hyJsumMa19M-00000-00000842-00001055 Yaba dada doo! hyJsumMa19M-00001-00001113-00001222 Flintstones hyJsumMa19M-00002-00001597-00001626 Ugh! h-hhxmFSkY0-00000-00000000-00000500 Hello, h-hhxmFSkY0-00001-00000500-00000700 How are you, today? h-hhxmFSkY0-00002-00000700-00000900 Have a good weekend h-hhxmFSkY0-00003-00000900-00001100 We are staying alley in Cau Kho Sai Gon h-NpHKgPBoQ-00000-00000134-00000542 hello! my name is Eric Dubay and I'm a flat earther h-NpHKgPBoQ-00001-00000586-00000919 contrary to what you have been told to believe about me by the mainstream media, h-NpHKgPBoQ-00002-00000921-00001445 the government education system, and society in general, I am NOT an idiot, h-NpHKgPBoQ-00003-00001445-00002064 uneducated, or a religious zealot. I am a college graduate, spent seven years h-NpHKgPBoQ-00004-00002064-00002547 teaching at a prestigious university. have published five books and I'm not a h-NpHKgPBoQ-00005-00002547-00003015 follower of any religion. I was once a spinning ball earth believer like h-NpHKgPBoQ-00006-00003015-00003543 yourself. in fact the only difference between spinning ball earthers and flat h-NpHKgPBoQ-00007-00003543-00004134 earthers is that flat earthers have done their research. of course however you h-NpHKgPBoQ-00008-00004134-00004626 will be told the opposite that flat earthers are uneducated morons, unaware h-NpHKgPBoQ-00009-00004626-00005166 of modern scientific theories, but the reality is every flat earther is well h-NpHKgPBoQ-00010-00005166-00005630 educated regarding the spinning ball earth fantasy presented by NASA taught h-NpHKgPBoQ-00011-00005630-00006207 in schools and accepted as gospel truth by the gullible masses. in fact, you'll h-NpHKgPBoQ-00012-00006207-00006597 find the average flat earther, is far more knowledgeable about the spinning h-NpHKgPBoQ-00013-00006597-00006998 ball earth we are supposedly living on than the average spinning ball earth h-NpHKgPBoQ-00014-00006998-00007500 believer. this is because flat earthers are all people who attempted to prove h-NpHKgPBoQ-00015-00007500-00007908 for themselves whether or not earth is the way modern scientific in h-NpHKgPBoQ-00016-00007908-00008435 astronomical theory preaches and discovered that it most certainly is not. h-NpHKgPBoQ-00017-00008435-00008847 there are hundreds of proofs and scientific experiments which have h-NpHKgPBoQ-00018-00008847-00009290 conclusively shown the earth to be a stationary plane which you have never h-NpHKgPBoQ-00019-00009290-00009704 and will never hear about these heavily censored experiments in our controlled h-NpHKgPBoQ-00020-00009704-00010304 media. you never hear of the Mickelson Morley, Mickelson Gale, sagnik, Kanter, and h-NpHKgPBoQ-00021-00010304-00010700 airy experiments for example all of which proved to the earth to be h-NpHKgPBoQ-00022-00010700-00011250 motionless. you also, never hear of the Rowbotham blunt or carpenter experiments, h-NpHKgPBoQ-00023-00011250-00011725 all of which proved the earth to be a level plane devoid of any curvature. h-NpHKgPBoQ-00024-00011725-00012236 instead you are repeatedly shown NASA images of a spinning ball earth and h-NpHKgPBoQ-00025-00012236-00012777 astronauts in zero-g space. you are told the oceans curve around and stick to the h-NpHKgPBoQ-00026-00012777-00013236 underside of a spinning ball thanks to Newton's magical gravity. you h-NpHKgPBoQ-00027-00013236-00013569 are told era toss he's measured shadows to prove the ball h-NpHKgPBoQ-00028-00013569-00014163 and Magellan circumnavigated the ball. again as flat earthers are well aware of h-NpHKgPBoQ-00029-00014163-00014601 the supposed proofs and alleged evidence we are given regarding the spinning ball h-NpHKgPBoQ-00030-00014601-00015079 earth fantasy. the difference is we have further analyzed these supposed proofs h-NpHKgPBoQ-00031-00015079-00015507 and found glaring holes in them even larger than the size of NASA's annual h-NpHKgPBoQ-00032-00015507-00015876 budget. I have personally debunked every such h-NpHKgPBoQ-00033-00015876-00016279 claim of supposed spinning ball earth evidence I could find in my book the h-NpHKgPBoQ-00034-00016279-00016818 Flat Earth conspiracy, and also compiled 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball h-NpHKgPBoQ-00035-00016818-00017350 in my book of the same title. I will not reiterate myself here as you h-NpHKgPBoQ-00036-00017350-00017803 can read these online for free, now and over a dozen languages but suffice to h-NpHKgPBoQ-00037-00017803-00018259 say there is no aspect of the spinning globe model that stands up to critical h-NpHKgPBoQ-00038-00018259-00018823 scrutiny and every alleged proof offered is easily refuted. the spinning globe and h-NpHKgPBoQ-00039-00018823-00019290 every argument used to defend, it is simply pseudoscience masquerading as h-NpHKgPBoQ-00040-00019290-00019753 truth. the pictures and videos presented to the public by NASA and other h-NpHKgPBoQ-00041-00019753-00020184 government space agencies, are as real as a Hollywood motion picture and as h-NpHKgPBoQ-00042-00020184-00020712 scientific as science fiction. science facts on the other hand prove the Flat h-NpHKgPBoQ-00043-00020712-00021262 Earth. for example it is the natural physics of all fluids to remain h-NpHKgPBoQ-00044-00021262-00021798 perfectly level and flat until disturbed in some way. if dammed up and released h-NpHKgPBoQ-00045-00021798-00022263 all liquids will quickly disperse in every unobstructed direction until h-NpHKgPBoQ-00046-00022263-00022719 finding their new level. this ever-present never broken law of physics h-NpHKgPBoQ-00047-00022719-00023157 is so reliable that builders use water spirit levels to level all their h-NpHKgPBoQ-00048-00023157-00023659 constructions. when you look out at the sea horizon from as high as amateur h-NpHKgPBoQ-00049-00023659-00024066 balloons and Rockets have ever gone, the water line always remains completely h-NpHKgPBoQ-00050-00024066-00024631 level and flat. if however the earth is a spinning ball as NASA and modern h-NpHKgPBoQ-00051-00024631-00025098 astronomy claimed, then somehow the massive oceans must all in defiance of h-NpHKgPBoQ-00052-00025098-00025587 physics curve thousands of miles around an irregular pear-shaped oblate spheroid. h-NpHKgPBoQ-00053-00025587-00026022 in reality, measurements have been repeatedly taken throughout history h-NpHKgPBoQ-00054-00026022-00026514 until modern times using lasers, levels, sextants, and theodolites h-NpHKgPBoQ-00055-00026514-00026952 to test for the Earth's suppose at curvature and every time have proven h-NpHKgPBoQ-00056-00026952-00027430 what our eyes and experience tell us to be true. the earth simply does not curve h-NpHKgPBoQ-00057-00027430-00027844 downwards eight inches four mile squared as dictated by spherical trigonometry h-NpHKgPBoQ-00058-00027844-00028438 and NASA's own calculations for a globe earth 24,900 miles an equatorial h-NpHKgPBoQ-00059-00028438-00028987 circumference. this mythical curvature exists only in the fisheye lens footage h-NpHKgPBoQ-00060-00028987-00029386 they constantly film in the fake CG images of Earth they constantly h-NpHKgPBoQ-00061-00029386-00029914 propagate. now dear spinning ball earth believer there is much more you must h-NpHKgPBoQ-00062-00029914-00030325 learn and even more that you must unlearn to understand fully the depth of h-NpHKgPBoQ-00063-00030325-00030676 this deception. it will take more than just a few minutes of Flat Earth h-NpHKgPBoQ-00064-00030676-00031135 research to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination, but I implore you to do h-NpHKgPBoQ-00065-00031135-00031576 just that. try and prove to yourself whether or not the spinning ball earth h-NpHKgPBoQ-00066-00031576-00032044 we are taught to believe since kindergarten is in fact a reality. I can h-NpHKgPBoQ-00067-00032044-00032554 speak on behalf of every flat earther when I say that's exactly what we did. we h-NpHKgPBoQ-00068-00032554-00032947 did our due diligence in researching and proving one way or the other, whether h-NpHKgPBoQ-00069-00032947-00033496 this seemingly flat motionless plain we all stand upon, is actually a tilting h-NpHKgPBoQ-00070-00033496-00033964 wobbling rotating and revolving pear-shaped oblate spheroid hurtling h-NpHKgPBoQ-00071-00033964-00034555 around the Sun, or whether everything is actually just as it seems. water always h-NpHKgPBoQ-00072-00034555-00035065 remains level and flat. the horizon always remains level and flat. the earth h-NpHKgPBoQ-00073-00035065-00035668 is motionless just as it seems. and the Sun moon and stars all evolve over and h-NpHKgPBoQ-00074-00035668-00036142 around us just as it appears. I encourage you to please explore this fascinating h-NpHKgPBoQ-00075-00036142-00036532 subject for yourself. by viewing the many other Flat Earth documentaries and h-NpHKgPBoQ-00076-00036532-00036895 interviews on my youtube channel, and visiting the International Flat Earth h-NpHKgPBoQ-00077-00036895-00037605 Research Society at eyford dot 1 2 3 st thank you hAiPK_LVE18-00000-00000000-00000403 [ The following fan made trailer by MacamTV is rated 'R' for realistic, created for entertainment purposes ] hAiPK_LVE18-00001-00000560-00000850 [Julia Maddon]: I don't think that's a good idea hAiPK_LVE18-00002-00001583-00001783 [Benny]: Alright g this is gonna sound insane hAiPK_LVE18-00003-00001832-00002020 it won't end well hAiPK_LVE18-00004-00003984-00004109 [Tobey Marshall]: that was really good hAiPK_LVE18-00005-00004109-00004221 [Dominic Toretto]: hold on hAiPK_LVE18-00006-00004221-00004384 [Tobey Marshall]: Dominic Toretto I heard about you hAiPK_LVE18-00007-00004464-00004821 that was really great maybe I could meet your team hAiPK_LVE18-00008-00004904-00005057 [Julia Maddon]: that guy was so strange hAiPK_LVE18-00009-00005057-00005233 [Tobey Marshall]: yeah hAiPK_LVE18-00010-00005233-00005866 [News]: breaking news everybody Toby Marshall has lost all his money including his car hAiPK_LVE18-00011-00006000-00006161 things have gone south hAiPK_LVE18-00012-00006161-00006306 [Dominic Toretto]: you want acar get it the right way hAiPK_LVE18-00013-00006348-00006462 [Tobey Marshall]: How? hAiPK_LVE18-00014-00006462-00006693 [Dominic Toretto]: race for it hAiPK_LVE18-00015-00006693-00006893 GET READY hAiPK_LVE18-00016-00007144-00007472 [Julia Maddon]: I don't think that's a good idea rightnow with everything that's been going on hAiPK_LVE18-00017-00007912-00008363 I thought I was happy I was happy but hAiPK_LVE18-00018-00008864-00008981 [Tobey Marshall]: What do you think you're doing hAiPK_LVE18-00019-00008981-00009280 [Julia Maddon]: I wonder if you could take your head out of here for just the briefest moment hAiPK_LVE18-00020-00009920-00010280 [Tobey Marshall]: Since she hung up the phone I've been playingcatch-up trying to figure out what she wants hAiPK_LVE18-00021-00010521-00010808 FROM THE CREATORS OF FAST AND FURIOUS FRANCHISE hAiPK_LVE18-00022-00010808-00011036 [Dominic Toretto]: You know it doesn't matter what's under a hood hAiPK_LVE18-00023-00011127-00011475 theonly thing that matters is who's behind the wheel hAiPK_LVE18-00024-00011540-00011740 A CROSSOVER EVENT hAiPK_LVE18-00025-00012128-00012231 [Tobey Marshall]: You think so hAiPK_LVE18-00026-00012231-00012362 [Dominic Toretto]: I know so hAiPK_LVE18-00027-00012362-00012784 just drive hAiPK_LVE18-00028-00015824-00015973 [Benny]: hey hAiPK_LVE18-00029-00015973-00016246 [Julia Maddon]: what just happened hEZi0U20NqM-00000-00000075-00000976 Okay, so I'll just do the #[0:00:04] which goes under the plate. Seems to work really well, so I'll hEZi0U20NqM-00001-00000976-00001112 just set me trap. hEZi0U20NqM-00002-00003528-00004347 Position the trap in the ground, and you set directly in front of the #[0:00:43]. hEZi0U20NqM-00003-00004347-00006890 Drag stick goes in the corner and the #[0:00:49]. #[0:01:07] the trap. hEZi0U20NqM-00004-00006890-00008382 What you do now is you bed your trap in. That means pushing the dirt down on the springs there. hEZi0U20NqM-00005-00008382-00009276 Make it nice and firm. The dog comes along, and puts his foot on the spring, or on one of the hEZi0U20NqM-00006-00009276-00011706 jaws, the trap won't roll on the set. It's nice and firm. That one's good. Bed the other side in. A hEZi0U20NqM-00009-00020680-00021806 nice and firm. Your trap is firm in the set. Lift up the #[0:3:33] jaw, put your #[0:03:35] in. hEZi0U20NqM-00010-00021806-00022836 Prime your trap. Bring them down a bit, so it should be running fairly through. Nice and flat, this hEZi0U20NqM-00011-00022836-00022933 is what you're looking for. hEZi0U20NqM-00012-00022933-00024038 Now, there's a little bit of dirt under this loose spring at the front here. Pat them down nice and hEZi0U20NqM-00013-00024038-00024699 firm. He knows we sit on firm ground. He doesn't want to be flapping on the breeze, this one. hEZi0U20NqM-00014-00024699-00026547 That's not too bad. Could come up a little bit more, I think. That's better. hEZi0U20NqM-00015-00026547-00027347 Okay, your trap's in position. Being primed, now you start the work on him. Now, these sections hEZi0U20NqM-00016-00027347-00028114 on the close side of springs, these round circles, I call them rings. And you don't want any rocks hEZi0U20NqM-00017-00028114-00028602 or debris in those rings, because when they let go you want them to slide up the jaws. So be hEZi0U20NqM-00018-00028602-00029933 fairly particular on your rings. Make sure when you starting to cover it up, there's no rocks, or hEZi0U20NqM-00019-00029933-00030312 large clogs, solid clogs hEZi0U20NqM-00020-00030312-00030808 Captions by GetTranscribed.com hH_sRyqCW38-00000-00000068-00000168 >> Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00001-00000168-00000268 Here we are. hH_sRyqCW38-00002-00000268-00000368 The last session on the day of DevOpsDays Boston 2019. hH_sRyqCW38-00003-00000368-00000468 Thank you all for sticking around this long. hH_sRyqCW38-00004-00000468-00000568 This is the hard tour, huh? hH_sRyqCW38-00005-00000568-00000809 So, disappearing all of your RFID chips behind your ears at the exits so we know who to call hH_sRyqCW38-00006-00000809-00000909 on. hH_sRyqCW38-00007-00000909-00001009 We have a workshop now. hH_sRyqCW38-00008-00001009-00001173 These are always something to behold because all of us are engineers of one sort or another. hH_sRyqCW38-00009-00001173-00001394 It's great to steal somebody else's ideas and maybe improve upon it, maybe not. hH_sRyqCW38-00010-00001394-00001521 Richard Boyd is a data engineer at iRobot. hH_sRyqCW38-00011-00001521-00001664 Must be a pretty cool company, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00012-00001664-00001764 What do you guys make? hH_sRyqCW38-00013-00001764-00001864 Like vacuum cleaners or something? hH_sRyqCW38-00014-00001864-00001964 Roombas. hH_sRyqCW38-00015-00001964-00002064 Do you have anything else? hH_sRyqCW38-00016-00002064-00002164 Yeah. hH_sRyqCW38-00017-00002164-00002264 So, you're basically a Hoover for the digital age, right. hH_sRyqCW38-00018-00002264-00002364 That's all you got? hH_sRyqCW38-00019-00002364-00002464 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00020-00002464-00002564 You can all. hH_sRyqCW38-00021-00002564-00002664 You can talk about Hoovers. hH_sRyqCW38-00022-00002664-00002764 I've known Richard for a while in the digital world. hH_sRyqCW38-00023-00002764-00002864 It's good to finally put his framehis name. hH_sRyqCW38-00024-00002864-00002964 He looks although infrastructure and making APIs that make his partner roll their eyes. hH_sRyqCW38-00025-00002964-00003064 He's known in some circles as an accomplished pastry chef. hH_sRyqCW38-00026-00003064-00003164 Probably the most accomplished between Cambridge and South Andover. hH_sRyqCW38-00027-00003164-00003264 He disease a mean Bolognese. hH_sRyqCW38-00028-00003264-00003364 And place an upright bass. hH_sRyqCW38-00029-00003364-00003464 The upper bow come up to my ear. hH_sRyqCW38-00030-00003464-00003564 Give a warm welcome to Mr. Richard Boyd. hH_sRyqCW38-00031-00003564-00003664 >> We're going talk about the way we deploy code at iRobot, specifically on our cloud hH_sRyqCW38-00032-00003664-00003764 side. hH_sRyqCW38-00033-00003764-00003864 It's broken into two main parts, the code that we have for the robots, it's through hH_sRyqCW38-00034-00003864-00003964 a process, and we are over the air and deploying them out to millions of robots out of people's hH_sRyqCW38-00035-00003964-00004064 homes. hH_sRyqCW38-00036-00004064-00004164 There's the risk calculation that's a little bit different. hH_sRyqCW38-00037-00004164-00004264 If you make a mistake doing that, it's very expensive to fix. hH_sRyqCW38-00038-00004264-00004634 Whereas whether you deploy stuff to the cloud, to this group I probably don't have to preach hH_sRyqCW38-00039-00004634-00004809 the benefits of the cloud. hH_sRyqCW38-00040-00004809-00005004 You can easily roll back a change. hH_sRyqCW38-00041-00005004-00005294 Or worse case, do an instance and start over again. hH_sRyqCW38-00042-00005294-00006168 It's hard to do that with Roomba. hH_sRyqCW38-00043-00006168-00006487 Slowly moving our mobile applications to roughly the same process. hH_sRyqCW38-00044-00006487-00006919 And creating a CI/CD pipeline that's going to look similar to this. hH_sRyqCW38-00045-00006919-00007478 And also create like a sample app which could like represent whatever app it is that you're hH_sRyqCW38-00046-00007478-00007897 building or that you're responsible for in your company. hH_sRyqCW38-00047-00007897-00008189 It's a trivial toy app. hH_sRyqCW38-00048-00008189-00008372 Something we can put through the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00049-00008372-00008829 The real meat of this presentation is the actual pipeline itself. hH_sRyqCW38-00050-00008829-00009421 So, the contents of this presentation are on GitHub. hH_sRyqCW38-00051-00009421-00009671 And probably nobody can read that. hH_sRyqCW38-00052-00009671-00009892 Make this bigger. hH_sRyqCW38-00053-00009892-00010277 Of course, Analytic make the URL any big. hH_sRyqCW38-00054-00010277-00010639 So, that was useless. hH_sRyqCW38-00055-00010639-00010911 [ Laughter ] All right. hH_sRyqCW38-00056-00010911-00011097 Is that easier to read? hH_sRyqCW38-00057-00011097-00011559 GitHub, rhboyd, and DevOpsDays Boston. hH_sRyqCW38-00058-00011559-00011892 I'm not sure if GitHub is case sensitive or not. hH_sRyqCW38-00059-00011892-00012412 I'll give everybody a minute to jot that down. hH_sRyqCW38-00060-00012412-00012738 And everything we go over today is on GitHub. hH_sRyqCW38-00061-00012738-00012950 Some stuff isn't on there yet. hH_sRyqCW38-00062-00012950-00013190 Just because I haven't pushed the commit with the updated to it yet. hH_sRyqCW38-00063-00013190-00013371 But it will be up there tonight. hH_sRyqCW38-00064-00013371-00013749 It's slightly more advanced topics if we get to them. hH_sRyqCW38-00065-00013749-00013906 Either way they will be up there. hH_sRyqCW38-00066-00013906-00014462 Just a matter of if we get to them today. hH_sRyqCW38-00067-00014462-00015082 When we go through today's demo, the blue window will be on a no show application. hH_sRyqCW38-00068-00015082-00015679 You deploy your infrastructure, and you have the information separately from one atom. hH_sRyqCW38-00069-00015679-00016280 There are people who and folder structure. hH_sRyqCW38-00070-00016280-00016609 And the monorepo. hH_sRyqCW38-00071-00016609-00016784 And the application. hH_sRyqCW38-00072-00016784-00017232 Some people have use cases that are preferred. hH_sRyqCW38-00073-00017232-00017719 But this pink window will be our pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00074-00017719-00018119 This is where we're doing most of our work today and most of the interesting work. hH_sRyqCW38-00075-00018119-00018757 And switching back and forth with the GitHub as we walk through that. hH_sRyqCW38-00076-00018757-00019115 And then the application that we're actually deploying just looks like this. hH_sRyqCW38-00077-00019115-00019340 It's just the API gateway and Lambda function. hH_sRyqCW38-00078-00019340-00019724 I hope, could be possibly much more sophisticated. hH_sRyqCW38-00079-00019724-00019893 And many functions, many APIs. hH_sRyqCW38-00080-00019893-00020018 And the microservice. hH_sRyqCW38-00081-00020018-00020875 But for almost everything we go over today, apply hH_sRyqCW38-00082-00020875-00021058 to this application that we have here. hH_sRyqCW38-00083-00021058-00021429 And the same way it would apply to a much more application. hH_sRyqCW38-00084-00021429-00021862 I believe that is most of the introductory material. hH_sRyqCW38-00085-00021862-00022208 So, some prerequisites to do this. hH_sRyqCW38-00086-00022208-00022548 The theater format for this is kind of difficult. hH_sRyqCW38-00087-00022548-00022934 Someone gets stuck, can't come to your seat and help you get unstuck because I have to hH_sRyqCW38-00088-00022934-00023090 climb over a bunch of people. hH_sRyqCW38-00089-00023090-00023401 Which is funny the first time, not funny the second time. hH_sRyqCW38-00090-00023401-00023981 So, what I was planning on doing today is just like going through this tutorial and hH_sRyqCW38-00091-00023981-00024446 if people are brave enough to keep up, I'm not going incredibly fast. hH_sRyqCW38-00092-00024446-00024590 I'll be everything I do. hH_sRyqCW38-00093-00024590-00024811 If you want to keep up, you can. hH_sRyqCW38-00094-00024811-00025513 And I will be at the workshop if you are stuck and we can talk about it one on one. hH_sRyqCW38-00095-00025513-00026081 But all the materials here that you could go back to your hotel or back to your home hH_sRyqCW38-00096-00026081-00026383 or office. hH_sRyqCW38-00097-00026383-00026974 And I know it's the last session of the last day. hH_sRyqCW38-00098-00026974-00027381 A lot of people want to get out of here quickly. hH_sRyqCW38-00099-00027381-00027519 We're using all AWS tools. hH_sRyqCW38-00100-00027519-00028948 All the concepts on the cloud provider, source control, controlled deployments, gradual release. hH_sRyqCW38-00101-00028948-00029852 Specific proper noun is for so, since we're using AWS, we're gonna use an IAM user. hH_sRyqCW38-00102-00029852-00030287 Inside of a corporation you may use a SAML provideror some kind of an identity provider hH_sRyqCW38-00103-00030287-00030663 that provides you as a developer with the IM roll to use. hH_sRyqCW38-00104-00030663-00031406 And for the demo purpose, it's easier to use an IM with credentials. hH_sRyqCW38-00105-00031406-00031593 This is inside Python 3. hH_sRyqCW38-00106-00031593-00032534 It's just the sample application we're creating is the serverless application model application. hH_sRyqCW38-00107-00032534-00032653 It's one I wrote in Python. hH_sRyqCW38-00108-00032653-00033008 You can write it in Node or any language. hH_sRyqCW38-00109-00033008-00033168 It's a modal application. hH_sRyqCW38-00110-00033168-00033678 You'll need the SAMCLI which depends on Python 3, I believe. hH_sRyqCW38-00111-00033678-00033902 It depends on Python. hH_sRyqCW38-00112-00033902-00034240 I'm not sure of the version. hH_sRyqCW38-00113-00034240-00034434 It's getting a little bit easier. hH_sRyqCW38-00114-00034434-00034875 It and then for testing the API in our application, postman is a nice tool. hH_sRyqCW38-00115-00034875-00035353 But you can use curl or another application if you didn't want to use Postman. hH_sRyqCW38-00116-00035353-00035711 I'm going to make sure I have this set up correctly. hH_sRyqCW38-00117-00035711-00036541 So, you can run SAM version just to make sure we have a version of SAM, that's great. hH_sRyqCW38-00118-00036541-00036641 Python version. hH_sRyqCW38-00119-00036641-00036741 Make sure we have Python. hH_sRyqCW38-00120-00036741-00036911 That's not good. hH_sRyqCW38-00121-00036911-00037222 [ Laughter ] Better. hH_sRyqCW38-00122-00037222-00037378 Right. hH_sRyqCW38-00123-00037378-00037837 So, Apple is talking about they're not going to include Python anymore by default which hH_sRyqCW38-00124-00037837-00038215 is great because then I don't have to worry about this Python 2, Python 3 problem. hH_sRyqCW38-00125-00038215-00038362 I can just use Python 3. hH_sRyqCW38-00126-00038362-00038731 If you just try to use Python 2, everything breaks. hH_sRyqCW38-00127-00038731-00038947 That was a tangent. hH_sRyqCW38-00128-00038947-00039562 We're going to cover code commit, CodeBuild, code pipeline, and code deploy and cloud formation. hH_sRyqCW38-00129-00039562-00040112 I used to refer to this set of tools adds a code star suite, the regX. hH_sRyqCW38-00130-00040112-00040666 But then they launched Code Star. hH_sRyqCW38-00131-00040666-00041138 It build agency nice hello world application. hH_sRyqCW38-00132-00041138-00041356 But it makes me have to use a new application. hH_sRyqCW38-00133-00041356-00041841 This is generally for the code suite, which includes code Star. hH_sRyqCW38-00134-00041841-00042653 And then because we're using AWS's serverless application model, infrastructure at code. hH_sRyqCW38-00135-00042653-00043300 We will use that for managing our pipeline infrastructure and for managing our application hH_sRyqCW38-00136-00043300-00043543 infrastructure as well. hH_sRyqCW38-00137-00043543-00043669 And then this is outdated. hH_sRyqCW38-00138-00043669-00043800 This is no DynamoDB. hH_sRyqCW38-00139-00043800-00044207 When I put together this workshop, I was going to have this crazy application. hH_sRyqCW38-00140-00044207-00044774 It's gonna be all kinds of direct service integrations. hH_sRyqCW38-00141-00044774-00044965 And then I realized nobody cares about that. hH_sRyqCW38-00142-00044965-00045147 They just care about the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00143-00045147-00045247 That's why you're here today. hH_sRyqCW38-00144-00045247-00045562 It's just API gateway and Lambda. hH_sRyqCW38-00145-00045562-00045971 And it's a place holder for whatever your application is. hH_sRyqCW38-00146-00045971-00046327 So, we're gonna create two folders. hH_sRyqCW38-00147-00046327-00046705 And the reason I'm using two separate windows is because logically there's two separate hH_sRyqCW38-00148-00046705-00046805 things we're doing. hH_sRyqCW38-00149-00046805-00047308 We're creating the pipeline in our infrastructure and creating our application that will be hH_sRyqCW38-00150-00047308-00047446 deployed through that infrastructure. hH_sRyqCW38-00151-00047446-00047932 So, it makes it easier with the color difference, I'm going to use two separate folders to make hH_sRyqCW38-00152-00047932-00048093 it easier. hH_sRyqCW38-00153-00048093-00048466 And of course, no one can read it, but it says application at the top. hH_sRyqCW38-00154-00048466-00048771 The blue one is our application, and the P is our pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00155-00048771-00049116 P for pink in pipeline should help. hH_sRyqCW38-00156-00049116-00049377 We will start by making a folder to hold this stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00157-00049377-00049477 So, mkdir pipelinefolder. hH_sRyqCW38-00158-00049477-00050285 I probably shouldn't be trying to live code. hH_sRyqCW38-00159-00050285-00050561 Should have recorded all of this. hH_sRyqCW38-00160-00050561-00050766 CD into this there. hH_sRyqCW38-00161-00050766-00050866 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00162-00050866-00050972 Lost my mouse. hH_sRyqCW38-00163-00050972-00051072 Sorry. hH_sRyqCW38-00164-00051072-00051172 Mkdr. hH_sRyqCW38-00165-00051172-00051528 What are we going to name our application folder? hH_sRyqCW38-00166-00051528-00051882 My DevOpsDays app. hH_sRyqCW38-00167-00051882-00052504 And just real quick, you'll see that we have these two, the pipeline folder I created in hH_sRyqCW38-00168-00052504-00052766 the other window, and the other one is going to CDN into here. hH_sRyqCW38-00169-00052766-00053894 We have these set up and we have to create an empty YAML file for the cloud formation. hH_sRyqCW38-00170-00053894-00054607 So, we'll say touch pipeline.yaml. hH_sRyqCW38-00171-00054607-00054742 I'm going to paste this in here. hH_sRyqCW38-00172-00054742-00055230 It's not a good workshop if I sorry. hH_sRyqCW38-00173-00055230-00055449 Vim, pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00174-00055449-00056207 If I just paste this in here and say we're done, wouldn't be a good workshop. hH_sRyqCW38-00175-00056207-00056896 For anyone who hasn't used CloudFormation before, the top line is optional. hH_sRyqCW38-00176-00056896-00056996 Scrolled up. hH_sRyqCW38-00177-00056996-00057582 It's the template formation, but if you supply it, it's the version. hH_sRyqCW38-00178-00057582-00057740 It's the only value that it accepts. hH_sRyqCW38-00179-00057740-00058063 It makes no sense to me, that's the spec. hH_sRyqCW38-00180-00058063-00058353 It's a description for it. hH_sRyqCW38-00181-00058353-00058673 Looking throughout file, you don't know what they're meant to do with this. hH_sRyqCW38-00182-00058673-00058936 Parameters are what you use to deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00183-00058936-00059354 You can pass in parameters that change behavior. hH_sRyqCW38-00184-00059354-00059975 If you want to parameterize, maybe you deploy applications for other teams and the only hH_sRyqCW38-00185-00059975-00060772 real difference is maybe the AWS Lambda runtime you use, you can pass in a thing for Java hH_sRyqCW38-00186-00060772-00061166 or Python or Go or Node.js and then you can switch on that. hH_sRyqCW38-00187-00061166-00061400 We won't be doing anything like that in this workshop. hH_sRyqCW38-00188-00061400-00061635 This is an example of a parameter. hH_sRyqCW38-00189-00061635-00061854 Because we're giving it a default value, it is not required. hH_sRyqCW38-00190-00061854-00062179 Because it will just pick up the default value. hH_sRyqCW38-00191-00062179-00062348 This is where we get into the resource stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00192-00062348-00062741 The resources is where all of the fun happens. hH_sRyqCW38-00193-00062741-00062872 This is a code commit repository. hH_sRyqCW38-00194-00062872-00063208 So, code commit is AWS's managed get service. hH_sRyqCW38-00195-00063208-00063980 You can work with a get client, get commands, get push force, get merge force so that you hH_sRyqCW38-00196-00063980-00064459 don't have to do code reviews and things like that. hH_sRyqCW38-00197-00064459-00065091 We're going to name the repository after the project just to keep it simple. hH_sRyqCW38-00198-00065091-00065514 Escape out of this. hH_sRyqCW38-00199-00065514-00065956 And now I'm going to deploy just this stack by itself. hH_sRyqCW38-00200-00065956-00066245 Just to make sure that everything kind of works. hH_sRyqCW38-00201-00066245-00066475 And then we'll like slowly add features to this. hH_sRyqCW38-00202-00066475-00067044 I should probably before I do that go back to my description here and talk about what hH_sRyqCW38-00203-00067044-00067144 we're actually building. hH_sRyqCW38-00204-00067144-00067498 So, what we'll do is we'll check in our code to code commit, which is like a managed get hH_sRyqCW38-00205-00067498-00067638 service. hH_sRyqCW38-00206-00067638-00067986 And when the code is checked in, that will cause an event to cause the pipeline to pick hH_sRyqCW38-00207-00067986-00068883 up a new commit and it will pass that commit off to code build which is a managed built hH_sRyqCW38-00208-00068883-00068983 service. hH_sRyqCW38-00209-00068983-00069183 They use a Docker container and it will build the application for you. hH_sRyqCW38-00210-00069183-00069536 This is what you typically use in something like a Jenkins server. hH_sRyqCW38-00211-00069536-00069947 But it's completely managed for you so you don't have to worry about patching it or updating hH_sRyqCW38-00212-00069947-00070047 the version of Jenkins. hH_sRyqCW38-00213-00070047-00070341 You just supply a Docker version. hH_sRyqCW38-00214-00070341-00070760 These are the steps I want to run, these red light base images. hH_sRyqCW38-00215-00070760-00071379 Amazon has a lot of pre packaged ones for you that you can use as your favorite dependency. hH_sRyqCW38-00216-00071379-00072017 So, if you're building a Lambda application based on Python, you can pick with the Python hH_sRyqCW38-00217-00072017-00072488 version of this and it will come with PythonPIP and all of your favorite Python dependencies. hH_sRyqCW38-00218-00072488-00072989 Likewise with Java and Node.js and Go and things like that. hH_sRyqCW38-00219-00072989-00073335 Once that build is successful, assuming it is successful, I have had many unsuccessful hH_sRyqCW38-00220-00073335-00074050 builds in my time, it will pass it on to the pipeline to use cloud formation to deploy hH_sRyqCW38-00221-00074050-00074166 the code. hH_sRyqCW38-00222-00074166-00074838 For the first part of the workshop, we will only be using the code formation. hH_sRyqCW38-00223-00074838-00075164 Then later on, we will use deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00224-00075164-00075541 Just this rectangle here is what you will start with. hH_sRyqCW38-00225-00075541-00075817 So, we're gonna do. hH_sRyqCW38-00226-00075817-00076231 I'm gonna cheat a little bit. hH_sRyqCW38-00227-00076231-00076575 And it's not in here. hH_sRyqCW38-00228-00076575-00076782 Maybe it's in. hH_sRyqCW38-00229-00076782-00076919 All right. hH_sRyqCW38-00230-00076919-00077112 I'm gonna try to wing it. hH_sRyqCW38-00231-00077112-00077279 I never remember these commands. hH_sRyqCW38-00232-00077279-00077489 Let's try it. hH_sRyqCW38-00233-00077489-00077770 AWS cloud formation, deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00234-00077770-00078033 So, we're deploy, we're using the AWSCLI. hH_sRyqCW38-00235-00078033-00078133 CloudFormation. hH_sRyqCW38-00236-00078133-00078233 We want to deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00237-00078233-00078333 Template is cloud/pipeline, profile. hH_sRyqCW38-00238-00078333-00078852 I forgot what my profile was. hH_sRyqCW38-00239-00078852-00079210 DevOps demo. hH_sRyqCW38-00240-00079210-00079923 See if that works. hH_sRyqCW38-00241-00079923-00080101 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00242-00080101-00080510 I have to disconnect the HDMI for just a moment because I have to look at my password file hH_sRyqCW38-00243-00080510-00080610 and I don't want you all to see it. hH_sRyqCW38-00244-00080610-00080710 What's that? hH_sRyqCW38-00245-00080710-00080810 I'm gonna mess that up. hH_sRyqCW38-00246-00080810-00080910 I'm totally gonna mess that up. hH_sRyqCW38-00247-00080910-00081010 So, one second. hH_sRyqCW38-00248-00081010-00081110 Mike said he would come out here and make balloon animals while I was working on this. hH_sRyqCW38-00249-00081110-00081210 You guys should hold him to that. hH_sRyqCW38-00250-00081210-00081310 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00251-00081310-00081410 I'm back. hH_sRyqCW38-00252-00081410-00081510 I think it was just a spelling problem which is what all of my problems are. hH_sRyqCW38-00253-00081510-00081610 Oh, Devop demo. hH_sRyqCW38-00254-00081610-00081710 It was supposed to be DevOps demo. hH_sRyqCW38-00255-00081710-00081810 There we go. hH_sRyqCW38-00256-00081810-00081910 Cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00257-00081910-00082010 I messed it up. hH_sRyqCW38-00258-00082010-00082110 Invalid subcommand. hH_sRyqCW38-00259-00082110-00082260 Did I misspell something else? hH_sRyqCW38-00260-00082260-00082512 It's okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00261-00082512-00082954 If you're having this problem, what you can do is just copy and paste this. hH_sRyqCW38-00262-00082954-00083272 Oh, I didn't give it a stack name. hH_sRyqCW38-00263-00083272-00084111 But that doesn't explain why none of the rest of the stuff worked. hH_sRyqCW38-00264-00084111-00084211 Let's try this again. hH_sRyqCW38-00265-00084211-00084311 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00266-00084311-00084412 So, quickly what this saying confirmation deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00267-00084412-00084794 We have to give it a template, which is the pipe Lin we just created.you have to name hH_sRyqCW38-00268-00084794-00085112 the stack, when it's deployed to the cloud formation, you have to give it a name to is hH_sRyqCW38-00269-00085112-00085213 knows how to track it. hH_sRyqCW38-00270-00085213-00085626 And I'm using I took that off. hH_sRyqCW38-00271-00085626-00086725 I'm using profiles to control what credentials it so it knows what I AM accounts to use. hH_sRyqCW38-00272-00086725-00086857 I have many accounts. hH_sRyqCW38-00273-00086857-00087592 But if you are doing a thing, like an IAM user is sufficient. hH_sRyqCW38-00274-00087592-00087873 And now we wait. hH_sRyqCW38-00275-00087873-00088073 It should go fairly quickly it should be three minutes orso. hH_sRyqCW38-00276-00088073-00088352 It hasn't thrown an error yet. hH_sRyqCW38-00277-00088352-00088593 Usually means I'm on the right track. hH_sRyqCW38-00278-00088593-00088842 While that's doing that, I will log into the account. hH_sRyqCW38-00279-00088842-00089075 It moved. hH_sRyqCW38-00280-00089075-00089194 Waiting. hH_sRyqCW38-00281-00089194-00089417 It will create a changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-00282-00089417-00089613 This is just some CloudFormation basics. hH_sRyqCW38-00283-00089613-00090006 It will create a changeset and here are the new things that will be created if I execute hH_sRyqCW38-00284-00090006-00090233 this changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-00285-00090233-00090700 And because of the way the command line I told it just do a deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00286-00090700-00090995 There's ways of saying create changeset and deploy changeset if you want to break things hH_sRyqCW38-00287-00090995-00091262 up which we will see later in the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00288-00091262-00091792 And then apply that changeset to actually create the new resources for you. hH_sRyqCW38-00289-00091792-00092329 So, by splitting that up into two steps you can have a manual intervention process. hH_sRyqCW38-00290-00092329-00092607 Anyone can push the main line. hH_sRyqCW38-00291-00092607-00092952 The code will go out and get built and create a changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-00292-00092952-00093052 Here is the diff. hH_sRyqCW38-00293-00093052-00093218 Yeah, that's appropriate and click yes. hH_sRyqCW38-00294-00093218-00093318 And continue on. hH_sRyqCW38-00295-00093318-00093598 We aren't going to do that in the workshop today, but I will show you where you would hH_sRyqCW38-00296-00093598-00093768 insert something like that. hH_sRyqCW38-00297-00093768-00093868 Failed. hH_sRyqCW38-00298-00093868-00094166 That's not good. hH_sRyqCW38-00299-00094166-00094673 One trick I just do is give it a different name. hH_sRyqCW38-00300-00094673-00094835 Sometimes there's a name collision. hH_sRyqCW38-00301-00094835-00095147 See what happened. hH_sRyqCW38-00302-00095147-00095354 Oh, no. hH_sRyqCW38-00303-00095354-00095976 This should... oh, there it is. hH_sRyqCW38-00304-00095976-00096712 I probably shouldn't have been on like the attendee wireless. hH_sRyqCW38-00305-00096712-00096812 It seems slower. hH_sRyqCW38-00306-00096812-00097250 Maybe I'm sharing it with all the rest of you. hH_sRyqCW38-00307-00097250-00097350 Beautiful. hH_sRyqCW38-00308-00097350-00097626 What's it saying? hH_sRyqCW38-00309-00097626-00097814 Failed again. hH_sRyqCW38-00310-00097814-00098567 Let's go into the cloud formation bless you! hH_sRyqCW38-00311-00098567-00098667 CloudFormation. hH_sRyqCW38-00312-00098667-00098807 Being this zoomed in makes it hard. hH_sRyqCW38-00313-00098807-00098998 But we will see why it failed. hH_sRyqCW38-00314-00098998-00099931 Oh, I need to switch to DevOps demo. hH_sRyqCW38-00315-00099931-00100031 It says my account number. hH_sRyqCW38-00316-00100031-00100352 I don't think there's any security implications with seeing my account number. hH_sRyqCW38-00317-00100352-00100804 But don't hack me, please. hH_sRyqCW38-00318-00100804-00101452 This is the fun of CloudFormation templates is that go back. hH_sRyqCW38-00319-00101452-00101910 I'm gonna make this smaller for a second so I can read it and then make it bigger once hH_sRyqCW38-00320-00101910-00102232 I figure out oh, that's right. hH_sRyqCW38-00321-00102232-00102332 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00322-00102332-00102447 That's too small. hH_sRyqCW38-00323-00102447-00103092 So, what happened was, I was testing it this morning, rehearsing my talk, and I already hH_sRyqCW38-00324-00103092-00103400 made one that like worked. hH_sRyqCW38-00325-00103400-00103715 And when I tried to make a new one, there was a name collision because I manually named hH_sRyqCW38-00326-00103715-00103928 that code commit repository. hH_sRyqCW38-00327-00103928-00104233 So, in general for resources you don't to want manually name them. hH_sRyqCW38-00328-00104233-00104370 You will run into issues like this. hH_sRyqCW38-00329-00104370-00104723 If you're creating something several times, intending to have different resources, but hH_sRyqCW38-00330-00104723-00105182 they collide and everything is broken. hH_sRyqCW38-00331-00105182-00105591 Code commit is slightly different because the name is the only field that's required. hH_sRyqCW38-00332-00105591-00105752 Which is why it throws me off. hH_sRyqCW38-00333-00105752-00106224 Let me just delete these. hH_sRyqCW38-00334-00106224-00106520 I'll probably bet throttled for deleting stuff too fast. hH_sRyqCW38-00335-00106520-00107620 So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change the name of the repo so we don't have to wait hH_sRyqCW38-00336-00107620-00107857 for that delete to finish. hH_sRyqCW38-00337-00107857-00108025 That works. hH_sRyqCW38-00338-00108025-00108322 I'll totally jinx this. hH_sRyqCW38-00339-00108322-00109222 And then give it a working. hH_sRyqCW38-00340-00109222-00109472 Fingers crossed it works this time. hH_sRyqCW38-00341-00109472-00109930 That's usually why I do this very early in the process to work out some of these smallkinks hH_sRyqCW38-00342-00109930-00110492 in the workflow when there's very few resources going on, being created. hH_sRyqCW38-00343-00110492-00110799 Because cloud formation is notoriously slow to create some resources hH_sRyqCW38-00344-00110799-00111230 You do it for an hour and it cease an error and makes an hour to roll it back. hH_sRyqCW38-00345-00111230-00111330 Success. hH_sRyqCW38-00346-00111330-00111430 We're on the right track. hH_sRyqCW38-00347-00111430-00111618 This is great, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00348-00111618-00111820 Only took us, what? hH_sRyqCW38-00349-00111820-00111996 What time is it? hH_sRyqCW38-00350-00111996-00112553 Like half an hour to add a repo which is like three clicks in the console. hH_sRyqCW38-00351-00112553-00113100 I don't have to tell you all of you about the benefits of infrastructure as code. hH_sRyqCW38-00352-00113100-00113363 This is what your manager cease. hH_sRyqCW38-00353-00113363-00113686 Why did it take you all afternoon to create the repo? hH_sRyqCW38-00354-00113686-00113826 You don't understand, the names. hH_sRyqCW38-00355-00113826-00114025 The names aren't right. hH_sRyqCW38-00356-00114025-00114516 [ Laughter ] So, I get it. hH_sRyqCW38-00357-00114516-00114919 Manager yells although you, come tell them to yell at me. hH_sRyqCW38-00358-00114919-00115019 Cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00359-00115019-00115184 So, now we'll add a bucket to this. hH_sRyqCW38-00360-00115184-00115295 An S3 bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00361-00115295-00115478 You have heard of them. hH_sRyqCW38-00362-00115478-00116069 The reason we're using an Sbucket is we're going to put artifacts from the build process hH_sRyqCW38-00363-00116069-00116169 into there. hH_sRyqCW38-00364-00116169-00116745 There is a bucket code pipeline creates for storing pipeline specific artifacts. hH_sRyqCW38-00365-00116745-00116936 I prefer a separate one. hH_sRyqCW38-00366-00116936-00117425 I have more control over the access control to the bucket and I don't use the automatically hH_sRyqCW38-00367-00117425-00117533 generated one. hH_sRyqCW38-00368-00117533-00118141 And I'm going to stop using Vim to edit this thing because I hate using Vim. hH_sRyqCW38-00369-00118141-00118673 Not that I hate Vim, it's just hard to do and I'm not good at it. hH_sRyqCW38-00370-00118673-00118972 It makes it even harder. hH_sRyqCW38-00371-00118972-00119272 I'm going to open follower. hH_sRyqCW38-00372-00119272-00119372 Which one? hH_sRyqCW38-00373-00119372-00119479 Oh, 24 of September. hH_sRyqCW38-00374-00119479-00119579 Pipeline folder. hH_sRyqCW38-00375-00119579-00119978 And then hopefully this will be a bit easier. hH_sRyqCW38-00376-00119978-00120078 No. hH_sRyqCW38-00377-00120078-00120178 Go away. hH_sRyqCW38-00378-00120178-00120280 People are already leaving. hH_sRyqCW38-00379-00120280-00120434 I see how it is. hH_sRyqCW38-00380-00120434-00120590 [ Laughter ] No, I'm just kidding. hH_sRyqCW38-00381-00120590-00120690 If you want to leave, you can leave. hH_sRyqCW38-00382-00120690-00120892 I won't hold it against you for too long. hH_sRyqCW38-00383-00120892-00121090 All right. hH_sRyqCW38-00384-00121090-00121444 So, we had this is YAML. hH_sRyqCW38-00385-00121444-00121855 If anyone hasn't worked with it before. hH_sRyqCW38-00386-00121855-00122107 It's like a better version of JSON. hH_sRyqCW38-00387-00122107-00122478 But it's still like that's a low bar to cross. hH_sRyqCW38-00388-00122478-00122929 And like Python, it's like sensitive to whitespace. hH_sRyqCW38-00389-00122929-00123231 So, these two things are next to each other, they're peer objects. hH_sRyqCW38-00390-00123231-00123579 If you had done something like this, it would loses it mind. hH_sRyqCW38-00391-00123579-00123793 I don't know what's going on here. hH_sRyqCW38-00392-00123793-00123917 Whitespace is hard. hH_sRyqCW38-00393-00123917-00124058 All right. hH_sRyqCW38-00394-00124058-00124451 So, I made like a small change and I just rerun the same command and it will deploy hH_sRyqCW38-00395-00124451-00124609 the bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00396-00124609-00124709 Hopefully this will work. hH_sRyqCW38-00397-00124709-00124809 Should work. hH_sRyqCW38-00398-00124809-00125073 Shouldn't be any reason why it shouldn't work. hH_sRyqCW38-00399-00125073-00125439 So, while it's deploying, it should only take a minute. hH_sRyqCW38-00400-00125439-00125664 Anyone have questions about anything that's unclear? hH_sRyqCW38-00401-00125664-00125857 Have I been speaking too fast? hH_sRyqCW38-00402-00125857-00126185 Probably people from like wildly different experience with AWS technology. hH_sRyqCW38-00403-00126185-00126726 Probably stuff people aren't familiar with or are. hH_sRyqCW38-00404-00126726-00127021 Come talk to me afterwards if you are shy. hH_sRyqCW38-00405-00127021-00127278 I'll only make fun of you a little bit. hH_sRyqCW38-00406-00127278-00127426 So, we have the bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00407-00127426-00127725 This is going to hold our resources during the build process. hH_sRyqCW38-00408-00127725-00128065 We're going to stick them in there when we're done so we can pass them around. hH_sRyqCW38-00409-00128065-00128749 This is common with a multi account product when you're building and deploying your resources hH_sRyqCW38-00410-00128749-00128945 out to other accounts. hH_sRyqCW38-00411-00128945-00129471 You might have a Dev account, an integration account, a production account for the US, hH_sRyqCW38-00412-00129471-00129888 a production account for Europe, a production account for South America. hH_sRyqCW38-00413-00129888-00130492 Whatever your account structure is, if you're using a multi account structure in AWS, the hH_sRyqCW38-00414-00130492-00130918 preferred way of architecting these things, having a separate distinct bucket for these hH_sRyqCW38-00415-00130918-00131341 things instead of the bucket works for me. hH_sRyqCW38-00416-00131341-00132032 I can control the key applied to it and the individual policies and hook up Lambdas. hH_sRyqCW38-00417-00132032-00132298 Which I think you can do with the other one, but you have to wait until after the code hH_sRyqCW38-00418-00132298-00132445 pipeline creates it. hH_sRyqCW38-00419-00132445-00132988 But it's tied to the code pipeline which I don't really like. hH_sRyqCW38-00420-00132988-00133562 AUDIENCE: You just want it to be the stack name. hH_sRyqCW38-00421-00133562-00133830 RICHARD: I hate naming anything. hH_sRyqCW38-00422-00133830-00134125 I struggled to name the folders I was using. hH_sRyqCW38-00423-00134125-00134509 I'm not a creative person. hH_sRyqCW38-00424-00134509-00135069 When you manual lie name something with CloudFormation, if you make a name change that requires replacement, hH_sRyqCW38-00425-00135069-00135291 that will fail. hH_sRyqCW38-00426-00135291-00135499 It first creates the new item. hH_sRyqCW38-00427-00135499-00135871 And once that's successfully done, it does a stack cleanup operation and deletes the hH_sRyqCW38-00428-00135871-00135977 old ones. hH_sRyqCW38-00429-00135977-00136437 But since buckets have to be globally unique. hH_sRyqCW38-00430-00136437-00136794 You have to rename it, which essentially just destroys the resource. hH_sRyqCW38-00431-00136794-00137276 If I can get away with it, messed up on the code commit repository. hH_sRyqCW38-00432-00137276-00137547 I don't rename things manually. hH_sRyqCW38-00433-00137547-00137939 And his question was, why didn't I name the bucket specifically? hH_sRyqCW38-00434-00137939-00138240 It's one of the few properties that most people gift to the bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00435-00138240-00138340 That's why I didn't manually name it. hH_sRyqCW38-00436-00138340-00138440 AUDIENCE: I have a question related to deployments. hH_sRyqCW38-00437-00138440-00138540 I'm not sure if you're taking that right now. hH_sRyqCW38-00438-00138540-00138640 So, how do you manage various deployments with different applications across different hH_sRyqCW38-00439-00138640-00138740 technologies? hH_sRyqCW38-00440-00138740-00138840 Should they be a centered team doing all the deployments? hH_sRyqCW38-00441-00138840-00139328 Because there are varying projects with different technologies, you know, three or four projects hH_sRyqCW38-00442-00139328-00140119 all doing different stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00443-00140119-00141502 Should there be teams doing all that? hH_sRyqCW38-00444-00141502-00141856 RICHARD: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. hH_sRyqCW38-00445-00141856-00142597 So, her question is, is there a rule of thumb to use if you're deploying many applications hH_sRyqCW38-00446-00142597-00142823 across many stacks using various technologies. hH_sRyqCW38-00447-00142823-00143151 Some might be using a simple LAMP stack. hH_sRyqCW38-00448-00143151-00143569 Might have React with an API gateway in the background. hH_sRyqCW38-00449-00143569-00144002 We could have a deploy days Boston and spend three days arguing about different ways of hH_sRyqCW38-00450-00144002-00144132 doing that. hH_sRyqCW38-00451-00144132-00144633 I think the people who own the individual services would decide what deployment strategy hH_sRyqCW38-00452-00144633-00144772 works best for them. hH_sRyqCW38-00453-00144772-00145052 I try to like we do microservices at iRobot. hH_sRyqCW38-00454-00145052-00145547 And I try to the things that we build and deploy as like a bounded context. hH_sRyqCW38-00455-00145547-00146033 Everything that makes sense to change together we put together into its own pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00456-00146033-00146476 You tend to have problems with people who have built monoliths their entire career. hH_sRyqCW38-00457-00146476-00147086 Okay, now you're making microservices and they make a monolith out of motorcycle services hH_sRyqCW38-00458-00147086-00147543 and try to deploy all of it at the same time and it fails. hH_sRyqCW38-00459-00147543-00148079 I would it's usually a good sign in an organization to be able if one service hH_sRyqCW38-00460-00148079-00148467 could deploy by itself without affecting a bunch of other services, you have done a good hH_sRyqCW38-00461-00148467-00148625 job of decoupling that. hH_sRyqCW38-00462-00148625-00149271 Which by itself doesn't mean it's necessarily architected very well, but it's a good sign. hH_sRyqCW38-00463-00149271-00149505 Does that answer your question? hH_sRyqCW38-00464-00149505-00149943 I'll talk about deployments more later as we get into it. hH_sRyqCW38-00465-00149943-00150142 So, I'm gonna move forward. hH_sRyqCW38-00466-00150142-00150305 Just make sure that cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00467-00150305-00150405 So, that works. hH_sRyqCW38-00468-00150405-00150957 I'm not going to switch back and forth and have of that it actually deployed each time. hH_sRyqCW38-00469-00150957-00151341 Hopefully you can trust me and I will only lie to you a little bit. hH_sRyqCW38-00470-00151341-00151679 The next step is the fairly boring part. hH_sRyqCW38-00471-00151679-00152066 So, we need to create a role for CodeBuild to use. hH_sRyqCW38-00472-00152066-00152433 We're going to use CodeBuild to run our application. hH_sRyqCW38-00473-00152433-00152972 Run things like SAM build or bunch dependencies and get it ready for deployment. hH_sRyqCW38-00474-00152972-00153424 Also when you would run some of your integration or unit tests. hH_sRyqCW38-00475-00153424-00153674 Definitely your integration tests, maybe unit tests. hH_sRyqCW38-00476-00153674-00153932 This is verifying that the code will run. hH_sRyqCW38-00477-00153932-00154881 If people push code into a bundled artifact, you have to take it at the word that it works. hH_sRyqCW38-00478-00154881-00155420 This will only work if you go through the build test with the test in it. hH_sRyqCW38-00479-00155420-00155960 And this is the role that AWS has for controlling resources. hH_sRyqCW38-00480-00155960-00156567 And allow CodeBuild to do the resources. hH_sRyqCW38-00481-00156567-00156971 It gives it a specific name which I just said I don't like doing. hH_sRyqCW38-00482-00156971-00157648 This is an artifact, with a multi account structure, it creates a cyclical dependency hH_sRyqCW38-00483-00157648-00158011 between your central build account and your other accounts. hH_sRyqCW38-00484-00158011-00158357 CodeBuild is not necessarily that way. hH_sRyqCW38-00485-00158357-00158657 But some of the other rules we use and I want it to be consistent. hH_sRyqCW38-00486-00158657-00159516 That your the pipeline, the code pipeline role needs permissions to do things in other hH_sRyqCW38-00487-00159516-00159911 accounts to do things in thoseaccounts and the other accounts need to be able to hH_sRyqCW38-00488-00159911-00160135 trust the pipeline role. hH_sRyqCW38-00489-00160135-00160703 If you don't explicitly name the role, neither knows what the other is doing. hH_sRyqCW38-00490-00160703-00160917 You're creating a cyclical dependency. hH_sRyqCW38-00491-00160917-00161145 One depends on the other depends on the other. hH_sRyqCW38-00492-00161145-00161596 Even though I hate down it, it's the only option for now. hH_sRyqCW38-00493-00161596-00162698 Are you stretching or question? hH_sRyqCW38-00494-00162698-00163216 It's fun in a way that not being able to solve a Rubik's cube is fun. hH_sRyqCW38-00495-00163216-00163509 This is like the actual policy. hH_sRyqCW38-00496-00163509-00163873 This says what the role can actually do. hH_sRyqCW38-00497-00163873-00164091 It can get and put files from S3. hH_sRyqCW38-00498-00164091-00164541 That's where it's going to be putting the built artifacts. hH_sRyqCW38-00499-00164541-00165064 And then in the bucket that we created earlier further up in the document. hH_sRyqCW38-00500-00165064-00165350 And some of this is just like the reference syntax. hH_sRyqCW38-00501-00165350-00165582 There's other ways of representing this which are a little bit cleaner. hH_sRyqCW38-00502-00165582-00165855 But I just copied it from our production code. hH_sRyqCW38-00503-00165855-00166374 And there's logging information that we like CodeBuild to be able to log this to keep an hH_sRyqCW38-00504-00166374-00166551 eye on how long builds are taking. hH_sRyqCW38-00505-00166551-00166872 What are some other ones? hH_sRyqCW38-00506-00166872-00167231 Logging built failures and trying to figure out root cause stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00507-00167231-00167676 Automated, this person's commit bloke it to send an angry email. hH_sRyqCW38-00508-00167676-00168047 Wait until we know they have left for the day and send an angry email so they come back. hH_sRyqCW38-00509-00168047-00168175 I don't do that. hH_sRyqCW38-00510-00168175-00168329 Just kidding. hH_sRyqCW38-00511-00168329-00168638 We say this policy is now attached to that role. hH_sRyqCW38-00512-00168638-00168925 So, I'm going to copy all of this. hH_sRyqCW38-00513-00168925-00169620 Oh, when I said all of this, I didn't mean [ Laughter ] hH_sRyqCW38-00514-00169620-00169750 The story of my life. hH_sRyqCW38-00515-00169750-00170940 I try to be like, clever, and then I shoot my foot off. hH_sRyqCW38-00516-00170940-00171066 Cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00517-00171066-00171451 AUDIENCE: That's in the resource block? hH_sRyqCW38-00518-00171451-00171638 RICHARD: It's in theresource blocking. hH_sRyqCW38-00519-00171638-00171951 Anything that's indented is in the resource block. hH_sRyqCW38-00520-00171951-00172237 There's a couple later that are in the resource block. hH_sRyqCW38-00521-00172237-00172750 Following along on the GitHub page? hH_sRyqCW38-00522-00172750-00173301 Underneath each one of the code things, it says this complete template can be found here. hH_sRyqCW38-00523-00173301-00173899 I'm just adding the diff in each one of the documents just to save space. hH_sRyqCW38-00524-00173899-00174065 But go in this folder. hH_sRyqCW38-00525-00174065-00174707 I will go back real quick. hH_sRyqCW38-00526-00174707-00174814 Nope. hH_sRyqCW38-00527-00174814-00175135 That's not it. hH_sRyqCW38-00528-00175135-00175392 I hope I committed it. hH_sRyqCW38-00529-00175392-00175492 Oh, my god. hH_sRyqCW38-00530-00175492-00175628 I I did not commit that, I'm sorry. hH_sRyqCW38-00531-00175628-00176131 It will be up there as soon as I'm off the stage. hH_sRyqCW38-00532-00176131-00176231 Crap. hH_sRyqCW38-00533-00176231-00176409 What am I doing? hH_sRyqCW38-00534-00176409-00176509 Yeah. hH_sRyqCW38-00535-00176509-00176692 I put them all in a folder in the local working copy. hH_sRyqCW38-00536-00176692-00177030 I committed, just forgot to push it. hH_sRyqCW38-00537-00177030-00177272 The full template will be in there. hH_sRyqCW38-00538-00177272-00177503 I'll tell you specifically when we're doing something outside of the resource block. hH_sRyqCW38-00539-00177503-00177641 Everything else will be inside the resources block of the template. hH_sRyqCW38-00540-00177641-00177803 Back to where we were. hH_sRyqCW38-00541-00177803-00178132 I think I just pasted this. hH_sRyqCW38-00542-00178132-00178232 Yes. hH_sRyqCW38-00543-00178232-00178572 We will deploy that. hH_sRyqCW38-00544-00178572-00179235 And then we'll go back to talking. hH_sRyqCW38-00545-00179235-00179682 All right. hH_sRyqCW38-00546-00179682-00180156 So, now we have a role for the code build project to use. hH_sRyqCW38-00547-00180156-00180481 But we need an actual code built project to actually build stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00548-00180481-00180770 This is where you define that. hH_sRyqCW38-00549-00180770-00181158 I manually name things here. hH_sRyqCW38-00550-00181158-00181571 We use a centralized build account and I want to know which builds go with which teams. hH_sRyqCW38-00551-00181571-00182126 Naming them after the service it's on heavens with the traceability. hH_sRyqCW38-00552-00182126-00182508 I think you cannot name it, and it will pick it. hH_sRyqCW38-00553-00182508-00182944 There's a reason we chose to name them. hH_sRyqCW38-00554-00182944-00183127 And then, you know, you tell what role to use. hH_sRyqCW38-00555-00183127-00183687 This role we just definedthis artifacts is how this will be invoked. hH_sRyqCW38-00556-00183687-00184315 In the next section, we'll have code pipeline and actually invoke this code build to tell hH_sRyqCW38-00557-00184315-00184415 it to run. hH_sRyqCW38-00558-00184415-00184564 There's other ways of having code build start. hH_sRyqCW38-00559-00184564-00185220 So, you can have like a Lambda function which is what people do if you do feature based hH_sRyqCW38-00560-00185220-00185366 development. hH_sRyqCW38-00561-00185366-00185938 Where everything that's on mainline, master, whatever you call your main trunk, will always hH_sRyqCW38-00562-00185938-00186136 be built and then deployed. hH_sRyqCW38-00563-00186136-00186600 People need to be able to commit to feature branches and you want to do builds on that. hH_sRyqCW38-00564-00186600-00187061 One example that people tend to do is they will say any time someone commits to a branch, hH_sRyqCW38-00565-00187061-00187465 no matter what it is, it will trigger this Lambda function. hH_sRyqCW38-00566-00187465-00187869 If it's on master or main, it won't do anything. hH_sRyqCW38-00567-00187869-00188039 The pipeline will take care of it. hH_sRyqCW38-00568-00188039-00188834 On the other branches, it tells Lambda, send this and the artifacts and the output of the hH_sRyqCW38-00569-00188834-00189406 process to whatever developer build that as a build report to say this last report will hH_sRyqCW38-00570-00189406-00189644 not buildhad you committed to mainline. hH_sRyqCW38-00571-00189644-00190090 And this is where we develop the environment. hH_sRyqCW38-00572-00190090-00190434 It's a container based build system. hH_sRyqCW38-00573-00190434-00190792 We're using like the pre oh, sorry the pre built image. hH_sRyqCW38-00574-00190792-00191022 It has most of the stuff we need. hH_sRyqCW38-00575-00191022-00191171 Specifically Python 3.7. hH_sRyqCW38-00576-00191171-00191556 It does support especially with 2.0 polyglot builds. hH_sRyqCW38-00577-00191556-00192341 If you have use the AWSCDK, it needs Node, TypeScript. hH_sRyqCW38-00578-00192341-00192619 But most I build are in Python. hH_sRyqCW38-00579-00192619-00192983 You need Node and Python support to build it correctly. hH_sRyqCW38-00580-00192983-00193588 You can list all of the runtimes you want and this comes by default in the standard hH_sRyqCW38-00581-00193588-00193711 2.0 CodeBuild. hH_sRyqCW38-00582-00193711-00194267 If you have requirements for regulatory images you can only use specific images for building hH_sRyqCW38-00583-00194267-00194533 your code for like security concerns. hH_sRyqCW38-00584-00194533-00195096 You can say use that image and you can point this to ECR, the Elastic container registry, hH_sRyqCW38-00585-00195096-00195538 or ECS I believe it's called, and it will pull in one instead. hH_sRyqCW38-00586-00195538-00196101 And I'm just saying use the standard one. hH_sRyqCW38-00587-00196101-00196420 Privilege mode allows me to build Docker containers inside of Docker containers. hH_sRyqCW38-00588-00196420-00196989 Like a Dockerception. hH_sRyqCW38-00589-00196989-00197470 If you're using sand build and telling it to use the CodeBuild, this is not true. hH_sRyqCW38-00590-00197470-00198015 But if you need essentially root permissions on the image, then you don't need privilege hH_sRyqCW38-00591-00198015-00198115 mode. hH_sRyqCW38-00592-00198115-00198544 You might have a security guideline saying don't use privilege mode for whatever reason. hH_sRyqCW38-00593-00198544-00198825 Maybe pulling in third party guidelines. hH_sRyqCW38-00594-00198825-00199264 And we can pass in environment variables. hH_sRyqCW38-00595-00199264-00199753 On your local build service, you might create environment variables. hH_sRyqCW38-00596-00199753-00200209 This is the home, the AWS credentials, other values. hH_sRyqCW38-00597-00200209-00200572 We don't have to pass in AWS credentials here. hH_sRyqCW38-00598-00200572-00200986 It gets them from the standard build image. hH_sRyqCW38-00599-00200986-00201302 This is the bucket we created earlier. hH_sRyqCW38-00600-00201302-00201619 And then we tell the source what's pat pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00601-00201619-00201922 And this is where all of the magic happens in the build spec. hH_sRyqCW38-00602-00201922-00202206 So, the build spec is fairly well defined. hH_sRyqCW38-00603-00202206-00202633 I don't think it's an Amazon specific thing. hH_sRyqCW38-00604-00202633-00203110 But this has like several steps in the phases where there's install and build are the only hH_sRyqCW38-00605-00203110-00203210 ones I'm using. hH_sRyqCW38-00606-00203210-00203539 But there's like pre build, post build, post install, I think. hH_sRyqCW38-00607-00203539-00204328 There's about five or six stages so you can break up your build process into several logical hH_sRyqCW38-00608-00204328-00204428 stages. hH_sRyqCW38-00609-00204428-00204544 You want to do all of your install stuff together. hH_sRyqCW38-00610-00204544-00205071 One thing to keep in mind is that commands that are run in one of these phases, they hH_sRyqCW38-00611-00205071-00205584 are exited in the shell and exit out and start a new one. hH_sRyqCW38-00612-00205584-00205758 Aliasing doesn't work across stages. hH_sRyqCW38-00613-00205758-00205890 But exportsdo. hH_sRyqCW38-00614-00205890-00206396 If you're exporting in Bash, you can use another thing. hH_sRyqCW38-00615-00206396-00206682 But just using alias, it's blown away. hH_sRyqCW38-00616-00206682-00207078 It's an edge case that you don't think it would be an edge case until it bites you and hH_sRyqCW38-00617-00207078-00207694 you think, why would they do that and I do this LS command to show that it's running hH_sRyqCW38-00618-00207694-00207953 to help debug it. hH_sRyqCW38-00619-00207953-00208603 And this is the stuff that I need to build and test and package out my application. hH_sRyqCW38-00620-00208603-00208838 This would vary depending on what your application is. hH_sRyqCW38-00621-00208838-00209275 So, I'm installing the AWS SAMCLI, testing infrastructure. hH_sRyqCW38-00622-00209275-00209561 I'm setting an alias. hH_sRyqCW38-00623-00209561-00209892 Assigning a variable to this. hH_sRyqCW38-00624-00209892-00210183 So, yeah, the base path. hH_sRyqCW38-00625-00210183-00210283 Exporting it. hH_sRyqCW38-00626-00210283-00210546 And here I'm running tests. hH_sRyqCW38-00627-00210546-00211126 And assuming it passes, I build it and do AWS cloud formation package which packages hH_sRyqCW38-00628-00211126-00211657 it up and puts it in the external S3 bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00629-00211657-00212221 The actual zipped up files which substitutes my actual Lambda function is put into that hH_sRyqCW38-00630-00212221-00212344 S3 bucket. hH_sRyqCW38-00631-00212344-00212908 And what the build step actually outputs is the template itself. hH_sRyqCW38-00632-00212908-00213490 Template has a pointer, but we minimize the number of files flowing around inside of the hH_sRyqCW38-00633-00213490-00213598 pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00634-00213598-00214148 We manually move those to the S3 bucket ourselves And then the time out. hH_sRyqCW38-00635-00214148-00214552 With code Build, it's by the instance side minus the number of minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-00636-00214552-00215179 It's like a 1 second or 1 minute increment. hH_sRyqCW38-00637-00215179-00215746 If you have a step to wait for something, you don't want it to wait for 6 or 7 years. hH_sRyqCW38-00638-00215746-00215889 You will be paying for the instance. hH_sRyqCW38-00639-00215889-00216523 Put an instance and say the build failed and protect your wallet. hH_sRyqCW38-00640-00216523-00216782 If you work for a big company, you don't have to worry about that maybe. hH_sRyqCW38-00641-00216782-00216896 I personally worry about that. hH_sRyqCW38-00642-00216896-00217158 Keep the build down to 10 minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-00643-00217158-00217535 I'm going to paste this in here. hH_sRyqCW38-00644-00217535-00218894 As usual, I didn't I'm used to using PyCharm. hH_sRyqCW38-00645-00218894-00219311 I know the Jetbrains save. hH_sRyqCW38-00646-00219311-00219453 There's nothing deploy. hH_sRyqCW38-00647-00219453-00220001 This is a problem that we would expect. hH_sRyqCW38-00648-00220001-00220680 If you created an IAM role or policy, you have to tell it I'm creating something that hH_sRyqCW38-00649-00220680-00221078 has permission to do things and you have to be explicit that you're allowing that to happen hH_sRyqCW38-00650-00221078-00221251 as security guardrail. hH_sRyqCW38-00651-00221251-00221775 You just add this flag that says, capabilities. hH_sRyqCW38-00652-00221775-00222185 I never get this to work on the first try. hH_sRyqCW38-00653-00222185-00222385 But we'll see. hH_sRyqCW38-00654-00222385-00222651 Where is my mouse? hH_sRyqCW38-00655-00222651-00223132 I misspell capabilities or I misspell the all caps version. hH_sRyqCW38-00656-00223132-00223644 And we're saying, yes, I'm giving this template permission to create IAM resources. hH_sRyqCW38-00657-00223644-00224094 And this, you know, this will take a minute because it's creating a few resources. hH_sRyqCW38-00658-00224094-00224289 We'll go back to the workshop. hH_sRyqCW38-00659-00224289-00224692 And so all right. hH_sRyqCW38-00660-00224692-00225104 So, now we have a code commit repository and a build project. hH_sRyqCW38-00661-00225104-00225256 But they're not connected in any way. hH_sRyqCW38-00662-00225256-00225540 They're both just kind of exist in the either and floating around. hH_sRyqCW38-00663-00225540-00225809 And a pipeline which is going tie them together. hH_sRyqCW38-00664-00225809-00226044 Back to the diagram. hH_sRyqCW38-00665-00226044-00226407 There's a CodeBuild and the CodeCommit. hH_sRyqCW38-00666-00226407-00226707 We need the pipeline to tie them together. hH_sRyqCW38-00667-00226707-00227025 List make this pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00668-00227025-00227246 Before I copy and paste this in. hH_sRyqCW38-00669-00227246-00227739 I'm not going over the pipeline role again, it's similar to the CodeBuild role. hH_sRyqCW38-00670-00227739-00227917 Assume role. hH_sRyqCW38-00671-00227917-00228517 The policy, we give it we have to give it quite a few CloudFormation privileges because hH_sRyqCW38-00672-00228517-00229073 it needs to deploy CloudFormation stacks to this account or other accounts. hH_sRyqCW38-00673-00229073-00229371 Some people might do something like this. hH_sRyqCW38-00674-00229371-00229482 You should yell at them. hH_sRyqCW38-00675-00229482-00229817 Don't yell at me. hH_sRyqCW38-00676-00229817-00230208 This took me three hours to figure out the individual privileges. hH_sRyqCW38-00677-00230208-00230376 But this is true least privileged. hH_sRyqCW38-00678-00230376-00230785 This is only the permissions it needs to do its job and nothing more. hH_sRyqCW38-00679-00230785-00231155 This could in some way delete the code commit repository. hH_sRyqCW38-00680-00231155-00231417 Where which there goes all my version control. hH_sRyqCW38-00681-00231417-00231521 Everything is just gone. hH_sRyqCW38-00682-00231521-00231800 This is why you shouldn't do things like these. hH_sRyqCW38-00683-00231800-00232319 Some teem describe the asterisks as a spider waiting to bite you. hH_sRyqCW38-00684-00232319-00232664 This is more of what you should be aiming for. hH_sRyqCW38-00685-00232664-00233536 This is an example of do as I say, not what you see me do. hH_sRyqCW38-00686-00233536-00233871 You need the pipeline to be able to start a build. hH_sRyqCW38-00687-00233871-00233971 Passing the role. hH_sRyqCW38-00688-00233971-00234298 We'll get to in a moment. hH_sRyqCW38-00689-00234298-00234708 Oh, get to it right here, actually. hH_sRyqCW38-00690-00234708-00234928 So, there's a role that we use for CodeBuilds. hH_sRyqCW38-00691-00234928-00235158 CodeBuild uses this role to do this stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00692-00235158-00235700 There's a role that pipeline uses to interact with CodeBuild and CloudFormation. hH_sRyqCW38-00693-00235700-00236321 And there's a second role that CloudFormation uses to execute a changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-00694-00236321-00236619 Some people say the mega role and give it all the permissions. hH_sRyqCW38-00695-00236619-00236932 And it does my DevOps stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00696-00236932-00237400 That means it could clobber something else because it has permissions to. hH_sRyqCW38-00697-00237400-00237904 It has no way of knowing it's being used in the CloudFormation context and not in the hH_sRyqCW38-00698-00237904-00238016 pipeline context. hH_sRyqCW38-00699-00238016-00238738 Even know it is a bit difficult and it seems tedious, I would separate these roles out hH_sRyqCW38-00700-00238738-00238865 into separate roles. hH_sRyqCW38-00701-00238865-00239098 Especially this CloudFormation deployer role. hH_sRyqCW38-00702-00239098-00239358 Because it essentially needs administer access in order to run. hH_sRyqCW38-00703-00239358-00239910 Because you want to be able to give your developers to deploy anything they want. hH_sRyqCW38-00704-00239910-00240785 Might create a Lambda or a database EC instance or EC2 instances. hH_sRyqCW38-00705-00240785-00241190 You have no way of predicting thanand if you just said, you have full control for Lambda hH_sRyqCW38-00706-00241190-00241654 and API gateway, that was in the diagram, it can change. hH_sRyqCW38-00707-00241654-00242360 This is a powerful role, and you want only CloudFormation to assume it. hH_sRyqCW38-00708-00242360-00242748 And it's locked down in terms of what people should be doing with this role. hH_sRyqCW38-00709-00242748-00242855 People shouldn't be doing anything with this. hH_sRyqCW38-00710-00242855-00243263 It should just be CloudFormation doing this when it deploys. hH_sRyqCW38-00711-00243263-00243604 That's kind of a detour. hH_sRyqCW38-00712-00243604-00243710 But that's very important. hH_sRyqCW38-00713-00243710-00244206 Administer access, if those get leaked, it could be very painful. hH_sRyqCW38-00714-00244206-00244436 There's no way to understate that. hH_sRyqCW38-00715-00244436-00244634 That is very bad. hH_sRyqCW38-00716-00244634-00245034 And the actual I'm gonna copy this real quick and then we'll get into the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00717-00245034-00245134 My legs are getting stiff. hH_sRyqCW38-00718-00245134-00245514 I'm going to try to talk faster so we can go get something to drink. hH_sRyqCW38-00719-00245514-00245936 Let me check on this. hH_sRyqCW38-00720-00245936-00246036 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00721-00246036-00246275 That was successful. hH_sRyqCW38-00722-00246275-00246375 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00723-00246375-00246828 So, now this is the actual pipeline itself. hH_sRyqCW38-00724-00246828-00246934 Pipeline policy. hH_sRyqCW38-00725-00246934-00247198 Why did I do that? hH_sRyqCW38-00726-00247198-00247303 Oh, right. hH_sRyqCW38-00727-00247303-00247630 This is light a depends on statement here. hH_sRyqCW38-00728-00247630-00248067 That just says, as we're going through this, it makes sense that this would be created hH_sRyqCW38-00729-00248067-00248167 afterwards. hH_sRyqCW38-00730-00248167-00248460 But when it's all in one big CloudFormation template, CloudFormation doesn't enforce that hH_sRyqCW38-00731-00248460-00248644 things be done in order. hH_sRyqCW38-00732-00248644-00249009 You can have all the things you need built first at the very bottom. hH_sRyqCW38-00733-00249009-00249303 And then all the things it depends on above it. hH_sRyqCW38-00734-00249303-00249817 It will create the dependency graph and figure out what depends on what based on your references. hH_sRyqCW38-00735-00249817-00250302 And it's possible that in this specific contest, we say use this role. hH_sRyqCW38-00736-00250302-00250777 But as we saw earlier, created the role, we created a policy and assigned to that policy hH_sRyqCW38-00737-00250777-00250919 to the role. hH_sRyqCW38-00738-00250919-00251508 But we also say that this pipeline is implicitly depending on the role as well. hH_sRyqCW38-00739-00251508-00251941 What could happen is you get a race condition where the role finishes and the pipeline tries hH_sRyqCW38-00740-00251941-00252496 building before the policy tries building that's attached to and it fails. hH_sRyqCW38-00741-00252496-00252596 No idea what happened. hH_sRyqCW38-00742-00252596-00252792 You click retry and it fails. hH_sRyqCW38-00743-00252792-00253260 You click retry, and then they click it and it passes. hH_sRyqCW38-00744-00253260-00253529 This person doesn't know what they're doing. hH_sRyqCW38-00745-00253529-00253944 They don't know how to click a mouse. hH_sRyqCW38-00746-00253944-00254152 It's how it works. hH_sRyqCW38-00747-00254152-00254429 Commenting out code and then leaving it in there, that's also a great practice that you hH_sRyqCW38-00748-00254429-00254625 should not copy from me. hH_sRyqCW38-00749-00254625-00255230 So, we say this is where the artifacts are stored that you use after each stage when hH_sRyqCW38-00750-00255230-00255402 it emits artifacts. hH_sRyqCW38-00751-00255402-00255583 Put them in the artifacts store. hH_sRyqCW38-00752-00255583-00255994 And & when you're starting a new stage, give artifacts from the new store. hH_sRyqCW38-00753-00255994-00256256 It's like the central repository for this. hH_sRyqCW38-00754-00256256-00256694 And then this is a fun part. hH_sRyqCW38-00755-00256694-00257123 So, these are all of these stages of the build which correspond to here. hH_sRyqCW38-00756-00257123-00257288 We've got a build. hH_sRyqCW38-00757-00257288-00257623 There's technically a source stage which is kind of like many if this thing here see hH_sRyqCW38-00758-00257623-00257723 how to make this big. hH_sRyqCW38-00759-00257723-00257823 There it is. hH_sRyqCW38-00760-00257823-00258183 If that were technically down here it would be more accurate. hH_sRyqCW38-00761-00258183-00258448 Like the three changes. hH_sRyqCW38-00762-00258448-00258794 There's the source stage, which is code commit with this name. hH_sRyqCW38-00763-00258794-00258990 And then the branch. hH_sRyqCW38-00764-00258990-00259410 Some people use develop as a common term people use like the branch they always use. hH_sRyqCW38-00765-00259410-00259719 And very rarely, merge into master or mainline. hH_sRyqCW38-00766-00259719-00259865 You can pick whatever branch you want. hH_sRyqCW38-00767-00259865-00260148 As you study in a moment, they will fail. hH_sRyqCW38-00768-00260148-00260592 When you create a new repository, there is no master branch. hH_sRyqCW38-00769-00260592-00260692 I don't know what's going on. hH_sRyqCW38-00770-00260692-00260823 First time it will fail, that's okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00771-00260823-00261294 This is just the name for the artifacts to use when it pulls it from this source. hH_sRyqCW38-00772-00261294-00261519 Which you can name it whatever you want. hH_sRyqCW38-00773-00261519-00261721 And what role to use for this. hH_sRyqCW38-00774-00261721-00262113 So, you can say that the pipeline itself has a role, which is up here. hH_sRyqCW38-00775-00262113-00262588 And then you could also individually say that for this stage, use this specific role. hH_sRyqCW38-00776-00262588-00263126 And in this context, it doesn't make much sense that they would be different. hH_sRyqCW38-00777-00263126-00263226 Pipeline needs to do this. hH_sRyqCW38-00778-00263226-00263539 And then in the stage, okay, the pine of pipeline can do this. hH_sRyqCW38-00779-00263539-00264014 This helps deploying things across many accounts because the pipeline needs to assume a role hH_sRyqCW38-00780-00264014-00264370 in the other account in order to deploy it that account. hH_sRyqCW38-00781-00264370-00264755 What I want the pipeline to do, when it's doing things locally in the account like CodeBuild hH_sRyqCW38-00782-00264755-00265109 or fetching the source, use its own role. hH_sRyqCW38-00783-00265109-00265402 And deploying out to other accounts, use those roles. hH_sRyqCW38-00784-00265402-00265638 So, it give use the granularity, but you don't need them. hH_sRyqCW38-00785-00265638-00266218 I can strip this all out in one account and it will still work. hH_sRyqCW38-00786-00266218-00266722 And the build step, referencing the build project that we createdand for these, you hH_sRyqCW38-00787-00266722-00266870 give them a run order. hH_sRyqCW38-00788-00266870-00267296 Inside of a stage, which we'll see graphically in a moment, you can specify run orders inside hH_sRyqCW38-00789-00267296-00267454 that stage. hH_sRyqCW38-00790-00267454-00268060 All these things need to run and they're not dependent on one another like explicitly. hH_sRyqCW38-00791-00268060-00268232 But I got to want them in the specific order. hH_sRyqCW38-00792-00268232-00268686 This is where I'll have one CloudFormation stack that will actually, we'll see it hH_sRyqCW38-00793-00268686-00268832 with the changesets. hH_sRyqCW38-00794-00268832-00269308 But you want to export from one stack and import from another. hH_sRyqCW38-00795-00269308-00269829 Use the run order to make sure that finishes before the next one starts. hH_sRyqCW38-00796-00269829-00270185 And then the next stage is what we're going to call deploy to test. hH_sRyqCW38-00797-00270185-00270536 We're going to deploy locally inside that account. hH_sRyqCW38-00798-00270536-00270820 And this is where we create a changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-00799-00270820-00270961 It's called changeset replace. hH_sRyqCW38-00800-00270961-00271471 But actually this one just creates the changeset., so it takes the CloudFormation template. hH_sRyqCW38-00801-00271471-00271774 Does a dry run deploy almost. hH_sRyqCW38-00802-00271774-00272045 Here's your diff and then just stops there. hH_sRyqCW38-00803-00272045-00272424 And then in the next step, we have deploy changeset, changeset execute. hH_sRyqCW38-00804-00272424-00272577 Yep, that was fine. hH_sRyqCW38-00805-00272577-00273202 I put these both inside of same stage on here. hH_sRyqCW38-00806-00273202-00273632 If you wanted to make that like a manual process which will show on the console in a moment, hH_sRyqCW38-00807-00273632-00274148 in between these two it where you would say, okay, this is a new stage, not just a few hH_sRyqCW38-00808-00274148-00274584 part of the same stage where you would add a manual approval process. hH_sRyqCW38-00809-00274584-00275735 The good news is, once we paste this in, we will be done with me talking about pipelines hH_sRyqCW38-00810-00275735-00275835 and we can see how it actually works. hH_sRyqCW38-00811-00275835-00275935 Oh, wait. hH_sRyqCW38-00812-00275935-00276035 Oh, I didn't save that one. hH_sRyqCW38-00813-00276035-00276135 It will be fine. hH_sRyqCW38-00814-00276135-00276486 So, we'll give this a moment. hH_sRyqCW38-00815-00276486-00277086 We'll hop into the console just to see what's created so far. hH_sRyqCW38-00816-00277086-00278440 It's warm up here with all these lights. hH_sRyqCW38-00817-00278440-00278777 Update complete. hH_sRyqCW38-00818-00278777-00278948 Oh. hH_sRyqCW38-00819-00278948-00279446 So, this is another thing you'll see is that it will say update complete because the console hH_sRyqCW38-00820-00279446-00279546 hasn't updated. hH_sRyqCW38-00821-00279546-00279777 But this is still saying it's acquitting to be updated. hH_sRyqCW38-00822-00279777-00279977 You're not sure who to trust. hH_sRyqCW38-00823-00279977-00280170 My recommendation is don't trust either one and wait another five minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-00824-00280170-00280461 Sometimes you trust one and the other one is right. hH_sRyqCW38-00825-00280461-00281070 Sometimes you trust the other one and the first run is right. hH_sRyqCW38-00826-00281070-00281294 So, services. hH_sRyqCW38-00827-00281294-00281744 Go into code pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00828-00281744-00282881 We'll see if this creates so, this is what we're creating in this changeset that we're hH_sRyqCW38-00829-00282881-00283197 deploying. hH_sRyqCW38-00830-00283197-00283365 This gets like a little bit meta, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00831-00283365-00284025 Because we're we have a CloudFormation template to create the entire CI/CD pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00832-00284025-00284368 But that's not controlled via its own CI/CD pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00833-00284368-00284630 It's just me running a command on my desktop. hH_sRyqCW38-00834-00284630-00284984 Why not just make a pipeline for that? hH_sRyqCW38-00835-00284984-00285321 But then the thing that makes that pipeline doesn't have a pipeline of itself. hH_sRyqCW38-00836-00285321-00285468 It's pipelines all the way down. hH_sRyqCW38-00837-00285468-00286017 At some point someone has to doing in manually unless you have a weird meta inference to hH_sRyqCW38-00838-00286017-00286134 figure out how to do that. hH_sRyqCW38-00839-00286134-00286711 I'm going to deploy the first one myself and keep that checked in like a central repository. hH_sRyqCW38-00840-00286711-00287120 So, this is just taking a couple more minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-00841-00287120-00287390 Any questions while we're waiting for this? hH_sRyqCW38-00842-00287390-00288007 Any questions at all like my favorite Pokemon or anything? hH_sRyqCW38-00843-00288007-00288467 It's Charmander. hH_sRyqCW38-00844-00288467-00288619 My URL for the thing? hH_sRyqCW38-00845-00288619-00288719 Yeah. hH_sRyqCW38-00846-00288719-00289023 So it is GitHub, rhboyd. hH_sRyqCW38-00847-00289023-00289152 Richard Henry Boyd. hH_sRyqCW38-00848-00289152-00289310 That's me. hH_sRyqCW38-00849-00289310-00289734 And then DevOpsDays Boston with the proper nouns capitalized. hH_sRyqCW38-00850-00289734-00289855 AUDIENCE: Thank you. hH_sRyqCW38-00851-00289855-00290017 RICHARD: Or just DODB. hH_sRyqCW38-00852-00290017-00290258 Because they're not actually proper nouns. hH_sRyqCW38-00853-00290258-00291020 And CloudFormation is notoriously slow. hH_sRyqCW38-00854-00291020-00291256 CloudFormation with Cloud fronts is even slower. hH_sRyqCW38-00855-00291256-00291356 A question. hH_sRyqCW38-00856-00291356-00291839 AUDIENCE: Might be more of a comment than a question. hH_sRyqCW38-00857-00291839-00292244 Talking about the admin access >> CloudFormation formation control. hH_sRyqCW38-00858-00292244-00293035 >> Theoretically, if I was a terrible person, I could throw a CloudFormation template through hH_sRyqCW38-00859-00293035-00293787 a pipeline that does bad stuff given a sufficiently malicious template.: Yes, his question was hH_sRyqCW38-00860-00293787-00294086 is we gave the CloudFormation role administer access. hH_sRyqCW38-00861-00294086-00294375 Allows you to do whatever. hH_sRyqCW38-00862-00294375-00294971 If he didn't get the performance review he was expecting and created a malicious CloudFormation hH_sRyqCW38-00863-00294971-00295869 template with EC2 instances to pine Bitcoins, it would totally work. hH_sRyqCW38-00864-00295869-00296397 If you drink enough of the serverless Kool Aid, you could put a deny EC2 star on there hH_sRyqCW38-00865-00296397-00296504 too. hH_sRyqCW38-00866-00296504-00296829 Because you have an explicit denial and not let someone do something like that. hH_sRyqCW38-00867-00296829-00297474 That's trick you because Lambda needs EC2 to create ENI permission in it's inside of hH_sRyqCW38-00868-00297474-00297623 EPC. hH_sRyqCW38-00869-00297623-00297777 It's not that cut and dry. hH_sRyqCW38-00870-00297777-00298085 Just like all of the IAM stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00871-00298085-00298508 If you know like if you have a good idea of like how you expect your developers to hH_sRyqCW38-00872-00298508-00298851 write applications, you can scope that permission down. hH_sRyqCW38-00873-00298851-00299238 I just give it administer access for this demo just to make it easier. hH_sRyqCW38-00874-00299238-00299625 I do it also at work because I trust myself. hH_sRyqCW38-00875-00299625-00299794 The people I work with. hH_sRyqCW38-00876-00299794-00300085 In order to do that, it has to get into the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-00877-00300085-00300586 Which means they have to be able to commit to the repository and use like a code review hH_sRyqCW38-00878-00300586-00300686 system. hH_sRyqCW38-00879-00300686-00300918 They would have to get it past another person. hH_sRyqCW38-00880-00300918-00301280 They need at least one coconspirator. hH_sRyqCW38-00881-00301280-00301764 If someone else had a bad review too. hH_sRyqCW38-00882-00301764-00301864 Yes? hH_sRyqCW38-00883-00301864-00302152 AUDIENCE: [ Away from microphone ] >> Yes and no. hH_sRyqCW38-00884-00302152-00302320 They have a G UI interface. hH_sRyqCW38-00885-00302320-00302906 His question is, is there a GUI or console experience to build all this and then you hH_sRyqCW38-00886-00302906-00303013 can export the template? hH_sRyqCW38-00887-00303013-00303211 AWS doesn't offer that natively today. hH_sRyqCW38-00888-00303211-00303911 There is a guy I'll open up my Twitter and be totally professional. hH_sRyqCW38-00889-00303911-00304194 Someone made a thing that's very specific. hH_sRyqCW38-00890-00304194-00304372 This might take a minute. hH_sRyqCW38-00891-00304372-00305143 So, his Twitter name is Ian0036. hH_sRyqCW38-00892-00305143-00305296 Sound like a Russian troll booth. hH_sRyqCW38-00893-00305296-00305472 But he's very nice. hH_sRyqCW38-00894-00305472-00305957 He made a console recorder. hH_sRyqCW38-00895-00305957-00306591 You click around and it will tell you that it does emit the CloudFormation template and hH_sRyqCW38-00896-00306591-00306749 gets most of the way there. hH_sRyqCW38-00897-00306749-00306943 Then you get the fun stuff of cleaning up the sharp edges. hH_sRyqCW38-00898-00306943-00307310 AWS doesn't make that, but it is a thing that does exist. hH_sRyqCW38-00899-00307310-00307884 I found it it's easier to copy and paste. hH_sRyqCW38-00900-00307884-00308359 Here is my CloudFormation, I copy it. hH_sRyqCW38-00901-00308359-00308839 But since I don't trust people recording my console actions. hH_sRyqCW38-00902-00308839-00309036 Oh, cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00903-00309036-00309568 It's here, it failed which we expected because there's no branch master. hH_sRyqCW38-00904-00309568-00309830 Now we create our simple application. hH_sRyqCW38-00905-00309830-00310175 This is very quick and not related to the actual pipeline stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00906-00310175-00310404 If you're here just for the pipelines, you can leave. hH_sRyqCW38-00907-00310404-00310807 If you want to see it actually work, you can stay. hH_sRyqCW38-00908-00310807-00311252 And go over to the blue screen. hH_sRyqCW38-00909-00311252-00311697 Do Sam init, runtime Python 3.7 name. hH_sRyqCW38-00910-00311697-00312698 What are we gonna name this? hH_sRyqCW38-00911-00312698-00312988 MaliciousApp. hH_sRyqCW38-00912-00312988-00313473 So, now this is just like an app that exists locally. hH_sRyqCW38-00913-00313473-00313699 We need to put it into that code commit repo somehow. hH_sRyqCW38-00914-00313699-00314028 I do get init, which initializes a repo. hH_sRyqCW38-00915-00314028-00314295 I keep losing my mouse. hH_sRyqCW38-00916-00314295-00314831 I've made this so big that I lose my mouse in the middle of it and I don't know where hH_sRyqCW38-00917-00314831-00314931 I'm at. hH_sRyqCW38-00918-00314931-00315231 You guys probably don't care about that. hH_sRyqCW38-00919-00315231-00315772 So, this is an empty repository that we just created. hH_sRyqCW38-00920-00315772-00316116 There's probably people who use Git enough to know how to do all of these things without hH_sRyqCW38-00921-00316116-00316652 having to check all of this stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-00922-00316652-00317039 I'll show you what I mean by that in one second. hH_sRyqCW38-00923-00317039-00317164 So, I'm gonna do Git, remote, add origin. hH_sRyqCW38-00924-00317164-00317330 And then the URL. hH_sRyqCW38-00925-00317330-00317594 That worked. hH_sRyqCW38-00926-00317594-00317856 Git add. hH_sRyqCW38-00927-00317856-00318740 Anybody else do this where every time you run a Git command you do Git status afterwards hH_sRyqCW38-00928-00318740-00318840 to see if it worked? hH_sRyqCW38-00929-00318840-00318940 Every command? hH_sRyqCW38-00930-00318940-00319040 Every command. hH_sRyqCW38-00931-00319040-00319503 I do the same thing. hH_sRyqCW38-00932-00319503-00319751 Very detailed Git message. hH_sRyqCW38-00933-00319751-00319913 First, Git push. hH_sRyqCW38-00934-00319913-00320013 This is gonna fail. hH_sRyqCW38-00935-00320013-00320410 But I like it because it tells me like what I'm the keynote, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00936-00320410-00320781 When he talked about I did Git push, but that command didn't work. hH_sRyqCW38-00937-00320781-00321054 Normally in other services they say, it didn't work. hH_sRyqCW38-00938-00321054-00321279 Go to StackOverflow and leave me alone. hH_sRyqCW38-00939-00321279-00321424 This says you probably meant this. hH_sRyqCW38-00940-00321424-00321624 That's exactly what I meant. hH_sRyqCW38-00941-00321624-00321738 Thank you. hH_sRyqCW38-00942-00321738-00322100 And that will push that to my repo, maybe. hH_sRyqCW38-00943-00322100-00322242 Cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00944-00322242-00322689 So, this we expected because I'm using like an IAM user. hH_sRyqCW38-00945-00322689-00323239 So, what I need to do is this isn't being livestreamed, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00946-00323239-00323909 I don't care if you guys see these because you won't be able to copy it fast enough to hH_sRyqCW38-00947-00323909-00324209 do anything. hH_sRyqCW38-00948-00324209-00324334 I'm going to delete them after the thing. hH_sRyqCW38-00949-00324334-00324558 I made them this morning. hH_sRyqCW38-00950-00324558-00324855 Hey, put your camera down. hH_sRyqCW38-00951-00324855-00324974 You people. hH_sRyqCW38-00952-00324974-00325093 [ Laughter ] Password. hH_sRyqCW38-00953-00325093-00325801 And like the resolution is so small you probably can't see it anyways. hH_sRyqCW38-00954-00325801-00326068 >> Is that a username >> No. hH_sRyqCW38-00955-00326068-00326207 In AWS, I didn't create it. hH_sRyqCW38-00956-00326207-00326400 I'll show you. hH_sRyqCW38-00957-00326400-00326773 So, this is gonna start the his question was, was that a username and password that hH_sRyqCW38-00958-00326773-00326873 I created in AWS? hH_sRyqCW38-00959-00326873-00327282 It was an IAM user they created, but AWS created the username and password. hH_sRyqCW38-00960-00327282-00327382 I'll show that. hH_sRyqCW38-00961-00327382-00327482 The build process is going to take about ten minutes or so. hH_sRyqCW38-00962-00327482-00327582 Aisle show you how I did that. hH_sRyqCW38-00963-00327582-00327733 What I did in the background. hH_sRyqCW38-00964-00327733-00327881 The Internet is a bit slow. hH_sRyqCW38-00965-00327881-00328158 So, we will in parallel check on both of these pipelines. hH_sRyqCW38-00966-00328158-00328321 This is very slow. hH_sRyqCW38-00967-00328321-00328421 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-00968-00328421-00328755 While we wait for that. hH_sRyqCW38-00969-00328755-00329301 Oh, no. hH_sRyqCW38-00970-00329301-00330394 What did that do? hH_sRyqCW38-00971-00330394-00330940 Oh, cool. hH_sRyqCW38-00972-00330940-00331364 So, it was able to pick it up, right? hH_sRyqCW38-00973-00331364-00331659 It saw it was on the master which is the default branch. hH_sRyqCW38-00974-00331659-00331919 And then it's doing the build process now. hH_sRyqCW38-00975-00331919-00332307 We'll let this run because it takes a while to set it up the first time. hH_sRyqCW38-00976-00332307-00332865 But I will go into IAM. hH_sRyqCW38-00977-00332865-00333299 And I'm going to go over an example of when I said like the prerequisites for the workshop. hH_sRyqCW38-00978-00333299-00333499 You need to create an IAM user with these Git credentials. hH_sRyqCW38-00979-00333499-00333788 All the way up here at the top. hH_sRyqCW38-00980-00333788-00334009 Just real quickly walk through how that's done. hH_sRyqCW38-00981-00334009-00334422 If you're doing this at work, you probably wouldn't do something like this. hH_sRyqCW38-00982-00334422-00334758 Maybe the company has a policy, maybe the person who creates the policy for how this hH_sRyqCW38-00983-00334758-00335199 stuff is gone If you are that person, don't make the company do this. hH_sRyqCW38-00984-00335199-00335535 See me and I will show you how to do this in production for real. hH_sRyqCW38-00985-00335535-00336197 If this is a hobby, this is the easiest way to do it. hH_sRyqCW38-00986-00336197-00336704 You can create a user in CloudFormation if you want to and some of your base tags. hH_sRyqCW38-00987-00336704-00336946 Add a user. hH_sRyqCW38-00988-00336946-00337186 My malicious user. hH_sRyqCW38-00989-00337186-00338115 I don't know why it's still saying it's required. hH_sRyqCW38-00990-00338115-00338418 Programmatic access. hH_sRyqCW38-00991-00338418-00338518 This is strange. hH_sRyqCW38-00992-00338518-00338677 That shouldn't happen. hH_sRyqCW38-00993-00338677-00338871 Maybe you can't name it malicious user. hH_sRyqCW38-00994-00338871-00338998 I don't know. hH_sRyqCW38-00995-00338998-00339130 [ Laughter ] It wouldn't surprise me. hH_sRyqCW38-00996-00339130-00339406 I was in the AWS forums a few weeks ago. hH_sRyqCW38-00997-00339406-00339819 And, you know, Google just created the .dev domain names. hH_sRyqCW38-00998-00339819-00340132 I got one obviously because everyone who is cool gets one. hH_sRyqCW38-00999-00340132-00340397 Someone did the Richard one. hH_sRyqCW38-01000-00340397-00341018 They did the pricing where it was like a thousand dollars, I waited for it to get really cheap hH_sRyqCW38-01001-00341018-00341118 and bought it. hH_sRyqCW38-01002-00341118-00341345 But someone who was willing to spend more bought my name. hH_sRyqCW38-01003-00341345-00342227 But I use the .dev for my email. hH_sRyqCW38-01004-00342227-00342418 Richard@rboyd.dev. hH_sRyqCW38-01005-00342418-00342797 I have an AWS account with that. hH_sRyqCW38-01006-00342797-00343448 But I did totally not WernerVogels@Amazon.com and it totally worked. hH_sRyqCW38-01007-00343448-00344013 So, their naming preferences are hit and miss, I guess. hH_sRyqCW38-01008-00344013-00344331 I want to attach a policy is CodeCommit. hH_sRyqCW38-01009-00344331-00344527 Full access. hH_sRyqCW38-01010-00344527-00344833 I think power user might work too. hH_sRyqCW38-01011-00344833-00345122 But create user. hH_sRyqCW38-01012-00345122-00345863 Normally you would add tags, like finance and tracking and stuff like that. hH_sRyqCW38-01013-00345863-00346099 But just for demo, don't do that. hH_sRyqCW38-01014-00346099-00346292 Check on the pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-01015-00346292-00346556 This will probably have failed for some random nope. hH_sRyqCW38-01016-00346556-00346884 It's still running. hH_sRyqCW38-01017-00346884-00347769 So, these are like the regular, like, access key secret keys which we're not going to do hH_sRyqCW38-01018-00347769-00347973 anything with right now. hH_sRyqCW38-01019-00347973-00348465 Normally you need those to do like programmatic access. hH_sRyqCW38-01020-00348465-00348646 For this you go into security credentials. hH_sRyqCW38-01021-00348646-00349026 And at the bottom, generate Git credentials. hH_sRyqCW38-01022-00349026-00349361 And then it will create this username and the password. hH_sRyqCW38-01023-00349361-00349657 I mean, you can see it. hH_sRyqCW38-01024-00349657-00349991 Worst case someone pushing something to this repo during the demo and it breaks and I'm hH_sRyqCW38-01025-00349991-00350276 very upset with you and you have disappointed me a lot. hH_sRyqCW38-01026-00350276-00350442 This is what I copy and pasted in. hH_sRyqCW38-01027-00350442-00350833 But I just did the download credentials and close this. hH_sRyqCW38-01028-00350833-00351401 And this is the IAM user they used for this demo if you wanted to produce that. hH_sRyqCW38-01029-00351401-00351501 It succeeded. hH_sRyqCW38-01030-00351501-00351833 it's like the build output you expect. hH_sRyqCW38-01031-00351833-00352459 This is the in CodeBuild, this is the command that you had listed and the output. hH_sRyqCW38-01032-00352459-00352897 We see prebuild, build, PIP install. hH_sRyqCW38-01033-00352897-00353719 I'm sorry if I'm make you nauseous by scrolling really fast. hH_sRyqCW38-01034-00353719-00353942 I ran a test, it passed. hH_sRyqCW38-01035-00353942-00354376 The test that came with it, asserts that the default template work. hH_sRyqCW38-01036-00354376-00354647 Inserts the container. hH_sRyqCW38-01037-00354647-00355061 To do the build, updated it. hH_sRyqCW38-01038-00355061-00355519 And go back to our pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-01039-00355519-00355704 Oh, no, someone disabled this. hH_sRyqCW38-01040-00355704-00356249 No, no, that's just so, we're thinking of like when the Internet is slow, it doesn't hH_sRyqCW38-01041-00356249-00356481 update as quickly. hH_sRyqCW38-01042-00356481-00356829 So, here is where it created a changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-01043-00356829-00356993 And that succeeded. hH_sRyqCW38-01044-00356993-00357176 And now it's deploying the changeset. hH_sRyqCW38-01045-00357176-00357412 Which we can open this up. hH_sRyqCW38-01046-00357412-00357831 This is the part I was talking about where you would create a new stage, right? hH_sRyqCW38-01047-00357831-00358157 Like each of these big blue blocks here is like a stage. hH_sRyqCW38-01048-00358157-00358571 And you would separate these into separate stages with a manual approval step in the hH_sRyqCW38-01049-00358571-00358671 middle. hH_sRyqCW38-01050-00358671-00359018 You could deploy to here. hH_sRyqCW38-01051-00359018-00359565 It does a dry run of the deploy and a person has to go in and manually proof it. hH_sRyqCW38-01052-00359565-00360121 This might prevent your malicious attacker scenario where somebody from security or Ops hH_sRyqCW38-01053-00360121-00360804 has to approve it so you need a third co conspirator to help get this through. hH_sRyqCW38-01054-00360804-00361198 pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-01055-00361198-00362003 My app, this is a big update. hH_sRyqCW38-01056-00362003-00362255 So, this is actually done, but it's still spinning. hH_sRyqCW38-01057-00362255-00362535 And this is our actual application. hH_sRyqCW38-01058-00362535-00363213 Because I'm zoomed in so far, it's a bit hard to read. hH_sRyqCW38-01059-00363213-00363551 But we have A API Gateway. hH_sRyqCW38-01060-00363551-00363761 So, the application I said like the initial. hH_sRyqCW38-01061-00363761-00364086 The initial template we created is just a Lambda function. hH_sRyqCW38-01062-00364086-00364186 And it's created. hH_sRyqCW38-01063-00364186-00364367 And we can test it. hH_sRyqCW38-01064-00364367-00364745 it should just say hello world. hH_sRyqCW38-01065-00364745-00365047 Maybe. hH_sRyqCW38-01066-00365047-00365224 It's really fast. hH_sRyqCW38-01067-00365224-00365525 I swear. hH_sRyqCW38-01068-00365525-00365714 And it succeeded. hH_sRyqCW38-01069-00365714-00366370 You can go in and make the code changes you would normally do and whatever the development hH_sRyqCW38-01070-00366370-00366803 cycle it and Git push and it will deploy it. hH_sRyqCW38-01071-00366803-00367305 You have like a full CI/CD process from every time they push, it builds. hH_sRyqCW38-01072-00367305-00367651 There's no more of this manually moving files around. hH_sRyqCW38-01073-00367651-00367940 And we're at like 4:40. hH_sRyqCW38-01074-00367940-00368245 An hour, hour and ten minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-01075-00368245-00368696 I loved your suit yet yesterday. hH_sRyqCW38-01076-00368696-00369223 I think this one's good today too. hH_sRyqCW38-01077-00369223-00369378 But you might have a question. hH_sRyqCW38-01078-00369378-00369478 But I had a comment. hH_sRyqCW38-01079-00369478-00369601 Someone over here started to raise their hand. hH_sRyqCW38-01080-00369601-00369770 You did, yes. hH_sRyqCW38-01081-00369770-00370584 AUDIENCE: It seems like this process is [ Away from microphone ] hH_sRyqCW38-01082-00370584-00370936 >> So, the actual like when they check in it, goes through the build process, it can hH_sRyqCW38-01083-00370936-00371036 be a bit slow. hH_sRyqCW38-01084-00371036-00371144 10 minutes or so. hH_sRyqCW38-01085-00371144-00371606 9 minutes and 58 seconds longer than a developer's attention span. hH_sRyqCW38-01086-00371606-00371952 There are tools for like developing locally. hH_sRyqCW38-01087-00371952-00372161 You can mock out most of this stuff. hH_sRyqCW38-01088-00372161-00372809 If it was just a Lambda function, API Gateway, the serverless application model allows a hH_sRyqCW38-01089-00372809-00372972 local API Gateway. hH_sRyqCW38-01090-00372972-00373728 To do Git push when you're ready for a code review to push it to the developer branch hH_sRyqCW38-01091-00373728-00373941 and go home for the night. hH_sRyqCW38-01092-00373941-00374322 Or create the code review to submit it. hH_sRyqCW38-01093-00374322-00374558 And then it would do the build as part of your code review process. hH_sRyqCW38-01094-00374558-00375164 AUDIENCE: You have to parallel things like >> Yeah. hH_sRyqCW38-01095-00375164-00375475 That's something you could add in like the build step. hH_sRyqCW38-01096-00375475-00375575 If you wanted that. hH_sRyqCW38-01097-00375575-00375675 Just to ensure. hH_sRyqCW38-01098-00375675-00375898 They're in the build spec file that I had. hH_sRyqCW38-01099-00375898-00376036 Oh, sorry. hH_sRyqCW38-01100-00376036-00376136 Okay. hH_sRyqCW38-01101-00376136-00376236 Yeah. hH_sRyqCW38-01102-00376236-00376520 I said I was done. hH_sRyqCW38-01103-00376520-00376627 And he came over here. hH_sRyqCW38-01104-00376627-00376727 And I was just kidding. hH_sRyqCW38-01105-00376727-00376827 I'm not done. hH_sRyqCW38-01106-00376827-00376927 Now he's mad at me. hH_sRyqCW38-01107-00376927-00377450 I won't be invited back next year. hH_sRyqCW38-01108-00377450-00377848 You would do that right around the build or the pre build stage. hH_sRyqCW38-01109-00377848-00378254 You would have like a static code analysis thing done there. hH_sRyqCW38-01110-00378254-00378588 What I described earlier where on main line there's the build that happens. hH_sRyqCW38-01111-00378588-00379046 And then if someone commits to like a feature branch, you can specify a different build hH_sRyqCW38-01112-00379046-00379146 specuse. hH_sRyqCW38-01113-00379146-00379484 You're not going to do static analysis on every test build that you do. hH_sRyqCW38-01114-00379484-00380043 So, you could have like your own version of like the build spec that you would use for hH_sRyqCW38-01115-00380043-00380192 your like rapid iteration process. hH_sRyqCW38-01116-00380192-00380514 And you can pull this container locally like in the CodeBuild documentation. hH_sRyqCW38-01117-00380514-00381283 It show use how to pull most of the CodeBuild service locally and you can run it in Docker. hH_sRyqCW38-01118-00381283-00381698 If it passes on your machine, it will pass in CodeBuild. hH_sRyqCW38-01119-00381698-00381798 That's real quick. hH_sRyqCW38-01120-00381798-00382027 That's a Docker image on your machine. hH_sRyqCW38-01121-00382027-00382503 The question was, I should have repeated it earlier, I apologize. hH_sRyqCW38-01122-00382503-00382898 How do you this process is a bit slow to get through the entire pipeline. hH_sRyqCW38-01123-00382898-00382998 Takes 10 minutes. hH_sRyqCW38-01124-00382998-00383590 The ones I use in production are about an hour to get from commit to prod. hH_sRyqCW38-01125-00383590-00383876 Developers aren't going to wait an hour to see if something breaks. hH_sRyqCW38-01126-00383876-00384265 There are tools for that. hH_sRyqCW38-01127-00384265-00384617 Once they are done with their local development, whatever that entails and they're ready to hH_sRyqCW38-01128-00384617-00385089 push it and we can ensure that everything is done correctly. hH_sRyqCW38-01129-00385089-00385420 One last question and then I got to go. hH_sRyqCW38-01130-00385420-00385874 AUDIENCE: Is there >> Can you repeat the question too? hH_sRyqCW38-01131-00385874-00385974 >> Yes. hH_sRyqCW38-01132-00385974-00386174 Is there a framework for testing Lambda locally? hH_sRyqCW38-01133-00386174-00386790 There is depending on your test strategy, there's SAM local invoke. hH_sRyqCW38-01134-00386790-00387307 Which allows you to test you can specify an event object and pass that in as if it hH_sRyqCW38-01135-00387307-00387759 were the service, API Gateway or events. hH_sRyqCW38-01136-00387759-00388091 Do assertions on that. hH_sRyqCW38-01137-00388091-00388458 Because it's written in Python, I use pytest. hH_sRyqCW38-01138-00388458-00388861 And they can use jest. hH_sRyqCW38-01139-00388861-00389364 Any they would test another JavaScript or Lambda application. hH_sRyqCW38-01140-00389364-00389938 Other questions, I can answer them off to the side afterwards. hJZmPjvrUjA-00000-00000061-00000329 Hello everyone, my name is Andrei and today I'm gonna show you hJZmPjvrUjA-00001-00000342-00000490 how to install hJZmPjvrUjA-00002-00000570-00000706 headlights and taillights for cars hJZmPjvrUjA-00003-00000790-00001078 (changing them) hJZmPjvrUjA-00004-00001156-00001356 Changing taillights, headlights hJZmPjvrUjA-00005-00001356-00001456 for GTA SA hJZmPjvrUjA-00006-00001456-00001556 cars. hJZmPjvrUjA-00007-00001664-00002054 First of all we'll need a program called TXD workshop hJZmPjvrUjA-00008-00002222-00002358 You can download it from the internet. hJZmPjvrUjA-00009-00002423-00002641 (TXD Workshop download) hJZmPjvrUjA-00010-00002761-00003017 Secondly, you will need an extension hJZmPjvrUjA-00011-00003049-00003388 called CustomSAA2 hJZmPjvrUjA-00012-00003435-00003703 (you can also download it from the internet) hJZmPjvrUjA-00013-00003868-00004166 Now you drag it on desktop hJZmPjvrUjA-00014-00004258-00004652 And you will need these 2 files that are in the description hJZmPjvrUjA-00015-00004658-00004952 These are the headlights and taillights hJZmPjvrUjA-00016-00004952-00005257 which I made, you can DIY hJZmPjvrUjA-00017-00005584-00006012 (nothing interesting) hJZmPjvrUjA-00018-00006122-00006222 2 files: one for off hJZmPjvrUjA-00019-00006256-00006392 meaning when lights are off hJZmPjvrUjA-00020-00006482-00006710 and one for on. hJZmPjvrUjA-00021-00006993-00007156 Open CustomSAA2 folder hJZmPjvrUjA-00022-00007342-00007595 and open VEHICLE.TXD hJZmPjvrUjA-00023-00007640-00007858 For now anything else is not important. hJZmPjvrUjA-00024-00008170-00008444 Open it with TXD Workshop. hJZmPjvrUjA-00028-00009448-00009745 And here you can modify a lot of things like hJZmPjvrUjA-00029-00009846-00010038 the wheels, the steering wheel, hJZmPjvrUjA-00030-00010371-00010486 the cracked windows. hJZmPjvrUjA-00031-00012074-00012343 And this is what we are interested about hJZmPjvrUjA-00032-00012370-00012589 vehiclelights128 and vehiclelightson128 (these doesn't need to be 128x128) hJZmPjvrUjA-00033-00012698-00012991 Select one and click Import hJZmPjvrUjA-00034-00013041-00013458 and then select your file. hJZmPjvrUjA-00035-00013519-00013956 Now repeat this one more time. hJZmPjvrUjA-00036-00014538-00015130 (the same) hJZmPjvrUjA-00037-00015197-00015668 It is not necessary to save 2 times, only one time at the end. hJZmPjvrUjA-00038-00015746-00016074 Now you can edit whatever you want! hJZmPjvrUjA-00048-00017984-00018276 These are the car parts (engine, exhaust) hJZmPjvrUjA-00063-00022247-00022525 Save, close hJZmPjvrUjA-00064-00022525-00022762 and import the CustomSAA2 folder (with DSOUND.DLL) hJZmPjvrUjA-00065-00022932-00023032 into hJZmPjvrUjA-00066-00023092-00023258 GTA SA root folder. hJZmPjvrUjA-00067-00023329-00023673 Just paste it. hJZmPjvrUjA-00068-00023819-00024111 And now let's test it hJZmPjvrUjA-00071-00024570-00025088 You will need CLEO and some other mods for this (you can find anything on the internet) hJZmPjvrUjA-00095-00032256-00032612 Please leave your suggestions in the comment section below. hJZmPjvrUjA-00096-00032630-00032854 And ask for tutorials PLZZZZZZZZZ hJZmPjvrUjA-00097-00032912-00033012 And as always, thanks for watching xD hK04OSv1AOA-00000-00000610-00000763 What’s up, guys, how are you? Is everything ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00001-00000770-00000986 Philipe Brazuca back again with you. hK04OSv1AOA-00002-00000993-00001188 I will teach you a little bit of grammar. hK04OSv1AOA-00003-00001190-00001465 You know that I try not to focus so much on grammar hK04OSv1AOA-00004-00001470-00001758 because the idea is that you learn things naturally, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00005-00001764-00002136 That is why I’m going to bring you some sentences with the word “for”, hK04OSv1AOA-00006-00002142-00002465 which you don’t know, or many of you don’t know how to use it hK04OSv1AOA-00007-00002469-00002924 because in Spanish, you don’t conjugate the verb “ser” hK04OSv1AOA-00008-00002930-00003213 and the verb “ir” like in Portuguese, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00009-00003219-00003453 It doesn’t exist in Spanish, so many of you get confused. hK04OSv1AOA-00010-00003457-00003656 Of course, it is very important to learn grammar, hK04OSv1AOA-00011-00003663-00004097 but if you have seen my videos before, you know what I mean when I say: hK04OSv1AOA-00012-00004102-00004454 don’t focus so much on grammar because a lot of people do that hK04OSv1AOA-00013-00004457-00004824 and, in the end, they don’t learn how to speak the language well. hK04OSv1AOA-00014-00004828-00005019 I’ve been teaching Portuguese for years hK04OSv1AOA-00015-00005024-00005441 and I keep seeing people who start studying grammar, hK04OSv1AOA-00016-00005447-00005903 grammar, grammar, and in the end, they don’t learn anything. hK04OSv1AOA-00017-00005908-00006211 So they know all the grammar, more than a Brazilian, hK04OSv1AOA-00018-00006217-00006520 but when it’s time to talk, which is what they really want, hK04OSv1AOA-00019-00006528-00006787 which is to speak the language, they don’t know it. hK04OSv1AOA-00020-00006791-00007047 The main recommendation I give you in this video, hK04OSv1AOA-00021-00007052-00007284 since it is a very different conjugation than in Spanish, hK04OSv1AOA-00022-00007291-00007557 is that you write down the sentences I will say hK04OSv1AOA-00023-00007564-00007886 and then repeat it over and over again, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00024-00007893-00008287 Many, many times, memorize it, memorize these sentences, hK04OSv1AOA-00025-00008292-00008590 so that you can start using them in your daily lives. hK04OSv1AOA-00026-00008596-00008749 Ok then, so pay attention now. hK04OSv1AOA-00027-00008755-00009098 The verb “ir” in Portuguese and the verb “ser”. hK04OSv1AOA-00028-00009104-00009391 Both have the conjugation “for”. hK04OSv1AOA-00029-00009431-00009734 But the first conjugation I’m going to teach you guys here hK04OSv1AOA-00030-00009748-00010279 is “for” from the verb “ser”, which means “in case it is”. hK04OSv1AOA-00031-00010294-00010481 Or “when it is”. hK04OSv1AOA-00032-00010488-00010711 Philipe, what do you mean “in case it is, when it is”? hK04OSv1AOA-00033-00010725-00011238 I will give you a sentence so you’ll understand exactly what I mean. hK04OSv1AOA-00034-00011244-00011414 What I mean when I say this. hK04OSv1AOA-00035-00011419-00011634 And why am I providing sentences? Because in your life, hK04OSv1AOA-00036-00011642-00011878 when you’re in Brazil, people won’t explain things to you hK04OSv1AOA-00037-00011889-00012180 grammatically, the rules, blah, blah, blah. hK04OSv1AOA-00038-00012202-00012512 They don’t do that. They will just give you a sentence hK04OSv1AOA-00039-00012527-00012841 and you will have to understand it according to the context, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00040-00012845-00013122 So pay attention to the five sentences I will give you, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00041-00013128-00013558 Pay attention. The first one is “for” in the case of “ser”, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00042-00013616-00013991 “The day I’m responsible for the management of the company, hK04OSv1AOA-00043-00014000-00014108 everything is going to change.” hK04OSv1AOA-00044-00014153-00014580 “No dia que eu for responsável”. So I can change it to: hK04OSv1AOA-00045-00014595-00014979 “No dia que eu seja” or “caso eu seja responsável”. hK04OSv1AOA-00046-00014988-00015560 Or “caso você seja, caso ele seja, caso a gente seja”. Right? hK04OSv1AOA-00047-00015605-00015975 The day we are responsible, the day I am responsible, hK04OSv1AOA-00048-00015981-00016162 the day you were responsible. hK04OSv1AOA-00049-00016169-00016451 So you understood what you can do with it, right? hK04OSv1AOA-00050-00016484-00016722 But don’t forget the meaning. hK04OSv1AOA-00051-00016749-00017074 It’s “in case”, ok? In case something happens. hK04OSv1AOA-00052-00017081-00017581 Moving on here. If I own this car, you can tow it”. hK04OSv1AOA-00053-00017585-00017773 So let’s say there’s a discussion going on: hK04OSv1AOA-00054-00017779-00017995 whose car is it that someone parked on the street? hK04OSv1AOA-00055-00018001-00018104 Dude, it’s not mine. hK04OSv1AOA-00056-00018110-00018362 And someone is saying: it’s his car, it’s his car. hK04OSv1AOA-00057-00018367-00018663 It’s not my car. If it’s mine, you can tow it. hK04OSv1AOA-00058-00018668-00018996 You can tow it, so use a tower crane, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00059-00019001-00019326 “Guinchar”. You call the tow truck, you call the tow truck hK04OSv1AOA-00060-00019332-00019504 and it comes to tow your car. hK04OSv1AOA-00061-00019509-00019924 Or you also have haul, which is when a car ties a rope hK04OSv1AOA-00062-00019930-00020235 or a chain to another car and takes it. You’re hauling the car. hK04OSv1AOA-00063-00020241-00020361 Third sentence. hK04OSv1AOA-00064-00020367-00020675 If you’re a little bit more patient you won’t have any problems. hK04OSv1AOA-00065-00020731-00021094 So, I’m scared of talking to someone because this person hK04OSv1AOA-00066-00021099-00021254 who I’m going to talk to is a little bit impatient, hK04OSv1AOA-00067-00021259-00021441 they’re nervous, etc. And someone tells me: hK04OSv1AOA-00068-00021446-00021732 Philipe, if you’re a little bit more patient with this person, hK04OSv1AOA-00069-00021784-00022138 if you know how to talk to them, you won’t have a problem, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00070-00022150-00022306 So you see that this is “in case it is”. hK04OSv1AOA-00071-00022313-00022693 In case you’re more patient, there won’t be any problems. Ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00072-00022700-00022950 We’re talking about “for” from the verb “ser”. hK04OSv1AOA-00073-00022955-00023319 Now we have the fourth sentence here, which I’ll conjugate for you. hK04OSv1AOA-00074-00023375-00023451 Now you… hK04OSv1AOA-00075-00023879-00023989 Now… welcome to my life. hK04OSv1AOA-00076-00024138-00024364 Now I’ll tell you the fourth sentence, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00077-00024415-00024745 If we become more united, we can win. hK04OSv1AOA-00078-00024762-00025299 That’s so eloquent, isn’t it? If we become more united, we can win. hK04OSv1AOA-00079-00025307-00025560 In real life, what a Brazilian person would say would be— hK04OSv1AOA-00080-00025567-00025877 What we would say would be “se a gente for”. hK04OSv1AOA-00081-00025904-00026244 Why? You know that “nós” and “a gente” is the same thing. hK04OSv1AOA-00082-00026249-00026456 But when you conjugate a verb with “nós”, hK04OSv1AOA-00083-00026483-00026651 you put an “s” in the end, right? hK04OSv1AOA-00084-00026656-00027096 “Nós vamos, nós fazemos”. Never confuse “a gente vai” hK04OSv1AOA-00085-00027116-00027215 and “nós vamos”. hK04OSv1AOA-00086-00027221-00027477 You either say “a gente vai” or “nós vamos”. hK04OSv1AOA-00087-00027487-00027934 Never in your life, ever, say “a gente vamos,” ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00088-00027942-00028215 Or “nós vai”. Don’t say that, that’s incorrect. hK04OSv1AOA-00089-00028221-00028647 In the case of this sentence, it would be: if we become more united, we can win. hK04OSv1AOA-00090-00028654-00028866 Fifth sentence: who is cheating? hK04OSv1AOA-00091-00028897-00029090 Cheating, the verb is “trapaceando”. hK04OSv1AOA-00092-00029100-00029216 Who is cheating? hK04OSv1AOA-00093-00029221-00029566 If it’s you, that is, in case that’s you, look at that. hK04OSv1AOA-00094-00029577-00029977 If it’s you, you can rest assured you’ll get fired. hK04OSv1AOA-00095-00029984-00030332 Do you realize the similarity between these five sentences I gave you? hK04OSv1AOA-00096-00030338-00030525 “Caso seja” is the first one. hK04OSv1AOA-00097-00030732-00031015 “Caso seja” is the first one, from the verb “ser,” ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00098-00031022-00031436 And now we move on to the other one from the verb “ir”. hK04OSv1AOA-00099-00031442-00031627 Now pay attention, pay attention. One detail, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00100-00031637-00031846 Every time you find these words hK04OSv1AOA-00101-00031855-00032284 in a sentence with “for,” pay attention as to how “for” was used hK04OSv1AOA-00102-00032291-00032663 in this sentence, write it down, and do what? Repetition, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00103-00032670-00032886 That’s super important. And of course, stick around until the end hK04OSv1AOA-00104-00032892-00033218 because there’s a bonus for you with a few extra words, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00105-00033225-00033420 Learning vocabulary is very important. hK04OSv1AOA-00106-00033426-00033825 Now, five examples with “for” from the verb “ir,” ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00107-00033832-00034113 The day I go to her house, I’ll let you know. hK04OSv1AOA-00108-00034150-00034463 So someone wants me to—“Take me to this person’s house, hK04OSv1AOA-00109-00034469-00034616 I want to see what it’s like there, etc.” hK04OSv1AOA-00110-00034622-00034872 Dude, the day I go there, that is, hK04OSv1AOA-00111-00034878-00035428 the day I go, in case I go, I’ll let you know. And you’ll go with me, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00112-00035448-00035823 So the day I go to her house, I’ll let you know. hK04OSv1AOA-00113-00035828-00035940 “Lá na casa dela.” hK04OSv1AOA-00114-00035946-00036163 Do I need to use “Lá na casa dela”? hK04OSv1AOA-00115-00036172-00036427 Not really, ok? I put this “lá” so that it sounds hK04OSv1AOA-00116-00036434-00036619 a little bit more Brazilian, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00117-00036630-00037033 You can definitely say, “No dia que eu for na casa dela, eu te aviso”. hK04OSv1AOA-00118-00037040-00037290 But so it sounds more Brazilian, you add: hK04OSv1AOA-00119-00037423-00037583 “No dia que eu for lá,” where? hK04OSv1AOA-00120-00037589-00037801 “Na casa dela, eu te aviso.” hK04OSv1AOA-00121-00037811-00038030 So a situation: I’m at home, everyone is there, hK04OSv1AOA-00122-00038036-00038236 and someone asks me, “What are you doing today, hK04OSv1AOA-00123-00038245-00038331 this weekend?” hK04OSv1AOA-00124-00038365-00038563 And so I can say, “We’re staying at home.” hK04OSv1AOA-00125-00038610-00038889 “Mas se você for no supermercado” or “ao supermercado” hK04OSv1AOA-00126-00038900-00039216 or “pro supermercado,” these are the three ways you’ll hear hK04OSv1AOA-00127-00039224-00039482 in Portuguese, but in theory, it would be: hK04OSv1AOA-00128-00039508-00039833 “Se você for ao supermercado, eu te acompanho.” hK04OSv1AOA-00129-00039840-00040007 Or “eu vou contigo.” hK04OSv1AOA-00130-00040014-00040317 We’re staying at home, but if you go, hK04OSv1AOA-00131-00040342-00040564 in case you go, from the verb “ir,” hK04OSv1AOA-00132-00040570-00040977 in case you go to the supermarket, I’ll come with you, hK04OSv1AOA-00133-00040983-00041124 I’ll go with you. Next. hK04OSv1AOA-00134-00041129-00041395 The doorman won’t let me get into a building. hK04OSv1AOA-00135-00041531-00041679 If I’m in a situation— hK04OSv1AOA-00136-00042265-00042413 If I’m in a situation— hK04OSv1AOA-00137-00043650-00043904 So let’s say I’m at the reception, I want to go somewhere, hK04OSv1AOA-00138-00043909-00044367 but the doorman won’t let me in because blah, blah, blah, whatever. hK04OSv1AOA-00139-00044374-00044589 I call someone, a friend, and I say, hK04OSv1AOA-00140-00044594-00044820 “Dude, I think it’s better if you come here hK04OSv1AOA-00141-00044825-00045029 so we can solve this and try to get in. hK04OSv1AOA-00142-00045035-00045320 I think if we go together…” hK04OSv1AOA-00143-00045347-00045740 So if we go together, if the group goes together, he’ll let us in. hK04OSv1AOA-00144-00045746-00045974 Because everyone will be talking, arguing and stuff, hK04OSv1AOA-00145-00045979-00046158 and he will let us through, got it? hK04OSv1AOA-00146-00046162-00046487 “Se a gente for junto, acho que ele libera.” hK04OSv1AOA-00147-00046491-00046758 I believe he will let us in. hK04OSv1AOA-00148-00046763-00047086 Notice that these sentences I’m giving you, hK04OSv1AOA-00149-00047104-00047529 you can exchange them by “caso vá” or “quando vá.” hK04OSv1AOA-00150-00047543-00047783 For example: “no dia que eu for lá na casa dela...” hK04OSv1AOA-00151-00047835-00047953 the first sentence. hK04OSv1AOA-00152-00047973-00048175 “Quando eu vá na casa dela.” hK04OSv1AOA-00153-00048179-00048384 Or on this other one, “Se a gente for junto.” hK04OSv1AOA-00154-00048391-00048828 In case we go together, like: if we go together, I think he’ll let us in. hK04OSv1AOA-00155-00048834-00049190 Fourth sentence. Let’s say I’m new at a neighborhood hK04OSv1AOA-00156-00049223-00049491 and I’m getting there, I don’t know anything, I’m naïve hK04OSv1AOA-00157-00049499-00049935 and someone tells me, “Philipe, if you walk by here at night, hK04OSv1AOA-00158-00049942-00050155 by this street, be very careful. hK04OSv1AOA-00159-00050161-00050658 If you’re walking by this street at night or during the night, hK04OSv1AOA-00160-00050682-00050897 be very careful because it’s a little bit dangerous.” hK04OSv1AOA-00161-00050902-00051222 “Esquisito” is also a word that we use in Brazil, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00162-00051229-00051435 “Esquisito” can mean something strange, hK04OSv1AOA-00163-00051441-00051829 like a food that’s really weird, very strange, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00164-00051834-00052422 Very weird. Or also in a street with few people, that’s empty. hK04OSv1AOA-00165-00052429-00052809 You say in Spanish like, “esta calle es muy sola, cuidado por ahí. hK04OSv1AOA-00166-00052814-00052901 Es muy sola.” hK04OSv1AOA-00167-00052906-00053130 We don’t say, “This street is very alone.” No. hK04OSv1AOA-00168-00053135-00053406 And we also don’t say, “This street is very lonely.” No. hK04OSv1AOA-00169-00053410-00053530 “Essa rua é muito esquisita.” hK04OSv1AOA-00170-00053535-00053807 Be careful on this street at night because it gets very weird. hK04OSv1AOA-00171-00053813-00053966 Few people. And the fifth sentence. hK04OSv1AOA-00172-00053973-00054170 Let’s say I have a friend who is going to the gym, hK04OSv1AOA-00173-00054175-00054313 he is training there, and he says, hK04OSv1AOA-00174-00054318-00054461 “Dude, do you know this gym?” hK04OSv1AOA-00175-00054467-00054796 And I say, “No, I don’t. Do you mind if I go with you? hK04OSv1AOA-00176-00054804-00055007 Is there a problem if I go with you?” hK04OSv1AOA-00177-00055014-00055212 You will always see this connection there, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00178-00055220-00055736 Between this “for” from the verb “ir” and the “for” from the verb “ser,” ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00179-00055740-00055853 There’s an extra here. hK04OSv1AOA-00180-00055861-00056393 On sentence six, let’s say you have a package, a gift, hK04OSv1AOA-00181-00056400-00056542 something to deliver to me, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00182-00056547-00056640 Which is in your house. hK04OSv1AOA-00183-00056644-00056902 Every time I go home, I pass by your house, hK04OSv1AOA-00184-00056906-00057060 I am close to your house. hK04OSv1AOA-00185-00057066-00057330 And you say, “Philipe, if you’re passing by here, hK04OSv1AOA-00186-00057370-00057475 around my house.” hK04OSv1AOA-00187-00057488-00057927 “Se você for,” “caso você vá passar por aqui, hK04OSv1AOA-00188-00057934-00058148 me avisa que tenho algo pra te entregar,” hK04OSv1AOA-00189-00058151-00058362 or “eu tenho algo pra entregar pra você.” hK04OSv1AOA-00190-00058369-00058616 We don’t use “Pra entregar-te” so much, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00191-00058625-00058740 That’s too formal. hK04OSv1AOA-00192-00058745-00058992 So it’s either “pra te entregar” or “entregar pra você.” hK04OSv1AOA-00193-00059000-00059253 And now we’re going to mix them up in the same sentence, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00194-00059310-00059437 “Ir” and “ser.” hK04OSv1AOA-00195-00059442-00060074 If you go with me and I get picked, we’ll celebrate at the bar. hK04OSv1AOA-00196-00060130-00060420 If you go with me somewhere, right? hK04OSv1AOA-00197-00060426-00060725 If you go with me and I get picked— hK04OSv1AOA-00198-00060738-00060970 If I win, from whatever choice they’re making, hK04OSv1AOA-00199-00060983-00061177 we will celebrate at the bar. hK04OSv1AOA-00200-00061193-00061389 Or we’ll celebrate there at the bar, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00201-00061394-00061807 So you realize that the first one is “se você for” from “ir,” right? hK04OSv1AOA-00202-00061813-00062518 If you go with me and in case I get picked, we will celebrate at the bar. hK04OSv1AOA-00203-00062523-00062807 So I hope this explanation was clear to you hK04OSv1AOA-00204-00062812-00063091 about “for” from “ir” and “for” from “ser.” hK04OSv1AOA-00205-00063097-00063389 I highly recommend that you write down these sentences, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00206-00063403-00063811 Repeat it many times, repetition is very important. hK04OSv1AOA-00207-00063816-00064209 You need to turn your passive vocabulary into active vocabulary, hK04OSv1AOA-00208-00064216-00064550 I will always insist on that with you guys. hK04OSv1AOA-00209-00064578-00064985 Do this and I’m sure that your Portuguese will get much better. hK04OSv1AOA-00210-00064991-00065249 Ok then, let’s go to the extras, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00211-00065256-00065542 Let me put this computer away because my hand is falling asleep. hK04OSv1AOA-00212-00065824-00066174 Ten kilos—I need to get a new laptop. hK04OSv1AOA-00213-00066179-00066484 Look, remember the sentence with the doorman, hK04OSv1AOA-00214-00066492-00066751 “Se a gente for junto eu acho que ele libera.” hK04OSv1AOA-00215-00066758-00067153 I got to the entrance but I was “blocked.” hK04OSv1AOA-00216-00067162-00067460 That means that they stopped me from doing something. hK04OSv1AOA-00217-00067482-00067843 The verb “barrar” in Portuguese is very frequently used for this, hK04OSv1AOA-00218-00067848-00068110 you are “barrado.” He was walking, hK04OSv1AOA-00219-00068119-00068520 he tried getting into a place, but they didn’t let him in because he didn’t have, hK04OSv1AOA-00220-00068536-00069027 I don’t know, something that was a requirement to get into that place. hK04OSv1AOA-00221-00069076-00069366 Now look at these guys in Brazil, hK04OSv1AOA-00222-00069374-00069955 running so that they’re not stopped at the door where they do the ENEM, hK04OSv1AOA-00223-00069965-00070305 which is the exam you make to get into a university in Brazil. hK04OSv1AOA-00224-00070317-00070643 Look at them running because they’re late hK04OSv1AOA-00225-00070653-00070875 and a lot of people are stopped at the door. hK04OSv1AOA-00226-00073080-00073427 Wow, amazing! hK04OSv1AOA-00227-00073433-00073632 Everyone was blocked, everyone was blocked. hK04OSv1AOA-00228-00074122-00074393 The other one would be pendant. hK04OSv1AOA-00229-00074401-00074727 Usually people have a gold, silver, or whatever necklace, hK04OSv1AOA-00230-00074733-00074984 and they have a cross pendant, let’s say. hK04OSv1AOA-00231-00074990-00075110 Or a star, something. hK04OSv1AOA-00232-00075119-00075493 So the pendant will be in the end of the necklace, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00233-00075499-00075597 Pendant. hK04OSv1AOA-00234-00075602-00075965 And lastly, there is “levar uma fechada,” hK04OSv1AOA-00235-00075972-00076153 which is when you’re driving, calmly, hK04OSv1AOA-00236-00076159-00076445 and suddenly someone gets in front of you. hK04OSv1AOA-00237-00076453-00076634 They just cut in front of you. hK04OSv1AOA-00238-00076643-00076864 The guy cut in front of me. He cut in front of me. hK04OSv1AOA-00239-00076870-00077330 This guy cut in front of me and I almost hit the car. hK04OSv1AOA-00240-00078682-00078869 You saw right, what happens. hK04OSv1AOA-00241-00078952-00079217 Nothing happened, guys. I’m good, I’m ok, all good. hK04OSv1AOA-00242-00079601-00079806 That’s it, I hope you understood. hK04OSv1AOA-00243-00079812-00080118 This question—it’s been two days since they asked me about it, hK04OSv1AOA-00244-00080125-00080379 about how to use “for” in Portuguese. hK04OSv1AOA-00245-00080386-00080634 Sometimes I hear it and I don’t quite know how to use it. hK04OSv1AOA-00246-00080639-00080965 I hope these sentences have made it a little bit more clear hK04OSv1AOA-00247-00080978-00081445 on how to use the verb “ir” and “ser” in the “for” conjugation.” hK04OSv1AOA-00248-00081452-00081623 I repeat, write these sentences hK04OSv1AOA-00249-00081629-00082067 and if you can write this sentence and modify it a bit hK04OSv1AOA-00250-00082076-00082384 for something from your life, do that. hK04OSv1AOA-00251-00082390-00082696 If you’re going to walk here at night be very careful, hK04OSv1AOA-00252-00082703-00082837 and then make up your sentence. hK04OSv1AOA-00253-00082843-00083275 If you’re going to drive here at night be careful hK04OSv1AOA-00254-00083280-00083827 or be very careful because there are potholes on the road. hK04OSv1AOA-00255-00083857-00084172 Or this street is very poorly lit, so if you’re passing by hK04OSv1AOA-00256-00084179-00084361 here at night, be careful. hK04OSv1AOA-00257-00084366-00084635 That’s it, guys, I hope you understood everything. hK04OSv1AOA-00258-00084641-00084805 You already know it, leave a comment below, hK04OSv1AOA-00259-00084811-00085166 make sentences so you can practice and any questions hK04OSv1AOA-00260-00085170-00085473 you may have, send me a message and I’ll see it, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00261-00085481-00085869 Big hug, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too, hK04OSv1AOA-00262-00085894-00086038 I’m always posting on it. hK04OSv1AOA-00263-00086050-00086452 Send me your questions and the more—the more— hK04OSv1AOA-00264-00086459-00086757 either online or in traditional classes, hK04OSv1AOA-00265-00086761-00087102 the more you get exposed, the more the teachers will notice hK04OSv1AOA-00266-00087106-00087378 what you need to learn and you will learn much more. hK04OSv1AOA-00267-00087384-00087623 So don’t be embarrassed to ask, ok? hK04OSv1AOA-00268-00087631-00087901 Ask, always ask. Always. hK04OSv1AOA-00269-00087906-00088307 Don’t forget that, ok? A big hug for you, thanks, bye! hK04OSv1AOA-00270-00088442-00088790 Now we have the fourth sentence here that I will conjugate for you. hK04OSv1AOA-00271-00088850-00088941 Now you— hK04OSv1AOA-00272-00089292-00089473 Now—welcome to my life. hK04OSv1AOA-00273-00089654-00089935 Now—Now I’ll tell you the fourth sentence, ok? hOxsV4NGpuE-00000-00000000-00000100 [Music] hOxsV4NGpuE-00001-00000000-00000786 happy birthday hOxsV4NGpuE-00002-00005942-00006042 [Music] hOxsV4NGpuE-00003-00006042-00006276 foreign hOxsV4NGpuE-00004-00009764-00009864 [Music] hOxsV4NGpuE-00005-00009864-00009978 history hOxsV4NGpuE-00006-00013747-00013847 [Music] hOxsV4NGpuE-00007-00013847-00014141 Yankees hOxsV4NGpuE-00008-00018152-00018252 [Music] hOxsV4NGpuE-00009-00018252-00019290 sometimes hOxsV4NGpuE-00010-00019290-00019640 [Music] hP58XlLg-9E-00000-00000583-00001160 Early readers need to be able to hear, identify, and manipulate sounds. We call that phonemic awareness. hP58XlLg-9E-00001-00001160-00001988 One phonemic awareness activity that you can do at home is you can ask your child to guess your word. hP58XlLg-9E-00002-00001988-00002658 And the way you play guess your word is that you start by saying a word where you just say the first sound, hP58XlLg-9E-00003-00002658-00003229 you pause, and then you say the rest of the word and you ask your child to guess that word. hP58XlLg-9E-00004-00003229-00003634 So for 'dog' you would say, 'di...og' hP58XlLg-9E-00005-00003634-00003914 And then your child would say dog. hP58XlLg-9E-00006-00003914-00004208 Same example, 'p....ig' hP58XlLg-9E-00007-00004208-00004402 and your child would say pig. hP58XlLg-9E-00008-00004402-00004710 To play guess my word you can use any words you want hP58XlLg-9E-00009-00004710-00004760 or you can say we're going to guess my word only animals, hP58XlLg-9E-00010-00004887-00005200 or we're going to guess my word only modes of transportation, hP58XlLg-9E-00011-00005200-00005680 we're going to guess my word only colors. hP58XlLg-9E-00012-00005680-00006128 Now, after your child gets really good at the first sound and the whole word, hP58XlLg-9E-00013-00006128-00006431 then you can take apart every single sound. hP58XlLg-9E-00014-00006431-00006752 So if we take animals again this time we would say hP58XlLg-9E-00015-00006752-00007116 'c......a.......t' hP58XlLg-9E-00016-00007116-00007478 And our child would have to say cat. Same example hP58XlLg-9E-00017-00007478-00007772 'p......i......g' hP58XlLg-9E-00018-00007784-00007994 and our child would have to say pig hP58XlLg-9E-00019-00007994-00008580 So, with this activity start by just doing the first sound and the rest of the word and have your child guess, hP58XlLg-9E-00020-00008580-00008800 you can do that for a couple of weeks. hP58XlLg-9E-00021-00008800-00009480 When that becomes easy for your child, then you can begin to pull apart the entire word and have your child guess that word ha4AHzVIvTQ-00000-00000042-00000630 before, I was getting so many visits on one of my pages. now I don't think it's ha4AHzVIvTQ-00001-00000630-00001176 getting as many visits as it was before, and this is all happening because at any ha4AHzVIvTQ-00002-00001176-00001572 moment, the algorithm could change on one of your pages that is getting a lot of traffic, ha4AHzVIvTQ-00003-00001662-00002268 and then you suddenly don't get very much at all, or in any younger case, ha4AHzVIvTQ-00004-00002490-00002832 it could become higher. that's rare. haTYrqUO_KE-00001-00000283-00000509 Thedinen Thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00002-00000902-00001180 Vadinen Vadinen haTYrqUO_KE-00003-00001222-00001722 Un karam korthu nadantha paadhai haTYrqUO_KE-00004-00001889-00002090 Thedinen Thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00005-00002154-00002354 Thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00006-00002504-00003086 Thedinen Thedinen ava engo dhooram ponadho haTYrqUO_KE-00007-00003124-00003710 Vadinen vadinen un karam korthu nadantha pathai haTYrqUO_KE-00008-00003810-00004082 Vanavillai ne vandha padhai haTYrqUO_KE-00009-00004082-00004370 Vizhunthen un azhaghe bodhai haTYrqUO_KE-00010-00004370-00004570 Thedinen thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00011-00004684-00004884 Thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00012-00005008-00005262 Nee vandhae Naa pathene haTYrqUO_KE-00013-00005276-00005606 Unakkaga Uyir kudupene haTYrqUO_KE-00014-00005606-00005830 Endru mudivum panni haTYrqUO_KE-00015-00005830-00006246 Kadhal senju kanavai motham valathome haTYrqUO_KE-00016-00006246-00006552 Ipo keta, athu seri illai haTYrqUO_KE-00017-00006552-00006858 Pakalam va, un mudivillai haTYrqUO_KE-00018-00006858-00007206 Kashtam dhan valkai Kuzhapam iruka? haTYrqUO_KE-00019-00007206-00007608 Oru naal kuda ishtam dhan haTYrqUO_KE-00020-00007738-00007873 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00021-00008072-00008240 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00022-00008398-00008532 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00023-00008714-00008852 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00024-00009024-00009308 Varuvaya (Neeye) haTYrqUO_KE-00025-00009314-00009628 Varuvaya (En Kanave) haTYrqUO_KE-00026-00009628-00009928 Varuvaya (En Vazhiye) haTYrqUO_KE-00027-00009948-00010396 Varuvaya (En urave ) haTYrqUO_KE-00028-00010754-00011140 Muthathin eeram maripogum haTYrqUO_KE-00029-00011264-00011824 Udharathin nirangalum maripogum haTYrqUO_KE-00030-00011920-00012290 Nan unnai pirigaiyil haTYrqUO_KE-00031-00012290-00012484 Uyire kanave haTYrqUO_KE-00032-00012484-00012980 Muthathin eeram maripogum haTYrqUO_KE-00033-00013112-00013226 Ava engo dhooram ponadhu haTYrqUO_KE-00034-00013246-00013380 En vazhvhin neelam koodudhu haTYrqUO_KE-00035-00013408-00013532 Aagayam kuda sayuthu haTYrqUO_KE-00036-00013546-00013741 Unaithotu chella enguthu haTYrqUO_KE-00037-00013741-00013880 En idhayam theeyil vizhuthu haTYrqUO_KE-00038-00013891-00014034 En kadhal vellam payathu haTYrqUO_KE-00039-00014034-00014204 Uyire Kanave Valiye Thuliye haTYrqUO_KE-00040-00014219-00014391 Vizhiye Ninaive Malaye Nadhiye haTYrqUO_KE-00041-00014458-00014908 Naan unnai thedinen haTYrqUO_KE-00042-00014966-00015132 Ava engo dhooram ponadhu haTYrqUO_KE-00043-00015144-00015290 En vazhvhin neelam koodudhu haTYrqUO_KE-00044-00015304-00015447 Aagayam kuda sayuthu haTYrqUO_KE-00045-00015454-00015602 Unaithotu chella enguthu haTYrqUO_KE-00046-00015602-00015741 Nee vandhae haTYrqUO_KE-00047-00015741-00015888 Naa pathene haTYrqUO_KE-00048-00015888-00015990 Unakkaga haTYrqUO_KE-00049-00016013-00016206 Uyir kudupene haTYrqUO_KE-00050-00016210-00016402 Endru mudivum panni haTYrqUO_KE-00051-00016410-00016574 Kadhal senju haTYrqUO_KE-00052-00016574-00016802 kanavai motham valathome haTYrqUO_KE-00053-00016822-00017124 Ipo keta, athu seri illai haTYrqUO_KE-00054-00017124-00017436 Pakalam va, un mudivillai haTYrqUO_KE-00055-00017436-00017620 Kashtam dhan valkai haTYrqUO_KE-00056-00017654-00017786 Kuzhapam iruka? haTYrqUO_KE-00057-00017804-00018194 Oru naal kuda ishtam dhan haTYrqUO_KE-00058-00018344-00018488 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00059-00018666-00018788 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00060-00018972-00019126 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00061-00019254-00019440 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00062-00019598-00019712 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00063-00019926-00020060 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00064-00020230-00020374 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00065-00020540-00020684 Varuvaya haTYrqUO_KE-00066-00021554-00021876 Subscribe if you support independent music, newness begins from here! Thank you for watching! hfd7WoEUveA-00000-00000004-00000338 Hello guys , welcome to this youtube channel , where i make hfd7WoEUveA-00001-00000352-00000451 Gaming hfd7WoEUveA-00002-00000922-00001222 100 IQ , bro , that moment hfd7WoEUveA-00003-00001222-00001548 where you have 1000IQ and i i am too smart for you , Sir hfd7WoEUveA-00004-00001556-00001848 i have 1000IQ i am ALBERT EINSTEIN hfd7WoEUveA-00006-00002316-00002416 And non sensical stuff hfd7WoEUveA-00007-00002478-00002840 Selling spear and sheild , Selling spear and sheild hfd7WoEUveA-00008-00002840-00002972 Of the best Quality hfd7WoEUveA-00009-00002980-00003652 Ok , so this sheild is unbrakeable and this spear breaks anything in one hit hfd7WoEUveA-00010-00003679-00003874 *BSOD* hfd7WoEUveA-00011-00003906-00004120 Hope you enjoyed this content hfd7WoEUveA-00012-00004120-00004418 If you liked it subscribe to this channel [AnduRo], link in description hfd7WoEUveA-00013-00004448-00004612 And I will see you in the next video hfd7WoEUveA-00014-00004614-00004716 Bye bye hfd7WoEUveA-00015-00004720-00006804 *Outro* (pls watch these videos that you see there) hgiMuecKpCE-00000-00000504-00000848 hey guys so i wasn't even gonna share this recipe but it was so hgiMuecKpCE-00001-00000848-00001304 good that i had to record a little something just to show you this really hgiMuecKpCE-00002-00001304-00002136 delicious super easy banana pancake recipe it is amazing definitely check it out hgiMuecKpCE-00003-00002136-00002720 is my apron super cute? i'll put some details on the apron i'm wearing on my website along hgiMuecKpCE-00004-00002720-00003120 with the details of this recipe if i lose you anywhere throughout this whole process hgiMuecKpCE-00005-00003120-00003647 just go to cutscurvesfitness.com for more information about my apron and the recipe hgiMuecKpCE-00006-00003647-00003976 but it's super easy basically four ingredients hgiMuecKpCE-00007-00004120-00004896 nice clean protein pack low fat delicious banana pancake recipe let's get into it guys hgiMuecKpCE-00008-00005128-00005856 to start all you need is one egg beat that egg in a bowl the most important part you need a hgiMuecKpCE-00009-00005856-00006200 super ripe banana if you think your banana is ripe hgiMuecKpCE-00010-00006200-00006759 throw it in the refrigerator let it get a little more ripe a really nice sweet ripe banana hgiMuecKpCE-00011-00006831-00007128 now you're going to want to mash that banana hgiMuecKpCE-00012-00007128-00007216 no not like that hgiMuecKpCE-00013-00007272-00007320 like this hgiMuecKpCE-00014-00007848-00008208 mix your egg and banana together now mix in a half a teaspoon hgiMuecKpCE-00015-00008208-00008560 of baking powder and two tablespoons of flour hgiMuecKpCE-00016-00008560-00008696 pour it onto a griddle hgiMuecKpCE-00017-00008696-00008928 cook it nice and brown hgiMuecKpCE-00018-00008928-00009416 now again remember i was not planning on sharing this so apologies for the paper hgiMuecKpCE-00019-00009416-00009984 plate but there you go hgiMuecKpCE-00020-00010304-00010704 again you could tell i wasn't planning on sharing this sorry for the little uh hgiMuecKpCE-00021-00010704-00011208 concert in the background but you're gonna slather on your sugar-free syrup hgiMuecKpCE-00022-00011208-00011824 and then you're gonna top with some chopped or crushed walnuts i put some blueberries on top hgiMuecKpCE-00023-00011824-00012800 you don't need to maybe put some bananas on top or you can just rock with the nuts hgiMuecKpCE-00024-00012800-00014212 and this is literally my first taste of these pancakes ever hgiMuecKpCE-00025-00014212-00014312 Ooooo hgiMuecKpCE-00026-00014312-00015584 Mmmmm hgiMuecKpCE-00027-00015752-00016119 like they were so good i was literally speechless i couldn't eat them fast hgiMuecKpCE-00028-00016119-00016520 enough i tried to slow down i really did like they were so good hgiMuecKpCE-00029-00016520-00017256 it was just enough moist but firm enough that it didn't feel like i was eating liquid bananas ew hgiMuecKpCE-00030-00017504-00017968 so guys definitely give them a try go to my website if you want to see the recipe thanks hgHf2AJLHIg-00000-00000032-00000134 Welcome! hgHf2AJLHIg-00001-00000134-00000766 This video tutorial offers a step-by-step guide on how to use the SUMIF function in Excel. hgHf2AJLHIg-00002-00000766-00001517 This function works with a selected area, where it can quickly add values in the cells that meet specified criteria. hgHf2AJLHIg-00003-00001517-00001745 Let’s have a look at a couple of examples together! hgHf2AJLHIg-00004-00002214-00002454 Hello! And welcome to EasyClick Academy! hgHf2AJLHIg-00005-00002454-00002725 My name’s Frank and together with our EasyClick team, hgHf2AJLHIg-00006-00002725-00003457 we’re here to make sure you’ll be able to use Excel in a quick and easy way, thanks to our digestible video tutorials. hgHf2AJLHIg-00007-00003458-00004044 Here we’ve got some tables containing the data we’ll use to see how the SUMIF function works. hgHf2AJLHIg-00008-00004044-00004561 For example, we can calculate the number of all sales made in the western region hgHf2AJLHIg-00009-00004561-00005547 or find out the sum of all sales volumes that were below 170. And there’s no limit in terms of the amount of data in the tables! hgHf2AJLHIg-00010-00005547-00006451 To begin, click into the cell you selected to display the result. Enter the equal sign and start typing ‘SUMIF’. hgHf2AJLHIg-00011-00006451-00006991 Click on the suggestion you’ll see and now you’ll need to enter some more information. hgHf2AJLHIg-00012-00006991-00007643 Specifically, the range, which is the area of the cells where we need Excel to search for certain data; hgHf2AJLHIg-00013-00007643-00008276 the criteria – to mark what exactly we’re looking for; and the area from which the sum of the values hgHf2AJLHIg-00014-00008276-00008621 that meet our criteria will be calculated. hgHf2AJLHIg-00015-00008621-00009294 So, we want to search in the column Region, so we’ll select all the data in this column. hgHf2AJLHIg-00016-00009294-00009623 Then we’ll add a comma and enter the criteria. hgHf2AJLHIg-00017-00009623-00010443 We want to find out the total of the sales from the region West, so we’ll type in “West” directly, in quotation marks. hgHf2AJLHIg-00018-00010443-00011427 Then a comma again, and now it’s time to select the area containing the values to be added, so select the column Sales. hgHf2AJLHIg-00019-00011427-00011842 Close the brackets, hit Enter and here we go! hgHf2AJLHIg-00020-00011842-00012393 Excel has calculated the total of all sales from the region West. hgHf2AJLHIg-00021-00012393-00012992 If you know that you’ll use different criteria to make different calculations in the future, you can adjust the function hgHf2AJLHIg-00022-00012992-00013888 in a way that it will extract the necessary information from a single cell the contents of which you’ll be able to change anytime. hgHf2AJLHIg-00023-00013888-00014573 For example, to define our criteria, we want to use the value stated in the cell G2. hgHf2AJLHIg-00024-00014573-00015460 So instead of typing the text “West” directly in the formula, we will use the coordinates G2 and press Enter. hgHf2AJLHIg-00025-00015460-00015558 Great! hgHf2AJLHIg-00026-00015558-00016389 Now if we change West to East in G2, the formula recalculates the sum based on the most up-to-date criteria hgHf2AJLHIg-00027-00016389-00016868 and we’ll see the total of all sales from the region East. hgHf2AJLHIg-00028-00016868-00017020 And that’s not all! hgHf2AJLHIg-00029-00017020-00018000 In the function SUMIF, you can also use comparison to find out the volume of all sales above or below the value you define. hgHf2AJLHIg-00030-00018000-00018573 Let’s say we want Excel to add the volumes of sales larger than 170. hgHf2AJLHIg-00031-00018573-00019611 We’ll start with the SUMIF function, select the column Sales, add a comma and to write the comparison criteria directly, hgHf2AJLHIg-00032-00019611-00020373 type in the symbol ‘greater than’ and the number 170, all in quotation marks. hgHf2AJLHIg-00033-00020373-00021269 Now, in this kind of operation, Excel does not need any more information, so we’ll close the brackets and press Enter. hgHf2AJLHIg-00034-00021269-00022109 And it works! Excel has provided us with the total of all sales entries greater than 170. hgHf2AJLHIg-00035-00022109-00023033 As previously, in this case we can make the function dynamic, too. The cell G3 contains the data for the criteria information. hgHf2AJLHIg-00036-00023033-00023475 To use this number in the formula, we need to use a little trick, though. hgHf2AJLHIg-00037-00023475-00024253 The sign ‘greater than’ needs to go into quotation marks, then we need to enter an ampersand and only then, hgHf2AJLHIg-00038-00024253-00024734 we can type in the reference to the cell we want to use – G3. hgHf2AJLHIg-00039-00024734-00025403 Now, we’ve got everything we needed, so we can press Enter and see that the spreadsheet shows the same result. hgHf2AJLHIg-00040-00025403-00025720 If we change the value in G3 to 60, hgHf2AJLHIg-00041-00025720-00026608 Excel recalculates the total and shows the sum of all the sales that meet the new criteria, which is 750. hgHf2AJLHIg-00042-00026608-00027495 Well, that’s about all for today – we’ve seen how the function SUMIF works and how you can make use of it, for example at work. hgHf2AJLHIg-00043-00027495-00027935 But Excel offers a huge number of other helpful functions. hgHf2AJLHIg-00044-00027935-00028773 EasyClick Academy has prepared the video tutorials for the most popular ones – check out the links in the description below! hgHf2AJLHIg-00045-00028773-00029392 If you found this tutorial helpful, give us a like and watch other video tutorials by EasyClick Academy. hgHf2AJLHIg-00046-00029392-00029710 Learn how to use Excel in a quick and easy way! hgHf2AJLHIg-00047-00029710-00030214 Is this your first time on EasyClick? We’ll be more than happy to welcome you in our online community. hgHf2AJLHIg-00048-00030214-00030540 Hit that Subscribe button and join the EasyClickers! hgHf2AJLHIg-00049-00030540-00030753 Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video! hgYHoxphXIo-00000-00000003-00000560 Let's talk about keywords. SEO, Keywords. You've heard it a million times. Today, hgYHoxphXIo-00001-00000560-00001029 we're going to talk about how to make it easy to dominate under a keyword with my hgYHoxphXIo-00002-00001029-00002219 special formula called a keyword footprint. Stay tuned. hgYHoxphXIo-00003-00002291-00002880 So, every keyword on the Internet is like its own little universe. It's got a Sun. hgYHoxphXIo-00004-00002880-00003543 Its got stars. And we have to think about what is all the angles of that universe. hgYHoxphXIo-00005-00003543-00004434 Top, bottom, side, side. Google understands all of those relationships. The front, the hgYHoxphXIo-00006-00004434-00005043 bottom, the sides. But as humans, we sometimes... It's weird like. The same thing hgYHoxphXIo-00007-00005043-00005654 can have multiple meanings. One of my clients, they sell bamboo products. And hgYHoxphXIo-00008-00005654-00006018 one of the things that they were so confused about is that they thought all hgYHoxphXIo-00009-00006018-00006494 of their customers searched for the word picks. Because restaurant tours, they use hgYHoxphXIo-00010-00006494-00006933 that lingo. Picks. Well, let me show you here what happens when you search for hgYHoxphXIo-00011-00006933-00007308 picks. And they were convinced this is how people search for their products hgYHoxphXIo-00012-00007308-00007695 toothpicks. But they called them picks. Well, when you put picks into Google as hgYHoxphXIo-00013-00007695-00008382 you can see, it's all NFL picks. Top to bottom, front to back. It's all NFL. Okay, hgYHoxphXIo-00014-00008382-00008715 so even if I optimize for that phrase, that wouldn't be really where we would hgYHoxphXIo-00015-00008715-00009215 want to be anyway. Now, I jump over to images. Check this out. Now, oh look. It's hgYHoxphXIo-00016-00009215-00010038 all guitar picks. How could the same word have so many different angles? A party hgYHoxphXIo-00017-00010038-00010590 pic, there's a picture. Hello, everyone calls a picture a pic. That's a P-I-C. hgYHoxphXIo-00018-00010590-00011247 But it still has the same sort of you know, essence to it if you will. So, this hgYHoxphXIo-00019-00011247-00011781 happens a lot where users get this keyword in their head, business owners hgYHoxphXIo-00020-00011781-00012249 especially. They think that this moniker, this acronym is going to be the thing hgYHoxphXIo-00021-00012249-00012844 that it pushes them out the stratosphere and into this whole world of notoriety. hgYHoxphXIo-00022-00012844-00013148 Well, what I know for sure is in findability, hgYHoxphXIo-00023-00013148-00013616 it's about understanding that one keyword phrase that you want to own and hgYHoxphXIo-00024-00013616-00014063 what all the different sides of that keyword front to back. So, we have hgYHoxphXIo-00025-00014063-00014493 something we call a keyword footprint. And it would be downloadable at the end hgYHoxphXIo-00026-00014493-00015078 of this video. The footprint is going to walk you through all the different hgYHoxphXIo-00027-00015078-00015528 angles of how people think about that. So remember, Google's been collecting in hgYHoxphXIo-00028-00015528-00015744 our Chi all this content since the date was born. hgYHoxphXIo-00029-00015744-00016324 And it keeps all of that in its archive. Now, the data you see in these keyword hgYHoxphXIo-00030-00016324-00016891 tools are giving you a running 12-months database of keywords. But let's face it, hgYHoxphXIo-00031-00016891-00017269 they have all this data. They know all the different ways that people think hgYHoxphXIo-00032-00017269-00017692 about a specific topic. So, when we go in here, we want to make sure that we're hgYHoxphXIo-00033-00017692-00018271 being a thought leader by keyword phrase. So, let's go in and let's pick a topic. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00034-00018271-00018655 I'm going to pick 3d printers because my husband is crazy. hgYHoxphXIo-00035-00018655-00019117 He's printed everything in a 3d printer. He printed me a vase for Mother's Day. It hgYHoxphXIo-00036-00019117-00019573 was about this big held on my flowers, Gorgeous. He prints me like ring holders hgYHoxphXIo-00037-00019573-00020197 and holders for my cell phone and strange things like octopuses and it's hgYHoxphXIo-00038-00020197-00020533 very strange but he's just so happy. I just can't.. Did I him that, he just loves hgYHoxphXIo-00039-00020533-00021055 it. So, what we're going to do is we're going to go in and I'm going to type in 3d printer. hgYHoxphXIo-00040-00021055-00021415 Now, there's a whole world around 3d printing. And what you'll see here is hgYHoxphXIo-00041-00021415-00021943 we've got designs, filament that's the stuff they put in there that gets melted hgYHoxphXIo-00042-00021943-00022612 when it makes it. Price, software, files, reviews, pen and cost. Hmm, that's pretty hgYHoxphXIo-00043-00022612-00022861 interesting. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit hgYHoxphXIo-00044-00022861-00023458 that guy. I'm going to look at the page. I'm going to scroll down. Oh, look. A bunch of hgYHoxphXIo-00045-00023458-00024034 questions. "What is the best 3d printer? What is the best 3d printer for home use? hgYHoxphXIo-00046-00024034-00024592 Is a 3d printer worth it? Can you make money with a 3d printer?" Hmm... That's hgYHoxphXIo-00047-00024592-00024982 pretty interesting. So, those questions you'll often see those questions pop up hgYHoxphXIo-00048-00024982-00025345 in search results. And you want to take a screen grab of that. Because those are hgYHoxphXIo-00049-00025345-00025612 the questions you're going to want to answer if you're going to be a thought hgYHoxphXIo-00050-00025612-00025960 leader in 3d printers. Now, I'm going to scroll all the way to the bottom again. hgYHoxphXIo-00051-00025960-00026560 And I'm going to see those same dropdowns. So, you'll see here, as I see Amazon and hgYHoxphXIo-00052-00026560-00027195 YouTube and prices and MakerBot is a kind of 3d printer. Best professional 3d hgYHoxphXIo-00053-00027195-00027661 printer. And of course we have 3d printer metal. They do with a print metal. It's hgYHoxphXIo-00054-00027661-00028036 crazy. So, go 3d printer, I'm going to like this one hgYHoxphXIo-00055-00028036-00028273 as well. The one that's at the very top. This is hgYHoxphXIo-00056-00028273-00028747 called suggestive search. Google knows all the things that people add on to the hgYHoxphXIo-00057-00028747-00029127 root of 3d printer. So, if I know what people are adding on hgYHoxphXIo-00058-00029127-00030012 top of that, that means I can craft my content around what they already want. hgYHoxphXIo-00059-00030020-00030438 -Yay! Right. We don't have to guess in marketing anymore. It's right here. I mean, hgYHoxphXIo-00060-00030438-00030852 if this doesn't make you excited then, I don't know. I just get so happy about hgYHoxphXIo-00061-00030852-00031291 stuff like this. Because I am sick and tired of guessing about what is going to hgYHoxphXIo-00062-00031291-00031735 convert. What's going to connect? What's going to resonate? Have you guys heard that? hgYHoxphXIo-00063-00031735-00032238 It's like, "Ah! No." It's not your mission statement and it's not the tagline under hgYHoxphXIo-00064-00032238-00032629 your logo. It's not going to resonate. It's not the acronym that you make up that hgYHoxphXIo-00065-00032629-00033127 represents a product you have. No one cares. It's about what's in it for them. hgYHoxphXIo-00066-00033127-00033478 Right? What are they searching? So, I'm coming into 3d printers and I see hgYHoxphXIo-00067-00033478-00033841 designs and price and filament. If I'm going to be an expert in that space, I hgYHoxphXIo-00068-00033841-00034102 better talk about those things. So, I'm going to take a great screen grab of that. hgYHoxphXIo-00069-00034102-00034618 Now, let me show you my footprint. So now, you're seeing my keyword footprint. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00070-00034618-00035110 when we're looking at all the different angles of keyword, it's important that we hgYHoxphXIo-00071-00035110-00035488 have a graph so we can map it out. So, what you're seeing here is I'm going to pop hgYHoxphXIo-00072-00035488-00036096 in here 3d printers. So, I'm going to start with what the phrases. hgYHoxphXIo-00073-00036096-00036490 Okay? Then I'm going to go down and I'm gonna grab those searches related to. hgYHoxphXIo-00074-00036490-00036799 Remember those are the ones at the bottom. And the ones that come up under hgYHoxphXIo-00075-00036799-00037134 the drop-down. So, I'm going to insert that guy. I'm just grabbing the picture hgYHoxphXIo-00076-00037134-00037444 off my desktop. Okay, so there's all of those ones I hgYHoxphXIo-00077-00037444-00037938 talked about. Filament and all those good stuff. Then I'm going to insert the hgYHoxphXIo-00078-00037938-00038328 questions. You know, if you're going to be a thought leader, you've got to answer hgYHoxphXIo-00079-00038328-00038688 those active questions. Remember, bring them in to church and then convert them. hgYHoxphXIo-00080-00038688-00039244 So, we've got to know what is the lexicon of my expertise. Then once I know what hgYHoxphXIo-00081-00039244-00039682 the lexicon is, then I can talk the way they're thinking, create content the way hgYHoxphXIo-00082-00039682-00040093 they're thinking. Then all of a sudden they find us and then we tell them about hgYHoxphXIo-00083-00040093-00040702 our signature system, our three-step process. Our acronym series, whatever. But hgYHoxphXIo-00084-00040702-00041245 we've... We started with them first. And then we turned them to our stuff, okay? hgYHoxphXIo-00085-00041245-00041707 There's my questions. Now, here's the interesting part is now that I know it's hgYHoxphXIo-00086-00041707-00042058 3d printers, I've got all the searches related to. Those are all the things hgYHoxphXIo-00087-00042058-00042301 people add on to it after they type in 3d printer. hgYHoxphXIo-00088-00042301-00042634 I have all the current questions that people are.. That are asking of hgYHoxphXIo-00089-00042634-00043057 Google. They're super important that you answer those questions. And those hgYHoxphXIo-00090-00043057-00043444 questions could be videos, they could be blogs, it could be social posts. If you hgYHoxphXIo-00091-00043444-00043849 just got to answer the question. Now, here's the cool thing: You can't just be hgYHoxphXIo-00092-00043849-00044341 a one-trick pony, right? We're going to make sure that we are going to have hgYHoxphXIo-00093-00044341-00044677 blogs but then we're going to share it. So, what we're going to do is we're going to hgYHoxphXIo-00094-00044677-00045343 jump over to Instagram. Now, Instagram has really done an amazing job of really hgYHoxphXIo-00095-00045343-00045910 making hashtags something that is very meaningful. Now, let's talk about hashtags hgYHoxphXIo-00096-00045910-00046237 for a minute because I get a lot of eye rolls when I say hashtag. Especially if hgYHoxphXIo-00097-00046237-00046792 the group is over 40, 45. You're like, "Oh, God. I'm so tired of hearing about the hgYHoxphXIo-00098-00046792-00047293 hashtags." My teenage son recently told me to not say hashtag out loud. That's hgYHoxphXIo-00099-00047293-00047683 embarrassing. He also said, "Don't ever do this in my hgYHoxphXIo-00100-00047683-00048184 presence." So, of course what do I? Do all the time. It's got to be... It's got to hgYHoxphXIo-00101-00048184-00048499 be payback. He wanted room service for 2 years when he was a kid. So... So, you hgYHoxphXIo-00102-00048499-00048973 know, it's got to be payback, right? So, you know, hashtag this. Hashtag mom tired. (#MomTired) hgYHoxphXIo-00103-00048973-00049339 Hashtag mom needs a break. (#MomNeedsABreak) It's fabulous. Try it with your teenager. It's wonderful. hgYHoxphXIo-00104-00049339-00049909 Okay. So, I'm at Instagram now. I'm going to go in and I'm going to do a hashtag 3d hgYHoxphXIo-00105-00049909-00050542 printer. Now, what you'll see that comes down is all of the different elements hgYHoxphXIo-00106-00050542-00050947 there that people are using for the 3d printing world. So you'll see hgYHoxphXIo-00107-00050947-00051504 #3Dprinter has 731,000 posts for that hgYHoxphXIo-00108-00051504-00051913 hashtag. So, let's talk a little bit about what the heck hashtag is. I like to think hgYHoxphXIo-00109-00051913-00052639 of a hashtag like a club. So, I like rose gold Earl Grey and ringers. Those are the hgYHoxphXIo-00110-00052639-00053116 three things that I'm loved. So, I'm going tO follow the hashtag. It's like, I'm going to hgYHoxphXIo-00111-00053116-00053500 go to a party where everyone loves rose gold. Then I'm going to go to a party where hgYHoxphXIo-00112-00053500-00053892 everyone loves Earl Grey. Now, I don't have to follow you in order to be hgYHoxphXIo-00113-00053892-00054330 interested in that topic. So, I just want to go to these cool parties. So you can hgYHoxphXIo-00114-00054330-00054727 follow a hashtag and then you're going to see that show up in your feed and hgYHoxphXIo-00115-00054727-00055249 Instagram. Now, here's the cool thing is that hashtags work across all social hgYHoxphXIo-00116-00055249-00055648 media. Hashtags work in Facebook, hashtags work in Pinterest, hgYHoxphXIo-00117-00055648-00056100 hastags work in Twitter, Instagram and they even work in YouTube and LinkedIn. hgYHoxphXIo-00118-00056100-00056761 So, if we can tap in to what the trending hashtags are around the hgYHoxphXIo-00119-00056761-00057169 topic that we want to be subject matter experts on, you'll see on my screen here hgYHoxphXIo-00120-00057169-00057676 that there is some really cool hashtag activity. 3d printer world gets almost hgYHoxphXIo-00121-00057676-00058380 9,000 posts. 3d printer news, 2200 posts. 3d printer filament, 4600 posts. And I hgYHoxphXIo-00122-00058380-00058801 guarantee you my husband is following all of these. He's also a drone pilot so hgYHoxphXIo-00123-00058801-00059091 it doesn't get much bigger than that. Love you honey. Now, I have this little hgYHoxphXIo-00124-00059091-00059592 universe of how do I share this so I get in front of the right people. A lot of hgYHoxphXIo-00125-00059592-00060004 times, social media just falls on flat ears. Because all you're doing is pushing. hgYHoxphXIo-00126-00060004-00060402 Pushing, pushing, pushing. Here's my stuff, here's my stuff, here's my stuff. You hgYHoxphXIo-00127-00060402-00060816 should like it, you should follow it, you should comment on it. Why? Does it have hgYHoxphXIo-00128-00060816-00061051 anything to do with what I'm interested in or is it just because something hgYHoxphXIo-00129-00061051-00061423 you're obsessed with? Or something you can't stop talking about? But when you hgYHoxphXIo-00130-00061423-00061827 change your perspective and you think about a footprint, a keyword footprint. hgYHoxphXIo-00131-00061827-00062277 You're thinking from their standpoint. Not from yours. hgYHoxphXIo-00132-00062277-00062773 Alright. So, we've got 3d printers down. We've got our searches related to. We hgYHoxphXIo-00133-00062773-00063144 have our questions. And now, I'm going to add in our hashtag. Alright. Now, I'm in hgYHoxphXIo-00134-00063144-00063544 a really good position. Now, this is where it gets a little fancy. In our retreats hgYHoxphXIo-00135-00063544-00064032 and our coaching programs, we teach clients and their marketing teams on how hgYHoxphXIo-00136-00064032-00064695 to use some pretty geeky stuff. One of our favorite geeky tools is SEM rush. hgYHoxphXIo-00137-00064695-00065406 Search engine marketing rush. SEM rush. It is about $99 a month. You can sign up for hgYHoxphXIo-00138-00065406-00065761 a free 7-day trial with a credit card. We're going to show you a lot of other hgYHoxphXIo-00139-00065761-00066088 keyword tools. This is not the only keyword tool. This just happens to be one hgYHoxphXIo-00140-00066088-00066460 of our faves. Let me show you why. So, I'm going to go over here and I'm gonna go to hgYHoxphXIo-00141-00066460-00066991 dashboard. Now, this is the SEM dashboard. I don't want it to be intimidating to hgYHoxphXIo-00142-00066991-00067387 you. We're only going to look at 2 things. The first thing is we're going to go hgYHoxphXIo-00143-00067387-00067776 to something called the keyword magic tool. I love how they just add magic hgYHoxphXIo-00144-00067776-00068047 to it. I've decided I'm going to add magic to everything. hgYHoxphXIo-00145-00068047-00068512 The key word magic coaching call. The keyword magic retreat. Just makes hgYHoxphXIo-00146-00068512-00068832 everything sounds so much better. So, I'm going to start using magic and hgYHoxphXIo-00147-00068832-00069036 everything. Alright. So, we're going to go to the keyword hgYHoxphXIo-00148-00069036-00069726 magic tool. I'm going to type in 3d printer and let's... Let's let this tool hgYHoxphXIo-00149-00069726-00070326 that archives and indexes content from Google, Yahoo. The 3 people that go to hgYHoxphXIo-00150-00070326-00070707 Bing everyday. I think they have a bill too because when they have 3 people hgYHoxphXIo-00151-00070707-00071067 they ring the bell. But it's mostly from Google data. Google has the largest hgYHoxphXIo-00152-00071067-00071547 search share of any search engine on the planet. So, there you go. Alright. So, let's hgYHoxphXIo-00153-00071547-00071904 go down here. So, 3d printer, you'll see here let me walk you through what you're hgYHoxphXIo-00154-00071904-00072332 looking at. 3d printer that exact phrase gets 301,000 hgYHoxphXIo-00155-00072332-00072879 searches per month. That's a lot. It gets... And it's also people are paying hgYHoxphXIo-00156-00072879-00073352 $1.36 per click to be findable for that. So, if you're thinking hgYHoxphXIo-00157-00073352-00073797 about what's the value of me ranking organically, just take 300 hgYHoxphXIo-00158-00073797-00074247 thousand times a dollar 36. That's the mostly value of that keyword. hgYHoxphXIo-00159-00074247-00074601 Kind of the street value of that keyword if you will. So, that's probably a good hgYHoxphXIo-00160-00074601-00074895 one. But that's going to be pretty hard to rank for. So, let's pick something a hgYHoxphXIo-00161-00074895-00075354 little more specific. Typically the longer the keyword, the shorter the hgYHoxphXIo-00162-00075354-00075672 search volume. Which you're like that's like record scratch. You're like, I don't hgYHoxphXIo-00163-00075672-00076139 want lower, I want bigger. Not in search marketing. Search marketing is about hgYHoxphXIo-00164-00076139-00076500 getting a longer keyword phrase and getting maybe a smaller amount of hgYHoxphXIo-00165-00076500-00076893 searches but those searches are amazing. They're targeted, they're fire hot. We hgYHoxphXIo-00166-00076893-00077364 want those. When I was at Yahoo, we studied key word lengths. And when we had hgYHoxphXIo-00167-00077364-00077882 3 key words, 1, 2, 3, 4. They were 36% conversion rate. hgYHoxphXIo-00168-00077882-00078269 And a 36% conversion rate means they did something when they got hgYHoxphXIo-00169-00078269-00078762 to your site. They followed you on social. They subscribe to your blog. They did hgYHoxphXIo-00170-00078762-00079080 something. That's really what we want them to do at the end of the day, is do hgYHoxphXIo-00171-00079080-00079539 something. And also, we're not these huge corporations with huge marketing teams. hgYHoxphXIo-00172-00079539-00079905 We've got to be a little more scrappy. And we got to figure out the keywords hgYHoxphXIo-00173-00079905-00080298 that are really we stand a chance to actually rank for. So, you want to pick hgYHoxphXIo-00174-00080298-00080777 something that's 4 keyword phrases in length ideally. And then we want to find hgYHoxphXIo-00175-00080777-00081087 something that's beefy enough or interesting enough that we could own hgYHoxphXIo-00176-00081087-00081510 that keyword. Remember, the keyword is the boss. We want to make sure they're hgYHoxphXIo-00177-00081510-00081786 picking the right boss here. So, you'll see if we've got all kinds of things. hgYHoxphXIo-00178-00081786-00082254 We've got best 3d printer or metal, cheap. Let's see, 3d printer price, printer hgYHoxphXIo-00179-00082254-00082749 designs. Models. So, I own a 3d printing company that I'm going to want to hgYHoxphXIo-00180-00082749-00083142 definitely be tapping into all of these different things. These might be YouTube hgYHoxphXIo-00181-00083142-00083589 videos, they might be blog posts. They might be hashtags I use. And there are hgYHoxphXIo-00182-00083589-00083945 some serious like cheap 3d printer gets 12,100 searches a hgYHoxphXIo-00183-00083945-00084383 month. That is a lot. Now, a lot people like, "I don't want cheap." That means they hgYHoxphXIo-00184-00084383-00084798 don't want to spend any money. Not necessarily. I think everyone wants a hgYHoxphXIo-00185-00084798-00085242 good deal, right? Everyone wants a great deal. And we put cheap in. It's because we hgYHoxphXIo-00186-00085242-00085581 want a great deal. It's not because we're not going to spend any money. Does that make hgYHoxphXIo-00187-00085581-00085935 sense? Like it's... So you want to really pay attention to when they show hgYHoxphXIo-00188-00085935-00086333 up in that way. So, let's keep looking down here. Let's find something hgYHoxphXIo-00189-00086333-00086787 really interesting here. I'm going to go back up and type in filament. Filament is hgYHoxphXIo-00190-00086787-00087356 the the plastic that you put into the 3d printer and then that melts and extrudes hgYHoxphXIo-00191-00087356-00087782 to make all these cool stuff. As a 3d printer or maybe in a filament maker, I hgYHoxphXIo-00192-00087782-00088323 could do 3d printing filament types. 3d printer filament wood, metal. They hgYHoxphXIo-00193-00088323-00088719 actually have wood filament. It smells bizarre when you print it. It hgYHoxphXIo-00194-00088719-00089108 smells like you have a fire in the fireplace. It's very strange. But they hgYHoxphXIo-00195-00089108-00089523 have all kinds of really cool stuff for filament. So, I'm going to go in here. I'm hgYHoxphXIo-00196-00089523-00090131 going to go back to 3d printer. Now, that number has a very big number. There are hgYHoxphXIo-00197-00090131-00090555 300,000 which is a lot. I'm probably not gonna rank for that. But you know what? I hgYHoxphXIo-00198-00090555-00090930 know that I should be talking about that. So, 301,000 hgYHoxphXIo-00199-00090930-00091506 searches per month. I'm going to put that down right there under search volume. 3, 0, hgYHoxphXIo-00200-00091506-00092142 1. Comma, 0, 0. So, another cool part I should say is SEM rush has a cheat sheet. hgYHoxphXIo-00201-00092142-00092558 So you're like, "Okay, great Heather. 300,000 searches." Like, "How hgYHoxphXIo-00202-00092558-00092937 do I even know how much to write on that? Is it a thousand? Is it hgYHoxphXIo-00203-00092937-00093377 100,000?" How much? This tool has a cheat sheet that we can go in and say, "Okay, hgYHoxphXIo-00204-00093377-00093969 great. I want to rank for 3d printer or 3d printer filament, So, I'm going to come hgYHoxphXIo-00205-00093969-00094506 in here and I'm gonna put 3d printer. This tool is called the SEO content hgYHoxphXIo-00206-00094506-00094992 template. And the reason that this is like changed my business is because it hgYHoxphXIo-00207-00094992-00095369 gives me the actual cheat sheet. We used to count. Let's go to the top 10 sites. hgYHoxphXIo-00208-00095369-00095809 Count repetitions on each page. And then do a hgYHoxphXIo-00209-00095809-00096202 word count. And we had to do these in these massive spreadsheets. It was such a hgYHoxphXIo-00210-00096202-00096556 pain. When I found this thing I practically cried. Because I'm like, "Oh, my hgYHoxphXIo-00211-00096556-00097000 gosh. This is now going to save me so much time." So, take a look at this. What this hgYHoxphXIo-00212-00097000-00097516 tool does --the content template tool is it goes in and says, "Okay. Here are the hgYHoxphXIo-00213-00097516-00097930 top 10 sites that rank for 3d printer." Gives them right there. And then with hgYHoxphXIo-00214-00097930-00098368 this tool does as it goes it visits each one of those sites and calculates a hgYHoxphXIo-00215-00098368-00098932 formula --a cheat sheet by which we're going to write our page to. So, the top 10 hgYHoxphXIo-00216-00098932-00099385 there's already an algorithmic equation of why those are there. I don't have time hgYHoxphXIo-00217-00099385-00099733 to figure out why they're there. I just know that those guys are doing something hgYHoxphXIo-00218-00099733-00100180 right. I want to do more of what's right. I also like to think about this as cool hgYHoxphXIo-00219-00100180-00100519 kids. So think back to high school or elementary school. You know who the cool hgYHoxphXIo-00220-00100519-00100804 kids were. They sat in the back of the bus. They knew all I eat the same hgYHoxphXIo-00221-00100804-00101173 sandwiches. They all had the same outfits. They hung out together. hgYHoxphXIo-00222-00101173-00101545 That's a cool kid. If I could have gotten the recipe to be a cool kid in high hgYHoxphXIo-00223-00101545-00101890 school, that would have been a game-changer for me. But I want the cool hgYHoxphXIo-00224-00101890-00102561 kid formula. And that's what this is. Each keyword phrase has a specific formula. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00225-00102561-00102979 as I come down here, look at this. So, here's all the top 10 that currently hgYHoxphXIo-00226-00102979-00103482 rank for 3d printer. Right here is semantically related keywords is the key hgYHoxphXIo-00227-00103482-00103794 words at the bottom. And the key words that drop down at the top of search hgYHoxphXIo-00228-00103794-00104208 results. Look at all these. When I go to sit down and write this, I know exactly hgYHoxphXIo-00229-00104208-00104653 what to use. I'm going to talk about rapid prototyping, I'm going to talk about print hgYHoxphXIo-00230-00104653-00105232 quality, objects, the build plate. That's the bottom part. 3d models, 3d objects, all hgYHoxphXIo-00231-00105232-00105655 kinds of stuff. It tells me exactly if I want to look like a cool kid, then I'm hgYHoxphXIo-00232-00105655-00106048 just going to talk about those topics and I will instantly look like a cool kid. And hgYHoxphXIo-00233-00106048-00106399 I will rank for that phrase. But you got to go a little deeper than that. hgYHoxphXIo-00234-00106399-00106831 How much do I write? So, this is a B fee keyword. And I knew that because it had hgYHoxphXIo-00235-00106831-00107572 300,000 searches. But I have to write 2585 words exactly to rank for 3d hgYHoxphXIo-00236-00107572-00108013 printer. Now, there are a million ways that we could make that look pretty and hgYHoxphXIo-00237-00108013-00108526 that you can work with your web designer to do that. But 2,585 keywords is a lot hgYHoxphXIo-00238-00108526-00109052 of content. So, where my mind goes is I'm never going to rank for that. But I hgYHoxphXIo-00239-00109052-00109454 could take a stab at it. And I'm definitely in the right lane. If hgYHoxphXIo-00240-00109454-00109916 I did something like 3d printer magic. That would be completely unfindable. hgYHoxphXIo-00241-00109916-00110474 Because I made it up. 3d printer however I know and I can look at how are people hgYHoxphXIo-00242-00110474-00110891 searching for that. And I can start to nuance my saw leadership around other hgYHoxphXIo-00243-00110891-00111419 elements like 3d printing filament, 3d printing plate. Cheap 3d hgYHoxphXIo-00244-00111419-00111788 printers. Things of that nature so that I can actually compete under the hgYHoxphXIo-00245-00111788-00112241 lower lying keywords and eventually percolate up to something like 3d hgYHoxphXIo-00246-00112241-00112796 printer over time. But it takes time. So choose wisely. Now, I can export this into hgYHoxphXIo-00247-00112796-00113233 a word doc. I can send it to a writer to write this on based on this. I could hgYHoxphXIo-00248-00113233-00113785 dictate into my phone and have it transcribed. I use a tool called rev. R-E-V hgYHoxphXIo-00249-00113785-00114194 dot com. And I could just dictate it and I have that cheat sheet in front of me, I'm hgYHoxphXIo-00250-00114194-00114484 going to dictate. I'm going to make sure to talk about these things. I'm going to make hgYHoxphXIo-00251-00114484-00114851 sure to get that amount of copy. I dictated in my phone. I upload it to a hgYHoxphXIo-00252-00114851-00115313 transcription service and boom. I've got my blog post for that keyword. And you hgYHoxphXIo-00253-00115313-00115838 know that you've created a piece of content that matched the blueprint. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00254-00115838-00116294 let's go back. So, that was 25, 85. So, I'm going to go back to the PowerPoint. And my hgYHoxphXIo-00255-00116294-00116917 keyword, I'm going to put 25, 85. Okay. Now, I've got my completed keyword map. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00256-00116917-00117239 what you're seeing here is now I have a couple choices. I've got the keyword hgYHoxphXIo-00257-00117239-00117667 footprint. I know how much people searched which is 300 and 1000 times per hgYHoxphXIo-00258-00117667-00117991 month. I know I have to write 2,585 hgYHoxphXIo-00259-00117991-00118394 words. I know all the things that people are talking about they go into deeper hgYHoxphXIo-00260-00118394-00118879 that I know the questions and I know the hashtags. Boom! Drop mic, I got it. So, if hgYHoxphXIo-00261-00118879-00119308 you're going to be a hashtag or going to be a keyword expert, then maybe you only have hgYHoxphXIo-00262-00119308-00119926 20 keywords. People in this search marketing industry have made it very hgYHoxphXIo-00263-00119926-00120419 mystical. There should be a cape involved or a cloak, right? It's a very mysterious, I hgYHoxphXIo-00264-00120419-00120821 have to kill you if I told you how we do this. I love to pull back the curtain and hgYHoxphXIo-00265-00120821-00121253 show you because it is not as hard as SEO professionals would let on. The hgYHoxphXIo-00266-00121253-00121676 problem is is that we as business owners, don't want to take responsibility for hgYHoxphXIo-00267-00121676-00121983 this. And hopefully, you're starting to see that if you take responsibility, hgYHoxphXIo-00268-00121983-00122503 that's when it truly starts to work. And when you give it away, it's hgYHoxphXIo-00269-00122503-00123125 always like, "Hello, anyone home? Hello!" Because what happens is I went with hgYHoxphXIo-00270-00123125-00123482 my second book Thumb-a-nomics. I hired a writer. She wrote these great blog hgYHoxphXIo-00271-00123482-00123824 posts. For all the chapters, I was thrilled. I had a whole year's worth of hgYHoxphXIo-00272-00123824-00124282 content. Guess what happened when I post those blogs? Crickets in the background. hgYHoxphXIo-00273-00124282-00124777 They knew that I was not there. They knew my heart and my specialty hgYHoxphXIo-00274-00124777-00125308 didn't was not present. And it just showed up in how people responded to the hgYHoxphXIo-00275-00125308-00125683 content. It was like nothing. And as soon as I went in and I wrote something that hgYHoxphXIo-00276-00125683-00126109 was all connected and I was fully present for that content, boy, it like hgYHoxphXIo-00277-00126109-00126490 goes crazy. And I'm like, "Alright. I'm already telling you what you already hgYHoxphXIo-00278-00126490-00126883 know is that you got to do the work." There's no set of outsourcing. There is a hgYHoxphXIo-00279-00126883-00127244 point where you can outsource it. But that content, your footprint under those hgYHoxphXIo-00280-00127244-00127820 20 keywords that you're an expert in, you cannot outsource your mind. You cannot do hgYHoxphXIo-00281-00127820-00128171 it. You have to squeeze your mind and you got to get all that good stuff out. hgYHoxphXIo-00282-00128171-00128503 That's what makes you an entrepreneur. This makes you a thought leader. That's hgYHoxphXIo-00283-00128503-00128849 what makes you're good at what you do is because of what you know. But if you hgYHoxphXIo-00284-00128849-00129313 can't get it out and get it onto paper, that's a problem. So, we've got this hgYHoxphXIo-00285-00129313-00129797 completed 3d map. I'm going to have this as a downloadable asset on this video. And I hgYHoxphXIo-00286-00129797-00130258 hope you love this. The map is just a game changer. Pick 20 keywords. Fill the hgYHoxphXIo-00287-00130258-00130682 map out and then create content based on that cheat sheet. Hey, if you like the hgYHoxphXIo-00288-00130682-00131147 content from today's video, we do retreats. So, you could come and we can hgYHoxphXIo-00289-00131147-00131638 geek out for 2 days and we get all this keyword research done. We do the hgYHoxphXIo-00290-00131638-00132028 journey map and we do this keyword footprint process. It is awesome. hgYHoxphXIo-00291-00132028-00132664 Super fun. We call them work occasions. So, we pick an amazing location that is hgYHoxphXIo-00292-00132664-00133172 conducive to learning. We work our buns off and then we have a good time too. So, hgYHoxphXIo-00293-00133172-00133528 it's awesome. Check out our website findability.com. Don't forget to hgYHoxphXIo-00294-00133528-00133989 subscribe to my You Tube channel and thanks for watching. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00000-00000236-00000636 Site searching is a Google shortcut that will save you time searching the open hhHQ-aT2rPc-00001-00000636-00001036 web for hard to find information. Let's start with the basic technique hhHQ-aT2rPc-00002-00001036-00001436 for site searching. In the search box, you will start with your "search terms". hhHQ-aT2rPc-00003-00001436-00001836 Then, you'll add the shortcut site S-I-T-E hhHQ-aT2rPc-00004-00001836-00002236 and add a colon. Then, you can indicate either an upper level domain, hhHQ-aT2rPc-00005-00002236-00002636 such as .edu or .gov, or you can indicate hhHQ-aT2rPc-00006-00002636-00003036 a specific website you would like to search within. Now that we have the hhHQ-aT2rPc-00007-00003036-00003436 basic technique down, here is site searching in action. The sample topic I'll hhHQ-aT2rPc-00008-00003436-00003836 be using today is "Title IX". The official way to spell out Title hhHQ-aT2rPc-00009-00003836-00004236 IX is with the word title and roman numeral 9. I'll start with that as my hhHQ-aT2rPc-00010-00004236-00004636 search terms. Then, I'll add the site shortcut and remember to add hhHQ-aT2rPc-00011-00004636-00005036 the colon in there. And lastly, I'll start with a simple domain search hhHQ-aT2rPc-00012-00005036-00005436 such as .gov. As I scroll through the results, I notice each of the hhHQ-aT2rPc-00013-00005436-00005836 URL's have an upper level domain of .gov. For hhHQ-aT2rPc-00014-00005836-00006236 example, in my list I've got ed.gov from the U.S. Department of hhHQ-aT2rPc-00015-00006236-00006636 Education, justice.gov from the Justice Department, and hhHQ-aT2rPc-00016-00006636-00007036 uscourts.gov, the official website of The United States hhHQ-aT2rPc-00017-00007036-00007436 Court system. These results are great for our basic .gov site search, hhHQ-aT2rPc-00018-00007436-00007836 but what if I want to find information about Title IX from hhHQ-aT2rPc-00019-00007836-00008236 Oregon? I need to use the specific Oregon government website hhHQ-aT2rPc-00020-00008236-00008636 URL in my site search. Here's how that works. I can easily hhHQ-aT2rPc-00021-00008636-00009036 use Google to find the URL of the State of Oregon's hhHQ-aT2rPc-00022-00009036-00009436 website. You won't be surprised to find it's oregon.gov. We'll use hhHQ-aT2rPc-00023-00009436-00009836 the same basic technique for the site search as the last example, with one hhHQ-aT2rPc-00024-00009836-00010236 small change. First, our search terms, followed by the site shortcut hhHQ-aT2rPc-00025-00010236-00010636 with the colon, then, and here's the change, I'll use the hhHQ-aT2rPc-00026-00010636-00011036 URL for the State of Oregon's website, oregon.gov. You can use hhHQ-aT2rPc-00027-00011036-00011436 The same technique to search the City of Portland's website by changing hhHQ-aT2rPc-00028-00011436-00011836 the URL at the end. Now that we know how to site search using an upper level hhHQ-aT2rPc-00029-00011836-00012236 domain and a URL, here are a few additional examples of how you can hhHQ-aT2rPc-00030-00012236-00012636 harness the power of site searching to save you time. To find information hhHQ-aT2rPc-00031-00012636-00013036 about your topic from a local organization, try something like this. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00032-00013036-00013436 In my web searching, I came across an organization called The Northwest hhHQ-aT2rPc-00033-00013436-00013836 Association of Title IX Administrators. I'd like to find hhHQ-aT2rPc-00034-00013836-00014236 information from this organization about transgender students. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00035-00014236-00014636 I can take the URL of the homepage, and note here, I'm not hhHQ-aT2rPc-00036-00014636-00015036 including the www or http:// portion hhHQ-aT2rPc-00037-00015036-00015436 of the URL, and I'll add in my site shortcut with the colon. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00038-00015436-00015836 And for this example, I'll use the search term transgender. My results hhHQ-aT2rPc-00039-00015836-00016236 list shows all the places on the website that mentions transgender students. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00040-00016236-00016636 I can browse these results and get a faster experience finding hhHQ-aT2rPc-00041-00016636-00017036 Information about this topic, from this specific website. Here's another hhHQ-aT2rPc-00042-00017036-00017436 example. To find information about your topic from a localized hhHQ-aT2rPc-00043-00017436-00017836 newspaper, try this. Our local state newspaper of record hhHQ-aT2rPc-00044-00017836-00018236 is The Oregonian. The URL is oregonlive.com. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00045-00018236-00018636 I'll enter the search terms "Title IX" and the term transgender. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00046-00018636-00019036 I'll add the site search shortcut and the colon, and the URL hhHQ-aT2rPc-00047-00019036-00019436 of the newspapers website. Again, I'm leaving off that www hhHQ-aT2rPc-00048-00019436-00019836 or http:// portion of the URL. And my results hhHQ-aT2rPc-00049-00019836-00020236 list shows me all of the articles about Title IX and hhHQ-aT2rPc-00050-00020236-00020636 transgender students from The Oregonian. I can further harness the hhHQ-aT2rPc-00051-00020636-00021036 power of Google by using the Tools filter at the top of my results list and hhHQ-aT2rPc-00052-00021036-00021436 narrowing my results by time. In this example, I'll select past hhHQ-aT2rPc-00053-00021436-00021836 year from the drop down list. And now I have all of the news articles hhHQ-aT2rPc-00054-00021836-00022236 that have been published in the last year, from The Oregonian, about Title IX, hhHQ-aT2rPc-00055-00022236-00022636 and transgender students. I can do that same search in hhHQ-aT2rPc-00056-00022636-00023036 The New York Times by changing the URL to nytimes.com. If I want hhHQ-aT2rPc-00057-00023036-00023436 to find articles that mention Oregon, I can add that to my search as well. hhHQ-aT2rPc-00058-00023436-00023836 In conclusion, site searching is a great way to locate hard to find hhHQ-aT2rPc-00059-00023836-00024236 Information from specific types of websites, such as .gov hhHQ-aT2rPc-00060-00024236-00024636 or .edu, or you can use this technique to search within a specific hhHQ-aT2rPc-00061-00024636-00025036 website for your exact information need. Ask Us http://library.pdx.edu/ask hkhguy6qTVc-00000-00000290-00000747 Hi and welcome to Nursing School Explained! Today we'll take a closer look hkhguy6qTVc-00001-00000747-00001533 at cerebral palsy. So cerebral palsy is a chronic and non progressive hkhguy6qTVc-00002-00001533-00002059 neuromuscular disorder. Keep in mind whenever there is something going on hkhguy6qTVc-00003-00002059-00002500 with the muscles there's usually nerve involvement as well because without the hkhguy6qTVc-00004-00002500-00002902 nerve impulse the muscles won't be receiving the signal to actually hkhguy6qTVc-00005-00002902-00003436 contract and relax. So cerebral palsy leads to difficulty hkhguy6qTVc-00006-00003436-00003930 controlling the muscles and there might also be possible comorbidities that hkhguy6qTVc-00007-00003930-00004576 affect the patient cognitively as well as their hearing speech and vision. And hkhguy6qTVc-00008-00004576-00005110 then they might also have seizures. So what causes cerebral palsy? There have hkhguy6qTVc-00009-00005110-00005676 been many discussions as to the causes but there seem to be related factors hkhguy6qTVc-00010-00005676-00006162 that there's some damage that occurs to the brain whether that's hkhguy6qTVc-00011-00006162-00007020 prenatally, during the birthing process, or in the postpartum period. So low birth hkhguy6qTVc-00012-00007020-00007590 weight infants are at higher risk for developing cerebral palsy as well as hkhguy6qTVc-00013-00007590-00008239 multiple gestation infants, so twins, triplets, quadruplets are usually at a hkhguy6qTVc-00014-00008239-00008871 higher incident for being premature. And that is also, multiple gestation is also, hkhguy6qTVc-00015-00008871-00009295 related to infertility treatments, so there seems to be a relationship there. hkhguy6qTVc-00016-00009295-00009892 And then certainly premature infants a lot of times they suffer from hypoxia hkhguy6qTVc-00017-00009892-00010446 during the birthing process or they just don't develop normally because they just hkhguy6qTVc-00018-00010446-00010957 don't have the time to spend in utero for normal neural muscular hkhguy6qTVc-00019-00010957-00011715 development. And then in the prenatal period maternal infections can also lead hkhguy6qTVc-00020-00011715-00012024 to cerebral palsy.And those would include hkhguy6qTVc-00021-00012024-00012421 any of these infections that we want to keep away from pregnant women, which hkhguy6qTVc-00022-00012421-00013005 would be rubella, German measles, cytomegalovirus, as well as chickenpox. hkhguy6qTVc-00023-00013005-00013413 Now neonatal jaundice is also linked to cerebral hkhguy6qTVc-00024-00013413-00014022 Palsy because of the buildup of that bilirubin in the system and its effect hkhguy6qTVc-00025-00014022-00014550 on the brain and the brain development. And then certain maternal conditions are hkhguy6qTVc-00026-00014550-00015177 also linked to cerebral palsy, which would be thyroid disorders or seizures, hkhguy6qTVc-00027-00015177-00015921 specifically. So think about if the maternal metabolic rate is not hkhguy6qTVc-00028-00015921-00016470 controlled well that can have effects on the fetus, if there are thyroid disorders. hkhguy6qTVc-00029-00016470-00016932 And then certainly if the mother suffers from seizures, so maybe she suffers a hkhguy6qTVc-00030-00016932-00017538 seizure during, while she is pregnant that can cause some hypoxia in the hkhguy6qTVc-00031-00017538-00018093 infant and then abnormal brain development. And then in the intrapartum hkhguy6qTVc-00032-00018093-00018909 period if there's a placental abruption, so all of a sudden the placenta detaches hkhguy6qTVc-00033-00018909-00019332 from the uterus causing bleeding, which is usually a medical emergency, and that hkhguy6qTVc-00034-00019332-00020073 infant has to be delivered emergently, or if the umbilical cord is tangled in any hkhguy6qTVc-00035-00020073-00020754 way or maybe around the baby's neck, that would lead to fetal hypoxia and that is hkhguy6qTVc-00036-00020754-00021459 also related to the development of cerebral palsy. Now signs and symptoms of hkhguy6qTVc-00037-00021459-00022089 cerebral palsy might be again from mild to pretty severe and again it's usually hkhguy6qTVc-00038-00022089-00022947 neuromuscular. So initially it might be detected by the persistence of hkhguy6qTVc-00039-00022947-00023679 primitive reflexes, so that might be the rooting reflex persists past its normal hkhguy6qTVc-00040-00023679-00024306 time period or the Palmar grasp reflex, or any of those primitive reflexes that hkhguy6qTVc-00041-00024306-00024951 we typically assess for in newborns are there in the newborn, but then maybe at 3 hkhguy6qTVc-00042-00024951-00025410 or 4 or 6 months they persist so that should be a question mark that there's hkhguy6qTVc-00043-00025410-00025952 something going on in their development. As well as delayed gross hkhguy6qTVc-00044-00025952-00026545 motor movements, so if the patient is expected to start walking hkhguy6qTVc-00045-00026545-00026950 around the age of 1 years old and they're just now 18 months and there's hkhguy6qTVc-00046-00026950-00027541 absolutely no intention or no ability for this infant to start walking, that hkhguy6qTVc-00047-00027541-00028063 should be a red flag that there might be some cerebral palsy going on. As well as hkhguy6qTVc-00048-00028063-00028723 any kind of abnormal muscle tone that can lead even to spasticity, so that will hkhguy6qTVc-00049-00028723-00029494 usually mean that there is extreme contraction of certain muscles and when hkhguy6qTVc-00050-00029494-00029941 you can usually see that in the extremities that will lead to the hkhguy6qTVc-00051-00029941-00030477 patient not being able to extend or flex their extremities in a way that they hkhguy6qTVc-00052-00030477-00031000 would normally. As well as ataxia, so difficulty in gait, if there is hkhguy6qTVc-00053-00031000-00031525 neuromuscular problems we can detect that. Patient might have seizures, they hkhguy6qTVc-00054-00031525-00032127 might be having signs and symptoms of ADHD as well as sensory impairment as we hkhguy6qTVc-00055-00032127-00032633 discussed over here, hearing, speech and visual, and then speech and swallowing hkhguy6qTVc-00056-00032633-00033298 difficulties that can be detected. Diagnostic testing always involves EEG hkhguy6qTVc-00057-00033298-00033886 to see exactly the brainwaves and measure those to see how is the hkhguy6qTVc-00058-00033886-00034393 communication happening from one side of the brain to the other once that impulse hkhguy6qTVc-00059-00034393-00035116 is received. CT and MRI imaging studies of the brain to check for any underlying hkhguy6qTVc-00060-00035116-00035875 causes, maybe tumors or malformations or signs of any abnormal development there. hkhguy6qTVc-00061-00035875-00036367 As well as BMP - we always want to make sure that we check basic electrolyte hkhguy6qTVc-00062-00036367-00037066 panels because we know certain electrolytes are in charge of muscle hkhguy6qTVc-00063-00037066-00037480 control, so if there's an abnormality there that might be the cause. We hkhguy6qTVc-00064-00037480-00038014 certainly want to take a thorough history addressing all these prenatal, hkhguy6qTVc-00065-00038014-00038641 intrapartum and postpartum conditions that might have led to cerebral palsy as hkhguy6qTVc-00066-00038641-00039205 well as a very detailed neurologic exam, head to toe including all cranial nerves. hkhguy6qTVc-00067-00039205-00039716 And then genetic testing will be done as well. hkhguy6qTVc-00068-00039716-00040445 Excuse me. Treatment usually is a multidisciplinary approach because many hkhguy6qTVc-00069-00040445-00041047 parts of the body are affected so for the physical component there will be an hkhguy6qTVc-00070-00041047-00041573 orthopedic surgeon or orthopedist involved, hopefully physical therapy and hkhguy6qTVc-00071-00041573-00042110 then if there's cognitive impairment neurologists might be involved as well hkhguy6qTVc-00072-00042110-00042580 as maybe a neurosurgeon as well as a speech therapist and occupational hkhguy6qTVc-00073-00042580-00043256 therapists and many more disciplines that can help this child achieve optimal hkhguy6qTVc-00074-00043256-00043943 function. And because the cause of this is basically abnormal muscle tone and hkhguy6qTVc-00075-00043943-00044537 spasticity because it's this chronic but non progressive neuromuscular disorder, hkhguy6qTVc-00076-00044537-00044953 so this is something that's not going to get worse over time typically the hkhguy6qTVc-00077-00044953-00045545 spasticity is what it is and then it is treated as such. And a very effective hkhguy6qTVc-00078-00045545-00046199 treatment is intrathecal baclofen. And baclofen is a muscle relaxant and hkhguy6qTVc-00079-00046199-00046967 intrathecal means that it is injected in directly into the spinal cord to hkhguy6qTVc-00080-00046967-00047570 cause the relaxation of the muscle, I'm sorry, the nerve roots right there so hkhguy6qTVc-00081-00047570-00048137 that the muscles kind of relaxed and and are not so spastic causing all the signs hkhguy6qTVc-00082-00048137-00048527 and symptoms and maybe some difficulty walking if the lower extremities are hkhguy6qTVc-00083-00048527-00049115 effective. Now benzodiazepines sometimes are given as well for spasticity and hkhguy6qTVc-00084-00049115-00049774 seizures but keep in mind benzodiazepines have a high risk for hkhguy6qTVc-00085-00049774-00050363 dependency, so we always want to be extra careful with those. And Botox injections, hkhguy6qTVc-00086-00050363-00051016 remember Botox basically relaxes the muscle, they make it not so spastic and hkhguy6qTVc-00087-00051016-00051454 so they can relax. It'll basically kind of freeze the muscle and then that also hkhguy6qTVc-00088-00051454-00052274 helps with spasticity. So thank you for watching this video on cerebral palsy. hkhguy6qTVc-00089-00052274-00052723 Please also see the other videos that refer hkhguy6qTVc-00090-00052723-00053311 to pediatric neurological disorders, such as spina bifida and hydrocephalus, in the hkhguy6qTVc-00091-00053311-00053908 pediatric playlist of my channel Nursing School Explained, leave any comments down hkhguy6qTVc-00092-00053908-00054451 below, I'm always happy to review those, and if you have any specific topic you hkhguy6qTVc-00093-00054451-00054835 would like me to cover please put that in the comments as well and I'll be hkhguy6qTVc-00094-00054835-00055292 happy to address that. Thanks for watching! hlnt3yZQfBu-00000-00001992-00003361 [Crowd talking] hlnt3yZQfBu-00001-00003390-00004126 [Coughing] hlnt3yZQfBu-00002-00004126-00005446 [Labored breathing] hlnt3yZQfBu-00003-00005446-00006016 [Siren] hlnt3yZQfBu-00004-00006102-00007152 [Ventilator noises] hlnt3yZQfBu-00005-00007204-00008112 [Medical devices beeping] hlnt3yZQfBu-00006-00008126-00008362 Code blue, room 305. hlnt3yZQfBu-00007-00008388-00009336 [More medical devices beeping] hlnt3yZQfBu-00008-00009336-00009600 Code blue, room 305. hlnt3yZQfBu-00009-00010194-00010392 Code blue, room 305. hlnt3yZQfBu-00010-00010466-00010684 Code blue, room 305. hlnt3yZQfBu-00011-00010904-00011560 [Continuous tone] hlcVD8YqCuU-00000-00001168-00001688 My name is Will Steffen. I'm an Earth system scientist and i'm here to talk about my favourite hlcVD8YqCuU-00001-00001688-00002384 topic, the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is a new concept in the history of our planet. It was first hlcVD8YqCuU-00002-00002384-00003215 coined by the atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen. So the "anthropos," of course, refers to us humans, hlcVD8YqCuU-00003-00003215-00003784 and the c-e-n-e ending refers to a geological time period. So here's our reference period, hlcVD8YqCuU-00004-00003784-00004360 the Holocene; this is now a hundred thousand years record of Earth's temperature. But this hlcVD8YqCuU-00005-00004360-00004968 last nearly 12,000 years of relatively stable conditions compared to an ice age; hlcVD8YqCuU-00006-00004968-00005480 this is when humans first developed agriculture, villages, cities, and we've thrived during this hlcVD8YqCuU-00007-00005480-00005976 period of the Holocene. So the question is: can we actually gather evidence to say whether or hlcVD8YqCuU-00008-00005976-00006488 not we are still in the Holocene? So first of all, we looked at the "anthropos" side, hlcVD8YqCuU-00009-00006488-00006959 and we looked at what we called the "human enterprise," and what we saw, when we plotted the hlcVD8YqCuU-00010-00006959-00007472 data from 1750 or as early as we could get them, was remarkable. We thought we would see a nice, hlcVD8YqCuU-00011-00007472-00008008 even curve from 1750, beginning of the industrial revolution, but we didn't. In virtually all of hlcVD8YqCuU-00012-00008008-00008584 these, we see a little bit of an increase - not a whole lot happening - until this year 1950, hlcVD8YqCuU-00013-00008656-00009168 mid-20th century. But in each one of these, we see a remarkable increase in the magnitude hlcVD8YqCuU-00014-00009168-00009608 of these parameters, whether it's economy, whether it's resource use, and so on. hlcVD8YqCuU-00015-00009608-00010088 But then we said "we have to look at the other part of the word, the c-e-n-e which refers to hlcVD8YqCuU-00016-00010088-00010648 the Earth system," and we did the same thing; we started from 1750 and we went to 2000 and hlcVD8YqCuU-00017-00010648-00011360 now 2015. So what we did here was to look at six parameters which characterized the geosphere, hlcVD8YqCuU-00018-00011360-00011800 the non-living part of Earth. So what you can see here, when we look at the famous greenhouse gases, hlcVD8YqCuU-00019-00011856-00012408 loss of ozone, atmospheric temperature, ocean acidity, we start to see that these are moving hlcVD8YqCuU-00020-00012408-00012976 too. Not always precisely at 1950, but it's remarkable how many of them actually show hlcVD8YqCuU-00021-00012976-00013512 changes in their rate around the mid-20th century. And we can say two things about these graphs: hlcVD8YqCuU-00022-00013568-00014184 one is they are outside of Holocene norms. We can go back to the paleo record, the geological hlcVD8YqCuU-00023-00014184-00014760 record, and look at what these look like for the past 12,000 years. These are all outside hlcVD8YqCuU-00024-00014760-00015400 of Holocene norms. And the second thing we can say for sure is the major driver are human pressures, hlcVD8YqCuU-00025-00015456-00016032 not natural variability in the Earth system. We are in the Anthropocene, it is driven by humans, hlcVD8YqCuU-00026-00016032-00016560 it's a rapidly changing trajectory of the Earth system away from the Holocene. The other big hlcVD8YqCuU-00027-00016560-00017088 part of the Earth system is the living part, the biosphere. Nature is declining globally at rates hlcVD8YqCuU-00028-00017088-00017664 unprecedented in human history; about one million animal and plant species are now threatened with hlcVD8YqCuU-00029-00017664-00018136 extinction, many within decades, and that would amount to the sixth great extinction event in hlcVD8YqCuU-00030-00018136-00018736 the entire history of Earth. The web of life on Earth is getting smaller and increasingly frayed. hlcVD8YqCuU-00031-00018736-00019280 This is an amazing statistic that really hammers home how much we dominate the biosphere: if you hlcVD8YqCuU-00032-00019280-00019864 could weigh every living animal on land that has a backbone, vertebrate, you would find that our hlcVD8YqCuU-00033-00019864-00020472 domesticated animals - our pigs, cattle, chooks - account for two-thirds, sixty-seven percent of hlcVD8YqCuU-00034-00020472-00021056 all that mass. We humans, just our own bodies, we account for thirty percent, and all wild hlcVD8YqCuU-00035-00021056-00021680 creatures, whether they're kangaroos, elephants, zebras, what have you, account for three percent. hlcVD8YqCuU-00036-00021680-00022232 We humans weigh 10 times more than that! I can't think of a better indicator for the Anthropocene hlcVD8YqCuU-00037-00022320-00022880 in that enormous domination of the terrestrial biosphere. But I want to jump back now to an Earth hlcVD8YqCuU-00038-00022880-00023400 system perspective and talk about where we might be going, and i should add that the Anthropocene hlcVD8YqCuU-00039-00023400-00024072 is not a stable geological epoch, or stable state of the Earth system; it's a trajectory, a fast hlcVD8YqCuU-00040-00024072-00024736 trajectory away from the Holocene, probably away from the Pleistocene as well. So we can look at hlcVD8YqCuU-00041-00024736-00025280 the temperature record: this is the the influence up until now, about a 1.1 degree temperature rise. hlcVD8YqCuU-00042-00025280-00025839 By the way, the difference between the last ice age and the Holocene was about four degrees in hlcVD8YqCuU-00043-00025839-00026304 global average temperature, so we're now a quarter of the way in terms of changing the temperature, hlcVD8YqCuU-00044-00026304-00026768 but in the opposite direction, making it hotter. On this temperature scale, what does that look hlcVD8YqCuU-00045-00026768-00027312 like? Well, it looks like this. So here's where we are now: you can see the 1.1 here, these are the hlcVD8YqCuU-00046-00027312-00028000 Paris targets, 1.5 to 2 degrees. So we're trying to keep temperatures somewhere within that range, hlcVD8YqCuU-00047-00028000-00028439 but this is where we're going now, if we just keep emitting like where we are today - Australia, hlcVD8YqCuU-00048-00028439-00028824 other countries, keep pretty much doing what we're doing - we're going to hit at least three hlcVD8YqCuU-00049-00028824-00029344 and a worst case scenario, of course, is four and a half or five degrees. And most people think that hlcVD8YqCuU-00050-00029344-00029960 we will not be able to survive that much change in climate that fast. So that's what we face, and hlcVD8YqCuU-00051-00029960-00030512 when you look at it in the proper time scale, you can see what an emergency this actually is. But hlcVD8YqCuU-00052-00030512-00030992 what I want to talk about now is to go back to the Earth's system and how it behaves, and talk about hlcVD8YqCuU-00053-00030992-00031576 this concept of tipping points. We think that many of these tipping points are vulnerable to hlcVD8YqCuU-00054-00031576-00032264 temperature rises in the span of 1.5 to 3 degrees, and we're approaching 1.5. We'll probably pass 1.5 hlcVD8YqCuU-00055-00032264-00032752 in a bit over a decade, so we need to take this seriously. And the problem is once we start hlcVD8YqCuU-00056-00032752-00033272 tipping them, they will push the Earth system on their own, up to the higher temperatures. We won't hlcVD8YqCuU-00057-00033272-00033840 be able to stop it, so there is sort of a point of no return in this trajectory that you really don't hlcVD8YqCuU-00058-00033840-00034304 want to push the Earth system past, or we'll be in real trouble. We published an earlier hlcVD8YqCuU-00059-00034304-00034776 paper which tried to put this into this little cartoon: it's a stability landscape, these are hlcVD8YqCuU-00060-00034776-00035352 stable states of the Earth system. This is an ice age and this little valley here is the Holocene. hlcVD8YqCuU-00061-00035352-00035880 And so over the last 1.2 million years or so the Earth has just oscillated, rolling up and hlcVD8YqCuU-00062-00035880-00036496 down between the ice ages and the warm periods. But already today we're pushing the Earth away hlcVD8YqCuU-00063-00036496-00036960 from the next ice age, in fact, we think we already missed the next ice age. The other option hlcVD8YqCuU-00064-00036960-00037472 is to meet the Paris Accord, start regenerating the biosphere, living in different ways, hlcVD8YqCuU-00065-00037472-00037944 that we look after the planet as our Indigenous colleagues have done for thousands of years, hlcVD8YqCuU-00066-00037944-00038480 called Earth System Stewardship, and park the Earth in what we call stabilized Earth. I'm going hlcVD8YqCuU-00067-00038480-00039144 to close by the longest continuous civilization on planet Earth, Indigenous Australians. hlcVD8YqCuU-00068-00039144-00039640 There's a lot of wisdom embodied in Indigenous Australians and I think they have some very good hlcVD8YqCuU-00069-00039640-00040232 pointers for how we need to go forward in the 21st century. This is a quote from an elder from the hlcVD8YqCuU-00070-00040232-00040696 Noongar People and a very good book called "Elders Wisdom from Australia's Indigenous Leaders." hlcVD8YqCuU-00071-00040696-00041112 "We're only here for a short amount of time to do what we've been put here to do, which is to look hlcVD8YqCuU-00072-00041112-00041624 after Country. We're only a tool in the cycle of things. We go out into the world and help keep the hlcVD8YqCuU-00073-00041624-00042152 balance of nature. It's a big cycle of living with the land, and then eventually going back to it." hlcVD8YqCuU-00074-00042152-00042880 When we talk about Indigenous cultural values and so on, they don't stand still either! And they're hlcVD8YqCuU-00075-00042880-00043464 keen on learning from each other going forward, but they have this deep rooted feeling for the hlcVD8YqCuU-00076-00043464-00044032 country and that's what we blow-ins, originally from Europe, are missing, and that's hugely hlcVD8YqCuU-00077-00044032-00044464 important. So I think we have an interesting opportunity in Australia, because we have hlcVD8YqCuU-00078-00044528-00045016 a lot of people from overseas. I think over half of us weren't born in Australia, like myself, hlcVD8YqCuU-00079-00045080-00045840 although I've lived here for 44 years now. And we have the longest continuous culture on the planet; hlcVD8YqCuU-00080-00045912-00046296 surely we can get together and do some really innovative things here hlcVD8YqCuU-00081-00046368-00046896 and make Australia a showcase for how you back off from the Anthropocene and make it a very hlcVD8YqCuU-00082-00046896-00047544 different trajectory that we want to go on. I hope I've convinced you that the Anthropocene is real. hlcVD8YqCuU-00083-00047544-00048048 It certainly is real in terms of the Earth system. We have left the stability of the Holocene. We hlcVD8YqCuU-00084-00048048-00048512 know that for certain. The stratigraphers are telling us that there is a mass of evidence hlcVD8YqCuU-00085-00048576-00049248 that this is a new epoch in Earth history. But the point is, we're in the midst of it, it's evolving, hlcVD8YqCuU-00086-00049248-00049792 it's changing, it's accelerating. It's a trajectory to a point that we can't yet know. hlcVD8YqCuU-00087-00049848-00050376 So the question we need to ask ourselves, before we hit that fork in the road in the Earth system, hlcVD8YqCuU-00088-00050376-00051056 we must ask ourselves this question: where on Earth are we going? The one thing I would want hlcVD8YqCuU-00089-00051056-00051744 people to understand is that your life on Earth, your 70, 80-odd years if you have a good life, hlcVD8YqCuU-00090-00051928-00052384 what really do you want to make out of that? Is it only about getting wealthy and consuming more and hlcVD8YqCuU-00091-00052384-00052967 going faster? Maybe COVID showed us that there are some benefits of slowing down a little bit. But hlcVD8YqCuU-00092-00052967-00053496 when you get out, at least in this wonderful land, and I've tried to spend as much of my free time as hlcVD8YqCuU-00093-00053496-00054167 I can going around the continent, and you wonder what - you just have to wonder what a fantastic hlcVD8YqCuU-00094-00054167-00054640 place this actually is. And if I could go back I don't know whether I'd go into science as hlcVD8YqCuU-00095-00054640-00055216 deeply as I have, or do what one of my colleagues did and he called it just at CSIRO. I'll leave hlcVD8YqCuU-00096-00055216-00055904 you on this note: when he retired, when he hit 65, he did what most of us scientists never do, hlcVD8YqCuU-00097-00055904-00056472 which is just to stop. He said "I want to get a Kombi. I'm going to go around, hlcVD8YqCuU-00098-00056472-00056896 I'm going to learn more and more about this country and spend my last years just hlcVD8YqCuU-00099-00056896-00057528 living in this place." So that's something to think about, and something I'm trying to do more hlcVD8YqCuU-00100-00057528-00058984 and more of, but I still - I think I'm a little bit too much fascinated by the science still! hn806QghY_g-00000-00000984-00001592 hello friends last videos hn806QghY_g-00001-00002768-00003128 this concept states that every transaction hn806QghY_g-00002-00003128-00004384 affects at least two accounts a debit and a credit of equals hn806QghY_g-00003-00008584-00008592 a hn806QghY_g-00004-00012696-00012912 a debit or a credit hn806QghY_g-00005-00013136-00013408 please like comment and subscribe thank hn806QghY_g-00006-00013408-00013872 you i0UoXBAp_pI-00000-00000009-00000471 John: Good morning Hank, it's Wednesdaaaaaaay, it's Pizzamas! i0UoXBAp_pI-00001-00000471-00000779 We've just come from the Save the Children Gala. i0UoXBAp_pI-00002-00000779-00000958 Hank: I met Jennifer Garner. i0UoXBAp_pI-00003-00000958-00001169 J: That was weird but she seemed cool. i0UoXBAp_pI-00004-00001169-00001479 H: and I stood nearby Olivia Wilde. i0UoXBAp_pI-00005-00001479-00001687 J: It could be a Gala or a gah-lah. i0UoXBAp_pI-00006-00001687-00001888 H: Do you want to answer some questions that people -- i0UoXBAp_pI-00007-00001888-00001988 J: YES! i0UoXBAp_pI-00008-00001988-00002088 H: -- just sent in? i0UoXBAp_pI-00009-00002088-00002214 John Green, what is your opinion on lamps? i0UoXBAp_pI-00010-00002214-00002371 J: I am opposed to them. i0UoXBAp_pI-00011-00002371-00002624 H: I love lamp. i0UoXBAp_pI-00012-00002624-00002882 Debate over the best kind of chocolate: white, milk, or dark. i0UoXBAp_pI-00013-00002882-00003297 J: I don't know that this is going to be a debate but I actually have a very strong opinion, i0UoXBAp_pI-00014-00003297-00003547 so let's just do this 1 2 3. i0UoXBAp_pI-00015-00003547-00003654 One, two, three! i0UoXBAp_pI-00016-00003654-00003761 Both together: Dark! i0UoXBAp_pI-00017-00003761-00003905 J: Oh thank god! i0UoXBAp_pI-00018-00003905-00004126 Because we were about to not be brothers anymore. i0UoXBAp_pI-00019-00004126-00004332 H: Will there ever be dear Hank and John merch? i0UoXBAp_pI-00020-00004332-00004593 J: That's what the world's missing is dear Hank and John merch. i0UoXBAp_pI-00021-00004593-00004796 You know what kind of merch we DO have? i0UoXBAp_pI-00022-00004796-00004930 Pizza John merch is available now. i0UoXBAp_pI-00023-00004930-00005030 H: Eeeeh. i0UoXBAp_pI-00024-00005030-00005241 Only for a couple more days. i0UoXBAp_pI-00025-00005241-00005410 J: At DFTBA.com. i0UoXBAp_pI-00026-00005410-00005821 Pizzamas merch, it's like suits... but mostly T-shirts and shoelaces. i0UoXBAp_pI-00027-00005821-00005921 H: Actually, you know what I was wearing underneath the whole time-- i0UoXBAp_pI-00028-00005921-00006021 J: Ooooh! i0UoXBAp_pI-00029-00006021-00006201 H: during the Save the Children gala. i0UoXBAp_pI-00030-00006201-00006475 J: He likes to keep me close to his heart. i0UoXBAp_pI-00031-00006475-00006575 H: John -- i0UoXBAp_pI-00032-00006575-00006675 J: Yeah. i0UoXBAp_pI-00033-00006675-00006911 H: -- Do your best impression of your favorite dinosaur. i0UoXBAp_pI-00034-00006911-00007126 J: We don't know what dinosaurs sounded like. i0UoXBAp_pI-00035-00007126-00007247 H: [disappointed exhale] i0UoXBAp_pI-00036-00007247-00007368 J: It's true! i0UoXBAp_pI-00037-00007368-00007468 [squawk] i0UoXBAp_pI-00038-00007468-00007568 H: Ok. i0UoXBAp_pI-00039-00007568-00007668 Ok. i0UoXBAp_pI-00040-00007668-00007768 J: Might be. i0UoXBAp_pI-00041-00007768-00007964 H: I'm glad you-- at least you made a noise. i0UoXBAp_pI-00042-00007964-00008224 J: That was a diplodocus. i0UoXBAp_pI-00043-00008224-00008324 My favorite dinosaur. i0UoXBAp_pI-00044-00008324-00008738 But we don't know if that's what they sounded like [retching] we don't know! i0UoXBAp_pI-00045-00008738-00009156 We have no way of knowing [retching] we have no way of knowing. i0UoXBAp_pI-00046-00009156-00009256 [screeching] i0UoXBAp_pI-00047-00009256-00009611 H: maybe they just like, sounded like humans. i0UoXBAp_pI-00048-00009611-00010180 They were just like [babbling] Like that dog from that thing on Tumblr. i0UoXBAp_pI-00049-00010180-00010324 [impersonating human dog] i0UoXBAp_pI-00050-00010324-00010686 J: Rosianna took away my Tumblr password, so I don't know what's happening on Tumblr i0UoXBAp_pI-00051-00010686-00010786 anymore i0UoXBAp_pI-00052-00010786-00010886 H: [gibberish] i0UoXBAp_pI-00053-00010886-00010986 J: Sounds funny. i0UoXBAp_pI-00054-00010986-00011086 H: It's pretty funny. i0UoXBAp_pI-00055-00011086-00011186 J: Why did you take away my Tumblr password? i0UoXBAp_pI-00056-00011186-00011361 There are so many lovely things happening. i0UoXBAp_pI-00057-00011361-00011461 H: [gibberish] i0UoXBAp_pI-00058-00011461-00011724 J: Nicole's question is "What are your holiday traditions? i0UoXBAp_pI-00059-00011724-00011872 H: Saying what we're thankful for. i0UoXBAp_pI-00060-00011872-00012202 J: Oh, our mom always puts tremendous pressure on us i0UoXBAp_pI-00061-00012202-00012302 H: There is a great deal of pressure i0UoXBAp_pI-00062-00012302-00012536 J: To come up with like a new thing that we're thankful for. i0UoXBAp_pI-00063-00012536-00013069 So if I say like I'm thankful for my kids, Mom will always say "No no no no no, you said i0UoXBAp_pI-00064-00013069-00013182 that in 2011." i0UoXBAp_pI-00065-00013182-00013606 [Hank laughs] Then I'll have to think of something new that I'm thankful for. i0UoXBAp_pI-00066-00013606-00013829 And I'm 38, you know? i0UoXBAp_pI-00067-00013829-00014088 That's 38 years of having to be grateful. i0UoXBAp_pI-00068-00014088-00014346 H: Yeah, you gotta take like individual foods. i0UoXBAp_pI-00069-00014346-00014665 [John laughs] Like "this year I'm thankful for green beans!" i0UoXBAp_pI-00070-00014665-00014901 J: God, I'm so grateful for cranberries. i0UoXBAp_pI-00071-00014901-00015084 Where would we be without them as a species? i0UoXBAp_pI-00072-00015084-00015222 H: Yeah, right. i0UoXBAp_pI-00073-00015222-00015491 Yeah, exactly the same place, but where would cranberries be? i0UoXBAp_pI-00074-00015491-00015630 J: They would be dead. i0UoXBAp_pI-00075-00015630-00016180 Like 40% of species, which we've eliminated in the last 500 years, go team! i0UoXBAp_pI-00076-00016180-00016436 [Hank reluctantly high fives] Actually, no. i0UoXBAp_pI-00077-00016436-00016709 That was... not an appropriate high five. i0UoXBAp_pI-00078-00016709-00017174 H: Well, I mean 99.9% of species that have existed no longer exist. i0UoXBAp_pI-00079-00017174-00017347 J: Tight, but we've-- i0UoXBAp_pI-00080-00017347-00017498 H: Usually not so rapidly. i0UoXBAp_pI-00081-00017498-00018059 J: We've eliminated more in the last 400 years than in the previous million. i0UoXBAp_pI-00082-00018059-00018159 H: Yeah. i0UoXBAp_pI-00083-00018159-00018405 Yeah, we're roughly on par with an asteroid. i0UoXBAp_pI-00084-00018405-00018640 J: We are killin' it... i0UoXBAp_pI-00085-00018640-00018740 H: Oh! i0UoXBAp_pI-00086-00018740-00018840 J: Literally. i0UoXBAp_pI-00087-00018840-00019467 Hank, can you please describe the meaning of life from the perspective of a chicken? i0UoXBAp_pI-00088-00019467-00019723 H: [a startlingly accurate impression of a chicken] i0UoXBAp_pI-00089-00019723-00019823 J: [giggles] i0UoXBAp_pI-00090-00019823-00020074 H: [continues to be good at being a chicken] i0UoXBAp_pI-00091-00020074-00020370 J: Hank, how did you and John meet your wives? i0UoXBAp_pI-00092-00020370-00020763 H: I met my wife, she lived across a, uh... i0UoXBAp_pI-00093-00020763-00020871 J: a desert! i0UoXBAp_pI-00094-00020871-00020998 [Hank laughs] A continent! i0UoXBAp_pI-00095-00020998-00021129 H: hallway i0UoXBAp_pI-00096-00021129-00021304 J: An ocean! i0UoXBAp_pI-00097-00021304-00021498 H: From my dorm room. i0UoXBAp_pI-00098-00021498-00021695 J: Alright, room service is here, we have to go. i0UoXBAp_pI-00099-00021695-00021795 Hank. i0UoXBAp_pI-00100-00021795-00021895 H: Yes. i0UoXBAp_pI-00101-00021895-00022031 J: Thank you for being awesome, I like your tie by the way. i0UoXBAp_pI-00102-00022031-00022237 H: You're welcome, I got it at Banana Republic. i0UoXBAp_pI-00103-00022237-00022636 J: DFTBA, I will see you right now and also tomorrow. i1dUXsMV5Vk-00000-00000002-00000642 It's very important to be able to estimate not just produce the best guess i1dUXsMV5Vk-00001-00000648-00001316 for what's going on but say you know, "this guess is probably this correct" i1dUXsMV5Vk-00002-00001638-00002025 most of the statistical methods that we use on a day-to-day basis were developed i1dUXsMV5Vk-00003-00002025-00002777 before the advent of modern computing and in order to make the necessary i1dUXsMV5Vk-00004-00002777-00003548 calculations feasible these statistical methods assume this simple bell curve i1dUXsMV5Vk-00005-00003548-00003821 shaped uncertainty and this allows you to do a i1dUXsMV5Vk-00006-00003822-00004320 lot of mathematics with pen and paper that you couldn't do otherwise i1dUXsMV5Vk-00007-00004332-00005084 but now that we have you know high-performance computers at our fingertips we don't i1dUXsMV5Vk-00008-00005085-00005562 need to rely on these approximations anymore and there are some problems in i1dUXsMV5Vk-00009-00005562-00006294 which those approximations can actually be catastrophically bad and density i1dUXsMV5Vk-00010-00006294-00006768 estimation the problem we address in our paper is one of those it's one of those i1dUXsMV5Vk-00011-00006768-00007425 problems so what we did is using tools from theoretical physics an area called i1dUXsMV5Vk-00012-00007425-00008088 field theory we developed a method and implemented in software that allows us i1dUXsMV5Vk-00013-00008088-00008786 to exactly quantify not only the best estimate for a probability distribution i1dUXsMV5Vk-00014-00008786-00009278 from a small amount of data but how uncertain we are in that estimate and i1dUXsMV5Vk-00015-00009278-00009864 that's really the heart of statistics and science is not just being able to i1dUXsMV5Vk-00016-00009864-00010393 make claims but being able to state how confident you are in your claims. i2ebXz9ojzy-00000-00000313-00000758 *singing about being alive* It is good day to be not dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00001-00000758-00000811 PAW! i2ebXz9ojzy-00002-00000811-00000909 You are DEAD! i2ebXz9ojzy-00003-00000909-00001008 I'M DEAD! i2ebXz9ojzy-00004-00001008-00001130 hehehelololol i2ebXz9ojzy-00005-00001130-00001246 conga spy i2ebXz9ojzy-00006-00001286-00001335 OH! i2ebXz9ojzy-00007-00001335-00001443 The Heavy is DED! i2ebXz9ojzy-00008-00001511-00001611 I am dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00009-00001611-00001764 WHY is the heavy dead ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00010-00001764-00001814 I dunno i2ebXz9ojzy-00011-00001840-00001932 I think it was i2ebXz9ojzy-00012-00001932-00002063 (Both) SHH, You are dead ! i2ebXz9ojzy-00013-00002063-00002113 ok i2ebXz9ojzy-00014-00002191-00002295 What's up, you wankers ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00015-00002305-00002404 Who's up for a ... AH! i2ebXz9ojzy-00016-00002404-00002592 What the bloody hell just happened ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00017-00002592-00002736 The Heavy is dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00018-00002736-00002857 The Heavy is dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00019-00002857-00002907 Correct! i2ebXz9ojzy-00020-00002947-00002997 yay i2ebXz9ojzy-00021-00003077-00003290 SO, Did you see the murderer ? i2ebXz9ojzy-00022-00003290-00003479 No, sorry mate. i2ebXz9ojzy-00023-00003480-00003804 I will find him, I will capture him, i2ebXz9ojzy-00024-00003804-00004034 and no one will ever die again ! i2ebXz9ojzy-00025-00004072-00004162 Ah, well that's nice. i2ebXz9ojzy-00026-00004162-00004287 I am DAMN proud right now. i2ebXz9ojzy-00027-00004351-00004604 ATTEEEEEEEEEEEENTION! i2ebXz9ojzy-00028-00004634-00004734 The Heavy is dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00029-00004750-00004828 We know! i2ebXz9ojzy-00030-00004828-00004888 Who killed him ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00031-00004888-00004995 We don't know. i2ebXz9ojzy-00032-00004995-00005113 I will find clues! i2ebXz9ojzy-00033-00005257-00005410 What's that ? A WEAPUN ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00034-00005412-00005653 That thing is why the heavy is DEAD! i2ebXz9ojzy-00035-00005653-00005749 The Heavy is dead ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00036-00005749-00005799 YES, i2ebXz9ojzy-00037-00005853-00005937 HE DIED! i2ebXz9ojzy-00038-00005945-00006164 OHMYGOSFHFJRAJGD (far away) Incoming ! i2ebXz9ojzy-00039-00006280-00006430 Raus, raus! i2ebXz9ojzy-00040-00006430-00006577 MOVE, NOW! i2ebXz9ojzy-00041-00006607-00006657 *kiss* i2ebXz9ojzy-00042-00006764-00006992 HOHOHO, Hea- i2ebXz9ojzy-00043-00006992-00007042 oof i2ebXz9ojzy-00044-00007101-00007371 In my medical opinion, that HEAVY IS DEAD! i2ebXz9ojzy-00045-00007371-00007522 Doc, What happened? i2ebXz9ojzy-00046-00007522-00007656 My proffesional opinion ? i2ebXz9ojzy-00047-00007754-00007869 The Heavy was killed ! i2ebXz9ojzy-00048-00007879-00007929 oh goodness i2ebXz9ojzy-00049-00007929-00008021 *panic* i2ebXz9ojzy-00050-00008039-00008234 I don't think it's anything to worry about. i2ebXz9ojzy-00051-00008270-00008386 Well, now what ? i2ebXz9ojzy-00052-00008412-00008521 clipidy clop motherf--ker i2ebXz9ojzy-00053-00008521-00008647 OH come on.... i2ebXz9ojzy-00054-00008647-00008789 Lookathis The Freaking Heavy is dead! i2ebXz9ojzy-00055-00008980-00009050 What do you think of that ? i2ebXz9ojzy-00056-00009223-00009273 Ahm... i2ebXz9ojzy-00057-00009273-00009367 Yes, yes, Scout yeah? i2ebXz9ojzy-00058-00009367-00009443 GO HOME. i2ebXz9ojzy-00059-00009578-00009754 AH COME ON! pfffff i2ebXz9ojzy-00060-00009754-00009953 freakingunbelievablenoseriouslyyouallsuck AHHH i2ebXz9ojzy-00061-00010015-00010115 Ok... i2ebXz9ojzy-00062-00010116-00010261 Let's get back to the point. i2ebXz9ojzy-00063-00010261-00010477 I think Heavy is dead. i2ebXz9ojzy-00064-00010477-00010649 THE HEAVY IS DEAD ?!?! Scout! i2ebXz9ojzy-00065-00010649-00010835 I will heal you! i2ebXz9ojzy-00066-00010835-00010961 OH, Seriously ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00067-00011007-00011138 WHO KILLED HEAVY ?! i2ebXz9ojzy-00068-00011308-00011399 I was ME! i2ebXz9ojzy-00069-00011421-00011471 OOF i2ebXz9ojzy-00070-00011487-00011537 YES! i2ebXz9ojzy-00071-00011581-00011713 I did it like this : i2ebXz9ojzy-00072-00011717-00011767 BOOM! i2ebXz9ojzy-00073-00011798-00011966 WOOP DEE DOO i2ebXz9ojzy-00074-00012199-00012295 That's a joke, lads. i2ebXz9ojzy-00075-00012333-00012421 OLOLOLOLOLO i2ebXz9ojzy-00076-00012584-00012728 It was ... yo- .. (burp) i2ebXz9ojzy-00077-00012728-00012782 HIM ! i2ebXz9ojzy-00078-00012806-00012903 WHAT A TWIST! i2ebXz9ojzy-00079-00012903-00013081 How did you know ? I didn't. i2ebXz9ojzy-00080-00013164-00013306 That was a joke too. i2ebXz9ojzy-00081-00013497-00013547 I'm ded i2ebXz9ojzy-00082-00013695-00013777 That's right! i2ebXz9ojzy-00083-00013777-00013892 It was me! i2ebXz9ojzy-00084-00013892-00013996 You MONSTER! i2ebXz9ojzy-00085-00013996-00014176 BUT WHYYYYY ? i2ebXz9ojzy-00086-00014194-00014315 Coz you're FAT, boi. i2ebXz9ojzy-00087-00014355-00014509 And another thing, you're ugly i2ebXz9ojzy-00088-00014509-00015288 (They both argue) i2ebXz9ojzy-00089-00015288-00015338 🅴🅽🅶🅸🅽🅴🅴🆁 i2ebXz9ojzy-00090-00015338-00015546 AH DAMNIT HEAVY FRICK OFF! i2ebXz9ojzy-00091-00015546-00015624 You are dead. i2ebXz9ojzy-00092-00015624-00015674 NO i2ebXz9ojzy-00093-00015674-00015723 U i2ebXz9ojzy-00094-00015723-00015825 PAW haha! i2ebXz9ojzy-00095-00015875-00016074 You are DEAD, Not big surprise. i2ebXz9ojzy-00096-00016106-00016274 Well that was idiotic. i2ebXz9ojzy-00097-00016294-00016394 Off to hang myself! i2ebXz9ojzy-00098-00016394-00016511 Watch and learn- i2ebXz9ojzy-00099-00016641-00016755 I am alive! i2ebXz9ojzy-00100-00016836-00016906 is nice. i2ebXz9ojzy-00101-00016906-00017004 ....Yes, this is stupid. i3Y40zUan3Y-00000-00001124-00001382 The Px Script is written by Andrew Shulgin i3Y40zUan3Y-00001-00001382-00001696 and performs measurement, calculation and analysis of i3Y40zUan3Y-00002-00001696-00001968 key pneumatic characteristics of the cylinder, i3Y40zUan3Y-00003-00001968-00002128 intake and exhaust systems, i3Y40zUan3Y-00004-00002128-00002244 timing system i3Y40zUan3Y-00005-00002244-00002442 and ignition timing system i3Y40zUan3Y-00006-00002442-00002666 The script performs an automatic analysis i3Y40zUan3Y-00007-00002666-00002852 of an in-cylinder pressure waveform i3Y40zUan3Y-00008-00002852-00003004 using a pressure transducer i3Y40zUan3Y-00009-00003004-00003236 installed in place of the spark plug i3Y40zUan3Y-00010-00003236-00003488 Setting up the scope to take the measurements is simple i3Y40zUan3Y-00011-00003488-00003834 The black alligator clip from the USBAutoscopeIV's power lead i3Y40zUan3Y-00012-00003834-00004116 must be connected to a ground of vehicle body i3Y40zUan3Y-00013-00004116-00004528 the red alligator clip must be connected to the positive terminal of the vehicle battery i3Y40zUan3Y-00014-00004598-00004878 with the tester grounded to body ground i3Y40zUan3Y-00015-00005168-00005506 Because this engine is equipped with individual coils i3Y40zUan3Y-00016-00005506-00005688 a high-voltage extension is used i3Y40zUan3Y-00017-00005688-00005970 to connect the ignition coil to the spark tester i3Y40zUan3Y-00018-00006423-00006870 Always ensure solid connections when working with high voltage circuits i3Y40zUan3Y-00019-00006995-00007562 Clamp the synchronization pickup to the high-voltage extension of the cylinder to be tested i3Y40zUan3Y-00020-00007628-00008031 Remove the spark plug and install the pressure transducer in its place i3Y40zUan3Y-00021-00008031-00008394 For this engine, the use of a deep well adapter is required i3Y40zUan3Y-00022-00008708-00008976 Locate USB Autoscope wires as far as possible i3Y40zUan3Y-00023-00008976-00009160 from the ignition system and i3Y40zUan3Y-00024-00009160-00009462 rotating elements of the engine compartment i3Y40zUan3Y-00025-00009462-00009854 In USB Oscilloscope program, select menu "Modes=>Px=>" i3Y40zUan3Y-00026-00009854-00010294 The type of transducer needs to be specified, along with the use of any extension i3Y40zUan3Y-00027-00010294-00010634 In this case, select "Px35+Longer" i3Y40zUan3Y-00028-00010634-00010852 Start recording the waveform i3Y40zUan3Y-00029-00010852-00011110 Start the engine i3Y40zUan3Y-00030-00011478-00012014 After 3 to 5 seconds, slowly depress the throttle to raise engine speed i3Y40zUan3Y-00031-00012234-00012472 then release the throttle to let the engine return to idle i3Y40zUan3Y-00032-00012472-00012788 Rapidly increase the engine speed, turn off the engine electronics, i3Y40zUan3Y-00033-00012788-00013213 but keep the throttle open until the engine stops completely i3Y40zUan3Y-00034-00013740-00013978 Stop recording the waveform i3Y40zUan3Y-00035-00014130-00014382 Select "Analysis => Run script" i3Y40zUan3Y-00036-00014382-00014734 to run the automatic analysis of the collected data i3Y40zUan3Y-00037-00015280-00015446 The Px script provides a report i3Y40zUan3Y-00038-00015446-00015710 with the results of the measurements and calculations i3Y40zUan3Y-00039-00015710-00016346 There are several tabs presented using text, tables, graphs, and animations i3Y40zUan3Y-00040-00016958-00017238 The script will automatically analyze various measurements i3Y40zUan3Y-00041-00017238-00017816 and render a diagnostic report which can be found in the "Summary" section of the "Results of Analysis" tab i3Y40zUan3Y-00042-00017816-00018218 In the case of this vehicle, the results are: "Faults are not detected" i3Y40zUan3Y-00043-00018218-00018628 This report can be printed out and given to the customer i3Y40zUan3Y-00044-00018840-00019106 Consider this report, from the Px script i3Y40zUan3Y-00045-00019106-00019512 for an Audi A6 with a 2.4L V6 engine i3Y40zUan3Y-00046-00019512-00019844 The amount of gas loss is 66 % i3Y40zUan3Y-00047-00019844-00020244 That is far beyond the typical range of 15 to 20 percent i3Y40zUan3Y-00048-00020244-00020672 The script summary indicates: "the cylinder is losing compression" i3Y40zUan3Y-00049-00020790-00021094 The script is capable of identifying other issues i3Y40zUan3Y-00050-00021094-00021442 As an example, insufficient exhaust valve clearance i3Y40zUan3Y-00051-00021442-00021758 and a sticking variable valve timing adjuster i3Y40zUan3Y-00052-00021878-00022202 The Px script displays the actual valve timing i3Y40zUan3Y-00053-00022202-00022650 by automatic analysis of the gas amount changes in the cylinder i3Y40zUan3Y-00054-00022828-00023040 An interactive animation demonstrates i3Y40zUan3Y-00055-00023040-00023388 the real process of gas exchange in the cylinder i3Y40zUan3Y-00056-00023414-00023788 Variables such as initial installation of the camshaft i3Y40zUan3Y-00057-00023788-00024072 stretch and slack of timing chain/belt i3Y40zUan3Y-00058-00024080-00024286 valve clearance i3Y40zUan3Y-00059-00024292-00024530 shape and wear of camshaft lobes i3Y40zUan3Y-00060-00024538-00024700 and the variable valve timing system i3Y40zUan3Y-00061-00024700-00025118 are automatically taken into account during the automatic analysis i3Y40zUan3Y-00062-00025118-00025302 During day-to-day usage of the script i3Y40zUan3Y-00063-00025302-00025638 it would not be necessary to manually examine the waveform i3Y40zUan3Y-00064-00025638-00025906 as the script automatically calculates valve opening i3Y40zUan3Y-00065-00025906-00026248 and closing events and their impact on the operation of the engine i3Y40zUan3Y-00066-00026248-00026454 For this engine, the Px script reported i3Y40zUan3Y-00067-00026454-00026683 "Insufficient filling of the cylinder" i3Y40zUan3Y-00068-00026683-00027154 and found that the cause of this condition was "Valve timing anomaly detected" i3Y40zUan3Y-00069-00027154-00027402 The measured closing angle of the intake valve i3Y40zUan3Y-00070-00027402-00028000 has gone beyond the typical range of 570 to 600 degrees i3Y40zUan3Y-00071-00028000-00028174 The results of the filling of the cylinder i3Y40zUan3Y-00072-00028174-00028533 are available in both table and graphical form i3Y40zUan3Y-00073-00028724-00029130 In the table a list of engine speeds and measured values show the cylinder filling i3Y40zUan3Y-00074-00029130-00029345 is below the typical range i3Y40zUan3Y-00075-00029410-00029808 At the same time, the filling diagram's red graph line i3Y40zUan3Y-00076-00029808-00030027 corresponding to snap throttle i3Y40zUan3Y-00077-00030027-00030327 is positioned below the expected area i3Y40zUan3Y-00078-00030650-00031020 Consider the test results for a FordFocusII i3Y40zUan3Y-00079-00031020-00031216 equipped with a turbocharger i3Y40zUan3Y-00080-00031294-00031436 The results clearly show i3Y40zUan3Y-00081-00031436-00031745 that the turbocharger operates above 3000 RPM i3Y40zUan3Y-00082-00031786-00032548 and increases engine torque by approximately 20 % in the 4000-6000 RPM range i3Y40zUan3Y-00083-00032780-00033234 The script also tests another important engine system: exhaust i3Y40zUan3Y-00084-00033234-00033536 The script can estimate exhaust system restrictions i3Y40zUan3Y-00085-00033536-00033820 This result is from a cylinder of a Chevrolet Spark i3Y40zUan3Y-00086-00033820-00033986 The exhaust system restriction i3Y40zUan3Y-00087-00033986-00034282 not only created a power loss during the exhaust stroke i3Y40zUan3Y-00088-00034282-00034530 but also adversely affected cylinder fill i3Y40zUan3Y-00089-00034530-00034752 The cylinder's contents could not be emptied i3Y40zUan3Y-00090-00034752-00034984 so no fresh mixture could be introduced i3Y40zUan3Y-00091-00034984-00035286 The loss of fill density causes a reduction of power i3Y40zUan3Y-00092-00035286-00035672 As a result - at engine speeds above 3000 RPM i3Y40zUan3Y-00093-00035672-00035832 any power developed by the cylinder i3Y40zUan3Y-00094-00035832-00036092 is spent on clearing the cylinder's contents i3Y40zUan3Y-00095-00036092-00036532 Because of this, the engine speed cannot be increased any further i3Y40zUan3Y-00096-00036906-00037150 If the synchronization pickup is used i3Y40zUan3Y-00097-00037150-00037354 when data is collected for the script i3Y40zUan3Y-00098-00037354-00037612 then the ignition timing can also be checked i3Y40zUan3Y-00099-00037614-00037904 When checked, the ignition timing advance is measured i3Y40zUan3Y-00100-00037904-00038268 not only at idle speed, but also during different load ranges i3Y40zUan3Y-00101-00038268-00038646 This example shows incorrect base ignition timing i3Y40zUan3Y-00102-00038756-00038928 This result was obtained i3Y40zUan3Y-00103-00038928-00039268 from a 2007 Mitsubishi Lancer IX i3Y40zUan3Y-00104-00039268-00039532 with a 1.6L 4G18 engine i3Y40zUan3Y-00105-00039588-00039864 Base ignition timing is not adjustable i3Y40zUan3Y-00106-00039910-00040120 Diagnosis and tear down revealed i3Y40zUan3Y-00107-00040120-00040526 that the reluctor for the crankshaft position sensor was incorrectly installed i3Y40zUan3Y-00108-00040598-00040746 http://usbautoscope.eu/ i70VKmC-5Yg-00000-00000096-00000627 Ladies and Gentlemen, I´d like to welcome you to our course "Physical Chemistry 101". i70VKmC-5Yg-00001-00000627-00000893 My name is Dr. Lauth. i70VKmC-5Yg-00002-00000893-00001389 Today I´ll give an In-a-nutshell lecture on thermodynamics. i70VKmC-5Yg-00003-00001389-00002099 In thermodynamics we are dealing with a range of energy and energy-like state variables i70VKmC-5Yg-00004-00002099-00002418 that are first getting used to. i70VKmC-5Yg-00005-00002418-00003006 Today I would like to give an overview of the most important of these variables, on i70VKmC-5Yg-00006-00003006-00003900 H (enthalpy), S (entropy) and G (GIBBS free energy). i70VKmC-5Yg-00007-00003900-00004940 Thermodynamics looks at the world in its own perspective: It considers SYSTEMS that are i70VKmC-5Yg-00008-00004940-00005054 in a STATE. i70VKmC-5Yg-00009-00005054-00005846 We describe this state with so-called state variables (properties of the system), for i70VKmC-5Yg-00010-00005846-00006584 example, using the known values of pressure p, temperature T, volume V, mass m, etc. i70VKmC-5Yg-00011-00006584-00007126 Thermodynamics additionally invents other variables of a system - mostly to describe i70VKmC-5Yg-00012-00007126-00007353 energy-like properties. i70VKmC-5Yg-00013-00007353-00008156 State Variables certainly change if we change the state. i70VKmC-5Yg-00014-00008156-00008861 Change from an initial to a final state is called a thermodynamic PROCESS. i70VKmC-5Yg-00015-00008861-00009571 Of particular importance are the following questions: How does energy change during the i70VKmC-5Yg-00016-00009571-00009786 process? i70VKmC-5Yg-00017-00009786-00010237 How does disorder or chaos change during the process? i70VKmC-5Yg-00018-00010237-00010891 and - most important -- how does instability change during the process? i70VKmC-5Yg-00019-00010891-00011834 To answer these questions quantitatively, that is, with numbers, we need the new state i70VKmC-5Yg-00020-00011834-00012650 variables H, S and G. Each major state variable is linked to a universal law of thermodynamics. i70VKmC-5Yg-00021-00012650-00013291 We start our review with the state variable H - the enthalpy. i70VKmC-5Yg-00022-00013291-00014066 The enthalpy is a measure of the amount of energy contained in a system. i70VKmC-5Yg-00023-00014066-00014719 The greater the energy content of a system, the greater the enthalpy. i70VKmC-5Yg-00024-00014719-00015309 The enthalpy was introduced, among other reasons, to concisely state the first law of thermodynamics. i70VKmC-5Yg-00025-00015309-00015956 It´s the fundamental theorem of conservation of energy : "The total energy of the universe i70VKmC-5Yg-00026-00015956-00016422 is constant." i70VKmC-5Yg-00027-00016422-00017045 To apply this law to a process, the energies and enthalpies of the systems involved have i70VKmC-5Yg-00028-00017045-00017212 to be known. i70VKmC-5Yg-00029-00017212-00017667 We will discuss some examples later. i70VKmC-5Yg-00030-00017667-00018316 Each variable in natural science must be measurable. i70VKmC-5Yg-00031-00018316-00018931 Although the absolute value of the enthalpy is not available, enthalpy changes are very i70VKmC-5Yg-00032-00018931-00019093 easy to measure. i70VKmC-5Yg-00033-00019093-00019930 Each amount of HEAT, which is measured in a spontaneous isobaric process (Q sub p), i70VKmC-5Yg-00034-00019930-00020926 corresponds to an enthalpy change delta H. The process variable heat does change to a i70VKmC-5Yg-00035-00020926-00021287 state variable is in this specific case. i70VKmC-5Yg-00036-00021287-00022031 Enthalpy depends on several properties of the system, in particular, on temperature, i70VKmC-5Yg-00037-00022031-00022649 on phase and on chemical composition. i70VKmC-5Yg-00038-00022649-00022966 The enthalpy has no "natural" zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00039-00022966-00023512 In chemistry the so called standard formation enthalpies are very common. i70VKmC-5Yg-00040-00023512-00024434 The enthalpy of all elements at 25 ° C is arbitrarily set to zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00041-00024434-00025387 Let us first look at a physical process "through enthalpy glasses". i70VKmC-5Yg-00042-00025387-00026179 We´ll apply the First Law to a physical cycle process, on a Carnot engine. i70VKmC-5Yg-00043-00026179-00026886 A Carnot engine is operating between two temperature levels T1 and T2. i70VKmC-5Yg-00044-00026886-00027416 T1 is the high temperature, T2 is the low temperature. i70VKmC-5Yg-00045-00027416-00028352 Heat Q1 flows from the "top" level of temperature into the Carnot engine, the engine gives off i70VKmC-5Yg-00046-00028352-00029419 W to the surroundings and a further amount of heat Q2 to the "lower" temperature level. i70VKmC-5Yg-00047-00029419-00030114 In this direction of the cycle, the engine operates as a Carnot heat engine. i70VKmC-5Yg-00048-00030114-00030741 How does the First Law comment this process? i70VKmC-5Yg-00049-00030741-00031202 The First Law calls for the conservation of total energy. i70VKmC-5Yg-00050-00031202-00031677 We see three amount of energy in the Carnot cycle. i70VKmC-5Yg-00051-00031677-00032201 Absorbed energy and emitted energy must be equal in magnitude. i70VKmC-5Yg-00052-00032201-00032772 Due to the sign convention, we may formulate the energy balance as follows: i70VKmC-5Yg-00053-00032772-00033331 Q1 plus Q2 plus W (rev) is equal to zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00054-00033331-00033714 This is the comment of the first law. i70VKmC-5Yg-00055-00033714-00034596 According to this equation, it would also be possible that Q2 is equal to zero, assuming i70VKmC-5Yg-00056-00034596-00035032 Q1 corresponds to the negative of W (rev). i70VKmC-5Yg-00057-00035032-00035682 We will see that this case is forbidden by the second law. i70VKmC-5Yg-00058-00035682-00036548 The First Law is a kind of accountant in the universe - it makes sure that no energy is i70VKmC-5Yg-00059-00036548-00036784 lost. i70VKmC-5Yg-00060-00036784-00037299 Another important variable, which is introduced by thermodynamics is somewhat harder to grasp i70VKmC-5Yg-00061-00037299-00037962 than the enthalpy - it is the entropy (abbreviated by the letter S). i70VKmC-5Yg-00062-00037962-00038708 Entropy is a measure of the "chaos" in a system -- a measure of disorder, measure of the energy i70VKmC-5Yg-00063-00038708-00039184 distribution, measure of the negative information. i70VKmC-5Yg-00064-00039184-00039871 For all processes observed in the universe entropy will never decrease. i70VKmC-5Yg-00065-00039871-00040540 Entropy can only stay the same (in the reversible case) or increase. i70VKmC-5Yg-00066-00040540-00041376 This is the statement of the second law: The entropy -- the chaos in the universe - never i70VKmC-5Yg-00067-00041376-00041628 decreases. i70VKmC-5Yg-00068-00041628-00041903 Measurement of entropy can be done by measuring heat. i70VKmC-5Yg-00069-00041903-00042812 The quotient of reversible heat occurring in a process (or in an equivalent process) i70VKmC-5Yg-00070-00042812-00043738 divided by temperature results in a kind of "reduced heat", which corresponds to the entropy i70VKmC-5Yg-00071-00043738-00043909 change. i70VKmC-5Yg-00072-00043909-00044859 As enthalpy, entropy depends on temperature, phase and chemical structure. i70VKmC-5Yg-00073-00044859-00045399 In addition, entropy still depends very much on the dilution. i70VKmC-5Yg-00074-00045399-00046147 The more dilute a system, the greater its chaos, the greater its entropy. i70VKmC-5Yg-00075-00046147-00046688 Entropy has - in contrast to enthalpy, a "natural" zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00076-00046688-00047425 This is the main message of the third law, "The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero i70VKmC-5Yg-00077-00047425-00047591 at 0 Kelvin." i70VKmC-5Yg-00078-00047591-00048631 We now return to our Carnot engine and consider the same cycle "through entropy glasses" Where i70VKmC-5Yg-00079-00048631-00049399 does entropy change in the cycle? i70VKmC-5Yg-00080-00049399-00049891 The first law is still valid and is not affected by the following considerations. i70VKmC-5Yg-00081-00049891-00050869 We consider the process entropically: The hot temperature reservoir gives off heat (reversibly), i70VKmC-5Yg-00082-00050869-00051736 which means: The entropy of this reservoir decreases by the amount Q1 over T1. i70VKmC-5Yg-00083-00051736-00051999 In temperature reservoir T2, entropy increases, as heat is absorbed. i70VKmC-5Yg-00084-00051999-00052936 Entropy change delta S2 equals Qrev2 over T2. i70VKmC-5Yg-00085-00052936-00053866 According to the second law, the sum of the entropy changes must never be negative. i70VKmC-5Yg-00086-00053866-00054433 It is greater than zero for irreversible processes. i70VKmC-5Yg-00087-00054433-00054969 Only in the limiting case of reversible processes - such as here at the idealized Carnot process i70VKmC-5Yg-00088-00054969-00055206 - it is equal to zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00089-00055206-00055819 In the reversible Carnot process the sum is exactly zero. i70VKmC-5Yg-00090-00055819-00056416 This prompts the Second Law for the Carnot engine, and this is now limiting its efficiency i70VKmC-5Yg-00091-00056416-00056595 eta. i70VKmC-5Yg-00092-00056595-00057419 We combine the two equations for the First and Second Law and calculate the quotient i70VKmC-5Yg-00093-00057419-00057791 negative W over Q1. i70VKmC-5Yg-00094-00057791-00058949 (defined as the efficiency eta) We see that the efficiency must be always less than one. i70VKmC-5Yg-00095-00058949-00059719 A Carnot engine (and any other reversible heat engine) can never fully convert heat i70VKmC-5Yg-00096-00059719-00059819 into work. i70VKmC-5Yg-00097-00059819-00060631 The best efficiency in the reversible case will be delta T over T1. i70VKmC-5Yg-00098-00060631-00061689 For instance at a temperature of 600 Kelvin T1 and 300 K for T2 then at best half of the i70VKmC-5Yg-00099-00061689-00062077 absorbed heat Q1 can be converted into work. i70VKmC-5Yg-00100-00062077-00063073 This limitation applies to any heat engine, for example, for a thermal power plant or i70VKmC-5Yg-00101-00063073-00063312 a Diesel engine. i70VKmC-5Yg-00102-00063312-00064179 Heat is a "non-noble" form of energy and can be converted to the "noble" work only to some i70VKmC-5Yg-00103-00064179-00064279 extent. i70VKmC-5Yg-00104-00064279-00064711 The upper limit is the Carnot efficiency. i70VKmC-5Yg-00105-00064711-00065360 The reason for this limitation is the second Law. i70VKmC-5Yg-00106-00065360-00066217 If we combine enthalpy and entropy in an appropriate manner we get the extremely useful state variable i70VKmC-5Yg-00107-00066217-00067156 Gibbs energy or free enthalpy G. G is a measure for the instability of a system. i70VKmC-5Yg-00108-00067156-00067930 Unlike with enthalpy and entropy , G is applicable to a process without consider the entire universe, i70VKmC-5Yg-00109-00067930-00068256 we can confine ourselves to the system. i70VKmC-5Yg-00110-00068256-00069005 The second law now reads: "The free enthalpy G (a measure of the instability) will never i70VKmC-5Yg-00111-00069005-00069195 spontaneously increase." i70VKmC-5Yg-00112-00069195-00070274 G can be calculate by this equation from H and S , which is often called the e Gibbs-Helmholtz i70VKmC-5Yg-00113-00070274-00070376 equation. i70VKmC-5Yg-00114-00070376-00071197 G is measurable as useful work that would occur in a reversible process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00115-00071197-00071900 The free energy depends - like H and S - of temperature, phase, and dilution, and chemical i70VKmC-5Yg-00116-00071900-00072952 structure (which we have already listed with H and S) and the arbitrary zero point of G i70VKmC-5Yg-00117-00072952-00073607 are the elements at 298 Kelvin. i70VKmC-5Yg-00118-00073607-00074286 Each process - whether physical, chemical or biochemical - can be characterized by specifying i70VKmC-5Yg-00119-00074286-00075585 "Deltas" (changes of thermodynamic state variables): the process enthalpy delta H (a measure of i70VKmC-5Yg-00120-00075585-00076673 the energy change); the process entropy delta S (a measure of the change in disorder), and i70VKmC-5Yg-00121-00076673-00078017 delta G (a measure of the change in instability) When the enthalpy change is positive the process i70VKmC-5Yg-00122-00078017-00078117 is called endothermic. i70VKmC-5Yg-00123-00078117-00079279 (Enthalpy of the final state is greater than the enthalpy of the initial state) In the i70VKmC-5Yg-00124-00079279-00079835 opposite case, when enthalpy decreases, we speak of an exothermic process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00125-00079835-00080513 If we consider the change of the "chaos" during a process, we can distinguish between an endotropic i70VKmC-5Yg-00126-00080513-00081177 process (chaos in the system increases) and a exotropic process (chaos decreases locally i70VKmC-5Yg-00127-00081177-00081473 in the system). i70VKmC-5Yg-00128-00081473-00082149 Most important is the change in Gibbs free energy (instability) -- If free energy increases i70VKmC-5Yg-00129-00082149-00082967 during the process (final state is more unstable than the initial state), we speak of an endergonic i70VKmC-5Yg-00130-00082967-00083067 process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00131-00083067-00084048 If delta G is negative (final state more stable than the initial state) it´s an exergonic i70VKmC-5Yg-00132-00084048-00084148 process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00133-00084148-00084660 This classification can be applied to any physical and chemical process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00134-00084660-00085197 An example, which we have already discussed, is the Carnot engine, another example is the i70VKmC-5Yg-00135-00085197-00086379 evaporation of water at 25 ° C; Initial state: only liquid water at 25 ° C i70VKmC-5Yg-00136-00086379-00087143 ; final state: only gaseous water vapor at 25 ° C and 1 bar. i70VKmC-5Yg-00137-00087143-00088073 Through our energy glasses we see the following enthalpy profile: In going form the pure initial i70VKmC-5Yg-00138-00088073-00088611 state to the pure final state, enthalpy increases. i70VKmC-5Yg-00139-00088611-00089143 The enthalpy increase in this endothermic process is 44 kilojoules per mole i70VKmC-5Yg-00140-00089143-00089991 Through the entropy glasses we see an increase of chaos in the system during the process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00141-00089991-00090697 The entropy difference between the pure initial state and the pure final state is 119 joules i70VKmC-5Yg-00142-00090697-00090938 per mole and Kelvin. i70VKmC-5Yg-00143-00090938-00091062 - An endotropic process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00144-00091062-00091824 Most important is the discussion of Gibbs free energy. i70VKmC-5Yg-00145-00091824-00092808 The profile shows an overall increase in instability in going from pure liquid water to pure gaseous i70VKmC-5Yg-00146-00092808-00093185 water vapor. i70VKmC-5Yg-00147-00093185-00094583 Delta G° is 8.6 kilojoules per mole for this endergonic process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00148-00094583-00095522 The final state is indeed more unstable than the initial state, but between the initial i70VKmC-5Yg-00149-00095522-00096232 state and final state there is a minimum in free energy, corresponding to a maximum of i70VKmC-5Yg-00150-00096232-00096944 stability: this is the equilibrium of the process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00151-00096944-00097679 Water will evaporate until this extent of reaction (xi), then the process will come i70VKmC-5Yg-00152-00097679-00097985 to a standstill macroscopically. i70VKmC-5Yg-00153-00097985-00099212 From the free standard energy delta G° (standard drive, standard thermodynamic affinity), one i70VKmC-5Yg-00154-00099212-00099608 can calculate the equilibrium constant of the process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00155-00099608-00100527 An example for a chemical equilibrium: the dissociation of N2O4 is an endothermic process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00156-00100527-00101760 The enthalpy of one mole of reactant N2O4 is 9,368 kilojoules; the enthalpy of two moles i70VKmC-5Yg-00157-00101760-00102207 of NO2 is 66.64 kilojoules. i70VKmC-5Yg-00158-00102207-00102839 This corresponds to a standard free process enthalpy of about 57 kJ. i70VKmC-5Yg-00159-00102839-00103480 Also, the entropy increases in this dissociation: For the complete reaction it would increase i70VKmC-5Yg-00160-00103480-00104542 from 304.3 to 479.6 Joules per Kelvin - an endotropic process. i70VKmC-5Yg-00161-00104542-00105372 Now for the most important delta G (because we can use it to directly to detect and calculate i70VKmC-5Yg-00162-00105372-00106320 the equilibrium) : The Gibbs energy profile clearly shows that the products (97.7 kilojoules) i70VKmC-5Yg-00163-00106320-00106739 are more stable than the reactants (102 kilojoules). i70VKmC-5Yg-00164-00106739-00107825 But there is an extent of reaction with a still lower Gibbs energy -- the most stable i70VKmC-5Yg-00165-00107825-00107936 reaction mixture. i70VKmC-5Yg-00166-00107936-00108873 A mixture at 82% conversion has the greatest stability, this mixture corresponds to the i70VKmC-5Yg-00167-00108873-00109696 equilibrium state, where the law of mass action applies. i70VKmC-5Yg-00168-00109696-00110526 Both pure Reactants and Products will react towards equilibrium -- downhill the Gibbs i70VKmC-5Yg-00169-00110526-00110841 energy profile. i70VKmC-5Yg-00170-00110841-00111444 Chemical Thermodynamics in a nutshell: Enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy are i70VKmC-5Yg-00171-00111444-00111821 the most important variables in thermodynamics. i70VKmC-5Yg-00172-00111821-00112791 Each process can be characterized by specifying delta H, delta S and delta G. i70VKmC-5Yg-00173-00112791-00113634 H is a measure of energy S is a measure of chaos, and G is a measure of instability of i70VKmC-5Yg-00174-00113634-00113772 the system. i70VKmC-5Yg-00175-00113772-00114550 Of particular importance is Gibbs energy profile of a process, since its minimum determines i70VKmC-5Yg-00176-00114550-00114800 the position of equilibrium. i70VKmC-5Yg-00177-00114800-00115050 Thank you for watching. i7VQRIN_tlc-00000-00000000-00000200 Plz subscribe my channel iqrNc4lkEGg-00000-00000198-00000500 HAMSTER iqrNc4lkEGg-00001-00002826-00003282 Unlike a hamster, you lock up himself. iqrNc4lkEGg-00002-00003282-00003488 Author: Kolosov Vladislav iqNvpFnFglA-00000-00000000-00000649 Toxic Freak iqNvpFnFglA-00001-00000701-00001053 Eyes Linger on the Ceiling iqNvpFnFglA-00002-00001053-00001453 Like Flying without wings iqNvpFnFglA-00003-00001453-00001751 Interruption gets unhinge iqNvpFnFglA-00004-00001751-00002168 From the constant phone rings iqNvpFnFglA-00005-00002168-00002503 Mouth Moves but no sound of speak iqNvpFnFglA-00006-00002450-00002801 Walking slow and terrified quick iqNvpFnFglA-00007-00002847-00003200 Sudden scream expression sick iqNvpFnFglA-00008-00003200-00003750 Medicine causes trip iqNvpFnFglA-00009-00003750-00004048 Fun with toxic freak iqNvpFnFglA-00010-00004048-00004341 Love the traveling geek iqNvpFnFglA-00011-00004341-00004836 Happy days of gimmick iqNvpFnFglA-00012-00004836-00005336 Awesome days throughout the week iqNvpFnFglA-00013-00005336-00005634 Knees constantly flapping iqNvpFnFglA-00014-00005634-00006001 Like babies come out dancing iqNvpFnFglA-00015-00006001-00006496 Like sheep neigh from milking iqNvpFnFglA-00016-00006496-00006895 Ride all the way laughing iqNvpFnFglA-00017-00006895-00007095 Jet engines roar on roof iqNvpFnFglA-00018-00007095-00007436 Gets in a hungry mood iqNvpFnFglA-00019-00007436-00007908 Skewer treats oh so good iqNvpFnFglA-00020-00007908-00008302 Always Japanese food iqNvpFnFglA-00021-00008302-00008455 Fun with toxic freak iqNvpFnFglA-00022-00008651-00009054 Love the traveling geek iqNvpFnFglA-00023-00009054-00009449 Happy days of gimmick iqNvpFnFglA-00024-00009449-00009948 Awesome days throughout the week iqNvpFnFglA-00025-00009948-00010343 Catch phrase of the day iqNvpFnFglA-00026-00010343-00010641 Who is naive iqNvpFnFglA-00027-00010641-00011039 Who is naive iqNvpFnFglA-00028-00011039-00011438 Who is naive itxOZhHYKlo-00000-00000000-00000158 Hey! Do you want free money? itxOZhHYKlo-00001-00000158-00000308 Free money? itxOZhHYKlo-00002-00000308-00000417 Who doesn't? itxOZhHYKlo-00003-00000417-00000546 Am I right? itxOZhHYKlo-00004-00000546-00000692 All you have to do itxOZhHYKlo-00005-00000692-00000996 Is send us a picture of a duck itxOZhHYKlo-00006-00000996-00001267 and we will send you a rubber check itxOZhHYKlo-00007-00001267-00001488 That right! A rubber check! For $1,000 itxOZhHYKlo-00008-00001488-00001593 That right! A rubber check! For $1,000 A rubber duck? itxOZhHYKlo-00009-00001593-00001726 It's as simple as that! itxOZhHYKlo-00010-00001726-00002018 Hell, I'd buy that for a dollar itxOZhHYKlo-00011-00002018-00002214 I'd even buy a rubber dollar itxOZhHYKlo-00012-00002223-00002423 I want free money itxOZhHYKlo-00013-00002615-00002848 [footsteps] itxOZhHYKlo-00014-00002848-00003178 [footsteps] itxOZhHYKlo-00015-00003349-00003570 I need a picture of a duck itxOZhHYKlo-00016-00003586-00004008 [printer noises] itxOZhHYKlo-00017-00004183-00004383 What is this? itxOZhHYKlo-00018-00004483-00004879 It's a picture of a duck iu_pcTfM_6g-00000-00001082-00001332 The Four Steps to Forgiveness. iu_pcTfM_6g-00001-00001346-00001850 Step one: Wanting. iu_pcTfM_6g-00002-00001872-00002278 Write down 'I want to forgive iu_pcTfM_6g-00003-00002298-00002952 ___(write their name) for ___(write what you want to forgive them for)'. iu_pcTfM_6g-00004-00002952-00003486 At first, you might not be sure you really do want to forgive them, but just give it the iu_pcTfM_6g-00005-00003486-00003861 benefit of the doubt and write it down anyway. iu_pcTfM_6g-00006-00003861-00004526 Step Two: Current Unhappy Feelings. Write down any unhappy feelings you have iu_pcTfM_6g-00007-00004556-00005268 about the situation right now. Don't try to be nice about it. Don't try to be iu_pcTfM_6g-00008-00005268-00005841 politically correct. Write your honest feelings. The more honest you are about iu_pcTfM_6g-00009-00005841-00006176 how you really feel the better this works. iu_pcTfM_6g-00010-00006176-00006490 Step Three: The Benefits. iu_pcTfM_6g-00011-00006490-00007154 Write down the benefits that you will receive from forgiving the situation. iu_pcTfM_6g-00012-00007154-00007609 The benefits often have to do with feeling the opposite of what you wrote in Step Two. iu_pcTfM_6g-00013-00007618-00008310 Anger becomes peace, unhappiness becomes happiness and so on. iu_pcTfM_6g-00014-00008316-00008930 The more practical and meaningful the benefits are to you the more easily you were able to forgive. iu_pcTfM_6g-00015-00008944-00009732 Step Four: The Forgiveness Affirmation. Highlight two of the benefits which most iu_pcTfM_6g-00016-00009732-00010420 appeal to you from what you wrote in Step Three. Write a forgiveness affirmation of based on them. iu_pcTfM_6g-00017-00010428-00011098 You write, 'I forgive___ (write their name) and I accept the benefits___ iu_pcTfM_6g-00018-00011099-00011747 (write those benefits) which forgiveness brings. For example, if you were forgiving iu_pcTfM_6g-00019-00011747-00012207 someone called John and peace and freedom were the benefits that appeal iu_pcTfM_6g-00020-00012207-00012674 to you the most from the Step Three then you would write, iu_pcTfM_6g-00021-00012690-00013336 'I forgive John and I accept the peace and freedom which forgiveness brings.' iu_pcTfM_6g-00022-00013336-00014100 Say this to yourself, in the silence of your own mind, at least three times. iu_pcTfM_6g-00023-00014100-00014540 Then go back to Step One, and work your way through the steps again, iu_pcTfM_6g-00024-00014540-00014963 making any changes you want to make to what you wrote earlier, iu_pcTfM_6g-00025-00014978-00015652 and keep going through these steps until you feel a sense of peace and ease. iu_pcTfM_6g-00026-00015660-00016318 Please subscribe using the link below [hat image] and feel free to add any comments or questions iu_pcTfM_6g-00027-00016326-00016514 and I'll gladly do my best to help you. ;-) iu_pcTfM_6g-00028-00016514-00017686 Subscribe by clicking hat image on screen. iuCe3XSWTmu-00000-00000296-00000639 hello my name is ginger kowal i'm a gis iuCe3XSWTmu-00001-00000639-00000919 programmer analyst with the natural capital project iuCe3XSWTmu-00002-00000919-00001263 at stanford university and i'm the developer of the iuCe3XSWTmu-00003-00001263-00001744 rangeland production model in this video i'll be describing iuCe3XSWTmu-00004-00001744-00002216 the basics of how the model works, what kind of information it produces iuCe3XSWTmu-00005-00002216-00002616 and how to run it and i would encourage you to iuCe3XSWTmu-00006-00002616-00003000 refer to the resources links that are in the agenda iuCe3XSWTmu-00007-00003000-00003576 for the hackathon for durable resources like the user's guide, a quick iuCe3XSWTmu-00008-00003576-00003904 start guide and all of the inputs that you can use iuCe3XSWTmu-00009-00003904-00004368 to run the model for our study area in mongolia iuCe3XSWTmu-00010-00004368-00004712 but let's talk a little bit about what the model is and what kind of iuCe3XSWTmu-00011-00004712-00005048 information it provides iuCe3XSWTmu-00012-00005144-00005832 first the context for a model to study rangeland production iuCe3XSWTmu-00013-00005832-00006319 i believe everyone listening to this video will know that rangelands are iuCe3XSWTmu-00014-00006319-00006743 critical globally and they support livelihoods iuCe3XSWTmu-00015-00006743-00007152 and other ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration iuCe3XSWTmu-00016-00007152-00007895 forage for wildlife and biodiversity our goal in developing this model was to iuCe3XSWTmu-00017-00007895-00008240 be able to put rangelands and the support that they provide for iuCe3XSWTmu-00018-00008240-00008711 biodiversity wildlife water climate regulation and human iuCe3XSWTmu-00019-00008711-00009143 nutrition and livelihoods on the map we know that rangeland iuCe3XSWTmu-00020-00009143-00009784 production is controlled by a complex interacting system of climate and iuCe3XSWTmu-00021-00009784-00010272 human management mostly driven by livestock grazing iuCe3XSWTmu-00022-00010272-00010824 but the role of stewardship or livestock management in determining iuCe3XSWTmu-00023-00010824-00011096 these key benefits that we get from rangelands iuCe3XSWTmu-00024-00011096-00011560 is not typically represented in most ecosystem services models iuCe3XSWTmu-00025-00011560-00012136 rangelands are often treated like one homogeneous class of land use iuCe3XSWTmu-00026-00012136-00012511 when we know in reality there's a huge amount of heterogeneity across iuCe3XSWTmu-00027-00012511-00012752 landscapes in the ecosystem services that they iuCe3XSWTmu-00028-00012752-00013391 provide driven by highly variable climate soil and management iuCe3XSWTmu-00029-00013391-00013791 the ecological value of rangelands is intuitive iuCe3XSWTmu-00030-00013791-00014200 and very easy to understand but the drivers that control iuCe3XSWTmu-00031-00014200-00014759 those provision services are very complex iuCe3XSWTmu-00032-00014847-00015247 this model can help to explore questions like these iuCe3XSWTmu-00033-00015247-00015623 like all models developed by the natural capital project iuCe3XSWTmu-00034-00015623-00016063 and all models in general we break down those complex interacting iuCe3XSWTmu-00035-00016063-00016487 drivers into some simplified relationships iuCe3XSWTmu-00036-00016487-00016823 the model can be used in decision context to study iuCe3XSWTmu-00037-00016823-00017320 questions like how productive is the rangeland on this landscape iuCe3XSWTmu-00038-00017320-00017695 what is the impact of domestic livestock grazing iuCe3XSWTmu-00039-00017695-00018112 on rangeland condition and what is the impact of the rangeland condition iuCe3XSWTmu-00040-00018112-00018672 and productivity on those livestock and the model can be used for scenario iuCe3XSWTmu-00041-00018672-00018959 analysis to answer questions like what will iuCe3XSWTmu-00042-00018959-00019392 future rangeland condition be and future animal condition be with iuCe3XSWTmu-00043-00019392-00019984 changing climate and changing livestock management iuCe3XSWTmu-00044-00020112-00020495 very big picture overview of how the model works iuCe3XSWTmu-00045-00020495-00021112 as shown in this diagram on the left climate and grazing livestock are iuCe3XSWTmu-00046-00021112-00021487 the main drivers of the model controlling forage production and iuCe3XSWTmu-00047-00021487-00021944 rangeland condition and then on the right the main outputs iuCe3XSWTmu-00048-00021944-00022264 of the model are range land condition and animal iuCe3XSWTmu-00049-00022264-00022592 condition describing how the rangeland system is iuCe3XSWTmu-00050-00022592-00022928 influenced by climate and grazing pressure iuCe3XSWTmu-00051-00022928-00023384 note for now that rangeland condition and animal condition are very vague iuCe3XSWTmu-00052-00023384-00024031 terms but we will get into the details of how the model represents them later iuCe3XSWTmu-00053-00024031-00024472 so the model is basically designed to be used to answer the question iuCe3XSWTmu-00054-00024472-00024815 given a set of possible changes in climate iuCe3XSWTmu-00055-00024815-00025264 and changes in livestock management what are the likely consequences iuCe3XSWTmu-00056-00025264-00025839 for rangeland condition and for animal livestock condition iuCe3XSWTmu-00057-00026063-00026768 there are three main sub models the forage production submodel animal iuCe3XSWTmu-00058-00026768-00027144 spatial distribution submodel and the animal iuCe3XSWTmu-00059-00027144-00027608 offtake and diet sufficiency sub models and we will talk about each of these iuCe3XSWTmu-00060-00027608-00028312 briefly during this video the model extends over both space iuCe3XSWTmu-00061-00028312-00028816 as you see in this map and time iuCe3XSWTmu-00062-00028824-00029208 so each of these processes are simulated by the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00063-00029208-00029624 at each monthly time step and for each pixel iuCe3XSWTmu-00064-00029624-00030072 of the study area again i'd like to reiterate that the model has a monthly iuCe3XSWTmu-00065-00030072-00030503 time step so it's up to you how many months you iuCe3XSWTmu-00066-00030503-00030856 would like to run the model for but as you're running iuCe3XSWTmu-00067-00030856-00031256 the model each of these sub models is simulated iuCe3XSWTmu-00068-00031256-00031608 per pixel per month iuCe3XSWTmu-00069-00031719-00032256 first the forage production sub model this piece of the rangeland production iuCe3XSWTmu-00070-00032256-00032583 model is an adaptation of the century model iuCe3XSWTmu-00071-00032583-00033119 which is a very well established and old model originally developed for iuCe3XSWTmu-00072-00033119-00033712 grasslands century takes climate and soil drivers iuCe3XSWTmu-00073-00033712-00034160 and predicts production of new above and below ground biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00074-00034160-00034503 it also predicts senescence of live biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00075-00034503-00034903 and decomposition rates above and below ground iuCe3XSWTmu-00076-00034903-00035368 these are mostly driven by precipitation it's the main driver of iuCe3XSWTmu-00077-00035368-00035984 productivity and also soil nutrient availability temperature iuCe3XSWTmu-00078-00035984-00036544 and a set of parameters that describe the plant response to all of these iuCe3XSWTmu-00079-00036544-00036952 from this submodel we get standing biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00080-00036952-00037416 and forage nutrient content standing biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00081-00037416-00037884 is the metric that we use in the rangeland production model for rangeland iuCe3XSWTmu-00082-00037884-00038552 condition next the animal off take or grazing sub iuCe3XSWTmu-00083-00038552-00038847 model this is also adapted from an existing iuCe3XSWTmu-00084-00038847-00039184 model it's adapted from the GRAZPLAN model iuCe3XSWTmu-00085-00039184-00039591 and it essentially takes forage biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00086-00039591-00039975 and the density of animals on each pixel and it predicts iuCe3XSWTmu-00087-00039975-00040400 how much forage will they consume this is driven by things like the animal iuCe3XSWTmu-00088-00040400-00040856 characteristics their need for forage iuCe3XSWTmu-00089-00040856-00041231 their ability to access the forage as predicted by the iuCe3XSWTmu-00090-00041231-00041512 model and also the nutrient content of the iuCe3XSWTmu-00091-00041512-00041888 forage so if forage is predicted to be of high iuCe3XSWTmu-00092-00041888-00042247 nutrient content animals will actually be able to eat iuCe3XSWTmu-00093-00042247-00042712 more from this we get a prediction of iuCe3XSWTmu-00094-00042712-00043112 how much forage is consumed by animals on each pixel iuCe3XSWTmu-00095-00043112-00043440 for that monthly time step iuCe3XSWTmu-00096-00043519-00043936 next after the model predicts what animals will eat iuCe3XSWTmu-00097-00043936-00044296 we compare the nutritive content of that diet to the animals iuCe3XSWTmu-00098-00044296-00044688 nutritional needs we do this with another simplified iuCe3XSWTmu-00099-00044688-00045119 metric called diet sufficiency. diet sufficiency iuCe3XSWTmu-00100-00045119-00045703 is simply the ratio of the intake of metabolizable energy to the animal's iuCe3XSWTmu-00101-00045703-00046296 requirement for metabolizable energy in that time step it essentially iuCe3XSWTmu-00102-00046296-00046912 gives us an indicator: given the predicted intake of forage by iuCe3XSWTmu-00103-00046912-00047303 animals on each pixel to what degree does that diet meet their iuCe3XSWTmu-00104-00047303-00047840 nutritional needs because it's a ratio it varies iuCe3XSWTmu-00105-00047840-00048496 around one and if diet sufficiency is lower than one that indicates animals iuCe3XSWTmu-00106-00048496-00049040 are not meeting their nutritional needs and their condition may be declining iuCe3XSWTmu-00107-00049040-00049440 if diet sufficiency is above one one or greater iuCe3XSWTmu-00108-00049440-00050080 it indicates that the diet is sufficient to meet animals nutritional needs and iuCe3XSWTmu-00109-00050080-00050784 we can expect that their condition is improving iuCe3XSWTmu-00110-00050928-00051488 next grazing of course impacts standing biomass in the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00111-00051488-00051991 through animal offtake animals consume forage there is iuCe3XSWTmu-00112-00051991-00052495 therefore less standing biomass at the end of the current time step iuCe3XSWTmu-00113-00052495-00052872 however the growth of grass predicted in the next step iuCe3XSWTmu-00114-00052872-00053176 predicted by our adaptation of the century model iuCe3XSWTmu-00115-00053176-00053816 is also impacted by this off-take by herbivores so grazing iuCe3XSWTmu-00116-00053816-00054183 impacts forage production in the following time step of the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00117-00054183-00054551 through altering the root shoot ratio total production iuCe3XSWTmu-00118-00054551-00054967 of forage and also altering the nutrient balance through iuCe3XSWTmu-00119-00054967-00055472 return of nutrients to the soil in urine and feces by the animals iuCe3XSWTmu-00120-00055472-00055864 these are all controlled by parameters that are required data inputs to the iuCe3XSWTmu-00121-00055864-00056216 model but example published versions of these iuCe3XSWTmu-00122-00056216-00056648 parameters exist for the century model which is iuCe3XSWTmu-00123-00056648-00057064 how we adapted this routine iuCe3XSWTmu-00124-00057208-00057600 the last sub model to describe is the animal spatial distribution iuCe3XSWTmu-00125-00057600-00058000 sub model this is performed inside the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00126-00058000-00058488 but i just want to give you a brief idea of how it works iuCe3XSWTmu-00127-00058488-00058895 so to model the animal offtake of forage on each pixel iuCe3XSWTmu-00128-00058895-00059367 we first of course need to know how many animals are on each pixel the density of iuCe3XSWTmu-00129-00059367-00059672 grazing animals the best information iuCe3XSWTmu-00130-00059672-00060048 that we have though about livestock densities is often at iuCe3XSWTmu-00131-00060048-00060360 the level of administrative units such as iuCe3XSWTmu-00132-00060360-00060736 soums in mongolia where each soum contains iuCe3XSWTmu-00133-00060736-00061248 hundreds or thousands of pixels so we need a way of disaggregating the iuCe3XSWTmu-00134-00061248-00061639 animals across pixels within soums, going from this iuCe3XSWTmu-00135-00061639-00062120 top map on the top that gives a total number of animals iuCe3XSWTmu-00136-00062120-00062776 per administrative district down to number of animals per pixel iuCe3XSWTmu-00137-00062776-00063151 in the model this is done by looking at the difference between iuCe3XSWTmu-00138-00063151-00063576 potential biomass which is predicted by the model without grazing iuCe3XSWTmu-00139-00063576-00064167 and observed biomass which is taken to be indicated by a remotely iuCe3XSWTmu-00140-00064167-00064600 sensed vegetation index for our application here we're using iuCe3XSWTmu-00141-00064600-00065104 ndvi so this illustration with the green iuCe3XSWTmu-00142-00065104-00065583 rasters shows that we assume that areas with iuCe3XSWTmu-00143-00065583-00065968 a small mismatch between potential biomass and iuCe3XSWTmu-00144-00065968-00066407 observed biomass are lightly grazed iuCe3XSWTmu-00145-00066439-00067112 but areas with a large mismatch such as high potential biomass but very low iuCe3XSWTmu-00146-00067112-00067664 observed biomass are understood to be heavily grazed iuCe3XSWTmu-00147-00067664-00068192 and this is how we disaggregate animals across pixels iuCe3XSWTmu-00148-00068192-00068856 in order to predict more accurately the amount of forage taken off by iuCe3XSWTmu-00149-00068856-00069183 animals on each pixel iuCe3XSWTmu-00150-00069327-00069720 the main outputs of the model are rasters iuCe3XSWTmu-00151-00069720-00070120 covering the study area and for each monthly time step iuCe3XSWTmu-00152-00070120-00070488 for which the model was run so for each of these you will get iuCe3XSWTmu-00153-00070488-00071039 rasters of standing biomass, that's our indicator of rangeland condition iuCe3XSWTmu-00154-00071039-00071576 and diet sufficiency, our indicator of animal condition iuCe3XSWTmu-00155-00071576-00072176 since each of these are rasters it is possible to construct time series iuCe3XSWTmu-00156-00072176-00072504 such as you see on the right however that would need to iuCe3XSWTmu-00157-00072504-00072944 be done in post-processing of model outputs iuCe3XSWTmu-00158-00072944-00073272 also i want to mention that all of the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00159-00073272-00073807 outputs are of course associated with some uncertainty iuCe3XSWTmu-00160-00073807-00074295 although the model outputs are given as fixed quantities iuCe3XSWTmu-00161-00074295-00074736 with a model like this it's difficult to precisely quantify iuCe3XSWTmu-00162-00074736-00075232 the uncertainty of the model outputs however we know that the model is iuCe3XSWTmu-00163-00075232-00075807 impacted by uncertainty in the driver variables for example the iuCe3XSWTmu-00164-00075807-00076288 rate of precipitation is uncertain to some degree iuCe3XSWTmu-00165-00076288-00076704 it's also impacted by uncertainty in parameters iuCe3XSWTmu-00166-00076704-00077083 for example the rate of new forage production given a certain level of iuCe3XSWTmu-00167-00077083-00077392 precipitation is uncertain to some degree iuCe3XSWTmu-00168-00077392-00077712 and also some structural or process uncertainty iuCe3XSWTmu-00169-00077712-00078280 for example the factors that control how animals choose their diet iuCe3XSWTmu-00170-00078280-00078824 like all invest models the rangeland production model must be calibrated iuCe3XSWTmu-00171-00078824-00079239 before we can have confidence in the absolute values of its iuCe3XSWTmu-00172-00079239-00079616 outputs however even if there are no empirical iuCe3XSWTmu-00173-00079616-00080200 data available to calibrate the model we can have more confidence in the iuCe3XSWTmu-00174-00080200-00080639 relative values such as relative values across time like iuCe3XSWTmu-00175-00080639-00081056 you see in these time series on the right and also relative iuCe3XSWTmu-00176-00081056-00081424 values across space like you would see in rasters where the iuCe3XSWTmu-00177-00081424-00081912 model can help to identify potential hot spots of productivity iuCe3XSWTmu-00178-00081912-00082656 or grazing intensity and cold spots or areas of relatively lower iuCe3XSWTmu-00179-00082656-00083048 productivity or grazing intensity iuCe3XSWTmu-00180-00083183-00083951 so next i'm going to move into how we will be using and running the iuCe3XSWTmu-00181-00083951-00084480 rangeland production model for this hackathon iuCe3XSWTmu-00182-00084480-00084951 and this information is duplicated in the quick start guide iuCe3XSWTmu-00183-00084951-00085416 you can see the link to that guide in the agenda for the hackathon iuCe3XSWTmu-00184-00085416-00085800 you can use that as a guide to installing and running the rangeland iuCe3XSWTmu-00185-00085800-00086072 production model iuCe3XSWTmu-00186-00086095-00086536 rangeland production model is not distributed as part of the invest iuCe3XSWTmu-00187-00086536-00086944 model suite so you will need to find and download the installer iuCe3XSWTmu-00188-00086944-00087256 for the rangeland production model separately iuCe3XSWTmu-00189-00087256-00087912 you can follow the link in the agenda to the installer or follow this link iuCe3XSWTmu-00190-00087912-00088568 given in the in the powerpoint presentation here. each release contains iuCe3XSWTmu-00191-00088568-00089176 the installer to install the model on your computer, full iuCe3XSWTmu-00192-00089176-00089568 documentation, a set of sample inputs and the source iuCe3XSWTmu-00193-00089568-00090088 code for the model. for this hackathon we will be using iuCe3XSWTmu-00194-00090088-00090551 tailored inputs for the model study area iuCe3XSWTmu-00195-00090551-00091208 so don't use the sample inputs that are distributed here with the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00196-00091208-00091839 most users will want to install the rangeland production model using the iuCe3XSWTmu-00197-00091839-00092119 setup executable that you can download iuCe3XSWTmu-00198-00092119-00092495 following the link in the agenda this will be installed just like any iuCe3XSWTmu-00199-00092495-00092951 other program on your computer and it will install an application iuCe3XSWTmu-00200-00092951-00093392 called rangeland production unfortunately we don't yet have a mac iuCe3XSWTmu-00201-00093392-00093648 installer iuCe3XSWTmu-00202-00093727-00094232 if there are any users with python experience we also have a python package iuCe3XSWTmu-00203-00094232-00094639 that you can install from github but i will not be iuCe3XSWTmu-00204-00094639-00095024 describing this use for the model because i think iuCe3XSWTmu-00205-00095024-00095407 most people will probably simply use the model installer, the iuCe3XSWTmu-00206-00095407-00095719 setup executable iuCe3XSWTmu-00207-00095807-00096168 the user interface for the rangeland production model iuCe3XSWTmu-00208-00096168-00096656 is very similar to invest models so by this point you will be somewhat iuCe3XSWTmu-00209-00096656-00097088 familiar with this user interface most of the inputs that you need to iuCe3XSWTmu-00210-00097088-00097536 supply are just file paths to the location of the file on your iuCe3XSWTmu-00211-00097536-00097872 computer remember for our purposes for the iuCe3XSWTmu-00212-00097872-00098216 hackathon all of those files will be downloaded iuCe3XSWTmu-00213-00098216-00098807 from the rpm input folder on box iuCe3XSWTmu-00214-00098807-00099232 there are some help texts that you can read iuCe3XSWTmu-00215-00099232-00099792 by clicking on the blue icon next to each input iuCe3XSWTmu-00216-00099792-00100368 and just click run to launch the rangeland production model iuCe3XSWTmu-00217-00100368-00101032 it's very important for the hackathon you can take the input iuCe3XSWTmu-00218-00101032-00101319 values directly from the rangeland production iuCe3XSWTmu-00219-00101319-00101712 model exercise and i suggest that you copy and iuCe3XSWTmu-00220-00101712-00102088 paste them directly because it's very important that you get iuCe3XSWTmu-00221-00102088-00102543 the text of those inputs correct exactly iuCe3XSWTmu-00222-00102543-00103152 and unfortunately a small typo in the text of those inputs may cause iuCe3XSWTmu-00223-00103152-00103631 the model to crash in a way that is not going to be easy to iuCe3XSWTmu-00224-00103631-00103935 figure out what happened so be very careful when iuCe3XSWTmu-00225-00103935-00104440 copying the input paths for the hackathon iuCe3XSWTmu-00226-00104440-00104816 also all of the inputs that we have provided for you to use for the iuCe3XSWTmu-00227-00104816-00105311 hackathon are documented in an appendix of the exercise so if iuCe3XSWTmu-00228-00105311-00105672 you'd like to see how i generated all of the inputs for iuCe3XSWTmu-00229-00105672-00106072 this study area you can find the details there iuCe3XSWTmu-00230-00106072-00106408 i'll just briefly talk about what the inputs are iuCe3XSWTmu-00231-00106408-00106783 and how they work together iuCe3XSWTmu-00232-00106991-00107583 first there's the workspace which is where all of the outputs will be created iuCe3XSWTmu-00233-00107583-00107959 the time period to simulate with the model is specified by the number of iuCe3XSWTmu-00234-00107959-00108464 months the starting year and the starting month iuCe3XSWTmu-00235-00108679-00109176 the area of interest is like all invest models that is the bounding iuCe3XSWTmu-00236-00109176-00109935 area for which the model will stimulate. soils data control iuCe3XSWTmu-00237-00109935-00110528 plant nutrient availability and for our application i downloaded them iuCe3XSWTmu-00238-00110528-00111072 from the ISRIC soil grids website iuCe3XSWTmu-00239-00111255-00111928 the model requires monthly temperature precipitation and a vegetation index iuCe3XSWTmu-00240-00111928-00112591 such as ndvi we only need one month's worth of iuCe3XSWTmu-00241-00112591-00113024 temperature data, for example we need temperature data for iuCe3XSWTmu-00242-00113024-00113648 january february march april etc for precipitation the model requires iuCe3XSWTmu-00243-00113648-00114048 precipitation data for each month that the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00244-00114048-00114335 simulates for example if you wanted to use the iuCe3XSWTmu-00245-00114335-00114816 model to simulate 24 months you would need to provide iuCe3XSWTmu-00246-00114816-00115248 precipitation inputs for each of those 24 months iuCe3XSWTmu-00247-00115248-00115800 same for the vegetation index you would need to provide a vegetation iuCe3XSWTmu-00248-00115800-00116424 index raster for each of those 24 months. this iuCe3XSWTmu-00249-00116424-00116991 describes in detail how the site and plant functional type parameters are iuCe3XSWTmu-00250-00116991-00117479 mapped to space if you're interested in iuCe3XSWTmu-00251-00117479-00117800 understanding this you can see the quick start guide for this iuCe3XSWTmu-00252-00117800-00118216 explanation but for our application i'll just note iuCe3XSWTmu-00253-00118216-00118624 that we are using a single set of site parameters and a single set iuCe3XSWTmu-00254-00118624-00119232 of plant functional type parameters across the entire study area i'm not iuCe3XSWTmu-00255-00119232-00119583 going to go through how these site parameters and plant iuCe3XSWTmu-00256-00119583-00120032 functional type parameters are mapped to space iuCe3XSWTmu-00257-00120128-00120848 next we have animal inputs these inputs must describe the total iuCe3XSWTmu-00258-00120848-00121248 number of animals inside each polygon for our case here iuCe3XSWTmu-00259-00121248-00121576 we're using soum boundaries and we're using iuCe3XSWTmu-00260-00121576-00121944 livestock statistics from the national statistics office iuCe3XSWTmu-00261-00121944-00122367 giving the total number of livestock in sheep forage units iuCe3XSWTmu-00262-00122367-00123015 and then these must also be associated with some parameters given in iuCe3XSWTmu-00263-00123015-00123472 the animal parameter table iuCe3XSWTmu-00264-00123472-00123832 the model requires initial conditions be given iuCe3XSWTmu-00265-00123832-00124208 by you, the user. these can either be supplied as iuCe3XSWTmu-00266-00124208-00124655 rasters, one raster per state variable of the model iuCe3XSWTmu-00267-00124655-00125000 or as tables and for our application here iuCe3XSWTmu-00268-00125000-00125600 we're using tables you can see examples down on the bottom of the screen iuCe3XSWTmu-00269-00125600-00126367 where each state variable considered by the model is initialized iuCe3XSWTmu-00270-00126367-00126888 with a single value for the entire area of interest iuCe3XSWTmu-00271-00126888-00127576 this final box in the model interface that says save state variable rasters iuCe3XSWTmu-00272-00127576-00128072 is optional if you check that box the model will save iuCe3XSWTmu-00273-00128072-00128520 a raster of each state variable for each month that it is run iuCe3XSWTmu-00274-00128520-00128911 so this will create a lot of rasters on your computer iuCe3XSWTmu-00275-00128911-00129288 however it can be very useful for debugging iuCe3XSWTmu-00276-00129288-00129608 or if you're interested in looking at some of the iuCe3XSWTmu-00277-00129608-00130152 intermediate outputs of the model. usually i would recommend that you do iuCe3XSWTmu-00278-00130152-00130696 not save state variable rasters and you simply look at the main model iuCe3XSWTmu-00279-00130696-00130935 output iuCe3XSWTmu-00280-00131008-00131424 so the output created by the model will be created in a folder iuCe3XSWTmu-00281-00131424-00132096 called output in the directory that you supplied as the workspace. a summary iuCe3XSWTmu-00282-00132096-00132615 results folder is inside that folder and that creates iuCe3XSWTmu-00283-00132615-00133288 outputs aggregated across space or time and then there are also rasters in iuCe3XSWTmu-00284-00133288-00133672 the output folder giving output values for each month iuCe3XSWTmu-00285-00133672-00134008 that the simulation was run. those outputs include iuCe3XSWTmu-00286-00134008-00134672 rasters of animal density, disaggregated; rasters of diet sufficiency for each iuCe3XSWTmu-00287-00134672-00135103 month potential biomass, which is predicted iuCe3XSWTmu-00288-00135103-00135464 biomass in the absence of grazing; and standing iuCe3XSWTmu-00289-00135464-00135920 biomass, which is biomass remaining iuCe3XSWTmu-00290-00135920-00136384 at the end of that time period after animals have consumed iuCe3XSWTmu-00291-00136384-00136688 what they will intake iuCe3XSWTmu-00292-00136767-00137160 summary results are what i would suggest that you look at first iuCe3XSWTmu-00293-00137160-00137488 and in the rangeland production model exercise iuCe3XSWTmu-00294-00137488-00137944 these are the results that the exercise will walk you through iuCe3XSWTmu-00295-00137944-00138464 looking at for the exercise so this will show you summary results iuCe3XSWTmu-00296-00138464-00139024 such as mean potential biomass, mean standing biomass iuCe3XSWTmu-00297-00139024-00139632 after animal offtake, and mean diet sufficiency of animals. all of these iuCe3XSWTmu-00298-00139632-00140064 are taken as the mean across time steps, the whole time period iuCe3XSWTmu-00299-00140064-00140655 that the model was run and across pixels inside that feature iuCe3XSWTmu-00300-00140808-00141432 the last summary output that i'll highlight here is mean iuCe3XSWTmu-00301-00141432-00142120 animal density this is the mean across model time steps iuCe3XSWTmu-00302-00142120-00142840 per pixel so it will give you an idea of where the model has estimated iuCe3XSWTmu-00303-00142840-00143344 that there are more or fewer grazing animals iuCe3XSWTmu-00304-00143496-00144327 to sum up the rangeland production model is useful to augment monitoring efforts iuCe3XSWTmu-00305-00144327-00144912 across space and time because the model gives some estimate of iuCe3XSWTmu-00306-00144912-00145376 both rangeland condition as indicated by biomass and iuCe3XSWTmu-00307-00145376-00145855 animal condition as indicated by diet sufficiency iuCe3XSWTmu-00308-00145855-00146255 on a continuous basis across pixels of the study landscape iuCe3XSWTmu-00309-00146255-00146703 and across months of the year. we hope that the model can be useful iuCe3XSWTmu-00310-00146703-00147127 to augment field monitoring efforts iuCe3XSWTmu-00311-00147152-00147848 also the model can be useful to analyze impacts of changing climate iuCe3XSWTmu-00312-00147848-00148320 and changing animal densities. it's set up to be relatively easy to iuCe3XSWTmu-00313-00148320-00148767 run the model with increased or decreased precipitation iuCe3XSWTmu-00314-00148767-00149144 and increased or decreased animal densities iuCe3XSWTmu-00315-00149144-00149520 this can give us an idea of how much rangeland condition iuCe3XSWTmu-00316-00149520-00150015 or animal condition is sensitive to changes in precipitation iuCe3XSWTmu-00317-00150015-00150503 and changes in total animal numbers iuCe3XSWTmu-00318-00150584-00151040 okay with that please check out the rangeland production model iuCe3XSWTmu-00319-00151040-00151808 exercise and the quick start guide. good luck! ivttxmDE9Oc-00000-00000053-00000531 In the days before, during and after the exams, there are a number of things you need to keep ivttxmDE9Oc-00001-00000531-00000843 in mind to ensure a successful exam period. ivttxmDE9Oc-00002-00000843-00001259 In the couple of days before the exams, you should be doing your final revision using ivttxmDE9Oc-00003-00001259-00001663 the index cards or other brief stimulus material you have created. ivttxmDE9Oc-00004-00001663-00002207 Your brain now has an extremely limited ability to create new knowledge so you are only cementing ivttxmDE9Oc-00005-00002207-00002634 what you already know and adding finer detail at this stage. ivttxmDE9Oc-00006-00002634-00002811 Plan some rewards for yourself. ivttxmDE9Oc-00007-00002811-00003180 Think of small rewards for each exam that you finish and then a final, big reward for ivttxmDE9Oc-00008-00003180-00003343 when you finish all your exams. ivttxmDE9Oc-00009-00003343-00003879 It can be anything you like from a special meal, VIP movie tickets or spa treatment. ivttxmDE9Oc-00010-00003879-00004265 Check the information about the exam including where it is held, what time it starts and ivttxmDE9Oc-00011-00004265-00004508 how long it is (including any reading time). ivttxmDE9Oc-00012-00004508-00004868 Prepare for the actual sitting of the exam by making sure you have everything you need ivttxmDE9Oc-00013-00004868-00005022 the night before. ivttxmDE9Oc-00014-00005022-00005532 Put together a pack with your pens, paper, water bottle, student ID, jumper, calculator ivttxmDE9Oc-00015-00005532-00005856 and anything else required for the exam. ivttxmDE9Oc-00016-00005856-00006228 Make sure that you get a good sleep the night before any exam and have breakfast in the ivttxmDE9Oc-00017-00006228-00006328 morning. ivttxmDE9Oc-00018-00006328-00006658 You definitely don’t want to be hungry during the exam (even if just to avoid the noisiest ivttxmDE9Oc-00019-00006658-00006833 stomach award). ivttxmDE9Oc-00020-00006833-00007150 Leave early and arrive at the exam location with plenty of time. ivttxmDE9Oc-00021-00007150-00007497 You never know what kind of traffic, parking or other hold-ups you will come up against ivttxmDE9Oc-00022-00007497-00007636 on the day. ivttxmDE9Oc-00023-00007636-00008011 Be careful to avoid other examinees who are panicking or who would otherwise upset you ivttxmDE9Oc-00024-00008011-00008207 before the exam. ivttxmDE9Oc-00025-00008207-00008612 When you enter the examination room, take some time to orient yourself and get comfortable ivttxmDE9Oc-00026-00008612-00008740 with where you are sitting. ivttxmDE9Oc-00027-00008740-00009199 Follow all instructions regarding where to store your bag and other items. ivttxmDE9Oc-00028-00009199-00009751 Turn off your phone. ivttxmDE9Oc-00029-00009751-00010025 Make sure you have the correct exam with all the pages. ivttxmDE9Oc-00030-00010025-00010456 Provide all the personal information required on the front of the exam. ivttxmDE9Oc-00031-00010456-00010758 Read all of the instructions at the front of the paper at least twice. ivttxmDE9Oc-00032-00010758-00011170 Then, read the entire exam paper, checking both sides of each page so you don’t miss ivttxmDE9Oc-00033-00011170-00011336 any questions. ivttxmDE9Oc-00034-00011336-00011711 Make an estimate of how much time you’ll need to answer each of the questions. ivttxmDE9Oc-00035-00011711-00012120 Use the number of marks available for each question as an indicator of those that will ivttxmDE9Oc-00036-00012120-00012275 require more time. ivttxmDE9Oc-00037-00012275-00012715 If you feel stress taking control at any time during the exam, remember that stress during ivttxmDE9Oc-00038-00012715-00012864 exams is normal. ivttxmDE9Oc-00039-00012864-00013373 Believe in your preparation, concentrate on positive self-talk, take deep, relaxing breaths ivttxmDE9Oc-00040-00013373-00013797 and remember your personal rewards once the test is over. ivttxmDE9Oc-00041-00013797-00014041 If you hit a memory block, don’t panic. ivttxmDE9Oc-00042-00014041-00014465 Quickly write down any concepts associated with the blocked information and look for ivttxmDE9Oc-00043-00014465-00014603 connecting links. ivttxmDE9Oc-00044-00014603-00014946 Have a look back at the question to see if it can prompt your thinking. ivttxmDE9Oc-00045-00014946-00015237 If all of that doesn’t work, move on to another question. ivttxmDE9Oc-00046-00015237-00015603 The information will likely return to you and you can come back and finish the question ivttxmDE9Oc-00047-00015603-00015703 later. ivttxmDE9Oc-00048-00015703-00015882 Don’t leave the exam early. ivttxmDE9Oc-00049-00015882-00016298 Use any extra time to ensure you have answered all the required questions. ivttxmDE9Oc-00050-00016298-00016899 Proofread your answers, make adjustments and additions where necessary. ivttxmDE9Oc-00051-00016899-00017284 After the exam period, consider how you did in the exams overall. ivttxmDE9Oc-00052-00017284-00017745 What did you do well, poorly and what would you like to improve on for next time. ivttxmDE9Oc-00053-00017745-00018207 Keep in mind that you will rarely get to see how you did in each specific exam and almost ivttxmDE9Oc-00054-00018207-00018457 never receive specific feedback on them. ivttxmDE9Oc-00055-00018457-00018927 Don’t dwell on specific answers you put or other things you can’t change for exams ivttxmDE9Oc-00056-00018927-00019088 past. ivttxmDE9Oc-00057-00019088-00019494 Put a plan together to focus on what you need to keep doing and what you need to do to make ivttxmDE9Oc-00058-00019494-00019901 sure you perform as well as possible for the next exam period. ivttxmDE9Oc-00059-00019901-00020118 Reward yourself for a great job. ivttxmDE9Oc-00060-00020118-00020459 Use the rewards you planned on before the exam period; you deserve it. iwBgFvXc2by-00000-00000003-00000375 What's up, guys? I'm Brian Sacawa, you're watching He Spoke Style, and today, 10 iwBgFvXc2by-00001-00000375-00000648 shirt and tie combinations for a navy suit. iwBgFvXc2by-00002-00001286-00001408 Your navy suit is your workhorse iwBgFvXc2by-00003-00001410-00001791 suit. And it's one of the most versatile suits that you can have in your wardrobe. iwBgFvXc2by-00004-00001791-00002159 There are so many shirt and tie combinations you can do with a navy suit. iwBgFvXc2by-00005-00002159-00002613 Honestly, you're only limited by the amount of money you have to spend on iwBgFvXc2by-00006-00002613-00003128 ties. So I've put together just 10 as a starting point for some inspiration. The iwBgFvXc2by-00007-00003128-00003411 suit I'll be wearing in this video is by Michael Andrews. Part of our iwBgFvXc2by-00008-00003411-00003807 made-to-measure collection launching soon. And all of the shirts, ties, and iwBgFvXc2by-00009-00003807-00004221 pocket squares I will link to down below in the description. Now, in the event that iwBgFvXc2by-00010-00004221-00004653 a specific tie is not available, I will find one that is as similar as possible iwBgFvXc2by-00011-00004653-00005109 to it and link to that. Let's take a look at these 10 navy suit shirt and tie iwBgFvXc2by-00012-00005109-00005621 combos now. Up first is a really classic look. It's very simple. It's conservative. iwBgFvXc2by-00013-00005621-00005946 We have an ice blue Oxford cloth button-up shirt. iwBgFvXc2by-00014-00005946-00006461 The tie is the classic Brooks Brothers BB number 1 rep tie in red and white. iwBgFvXc2by-00015-00006461-00006956 And just a simple, very classic, white cotton pocket square. This is going to iwBgFvXc2by-00016-00006956-00007338 look great in many, many, different kinds of situations. It's kind of a classic iwBgFvXc2by-00017-00007338-00007770 business look. It's easy to put together. And it never goes out of style. iwBgFvXc2by-00018-00007770-00008165 Next, staying with the ice blue Oxford cloth shirt and just kind of doing a iwBgFvXc2by-00019-00008165-00008592 variation on the previous theme, sticking with a striped tie. This one is also by iwBgFvXc2by-00020-00008592-00008988 Brooks Brothers. Silk tie in a light brown and some lighter blue stripes. iwBgFvXc2by-00021-00008988-00009447 Striped ties tend to seem kind of businessy, but this one, because of the iwBgFvXc2by-00022-00009447-00009690 lighter colors, kind of tones that down a bit. iwBgFvXc2by-00023-00009690-00010172 For me, this tie has always seems sort of like a nonchalant business tie. And I iwBgFvXc2by-00024-00010172-00010581 went with a white silk pocket square with a puff fold to kind of bring that iwBgFvXc2by-00025-00010581-00011106 all together. Next, another brown tie, but this one with a pattern. This is a silk iwBgFvXc2by-00026-00011106-00011559 tie from Viola Milano with a very nice pattern motif. If you're not sure about iwBgFvXc2by-00027-00011559-00011982 patterned ties, the easiest way to style them is to think of them as a little bit iwBgFvXc2by-00028-00011982-00012342 of a statement piece. And that means keeping the rest of the outfit simple. iwBgFvXc2by-00029-00012342-00012806 Like I said, you can pair pretty much anything with a navy suit. And then with iwBgFvXc2by-00030-00012806-00013166 a white shirt, it really does make it that blank canvas for the tie to take iwBgFvXc2by-00031-00013166-00013599 center stage. Now, I did kind of spice the up with the pocket square. It's a paisley iwBgFvXc2by-00032-00013599-00014100 square by Drake's. Here we have an even bigger kind of statement tie. This is a iwBgFvXc2by-00033-00014100-00014663 big, bold, plaid tie by Drake's. Strangely, I don't really find it that overwhelming. iwBgFvXc2by-00034-00014663-00015066 But it is a lot of pattern. And, again, keeping the rest of the outfit simple. iwBgFvXc2by-00035-00015066-00015456 White shirt. White pocket square. To support all of the information that's iwBgFvXc2by-00036-00015456-00015978 coming at you on the tie. Now, because this is sort of a more fun pattern, I iwBgFvXc2by-00037-00015978-00016533 used a pocket square fold that I kind of refer to as the bunny ears. So next look iwBgFvXc2by-00038-00016533-00016947 here, moving away from the pattern in the tie to putting the pattern in the shirt. iwBgFvXc2by-00039-00016947-00017466 This is a light grey block stripe shirt. Will be available in the HSS x Michael iwBgFvXc2by-00040-00017466-00017850 Andrews collection. And, again, same principle. Since we have the pattern in iwBgFvXc2by-00041-00017850-00018312 the shirt, the tie is solid. Or, actually, if you look closely, this is not iwBgFvXc2by-00042-00018312-00018770 completely solid. But viewed from afar, it kind of gives that effect. Pocket square iwBgFvXc2by-00043-00018770-00019206 fold, again, just a simple puff with a white silk pocket square. Keeping the iwBgFvXc2by-00044-00019206-00019575 same block stripe shirt here and introducing a very simple and classic iwBgFvXc2by-00045-00019575-00020088 pattern along with a very rich burgundy color. This is another Drake's tie. And one iwBgFvXc2by-00046-00020088-00020498 thing I really love about this one is that if you look very closely, you can iwBgFvXc2by-00047-00020498-00020943 see that there's an even more subtle pattern in the weave of the tie. You know, iwBgFvXc2by-00048-00020943-00021354 without the pattern, this combo could feel maybe a little more formal. But iwBgFvXc2by-00049-00021354-00021729 having those patterns makes it a little more casual. And the pocket square pulls iwBgFvXc2by-00050-00021729-00022197 everything together with the burgundy edge. Speaking of casual, we have our next iwBgFvXc2by-00051-00022197-00022647 look here. This takes your navy suit from being a business suit, to something iwBgFvXc2by-00052-00022647-00023109 that's more in the business casual realm. Brown is my favorite color for a gingham iwBgFvXc2by-00053-00023109-00023457 patterned shirt. You see blue all the time. But brown, to me, is a lot more iwBgFvXc2by-00054-00023457-00023937 unique. Now, since we've got a bold pattern in the shirt, the tie is simple. iwBgFvXc2by-00055-00023937-00024504 This is a brown grenadine tie, again, from Viola Milano. Grenadine is a great choice iwBgFvXc2by-00056-00024504-00024926 for a more casual type of look like this. And then I've got the bunny ears again iwBgFvXc2by-00057-00024926-00025317 with this Drake's pocket square. Next, we're kind of spicing things up with an iwBgFvXc2by-00058-00025317-00025814 interesting collar. This is a light blue pin collar shirt. It's by Edward Sexton. iwBgFvXc2by-00059-00025814-00026229 Instead of using a collar bar, I used a collar pin in a gold-tone. iwBgFvXc2by-00060-00026229-00026595 It's easy to style this kind of shirt in a more formal way, but I wanted to show iwBgFvXc2by-00061-00026595-00027060 you how you could wear it in a more day-to-day kind of way. The rich green iwBgFvXc2by-00062-00027060-00027492 medallion print tie makes it feel kind of more casual, in my opinion, even with iwBgFvXc2by-00063-00027492-00027861 the extra accessory in the collar pin. And then to kind of reinforce that iwBgFvXc2by-00064-00027861-00028439 overall effect, I'm using a classic dot pocket square with a puff fold. Here iwBgFvXc2by-00065-00028439-00028863 we've got another very classic combo and a really good illustration of how to mix iwBgFvXc2by-00066-00028863-00029352 patterns. This is a striped shirt, again, from our HSS and Michael Andrews iwBgFvXc2by-00067-00029352-00029745 collection. And then we have a kind of blueish grey medallion print tie by iwBgFvXc2by-00068-00029745-00030198 Drake's. Mixing patterns like this with your shirt and tie combos is the best iwBgFvXc2by-00069-00030198-00030677 way to wear a suit and have it not appear so formal. And then there is one iwBgFvXc2by-00070-00030677-00031116 more pattern here with the pocket square in a simple puff fold. Finally, decided to iwBgFvXc2by-00071-00031116-00031476 throw this one in. Not going to be for everyone. And definitely not going to be iwBgFvXc2by-00072-00031476-00031989 for every navy suit. But a denim shirt is a great way to take a little bit of that iwBgFvXc2by-00073-00031989-00032433 formality out of your dark navy suit. You have the fabric, of course, which is more iwBgFvXc2by-00074-00032433-00032925 casual. And it also has a little bit of texture, which is nice as well. Adding a iwBgFvXc2by-00075-00032925-00033389 lot more texture in here with the tie. This is available in the HSS Shop. And iwBgFvXc2by-00076-00033389-00033828 balancing out all of the textural elements here is just a simple white iwBgFvXc2by-00077-00033828-00034173 cotton pocket square. So, as I mentioned at the top of this video, there are iwBgFvXc2by-00078-00034173-00034608 limitless possibilities when it comes to shirt and tie combos with a navy suit. I iwBgFvXc2by-00079-00034608-00035004 hope this video gave you a little bit of inspiration. I tried to include some more iwBgFvXc2by-00080-00035004-00035379 classic combos as well as some that if you've been afraid to branch out a bit iwBgFvXc2by-00081-00035379-00035799 that you might be willing to try. All the details for each look are down below in iwBgFvXc2by-00082-00035799-00036171 the description. Leave a comment. Let me know which look you liked best. Thumbs up if iwBgFvXc2by-00083-00036171-00036591 this video inspired you in any way. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel. And iwBgFvXc2by-00084-00036591-00036924 until next time, thanks for watching and stay tailored. ixGzHyeQiYu-00000-00001456-00001592 delicious ixGzHyeQiYu-00001-00005424-00005784 divine ixGzHyeQiYu-00002-00006088-00007184 sugar crush ixGzHyeQiYu-00003-00008224-00008584 ah ixGzHyeQiYu-00004-00011192-00011384 me ixGzHyeQiYu-00005-00018192-00018384 you ixGzHyeQiYu-00006-00020464-00021184 three ixGzHyeQiYu-00007-00021952-00022584 sweet ixGzHyeQiYu-00008-00023464-00023984 crush ixGzHyeQiYu-00009-00028327-00028392 sweet ixGzHyeQiYu-00010-00029176-00029583 tasty ixGzHyeQiYu-00011-00030016-00030983 tasty ixGzHyeQiYu-00012-00032136-00032383 do ixGzHyeQiYu-00013-00032888-00033784 oh ixGzHyeQiYu-00014-00034112-00035184 divine ixGzHyeQiYu-00015-00035896-00036584 sweet sweet ixGzHyeQiYu-00016-00037360-00037984 uh ixGzHyeQiYu-00017-00038576-00039384 tasty ixGzHyeQiYu-00018-00039984-00040784 sweet ixGzHyeQiYu-00019-00041088-00041192 divine ixGzHyeQiYu-00020-00041776-00042184 sweet ixGzHyeQiYu-00021-00044272-00044984 tasty ixGzHyeQiYu-00022-00045536-00046384 tasty ixGzHyeQiYu-00023-00047400-00047408 you izts6kmqB_Q-00000-00003005-00003347 - Sometimes discrimination isn't so obvious, izts6kmqB_Q-00001-00003347-00003613 but it's the daily conversations you have with people izts6kmqB_Q-00002-00003613-00003764 and the jokes your friends make. izts6kmqB_Q-00003-00003764-00004104 - It's really small stuff, but it's just building up. izts6kmqB_Q-00004-00004104-00004368 If you're in the supermarket and someone pushes you, izts6kmqB_Q-00005-00004368-00004616 if they don't say sorry, they are just mean. izts6kmqB_Q-00006-00004703-00004969 That small stuff, really, izts6kmqB_Q-00007-00005084-00005302 if it's happening all the time, izts6kmqB_Q-00008-00005401-00005830 every day, that is gonna affect you somehow. izts6kmqB_Q-00009-00005830-00006047 - People would say, oh, "Eva, do you have computers izts6kmqB_Q-00010-00006047-00006210 in the Czech Republic? izts6kmqB_Q-00011-00006210-00006472 Or, do you have internet in the Czech Republic? izts6kmqB_Q-00012-00006472-00006800 Or, do you have hot running water in the Czech Republic?" izts6kmqB_Q-00013-00006800-00006986 I mean, it's a joke, it's funny, izts6kmqB_Q-00014-00006986-00007213 but the more you repeat it, izts6kmqB_Q-00015-00007213-00007514 then it more and more cuts into you. izts6kmqB_Q-00016-00007514-00007708 - It's not doing anything for you izts6kmqB_Q-00017-00007708-00007998 other than making you depressed izts6kmqB_Q-00018-00007998-00008276 and just making you want to stay home izts6kmqB_Q-00019-00008276-00008541 and not leave anywhere, not meet new people. izts6kmqB_Q-00020-00008541-00008839 - I tried to speak with one lady in the public transport. izts6kmqB_Q-00021-00008839-00009055 It was a senior lady and I thought it would be nice izts6kmqB_Q-00022-00009055-00009280 to tell her that she has a very nice hat. izts6kmqB_Q-00023-00009280-00009579 So I told her, "Oh, you look nice today. izts6kmqB_Q-00024-00009690-00009773 You have a very pretty hat." izts6kmqB_Q-00025-00009773-00009857 And she was surprised. izts6kmqB_Q-00026-00009857-00010040 And she started to say, "I don't have money. izts6kmqB_Q-00027-00010040-00010180 I will call the police now." izts6kmqB_Q-00028-00010180-00010391 And I start to laugh and I say, "I don't need your money. izts6kmqB_Q-00029-00010391-00010585 I just wanted to talk to you." izts6kmqB_Q-00030-00010585-00010753 - My friend had already warned izts6kmqB_Q-00031-00010753-00011131 that his dad is a little bit of a nationalist. izts6kmqB_Q-00032-00011131-00011309 And we were sitting around the living room, izts6kmqB_Q-00033-00011309-00011543 and the topic of foreigners came up. izts6kmqB_Q-00034-00011543-00011878 And he made a couple of negative comments in passing, izts6kmqB_Q-00035-00011965-00012072 to which my friend said izts6kmqB_Q-00036-00012072-00012354 that "Aliis is actually from Eastern Europe." izts6kmqB_Q-00037-00012354-00012626 And the dad just said, "well, you're one of the good ones. izts6kmqB_Q-00038-00012626-00012787 You have assimilated so well, izts6kmqB_Q-00039-00012787-00013021 you speak English so nicely." izts6kmqB_Q-00040-00013021-00013140 - I was inter-railing. izts6kmqB_Q-00041-00013140-00013441 We went a bit outside of Munich, izts6kmqB_Q-00042-00013441-00013584 and we were traveling a bit, izts6kmqB_Q-00043-00013584-00014024 and you get all those looks always, izts6kmqB_Q-00044-00014024-00014228 when you speak another language. izts6kmqB_Q-00045-00014228-00014384 - I think that I greatly benefit izts6kmqB_Q-00046-00014384-00014555 from looking like a Western European izts6kmqB_Q-00047-00014555-00014713 or perhaps even Scandinavian, izts6kmqB_Q-00048-00014713-00015136 which people think is like the "good" foreigner background. izts6kmqB_Q-00049-00015136-00015303 I know that that's been a great advantage izts6kmqB_Q-00050-00015303-00015528 to me being able to assimilate, and people treat me izts6kmqB_Q-00051-00015528-00015843 really pleasantly and politely at first. izts6kmqB_Q-00052-00015843-00016035 - Last year, when I was in Prague, izts6kmqB_Q-00053-00016035-00016309 my friend who was with me wears a hijab. izts6kmqB_Q-00054-00016309-00016507 Her experience was completely, completely different. izts6kmqB_Q-00055-00016507-00016836 She was walking in the street like the loner who wore this. izts6kmqB_Q-00056-00016984-00017467 She felt uncomfortable with all the people looking at her. izts6kmqB_Q-00057-00017828-00018266 - I was working in a major London museum izts6kmqB_Q-00058-00018381-00018724 and I was very proud of my job. izts6kmqB_Q-00059-00018724-00019215 And this random person approached me izts6kmqB_Q-00060-00019215-00019554 and purely based on my name badge izts6kmqB_Q-00061-00019554-00019991 and the surname obviously looking very non-native, izts6kmqB_Q-00062-00019991-00020332 he started suggesting that people like me izts6kmqB_Q-00063-00020332-00020590 steal money from the institution. izts6kmqB_Q-00064-00020590-00020906 And if I'm not doing it already, I might as well start izts6kmqB_Q-00065-00020906-00021128 because that's what everyone expects of me. izts6kmqB_Q-00066-00021128-00021295 - They love beer and alcohol, izts6kmqB_Q-00067-00021295-00021624 it's a big part of their culture. izts6kmqB_Q-00068-00021624-00021713 And I don't drink. izts6kmqB_Q-00069-00021713-00022005 I would end up just with tea or water, izts6kmqB_Q-00070-00022005-00022356 and I didn't mind, but I do not like peer pressure. izts6kmqB_Q-00071-00022356-00022602 I don't like the, "Why are you not doing this?" izts6kmqB_Q-00072-00022602-00022825 I was looked at weirdly that I didn't even try, izts6kmqB_Q-00073-00022825-00022967 people were like, "just one sip," izts6kmqB_Q-00074-00022967-00023130 but I wasn't interested at all. izts6kmqB_Q-00075-00023130-00023414 - I was trying to go with car sharing izts6kmqB_Q-00076-00023566-00023870 to Brandenburg to visit my friend. izts6kmqB_Q-00077-00023870-00024310 And the guy wrote me back, "Where are you from?" izts6kmqB_Q-00078-00024310-00024495 And I said, "I'm from Syria." izts6kmqB_Q-00079-00024601-00024925 They said something like, "you should go back to Syria izts6kmqB_Q-00080-00024925-00025268 and just rebuild everything you destroyed." izts6kmqB_Q-00081-00025268-00025574 I felt down because of the situation. izts6kmqB_Q-00082-00025574-00026050 I was feeling depressed, somehow. izts6kmqB_Q-00083-00026050-00026550 - I had one gentleman in a public space, izts6kmqB_Q-00084-00026582-00026947 patio setting, restaurant, yell out, izts6kmqB_Q-00085-00026947-00027417 "You're so burnt," just out of the blue. izts6kmqB_Q-00086-00027417-00027689 - I decided to sit next to this woman. izts6kmqB_Q-00087-00027689-00027933 For whatever reason, she turned to me izts6kmqB_Q-00088-00027933-00028104 and she just said, "Braunschwein [brown pig]," izts6kmqB_Q-00089-00028104-00028386 and then got really mad, got up and walked away. izts6kmqB_Q-00090-00028386-00028662 And I was very near tears. izts6kmqB_Q-00091-00028662-00028845 I really wanted to burst into tears at that point, izts6kmqB_Q-00092-00028845-00028994 but I just kept my cool and I was like, izts6kmqB_Q-00093-00028994-00029223 it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. izts6kmqB_Q-00094-00029223-00029476 But then, you remember this, right? izts6kmqB_Q-00095-00029476-00029826 You think about this for a very long time. izts6kmqB_Q-00096-00030263-00030709 - I noticed the staring, the whispering, the pointing. izts6kmqB_Q-00097-00030963-00031422 The disgusted looks on their faces. izts6kmqB_Q-00098-00031651-00031935 That's when I feel like I'm an alien here. izts6kmqB_Q-00099-00031935-00032122 I don't belong here. izts6kmqB_Q-00100-00032122-00032420 - There are times that someone does smile at you, izts6kmqB_Q-00101-00032420-00032566 or they nod their head at you. izts6kmqB_Q-00102-00032566-00032968 Your heart is so happy, because somehow you've been seen. izts6kmqB_Q-00103-00032968-00033151 Somehow you've been noticed. izts6kmqB_Q-00104-00033151-00033257 - I think it would be very nice izts6kmqB_Q-00105-00033257-00033498 if people would just open their minds izts6kmqB_Q-00106-00033498-00033697 and try to understand these people, izts6kmqB_Q-00107-00033697-00033893 why they moved to their country, izts6kmqB_Q-00108-00033893-00034078 why they speak differently, izts6kmqB_Q-00109-00034078-00034296 why they're eating differently. izts6kmqB_Q-00110-00034296-00034448 - Being a migrant would be easier izts6kmqB_Q-00111-00034448-00034793 if everyone recognized each other's differences. izts6kmqB_Q-00112-00034793-00035073 - If all European countries learned more izts6kmqB_Q-00113-00035073-00035252 about each other's cultures. izts6kmqB_Q-00114-00035252-00035477 - Being a migrant would be easier izts6kmqB_Q-00115-00035477-00035848 if there would be more migrants. izts6kmqB_Q-00116-00035848-00036102 - If there were many more opportunities izts6kmqB_Q-00117-00036102-00036503 to integrate into our new societies. izts6kmqB_Q-00118-00036503-00036741 - Being a migrant would be easier izts6kmqB_Q-00119-00036741-00037099 if people were kinder and more open-minded. iBmhVlYBlBI-00000-00000126-00000248 Dear God. iBmhVlYBlBI-00001-00000280-00000330 Uh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00002-00000330-00000576 Wait, no. It only works on that, wait what? iBmhVlYBlBI-00003-00000584-00000712 What was I on? iBmhVlYBlBI-00004-00000742-00000792 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00005-00000808-00000911 Oh no *slight laughter* wait iBmhVlYBlBI-00006-00000932-00001042 How are you doing that? iBmhVlYBlBI-00007-00001100-00001224 What? Wait, what? *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00008-00001438-00001496 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00009-00001689-00001754 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00010-00001798-00001878 Here, you try- iBmhVlYBlBI-00011-00001884-00001934 Oh iBmhVlYBlBI-00012-00001934-00001984 It's- iBmhVlYBlBI-00013-00001984-00002034 You have to- iBmhVlYBlBI-00014-00002048-00002126 *exhale* iBmhVlYBlBI-00015-00002246-00002296 *death noise* iBmhVlYBlBI-00016-00002344-00002448 Ahh- I am dead. iBmhVlYBlBI-00017-00002522-00002714 Where are snipers though? iBmhVlYBlBI-00018-00002756-00002806 Oh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00019-00002806-00003024 Look at this. This is a pro sniper right here. iBmhVlYBlBI-00020-00003096-00003278 He's gonna shoot through em' the glass. iBmhVlYBlBI-00021-00003660-00003746 Hit the shot- iBmhVlYBlBI-00022-00003829-00003879 Oh my- iBmhVlYBlBI-00023-00003897-00004112 Look how many snipers there are! Oh my god! Dude! Oh my god! iBmhVlYBlBI-00024-00004118-00004274 Alright- what the.. fuck!? iBmhVlYBlBI-00025-00004338-00004538 Ok this is going to be epic iBmhVlYBlBI-00026-00004544-00004594 if we ca- iBmhVlYBlBI-00027-00004594-00004644 Oh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00028-00004682-00004752 *snickers* iBmhVlYBlBI-00029-00004802-00004886 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00030-00004902-00004962 *laughter* *death noise* iBmhVlYBlBI-00031-00005010-00005220 *laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00032-00005242-00005394 This is going to be eh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00033-00005654-00005704 Ah man- iBmhVlYBlBI-00034-00005734-00005894 Ah shit, here we go again. iBmhVlYBlBI-00035-00005926-00005976 Get over here! iBmhVlYBlBI-00036-00005982-00006032 Get over here! iBmhVlYBlBI-00037-00006032-00006178 There are like five people dead on the team- iBmhVlYBlBI-00038-00006222-00006272 Hererererere iBmhVlYBlBI-00039-00006280-00006573 *monkey noises* iBmhVlYBlBI-00040-00006573-00006720 I'm just using the sticky jumper iBmhVlYBlBI-00041-00006726-00006814 Ok! Ok! Ok! iBmhVlYBlBI-00042-00006818-00006980 Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! I wasn't iBmhVlYBlBI-00043-00006980-00007045 I wasn't even there! iBmhVlYBlBI-00044-00007045-00007095 Now! iBmhVlYBlBI-00045-00007120-00007170 *panic* iBmhVlYBlBI-00046-00007170-00007236 AHHH! iBmhVlYBlBI-00047-00007280-00007454 Nooo! There was no one here! iBmhVlYBlBI-00048-00007454-00007694 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00049-00007700-00007952 They kept stopping midway iBmhVlYBlBI-00050-00007958-00008008 *laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00051-00008258-00008574 Ok, but just give-give them a little bit of leeway iBmhVlYBlBI-00052-00008582-00008652 Ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00053-00008684-00008874 Ok- People like to be dumb iBmhVlYBlBI-00054-00008886-00009004 People like and subscribe iBmhVlYBlBI-00055-00009004-00009102 Um, okay, I guess I'll iBmhVlYBlBI-00056-00009102-00009290 Remember to like and subscribe iBmhVlYBlBI-00057-00009290-00009578 Ok, I guess I'll, yeah, okay- iBmhVlYBlBI-00058-00009626-00009708 I guess I'll (what am I doing?) iBmhVlYBlBI-00059-00010170-00010314 Wanna play gmod guys? iBmhVlYBlBI-00060-00010372-00010518 Ok wait, um- iBmhVlYBlBI-00061-00010614-00010664 Wait who said that? iBmhVlYBlBI-00062-00010694-00010744 Ok I see- iBmhVlYBlBI-00063-00010744-00010900 wait don't come over yet- iBmhVlYBlBI-00064-00011032-00011162 Wait I'm already here iBmhVlYBlBI-00065-00011170-00011294 Ok ok come come come come come iBmhVlYBlBI-00066-00011308-00011380 Hellooo iBmhVlYBlBI-00067-00011402-00011538 Ok I'll tell you when I'll tell you when iBmhVlYBlBI-00068-00011538-00011694 I was mocking Kai, but if you actually do want to play gmod iBmhVlYBlBI-00069-00011694-00012054 The only people that are respawning are in seven seconds. *Kaboom* iBmhVlYBlBI-00070-00012088-00012328 Alright, alright, I'm ready, I'm ready just, just, just- iBmhVlYBlBI-00071-00012338-00012658 This is the run, this is the run he-hello shadowplay. iBmhVlYBlBI-00072-00012690-00012918 Ok, wait nobody respawned over here iBmhVlYBlBI-00073-00012976-00013186 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* iBmhVlYBlBI-00074-00013212-00013369 Oh wait there's an engie ok go- iBmhVlYBlBI-00075-00013372-00013522 He's dropping down the hole! iBmhVlYBlBI-00076-00013528-00013660 *mild laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00077-00013726-00013788 Ok wwwwait- iBmhVlYBlBI-00078-00013794-00013913 Ok um, everyone's dropping! iBmhVlYBlBI-00079-00013982-00014178 *slight laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00080-00014236-00014336 Dropping down the hole iBmhVlYBlBI-00081-00014350-00014524 Ok wwwait there's a sniper- iBmhVlYBlBI-00082-00014524-00014650 if he respawns over here cmon, please iBmhVlYBlBI-00083-00014691-00014790 ok ok ok iBmhVlYBlBI-00084-00014840-00014962 Uh, go, now! iBmhVlYBlBI-00085-00014974-00015038 Wait, no! iBmhVlYBlBI-00086-00015047-00015147 Ok, go go! iBmhVlYBlBI-00087-00015180-00016260 *illegible/lazy + constant laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00088-00016284-00016416 *desk slamming* iBmhVlYBlBI-00089-00016432-00016736 God! Fucking! Damnit! iBmhVlYBlBI-00090-00016764-00017112 *dying* iBmhVlYBlBI-00091-00017140-00017352 What are these callouts? iBmhVlYBlBI-00092-00017508-00017736 To your right, to my left, to up iBmhVlYBlBI-00093-00017740-00018152 Go, wait, I mean don't do anything He's over there iBmhVlYBlBI-00094-00018184-00018452 I don't know everyone either drops down the hole- iBmhVlYBlBI-00095-00018452-00018804 some of them look at me they just stop and look at me- iBmhVlYBlBI-00096-00018804-00018968 I'm like now and then they iBmhVlYBlBI-00097-00018968-00019080 Hello suus iBmhVlYBlBI-00098-00019124-00019384 They just stop dead in their tracks! iBmhVlYBlBI-00099-00019384-00019512 Ok, this is the run iBmhVlYBlBI-00100-00019520-00019572 Ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00101-00019600-00019652 Ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00102-00019688-00019740 Ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00103-00019756-00019912 He didn't respawn over here iBmhVlYBlBI-00104-00019956-00020456 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* iBmhVlYBlBI-00105-00020472-00020768 There's only, ok, there another person iBmhVlYBlBI-00106-00020816-00020956 Ok here if we both do it- iBmhVlYBlBI-00107-00020956-00021212 yeah if all three of us do it we'll get it iBmhVlYBlBI-00108-00021240-00021472 we just have to do it at different times iBmhVlYBlBI-00109-00021492-00021542 Move back- iBmhVlYBlBI-00110-00021542-00021592 Move back- iBmhVlYBlBI-00111-00021616-00021740 Why is the door open? iBmhVlYBlBI-00112-00021740-00021880 Jay, move back *laughing* iBmhVlYBlBI-00113-00021880-00022012 Ok, ok I'll tell you when- iBmhVlYBlBI-00114-00022020-00022220 Ok, when I say- iBmhVlYBlBI-00115-00022220-00022576 Ok, when I say now you'll each go first and then second and then third- iBmhVlYBlBI-00116-00022576-00022788 we're not gonna be able to coordinate that iBmhVlYBlBI-00117-00022792-00023326 Ok whatever just don't go out at the same time. Okay, I'll go a little like I'll go as fast as possible iBmhVlYBlBI-00118-00023333-00023589 Someone go a little late. Ok, ok, ok iBmhVlYBlBI-00119-00023708-00023800 God damnit! iBmhVlYBlBI-00120-00023800-00023972 They didn't respawn over here! iBmhVlYBlBI-00121-00023988-00024304 *multiple worried noises* iBmhVlYBlBI-00122-00024344-00024476 Oh ok ok come on- iBmhVlYBlBI-00123-00024500-00024708 Timmy Turner my name is Duuurg! iBmhVlYBlBI-00124-00024776-00024928 Why, Soldier? iBmhVlYBlBI-00125-00024948-00025016 Oh- (Et tu, Brute?) iBmhVlYBlBI-00126-00025040-00026283 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* iBmhVlYBlBI-00127-00026283-00026627 When will the pain for Chad Dimmadome ever end? *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme still playing* iBmhVlYBlBI-00128-00026844-00027044 Ok, ok iBmhVlYBlBI-00129-00027063-00027210 Ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00130-00027210-00027388 Everyone get over there iBmhVlYBlBI-00131-00027388-00027452 no no no- iBmhVlYBlBI-00132-00027452-00027672 this is the best, this is the ultimate, this is the only way we can get this to work iBmhVlYBlBI-00133-00027732-00028116 Ok, ok there are there are people here iBmhVlYBlBI-00134-00028132-00028180 Ok iBmhVlYBlBI-00135-00028180-00028360 Instead of using the sticky jumper I'm gonna trimp iBmhVlYBlBI-00136-00028360-00028532 What the fu- what? iBmhVlYBlBI-00137-00028683-00028868 You're- you're not a gamer? iBmhVlYBlBI-00138-00028868-00029064 There's just a scout- iBmhVlYBlBI-00139-00029183-00029332 Ok I'm here iBmhVlYBlBI-00140-00029360-00029410 Uh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00141-00029452-00029616 And he jumped down the fucking hole... iBmhVlYBlBI-00142-00029639-00029860 *slight laughter combined with sadness* iBmhVlYBlBI-00143-00029876-00030027 GOGOGOGO iBmhVlYBlBI-00144-00030072-00030124 AHAHAHHAH iBmhVlYBlBI-00145-00030124-00030194 I'm using it I'm using it iBmhVlYBlBI-00146-00030200-00030272 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* iBmhVlYBlBI-00147-00030274-00030324 YEESSSSSS iBmhVlYBlBI-00148-00030345-00030395 WE DID IT! iBmhVlYBlBI-00149-00030395-00030448 YEEEES! iBmhVlYBlBI-00150-00030476-00030526 YES! iBmhVlYBlBI-00151-00030539-00030683 Fucking FINALLY iBmhVlYBlBI-00152-00030695-00030745 WOO iBmhVlYBlBI-00153-00030754-00030804 YES! iBmhVlYBlBI-00154-00030862-00030936 *screeching* iBmhVlYBlBI-00155-00030988-00031244 It only took my whole life. iBmhVlYBlBI-00156-00031268-00031910 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* (please stop) iBmhVlYBlBI-00157-00031910-00031962 Ok, wait- iBmhVlYBlBI-00158-00031962-00032152 There are two other people that are respawning- iBmhVlYBlBI-00159-00032152-00032242 I'm ready I'm ready- iBmhVlYBlBI-00160-00032242-00032298 Ok ok ok- iBmhVlYBlBI-00161-00032298-00032489 Wait I think it's the same fucking scout iBmhVlYBlBI-00162-00032533-00032674 Same scout iBmhVlYBlBI-00163-00032716-00033134 Ok he didn't respawn over he watch out he's gonna come from the right and he's iBmhVlYBlBI-00164-00033142-00033192 oh my iBmhVlYBlBI-00165-00033202-00033594 *Chicken Invaders 2 Theme* (this is the last time I swear) iBmhVlYBlBI-00166-00033606-00033816 At least clip that one kill we finally did it. iBmhVlYBlBI-00167-00033840-00033952 Against the bad box, I can't win. iBmhVlYBlBI-00168-00033992-00034042 Oh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00169-00034042-00034162 I surfed the damage, it's ok iBmhVlYBlBI-00170-00034336-00034780 *slightly off square dance music* iBmhVlYBlBI-00171-00034952-00035002 Aww iBmhVlYBlBI-00172-00035088-00035254 When are getting the fourth cosmetic slot? iBmhVlYBlBI-00173-00035548-00035906 That was not a good idea- iBmhVlYBlBI-00174-00035906-00036024 give me more uber iBmhVlYBlBI-00175-00036024-00036128 *strained panic noise* iBmhVlYBlBI-00176-00036382-00036522 Wait, this is- iBmhVlYBlBI-00177-00036532-00036724 *rollercoaster of emotions* iBmhVlYBlBI-00178-00036800-00036872 I got it! iBmhVlYBlBI-00179-00036884-00036940 I got it! iBmhVlYBlBI-00180-00036950-00037086 I got the play where are you iBmhVlYBlBI-00181-00037090-00037218 I saw it, I saw it iBmhVlYBlBI-00182-00037244-00037362 wait, how far up are you I iBmhVlYBlBI-00183-00037362-00037444 I am literal- iBmhVlYBlBI-00184-00037580-00037876 Nice seeing you here. iBmhVlYBlBI-00185-00037876-00037994 Oh come on I can't- iBmhVlYBlBI-00186-00037994-00038096 I can't kill- iBmhVlYBlBI-00187-00038096-00038278 Oh that was not a backstab (it was) iBmhVlYBlBI-00188-00038404-00038604 Wait, what was that? (the names of the weapons were quite offensive) iBmhVlYBlBI-00189-00038714-00038858 Oh that should work- iBmhVlYBlBI-00190-00039994-00040092 *nice ragdoll* iBmhVlYBlBI-00191-00040092-00040148 *exhale iBmhVlYBlBI-00192-00040312-00040436 Thanks Jay. iBmhVlYBlBI-00193-00040476-00040526 No- iBmhVlYBlBI-00194-00040538-00040862 Sniper I am your mom iBmhVlYBlBI-00195-00041908-00041972 What the? iBmhVlYBlBI-00196-00042148-00042298 Wait, is that a? iBmhVlYBlBI-00197-00042326-00042548 I think I saw a soldier somewhere- iBmhVlYBlBI-00198-00042582-00042676 Also a spy... iBmhVlYBlBI-00199-00042718-00042800 Why are you doing this? iBmhVlYBlBI-00200-00043410-00043570 *suppressed laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00201-00043570-00043660 I'm clipping that. iBmhVlYBlBI-00202-00043660-00043882 This Demoman just- iBmhVlYBlBI-00203-00043882-00044044 I peeked him I hit, him once iBmhVlYBlBI-00204-00044044-00044390 and then he activated his sticky trap way too late, and he killed himself iBmhVlYBlBI-00205-00044390-00044534 That was amazing iBmhVlYBlBI-00206-00044564-00044614 *the calm* iBmhVlYBlBI-00207-00044616-00044666 *absolute fear* iBmhVlYBlBI-00208-00044666-00044938 *monkey mode* iBmhVlYBlBI-00209-00044938-00044988 *death* iBmhVlYBlBI-00210-00045114-00045164 Oh! iBmhVlYBlBI-00211-00045164-00045526 Oh my god you just jumped over a crit rocket! iBmhVlYBlBI-00212-00045552-00045602 Free- iBmhVlYBlBI-00213-00045614-00045758 I'm just a F2P pyro man iBmhVlYBlBI-00214-00045762-00045834 why are you iBmhVlYBlBI-00215-00045848-00045924 Spy- iBmhVlYBlBI-00216-00045924-00046616 spyro TF2. You are dead. This-Oh my god! iBmhVlYBlBI-00217-00046628-00046842 Oh god Oh god iBmhVlYBlBI-00218-00046842-00047582 *wimpering in fear* iBmhVlYBlBI-00219-00047588-00048076 No, they were two neon Annihilator pyros and they just I'm clipping iBmhVlYBlBI-00220-00048256-00048322 *suppressed laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00221-00048394-00048444 *incoming* iBmhVlYBlBI-00222-00048446-00048604 *mental breakdown* iBmhVlYBlBI-00223-00048692-00048986 Yes, Jay, oh! oh- iBmhVlYBlBI-00224-00048986-00049036 There's more, there's more iBmhVlYBlBI-00225-00049036-00049348 *karma incoming* iBmhVlYBlBI-00226-00049356-00049490 Oh, SHIT! iBmhVlYBlBI-00227-00049492-00049582 No, NO! iBmhVlYBlBI-00228-00049582-00049996 *laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00229-00049996-00050336 I laughed at your death and then heavy is like iBmhVlYBlBI-00230-00050336-00050458 "hello there gamers" iBmhVlYBlBI-00231-00050468-00050690 Alright you gotta clip it iBmhVlYBlBI-00232-00050796-00050910 *loud = funny* iBmhVlYBlBI-00233-00051014-00051214 What the iBmhVlYBlBI-00234-00052248-00052704 What is this? Mute in-game voice iBmhVlYBlBI-00235-00053254-00053350 Jay fuck off iBmhVlYBlBI-00236-00053384-00053444 You're not- iBmhVlYBlBI-00237-00053444-00053616 I'm not doing this shit iBmhVlYBlBI-00238-00053670-00053884 Leave me alone! I just saw a spy iBmhVlYBlBI-00239-00053914-00054032 Yeah, you can kill him- iBmhVlYBlBI-00240-00054032-00054138 you can try and kill him iBmhVlYBlBI-00241-00054138-00054314 Yeah, hahaha you are bitch iBmhVlYBlBI-00242-00054394-00054590 I'm all-I'm targeting you Yun iBmhVlYBlBI-00243-00054590-00054714 *chuckles* iBmhVlYBlBI-00244-00054728-00054800 Yeah, yeah iBmhVlYBlBI-00245-00054866-00055016 Where are you? Yeah he melee fights- iBmhVlYBlBI-00246-00055016-00055184 Wait Michael where are you? he melee fights me as pyro iBmhVlYBlBI-00247-00055188-00055755 Oh hey, hey, you ready to pull a sniper TF2? but and I pull up as my main... iBmhVlYBlBI-00248-00055770-00056002 *Hey Beter Intro* iBmhVlYBlBI-00249-00056032-00056082 Hey spy- iBmhVlYBlBI-00250-00056082-00056134 WHAT?! iBmhVlYBlBI-00251-00056134-00056274 How? iBmhVlYBlBI-00252-00056274-00056410 How- How- iBmhVlYBlBI-00253-00056410-00056588 He was literally in front of you iBmhVlYBlBI-00254-00056920-00057155 *solid exhale* iBmhVlYBlBI-00255-00057241-00057367 Well I'm dead, I'm dead. iBmhVlYBlBI-00256-00057367-00057766 I'm doing a niche strat, so if I'm not doing well it's not my fault iBmhVlYBlBI-00257-00057766-00057990 Hold on, I'm consuming the dalokahs (proceeds to also consume dalokahs, therefore getting us both killed) iBmhVlYBlBI-00258-00058028-00058122 Uh-oh. iBmhVlYBlBI-00259-00058924-00059224 Ok, ok, listen, I did not- iBmhVlYBlBI-00260-00059224-00059410 You really said, "Uh-oh." iBmhVlYBlBI-00261-00059632-00059958 They peaked and you were like, "this is a good time." iBmhVlYBlBI-00262-00060134-00060198 *burp* iBmhVlYBlBI-00263-00060216-00060434 I didn't see them all, ok. iBmhVlYBlBI-00264-00060434-00060620 Oh, oh, we've been pranked! Gas passer! iBmhVlYBlBI-00265-00060624-00060754 *monkey mode* iBmhVlYBlBI-00266-00060954-00061405 But, no since it yeah, I could totally just rock, rock their worlds. iBmhVlYBlBI-00267-00061888-00062120 Yeah, I'm about to rock their worlds you ready, you ready? iBmhVlYBlBI-00268-00062296-00062479 *suppressed laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00269-00062488-00062638 *laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00270-00062652-00062784 The epic iBmhVlYBlBI-00271-00062858-00063108 *more laughter* iBmhVlYBlBI-00272-00063348-00063550 *suppressed laughter* iDxBFnvoSqy-00000-00000053-00000441 What is Mastodon? iDxBFnvoSqy-00001-00000441-00000852 Mastodon is an open source social network. iDxBFnvoSqy-00002-00000852-00001383 Similar to Twitter or Tumblr, users can make profiles, post messages, images or videos, iDxBFnvoSqy-00003-00001383-00001810 and of course follow other users. iDxBFnvoSqy-00004-00001810-00002318 Messages follow a 500 character limit and are displayed in a chronological order. iDxBFnvoSqy-00005-00002318-00002791 Unlike other platforms, however, Mastodon is decentralized, meaning that there is no iDxBFnvoSqy-00006-00002791-00003075 one server, company or person running it. iDxBFnvoSqy-00007-00003075-00003514 While other social media platforms are owned and operated by a single corporation who has iDxBFnvoSqy-00008-00003514-00004155 full control over everything, anyone can create and run their own server of Mastodon. iDxBFnvoSqy-00009-00004155-00004328 How does this work? iDxBFnvoSqy-00010-00004328-00004873 When someone creates their own version of Mastodon, this is called an “instance”. iDxBFnvoSqy-00011-00004873-00005297 Since Mastodon is open source, anyone can create their own instance of Mastodon with iDxBFnvoSqy-00012-00005297-00005482 their own set of rules. iDxBFnvoSqy-00013-00005482-00005950 Because of this, all instances are owned, operated and moderated by the community that iDxBFnvoSqy-00014-00005950-00006551 creates them, and not some large corporation which tracks your data to sell to advertisers. iDxBFnvoSqy-00015-00006551-00007048 In most cases, Mastodon instances are crowdfunded, not financed. iDxBFnvoSqy-00016-00007048-00007336 But how do these instances communicate with one another? iDxBFnvoSqy-00017-00007336-00007814 While users within an instance can, of course, follow each other, they can also decide to iDxBFnvoSqy-00018-00007814-00008052 follow users within other instances. iDxBFnvoSqy-00019-00008052-00008604 So, while each instance of Mastodon is privately operated, their users can still communicate iDxBFnvoSqy-00020-00008604-00008828 with members of other servers seamlessly. iDxBFnvoSqy-00021-00008828-00009253 Of course, communities who want to remain private don’t have to communicate with other iDxBFnvoSqy-00022-00009253-00009670 servers; this is in the hands of its users. iDxBFnvoSqy-00023-00009670-00010160 Mastodon also offers effective anti-abuse tools to help moderate instances as users iDxBFnvoSqy-00024-00010160-00010278 see fit. iDxBFnvoSqy-00025-00010278-00010710 Ultimately, Mastodon is a social network which puts the user first. iDxBFnvoSqy-00026-00010710-00011200 Unlike traditional social media, Mastodon can’t go bankrupt, it can’t be sold, and iDxBFnvoSqy-00027-00011200-00011584 it can’t be completely blocked by governments. iDxBFnvoSqy-00028-00011584-00011967 Users are free to join whichever community they want, and communicate with whomever they iDxBFnvoSqy-00029-00011967-00012067 want. iDxBFnvoSqy-00030-00012067-00012486 With over a million registered users across multiple different languages, Mastodon is iDxBFnvoSqy-00031-00012486-00012672 growing fast. iDxBFnvoSqy-00032-00012672-00012853 Not sure which instance to join? iDxBFnvoSqy-00033-00012853-00013147 Click the link below to find one that’s right for you. iEBde1KnVpy-00000-00000000-00000246 in this video we'll talk about Pidgin iEBde1KnVpy-00001-00000000-00000133 and Creole languages iEBde1KnVpy-00002-00000000-00000266 which are languages that are born out of iEBde1KnVpy-00003-00000000-00000260 the contact of previously existing ones iEBde1KnVpy-00004-00000000-00000102 and by the way if you speak French can iEBde1KnVpy-00005-00000000-00000302 you try to read this sign iEBde1KnVpy-00006-00000102-00000430 it is from a French-based creole spoken iEBde1KnVpy-00007-00000302-00000535 in the island of Guadalupe in the iEBde1KnVpy-00008-00000430-00000823 Caribbean iEBde1KnVpy-00009-00000535-00001095 and it says 'slow down children are iEBde1KnVpy-00010-00000823-00001095 playing here' iEBde1KnVpy-00011-00001215-00001543 the first thing I want to do is that I iEBde1KnVpy-00012-00001343-00001695 want to show you a video from a language iEBde1KnVpy-00013-00001543-00001839 spoken in the Caribbean iEBde1KnVpy-00014-00001695-00001990 and I want you to try to pay attention iEBde1KnVpy-00015-00001839-00002063 to it and see how much you can iEBde1KnVpy-00016-00001990-00002343 understand iEBde1KnVpy-00017-00002063-00002343 from what they're saying iEBde1KnVpy-00018-00002991-00003383 and in chat see them we're with them iEBde1KnVpy-00019-00003175-00003527 [Speaking in Jamacian Creole English] iEBde1KnVpy-00020-00003383-00003886 [Speaking in Jamacian Creole English] iEBde1KnVpy-00021-00003527-00003886 [Speaking in Jamacian Creole English] iEBde1KnVpy-00022-00004039-00004375 could you understand so there are a few iEBde1KnVpy-00023-00004270-00004463 words in there that might have been iEBde1KnVpy-00024-00004375-00004647 familiar iEBde1KnVpy-00025-00004463-00004863 but it was probably very difficult for iEBde1KnVpy-00026-00004647-00005070 you to understand if you don't speak iEBde1KnVpy-00027-00004863-00005239 this language related to English iEBde1KnVpy-00028-00005070-00005479 Jamaican Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00029-00005239-00005679 English I'm gonna play it again this iEBde1KnVpy-00030-00005479-00006231 time with subtitles in the dialect of iEBde1KnVpy-00031-00005679-00006231 English that we speak iEBde1KnVpy-00032-00006783-00006909 "our pastor he's sitting on the side of the street with the boys he speaks like they speak as equals" iEBde1KnVpy-00033-00006911-00007294 "so he meets them on their level it's the same thing with the scripture it's as if Jesus is right here with us and speaking with us in the same way" iEBde1KnVpy-00034-00007390-00007831 alright so as you can see again you iEBde1KnVpy-00035-00007662-00008094 might have recognized some words iEBde1KnVpy-00036-00007831-00008254 but it's a very different language it is iEBde1KnVpy-00037-00008094-00008503 clearly related to English iEBde1KnVpy-00038-00008254-00008631 but it's still very different just a iEBde1KnVpy-00039-00008503-00008935 quick example is that iEBde1KnVpy-00040-00008631-00009239 one of the words she said was "di buay dem" iEBde1KnVpy-00041-00008935-00009343 this means 'the boys' and why them is very iEBde1KnVpy-00042-00009239-00009679 interesting iEBde1KnVpy-00043-00009343-00010007 because the fusional morphology of iEBde1KnVpy-00044-00009679-00010271 English became isolating morphology iEBde1KnVpy-00045-00010007-00010447 in Jamaican Creole English so in English iEBde1KnVpy-00046-00010271-00010758 you have the suffix iEBde1KnVpy-00047-00010447-00010879 the plural the s in boys and this iEBde1KnVpy-00048-00010758-00011143 became its own iEBde1KnVpy-00049-00010879-00011231 separate word which comes from the word iEBde1KnVpy-00050-00011143-00011447 them iEBde1KnVpy-00051-00011231-00011535 and became the marker of the plural so iEBde1KnVpy-00052-00011447-00011839 "buay dem" iEBde1KnVpy-00053-00011535-00012199 means 'boys' isolating morphology like you iEBde1KnVpy-00054-00011839-00012199 would have in Vietnamese for example iEBde1KnVpy-00055-00012278-00012831 so Jamaican Creole English is a iEBde1KnVpy-00056-00012615-00013063 language that it that is related to iEBde1KnVpy-00057-00012831-00013438 English and it is a new language iEBde1KnVpy-00058-00013063-00013594 so how do these languages come about iEBde1KnVpy-00059-00013438-00013855 in previous videos we studied iEBde1KnVpy-00060-00013594-00014119 multilingualism which are situations iEBde1KnVpy-00061-00013855-00014183 where two languages are spoken alongside iEBde1KnVpy-00062-00014119-00014463 each other iEBde1KnVpy-00063-00014183-00014527 in a society for multilingualism to iEBde1KnVpy-00064-00014463-00014655 exist iEBde1KnVpy-00065-00014527-00014887 societies need to have certain iEBde1KnVpy-00066-00014655-00015134 conditions for example iEBde1KnVpy-00067-00014887-00015247 languages are usually closely related in iEBde1KnVpy-00068-00015134-00015447 the case of Canada iEBde1KnVpy-00069-00015247-00015551 English and French are both European iEBde1KnVpy-00070-00015447-00015894 languages so iEBde1KnVpy-00071-00015551-00016031 they are very close same in Switzerland iEBde1KnVpy-00072-00015894-00016359 for example they are all iEBde1KnVpy-00073-00016031-00016503 Indo-European languages multilingualism iEBde1KnVpy-00074-00016359-00016719 requires prolonged and iEBde1KnVpy-00075-00016503-00016870 regular contact between the languages iEBde1KnVpy-00076-00016719-00017103 and the communities iEBde1KnVpy-00077-00016870-00017278 so people would intermarry across the iEBde1KnVpy-00078-00017103-00017495 communities they would go to the same iEBde1KnVpy-00079-00017278-00017783 schools they would share the same spaces iEBde1KnVpy-00080-00017495-00017855 and so forth multilingualism also iEBde1KnVpy-00081-00017783-00018062 requires iEBde1KnVpy-00082-00017855-00018303 a relatively symmetrical power iEBde1KnVpy-00083-00018062-00018551 relationship between the communities iEBde1KnVpy-00084-00018303-00018655 so again in spaces like in Canada or iEBde1KnVpy-00085-00018551-00018975 Switzerland or iEBde1KnVpy-00086-00018655-00019239 Belgium you see that both communities iEBde1KnVpy-00087-00018975-00019295 have representation in government have iEBde1KnVpy-00088-00019239-00019542 some iEBde1KnVpy-00089-00019295-00019670 power to make decisions and so forth so iEBde1KnVpy-00090-00019542-00019806 these are the kinds of conditions in a iEBde1KnVpy-00091-00019670-00019895 society that would allow two languages iEBde1KnVpy-00092-00019806-00020070 to exist iEBde1KnVpy-00093-00019895-00020334 alongside each other for prolonged iEBde1KnVpy-00094-00020070-00020670 periods of time iEBde1KnVpy-00095-00020334-00020806 there are situations where humans come iEBde1KnVpy-00096-00020670-00021047 in contact with one another iEBde1KnVpy-00097-00020806-00021303 that are that have different conditions iEBde1KnVpy-00098-00021047-00021534 for example a new language might develop iEBde1KnVpy-00099-00021303-00021726 if you have two languages that are very iEBde1KnVpy-00100-00021534-00021975 structurally different iEBde1KnVpy-00101-00021726-00022167 and contact between the communities is iEBde1KnVpy-00102-00021975-00022519 occasional or sporadic iEBde1KnVpy-00103-00022167-00022823 for example if you were in a taxi iEBde1KnVpy-00104-00022519-00022959 somewhere in a country very far away and iEBde1KnVpy-00105-00022823-00023151 you don't speak their language and they iEBde1KnVpy-00106-00022959-00023319 don't speak your language so what's iEBde1KnVpy-00107-00023151-00023367 gonna happen you two are gonna try to iEBde1KnVpy-00108-00023319-00023567 develop iEBde1KnVpy-00109-00023367-00023806 a code as best as you can with some iEBde1KnVpy-00110-00023567-00023983 words from here somewhere from there iEBde1KnVpy-00111-00023806-00024287 to try to understand each other so that iEBde1KnVpy-00112-00023983-00024510 you can go where you're going iEBde1KnVpy-00113-00024287-00024615 such a communication quote would be a iEBde1KnVpy-00114-00024510-00024870 Pidgin iEBde1KnVpy-00115-00024615-00024966 a Pidgin is a combination of languages iEBde1KnVpy-00116-00024870-00025327 that maybe has iEBde1KnVpy-00117-00024966-00025647 some words from English some words from iEBde1KnVpy-00118-00025327-00025894 the language of the taxi driver it's not iEBde1KnVpy-00119-00025647-00026031 very linguistically complex because you iEBde1KnVpy-00120-00025894-00026199 don't know each other's language so you iEBde1KnVpy-00121-00026031-00026455 can't create a lot of structures mostly iEBde1KnVpy-00122-00026199-00026631 just content works iEBde1KnVpy-00123-00026455-00026791 these kinds of communication systems iEBde1KnVpy-00124-00026631-00027031 have very limited domains iEBde1KnVpy-00125-00026791-00027199 so just when there's a transaction going iEBde1KnVpy-00126-00027031-00027383 on for example iEBde1KnVpy-00127-00027199-00027607 and there's no native speakers Pidgin iEBde1KnVpy-00128-00027383-00027935 languages are something that happens iEBde1KnVpy-00129-00027607-00028191 on the spot these iEBde1KnVpy-00130-00027935-00028247 Pidgins usually happen when you have for iEBde1KnVpy-00131-00028191-00028647 example iEBde1KnVpy-00132-00028247-00028847 trading relationships like this iEBde1KnVpy-00133-00028647-00029014 there is a language called the Basque iEBde1KnVpy-00134-00028847-00029263 Icelandic Pidgon iEBde1KnVpy-00135-00029014-00029455 which was shared by Whalers from the iEBde1KnVpy-00136-00029263-00029558 Basque country that went up to Iceland iEBde1KnVpy-00137-00029455-00029902 and needed to communicate iEBde1KnVpy-00138-00029558-00030038 with people from Iceland so "Christ Maria iEBde1KnVpy-00139-00029902-00030375 presenta for mi balia, for mi, presenta for ju bustana" iEBde1KnVpy-00140-00030376-00030550 "If Christ and Mary give me a whale, I will give you the tail" iEBde1KnVpy-00141-00030655-00030966 some words like "for mi" and "for ju" are iEBde1KnVpy-00142-00030919-00031302 based iEBde1KnVpy-00143-00030966-00031631 on Icelandic and some words like "balia" iEBde1KnVpy-00144-00031302-00031838 and "bustana" are from Basque so you see iEBde1KnVpy-00145-00031631-00032022 that if there's enough contact between iEBde1KnVpy-00146-00031838-00032255 the Whalers for the Basque country iEBde1KnVpy-00147-00032022-00032463 and people in Iceland there will be some iEBde1KnVpy-00148-00032255-00032614 mixed code that will develop for them to iEBde1KnVpy-00149-00032463-00032791 communicate with one another iEBde1KnVpy-00150-00032614-00032943 to satisfy this sporadic contact that iEBde1KnVpy-00151-00032791-00033255 they have this is a iEBde1KnVpy-00152-00032943-00033255 Pidgin language iEBde1KnVpy-00153-00033375-00033847 there is another circumstance in which iEBde1KnVpy-00154-00033719-00034063 I'll come back to this map in a moment iEBde1KnVpy-00155-00033847-00034431 but there is another circumstance iEBde1KnVpy-00156-00034063-00034687 in which Pidgin languages and iEBde1KnVpy-00157-00034431-00034743 Creole languages can develop which is if iEBde1KnVpy-00158-00034687-00035055 there are iEBde1KnVpy-00159-00034743-00035247 major power imbalances in a community iEBde1KnVpy-00160-00035055-00035422 for example if one community has iEBde1KnVpy-00161-00035247-00035591 all the political power and the other iEBde1KnVpy-00162-00035422-00035919 community has practically iEBde1KnVpy-00163-00035591-00036143 none of the political power if this iEBde1KnVpy-00164-00035919-00036278 situation happens you're also going to iEBde1KnVpy-00165-00036143-00036519 have a community where iEBde1KnVpy-00166-00036278-00036678 there's very little contact between the iEBde1KnVpy-00167-00036519-00036894 two because some people will be iEBde1KnVpy-00168-00036678-00037031 in school and having power and some iEBde1KnVpy-00169-00036894-00037263 people will not they will be in iEBde1KnVpy-00170-00037031-00037478 completely separate spaces iEBde1KnVpy-00171-00037263-00037607 you can also have a situation where iEBde1KnVpy-00172-00037478-00037766 there's power imbalances iEBde1KnVpy-00173-00037607-00037919 there's sporadic content and the iEBde1KnVpy-00174-00037766-00038055 languages are structurally different iEBde1KnVpy-00175-00037919-00038319 like the languages from iEBde1KnVpy-00176-00038055-00038566 Europe and the languages from Africa for iEBde1KnVpy-00177-00038319-00038566 example iEBde1KnVpy-00178-00038591-00038966 and you can see in this map of the iEBde1KnVpy-00179-00038783-00039071 location of Pidgin Creole languages iEBde1KnVpy-00180-00038966-00039350 around the world iEBde1KnVpy-00181-00039071-00039478 that there are indeed many languages in iEBde1KnVpy-00182-00039350-00039750 the South Pacific iEBde1KnVpy-00183-00039478-00039950 in the in Melanesia but most of them are iEBde1KnVpy-00184-00039750-00040206 concentrated on the west coast of iEBde1KnVpy-00185-00039950-00040350 Africa and on the eastern coasts of the iEBde1KnVpy-00186-00040206-00040710 Americas iEBde1KnVpy-00187-00040350-00040887 and this is because one very common iEBde1KnVpy-00188-00040710-00041006 situation that led to the creation of iEBde1KnVpy-00189-00040887-00041391 new languages iEBde1KnVpy-00190-00041006-00041638 was slavery in the from the 1600s to the iEBde1KnVpy-00191-00041391-00041887 end of the 1800s iEBde1KnVpy-00192-00041638-00041959 so enslaved people were kidnapped from iEBde1KnVpy-00193-00041887-00042294 Africa iEBde1KnVpy-00194-00041959-00042494 and brought to the Americas to iEBde1KnVpy-00195-00042294-00042615 work in sugar plantations for example iEBde1KnVpy-00196-00042494-00042919 most people iEBde1KnVpy-00197-00042615-00043150 ended up kidnapped in Brazil iEBde1KnVpy-00198-00042919-00043263 which uh took incredible amounts of iEBde1KnVpy-00199-00043150-00043599 people from Africa iEBde1KnVpy-00200-00043263-00043815 from the 1500s to the end of the 1800s iEBde1KnVpy-00201-00043599-00043975 many were kidnapped to the Caribbean and iEBde1KnVpy-00202-00043815-00044166 to North America iEBde1KnVpy-00203-00043975-00044303 and something particularly cruel iEBde1KnVpy-00204-00044166-00044535 happened iEBde1KnVpy-00205-00044303-00044694 slave people were grouped so that they iEBde1KnVpy-00206-00044535-00044743 couldn't communicate with one another and iEBde1KnVpy-00207-00044694-00045094 they couldn't iEBde1KnVpy-00208-00044743-00045343 they couldn't plot to overthrow the iEBde1KnVpy-00209-00045094-00045494 the people who owned the colonies iEBde1KnVpy-00210-00045343-00045791 because they were grouped iEBde1KnVpy-00211-00045494-00045991 in groups that spoke many iEBde1KnVpy-00212-00045791-00046150 different African languages iEBde1KnVpy-00213-00045991-00046406 then state people had to come up with iEBde1KnVpy-00214-00046150-00046710 some way to communicate with one another iEBde1KnVpy-00215-00046406-00046863 and in doing this they mixed elements iEBde1KnVpy-00216-00046710-00047047 from the different African languages iEBde1KnVpy-00217-00046863-00047238 that they spoke with the elements iEBde1KnVpy-00218-00047047-00047471 of the colonial language of the place iEBde1KnVpy-00219-00047238-00047710 they were in which might have been iEBde1KnVpy-00220-00047471-00047822 English in North America Spanish in the iEBde1KnVpy-00221-00047710-00048127 Caribbean iEBde1KnVpy-00222-00047822-00048478 Portuguese and Dutch in South America iEBde1KnVpy-00223-00048127-00048687 Arabic and Eastern Africa so iEBde1KnVpy-00224-00048478-00048855 you have mixtures of African languages iEBde1KnVpy-00225-00048687-00048934 with these colonial languages and this iEBde1KnVpy-00226-00048855-00049238 also iEBde1KnVpy-00227-00048934-00049310 gave rise to new languages and by the iEBde1KnVpy-00228-00049238-00049559 way iEBde1KnVpy-00229-00049310-00049727 none of these are like simple or wrong iEBde1KnVpy-00230-00049559-00049831 versions of the European language as iEBde1KnVpy-00231-00049727-00050183 we'll see they have iEBde1KnVpy-00232-00049831-00050183 a lot of complexity in them iEBde1KnVpy-00233-00050262-00050847 so first what happened is that probably iEBde1KnVpy-00234-00050598-00050918 Pidgins started to come along so that iEBde1KnVpy-00235-00050847-00051167 people could iEBde1KnVpy-00236-00050918-00051303 barely do transactions with one another iEBde1KnVpy-00237-00051167-00051503 but then iEBde1KnVpy-00238-00051303-00051639 children were born into the community iEBde1KnVpy-00239-00051503-00051983 and these children would iEBde1KnVpy-00240-00051639-00052047 learn the Pidgins languages and in doing iEBde1KnVpy-00241-00051983-00052286 so iEBde1KnVpy-00242-00052047-00052511 they injected a lot of complexity into iEBde1KnVpy-00243-00052286-00052807 them churning a Pidgin into a iEBde1KnVpy-00244-00052511-00052959 Creole language incredible language is a iEBde1KnVpy-00245-00052807-00053095 full-fledged language with all the iEBde1KnVpy-00246-00052959-00053271 complexity that we've seen iEBde1KnVpy-00247-00053095-00053423 in the other languages we've studied in iEBde1KnVpy-00248-00053271-00053711 the class they have iEBde1KnVpy-00249-00053423-00053886 fixed structures they are used for every iEBde1KnVpy-00250-00053711-00053951 domain because children grow up using iEBde1KnVpy-00251-00053886-00054183 them iEBde1KnVpy-00252-00053951-00054286 and again because children were born iEBde1KnVpy-00253-00054183-00054486 with this language there are iEBde1KnVpy-00254-00054286-00054711 native speakers to Creole languages iEBde1KnVpy-00255-00054486-00054991 which makes these languages iEBde1KnVpy-00256-00054711-00055223 not only more used but also more regular iEBde1KnVpy-00257-00054991-00055423 in their structures iEBde1KnVpy-00258-00055223-00055566 by the way the Hawaiian one that's iEBde1KnVpy-00259-00055423-00055759 called Hawaiian Pidgin is a iEBde1KnVpy-00260-00055566-00055903 Creole language because children were iEBde1KnVpy-00261-00055759-00056119 born and iEBde1KnVpy-00262-00055903-00056383 they were taught from birth to speak in iEBde1KnVpy-00263-00056119-00056383 this language iEBde1KnVpy-00264-00056391-00056807 I want to show you an example of what iEBde1KnVpy-00265-00056654-00056879 a Creole language sounds like this is an iEBde1KnVpy-00266-00056807-00057135 example from iEBde1KnVpy-00267-00056879-00057311 Jamaican Creole English we're going to iEBde1KnVpy-00268-00057135-00057391 start with what we call the lexifer iEBde1KnVpy-00269-00057311-00057598 language iEBde1KnVpy-00270-00057391-00057735 English which provides many of the iEBde1KnVpy-00271-00057598-00057951 content words iEBde1KnVpy-00272-00057735-00058295 and then we're going to get more Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00273-00057951-00058295 more Creole more Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00274-00058383-00058919 oh I'm sorry let me go back "the north iEBde1KnVpy-00275-00058727-00059054 wind and the sun were disputing which iEBde1KnVpy-00276-00058919-00059303 was the stronger iEBde1KnVpy-00277-00059054-00059495 when a traveler came along wrapped in a iEBde1KnVpy-00278-00059303-00059703 warm cloak" iEBde1KnVpy-00279-00059495-00059935 "the north wind and the sun were iEBde1KnVpy-00280-00059703-00060183 disputing which was the stronger iEBde1KnVpy-00281-00059935-00060311 when a traveler came along wrapped in a iEBde1KnVpy-00282-00060183-00060542 warm cloak" iEBde1KnVpy-00283-00060311-00060679 [Jamacian Creole Mesolect] iEBde1KnVpy-00284-00060542-00060879 [Jamacian Creole Mesolect] iEBde1KnVpy-00285-00060679-00060998 [Jamacian Creole Mesolect] iEBde1KnVpy-00286-00060879-00061191 [Jamacian Creole Mesolect] iEBde1KnVpy-00287-00060998-00061359 [Jamacian Creole Basilect] iEBde1KnVpy-00288-00061191-00061566 [Jamacian Creole Basilect] iEBde1KnVpy-00289-00061359-00061703 [Jamacian Creole Basilect] iEBde1KnVpy-00290-00061566-00062054 [Jamacian Creole Basilect] iEBde1KnVpy-00291-00061703-00062383 so all of these iEBde1KnVpy-00292-00062054-00062654 are Jamaican Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00293-00062383-00062823 but they are all slightly different what iEBde1KnVpy-00294-00062654-00063166 we have with Creoles is that they have iEBde1KnVpy-00295-00062823-00063342 a continuum of forms that look more iEBde1KnVpy-00296-00063166-00063527 like the luxifier language for example iEBde1KnVpy-00297-00063342-00063919 more like the Queen's English iEBde1KnVpy-00298-00063527-00063983 and more like a full-fledged Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00299-00063919-00064159 language iEBde1KnVpy-00300-00063983-00064295 in between them we have forms that iEBde1KnVpy-00301-00064159-00064454 resemble iEBde1KnVpy-00302-00064295-00064623 the lexifier which we're going to call iEBde1KnVpy-00303-00064454-00064911 acrolects and then iEBde1KnVpy-00304-00064623-00065103 forms that go more towards full iEBde1KnVpy-00305-00064911-00065239 crealization which are the mesolects iEBde1KnVpy-00306-00065103-00065366 and the basilects iEBde1KnVpy-00307-00065239-00065567 and as you can hear in the previous iEBde1KnVpy-00308-00065366-00065815 recording basilects are fairly iEBde1KnVpy-00309-00065567-00066063 different from the lexifier language iEBde1KnVpy-00310-00065815-00066247 and then a speaker of the of a Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00311-00066063-00066519 language would be able to go back and iEBde1KnVpy-00312-00066247-00066639 forth between these different styles for iEBde1KnVpy-00313-00066519-00066742 example with their family they're iEBde1KnVpy-00314-00066639-00067086 probably going to speak iEBde1KnVpy-00315-00066742-00067230 more and more baselectal Creole probably iEBde1KnVpy-00316-00067086-00067407 lecturing at university they're going to iEBde1KnVpy-00317-00067230-00067830 speak a more acrolectal iEBde1KnVpy-00318-00067407-00067830 form of the Creole iEBde1KnVpy-00319-00067895-00068279 and again these languages are not iEBde1KnVpy-00320-00068127-00068479 simplified versions iEBde1KnVpy-00321-00068279-00068671 of the lexifier they have a lot of iEBde1KnVpy-00322-00068479-00068847 complexity in them iEBde1KnVpy-00323-00068671-00069047 this is an example from the language iEBde1KnVpy-00324-00068847-00069319 Bislama which is a Creole language iEBde1KnVpy-00325-00069047-00069486 from Vanuatu in the South Pacific iEBde1KnVpy-00326-00069319-00069615 Bislama was formed from iEBde1KnVpy-00327-00069486-00069871 English and from elements of the iEBde1KnVpy-00328-00069615-00070167 languages of Vanuatu and you can see how iEBde1KnVpy-00329-00069871-00070247 complex the verbal conjugations are so iEBde1KnVpy-00330-00070167-00070519 for the verb iEBde1KnVpy-00331-00070247-00070598 [laf] which is 'laugh' you have four iEBde1KnVpy-00332-00070519-00070910 numbers iEBde1KnVpy-00333-00070598-00071159 singular dual trial and plural iEBde1KnVpy-00334-00070910-00071398 so one person two people three people iEBde1KnVpy-00335-00071159-00071503 many people iEBde1KnVpy-00336-00071398-00071783 and you also have the distinction iEBde1KnVpy-00337-00071503-00072151 between the exclusive and the inclusive iEBde1KnVpy-00338-00071783-00072510 first person plural so for example iEBde1KnVpy-00339-00072151-00072879 the exclusive "we" means iEBde1KnVpy-00340-00072510-00073207 we are having dinner you are not iEBde1KnVpy-00341-00072879-00073295 the inclusive we means we are all having iEBde1KnVpy-00342-00073207-00073703 dinner including iEBde1KnVpy-00343-00073295-00073991 you who I'm talking to so as you can see iEBde1KnVpy-00344-00073703-00074079 there are four numbers and more iEBde1KnVpy-00345-00073991-00074295 distinctions iEBde1KnVpy-00346-00074079-00074398 in the pronouns than the original iEBde1KnVpy-00347-00074295-00074559 English had iEBde1KnVpy-00348-00074398-00074703 so these languages are not mere iEBde1KnVpy-00349-00074559-00075079 simplifications of iEBde1KnVpy-00350-00074703-00075079 English or Spanish or Dutch iEBde1KnVpy-00351-00075151-00075519 in summary Pidgins and Creole languages iEBde1KnVpy-00352-00075367-00075719 are born out of situations where iEBde1KnVpy-00353-00075519-00075974 humans can't understand one another they iEBde1KnVpy-00354-00075719-00076295 can be Whalers trying to go to Iceland iEBde1KnVpy-00355-00075974-00076551 or they can be enslaved people trying to iEBde1KnVpy-00356-00076295-00076647 figure out how to survive what happens iEBde1KnVpy-00357-00076551-00076879 first is that a iEBde1KnVpy-00358-00076647-00077079 Pidgin is born which is a code with iEBde1KnVpy-00359-00076879-00077319 relatively little structure iEBde1KnVpy-00360-00077079-00077398 but then as children are born the Pidgin iEBde1KnVpy-00361-00077319-00077591 becomes a iEBde1KnVpy-00362-00077398-00077735 Creole which is a full fledged language iEBde1KnVpy-00363-00077591-00077895 with all the complexity that we have iEBde1KnVpy-00364-00077735-00078198 studied iEBde1KnVpy-00365-00077895-00078415 Creoles are a continuum really with iEBde1KnVpy-00366-00078198-00078647 forms that are more acrolectal that iEBde1KnVpy-00367-00078415-00078854 resemble the lexifier language iEBde1KnVpy-00368-00078647-00079030 and with forms that are more meso and iEBde1KnVpy-00369-00078854-00079391 basilecto which resemble more iEBde1KnVpy-00370-00079030-00079391 the full-fledged creole iIgVOOd2P_M-00000-00000055-00001075 I’m sorry, but I have to hit my mom because I was a bit angry with her, and I’m sorry. iIgVOOd2P_M-00001-00001075-00001543 It was just because I usually do it. iIAsQVeVVxy-00000-00000045-00000464 Chapter 9 Nothing is more painful to the human mind iIAsQVeVVxy-00001-00000464-00000912 than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead iIAsQVeVVxy-00002-00000912-00001578 calmness of inaction and certainty which follows and deprives the soul both of hope and fear. iIAsQVeVVxy-00003-00001578-00002111 Justine died, she rested, and I was alive. iIAsQVeVVxy-00004-00002111-00002521 The blood flowed freely in my veins, but a weight of despair and remorse pressed on my iIAsQVeVVxy-00005-00002521-00002824 heart which nothing could remove. iIAsQVeVVxy-00006-00002824-00003361 Sleep fled from my eyes; I wandered like an evil spirit, for I had committed deeds of iIAsQVeVVxy-00007-00003361-00004068 mischief beyond description horrible, and more, much more (I persuaded myself) was yet iIAsQVeVVxy-00008-00004068-00004168 behind. iIAsQVeVVxy-00009-00004168-00004590 Yet my heart overflowed with kindness and the love of virtue. iIAsQVeVVxy-00010-00004590-00005010 I had begun life with benevolent intentions and thirsted for the moment when I should iIAsQVeVVxy-00011-00005010-00005482 put them in practice and make myself useful to my fellow beings. iIAsQVeVVxy-00012-00005482-00005964 Now all was blasted; instead of that serenity of conscience which allowed me to look back iIAsQVeVVxy-00013-00005964-00006490 upon the past with self-satisfaction, and from thence to gather promise of new hopes, iIAsQVeVVxy-00014-00006490-00007049 I was seized by remorse and the sense of guilt, which hurried me away to a hell of intense iIAsQVeVVxy-00015-00007049-00007377 tortures such as no language can describe. iIAsQVeVVxy-00016-00007377-00007790 This state of mind preyed upon my health, which had perhaps never entirely recovered iIAsQVeVVxy-00017-00007790-00008078 from the first shock it had sustained. iIAsQVeVVxy-00018-00008078-00008717 I shunned the face of man; all sound of joy or complacency was torture to me; solitude iIAsQVeVVxy-00019-00008717-00009339 was my only consolation—deep, dark, deathlike solitude. iIAsQVeVVxy-00020-00009339-00009893 My father observed with pain the alteration perceptible in my disposition and habits and iIAsQVeVVxy-00021-00009893-00010324 endeavoured by arguments deduced from the feelings of his serene conscience and guiltless iIAsQVeVVxy-00022-00010324-00010972 life to inspire me with fortitude and awaken in me the courage to dispel the dark cloud iIAsQVeVVxy-00023-00010972-00011125 which brooded over me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00024-00011125-00011878 "Do you think, Victor," said he, "that I do not suffer also? iIAsQVeVVxy-00025-00011878-00012564 No one could love a child more than I loved your brother"—tears came into his eyes as iIAsQVeVVxy-00026-00012564-00013069 he spoke—"but is it not a duty to the survivors that we should refrain from augmenting their iIAsQVeVVxy-00027-00013069-00013491 unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate grief? iIAsQVeVVxy-00028-00013491-00014095 It is also a duty owed to yourself, for excessive sorrow prevents improvement or enjoyment, iIAsQVeVVxy-00029-00014095-00014728 or even the discharge of daily usefulness, without which no man is fit for society." iIAsQVeVVxy-00030-00014728-00015209 This advice, although good, was totally inapplicable to my case; I should have been the first to iIAsQVeVVxy-00031-00015209-00015684 hide my grief and console my friends if remorse had not mingled its bitterness, and terror iIAsQVeVVxy-00032-00015684-00016040 its alarm, with my other sensations. iIAsQVeVVxy-00033-00016040-00016473 Now I could only answer my father with a look of despair and endeavour to hide myself from iIAsQVeVVxy-00034-00016473-00016662 his view. iIAsQVeVVxy-00035-00016662-00016954 About this time we retired to our house at Belrive. iIAsQVeVVxy-00036-00016954-00017245 This change was particularly agreeable to me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00037-00017245-00017605 The shutting of the gates regularly at ten o'clock and the impossibility of remaining iIAsQVeVVxy-00038-00017605-00018160 on the lake after that hour had rendered our residence within the walls of Geneva very iIAsQVeVVxy-00039-00018160-00018331 irksome to me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00040-00018331-00018546 I was now free. iIAsQVeVVxy-00041-00018546-00019007 Often, after the rest of the family had retired for the night, I took the boat and passed iIAsQVeVVxy-00042-00019007-00019229 many hours upon the water. iIAsQVeVVxy-00043-00019229-00019822 Sometimes, with my sails set, I was carried by the wind; and sometimes, after rowing into iIAsQVeVVxy-00044-00019822-00020378 the middle of the lake, I left the boat to pursue its own course and gave way to my own iIAsQVeVVxy-00045-00020378-00020598 miserable reflections. iIAsQVeVVxy-00046-00020598-00021123 I was often tempted, when all was at peace around me, and I the only unquiet thing that iIAsQVeVVxy-00047-00021123-00021638 wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and heavenly—if I except some bat, or the iIAsQVeVVxy-00048-00021638-00022139 frogs, whose harsh and interrupted croaking was heard only when I approached the shore—often, iIAsQVeVVxy-00049-00022139-00022659 I say, I was tempted to plunge into the silent lake, that the waters might close over me iIAsQVeVVxy-00050-00022659-00022893 and my calamities forever. iIAsQVeVVxy-00051-00022893-00023392 But I was restrained, when I thought of the heroic and suffering Elizabeth, whom I tenderly iIAsQVeVVxy-00052-00023392-00023723 loved, and whose existence was bound up in mine. iIAsQVeVVxy-00053-00023723-00024256 I thought also of my father and surviving brother; should I by my base desertion leave iIAsQVeVVxy-00054-00024256-00024875 them exposed and unprotected to the malice of the fiend whom I had let loose among them? iIAsQVeVVxy-00055-00024875-00025370 At these moments I wept bitterly and wished that peace would revisit my mind only that iIAsQVeVVxy-00056-00025370-00025697 I might afford them consolation and happiness. iIAsQVeVVxy-00057-00025697-00025912 But that could not be. iIAsQVeVVxy-00058-00025912-00026157 Remorse extinguished every hope. iIAsQVeVVxy-00059-00026157-00026681 I had been the author of unalterable evils, and I lived in daily fear lest the monster iIAsQVeVVxy-00060-00026681-00027052 whom I had created should perpetrate some new wickedness. iIAsQVeVVxy-00061-00027052-00027600 I had an obscure feeling that all was not over and that he would still commit some signal iIAsQVeVVxy-00062-00027600-00028072 crime, which by its enormity should almost efface the recollection of the past. iIAsQVeVVxy-00063-00028072-00028583 There was always scope for fear so long as anything I loved remained behind. iIAsQVeVVxy-00064-00028583-00028975 My abhorrence of this fiend cannot be conceived. iIAsQVeVVxy-00065-00028975-00029452 When I thought of him I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed, and I ardently wished iIAsQVeVVxy-00066-00029452-00029885 to extinguish that life which I had so thoughtlessly bestowed. iIAsQVeVVxy-00067-00029885-00030389 When I reflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of iIAsQVeVVxy-00068-00030389-00030510 moderation. iIAsQVeVVxy-00069-00030510-00030978 I would have made a pilgrimage to the highest peak of the Andes, could I when there have iIAsQVeVVxy-00070-00030978-00031197 precipitated him to their base. iIAsQVeVVxy-00071-00031197-00031732 I wished to see him again, that I might wreak the utmost extent of abhorrence on his head iIAsQVeVVxy-00072-00031732-00032089 and avenge the deaths of William and Justine. iIAsQVeVVxy-00073-00032089-00032329 Our house was the house of mourning. iIAsQVeVVxy-00074-00032329-00032772 My father's health was deeply shaken by the horror of the recent events. iIAsQVeVVxy-00075-00032772-00033388 Elizabeth was sad and desponding; she no longer took delight in her ordinary occupations; iIAsQVeVVxy-00076-00033388-00034002 all pleasure seemed to her sacrilege toward the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought iIAsQVeVVxy-00077-00034002-00034563 was the just tribute she should pay to innocence so blasted and destroyed. iIAsQVeVVxy-00078-00034563-00034936 She was no longer that happy creature who in earlier youth wandered with me on the banks iIAsQVeVVxy-00079-00034936-00035336 of the lake and talked with ecstasy of our future prospects. iIAsQVeVVxy-00080-00035336-00035822 The first of those sorrows which are sent to wean us from the earth had visited her, iIAsQVeVVxy-00081-00035822-00036123 and its dimming influence quenched her dearest smiles. iIAsQVeVVxy-00082-00036123-00036896 "When I reflect, my dear cousin," said she, "on the miserable death of Justine Moritz, iIAsQVeVVxy-00083-00036896-00037372 I no longer see the world and its works as they before appeared to me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00084-00037372-00037822 Before, I looked upon the accounts of vice and injustice that I read in books or heard iIAsQVeVVxy-00085-00037822-00038447 from others as tales of ancient days or imaginary evils; at least they were remote and more iIAsQVeVVxy-00086-00038447-00039136 familiar to reason than to the imagination; but now misery has come home, and men appear iIAsQVeVVxy-00087-00039136-00039415 to me as monsters thirsting for each other's blood. iIAsQVeVVxy-00088-00039415-00039766 Yet I am certainly unjust. iIAsQVeVVxy-00089-00039766-00040187 Everybody believed that poor girl to be guilty; and if she could have committed the crime iIAsQVeVVxy-00090-00040187-00040717 for which she suffered, assuredly she would have been the most depraved of human creatures. iIAsQVeVVxy-00091-00040717-00041291 For the sake of a few jewels, to have murdered the son of her benefactor and friend, a child iIAsQVeVVxy-00092-00041291-00041850 whom she had nursed from its birth, and appeared to love as if it had been her own! iIAsQVeVVxy-00093-00041850-00042216 I could not consent to the death of any human being, but certainly I should have thought iIAsQVeVVxy-00094-00042216-00042553 such a creature unfit to remain in the society of men. iIAsQVeVVxy-00095-00042553-00042768 But she was innocent. iIAsQVeVVxy-00096-00042768-00043405 I know, I feel she was innocent; you are of the same opinion, and that confirms me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00097-00043405-00043505 Alas! iIAsQVeVVxy-00098-00043505-00044053 Victor, when falsehood can look so like the truth, who can assure themselves of certain iIAsQVeVVxy-00099-00044053-00044153 happiness? iIAsQVeVVxy-00100-00044153-00044593 I feel as if I were walking on the edge of a precipice, towards which thousands are crowding iIAsQVeVVxy-00101-00044593-00044942 and endeavouring to plunge me into the abyss. iIAsQVeVVxy-00102-00044942-00045456 William and Justine were assassinated, and the murderer escapes; he walks about the world iIAsQVeVVxy-00103-00045456-00045727 free, and perhaps respected. iIAsQVeVVxy-00104-00045727-00046205 But even if I were condemned to suffer on the scaffold for the same crimes, I would iIAsQVeVVxy-00105-00046205-00046489 not change places with such a wretch." iIAsQVeVVxy-00106-00046489-00046770 I listened to this discourse with the extremest agony. iIAsQVeVVxy-00107-00046770-00047118 I, not in deed, but in effect, was the true murderer. iIAsQVeVVxy-00108-00047118-00047752 Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my hand, said, "My dearest iIAsQVeVVxy-00109-00047752-00047944 friend, you must calm yourself. iIAsQVeVVxy-00110-00047944-00048396 These events have affected me, God knows how deeply; but I am not so wretched as you are. iIAsQVeVVxy-00111-00048396-00048842 There is an expression of despair, and sometimes of revenge, in your countenance that makes iIAsQVeVVxy-00112-00048842-00048970 me tremble. iIAsQVeVVxy-00113-00048970-00049355 Dear Victor, banish these dark passions. iIAsQVeVVxy-00114-00049355-00049720 Remember the friends around you, who centre all their hopes in you. iIAsQVeVVxy-00115-00049720-00049993 Have we lost the power of rendering you happy? iIAsQVeVVxy-00116-00049993-00050093 Ah! iIAsQVeVVxy-00117-00050093-00050784 While we love, while we are true to each other, here in this land of peace and beauty, your iIAsQVeVVxy-00118-00050784-00051528 native country, we may reap every tranquil blessing—what can disturb our peace?" iIAsQVeVVxy-00119-00051528-00051996 And could not such words from her whom I fondly prized before every other gift of fortune iIAsQVeVVxy-00120-00051996-00052450 suffice to chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart? iIAsQVeVVxy-00121-00052450-00053039 Even as she spoke I drew near to her, as if in terror, lest at that very moment the destroyer iIAsQVeVVxy-00122-00053039-00053327 had been near to rob me of her. iIAsQVeVVxy-00123-00053327-00053807 Thus not the tenderness of friendship, nor the beauty of earth, nor of heaven, could iIAsQVeVVxy-00124-00053807-00054270 redeem my soul from woe; the very accents of love were ineffectual. iIAsQVeVVxy-00125-00054270-00054783 I was encompassed by a cloud which no beneficial influence could penetrate. iIAsQVeVVxy-00126-00054783-00055295 The wounded deer dragging its fainting limbs to some untrodden brake, there to gaze upon iIAsQVeVVxy-00127-00055295-00055884 the arrow which had pierced it, and to die, was but a type of me. iIAsQVeVVxy-00128-00055884-00056345 Sometimes I could cope with the sullen despair that overwhelmed me, but sometimes the whirlwind iIAsQVeVVxy-00129-00056345-00056947 passions of my soul drove me to seek, by bodily exercise and by change of place, some relief iIAsQVeVVxy-00130-00056947-00057210 from my intolerable sensations. iIAsQVeVVxy-00131-00057210-00057702 It was during an access of this kind that I suddenly left my home, and bending my steps iIAsQVeVVxy-00132-00057702-00058254 towards the near Alpine valleys, sought in the magnificence, the eternity of such scenes, iIAsQVeVVxy-00133-00058254-00058834 to forget myself and my ephemeral, because human, sorrows. iIAsQVeVVxy-00134-00058834-00059133 My wanderings were directed towards the valley of Chamounix. iIAsQVeVVxy-00135-00059133-00059483 I had visited it frequently during my boyhood. iIAsQVeVVxy-00136-00059483-00060100 Six years had passed since then: I was a wreck, but nought had changed in those savage and iIAsQVeVVxy-00137-00060100-00060284 enduring scenes. iIAsQVeVVxy-00138-00060284-00060620 I performed the first part of my journey on horseback. iIAsQVeVVxy-00139-00060620-00061144 I afterwards hired a mule, as the more sure-footed and least liable to receive injury on these iIAsQVeVVxy-00140-00061144-00061332 rugged roads. iIAsQVeVVxy-00141-00061332-00061815 The weather was fine; it was about the middle of the month of August, nearly two months iIAsQVeVVxy-00142-00061815-00062337 after the death of Justine, that miserable epoch from which I dated all my woe. iIAsQVeVVxy-00143-00062337-00062932 The weight upon my spirit was sensibly lightened as I plunged yet deeper in the ravine of Arve. iIAsQVeVVxy-00144-00062932-00063387 The immense mountains and precipices that overhung me on every side, the sound of the iIAsQVeVVxy-00145-00063387-00063900 river raging among the rocks, and the dashing of the waterfalls around spoke of a power iIAsQVeVVxy-00146-00063900-00064491 mighty as Omnipotence—and I ceased to fear or to bend before any being less almighty iIAsQVeVVxy-00147-00064491-00065099 than that which had created and ruled the elements, here displayed in their most terrific iIAsQVeVVxy-00148-00065099-00065199 guise. iIAsQVeVVxy-00149-00065199-00065825 Still, as I ascended higher, the valley assumed a more magnificent and astonishing character. iIAsQVeVVxy-00150-00065825-00066400 Ruined castles hanging on the precipices of piny mountains, the impetuous Arve, and cottages iIAsQVeVVxy-00151-00066400-00066928 every here and there peeping forth from among the trees formed a scene of singular beauty. iIAsQVeVVxy-00152-00066928-00067404 But it was augmented and rendered sublime by the mighty Alps, whose white and shining iIAsQVeVVxy-00153-00067404-00067940 pyramids and domes towered above all, as belonging to another earth, the habitations of another iIAsQVeVVxy-00154-00067940-00068088 race of beings. iIAsQVeVVxy-00155-00068088-00068552 I passed the bridge of Pelissier, where the ravine, which the river forms, opened before iIAsQVeVVxy-00156-00068552-00068960 me, and I began to ascend the mountain that overhangs it. iIAsQVeVVxy-00157-00068960-00069254 Soon after, I entered the valley of Chamounix. iIAsQVeVVxy-00158-00069254-00069644 This valley is more wonderful and sublime, but not so beautiful and picturesque as that iIAsQVeVVxy-00159-00069644-00070006 of Servox, through which I had just passed. iIAsQVeVVxy-00160-00070006-00070471 The high and snowy mountains were its immediate boundaries, but I saw no more ruined castles iIAsQVeVVxy-00161-00070471-00070694 and fertile fields. iIAsQVeVVxy-00162-00070694-00071171 Immense glaciers approached the road; I heard the rumbling thunder of the falling avalanche iIAsQVeVVxy-00163-00071171-00071388 and marked the smoke of its passage. iIAsQVeVVxy-00164-00071388-00072029 Mont Blanc, the supreme and magnificent Mont Blanc, raised itself from the surrounding iIAsQVeVVxy-00165-00072029-00072410 aiguilles, and its tremendous dome overlooked the valley. iIAsQVeVVxy-00166-00072410-00072981 A tingling long-lost sense of pleasure often came across me during this journey. iIAsQVeVVxy-00167-00072981-00073494 Some turn in the road, some new object suddenly perceived and recognized, reminded me of days iIAsQVeVVxy-00168-00073494-00074037 gone by, and were associated with the lighthearted gaiety of boyhood. iIAsQVeVVxy-00169-00074037-00074698 The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more. iIAsQVeVVxy-00170-00074698-00075190 Then again the kindly influence ceased to act—I found myself fettered again to grief iIAsQVeVVxy-00171-00075190-00075474 and indulging in all the misery of reflection. iIAsQVeVVxy-00172-00075474-00076093 Then I spurred on my animal, striving so to forget the world, my fears, and more than iIAsQVeVVxy-00173-00076093-00076731 all, myself—or, in a more desperate fashion, I alighted and threw myself on the grass, iIAsQVeVVxy-00174-00076731-00077058 weighed down by horror and despair. iIAsQVeVVxy-00175-00077058-00077385 At length I arrived at the village of Chamounix. iIAsQVeVVxy-00176-00077385-00077881 Exhaustion succeeded to the extreme fatigue both of body and of mind which I had endured. iIAsQVeVVxy-00177-00077881-00078368 For a short space of time I remained at the window watching the pallid lightnings that iIAsQVeVVxy-00178-00078368-00078862 played above Mont Blanc and listening to the rushing of the Arve, which pursued its noisy iIAsQVeVVxy-00179-00078862-00079008 way beneath. iIAsQVeVVxy-00180-00079008-00079598 The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations; when I placed my iIAsQVeVVxy-00181-00079598-00080349 head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came and blessed the giver iIAsQVeVVxy-00182-00080349-00080440 of oblivion. iKP4VjvsyFM-00000-00000419-00000919 THE TRAGEDY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR SURVIVORS, OR TAPS, NEEDS A FEW GOOD MEN AND WOMEN TO iKP4VjvsyFM-00001-00000919-00001223 ASSIST WITH THEIR GOOD GRIEF MENTOR CAMP IN THE WASHINGTON D.C. iKP4VjvsyFM-00002-00001223-00001352 AREA. iKP4VjvsyFM-00003-00001352-00001753 TAPS MENTORS WILL HELP MILITARY CHILDREN WHO HAVE LOST A PARENT OR SIBLING GET THROUGH iKP4VjvsyFM-00004-00001753-00002117 A TOUGH TIME DURING A WEEKEND RETREAT OVER MEMORIAL DAY. iKP4VjvsyFM-00005-00002117-00002660 THE FREE 3 DAY, 2 NIGHT CAMP IS FILLED WITH TRADITIONAL AND MILITARY THEMED CAMP ACTIVITIES, iKP4VjvsyFM-00006-00002660-00002961 AS WELL AS GRIEF EDUCATION AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. iKP4VjvsyFM-00007-00002961-00003409 ALL ACTIVITIES ARE LED BY AN EXPERIENCED AND TRAINED GRIEF FACILITATOR AND EACH CHILD IS iKP4VjvsyFM-00008-00003409-00003589 MATCHED WITH A VOLUNTEER. iKP4VjvsyFM-00009-00003589-00003996 POTENTIAL MENTORS HAVE TO GO THROUGH A BACKGROUND CHECK AND MUST BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE ENTIRE iKP4VjvsyFM-00010-00003996-00004096 WEEKEND. iKP4VjvsyFM-00011-00004096-00004817 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER GO TO TAPS.ORG OR CALL 1-800-959-TAPS. iKP4VjvsyFM-00012-00004817-00005340 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JAMES STILIPEC iLkBWSpnGyI-00000-00000010-00000060 NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH iLkBWSpnGyI-00001-00000060-00000066 NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH iLkBWSpnGyI-00002-00000066-00000417 NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. iLkBWSpnGyI-00003-00000417-00000423 NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. iLkBWSpnGyI-00004-00000423-00000483 NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. FOR THE SIXTH CONSECUTIVE iLkBWSpnGyI-00005-00000483-00000490 JUSTIN PRINCE. FOR THE SIXTH CONSECUTIVE iLkBWSpnGyI-00006-00000490-00000563 JUSTIN PRINCE. FOR THE SIXTH CONSECUTIVE SEASON, THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY iLkBWSpnGyI-00007-00000563-00000570 FOR THE SIXTH CONSECUTIVE SEASON, THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY iLkBWSpnGyI-00008-00000570-00000633 FOR THE SIXTH CONSECUTIVE SEASON, THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS APPEARING IN THE WCHA iLkBWSpnGyI-00009-00000633-00000640 SEASON, THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS APPEARING IN THE WCHA iLkBWSpnGyI-00010-00000640-00000700 SEASON, THE BSU MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM IS APPEARING IN THE WCHA PLAYOFFS. iLkBWSpnGyI-00011-00000700-00000707 TEAM IS APPEARING IN THE WCHA PLAYOFFS. iLkBWSpnGyI-00012-00000707-00000860 TEAM IS APPEARING IN THE WCHA PLAYOFFS. BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00013-00000860-00000867 PLAYOFFS. BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00014-00000867-00000947 PLAYOFFS. BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE BEAVERS COME IN AS THE TOP SEED iLkBWSpnGyI-00015-00000947-00000954 BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE BEAVERS COME IN AS THE TOP SEED iLkBWSpnGyI-00016-00000954-00001184 BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE BEAVERS COME IN AS THE TOP SEED AFTER CLAIMING THE CONFERENCE'S iLkBWSpnGyI-00017-00001184-00001191 BEAVERS COME IN AS THE TOP SEED AFTER CLAIMING THE CONFERENCE'S iLkBWSpnGyI-00018-00001191-00001267 BEAVERS COME IN AS THE TOP SEED AFTER CLAIMING THE CONFERENCE'S REGULAR SEASON TITLE. iLkBWSpnGyI-00019-00001267-00001274 AFTER CLAIMING THE CONFERENCE'S REGULAR SEASON TITLE. iLkBWSpnGyI-00020-00001274-00001341 AFTER CLAIMING THE CONFERENCE'S REGULAR SEASON TITLE. TONIGHT THE WCHA QUARTERFINALS iLkBWSpnGyI-00021-00001341-00001348 REGULAR SEASON TITLE. TONIGHT THE WCHA QUARTERFINALS iLkBWSpnGyI-00022-00001348-00001418 REGULAR SEASON TITLE. TONIGHT THE WCHA QUARTERFINALS KICKED OFF WITH THE BEAVS iLkBWSpnGyI-00023-00001418-00001424 TONIGHT THE WCHA QUARTERFINALS KICKED OFF WITH THE BEAVS iLkBWSpnGyI-00024-00001424-00001831 TONIGHT THE WCHA QUARTERFINALS KICKED OFF WITH THE BEAVS HOSTING NORTHERN MICHIGAN. iLkBWSpnGyI-00025-00001831-00001838 KICKED OFF WITH THE BEAVS HOSTING NORTHERN MICHIGAN. iLkBWSpnGyI-00026-00001838-00002716 KICKED OFF WITH THE BEAVS HOSTING NORTHERN MICHIGAN. >> FIRST PERIOD, NO SCORE BEAVS iLkBWSpnGyI-00027-00002716-00002722 HOSTING NORTHERN MICHIGAN. >> FIRST PERIOD, NO SCORE BEAVS iLkBWSpnGyI-00028-00002722-00002836 HOSTING NORTHERN MICHIGAN. >> FIRST PERIOD, NO SCORE BEAVS ON THE POWER PLAY. iLkBWSpnGyI-00029-00002836-00002842 >> FIRST PERIOD, NO SCORE BEAVS ON THE POWER PLAY. iLkBWSpnGyI-00030-00002842-00002926 >> FIRST PERIOD, NO SCORE BEAVS ON THE POWER PLAY. A BEAUTY. iLkBWSpnGyI-00031-00002926-00002932 ON THE POWER PLAY. A BEAUTY. iLkBWSpnGyI-00032-00002932-00003063 ON THE POWER PLAY. A BEAUTY. STILL NO SCORE, OVER A MINUTE iLkBWSpnGyI-00033-00003063-00003069 A BEAUTY. STILL NO SCORE, OVER A MINUTE iLkBWSpnGyI-00034-00003069-00003203 A BEAUTY. STILL NO SCORE, OVER A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND PERIOD, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00035-00003203-00003209 STILL NO SCORE, OVER A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND PERIOD, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00036-00003209-00003396 STILL NO SCORE, OVER A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND PERIOD, AND BEAVERS ON THE ODD MAN RUSH, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00037-00003396-00003403 INTO THE SECOND PERIOD, AND BEAVERS ON THE ODD MAN RUSH, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00038-00003403-00003646 INTO THE SECOND PERIOD, AND BEAVERS ON THE ODD MAN RUSH, AND LIGHTS THE RAMP, AND BSU GOES UP iLkBWSpnGyI-00039-00003646-00003653 BEAVERS ON THE ODD MAN RUSH, AND LIGHTS THE RAMP, AND BSU GOES UP iLkBWSpnGyI-00040-00003653-00003883 BEAVERS ON THE ODD MAN RUSH, AND LIGHTS THE RAMP, AND BSU GOES UP ONE, AND LATER IN THE SECOND, iLkBWSpnGyI-00041-00003883-00003890 LIGHTS THE RAMP, AND BSU GOES UP ONE, AND LATER IN THE SECOND, iLkBWSpnGyI-00042-00003890-00004097 LIGHTS THE RAMP, AND BSU GOES UP ONE, AND LATER IN THE SECOND, BSU BACK ON THE POWER PLAY, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00043-00004097-00004104 ONE, AND LATER IN THE SECOND, BSU BACK ON THE POWER PLAY, AND iLkBWSpnGyI-00044-00004104-00004267 ONE, AND LATER IN THE SECOND, BSU BACK ON THE POWER PLAY, AND FIRES THE ONE TIMER INTO THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00045-00004267-00004274 BSU BACK ON THE POWER PLAY, AND FIRES THE ONE TIMER INTO THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00046-00004274-00004781 BSU BACK ON THE POWER PLAY, AND FIRES THE ONE TIMER INTO THE BACK OF THE NET, AND 2-0BEAVS. iLkBWSpnGyI-00047-00004781-00004788 FIRES THE ONE TIMER INTO THE BACK OF THE NET, AND 2-0BEAVS. iLkBWSpnGyI-00048-00004788-00005058 FIRES THE ONE TIMER INTO THE BACK OF THE NET, AND 2-0BEAVS. ONE MOREOVER 12 1/2 INTO THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00049-00005058-00005065 BACK OF THE NET, AND 2-0BEAVS. ONE MOREOVER 12 1/2 INTO THE iLkBWSpnGyI-00050-00005065-00005392 BACK OF THE NET, AND 2-0BEAVS. ONE MOREOVER 12 1/2 INTO THE PERIOD, AND TAKE THE 3-0 LEAD, iLkBWSpnGyI-00051-00005392-00005398 ONE MOREOVER 12 1/2 INTO THE PERIOD, AND TAKE THE 3-0 LEAD, iLkBWSpnGyI-00052-00005398-00005618 ONE MOREOVER 12 1/2 INTO THE PERIOD, AND TAKE THE 3-0 LEAD, AND THAT WOULD BE ALL THEY WOULD iLkBWSpnGyI-00053-00005618-00005625 PERIOD, AND TAKE THE 3-0 LEAD, AND THAT WOULD BE ALL THEY WOULD iLkBWSpnGyI-00054-00005625-00005685 PERIOD, AND TAKE THE 3-0 LEAD, AND THAT WOULD BE ALL THEY WOULD NEED AS THEY SHUT OUT NORTHERN ip2GL2F6yrc-00000-00000056-00000528 20 minutes between meetings is not enough. you know, i just need more ip2GL2F6yrc-00001-00000528-00001120 than that. usually, i might take over an hour, in some cases but 20 minutes, ip2GL2F6yrc-00002-00001192-00001752 just barely enough time for anything, especially a session. ipSjW3ciy0U-00000-00000000-00000140 No subtitules iQMAGJOnB6k-00000-00000000-00000200 wrs - Dalia iRmIGj1hwlc-00000-00000014-00000248 Hey, Nicole here from Shape It Up. iRmIGj1hwlc-00001-00000248-00000852 It has been a while since I have done a Journey To The Stage episode and I wanted to explain iRmIGj1hwlc-00002-00000852-00001105 why. iRmIGj1hwlc-00003-00001105-00001445 I guess the last one I did was probably the beginning of June and it's now the middle iRmIGj1hwlc-00004-00001445-00001878 of July. iRmIGj1hwlc-00005-00001878-00002798 We went on vacation to Disney for two weeks and the week before that was craziness. iRmIGj1hwlc-00006-00002798-00003219 We were running around with birthday parties and all kinds of stuff. iRmIGj1hwlc-00007-00003219-00003738 So we were down on vacation for two weeks and then when I got back, I got sick. iRmIGj1hwlc-00008-00003738-00004369 I got really sick and I am glad I wasn't sick when I was down there. iRmIGj1hwlc-00009-00004369-00004840 It started when we got on the plane and it just went downhill from there. iRmIGj1hwlc-00010-00004840-00005246 I was sick for a good week, out of commission-not good. iRmIGj1hwlc-00011-00005246-00005903 I slept a lot and you can tell my voice is still kind of scratchy from it and the next iRmIGj1hwlc-00012-00005903-00006687 week I took to kind of ramp back up into what I was doing and then this past Sunday something iRmIGj1hwlc-00013-00006687-00006861 didn't feel so good in my knee. iRmIGj1hwlc-00014-00006861-00007286 I think that something is going on with my knee. iRmIGj1hwlc-00015-00007286-00007672 I have an idea just from my physical therapy background what it is so I'm going to hold iRmIGj1hwlc-00016-00007672-00008250 off on going to the doctor and just do the recommendations that I know to take care of iRmIGj1hwlc-00017-00008250-00008402 it and we'll see what happens. iRmIGj1hwlc-00018-00008402-00008784 This week I am getting back into my workout. iRmIGj1hwlc-00019-00008784-00009413 When I did my workouts last week, I felt really really weak (that's not a feeling I like but iRmIGj1hwlc-00020-00009413-00009513 it is what it is). iRmIGj1hwlc-00021-00009513-00009831 My new goal now is to hit the stage in September. iRmIGj1hwlc-00022-00009831-00010105 Originally it was going to be at the end of July but like I had said, I knew we were going iRmIGj1hwlc-00023-00010105-00010714 away and it is really hard to eat at Disney when you are trying to prep, especially for iRmIGj1hwlc-00024-00010714-00010814 two weeks. iRmIGj1hwlc-00025-00010814-00011059 If it had been a week, it might have been different. iRmIGj1hwlc-00026-00011059-00011626 Yes, you are walking a lot of Disney but it does not counterbalance food and it's not iRmIGj1hwlc-00027-00011626-00012013 like I overate or anything, it's just there's a lot of salt in the food, there's a lot of iRmIGj1hwlc-00028-00012013-00012372 fat in the food, and there's a lot of sugar in the foods. iRmIGj1hwlc-00029-00012372-00013003 My new date is the end of September and hell or high water I'm going to be stepping on iRmIGj1hwlc-00030-00013003-00013156 that stage. iRmIGj1hwlc-00031-00013156-00013694 You know the funny thing about goals is sometimes they are not exactly on the same timeline iRmIGj1hwlc-00032-00013694-00013940 that you want them to be. iRmIGj1hwlc-00033-00013940-00014340 This has been an extended goal for me because originally I was supposed to go on stage May iRmIGj1hwlc-00034-00014340-00014454 19th. iRmIGj1hwlc-00035-00014454-00014621 I am fine with it. iRmIGj1hwlc-00036-00014621-00015612 I could get my body to where it needs to be for stage-readiness but in order for me to iRmIGj1hwlc-00037-00015612-00015962 do that I would have to do some things that are not healthy and they're not good for my iRmIGj1hwlc-00038-00015962-00016576 body so I would rather stay healthy and just extend it a little bit longer so we'll see iRmIGj1hwlc-00039-00016576-00016676 what happens. iRmIGj1hwlc-00040-00016676-00017217 Like I said, the end of September is now my new goal date. iRmIGj1hwlc-00041-00017217-00017815 I probably won't do too many videos in the next month or so, at least on the Journey iRmIGj1hwlc-00042-00017815-00017915 To The Stage. iRmIGj1hwlc-00043-00017915-00018512 In September I'll definitely do some videos so you can see videos of this competition. iRmIGj1hwlc-00044-00018512-00019093 For those of you who don't know what's going on, I am training for a competition, a fitness iRmIGj1hwlc-00045-00019093-00019314 competition in the bikini division. iRmIGj1hwlc-00046-00019314-00019976 I am over 40 and actually I'll be 45 by the time I step on the stage. iRmIGj1hwlc-00047-00019976-00020357 As far as Shape It Up is concerned, I do have some great videos coming out. iRmIGj1hwlc-00048-00020357-00020723 I have an outdoor workout coming out that you can do on the playground. iRmIGj1hwlc-00049-00020723-00021279 I have some other cool workouts coming out that you can do at home and I also have some iRmIGj1hwlc-00050-00021279-00022154 new videos coming out on how to stay slim in the summer and also some videos on cheat iRmIGj1hwlc-00051-00022154-00022254 meals. iRmIGj1hwlc-00052-00022254-00022802 So if you are into that, go ahead and hit that subscribe button below and you'll get iRmIGj1hwlc-00053-00022802-00023068 notified of when the next Shape It Up video is out. iRmIGj1hwlc-00054-00023068-00023493 You can also go to my website shapeitupfitness.com and get on my email list. iRmIGj1hwlc-00055-00023493-00024218 All you have to do is go into any of the options that I have on any of the pages. iRmIGj1hwlc-00056-00024218-00024673 So that is all for me today remember to Get Fit, Be Fierce and Have No Limits and I'll iRmIGj1hwlc-00057-00024673-00024773 see you in the next video. iRmIGj1hwlc-00058-00024773-00024774 Bye. iRMQNflkAb4-00000-00001000-00002100 First Indian PM who takes spontaneous questions with pre-scripted answers: Rahul Gandhi takes a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi iRMQNflkAb4-00001-00002200-00003500 Congress president Rahul Gandhi said that while Prime Minister Narendra Modi claims to take “spontaneous” questions, his translator already has “pre-scripted answers” for them. iRMQNflkAb4-00002-00003600-00006300 Rahul Gandhi vs Narendra Modi First Indian PM who takes spontaneous questions with pre-scripted answers: Rahul Gandhi takes a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi Congress president Rahul Gandhi said that while Prime Minister Narendra Modi claims to take “spontaneous” questions, his translator already has “pre-scripted answers” for them. iRMQNflkAb4-00003-00006400-00007800 Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Monday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the latter’s recent interaction at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. iRMQNflkAb4-00004-00007900-00009900 It so happened at the event that Prime Minister answered a question from the audience on 21st century belonging to Asia in Hindi, and when his translator gave the answer in English, she spoke several lines that were not part of Modi’s statement. iRMQNflkAb4-00005-00010000-00011800 Sharing a video of the interaction on microblogging site Twitter, the Congress president said that while Prime Minister Modi claims to take “spontaneous” questions, his translator already has “pre-scripted answers” for them. iRMQNflkAb4-00006-00011900-00013800 The first Indian PM who takes spontaneous questions that the translator has pre-scripted answers to! Rahul Gandhi tweeted, “The first Indian PM who takes spontaneous questions that the translator has pre-scripted answers to! Good that he doesnt take real questions. iRMQNflkAb4-00007-00013900-00015400 Would have been a real embarrassment to us all if he did.” Here’s what Prime Minister Modi said: “21st century belongs to Asia. The biggest challenge is whether we the people of Asia feel it or not. iRMQNflkAb4-00008-00015500-00016600 Are we just getting happy listening to it, or is the feeling getting developed within that yes, we have to make 21st century the century of Asia. iRMQNflkAb4-00009-00016700-00017600 Even today, we are so influenced by other parts of the world, because we have spent that life for a long time. iRMQNflkAb4-00011-00021500-00022600 Asia has seen the maximum rise in prosperity, opportunity and freedom in the world. Japan led the economy, Asian tigers followed. iRMQNflkAb4-00012-00022700-00024600 China has become a major economy and it is Indias turn to sustain progress now. Yet Asia has many common challenges. South East Asia in particular has similar strength and opportunities, weakness and challenges. iRMQNflkAb4-00014-00028200-00029400 These challenges require collaboration among.” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had also taken a dig at Prime Minister Modi over the video, calling it “hilarious”. iS7O3EW8uZA-00000-00000224-00000715 This is Donnie Maass a nine-year-old high-functioning autistic savant from New York iS7O3EW8uZA-00001-00001401-00001953 You'll know that this picture was taken before he was subjected to experimental therapy in which a tweaked iS7O3EW8uZA-00002-00001988-00002755 retrovirus rewrote certain critical genes linked to his condition. Basically we hoped to cure his autism by rewriting his code at the molecular level iS7O3EW8uZA-00003-00002899-00003234 This is Donnie Maass eight weeks after the onset of gene therapy. iS7O3EW8uZA-00004-00003302-00003975 This discoloration is not anemia. Donnie's blood volume actually increased by seven percent since the first picture was taken iS7O3EW8uZA-00005-00004034-00004189 but he had begun to iS7O3EW8uZA-00006-00004189-00004803 redistribute the blood volume away from the peripheral tissues and sequestered deep in the core for reasons that were at that time iS7O3EW8uZA-00007-00004803-00004853 that time anyway iS7O3EW8uZA-00008-00004853-00005353 unknown and while this bloodless complexion is Donny's most obvious physical symptom there were others iS7O3EW8uZA-00009-00005401-00005727 including marked recession of the gum line that you can see here and iS7O3EW8uZA-00010-00005785-00006402 Increased reflectivity of the retina reminiscent of the tapetum lucidum found in the eyes of cats and other nocturnal predators iS7O3EW8uZA-00011-00006428-00006634 We also noticed behavioral changes iS7O3EW8uZA-00012-00006673-00007417 Donnie exhibited increased activity levels during the night time and began sleeping during the day and during sleep his metabolic rate quite alarmingly fell to iS7O3EW8uZA-00013-00007417-00007636 about half of what it should have been for a child of that age iS7O3EW8uZA-00014-00007770-00007970 perhaps most disturbingly, iS7O3EW8uZA-00015-00008014-00008612 psychological testing revealed an increasing lack of affect and reduced responses to emotionally charged stimuli iS7O3EW8uZA-00016-00008666-00009198 when shown photos of people mutilated during car accidents or homeland security interviews, for example iS7O3EW8uZA-00017-00009242-00009836 Donnie’s skin conductivity and ECG were scarcely different from when he was shown neutral pictures such as landscapes or still lifes iS7O3EW8uZA-00018-00009860-00010339 We would have liked to pursue this aspect further and had in fact arranged for a series of MRIs iS7O3EW8uZA-00019-00010382-00011032 but Donnie's parents withdrew permission at the last moment after one of our technicians accidentally left the slideshow iS7O3EW8uZA-00020-00011087-00011287 running during visiting hours iS7O3EW8uZA-00021-00011330-00011928 Suffice to say based on the data we did collect Donnie was developing the behavioural symptoms of a clinical psychopath iS7O3EW8uZA-00022-00012008-00012756 He was scoring progressively higher on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist and his empathy quotient, which was pretty low to begin with, began dropping even further iS7O3EW8uZA-00023-00012838-00013587 At around the same time his performance on general pattern matching and logic test began going through the roof and his numerical hyper performance iS7O3EW8uZA-00024-00013587-00014066 which had always been limited to the calculation of primes began manifesting in other areas as well iS7O3EW8uZA-00025-00014121-00014637 Donny was suddenly able to perform calendar tricks and he developed a real facility for calculus, for example. iS7O3EW8uZA-00026-00014716-00015263 Unfortunately, we were never able to assess the ultimate extent of his abilities since around the eleven week mark iS7O3EW8uZA-00027-00015263-00015797 He grew increasingly uncooperative with our research staff and at times became quite violent iS7O3EW8uZA-00028-00016104-00016670 This is Donnie just prior to autopsy 16 weeks after the onset of therapy iS7O3EW8uZA-00029-00016701-00017144 The gumline recession has become unmistakably pronounced as has the skin pallor iS7O3EW8uZA-00030-00017211-00017413 although the fact that Donnie is iS7O3EW8uZA-00031-00017475-00017675 dead may be a factor here as well iS7O3EW8uZA-00032-00017712-00017953 The rictus reflects Donnie's condition at death iS7O3EW8uZA-00033-00017954-00018737 In fact, he died following the onset of sudden violent convulsions, which strongly resembled grand mal seizures. Now like epilepsy iS7O3EW8uZA-00034-00018804-00019159 these seizures appear to have been provoked by some critical visual stimulus iS7O3EW8uZA-00035-00019194-00019798 but he wasn't watching any flashing or strobing lights when the convulsions begin. He was viewing a multimedia display iS7O3EW8uZA-00036-00019798-00020179 we'd used for psychological testing many times before without any problems iS7O3EW8uZA-00037-00020273-00020842 Looking back he had grown increasingly reluctant to use the display in the days prior to his iS7O3EW8uZA-00038-00020940-00021506 complications and this might have suggested some kind of aversive reaction building over time iS7O3EW8uZA-00039-00021570-00022183 Back then of course, we quite reasonably assumed that this was just part and parcel of his increasing overall belligerence iS7O3EW8uZA-00040-00022254-00022784 and there was no reason to expect that strapping him down, pinning his eyes open and forcing him to watch the display iS7O3EW8uZA-00041-00022797-00022989 would have had such iS7O3EW8uZA-00042-00022989-00023172 dramatic results iS7O3EW8uZA-00043-00023172-00023416 Hindsight, as they say, is is 20/20 iS7O3EW8uZA-00044-00023510-00023755 At any rate, this is the multimedia panel iS7O3EW8uZA-00045-00023756-00024353 that provoked Donny's difficulties. As it turns out, it wasn't so much the pictures themselves as the darkness between them iS7O3EW8uZA-00046-00024378-00024578 that was the source of the problem iS7O3EW8uZA-00047-00024597-00025141 Now it is important not to lose sight of the fact that while these side effects were iS7O3EW8uZA-00048-00025176-00025637 rather extreme, the therapy did in fact cure Donny's autism. iS7O3EW8uZA-00049-00025662-00026104 It would therefore be needlessly pessimistic to describe our preliminary work as a failure iS7O3EW8uZA-00050-00026172-00026392 Especially since even the side effects themselves iS7O3EW8uZA-00051-00026483-00027076 while admittedly fatal did result in some profoundly important findings that I'll be sharing with you today iS7O3EW8uZA-00052-00027276-00027937 Autopsy revealed a number of significant findings of both gross and microscopic levels. Capillary beds were forming in the body core iS7O3EW8uZA-00053-00027983-00028652 Now we all have these, the digestive system is highly vascularized to facilitate nutrient transport from the intestine into the bloodstream iS7O3EW8uZA-00054-00028698-00029174 But Donny was developing capillary meshes that didn't interface with any actual organs iS7O3EW8uZA-00055-00029233-00029433 They seem to function solely as reservoirs iS7O3EW8uZA-00056-00029480-00029680 to keep the blood sequestered in the core iS7O3EW8uZA-00057-00029818-00030123 Tissue levels of adenosine triphosphate we're elevated, ATP is the iS7O3EW8uZA-00058-00030164-00030808 chemical battery that powers the cell and this would explain the abnormal strength and stamina that Donnie displayed during his final iS7O3EW8uZA-00059-00030908-00031108 belligerent days iS7O3EW8uZA-00060-00031130-00031692 Blood work turned up high concentrations of Leuenkephalin, an opioid peptide found in animals iS7O3EW8uZA-00061-00031693-00031936 like bears and squirrels where it is involved in hibernation iS7O3EW8uZA-00062-00032132-00032730 Donnie's immune system also showed unusual resistance to prionic diseases like Creuzfeld-Jakob, mad cow disease if you will iS7O3EW8uZA-00063-00032783-00033381 Such resistance is usually found only in cannibalistic cultures, cannibals are a high risk group when it comes to prions iS7O3EW8uZA-00064-00033503-00033720 Donnie's amygdala and his visual cortex iS7O3EW8uZA-00065-00033794-00034479 essentially the pattern-matching wetware at the back of the head were 7% and 13% larger than they should have been respectively iS7O3EW8uZA-00066-00034559-00035233 Synaptic interconnections between the anterior cingulate gyrus and the rest of the brain were much lower than normal almost as if the core of the iS7O3EW8uZA-00067-00035233-00035472 brain were being isolated from the neocortex iS7O3EW8uZA-00068-00035608-00035928 We also discovered some very unusual wiring in the retina iS7O3EW8uZA-00069-00035962-00036520 Now some of you may know that ourselves or our eye eyes rather contain whole arrays of specialized receptor cells iS7O3EW8uZA-00070-00036550-00037218 Some fire only when they see light and shadow in conjunction, some fire only when they see horizontal lines, horizons and so on iS7O3EW8uZA-00071-00037277-00038010 In Donnie's case the receptors that respond to horizontal lines had somehow become cross wired with those that responded to vertical ones iS7O3EW8uZA-00072-00038072-00038283 when both sets of receptors fired simultaneously iS7O3EW8uZA-00073-00038326-00039080 in a very specific way, that is when intersecting right angles occupied more than 30 degrees of visual arc, a sort of iS7O3EW8uZA-00074-00039158-00039912 neuroelectrical overload occurred in the visual cortex. This was what had caused Donnie's adverse reaction to the cross imagery on the display iS7O3EW8uZA-00075-00040132-00040332 What the hell was happening here? iS7O3EW8uZA-00076-00040406-00040939 Well our best guess was that gene therapy had somehow kick-started part of Donnie's so-called junk DNA iS7O3EW8uZA-00077-00041046-00041590 Activating a suite of ancient genes which haven't expressed for somewhere on the order of a few hundred thousand years iS7O3EW8uZA-00078-00041660-00042232 But these were not just random accidental glitches. This was a complete interacting set of iS7O3EW8uZA-00079-00042268-00042728 ancestral traits systemically affecting everything from the GI tract to the central nervous system iS7O3EW8uZA-00080-00042750-00043256 Now you're all familiar with the hoary old cliches about the beast within or monsters from the id iS7O3EW8uZA-00081-00043314-00043722 It appears that the psychoanalysts might have actually guessed right on this one. iS7O3EW8uZA-00082-00043750-00043962 Donnie appeared to be in the process iS7O3EW8uZA-00083-00043962-00044174 of turning into a completely different organism iS7O3EW8uZA-00084-00044235-00044521 something that might even qualify as a different subspecies iS7O3EW8uZA-00085-00044670-00044862 Donnie's death proved iS7O3EW8uZA-00086-00044862-00045041 somewhat problematic to the research iS7O3EW8uZA-00087-00045041-00045398 Our postmortem work was severely hampered by his next of kin iS7O3EW8uZA-00088-00045434-00045894 who in their grief-stricken state seemed to hold us in some way responsible for his death iS7O3EW8uZA-00089-00045962-00046570 Despite our best efforts, they refused to release the body for further research and our attempts at court action were hamstrung by iS7O3EW8uZA-00090-00046650-00047012 a judicial system that really tends to value motherhood issues over iS7O3EW8uZA-00091-00047079-00047208 science iS7O3EW8uZA-00092-00047208-00047720 We were ultimately able to serve Donny's parents with an emergency injunction compelling them to relinquish the body iS7O3EW8uZA-00093-00047766-00048004 But by that time unfortunately, the remains had been cremated iS7O3EW8uZA-00094-00048162-00048362 But all was not lost iS7O3EW8uZA-00095-00048369-00049058 Donnie was far from a unique individual. The genes responsible for his transformation are widely spread amongst the population iS7O3EW8uZA-00096-00049058-00049435 They're just dormant in most of us and it turns out that in certain cases iS7O3EW8uZA-00097-00049436-00050039 Some of these genes do express spontaneously. It was looking increasingly possible that psychopathy iS7O3EW8uZA-00098-00050094-00050347 Autism, certain types of schizophrenia to name but a few iS7O3EW8uZA-00099-00050347-00051055 Might arise at least partly from the partial expression of these genes albeit in a very broken and rudimentary form iS7O3EW8uZA-00100-00051195-00051590 Sociopaths and savantes show us one or two bits of this hidden subspecies iS7O3EW8uZA-00101-00051615-00052270 Donnie showed us many more traits manifesting together, although even he was still a few bricks short of an operational prototype iS7O3EW8uZA-00102-00052383-00052885 but if we could awaken these traits and if the genes were present in other people iS7O3EW8uZA-00103-00052950-00053570 Who knew how much more we could discover with access to a large sample of human subjects under controlled conditions? iS7O3EW8uZA-00104-00053679-00054053 Well, we applied for funding from a number of sources including NSERC iS7O3EW8uZA-00105-00054126-00054616 SSHRC, the Department of National Defense, and the Wellness Foundation of the West Edmonton Mall. iS7O3EW8uZA-00106-00054738-00055160 Unfortunately, Canada's federal policy is not what you would describe as science friendly iS7O3EW8uZA-00107-00055248-00055817 Everyone turned us down generally using some excuse along the outlines that our human subject protocols iS7O3EW8uZA-00108-00055840-00056050 violated so-called ethical standards iS7O3EW8uZA-00109-00056139-00056501 We then sought funding in the U.S. Specifically the state of Texas iS7O3EW8uZA-00110-00056587-00057146 Which routinely incarcerates large numbers of people under conditions suitable for experimentation iS7O3EW8uZA-00111-00057235-00057938 Even here we encountered some resistance from the so called Family Values Lobby. However, we were willing to stipulate contractually iS7O3EW8uZA-00112-00058000-00058526 that our research did not involve the use of any fetal tissue, unfertilized OVA or seminal ejaculate and iS7O3EW8uZA-00113-00058560-00058940 That our study is in no way promoted or contributed to the spread of information regarding iS7O3EW8uZA-00114-00059058-00059537 contraception, sexually transmitted diseases or the teaching of evolutionary principles iS7O3EW8uZA-00115-00059647-00060263 This last item of course was a bit tricky as the entire project was of course focused on issues of hominid evolution iS7O3EW8uZA-00116-00060366-00061007 But at the same time we were talking about proprietary information that we weren't about to publicize anyway until the patents had been locked down iS7O3EW8uZA-00117-00061141-00061655 Understanding this the state of Texas gave us unfettered access to their population of death row inmates iS7O3EW8uZA-00118-00061695-00062315 Which of course already contained a large proportion of pre-selected sociopaths and developmentally challenged individuals iS7O3EW8uZA-00119-00062441-00062810 Now you can't conduct a proper scientific experiment without controls iS7O3EW8uZA-00120-00062872-00063522 We also needed the population of normal baseline individuals against whom our experimental subjects could be compared iS7O3EW8uZA-00121-00063600-00063902 We tried some discreet advertisements in the local media iS7O3EW8uZA-00122-00063927-00064277 These turned up very little in the way of volunteers iS7O3EW8uZA-00123-00064326-00065006 But once again the Texas penal system came to our aid. As it turns out a large number of convicts showed no iS7O3EW8uZA-00124-00065041-00065663 sociopathic pathological tendencies whatsoever. In fact many of them were not even guilty of any actual crimes iS7O3EW8uZA-00125-00065751-00065907 They had however iS7O3EW8uZA-00126-00065907-00066557 Been incarcerated under conditions identical with those of true sociopaths and this made them an ideal and ready-made control group iS7O3EW8uZA-00127-00066673-00066948 From here on in our research proceeded by leaps and bounds iS7O3EW8uZA-00128-00066991-00067512 We did of course encounter the inevitable setbacks that are a part of pushing back any frontier iS7O3EW8uZA-00129-00067567-00068015 but we were ultimately able to activate most of the genes of this long-lost and iS7O3EW8uZA-00130-00068086-00068558 unsuspected branch of the hominid family tree. In fact not to put too fine a point on it iS7O3EW8uZA-00131-00068592-00068920 We were actually able to resurrect from baseline humans iS7O3EW8uZA-00132-00068973-00069584 something close to our long-lost cousins, and so learn a great deal about what they were and where they came from iS7O3EW8uZA-00133-00069774-00070193 We're dealing with a short-lived offshoot of the human race that arose somewhere between iS7O3EW8uZA-00134-00070230-00070664 Four and five hundred thousand years before present and which died out only recently iS7O3EW8uZA-00135-00070722-00071213 Taxonomists are divided on what exactly to call this creature some say that it's a whole new species iS7O3EW8uZA-00136-00071253-00071500 Others point out it obviously interbred with us iS7O3EW8uZA-00137-00071501-00071947 so there was never complete reproductive isolation a few little old ladies down in the corner say iS7O3EW8uZA-00138-00071961-00072536 We shouldn't give these guys any kind of special status that they were basically just a bunch of cannibals with a consistent set of deformities iS7O3EW8uZA-00139-00072567-00072917 And you don't classify down syndromes people as a separate species iS7O3EW8uZA-00140-00073005-00073268 I'm taking the middle road here. I'm calling it a subspecies iS7O3EW8uZA-00141-00073332-00073733 Here's some of the suggested names currently under consideration by the Linnaean society iS7O3EW8uZA-00142-00073733-00074021 I don't know if any of them have actually been decided upon yet iS7O3EW8uZA-00143-00074247-00074981 External diagnostic features are actually pretty subtle both because vampires never lasted long enough to diverge greatly from the human baseline and iS7O3EW8uZA-00144-00075009-00075259 Also because natural selection is going to promote iS7O3EW8uZA-00145-00075294-00075859 A superficial similarity if you hunt people for a living it really helps to be able to blend in with your prey iS7O3EW8uZA-00146-00075927-00076612 The most radical differences between them and us are neurological and digestive, soft tissue stuff that doesn't fossilize well iS7O3EW8uZA-00147-00076684-00077072 This is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to identify these creatures in the fossil record iS7O3EW8uZA-00148-00077114-00077656 The other reason of course being that they sat on the very peak of the food pyramid and were therefore limited to a very small iS7O3EW8uZA-00149-00077672-00077976 population size even at their most abundant. iS7O3EW8uZA-00150-00077976-00078758 Nonetheless. There are some statistically significant differences between vampires and basslines, vampires tend to be taller and longer limbed than humans iS7O3EW8uZA-00151-00078782-00079530 There's a slight but distinct extension of the mandible and of course with canines the classic fangs of the predatory grip and tear feeding mode iS7O3EW8uZA-00152-00079554-00079932 Although this wasn't quite as pronounced as the popular mythology would have you believe iS7O3EW8uZA-00153-00080030-00080406 the tapetum lucidum as I mentioned before enhances night vision by iS7O3EW8uZA-00154-00080472-00080916 Increasing the reflectivity of the retina, vampires also have a quadrochromatic vision iS7O3EW8uZA-00155-00080960-00081604 While we humans have only three types of cones in our eyes vampires have four, the fourth being tuned to near-infrared iS7O3EW8uZA-00156-00081696-00082054 pit vipers and cats have similar structures in their eyes iS7O3EW8uZA-00157-00082180-00082566 Motor nerve axons almost twice as thick of those of conventional humans iS7O3EW8uZA-00158-00082566-00082895 hence faster signal transmission faster reflexes iS7O3EW8uZA-00159-00082914-00083396 A vampire could literally a snatch a speck out of your eye before you had time to blink iS7O3EW8uZA-00160-00083524-00083732 Now, here we're getting into the central nervous system iS7O3EW8uZA-00161-00083732-00084152 And this is where the difference is between them on us really show up. The corpus callosum is iS7O3EW8uZA-00162-00084207-00084425 20% larger in vampires than in humans iS7O3EW8uZA-00163-00084547-00084897 High-speed broadband communication between hemispheres is what we're talking about iS7O3EW8uZA-00164-00085012-00085517 Interneuron density, cortical folding, and lamination are all way above normal particularly in the visual cortex iS7O3EW8uZA-00165-00085582-00086027 These creatures have pattern matching skills far in excess of the human norm iS7O3EW8uZA-00166-00086027-00086459 You may remember the savants from movies like Rain Man and the Oliver Saks' books iS7O3EW8uZA-00167-00086530-00087114 They can play complex piano arrangements after a single listening or predict the day of the week that your birthday will fall on iS7O3EW8uZA-00168-00087162-00087362 Every year for the next thousand years iS7O3EW8uZA-00169-00087430-00087866 Now any of us could perform those calculations if we had to iS7O3EW8uZA-00170-00087900-00088350 painstakingly referring to our calendars and correcting for leap years and working out each year in turn iS7O3EW8uZA-00171-00088399-00088749 And you might think that savants simply do that faster than we do iS7O3EW8uZA-00172-00088833-00088977 No iS7O3EW8uZA-00173-00088977-00089603 Savants don't do those calculations at all. There is no process by which they work out their solutions iS7O3EW8uZA-00174-00089604-00090095 They simply see them fully formed, laid out instantly. They do not have to think about it consciously at all iS7O3EW8uZA-00175-00090151-00090554 Now you can do the same thing in a very limited sense. If I show you one marble iS7O3EW8uZA-00176-00090555-00090809 You don't have to count it to know how many there are iS7O3EW8uZA-00177-00090886-00091299 Two or three marbles, same thing. You don't have to count. You just see, you just know iS7O3EW8uZA-00178-00091398-00092038 But if I showed you ten or twenty marbles, you'd have to consciously tally them up one at a time. Savants don't. iS7O3EW8uZA-00179-00092092-00092654 When they're in their groove, they see everything; days of the week, 10-digit primes, you name it. Instantly iS7O3EW8uZA-00180-00092818-00093347 Now savants generally manifest broken, barely functional fragments of the vampire genotype iS7O3EW8uZA-00181-00093348-00093657 So most of them can only do this for one or two so called splinter skills iS7O3EW8uZA-00182-00093714-00094046 Real vampires were omnisavants. Their groove iS7O3EW8uZA-00183-00094102-00094682 Extended to pretty much every logical and pattern-matching dimension known to man and more besides. iS7O3EW8uZA-00184-00094682-00095368 Now these creatures are insanely smart by human standards and this leads to some very intriguing commercial applications, which I will mention a bit further on iS7O3EW8uZA-00185-00095480-00096066 When you think about it, vampires pretty much have to be smarter than people because they hunted people for a living iS7O3EW8uZA-00186-00096128-00096416 Lions are smarter than gazelles for essentially the same reason iS7O3EW8uZA-00187-00096530-00097000 Something else vampires have to be for related reasons is clinically sociopathic iS7O3EW8uZA-00188-00097095-00097561 Now among our own kind a total lack of conscience or empathy for one's fellow beings is iS7O3EW8uZA-00189-00097611-00098221 Considered a pathology. We grow out of it after about the age of two all small children, of course, there are clinical sociopaths iS7O3EW8uZA-00190-00098312-00098812 Among vampires though sociopathy is an essential survival trait that persists right into adulthood iS7O3EW8uZA-00191-00098844-00099416 Much as it does in domestic shorthair cats, if you felt empathy for your prey you'd starve to death iS7O3EW8uZA-00192-00099564-00100154 Natural selection would therefore have weeded "moral" vampires out of the gene pool a faster than you could say Stephen Jay Gould iS7O3EW8uZA-00193-00100350-00101134 Here's another prey related problem that vampires face: the predator-prey ratio in most every case where one species eats another iS7O3EW8uZA-00194-00101169-00101752 the prey species is at least an order of magnitude more numerous than the predator and breeds faster and iS7O3EW8uZA-00195-00101808-00102337 The reasons for this are are obvious the transfer of food energy between trophic levels is very inefficient iS7O3EW8uZA-00196-00102392-00102790 Cows have to eat 10 kgs of grass to make 1 kg of cow iS7O3EW8uZA-00197-00102828-00103704 Takes 10 kgs of cow to make 1 kg of human and of course, it takes 10 kgs of human to make 1 kg of vampire iS7O3EW8uZA-00198-00103759-00103958 so at any given level iS7O3EW8uZA-00199-00103958-00104239 You better make damn sure that the level below you iS7O3EW8uZA-00200-00104261-00104663 out produces you by at least 10 to 1 or you will exterminate your own food supply iS7O3EW8uZA-00201-00104766-00105005 Vampires were therefore caught between a rock and a hard place iS7O3EW8uZA-00202-00105051-00105704 Their metabolic and reproductive rates were pretty much the same as ours nor was there much wiggle room to change this takes a certain iS7O3EW8uZA-00203-00105792-00105959 non-negotiable amount of energy for any iS7O3EW8uZA-00204-00105959-00106475 Warm-blooded creature to reach a certain size and maintain a certain level of activity and you can't cheat the laws of physics iS7O3EW8uZA-00205-00106586-00106850 What you can do is cut back on your activity levels iS7O3EW8uZA-00206-00106850-00107405 I mentioned earlier that Donnie's blood showed elevated levels of Leuenkephalin, the hibernation peptide iS7O3EW8uZA-00207-00107411-00108020 It turns out that vampires conserve energy and their food supply by extended periods of hibernation iS7O3EW8uZA-00208-00108102-00108578 And as you know, suspended animation is not uncommon even among higher animals like birds and mammals iS7O3EW8uZA-00209-00108598-00109232 The shrews and the hummingbirds have very high active metabolic rates. They would starve to death if they didn't shut down overnight iS7O3EW8uZA-00210-00109294-00109904 elephant seals maximize their breath holding time on the sea floor by going into deep torpor while waiting for prey to happen by iS7O3EW8uZA-00211-00110014-00110534 Bears and chipmunks cut costs by sleeping out winter food shortages, and this lungfish iS7O3EW8uZA-00212-00110620-00111068 Can curl up and die for 4 to 7 years waiting for the rains to return iS7O3EW8uZA-00213-00111234-00111515 Vampires were able to shut themselves down for decades iS7O3EW8uZA-00214-00111595-00112058 Dessicating down to this beef jerky condition and entering what's commonly known as the undead state iS7O3EW8uZA-00215-00112171-00112418 Now this works for them in three ways firstly it iS7O3EW8uZA-00216-00112489-00113064 Drastically reduces their energetic needs redressing the original imbalance between prey production in the predator consumption iS7O3EW8uZA-00217-00113224-00113727 Secondly, it gives the prey population time to recover in the event that it had been severely hampered by predation iS7O3EW8uZA-00218-00113749-00114008 It lets the vampires wait out food shortages iS7O3EW8uZA-00219-00114064-00114796 and thirdly, it's possible that these extended leaves of absence might give us time to forget that we were prey iS7O3EW8uZA-00220-00114888-00115466 Human's had after all grown pretty smart by the Pleistocene. We were smart enough to pass information from generation to generation iS7O3EW8uZA-00221-00115485-00115732 But we were also smart enough for skepticism iS7O3EW8uZA-00222-00115772-00116148 And if you haven't seen any night stalking demons in all your years on the savannah iS7O3EW8uZA-00223-00116182-00116577 Why should you believe some senile campfire ramblings passed down by your grandmother? iS7O3EW8uZA-00224-00116596-00117014 We were likely to get careless after a few decades with no vampires on the horizon iS7O3EW8uZA-00225-00117083-00117472 And this would make us easy pickings when they basically came out of retirement iS7O3EW8uZA-00226-00117570-00117790 now this last point remains conjectural and iS7O3EW8uZA-00227-00117844-00118497 Controversial because in order for this strategy to work vampires would all have to clock out together and that implies a level of cooperation iS7O3EW8uZA-00228-00118525-00118856 and social organization that might be unlikely given how iS7O3EW8uZA-00229-00118927-00119204 Solitary and competitive these creatures were, more on that later iS7O3EW8uZA-00230-00119326-00119484 at any rate iS7O3EW8uZA-00231-00119484-00119959 We believe that this is where the blood pooling strategy got started, part of being undead iS7O3EW8uZA-00232-00119985-00120368 Involved sequestering blood around the vital organs letting the peripheral tissue starve iS7O3EW8uZA-00233-00120396-00120800 Much the way seals and whales triage their oxygen supply when cut off from the air iS7O3EW8uZA-00234-00120905-00121429 Now this proved so effective that over time it became a normal state of affairs even among active vampires iS7O3EW8uZA-00235-00121446-00121894 The ghastly white pallor of these things is actually a strategy for increasing their gas mileage iS7O3EW8uZA-00236-00121938-00122392 With lactate levels in the surface tissues get too high or when vampires are feeding iS7O3EW8uZA-00237-00122426-00122746 Blood is redirected to the skin and the muscles, and the complexion flushes iS7O3EW8uZA-00238-00122768-00123235 The moral to this being if you're next to a vampire and he starts looking embarrassed you should run iS7O3EW8uZA-00239-00123380-00123919 But this only happens occasionally and it doesn't last long by the way in case you're wondering why there's no particular iS7O3EW8uZA-00240-00123944-00124711 Ghastly white pallor on this one, like so many of our Texas inmates this particular fellow was of african-american origin iS7O3EW8uZA-00241-00124900-00125408 By now, you might be wondering why vampires didn't simply resort to non-human prey iS7O3EW8uZA-00242-00125499-00125825 It's not as though humans were the only available meat species on the planet iS7O3EW8uZA-00243-00125876-00126452 Why go to all the trouble of evolving these radical freakish adaptations to keep eating us iS7O3EW8uZA-00244-00126492-00126782 when they could have just switched to warthogs and zebras? iS7O3EW8uZA-00245-00126888-00127148 And in fact, they may well have done just that iS7O3EW8uZA-00246-00127149-00127393 but the fact that they went to such extreme lengths to iS7O3EW8uZA-00247-00127409-00127855 Accommodate human meat in the diet can only mean that they got something from us iS7O3EW8uZA-00248-00127865-00128206 That wasn't available from other species, something essential to their survival iS7O3EW8uZA-00249-00128300-00128622 We actually lost a fair number of inmates finding out what this was iS7O3EW8uZA-00250-00128635-00129226 You may remember a year or so ago when Amnesty International put out a press release praising Texas iS7O3EW8uZA-00251-00129227-00129878 for going to whole two months without executing anyone what they didn't realize was that a hiatus in executions did not necessarily mean a iS7O3EW8uZA-00252-00129929-00130300 hiatus in mortality. We we basically used up death row iS7O3EW8uZA-00253-00130338-00130780 We also used up a few grand theft autos and even some insurance fraudsters iS7O3EW8uZA-00254-00130872-00131170 but it was all worthwhile because this is what we found iS7O3EW8uZA-00255-00131255-00131461 a secondary loss of the ability to synthesize iS7O3EW8uZA-00256-00131550-00132073 PCDH-Y, which is a protein responsible for certain aspects of central nervous system development iS7O3EW8uZA-00257-00132120-00132416 Now since this protein occurs only in other hominids, iS7O3EW8uZA-00258-00132468-00133158 human prey remained an essential component of vampire diet right up until their extinction or as some would have it their reassimilation iS7O3EW8uZA-00259-00133186-00133432 into the ancestral bloodline iS7O3EW8uZA-00260-00133438-00133546 So iS7O3EW8uZA-00261-00133547-00134091 What we have here is a very rare subspecies forced to prey upon its closest kin iS7O3EW8uZA-00262-00134153-00134566 Which themselves were quite rare being also near the apex of the trophic pyramid iS7O3EW8uZA-00263-00134636-00135018 They were forced to commit a number of evolutionary backflips just to stay in the game iS7O3EW8uZA-00264-00135107-00135553 They were easily smart enough to maneuver us, but we weren't their biggest problem iS7O3EW8uZA-00265-00135587-00136134 Their biggest problem was just as smart as they were and just as dependent on the limited supply of human prey iS7O3EW8uZA-00266-00136202-00136506 the biggest problem was other vampires iS7O3EW8uZA-00267-00136694-00137011 This is what happens when you put two vampires into the same room iS7O3EW8uZA-00268-00137147-00137643 competition for prey evidently ensured that these creatures were solitary, very territorial and iS7O3EW8uZA-00269-00137663-00138366 Mutually antagonistic now our marketing people had entertained thoughts of teams of vampires working together to solve the world's ills iS7O3EW8uZA-00270-00138416-00138766 But apparently natural selection never taught them to play nicely together iS7O3EW8uZA-00271-00138867-00139287 This shows the results of one of our pilot projects in marketing iS7O3EW8uZA-00272-00139388-00139719 That particular project ended shortly after this picture was taken iS7O3EW8uZA-00273-00139966-00140229 So now you have some idea of what these creatures are iS7O3EW8uZA-00274-00140333-00140513 Here's where they came from iS7O3EW8uZA-00275-00140513-00140624 judging by iS7O3EW8uZA-00276-00140624-00140789 mitochondrial and junk satellite markers iS7O3EW8uZA-00277-00140789-00141324 We think the vampires split off from the human stock something less than half a million years ago and persisted iS7O3EW8uZA-00278-00141350-00141648 albeit in small numbers into the beginning of historical times iS7O3EW8uZA-00279-00141700-00142340 We trace their genesis to a paracentric inversion mutation on the Xq21.3 block on the X-chromosome iS7O3EW8uZA-00280-00142420-00142920 Resulting in functional changes to genes that code for protocadherins. PCDH-Y is a protocadherin iS7O3EW8uZA-00281-00142948-00143280 At which I mentioned just a few minutes ago is a proto cat here iS7O3EW8uZA-00282-00143280-00143736 And as I've also mentioned they play a critical role in the development of the central nervous system iS7O3EW8uZA-00283-00143834-00144577 they occur in the headwaters of CNS development as it were and a relatively small change far upstream can lead to a whole variety of iS7O3EW8uZA-00284-00144587-00144795 interrelated cascade effects further down iS7O3EW8uZA-00285-00144851-00145165 Please include many of the features you've heard about today now iS7O3EW8uZA-00286-00145165-00145647 I'm not saying that a single mutation made all these improvements in a single X that iS7O3EW8uZA-00287-00145703-00145903 Evolution does not work that way iS7O3EW8uZA-00288-00145910-00146610 What I am saying, is that a headwater mutation had such a huge impact on so many aspects of CNS development iS7O3EW8uZA-00289-00146610-00146919 But basically the whole deck of cards got shuffled suddenly iS7O3EW8uZA-00290-00146919-00147425 There was far more variation for natural selection to work on and so vampires arose relatively quickly iS7O3EW8uZA-00291-00147613-00148053 However, it's important to remember that natural selection does not optimize anything iS7O3EW8uZA-00292-00148195-00148535 Survival of the fittest is really a bullshit phrase iS7O3EW8uZA-00293-00148536-00149226 It would be much more accurate to say survival of the least inadequate because it doesn't matter whether a given adaptation is the best iS7O3EW8uZA-00294-00149251-00149655 Possible solution all that matters is whether it works better than the competition iS7O3EW8uZA-00295-00149758-00150335 now over all vampires did work better than the competition, but that doesn't mean they didn't have a few design flaws and iS7O3EW8uZA-00296-00150403-00150918 even counted the two Biggie's already the broken pathway which forced them to eat other hominids and iS7O3EW8uZA-00297-00150958-00151274 The defect that killed Donnie the so called crucifix glitch iS7O3EW8uZA-00298-00151333-00151763 Now, what is this glitch that doomed him from the moment? We developed Euclidean architecture iS7O3EW8uZA-00299-00151855-00152084 Vampires would have been barred from approaching any iS7O3EW8uZA-00300-00152104-00152339 human dwelling as the featured quartered windows iS7O3EW8uZA-00301-00152347-00152958 supporting cross beams and so on you can imagine how a resurrected vampire would react to a modern day office building with its iS7O3EW8uZA-00302-00152983-00153153 facades of repeating window frames iS7O3EW8uZA-00303-00153153-00153357 it's not a pretty sight light and iS7O3EW8uZA-00304-00153388-00154032 You can be damn sure that our ancestors figured that out pretty early in the game. The cross is not an exclusively Christian icon iS7O3EW8uZA-00305-00154057-00154535 It's been used as a religious symbol back into prehistoric times. Now, we know why iS7O3EW8uZA-00306-00154693-00155162 Now you might wonder how such a lethal trait to get so fixed in the population to begin with I iS7O3EW8uZA-00307-00155218-00155694 Shouldn't natural selection have weeded adults sooner and the answer is surprisingly simple iS7O3EW8uZA-00308-00155694-00156077 The trait wasn't lethal not at first an aversion to crosses is iS7O3EW8uZA-00309-00156112-00156603 No disadvantage in a world where crosses don't exist and you don't find many right angles in nature iS7O3EW8uZA-00310-00156673-00156873 Any biology undergrad will tell you iS7O3EW8uZA-00311-00156913-00157476 Neutrally selective traits can become fixed in small populations through a simple process called genetic drift iS7O3EW8uZA-00312-00157476-00158046 And in this case the trait wasn't even neutral the same cross wiring responsible for the crucifix iS7O3EW8uZA-00313-00158046-00158672 Which was also involved in vampiric pattern matching skills, and that was a trait that natural selection would actually promote iS7O3EW8uZA-00314-00158737-00159063 Right up until the point that their prey discovered in geometry iS7O3EW8uZA-00315-00159280-00159883 Now it's to speculate that this was also the source of the myth that vampires can't enter someone's house uninvited iS7O3EW8uZA-00316-00159947-00160374 It would be more accurate to say that the vampires can't come into your house and less to keep their eyes closed iS7O3EW8uZA-00317-00160427-00160684 And since that would make them extremely vulnerable to attack iS7O3EW8uZA-00318-00160685-00161046 They would only be advised to do that when the houses inhabitants didn't wish them ill iS7O3EW8uZA-00319-00161141-00161673 We can also draw attend to different conclusions about some of the other vampire myths that are sprung up over time iS7O3EW8uZA-00320-00161714-00162010 the whole blood sucking aspect remains an open question iS7O3EW8uZA-00321-00162068-00162685 Technically vampires are closer to what you might call obligate cannabis eating human flesh rather than simply drinking the blood iS7O3EW8uZA-00322-00162842-00163258 However given that the only thing they really needed from us was a certain type of protein iS7O3EW8uZA-00323-00163295-00163647 It's theoretically possible that a blood diet could meet that end iS7O3EW8uZA-00324-00163648-00164002 Although admittedly they'd have to drink a lot of the stuff perhaps iS7O3EW8uZA-00325-00164002-00164257 This was a deliberate conservation strategy drinking the blood iS7O3EW8uZA-00326-00164285-00164742 Leaves with an anemic victim that can recover over time and perhaps serve as a future news source iS7O3EW8uZA-00327-00164780-00165172 While eating the flesh basically relegates your victim to single serving status iS7O3EW8uZA-00328-00165230-00165690 As we've seen vampires could feed on other species to meet most of their dietary needs iS7O3EW8uZA-00329-00165698-00166132 They were much smarter than us smart enough to figure out the virtues of resource conservation iS7O3EW8uZA-00330-00166349-00166732 Photosensitivity now none of our subjects developed xeroderma pigmentosum iS7O3EW8uZA-00331-00166748-00167215 Which is a rare photo sensitive skin condition which some have linked to vampirism and past iS7O3EW8uZA-00332-00167297-00167529 Vampires do have very sensitive night vision. However iS7O3EW8uZA-00333-00167530-00167847 And their pupils don't react as quickly as are as to changes in light intensity iS7O3EW8uZA-00334-00167894-00168544 They can be easily snow blinded as you would be if someone Shona light in your face or you were wearing night-vision goggles. I iS7O3EW8uZA-00335-00168614-00168897 Wouldn't cause them to burst into flame when struck by the sun's rays iS7O3EW8uZA-00336-00168908-00169471 But it might explain a general aversion to bright light a crowd of peasants with torches might present a real problem to these creatures iS7O3EW8uZA-00337-00169727-00170286 None of our subjects developed any kind of a version of garlic or to any of the amyloid they see in species for that matter iS7O3EW8uZA-00338-00170336-00170755 It's possible the vampires themselves spread this rumor to engender a false sense of security iS7O3EW8uZA-00339-00170819-00171138 Among their prey. I mean if you think that garlic is going to keep you safe iS7O3EW8uZA-00340-00171139-00171411 Why waste your time with this cross and crucifix stuff? iS7O3EW8uZA-00341-00171533-00171871 But it's also possible. Of course if the whole story is pure fiction a iS7O3EW8uZA-00342-00172007-00172645 Lot of other myths that vampires can fly or shapeshifter that they don't reflect in the mirrors are like even mostly fiction as well iS7O3EW8uZA-00343-00172671-00172964 They do reflect animators. That was one of the first things we tested iS7O3EW8uZA-00344-00173016-00173410 But is worth remembering that these creatures are both faster and more intelligent than we are iS7O3EW8uZA-00345-00173430-00173986 And they're superlative pattern matching skills would give them a real advantage in blending in via crypsis iS7O3EW8uZA-00346-00173987-00174443 it's quite likely that one might seem to disappear simply by fading into shadow or iS7O3EW8uZA-00347-00174486-00174770 Adopting a posture that broke up its outline against the background iS7O3EW8uZA-00348-00174849-00175427 Combine such a vanishing act with say the flushing of some start with animal caught in the path of the departing vampire iS7O3EW8uZA-00349-00175491-00175769 Primitive human might think that some kind of shape shift had occurred iS7O3EW8uZA-00350-00176001-00176669 Reproduction as the classic mythology would have it vampires reproduced by turning their victims into other vampires iS7O3EW8uZA-00351-00176805-00177547 Revisionists on the horror writers have played around with the idea of vampirism as a kind of viral infection an STD transmitted from saliva iS7O3EW8uZA-00352-00177548-00177678 the blood iS7O3EW8uZA-00353-00177678-00177941 Biologically, of course, there are some problems with this idea iS7O3EW8uZA-00354-00177941-00178133 If you create another vampire iS7O3EW8uZA-00355-00178133-00178454 Every time you feed it won't be long before all your prey have been turned into vampires iS7O3EW8uZA-00356-00178454-00178682 All of it will get very hungry very fast iS7O3EW8uZA-00357-00178785-00179446 However, the idea isn't as totally absurd as it may seem on the surface lateral gene transmission is not unheard of in nature iS7O3EW8uZA-00358-00179505-00179833 Certain microbes are known to act as carriers for the DNA of other species iS7O3EW8uZA-00359-00179913-00180196 Transmitting them from one host to another and then in the event iS7O3EW8uZA-00360-00180197-00180530 It appears that predator and prey share many of the same genes iS7O3EW8uZA-00361-00180531-00181090 Anyway, in this case, perhaps the only thing that needed to be transmitted was some kind of catalyst to bait them iS7O3EW8uZA-00362-00181227-00181699 More conventionally vampires and humans never achieved complete reproductive isolation in any event iS7O3EW8uZA-00363-00181731-00182149 So there's no reason why interbreeding couldn't produce vampire offspring iS7O3EW8uZA-00364-00182202-00182497 Especially if the critical vampire teams were heterozygous ly dominant iS7O3EW8uZA-00365-00182673-00183019 And let's not forget those aspects of vampire lore that are without question iS7O3EW8uZA-00366-00183081-00183865 biologically and literally true they're predatory habits their speed and strength their undead and their long lives and of course the crucifix which which iS7O3EW8uZA-00367-00183918-00184118 Spelled the end of the vampire lineage iS7O3EW8uZA-00368-00184170-00184535 Although they obviously persisted long enough to embed themselves in our cultural mythology iS7O3EW8uZA-00369-00184608-00184907 The book is pretty much closed on the biological organism iS7O3EW8uZA-00370-00185061-00185261 Or is it iS7O3EW8uZA-00371-00185367-00185958 You'll recognize these figures Necker cube and a Rubens BAE's popular examples of the so called iS7O3EW8uZA-00372-00186059-00186217 ambiguous illusion iS7O3EW8uZA-00373-00186217-00186417 sometimes UT two faces iS7O3EW8uZA-00374-00186439-00187134 Sometimes a vase that sometimes the shaded panel seems to be behind sometimes upfront your perspective flips back and forth iS7O3EW8uZA-00375-00187135-00187335 You can see it one way then another iS7O3EW8uZA-00376-00187472-00187719 Vampires can see it both ways at once iS7O3EW8uZA-00377-00187828-00188583 They don't have to flip back and forth. They can do something that's neurologically impossible for us. They can hold simultaneous multiple worldviews iS7O3EW8uZA-00378-00188648-00189327 This allows them to instantly grasp things that we find plagued by contradictions to see things that we have to work out step by step iS7O3EW8uZA-00379-00189355-00189551 take quantum physics iS7O3EW8uZA-00380-00189551-00189897 We humans have to be dragged kicking and screaming below the Planck length iS7O3EW8uZA-00381-00189898-00190407 We need complex math and numbers to force the truth unto us and even then the truth makes no sense iS7O3EW8uZA-00382-00190441-00190929 Nothing is real until someone observes it effect before cause a cat in a box iS7O3EW8uZA-00383-00190963-00191250 Simultaneously dead and alive in some disk corporeal state iS7O3EW8uZA-00384-00191302-00191805 The math forces us to accept conclusion, but it violates everything we know about reality iS7O3EW8uZA-00385-00191972-00192540 But vampires understand quantum physics right down in the gut it makes sense to them iS7O3EW8uZA-00386-00192790-00193092 Think of the ways, we could benefit from such a creature iS7O3EW8uZA-00387-00193180-00193560 How many problems political environmental even philosophical? iS7O3EW8uZA-00388-00193676-00193876 Intractable to the human mind might prove iS7O3EW8uZA-00389-00193886-00194646 Trivially simple to a vampire not even computers offer such problem solving potential because no matter how many computers you networked together iS7O3EW8uZA-00390-00194647-00194947 No matter how many quantum or classical elements you plug into it iS7O3EW8uZA-00391-00194960-00195201 You're still dealing with a machine. That was ultimately iS7O3EW8uZA-00392-00195229-00195777 Designed by humans and which therefore reflects the limitations and constraints of the human mindset in iS7O3EW8uZA-00393-00195857-00196486 Contrast we would not be designing vampires at all evolution has already done that for us. We have merely been bringing them back iS7O3EW8uZA-00394-00196601-00197349 Now some might question whether vampires could ever fit into modern society. But remember that sociopaths are in effect fragments of vampirekind iS7O3EW8uZA-00395-00197432-00197632 manifesting in human bodies as iS7O3EW8uZA-00396-00197636-00198027 Sociopaths are among the most successful players in business industry and medicine iS7O3EW8uZA-00397-00198064-00198633 ruthless pragmatism lack of conscience freedom from fuzzy touchy-feely emotions like empathy iS7O3EW8uZA-00398-00198634-00199047 These are prerequisites of success in today's for an environment. In fact iS7O3EW8uZA-00399-00199132-00199868 Corporations themselves as legal entities meet all the diagnostic criteria for clinical sociopathy under the DSM 4 iS7O3EW8uZA-00400-00199942-00200546 We know vampires could prosper in such an environment because in a very significant way they already do iS7O3EW8uZA-00401-00200677-00200981 The other question that arises is even if they could solve all our problems iS7O3EW8uZA-00402-00201013-00201639 Why would they these are after all creatures that evolved to eat us not to give us a hand with our homework and certain iS7O3EW8uZA-00403-00201655-00202052 Alarmists from Greenpeace of a Sierra Legal Defense Fund have already begun to spread iS7O3EW8uZA-00404-00202069-00202503 doomsday scenarios in which who bring back vampires and have one wiped us out in intestine and iS7O3EW8uZA-00405-00202570-00203175 I'm the first to admit that you certainly wouldn't want to bring these creatures back without some kind of safeguards in place iS7O3EW8uZA-00406-00203320-00204030 but even here the vampires proved to be our biggest ally because vampires come with their own safeguards built right in iS7O3EW8uZA-00407-00204097-00204549 The crucifix glitch did them in once already and it would kill them off even faster iS7O3EW8uZA-00408-00204567-00204821 nowadays in our right angle filled urban environment iS7O3EW8uZA-00409-00204821-00205302 In fact, the only way we were able to keep them from going into convulsions of the drop of a hat iS7O3EW8uZA-00410-00205371-00205773 And I'm reviewing a bit of a trade secret here, but we've already patented the molecule iS7O3EW8uZA-00411-00205773-00206438 So no harm done was by keeping them on a strict regimen of what we call anti Euclidian newer tropes iS7O3EW8uZA-00412-00206500-00207047 we have basically developed a drug that suppresses the seizures resulting from the crucifix glitch and iS7O3EW8uZA-00413-00207090-00207545 Are already conducting preliminary marketing research to find an appropriate brand name? iS7O3EW8uZA-00414-00207621-00208313 Now this drug allows vampires to function normally in metropolitan settings. And without this drug, they will die iS7O3EW8uZA-00415-00208413-00208709 we have them on a very short and unbreakable leash and iS7O3EW8uZA-00416-00208767-00209330 There are more than intelligent enough to realize that serving. Our interests is in their best interest iS7O3EW8uZA-00417-00209533-00210152 Certain people who place emotion above intellect have called what happened to little Donny Mass a crime iS7O3EW8uZA-00418-00210253-00210427 They are wrong iS7O3EW8uZA-00419-00210427-00210893 What happened to Donny was only a tragedy and it was a tragedy with a silver lining iS7O3EW8uZA-00420-00210916-00211163 the real crime would be if we let iS7O3EW8uZA-00421-00211171-00211779 Squeamishness prevail if we turned our back on this opportunity to make the world a richer better, and yes even a safer place iS7O3EW8uZA-00422-00211915-00212196 Donny would want us to push on and it is for Donny iS7O3EW8uZA-00423-00212253-00212915 And for all the other children of the world that our first commercial batch of vampires is gestating even as we speak iS7O3EW8uZA-00424-00213021-00213542 We anticipate FDA approval within the month and if that doesn't happen a number of third-world iS7O3EW8uZA-00425-00213556-00214182 Countries have already expressed interest in hosting our research and very favorable tax and regulatory environment iS7O3EW8uZA-00426-00214317-00214830 The potential benefits to mankind are incalculable and with the proper safeguards in place iS7O3EW8uZA-00427-00214834-00215147 We can virtually guarantee that nothing will go wrong iS7O3EW8uZA-00428-00215260-00215460 thank iTdsbMV5pVk-00000-00000000-00000184 Sweet Jesus Music By Ty Obaz iTAdIsn9Of4-00000-00000040-00000323 ON MARCH 29TH, 1973, OUR PARTICIPATION IN THE iTAdIsn9Of4-00001-00000323-00000547 VIETNAM WAR ENDED WHEN THE LAST OF OUR TROOPS WERE iTAdIsn9Of4-00002-00000547-00000690 SHIPPED OUT OF VIETNAM. iTAdIsn9Of4-00003-00000690-00000920 SADLY, EVEN AFTER MORE THAN 58,000 DEATHS, iTAdIsn9Of4-00004-00000920-00001121 AND UNSPEAKABLE SACRIFICE FROM THE MORE THAN THREE iTAdIsn9Of4-00005-00001121-00001271 MILLION AMERICANS WHO SERVED, iTAdIsn9Of4-00006-00001271-00001471 MANY OF OUR VIETNAM WAR VETERANS CAME HOME TO iTAdIsn9Of4-00007-00001471-00001571 NEGLECT AND BELITTLEMENT. iTAdIsn9Of4-00008-00001621-00001821 50 YEARS AFTER AMERICAN TROOPS WERE ORIGINALLY iTAdIsn9Of4-00009-00001821-00002145 SENT TO VIETNAM, IN 2012, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA iTAdIsn9Of4-00010-00002145-00002345 SIGNED A PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION DECLARING iTAdIsn9Of4-00011-00002345-00002545 MARCH 29TH VIETNAM VETERANS DAY. iTAdIsn9Of4-00012-00002579-00002779 THE NAVY WOULD LIKE TO JOIN IN SHARING OUR iTAdIsn9Of4-00013-00002779-00002979 DEEPEST GRATITUDE TO OUR VIETNAM VETERANS FOR THEIR iTAdIsn9Of4-00014-00002979-00003199 SACRIFICE IN PROTECTING OUR NATION. iTAdIsn9Of4-00015-00003199-00003426 THIS IS A COMMITMENT TO RECOGNIZE THOSE WHO SERVED iTAdIsn9Of4-00016-00003426-00003626 ON ACTIVE DUTY FROM NOVEMBER 1ST, iTAdIsn9Of4-00017-00003626-00004007 1955 TO MAY 15TH, 1975, ESPECIALLY DUE TO THE FACT iTAdIsn9Of4-00018-00004007-00004207 THAT MANY OF THESE SERVICE MEMBERS WERE UNFAIRLY iTAdIsn9Of4-00019-00004207-00004407 TREATED AND WENT THROUGH A GREAT DEAL OF HARDSHIP. iTAdIsn9Of4-00020-00004437-00004644 WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SHOW APPRECIATION TO THE NINE iTAdIsn9Of4-00021-00004644-00004848 MILLION FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO SERVED IN THE VIETNAM iTAdIsn9Of4-00022-00004848-00005128 WAR, THEIR SUPPORT AND SACRIFICE CAN ALSO NOT BE iTAdIsn9Of4-00023-00005128-00005628 OVERLOOKED. iU6KEyvFBSY-00000-00000003-00000375 We're continuing a series today called "host the holy ghost" iU6KEyvFBSY-00001-00000375-00000732 have you been enjoying the series? Amen, Amen. iU6KEyvFBSY-00002-00000732-00001673 My family immigrated to the United States when I was thirteen and a half years of age. Being in the iU6KEyvFBSY-00003-00001673-00002397 United States is so much different than being what I grew up in Ukraine. In the Ukraine for example, iU6KEyvFBSY-00004-00002397-00002892 people dress up for everything girls will put on high heels and dress up like they're going to a iU6KEyvFBSY-00005-00002892-00003786 club just to go get milk across the street. In the United States we value comfort over style. I would iU6KEyvFBSY-00006-00003786-00004299 dress up in pajamas and literally go to watch a movie do all the errands and meet with somebody, iU6KEyvFBSY-00007-00004299-00005001 get our glasses on and wear with my you know house, how you call those slippers, iU6KEyvFBSY-00008-00005001-00005433 house slippers and stuff because in the United States it's very different. When we came first iU6KEyvFBSY-00009-00005433-00005907 time and we saw how people dressed up in America I was like man these people have no sense of iU6KEyvFBSY-00010-00005907-00006606 style but then as I started to grow here more, I lost my sense of style and I developed comfort iU6KEyvFBSY-00011-00006606-00007383 because comfort is better than style somebody say Amen. Another way in the United States people are iU6KEyvFBSY-00012-00007383-00007950 extremely nice maybe too nice sometimes they smile to everyone, if you ever end up in the iU6KEyvFBSY-00013-00007950-00008469 former Soviet Union in Russia or Ukraine don't smile to strangers. It's actually offensive to iU6KEyvFBSY-00014-00008469-00009042 smile to strangers you only smile to people that you know you don't smile to strangers, in here you iU6KEyvFBSY-00015-00009042-00009633 smile to everyone. Another big difference living in the United States versus living in Ukraine, iU6KEyvFBSY-00016-00009633-00010206 for example, is in the Ukraine and the Ukrainian culture, people live with their parents until iU6KEyvFBSY-00017-00010206-00010812 they get married you can imagine how much hate I got because a lived with my parents till 24. iU6KEyvFBSY-00018-00010812-00011403 A youth pastor, I had my own real estate property but I lived with my parents why- to save money, iU6KEyvFBSY-00019-00011403-00012048 learn the life skills, in the United States if you were 18 you got your license, you got a job, iU6KEyvFBSY-00020-00012048-00012786 get out of here you get married and then, of course, you move back with your parents, to save iU6KEyvFBSY-00021-00012786-00013761 the money. The most difficult part about living in the United States was to learn English. I knew of iU6KEyvFBSY-00022-00013761-00014736 course hi, bye, coca-cola and ride the train. To learn English wasn't easy but I knew that I had to iU6KEyvFBSY-00023-00014736-00015255 learn English otherwise the opportunities and the resources in this country will be limited to me if iU6KEyvFBSY-00024-00015255-00015921 I don't speak the language of the country I just came into. The way I learned English is by going iU6KEyvFBSY-00025-00015921-00016575 to this class is called ESL, now being in the United States the word ESL and plague seem similar iU6KEyvFBSY-00026-00016575-00017304 like if you were an ESL and almost felt like I was a leper it wasn't the nice thing is it just felt iU6KEyvFBSY-00027-00017304-00017796 embarrassing you know you don't speak English but then, later on, I started to understand that ESL iU6KEyvFBSY-00028-00017796-00018432 actually means in English as a second language. It's not mean you're a leper, it doesn't mean iU6KEyvFBSY-00029-00018432-00018840 you're stupid, it just actually means you're so smart that you're learning as a second language. iU6KEyvFBSY-00030-00018840-00019884 I had to learn and I had to go to ESL because I was coming from a place where my default native iU6KEyvFBSY-00031-00019884-00020547 language was no longer good in the territory that I moved in to. See I want to tell you something, iU6KEyvFBSY-00032-00020547-00021066 when you become a Christian you come into a new territory which has a new language and the new iU6KEyvFBSY-00033-00021066-00021801 language is called faith. All Christians are a part of FSL- faith as a second language. iU6KEyvFBSY-00034-00022538-00023195 Our native language, our default language is a language of fear it's a language I am nobody iU6KEyvFBSY-00035-00023195-00023705 it's a language I am poor, busted and disgusted. It's a language nobody loves me, it's a language iU6KEyvFBSY-00036-00023705-00024389 of defeat, it's a language of negativity that is the language of the flesh but when you get born iU6KEyvFBSY-00037-00024389-00025013 again you come into a new Kingdom and this new Kingdom has a new language and this language is iU6KEyvFBSY-00038-00025013-00025613 the language of faith because God calls things which are not as though they were. God doesn't iU6KEyvFBSY-00039-00025613-00026537 use his mouth to describe, God doesn't use his mouth to describe a situation he doesn't waste iU6KEyvFBSY-00040-00026537-00027070 his words for that he uses his mouth to change the situation and therefore when you come to iU6KEyvFBSY-00041-00027070-00027473 God's kingdom you must learn the new language and the language is the language of faith. iU6KEyvFBSY-00042-00027473-00028148 Now how you learn English is you hang out with people to speak English, you go to ESL classes, iU6KEyvFBSY-00043-00028148-00028664 you get a tutor, you use a translator. See one of the reasons why many people are depending iU6KEyvFBSY-00044-00028664-00029189 constantly on the preachers, prophets and apostles is because the same way when I was in the United iU6KEyvFBSY-00045-00029189-00029711 States first four years I needed a translator because I did not speak English so I depended iU6KEyvFBSY-00046-00029711-00030332 on somebody to do that for me many people depend on other people all the time because they're not iU6KEyvFBSY-00047-00030332-00030929 maturing in their own faith yet, there's nothing wrong with needing a translator in the beginning iU6KEyvFBSY-00048-00030929-00031661 but after a while the righteous man lives not by his pastor but by his faith, not by his apostle, iU6KEyvFBSY-00049-00031661-00032354 not by his intercessor by his own faith meaning he learns the language of the kingdom of God. He iU6KEyvFBSY-00050-00032354-00032903 learns the language of positive thinking, positive confessing and positive feeling c'mon somebody! iU6KEyvFBSY-00051-00032903-00033248 Claps iU6KEyvFBSY-00052-00033248-00034277 Language of the Holy Spirit is faith, God doesn't speak English he speaks faith now God iU6KEyvFBSY-00053-00034277-00034829 understands the English of course he understands all languages but his primary language is faith iU6KEyvFBSY-00054-00034829-00035444 it's not espanol, it's not Russian, it's not Ukrainian, it's not English it's faith! And in iU6KEyvFBSY-00055-00035444-00036104 order to communicate with God you have to speak faith but your native and my native language our iU6KEyvFBSY-00056-00036104-00036698 default language is the one of doubt, is the one of fear, expecting the worst people don't love me, iU6KEyvFBSY-00057-00036698-00037094 it's the one of being a victim, it's the one of being defeated, it's the one of being down iU6KEyvFBSY-00058-00037094-00037820 but that's the language of our old country the new country called the kingdom of God has a new iU6KEyvFBSY-00059-00037820-00038495 language and if you wanna learn to relate with God and the Spirit of God you got to learn new iU6KEyvFBSY-00060-00038495-00039341 language. Language of the Spirit is invisible in the sense that it's the language of thoughts, iU6KEyvFBSY-00061-00039341-00040172 images and imagination. The Holy Spirit doesn't speak verbally to us he speaks to us with pictures iU6KEyvFBSY-00062-00040172-00040745 Bible says in Acts chapter 2 visions, dreams and prophecy meaning he speaks to us with pictures iU6KEyvFBSY-00063-00040745-00041405 imagination he speaks to us with thoughts, Amen, most of us know that when God speaks he doesn't iU6KEyvFBSY-00064-00041405-00042065 speak in our ear, he speaks in our heart it actually proves that God is real I can prove to iU6KEyvFBSY-00065-00042065-00042818 you that God is real. The argument is this, if you can see God therefore he doesn't exist have you iU6KEyvFBSY-00066-00042818-00043529 noticed that your thoughts cannot be seen either but you are convinced of their reality, my God iU6KEyvFBSY-00067-00043529-00044573 There's no microscope in the world that can see your thoughts but you are assured convinced they iU6KEyvFBSY-00068-00044573-00045404 are real, so is God he lives in the same realm and he is as real in that realm as your thoughts iU6KEyvFBSY-00069-00045404-00045938 are and in one school, a teacher was trying to convince students that God doesn't exist and iU6KEyvFBSY-00070-00045938-00046514 the teacher stood up and says do you guys see the screen, yes the screen is real, do you guys iU6KEyvFBSY-00071-00046514-00047138 see the board, yes the board is real the teacher said do you guys see God, they said no God is not iU6KEyvFBSY-00072-00047138-00047858 real. Then the students applauded and one Johnny rose his head he said can I ask a question? She iU6KEyvFBSY-00073-00047858-00048422 said yes, he said guys do you see the teacher, yes the teacher is real. Do you see teachers iU6KEyvFBSY-00074-00048422-00049672 brain now the conclusion is teacher has no brain and Johnny continued he says no wonder the teacher iU6KEyvFBSY-00075-00049672-00050584 says there's no God she's brainless. It's a joke but the point of the story is your thoughts are iU6KEyvFBSY-00076-00050584-00051502 invisible and so is God and you communicate with God through invisible frequency which are your iU6KEyvFBSY-00077-00051502-00052264 thoughts the images in your mind amen amen going into the scripture I want to just underline what I iU6KEyvFBSY-00078-00052264-00053041 just mentioned already from the scripture if we go to Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 it says the following iU6KEyvFBSY-00079-00053041-00053965 and the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man for ever for he is indeed flesh yet his days iU6KEyvFBSY-00080-00053965-00054946 shall be 120 years I want you to see in here and if we can go to a few verses down in verse iU6KEyvFBSY-00081-00054946-00055519 5 of Genesis chapter 6 and the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that iU6KEyvFBSY-00082-00055519-00056095 the every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually so I want you to see that iU6KEyvFBSY-00083-00056095-00056644 the reason why God was removing us from the earth not letting us live forever in verse 3 it says iU6KEyvFBSY-00084-00056644-00057250 because my spirit if we can go back to verse 3 it says that because my spirit will not strive with iU6KEyvFBSY-00085-00057250-00057682 man forever. There is a teaching and I saw in one of the comments on our Facebook where they said iU6KEyvFBSY-00086-00057682-00058204 the Holy Spirit did not exist on the earth until the coming of Jesus it's first of all not true in iU6KEyvFBSY-00087-00058204-00058789 Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 it says the Spirit of God was here when the earth was a mess in Genesis iU6KEyvFBSY-00088-00058789-00059541 chapter 6 it says that God says my spirit will not stay with man forever, God didn't say he's taking iU6KEyvFBSY-00089-00059541-00060451 his spirit he's saying we're leaving earlier. We had a situation our first camp as youth group it iU6KEyvFBSY-00090-00060451-00061469 was in August 4th 2004 it was our first camp and the last camp and the reason why and this is our iU6KEyvFBSY-00091-00061469-00062078 pastor Martin this was BC days for those of you who've been listening to this message you need iU6KEyvFBSY-00092-00062078-00062992 to watch the YouTube BC days is before Christ and then there is a picture of me and pastor Illya and iU6KEyvFBSY-00093-00062992-00063578 so this is when we were a young and handsome but this is what happened. We were going to the camp iU6KEyvFBSY-00094-00063578-00064472 in Natchez in Natchez over there by Wenatchee but by Yakima and so we were gone there in tents and iU6KEyvFBSY-00095-00064472-00065228 as we arrived there there were rules in that camp side and we proudly broke every rule in that camp iU6KEyvFBSY-00096-00065228-00065906 site come on, we were for four years on America no sprechen zie English and stuff so it was very iU6KEyvFBSY-00097-00065906-00066350 difficult so we parked where we not supposed to park, we started fires we were catching fish we iU6KEyvFBSY-00098-00066350-00066866 were not supposed to, a guy broke his arm, we run over somebody else's tent with a bicycle iU6KEyvFBSY-00099-00066866-00067517 on accident so after we broke all the rules this is what happened, the management of the campsite, iU6KEyvFBSY-00100-00067517-00067961 they came to us and I want you to see what happened the management did not say all guys iU6KEyvFBSY-00101-00067961-00068534 you are breaking the rules you are making such a mess we're leaving that's not what the management iU6KEyvFBSY-00102-00068534-00068999 said. The management came to us and they said you guys are breaking the rules you guys a bunch of iU6KEyvFBSY-00103-00068999-00069452 like did you guys escape prison what's wrong with you and so and they said you know what you know iU6KEyvFBSY-00104-00069452-00070181 what they said to us you guys are leaving. I want you to notice this the earth was created by God we iU6KEyvFBSY-00105-00070181-00070946 are the stewards the Holy Ghost is the management company and when humanity misbehaved God came and iU6KEyvFBSY-00106-00070946-00071624 said this he said because you keep breaking rules, my spirit is not leaving why it's my territory you iU6KEyvFBSY-00107-00071624-00072395 leaving earlier you're not gonna live till nine hundred, 120 and then we kept misbehaving God's iU6KEyvFBSY-00108-00072395-00072947 like well 70 and now most of us can't even live up to 70 because I want you to see this, this earth iU6KEyvFBSY-00109-00072947-00073397 doesn't belong to Hollywood, it doesn't belong to communism, it doesn't belong to democracy to any iU6KEyvFBSY-00110-00073397-00073838 nation it belongs to God and we're the stewards and the Spirit of God is the management company. iU6KEyvFBSY-00111-00073917-00074796 Are you with me? The Holy Spirit is gonna be on this earth until God calls him and calls him but iU6KEyvFBSY-00112-00074796-00075405 right now and then he was on this earth and I want you to see a few things. Because man's, in verse iU6KEyvFBSY-00113-00075405-00076089 five look at the verse five one more time and the Lord saw the wickedness that was great on the iU6KEyvFBSY-00114-00076089-00076719 earth I want you to see this every somebody say every, every intent the word intent in original iU6KEyvFBSY-00115-00076719-00077508 Hebrew means a framework of mind it means like a mindset every if we can go back to the verse every iU6KEyvFBSY-00116-00077508-00078249 intent of the thoughts of his heart was somebody say only, only evil somebody said continually so iU6KEyvFBSY-00117-00078249-00079074 I want you to see the state of their mind every, only and continually. Every, only iU6KEyvFBSY-00118-00079074-00079761 and continually meaning that dominant thoughts of the humanity was not positive, it wasn't good and iU6KEyvFBSY-00119-00079761-00080766 that's what caused the Spirit of God to say this is too much- every, only and continually. What iU6KEyvFBSY-00120-00080766-00081516 are your dominant thoughts today? They either assist or resist the Holy Spirit. Write this iU6KEyvFBSY-00121-00081516-00082326 down point number one, the dominant thoughts either assist or resist the Holy Spirit every, iU6KEyvFBSY-00122-00082326-00083019 only and continually aren't the dominant thoughts it's your mindset it's how you think it's not just iU6KEyvFBSY-00123-00083019-00083403 the thought comes in once in a while these are the thoughts that are constantly they iU6KEyvFBSY-00124-00083403-00083871 are dominant they're like default thoughts of your heart and these thoughts they either push you from iU6KEyvFBSY-00125-00083871-00084447 the Spirit of God or they bring you closer to the Spirit of God are you with me. I'm going to show iU6KEyvFBSY-00126-00084447-00085224 you that from the New Testament in John chapter 13 if we go to John chapter 13 and and it says in iU6KEyvFBSY-00127-00085224-00086109 verse vs. 2 in verses 2 after the supper ended the devil having already put into the heart of Judas iU6KEyvFBSY-00128-00086109-00086847 to betray Jesus, I want you to see this in verse 2 so the devil's already put into the heart of Judas iU6KEyvFBSY-00129-00086847-00087432 so the devil planted something he framed he wanted to frame Judas he wanted to plant something in his iU6KEyvFBSY-00130-00087432-00088053 heart and from the verse to all the way to verse 27 Jesus is carrying a conversation with Judas iU6KEyvFBSY-00131-00088053-00088566 he's poking on Judas for Judas to come clean and mention that I'm battling with some thoughts to iU6KEyvFBSY-00132-00088566-00089142 betray Jesus he keeps mentioning things like somebody's gonna betray me somebody's really iU6KEyvFBSY-00133-00089142-00089541 gonna betray me today I mean there's a little twelve guys one of them has to betray Jesus and iU6KEyvFBSY-00134-00089541-00089943 Judas has the thought and instead of saying Jesus um I need some help I've been having some weird iU6KEyvFBSY-00135-00089943-00090327 thoughts I know they're not mine could guys can you guys gather around me and pray for me Judas iU6KEyvFBSY-00136-00090327-00090867 keeps silent Jesus says whoever I dip this bread with and give it to is the one this is a good iU6KEyvFBSY-00137-00090867-00091440 moment to I say uh okay guys time out when you tweeny prayer Judas take the piece of bread and iU6KEyvFBSY-00138-00091440-00092004 says nothing about it see Judas keeps defending bad thoughts in his mind instead of coming clean iU6KEyvFBSY-00139-00092004-00092580 to Jesus and to other people say, guys pray for me! And I want you to see what happened iU6KEyvFBSY-00140-00092580-00093558 in verse 27 what happened in verse 27 is this, after the piece of bread Satan entered Judas. iU6KEyvFBSY-00141-00093558-00094809 How did Satan entered Judas how does the spirit or your mindset become that mindset how does it iU6KEyvFBSY-00142-00094809-00095397 become dominant in your mind remember this- whatever thoughts you keep defending will iU6KEyvFBSY-00143-00095397-00096072 be dominant in your mind and they will dominate your actions. Write this down, whatever thoughts iU6KEyvFBSY-00144-00096072-00096813 I am defending will be the thoughts that will be dominant in my mind, whatever thoughts you iU6KEyvFBSY-00145-00096813-00097341 accept as you own even though they're not they will continue to dominate your mind and dominate iU6KEyvFBSY-00146-00097341-00097782 your life and that's exactly what happened with Judas and that's exactly what will happen with iU6KEyvFBSY-00147-00097782-00098262 you and I. Whatever thoughts we defend, whatever thoughts instead of resisting those thoughts, iU6KEyvFBSY-00148-00098262-00098715 instead of saying my home group please pray for me, instead of saying hey I reject that that's iU6KEyvFBSY-00149-00098715-00099255 not mine I rebuke that negativity I know that's my old past life but I'm a new creation and I iU6KEyvFBSY-00150-00099255-00099714 need to think positively so I'm gonna fight to think positively. Your dominant thoughts iU6KEyvFBSY-00151-00099714-00100182 they attract the Holy Spirit or they repel the presence of God in your life. I want you to see iU6KEyvFBSY-00152-00100182-00101208 I want us to look at this verse from Genesis again Genesis chapter 6 where you can put up the verse, iU6KEyvFBSY-00153-00101208-00101916 the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man for ever for indeed he is flesh his days shall iU6KEyvFBSY-00154-00101916-00102930 be 120 years because the dominant thoughts were evil because the mind and the heart and the soul iU6KEyvFBSY-00155-00102930-00103620 of the people was negative God said my spirit is not gonna be here for all the time with you iU6KEyvFBSY-00156-00103620-00104091 guys meaning our limit we're limited with the Holy Spirit but second thing that I want you to iU6KEyvFBSY-00157-00104091-00104834 remember and I want you to write this down is the dominant thoughts limit your life we were iU6KEyvFBSY-00158-00104834-00105423 cut short on this earth meaning our days on this earth was limited because of what was happening iU6KEyvFBSY-00159-00105423-00106470 in our mind the sicker your mind is the shorter your life is the poorer your mind is the smaller iU6KEyvFBSY-00160-00106470-00107135 your bank account is the poor your mind is the sick of your body will be no wonder Apostle John iU6KEyvFBSY-00161-00107135-00107853 says I pray you will be in good health and you will prosper as your soul prospers meaning the iU6KEyvFBSY-00162-00107853-00108456 measuring stick for Prosperity on the outside is what's happening on the inside come on somebody! iU6KEyvFBSY-00163-00108704-00109757 One of the things that limits our life is the limitation in our mind many times we like to blame iU6KEyvFBSY-00164-00109757-00110284 things on our boss, we like to blame things on our teacher, we like to blame things on our parents we iU6KEyvFBSY-00165-00110284-00110792 like to blame things on people who broke up with us we like to blame things and everybody except iU6KEyvFBSY-00166-00110792-00111344 take responsibility for whatever is happening in our mind in order to overcome the limits in our iU6KEyvFBSY-00167-00111344-00112004 life we have to remove the limits in our mind come on somebody and a lot of times those limits and iU6KEyvFBSY-00168-00112004-00112442 I'm gonna mention one thing, one thing that limits our spiritual walk with God more than anything iU6KEyvFBSY-00169-00112442-00113180 else it's called traditional thinking. Traditional thinking has stole more people from reaching more iU6KEyvFBSY-00170-00113180-00113801 for God than anything else in the world because to the people outside of the church what damages iU6KEyvFBSY-00171-00113801-00114341 their mind is evil thoughts lust and pride what controls people inside of the church many times iU6KEyvFBSY-00172-00114341-00114818 is traditional thinking. Traditional thinking says you shouldn't clap at church even though iU6KEyvFBSY-00173-00114818-00115421 the Bible says clap your hands all you people. Traditional thinking says don't raise your hands iU6KEyvFBSY-00174-00115421-00115955 in worship the Bible says in New Testament raise your holy hands traditional thinking says you iU6KEyvFBSY-00175-00115955-00116390 got Baptized as an infant that's all it matters even though Bible says that Jesus got Baptist at iU6KEyvFBSY-00176-00116390-00116986 thirty years of age the tradition says if you cast out demons, the demons will come back at you and iU6KEyvFBSY-00177-00116986-00117455 hunt you even though the Bible says you will cast them out and nothing by no means will hurt you. iU6KEyvFBSY-00178-00118089-00118736 Traditional thinking says the spirit the Holy Spirit is tongues the Bible says the Spirit of iU6KEyvFBSY-00179-00118736-00119439 God is a person because Jesus referred to him as he not it. The tradition says you have to pray and iU6KEyvFBSY-00180-00119439-00119907 fast and get your life super SuperDuper holy and then God will give you his power when the Bible iU6KEyvFBSY-00181-00119907-00120675 says it's his gifts and gifts are not awards in order to remove limits in your relationship with iU6KEyvFBSY-00182-00120675-00121557 God you have to differentiate what's tradition and what's holy scriptures and many times those iU6KEyvFBSY-00183-00121557-00122292 two are not the same many of you what holds you back from pursuing the holy spirit today is not iU6KEyvFBSY-00184-00122292-00122916 the devil it's the traditional thinking that puts your spiritual life on the leash if you want to go iU6KEyvFBSY-00185-00122916-00123345 further with the Holy Ghost you're gonna have to learn to say you know what this is great I grew iU6KEyvFBSY-00186-00123345-00123816 up like this I was taught like this but listen if I find something else in the Bible I stick iU6KEyvFBSY-00187-00123816-00124257 with the Bible because this word is eternal and this is the Word of God can somebody say, iU6KEyvFBSY-00188-00124257-00125220 Amen! I had a lot of traditional thinking it limited me and I still have traditional thinking iU6KEyvFBSY-00189-00125220-00125682 that limits me and the further I go with God the more I begin to see one thing how the Lord iU6KEyvFBSY-00190-00125682-00126209 breaks traditional thinking in my mind the idea of having two services on Sunday it goes against iU6KEyvFBSY-00191-00126209-00126576 my tradition because I love how the fact that we're so close and everything but the Bible says iU6KEyvFBSY-00192-00126576-00127098 to reach two people that means I have to push push away traditional stuff so that I can go iU6KEyvFBSY-00193-00127098-00127599 further with the Holy Spirit come on somebody! I want you to write down point number three, iU6KEyvFBSY-00194-00127599-00128571 dominant thoughts unlock greatness. Dominant thoughts unlock greatness and if we go back to iU6KEyvFBSY-00195-00128571-00129335 Genesis chapter 6 and verse three I want you to see this verse there or verse three yes I want iU6KEyvFBSY-00196-00129335-00130206 to see this verse there where it says that God saw the wickedness, verse verse five let's go to verse iU6KEyvFBSY-00197-00130206-00130857 5 the Bible says that God saw the wickedness of men. I want you to see this word it was iU6KEyvFBSY-00198-00130857-00131817 everybody say 'great' why was it great? Because the thoughts were only, every and continuously. iU6KEyvFBSY-00199-00131817-00132636 Now you probably have not seen it like this yet that your dominant thoughts produce greatness and iU6KEyvFBSY-00200-00132636-00133380 the kind of thoughts you have determined the kind of greatness you get. Now they had greatness in iU6KEyvFBSY-00201-00133380-00134064 wickedness you can have greatness in business Israelites had greatness in complaining great iU6KEyvFBSY-00202-00134064-00134799 complainers you can have greatness in your marriage great marriage dominant thoughts iU6KEyvFBSY-00203-00134799-00135621 will unlock greatness in you, but you determine what thoughts will unlock what greatness. The iU6KEyvFBSY-00204-00135621-00136326 humanity was unlocked of greatness of greatness in wickedness but we can unlock greatness in the iU6KEyvFBSY-00205-00136326-00136995 holy spirit we can unlock greatness in witnessing, we can unlock greatness in healing, we can unlock iU6KEyvFBSY-00206-00136995-00137649 greatness in our business we can unlock greatness in the relationships if we have dominant thoughts, iU6KEyvFBSY-00207-00137649-00138636 are you with me? To unlock greatness we have to allow dominant thoughts to be in line with God's iU6KEyvFBSY-00208-00138636-00139071 Word the problem why many people have dominant thoughts that are bad is because they don't have iU6KEyvFBSY-00209-00139071-00139689 a Bible reading plan in their life. If you don't read the Bible and you only read the news and your iU6KEyvFBSY-00210-00139689-00140583 Pinterest if you live on Pinterest you will die by Pinterest. Bible says that no man can live iU6KEyvFBSY-00211-00140583-00141216 by bread alone today Jesus would say no man can live by Facebook alone Twitter alone news alone iU6KEyvFBSY-00212-00141216-00142336 CNN Fox alone but by by my Word. What does that mean, that means you for your mind to be dominant iU6KEyvFBSY-00213-00142336-00142957 and positive it has to be dominated by something greater than your circumstances and that is the iU6KEyvFBSY-00214-00142957-00143437 Word of God what does that mean practically that means you download YouVersion Bible app you get a iU6KEyvFBSY-00215-00143437-00144055 physical Bible and you make a decision to submerge your mind into God's Word daily. If you don't do iU6KEyvFBSY-00216-00144055-00144667 that the devil will make your mind his footstool and he will trample on it and then your mind will iU6KEyvFBSY-00217-00144667-00145270 reflect your circumstances instead of changing your circumstances the Bible says in Romans iU6KEyvFBSY-00218-00145270-00145828 chapter 12 verse 2 it says that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind, it says in Proverbs iU6KEyvFBSY-00219-00145828-00146446 as men think it's so is he the meaning if you wanna change your life it first comes through iU6KEyvFBSY-00220-00146446-00147106 the change of your mind but most of us, our mind walks under our life not above our life because iU6KEyvFBSY-00221-00147106-00147736 there's no room for the Bible. If you make room for the Bible Joshua 1:8 it says if you don't let iU6KEyvFBSY-00222-00147736-00148360 this book depart from your mouth but meditate in it day and night meaning your mind is above iU6KEyvFBSY-00223-00148612-00149440 he will make you a successful and you will have great success you wanna unlock success pull your iU6KEyvFBSY-00224-00149440-00150067 mind from your sickness, pull your mind from your poverty, pull your mind from your abuse iU6KEyvFBSY-00225-00150067-00150658 pull your mind from your past, pull your mind from whatever happened to you, come on somebody! iU6KEyvFBSY-00226-00150658-00151840 Thank you for watching this content, I hope this was a blessing to you. If you're like iU6KEyvFBSY-00227-00151840-00152413 me and you like to click on things, click on this subscribe to our channel and the iU6KEyvFBSY-00228-00152413-00152935 content will come to you every time we post it and remember the best is yet to come iVjQLLWy9go-00000-00000844-00001215 What the fucking ghost plank just ib2j60paktc-00000-00000355-00000919 No, there is nothing wrong with your mobile device or your computer. This was how my world ib2j60paktc-00001-00000919-00001312 was when my kid was born 11 years ago. ib2j60paktc-00002-00001504-00002928 Hello, I am Bala Ramadurai, author, professor and consultant. 11 years ago in Bangalore, ib2j60paktc-00003-00002928-00003615 my son was born. My wife and I had hardly slept through those days. That's when my grandma ib2j60paktc-00004-00004112-00004856 visited us to take a look at her great grandson. As joyous as that sounded, it came with a peril. ib2j60paktc-00005-00004856-00005520 My grandma was a Scrabble addict. She hardly spent any time at all with her great grandson, ib2j60paktc-00006-00005584-00006200 but she spent most of her time playing Scrabble. She insisted that my wife and I join her. ib2j60paktc-00007-00006272-00006784 That's when an idea dawned on me to write about my Scrabble obsessed grandma. What if I could ib2j60paktc-00008-00006784-00007312 make it into a novel. Not many people have Scrabble obsessed grandmothers, after all. ib2j60paktc-00009-00007376-00007928 I wanted to expand this to a novel, but did not know how. I bumped into Dan Wells' video ib2j60paktc-00010-00007928-00008896 on 7-point story structure. I was now convinced that a seed idea could indeed be converted into ib2j60paktc-00011-00008896-00009448 a novel, so I tried out many tools at the time - million dollar tools like MS Word, ib2j60paktc-00012-00009448-00009799 Excel, Scrivener and the lot. In my research of tools, I found that George RR Martin famously ib2j60paktc-00013-00009799-00010032 had used Wordstar for typing out Game of Thrones. At that point, I remembered about ib2j60paktc-00014-00010032-00010384 an old editor - Emacs. I knew about Emacs from my undergrad days and my earlier software days. ib2j60paktc-00015-00010384-00010904 Thanks to the emacs community and particularly the orgmode community, I had what I wanted. ib2j60paktc-00016-00010904-00011568 Now, it was time to put the idea into action. I used another method called snowflake and also ib2j60paktc-00017-00011568-00012424 Tony Ballantyne's emacs writing template. The main features from org-mode that I used - fold, unfold, ib2j60paktc-00018-00012536-00013447 columnview, tags, distraction-free writing experience, clocking, project tracking and export. ib2j60paktc-00019-00013791-00015331 Now, the demo. We start with the plotline (a one line summary of the story). Then we write out the ib2j60paktc-00020-00015331-00015416 characters, describing them in detail. Write the main story arc, followed by the secondary ib2j60paktc-00021-00015416-00015591 character story arcs. Here is where org-mode really scores. Move the points in the story ib2j60paktc-00022-00015591-00015704 structure to form a coherent story. We get into location research. Write them ib2j60paktc-00023-00016392-00017488 all out in the columns. Once you are satisfied, now scene design. Each point in the story ib2j60paktc-00026-00030968-00031089 the whole story if it makes sense. Now, create a project file to track your project and clock ib2j60paktc-00027-00031089-00031695 your project to see how long it takes. I used a similar structure for my non-fiction book, ib2j60paktc-00028-00031888-00032400 which I published recently, all written and edited in emacs-org-mode. ib2j60paktc-00029-00032552-00033048 Thanks to you guys at the community, I am now a published author and I plan to ib2j60paktc-00030-00033048-00033656 publish and help other authors publish using this wonderful tool called emacs-org-mode. Thank You. ik6_UElEFsu-00000-00002440-00002856 hello there welcome to my channel my name is doug and i'm back with another fountain pen review ik6_UElEFsu-00001-00002920-00003311 and thank you in advance for liking and subscribing to my channel your support ik6_UElEFsu-00002-00003311-00003904 allows me to continue to do these reviews so thanks as you can see i've escaped my dark ik6_UElEFsu-00003-00003904-00004384 windowless basement and made it into the bright sunshine of a beautiful day here at the lake ik6_UElEFsu-00004-00004648-00005192 i was going to review the pilot decimo that i gifted win but it seems to be in constant use ik6_UElEFsu-00005-00005192-00005728 since the unboxing so that review will have to wait until she gives it up maybe sometime ik6_UElEFsu-00006-00005728-00006456 next week instead we're going to look at a very unusual limited edition pen the pen bbs ik6_UElEFsu-00007-00006456-00007208 535 year of the aux pen bbs just continues to advance and change it's really wonderful to see ik6_UElEFsu-00008-00007208-00007792 a pen manufacturer that isn't just resting on a model that hasn't changed in decades and decades ik6_UElEFsu-00009-00007792-00008384 and instead is pushing the envelope of fountain pen design let's just list a few of the new and ik6_UElEFsu-00010-00008384-00008944 interesting things that jilong soo and his team in shanghai have been doing for the last few years ik6_UElEFsu-00011-00009040-00009464 just since i've been buying pen bbs they've come out with eight new models ik6_UElEFsu-00012-00009528-00010720 the 480 the 492 year of the rat a 486 with a cat stuck on it the 487 491 383 and the 100 ik6_UElEFsu-00013-00010832-00011384 plus they refined and improved the model 355 bulk filler and came up with three new filling systems ik6_UElEFsu-00014-00011440-00011944 the magnetic filler the spring filler their own version of the vacuumatic filling system ik6_UElEFsu-00015-00011944-00012608 in the 383 in addition to that long has created a new calligraphy nib which is in the style of a ik6_UElEFsu-00016-00012608-00013240 naginata togi made by sailor i've been writing with my new pen bbs calligraphy number one nib ik6_UElEFsu-00017-00013240-00013816 that i put in my pen bbs 491 starry night for about a week now and i love it ik6_UElEFsu-00018-00013928-00014544 that's a lot of new stuff from pen bbs how many other pen manufacturers can boast 19 different ik6_UElEFsu-00019-00014544-00015112 pen models with seven different filling systems with dozens of different turned acrylic finishes ik6_UElEFsu-00020-00015112-00015696 and all for under sixty dollars u.s it's truly remarkable i know there's been a lot of criticism ik6_UElEFsu-00021-00015696-00016263 of chinese fountain pen manufacturers for being copycats of other designs and not being innovated ik6_UElEFsu-00022-00016263-00016968 well just feast your eyes on this this is the pen bbs 2021 limited edition pen of the year ik6_UElEFsu-00023-00016968-00017496 the 535 year of the augs when this first came out there were a lot of explanations ik6_UElEFsu-00024-00017496-00018128 of wow that's weird how ugly is that and what the hell is that what the hell is that ik6_UElEFsu-00025-00018336-00018792 like it or not it is unique and interesting i guess it's the opposite of the short ik6_UElEFsu-00026-00018792-00019672 fat egg-shaped sex toy moon man q1 and no i won't be getting one of those this one is long and curvy ik6_UElEFsu-00027-00019672-00020272 and sleek and bumpy all at the same time i have to say i didn't expect to like this pen even though i ik6_UElEFsu-00028-00020272-00020968 bought one the moment they hit etsy i was taking one for the pen bbs team you see are you insane ik6_UElEFsu-00029-00020968-00021456 i'm not going to prostitute myself just so we can get some new equipment oh come on why not ik6_UElEFsu-00030-00021656-00021960 well this is a surprising pen in more ways than one ik6_UElEFsu-00031-00021960-00022584 so let's look at the unboxing and see what's so unusual and cool about this pen right now ik6_UElEFsu-00032-00023408-00023856 well how very fortuitous that's the word for today fortuitous ik6_UElEFsu-00033-00023928-00024696 that on the very day that i'm giving one of these four pens away i get another pen bbs ik6_UElEFsu-00034-00024760-00025384 pen in the mail so let's open this up and see what it is ik6_UElEFsu-00035-00026872-00027544 and we have two things in here i ordered a craft knife ik6_UElEFsu-00036-00027720-00028304 in starry night so we'll open that up here we go ik6_UElEFsu-00037-00028552-00029264 hope i don't cut myself i just fell in love with this starry night finish ik6_UElEFsu-00038-00029439-00030216 and i got it on my 491 takes a regular x-acto 11 and that can sit right there ik6_UElEFsu-00039-00030216-00031136 and to the pen at hand the year of the ox nice red box the color of china pen bbs embossed on the top ik6_UElEFsu-00040-00031439-00031912 and it's got a slight sparkle to that which is very nice that box ik6_UElEFsu-00041-00032152-00032720 and we have a banner and bbs 2021 the chinese new year ik6_UElEFsu-00042-00032848-00033704 and it's got the filling instructions on the back and with english as well very nice thank you long ik6_UElEFsu-00043-00033704-00034328 our polyethylene bag and this one is marked 508 and here's the pen ik6_UElEFsu-00044-00034432-00034888 at first glance that mother of toilet seed or whatever it's supposed to be on there ik6_UElEFsu-00045-00034944-00035616 is underwhelming but the pen is very large very light and there's the ear of the aux ik6_UElEFsu-00046-00035808-00036584 nib you draw that back continue to turn and ik6_UElEFsu-00047-00037144-00037320 and the first push will be ik6_UElEFsu-00048-00037504-00038264 difficult i will take this apart clean it out and put it through its paces something to look ik6_UElEFsu-00049-00038264-00039032 forward to and you continue turning it and you can push it now mine wouldn't do that right out ik6_UElEFsu-00050-00039032-00039696 of the box it would not push no matter what i did because i could not turn that piston ik6_UElEFsu-00051-00039752-00040960 in there so what i had to do was unscrew the mechanism like this from the back of the pen ik6_UElEFsu-00052-00041288-00042328 which pulls that piston out so it goes into the collar and when you turn it the opposite way it ik6_UElEFsu-00053-00042328-00043216 should engage and push that piston but that piston was so dry inside that barrel it would ik6_UElEFsu-00054-00043216-00043968 not turn a little silicone grease on that piston pushed it back into the barrel just like that ik6_UElEFsu-00055-00044224-00045168 screwed it down just hand tight and now it will engage properly and what i'd like to do today is ik6_UElEFsu-00056-00045168-00045688 go over the parts and features of this pen show some size comparisons some measurements and then ik6_UElEFsu-00057-00045688-00046264 provide a write example after the writing sample please stay tuned as i will talk about what i like ik6_UElEFsu-00058-00046320-00046880 and what i don't like so much about this fountain pen this is the second pen of the ik6_UElEFsu-00059-00046880-00047736 year fountain pen i purchased from pen bbs the pen of the year 2020 the pen bbs 492 year of the ik6_UElEFsu-00060-00047736-00048536 rat was much like the year 2020 itself up and down a bit weird and ultimately disappointing ik6_UElEFsu-00061-00048912-00049648 the magnetic piston idea was clever and cool in theory but not very practical in use ik6_UElEFsu-00062-00049736-00050376 they couldn't even improve the magnetic filler for the production model 487 ik6_UElEFsu-00063-00050376-00051255 and now both of these pens are stored uninked now i did and do like the looks of both the 492 ik6_UElEFsu-00064-00051255-00052112 and the 487 but looks can't trump usability with the pen bbs year of the ox 2021 fountain pen ik6_UElEFsu-00065-00052176-00052879 i was initially turned off by the overall look of this pen it was just a bit too weird looking for ik6_UElEFsu-00066-00052879-00053655 my taste that's strange all of a sudden i don't quite feel like myself oh i feel all right and yet ik6_UElEFsu-00067-00053952-00054567 i snapped one up anyway as they are limited editions and of course inquiring minds want ik6_UElEFsu-00068-00054567-00055504 to know this one is number 508 of 999. i'm sure they limited it to 999 so they wouldn't have to ik6_UElEFsu-00069-00055504-00056216 add an extra digit uh to the back of the cap here and i'm just guessing but i'm thinking ik6_UElEFsu-00070-00056216-00056816 that since the pen is derived from the three five five filler mechanism that they just switch ik6_UElEFsu-00071-00056816-00057464 the numbers around instead of three five five it's five three five just my guess let's talk about the ik6_UElEFsu-00072-00057464-00058136 overall look of this pen for a moment first i want to address what i mentioned in the introduction ik6_UElEFsu-00073-00058191-00058872 the criticism that chinese pen manufacturers are not adventurous innovative or creative and they ik6_UElEFsu-00074-00058872-00059528 just copy classic models like italian german and japanese pens this is proof that that isn't true ik6_UElEFsu-00075-00059600-00060088 this pen is proof that pen bbs is all of those things creative ik6_UElEFsu-00076-00060088-00060704 innovative and adventurous and kudos to long and his team for this adventure but let's also ik6_UElEFsu-00077-00060704-00061328 talk about the aesthetics of this design this is what we professionals in the design business call ik6_UElEFsu-00078-00061416-00062088 a dog's breakfast trademark you want a popsicle huh breakfast popsicle ik6_UElEFsu-00079-00062304-00062448 wow there's vodka in here ik6_UElEFsu-00080-00062920-00063448 now what uh and i was now what do you what did you want wait i'm two and a half hours ik6_UElEFsu-00081-00063448-00064096 late for preschool it's all over the place when i worked in theater design i'd go to openings of ik6_UElEFsu-00082-00064096-00064624 plays all the time invariably i'd be accosted in the lobby after a show to give my opinion ik6_UElEFsu-00083-00064679-00065504 what did you think of our show well talk about bad taste of course no one wants to be harsh ik6_UElEFsu-00084-00065504-00066224 when someone has put great effort into a piece so invariably i'd say well that was interesting it ik6_UElEFsu-00085-00066224-00067384 isn't how i would have thought of approaching romeo and juliet with an all-female cast ik6_UElEFsu-00086-00067624-00068704 but very interesting so if you like long curved both convex and concave fat slim flat top opaque ik6_UElEFsu-00087-00068704-00069448 black transparent fountain pen with a built-in mirror ball and cheap jewelry roll stop with ik6_UElEFsu-00088-00069448-00070136 rose gold hardware bulk filler then this pen is for you this is the kind of design you see in ik6_UElEFsu-00089-00070136-00070688 amateur theater productions where the play is set in some kind of period but you can't tell exactly ik6_UElEFsu-00090-00070688-00071472 what period it is because the costumes and decor have elements of 16th 17th 18th and 19th century ik6_UElEFsu-00091-00071472-00072008 editions just to cover all the bases and of course the added digital watch here and there ik6_UElEFsu-00092-00072104-00072720 but here is the fascinating thing about this pen as well it's really comfortable to write with ik6_UElEFsu-00093-00072776-00073408 so spoiler alert i love this pen i just have to get used to writing with it with my eyes closed ik6_UElEFsu-00094-00073720-00074320 i can't see i can't see what's the matter i got my eyes closed that's all so let's look ik6_UElEFsu-00095-00074320-00074984 at the myriad of features of this pen from the top we see a rose gold colored metal medallion ik6_UElEFsu-00096-00074984-00076056 on a flat topped black injection molded plastic cap and the medallion says pen bbs 2021 year of ik6_UElEFsu-00097-00076056-00077008 the ox there's an image of an ox and some chinese characters stamped into it and this isn't a clip ik6_UElEFsu-00098-00077008-00077856 this is a roll stop it has some sort of plastic jewel and i use the term jewel very loosely here ik6_UElEFsu-00099-00077856-00078416 this one looks like it's made with a clear acrylic that someone tapped their cigar ashes into before ik6_UElEFsu-00100-00078416-00078952 it's set it's uh really ugly what's going to mean nothing man i got a niece and ugly girl ik6_UElEFsu-00101-00078952-00079424 she got married she's happy she had an ugly guy right today they got two very ugly kids ugly kids ik6_UElEFsu-00102-00079680-00079984 in fact they're all so ugly in a family album they only keep the negatives ik6_UElEFsu-00103-00080048-00080680 it is set into a rose gold colored metal base which is held into the cap from the inside uh ik6_UElEFsu-00104-00080680-00081512 with a phillips head screw and some and a silicone seal the cap has edition numbers 508 of 999 ik6_UElEFsu-00105-00081592-00082312 a couple of oxen on both sides and pen bbs uh heat stamped into it the cap is concave ik6_UElEFsu-00106-00082312-00082976 in shape and swoops down to the black injection molded plastic section flare this is very clever ik6_UElEFsu-00107-00082976-00083552 to incorporate the section and the barrel as the same piece and not have the cap cover the section ik6_UElEFsu-00108-00083664-00084304 the flare of the section curves down and then tapers back up again to the clear acrylic barrel ik6_UElEFsu-00109-00084440-00085208 there's absolutely no seam between these two pieces under magnification i can see the tiny ik6_UElEFsu-00110-00085208-00085888 seam between the two materials but the tolerances here are amazing and precise extremely well done ik6_UElEFsu-00111-00085888-00086528 the barrel then curves up and then back down in this convex curve along its length ik6_UElEFsu-00112-00086584-00087352 to a rose gold colored metal band with square facets like a mirror ball that is followed by ik6_UElEFsu-00113-00087352-00088144 some black plastic threads for posting the cap and then the convex shaped piston knob ik6_UElEFsu-00114-00088144-00088976 that has a flat bottom the cap unscrews with one and about a quarter of a turn to reveal the cap ik6_UElEFsu-00115-00088976-00089568 threads at the nib end of the section and the number six size rose gold colored steel nib ik6_UElEFsu-00116-00089672-00090480 and standard pen bbs plastic feed let's take a closer look at this nib it has nothing but an ox ik6_UElEFsu-00117-00090480-00091208 and some chinese characters presumably saying year of the ox laser etched into it this is a fine nib ik6_UElEFsu-00118-00091208-00092032 in the typical pen bbs mini fuday or waverly style with the slight upturn on the tip the nib and the ik6_UElEFsu-00119-00092032-00092704 feed are part of the typical pen bbs nib assembly which unscrews easily this is another great thing ik6_UElEFsu-00120-00092704-00093344 about pen bbs you can get these parts packs for very little money to replace feeds o-rings ik6_UElEFsu-00121-00093344-00094008 nib collars and the like the section's shape is very comfortable with no transition to the curve ik6_UElEFsu-00122-00094008-00094600 of the barrel you can hold this pen anywhere along its length and it's really really smooth ik6_UElEFsu-00123-00094656-00095248 the flare end of the section keeps your grip from slipping the inside of the cap shows the ik6_UElEFsu-00124-00095248-00095984 aforementioned phillips screw but no cap seal the cap posts on the back of the threads of the pen ik6_UElEFsu-00125-00096200-00096872 and the cap is extremely light so it doesn't back weight that pen or actually affect the balance ik6_UElEFsu-00126-00096872-00097504 at all it actually doesn't uh increase the length of the pen appreciably so there's no point in not ik6_UElEFsu-00127-00097504-00098200 posting this pen now on to the filling system the 535 borrows the bulk filler system from the pen ik6_UElEFsu-00128-00098200-00099024 bbs 355 improved model when i first saw this 535 i thought they had just put the mechanism ik6_UElEFsu-00129-00099024-00100032 from the 355 into the 535 and designed the new pen around it but i was mistaken here is the 355 ik6_UElEFsu-00130-00100032-00100984 improved and here is the 535 pen bbs have retooled to make a smaller size bulk filling mechanism to ik6_UElEFsu-00131-00100984-00101768 fit the sleeker tail of the 535 again this is an example of a chinese company valuing design ik6_UElEFsu-00132-00101768-00102296 over cutting corners they could have designed around the already existing tooling ik6_UElEFsu-00133-00102296-00102880 of the three five five but instead they resize the three five five mechanism i'm hoping this means ik6_UElEFsu-00134-00102880-00103464 we'll see an improved three five five version soon that would be an improved improved the one ik6_UElEFsu-00135-00103464-00104032 drawback for making the 355 my favorite of all of their models is the fact that it doesn't post ik6_UElEFsu-00136-00104032-00104696 practically yeah that sticks on there but it makes the pen extremely long if they can get ik6_UElEFsu-00137-00104824-00105608 this smaller bulk filling mechanism into this pen and which will allow that cap to post as ik6_UElEFsu-00138-00105608-00106256 deep as the four five six i think this would be a killer pen when i first inked this pen i ik6_UElEFsu-00139-00106256-00106952 used jay urban rouge hematite but that ink was way too light for my liking and the line is too ik6_UElEFsu-00140-00106952-00107616 thin to display any of that shimmer anyway so i've decided to ink the pen with diamine oxblood ik6_UElEFsu-00141-00107728-00108472 i got this ink to match with my new hongdian 1841 and it's actually a great match so let's go ahead ik6_UElEFsu-00142-00108472-00109216 and ink this pen so i can demonstrate how the bulk filler works first thing you do is you unscrew the ik6_UElEFsu-00143-00109216-00110064 piston and draw the rod back and then you keep turning in that same direction which engages ik6_UElEFsu-00144-00110144-00110880 that thread into the piston itself and as i said earlier you just turn it ik6_UElEFsu-00145-00111008-00111592 more in that direction and you probably couldn't see that but that actually moved slightly to the ik6_UElEFsu-00146-00111592-00112568 left which disengaged those bayonet pins and then you push the piston forward now you can see those ik6_UElEFsu-00147-00112568-00113232 bayonet pins right there and you push the piston all the way down and we put the nib into the ink ik6_UElEFsu-00148-00113232-00113824 all the way down to the section and then we can start siphoning up some ink now you'll notice ik6_UElEFsu-00149-00113824-00114408 that there's still some air in that chamber and that air is there because there was air ik6_UElEFsu-00150-00114408-00115135 in the feed the nib and the section and that got drawn up in there as well but what you can do ik6_UElEFsu-00151-00115135-00115864 is you can turn the pen nib up and push that piston up so that it pushes out some of that ik6_UElEFsu-00152-00115944-00116696 air and you see ink starting to come out at the feed then you can put it back down into the ink ik6_UElEFsu-00153-00116832-00117559 and pull the piston the rest of the way up now that's completely full from there to there now how ik6_UElEFsu-00154-00117559-00118280 do you get the rod back well you have to disengage that by turning it the other way when you pull it ik6_UElEFsu-00155-00118280-00118792 all the way back and turn it the opposite way it disengages that rod from the piston ik6_UElEFsu-00156-00118792-00119383 and then you hold it over the ink again because pushing the piston back down we'll displace ik6_UElEFsu-00157-00119496-00120072 a couple of drops of ink more than a couple but then we know we've got an absolutely full pen ik6_UElEFsu-00158-00120135-00120583 so with the the piston knob screwed all the way down ik6_UElEFsu-00159-00120640-00121159 it engages a little stop valve right there at the end of that section you can see it actually ik6_UElEFsu-00160-00121159-00122080 very nicely right there if you unscrew it you'll see that that disengages here it is coming out ik6_UElEFsu-00161-00122288-00122672 there and ink will now flow between the section and the chamber ik6_UElEFsu-00162-00122728-00123383 and i can actually tap the ink out of there or turn it upside down and get the ink into there ik6_UElEFsu-00163-00123472-00123864 once the ink is down into the section and i close that valve ik6_UElEFsu-00164-00124183-00124768 i've sealed off the chamber of ink from the section and the section and the feed are full of ik6_UElEFsu-00165-00124768-00125464 ink so i can write for a good long time with that amount of ink in there and if i need ink to flow ik6_UElEFsu-00166-00125464-00126008 i just open it up again but if that's too much work for you and you forget leave the valve ik6_UElEFsu-00167-00126008-00126711 open on this model you can still post the pen and that valve is open and you can just leave ik6_UElEFsu-00168-00126711-00127352 your pen like that and that valve is open and the ink will flow having that shutoff valve is very ik6_UElEFsu-00169-00127352-00127848 convenient if you're traveling that valve will prevent temperature or air pressure changes ik6_UElEFsu-00170-00127848-00128552 from causing the pen to burp into the cap i bought this pen on pen bbs's official etsy store site for ik6_UElEFsu-00171-00128552-00129232 59.99 u.s and i added the extra shipping to get it here before the year of the tiger ik6_UElEFsu-00172-00129320-00130016 now let's look at some size comparison and here we are with the pen bbs 535 year of the aux with ik6_UElEFsu-00173-00130016-00131448 a leonardo ferrari grande a pen bbs 355 a picasso 915 and a pilot plumix and the plumix almost ik6_UElEFsu-00174-00131448-00132296 reaches the right length but still the 535 is the longest of the group let's look at them posted ik6_UElEFsu-00175-00132296-00133016 and here they are posted you can see that the 535 doesn't get that much bigger when you post that ik6_UElEFsu-00176-00133016-00133568 cap but the other pens do except for the plumix which ends up being a nice compact little squid ik6_UElEFsu-00177-00133624-00134584 now let's look at some measurements and i'll be back with the writing sample ik6_UElEFsu-00178-00135432-00135656 and we're back with the writing portion of the review ik6_UElEFsu-00179-00135736-00136288 this is clairefontaine 90 gsm paper and this is the pen bbs ik6_UElEFsu-00180-00136824-00136992 535 ik6_UElEFsu-00181-00137240-00137544 year of the ox ik6_UElEFsu-00182-00138144-00138288 and it has a fine ik6_UElEFsu-00183-00138704-00138816 steel knit ik6_UElEFsu-00184-00139256-00139736 and the ink as you just saw is diamine ik6_UElEFsu-00185-00140112-00140176 box bud ik6_UElEFsu-00186-00140536-00140984 i thought that was appropriate let's check the wetness on this pen ik6_UElEFsu-00187-00141104-00142152 very wet i didn't do anything to this nib usually these fine mini fuji pen bbs nibs run a little bit ik6_UElEFsu-00188-00142152-00142832 dry right out of the box and so i always give them the seven presses i'm not pressing this because i ik6_UElEFsu-00189-00142832-00143440 don't want it any wetter than this but you press it to spread those tines out about seven times and ik6_UElEFsu-00190-00143440-00144144 it opens it up opens up that flow but this was plenty wet right out of the box and the nib is ik6_UElEFsu-00191-00144368-00144528 extremely smooth ik6_UElEFsu-00192-00145168-00145256 it's very stiff ik6_UElEFsu-00193-00145704-00146184 so you're not going to get much line variation out of it at all and let's look at some close matches ik6_UElEFsu-00194-00146184-00147240 to the diamine oxblood from inkswatch.com i bought this for the hondian 1841 and it's matching really ik6_UElEFsu-00195-00147240-00148112 nicely i do love this dark red and this line that we're getting out of this pen is 0.5 millimeters ik6_UElEFsu-00196-00148280-00148808 which all the fine pin bbs nibs seem to be and that makes it a western ik6_UElEFsu-00197-00149064-00149392 fine or a japanese ik6_UElEFsu-00198-00149664-00151384 fine to medium and for our quote ik6_UElEFsu-00199-00151664-00151792 and some reverse writing ik6_UElEFsu-00200-00152352-00153000 that's not too scratchy at all but very very fine extra extra extra fine ik6_UElEFsu-00201-00153288-00154184 and some quick writing ik6_UElEFsu-00202-00154568-00155088 no issues whatsoever so what do i like and what do i not like about this fountain pen ik6_UElEFsu-00203-00155168-00155704 there's so much on both sides of that question but the short answer is that the pen writes ik6_UElEFsu-00204-00155704-00156344 beautifully holds a ton of ink and is super comfortable in the hand everything i dislike about ik6_UElEFsu-00205-00156344-00157000 the pen is aesthetic which is purely subjective of course some will absolutely adore the ik6_UElEFsu-00206-00157000-00157872 awkward strangely shaped dare i say ugly pen this mixture of styles attacks my design sensibilities ik6_UElEFsu-00207-00157872-00158480 like a polka dot shirt with a striped tie and a plaid jacket i mean well used car salesmen will ik6_UElEFsu-00208-00158480-00158952 love it this is the automobile you should be using the wagon queen family truckster ik6_UElEFsu-00209-00159008-00159544 you think you hate it now but wait are you driving but for me i'll probably unink this pen ik6_UElEFsu-00210-00159544-00160232 put it back in its cool red box and chalk it up to experience and there you have it if you like this ik6_UElEFsu-00211-00160232-00160776 video please like and subscribe and don't forget to ring that bell to get instant notifications ik6_UElEFsu-00212-00160776-00161184 whenever a new video is posted and that just leaves it for me to say ik6_UElEFsu-00213-00161408-00161456 thank you ik6_UElEFsu-00214-00161728-00161800 for watching ik6_UElEFsu-00215-00162248-00162584 and that's all she wrote ik6_UElEFsu-00216-00163280-00163384 i made this ikIY7eAgKPM-00000-00001360-00002720 Add Sailor Mercury ikIY7eAgKPM-00001-00002720-00004079 Add Mirror and Other ikIY7eAgKPM-00002-00004079-00005422 Add Pika Swirl ikIY7eAgKPM-00003-00005422-00006789 Add Crying ikIY7eAgKPM-00004-00006789-00008143 Add Sad ikIY7eAgKPM-00005-00008143-00009473 Add G Major 8 ikIY7eAgKPM-00006-00009473-00010863 Add G Major 51 ikIY7eAgKPM-00007-00010863-00012129 Ad Real G Major 30 ikIY7eAgKPM-00008-00012129-00013449 Add G Major 9 by Rj Kumar ikIY7eAgKPM-00009-00013449-00014913 Add Blind Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00010-00014913-00016272 Add G Major 7 ikIY7eAgKPM-00011-00016272-00017632 Add G Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00012-00017632-00018971 Add G Major by Ltv Mca ikIY7eAgKPM-00013-00018971-00020330 Add G Major 23 ikIY7eAgKPM-00014-00020330-00021704 Add TN Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00015-00021704-00023070 Add My G Major 14 ikIY7eAgKPM-00016-00023070-00024419 Add Going Weirdness Every ikIY7eAgKPM-00017-00024419-00025733 Add Blind ikIY7eAgKPM-00018-00025733-00027119 Add Green Lowers ikIY7eAgKPM-00019-00027119-00028489 Add Low Tone ikIY7eAgKPM-00020-00028489-00029842 Add V Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00021-00029842-00031174 Add No Cries ikIY7eAgKPM-00022-00031174-00032544 Add Field Day Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00023-00032544-00033900 Add No Low Voice ikIY7eAgKPM-00024-00033900-00035242 Add Milk ikIY7eAgKPM-00025-00035242-00036622 Add G Major 18 ikIY7eAgKPM-00026-00036622-00037962 Add U Major ikIY7eAgKPM-00027-00037962-00039346 Add PP Effect ikIY7eAgKPM-00028-00039346-00040716 Add G Major 36 ikIY7eAgKPM-00029-00040716-00041996 Add No Killed il2JYQVaVVk-00000-00000000-00000624 I think there is an appreciation that rejoining is going to be extremely challenging . The problem is il2JYQVaVVk-00001-00000624-00001344 that not rejoining is going to be also extremely challenging. And in a sense they are trying to il2JYQVaVVk-00002-00001344-00002124 create a non-existent comfort zone which is that somehow of course Brexit was not ideal, il2JYQVaVVk-00003-00002124-00002424 it was a mistake and things, but it's not as bad as all that, il2JYQVaVVk-00004-00002424-00002898 we can somehow make the thing work, we can muddle through and this is I'm afraid il2JYQVaVVk-00005-00003066-00003510 a line of thinking that has a very long and not very glorious history in British policy making. il2JYQVaVVk-00006-00003888-00004338 Hello I'm Brendan Donnelly, I'm the Director of the Federal Trust, and I'll be discussing il2JYQVaVVk-00007-00004338-00004800 today with the chair of the Federal Trust John Stevens the state of Brexit and the il2JYQVaVVk-00008-00004800-00005406 Brexit debate in the United Kingdom. John, at the weekend there was a well-publicized report in The il2JYQVaVVk-00009-00005406-00005862 Observer about a meeting which has supposedly taken place between leading Conservative and il2JYQVaVVk-00010-00005862-00006540 Labour politicians on the subject of Brexit. The theme was moving beyond remain and leave camps il2JYQVaVVk-00011-00006540-00007242 and trying to make Brexit work. That's been much criticized, particularly by the most enthusiastic il2JYQVaVVk-00012-00007242-00007895 Brexiters who see it as a prelude to betraying Brexit. Are they right to have these fears? il2JYQVaVVk-00013-00008016-00008514 Well, they're right to be concerned that Brexit is clearly not working and this is further proof il2JYQVaVVk-00014-00008514-00009006 of it. But I think they're quite mistaken in imagining that this is any form of serious il2JYQVaVVk-00015-00009006-00009546 attempt at reversing Brexit. Quite the contrary, it's actually an indication that the Labour Party il2JYQVaVVk-00016-00009546-00010416 is accepting that going along with Brexit and using the slogan of "Making Brexit Work" il2JYQVaVVk-00017-00010602-00011244 benefits from having some links to the Conservative Party. It improves their political il2JYQVaVVk-00018-00011244-00011844 strategy which is to recover the red wall by avoiding essentially the Brexit issue or loading il2JYQVaVVk-00019-00011844-00012654 the blame for Brexit onto the Conservatives but not addressing the underlying issue that Brexit il2JYQVaVVk-00020-00012654-00013338 has been a disaster. It seems that Sunak wasn't informed of this meeting. How significant is that? il2JYQVaVVk-00021-00013506-00014034 Well, I think it is quite surprising that he was not informed and I think it is an indication of il2JYQVaVVk-00022-00014034-00014519 his weakness in this situation. I mean he is at the moment endeavouring to get a deal on il2JYQVaVVk-00023-00014519-00015234 the Northern Ireland Protocol. Any form of a discussion along these lines that raises the il2JYQVaVVk-00024-00015234-00016110 fears of the harder line anti-Europeans in the Conservative Party and beyond in the Democratic il2JYQVaVVk-00025-00016110-00016818 Unionist Party I think makes his position more difficult. So I can't imagine he was overjoyed il2JYQVaVVk-00026-00016818-00017634 to read this over his breakfast. Do you attach significance to the fact that apparently some il2JYQVaVVk-00027-00017724-00018432 Leavers, some people who voted to leave, for Brexit, are now admitting at least in private il2JYQVaVVk-00028-00018492-00019140 that Brexit isn't working although interestingly Gove who was widely quoted in the Sunday press il2JYQVaVVk-00029-00019218-00019590 apparently still believes that Brexit was a spiffingly good idea. il2JYQVaVVk-00030-00019716-00020220 Well, Gove clearly thought it was a spiffingly good idea in order to advance his own personal il2JYQVaVVk-00031-00020220-00020724 political ambitions, like Boris Johnson. This is the irony of the situation, that both of them il2JYQVaVVk-00032-00020724-00021318 almost certainly embraced the Leave campaign not out of deep consideration or conviction il2JYQVaVVk-00033-00021318-00021762 but because it was a part of their strategy to acquire leadership of the Conservative Party. il2JYQVaVVk-00034-00021882-00022458 Gove I think is now in a very interesting position because he must know that Brexit is a il2JYQVaVVk-00035-00022458-00023154 disaster and that he will have a very significant responsibility for it when the history books come il2JYQVaVVk-00036-00023154-00023634 to be written. Now I'm not sure whether he is someone who worries about that sort of thing but il2JYQVaVVk-00037-00023712-00024510 if he does the one chance he has of redeeming his position would be to now actually say that it was il2JYQVaVVk-00038-00024510-00025152 a mistake to do Brexit. But of course he won't do that, I would be astonished if he did. It would be il2JYQVaVVk-00039-00025152-00025644 the one thing that could actually really change the debate in Britain, would be someone like him il2JYQVaVVk-00040-00025644-00026322 recanting their errors. But on the contrary it seems that he is still mired in essentially a il2JYQVaVVk-00041-00026322-00026945 personal position of justifying himself. And as long as that is the case then his place il2JYQVaVVk-00042-00026945-00027588 in history will be deservedly as black as night. Is it overoptimistic to think that two wings are il2JYQVaVVk-00043-00027588-00028092 emerging within the Conservative Party in their approach to Brexit? One of which headed by people il2JYQVaVVk-00044-00028092-00028800 like Jacob Rees-Mogg is entirely ideological and dogmatic, and the other perhaps headed by Gove il2JYQVaVVk-00045-00028800-00029633 is a more pragmatic approach, is that over optimistic? Is it inaccurate? Well, I think it il2JYQVaVVk-00046-00029633-00030383 is certainly true that there have been a curious combination in the Brexit camp between true il2JYQVaVVk-00047-00030383-00031194 believers and opportunists. And the most effective brains in the operation and the most effective il2JYQVaVVk-00048-00031194-00031782 campaigners have in fact been the opportunists not the true believers. And as the problems of Brexit il2JYQVaVVk-00049-00031782-00032454 mount up clearly the ranks of the true believers will thin and the numbers of those who have to il2JYQVaVVk-00050-00032454-00033090 work out how they can live with the consequences of what has happened will grow. As I say, Gove, il2JYQVaVVk-00051-00033090-00033522 and for that matter Johnson, but Gove particularly because he is an intelligent man and I think il2JYQVaVVk-00052-00033582-00034194 is more self-aware than most others in this situation, has got an opportunity to correct il2JYQVaVVk-00053-00034194-00034776 the enormous error of Brexit. But I don't think he will take it because of the personal restraints il2JYQVaVVk-00054-00034776-00035190 which he is undoubtedly under and because of the residual position of his own ambition. il2JYQVaVVk-00055-00035256-00036294 But the broader point is that Brexit is clearly failing and what can be saved from the wreck is il2JYQVaVVk-00056-00036294-00037110 now the main direction of debate. Why do you think it is that the Labour Party has participated in il2JYQVaVVk-00057-00037110-00037728 this event, in these discussions? I can see why they might not want to talk too much about Brexit, il2JYQVaVVk-00058-00037728-00038364 I can even understand the claim of Starmer and others that it will be inappropriate to re-enter il2JYQVaVVk-00059-00038364-00038886 the Single Market or the Customs Union. But to be seen to be working together with the government il2JYQVaVVk-00060-00038952-00039678 on this issue, why have they gone down that road? Well, I think it is a manner of putting il2JYQVaVVk-00061-00039678-00040284 the blame for all the problems of Brexit onto the Conservatives while at the same time not putting il2JYQVaVVk-00062-00040284-00040656 themselves into a position of actually addressing those problems and reversing it. I mean it isn't il2JYQVaVVk-00063-00040656-00041310 a sense an ideal political position to be in ahead of the General Election if their target il2JYQVaVVk-00064-00041310-00042126 is indeed winning back the red wall seats which they lost in 2019. So it is purely tactical but il2JYQVaVVk-00065-00042126-00042738 it has a tactical merit in the sense that it is asymmetric for the view of the Conservative Party. il2JYQVaVVk-00066-00042738-00043272 It weakens the Conservative Party's credibility as a Brexit party, it makes it more difficult il2JYQVaVVk-00067-00043272-00044034 for the Conservatives to retreat into an attempt to recreate the 2019 campaign by firing up the il2JYQVaVVk-00068-00044034-00044526 Brexit issue and proclaiming its benefits and its liberating supposedly liberating qualities. il2JYQVaVVk-00069-00044634-00045306 And it therefore traps the Conservative Party and I think that's principally what Starmer is il2JYQVaVVk-00070-00045306-00046248 considering. It has a quality of Peter Mandelson's tactics actually and of course he was attending il2JYQVaVVk-00071-00046248-00047280 the Ditchley meeting. Many people on the remain side of the argument have welcomed this meeting, il2JYQVaVVk-00072-00047388-00048108 seeing it as being a beginning of a more conciliatory and constructive approach to Brexit. il2JYQVaVVk-00073-00048192-00048744 Are they right in their evaluation? Well, I think there is certainly going to be an il2JYQVaVVk-00074-00048744-00049338 attempt to say that we've got to make the best of the job I mean this is clearly il2JYQVaVVk-00075-00049338-00049986 the emerging mainstream consensus both in the Labour Party's position il2JYQVaVVk-00076-00050112-00050724 and I think more widely because I think there is an appreciation that rejoining is going to il2JYQVaVVk-00077-00050724-00051234 be extremely challenging. The problem is that not rejoining is going to be also extremely il2JYQVaVVk-00078-00051234-00052110 challenging. And in a sense they are trying to create a non-existent comfort zone which is that il2JYQVaVVk-00079-00052110-00052686 somehow of course Brexit was not ideal, it was a mistake and things, but it's not as bad as il2JYQVaVVk-00080-00052686-00053190 all that, we can somehow make the thing work, we can muddle through. And this is I'm afraid il2JYQVaVVk-00081-00053364-00053808 a line of thinking that has a very long and not very glorious history in in British policy making. il2JYQVaVVk-00082-00053976-00054438 Do you think that that will be a sustainable position for the Labour Party in particular il2JYQVaVVk-00083-00054438-00054966 over the next couple of years? If the situation becomes much worse, if opinion turns much more il2JYQVaVVk-00084-00054966-00055578 vehemently against Brexit, will the Labour Party be able to continue with this plan of playing both il2JYQVaVVk-00085-00055578-00056508 ends against the middle? I think if the economic situation deteriorates further it will become more il2JYQVaVVk-00086-00056508-00057336 difficult, that's certainly true. But the problem is that there is no strategy to actually rejoin il2JYQVaVVk-00087-00057444-00057917 and there is no honesty about what rejoining would really entail il2JYQVaVVk-00088-00057996-00058488 and as long as that is the case, as long as there is no one willing to make a positive il2JYQVaVVk-00089-00058488-00058991 case for rejoining and a positive case for the European Union overall il2JYQVaVVk-00090-00059052-00060078 then this halfway house of hoping that somehow we can muddle through will I fear prevail. il2JYQVaVVk-00091-00060198-00060564 One of the issues that will certainly have been discussed at this meeting would have il2JYQVaVVk-00092-00060564-00061140 been Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Protocol, where it seems that the Labour Party are il2JYQVaVVk-00093-00061140-00062028 willing once again in a slightly disingenuous way to help the government solve the problems which il2JYQVaVVk-00094-00062088-00062796 they're confronted with. We're told that there is a text of the Protocol, revised Protocol, il2JYQVaVVk-00095-00062898-00063690 modified Protocol, which Sunak is sitting on. What do you think the prospects are for an agreement il2JYQVaVVk-00096-00063690-00064164 and do you think he can sell it in particular to the different wings of the Conservative Party? il2JYQVaVVk-00097-00064302-00065094 I think he may be able to sell it to the Brexiteer element in the Conservative Party, il2JYQVaVVk-00098-00065094-00065502 I cannot see how he can square it with unionism in Northern Ireland, il2JYQVaVVk-00099-00065568-00066048 and I think that's where the real barrier lies. And so even if there were to be an il2JYQVaVVk-00100-00066048-00066642 agreement of some kind between the EU and the UK government, whether it would actually be able to il2JYQVaVVk-00101-00066642-00067110 work on the ground and whether it would be consistent with a restoration of Stormont il2JYQVaVVk-00102-00067110-00067620 I think is a very different question. I mean fundamentally there is no solution il2JYQVaVVk-00103-00067620-00068358 to the Northern Irish situation following Brexit other than ultimately reunification. il2JYQVaVVk-00104-00068430-00069144 And this truth with all that it entails, with its immense difficulties in Northern Ireland, il2JYQVaVVk-00105-00069258-00069942 it cannot be wished away and so all parties in this are regarding it as in some way il2JYQVaVVk-00106-00070080-00070812 just a damage limitation exercise. And I think the Labour Party's engagement is il2JYQVaVVk-00107-00070812-00071394 knowing that this thing is not going to work fundamentally and not wishing to have any il2JYQVaVVk-00108-00071478-00071934 responsibility for it not working, to load that responsibility entirely onto il2JYQVaVVk-00109-00071934-00072348 the government. In a sense it's a specific version of why they're happy to engage with il2JYQVaVVk-00110-00072348-00073074 the Conservative Party in discussing how Brexit might be improved somewhat. It loads all the il2JYQVaVVk-00111-00073074-00073818 blame onto the government and allows them to avoid blame for not being more engaged. il2JYQVaVVk-00112-00073986-00074640 There is a feedback however between the ERG and the DUP, isn't there? If the DUP won't buy it I il2JYQVaVVk-00113-00074640-00075246 think it will be very difficult for Sunak to sell it to the ERG. There's a similarity of culture, il2JYQVaVVk-00114-00075246-00075948 isn't there, both ERG and the DUP are waiting to be betrayed by the British government if you like. il2JYQVaVVk-00115-00076020-00076422 I think that's certainly true but there is one very big difference which is the il2JYQVaVVk-00116-00076422-00076956 DUP are concerned about the unionist tradition in Northern Ireland and their existential position, il2JYQVaVVk-00117-00076956-00077820 whereas the ERG element I think are confused with other issues that will enter into their il2JYQVaVVk-00118-00077820-00078594 considerations, above all the question of whether Boris Johnson might stage a return. And so this il2JYQVaVVk-00119-00078594-00079452 is much more linked I think in the British end of the debate with other considerations il2JYQVaVVk-00120-00079452-00079836 about the future of the Conservative Party, how it goes into the next General Election, il2JYQVaVVk-00121-00079950-00080538 Johnson's return, the future status of Trussite economics and all the rest I mean, il2JYQVaVVk-00122-00080538-00081096 and Northern Ireland is only one small component of that, and one which has been consistently il2JYQVaVVk-00123-00081096-00081786 used by these parties for their own purposes, most spectacularly Johnson's own betrayal of il2JYQVaVVk-00124-00081870-00082290 the Northern Irish doing the deal in the first place. Whereas the DUP are in a totally different il2JYQVaVVk-00125-00082290-00082830 position, they are playing, they believe they are playing for their entire identity. Well, you say il2JYQVaVVk-00126-00082830-00083286 betrayal of the Northern Irish - not everybody in Northern Ireland feels themselves betrayed il2JYQVaVVk-00127-00083286-00084336 by the Protocol, there is a sector... but the unionist tradition do. Something that the meeting il2JYQVaVVk-00128-00084336-00085152 last week can't have discussed, unless they had telepathic powers, would have been the resignation il2JYQVaVVk-00129-00085152-00085806 of Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister in Scotland, perhaps equally important for the future of the il2JYQVaVVk-00130-00085806-00086268 Union to the question of Northern Ireland. What do you think they might and should have il2JYQVaVVk-00131-00086268-00086826 said about that if they'd known about it, what implications does this have if any for Brexit? il2JYQVaVVk-00132-00086994-00087486 Well, there does seem to be a very widespread belief that the departure of Nicola Sturgeon is il2JYQVaVVk-00133-00087486-00088170 a defeat for independence and a defeat for the SNP and has weakened significantly the SNP's position. il2JYQVaVVk-00134-00088260-00088962 I'm not sure that's entirely true. Nicola Sturgeon represented an evasion of some of il2JYQVaVVk-00135-00088962-00089742 the fundamental truths about independence which is in a sense also the evasion that far too many il2JYQVaVVk-00136-00089742-00090456 pro-Europeans are now making about reversing Brexit: that for independence to work Scotland il2JYQVaVVk-00137-00090456-00091098 has to leave the UK and join the EU. And joining the EU is a very complicated proposition not least il2JYQVaVVk-00138-00091098-00091980 in matters such as the currency and the rest. And Sturgeon I think was hoping to carry the il2JYQVaVVk-00139-00091980-00092874 issue of independence on an emotional tide, essentially on her personality, on a range of il2JYQVaVVk-00140-00093072-00093750 attitudes and feelings which evaded some of the very tough economic issues that independence il2JYQVaVVk-00141-00093750-00094596 entails. And the question really is whether her departure will force the SNP to address the issue il2JYQVaVVk-00142-00094596-00095334 of essentially joining the EU which is the only plausible alternative to remaining in the UK. il2JYQVaVVk-00143-00095334-00096186 And so that's going to be the test I think of the significance of her departure. I think she il2JYQVaVVk-00144-00096186-00096798 was in some respects, and perhaps she was aware of this, a barrier to the independence cause because il2JYQVaVVk-00145-00096798-00097806 precisely she represented a type of nationalism that was about emotion, about a range of feelings, il2JYQVaVVk-00146-00097806-00098316 and not addressing really tough issues. And of course that can also be said I think for il2JYQVaVVk-00147-00098316-00098898 her conduct as First Minister in Scotland that despite the wave of popularity that she was able il2JYQVaVVk-00148-00098898-00099624 to provide, one of which other politicians would have been jealous of, the actual record of the il2JYQVaVVk-00149-00099624-00099990 Scottish devolved government in a number of key areas, the National Health Service for example, il2JYQVaVVk-00150-00100068-00100968 education too, has been in fact rather poor. Well, it's always suspicious when the Eurosceptic il2JYQVaVVk-00151-00100968-00101496 press is unanimous in thinking that something has happened which enormously strengthens the il2JYQVaVVk-00152-00101496-00102138 hand of the Eurosceptics. We're always being told the European Union is about to fade away, il2JYQVaVVk-00153-00102222-00102900 about to be divided, there's no future for France, Italy, Germany, whichever happens to be il2JYQVaVVk-00154-00102900-00103740 the unpopular country at the moment. It seems to me very premature to say that her retirement from il2JYQVaVVk-00155-00103740-00104604 being First Minister is the end of independence in Scotland. If this is a project which has legs, if il2JYQVaVVk-00156-00104604-00105288 it's a real shot on the board then it will survive the not even disappearance of a particular person il2JYQVaVVk-00157-00105288-00105858 because as I understand it she's going to be continuing in her political work and it might even il2JYQVaVVk-00158-00105858-00106488 be that free from responsibility she will be more effective than she's been on until now. Well we've il2JYQVaVVk-00159-00106488-00107130 had a very interesting review of where we are in the Brexit process. Thank you very much John. il2JYQVaVVk-00160-00107190-00107676 No doubt there will be many more episodes to come in future weeks and months. Goodbye. joaxyLWmphc-00000-00000000-00002508 Hello Friends, this is a review of the new 214 chapters of the manga Wangpanchmen. In which a lot of interesting things happened, but before I start, I want to introduce you to Armor, this is a manga translator who does his job very efficiently and quickly. Instant translation of new chapters is released almost immediately after the English version. Personally, I subscribed to the group joaxyLWmphc-00001-00002508-00004420 and I turned on the notification to immediately find out about the release of the Russian version, which I also advise you. The link to the group will be in the description, go ahead and subscribe to be the first to read the new chapters of One punch man. But with you as always, Animanga, and we begin. joaxyLWmphc-00002-00004878-00007294 And so, I don't want to torment you, so let's go straight to the main thing. The core that remained with Saitama has not gone anywhere, on the contrary, it connects to the Genos, and that loads into itself all its data that has been preserved from that timeline. That is, Genos already knows everything. As I said in the Review of Chapter 213, this core is not just a Genos power source, but also a processor in joaxyLWmphc-00003-00007294-00009647 which stores all the data. Everyone who agreed with me, hooray, we guessed right. Next, Genis tells Sites that he traveled through time, fought with Garou on Jupiter, and then after Garou came to, he helped him save everyone, And as a result, moving into the past, Sites managed to stop him and save everyone. Genos thinks Saitama is just joaxyLWmphc-00004-00009647-00010886 he pretends that he doesn't remember or understand anything, and in fact he just wants to let other heroes who fought bravely prescribe services to them, as it was with the Sea King in the first season. joaxyLWmphc-00005-00010886-00012306 Genos: In any case, Teacher, you jumped even through time and space to save everyone and the whole world. No Garou, and no one else in this universe, knows about this, except Teacher Saitama himself. joaxyLWmphc-00006-00012306-00014852 These were the words of Genos, which it would seem not, but I think they still hint that there are still those in this universe who know about what Saitama did. First of all, it is God himself. And secondly, it is a Blast with the defenders of the universe. Next, we hear Garou's voice asking Taro to wake up, he wakes up after hearing his voice, and sees Garou's spirit from that Timeline joaxyLWmphc-00008-00018000-00018847 Garou : What's up, losers, these pathetic punches are all you're capable of, huh? joaxyLWmphc-00009-00018847-00021275 Then Saitama appears, stating that he is the one who coped with Garou, naturally everyone else thinks that this is the work of Blast. The pathetic heroes are still Billy Garowe, who according to Genos specifically lets them do it. The heroes approach him and want to deal with him themselves, but then Tareo appears who stops the Cute Mask and asks them not to touch it joaxyLWmphc-00010-00021275-00023541 Garou, saying that he is really good, and that he has saved him many times. King remembers that Tareo told him about the Uncle who saved him, and realizes that Garou is actually not as bad as everyone sees him. King approaches Garou and disperses all the heroes, and then Saitama. They do not allow the heroes to finish off Garou, because only Saitama, King, Genos and joaxyLWmphc-00011-00023541-00025663 The Tareos know that Garou chose the wrong path, and in fact, he just wanted to become a hero. Garou gets off the battlefield, so fast that only Saitama notices it. After which a steel knight appears who came out to get rid of all threats, such as the remains after nuclear explosions, the remains of monsters and all the garbage. joaxyLWmphc-00012-00025663-00026249 And at this time, Saitama with Genos in his hands, go into a beautiful sunset. joaxyLWmphc-00013-00027294-00029267 And this is the end of the chapter, as well as the whole 7-year-old arch, with which Murata congratulated everyone on Twitter. Well, friends, that's it. In two weeks, a new chapter 215 will be released, where we will most likely be shown the consequences of all these battles, and also how the Steel Knight sweeps everything under himself. joaxyLWmphc-00014-00029267-00031247 And he will also help rebuild all these destroyed cities. I want to thank Van and Murata for their excellent work. They gave us unforgettable emotions. If you think that this is the end of the whole manga, then no, friends, don't get upset, they and One will continue the manga soon, so it will wait. joaxyLWmphc-00015-00031247-00032729 Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and like this video. If you want to support me with a donation, the link will be in the description and in the pinned comment. Thank you all for your support, but I was with you, Animanga, for now. j0g6ouNR1JA-00000-00000000-00000417 guys make sure that you subscribe to the j0g6ouNR1JA-00001-00000282-00000602 channel because guess what the channel j0g6ouNR1JA-00002-00000417-00000858 competition I've decided I'm going to j0g6ouNR1JA-00003-00000602-00001067 run every single month so what that j0g6ouNR1JA-00004-00000858-00001308 means is that if you go and hit that j0g6ouNR1JA-00005-00001067-00001569 subscribe button down below and leave a j0g6ouNR1JA-00006-00001308-00001692 comment anywhere on any video on the j0g6ouNR1JA-00007-00001569-00001877 channel there's no matter what video it j0g6ouNR1JA-00008-00001692-00002067 is and I get a notification you j0g6ouNR1JA-00009-00001877-00002360 automatically get entered into the j0g6ouNR1JA-00010-00002067-00002561 channel competition and at the end of j0g6ouNR1JA-00011-00002360-00002744 the month well the start of the next j0g6ouNR1JA-00012-00002561-00002949 month so the first of October basically j0g6ouNR1JA-00013-00002744-00003096 we're now in September so in the 1st of j0g6ouNR1JA-00014-00002949-00003363 October I will announce the winner and j0g6ouNR1JA-00015-00003096-00003596 the winner will get free access to my j0g6ouNR1JA-00016-00003363-00003777 new networking strategies course these j0g6ouNR1JA-00017-00003596-00003939 are the strategies that I have used to j0g6ouNR1JA-00018-00003777-00004089 connect and build relationships with j0g6ouNR1JA-00019-00003939-00004278 amazing people all over the world and j0g6ouNR1JA-00020-00004089-00004437 bring them on to my youtube channel to j0g6ouNR1JA-00021-00004278-00004620 interview and to add value to you j0g6ouNR1JA-00022-00004437-00004878 finalists welcome back to the show I j0g6ouNR1JA-00023-00004620-00005212 have an absolutely amazing show here for j0g6ouNR1JA-00024-00004878-00005555 you guys tonight and joining me today is j0g6ouNR1JA-00025-00005212-00005753 somebody who has done lots of different j0g6ouNR1JA-00026-00005555-00005948 things she is a transformation coach j0g6ouNR1JA-00027-00005753-00006309 she's a speaker she's a mindfulness j0g6ouNR1JA-00028-00005948-00006522 living conscious parenting coach and she j0g6ouNR1JA-00029-00006309-00006918 is also doing her PhD j0g6ouNR1JA-00030-00006522-00007125 her name is Rea neuro Z I think I said j0g6ouNR1JA-00031-00006918-00007740 that right I hope I haven't butchered it j0g6ouNR1JA-00032-00007125-00007845 completely awesome go and this j0g6ouNR1JA-00033-00007740-00008118 conversation is going to be really j0g6ouNR1JA-00034-00007845-00008406 special we really want to try and add j0g6ouNR1JA-00035-00008118-00008682 value to you a lot of the time we have j0g6ouNR1JA-00036-00008406-00008882 certain things that we struggle with and j0g6ouNR1JA-00037-00008682-00009093 they're quite personal we don't really j0g6ouNR1JA-00038-00008882-00009282 like to discuss them it could be an j0g6ouNR1JA-00039-00009093-00009557 addiction it could be anger management j0g6ouNR1JA-00040-00009282-00009774 issues it could be the fact that you are j0g6ouNR1JA-00041-00009557-00010107 just trying to discover your purpose in j0g6ouNR1JA-00042-00009774-00010428 life and we're just not sure where to go j0g6ouNR1JA-00043-00010107-00010749 you feel stuck you feel stagnant and you j0g6ouNR1JA-00044-00010428-00011039 start to get frustrated so if this is j0g6ouNR1JA-00045-00010749-00011199 the case with you where you feel stuck j0g6ouNR1JA-00046-00011039-00011310 and you're feeling stagnant you feeling j0g6ouNR1JA-00047-00011199-00011499 frustrated because you looking for the j0g6ouNR1JA-00048-00011310-00011760 answers and the answers are just not j0g6ouNR1JA-00049-00011499-00012096 appearing then this conversation is j0g6ouNR1JA-00050-00011760-00012438 going to be for you so with that let's j0g6ouNR1JA-00051-00012096-00012570 jump into our call with our gay no Rosie j0g6ouNR1JA-00052-00012438-00012777 Rea thank you so much for being here j0g6ouNR1JA-00053-00012570-00013269 thank you for inviting me j0g6ouNR1JA-00054-00012777-00013500 I'm glad to be here awesome so are you j0g6ouNR1JA-00055-00013269-00013707 I know that you're doing so many amazing j0g6ouNR1JA-00056-00013500-00014016 things you are a transformation coach j0g6ouNR1JA-00057-00013707-00014297 you are a speaker you help the parents j0g6ouNR1JA-00058-00014016-00014663 in terms of their parenting conscious j0g6ouNR1JA-00059-00014297-00015051 parenting and you also doing your PhD so j0g6ouNR1JA-00060-00014663-00015405 can you tell me a little bit about how j0g6ouNR1JA-00061-00015051-00015462 did you get started on this amazing j0g6ouNR1JA-00062-00015405-00015780 journey j0g6ouNR1JA-00063-00015462-00016094 sure absolutely so it was four years ago j0g6ouNR1JA-00064-00015780-00016434 I got a master's degree in computer j0g6ouNR1JA-00065-00016094-00016689 engineering and I was working and things j0g6ouNR1JA-00066-00016434-00017166 were going good I had two kids and I j0g6ouNR1JA-00067-00016689-00017450 checked all the check boxes and all of a j0g6ouNR1JA-00068-00017166-00017667 sudden I resigned from my job and j0g6ouNR1JA-00069-00017450-00017967 started looking for another job but I j0g6ouNR1JA-00070-00017667-00018267 felt in my heart that programming is not j0g6ouNR1JA-00071-00017967-00018708 the thing that I want to doing and dying j0g6ouNR1JA-00072-00018267-00019068 and you know I felt that I needed more I j0g6ouNR1JA-00073-00018708-00019428 saw that was not my purpose so I started j0g6ouNR1JA-00074-00019068-00019632 asking the universe questions because j0g6ouNR1JA-00075-00019428-00019788 they had no idea what a coach was and j0g6ouNR1JA-00076-00019632-00020156 all those things I started asking people j0g6ouNR1JA-00077-00019788-00020570 2030 people of my family and friends j0g6ouNR1JA-00078-00020156-00020808 longtime friends 20 30 years what am I j0g6ouNR1JA-00079-00020570-00020976 good at so I started researching and j0g6ouNR1JA-00080-00020808-00021402 searching soul searching and all those j0g6ouNR1JA-00081-00020976-00021756 things and and the universe responded j0g6ouNR1JA-00082-00021402-00021981 and after a month I just when I was j0g6ouNR1JA-00083-00021756-00022251 started soul searching on the internet I j0g6ouNR1JA-00084-00021981-00022520 found this coaching company I became the j0g6ouNR1JA-00085-00022251-00022723 clients and after some time they asked j0g6ouNR1JA-00086-00022520-00023181 me to become a coach and get j0g6ouNR1JA-00087-00022723-00023391 certification from them and and I did it j0g6ouNR1JA-00088-00023181-00023682 and I just left engineering on the j0g6ouNR1JA-00089-00023391-00023883 corporate job left it alone and I said j0g6ouNR1JA-00090-00023682-00024213 no this is it this is this is my purpose j0g6ouNR1JA-00091-00023883-00024432 because during the time I really wanted j0g6ouNR1JA-00092-00024213-00024636 I had four criteria I remember I I j0g6ouNR1JA-00093-00024432-00024897 wanted to help the world in a real j0g6ouNR1JA-00094-00024636-00025368 meaningful way I wanted to use my j0g6ouNR1JA-00095-00024897-00025722 potentials I wanted to really love what j0g6ouNR1JA-00096-00025368-00026027 I do every day and it all came true j0g6ouNR1JA-00097-00025722-00026238 so what I'm doing right now and after j0g6ouNR1JA-00098-00026027-00026475 that I just took so many other courses j0g6ouNR1JA-00099-00026238-00026677 during the past four years and I started j0g6ouNR1JA-00100-00026475-00027107 my PhD in performance psychology j0g6ouNR1JA-00101-00026677-00027520 researching mindfulness so I'm I think I j0g6ouNR1JA-00102-00027107-00027766 have found my purpose and I'm I'm doing j0g6ouNR1JA-00103-00027520-00027958 what I wanted to do to help the world j0g6ouNR1JA-00104-00027766-00028558 and help myself on him have my family at j0g6ouNR1JA-00105-00027958-00028922 the same time so yeah awesome that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00106-00028558-00029198 great my question to all people in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00107-00028922-00029555 audience says can you relate to arias j0g6ouNR1JA-00108-00029198-00029752 story she had a corporate job she had a j0g6ouNR1JA-00109-00029555-00030139 family she had ticked all the boxes but j0g6ouNR1JA-00110-00029752-00030281 yet there was a gap she felt empty she j0g6ouNR1JA-00111-00030139-00030575 wanted to do more she want to make a j0g6ouNR1JA-00112-00030281-00030788 bigger impact is that you are you in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00113-00030575-00031022 same sort of space where you want to j0g6ouNR1JA-00114-00030788-00031439 make any bigger impact and you are you j0g6ouNR1JA-00115-00031022-00031714 trying to find your life's purpose and a j0g6ouNR1JA-00116-00031439-00031955 lot of times I noticed that the guests j0g6ouNR1JA-00117-00031714-00032150 come on and they talk about how they j0g6ouNR1JA-00118-00031955-00032402 found the purpose and it usually comes j0g6ouNR1JA-00119-00032150-00032636 from a place from where they started to j0g6ouNR1JA-00120-00032402-00032774 serve others Aria was that true for you j0g6ouNR1JA-00121-00032636-00032909 that when you really started to serve j0g6ouNR1JA-00122-00032774-00033212 others that's where you really j0g6ouNR1JA-00123-00032909-00033425 discovered your purpose exactly yeah so j0g6ouNR1JA-00124-00033212-00033719 my number one was actually to start j0g6ouNR1JA-00125-00033425-00034034 serve the world humanity help it's just j0g6ouNR1JA-00126-00033719-00034262 I like what I did was was programming in j0g6ouNR1JA-00127-00034034-00034508 I think it was a supplemental book j0g6ouNR1JA-00128-00034262-00034706 company I was helping to kids but it was j0g6ouNR1JA-00129-00034508-00034946 not meaningful to me it was I wanted j0g6ouNR1JA-00130-00034706-00035297 more tangible hot more more tangible j0g6ouNR1JA-00131-00034946-00035570 service so I really do believe helping j0g6ouNR1JA-00132-00035297-00035720 others gives us a better and it's you j0g6ouNR1JA-00133-00035570-00035981 you're living your life with with a j0g6ouNR1JA-00134-00035720-00036230 higher purpose it has more meaning when j0g6ouNR1JA-00135-00035981-00036509 you do that so actually that's the last j0g6ouNR1JA-00136-00036230-00036830 stages of transformation human human j0g6ouNR1JA-00137-00036509-00037109 transformation being in service yeah j0g6ouNR1JA-00138-00036830-00037235 yeah and as we were talking before we j0g6ouNR1JA-00139-00037109-00037447 started recording you said that you j0g6ouNR1JA-00140-00037235-00037694 actually help other people discover j0g6ouNR1JA-00141-00037447-00037927 their purpose and this is something I j0g6ouNR1JA-00142-00037694-00038189 think a lot of people struggle with they j0g6ouNR1JA-00143-00037927-00038708 have been programmed from a very young j0g6ouNR1JA-00144-00038189-00039002 age to follow a certain path so they go j0g6ouNR1JA-00145-00038708-00039284 ahead and they tick all the boxes they j0g6ouNR1JA-00146-00039002-00039602 go to the University they got a job they j0g6ouNR1JA-00147-00039284-00039770 start a family but then there's still j0g6ouNR1JA-00148-00039602-00039920 that gap they're empty because they j0g6ouNR1JA-00149-00039770-00040046 don't feel happy inside they don't feel j0g6ouNR1JA-00150-00039920-00040346 fulfilled so j0g6ouNR1JA-00151-00040046-00040544 do you have any strategies that maybe j0g6ouNR1JA-00152-00040346-00040859 you can share with us on how other j0g6ouNR1JA-00153-00040544-00041039 people can go ahead and discover their j0g6ouNR1JA-00154-00040859-00041336 purpose in life yes j0g6ouNR1JA-00155-00041039-00041588 so the number one step you have to take j0g6ouNR1JA-00156-00041336-00041813 is just question everything j0g6ouNR1JA-00157-00041588-00042014 question everything in my culture you j0g6ouNR1JA-00158-00041813-00042350 had to be either like a lawyer and use j0g6ouNR1JA-00159-00042014-00042560 it or a doctor an engineer like why why j0g6ouNR1JA-00160-00042350-00042848 do we need agrees to be happy why do we j0g6ouNR1JA-00161-00042560-00043097 even need to have kids or get married j0g6ouNR1JA-00162-00042848-00043394 why do we like even the very simple j0g6ouNR1JA-00163-00043097-00043547 things question them ask is this my for j0g6ouNR1JA-00164-00043394-00043952 my higher bedroom you know from my high j0g6ouNR1JA-00165-00043547-00044204 good and I do believe that we all have j0g6ouNR1JA-00166-00043952-00044498 the answers in ourselves at all times j0g6ouNR1JA-00167-00044204-00044920 and it resides here what was I hear is j0g6ouNR1JA-00168-00044498-00045170 ego mechanism and all these societal and j0g6ouNR1JA-00169-00044920-00045539 the conditioning that we got from our j0g6ouNR1JA-00170-00045170-00045830 parents and a culture and in society but j0g6ouNR1JA-00171-00045539-00046058 here in our hearts it's really pure the j0g6ouNR1JA-00172-00045830-00046328 trick is to acquire this mind and just j0g6ouNR1JA-00173-00046058-00046562 connect so one of the tools that I teach j0g6ouNR1JA-00174-00046328-00046826 my clients that is very scientific comes j0g6ouNR1JA-00175-00046562-00047134 from the heart math Institute that they j0g6ouNR1JA-00176-00046826-00047432 a research about the heart see j0g6ouNR1JA-00177-00047134-00047648 electromagnetic heart around field j0g6ouNR1JA-00178-00047432-00047912 around the hearts and you just put your j0g6ouNR1JA-00179-00047648-00048176 hand on your heart you can do it right j0g6ouNR1JA-00180-00047912-00048650 now and take 2-3 deep breaths through j0g6ouNR1JA-00181-00048176-00048890 your nose and out your mouth and when j0g6ouNR1JA-00182-00048650-00049430 you sink into your heart just ask the j0g6ouNR1JA-00183-00048890-00049733 question and get the answer it works j0g6ouNR1JA-00184-00049430-00050015 miraculously it's just I have j0g6ouNR1JA-00185-00049733-00050375 experimented with this because I have a j0g6ouNR1JA-00186-00050015-00050630 scientific mind and I found out that j0g6ouNR1JA-00187-00050375-00050903 actually could guess one number out of j0g6ouNR1JA-00188-00050630-00051125 50 numbers when my kids wrote it on a j0g6ouNR1JA-00189-00050903-00051428 piece of paper and I actually could find j0g6ouNR1JA-00190-00051125-00051626 that number we all have the answers we j0g6ouNR1JA-00191-00051428-00051887 do no one believes it because they're j0g6ouNR1JA-00192-00051626-00052090 not taught so we were not taught in j0g6ouNR1JA-00193-00051887-00052271 school in public school system without j0g6ouNR1JA-00194-00052090-00052559 parents because they didn't know j0g6ouNR1JA-00195-00052271-00052958 themselves so we all have the answers j0g6ouNR1JA-00196-00052559-00053299 all the answers really it's just the j0g6ouNR1JA-00197-00052958-00053299 trick is to quiet the mind j0g6ouNR1JA-00198-00053304-00053932 the shirts eliminate the students why j0g6ouNR1JA-00199-00053658-00054211 something should be absolutely use the j0g6ouNR1JA-00200-00053932-00054504 word should just what the work of buying j0g6ouNR1JA-00201-00054211-00054816 Katy flip it say student or flip the j0g6ouNR1JA-00202-00054504-00055150 pronoun for example my my child shooting j0g6ouNR1JA-00203-00054816-00055375 threw a tantrum I desire you a little j0g6ouNR1JA-00204-00055150-00055516 bit my child should throw a tantrum j0g6ouNR1JA-00205-00055375-00055680 because she can't just contain her j0g6ouNR1JA-00206-00055516-00055960 emotions she doesn't have the j0g6ouNR1JA-00207-00055680-00056116 self-regulation capability in her brain j0g6ouNR1JA-00208-00055960-00056575 her brain is not gonna be developed j0g6ouNR1JA-00209-00056116-00057008 until 25 years old so um just allowing j0g6ouNR1JA-00210-00056575-00057391 ourselves to question all these boxes j0g6ouNR1JA-00211-00057008-00057661 but open them destroy the boxes like the j0g6ouNR1JA-00212-00057391-00058089 movie matrix get take the red pill get j0g6ouNR1JA-00213-00057661-00058387 out of the matrix so even the things j0g6ouNR1JA-00214-00058089-00058648 that it's just there's no way that's it j0g6ouNR1JA-00215-00058387-00058905 I have to do this again question that so j0g6ouNR1JA-00216-00058648-00059569 by doing this and strengthening that j0g6ouNR1JA-00217-00058905-00059914 muscle we become kind of we become ready j0g6ouNR1JA-00218-00059569-00060214 to access that inherent knowledge that j0g6ouNR1JA-00219-00059914-00060570 inherent wisdom that we have within j0g6ouNR1JA-00220-00060214-00060835 ourselves because and this is all proven j0g6ouNR1JA-00221-00060570-00061017 by quantum mechanics this is not just it j0g6ouNR1JA-00222-00060835-00061449 it is experiential everyone can j0g6ouNR1JA-00223-00061017-00061692 experience it but it is also proven by j0g6ouNR1JA-00224-00061449-00062074 new physics not I'm not talking about j0g6ouNR1JA-00225-00061692-00062599 you know me of Newtonian physics but the j0g6ouNR1JA-00226-00062074-00062995 past hundred years so yeah well that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00227-00062599-00063258 great um I love your answer and just how j0g6ouNR1JA-00228-00062995-00063579 how much in detail you weren't there now j0g6ouNR1JA-00229-00063258-00063717 I can actually relate to to a lot of the j0g6ouNR1JA-00230-00063579-00064138 stuff you said because that was my story j0g6ouNR1JA-00231-00063717-00064450 as well I was you know young I had I was j0g6ouNR1JA-00232-00064138-00064714 very ambitious I still AM and to do that j0g6ouNR1JA-00233-00064450-00064929 I followed the traditional path I went j0g6ouNR1JA-00234-00064714-00065157 to school I went to college I went to j0g6ouNR1JA-00235-00064929-00065464 university I got my degree finished j0g6ouNR1JA-00236-00065157-00065647 University and that's actually when the j0g6ouNR1JA-00237-00065464-00065895 recession happened in 2009 that's when I j0g6ouNR1JA-00238-00065647-00066033 graduated from University and then it j0g6ouNR1JA-00239-00065895-00066268 was a question over let's get a job j0g6ouNR1JA-00240-00066033-00066424 right that's got a good job cuz you've j0g6ouNR1JA-00241-00066268-00066867 got a university degree I should be able j0g6ouNR1JA-00242-00066424-00066867 to get a good job that didn't quite go j0g6ouNR1JA-00243-00066885-00067518 but now as you know I I do have a j0g6ouNR1JA-00244-00067307-00067749 full-time job as a math structure that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00245-00067518-00067895 what I do but there was still something j0g6ouNR1JA-00246-00067749-00068211 missing right so there's something else j0g6ouNR1JA-00247-00067895-00068385 I I'm very ambitious I'm very hungry I j0g6ouNR1JA-00248-00068211-00068655 wanted to make an impact I wanted to j0g6ouNR1JA-00249-00068385-00068880 help people I wanted to share everything j0g6ouNR1JA-00250-00068655-00069131 that I'm learning and that's how this j0g6ouNR1JA-00251-00068880-00069281 channel came about so that's kind of j0g6ouNR1JA-00252-00069131-00069476 like the story behind the channel but j0g6ouNR1JA-00253-00069281-00069642 also my story and I can absolutely j0g6ouNR1JA-00254-00069476-00069845 relate to that I'm wondering how many j0g6ouNR1JA-00255-00069642-00070199 people in the audience can also relate j0g6ouNR1JA-00256-00069845-00070329 to this story right now and the other j0g6ouNR1JA-00257-00070199-00070449 great thing you have so we mentioned j0g6ouNR1JA-00258-00070329-00070661 there it was you know just be curious j0g6ouNR1JA-00259-00070449-00070874 and ask question question everything I j0g6ouNR1JA-00260-00070661-00071079 think that's that's a great strategy j0g6ouNR1JA-00261-00070874-00071322 that's that's beautiful when you start j0g6ouNR1JA-00262-00071079-00071762 to question absolutely everything you j0g6ouNR1JA-00263-00071322-00071963 start to almost change the paradigm j0g6ouNR1JA-00264-00071762-00072299 inside your mind that that's been j0g6ouNR1JA-00265-00071963-00072551 programmed you start to look at things j0g6ouNR1JA-00266-00072299-00072725 in a completely different way so when j0g6ouNR1JA-00267-00072551-00073076 you started asking those questions for j0g6ouNR1JA-00268-00072725-00073301 yourself how what did the journey look j0g6ouNR1JA-00269-00073076-00073491 like that you first started asking j0g6ouNR1JA-00270-00073301-00073676 questions and that actually led you to j0g6ouNR1JA-00271-00073491-00073866 down the path of discovering your j0g6ouNR1JA-00272-00073676-00074468 purpose so what did that period look j0g6ouNR1JA-00273-00073866-00074904 like so I think it's public cooler in j0g6ouNR1JA-00274-00074468-00075056 that the alchemists the book as when you j0g6ouNR1JA-00275-00074904-00075293 have a wish or a dream I'm just j0g6ouNR1JA-00276-00075056-00075530 butchering the code but the universe j0g6ouNR1JA-00277-00075293-00075954 will conspire to make it happen j0g6ouNR1JA-00278-00075530-00076179 so it's really for example one of the j0g6ouNR1JA-00279-00075954-00076382 ways that I really highly recommend is j0g6ouNR1JA-00280-00076179-00076652 journaling and for of course meditation j0g6ouNR1JA-00281-00076382-00077030 by journaling just and when we empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00282-00076652-00077312 ourselves from the agenda from the shows j0g6ouNR1JA-00283-00077030-00077576 and children's from the boxes of society j0g6ouNR1JA-00284-00077312-00077811 and everything we become this empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00285-00077576-00078167 vessel to receive the universal j0g6ouNR1JA-00286-00077811-00078342 knowledge universal wisdom so that was j0g6ouNR1JA-00287-00078167-00078605 my thing so I had my first intention j0g6ouNR1JA-00288-00078342-00078887 what she was actually I have only three j0g6ouNR1JA-00289-00078605-00079161 four criterias I wanted to help I wanted j0g6ouNR1JA-00290-00078887-00079436 to love what I do I didn't know about j0g6ouNR1JA-00291-00079161-00079610 what kind of job I'm gonna have j0g6ouNR1JA-00292-00079436-00079783 kind of profession but the universe j0g6ouNR1JA-00293-00079610-00080012 couldn't I might you know am i laughs j0g6ouNR1JA-00294-00079783-00080264 pretty I didn't know I just had the j0g6ouNR1JA-00295-00080012-00080462 intention that much detail the more j0g6ouNR1JA-00296-00080264-00080663 details you have the better but that was j0g6ouNR1JA-00297-00080462-00080864 the extent of the details that I had I j0g6ouNR1JA-00298-00080663-00081589 just wanted to help I really didn't know j0g6ouNR1JA-00299-00080864-00081842 what to do at that point so um it's it j0g6ouNR1JA-00300-00081589-00082169 just starts from the first step just j0g6ouNR1JA-00301-00081842-00082388 asking and just emptying whatever we j0g6ouNR1JA-00302-00082169-00082670 have so there's this parable that I love j0g6ouNR1JA-00303-00082388-00082889 this person wants this guru and said I j0g6ouNR1JA-00304-00082670-00083219 want to be enlightened and the Guru said j0g6ouNR1JA-00305-00082889-00083432 hey okay and let's have tea and the Guru j0g6ouNR1JA-00306-00083219-00083683 of course the the the tea from the j0g6ouNR1JA-00307-00083432-00083839 teapot to that cop I keeps pouring and j0g6ouNR1JA-00308-00083683-00084017 keeps going and keeps pouring and j0g6ouNR1JA-00309-00083839-00084305 overflows and just makes everywhere j0g6ouNR1JA-00310-00084017-00084362 right and the student says what are you j0g6ouNR1JA-00311-00084305-00084751 doing j0g6ouNR1JA-00312-00084362-00084964 and guru says this is you your tube oh I j0g6ouNR1JA-00313-00084751-00085132 can't give you that you have to empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00314-00084964-00085420 yourself so that's the number one thing j0g6ouNR1JA-00315-00085132-00085776 to do just to to be able to be able to j0g6ouNR1JA-00316-00085420-00086075 open and just say okay I'm empty I'm j0g6ouNR1JA-00317-00085776-00086399 ready to receive if you're not empty we j0g6ouNR1JA-00318-00086075-00086591 can't receive so when you have that j0g6ouNR1JA-00319-00086399-00086732 little of tickle okay I want to do j0g6ouNR1JA-00320-00086591-00086966 something and got that little j0g6ouNR1JA-00321-00086732-00087214 inspiration that's the time to empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00322-00086966-00087364 ourselves to meditate to journal to j0g6ouNR1JA-00323-00087214-00087766 figure out what's going on to access j0g6ouNR1JA-00324-00087364-00088217 that wisdom and just ask and it is given j0g6ouNR1JA-00325-00087766-00088448 you will receive the answer like Joe j0g6ouNR1JA-00326-00088217-00088649 Vitale his he's one of the guys in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00327-00088448-00088835 secret movie was actually involved with j0g6ouNR1JA-00328-00088649-00089089 the coaching company that I got my j0g6ouNR1JA-00329-00088835-00089330 certificate from who says order from the j0g6ouNR1JA-00330-00089089-00089644 catalog of the universe it's truly dad j0g6ouNR1JA-00331-00089330-00089894 we just order we don't know exactly what j0g6ouNR1JA-00332-00089644-00090133 but we have we act at least note about j0g6ouNR1JA-00333-00089894-00090356 the emotion of what we were really j0g6ouNR1JA-00334-00090133-00090586 receiving right for example when a big j0g6ouNR1JA-00335-00090356-00090844 house what kind of emotion I want I j0g6ouNR1JA-00336-00090586-00091045 don't you know I don't have to say okay j0g6ouNR1JA-00337-00090844-00091369 here's the street that was this house j0g6ouNR1JA-00338-00091045-00091519 here but about the emotion or the job j0g6ouNR1JA-00339-00091369-00091811 that I want to talk I really want to j0g6ouNR1JA-00340-00091519-00092075 feel fulfilled I wanted to feel that I'm j0g6ouNR1JA-00341-00091811-00092332 living my potential that was the feeling j0g6ouNR1JA-00342-00092075-00092489 I was familiar with it I wasn't actually j0g6ouNR1JA-00343-00092332-00092726 too familiar because I didn't know what j0g6ouNR1JA-00344-00092489-00092846 it was but some something inside me told j0g6ouNR1JA-00345-00092726-00093038 me j0g6ouNR1JA-00346-00092846-00093308 Hey I don't want to do programming after j0g6ouNR1JA-00347-00093038-00093401 I died that was it that was very loud j0g6ouNR1JA-00348-00093308-00093800 and clear j0g6ouNR1JA-00349-00093401-00094043 so it's just again coming to ourselves j0g6ouNR1JA-00350-00093800-00094403 by different tools like journaling j0g6ouNR1JA-00351-00094043-00094751 meditating going to you know to nature j0g6ouNR1JA-00352-00094403-00095033 and actually see the nature is so funny j0g6ouNR1JA-00353-00094751-00095267 because I Rock here will live beside the j0g6ouNR1JA-00354-00095033-00095480 ocean the Pacific Ocean and I want I run j0g6ouNR1JA-00355-00095267-00095759 every other day and there are days that j0g6ouNR1JA-00356-00095480-00095993 I really truly don't see the ocean there j0g6ouNR1JA-00357-00095759-00096323 just one or two I'm like hey look at the j0g6ouNR1JA-00358-00095993-00096677 ocean it's here the sound like when you j0g6ouNR1JA-00359-00096323-00096932 run don't put this in your ear hear the j0g6ouNR1JA-00360-00096677-00097160 nature sound so by doing that we become j0g6ouNR1JA-00361-00096932-00097391 empty nature's only a nature is in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00362-00097160-00097631 flow we want to come to the flow and if j0g6ouNR1JA-00363-00097391-00097889 you're so full how can we be in the flow j0g6ouNR1JA-00364-00097631-00098192 that nothing will flow to us for us cuz j0g6ouNR1JA-00365-00097889-00098441 they're so cool we so blocked so that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00366-00098192-00098666 why it's so essential to do at least ten j0g6ouNR1JA-00367-00098441-00098936 minute mindfulness meditation which is j0g6ouNR1JA-00368-00098666-00099152 just sitting and focusing on the breath j0g6ouNR1JA-00369-00098936-00099374 somewhere on your chest or under the j0g6ouNR1JA-00370-00099152-00099656 nostrils thought comes just say hey j0g6ouNR1JA-00371-00099374-00099794 here's a card bye-bye go back to breath j0g6ouNR1JA-00372-00099656-00100088 hey here's a thought j0g6ouNR1JA-00373-00099794-00100331 it's like a cloud on the sky I'm not the j0g6ouNR1JA-00374-00100088-00100625 cloud let it pass go to your breath j0g6ouNR1JA-00375-00100331-00100844 that's that's the way you training your j0g6ouNR1JA-00376-00100625-00101051 brain to do the same thing as soon as I j0g6ouNR1JA-00377-00100844-00101231 thought that I should do this or I don't j0g6ouNR1JA-00378-00101051-00101462 know my kid makes me angry my spouse j0g6ouNR1JA-00379-00101231-00101890 makes me angry okay you just create a j0g6ouNR1JA-00380-00101462-00102179 space in your space there's power right j0g6ouNR1JA-00381-00101890-00102500 so you can choose instead of reacting j0g6ouNR1JA-00382-00102179-00102764 okay you're training the brain to just j0g6ouNR1JA-00383-00102500-00103043 create space in all these stars and j0g6ouNR1JA-00384-00102764-00103360 unfortunately unfortunately there are j0g6ouNR1JA-00385-00103043-00103580 mostly negative and fear-based and j0g6ouNR1JA-00386-00103360-00103874 research shows that and I think it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00387-00103580-00104201 much more but we do mind-wandering 50% j0g6ouNR1JA-00388-00103874-00104480 of our daily life like all over the j0g6ouNR1JA-00389-00104201-00104678 place I think it's much more but this is j0g6ouNR1JA-00390-00104480-00104879 what the research says and mostly j0g6ouNR1JA-00391-00104678-00105211 they're negative and that's what caused j0g6ouNR1JA-00392-00104879-00105494 it what causes diseases that's that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00393-00105211-00105890 what causes aging and all sorts of j0g6ouNR1JA-00394-00105494-00106052 things so so I went through the lurid j0g6ouNR1JA-00395-00105890-00106243 whole but really all boils down to j0g6ouNR1JA-00396-00106052-00106414 mindfulness when you're empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00397-00106243-00106603 and we just want something we get the j0g6ouNR1JA-00398-00106414-00106708 inspiration we ask really since that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00399-00106603-00107005 it's that simple j0g6ouNR1JA-00400-00106708-00107215 I love that answer and the amount of j0g6ouNR1JA-00401-00107005-00107409 detail you went into it's absolutely j0g6ouNR1JA-00402-00107215-00107665 phenomenal all the strategies that you j0g6ouNR1JA-00403-00107409-00107821 shared were absolutely amazing and again j0g6ouNR1JA-00404-00107665-00108028 I'm gonna ask that people in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00405-00107821-00108193 audience right now do you feel as if j0g6ouNR1JA-00406-00108028-00108331 you're stuck in the matrix you're just j0g6ouNR1JA-00407-00108193-00108604 going through the motions every single j0g6ouNR1JA-00408-00108331-00108844 day and every single day is just a copy j0g6ouNR1JA-00409-00108604-00109081 of the previous day and the next day is j0g6ouNR1JA-00410-00108844-00109363 the copy of the previous day and it is j0g6ouNR1JA-00411-00109081-00109584 if that's is the place where you are at j0g6ouNR1JA-00412-00109363-00109801 then the strategies that are re-adjust j0g6ouNR1JA-00413-00109584-00110083 shared and are absolutely amazing j0g6ouNR1JA-00414-00109801-00110440 you talked first first and foremost j0g6ouNR1JA-00415-00110083-00110698 about emptying your mind and making sure j0g6ouNR1JA-00416-00110440-00110863 that you create space so that answers j0g6ouNR1JA-00417-00110698-00111202 can can present themselves right j0g6ouNR1JA-00418-00110863-00111277 solutions can present themselves and you j0g6ouNR1JA-00419-00111202-00111427 took it further you talked about j0g6ouNR1JA-00420-00111277-00111592 journaling you talk about being in j0g6ouNR1JA-00421-00111427-00111858 nature you talked about just being j0g6ouNR1JA-00422-00111592-00112048 curious in asking questions you went j0g6ouNR1JA-00423-00111858-00112195 further and you actually talked about j0g6ouNR1JA-00424-00112048-00112474 mindfulness meditation and he actually j0g6ouNR1JA-00425-00112195-00112729 gave us the breakdown of how to carry it j0g6ouNR1JA-00426-00112474-00113050 out and that was absolutely fantastic j0g6ouNR1JA-00427-00112729-00113374 so people if you want to escape the j0g6ouNR1JA-00428-00113050-00113721 matrix then here are the strategies that j0g6ouNR1JA-00429-00113374-00114016 will help you escape the matrix so Rea j0g6ouNR1JA-00430-00113721-00114309 when we look at mindfulness meditation j0g6ouNR1JA-00431-00114016-00114598 and and I'm a big fan right I said j0g6ouNR1JA-00432-00114309-00114748 however something really interesting you j0g6ouNR1JA-00433-00114598-00114898 said there and I've never been able to j0g6ouNR1JA-00434-00114748-00115117 make that connection before I don't know j0g6ouNR1JA-00435-00114898-00115308 why so you because I have been j0g6ouNR1JA-00436-00115117-00115458 meditating for for a while now but I've j0g6ouNR1JA-00437-00115308-00115984 never made that connection and it's the j0g6ouNR1JA-00438-00115458-00116185 connection between using meditation to j0g6ouNR1JA-00439-00115984-00116297 actually get solutions I never made j0g6ouNR1JA-00440-00116185-00116560 never made the connection like I j0g6ouNR1JA-00441-00116297-00116830 meditate to just like wine down to like j0g6ouNR1JA-00442-00116560-00117020 relax chill out you know empty my mind j0g6ouNR1JA-00443-00116830-00117133 you know all those kind of things but j0g6ouNR1JA-00444-00117020-00117374 I've never made the connection like hey j0g6ouNR1JA-00445-00117133-00117632 if I want to search for a solution I j0g6ouNR1JA-00446-00117374-00117875 want to ask better questions I want to j0g6ouNR1JA-00447-00117632-00118100 solve this issue I need to quiet in my j0g6ouNR1JA-00448-00117875-00118520 mind first I need to use meditation in a j0g6ouNR1JA-00449-00118100-00118796 more directed way yes and that's really j0g6ouNR1JA-00450-00118520-00118978 powerful yes yes so you're so you're j0g6ouNR1JA-00451-00118796-00119174 using my phone so I love mantra j0g6ouNR1JA-00452-00118978-00119284 meditations I've been doing TM for the j0g6ouNR1JA-00453-00119174-00119471 past 25 years j0g6ouNR1JA-00454-00119284-00119726 you know what TM is transcendental j0g6ouNR1JA-00455-00119471-00119999 meditation when you repeated mantra I j0g6ouNR1JA-00456-00119726-00120154 loved chanting I do chanting every day I j0g6ouNR1JA-00457-00119999-00120457 do all sorts of things but mindfulness j0g6ouNR1JA-00458-00120154-00120713 meditation ten minutes of it at least is j0g6ouNR1JA-00459-00120457-00121040 essential because we train the brain to j0g6ouNR1JA-00460-00120713-00121244 do the same thing in the waking hours so j0g6ouNR1JA-00461-00121040-00121502 it's it's a mechanism that weird because j0g6ouNR1JA-00462-00121244-00121715 we are not mindful inherently we are not j0g6ouNR1JA-00463-00121502-00121930 because our ego takes over all the time j0g6ouNR1JA-00464-00121715-00122230 we have around how many thoughts do you j0g6ouNR1JA-00465-00121930-00122540 think a day oh it's a crazy number right j0g6ouNR1JA-00466-00122230-00122941 it's like between 40,000 and 70,000 yes j0g6ouNR1JA-00467-00122540-00123055 yes exactly I read up 50,000 so 338 j0g6ouNR1JA-00468-00122941-00123259 parts a minute j0g6ouNR1JA-00469-00123055-00123598 so I just dropped something off my table j0g6ouNR1JA-00470-00123259-00123598 I don't know what it is sorry carry on j0g6ouNR1JA-00471-00123650-00124486 so 30 thoughts a day which is usually j0g6ouNR1JA-00472-00124151-00124715 based on worry and fear and don't take j0g6ouNR1JA-00473-00124486-00124915 my word for it just monitor it monitor j0g6ouNR1JA-00474-00124715-00125017 one two minutes see most of them are j0g6ouNR1JA-00475-00124915-00125265 fear-based j0g6ouNR1JA-00476-00125017-00125605 and because they're coming from the past j0g6ouNR1JA-00477-00125265-00125846 regrets from the past and plans for the j0g6ouNR1JA-00478-00125605-00126061 future none of them exist so that's what j0g6ouNR1JA-00479-00125846-00126395 we have to pull ourselves to the present j0g6ouNR1JA-00480-00126061-00126599 moment by being present with what we eat j0g6ouNR1JA-00481-00126395-00126817 what we think what we do so we're just j0g6ouNR1JA-00482-00126599-00127054 pulling ourselves from the past and j0g6ouNR1JA-00483-00126817-00127330 future to the present moment and that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00484-00127054-00127550 how we become empty because the agenda j0g6ouNR1JA-00485-00127330-00127745 comes from past and future president j0g6ouNR1JA-00486-00127550-00127966 moment doesn't have an agenda president j0g6ouNR1JA-00487-00127745-00128236 moment is just out of our color or a j0g6ouNR1JA-00488-00127966-00128410 chair there's no agenda in a chair if we j0g6ouNR1JA-00489-00128236-00128927 look at it new media attentively j0g6ouNR1JA-00490-00128410-00129257 so what you just said right now actually j0g6ouNR1JA-00491-00128927-00129425 Einstein the way he found solutions to j0g6ouNR1JA-00492-00129257-00129800 his problems j0g6ouNR1JA-00493-00129425-00129977 yeah I know I I went to a spiritual j0g6ouNR1JA-00494-00129800-00130139 center this Sunday this is very fresh in j0g6ouNR1JA-00495-00129977-00130394 my mind so I can tell you exactly in one j0g6ouNR1JA-00496-00130139-00130664 one year he had five big problems that j0g6ouNR1JA-00497-00130394-00130850 he solved and he just had the problems j0g6ouNR1JA-00498-00130664-00131042 he had couple of solutions for every j0g6ouNR1JA-00499-00130850-00131258 problem but he didn't know which one j0g6ouNR1JA-00500-00131042-00131594 because it's mathematics right you don't j0g6ouNR1JA-00501-00131258-00131813 know so what he did he looked at he he j0g6ouNR1JA-00502-00131594-00132113 sat in front of the mirror and he looked j0g6ouNR1JA-00503-00131813-00132446 at outs like he just stared at ugly j0g6ouNR1JA-00504-00132113-00132821 mountains he just stared stared and he j0g6ouNR1JA-00505-00132446-00133166 got the solution intuitively I send up j0g6ouNR1JA-00506-00132821-00133346 this so you're absolutely right the more j0g6ouNR1JA-00507-00133166-00133658 we meditate the more we empty ourselves j0g6ouNR1JA-00508-00133346-00134051 as I said at the beginning we have all j0g6ouNR1JA-00509-00133658-00134228 the answers we just have to tap into it j0g6ouNR1JA-00510-00134051-00134414 you have to access it and this is j0g6ouNR1JA-00511-00134228-00134627 against I don't want to tell you how I j0g6ouNR1JA-00512-00134414-00134816 did it because kind of spooky but take j0g6ouNR1JA-00513-00134627-00135092 my word for it because I'm I'm an an j0g6ouNR1JA-00514-00134816-00135428 engineer I'm very very scientific I'm j0g6ouNR1JA-00515-00135092-00135605 like I was like if this I can't touch j0g6ouNR1JA-00516-00135428-00135782 this it doesn't exist I was like this j0g6ouNR1JA-00517-00135605-00136037 but right now we don't know that between j0g6ouNR1JA-00518-00135782-00136250 me and the computer there are trillions j0g6ouNR1JA-00519-00136037-00136463 of stuff going on this is not empty j0g6ouNR1JA-00520-00136250-00136754 space and as I said this is science this j0g6ouNR1JA-00521-00136463-00137015 is quantum mechanics a lot and this this j0g6ouNR1JA-00522-00136754-00137261 has intelligence again the scientists j0g6ouNR1JA-00523-00137015-00137489 proved that this empty space has j0g6ouNR1JA-00524-00137261-00137669 intelligence I'm just talking to it and j0g6ouNR1JA-00525-00137489-00137735 really the same thing we are mostly j0g6ouNR1JA-00526-00137669-00137954 space j0g6ouNR1JA-00527-00137735-00138236 so we are really intelligence we are j0g6ouNR1JA-00528-00137954-00138407 part of this interconnected universe the j0g6ouNR1JA-00529-00138236-00138590 same way that everything is so j0g6ouNR1JA-00530-00138407-00138770 intelligent and so orderly because the j0g6ouNR1JA-00531-00138590-00139055 seasons look at the number of the leaves j0g6ouNR1JA-00532-00138770-00139307 and look at the way our human body is j0g6ouNR1JA-00533-00139055-00139607 like a miracle we have that knowledge in j0g6ouNR1JA-00534-00139307-00139760 us because we're part of it but we can't j0g6ouNR1JA-00535-00139607-00140051 just actually because no one taught us j0g6ouNR1JA-00536-00139760-00140317 that and like the society and there and j0g6ouNR1JA-00537-00140051-00140711 the school system told us the answers j0g6ouNR1JA-00538-00140317-00140924 out there go to school and get your j0g6ouNR1JA-00539-00140711-00141212 degree get a job everything is out there j0g6ouNR1JA-00540-00140924-00141442 but no one told us every everything is j0g6ouNR1JA-00541-00141212-00141659 in here whatever we meet so you're j0g6ouNR1JA-00542-00141442-00141932 absolutely right to find solutions do to j0g6ouNR1JA-00543-00141659-00142145 get inspired there to to find a correct j0g6ouNR1JA-00544-00141932-00142503 course of action we just have to tap in j0g6ouNR1JA-00545-00142145-00142704 here and the way to do it is to just j0g6ouNR1JA-00546-00142503-00142917 mounted the ego the slant of the mind j0g6ouNR1JA-00547-00142704-00143556 and connect to hearts because this j0g6ouNR1JA-00548-00142917-00143862 password the wisdom literally lies yeah j0g6ouNR1JA-00549-00143556-00143997 that's so interesting and again I want j0g6ouNR1JA-00550-00143862-00144227 to reach out to the audience here and j0g6ouNR1JA-00551-00143997-00144624 you know ask the question are you j0g6ouNR1JA-00552-00144227-00144776 meditating are you incorporating any any j0g6ouNR1JA-00553-00144624-00144933 type of meditation be by the diet j0g6ouNR1JA-00554-00144776-00145116 transcendental meditation which is j0g6ouNR1JA-00555-00144933-00145269 mantra base or that's mindfulness j0g6ouNR1JA-00556-00145116-00145545 meditation or any other type of j0g6ouNR1JA-00557-00145269-00145728 meditation but are you meditating some j0g6ouNR1JA-00558-00145545-00146061 of the some of the top performers in the j0g6ouNR1JA-00559-00145728-00146238 world actually say that they wouldn't be j0g6ouNR1JA-00560-00146061-00146496 at that level if they weren't meditating j0g6ouNR1JA-00561-00146238-00146739 I mean just look at Tim Ferriss book j0g6ouNR1JA-00562-00146496-00146955 tools of Titan's where he's introduced j0g6ouNR1JA-00563-00146739-00147102 some of the you know best performers in j0g6ouNR1JA-00564-00146955-00147396 the world in their field you know who j0g6ouNR1JA-00565-00147102-00147777 are elite in their field and he said j0g6ouNR1JA-00566-00147396-00148032 that 80% of them meditated or had some j0g6ouNR1JA-00567-00147777-00148332 sort of meditation practice incorporated j0g6ouNR1JA-00568-00148032-00148578 in their daily routine and this is the j0g6ouNR1JA-00569-00148332-00148734 key word daily routine it's not a j0g6ouNR1JA-00570-00148578-00148947 one-off thing if the answers are not j0g6ouNR1JA-00571-00148734-00149175 gonna come to you if you sit there cross j0g6ouNR1JA-00572-00148947-00149316 your legs and close your eyes and you j0g6ouNR1JA-00573-00149175-00149553 know focus on your breathing for a j0g6ouNR1JA-00574-00149316-00149736 couple of minutes and expect answers to j0g6ouNR1JA-00575-00149553-00149895 appear no it's a daily thing would you j0g6ouNR1JA-00576-00149736-00150117 agree with that aria that is that you j0g6ouNR1JA-00577-00149895-00150303 have to do it consistently in order to j0g6ouNR1JA-00578-00150117-00150576 actually get to the level where you're j0g6ouNR1JA-00579-00150303-00150888 able to quite in your your thoughts your j0g6ouNR1JA-00580-00150576-00151200 mind and you are able to then go beyond j0g6ouNR1JA-00581-00150888-00151380 whatever is kind of happening at that j0g6ouNR1JA-00582-00151200-00151641 moment in time all the thoughts all the j0g6ouNR1JA-00583-00151380-00151887 worries all the concerns all the fears j0g6ouNR1JA-00584-00151641-00152079 and you're able to go beyond that yes of j0g6ouNR1JA-00585-00151887-00152232 course so first of all I wanted to j0g6ouNR1JA-00586-00152079-00152535 mention something we don't go through j0g6ouNR1JA-00587-00152232-00152910 meditation with any expectation so as I j0g6ouNR1JA-00588-00152535-00153210 said this is a style of living so we j0g6ouNR1JA-00589-00152910-00153513 literally need to be living our life j0g6ouNR1JA-00590-00153210-00153735 mindfully all the time by the way a to j0g6ouNR1JA-00591-00153513-00153813 make it happen is to how to listen to 20 j0g6ouNR1JA-00592-00153735-00154014 minutes a day j0g6ouNR1JA-00593-00153813-00154170 so we're training our brain so we don't j0g6ouNR1JA-00594-00154014-00154410 have any expectations we don't go j0g6ouNR1JA-00595-00154170-00154607 through the meditation with expectation j0g6ouNR1JA-00596-00154410-00155139 find finding an ass or we don't do that j0g6ouNR1JA-00597-00154607-00155316 so it's part of living kind of but the j0g6ouNR1JA-00598-00155139-00155487 side effect of it is that we get the j0g6ouNR1JA-00599-00155316-00155658 answers you know what I mean so we don't j0g6ouNR1JA-00600-00155487-00155832 want to do we don't want to meditate so j0g6ouNR1JA-00601-00155658-00156054 because of mindfulness meditation and j0g6ouNR1JA-00602-00155832-00156378 all these teachings the wisdom teachings j0g6ouNR1JA-00603-00156054-00156630 is that just be all is good at all times j0g6ouNR1JA-00604-00156378-00156909 we want to get to that level and then j0g6ouNR1JA-00605-00156630-00157110 that doesn't mean non-action not at all j0g6ouNR1JA-00606-00156909-00157377 that doesn't mean not at non achieving j0g6ouNR1JA-00607-00157110-00157587 that doesn't mean that but but being in j0g6ouNR1JA-00608-00157377-00157812 the present moment and being in the flow j0g6ouNR1JA-00609-00157587-00158061 the next inspired action will just j0g6ouNR1JA-00610-00157812-00158331 flourish out of the blue and we just j0g6ouNR1JA-00611-00158061-00158450 take it none effortlessly I mean I j0g6ouNR1JA-00612-00158331-00158784 effortlessly j0g6ouNR1JA-00613-00158450-00158961 effortlessly you know I mean so it's so j0g6ouNR1JA-00614-00158784-00159344 that's that's number one and number two j0g6ouNR1JA-00615-00158961-00159687 of course daily routine is the most j0g6ouNR1JA-00616-00159344-00160092 important thing is the most essential j0g6ouNR1JA-00617-00159687-00160422 tool to personal draw growth I think Jim j0g6ouNR1JA-00618-00160092-00160677 Rohn says or some of these big coaches j0g6ouNR1JA-00619-00160422-00160920 he said people say why did the j0g6ouNR1JA-00620-00160677-00161363 motivation why motivation doesn't last j0g6ouNR1JA-00621-00160920-00161619 and it says well so does taking a shower j0g6ouNR1JA-00622-00161363-00161811 take me back that's why we recommend it j0g6ouNR1JA-00623-00161619-00162089 daily so we have to do all these things j0g6ouNR1JA-00624-00161811-00162348 we have to read some book a court you j0g6ouNR1JA-00625-00162089-00162663 know related to personal development as j0g6ouNR1JA-00626-00162348-00162972 to meditate we have to participate in j0g6ouNR1JA-00627-00162663-00163185 discussions we have to teach teach our j0g6ouNR1JA-00628-00162972-00163379 kids teach our spouses that's what I j0g6ouNR1JA-00629-00163185-00163538 tell my clients like these things that j0g6ouNR1JA-00630-00163379-00163896 I'm teaching you teach your kids because j0g6ouNR1JA-00631-00163538-00164201 we want to raise conscious adults we're j0g6ouNR1JA-00632-00163896-00164349 not raising kids we're not just getting j0g6ouNR1JA-00633-00164201-00164648 them to brush their teeth at this time j0g6ouNR1JA-00634-00164349-00164844 that's not a problem to fix to be fixed j0g6ouNR1JA-00635-00164648-00165072 right now what you're doing you're j0g6ouNR1JA-00636-00164844-00165285 teaching how to live and how to raise a j0g6ouNR1JA-00637-00165072-00165498 conscious child so to teach about these j0g6ouNR1JA-00638-00165285-00165701 things your kids your spouse's what else j0g6ouNR1JA-00639-00165498-00165951 you can read you can watch a lot of j0g6ouNR1JA-00640-00165701-00166253 awesome video clips about all these j0g6ouNR1JA-00641-00165951-00166451 things personal development watch every j0g6ouNR1JA-00642-00166253-00166695 day at least 10 20 minutes a day so I j0g6ouNR1JA-00643-00166451-00166875 have this spreadsheet for my clients I j0g6ouNR1JA-00644-00166695-00167169 tell them how many minutes did you do j0g6ouNR1JA-00645-00166875-00167351 did you invest in yourself in your j0g6ouNR1JA-00646-00167169-00167646 personal development what did you watch j0g6ouNR1JA-00647-00167351-00167799 what did you read did you meditate so j0g6ouNR1JA-00648-00167646-00168080 it's important to do it every day j0g6ouNR1JA-00649-00167799-00168353 absolutely right because I can use j0g6ouNR1JA-00650-00168080-00168788 another I don't I'm very bad with memory j0g6ouNR1JA-00651-00168353-00169119 another tycoon he said he brought a pump j0g6ouNR1JA-00652-00168788-00169308 and he said yeah when you at the j0g6ouNR1JA-00653-00169119-00169551 beginning but the water wants to come up j0g6ouNR1JA-00654-00169308-00169589 you have to push really hard and off and j0g6ouNR1JA-00655-00169551-00169814 right j0g6ouNR1JA-00656-00169589-00170102 it's called priming but then when the j0g6ouNR1JA-00657-00169814-00170448 water's at the top level then you can do j0g6ouNR1JA-00658-00170102-00170622 slowly and it cuz SMS me right so we j0g6ouNR1JA-00659-00170448-00170867 don't if you do have everything every j0g6ouNR1JA-00660-00170622-00171123 day we don't have to prime them every j0g6ouNR1JA-00661-00170867-00171455 time like do five five you know for I j0g6ouNR1JA-00662-00171123-00171578 don't know two three days you meditate j0g6ouNR1JA-00663-00171455-00171813 and you don't meditate for one week and j0g6ouNR1JA-00664-00171578-00171977 then you have to prime again it's harder j0g6ouNR1JA-00665-00171813-00172296 if you do it every day it's more j0g6ouNR1JA-00666-00171977-00172494 effective and it's easier and then j0g6ouNR1JA-00667-00172296-00172751 you're so right and I think we've all j0g6ouNR1JA-00668-00172494-00172916 been there we have taken up a habit we j0g6ouNR1JA-00669-00172751-00173264 have continued it for a while whether j0g6ouNR1JA-00670-00172916-00173540 that's going to the gym or you know say j0g6ouNR1JA-00671-00173264-00173661 working out or you know reading or j0g6ouNR1JA-00672-00173540-00173871 anything like that we've taken up a j0g6ouNR1JA-00673-00173661-00174113 habit and we've structured it for a bit j0g6ouNR1JA-00674-00173871-00174291 and then we've stopped and then was j0g6ouNR1JA-00675-00174113-00174537 really hard to get j0g6ouNR1JA-00676-00174291-00174816 again because you lost all the momentum j0g6ouNR1JA-00677-00174537-00175065 that you have up so it's the fact that j0g6ouNR1JA-00678-00174816-00175224 every single day you're building j0g6ouNR1JA-00679-00175065-00175392 momentum you're trying to go faster and j0g6ouNR1JA-00680-00175224-00175536 faster and faster and eventually what j0g6ouNR1JA-00681-00175392-00175665 I'm hearing you say is the fact that j0g6ouNR1JA-00682-00175536-00175797 even though what are you talking about j0g6ouNR1JA-00683-00175665-00176118 the water coming out of the pump quite j0g6ouNR1JA-00684-00175797-00176343 easily that that shows to me that you j0g6ouNR1JA-00685-00176118-00176519 gain so much momentum that you're going j0g6ouNR1JA-00686-00176343-00176910 so fast that you can't be stopped j0g6ouNR1JA-00687-00176519-00177123 exactly yes and then stop it again j0g6ouNR1JA-00688-00176910-00177279 you're going to go down it's just the j0g6ouNR1JA-00689-00177123-00177498 research shows if you exercise for j0g6ouNR1JA-00690-00177279-00177789 example for two hours a week one time j0g6ouNR1JA-00691-00177498-00178002 it's not as effective and not helpful if j0g6ouNR1JA-00692-00177789-00178335 you do it like 30 minutes a day that's j0g6ouNR1JA-00693-00178002-00178578 better so yeah it's just so it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00694-00178335-00178808 important to and as part of self-care j0g6ouNR1JA-00695-00178578-00179082 again that's a huge part of coaching j0g6ouNR1JA-00696-00178808-00179393 self-care because we don't we just want j0g6ouNR1JA-00697-00179082-00179688 to give to people from our overflow of j0g6ouNR1JA-00698-00179393-00179862 energy and if this is part of the South j0g6ouNR1JA-00699-00179688-00180021 care this is half an hour I have to j0g6ouNR1JA-00700-00179862-00180117 exercise after minute eight it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00701-00180021-00180429 non-negotiable j0g6ouNR1JA-00702-00180117-00180807 sorry so you say no to this notice no to j0g6ouNR1JA-00703-00180429-00181035 this but yesterday's it's important to j0g6ouNR1JA-00704-00180807-00181268 do that because we don't we can't pour j0g6ouNR1JA-00705-00181035-00181536 from an empty cup if you don't invest j0g6ouNR1JA-00706-00181268-00181827 and having massages and stuff manicures j0g6ouNR1JA-00707-00181536-00182061 are good but having something daily it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00708-00181827-00182376 so important and this is the most j0g6ouNR1JA-00709-00182061-00182664 precious exercise practiced so just j0g6ouNR1JA-00710-00182376-00182931 meditate and exercise and three things j0g6ouNR1JA-00711-00182664-00183189 good thoughts good exercise and good j0g6ouNR1JA-00712-00182931-00183452 food take care of what I'll be putting j0g6ouNR1JA-00713-00183189-00183708 on in our mouth of course it's it's more j0g6ouNR1JA-00714-00183452-00183912 could be more expensive to buy organic j0g6ouNR1JA-00715-00183708-00184113 but it's investment it's an investment j0g6ouNR1JA-00716-00183912-00184734 it's the energy we put in ourselves and j0g6ouNR1JA-00717-00184113-00185001 the universe will give it back so guys j0g6ouNR1JA-00718-00184734-00185388 the commitment to come here and and j0g6ouNR1JA-00719-00185001-00185550 serve you is real and that's what I try j0g6ouNR1JA-00720-00185388-00185898 to do every single week to try and come j0g6ouNR1JA-00721-00185550-00186093 here show up and add value to you which j0g6ouNR1JA-00722-00185898-00186243 is why I try and look for the most j0g6ouNR1JA-00723-00186093-00186519 amazing guest that I can possibly bring j0g6ouNR1JA-00724-00186243-00186819 on so we can learn from them we can we j0g6ouNR1JA-00725-00186519-00187164 can incorporate the strategies that tips j0g6ouNR1JA-00726-00186819-00187509 the routines the hacks into our lives to j0g6ouNR1JA-00727-00187164-00187704 accelerate our lives and I think it like j0g6ouNR1JA-00728-00187509-00188013 Rea has been saw on j0g6ouNR1JA-00729-00187704-00188316 today with the fact that if you want to j0g6ouNR1JA-00730-00188013-00188490 achieve anything in your life in any j0g6ouNR1JA-00731-00188316-00188610 area of your life by the way I mean it j0g6ouNR1JA-00732-00188490-00188745 doesn't matter if it's finances j0g6ouNR1JA-00733-00188610-00188931 relationships your personal life is your j0g6ouNR1JA-00734-00188745-00189132 spirituality is your business whatever j0g6ouNR1JA-00735-00188931-00189354 it is that you want to work on you first j0g6ouNR1JA-00736-00189132-00189576 needs to look after yourself and in j0g6ouNR1JA-00737-00189354-00189855 order to do that you need to escape the j0g6ouNR1JA-00738-00189576-00190143 matrix the worries the concerns the j0g6ouNR1JA-00739-00189855-00190359 consistent thoughts that are always in j0g6ouNR1JA-00740-00190143-00190617 your head those voices that just never j0g6ouNR1JA-00741-00190359-00190872 go quiet so you have to make sure that j0g6ouNR1JA-00742-00190617-00191061 you take the time to do that you quiet j0g6ouNR1JA-00743-00190872-00191256 those voices you escape the matrix and j0g6ouNR1JA-00744-00191061-00191645 she shared some amazing strategies with j0g6ouNR1JA-00745-00191256-00191973 you guys to help you escape the Matrix j0g6ouNR1JA-00746-00191645-00192090 Rea you've added so much value to us j0g6ouNR1JA-00747-00191973-00192363 today I mean this is been absolutely j0g6ouNR1JA-00748-00192090-00192744 phenomenal I'm curious right now if j0g6ouNR1JA-00749-00192363-00193053 there was only one one thing that people j0g6ouNR1JA-00750-00192744-00193421 could act on one tip that you can leave j0g6ouNR1JA-00751-00193053-00193421 us with what would it be j0g6ouNR1JA-00752-00193460-00194215 well I'm stuck married j0g6ouNR1JA-00753-00194479-00194891 that's a given that's a given but j0g6ouNR1JA-00754-00194690-00195275 something came up maybe I should some of j0g6ouNR1JA-00755-00194891-00195599 your ideas could be helpful for them so j0g6ouNR1JA-00756-00195275-00195986 you've brought up relationships I highly j0g6ouNR1JA-00757-00195599-00196133 recommend take care of you first like j0g6ouNR1JA-00758-00195986-00196274 look for the people who are looking for j0g6ouNR1JA-00759-00196133-00196568 a partner or something we don't want j0g6ouNR1JA-00760-00196274-00196865 like this is a Hollywood sauce message j0g6ouNR1JA-00761-00196568-00197066 you complete me no one completes us so j0g6ouNR1JA-00762-00196865-00197300 we as I said we are complete within j0g6ouNR1JA-00763-00197066-00197543 ourselves because we are designed we are j0g6ouNR1JA-00764-00197300-00197855 connected to this vast intelligence of j0g6ouNR1JA-00765-00197543-00198301 the universe so just taking care of j0g6ouNR1JA-00766-00197855-00198301 ourselves and by meditating and by j0g6ouNR1JA-00767-00198307-00198938 accessing the purpose of our lives by j0g6ouNR1JA-00768-00198563-00199220 just enjoying the minute every minute j0g6ouNR1JA-00769-00198938-00199481 about our daily life do something for j0g6ouNR1JA-00770-00199220-00199682 our personal growth down will bring us j0g6ouNR1JA-00771-00199481-00200018 so much satisfaction that no one else j0g6ouNR1JA-00772-00199682-00200249 and nothing else can bring this so it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00773-00200018-00200426 it's just a false message of the society j0g6ouNR1JA-00774-00200249-00200723 guess you have to do things you have to j0g6ouNR1JA-00775-00200426-00201056 be something so you're accept us and j0g6ouNR1JA-00776-00200723-00201395 someone chooses you and that's not true j0g6ouNR1JA-00777-00201056-00201599 if we feel at peace because of Law of j0g6ouNR1JA-00778-00201395-00201899 Attraction we are elevating the j0g6ouNR1JA-00779-00201599-00202112 vibration of our of our being and we are j0g6ouNR1JA-00780-00201899-00202511 extracting the same vibration which is j0g6ouNR1JA-00781-00202112-00202736 higher love love and above is the from j0g6ouNR1JA-00782-00202511-00202952 the scale of consciousness love joy j0g6ouNR1JA-00783-00202736-00203168 peace and enlightenment if we pull j0g6ouNR1JA-00784-00202952-00203414 ourselves to these higher vibration j0g6ouNR1JA-00785-00203168-00203567 emotions they then guilt and shame I'm j0g6ouNR1JA-00786-00203414-00203789 not enough and all this is there very j0g6ouNR1JA-00787-00203567-00203999 low blood library when you're looking j0g6ouNR1JA-00788-00203789-00204173 for someone you're not enough you have j0g6ouNR1JA-00789-00203999-00204449 no vibration when you don't have a job j0g6ouNR1JA-00790-00204173-00204721 there's like a lack of vibration we want j0g6ouNR1JA-00791-00204449-00205088 to pull ourselves up and because in law j0g6ouNR1JA-00792-00204721-00205280 action we gonna attract and this is j0g6ouNR1JA-00793-00205088-00205423 against scientific and I can give you j0g6ouNR1JA-00794-00205280-00205676 actually a scientific experiment about j0g6ouNR1JA-00795-00205423-00206036 it you're gonna attract the same kind of j0g6ouNR1JA-00796-00205676-00206201 vibration what happens then if we are j0g6ouNR1JA-00797-00206036-00206441 meant to be up with a person again j0g6ouNR1JA-00798-00206201-00206579 no one has and not everyone has to be j0g6ouNR1JA-00799-00206441-00206804 able to partner but if you're meant to j0g6ouNR1JA-00800-00206579-00206939 the same and you know the person will j0g6ouNR1JA-00801-00206804-00207121 show up if j0g6ouNR1JA-00802-00206939-00207386 you're meant to have a kid the kid will j0g6ouNR1JA-00803-00207121-00207667 shark so if the you meant to have this j0g6ouNR1JA-00804-00207386-00207877 job is for our personal clothes and for j0g6ouNR1JA-00805-00207667-00208010 high higher good and how good of j0g6ouNR1JA-00806-00207877-00208267 humanity j0g6ouNR1JA-00807-00208010-00208582 it will show up because we are vibrating j0g6ouNR1JA-00808-00208267-00209188 on a higher level you're extracting j0g6ouNR1JA-00809-00208582-00209619 effortless joyful peaceful essence based j0g6ouNR1JA-00810-00209188-00209939 abundant events people circumstances j0g6ouNR1JA-00811-00209619-00210200 does that make sense so it's just all us j0g6ouNR1JA-00812-00209939-00210410 we have to work on ourselves so the j0g6ouNR1JA-00813-00210200-00210569 environment changes and that's again j0g6ouNR1JA-00814-00210410-00210977 psychology 101 it's not even a j0g6ouNR1JA-00815-00210569-00211948 spirituality so focus on you j0g6ouNR1JA-00816-00210977-00212153 that's my last you know they say when j0g6ouNR1JA-00817-00211948-00212663 you change the way you look at things it j0g6ouNR1JA-00818-00212153-00212939 changes the things you look at so it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00819-00212663-00213140 very important that you first change the j0g6ouNR1JA-00820-00212939-00213248 way you are looking at things so you j0g6ouNR1JA-00821-00213140-00213413 need to work on yourself that's what I'm j0g6ouNR1JA-00822-00213248-00213617 hearing you say right now you need to j0g6ouNR1JA-00823-00213413-00213884 work on yourself we all need to work on j0g6ouNR1JA-00824-00213617-00214048 ourselves and change the the perspective j0g6ouNR1JA-00825-00213884-00214298 the paradigm that's that's going on j0g6ouNR1JA-00826-00214048-00214562 inside of us all the time in order to j0g6ouNR1JA-00827-00214298-00214739 actually move forward because if you j0g6ouNR1JA-00828-00214562-00214892 stay in the same place you're not going j0g6ouNR1JA-00829-00214739-00215006 forward you're just in the hamster wheel j0g6ouNR1JA-00830-00214892-00215186 you're just going spinning round and j0g6ouNR1JA-00831-00215006-00215354 round and it does not matter what area j0g6ouNR1JA-00832-00215186-00215555 of your life you're focusing on I mean j0g6ouNR1JA-00833-00215354-00215732 on this channel we talk about all all j0g6ouNR1JA-00834-00215555-00215858 areas of our life right let's we talk j0g6ouNR1JA-00835-00215732-00216035 about holistic success how do you j0g6ouNR1JA-00836-00215858-00216212 achieve holistic success does not matter j0g6ouNR1JA-00837-00216035-00216377 if it's to do with business spirituality j0g6ouNR1JA-00838-00216212-00216656 is to do with your health it's to do j0g6ouNR1JA-00839-00216377-00216848 with your you know relationships is to j0g6ouNR1JA-00840-00216656-00216983 do with your finances your career does j0g6ouNR1JA-00841-00216848-00217226 not matter how do you achieve holistic j0g6ouNR1JA-00842-00216983-00217511 success so what I'm hearing you say is j0g6ouNR1JA-00843-00217226-00217835 that you have to work on yourself in j0g6ouNR1JA-00844-00217511-00218092 order to move forward because you cannot j0g6ouNR1JA-00845-00217835-00218357 stay stuck in the same hamster wheel j0g6ouNR1JA-00846-00218092-00218723 going round and round all the time no we j0g6ouNR1JA-00847-00218357-00218936 can but it's not us it's a false self if j0g6ouNR1JA-00848-00218723-00219116 you want to live our attentive staff we j0g6ouNR1JA-00849-00218936-00219338 have to work on we have to shed all j0g6ouNR1JA-00850-00219116-00219598 these conditioning like a snake we have j0g6ouNR1JA-00851-00219338-00219887 to shed our past and we are literally j0g6ouNR1JA-00852-00219598-00220148 living off all those programs that would j0g6ouNR1JA-00853-00219887-00220257 be instilled in us up to almost 6 years j0g6ouNR1JA-00854-00220148-00220605 old one j0g6ouNR1JA-00855-00220257-00220788 maybe twelve so we have to just let's j0g6ouNR1JA-00856-00220605-00221004 forget our parent forgive our parents j0g6ouNR1JA-00857-00220788-00221082 because they didn't know better but it j0g6ouNR1JA-00858-00221004-00221409 is what it is j0g6ouNR1JA-00859-00221082-00221619 it's the swamped the caregivers and then j0g6ouNR1JA-00860-00221409-00221862 the society then the school have to just j0g6ouNR1JA-00861-00221619-00222039 shut these by working ourselves and by j0g6ouNR1JA-00862-00221862-00222312 watching the material I'm gonna j0g6ouNR1JA-00863-00222039-00222896 recommend the movie it's on YouTube j0g6ouNR1JA-00864-00222312-00223196 it's called Samadhi as a m.a DHI Samadhi j0g6ouNR1JA-00865-00222896-00223598 so if you search somebody there are two j0g6ouNR1JA-00866-00223196-00223842 parts in YouTube it's for free it's one j0g6ouNR1JA-00867-00223598-00224219 hour each that's some stuff those kind j0g6ouNR1JA-00868-00223842-00224571 of clips watch every day or the stuff j0g6ouNR1JA-00869-00224219-00224721 with dr. Joe Dispenza has TED talk how j0g6ouNR1JA-00870-00224571-00224916 to reprogram the brain because of j0g6ouNR1JA-00871-00224721-00225180 neuroplasticity we can actually change j0g6ouNR1JA-00872-00224916-00225333 up until thirty years ago we thought j0g6ouNR1JA-00873-00225180-00225657 okay and it is what it is our brain j0g6ouNR1JA-00874-00225333-00225858 cannot be changed but that's not true j0g6ouNR1JA-00875-00225657-00226344 we know that we can actually but we need j0g6ouNR1JA-00876-00225858-00226686 to do work as you said daily read watch j0g6ouNR1JA-00877-00226344-00226779 it takes time but it's it is so j0g6ouNR1JA-00878-00226686-00227016 rewarding j0g6ouNR1JA-00879-00226779-00227192 the journey is beautiful so there is no j0g6ouNR1JA-00880-00227016-00227580 destination we're gonna enjoy the j0g6ouNR1JA-00881-00227192-00227625 journey and then we're gonna cross this j0g6ouNR1JA-00882-00227580-00227829 river j0g6ouNR1JA-00883-00227625-00228017 let's feel very here we don't know j0g6ouNR1JA-00884-00227829-00228417 what's going on I I literally four years j0g6ouNR1JA-00885-00228017-00228831 ago I felt I woke up I was asleep and I j0g6ouNR1JA-00886-00228417-00229116 woke up for real that's that's how we j0g6ouNR1JA-00887-00228831-00229346 shift our perspective is I was just j0g6ouNR1JA-00888-00229116-00229761 watching the movie awake by about j0g6ouNR1JA-00889-00229346-00230010 Yogananda biography and they said that j0g6ouNR1JA-00890-00229761-00230262 when you're sleeping when we're dreaming j0g6ouNR1JA-00891-00230010-00230616 we think that's the reality and then we j0g6ouNR1JA-00892-00230262-00230846 wake up and this is a reality but the j0g6ouNR1JA-00893-00230616-00231073 same thing can happen when we take the j0g6ouNR1JA-00894-00230846-00231323 red pill and we get out of the matrix j0g6ouNR1JA-00895-00231073-00231681 that's not the reality this is the j0g6ouNR1JA-00896-00231323-00231756 reality I'm enough I'm divine we are all j0g6ouNR1JA-00897-00231681-00232032 connected j0g6ouNR1JA-00898-00231756-00232389 there is no ism there is no good or bad j0g6ouNR1JA-00899-00232032-00232650 Rumi says beyond the wrongdoing and the j0g6ouNR1JA-00900-00232389-00232836 right doing there is a field I meet you j0g6ouNR1JA-00901-00232650-00233096 there there's no good or bad there's no j0g6ouNR1JA-00902-00232836-00233490 black and white there is no Jordan we're j0g6ouNR1JA-00903-00233096-00233751 all the same we're all divine we all j0g6ouNR1JA-00904-00233490-00234039 just part of this interconnected j0g6ouNR1JA-00905-00233751-00234165 universe so looking at the world this j0g6ouNR1JA-00906-00234039-00234632 way we don't judge j0g6ouNR1JA-00907-00234165-00234927 we don't expect we accept the person's j0g6ouNR1JA-00908-00234632-00235089 consciousness not everyone is at the j0g6ouNR1JA-00909-00234927-00235202 same level of consciousness because why j0g6ouNR1JA-00910-00235089-00235413 because we're asleep j0g6ouNR1JA-00911-00235202-00235638 I was asleep four years ago so we just j0g6ouNR1JA-00912-00235413-00236091 have to wake up and do work to wake up j0g6ouNR1JA-00913-00235638-00236364 and feel joy the true joy that we j0g6ouNR1JA-00914-00236091-00236594 actually came here to let be I believe j0g6ouNR1JA-00915-00236364-00236878 we came here to play but no one is j0g6ouNR1JA-00916-00236594-00237109 playing literally everyone is you know j0g6ouNR1JA-00917-00236878-00237564 look at all the misery in the world j0g6ouNR1JA-00918-00237109-00237658 personal and communal so we came here to j0g6ouNR1JA-00919-00237564-00238017 have fun j0g6ouNR1JA-00920-00237658-00238286 so she's find a way to have joy and j0g6ouNR1JA-00921-00238017-00238464 peace every moment we don't we don't j0g6ouNR1JA-00922-00238286-00238907 deserve this we don't deserve to be in j0g6ouNR1JA-00923-00238464-00239265 suffering the message I love the message j0g6ouNR1JA-00924-00238907-00239502 yeah and again you know I asked the j0g6ouNR1JA-00925-00239265-00240032 people in the audience what believes j0g6ouNR1JA-00926-00239502-00240306 what thoughts what ideas are holding you j0g6ouNR1JA-00927-00240032-00240528 back what thoughts why j0g6ouNR1JA-00928-00240306-00240933 ideas what beliefs are actually not j0g6ouNR1JA-00929-00240528-00241362 serving you any more and are you going j0g6ouNR1JA-00930-00240933-00241677 to stay here where you hold on to them j0g6ouNR1JA-00931-00241362-00241857 like extra baggage while in fact you j0g6ouNR1JA-00932-00241677-00242088 need to be sprinting forward to the j0g6ouNR1JA-00933-00241857-00242367 finish line so you can achieve your full j0g6ouNR1JA-00934-00242088-00242526 potential you can grow to become the j0g6ouNR1JA-00935-00242367-00242883 best version of yourself and serve j0g6ouNR1JA-00936-00242526-00243098 others and if you feel that gap you're j0g6ouNR1JA-00937-00242883-00243339 not feeling true joy and happiness in j0g6ouNR1JA-00938-00243098-00243606 your life then maybe it's time to think j0g6ouNR1JA-00939-00243339-00243831 about letting go of those limiting j0g6ouNR1JA-00940-00243606-00244125 beliefs letting go of those ideas and j0g6ouNR1JA-00941-00243831-00244446 those thoughts which are not serving you j0g6ouNR1JA-00942-00244125-00244725 anymore and again you know Rea shared j0g6ouNR1JA-00943-00244446-00245079 some amazing insights into how you can j0g6ouNR1JA-00944-00244725-00245240 do that but the key thing that I got j0g6ouNR1JA-00945-00245079-00245748 from this conversation from aria was j0g6ouNR1JA-00946-00245240-00245969 consistency it's a daily thing it's not j0g6ouNR1JA-00947-00245748-00246231 one-time thing is not a weekly thing j0g6ouNR1JA-00948-00245969-00246528 it's not a six week program it's a j0g6ouNR1JA-00949-00246231-00246817 lifetime journey j0g6ouNR1JA-00950-00246528-00247405 so the question really is are you ready j0g6ouNR1JA-00951-00246817-00247642 to embark on your journey are you thank j0g6ouNR1JA-00952-00247405-00247807 you so much for your time before we just j0g6ouNR1JA-00953-00247642-00248136 quickly finish off I just want to know j0g6ouNR1JA-00954-00247807-00248446 how can people reach out to you how can j0g6ouNR1JA-00955-00248136-00249217 they find out more about you sure my j0g6ouNR1JA-00956-00248446-00249444 website is www.seannal.com and the j0g6ouNR1JA-00957-00249217-00249592 facebook my public Facebook page is j0g6ouNR1JA-00958-00249444-00250003 getting the same thing if you search me j0g6ouNR1JA-00959-00249592-00250669 love no Instagram Twitter Linkedin all j0g6ouNR1JA-00960-00250003-00251286 those things it's just be love no yes be j0g6ouNR1JA-00961-00250669-00251563 like me and I love and no awesome j0g6ouNR1JA-00962-00251286-00251728 perfect I'll put all those links below j0g6ouNR1JA-00963-00251563-00251898 in the description of the video so j0g6ouNR1JA-00964-00251728-00252154 people can actually click on the link j0g6ouNR1JA-00965-00251898-00252267 and reach directly out to you and I will j0g6ouNR1JA-00966-00252154-00252569 highly encourage people to do that j0g6ouNR1JA-00967-00252267-00252967 because I think this conversation was j0g6ouNR1JA-00968-00252569-00253189 centered around how you can move forward j0g6ouNR1JA-00969-00252967-00253339 and not be stuck in where you are at j0g6ouNR1JA-00970-00253189-00253525 because there are times that's how we j0g6ouNR1JA-00971-00253339-00253921 feel that's a lot of times sometimes how j0g6ouNR1JA-00972-00253525-00254254 I feel but it's about let it go it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00973-00253921-00254629 about moving forward and it's about j0g6ouNR1JA-00974-00254254-00254788 making sure that you are not holding on j0g6ouNR1JA-00975-00254629-00255508 to anything that's not serving you j0g6ouNR1JA-00976-00254788-00255751 anymore I can't let go of this because I j0g6ouNR1JA-00977-00255508-00255867 had nothing else but unless you left I j0g6ouNR1JA-00978-00255751-00256119 go you're not creating the space or j0g6ouNR1JA-00979-00255867-00256294 something else to grow yes I want to j0g6ouNR1JA-00980-00256119-00256531 offset the end teach you something if j0g6ouNR1JA-00981-00256294-00256783 you put your right hand on your forehead j0g6ouNR1JA-00982-00256531-00256992 and close your your fingers and one out j0g6ouNR1JA-00983-00256783-00257235 the back and just stay for one two j0g6ouNR1JA-00984-00256992-00257442 minutes this will apply it down and all j0g6ouNR1JA-00985-00257235-00257644 those neurons and everything it's it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00986-00257442-00257919 amazing for the time that you're just j0g6ouNR1JA-00987-00257644-00258060 feeling anxious and just pull yourself j0g6ouNR1JA-00988-00257919-00258348 to the side to the center this is energy j0g6ouNR1JA-00989-00258060-00258526 medicine routine Madonna Eden again you j0g6ouNR1JA-00990-00258348-00258808 can find it in YouTube it's really j0g6ouNR1JA-00991-00258526-00258985 amazing my kids do it every morning it's j0g6ouNR1JA-00992-00258808-00259276 just taking care of our body and our j0g6ouNR1JA-00993-00258985-00259563 mind at the same time so we can live our j0g6ouNR1JA-00994-00259276-00259914 you know our best stuff every day j0g6ouNR1JA-00995-00259563-00260284 yeah beautiful um Aria is there anything j0g6ouNR1JA-00996-00259914-00260605 that we can help you with right now no j0g6ouNR1JA-00997-00260284-00260906 good at all times that's my motto j0g6ouNR1JA-00998-00260605-00261104 perfect just very quickly I know that j0g6ouNR1JA-00999-00260906-00261299 you are doing a dissertation for your j0g6ouNR1JA-01000-00261104-00261632 PhD and you're actually looking for j0g6ouNR1JA-01001-00261299-00261884 people to participate in that as well j0g6ouNR1JA-01002-00261632-00262044 so do you want to tell people a little j0g6ouNR1JA-01003-00261884-00262184 bit about your dissertation in case j0g6ouNR1JA-01004-00262044-00262499 somebody might be interested in the one j0g6ouNR1JA-01005-00262184-00262529 we talk to you sure thank you for doing j0g6ouNR1JA-01006-00262499-00262757 that j0g6ouNR1JA-01007-00262529-00263003 yeah but it's not ready yet I have to j0g6ouNR1JA-01008-00262757-00263169 defend my first three chapters but as j0g6ouNR1JA-01009-00263003-00263408 soon as it's ready I'm gonna create an j0g6ouNR1JA-01010-00263169-00263597 event page on Facebook and then I'll j0g6ouNR1JA-01011-00263408-00263967 probably send it to you or put it under j0g6ouNR1JA-01012-00263597-00264189 this video so I will be inviting people j0g6ouNR1JA-01013-00263967-00264516 who are who work at least 20 hours a j0g6ouNR1JA-01014-00264189-00264761 week I'll teach them in a in a 50-minute j0g6ouNR1JA-01015-00264516-00265079 video how to do mindful breathing every j0g6ouNR1JA-01016-00264761-00265397 hour on the hour and then fill out a j0g6ouNR1JA-01017-00265079-00265849 questionnaire at the end to tell me j0g6ouNR1JA-01018-00265397-00266099 about their experiences thank you j0g6ouNR1JA-01019-00265849-00266297 audience aria is actually doing a PhD j0g6ouNR1JA-01020-00266099-00266421 right now she's doing working on her j0g6ouNR1JA-01021-00266297-00266810 dissertation and the reason I said that j0g6ouNR1JA-01022-00266421-00267008 is because she is looking she's gonna be j0g6ouNR1JA-01023-00266810-00267323 looking for people to participate in j0g6ouNR1JA-01024-00267008-00267671 that so she can you know get the data j0g6ouNR1JA-01025-00267323-00267864 that she needs so it's based around you j0g6ouNR1JA-01026-00267671-00268079 know performance psychology specifically j0g6ouNR1JA-01027-00267864-00268167 obviously a mental performance and she j0g6ouNR1JA-01028-00268079-00268346 will be teaching you different j0g6ouNR1JA-01029-00268167-00268488 mindfulness practices etc that you can j0g6ouNR1JA-01030-00268346-00268649 practice in order to boost your j0g6ouNR1JA-01031-00268488-00268886 performance and then you you just like j0g6ouNR1JA-01032-00268649-00269102 fill it a questionnaire and give you a j0g6ouNR1JA-01033-00268886-00269244 results back so I think that's a j0g6ouNR1JA-01034-00269102-00269439 fantastic opportunity for you to just j0g6ouNR1JA-01035-00269244-00269555 reach out and connect with Rea and be a j0g6ouNR1JA-01036-00269439-00269798 part of something absolutely amazing j0g6ouNR1JA-01037-00269555-00270122 you'll be actually helping create a new j0g6ouNR1JA-01038-00269798-00270396 study you'll be part of this new sort of j0g6ouNR1JA-01039-00270122-00270536 discovery into you know mindfulness j0g6ouNR1JA-01040-00270396-00270851 practices and how they actually help you j0g6ouNR1JA-01041-00270536-00271046 boost your mental performance okay j0g6ouNR1JA-01042-00270851-00271229 yes because most of my clients are like j0g6ouNR1JA-01043-00271046-00271355 oh ten minutes I don't have time 20 j0g6ouNR1JA-01044-00271229-00271580 minutes I'm like okay you don't have j0g6ouNR1JA-01045-00271355-00271818 time for 10 min sitting just every hour j0g6ouNR1JA-01046-00271580-00272222 close their eyes for one minute that you j0g6ouNR1JA-01047-00271818-00272483 can do that's not too much so so it's I j0g6ouNR1JA-01048-00272222-00272699 like to experiment with this and see how j0g6ouNR1JA-01049-00272483-00272895 how effective it could be for people j0g6ouNR1JA-01050-00272699-00273161 yeah j0g6ouNR1JA-01051-00272895-00273381 beautiful awesome well Aria thanks so j0g6ouNR1JA-01052-00273161-00273627 much for being here I really appreciate j0g6ouNR1JA-01053-00273381-00273758 your time and you know what I'm really j0g6ouNR1JA-01054-00273627-00273924 looking forward to round 2 there's so j0g6ouNR1JA-01055-00273758-00274080 much more that we can talk about and j0g6ouNR1JA-01056-00273924-00274365 explore obviously we have time j0g6ouNR1JA-01057-00274080-00274692 restrictions so we have to end it here j0g6ouNR1JA-01058-00274365-00274859 but I really can't wait to have you back j0g6ouNR1JA-01059-00274692-00275076 on maybe we can go for round 2 sometime j0g6ouNR1JA-01060-00274859-00275391 yeah thank you I'll be happy to come j0g6ouNR1JA-01061-00275076-00275652 back thank you you're very welcome guys j0g6ouNR1JA-01062-00275391-00275786 make sure that you subscribe to the j0g6ouNR1JA-01063-00275652-00275973 channel because guess what the channel j0g6ouNR1JA-01064-00275786-00276228 competition I've decided I'm going to j0g6ouNR1JA-01065-00275973-00276434 run every single month so what that j0g6ouNR1JA-01066-00276228-00276678 means is that if you go and hit that j0g6ouNR1JA-01067-00276434-00276939 subscribe button down below and leave a j0g6ouNR1JA-01068-00276678-00277061 comment anywhere on any video on the j0g6ouNR1JA-01069-00276939-00277269 channel there's no matter what video it j0g6ouNR1JA-01070-00277061-00277961 is and I get a notification you j0g6ouNR1JA-01071-00277269-00278064 automatic the start of the next month so j0g6ouNR1JA-01072-00277961-00278274 the 1st of October j0g6ouNR1JA-01073-00278064-00278421 basically we're now in September so in j0g6ouNR1JA-01074-00278274-00278601 the 1st of October I will announce the j0g6ouNR1JA-01075-00278421-00278922 winner and the winner will get free j0g6ouNR1JA-01076-00278601-00279045 access to my new networking strategies j0g6ouNR1JA-01077-00278922-00279243 course these are the strategies that I j0g6ouNR1JA-01078-00279045-00279386 have used to connect and build j0g6ouNR1JA-01079-00279243-00279555 relationships with amazing people all j0g6ouNR1JA-01080-00279386-00279729 over the world and bring them on to my j0g6ouNR1JA-01081-00279555-00279906 youtube channel to interview and to add j0g6ouNR1JA-01082-00279729-00280113 value to you so if you're interested in j0g6ouNR1JA-01083-00279906-00280331 learning those strategies make sure you j0g6ouNR1JA-01084-00280113-00280506 hit that subscribe button right now and j0g6ouNR1JA-01085-00280331-00280781 leave a comment on this video or any j0g6ouNR1JA-01086-00280506-00281067 other video now we'd love to know your j0g6ouNR1JA-01087-00280781-00281360 thoughts what is the one thing on this j0g6ouNR1JA-01088-00281067-00281598 conversation that really stood out to j0g6ouNR1JA-01089-00281360-00281807 you that you will be employing moving j0g6ouNR1JA-01090-00281598-00282122 forward so there you have even prompted j0g6ouNR1JA-01091-00281807-00282431 you to leave a comment right now and j0g6ouNR1JA-01092-00282122-00282693 also the fact we're approaching our 100 j0g6ouNR1JA-01093-00282431-00282819 video mark and I'm just really curious j0g6ouNR1JA-01094-00282693-00283092 what would you like to see for the j0g6ouNR1JA-01095-00282819-00283266 hundredth video or what guest do you j0g6ouNR1JA-01096-00283092-00283455 like to be featured on the channel what j0g6ouNR1JA-01097-00283266-00283617 just kind of bring that who you thought j0g6ouNR1JA-01098-00283455-00283902 was absolutely amazing who you thought j0g6ouNR1JA-01099-00283617-00284022 added most value to you and I love to j0g6ouNR1JA-01100-00283902-00284282 bring the guests back on for the j0g6ouNR1JA-01101-00284022-00284523 hundredth video were in there like the j0g6ouNR1JA-01102-00284282-00284706 early 90s right now like 91 92 it is j0g6ouNR1JA-01103-00284523-00284834 something like that and we're j0g6ouNR1JA-01104-00284706-00285000 approaching the hundred mark it's gonna j0g6ouNR1JA-01105-00284834-00285180 be a really big thing for the channel so j0g6ouNR1JA-01106-00285000-00285321 I want to make sure that the hundredth j0g6ouNR1JA-01107-00285180-00285528 video is absolutely amazing and I wanna j0g6ouNR1JA-01108-00285321-00285728 add value to which is always my gobs so j0g6ouNR1JA-01109-00285528-00286001 make sure that in the comments j0g6ouNR1JA-01110-00285728-00286046 you go ahead you tell me what which j0g6ouNR1JA-01111-00286001-00286217 guests j0g6ouNR1JA-01112-00286046-00286457 you want me to feature in the hundredth j0g6ouNR1JA-01113-00286217-00286586 video and as always guys thank you so j0g6ouNR1JA-01114-00286457-00286961 much for spending this time with me I j0g6ouNR1JA-01115-00286586-00287282 really appreciate it you cannot even j0g6ouNR1JA-01116-00286961-00287426 begin to imagine just how much it makes j0g6ouNR1JA-01117-00287282-00287741 me happy to come here and serve you j0g6ouNR1JA-01118-00287426-00287945 every single week and I put in a lot of j0g6ouNR1JA-01119-00287741-00288224 work behind the scenes to connect with j0g6ouNR1JA-01120-00287945-00288416 different people to actually bring them j0g6ouNR1JA-01121-00288224-00288623 onto the channel and try and add value j0g6ouNR1JA-01122-00288416-00288875 to you and you know share with you j0g6ouNR1JA-01123-00288623-00289001 everything that I'm learning and I'm on j0g6ouNR1JA-01124-00288875-00289184 the same journey guys I'm no different j0g6ouNR1JA-01125-00289001-00289373 to you guys I'm on a journey and it's j0g6ouNR1JA-01126-00289184-00289493 just an absolute blessing to be j0g6ouNR1JA-01127-00289373-00289655 surrounded by all these people who we j0g6ouNR1JA-01128-00289493-00289949 could actually learn from so we can j0g6ouNR1JA-01129-00289655-00290213 accelerate our lives so I hope that you j0g6ouNR1JA-01130-00289949-00291149 have an absolutely fantastic week make j0g6ouNR1JA-01131-00290213-00291329 sure you hustle and you make sure that j0g6ouNR1JA-01132-00291149-00291557 you hit your goals j0g6ouNR1JA-01133-00291329-00291850 now with that thank you so much I'll j0g6ouNR1JA-01134-00291557-00291850 catch you in the next one j2eSxhH_y5E-00000-00000500-00001100 The latest vehicle of my robot fleet is the Curiosity Pi. j2eSxhH_y5E-00001-00001100-00002100 The roll out inside my Robospatium took place the day the NASA Rover Curiosity was landing safely on planet Mars. j2eSxhH_y5E-00002-00002100-00002700 The central brain is a Raspberry Pi, a cheap and tiny computer. j2eSxhH_y5E-00003-00002700-00003900 The peripheral is controlled by using the GPIO pins, by what the electronics consists of just 7 small signal transistors, some LEDs and resistors. j2eSxhH_y5E-00004-00003900-00004500 The cabling, running from the power supply to the Rover, is long and thin. j2eSxhH_y5E-00005-00004500-00005300 To be able to compensate the voltage drop at those cabling, it is attached to a power output of 12V. j2eSxhH_y5E-00006-00005300-00006000 At the power pole of the Rover those 12V are converted to just 5V. j2eSxhH_y5E-00007-00006000-00007300 The WLAN stick is very sensible against voltage peaks and the voltage regulators I have used have a maximum current of just 2A. Hence I am using two of them. j2eSxhH_y5E-00008-00007300-00008300 Number one with the large heat sink is for the Raspberry Pi and the USB hub while number two is for the servos and the LEDs. j2eSxhH_y5E-00009-00008300-00009200 The camera is a Logitech C525, which can rotate around it's horizontal axis. j2eSxhH_y5E-00010-00009200-00010200 For driving in the darkness, 7 LEDs are attached above the web cam, which can be switched in 4 steps. j2eSxhH_y5E-00011-00010200-00011400 The front wheel of the threewheler is driven directly by a hacked servo. j2eSxhH_y5E-00012-00011400-00012000 The third servo is for the steering of the rover. j2eSxhH_y5E-00013-00012000-00012900 There is a special reason for using a metal front wheel and attaching a sliding contact besides of it: j2eSxhH_y5E-00014-00012900-00013400 If the Rover is driving on a metal plate... j2eSxhH_y5E-00015-00013400-00014000 ..the Raspberry Pi can communicate with other computers by a single GPIO pin. j2eSxhH_y5E-00016-00014000-00014800 Here you can see Curiosity Pi talking to an Atmega8 microcontroller. j2eSxhH_y5E-00017-00014800-00015500 Inside of my RoboSpatium you can control the Space Shuttle using those method. j2eSxhH_y5E-00018-00015500-00016000 The control interface is identical to those of my other robots. j2eSxhH_y5E-00019-00016000-00016700 This tiny bot is running around my RoboSpatium on a separate table and of course it can be accessed by Internet - try it out! j4_jhBP5LyU-00000-00000000-00000209 [Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00001-00000209-00000523 [Energy Burst & Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00002-00000528-00000720 [Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00003-00000720-00000917 [?]: Skylar what are you doing up there? [Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00004-00000917-00001208 [Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00005-00001208-00001506 Skylar: You know, I alwaysed wondered, what is under your mask? j4_jhBP5LyU-00006-00001506-00001764 [?]: Yea! j4_jhBP5LyU-00007-00001764-00002023 [?}: Um... well... *sigh* j4_jhBP5LyU-00008-00002023-00002610 [Battle Music] j4_jhBP5LyU-00009-00002670-00003066 [Skylar]: *trying to breath* j4_jhBP5LyU-00010-00003066-00003210 [?]: *Bones crackle and pop* j4_jhBP5LyU-00011-00003210-00003604 [?]: *Bones crackle and pop* [Skylar]: Hey old man, we all know you can't fight long. j4_jhBP5LyU-00012-00003604-00004056 *Chains Falling* [?]: Gah! I'll Show You! j8XovbYpV0o-00000-00000010-00000273 ONE IN FOUR, THREE GAMES TO 1. j8XovbYpV0o-00001-00000273-00000280 ONE IN FOUR, THREE GAMES TO 1. j8XovbYpV0o-00002-00000280-00000410 ONE IN FOUR, THREE GAMES TO 1. STAYING ON THE COURT, LAKE OF j8XovbYpV0o-00003-00000410-00000417 ONE IN FOUR, THREE GAMES TO 1. STAYING ON THE COURT, LAKE OF j8XovbYpV0o-00004-00000417-00000627 ONE IN FOUR, THREE GAMES TO 1. STAYING ON THE COURT, LAKE OF THE WOODS AT CASS LAKE-BENA THIS j8XovbYpV0o-00005-00000627-00000633 STAYING ON THE COURT, LAKE OF THE WOODS AT CASS LAKE-BENA THIS j8XovbYpV0o-00006-00000633-00000683 STAYING ON THE COURT, LAKE OF THE WOODS AT CASS LAKE-BENA THIS EVENING. j8XovbYpV0o-00007-00000683-00000690 THE WOODS AT CASS LAKE-BENA THIS EVENING. j8XovbYpV0o-00008-00000690-00000834 THE WOODS AT CASS LAKE-BENA THIS EVENING. AND THE BEARS IN CONTROL j8XovbYpV0o-00009-00000834-00000840 EVENING. AND THE BEARS IN CONTROL j8XovbYpV0o-00010-00000840-00000910 EVENING. AND THE BEARS IN CONTROL THROUGHOUT. j8XovbYpV0o-00011-00000910-00000917 AND THE BEARS IN CONTROL THROUGHOUT. j8XovbYpV0o-00012-00000917-00001154 AND THE BEARS IN CONTROL THROUGHOUT. MARISSA JOHNSON SET UP ON THE j8XovbYpV0o-00013-00001154-00001161 THROUGHOUT. MARISSA JOHNSON SET UP ON THE j8XovbYpV0o-00014-00001161-00001217 THROUGHOUT. MARISSA JOHNSON SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. j8XovbYpV0o-00015-00001217-00001224 MARISSA JOHNSON SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. j8XovbYpV0o-00016-00001224-00001364 MARISSA JOHNSON SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. SHE SPIKES IT HOME FOR AUTHORITY j8XovbYpV0o-00017-00001364-00001371 OUTSIDE. SHE SPIKES IT HOME FOR AUTHORITY j8XovbYpV0o-00018-00001371-00001538 OUTSIDE. SHE SPIKES IT HOME FOR AUTHORITY AND THE POINT. j8XovbYpV0o-00019-00001538-00001544 SHE SPIKES IT HOME FOR AUTHORITY AND THE POINT. j8XovbYpV0o-00020-00001544-00001755 SHE SPIKES IT HOME FOR AUTHORITY AND THE POINT. THE MATCH POINT LATER ON. j8XovbYpV0o-00021-00001755-00001761 AND THE POINT. THE MATCH POINT LATER ON. j8XovbYpV0o-00022-00001761-00001915 AND THE POINT. THE MATCH POINT LATER ON. JUST A LITTLE SHORT ON THAT j8XovbYpV0o-00023-00001915-00001921 THE MATCH POINT LATER ON. JUST A LITTLE SHORT ON THAT j8XovbYpV0o-00024-00001921-00001988 THE MATCH POINT LATER ON. JUST A LITTLE SHORT ON THAT SERVE. j8XovbYpV0o-00025-00001988-00001995 JUST A LITTLE SHORT ON THAT SERVE. j8XovbYpV0o-00026-00001995-00002048 JUST A LITTLE SHORT ON THAT SERVE. LAKE OF THE WOODS WOULD WIN THIS j8ZGuHsCNHk-00000-00000000-00000200 I'm Power Man. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00001-00000252-00000770 I'm Power Man and my power is power. I'm Power Man. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00002-00000788-00001124 I have power radiating throughout my body. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00003-00001234-00001536 Go ahead, touch a light bulb to my skin. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00004-00001562-00001612 G- j8ZGuHsCNHk-00005-00001612-00002064 Just simply grab a light bulb, press it against my skin, and BING! j8ZGuHsCNHk-00006-00002088-00002506 Now you got an on light bulb! That's the power of my power. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00007-00002542-00002844 And it works with all kinds of things. I can light a match, j8ZGuHsCNHk-00008-00002856-00003520 I could charge a cell phone, I can- I can- I can- I can- turn on a I can- I can turn on a toaster. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00009-00003629-00003896 Oh, but that's not all I can do with my power. (Oh, but that's not all I can do with my power.) j8ZGuHsCNHk-00010-00003911-00004794 No, no. Because I can also focus the power inside my body so hard that I can shit COAL! j8ZGuHsCNHk-00011-00004794-00005060 (BING!) Did you say gold? What, did you say gold? j8ZGuHsCNHk-00012-00005104-00005546 No. Coal! Coal, little condensed power packets. (Little condensed power packets.) j8ZGuHsCNHk-00013-00005546-00006260 Take as many as you want! Go ahead, aww, come on, take some! Take a handful, take a basket! Come on, just- Go ahead, grab a bunch, there's the pile. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00014-00006264-00006809 Gram 'em, come on, go ahead! Hey, whatever. For your business or your pleasure, huh? j8ZGuHsCNHk-00015-00006904-00007228 Hey, hey, I'm- hey, I'm not gonna tell you- (Hey, I'm not gonna tell you what to-) j8ZGuHsCNHk-00016-00007250-00007609 Hey, I'm not gonna- Hey, I'm not gonna tell you what to do with this coal, huh? j8ZGuHsCNHk-00017-00007673-00007918 Maybe you wanna have a little barbecue for your friends, j8ZGuHsCNHk-00018-00007920-00008312 maybe you just wanted to put the coal up your butt. (Not my business, baby.) j8ZGuHsCNHk-00019-00008312-00008930 (You do whatever feels right.) I'm not gonna tell you anything, save for the fact that this coal feels right at home in a butt. j8ZGuHsCNHk-00020-00009048-00009248 Hmm? j9Xo1S3-HTI-00000-00000273-00000492 Subscribe : Concept Gyan j9Xo1S3-HTI-00001-00000492-00000560 Subscribe : Concept Gyan j9Xo1S3-HTI-00002-00000560-00000610 Subscribe : Concept Gyan j9Xo1S3-HTI-00003-00000610-00000710 Subscribe : Concept Gyan jsGqrm3KR0U-00000-00000168-00000618 Okay, so what we can see here, I've just got a white t shirt jsGqrm3KR0U-00001-00000618-00001350 and regular slacks my pandemic pants. Still going strong, but jsGqrm3KR0U-00002-00001350-00001719 they're still going until I saw the pants problem. That's the jsGqrm3KR0U-00003-00001719-00002466 resolution. So you can see that this is still basically the same jsGqrm3KR0U-00004-00002466-00002724 shape that it was before, I haven't changed anything about jsGqrm3KR0U-00005-00002763-00003249 the shape from the fitting. What I ended up saying, now that I jsGqrm3KR0U-00006-00003249-00003629 have the sleeve on to this sleeve is asleep from another jsGqrm3KR0U-00007-00003629-00004053 pattern, an unreleased one that I would test. So it was Trump, jsGqrm3KR0U-00008-00004053-00004476 but I thought it was nice to pee sleeve that already existed. So jsGqrm3KR0U-00009-00004476-00004836 give it a shot. This is the largest size that that sleeve jsGqrm3KR0U-00010-00004836-00005181 comes in. And I did that because the next size down I was having jsGqrm3KR0U-00011-00005181-00005538 a lot of fitting problems with. But now that I'm looking at it, jsGqrm3KR0U-00012-00005688-00006162 I'm a little unsure, it seems a little a little excess, right, jsGqrm3KR0U-00013-00006162-00006651 it looks like it could be a lot tighter. However, however, this jsGqrm3KR0U-00014-00006651-00007137 is abandon, it's supposed to go over 18th century stuff. So I'm jsGqrm3KR0U-00015-00007137-00007494 going to pause this video really quickly and go put on my 18th jsGqrm3KR0U-00016-00007494-00008184 century shirt, just the shirt and see what happens. Now, jsGqrm3KR0U-00017-00008187-00008844 here's the shirt. This one is my this was the most recent make. I jsGqrm3KR0U-00018-00008844-00009135 can sort of tell by little details. But what I didn't want jsGqrm3KR0U-00019-00009135-00009510 I didn't do this is the most recent make I like it best out jsGqrm3KR0U-00020-00009510-00010212 of all the ones I've made just for fit. And ordinarily, I went jsGqrm3KR0U-00021-00010212-00010473 with nothing under it. But because we're fit testing and jsGqrm3KR0U-00022-00010473-00011247 I'm on video. I'm not going to worry about that. And I should jsGqrm3KR0U-00023-00011247-00011493 probably have grabbed my cufflinks because there's no jsGqrm3KR0U-00024-00011493-00011970 other way to close these cuffs, which are kind of enormous. But jsGqrm3KR0U-00025-00011973-00012345 we're just going to roll them up a little tiny bit at the end and jsGqrm3KR0U-00026-00012345-00013254 go with it. Pardon the noise so one of the reasons I like this jsGqrm3KR0U-00027-00013254-00013512 shirt better than the ones I made previously is that it's jsGqrm3KR0U-00028-00013512-00013947 actually got smaller shoulders. My previous mates have shoulders jsGqrm3KR0U-00029-00013947-00014219 that drop all the way down to here, this one, it's a drop jsGqrm3KR0U-00030-00014219-00014478 shoulder, but like my shoulder point is here, it's only a few jsGqrm3KR0U-00031-00014478-00014868 inches dropped. And it sits much better on my body, I can jsGqrm3KR0U-00032-00014901-00015422 absolutely understand why people switch. These are ridiculous jsGqrm3KR0U-00033-00015422-00015753 extravagance, they are not period, these enormous French jsGqrm3KR0U-00034-00015753-00016200 cuffs but I love them. So since it's my wardrobe, and making it jsGqrm3KR0U-00035-00016200-00016698 to suit me, and not necessarily historical standards at all jsGqrm3KR0U-00036-00016698-00017280 times. But here we are, again, again, I'm trying some inside jsGqrm3KR0U-00037-00017280-00017913 out. And you can see that I ran a gathering stitch to help it jsGqrm3KR0U-00038-00018000-00018477 ease in. So there's some sections that have to and some jsGqrm3KR0U-00039-00018477-00018900 sections that have one and I think I got it right, I think I jsGqrm3KR0U-00040-00018999-00019518 gotcha. The instructions that I found online for how to place jsGqrm3KR0U-00041-00019518-00020127 this properly. There said that the back seam of the arm should jsGqrm3KR0U-00042-00020127-00020571 line up with the ending of this shoulder seam that comes down at jsGqrm3KR0U-00043-00020571-00021153 an angle. So I did that. Anyway, let's see. I feel like Mr. jsGqrm3KR0U-00044-00021153-00021636 Rogers putting something over something else like this. I jsGqrm3KR0U-00045-00021636-00022044 almost never wear layers like this but will be very nice to jsGqrm3KR0U-00046-00022044-00022980 have. If I can get it right. So cuff coming through that so I jsGqrm3KR0U-00047-00022986-00023604 went through this you know I have I have a strong preference jsGqrm3KR0U-00048-00023628-00024042 for non shiny fabrics. And I'm just going to roll the sleeves jsGqrm3KR0U-00049-00024042-00024327 up because these are really ridiculous. They're neither jsGqrm3KR0U-00050-00024381-00025281 pinned nor anyway. I have quite a thing for non shiny fabrics jsGqrm3KR0U-00051-00025281-00025626 against my skin. I really don't like the sensation of a shiny jsGqrm3KR0U-00052-00025626-00026391 fabric of silk even or satin. Just just I don't like the jsGqrm3KR0U-00053-00026391-00026808 sensation but you know we work with what we've got. There. You jsGqrm3KR0U-00054-00026808-00027087 can see the elbow is still a little bit too low. My actual jsGqrm3KR0U-00055-00027087-00027480 elbow bend is here. This elbow bend is down here so I probably jsGqrm3KR0U-00056-00027525-00027954 could do with a little bit shorter upper arm however, jsGqrm3KR0U-00057-00027983-00028377 however, you can see with the extra million yards of fabric jsGqrm3KR0U-00058-00028377-00028808 that go in this shirt that the size of the sleeve around the jsGqrm3KR0U-00059-00028808-00029195 upper arm is almost perfect. There's not a lot of extra space jsGqrm3KR0U-00060-00029195-00029286 in there. So jsGqrm3KR0U-00061-00029325-00029817 I I might move the elbow up a little bit. I'm going to stick jsGqrm3KR0U-00062-00029817-00030066 with this larger size sleeve because I I don't think I can jsGqrm3KR0U-00063-00030066-00030498 get. I don't think I can get the 18th century kit underneath it. jsGqrm3KR0U-00064-00030531-00031047 If it were even one side stone. And it does, it fits in quite jsGqrm3KR0U-00065-00031047-00031608 nicely into the into the iron sights a good shape a good size. jsGqrm3KR0U-00066-00031658-00032064 I could probably make the sleeve. Yeah, there's still a jsGqrm3KR0U-00067-00032064-00032505 little bit higher. But again, you know, it's like, am I jsGqrm3KR0U-00068-00032505-00032913 fitting a frock coat? No, I'm fitting something to go over. jsGqrm3KR0U-00069-00032934-00033144 All the frock coat would have to go over somewhere layers. jsGqrm3KR0U-00070-00033158-00033416 I don't know how they did it. The more you do this more. I'm jsGqrm3KR0U-00071-00033416-00033800 like, How did y'all did your makeup work? jsGqrm3KR0U-00072-00033810-00034200 I don't know. I would love to be a fly on the wall of an 18th jsGqrm3KR0U-00073-00034200-00034578 century tailoring shop for a week. Anyway, I think this is jsGqrm3KR0U-00074-00034578-00034878 acceptable. I think what will happen when I put this one on, jsGqrm3KR0U-00075-00034905-00035460 is it'll pull this one over a little bit. Could I use with can jsGqrm3KR0U-00076-00035460-00035922 I do with a little bit more even ruin the iron side maybe. But jsGqrm3KR0U-00077-00035940-00036333 honestly, I have a good range of motion on things considering jsGqrm3KR0U-00078-00036615-00036912 considering that this is essentially a fitted garment, I jsGqrm3KR0U-00079-00036912-00037200 could still reach in front of me. That's, that's remarkable. jsGqrm3KR0U-00080-00037200-00037560 And if I discovered that I like to create sleeves, I may start jsGqrm3KR0U-00081-00037560-00038031 putting them in more modern looking shirts. Because I like jsGqrm3KR0U-00082-00038031-00038355 things that fit. And I don't much care if it's a little jsGqrm3KR0U-00083-00038355-00038709 fuzzier than what I'm noticing. Maybe someone can help me with jsGqrm3KR0U-00084-00038709-00039234 this is. Is this like it's pulling quite a bit through the jsGqrm3KR0U-00085-00039234-00039612 front as I come across. So I wonder if I need a little extra. jsGqrm3KR0U-00086-00039828-00040263 The bottom half the smaller half needs a little bit more jsGqrm3KR0U-00087-00040296-00040593 curvature to give me a little more room. I'm not sure fitting jsGqrm3KR0U-00088-00040593-00041172 sleeves is brand new for me. But um, yeah, so we have at least jsGqrm3KR0U-00089-00041172-00041526 the beginning the sleeve and even if I leave the elbow where jsGqrm3KR0U-00090-00041526-00041775 it is, and when I bend my elbow, that point is in the right jsGqrm3KR0U-00091-00041775-00042189 place. So I'm not terribly concerned about making sure that jsGqrm3KR0U-00092-00042189-00042750 it's exactly right, when I hang my arm down. This would probably jsGqrm3KR0U-00093-00042750-00043440 come up in the cuff or something like that. So yeah, I think jsGqrm3KR0U-00094-00043440-00043767 we're getting very close. Now I have to take this whole thing jsGqrm3KR0U-00095-00043767-00044193 apart, well, at least a lot of it and strike a pattern on a jsGqrm3KR0U-00096-00044193-00044634 nonwoven fabric. From this top piece. I'm still nervous about jsGqrm3KR0U-00097-00044658-00045198 cutting the neck, I'm not sure how to deal with that situation. jsGqrm3KR0U-00098-00045270-00045753 And some ideas but still a little unsure of myself with the jsGqrm3KR0U-00099-00045753-00046290 neck part. I cut it basically I didn't cut it. And this part may jsGqrm3KR0U-00100-00046290-00046563 need to be pinched in a little bit. But again, I don't want to jsGqrm3KR0U-00101-00046563-00047133 take too much out slot harder. Let her put her back in it is to jsGqrm3KR0U-00102-00047337-00047850 to take it out later. So anyway, I think we're ready to strike at jsGqrm3KR0U-00103-00047850-00048426 least a draft pattern and make up a whole one. Maybe not candy jsGqrm3KR0U-00104-00048426-00048867 striped fabric. Maybe that's about to first is an unlined jsGqrm3KR0U-00105-00048867-00049242 candy striped version. Although that seems like it'll be jsGqrm3KR0U-00106-00049242-00049686 visually a lot. So we'll see. Anyway, here we are. We have a jsGqrm3KR0U-00107-00049686-00050472 sleeve. We have a side we have a front and I even found an image jsGqrm3KR0U-00108-00050472-00050967 of an 1761 that looks a lot like this in terms of shape. So I'm jsGqrm3KR0U-00109-00050967-00051276 feeling pretty good about this. See you soon juTydFTSdUY-00000-00000200-00000350 Whatcha doin’ Hope? juTydFTSdUY-00001-00000357-00000650 We’re doing the Intraceuticals Oxygen Machine. juTydFTSdUY-00002-00000710-00001007 We’re going to make her beautiful for the weekend. juTydFTSdUY-00003-00001047-00001281 Nice... Getting all plumped up! juTydFTSdUY-00004-00001324-00001484 I am. juTydFTSdUY-00005-00001541-00001671 Looking good! juTydFTSdUY-00006-00001695-00001858 Feels amazing. j_0KdNKBcl0-00000-00000500-00000919 Hi, guys ☺️👋🏻 j_0KdNKBcl0-00001-00000919-00001404 This is the drawing I’ll draw today! j_0KdNKBcl0-00002-00001468-00002094 draw a beautiful sky reflected in the car's rearview mirror :) j_0KdNKBcl0-00003-00002685-00003234 use the various shades of purple one after the other. can be mixed with each other! j_0KdNKBcl0-00004-00026830-00027283 Now it's time to draw the rearview mirror j_0KdNKBcl0-00005-00033821-00034274 Clean it up with some white colored pencil. j_0KdNKBcl0-00006-00037078-00037596 Finished 😄 Thanks for watching my video, see you next time 👋🏻 jDhAWvULskM-00000-00000061-00000650 Mainstream information tells us the Sun is no good for us and we should slather on sunscreen and jDhAWvULskM-00001-00000685-00001013 Stay out as much as we can. But is this really true? jDhAWvULskM-00002-00001054-00001533 So in today's video, I'm gonna share with you the good and bad about sun exposure jDhAWvULskM-00003-00001968-00002363 Hey everyone, this is Stephanie from fast track to health wellness center. Welcome jDhAWvULskM-00004-00002364-00002426 If you're new here jDhAWvULskM-00005-00002426-00002921 Please subscribe so I can keep you up to date on the latest in natural health wellness and weight loss jDhAWvULskM-00006-00002922-00003189 So I'm sure you've heard the stories about the Sun jDhAWvULskM-00007-00003214-00003659 Being good to some being bad most of the time you hear things about it being bad jDhAWvULskM-00008-00003679-00004049 Well, if you think logically how can that possibly be true? jDhAWvULskM-00009-00004050-00004532 I mean if the sun is shining all the time always has been other than when it's cloudy or rainy jDhAWvULskM-00010-00004567-00005087 How can it be bad for us as human beings? It's good for plants. It's good for animals jDhAWvULskM-00011-00005087-00005633 So why wouldn't it be good for humans? So yes, of course the Sun is very beneficial in many ways jDhAWvULskM-00012-00005653-00006125 Now one of the main things that we think of when we think of Sun is we think of vitamin D jDhAWvULskM-00013-00006126-00006180 And yes jDhAWvULskM-00014-00006180-00006911 That's definitely a big benefit for being out in the Sun and there's a lot of good reasons why vitamin D is important jDhAWvULskM-00015-00006918-00007101 That's gonna be the topic of another video jDhAWvULskM-00016-00007101-00007301 I have an older video on this as well jDhAWvULskM-00017-00007315-00008018 But I'm gonna make it a newer one getting into more in the mechanism of how vitamin D works in conjunction with other jDhAWvULskM-00018-00008086-00008336 body chemicals vitamins and nutrients jDhAWvULskM-00019-00008336-00008945 Okay, so I'm gonna save that for another time but yes vitamin D getting it from the Sun is a really great thing jDhAWvULskM-00020-00008946-00009434 So let's get into a few other things that are great about the Sun so circadian jDhAWvULskM-00021-00009484-00010143 Rhythm is really important for all living creatures. We all work on a time cycle of light and dark jDhAWvULskM-00022-00010156-00010503 So this is really important for humans as well. So in other words jDhAWvULskM-00023-00010564-00011084 We go sort of along the rhythm of what the Sun does when it's up when it's down jDhAWvULskM-00024-00011097-00011786 That's how human beings are meant to be on some kind of timer. Okay, it's called the circadian rhythm jDhAWvULskM-00025-00011788-00012296 So this will is why we wake up when we do and why we go to sleep when we do has a lot to do jDhAWvULskM-00026-00012296-00012825 With our energy levels has to do with our hormone level has to do with so many different things jDhAWvULskM-00027-00012830-00013035 so the light and the dark exposure jDhAWvULskM-00028-00013127-00013327 regarding the Sun is jDhAWvULskM-00029-00013331-00014122 Why? Okay, so circadian rhythms, that's another benefit. So next is mood. So being out in the Sun jDhAWvULskM-00030-00014207-00014424 Improves your mood it stimulates jDhAWvULskM-00031-00014522-00014630 neurotransmitters dopamine jDhAWvULskM-00032-00014630-00014735 and serotonin jDhAWvULskM-00033-00014735-00014961 Which are known to be the happy jDhAWvULskM-00034-00015013-00015291 Neurotransmitters that help with depression help with anxiety jDhAWvULskM-00035-00015353-00015919 So the Sun automatically stimulates those so of course, that's a great benefit jDhAWvULskM-00036-00015919-00016513 That's why a lot of people get the blues and depression in the middle of winter when the Sun is not out as much jDhAWvULskM-00037-00016526-00017085 So just for that alone the Sun can improve your mood that's a great benefit for the Sun jDhAWvULskM-00038-00017086-00017497 And then lastly this is not all of the reasons in general jDhAWvULskM-00039-00017497-00017773 There's many different reasons, but I'm just keeping this list short jDhAWvULskM-00040-00017773-00018045 It also increases another hormone testosterone jDhAWvULskM-00041-00018065-00018652 And this is very beneficial for men and women for our energy for our strength for our mood jDhAWvULskM-00042-00018652-00019230 So the Sun has lots of benefits now. There is a dark side to the Sun jDhAWvULskM-00043-00019304-00019989 Obviously, you don't want to get too much Sun which can equate in a sunburn. Okay, so sunburns jDhAWvULskM-00044-00020060-00020245 definitely can be a jDhAWvULskM-00045-00020245-00020502 Problem not only how they feel into your skin jDhAWvULskM-00046-00020503-00020602 But you know jDhAWvULskM-00047-00020602-00020904 There's a risk of cancer when you overdo it with sunburn jDhAWvULskM-00048-00020920-00021414 So you don't want to get burned but then on the other hand if you're gonna use sunscreen jDhAWvULskM-00049-00021485-00021641 that's also a jDhAWvULskM-00050-00021641-00021952 Carcinogenic item. Okay, because there's so many chemicals in it jDhAWvULskM-00051-00021952-00022087 so if you're gonna use sunscreen jDhAWvULskM-00052-00022087-00022681 Which you probably need to do after a certain point so you don't burn just make sure whatever you're using is something natural jDhAWvULskM-00053-00022703-00023286 You can even make your own okay, or you could just cover up your skin and limit your usage of sunscreen jDhAWvULskM-00054-00023287-00023923 So just keep that in mind. So in general in my humble opinion the Sun is very beneficial in many ways jDhAWvULskM-00055-00023923-00024285 I like to get out as much as I can so you can see I have a nice tan right now jDhAWvULskM-00056-00024286-00024588 It's the middle of summer where I live, but you don't want to overdo it jDhAWvULskM-00057-00024611-00025188 Nobody should be burning and I'm very careful about the the products that I put on my skin including sunscreen jDhAWvULskM-00058-00025189-00025627 So those are some advantages of the good and the bad of the Sun. Alright guys jDhAWvULskM-00059-00025627-00026235 I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope to see you next time you have any questions or comments. Please let me know below jDhAWvULskM-00060-00026327-00026527 Take care jGZL-NG7nsQ-00000-00000441-00000657 >> Now, one issue jGZL-NG7nsQ-00001-00000657-00000773 that of course arose jGZL-NG7nsQ-00002-00000773-00000956 in the immediate aftermath jGZL-NG7nsQ-00003-00000956-00001321 of Lincoln's election is: why not jGZL-NG7nsQ-00004-00001321-00001493 wait for, in the South, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00005-00001493-00001658 a quote unquote, "overt act"? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00006-00001778-00001829 In other words, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00007-00001829-00001899 Lincoln's not even jGZL-NG7nsQ-00008-00001899-00001993 in office yet, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00009-00002029-00002147 and what could he do away? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00010-00002247-00002439 Why not rely jGZL-NG7nsQ-00011-00002439-00002562 on the Democratic majority jGZL-NG7nsQ-00012-00002562-00002645 in Congress, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00013-00002684-00002861 on Republican declarations jGZL-NG7nsQ-00014-00002861-00002995 that they intended no jGZL-NG7nsQ-00015-00003047-00003171 attack on slavery jGZL-NG7nsQ-00016-00003171-00003385 where it existed. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00017-00003391-00003504 Many Southerners said this. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00018-00003504-00003721 Alexander Stephens of Georgia, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00019-00003721-00003828 who becomes the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00020-00003828-00003950 Confederate vice president, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00021-00003950-00004058 is strongly opposed jGZL-NG7nsQ-00022-00004058-00004116 to secession. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00023-00004116-00004244 He says it's foolhardy, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00024-00004278-00004402 there's no reason to do it jGZL-NG7nsQ-00025-00004402-00004489 at this point. Yes, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00026-00004489-00004697 if Lincoln starts attacking jGZL-NG7nsQ-00027-00004697-00004824 slavery, that's fine. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00028-00004824-00004941 But at this point, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00029-00004941-00005114 it's actually a dangerous step jGZL-NG7nsQ-00030-00005159-00005327 and with consequences no one jGZL-NG7nsQ-00031-00005327-00005410 can foresee. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00032-00005500-00005580 On the other hand, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00033-00005580-00005665 and here's where the Sinha jGZL-NG7nsQ-00034-00005665-00005747 book comes in, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00035-00005783-00005896 we have to recognize jGZL-NG7nsQ-00036-00005896-00006176 that certainly in the 1850s, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00037-00006176-00006288 a small group, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00038-00006288-00006365 but growing, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00039-00006365-00006488 of Southern radicals, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00040-00006515-00006785 had propagandized enormously the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00041-00006785-00006986 idea of an independent Southern jGZL-NG7nsQ-00042-00006986-00007280 nation and its glorious future. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00043-00007365-00007481 Southern culture jGZL-NG7nsQ-00044-00007481-00007669 and society were superior jGZL-NG7nsQ-00045-00007669-00007784 to those of the North. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00046-00007809-00007980 Slave labor was superior jGZL-NG7nsQ-00047-00008004-00008096 to free labor. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00048-00008136-00008283 The Southern destiny was jGZL-NG7nsQ-00049-00008283-00008425 of a great empire, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00050-00008450-00008659 a slave empire: the Caribbean, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00051-00008688-00008814 Cuba, we've talked about that, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00052-00008814-00008922 Central America. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00053-00008966-00009157 That could only be attained jGZL-NG7nsQ-00054-00009157-00009216 through jGZL-NG7nsQ-00055-00009216-00009332 independence. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00056-00009368-00009574 It seemed, by the late 1850s jGZL-NG7nsQ-00057-00009574-00009707 that slavery was not going jGZL-NG7nsQ-00058-00009707-00009788 to be expanding jGZL-NG7nsQ-00059-00009788-00009920 into the Western territories jGZL-NG7nsQ-00060-00009920-00010009 very effectively, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00061-00010041-00010172 but it certainly could expand jGZL-NG7nsQ-00062-00010208-00010282 in the Caribbean jGZL-NG7nsQ-00063-00010282-00010418 and Central America they say. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00064-00010477-00010629 A South freed jGZL-NG7nsQ-00065-00010629-00010741 of Northern influence, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00066-00010741-00010930 freed of Northern economic jGZL-NG7nsQ-00067-00010930-00011015 exploitation, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00068-00011015-00011101 as they would put it, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00069-00011101-00011453 and the belief, whether true jGZL-NG7nsQ-00070-00011453-00011689 or not, that slavery needed jGZL-NG7nsQ-00071-00011689-00011865 to expand to survive. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00072-00011953-00012074 Many people, including me, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00073-00012074-00012199 don't believe that's true, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00074-00012199-00012377 but people believed it, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00075-00012377-00012482 and acted jGZL-NG7nsQ-00076-00012529-00012638 on that belief. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00077-00012650-00012817 In the Union, the prospect jGZL-NG7nsQ-00078-00012817-00012956 of expansion was limited, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00079-00012956-00013162 especially because by 1860, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00080-00013188-00013459 most Southerners saw Douglas jGZL-NG7nsQ-00081-00013459-00013616 Democrats as no different jGZL-NG7nsQ-00082-00013616-00013704 from Republicans. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00083-00013771-00014018 Both had blocked the expansion jGZL-NG7nsQ-00084-00014018-00014180 of slavery into Kansas, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00085-00014215-00014345 and there was little chance it jGZL-NG7nsQ-00086-00014345-00014506 was going to be expanding jGZL-NG7nsQ-00087-00014506-00014585 anywhere else. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00088-00014632-00014877 But outside of the Union, well, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00089-00014877-00015003 this is what one Mississippi jGZL-NG7nsQ-00090-00015003-00015191 newspaper says in 1860. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00091-00015247-00015359 "The Southern states, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00092-00015359-00015486 once constituted jGZL-NG7nsQ-00093-00015486-00015666 as an independent nation, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00094-00015717-00015902 the acquisition of Mexico, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00095-00015902-00016080 Central America, Cuba, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00096-00016108-00016277 and other West Indian islands jGZL-NG7nsQ-00097-00016277-00016424 would follow as a direct jGZL-NG7nsQ-00098-00016424-00016567 and necessary result." jGZL-NG7nsQ-00099-00016641-00016780 So they're no longer worried about, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00100-00016827-00017086 you know, Nebraska or Utah jGZL-NG7nsQ-00101-00017086-00017276 or New Mexico, they're thinking jGZL-NG7nsQ-00102-00017276-00017401 about other areas, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00103-00017429-00017671 many of which had had slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00104-00017691-00017847 some of which still have: Cuba, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00105-00017847-00018002 still is a thriving slave jGZL-NG7nsQ-00106-00018002-00018169 economy at this point. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00107-00018221-00018456 But why not reinstitute slavery jGZL-NG7nsQ-00108-00018456-00018609 in Central America or some jGZL-NG7nsQ-00109-00018609-00018876 of the islands of the Caribbean? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00110-00018962-00019156 And behind this, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00111-00019215-00019304 I believe anyway, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00112-00019304-00019585 was a fear for the future jGZL-NG7nsQ-00113-00019585-00019662 of slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00114-00019662-00019863 fear about the future of slavery jGZL-NG7nsQ-00115-00019863-00020009 in the United States. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00116-00020101-00020367 Not, as some historians argue, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00117-00020394-00020538 because of a -- jGZL-NG7nsQ-00118-00020562-00020753 some historians have argued, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00119-00020753-00020855 well, the real issue is not jGZL-NG7nsQ-00120-00020855-00020936 slavery, per se, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00121-00020936-00021098 but racial control, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00122-00021151-00021295 the fear that if slavery ends, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00123-00021295-00021469 you won't be able to, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00124-00021469-00021614 that white supremacy will jGZL-NG7nsQ-00125-00021633-00021703 be undermined. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00126-00021710-00021805 That is ridiculous. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00127-00021903-00022055 You didn't need slavery jGZL-NG7nsQ-00128-00022055-00022161 for racial control. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00129-00022161-00022300 The North showed that very well. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00130-00022300-00022405 The North didn't have slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00131-00022405-00022564 but the blacks were jGZL-NG7nsQ-00132-00022564-00022778 certainly unequal in the North. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00133-00022834-00022940 Freeing the slave... jGZL-NG7nsQ-00134-00022940-00023066 Nowhere in the Western jGZL-NG7nsQ-00135-00023066-00023279 Hemisphere had freed slaves jGZL-NG7nsQ-00136-00023279-00023382 become equal jGZL-NG7nsQ-00137-00023408-00023522 in any significant way jGZL-NG7nsQ-00138-00023522-00023701 to the white population. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00139-00023701-00023829 In the British Isles, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00140-00023852-00023960 power still rested jGZL-NG7nsQ-00141-00023960-00024118 with a small white elite, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00142-00024159-00024327 etc. So, the notion jGZL-NG7nsQ-00143-00024327-00024431 that you needed slavery jGZL-NG7nsQ-00144-00024431-00024575 to keep white supremacy jGZL-NG7nsQ-00145-00024575-00024747 in existence just is not, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00146-00024747-00024941 it was refuted by history. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00147-00025009-00025269 It's slavery, as more than that: jGZL-NG7nsQ-00148-00025269-00025511 as a society, as a system, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00149-00025511-00025842 as a way of life. And here, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00150-00025842-00025932 I think, to go back jGZL-NG7nsQ-00151-00025932-00026141 to a book not on our list, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00152-00026141-00026300 the book by, the old work jGZL-NG7nsQ-00153-00026300-00026407 by Eugene Genovese, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00154-00026407-00026562 the historian, still has merit, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00155-00026562-00026698 even though historians have, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00156-00026746-00026840 as I say, lately jGZL-NG7nsQ-00157-00026844-00027076 rejected his economic analysis jGZL-NG7nsQ-00158-00027076-00027150 of slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00159-00027201-00027315 and see it as a much more jGZL-NG7nsQ-00160-00027315-00027541 dynamic modernized system. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00161-00027568-00027643 But his notion jGZL-NG7nsQ-00162-00027643-00027730 that you're talking here jGZL-NG7nsQ-00163-00027730-00028014 about a society, a system, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00164-00028014-00028235 a way of life that is said jGZL-NG7nsQ-00165-00028235-00028344 to be in danger. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00166-00028459-00028595 That is what secession is jGZL-NG7nsQ-00167-00028595-00028654 trying to do: jGZL-NG7nsQ-00168-00028654-00028817 to defend a threatened jGZL-NG7nsQ-00169-00028817-00028927 social order. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00170-00029103-00029380 Now, in the secession crisis, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00171-00029380-00029480 many opponents jGZL-NG7nsQ-00172-00029480-00029666 of secession say jGZL-NG7nsQ-00173-00029666-00029826 that secession is the worst way jGZL-NG7nsQ-00174-00029826-00029880 to do that, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00175-00029922-00030093 that secession will lead to war jGZL-NG7nsQ-00176-00030093-00030173 and war will jGZL-NG7nsQ-00177-00030173-00030330 destabilize slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00178-00030377-00030471 that it's dangerous. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00179-00030471-00030550 There was no, you know, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00180-00030550-00030704 there was no secret about this. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00181-00030704-00030959 War had destabilized slavery all jGZL-NG7nsQ-00182-00030959-00031030 over the place, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00183-00031094-00031247 including in the United States jGZL-NG7nsQ-00184-00031247-00031328 itself in the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00185-00031328-00031448 American Revolution. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00186-00031504-00031672 A war fought jGZL-NG7nsQ-00187-00031672-00031899 where slavery exists is going jGZL-NG7nsQ-00188-00031944-00032089 to destabilize the institution jGZL-NG7nsQ-00189-00032089-00032252 of slavery and maybe destroy it. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00190-00032256-00032385 That's what people like Stephens jGZL-NG7nsQ-00191-00032385-00032470 and many others said. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00192-00032538-00032726 They're not any less defenders jGZL-NG7nsQ-00193-00032726-00032787 of slavery, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00194-00032787-00032929 but they say slavery is a lot jGZL-NG7nsQ-00195-00032929-00033066 safer in the Union jGZL-NG7nsQ-00196-00033097-00033393 than through this jGZL-NG7nsQ-00197-00033393-00033586 unpredictable process jGZL-NG7nsQ-00198-00033601-00033728 of secession. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00199-00033814-00034010 So then we get to, you know, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00200-00034010-00034197 obviously talk about this jGZL-NG7nsQ-00201-00034197-00034301 in the discussion sections, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00202-00034301-00034416 these issues are still jGZL-NG7nsQ-00203-00034416-00034524 on the table today. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00204-00034524-00034740 What is a nation anyway? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00205-00034784-00034878 Who has the right jGZL-NG7nsQ-00206-00034926-00035069 to form a nation? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00207-00035085-00035245 And under what circumstances? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00208-00035292-00035367 Here's an article jGZL-NG7nsQ-00209-00035367-00035575 from the Financial Times. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00210-00035694-00035770 Look at the headline, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00211-00035770-00035963 "Scotland can be a model for how jGZL-NG7nsQ-00212-00035963-00036091 to handle separatism." jGZL-NG7nsQ-00213-00036129-00036426 Scotland is voting, in the fall jGZL-NG7nsQ-00214-00036426-00036630 I think, a referendum on whether jGZL-NG7nsQ-00215-00036630-00036887 to secede from Great Britain jGZL-NG7nsQ-00216-00036887-00037100 and designate Scotland jGZL-NG7nsQ-00217-00037100-00037315 as a independent nation. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00218-00037315-00037458 It's not a war, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00219-00037458-00037589 it's a referendum. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00220-00037671-00037760 And if the people jGZL-NG7nsQ-00221-00037760-00037924 of Scotland decide they want jGZL-NG7nsQ-00222-00037924-00038041 to form their own nation, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00223-00038121-00038317 I don't think Prime Minister jGZL-NG7nsQ-00224-00038317-00038472 Cameron is going to send troops jGZL-NG7nsQ-00225-00038490-00038693 to invade Scotland. No, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00226-00038693-00038807 they're having this referendum jGZL-NG7nsQ-00227-00038807-00038877 for that purpose. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00228-00038920-00039030 They had such a referendum jGZL-NG7nsQ-00229-00039030-00039174 in Quebec some years ago. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00230-00039228-00039346 The people of Quebec voted jGZL-NG7nsQ-00231-00039346-00039475 against leaving Canada, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00232-00039475-00039597 but they had that option. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00233-00039665-00039754 On the other hand, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00234-00039754-00039960 as the subheading here says, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00235-00039960-00040125 "There are remarkably few jGZL-NG7nsQ-00236-00040125-00040344 examples of nations breaking jGZL-NG7nsQ-00237-00040344-00040522 up in a civilized way." jGZL-NG7nsQ-00238-00040624-00040720 It would be very nice jGZL-NG7nsQ-00239-00040720-00040788 if we could do that, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00240-00040788-00040864 but it doesn't seem jGZL-NG7nsQ-00241-00040864-00040972 to happen all jGZL-NG7nsQ-00242-00041010-00041103 that often. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00243-00041136-00041361 People may remember the Nigerian jGZL-NG7nsQ-00244-00041361-00041661 Civil War of the 1960s and '70s jGZL-NG7nsQ-00245-00041665-00041845 where the part jGZL-NG7nsQ-00246-00041845-00042039 of Nigeria called Biafra tried jGZL-NG7nsQ-00247-00042039-00042129 to secede and led jGZL-NG7nsQ-00248-00042129-00042357 to a terribly bloody war. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00249-00042515-00042760 Today, now, read the newspapers. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00250-00042760-00042810 There's thought jGZL-NG7nsQ-00251-00042810-00042998 of Ukraine maybe breaking up, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00252-00043007-00043155 eastern Ukraine may try jGZL-NG7nsQ-00253-00043155-00043344 to secede from western Ukraine, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00254-00043384-00043501 because of the events jGZL-NG7nsQ-00255-00043501-00043639 that have taken place there jGZL-NG7nsQ-00256-00043639-00043746 in the last few days. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00257-00043772-00043954 And what would happen then? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00258-00043954-00044088 I don't know, probably more war. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00259-00044088-00044280 So, it's not... And then, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00260-00044325-00044513 who is entitled to be a nation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00261-00044513-00044654 and who isn't, anyway? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00262-00044733-00044870 Does every people jGZL-NG7nsQ-00263-00044870-00045018 in the world deserve their own jGZL-NG7nsQ-00264-00045018-00045116 national state? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00265-00045242-00045306 There are plenty jGZL-NG7nsQ-00266-00045306-00045421 of peoples who don't. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00267-00045421-00045585 The Basques, for example, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00268-00045585-00045710 in Spain, have been kind jGZL-NG7nsQ-00269-00045710-00045810 of demanding a state, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00270-00045810-00045897 but they don't have it. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00271-00045897-00046065 The Kurds, look at the Kurds. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00272-00046113-00046294 There are Kurds in Iraq, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00273-00046320-00046613 in Syria, in Turkey. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00274-00046667-00046767 Why isn't there a jGZL-NG7nsQ-00275-00046767-00046875 Kurdish nation? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00276-00047039-00047141 There's no reason, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00277-00047141-00047272 the Kurds deserve a nation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00278-00047272-00047465 as much as the Czechs jGZL-NG7nsQ-00279-00047465-00047553 or the Slovaks, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00280-00047553-00047737 etc. It's just they don't have jGZL-NG7nsQ-00281-00047737-00047881 the power. Tough luck, Kurds! jGZL-NG7nsQ-00282-00047881-00047920 You know, you're jGZL-NG7nsQ-00283-00047920-00047992 out of luck, Kurds, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00284-00047992-00048041 I'm sorry. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00285-00048120-00048226 They don't have the power jGZL-NG7nsQ-00286-00048226-00048340 to create such a nation. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00287-00048457-00048618 Turkey, Iraq, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00288-00048618-00048726 and Syria have all said jGZL-NG7nsQ-00289-00048726-00048768 forget it, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00290-00048768-00048872 we're not allowing these Kurds, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00291-00048872-00048941 so that's it. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00292-00048941-00049133 If they manage to fight and win, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00293-00049133-00049220 then they'll be a nation. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00294-00049285-00049500 But to my mind, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00295-00049553-00049762 the idea that every people jGZL-NG7nsQ-00296-00049762-00049920 deserves a nation state is the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00297-00049920-00050085 worst, one of the worst ideas jGZL-NG7nsQ-00298-00050085-00050168 every concocted jGZL-NG7nsQ-00299-00050168-00050254 in human history. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00300-00050330-00050514 It's a 19th century idea, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00301-00050629-00050967 given impetus jGZL-NG7nsQ-00302-00050967-00051079 by Woodrow Wilson jGZL-NG7nsQ-00303-00051079-00051236 who redrew the map of Europe jGZL-NG7nsQ-00304-00051236-00051451 and laid the groundwork for war jGZL-NG7nsQ-00305-00051451-00051576 for another 100 years, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00306-00051616-00051732 because it jGZL-NG7nsQ-00307-00051732-00051885 assumes that people, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00308-00051885-00052041 that these areas are homogenous. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00309-00052041-00052214 There are always minorities jGZL-NG7nsQ-00310-00052214-00052373 within each area. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00311-00052373-00052525 People have floated jGZL-NG7nsQ-00312-00052525-00052621 around all through, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00313-00052685-00052797 all through history. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00314-00052861-00052995 The notion that there's one jGZL-NG7nsQ-00315-00052995-00053163 people in one physical area jGZL-NG7nsQ-00316-00053163-00053262 is ridiculous. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00317-00053298-00053411 There are majorities, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00318-00053411-00053566 but there are always minorities, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00319-00053566-00053779 and that then becomes a giant jGZL-NG7nsQ-00320-00053779-00054011 source of fighting jGZL-NG7nsQ-00321-00054011-00054161 and what language you're going jGZL-NG7nsQ-00322-00054161-00054307 to use, you know. So jGZL-NG7nsQ-00323-00054312-00054467 the linking of the state jGZL-NG7nsQ-00324-00054499-00054680 with an ethnic or religious jGZL-NG7nsQ-00325-00054680-00054898 notion, is just a recipe jGZL-NG7nsQ-00326-00054898-00055073 for the oppression of minorities jGZL-NG7nsQ-00327-00055073-00055295 who are not part of that, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00328-00055295-00055412 if that's the definition jGZL-NG7nsQ-00329-00055412-00055461 of the state. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00330-00055506-00055672 No nation is homogenous, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00331-00055715-00055825 nor should it be. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00332-00055825-00055946 It's kind of boring if jGZL-NG7nsQ-00333-00055946-00056037 everyone is the same, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00334-00056037-00056105 I would have to say. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00335-00056168-00056291 But anyway, that's, you know, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00336-00056291-00056346 that's fine, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00337-00056346-00056452 if the Kurds want a nation, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00338-00056452-00056537 maybe they can get one, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00339-00056595-00056654 that's cool, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00340-00056662-00056973 don't bother me. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00341-00056997-00057199 Was the South a nation? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00342-00057313-00057515 Was the South a nation before jGZL-NG7nsQ-00343-00057515-00057583 the Civil War? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00344-00057624-00057813 David Potter, a great historian jGZL-NG7nsQ-00345-00057825-00057896 of the South, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00346-00057896-00058056 wrote a brilliant essay long ago jGZL-NG7nsQ-00347-00058092-00058290 on historians and nationalism, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00348-00058290-00058443 and what he said was, he said, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00349-00058443-00058645 alright, was the South a nation? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00350-00058645-00058911 Well, it didn't actually have jGZL-NG7nsQ-00351-00058914-00059121 many of the characteristics jGZL-NG7nsQ-00352-00059121-00059238 that we associate jGZL-NG7nsQ-00353-00059238-00059340 with nationality. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00354-00059412-00059565 It spoke the same language jGZL-NG7nsQ-00355-00059565-00059687 as the rest of the country, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00356-00059750-00059878 religion was pretty much the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00357-00059878-00060029 same as the rest of the country, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00358-00060029-00060157 ethnic background, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00359-00060232-00060347 not really all that different, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00360-00060347-00060553 same political institutions. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00361-00060565-00060845 What Potter said is, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00362-00060845-00060946 if you attribute, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00363-00060946-00061120 if the historian attributes jGZL-NG7nsQ-00364-00061120-00061280 nationality to a group, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00365-00061319-00061538 that elevates their claim jGZL-NG7nsQ-00366-00061538-00061614 to statehood. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00367-00061614-00061710 In other words, the historian jGZL-NG7nsQ-00368-00061710-00061958 is going around as a umpire jGZL-NG7nsQ-00369-00061997-00062114 of these battles. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00370-00062144-00062327 Are the Basques a nation? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00371-00062373-00062594 If I say no, well that means jGZL-NG7nsQ-00372-00062594-00062781 that Spain has no obligation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00373-00062781-00062894 to let the Basques have their jGZL-NG7nsQ-00374-00062894-00062994 own state. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00375-00062994-00063102 On the other hand, say, yeah, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00376-00063102-00063164 these Basques, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00377-00063164-00063281 they're so different, well then, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00378-00063281-00063396 that suggests they should have a jGZL-NG7nsQ-00379-00063396-00063463 nation state, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00380-00063463-00063637 at least in the Basques' point jGZL-NG7nsQ-00381-00063637-00063683 of view. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00382-00063767-00063854 But the point is, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00383-00063854-00064006 this is a historical issue, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00384-00064006-00064166 it's not an abstract issue. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00385-00064205-00064364 How nations develop is something jGZL-NG7nsQ-00386-00064364-00064479 that comes out of history, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00387-00064479-00064629 not out of political theory. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00388-00064764-00065032 And once a group achieves jGZL-NG7nsQ-00389-00065032-00065162 national independence, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00390-00065196-00065334 it then immediately starts jGZL-NG7nsQ-00391-00065334-00065570 to create a nationalist history, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00392-00065619-00065747 which sees the past jGZL-NG7nsQ-00393-00065747-00065891 as a straight line jGZL-NG7nsQ-00394-00065904-00066073 to the nation state. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00395-00066073-00066196 That's why I quoted this jGZL-NG7nsQ-00396-00066196-00066255 at the very beginning jGZL-NG7nsQ-00397-00066255-00066303 of the term: jGZL-NG7nsQ-00398-00066377-00066515 "The historian is the enemy jGZL-NG7nsQ-00399-00066515-00066579 of the nation," jGZL-NG7nsQ-00400-00066586-00066778 in the simple fact that we try jGZL-NG7nsQ-00401-00066778-00066958 to knock down these nationalist jGZL-NG7nsQ-00402-00066958-00067080 mythologies. And it's often, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00403-00067080-00067205 and I'm not just talking jGZL-NG7nsQ-00404-00067205-00067345 about the United States, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00405-00067345-00067395 anywhere. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00406-00067441-00067560 Look at Pakistan. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00407-00067581-00067653 There's a whole -- jGZL-NG7nsQ-00408-00067666-00067765 I'm just picking them out jGZL-NG7nsQ-00409-00067765-00067842 not because they're worse jGZL-NG7nsQ-00410-00067842-00067935 or better than anyone else, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00411-00067970-00068062 but because I know someone jGZL-NG7nsQ-00412-00068062-00068156 who wrote a book about this -- jGZL-NG7nsQ-00413-00068156-00068312 there's a whole invented jGZL-NG7nsQ-00414-00068312-00068497 historiography of Pakistan, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00415-00068497-00068564 which shows jGZL-NG7nsQ-00416-00068585-00068884 that from the year 1000 to 1947, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00417-00068909-00068997 history was moving jGZL-NG7nsQ-00418-00068997-00069103 at a straight line toward jGZL-NG7nsQ-00419-00069103-00069248 Pakistani independence. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00420-00069329-00069414 You know, it's ridiculous. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00421-00069414-00069506 But that's, you know, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00422-00069506-00069647 a nation needs a history jGZL-NG7nsQ-00423-00069647-00069688 like that. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00424-00069688-00069775 So in other words, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00425-00069775-00069845 what Potter's saying: jGZL-NG7nsQ-00426-00069879-00070045 if the South had won jGZL-NG7nsQ-00427-00070075-00070167 in the Civil War, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00428-00070167-00070264 then they'd be a nation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00429-00070264-00070391 and then they'd have a national jGZL-NG7nsQ-00430-00070391-00070520 history which would be created jGZL-NG7nsQ-00431-00070520-00070681 by historians. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00432-00070681-00070931 But why, then, did they secede, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00433-00070931-00071189 if they didn't share a lot jGZL-NG7nsQ-00434-00071189-00071296 of these elements jGZL-NG7nsQ-00435-00071296-00071381 of nationality? jGZL-NG7nsQ-00436-00071412-00071588 Potter says what really holds a jGZL-NG7nsQ-00437-00071588-00071677 nation together, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00438-00071754-00071873 what really holds a nation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00439-00071873-00071965 together is none jGZL-NG7nsQ-00440-00071965-00072061 of those other things, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00441-00072089-00072307 but "community of interest." jGZL-NG7nsQ-00442-00072377-00072589 In a heterogenous jGZL-NG7nsQ-00443-00072589-00072709 society, as long jGZL-NG7nsQ-00444-00072709-00072842 as each group feels jGZL-NG7nsQ-00445-00072842-00073109 that its basic interests are not jGZL-NG7nsQ-00446-00073109-00073216 going to be violated, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00447-00073268-00073378 then it doesn't matter what jGZL-NG7nsQ-00448-00073378-00073470 language they speak jGZL-NG7nsQ-00449-00073470-00073585 and what religion is there jGZL-NG7nsQ-00450-00073585-00073756 and everything. It's community jGZL-NG7nsQ-00451-00073756-00073811 of interest. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00452-00073811-00073926 In the secession crisis, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00453-00073926-00074234 he says, enough Southerners lost jGZL-NG7nsQ-00454-00074234-00074321 the confidence jGZL-NG7nsQ-00455-00074321-00074482 that what they considered their jGZL-NG7nsQ-00456-00074482-00074599 interests were safe jGZL-NG7nsQ-00457-00074637-00074739 within the nation jGZL-NG7nsQ-00458-00074812-00074993 to desire another nation. jGZL-NG7nsQ-00459-00075066-00075227 So, that's, you know, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00460-00075227-00075341 I'm not telling you this is the jGZL-NG7nsQ-00461-00075341-00075444 answer, this is jGZL-NG7nsQ-00462-00075444-00075605 question which is debated all jGZL-NG7nsQ-00463-00075605-00075747 the time, including right now, jGZL-NG7nsQ-00464-00075747-00075890 and people can figure jGZL-NG7nsQ-00465-00075890-00075965 out their own answers jGZL-NG7nsQ-00466-00075965-00076012 if they want. jHhqoNlhD1c-00000-00000104-00001088 Raw Source: Anime DVD Box 1 jHhqoNlhD1c-00001-00003434-00003734 Lenny, Hater of Humans Lenny, Hater of Humans Lenny, Hater of Humans jHhqoNlhD1c-00002-00004124-00004607 ♪ Oh, mommy, is that a human? ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00003-00004607-00005124 ♪ Should I take care of it for you? ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00004-00005124-00005595 ♪ They're the ones that hurt Connie, you know? ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00005-00005595-00005762 ♪ You mustn't, Lenny! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00006-00005762-00006458 ♪ It's not fair to say that all humans are bad ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00007-00006503-00007058 ♪ Whether this one is good or bad ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00008-00007058-00007676 ♪ We'll find out soon enough ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00009-00007676-00007987 ♪ No, no, no, you're such a bore ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00010-00007987-00008318 Lenny, I'm going to go fetch us some food. jHhqoNlhD1c-00011-00008318-00008858 I'll be heading out a bit far this time, so it might take at least three days. jHhqoNlhD1c-00012-00008858-00009105 Three days?! For real? jHhqoNlhD1c-00013-00009105-00009490 If you get really, really hungry, please go fetch some food on your own. jHhqoNlhD1c-00014-00009515-00009799 Huh, by myself? I can't do that! jHhqoNlhD1c-00015-00009799-00010203 Lenny, you're not a kid anymore. jHhqoNlhD1c-00016-00010203-00010704 Only when you're strong at heart can you be a grown-up dragon. jHhqoNlhD1c-00017-00010704-00010983 It ain't that hard to be a grown-up dragon. jHhqoNlhD1c-00018-00011004-00011530 Be a good boy and listen to me... or you can forget about getting any delicious food. jHhqoNlhD1c-00019-00011868-00012034 Huh.. jHhqoNlhD1c-00020-00012112-00012255 Tch! jHhqoNlhD1c-00021-00012869-00013272 <i>Connie...I </i>will<i> avenge you...</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00022-00013810-00013929 Huh? jHhqoNlhD1c-00023-00013929-00014393 Hm? What was I doing? I can't seem to remember anything... jHhqoNlhD1c-00024-00015131-00015463 <i>[Light gasp]</i> He must be out to kill me...! jHhqoNlhD1c-00025-00015463-00015697 Aah! A dragon..? jHhqoNlhD1c-00026-00015697-00015961 Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. jHhqoNlhD1c-00027-00015961-00016188 Are you by yourself? jHhqoNlhD1c-00028-00016643-00016822 Well, yes or no? jHhqoNlhD1c-00029-00017253-00017633 ♪ Tummy's rumblin', tummy's rumblin', tummy's rumble-rumblin' ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00030-00017633-00018061 ♪ Left with no choice but to hunt for food all on my own ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00031-00018190-00018561 ♪ I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00032-00018561-00018978 ♪ Tree fruit, tree fruit, tree fruit, tree fruit ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00033-00019137-00019486 ♪ I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00034-00019486-00019842 ♪ Fishy-fish, fishy-fish, fishy-fish, fishy-fish ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00035-00019859-00020034 Aah!! jHhqoNlhD1c-00036-00020220-00020363 Hm? jHhqoNlhD1c-00037-00020637-00020997 ♪ I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some, I'll get some ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00038-00020997-00021157 ♪ Bunny hare, bunny hare ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00039-00021157-00021320 ♪ Bunny hare, bunny hare! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00040-00021320-00021467 Aagh! jHhqoNlhD1c-00041-00023383-00023739 ♪ Combining our forces to hunt, hunt, hunt ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00042-00023739-00024067 ♪ It's working out fully, flawlessly well! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00043-00024067-00024446 ♪ I believe that we can do it, try, try, try! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00044-00024446-00024801 ♪ Through hell and high water, we can face it all! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00045-00024801-00025177 ♪ We're like kings out here in the forest, you and I ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00046-00025177-00025508 ♪ There's nothing that we can fear, no, no, no! ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00047-00025508-00025892 ♪ We're like kings here, standing tall above all ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00048-00025892-00026476 ♪ Walkin' down the roads of Chup and Lenny ♪ jHhqoNlhD1c-00049-00027047-00027173 Heh! jHhqoNlhD1c-00050-00027173-00027493 <i>[Both laughing]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00051-00027897-00028147 <i>[Flam groans]</i> - Mommy! jHhqoNlhD1c-00052-00028652-00029081 Lenny, I'm glad you two are getting along well. jHhqoNlhD1c-00053-00029081-00029238 What's wrong, mommy? jHhqoNlhD1c-00054-00029238-00029398 Did another human do this to you?! jHhqoNlhD1c-00055-00029398-00029698 Lenny, you have to get out of here, quickly. jHhqoNlhD1c-00056-00029748-00029998 <i>[Flam roars]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00057-00030089-00030269 <i>[Lenny gasps]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00058-00030269-00030420 Bullseye! - Aah! jHhqoNlhD1c-00059-00030420-00030711 Finally found ya! - Are you sure she's dead this time? jHhqoNlhD1c-00060-00030711-00030832 Don't! jHhqoNlhD1c-00061-00030832-00031104 Hold on, she isn't a bad dragon! jHhqoNlhD1c-00062-00031104-00031258 Hah! jHhqoNlhD1c-00063-00031258-00031513 <i>[Flam roars]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00064-00031624-00031929 <i>[Men scream]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00065-00032055-00032204 <i>[Flam grunts]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00066-00032242-00032525 Mommy, mommy, are you okay?! Mommy!! jHhqoNlhD1c-00067-00032525-00032608 Lenny! jHhqoNlhD1c-00068-00032608-00032771 Stay back! jHhqoNlhD1c-00069-00032906-00033055 Lenny... jHhqoNlhD1c-00070-00033073-00033346 I was right about humans all along. jHhqoNlhD1c-00071-00033410-00033647 <i>[Flam sniffling]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00072-00033647-00034119 Listen to me, Lenny, my darling child... jHhqoNlhD1c-00073-00034119-00034417 Don't hate the humans. jHhqoNlhD1c-00074-00034481-00034953 Humans only but fear us dragons. jHhqoNlhD1c-00075-00034953-00035141 Mommy... jHhqoNlhD1c-00076-00035141-00035391 Once we get to know each other better, jHhqoNlhD1c-00077-00035391-00035732 the day dragons and humans get along will arrive. jHhqoNlhD1c-00078-00035815-00036162 That's why I ask... jHhqoNlhD1c-00079-00036162-00036903 please be a dragon who can get along with humans. jHhqoNlhD1c-00080-00036903-00037117 <i>[Lenny tearing up]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00081-00037117-00037710 <i>[Lenny sobbing]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00082-00037877-00038131 I <i>am</i> right to hate humans! jHhqoNlhD1c-00083-00038131-00038415 Humans are awful people! jHhqoNlhD1c-00084-00038435-00038735 I understand...so, let's go take care of 'em! jHhqoNlhD1c-00085-00038735-00038978 We'll get the guys who did this to your mom! jHhqoNlhD1c-00086-00038978-00039065 Huh? jHhqoNlhD1c-00087-00039065-00039228 <i>Over there!</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00088-00039341-00039468 Oi, you there! jHhqoNlhD1c-00089-00039468-00039635 We're back for more! jHhqoNlhD1c-00090-00039816-00040025 This dragon meat's gonna make us rich! jHhqoNlhD1c-00091-00040049-00040212 Let's get liftin'! - Hold it! jHhqoNlhD1c-00092-00040212-00040372 I won't let you touch that dragon! jHhqoNlhD1c-00093-00040372-00040646 Lad, you better move aside unless you wanna face us! jHhqoNlhD1c-00094-00040646-00040752 I refuse! jHhqoNlhD1c-00095-00040752-00040910 It's like my grandmother said! jHhqoNlhD1c-00096-00040910-00041254 You have your things you could never give away, jHhqoNlhD1c-00097-00041254-00041510 and so do I! jHhqoNlhD1c-00098-00041584-00041731 <i>[War cry]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00099-00044371-00044567 <i>[Chup gasping]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00100-00044567-00044783 Heheh, take this! jHhqoNlhD1c-00101-00044783-00045014 I bet you regret givin' us a hard time, eh? jHhqoNlhD1c-00102-00045014-00045348 Ya think we could sell him off to a slave trader? jHhqoNlhD1c-00103-00045792-00046010 <i>[Lenny roars]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00104-00046010-00046205 <i>[Men screaming]</i> jHhqoNlhD1c-00105-00048328-00048483 Mom... jHhqoNlhD1c-00106-00048537-00048737 I may hate humans... jHhqoNlhD1c-00107-00048958-00049138 But I wonder... jHhqoNlhD1c-00108-00049284-00049484 if I could be friends with them someday. jHhqoNlhD1c-00109-00051007-00051284 Farewell, Chup. jKi_eBelyYI-00000-00000000-00000281 And you also get this, The nuclear football jKi_eBelyYI-00001-00000281-00000347 What is that? jKi_eBelyYI-00002-00000347-00000550 Well, this will let you nuke just about anything jKi_eBelyYI-00003-00000550-00001113 Well, the first thing I'm gonna nuke, is all the green bean farms and all the schools jKi_eBelyYI-00004-00001113-00001357 No no no Jeffy, no no, you can't do that! Cause if you nuke that jKi_eBelyYI-00005-00001357-00001595 you're gonna nuke our country and we're all gonna die! jKi_eBelyYI-00006-00001595-00001892 Well, that's a small price to pay for me to be happy... jKi_eBelyYI-00007-00001892-00002000 WAIT NO NO JEFFY DON'T YOU DO- jKi_eBelyYI-00008-00002657-00002847 AAAAAAAAAAHH RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! jKi_eBelyYI-00009-00002847-00003000 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! jKi_eBelyYI-00010-00003231-00003281 Goofy Goober Yeah- jKi_eBelyYI-00011-00003281-00003366 Goofy Goober Yeah- (Magic Missle!) jKi_eBelyYI-00012-00003366-00003509 *Jeffy fucking dies* jKi_eBelyYI-00013-00003509-00003781 And nothing of value was lost... jKi_eBelyYI-00014-00003781-00003831 THE END jNlPYUwnx5y-00000-00000141-00000273 >> Hi. I'm Andrew Lonsdale, jNlPYUwnx5y-00001-00000273-00000507 a biometrician based in Melbourne, Australia. jNlPYUwnx5y-00002-00000507-00000731 I'm here today to call for contributers to the program jNlPYUwnx5y-00003-00000731-00001040 FASTQE which combines bioinformatics with emoji. jNlPYUwnx5y-00004-00001104-00001348 Despite this title, I really like the project FASTQE, jNlPYUwnx5y-00005-00001348-00001492 and hopefully by the end of this talk, jNlPYUwnx5y-00006-00001492-00001757 you will like it, too, and that you will contribute. jNlPYUwnx5y-00007-00001757-00002026 FASTQE is [Indistinct] command line program, jNlPYUwnx5y-00008-00002026-00002193 and if we do dash, dash, help, we can see jNlPYUwnx5y-00009-00002193-00002391 that it gives a pretty good indication of what it does. jNlPYUwnx5y-00010-00002391-00002683 So FASTQE takes one or more FASTQ files, jNlPYUwnx5y-00011-00002683-00002914 computes the quality stats for each file jNlPYUwnx5y-00012-00002914-00003154 and then prints those quality stats as an emoji. jNlPYUwnx5y-00013-00003234-00003711 So to get started, let's run it on a sample file, so sample, jNlPYUwnx5y-00014-00004143-00004375 and we can see here the quality as emoji. jNlPYUwnx5y-00015-00004375-00004656 This is the average quality across all the sequences jNlPYUwnx5y-00016-00004656-00004806 in this file, and as you can see, jNlPYUwnx5y-00017-00004806-00005025 the quality is quite good at the start of reads jNlPYUwnx5y-00018-00005025-00005445 and tapers off towards the end, so that's how FASTQE works. jNlPYUwnx5y-00019-00005445-00005611 But the question you might be asking is, jNlPYUwnx5y-00020-00005611-00005830 why does this program exist at all? jNlPYUwnx5y-00021-00005830-00006167 So our story begins way back in PyCon Australia 2016. jNlPYUwnx5y-00022-00006167-00006367 I was giving a talk called Python for Science, jNlPYUwnx5y-00023-00006367-00006645 Side Projects and Stuff, and I was in a parallel session. jNlPYUwnx5y-00024-00006645-00006817 To the left of me, I had a bioinformatics talk, jNlPYUwnx5y-00025-00006817-00007028 and to the right of me, a talk about Unicode jNlPYUwnx5y-00026-00007028-00007278 which involved a lot of emojis, and I was giving a talk. jNlPYUwnx5y-00027-00007278-00007459 I wish I probably could have gone to the other talks, jNlPYUwnx5y-00028-00007459-00007584 and in the end, jNlPYUwnx5y-00029-00007584-00007816 maybe my audience might feel the same way. jNlPYUwnx5y-00030-00007816-00007984 So since I was already a biometrician, jNlPYUwnx5y-00031-00007984-00008228 my solution was to add a few slides into my talk jNlPYUwnx5y-00032-00008228-00008370 combining all these things, jNlPYUwnx5y-00033-00008370-00008576 side projects, bioinformatics and emoji. jNlPYUwnx5y-00034-00008695-00008980 I chose FASTQ as the way to merge these things jNlPYUwnx5y-00035-00008980-00009266 together to demonstrate this use of emoji in bioinformatics. jNlPYUwnx5y-00036-00009266-00009525 FASTQ files include nucleotide information jNlPYUwnx5y-00037-00009525-00009776 and usually associated quality scores, jNlPYUwnx5y-00038-00009776-00010096 and those quality scores are encoded as in ASCII values, jNlPYUwnx5y-00039-00010096-00010282 and the thing that I added to my talk was, jNlPYUwnx5y-00040-00010282-00010499 I said, "Well, rather than using ASCII values jNlPYUwnx5y-00041-00010499-00010781 to encode those quality score, why not use emoji?" jNlPYUwnx5y-00042-00010781-00010937 But since I went that far, I thought, jNlPYUwnx5y-00043-00010937-00011071 "Well, might as well make something useful," jNlPYUwnx5y-00044-00011071-00011320 so my last slide was a little Python script jNlPYUwnx5y-00045-00011320-00011502 that would work out the average quality jNlPYUwnx5y-00046-00011502-00011622 [Indistinct] jNlPYUwnx5y-00047-00011622-00011780 and then print that as emoji as shown jNlPYUwnx5y-00048-00011780-00011901 [Indistinct], jNlPYUwnx5y-00049-00011901-00012261 and really that should have been the end of it, jNlPYUwnx5y-00050-00012350-00012743 but I put the code on GitHub, and people found it. jNlPYUwnx5y-00051-00012810-00013021 They tend to find it once every few months. jNlPYUwnx5y-00052-00013021-00013147 Somebody put it on reddit. jNlPYUwnx5y-00053-00013147-00013330 I started getting support requests, jNlPYUwnx5y-00054-00013330-00013532 and so I had to take this script jNlPYUwnx5y-00055-00013532-00013741 and turn it into something more useful. jNlPYUwnx5y-00056-00013840-00014134 Now FASTQE was written as a simple Python script, jNlPYUwnx5y-00057-00014134-00014299 and fortunately, I also contributed jNlPYUwnx5y-00058-00014299-00014499 to a project called Bionitio jNlPYUwnx5y-00059-00014499-00014771 which is really good at taking a throwaway code jNlPYUwnx5y-00060-00014771-00015075 and turning it into a fully fledged program. jNlPYUwnx5y-00061-00015075-00015259 That program is what you see today jNlPYUwnx5y-00062-00015259-00015688 and what I demonstrated before, so FASTQE is available online. jNlPYUwnx5y-00063-00015688-00015868 You can get it from pip or BioConda. jNlPYUwnx5y-00064-00015956-00016241 A question you might be asking now is, that's how it exists. jNlPYUwnx5y-00065-00016241-00016561 Is it actually useful? I like to argue that it is. jNlPYUwnx5y-00066-00016561-00016845 So one thing that's it's been useful for is in education. jNlPYUwnx5y-00067-00016944-00017262 Rachael St. Jacques, Ray Enke and others have been using it jNlPYUwnx5y-00068-00017262-00017472 in an undergraduate course to much success, jNlPYUwnx5y-00069-00017472-00017729 and I'm really pleased that they've found this tool jNlPYUwnx5y-00070-00017729-00017919 and written a little course around it, jNlPYUwnx5y-00071-00017919-00018196 and what they use it for is to introduce students jNlPYUwnx5y-00072-00018196-00018432 to the command line, and as you can see here, jNlPYUwnx5y-00073-00018432-00018639 you can easily visualize the effects jNlPYUwnx5y-00074-00018639-00018977 of filtering low-quality reads. Of course, it's not perfect. jNlPYUwnx5y-00075-00018977-00019156 There are some issues and room for improvement. jNlPYUwnx5y-00076-00019156-00019337 The code definitely needs a cleanup. jNlPYUwnx5y-00077-00019337-00019492 I would like to add some test cases jNlPYUwnx5y-00078-00019492-00019688 and continuous integration, jNlPYUwnx5y-00079-00019688-00019930 and a fairly large problem at the moment is, jNlPYUwnx5y-00080-00019930-00020142 the emoji display is a bit inconsistent, jNlPYUwnx5y-00081-00020232-00020380 but by far the biggest problem with FASTQE jNlPYUwnx5y-00082-00020380-00020514 is its presentation-driven development. jNlPYUwnx5y-00083-00020514-00020634 [Indistinct] jNlPYUwnx5y-00084-00020634-00020880 about one feature a year, so we started with a script. jNlPYUwnx5y-00085-00020880-00021105 A year later, we put in the min and the maximum jNlPYUwnx5y-00086-00021105-00021443 and got it ready for PyPI and installing via pip, jNlPYUwnx5y-00087-00021443-00021565 but then it took a whole year jNlPYUwnx5y-00088-00021565-00021778 to actually get it onto pip and BioConda jNlPYUwnx5y-00089-00021778-00022018 and a whole year later to get gzip support, jNlPYUwnx5y-00090-00022018-00022254 and that didn't even make it into the Git repository jNlPYUwnx5y-00091-00022254-00022638 because it's just me. FASTQE has a bus factor of one. jNlPYUwnx5y-00092-00022709-00022910 There's many more things that it could be useful for, jNlPYUwnx5y-00093-00022910-00023121 and I really do think it's a good idea, jNlPYUwnx5y-00094-00023121-00023390 but me working on it on my own is the bottleneck, jNlPYUwnx5y-00095-00023390-00023624 so hopefully during this talk, you've suspended your disbelief, jNlPYUwnx5y-00096-00023624-00023924 and you can think of a few more educational uses for FASTQE. jNlPYUwnx5y-00097-00023993-00024168 I really welcome future contributers jNlPYUwnx5y-00098-00024168-00024476 and some collaboration on future directions for the project. jNlPYUwnx5y-00099-00024560-00024754 To that end, to improve the bus factor, jNlPYUwnx5y-00100-00024754-00024880 a few things I've done. jNlPYUwnx5y-00101-00024880-00025197 We've just created a GitHub organization for FASTQE, jNlPYUwnx5y-00102-00025197-00025343 and the repository is moving there. jNlPYUwnx5y-00103-00025343-00025600 It's going to have a code of conduct for contributers, jNlPYUwnx5y-00104-00025600-00025889 and one of the first tasks is to improve the documentation jNlPYUwnx5y-00105-00025889-00026064 and gather some training materials. jNlPYUwnx5y-00106-00026124-00026377 Now I did say it was a presentation-driven development, jNlPYUwnx5y-00107-00026377-00026758 and this is a presentation, so I've added long read support. jNlPYUwnx5y-00108-00026923-00027097 So in conclusion, FASTQE is a tool jNlPYUwnx5y-00109-00027097-00027294 for viewing sequence quality as emoji. jNlPYUwnx5y-00110-00027294-00027432 Despite its throwaway beginnings, jNlPYUwnx5y-00111-00027432-00027667 it is widely available, and it works. jNlPYUwnx5y-00112-00027752-00027931 It's useful, I think, and I've got many, jNlPYUwnx5y-00113-00027931-00028148 many new ideas and functions to add to it jNlPYUwnx5y-00114-00028148-00028443 but really need future contributors to help me out. jNlPYUwnx5y-00115-00028443-00028699 And you know what my solution is to a parallel session? jNlPYUwnx5y-00116-00028699-00028945 So FASTQE does work on Galaxy, jNlPYUwnx5y-00117-00028945-00029173 and getting this in the toolshed and working is something jNlPYUwnx5y-00118-00029173-00029348 that I'd really like some help with as well. jNlPYUwnx5y-00119-00029348-00029594 So if you're interested, please get in contact, jNlPYUwnx5y-00120-00029594-00029832 and otherwise, hope you enjoy FASTQE. jNlPYUwnx5y-00121-00029888-00029977 Thank you. jSDbZVpF94k-00000-00000040-00000480 Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here today we're going to talk about something a little jSDbZVpF94k-00001-00000480-00001088 different have you heard of BitClout we're going to talk about cryptocurrencies a cryptocurrency jSDbZVpF94k-00002-00001088-00001744 that lets you create your own coin of you and why do I get into that I mean obviously course income jSDbZVpF94k-00003-00001744-00002208 secrets and and course creation and personal branding attraction marketing is a little bit jSDbZVpF94k-00004-00002208-00002736 outside the scope of cryptocurrencies I don't talk about them too much because I did lose some in the jSDbZVpF94k-00005-00002736-00003615 past I'm very cautious now but I did find this a pretty cool this BitClout platform this bit cloud jSDbZVpF94k-00006-00003615-00004120 coin that you can use to create your own coin we're going to talk about that in just a second jSDbZVpF94k-00007-00004120-00004752 but first this So the real question is this: What are the strategies, jSDbZVpF94k-00008-00004752-00005440 techniques and tools that you need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom jSDbZVpF94k-00010-00048928-00049936 secret episodes I'm on number 349 is it right that's 349 let me just go back here jSDbZVpF94k-00011-00049936-00051088 349. number 349 you can go see the blog post and video at jSDbZVpF94k-00012-00051304-00052264 cis349.jsgagnon.com okay uh tomorrow after I post it jSDbZVpF94k-00013-00052424-00052816 okay so let's just see I don't even know I don't even know if you can put links in jSDbZVpF94k-00014-00052816-00053240 the actual accounts got this the first time I tried let's just see what happens I post this jSDbZVpF94k-00015-00053344-00053855 yes look at that it shows a link that I can click on that people can click on so hopefully this will jSDbZVpF94k-00016-00053912-00054232 this will be something that people will see so I'm just that's one of the things you can jSDbZVpF94k-00017-00054232-00054816 just post you can post pictures right you can do things like that um and I can say um jSDbZVpF94k-00018-00055016-00055479 uh anyways whatever you can post right you can also send messages I got messages right here I'm jSDbZVpF94k-00019-00055479-00056048 actually exchanging with a bunch of different people even Russell Brunson who's on here which jSDbZVpF94k-00020-00056048-00056688 is awesome and he's actually respond responding to me uh about the so by the way if you go on jSDbZVpF94k-00021-00056688-00057272 here and you find the click funnels the click funnels account is actually not russell's yet jSDbZVpF94k-00022-00057272-00057816 so it's somebody else who bought it who created it which is really it's I don't anyways I'm not sure jSDbZVpF94k-00023-00057920-00058440 how why somebody would do that other than to just benefit from it right I think that's sad because jSDbZVpF94k-00024-00058440-00058944 it it's owned by him so what I'm going to be doing I'm actually going to create a new account jSDbZVpF94k-00025-00058944-00059488 so I got my account right here by the way you can have more than one account as far as I can tell um jSDbZVpF94k-00026-00059488-00060152 the only thing is that your account has to be tied to one phone number if not you got to pay a 50 jSDbZVpF94k-00027-00060272-00060655 fee to have an account so you can have more than one account uh if you don't have jSDbZVpF94k-00028-00060720-00061167 if you don't have multiple phone numbers you can have more than one account by just paying for it jSDbZVpF94k-00029-00061167-00061552 I'm actually going to do that right now to kind of show you how that works the other thing is if jSDbZVpF94k-00030-00061552-00062112 I go to notifications right here it always starts with that then it shows me the different things jSDbZVpF94k-00031-00062224-00062696 it shows me all sorts of things you can see here in the notification you can see people who bought jSDbZVpF94k-00032-00062696-00063344 my coin right whoops I didn't want to click that hi sean uh let's just go back here I just want jSDbZVpF94k-00033-00063344-00063752 to show you in the notifications you're gonna see people buying coins you're gonna see people jSDbZVpF94k-00034-00063752-00064440 um sending you funds like for example gift clout over here uh sent me bit uh some jSDbZVpF94k-00035-00064440-00065079 some he's they gift clout sent me some funds and they bought some of my jSDbZVpF94k-00036-00065079-00065792 coins right and if I go to my wallet uh no actually my profile I go to my profile you jSDbZVpF94k-00037-00065792-00066408 can actually see who has your coin create a coin you can see that people that are holding my coin jSDbZVpF94k-00038-00066408-00067016 there's these people here I don't know what this is this cairo person bought some coins and then jSDbZVpF94k-00039-00067016-00067480 resold it I guess and then that's why they're showing at zero but I'm not sure what that does jSDbZVpF94k-00040-00067480-00068160 but as you can see the I have 12 of my own coins I bought my own coins and that's you know that's jSDbZVpF94k-00041-00068160-00068984 it's speculation obviously uh but if I go to say for example uh to Russell brenton's uh profile jSDbZVpF94k-00042-00068984-00069656 let's go to his profile right here this is the messages I go here to his profile I can see that jSDbZVpF94k-00043-00069720-00070128 who owns some of his coins right there's all these people that own some of this coin he jSDbZVpF94k-00044-00070128-00070824 owns 38 of them this person owns 11 this person owned three dean gretziosi so that's the thing on jSDbZVpF94k-00045-00070904-00071496 on Bitcoin right now there's there's these two major players that I know well not no necessarily jSDbZVpF94k-00046-00071496-00071912 personally except that I've been exchanging but there's dean catcher oc right here there's jSDbZVpF94k-00047-00071912-00072704 Russell Brunson and then there's brad hart uh and a couple I don't know about some of these but you jSDbZVpF94k-00048-00072704-00073248 can see there's a whole lot of people that own coins of and I'm in there right I'm right where jSDbZVpF94k-00049-00073248-00073880 am I right here I'm owning right here right I'm in there I'm in the top whatever because I bought jSDbZVpF94k-00050-00073880-00074488 50 worth of it right and now it's worth 57 so I bought I actually spent 50 dollars or 50 jSDbZVpF94k-00051-00074600-00075240 based on on on cryptos and that's what I have now all right so now let me show you how jSDbZVpF94k-00052-00075240-00075720 so how do you create your account I'm going to go here I'm actually going to go jSDbZVpF94k-00053-00075720-00076304 so basically you would click on add account and uh then you can click on sign up jSDbZVpF94k-00054-00076392-00076816 and you can and you see this code that's here you just you can click regenerate you can jSDbZVpF94k-00055-00076816-00077272 you can click and regenerate as many times as you want until you have and you know whatever jSDbZVpF94k-00056-00077272-00077912 just and then you use that to create the account after you click on next it creates an account with jSDbZVpF94k-00057-00077912-00078496 that particular password right you want to make sure you keep that's very safe someplace because jSDbZVpF94k-00058-00078496-00079072 you don't want anybody else to be able to access your account and withdraw your your funds right jSDbZVpF94k-00059-00079152-00079712 because that's the idea with that but my me I already created an account for click uh Click jSDbZVpF94k-00060-00079776-00080416 eCourse and not yeah for Click eCourse a while back and I didn't finish it because it required jSDbZVpF94k-00061-00080416-00080840 a phone number but if I go here now that uh after you've created the account this is kind of what jSDbZVpF94k-00062-00080840-00081400 happens it then it goes and wants you to complete the profile in my case I haven't done that yet so jSDbZVpF94k-00063-00081400-00081936 I've been able you know you still have the account but you can't actually do anything with it if as jSDbZVpF94k-00064-00081936-00082344 soon as you try to do anything right if I try to post it tells me that you got to complete jSDbZVpF94k-00065-00082344-00082736 your profile that would you would get that as well but this is kind of how that works you go complete jSDbZVpF94k-00066-00082736-00083368 your profile and you've got two this is exactly the same screen you'd come to after clicking on jSDbZVpF94k-00067-00083368-00083976 continue and entering that password phrase right there's two options you can get starter BitClout jSDbZVpF94k-00068-00083976-00084424 which is the default you put in your phone number here right if I put my phone number jSDbZVpF94k-00069-00084672-00085096 unfortunately it doesn't let you have more than one account per phone number if I click on next jSDbZVpF94k-00070-00085096-00085640 it'll tell me it's already being used by another account so I can't use that I tried using a voip jSDbZVpF94k-00071-00085640-00086264 a free account it gives me actually a message I got a I got a free account here on one of the jSDbZVpF94k-00072-00086264-00087152 free texting platforms there and maybe 306 and it tells me that it's a voip it won't let me use it jSDbZVpF94k-00073-00087152-00087816 so I can't do that so the only option I really have is that I have to I have to jSDbZVpF94k-00074-00087976-00088384 use the purchase 59 usd of bit cloud so I'm gonna do that jSDbZVpF94k-00075-00088496-00089120 and I'm gonna so this is kind of how it works so the the BitClout you buy through Bitcoin so I have jSDbZVpF94k-00076-00089120-00089752 my Bitcoin account right here so let's copy this is the address okay I'm gonna copy this right so jSDbZVpF94k-00077-00089752-00090344 you copy that and you go into your Bitcoin wallet wherever it is whatever kind of wallet you have jSDbZVpF94k-00078-00090344-00091184 personally I have a jax wallet so here's what it looks like you go to your Bitcoin right jSDbZVpF94k-00079-00091344-00092200 and then you just click on send and you paste in that address and you send let's say I send jSDbZVpF94k-00080-00092304-00093312 50 us dollars oops let's say 51. I don't even know if I right it says that I need 50 us dollars jSDbZVpF94k-00081-00093608-00094064 I don't know anyways I haven't tried this yet for a separate account I did I did send jSDbZVpF94k-00082-00094064-00094464 funds but this is kind of how you do it so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna send the funds jSDbZVpF94k-00083-00094624-00095216 and basically I'm sending that right okay so that's gone now if I refresh right here jSDbZVpF94k-00084-00095216-00096232 it shows that the funds are there now right and um and I need to buy let's just say max jSDbZVpF94k-00085-00096344-00097032 because it doesn't 50 95. are you ready to exchange and then it will give me a Bitcoin jSDbZVpF94k-00086-00097032-00097760 because it does go through the Bitcoin network so I'm going to do that and now this account has jSDbZVpF94k-00087-00097928-00098640 as becomes a valid account right so now I got this account here and if I go back let's go back jSDbZVpF94k-00088-00098640-00099816 to here and let's see if I can new account for click ecourse so I'm going to do that jSDbZVpF94k-00089-00099816-00100504 see what happens is it complete your profile okay I got to complete my profile I did this already jSDbZVpF94k-00090-00100712-00101176 so now what I did buy it jSDbZVpF94k-00091-00101680-00101784 let me see what happens jSDbZVpF94k-00092-00102072-00102544 I did do this so now uh you must either verify your phone number jSDbZVpF94k-00093-00102656-00103648 or purchase 59 worth of oh 59 off 59. okay let's do it again I'm gonna go back to here jSDbZVpF94k-00094-00103759-00104456 okay I didn't buy enough so I'm gonna send some more send some more to this address jSDbZVpF94k-00095-00104568-00105183 and I'm just gonna send uh let's say a hundred bucks jSDbZVpF94k-00096-00105735-00105872 whoops what happened there jSDbZVpF94k-00097-00106456-00107176 what happened there refresh copy this did I do jSDbZVpF94k-00098-00107176-00108024 something wrong or is there something going on let's just try this again um jSDbZVpF94k-00099-00108535-00108872 era code what is that trx jSDbZVpF94k-00100-00109088-00109383 they're broadcasting jSDbZVpF94k-00101-00109832-00110280 I don't know okay there's a dust okay jSDbZVpF94k-00102-00110640-00110944 okay so maybe I just have to wait because I did send maybe jSDbZVpF94k-00103-00110944-00111472 is there a way to have a different account can I change my Bitcoin address jSDbZVpF94k-00104-00111832-00112456 I think that's because I sent it just earlier there let's just try it again jSDbZVpF94k-00105-00112720-00112792 stay in there jSDbZVpF94k-00106-00113528-00114176 the same error so I guess I have to wait I didn't send enough I didn't send enough what jSDbZVpF94k-00107-00114176-00115240 if I went to my other account and I sent myself send BitClout I'm going to send to my account jSDbZVpF94k-00108-00115648-00116632 uh let's say what is it what do I have okay let's say I send point three jSDbZVpF94k-00109-00116864-00117024 no that's not enough point five jSDbZVpF94k-00110-00117240-00118296 seventy seven point four or three I don't even know how much I have let's say that send that jSDbZVpF94k-00111-00118392-00118864 so what I'm doing right now is I'm sending some Bitcoin from my existing account to jSDbZVpF94k-00112-00118864-00119311 my new account just because I want to be able to have at least the 59 that they want jSDbZVpF94k-00113-00119368-00120248 see what happens so just do that send point 40 with a fee of total 40. yeah sure two username jSDbZVpF94k-00114-00120248-00121440 okay oh I sent it to myself that's not what I wanted oh I wonder what happened there jSDbZVpF94k-00115-00121632-00122464 did it okay so 0.78 it's actually that's kind of silly I need to send it to myself here jSDbZVpF94k-00116-00122928-00124120 I need to send it to myself how do I get my own uh my wallet there you go just copy my public key jSDbZVpF94k-00117-00124320-00125344 I got 38. said I need to buy 59 okay so now I go back to here jSDbZVpF94k-00118-00125464-00126632 I did it wrong sent Bitcoin to this address there you go okay send that jSDbZVpF94k-00119-00126904-00127944 point three send that okay so I'm gonna oops does not exist really it's not a username it's jSDbZVpF94k-00120-00127944-00128983 supposed to be a public key I'm supposed to send that to oh bc one something my wallet jSDbZVpF94k-00121-00129600-00129928 okay let's see bye [ __ ] let's try this again jSDbZVpF94k-00122-00130080-00130576 let's see if that's done let's go back to here no same error jSDbZVpF94k-00123-00131408-00131688 it says wait for all previous transactions yeah let's go back jSDbZVpF94k-00124-00131688-00132016 to here it says wait for all previous transactions that are pending in that jSDbZVpF94k-00125-00132016-00132328 wallet to be confirmed before trying to complete a new send jSDbZVpF94k-00126-00132800-00133368 so okay so let's just kind of show you then my account so if I go back to my own I'm gonna have jSDbZVpF94k-00127-00133368-00133864 to finish that later right but if I go back to my account whenever we're talking about creating jSDbZVpF94k-00128-00133864-00134360 your own coin it's as simple as creating your account you just create your account jSDbZVpF94k-00129-00134360-00135032 once you have your account right once you have your account you've got coins you've got coins now jSDbZVpF94k-00130-00135032-00135656 how do you increase the value of your coins you get people to invest in your coins if I look at my jSDbZVpF94k-00131-00135656-00136448 notifications because I bought my own coins and because I'm getting other people buying them jSDbZVpF94k-00132-00136448-00136848 if you look through this right you can see in these notifications I've got jSDbZVpF94k-00133-00137040-00137416 lots of people following but then I have to see these little dollar ones jSDbZVpF94k-00134-00137416-00137944 this is somebody who bought a hundred dollars this is somebody who bought let's okay this jSDbZVpF94k-00135-00137944-00138808 somebody who bought five dollars of it uh down here there was also this one who bought five jSDbZVpF94k-00136-00138808-00139488 uh where else then this this one who bought six cents well you know whatever right um and that's jSDbZVpF94k-00137-00139488-00139944 that was the beginning of it that's when I first got it set up right and if I look at my wallet jSDbZVpF94k-00138-00140040-00140552 it shows me what do I own right now right so I own some click funnels I own some Russell Brunson jSDbZVpF94k-00139-00140632-00141344 as you can see I actually put in 50 into click funnels right if I look at click funnels and I jSDbZVpF94k-00140-00141344-00141840 look at their creator coins these are the people who bought some of clickfunnels right sean myers jSDbZVpF94k-00141-00142168-00143288 and I should probably send them a message here uh yeah there's 200 coins five followers jSDbZVpF94k-00142-00143400-00144056 so the followers are so I guess Russell is following it sean is myself jSDbZVpF94k-00143-00144216-00144728 and anthony morrison I'm going to follow into that and this is the other thing just like any jSDbZVpF94k-00144-00144728-00145224 other social media platform you can actually go to their profile if I go to Russell brunson's profile jSDbZVpF94k-00145-00145224-00145824 and I can actually click on his followers here I'm going to see his list of followers and you jSDbZVpF94k-00146-00145824-00146248 can see that I'm following most of them which is what I did I'm going to go back here follow some jSDbZVpF94k-00147-00146248-00146896 of these new ones there's a rate limit it seems on the platform if you click on the follow button jSDbZVpF94k-00148-00146896-00147472 it changes to follow and then eventually once it's done it's changed to unfollow and if I scroll jSDbZVpF94k-00149-00147472-00147832 down you can see the ones I'm not following you just click on that to follow them right jSDbZVpF94k-00150-00147904-00148416 and like any other social platform it would be good to send a message and that kind of stuff jSDbZVpF94k-00151-00148416-00149024 to let them know you're real and maybe they're going to buy your coins right but as you do this jSDbZVpF94k-00152-00149024-00149728 as you engage as you create a momentum for your for your own coin for your account basically right jSDbZVpF94k-00153-00149832-00150320 um that's kind of how that works so far as you can see eventually it'll give me a message I'll I'll jSDbZVpF94k-00154-00150320-00150904 just keep going so that you can see the message I'm not sure if I can click on no I guess not jSDbZVpF94k-00155-00151216-00151944 you'll see that in a moment it'll give me a message about how the platform is overloaded or jSDbZVpF94k-00156-00151944-00152704 something and I think that's just a normal they're just doing that to prevent you know over too much jSDbZVpF94k-00157-00152704-00153320 too many followers right too many uh uh activities I guess on the platform oh and by the way the jSDbZVpF94k-00158-00153320-00153872 other thing is there's a couple of people there's a there's three or four accounts that you probably jSDbZVpF94k-00159-00153872-00154464 definitely want to go and follow that are people on the platform there's some of the developers jSDbZVpF94k-00160-00154520-00155232 um and they're they're they give you information on what's going on and so whoever you follow jSDbZVpF94k-00161-00155432-00156312 so you've got two yeah let's do that uh and also who is Russell following right you can see uh who jSDbZVpF94k-00162-00156312-00156984 he's following looks like they're allowing me to do more than what I was able to do yesterday jSDbZVpF94k-00163-00157096-00158032 um but yeah so that's basically how you set up your account on there you send I wish I could jSDbZVpF94k-00164-00158032-00158496 have finished this sending maybe I maybe I can pause the video and go check it out and see if jSDbZVpF94k-00165-00158496-00159144 I can come back with you just a sec yeah so still not working but uh yeah just wanted to keep going jSDbZVpF94k-00166-00159144-00159608 through the following and I also was like I was telling you there's two people you should jSDbZVpF94k-00167-00159608-00160224 definitely be following or maybe a few accounts so first if you click on the search right here jSDbZVpF94k-00168-00160280-00160832 and you do a bit cloud just put BitClout there you're going to see there's a couple jSDbZVpF94k-00169-00160832-00161376 of different ones there's a bit cloud pulse that you want to follow BitClout list and of course the jSDbZVpF94k-00170-00161376-00162032 BitClout account and then other than that let's take a look at my what do I have in my wallet jSDbZVpF94k-00171-00162488-00163072 let's just go to my wallet so under my wallet I've followed a two other accounts that are super and I jSDbZVpF94k-00172-00163072-00163392 also bought some of their coins twenty five dollars a coin as you can see the price has jSDbZVpF94k-00173-00163392-00164160 gone down to 22 and 24 on these two I bought those diamond hands is one of the developers or at least jSDbZVpF94k-00174-00164160-00164728 one of the admins I'm not sure but they're posting all sorts of things about uh the platform if I go jSDbZVpF94k-00175-00164728-00165400 to diamond hands I can see that their posts are about the platform right so talk about the nodes jSDbZVpF94k-00176-00165400-00165984 and those and by the way when you look at any of these posts on here these are individual posts but jSDbZVpF94k-00177-00165984-00166896 you can see there's 490 comments 614 comments 1200 likes right I can like these two and you can see jSDbZVpF94k-00178-00166896-00167472 if you want to see the if you click on this right it'll let you post a reply to it it's basically jSDbZVpF94k-00179-00167472-00168104 the same thing as Twitter or if you click on the post then it takes you to the thread for it right jSDbZVpF94k-00180-00168104-00168816 all the different responses people that have commented on it that have said stuff and also the jSDbZVpF94k-00181-00168872-00169616 the person that the diamond hands because in in BitClout you can only do 280 characters for a post jSDbZVpF94k-00182-00169680-00170160 they you can do this like this you just post a comment against it and then it becomes jSDbZVpF94k-00183-00170160-00170656 kind of a thread on the same thing you can do multiple posts for the same thing right jSDbZVpF94k-00184-00170656-00171448 and that gives you that so the other one is is my beam so I'm not sure who that is but jSDbZVpF94k-00185-00171448-00172224 it looks like it's a developer of the platform um they're posting things as well uh on there jSDbZVpF94k-00186-00172224-00172968 they've been around for a while um and then they they post anyways they're apparently one of the jSDbZVpF94k-00187-00172968-00173784 developers there so I don't really know building BitClout rape she says um so yeah so I mean um jSDbZVpF94k-00188-00174040-00175184 every little bit how did you hear about BitClout I'm gonna say from a friend Russell brunson jSDbZVpF94k-00189-00175544-00175976 and then so then I just post there right and this is how I heard about it because on jSDbZVpF94k-00190-00175976-00176552 on russell's Instagram story he basically just said I don't know what this is right I don't jSDbZVpF94k-00191-00176552-00177112 know if it's kind of cool which I'm kind of agreeing with it is pretty cool that you can jSDbZVpF94k-00192-00177112-00177640 have your own coin right and if I go back to my own profile right jSDbZVpF94k-00193-00177712-00178216 you can see that I have my own coin and there's 12 of them in circulation so the way it works jSDbZVpF94k-00194-00178216-00178768 is that anybody that comes to your profile they can click on the buy button here and then they jSDbZVpF94k-00195-00178768-00179368 can buy some of your coins now if I was to go here and I say max I want to buy the maximum jSDbZVpF94k-00196-00179368-00179904 of my coins I buy more coins I'm going to receive one coin um and it's the price is jSDbZVpF94k-00197-00179904-00180552 going to be 0.56 BitClout so about 87 look at that the price of my my coin is going to go up jSDbZVpF94k-00198-00180616-00181160 because I'm buying some more let's just let's just do that right and I'm going to confirm the buy jSDbZVpF94k-00199-00181264-00181904 so I spent all my remaining funds on my own coin now if I go back to my wallet jSDbZVpF94k-00200-00182072-00182592 uh now my price is 95 oh well that's pretty cool that's because I bought my own coin again jSDbZVpF94k-00201-00182648-00183560 right um I got 13 coins now if I go back to my profile now you can see my coin is worth 95 jSDbZVpF94k-00202-00183560-00184024 that's pretty crazy if I spend my own money but it's on my own coin it grows jSDbZVpF94k-00203-00184024-00184512 it goes but anybody buying it will grow my corn anybody selling it would will reduce my jSDbZVpF94k-00204-00184512-00185144 coin but if somebody who owns my coins right now decides to sell them because they're more right jSDbZVpF94k-00205-00185240-00185848 it's gonna make my price go down so anyways right now um so I said let's do five for five jSDbZVpF94k-00206-00185848-00186224 so if you're on here and you buy five dollars in my coins I'm gonna buy five dollars your coins jSDbZVpF94k-00207-00186224-00186560 just comment here and then that's kind of what I'm talking about here jSDbZVpF94k-00208-00186664-00187144 uh so yeah so on the platform there's two different feeds there's the following feed jSDbZVpF94k-00209-00187144-00187560 right which is whoever you're following and then the global feed I'm not really sure how you get jSDbZVpF94k-00210-00187560-00188200 on the global feed as a how they decide what to post on the global feed right whose stuff goes jSDbZVpF94k-00211-00188200-00188752 there I'm not I don't really know I mean I'm still trying to learn how the platform actually works jSDbZVpF94k-00212-00188856-00189552 but um and this is an example of a I guess a pin post I'm not sure what the little jSDbZVpF94k-00213-00189552-00190200 blue line means or maybe it's because they're the one of the owners or something not sure but jSDbZVpF94k-00214-00190200-00191000 uh yeah and um so what else right so that's well that's basically it let's see if I can I can let jSDbZVpF94k-00215-00191000-00191432 me just pause the video here and let me go back again to see if I can finish that transaction jSDbZVpF94k-00216-00191560-00192168 so no it still didn't work um I don't know how long I know that uh traditionally on Bitcoin on jSDbZVpF94k-00217-00192168-00192992 the blockchain if you send funds right um it takes a little bit it takes sometimes minutes maybe even jSDbZVpF94k-00218-00192992-00193464 an hour for a transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain and I think that's what's going on jSDbZVpF94k-00219-00193464-00193928 I sent funds to that address but because it hasn't been confirmed yet jSDbZVpF94k-00220-00193928-00194392 it won't let me send another to the same address right so I got to wait for that address to be jSDbZVpF94k-00221-00194472-00195200 to be valid validated or something right update my profile purchase jSDbZVpF94k-00222-00195408-00195480 lets me just jSDbZVpF94k-00223-00195816-00196232 oh and by the way you can actually navigate this is just like any other jSDbZVpF94k-00224-00196232-00197104 uh where is it that I can see where can I see this is my email ClickeCourse.com jSDbZVpF94k-00225-00197288-00197944 messages let me see if I can send myself a message oh I can look at that hey jSDbZVpF94k-00226-00198096-00198616 let's send myself a message see what happens if I send myself a message and then I go back jSDbZVpF94k-00227-00198616-00199232 to my other account and I go down look at that notifications and messages so go to messages jSDbZVpF94k-00228-00199432-00200384 hey there look at that it's saying bc something whatever right jSDbZVpF94k-00229-00200472-00201208 well anyways I can't do anything with that account yo send the message to there jSDbZVpF94k-00230-00201400-00202368 there you go and there you go so this guy told me that Russell told brad brad told him so I guess jSDbZVpF94k-00231-00202440-00203184 j.j steelman is somebody who knows brad and I think brad is this brad jSDbZVpF94k-00232-00203256-00203632 where is he is he in my messages no he's not but if I go into my jSDbZVpF94k-00233-00203824-00204328 what's this notifications what did I get I'll check it out thanks oh cool so what did he jSDbZVpF94k-00234-00204328-00205696 what's he gonna check out oh okay cool awesome awesome uh this reply will be in the video jSDbZVpF94k-00235-00205928-00206712 there we go look at that okay so now if I go back to here and I go back to this other jSDbZVpF94k-00236-00206712-00207384 account here and I go oh look at that messages that's because I sent my own message right jSDbZVpF94k-00237-00207888-00208784 all right so now if I go back to here by BitClout copy this I'm going to try again in my wallet here jSDbZVpF94k-00238-00208840-00209640 let's try this again I don't it probably won't work but let's try it again let's say I sand 150 jSDbZVpF94k-00239-00209960-00210616 and I'm gonna confirm that all right it worked wonderful okay so now I'm going to be able to jSDbZVpF94k-00240-00210616-00211192 show you the rest of the process okay so now if I refresh this you're going to see now I have this jSDbZVpF94k-00241-00211360-00212071 and I've got uh BitClout I'm going to just buy all of BitClout right so total Bitcoin jSDbZVpF94k-00242-00212071-00212664 to swap 149 that's what I had and there you go now I'm going to conf I'm going to jSDbZVpF94k-00243-00212664-00213248 convert the Bitcoin into clout and now hopefully I'm going to be able to finish the profile here jSDbZVpF94k-00244-00213352-00214071 there we go and update my profile okay I'm going to call this click ecourse jSDbZVpF94k-00245-00214312-00214896 online platform to host your courses jSDbZVpF94k-00246-00215160-00216512 syndicate videos create assets generate generate assets to syndicate videos to other platforms jSDbZVpF94k-00247-00216896-00218032 platforms social media and podcast feed support jSDbZVpF94k-00248-00218319-00219000 https ClickeCourse.com there we go now upload an image this will be my jSDbZVpF94k-00249-00219096-00219400 Click eCourse account so let me go into my uh jSDbZVpF94k-00250-00219656-00219984 over here oh and by the way I'm going to show you something I forgot totally forgot jSDbZVpF94k-00251-00220144-00220304 Click eCourse images jSDbZVpF94k-00252-00220784-00221640 what why is there no images here oh logo white that's the logo here that's the logo for the site jSDbZVpF94k-00253-00221719-00222784 uh founder reward percentage I'm just gonna make it five percent and update my profile jSDbZVpF94k-00254-00222888-00223640 there we go awesome okay so now now that I have this account set up let's go to my this jSDbZVpF94k-00255-00223640-00224192 account here and then let's go back to Click eCourse there you go look at that and by the jSDbZVpF94k-00256-00224192-00224848 way when you create your account make sure you like I can't change this uh this account to be jSDbZVpF94k-00257-00224848-00225584 uppercase j-e-a-n like if I go into my profile and I want to change that update profile jSDbZVpF94k-00258-00225656-00226328 and I want to change that to john which is really what I should have done when I first got it I jSDbZVpF94k-00259-00226328-00226816 want to change it to that it won't let me if I say update it says the account is already in use right jSDbZVpF94k-00260-00226880-00227408 so anyways I can't change it okay so that's why you got to make sure you do jSDbZVpF94k-00261-00227408-00227792 it first when you first set it up I probably should have said that in the beginning but jSDbZVpF94k-00262-00228096-00228919 got the click ecourse account slips account set up jSDbZVpF94k-00263-00229384-00229567 ClickeCourse.com jSDbZVpF94k-00264-00230328-00230752 there we go let's do that we're going to post that like this click equals dot com as you can jSDbZVpF94k-00265-00230752-00231352 see you can click on these links now let's buy let's go to the wallet if I go to my wallet jSDbZVpF94k-00266-00231352-00231880 here actually if I go to my profile if I go to my profile this is kind of how you do it right jSDbZVpF94k-00267-00231880-00232448 you go to any profile you say buy now as you can see right now there's zero coins there's jSDbZVpF94k-00268-00232448-00233040 zero there's no value to it no nothing it's zero dollars so I'm going to click on buy with my own jSDbZVpF94k-00269-00233040-00234048 uh this account has its own uh I have 147 right 1.12 BitClout if I say max right here it'll oh jSDbZVpF94k-00270-00234232-00234992 okay let's just say I say 50 bucks 50 bucks I'm not sure if it wants to keep this point that's jSDbZVpF94k-00271-00234992-00235600 49 thing but as you can see right here it's going to say 50 usd I'm going to receive six jSDbZVpF94k-00272-00235671-00236408 Click eCourse coins that are going to be valued at seven dollars when I do this first transaction jSDbZVpF94k-00273-00236408-00236960 right so I'm going to click on review right here and I'm going to confirm the buy so that's kind jSDbZVpF94k-00274-00236960-00237504 of how you buy your own coin you buy your own coin the same way you buy anybody else's coin jSDbZVpF94k-00275-00237504-00238200 so if I go back and let's go over here if I look at my now I've got create a coin it jSDbZVpF94k-00276-00238200-00238928 shows me that I own six of them there is worth about 149 dollars I just spent wow I just spent jSDbZVpF94k-00277-00238928-00239456 50 bucks and it's showing me that it's worth 150 right which is kind of crazy that's pretty jSDbZVpF94k-00278-00239456-00240008 insane it's pretty awesome um but anyways that's I don't know how that how they figured that out but jSDbZVpF94k-00279-00240119-00240967 no one owns clicky cars now what if I go to here and I go into notifications I don't know if I jSDbZVpF94k-00280-00240967-00241736 see that that ClickeCourse.com I guess not eh oh okay so whenever you tag somebody in a post they jSDbZVpF94k-00281-00241736-00242232 don't even get notified uh that's that's good to know right because I didn't realize that jSDbZVpF94k-00282-00242344-00243296 but if I go here and I go to Click eCourse Click eCourse it's not even there yet maybe I jSDbZVpF94k-00283-00243296-00243840 have to wait there's a oh there's a there's one thing that they're doing the a couple days ago jSDbZVpF94k-00284-00243840-00244448 or yesterday actually they set up what they called shared nodes or multi-node or something so that jSDbZVpF94k-00285-00244448-00244928 means that if I post something it goes to one of the nodes and then it takes a little bit of time jSDbZVpF94k-00286-00244928-00245496 before it replicates minutes right so right now that's why I can't even find Click eCourse as an jSDbZVpF94k-00287-00245496-00246504 account right if I just re reload this let me see if that'll make it available if I go here Click jSDbZVpF94k-00288-00246504-00247328 eCourse no I guess not it's not there yet but I have messages so I can go to messages there's the jSDbZVpF94k-00289-00247328-00247984 Click eCourse I can click on this one and I can I can I could actually buy some of these right jSDbZVpF94k-00290-00248208-00248919 I don't have any BitClout so let's buy some big cloud which really now it's on my personal account jSDbZVpF94k-00291-00248919-00249416 right so I'm actually going to go back here and I'm going to say buy some I know I don't want to jSDbZVpF94k-00292-00249416-00250144 buy someone go here I go send and I'm just going to send it to this address and I'm going to send jSDbZVpF94k-00293-00250240-00251223 100 let's say 150 again 150. now just keep in mind that this money that I'm this Bitcoin I'm sending jSDbZVpF94k-00294-00251304-00251776 could get all lost right this [ __ ] thing I don't know if it's real or not it looks like jSDbZVpF94k-00295-00251776-00252360 there's a lot of backers on there there's a lot of people that are saying this is awesome so you know jSDbZVpF94k-00296-00252440-00252856 but it's kind of you know play money you don't want to invest anything you need jSDbZVpF94k-00297-00252856-00253200 this is a funds that that I'm oh again hey I wonder why jSDbZVpF94k-00298-00253352-00253936 uh so it's giving me the same message here but if this is supposedly a different address isn't it jSDbZVpF94k-00299-00254104-00255367 so it's not letting me send funds to that address that's not letting me send funds to there so not jSDbZVpF94k-00300-00255367-00256048 really sure but uh I'll have to do that later but the point is I'm gonna buy my own my Click eCourse jSDbZVpF94k-00301-00256048-00256656 funds by I need some more BitClout which means I need to send bitcoins Bitcoin to this address jSDbZVpF94k-00302-00256656-00257200 right send Bitcoin to this address so that you can swap it for BitClout in step two below right and jSDbZVpF94k-00303-00257200-00257744 that's kind of how that works you buy Bitcoin or you send well if you don't have any Bitcoin you jSDbZVpF94k-00304-00257744-00258128 have to buy Bitcoin first right which there's a whole bunch of different trainings you can go jSDbZVpF94k-00305-00258128-00258640 find online to how to do that but you can go to a place like for example you can go to uh jSDbZVpF94k-00306-00258984-00259552 where what's it called uh I don't remember anymore anyways there's different places where jSDbZVpF94k-00307-00259552-00260056 you can buy Bitcoin just go and google it how to buy Bitcoin um there's different platforms that jSDbZVpF94k-00308-00260056-00260767 allow you to buy them once you have a Bitcoin wallet which can be online just be just be safe jSDbZVpF94k-00309-00260767-00261216 if you have questions go ahead and message me I'll go and go look for that stuff again jSDbZVpF94k-00310-00261271-00261752 how that all works uh I know how it works I just don't remember off the hand top of my head where jSDbZVpF94k-00311-00261752-00262288 they are but yeah you need to buy Bitcoin once you have Bitcoin that means you have a Bitcoin address jSDbZVpF94k-00312-00262344-00262744 then you send the Bitcoin to this address here which is going to be in your profile jSDbZVpF94k-00313-00262816-00263336 and then after that you'd swap it for BitClout and once you have BitClout you can buy jSDbZVpF94k-00314-00263336-00263864 creator coins so that's kind of how it works all right hopefully you enjoyed and if you have any jSDbZVpF94k-00315-00263864-00264376 questions of course go ahead and comment below let me know what you think and we'll see you jSDbZVpF94k-00316-00264376-00265072 in the next episode have a great day This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's jSDbZVpF94k-00317-00265072-00265560 blueprint to generating income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this jSDbZVpF94k-00318-00265560-00266136 message, so don't forget to share. For more content like this, go to CourseIncomeSecrets.com jSDbZVpF94k-00319-00266136-00266888 and make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... jXRN9JWj50Y-00000-00000299-00000965 welcome to another video, dear friend. jXRN9JWj50Y-00001-00000965-00001408 this one’s about creativity. jXRN9JWj50Y-00002-00001408-00001793 do you think everyone can be creative? jXRN9JWj50Y-00003-00001793-00002551 how can we become more creative? jXRN9JWj50Y-00004-00002551-00002896 i believe that creativity is a part of human nature. jXRN9JWj50Y-00005-00002896-00003319 It’s the different ways we interact with the world. jXRN9JWj50Y-00006-00003319-00003756 the different connections we make between things. jXRN9JWj50Y-00007-00003756-00004387 what do you think about when you think of a pen? jXRN9JWj50Y-00008-00004387-00004645 i think of treasure. jXRN9JWj50Y-00009-00004645-00004904 i think of freedom. jXRN9JWj50Y-00010-00004904-00005218 i think of breathing. jXRN9JWj50Y-00011-00005218-00005583 and i immediately get anxious about the thought of it running out of ink. jXRN9JWj50Y-00012-00005583-00006121 *sigh* i’ve become an anxious person in the recent years, and i’m still working jXRN9JWj50Y-00013-00006121-00006257 on it. jXRN9JWj50Y-00014-00006257-00006529 but back to creativity. jXRN9JWj50Y-00015-00006529-00007270 to some, it comes easier than to others, not because of a genetic predisposition, but because jXRN9JWj50Y-00016-00007270-00007522 it needs to be developed. jXRN9JWj50Y-00017-00007522-00008128 even someone who thinks they’re not creative has surprised me multiples times with creative jXRN9JWj50Y-00018-00008128-00008359 word combinations, actions, ideas. jXRN9JWj50Y-00019-00008359-00009134 if they engage in creative activities, they can definitely grow this side of themselves. jXRN9JWj50Y-00020-00009134-00010234 But a lot of us are afraid to pursue creativity, or simply don’t know where to start. jXRN9JWj50Y-00021-00010234-00010559 last year, i started a “morning pages” journal. jXRN9JWj50Y-00022-00010559-00011096 If you’ve never heard of morning pages, it’s simply the act of writing stream of jXRN9JWj50Y-00023-00011096-00011478 consciousness first thing in the morning. jXRN9JWj50Y-00024-00011478-00011753 This journal became two things to me: jXRN9JWj50Y-00025-00011753-00011853 1. jXRN9JWj50Y-00026-00011853-00012232 a safe space to make mistakes. jXRN9JWj50Y-00027-00012232-00012528 to write and write wrong. jXRN9JWj50Y-00028-00012528-00012831 to think and think wrong. jXRN9JWj50Y-00029-00012831-00013358 here, the bad writing be part of the text. jXRN9JWj50Y-00030-00013358-00013553 i do not cross it out. jXRN9JWj50Y-00031-00013553-00013925 everything that comes to my mind is worthy a place. jXRN9JWj50Y-00032-00013925-00014503 there is space for every thought, for every part of my being. jXRN9JWj50Y-00033-00014503-00014896 here, i don’t filter myself. jXRN9JWj50Y-00034-00014896-00015065 2. jXRN9JWj50Y-00035-00015065-00015619 a way to get to know myself. jXRN9JWj50Y-00036-00015619-00016316 by being unfiltered, i find parts of myself that i wasn’t aware of. jXRN9JWj50Y-00037-00016316-00016547 imperfect parts. jXRN9JWj50Y-00038-00016547-00017167 real parts. and as they belong in the text, they belong in me. jXRN9JWj50Y-00039-00017167-00017358 i accept them. jXRN9JWj50Y-00040-00017358-00017966 this is a place to to go places in my mind i haven’t been to before. jXRN9JWj50Y-00041-00017966-00018681 Earlier this year, after getting comfortable with the act of thinking freely, without judgement, jXRN9JWj50Y-00042-00018681-00019312 I found myself wanting to explore my thoughts on particular topics throughout the day, not jXRN9JWj50Y-00043-00019312-00020042 just in the morning, so I stopped using this journal as only morning pages and turned it jXRN9JWj50Y-00044-00020042-00020267 into a “meditations on life” journal. jXRN9JWj50Y-00045-00020267-00020687 This allowed it to become one third thing to me: jXRN9JWj50Y-00046-00020687-00020810 3. jXRN9JWj50Y-00047-00020810-00021195 a place to be inquisitive. jXRN9JWj50Y-00048-00021195-00021948 now, for each topic i create content around, whether it be writing a story, or making a jXRN9JWj50Y-00049-00021948-00022594 video, i open a page in this journal first and allow myself to explore my thoughts on jXRN9JWj50Y-00050-00022594-00022694 it. jXRN9JWj50Y-00051-00022694-00022838 what about it makes me curious? jXRN9JWj50Y-00052-00022838-00023177 what are my feelings around it? jXRN9JWj50Y-00053-00023177-00023541 which parts of it am i afraid to go into? jXRN9JWj50Y-00054-00023541-00023670 why? jXRN9JWj50Y-00055-00023670-00024281 often i challenge myself to explore hard topics, because those are the subjects i find more jXRN9JWj50Y-00056-00024281-00024726 fulfilling diving into and rtying to understand. jXRN9JWj50Y-00057-00024726-00025647 the more i write, the more i create, the more clarity i gain about the world around me. jXRN9JWj50Y-00058-00025647-00025843 should writers write every day? jXRN9JWj50Y-00059-00025843-00026466 i think it’s good to meditate on life regularly if you’re an artist, and even if you aren’t. jXRN9JWj50Y-00060-00026466-00027187 to pay attention to the mundane, to daily thoughts and patterns, simple moments like jXRN9JWj50Y-00061-00027187-00027479 watching your cat sleep. jXRN9JWj50Y-00062-00027479-00027674 writing is being mindful. jXRN9JWj50Y-00063-00027674-00028070 it’s making a conscious effort to connect with life. jXRN9JWj50Y-00064-00028070-00028433 and the more you do something, the better you get at it. jXRN9JWj50Y-00065-00028433-00029489 i would love to know what you do to inspire creativity and in which ways you look to connect jXRN9JWj50Y-00066-00029489-00029664 with the world. jXRN9JWj50Y-00067-00029664-00030333 once we gain clarity over our own thoughts, the next best thing to do is listen to other jXRN9JWj50Y-00068-00030333-00031313 people’s perspectives, so let’s start a dialogue in jXRN9JWj50Y-00069-00031313-00031577 the comments. jXRN9JWj50Y-00070-00031577-00031787 and don’t forget. jXRN9JWj50Y-00071-00031787-00031994 create what is true to your heart. je0fHbSvuok-00000-00000189-00000990 Hello, everyone, and welcome to part four of our textbook known as Is Knowledged Gendered. je0fHbSvuok-00001-00000990-00001725 So just so you know, this lecture is going to give us a brief introduction into what a Pista ecology is in philosophy, je0fHbSvuok-00002-00001725-00002424 since we'll need that sort of understanding to really gauge what the feminists criticisms are targeting. je0fHbSvuok-00003-00002424-00003099 So we're gonna have a brief introduction to epistemology and then go over some of the more complicated aspects of this week's reading, je0fHbSvuok-00004-00003099-00003732 primarily focusing on the difference between atomistic and situated knowers and then getting a very clear je0fHbSvuok-00005-00003732-00004479 understanding of standpoint in theory and its unique approach as compared to the traditional approaches to knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00006-00004479-00005085 So epistemology in philosophy is the study of knowledge and justified belief. je0fHbSvuok-00007-00005085-00005646 So what this means specifically is focusing on different types of knowledge right there. je0fHbSvuok-00008-00005646-00006159 The idea here is that there are different ways of knowing things, primarily two different ways of knowing things. je0fHbSvuok-00009-00006159-00006972 We have categories of procedural knowledge, knowing how to do something or being able to identify who someone is. je0fHbSvuok-00010-00006972-00007512 These are not so much the focus of philosophy since they have other more biological je0fHbSvuok-00011-00007512-00008163 explanations and not purely things that have to do with mental cognition. je0fHbSvuok-00012-00008163-00008761 So the idea of being able to know how to do something you've probably heard of like muscle memory je0fHbSvuok-00013-00008761-00009231 and the fact that we're even learning now that our cells are able to sort of memorize things, je0fHbSvuok-00014-00009231-00009717 that's that's how they do a lot of what they're able to do to to build up our immune systems. je0fHbSvuok-00015-00009717-00010458 Same thing with being able to identify who someone is. This can be impaired by a lot of other physical aspects. je0fHbSvuok-00016-00010458-00011052 I forget what it's called, but there's something where you're not able to recognize faces, things like this. je0fHbSvuok-00017-00011052-00011742 So these are not the types of knowledge that philosophers are concerned with, again, because they have primarily biological explanations. je0fHbSvuok-00018-00011742-00012128 And so we can defer to other disciplines to give us answers to those. je0fHbSvuok-00019-00012128-00012831 What we are concerned with in philosophy is propositional knowledge, knowing that something is the case. je0fHbSvuok-00020-00012831-00013224 So that is knowledge that has to do with declarative statements. je0fHbSvuok-00021-00013224-00013758 Right. Declaring that something is or is not the case and or descriptive statements. je0fHbSvuok-00022-00013758-00014253 Right. So if someone were to explain how you know something. je0fHbSvuok-00023-00014253-00015231 Right. In terms of muscle memory or cellular memory, the how the answer to the how question would be something philosophers were concerned with. je0fHbSvuok-00024-00015231-00015909 Right. So if you say, well, the reason that we know how to drive a car, even when we've been, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00025-00015909-00016530 spacing out for the last hour and I don't know if any of you have done that, but I certainly have. je0fHbSvuok-00026-00016530-00016983 Right. You might think like, oh, my gosh, how did I not crash the car? It's almost like your body's able to take over. je0fHbSvuok-00027-00016983-00017394 Right. Or, you know, sports players talking about like being in the zone. je0fHbSvuok-00028-00017394-00017979 Right. You don't have to give it much mental energy. So if we were to give an answer to how you know, that we would be answering that, je0fHbSvuok-00029-00017979-00018720 how question which philosophers don't really care about with a descriptive, declarative statement which philosophers are concerned with. je0fHbSvuok-00030-00018720-00019286 Right. So if we say that you're able to memorize those things because your cells are able to, je0fHbSvuok-00031-00019286-00019746 you know, reproduce in various patterns, which is something like memory. je0fHbSvuok-00032-00019746-00020331 Right. Being able to copy that instance over and over again, we would say, OK, well, how can we verify? je0fHbSvuok-00033-00020331-00020949 How do you know that the cells are doing that? Right. And so we philosophy would be concerned with descriptive statements there. je0fHbSvuok-00034-00020949-00021330 Right. So looking at what would count as sufficient evidence in science. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00035-00021330-00021678 Whether or not that's been repetitive. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00036-00021678-00022362 Able to repeat through the scientific method. So that sort of distinction, knowing that something is the case. je0fHbSvuok-00037-00022362-00022770 So in this sense. Right. We still have a lot to discuss of what knowledge is. je0fHbSvuok-00038-00022770-00023061 So we want to talk about the nature of knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00039-00023061-00023876 This has been something that's taken up philosophical debate since the very origins of the tradition and probably even before that. je0fHbSvuok-00040-00023876-00024555 Right. What does it actually mean to know something? How is that different from, say, just believing it to be true? je0fHbSvuok-00041-00024555-00025758 So, for example, if I were to, you know, look at someone and say, I believe this person has 75 cents in their pocket. je0fHbSvuok-00042-00025758-00026169 Right. What's the difference between me just believing that that's the case. je0fHbSvuok-00043-00026169-00026420 And me actually knowing that that's the case. je0fHbSvuok-00044-00026420-00027189 And so throughout the history of philosophy we have gotten we've arrived at somewhat widely accepted definition. je0fHbSvuok-00045-00027189-00027902 Up until the 1960s. So this was the prevailing understanding of what knowledge was up until just a few decades ago. je0fHbSvuok-00046-00027902-00028533 So justified, true belief is the idea that to know something, you have to meet three conditions. je0fHbSvuok-00047-00028533-00028968 You have to believe it. Belief in this case being a propositional attitude. je0fHbSvuok-00048-00028968-00029424 Right. So if we have the proposition, you have 75 cents in your pocket. je0fHbSvuok-00049-00029424-00029808 Right. I would take an attitude towards that as being either true or false. je0fHbSvuok-00050-00029808-00030256 Right. And so my propositional. Attitude basically constitutes my belief. je0fHbSvuok-00051-00030256-00030823 So you can't believe something unless you unless you actually take a position on its being true or false. je0fHbSvuok-00052-00030823-00031533 That's the idea there. So you have to first believe it. OK. So I say yes, I believe you have seventy five cents in your pocket. je0fHbSvuok-00053-00031533-00032005 While believing it is not going to be sufficient for me to know it. There has to be something else. je0fHbSvuok-00054-00032005-00032439 And the most obvious candidate seems to be that while that belief has to actually be true in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00055-00032439-00033130 Right. I can't say that. I know you have seventy five cents in your pocket. If it turns out that you don't, in fact, have 75 cents in your pocket, je0fHbSvuok-00056-00033130-00033595 whereas it does make sense for me to say, well, I believed it, but it turns out I was wrong. je0fHbSvuok-00057-00033595-00034135 So we have to first believe a proposition, then it actually has to be true in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00058-00034135-00034534 Right. And so here we're taking a sort of objective understanding of truth. je0fHbSvuok-00059-00034534-00034555 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00060-00034555-00035230 Something that could theoretically be verified, although that doesn't rule out the idea that, you know, maybe it's true and you just don't know it. je0fHbSvuok-00061-00035230-00035569 And that brings up lots of fun issues in epistemology, like. Yeah. je0fHbSvuok-00062-00035569-00035995 But do you know that you know that you're right. Like in that friend's episode. je0fHbSvuok-00063-00035995-00036529 So we can always, you know, talk about knowing that we know something that's that's that's some upper level stuff. je0fHbSvuok-00064-00036529-00037081 But here we're just saying, OK. It has to be something you believe and it has to actually be true in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00065-00037081-00037795 But that in and of itself doesn't seem to be enough. Right. Lots of people believe things that just turn out to be true. je0fHbSvuok-00066-00037795-00038386 But we might say that the fact that they were true is not so much because they knew it, but maybe they were lucky. je0fHbSvuok-00067-00038386-00038779 Right. So let's say, OK. I think you have 75 cents in your pocket. je0fHbSvuok-00068-00038779-00039040 And you say, well, why do you think that? je0fHbSvuok-00069-00039040-00039670 And I say, well, because I had a dream that I would see someone today who had seventy five cents in their pocket. je0fHbSvuok-00070-00039670-00040165 You might think, well, you know, I actually do have seventy five cents in my pocket, but I don't think you really knew that. je0fHbSvuok-00071-00040165-00040843 I think you more had a lucky guess. Right. And so this introduces the third criteria, which is justification. je0fHbSvuok-00072-00040843-00041020 It's not just enough to believe something. je0fHbSvuok-00073-00041020-00041704 And for that belief to be true, you have to have not just reasons for thinking that it was true, but good reasons. je0fHbSvuok-00074-00041704-00042490 Right. So in this case, you know, when I'm talking about knowing and an empirical proposition, well, je0fHbSvuok-00075-00042490-00043075 having a dream about it might not seem like a good enough reason for it to be knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00076-00043075-00043927 So this brings up, again, a sort of broad definition that it has been used throughout most of human history. je0fHbSvuok-00077-00043927-00044680 But that was up until the 1960s, like I said, when a very famous philosopher who is made famous by a two page paper. je0fHbSvuok-00078-00044680-00045053 So if you think you have to, like, be able to write a lot to do important work. je0fHbSvuok-00079-00045053-00045892 He's the counterexample to page paper that totally undercut this definition of philosophy that had been used for thousands of years. je0fHbSvuok-00080-00045892-00046447 And the basic idea is, comes from Edmund getthere. And it's known as, of course, the get your problem. je0fHbSvuok-00081-00046447-00047185 And the idea here is that this in and of itself doesn't seem to be enough because there are lots of things that would count as a justified, je0fHbSvuok-00082-00047185-00047956 true belief that wouldn't count as knowledge. So, for example, there are some issues with implication and logic. je0fHbSvuok-00083-00047956-00048232 Right. So if you have one belief, je0fHbSvuok-00084-00048232-00049258 the idea is that based on what that belief is composed of your it's going to imply or entail that you have other beliefs as well. je0fHbSvuok-00085-00049258-00050932 So, for example, if you are going to work and you see that your coworker has drives, I don't know, a blue Chevy, and then that would imply. je0fHbSvuok-00086-00050932-00051433 Right, that you also believe that your coworker drives a blue Chevy, right. je0fHbSvuok-00087-00051433-00051824 Because that person is your coworker. Right. So the idea is that our beliefs come in webs. je0fHbSvuok-00088-00051824-00052597 Right. They imply a lot of other things. And so the problem is that we might be justified in believing one proposition. je0fHbSvuok-00089-00052597-00053203 But that doesn't necessarily mean that we're justified in believing a proposition that it's entailed by it. je0fHbSvuok-00090-00053203-00053644 And since that justification doesn't transfer, knowledge wouldn't transfer either. je0fHbSvuok-00091-00053644-00053950 And so there has to be something else besides justification account is this. je0fHbSvuok-00092-00053950-00054508 So the idea is, let's say you go to work one day and you have, you know, one coworker, Suzy. je0fHbSvuok-00093-00054508-00055816 She drives a blue Chevy, but you arrive at work one day and you see that there's actually a red, I don't know, Honda in the parking lot. je0fHbSvuok-00094-00055816-00056354 OK. Well, now you think that Suzy. je0fHbSvuok-00095-00056354-00057277 I forgot I gave her her made up name. You think that Suzy dropped bought a new car that Susie bought a red Honda? je0fHbSvuok-00096-00057277-00058210 Well, it turns out that you're wrong. Susie didn't buy a red Honda, but one of your other coworkers, Tommy, bought a red Honda. je0fHbSvuok-00097-00058210-00058479 But the problem is with the traditional notion of justified, je0fHbSvuok-00098-00058479-00059430 true belief that would say that you knew that Tommy bought a new car because you knew that your coworker bought new cars. je0fHbSvuok-00099-00059430-00059979 The ideas. Suzy and Tommy are both your coworkers. So if Suzy bought a new car. je0fHbSvuok-00100-00059979-00060433 Then you also believed that your coworker bought a new car. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00101-00060433-00061092 But Timmy also counts as one of your coworkers. So that makes it seem like you knew that Timmy had bought a new car, which you obviously didn't. je0fHbSvuok-00102-00061092-00061366 Right. Because you've got the coworker incorrect. je0fHbSvuok-00103-00061366-00062176 So this is just one example of how the notion of justified, true belief is maybe not sufficient to give us an account of what knowledge is. je0fHbSvuok-00104-00062176-00062764 And so in response to that epistemology, today is really a big response to this problem. je0fHbSvuok-00105-00062764-00063535 Like, what can we add to this criteria to make sure that we're capturing knowing something rather than just believing it? je0fHbSvuok-00106-00063535-00064120 And you might think, well, why is that so important? Well, knowledge holds a special status for us in life, right? je0fHbSvuok-00107-00064120-00064711 Knowing something is a sign of your being an expert or an authority figure on that matter. je0fHbSvuok-00108-00064711-00065278 Right. And so carries a lot of weight, not just in, you know, how we live our everyday lives, je0fHbSvuok-00109-00065278-00065785 but also in who we're going to listen to to gain new beliefs and new knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00110-00065785-00066457 Right. And so in addition to talking about what knowledge is, another big area of epistemology is discussing the scope of knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00111-00066457-00067108 Right. Exactly how much can we know? Right. Is it possible in theory to know everything? je0fHbSvuok-00112-00067108-00067756 Or are there potentially things that even if they were true, we might never be able to know them? je0fHbSvuok-00113-00067756-00068278 Right. So maybe you think, well, yeah, there could be alien life out there in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00114-00068278-00068911 I just don't think that, you know, with the human capacity for knowledge, we'll ever be able to come to know that. je0fHbSvuok-00115-00068911-00069547 Right. In theory, we could if the evidence presented itself right or humans were able to advance to a certain degree. je0fHbSvuok-00116-00069547-00070159 But I just maybe don't think that's possible. And so we'll never know. You could also take this position on the existence of God. je0fHbSvuok-00117-00070159-00070795 Right. You could be agnostic and just say, well, it's not that I don't. je0fHbSvuok-00118-00070795-00071263 I just don't know whether or not God exists yet. I don't think that's ever something. je0fHbSvuok-00119-00071263-00071707 A human being could know. Right. Perhaps it's just too, too infinite. je0fHbSvuok-00120-00071707-00072133 Right. To beyond the scope of what the human brain is able to imagine. je0fHbSvuok-00121-00072133-00072427 Right. Or to cognize or to make sense of. je0fHbSvuok-00122-00072427-00073167 And so in this regard, if you think there is a limitation on what we can know, then you are some type of skeptic. je0fHbSvuok-00123-00073167-00073189 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00124-00073189-00074230 So skepticism is a Termine philosophy, specifically epistemology, when one takes the position that there are at least some things we cannot know. je0fHbSvuok-00125-00074230-00074551 So that's the moderate version of skepticism, right. je0fHbSvuok-00126-00074551-00074908 Saying that there are some things we can't know. But there are some things that we can't. je0fHbSvuok-00127-00074908-00075373 And then there's, you know, a lot of disagreement on what it is that we can't know. je0fHbSvuok-00128-00075373-00076344 And that comes primarily from David Hume as a mitigated skeptic, as well as some just hypothetical questions about, je0fHbSvuok-00129-00076344-00076675 you know, questioning the external world, which we get a little bit from. je0fHbSvuok-00130-00076675-00077218 Descartes is in academic skepticism. Right. So the idea is maybe we can't transfer trust our senses. je0fHbSvuok-00131-00077218-00077800 Right. Maybe we're in, you know, a hologram, as some people have theorized. je0fHbSvuok-00132-00077800-00078339 Right. Or the idea is, no, we can only trust our senses and we can't trust anything else. je0fHbSvuok-00133-00078339-00079039 OK, so those we're going to talk a little bit more about those. But the other idea is that, well, maybe it's more than just some things we can't know. je0fHbSvuok-00134-00079039-00079597 In fact, maybe we can't know anything at all. This is known as Perrone and skepticism, right? je0fHbSvuok-00135-00079597-00080161 That would be the most radical view. And it basically goes on the idea that, yeah, you can't trust your senses, je0fHbSvuok-00136-00080161-00080674 but you all so can't trust your reason as well, because we are so easily confused, right. je0fHbSvuok-00137-00080674-00081466 Or mistaken about things. I'm not sure how these guys got out of bed in the morning, but the idea was that you can't know anything at all. je0fHbSvuok-00138-00081466-00082111 So different degrees of skepticism, but they all have to do with thinking that there is at least some things that we cannot know. je0fHbSvuok-00139-00082111-00083119 They're beyond our capability. All right. So that leads us to the primary views or what I like to call camps in epistemology throughout the history. je0fHbSvuok-00140-00083119-00083560 And these are important to understand, because even though there's a variety of them, je0fHbSvuok-00141-00083560-00084115 as we're going to see, they're all going to have some things in common. je0fHbSvuok-00142-00084115-00084283 And perhaps you can already guess why. je0fHbSvuok-00143-00084283-00085660 If you take a look at these photographs or these paintings is that all of these theories were produced by very privileged trait, wealthy white men. je0fHbSvuok-00144-00085660-00086194 And so the idea here is that feminists are going to look back at these theories and say je0fHbSvuok-00145-00086194-00086827 that all of them are problematic because they're all going to be underscored by this bias. je0fHbSvuok-00146-00086827-00087340 Right. That is going to come not just from those individual men, but the societies in which they lived. je0fHbSvuok-00147-00087340-00087928 Right. Which were patriarchal. Right. Misogynistic in the ways that we've been learning about. je0fHbSvuok-00148-00087928-00088312 Right. So the idea is not just whether or not them as individuals were biased, je0fHbSvuok-00149-00088312-00089167 but perhaps their ideas are problematic because they were developed within a flawed system. je0fHbSvuok-00150-00089167-00090009 Right. So that that sort of systemic problem actually impacts the views themselves and not just the personal opinions of these individuals. je0fHbSvuok-00151-00090009-00090739 OK. And so this has to do primarily with these theories or camps, have to do with a disagreement about where knowledge comes from. je0fHbSvuok-00152-00090739-00091275 Right. So if we go back to justified true belief. Right. The idea is where do we get that justification? je0fHbSvuok-00153-00091275-00091696 Right. Where does it come from? Right. That will give us knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00154-00091696-00092413 And so there again, two main camps are splits along, you know, views in response to this question. je0fHbSvuok-00155-00092413-00093035 The first one is comes from a view known as rationalism. And this is the idea that knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00156-00093035-00093757 Right, specifically propositional knowledge does not come from the outside world, je0fHbSvuok-00157-00093757-00094369 but instead comes from something internal to us or innate, something that we are born with. je0fHbSvuok-00158-00094369-00095344 And this specifically has been tied to notions of the mind, which is sometimes referred to in the history philosophy as the soul, je0fHbSvuok-00159-00095344-00096259 because a lot of philosophers thought that the soul was actually the part of your being that was able to engage in reason and rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00160-00096259-00097051 And so the mind and the soul were sort of tied together. Now, more contemporary views, you know, would distinguish like the brain from the soul. je0fHbSvuok-00161-00097051-00097588 So that's not what the rationalists are talking about. And they talk about your mind. They're not talking about your brain. je0fHbSvuok-00162-00097588-00098035 They're talking. So maybe something in terms of like what we would now call consciousness. je0fHbSvuok-00163-00098035-00098593 Right. That sort of thing that is able to think and to engage in ideas. je0fHbSvuok-00164-00098593-00098962 Right. And form thoughts and perhaps the basis of your personality. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00165-00098962-00099172 So that's sort of what they're talking about here. je0fHbSvuok-00166-00099172-00100186 And the idea with rationalism is that knowledge can't come from experience because our experience is always changing and differing and in fact, je0fHbSvuok-00167-00100186-00100357 leading us to make mistakes. je0fHbSvuok-00168-00100357-00101419 That true knowledge can only come from our souls or our minds because those things are able to engage in reason and discover absolute truths. je0fHbSvuok-00169-00101419-00102115 Right. True. So truth in the sense being such an extreme objective thing that it never changes. je0fHbSvuok-00170-00102115-00102940 And so if I form a belief about, you know, the table sitting in front of me, that might be true for the time being. je0fHbSvuok-00171-00102940-00103447 Right. If I think this table is brown, but eventually the table won't be brown. je0fHbSvuok-00172-00103447-00104002 Right. Because experience in the physical world is going to involve, you know, decay. je0fHbSvuok-00173-00104002-00104617 And so this table will not be brown forever. And also, this table hasn't been brown for the entire history. je0fHbSvuok-00174-00104617-00105159 Right. There was a time at which this table didn't exist or when it was being constructed, when it wasn't brown. je0fHbSvuok-00175-00105159-00105490 So that's not a big T truth, so to speak. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00176-00105490-00105907 That's just. But it's true temporarily in the physical world. je0fHbSvuok-00177-00105907-00106597 And so because truths in the physical world are always only temporarily true, that can't count as knowledge needs to be something else. je0fHbSvuok-00178-00106597-00107010 Right. So in this case, mathematical truths. Right. Would count as knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00179-00107010-00108079 Two plus two will always equal four. Right. No matter what, a triangle will always be composed of three internal angles which equal 180 degrees. je0fHbSvuok-00180-00108079-00108865 Right. So these these types of truths which can never change. And so the only explanation for how you could know those things. je0fHbSvuok-00181-00108865-00109366 Right. Is going to be tied to a religious conception of the soul because it will often have to do with, je0fHbSvuok-00182-00109366-00109836 you know, those truths existing somewhere beyond the physical plane, which your body can't travel to. je0fHbSvuok-00183-00109836-00110377 And so we have historically understood the soul as being the only thing that could access. je0fHbSvuok-00184-00110377-00110719 Right. Wherever these truths exist. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00185-00110719-00111466 So these are rationalists and they think again. Right, that all truths in this case can't come from experience. je0fHbSvuok-00186-00111466-00112123 And so the term for what rationalists think we can get knowledge from is apriori. je0fHbSvuok-00187-00112123-00112558 Right. So the types of truths that can lead to knowledge are apriori truths. je0fHbSvuok-00188-00112558-00113002 Apriori coming from the Latin here. So you can see prior. je0fHbSvuok-00189-00113002-00113653 So this means from the earlier but specifically prior to experience or rationalist thinks je0fHbSvuok-00190-00113653-00114220 that the only kind of proposition that could possibly become knowledge is an apriori truth. je0fHbSvuok-00191-00114220-00114931 Right. So like I said before, two plus two equals four. That's going to be true prior to you experiencing anything the world. je0fHbSvuok-00192-00114931-00115303 Right. All you have to do is understand what two is, what addition is. je0fHbSvuok-00193-00115303-00115780 And what for. It's right that just by that definition alone. je0fHbSvuok-00194-00115780-00116221 Right. You can understand that that proposition two plus two equals four is true. je0fHbSvuok-00195-00116221-00116617 Another example would be all bachelors are unmarried men. je0fHbSvuok-00196-00116617-00117244 This is considered an apriori truth because it's just true because of what it means to be a bachelor. je0fHbSvuok-00197-00117244-00117261 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00198-00117261-00117913 You don't actually have to go out into the world and check all the bachelors to make sure they're unmarried to know that that statement is true. je0fHbSvuok-00199-00117913-00118324 Right. It's true. Prior to you experiencing anything in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00200-00118324-00118696 So that's what rationalists think knowledge can come from. je0fHbSvuok-00201-00118696-00119361 So anything that comes from experience, according to rationalism, is going to at least start as something less than knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00202-00119361-00120064 Right. Maybe just a true belief. And it would need something else to count as. je0fHbSvuok-00203-00120064-00120913 Empiricism, on the other hand, is going to take the opposite stance that, in fact the only thing we can trust is our experience. je0fHbSvuok-00204-00120913-00121615 And so all knowledge will require experience that they are going to deny that there is any such thing as an apriori truth. je0fHbSvuok-00205-00121615-00122344 Nothing is true, according to the empiricist, before we can experience it in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00206-00122344-00122944 Right. This is even true for the idea of, you know, imagined qualities. je0fHbSvuok-00207-00122944-00123826 So if I ask you all to picture a gold mountain, right, you might say, well, oh, I can do that even though I've never experienced a gold mountain. je0fHbSvuok-00208-00123826-00124276 So rationalism must be true. Well, an empiricist would say no. je0fHbSvuok-00209-00124276-00124951 You're only able to picture a gold mountain because you've experienced mountains and because you've experienced gold. je0fHbSvuok-00210-00124951-00125599 And your mind is just such a complex mechanism that it's able to combine those things together. je0fHbSvuok-00211-00125599-00126601 Right in your imagination. So the idea here is that all knowledge requires experience and as such only are three or four truths can lead to knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00212-00126601-00127120 Right. So post here again being the root of the Latin for from the later. je0fHbSvuok-00213-00127120-00127591 Right. So this is a posterior. Three truths come after experience. je0fHbSvuok-00214-00127591-00127933 Right later then. Whereas apriori truths. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00215-00127933-00128863 You can know prior to experience. And the final sort of approach to epistemology is something we get from a manual count. je0fHbSvuok-00216-00128863-00129751 Who tried to take a position that knowledge requires both are Priore concepts and posteriorly experiences. je0fHbSvuok-00217-00129751-00130147 So his idea was that neither one of them is sufficient on their own. je0fHbSvuok-00218-00130147-00130639 That you have to have both in presence for knowledge to occur. je0fHbSvuok-00219-00130639-00130999 So these are the main views that have been dominant in epistemology. je0fHbSvuok-00220-00130999-00131569 There are lots of different types, of course, under these different labels or camps. But these are the three big ones. je0fHbSvuok-00221-00131569-00132781 And again, the idea here is that they will share an underlying presumption that is gendered about reason, rationality, justification, knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00222-00132781-00133057 Right. All of these things, even objective truth. je0fHbSvuok-00223-00133057-00133840 Those are all going to be understood now to be gendered in a way that is biased against notions of femininity, je0fHbSvuok-00224-00133840-00134527 which have thus denied historically women from occupying positions of expertize. je0fHbSvuok-00225-00134527-00134956 Right. For not being considered people who know lots of things. je0fHbSvuok-00226-00134956-00135583 Right. So the idea is that women have been denied the recognition or acknowledgment of knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00227-00135583-00136021 Because these theories have this implicit bias working through them. je0fHbSvuok-00228-00136021-00136441 So that's the overall goal that feminists are gonna be trying to demonstrate. je0fHbSvuok-00229-00136441-00137095 And that we'll see this week. And then we'll see in the following week how this applies to certain areas of knowledge like the STEM fields. je0fHbSvuok-00230-00137095-00137593 Right. Science, technology, engineering, math, and why those have been so male dominated. je0fHbSvuok-00231-00137593-00138268 Right. The idea is that women are thus end up they end up being prohibited from entering those occupations. je0fHbSvuok-00232-00138268-00138493 And those fields in those disciplines, je0fHbSvuok-00233-00138493-00139648 precisely because we have been socialized to sort of accept this implicit understanding of what it means to know something in a biased way. je0fHbSvuok-00234-00139648-00139684 All right. je0fHbSvuok-00235-00139684-00140548 So the primary issue here, as I mentioned, is going to be the associate or the issue surrounding what it means to be reasonable or rational. je0fHbSvuok-00236-00140548-00141148 As you can see, that that underlies a lot of our understandings of justification and unless our understanding of knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00237-00141148-00141592 And so the idea here is that there, again, probably different ways of understanding rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00238-00141592-00142567 But we understand this basically as being logically consistent, right in our derivations of one proposition from another. je0fHbSvuok-00239-00142567-00143290 Right. So the idea here is we're looking for some sort of consistency, logic or rules when engaging in inference. je0fHbSvuok-00240-00143290-00143309 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00241-00143309-00144175 Moving from, say, premises to a conclusion, moving from, you know, observing a set of facts to making some sort of generalization about the world. je0fHbSvuok-00242-00144175-00144464 Right. So when we engage in that intellectual thought. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00243-00144464-00144994 The idea is that we're being consistent in some way and that's how we've generally understood rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00244-00144994-00145093 But again, je0fHbSvuok-00245-00145093-00146008 this takes on a special meaning in epistemology because that notion of rationality is then going to be used to distinguish holding just a mirror, je0fHbSvuok-00246-00146008-00146416 true belief from potentially actually knowing something to be true. je0fHbSvuok-00247-00146416-00147184 Right. So in this case, rationality can be very instrumental. It's something that we use to make important decisions. je0fHbSvuok-00248-00147184-00147670 And especially as we'll see in the world and in science and particular to achieve goals. je0fHbSvuok-00249-00147670-00147703 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00250-00147703-00148417 So knowledge is not just something that, you know, is valuable in and of itself, although we hope, of course, that we think that that's the case. je0fHbSvuok-00251-00148417-00149011 But it's valuable because it gets us things right. It's the reason that we're able to advance as a society. je0fHbSvuok-00252-00149011-00149735 Right. In our in our technology. Right. And in our ability to sustain life on this planet, hopefully. je0fHbSvuok-00253-00149735-00150452 Right. Rather than destroy it. But. The idea is we're able to achieve certain goals, right, by using the knowledge that we have. je0fHbSvuok-00254-00150452-00151028 And so, again, we want to acknowledge how some agents write epistemic agents, je0fHbSvuok-00255-00151028-00151889 people who can know things maybe have been bounded right or restrained from being attributed with rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00256-00151889-00152360 Right. Why is it that some people are just presumed to be less intelligent than others? je0fHbSvuok-00257-00152360-00153062 Why is it that people might just defer to one gender over another, one race over another, je0fHbSvuok-00258-00153062-00153536 one socioeconomic status over another as just inherently being smarter? je0fHbSvuok-00259-00153536-00154013 Right. Or more capable of achieving knowledge? All right. je0fHbSvuok-00260-00154013-00154625 And as we're gonna understand, this is going to lead to notions of ecological rationality, right. je0fHbSvuok-00261-00154625-00155483 Where we see the permeation of these biases work all the way up through our models, even of economics. je0fHbSvuok-00262-00155483-00156272 Right. So if you study economics, right, you're trying to study theories or models of how people actually behave. je0fHbSvuok-00263-00156272-00156816 But you'll notice that every economic model assumes what they call a rational agent. je0fHbSvuok-00264-00156816-00157367 Right. They assume that people engaging in economic decisions are always acting rationally. je0fHbSvuok-00265-00157367-00157982 Meaning that they're always acting in their own best interests and or the interests of others. je0fHbSvuok-00266-00157982-00158552 But as we'll understand, first off, if you've just existed in the world, you know that people don't always behave rationally. je0fHbSvuok-00267-00158552-00159062 Right. But that even our understanding of what makes someone rational could be flawed. je0fHbSvuok-00268-00159062-00159086 Right. je0fHbSvuok-00269-00159086-00159991 So we see that these ideas are going to work their way up through out their various aspects of our world and just impact lots of different things. je0fHbSvuok-00270-00159991-00160646 OK. So the basic issue that we'll see in these conceptions of rationality, as they have been traditionally developed, je0fHbSvuok-00271-00160646-00161183 is that they have been distinguished from and set up in opposition to emotion. je0fHbSvuok-00272-00161183-00161825 Right. So the idea here is that we have defined rationality as being unemotional. je0fHbSvuok-00273-00161825-00162338 Right. Emotion is thus set up as something that is inherently irrational. je0fHbSvuok-00274-00162338-00163283 And so because these are set up as a disjunction, right. An either or the idea is that you can only be engaging in one of those states at a time. je0fHbSvuok-00275-00163283-00163907 You can either be rational or you can be emotional. The idea is that you cannot be both. je0fHbSvuok-00276-00163907-00164675 And of course, as we've probably already guessed or understood or are projecting, these are inherently gendered ideas, right? je0fHbSvuok-00277-00164675-00165296 We very clearly are so rash associate rationality with one gender over another. je0fHbSvuok-00278-00165296-00165809 And more specifically, with one type of masculinity, je0fHbSvuok-00279-00165809-00166664 specifically white upper class masculinity and with emotion or being irrational with marginalized groups. je0fHbSvuok-00280-00166664-00167021 Right. So women, individuals of color. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00281-00167021-00167840 People in lower socioeconomic statuses. They are thus inherently boxed in to this other status. je0fHbSvuok-00282-00167840-00168256 Now, as it relates to what they can. No. OK. je0fHbSvuok-00283-00168256-00168698 So what we first have to understand here is what in emotion is. je0fHbSvuok-00284-00168698-00169160 Because as is rightly pointed out by some of our authors, je0fHbSvuok-00285-00169160-00169996 the basic reason that rationality has been set up in opposition to emotion is because we don't we haven't really understood what emotions are. je0fHbSvuok-00286-00169996-00170240 Right. The way we learn about emotions is that. Yeah. je0fHbSvuok-00287-00170240-00170846 You know, your brain, your brain produces beliefs and emotion happens somewhere else in your body. je0fHbSvuok-00288-00170846-00171218 Right. Maybe it's the gut. Maybe it's the heart. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00289-00171218-00171959 Something else. But the idea is that it's a bodily expression and not a mental or cognitive expression. je0fHbSvuok-00290-00171959-00172700 And hopefully for anyone who has a basic understanding of cognitive psychology and biology, you know that that's not true. je0fHbSvuok-00291-00172700-00173420 Right. So you don't have emotional responses in your body or in your mind for no reason. je0fHbSvuok-00292-00173420-00174104 Right. There's always going to be a cause to the effect of you having an emotional response. je0fHbSvuok-00293-00174104-00174665 Now, sometimes that could be a biological effects in terms of like a chemical imbalance. je0fHbSvuok-00294-00174665-00175541 Right. But here we're talking about emotional, emotional states that have as their origin, not just a biological mechanism, je0fHbSvuok-00295-00175541-00176138 which, again, that still happens in the brain, but in the sense that it is the product of a belief. je0fHbSvuok-00296-00176138-00176675 Right. So you feel sad because you are thinking about something sad. je0fHbSvuok-00297-00176675-00177116 Right. You feel happy because you are thinking about something happy. je0fHbSvuok-00298-00177116-00177452 Right. You are angry because of something. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00299-00177452-00178067 Something happened to make one angry. And so this needs to be clarified. je0fHbSvuok-00300-00178067-00178427 Right. From other previous definitions of emotion. je0fHbSvuok-00301-00178427-00179444 So the dictionary definition is a natural, instinctive state of mind, deriving from one's circumstances, mood or relationships with others. je0fHbSvuok-00302-00179444-00179917 So here the inclusion of words like natural and instinctive. je0fHbSvuok-00303-00179917-00180799 Are those words that are going to hint at this definition being tied to one's physical body rather than one's mental cognition? je0fHbSvuok-00304-00180799-00181353 Right. That emotions are purely the product of something that you are born with. je0fHbSvuok-00305-00181353-00182220 Right. That sort of innate instinctive status. Martha Nussbaum is going to give us a different sort of definition here. je0fHbSvuok-00306-00182220-00183310 She is going to define emotions as intelligent appraisals of a world that we do not control in the light of our own significant goals and plans. je0fHbSvuok-00307-00183310-00184145 Right. So the idea is that the reason you have emotional responses to things is, first of all, because you are able to intellectualize them. je0fHbSvuok-00308-00184145-00184771 Right. You can't respond to something in the world emotionally if you don't have a concept in some sense of what it is. je0fHbSvuok-00309-00184771-00185191 Right. There has to be some thought in your mind, even if you're not able to, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00310-00185191-00185632 put the words to it and don't have the language or don't understand exactly what it is. je0fHbSvuok-00311-00185632-00185980 You're registering something in the world as happening. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00312-00185980-00186424 There is a conscious mind engaging with the world. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00313-00186424-00186799 Unconscious minds don't have emotions. OK. je0fHbSvuok-00314-00186799-00187603 So the idea is that it's a it's a conscious interaction with the world and typically involves, as she's saying. je0fHbSvuok-00315-00187603-00188287 Right. The fact that elements outside of our bodies are even sometimes inside our bodies are not within our control. je0fHbSvuok-00316-00188287-00189031 Right. So the idea is that there's something happening that you can't affect and that is generating in you a response. je0fHbSvuok-00317-00189031-00189562 Right. Typically, that will be, of course, determined by what you wish was the case. je0fHbSvuok-00318-00189562-00190018 Right. These are your goals and plans. Right. So you want something to happen? je0fHbSvuok-00319-00190018-00190465 It either does or doesn't happen in the world. That inner section. je0fHbSvuok-00320-00190465-00190894 Right. And a conscious mind observing that is what generates an emotional response. je0fHbSvuok-00321-00190894-00191227 Right. So it's always going to involve cognition. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00322-00191227-00191851 So emotion here is being taken out of something that happens simply uncontrollably in your body. je0fHbSvuok-00323-00191851-00192247 Right. As if it's like a disease that you can't control. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00324-00192247-00192883 Or an organ that exists somewhere else. Right. It's not something that's outside of our control. je0fHbSvuok-00325-00192883-00193639 The emotions in a sense. Right. But is is instead a response to something that is outside of our control. je0fHbSvuok-00326-00193639-00194485 So her idea here is that once we understand the complex intelligence of emotions, we will also have new reasons to value their work in other arenas. je0fHbSvuok-00327-00194485-00194970 Right. So by recognizing that emotions need not be at odds with rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00328-00194970-00195409 Right. That being emotional doesn't mean you're being irrational. je0fHbSvuok-00329-00195409-00196036 Then we open up the possibility that emotions can play a role in intellectual pursuits. je0fHbSvuok-00330-00196036-00196495 Right. And as we'll also see, especially highlighted next week, that's already the case. je0fHbSvuok-00331-00196495-00197377 Right. We already have emotions present in very high levels of trying to seek knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00332-00197377-00197809 Like in science. Right. Emotions are always present in science. je0fHbSvuok-00333-00197809-00198265 You don't see people going after their PGD, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00334-00198265-00198997 going on to get a doctor or getting their doctorate going on to, you know, spend years as interns. je0fHbSvuok-00335-00198997-00199279 Right. Or doing some sort of field training. je0fHbSvuok-00336-00199279-00199851 And then, you know, decades of research, you don't see someone dedicate that much of their life to something they're not passionate about. je0fHbSvuok-00337-00199851-00200574 Right. There's always going to be emotion involved in the pursuits of what we want to know. je0fHbSvuok-00338-00200574-00201091 So it's not only going to recognize that emotions already present in those fields, je0fHbSvuok-00339-00201091-00201709 but will in theory actually create space for those emotions to play a role in a positive way. je0fHbSvuok-00340-00201709-00202285 Right. So even when they're present, we don't need to think of them as threatening knowledge in some way. je0fHbSvuok-00341-00202285-00203224 That emotion can actually be used, perhaps in conjunction with other traditional notions of rational or other aspects of rationality. je0fHbSvuok-00342-00203224-00203827 Right. That they can work in tandem together and it can actually better help us achieve knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00343-00203827-00204808 And so I think the best way to understand this is perhaps maybe in terms of maybe the way you encounter art. je0fHbSvuok-00344-00204808-00205323 Right. Music, paintings, a piece of literature, poetry. je0fHbSvuok-00345-00205323-00205936 Right. Whatever it is, imagine a piece of art that maybe at one point didn't speak to you. je0fHbSvuok-00346-00205936-00206332 You know, we're like kind of like, OK, this kind of is cool, I guess. je0fHbSvuok-00347-00206332-00207217 But then after you had some very emotionally powerful experience in your life, you were able to appreciate that art in a new way. je0fHbSvuok-00348-00207217-00207613 Right. That you, quote unquote, understood it better. je0fHbSvuok-00349-00207613-00208513 Right. That your understanding, your knowledge of that thing was actually deepened because of an emotional state that you had experienced. je0fHbSvuok-00350-00208513-00208939 Right. Or this is you can also understand this in the same way of empathy. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00351-00208939-00209083 That you are, babe. je0fHbSvuok-00352-00209083-00209871 Better able to understand the experience of others when there is an emotional connection that you can establish there right between you. je0fHbSvuok-00353-00209871-00210692 That there is a feeling that goes along with your propositional attitudes that can actually help, you know, things better. je0fHbSvuok-00354-00210692-00211334 So it's going to destigmatize the role of emotions in fields of knowledge since they're already there anyways. je0fHbSvuok-00355-00211334-00212280 And give us a way for us to account for the role of emotion in a positive way as actually being a tool that we can use to better know the world. je0fHbSvuok-00356-00212280-00213059 All right. So this is going to be important for all kinds of reasons, but obviously more so as it correlates to power dynamics. je0fHbSvuok-00357-00213059-00213815 Right. So the idea is that if rationality has been the determining factor of who gets to occupy a position of power. je0fHbSvuok-00358-00213815-00214198 Well, if that understanding of rationality has been defined with a bias towards men will, je0fHbSvuok-00359-00214198-00214607 then predominantly men are going to be in dominant positions of power. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00360-00214607-00215006 Similarly with women and again, we can expand upon this, je0fHbSvuok-00361-00215006-00215636 be more inclusive and intersectional and talk about how this also applies to race and socioeconomic status. je0fHbSvuok-00362-00215636-00215783 To name a few. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00363-00215783-00216710 So when women and other marginalized groups are identified as being inherently irrational, typically because they are viewed as more emotional. je0fHbSvuok-00364-00216710-00217444 Right. Things things are tied together. The idea is then that is able to justify their existing subordinated status. je0fHbSvuok-00365-00217444-00218196 Right. Oh, the reason we can't give women the right to vote or we can't allow women to occupy the presidency. je0fHbSvuok-00366-00218196-00218810 Right. The reason that the women shouldn't be in those positions is because they're not mentally capable. je0fHbSvuok-00367-00218810-00219223 Right. Or their bodies are going to get in the way somehow. je0fHbSvuok-00368-00219223-00219823 Right. That they're gonna be too emotional when they're menstruating. All all the nonsense that I know you've heard before. je0fHbSvuok-00369-00219823-00220364 Right. That is still utilized today is based on this underlying association. je0fHbSvuok-00370-00220364-00221090 Right. Between being irrational and simply having emotions. And let's be really clear on what this means is even for men. je0fHbSvuok-00371-00221090-00221357 Right. If even if this were true, je0fHbSvuok-00372-00221357-00222142 if it were true that men were inherently rational and that women were inherently irrational and these things are tied to a lack of emotion, je0fHbSvuok-00373-00222142-00222915 that means that men are inherently emotion less. Which is basically our definition for what it means to be a sociopath. je0fHbSvuok-00374-00222915-00223457 OK. So being able to have emotions is no small thing, right? je0fHbSvuok-00375-00223457-00224180 It's a really important facet of being a functional human that is able to engage in the world in a successful way. je0fHbSvuok-00376-00224180-00225133 Right. So, again, these associations don't really bode well for anyone when we're looking at them closely. je0fHbSvuok-00377-00225133-00225992 OK. So in the next few passages, I'm not going to go through these because I think these are easier for you to understand on your own. je0fHbSvuok-00378-00225992-00226835 But the basic idea here is that we're going to see a deeper dove into understanding how the notion of rationality has been constructed. je0fHbSvuok-00379-00226835-00227537 Right. In academia and primarily philosophy as the sort of founding of all higher education. je0fHbSvuok-00380-00227537-00227927 Right. That all of our concepts of knowledge and reason are going to be permeated with this bias. je0fHbSvuok-00381-00227927-00228410 So they're going to walk you through examples of this and break breakdown, exactly how that works. je0fHbSvuok-00382-00228410-00228752 And so I'm going to skip ahead here, too. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00383-00228752-00229052 I'll let you look at this on your own with Phyllis Rooney. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00384-00229052-00229787 But the idea here is that even in not just in the direct sort of obviously explicitly misogynistic ways, je0fHbSvuok-00385-00229787-00230642 but even in more masked forms, we see this continued bias reflected in conceptions of reason. je0fHbSvuok-00386-00230642-00231110 And so here Phyllis Rooney is talking specifically about the use of sex metaphor, right. je0fHbSvuok-00387-00231110-00231965 Where you're not only associating irrationality with femininity, but also with a sexually objectified being. je0fHbSvuok-00388-00231965-00232196 Right. And so the idea here is that, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00389-00232196-00233273 you see examples of someone being tricked into believing something false is described in the same metaphor as a man being sexually tempted by a woman. je0fHbSvuok-00390-00233273-00234104 Right. So the use of those things would create an implicit association or reinforce that association in our mind. je0fHbSvuok-00391-00234104-00234833 Right. That you can't trust either. Right. That lies are like sexually tempting women or something like this. je0fHbSvuok-00392-00234833-00235781 Right. And again, we see this all the time, unfortunately emphasized a lot in the traditional Abrahamic religions. je0fHbSvuok-00393-00235781-00236036 Right. And even in some eastern traditions. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00394-00236036-00237046 The idea that if you want to pursue truth and knowledge, you have to abstain from engaging in, you know, quote unquote, sins of the flesh. je0fHbSvuok-00395-00237046-00237635 Right. That sex is synonymous with falsehood and trickery. je0fHbSvuok-00396-00237635-00238208 Right. And deceit and things that are bad. Right. And valued in that way. je0fHbSvuok-00397-00238208-00238592 So you'll see her explain this. And again, go through some examples. je0fHbSvuok-00398-00238592-00239555 Very interesting. So I encourage you to take a look at that. So with that, I want to jump to, again, this focus on standpoint epistemology, je0fHbSvuok-00399-00239555-00239867 because I feel like this is going to be a little bit trickier for us to understand. je0fHbSvuok-00400-00239867-00240555 So I'm picking up here with Alison Jagger's paper, Love and Knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00401-00240555-00241046 OK, so here again, she's talking about the historical split between emotion and reason, which we just discussed. je0fHbSvuok-00402-00241046-00241482 But, of course, because that is a socially constructed distinction, it's not absolute. je0fHbSvuok-00403-00241482-00241953 And it can be changed straight, as we've seen. It's based on a misunderstanding of what emotions are. je0fHbSvuok-00404-00241953-00242396 Right. Emotions are not unintentional. Right. They're not dumb. They're not unspoken. je0fHbSvuok-00405-00242396-00242804 Unspoken. They're not meaningless psychological feelings. They are intentional. je0fHbSvuok-00406-00242804-00243387 They they are intended towards something. And I think most bomb's categorization captures that intention. je0fHbSvuok-00407-00243387-00243801 Well. Right. Your intended towards some goal or plan. je0fHbSvuok-00408-00243801-00244191 And the world either did or did not match that plan. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00409-00244191-00245238 Did or did not match that intention. Again, they're social constructs because they're not instinctive in the sense that emotions are not je0fHbSvuok-00410-00245238-00246264 going to be experienced in a range that is not parallel to the experience you have in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00411-00246264-00246342 So, for example. je0fHbSvuok-00412-00246342-00247473 Right, infants are going to have a much more narrow emotional range because the ideas that they've had far fewer experiences in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00413-00247473-00247842 Right. If emotions were purely instinctive. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00414-00247842-00248883 If they were innate in us. If they didn't require socializing or language, then infants would be capable of a full range of emotion, emotional states. je0fHbSvuok-00415-00248883-00249261 Right. Just as much as someone who's lived a very full and complex life. je0fHbSvuok-00416-00249261-00249777 But the idea is that we do not observe that. Right. Infants do not have as wide range of emotions. je0fHbSvuok-00417-00249777-00250416 Right. And I think we hopefully, as we get older, try to broaden our our range of emotional experience. je0fHbSvuok-00418-00250416-00251001 Right. Be able to experience nuanced emotions, more complex emotions as we get older. je0fHbSvuok-00419-00251001-00251969 Right. So the idea is that in this sense, again, it's not purely Essentialists Crighton naturalistic or determined by our biology. je0fHbSvuok-00420-00251969-00252606 And again. Right. The idea here is that emotions are more flexion of active engagements in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00421-00252606-00253023 Now we often think that emotions are involuntary. je0fHbSvuok-00422-00253023-00254198 But really that is the idea is that that is simply a reflection of being able to understand your own emotional state and thus respond accordingly. je0fHbSvuok-00423-00254198-00255027 Right. So the idea is that if you are experiencing anger and you don't understand that anger. je0fHbSvuok-00424-00255027-00255732 It might come across as if it's involuntary. But it's really just because you don't have any control over it, because you don't know what it is. je0fHbSvuok-00425-00255732-00256196 Whereas if your experience and if you're experiencing anger and you understand it, je0fHbSvuok-00426-00256196-00256817 you understand what it is in response to and you understand why it is emerging. je0fHbSvuok-00427-00256817-00257490 You are much more likely to be able to control that anger and thus experience it as a voluntary occurrence. je0fHbSvuok-00428-00257490-00257835 Right. You can choose to think about something else. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00429-00257835-00258351 But you're only able to make that choice because you have an understanding of what's going on. je0fHbSvuok-00430-00258351-00259239 Right. So the idea is that emotions are active engagements. It simply requires, you know, practice being able to understand them as such. je0fHbSvuok-00431-00259239-00259926 Right. So partly right. They are voluntary and partly involuntary because, again, there is that response that comes up. je0fHbSvuok-00432-00259926-00260444 But we can learn how to voluntarily respond differently to it. je0fHbSvuok-00433-00260444-00260865 Right. The problem is, though, we're not always encouraged to learn how to do this. je0fHbSvuok-00434-00260865-00261864 And so instead. Right. They might feel involuntary because they are simply habitual responses that have been socialized in us through peer pressure. je0fHbSvuok-00435-00261864-00262455 Right. That were habituated to respond to something in a particular way. je0fHbSvuok-00436-00262455-00262758 Even if that may not align with how we really feel. je0fHbSvuok-00437-00262758-00263460 So you can think of this as like maybe you laughed at a joke that wasn't funny or was, you know, insensitive or something like this. je0fHbSvuok-00438-00263460-00264039 No, like, I didn't even think that was funny. Why did I laugh? Right. It's sort of feels involuntary in that sense. je0fHbSvuok-00439-00264039-00264675 But again, that comes from a lack of understanding or awareness in that present moment. je0fHbSvuok-00440-00264675-00265074 And because of these things. Right. Because emotions don't happen for no reason. je0fHbSvuok-00441-00265074-00265974 They're very important. Right. Not just because having an emotional range and experience can give an intrinsic meaning to our life, je0fHbSvuok-00442-00265974-00266397 but because emotions literally have helped us to evolve. je0fHbSvuok-00443-00266397-00266862 Right. They've played an instrumental role in human survival. je0fHbSvuok-00444-00266862-00267883 We know that humans that are have a greater capacity for emotional response are able to better navigate social environments. je0fHbSvuok-00445-00267883-00268497 And as we know, that social element is key to our survival. je0fHbSvuok-00446-00268497-00269607 Right. And so, again, the problem is going to be not just that we sort of put down emotions, but that we're actually taught to suppress them. je0fHbSvuok-00447-00269607-00270229 Which gives rise to a myth. That we can actually exist in an emotionless state. je0fHbSvuok-00448-00270229-00270835 And as we're going to see next week, again, this is going to be really important and philosophy of science and science in general, je0fHbSvuok-00449-00270835-00271435 because we often think that the smartest people are those who are the most dispassionate. je0fHbSvuok-00450-00271435-00271882 Right. This has to do with notions of objectivity and objective truth. je0fHbSvuok-00451-00271882-00272347 Right. But again, the idea is that emotions are always present in investigations. je0fHbSvuok-00452-00272347-00272986 We have the scientific method which may filter out some idiosyncrasies of a particular person. je0fHbSvuok-00453-00272986-00273616 But what they will never filter out, right. Are generally accepted social values and observation. je0fHbSvuok-00454-00273616-00274681 Right. It will never change the way we understand or value, you know, studies being done by certain universities. je0fHbSvuok-00455-00274681-00275340 Right. Over private citizens or, you know, kids in a local science fair. je0fHbSvuok-00456-00275340-00276371 Right. It's always going to place a social value that is going to correlate expertize and authority to social standings. je0fHbSvuok-00457-00276371-00277048 Right. Similarly with scientific practice. Right. If something is generally accepted in a scientific field. je0fHbSvuok-00458-00277048-00277312 Right. In how they engage in everyday life. je0fHbSvuok-00459-00277312-00278011 That's not going to be covered by the scientific method because it will permeate every single aspect of an experiment. je0fHbSvuok-00460-00278011-00278473 Right. The control group as well as the variable and the test groups. je0fHbSvuok-00461-00278473-00279325 Right. Similarly with looking up a level when met a science like what we count as evidence for certain things. je0fHbSvuok-00462-00279325-00279808 Or the way we model certain facets of of reality. je0fHbSvuok-00463-00279808-00280957 Right. So, for example, we're going to see this is even going to come up in interesting biases in favor of certain views of multi theory or M theory, je0fHbSvuok-00464-00280957-00281410 multiverse theory, the idea that there are perhaps many different dimensions. je0fHbSvuok-00465-00281410-00282091 Right. Or layers to reality that are intersecting and we have different theories of how that might work. je0fHbSvuok-00466-00282091-00282511 You could operate with something like string theory or quantum leap gravity. je0fHbSvuok-00467-00282511-00283594 And the idea is that there actually is demonstrated in science an odd bias towards things that are modeled with concrete elements like a string. je0fHbSvuok-00468-00283594-00284662 Right. Is a thing, whereas a loop is the sort of like freely, you know, we disembodied energy that scientists don't really like that. je0fHbSvuok-00469-00284662-00285412 So we're gonna see even weird sorts of biases in this sense. Right. And the idea is that the scientific method cannot filter those out. je0fHbSvuok-00470-00285412-00285928 And so because of that, not only is real science actually biased, je0fHbSvuok-00471-00285928-00286741 it ends up being a reflection of our very particular bias, specifically biases that have been associated with masculinity. je0fHbSvuok-00472-00286741-00287179 Right. As we saw, being rational, not having an emotional state. je0fHbSvuok-00473-00287179-00287662 Right. Not engaging in anything with any other part of the body except for the brain. je0fHbSvuok-00474-00287662-00288658 Right. These types of ideas and because real science is gonna be biased in this way, it will promote and protect its existing status quo. je0fHbSvuok-00475-00288658-00289430 Right. Often for again, because it's sort of self justifying or just simply out of an appeal to tradition. je0fHbSvuok-00476-00289430-00289879 OK. So how does how is science a reflection of male emotions? je0fHbSvuok-00477-00289879-00290635 Well, according to Jaegar, there are two kinds of emotions, those that are going to be gendered more in favor of masculinity, je0fHbSvuok-00478-00290635-00291391 which, as we'll see, we unfortunately associate masculine emotions more with aggression. je0fHbSvuok-00479-00291391-00291715 Right. And confidence being firm. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00480-00291715-00292360 These types of emotional states, whereas we are going to associate different types of emotions with women. je0fHbSvuok-00481-00292360-00292987 So, again, we see already a contradiction. First, being masculine and rational means having no emotions. je0fHbSvuok-00482-00292987-00293527 But really, it means having certain emotions. Right. So that sort of inconsistency there. je0fHbSvuok-00483-00293527-00294238 But the two kinds of emotions that women will have, right, are they're going to the ideas that they're going to be more diverse. je0fHbSvuok-00484-00294238-00294805 Although I think it would be more accurate to say that anyone could have these types of emotions. je0fHbSvuok-00485-00294805-00295526 But women might be more greater. They're socialized to more of an extent to demonstrate these right men might feel, je0fHbSvuok-00486-00295526-00296119 you know, depending on their socialization, might feel some of these more internally. je0fHbSvuok-00487-00296119-00296701 Right, where they haven't been encouraged to express them in society, where as women are encouraged to have emotion. je0fHbSvuok-00488-00296701-00297422 Right. But since they're only supposed to have certain emotions in certain situations, they have this external dichotomy. je0fHbSvuok-00489-00297422-00297682 And that is between what are called hegemonic rights. Who. je0fHbSvuok-00490-00297682-00298429 Here again, supporting and reformulating that conservative notion of what type of masculinity. je0fHbSvuok-00491-00298429-00299181 Right. Is is valued. And so these tend to be emotions that reflect the status quo in which males are dominant. je0fHbSvuok-00492-00299181-00299906 Right. So women perhaps engaging in. je0fHbSvuok-00493-00299906-00300359 More visceral sadness than men, right? je0fHbSvuok-00494-00300359-00301586 So crying in public spaces, right, would be a sort of hegemonic emotion in that it sort of reinforces the idea that women are, you know, maybe weaker. je0fHbSvuok-00495-00301586-00302330 They're not able to handle like a certain level of pressure in a certain situation without having a physical response rate again, je0fHbSvuok-00496-00302330-00303014 even though we cry for a reason. Right. As opposed to outlaw emotions which are considered unconventional. je0fHbSvuok-00497-00303014-00303548 Right. So an unconventional emotion would be instead of a woman crying when she gets upset. je0fHbSvuok-00498-00303548-00304220 Actually just being upset and being angry. Right. That is not something that reflects the status quo. je0fHbSvuok-00499-00304220-00304760 Right. Men are prohibited, are permitted in public to express anger. je0fHbSvuok-00500-00304760-00305225 Women are not right. And so these are the emotions that are discouraged. je0fHbSvuok-00501-00305225-00305846 But as a result, these are gonna be the emotions that feminist epistemology ists want to uphold. je0fHbSvuok-00502-00305846-00306599 Right. These are the ones that we should look to to deal with the problems that we've seen result from traditional notions of epistemology, je0fHbSvuok-00503-00306599-00307541 which separate reason and emotion. Right. And so, unfortunately, because women are socialized more to experience outlaw emotions, je0fHbSvuok-00504-00307541-00308462 even though they are then punished for doing that and the wrongs situation, women tend to be better at reflecting on their emotions. je0fHbSvuok-00505-00308462-00308966 Right. Again, this is is not to say anything negative about men. je0fHbSvuok-00506-00308966-00309533 Men haven't been socialized in general to the same degree as women to have, je0fHbSvuok-00507-00309533-00310052 you know, greater emotional vocabulary to be able to identify different emotions. je0fHbSvuok-00508-00310052-00310586 And the reason that women are often encouraged to do that, it's believed, is so that they can better control them. je0fHbSvuok-00509-00310586-00311237 Right. So, again, being cognizant of something leads to being able to controlling it. je0fHbSvuok-00510-00311237-00312260 So the idea here is, well, how can we utilize these emotions that have been discouraged primarily in women, but also in certain men? je0fHbSvuok-00511-00312260-00312605 Right. So black men are not able to get angry in public either. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00512-00312605-00312974 So, again, that's what we need to acknowledge the intersectionality here. je0fHbSvuok-00513-00312974-00313553 But the idea is maybe we need to rethink the relationship between knowledge and emotion and actually allow emotion, je0fHbSvuok-00514-00313553-00314018 again, to play a role in what gives us an account of what knowledge is. je0fHbSvuok-00515-00314018-00314221 Right. So the idea here is feminist epistemology. je0fHbSvuok-00516-00314221-00315321 We're gonna be moving to a new model of knowledge which constructs knowledge as having both reason and emotion as being mutually constitutive. je0fHbSvuok-00517-00315321-00315698 Right. So they can't exist apart from each other. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00518-00315698-00316022 You don't have emotions for no reason. je0fHbSvuok-00519-00316022-00316676 And a lot of it will also suggest that when you engage in rational discourse, that will often prompt emotional responses. je0fHbSvuok-00520-00316676-00317684 Right. It's hard to to learn something to to gain a new piece of information and know it without it subsequently causing an emotional reaction. je0fHbSvuok-00521-00317684-00318065 Right. Whether that emotional reaction is a delight. je0fHbSvuok-00522-00318065-00318581 Right. The joy of learning something new or the horror of learning something. je0fHbSvuok-00523-00318581-00319046 Again, probably because it's at odds with what you wish the world was like. je0fHbSvuok-00524-00319046-00319733 And the idea here is then we can acknowledge that both are equally valuable and necessary for obtaining knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00525-00319733-00320246 Right. So this helps when we realize that an emotion is a conceptual abstraction from je0fHbSvuok-00526-00320246-00320747 a complex process of human activity that also involves intentional acting, je0fHbSvuok-00527-00320747-00321176 situational sensation and cognitive evaluation. je0fHbSvuok-00528-00321176-00322142 Right. And so the idea here is that hopefully we can take away the hierarchy that has previously existed with reason being dominant over emotion. je0fHbSvuok-00529-00322142-00322940 All right. So this leads us to standpoint, theory in particular, as one of many different feminist epistemology that have emerged. je0fHbSvuok-00530-00322940-00323627 And standpoint theory is not only going to take aim at the split between reason and emotion, je0fHbSvuok-00531-00323627-00324290 but also how that split has led to a misunderstanding and use of the term objective. je0fHbSvuok-00532-00324290-00325241 And so here I have just some basic descriptions of what the differences between objectivity, subjectivity and relativism. je0fHbSvuok-00533-00325241-00325817 And these are important because we can think of these as like different degrees of corresponding with the world, je0fHbSvuok-00534-00325817-00326255 which have implications on what we can know. je0fHbSvuok-00535-00326255-00326795 So, for example, if you believe in traditional notions of objectivity, je0fHbSvuok-00536-00326795-00327272 then you think that some forms of truths or what we might call mind independent. je0fHbSvuok-00537-00327272-00327803 Right. So if you say the earth is round, right, then you can say, OK. je0fHbSvuok-00538-00327803-00328496 Is that true objectively or subjectively? Subjectively would mean that it would be mind dependent. je0fHbSvuok-00539-00328496-00328970 It's truth would depend on something internal to the agent. je0fHbSvuok-00540-00328970-00329531 That's when it's open to bias. Right. Whereas if it was objectively true. je0fHbSvuok-00541-00329531-00329900 The idea is that that truth comes from the world. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00542-00329900-00330416 Not our minds. And so is not subject to that sort of bias. je0fHbSvuok-00543-00330416-00331142 So the idea here is that if you say that the world is round and that that is an objective truth, je0fHbSvuok-00544-00331142-00331507 well, then it doesn't matter that some people think that the earth is flat. je0fHbSvuok-00545-00331507-00332094 Right. And it doesn't matter. That's something people believe that the earth is round. It is either round or flat. je0fHbSvuok-00546-00332094-00332468 You're regardless of what people think. Right. So that's objective truth. je0fHbSvuok-00547-00332468-00333131 Whereas subjective truth, again, would say that. No, it's truth or falsity just depends on what someone believes. je0fHbSvuok-00548-00333131-00333668 Right. So this, I think, is better captured by statements of opinion. je0fHbSvuok-00549-00333668-00334166 Right. So, like, if I say chocolate is the best flavor ice cream, that could be true for me and false for you. je0fHbSvuok-00550-00334166-00335033 And it's not like one of us is correct and the other one is incorrect. Right. Because the truth literally depends upon who is making that judgment. je0fHbSvuok-00551-00335033-00335684 Relativism is like taking the view of subjectivity to the extreme. je0fHbSvuok-00552-00335684-00336074 There you're saying that everything is subjective, right? je0fHbSvuok-00553-00336074-00336539 That there are only things. The only type of truth is truth. je0fHbSvuok-00554-00336539-00337379 Dependent on a mind. Right. And this is really problematic because this makes knowledge and it's use in the world really inconsistent. je0fHbSvuok-00555-00337379-00337844 Right. If I can just believe whatever I want and you can believe whatever you want and we're both right. je0fHbSvuok-00556-00337844-00338240 How do we negotiate and move forward as a group? je0fHbSvuok-00557-00338240-00338714 Right. So with regard to traditional conceptions of knowledge, sex and gender, je0fHbSvuok-00558-00338714-00339407 even in discussing notions of subjectivity and relativism, we're assumed to be irrelevant to what someone could know. je0fHbSvuok-00559-00339407-00339905 Right. So the idea is whether or not you like something, even if you thought that was subjective. je0fHbSvuok-00560-00339905-00340508 There was never a discussion of what role sex or gender played in your personal circumstances. je0fHbSvuok-00561-00340508-00340658 Right. And that's going to be a big problem. je0fHbSvuok-00562-00340658-00341708 And of course, as we can gather, this is also going to be true with other interests, intersexual identities, primarily race and socioeconomic status. je0fHbSvuok-00563-00341708-00342044 So to compare. Right. Traditional a pistol. je0fHbSvuok-00564-00342044-00342716 Biologists have had this problem where they don't take the sex or gender of the knower into account right at all. je0fHbSvuok-00565-00342716-00343334 Whether we're talking about Objectivism, subjectivity, Raila's, whatever it is, the sex, gender, race, socioeconomic status, je0fHbSvuok-00566-00343334-00343823 none of that mattered in theory to whether or not you could know something, je0fHbSvuok-00567-00343823-00344336 whereas standpoint theorists and feminist epistemology are gonna say that that stuff absolutely matters. je0fHbSvuok-00568-00344336-00344692 And so they're going to give us a different, different conception of kinds of knowers. je0fHbSvuok-00569-00344692-00345083 So the atomistic Knauer is someone who is individualistic, right. je0fHbSvuok-00570-00345083-00345488 Generic, interchangeable, doesn't rely on other people to get to know something. je0fHbSvuok-00571-00345488-00345836 Right. You're just sort of judging it on on that individual right. je0fHbSvuok-00572-00345836-00346367 It denies the upstart sulit epistemic relevance of aspects of your identity. je0fHbSvuok-00573-00346367-00346586 And so Strel locations. je0fHbSvuok-00574-00346586-00347504 Again, it makes gender it totally irrelevant to what you can know and ignores more complex forms of knowledge, which include emotional responses. je0fHbSvuok-00575-00347504-00348047 Right. But what's more important is that it also knows that ignores the social interactions with which make knowledge possible. je0fHbSvuok-00576-00348047-00348368 Right. We very rarely come to know something just on our own. je0fHbSvuok-00577-00348368-00348842 Most of our knowledge comes from trust in certain communities. je0fHbSvuok-00578-00348842-00349337 Right. As experts and sources of authoritative testimony. je0fHbSvuok-00579-00349337-00349949 So the kinds of knowers that we see in feminist histology are not atomistic in this way. je0fHbSvuok-00580-00349949-00350327 They are entirely situated and they can be situated in one of three ways. je0fHbSvuok-00581-00350327-00350771 You can focus on the individual right, which is known as differentiated situational, je0fHbSvuok-00582-00350771-00351743 knowers interactive or relational situated knowers, which here has a relationship between an individual and an institution. je0fHbSvuok-00583-00351743-00352274 Right. So that's sort of one to a larger group. Or you can have communal more as a web. je0fHbSvuok-00584-00352274-00352868 Right, where individuals can have knowledge, but it's never going to be independent from that larger community in which they're apart. je0fHbSvuok-00585-00352868-00353429 So different ideas. We don't need to focus too much on those. But the idea is that with any one of these, je0fHbSvuok-00586-00353429-00354317 you are going to be taking into account the specific situation of the person in all of the intersectional ways that we've been talking je0fHbSvuok-00587-00354317-00355460 about it and that that those aspects of their identity will have a direct correlation to what they can know and probably more importantly, je0fHbSvuok-00588-00355460-00356087 what they possibly cannot know. And so this is sort of a radical idea, right? je0fHbSvuok-00589-00356087-00356534 So the idea is that if your identity will determine your knowledge, je0fHbSvuok-00590-00356534-00357393 it's not only going to say what you will have greater knowledge on, but also what you may be are less knowledgeable about. je0fHbSvuok-00591-00357393-00358382 OK. And so the idea is that there are going to be some experiences which cannot be accessed based on one's sex, body and gender roles in society. je0fHbSvuok-00592-00358382-00358607 And I'm going to lay out how this works. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00593-00358607-00359564 But the basic underlying principle is that this creates a sort of relativism that can't be totally avoided. je0fHbSvuok-00594-00359564-00360120 Right. We want to make sure that we're taking. Subjective experience of each individual into account. je0fHbSvuok-00595-00360120-00360564 Right. So we're kind of abandoning the traditional notion of objectivity. je0fHbSvuok-00596-00360564-00361230 But we don't want it to collapse into complete relativism because, again, we need knowledge to be able to work for us in an instrumental way. je0fHbSvuok-00597-00361230-00362022 So standpoint theory is gonna try to navigate this. How can we account for the subjective experience while avoiding relativism entirely? je0fHbSvuok-00598-00362022-00362982 So the idea here is to talk about us again as sorts of they sort of have to generalize in this way to to sort of paint this picture. je0fHbSvuok-00599-00362982-00363657 That's where I can sort of group people together by their various intersectional identities. je0fHbSvuok-00600-00363657-00364545 And that those aspects of their identity will create an overall status that they probably have or location in society. je0fHbSvuok-00601-00364545-00365307 Right. In terms of sex, gender, sexuality, race, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status. je0fHbSvuok-00602-00365307-00366042 Right. All of these things. And that that will have a direct correlation to what their epistemic position is. je0fHbSvuok-00603-00366042-00366723 In other words, how what position they're in to come to know something or to be the most justified. je0fHbSvuok-00604-00366723-00367212 Right. Or considered to have the best perspective on an issue. je0fHbSvuok-00605-00367212-00367884 And the idea with standpoint theory is that these two things are in an inverse relationship with one another. je0fHbSvuok-00606-00367884-00369048 Meaning that the greater privilege you have in society, the less epistemic privilege you have about those correlative areas. je0fHbSvuok-00607-00369048-00369615 Now, this doesn't work for everything, right? This doesn't mean that if you're the most marginalized, you're the most brilliant. je0fHbSvuok-00608-00369615-00370509 Right. What it has to do with certain domains of knowledge. So let's take the issues of sexual orientation, for example. je0fHbSvuok-00609-00370509-00371358 Right. The basic idea here is using this these diagrams on the right is that the greater economic privilege you have. je0fHbSvuok-00610-00371358-00371913 So in terms of sexual orientation, we know that we live in a hetero normative society. je0fHbSvuok-00611-00371913-00372585 Right. So the default sort of presumed sexual orientation of everyone is heterosexual. je0fHbSvuok-00612-00372585-00373485 Right. Which has resulted in the marginalization and oppression of people who do not identify as heterosexual. je0fHbSvuok-00613-00373485-00374145 So let's take the simple example here, too. To weed out all the other potential intersectional identities. je0fHbSvuok-00614-00374145-00374745 Let's say we are dealing with two men. They in this case, both happened to be Caucasian. je0fHbSvuok-00615-00374745-00375651 They both happen to be Christian. They both happen to come from middle class families in the Midwest. je0fHbSvuok-00616-00375651-00376233 The only difference for the sake of this example is that one of these men identifies as heterosexual. je0fHbSvuok-00617-00376233-00377184 And the other man identifies as homosexual. OK. Now, because of our hetero normative society, we know that the heterosexual male is likely again. je0fHbSvuok-00618-00377184-00377862 Right. This we're making a generalization here, but is likely to experience radio's greater socio economic privilege. je0fHbSvuok-00619-00377862-00378504 Right. Because throughout our history, gay men have been very much punished. je0fHbSvuok-00620-00378504-00378975 Right. Not just in their personal lives, but also in their professional lives. And by the law. je0fHbSvuok-00621-00378975-00379251 Right. For being gay. je0fHbSvuok-00622-00379251-00380322 So the idea here is that the greater socioeconomic privilege you have in one particular domain, the less epistemic privilege you have. je0fHbSvuok-00623-00380322-00381471 So what that means is that the straight male in this case will know less about sexuality and sexual orientation than the gay man. je0fHbSvuok-00624-00381471-00381987 Right. So the gay man having experienced less socioeconomic privilege. je0fHbSvuok-00625-00381987-00382824 Again, making a generalization, that means that they will have greater epistemic privilege in this domain. je0fHbSvuok-00626-00382824-00383673 Right. So that means that the gay man will no more or is likely to know more about sexuality and sexual orientation than the straight man. je0fHbSvuok-00627-00383673-00384437 So why is this why is there an inverse relationship between socioeconomic privilege and epistemic privilege and standpoint theory? je0fHbSvuok-00628-00384437-00385203 This is called dual vision. The idea here is that when you experience oppression and marginalization in a society, je0fHbSvuok-00629-00385203-00385740 you actually get to see things through both your own perspective. je0fHbSvuok-00630-00385740-00386487 Right. Of marginalization and oppression. But you're also able to understand the world through the dominant perspective, je0fHbSvuok-00631-00386487-00387081 meaning that not only do you know what it's like to be gay through your own experience, but you also know what it's like to be straight, je0fHbSvuok-00632-00387081-00388026 because that is the the sort of sexual relationship that has been perpetuated throughout your entire life. je0fHbSvuok-00633-00388026-00388791 You've probably seen many more instances and representations of straight couples and relationships of straight men. je0fHbSvuok-00634-00388791-00389220 You know how those men are supposed to supposed to behave. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00635-00389220-00389836 Those sort of social norms, you maybe have been presumed most of your life to be straight. je0fHbSvuok-00636-00389836-00390697 People might make that default presumption of you. You might have even had to pretend to be straight at certain points in your life, right? je0fHbSvuok-00637-00390697-00391876 So the idea here is that because you experience both your own oppression and are forced to see the default hetero normative expectations, je0fHbSvuok-00638-00391876-00392329 you have this double vision, right? You're able to see things through both lenses. je0fHbSvuok-00639-00392329-00393127 And so you have greater epistemic privilege. And so you can take this example and expand it out to any other of the intersexual identities. je0fHbSvuok-00640-00393127-00393466 Right. So if you are a man. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00641-00393466-00394363 If you're socialized as a man, as this gendered man, you, according to this theory, would know less about, say, gender inequality. je0fHbSvuok-00642-00394363-00394765 Since that has targeted historically women. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00643-00394765-00395434 And then women would thus know more about gender inequality as the subjects of that marginalization. je0fHbSvuok-00644-00395434-00395833 Now, the important thing about this is that it again, this is not apriori knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00645-00395833-00396346 It doesn't just come because you have a certain identity. And not only does it only come through your experiences. je0fHbSvuok-00646-00396346-00396892 But more importantly, it can only come through a resistance to that oppression. je0fHbSvuok-00647-00396892-00397453 So if a woman were to have internalized the oppression that she has experienced in the world. je0fHbSvuok-00648-00397453-00398296 Right. Messages that she should be submissive. Right to men, that she should only exist in the home as a mother or wife. je0fHbSvuok-00649-00398296-00398854 Right. That she has no value outside of that if she has internalized those messages and not resisted them. je0fHbSvuok-00650-00398854-00399328 She would then not have that epistemic privilege. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00651-00399328-00400180 So, again, we can think back to realistic examples of how this comes into impact our lives. je0fHbSvuok-00652-00400180-00401134 So if you remember back when the Senate was, you know, debating whether or not the Affordable Care Act should cover birth control? je0fHbSvuok-00653-00401134-00401677 Well, as you know, most birth control is targeted towards females. je0fHbSvuok-00654-00401677-00402481 Right. So we have very few, you know, male forms of birth control outside of prophylactics. je0fHbSvuok-00655-00402481-00402865 And so the onus historically has been on women. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00656-00402865-00403249 And specifically, the effects have predominantly targeted women. je0fHbSvuok-00657-00403249-00403381 Right. In their bodies. je0fHbSvuok-00658-00403381-00404251 So when you look at the Senate's hearings, when they're debating whether or not birth control should be covered under the Affordable Care Act, je0fHbSvuok-00659-00404251-00404814 it's not an accident that that panel was composed of entirely white men. je0fHbSvuok-00660-00404814-00405709 Right. There was not a single woman on that forum that could contribute to the conversation of whether or not birth control should be covered. je0fHbSvuok-00661-00405709-00406684 And then the one woman who did speak up. She happened to be in the audience and she asked a question, was then later berated. je0fHbSvuok-00662-00406684-00407287 Right. For being a [INAUDIBLE]. Right. The only reason she could possibly want birth control is so that she could go and sleep with a bunch of people. je0fHbSvuok-00663-00407287-00407706 Right. And not get pregnant and like, horrible. All of that horrible. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00664-00407706-00408307 Anti female, you know, misogynistic things we've we've come to be familiar with. je0fHbSvuok-00665-00408307-00408610 Right. But the idea is that not only should women have been represented, je0fHbSvuok-00666-00408610-00409255 but they they probably should have been primarily represented since they are the ones who are primarily affected by this. je0fHbSvuok-00667-00409255-00409564 Right. And if you know anything about birth control, je0fHbSvuok-00668-00409564-00410338 you know that it's not just used to prevent unwanted pregnancies or to protect against the transmission of students. je0fHbSvuok-00669-00410338-00410935 Right. Birth control can be used to deal with ovarian cysts. je0fHbSvuok-00670-00410935-00411307 Right. Among other biological issues that women deal with. je0fHbSvuok-00671-00411307-00411931 Sometimes birth control is the the most affordable and effective means of dealing with those those issues. je0fHbSvuok-00672-00411931-00412516 Right. So, again, the idea is, well, maybe women might know more about this thing than men do. je0fHbSvuok-00673-00412516-00413116 Right. Same thing with why we don't just want a bunch of white people together when we're talking about racial issues. je0fHbSvuok-00674-00413116-00413746 Right. That maybe people of color, people who experience the effects of racism probably know more about it. je0fHbSvuok-00675-00413746-00414334 Right. But the idea is that, again, this doesn't just come automatically. It's something that comes through resistance. je0fHbSvuok-00676-00414334-00415122 And so since everyone is always going to have these biases right, we're sort of getting away from the idea of truly being objective, je0fHbSvuok-00677-00415122-00415657 that we want to recognize some of these biases as good, right leaning more towards the truth, je0fHbSvuok-00678-00415657-00416056 whereas others are going to be identified as bad leaning, more towards falsity. je0fHbSvuok-00679-00416056-00416407 And we'll see more of that next week. And philosophy of science. Right. je0fHbSvuok-00680-00416407-00417264 But the idea here is, again, maybe we not only need to move away from the notion of objective objectivity, but so we don't collapse into relativism. je0fHbSvuok-00681-00417264-00418110 We just maybe need to redefine objectivity. So here we have again three different notions of different ways to redefine objectivity. je0fHbSvuok-00682-00418110-00418921 They sort of correlate to those different views of situated knowers with our offer this week looking at strong objectivity. je0fHbSvuok-00683-00418921-00419834 Right. So the idea is, instead of thinking of objectivity as something that is true in the world, independent of any mind as it was traditionally. je0fHbSvuok-00684-00419834-00421025 We can understand it in terms of being something that the community of those with epistemic privilege on that matter have come to a consensus on. je0fHbSvuok-00685-00421025-00421538 Right. So if we're looking at, you know, what is the truth about, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00686-00421538-00422135 the experience of of black men in America while black men are going to be in the best privileged je0fHbSvuok-00687-00422135-00422630 position to give us the answer to that and that the consensus that they come to as a group. je0fHbSvuok-00688-00422630-00423257 Right. If a consensus is able to be made. Right. Is going to be the closest thing to objectivity we can get. je0fHbSvuok-00689-00423257-00423581 But what's great about that is that it not only avoids relativism, je0fHbSvuok-00690-00423581-00424274 but it leaves open the possibility of revitalizing and updating our understandings of truth. je0fHbSvuok-00691-00424274-00425135 Right. Which in science we always want to do. Now, that's not to say that there aren't some potential problems with standpoint theory. je0fHbSvuok-00692-00425135-00425405 Right. I'm going to list a lot of them here for you to take a look at. je0fHbSvuok-00693-00425405-00426026 But I think the biggest one comes from the fact that it's really difficult to account for intersectionality je0fHbSvuok-00694-00426026-00426632 in the sense that you might have someone who in some cases has great socioeconomic privilege. je0fHbSvuok-00695-00426632-00427226 But in other cases has very little socioeconomic privilege. And so what does that mean for their epistemic privilege? je0fHbSvuok-00696-00427226-00428021 Does it cancel out? Right. Does it. You know, it can be very hard to track because people do not fall into a single category. je0fHbSvuok-00697-00428021-00428402 Right. That we have these very complex identities. je0fHbSvuok-00698-00428402-00428909 Other issues have to do with the fact that, you know, this might only work with certain types of knowledge. je0fHbSvuok-00699-00428909-00429554 Right. Maybe it doesn't work for scientific knowledge, although, you know, we might want to say that, je0fHbSvuok-00700-00429554-00429989 you know, your bias in one sense doesn't mean that you can't do good theorizing in another sense. je0fHbSvuok-00701-00429989-00430639 So, for example, you know, we all think of Albert Einstein right, as this, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00702-00430639-00431291 paradigmatic figure in science who gave us these amazing theories of relativity. je0fHbSvuok-00703-00431291-00431797 And we sort of overlook the relationship that he had with his wife. je0fHbSvuok-00704-00431797-00432596 And I encourage you to go look at the. He actually wrote up very interesting and sexist rules for her to follow in their relationship. je0fHbSvuok-00705-00432596-00432968 And, you know, the idea is we think that even if he was misogynistic in those ways. je0fHbSvuok-00706-00432968-00433843 Right. Had that greater socio economic privilege. Well, that didn't necessarily transfer into less knowledge as in this other case. je0fHbSvuok-00707-00433843-00434335 Right. So, you know, how do we account for that? Also, he was persecuted as a Jew, right? je0fHbSvuok-00708-00434335-00435056 So they're all these different ways in which, you know, how do we account for this theory when it comes to the experts throughout history? je0fHbSvuok-00709-00435056-00435434 All right. And so the final point that I'll leave you with is that standpoint. je0fHbSvuok-00710-00435434-00435985 Theories, again, are one particular type of feminist epistemology which are aiming to redefine je0fHbSvuok-00711-00435985-00436691 rationality and objectivity so that not only it includes emotion in a positive way, je0fHbSvuok-00712-00436691-00437438 but can help actually be useful in overcoming the systemic bias that has afflicted, you know, je0fHbSvuok-00713-00437438-00438562 non hegemonic males because they have been presumed to be less intelligent, more irrational or something like this.