any form of civil disobedience must be morally and c5uVxMHyfAc-00057-00020772-00021045 ethically corrupt. lisa williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00058-00021045-00021245 are you not african-american c5uVxMHyfAc-00059-00021245-00021502 was the struggle of the civil rights movement c5uVxMHyfAc-00060-00021502-00021653 martin luther king c5uVxMHyfAc-00061-00021653-00022026 malcolm x_ rosa parks ruby shuttles words c5uVxMHyfAc-00062-00022026-00022523 lola h hendrix and we all have early all of whom played pivotal roles in the c5uVxMHyfAc-00063-00022523-00023017 fight for civil rights primarily through civil disobedience and almost always c5uVxMHyfAc-00064-00023017-00023453 peaceful methods these incredible individuals stood up against what was c5uVxMHyfAc-00065-00023453-00023660 the status quo of their time c5uVxMHyfAc-00066-00023660-00023967 knew that there was something burning inside of them that screams that there c5uVxMHyfAc-00067-00023967-00024197 was something not right in the system c5uVxMHyfAc-00068-00024197-00024514 and that they had a unique position to change things c5uVxMHyfAc-00069-00024514-00024856 you fall these people for the roles they played in history c5uVxMHyfAc-00070-00024856-00025204 we own all of these people a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices they've c5uVxMHyfAc-00071-00025204-00025660 made for the greater good of the human race and society as a whole there is a c5uVxMHyfAc-00072-00025660-00026097 great man who resides in your city lisa williams a man who quite possibly c5uVxMHyfAc-00073-00026097-00026528 through his courageous actions back in the year nineteen seventy one second c5uVxMHyfAc-00074-00026528-00026920 motion a chain of events that quite literally led to the end of the viet nam c5uVxMHyfAc-00075-00026920-00027421 war that man was daniel ellsberg the man who leaked the cache of documents that c5uVxMHyfAc-00076-00027421-00027616 would later be referred to as c5uVxMHyfAc-00077-00027616-00027772 the pentagon papers c5uVxMHyfAc-00078-00027772-00028143 and this courageous action in nineteen seventy one let the president in c5uVxMHyfAc-00079-00028143-00028447 administration of that time to label him a traitor c5uVxMHyfAc-00080-00028447-00028647 and that he was guilty of treason c5uVxMHyfAc-00081-00028647-00028938 much the same as bradley manning is being called by our current c5uVxMHyfAc-00082-00028938-00029216 administration i'll ask you now c5uVxMHyfAc-00083-00029216-00029365 resale williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00084-00029365-00029655 how does history remember this act of bravery c5uVxMHyfAc-00085-00029655-00029977 do we still call ellsberg a traitor c5uVxMHyfAc-00086-00029977-00030366 we see that through his deed we were able to see what our government did not c5uVxMHyfAc-00087-00030366-00030511 want to be seen c5uVxMHyfAc-00088-00030511-00030617 things that were c5uVxMHyfAc-00089-00030617-00030709 in fact c5uVxMHyfAc-00090-00030709-00030952 perpetuating the war c5uVxMHyfAc-00091-00030952-00031219 as sunshine is a powerful disinfectant c5uVxMHyfAc-00092-00031219-00031452 the truth being brought out into the light c5uVxMHyfAc-00093-00031452-00031748 forced changes into effect it needed to happen c5uVxMHyfAc-00094-00031748-00031941 this is what you must understand c5uVxMHyfAc-00095-00031941-00032095 lisa l williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00096-00032095-00032262 dot bradley manning will c5uVxMHyfAc-00097-00032262-00032463 when all troops have been revealed c5uVxMHyfAc-00098-00032463-00032681 be seen by history as a hero c5uVxMHyfAc-00099-00032681-00033183 and that all of this condemnation by the president administration and people like c5uVxMHyfAc-00100-00033183-00033263 you c5uVxMHyfAc-00101-00033263-00033443 will be seen as cowardice c5uVxMHyfAc-00102-00033443-00033907 deceit and treachery there is a good reason that the military did not want c5uVxMHyfAc-00103-00033907-00034351 these files in videos to be publicized because it shows the wanton disregard c5uVxMHyfAc-00104-00034351-00034691 for human life that some in the military display c5uVxMHyfAc-00105-00034691-00034866 history will see the truth c5uVxMHyfAc-00106-00034866-00035238 and bradley manning will be vindicated in the historical record c5uVxMHyfAc-00107-00035238-00035668 you should want to be on the right side of history lisa l williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00108-00035668-00036018 in your statement of reasons why you rescinded bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00109-00036018-00036397 you also threatened that even the mere hint of any support for the hero bradley c5uVxMHyfAc-00110-00036397-00036610 manning would not be tolerated c5uVxMHyfAc-00111-00036610-00036805 as if this was a dictatorship c5uVxMHyfAc-00112-00036805-00037093 does this not seem like a tyrannical statement c5uVxMHyfAc-00113-00037093-00037452 that even the mere hint of any support would not be tolerated c5uVxMHyfAc-00114-00037452-00037719 lisa williams who do you think you are c5uVxMHyfAc-00115-00037719-00037865 have you no shame c5uVxMHyfAc-00116-00037865-00038286 ordering people in your organization to stifle their deeply felt admiration and c5uVxMHyfAc-00117-00038286-00038491 gratitude for one of the bravest c5uVxMHyfAc-00118-00038491-00038884 almost selfless people of any orientation seems like you are c5uVxMHyfAc-00119-00038884-00039171 attempting to life in yourself to the thought police c5uVxMHyfAc-00120-00039171-00039548 you state that for anyone to show any hint of support for many would be an c5uVxMHyfAc-00121-00039548-00039918 insult to anyone game or straight who has ever served in the military of this c5uVxMHyfAc-00122-00039918-00040399 country stating that manny's actions put our men and women in uniform and harm's c5uVxMHyfAc-00123-00040399-00040736 way echoing the rhetoric of top military officials c5uVxMHyfAc-00124-00040736-00041042 rhetoric which has since been extensively debunked c5uVxMHyfAc-00125-00041042-00041354 and furthermore it is the u_s_ government and our military that are c5uVxMHyfAc-00126-00041354-00041738 guilty of quote actions which placed in harm's way the lives of our men and c5uVxMHyfAc-00127-00041738-00042077 women in uniform unquote issues so eloquently put it c5uVxMHyfAc-00128-00042077-00042208 lisa williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00129-00042208-00042675 anonymous would like to know wanted the san francisco pride parade organization c5uVxMHyfAc-00130-00042675-00043156 adopt such high ethical standards it certainly was not one you are accepting c5uVxMHyfAc-00131-00043156-00043572 the monetary contributions of your corrupt major corporate sponsors c5uVxMHyfAc-00132-00043572-00043753 such as bank of america c5uVxMHyfAc-00133-00043753-00044043 who have been sued several times for their shady c5uVxMHyfAc-00134-00044043-00044441 illegal and unethical business practices most notably c5uVxMHyfAc-00135-00044441-00044906 they were sued for a one billion dollars by the u_s_ government for rampant c5uVxMHyfAc-00136-00044906-00045162 systematic mortgage fraud schemes c5uVxMHyfAc-00137-00045162-00045288 wellsfargo c5uVxMHyfAc-00138-00045288-00045636 another of s_s_ price major contributors in sponsor c5uVxMHyfAc-00139-00045636-00046086 as guilty as many of the same acts of fraud and both played major roles in the c5uVxMHyfAc-00140-00046086-00046409 two thousand a collapse of the financial industry c5uVxMHyfAc-00141-00046409-00046780 your newfound ethical standards for certainly not in place when you took c5uVxMHyfAc-00142-00046780-00047006 money from the sponsor clearchannel c5uVxMHyfAc-00143-00047006-00047168 owned by bain capital c5uVxMHyfAc-00144-00047168-00047563 clear channel which flows such radio personalities as glenn beck and rush c5uVxMHyfAc-00145-00047563-00047919 limbaugh who must be great proponents of the gay pride parade c5uVxMHyfAc-00146-00047919-00048366 are they not s_s_ pry it s list of corrupt sponsors goes on c5uVxMHyfAc-00147-00048366-00048783 va rising in eighty mt the to telecom giants who were more than willing to c5uVxMHyfAc-00148-00048783-00049212 give over personal information if people to the bush administration colloquy only c5uVxMHyfAc-00149-00049212-00049441 known as warrantless wiretapping c5uVxMHyfAc-00150-00049441-00049924 kaiser permenante also guilty of privacy violations divulging of personal records c5uVxMHyfAc-00151-00049924-00050328 and literally ousting to the street of patients not able to pay their bill c5uVxMHyfAc-00152-00050328-00050475 shall we go on c5uVxMHyfAc-00153-00050475-00050908 all of these corporations are guilty of much worse things than bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00154-00050908-00051242 all he is guilty of is revealing the truth and for that he should be c5uVxMHyfAc-00155-00051242-00051341 commended c5uVxMHyfAc-00156-00051341-00051797 we have been on unless in response to your incompetence lisa held williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00157-00051797-00052133 do hereby engage operation grand marshal manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00158-00052133-00052501 this operation demands that you we sail williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00159-00052501-00052853 ease the reinstate private bradley mending his grand marshall in the san c5uVxMHyfAc-00160-00052853-00053058 francisco gay pride parade c5uVxMHyfAc-00161-00053058-00053429 or if your superior ethical intellect prevents you from doing so c5uVxMHyfAc-00162-00053429-00053821 that you step down as head of the asc at state pride commission and allow someone c5uVxMHyfAc-00163-00053821-00054251 to take your place in reinstate private bradley manning his grand marshal c5uVxMHyfAc-00164-00054251-00054579 failing to do so will result in consequence is determined by the c5uVxMHyfAc-00165-00054579-00054674 collective c5uVxMHyfAc-00166-00054674-00054756 this c5uVxMHyfAc-00167-00054756-00054910 lisa l williams c5uVxMHyfAc-00168-00054910-00055063 is our main demand c5uVxMHyfAc-00169-00055063-00055441 the hero bradley manning must be reinstated as grand marshal c5uVxMHyfAc-00170-00055441-00055896 if the s_s_ pride parade is to continue to be a bastion of gay liberation c5uVxMHyfAc-00171-00055896-00055996 decried c5uVxMHyfAc-00172-00055996-00056362 and claim to represent the interests of the gay community at large c5uVxMHyfAc-00173-00056362-00056590 then you must listen to the gay community c5uVxMHyfAc-00174-00056590-00056966 many other institutions in the community have come out in support of bradley c5uVxMHyfAc-00175-00056966-00057155 manning being reinstated c5uVxMHyfAc-00176-00057155-00057566 these institutions and organizations include queer striped c5uVxMHyfAc-00177-00057566-00057729 gay liberation network c5uVxMHyfAc-00178-00057729-00058041 gains without borders act-up san francisco c5uVxMHyfAc-00179-00058041-00058337 the harvey milk alchi bt democratic club c5uVxMHyfAc-00180-00058337-00058566 the iraq veterans against the war c5uVxMHyfAc-00181-00058566-00058694 and many others c5uVxMHyfAc-00182-00058694-00058929 and now to the greater community at large c5uVxMHyfAc-00183-00058929-00059295 we ask that you come out and make your presence in support of private bradley c5uVxMHyfAc-00184-00059295-00059414 manning known c5uVxMHyfAc-00185-00059414-00059755 anonymous as well as many other community organizations c5uVxMHyfAc-00186-00059755-00059884 occupiers c5uVxMHyfAc-00187-00059884-00059998 activists c5uVxMHyfAc-00188-00059998-00060391 and anyone with a conscience are urged to meet a ten a m on sunday c5uVxMHyfAc-00189-00060391-00060846 june thirtieth at the intersection of howard in beale street in san francisco c5uVxMHyfAc-00190-00060846-00061204 we will be marching in the parade to show our support for the hero private c5uVxMHyfAc-00191-00061204-00061411 first class bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00192-00061411-00061832 despite the s_s_ pride board publicly maligning in recent demanding his grand c5uVxMHyfAc-00193-00061832-00062166 marshall we will be marching in solidarity and on mars c5uVxMHyfAc-00194-00062166-00062536 in the midst of the summer military trial it's the most crucial time to c5uVxMHyfAc-00195-00062536-00062891 support our whistleblower in people's parade grand marshal c5uVxMHyfAc-00196-00062891-00063124 manning is in prison for all of s c5uVxMHyfAc-00197-00063124-00063385 now let's come out for bradley manning c5uVxMHyfAc-00198-00063385-00063600 grand marshal not court-martialed c5uVxMHyfAc-00199-00063600-00064070 anonymous operation grand marshal manning engaged lisa bill williams you c5uVxMHyfAc-00200-00064070-00064188 have been warned c5uVxMHyfAc-00201-00064188-00064329 we are anonymous c5uVxMHyfAc-00202-00064329-00064441 we are legion c5uVxMHyfAc-00203-00064441-00064583 we do not forgive c5uVxMHyfAc-00204-00064583-00065101 we do not forget lisa l williams it is too late to expect us we are already c5uVxMHyfAc-00205-00065101-00065132 here c5UJXpV7mo8-00000-00000133-00000803 FAKE?? c8dkDBF5W6Q-00000-00000320-00000623 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00001-00000623-00000823 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00002-00000823-00000873 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00003-00000909-00001109 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00004-00001109-00001159 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00005-00001159-00001209 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00006-00001228-00001278 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00007-00001320-00001520 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00008-00001520-00001570 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00009-00001612-00001812 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00010-00001812-00001862 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00011-00001904-00002104 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00012-00002104-00002154 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00013-00002154-00002204 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00014-00002207-00002257 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00015-00002257-00002307 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00016-00002307-00002357 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00017-00002357-00002407 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00018-00002525-00002575 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00019-00002575-00002625 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00020-00002808-00002858 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00021-00002858-00002908 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00022-00003089-00003139 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00023-00003139-00003189 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00024-00003373-00003423 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00025-00003423-00003473 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00026-00003654-00003704 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00027-00003704-00003754 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00028-00003938-00003988 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00029-00003988-00004038 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00030-00004219-00004269 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00031-00004269-00004319 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00032-00004502-00004552 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00033-00004552-00004602 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00034-00007455-00007655 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8dkDBF5W6Q-00035-00007655-00007747 Item Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShootItem Girl Gauhar Khan Hot Bikini PhotoShoot c8ZDgrj6V10-00000-00000229-00000390 Let's begin the use case c8ZDgrj6V10-00001-00001722-00001898 Create a product "Laptop" c8ZDgrj6V10-00002-00002368-00002600 Set product category to Stockable c8ZDgrj6V10-00003-00002776-00002872 Set sale price c8ZDgrj6V10-00004-00003522-00003770 Set at least one supplier called ASUS c8ZDgrj6V10-00005-00003940-00004092 Set the purchase price c8ZDgrj6V10-00006-00004498-00004826 Keep Buy as default Route selected on the product c8ZDgrj6V10-00007-00005366-00005694 Set default purchase and sales tax on the product c8ZDgrj6V10-00008-00006156-00006604 Let's activate the Order Approval feature form Purchase Settings c8ZDgrj6V10-00009-00006734-00007109 It will ask you to enter the Minimum amount, purchase order above this amount required purchase manager validation cqgxcLnyKuy-00000-00000010-00000467 THEY FALL TO U MARY 76-51. cqgxcLnyKuy-00001-00000467-00000473 THEY FALL TO U MARY 76-51. cqgxcLnyKuy-00002-00000473-00000580 THEY FALL TO U MARY 76-51. >> REWIND TO 2017 AND THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00003-00000580-00000587 THEY FALL TO U MARY 76-51. >> REWIND TO 2017 AND THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00004-00000587-00000693 THEY FALL TO U MARY 76-51. >> REWIND TO 2017 AND THE SECTION 8-2A GIRL'S HOCKEY cqgxcLnyKuy-00005-00000693-00000700 >> REWIND TO 2017 AND THE SECTION 8-2A GIRL'S HOCKEY cqgxcLnyKuy-00006-00000700-00000944 >> REWIND TO 2017 AND THE SECTION 8-2A GIRL'S HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP, ROSEAU-BRAINERD, cqgxcLnyKuy-00007-00000944-00000950 SECTION 8-2A GIRL'S HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP, ROSEAU-BRAINERD, cqgxcLnyKuy-00008-00000950-00001161 SECTION 8-2A GIRL'S HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP, ROSEAU-BRAINERD, LITTLE FALLS, FOUR cqgxcLnyKuy-00009-00001161-00001167 CHAMPIONSHIP, ROSEAU-BRAINERD, LITTLE FALLS, FOUR cqgxcLnyKuy-00010-00001167-00001261 CHAMPIONSHIP, ROSEAU-BRAINERD, LITTLE FALLS, FOUR OVERTIMES BEFORE THE RAMS cqgxcLnyKuy-00011-00001261-00001267 LITTLE FALLS, FOUR OVERTIMES BEFORE THE RAMS cqgxcLnyKuy-00012-00001267-00001478 LITTLE FALLS, FOUR OVERTIMES BEFORE THE RAMS FINALLY WON 3-2. cqgxcLnyKuy-00013-00001478-00001484 OVERTIMES BEFORE THE RAMS FINALLY WON 3-2. cqgxcLnyKuy-00014-00001484-00001628 OVERTIMES BEFORE THE RAMS FINALLY WON 3-2. NOW FAST FORWARD A YEAR LATER, cqgxcLnyKuy-00015-00001628-00001634 FINALLY WON 3-2. NOW FAST FORWARD A YEAR LATER, cqgxcLnyKuy-00016-00001634-00001735 FINALLY WON 3-2. NOW FAST FORWARD A YEAR LATER, AND THE SAME TWO TEAMS cqgxcLnyKuy-00017-00001735-00001741 NOW FAST FORWARD A YEAR LATER, AND THE SAME TWO TEAMS cqgxcLnyKuy-00018-00001741-00001845 NOW FAST FORWARD A YEAR LATER, AND THE SAME TWO TEAMS BATTLING IT OUT FOR A TRIP TO cqgxcLnyKuy-00019-00001845-00001851 AND THE SAME TWO TEAMS BATTLING IT OUT FOR A TRIP TO cqgxcLnyKuy-00020-00001851-00002065 AND THE SAME TWO TEAMS BATTLING IT OUT FOR A TRIP TO STATE NEXT WEEK. cqgxcLnyKuy-00021-00002065-00002072 BATTLING IT OUT FOR A TRIP TO STATE NEXT WEEK. cqgxcLnyKuy-00022-00002072-00002365 BATTLING IT OUT FOR A TRIP TO STATE NEXT WEEK. THE RAMS WON BOTH REGULAR cqgxcLnyKuy-00023-00002365-00002372 STATE NEXT WEEK. THE RAMS WON BOTH REGULAR cqgxcLnyKuy-00024-00002372-00002419 STATE NEXT WEEK. THE RAMS WON BOTH REGULAR SEASON MEETINGS. cqgxcLnyKuy-00025-00002419-00002425 THE RAMS WON BOTH REGULAR SEASON MEETINGS. cqgxcLnyKuy-00026-00002425-00002522 THE RAMS WON BOTH REGULAR SEASON MEETINGS. WHAT WILL ROUND THREE BRING cqgxcLnyKuy-00027-00002522-00002529 SEASON MEETINGS. WHAT WILL ROUND THREE BRING cqgxcLnyKuy-00028-00002529-00002796 SEASON MEETINGS. WHAT WILL ROUND THREE BRING TONIGHT IN CROOKSTON? cqgxcLnyKuy-00029-00002796-00002802 WHAT WILL ROUND THREE BRING TONIGHT IN CROOKSTON? cqgxcLnyKuy-00030-00002802-00003053 WHAT WILL ROUND THREE BRING TONIGHT IN CROOKSTON? FIRST PERIOD, WARRIORS ON THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00031-00003053-00003059 TONIGHT IN CROOKSTON? FIRST PERIOD, WARRIORS ON THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00032-00003059-00003116 TONIGHT IN CROOKSTON? FIRST PERIOD, WARRIORS ON THE ATTACK. cqgxcLnyKuy-00033-00003116-00003123 FIRST PERIOD, WARRIORS ON THE ATTACK. cqgxcLnyKuy-00034-00003123-00003213 FIRST PERIOD, WARRIORS ON THE ATTACK. THERE'S A SAVE. cqgxcLnyKuy-00035-00003213-00003219 ATTACK. THERE'S A SAVE. cqgxcLnyKuy-00036-00003219-00003653 ATTACK. THERE'S A SAVE. THEN LATER ON ROSEAU SHOT FROM cqgxcLnyKuy-00037-00003653-00003660 THERE'S A SAVE. THEN LATER ON ROSEAU SHOT FROM cqgxcLnyKuy-00038-00003660-00003793 THERE'S A SAVE. THEN LATER ON ROSEAU SHOT FROM THE POINT, BUT ANSWER WITH A cqgxcLnyKuy-00039-00003793-00003800 THEN LATER ON ROSEAU SHOT FROM THE POINT, BUT ANSWER WITH A cqgxcLnyKuy-00040-00003800-00003860 THEN LATER ON ROSEAU SHOT FROM THE POINT, BUT ANSWER WITH A SAVE OF HER OWN. cqgxcLnyKuy-00041-00003860-00003867 THE POINT, BUT ANSWER WITH A SAVE OF HER OWN. cqgxcLnyKuy-00042-00003867-00004010 THE POINT, BUT ANSWER WITH A SAVE OF HER OWN. THEN TO THE SECOND, RAMS FINALLY cqgxcLnyKuy-00043-00004010-00004017 SAVE OF HER OWN. THEN TO THE SECOND, RAMS FINALLY cqgxcLnyKuy-00044-00004017-00004137 SAVE OF HER OWN. THEN TO THE SECOND, RAMS FINALLY GET ON THE BOARD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00045-00004137-00004144 THEN TO THE SECOND, RAMS FINALLY GET ON THE BOARD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00046-00004144-00004307 THEN TO THE SECOND, RAMS FINALLY GET ON THE BOARD. ELISE MURPHY WITH THE WRISTER, cqgxcLnyKuy-00047-00004307-00004314 GET ON THE BOARD. ELISE MURPHY WITH THE WRISTER, cqgxcLnyKuy-00048-00004314-00004534 GET ON THE BOARD. ELISE MURPHY WITH THE WRISTER, PASSES THE KEEPER, 1-NOTHING, cqgxcLnyKuy-00049-00004534-00004541 ELISE MURPHY WITH THE WRISTER, PASSES THE KEEPER, 1-NOTHING, cqgxcLnyKuy-00050-00004541-00004597 ELISE MURPHY WITH THE WRISTER, PASSES THE KEEPER, 1-NOTHING, ROSEAU TAKES THE LEAD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00051-00004597-00004604 PASSES THE KEEPER, 1-NOTHING, ROSEAU TAKES THE LEAD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00052-00004604-00004804 PASSES THE KEEPER, 1-NOTHING, ROSEAU TAKES THE LEAD. THE WARRIORS ANSWER IN THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00053-00004804-00004811 ROSEAU TAKES THE LEAD. THE WARRIORS ANSWER IN THE cqgxcLnyKuy-00054-00004811-00004868 ROSEAU TAKES THE LEAD. THE WARRIORS ANSWER IN THE THIRD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00055-00004868-00004874 THE WARRIORS ANSWER IN THE THIRD. cqgxcLnyKuy-00056-00004874-00005155 THE WARRIORS ANSWER IN THE THIRD. GABBY SMITH, FULL HAND, BACK cqgxcLnyKuy-00057-00005155-00005161 THIRD. GABBY SMITH, FULL HAND, BACK cqgxcLnyKuy-00058-00005161-00005335 THIRD. GABBY SMITH, FULL HAND, BACK HAND, THAT TIES IT UP AT 1. cqgxcLnyKuy-00059-00005335-00005341 GABBY SMITH, FULL HAND, BACK HAND, THAT TIES IT UP AT 1. cqgxcLnyKuy-00060-00005341-00005835 GABBY SMITH, FULL HAND, BACK HAND, THAT TIES IT UP AT 1. THIS ONE GOES TO TRIPLE cqgxcLnyKuy-00061-00005835-00005842 HAND, THAT TIES IT UP AT 1. THIS ONE GOES TO TRIPLE cqgxcLnyKuy-00062-00005842-00005872 HAND, THAT TIES IT UP AT 1. THIS ONE GOES TO TRIPLE OVERTIME. cqgxcLnyKuy-00063-00005872-00005879 THIS ONE GOES TO TRIPLE OVERTIME. cqgxcLnyKuy-00064-00005879-00006076 THIS ONE GOES TO TRIPLE OVERTIME. BUT BRAINERD SCORES THE GAME cqgxcLnyKuy-00065-00006076-00006082 OVERTIME. BUT BRAINERD SCORES THE GAME cqgxcLnyKuy-00066-00006082-00006109 OVERTIME. BUT BRAINERD SCORES THE GAME WINNER. cqgxcLnyKuy-00067-00006109-00006116 BUT BRAINERD SCORES THE GAME WINNER. cqgxcLnyKuy-00068-00006116-00006206 BUT BRAINERD SCORES THE GAME WINNER. THEY WIN 2-1. csagTxuRo10-00000-00000903-00001592 so csagTxuRo10-00001-00003344-00003584 well um first person finished again csagTxuRo10-00002-00003656-00004072 i was just wondering if this is gonna happen again it is gonna happen again csagTxuRo10-00003-00004288-00005112 i just played here right here and got first person glitch and now i'm first person hitched again csagTxuRo10-00004-00005176-00005784 lovely i'll shoot you now no oh no i can csagTxuRo10-00005-00006272-00006640 well that sucks in first person csagTxuRo10-00006-00006920-00007184 second time in a row that i got first person glitched here csagTxuRo10-00007-00008872-00009352 okay where's the spot i don't know how to survive that csagTxuRo10-00008-00009600-00009984 but i can't fit anything anyways csagTxuRo10-00009-00010224-00010768 where's the spot that's not it i'm dead let's just heal csagTxuRo10-00010-00010992-00011360 okay nothing happened is sweet csagTxuRo10-00011-00011736-00011864 know what i wanted though csagTxuRo10-00012-00012376-00012784 okay now it's back there right csagTxuRo10-00013-00013152-00013424 shots are nowhere going nowhere csagTxuRo10-00014-00013728-00014184 no eyes csagTxuRo10-00015-00014591-00015584 i don't know if that actually hits me that's the interesting part oh it does not csagTxuRo10-00016-00015816-00016400 yeah don't think i'm gonna beat that okay back here again time to heal csagTxuRo10-00017-00016608-00017264 one more shot's literally gone over anyways oh i'm standing in fire i'm an idiot csagTxuRo10-00018-00017376-00018384 i feel like they'll fight this glitch csagTxuRo10-00019-00018624-00018816 yeah can't really avoid that csagTxuRo10-00020-00019616-00019904 let's see myself this is impossible csagTxuRo10-00021-00020448-00020656 i don't know if i'm lying on the floor csagTxuRo10-00022-00021144-00021912 okay okay i tried it for two times and two times i got the ghost glitch i'm not gonna try it again csagTxuRo10-00023-00021992-00022536 well no no i'm not gonna try it again you peace out ct58bd60KKI-00000-00000264-00000911 There are a range of jobs and opportunities in Early Help. We have very level entry roles, ct58bd60KKI-00001-00000911-00001384 where you can work in one of our family hubs and really interact with the community. ct58bd60KKI-00002-00001448-00001872 And roles that take you right through a number of different opportunities, right up to team ct58bd60KKI-00003-00001872-00002560 manager and service manager. We offer a range of training opportunities, apprenticeships, and again ct58bd60KKI-00004-00002560-00002984 coming and working for Early Help is a really good stepping stone to a career in social care. cvpWyJkT-34-00000-00001320-00001442 We live on some acreage. cvpWyJkT-34-00001-00001445-00001938 His parents own a farm, so we move back to be able to help them on the farm. cvpWyJkT-34-00002-00001939-00002114 They have cattle cvpWyJkT-34-00003-00002116-00002404 and we always knew ultimately that if we were going to make this home that we cvpWyJkT-34-00004-00002407-00002800 wanted to build something that we were really proud of and that's something we cvpWyJkT-34-00005-00002803-00003260 could raise our children in with great memories and personalize it cvpWyJkT-34-00006-00003260-00003614 so that it could be a place that we felt we struggled a little bit with the cold cvpWyJkT-34-00007-00003617-00003996 weather, but just a place that we felt excited to come home to. cvpWyJkT-34-00008-00004688-00004898 Single story bedrooms. cvpWyJkT-34-00009-00004901-00005178 Everything was so easy to personalize cvpWyJkT-34-00010-00005180-00005472 and really it was just a piece of the communication and being able cvpWyJkT-34-00011-00005472-00005726 to work with all those that we worked with initially. cvpWyJkT-34-00012-00005729-00006238 It was just a really smooth process and also just word of mouth in this area. cvpWyJkT-34-00013-00006241-00006470 We got a lot of good feedback from others cvpWyJkT-34-00014-00006473-00006890 who use Schumacher in the past and had really great things to say, cvpWyJkT-34-00015-00006893-00007313 so we relied a lot on others point of view as well. cvpWyJkT-34-00016-00007316-00007684 I also remember that cvpWyJkT-34-00017-00007804-00008518 the starting price of the base price for the model also came with upgrades. cvpWyJkT-34-00018-00008520-00008692 The base model with the price that we cvpWyJkT-34-00019-00008695-00009380 started at included things that were typically upgrades with other builders. cvpWyJkT-34-00020-00009408-00009566 That was a selling point as well. cvpWyJkT-34-00021-00009569-00010214 To know that you're already starting off with the price with a good solid product. cvpWyJkT-34-00022-00011082-00011578 The Fieldcrest--We went with the modern farmhouse just suits our environment really well. cvpWyJkT-34-00023-00011581-00011790 We wanted to have a lot of windows cvpWyJkT-34-00024-00011793-00012338 and this floor plan allowed us to have the wall of windows on the backside cvpWyJkT-34-00025-00012341-00012554 and we also start a little bit smaller, cvpWyJkT-34-00026-00012556-00012838 but also realize soon that this is going to be our forever home. cvpWyJkT-34-00027-00012841-00013124 And the Fieldcrest had ample space for us cvpWyJkT-34-00028-00013124-00013494 to be able to grow our family and have enough space for people to visit and stay. cvpWyJkT-34-00029-00013497-00013772 So from a square footage perspective, cvpWyJkT-34-00030-00013776-00014126 it was perfect for us in terms of us being here in 20 years from now. cvpWyJkT-34-00031-00014129-00014338 And we have a young one and the loft cvpWyJkT-34-00032-00014340-00014558 upstairs is perfect for his little play area. cvpWyJkT-34-00033-00014560-00014761 And we have the master suite on the first cvpWyJkT-34-00034-00014763-00015058 floor with the big open concept with the living room and the kitchen. cvpWyJkT-34-00035-00015061-00015219 So cvpWyJkT-34-00036-00015224-00015538 we went through a lot of models and it really just fell right in the place. cvpWyJkT-34-00037-00015541-00015740 It fit perfect. cvpWyJkT-34-00038-00016512-00016841 First and foremost was a big open plan kitchen. cvpWyJkT-34-00039-00016956-00017152 The master cvpWyJkT-34-00040-00017156-00017470 suite on the first floor was for me, cvpWyJkT-34-00041-00017473-00017752 especially with the bathroom and the walk-in closet. cvpWyJkT-34-00042-00017755-00018010 And one of my favorite rooms in the house cvpWyJkT-34-00043-00018013-00018342 is the sunroom that just comes off of the walk-in closet. cvpWyJkT-34-00044-00018345-00018866 We actually customize that room a little bit with an archway and no door. cvpWyJkT-34-00045-00018869-00019278 So you go from the bedroom to the bathroom to the walk-in closet straight cvpWyJkT-34-00046-00019281-00019852 into the sunroom, which is basically it's like a little retreat for the adults. cvpWyJkT-34-00047-00019855-00020264 For Meg and I to just have that whole side of the house and we turn it into like cvpWyJkT-34-00048-00020267-00020578 a little gym and we have some workout stuff in there. cvpWyJkT-34-00049-00020581-00021034 That's one thing that was must have for me to be in the middle of it all. cvpWyJkT-34-00050-00021036-00021138 Yes, everything as it was. cvpWyJkT-34-00051-00021141-00021426 We added windows wherever we could, cvpWyJkT-34-00052-00021429-00021694 but the main footprint stays as it was. cvpWyJkT-34-00053-00021697-00022110 I would say the big thing, as Meg already mentioned, was the windows. cvpWyJkT-34-00054-00022113-00022410 We did add quite a few windows cvpWyJkT-34-00055-00022413-00023066 in all the bedrooms upstairs and we put a master door, I'm sorry, cvpWyJkT-34-00056-00023069-00023552 we put an exterior door in the master bedroom so straight from the bedroom you cvpWyJkT-34-00057-00023555-00023970 can walk outside, which will all connect to the back patio eventually. cvpWyJkT-34-00058-00023973-00024148 And cvpWyJkT-34-00059-00024156-00024342 a lot of the customization that we did cvpWyJkT-34-00060-00024345-00024722 above, beyond the floor plan was really electrical. cvpWyJkT-34-00061-00024725-00024934 We put some speakers in the ceilings cvpWyJkT-34-00062-00024937-00025318 and we added quite a few smart switches and things like that. cvpWyJkT-34-00063-00025321-00025594 But overall cvpWyJkT-34-00064-00025597-00026175 the floor plan stayed the same and a lot of customization tweaks here and there. cvpWyJkT-34-00065-00026980-00027158 It was a great experience. cvpWyJkT-34-00066-00027160-00027494 You want to go in with a little bit of the knowledge beforehand. cvpWyJkT-34-00067-00027497-00027704 You want to make sure cvpWyJkT-34-00068-00027744-00028174 that everything is what you want and you have it all. cvpWyJkT-34-00069-00028177-00028614 I don't think you can over prepare because there's going to be things along the way cvpWyJkT-34-00070-00028616-00028942 that questions come up that you never even thought of. cvpWyJkT-34-00071-00028944-00029154 And like I said, we've planned for five years. cvpWyJkT-34-00072-00029157-00029562 So it's just like any other journey in life. cvpWyJkT-34-00073-00029564-00029688 You just want to over prepare and make cvpWyJkT-34-00074-00029688-00030074 sure that you have all your bases covered and make sure that you know what you want cvpWyJkT-34-00075-00030077-00030602 and kind of stick to it because the design the final product at the end, cvpWyJkT-34-00076-00030604-00031174 you get what you put into it and you want to make sure that you reap those rewards. cvpWyJkT-34-00077-00031177-00031468 I also think it's so hard in the interim cvpWyJkT-34-00078-00031470-00031910 when you are going through that phase of plywall and all those pieces, cvpWyJkT-34-00079-00031913-00032277 the intricate parts of the build, it always seems so stressful. cvpWyJkT-34-00080-00032280-00032489 And looking back now, mid built, cvpWyJkT-34-00081-00032492-00032794 we would have been to the point where this is never going to happen. cvpWyJkT-34-00082-00032797-00032878 It's stressful. cvpWyJkT-34-00083-00032880-00033106 But now looking back, we would do it a million times over. cvpWyJkT-34-00084-00033109-00033360 It's just to reiterate the fact that it is cvpWyJkT-34-00085-00033360-00033594 going to turn out to be exactly what you hoped it to be. cvpWyJkT-34-00086-00033597-00033774 And it comes with a little stress, cvpWyJkT-34-00087-00033777-00034078 but not, as Rob said, not without reward in the end. cvpWyJkT-34-00088-00034080-00034294 And that stress for us in particular was cvpWyJkT-34-00089-00034297-00034730 the idea that we came up every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. cvpWyJkT-34-00090-00034733-00034906 So that was one advantage we had. cvpWyJkT-34-00091-00034908-00035298 A building on the land is because we also lived on the land as it was being built. cvpWyJkT-34-00092-00035301-00035502 So we got to see every step of the way, cvpWyJkT-34-00093-00035504-00035780 which I understand a lot of people won't have that luxury. cvpWyJkT-34-00094-00035783-00036386 But for us, when we say the stress, it was also super rewarding. cvpWyJkT-34-00095-00036389-00036870 I can still picture the day when they brought the pump truck for the foundation cvpWyJkT-34-00096-00036873-00037264 in and then when we're sitting in the house, we're walking through cvpWyJkT-34-00097-00037267-00037600 the house with just studded walls up and then drywall. cvpWyJkT-34-00098-00037600-00037746 And every step of the way, we got to see it. cvpWyJkT-34-00099-00037748-00038030 So it was quite amazing to see the whole thing along the way. cvpWyJkT-34-00100-00038033-00038214 And super rewarding. cvpWyJkT-34-00101-00038216-00038354 Yeah, it was like that first scoop cvpWyJkT-34-00102-00038357-00038642 of excavated dirt and it made me almost want to tear up. cvpWyJkT-34-00103-00038645-00038894 It's like, that is just so rewarding here. cvpWyJkT-34-00104-00038897-00039135 Looking back to all of it. cvpWyJkT-34-00105-00039880-00040038 Yeah, mine too. Definitely. cvpWyJkT-34-00106-00040041-00040246 The first scoop from the excavator. cvpWyJkT-34-00107-00040248-00040494 And then we were getting towards Christmas. cvpWyJkT-34-00108-00040497-00040870 We didn't know if we'd be in time to spend Christmas with the family here. cvpWyJkT-34-00109-00040872-00041014 And I remember one night just coming up cvpWyJkT-34-00110-00041016-00041262 to check in and everything, and I saw them cleaning it. cvpWyJkT-34-00111-00041264-00041646 The lights were on and it was almost just feeling like this is actually happening. cvpWyJkT-34-00112-00041648-00041766 It almost took my breath away. cvpWyJkT-34-00113-00041769-00042030 It was those two moments for me that were just. cvpWyJkT-34-00114-00042033-00042170 That is a big moment, too. cvpWyJkT-34-00115-00042173-00042366 When you finally see the lights on, cvpWyJkT-34-00116-00042369-00042678 it becomes very real when you see the lights on. cvpWyJkT-34-00117-00042680-00043000 This is happening. We're moving in. cvpWyJkT-34-00118-00043764-00043958 The first step is the hardest. cvpWyJkT-34-00119-00043960-00044402 We went down so many paths, and it's just coming to a place in your cvpWyJkT-34-00120-00044404-00044732 heart and in your mind where you can say we're going to do this and we're going cvpWyJkT-34-00121-00044732-00044950 to face all the challenges that come there after. cvpWyJkT-34-00122-00044952-00045146 But for us, I think just taking that first cvpWyJkT-34-00123-00045148-00045814 step of commitment was our most challenging, but it is, as we mentioned, cvpWyJkT-34-00124-00045816-00046142 once you have in your heart and your mind what you want and how you want to do it, cvpWyJkT-34-00125-00046144-00046462 just take that step because you're working with a great team of Schumacher. cvpWyJkT-34-00126-00046465-00046806 They're going to guide you and lead you throughout the process. cvpWyJkT-34-00127-00046808-00046970 And certainly now that we sit in our cvpWyJkT-34-00128-00046973-00047298 beautiful home, it was the best decision we ever made. cvpWyJkT-34-00129-00047301-00047418 Yeah, I agree. cvpWyJkT-34-00130-00047421-00047734 And Jeff Price, cvpWyJkT-34-00131-00047736-00048050 our general contractor, he was phenomenal throughout the whole cvpWyJkT-34-00132-00048053-00048466 process, and we knew, obviously we worked with him so often cvpWyJkT-34-00133-00048468-00048754 and we build a good relationship, strong relationship with him, cvpWyJkT-34-00134-00048757-00049378 and he was always easing the pain in terms of like, don't worry, it will be fixed. cvpWyJkT-34-00135-00049380-00049610 We'll get to it. And it was just along the way, cvpWyJkT-34-00136-00049613-00049914 so we always knew we were in good hands working with Jeff. cvpWyJkT-34-00137-00049917-00050382 And we would highly recommend Schumacher Homes going further cvpWyJkT-34-00138-00050385-00050850 for the whole entire building from everything within the house walls. cvpWyJkT-34-00139-00050852-00051064 They took care of and and they did an immaculate job. cxuT50qP32A-00000-00000000-00000307 Splaash! cxuT50qP32A-00001-00000307-00000580 Klasky Csupo! cxuT50qP32A-00002-00000580-00001067 Ting! Habidibidibo! Quack Quack! Boing! cysPlqf10M8-00000-00000010-00000056 THEN REPORT THE INCIDENT TO cysPlqf10M8-00001-00000056-00000063 THEN REPORT THE INCIDENT TO cysPlqf10M8-00002-00000063-00000266 THEN REPORT THE INCIDENT TO POLICE. cysPlqf10M8-00003-00000266-00000273 THEN REPORT THE INCIDENT TO POLICE. cysPlqf10M8-00004-00000273-00000366 THEN REPORT THE INCIDENT TO POLICE. >>> IN JANUARY, CUYUNA REGIONAL cysPlqf10M8-00005-00000366-00000373 POLICE. >>> IN JANUARY, CUYUNA REGIONAL cysPlqf10M8-00006-00000373-00000630 POLICE. >>> IN JANUARY, CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OPENED A NEW cysPlqf10M8-00007-00000630-00000637 >>> IN JANUARY, CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OPENED A NEW cysPlqf10M8-00008-00000637-00000724 >>> IN JANUARY, CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OPENED A NEW MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CLINIC cysPlqf10M8-00009-00000724-00000730 MEDICAL CENTER OPENED A NEW MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CLINIC cysPlqf10M8-00010-00000730-00000834 MEDICAL CENTER OPENED A NEW MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CLINIC IN CROSBY. cysPlqf10M8-00011-00000834-00000840 MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CLINIC IN CROSBY. cysPlqf10M8-00012-00000840-00000940 MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CLINIC IN CROSBY. THE CENTER IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW cysPlqf10M8-00013-00000940-00000947 IN CROSBY. THE CENTER IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW cysPlqf10M8-00014-00000947-00001101 IN CROSBY. THE CENTER IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW IN THE STATE AND OFFERS cysPlqf10M8-00015-00001101-00001107 THE CENTER IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW IN THE STATE AND OFFERS cysPlqf10M8-00016-00001107-00001174 THE CENTER IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW IN THE STATE AND OFFERS IMPORTANT CARE AND TREATMENTS OF cysPlqf10M8-00017-00001174-00001181 IN THE STATE AND OFFERS IMPORTANT CARE AND TREATMENTS OF cysPlqf10M8-00018-00001181-00001247 IN THE STATE AND OFFERS IMPORTANT CARE AND TREATMENTS OF ISSUES AND SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY cysPlqf10M8-00019-00001247-00001254 IMPORTANT CARE AND TREATMENTS OF ISSUES AND SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY cysPlqf10M8-00020-00001254-00001421 IMPORTANT CARE AND TREATMENTS OF ISSUES AND SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE. cysPlqf10M8-00021-00001421-00001428 ISSUES AND SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE. cysPlqf10M8-00022-00001428-00001518 ISSUES AND SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS cysPlqf10M8-00023-00001518-00001524 MENOPAUSE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS cysPlqf10M8-00024-00001524-00001901 MENOPAUSE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. cysPlqf10M8-00025-00001901-00001908 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. cysPlqf10M8-00026-00001908-00002102 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS cysPlqf10M8-00027-00002102-00002108 MORE. >> THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS cysPlqf10M8-00028-00002108-00002288 MORE. >> THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS RECENTLY ADDED A NEW STATE OF cysPlqf10M8-00029-00002288-00002295 >> THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS RECENTLY ADDED A NEW STATE OF cysPlqf10M8-00030-00002295-00002439 >> THE MEDICAL CENTER HAS RECENTLY ADDED A NEW STATE OF THE ART MENOPAUSE CENTER AT cysPlqf10M8-00031-00002439-00002445 RECENTLY ADDED A NEW STATE OF THE ART MENOPAUSE CENTER AT cysPlqf10M8-00032-00002445-00002675 RECENTLY ADDED A NEW STATE OF THE ART MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CROSBY CLINIC. cysPlqf10M8-00033-00002675-00002682 THE ART MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CROSBY CLINIC. cysPlqf10M8-00034-00002682-00002846 THE ART MENOPAUSE CENTER AT THEIR CROSBY CLINIC. >> WE NOTICED IN OUR AREA THAT cysPlqf10M8-00035-00002846-00002852 THEIR CROSBY CLINIC. >> WE NOTICED IN OUR AREA THAT cysPlqf10M8-00036-00002852-00003223 THEIR CROSBY CLINIC. >> WE NOTICED IN OUR AREA THAT IT IS AN AGING POPULATION. cysPlqf10M8-00037-00003223-00003229 >> WE NOTICED IN OUR AREA THAT IT IS AN AGING POPULATION. cysPlqf10M8-00038-00003229-00003620 >> WE NOTICED IN OUR AREA THAT IT IS AN AGING POPULATION. THE FASTEST GROWING IS POST cysPlqf10M8-00039-00003620-00003626 IT IS AN AGING POPULATION. THE FASTEST GROWING IS POST cysPlqf10M8-00040-00003626-00003700 IT IS AN AGING POPULATION. THE FASTEST GROWING IS POST MENOPAUSEAL WOMEN. cysPlqf10M8-00041-00003700-00003707 THE FASTEST GROWING IS POST MENOPAUSEAL WOMEN. cysPlqf10M8-00042-00003707-00003813 THE FASTEST GROWING IS POST MENOPAUSEAL WOMEN. THERE'S A BIG NEED FOR CARE. cysPlqf10M8-00043-00003813-00003820 MENOPAUSEAL WOMEN. THERE'S A BIG NEED FOR CARE. cysPlqf10M8-00044-00003820-00004167 MENOPAUSEAL WOMEN. THERE'S A BIG NEED FOR CARE. >> THE IT OPENED IN JANUARY AND cysPlqf10M8-00045-00004167-00004174 THERE'S A BIG NEED FOR CARE. >> THE IT OPENED IN JANUARY AND cysPlqf10M8-00046-00004174-00004381 THERE'S A BIG NEED FOR CARE. >> THE IT OPENED IN JANUARY AND OFFERS CARE AND TREATS SYMPTOMS cysPlqf10M8-00047-00004381-00004387 >> THE IT OPENED IN JANUARY AND OFFERS CARE AND TREATS SYMPTOMS cysPlqf10M8-00048-00004387-00004631 >> THE IT OPENED IN JANUARY AND OFFERS CARE AND TREATS SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE AND PERI cysPlqf10M8-00049-00004631-00004637 OFFERS CARE AND TREATS SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE AND PERI cysPlqf10M8-00050-00004637-00004667 OFFERS CARE AND TREATS SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE AND PERI MENOPAUSE. cysPlqf10M8-00051-00004667-00004674 CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE AND PERI MENOPAUSE. cysPlqf10M8-00052-00004674-00004824 CAUSED BY MENOPAUSE AND PERI MENOPAUSE. >> COMMON PROBLEMS ARE HOT cysPlqf10M8-00053-00004824-00004831 MENOPAUSE. >> COMMON PROBLEMS ARE HOT cysPlqf10M8-00054-00004831-00005111 MENOPAUSE. >> COMMON PROBLEMS ARE HOT FLASHES, SLEEP DISTURBANCES, cysPlqf10M8-00055-00005111-00005118 >> COMMON PROBLEMS ARE HOT FLASHES, SLEEP DISTURBANCES, cysPlqf10M8-00056-00005118-00005361 >> COMMON PROBLEMS ARE HOT FLASHES, SLEEP DISTURBANCES, MOOD, WEIGHT GAIN. cysPlqf10M8-00057-00005361-00005368 FLASHES, SLEEP DISTURBANCES, MOOD, WEIGHT GAIN. cysPlqf10M8-00058-00005368-00005555 FLASHES, SLEEP DISTURBANCES, MOOD, WEIGHT GAIN. >> IT ALSO HELPS WOMEN LIVE cysPlqf10M8-00059-00005555-00005562 MOOD, WEIGHT GAIN. >> IT ALSO HELPS WOMEN LIVE cysPlqf10M8-00060-00005562-00005712 MOOD, WEIGHT GAIN. >> IT ALSO HELPS WOMEN LIVE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER POST cysPlqf10M8-00061-00005712-00005719 >> IT ALSO HELPS WOMEN LIVE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER POST cysPlqf10M8-00062-00005719-00005825 >> IT ALSO HELPS WOMEN LIVE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER POST MENOPAUSAL LIFESTYLES. cysPlqf10M8-00063-00005825-00005832 HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER POST MENOPAUSAL LIFESTYLES. cysPlqf10M8-00064-00005832-00006052 HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER POST MENOPAUSAL LIFESTYLES. >> SO MANY THINGS THAT WE cysPlqf10M8-00065-00006052-00006059 MENOPAUSAL LIFESTYLES. >> SO MANY THINGS THAT WE cysPlqf10M8-00066-00006059-00006186 MENOPAUSAL LIFESTYLES. >> SO MANY THINGS THAT WE ADDRESS ARE MORE ADDRESSED cysPlqf10M8-00067-00006186-00006192 >> SO MANY THINGS THAT WE ADDRESS ARE MORE ADDRESSED cysPlqf10M8-00068-00006192-00006316 >> SO MANY THINGS THAT WE ADDRESS ARE MORE ADDRESSED TOWARDS MORE LIKE HEALTHY cysPlqf10M8-00069-00006316-00006322 ADDRESS ARE MORE ADDRESSED TOWARDS MORE LIKE HEALTHY cysPlqf10M8-00070-00006322-00006416 ADDRESS ARE MORE ADDRESSED TOWARDS MORE LIKE HEALTHY LIVING, CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO cysPlqf10M8-00071-00006416-00006423 TOWARDS MORE LIKE HEALTHY LIVING, CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO cysPlqf10M8-00072-00006423-00006543 TOWARDS MORE LIKE HEALTHY LIVING, CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER? cysPlqf10M8-00073-00006543-00006549 LIVING, CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER? cysPlqf10M8-00074-00006549-00006930 LIVING, CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER? CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP WITH cysPlqf10M8-00075-00006930-00006936 HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER? CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP WITH cysPlqf10M8-00076-00006936-00007327 HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER? CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP WITH LOW LIBIDO, INCONTINENCE? cysPlqf10M8-00077-00007327-00007333 CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP WITH LOW LIBIDO, INCONTINENCE? cysPlqf10M8-00078-00007333-00007627 CAN WE DO SOMETHING TO HELP WITH LOW LIBIDO, INCONTINENCE? >> IT AIMS TO OFFER A UNIQUE AND cysPlqf10M8-00079-00007627-00007634 LOW LIBIDO, INCONTINENCE? >> IT AIMS TO OFFER A UNIQUE AND cysPlqf10M8-00080-00007634-00007947 LOW LIBIDO, INCONTINENCE? >> IT AIMS TO OFFER A UNIQUE AND PERSONALIZED PATIENT EXPERIENCE. cysPlqf10M8-00081-00007947-00007954 >> IT AIMS TO OFFER A UNIQUE AND PERSONALIZED PATIENT EXPERIENCE. cysPlqf10M8-00082-00007954-00008074 >> IT AIMS TO OFFER A UNIQUE AND PERSONALIZED PATIENT EXPERIENCE. TO MAKE IT CALMING, THEY HAVE cysPlqf10M8-00083-00008074-00008081 PERSONALIZED PATIENT EXPERIENCE. TO MAKE IT CALMING, THEY HAVE cysPlqf10M8-00084-00008081-00008338 PERSONALIZED PATIENT EXPERIENCE. TO MAKE IT CALMING, THEY HAVE ADDED AMENITIES SUCH AS HEATED cysPlqf10M8-00085-00008338-00008344 TO MAKE IT CALMING, THEY HAVE ADDED AMENITIES SUCH AS HEATED cysPlqf10M8-00086-00008344-00008625 TO MAKE IT CALMING, THEY HAVE ADDED AMENITIES SUCH AS HEATED BLANKETS, ROBES, OILS AND cysPlqf10M8-00087-00008625-00008631 ADDED AMENITIES SUCH AS HEATED BLANKETS, ROBES, OILS AND cysPlqf10M8-00088-00008631-00008748 ADDED AMENITIES SUCH AS HEATED BLANKETS, ROBES, OILS AND CANDLES. cysPlqf10M8-00089-00008748-00008755 BLANKETS, ROBES, OILS AND CANDLES. cysPlqf10M8-00090-00008755-00008818 BLANKETS, ROBES, OILS AND CANDLES. IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO cysPlqf10M8-00091-00008818-00008825 CANDLES. IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO cysPlqf10M8-00092-00008825-00008888 CANDLES. IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO OFFER THESE SERVICES TO THE cysPlqf10M8-00093-00008888-00008895 IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO OFFER THESE SERVICES TO THE cysPlqf10M8-00094-00008895-00008952 IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THEM TO OFFER THESE SERVICES TO THE SURROUNDING LAKES AREA. cysPlqf10M8-00095-00008952-00008958 OFFER THESE SERVICES TO THE SURROUNDING LAKES AREA. cysPlqf10M8-00096-00008958-00009149 OFFER THESE SERVICES TO THE SURROUNDING LAKES AREA. >> NATIONALLY THERE'S NOT HAVE cysPlqf10M8-00097-00009149-00009155 SURROUNDING LAKES AREA. >> NATIONALLY THERE'S NOT HAVE cysPlqf10M8-00098-00009155-00009259 SURROUNDING LAKES AREA. >> NATIONALLY THERE'S NOT HAVE MANY MENOPAUSE CENTERS. cysPlqf10M8-00099-00009259-00009265 >> NATIONALLY THERE'S NOT HAVE MANY MENOPAUSE CENTERS. cysPlqf10M8-00100-00009265-00009462 >> NATIONALLY THERE'S NOT HAVE MANY MENOPAUSE CENTERS. YOU SEE THEM MORE IN LARGE cysPlqf10M8-00101-00009462-00009469 MANY MENOPAUSE CENTERS. YOU SEE THEM MORE IN LARGE cysPlqf10M8-00102-00009469-00009636 MANY MENOPAUSE CENTERS. YOU SEE THEM MORE IN LARGE CITIES, BUT EVEN IN THAT cysPlqf10M8-00103-00009636-00009642 YOU SEE THEM MORE IN LARGE CITIES, BUT EVEN IN THAT cysPlqf10M8-00104-00009642-00009899 YOU SEE THEM MORE IN LARGE CITIES, BUT EVEN IN THAT SETTING, THERE REALLY IS VERY cysPlqf10M8-00105-00009899-00009906 CITIES, BUT EVEN IN THAT SETTING, THERE REALLY IS VERY cysPlqf10M8-00106-00009906-00010063 CITIES, BUT EVEN IN THAT SETTING, THERE REALLY IS VERY FEW CERTIFIED MENOPAUSE CENTERS cysPlqf10M8-00107-00010063-00010070 SETTING, THERE REALLY IS VERY FEW CERTIFIED MENOPAUSE CENTERS cysPlqf10M8-00108-00010070-00010296 SETTING, THERE REALLY IS VERY FEW CERTIFIED MENOPAUSE CENTERS WHERE THERE'S KIND OF A cysPlqf10M8-00109-00010296-00010303 FEW CERTIFIED MENOPAUSE CENTERS WHERE THERE'S KIND OF A cysPlqf10M8-00110-00010303-00010683 FEW CERTIFIED MENOPAUSE CENTERS WHERE THERE'S KIND OF A MULTISPECIALTY APPROACH, AND SO cysPlqf10M8-00111-00010683-00010690 WHERE THERE'S KIND OF A MULTISPECIALTY APPROACH, AND SO cysPlqf10M8-00112-00010690-00010957 WHERE THERE'S KIND OF A MULTISPECIALTY APPROACH, AND SO WE FELT LIKE WE HAD THOSE PIECES cysPlqf10M8-00113-00010957-00010964 MULTISPECIALTY APPROACH, AND SO WE FELT LIKE WE HAD THOSE PIECES cysPlqf10M8-00114-00010964-00011144 MULTISPECIALTY APPROACH, AND SO WE FELT LIKE WE HAD THOSE PIECES HERE AT CRMC AND WE COULD cysPlqf10M8-00115-00011144-00011151 WE FELT LIKE WE HAD THOSE PIECES HERE AT CRMC AND WE COULD cysPlqf10M8-00116-00011151-00011304 WE FELT LIKE WE HAD THOSE PIECES HERE AT CRMC AND WE COULD PROVIDE THAT IN A MORE cysPlqf10M8-00117-00011304-00011311 HERE AT CRMC AND WE COULD PROVIDE THAT IN A MORE cysPlqf10M8-00118-00011311-00011391 HERE AT CRMC AND WE COULD PROVIDE THAT IN A MORE STREAMLINED APPROACH. cysPlqf10M8-00119-00011391-00011398 PROVIDE THAT IN A MORE STREAMLINED APPROACH. cysPlqf10M8-00120-00011398-00011564 PROVIDE THAT IN A MORE STREAMLINED APPROACH. >> THE PROVIDERS AT THE cysPlqf10M8-00121-00011564-00011571 STREAMLINED APPROACH. >> THE PROVIDERS AT THE cysPlqf10M8-00122-00011571-00011661 STREAMLINED APPROACH. >> THE PROVIDERS AT THE MENOPAUSE CENTER HOPE BY cysPlqf10M8-00123-00011661-00011668 >> THE PROVIDERS AT THE MENOPAUSE CENTER HOPE BY cysPlqf10M8-00124-00011668-00011781 >> THE PROVIDERS AT THE MENOPAUSE CENTER HOPE BY OFFERING THEIR SERVICES, MORE cysPlqf10M8-00125-00011781-00011788 MENOPAUSE CENTER HOPE BY OFFERING THEIR SERVICES, MORE cysPlqf10M8-00126-00011788-00011971 MENOPAUSE CENTER HOPE BY OFFERING THEIR SERVICES, MORE WOMEN WILL LIVE HEALTHY AND cysPlqf10M8-00127-00011971-00011978 OFFERING THEIR SERVICES, MORE WOMEN WILL LIVE HEALTHY AND cysPlqf10M8-00128-00011978-00012182 OFFERING THEIR SERVICES, MORE WOMEN WILL LIVE HEALTHY AND HAPPY, POST MENOPAUSAL LIFE. cysPlqf10M8-00129-00012182-00012188 WOMEN WILL LIVE HEALTHY AND HAPPY, POST MENOPAUSAL LIFE. cysPlqf10M8-00130-00012188-00012342 WOMEN WILL LIVE HEALTHY AND HAPPY, POST MENOPAUSAL LIFE. REPORTING FROM CROSBY, RACHEL cysPlqf10M8-00131-00012342-00012348 HAPPY, POST MENOPAUSAL LIFE. REPORTING FROM CROSBY, RACHEL cysPlqf10M8-00132-00012348-00012505 HAPPY, POST MENOPAUSAL LIFE. REPORTING FROM CROSBY, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. cysPlqf10M8-00133-00012505-00012512 REPORTING FROM CROSBY, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. cysPlqf10M8-00134-00012512-00012572 REPORTING FROM CROSBY, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> CRMC WILL BE HOSTING AN cysPlqf10M8-00135-00012572-00012579 JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> CRMC WILL BE HOSTING AN cysPlqf10M8-00136-00012579-00012802 JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> CRMC WILL BE HOSTING AN INFORMATIONAL EVENT ON THE cybfCNhfjGu-00000-00000365-00000748 Hey guys its Denai Johnson from Hella Well and today on the channel cybfCNhfjGu-00001-00000748-00001497 We are making some sweet potato black bean patties these patties are not only vegan. They're gluten free cybfCNhfjGu-00002-00001501-00001852 They're dairy free and as usual freakin delicious cybfCNhfjGu-00003-00001903-00002316 So for today's recipe you guys are going to need some green onion cybfCNhfjGu-00004-00002317-00003060 You are going to need some sweet potatoes so either two large sweet potatoes or four small ones cybfCNhfjGu-00005-00003098-00003297 See if I can juggle these cybfCNhfjGu-00006-00003862-00004272 So on top of those things we will need a can of black beans cybfCNhfjGu-00007-00004456-00005169 For our spices today you are gonna need some sea salt some chili powder some onion powder and garlic powder cybfCNhfjGu-00008-00005192-00005979 We are also going to need either a cup of cooked brown rice or quinoa. I had this cooked quinoa in my fridge cybfCNhfjGu-00009-00006049-00006522 Make sure it hasn't gone bad yet that needs to be used up, so I'm just gonna use some quinoa today cybfCNhfjGu-00010-00006523-00006859 And then last but not least you're gonna need half a cup of walnuts cybfCNhfjGu-00011-00006859-00007188 No, I actually realized this morning that I'm out of walnuts cybfCNhfjGu-00012-00007208-00007842 So I'm going to use some almond flour in its place, which I have used before and it actually works fine cybfCNhfjGu-00013-00007843-00008334 So so that's all we need for our ingredients as you can see as always organic whole food ingredients cybfCNhfjGu-00014-00008357-00008701 Nothing processed here, and as always want to let you guys know cybfCNhfjGu-00015-00008701-00008894 I'm going to have the full recipe and all the cybfCNhfjGu-00016-00008894-00009391 Ingredients in the description below in case you want to come back and make the recipe alright so step one cybfCNhfjGu-00017-00009391-00010017 We are going to prep our sweet potatoes so what you're going to want to do is pre-heat your oven to cybfCNhfjGu-00018-00010070-00010256 425 degrees cybfCNhfjGu-00019-00010256-00011032 While the oven is heating up we are going to peel our sweet potatoes. You're then going to chop off the ends and cybfCNhfjGu-00020-00011087-00011307 slice your sweet potatoes cybfCNhfjGu-00021-00011384-00011851 Lengthwise in half, okay, so once you've done that you can pull out your baking cybfCNhfjGu-00022-00011912-00012276 Baking sheet baking tray. That's or cybfCNhfjGu-00023-00012383-00012780 So you want to get yourself a baking tray don't mind my tray it is cybfCNhfjGu-00024-00012869-00013096 Filthy it is not a good looking train cybfCNhfjGu-00025-00013096-00013509 It's been used and abused so you can cover it with either some parchment paper cybfCNhfjGu-00026-00013538-00014271 Or I've got one of these silicone sheets that I absolutely love and then just place your sweet potatoes on your baking sheet cybfCNhfjGu-00027-00014324-00014538 sliced side facing down cybfCNhfjGu-00028-00014594-00015210 Okay, so then we're just gonna pop those in the oven for about thirty minutes at about twenty five to thirty minutes cybfCNhfjGu-00029-00015211-00015786 You can check your sweet potatoes. Just poke them with a fork make sure they are cooked thoroughly and cybfCNhfjGu-00030-00015847-00016360 Throughout all right so while our sweet potatoes are in the oven we're gonna start getting everything else ready you're gonna cybfCNhfjGu-00031-00016360-00016605 Take your pan of black beans cybfCNhfjGu-00032-00016712-00016912 Get yourself a can opener cybfCNhfjGu-00033-00016916-00017235 empty the contents into a strainer cybfCNhfjGu-00034-00017270-00017728 So you are going to rinse and drain the black beans? cybfCNhfjGu-00035-00017870-00018044 okay-dokey cybfCNhfjGu-00036-00018044-00018760 Keep them a good shake so now you're going to want to add half of the black beans to a bowl cybfCNhfjGu-00037-00018791-00019221 Then you're gonna want to get yourself a potato masher if you don't have a potato masher cybfCNhfjGu-00038-00019222-00019783 I don't know. Maybe you can use your fists. I personally went out and bought a potato masher, so you're just gonna want to mash cybfCNhfjGu-00039-00019856-00020056 half of those black beans cybfCNhfjGu-00040-00020111-00020311 to a paste-like consistency cybfCNhfjGu-00041-00020420-00020601 Not sure if you guys can see that cybfCNhfjGu-00042-00020601-00021279 But it just mashed it into a paste so for spices you are gonna want to add one teaspoon of chili powder cybfCNhfjGu-00043-00021314-00021648 one teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon of onion powder cybfCNhfjGu-00044-00023182-00023690 So just pull the sweet potatoes out of the oven I'm just gonna put them off to the side and let them cool a little cybfCNhfjGu-00045-00023691-00024093 Bit in the meantime. We are still doing some spices so we need to add some sea salt cybfCNhfjGu-00046-00024093-00024473 We are going to add a quarter of a teaspoon. I always used cybfCNhfjGu-00047-00024550-00024900 Himalayan sea salt, and then I think I'm also actually gonna put in a little cybfCNhfjGu-00048-00024997-00025197 cracked black pepper cybfCNhfjGu-00049-00025288-00025480 couple little cybfCNhfjGu-00050-00025480-00025588 shapes of that cybfCNhfjGu-00051-00025588-00026273 That's a great thing about these sweet potato patties is you really can mix up your spices sometimes instead of doing this mixture? cybfCNhfjGu-00052-00026274-00026547 I'll do a combination of like cumin and paprika cybfCNhfjGu-00053-00026577-00027077 And tumeric so the sweet potato and the black beans are really the base cybfCNhfjGu-00054-00027077-00027479 But depending on what kind of spices you like you could totally switch it up alright cybfCNhfjGu-00055-00027480-00027680 so we've added our sweet potato to cybfCNhfjGu-00056-00027697-00028361 our mashed black beans and our spices and now we are once again gonna take our potato masher and cybfCNhfjGu-00057-00028612-00028835 Match those bad boys up cybfCNhfjGu-00058-00029141-00029647 Now we are going to add the remainder of our black beans to just toss those in cybfCNhfjGu-00059-00029681-00030208 And stir those into the mixture. We're going to put this aside for a moment cybfCNhfjGu-00060-00030261-00030781 We now want to cut up and measure out half a cup of green onion cybfCNhfjGu-00061-00031871-00032287 Chance bring your bowl back over add the half cup of green onion cybfCNhfjGu-00062-00032287-00032635 So that was about three pieces of onion made up half of a cup cybfCNhfjGu-00063-00032693-00033061 All right now. We're going to add our quinoa or brown rice cybfCNhfjGu-00064-00033062-00033613 I honestly kind of prefer brown rice in this recipe, but I don't find it makes a huge difference cybfCNhfjGu-00065-00033686-00033831 toss that in cybfCNhfjGu-00066-00033831-00034297 And then last but not least you're gonna want to add in your walnuts, so as I mentioned I cybfCNhfjGu-00067-00034358-00034657 Ran out of walnuts, so I'm gonna use almond meal today cybfCNhfjGu-00068-00034658-00035308 but if you do have walnuts I suggest using those so you're gonna want to throw a good handful of walnuts into a Vitamix or cybfCNhfjGu-00069-00035308-00035884 A blender blend it up into a fine meal and you're gonna need half a cup of that cybfCNhfjGu-00070-00035981-00036478 Blended walnut meal into the mix since they don't have any walnuts cybfCNhfjGu-00071-00036572-00036844 I'm using my almond meal. I like the wall cybfCNhfjGu-00072-00036844-00037396 That's a little bit better cuz I just find it gives it a nice texture toss that in okay now cybfCNhfjGu-00073-00037396-00037606 We're just gonna mix everything in our Bowl together cybfCNhfjGu-00074-00037606-00038344 I usually like to start by mixing it by spoon, and then I usually get in with my hands and just cybfCNhfjGu-00075-00038400-00038959 Go to town now at this point. I personally always like to make sure I wash my hands cuz cybfCNhfjGu-00076-00039012-00039613 God knows where these pans have been so I'm gonna wash my hands, but if you nasty if you filthy like that cybfCNhfjGu-00077-00039613-00039982 I mean feel free to just go in there with dirty hands cybfCNhfjGu-00078-00040152-00040352 To each their own cybfCNhfjGu-00079-00040450-00041127 We've got these lovely freshly bathed pens, and we're just gonna go in and mix all the ingredients really cybfCNhfjGu-00080-00041203-00041976 Thoroughly together of course you want to make sure that the spices are really evenly mixed throughout and sometimes I find that you know cybfCNhfjGu-00081-00042074-00042274 Needs a good hand job cybfCNhfjGu-00082-00042409-00042960 If you know what I mean at this point too, you can also taste the mixture and cybfCNhfjGu-00083-00043061-00043488 See if it needs any more spices taste with your dirty little hands cybfCNhfjGu-00084-00043765-00044118 That is mixed enough we're gonna put our mixture off to the side cybfCNhfjGu-00085-00044118-00044622 I'm gonna grab our baking sheet and we're gonna form some patties cybfCNhfjGu-00086-00044791-00044991 Grab yourself some parchment paper cybfCNhfjGu-00087-00045362-00045852 And now we are going to form the mixture into patties now cybfCNhfjGu-00088-00045852-00046209 You can just eyeball it and make them whatever size you want cybfCNhfjGu-00089-00046209-00046959 I personally like all of my patties to be the same size, so I use a 1/3 of a cup and I basically cybfCNhfjGu-00090-00047033-00047559 pour my patties that way so I add about 1/3 of a cup of cybfCNhfjGu-00091-00047752-00048432 Mixture in and then just form patties with your hands kind of like making hamburgers cybfCNhfjGu-00092-00048512-00049065 But without the meat and just do that with the entire bowl of mixture cybfCNhfjGu-00093-00050721-00051173 And that's it so how many patties did that make 4 8 9 10 11? cybfCNhfjGu-00094-00051187-00051527 I used some pretty big sweet potatoes today cybfCNhfjGu-00095-00051527-00052196 I usually find that this recipe makes about 8 patties, but that's ok. We'll eat them got my little oven mitt cybfCNhfjGu-00096-00052196-00052574 We are now going to put these in the oven for 20 minutes cybfCNhfjGu-00097-00052672-00053022 So now we are going to want to flip all of the patties cybfCNhfjGu-00098-00053950-00054608 Okay so after you put ball of your patties for now I'm gonna put them back in the oven for about 10 minutes, so cybfCNhfjGu-00099-00054691-00055292 After your sweet potato patties have cooked for about 8 to 10 minutes. You can check them at that point depending cybfCNhfjGu-00100-00055292-00055820 How cooked crispy you like them you can leave them in longer if you like I've taken mine out as cybfCNhfjGu-00101-00055876-00056258 Plated them, but I kind of feel a little bit like Martha Stewart right now cybfCNhfjGu-00102-00056277-00056738 So I hope you guys liked this recipe I literally live on these things cybfCNhfjGu-00103-00056739-00057086 They are fantastic for snack when you're on the go if you're busy cybfCNhfjGu-00104-00057087-00057608 I also eat them almost every day in a salad with a little bit of like nut cheese a cybfCNhfjGu-00105-00057637-00058046 big green leafy salad with tons of vegetables and then one of these patties cybfCNhfjGu-00106-00058075-00058715 you're getting your protein from the black beans and the quinoa and then of course some good healthy power behind rates with the cybfCNhfjGu-00107-00058726-00059064 Sweet potato so let me know if you guys give this recipe a try cybfCNhfjGu-00108-00059083-00059699 Give the video a thumbs up and of course subscribe down below if you'd like to be notified when future videos come out cybfCNhfjGu-00109-00059700-00060027 Thanks so much for watching you guys take care, and we'll talk to you next time cybfCNhfjGu-00110-00061755-00061955 You cIcHL94qyok-00000-00000000-00000240 asalam alykum wr wb hello halal family cIcHL94qyok-00001-00000240-00000576 welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful day in today's cIcHL94qyok-00002-00000576-00001096 video we'll be reacting to a couple more of indonesian badminton players this video cIcHL94qyok-00003-00001096-00001448 was suggested by brother muhammad thank you very much for taking the time to send me your cIcHL94qyok-00004-00001448-00001768 recommendation and suggestion stay tuned guys we'll be right back with the video cIcHL94qyok-00005-00002544-00002864 welcome back guys inshallah we're gonna get started with the video momentarily and at the cIcHL94qyok-00006-00002864-00003176 end of the video i'll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make cIcHL94qyok-00007-00003176-00004384 sure you stay until the end with that said we're going to get started with our video cIcHL94qyok-00008-00054576-00055208 damn they're good but that one brother he he plays a lot of mind games you know like you could see cIcHL94qyok-00009-00055208-00055840 him try to fake when when the ball is going out and he trying to play a lot of mind game with the cIcHL94qyok-00010-00055840-00056344 other team which is sometimes it's like something that you do with the other side to make the mad cIcHL94qyok-00011-00056344-00056832 so that way they don't focus on the game but i think i would definitely hate to play against him cIcHL94qyok-00012-00056832-00057455 because it's gonna make the the game really really tough right because you could get like mad and cIcHL94qyok-00013-00057455-00058016 you're trying to play and then you're not gonna focus and i think that's probably where his um his cIcHL94qyok-00014-00058016-00058424 basically technique is that he tries to play mind games with them so that way they don't focus on cIcHL94qyok-00015-00058424-00059024 the game as much and they try to focus more more on try to score because they're mad at him and cIcHL94qyok-00016-00059024-00059608 but overall like skillful uh brothers both of them they played really really well um here they didn't cIcHL94qyok-00017-00059608-00060096 really show for example any winnings that they had but it was more of the gameplay which was nice i cIcHL94qyok-00018-00060096-00060520 enjoyed it it was fun it was fun as well as funny so thank you very much guys for suggesting it i cIcHL94qyok-00019-00060520-00060888 hope you guys liked it too if you did please don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and if cIcHL94qyok-00020-00060888-00061216 you'd like me to react to another video please put in the comment section below as always guys cIcHL94qyok-00021-00061216-00061552 thank you very much for your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day cIcHL94qyok-00022-00061552-00063872 take care of yourself and your family inshAllah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam cMu8keEj0j8-00000-00001018-00001396 START AS USUALLY FROM COCKPIT cMu8keEj0j8-00001-00001538-00001978 RLM 66 cMu8keEj0j8-00002-00002046-00002294 ASSEMBLED cMu8keEj0j8-00003-00002526-00002968 A LITTLE TAMIYA PUTTY cMu8keEj0j8-00004-00003024-00003472 BIG GAPS FILED WITH MILLIPUT cMu8keEj0j8-00005-00003532-00003954 METALIZER cMu8keEj0j8-00006-00004052-00004470 PRIMED cMu8keEj0j8-00007-00004556-00004970 RIVETING cMu8keEj0j8-00008-00005028-00005318 RIVETS DONE cMu8keEj0j8-00009-00005558-00005968 SANDET WITH SAND PAPER, GRIT 2000 cMu8keEj0j8-00010-00006568-00006940 WASHED WITH WHITE SPIRIT TO REMOVE ANY DUST AND OILS FROM FINGERS cMu8keEj0j8-00011-00007040-00007480 BLACK MATT COAT cMu8keEj0j8-00012-00007542-00007986 MARBLE TECHNIC cMu8keEj0j8-00013-00008456-00008882 EDUARD LOST QUALITY CONTROL cMu8keEj0j8-00014-00010946-00011390 SELF ADHESIVE FOLIO cMu8keEj0j8-00015-00011444-00011902 COAT OF GLOSS CLEAR AND DECALS APLYED cMu8keEj0j8-00016-00011940-00012392 SALTED cMu8keEj0j8-00017-00012462-00012880 HIGHLY DILUTED BLACK COAT cMu8keEj0j8-00018-00013452-00013886 AGAIN SALTING AND COAT OF HIGHLY DILUTED WHITE cMu8keEj0j8-00019-00013960-00015388 SELF MIXED ACRYLIC PAINTS WASH, DILUTED WITH DISHWASHER cMu8keEj0j8-00020-00015958-00016390 MODEL DONE cMu8keEj0j8-00021-00019460-00019902 ANTENNA CABLE MADE FROM FISHING LINE 0,16MM cMu8keEj0j8-00022-00021966-00022398 FISHING KNOT cMu8keEj0j8-00023-00030576-00031674 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, IF YOU LIKE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE cpyVVb4c1tk-00000-00000056-00000648 welcome to access reading class my name is mrs eldridge and i'm going to be your teacher cpyVVb4c1tk-00001-00000648-00001304 this year i just wanted to welcome you real quick to our class where hopefully i can get cpyVVb4c1tk-00002-00001304-00001848 you to enjoy reading we're going to do a lot of cool stuff in here look at different stories look cpyVVb4c1tk-00003-00001848-00002328 at different books and i promise you i'm going to help you find something that you're interested in cpyVVb4c1tk-00004-00002400-00002992 i wanted to share with you quickly a little bit about myself i have a quote that i like to live cpyVVb4c1tk-00005-00002992-00003608 by it doesn't pay to get discouraged keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore cpyVVb4c1tk-00006-00003608-00004112 your faith in yourself and that was said by lucille ball this year i want us to be resilient cpyVVb4c1tk-00007-00004168-00004688 i don't want us to get discouraged i want us to keep moving forward um i've got a cpyVVb4c1tk-00008-00004688-00005208 bunch of different clickable links here i just wanted to share with you the one about myself cpyVVb4c1tk-00009-00005512-00006080 so a little bit about me and i posted some pictures that you can take a look at cpyVVb4c1tk-00010-00006144-00006895 um pictures of me my best friends my parents um a little niece over here so cpyVVb4c1tk-00011-00006895-00007320 i was raised right here in california i actually went to stockton high school cpyVVb4c1tk-00012-00007423-00007959 i really love my job i do i think it's great watch out i do get a little excited sometimes cpyVVb4c1tk-00013-00008023-00008888 i really like camping and cooking and crafting and of course my favorite types of tv shows are cpyVVb4c1tk-00014-00009008-00009488 british period pieces right now i'm currently watching mr selfridge cpyVVb4c1tk-00015-00009584-00010328 the living in the dead and i have probably watched downton abbey two or three times definitely cpyVVb4c1tk-00016-00010328-00010944 like music and i love true crime i'm obsessed with true crime podcasts right now cpyVVb4c1tk-00017-00011032-00011536 so i just wanted to share a little bit about myself and i am really looking forward to our cpyVVb4c1tk-00018-00011536-00012104 class this year and i'm looking forward to meeting you and having fun reading cpeDnxw6N8Y-00000-00000587-00001350 [OSEN=한용섭 기자] 6년 만에 복귀한 이대호(롯데)가 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00001-00001368-00001977 골든글러브 1루수 부문을 수상했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00002-00001994-00002757 13일 서울 코엑스 오디토리움에서 열린 2017 타이어뱅크 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00003-00002775-00003560 KBO 골든글러브 시상식에서 1루수 부문에서는 외국인 선수들을 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00004-00003577-00004153 제치고 황금 장갑을 수상했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00005-00004171-00004934 2011년 이후 해외에 진출한 이대호는 복귀 첫 해 1루수 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00006-00004951-00005483 골든글러브를 수상했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00007-00005500-00006197 이대호는 수상 직후 '이 상을 주셔서 감사하다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00008-00006215-00006978 솔직히 받을 줄 몰랐다. 축하해 주려고 왔는데...받을 줄 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00009-00006995-00007758 알았았다면 나비 넥타이를 메고 올 걸, 후회된다'고 웃으며 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00010-00007776-00008220 말했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00011-00008237-00008945 그는 '5년 동안 외국에 있다가 한국이 그리웠다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00012-00008962-00009725 이 상을 받으니 한국 오니 잘 했다 생각한다'며 '복귀하게 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00013-00009743-00010550 도와준 롯데 관계자, 감독님, 코치님, 팬 여러분에게 감사하다'고 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00014-00010567-00011033 고마워했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00015-00011050-00011758 1루수 부문은 후보들이 쟁쟁해 격전지로 예상됐다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00016-00011776-00012550 거포들의 성적이 화려했다. 오재일(두산)을 제외하곤 네 명의 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00017-00012567-00013241 후보가 3할-30홈런-100타점은 기본이다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00018-00013259-00014022 네 명의 수비율은 .989에서 .992로 별 차이가 없다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00019-00014040-00014836 이대호(롯데)는 142경기에서 타율 3할2푼 173안타 34홈런 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00020-00014853-00015484 111타점 OPS .924를 기록했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00021-00015502-00016265 로사리오(한화)는 119경기에서 타율 3할3푼9리 37홈런 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00022-00016282-00016935 111타점 OPS 1.075를 기록했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00023-00016953-00017760 러프(삼성)는 134경기에서 타율 3할1푼5리 31홈런 124타점 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00024-00017777-00018298 OPS .965이다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00025-00018316-00019079 타점왕 타이틀도 차지했다. 스크럭스(NC)는 115경기에서 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00026-00019096-00019815 타율 3할 35홈런 111타점 OPS .997이다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00027-00019833-00020607 이대호가 타율, 홈런, 타점에서 고른 활약을 했으나 객관적인 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00028-00020624-00021244 기록에선 로사리오의 파워가 돋보였다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00029-00021261-00022090 로사리오는 홈런이 가장 많고, 장타율은 .661로 유일하게 6할대다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00030-00022107-00022793 OPS가 1.075로 경쟁자들을 크게 앞선다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00031-00022810-00023485 WAR은 5.25로 1루수 중 가장 높았다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00032-00023503-00024266 롯데 프랜차이즈 스타인 이대호가 표심에선 외국인 타자들보다 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00033-00024283-00025068 유리해 보였고, 투표인단은 객관적인 성적보다는 주관적인 표심을 cpeDnxw6N8Y-00034-00025086-00025541 행사했다. cpeDnxw6N8Y-00035-00025558-00026123 이대호는 154표를 얻어 로 cObufViClpM-00001-00002406-00002658 what is doing umpire at boundary ? cObufViClpM-00003-00005868-00006192 stupid saeed ajmal . . . hehehee cObufViClpM-00004-00006912-00007134 ohh . . . shit cObufViClpM-00005-00009356-00009588 my foot cObufViClpM-00006-00011450-00011794 clearly missing run out cObufViClpM-00007-00013897-00014268 Khan sb ko $500 lenay ki ziyada jaldi hai . . . heheheee cObufViClpM-00008-00018214-00018590 abbey ja SHOSHHO kar aa cObufViClpM-00009-00019416-00019724 watch his fielding . . . heheee cObufViClpM-00010-00022230-00022598 bey chari sharma gai cSPyD0Aw4V0-00000-00000056-00000222 Function DOA Blocking cSPyD0Aw4V0-00001-00000262-00001034 Add/Remove PPID of DOA MBs cSPyD0Aw4V0-00002-00001454-00002246 PPID will be block and cannot query or submit cTP7riFVN1Y-00000-00000007-00000353 it would make me feel better. cTP7riFVN1Y-00001-00000353-00000497 ummmmmmmmmm. cTP7riFVN1Y-00002-00000497-00001487 huh whoooooooooooo kisses by a real girl whooooooo. cTP7riFVN1Y-00003-00001487-00001832 oh yeah oh yeah. cTP7riFVN1Y-00004-00001832-00002068 alexa turn on the fans cWOG5SD4sy8-00000-00000112-00000584 so welcome back now we're going to really get in there and talk about those synovial joints cWOG5SD4sy8-00001-00000760-00001192 by the end of this video i'd like you to be able to describe the function and location cWOG5SD4sy8-00002-00001192-00001560 of the three structures common to all synovial joints cWOG5SD4sy8-00003-00001560-00001839 differentiate types of ligaments cWOG5SD4sy8-00004-00001839-00002400 and describe the structure and function of supportive structures like articular discs, cWOG5SD4sy8-00005-00002400-00002616 menisci, labra and bursae cWOG5SD4sy8-00006-00002744-00003104 there are three features that all synovial joints have in common cWOG5SD4sy8-00007-00003176-00003592 the first is this capsule which binds the two bones cWOG5SD4sy8-00008-00003592-00004176 together and also surrounds the space in here we can see between the bones cWOG5SD4sy8-00009-00004280-00004808 which is the articular cavity which we can see is containing a little bit of synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00010-00004896-00005600 now the final part here is that articular cartilage covering the articular surfaces of bones cWOG5SD4sy8-00011-00005768-00006552 the articular capsule is made up of two layers the outer fibrous layer binds the bones together cWOG5SD4sy8-00012-00006920-00007920 and the inner synovial layer lines the synovial cavity and secretes synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00013-00008048-00008632 we'll find later that the fibrous layer, that outer layer, is the structural layer cWOG5SD4sy8-00014-00008632-00009336 and this can be reinforced by thickenings of it or replaced fully by tendons like we see in the knee cWOG5SD4sy8-00015-00009544-00010064 the fluid synovial fluid has a consistency of egg whites cWOG5SD4sy8-00016-00010304-00010568 this fluid is important physically but also has cWOG5SD4sy8-00017-00010664-00011256 an important role in providing nutrition and removing waste from joints cWOG5SD4sy8-00018-00011416-00011928 part of warming up when you're getting ready to do some form of an exercise cWOG5SD4sy8-00019-00011928-00012296 is to actually increase the temperature of the synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00020-00012448-00012991 with age and activity the composition of this fluid can change and that changes cWOG5SD4sy8-00021-00012991-00013416 the integrity of the joint it's a really important part of the joint cWOG5SD4sy8-00022-00013560-00014056 remember that the articular cartilage is a remnant of endochondral ossification cWOG5SD4sy8-00023-00014152-00014528 that hyaline cartilage model is eventually replaced by bone cWOG5SD4sy8-00024-00014528-00015047 and the articular cartilage is that that remains on the articular surfaces there cWOG5SD4sy8-00025-00015512-00016191 so this cartilage is purely articular and does not do any form of joining of the two bones cWOG5SD4sy8-00026-00016319-00016552 instead it supports and protects it cWOG5SD4sy8-00027-00016784-00017432 now cartilage does not have a vascular supply but it receives its nutrients cWOG5SD4sy8-00028-00017432-00017864 and performs that waste exchange through the synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00029-00018120-00018512 injured cartilage does not heal very fast and may never heal cWOG5SD4sy8-00030-00018680-00019024 we've seen that all synovial joints have an articular capsule cWOG5SD4sy8-00031-00019112-00019744 shown here in this image and we can see where it's replaced by a tendon here the patellar tendon cWOG5SD4sy8-00032-00019744-00020624 in the knee and this capsule surrounds the space which is that joint cavity or the articular cavity cWOG5SD4sy8-00033-00020704-00021424 and then back to our favorite the articular cartilage covering over those surfaces of bone cWOG5SD4sy8-00034-00021808-00022208 now the other structures listed here are common to synovial joints cWOG5SD4sy8-00035-00022208-00022464 but not every single joint will have all of them cWOG5SD4sy8-00036-00022568-00023048 let's talk about them individually so we'll start here with ligaments cWOG5SD4sy8-00037-00023048-00023656 extrinsic ligaments are typically more supportive role whereas intrinsic ligaments cWOG5SD4sy8-00038-00023656-00023984 actually are binding and holding these bones together cWOG5SD4sy8-00039-00024088-00024568 within a synovial joint these ligaments are classified based on their relationship with cWOG5SD4sy8-00040-00024568-00025464 the articular capsule so extracapsular ligaments are found fully outside of that articular capsule cWOG5SD4sy8-00041-00025464-00025688 we see an example of it here in the knee cWOG5SD4sy8-00042-00025816-00026376 at times the fibrous layer of the capsule is reinforced by a thickened area and that cWOG5SD4sy8-00043-00026376-00027024 thickened area is called a capsular ligament so capsular being part of the capsule cWOG5SD4sy8-00044-00027127-00027632 so we see there are two collateral ligaments of the knee maintaining the stability from cWOG5SD4sy8-00045-00027632-00028183 either side and they are different in terms of their relationship with the articular capsule cWOG5SD4sy8-00046-00028368-00029120 now finally intracapsular ligaments like this one here and this one here are found within the cWOG5SD4sy8-00047-00029120-00029824 articular cavity within that capsule so in our example of the knee here the cruciate ligaments cWOG5SD4sy8-00048-00030168-00030592 you may have heard of the acl and the pcl - they're intracapsular cWOG5SD4sy8-00049-00030712-00031216 we'll find as we go forward into regional anatomy that the word collateral ligaments cWOG5SD4sy8-00050-00031280-00031760 comes up frequently i just want to note that as you will see it again and you can cWOG5SD4sy8-00051-00031760-00032383 think about it as just running on either side of a joint as a supportive ligament cWOG5SD4sy8-00052-00032568-00032920 fibrocartilage is another common addition to synovial joints cWOG5SD4sy8-00053-00032984-00033528 and it is supportive cartilage so we find it comes in many different shapes cWOG5SD4sy8-00054-00033656-00034072 the first type is an articular disc now this is a full disc, cWOG5SD4sy8-00055-00034128-00034792 fully circular and what we see of it in cross section right here is that it actually separates cWOG5SD4sy8-00056-00034792-00035496 the synovial joint into two functional cavities so it changes that what is available in terms cWOG5SD4sy8-00057-00035496-00036168 of movement at this joint and this represented here is the temporal mandibular joint or the tmj cWOG5SD4sy8-00058-00036352-00037144 the second are these moon shaped cartilages so they're not a full disc it's more of an cWOG5SD4sy8-00059-00037144-00037632 incomplete disc and these are called menisci or meniscus is the singular cWOG5SD4sy8-00060-00037728-00038248 a meniscus is often found in a place of poor fit between two bones such as here cWOG5SD4sy8-00061-00038248-00038992 in the knee so lining the surface of the bones here on the femur and the tibia and the patella cWOG5SD4sy8-00062-00038992-00039376 are all the hyaline cartilage or that articular cartilage cWOG5SD4sy8-00063-00039376-00039784 but then within the joint cavity here we see these two cWOG5SD4sy8-00064-00039784-00040504 discs incomplete discs of cartilage are mensici and these are often areas of damage in the knee cWOG5SD4sy8-00065-00040656-00041360 finally a lip of fibrocartilage like this here you can kind of see it a little bit there as well cWOG5SD4sy8-00066-00041480-00041880 is a labrum or labra is the plural cWOG5SD4sy8-00067-00041952-00042600 and in this case it's when the socket of a joint is so shallow like we see here with the scapula cWOG5SD4sy8-00068-00042760-00043688 it's sort of like a golf tee with a giant golf ball on it so if we add a little lip here of these cWOG5SD4sy8-00069-00043688-00044512 labra or labrum these allow for a better fit and more contact between the two articulating surfaces cWOG5SD4sy8-00070-00044664-00045240 and these labra are common to ball and socket joints like the shoulder and the hip cWOG5SD4sy8-00071-00045464-00045896 the last structure common to synovial joints are found in joints with a lot of friction cWOG5SD4sy8-00072-00045992-00046400 bursa are an additional level of protection like an cWOG5SD4sy8-00073-00046400-00046848 added joint capsule so imagine the last time you were sitting on a hard floor cWOG5SD4sy8-00074-00046912-00047296 this is something i do when i go to people's houses especially if they have pets cWOG5SD4sy8-00075-00047296-00047656 i want to sit on the floor and then that way i can make friends with the pets sooner cWOG5SD4sy8-00076-00047736-00048184 but often times you'll think maybe i'll go grab a throw pillow or someone literally cWOG5SD4sy8-00077-00048184-00048464 throws you a pillow to make it a little bit more comfortable cWOG5SD4sy8-00078-00048544-00048864 so if you imagine that's sort of like a bursa there's sort of the cWOG5SD4sy8-00079-00048936-00049184 extra cushion or the throw pillows of the body cWOG5SD4sy8-00080-00049320-00049896 the inside layer of a bursa is a synovial membrane and it produces synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00081-00050016-00050416 so these bursa can be found incorporated into a joint cWOG5SD4sy8-00082-00050416-00051120 almost part of the joint cavity or they can be found in areas of friction between bone and skin cWOG5SD4sy8-00083-00051288-00051704 another place we find bursa are in what are called tendon sheaths cWOG5SD4sy8-00084-00051879-00052752 so we see that these are actually elongated tube-like bursa that completely surround cWOG5SD4sy8-00085-00052752-00053504 a tendon and these we find in the flexor tendons of the wrist which we see in this image here cWOG5SD4sy8-00086-00053920-00054712 now for our question here this one has a lot of options and as i said before i promise that on cWOG5SD4sy8-00087-00054712-00055424 the actual exam i'm going to limit questions to five answer options and won't have choose cWOG5SD4sy8-00088-00055424-00055920 all that apply type questions, these are just meant to check the concept we just talked about cWOG5SD4sy8-00089-00056096-00056640 here the question is which of the following structures contain synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00090-00056808-00057272 and this is a choose all that apply type of question so pause and write out your answer cWOG5SD4sy8-00091-00057344-00057791 and again maybe write out what you remember about the incorrect options as well cWOG5SD4sy8-00092-00058616-00059167 so do we find synovial fluid in the articular cavity? cWOG5SD4sy8-00093-00059328-00059544 that's this blue space in here cWOG5SD4sy8-00094-00059696-00060432 and the answer is yes so that's one of them so the articular cavity contains synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00095-00060432-00060655 what about within the articular capsule? cWOG5SD4sy8-00096-00060832-00061279 now this is definitely getting pedantic so we see the capsule is here cWOG5SD4sy8-00097-00061352-00061879 in its wall itself it doesn't have fluid but it does surround that cavity which cWOG5SD4sy8-00098-00061879-00062440 does contain fluid so i'm going to count it as a no but i get if you said yes why you said yes cWOG5SD4sy8-00099-00062600-00062784 what about in an articular disc cWOG5SD4sy8-00100-00063032-00063640 no so this is fibrocartilage that'll be often found within that joint space cWOG5SD4sy8-00101-00063776-00063920 now what about a bursa? cWOG5SD4sy8-00102-00064112-00064712 yes so these are like modified articular cavities and contain synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00103-00064872-00064967 how about a labrum cWOG5SD4sy8-00104-00065176-00065240 another no cWOG5SD4sy8-00105-00065296-00065504 same with meniscus cWOG5SD4sy8-00106-00065504-00066096 so all three of these articular discs labrum and meniscus are fibrocartilage supporting the joint cWOG5SD4sy8-00107-00066200-00066344 now how about a tendon sheath cWOG5SD4sy8-00108-00066472-00067240 yes so a tendon sheath is an elongated bursa so our three answers for this question cWOG5SD4sy8-00109-00067240-00067936 are articular cavity a bursa and a tendon sheath all contained within them synovial fluid cWOG5SD4sy8-00110-00068328-00068680 so hopefully as we go on these terms will start to come together and make cWOG5SD4sy8-00111-00068752-00068984 become a little bit more second nature for you cWOG5SD4sy8-00112-00069160-00069512 thank you so much for your attention i'll see you in the next video cXLX-0_jHvY-00000-00000000-00000420 - Next job is to actually use our spectrometer to capture cXLX-0_jHvY-00001-00000420-00000919 and our cell phone to capture an image of a spectrum. cXLX-0_jHvY-00002-00001071-00001296 And I dunno if you can tell, but I've turned off cXLX-0_jHvY-00003-00001296-00001707 all the lights in the room while it's light outside cXLX-0_jHvY-00004-00001707-00002109 so that the only light in this room is sunlight. cXLX-0_jHvY-00005-00002109-00002553 And you're gonna wanna hold, so my camera's up here, cXLX-0_jHvY-00006-00002553-00002844 so I'm gonna wanna hold this spectrometer cXLX-0_jHvY-00007-00002844-00003114 right over the camera as much as possible. cXLX-0_jHvY-00008-00003114-00003261 And you might have to wiggle it around cXLX-0_jHvY-00009-00003261-00003432 to get it to work out. cXLX-0_jHvY-00010-00003432-00003708 And then I'm gonna aim it at the sunlight. cXLX-0_jHvY-00011-00003708-00004095 And again, you might have to move around a little bit. cXLX-0_jHvY-00012-00004095-00004242 Let's see, and I don't know cXLX-0_jHvY-00013-00004242-00004581 if you can see that, it doesn't photograph very well cXLX-0_jHvY-00014-00004581-00004878 but that's actually, there we go. cXLX-0_jHvY-00015-00004878-00005208 A full rainbow. cXLX-0_jHvY-00016-00005208-00005445 It goes all the way from the blue with the top cXLX-0_jHvY-00017-00005445-00005772 which is a little hard to see, to the red at the bottom. cXLX-0_jHvY-00018-00005772-00005967 And that's what you wanna snap a picture of. cXLX-0_jHvY-00019-00005967-00006348 So while you're doing that, while you're holding it, oh, cXLX-0_jHvY-00020-00006453-00006573 and I have to hold it. cXLX-0_jHvY-00021-00006573-00006972 There, we get the best widest possible rainbow. cXLX-0_jHvY-00022-00006972-00007129 You can snap a picture cXLX-0_jHvY-00023-00007409-00007800 and then that's something what it should look like. cXLX-0_jHvY-00024-00007800-00008073 Again, it looks so little weird, cXLX-0_jHvY-00025-00008073-00008407 but that's the picture you're gonna need for sunlight. cXLX-0_jHvY-00026-00008407-00008796 And we're gonna do this for other types of light as well. cXLX-0_jHvY-00027-00008796-00009296 So you're gonna do it for bulb light and what we can do cXLX-0_jHvY-00028-00009369-00009599 in the next, we'll show you that in the next one. cXVsEuU5IEI-00000-00000957-00001047 Welcome cXVsEuU5IEI-00001-00001047-00001194 To The Complete cXVsEuU5IEI-00002-00001194-00001317 Discipleship cXVsEuU5IEI-00003-00001317-00001421 Evangelism cXVsEuU5IEI-00004-00001421-00001641 48 Lesson Course cXVsEuU5IEI-00005-00001641-00001811 by Andrew Wommack cXVsEuU5IEI-00006-00001811-00002115 & Don Krow cXVsEuU5IEI-00007-00002182-00002285 Level 1 cXVsEuU5IEI-00008-00002285-00002439 Lesson 4 cXVsEuU5IEI-00009-00002439-00002592 Relationship With God cXVsEuU5IEI-00010-00002592-00002869 by Andrew Wommack cXVsEuU5IEI-00011-00002989-00003333 One of the most important things about relationship cXVsEuU5IEI-00012-00003333-00003843 is to understand the person with whom you are going to have relationship cXVsEuU5IEI-00013-00003843-00004117 and that also applies to God cXVsEuU5IEI-00014-00004117-00004681 You need to understand the basic nature and character of God cXVsEuU5IEI-00015-00004681-00005055 in order to have a healthy relationship with Him cXVsEuU5IEI-00016-00005055-00005679 Misunderstanding His character and nature is one of the reasons many people cXVsEuU5IEI-00017-00005679-00006119 do not have a positive relationship with Him cXVsEuU5IEI-00018-00006119-00006536 This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden cXVsEuU5IEI-00019-00006536-00006896 when Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent cXVsEuU5IEI-00020-00006896-00007147 They entered into temptation cXVsEuU5IEI-00021-00007147-00007397 ultimately disobeyed God cXVsEuU5IEI-00022-00007397-00007874 and plunged the whole human race into sin cXVsEuU5IEI-00023-00007874-00008148 Their lack of understanding God's nature cXVsEuU5IEI-00024-00008148-00008491 was actually a part of the temptation cXVsEuU5IEI-00025-00008518-00009359 The story in Genesis 3:1-5 is familiar to most people cXVsEuU5IEI-00026-00009359-00010020 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made cXVsEuU5IEI-00027-00010020-00010243 And he said to the woman cXVsEuU5IEI-00028-00010243-00010770 Has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? cXVsEuU5IEI-00029-00010770-00010994 And the woman said to the serpent cXVsEuU5IEI-00030-00010994-00011344 We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden cXVsEuU5IEI-00031-00011344-00011738 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden cXVsEuU5IEI-00032-00011738-00011952 God has said cXVsEuU5IEI-00033-00011952-00012085 You shall not eat it cXVsEuU5IEI-00034-00012085-00012323 nor shall you touch it cXVsEuU5IEI-00035-00012323-00012492 lest you die cXVsEuU5IEI-00036-00012492-00012772 Then the serpent said to the woman cXVsEuU5IEI-00037-00012772-00013016 You will not surely die cXVsEuU5IEI-00038-00013016-00013366 For God knows that in the day you eat of it cXVsEuU5IEI-00039-00013366-00013573 your eyes will be opened cXVsEuU5IEI-00040-00013573-00013871 and you will be like God cXVsEuU5IEI-00041-00013871-00014097 knowing good and evil cXVsEuU5IEI-00042-00014187-00014517 There is a subtle statement by Satan here cXVsEuU5IEI-00043-00014517-00014851 that God is really not a good God cXVsEuU5IEI-00044-00014851-00015265 that He was trying to withhold something from Adam and Eve cXVsEuU5IEI-00045-00015265-00015732 and that He didn't want them to reach their full potential cXVsEuU5IEI-00046-00015732-00016049 that He didn't want them to be like Himself cXVsEuU5IEI-00047-00016049-00016292 and that the reason He made the rule cXVsEuU5IEI-00048-00016292-00016676 about not eating of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil cXVsEuU5IEI-00049-00016676-00016920 was to hinder or hurt them cXVsEuU5IEI-00050-00016920-00017514 In a sense Satan came against the very nature and character of God cXVsEuU5IEI-00051-00017514-00018081 when he maligned Him by saying God did not want the best for them cXVsEuU5IEI-00052-00018081-00018511 The same thing is exactly what is happening to people today cXVsEuU5IEI-00053-00018511-00018753 Satan tells them cXVsEuU5IEI-00054-00018753-00018868 If you follow God cXVsEuU5IEI-00055-00018868-00019346 and don't experiment with all these things that are contrary to His Word cXVsEuU5IEI-00056-00019346-00019746 you will never experience true happiness cXVsEuU5IEI-00057-00019746-00019966 Life will be boring cXVsEuU5IEI-00058-00019966-00020146 dead cXVsEuU5IEI-00059-00020146-00020637 The sad fact is that people try various experiences cXVsEuU5IEI-00060-00020637-00020774 such as drugs cXVsEuU5IEI-00061-00020774-00020874 alcohol cXVsEuU5IEI-00062-00020874-00020977 sex cXVsEuU5IEI-00063-00020977-00021087 rebellion cXVsEuU5IEI-00064-00021087-00021297 indulgence of self cXVsEuU5IEI-00065-00021297-00021474 success in jobs cXVsEuU5IEI-00066-00021474-00021631 and many others cXVsEuU5IEI-00067-00021631-00022182 and by the time they realise that they do not give the desired satisfaction cXVsEuU5IEI-00068-00022182-00022429 they have already destroyed their lives cXVsEuU5IEI-00069-00022429-00022539 their families cXVsEuU5IEI-00070-00022539-00022726 and their health cXVsEuU5IEI-00071-00022782-00023249 The truth is that God is a good God cXVsEuU5IEI-00072-00023249-00023586 and His will for us is only good cXVsEuU5IEI-00073-00023586-00024024 But Satan uses the same temptations on us today cXVsEuU5IEI-00074-00024024-00024397 that came against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden cXVsEuU5IEI-00075-00024397-00024894 basically implying that God is not a good God cXVsEuU5IEI-00076-00024894-00025422 Those who have only a little understanding of the Bible could get that impression cXVsEuU5IEI-00077-00025422-00025742 because there are instances in the Word cXVsEuU5IEI-00078-00025742-00026227 where He treated people in harsh cruel ways cXVsEuU5IEI-00079-00026227-00027053 In Numbers 15:32-36 a man picked up sticks on the Sabbath Day cXVsEuU5IEI-00080-00027053-00027557 and was stoned to death for failing to observe the Sabbath cXVsEuU5IEI-00081-00027557-00027737 That sounds harsh cXVsEuU5IEI-00082-00027737-00028121 but there was a purpose behind such punishments cXVsEuU5IEI-00083-00028121-00028720 though it is not obvious to most people in a casual reading of Scripture cXVsEuU5IEI-00084-00028720-00028965 Careful study reveals cXVsEuU5IEI-00085-00028965-00029427 that Old Testament Law was given to make the sin that we've committed cXVsEuU5IEI-00086-00029427-00029797 become exceedingly sinful cXVsEuU5IEI-00087-00029797-00030273 as Paul says in Romans 7:13 cXVsEuU5IEI-00088-00030273-00030897 The purpose was that people didn't realise how deadly their transgressions were cXVsEuU5IEI-00089-00030897-00031237 and that they were an offence against God cXVsEuU5IEI-00090-00031237-00031641 They made the mistake of comparing among themselves cXVsEuU5IEI-00091-00031641-00032078 and measuring their actions by what other people were doing cXVsEuU5IEI-00092-00032135-00032512 If someone committed a sin and wasn't struck dead cXVsEuU5IEI-00093-00032512-00032879 they thought sin must not be so bad cXVsEuU5IEI-00094-00032879-00033199 and they lowered their standards cXVsEuU5IEI-00095-00033199-00033820 They had lost the true perspective on what was right and wrong cXVsEuU5IEI-00096-00033820-00034330 God had to bring back mankind to a plumb line cXVsEuU5IEI-00097-00034330-00034764 a proper standard of what right living was cXVsEuU5IEI-00098-00034764-00035131 so they would reject the devil and his temptations cXVsEuU5IEI-00099-00035131-00035699 and recognise what the end result of wrong choices would be cXVsEuU5IEI-00100-00035699-00035885 then when He did that cXVsEuU5IEI-00101-00035885-00036192 He had to enforce the Law He gave cXVsEuU5IEI-00102-00036256-00036756 God did not give the Old Testament commandments for the purpose of saying cXVsEuU5IEI-00103-00036756-00036973 Until you do all these things cXVsEuU5IEI-00104-00036973-00037320 I can't accept you or love you cXVsEuU5IEI-00105-00037320-00037694 That is not His nature or character cXVsEuU5IEI-00106-00037694-00038251 Rather - He gave them to make our sense of right and wrong more acute cXVsEuU5IEI-00107-00038251-00038551 and to bring us back to the fact cXVsEuU5IEI-00108-00038551-00038878 that we need a Saviour cXVsEuU5IEI-00109-00038878-00039528 The problem has been that people thought God was demanding perfection cXVsEuU5IEI-00110-00039528-00039723 before He could love them cXVsEuU5IEI-00111-00039723-00040033 which led to the attitude many have cXVsEuU5IEI-00112-00040033-00040633 that His love for them is directly proportional to their performance cXVsEuU5IEI-00113-00040633-00041067 They feel that until they try to do everything exactly right cXVsEuU5IEI-00114-00041067-00041348 they will not be accepted by God cXVsEuU5IEI-00115-00041348-00041695 and that is not the message of the Bible cXVsEuU5IEI-00116-00041751-00042225 God's heart is to reconcile mankind to Himself cXVsEuU5IEI-00117-00042225-00042445 not to judge them cXVsEuU5IEI-00118-00042445-00042729 not to impute their sins cXVsEuU5IEI-00119-00042729-00043197 not to hold their sins against them cXVsEuU5IEI-00120-00043197-00043470 That is the heart of God for people in the Bible cXVsEuU5IEI-00121-00043470-00043913 and also His heart for you today cXVsEuU5IEI-00122-00043913-00044297 You need to understand His real heart cXVsEuU5IEI-00123-00044297-00044921 that God is love 1 John 4:8 cXVsEuU5IEI-00124-00044921-00045725 He seeks to take away your sins and anything that would separate you from Him cXVsEuU5IEI-00125-00045725-00046069 He has already done it through Jesus cXVsEuU5IEI-00126-00046069-00046543 and He is offering you relationship today cXVsEuU5IEI-00127-00046543-00046970 not based on your performance but on your faith cXVsEuU5IEI-00128-00046970-00047424 and acceptance of Jesus bearing your sins cXVsEuU5IEI-00129-00047424-00047764 You can have relationship with God today cXVsEuU5IEI-00130-00047764-00048224 regardless of the failures in your life cXVsEuU5IEI-00131-00048224-00048882 All He asks is that you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ cXVsEuU5IEI-00132-00049049-00049349 Let us now take this opportunity cXVsEuU5IEI-00133-00049349-00049666 to pause and reflect on the lesson cXVsEuU5IEI-00134-00049666-00049979 by considering some questions cXVsEuU5IEI-00135-00049979-00050390 Suggested scripture readings will first be read cXVsEuU5IEI-00136-00050393-00050730 followed by the question to be answered cXVsEuU5IEI-00137-00050730-00051014 A pause is then recommended cXVsEuU5IEI-00138-00051014-00051241 to allow time to meditate cXVsEuU5IEI-00139-00051241-00051388 on the scripture cXVsEuU5IEI-00140-00051388-00051521 as an individual cXVsEuU5IEI-00141-00051521-00051778 or to discuss as a group cXVsEuU5IEI-00142-00051778-00052035 and formulate an answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00143-00052035-00052349 Finally the suggested answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00144-00052349-00052575 will be given cXVsEuU5IEI-00145-00052649-00053079 We read Genesis 3:1 cXVsEuU5IEI-00146-00053079-00053760 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made cXVsEuU5IEI-00147-00053760-00053987 And he said to the woman cXVsEuU5IEI-00148-00053987-00054779 Has God indeed said - You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? cXVsEuU5IEI-00149-00054779-00054824 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00150-00054824-00055328 What question did Satan ask Eve? cXVsEuU5IEI-00151-00055328-00055518 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00152-00055518-00056192 Has God indeed said - You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? cXVsEuU5IEI-00153-00056192-00056856 We read Genesis 2:17 and Genesis 3:3 cXVsEuU5IEI-00154-00056856-00057444 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat cXVsEuU5IEI-00155-00057444-00057877 for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die cXVsEuU5IEI-00156-00057877-00058548 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said cXVsEuU5IEI-00157-00058548-00058758 You shall not eat it cXVsEuU5IEI-00158-00058758-00058978 nor shall you touch it cXVsEuU5IEI-00159-00058978-00059195 lest you die cXVsEuU5IEI-00160-00059195-00059315 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00161-00059315-00060076 What word or words did Eve add to what God actually said to Adam? cXVsEuU5IEI-00162-00060076-00060240 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00163-00060240-00060577 That they shouldn't touch it cXVsEuU5IEI-00164-00060577-00060977 We read Genesis 3:6 cXVsEuU5IEI-00165-00060977-00061478 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food cXVsEuU5IEI-00166-00061478-00061731 that it was pleasant to the eyes cXVsEuU5IEI-00167-00061731-00062154 and a tree desirable to make one wise cXVsEuU5IEI-00168-00062154-00062424 She took of its fruit and ate cXVsEuU5IEI-00169-00062424-00062726 She also gave to her husband with her cXVsEuU5IEI-00170-00062726-00062982 and he ate cXVsEuU5IEI-00171-00062982-00063159 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00172-00063159-00063838 Once Satan was able to instill doubt into Eve's mind regarding the Word of God cXVsEuU5IEI-00173-00063838-00064137 What did she do in this verse? cXVsEuU5IEI-00174-00064137-00064317 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00175-00064317-00064688 Took and ate of the tree cXVsEuU5IEI-00176-00064688-00065165 We read Genesis 3:9-10 cXVsEuU5IEI-00177-00065165-00065622 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him cXVsEuU5IEI-00178-00065622-00065729 Where are you? cXVsEuU5IEI-00179-00065729-00065875 So he said cXVsEuU5IEI-00180-00065875-00066132 I heard Your voice in the garden cXVsEuU5IEI-00181-00066132-00066756 and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself cXVsEuU5IEI-00182-00066756-00066950 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00183-00066950-00067834 After Adam and Eve sinned - did God still communicate and pursue a relationship with them? cXVsEuU5IEI-00184-00067834-00068071 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00185-00068071-00068291 Yes cXVsEuU5IEI-00186-00068291-00068912 We read Genesis 3:22-24 cXVsEuU5IEI-00187-00068912-00069095 Then the LORD God said cXVsEuU5IEI-00188-00069095-00069532 Behold - the man has become like one of Us cXVsEuU5IEI-00189-00069532-00069783 to know good and evil cXVsEuU5IEI-00190-00069783-00070380 And now - lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life cXVsEuU5IEI-00191-00070380-00070639 and eat and live forever cXVsEuU5IEI-00192-00070639-00071064 - therefore the LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden cXVsEuU5IEI-00193-00071064-00071378 to till the ground from which he was taken cXVsEuU5IEI-00194-00071378-00071631 So He drove out the man cXVsEuU5IEI-00195-00071631-00072132 and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden cXVsEuU5IEI-00196-00072132-00072525 and a flaming sword which turned every way cXVsEuU5IEI-00197-00072525-00072912 to guard the way to the tree of life cXVsEuU5IEI-00198-00072912-00073073 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00199-00073073-00073536 Why did God drive Adam and Eve from the garden? cXVsEuU5IEI-00200-00073536-00073730 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00201-00073730-00074097 So they would not eat from the tree of life cXVsEuU5IEI-00202-00074097-00074547 and live forever in a sinful state cXVsEuU5IEI-00203-00074547-00074761 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00204-00074761-00075442 Can you see that this was an act of mercy by God - rather than a punishment? cXVsEuU5IEI-00205-00075442-00075638 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00206-00075638-00075835 Yes cXVsEuU5IEI-00207-00075835-00076252 We read Romans 5:17 cXVsEuU5IEI-00208-00076252-00076740 For if by the one man's offence death reigned through the one cXVsEuU5IEI-00209-00076740-00077374 much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00210-00077374-00077971 will reign in life through the One Jesus Christ cXVsEuU5IEI-00211-00077971-00078215 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00212-00078215-00078772 How do we attain God's abundance of grace and gift of righteousness? cXVsEuU5IEI-00213-00078772-00079693 Do we - (a) Buy It (b) Earn it or (c) Receive it? cXVsEuU5IEI-00214-00079693-00079886 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00215-00079886-00080253 (c) Receive it cXVsEuU5IEI-00216-00080253-00080697 We read Romans 6:23 cXVsEuU5IEI-00217-00080697-00081011 For the wages of sin is death cXVsEuU5IEI-00218-00081011-00081765 but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord cXVsEuU5IEI-00219-00081765-00081951 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00220-00081951-00082490 What do we really deserve if we sin? cXVsEuU5IEI-00221-00082490-00082659 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00222-00082659-00082792 Death cXVsEuU5IEI-00223-00082792-00083030 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00224-00083030-00083543 By grace what does God give us instead? cXVsEuU5IEI-00225-00083543-00083740 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00226-00083740-00084167 Eternal life in Christ Jesus cXVsEuU5IEI-00227-00084167-00084544 We read Romans 10:3 cXVsEuU5IEI-00228-00084544-00084941 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00229-00084941-00085328 and seeking to establish their own righteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00230-00085328-00085819 have not submitted to the righteousness of God cXVsEuU5IEI-00231-00085819-00086093 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00232-00086093-00086760 If we try to establish our own righteousness before God - what do we fail to do? cXVsEuU5IEI-00233-00086760-00086943 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00234-00086943-00087514 Submit to Jesus as our righteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00235-00087514-00087981 We read 1 John 1:9 cXVsEuU5IEI-00236-00087981-00088618 If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins cXVsEuU5IEI-00237-00088618-00088972 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00238-00088972-00089322 We read Romans 4:3 cXVsEuU5IEI-00239-00089322-00089629 For what does the Scripture say? cXVsEuU5IEI-00240-00089629-00089856 Abraham believed God cXVsEuU5IEI-00241-00089856-00090397 and it was accounted to him for righteousness cXVsEuU5IEI-00242-00090397-00090573 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00243-00090573-00091212 What does God promise to do with ALL our sins and iniquities against Him cXVsEuU5IEI-00244-00091212-00091581 if we would only believe? cXVsEuU5IEI-00245-00091581-00091783 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00246-00091783-00092262 Remove them - forget them and forgive them cXVsEuU5IEI-00247-00092262-00092455 Question cXVsEuU5IEI-00248-00092455-00092972 What does this tell you about the character of God? cXVsEuU5IEI-00249-00092972-00093166 Answer cXVsEuU5IEI-00250-00093166-00093680 That He is merciful and loving cXVsEuU5IEI-00251-00093693-00094184 Thank you for joining me and taking part in our lesson cXVsEuU5IEI-00252-00094184-00094644 This lesson is one of many steps on a learning pathway cXVsEuU5IEI-00253-00094644-00095218 taking you deeper into discipleship and relationship with the Lord cXVsEuU5IEI-00254-00095218-00095642 And now stay tuned for our next lesson ccW9i2Nyi1u-00000-00000000-00000200 Funny and cute pets cdwQ85x4G68-00000-00000224-00000936 what's up nerdlings do you nerd except maybe this time you shouldn't for embarrassing stuff cdwQ85x4G68-00001-00001096-00001592 do you nerd we all nerd do we not cdwQ85x4G68-00002-00002768-00003408 yeah so we were tagged and i gotta say i was kind of waiting for this to happen i cdwQ85x4G68-00003-00003408-00003960 was wondering who was gonna nail us this summer around it was sega block so our buddy sega blocks cdwQ85x4G68-00004-00003960-00004616 great channel awesome guy go check him out please let him know that you saw what embarrassed us so cdwQ85x4G68-00005-00004616-00005288 you came to see what embarrasses him with his list of embarrassing items in your collection let's go cdwQ85x4G68-00006-00005512-00005984 let's go do you nerd let's get a couple in on this let's see what tom and lacey had to say about this cdwQ85x4G68-00007-00006040-00006600 now to be fair i mean we collect the things that we love so we're not exactly embarrassed about cdwQ85x4G68-00008-00006600-00007112 this stuff we just want it yeah it's stuff that like i wouldn't necessarily run around showing cdwQ85x4G68-00009-00007112-00007600 off like crazy but it's stuff that i might be like giggly and be like yeah check this out haha cdwQ85x4G68-00010-00007656-00008056 but yeah let's not linger on it yeah more of a laugh i mean you know cdwQ85x4G68-00011-00008056-00008600 come on we all have something like a little uh little bonus one final fantasy the spirits cdwQ85x4G68-00012-00008600-00009200 within the movie that single-handedly ruined squares film company at least for a while cdwQ85x4G68-00013-00009200-00009984 whoops who's first do i go first you go first you can go first okay you know cdwQ85x4G68-00014-00010192-00010784 i have a sealed factory sealed copy of chrono cross because back in the day my buddy and i we cdwQ85x4G68-00015-00010784-00011424 loved our rpgs and we both bought a copy of chrono cross except he didn't want to leave cdwQ85x4G68-00016-00011424-00011848 his at his house because his little brother might break it or delete a save or something cdwQ85x4G68-00017-00011848-00012280 and we got to thinking you know what chrono trigger is worth a lot of money cdwQ85x4G68-00018-00012376-00012832 if we keep one of these sealed it'll probably be worth a lot of money someday cdwQ85x4G68-00019-00013496-00014247 totally correct that didn't happen so my copy is still factory sealed this is probably one of very cdwQ85x4G68-00020-00014247-00014832 very few sealed games in our collection the fact that this game has been re-released in a myriad cdwQ85x4G68-00021-00014832-00015424 of forms you know uh the playstation network store had it for a while obviously we got a re-release cdwQ85x4G68-00022-00015424-00016016 of the game anyway so there's no reason for me to open it since i can still play it whenever i want cdwQ85x4G68-00023-00016016-00016600 and it's just kind of an embarrassing reminder of how off the mark i was with that cdwQ85x4G68-00024-00016680-00017408 swinging a miss tom past tom doesn't know anything embarrassing stuff cdwQ85x4G68-00025-00017664-00018360 i gotta say man i have brought some action figures of course and these are representative of mr ryan cdwQ85x4G68-00026-00018360-00019064 reynolds best roles he's ever done and that he's the most proud of get me thinking now cdwQ85x4G68-00027-00019160-00019960 this is my most prized possession remember he asked for the super suit right buddy cdwQ85x4G68-00028-00020192-00020968 so yeah let's face it i uh i did buy this one on purpose because uh it's ryan reynolds and cdwQ85x4G68-00029-00020968-00021328 i loved it and i went and saw the movie and i was like yeah this movie is so much fun it's so great cdwQ85x4G68-00030-00021328-00021856 and then i realized it wasn't afterwards but i bought this thinking woohoo ryan reynolds is a cdwQ85x4G68-00031-00021856-00022272 superhero and you can see his face so that's why i actually still like this action figure cdwQ85x4G68-00032-00022272-00022968 because you can see his face and then this one i kind of bought on a goofy whim because after cdwQ85x4G68-00033-00022968-00023472 watching the actual movie deadpool the good one and he makes that joke in there about how this cdwQ85x4G68-00034-00023472-00023864 is his most prized possession well of course i had to buy ryan reynolds most prized possession cdwQ85x4G68-00035-00023920-00024280 funny enough though even though there was a terrible movie and it was a terrible version cdwQ85x4G68-00036-00024280-00024808 of deadpool this action figure goes for a lot of freaking money i think you got it for a good deal cdwQ85x4G68-00037-00024808-00025248 i had to pay 30 for this and that was a really good deal because the majority of them were 60 cdwQ85x4G68-00038-00025248-00026032 to 80 dollars yeah and he is broken i lost one of these oh i lost one of his swords so there you go cdwQ85x4G68-00039-00026032-00026472 there's my embarrassing action figures that i have because i usually have to explain to people why i cdwQ85x4G68-00040-00026472-00027176 have this one and please don't make the super suit green or animated well i mean so far this cdwQ85x4G68-00041-00027176-00027672 is a pretty good mix because you know the things we collect i mean we we collect movies and games cdwQ85x4G68-00042-00027672-00028327 action figures and uh you know the next thing is something to do with comics yes but cdwQ85x4G68-00043-00028408-00029072 here is your warning ladies and gentlemen the next parts of this video from here on out will be not cdwQ85x4G68-00044-00029072-00029583 safe for work or young children's eyes yeah so we're gonna give you just a moment cdwQ85x4G68-00045-00029824-00030776 there's no turning back baby peggy 18. all right welcome nerdlings to do you perv that's cdwQ85x4G68-00046-00030776-00031352 our other channel by the way i collect zelda stuff i collect all the zelda stuff i collect cdwQ85x4G68-00047-00031488-00032336 all the zelda stuff so way back in the day i found out there was a adult comic cdwQ85x4G68-00048-00032336-00032936 of zelda and i had to have it for the collection because i liked collecting weird oddball stuff cdwQ85x4G68-00049-00032936-00033456 anyway and the fact that it was something zelda it does get rather graphic this isn't exactly cdwQ85x4G68-00050-00033456-00034152 light reading or anything it just sits on a shelf a high shelf collects dust and everything but it cdwQ85x4G68-00051-00034152-00034592 was the simple fact that it was something so off the wall and i mean i got this probably cdwQ85x4G68-00052-00034704-00035192 late 90s early 2000s i think so back then especially to think of something like this cdwQ85x4G68-00053-00035192-00035680 existing blew my mind but yeah we definitely keep this on a very high shelf that you either cdwQ85x4G68-00054-00035680-00036136 have to be looking for it or we point it out to you because it's definitely something we don't cdwQ85x4G68-00055-00036136-00036584 want a little kid to come into the house and be like ooh comics mommy what's this cdwQ85x4G68-00056-00037224-00037904 i love you i love you mommy i love you i like it cdwQ85x4G68-00057-00039152-00039696 all the zelda stuff send me all the zelda stuff please it doesn't matter what it is the next thing cdwQ85x4G68-00058-00039696-00040504 that i am bringing to the table is a lovely pillow oh it's a it's a plushie you collect plushies i cdwQ85x4G68-00059-00040504-00040856 know it's kind of like a plushie it's one of those you know what do they call these pillows cdwQ85x4G68-00060-00040912-00041576 because it's bigger than a body pillow so i love rosalina she is my favorite character from mario cdwQ85x4G68-00061-00041576-00042120 um and i just love her and tom got her for me for my birthday and she's just really great cdwQ85x4G68-00062-00042120-00043584 so yeah that's that's why i have her oh oh oh we weren't supposed to turn her around so yeah cdwQ85x4G68-00063-00044776-00045088 yeah this is this is the pillow we keep in the bedroom um cdwQ85x4G68-00064-00045144-00045680 we have fun with this pillow tom gave this to me for my birthday in front of my parents cdwQ85x4G68-00065-00046232-00046608 and so i'm opening it and let me tell you this is the only sign i showed to my cdwQ85x4G68-00066-00046608-00046952 to my parents and were like oh is it the same on both sides and i'm like yup cdwQ85x4G68-00067-00046952-00047448 yup it is and then i promptly folded it right back up it is it is not and now cdwQ85x4G68-00068-00047448-00049184 they're watching and realize that you lied yeah i forgot about that sorry mom and dad cdwQ85x4G68-00069-00050136-00050512 but anyway we saw that at a convention one year and thought it was really cute and fun but cdwQ85x4G68-00070-00050512-00051208 i like the rosy dress side she only wears the uh the night clothes on weekends yeah and the rest of cdwQ85x4G68-00071-00051208-00052136 the time she's flipped over in the formal okay okay so wow it's getting a little racy in here cdwQ85x4G68-00072-00052136-00052928 isn't it yep mercy well there's one more thing this is all her yeah so there was one year we cdwQ85x4G68-00073-00052928-00053391 took it my family and i took a trip to italy and we went to pompeii well i don't know if you know cdwQ85x4G68-00074-00053391-00053840 anything about your history but pompeii was very very much known for the nightlife like cdwQ85x4G68-00075-00053896-00054784 the night life before they were known for the volcano they were known for something else cdwQ85x4G68-00076-00054928-00055312 they were the vegas of the mediterranean basically babe everybody went there cdwQ85x4G68-00077-00055312-00056008 to you know go and have fun and everything well on the ground there were the street tiles cdwQ85x4G68-00078-00056008-00056464 and they would have phallic symbols on the street tiles and whichever way it was pointing cdwQ85x4G68-00079-00056464-00057016 that literally pointed you from the docks to the brothels so kind of a neat piece of history that cdwQ85x4G68-00080-00057016-00057376 was really cool you know the guide tells us about this but when we're all done with it while we're cdwQ85x4G68-00081-00057376-00057936 waiting to get on the bus there's this gypsy lady that comes up to me i don't speak italian at all cdwQ85x4G68-00082-00057936-00058512 brian brian let me handle this uh scoozy baba the boopy kikoza peter what are you doing speaking cdwQ85x4G68-00083-00058512-00059055 italian papa the boopy baby and i'm not even sure she was speaking italian but she starts speaking cdwQ85x4G68-00084-00059055-00059520 to me in a very very weird you know language i'm not used to and shoving something in my face cdwQ85x4G68-00085-00059520-00060008 um phrasing well i had heard horror stories of like curses from gypsies and whatnot cdwQ85x4G68-00086-00060064-00060496 so i bought whatever she was shoving in my face hey phrase it because i was very very cdwQ85x4G68-00087-00060496-00060879 nervous about not buying what was from her and at the time i was like oh this is a fun cdwQ85x4G68-00088-00060879-00061376 souvenir because i'm in pompeii after i realized what i bought i was kind of embarrassed about it cdwQ85x4G68-00089-00061472-00062232 what's wrong with you are you ready ladies and gentlemen it's flying by the way so here we go cdwQ85x4G68-00090-00062600-00063288 uh-huh she kind of held it like this amazing i wasn't really exactly sure what i bought cdwQ85x4G68-00091-00063288-00063696 when i bought it homepad it's fighting so pompey ate its finest and it's detailed cdwQ85x4G68-00092-00064072-00064416 this also sits up on a very high shelf cdwQ85x4G68-00093-00064536-00065128 that no one else gets to see well it was a great souvenir of italy there you go i mean cdwQ85x4G68-00094-00065224-00065720 what more would you want from do you nerd you saw video games comics movies toys cdwQ85x4G68-00095-00065864-00066520 various toys plushies so are you doing it are you collecting what you love right now cdwQ85x4G68-00096-00066584-00067032 you should do it you should definitely do it have we burst your bubble that we're not as innocent as cdwQ85x4G68-00097-00067032-00067600 you think we are now because of the three of our are embarrassing stuff but the thing is i mean cdwQ85x4G68-00098-00067600-00068032 you know even though they're kind of embarrassing items you know some just for fun cdwQ85x4G68-00099-00068032-00068736 uh it's the simple fact that it's fun to collect oddball things you know uh things like cdwQ85x4G68-00100-00068736-00069264 toys that honestly you wouldn't expect there to be a toy of like seriously whoever thought cdwQ85x4G68-00101-00069264-00069912 this version of air quotes deadpool would have an action i didn't know that was a thing until after cdwQ85x4G68-00102-00069912-00070360 the movie came out and so apparently it was an action figure before the the good deadpool came cdwQ85x4G68-00103-00070360-00070856 out this i did buy when the movie came out and i mean late 90s early 2000s who knew that this kind cdwQ85x4G68-00104-00070856-00071504 of thing existed over in japan except maybe nerd lair he totally knew he probably has five copies cdwQ85x4G68-00105-00071504-00071984 i'm actually missing an issue volume three the cockarina of joy do you guys have that cdwQ85x4G68-00106-00071984-00072624 one by chance i would totally buy it from you all right well this has been going around for a while cdwQ85x4G68-00107-00072624-00073032 and i'm really not sure this time i'm really not sure who all has done a video for this cdwQ85x4G68-00108-00073088-00073672 so of course we're gonna cop out and do that open tag but it's a fun way to kind of encourage cdwQ85x4G68-00109-00073672-00074096 any of you to show us some of the things that you're embarrassed to have in your collection cdwQ85x4G68-00110-00074096-00074600 and hey come on after the stuff that we showed off here you can't be that embarrassed to show cdwQ85x4G68-00111-00074600-00075416 it so nerdlings we tag you yes let us know do you perv the nerd for embarrassing items and cdwQ85x4G68-00112-00075488-00076056 leave some comments down below maybe some tasteful comments if you can if you can i understand cdwQ85x4G68-00113-00076216-00076704 i think we better go yeah don't forget to like us on facebook twitter and instagram go to t public cdwQ85x4G68-00114-00076704-00077416 hit us up on the retro refresh and if we like it nerdlings we nerd it what what are you doing cdwQ85x4G68-00115-00077640-00078584 you're not supposed to read that right here oh my oh oh is that a frog cdwQ85x4G68-00116-00078928-00079160 i don't know if it's supposed to go this way or this way cdwQ85x4G68-00117-00079424-00079616 toby what are you doing cdwQ85x4G68-00118-00079872-00079984 what you doing cdwQ85x4G68-00119-00081024-00081896 oh how do you get in that position toby what you doing why are you laying on our props cdwQ85x4G68-00120-00082520-00082784 i'll show you later cdwQ85x4G68-00121-00084128-00084184 i like this cdwQ85x4G68-00122-00084640-00085632 not again not like this you clMREckn6JU-00002-00000898-00001564 Agricultural advice one click away clMREckn6JU-00003-00001712-00002268 Consult an agronomist without leaving the farm clMREckn6JU-00004-00002606-00002856 www.manejebem.com.br clMREckn6JU-00005-00002872-00003482 Connect to Sustainable Agriculture clQWew2F1Ru-00000-00000605-00000780 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Thank you everyone for standing by clQWew2F1Ru-00001-00000780-00001143 and welcome to our webinar entitled, Using Bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00002-00001143-00001370 to Remove Microcystin from Drinking Water. clQWew2F1Ru-00003-00001370-00001611 This is a brand new webinar series called, clQWew2F1Ru-00004-00001611-00001940 Fresh Water Science, that will highlight Ohio Sea Grant clQWew2F1Ru-00005-00001940-00002188 and partnering scientist every month. clQWew2F1Ru-00006-00002188-00002489 Every quarter is a different focus from human health clQWew2F1Ru-00007-00002489-00002742 and fish farming to harmful algal blooms clQWew2F1Ru-00008-00002742-00002916 and human decision making. clQWew2F1Ru-00009-00002916-00003169 Bringing applied research to the public on issues clQWew2F1Ru-00010-00003169-00003435 that affect our Lake Erie communities. clQWew2F1Ru-00011-00003435-00003670 I am Jill Jentes Banicki from Ohio Sea Grant clQWew2F1Ru-00012-00003670-00004089 and Stone laboratory and joining me today is Dr. Jason Huntley clQWew2F1Ru-00013-00004089-00004227 from the University of Toledo. clQWew2F1Ru-00014-00004322-00004732 Dr. Huntley is a Professor of Microbiology, an Associate Dean clQWew2F1Ru-00015-00004732-00004996 of Faculty Affairs and Development at the University clQWew2F1Ru-00016-00004996-00005266 of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences clQWew2F1Ru-00017-00005329-00005663 where his lab is focused on identifying factors clQWew2F1Ru-00018-00005663-00006041 that determine the severity of bacterial infections, clQWew2F1Ru-00019-00006041-00006508 examining how the bacteria bind to and invade host cells clQWew2F1Ru-00020-00006508-00006762 and examining immune responses to infection. clQWew2F1Ru-00021-00006795-00007155 This includes an interest in using bacterial biofilms clQWew2F1Ru-00022-00007155-00007673 to inactivate and degrade algal toxins from drinking water. clQWew2F1Ru-00023-00007709-00008076 Dr. Huntley holds degrees from Ohio State University clQWew2F1Ru-00024-00008076-00008454 and joined the UT Department of Medical Microbiology clQWew2F1Ru-00025-00008454-00008685 and Immunology in 2010. clQWew2F1Ru-00026-00008716-00008944 We're delighted to have Dr. Huntley here today clQWew2F1Ru-00027-00008944-00009364 to discuss his bacteria and microcystin research. clQWew2F1Ru-00028-00009411-00009714 Before we get started, a few things about the logistics clQWew2F1Ru-00029-00009714-00010177 of the webinar, during our presentation all participants clQWew2F1Ru-00030-00010177-00010333 will be in a listen only mode. clQWew2F1Ru-00031-00010333-00010643 Afterward, around 12:20 I'll conduct a clQWew2F1Ru-00032-00010643-00010777 question-and-answer session. clQWew2F1Ru-00033-00010777-00010984 If you would like to ask a question during the clQWew2F1Ru-00034-00010984-00011194 presentation, please feel free to pull clQWew2F1Ru-00035-00011194-00011470 up the chat feature anytime during this talk clQWew2F1Ru-00036-00011470-00011759 and I will collect and pose your questions out to Dr. Huntley clQWew2F1Ru-00037-00011759-00011896 at the end of his presentation. clQWew2F1Ru-00038-00011950-00012306 Just as a reminder, the webinar has auto-captioning clQWew2F1Ru-00039-00012306-00012494 and is being recorded to be posted clQWew2F1Ru-00040-00012494-00012668 on to our website for later viewing. clQWew2F1Ru-00041-00012715-00012929 Also, we will post a webinar survey clQWew2F1Ru-00042-00012929-00013161 in the chat feature toward the end of the half an hour. clQWew2F1Ru-00043-00013179-00013358 Please take a few minutes after the webinar clQWew2F1Ru-00044-00013358-00013453 to fill out that survey. clQWew2F1Ru-00045-00013453-00013822 It will help us continue to bring you better webinars. clQWew2F1Ru-00046-00013912-00014025 Without any further delay, clQWew2F1Ru-00047-00014025-00014297 I would like to introduce Dr. Jason Huntley clQWew2F1Ru-00048-00014297-00014596 from the University of Toledo who will present Using Bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00049-00014596-00014849 to Remove Microcystin from Drinking Water. clQWew2F1Ru-00050-00014935-00014994 Dr. Huntley. clQWew2F1Ru-00051-00015054-00015201 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: Thank you Jill. clQWew2F1Ru-00052-00015201-00015421 Thanks everyone for participating today. clQWew2F1Ru-00053-00015421-00015733 I'm really excited to be here. clQWew2F1Ru-00054-00015733-00015928 Really excited to present here. clQWew2F1Ru-00055-00015928-00016229 I know if you are eating lunch, you can sit back clQWew2F1Ru-00056-00016229-00016347 and I won't put you to sleep. clQWew2F1Ru-00057-00016347-00016701 So, I am going to be talking today how we're going clQWew2F1Ru-00058-00016701-00017104 to use bacteria, not pathogenic bacteria but bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00059-00017104-00017349 from Lake Erie to purify water clQWew2F1Ru-00060-00017349-00017649 so you can get clean drinking water. clQWew2F1Ru-00061-00017649-00017975 And I was looking over the participants today or those clQWew2F1Ru-00062-00017975-00018106 that registered so I would clQWew2F1Ru-00063-00018106-00018373 like to today hopefully provide everyone a brief overview clQWew2F1Ru-00064-00018373-00018712 about how did we, how did my lab get here. clQWew2F1Ru-00065-00018712-00018990 So, I'm going to present some things that's hard-core science. clQWew2F1Ru-00066-00018990-00019193 I'm going to present some things that make sense clQWew2F1Ru-00067-00019193-00019302 to everyone hopefully. clQWew2F1Ru-00068-00019302-00019517 So, I hope you can take something away clQWew2F1Ru-00069-00019517-00019853 from the story today. clQWew2F1Ru-00070-00019853-00020037 So, as you heard, I'm at the University clQWew2F1Ru-00071-00020037-00020134 of Toledo Medical Center. clQWew2F1Ru-00072-00020134-00020340 You know we have a hospital. clQWew2F1Ru-00073-00020340-00020428 We have clinics. clQWew2F1Ru-00074-00020449-00020577 We take care of patients. clQWew2F1Ru-00075-00020592-00020919 We also do research to help prevent human diseases clQWew2F1Ru-00076-00020919-00021106 and improve human health. clQWew2F1Ru-00077-00021123-00021498 So, as you heard my lab normally studies pneumonia. clQWew2F1Ru-00078-00021498-00021742 We study bacteria that cause pneumonia. clQWew2F1Ru-00079-00021795-00022047 And for years once thing we've appreciated is clQWew2F1Ru-00080-00022047-00022231 that bacteria have to eat just clQWew2F1Ru-00081-00022231-00022392 like you're hopefully doing right now. clQWew2F1Ru-00082-00022392-00022526 It's noon right. clQWew2F1Ru-00083-00022536-00022792 But they don't get to eat cheeseburgers clQWew2F1Ru-00084-00022792-00022941 and French fries and other things. clQWew2F1Ru-00085-00022941-00023390 The one thing my labs been studying is they infect cells clQWew2F1Ru-00086-00023390-00023652 cause disease by stealing amino acids. clQWew2F1Ru-00087-00023652-00023919 And let's just keep that in mind okay. clQWew2F1Ru-00088-00023919-00024166 So, again, this is what my lab normally does. clQWew2F1Ru-00089-00024218-00024412 And then we develop vaccines, therapeutics clQWew2F1Ru-00090-00024412-00024572 to help block this process. clQWew2F1Ru-00091-00024572-00024927 If you know how bacteria need to steal amino acids clQWew2F1Ru-00092-00024927-00025260 from your host cells, then you can build strategies to block clQWew2F1Ru-00093-00025260-00025624 that and starve the bacteria and then people get healthy. clQWew2F1Ru-00094-00025624-00026002 So, the Toledo water crisis happened clQWew2F1Ru-00095-00026002-00026321 and again my lab was studying bacterial pneumonia, clQWew2F1Ru-00096-00026339-00026601 but this really hit home for all of us. clQWew2F1Ru-00097-00026601-00026807 And I think what it really did for Toledo clQWew2F1Ru-00098-00026807-00027046 and the nation was reveal the fact clQWew2F1Ru-00099-00027046-00027398 that there are limitations to water treatment. clQWew2F1Ru-00100-00027398-00027629 You know I love living here in Toledo. clQWew2F1Ru-00101-00027629-00027857 We actually have amazing water and I know the City clQWew2F1Ru-00102-00027857-00028165 of Toledo does a great job of delivering millions of gallons clQWew2F1Ru-00103-00028165-00028522 of clean drinking water every single day. clQWew2F1Ru-00104-00028532-00028870 But 2014 revealed that the current processes clQWew2F1Ru-00105-00028870-00029174 which include flocculation that's taking particles clQWew2F1Ru-00106-00029174-00029318 and coagulating those clQWew2F1Ru-00107-00029318-00029568 and removing those using activated charcoal clQWew2F1Ru-00108-00029568-00029931 to remove taste and odors, chlorine to disinfect the water clQWew2F1Ru-00109-00029931-00030163 and then more recently they've added ozonation clQWew2F1Ru-00110-00030163-00030373 to help remove things like microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00111-00030396-00030770 but those do have limitations including costs. clQWew2F1Ru-00112-00030770-00031000 Those of us that live in Toledo know that, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00113-00031000-00031177 it does cost money to make those upgrades clQWew2F1Ru-00114-00031177-00031302 and prepare for the future. clQWew2F1Ru-00115-00031374-00031659 And all these processes because they do absorb different clQWew2F1Ru-00116-00031659-00031827 contaminates in the water, clQWew2F1Ru-00117-00031827-00032059 you have to remove the waste products clQWew2F1Ru-00118-00032059-00032504 and that also cost money and also generates hazardous wastes clQWew2F1Ru-00119-00032504-00032867 that needs to be incinerated or put in special landfills. clQWew2F1Ru-00120-00032916-00033157 And I think we can appreciate here the dollar signs. clQWew2F1Ru-00121-00033157-00033261 Things do add up. clQWew2F1Ru-00122-00033288-00033657 And then ozonation again while it's a very powerful tool, clQWew2F1Ru-00123-00033657-00033858 to remove things like microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00124-00033863-00034065 and other harmful algal bloom toxins, clQWew2F1Ru-00125-00034087-00034425 they can generate byproducts like formaldehyde clQWew2F1Ru-00126-00034425-00034701 and I don't think anyone on this call wants formaldehyde clQWew2F1Ru-00127-00034701-00034825 in their water, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00128-00034825-00035244 It's great for preserving cadavers here at the College clQWew2F1Ru-00129-00035244-00035604 of Medicine but you don't want that in your drinking water. clQWew2F1Ru-00130-00035641-00035899 So, we can take that and also stop and think about the fact clQWew2F1Ru-00131-00035899-00036349 that depending on where you are on climate change clQWew2F1Ru-00132-00036349-00036610 and I know some people perhaps don't believe it's real clQWew2F1Ru-00133-00036610-00036835 but one thing you can appreciate is that, clQWew2F1Ru-00134-00036835-00036958 and this data is from NOAA. clQWew2F1Ru-00135-00036989-00037274 If you look at harmful algal blooms they occur approximately clQWew2F1Ru-00136-00037274-00037482 every other year, right, and I've highlighted clQWew2F1Ru-00137-00037482-00037819 with the red stars, 2011, 2013, 2015. clQWew2F1Ru-00138-00037819-00038092 About every two years we have a significant clQWew2F1Ru-00139-00038092-00038356 and substantial harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie. clQWew2F1Ru-00140-00038383-00038802 Let's look for a minute here I mean 2014 the water crisis. clQWew2F1Ru-00141-00038802-00038938 This was not the biggest clQWew2F1Ru-00142-00038938-00039180 and most toxic harmful algal bloom ever, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00143-00039180-00039499 It doesn't, you know, we, again we had plenty of other years clQWew2F1Ru-00144-00039499-00039869 where we had more toxic and larger harmful algal blooms. clQWew2F1Ru-00145-00039869-00040188 And here we have the prediction for 2022 and it's a bit early clQWew2F1Ru-00146-00040188-00040514 but if you've looked at the harmful algal bloom bulletin clQWew2F1Ru-00147-00040545-00040816 from NOAA we have above recreational limits clQWew2F1Ru-00148-00040816-00041205 of microcystin toxin in the water right now by Monroe clQWew2F1Ru-00149-00041228-00041430 and kind of in the western basin of Lake Erie. clQWew2F1Ru-00150-00041430-00041669 So, let's see what happens this year. clQWew2F1Ru-00151-00041669-00041848 And then, of course, who knows what 's going clQWew2F1Ru-00152-00041848-00042142 to happen next year or the year after that. clQWew2F1Ru-00153-00042142-00042314 Again, we just don't know what's going to happen. clQWew2F1Ru-00154-00042314-00042678 In 2014, the harmful algal bloom just happened to sit clQWew2F1Ru-00155-00042678-00042944 over our intake crib here for the City of Toledo. clQWew2F1Ru-00156-00042984-00043450 But what if we had a bloom like 2015 or 2011 that sits clQWew2F1Ru-00157-00043450-00043671 over the water intake crib next year or the year clQWew2F1Ru-00158-00043671-00043828 after that, are we prepared? clQWew2F1Ru-00159-00044011-00044301 And let's take even a further step back. clQWew2F1Ru-00160-00044301-00044577 This isn't just a Toledo or Lake Erie problem. clQWew2F1Ru-00161-00044587-00044792 Harmful algal blooms occur worldwide clQWew2F1Ru-00162-00044813-00044992 and focus just here on the green colors. clQWew2F1Ru-00163-00044992-00045304 This is places where number one blooms are detected clQWew2F1Ru-00164-00045304-00045727 in freshwater and number two, they release enough toxin clQWew2F1Ru-00165-00045727-00046172 to be detected and we're talking about above the drinking limit clQWew2F1Ru-00166-00046172-00046299 which is one part per billion. clQWew2F1Ru-00167-00046352-00046585 So, this is a worldwide problem. clQWew2F1Ru-00168-00046600-00046904 And this is, again, one reason why my lab is studying this, clQWew2F1Ru-00169-00046909-00047137 to help protect human health worldwide. clQWew2F1Ru-00170-00047249-00047570 And this just highlights again, you know, here closer, clQWew2F1Ru-00171-00047570-00047836 not Toledo, but here in San Francisco, clQWew2F1Ru-00172-00047836-00048103 they have major harmful algal blooms in East Bay. clQWew2F1Ru-00173-00048126-00048565 We see kills of animals including livestock clQWew2F1Ru-00174-00048565-00048881 such as pigs and cattle in France. clQWew2F1Ru-00175-00048881-00049157 They have harmful algal blooms in Lake Taihu near Qingdao, clQWew2F1Ru-00176-00049157-00049401 China, even in Australia, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00177-00049401-00049574 This is not just a Toledo problem. clQWew2F1Ru-00178-00049822-00050218 So, this is the toxin, right, microcystin or MCLR clQWew2F1Ru-00179-00050218-00050416 that causes liver cancer. clQWew2F1Ru-00180-00050416-00050489 You've heard about that. clQWew2F1Ru-00181-00050489-00050801 It causes gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, clQWew2F1Ru-00182-00050801-00051104 things associated with Crohn's disease, clQWew2F1Ru-00183-00051104-00051235 inflammatory bowel disease. clQWew2F1Ru-00184-00051235-00051505 It can cause neurological problems, skin lesions. clQWew2F1Ru-00185-00051505-00051711 It can cause asthma like symptoms. clQWew2F1Ru-00186-00051753-00051962 Microcystin does a lot of things and, of course, clQWew2F1Ru-00187-00051962-00052196 what we're most concerned about if you ingest it, clQWew2F1Ru-00188-00052196-00052434 it can induce liver cancer. clQWew2F1Ru-00189-00052457-00052761 But I told you before that my lab studies bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00190-00052761-00053148 and how they steal amino acids from the host. clQWew2F1Ru-00191-00053148-00053360 And so, what really got us interested is clQWew2F1Ru-00192-00053360-00053763 when 2014 happened thinking about the problem, when I looked clQWew2F1Ru-00193-00053763-00053971 at the toxic, if you look at this clQWew2F1Ru-00194-00053971-00054169 and I've highlighted here in this diagram. clQWew2F1Ru-00195-00054169-00054620 The toxin is essentially seven amino acids, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00196-00054620-00054834 glutamic acid, alanine, leucine, clQWew2F1Ru-00197-00054834-00054997 if you any of you take multivitamins, clQWew2F1Ru-00198-00055034-00055219 you may notice some of these in your multivitamin. clQWew2F1Ru-00199-00055219-00055543 And I've told you before bacteria need to eat just clQWew2F1Ru-00200-00055543-00055946 like we do and if you're a bacteria in Lake Erie and if, clQWew2F1Ru-00201-00055946-00056031 you know, as I showed you, clQWew2F1Ru-00202-00056031-00056280 harmful algal blooms have been occurring and recurring clQWew2F1Ru-00203-00056280-00056432 for years, isn't it possible clQWew2F1Ru-00204-00056432-00056727 that through evolution there are naturally occurring bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00205-00056727-00056922 in Lake Erie that use this molecule, clQWew2F1Ru-00206-00056939-00057117 microcystin, as an energy source. clQWew2F1Ru-00207-00057151-00057465 I mean why not, right, if you're trying to grab energy clQWew2F1Ru-00208-00057465-00057724 from somewhere and you're a bacteria close clQWew2F1Ru-00209-00057724-00057935 to the harmful algal bloom, wouldn't you evolve clQWew2F1Ru-00210-00057961-00058156 to use this toxin as energy. clQWew2F1Ru-00211-00058195-00058504 So, let's put everything together I've kind clQWew2F1Ru-00212-00058504-00058621 of set the stage for. clQWew2F1Ru-00213-00058621-00058808 Harmful algal blooms are not going away. clQWew2F1Ru-00214-00058817-00058933 Some years are worst than others clQWew2F1Ru-00215-00058933-00059072 and we don't know what the future is. clQWew2F1Ru-00216-00059105-00059336 Harmful algal blooms are cyanobacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00217-00059336-00059518 They're photosynthesizing bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00218-00059539-00059794 that produce this molecule I showed you, a toxin, clQWew2F1Ru-00219-00059794-00059968 which is basically seven amino acids. clQWew2F1Ru-00220-00060019-00060172 And I also told you that my lab clQWew2F1Ru-00221-00060172-00060478 for years has been studying how pathogenic bacteria cause lung clQWew2F1Ru-00222-00060478-00060803 infections, cause pneumonia but one thing we haven't talked clQWew2F1Ru-00223-00060803-00061082 about so far is that, although we painted the picture clQWew2F1Ru-00224-00061082-00061363 of bacteria being bad, right, with harmful algal blooms clQWew2F1Ru-00225-00061363-00061699 and human diseases, let's remember for a second clQWew2F1Ru-00226-00061699-00061949 that bacteria can also do some really important clQWew2F1Ru-00227-00061949-00062057 beneficial things. clQWew2F1Ru-00228-00062118-00062552 We use them for cheese, beer, wine, yogurt, clQWew2F1Ru-00229-00062592-00062884 some of you on this call today may take Culturelle clQWew2F1Ru-00230-00062884-00063115 or a probiotic to help with intestinal health. clQWew2F1Ru-00231-00063122-00063458 Perhaps some of you on this call are diabetics. clQWew2F1Ru-00232-00063458-00063671 You may know that insulin, that you take, clQWew2F1Ru-00233-00063688-00063962 is generated from bacteria, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00234-00063962-00064233 The medical and pharmaceutical industry use bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00235-00064233-00064722 for all kinds of beneficial drugs and therapeutics. clQWew2F1Ru-00236-00064722-00065074 And then most importantly, some of you may know clQWew2F1Ru-00237-00065074-00065389 that we use bacteria for bioremediation. clQWew2F1Ru-00238-00065431-00065776 We use bacteria to clean up oil spills, to remove arsenic, clQWew2F1Ru-00239-00065802-00066124 to degrade plastics, to make jet fuel or biodiesel. clQWew2F1Ru-00240-00066124-00066415 I mean we use bacteria for all kinds of things. clQWew2F1Ru-00241-00066454-00066676 So, my lab asked the question, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00242-00066676-00067025 couldn't we isolate bacteria from Lake Erie that have evolved clQWew2F1Ru-00243-00067069-00067381 and then use those to degrade microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00244-00067381-00067700 and purify clean drinking water and we do this through, clQWew2F1Ru-00245-00067700-00067861 what we call, bio-filters. clQWew2F1Ru-00246-00067861-00068173 And I'll get to that in a second but it's using bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00247-00068219-00068474 in filters that already exist to degrade clQWew2F1Ru-00248-00068484-00068862 that toxin from the water. clQWew2F1Ru-00249-00068862-00069071 So full disclosure, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00250-00069071-00069254 I'm not the smartest guy in the room. clQWew2F1Ru-00251-00069254-00069517 I don't claim to have invented this idea clQWew2F1Ru-00252-00069526-00069917 but one thing my lab is, is we're persistent clQWew2F1Ru-00253-00069917-00070113 and we're stubborn, so we stick with problems clQWew2F1Ru-00254-00070113-00070271 and we're continuing to stick with this. clQWew2F1Ru-00255-00070298-00070804 So, we did find, I mean, there's papers from Australia in 1996 clQWew2F1Ru-00256-00070804-00071057 where the Australians isolated a bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00257-00071057-00071355 from a harmful algal bloom river and they found clQWew2F1Ru-00258-00071355-00071535 that it degraded microcystin LR. clQWew2F1Ru-00259-00071562-00071733 The Chinese have done the same thing. clQWew2F1Ru-00260-00071733-00071886 This is from 2010. clQWew2F1Ru-00261-00071886-00072118 You can find papers from Brazil, other countries. clQWew2F1Ru-00262-00072118-00072465 But the one stark contrast is clQWew2F1Ru-00263-00072465-00072822 that to our knowledge there is no use of bacteria right now clQWew2F1Ru-00264-00072822-00073104 in water filtration, right, or those enzymes. clQWew2F1Ru-00265-00073136-00073382 So, obviously there's some gaps or there's some hurdles clQWew2F1Ru-00266-00073382-00073596 that have to be overcome. clQWew2F1Ru-00267-00073596-00073740 So, how did we set about doing this. clQWew2F1Ru-00268-00073740-00073925 I mean we've gone into Lake Erie through help clQWew2F1Ru-00269-00073925-00074175 with collaborators including University of Toledo, clQWew2F1Ru-00270-00074175-00074437 the Lake Erie Center here at the University of Toledo clQWew2F1Ru-00271-00074437-00074694 and I've indicated on this map we've gotten samples from all clQWew2F1Ru-00272-00074694-00074979 over Lake Erie from 2014 including we're getting them clQWew2F1Ru-00273-00074979-00075031 this year. clQWew2F1Ru-00274-00075062-00075508 And we take those in the lab and what we do is pre-filter those. clQWew2F1Ru-00275-00075508-00075753 So, you can imagine like a cheesecloth we remove most clQWew2F1Ru-00276-00075753-00075882 of the large particulates. clQWew2F1Ru-00277-00075889-00076107 And then we add these to flasks. clQWew2F1Ru-00278-00076107-00076374 Yes I'm going to get into a little bit of science here clQWew2F1Ru-00279-00076394-00076723 and then we just feed those bacteria microcystin toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00280-00076723-00076915 Two or three times a week we add it. clQWew2F1Ru-00281-00076959-00077270 The point is again thinking about Darwin and selection clQWew2F1Ru-00282-00077270-00077397 of the fittest evolution, clQWew2F1Ru-00283-00077465-00077639 if those bacteria really are present clQWew2F1Ru-00284-00077639-00078093 and the only thing we give them is microcystin day after day, clQWew2F1Ru-00285-00078161-00078417 we will select for or enrich for the bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00286-00078417-00078544 that can degrade the toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00287-00078561-00078846 And the rest of the bacteria or microbes clQWew2F1Ru-00288-00078846-00079241 in that flask will die off because they run out of food. clQWew2F1Ru-00289-00079241-00079536 So, then I'm representing here if that's one of these bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00290-00079536-00079891 in red, it's lowly, it's not very abundant at the beginning clQWew2F1Ru-00291-00079891-00080165 but over days and weeks it becomes more and more abundant clQWew2F1Ru-00292-00080165-00080347 because it can eat the microcystin, clQWew2F1Ru-00293-00080347-00080555 the toxin in the sample. clQWew2F1Ru-00294-00080555-00080747 We can then quantitate that. clQWew2F1Ru-00295-00080747-00081091 We have ways of counting the number of toxin molecules. clQWew2F1Ru-00296-00081112-00081410 And we should end up with bacteria that degrade toxin clQWew2F1Ru-00297-00081410-00081672 and then we, again, use this for water filtration clQWew2F1Ru-00298-00081707-00082024 or identify the enzymes and I'll talk about that towards the end. clQWew2F1Ru-00299-00082024-00082313 It's a very efficient mechanism of cleaving clQWew2F1Ru-00300-00082313-00082438 and eliminating that toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00301-00082515-00082879 So, here's generally how we do our experiments. clQWew2F1Ru-00302-00082879-00083157 So, some of you are thinking who is this guy clQWew2F1Ru-00303-00083157-00083482 or how should I believe him, why should I believe him. clQWew2F1Ru-00304-00083486-00083728 Let me just walk you through some basic microbiology. clQWew2F1Ru-00305-00083728-00083868 Let me take you back to college here. clQWew2F1Ru-00306-00083885-00084209 If you take a harmful algal bloom sample and you plate it clQWew2F1Ru-00307-00084209-00084676 on media on agar plates that'll support lake bacteria, clQWew2F1Ru-00308-00084691-00084795 this is what you see. clQWew2F1Ru-00309-00084795-00084982 And again, you don't have to be a microbiologist clQWew2F1Ru-00310-00084982-00085332 to appreciate there's maybe 3 to 5 different types clQWew2F1Ru-00311-00085332-00085459 of bacteria on this plate. clQWew2F1Ru-00312-00085504-00085743 But if our selection, our enrichment, clQWew2F1Ru-00313-00085743-00085950 if the Darwin evolution really happens, clQWew2F1Ru-00314-00085950-00086442 if we only add microcystin every single day and they can eat it clQWew2F1Ru-00315-00086442-00086740 and increase in number and the other bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00316-00086740-00087206 and microbes can't eat, they should decrease in number. clQWew2F1Ru-00317-00087206-00087538 So, we should see a shift in the population. clQWew2F1Ru-00318-00087559-00087819 And then let me show you right here three weeks later clQWew2F1Ru-00319-00087819-00088027 after adding microcystin, again, you don't have clQWew2F1Ru-00320-00088027-00088195 to be a microbiologist, you don't have to look clQWew2F1Ru-00321-00088195-00088473 under a microscope, you can clearly see the bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00322-00088473-00088543 changed, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00323-00088543-00088632 We see pink. clQWew2F1Ru-00324-00088647-00088724 We see orange. clQWew2F1Ru-00325-00088724-00088975 We see yellow, tan colored. clQWew2F1Ru-00326-00088996-00089146 The shape has changed. clQWew2F1Ru-00327-00089186-00089471 Some of you could say well maybe microcystin mutated clQWew2F1Ru-00328-00089471-00089547 the bacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00329-00089574-00089702 Yeah that's possible. clQWew2F1Ru-00330-00089702-00090057 If so, they would grow much slower right. clQWew2F1Ru-00331-00090057-00090302 So, we actually checked then a second way clQWew2F1Ru-00332-00090302-00090637 to ask did the bacteria increase in numbers over time. clQWew2F1Ru-00333-00090644-00090763 Again, if they're eating, clQWew2F1Ru-00334-00090789-00090982 they should start replicating and increasing. clQWew2F1Ru-00335-00091007-00091240 If they can't eat, they're going to die. clQWew2F1Ru-00336-00091299-00091423 So, we looked at the bacterial numbers clQWew2F1Ru-00337-00091423-00091663 and they actually increase over time, and you can see that here. clQWew2F1Ru-00338-00091663-00091828 Week one, week two, week three, clQWew2F1Ru-00339-00091828-00092006 these are different samples we've taken. clQWew2F1Ru-00340-00092043-00092271 You know some kind of grow rapidly and stall. clQWew2F1Ru-00341-00092271-00092630 Other ones continue growing but growth is our second indicator clQWew2F1Ru-00342-00092630-00092844 that degradation is actually occurring. clQWew2F1Ru-00343-00092908-00093141 Now our third way to check if there's enrichment clQWew2F1Ru-00344-00093141-00093437 or we're selecting for microcystic degrading bacteria, clQWew2F1Ru-00345-00093483-00093651 we actually counted the number clQWew2F1Ru-00346-00093651-00093835 of toxin molecules in each sample. clQWew2F1Ru-00347-00093864-00094012 And I'm showing you a lot of data here clQWew2F1Ru-00348-00094012-00094200 but let's just look at this 7M sample. clQWew2F1Ru-00349-00094200-00094550 The blue arrow indicates when we add microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00350-00094550-00094668 to the sample, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00351-00094668-00094828 It's about 35 parts per billion. clQWew2F1Ru-00352-00094828-00095035 That's 35 times more toxic clQWew2F1Ru-00353-00095035-00095208 than we should ever encounter as humans. clQWew2F1Ru-00354-00095233-00095527 Three or four days later it goes down to about 15. clQWew2F1Ru-00355-00095558-00095920 We add microcystin again, it goes up, our bacteria degraded. clQWew2F1Ru-00356-00095940-00096151 We add it, bacteria degraded. clQWew2F1Ru-00357-00096151-00096251 So, I mean here's a sample clQWew2F1Ru-00358-00096251-00096402 that does a really good job of degrading. clQWew2F1Ru-00359-00096412-00096732 To show you that these samples are, in fact, different, clQWew2F1Ru-00360-00096759-00097030 I mean here's a sample of GR1. clQWew2F1Ru-00361-00097030-00097276 It takes 3 or 4 days, nothing happens. clQWew2F1Ru-00362-00097295-00097468 We add and it starts degrading. clQWew2F1Ru-00363-00097491-00097857 Anyway, you can see various levels of degrading or not, clQWew2F1Ru-00364-00097857-00098032 these samples are truly different. clQWew2F1Ru-00365-00098095-00098445 But I'm only showing you about 20, 21 days of degradation. clQWew2F1Ru-00366-00098518-00098773 We asked more important questions about, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00367-00098773-00099155 could we get different groups of bacteria and show degradation clQWew2F1Ru-00368-00099190-00099369 over extended periods of time. clQWew2F1Ru-00369-00099369-00099491 That's what I'm showing you here. clQWew2F1Ru-00370-00099529-00099798 We got a sample from Justin Chaffin right outside clQWew2F1Ru-00371-00099798-00099892 of the Stone Lab. clQWew2F1Ru-00372-00099892-00100247 Those of you who are Ohio State fans should appreciate this. clQWew2F1Ru-00373-00100262-00100579 This sample here I'm showing you a negative control, clQWew2F1Ru-00374-00100579-00100850 so this is we take a harmful algal bloom sample, clQWew2F1Ru-00375-00100880-00100981 we sterile filter it. clQWew2F1Ru-00376-00100981-00101165 We remove all the bacteria out of it, clQWew2F1Ru-00377-00101165-00101365 and we only add microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00378-00101365-00101646 to ask how stable the toxin is in just lake water. clQWew2F1Ru-00379-00101646-00101850 And you can see the concentration keeps increasing clQWew2F1Ru-00380-00101850-00101954 over the experiment. clQWew2F1Ru-00381-00101962-00102086 There's a little bit of variation. clQWew2F1Ru-00382-00102086-00102380 That happens with lab studies, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00383-00102386-00102596 but look at the degradation in this sample. clQWew2F1Ru-00384-00102666-00102966 After a few days of kind of adjustment, you can see here clQWew2F1Ru-00385-00102966-00103265 on day five we add microcystin, it goes down. clQWew2F1Ru-00386-00103265-00103425 We add microcystin it goes down. clQWew2F1Ru-00387-00103425-00103697 We did this eight different times over the process clQWew2F1Ru-00388-00103697-00104172 of a month and the toxin kept getting degraded to almost zero. clQWew2F1Ru-00389-00104193-00104618 I mean if you add this up we put 616 parts per billion clQWew2F1Ru-00390-00104618-00104945 in both samples and the bacterial sample degraded 19 clQWew2F1Ru-00391-00104945-00105057 parts per billion per day. clQWew2F1Ru-00392-00105087-00105340 Again, let's go back to 2014 and the water crisis. clQWew2F1Ru-00393-00105355-00105768 There was about 1 to 2 parts per billion in the water clQWew2F1Ru-00394-00105796-00106039 and 1 part per billion is toxic to humans. clQWew2F1Ru-00395-00106055-00106384 Our bacteria can remove 19 parts per billion per day. clQWew2F1Ru-00396-00106424-00106541 Imagine if we could have added clQWew2F1Ru-00397-00106541-00106863 that to the Toledo Water Treatment Plant, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00398-00106863-00107090 potentially we wouldn't have had a water crisis. clQWew2F1Ru-00399-00107131-00107426 So, where are we going with this. clQWew2F1Ru-00400-00107426-00107709 I mean the thing is I'm not going to show you all the data clQWew2F1Ru-00401-00107709-00107944 because it gets very scientific, but we have been doing a lot clQWew2F1Ru-00402-00107944-00108068 of genome sequencing, clQWew2F1Ru-00403-00108083-00108429 identifying the genus in species. clQWew2F1Ru-00404-00108494-00108820 We want to make sure we aren't replicating the same bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00405-00108820-00108979 over and over again. clQWew2F1Ru-00406-00108979-00109391 So, far we've isolated and identified 66 different bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00407-00109438-00109728 that in groups, right, groups of 10, 20, clQWew2F1Ru-00408-00109741-00109915 whatever, degrade microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00409-00109928-00110135 And we're more interested after talking clQWew2F1Ru-00410-00110135-00110386 with different government regulators, Ohio EPA, clQWew2F1Ru-00411-00110386-00110681 Ohio Department of Public Health, Federal regulators clQWew2F1Ru-00412-00110681-00110871 about what would we need to do clQWew2F1Ru-00413-00110871-00111140 to possibly use this for water filtration? clQWew2F1Ru-00414-00111178-00111385 And they've all said reduce the complexity. clQWew2F1Ru-00415-00111402-00111547 Have it as simple as possible. clQWew2F1Ru-00416-00111547-00111788 So, I'm going to show you some data from recently. clQWew2F1Ru-00417-00111788-00111995 We've been now showing degradation from groups clQWew2F1Ru-00418-00111995-00112251 of five bacteria or individual. clQWew2F1Ru-00419-00112251-00112612 And I hope you can appreciate is this is a group we call group N. clQWew2F1Ru-00420-00112612-00112757 It's five bacteria put together. clQWew2F1Ru-00421-00112805-00113061 Again, the blue arrows indicate when we add the toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00422-00113135-00113307 Three or four days later it goes to zero. clQWew2F1Ru-00423-00113307-00113505 We add the toxin, it goes to zero. clQWew2F1Ru-00424-00113534-00113766 And in the gray is the negative control, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00425-00113766-00114052 This is just lake water that sterile filtered. clQWew2F1Ru-00426-00114052-00114183 There's no bacteria in it. clQWew2F1Ru-00427-00114188-00114363 You can see the concentration keeps going up. clQWew2F1Ru-00428-00114380-00114613 Again, if you calculate the difference here, clQWew2F1Ru-00429-00114613-00114901 our bacteria degrade 4 part per billion per day. clQWew2F1Ru-00430-00114939-00115361 Again, that would more than fix the Toledo water crisis of 2014. clQWew2F1Ru-00431-00115361-00115557 So, these are very efficient, very effective clQWew2F1Ru-00432-00115557-00115963 at degrading microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00433-00115963-00116454 Thinking more globally, we have MCLR, and I won't go clQWew2F1Ru-00434-00116454-00116561 through the biochemistry. clQWew2F1Ru-00435-00116569-00116734 If some of you do have questions, we can go through it clQWew2F1Ru-00436-00116734-00117075 but there's over 200 different flavors, versions clQWew2F1Ru-00437-00117075-00117382 or what we can conjoiners of microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00438-00117395-00117809 MCLR is the most dominant in Lake Erie but, for instance, clQWew2F1Ru-00439-00117809-00117986 I showed you that picture of San Francisco Bay, clQWew2F1Ru-00440-00117986-00118356 they have MCRR in California. clQWew2F1Ru-00441-00118360-00118621 Their cyanobacteria produce this. clQWew2F1Ru-00442-00118621-00119021 In Florida, in Lake Okeechobee their cyanobacteria produced clQWew2F1Ru-00443-00119021-00119184 MCLA which is shown here. clQWew2F1Ru-00444-00119184-00119472 And I've highlighted the variable amino acid positions. clQWew2F1Ru-00445-00119511-00119795 So, we asked the question could we use our bacteria more clQWew2F1Ru-00446-00119795-00119997 globally or, you know, focusing here on the clQWew2F1Ru-00447-00120012-00120305 US could we use these to treat harmful algal blooms clQWew2F1Ru-00448-00120305-00120559 in California, Florida and other places? clQWew2F1Ru-00449-00120579-00120744 And a simple answer is this, clQWew2F1Ru-00450-00120744-00120937 I mean I'm showing you the same type of graph, again, clQWew2F1Ru-00451-00120937-00121083 the negative control is in gray, clQWew2F1Ru-00452-00121102-00121259 the toxin concentration keeps going clQWew2F1Ru-00453-00121259-00121359 up because we keep adding it. clQWew2F1Ru-00454-00121359-00121575 And then our samples with bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00455-00121583-00121858 with that group N again, we add it, it goes down, clQWew2F1Ru-00456-00121858-00121997 we add it, it goes down. clQWew2F1Ru-00457-00121997-00122339 You know 2 to 3 parts per billion per day our bacteria can clQWew2F1Ru-00458-00122339-00122449 degrade no problem. clQWew2F1Ru-00459-00122461-00122600 I mean this is MCLA. clQWew2F1Ru-00460-00122600-00122955 Again, the data is maybe not as clean as we would like clQWew2F1Ru-00461-00122955-00123335 but the average degradation is still pretty strong. clQWew2F1Ru-00462-00123559-00123949 So, some of you are asking what is this Huntley guy clQWew2F1Ru-00463-00123949-00124032 talking about? clQWew2F1Ru-00464-00124032-00124495 I'm not sure if I want bacteria in my water. clQWew2F1Ru-00465-00124495-00124659 How could this even be used? clQWew2F1Ru-00466-00124659-00125050 So, let me kind of give you an overview of how Toledo clQWew2F1Ru-00467-00125050-00125316 and other cities purify their drinking water. clQWew2F1Ru-00468-00125338-00125663 So, here in Toledo you know we have the intake crib. clQWew2F1Ru-00469-00125663-00126014 It intakes water from Lake Erie and pumps it and it goes clQWew2F1Ru-00470-00126014-00126358 through a series of kind of coagulation, flocculation clQWew2F1Ru-00471-00126358-00126477 and sedimentation steps. clQWew2F1Ru-00472-00126477-00126660 Again, that's to take the large particles clQWew2F1Ru-00473-00126660-00126872 out of the water and remove those. clQWew2F1Ru-00474-00126914-00127328 Then that lake water is passed through a sand filter clQWew2F1Ru-00475-00127398-00127649 and that's shown here in the red box. clQWew2F1Ru-00476-00127649-00127965 This is what step we think we could add our bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00477-00127965-00128236 to these sand filters and then use it to purify water. clQWew2F1Ru-00478-00128244-00128461 And here's the important thing, please remember that, clQWew2F1Ru-00479-00128461-00128903 after the sand filter step it's disinfected with chlorine. clQWew2F1Ru-00480-00128931-00129160 So, any bacteria that might get through clQWew2F1Ru-00481-00129160-00129349 and again the sand filters clQWew2F1Ru-00482-00129369-00129656 that the Toledo treatment plant uses are not sterile. clQWew2F1Ru-00483-00129656-00129767 I'll show you here in a second. clQWew2F1Ru-00484-00129818-00130028 So, any bacteria that might get through are disinfected clQWew2F1Ru-00485-00130028-00130285 with chlorine before being pumped out to your house. clQWew2F1Ru-00486-00130308-00130468 So, this is the general process, clQWew2F1Ru-00487-00130494-00130641 we think we would add our bacteria here clQWew2F1Ru-00488-00130641-00130745 to the sand filters. clQWew2F1Ru-00489-00130772-00131071 I mean we've been talking with the City of Toledo for 5 clQWew2F1Ru-00490-00131071-00131325 or 6 years since we started this project making sure what we're clQWew2F1Ru-00491-00131325-00131447 doing is practical. clQWew2F1Ru-00492-00131509-00131915 Thinking about the lab experiments we do is it relevant clQWew2F1Ru-00493-00131915-00132058 to what the City of Toledo does. clQWew2F1Ru-00494-00132058-00132335 And here's actually one of the sand filters they use. clQWew2F1Ru-00495-00132335-00132577 Again, millions of gallons of water go clQWew2F1Ru-00496-00132577-00132774 through sand filters everyday in Toledo. clQWew2F1Ru-00497-00132829-00133237 Water is pumped in here and then its gravity fed through 6, clQWew2F1Ru-00498-00133237-00133679 8 feet of sand and magically the water gets purified. clQWew2F1Ru-00499-00133679-00133772 It's not magic. clQWew2F1Ru-00500-00133772-00133976 As I've told you, these are not sterile. clQWew2F1Ru-00501-00133976-00134336 There's viruses, bacteria, fungi that live in the sand clQWew2F1Ru-00502-00134336-00134669 and help remove contaminants, taste, odor, clQWew2F1Ru-00503-00134669-00134815 compounds from the water. clQWew2F1Ru-00504-00134830-00135146 So, this is where we envision adding our bacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00505-00135312-00135488 So, could it actually work. clQWew2F1Ru-00506-00135493-00135613 So, we've done some experiments. clQWew2F1Ru-00507-00135613-00135774 This is what we call our bio-filter. clQWew2F1Ru-00508-00135823-00136048 So, this is, you know, a filter here. clQWew2F1Ru-00509-00136048-00136284 This is sand just like what Toledo uses, clQWew2F1Ru-00510-00136284-00136505 just like people use in their pools clQWew2F1Ru-00511-00136505-00136768 to purify their swimming pools. clQWew2F1Ru-00512-00136768-00137114 We take this sand and we either have negative controls clQWew2F1Ru-00513-00137114-00137492 or the sand filters without our bacteria or here clQWew2F1Ru-00514-00137492-00137825 in blue we have two different filters with our bacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00515-00137828-00138069 This is just for what we call reproducibility. clQWew2F1Ru-00516-00138069-00138329 We want to make sure we're not generating random data, clQWew2F1Ru-00517-00138329-00138446 but it is reproducible. clQWew2F1Ru-00518-00138474-00138863 Well, you can see here in black and gray the sand filters clQWew2F1Ru-00519-00138863-00139219 without our bacteria, they do not bind microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00520-00139219-00139332 They do not degrade it. clQWew2F1Ru-00521-00139332-00139617 You can see that the microcystin levels remain very constant clQWew2F1Ru-00522-00139617-00139738 over five days right. clQWew2F1Ru-00523-00139738-00139963 I'm showing you here in hours, but this is five days. clQWew2F1Ru-00524-00139993-00140352 In contrast, look at in blue, our sand filters, clQWew2F1Ru-00525-00140352-00140626 we turn on the pump and we start running contaminated water clQWew2F1Ru-00526-00140630-00140996 with microcystin through it, it can see very quickly, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00527-00140996-00141166 one part per billion per hour, clQWew2F1Ru-00528-00141195-00141500 our bacteria are degrading microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00529-00141500-00141637 and removing it from the water. clQWew2F1Ru-00530-00141637-00141757 And then the water we collect clQWew2F1Ru-00531-00141757-00142157 from the very bottom here has almost undetectable levels clQWew2F1Ru-00532-00142157-00142240 of microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00533-00142240-00142369 I mean listen, I want to be clear, clQWew2F1Ru-00534-00142386-00142595 if you look at the concentration here we're adding clQWew2F1Ru-00535-00142595-00142927 about 20 parts per billion of microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00536-00142942-00143272 That's 20 times more than the EPA limit. clQWew2F1Ru-00537-00143272-00143701 I mean so we're really pushing hard on these trials clQWew2F1Ru-00538-00143723-00144008 to show how efficacious our bacteria are. clQWew2F1Ru-00539-00144022-00144247 And I mean I've calculated here in the bottom, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00540-00144247-00144478 I mean one part per billion, 1.3 part per billion. clQWew2F1Ru-00541-00144498-00144655 That's per hour right. clQWew2F1Ru-00542-00144655-00145052 So, we really think these studies show in a filter clQWew2F1Ru-00543-00145052-00145371 where we're running water constantly through these filters clQWew2F1Ru-00544-00145397-00145649 for five days our bacteria do an amazing job clQWew2F1Ru-00545-00145649-00145981 of removing microcystin toxin from the water. clQWew2F1Ru-00546-00145981-00146598 So, what have we been up to since some of these studies? clQWew2F1Ru-00547-00146626-00146798 As I told you we are really excited clQWew2F1Ru-00548-00146798-00146944 about the biofilter studies. clQWew2F1Ru-00549-00146977-00147145 We're now trying to scale these up. clQWew2F1Ru-00550-00147145-00147433 Again, we want everything we do to be relevant to what the City clQWew2F1Ru-00551-00147433-00147900 of Toledo does and make sure what we do can be applied clQWew2F1Ru-00552-00147900-00148026 to real world application. clQWew2F1Ru-00553-00148026-00148441 So, scaling these up into gallons of water and seeing clQWew2F1Ru-00554-00148441-00148665 if our bacteria can remove toxin from the water. clQWew2F1Ru-00555-00148678-00149083 Part of that also includes in terms of scalability, clQWew2F1Ru-00556-00149086-00149393 looking at flow rates, how we quickly we can set clQWew2F1Ru-00557-00149393-00149723 up our filters, you know, instead of this taking weeks, clQWew2F1Ru-00558-00149732-00149972 could we add our bacteria to a filter in a matter clQWew2F1Ru-00559-00149972-00150217 of hours get them to bind to the sand clQWew2F1Ru-00560-00150217-00150417 and then quickly degrade water. clQWew2F1Ru-00561-00150459-00150829 What if we add microcystin to the water and take it away? clQWew2F1Ru-00562-00150829-00151342 You know can they degrade and then maybe if there's no toxin clQWew2F1Ru-00563-00151342-00151533 in the water for a week, can they start clQWew2F1Ru-00564-00151533-00151661 to degrade again a week later. clQWew2F1Ru-00565-00151661-00151871 We're asking all kinds of questions about utility. clQWew2F1Ru-00566-00151899-00152111 And then again as I showed you clQWew2F1Ru-00567-00152111-00152345 and you know perhaps I alluded to, clQWew2F1Ru-00568-00152354-00152536 we understand some people may be nervous clQWew2F1Ru-00569-00152536-00152690 about us adding bacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00570-00152719-00152981 To be clear, right, these are not genetically engineered. clQWew2F1Ru-00571-00152981-00153082 We didn't modify them. clQWew2F1Ru-00572-00153130-00153321 They are naturally occurring in Lake Erie. clQWew2F1Ru-00573-00153379-00153525 All we're trying to do is ask questions clQWew2F1Ru-00574-00153525-00153728 about if we could add them to the sand filters. clQWew2F1Ru-00575-00153728-00154094 But we acknowledge what if some of our bacteria made it clQWew2F1Ru-00576-00154094-00154309 out of the sand filter and I showed clQWew2F1Ru-00577-00154309-00154523 that next step is chlorination, what if some clQWew2F1Ru-00578-00154523-00154763 of them weren't killed by chlorine, right? clQWew2F1Ru-00579-00154781-00154909 Are they safe for humans? clQWew2F1Ru-00580-00154909-00155169 So, we've been doing safety studies and in mice. clQWew2F1Ru-00581-00155169-00155351 And again, you know, we're a medical school, clQWew2F1Ru-00582-00155351-00155520 we are interested in human health. clQWew2F1Ru-00583-00155520-00155814 We have a lot of different programs, so we're set clQWew2F1Ru-00584-00155814-00155950 up to do these experiments. clQWew2F1Ru-00585-00155956-00156143 So, let me just show you briefly. clQWew2F1Ru-00586-00156143-00156526 I mean we do this again because we study bacterial pneumonia. clQWew2F1Ru-00587-00156549-00156858 We were working on COVID. clQWew2F1Ru-00588-00156858-00157182 Anyway, we have a lot of tools at our disposal. clQWew2F1Ru-00589-00157182-00157587 My Ph.D. is actually in pathology, so I'm trained clQWew2F1Ru-00590-00157587-00157840 in studying death and disease, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00591-00157840-00158103 So, one thing we do is we can look at animals clQWew2F1Ru-00592-00158103-00158254 and have health status scales. clQWew2F1Ru-00593-00158283-00158601 We assessed our bacteria in two different mice. clQWew2F1Ru-00594-00158601-00158898 BALB/c are just normal laboratory mice. clQWew2F1Ru-00595-00158904-00159132 And then these SCID mice are what we called clQWew2F1Ru-00596-00159132-00159329 severely immunocompromised. clQWew2F1Ru-00597-00159329-00159607 These have to be maintained under very special conditions, clQWew2F1Ru-00598-00159616-00159832 otherwise they get sick and die from anything. clQWew2F1Ru-00599-00159832-00160160 So, what we're asking if is we give these mice our bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00600-00160160-00160368 in their drinking water, they get it as much clQWew2F1Ru-00601-00160368-00160596 as they want, do they get sick? clQWew2F1Ru-00602-00160600-00160698 Did they get diarrhea? clQWew2F1Ru-00603-00160698-00160866 Did they change behavior? clQWew2F1Ru-00604-00160866-00161309 Anything? What I can appreciate here is having, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00605-00161309-00161725 when we look at these twice per day for up to a month 10 clQWew2F1Ru-00606-00161725-00162191 to the third is a thousand bacteria, 5000, 10,000, 100,000. clQWew2F1Ru-00607-00162229-00162536 Those mice continually got our bacteria for a month. clQWew2F1Ru-00608-00162536-00162664 There was no diarrhea. clQWew2F1Ru-00609-00162682-00162810 No signs of disease. clQWew2F1Ru-00610-00162840-00163021 We then looked at these, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00611-00163021-00163240 in the human world we call it autopsies. clQWew2F1Ru-00612-00163240-00163459 In the animal world we call it necropsies. clQWew2F1Ru-00613-00163477-00163757 We looked at they're stomachs, at their intestines, liver, clQWew2F1Ru-00614-00163757-00163982 spleens, kidneys, you name it. clQWew2F1Ru-00615-00164000-00164168 There was no sign of infection. clQWew2F1Ru-00616-00164168-00164303 No sign of disease. clQWew2F1Ru-00617-00164303-00164565 As far as we can tell these bacteria are completely safe clQWew2F1Ru-00618-00164571-00164617 in mammals. clQWew2F1Ru-00619-00164617-00164907 And, you know, studies will be ongoing to see clQWew2F1Ru-00620-00164907-00165025 if they are safe in humans. clQWew2F1Ru-00621-00165082-00165396 And, again, what's the practicality of that? clQWew2F1Ru-00622-00165396-00165647 We've also then, those same mice, clQWew2F1Ru-00623-00165683-00165907 we've been testing those as probiotics. clQWew2F1Ru-00624-00165907-00166114 You know I showed you that picture of Culturelle before. clQWew2F1Ru-00625-00166114-00166599 We've been asking about could we give our bacteria like a yogurt clQWew2F1Ru-00626-00166599-00167070 or in drinking water and then we give those mice toxin just clQWew2F1Ru-00627-00167070-00167349 like the 2014 water event and we ask questions about whether clQWew2F1Ru-00628-00167349-00167464 or not the mice got sick. clQWew2F1Ru-00629-00167504-00167726 In fact, in the studies and I'm not going to show you today, clQWew2F1Ru-00630-00167726-00168033 but they did not show signs of liver toxicity. clQWew2F1Ru-00631-00168043-00168142 No liver cancer. clQWew2F1Ru-00632-00168142-00168415 In fact, we detected toxin in the urine indicating clQWew2F1Ru-00633-00168415-00168713 that our bacteria helped shuttle the toxin out of the intestine, clQWew2F1Ru-00634-00168753-00169066 right to the kidneys and the mice peed it out. clQWew2F1Ru-00635-00169066-00169290 So, we have really good data right now clQWew2F1Ru-00636-00169338-00169657 that our bacteria could be used as a probiotic to prevent clQWew2F1Ru-00637-00169657-00169830 and block toxin absorption. clQWew2F1Ru-00638-00169865-00170034 And then the final thing we're doing is trying clQWew2F1Ru-00639-00170034-00170227 to identify the enzymes. clQWew2F1Ru-00640-00170227-00170494 You know, that is what chews up the toxin, clQWew2F1Ru-00641-00170502-00170701 breaks it up into smaller parts. clQWew2F1Ru-00642-00170701-00170900 And for the scientist and the audience we're doing clQWew2F1Ru-00643-00170900-00171042 that by RNA sequencing. clQWew2F1Ru-00644-00171042-00171238 We're trying to identify what genes are turned clQWew2F1Ru-00645-00171238-00171564 on in the presence of microcystin as an indicator clQWew2F1Ru-00646-00171564-00172045 of the genes make enzymes, what enzymes could we purify clQWew2F1Ru-00647-00172045-00172252 to degrade the enzyme and that's shown here. clQWew2F1Ru-00648-00172284-00172497 And the reason we're studying clQWew2F1Ru-00649-00172497-00172843 that is enzymes are much more stable, much more efficient clQWew2F1Ru-00650-00172843-00173202 than adding bacteria to biofilters or taking probiotics. clQWew2F1Ru-00651-00173202-00173552 And for those of you who like to go camping, you can appreciate, clQWew2F1Ru-00652-00173552-00173939 you can buy tablets or water droplets that you add to water clQWew2F1Ru-00653-00173939-00174068 that you think is contaminated. clQWew2F1Ru-00654-00174068-00174508 It removes fungi, bacteria, viruses, different contaminates. clQWew2F1Ru-00655-00174567-00174731 So, why not include our enzymes. clQWew2F1Ru-00656-00174731-00174906 Imagine you're on a boat in Lake Erie. clQWew2F1Ru-00657-00174933-00175077 Imagine you have a cabin and you're worried clQWew2F1Ru-00658-00175077-00175439 about contamination or for developing countries again clQWew2F1Ru-00659-00175439-00175636 if there's a large harmful algal bloom event and that's clQWew2F1Ru-00660-00175636-00175793 where people get water imagine clQWew2F1Ru-00661-00175793-00175931 if you could just add the droplet clQWew2F1Ru-00662-00175931-00176055 and the water is purified. clQWew2F1Ru-00663-00176055-00176365 So, that's where we're going with all these projects. clQWew2F1Ru-00664-00176389-00176659 And again, you know, we're at a medical center. clQWew2F1Ru-00665-00176659-00176863 Our focus is definitely on human health, clQWew2F1Ru-00666-00176893-00177213 but our focus is also practical applications clQWew2F1Ru-00667-00177213-00177354 to make clean drinking water. clQWew2F1Ru-00668-00177354-00177804 So, I couldn't do any of this work, it's not me, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00669-00177804-00178055 I actually have an amazing team of people clQWew2F1Ru-00670-00178055-00178203 who work incredibly hard. clQWew2F1Ru-00671-00178231-00178412 Alison Thees started this project. clQWew2F1Ru-00672-00178412-00178557 She now lives in Colorado. clQWew2F1Ru-00673-00178631-00178808 Alex McCartney was a [inaudible]. clQWew2F1Ru-00674-00178808-00178985 He was a student here. clQWew2F1Ru-00675-00178985-00179250 He did a lot of the sequences work to try clQWew2F1Ru-00676-00179250-00179405 to identify genus in species. clQWew2F1Ru-00677-00179405-00179529 What are these bacteria? clQWew2F1Ru-00678-00179552-00179736 Are they related to human pathogens? clQWew2F1Ru-00679-00179736-00179863 He showed which ones were not clQWew2F1Ru-00680-00179863-00179997 and that's the ones we're following up clQWew2F1Ru-00681-00180004-00180257 on. Upasana is the new student in the lab, clQWew2F1Ru-00682-00180257-00180428 and she is [inaudible] all these projects. clQWew2F1Ru-00683-00180468-00180617 We've had amazing medical students, clQWew2F1Ru-00684-00180617-00180785 masters of public health students, clQWew2F1Ru-00685-00180785-00180910 undergraduate students. clQWew2F1Ru-00686-00180910-00181117 I'm so thankful to have a great team. clQWew2F1Ru-00687-00181117-00181323 We're currently funded by NOAA. clQWew2F1Ru-00688-00181323-00181680 I'm so thankful for NOAA funding to continue these projects. clQWew2F1Ru-00689-00181703-00181877 Previous funding from Ohio Sea Grant clQWew2F1Ru-00690-00181877-00182110 and Ohio Department of Higher Education. clQWew2F1Ru-00691-00182110-00182332 And then great collaboratives from Ohio State, clQWew2F1Ru-00692-00182332-00182466 here at the University of Toledo, clQWew2F1Ru-00693-00182473-00182685 Bowling Green and Wayne State. clQWew2F1Ru-00694-00182685-00182922 So, I hope I haven't given you too much data. clQWew2F1Ru-00695-00182922-00183366 I hope I balanced kind of 20,000 foot view and hardcore data. clQWew2F1Ru-00696-00183366-00183662 So, really thanks everybody for attending. clQWew2F1Ru-00697-00183662-00183768 I hope you learned something. clQWew2F1Ru-00698-00183768-00184011 I hope you can appreciate there are some good bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00699-00184011-00184280 in the world and we're trying to use those to purify water. clQWew2F1Ru-00700-00184335-00184436 So, thanks so much. clQWew2F1Ru-00701-00184663-00184855 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Thank you Dr. Huntley. clQWew2F1Ru-00702-00184872-00185362 Well, we've gotten quite a few great questions during Dr. clQWew2F1Ru-00703-00185362-00185721 Huntley's presentation and I'm going to ask as many as I can. clQWew2F1Ru-00704-00185721-00186316 What questions we can't get to Dr. Huntley said he would answer clQWew2F1Ru-00705-00186316-00186810 and will post on the website for you all to look at. clQWew2F1Ru-00706-00186810-00186978 We actually have a lot clQWew2F1Ru-00707-00187010-00187370 of the question you already answered [laughter]. clQWew2F1Ru-00708-00187370-00187890 There's quite a few that you've already answered so let me, clQWew2F1Ru-00709-00187890-00188232 we did have quite a few that were asking clQWew2F1Ru-00710-00188235-00188846 about specifically the water treatment process clQWew2F1Ru-00711-00188846-00189230 and how these bacteria would be in that role. clQWew2F1Ru-00712-00189230-00190031 One of the questions was, well this was a clarifying question. clQWew2F1Ru-00713-00190031-00190230 I think you had answered this, clQWew2F1Ru-00714-00190230-00190485 but I just wants to double check. clQWew2F1Ru-00715-00190485-00190844 Does the bacteria work as efficiently clQWew2F1Ru-00716-00190853-00191276 with the lower concentration of microcystin that is more similar clQWew2F1Ru-00717-00191276-00191494 to what we do see in Lake Erie? clQWew2F1Ru-00718-00191619-00191888 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: That's a great question. clQWew2F1Ru-00719-00191888-00192155 You'll see most of the numbers we add were usually in, clQWew2F1Ru-00720-00192155-00192493 what we call, the recreational range, so we're probably 15 clQWew2F1Ru-00721-00192493-00192618 to 20 parts per billion. clQWew2F1Ru-00722-00192645-00193049 We have not specifically tested one or two parts per billion. clQWew2F1Ru-00723-00193076-00193519 We should do that but sometimes, again, clQWew2F1Ru-00724-00193519-00194038 just experimental variability we do by accident add five, clQWew2F1Ru-00725-00194038-00194384 four parts per billion and our bacteria have no problem. clQWew2F1Ru-00726-00194384-00194696 I mean, again, in those situations as quick clQWew2F1Ru-00727-00194696-00194861 as we add it, it's gone. clQWew2F1Ru-00728-00194861-00195163 So, we don't have any reason to believe they have no problem clQWew2F1Ru-00729-00195163-00195318 with lower concentrations. clQWew2F1Ru-00730-00195334-00195585 But you also bring up a good point clQWew2F1Ru-00731-00195585-00195825 which is what I tried to elude too before. clQWew2F1Ru-00732-00195864-00196151 Imagine if we had a biofilter, right, clQWew2F1Ru-00733-00196151-00196482 and there was a big release of toxin, clQWew2F1Ru-00734-00196528-00196775 we're confident our bacteria could chew it up. clQWew2F1Ru-00735-00196775-00197093 But then what if there were like six, seven, eight days, clQWew2F1Ru-00736-00197093-00197319 I don't know, maybe two weeks where there was no toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00737-00197353-00197583 We do have concerns that our bacteria could survive. clQWew2F1Ru-00738-00197583-00197791 We've testing that in the lab where we've clQWew2F1Ru-00739-00197815-00198044 in those biofilter studies I shows you, clQWew2F1Ru-00740-00198092-00198370 we run contaminated water through it and they've degraded. clQWew2F1Ru-00741-00198401-00198657 Then we took contaminated water away for two weeks. clQWew2F1Ru-00742-00198703-00198981 Then we added contaminated water again clQWew2F1Ru-00743-00198981-00199172 and they still degraded toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00744-00199186-00199461 So, again, we have every indication that turning off clQWew2F1Ru-00745-00199461-00199684 and on those enzymes and they don't need clQWew2F1Ru-00746-00199684-00199849 to only live on microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00747-00200027-00200095 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Okay, thank you. clQWew2F1Ru-00748-00200095-00200712 A question that we had was would you see this clQWew2F1Ru-00749-00200712-00201062 as an additional took in the water treatment process clQWew2F1Ru-00750-00201062-00201300 with the current processes still in place clQWew2F1Ru-00751-00201300-00201677 or would it replace any part of the current process that works clQWew2F1Ru-00752-00201677-00202102 for harmful algal blooms? clQWew2F1Ru-00753-00202102-00202449 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: I mean we don't have any aspirations clQWew2F1Ru-00754-00202449-00202657 that our bacteria alone could be used. clQWew2F1Ru-00755-00202657-00202880 Again, we see these as a supplement clQWew2F1Ru-00756-00202926-00203121 to existing processes. clQWew2F1Ru-00757-00203121-00203482 You know as we really start to scale up and think clQWew2F1Ru-00758-00203482-00203697 about flow rates, pressure, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00759-00203697-00203950 it could be that our bacteria have certain limitations. clQWew2F1Ru-00760-00203950-00204138 So, we're just trying to add something. clQWew2F1Ru-00761-00204151-00204385 And in case somebody is interested clQWew2F1Ru-00762-00204385-00204670 in well how much would it cost, I'm sorry if I didn't clQWew2F1Ru-00763-00204670-00204874 like specifically say, clQWew2F1Ru-00764-00204896-00205125 we literally grow our bacteria in lake water. clQWew2F1Ru-00765-00205146-00205336 We take lake water, we sterile filter it. clQWew2F1Ru-00766-00205336-00205833 So, the only cost is us getting lake water in buckets or, clQWew2F1Ru-00767-00205833-00206220 you know, thinking long term some big bio-fermenter clQWew2F1Ru-00768-00206220-00206495 to grow these up but this isn't specialized media, clQWew2F1Ru-00769-00206495-00206638 they literally grow in lake water. clQWew2F1Ru-00770-00206664-00206864 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: clQWew2F1Ru-00771-00206889-00207390 And would you say would there be training clQWew2F1Ru-00772-00207390-00207666 that we had a question dealing with the cost and then also clQWew2F1Ru-00773-00207666-00208051 if there would be draining that would be involved to incorporate clQWew2F1Ru-00774-00208067-00208489 that into a treatment process? clQWew2F1Ru-00775-00208546-00208724 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: Yeah, that's another great question. clQWew2F1Ru-00776-00208724-00208988 We're not quite sure about the training part right now. clQWew2F1Ru-00777-00208988-00209223 I mean they seem really stable. clQWew2F1Ru-00778-00209223-00209394 Again, they just grow in lake water. clQWew2F1Ru-00779-00209470-00209906 Maybe a better way to answer this question is we ourselves clQWew2F1Ru-00780-00209906-00210158 probably cannot grow up enough bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00781-00210158-00210564 to let's say populate the filters at the City of Toledo clQWew2F1Ru-00782-00210564-00210979 but so thinking long term there would have to be some kind of, clQWew2F1Ru-00783-00211017-00211294 you know, biotechnology company that would grow these clQWew2F1Ru-00784-00211294-00211429 to such a scale, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00785-00211429-00211791 I mean you would need like a milk truck full of bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00786-00211791-00211989 to colonize all the water filters. clQWew2F1Ru-00787-00211989-00212237 And so there would be some special equipment, clQWew2F1Ru-00788-00212244-00212568 some special training needed to grow that much bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00789-00212632-00212933 and to do, you know, some safety testing that's needed clQWew2F1Ru-00790-00212933-00213354 for those types of studies. clQWew2F1Ru-00791-00213354-00213378 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Okay. clQWew2F1Ru-00792-00213378-00213573 Another question that we had and, of course, clQWew2F1Ru-00793-00213573-00213824 now we're getting like all these questions, so I'm going clQWew2F1Ru-00794-00213824-00214042 to only do about like three more questions clQWew2F1Ru-00795-00214042-00214241 and then just save the rest, again, clQWew2F1Ru-00796-00214241-00214893 if you don't mind answering some a little bit later. clQWew2F1Ru-00797-00214901-00215356 What if a treatment plant doesn't use sand clQWew2F1Ru-00798-00215356-00215433 filters anymore? clQWew2F1Ru-00799-00215433-00215862 What if they're using graduated, activated carbon? clQWew2F1Ru-00800-00215862-00216399 And so, here's the question of if the microorganisms need clQWew2F1Ru-00801-00216434-00216770 to be fed, the microcystin amino acids, clQWew2F1Ru-00802-00216770-00217061 how do they eat during the six to eight months clQWew2F1Ru-00803-00217061-00217273 when microcystin isn't present? clQWew2F1Ru-00804-00217336-00217356 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: Yep. clQWew2F1Ru-00805-00217356-00217605 That's also a good point. clQWew2F1Ru-00806-00217605-00218135 Yeah so the activated charcoal or GAC, you're right, clQWew2F1Ru-00807-00218135-00218276 we haven't done those studies. clQWew2F1Ru-00808-00218276-00218515 There would be some concerns about our bacteria. clQWew2F1Ru-00809-00218557-00218776 The thing about GAC activated charcoal, clQWew2F1Ru-00810-00218776-00218946 is it has all these pores, right. clQWew2F1Ru-00811-00218946-00219253 We think about it like a big sponge, and it does soak clQWew2F1Ru-00812-00219253-00219367 up a number of things. clQWew2F1Ru-00813-00219367-00219760 So, there would be concerns about our bacteria but anything clQWew2F1Ru-00814-00219760-00220095 in the lake plugging up all those holes. clQWew2F1Ru-00815-00220095-00220348 And the second part of that question, clQWew2F1Ru-00816-00220348-00220556 what would happen during the six to eight months in the Winter clQWew2F1Ru-00817-00220556-00220840 when there is no microcystin, again, clQWew2F1Ru-00818-00220840-00221085 we haven't tested that long term. clQWew2F1Ru-00819-00221085-00221345 I told you we tested our biofilters and took the water clQWew2F1Ru-00820-00221345-00221564 without microcystin away for two weeks. clQWew2F1Ru-00821-00221587-00221915 I don't know about six or eight months being practical. clQWew2F1Ru-00822-00221915-00222138 We would probably have to add our bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00823-00222138-00222788 to whatever filter probably this time, right, July every year, clQWew2F1Ru-00824-00222788-00223253 June, July just to prepare for a pending harmful algal bloom. clQWew2F1Ru-00825-00223442-00223554 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Alright. clQWew2F1Ru-00826-00223554-00224209 One question that we had was is there a byproduct clQWew2F1Ru-00827-00224209-00224475 of the degradation of the microcystin clQWew2F1Ru-00828-00224475-00224911 that could have potentially a larger ecological consequence clQWew2F1Ru-00829-00224945-00225156 like nutrient loading for instance? clQWew2F1Ru-00830-00225204-00225361 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: Yeah, that's another great question. clQWew2F1Ru-00831-00225361-00225672 I didn't want to get into that data today, clQWew2F1Ru-00832-00225672-00226167 but we have taken samples from our, again, clQWew2F1Ru-00833-00226167-00226261 we have these cultures. clQWew2F1Ru-00834-00226261-00226392 We have microcystin. clQWew2F1Ru-00835-00226401-00226550 We measure concentrations. clQWew2F1Ru-00836-00226592-00226755 We also subject these samples clQWew2F1Ru-00837-00226755-00226960 to what's called mass spectrometry analysis, clQWew2F1Ru-00838-00226960-00227248 so that molecule I showed you with the amino acids, clQWew2F1Ru-00839-00227248-00227452 it's in a cyclic structure. clQWew2F1Ru-00840-00227474-00227662 We've analyzed that by mass spectrometry. clQWew2F1Ru-00841-00227662-00227957 We see that our bacteria break it down to a linear form. clQWew2F1Ru-00842-00227957-00228082 It makes it linear. clQWew2F1Ru-00843-00228142-00228506 That's well known to be 120 times less toxic clQWew2F1Ru-00844-00228506-00228584 than the cyclic. clQWew2F1Ru-00845-00228619-00228973 We detect that and then we also detect clQWew2F1Ru-00846-00228973-00229231 that our bacteria further break that linear product clQWew2F1Ru-00847-00229231-00229477 down into what's called a tetrapeptide clQWew2F1Ru-00848-00229477-00229820 which is also less toxic than the cyclic. clQWew2F1Ru-00849-00229820-00230203 So, we, again, I didn't have time to go through all that. clQWew2F1Ru-00850-00230203-00230443 This would have been hardcore mass spectrometry clQWew2F1Ru-00851-00230443-00230566 and biochemical analysis. clQWew2F1Ru-00852-00230566-00230753 I didn't want you all to fall asleep. clQWew2F1Ru-00853-00230753-00230887 We have that data and that's part clQWew2F1Ru-00854-00230887-00231080 of that safety study we're doing. clQWew2F1Ru-00855-00231080-00231295 I told you about the mice and proving clQWew2F1Ru-00856-00231295-00231411 that they don't get sick. clQWew2F1Ru-00857-00231416-00231693 We also are looking at the breakdown products to make sure clQWew2F1Ru-00858-00231693-00231985 that what's being generated is not potentially harmful clQWew2F1Ru-00859-00231985-00232333 or toxic. clQWew2F1Ru-00860-00232333-00232377 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Okay. clQWew2F1Ru-00861-00232431-00232958 Here's the last question. clQWew2F1Ru-00862-00232958-00233166 Where do you go from here? clQWew2F1Ru-00863-00233166-00233425 We've got a couple of question that people are asking clQWew2F1Ru-00864-00233425-00233582 of like what's your timeframe? clQWew2F1Ru-00865-00233591-00233851 When is this going to be able to be incorporated clQWew2F1Ru-00866-00233851-00233981 into a treatment plan? clQWew2F1Ru-00867-00233986-00234418 Like what is the next step for you? clQWew2F1Ru-00868-00234448-00234546 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: That's a tough question. clQWew2F1Ru-00869-00234546-00234966 You know, we have, you know, and I go to national conferences, clQWew2F1Ru-00870-00234966-00235315 and we have people here at the University of Toledo clQWew2F1Ru-00871-00235315-00235546 that dedicate their whole lives to trying clQWew2F1Ru-00872-00235546-00235704 to just answer one question. clQWew2F1Ru-00873-00235704-00235891 Again, I'm really proud of my team clQWew2F1Ru-00874-00235891-00236001 because I think we've made a lot clQWew2F1Ru-00875-00236001-00236269 of progress in five to six years. clQWew2F1Ru-00876-00236269-00236560 Where are we really going with this? clQWew2F1Ru-00877-00236560-00236931 Again, we're trying to generate enough efficacy. clQWew2F1Ru-00878-00236931-00237145 We're trying to generate enough data to show clQWew2F1Ru-00879-00237145-00237257 that our bacteria work. clQWew2F1Ru-00880-00237280-00237571 That they're safe to use and if we can work clQWew2F1Ru-00881-00237571-00237867 on biofilters that's fantastic. clQWew2F1Ru-00882-00237867-00238232 I also understand that some regulatory agencies clQWew2F1Ru-00883-00238232-00238509 and the public may not like the theory clQWew2F1Ru-00884-00238509-00238723 of adding bacteria to water. clQWew2F1Ru-00885-00238723-00238920 So, that's why we're looking at the enzymes. clQWew2F1Ru-00886-00238920-00239283 Again, if can isolate or produce clQWew2F1Ru-00887-00239302-00239552 and that would also require special training clQWew2F1Ru-00888-00239552-00239997 and a biopharma company to do this but again if you can make clQWew2F1Ru-00889-00240004-00240169 insulin. If you can do any, you know, clQWew2F1Ru-00890-00240169-00240426 Novavax it's a recombinant protein vaccine against COVID, clQWew2F1Ru-00891-00240426-00240703 it's easy then, right, everything is set clQWew2F1Ru-00892-00240703-00240891 up to make recombinant enzyme. clQWew2F1Ru-00893-00240895-00241119 So, you can just literally just add a droplet clQWew2F1Ru-00894-00241162-00241621 for water treatment whether it's at a city scale or in your boat clQWew2F1Ru-00895-00241632-00241834 or in your cabin and while you're hiking. clQWew2F1Ru-00896-00241834-00242057 So, that's really again where we're going. clQWew2F1Ru-00897-00242057-00242410 Very applied applications to either use our bacteria clQWew2F1Ru-00898-00242452-00242756 or isolate enzymes that you can add to water clQWew2F1Ru-00899-00242756-00242909 and chew up the toxin. clQWew2F1Ru-00900-00243098-00243216 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Alright, well than you. clQWew2F1Ru-00901-00243216-00243621 What I will do is collect all the rest of the other questions, clQWew2F1Ru-00902-00243621-00244020 get those to Dr. Huntley and we'll give him some time clQWew2F1Ru-00903-00244020-00244368 to answer those and get those on to our website here, clQWew2F1Ru-00904-00244368-00244644 so all of you can see those answers. clQWew2F1Ru-00905-00244644-00245061 I wanted to close with thanking you again, Dr. Huntley. clQWew2F1Ru-00906-00245061-00245288 This was a great presentation and thank you clQWew2F1Ru-00907-00245288-00245423 for your willingness to talk clQWew2F1Ru-00908-00245423-00245645 with us today about your research. clQWew2F1Ru-00909-00245645-00245840 It was really an excellent discussion clQWew2F1Ru-00910-00245859-00246121 and a big thank you too to Christina clQWew2F1Ru-00911-00246138-00246404 for her work organizing this webinar. clQWew2F1Ru-00912-00246411-00246910 I just would like to remind everyone that the survey URL clQWew2F1Ru-00913-00246910-00247100 for his webinar is in the chat feature. clQWew2F1Ru-00914-00247100-00247384 So, if you could take a few minutes to fill that out. clQWew2F1Ru-00915-00247409-00247679 This webinar series is sponsored by Ohio Sea Grant clQWew2F1Ru-00916-00247679-00248018 and will continue next month with Dr. Mike McKay clQWew2F1Ru-00917-00248018-00248248 who will be talking about his research dealing clQWew2F1Ru-00918-00248248-00248469 with algae in the Winter. clQWew2F1Ru-00919-00248517-00248788 The registration link is in the chat. clQWew2F1Ru-00920-00248799-00249003 Thank you again Dr. Huntley. clQWew2F1Ru-00921-00249039-00249339 Really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us today clQWew2F1Ru-00922-00249339-00249550 and all the participants on this webinar. clQWew2F1Ru-00923-00249563-00249821 We hope this was beneficial and hope you'll joint us again clQWew2F1Ru-00924-00249821-00249936 in an upcoming webinar. clQWew2F1Ru-00925-00249936-00250131 Thank you and have a great afternoon. clQWew2F1Ru-00926-00250131-00250342 Thank you again Dr. Huntley. clQWew2F1Ru-00927-00250342-00250422 >> Dr. Jason Huntley: Thank you everyone. clQWew2F1Ru-00928-00250422-00250527 It's great to be here. clQWew2F1Ru-00929-00250527-00250614 Thank you so much. clQWew2F1Ru-00930-00250642-00250688 >> Jill Jentes Banicki: Thank you. cnjj_81NXCg-00000-00000000-00001152 [Music] thank you cnjj_81NXCg-00001-00002330-00002430 [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00002-00002430-00002602 baby [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00003-00003012-00003174 giving me wind away cnjj_81NXCg-00004-00006140-00006240 [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00005-00006240-00006628 don't wanna overthink it baby [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00006-00007776-00008602 to fly baby [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00007-00010758-00010860 oh cnjj_81NXCg-00008-00011070-00011316 but I don't wanna miss you baby cnjj_81NXCg-00009-00011378-00011478 [Music] cnjj_81NXCg-00010-00011478-00011640 [Music] cnlNS1V_tUU-00000-00001936-00002568 Covid's been very impactful to retailers in general but also all the suppliers to retail cnlNS1V_tUU-00001-00002568-00002880 and also landlords that the retailers pay the rent to. cnlNS1V_tUU-00002-00002976-00003576 We've seen very strong sort of movements towards online retail and therefore things like logistics cnlNS1V_tUU-00003-00003576-00003872 are very important because, you know, how do you get your product to the consumer? cnlNS1V_tUU-00004-00003960-00004376 There's been a backdrop of obviously government incentive packages which have helped cnlNS1V_tUU-00005-00004376-00004880 retailers to an extent but that hasn't offset the reduction in demand to a large degree. cnlNS1V_tUU-00006-00004976-00005592 At Gehl, we look at maybe not so much where people are spending money but where they're spending time. cnlNS1V_tUU-00007-00005664-00006144 So during Covid, we could really see this shift in that the retail streets that are more cnlNS1V_tUU-00008-00006144-00006744 monofunctional, like the city centers, traditional use, they are hurting badly and we experienced cnlNS1V_tUU-00009-00006744-00007431 it but the places that had more of a robust mix of uses, those cities that had really invested in cnlNS1V_tUU-00010-00007431-00008136 adding more everyday functions to the city centers, like layering things, bringing back schools, adding cnlNS1V_tUU-00011-00008136-00008791 playgrounds thinking also recreation and nature as part of the city center, they were more robust. cnlNS1V_tUU-00012-00008791-00009272 This is an economic challenge for the retail business model it will only reverse if somebody un-invents cnlNS1V_tUU-00013-00009272-00009904 the internet. We should take the consequences of it as being somewhat absolute and so for cnlNS1V_tUU-00014-00009904-00010456 all retailers you have a choice, you can try and repurpose space within your own business model cnlNS1V_tUU-00015-00010456-00011184 to add sufficient value to offset its cost, or you can start to close some or all of it. Having closed cnlNS1V_tUU-00016-00011184-00012008 16 of our 51 shops during the pandemic, our sales are plus 2% 2021 versus 2019. cnlNS1V_tUU-00017-00012120-00012584 And what that tells you is that if the overall business model is healthy cnlNS1V_tUU-00018-00012584-00013336 the switch to online does not mean that retail as an industry is disappearing, it is simply a format cnlNS1V_tUU-00019-00013336-00013531 change and a form change. cnlNS1V_tUU-00020-00013596-00014047 I think there's severalimportant lessons that Covid taught us about cnlNS1V_tUU-00021-00014047-00014600 retail streets in inner cities. The first one is what we thought might be similar type streets cnlNS1V_tUU-00022-00014600-00015184 can really be radically different and so we can begin to understand nuance about what's cnlNS1V_tUU-00023-00015184-00015744 the population density near that street, is it predominantly monofunctional towards work, is cnlNS1V_tUU-00024-00015744-00016319 it an area that has true mix of users versus just mixed use. Covid has forced us to look cnlNS1V_tUU-00025-00016319-00016808 more at the everyday rhythm and routines of people. Before the offer might have been cnlNS1V_tUU-00026-00016968-00017400 mediocre. Now with all those commuting patterns being disrupted, the offer has to be cnlNS1V_tUU-00027-00017400-00017936 truly unique and special and not something that only just attracts you know the cnlNS1V_tUU-00028-00017936-00018162 lowest common denominator of need. cnlNS1V_tUU-00029-00018162-00018482 I'minterested in the street as a social theatre cnlNS1V_tUU-00030-00018536-00019240 which means you need to start really by thinking of activities rather than thinking of just one-way cnlNS1V_tUU-00031-00019240-00019896 traffic of buying from someone. How are we going to get the economics right? And I think less of cnlNS1V_tUU-00032-00019896-00020560 the priority of "how much bronze is there?" and "what was the fancy this or that" but the luxury is the cnlNS1V_tUU-00033-00020560-00021333 activity and the focus on the the exchange and the social dimension for us all. cnlNS1V_tUU-00034-00021438-00021653 For urban space it has cnlNS1V_tUU-00035-00021656-00022376 to mean less probably owned by retailers, less of what is there being for the direct function cnlNS1V_tUU-00036-00022376-00023040 of transactional retail but it doesn't mean that retail shouldn't be present but I strongly suspect cnlNS1V_tUU-00037-00023040-00023984 what we'll see is a much more mixed mash and blend of retail, residential, hospitality, event space. cnlNS1V_tUU-00038-00024624-00025064 There's definitely a shift towards more conscious consumerism you know through cnlNS1V_tUU-00039-00025136-00025600 an awareness that the environment is deteriorating if we don't do something drastic about it and so cnlNS1V_tUU-00040-00025600-00025983 a lot of the retail chains that you see are offering cnlNS1V_tUU-00041-00025983-00026495 a level of rental or repurchasing services, you know, where you can recycle or up-cycle products, cnlNS1V_tUU-00042-00026495-00026983 so return it and then the retailer sells it. IKEA for example do furniture rental in that sense. cnlNS1V_tUU-00043-00026983-00027432 It's still definitely not as prevalent as maybe it should be in the market and perhaps it needs cnlNS1V_tUU-00044-00027432-00028024 to be more regulated where these services need to be offered in some sense by brands in general. cnlNS1V_tUU-00045-00028168-00028744 The researchers from US telling us that people are buying 400% more clothes today than only cnlNS1V_tUU-00046-00028824-00029432 a few decades ago. Fashion consumption has accelerated extremely over the past 10 years. cnlNS1V_tUU-00047-00029432-00030208 Another one is that 70%, 7-0% of all our clothes is passive, we only use 30% of the clothes we have cnlNS1V_tUU-00048-00030208-00030704 which is of course a huge waste of resources and the more curious fact from a Danish cnlNS1V_tUU-00049-00030704-00031368 research: the young people in Denmark tend to buy new clothes instead of washing their dirty clothes cnlNS1V_tUU-00050-00031368-00031832 and it's not because people are stupid in Denmark, it's because of the system itself. cnlNS1V_tUU-00051-00031832-00032422 Before '08, you had fashion brands normally putting out two to four collections per year cnlNS1V_tUU-00052-00032464-00033152 but after 2008 where budgets were really under pressure, the brands suddenly put out 20 cnlNS1V_tUU-00053-00033152-00033720 30 collections per year and that means that the window you have per collection, where the clothes cnlNS1V_tUU-00054-00033720-00034312 is new and relevant for the consumer is so small today and that means all clothes sold today is cnlNS1V_tUU-00055-00034312-00034686 sold with a discount, is even not profitable any longer. cnlNS1V_tUU-00056-00034714-00034856 We have to be really conscious cnlNS1V_tUU-00057-00034856-00035600 of that as an end-to-end process that is much longer and more complex than the retail front part. cnlNS1V_tUU-00058-00035600-00036368 Fashion used to be measured almost generationally, a number of years, not a number of months. Recycling cnlNS1V_tUU-00059-00036368-00037080 rental of product, reuse, subscription models all these things are happening, will undoubtedly grow. cnlNS1V_tUU-00060-00037080-00037624 To re-engineer the business model of a very big retailer is no small thing, it takes time but it cnlNS1V_tUU-00061-00037624-00038072 also takes investment and even if I chose to be optimistic about the rate of growth cnlNS1V_tUU-00062-00038072-00038688 of those models, I would still struggle to see this representing more than 10-15% cnlNS1V_tUU-00063-00038688-00039156 of our total business activity in a decade's time, compounded by the fact cnlNS1V_tUU-00064-00039192-00039920 that change for any business is easier to deliver and cheaper to deliver in a digital environment cnlNS1V_tUU-00065-00039920-00040440 than it is in a physical one. There will be very few solutions that make sense on Oxford Street cnlNS1V_tUU-00066-00040440-00041080 in London, that also makes sense in a small provincial town and many of the examples that cnlNS1V_tUU-00067-00041080-00041608 I put forward would either only be possible with the weight of a big retailer behind them, cnlNS1V_tUU-00068-00041608-00042304 and others that really only make sense for an owner-operator with one door in one location. cnlNS1V_tUU-00069-00042424-00043040 So I think that it's a totally different mindset moving from thinking about my space cnlNS1V_tUU-00070-00043040-00043612 to our space or thinking from like a one-way conversation through design to a dialogue. cnlNS1V_tUU-00071-00043680-00044480 It has to be less controlled I think in order to invite people to think of things being remade cnlNS1V_tUU-00072-00044480-00045296 being maintained, being not finished but actually always constantly in this circle. How can we create cnlNS1V_tUU-00073-00045296-00046037 local meeting places, hubs, in a neighborhood? How we put it into the system of this like placemaking. cnlNS1V_tUU-00074-00046208-00046784 And it's not just about the literal repair it's about relationships and not just cnlNS1V_tUU-00075-00046784-00047257 exchange of money first, exchange of emotional connections with people cnlNS1V_tUU-00076-00047312-00048000 which is I think one of the joys of urban living or town living or even cnlNS1V_tUU-00077-00048000-00048668 village living. It's those exchanges that grow us each and make us feel integrated into something cnlNS1V_tUU-00078-00049304-00050016 Whether or not we go online and buy things, there's always a place where we receive the goods, whether cnlNS1V_tUU-00079-00050016-00050680 that's picking it up at the local supermarket or close to home, there's always a place, so cnlNS1V_tUU-00080-00050680-00051376 I'm thinking that there is a great opportunity for retail to become more "think about place cnlNS1V_tUU-00081-00051376-00052184 making retail", so what can you do to actually help the local community to become more cnlNS1V_tUU-00082-00052184-00052912 attractive, to be able to support authentic places if we like it? Because we don't need to, we can cnlNS1V_tUU-00083-00052912-00053608 actually sit in our homes by ourselves, buying things, connecting with people, so suddenly the cnlNS1V_tUU-00084-00053608-00054064 public spaces need to be attractive and that's where all the emotions come in. cnlNS1V_tUU-00085-00054064-00054784 Of course it's about emotions, about feeling safe, about feeling included, about meeting other people. cnlNS1V_tUU-00086-00054904-00055447 It feels like we had towns and cities that the vast proportion of people are in, cnlNS1V_tUU-00087-00055528-00056216 dominated lazily in a way, by places that the retailers felt like they were essential cnlNS1V_tUU-00088-00056216-00056688 infrastructure, so they could sit there and the acceleration of what's happened with cnlNS1V_tUU-00089-00056688-00057384 Covid really pushing the online shopping side, is that it feels that lazy placemaking can't cnlNS1V_tUU-00090-00057384-00058040 happen anymore and that suddenly we have to think really of emotion as a function, that cnlNS1V_tUU-00091-00058040-00058591 it's really thinking about human motivation, why do you go somewhere? And I find it incredible cnlNS1V_tUU-00092-00058591-00059176 how insensitively most places have been being made up until very, very, very recently. cnlNS1V_tUU-00093-00059176-00059679 It's also been interesting when we think about "what's the role of shopping places?" I think cnlNS1V_tUU-00094-00059736-00060248 shops have been too big for too long, so you walk along a street and you're kind of walking past cnlNS1V_tUU-00095-00060248-00060855 these big places and that means they're expensive because they're big and the more smaller places cnlNS1V_tUU-00096-00060855-00061360 you can get, the more a place becomes interesting and engages your emotion and your senses, cnlNS1V_tUU-00097-00061360-00062088 it jumps and grabs your emotion in the physical, in a way that the flat shiny screen whatever you put cnlNS1V_tUU-00098-00062088-00062584 on, it doesn't connect in that way. I suppose i'm not thinking of this as a shopping conversation cnlNS1V_tUU-00099-00062640-00063216 I'm thinking of this as a public life conversation. Where are most people? It's on the streets. For cnlNS1V_tUU-00100-00063216-00063872 me, the thing we call shopping has been a way that we see each other. How do we come together? d1-AQdA4zsy-00000-00000562-00000666 T & Sugah x NCT - Stardust (feat. d1-AQdA4zsy-00001-00000666-00000729 Miyoki) [Rex Hooligan Remix] d2N8oAg8PZY-00001-00000200-00001690 My God, our problems, no health, no security of safety, d2N8oAg8PZY-00002-00001690-00002103 we present them in front of your altar! d2N8oAg8PZY-00003-00002103-00004756 My God, our problems, no health, no work, no security, here they are in front of your altar! d2N8oAg8PZY-00004-00004756-00007091 My God, no health, no work, no safety, in front of you! d2N8oAg8PZY-00005-00007091-00009077 The chains of this world: d2N8oAg8PZY-00006-00009077-00009498 hatred and separation d2N8oAg8PZY-00007-00009498-00010693 The chains of this world, hatred and separation! d2N8oAg8PZY-00008-00010693-00012047 My God, we implore, your kindness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00009-00012047-00012561 We implore for your forgiveness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00010-00012561-00012761 My God, we beg for your kindness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00011-00012761-00013241 Chains of this world! d2N8oAg8PZY-00012-00013241-00013909 Hate and separation! d2N8oAg8PZY-00013-00013909-00015056 My God, our Rock, we ask for your forgiveness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00014-00015056-00017169 See our limitation! d2N8oAg8PZY-00015-00017169-00019414 My God, our solid Rock, thank you for your kindness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00016-00019414-00020085 Thanks for your generosity! d2N8oAg8PZY-00017-00020085-00021619 We, immersed in sin, ask for your forgiveness. d2N8oAg8PZY-00018-00021619-00022363 Pardon was asked, forgiveness granted! d2N8oAg8PZY-00019-00022363-00024326 Our concern: no health, no work, no food, no safety! d2N8oAg8PZY-00020-00024326-00025926 Our problems presented in front of your sanctuary. d2N8oAg8PZY-00021-00025926-00027262 God, forgiveness asked! Pardon us! d2N8oAg8PZY-00022-00027262-00028374 A people in unison( federation), a cry of reconciliation! d2N8oAg8PZY-00023-00028374-00029409 Hate, separation, chains of this world! d2N8oAg8PZY-00024-00029409-00031473 Hate, separation, chains of this world! God, pardon us! d2N8oAg8PZY-00025-00031473-00033853 God, we implore your pardon, see our limitations! d2N8oAg8PZY-00026-00033853-00034671 Hate, separation, chains of this world! d2N8oAg8PZY-00027-00034671-00035762 My God, beloved, our Rock! d2N8oAg8PZY-00028-00035762-00037016 Thanks for your goodness and kindness! d2N8oAg8PZY-00029-00037016-00038236 Forgiveness asked, forgiveness granted! d2N8oAg8PZY-00030-00038236-00039383 A people together in a cry of reconciliation! d2N8oAg8PZY-00031-00039383-00040415 God, our Rock, see our imploration! d2N8oAg8PZY-00032-00040415-00041464 Hate and separation are chains! d2N8oAg8PZY-00033-00041464-00043119 Our trouble; no health, no food, no job, no safety! d2N8oAg8PZY-00034-00043119-00043834 We brought them, here, at your altar. d2N8oAg8PZY-00035-00043834-00045925 Our lack of security, it is a concern to you! in your altar! d2N8oAg8PZY-00036-00045925-00047140 God, pardon! d2N8oAg8PZY-00037-00047140-00047991 Thanks, Pardon received! d2N8oAg8PZY-00038-00047991-00048639 Thanks for your concern! d2N8oAg8PZY-00039-00048639-00049980 Thanks for your pardon, people are suffering! d2N8oAg8PZY-00040-00049980-00050740 Let's think about Haiti, birth country! d2N8oAg8PZY-00041-00050740-00052276 Insecurity in Haiti presented to you, God! d2N8oAg8PZY-00042-00052276-00053108 God, you, our Rock! d2Xru5AoZc4-00000-00000115-00000482 Create or Open Dashboard d2Xru5AoZc4-00001-00000500-00000808 Click Publish Button to Call Publish Wizard d2Xru5AoZc4-00002-00000819-00001496 Select Platform, Choose Show Action and Specify Another Settings d2Xru5AoZc4-00003-00001518-00001739 Click Save Project Package and Choose Local Storage d2Xru5AoZc4-00004-00001757-00001978 Click Save Button to Save Archive d2Xru5AoZc4-00005-00001998-00002500 Open Local Storage and Exctract This Archive d2Xru5AoZc4-00006-00002518-00004498 Run Solution to Start Viewer with Dashboard d3Zqj2wpKdc-00000-00000000-00000434 Based on the problems that you just d3Zqj2wpKdc-00001-00000434-00000597 worked on in the assessment center, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00002-00000597-00000683 you received a preliminary d3Zqj2wpKdc-00003-00000683-00001046 recommendation of Math 87: Quantitative d3Zqj2wpKdc-00004-00001046-00001304 Literacy. This course was specifically d3Zqj2wpKdc-00005-00001304-00001524 designed to help students to prepare for d3Zqj2wpKdc-00006-00001524-00001835 an algebra course. Math 87 spends time d3Zqj2wpKdc-00007-00001835-00002016 continuing to develop your skills with d3Zqj2wpKdc-00008-00002016-00002310 fractions, percents, and proportions. The d3Zqj2wpKdc-00009-00002310-00002532 course will also introduce positive and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00010-00002532-00002726 negative numbers, and by the end of the d3Zqj2wpKdc-00011-00002726-00002865 class, you will learn how to use d3Zqj2wpKdc-00012-00002865-00003171 variables to solve simple equations. You d3Zqj2wpKdc-00013-00003171-00003363 will look at real-world applications to d3Zqj2wpKdc-00014-00003363-00003543 practice and develop these math skills. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00015-00003543-00003789 You'll never have to ask "When would d3Zqj2wpKdc-00016-00003789-00004146 anyone ever use this?" Now, because this d3Zqj2wpKdc-00017-00004146-00004377 recommendation was just based on a few d3Zqj2wpKdc-00018-00004377-00004632 problems done on a single day, you may d3Zqj2wpKdc-00019-00004632-00004914 want to consider the class below or the d3Zqj2wpKdc-00020-00004914-00005228 class above your Math 87 recommendation d3Zqj2wpKdc-00021-00005228-00005471 instead. If you are concerned that your d3Zqj2wpKdc-00022-00005471-00005648 math background is too weak, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00023-00005648-00005943 you may choose to register for ABED 40: d3Zqj2wpKdc-00024-00005943-00006192 Adult Basic Education Math. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00025-00006192-00006501 ABED 40 really focuses on working with d3Zqj2wpKdc-00026-00006501-00006690 and understanding your basic math d3Zqj2wpKdc-00027-00006690-00006867 operations of adding, subtracting, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00028-00006867-00007143 multiplying, and dividing. You will look at d3Zqj2wpKdc-00029-00007143-00007320 real-world applications to practice and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00030-00007320-00007470 develop these math skills. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00031-00007470-00007622 This course will also introduce d3Zqj2wpKdc-00032-00007622-00007868 fractions, decimals, percents, and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00033-00007868-00007989 proportions. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00034-00007989-00008235 Keep in mind taking a lower level class d3Zqj2wpKdc-00035-00008235-00008427 will add some time on to your degree d3Zqj2wpKdc-00036-00008427-00008790 path. You would need to go from ABED 40 to d3Zqj2wpKdc-00037-00008790-00009189 Math 87 to Math 90 / 99 and then on to your d3Zqj2wpKdc-00038-00009189-00009365 100-level math course, but it might d3Zqj2wpKdc-00039-00009365-00009554 help you become a stronger student and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00040-00009554-00009747 raise your confidence. For more d3Zqj2wpKdc-00041-00009747-00010038 information about the ABED 40 course and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00042-00010038-00010154 how to get started, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00043-00010154-00010347 stop by the Academic Support Center in d3Zqj2wpKdc-00044-00010347-00010661 the library. On the other hand, if you've d3Zqj2wpKdc-00045-00010661-00010829 taken algebra at some point in your life d3Zqj2wpKdc-00046-00010829-00011025 before, you should seriously consider d3Zqj2wpKdc-00047-00011025-00011235 registering for the next higher math d3Zqj2wpKdc-00048-00011235-00011561 class -- Math 99x: Accelerated Intermediate d3Zqj2wpKdc-00049-00011561-00011871 Algebra. This class serves as a review of d3Zqj2wpKdc-00050-00011871-00012018 the algebra skills that you will need d3Zqj2wpKdc-00051-00012018-00012339 for Precalculus, for Finite Math for d3Zqj2wpKdc-00052-00012339-00012614 Business, as well as many of our science and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00053-00012614-00012770 technology courses offered on campus. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00054-00012770-00013195 Math 99x will focus on simplifying d3Zqj2wpKdc-00055-00013195-00013438 expressions with variables, exponents, and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00056-00013438-00013688 roots; solving many types of equations - d3Zqj2wpKdc-00057-00013688-00013949 including linear and quadratic equations, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00058-00013949-00014219 equations with fractions, square roots, d3Zqj2wpKdc-00059-00014219-00014525 exponents, and logarithms. This course d3Zqj2wpKdc-00060-00014525-00014747 also introduces function notation and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00061-00014747-00014885 the basics of graphing the major d3Zqj2wpKdc-00062-00014885-00015152 function families. If you've never taken d3Zqj2wpKdc-00063-00015152-00015443 an algebra course before - or just prefer d3Zqj2wpKdc-00064-00015443-00015734 a slower pace - you could opt to take two d3Zqj2wpKdc-00065-00015734-00015913 quarters to complete this math algebra d3Zqj2wpKdc-00066-00015913-00016100 requirement instead. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00067-00016100-00016313 In this case, you would sign up for Math d3Zqj2wpKdc-00068-00016313-00016613 90: STEM Introduction to Algebra followed d3Zqj2wpKdc-00069-00016613-00016889 by Math 99: our STEM Intermediate Algebra d3Zqj2wpKdc-00070-00016889-00017123 course. The same topics will be covered d3Zqj2wpKdc-00071-00017123-00017401 as in Math 99x, but at a slower pace d3Zqj2wpKdc-00072-00017401-00017639 and with some extra time built-in for d3Zqj2wpKdc-00073-00017639-00017998 looking at applications. Taking Math 99x d3Zqj2wpKdc-00074-00017998-00018260 directly - or the slower Math 90 / 99 d3Zqj2wpKdc-00075-00018260-00018479 sequence - will save you time and money d3Zqj2wpKdc-00076-00018479-00018788 from taking an extra course. But be aware d3Zqj2wpKdc-00077-00018788-00018992 that you may have some weak areas in d3Zqj2wpKdc-00078-00018992-00019207 your background. Be prepared to put some d3Zqj2wpKdc-00079-00019207-00019448 extra time in reviewing concepts before d3Zqj2wpKdc-00080-00019448-00019706 classes start. Plan to visit the tutoring d3Zqj2wpKdc-00081-00019706-00019910 center or your instructor's office hours d3Zqj2wpKdc-00082-00019910-00020084 for those times that you need extra help. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00083-00020084-00020336 Signing up for one of these algebra d3Zqj2wpKdc-00084-00020336-00020606 courses directly, instead of the math 87 d3Zqj2wpKdc-00085-00020606-00020926 recommendation, means that you're d3Zqj2wpKdc-00086-00020926-00021026 confident that you learned about d3Zqj2wpKdc-00087-00021026-00021239 fractions, percentages, and positive and d3Zqj2wpKdc-00088-00021239-00021445 negative numbers, and working with simple d3Zqj2wpKdc-00089-00021445-00021644 equations and formulas before, and you're d3Zqj2wpKdc-00090-00021644-00021863 willing to put in extra time and effort d3Zqj2wpKdc-00091-00021863-00022160 if needed to succeed in these classes. I d3Zqj2wpKdc-00092-00022160-00022310 hope this helped introduce you to the d3Zqj2wpKdc-00093-00022310-00022475 math options that you have available to d3Zqj2wpKdc-00094-00022475-00022538 you. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00095-00022538-00022729 It is now time to choose a class that d3Zqj2wpKdc-00096-00022729-00022907 will mark the beginning of your math pathway. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00097-00022907-00023107 You want to choose a class where you d3Zqj2wpKdc-00098-00023107-00023348 will feel comfortably challenged. You d3Zqj2wpKdc-00099-00023348-00023543 don't want to choose an easy class where d3Zqj2wpKdc-00100-00023543-00023723 you've already learned the material - that d3Zqj2wpKdc-00101-00023723-00023915 will add extra time and money to your d3Zqj2wpKdc-00102-00023915-00024140 educational plan. But don't choose a d3Zqj2wpKdc-00103-00024140-00024275 class where you've never learned the d3Zqj2wpKdc-00104-00024275-00024470 prerequisite skills that you will need d3Zqj2wpKdc-00105-00024470-00024707 to be using in that class either, or your d3Zqj2wpKdc-00106-00024707-00024898 course will be a frustrating struggle d3Zqj2wpKdc-00107-00024898-00025178 and you may not be as successful. Don't d3Zqj2wpKdc-00108-00025178-00025319 forget to take advantage of the great d3Zqj2wpKdc-00109-00025319-00025409 resources that d3Zqj2wpKdc-00110-00025409-00025651 we have available at LWTech - including d3Zqj2wpKdc-00111-00025651-00025829 support services for veterans or d3Zqj2wpKdc-00112-00025829-00026051 first-generation college students, as d3Zqj2wpKdc-00113-00026051-00026252 well as free math tutoring for all of d3Zqj2wpKdc-00114-00026252-00026552 our students. Still have questions about d3Zqj2wpKdc-00115-00026552-00026738 which math course would be best for you? d3Zqj2wpKdc-00116-00026738-00026966 Talk to your advisor or reach out to one d3Zqj2wpKdc-00117-00026966-00027169 of the math faculty here on campus. We d3Zqj2wpKdc-00118-00027169-00027341 are always happy to help. d3Zqj2wpKdc-00119-00027341-00027572 Welcome to Lake Washington Tech. Hope to d3Zqj2wpKdc-00120-00027572-00028201 see you in a math class soon! d4mCeec7CwI-00000-00000000-00000050 Motorcycle Stunters VS. Cops Compilation #2 - FNF d9-4q3ApuSg-00000-00001002-00001642 Madam Chancellor, this EU presidency for Germany is your second chance. d9-4q3ApuSg-00001-00001642-00002642 Europe still remembers the German response to the financial and economic crisis: austerity. d9-4q3ApuSg-00002-00002642-00003082 Southern Europe, in particular, paid a heavy price for the crisis: d9-4q3ApuSg-00003-00003082-00003897 with massive youth unemployment, privatisation, reduced public services, lower wages and pensions. d9-4q3ApuSg-00004-00003897-00004922 Austerity policy almost destroyed the EU. I therefore hope you have learned from those mistakes. d9-4q3ApuSg-00005-00004922-00005586 Instead of austerity, Europe now needs solidarity. d9-4q3ApuSg-00006-00005586-00006386 Chancellor, you will be judged on how you manage the economic and social fallout from this pandemic. d9-4q3ApuSg-00007-00006386-00007522 However, did anyone notice how there was very little mention of all those who kept society going for months? d9-4q3ApuSg-00008-00007522-00008134 All those who work in the most critical sectors but also with the highest job precarity: d9-4q3ApuSg-00009-00008134-00008806 medical staff, teachers, supermarket staff or those working in petrol stations or bakeries. d9-4q3ApuSg-00010-00008806-00009654 Our task is to protect these workers from their precarious jobs and from falling into poverty. d9-4q3ApuSg-00011-00009654-00010750 The citizens of Europe are tired of member states arguing. We need clarity about the recovery fund and the EU budget before the summer. d9-4q3ApuSg-00012-00010750-00011642 Meanwhile, I keep hearing - even today in this Parliament - the Commission President and her party allies d9-4q3ApuSg-00013-00011642-00012502 demanding that the allocation of the recovery fund should be tied to reforms: cuts and privatisations. d9-4q3ApuSg-00014-00012506-00012946 It makes you wonder if the conservatives have watched any news programmes at all lately. d9-4q3ApuSg-00015-00012946-00013902 Let me give you a piece of advice, Chancellor Merkel: the German finance minister Olaf Scholz has blocked the digital tax in the EU Council and instead referred it to the OECD. d9-4q3ApuSg-00016-00013902-00014562 This excuse is no longer valid after the Trump administration withdrew from the international negotiations. d9-4q3ApuSg-00017-00014562-00015094 Germany must stop blocking critical projects in the EU Council! d9-4q3ApuSg-00018-00015094-00016186 In addition to the digital tax, the so-called country-by-country reporting would also be important in putting a stop to big companies’ tax dodging practices. d9-4q3ApuSg-00019-00016186-00016738 A social and ecological transition is also vital for the future of Europe. d9-4q3ApuSg-00020-00016738-00017330 This requires a climate protection policy that adheres to the goals of the Paris Agreement. d9-4q3ApuSg-00021-00017330-00018050 The EU Green Deal, however, that you and Ursula von der Leyen have presented here today, is miles off the Paris targets. d9-4q3ApuSg-00022-00018050-00018758 If the Chancellor genuinely cares about protecting our climate, then why are you sticking to trade agreements like Mercosur? d9-4q3ApuSg-00023-00018758-00019858 You know as well as I do that right-wing extremist Brazilian President Bolsonaro is responsible for cutting down the Amazon forest! d9-4q3ApuSg-00024-00019858-00020630 Furthermore, I think that democracies should not conclude trade agreements with right-wing extremists. d9-4q3ApuSg-00025-00020630-00021546 Do so-called European values no longer apply when it comes to business? d9-4q3ApuSg-00026-00021546-00022462 On the situation at the EU’s external borders, these ‘values’ are definitely left at the bottom of the Mediterranean - just like every person who drowns there. d9-4q3ApuSg-00027-00022462-00023598 We cannot save lives by doing dirty deals with autocrats or warlords, but rather, with a European migration policy based on human rights and solidarity. d9-4q3ApuSg-00028-00023598-00023874 Say that to your Interior Minister Seehofer! d9-4q3ApuSg-00029-00023874-00025658 However, you can increase trust in our European democracy by reducing lobbyists’ influence on the EU Council and by publishing the minutes of meetings. d9-4q3ApuSg-00030-00025658-00026050 That would be a good first step. d9-4q3ApuSg-00031-00026050-00027014 Much more would need to be done in order to help member states living side-by-side through this Covid-19 crisis d9-4q3ApuSg-00032-00027014-00027983 - with the ultimate the goal of a socially just, ecological and democratic European Union. drmsJfugaSE-00000-00001003-00001138 Hello Kimchi bites! drmsJfugaSE-00001-00001148-00001260 I am Diana drmsJfugaSE-00002-00001260-00001354 And I'm Gisela drmsJfugaSE-00003-00001354-00001512 and we are Double Trouble in Korea drmsJfugaSE-00004-00001512-00001712 And today we are going to talk about our New Years resolution drmsJfugaSE-00005-00001873-00002074 because now we do want to Learn Korean (finally!) drmsJfugaSE-00006-00002074-00002514 We have been here for 2 years but honestly we haven't really had the chance to study drmsJfugaSE-00007-00002696-00003286 but we found a very easy way to do so, so we said, let's make it our New Years resolution to Learn Korean. drmsJfugaSE-00008-00003464-00003664 It is a Free App drmsJfugaSE-00009-00003718-00003918 you can download it for Androd and IOS drmsJfugaSE-00010-00004026-00004386 The good thing about this app, is, (don't worry, is not like other apps with Video) drmsJfugaSE-00011-00004434-00004634 It's just a normal app to chat drmsJfugaSE-00012-00004676-00004876 and it's like a Language exchange, right? drmsJfugaSE-00013-00004876-00005076 Yes, the app name is HelloTalk drmsJfugaSE-00014-00005268-00005468 and basically what you have to do is: Choose the language you speak drmsJfugaSE-00015-00005560-00005760 And you have to choose the Language you want to learn drmsJfugaSE-00016-00005792-00005992 What the app will do is connect you with other people who Speak the language you chose to learn. drmsJfugaSE-00017-00006346-00006545 That means you are going to learn directly from people who speak That language drmsJfugaSE-00018-00006881-00007081 An example would be, if you (like us) want to Learn Korean drmsJfugaSE-00019-00007081-00007440 You have to set it as follows: I speak Spanish and want to learn Korean drmsJfugaSE-00020-00007545-00007852 and the app automatically will connect you with lots of Koreans drmsJfugaSE-00021-00007876-00008076 that want to learn Spanish drmsJfugaSE-00022-00008131-00008446 Not only will they Speak Korean but they will be interested in learning Spanish drmsJfugaSE-00023-00008462-00008662 that way you can have a fun language exchange drmsJfugaSE-00024-00008662-00008862 an example would be with us, we use the app drmsJfugaSE-00025-00008862-00009062 and we start talking more and more with someone drmsJfugaSE-00026-00009062-00009262 and you can do a Language exchange Face to Face drmsJfugaSE-00027-00009452-00009652 The same way you want to learn Korean drmsJfugaSE-00028-00009734-00010182 some Koreans might be using the app from Mexico and you can later have a Face to Face Language exchange drmsJfugaSE-00029-00010434-00010814 Or gather a group of friends to learn that language drmsJfugaSE-00030-00010822-00011118 And so you can Teach your own language. drmsJfugaSE-00031-00011138-00011338 The cool thing about this app is that is very focused in Learning drmsJfugaSE-00032-00011488-00011688 because it has very specific features drmsJfugaSE-00033-00011802-00012002 such as translation. drmsJfugaSE-00034-00012058-00012258 If someone texts you in Korean but you don't know any Korean drmsJfugaSE-00035-00012268-00012468 and they say 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseio) drmsJfugaSE-00036-00012600-00012800 You can translate it immediately drmsJfugaSE-00037-00012800-00013000 and that way you'll know it says:Hello drmsJfugaSE-00038-00013000-00013200 and then you can reply with a Hello drmsJfugaSE-00039-00013200-00013686 they might not understand that Hola but they can also translate that to Korean (in that same moment) drmsJfugaSE-00040-00013804-00014004 Actually the app is VERY very easy to use drmsJfugaSE-00041-00014147-00014347 it goes straight to the point. You set your language drmsJfugaSE-00042-00014347-00014547 and it will start connecting you with people drmsJfugaSE-00043-00014547-00015041 You can search for more people and if you find someone you want to continue learning drmsJfugaSE-00044-00015158-00015358 you can add them as your Language Partner drmsJfugaSE-00045-00015447-00015978 Another good thing is, not only will you end up exchanging languages, but also it will be a cultural exchange, right? drmsJfugaSE-00046-00016002-00016202 Because obviously people will ask Where are you from drmsJfugaSE-00047-00016210-00016310 What do you do drmsJfugaSE-00048-00016328-00016626 Tell me about your country. And you can ask them about How Korea really is. drmsJfugaSE-00049-00016770-00016970 Plus, the app will protect your privacy drmsJfugaSE-00050-00017030-00017554 because if you see someone's profile and want to enlarge their Profile pic drmsJfugaSE-00051-00017638-00017958 it won't let you because this is an app for Learning not for dating. drmsJfugaSE-00052-00018160-00018360 So, they really are careful with this drmsJfugaSE-00053-00018472-00018844 and that's cool because a lot of people is afraid of all the pervs on the internet drmsJfugaSE-00054-00018880-00019184 Well, this app is exclusively for Language exchange drmsJfugaSE-00055-00019204-00019544 Exactly, so, please don't misuse this app drmsJfugaSE-00056-00019582-00019782 and don't just use it to get a boyfriend drmsJfugaSE-00057-00019916-00020116 Use it to learn drmsJfugaSE-00058-00020116-00020538 Or if you are already learning Korean, use it to practice what you already know drmsJfugaSE-00059-00020538-00020890 and you can actually make phone calls and video calls drmsJfugaSE-00060-00021078-00021526 so, whenever you feel like your skills are up to have a conversation, you can do it over the phone drmsJfugaSE-00061-00021632-00021832 and with the audio will help you even more drmsJfugaSE-00062-00021914-00022386 when you reach a certain level and you have the confidence, you can say "I am ready, let's have a phone conversation" drmsJfugaSE-00063-00022386-00022586 and that's a good way to improve drmsJfugaSE-00064-00022666-00023078 and like we said before you can choose the language you want to learn like Japanese drmsJfugaSE-00065-00023140-00023340 You can search for Japanese native speakers drmsJfugaSE-00066-00023340-00023540 trying to learn Spanish, so, that you can be Language exchange partners drmsJfugaSE-00067-00023734-00023934 We feel this is a cool app drmsJfugaSE-00068-00023934-00024134 and like we said before, the best thing is, the app is Free! drmsJfugaSE-00069-00024134-00024334 Is like having Online teachers for free drmsJfugaSE-00070-00024334-00024534 available pretty much all the time drmsJfugaSE-00071-00024740-00025090 If you want to download it, we are going to leave the link on the description box drmsJfugaSE-00072-00025188-00025388 and that will take you to the App store for your phones drmsJfugaSE-00073-00025490-00025689 Don't forget the name is Hello Talk drmsJfugaSE-00074-00025689-00025889 and is available for Android and IOS drmsJfugaSE-00075-00025910-00026110 Let us know if the app is useful for you drmsJfugaSE-00076-00026127-00026622 not only to learn Korean but any language you want to learn drmsJfugaSE-00077-00026622-00026822 Maybe you want to learn Italian or something like that drmsJfugaSE-00078-00026822-00027022 but do let us know how you like the app and if you find it useful drmsJfugaSE-00079-00027230-00027430 We hope after some time using the app drmsJfugaSE-00080-00027486-00027686 we can speak a little bit more Korean drmsJfugaSE-00081-00027826-00028322 We hope you liked this video, download the app and let us know if you like it or if you knew about it before drmsJfugaSE-00082-00028356-00028556 and what do you think about it drmsJfugaSE-00083-00028560-00028760 and that would be it for today drmsJfugaSE-00084-00028760-00028960 Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done it drmsJfugaSE-00085-00028960-00029160 and to share the video with all your friends drmsJfugaSE-00086-00029160-00029360 Exactly, all of you who wish to learn a new language, don't forget to share it drmsJfugaSE-00087-00029677-00030036 Also, don't forget we are on our SNS, we are on Facebook as Double Trouble en Corea drmsJfugaSE-00088-00030108-00030232 also on Twitter drmsJfugaSE-00089-00030239-00030406 and Instagram drmsJfugaSE-00090-00030406-00030606 See you on our next video and good luck learning languages drmsJfugaSE-00091-00030606-00031094 We hope all your New year resolutions are successful and if learning a language is one of them, good luck! dro8BGYyUP8-00000-00000040-00000403 Oh God, why is it so hot, why doesn't this rain come? dro8BGYyUP8-00001-00000603-00001003 O God rain, come on, make tea and pakoras. dr_uUMiDeac-00000-00000816-00001124 what's your name? dr_uUMiDeac-00001-00001212-00001540 My name's Joel but my friends call me Duffy dr_uUMiDeac-00002-00001684-00001914 what do you do for living? dr_uUMiDeac-00003-00001994-00002546 I like to skate and to do photography dr_uUMiDeac-00004-00002736-00003040 Define your day so far in 3 words dr_uUMiDeac-00005-00003408-00003608 Sleep dr_uUMiDeac-00006-00003997-00004198 Study dr_uUMiDeac-00007-00004360-00004560 Work dr_uUMiDeac-00008-00004660-00004922 The last place you traveled? dr_uUMiDeac-00009-00005172-00005642 Aguascalientes, with the "chingones" from there... Greetings! dr_uUMiDeac-00010-00005822-00006172 what did you have for breakfast? dr_uUMiDeac-00011-00006244-00006404 A "Torta ahogada" ;) dr_uUMiDeac-00012-00006492-00006794 What was the firs email you had? dr_uUMiDeac-00013-00006923-00007595 dude, well... it was "hardflipskate_182" dr_uUMiDeac-00014-00007666-00008131 @hotmail.com I think dr_uUMiDeac-00015-00008178-00008228 Yeah dr_uUMiDeac-00016-00008266-00008714 What are you working on right now? dr_uUMiDeac-00017-00008772-00009196 yeah, wea are working on a video for "Esperanza skateboarding" dr_uUMiDeac-00018-00009248-00009586 You should check it at social media dr_uUMiDeac-00019-00009652-00010030 what projects are coming soon for you? dr_uUMiDeac-00020-00010298-00011248 I would like to make a full length video, with the people who is making something in skateboarding dr_uUMiDeac-00021-00011312-00011554 in México, specially at Guadalajara dr_uUMiDeac-00022-00011710-00012014 Where can we follow you? dr_uUMiDeac-00023-00012084-00012698 You can follow me at Instagram and Facebook as @Joellduff dr_uUMiDeac-00024-00012772-00012996 Joell Duff with double F at the end dr_uUMiDeac-00025-00013263-00013538 Thanks guys for watching, this content dr_uUMiDeac-00026-00013574-00014034 Give it a like, share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to the channel dr_uUMiDeac-00027-00014078-00014208 "Chido" (Cool) dr_uUMiDeac-00028-00014594-00014782 I screwed up again dts8VHUoXLE-00000-00000000-00000200 142 BPM duwHaU_kPrI-00000-00001448-00001648 Top5KoreancosmeticrecommendedtoIndians <ktsi tv> duwHaU_kPrI-00001-00002168-00002368 whiteningmaskpack duwHaU_kPrI-00002-00002808-00003008 Thispackmakesyourfaceclearandwhite. duwHaU_kPrI-00003-00003272-00003472 Thisisapackthatgivesshinetoyourfacewhenit'spale duwHaU_kPrI-00004-00004264-00004464 Itmakesyourskinbrightbeforeyouputonmakeup. duwHaU_kPrI-00005-00005096-00005296 Itisasimplecareproductthatisappliedtotheskin. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00000-00000081-00000689 15.6f Complex Numbers - Rationalize Binomial Denominators. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00001-00000689-00001337 Similar to other radicals, we can rationalize a binomial that has complex numbers or "i's" dwZ8IWKrn4o-00002-00001337-00002073 by multiplying by the conjugate. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00003-00002073-00002665 Remember that the conjugate looks exactly the same, only that the sign is different. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00004-00002665-00002892 Let's foil these together and see what we get. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00005-00002892-00004027 We get a squared minus abi plus abi minus b squared "i" squared. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00006-00004027-00004468 The middle two terms drop out, as should always happen when you multiply by conjugates. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00007-00004468-00005528 You get a squared minus b squared times a negative one, which gives you a squared plus b squared. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00008-00005528-00005824 As you can see, the "i" dropped out. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00009-00005824-00006396 So, let's see how this works when we're rationalizing denominators in example one. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00010-00006396-00006868 Here's example one, as you can see there's an "i" in the denominator. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00011-00006868-00007600 Since there's more than one term, or a binomial, we need to multiply by the conjugate. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00012-00007600-00008304 This means we multiply by two plus 5i, on both the numerator and the denominator. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00013-00008304-00009209 We distribute throughout on the top giving us, 8i plus 20i squared and on the bottom, dwZ8IWKrn4o-00014-00009209-00010320 we get four plus 10i minus 10i minus 25i squared. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00015-00010320-00011110 Now we replace a negative one for each of the "i's" squares and also, the middle terms dwZ8IWKrn4o-00016-00011110-00011549 drop out -as should always happen with conjugates. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00017-00011549-00012554 This gives us 8i minus twenty over four plus twenty-five, which gives us a final answer dwZ8IWKrn4o-00018-00012554-00013547 of 8i minus twenty over twenty-nine. Let's look at example two. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00019-00013547-00013822 Here is example two. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00020-00013822-00014522 Once again, we will need to multiply by the conjugate, or three minus 5i in both the numerator dwZ8IWKrn4o-00021-00014522-00014754 and the denominator. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00022-00014754-00015191 Now we need to foil both the top and the bottom. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00023-00015191-00016687 This gives us twelve minus 20i minus 6i plus 10i squared, and in the denominator we get dwZ8IWKrn4o-00024-00016687-00017812 nine minus 15i plus 15i minus 25i squared. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00025-00017812-00018729 Let's now replace the "i" square's with negative ones, and also the two terms in the denominator dwZ8IWKrn4o-00026-00018729-00019215 in the center both reduce out. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00027-00019215-00020823 Now we have twelve combing like terms, gives us negative 26i minus ten, all over nine plus twenty-five. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00028-00020823-00022332 We now combine like terms with the twelve and the ten, to give us two minus 26i over thirty-four. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00029-00022332-00022978 Now we need to see if anything divides out, there's a two in common on the top, which dwZ8IWKrn4o-00030-00022978-00023749 gives us two and then one minus 13i and on the bottom is thirty-four. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00031-00023749-00024228 We can now reduce, two goes into two once and into thirty-four seventeen times. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00032-00024228-00025235 So we get our answer of one minus 13i over seventeen. This is our final answer. dwZ8IWKrn4o-00033-00025235-00025929 Remember when you're rationalizing binomial denominators, that you just multiply by the dwZ8IWKrn4o-00034-00025929-00026380 numerator and the denominator by the conjugate, and then solve as usual. dylqXgBFmLc-00000-00000180-00000540 Hi, my name's ProTipsterDan, welcome to Tip of the Day. dylqXgBFmLc-00001-00000634-00001106 Today's tip of the day comes from the Brasileiro Serie B, the game between Ceara and Guarani. dylqXgBFmLc-00002-00001107-00002025 This tip was provided by buyunkengizisyoncu - who has a fantastic 33% yield for tips involving dylqXgBFmLc-00003-00002025-00002352 Guarani and a 9.7% yield for tips involving Ceara. dylqXgBFmLc-00004-00002352-00002865 Ceara are in a good run of form at home in Serie B at the moment, they've not lost in dylqXgBFmLc-00005-00002865-00003167 eight games, six wins and scored 13 goals. dylqXgBFmLc-00006-00003167-00003640 Guarani on the other hand, well they've not won in 11 away games, they've lost seven, dylqXgBFmLc-00007-00003640-00003927 drawn 4 and conceded 17. dylqXgBFmLc-00008-00003927-00004410 Our tip for this one is Ceara to win at 1.76. dylqXgBFmLc-00009-00004572-00005056 For more great betting tips delivered to your device every single day - maybe ones I can dylqXgBFmLc-00010-00005056-00005247 even pronounce right - subscribe to our YouTube channel d-x3hGzhoSy-00000-00000000-00000050 Wrapping adhesives and dropping the mesh on styrofoam / Thermal insulation of walls d-x3hGzhoSy-00001-00000050-00000100 Wrapping adhesives and dropping the mesh on styrofoam / Thermal insulation of walls dH5ZsdwybX4-00000-00000252-00000451 Once the Web Application Firewall dH5ZsdwybX4-00001-00000456-00000545 has been running on dH5ZsdwybX4-00002-00000546-00000644 your site for a while dH5ZsdwybX4-00003-00000694-00000780 you will be able to see dH5ZsdwybX4-00004-00000784-00000891 the results of this dH5ZsdwybX4-00005-00000900-00001100 in the Security Exceptions Log. dH5ZsdwybX4-00006-00001442-00001642 This log is sorted by the dH5ZsdwybX4-00007-00001649-00001764 time and date dH5ZsdwybX4-00008-00001791-00001991 but if you wish you can filter it dH5ZsdwybX4-00009-00001994-00002069 by the reason. dH5ZsdwybX4-00010-00002224-00002354 If for example I select dH5ZsdwybX4-00011-00002362-00002562 SQLi Shield dH5ZsdwybX4-00012-00002671-00002871 I can see all the attempts dH5ZsdwybX4-00013-00002879-00003079 that have been made on this site dH5ZsdwybX4-00014-00003129-00003329 that have been blocked by the dH5ZsdwybX4-00015-00003333-00003533 Web Application Firewall. dH5ZsdwybX4-00016-00003670-00003870 If you look closely you will see dH5ZsdwybX4-00017-00003874-00004074 that most of these are completely dH5ZsdwybX4-00018-00004075-00004275 unrelated to anything to do dH5ZsdwybX4-00019-00004278-00004478 with your specific Joomla web site dH5ZsdwybX4-00020-00004550-00004750 they're just well known dH5ZsdwybX4-00021-00004771-00004971 attacks that are published online dH5ZsdwybX4-00022-00005021-00005221 that may or may not relate dH5ZsdwybX4-00023-00005232-00005432 to Joomla, an extension dH5ZsdwybX4-00024-00005482-00005682 they may 3, 4. 5 years dH5ZsdwybX4-00025-00005687-00005887 out of date dH5ZsdwybX4-00026-00005905-00006066 and the SQLi Shield dH5ZsdwybX4-00027-00006086-00006286 has successfully blocked them. dH5ZsdwybX4-00028-00006427-00006645 Here on this magnifying glass dH5ZsdwybX4-00029-00006695-00006826 we are able to do a lookup dH5ZsdwybX4-00030-00006831-00007025 of the IP address listed below dH5ZsdwybX4-00031-00007035-00007198 to see where that comes from. dH5ZsdwybX4-00032-00007359-00007552 By clicking on this red flag dH5ZsdwybX4-00033-00007577-00007802 we can automatically add someone dH5ZsdwybX4-00034-00007833-00007979 into the blacklist dH5ZsdwybX4-00035-00008036-00008214 That means that no one from dH5ZsdwybX4-00036-00008219-00008395 that IP address will be able to attempt dH5ZsdwybX4-00037-00008410-00008641 anything on your web site ever again. dH5ZsdwybX4-00038-00008903-00009052 If we go back to the dH5ZsdwybX4-00039-00009054-00009246 Admin Tools Professional control panel dH5ZsdwybX4-00040-00009473-00009552 we can go to the dH5ZsdwybX4-00041-00009557-00009749 Auto IP Blocking Administration. dH5ZsdwybX4-00042-00009975-00010086 This will show you dH5ZsdwybX4-00043-00010102-00010269 all the IP addresses dH5ZsdwybX4-00044-00010295-00010437 that have been blocked dH5ZsdwybX4-00045-00010441-00010613 automatically on your site dH5ZsdwybX4-00046-00010634-00010783 based on the criteria we set up dH5ZsdwybX4-00047-00010787-00010913 in the last video. dH5ZsdwybX4-00048-00011037-00011166 So you can see that this dH5ZsdwybX4-00049-00011177-00011386 IP address has been blocked dH5ZsdwybX4-00050-00011415-00011615 for attempting the admin password dH5ZsdwybX4-00051-00011703-00011815 and you can see the date dH5ZsdwybX4-00052-00011821-00011946 they have been blocked till. dH5ZsdwybX4-00053-00012723-00012869 Finally we can go to the dH5ZsdwybX4-00054-00012877-00013077 Site IP Blacklist dH5ZsdwybX4-00055-00013300-00013500 This contains the IP addresses dH5ZsdwybX4-00056-00013509-00013709 that you have manually added dH5ZsdwybX4-00057-00013716-00013850 in to the blacklist dH5ZsdwybX4-00058-00013873-00014009 and the reason why. dH5ZsdwybX4-00059-00014058-00014238 This is the one we did earlier dH5ZsdwybX4-00060-00014253-00014416 where we moved it from the dH5ZsdwybX4-00061-00014422-00014645 exceptions log in to the black list. dH5ZsdwybX4-00062-00015130-00015269 If for any reason dH5ZsdwybX4-00063-00015309-00015497 someone gets added to the automatic dH5ZsdwybX4-00064-00015504-00015617 IP blocking dH5ZsdwybX4-00065-00015648-00015848 you can simply remove them dH5ZsdwybX4-00066-00015953-00016153 by selecting their IP address dH5ZsdwybX4-00067-00016189-00016389 and clicking delete. dH5ZsdwybX4-00068-00016735-00016875 The same is true dH5ZsdwybX4-00069-00016879-00017018 for the Site IP Blacklist dH5ZsdwybX4-00070-00017086-00017329 Select the IP and click delete. dHwTBzgVyvo-00000-00000215-00000861 So a year ago, the Myanmar military arrested Aung San Suu Kyi, dHwTBzgVyvo-00001-00000861-00001262 President Win Myint, and took power in Myanmar. dHwTBzgVyvo-00002-00001262-00001575 This came after ten years in which the military had stepped back dHwTBzgVyvo-00003-00001575-00002136 and allowed elected civilian governments to run day day-to-day affairs dHwTBzgVyvo-00004-00002136-00002517 while they retained control of the security sector. dHwTBzgVyvo-00005-00002517-00003200 There was an enormous societal resistance to a military takeover. dHwTBzgVyvo-00006-00003200-00003596 People's memories were still very fresh of the last military regime, dHwTBzgVyvo-00007-00003596-00003889 which dissolved in 2011. dHwTBzgVyvo-00008-00003889-00004250 And so there'd been these ten years of hope, dHwTBzgVyvo-00009-00004250-00004569 and a feeling that the future would be better than the past. dHwTBzgVyvo-00010-00004569-00004725 And that was taken away. dHwTBzgVyvo-00011-00004725-00005134 And so, especially young people felt that their futures had been stolen. dHwTBzgVyvo-00012-00005134-00005248 And so there was resistance. dHwTBzgVyvo-00013-00005248-00005584 There was concerted nationwide resistance, dHwTBzgVyvo-00014-00005584-00005943 initially in the form of mass public demonstrations. dHwTBzgVyvo-00015-00005943-00006481 Millions of people out on the streets of Yangon and other cities and towns in the country. dHwTBzgVyvo-00016-00006481-00006763 The military responded with extreme violence. dHwTBzgVyvo-00017-00006763-00007189 It has shot and killed more than 1,500 civilians dHwTBzgVyvo-00018-00007189-00007395 in the year since the coup. dHwTBzgVyvo-00019-00007395-00007833 And this drove people not to give up, dHwTBzgVyvo-00020-00007833-00008091 not to decide that, you know, it wasn't worth it dHwTBzgVyvo-00021-00008091-00008454 or that they would be cowed into submission. dHwTBzgVyvo-00022-00008454-00008967 Rather, it prompted a nationwide resistance movement. dHwTBzgVyvo-00023-00008967-00009336 People began to defend themselves, to defend their communities dHwTBzgVyvo-00024-00009336-00009581 and then go on the offensive. dHwTBzgVyvo-00025-00009581-00010245 There's also a very strong political, non-violent resistance movement that continues. dHwTBzgVyvo-00026-00010245-00010700 And so the coup has, in a sense, done what nothing else has been able to do dHwTBzgVyvo-00027-00010700-00010956 in Myanmar's recent history, which is unite everyone dHwTBzgVyvo-00028-00010956-00011462 across ethnic lines, across religious divides, across societal divisions. dHwTBzgVyvo-00029-00011462-00011836 The country is almost unanimous in not wanting to go back dHwTBzgVyvo-00030-00011836-00012145 to the dark days of military rule. dHwTBzgVyvo-00031-00012145-00012575 So these broad based resistance movements and the military look like they will be locked dHwTBzgVyvo-00032-00012575-00012972 in a violent confrontation for months, if not years to come. dHwTBzgVyvo-00033-00012972-00013708 And that, of course, is having a huge impact on the welfare of the population. dHwTBzgVyvo-00034-00013708-00014255 The coup has undone a decade of economic growth and anti-poverty work. dHwTBzgVyvo-00035-00014255-00014620 It sent the country back to where it was ten or twenty years ago dHwTBzgVyvo-00036-00014620-00014741 and it's getting worse. dHwTBzgVyvo-00037-00014741-00015421 But, the hope, I think, is that the coup has set off dHwTBzgVyvo-00038-00015421-00015693 a new politics in Myanmar. dHwTBzgVyvo-00039-00015693-00016122 The youth of the country are at the forefront of resistance to the coup, dHwTBzgVyvo-00040-00016122-00016397 and they bring fresh ideas, more open minds dHwTBzgVyvo-00041-00016397-00016910 and the ability to transcend some of the deep divisions of the past. dHwTBzgVyvo-00042-00016910-00017482 The terrible situation in Myanmar has not received sufficient international attention. dHwTBzgVyvo-00043-00017482-00017822 Myanmar needs to be a much greater international priority, dHwTBzgVyvo-00044-00017822-00018250 because its problems will not be contained within its borders. dHwTBzgVyvo-00045-00018250-00018663 One critical thing is to support the population of Myanmar through this crisis. dHwTBzgVyvo-00046-00018663-00019012 And that means provision of humanitarian assistance, dHwTBzgVyvo-00047-00019012-00019701 but also, it means longer-term support to health and education and livelihoods dHwTBzgVyvo-00048-00019701-00019908 and supporting civil society. dHwTBzgVyvo-00049-00019908-00020453 Addressing the situation in Myanmar will require considerable political dexterity, dHwTBzgVyvo-00050-00020453-00020989 and that means leadership from the United Nations in countries is very important. dHwTBzgVyvo-00051-00020989-00021332 It means that capitals can't just allocate funds, dHwTBzgVyvo-00052-00021332-00021904 they need to allocate attention and diplomatic efforts to this. dHwTBzgVyvo-00053-00021904-00022231 Because it will not be easy to reach people in need, dHwTBzgVyvo-00054-00022231-00022886 and it will not be easy to deliver services and support in the current context. dHwTBzgVyvo-00055-00022886-00023236 And so, you know, really, the future of Myanmar dHwTBzgVyvo-00056-00023236-00023588 is going to be written by the protagonists in Myanmar. dHwTBzgVyvo-00057-00023588-00023769 It's going to be written by the Myanmar people. dHwTBzgVyvo-00058-00023769-00024156 And, you know, they are looking to the world, not just for support, dHwTBzgVyvo-00059-00024156-00024348 which they feel there hasn't been enough of, dHwTBzgVyvo-00060-00024348-00024865 but for understanding that the path they're engaged on is not a civil war. dHwTBzgVyvo-00061-00024865-00025481 It's not a classic two armed groups battling it out with a population suffering as a result. dHwTBzgVyvo-00062-00025481-00026031 This is most of the population of the country resisting an attempted military takeover. dHwTBzgVyvo-00063-00026031-00026312 And they hope that the world will see it in those terms dHwTBzgVyvo-00064-00026312-00026520 and understand it in those terms. dHwTBzgVyvo-00065-00026520-00026872 But right now, in the minds of most Myanmar people, dHwTBzgVyvo-00066-00026872-00027089 it's not about talks, it's not about negotiation, dHwTBzgVyvo-00067-00027089-00027570 it's about preventing the military from being able to consolidate dHwTBzgVyvo-00068-00027570-00027706 its control of the country. dHLCXXY4jx4-00000-00001805-00001855 [AYY] dHLCXXY4jx4-00001-00001855-00002055 Haha I just hit a black slave monkey dHLCXXY4jx4-00002-00002073-00002123 [AHH] dHLCXXY4jx4-00003-00002123-00002323 This nigga gotta be kidding me dII69Hq2ay8-00000-00000000-00000398 welcome to fashion and beauty trends dII69Hq2ay8-00001-00000398-00000741 good around the world began the dII69Hq2ay8-00002-00000741-00001067 week with news of fashion and beauty dII69Hq2ay8-00003-00001067-00001320 efe page puntocom dII69Hq2ay8-00004-00001320-00001682 Paris and fashion a permanent idyll dII69Hq2ay8-00005-00001682-00002007 Paris is many things but if something dII69Hq2ay8-00006-00002007-00002223 stays in the city for dII69Hq2ay8-00007-00002223-00002463 decades is still maintaining in dII69Hq2ay8-00008-00002463-00002766 the fashion podium the essence of dII69Hq2ay8-00009-00002766-00003059 couture elegance dII69Hq2ay8-00010-00003059-00003300 transforming spirit of an industry dII69Hq2ay8-00011-00003300-00003576 It is growing and transformed with time dII69Hq2ay8-00012-00003576-00003980 under these assumptions is director megan dII69Hq2ay8-00013-00003980-00004275 artistic home with a lot of the god dII69Hq2ay8-00014-00004275-00004673 cartier prada and Tiffany illustrates and dII69Hq2ay8-00015-00004673-00004946 It makes sense in the book Paris through dII69Hq2ay8-00016-00004946-00005214 fashion to the fascination of anyone dII69Hq2ay8-00017-00005214-00005448 which you are attracted by fashion and dII69Hq2ay8-00018-00005448-00005762 environment and a city that supports dII69Hq2ay8-00019-00005762-00006125 and exalts read of the dII69Hq2ay8-00020-00006125-00006530 universal.com ccoo point jordi Colombia dII69Hq2ay8-00021-00006530-00006680 a footbridge dII69Hq2ay8-00022-00006680-00006995 beyond this young fashion face dII69Hq2ay8-00023-00006995-00007267 beard seemed rude and stare dII69Hq2ay8-00024-00007267-00007538 Contrary to the blank stares that dII69Hq2ay8-00025-00007538-00007790 Models often have parades dII69Hq2ay8-00026-00007790-00008123 fashionable as it was piercing dII69Hq2ay8-00027-00008123-00008468 it meaning something called Camillus dII69Hq2ay8-00028-00008468-00008924 silva Bogota and is 25 years old this dII69Hq2ay8-00029-00008924-00009151 It would be in the parade designer dII69Hq2ay8-00030-00009151-00009527 vallecaucano jude and Colombia creator dII69Hq2ay8-00031-00009527-00009791 social and inclusive fashion dII69Hq2ay8-00032-00009791-00010070 Latin America and who participated in the dII69Hq2ay8-00033-00010070-00010292 Fashion week in Colombia dII69Hq2ay8-00034-00010292-00010631 Medellin said about the parade dII69Hq2ay8-00035-00010631-00010874 I want people to feel that they dII69Hq2ay8-00036-00010874-00011129 I'll just exhibiting a garment or dII69Hq2ay8-00037-00011129-00011384 Showing my leg but I'm with dII69Hq2ay8-00038-00011384-00011633 them that I am showing my being dII69Hq2ay8-00039-00011633-00011929 so that for a moment accompany me dII69Hq2ay8-00040-00011929-00012299 we turn to elespectador.com with dII69Hq2ay8-00041-00012299-00012623 X-Colombian fashion one dII69Hq2ay8-00042-00012623-00012911 woman wrapped in a fluid assembly and dII69Hq2ay8-00043-00012911-00013276 I pincelado dramatic for boleros or volume dII69Hq2ay8-00044-00013276-00013563 their sleeves and ruffles round dII69Hq2ay8-00045-00013563-00013866 floating chromatic ranges dII69Hq2ay8-00046-00013866-00014197 Topical and golden pieces dII69Hq2ay8-00047-00014197-00014497 the romantic pop of the moon dII69Hq2ay8-00048-00014497-00014787 botanical or floral joy and that dII69Hq2ay8-00049-00014787-00015057 Colombian fashion imagery also dII69Hq2ay8-00050-00015057-00015276 It is linked to spell exerted dII69Hq2ay8-00051-00015276-00015501 Cartagena de Indias on dII69Hq2ay8-00052-00015501-00015726 Colombians and about visitors dII69Hq2ay8-00053-00015726-00016094 foreigners who arrive to her increasingly dII69Hq2ay8-00054-00016094-00016528 vanguardia.com read the news dII69Hq2ay8-00055-00016528-00016903 It is shielded against exclusion both dII69Hq2ay8-00056-00016903-00017245 luxury brands such as low cost create dII69Hq2ay8-00057-00017245-00017463 their specific departments dII69Hq2ay8-00058-00017463-00017797 to avoid the inclusion skids dII69Hq2ay8-00059-00017797-00018063 inclusion and diversity are leaving dII69Hq2ay8-00060-00018063-00018265 being the unfinished business of the dII69Hq2ay8-00061-00018265-00018534 fashion brands both luxury as dII69Hq2ay8-00062-00018534-00018690 the low cost dII69Hq2ay8-00063-00018690-00018922 They are making an extra effort to dII69Hq2ay8-00064-00018922-00019147 catch up and are beginning to be dII69Hq2ay8-00065-00019147-00019332 Most that have created a dII69Hq2ay8-00066-00019332-00019587 own department to avoid errors dII69Hq2ay8-00067-00019587-00019861 lack of sensitivity dII69Hq2ay8-00068-00019861-00020107 and especially but not repeated setbacks dII69Hq2ay8-00069-00020107-00020362 communication with the speed and dII69Hq2ay8-00070-00020362-00020553 the requirement that social networks dII69Hq2ay8-00071-00020553-00020946 are imposing increasingly more frequent and dII69Hq2ay8-00072-00020946-00021247 efe inadmissible also we read dII69Hq2ay8-00073-00021247-00021727 dotcom world craftsmanship family and visas dII69Hq2ay8-00074-00021727-00022018 and color on White Island dII69Hq2ay8-00075-00022018-00022351 the so-called Ibizan style is a dII69Hq2ay8-00076-00022351-00022615 aesthetic known from different parts dII69Hq2ay8-00077-00022615-00022906 what planet is not as well known dII69Hq2ay8-00078-00022906-00023152 are their origins or hands there dII69Hq2ay8-00079-00023152-00023479 behind a style in which word ibiza dII69Hq2ay8-00080-00023479-00023818 family stands out not only for its history dII69Hq2ay8-00081-00023818-00024109 but also for his signature with a style dII69Hq2ay8-00082-00024109-00024448 full of adventure trips and color locke dII69Hq2ay8-00083-00024448-00024748 meryl and are the founders of a word dII69Hq2ay8-00084-00024748-00025063 family ibiza a signature based on the dII69Hq2ay8-00085-00025063-00025309 crafts and multiculturalism that dII69Hq2ay8-00086-00025309-00025548 It claims to be the precursor of dII69Hq2ay8-00087-00025548-00025776 Ibizan style point dII69Hq2ay8-00088-00025776-00026032 pilgrimage of hippies and lovers dII69Hq2ay8-00089-00026032-00026391 fashion in the heart of White Island dII69Hq2ay8-00090-00026391-00026543 a headline fashion dII69Hq2ay8-00091-00026543-00026938 Colombiamoda is puntocom new rules dII69Hq2ay8-00092-00026938-00027155 Play for fashion look dII69Hq2ay8-00093-00027155-00027488 start scanning the fair dII69Hq2ay8-00094-00027488-00027707 it now turns to bet on new dII69Hq2ay8-00095-00027707-00027932 technologies for fashion industry dII69Hq2ay8-00096-00027932-00028195 first he counted with a space dII69Hq2ay8-00097-00028195-00028441 for the final consumer in which dII69Hq2ay8-00098-00028441-00028732 campusano brands such as Mercedes or pilatos dII69Hq2ay8-00099-00028732-00029013 They presented their products for sale dII69Hq2ay8-00100-00029013-00029393 We spent a week point is the news dII69Hq2ay8-00101-00029393-00029681 Meaghan martin now fashion editor dII69Hq2ay8-00102-00029681-00030052 Luxury magazine Duchess Event dII69Hq2ay8-00103-00030052-00030334 He has interrupted her maternity leave dII69Hq2ay8-00104-00030334-00030599 to make the guest fashion editor dII69Hq2ay8-00105-00030599-00030818 the special issue of Vogue dII69Hq2ay8-00106-00030818-00031220 and in it his favorite women appear dII69Hq2ay8-00107-00031220-00031649 we united point of fashion is the dII69Hq2ay8-00108-00031649-00031920 Spanish alejandra long are red dII69Hq2ay8-00109-00031920-00032170 will participate in next week dII69Hq2ay8-00110-00032170-00032477 New York Fashion advice dII69Hq2ay8-00111-00032477-00032789 American fashion designers just dII69Hq2ay8-00112-00032789-00032984 present the official schedule dII69Hq2ay8-00113-00032984-00033218 parades next fashion week dII69Hq2ay8-00114-00033218-00033506 in New York to be held dII69Hq2ay8-00115-00033506-00033836 next 6 to 9 September in dII69Hq2ay8-00116-00033836-00034043 edition which will participate once dII69Hq2ay8-00117-00034043-00034295 plus the Spanish designer and member of dII69Hq2ay8-00118-00034295-00034781 CFDA alejandra had a red alonso dII69Hq2ay8-00119-00034781-00034988 newsgroup the fashion network dII69Hq2ay8-00120-00034988-00035327 puntocom the first Colombia is crowned dII69Hq2ay8-00121-00035327-00035555 as the main trading partner dII69Hq2ay8-00122-00035555-00035882 iphone in the region and reinforces ivo dII69Hq2ay8-00123-00035882-00036092 presence in Colombia and is positioned in dII69Hq2ay8-00124-00036092-00036344 the top 5 cosmetic sales in the dII69Hq2ay8-00125-00036344-00036620 country the local market is the most dII69Hq2ay8-00126-00036620-00036902 important firm in the region and dII69Hq2ay8-00127-00036902-00037181 in the top 10 places more dII69Hq2ay8-00128-00037181-00037436 selling in the US dII69Hq2ay8-00129-00037436-00037778 We go to the next world news dII69Hq2ay8-00130-00037778-00038072 and launches in the Uruguayan market its line dII69Hq2ay8-00131-00038072-00038381 outsize female firm dII69Hq2ay8-00132-00038381-00038641 Nike US extends its catalog dII69Hq2ay8-00133-00038641-00038858 in Uruguay and launches its sports line dII69Hq2ay8-00134-00038858-00039166 female great details in the market dII69Hq2ay8-00135-00039166-00039473 Local aiming to celebrate dII69Hq2ay8-00136-00039473-00039737 diversity among athletes and dII69Hq2ay8-00137-00039737-00039924 shapes of their bodies dII69Hq2ay8-00138-00039924-00040257 Continuing fashion boots network dII69Hq2ay8-00139-00040257-00040518 A new edition of cyber days in dII69Hq2ay8-00140-00040518-00040827 If you sell Colombia Colombia held dII69Hq2ay8-00141-00040827-00041247 its third edition from 29 July 2019 dII69Hq2ay8-00142-00041247-00041529 August 2 Discount dII69Hq2ay8-00143-00041529-00041943 60% in the event virtual media dII69Hq2ay8-00144-00041943-00042180 organized around the platform it dII69Hq2ay8-00145-00042180-00042498 find provides an average shopping dII69Hq2ay8-00146-00042498-00042876 1.4 items per person in their dII69Hq2ay8-00147-00042876-00043081 five days dII69Hq2ay8-00148-00043081-00043405 on the same page we also dII69Hq2ay8-00149-00043405-00043641 vietnam clothing manufacturers dII69Hq2ay8-00150-00043641-00043863 are obstacles in the lucrative dII69Hq2ay8-00151-00043863-00044260 trade agreement with the EU to trans dII69Hq2ay8-00152-00044260-00044551 not the new FTA dII69Hq2ay8-00153-00044551-00044779 trade between Vietnam and binding dII69Hq2ay8-00154-00044779-00045041 Europe presents great opportunities dII69Hq2ay8-00155-00045041-00045385 but also logistical problems dII69Hq2ay8-00156-00045385-00045721 VP tam with textile dII69Hq2ay8-00157-00045721-00046045 carmen investment trading city dII69Hq2ay8-00158-00046045-00046408 Junin plans rapid expansion dII69Hq2ay8-00159-00046408-00046627 considering the influx of dII69Hq2ay8-00160-00046627-00046855 orders that promises the Free dII69Hq2ay8-00161-00046855-00047158 trade with the European Union and Vietnam dII69Hq2ay8-00162-00047158-00047530 its reduction of tariffs dII69Hq2ay8-00163-00047530-00047797 same page fashion week dII69Hq2ay8-00164-00047797-00048181 paris receive new marks between her dII69Hq2ay8-00165-00048181-00048539 pact to write the catwalks dII69Hq2ay8-00166-00048539-00048821 calendar next season dII69Hq2ay8-00167-00048821-00049175 prêt à porter French receive about 8 dII69Hq2ay8-00168-00049175-00049460 three of them new brands for their dII69Hq2ay8-00169-00049460-00049730 parades in the nine-day event dII69Hq2ay8-00170-00049730-00050150 begins on Monday, 23 September and dII69Hq2ay8-00171-00050150-00050351 our latest news is fashion dII69Hq2ay8-00172-00050351-00050666 network opens the dotcom love dII69Hq2ay8-00173-00050666-00050918 convening of the fourth edition of its dII69Hq2ay8-00174-00050918-00051280 price craft the fourth edition of dII69Hq2ay8-00175-00051280-00051691 Lovecraft price opens its call on dII69Hq2ay8-00176-00051691-00051916 award that the scope luxury dII69Hq2ay8-00177-00051916-00052145 Spanish origin puts the focus on the dII69Hq2ay8-00178-00052145-00052490 Craft will hold its 2020 delivery dII69Hq2ay8-00179-00052490-00052760 in the museum of decorative arts dII69Hq2ay8-00180-00052760-00053162 Paris news here today dII69Hq2ay8-00181-00053162-00053411 We hope our next installment dII69Hq2ay8-00182-00053411-00053704 News about fashion and beauty you dII69Hq2ay8-00183-00053704-00054041 We invite you to visit our website www dII69Hq2ay8-00184-00054041-00054407 Styles point for the whole point club dII69Hq2ay8-00185-00054407-00054691 Beauty fashion information and advice dII69Hq2ay8-00186-00054691-00054932 Image and subscribe to our networks dII69Hq2ay8-00187-00054932-00055145 social to inspire with photos dII69Hq2ay8-00188-00055145-00055208 graphic dII69Hq2ay8-00189-00055208-00055535 videos and more dII69Hq2ay8-00190-00055535-00055841 StylePoint.club dNIFKSUfafI-00000-00000400-00000952 The emergence of what are termed "transnational" armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00001-00000952-00001458 illustrates well the difficulties of qualifying certain armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00002-00001458-00001939 according to the traditional distinction between international armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00003-00001939-00002202 and non-international armed conflicts. dNIFKSUfafI-00004-00002296-00002598 These conflicts typically involve state armed forces, dNIFKSUfafI-00005-00002598-00003256 which are fighting organized armed groups located in the territory of a third state. dNIFKSUfafI-00006-00003392-00003636 A similar scenario arises dNIFKSUfafI-00007-00003636-00003860 when governmental forces dNIFKSUfafI-00008-00003860-00004098 involved in a non-international armed conflict dNIFKSUfafI-00009-00004098-00004700 against rebels pursue these rebels into the territory of a neighbouring state, dNIFKSUfafI-00010-00004700-00004934 where the group seeks refuge. dNIFKSUfafI-00011-00005024-00005554 These conflicts are also known as "exported" or "delocalized" conflicts, dNIFKSUfafI-00012-00005554-00005938 or "extraterritorial" non-international armed conflicts. dNIFKSUfafI-00013-00006048-00006606 So-called transnational armed conflicts make up a large proportion of contemporary armed conflicts. dNIFKSUfafI-00014-00006770-00007388 Take for instance the conflict between the armed forces of the United states dNIFKSUfafI-00015-00007388-00008008 and its coalition partners and Daesh in the territories of Iraq and Syria. dNIFKSUfafI-00016-00008142-00008744 Nearby, Turkish national armed forces are fighting the PKK in Syria. dNIFKSUfafI-00017-00008808-00009306 Columbian armed forces frequently attacked FARC in their bases in Equator. dNIFKSUfafI-00018-00009428-00010112 There is also the international coalition of states currently fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and in Yemen. dNIFKSUfafI-00019-00010298-00010844 At first sight, "transnational" or "delocalized" armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00020-00010844-00011416 do not seem to easily fit into the traditional categories of armed conflicts. dNIFKSUfafI-00021-00011570-00012436 In contrast to non-international armed conflicts, they are not confined to the territory of one single state. dNIFKSUfafI-00022-00012516-00013056 However, in contrast to international armed conflicts, dNIFKSUfafI-00023-00013056-00013728 they do not oppose the armed forces of two or several states but those of a State dNIFKSUfafI-00024-00013728-00014368 and of organized independent armed groups, which are not controlled by third states. dNIFKSUfafI-00025-00014594-00015208 This peculiar situation has generated many controversies in the legal literature dNIFKSUfafI-00026-00015208-00015450 that are worth briefly recalling here. dNIFKSUfafI-00027-00015547-00015922 Certain scholars such as Schondorf suggest that dNIFKSUfafI-00028-00015922-00016296 these conflicts constitute new type of hostilities dNIFKSUfafI-00029-00016296-00016936 that must be regulated by a new legal regime specially adapted to their specificities. dNIFKSUfafI-00030-00017054-00017568 According to them, this regime must combine the laws of international armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00031-00017568-00017782 (for certain aspects) dNIFKSUfafI-00032-00017782-00018028 and those of non-international armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00033-00018028-00018204 (for other aspects). dNIFKSUfafI-00034-00018368-00018860 Other scholars such Akande adopt a more traditional approach and argue dNIFKSUfafI-00035-00018860-00019410 that the laws governing "transnational" or "exported" armed conflicts dNIFKSUfafI-00036-00019410-00019992 depend on whether the state in which organized armed groups are located dNIFKSUfafI-00037-00019992-00020468 has consented to the foreign state using force against them. dNIFKSUfafI-00038-00020626-00021376 Where such consent exists, then the law of non-international armed conflicts will govern the conflict. dNIFKSUfafI-00039-00021428-00022404 Indeed, such consent has the effect that there are not two opposing states involved in it. dNIFKSUfafI-00040-00022470-00022818 However, where no such consent is given, dNIFKSUfafI-00041-00022818-00023374 the use of force by the foreign state will be exercised against the territorial state; dNIFKSUfafI-00042-00023374-00023914 that is against its territory, people and infrastructure. dNIFKSUfafI-00043-00023940-00024738 This means that, even if attacks are specifically directed towards armed groups situated in that state, dNIFKSUfafI-00044-00024738-00025076 the violation of the integrity of the territorial state dNIFKSUfafI-00045-00025076-00025574 transforms the conflict into an international armed conflict. dNIFKSUfafI-00046-00025762-00026050 Some authors consider, however, dNIFKSUfafI-00047-00026050-00026522 that the consent of the territorial state is a political consideration dNIFKSUfafI-00048-00026522-00027089 that should have not bearing on the qualification of "transnational" or "exported" armed conflicts. dNIFKSUfafI-00049-00027154-00027744 The crucial element is the nature of the actors involved in these conflicts: dNIFKSUfafI-00050-00027744-00028442 on one side, there are the armed forces of the states fighting against each other; dNIFKSUfafI-00051-00028442-00028730 on the other, an independent armed group. dNIFKSUfafI-00052-00028850-00029444 Thus, according to these scholars, two conflicts are running in parallel: dNIFKSUfafI-00053-00029444-00029802 an international armed conflict between the two states dNIFKSUfafI-00054-00029802-00030354 and a non-international armed conflict between the foreign state and armed groups. dpxn9OxXrcM-00000-00000642-00001101 Alaska The Last Frontier fans have missed Shane Kilcher and his wife Kelli Ware Kilcher dpxn9OxXrcM-00001-00001101-00001314 in the recent seasons. dpxn9OxXrcM-00002-00001314-00001869 The reason the couple is not featuring much on the show is due to their contract situation. dpxn9OxXrcM-00003-00001869-00002384 Last season their contract was dropped from show regular to recurring basis only. dpxn9OxXrcM-00004-00002384-00002909 Also, the reality show has not addressed whether the couple has completed their cabin home dpxn9OxXrcM-00005-00002909-00003173 which they began in 2015. dpxn9OxXrcM-00006-00003173-00003693 Follow with us to learn how their home currently looks like and to know whether it has been dpxn9OxXrcM-00007-00003693-00003793 completed. dpxn9OxXrcM-00008-00003793-00004251 Shane Kilcher began to build a slant roof cordwood cabin back in 2015. dpxn9OxXrcM-00009-00004251-00004772 He was determined to complete before the inevitable winter of 2017. dpxn9OxXrcM-00010-00004772-00005114 Here's what house looked back in December of 2017. dpxn9OxXrcM-00011-00005114-00005774 The cabin house is made up of uniformly peeled and dried pine woods. dpxn9OxXrcM-00012-00005774-00006271 And the structure is bound with traditional Cardwood mortar consisting of sawdust, perlite, dpxn9OxXrcM-00013-00006271-00006394 and sand. dpxn9OxXrcM-00014-00006394-00006756 During the development, the couple has to go through several setbacks. dpxn9OxXrcM-00015-00006756-00007318 Also, Shane met with an unfortunate accident hurting his back. dpxn9OxXrcM-00016-00007318-00007592 Since the development has been very slow. dpxn9OxXrcM-00017-00007592-00008281 Here are the recent pictures of the house. dpxn9OxXrcM-00018-00008281-00008803 According to his wife Kelli ware Kilcher, the couple is yet to finish the house. dpxn9OxXrcM-00019-00008803-00009057 One of the curious fan when asked on Facebook; dpxn9OxXrcM-00020-00009057-00009396 "Did Shane ever finish his house, never showed on tv?" dpxn9OxXrcM-00021-00009396-00009665 The couple replied on Facebook: dpxn9OxXrcM-00022-00009665-00010095 "We are saving up and hoping to get to work on that next summer." dSwE2-VKlyQ-00000-00000008-00000091 I was 21 years old. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00001-00000091-00000247 I'm out with some friends one night dSwE2-VKlyQ-00002-00000247-00000481 and I just started getting these thoughts - dSwE2-VKlyQ-00003-00000481-00000752 repetitive, deep, dark thoughts that I couldn't stop. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00004-00000752-00000870 I would describe it as something dSwE2-VKlyQ-00005-00000870-00000974 my brain just kind of broke. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00006-00000992-00001306 I was amazed that when I did finally reach out for help, dSwE2-VKlyQ-00007-00001332-00001500 that there was treatment available. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00008-00001526-00001780 And there is no shame in asking for help. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00009-00001780-00001989 If someone reaches out to you, dSwE2-VKlyQ-00010-00002012-00002290 it's extremely important to be non-judgmental. dSwE2-VKlyQ-00011-00002312-00002596 Listening without judgment is probably one of the dSwE2-VKlyQ-00012-00002610-00002748 greatest things you can do for someone dSwE2-VKlyQ-00013-00002766-00002898 that's struggling with mental illness. dTGSANM-Gyc-00000-00000654-00000901 (Questioner): I just want to know, like, dTGSANM-Gyc-00001-00000901-00001213 this yoga is making me very delicate dTGSANM-Gyc-00002-00001213-00001472 and it is actually making me dTGSANM-Gyc-00003-00001472-00001877 (Sadhguru): So you're one of the ardent followers, is it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00004-00001877-00002110 Give the microphone to the students dTGSANM-Gyc-00005-00002110-00002279 Okay, finish the question. dTGSANM-Gyc-00006-00002279-00002608 (Questioner): I just want to know, like, in this world which is dTGSANM-Gyc-00007-00002608-00003214 lot of people if our love is boundless, some people are manipulative. dTGSANM-Gyc-00008-00003214-00003754 So like should we restrict it or should we be dTGSANM-Gyc-00009-00003754-00004023 should we not expect anything? dTGSANM-Gyc-00010-00004023-00004364 How to handle it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00011-00004364-00004561 (Sadhguru): What is this question? dTGSANM-Gyc-00012-00004561-00004823 Yoga is making you delicate, what is that? dTGSANM-Gyc-00013-00004823-00005447 (Questioner): Like, it's making my love boundless. dTGSANM-Gyc-00014-00005447-00005882 It's not making me to choose people. dTGSANM-Gyc-00015-00005882-00006158 In work place, in personal life, I'm meaning to say, dTGSANM-Gyc-00016-00006158-00006368 there are lot of back stabbers around. dTGSANM-Gyc-00017-00006368-00007133 (Sadhguru): Oh, oh! You're beginning to fall in love with your neighbors also. (Laughter) dTGSANM-Gyc-00018-00007133-00007416 Now, dTGSANM-Gyc-00019-00007416-00007745 please understand this -- dTGSANM-Gyc-00020-00007745-00008002 the yoga that you're practicing dTGSANM-Gyc-00021-00008002-00008360 is about enhancing the interiority of who you are. dTGSANM-Gyc-00022-00008360-00008828 The outside has to be conducted as it needs to be conducted. dTGSANM-Gyc-00023-00008828-00009175 When you do not know how to conduct the outside, dTGSANM-Gyc-00024-00009175-00009488 you think it's because of your love -- it's not so, dTGSANM-Gyc-00025-00009488-00009691 it's just because of your stupidity dTGSANM-Gyc-00026-00009691-00010144 that you cannot conduct the situation the way you want it, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00027-00010144-00010631 So if you're driving on the street and you see a buffalo dTGSANM-Gyc-00028-00010631-00010982 and dTGSANM-Gyc-00029-00010982-00011557 if you go give it a kiss and say, 'Please, I love you, please move away,' dTGSANM-Gyc-00030-00011557-00011787 buffalo is not the problem, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00031-00011787-00012037 You are the problem, yes or no? dTGSANM-Gyc-00032-00012037-00012208 Is buffalo the problem? dTGSANM-Gyc-00033-00012208-00012470 Buffalo is behaving according to its nature; dTGSANM-Gyc-00034-00012470-00012854 you are not behaving according to your nature, dTGSANM-Gyc-00035-00012854-00013074 that's the problem with you. dTGSANM-Gyc-00036-00013074-00013344 So that is not because of love, dTGSANM-Gyc-00037-00013344-00013790 that is because of confusion and whatever, dTGSANM-Gyc-00038-00013790-00014115 and that definitely yoga has not done that to you. dTGSANM-Gyc-00039-00014115-00014631 Yoga brings clarity to you, not confusion. (Laughs) dTGSANM-Gyc-00040-00014631-00015077 So our ability to handle situations, dTGSANM-Gyc-00041-00015077-00015395 if they're impaired because of some fanciful idea dTGSANM-Gyc-00042-00015395-00015665 of love or whatever nonsense you have, dTGSANM-Gyc-00043-00015665-00015851 then that's not love, dTGSANM-Gyc-00044-00015851-00016122 that's just dTGSANM-Gyc-00045-00016122-00016604 you're silly and soft in your head, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00046-00016604-00016915 Should love empower you? Okay, even if you're loving, dTGSANM-Gyc-00047-00016915-00017312 should love empower you or impair you? dTGSANM-Gyc-00048-00017312-00017493 It should empower you, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00049-00017493-00017718 If it's impairing you, it's not love. dTGSANM-Gyc-00050-00017718-00018100 You have some convoluted idea about love. dTGSANM-Gyc-00051-00018100-00018560 If you love somebody, will you do pretty things to them always or dTGSANM-Gyc-00052-00018560-00018929 will you do what's needed? Hmm? dTGSANM-Gyc-00053-00018929-00019177 You'll do what's needed, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00054-00019177-00019433 If you have a child and you love this child, dTGSANM-Gyc-00055-00019433-00019654 if you have to feed him you feed him, dTGSANM-Gyc-00056-00019654-00020085 if you have to hug him you hug him, if you have to whack him you whack him, dTGSANM-Gyc-00057-00020085-00020357 you do what's needed, isn't it? dTGSANM-Gyc-00058-00020357-00020814 So love does not make you lose your discretion. dTGSANM-Gyc-00059-00020814-00021102 If love, if you're losing your discretion, dTGSANM-Gyc-00060-00021102-00021441 it is because you're becoming a Dhritarashtra. dTGSANM-Gyc-00061-00021441-00021663 You know a Dhritarashtra problem? dTGSANM-Gyc-00062-00021663-00022465 Nation is right now gripped with a Dhritarashtra problem. dTGSANM-Gyc-00063-00022465-00022670 You don't know what that is? dTGSANM-Gyc-00064-00022670-00023050 You don't know what Dhritarashtra is? dTGSANM-Gyc-00065-00023050-00023770 Dhritarashtra, you've heard of the man? Ah! That guy. dTGSANM-Gyc-00066-00023770-00024267 He's the biggest influence right now on the country. (Laughs) dTJPnkNnIqo-00000-00000057-00000649 Hi im Frankie.Where u going? dTJPnkNnIqo-00001-00000649-00001419 Getting a drink. dTJPnkNnIqo-00002-00001419-00002178 Im Freddie and we are going to start doing a series of videos. dTJPnkNnIqo-00003-00002178-00002351 Each series will be about 5 videos. dTJPnkNnIqo-00004-00002351-00003148 We will try to do them as often as we can and if we get popular then we will do them dTJPnkNnIqo-00005-00003148-00003247 every week. dTJPnkNnIqo-00006-00003247-00003896 We don't want our channel to be the same as all the other youtube channels. dTJPnkNnIqo-00007-00003896-00003996 We want it to be different. dTJPnkNnIqo-00008-00003996-00004742 We will make it funny and do different stuff every week. dTJPnkNnIqo-00009-00004742-00005402 So it wont just be boring. dTJPnkNnIqo-00010-00005402-00005513 Blopers... dTJPnkNnIqo-00011-00005513-00005613 Im freddie, (burp) (both laugh). dTJPnkNnIqo-00012-00005613-00005947 Girl i can feel your body rock. dTJPnkNnIqo-00013-00005947-00006863 I dont care...I love it! dTJPnkNnIqo-00014-00006863-00007083 Willy. dTJPnkNnIqo-00015-00007083-00007764 Please comment, like and subscribe! dVrVxd9A2Wg-00000-00001059-00001632 In the commercial underwriting department we are pretty laid back. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00001-00001632-00002080 We have fun but yet we get our job done as well. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00002-00002080-00002236 Because we're laid back we know what's going on dVrVxd9A2Wg-00003-00002236-00002340 in each other's lives. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00004-00002340-00002791 And, "hey, how's this goin'?" and, "Is there anything I can help you with?" dVrVxd9A2Wg-00005-00002791-00003095 And even just to have a friend there that you can talk. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00006-00003095-00003686 Either talk about your personal life or even just stresses at work. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00007-00003686-00003996 We feel comfortable enough to talk with each other about dVrVxd9A2Wg-00008-00003996-00004353 issues that we have. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00009-00004353-00004527 We have a great team upstairs. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00010-00004527-00005180 I believe it helps our customers and our agents because we're a family dVrVxd9A2Wg-00011-00005180-00005402 we have positive attitudes. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00012-00005402-00005710 I think that reflects when we take our phone calls dVrVxd9A2Wg-00013-00005710-00006064 to our agents or sending correspondence dVrVxd9A2Wg-00014-00006064-00006458 I think we stay positive. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00015-00006458-00006818 I have always heard from our agents, "Hey, you're customer service is great. dVrVxd9A2Wg-00016-00006818-00007205 You've helped me with this." dVrVxd9A2Wg-00017-00007205-00007653 I think if you enjoy your job, then it's easier to want to help dVrVxd9A2Wg-00018-00007653-00007850 your agent or your customer. dXRyp4ggYfI-00000-00000048-00000556 The administration of US President Joe Biden is looking to expedite the production of nuclear-powered dXRyp4ggYfI-00001-00000556-00001078 submarines for Australia amid heightened tensions with China, Western officials want to facilitate dXRyp4ggYfI-00002-00001078-00001462 Australia to deploy a nuclear-powered fleet more quickly. dXRyp4ggYfI-00003-00001462-00002035 The US, Australia, and UK are members of A UK US, a security pact. dXRyp4ggYfI-00004-00002035-00002539 China, which last year called the security pact a threat to global security, clashed dXRyp4ggYfI-00005-00002539-00002977 with the trio last week at the UN nuclear watchdog, accusing the partnership of being dXRyp4ggYfI-00006-00002977-00003386 involved in the illegal transfer of nuclear weapon materials. dXRyp4ggYfI-00007-00003386-00003888 The International Atomic Energy Agency's chief Rafael Grossi has warned that the submarines dXRyp4ggYfI-00008-00003888-00004385 will be fueled by "very highly enriched uranium", and suggested it could be weapons-grade or dXRyp4ggYfI-00009-00004385-00004535 close to it. dXRyp4ggYfI-00010-00004535-00005105 The alliance, which consists of the US, the UK and Australia, last year announced Australia's dXRyp4ggYfI-00011-00005105-00005381 plans to acquire at least eight nuclear submarines. dXRyp4ggYfI-00012-00005381-00006021 “The A UK US partnership involves the illegal transfer of nuclear weapon materials, making dXRyp4ggYfI-00013-00006021-00006567 it essentially an act of nuclear proliferation,” China said in a position paper sent to IAEA dXRyp4ggYfI-00014-00006567-00007027 member states during this week’s quarterly meeting of the IAEA’s 35-nation Board of dXRyp4ggYfI-00015-00007027-00007150 Governors. dXRyp4ggYfI-00016-00007150-00007646 China has clashed with the countries in the so-called A UK US alliance at the UN nuclear dXRyp4ggYfI-00017-00007646-00008069 watchdog over their plan to supply Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. dXatSzROo24-00000-00000000-00000102 Shall we start? dXatSzROo24-00001-00000219-00000399 Yes, please start immediately. Yeah. dXatSzROo24-00002-00000450-00000840 Okay. Okay, first of all, thank you very much valaria for dXatSzROo24-00003-00000873-00001356 organizing this, this online meeting also for inviting is dXatSzROo24-00004-00001362-00001863 obviously a pleasure for me to be here. And I'm also very happy dXatSzROo24-00005-00001863-00002358 to see so many friends on the screen. So that's, it's really, dXatSzROo24-00006-00002361-00003000 it's really nice. And the second thing I want to say is that this dXatSzROo24-00007-00003000-00003603 is probably the my first steps in this new research that I am. dXatSzROo24-00008-00003681-00004305 I am, I am on right now. This I started with with the study of dXatSzROo24-00009-00004305-00004647 symmetries in metaphysics and in philosophy of physics in dXatSzROo24-00010-00004647-00005175 October, the sophist and so pretty much of what I'm going to dXatSzROo24-00011-00005175-00005721 say here is just my first intuition about the philosophica dXatSzROo24-00012-00005730-00006216 role or the metaphysical role that symmetries can play in dXatSzROo24-00013-00006216-00006456 metaphysical explanation, but also in philosophy of physics, dXatSzROo24-00014-00006519-00006954 and what kind of things we can learn about the world about our dXatSzROo24-00015-00006956-00007595 reality, when we look at the signatures? So, I would I dXatSzROo24-00016-00007595-00007995 really, I really want is that we can have a good discussion dXatSzROo24-00017-00007995-00008346 because I want to test my ideas with you. So please, if you have dXatSzROo24-00018-00008346-00008805 any common criticism, or whatever, yes, bring it up. My dXatSzROo24-00019-00008805-00009303 guess is that you try to to the try to convince me that whether dXatSzROo24-00020-00009303-00009678 I'm on the right track or I should step back and take a dXatSzROo24-00021-00009678-00010242 different path. So, this is the the title of the presentation dXatSzROo24-00022-00010245-00011313 and one general probably humble NGO, the station is to merely dXatSzROo24-00023-00011313-00011589 assess the role the symmetries may play metaphysical dXatSzROo24-00024-00011589-00012078 explanation and physical fitness theorizing. As you know, as you dXatSzROo24-00025-00012078-00012615 probably know, in the last years, many metaphysicians have dXatSzROo24-00026-00012651-00013041 found the idea of symmetries as very interesting and very dXatSzROo24-00027-00013044-00013446 naturalistic tool to investigate what the worst like what are the dXatSzROo24-00028-00013476-00013836 properties of the space time what is the natural properties dXatSzROo24-00029-00013838-00014280 that we can find out there. So, symmetries seem to have this, dXatSzROo24-00030-00014319-00014787 this this force to involve in many metaphysical discussion and dXatSzROo24-00031-00014787-00015105 to try to say something new in our traditional metaphysical dXatSzROo24-00032-00015105-00015528 discussion. So, I would try to assess that this is the general dXatSzROo24-00033-00015528-00016083 probably humble aim of the presentation. And more dXatSzROo24-00034-00016083-00016833 particular probably bolder aim is try to focus on a particular dXatSzROo24-00035-00016881-00017256 attitude or particular approach to symmetry that we call dXatSzROo24-00036-00017265-00017583 symmetry, symmetry fundamentalism or symmetry dXatSzROo24-00037-00017583-00018027 realism, I will swing back and forth between these two notion dXatSzROo24-00038-00018027-00018468 because I'm not still very convinced about what's the dXatSzROo24-00039-00018474-00018957 specificity of each of them, but the points that I would try to dXatSzROo24-00040-00018957-00019491 argue or give some some hints, but I think that this this dXatSzROo24-00041-00019497-00020055 attitude is another right, the right one to construe the role dXatSzROo24-00042-00020055-00020439 the symmetries could play in metaphysics, but also in physics dXatSzROo24-00043-00020439-00020949 in general. And the the other part of the argumentation will dXatSzROo24-00044-00020949-00021306 be that which suggests that probably something like symmetry dXatSzROo24-00045-00021306-00021756 deflection ism is a more appropriate approach mainly for dXatSzROo24-00046-00021759-00022065 ontological and theoretical reasons. I'm not saying that dXatSzROo24-00047-00022242-00022641 that I mean, this is the properly philosophical part, we dXatSzROo24-00048-00022641-00022962 as philosopher as metaphyseal should deal with this idea of dXatSzROo24-00049-00022962-00023385 symmetries, I would recommend that you should pursue something dXatSzROo24-00050-00023385-00024003 like symmetry the flattening and cast some doubt on symmetry dXatSzROo24-00051-00024003-00024498 fundamentalism or symmetry, this is more or less the the the end dXatSzROo24-00052-00024498-00025104 for the presentation and this the the map very, very brief, I dXatSzROo24-00053-00025104-00025524 will try to go through the first two parts very quickly. So dXatSzROo24-00054-00025527-00025860 because I want to focus on the on the third part, what is my dXatSzROo24-00055-00025860-00026610 purpose or my my my doubts or my are my main arguments. But dXatSzROo24-00056-00026613-00026970 before to get at the presentation perfectly, I would dXatSzROo24-00057-00026970-00027519 like to say something bro there about what my What is my dXatSzROo24-00058-00027519-00027620 approach in general, dXatSzROo24-00059-00027789-00028218 because if you can focus on the concept of symmetries and try to dXatSzROo24-00060-00028218-00028494 elaborate the philosophical interpretation of symmetries, dXatSzROo24-00061-00028518-00028872 but what I would like to do is something that go beyond the dXatSzROo24-00062-00028875-00029487 notion of symmetries and to see how that notion plays a role in dXatSzROo24-00063-00029487-00029844 a broader philosophical system. And I think that these these, dXatSzROo24-00064-00029889-00030345 these words, byte sellers are very, very stimulating dissent, dXatSzROo24-00065-00030393-00030873 because we want to understand as philosophers try to see how dXatSzROo24-00066-00030873-00031332 things hang together. So I would love to see how symmetries come dXatSzROo24-00067-00031332-00031958 together with other notions that we usually study in, in dXatSzROo24-00068-00031958-00032177 classical physics, but also in metaphysics, for example, the dXatSzROo24-00069-00032177-00032505 notion of law, the notion of theory, the notion of models, dXatSzROo24-00070-00032532-00032904 and so on and so forth. So, to my mind that the notion of dXatSzROo24-00071-00032904-00033360 symmetry can only make sense in we try to see how it works in a dXatSzROo24-00072-00033378-00033870 brother philosophical system, in relation to the notion of law in dXatSzROo24-00073-00033870-00034173 relation to the notion of theory in relation to the notion of dXatSzROo24-00074-00034185-00034677 idealization, and so on and so forth. So this is the the spirit dXatSzROo24-00075-00034677-00035010 that is guiding this presentation, if you if you dXatSzROo24-00076-00035010-00035640 want. So the first part, this is probably the the boring part, dXatSzROo24-00077-00035640-00036105 because I mean, there's a lot of formal details and formal dXatSzROo24-00078-00036105-00036351 discussion, theoretical discussion that I don't really dXatSzROo24-00079-00036351-00036930 want to get into here. But just to get a common understanding of dXatSzROo24-00080-00036972-00037305 what a symmetry is probably if you're not familiarized with the dXatSzROo24-00081-00037305-00037854 notion in physics, there's something like this. We're going dXatSzROo24-00082-00037854-00038268 to start giving, we're going to Yeah, we're going to start dXatSzROo24-00083-00038268-00038961 giving up for my definition of a symmetry. First, I will say that dXatSzROo24-00084-00039000-00039642 as symmetries even I mean, first, first, first first type dXatSzROo24-00085-00039642-00039924 on the notion of cylinder is quite complex and people dXatSzROo24-00086-00039924-00040236 understand things about symmetries, you have dynamical dXatSzROo24-00087-00040236-00040560 symmetries is based on symmetries, internal symmetries, dXatSzROo24-00088-00040563-00040914 external symmetries, gauge symmetries, blah, blah, all of dXatSzROo24-00089-00040914-00041229 them are different, but also people understand differently dXatSzROo24-00090-00041235-00041514 the inertia for example of dynamical symmetry, some people dXatSzROo24-00091-00041517-00041874 relate dynamical symmetries with gauge symmetries, but other dXatSzROo24-00092-00041874-00042174 people say that dynamical symmetries aren't just dXatSzROo24-00093-00042189-00042537 symmetries that are predicated of laws. So, I will just use the dXatSzROo24-00094-00042537-00042855 notion of symmetry in general probably this some of these dXatSzROo24-00095-00042855-00043368 points is not quite accepted for if you take a particular notion dXatSzROo24-00096-00043368-00043857 of symmetry, but just to try to generate an common understanding dXatSzROo24-00097-00043914-00044316 of what what we are talking about. So, first I will say that dXatSzROo24-00098-00044319-00044712 one of the feature even a formal feature of symmetries is that dXatSzROo24-00099-00044730-00045105 they are defined by their symmetry transformation, you dXatSzROo24-00100-00045105-00045717 formally define a transformation over space for example, and this dXatSzROo24-00101-00045726-00046134 information does something strong for things in a dXatSzROo24-00102-00046134-00046599 particular way, and how this formation transformed things in dXatSzROo24-00103-00046599-00046833 a particular way is the symmetry that you are going to get dXatSzROo24-00104-00047040-00047106 second, dXatSzROo24-00105-00047262-00047775 again this from this very formal definition, symmetries of dXatSzROo24-00106-00047775-00048252 formation mainly apply upon formal structures and dXatSzROo24-00107-00048252-00048579 pragmatically and they say that these formal structures are dXatSzROo24-00108-00048582-00049011 those given by dynamical equations. So, we define a dXatSzROo24-00109-00049023-00049413 symmetries information and we apply the same information to dXatSzROo24-00110-00049416-00049782 dynamical equations that this formal structure, I'm happy to dXatSzROo24-00111-00049782-00050346 see how the elements within the structure some form under the dXatSzROo24-00112-00050346-00050775 symmetry of information. So, I would say that it's fair to say dXatSzROo24-00113-00050775-00051357 that symmetries are at least in principle formal properties of dXatSzROo24-00114-00051357-00051692 the dynamical equations. We have some instructor dynamical dXatSzROo24-00115-00051692-00052098 equation, if we apply that information and we'll see what dXatSzROo24-00116-00052098-00052437 happens and what happens is the property in amicale equation has dXatSzROo24-00117-00052461-00052857 and this property could be further spelt out in terms of dXatSzROo24-00118-00052872-00053364 being invariant when we transform the instructor, we see dXatSzROo24-00119-00053364-00053832 if the structure remain invariant after applying the dXatSzROo24-00120-00053832-00054585 formation more formal definition is this is this one, but dXatSzROo24-00121-00054597-00054927 basically says what I already said before that we have some dXatSzROo24-00122-00054933-00055287 structure in this dynamical equation, we have some elements dXatSzROo24-00123-00055314-00055824 within the structure could be states could be observable, we dXatSzROo24-00124-00055824-00056330 could be differential operator or external parameters, whatever dXatSzROo24-00125-00056373-00056883 and we define a formation that that something some form that dXatSzROo24-00126-00056883-00057144 states in a particular way transform the observables in a dXatSzROo24-00127-00057144-00057465 particular way, some form the differential operators in a dXatSzROo24-00128-00057465-00057929 particular way, and so on and so forth. And then we get we get a dXatSzROo24-00129-00057936-00058437 second structure that is the symmetry transform destructor we dXatSzROo24-00130-00058440-00058911 just compare if the original destructor remain invariant dXatSzROo24-00131-00058923-00059466 under the from applying the symmetry information. So far, so dXatSzROo24-00132-00059466-00059754 good. I mean, I think that is not quite problematic because we dXatSzROo24-00133-00059754-00060438 are just manipulating things. looking somewhere where we can dXatSzROo24-00134-00060438-00060941 go a step further and say something like under a more dXatSzROo24-00135-00060945-00061326 semantic or even more than 30 definition of symmetries, when dXatSzROo24-00136-00061326-00061620 we do something like this will, when we do something like dXatSzROo24-00137-00061644-00061983 manipulating symbols in a particular way, we are doing dXatSzROo24-00138-00061983-00062349 something like also transforming for example, solutions of the dXatSzROo24-00139-00062349-00062682 dynamical equation into solution to dynamical equation. So, we dXatSzROo24-00140-00062682-00063261 are preserving somehow the space of solutions of an equation dXatSzROo24-00141-00063474-00063972 going even a step further symmetries preserve the true of dXatSzROo24-00142-00063972-00064280 the law that which is represented by the dynamical dXatSzROo24-00143-00064280-00064805 equation. So, if we accept that for some with some low surface dXatSzROo24-00144-00064805-00065121 then fairly by that enamel equation at that dynamical dXatSzROo24-00145-00065121-00065655 equation remains invariant under under some symmetries dXatSzROo24-00146-00065655-00066168 information, we see that all that what happens that the truth dXatSzROo24-00147-00066171-00066558 of the law has been also preserved. So, that the truth of dXatSzROo24-00148-00066558-00067254 the law is also valid in other possible worlds for instance and dXatSzROo24-00149-00067299-00067686 this is just more or less the same, but in a more specific dXatSzROo24-00150-00067686-00068481 way. Basically, what what this definition tried to, to say if dXatSzROo24-00151-00068481-00069165 that symmetry preserves the models of the future, we are dXatSzROo24-00152-00069165-00069654 transforming models into models, we are preserving the space of dXatSzROo24-00153-00069654-00069999 models of a theory in this age, we can then find an option dXatSzROo24-00154-00069999-00070407 through we can define a notion of possibility and necessity and dXatSzROo24-00155-00070407-00070686 so on and so forth. But basically this is what we dXatSzROo24-00156-00070779-00071187 generally understand that this very general general notion of dXatSzROo24-00157-00071187-00071565 symmetry, then, as I said before, we have more specific dXatSzROo24-00158-00071652-00072129 notion more specific symmetries that that act in a particular dXatSzROo24-00159-00072129-00072636 way and there are more problems there, but in general, I will dXatSzROo24-00160-00072636-00073488 say that symmetries work more or less in the sense okay. So, we dXatSzROo24-00161-00073488-00074034 have this first formal or partially interpreted notion of dXatSzROo24-00162-00074034-00074742 symmetries. And now, the philosophy comes in this dXatSzROo24-00163-00074742-00075240 following sense, this notion of symmetry has been has been found dXatSzROo24-00164-00075240-00075615 to be for some reason that we are we are trying to discover dXatSzROo24-00165-00075621-00075924 interesting for many philosophers, because we can, we dXatSzROo24-00166-00075924-00076527 can extract from from from them some philosophical claims. So, dXatSzROo24-00167-00076527-00076941 when we see that, we are manipulating this, these symbols dXatSzROo24-00168-00076941-00077532 and we we find that some theory is inverted under I know, time dXatSzROo24-00169-00077532-00077904 reversal is invariant under a space rotation is invariant dXatSzROo24-00170-00077904-00078369 under permutation. Well, from there from this, this, this dXatSzROo24-00171-00078369-00078699 manipulation of symbols, and also these, these personally dXatSzROo24-00172-00078699-00079065 interpret the notion of what we are doing when manipulating the dXatSzROo24-00173-00079065-00079365 symbols, we can say something more something more interesting dXatSzROo24-00174-00079365-00079758 about what the war is like. And this is what I will call a dXatSzROo24-00175-00079785-00080310 philosophical claim, we can say, Well, if I mean very symmetry dXatSzROo24-00176-00080325-00080793 holes in the theory, this means something about the world, about dXatSzROo24-00177-00080799-00081258 the notion of law with our, our ontology, about the structure of dXatSzROo24-00178-00081258-00081822 the space time, for example. But what we have to first be aware dXatSzROo24-00179-00081822-00082371 of here is that there is some inferential mechanism that goes dXatSzROo24-00180-00082371-00082785 from symmetry to this philosophical claim. So, one of dXatSzROo24-00181-00082785-00083202 the first thing that we should do is try to be clear about what dXatSzROo24-00182-00083202-00083742 is the inferential mechanism that is operating to take us dXatSzROo24-00183-00083742-00084003 from one point and leaving us in the dXatSzROo24-00184-00084279-00084858 butt. But to give you some examples about what I'm saying, dXatSzROo24-00185-00085026-00085527 for example, this is a huge, huge price book about the rough dXatSzROo24-00186-00085527-00086154 time. So, we are investigating something about whether our war dXatSzROo24-00187-00086190-00086532 comes equipped with direction on time, for example, this could I dXatSzROo24-00188-00086532-00087060 will say that this project, philosophical question, and one dXatSzROo24-00189-00087060-00087435 of the things that Bryce says here is it's not that he's dXatSzROo24-00190-00087435-00087771 defending this dispute, but his practice capturing what other dXatSzROo24-00191-00087771-00088329 people says about about this is that to a very large extent, dXatSzROo24-00192-00088329-00088629 then the laws of physics seems to be blind to the direction of dXatSzROo24-00193-00088629-00089070 time they satisfies the time reversal symmetry, as we might dXatSzROo24-00194-00089070-00089571 say. So, the idea is that, because the laws are time dXatSzROo24-00195-00089571-00089871 reversal symmetric of time frames are invariant. We can say dXatSzROo24-00196-00089871-00090138 something about the direction that We can say something about dXatSzROo24-00197-00090153-00090591 the struggle of time in our in our world. So, this is a case in dXatSzROo24-00198-00090591-00091080 which serial symmetries seems to be playing this role of giving dXatSzROo24-00199-00091080-00091395 us some information, some relevant information about about dXatSzROo24-00200-00091395-00092001 the world. This much more complete explanation of what of dXatSzROo24-00201-00092004-00092589 how, how this this inferential mechanism is working, this is a dXatSzROo24-00202-00092592-00092904 G north in a very nice paper about the notion of time dXatSzROo24-00203-00092904-00093531 reversal again, but what he says what she says here is that, in dXatSzROo24-00204-00093531-00093873 applying any transformation to a theory and symmetry dXatSzROo24-00205-00093873-00094284 transformation, we have to learn about the symmetry of the theory dXatSzROo24-00206-00094302-00094680 and of the war that the theory describes. If a theory remained dXatSzROo24-00207-00094680-00095052 the same after the information, there is this invariant under dXatSzROo24-00208-00095052-00095439 reformation, then we say that it's symmetric under that dXatSzROo24-00209-00095439-00095937 operation, we conclude that a word described by the theory dXatSzROo24-00210-00095961-00096339 lacks the structure that would be needed to support the dXatSzROo24-00211-00096339-00096687 symmetry under the operation. And I think this is the one dXatSzROo24-00212-00096705-00097176 piece of clear example of what is going on here. For example, dXatSzROo24-00213-00097176-00097542 from the space translation invariance of the laws, this is dXatSzROo24-00214-00097542-00097935 the formal part with formally show that the laws of the theory dXatSzROo24-00215-00097950-00098454 are space transition invariant, we can infer that space is dXatSzROo24-00216-00098454-00098841 homogeneous there is there's no preferred location in space. dXatSzROo24-00217-00098865-00099372 Again, this is good look like metaphysical thing we are saying dXatSzROo24-00218-00099372-00099846 something about the physical space from research that will dXatSzROo24-00219-00099846-00100473 obtain in the in the former part of a theory from discovering dXatSzROo24-00220-00100473-00100932 that the theories that the laws were a space formation in part, dXatSzROo24-00221-00101157-00101643 but this is one foot one way in which we can we can see this dXatSzROo24-00222-00101685-00102012 inferential mechanism working philosophy of physic, but also dXatSzROo24-00223-00102012-00102441 metaphysics. But we can go either we can go even dXatSzROo24-00224-00102579-00103170 beyond this by postulating that symmetries are not just one dXatSzROo24-00225-00103170-00103683 thing that somehow take us from a formal property to some dXatSzROo24-00226-00103683-00104163 property of the world, but somehow symmetries are aspects dXatSzROo24-00227-00104166-00104466 of the world from the fundamental aspect of the world. dXatSzROo24-00228-00104478-00105045 And this is what I have called, but also friend has called dXatSzROo24-00229-00105090-00105600 symmetry fundamentalism, in the sense that symmetries again are dXatSzROo24-00230-00105651-00106080 fundamental aspects of physical reality, where the physical dXatSzROo24-00231-00106083-00106581 entities for separate particles or fields come after have dXatSzROo24-00232-00106581-00107097 depends on ontologically depend on the notion of symmetry. So dXatSzROo24-00233-00107100-00107526 now we are, we are not just manipulating symbols, when we dXatSzROo24-00234-00107526-00107834 discover that some theory is invariant, under some dXatSzROo24-00235-00107838-00108216 information, we are discovering a fundamental aspect of the dXatSzROo24-00236-00108216-00108630 world a fundamental structure in the world, that, again, is dXatSzROo24-00237-00108630-00109058 playing some role in a broader philosophical framework, for dXatSzROo24-00238-00109058-00109476 example, state state space, first view or a state, a state dXatSzROo24-00239-00109482-00110241 space system table. But the point is clear that now dXatSzROo24-00240-00110244-00110892 symmetries play some ontological role that is much heavier than dXatSzROo24-00241-00110892-00111288 just manipulating manipulating symbols in our physical dXatSzROo24-00242-00111288-00111753 theories. And more or less, the same can be can be read in dXatSzROo24-00243-00111813-00112338 French book, the structure of the world. I'm not gonna read it dXatSzROo24-00244-00112338-00112872 completely. But what he says is that laws and symmetries should dXatSzROo24-00245-00112875-00113202 consider as features and fundamental feature of the dXatSzROo24-00246-00113202-00113439 structure of the world in a world where we don't have any dXatSzROo24-00247-00113439-00113805 entities. But all we have is some stricter laws and dXatSzROo24-00248-00113805-00114297 symmetries. Again, a case of symmetry fundamentalism. So we dXatSzROo24-00249-00114297-00114588 have two different sort of theses more or less on the on dXatSzROo24-00250-00114588-00115089 the same boat, one of them postulating that symmetries are dXatSzROo24-00251-00115089-00115566 somehow real, in the sense that they can represent or guide us dXatSzROo24-00252-00115566-00116130 to ontological features. We are not really commitment, free, we dXatSzROo24-00253-00116130-00116415 are not really committed to the idea that symmetries are dXatSzROo24-00254-00116418-00116700 fundamental our fundamental structure in the world, but dXatSzROo24-00255-00116700-00117273 somehow they should be real in order to help us to discover dXatSzROo24-00256-00117390-00117756 fundamental entities, fundamental instructors, or dXatSzROo24-00257-00117756-00118101 these kind of things, I would say that people for example, dXatSzROo24-00258-00118101-00118455 take the notion of time reversal invariant very seriously. And dXatSzROo24-00259-00118455-00118806 then they say something about the origin of time while they dXatSzROo24-00260-00118806-00119183 are somehow taking symmetry realism into consideration as dXatSzROo24-00261-00119183-00119609 they think that something in the world guide us to discover that dXatSzROo24-00262-00119609-00119889 there is no direction of time because of symmetry, attend dXatSzROo24-00263-00119889-00120522 regular symmetry. A call center where fiscal theories or we can dXatSzROo24-00264-00120522-00121074 say as I said before this second position that assumes some dXatSzROo24-00265-00121080-00121521 assumes that symmetry religion, but go further in the sense that dXatSzROo24-00266-00121524-00122084 symmetries now are fundamental are really part of the building dXatSzROo24-00267-00122084-00122958 blocks of reality. So, these are the two I will say that two dXatSzROo24-00268-00122958-00123540 parts of say the opposite the same same movement that tried to dXatSzROo24-00269-00123597-00124332 to see symmetries are playing a serious metaphysical role and dXatSzROo24-00270-00124332-00124677 should play a serious metaphysical role in our dXatSzROo24-00271-00124677-00125019 philosophical systems either by postulate the symmetries as dXatSzROo24-00272-00125022-00125607 somehow somehow real or symmetries are fundamental. So, dXatSzROo24-00273-00125658-00126110 let me briefly see what is the argument behind behind this what dXatSzROo24-00274-00126110-00126633 is this inferential mechanism working to take something of the dXatSzROo24-00275-00126633-00126927 former level and then to say something about what the world dXatSzROo24-00276-00126951-00127680 So, in general, when we have a symmetry, we should specify what dXatSzROo24-00277-00127680-00128091 is the the formal structure upon which we are applying the dXatSzROo24-00278-00128091-00128408 symmetry for example, the laws so, we must say that there are dXatSzROo24-00279-00128408-00129021 some laws that govern our our world. And then when we apply dXatSzROo24-00280-00129021-00129414 the symmetry to to this structure, we identified in dXatSzROo24-00281-00129414-00129951 general some property could be magnitude and observable and dXatSzROo24-00282-00129951-00130503 state that can change freely without changing the overall dXatSzROo24-00283-00130506-00130842 structure of the law. For example, we can change frailey dXatSzROo24-00284-00130842-00131175 velocities, we can change freely the direction of time, but the dXatSzROo24-00285-00131175-00131472 structure of the law is the same. So, we identify this dXatSzROo24-00286-00131628-00132135 this variant feature this variant property, when we are dXatSzROo24-00287-00132174-00132597 working with symmetries in this STL format level. So, we have in dXatSzROo24-00288-00132597-00133011 this documentation is these first two premises are mainly dXatSzROo24-00289-00133014-00133446 for inference that they are just saying that a symmetry holds in dXatSzROo24-00290-00133446-00133947 this formal structure. But then, if we want to, to extract from dXatSzROo24-00291-00133947-00134379 the from, from the philosophical conclusion, we need dXatSzROo24-00292-00134379-00134691 philosophical premises, we need some something more than just dXatSzROo24-00293-00134721-00135021 mathematics. So, we need to interpret philosophically what dXatSzROo24-00294-00135021-00135507 means, that feature can but I freely what means that I can dXatSzROo24-00295-00135507-00135996 change the sign of it R of T of the parameter of the time dXatSzROo24-00296-00135996-00136389 parameter in our physical theory, and then the structure dXatSzROo24-00297-00136389-00136686 remained the same, I have to give some philosophical dXatSzROo24-00298-00136686-00137007 interpretation about this. And then I have to postulate on dXatSzROo24-00299-00137007-00137538 epistemic of strength, saying that, well, is not epistemic dXatSzROo24-00300-00137583-00137940 advisable to take this burden feature seriously in our dXatSzROo24-00301-00137940-00138588 ontology. And then I can I can conclude that, because all these dXatSzROo24-00302-00138588-00138921 premises, I can say, well, the property is not free. So, the dXatSzROo24-00303-00138921-00139569 symmetry we start with took us to a philosophical resolve by dXatSzROo24-00304-00139569-00139875 saying that, well, we shouldn't take this feature seriously. dXatSzROo24-00305-00139935-00140361 Obviously, the the tricky part is the part in which we have to dXatSzROo24-00306-00140364-00140778 eat into Yeah, we have to give an interpretation of what means dXatSzROo24-00307-00140778-00141153 that we have some some property in our in our equation that dXatSzROo24-00308-00141153-00141597 content freely What does it mean? And there is a lot of dXatSzROo24-00309-00141663-00142014 ongoing discussion about how this should be interpreted. For dXatSzROo24-00310-00142014-00142650 example, checkmate shamik Dasgupta says that, well, what dXatSzROo24-00311-00142650-00143127 means that our symmetry holes that we find this variant dXatSzROo24-00312-00143127-00143805 feature, what we are saying that, f is this property is an dXatSzROo24-00313-00143805-00144216 observable, because it's an observable, we should just take dXatSzROo24-00314-00144216-00144696 it out from our, our ontology, for example, or we can say that dXatSzROo24-00315-00144717-00145161 f is part of our superflous constructor, like virag or is dXatSzROo24-00316-00145161-00145692 MyLab for us and have argued, we can say that, probably dXatSzROo24-00317-00145692-00146181 ontological II more more ontological II heavier that this dXatSzROo24-00318-00146238-00146589 variant feature with gotta be discovered by the symmetry is dXatSzROo24-00319-00146589-00147036 non objective. So, that's why we should remove it from our dXatSzROo24-00320-00147036-00147417 ontological commitment, for example, gnostic, barely dXatSzROo24-00321-00147417-00148002 alorica, half step something along these, this line, or we dXatSzROo24-00322-00148002-00148437 can even say that all of these disparate, these non fundamental dXatSzROo24-00323-00148527-00148947 these are just different ways to show you how it's not nice not dXatSzROo24-00324-00148983-00149502 straightforward path from symmetries to claim. We should dXatSzROo24-00325-00149520-00149886 do a lot of philosophical work in the middle to feel the dXatSzROo24-00326-00149886-00150117 premises with you. Classical premises with some dXatSzROo24-00327-00150117-00150627 interpretation to say, well, the symmetry that I discovered in my dXatSzROo24-00328-00150663-00150993 in my physical theory by manipulating symbols, then it dXatSzROo24-00329-00150993-00151572 because of some some interest Interesting, interesting claim dXatSzROo24-00330-00151575-00151926 about about the world something like this, I think that if this dXatSzROo24-00331-00151932-00152694 is going on in, in this profession what is the one of dXatSzROo24-00332-00152694-00153363 the options that I see in this general argument? One is that dXatSzROo24-00333-00153366-00153735 there is this assumption somehow that we must take symmetries dXatSzROo24-00334-00153735-00154062 metaphysically seriously because they can guide us to uncover dXatSzROo24-00335-00154062-00154521 fundamental structure, natural properties, the some properties dXatSzROo24-00336-00154521-00155151 of the space time, and so on. That that's why we we place the dXatSzROo24-00337-00155151-00155457 symmetries in the argumentation as playing the role of dXatSzROo24-00338-00155460-00155871 triggering interpretation and then triggering the dXatSzROo24-00339-00155871-00156423 philosophical conclusion. And that now, I was said to think dXatSzROo24-00340-00156423-00156786 that I'm not completely sure about it. So, please Bear Bear dXatSzROo24-00341-00156786-00157278 in mind, these two claims and we can discuss it after afterward. dXatSzROo24-00342-00157278-00158040 But I see that the argumentation in some sense needs to play the dXatSzROo24-00343-00158040-00158535 symmetries somehow in the in the real world, they can guide us dXatSzROo24-00344-00158538-00158826 because they are somehow real even even though they are not dXatSzROo24-00345-00158829-00159117 fundamental, even though they are, they might be not dXatSzROo24-00346-00159117-00159474 fundamental, they might be no entities or real instructor, dXatSzROo24-00347-00159486-00160185 this, at least, should be instantiated by real stuff in dXatSzROo24-00348-00160185-00160638 the world. Otherwise, I don't see the connection from, from dXatSzROo24-00349-00160638-00160938 the symmetries to the philosophical claim about about dXatSzROo24-00350-00160938-00161187 the work. But this is not something I know completely dXatSzROo24-00351-00161187-00161550 sure, but probably this one of my first intuition. dXatSzROo24-00352-00161736-00162207 And we're okay, by symmetry realism is assumed by symmetry. dXatSzROo24-00353-00162207-00162585 Fundamental fundamental is symmetry realism, is committed dXatSzROo24-00354-00162585-00162900 to the idea that symmetries are some Korea and because they're dXatSzROo24-00355-00162900-00163392 from Korea, they can help us to discover new structures or new dXatSzROo24-00356-00163392-00163833 entities or new properties. But it's not committed to the idea dXatSzROo24-00357-00163833-00164253 that symmetries themselves are a fundamental symmetry dXatSzROo24-00358-00164253-00164580 fundamentalism accept obviously, that symmetries are real, but dXatSzROo24-00359-00164580-00165042 they add the symmetries are part of the fundamental structure. dXatSzROo24-00360-00165315-00165720 So, this is just to give you the big picture of what is the not dXatSzROo24-00361-00165726-00166206 the very general notion of symmetries, I'm mainly thinking dXatSzROo24-00362-00166206-00166737 of this space then symmetries like tempo reverse speed, dXatSzROo24-00363-00166737-00167175 translation, spin rotation, blah, blah, blah, then we have dXatSzROo24-00364-00167175-00167646 some people that think that we should we can do good dXatSzROo24-00365-00167646-00168003 metaphysics from from this we can discover, we can give an dXatSzROo24-00366-00168003-00168522 answer to serious metaphysical question about what is the word dXatSzROo24-00367-00168525-00168819 like, what is the structure of space, what is the structure of dXatSzROo24-00368-00168819-00169452 time, whether time is directed or not. So, they, they have dXatSzROo24-00369-00169455-00169953 tried to convince her that this is a useful tool through dXatSzROo24-00370-00169953-00170382 something like the argument that I said before. Now, when I when dXatSzROo24-00371-00170382-00170709 I start to think in this, in this kind of argumentation, at dXatSzROo24-00372-00170709-00170898 the beginning, I think that it was quite the right I mean, dXatSzROo24-00373-00170910-00171639 should be looks like interesting, maybe also very dXatSzROo24-00374-00171639-00172161 convincing, but then when I start to think, to think these dXatSzROo24-00375-00172164-00172629 things through I start to have some cavities, and what I want dXatSzROo24-00376-00172629-00173151 to share with you is some of these techniques and this is dXatSzROo24-00377-00173154-00173559 probably the first step steps toward something like symmetry, dXatSzROo24-00378-00173559-00173940 the flashing symmetry the flashing isn't try to see dXatSzROo24-00379-00173940-00174558 symmetries as not playing metaphysical serious role in our dXatSzROo24-00380-00174591-00175113 understanding of the of the world or the physical world. So, dXatSzROo24-00381-00175113-00175854 one of the first point I want to to to rise is attention that I dXatSzROo24-00382-00175854-00176364 found in the literature about symmetries. And if this tension dXatSzROo24-00383-00176364-00177030 about whether symmetries are stipulated or are discovered, I dXatSzROo24-00384-00177051-00177594 have called them in the in this way, but basically, the idea is dXatSzROo24-00385-00177594-00177981 that when we are formulating our physical theories, which dXatSzROo24-00386-00177981-00178521 stipulate previously, that the theory must be symmetric under dXatSzROo24-00387-00178521-00178968 such information, or it happens that we build our theory and dXatSzROo24-00388-00178968-00179499 then we find that the theory comes out, symmetric under some dXatSzROo24-00389-00179505-00180345 information. So, I was Running through the literature on both dXatSzROo24-00390-00180345-00180765 sides seem to be fairly herb Ascendant, in the in physics in dXatSzROo24-00391-00180765-00181080 general, even though some of these approaches is more dXatSzROo24-00392-00181080-00181560 contemporary to us, but in general, these two sides are dXatSzROo24-00393-00181560-00182547 somehow there. For example, physicists is in this book and dXatSzROo24-00394-00182550-00183159 Teufel thrugh are trying to build theory of quantum dXatSzROo24-00395-00183159-00183567 mechanics biomechanics. So, they are doing real physics in dXatSzROo24-00396-00183567-00184098 center, they are trying to, to, to be clear about the principles dXatSzROo24-00397-00184098-00184401 and the dynamics of the theory and the definition of state and dXatSzROo24-00398-00184401-00184686 so on and so forth. At some point, they talk about the dXatSzROo24-00399-00184686-00185064 symmetries of the theory. And what they say what the dXatSzROo24-00400-00185064-00185565 assumption that they take into account is the following. They dXatSzROo24-00401-00185565-00185997 claim that a symmetry can be a priori in the sense that the dXatSzROo24-00402-00185997-00186405 physical law is built in such a way that it respects that dXatSzROo24-00403-00186405-00186723 particular symmetry by construction, and this is a dXatSzROo24-00404-00186723-00187104 clear case of the space in symmetries, in the sense that we dXatSzROo24-00405-00187104-00187614 first build the rules of the theater, the symmetries will say dXatSzROo24-00406-00187614-00188055 how the space time should be how the structure of time should be. dXatSzROo24-00407-00188148-00188706 We do this by imposing some symmetries, a priori, how, how dXatSzROo24-00408-00188709-00189123 they, they say, and then after doing that, we build the dXatSzROo24-00409-00189123-00189519 dynamics, according to the, to the laws to the rules of the dXatSzROo24-00410-00189519-00189888 field. So, in this sense, is looking pretty much like the dXatSzROo24-00411-00189891-00190275 symmetries are stipulated a priori, it's not a thing that I dXatSzROo24-00412-00190275-00190749 have some law and then why I'm dig into the law, I discovered dXatSzROo24-00413-00190749-00191100 that the law is to match. It's the other way around. First, I dXatSzROo24-00414-00191100-00191421 say that the theory symmetric, the law is symmetric. And then dXatSzROo24-00415-00191679-00192291 and then I have the right dynamics for that symmetry. A dXatSzROo24-00416-00192291-00192753 similar case, the I mean, it's not quite in the same boat, but dXatSzROo24-00417-00192801-00193083 it's on the same boat, but it's not similar, but more or less, dXatSzROo24-00418-00193098-00193359 represent the same idea is that, for example, the discussion dXatSzROo24-00419-00193359-00193794 about time reversal in classical electromagnetism, for Frank dXatSzROo24-00420-00193797-00194310 arsenio Santa Clara Greaves, they are discussing about dXatSzROo24-00421-00194316-00194814 whether about how to build the right time reversal type dXatSzROo24-00422-00194814-00195312 formation in classical electromagnetism. And what they dXatSzROo24-00423-00195333-00195840 bring up in this in this book is what they call the the standard, dXatSzROo24-00424-00195873-00196305 the textbook account on the taxable account to get the right dXatSzROo24-00425-00196341-00197031 Truck Simulator information is to start start off assuming that dXatSzROo24-00426-00197079-00197757 the theory is invariant under time reversal. So we want to dXatSzROo24-00427-00197757-00198177 figure out how is the weather what is what are the features of dXatSzROo24-00428-00198177-00198612 the cemetery information. So, in order to do this, we first dXatSzROo24-00429-00198615-00199083 stipulated the theory must be symmetric under time reversal, dXatSzROo24-00430-00199107-00199536 when we postulate stipulate that the theory should be symmetric dXatSzROo24-00431-00199545-00199896 under time reversal, then we can figure out what is the right dXatSzROo24-00432-00199896-00200256 properties that are seen as the information should have in order dXatSzROo24-00433-00200256-00200982 to keep the theory embodied. So, I'm seeing in this in this sort dXatSzROo24-00434-00200982-00201384 of explanation, more or less the same as before we start with the dXatSzROo24-00435-00201384-00201693 population or the symmetry should be met. And then we'll dXatSzROo24-00436-00201693-00202698 figure out in this case, the the 10% information. But now, to dXatSzROo24-00437-00202698-00202983 give you a different approach, I mean, this is quite long, I dXatSzROo24-00438-00202983-00203379 mean, the nice quote, I found this quite long, but I just dXatSzROo24-00439-00203448-00203877 extract the this this breather, reefer part, but this is your dXatSzROo24-00440-00203880-00204606 earmark, I think 2000 to 2000 2004 paper about symmetries dXatSzROo24-00441-00204660-00205544 and key here ready and note that there are at least two different dXatSzROo24-00442-00205548-00205992 approaches to symmetries. What I showed before is the a priori dXatSzROo24-00443-00205992-00206484 approach, but what he says that the received wisdom about the dXatSzROo24-00444-00206484-00206952 status, proximity principle principle has it that one must dXatSzROo24-00445-00206952-00207438 come from a choice between the a posteriori abroad versus the a dXatSzROo24-00446-00207438-00207951 priori abroad, the previous cases seem to seem seem to fit dXatSzROo24-00447-00208023-00208442 in to a more upper area abroad. So what is the customary dXatSzROo24-00448-00208442-00208938 approach? The approach is what I call it by discovery abroad. And dXatSzROo24-00449-00208938-00209508 one of the best examples when you say Newton, but this is dXatSzROo24-00450-00209517-00209886 thanks to Alexander that gave me the quote before but I think dXatSzROo24-00451-00209886-00210267 that this is really great. This is a look around and look dXatSzROo24-00452-00210267-00210819 around. For that, then symmetry principles along with the dXatSzROo24-00453-00210819-00211227 concept conservation principle must be viewed as a general dXatSzROo24-00454-00211227-00211571 result of a loss of the dynamics rather than fundamental dXatSzROo24-00455-00211571-00212037 principles of the sides. So, this is the opposite, opposite dXatSzROo24-00456-00212037-00212436 movement. We we don't start with the symmetries of the theory, we dXatSzROo24-00457-00212436-00212819 don't start by stipulating the symmetries of the theory, we dXatSzROo24-00458-00212819-00213261 started with that empirically adequate dynamics. And then when dXatSzROo24-00459-00213261-00213636 we are investigating formally or even empirically the dynamics, dXatSzROo24-00460-00213666-00214142 we discover that there are some symmetries. So, first this is dXatSzROo24-00461-00214146-00214530 the this tension this tension is, I think, in the literature dXatSzROo24-00462-00214632-00215052 that I separate in this society, the by stipulation and the by dXatSzROo24-00463-00215052-00215652 discovered by stipulation seems to suggest that as symmetry in dXatSzROo24-00464-00215652-00215921 this case, I took the dynamical symmetry in the sense that a dXatSzROo24-00465-00215921-00216513 symmetry that is applied upon a law must be regarded as a priori dXatSzROo24-00466-00216516-00217073 instant that we can come to know with by no empirical means, just dXatSzROo24-00467-00217073-00217619 by postulating a priori, that it shouldn't be the case. And that dXatSzROo24-00468-00217619-00217896 thought, but also is not the case is necessary for dXatSzROo24-00469-00217896-00217971 thermodynamics. dXatSzROo24-00470-00218171-00218688 particular theory, let's, let's say, coming to know mechanics, dXatSzROo24-00471-00218691-00219327 Lagrangian mechanics, must be an a priori unnecessarily time dXatSzROo24-00472-00219327-00219633 reversal, invariant, space rotation invariant, and so on dXatSzROo24-00473-00219633-00219861 and so forth. Otherwise, we're talking about a different dXatSzROo24-00474-00219861-00220194 theory. So it's a necessary feature of a theory to be dXatSzROo24-00475-00220200-00220554 invariant under some reformation because it's the way in which we dXatSzROo24-00476-00220554-00221037 build the dynamics. The discovery approach is completely dXatSzROo24-00477-00221037-00221361 the opposite in the sense that we discover a symmetry a dXatSzROo24-00478-00221361-00221757 posteriori, in the sense that we discovered symmetry once we have dXatSzROo24-00479-00221757-00222141 the dynamics, but also it's contingent, we can have a theory dXatSzROo24-00480-00222153-00222696 that could be non time reversal invariant, non spatial position dXatSzROo24-00481-00222696-00222951 invariant, for example, there is no necessity in a theory to be dXatSzROo24-00482-00222951-00223346 in such a way could be different. Obviously, there were dXatSzROo24-00483-00223350-00223728 a priori a posteriori convinced that contingent unnecessary is dXatSzROo24-00484-00223728-00224046 much more complicated. So I'm trying to give you the brief dXatSzROo24-00485-00224046-00224601 answer, but more or less This is the the spirit of what what I dXatSzROo24-00486-00224601-00225273 want to say. So when we will look into the each of these dXatSzROo24-00487-00225273-00225671 approaches within the the by stipulation approach seems to be dXatSzROo24-00488-00225671-00226203 playing more heuristic role guiding theory construction, in dXatSzROo24-00489-00226203-00226857 essence, that is helping us to mill the dynamics. In contra dXatSzROo24-00490-00226860-00227219 income, in contrast, the by discovery approach, at least dXatSzROo24-00491-00227219-00227706 seem to be partially based on what feature in the sense that dXatSzROo24-00492-00227754-00228102 we have some empirical and equated laws. And then we dXatSzROo24-00493-00228102-00228507 discovered that this law have some features. So what one would dXatSzROo24-00494-00228507-00228876 say well, there's something in the laws that was built dXatSzROo24-00495-00228879-00229308 independently of the symmetries that reflect the symmetry dXatSzROo24-00496-00229308-00229973 somehow, one of the one of the of the, of the, of the results dXatSzROo24-00497-00229977-00230382 of the of this tension is that the first approach device dXatSzROo24-00498-00230382-00230751 depression approach is much more common in the current phase in dXatSzROo24-00499-00230751-00231129 current physics, that was before before in the 19th century dXatSzROo24-00500-00231129-00231684 physics. Like I know, like Lagrangian, but also before that dXatSzROo24-00501-00231687-00232169 Newton thought that symmetries are by discovery. Now, it seems dXatSzROo24-00502-00232169-00232614 to me that physics and that symmetries are stipulated. And dXatSzROo24-00503-00232614-00233154 this is something that broadly understood alone in this very dXatSzROo24-00504-00233154-00233691 famous book about symmetries explicitly say that, after dXatSzROo24-00505-00233700-00234438 relativity, physicists seem to move on to a by stipulation view dXatSzROo24-00506-00234438-00234821 of symmetries even though they didn't, they don't call it in dXatSzROo24-00507-00234821-00235251 that way, but it capture pretty well. What is the idea? So what dXatSzROo24-00508-00235251-00235734 is the My my, my copy? It's about this. If it's true that dXatSzROo24-00509-00235737-00236196 current physics implies some sort of by stipulation view, how dXatSzROo24-00510-00236196-00236586 should we interpret symmetry fundamentalism or even symmetry dXatSzROo24-00511-00236586-00237071 realism? Now, if we look at the previous argument, one of the dXatSzROo24-00512-00237075-00237708 one of the main premises that say that a symmetry holes are dXatSzROo24-00513-00237708-00238152 now just a stipulation, stipulation, but a ristic reason dXatSzROo24-00514-00238155-00238596 or whatever, but there are stipulations that this is made dXatSzROo24-00515-00238596-00239192 before we can even get a right dynamics. So, if we think that dXatSzROo24-00516-00239196-00239598 symmetries are fundamental structure of the world, for dXatSzROo24-00517-00239598-00240312 example. I this is A bit confusing for me that is that if dXatSzROo24-00518-00240312-00240723 they are stipulated, but then they represent somehow or they dXatSzROo24-00519-00240723-00241050 are somehow fundamental destructor, we should say that dXatSzROo24-00520-00241062-00241434 these fundamental structure are a priori also stipulated to dXatSzROo24-00521-00241434-00241994 escape that we are somehow doing a kind of a priori metaphysics. dXatSzROo24-00522-00242171-00242700 And also, in which way May we come to uncover fundamental dXatSzROo24-00523-00242700-00243150 structure structures through a priori stipulations, where this dXatSzROo24-00524-00243150-00243675 explanation come from when I when I ask this question to, to dXatSzROo24-00525-00243675-00244227 children cost in one say about biomechanics, precisely, he told dXatSzROo24-00526-00244227-00244656 me something that was very interesting, but also that shows dXatSzROo24-00527-00244656-00244890 that there's something more going on if we take this dXatSzROo24-00528-00244890-00245423 seriously, because they start with the idea that we live in a dXatSzROo24-00529-00245423-00245921 sort of platonic space time in the sense that space time should dXatSzROo24-00530-00245921-00246177 be metaphysically, because we are platonic, dXatSzROo24-00531-00246315-00246738 perfectly. Personally, it's a morphic first fully homogeneous dXatSzROo24-00532-00246750-00247275 and so on. So, with this idea in mind, we impose the idea that dXatSzROo24-00533-00247290-00247794 some symmetries should be should should should should be present dXatSzROo24-00534-00247796-00248208 in our theories, but again, what what is playing the metaphysical dXatSzROo24-00535-00248208-00248646 role now is that, we are assuming previously that space dXatSzROo24-00536-00248646-00249063 time for example, or time or the properties of a world should be dXatSzROo24-00537-00249071-00249378 in some particular way, and then the symmetry just tried to dXatSzROo24-00538-00249378-00249842 recover this idea, but again, this looks pretty much like a dXatSzROo24-00539-00249842-00250314 priori metaphysic somehow, so, my my first and first problem is dXatSzROo24-00540-00250314-00250677 that I can see how symmetry realism or symmetry dXatSzROo24-00541-00250677-00251307 fundamentalism can can deal with the idea that symmetries are dXatSzROo24-00542-00251310-00252092 stipulated is stipulated prior to the dynamics. This is the dXatSzROo24-00543-00252092-00252831 first point from this it follows a second point that also is dXatSzROo24-00544-00252831-00253271 possibly for me, in many, many cases, I will say that the dXatSzROo24-00545-00253271-00253623 majority of cases, but you can correct me afterwards, if you dXatSzROo24-00546-00253623-00254178 think that I'm wrong, symmetries are properties of fundamental dXatSzROo24-00547-00254196-00254621 and general equations, there is equations in which we have we dXatSzROo24-00548-00254621-00254985 have abstract away many for example, non conservative dXatSzROo24-00549-00254985-00255371 forces, many interactions. So, we have this very general dXatSzROo24-00550-00255371-00255719 equation, for example, the freefall equation, and we say dXatSzROo24-00551-00255719-00256169 that for example, time reversal invariant space rotation or dXatSzROo24-00552-00256173-00256919 space rotation, our properties of these dynamical equations are dXatSzROo24-00553-00256919-00257361 these general equations, but again this general equation dXatSzROo24-00554-00257361-00257841 these fundamental equations are usually given by highly dXatSzROo24-00555-00257844-00258381 idealized models more or less in weight for example, we have a dXatSzROo24-00556-00258396-00259148 godfried of friction we got we have got rid of air we have got dXatSzROo24-00557-00259155-00259806 rid of the elastic bodies something like like this. So, we dXatSzROo24-00558-00259809-00260304 stipulate that these very general equations, that keeps us dXatSzROo24-00559-00260340-00261033 very highly idealized model are symmetric. But now that So, dXatSzROo24-00560-00261033-00261279 first the good news is that, again, we are we have this dXatSzROo24-00561-00261279-00261594 structure, this structure, give us some some models, for dXatSzROo24-00562-00261594-00261948 example, the freefall, the freefall particles in one case, dXatSzROo24-00563-00262019-00262440 we discovered that well, in those in those cases, our dXatSzROo24-00564-00262440-00262920 symmetry courts, it's true that you should take that coming in dXatSzROo24-00565-00262968-00263307 even classical Newtonian classical mechanics, and dXatSzROo24-00566-00263307-00263766 equation on particle moving in a straight line in an empty space dXatSzROo24-00567-00263772-00264084 is time reversal invariant period is true, it's completely dXatSzROo24-00568-00264084-00264756 true. But then, but then I, I am, I asked myself, is there any dXatSzROo24-00569-00264756-00265182 reason to take second such equations, or such idealized dXatSzROo24-00570-00265182-00265719 models, ontological surgery, what we should resolve from this dXatSzROo24-00571-00265731-00266268 on this highly idealized model? And I think that we can go two dXatSzROo24-00572-00266268-00266898 ways. Basically, we don't say that these general equations dXatSzROo24-00573-00266928-00267219 just are describing failure, there lies more than that dXatSzROo24-00574-00267219-00267561 shouldn't be given any ontological privilege. I mean, dXatSzROo24-00575-00267564-00268002 this is just part of our way to represent the world but they are dXatSzROo24-00576-00268002-00268338 not really representative nothing in the reality when not dXatSzROo24-00577-00268338-00269100 when I say that, if I if I get rid of any and if I get rid of dXatSzROo24-00578-00269199-00269700 no more genius fields. If I get it off of air, I'm getting rid dXatSzROo24-00579-00269700-00270387 of no friction whatsoever. When I have some symmetries in my dXatSzROo24-00580-00270387-00270636 physical theory, but the question is Why should I take dXatSzROo24-00581-00270636-00271083 that this particular model is really unfairly representing the dXatSzROo24-00582-00271083-00271479 world in which we live in, why should I say that the world we dXatSzROo24-00583-00271479-00272001 live we live in is symmetric, because this particular model is dXatSzROo24-00584-00272040-00272697 symmetric. This one When, when, what one way we can go. dXatSzROo24-00585-00272868-00273261 The other way is to say that well, actually, these general dXatSzROo24-00586-00273261-00273786 equations, and these highly idealized models are really dXatSzROo24-00587-00273825-00274170 representing the fundamental reality, what we are seeing is dXatSzROo24-00588-00274170-00274713 not the fundamental reality we are seeing emerging or apparent dXatSzROo24-00589-00274713-00275061 reality. But if we want to investigate the world, to the dXatSzROo24-00590-00275061-00275526 fundamental level, we should pay attention to this highly at the dXatSzROo24-00591-00275526-00275895 last moment, because they are giving us the structure of the dXatSzROo24-00592-00275895-00276558 world, as he says, at birth. So, in some sense, they are playing dXatSzROo24-00593-00276561-00276885 an ontological, an ontological role, and that's why symmetry dXatSzROo24-00594-00276885-00277443 should be given. And should we take in metaphysically dXatSzROo24-00595-00277443-00277737 seriously, because they are giving us information about the dXatSzROo24-00596-00277737-00278190 world at this fundamental level by assuming that this dXatSzROo24-00597-00278190-00278550 fundamental level is fairly represented by this highly dXatSzROo24-00598-00278553-00279024 idealized equation, this discussion, I mean, I saw the dXatSzROo24-00599-00279024-00279498 discussion in a bit all the way up with all papers about the dXatSzROo24-00600-00279498-00279933 direction of time in classical mechanics, about Hutchinson on dXatSzROo24-00601-00279933-00280461 calendar hadn't had isn't saying that. Obviously, classical dXatSzROo24-00602-00280461-00280758 mechanics is known timbers important because we have dXatSzROo24-00603-00280758-00281205 friction, we have imperfect springs, we have non rigid dXatSzROo24-00604-00281229-00281655 bodies, and so on and so forth. calendar say that he's just dXatSzROo24-00605-00281682-00282144 missing the point. Because when we are asking a philosophical dXatSzROo24-00606-00282144-00282543 question about their offering, for example, we shouldn't take dXatSzROo24-00607-00282543-00282849 for example, conservative forces, seriously, we shouldn't dXatSzROo24-00608-00282849-00283239 take friction seriously, we shouldn't take imperfect spring dXatSzROo24-00609-00283239-00283626 Seriously, what we should take seriously, is this kylea the dXatSzROo24-00610-00283626-00284493 last fall? So, again, I think that even though I mean, we can dXatSzROo24-00611-00284493-00285045 go both ways, but still, for me, we need some further dXatSzROo24-00612-00285045-00285555 argumentation to say that why a highly idealized model is dXatSzROo24-00613-00285558-00286188 ontologically or metaphysically more important that a model that dXatSzROo24-00614-00286191-00286908 is more fairly representing the world in which we live in. I dXatSzROo24-00615-00286908-00287427 mean, I I don't have the answer my I am, I am prone to be with dXatSzROo24-00616-00287427-00287928 Hutchison, the discussion and to say that to say, hang on, dXatSzROo24-00617-00288048-00288459 probably we are just overloaded metaphysically highly idealized dXatSzROo24-00618-00288459-00288756 models, we are overloading the meaning of the original dXatSzROo24-00619-00288756-00289188 equation. And they shouldn't be taken seriously. But it seems dXatSzROo24-00620-00289191-00289767 I'm an open to rethink these issues again, because I end up dXatSzROo24-00621-00289767-00290148 with a sure but in general, I will say that this is a problem dXatSzROo24-00622-00290148-00290532 we have to deal with when we are discussing about symmetries, dXatSzROo24-00623-00290535-00290895 because symmetries in the overwhelming majority of cases dXatSzROo24-00624-00290898-00291369 are properties of dynamical equations that are quite general dXatSzROo24-00625-00291417-00291852 that give us very highly idealized mode. So, they suppose dXatSzROo24-00626-00291897-00292347 I think that we should some we should pay some some attention dXatSzROo24-00627-00292347-00292917 to. So this is the second step general equations and kind of dXatSzROo24-00628-00292917-00293376 the last model and what my intuition is that that people dXatSzROo24-00629-00293376-00293874 that take symmetries seriously in the metaphysics aren't some dXatSzROo24-00630-00293874-00294423 how refine this general equation on this pilot s mode, they are dXatSzROo24-00631-00294441-00294873 trying to say is trying to say us calendars for example, that dXatSzROo24-00632-00294933-00295449 well the the this equation, these idealized models are doing dXatSzROo24-00633-00295449-00296103 something more than just representing and representing a dXatSzROo24-00634-00296190-00296592 very general ideas or very abstraction, they are capturing dXatSzROo24-00635-00296595-00297378 some structure in the world. Now, the third and final step dXatSzROo24-00636-00297378-00298203 and think that I'm over after after these is that and I dXatSzROo24-00637-00298203-00298707 started by pointing out that one of the one of the feature of dXatSzROo24-00638-00298707-00299118 symmetries is that they are properties of a loss. In general dXatSzROo24-00639-00299118-00299895 we apply symmetries to loss mainly. Even though if we take dXatSzROo24-00640-00299895-00300300 the simple Did are not exist independently. In both cases, dXatSzROo24-00641-00300315-00300975 they are properties of did have some dynamics. So, my question dXatSzROo24-00642-00300975-00301329 is that there is a sense in which if we take symmetries as dXatSzROo24-00643-00301332-00301992 real, or even more fundamental, do we require in our ontological dXatSzROo24-00644-00301992-00302334 system, robust view of loss. dXatSzROo24-00645-00302505-00303042 It's not still completely clear to me, but it seems that somehow dXatSzROo24-00646-00303153-00303513 symmetry realism or symmetry fundamental level implies, dXatSzROo24-00647-00303597-00304164 realist view of loss. When I think in, in, in for example, dXatSzROo24-00648-00304167-00304605 humanism of loss or disposition or ism, and equity, sure that we dXatSzROo24-00649-00304605-00305076 can make straightforwardly the step from the symmetries to the dXatSzROo24-00650-00305076-00305640 reality because now, the symmetries are instantiated in, dXatSzROo24-00651-00305784-00306291 in things like laws that are much more deflated, that are dXatSzROo24-00652-00306351-00306837 either regularities or either axioms in our system, or are dXatSzROo24-00653-00306837-00307281 something that we construct from dispositions. But now, it's not dXatSzROo24-00654-00307281-00307839 clear how these two views can accommodate a symmetries of real dXatSzROo24-00655-00307842-00308358 or fundamental. So this is why I think that symmetry religion, dXatSzROo24-00656-00308358-00308865 fundamentalism, somehow is committed to the idea of realism dXatSzROo24-00657-00308871-00309441 about flows. Obviously, if someone is not happy with dXatSzROo24-00658-00309444-00309801 symmetry realism, or symmetry fundamentalism, one way to go dXatSzROo24-00659-00309801-00310302 is, well, let's go and reject religion about loss. So if dXatSzROo24-00660-00310305-00310554 you're not happy with the idea that symmetries are real, but dXatSzROo24-00661-00310554-00310992 symmetries are fundamental, I can go with humanism about loss, dXatSzROo24-00662-00311043-00311559 or I can go with this person dispositional ism. And then we dXatSzROo24-00663-00311559-00312051 are just by model modus tollens, rejecting certain realism and dXatSzROo24-00664-00312051-00312444 symmetry fundamentals. So I'm not saying that this is bad per dXatSzROo24-00665-00312444-00312930 se, per se, but I am saying that this seems to be a hidden dXatSzROo24-00666-00312933-00313458 assumption in in those defending symmetry realism or symmetry dXatSzROo24-00667-00313458-00314067 fundamentalism. So, this is an additional commitment that they dXatSzROo24-00668-00314076-00314532 I think, should take in order to make make sense to the idea of dXatSzROo24-00669-00314532-00315186 symmetries can be some real or can be somehow fundamental. So dXatSzROo24-00670-00315186-00315498 this very, very briefly, their role to symmetry, the Philistine dXatSzROo24-00671-00315498-00316017 ism, first the by stipulation approach, I think that Well, I dXatSzROo24-00672-00316017-00316293 mean, this is just the way in which physicists use symmetries. dXatSzROo24-00673-00316311-00316707 So I think that so something that we should accept, when we dXatSzROo24-00674-00316707-00316977 are trying to get philosophically elucidate the dXatSzROo24-00675-00316977-00317388 notion of symmetry, well, we can accept that they are playing dXatSzROo24-00676-00317388-00317892 these rule prescribing role, and rustically that in theory, dXatSzROo24-00677-00317892-00318204 construction is something that we can we can accept, and I dXatSzROo24-00678-00318204-00318855 think that we should accept, but I said before, there seems to be dXatSzROo24-00679-00318855-00319200 some commitment with taking highly idealized model dXatSzROo24-00680-00319200-00319554 seriously. And we can obviously reject this. If we take dXatSzROo24-00681-00319554-00319932 something like a bear system approach or we can more human dXatSzROo24-00682-00319932-00320328 approach, we can easily say that it's obvious that this dXatSzROo24-00683-00320337-00320829 particular particular loss or not recovery, any regularity, dXatSzROo24-00684-00320829-00321393 but just plain representation, a role trying to capture in them dXatSzROo24-00685-00321393-00321771 or seem in the simplest and most informative way, those dXatSzROo24-00686-00321774-00322167 regularities for example, so there's one way in which we can dXatSzROo24-00687-00322218-00322614 reject one of these assumptions, and the second one is more or dXatSzROo24-00688-00322614-00323448 less the same, rejecting realism about loss. So, in this in this dXatSzROo24-00689-00323448-00324414 sense, by rejecting these these last two assumption that I see dXatSzROo24-00690-00324414-00324747 that symmetry realism or symmetry fundamentalism is dXatSzROo24-00691-00324747-00325095 committed to we can reach something like symmetry, the dXatSzROo24-00692-00325095-00325506 flattened ism, and basically what symmetry the flattening the dXatSzROo24-00693-00325506-00326265 flashiness says is that symmetries play a heuristic role dXatSzROo24-00694-00326268-00326592 in the representation and systematization of core physical dXatSzROo24-00695-00326592-00327015 theories, but they neither guide us to the basic ontology nor are dXatSzROo24-00696-00327018-00327357 part of the basic fundamentals, the basic ontology should be dXatSzROo24-00697-00327363-00327675 worked out independently of the symmetries, because this is dXatSzROo24-00698-00327675-00328056 another part in our representation that is playing dXatSzROo24-00699-00328194-00328872 ontological role. In the sense, symmetries should be just dXatSzROo24-00700-00328905-00329253 properties of their representational apparatus of dXatSzROo24-00701-00329253-00329721 the way in which we we encode information about the world but dXatSzROo24-00702-00329721-00330399 it's not nothing The reality itself. And so any problems that dXatSzROo24-00703-00330399-00330837 we have about symmetries about whether a theory is symmetric dXatSzROo24-00704-00330840-00331191 under some information is just a problem about representations or dXatSzROo24-00705-00331191-00331512 probing about what is the best way in which we can encode dXatSzROo24-00706-00331512-00331767 information about the world. But there's another problem about dXatSzROo24-00707-00331770-00332148 with which sort of entities exist in our world, or which dXatSzROo24-00708-00332154-00332604 which sort of entities, that's an accident of a war, or it also dXatSzROo24-00709-00332619-00332922 has nothing to do with the structure of the world. This is dXatSzROo24-00710-00332922-00333240 something that should be worked out independently, my dXatSzROo24-00711-00333252-00333588 ontological reasoning by ontological investigation, but dXatSzROo24-00712-00333588-00334152 it's not that the symmetries that are gonna are gonna give us dXatSzROo24-00713-00334155-00334773 some, some lag, or are gonna give us some hints about the dXatSzROo24-00714-00334779-00335409 destructor. Because once again, this seems to be just playing a dXatSzROo24-00715-00335409-00335733 role in the way in which we construct theories in which we dXatSzROo24-00716-00336036-00336438 construct the dynamics in the most efficient on the most dXatSzROo24-00717-00336438-00336771 informative and the simplest way. But obviously, we can think dXatSzROo24-00718-00336774-00337134 differently, we can think that it's not the role of theories to dXatSzROo24-00719-00337137-00337680 to do this. But when we can go with more this percentage view, dXatSzROo24-00720-00337692-00338064 but in that case, as well, I think symmetries shouldn't be dXatSzROo24-00721-00338064-00338661 playing at least a fundamental role because they should be so dXatSzROo24-00722-00338811-00339300 emerging from from powers or dispositions are not from dXatSzROo24-00723-00339321-00339819 something in the the fundamental reality itself. So I think that dXatSzROo24-00724-00339822-00340101 this is all Yeah, thank you for listening. dXatSzROo24-00725-00340278-00340944 Okay, so let's continue. Now. We have hope everybody has done. So dXatSzROo24-00726-00340944-00341520 we have four persons who want to say sausage, I say, I don't know dXatSzROo24-00727-00341520-00342060 in which order. There was a second and so on, but I know dXatSzROo24-00728-00342060-00342369 that Nadia was the first so let's start with her. Then I dXatSzROo24-00729-00342369-00342888 just proceeded the way I is what I see is a better coder. I hope dXatSzROo24-00730-00342888-00343107 you don't mind. So now please, begin. dXatSzROo24-00731-00343239-00343593 Okay, thanks. And thanks, Christiana, for the talk. And dXatSzROo24-00732-00343593-00343791 thanks, of course, honoraria for organizing. I dXatSzROo24-00733-00343833-00344184 don't hear you. Do you have your microphone activated? dXatSzROo24-00734-00344244-00344463 And yes, sir. Yeah. dXatSzROo24-00735-00344601-00344805 Could you begin again? dXatSzROo24-00736-00344844-00345243 Yeah. So everyone else hears me? Yes. Yes. dXatSzROo24-00737-00345342-00345600 If I was here, well, still. dXatSzROo24-00738-00345846-00346086 Yeah, I'm hearing her perfectly. dXatSzROo24-00739-00346128-00346254 Okay. That's weird. dXatSzROo24-00740-00346389-00346659 And I was saying that. Thank you, Kristin, for the talk. And dXatSzROo24-00741-00346659-00347418 everyone. And also already for organizing. Okay, no, no. And, dXatSzROo24-00742-00347466-00347940 yeah, I wanted to ask you two brief questions. I really liked dXatSzROo24-00743-00348006-00348423 this idea of symmetry, the flush aneurysm, but you just mentioned dXatSzROo24-00744-00348423-00348876 it very briefly in the end. And so I wanted to have a bit more dXatSzROo24-00745-00348876-00349260 context on this idea, like who proposed this idea? Or like, dXatSzROo24-00746-00349374-00349836 yeah, is, does it? Is it in the literature? Or like, what are dXatSzROo24-00747-00349836-00350121 the author's who proposed it and, and to solve which dXatSzROo24-00748-00350121-00350451 problems? And is it something that you have taken to solve dXatSzROo24-00749-00350517-00350799 other kinds of problems or Yeah, a bit of context on the idea. dXatSzROo24-00750-00350943-00351408 And also, especially because I find it to be useful, maybe to dXatSzROo24-00751-00351477-00351987 think about the weight of this demystifying the concept of dXatSzROo24-00752-00351987-00352377 spontaneous symmetry breaking, maybe, which sometimes has been dXatSzROo24-00753-00352377-00352875 used in order to propose some strong emergent dispositions dXatSzROo24-00754-00353148-00353907 related to specific phenomena of symmetry breaking. So yeah, I dXatSzROo24-00755-00353976-00354057 want to hear okay. dXatSzROo24-00756-00354216-00355077 Many thanks for the questions. As to the first one. I mean, I dXatSzROo24-00757-00355248-00355623 foreshores. So whenever else has already proposed this idea, I dXatSzROo24-00758-00355623-00356160 mean, obviously, I don't know what I can say is that I'm dXatSzROo24-00759-00356160-00356643 trying I am pushing forward this idea based on For example, some dXatSzROo24-00760-00356646-00357180 discussion on some paper that I read by David Wallace, for dXatSzROo24-00761-00357180-00357537 example, it was in 2019 paper, a couple of papers about dXatSzROo24-00762-00357537-00358140 symmetries. Even though they he he doesn't really speak of dXatSzROo24-00763-00358173-00358635 symmetry diffraction is more or all the connection between the dXatSzROo24-00764-00358638-00359160 symmetries and laws and all the stuff he seems to suggest that dXatSzROo24-00765-00359163-00359658 when we are working on symmetries mainly in, in, in, in dXatSzROo24-00766-00359658-00360012 physical theories, where we are just taking a subsystem for From dXatSzROo24-00767-00360012-00360369 a larger system, we are doing a lot of idealizations. And it's dXatSzROo24-00768-00360369-00360846 not clear how, what ontological role can play symmetries in that dXatSzROo24-00769-00360846-00361347 context. But also, I mean, I think that Mary Alexander's dXatSzROo24-00770-00361350-00361824 knows this better than me, but God and Bella, also have katha dXatSzROo24-00771-00361824-00362145 some doubts on the idea that symmetries can play this dXatSzROo24-00772-00362145-00362547 ontological role. So, I mean, I am probably just trying to dXatSzROo24-00773-00362553-00362961 systematically systematize this, this intuition. So these ideas, dXatSzROo24-00774-00362982-00363486 but this label of symmetry deflection is and that the dXatSzROo24-00775-00363486-00364131 context is that. But only the condition is better, better dXatSzROo24-00776-00364137-00364434 understood in metaphysical science, when we have this, dXatSzROo24-00777-00364485-00365094 these arguments in favor of no direction of time, no, or dXatSzROo24-00778-00365094-00365457 certain ontological properties of certain kind of stuff based dXatSzROo24-00779-00365457-00365820 on symmetries. And, for example, I already started with with my dXatSzROo24-00780-00365823-00366135 PhD thesis about the arrow of time, and one of them is our dXatSzROo24-00781-00366138-00366594 main arguments for eliminating that our time is 10% invariant. dXatSzROo24-00782-00366600-00366990 But I like time, so I want to preserve time. So, my first dXatSzROo24-00783-00367002-00367347 strategy was tried to dismantle the idea of universal symmetry. dXatSzROo24-00784-00367389-00367800 And I found this, this intuitions there, and I thought dXatSzROo24-00785-00367800-00368103 that probably is the same case with the rest of the symmetries, dXatSzROo24-00786-00368145-00368661 probably we can just take it and say, Well, probably we are dXatSzROo24-00787-00368661-00369021 taking these symmetries metaphysically too seriously. dXatSzROo24-00788-00369021-00369351 And we should just expose the intuition on premises that are dXatSzROo24-00789-00369351-00369894 working in there. Yeah, I will say that. dXatSzROo24-00790-00370161-00370521 I just assumed that we have like 14 minutes left for everything. dXatSzROo24-00791-00370521-00370971 So I will just ask you to, to also brief the answer to this dXatSzROo24-00792-00370971-00371331 person's whole ask questions to also ask them. If it's possible, dXatSzROo24-00793-00371349-00371385 please. dXatSzROo24-00794-00371490-00371988 Okay, it's very hard to me to, to make sure, but I will try to dXatSzROo24-00795-00371988-00372531 do my best. So this is the first the second answer, that the dXatSzROo24-00796-00372531-00372804 honest answer. And the short answer is, I don't know. I dXatSzROo24-00797-00372804-00373236 didn't, I didn't have to. I didn't, I didn't thought I dXatSzROo24-00798-00373236-00373500 didn't think about that about the spontaneous symmetry dXatSzROo24-00799-00373500-00373968 breaking and how these fit together. So in for the sake of dXatSzROo24-00800-00373971-00374415 being brief. And honest, I would say. I don't know. Probably, dXatSzROo24-00801-00374415-00374460 you're right. dXatSzROo24-00802-00374754-00375348 Nice. Thank you. I suggested to go to another question. So if I dXatSzROo24-00803-00375348-00375666 see this, please ask your question. dXatSzROo24-00804-00375924-00376230 Yes, then thanks very much for this talk. It was a very rich dXatSzROo24-00805-00376230-00376719 talk, and it raise the millions of questions. Now I try to be dXatSzROo24-00806-00376719-00377388 brief I have, I have remarked make. If we take theories of dXatSzROo24-00807-00377388-00377820 physics, we're talking about symmetries, these are the dXatSzROo24-00808-00377820-00378045 symmetries referred to transformations and these dXatSzROo24-00809-00378045-00378438 transformations for groups. So when we talk about symmetries, dXatSzROo24-00810-00378438-00378996 we'll talk about symmetry groups. Now, the axioms defined dXatSzROo24-00811-00378996-00379401 in a group structure mathematically, are the dXatSzROo24-00812-00379401-00379884 algebraic or geometric expression of the logical of the dXatSzROo24-00813-00379884-00380310 logical properties of the notion of identity, they correspond one dXatSzROo24-00814-00380310-00380661 to one to the three characteristics, or the three dXatSzROo24-00815-00380661-00381114 properties of identity. So Kevin is symmetric means that dXatSzROo24-00816-00381114-00381633 something a system is changing, while at the same time preserves dXatSzROo24-00817-00381666-00382251 some essential aspects of each identity. And these correspond dXatSzROo24-00818-00382251-00382914 to consider the magnitudes for example. So to have a symmetry dXatSzROo24-00819-00382953-00383445 seems to be a fundamental first step in articulating a theory dXatSzROo24-00820-00383445-00383847 about the system. If you know what kind of system you're going dXatSzROo24-00821-00383847-00384294 to, to examine, then you formulate a theory that dXatSzROo24-00822-00384294-00384705 incorporates the symmetry. If you don't know that, then you dXatSzROo24-00823-00384705-00385221 try to discover it, and you look for it, but it is the benchmark dXatSzROo24-00824-00385239-00385791 of any theoretical examination, it is the way to circumscribe dXatSzROo24-00825-00385794-00386037 the object of your investigation. So it's a dXatSzROo24-00826-00386037-00386724 condition for forming a theory. So, this idea if you I mean, I dXatSzROo24-00827-00386724-00387141 don't know how you assess this idea and how it fits in your dXatSzROo24-00828-00387141-00387474 scheme and in your classification, that you present dXatSzROo24-00829-00387474-00387498 it. dXatSzROo24-00830-00387717-00388059 Okay, thanks. Thanks for the question is really, really dXatSzROo24-00831-00388062-00388494 interesting, and I will try to see something something dXatSzROo24-00832-00388494-00389187 interesting as well. Let me try. Yeah, I mean, many of the things dXatSzROo24-00833-00389187-00389652 that you said are for the I have called the the idea of trying to dXatSzROo24-00834-00389655-00389997 build the dynamics the idea of the state of your world. dXatSzROo24-00835-00390000-00390345 observers have a theory and try to identify some, for example, dXatSzROo24-00836-00390351-00390786 operator with some observables. And we use all these to, to dXatSzROo24-00837-00390786-00391131 build a theory to to guide us to be the theory. So I don't have dXatSzROo24-00838-00391131-00391470 any specific problem with that, I mean, it's quite fine and I dXatSzROo24-00839-00391470-00391917 completely agree that symmetries play this heuristic broad. My dXatSzROo24-00840-00391920-00392625 my, my problem, if you want is that when we have this, then we dXatSzROo24-00841-00392673-00392979 we should talk about something out there in the world, because dXatSzROo24-00842-00392991-00393375 so far we have just a formal apparatus that is partially dXatSzROo24-00843-00393396-00393810 interpreted by the by some concepts, for example, to dXatSzROo24-00844-00393810-00394155 associate some transformation to some operators to some dXatSzROo24-00845-00394155-00394551 observables and signatures plays some role there. But then we dXatSzROo24-00846-00394563-00394962 will have when we are doing more ontological work or more dXatSzROo24-00847-00394965-00395277 metaphysical work, we want to say something something else. dXatSzROo24-00848-00395283-00395619 And this is the step that I don't quite see, let me present dXatSzROo24-00849-00395619-00396015 some, for example, a in the case of non relativistic quantum dXatSzROo24-00850-00396015-00396573 mechanics, you have the GALILEO group. So, for example, with the dXatSzROo24-00851-00396573-00396966 Galilean group, you can figure out which operator represents dXatSzROo24-00852-00396981-00397359 which kind of things you the conserved quantities? Or do you dXatSzROo24-00853-00397359-00397740 have all the operators and with, with the Galilean symmetry dXatSzROo24-00854-00397743-00398136 information, you can figure out which operator correspond to dXatSzROo24-00855-00398160-00398598 momentum with angular momentum, which operator correspond to dXatSzROo24-00856-00398676-00399048 energy, and so on and so forth. That is perfectly fine. But when dXatSzROo24-00857-00399048-00399312 you go to the people working on ontology, quantum mechanics, dXatSzROo24-00858-00399351-00399804 they don't just take this the set of observers as properties dXatSzROo24-00859-00399807-00400086 in the world, some people think that Well, I mean, they're dXatSzROo24-00860-00400089-00400443 playing a dynamical role in our theories, but it's not really dXatSzROo24-00861-00400443-00400821 representing real stuff out there. Many people are probably, dXatSzROo24-00862-00400830-00401205 I think that maybe there is someone, some somewhere there dXatSzROo24-00863-00401265-00401589 think that for example, the only real property that quantum dXatSzROo24-00864-00401589-00402255 system, quantum system have is positions. Okay, what, and this dXatSzROo24-00865-00402255-00402576 is the ontological part of the theory, their position is, is dXatSzROo24-00866-00402576-00403041 the is the system is the main and fundamental property, and dXatSzROo24-00867-00403041-00403302 the rest of the property that my theory talk about, are dXatSzROo24-00868-00403302-00403737 displaying a dynamical role. But it's just part of the dXatSzROo24-00869-00403737-00403986 representation of the theory, but it's not part of the dXatSzROo24-00870-00403986-00404274 intelligence theory. And I'm not saying that this is the right dXatSzROo24-00871-00404274-00404604 view, what I'm saying is that there is two steps the step we dXatSzROo24-00872-00404604-00405045 have the symmetry of the formal level, how to how to interpret dXatSzROo24-00873-00405045-00405345 it within a theory to be the dynamics to be the nice theory, dXatSzROo24-00874-00405369-00405807 that physically worlds and symmetries play a role there. dXatSzROo24-00875-00405807-00406113 I'm not denying that. But then we have the ontological dXatSzROo24-00876-00406113-00406314 discussion, I would say, Well, this is not the fundamental dXatSzROo24-00877-00406314-00406641 properties, these are their, their riser structure, this is dXatSzROo24-00878-00406701-00407280 the or this part of the theory doesn't represent anything. dXatSzROo24-00879-00407292-00407919 Well. In that case, I don't see the, the, the step from one side dXatSzROo24-00880-00407940-00408642 to the other. And this what I'm trying to say that but let think dXatSzROo24-00881-00408651-00409167 these things through. But I'm not denying that the single dXatSzROo24-00882-00409167-00409785 display very, very, very powerful representation of role dXatSzROo24-00883-00409793-00410145 a list of role in the way which we be in and understand the dXatSzROo24-00884-00410145-00410747 theory. But now when it comes to ontology or metaphysics, now, I, dXatSzROo24-00885-00410766-00411099 I become passive. Okay, dXatSzROo24-00886-00411143-00411231 thank you dXatSzROo24-00887-00411393-00411860 for the question. So fortunately, suppose the next dXatSzROo24-00888-00411860-00412326 question had to leave. So let's be brief a better way then dXatSzROo24-00889-00412326-00412650 please ask us the last question before we come to the last part dXatSzROo24-00890-00412650-00412782 of this talk. Was this meeting? dXatSzROo24-00891-00412905-00413400 Yes, thanks a lot for a great talk. I was wondering about this dXatSzROo24-00892-00413400-00413868 idea of an eye priority stipulation. You mentioned this dXatSzROo24-00893-00413868-00414197 word several times. And it surprises me a little bit. Like dXatSzROo24-00894-00414197-00414585 usually we use the word steppers up or through a posteriori. A dXatSzROo24-00895-00414585-00415200 priori, to point to knowledge. A stipulation cannot be knowledge dXatSzROo24-00896-00415203-00415647 because we stipulate it seems empty. I mean, it's what of dXatSzROo24-00897-00415647-00415995 course, if you have results about the stipulation logical dXatSzROo24-00898-00415995-00416385 results, that would be a priori logic, but I don't see how a dXatSzROo24-00899-00416385-00416784 stipulation as such can be knowledge, and so a priori dXatSzROo24-00900-00416784-00417357 knowledge except in a completely trivial sense. So just a very dXatSzROo24-00901-00417357-00417588 concrete question. Yeah, dXatSzROo24-00902-00417593-00418002 I'm very happy to just say that because I completely agree with dXatSzROo24-00903-00418002-00418485 you. I mean, actually, the, the paper that I wrote about this, I dXatSzROo24-00904-00418485-00418881 mean, one of the bravest people with this idea. Say something dXatSzROo24-00905-00418884-00419202 like what you're saying so in this case, I tried to be much dXatSzROo24-00906-00419202-00419693 simpler and try to show the main main points, but you're probably dXatSzROo24-00907-00419693-00420375 right. For the what what I say what I say there is that I took dXatSzROo24-00908-00420375-00420759 that term a priori and a possibility for for from john dXatSzROo24-00909-00420762-00421113 Ehrman, but also from other people working on foundational dXatSzROo24-00910-00421113-00421503 physics like the book I showed. But it's true that a priori and dXatSzROo24-00911-00421566-00421932 a posteriori are epistemic terms referring to whether we know dXatSzROo24-00912-00421935-00422189 things independently of experience or not. And it seems dXatSzROo24-00913-00422189-00422451 that in the case of symmetries, it does indicate I mean, they dXatSzROo24-00914-00422451-00422763 are not a priori or a posteriori. I mean, there are dXatSzROo24-00915-00422763-00423122 different sorts of stuff. But what is true that is we think dXatSzROo24-00916-00423122-00423966 that a priori, a priori, a priority isn't that it comes dXatSzROo24-00917-00423966-00424278 independently of the dynamics independently of the dynamics dXatSzROo24-00918-00424278-00424683 instead, that is come prior to dynamics. And a posteriori dXatSzROo24-00919-00424692-00425232 becomes supposed to come after the dynamics. But I completely dXatSzROo24-00920-00425232-00425859 agree with you that the thesis is not happy, happy terms to use dXatSzROo24-00921-00425859-00426143 in these cases, because he's not the right sort of thing that dXatSzROo24-00922-00426143-00426609 they are a priori and a posteriori. So in this case, I dXatSzROo24-00923-00426609-00427263 was I was sloppy, but but I agree with you on your right. dXatSzROo24-00924-00427401-00427485 Okay, thanks. dXatSzROo24-00925-00427941-00428334 So thank you all for questions and answers. Now, we should move dXatSzROo24-00926-00428334-00428880 on. So, Kristen, I just wanted to ask you, if you could put in dXatSzROo24-00927-00428880-00429462 the chat. reference to Shannon paper, your cover FSA, Charlotte dXatSzROo24-00928-00429462-00429968 2020. You could just put this in shattered. Okay. Okay, so now dXatSzROo24-00929-00429968-00430397 the thank you for this part. Now, we have about half an hour dXatSzROo24-00930-00430397-00430839 as the last one. I'm supposed to make a presentation, we're dXatSzROo24-00931-00430839-00431052 supposed to have some discussion. I don't know, dXatSzROo24-00932-00431076-00431577 submitted sufficiently, the extra time that Alexandre has dXatSzROo24-00933-00431577-00431934 specified for the meeting was 1730 aside, and obviously it dXatSzROo24-00934-00431934-00432282 will disconnect then or not. So I just dXatSzROo24-00935-00432402-00432939 say it won't disconnect. But we should say people are entirely dXatSzROo24-00936-00432939-00433022 free to go. dXatSzROo24-00937-00433146-00433821 Yeah, well, if you're free to go. But obviously, we have half dXatSzROo24-00938-00433821-00434241 an hour. So let's do like since I will just analysis an extra dXatSzROo24-00939-00434241-00434613 meter. And then I will do my presentation, we will finish it dXatSzROo24-00940-00434613-00434859 before 30 minutes, and then we'll see how the discussion dXatSzROo24-00941-00434859-00435183 goes. And baseball, if you have forces, you can stay beyond the dXatSzROo24-00942-00435183-00435768 30 minutes if you don't want to just leave. Okay. So, this is dXatSzROo24-00943-00435768-00436320 the next meeting will be special as of April, we will have two dXatSzROo24-00944-00436320-00436581 talks on the topic of counterfactuals and thought dXatSzROo24-00945-00436581-00437016 experiments. So the material better word from surfaces or the dXatSzROo24-00946-00437016-00437409 counterfactual side and how about a scarf from sidewalk and dXatSzROo24-00947-00437409-00437864 Geneva on the soda experiments side, I will send those dXatSzROo24-00948-00437864-00438525 announcements sometime time beforehand to alter lists which dXatSzROo24-00949-00438525-00439134 I'm using except the list but they have a full program and dXatSzROo24-00950-00439218-00439641 they can contact me for the links. So those who asked me to dXatSzROo24-00951-00439643-00439943 have links for the three meetings, I will send them links dXatSzROo24-00952-00440010-00440430 myself if you're have asked the link justice experience and you dXatSzROo24-00953-00440430-00440859 will need to ask for two or four to management's on other lists. dXatSzROo24-00954-00440946-00441633 So see you may be in one month more than one month. In case you dXatSzROo24-00955-00441633-00441999 are interested, I hope you liked the mission of the day, but it's dXatSzROo24-00956-00441999-00442263 not finished. So just making the announcement now so that those dXatSzROo24-00957-00442263-00442650 who want to leave half an hour be able to leave it without dXatSzROo24-00958-00442650-00443085 missing anything important. This is third meeting in one month dXatSzROo24-00959-00443085-00443391 after the second so the 26th of may so there are two meetings dXatSzROo24-00960-00443391-00443826 left and now we are finishing with the first one okay. So I dXatSzROo24-00961-00443826-00444132 finished with the announcements now I will make my presentation dXatSzROo24-00962-00444135-00444525 and I asked the example I asked Alexander good to chair this dXatSzROo24-00963-00444528-00445113 because he will be present I asked him to choose a question dXatSzROo24-00964-00445113-00445614 side. So I will not be looking at the chart because I will now dXatSzROo24-00965-00445659-00446139 demonstrate my screen full screen. Okay, so I will just do dXatSzROo24-00966-00446139-00446238 it in half a minute. dXatSzROo24-00967-00446874-00447588 Yeah. Okay. So let's begin with a presentation of value HLS I'm dXatSzROo24-00968-00447588-00448353 affiliated to say Institute is a more surface asset, silver and dXatSzROo24-00969-00448359-00448989 sir there is such a diversity as as Department of Philosophy was dXatSzROo24-00970-00448989-00449412 the faculty of cultural and the social sciences and the in dXatSzROo24-00971-00449412-00449754 betweens, so University of Strasbourg archives and the dXatSzROo24-00972-00449754-00450351 pocket a institution where was in between finishing my PhD and dXatSzROo24-00973-00450354-00450780 at the surface and go into science work as a postdoc, and dXatSzROo24-00974-00450780-00451172 I'm still affiliated those are three research centers, but as dXatSzROo24-00975-00451172-00451488 to the universities and just as desirable universities a moment. dXatSzROo24-00976-00451610-00452031 But the affiliations from Santa Santos you can keep it you owe dXatSzROo24-00977-00452031-00452484 even if you're not physically at some University is decided by dXatSzROo24-00978-00452484-00453072 the center's So, the topic is a gradation of empirical status is dXatSzROo24-00979-00453072-00453570 for conservation principles and an over symmetry here, but it's dXatSzROo24-00980-00453582-00453996 just an appearance. So, actually vehicle status is has also dXatSzROo24-00981-00453996-00454437 symmetries and symmetries are there and our mutualism dXatSzROo24-00982-00454437-00454782 symmetry. So, of course, my topic my talk is on synthesis dXatSzROo24-00983-00454875-00455943 and let's go here. So, so, so, yeah, in my in my topics, three dXatSzROo24-00984-00455943-00456264 terms. So, the empirical status is conservation principles and dXatSzROo24-00985-00456267-00456738 gradation. So, I start with a big asceticism, traditional view dXatSzROo24-00986-00456738-00457002 there and then conservation phase forces in middle. So, dXatSzROo24-00987-00457002-00457407 empirical statuses were first introduced by Casa better Casa dXatSzROo24-00988-00457446-00457935 in 2000. He has several articles of 2000 was in British Journal dXatSzROo24-00989-00457935-00458460 for the philosophy of science. And in this one, he says, He dXatSzROo24-00990-00458460-00458700 though this is a distinction between direct and indirect dXatSzROo24-00991-00458700-00459047 empirical say this is of theoretical symmetries. So, dXatSzROo24-00992-00459078-00459399 directly Pico status is well, so, Article summaries are linked dXatSzROo24-00993-00459399-00459753 with see where this is a world which calls for calls calls dXatSzROo24-00994-00459756-00460062 physical symmetries, physical synthesis, I seem that this is a dXatSzROo24-00995-00460062-00460377 world and theoretical see with this I see what is in the theory dXatSzROo24-00996-00460497-00460893 and indirectly, because this is one theoretical symmetries are dXatSzROo24-00997-00460893-00461199 linked with conservation laws, and whereas, these conservation dXatSzROo24-00998-00461199-00461730 laws we will see a bit later. So, both status is about dXatSzROo24-00999-00461775-00462135 symmetrical symmetries which are linked with something else and dXatSzROo24-01000-00462135-00462921 the focus as a status is qodbc dollars. Here's the question how dXatSzROo24-01001-00462921-00463547 theoretical Sima desolate two phenomena answer world. So, in dXatSzROo24-01002-00463547-00463938 this way, so, if surgical simulators have AI as a status, dXatSzROo24-01003-00463953-00464250 they acquire empirical significance, because then if dXatSzROo24-01004-00464250-00464559 this phenomena and they acquire ontological significance, dXatSzROo24-01005-00464562-00464856 because they are linked with the world because phenomena answer dXatSzROo24-01006-00464856-00464895 world dXatSzROo24-01007-00465081-00465147 So, dXatSzROo24-01008-00465339-00466020 connection these two questions talk. So, he was saying he was dXatSzROo24-01009-00466032-00466364 raising doubts about resistant to ethical single data connected dXatSzROo24-01010-00466364-00466788 to the world was before before the answer asking the question dXatSzROo24-01011-00466788-00467187 was as a fundamental issue as quizzes area and the very dXatSzROo24-01012-00467187-00467475 furthest away for Cisco seems to be always for them to be dXatSzROo24-01013-00467475-00467862 connected with the world. So, of course, his answer would be that dXatSzROo24-01014-00467864-00468108 of course, surgical students are correct to the world and here dXatSzROo24-01015-00468108-00468582 are two ways in which they are connected. But Christiane was dXatSzROo24-01016-00468582-00468935 speaking about precisely to consumers, which are symmetries dXatSzROo24-01017-00468935-00469397 of laws or equations as I understand him, but whether dXatSzROo24-01018-00469497-00469743 those theoretical cities will have a vehicle status is dXatSzROo24-01019-00469743-00470082 estimators of laws is one of the questions which was asked by the dXatSzROo24-01020-00470085-00470535 literature, which followed from courses article. So, actually, dXatSzROo24-01021-00470580-00471057 this literature, I thought was dope. So, this literature was dXatSzROo24-01022-00471063-00471546 asking different questions about their academic status. And as dXatSzROo24-01023-00471546-00471860 far as theoretical studies are concerned, save asking for dXatSzROo24-01024-00471860-00472158 example, whether both internal and external surgical centers dXatSzROo24-01025-00472158-00472557 have a directive legal status. So, whether both external means dXatSzROo24-01026-00472557-00472827 special tempo and the gentleman's non special dXatSzROo24-01027-00472827-00473097 temporal. So, I suppose kinds of touristical symptoms have dXatSzROo24-01028-00473097-00473489 directly because status, Corso was answered affirmatively and dXatSzROo24-01029-00473489-00474231 Susan, nobody has said anything which would, which would counter dXatSzROo24-01030-00474231-00474588 what he was saying. So, we think what kinds of symmetries have dXatSzROo24-01031-00474591-00474918 too big of status and so are related with the world and dXatSzROo24-01032-00474918-00475308 phenomena. But to control the main controller serves a dXatSzROo24-01033-00475308-00475605 researcher directly because status was the last 20 years was dXatSzROo24-01034-00475608-00476112 whether both global and local scimitars have as a status or dXatSzROo24-01035-00476114-00476646 only global similar have. So the traditional position is, on the dXatSzROo24-01036-00476646-00476970 global civil does have the typical status, but abuse and dXatSzROo24-01037-00476970-00477285 Wallace was the first to defendant local senators also do dXatSzROo24-01038-00477306-00477825 and the relevant distinction here is between haffley uniform dXatSzROo24-01039-00477825-00478289 and non uniform or softly specified by parameters versus dXatSzROo24-01040-00478289-00478707 by functions. So translation is a global symmetry. For instance, dXatSzROo24-01041-00478710-00479151 the flow of business local, and gas similar is local and dXatSzROo24-01042-00479280-00479730 potential shifts are global. So my view is that local centers dXatSzROo24-01043-00479730-00480027 also have direct biblical status as this was the main idea Have dXatSzROo24-01044-00480027-00480572 my businesses defended the under supervision of Exxon, okay, was dXatSzROo24-01045-00480609-00480927 a third question about surgical simulators, we're having the dXatSzROo24-01046-00480930-00481368 typical status versus estimators of loss or models. And as I was dXatSzROo24-01047-00481368-00481941 saying, I was concentrating on scimitars of loss. But as to dXatSzROo24-01048-00481941-00482463 myself, I am claiming that diacritical status is a property dXatSzROo24-01049-00482463-00482877 of symmetries of models. And there's a difference in crystals dXatSzROo24-01050-00482877-00483347 talk, it was said that if you have a symmetry of losses, and dXatSzROo24-01051-00483347-00483710 you can express it as a symmetry of models, is the sense of dXatSzROo24-01052-00483710-00484182 solutions of this laws. But the model speaker here are not the dXatSzROo24-01053-00484182-00484707 same. So and this doesn't see what is the client side. So in dXatSzROo24-01054-00484707-00484962 my case, if you have symmetries of model, so is there actually dXatSzROo24-01055-00484962-00485229 bigger status, it's not necessarily the case that they dXatSzROo24-01056-00485229-00485520 correspond to some symmetries of laws in the sense of equations, dXatSzROo24-01057-00485526-00485810 which also have that diagnostic assessment. So there is a dXatSzROo24-01058-00485810-00486197 dissociation because English works in the opposite direction dXatSzROo24-01059-00486197-00486675 actually. And the things that I say that surgical simulators dXatSzROo24-01060-00486729-00487064 have intact typical status or symptom models, it will help me dXatSzROo24-01061-00487064-00487547 in the following part of my talk, where I claim that the dXatSzROo24-01062-00487551-00487920 relationship between theoretical and physical symmetries involved dXatSzROo24-01063-00487922-00488349 in directly legal status is really there is a sense of not dXatSzROo24-01064-00488349-00488751 being mediated by anything. So this is conditional on my dXatSzROo24-01065-00488751-00489084 approach, not everybody could agree but in my framework, it dXatSzROo24-01066-00489084-00489492 works. And helps me to construct the rest of my argument, which I dXatSzROo24-01067-00489492-00489900 will be presenting in a few slides. So this was the dXatSzROo24-01068-00489900-00490418 theoretical side of literature on the typical state, as to the dXatSzROo24-01069-00490425-00490953 physical side, in the sense of symmetry is what concerns dXatSzROo24-01070-00490956-00491628 scimitars in the world. So, of course, was not clear enough dXatSzROo24-01071-00491628-00491958 about the witch Scimitar, since a well should be matched with dXatSzROo24-01072-00491960-00492276 surgical scimitars to get to their typical status, and this dXatSzROo24-01073-00492276-00492720 was made clear subsequently. So although it is next article by dXatSzROo24-01074-00492720-00492816 Biden and brown, dXatSzROo24-01075-00492957-00493467 gave what became what will become a personal magic example dXatSzROo24-01076-00493467-00493857 of a physical cemetery, which yields directly back a status. dXatSzROo24-01077-00493875-00494280 This is an example of Galileo ship. So the ship is boosted dXatSzROo24-01078-00494280-00494604 with respect to the shore, but the dynamics inside observably dXatSzROo24-01079-00494604-00495057 is unchanged. This is a symmetry in the world observable dXatSzROo24-01080-00495057-00495438 symmetry, and it corresponds to a theoretical boost on dXatSzROo24-01081-00495438-00495900 subsystems. So this is how the letter so it's called symmetries dXatSzROo24-01082-00495903-00496224 against the activity status, because I say, scholarship dXatSzROo24-01083-00496224-00496857 symmetry is a world. And Healy introduced the notion of dXatSzROo24-01084-00496857-00497264 empirical symmetry and said gadelle ship is one case, for dXatSzROo24-01085-00497264-00497747 this case, cage is another another were two more added. So dXatSzROo24-01086-00497747-00498122 the kinds of physical symmetry which gives rise to Apple goes dXatSzROo24-01087-00498129-00498603 directly back of status became a very precise notion, I still not dXatSzROo24-01088-00498606-00498891 completely precise. So in my series, as I tried to define it dXatSzROo24-01089-00498891-00499479 a bit better, was still not achieved about partnership. So dXatSzROo24-01090-00499539-00499860 but it's not any physical cemetery, which we'll do dXatSzROo24-01091-00499863-00500355 together, because that's something very precise. was dXatSzROo24-01092-00500355-00500664 absolute is that so far as the literature has concentrated on dXatSzROo24-01093-00500664-00500958 just there, I think big ups and downs are kind of seamlessly is dXatSzROo24-01094-00500958-00501477 involved in but it was not there seen, actually nice, I'm dXatSzROo24-01095-00501507-00501912 interacting, because status, which was also introduced, no dXatSzROo24-01096-00501914-00502407 conservation principles. So what does this so to remind the dXatSzROo24-01097-00502416-00502643 inactive eco status was a correspondence between dXatSzROo24-01098-00502643-00503055 theoretical scimitars and some conservation laws by Queen dXatSzROo24-01099-00503055-00503585 Cosworth. And a conservation principle is my term to dXatSzROo24-01100-00503589-00503853 designate the correspondence between a surgical cemetery of dXatSzROo24-01101-00503853-00504135 actions and conservation laws and it's not the just dXatSzROo24-01102-00504135-00504477 correspondences, sexual and entailment. So surgical dXatSzROo24-01103-00504477-00504813 symmetries entail conservation laws, they are they can be used dXatSzROo24-01104-00504813-00505302 to their eyes. And I ask causes conservation principle because dXatSzROo24-01105-00505491-00505964 because variational principles are something it's a common name dXatSzROo24-01106-00505964-00506463 to the signet cases, where you take scimitars affections and dXatSzROo24-01107-00506463-00506712 you there are some self forming. So if you there are core dXatSzROo24-01108-00506712-00507171 socials, I call this conservation principle. And, of dXatSzROo24-01109-00507171-00507570 course, the indirect speaker status is very similar to dXatSzROo24-01110-00507570-00508059 persuasion principle and you have a temptation to compare the dXatSzROo24-01111-00508059-00508350 two and analyze them to get themselves. So this is what I dXatSzROo24-01112-00508350-00509124 will be doing. So I just short of time, I just keep some dXatSzROo24-01113-00509124-00509553 details here. But the upshot is that symmetries and conservation dXatSzROo24-01114-00509553-00509997 laws have been addressed in different contexts, including AC dXatSzROo24-01115-00510000-00510420 See, but these are not question contexts where citizen dXatSzROo24-01116-00510420-00510849 conservation laws are analyzed, in light of this notion of dXatSzROo24-01117-00510852-00511191 indirect vehicle status, and in light of its relationship with dXatSzROo24-01118-00511191-00511560 active vehicle status. So this what is missing in the dXatSzROo24-01119-00511560-00512112 literature is what I'm trying to do. So, here's what I say, let's dXatSzROo24-01120-00512124-00512538 see what conservation principles tell us about either activity or dXatSzROo24-01121-00512538-00512964 status, and also their academic status. So on the left, you have dXatSzROo24-01122-00512997-00513384 the usual presuppositions in the literature, and then on the dXatSzROo24-01123-00513384-00513849 right, you have what I'm will be transforming them into. So dXatSzROo24-01124-00513909-00514347 usually, it's believed that the distinction between two state dXatSzROo24-01125-00514350-00514614 direct and indirect and big status is a binary distinction. dXatSzROo24-01126-00514617-00515028 So just have two terms. And I am claiming that this is like dXatSzROo24-01127-00515028-00515676 notation. So you have many kinds of empirical status, which are dXatSzROo24-01128-00515676-00515970 organized in a certain way from a weaker or stronger for dXatSzROo24-01129-00515970-00516270 instance. And as a second claim is that this is the second dXatSzROo24-01130-00516270-00516516 presupposition is that conservation principles only dXatSzROo24-01131-00516516-00516855 yield indirectly bigger status, and why it would be possible it dXatSzROo24-01132-00516855-00517209 could be possible because as you saw conservation principles dXatSzROo24-01133-00517209-00517455 about conservation laws and inductive vehicle, so this is dXatSzROo24-01134-00517455-00517776 also about conservation law. So it would be quite natural to dXatSzROo24-01135-00517776-00518070 think that conservation principles only yield indirectly dXatSzROo24-01136-00518070-00518460 because it's, but I will claim as also yield directly because dXatSzROo24-01137-00518460-00519033 notice, so this will lead to claims which we will find, in dXatSzROo24-01138-00519033-00519702 what follows find the most I didn't want horse. So first, dXatSzROo24-01139-00519741-00520470 first, to begin with, I brought him to the first claim. But as I dXatSzROo24-01140-00520470-00520926 said, So, as usual, I suppose one of the usual presuppositions dXatSzROo24-01141-00520929-00521262 is that conservation principles yield, at least indirectly, dXatSzROo24-01142-00521262-00521541 because they do so how do we get an even this usual dXatSzROo24-01143-00521541-00521706 presupposition? This is not dXatSzROo24-01144-00521862-00522360 very trivial. So on the left, we have conservation principle dXatSzROo24-01145-00522360-00522657 again, and on the right we have indirect typical status and the dXatSzROo24-01146-00522660-00522981 image in this case, we have theoretical we begin with dXatSzROo24-01147-00522981-00523341 theoretical symmetries for conservation principle, there dXatSzROo24-01148-00523341-00523718 are special symmetries. So Christiane was saying about the dXatSzROo24-01149-00523722-00524163 laws about models, but these are not the only things which can be dXatSzROo24-01150-00524163-00524595 invited in your theory, and which consequently, can give dXatSzROo24-01151-00524595-00525066 rise to symmetries also actions which are specific quantities, dXatSzROo24-01152-00525090-00525453 they can also be invariant. So it is this specific symmetries, dXatSzROo24-01153-00525453-00525864 which you should take in the case of conservation principles. dXatSzROo24-01154-00525879-00526338 But this is a minor difference. And more importantly, if I say dXatSzROo24-01155-00526338-00526644 that both conservation principles and interacting dXatSzROo24-01156-00526662-00526950 status are about conservation laws, but I'm claiming that dXatSzROo24-01157-00526950-00527385 these are not the same laws, because on the conservation dXatSzROo24-01158-00527385-00527778 peaceful sides on the left, the conservation laws should this dXatSzROo24-01159-00527778-00528171 theoretical because you're speaking about a derivation of dXatSzROo24-01160-00528174-00528567 some result for something theoretical. So, I argue that if dXatSzROo24-01161-00528579-00528870 you derive something from sources theoretical and what you dXatSzROo24-01162-00528870-00529212 derive is also theoretical. So conservation laws involving dXatSzROo24-01163-00529212-00529629 conservation principles should be symmetrical. But if you look dXatSzROo24-01164-00529629-00530058 at the right side, then conservation laws as I'm dXatSzROo24-01165-00530058-00530472 claiming should be empirical and theoretical, why because as you dXatSzROo24-01166-00530472-00530766 recall, because it is an empirical status, so it should dXatSzROo24-01167-00530766-00531114 be about society. And if you compare this with active vehicle dXatSzROo24-01168-00531114-00531549 states here at the bottom, right, you see that it is much dXatSzROo24-01169-00531552-00531888 it is imagined between surgical simulators and the word cost was dXatSzROo24-01170-00531888-00532260 caused calling physical symmetries but which was good. dXatSzROo24-01171-00532569-00532947 It was made more precise, as I said at the ether resulted in dXatSzROo24-01172-00532950-00533217 the empirical symmetry is the one which you can observe, for dXatSzROo24-01173-00533217-00533586 instance, it's going to nail sheep. So if the activity go dXatSzROo24-01174-00533586-00533964 status involves an emotion between some societal concepts dXatSzROo24-01175-00533964-00534273 and empirical, then another empirical status, which is an dXatSzROo24-01176-00534276-00534663 indirect one should as I claim also involves something dXatSzROo24-01177-00534666-00534972 empirical besides our society, and so conservation laws dXatSzROo24-01178-00534972-00535281 involved in that indirect empirical status should be dXatSzROo24-01179-00535290-00535674 empirical. So we have some mismatch between conservation dXatSzROo24-01180-00535674-00536046 principles where conservation laws are theoretical and in the dXatSzROo24-01181-00536046-00536388 activity satisfy conservation laws are empirical. However, it dXatSzROo24-01182-00536388-00536883 does not preclude us from getting the inductive because dXatSzROo24-01183-00536883-00537288 its form consumption principle. How does it happen? Well, here's dXatSzROo24-01184-00537288-00538044 the Below is a combination of both things. So, first, I posted dXatSzROo24-01185-00538050-00538488 the article similar to similar so factions then I keep dXatSzROo24-01186-00538497-00538869 theoretical conservation laws which deduce from theoretical dXatSzROo24-01187-00538869-00539148 symmetries by a consortium principle and then I add dXatSzROo24-01188-00539148-00539526 empirical conservation laws to get the indirect vehicle status. dXatSzROo24-01189-00539646-00539964 So the point is that with conservation principle you you dXatSzROo24-01190-00539964-00540330 are how They're old. So if you can construct some relationship dXatSzROo24-01191-00540330-00540543 with the cyclical conservation laws and the vehicle dXatSzROo24-01192-00540543-00540933 conservation laws, then from a conservation principle, you can dXatSzROo24-01193-00540933-00541452 get an indirect legal status. And I claim that this dXatSzROo24-01194-00541485-00541722 relationship between so it's called conservation laws and the dXatSzROo24-01195-00541722-00542049 vehicle conservation laws can be easily constructed, this is just dXatSzROo24-01196-00542052-00542367 a relation of either representation or Association dXatSzROo24-01197-00542367-00543015 depends in which direction you go. So, this is how you get dXatSzROo24-01198-00543042-00543462 interactive legal status from conservation principle. But the dXatSzROo24-01199-00543462-00543909 thing is that so far, you have just got something useful. So dXatSzROo24-01200-00543912-00544371 even, you should understand that even this is not discussed in dXatSzROo24-01201-00544374-00544671 the literature because it concentrates on the directly dXatSzROo24-01202-00544671-00544995 bigger status. But it just presuppose that there is some dXatSzROo24-01203-00545043-00545259 presupposes that some relationship with the dXatSzROo24-01204-00545259-00545550 constellation basepaws can either to be settled, so even dXatSzROo24-01205-00545550-00546135 this presupposition had to be spelled out, and this is what I dXatSzROo24-01206-00546135-00546723 have just done. But expanding this out, we just get some usual dXatSzROo24-01207-00546723-00547086 claim demonstrated. But now let's get to my own claim, which dXatSzROo24-01208-00547089-00548040 are unusual. So the first claim I was promising to demonstrate dXatSzROo24-01209-00548046-00548436 was that direct is a distinction between direct and indirect and dXatSzROo24-01210-00548436-00548745 because there is not a binary distinction is a good question. dXatSzROo24-01211-00548745-00549060 So there are many vehicle statuses which are organized in dXatSzROo24-01212-00549060-00549114 such a way dXatSzROo24-01213-00549342-00549849 ordered. So to get there, let's compare inactive legal status dXatSzROo24-01214-00549852-00550227 and their clinical status. So interesting, because as you have dXatSzROo24-01215-00550227-00550674 just thought, Thor involves the following on the left, so you dXatSzROo24-01216-00550674-00551055 have surgical scimitars affections, then you get from dXatSzROo24-01217-00551055-00551325 there to theoretical conservation laws, and then you dXatSzROo24-01218-00551328-00551715 get get forms a letter to empirical conservation laws. And dXatSzROo24-01219-00551715-00552009 that's how you get an indirect legal status which obtains dXatSzROo24-01220-00552009-00552342 between your highest level and your lowest level, so sorry to dXatSzROo24-01221-00552342-00552681 go through this affections and empirical conservation laws. dXatSzROo24-01222-00552735-00552969 Now, if you compare this with directly because there's on the dXatSzROo24-01223-00552969-00553320 right side, so you also find theoretical synergies, which are dXatSzROo24-01224-00553320-00553707 not my precise here, but these are symmetries of specific dXatSzROo24-01225-00553707-00554049 models, as I was claiming before. And then on the bottom, dXatSzROo24-01226-00554049-00554448 you have empirical symmetries, which also sounds specific. But dXatSzROo24-01227-00554511-00554943 while if you compare the left hand side, you have some dXatSzROo24-01228-00554943-00555246 similarities like so typical cemeteries upstairs and the dXatSzROo24-01229-00555246-00555672 empirical function on the bottom, but you have a crucial dXatSzROo24-01230-00555672-00556179 difference, I take it to the crucial difference is that on dXatSzROo24-01231-00556179-00556410 the left, you also have this middle level of certain dXatSzROo24-01232-00556410-00556737 conservation laws. So you have something in the middle between, dXatSzROo24-01233-00556803-00557370 between the things which undertakes its relationship of dXatSzROo24-01234-00557370-00557889 heaven, have given rise to an empirical status. So I, I take dXatSzROo24-01235-00557889-00558477 this, this middle term to be characteristic of indirectness. dXatSzROo24-01236-00558486-00558816 So I claim that indirect as of this besides the Windsor as this dXatSzROo24-01237-00558816-00559083 mediation, so ethical elements like so it's called conservation dXatSzROo24-01238-00559083-00559686 laws in our example. And once you notice this, you can also dXatSzROo24-01239-00559692-00560124 notice that there can be some variation about this middle dXatSzROo24-01240-00560124-00560418 term, so he would have just onto, for example, but we could dXatSzROo24-01241-00560418-00560808 have several terms, or we could have them placed on different dXatSzROo24-01242-00560808-00561591 levels, and not on one level. So once you make the indirect as a dXatSzROo24-01243-00561591-00561843 function of further abuse this mutation, so it's called dXatSzROo24-01244-00561846-00562347 elements, you understand that indirectness can also update to dXatSzROo24-01245-00562347-00562626 different degrees, and consequently, as they interact dXatSzROo24-01246-00562626-00562905 and bigger status is not just a single notion, it's a group of dXatSzROo24-01247-00562905-00563451 notions which differ by the quantity of surgical elements, dXatSzROo24-01248-00563451-00563859 which mediate the connection between the main elements and dXatSzROo24-01249-00563976-00564441 which also differ by the levels at which these methods and dXatSzROo24-01250-00564483-00565149 elements are located. So once you get there, you'll have dXatSzROo24-01251-00565206-00565587 either figure status, transformed into a gradation and dXatSzROo24-01252-00565587-00565953 consequences a whole distinction is between direct and indirect dXatSzROo24-01253-00565953-00566268 typical status is transformed into a gradation because now dXatSzROo24-01254-00566268-00566553 instead of just two terms, you have many terms because of the dXatSzROo24-01255-00566553-00566934 indirect empirical status side. So this demonstrates the first dXatSzROo24-01256-00566937-00567477 of my claims, which I announced in the beginning. And now is the dXatSzROo24-01257-00567477-00567981 remaining time let's get to the second claim. So now I just to dXatSzROo24-01258-00567981-00568503 do this, I just show two examples. The first is, is loan dXatSzROo24-01259-00568503-00568920 to construct and the second is very short. So just now I'm just dXatSzROo24-01260-00569013-00569742 so the seven slides, each serves to to advance by one stage. So I dXatSzROo24-01261-00569742-00570276 take several stages in this way and I get my example. So, first dXatSzROo24-01262-00570276-00570789 example for stage using conservation principles. So, I dXatSzROo24-01263-00570789-00571383 begin with on the left with the usual conservation principle. dXatSzROo24-01264-00571404-00571941 So, there you have symmetrical symmetry. So factions has a dXatSzROo24-01265-00571941-00572259 topic empirical conservation laws at the bottom. And in the dXatSzROo24-01266-00572259-00572547 middle you have just one a metaphysical conservation laws dXatSzROo24-01267-00572550-00572874 is immediate an element which gives in darkness, which is will dXatSzROo24-01268-00572874-00573279 give in darkness. So, the UN cinco sees in that I just, dXatSzROo24-01269-00573288-00573528 instead of having just one element, I have two elements dXatSzROo24-01270-00573528-00573864 located at different levels. So, now I have differential on the dXatSzROo24-01271-00573864-00574182 right differential conservation laws and integral conservation dXatSzROo24-01272-00574182-00574632 laws. And I just I taught myself how to crazy so far Manoa dXatSzROo24-01273-00574650-00575046 actually is aerial conservation principles by exhausts which we dXatSzROo24-01274-00575046-00575529 get from nurses serums, as they like what you see all right, so, dXatSzROo24-01275-00575529-00575937 the left picture is the left scheme is just a simplification dXatSzROo24-01276-00575937-00576372 of what we usually have and Zehra scheme is more correct dXatSzROo24-01277-00576372-00576741 one. So, in real life, you have two levels of conservator, it's dXatSzROo24-01278-00576741-00577305 called conservation laws. That's what I'm saying here. Now, dXatSzROo24-01279-00577428-00577935 second stage, I extend mentioning vehicle elements dXatSzROo24-01280-00577935-00578238 beyond scimitars. So, if you unselect you have directing dXatSzROo24-01281-00578238-00578625 vehicle status, and what you notice is that at the bottom dXatSzROo24-01282-00578625-00579000 level, so at the empirical level, the empirical seeing is dXatSzROo24-01283-00579006-00579522 similar. And what do you notice is that right, is just the same dXatSzROo24-01284-00579555-00579879 nuanced statement of conservation principles as dXatSzROo24-01285-00579879-00580398 before, which gives gives rise to to an inactive legal status dXatSzROo24-01286-00580401-00580827 as before, and what you notice here is that at the bottom, you dXatSzROo24-01287-00580827-00581064 have assumptions empirical as well, but these are not dXatSzROo24-01288-00581064-00581406 simplistically speaking, at least not ethical synthesizer dXatSzROo24-01289-00581406-00581742 sense of assaults involved in directly because status policies dXatSzROo24-01290-00581742-00582186 are just as this is conservation laws instead. So as a defense, dXatSzROo24-01291-00582210-00582672 so, they think just a bit in the direct empirical status as an dXatSzROo24-01292-00582672-00583149 empirical level you have symmetries at the bottom and in dXatSzROo24-01293-00583149-00583521 the interactive legal status of the kinds we are considering, at dXatSzROo24-01294-00583521-00583737 the bottom you have no symmetries, but conservation dXatSzROo24-01295-00583737-00583767 laws. dXatSzROo24-01296-00583926-00584241 So, the upshot is that when you have an inactive legal status, dXatSzROo24-01297-00584256-00584580 Casa was saying that this was something about symmetries, but dXatSzROo24-01298-00584580-00584889 actually it can be something about not only symmetries, but dXatSzROo24-01299-00584889-00585342 also conservation laws, at least on the empirical level, but if dXatSzROo24-01300-00585360-00585870 as a political level you you make this extension, so you are dXatSzROo24-01301-00585873-00586152 considering not only symmetries, but also conservation laws, then dXatSzROo24-01302-00586155-00586512 why not also make it a denser ethical level. So, this is dXatSzROo24-01303-00586512-00586854 precisely what I do in the next slide. So, also, they have to dXatSzROo24-01304-00586854-00587289 have the same picture as before and on the right you have the dXatSzROo24-01305-00587289-00587586 same scheme and on the right you have also the same scheme, dXatSzROo24-01306-00587586-00587982 except that I now put accent on something else. So as I was dXatSzROo24-01307-00587982-00588531 saying, if the if an empirical status can obtain between not dXatSzROo24-01308-00588531-00588822 only symmetries and symmetries, but also between symmetries and dXatSzROo24-01309-00588822-00589131 conservation laws, so why not also make it obtain between dXatSzROo24-01310-00589131-00589380 conservation laws and conservation laws, that's dXatSzROo24-01311-00589380-00590055 precisely what I do in that scheme. So I consequence this dXatSzROo24-01312-00590055-00590310 differential so it's a conservation laws, which you dXatSzROo24-01313-00590310-00590742 will consider as a mediator element with respect to the dXatSzROo24-01314-00590742-00591030 indirect because it does have some orders of actions. Now, dXatSzROo24-01315-00591033-00591390 they get they own vehicles indirectly vehicle status, dXatSzROo24-01316-00591411-00591831 because we have lifted the requirement that big of theatres dXatSzROo24-01317-00591831-00592140 is obtained just between cemeteries, we said they can dXatSzROo24-01318-00592143-00592476 also tentative conservation laws. So now actually, you have dXatSzROo24-01319-00592479-00592839 to indirectly because datasets, so wireless facilities have dXatSzROo24-01320-00592842-00593247 actions on the left and another is forcing for conservation laws dXatSzROo24-01321-00593250-00593592 on the differential statistical concession was answered. So, dXatSzROo24-01322-00593592-00594189 actually is the same us conservation principle, you will dXatSzROo24-01323-00594189-00594537 now have two indirect empirical statuses and this is what is dXatSzROo24-01324-00594537-00595098 summarized here. So, the same vehicle conservation laws are dXatSzROo24-01325-00595098-00595362 linked with differential statistical conservation laws dXatSzROo24-01326-00595365-00595575 and they are left with theoretical cylinders, dXatSzROo24-01327-00595578-00595860 affections, and in either case, you have an instance of dXatSzROo24-01328-00595863-00596433 interactive vehicle status. And of course, the upper element the dXatSzROo24-01329-00596433-00596805 size crossing this affection has more indirect status because dXatSzROo24-01330-00596838-00597237 more theoretical elements in between and to differential sort dXatSzROo24-01331-00597243-00597705 of assertion laws have a less indirect status but still dXatSzROo24-01332-00597705-00598179 indirect one because they're still interested in how this dXatSzROo24-01333-00598179-00598749 code integral says conservation laws in the middle. So So dXatSzROo24-01334-00598749-00599202 remains to demonstrate as I as I also direct and bigger status in dXatSzROo24-01335-00599202-00599769 this case, and this is very easy. So once we can compare our dXatSzROo24-01336-00599844-00600348 skill with The scheme of of their typical status, since the dXatSzROo24-01337-00600348-00600615 previous is on the left and directly because status is all dXatSzROo24-01338-00600615-00601050 there, right? You notice that we have an analogue of the right dXatSzROo24-01339-00601050-00601425 scheme on the left, namely, so we seek for a relationship where dXatSzROo24-01340-00601425-00601821 there are no mediation elements. And we find it on the layout dXatSzROo24-01341-00601821-00602139 between integral search for conservation laws and NBA global dXatSzROo24-01342-00602139-00602580 search laws. So this distinction, this relationship dXatSzROo24-01343-00602580-00602901 by claim is an instance of Derek's empirical status. And dXatSzROo24-01344-00602901-00603297 that's how we get a gradation of empirical status is involved in dXatSzROo24-01345-00603300-00603795 direct and indirect ones, in the same example of conservation dXatSzROo24-01346-00603795-00604377 principles. So this demonstrates my second claim, which, which dXatSzROo24-01347-00604377-00604635 was saying that we also have to accept because status in this dXatSzROo24-01348-00604635-00604974 case, and as this demonstrates, first a claim by which, as dXatSzROo24-01349-00604974-00605331 mentioned, conservation principles, give rise to a dXatSzROo24-01350-00605331-00605715 gradation of empirical status says we should include direct dXatSzROo24-01351-00605715-00606237 and indirect a vehicle once. And then here's a penultimate slide. dXatSzROo24-01352-00606240-00606588 So once we have finished with this, we can actually do the dXatSzROo24-01353-00606588-00607149 same elsewhere. So here's my second example, which is just dXatSzROo24-01354-00607149-00607521 one slide. So on the left, you have conservation principles dXatSzROo24-01355-00607521-00607863 with all the statuses that they have established so far, and on dXatSzROo24-01356-00607863-00608367 the right you have in the black as the usual directive legal dXatSzROo24-01357-00608403-00608859 status, but now, if we read another logically, then we dXatSzROo24-01358-00608859-00609264 should expect there to be higher theoretical LMS, which gives dXatSzROo24-01359-00609264-00609546 rise to the theoretical symmetries, so much action dXatSzROo24-01360-00609546-00609888 vehicle status, but this higher elements will have indirect dXatSzROo24-01361-00609888-00610200 empirical status, and we also will have a gradation in this dXatSzROo24-01362-00610200-00610902 case. So my approach generates this physics of conclusions. dXatSzROo24-01363-00610959-00611424 Sorry for being a bit late. So direct and indirect typical dXatSzROo24-01364-00611424-00611835 status says hours been analyzed together, and not separately, dXatSzROo24-01365-00611889-00612138 actually, only directly because status is analyzed. And so dXatSzROo24-01366-00612138-00612597 literature, but I say we should analyze both and together, and dXatSzROo24-01367-00612606-00612912 conservation principles provide a fruitful context of size and dXatSzROo24-01368-00612912-00613260 because you find the boss, you'll find out that there's dXatSzROo24-01369-00613266-00613572 things about both statuses there, and you will get some dXatSzROo24-01370-00613572-00614031 prediction. So indirectness often a vehicle status is a dXatSzROo24-01371-00614031-00614394 function of mediator theoretical elements, these elements may dXatSzROo24-01372-00614394-00614769 vary in quantity and level. Therefore, the interactive dXatSzROo24-01373-00614769-00615099 vehicle status is a gradation and therefore the whole text and dXatSzROo24-01374-00615099-00615375 director because this distinction is also a condition. dXatSzROo24-01375-00615417-00615714 If you had a disease that mentioned elements are not dXatSzROo24-01376-00615714-00616146 necessarily involved in a bigger status or not necessarily dXatSzROo24-01377-00616146-00616434 scimitars, then the yoga that conservation principles dXatSzROo24-01378-00616437-00616836 exemplifies is validation, often bigger statuses. And moreover, dXatSzROo24-01379-00616836-00617187 the user example of the academic or service should give rise to dXatSzROo24-01380-00617193-00617649 another such gradation. So the user example is just the tip of dXatSzROo24-01381-00617649-00617883 an iceberg. Thank you for your attention. dXatSzROo24-01382-00618852-00619476 So is there some questions you can raise your hand if you if dXatSzROo24-01383-00619476-00619776 you don't have access to this feature on your on your dXatSzROo24-01384-00619782-00620568 computer? Let me know. So is there questions for both of our dXatSzROo24-01385-00620568-00621036 speakers, okay, so But please. Yeah, Palacios fers. dXatSzROo24-01386-00621135-00621426 Thank you. So thank you earlier for the talk. Very interesting. dXatSzROo24-01387-00621561-00621939 I have first hand purificatory questions. So I'm glad that you dXatSzROo24-01388-00621939-00622221 distinguish between different kinds of silage is because I dXatSzROo24-01389-00622221-00622623 also think that no, not all symmetries are symmetries of dXatSzROo24-01390-00622623-00623001 laws. So, but can you explain a little bit more what you mean by dXatSzROo24-01391-00623001-00623334 symmetries of models? So the You mean that the model the whole dXatSzROo24-01392-00623334-00623697 model remains invariant under transformation, or certain dXatSzROo24-01393-00623697-00624006 properties of the modern quantity? This, for example, dXatSzROo24-01394-00624006-00624228 remain invariant under transformation. dXatSzROo24-01395-00624414-00624984 Yes, thank you for the question for listing. Yes, so the models dXatSzROo24-01396-00625185-00625614 can be different. Some others are complicated. So you'll have dXatSzROo24-01397-00625614-00626082 many features there. And what I mean by similar isn't that part dXatSzROo24-01398-00626085-00626655 of these features is preserved. Sometimes it's said that some dXatSzROo24-01399-00626655-00627009 whole thing should be preserved for this to count as a scimitar. dXatSzROo24-01400-00627027-00627381 For instance, if we have similar flow is the sense of aggression. dXatSzROo24-01401-00627396-00627882 So, we think that the form of equations should be preserved dXatSzROo24-01402-00627972-00628395 for it to be similar. So in the case, for us to get the symmetry dXatSzROo24-01403-00628395-00628902 of this equation, in the case of models, I had means that just dXatSzROo24-01404-00628902-00629256 part of the model should be preserved. Why this is because dXatSzROo24-01405-00629259-00629811 is this is this matches well with the kind of situation we dXatSzROo24-01406-00629811-00630288 have in the case of that Being ghosted, because for instance, dXatSzROo24-01407-00630291-00630657 in the example of Galileo's sheep, the sheep is boosted and dXatSzROo24-01408-00630657-00631068 the dynamics inside the sheep stays absorbed is the same. So, dXatSzROo24-01409-00631125-00631494 the full situation includes both what is happening with the sheep dXatSzROo24-01410-00631500-00631896 and what is happening with the relationship between the sheep dXatSzROo24-01411-00631896-00632184 and the shore, I claimed this relationship should be dXatSzROo24-01412-00632190-00632607 represented in ci. So, in the model you will have some part of dXatSzROo24-01413-00632607-00632931 your model which is responsible for possesses its relationship, dXatSzROo24-01414-00632958-00633285 as opposed to knows the physical shape will change this part of dXatSzROo24-01415-00633285-00633702 the model. So, you will not have a perfect symmetry of your model dXatSzROo24-01416-00633702-00634026 in the sense it will not be a complete symmetry, but I insist dXatSzROo24-01417-00634026-00634503 that this change is necessary because it will help you to dXatSzROo24-01418-00634569-00634794 account for the fact that you have a different physical dXatSzROo24-01419-00634794-00635268 situation before both cinza ships and afterwards. So, this dXatSzROo24-01420-00635268-00635796 is a kind of symmetry of model, which I claim is involved in the dXatSzROo24-01421-00635796-00636246 directing vehicle status case. So, this cynically is a partial dXatSzROo24-01422-00636246-00636678 symmetry, but it preserves that part of the model which is dXatSzROo24-01423-00636678-00637008 responsible for describing what is missing their ship. dXatSzROo24-01424-00637113-00637212 Yeah, thank you. That's it. dXatSzROo24-01425-00637215-00637479 That's exactly what I thought. Thanks. Thank you. dXatSzROo24-01426-00637596-00638109 Oh, okay. Davide hermano your question. Yes, dXatSzROo24-01427-00638217-00638721 I have a question for malaria and then also for Christian, if dXatSzROo24-01428-00638721-00639321 there is time. So, the wonderful valaria is is very nice, because dXatSzROo24-01429-00639345-00639762 not not really expert on this field. And I wanted to ask an dXatSzROo24-01430-00639762-00640218 example of the indirect empirical status of asymmetry. dXatSzROo24-01431-00640251-00640527 So, I understand that there is some respect to the director dXatSzROo24-01432-00640545-00640911 symmetry, there are some levels and entities that mediate the dXatSzROo24-01433-00640911-00641409 symmetry. I was curious about one concrete example. dXatSzROo24-01434-00641727-00642339 Thank you, David, for this question. So, I was speaking dXatSzROo24-01435-00642339-00642690 about conservation principles in general. So, each such dXatSzROo24-01436-00642693-00643038 conservation principle gives us gives rise to an interactive dXatSzROo24-01437-00643038-00643449 because status and concrete examples are just as principles, dXatSzROo24-01438-00643449-00643803 where you feel in concrete, similar set of actions and you dXatSzROo24-01439-00643803-00644502 get concrete conservation laws. So. So if so, all the dXatSzROo24-01440-00644502-00644787 conservation laws, you know, like conservation of charge of dXatSzROo24-01441-00644787-00645492 momentum, whatever center of mass motion, they all can dXatSzROo24-01442-00645495-00645780 usually Well, usually they can all be derived from some dXatSzROo24-01443-00645780-00646251 symmetries of excellence. So if you have a relevant theory, like dXatSzROo24-01444-00646254-00646716 electromagnetism, you should have some action where the dXatSzROo24-01445-00646716-00647154 electromagnetic field figures and you make it very under dXatSzROo24-01446-00647265-00647613 estimations of eternity potential and you get dXatSzROo24-01447-00647697-00648222 conservation of charge. If you're applying notice CRM. So dXatSzROo24-01448-00648246-00648717 this is one example. And you get those concession laws or special dXatSzROo24-01449-00648717-00649290 relativity by various suitable actions. He also gives him a dXatSzROo24-01450-00649290-00649398 general relativity. dXatSzROo24-01451-00649587-00650367 Thank you. Thanks a lot. Yeah. Yes. My second question was, was dXatSzROo24-01452-00650367-00650814 for Christian, I don't see grace. Okay. Try to make the dXatSzROo24-01453-00650814-00651474 quiz. The so I start from those observations that you made on dXatSzROo24-01454-00651474-00652113 the this symmetry, the symmetry by simulation of the governing dXatSzROo24-01455-00652113-00652611 law involves theory. And so that's, that's interesting, dXatSzROo24-01456-00652611-00653163 because in that book, The the galleon symmetries is, is done dXatSzROo24-01457-00653163-00653592 by stipulation. That means they derive the equation that depends dXatSzROo24-01458-00653592-00653955 on the parameter alpha, and by stipulating that there is a dXatSzROo24-01459-00653955-00654411 galleon symmetry they found that alpha is h over m. And this is dXatSzROo24-01460-00654411-00654825 the correct parameter for for The Guardian law. Until this dXatSzROo24-01461-00654825-00655254 case is so interesting, because first of all, it was criticized dXatSzROo24-01462-00655287-00655845 in a paper by Abby Brown. And Abby brown in the paper, say dXatSzROo24-01463-00655845-00656460 explicitly that you cannot derive a dynamical law from a by dXatSzROo24-01464-00656460-00656994 simulation symmetry. So I don't know if I don't know if kissy dXatSzROo24-01465-00657048-00657771 face this, this paper, I can send it to him. And also, it's dXatSzROo24-01466-00657771-00658107 even more interesting, because in another paper, and Tony dXatSzROo24-01467-00658107-00658611 vallentine show that most theory is not Galilean invariant. So dXatSzROo24-01468-00658611-00659100 there is no agreement on the fact that the guiding law is dXatSzROo24-01469-00659106-00659691 Galilean sorry. He's Galilean invariant. The way in which dXatSzROo24-01470-00659691-00660147 vallentine can derive i think is not by stipulation but a dXatSzROo24-01471-00660147-00660669 posteriori so it seems that you know, they really do not agree dXatSzROo24-01472-00660753-00661098 that bones theories Galilean invariance, so for for door dXatSzROo24-01473-00661131-00661530 biostimulation it is and for Valentina was theory doesn't and dXatSzROo24-01474-00661584-00662193 so I think this makes even more interesting this dis case. And dXatSzROo24-01475-00662196-00662619 yeah, so the this is the observation and the question or dXatSzROo24-01476-00662622-00663099 the consideration was, if you think okay, they by stipulation dXatSzROo24-01477-00663099-00663918 law in some way must be confirmed then by some feature dXatSzROo24-01478-00663948-00664293 of the theory, for example, in physio few empirical feature of dXatSzROo24-01479-00664293-00664338 the theory. dXatSzROo24-01480-00664569-00665031 Okay, thanks, David, for the observation, I think, first, let dXatSzROo24-01481-00665031-00665310 me say something about the ratio, because what what you dXatSzROo24-01482-00665310-00665763 said is very, very interesting, because, if I remember, dXatSzROo24-01483-00665799-00666417 correctly, what Valentina finally says is that you will dXatSzROo24-01484-00666426-00666804 end up with a sort of Aristotelian space or something dXatSzROo24-01485-00666810-00667278 like that, because precisely the dynamics doesn't meet the dXatSzROo24-01486-00667278-00667605 required for the Galilean symmetry. So you will end up dXatSzROo24-01487-00667605-00668043 with a different underlying space, like more like an dXatSzROo24-01488-00668070-00668481 Aristotelian space, I'm not understanding their space. But I dXatSzROo24-01489-00668505-00668859 think that what we'll say is is obviously interesting, because I dXatSzROo24-01490-00668859-00669270 mean, for me, they are departing from different starting points. dXatSzROo24-01491-00669273-00670347 I mean, if you look, one way to say that the identity criterion dXatSzROo24-01492-00670359-00671019 to for a theory is the kind of symmetries that it means you can dXatSzROo24-01493-00671019-00671568 say, well, the quantum mechanic must be must be Galilean dXatSzROo24-01494-00671568-00671832 invariant. So if you come up with a theory that is dXatSzROo24-01495-00671832-00672099 nonetheless invariant, so does not quantum mechanics, and I dXatSzROo24-01496-00672099-00672438 think that many people like I don't know, if you read dXatSzROo24-01497-00672441-00672777 Valentine today, I think they have this intuition behind that, dXatSzROo24-01498-00672789-00673116 well, this is the right group of theory is that right symmetry dXatSzROo24-01499-00673116-00673386 group of the theory, if you come up with something different, dXatSzROo24-01500-00673389-00673695 it's no longer quantum mechanics, for example, but dXatSzROo24-01501-00673695-00673962 again, they are assuming they are stipulated that while dXatSzROo24-01502-00673962-00674301 they're space scientists more or less like a linear space time. dXatSzROo24-01503-00674301-00674670 So the symmetries should be the level symmetries there is this dXatSzROo24-01504-00674670-00675078 connection and then the dynamic just emerge from from there, but dXatSzROo24-01505-00675114-00675366 if you change the starting point, well, you will end up dXatSzROo24-01506-00675366-00675849 with a different theory and I think that weight function with dXatSzROo24-01507-00675849-00676473 functional realism is is no very unimportant, either. I think dXatSzROo24-01508-00676473-00677085 that Laurie shows show this, but also I mean, again, we are dXatSzROo24-01509-00677094-00677670 discussing more or less the same thing as us as to the question dXatSzROo24-01510-00677901-00678159 please, can you repeat the question because I forgot dXatSzROo24-01511-00678246-00678813 and I know is just you know that if I do if I implement a by dXatSzROo24-01512-00678813-00679389 stipulation symmetry, do you think then then I must have a dXatSzROo24-01513-00679389-00679941 control on the symmetry that I have imposed on Param some, you dXatSzROo24-01514-00679941-00680193 know, feature that does not depend from the simulation that dXatSzROo24-01515-00680193-00680235 they've done. dXatSzROo24-01516-00680349-00681609 Okay. Yeah. Okay, this is my my, my my, my answer, I have two dXatSzROo24-01517-00681609-00682008 sides. The first thing is well, of course, what you want is a dXatSzROo24-01518-00682011-00682458 dynamics that is empirically adequate. So, if the symmetry dXatSzROo24-01519-00682581-00682899 the symmetry, the symmetry the symmetry group or for example, dXatSzROo24-01520-00683013-00683448 promo promotes or helps you to be a particular dynamic that dXatSzROo24-01521-00683451-00683886 comes to be empirically adequate work very well, well, I mean, dXatSzROo24-01522-00683916-00684195 there are some constraints or the signatory there are some dXatSzROo24-01523-00684252-00684612 some some some feature that symmetry should meet, because dXatSzROo24-01524-00684663-00684978 you want the theory to be empirical adequate after all. dXatSzROo24-01525-00685071-00685293 So, this that might consider what the answer so there are dXatSzROo24-01526-00685293-00685683 some constraints, but they my second part of the answer is dXatSzROo24-01527-00685683-00686271 that Well, I mean, there are many cases in which you want a dXatSzROo24-01528-00686271-00686661 theory to be symmetric. And when you apply the information that dXatSzROo24-01529-00686661-00687048 you think that is in theory, true, you will not you end up dXatSzROo24-01530-00687048-00687471 with a theory that is not symmetric as you do from before. dXatSzROo24-01531-00687567-00688095 So the what you usually what you usually do is to change the dXatSzROo24-01532-00688098-00688485 Scimitar formation and there is completely liberty to change dXatSzROo24-01533-00688485-00689043 estimates information at will. And sorry for for repeat myself, dXatSzROo24-01534-00689043-00689457 but if you think of how time reversal symmetry is defined in dXatSzROo24-01535-00689457-00689862 quantum mechanics, you see that okay, I mean, you start with dXatSzROo24-01536-00689862-00690273 some idea about what quantum What time reversal is, in dXatSzROo24-01537-00690276-00690510 classical mechanics? When will you apply the same dXatSzROo24-01538-00690510-00690969 transformation in in quantum mechanics? Well, the theory is dXatSzROo24-01539-00690969-00691455 no longer time reversal invariant. So you have to figure dXatSzROo24-01540-00691455-00691737 out what is the transformation that keeps the theory time dXatSzROo24-01541-00691737-00692064 reversal invariant? So, in that case, there are some people, I dXatSzROo24-01542-00692064-00692478 think that well, you can always come up with a way to change the dXatSzROo24-01543-00692481-00692781 Reformation in such a way that the theory escaped, escaped dXatSzROo24-01544-00692850-00693009 invariant under the information. dXatSzROo24-01545-00693339-00693459 So, in that sense, dXatSzROo24-01546-00693486-00694086 well, I mean, there isn't, there seems to be no strong constraint dXatSzROo24-01547-00694107-00694599 under by I mean, not a very strong constraint about what dXatSzROo24-01548-00694602-00695511 symmetries are, should be met or shouldn't be met. You can always dXatSzROo24-01549-00695511-00695898 play with a we can come up with a mathematical information that dXatSzROo24-01550-00695898-00696273 keeps a theory invariant and call it well, this is the right dXatSzROo24-01551-00696273-00696525 information that represent a space rotation. This is the dXatSzROo24-01552-00696525-00697089 right information that represent time reversal. Okay, dXatSzROo24-01553-00697098-00697710 thank you. Okay. Think Christian. Christian, you had a dXatSzROo24-01554-00697710-00697827 question for valaria? dXatSzROo24-01555-00697980-00698595 Yes, yes. I have a couple of questions for valaria. What? My dXatSzROo24-01556-00698598-00698994 my, I mean, my first question is more or less related to dXatSzROo24-01557-00699036-00699399 Patricia. So but probably you can pin explain a little bit dXatSzROo24-01558-00699399-00699711 further, because it's the difference between symmetries of dXatSzROo24-01559-00699711-00700245 laws and symmetries of models. I mean, I mean, obviously, that dXatSzROo24-01560-00700263-00700710 there is some symmetries of models. And but it's not clear dXatSzROo24-01561-00700710-00701097 to me, if they are completely independent of the symmetries of dXatSzROo24-01562-00701097-00701490 law, in some sense, but you have some model of the theory and you dXatSzROo24-01563-00701493-00701901 want to transform them, the model is already a symmetry of dXatSzROo24-01564-00701901-00702303 the laws behind that the guarantee that you can get to dXatSzROo24-01565-00702303-00702597 can get to the different model that is that is the symmetry dXatSzROo24-01566-00702597-00703203 transform model. So, I see the issue is that there is a dXatSzROo24-01567-00703203-00703593 difference, but the difference is just the symmetry of laws dXatSzROo24-01568-00703596-00703830 comes first in the sense that it gives you what is it the dXatSzROo24-01569-00703830-00704388 dynamics of your model plus some that said the simplicity of dXatSzROo24-01570-00704388-00704751 model, then when you put some initial conditions or some dXatSzROo24-01571-00704754-00705198 boundary conditions, you get your model, but if the model is dXatSzROo24-01572-00705198-00705678 symmetric or not, will depend on the on the loss on the first dXatSzROo24-01573-00705678-00705960 hand, but also on the boundary condition on the initial dXatSzROo24-01574-00705960-00706656 conditions. So for me, as I see it, the symmetry of models come dXatSzROo24-01575-00706659-00707109 comes after the symmetry of law depends on the symmetry of laws, dXatSzROo24-01576-00707178-00707454 but I am not really sure about this, but I would like to hear dXatSzROo24-01577-00707454-00707928 you your thoughts about about this, this point. Just briefly, dXatSzROo24-01578-00707928-00708405 that my my second question probably is quite silly, but I dXatSzROo24-01579-00708420-00708930 don't really get what is an empirical symmetries, what what dXatSzROo24-01580-00708930-00709293 they mean by empirical symmetry for me in the case of Galileo's dXatSzROo24-01581-00709293-00709959 sheep, I asked you what is the empirical part, if you put it in dXatSzROo24-01582-00709959-00710508 this in this plain sense, because if you want to get the dXatSzROo24-01583-00710508-00710958 symmetry from the relationship, you have to at least idealized dXatSzROo24-01584-00710961-00711156 the rest of the of the environment or physically dXatSzROo24-01585-00711156-00711459 interacting with the ship, because you try not idealize the dXatSzROo24-01586-00711459-00711765 rest of the environment. I can always say that, obviously, I dXatSzROo24-01587-00711765-00712167 can realize perfectly well that I'm seeing the sharp moving so dXatSzROo24-01588-00712194-00712614 obviously, there's no symmetry. So there's something else that dXatSzROo24-01589-00712617-00712932 is not empirical to get to this empiricus interest in this case, dXatSzROo24-01590-00712956-00713349 some idealization that take off the interactions with the dXatSzROo24-01591-00713349-00713388 shapes. dXatSzROo24-01592-00713544-00713907 Thank you for the questions. I hope I will not forget the dXatSzROo24-01593-00713907-00714504 different details because there are many six Okay, so, let's dXatSzROo24-01594-00714525-00714966 begin with their first you were saying that was the assumption dXatSzROo24-01595-00714966-00715452 is a symmetry of models is determined by laws, this is not dXatSzROo24-01596-00715452-00715869 the case in the context of stereotypical status, because in dXatSzROo24-01597-00715869-00716502 my approach, different models, I symmetric gives a present dXatSzROo24-01598-00716556-00717009 different states of the ship involved in an empirical dXatSzROo24-01599-00717009-00717495 symmetry. So, what determines was a models are symmetric Is dXatSzROo24-01600-00717537-00717918 there a representational relationship between them and dXatSzROo24-01601-00718191-00718626 because symmetry says this relationship is like bottom dXatSzROo24-01602-00718653-00719106 level relationship, it does not involve loss does not dXatSzROo24-01603-00719106-00719625 necessarily involve loss. So why do I think that this dXatSzROo24-01604-00719625-00720219 relationship is dissociated from symmetry And the symmetry of dXatSzROo24-01605-00720219-00720516 models which is induced by this relationship. So, why do I think dXatSzROo24-01606-00720516-00720909 that this symmetry of models is dissociated from any symmetries dXatSzROo24-01607-00720912-00721506 of laws, this is because symmetries are which represent dXatSzROo24-01608-00721509-00721953 different states of the empirical symmetry. So, sorry dXatSzROo24-01609-00721953-00722199 article OSI as a statistical models, which represent dXatSzROo24-01610-00722199-00722538 different states involved in an empirical cemetery and we shall dXatSzROo24-01611-00722538-00722943 write it by similar photos. So, these states can be generated by dXatSzROo24-01612-00722943-00723459 different laws. So, if you take total freedom because similar dXatSzROo24-01613-00723459-00723894 thing, you know where in the first initial state of your dXatSzROo24-01614-00723894-00724284 empirical symmetry you don't have electromagnetism, you have dXatSzROo24-01615-00724284-00724764 your solenoid turned off and in the final state of your dXatSzROo24-01616-00724764-00725196 empirical symmetry you have a solenoid turned on. So, is this dXatSzROo24-01617-00725196-00725634 final state it is natural to you're presented with a model dXatSzROo24-01618-00725634-00725988 which belongs to some theory which has electromagnetism in it dXatSzROo24-01619-00726015-00726387 and it is also natural the present the initial status is in dXatSzROo24-01620-00726387-00726903 eco symmetry which does not have the solenoid turned on with a dXatSzROo24-01621-00726906-00727230 model which belongs to a su which does not have an accident dXatSzROo24-01622-00727239-00727734 thermolysis monad. So, in this case as this models, which one dXatSzROo24-01623-00727734-00728055 of these you get for Masuda resulted into electromagnetism dXatSzROo24-01624-00728058-00728442 and as you get from asuna, reselect amines ism these models dXatSzROo24-01625-00728442-00728727 will be related by symmetry of models because they will dXatSzROo24-01626-00728727-00729162 represent symmetry is a world that holds midfielder vehicle dXatSzROo24-01627-00729162-00729471 same thing, but this models will be generated using different dXatSzROo24-01628-00729474-00729804 series and this series have different laws different dXatSzROo24-01629-00729804-00730224 equations. So, there will be no corresponding symmetry of loss dXatSzROo24-01630-00730224-00730545 because you will get when you get from one model to another dXatSzROo24-01631-00730545-00730902 you get from one kind of loss or resulted in commodities and tau dXatSzROo24-01632-00730902-00731124 and as a kind of force, we select the waters with dXatSzROo24-01633-00731124-00731502 electromagnetic potential figure in your equations. So, this is a dXatSzROo24-01634-00731502-00731925 dissociation of the two and you can have the converse symmetry dXatSzROo24-01635-00731925-00732306 vikan is a Converse, where you have similar force which is not dXatSzROo24-01636-00732306-00732969 the symmetry of models of specific models. So, your second dXatSzROo24-01637-00732969-00733485 question now, I forgot a bit but what was it about dXatSzROo24-01638-00733701-00734250 the the notion of empirical in the empirical symmetries dXatSzROo24-01639-00734265-00734289 because, dXatSzROo24-01640-00734307-00734844 yes, yes. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. So, your support, it seems like dXatSzROo24-01641-00734844-00735123 you're suppose that we should abstract away what happened what dXatSzROo24-01642-00735123-00735423 happens with the environment together in vehicles similar in dXatSzROo24-01643-00735423-00736029 the case of collision, well as some person or persons he does dXatSzROo24-01644-00736029-00736428 this for instance, but usually, those who have directed because dXatSzROo24-01645-00736428-00736707 they just do not abstract away what is happening with the dXatSzROo24-01646-00736707-00737100 environment and I think they are making it why because if you dXatSzROo24-01647-00737100-00737379 abstract away which happens, what happens was environments dXatSzROo24-01648-00737379-00737871 and you have noise on to firms that any transformation dXatSzROo24-01649-00737871-00738249 happened, who is your sheep, but if you want to have a real dXatSzROo24-01650-00738249-00738579 symmetry in the world, you need to have some real transformation dXatSzROo24-01651-00738579-00739233 which which preserves some observable or worldly features. dXatSzROo24-01652-00739248-00739719 So if you just concentrate on ship, you have no difference dXatSzROo24-01653-00739719-00740106 between the ship before and afters have also because the dXatSzROo24-01654-00740112-00740433 alleged was a vironment is abstracted away so you can dXatSzROo24-01655-00740433-00740655 acquire this is not the same thing as this is just the same dXatSzROo24-01656-00740655-00741255 state repeated twice instantiate Yeah, so So I see that the dXatSzROo24-01657-00741255-00741516 relationship was a wire within together the suitcase is dXatSzROo24-01658-00741516-00741855 essential to saying that you have a vehicle similar as isn't dXatSzROo24-01659-00741858-00742251 the same state incident surgery twice. So you do need to dXatSzROo24-01660-00742251-00742809 actually get away and you therefore get what but what I dXatSzROo24-01661-00742809-00743235 was mentioning when also the police has questions so you also dXatSzROo24-01662-00743235-00743556 have at a theoretical level that you Scimitar is only partial dXatSzROo24-01663-00743556-00743931 because also at the empirical level it is partial, what dXatSzROo24-01664-00743931-00744285 happens environment is changed. But what happens was the shape dXatSzROo24-01665-00744285-00744642 was preserved. This is an empirical cemetery. It's a dXatSzROo24-01666-00744642-00744936 beautiful because it says a world that is similar because dXatSzROo24-01667-00744936-00745194 what is inside the ship has not changed. And there's a partial dXatSzROo24-01668-00745194-00745485 symmetry because we do need to give the relationship was dXatSzROo24-01669-00745485-00745674 environment as this relationship changes. dXatSzROo24-01670-00745908-00746184 Okay, thanks for that. I think that we don't have time right dXatSzROo24-01671-00746184-00746829 before. Okay, sorry. Sorry. Thank you very much for the for dXatSzROo24-01672-00746829-00746880 the answers. dXatSzROo24-01673-00746964-00747585 Thank you. But this year was wanted to assassin but first dXatSzROo24-01674-00747585-00747729 what was wanted dXatSzROo24-01675-00747900-00748203 said that his question was already answered. dXatSzROo24-01676-00748221-00748446 Okay. Well, Jenna, just put the second. Yeah. dXatSzROo24-01677-00748557-00748890 I just wanted to add something to what Valyria said. But I dXatSzROo24-01678-00748890-00749025 don't know if there is enough time. dXatSzROo24-01679-00749148-00749253 Last question. dXatSzROo24-01680-00749270-00749585 Yeah, it's just it's a remake. Actually, it's not a question. dXatSzROo24-01681-00749633-00749996 It's very small. So I agree with malaria. I don't think that dXatSzROo24-01682-00749999-00750398 symmetries are symmetries of law. So you can also think about dXatSzROo24-01683-00750398-00750776 symmetries of quantities. So quantities might be invariant dXatSzROo24-01684-00750776-00751112 under sentence formation, for example, magnetization at a very dXatSzROo24-01685-00751112-00751394 low temperature at very high temperature might can be dXatSzROo24-01686-00751394-00751850 invariant, under up down symmetry. And I don't see how dXatSzROo24-01687-00751850-00752186 you can relate that necessarily, oh, why should you relate that dXatSzROo24-01688-00752186-00752537 necessarily to Alo? So I completely agree with Valerie. dXatSzROo24-01689-00752537-00752768 And that's in that in that sense, I don't think I'll see dXatSzROo24-01690-00752768-00753014 what she says symmetries of loss. dXatSzROo24-01691-00753309-00753489 Oh, sorry, your your microphone. dXatSzROo24-01692-00753564-00753777 Can I reply? Or we're out of time. dXatSzROo24-01693-00753921-00753981 Yeah. dXatSzROo24-01694-00754062-00754566 So I can I can close the discussion. You if Christian, dXatSzROo24-01695-00754566-00754851 you said that all good symmetries are symmetries of dXatSzROo24-01696-00754851-00755253 laws, it's obviously wrong. But on the other hand, you follow dXatSzROo24-01697-00755253-00755586 German you follow all these guys. And they say that all this dXatSzROo24-01698-00755589-00755973 very important symmetry that we are discussing are symmetries of dXatSzROo24-01699-00755973-00756462 dynamics. So something like that, but we won't stop the dXatSzROo24-01700-00756462-00757236 discussion about that now, and it's already almost 1800 hours. dXatSzROo24-01701-00757239-00757719 So I would propose to postpone these discussion to a future. dXatSzROo24-01702-00757719-00757872 Thank you dXatSzROo24-01703-00757938-00757992 very much. dXatSzROo24-01704-00758247-00758616 So I will thank all the speakers and all the people that asked dXatSzROo24-01705-00758616-00759096 good questions to the speakers. And hopefully next time we won't dXatSzROo24-01706-00759096-00759429 have the presentation of the stuff people and old people and dXatSzROo24-01707-00759429-00759546 it will be on the side. dXatSzROo24-01708-00759762-00759882 Okay, thank you.