r-dJbRuJi9U-00000-00001304-00001383 54 r-dJbRuJi9U-00001-00001384-00001767 000 odd people have been immunized till r-dJbRuJi9U-00002-00001768-00002063 early morning today so this does not r-dJbRuJi9U-00003-00002064-00002183 include the figures r-dJbRuJi9U-00004-00002184-00002423 of immunization that is happening as we r-dJbRuJi9U-00005-00002424-00002615 speak r-dJbRuJi9U-00006-00002616-00003833 active cases after seven months have r-dJbRuJi9U-00007-00003834-00005135 [Music] r-dJbRuJi9U-00008-00005136-00005502 is less than 140 after eight months r-dJbRuJi9U-00009-00005503-00006122 and it is still declining r-dJbRuJi9U-00010-00006123-00007083 [Music] r-dJbRuJi9U-00011-00007084-00007378 foreign r-dJbRuJi9U-00012-00007379-00007663 0.18 is the adverse r-dJbRuJi9U-00013-00007664-00008146 event following immunization and r-dJbRuJi9U-00014-00008147-00008351 0.002 r-dJbRuJi9U-00015-00008352-00008635 is the percentage of people who were r-dJbRuJi9U-00016-00008636-00008767 hospitalized r-dJbRuJi9U-00017-00008768-00009159 following immunization these are r-dJbRuJi9U-00018-00009160-00009503 fairly low in fact lowest so far as we r-dJbRuJi9U-00019-00009504-00009551 know r-dJbRuJi9U-00020-00009552-00009856 in the world in the r-1FwwipyBI-00000-00000000-00000169 alright warriors good morning it's r-1FwwipyBI-00001-00000170-00000505 Tuesday and we are live in the r-1FwwipyBI-00002-00000506-00000755 quarantine once again it's coach Josh r-1FwwipyBI-00003-00000756-00001007 here and we've got a great strength r-1FwwipyBI-00004-00001008-00001232 workout for you today so we're going to r-1FwwipyBI-00005-00001233-00001630 be doing a lot of medium and heavy or r-1FwwipyBI-00006-00001632-00001801 medium and light dumbbell work so we're r-1FwwipyBI-00007-00001802-00002045 gonna do it's going to be arms galore so r-1FwwipyBI-00008-00002046-00002381 I hope you're ready for it and it's r-1FwwipyBI-00009-00002382-00002582 breathing month and hydration month r-1FwwipyBI-00010-00002583-00002725 attorney for warriors so make sure that r-1FwwipyBI-00011-00002726-00002966 your your your breathing I posted about r-1FwwipyBI-00012-00002967-00003131 the benefits of breathing I'm gonna post r-1FwwipyBI-00013-00003132-00003350 about the benefits of hydration here and r-1FwwipyBI-00014-00003351-00003572 some recommendations that might be worth r-1FwwipyBI-00015-00003572-00003959 considering but oxygen and water got to r-1FwwipyBI-00016-00003960-00004109 have those so we're focusing on the r-1FwwipyBI-00017-00004110-00004361 fundamentals here as we wrap up this r-1FwwipyBI-00018-00004362-00004747 quarantine and get back to life outside r-1FwwipyBI-00019-00004748-00005117 of the vault so to speak and my story r-1FwwipyBI-00020-00005118-00005501 for today is is one about perspective r-1FwwipyBI-00021-00005502-00005713 and I don't know if you've ever had the r-1FwwipyBI-00022-00005714-00005933 experience maybe I have this experience r-1FwwipyBI-00023-00005934-00006218 frequently but maybe you don't but if r-1FwwipyBI-00024-00006219-00006472 you've ever like looked all over the all r-1FwwipyBI-00025-00006473-00006716 over the house for your keys or looked r-1FwwipyBI-00026-00006717-00007070 around for your sunglasses and you look r-1FwwipyBI-00027-00007070-00007241 in your closet you look in your drawers r-1FwwipyBI-00028-00007242-00007453 you look on the the countertop you look r-1FwwipyBI-00029-00007454-00007789 in the key spot and you're you're you're r-1FwwipyBI-00030-00007790-00007931 frantically looking around and the whole r-1FwwipyBI-00031-00007931-00008237 time the you got the sunglasses on or r-1FwwipyBI-00032-00008238-00008460 you have the keys in your pocket and r-1FwwipyBI-00033-00008461-00008756 you're you know you didn't slow down r-1FwwipyBI-00034-00008757-00009056 enough to sort of check and see you know r-1FwwipyBI-00035-00009057-00009242 if you're actually had the thing that r-1FwwipyBI-00036-00009243-00009416 you were looking for the whole time well r-1FwwipyBI-00037-00009417-00009605 that I'm I'm embarrassed to say that r-1FwwipyBI-00038-00009606-00009856 happens to me more than I'd like to I'd r-1FwwipyBI-00039-00009857-00010267 like to admit but the the first time r-1FwwipyBI-00040-00010268-00010484 this happened to me it says this is r-1FwwipyBI-00041-00010485-00010619 something that sort of started for me in r-1FwwipyBI-00042-00010620-00010967 junior high and I would do my homework r-1FwwipyBI-00043-00010968-00011312 and then I would like in math class r-1FwwipyBI-00044-00011313-00011513 specific this is what I remember and I r-1FwwipyBI-00045-00011514-00011801 would go and I would try to submit my r-1FwwipyBI-00046-00011802-00011992 homework and I wouldn't be able to find r-1FwwipyBI-00047-00011993-00012220 my sheets with all my equations on them r-1FwwipyBI-00048-00012221-00012481 and things of that nature and I would r-1FwwipyBI-00049-00012482-00012770 dig through my backpack and I would look r-1FwwipyBI-00050-00012771-00012949 at my binder and I'd look at my desk and r-1FwwipyBI-00051-00012950-00013124 I look at my locker and I couldn't find r-1FwwipyBI-00052-00013125-00013225 my homework and I r-1FwwipyBI-00053-00013226-00013447 getting a zero and I would get home from r-1FwwipyBI-00054-00013448-00013940 school and I would I would look in my r-1FwwipyBI-00055-00013941-00014135 backpack as I pull everything out and r-1FwwipyBI-00056-00014136-00014282 they're like wadded up in the bottom and r-1FwwipyBI-00057-00014283-00014416 of course be that worksheet that I was r-1FwwipyBI-00058-00014418-00014722 looking for and I I I tell you that r-1FwwipyBI-00059-00014723-00015032 story because it started this treinen r-1FwwipyBI-00060-00015033-00015332 actually it was this very subtle it was r-1FwwipyBI-00061-00015333-00015572 the early stages of fear of success like r-1FwwipyBI-00062-00015572-00015847 I had a hard time putting myself out r-1FwwipyBI-00063-00015848-00016019 there and getting graded or letting r-1FwwipyBI-00064-00016019-00016307 people letting people see me and that r-1FwwipyBI-00065-00016308-00016490 habit I started when I was in like the r-1FwwipyBI-00066-00016491-00016802 seventh grade that sort of iterated out r-1FwwipyBI-00067-00016803-00017105 two versions of it to this day where I r-1FwwipyBI-00068-00017106-00017297 have when I'm working on something r-1FwwipyBI-00069-00017298-00017555 whether it's a program or an offer or a r-1FwwipyBI-00070-00017556-00017758 blog or something at training for years r-1FwwipyBI-00071-00017759-00018025 to keep delaying the the part where I r-1FwwipyBI-00072-00018026-00018242 let people see it and then I put you r-1FwwipyBI-00073-00018243-00018692 know delaying pushing it out and I bring r-1FwwipyBI-00074-00018693-00018950 this story up about looking for things r-1FwwipyBI-00075-00018951-00019340 that you already have because it's it's r-1FwwipyBI-00076-00019341-00019547 it's part of this theme of if you've r-1FwwipyBI-00077-00019548-00019759 ever read any spiritual books or r-1FwwipyBI-00078-00019760-00019931 anything about mindfulness it's r-1FwwipyBI-00079-00019932-00020108 basically like you have everything you r-1FwwipyBI-00080-00020109-00020584 need you're equipped already to to to be r-1FwwipyBI-00081-00020585-00020797 solid to be the person you want to be r-1FwwipyBI-00082-00020798-00021002 have all the resources the determination r-1FwwipyBI-00083-00021003-00021227 the the focus the courage the passion r-1FwwipyBI-00084-00021228-00021413 the compass you know what's important r-1FwwipyBI-00085-00021414-00021569 you know what your values are we often r-1FwwipyBI-00086-00021570-00021980 just were in such a hurry to find that r-1FwwipyBI-00087-00021981-00022124 thing that we're looking for that we r-1FwwipyBI-00088-00022125-00022586 forget to look right here right inside r-1FwwipyBI-00089-00022587-00023018 of us and that lesson that it was r-1FwwipyBI-00090-00023019-00023203 literal when I was in the seventh grades r-1FwwipyBI-00091-00023204-00023459 I I had this that everything that I r-1FwwipyBI-00092-00023460-00023755 needed in my backpack on my person and I r-1FwwipyBI-00093-00023756-00024053 got in the habit of looking outside and r-1FwwipyBI-00094-00024054-00024308 looking further away from myself to find r-1FwwipyBI-00095-00024309-00024680 it but even today that lesson strikes r-1FwwipyBI-00096-00024681-00024922 home with me and I I want to remind you r-1FwwipyBI-00097-00024923-00025162 that you have everything you need you r-1FwwipyBI-00098-00025163-00025487 have all the assets and resources and r-1FwwipyBI-00099-00025488-00025655 all the most important things in life r-1FwwipyBI-00100-00025656-00025886 you have access to right now they're r-1FwwipyBI-00101-00025887-00026057 just they're just inside they like the r-1FwwipyBI-00102-00026058-00026203 Diamonds we're talking about yesterday r-1FwwipyBI-00103-00026204-00026308 and we're going to we're going to r-1FwwipyBI-00104-00026309-00026490 continue to pull up the r-1FwwipyBI-00105-00026491-00026658 pull up the diamonds and polish them and r-1FwwipyBI-00106-00026659-00026902 find them so in addition to everything r-1FwwipyBI-00107-00026902-00027174 you need inside of you r-1FwwipyBI-00108-00027175-00027411 you also need some games so hopefully r-1FwwipyBI-00109-00027412-00027573 you've got some dumbbells you got some r-1FwwipyBI-00110-00027574-00027768 access to some stuff around you so we're r-1FwwipyBI-00111-00027769-00027915 going to get warmed up and we are going r-1FwwipyBI-00112-00027916-00028296 to have a fun strength workout today r-1FwwipyBI-00113-00028297-00028651 ba ba ba for the warm up you won't need r-1FwwipyBI-00114-00028652-00028917 anything you won't need any tools might r-1FwwipyBI-00115-00028918-00029289 need some music so we're gonna start r-1FwwipyBI-00116-00029290-00029476 with a couple of variations on the r-1FwwipyBI-00117-00029477-00029620 inchworm we'll start with a standard r-1FwwipyBI-00118-00029620-00029845 inchworm I like this one it's a great r-1FwwipyBI-00119-00029845-00030126 way to warm up I'm gonna bend over come r-1FwwipyBI-00120-00030127-00030370 all the way out and then I'm gonna come r-1FwwipyBI-00121-00030370-00030642 back in leading with my hips touch my r-1FwwipyBI-00122-00030643-00031155 shoes come all the way out and I'm going r-1FwwipyBI-00123-00031156-00031689 to do five traditional inchworms r-1FwwipyBI-00124-00031691-00032302 all the way out so we're just doing this r-1FwwipyBI-00125-00032302-00032737 to stretch the hamstrings warm up the r-1FwwipyBI-00126-00032738-00033229 arms and the hands we've got some nice r-1FwwipyBI-00127-00033230-00033385 grass in your backyard that'll be easy r-1FwwipyBI-00128-00033386-00033616 for you now if you want to make it we're r-1FwwipyBI-00129-00033617-00033802 going to do another five and then I'll r-1FwwipyBI-00130-00033803-00034006 let you challenge yourself if you want r-1FwwipyBI-00131-00034007-00034357 to try it in a new way so you could do r-1FwwipyBI-00132-00034358-00034564 it with one foot so I'm gonna lift one r-1FwwipyBI-00133-00034565-00034917 foot I'm gonna come down plant my hands r-1FwwipyBI-00134-00034918-00035671 crawl out crawl back in so you could do r-1FwwipyBI-00135-00035672-00036009 it with one foot stabilizing this is r-1FwwipyBI-00136-00036010-00036259 more difficult more challenging as you r-1FwwipyBI-00137-00036260-00036550 can imagine let's alternate feet with r-1FwwipyBI-00138-00036551-00036975 that coming back out notice I'm kind of r-1FwwipyBI-00139-00036976-00037279 swatting down to the ground and then r-1FwwipyBI-00140-00037280-00038185 crawling out nice and low so a total of r-1FwwipyBI-00141-00038186-00038638 ten inch worms that one footed variation r-1FwwipyBI-00142-00038639-00039174 is kind of fun isn't it r-1FwwipyBI-00143-00039175-00039386 after that we're gonna warm up a little r-1FwwipyBI-00144-00039387-00039695 bit more we're to hit that groin we're r-1FwwipyBI-00145-00039696-00039865 gonna do some lateral lunges with touch r-1FwwipyBI-00146-00039866-00040162 down so I'm gonna step out touch the r-1FwwipyBI-00147-00040163-00040393 ground and then stand all the way back r-1FwwipyBI-00148-00040394-00040439 up r-1FwwipyBI-00149-00040440-00040789 step out touch the ground stand all the r-1FwwipyBI-00150-00040790-00041285 way back up keeping that chest up I'm r-1FwwipyBI-00151-00041286-00041689 doing this to open up the groin use the r-1FwwipyBI-00152-00041690-00041887 hamstring we're gonna do five on each r-1FwwipyBI-00153-00041888-00042989 side for a total of ten three nice now I r-1FwwipyBI-00154-00042990-00043083 can see that r-1FwwipyBI-00155-00043084-00043439 got some tightness in the groins there r-1FwwipyBI-00156-00043440-00043757 of our warriors that's okay that's why r-1FwwipyBI-00157-00043758-00044092 we're doing this whoo now make sure you r-1FwwipyBI-00158-00044093-00044230 don't take two largest steps so you r-1FwwipyBI-00159-00044231-00045022 don't lose control over this awesome r-1FwwipyBI-00160-00045023-00045226 now that we've got some blood pumping r-1FwwipyBI-00161-00045227-00045538 we're gonna do some stretches on the r-1FwwipyBI-00162-00045539-00045784 floor to open up those quads so we're r-1FwwipyBI-00163-00045785-00046282 here I'm lying them on the ground I'm r-1FwwipyBI-00164-00046283-00046477 gonna I'm on my left elbow I'm gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00165-00046478-00046680 grab my left ankle with my right hand r-1FwwipyBI-00166-00046681-00047029 and I'm going to give him that quad r-1FwwipyBI-00167-00047030-00047389 stretch who trying to touch my hip to r-1FwwipyBI-00168-00047390-00048042 the ground oh yes r-1FwwipyBI-00169-00048043-00048705 so good it's gonna breathe here r-1FwwipyBI-00170-00048706-00048921 ah r-1FwwipyBI-00171-00048922-00049332 [Music] r-1FwwipyBI-00172-00049333-00049726 taking a few more breaths and I'm gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00173-00049727-00049868 switch sides r-1FwwipyBI-00174-00049869-00050208 we're just loosening up those quads a r-1FwwipyBI-00175-00050209-00050612 little bit before we use them today r-1FwwipyBI-00176-00050613-00050845 trying to touch my right hip to the r-1FwwipyBI-00177-00050846-00051357 ground now on the other side if you're r-1FwwipyBI-00178-00051358-00051681 very flexible that's awesome you can r-1FwwipyBI-00179-00051682-00052024 prop yourself up higher extending that r-1FwwipyBI-00180-00052025-00052331 hip and the quad there the hip at the r-1FwwipyBI-00181-00052332-00052699 who at the same time you're bending that r-1FwwipyBI-00182-00052700-00052741 knee r-1FwwipyBI-00183-00052741-00053154 one more breath letting go when I'm on r-1FwwipyBI-00184-00053155-00053454 the ground I'm gonna open up my chest by r-1FwwipyBI-00185-00053455-00053691 reaching out with my left hand gripping r-1FwwipyBI-00186-00053692-00054072 the floor kicking over and then r-1FwwipyBI-00187-00054073-00054822 breathing here on the floor I'm going to r-1FwwipyBI-00188-00054823-00055206 cross my outside foot in this case if r-1FwwipyBI-00189-00055207-00055348 I'm stretching my left arm I'm gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00190-00055349-00055585 take my right leg over the top pull that r-1FwwipyBI-00191-00055586-00055879 knee out really extend that hip as I r-1FwwipyBI-00192-00055879-00056418 stretch my bicep in my chest few breaths r-1FwwipyBI-00193-00056419-00056766 here I'm gonna go over to the other side r-1FwwipyBI-00194-00056767-00057490 right arm out left foot across r-1FwwipyBI-00195-00057491-00057717 well I think me and Sara are on the same r-1FwwipyBI-00196-00057719-00057867 program because we're both getting more r-1FwwipyBI-00197-00057869-00058138 flexible because of all this stretching r-1FwwipyBI-00198-00058139-00058246 that we're doing every day r-1FwwipyBI-00199-00058247-00058530 all those bodyweight stuff might be r-1FwwipyBI-00200-00058532-00059502 something to it I don't know breathing r-1FwwipyBI-00201-00059503-00059817 all right now we're loosened up got r-1FwwipyBI-00202-00059819-00060151 everything warmed up and stretched we're r-1FwwipyBI-00203-00060152-00060441 gonna start our whole complex and our r-1FwwipyBI-00204-00060442-00060610 kickstand Romanian deadlifts there's r-1FwwipyBI-00205-00060611-00060907 gonna be a lot of fun so we're gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00206-00060908-00061090 really roast the arms and the legs r-1FwwipyBI-00207-00061091-00061309 together the three exercises we're doing r-1FwwipyBI-00208-00061310-00061554 in our pull complex today so we've got r-1FwwipyBI-00209-00061555-00061777 three upper body exercises that we're r-1FwwipyBI-00210-00061778-00062091 gonna do sequentially with no rest and r-1FwwipyBI-00211-00062092-00062217 then we're going to go right into our r-1FwwipyBI-00212-00062219-00062539 lower body exercise and then we're gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00213-00062540-00062761 take about a minute rest in between so r-1FwwipyBI-00214-00062762-00062953 we've got a whole lot of sets all in a r-1FwwipyBI-00215-00062954-00063184 row and then we're going to get a brief r-1FwwipyBI-00216-00063185-00063457 rest so the exercises that we're going r-1FwwipyBI-00217-00063458-00063879 to do are the back row the upright row r-1FwwipyBI-00218-00063880-00064339 and the curl so the bent row I'm going r-1FwwipyBI-00219-00064340-00064624 to hinge over which my butt back let my r-1FwwipyBI-00220-00064625-00064810 chest drop forward and then I'm gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00221-00064811-00065008 with palms facing in I'm gonna pull up r-1FwwipyBI-00222-00065009-00065377 my heavy pants pulling those shoulder r-1FwwipyBI-00223-00065378-00065635 blades together at the top letting them r-1FwwipyBI-00224-00065636-00066034 separate on the way down so give r-1FwwipyBI-00225-00066035-00066811 yourself about eight warm-up reps here r-1FwwipyBI-00226-00066812-00067259 yes then we're gonna go into the upright r-1FwwipyBI-00227-00067260-00067664 row so I'm standing tall and I'm going r-1FwwipyBI-00228-00067665-00068044 to lead with the elbows pulling the r-1FwwipyBI-00229-00068045-00068432 dumbbells into the chest squeezing my r-1FwwipyBI-00230-00068433-00069358 glutes staying tall get eight reps here r-1FwwipyBI-00231-00069359-00069596 and then we're going to do eight reps of r-1FwwipyBI-00232-00069597-00070028 the dumbbell curl with my glutes on I'm r-1FwwipyBI-00233-00070029-00070325 trying not to rock and sway I'm gonna go r-1FwwipyBI-00234-00070326-00070843 up fast two seconds down one second up r-1FwwipyBI-00235-00070844-00071210 two seconds down so I'm controlling the r-1FwwipyBI-00236-00071211-00072008 tempo fast up slow down make it look r-1FwwipyBI-00237-00072009-00072352 sharp r-1FwwipyBI-00238-00072353-00073313 so do eight reps here r-1FwwipyBI-00239-00073314-00073613 yes okay so when it comes to those r-1FwwipyBI-00240-00073614-00073668 weights r-1FwwipyBI-00241-00073669-00073913 I think weights that we're kind of r-1FwwipyBI-00242-00073914-00074091 challenging if you have lighter weights r-1FwwipyBI-00243-00074092-00074430 you can do more you can do 1215 so r-1FwwipyBI-00244-00074431-00074651 challenge yourself with the weights that r-1FwwipyBI-00245-00074652-00074898 you have available so you're going to do r-1FwwipyBI-00246-00074899-00075263 the row the curl or the row the upright r-1FwwipyBI-00247-00075264-00075630 row and the curl all in a row then we're r-1FwwipyBI-00248-00075631-00076080 going to do an RTL kickstand so Romanian r-1FwwipyBI-00249-00076081-00076134 deadlift r-1FwwipyBI-00250-00076135-00076374 is simply a hinge so here's a normal r-1FwwipyBI-00251-00076375-00076785 hinge well a Romanian deadlift single r-1FwwipyBI-00252-00076786-00077178 leg is just a hinge with one foot up off r-1FwwipyBI-00253-00077179-00077466 the ground so I'm going to hinge out and r-1FwwipyBI-00254-00077467-00077742 then stand up whoops fell down what r-1FwwipyBI-00255-00077743-00077847 we're going to do is we're going to have r-1FwwipyBI-00256-00077848-00078153 a kickstand so I'm gonna let my left leg r-1FwwipyBI-00257-00078154-00078510 keep the toe down just on the same line r-1FwwipyBI-00258-00078511-00078885 as my heel of that shoe then I reach my r-1FwwipyBI-00259-00078886-00079203 butt back I'm stretching this hamstring r-1FwwipyBI-00260-00079204-00079457 and then I'm powering forward with my r-1FwwipyBI-00261-00079458-00079919 glute so I'm really getting that single r-1FwwipyBI-00262-00079920-00080291 leg stability driving that butt forward r-1FwwipyBI-00263-00080292-00080798 making it feel awesome r-1FwwipyBI-00264-00080799-00081300 totally getting that hamstring activated r-1FwwipyBI-00265-00081301-00081426 feeling in my core I'm gonna do eight r-1FwwipyBI-00266-00081427-00081640 reps on one side and then I'm going to r-1FwwipyBI-00267-00081641-00081993 do eight reps on the other so right now r-1FwwipyBI-00268-00081994-00082161 I'm not using weight as you can see r-1FwwipyBI-00269-00082162-00082476 could hold a weight here once I get r-1FwwipyBI-00270-00082477-00082799 going on this it's really easy as you r-1FwwipyBI-00271-00082800-00083037 tip your chest forward and your butt r-1FwwipyBI-00272-00083038-00083284 back it's really easy to be lopsided or r-1FwwipyBI-00273-00083285-00083481 put all your weight in your heel but r-1FwwipyBI-00274-00083482-00083631 that's not what we want we want to use r-1FwwipyBI-00275-00083632-00083947 the whole foot the whole time so we can r-1FwwipyBI-00276-00083948-00084338 be more stable and use more muscles r-1FwwipyBI-00277-00084339-00084944 eight reps there so we're going to do r-1FwwipyBI-00278-00084945-00085287 four sets of the pull complex four sets r-1FwwipyBI-00279-00085288-00085629 of the the single leg Romanian deadlift r-1FwwipyBI-00280-00085630-00086061 with kickstand and then you rest about a r-1FwwipyBI-00281-00086062-00086286 minute in between as long as you feel r-1FwwipyBI-00282-00086287-00086493 strong you can go ahead and go into the r-1FwwipyBI-00283-00086494-00086691 next set so if you need help on your r-1FwwipyBI-00284-00086692-00086922 form let me see some single leg with a r-1FwwipyBI-00285-00086923-00087419 kickstand Brenda r-1FwwipyBI-00286-00087420-00087596 if they're gonna be one foot up off the r-1FwwipyBI-00287-00087597-00087893 ground yep r-1FwwipyBI-00288-00087894-00088168 then your butts gonna come back right r-1FwwipyBI-00289-00088169-00088400 gonna feel that stretch in the hamstring r-1FwwipyBI-00290-00088401-00088750 then drive your butt forward that's it r-1FwwipyBI-00291-00088751-00089000 now I'm just gonna let my toe touch the r-1FwwipyBI-00292-00089001-00089189 ground so I don't fall over and I'm just r-1FwwipyBI-00293-00089190-00089465 going to do that yeah it's just using r-1FwwipyBI-00294-00089466-00089639 that one leg yep r-1FwwipyBI-00295-00089640-00089810 that's that that's that that's the r-1FwwipyBI-00296-00089811-00089945 accident if you want to use your weight r-1FwwipyBI-00297-00089946-00090134 you just grab your weight on top of that r-1FwwipyBI-00298-00090135-00090776 too so if you got a light weight you can r-1FwwipyBI-00299-00090777-00090893 do more reps so I'm going to stick with r-1FwwipyBI-00300-00090894-00091216 eight as I go through my pull complex r-1FwwipyBI-00301-00091217-00091655 one two pulling the elbow towards the r-1FwwipyBI-00302-00091656-00092593 hip bone four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00303-00092594-00093505 standing up glutes on one two three four r-1FwwipyBI-00304-00093506-00094094 five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00305-00094095-00094678 haha and then going into the curls one r-1FwwipyBI-00306-00094679-00095263 two three r-1FwwipyBI-00307-00095264-00096650 four five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00308-00096651-00097384 8ha then I'm gonna go from that right r-1FwwipyBI-00309-00097385-00097867 into my single egg already l so this is r-1FwwipyBI-00310-00097868-00098106 technical I want you guys to turn on r-1FwwipyBI-00311-00098107-00098329 your your video so I could see you do it r-1FwwipyBI-00312-00098330-00098631 so don't want anybody flailing remember r-1FwwipyBI-00313-00098632-00098812 this is training for warriors every rep r-1FwwipyBI-00314-00098813-00099907 is a masterpiece show it off one two r-1FwwipyBI-00315-00099908-00101529 three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00316-00101530-00103490 one two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00317-00103491-00103875 nice Reba showing off that hinge very r-1FwwipyBI-00318-00103876-00104817 good okay one round down so if your r-1FwwipyBI-00319-00104818-00104955 weights are light go ahead and do sets r-1FwwipyBI-00320-00104956-00105246 of ten or twelve Brenda add more reps so r-1FwwipyBI-00321-00105247-00105468 I want you to do sets of twelve those r-1FwwipyBI-00322-00105469-00105774 weights are very light okay so you're r-1FwwipyBI-00323-00105775-00106113 big and strong so I want you to yeah I r-1FwwipyBI-00324-00106114-00106701 want you to do more reps hmm all right r-1FwwipyBI-00325-00106702-00106830 so if you've got those light dumbbells r-1FwwipyBI-00326-00106831-00107277 you to do sets of twelve coming back to r-1FwwipyBI-00327-00107278-00107777 the training yes great bat position Reba r-1FwwipyBI-00328-00107778-00108063 chest down bread pressure on the ball of r-1FwwipyBI-00329-00108064-00108670 the big toe r-1FwwipyBI-00330-00108671-00109476 three four five six heavy pants seven r-1FwwipyBI-00331-00109477-00109692 eight r-1FwwipyBI-00332-00109693-00110214 yes upright row one elbows lead two r-1FwwipyBI-00333-00110215-00111485 three four five six seven eight ha ha r-1FwwipyBI-00334-00111486-00113733 one two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00335-00113733-00114354 actually there was only seven Wow r-1FwwipyBI-00336-00114355-00114759 fun stuff good r-1FwwipyBI-00337-00114760-00115260 so did you pull complex now you're going r-1FwwipyBI-00338-00115261-00115569 to do your single leg Romanian deadlift r-1FwwipyBI-00339-00115570-00116393 hold on to your weight one foot one r-1FwwipyBI-00340-00116394-00118283 two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00341-00118284-00119026 one two three r-1FwwipyBI-00342-00119027-00120397 four five six seven eight one of the r-1FwwipyBI-00343-00120398-00120716 things that you can do to improve your r-1FwwipyBI-00344-00120717-00121059 single leg drill its bend that knee a r-1FwwipyBI-00345-00121060-00121479 little bit more and sink into your hinge r-1FwwipyBI-00346-00121480-00121771 what I mean by that is a lot of times r-1FwwipyBI-00347-00121772-00122010 we're here I caught myself doing this so r-1FwwipyBI-00348-00122011-00122332 this is how I now we all do it is we're r-1FwwipyBI-00349-00122333-00122691 stiff on that knee to keep the hamstring r-1FwwipyBI-00350-00122692-00122929 tension so I'm bending over but I'm not r-1FwwipyBI-00351-00122930-00123228 bending this knee very much so instead I r-1FwwipyBI-00352-00123229-00123700 want to bend that knee and sit into this r-1FwwipyBI-00353-00123701-00123889 kind of almost quarter squat position r-1FwwipyBI-00354-00123890-00124213 and then drive my hip forward that's r-1FwwipyBI-00355-00124214-00124479 going to get not only more hamstring r-1FwwipyBI-00356-00124480-00124729 recruitment but more glute recruitment r-1FwwipyBI-00357-00124730-00125274 too so bend that knee sit into that r-1FwwipyBI-00358-00125275-00125596 hinge position and see what it can do r-1FwwipyBI-00359-00125597-00125910 for you all right I'm gonna get some r-1FwwipyBI-00360-00125911-00126381 water and then round three r-1FwwipyBI-00361-00126382-00127745 one two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00362-00127746-00128851 that's all one two three four five six r-1FwwipyBI-00363-00128852-00129089 seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00364-00129090-00129491 yes and then we're doing that curl with r-1FwwipyBI-00365-00129492-00130246 that eccentric one two glutes on three r-1FwwipyBI-00366-00130247-00130402 [Music] r-1FwwipyBI-00367-00130403-00131959 four five six seven and eight r-1FwwipyBI-00368-00131960-00132476 haha man that feels good I'm gonna keep r-1FwwipyBI-00369-00132477-00132679 that going r-1FwwipyBI-00370-00132680-00132993 single leg Romanian deadlift bending the r-1FwwipyBI-00371-00132994-00133083 elbow sorry r-1FwwipyBI-00372-00133084-00133733 bend the knee the elbow of the leg two r-1FwwipyBI-00373-00133734-00134008 three r-1FwwipyBI-00374-00134009-00135711 four five six seven eight one two three r-1FwwipyBI-00375-00135712-00137091 four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00376-00137092-00137898 whoo yes r-1FwwipyBI-00377-00137899-00138337 all right so part of a good strength r-1FwwipyBI-00378-00138338-00138712 training is repetition right not just r-1FwwipyBI-00379-00138713-00139000 having a good rap but doing many good r-1FwwipyBI-00380-00139001-00139351 reps over and over again in a row to r-1FwwipyBI-00381-00139352-00139636 develop that muscle to develop that r-1FwwipyBI-00382-00139637-00139944 motor pattern to make your brain and r-1FwwipyBI-00383-00139945-00140383 your body stronger so as you can see r-1FwwipyBI-00384-00140384-00140557 we're getting the value of the reps in r-1FwwipyBI-00385-00140558-00141250 right now so as you continue for this r-1FwwipyBI-00386-00141251-00141337 last set r-1FwwipyBI-00387-00141338-00141544 remember the brain remembers the most r-1FwwipyBI-00388-00141545-00141925 stressful repetition focus on every move r-1FwwipyBI-00389-00141926-00142414 make it your best last night that's r-1FwwipyBI-00390-00142415-00142694 right r-1FwwipyBI-00391-00142695-00144079 getting back after it r-1FwwipyBI-00392-00144080-00144922 hi r-1FwwipyBI-00393-00144923-00145462 6:08 reps going into the upright row one r-1FwwipyBI-00394-00145463-00145839 two three r-1FwwipyBI-00395-00145840-00146221 pulling those dumbbells into you five r-1FwwipyBI-00396-00146222-00146728 six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00397-00146729-00148650 back to the curl one two three four five r-1FwwipyBI-00398-00148651-00149638 six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00399-00149639-00150398 huh all right Romanian deadlifts I've r-1FwwipyBI-00400-00150399-00150765 got to get my reps in forgot about those r-1FwwipyBI-00401-00150766-00151563 one two three r-1FwwipyBI-00402-00151564-00152696 four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00403-00152697-00153243 switches sides yes every rep is a r-1FwwipyBI-00404-00153244-00154365 masterpiece three four five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00405-00154366-00155087 eight r-1FwwipyBI-00406-00155088-00156241 okay now shaking off those last few reps r-1FwwipyBI-00407-00156242-00156678 we're coming into the squat hold two r-1FwwipyBI-00408-00156679-00156921 overhead press and the east centric r-1FwwipyBI-00409-00156922-00157281 pushup so for the squat hold you're r-1FwwipyBI-00410-00157282-00157725 going to do a squat you got to press r-1FwwipyBI-00411-00157726-00157959 overhead with your weights from that r-1FwwipyBI-00412-00157960-00158354 squat position so I'm down here back is r-1FwwipyBI-00413-00158355-00158420 flat r-1FwwipyBI-00414-00158421-00158777 reaching up overhead light weights r-1FwwipyBI-00415-00158778-00159165 practice a few reps without weight so r-1FwwipyBI-00416-00159166-00159348 you can get this ready for your next r-1FwwipyBI-00417-00159349-00159995 round r-1FwwipyBI-00418-00159996-00160347 deeper squab Brenda drop the bricks and r-1FwwipyBI-00419-00160348-00160554 drop the but get low r-1FwwipyBI-00420-00160555-00161325 lower lower yes depth before dishonor r-1FwwipyBI-00421-00161326-00161682 there you go okay now that you know what r-1FwwipyBI-00422-00161683-00161898 you're doing there we're going into the r-1FwwipyBI-00423-00161899-00162350 eccentric push-up so we're going to do r-1FwwipyBI-00424-00162351-00162663 push-ups from the floor and we're going r-1FwwipyBI-00425-00162664-00162903 to do eccentric reps meaning I'm going r-1FwwipyBI-00426-00162904-00163053 to lower myself to the floor one r-1FwwipyBI-00427-00163054-00163380 thousand two thousand three come back up r-1FwwipyBI-00428-00163381-00163575 if you need to use your knees to get r-1FwwipyBI-00429-00163576-00163815 back up you can so it'll be like this r-1FwwipyBI-00430-00163816-00164211 one thousand two thousand three come r-1FwwipyBI-00431-00164212-00164729 back up one thousand two thousand three r-1FwwipyBI-00432-00164730-00165189 come back up so I'm going to do up to r-1FwwipyBI-00433-00165190-00165792 eight reps of eccentric push-ups so it's r-1FwwipyBI-00434-00165793-00166002 all about that slow motion training let r-1FwwipyBI-00435-00166003-00166749 me see it we see a practice r-1FwwipyBI-00436-00166750-00167114 good so slower on the way down Brenda so r-1FwwipyBI-00437-00167115-00167364 you want to go three seconds down 1,000 r-1FwwipyBI-00438-00167365-00167727 2,000 3,000 down so you want to go slow r-1FwwipyBI-00439-00167728-00168452 down and fast up yeah there we go that's r-1FwwipyBI-00440-00168453-00168929 right okay so your squat hold the r-1FwwipyBI-00441-00168930-00169263 overhead press ten reps eight reps on r-1FwwipyBI-00442-00169264-00169614 the eccentric pushup got some light r-1FwwipyBI-00443-00169615-00170013 weights go ahead three sets and you're r-1FwwipyBI-00444-00170014-00170136 going to go through at your own pace r-1FwwipyBI-00445-00170137-00170346 when you feel ready you're gonna go in r-1FwwipyBI-00446-00170347-00170477 and get your next set I'm gonna get r-1FwwipyBI-00447-00170478-00170777 myself some rest in between but you can r-1FwwipyBI-00448-00170778-00170931 follow along with me dropping the hips r-1FwwipyBI-00449-00170932-00171454 down overhead press doing ten two three r-1FwwipyBI-00450-00171455-00172604 four five six seven eight nine ten r-1FwwipyBI-00451-00172605-00172802 then from there going right into the r-1FwwipyBI-00452-00172803-00173347 east centric no thanks for asking r-1FwwipyBI-00453-00173348-00174191 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 up 1000 r-1FwwipyBI-00454-00174192-00175052 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 one thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00455-00175053-00175415 two thousand three thousand five one r-1FwwipyBI-00456-00175416-00175719 thousand two thousand three thousand six r-1FwwipyBI-00457-00175720-00176125 one thousand two thousand three thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00458-00176126-00176519 one thousand two thousand three thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00459-00176520-00177444 ha so that's one round got two more r-1FwwipyBI-00460-00177445-00177938 rounds it's not about getting through r-1FwwipyBI-00461-00177939-00178049 the training r-1FwwipyBI-00462-00178050-00178194 it's about getting what you're getting r-1FwwipyBI-00463-00178195-00178535 from the training I know I say that all r-1FwwipyBI-00464-00178536-00178793 the time by the context of this training r-1FwwipyBI-00465-00178794-00179029 when you're sinking down to the floor r-1FwwipyBI-00466-00179030-00179362 don't just think about like counting r-1FwwipyBI-00467-00179363-00179789 think about squeezing your chest pulling r-1FwwipyBI-00468-00179790-00179945 yourself to the floor with your arms and r-1FwwipyBI-00469-00179946-00180149 your shoulders let the muscles do the r-1FwwipyBI-00470-00180150-00180677 work and be in your in your body as you r-1FwwipyBI-00471-00180678-00180894 descend for that three seconds all right r-1FwwipyBI-00472-00180895-00181639 squat - overhead press time to shine r-1FwwipyBI-00473-00181640-00182802 one two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00474-00182803-00183502 nine ten yes r-1FwwipyBI-00475-00183503-00183966 now some folks are talking to me about r-1FwwipyBI-00476-00183967-00184312 wrist issues so if you have wrist issues r-1FwwipyBI-00477-00184313-00184429 that your wrists are getting worn out r-1FwwipyBI-00478-00184430-00184558 from all this groundwork we're doing r-1FwwipyBI-00479-00184559-00184921 that makes sense to me we got to keep r-1FwwipyBI-00480-00184922-00185056 working on our shoulder stability and r-1FwwipyBI-00481-00185057-00185245 mobility but what you do is you could r-1FwwipyBI-00482-00185246-00185557 make a fist get half neutral with your r-1FwwipyBI-00483-00185558-00185788 thumb pointing it in at a 45 degree r-1FwwipyBI-00484-00185789-00186043 angle and the deer push-ups that way r-1FwwipyBI-00485-00186044-00186891 1,000 2,000 3,000 up 2,000 3,000 up r-1FwwipyBI-00486-00186892-00187593 1,000 2,000 3,000 up 1,000 2,000 3,000 r-1FwwipyBI-00487-00187594-00187981 for one thousand two thousand three r-1FwwipyBI-00488-00187982-00188407 thousand five one thousand two thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00489-00188408-00188776 three thousand six one thousand two r-1FwwipyBI-00490-00188777-00189124 thousand three thousand seven one r-1FwwipyBI-00491-00189125-00189375 thousand two thousand three thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00492-00189376-00190119 eight so I was in a unit with a r-1FwwipyBI-00493-00190120-00190348 gentleman by the name of Larry Craven r-1FwwipyBI-00494-00190349-00190759 and he had permanent wrist damage so r-1FwwipyBI-00495-00190760-00190891 even when we would be in a parking lot r-1FwwipyBI-00496-00190892-00191353 and we'd be doing push-ups as a unit he r-1FwwipyBI-00497-00191354-00191488 only ever used his fists r-1FwwipyBI-00498-00191489-00191937 so his knuckles were pretty savagely r-1FwwipyBI-00499-00191938-00192265 tough because he was doing push-ups on r-1FwwipyBI-00500-00192266-00192640 asphalt with his fists for years now we r-1FwwipyBI-00501-00192641-00192850 don't have to we don't have to be like r-1FwwipyBI-00502-00192851-00193116 that because our fitness isn't graded by r-1FwwipyBI-00503-00193117-00193428 how many pushups we can do in life and r-1FwwipyBI-00504-00193429-00193768 for for Larry it was important that he r-1FwwipyBI-00505-00193769-00193926 was always able to do a lot of push-ups r-1FwwipyBI-00506-00193927-00194569 but what we are doing is Brenda let me r-1FwwipyBI-00507-00194570-00194773 see your squat two overhead press if you r-1FwwipyBI-00508-00194774-00194923 have extra energy let's work on the r-1FwwipyBI-00509-00194924-00195594 squat r-1FwwipyBI-00510-00195595-00195918 good get the but lower hold your hands r-1FwwipyBI-00511-00195919-00196032 over your head and just keep them there r-1FwwipyBI-00512-00196033-00196275 and then we'll see how low you can get r-1FwwipyBI-00513-00196276-00196641 your butt yes stop there that's the r-1FwwipyBI-00514-00196642-00196764 press that's the point where you're r-1FwwipyBI-00515-00196765-00196977 pressing from we got all this energy r-1FwwipyBI-00516-00196978-00197190 because you've been doing half squats r-1FwwipyBI-00517-00197191-00197382 we're doing full squats now okay Brenda r-1FwwipyBI-00518-00197383-00197772 we got it didn't mean to call you out r-1FwwipyBI-00519-00197773-00197910 like that I love you I love you I just r-1FwwipyBI-00520-00197911-00198078 want you to use that energy for r-1FwwipyBI-00521-00198079-00198516 productive training deeper yes yes the r-1FwwipyBI-00522-00198517-00198687 pain of growth versus the pain of r-1FwwipyBI-00524-00203487-00203686 [Music] r-1FwwipyBI-00525-00203687-00204335 push-ups eccentric get them done two r-1FwwipyBI-00526-00204336-00204653 thousand three thousand one thousand two r-1FwwipyBI-00527-00204654-00205076 thousand two one thousand two thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00528-00205077-00205507 three three one thousand three thousand r-1FwwipyBI-00529-00205508-00207806 four six ah yes all right whoo we got to r-1FwwipyBI-00530-00207807-00207992 get cookin we got a lot of work left to r-1FwwipyBI-00531-00207992-00208277 do I've been talking too much okay 45 r-1FwwipyBI-00532-00208278-00208600 degree angle lunges and side plank dips r-1FwwipyBI-00533-00208601-00208850 so for the 45 degree angle lunge r-1FwwipyBI-00534-00208851-00209273 I'm here I'm going to take a step not r-1FwwipyBI-00535-00209273-00209627 backwards but out to a 45 my hips are r-1FwwipyBI-00536-00209628-00209981 going to face the same direction so it's r-1FwwipyBI-00537-00209982-00210239 an awkward angle I'm really activating r-1FwwipyBI-00538-00210240-00210682 the groin on the inside of the lead leg r-1FwwipyBI-00539-00210683-00211132 still leaning forward still doing that r-1FwwipyBI-00540-00211133-00211448 good lunge r-1FwwipyBI-00541-00211448-00211900 so I'm gonna do 8 on that side square up r-1FwwipyBI-00542-00211901-00212288 8 on the other side so it's 8 reps per r-1FwwipyBI-00543-00212289-00212485 lunge again my hips they'll want to r-1FwwipyBI-00544-00212486-00212683 point straight ahead but keep them keep r-1FwwipyBI-00545-00212684-00213010 them pointed where the lead toe is so r-1FwwipyBI-00546-00213011-00213217 it's really going to be a matter of that r-1FwwipyBI-00547-00213219-00213551 back hip not pointing forward but it's r-1FwwipyBI-00548-00213552-00213755 going to feel like it's pointing out in r-1FwwipyBI-00549-00213756-00215098 order to get that groin angle 4 5 6 r-1FwwipyBI-00550-00215100-00215529 7:8 now the side plank dip we're gonna r-1FwwipyBI-00551-00215530-00215835 be on the ground I'm gonna be facing r-1FwwipyBI-00552-00215836-00216582 forward feet stacked I'm gonna lift and r-1FwwipyBI-00553-00216583-00217203 then tap lift tap my head stays back far r-1FwwipyBI-00554-00217204-00217671 I like to keep my arm up six as a r-1FwwipyBI-00555-00217671-00218394 reference point seven eight nine ten r-1FwwipyBI-00556-00218394-00218532 that way you can feel if your arm is r-1FwwipyBI-00557-00218533-00218781 dipping forward you're dipping forward r-1FwwipyBI-00558-00218782-00218967 you're leaning forward your head's r-1FwwipyBI-00559-00218967-00219210 probably moving forward lots of things r-1FwwipyBI-00560-00219211-00219576 are probably happening so we're on the r-1FwwipyBI-00561-00219577-00220812 side one two three four five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00562-00220813-00221754 eight nine ten okay r-1FwwipyBI-00563-00221755-00222076 alright that was around one of our r-1FwwipyBI-00564-00222077-00222241 circuit now we're gonna get some weights r-1FwwipyBI-00565-00222242-00222705 get them involved so I've got some r-1FwwipyBI-00566-00222706-00223292 medium weights again all the reps are r-1FwwipyBI-00567-00223292-00223456 going to be on one leg so I'm going to r-1FwwipyBI-00568-00223457-00223869 do 45-degree angle out right leg forward r-1FwwipyBI-00569-00223871-00224191 keeping that hip pointing straight ahead r-1FwwipyBI-00570-00224192-00225372 three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00571-00225373-00226455 oops it's all we're doing one two three r-1FwwipyBI-00572-00226456-00228030 four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00573-00228031-00228703 stand busy back to the floor I like to r-1FwwipyBI-00574-00228704-00228812 start with my left side because this r-1FwwipyBI-00575-00228813-00229159 more challenging for me creating that r-1FwwipyBI-00576-00229160-00229603 fist stacking the feet straight up and r-1FwwipyBI-00577-00229604-00230744 down one two three four five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00578-00230744-00230998 eight r-1FwwipyBI-00579-00230998-00231796 9 ha ha so thinking about moving in the r-1FwwipyBI-00580-00231796-00232216 lateral plane so interesting always r-1FwwipyBI-00581-00232217-00232619 seems to be such a challenge one two r-1FwwipyBI-00582-00232621-00233653 three four five six seven eight nine r-1FwwipyBI-00583-00233654-00234582 yes all right that was round two r-1FwwipyBI-00584-00234583-00234885 grab some water we'll finish up around r-1FwwipyBI-00585-00234886-00235171 three then we're gonna do some arms and r-1FwwipyBI-00586-00235171-00235831 ab finisher it'd be really good all r-1FwwipyBI-00587-00235832-00236025 right r-1FwwipyBI-00588-00236026-00236212 remember as you're going through your r-1FwwipyBI-00589-00236213-00236637 circuit ha lousã right I got this r-1FwwipyBI-00590-00236638-00237546 hawlucha in finish means I got this Sisu r-1FwwipyBI-00591-00237546-00238053 endurance undeniable I'll never quit r-1FwwipyBI-00592-00238054-00238259 keep going r-1FwwipyBI-00593-00238260-00239571 well I said one two three four five r-1FwwipyBI-00594-00239573-00240114 takes a lot of concentration six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00595-00240115-00240246 eight r-1FwwipyBI-00596-00240248-00241100 hey kitty one two three r-1FwwipyBI-00597-00241101-00242128 four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00598-00242129-00243125 whoo so good this is strong on the r-1FwwipyBI-00599-00243126-00243382 ground creating that stable position r-1FwwipyBI-00600-00243383-00244173 make it a fist stacking the feet one two r-1FwwipyBI-00601-00244175-00244846 three four five six keep that head back r-1FwwipyBI-00602-00244848-00246301 Josh seven eight nine ten r-1FwwipyBI-00603-00246302-00246751 other side feet stacked head back one r-1FwwipyBI-00604-00246752-00247831 two three four five six seven eight nine r-1FwwipyBI-00605-00247832-00248964 ten whoo all right we got enough time to r-1FwwipyBI-00606-00248965-00249310 get our dessert in our final circuit in r-1FwwipyBI-00607-00249311-00249740 so skull crusher from the hollow hold r-1FwwipyBI-00608-00249741-00250694 I've got a dumbbell I'm gonna lie down r-1FwwipyBI-00609-00250694-00251016 I'm going to create this flat position r-1FwwipyBI-00610-00251017-00251258 in my low back so pushing my low back r-1FwwipyBI-00611-00251259-00251766 into the floor that's about all I can do r-1FwwipyBI-00612-00251767-00252017 you're going to move your feet as far r-1FwwipyBI-00613-00252019-00252342 out as you could tolerate and keep that r-1FwwipyBI-00614-00252342-00252551 low back flat you're going to hold it r-1FwwipyBI-00615-00252552-00252963 there for your ab training while you do r-1FwwipyBI-00616-00252964-00253200 ten skull crushers keeping the elbows r-1FwwipyBI-00617-00253201-00253566 pointed straight at the ceiling to low r-1FwwipyBI-00618-00253567-00254728 back flat three four five six r-1FwwipyBI-00619-00254729-00255679 seven eight nine ten they always have r-1FwwipyBI-00620-00255680-00255805 something to focus on r-1FwwipyBI-00621-00255806-00256063 you can always focus on your arms focus r-1FwwipyBI-00622-00256064-00256306 on your belly making sure that back is r-1FwwipyBI-00623-00256307-00256527 flat and making sure you're breathing r-1FwwipyBI-00624-00256528-00256783 now I'm in the triangle position so I'm r-1FwwipyBI-00625-00256784-00257044 on the ground my right ankle is over my r-1FwwipyBI-00626-00257045-00257320 left knee I'm gonna do a simple crunch r-1FwwipyBI-00627-00257321-00257488 but when I do this crunch and get my r-1FwwipyBI-00628-00257489-00257668 shoulders up off the ground I'm going to r-1FwwipyBI-00629-00257669-00257987 take my hope my legs pull them up to me r-1FwwipyBI-00630-00257988-00258226 I'm bringing that triangle up to the r-1FwwipyBI-00631-00258227-00258748 crunch for a triangle crunch three four r-1FwwipyBI-00632-00258749-00259460 we're gonna do a ten per side five six r-1FwwipyBI-00633-00259461-00260560 seven eight nine ten on the other side r-1FwwipyBI-00634-00260561-00261827 one two three four five again ain't r-1FwwipyBI-00635-00261828-00262076 gonna need to KF once that's harder r-1FwwipyBI-00636-00262077-00262907 seven eight nine ten r-1FwwipyBI-00637-00262908-00263246 all right so you might be feeling this r-1FwwipyBI-00638-00263247-00263423 in your abs that's okay r-1FwwipyBI-00639-00263424-00263582 might be feeling in your hips that's r-1FwwipyBI-00640-00263583-00263795 great I'm gonna go back to the hollow r-1FwwipyBI-00641-00263796-00264068 hold for your second set so low back is r-1FwwipyBI-00642-00264069-00264305 flat on the ground your bellies pushing r-1FwwipyBI-00643-00264306-00264530 out it's like we're doing a dead bug but r-1FwwipyBI-00644-00264531-00264956 we're not moving so got that tension now r-1FwwipyBI-00645-00264957-00265205 I'm going to do my skull crusher elbows r-1FwwipyBI-00646-00265206-00266483 point it up one two three four five six r-1FwwipyBI-00647-00266484-00266735 keep that low back flat keep those feet r-1FwwipyBI-00648-00266736-00266947 out away from you Brenda further away r-1FwwipyBI-00649-00266948-00267775 there you go four there you go nine ten r-1FwwipyBI-00650-00267776-00268364 back to the crunch ankle on the knee one r-1FwwipyBI-00651-00268365-00269003 two three four shoulders off the ground r-1FwwipyBI-00652-00269004-00269756 five six seven Brenda you got to move r-1FwwipyBI-00653-00269757-00270040 those legs down and up all the way down r-1FwwipyBI-00654-00270041-00270239 they're gonna be flat then all the way r-1FwwipyBI-00655-00270240-00270440 back up yeah r-1FwwipyBI-00656-00270441-00271085 nine ten good r-1FwwipyBI-00657-00271086-00271458 nice work rebut get those shoulders off r-1FwwipyBI-00658-00271459-00271716 the ground all the way even if the r-1FwwipyBI-00659-00271717-00271824 shoulder blades are just getting up r-1FwwipyBI-00660-00271825-00272114 barely up just the weight off of them r-1FwwipyBI-00661-00272115-00273551 four five six seven eight nine hot ten r-1FwwipyBI-00662-00273552-00273788 back to the drawing board r-1FwwipyBI-00663-00273789-00274683 last set so good creating that hollow r-1FwwipyBI-00664-00274684-00275181 hold low backs flat on the ground elbows r-1FwwipyBI-00665-00275182-00275532 point it to the ceiling who can barely r-1FwwipyBI-00666-00275533-00276099 hold on to that be safe warriors for low r-1FwwipyBI-00667-00276100-00276887 backs flat on the ground five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00668-00276888-00277857 eight nine ten so from there back to r-1FwwipyBI-00669-00277858-00278312 that triangle crunch and go on the knee r-1FwwipyBI-00670-00278313-00279665 one two three four five six seven eight r-1FwwipyBI-00671-00279666-00280443 nine ten another side one r-1FwwipyBI-00672-00280444-00281511 - ha loser three four five six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00674-00284742-00285074 all right as our dessert for our r-1FwwipyBI-00675-00285075-00285467 cooldown we're going to do some really r-1FwwipyBI-00676-00285468-00285986 good stuff r-1FwwipyBI-00677-00285987-00286230 we're gonna go ahead do our Cossack r-1FwwipyBI-00678-00286231-00286698 lunges to stretch the hamstrings cool us r-1FwwipyBI-00679-00286699-00286932 down a little bit so we're gonna go r-1FwwipyBI-00680-00286933-00287148 alternating from side to side step out r-1FwwipyBI-00681-00287149-00287868 come back stand back out back chest r-1FwwipyBI-00682-00287869-00288321 stays up hips drop down ten per side two r-1FwwipyBI-00683-00288322-00289350 three r-1FwwipyBI-00684-00289351-00289777 good r-1FwwipyBI-00685-00289778-00290410 for r-1FwwipyBI-00686-00290411-00291924 five good six seven r-1FwwipyBI-00687-00291925-00292478 Hey r-1FwwipyBI-00688-00292479-00293167 9 ha ha ha r-1FwwipyBI-00689-00293168-00293882 from there I'm going to do some archers r-1FwwipyBI-00690-00293883-00294113 so we're going to do 10 per side we're r-1FwwipyBI-00691-00294114-00294368 gonna do them from the plank position so r-1FwwipyBI-00692-00294369-00294521 I'm here high plank r-1FwwipyBI-00693-00294522-00295649 feet apart 1 1 2 2 I can already feel r-1FwwipyBI-00694-00295650-00296317 this in my ABS that's great three 3 four r-1FwwipyBI-00696-00299848-00300506 ten r-1FwwipyBI-00697-00300507-00301564 yes so good all right so from there r-1FwwipyBI-00698-00301565-00301895 we're on the ground for our four point r-1FwwipyBI-00699-00301896-00302426 hamstring mobility so remember this one r-1FwwipyBI-00700-00302427-00302801 guys you're here touching the inside of r-1FwwipyBI-00701-00302802-00303236 your foot ten times per side try not to r-1FwwipyBI-00702-00303237-00303859 move your hips or your shoulders four r-1FwwipyBI-00703-00303860-00305303 five six seven eight nine ten good knees r-1FwwipyBI-00704-00305304-00305615 close to the ground hands close to the r-1FwwipyBI-00705-00305616-00306668 knees so impressive how a few reps can r-1FwwipyBI-00706-00306669-00307399 be so challenging back to the beginning r-1FwwipyBI-00707-00307400-00307751 whoo these bodyweight workouts they r-1FwwipyBI-00708-00307752-00307943 always kill me but as I was talking r-1FwwipyBI-00709-00307944-00308240 about earlier like the the mobility that r-1FwwipyBI-00710-00308241-00308474 I've gotten from it and the stability r-1FwwipyBI-00711-00308475-00308723 and the flexibility has really been r-1FwwipyBI-00712-00308724-00308936 impressive to me and it's funny because r-1FwwipyBI-00713-00308937-00309185 I could have been doing this stuff at r-1FwwipyBI-00714-00309186-00309362 any time right I have a body I have a r-1FwwipyBI-00715-00309363-00309773 couch I have everything I need to take r-1FwwipyBI-00716-00309774-00309983 action and it's like I was always r-1FwwipyBI-00717-00309984-00310319 waiting I don't know I guess for some r-1FwwipyBI-00718-00310320-00310613 sort of a sea change well lucky for me r-1FwwipyBI-00719-00310614-00310865 that happened so now it's time for me to r-1FwwipyBI-00720-00310866-00311357 double down but the point is you have r-1FwwipyBI-00721-00311358-00311762 everything you need and this experience r-1FwwipyBI-00722-00311763-00312044 just in the last hour of using your body r-1FwwipyBI-00723-00312045-00312188 to get stronger using what you have r-1FwwipyBI-00724-00312189-00312461 available and doing the work and letting r-1FwwipyBI-00725-00312462-00312599 it the fruits bear through you could r-1FwwipyBI-00726-00312600-00312881 feel the changes already in your heart r-1FwwipyBI-00727-00312882-00313208 and your brain and continue to r-1FwwipyBI-00728-00313209-00313496 dig dig in your soul for the diamonds r-1FwwipyBI-00729-00313497-00313694 and your backpack for your homework so r-1FwwipyBI-00730-00313695-00313904 you can continue to bring forth the r-1FwwipyBI-00731-00313905-00314459 Warrior Within r-1FwwipyBI-00732-00314460-00314658 how is that working out in your backyard r-1FwwipyBI-00733-00314659-00314795 Brenda r-1FwwipyBI-00734-00314796-00315175 it's beautiful in it smells so good r-1FwwipyBI-00735-00315176-00315323 [Applause] r-1FwwipyBI-00736-00315324-00315615 smells so good right look how you're r-1FwwipyBI-00737-00315616-00315792 getting your grounding in you're getting r-1FwwipyBI-00738-00315793-00315978 all you're getting your 15 minutes you r-1FwwipyBI-00739-00315979-00316287 got all the business r_RIWJI0ER4-00000-00001460-00003436 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00001-00003438-00005397 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00002-00005398-00005683 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00003-00005684-00005998 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00004-00005999-00007083 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00005-00007084-00008190 so r_RIWJI0ER4-00006-00008191-00008973 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00007-00008974-00010094 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00008-00010095-00012683 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00009-00012684-00012912 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00010-00012913-00013356 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00011-00013357-00013540 [Applause] r_RIWJI0ER4-00012-00013541-00013724 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00013-00013725-00013971 [Applause] r_RIWJI0ER4-00014-00013972-00014672 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00015-00014674-00015215 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00016-00015216-00015483 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00017-00015484-00015597 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00018-00015599-00016551 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00019-00016552-00016562 [Applause] r_RIWJI0ER4-00020-00016563-00018283 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00021-00018284-00019064 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00022-00019065-00019683 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00023-00019684-00020164 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00024-00020165-00020389 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00025-00020390-00020536 [Applause] r_RIWJI0ER4-00026-00020537-00023402 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00027-00023403-00023529 [Applause] r_RIWJI0ER4-00028-00023530-00025113 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00029-00025114-00025694 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00030-00025695-00026802 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00031-00026802-00028083 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00032-00028083-00028450 do r_RIWJI0ER4-00033-00028451-00029477 [Music] r_RIWJI0ER4-00035-00033519-00033728 you rCPmdhPL4OE-00000-00000664-00001663 so rCPmdhPL4OE-00001-00001664-00001910 what's happening today in security and rCPmdhPL4OE-00002-00001911-00002118 has been happening for a long time rCPmdhPL4OE-00003-00002119-00002215 is rCPmdhPL4OE-00004-00002216-00002407 all your security products are point rCPmdhPL4OE-00005-00002408-00002679 products right you've got a vendor who's rCPmdhPL4OE-00006-00002680-00002767 got rCPmdhPL4OE-00007-00002768-00003007 uh you know this one particular piece of rCPmdhPL4OE-00008-00003008-00003158 software that they provide you a rCPmdhPL4OE-00009-00003159-00003431 firewall or a vulnerability management rCPmdhPL4OE-00010-00003432-00003679 platform or what have you and rCPmdhPL4OE-00011-00003679-00003879 and it does just that one thing and so rCPmdhPL4OE-00012-00003879-00004031 then you have to go to the next company rCPmdhPL4OE-00013-00004032-00004167 and buy the next thing you need in the rCPmdhPL4OE-00014-00004168-00004431 next company so the the downside for the rCPmdhPL4OE-00015-00004432-00004686 customer has been that they have to do rCPmdhPL4OE-00016-00004687-00004870 all the integration themselves and try rCPmdhPL4OE-00017-00004871-00005199 to make this quilt of crazy rCPmdhPL4OE-00018-00005200-00005511 vendors all work together if we rCPmdhPL4OE-00019-00005512-00005863 do our job right as as partners we can rCPmdhPL4OE-00020-00005864-00006134 start making that quilt rCPmdhPL4OE-00021-00006135-00006302 for them so that they don't have to try rCPmdhPL4OE-00022-00006303-00006550 and patch it together we recognize the rCPmdhPL4OE-00023-00006551-00006839 importance of a security ecosystem for rCPmdhPL4OE-00024-00006840-00007110 our customers so we decided we need to rCPmdhPL4OE-00025-00007111-00007351 have a technology alliance program rCPmdhPL4OE-00026-00007352-00007559 that's focused on rCPmdhPL4OE-00027-00007559-00007831 investing in solving problems that are rCPmdhPL4OE-00028-00007831-00008055 critical to our customers together with rCPmdhPL4OE-00029-00008056-00008287 some key alliances partners rCPmdhPL4OE-00030-00008288-00008574 so we opened up the doors to rCPmdhPL4OE-00031-00008575-00008767 any vendor that's interested in rCPmdhPL4OE-00032-00008768-00008974 partnering with us you just have to go rCPmdhPL4OE-00033-00008975-00009135 to our website give us a little bit of rCPmdhPL4OE-00034-00009136-00009383 information and we're interested in rCPmdhPL4OE-00035-00009384-00009591 solving those problems together rCPmdhPL4OE-00036-00009592-00009839 and the response has been phenomenal rCPmdhPL4OE-00037-00009840-00010110 we've had i want to say over 40 partners rCPmdhPL4OE-00038-00010111-00010327 reach out to us and we're really in rCPmdhPL4OE-00039-00010328-00010567 active discussions with a lot of them rCPmdhPL4OE-00040-00010568-00010846 about how we together solve new problems rCPmdhPL4OE-00041-00010847-00011063 for our customers the architecture that rCPmdhPL4OE-00042-00011064-00011142 we've rCPmdhPL4OE-00043-00011143-00011327 started working with tripwire on our rCPmdhPL4OE-00044-00011328-00011487 customers like to use for conversion rCPmdhPL4OE-00045-00011488-00011735 infrastructure the cloud uh internal you rCPmdhPL4OE-00046-00011736-00011919 know resources and so rCPmdhPL4OE-00047-00011920-00012055 it they really filled a gap that we rCPmdhPL4OE-00048-00012056-00012223 didn't have which is how can we monitor rCPmdhPL4OE-00049-00012224-00012383 how can we understand what's going on at rCPmdhPL4OE-00050-00012384-00012527 a security relationship of the rCPmdhPL4OE-00051-00012528-00012703 underlying infrastructure and so that's rCPmdhPL4OE-00052-00012704-00012815 something that tripwire's great at rCPmdhPL4OE-00053-00012816-00012910 that's something that we've partnered rCPmdhPL4OE-00054-00012911-00013086 with them on and the benefit to our rCPmdhPL4OE-00055-00013087-00013247 customer is now when they deploy that rCPmdhPL4OE-00056-00013247-00013438 that architecture they know number one rCPmdhPL4OE-00057-00013440-00013591 it's secure with number two what's going rCPmdhPL4OE-00058-00013591-00013743 on underneath and how can they make sure rCPmdhPL4OE-00059-00013744-00013894 that it's doing what they want to do rCPmdhPL4OE-00060-00013895-00014094 when i talk to partners i see multiple rCPmdhPL4OE-00061-00014095-00014279 different viewpoints you know there's rCPmdhPL4OE-00062-00014280-00014591 clearly a fear that we might be stepping rCPmdhPL4OE-00063-00014591-00014822 on each other i think the reality is you rCPmdhPL4OE-00064-00014823-00015094 got to be open to it and when you do see rCPmdhPL4OE-00065-00015095-00015327 that situation call it rCPmdhPL4OE-00066-00015328-00015550 okay we can't solve all the problems but rCPmdhPL4OE-00067-00015551-00015758 we've got to build trust knowing full rCPmdhPL4OE-00068-00015759-00015999 well then some situations we step on rCPmdhPL4OE-00069-00016000-00016215 each other and let's go find the common rCPmdhPL4OE-00070-00016216-00016303 ground rCPmdhPL4OE-00071-00016304-00016415 yeah there's certainly a lot of trust rCPmdhPL4OE-00072-00016416-00016543 involved especially when you're giving rCPmdhPL4OE-00073-00016544-00016743 people access to your code base or to rCPmdhPL4OE-00074-00016744-00016967 your secret sauce if you will and uh you rCPmdhPL4OE-00075-00016968-00017143 know vice versa right so we're entrusted rCPmdhPL4OE-00076-00017144-00017391 with the their keys to the kingdom so uh rCPmdhPL4OE-00077-00017392-00017535 you know that's what comes with being a rCPmdhPL4OE-00078-00017536-00017655 good partner right being able to trust rCPmdhPL4OE-00079-00017656-00017758 each other being able to share that rCPmdhPL4OE-00080-00017759-00017894 information and know that your rCPmdhPL4OE-00081-00017895-00018007 intellectual property is going to be rCPmdhPL4OE-00082-00018008-00018143 safe but also that you're adding a lot rCPmdhPL4OE-00083-00018144-00018335 of value to what the partner's doing i rCPmdhPL4OE-00084-00018336-00018486 think one of the big pieces that having rCPmdhPL4OE-00085-00018487-00018703 integrated network security systems rCPmdhPL4OE-00086-00018704-00019047 provides is the ability to transform big rCPmdhPL4OE-00087-00019048-00019207 piles of data rCPmdhPL4OE-00088-00019208-00019447 into more specifically actionable rCPmdhPL4OE-00089-00019448-00019558 information rCPmdhPL4OE-00090-00019559-00019758 our customers bought our individual rCPmdhPL4OE-00091-00019759-00019999 products to solve one problem rCPmdhPL4OE-00092-00020000-00020263 and either they received the benefits of rCPmdhPL4OE-00093-00020264-00020455 it in some cases or in some cases they rCPmdhPL4OE-00094-00020456-00020703 didn't realize the full value of it and rCPmdhPL4OE-00095-00020704-00020903 the answer may have been they didn't rCPmdhPL4OE-00096-00020904-00021094 have enough resources rCPmdhPL4OE-00097-00021095-00021278 the other reason they didn't realize the rCPmdhPL4OE-00098-00021279-00021583 full value of it is because it by itself rCPmdhPL4OE-00099-00021584-00021839 was an incomplete data source so what in rCPmdhPL4OE-00100-00021840-00022014 the absence of that what the customers rCPmdhPL4OE-00101-00022015-00022255 do is do what they call swivel chair rCPmdhPL4OE-00102-00022256-00022367 integration rCPmdhPL4OE-00103-00022368-00022607 they walk over from one tool to the rCPmdhPL4OE-00104-00022608-00022871 other one and they do this all day long rCPmdhPL4OE-00105-00022872-00023111 and then the infrastructure gets larger rCPmdhPL4OE-00106-00023112-00023327 and more complex and it's physically rCPmdhPL4OE-00107-00023328-00023503 impossible and you can't hire enough rCPmdhPL4OE-00108-00023504-00023639 people to do it rCPmdhPL4OE-00109-00023640-00023871 that's where we as vendors in this rCPmdhPL4OE-00110-00023872-00024063 community need to pull the pieces rCPmdhPL4OE-00111-00024064-00024327 together and give you that big picture rCPmdhPL4OE-00112-00024328-00024599 when we do that there's an aha moment in rCPmdhPL4OE-00113-00024600-00024791 our customer's eyes sometimes they say i rCPmdhPL4OE-00114-00024792-00025007 did that manually thank you in some rCPmdhPL4OE-00115-00025008-00025230 cases they say i never knew this problem rCPmdhPL4OE-00116-00025231-00025486 could be solved and that's the power of rCPmdhPL4OE-00117-00025487-00025646 what we can do rCPmdhPL4OE-00118-00025647-00025831 necessity is the mother of invention as rCPmdhPL4OE-00119-00025832-00026087 we continue to have the ability to rCPmdhPL4OE-00120-00026088-00026431 collect and generate more and more data rCPmdhPL4OE-00121-00026432-00026711 we spend more time you know hauling rCPmdhPL4OE-00122-00026712-00026958 through that data searching for the rCPmdhPL4OE-00123-00026960-00027062 answer rCPmdhPL4OE-00124-00027063-00027295 and that rCPmdhPL4OE-00125-00027295-00027390 a key rCPmdhPL4OE-00126-00027391-00027614 a key objective at this point is to rCPmdhPL4OE-00127-00027616-00027887 transform mere data into actionable rCPmdhPL4OE-00128-00027888-00029014 information rCPmdhPL4OE-00129-00029016-00029224 you rD7wKIKldTM-00000-00000057-00000281 Indian is an American brand of rD7wKIKldTM-00001-00000282-00000488 motorcycles originally produced from rD7wKIKldTM-00002-00000488-00000788 1901 to 1953 in Springfield rD7wKIKldTM-00003-00000789-00001136 Massachusetts United States Hendy rD7wKIKldTM-00004-00001137-00001364 manufacturing company initially produced rD7wKIKldTM-00005-00001365-00001570 the motorcycles but the name was changed rD7wKIKldTM-00006-00001571-00001816 to the Indian motorcycle manufacturing rD7wKIKldTM-00007-00001817-00002251 company in 1928 the Indian factory team rD7wKIKldTM-00008-00002252-00002495 took the first three places in the 1911 rD7wKIKldTM-00009-00002496-00002815 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy during the rD7wKIKldTM-00010-00002816-00003051 1910s Indian became the largest rD7wKIKldTM-00011-00003052-00003334 manufacturer of motorcycles in the world rD7wKIKldTM-00012-00003335-00003622 Indians most popular models with a scout rD7wKIKldTM-00013-00003623-00003997 made from 1920 to 1946 and the chief rD7wKIKldTM-00014-00003998-00004388 made from 1922 until 1953 when the rD7wKIKldTM-00015-00004389-00004634 Indian motorcycle manufacturing company rD7wKIKldTM-00016-00004635-00004949 went bankrupt various organizations rD7wKIKldTM-00017-00004950-00005152 tried to perpetuate the Indian brand rD7wKIKldTM-00018-00005153-00005381 name in subsequent years with limited rD7wKIKldTM-00019-00005382-00005758 success in 2011 polaris Industries rD7wKIKldTM-00020-00005759-00006031 purchased Indian motorcycles and moved rD7wKIKldTM-00021-00006032-00006227 operations from North Carolina and rD7wKIKldTM-00022-00006228-00006343 merged them into their existing rD7wKIKldTM-00023-00006344-00006698 facilities in Minnesota and Iowa since rD7wKIKldTM-00024-00006698-00007001 August 2013 Polaris has marketed rD7wKIKldTM-00025-00007002-00007234 multiple modern Indian motorcycles that rD7wKIKldTM-00026-00007236-00007963 reflect Indians traditional styling rD7wKIKldTM-00027-00007964-00008509 topic history rD7wKIKldTM-00028-00008510-00008859 you rD7wKIKldTM-00029-00008860-00009550 topic early years handy and Hedstrom rD7wKIKldTM-00030-00009551-00009985 the Indian motorcycle Co was founded as rD7wKIKldTM-00031-00009986-00010192 the Handy manufacturing company by rD7wKIKldTM-00032-00010193-00010522 George Am handy in 1897 to manufacture rD7wKIKldTM-00033-00010523-00010839 bicycles these were initially badged as rD7wKIKldTM-00034-00010840-00011350 silver King and Silver Queen brands but rD7wKIKldTM-00035-00011351-00011659 the name American Indian quickly rD7wKIKldTM-00036-00011660-00012013 shortened to just Indian was adopted by rD7wKIKldTM-00037-00012014-00012301 handy from 1898 onwards because it gave rD7wKIKldTM-00038-00012302-00012517 better product recognition in export rD7wKIKldTM-00039-00012518-00012615 markets rD7wKIKldTM-00040-00012616-00013038 Oscar Hedstrom joined in 1900 both Hindi rD7wKIKldTM-00041-00013039-00013266 and Hedstrom were former bicycle racers rD7wKIKldTM-00042-00013268-00013459 and manufacturers and after building rD7wKIKldTM-00043-00013460-00013657 three prototypes in Middletown rD7wKIKldTM-00044-00013658-00013888 Connecticut they teamed up to produce a rD7wKIKldTM-00045-00013888-00014244 motorcycle with a 1.75 bhp single rD7wKIKldTM-00046-00014246-00014449 cylinder engine in hen Dee's hometown of rD7wKIKldTM-00047-00014450-00014719 Springfield the motorcycle was rD7wKIKldTM-00048-00014719-00014911 successful in sales increased rD7wKIKldTM-00049-00014912-00015130 dramatically during the next decade in rD7wKIKldTM-00050-00015131-00015418 1901 a prototype and two production rD7wKIKldTM-00051-00015419-00015613 units of the diamond framed Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00052-00015613-00015832 single was successfully designed built rD7wKIKldTM-00053-00015833-00016168 and tested the first Indian motorcycles rD7wKIKldTM-00054-00016169-00016384 having chain drives and streamlined rD7wKIKldTM-00055-00016385-00016648 styling were sold to the public in 1902 rD7wKIKldTM-00056-00016649-00017062 in 1903 Indians co-founder and chief rD7wKIKldTM-00057-00017063-00017281 engineer Oscar Hedstrom set the world rD7wKIKldTM-00058-00017282-00017575 motorcycle speed record of 56 miles per rD7wKIKldTM-00059-00017576-00017947 hour in 1904 the company introduced the rD7wKIKldTM-00060-00017948-00018144 deep red color that would become Indians rD7wKIKldTM-00061-00018145-00018457 trademark annual production of Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00062-00018458-00018772 motorcycles then exceeded 500 rising to rD7wKIKldTM-00063-00018773-00019213 a peak of 32,000 in 1913 the engines of rD7wKIKldTM-00064-00019214-00019378 the Indian single were built by the rD7wKIKldTM-00065-00019379-00019603 Aurora firm in Illinois under license rD7wKIKldTM-00066-00019604-00020179 from the Handy mfg Co until 1906 aurora rD7wKIKldTM-00067-00020180-00020404 produced engines under license for rD7wKIKldTM-00068-00020405-00020830 indian from about 1901 to 1907 aurora rD7wKIKldTM-00069-00020831-00021052 was also allowed to sell indian design rD7wKIKldTM-00070-00021053-00021286 engines to third parties and pay indian rD7wKIKldTM-00071-00021287-00021682 a fee after 1907 aurora could make its rD7wKIKldTM-00072-00021683-00021922 own complete motorcycles which it did as rD7wKIKldTM-00073-00021923-00022156 thor and indian began manufacturing its rD7wKIKldTM-00074-00022157-00022718 own engines rD7wKIKldTM-00075-00022719-00023326 topic competitive successes rD7wKIKldTM-00076-00023327-00023689 in 1905 Indian built its first v-twin rD7wKIKldTM-00077-00023690-00023896 factory racer and in following years rD7wKIKldTM-00078-00023897-00024091 made a strong showing in racing and rD7wKIKldTM-00079-00024092-00024472 record-breaking in 1907 the company rD7wKIKldTM-00080-00024473-00024646 introduced the first street version rD7wKIKldTM-00081-00024647-00024889 v-twin and a roadster styled after the rD7wKIKldTM-00082-00024890-00025153 factory racer the roadster can be rD7wKIKldTM-00083-00025154-00025327 distinguished from the races by the rD7wKIKldTM-00084-00025328-00025644 presence of twist grip linkages one of rD7wKIKldTM-00085-00025645-00025893 the firm's most famous riders was Erwin rD7wKIKldTM-00086-00025894-00026197 cannonball baker who set many rD7wKIKldTM-00087-00026198-00026593 long-distance records in 1914 he rode an rD7wKIKldTM-00088-00026594-00026839 indian across america from San Diego to rD7wKIKldTM-00089-00026839-00027142 New York in a record 11 days 12 hours rD7wKIKldTM-00090-00027143-00027418 and 10 minutes Baker's mount in rD7wKIKldTM-00091-00027419-00027649 subsequent years was the power plus a rD7wKIKldTM-00092-00027650-00027895 side valve v-twin which was introduced rD7wKIKldTM-00093-00027895-00028522 in 1916 it's 61 C 1000 cc 42 degree rD7wKIKldTM-00094-00028523-00028717 v-twin engine was more powerful and rD7wKIKldTM-00095-00028718-00028945 quieter than previous designs giving a rD7wKIKldTM-00096-00028945-00029149 top speed of 60 miles per hour rD7wKIKldTM-00097-00029150-00029545 96 km/h the power plus was highly rD7wKIKldTM-00098-00029545-00029767 successful both as a roadster and as the rD7wKIKldTM-00099-00029768-00030079 basis for racing bikes it remained in rD7wKIKldTM-00100-00030080-00030492 production with few changes until 1924 rD7wKIKldTM-00101-00030493-00030769 competition success played a big part in rD7wKIKldTM-00102-00030770-00030949 Indians rapid growth and spurred rD7wKIKldTM-00103-00030950-00031243 technical innovation as well one of the rD7wKIKldTM-00104-00031244-00031483 American firms best early results came rD7wKIKldTM-00105-00031483-00031764 in the Isle of Man TT in 1911 when rD7wKIKldTM-00106-00031766-00031975 Indian riders Oliver Cyril Godfrey rD7wKIKldTM-00107-00031976-00032179 Franklin and Morehouse finished first rD7wKIKldTM-00108-00032180-00032520 second and third Indian star Jade de rD7wKIKldTM-00109-00032522-00032788 rozier set several speed records both in rD7wKIKldTM-00110-00032789-00032998 America and at Brooklands in Britain and rD7wKIKldTM-00111-00032999-00033280 won an estimated 900 races on dirt and rD7wKIKldTM-00112-00033281-00033556 board tracks he left Indian for rD7wKIKldTM-00113-00033557-00033937 Excelsior and died in 1913 aged 33 of rD7wKIKldTM-00114-00033938-00034159 injuries sustained in a board track race rD7wKIKldTM-00115-00034160-00034525 crash with Charles fearless Balch who rD7wKIKldTM-00116-00034526-00034810 later became Indians top rider work at rD7wKIKldTM-00117-00034811-00034999 the Indian Factory was stopped while rD7wKIKldTM-00118-00035000-00035230 duro CEA's funeral procession passed by rD7wKIKldTM-00119-00035231-00035545 Oscar Hedstrom left Indian in 1913 after rD7wKIKldTM-00120-00035546-00035698 disagreements with the Board of rD7wKIKldTM-00121-00035699-00035962 Directors regarding dubious practices to rD7wKIKldTM-00122-00035963-00036253 inflate the company's stock value George rD7wKIKldTM-00123-00036254-00036956 Hendy resigned in 1916 rD7wKIKldTM-00124-00036957-00037762 topic light weights 1916 to 1919 rD7wKIKldTM-00125-00037763-00038170 Indian introduced the 221 CC single rD7wKIKldTM-00126-00038171-00038426 cylinder two-stroke model K further rD7wKIKldTM-00127-00038427-00038870 weight in 1916 the model K had an open rD7wKIKldTM-00128-00038871-00039032 cradle frame with the engine as a rD7wKIKldTM-00129-00039033-00039211 stressed member and a pivoting front rD7wKIKldTM-00130-00039212-00039398 fork that had been used earlier on rD7wKIKldTM-00131-00039399-00039617 single cylinder motorcycles but had rD7wKIKldTM-00132-00039618-00039817 mostly been replaced on other Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00133-00039818-00040042 motorcycles by a leaf sprung trailing rD7wKIKldTM-00134-00040043-00040298 link fork the model K was manufactured rD7wKIKldTM-00135-00040299-00040598 for one year and was replaced in 1917 by rD7wKIKldTM-00136-00040599-00040754 the model o the model O had a rD7wKIKldTM-00137-00040755-00040967 four-stroke flat twin engine and a new rD7wKIKldTM-00138-00040968-00041180 frame but retained the pivoting fork at rD7wKIKldTM-00139-00041181-00041486 the front the model O was manufactured rD7wKIKldTM-00140-00041487-00042094 until 1919 rD7wKIKldTM-00141-00042095-00042661 Topic World War one rD7wKIKldTM-00142-00042662-00042973 as the u.s. entered World War one Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00143-00042974-00043290 sold most of its power plus line in 1917 rD7wKIKldTM-00144-00043291-00043564 and 1918 to the United States government rD7wKIKldTM-00145-00043565-00043861 starving its network of dealers this rD7wKIKldTM-00146-00043862-00044065 blow to domestic availability of the rD7wKIKldTM-00147-00044066-00044281 motorcycles led to a loss of dealers rD7wKIKldTM-00148-00044282-00044493 from which Indian never quite recovered rD7wKIKldTM-00149-00044494-00044764 while the motorcycles were popular in rD7wKIKldTM-00150-00044765-00044989 the military post war demand was then rD7wKIKldTM-00151-00044990-00045211 taken up by other manufacturers to whom rD7wKIKldTM-00152-00045212-00045418 many of the previously loyal Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00153-00045419-00045718 dealers turned while Indian shared in rD7wKIKldTM-00154-00045719-00045955 the business boom of the 1920s it had rD7wKIKldTM-00155-00045956-00046198 lost its number1 position in the US rD7wKIKldTM-00156-00046199-00046874 market to harley-davidson rD7wKIKldTM-00157-00046875-00047437 topic interwar era rD7wKIKldTM-00158-00047438-00047740 the Scout and chief v-twins introduced rD7wKIKldTM-00159-00047741-00047971 in the early 1920s became the rD7wKIKldTM-00160-00047972-00048246 Springfield firms most successful models rD7wKIKldTM-00161-00048247-00048511 designed by Charles Franklin the rD7wKIKldTM-00162-00048512-00048697 middleweight scout and larger chief rD7wKIKldTM-00163-00048698-00048990 shared a 42 degree v-twin engine layout rD7wKIKldTM-00164-00048991-00049273 both models gained a reputation for rD7wKIKldTM-00165-00049274-00049726 strength and reliability in 1930 indian rD7wKIKldTM-00166-00049727-00050029 merged with dupont motors dupont motors rD7wKIKldTM-00167-00050030-00050254 founder e paul dupont ceased production rD7wKIKldTM-00168-00050255-00050515 of dupont automobiles and concentrated rD7wKIKldTM-00169-00050516-00050736 the company's resources on indian rD7wKIKldTM-00170-00050737-00050962 dupont's paint industry connections rD7wKIKldTM-00171-00050963-00051232 resulted in no fewer than 24 color rD7wKIKldTM-00172-00051233-00051640 options in 1934 models of that era had rD7wKIKldTM-00173-00051641-00051867 Indians famous war bonnet logo on the rD7wKIKldTM-00174-00051869-00051963 gas tank rD7wKIKldTM-00175-00051964-00052249 Indians huge Springfield factory was rD7wKIKldTM-00176-00052250-00052474 known as the wigwam and Native American rD7wKIKldTM-00177-00052475-00052815 imagery was much used in advertising in rD7wKIKldTM-00178-00052816-00053089 1940 Indians sold nearly as many rD7wKIKldTM-00179-00053090-00053316 motorcycles as its major rival rD7wKIKldTM-00180-00053316-00053655 harley-davidson during this time Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00181-00053657-00053872 also manufactured other products such as rD7wKIKldTM-00182-00053873-00054154 aircraft engines bicycles boat motors rD7wKIKldTM-00183-00054154-00054749 and air conditioners rD7wKIKldTM-00184-00054750-00055244 topic scout rD7wKIKldTM-00185-00055245-00055555 the Indian Scout was built from 1920 rD7wKIKldTM-00186-00055557-00055925 through 1949 it rivaled the chief as rD7wKIKldTM-00187-00055926-00056264 Indians most important model the Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00188-00056265-00056585 was introduced for 1920 designed by rD7wKIKldTM-00189-00056586-00056822 Charles B Franklin the Scout had its rD7wKIKldTM-00190-00056823-00057026 gear box bolted to the engine and was rD7wKIKldTM-00191-00057027-00057241 driven by gears instead of by belt or rD7wKIKldTM-00192-00057242-00057614 chain the engine originally displays 37 rD7wKIKldTM-00193-00057615-00058028 Cu in 610 CC the Scout 45 with a rD7wKIKldTM-00194-00058029-00058484 displacement of 45 Cu in 740 CC became rD7wKIKldTM-00195-00058485-00058766 available in 1927 to compete with the rD7wKIKldTM-00196-00058766-00059009 Excelsior super X a front brake became rD7wKIKldTM-00197-00059010-00059227 standard on the original Scout early in rD7wKIKldTM-00198-00059228-00059636 1928 later in 1928 the scout and Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00199-00059637-00059995 45 were replaced by the model 101 scout rD7wKIKldTM-00200-00059996-00060362 another Franklin design the 101 Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00201-00060363-00060578 had a longer wheelbase and lower seat rD7wKIKldTM-00202-00060579-00060920 height than the original the 101 Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00203-00060921-00061190 was well known for its handling the 101 rD7wKIKldTM-00204-00061191-00061427 Scout was replaced by the standard Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00205-00061428-00061811 4 1932 the standard Scout shared its rD7wKIKldTM-00206-00061812-00061994 frame with the chief and the four as a rD7wKIKldTM-00207-00061995-00062228 result the standard Scout was heavier rD7wKIKldTM-00208-00062229-00062495 and less nimble than the 101 a second rD7wKIKldTM-00209-00062496-00062791 line of scouts was introduced for 1933 rD7wKIKldTM-00210-00062791-00063062 based on the frame of the discontinued rD7wKIKldTM-00211-00063063-00063248 Indian Prince single-cylinder motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00212-00063249-00063590 the motor plane used the 45 cubic inch rD7wKIKldTM-00213-00063591-00063797 engine from the standard Scout while the rD7wKIKldTM-00214-00063798-00064025 Pony Scout had a reduced displacement of rD7wKIKldTM-00215-00064026-00064583 30.5 Cu in 500 CC in 1934 the motor rD7wKIKldTM-00216-00064584-00064792 plane was replaced by the sport Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00217-00064794-00064988 with a heavier but stiffer frame better rD7wKIKldTM-00218-00064989-00065230 able to withstand the power of the 45 rD7wKIKldTM-00219-00065232-00065471 cubic inch engine while the Pony Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00220-00065472-00065699 later renamed the junior Scout was rD7wKIKldTM-00221-00065700-00065879 continued with the Prince motor plain rD7wKIKldTM-00222-00065880-00066152 frame between the introduction of the rD7wKIKldTM-00223-00066153-00066386 sport Scout in 1934 and the rD7wKIKldTM-00224-00066387-00066625 discontinuation of the standard Scout in rD7wKIKldTM-00225-00066626-00066944 1937 there were three Scout models pony rD7wKIKldTM-00226-00066945-00067226 junior standard and sport with three rD7wKIKldTM-00227-00067227-00067544 different frames the sport Scout and the rD7wKIKldTM-00228-00067545-00067742 junior Scout were continued until rD7wKIKldTM-00229-00067743-00067949 civilian production was interrupted in rD7wKIKldTM-00230-00067950-00068580 early 1942 rD7wKIKldTM-00231-00068581-00069067 topic chief rD7wKIKldTM-00232-00069068-00069455 introduced in 1922 the Indian chief had rD7wKIKldTM-00233-00069456-00069593 a 1000cc rD7wKIKldTM-00234-00069594-00069878 61 cubic inches engine based on the rD7wKIKldTM-00235-00069879-00070079 power plus engine a year later the rD7wKIKldTM-00236-00070080-00070519 engine was enlarged to 1200 cc 73 cubic rD7wKIKldTM-00237-00070520-00070819 inches numerous improvements were made rD7wKIKldTM-00238-00070820-00071021 to the chief over the years including rD7wKIKldTM-00239-00071022-00071299 the provision of a front brake in 1928 rD7wKIKldTM-00240-00071300-00071693 in 1940 all models were fitted with the rD7wKIKldTM-00241-00071694-00071891 large skirted fenders that became an rD7wKIKldTM-00242-00071892-00072100 Indian trademark and the chief gained a rD7wKIKldTM-00243-00072101-00072296 new sprung frame that was superior to rD7wKIKldTM-00244-00072297-00072601 rival Harley's unsprung rear end the rD7wKIKldTM-00245-00072602-00072830 1940s Chiefs were handsome and rD7wKIKldTM-00246-00072831-00073109 comfortable machines capable of 85 miles rD7wKIKldTM-00247-00073110-00073565 per hour 137 km/h in standard form in rD7wKIKldTM-00248-00073566-00073918 over 100 miles per hour 160 kilometers rD7wKIKldTM-00249-00073919-00074111 per hour when tuned although their rD7wKIKldTM-00250-00074112-00074337 increased weight hampered acceleration rD7wKIKldTM-00251-00074338-00074771 the 1948 chief had a 74 cubic inch rD7wKIKldTM-00252-00074772-00075104 engine hand shift and foot clutch while rD7wKIKldTM-00253-00075105-00075305 one handlebar grip controlled the rD7wKIKldTM-00254-00075306-00075485 throttle the other was a manual spark rD7wKIKldTM-00255-00075486-00075929 advance in 1950 the v-twin engine was rD7wKIKldTM-00256-00075930-00076393 enlarged to 1,300 CC 79 cubic inches and rD7wKIKldTM-00257-00076394-00076681 telescopic forks were adopted but rD7wKIKldTM-00258-00076682-00076900 Indians financial problems meant that rD7wKIKldTM-00259-00076901-00077143 few bikes were built production of the rD7wKIKldTM-00260-00077144-00077794 chief ended in 1953 rD7wKIKldTM-00261-00077795-00078263 topic 4 rD7wKIKldTM-00262-00078264-00078485 Indian purchased the ACE Motor rD7wKIKldTM-00263-00078486-00078779 Corporation in 1927 and moved production rD7wKIKldTM-00264-00078780-00079031 of the four-cylinder ace motorcycle to rD7wKIKldTM-00265-00079032-00079289 Springfield it was marketed as the rD7wKIKldTM-00266-00079290-00079733 Indian ace in 1927 in 1928 the Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00267-00079734-00080021 ace was replaced by the Indian 401 a rD7wKIKldTM-00268-00080022-00080204 development of the ACE designed by rD7wKIKldTM-00269-00080205-00080453 Arthur o lemon former chief engineer at rD7wKIKldTM-00270-00080454-00080675 Ace who was employed by Indian when they rD7wKIKldTM-00271-00080676-00080999 bought ace the Aces leading link Forks rD7wKIKldTM-00272-00081000-00081215 in central coil-spring were replaced by rD7wKIKldTM-00273-00081216-00081461 Indians trailing link Forks in quarter rD7wKIKldTM-00274-00081462-00081797 elliptic leaf spring in 1929 the Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00275-00081798-00082160 401 was replaced by the Indian 402 which rD7wKIKldTM-00276-00082161-00082376 received a stronger twin downtube frame rD7wKIKldTM-00277-00082377-00082631 based on the 101 Scout frame and a rD7wKIKldTM-00278-00082632-00082838 sturdier five bearing crankshaft than rD7wKIKldTM-00279-00082839-00083048 the ACE which only had a three bearing rD7wKIKldTM-00280-00083049-00083387 crankshaft despite the low demand for rD7wKIKldTM-00281-00083388-00083591 luxury motorcycles during the Great rD7wKIKldTM-00282-00083592-00083825 Depression India not only continued rD7wKIKldTM-00283-00083826-00084041 production of the four but continued to rD7wKIKldTM-00284-00084042-00084317 develop the motorcycle one of the less rD7wKIKldTM-00285-00084318-00084518 popular versions of the four was their rD7wKIKldTM-00286-00084519-00085025 upside-down engine on the 1936-37 models rD7wKIKldTM-00287-00085026-00085316 while earlier and later fours had been rD7wKIKldTM-00288-00085317-00085610 let over exhaust ioe cylinder heads with rD7wKIKldTM-00289-00085611-00085820 overhead inlet valves and side exhaust rD7wKIKldTM-00290-00085821-00086243 valves the 1936 1937 Indian 4 had a rD7wKIKldTM-00291-00086244-00086456 unique EOI cylinder head with the rD7wKIKldTM-00292-00086457-00086777 positions reversed in theory this would rD7wKIKldTM-00293-00086778-00087008 improve fuel vaporization and the new rD7wKIKldTM-00294-00087009-00087326 engine was more powerful however the new rD7wKIKldTM-00295-00087327-00087527 system made the cylinder head and the rD7wKIKldTM-00296-00087528-00087857 riders inseam very hot this along with rD7wKIKldTM-00297-00087858-00088034 an exhaust valve train that required rD7wKIKldTM-00298-00088035-00088295 frequent adjustment caused sales to drop rD7wKIKldTM-00299-00088296-00088679 the addition of dual carburetors in 1937 rD7wKIKldTM-00300-00088680-00089003 did not revive interest the design was rD7wKIKldTM-00301-00089004-00089150 returned to the original configuration rD7wKIKldTM-00302-00089151-00089531 in 1938 like the chief the 4 was given rD7wKIKldTM-00303-00089532-00089774 large skirted fenders and plunger rear rD7wKIKldTM-00304-00089775-00090245 suspension in 1940 in 1941 the 18-inch rD7wKIKldTM-00305-00090246-00090473 wheels of previous models were replaced rD7wKIKldTM-00306-00090474-00090701 with 16-inch wheels with balloon tires rD7wKIKldTM-00307-00090702-00091160 the Indian 4 was discontinued in 1942 rD7wKIKldTM-00308-00091161-00091319 recognition of the historical rD7wKIKldTM-00309-00091320-00091594 significance of the 1944 cylinder model rD7wKIKldTM-00310-00091595-00091868 was made with an August 2006 United rD7wKIKldTM-00311-00091869-00092180 States Postal Service 39 cent stamp rD7wKIKldTM-00312-00092181-00092423 issue part of a four-panel set entitled rD7wKIKldTM-00313-00092424-00092857 American motorcycles a 1941 model is rD7wKIKldTM-00314-00092858-00093065 part of the Smithsonian motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00315-00093066-00093254 collection on display at the National rD7wKIKldTM-00316-00093255-00093550 Museum of American History single rD7wKIKldTM-00317-00093551-00093911 examples of both the 1931 and 1935 rD7wKIKldTM-00318-00093912-00094121 Indian fours are in the ground vehicle rD7wKIKldTM-00319-00094122-00094274 collection of the old Rhinebeck rD7wKIKldTM-00320-00094275-00094490 aerodrome rD7wKIKldTM-00321-00094491-00094838 you rD7wKIKldTM-00322-00094839-00095402 topic World War two rD7wKIKldTM-00323-00095403-00095747 during World War two Chiefs Scouts and rD7wKIKldTM-00324-00095748-00095969 junior Scouts were used in small numbers rD7wKIKldTM-00325-00095970-00096209 for various purposes by the United rD7wKIKldTM-00326-00096210-00096371 States Army and were also used rD7wKIKldTM-00327-00096372-00096551 extensively by British and other rD7wKIKldTM-00328-00096552-00096773 Commonwealth military services under rD7wKIKldTM-00329-00096774-00097076 lend-lease programs however none of rD7wKIKldTM-00330-00097077-00097279 these Indian models could unseat the rD7wKIKldTM-00331-00097280-00097556 harley-davidson WLA as the motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00332-00097557-00097754 mainly used by the US military rD7wKIKldTM-00333-00097755-00098108 an early war military design by Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00334-00098109-00098593 was based on the 750 CC 46 Cu in Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00335-00098594-00098873 640 and was often compared to Harley rD7wKIKldTM-00336-00098874-00099116 Davidsons WLA but was either too rD7wKIKldTM-00337-00099117-00099350 expensive or heavy or a combination of rD7wKIKldTM-00338-00099351-00099424 both rD7wKIKldTM-00339-00099425-00099878 Indians later offering the 500cc 31 see rD7wKIKldTM-00340-00099879-00100217 you in 741 B was not selected to gain a rD7wKIKldTM-00341-00100218-00100571 US military contract Indian also made a rD7wKIKldTM-00342-00100572-00101033 version based on the 1200 cc 73 Cu in rD7wKIKldTM-00343-00101034-00101498 chief the 340 for approximately 1,000 rD7wKIKldTM-00344-00101499-00101825 experimental versions mounting the 750 rD7wKIKldTM-00345-00101826-00102098 cc motor sideways and using shaft drive rD7wKIKldTM-00346-00102099-00102482 as on a modern moto gut see the 841 were rD7wKIKldTM-00347-00102483-00103038 also tried rD7wKIKldTM-00348-00103039-00103642 topic 841 rD7wKIKldTM-00349-00103643-00103935 during World War two the US Army rD7wKIKldTM-00350-00103936-00104146 requested experimental motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00351-00104147-00104431 designs suitable for desert fighting in rD7wKIKldTM-00352-00104432-00104701 response to this request Indian designed rD7wKIKldTM-00353-00104702-00105223 and built the 841 approximately 1056 rD7wKIKldTM-00354-00105224-00105660 models were built the indian 841 was rD7wKIKldTM-00355-00105661-00105946 heavily inspired by the BMW r71 rD7wKIKldTM-00356-00105947-00106177 motorcycle which though not used by the rD7wKIKldTM-00357-00106178-00106402 german army later was the basis for the rD7wKIKldTM-00358-00106403-00106693 soviet m-72 which is the basis for the rD7wKIKldTM-00359-00106694-00106930 ural and Changjiang motorcycle as was rD7wKIKldTM-00360-00106931-00107182 its competitor the harley-davidson XA rD7wKIKldTM-00361-00107183-00107575 however unlike the XA the 841 was not a rD7wKIKldTM-00362-00107576-00107920 copy of the r71 although its tubular rD7wKIKldTM-00363-00107921-00108193 frame plunger rear suspension and shaft rD7wKIKldTM-00364-00108194-00108565 drive was similar to the BMWs the 841 rD7wKIKldTM-00365-00108566-00108823 was different from the BMW in several rD7wKIKldTM-00366-00108824-00109042 aspects most noticeably so with its rD7wKIKldTM-00367-00109043-00109315 90-degree longitudinal crankshaft v-twin rD7wKIKldTM-00368-00109316-00109618 engine and girder fork the indian 841 rD7wKIKldTM-00369-00109619-00109836 and the harley-davidson XA were both rD7wKIKldTM-00370-00109838-00110010 tested by the army but neither rD7wKIKldTM-00371-00110011-00110203 motorcycle was adopted for wider rD7wKIKldTM-00372-00110204-00110508 military use it was determined that the rD7wKIKldTM-00373-00110509-00110713 Jeep was more suitable for the roles and rD7wKIKldTM-00374-00110714-00110932 missions for which these motorcycles had rD7wKIKldTM-00375-00110933-00111511 been intended rD7wKIKldTM-00376-00111513-00112176 topic postwar decline and demise rD7wKIKldTM-00377-00112177-00112529 in 1945 a group headed by Ralph B rD7wKIKldTM-00378-00112530-00112716 Rodgers purchased a controlling interest rD7wKIKldTM-00379-00112717-00113133 of the company on November 1st 1945 rD7wKIKldTM-00380-00113133-00113391 DuPont formally turned the operations of rD7wKIKldTM-00381-00113392-00113682 Indian over to Rogers under Rogers rD7wKIKldTM-00382-00113683-00113919 control Indian discontinued the Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00383-00113920-00114114 and began to manufacture lightweight rD7wKIKldTM-00384-00114115-00114461 motorcycles such as the 149 Aero the rD7wKIKldTM-00385-00114463-00114897 super Scout 249 both introduced in 1949 rD7wKIKldTM-00386-00114898-00115296 and the 250 warrior introduced in 1950 rD7wKIKldTM-00387-00115297-00115689 in 1947 the Indian head fender light rD7wKIKldTM-00388-00115690-00116016 also known as their war bonnet was rD7wKIKldTM-00389-00116017-00116283 introduced the war bonnet backlit lamp rD7wKIKldTM-00390-00116283-00116496 was found only on the front fender of an rD7wKIKldTM-00391-00116497-00116706 authentic Indian motorcycle chrome rD7wKIKldTM-00392-00116707-00117011 components made their debut production rD7wKIKldTM-00393-00117013-00117222 of traditional Indians was extremely rD7wKIKldTM-00394-00117223-00117621 limited in 1949 and no 1949 Chiefs are rD7wKIKldTM-00395-00117622-00117948 known to exist all product manufacturing rD7wKIKldTM-00396-00117949-00118239 ended in 1953 rD7wKIKldTM-00397-00118240-00118583 you rD7wKIKldTM-00398-00118584-00119183 topic corporate successes rD7wKIKldTM-00399-00119184-00119516 you rD7wKIKldTM-00400-00119517-00120202 topic rebadged imported royal Enfield's rD7wKIKldTM-00401-00120203-00120439 Brookhouse engineering acquired the rD7wKIKldTM-00402-00120440-00120652 rights to the Indian name after Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00403-00120653-00121034 went under in 1953 clarification needed rD7wKIKldTM-00404-00121035-00121294 Brockhouse bought into the indian sales rD7wKIKldTM-00405-00121295-00121699 corp in 1948 the indian sales corp rD7wKIKldTM-00406-00121700-00121891 imported and sold czd rD7wKIKldTM-00407-00121892-00122206 vincent aj s matchless norton from rD7wKIKldTM-00408-00122207-00122445 various dates after this source needed rD7wKIKldTM-00409-00122446-00122896 from 1955 through 1960 they imported rD7wKIKldTM-00410-00122897-00123154 English Royal Enfield motorcycles mildly rD7wKIKldTM-00411-00123155-00123349 customised him in the United States rD7wKIKldTM-00412-00123350-00123616 source needed they may have been factory rD7wKIKldTM-00413-00123617-00123841 done almost certainly and sold them as rD7wKIKldTM-00414-00123842-00124192 Indians almost all Royal Enfield models rD7wKIKldTM-00415-00124193-00124405 had a corresponding Indian model in the rD7wKIKldTM-00416-00124406-00124693 US the models were Indian chief rD7wKIKldTM-00417-00124694-00125074 Trailblazer Apache all three were 700 CC rD7wKIKldTM-00418-00125075-00125521 twins tomahawk 500 CC twin woodsmen 500 rD7wKIKldTM-00419-00125522-00125914 CC single westerner 500 CC single hounds rD7wKIKldTM-00420-00125915-00126435 arrow 250 CC single fire arrow 250 CC rD7wKIKldTM-00421-00126436-00126834 single lance 150 CC two-stroke single rD7wKIKldTM-00422-00126835-00127185 and a three-wheeled patrol car 350 CC rD7wKIKldTM-00423-00127186-00127483 single in 1960 the Indian name was rD7wKIKldTM-00424-00127483-00127833 bought by AMC of the UK Royal Enfield rD7wKIKldTM-00425-00127834-00128032 being their competition they abruptly rD7wKIKldTM-00426-00128033-00128290 stopped all Enfield based Indian models rD7wKIKldTM-00427-00128291-00128671 except the 700 CC chief their plan was rD7wKIKldTM-00428-00128672-00128944 to sell matchless and ajs motorcycles rD7wKIKldTM-00429-00128945-00129086 badged as Indians rD7wKIKldTM-00430-00129088-00129384 however the venture ended when AMC rD7wKIKldTM-00431-00129385-00129774 itself went into liquidation in 1962 rD7wKIKldTM-00432-00129775-00130119 clarification needed AMC went bust circa rD7wKIKldTM-00433-00130120-00130613 1966 rD7wKIKldTM-00434-00130614-00131569 topic floyd climber imports 1963 to 1977 rD7wKIKldTM-00435-00131570-00131878 from the 1960s entrepreneur Floyd rD7wKIKldTM-00436-00131879-00132082 climber began using the Indian name rD7wKIKldTM-00437-00132083-00132292 apparently without purchasing it from rD7wKIKldTM-00438-00132293-00132481 the last known legitimate trademark rD7wKIKldTM-00439-00132482-00132760 holder he attached it to imported rD7wKIKldTM-00440-00132761-00132976 motorcycles commissioned to Italian rD7wKIKldTM-00441-00132977-00133219 ex-pilot and engineer Leopoldo Tarr rD7wKIKldTM-00442-00133220-00133453 torini owner of it'll jet moto to rD7wKIKldTM-00443-00133454-00133729 manufacture minerally engine 50 cc mini rD7wKIKldTM-00444-00133730-00133932 bikes under the Indian Papoose name rD7wKIKldTM-00445-00133933-00134188 these were successful so climber rD7wKIKldTM-00446-00134189-00134353 commissioned tar tree need to build rD7wKIKldTM-00447-00134354-00134599 full-size Indian motorcycles based on rD7wKIKldTM-00448-00134600-00134806 the it'll jet Griffin design fitted with rD7wKIKldTM-00449-00134807-00135139 royal enfield interceptor 750 CC rD7wKIKldTM-00450-00135140-00135439 parallel twin engines a further rD7wKIKldTM-00451-00135440-00135739 development was the Indian Velo 500 a rD7wKIKldTM-00452-00135740-00135976 limited production run using a Vela set rD7wKIKldTM-00453-00135977-00136198 single cylinder engine and gearbox with rD7wKIKldTM-00454-00136199-00136450 mainly Italian cycle parts including a rD7wKIKldTM-00455-00136451-00136624 lightweight frame from the Ethel Jack rD7wKIKldTM-00456-00136625-00136846 Company marzocchi front forks with rD7wKIKldTM-00457-00136847-00137068 Grimek a front hub having a twin leading rD7wKIKldTM-00458-00137069-00137302 shoe brake Borana aluminium rims in rD7wKIKldTM-00459-00137303-00137488 quickly detachable tank and seat rD7wKIKldTM-00460-00137489-00137728 resulting in a weight saving of 45 rD7wKIKldTM-00461-00137729-00137983 pounds 20 kilograms compared to the rD7wKIKldTM-00462-00137984-00138202 traditional Vela sat venom the project rD7wKIKldTM-00463-00138203-00138400 ended abruptly due to climber's death rD7wKIKldTM-00464-00138401-00138631 and the failure of Vela set with 200 rD7wKIKldTM-00465-00138632-00138859 machines shipped to us in a further 50 rD7wKIKldTM-00466-00138860-00139045 remaining in Italy which were bought by rD7wKIKldTM-00467-00139046-00139357 London Vela set dealer Jeff dhadkan when rD7wKIKldTM-00468-00139358-00139584 Road testing UK Monthly Magazine rD7wKIKldTM-00469-00139585-00139900 motorcycle Sport described it as British rD7wKIKldTM-00470-00139901-00140143 engineering and Italian styling in a rD7wKIKldTM-00471-00140144-00140347 package originally intended for the rD7wKIKldTM-00472-00140348-00140695 American market reporting that dhadkan rD7wKIKldTM-00473-00140696-00140887 would supply his bikes with either a rD7wKIKldTM-00474-00140888-00141124 standard venom engine specification or rD7wKIKldTM-00475-00141125-00141376 at higher cost a thruxton version after rD7wKIKldTM-00476-00141377-00141700 climbers death in 1970 his widow sold rD7wKIKldTM-00477-00141701-00141898 the alleged Indian trademark to Los rD7wKIKldTM-00478-00141899-00142096 Angeles attorney Alan Newman who rD7wKIKldTM-00479-00142097-00142333 continued to import many cycles made by rD7wKIKldTM-00480-00142334-00142552 Ethel jet and later manufactured in a rD7wKIKldTM-00481-00142553-00142762 wholly-owned assembly plant located in rD7wKIKldTM-00482-00142763-00143116 Taipei Taiwan several models with engine rD7wKIKldTM-00483-00143117-00143548 displacement between 50 cc and 175 CC rD7wKIKldTM-00484-00143549-00143788 were produced mostly fitted with Italian rD7wKIKldTM-00485-00143789-00144013 two-stroke engines made either by little rD7wKIKldTM-00486-00144014-00144478 jet or Franco Marini in 1974 Neumann rD7wKIKldTM-00487-00144479-00144706 plan to revive large capacity machines rD7wKIKldTM-00488-00144707-00144887 as the Indian 900 rD7wKIKldTM-00489-00144888-00145196 using a Ducati 860 cc engine and rD7wKIKldTM-00490-00145197-00145397 commissioned Liotta terenia Vittel jet rD7wKIKldTM-00491-00145398-00145679 to produce a prototype the project rD7wKIKldTM-00492-00145680-00145910 failed leaving the prototype as the only rD7wKIKldTM-00493-00145911-00145985 survivor rD7wKIKldTM-00494-00145986-00146201 sales of newman's Indians were dwindling rD7wKIKldTM-00495-00146202-00146561 by 1975 the company was declared rD7wKIKldTM-00496-00146562-00147284 bankrupt in January 1977 rD7wKIKldTM-00497-00147285-00148151 topic other attempts 1977 to 1999 rD7wKIKldTM-00498-00148152-00148363 the right to the brand name passed rD7wKIKldTM-00499-00148364-00148516 through a succession of owners and rD7wKIKldTM-00500-00148517-00148769 became a subject of competing claims in rD7wKIKldTM-00501-00148770-00149234 the 1980s by 1992 the climber claim to rD7wKIKldTM-00502-00149235-00149413 the trademark had been transferred to rD7wKIKldTM-00503-00149414-00149693 Indian motorcycle manufacturing co inc rD7wKIKldTM-00504-00149694-00149963 of berlin a corporation headed by Philip rD7wKIKldTM-00505-00149964-00150304 s Tseng II in June 1994 in Albuquerque rD7wKIKldTM-00506-00150305-00150403 New Mexico rD7wKIKldTM-00507-00150404-00150601 Wayne Borman president of Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00508-00150602-00150838 motorcycle manufacturing incorporated rD7wKIKldTM-00509-00150839-00151109 presented started and rode a prototype rD7wKIKldTM-00510-00151110-00151457 Indian sentry v-twin chief Borman had rD7wKIKldTM-00511-00151458-00151673 made previous statements about building rD7wKIKldTM-00512-00151674-00151876 new motorcycles under their Indian brand rD7wKIKldTM-00513-00151877-00152077 but this was his first appearance with a rD7wKIKldTM-00514-00152078-00152309 working motorcycle neither Zhang II nor rD7wKIKldTM-00515-00152310-00152539 Borman began production of motorcycles rD7wKIKldTM-00516-00152540-00152969 in August 1997 Zhang II was convicted of rD7wKIKldTM-00517-00152970-00153226 securities fraud tax evasion and money rD7wKIKldTM-00518-00153227-00153518 laundering in January 1998 Eller rD7wKIKldTM-00519-00153519-00153686 Industries was given permission to rD7wKIKldTM-00520-00153687-00153887 purchase the Indian copyright from the rD7wKIKldTM-00521-00153888-00154129 receivers of the previous owner Eller rD7wKIKldTM-00522-00154130-00154358 industries hired Roush Industries to rD7wKIKldTM-00523-00154359-00154586 design the engine for the motorcycle and rD7wKIKldTM-00524-00154587-00154801 was negotiating with the Cow Creek band rD7wKIKldTM-00525-00154802-00155014 of Umpqua Tribe of Indians to build a rD7wKIKldTM-00526-00155015-00155257 motorcycle factory on the tribal land rD7wKIKldTM-00527-00155258-00155573 three renderings one each of a cruiser a rD7wKIKldTM-00528-00155574-00155834 sport cruiser and a sport bike on frame rD7wKIKldTM-00529-00155835-00156076 specified by suspension designer James rD7wKIKldTM-00530-00156077-00156287 Parker was shown to the motorcycling rD7wKIKldTM-00531-00156288-00156599 press in February 1998 Eller industries rD7wKIKldTM-00532-00156600-00156773 arranged a public unveiling of the rD7wKIKldTM-00533-00156774-00157078 cruiser prototype for November 1998 but rD7wKIKldTM-00534-00157079-00157276 was prevented from showing the prototype rD7wKIKldTM-00535-00157277-00157465 by a restraining order from the receiver rD7wKIKldTM-00536-00157466-00157661 who said that Ella had failed to meet rD7wKIKldTM-00537-00157662-00157922 the terms of its obligations the rD7wKIKldTM-00538-00157923-00158144 contract was withdrawn after the company rD7wKIKldTM-00539-00158145-00158329 missed its deadline to close the deal rD7wKIKldTM-00540-00158330-00158513 and could not agree with the receiver to rD7wKIKldTM-00541-00158514-00158738 an extension on the deadline other rD7wKIKldTM-00542-00158739-00158969 conditions including payment of rD7wKIKldTM-00543-00158970-00159170 administrative costs and presenting a rD7wKIKldTM-00544-00159171-00159407 working prototype were also not met by rD7wKIKldTM-00545-00159408-00159746 aler industries based on this a federal rD7wKIKldTM-00546-00159747-00159923 bankruptcy court in Denver Colorado rD7wKIKldTM-00547-00159924-00160223 allowed the sale of the trademark to IMC rD7wKIKldTM-00548-00160224-00160463 Oh a licensing America Inc in December rD7wKIKldTM-00549-00160464-00160744 1998 rD7wKIKldTM-00550-00160745-00161021 topic indian motorcycle company of rD7wKIKldTM-00551-00161022-00161402 america 1999 to 2003 the indian rD7wKIKldTM-00552-00161403-00161642 motorcycle company of america was formed rD7wKIKldTM-00553-00161643-00161774 from the merger of nine companies rD7wKIKldTM-00554-00161775-00162023 including manufacturer california rD7wKIKldTM-00555-00162024-00162344 motorcycle company CMC and IM co a rD7wKIKldTM-00556-00162345-00162515 licensing america inc rD7wKIKldTM-00557-00162516-00162710 which was awarded the indian trademark rD7wKIKldTM-00558-00162711-00162875 by the federal district court of rD7wKIKldTM-00559-00162876-00163279 colorado in 1998 the new company began rD7wKIKldTM-00560-00163280-00163601 manufacturing motorcycles in 1999 at the rD7wKIKldTM-00561-00163602-00163846 former CMC's facilities in Gilroy rD7wKIKldTM-00562-00163847-00164222 California the first Gilroy Indian model rD7wKIKldTM-00563-00164223-00164528 was a new design called the chief scout rD7wKIKldTM-00564-00164529-00164756 and spirit models were also manufactured rD7wKIKldTM-00565-00164757-00165098 from 2001 these bikes were initially rD7wKIKldTM-00566-00165099-00165350 made with off-the-shelf 88 cubic inch rD7wKIKldTM-00567-00165351-00165677 S&S engines but later used the 100 cubic rD7wKIKldTM-00568-00165678-00166066 inch 1600 CC power plus bottle cap rD7wKIKldTM-00569-00166067-00166450 engine design from 2002 to 2003 the rD7wKIKldTM-00570-00166451-00166769 Indian motorcycle corporation went into rD7wKIKldTM-00571-00166770-00166946 bankruptcy and ceased all production rD7wKIKldTM-00572-00166947-00167260 operations in Gilroy on September 19 rD7wKIKldTM-00573-00167261-00167840 2003 rD7wKIKldTM-00574-00167841-00168353 topic Indian motorcycle company 2006 to rD7wKIKldTM-00575-00168354-00168772 2011 rD7wKIKldTM-00576-00168773-00169144 on July 20th 2006 the newly formed rD7wKIKldTM-00577-00169145-00169399 Indian motorcycle company owned largely rD7wKIKldTM-00578-00169400-00169618 by Stella can limited a london-based rD7wKIKldTM-00579-00169619-00169851 private equity firm announced its new rD7wKIKldTM-00580-00169852-00170098 home in Kings Mountain North Carolina rD7wKIKldTM-00581-00170099-00170299 where it has restarted the Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00582-00170300-00170541 motorcycle brand manufacturing Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00583-00170542-00170719 chief motorcycles in limited numbers rD7wKIKldTM-00584-00170720-00170995 with a focus on exclusivity rather than rD7wKIKldTM-00585-00170996-00171268 performance starting out where the rD7wKIKldTM-00586-00171269-00171562 defunct Gilroy AMC operation left off in rD7wKIKldTM-00587-00171563-00171982 2003 the Kings Mountain models were rD7wKIKldTM-00588-00171983-00172179 continuation models based on the new rD7wKIKldTM-00589-00172180-00172529 series of motorcycles developed in 1999 rD7wKIKldTM-00590-00172530-00172924 the 2009 Indian chief incorporated a rD7wKIKldTM-00591-00172925-00173473 redesigned 105 cubic inch 1720 CC Power rD7wKIKldTM-00592-00173474-00173710 Plus v-twin powertrain with electronic rD7wKIKldTM-00593-00173711-00173899 closed-loop sequential port fuel rD7wKIKldTM-00594-00173900-00174070 injection and a charging system rD7wKIKldTM-00595-00174071-00174295 providing increased capacity for the rD7wKIKldTM-00596-00174296-00174927 electronic fuel injection rD7wKIKldTM-00597-00174928-00175674 topic pilaris acquisition since 2011 rD7wKIKldTM-00598-00175675-00176027 in April 2011 Polaris industries the rD7wKIKldTM-00599-00176028-00176235 off-road and leisure vehicle maker and rD7wKIKldTM-00600-00176236-00176426 parent company of Victory Motorcycles rD7wKIKldTM-00601-00176427-00176627 announced its intention to acquire rD7wKIKldTM-00602-00176628-00176803 Indian motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00603-00176804-00177077 Indians production facilities were moved rD7wKIKldTM-00604-00177078-00177324 to Spirit Lake Iowa where production rD7wKIKldTM-00605-00177325-00177704 began on August 5th 2011 in March 2013 rD7wKIKldTM-00606-00177705-00178059 Indian unveiled their new 111 cubic rD7wKIKldTM-00607-00178060-00178527 inches 1.8 2l thunderstroke engine and rD7wKIKldTM-00608-00178528-00178690 began to sell their newly designed rD7wKIKldTM-00609-00178691-00179158 motorcycles based on it in August 2013 rD7wKIKldTM-00610-00179159-00179525 you rD7wKIKldTM-00611-00179526-00180126 topic current production rD7wKIKldTM-00612-00180127-00180477 on August 3rd 2013 Polaris announced rD7wKIKldTM-00613-00180478-00180717 three all-new indian branded motorcycles rD7wKIKldTM-00614-00180718-00180909 based on the traditional styling of the rD7wKIKldTM-00615-00180910-00181136 indian mark along with the thunderstroke rD7wKIKldTM-00616-00181137-00181542 111 v-twin engine the motor has a triple rD7wKIKldTM-00617-00181543-00181752 cam design with a chain driven center rD7wKIKldTM-00618-00181753-00181968 cam turning front and rear cams via rD7wKIKldTM-00619-00181969-00182190 gears permitting parallel placement of rD7wKIKldTM-00620-00182191-00182334 the push rods to give a similar rD7wKIKldTM-00621-00182335-00182646 appearance to older Indian designs it is rD7wKIKldTM-00622-00182647-00182877 air-cooled with large traditional fins rD7wKIKldTM-00623-00182878-00183072 and an air box in the cast aluminum rD7wKIKldTM-00624-00183073-00183363 frame all Indians using the Thunder rD7wKIKldTM-00625-00183364-00183654 stroke 111 engine share this aluminum rD7wKIKldTM-00626-00183655-00183861 frame design though the wheelbase and rD7wKIKldTM-00627-00183862-00184095 front-end rake vary depending on model rD7wKIKldTM-00628-00184096-00184413 the integrated transmission is also gear rD7wKIKldTM-00629-00184414-00184845 driven since 2013 Indian has expanded rD7wKIKldTM-00630-00184846-00185193 its lineup to 10 models of these 7 rD7wKIKldTM-00631-00185194-00185487 models had thunderstroke 111 engines rD7wKIKldTM-00632-00185488-00185718 while 2 models used the smaller engine rD7wKIKldTM-00633-00185719-00185967 displacement liquid cooled Scout engine rD7wKIKldTM-00634-00185968-00186540 the Scout has a 69 point 1 4 Cu in 1130 rD7wKIKldTM-00635-00186541-00186930 3.0 cc engine while the Scout 60 has its rD7wKIKldTM-00636-00186931-00187789 eponymous 61 Cu in 1,000 cc engine rD7wKIKldTM-00637-00187790-00188492 topic chief classic 2014 rD7wKIKldTM-00638-00188493-00188732 the standard chief classic has the rD7wKIKldTM-00639-00188733-00188954 valence tenders in the lighted war rD7wKIKldTM-00640-00188955-00189251 bonnet on the front fender cruise rD7wKIKldTM-00641-00189252-00189506 control anti-lock braking system keyless rD7wKIKldTM-00642-00189507-00189731 starting an electronic fuel injection rD7wKIKldTM-00643-00189732-00189926 are standard on this and all other rD7wKIKldTM-00644-00189927-00190250 models it has a six-speed transmission rD7wKIKldTM-00645-00190251-00190451 and manually adjustable single shock rD7wKIKldTM-00646-00190452-00191006 swing arm rD7wKIKldTM-00647-00191007-00191711 topic chief vintage 2014 rD7wKIKldTM-00648-00191712-00191948 the Indian chief vintage shares the rD7wKIKldTM-00649-00191949-00192173 chassis drivetrain and styling of the rD7wKIKldTM-00650-00192174-00192400 chief classic and adds tan leather quick rD7wKIKldTM-00651-00192401-00192616 release saddlebags matching tan leather rD7wKIKldTM-00652-00192617-00192850 to up seat additional chrome trim rD7wKIKldTM-00653-00192851-00193087 quick-release windshield and a six-speed rD7wKIKldTM-00654-00193088-00193664 transmission rD7wKIKldTM-00655-00193665-00194346 topic Springfield 2016 rD7wKIKldTM-00656-00194347-00194602 the Springfield was introduced in March rD7wKIKldTM-00657-00194603-00194990 2016 during Daytona Bike Week it is rD7wKIKldTM-00658-00194991-00195186 named after the birthplace of Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00659-00195187-00195461 motorcycles Springfield Massachusetts rD7wKIKldTM-00660-00195462-00195723 the Springfield is a bit of a hybrid rD7wKIKldTM-00661-00195724-00195993 bike sharing steering geometry and hard rD7wKIKldTM-00662-00195994-00196190 bags with the chieftain and Roadmaster rD7wKIKldTM-00663-00196191-00196356 models but is equipped with a quick rD7wKIKldTM-00664-00196357-00196640 detach windshield like the vintage it rD7wKIKldTM-00665-00196641-00196896 also boasts an adjustable rear air shock rD7wKIKldTM-00666-00196897-00197225 like the other touring models rD7wKIKldTM-00667-00197226-00197556 topic chieftain 2014 the Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00668-00197557-00197745 chieftain touring motorcycle is the rD7wKIKldTM-00669-00197746-00197958 first Indian model with front fairing rD7wKIKldTM-00670-00197959-00198285 and hard saddlebags it has a stereo with rD7wKIKldTM-00671-00198286-00198522 speakers in the fairing bluetooth media rD7wKIKldTM-00672-00198523-00198729 players tire pressure sensors air rD7wKIKldTM-00673-00198730-00198945 adjustable rear shock and motorized rD7wKIKldTM-00674-00198946-00199260 windshield adjustment initial reports rD7wKIKldTM-00675-00199261-00199419 from the press were favorable for rD7wKIKldTM-00676-00199420-00199734 styling performance and handling the rD7wKIKldTM-00677-00199735-00200013 chieftain was named 2013 motorcycle of rD7wKIKldTM-00678-00200014-00200211 the year by Roadrunner motorcycle rD7wKIKldTM-00679-00200212-00200864 touring and travel magazine rD7wKIKldTM-00680-00200865-00201505 topic scout 2015 rD7wKIKldTM-00681-00201506-00201763 the Indian Scout was introduced at the rD7wKIKldTM-00682-00201764-00202096 2014 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as a 2015 rD7wKIKldTM-00683-00202097-00202608 model the 2015 Scout is a cruiser with a rD7wKIKldTM-00684-00202609-00203044 1133 CC 69 point one Cu in liquid cooled rD7wKIKldTM-00685-00203045-00203305 double overhead camshaft v-twin engine rD7wKIKldTM-00686-00203306-00203515 and a frame formed by multiple aluminum rD7wKIKldTM-00687-00203516-00203740 alloy castings bolted to each other and rD7wKIKldTM-00688-00203741-00204043 to the engine the Indian Scout was named rD7wKIKldTM-00689-00204044-00204289 2015 motorcycle of the Year by rD7wKIKldTM-00690-00204290-00204576 motorcycle calm rD7wKIKldTM-00691-00204577-00204923 you rD7wKIKldTM-00692-00204923-00205655 topic scout 60 2016 rD7wKIKldTM-00693-00205656-00205952 the Indian scout 60 was introduced in rD7wKIKldTM-00694-00205953-00206371 November 2015 as a 2016 model the Scout rD7wKIKldTM-00695-00206373-00206863 60 is a cruiser with a 999 CC 60 1.0 Cu rD7wKIKldTM-00696-00206864-00207050 in liquid cooled double overhead rD7wKIKldTM-00697-00207051-00207425 camshaft v-twin engine the new Scout 60 rD7wKIKldTM-00698-00207426-00207611 has many of the same features as the rD7wKIKldTM-00699-00207612-00207991 2014 Scout but with a smaller 999 cc rD7wKIKldTM-00700-00207992-00208190 engine rD7wKIKldTM-00701-00208191-00208537 you rD7wKIKldTM-00702-00208538-00209205 topic roadmaster 2015 rD7wKIKldTM-00703-00209206-00209481 the Indian Roadmaster was introduced at rD7wKIKldTM-00704-00209482-00209717 the 2014 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally rD7wKIKldTM-00705-00209719-00210069 shortly before the Scout the Roadmaster rD7wKIKldTM-00706-00210069-00210291 is a chieftain with an added trunk front rD7wKIKldTM-00707-00210292-00210558 fairing lowers heated seats heated grips rD7wKIKldTM-00708-00210559-00210855 LED headlights passenger floorboards and rD7wKIKldTM-00709-00210856-00211176 a rear crash bar the Roadmaster had been rD7wKIKldTM-00710-00211177-00211431 developed before the chieftain cycle rD7wKIKldTM-00711-00211432-00211860 world recorded 72.4 horsepower 50 4.0 rD7wKIKldTM-00712-00211861-00212069 kilowatts at four thousand four hundred rD7wKIKldTM-00713-00212071-00212373 and forty revolutions per minute and 102 rD7wKIKldTM-00714-00212373-00212808 point seven pounds feet 130 9.2 NM at rD7wKIKldTM-00715-00212809-00212961 two thousand four hundred and eighty rD7wKIKldTM-00716-00212962-00213182 revolutions per minute at the rear tire rD7wKIKldTM-00717-00213183-00213528 they also recorded a tested 1/4 mile rD7wKIKldTM-00718-00213529-00213780 time of thirteen point nine one seconds rD7wKIKldTM-00719-00213781-00214008 at ninety four point four four miles per rD7wKIKldTM-00720-00214009-00214458 hour 151 point nine nine km/h and a zero rD7wKIKldTM-00721-00214459-00214619 to sixty miles per hour rD7wKIKldTM-00722-00214621-00215040 0 to 97 km/h acceleration at five point rD7wKIKldTM-00723-00215041-00215330 two seconds a 60 to zero miles per hour rD7wKIKldTM-00724-00215331-00215823 97 to 0 km/h braking distance of 125 rD7wKIKldTM-00725-00215823-00216135 feet 38 meters and fuel economy of rD7wKIKldTM-00726-00216136-00216633 thirty five point nine mpg-us 6.5 5l 100 rD7wKIKldTM-00727-00216634-00217426 kilometers forty three point one mpg-imp rD7wKIKldTM-00728-00217427-00218155 topic chief Dark Horse 2016 rD7wKIKldTM-00729-00218156-00218442 the 2016 Indian Dark Horse was rD7wKIKldTM-00730-00218444-00218817 introduced on Valentine's Day 2015 it is rD7wKIKldTM-00731-00218819-00219069 based on a chief classic painted in flat rD7wKIKldTM-00732-00219071-00219316 black with the driving lights oil cooler rD7wKIKldTM-00733-00219317-00219559 analog fuel gauge passenger pillion seat rD7wKIKldTM-00734-00219560-00220248 and passenger pegs removed rD7wKIKldTM-00735-00220250-00220998 topic chieftain dark horse 2016 rD7wKIKldTM-00736-00220998-00221342 the 2016 Indian chieftain Dark Horse was rD7wKIKldTM-00737-00221344-00221700 introduced on May 2016 it has a full rD7wKIKldTM-00738-00221701-00221928 fairing and hard saddlebags but lacks rD7wKIKldTM-00739-00221929-00222123 other accessories in the chieftain line rD7wKIKldTM-00740-00222123-00222557 it has acclaimed 119 point - pounds feet rD7wKIKldTM-00741-00222558-00223157 160 1.6 NM at 3000 a dry weight of eight rD7wKIKldTM-00742-00223158-00223362 hundred and three pounds three hundred rD7wKIKldTM-00743-00223363-00224011 and sixty-four kilograms rD7wKIKldTM-00744-00224012-00224742 topic chieftain limited 2017 rD7wKIKldTM-00745-00224744-00225069 the 2017 Indian chieftain limited adds rD7wKIKldTM-00746-00225071-00225277 more of a bagger style to the chieftain rD7wKIKldTM-00747-00225278-00225555 the front fender was opened up to show rD7wKIKldTM-00748-00225556-00225790 off 19 inches custom wheels and a rD7wKIKldTM-00749-00225791-00226083 limited coloring scheme this model also rD7wKIKldTM-00750-00226084-00226327 boasts the full ride command touchscreen rD7wKIKldTM-00751-00226328-00226656 display that the Roadmaster also uses it rD7wKIKldTM-00752-00226657-00226833 has the upper fairing with power rD7wKIKldTM-00753-00226834-00227569 windscreen and optional passenger seat rD7wKIKldTM-00754-00227569-00228323 topic roadmaster classic 2017 rD7wKIKldTM-00755-00228325-00228666 the 2017 indian roadmaster classic was rD7wKIKldTM-00756-00228667-00229041 introduced in February 2017 it has the rD7wKIKldTM-00757-00229042-00229266 traditional styling tan leather bags and rD7wKIKldTM-00758-00229267-00229452 trunk along with heated seats heated rD7wKIKldTM-00759-00229453-00229733 grips LED headlights passenger rD7wKIKldTM-00760-00229734-00230048 floorboards and rear crash bars it does rD7wKIKldTM-00761-00230050-00230258 not have the hard front lo as found on rD7wKIKldTM-00762-00230259-00230894 the original Roadmaster rD7wKIKldTM-00763-00230896-00231657 topic Springfield Dark Horse 2018 rD7wKIKldTM-00764-00231658-00231969 for 2018 Indian offers the Springfield rD7wKIKldTM-00765-00231970-00232264 in Dark Horse flavor open front fender rD7wKIKldTM-00766-00232265-00232944 with 19 inches cast front wheel rD7wKIKldTM-00767-00232946-00233637 topic scout Baba 2018 rD7wKIKldTM-00768-00233638-00233906 the Scout bobber is a factory modified rD7wKIKldTM-00769-00233907-00234125 version of the Scout that features style rD7wKIKldTM-00770-00234126-00234296 components taken from the bobber rD7wKIKldTM-00771-00234297-00234559 community of motorcycles hence the name rD7wKIKldTM-00772-00234560-00234848 these modifications include chopped rD7wKIKldTM-00773-00234849-00235119 front and rear fenders Bar n mirrors low rD7wKIKldTM-00774-00235119-00235392 seat low handlebars and a side mounted rD7wKIKldTM-00775-00235392-00236013 license plate holder rD7wKIKldTM-00776-00236014-00236806 topic FTR 1 200 20 19 rD7wKIKldTM-00777-00236807-00237163 the FTR 1:200 takes its inspiration from rD7wKIKldTM-00778-00237164-00237400 the flat track racing heritage of indian rD7wKIKldTM-00779-00237401-00237694 it is considered at street tracker a rD7wKIKldTM-00780-00237694-00237921 street-legal motorcycle with flat-track rD7wKIKldTM-00781-00237923-00238169 bike styling rD7wKIKldTM-00782-00238169-00238538 you rD7wKIKldTM-00783-00238539-00239176 topic land speed records rD7wKIKldTM-00784-00239177-00239659 between 1962 and 1967 Burt Munro from rD7wKIKldTM-00785-00239660-00239977 New Zealand used a modified 1920s Indian rD7wKIKldTM-00786-00239978-00240169 Scout to set a number of land speed rD7wKIKldTM-00787-00240169-00240484 records as dramatized in the 2005 film rD7wKIKldTM-00788-00240485-00240838 the world's fastest Indian in 2014 rD7wKIKldTM-00789-00240839-00241075 Indian had a similar custom streamliner rD7wKIKldTM-00790-00241076-00241327 built the spirit of Munro to promote the rD7wKIKldTM-00791-00241328-00241627 new 111 cubic inch engine and challenge rD7wKIKldTM-00792-00241628-00242253 speed records rD7wKIKldTM-00793-00242254-00242825 topic bicycles rD7wKIKldTM-00794-00242826-00243062 both Hendy and Hedstrom had built rD7wKIKldTM-00795-00243063-00243302 bicycles before they met and Hendy had rD7wKIKldTM-00796-00243303-00243503 marketed his under the silver king and rD7wKIKldTM-00797-00243504-00243809 silver queen names they continued to rD7wKIKldTM-00798-00243810-00244004 manufacture bicycles after their rD7wKIKldTM-00799-00244005-00244223 motorcycles became successful and even rD7wKIKldTM-00800-00244224-00244457 made bicycles designed to resemble their rD7wKIKldTM-00801-00244458-00244736 motorcycles rGBpBz-OpnM-00000-00000093-00001223 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00001-00001224-00001439 don't want to sleep in cause i got rGBpBz-OpnM-00002-00001440-00001679 something to prove i gotta take what i rGBpBz-OpnM-00003-00001680-00001918 hate and finally make a move i think of rGBpBz-OpnM-00004-00001919-00002239 you and all that you don't do well i'mma rGBpBz-OpnM-00005-00002240-00002455 make hell is sure that i don't become rGBpBz-OpnM-00006-00002456-00002791 you i have no regrets yeah outside of my rGBpBz-OpnM-00007-00002792-00003465 chest i'll never rGBpBz-OpnM-00008-00003467-00003879 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00009-00003879-00004199 i feel this pain you already know rGBpBz-OpnM-00010-00004200-00004511 turn that two games let my money show rGBpBz-OpnM-00011-00004512-00004751 i've got these things that i can't let rGBpBz-OpnM-00012-00004752-00004935 go watch me turn this life into rGBpBz-OpnM-00013-00004936-00005231 something that you can never run i feel rGBpBz-OpnM-00014-00005232-00005479 this pain you already know rGBpBz-OpnM-00015-00005480-00005791 turn that to gangs let my money show rGBpBz-OpnM-00016-00005792-00006031 i've got these things that i can't let rGBpBz-OpnM-00017-00006032-00006215 go watch me turn this life into rGBpBz-OpnM-00018-00006216-00006534 something that you can never rGBpBz-OpnM-00019-00006536-00007334 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00020-00007336-00007815 is rGBpBz-OpnM-00021-00007816-00008527 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00022-00008528-00009039 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00023-00009040-00009351 give me all the scars i'm a human being rGBpBz-OpnM-00024-00009352-00009671 cover them with tattoos so you can't see rGBpBz-OpnM-00025-00009672-00009895 knew it from the start you had problems rGBpBz-OpnM-00026-00009896-00010159 with me and the things i could be i just rGBpBz-OpnM-00027-00010160-00010463 wish i had faith i feel this pain you rGBpBz-OpnM-00028-00010464-00010599 already know rGBpBz-OpnM-00029-00010600-00010910 turn that to gains let my money show rGBpBz-OpnM-00030-00010911-00011151 i've got these things that i can't let rGBpBz-OpnM-00031-00011152-00011335 go watch me turn this life into rGBpBz-OpnM-00032-00011336-00011631 something that you can never run i feel rGBpBz-OpnM-00033-00011632-00011878 this pain you already know rGBpBz-OpnM-00034-00011879-00012199 turn that two games let my money show rGBpBz-OpnM-00035-00012200-00012431 i've got these things that i can't let rGBpBz-OpnM-00036-00012432-00012606 go watch me turn this life into rGBpBz-OpnM-00037-00012607-00012936 something that you can rGBpBz-OpnM-00038-00012937-00013735 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00039-00013736-00014216 is rGBpBz-OpnM-00040-00014216-00015015 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00041-00015016-00016337 is rGBpBz-OpnM-00042-00016338-00016783 [Music] rGBpBz-OpnM-00043-00016784-00016992 you rHi20wvtric-00000-00000053-00000391 bio medals as a bi-monthly peer-reviewed rHi20wvtric-00001-00000392-00000634 scientific journal covering the role of rHi20wvtric-00002-00000635-00001106 metal ions in biological systems it is rHi20wvtric-00003-00001107-00001412 published by Springer science + business rHi20wvtric-00004-00001413-00001691 media and the editor-in-chief as gunther rHi20wvtric-00005-00001692-00002105 Winckelmann universität Tubingen the rHi20wvtric-00006-00002106-00002432 journal was established in 1988 as rHi20wvtric-00007-00002433-00002690 biology of metals and obtained its rHi20wvtric-00008-00002691-00003170 current name in 1992 it is the official rHi20wvtric-00009-00003171-00003436 journal of the international bio metals rHi20wvtric-00010-00003437-00003715 society according to the journal rHi20wvtric-00011-00003717-00004114 citation reports the journal has a 2015 rHi20wvtric-00012-00004115-00004769 impact factor of - 134 rLd9dRB-5Lu-00000-00000088-00000318 then another hot topic these days is rLd9dRB-5Lu-00001-00000319-00000463 personal branding rLd9dRB-5Lu-00002-00000463-00000630 because at the end of the day you're rLd9dRB-5Lu-00003-00000631-00000862 kind of selling yourself to the employer rLd9dRB-5Lu-00004-00000863-00001079 this is my values is what i can bring to rLd9dRB-5Lu-00005-00001080-00001270 the table and this was how i can rLd9dRB-5Lu-00006-00001271-00001374 contribute rLd9dRB-5Lu-00007-00001375-00001558 in that sense what tips you have to rLd9dRB-5Lu-00008-00001559-00001710 people who are not used to rLd9dRB-5Lu-00009-00001711-00001967 creating that personal brand or there rLd9dRB-5Lu-00010-00001968-00002159 are new immigrants and they don't know rLd9dRB-5Lu-00011-00002160-00002431 what to do with this new uh word that rLd9dRB-5Lu-00012-00002432-00002575 they are in now rLd9dRB-5Lu-00013-00002576-00002839 yeah well first of all i understand the rLd9dRB-5Lu-00014-00002840-00002926 question rLd9dRB-5Lu-00015-00002927-00003110 i kind of loathe it in the same way rLd9dRB-5Lu-00016-00003111-00003286 right this whole notion of what's your rLd9dRB-5Lu-00017-00003288-00003567 personal brand rLd9dRB-5Lu-00018-00003568-00003879 it's it's kind of what's your true self rLd9dRB-5Lu-00019-00003879-00004151 that's what i'd rather talk about her rLd9dRB-5Lu-00020-00004152-00004303 when we talk about your true self that rLd9dRB-5Lu-00021-00004304-00004343 means rLd9dRB-5Lu-00022-00004344-00004695 you're not hiding behind who you are rLd9dRB-5Lu-00023-00004696-00005031 now you're not um being overly rLd9dRB-5Lu-00024-00005032-00005215 pretentious you're not being overly rLd9dRB-5Lu-00025-00005216-00005399 exerting who you are rLd9dRB-5Lu-00026-00005400-00005647 you're not you know being a hollywood rLd9dRB-5Lu-00027-00005648-00005727 celebrity rLd9dRB-5Lu-00028-00005728-00005934 like look at me look at me look at me rLd9dRB-5Lu-00029-00005935-00006143 that's bad advice rLd9dRB-5Lu-00030-00006144-00006399 but i don't want to associate branding rLd9dRB-5Lu-00031-00006400-00006583 or your personal branding with what i rLd9dRB-5Lu-00032-00006584-00006710 really believe makes rLd9dRB-5Lu-00033-00006711-00006910 more sense which is what's your true rLd9dRB-5Lu-00034-00006911-00007023 self rLd9dRB-5Lu-00035-00007023-00007270 so what are your likes what are your rLd9dRB-5Lu-00036-00007272-00007367 dislikes rLd9dRB-5Lu-00037-00007368-00007527 you know there are things that you're rLd9dRB-5Lu-00038-00007528-00007678 good at and there's things that you're rLd9dRB-5Lu-00039-00007679-00007767 not rLd9dRB-5Lu-00040-00007768-00008095 being open transparent and honest rLd9dRB-5Lu-00041-00008095-00008310 about what it is that makes you tick and rLd9dRB-5Lu-00042-00008311-00008407 what it rLd9dRB-5Lu-00043-00008408-00008735 doesn't is far better a strategy in my rLd9dRB-5Lu-00044-00008736-00008831 opinion rLd9dRB-5Lu-00045-00008832-00009078 than a brand or some sort of personal rLd9dRB-5Lu-00046-00009079-00009199 identity rLd9dRB-5Lu-00047-00009200-00009431 that sort of screams here's my website rLd9dRB-5Lu-00048-00009432-00009599 here's my youtube channel rLd9dRB-5Lu-00049-00009600-00009791 right and this all the things that go rLd9dRB-5Lu-00050-00009792-00009999 along with that so i don't knock the the rLd9dRB-5Lu-00051-00010000-00010231 question because a lot of people uh rLd9dRB-5Lu-00052-00010232-00010414 think they need to have a personal brand rLd9dRB-5Lu-00053-00010415-00010646 what i would recommend however maher is rLd9dRB-5Lu-00054-00010647-00010799 that you're just thinking about rLd9dRB-5Lu-00055-00010800-00011103 what is it that's me and how might that rLd9dRB-5Lu-00056-00011104-00011423 employer look at those characteristics rLd9dRB-5Lu-00057-00011424-00011719 of me rather than what is the brand of rLd9dRB-5Lu-00058-00011720-00011783 me rLd9dRB-5Lu-00059-00011784-00012103 and that would be uh advice from a an rLd9dRB-5Lu-00060-00012104-00012287 executive who's hired hundreds of people rLd9dRB-5Lu-00061-00012288-00012519 over the years rLd9dRB-5Lu-00062-00012520-00012719 there's a great perspective i also feel rLd9dRB-5Lu-00063-00012720-00012871 that you have to be authentic when are rLd9dRB-5Lu-00064-00012872-00013015 you when you are interviewing and when rLd9dRB-5Lu-00065-00013016-00013143 are you in your job right rLd9dRB-5Lu-00066-00013144-00013319 you can't just divide yourself when rLd9dRB-5Lu-00067-00013319-00013479 you're home different and it work rLd9dRB-5Lu-00068-00013480-00013535 different rLd9dRB-5Lu-00069-00013536-00013766 that's a that's a really good point and rLd9dRB-5Lu-00070-00013768-00013886 so when i see rLd9dRB-5Lu-00071-00013887-00014222 for example a potential leaders rLd9dRB-5Lu-00072-00014223-00014494 employees executives and interviews and rLd9dRB-5Lu-00073-00014495-00014671 they sort of have this rLd9dRB-5Lu-00074-00014672-00014966 suit on and whether it's female or male rLd9dRB-5Lu-00075-00014968-00015183 it's not doesn't matter but it's this rLd9dRB-5Lu-00076-00015184-00015383 well that's not really you is it and rLd9dRB-5Lu-00077-00015384-00015630 it's not just the physical clothing rLd9dRB-5Lu-00078-00015631-00015799 it's the metaphor of the suit they've rLd9dRB-5Lu-00079-00015800-00015983 sort of put on this rLd9dRB-5Lu-00080-00015984-00016150 weird suit that they're not they're rLd9dRB-5Lu-00081-00016151-00016335 acting differently and sometimes i rLd9dRB-5Lu-00082-00016336-00016511 recall in some of my interviews like rLd9dRB-5Lu-00083-00016512-00016735 you know just just dial it down a bit rLd9dRB-5Lu-00084-00016736-00016855 here who are you rLd9dRB-5Lu-00085-00016856-00017135 really you're just stop the metaphor of rLd9dRB-5Lu-00086-00017136-00017183 this rLd9dRB-5Lu-00087-00017184-00017422 teflon suit or the metallic suit or rLd9dRB-5Lu-00088-00017423-00017511 whatever like rLd9dRB-5Lu-00089-00017512-00017679 it's not really you tell me about rLd9dRB-5Lu-00090-00017680-00017814 yourself rLd9dRB-5Lu-00091-00017815-00018030 like what's your family like what what's rLd9dRB-5Lu-00092-00018031-00018183 your biggest mistake and what you'll rLd9dRB-5Lu-00093-00018184-00018319 learn from that and that goes back to rLd9dRB-5Lu-00094-00018320-00018414 authenticity rLd9dRB-5Lu-00095-00018415-00018630 to your very valid point so when you're rLd9dRB-5Lu-00096-00018631-00018855 inauthentic in an interview or a job rLd9dRB-5Lu-00097-00018856-00018999 search and you're again going back to rLd9dRB-5Lu-00098-00019000-00019127 the branding question if you're kind of rLd9dRB-5Lu-00099-00019128-00019286 pumping up your brand rLd9dRB-5Lu-00100-00019287-00019527 yeah you're missing the point entirely rLd9dRB-5Lu-00101-00019528-00019703 of what people really truly want they rLd9dRB-5Lu-00102-00019704-00019807 want yourself rLd9dRB-5Lu-00103-00019808-00019958 and they want you to be authentic with rLd9dRB-5Lu-00104-00019959-00020263 that thank you for those great tips dan rLd9dRB-5Lu-00105-00020264-00020478 and again for the audience watching this rLd9dRB-5Lu-00106-00020479-00020655 and if you have any other tips in terms rLd9dRB-5Lu-00107-00020656-00020711 of rLd9dRB-5Lu-00108-00020712-00020950 identifying who you are authentics or rLd9dRB-5Lu-00109-00020951-00021086 personal brand please leave in the rLd9dRB-5Lu-00110-00021087-00021199 comment section rLd9dRB-5Lu-00111-00021200-00021383 and tune in next time for another great rLd9dRB-5Lu-00112-00021384-00021728 question with them rMonJNLku3y-00000-00000012-00000278 this list is a subsection of the list of rMonJNLku3y-00001-00000279-00000424 members of the National Academy of rMonJNLku3y-00002-00000425-00000592 Sciences which includes approximately rMonJNLku3y-00003-00000593-00000928 2,000 members and 350 Foreign Associates rMonJNLku3y-00004-00000930-00001127 of the United States National Academy of rMonJNLku3y-00005-00001128-00001328 Sciences each of whom is affiliated with rMonJNLku3y-00006-00001329-00001622 one of 31 disciplinary sections each rMonJNLku3y-00007-00001623-00001859 person's name primary institution an rMonJNLku3y-00008-00001860-00002183 election year are given rNImiiNXCm8-00000-00000474-00001008 yes rNImiiNXCm8-00001-00001009-00001705 [Music] rNImiiNXCm8-00002-00001705-00002368 [Music] rNImiiNXCm8-00003-00002369-00002609 that experiences a lot of climate change rNImiiNXCm8-00004-00002610-00002776 issues I'm talking of issues of rNImiiNXCm8-00005-00002777-00003041 displacement rNImiiNXCm8-00006-00003042-00003354 that is so privileged in the state now rNImiiNXCm8-00007-00003355-00003688 due to the head of pharmacist crisis and rNImiiNXCm8-00008-00003689-00003929 people have moved to locations they were rNImiiNXCm8-00009-00003929-00004619 not happy team before rNImiiNXCm8-00010-00004620-00004925 we are here there's no hospital as we rNImiiNXCm8-00011-00004926-00005152 are living here women we are finding rNImiiNXCm8-00012-00005153-00005393 difficult to wash our clothes we are rNImiiNXCm8-00013-00005394-00005704 finding it difficult to eat like food we rNImiiNXCm8-00014-00005705-00005818 get rNImiiNXCm8-00015-00005819-00006029 we get oil in our problems recently in rNImiiNXCm8-00016-00006030-00006418 our country now rNImiiNXCm8-00017-00006419-00006505 communication rNImiiNXCm8-00018-00006506-00007423 [Music] rNImiiNXCm8-00019-00007423-00007637 this first person's lovely because rNImiiNXCm8-00020-00007638-00007906 sources of livelihoods have been also rNImiiNXCm8-00021-00007908-00008081 destroyed there are farmlands they are rNImiiNXCm8-00022-00008081-00008291 largely Farmers so they don't have rNImiiNXCm8-00023-00008292-00008560 anything they depends on what a rNImiiNXCm8-00024-00008561-00008835 governmental other partners are provide rNImiiNXCm8-00025-00008836-00009196 [Music] rNImiiNXCm8-00026-00009197-00009545 foreign rNImiiNXCm8-00027-00009546-00009833 we are supporting climate inclusive rNImiiNXCm8-00028-00009834-00010055 policies and we are working with the rNImiiNXCm8-00029-00010056-00010355 unct with the diff with those with the rNImiiNXCm8-00030-00010356-00010583 mandates in their programmings when rNImiiNXCm8-00031-00010584-00010787 they're implementing to look at how rNImiiNXCm8-00032-00010788-00011092 climate impacts on human rights and how rNImiiNXCm8-00033-00011093-00011392 climate related incidents or movements rNImiiNXCm8-00034-00011393-00011687 compose particular risks to certain rNImiiNXCm8-00035-00011688-00012046 groups that are often overlooked and rNImiiNXCm8-00036-00012047-00012251 this include of course rNImiiNXCm8-00037-00012252-00012496 um older persons but it also includes rNImiiNXCm8-00038-00012497-00012773 young people many of whom have to be rNImiiNXCm8-00039-00012774-00012935 displaced from their schools from their rNImiiNXCm8-00040-00012936-00013403 communities rNImiiNXCm8-00041-00013404-00013807 [Music] rNLw9ykzylc-00000-00000008-00000199 all right we're playing pig right i'm rNLw9ykzylc-00001-00000200-00000407 behind you i'm hot rNLw9ykzylc-00002-00000408-00000878 that wasn't planned rNLw9ykzylc-00003-00000880-00001366 it's the white house rNLw9ykzylc-00004-00001367-00002335 [Applause] rNLw9ykzylc-00005-00002336-00002775 [Applause] rNLw9ykzylc-00006-00002776-00003227 got paint rNLw9ykzylc-00007-00003228-00003422 [Laughter] rNLw9ykzylc-00008-00003423-00003890 all rNLw9ykzylc-00009-00003890-00004283 [Applause] rNLw9ykzylc-00010-00004284-00005258 right who else is up rNLw9ykzylc-00011-00005259-00005879 [Applause] rNLw9ykzylc-00012-00005880-00006722 oh rNLw9ykzylc-00013-00006723-00007319 [Applause] rNLw9ykzylc-00014-00007320-00007688 wow rNLw9ykzylc-00015-00007689-00007993 [Music] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00000-00000401-00000651 foreign rpYf1z5BzMQ-00001-00000652-00001579 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00002-00001580-00003332 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00003-00003333-00003688 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00004-00003689-00003959 all right rpYf1z5BzMQ-00005-00003960-00005945 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00006-00005946-00006459 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00007-00006461-00007456 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00008-00007458-00007498 foreign rpYf1z5BzMQ-00009-00007498-00008666 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00010-00008667-00009209 [Music] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00011-00009210-00009771 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00012-00009772-00010906 [Music] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00013-00010907-00012635 laughs rpYf1z5BzMQ-00014-00012636-00014680 [Applause] rpYf1z5BzMQ-00015-00014681-00014947 foreign rPrXYSydFmA-00004-00019698-00020502 foreign rPrXYSydFmA-00006-00023718-00024198 foreign rPrXYSydFmA-00008-00028062-00030695 Cinema rPrXYSydFmA-00009-00030695-00031870 yesterday rPrXYSydFmA-00010-00031872-00034603 foreign rPrXYSydFmA-00011-00034604-00036624 [Music] rPrXYSydFmA-00012-00036625-00036887 I will show you rPrXYSydFmA-00013-00036888-00037146 what I say rPrXYSydFmA-00014-00037147-00037583 from Amazon rPrXYSydFmA-00015-00037584-00039874 um rPrXYSydFmA-00017-00042893-00044143 [Music] rPrXYSydFmA-00018-00044144-00045180 during this episode rPrXYSydFmA-00019-00045181-00045724 [Music] rPrXYSydFmA-00020-00045725-00046462 foreign rPrXYSydFmA-00022-00052403-00052664 all right rPrXYSydFmA-00023-00052665-00052971 [Music] rPrXYSydFmA-00024-00052972-00053297 [Applause] rPrXYSydFmA-00025-00053298-00053912 [Music] rQXGOx00Et0-00000-00000053-00000343 restaurant to another world Gigi she rQXGOx00Et0-00001-00000344-00000569 tanka sekai shokudo is a japanese light rQXGOx00Et0-00002-00000570-00000836 novel series written by john pay inuzuka rQXGOx00Et0-00003-00000836-00001114 with illustrations by katsumi an ami rQXGOx00Et0-00004-00001115-00001408 shafy no tomo released four volumes of rQXGOx00Et0-00005-00001409-00001657 the series an anime television series rQXGOx00Et0-00006-00001659-00001922 adaptation by silver link aired from rQXGOx00Et0-00007-00001923-00002773 July 3rd to September 18th 2017 rQXGOx00Et0-00008-00002774-00003285 topic plot rQXGOx00Et0-00009-00003286-00003519 the Western restaurant near Koya yang rQXGOx00Et0-00010-00003520-00003771 Shino Nicoya yo shokunin Akoya is a rQXGOx00Et0-00011-00003772-00004017 restaurant situated in a mundane corner rQXGOx00Et0-00012-00004018-00004209 of an undisclosed Tokyo shopping rQXGOx00Et0-00013-00004210-00004440 district which despite its name offers a rQXGOx00Et0-00014-00004441-00004653 lot of Japanese dishes in addition to rQXGOx00Et0-00015-00004654-00004971 Western ones it opens during usual rQXGOx00Et0-00016-00004972-00005145 business hours though closed during rQXGOx00Et0-00017-00005146-00005313 holidays and weekends rQXGOx00Et0-00018-00005314-00005577 but secretly it is also open on rQXGOx00Et0-00019-00005578-00005822 Saturdays as on this particular day it rQXGOx00Et0-00020-00005823-00006006 creates doorways to another world rQXGOx00Et0-00021-00006007-00006153 inhabited by elves rQXGOx00Et0-00022-00006154-00006366 dragons animal men and other fantastic rQXGOx00Et0-00023-00006367-00006612 creatures who enter the restaurant and rQXGOx00Et0-00024-00006613-00006848 partake of its exotic food with many of rQXGOx00Et0-00025-00006850-00007556 them becoming regular patrons rQXGOx00Et0-00026-00007558-00008072 topic media rQXGOx00Et0-00027-00008073-00008413 you rQXGOx00Et0-00028-00008414-00008921 topic light novel rQXGOx00Et0-00029-00008922-00009183 the web novel was initially serialized rQXGOx00Et0-00030-00009184-00009353 by John Pei inuzuka on the rQXGOx00Et0-00031-00009354-00009599 user-generated content site shosetsu rQXGOx00Et0-00032-00009600-00010010 caminar Oh from January 4 2013 onwards rQXGOx00Et0-00033-00010011-00010271 following the web novels publication rQXGOx00Et0-00034-00010272-00010509 Shafie no Tomo acquired the series for rQXGOx00Et0-00035-00010510-00010814 print publication the first light novel rQXGOx00Et0-00036-00010815-00011058 volume with illustrations by katsumi own rQXGOx00Et0-00037-00011059-00011391 ami was published on February 28 2015 rQXGOx00Et0-00038-00011392-00011702 under their hero Bunko imprint as of rQXGOx00Et0-00039-00011703-00011955 March 2019 five volumes have been rQXGOx00Et0-00040-00011956-00012249 published seven seas entertainment has rQXGOx00Et0-00041-00012250-00012781 licensed the novel rQXGOx00Et0-00042-00012782-00013631 topic volume list rQXGOx00Et0-00043-00013632-00014112 topic manga rQXGOx00Et0-00044-00014113-00014361 a manga adaptation illustrated by rQXGOx00Et0-00045-00014362-00014607 takaki-kun ETSU launched in Square rQXGOx00Et0-00046-00014608-00014928 Enix's young Gangan magazine the manga rQXGOx00Et0-00047-00014929-00015122 shares the same first chapter about rQXGOx00Et0-00048-00015124-00015347 menchi-katsu as the original web novel rQXGOx00Et0-00049-00015349-00015596 but the second chapter is different rQXGOx00Et0-00050-00015597-00015840 crunchyroll began publishing the manga rQXGOx00Et0-00051-00015841-00016622 in english beginning on July 2nd 2017 rQXGOx00Et0-00052-00016623-00017471 topic volume list rQXGOx00Et0-00053-00017472-00017969 topic anime rQXGOx00Et0-00054-00017970-00018233 the author reported in a September 7th rQXGOx00Et0-00055-00018234-00018563 2016 blog entry on the shosetsu caminar rQXGOx00Et0-00056-00018564-00018736 Oh website that an anime adaptation rQXGOx00Et0-00057-00018737-00019010 project of the light novel series was in rQXGOx00Et0-00058-00019011-00019232 the works later revealed to be an anime rQXGOx00Et0-00059-00019233-00019555 television series the series aired from rQXGOx00Et0-00060-00019556-00019922 July 3rd to September 18th 2017 on TV rQXGOx00Et0-00061-00019923-00020182 Tokyo and was simulcast by crunchyroll rQXGOx00Et0-00062-00020183-00020432 Funimation has licensed the series in rQXGOx00Et0-00063-00020433-00020542 North America rQXGOx00Et0-00064-00020543-00020846 Misato Jinbo directed the series and rQXGOx00Et0-00065-00020847-00021071 supervised scripts at Silver link with rQXGOx00Et0-00066-00021072-00021371 Takao Sano and Khe Sanh o adapted the rQXGOx00Et0-00067-00021372-00021608 original character designs for animation rQXGOx00Et0-00068-00021609-00022022 the opening theme is one in a billion by rQXGOx00Et0-00069-00022023-00022269 wake up maeín while the ending theme is rQXGOx00Et0-00070-00022270-00022508 chiisana haitatsu boo rQXGOx00Et0-00071-00022509-00022886 Shia's ana haitatsu boo a small grain by rQXGOx00Et0-00072-00022887-00023465 keno yasuno equals equals notes rRf6sqK0aQA-00000-00000045-00000647 [Music] rRf6sqK0aQA-00001-00000648-00001015 okay we're back at aws reinforced 2022. rRf6sqK0aQA-00002-00001016-00001143 my name is dave vellante and this is rRf6sqK0aQA-00003-00001144-00001311 thecube we're here in boston home of rRf6sqK0aQA-00004-00001312-00001543 lobster and chowder and we're here at rRf6sqK0aQA-00005-00001544-00001726 the convention center where the cube got rRf6sqK0aQA-00006-00001727-00001998 started in 2010 shah qureshi is here rRf6sqK0aQA-00007-00002000-00002215 he's the senior manager at deloitte and rRf6sqK0aQA-00008-00002216-00002607 touch llp and merit bear is back on the rRf6sqK0aQA-00009-00002608-00002767 cube good to see you guys you can't keep rRf6sqK0aQA-00010-00002768-00002942 me away all right rRf6sqK0aQA-00011-00002943-00003222 we love having you on thecube um sure rRf6sqK0aQA-00012-00003223-00003486 set up your role uh at deloitte touch rRf6sqK0aQA-00013-00003488-00003615 what do you actually what's your swim rRf6sqK0aQA-00014-00003615-00003870 lane if you will yeah sure um you know i rRf6sqK0aQA-00015-00003871-00004086 spend i wear a lot of hats i spend a lot rRf6sqK0aQA-00016-00004087-00004327 of time in the assurance the rRf6sqK0aQA-00017-00004328-00004631 controls advisory audit type of role so rRf6sqK0aQA-00018-00004632-00004767 spend our time a lot of time working rRf6sqK0aQA-00019-00004768-00004959 with our clients to understand you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00020-00004960-00005143 regulatory requirements compliance rRf6sqK0aQA-00021-00005144-00005335 requirements and then controls that they rRf6sqK0aQA-00022-00005336-00005518 need to have in place in order to rRf6sqK0aQA-00023-00005519-00005751 address risks technology risks and rRf6sqK0aQA-00024-00005752-00005975 ultimately business risks so i like to rRf6sqK0aQA-00025-00005976-00006118 put forth the premise you know when i rRf6sqK0aQA-00026-00006119-00006279 walk around a show like this and come up rRf6sqK0aQA-00027-00006280-00006439 with some observations and then i like rRf6sqK0aQA-00028-00006440-00006583 to share them and then people like rRf6sqK0aQA-00029-00006584-00006814 merrick go well you know maybe so help rRf6sqK0aQA-00030-00006815-00006967 me course correct rRf6sqK0aQA-00031-00006968-00007278 my epiphany at this event is the cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00032-00007279-00007583 is becoming the first line of defense rRf6sqK0aQA-00033-00007584-00007742 the cso rRf6sqK0aQA-00034-00007743-00007903 at your customers rRf6sqK0aQA-00035-00007904-00008039 is now the second line of defense i rRf6sqK0aQA-00036-00008040-00008263 think audit is maybe the third line of rRf6sqK0aQA-00037-00008264-00008455 defense do you buy that sort of rRf6sqK0aQA-00038-00008456-00008703 organizational layered approach rRf6sqK0aQA-00039-00008704-00008855 no because in fact what we're here to rRf6sqK0aQA-00040-00008856-00009087 talk about today is audit manager which rRf6sqK0aQA-00041-00009088-00009342 is integrated right like if you're doing rRf6sqK0aQA-00042-00009343-00009727 so the whole notion of rRf6sqK0aQA-00043-00009728-00009919 cloud is that we are taking those bottom rRf6sqK0aQA-00044-00009920-00010103 layers of the stack right so rRf6sqK0aQA-00045-00010104-00010263 the concrete floors up through layer for rRf6sqK0aQA-00046-00010264-00010527 the hypervisor the the racks and stacks rRf6sqK0aQA-00047-00010528-00010806 and hvac and guards and gates up through rRf6sqK0aQA-00048-00010807-00011135 the hypervisor right our our proprietary rRf6sqK0aQA-00049-00011136-00011399 hardware nitro ecosystem which has rRf6sqK0aQA-00050-00011400-00011703 security inheritances okay upon that we rRf6sqK0aQA-00051-00011704-00011910 are then virtualized right and so what rRf6sqK0aQA-00052-00011911-00012087 we're really talking about is the ways rRf6sqK0aQA-00053-00012088-00012278 that audit looks different today that rRf6sqK0aQA-00054-00012279-00012470 you can reason about what you're doing rRf6sqK0aQA-00055-00012471-00012638 so you're doing infrastructure as code rRf6sqK0aQA-00056-00012639-00012783 you can do securities code you can do rRf6sqK0aQA-00057-00012784-00012991 compliance as code and that's the beauty rRf6sqK0aQA-00058-00012991-00013166 of it so like rRf6sqK0aQA-00059-00013168-00013279 for better rRf6sqK0aQA-00060-00013280-00013511 or in your case for worse in your rRf6sqK0aQA-00061-00013512-00013735 analogy uh you know these are integrated rRf6sqK0aQA-00062-00013736-00014022 these are woven together and they are um rRf6sqK0aQA-00063-00014023-00014286 it's an api call it's seamless rRf6sqK0aQA-00064-00014287-00014583 it it's like easy to describe right i rRf6sqK0aQA-00065-00014584-00014727 mean like you can rRf6sqK0aQA-00066-00014728-00014863 command line rRf6sqK0aQA-00067-00014863-00015022 knowledge about your resources you can rRf6sqK0aQA-00068-00015023-00015230 also reason about it so like this is rRf6sqK0aQA-00069-00015231-00015383 something that's embedded for example an rRf6sqK0aQA-00070-00015384-00015607 inspector um you can do network rRf6sqK0aQA-00071-00015608-00015791 reachability know whether you have an rRf6sqK0aQA-00072-00015791-00016030 internet-facing endpoint which is a pci rRf6sqK0aQA-00073-00016031-00016158 you know requirement but that'll be rRf6sqK0aQA-00074-00016159-00016391 dashboarded in your security hub so rRf6sqK0aQA-00075-00016392-00016679 there's the cloud is all the stuff we rRf6sqK0aQA-00076-00016680-00016830 take away that you don't have to deal rRf6sqK0aQA-00077-00016831-00017022 with and also all the stuff that we rRf6sqK0aQA-00078-00017023-00017215 manage on top of it that then you can rRf6sqK0aQA-00079-00017216-00017494 reason about and augment and and take rRf6sqK0aQA-00080-00017495-00017703 action on okay so rRf6sqK0aQA-00081-00017704-00017943 at the same time you can't automate rRf6sqK0aQA-00082-00017944-00018214 the audit entirely right so but but talk rRf6sqK0aQA-00083-00018215-00018407 about the challenges of rRf6sqK0aQA-00084-00018408-00018479 of rRf6sqK0aQA-00085-00018480-00018791 of of automating and auditing a cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00086-00018792-00019022 environment yeah i mean when i look at rRf6sqK0aQA-00087-00019023-00019167 cloud you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00088-00019168-00019343 organizations move to take advantage of rRf6sqK0aQA-00089-00019344-00019479 cloud characteristics and cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00090-00019480-00019703 capabilities right so elasticity rRf6sqK0aQA-00091-00019704-00019950 scalability is one of them and rRf6sqK0aQA-00092-00019951-00020175 you know for market conditions business rRf6sqK0aQA-00093-00020176-00020430 business outcomes you know resources rRf6sqK0aQA-00094-00020431-00020630 expand and contract and one of the rRf6sqK0aQA-00095-00020631-00020799 questions that we often get as an rRf6sqK0aQA-00096-00020800-00021047 auditor is how do you maintain a control rRf6sqK0aQA-00097-00021048-00021286 environment for resources that weren't rRf6sqK0aQA-00098-00021287-00021511 there yesterday but are there today or rRf6sqK0aQA-00099-00021512-00021663 that are rRf6sqK0aQA-00100-00021664-00021878 that are no longer there and that are rRf6sqK0aQA-00101-00021879-00022055 there today so how do you maintain rRf6sqK0aQA-00102-00022056-00022175 controls and how do you maintain rRf6sqK0aQA-00103-00022176-00022358 security consistently rRf6sqK0aQA-00104-00022359-00022550 uniformly throughout an audit rRf6sqK0aQA-00105-00022551-00022758 environment it's not there so that's a rRf6sqK0aQA-00106-00022759-00022958 challenge auditors you know historically rRf6sqK0aQA-00107-00022959-00023183 when you look at the on-prem environment rRf6sqK0aQA-00108-00023184-00023350 you have servers that are there it's a rRf6sqK0aQA-00109-00023351-00023558 physical it's a physical box you can rRf6sqK0aQA-00110-00023559-00023839 touch it and see it and if it goes down rRf6sqK0aQA-00111-00023840-00024319 then you know it's rRf6sqK0aQA-00112-00024320-00024527 but you know with you know with cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00113-00024528-00024694 things get torn down that you don't see rRf6sqK0aQA-00114-00024695-00024847 so how do you maintain controls that's rRf6sqK0aQA-00115-00024848-00024958 you know sounds like challenges it rRf6sqK0aQA-00116-00024959-00025230 sounds like you're describing a cmdb for rRf6sqK0aQA-00117-00025231-00025478 audit well i mean rRf6sqK0aQA-00118-00025479-00025750 that's a that's an outcome of having you rRf6sqK0aQA-00119-00025751-00025950 know getting good controls of having a rRf6sqK0aQA-00120-00025951-00026262 cmdb to keep track and have an inventory rRf6sqK0aQA-00121-00026263-00026455 of your assets but the problem with cmdb rRf6sqK0aQA-00122-00026456-00026623 is they're out of date like so so rRf6sqK0aQA-00123-00026624-00026758 quickly is it different in the cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00124-00026760-00026990 world yeah exactly i mean rRf6sqK0aQA-00125-00026991-00027079 yes rRf6sqK0aQA-00126-00027080-00027262 and yes they are out of date because rRf6sqK0aQA-00127-00027263-00027439 like anything static rRf6sqK0aQA-00128-00027439-00027687 will be manual and imprecise like it's rRf6sqK0aQA-00129-00027688-00027943 going to be did john go calculate like rRf6sqK0aQA-00130-00027944-00028207 go count how many servers we have that's rRf6sqK0aQA-00131-00028208-00028374 why i was joking about server huggers rRf6sqK0aQA-00132-00028375-00028614 versus like virtualizing it so you put rRf6sqK0aQA-00133-00028616-00028846 out a call and you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00134-00028847-00029039 not just whether it exists but whether rRf6sqK0aQA-00135-00029039-00029190 it's been patched whether it's you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00136-00029191-00029446 like there are ways that we can reason rRf6sqK0aQA-00137-00029447-00029631 about what we've done permissioning rRf6sqK0aQA-00138-00029632-00029862 pruning you know like and these by the rRf6sqK0aQA-00139-00029863-00030087 way correspond to audit and compliance rRf6sqK0aQA-00140-00030088-00030383 requirements and so yes we are not like rRf6sqK0aQA-00141-00030383-00030614 there it's not a click of a uh whatever rRf6sqK0aQA-00142-00030616-00030790 snap of the fingers right um it takes rRf6sqK0aQA-00143-00030791-00030902 work to rRf6sqK0aQA-00144-00030903-00031151 translate between auditors and us and it rRf6sqK0aQA-00145-00031152-00031383 also takes work to have customers rRf6sqK0aQA-00146-00031383-00031599 understand how they can augment the way rRf6sqK0aQA-00147-00031600-00031839 that they think about compliance but a rRf6sqK0aQA-00148-00031839-00032079 lot of this is just the good stuff that rRf6sqK0aQA-00149-00032080-00032255 they already need to be doing right rRf6sqK0aQA-00150-00032256-00032462 knowing internet facing endpoints or rRf6sqK0aQA-00151-00032463-00032631 whatever you know like pruning rRf6sqK0aQA-00152-00032632-00032887 permissioning and there's a lot of ways rRf6sqK0aQA-00153-00032888-00033071 that you know access analyzer for rRf6sqK0aQA-00154-00033072-00033239 example these are automated reasoning rRf6sqK0aQA-00155-00033240-00033446 tools that come from our um formal rRf6sqK0aQA-00156-00033447-00033574 reasoning group automated reasoning rRf6sqK0aQA-00157-00033575-00033774 group that's in identity like rRf6sqK0aQA-00158-00033775-00034055 they computers can reason about things rRf6sqK0aQA-00159-00034056-00034223 in ways that are more rRf6sqK0aQA-00160-00034224-00034479 complex as long as it can be resolved rRf6sqK0aQA-00161-00034480-00034687 it's like euclidean mathematics you rRf6sqK0aQA-00162-00034688-00034815 don't go out and try to count every rRf6sqK0aQA-00163-00034816-00035007 prime number we accept the infinitude of rRf6sqK0aQA-00164-00035008-00035143 primes to be true rRf6sqK0aQA-00165-00035144-00035311 if you believe in math then we can rRf6sqK0aQA-00166-00035312-00035590 reason about it okay so i'm i'm hearing rRf6sqK0aQA-00167-00035591-00035862 that there's a changing landscape in rRf6sqK0aQA-00168-00035863-00036135 compliance shift from a lot of manual rRf6sqK0aQA-00169-00036136-00036318 work to one that's much more highly rRf6sqK0aQA-00170-00036319-00036551 automated maybe not completely rRf6sqK0aQA-00171-00036552-00036702 integrated and seamless right but rRf6sqK0aQA-00172-00036703-00036855 working in that direction right is that rRf6sqK0aQA-00173-00036856-00036990 right and maybe you could describe that rRf6sqK0aQA-00174-00036991-00037223 in a little bit more detail how that you rRf6sqK0aQA-00175-00037224-00037455 know journey has progressed i mean just rRf6sqK0aQA-00176-00037456-00037639 the fact alone that you have rRf6sqK0aQA-00177-00037640-00037839 you know a lot of services a lot of rRf6sqK0aQA-00178-00037840-00037959 companies that are out there that are rRf6sqK0aQA-00179-00037960-00038167 trying to remove the manual component rRf6sqK0aQA-00180-00038168-00038343 and to automate things to make things rRf6sqK0aQA-00181-00038344-00038518 more efficient so then you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00182-00038519-00038695 developers can develop and we can be rRf6sqK0aQA-00183-00038696-00038902 more agile and to do the things that you rRf6sqK0aQA-00184-00038903-00039102 know really what the core competencies rRf6sqK0aQA-00185-00039103-00039295 are of the business to remove those rRf6sqK0aQA-00186-00039296-00039502 manual you know components to take out rRf6sqK0aQA-00187-00039503-00039687 the human element and there's a growing rRf6sqK0aQA-00188-00039688-00039846 need for it you know like rRf6sqK0aQA-00189-00039847-00040135 we always look at security as you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00190-00040136-00040302 like a second-class citizen we don't rRf6sqK0aQA-00191-00040303-00040511 take advantage of you know the you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00192-00040512-00040695 the opportunities that we need to to do rRf6sqK0aQA-00193-00040696-00040918 to maintain controls so you know there's rRf6sqK0aQA-00194-00040919-00041143 an opportunity here for us to look at rRf6sqK0aQA-00195-00041144-00041407 and and automate compliance to automate rRf6sqK0aQA-00196-00041408-00041558 controls and to make things you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00197-00041559-00041855 seamless as a fun side benefit you will rRf6sqK0aQA-00198-00041856-00042046 actually hopefully have improved your rRf6sqK0aQA-00199-00042047-00042271 actual security and also retain your rRf6sqK0aQA-00200-00042272-00042415 workforce because people don't want to rRf6sqK0aQA-00201-00042416-00042583 be doing manual processes you know they rRf6sqK0aQA-00202-00042584-00042727 want to be doing stuff that humans are rRf6sqK0aQA-00203-00042728-00042983 designed for which is creative thinking rRf6sqK0aQA-00204-00042984-00043102 innovation rRf6sqK0aQA-00205-00043103-00043383 you know creating ways to make rRf6sqK0aQA-00206-00043384-00043643 new pathways instead of just like rRf6sqK0aQA-00207-00043644-00043902 re-walking these roads that a computer rRf6sqK0aQA-00208-00043903-00044102 can analyze you mentioned audit manager rRf6sqK0aQA-00209-00044103-00044295 what is that let me let's give a plug rRf6sqK0aQA-00210-00044296-00044479 for the product or the service what's rRf6sqK0aQA-00211-00044480-00044639 that all about what problems does it rRf6sqK0aQA-00212-00044640-00044823 solve let's get into that i mean audit rRf6sqK0aQA-00213-00044824-00045111 manager is a first of its kind service rRf6sqK0aQA-00214-00045112-00045287 you're not going to find this offered rRf6sqK0aQA-00215-00045288-00045487 through any other hyper scaler it's rRf6sqK0aQA-00216-00045488-00045767 specifically geared and tailored towards rRf6sqK0aQA-00217-00045768-00045927 the second line which is security and rRf6sqK0aQA-00218-00045928-00046127 compliance and a third line function rRf6sqK0aQA-00219-00046128-00046390 which is internal audit so what is it rRf6sqK0aQA-00220-00046391-00046558 looking to do and what is it looking to rRf6sqK0aQA-00221-00046559-00046751 address some of those challenges rRf6sqK0aQA-00222-00046752-00046974 working in a cloud space working rRf6sqK0aQA-00223-00046975-00047118 if you have a cloud footprint so for rRf6sqK0aQA-00224-00047119-00047223 example rRf6sqK0aQA-00225-00047224-00047327 you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00226-00047328-00047511 most organizations operate in a rRf6sqK0aQA-00227-00047512-00047686 multi-account strategy right you don't rRf6sqK0aQA-00228-00047687-00047855 just have one account but how do you rRf6sqK0aQA-00229-00047856-00048062 maintain consistency of controls across rRf6sqK0aQA-00230-00048063-00048190 all your accounts rRf6sqK0aQA-00231-00048191-00048399 auto manager is a service that can give rRf6sqK0aQA-00232-00048400-00048551 you know kind of that single pane of rRf6sqK0aQA-00233-00048552-00048839 view that to see across your entire rRf6sqK0aQA-00234-00048840-00049030 landscape just like a cartographer has a rRf6sqK0aQA-00235-00049031-00049286 map to see you know the entire view of rRf6sqK0aQA-00236-00049287-00049518 what he's designing auto manager does rRf6sqK0aQA-00237-00049519-00049679 the same thing only from a cloud rRf6sqK0aQA-00238-00049680-00049895 perspective so there's also other you rRf6sqK0aQA-00239-00049896-00050055 know features and capabilities that auto rRf6sqK0aQA-00240-00050056-00050279 manager is trying to integrate you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00241-00050280-00050455 that presents challenges for those in rRf6sqK0aQA-00242-00050456-00050767 compliance those in the audit space so rRf6sqK0aQA-00243-00050768-00050958 you know most companies organizations rRf6sqK0aQA-00244-00050959-00051127 they have you know not just one rRf6sqK0aQA-00245-00051128-00051566 framework like soc2 or gdpr high trust rRf6sqK0aQA-00246-00051567-00051742 hipaa pci rRf6sqK0aQA-00247-00051744-00051926 you know you can select an industry rRf6sqK0aQA-00248-00051927-00052135 accepted framework and evaluate your rRf6sqK0aQA-00249-00052136-00052302 cloud consumption rRf6sqK0aQA-00250-00052303-00052511 against you know an industry accepted rRf6sqK0aQA-00251-00052512-00052654 framework to see where you stand in rRf6sqK0aQA-00252-00052655-00052838 terms of your control posture your rRf6sqK0aQA-00253-00052839-00053047 security hygiene and that's exclusive to rRf6sqK0aQA-00254-00053048-00053166 aws rRf6sqK0aQA-00255-00053167-00053254 is that what you're saying you won't rRf6sqK0aQA-00256-00053255-00053471 find it on any other hyperscale rRf6sqK0aQA-00257-00053472-00053679 you'll find similarities in other rRf6sqK0aQA-00258-00053679-00053847 products but you won't find something rRf6sqK0aQA-00259-00053848-00054054 that's specifically geared towards the rRf6sqK0aQA-00260-00054055-00054199 second line and third line there's also rRf6sqK0aQA-00261-00054200-00054382 other features and capabilities to rRf6sqK0aQA-00262-00054383-00054559 collect evidence rRf6sqK0aQA-00263-00054560-00054654 which is rRf6sqK0aQA-00264-00054655-00054838 i don't see that in the marketplace well rRf6sqK0aQA-00265-00054839-00054966 the only reason i ask that is because rRf6sqK0aQA-00266-00054967-00055071 you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00267-00055072-00055223 everybody has multiple clouds and i rRf6sqK0aQA-00268-00055224-00055447 would love i would love a you know an rRf6sqK0aQA-00269-00055448-00055750 audit manager that's that's spam that rRf6sqK0aQA-00270-00055751-00056038 transcends you know one cloud is that rRf6sqK0aQA-00271-00056039-00056230 possible or is that something that is rRf6sqK0aQA-00272-00056232-00056342 just rRf6sqK0aQA-00273-00056344-00056454 not rRf6sqK0aQA-00274-00056455-00056703 feasible because of the the the deltas rRf6sqK0aQA-00275-00056704-00056854 between clouds rRf6sqK0aQA-00276-00056855-00057063 i mean anything's possible with the apis rRf6sqK0aQA-00277-00057064-00057223 right now the way that you know you have rRf6sqK0aQA-00278-00057224-00057423 to ingrain it right there's rRf6sqK0aQA-00279-00057424-00057726 um you know a feature that was rRf6sqK0aQA-00280-00057727-00057975 introduced recently for audit manager rRf6sqK0aQA-00281-00057976-00058207 was the ability to pull in apis from rRf6sqK0aQA-00282-00058208-00058423 third-party sources so now you're not rRf6sqK0aQA-00283-00058424-00058654 just looking looking exclusively at one rRf6sqK0aQA-00284-00058655-00058863 cloud provider you're looking at your rRf6sqK0aQA-00285-00058864-00059207 entire digital ecosystem of services rRf6sqK0aQA-00286-00059208-00059479 your tools your sas solutions that rRf6sqK0aQA-00287-00059479-00059687 you're consuming to get a full rRf6sqK0aQA-00288-00059688-00059823 comprehensive picture of your rRf6sqK0aQA-00289-00059824-00059935 environment rRf6sqK0aQA-00290-00059936-00060119 so rRf6sqK0aQA-00291-00060120-00060326 compliance risk audit rRf6sqK0aQA-00292-00060327-00060487 security they're like cousins that are rRf6sqK0aQA-00293-00060488-00060694 all sort of hanging out on the same rRf6sqK0aQA-00294-00060695-00060887 holiday but but they're different like rRf6sqK0aQA-00295-00060888-00061079 what help us understand and squint rRf6sqK0aQA-00296-00061079-00061342 through those different disciplines rRf6sqK0aQA-00297-00061344-00061615 yeah i mean each of them have you know a rRf6sqK0aQA-00298-00061616-00061791 different role and a hat to wear so rRf6sqK0aQA-00299-00061791-00061991 internal audit is more of your rRf6sqK0aQA-00300-00061991-00062238 independent arm of management working or rRf6sqK0aQA-00301-00062239-00062430 reporting directly towards you know to rRf6sqK0aQA-00302-00062432-00062623 the audit committee or to the board to rRf6sqK0aQA-00303-00062624-00062863 give an independent view on company rRf6sqK0aQA-00304-00062864-00063015 control and posture rRf6sqK0aQA-00305-00063016-00063182 security compliance works with rRf6sqK0aQA-00306-00063183-00063294 management rRf6sqK0aQA-00307-00063295-00063575 to help design the controls that they're rRf6sqK0aQA-00308-00063576-00063830 that are intended to prevent rRf6sqK0aQA-00309-00063832-00064094 detect or even correct you know controls rRf6sqK0aQA-00310-00064095-00064287 breakdowns you know those actionable rRf6sqK0aQA-00311-00064288-00064479 those action verb items that you want to rRf6sqK0aQA-00312-00064479-00064694 prevent unauthorized access or you want rRf6sqK0aQA-00313-00064695-00064894 to restrict changes from making its way rRf6sqK0aQA-00314-00064895-00065126 into production unless it's approved and rRf6sqK0aQA-00315-00065127-00065303 documented and tracked and so on and so rRf6sqK0aQA-00316-00065304-00065503 forth so each you know these roles rRf6sqK0aQA-00317-00065504-00065655 they're very similar rRf6sqK0aQA-00318-00065656-00065791 but they're also different in terms of rRf6sqK0aQA-00319-00065792-00066038 what their function is how are customers rRf6sqK0aQA-00320-00066039-00066271 dealing with regional rRf6sqK0aQA-00321-00066272-00066575 differences you mentioned gdpr rRf6sqK0aQA-00322-00066576-00066750 different rRf6sqK0aQA-00323-00066751-00066894 regulations rRf6sqK0aQA-00324-00066895-00067055 data sovereignty rRf6sqK0aQA-00325-00067056-00067282 what are the global nuances and rRf6sqK0aQA-00326-00067283-00067591 complexities uh that that cloud brings rRf6sqK0aQA-00327-00067592-00067926 and how are you addressing those yeah um rRf6sqK0aQA-00328-00067927-00068038 i don't know if you had any thoughts on rRf6sqK0aQA-00329-00068039-00068279 that one rRf6sqK0aQA-00330-00068280-00068494 i mean i think that a lot of what and rRf6sqK0aQA-00331-00068495-00068791 this will build off of your response to rRf6sqK0aQA-00332-00068792-00069015 the sort of venn diagrams of security rRf6sqK0aQA-00333-00069016-00069271 and risk and compliance and audit i rRf6sqK0aQA-00334-00069272-00069350 think rRf6sqK0aQA-00335-00069351-00069479 you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00336-00069480-00069687 what we're seeing is that folks care rRf6sqK0aQA-00337-00069688-00069894 about the same stuff they care about rRf6sqK0aQA-00338-00069895-00070094 privacy they care about security they rRf6sqK0aQA-00339-00070095-00070399 care about incentivizing best practices rRf6sqK0aQA-00340-00070400-00070599 the form that that takes rRf6sqK0aQA-00341-00070600-00070791 when it's a compliance framework is by rRf6sqK0aQA-00342-00070792-00070975 definition a little bit static over time rRf6sqK0aQA-00343-00070976-00071175 whereas security tends to be more rRf6sqK0aQA-00344-00071176-00071399 quickly evolving with standards rRf6sqK0aQA-00345-00071400-00071599 that are like industry standards and so rRf6sqK0aQA-00346-00071600-00071815 i think one of the things that you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00347-00071816-00072071 all these compliance frameworks have rRf6sqK0aQA-00348-00072072-00072343 in in mind is to go after those best rRf6sqK0aQA-00349-00072344-00072606 practices the forms that they take may rRf6sqK0aQA-00350-00072607-00072726 take different forms you know what i rRf6sqK0aQA-00351-00072727-00073038 mean um and so i see them as rRf6sqK0aQA-00352-00073039-00073326 hopeful in the motivation sense that we rRf6sqK0aQA-00353-00073327-00073438 are helping rRf6sqK0aQA-00354-00073439-00073550 entities rRf6sqK0aQA-00355-00073551-00073775 get the wherewithal they need to grow up rRf6sqK0aQA-00356-00073776-00074062 or mature or um get even more security rRf6sqK0aQA-00357-00074063-00074255 minded i think there are times that they rRf6sqK0aQA-00358-00074256-00074438 feel a little clunky but you know that's rRf6sqK0aQA-00359-00074439-00074543 just rRf6sqK0aQA-00360-00074544-00074855 frank yeah it can audit manager sort of rRf6sqK0aQA-00361-00074856-00075062 help me solve that problem is that the rRf6sqK0aQA-00362-00075063-00075238 intent and i see what you're saying rRf6sqK0aQA-00363-00075239-00075431 merit that their security is at a rRf6sqK0aQA-00364-00075432-00075631 different pace than rRf6sqK0aQA-00365-00075632-00075894 you know gdpr a privacy you know first rRf6sqK0aQA-00366-00075895-00076087 right i mean like security says we want rRf6sqK0aQA-00367-00076088-00076350 this outcome we want to have rRf6sqK0aQA-00368-00076351-00076471 you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00369-00076472-00076759 data be protected the compliance may say rRf6sqK0aQA-00370-00076760-00076935 it must be this particular encryption rRf6sqK0aQA-00371-00076936-00077087 standard you know what i mean like the rRf6sqK0aQA-00372-00077088-00077343 form i see things taking over time will rRf6sqK0aQA-00373-00077344-00077543 evolve and and feels rRf6sqK0aQA-00374-00077544-00077862 dynamic whereas i think that sometimes rRf6sqK0aQA-00375-00077863-00078038 when we think about compliance and it's rRf6sqK0aQA-00376-00078039-00078231 exactly why we need stuff like audit rRf6sqK0aQA-00377-00078232-00078479 manager is to like help manage exactly rRf6sqK0aQA-00378-00078480-00078655 what articulation of that are we getting rRf6sqK0aQA-00379-00078656-00078894 in this place at this time for this rRf6sqK0aQA-00380-00078895-00079135 regulated industry and like almost every rRf6sqK0aQA-00381-00079136-00079294 customer i have is regulated if you're rRf6sqK0aQA-00382-00079295-00079471 doing business you're probably in pci rRf6sqK0aQA-00383-00079472-00079655 right and there's never just one silver rRf6sqK0aQA-00384-00079656-00079879 bullet so security is is a number of rRf6sqK0aQA-00385-00079880-00080015 things that you're going to do the rRf6sqK0aQA-00386-00080016-00080126 number of tools that you're going to rRf6sqK0aQA-00387-00080127-00080350 have and it's often the culture and in rRf6sqK0aQA-00388-00080351-00080494 what you develop in your people your rRf6sqK0aQA-00389-00080495-00080782 process and technology so auto manager rRf6sqK0aQA-00390-00080783-00080999 is one of the components of a robust rRf6sqK0aQA-00391-00081000-00081223 strategy on how to address security but rRf6sqK0aQA-00392-00081224-00081503 it's also one of those things where like rRf6sqK0aQA-00393-00081504-00081679 there are very few entities maybe rRf6sqK0aQA-00394-00081680-00081887 deloitte is one that are like rRf6sqK0aQA-00395-00081888-00082135 built to do compliance they're built to rRf6sqK0aQA-00396-00082136-00082231 do rRf6sqK0aQA-00397-00082232-00082494 manufacturing automotive hospitality you rRf6sqK0aQA-00398-00082495-00082638 know like they're doing some other rRf6sqK0aQA-00399-00082639-00082847 industry as their industry right and we rRf6sqK0aQA-00400-00082848-00083006 want to let them have rRf6sqK0aQA-00401-00083007-00083206 less lag time as they rRf6sqK0aQA-00402-00083207-00083359 make sure that they can do that core rRf6sqK0aQA-00403-00083360-00083631 business and the point is to enable them rRf6sqK0aQA-00404-00083632-00083823 to move our i mean like rRf6sqK0aQA-00405-00083824-00083975 sure rRf6sqK0aQA-00406-00083976-00084135 i think that folks should move to the rRf6sqK0aQA-00407-00084136-00084318 cloud because of security but you don't rRf6sqK0aQA-00408-00084319-00084455 have to you should move because it rRf6sqK0aQA-00409-00084456-00084679 enables your business and this is one of rRf6sqK0aQA-00410-00084680-00084862 the ways in which it just like rRf6sqK0aQA-00411-00084863-00085062 minimizes you know like whatever our rRf6sqK0aQA-00412-00085063-00085287 tailwind's lagging or pushing anyway it rRf6sqK0aQA-00413-00085288-00085431 pushes you right i mean like it rRf6sqK0aQA-00414-00085432-00085735 minimizes the lag definitely tailwind rRf6sqK0aQA-00415-00085736-00085847 so rRf6sqK0aQA-00416-00085848-00086118 are you suggesting merit rRf6sqK0aQA-00417-00086119-00086199 that rRf6sqK0aQA-00418-00086200-00086415 you can inject that industry knowledge rRf6sqK0aQA-00419-00086416-00086718 and specificity into things like audit rRf6sqK0aQA-00420-00086719-00086943 manager and actually begin to automate rRf6sqK0aQA-00421-00086944-00087182 that is and of course deloitte has you rRf6sqK0aQA-00422-00087183-00087406 know industry expertise char but but but rRf6sqK0aQA-00423-00087407-00087687 how should we think about that rRf6sqK0aQA-00424-00087688-00087855 um i mean rRf6sqK0aQA-00425-00087856-00087950 you're gonna rRf6sqK0aQA-00426-00087951-00088062 you're gonna look at your controls rRf6sqK0aQA-00427-00088063-00088303 comprehensively across the board so if rRf6sqK0aQA-00428-00088304-00088543 you operate in an industry you're going rRf6sqK0aQA-00429-00088544-00088726 to look to see like what's what's rRf6sqK0aQA-00430-00088727-00088967 important for you what do you have to rRf6sqK0aQA-00431-00088968-00089182 you know be mindful of so if you have rRf6sqK0aQA-00432-00089183-00089335 data residency rRf6sqK0aQA-00433-00089336-00089535 concerns you want to make sure that rRf6sqK0aQA-00434-00089536-00089767 you've tailored your controls based on rRf6sqK0aQA-00435-00089768-00089967 the risks that you're addressing rRf6sqK0aQA-00436-00089968-00090143 so if there's a framework and then rRf6sqK0aQA-00437-00090144-00090335 remember that you can go in the console rRf6sqK0aQA-00438-00090336-00090471 and choose what region you're you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00439-00090472-00090655 like we never remove your data from your rRf6sqK0aQA-00440-00090656-00090782 region that you have chosen you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00441-00090783-00090975 like this is there's an intentionality rRf6sqK0aQA-00442-00090976-00091287 and an ability to do this with a click rRf6sqK0aQA-00443-00091288-00091503 of a mouse or with an api call that's rRf6sqK0aQA-00444-00091504-00091638 you know or with a cloud formation rRf6sqK0aQA-00445-00091639-00091975 template that's like rRf6sqK0aQA-00446-00091976-00092206 there is a deliberateness there there's rRf6sqK0aQA-00447-00092207-00092535 not just like best wishes rRf6sqK0aQA-00448-00092536-00092791 esg is in scope i presume rRf6sqK0aQA-00449-00092792-00092894 um rRf6sqK0aQA-00450-00092895-00093038 you know helping rRf6sqK0aQA-00451-00093039-00093303 the cso become more green um more rRf6sqK0aQA-00452-00093304-00093455 diverse rRf6sqK0aQA-00453-00093456-00093687 increasingly you're seeing esg reports rRf6sqK0aQA-00454-00093688-00094015 come out from major organizations rRf6sqK0aQA-00455-00094016-00094191 i presume that's part of the compliance rRf6sqK0aQA-00456-00094192-00094359 but maybe not maybe it hasn't seeped in rRf6sqK0aQA-00457-00094360-00094535 yet are you seeing the name for that rRf6sqK0aQA-00458-00094536-00094687 it's still a new service rRf6sqK0aQA-00459-00094688-00094871 auto manager is still you know being rRf6sqK0aQA-00460-00094872-00095031 developed but you know continuous rRf6sqK0aQA-00461-00095032-00095182 feedback to make sure that you know rRf6sqK0aQA-00462-00095183-00095455 we're covering a broad range of services rRf6sqK0aQA-00463-00095456-00095631 and and those considerations are rRf6sqK0aQA-00464-00095632-00095759 definitely in the scope yeah i mean are rRf6sqK0aQA-00465-00095760-00095926 you hearing more of that from clients so rRf6sqK0aQA-00466-00095927-00096135 i mean we have an internal commitment to rRf6sqK0aQA-00467-00096136-00096311 sustainability that has been very rRf6sqK0aQA-00468-00096312-00096503 publicly announced rRf6sqK0aQA-00469-00096504-00096623 and that i'm rRf6sqK0aQA-00470-00096624-00096943 passionate about um we also have rRf6sqK0aQA-00471-00096944-00097143 some other native tools that probably rRf6sqK0aQA-00472-00097144-00097303 you know are worth mentioning here like rRf6sqK0aQA-00473-00097304-00097550 security hub that does you know cis rRf6sqK0aQA-00474-00097551-00097743 benchmarking and other things like that rRf6sqK0aQA-00475-00097744-00097815 are rRf6sqK0aQA-00476-00097816-00098159 traffic lighted in their um dashboard rRf6sqK0aQA-00477-00098160-00098326 you know like there are ways a lot of rRf6sqK0aQA-00478-00098327-00098606 this is going to be the ways that we can rRf6sqK0aQA-00479-00098607-00098815 take what might have been like an ugly rRf6sqK0aQA-00480-00098816-00098950 etl rRf6sqK0aQA-00481-00098951-00099247 process and instead take the managedness rRf6sqK0aQA-00482-00099248-00099455 on top of it and and consume that and rRf6sqK0aQA-00483-00099456-00099767 allow your cso to make high velocity rRf6sqK0aQA-00484-00099768-00099950 decisions high velocity high quality rRf6sqK0aQA-00485-00099951-00100150 decisions what's the relationship rRf6sqK0aQA-00486-00100151-00100423 between your two firms how do you work rRf6sqK0aQA-00487-00100424-00100662 like we just met yeah yeah rRf6sqK0aQA-00488-00100663-00100894 i sense that rRf6sqK0aQA-00489-00100895-00101094 is it is rRf6sqK0aQA-00490-00101095-00101311 how do you integrate i guess rRf6sqK0aQA-00491-00101312-00101615 yeah i mean from the audit perspective rRf6sqK0aQA-00492-00101616-00101855 our perspective working with clients rRf6sqK0aQA-00493-00101856-00102038 and understanding you know their rRf6sqK0aQA-00494-00102039-00102215 requirements and then bringing the rRf6sqK0aQA-00495-00102216-00102423 service audit manager from the technical rRf6sqK0aQA-00496-00102424-00102639 aspect and how we can work together so rRf6sqK0aQA-00497-00102640-00102847 we have a few use cases one we working rRf6sqK0aQA-00498-00102848-00102982 with the tech company who wanted to rRf6sqK0aQA-00499-00102983-00103206 evaluate you know production workload rRf6sqK0aQA-00500-00103207-00103454 that had content you know critical rRf6sqK0aQA-00501-00103455-00103686 client information client data so they rRf6sqK0aQA-00502-00103688-00103894 needed to create custom controls we were rRf6sqK0aQA-00503-00103895-00104030 working with them to create custom rRf6sqK0aQA-00504-00104031-00104215 controls which auto manager would rRf6sqK0aQA-00505-00104216-00104399 evaluate their environment which would rRf6sqK0aQA-00506-00104400-00104551 you know there's a reporting aspect of rRf6sqK0aQA-00507-00104552-00104615 it rRf6sqK0aQA-00508-00104616-00104871 which was used to you know to present to rRf6sqK0aQA-00509-00104872-00105047 senior leadership so we were working rRf6sqK0aQA-00510-00105048-00105295 together with aws and on helping craft rRf6sqK0aQA-00511-00105296-00105486 what those custom controls were and rRf6sqK0aQA-00512-00105488-00105727 implemented at the customer yeah i mean rRf6sqK0aQA-00513-00105728-00105975 among other things delay can help rRf6sqK0aQA-00514-00105976-00106231 augment workforce that can help folks rRf6sqK0aQA-00515-00106232-00106415 interpret their results when they get rRf6sqK0aQA-00516-00106416-00106639 outputs and act upon them and understand rRf6sqK0aQA-00517-00106640-00106831 industry standards for responsiveness rRf6sqK0aQA-00518-00106832-00107071 there i mean like it's a way to rRf6sqK0aQA-00519-00107072-00107158 um rRf6sqK0aQA-00520-00107159-00107295 augment your rRf6sqK0aQA-00521-00107296-00107527 approach by you know bringing in someone rRf6sqK0aQA-00522-00107528-00107743 who's done this before yeah cool rRf6sqK0aQA-00523-00107744-00107966 cool collaboration on a topic that's rRf6sqK0aQA-00524-00107967-00108151 generally considered sorry don't don't rRf6sqK0aQA-00525-00108152-00108278 hate me for saying this boring but rRf6sqK0aQA-00526-00108279-00108423 really important and the fact that rRf6sqK0aQA-00527-00108424-00108599 you're automating it makes it a lot more rRf6sqK0aQA-00528-00108600-00108719 interesting guys excellent thanks for rRf6sqK0aQA-00529-00108720-00108871 sharing first time on the cube thank you rRf6sqK0aQA-00530-00108872-00109007 for coming on merrick appreciate rapidly rRf6sqK0aQA-00531-00109008-00109215 becoming a vip thank you i'll take it rRf6sqK0aQA-00532-00109216-00109351 all right keep it right there this is rRf6sqK0aQA-00533-00109352-00109558 dave vellante for the cube you're rRf6sqK0aQA-00534-00109559-00109790 watching our coverage of aws reinforce rRf6sqK0aQA-00535-00109791-00110674 2022 from boston we'll be right back rRf6sqK0aQA-00536-00110675-00111102 [Music] rRf6sqK0aQA-00537-00111103-00111311 you rSu7_8uVMag-00000-00000022-00001491 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00001-00001492-00001705 so rSu7_8uVMag-00003-00005684-00006186 do rSu7_8uVMag-00004-00006187-00007951 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00005-00007952-00008887 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00006-00008888-00009657 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00007-00009658-00009883 [Applause] rSu7_8uVMag-00008-00009884-00010408 so rSu7_8uVMag-00010-00020129-00021083 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00011-00021084-00021555 so rSu7_8uVMag-00012-00021556-00021833 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00013-00021834-00022584 [Applause] rSu7_8uVMag-00014-00022585-00024335 [Music] rSu7_8uVMag-00015-00024336-00024543 you rVTzgNq_Vtc-00000-00000150-00000897 right rVTzgNq_Vtc-00001-00000898-00002159 [Music] rVTzgNq_Vtc-00002-00002160-00002387 Reverend father rodel paolino our rVTzgNq_Vtc-00003-00002388-00002560 beloved priest rVTzgNq_Vtc-00004-00002561-00002860 of the Madonna Del Divino Amore Parish rVTzgNq_Vtc-00005-00002861-00003005 Church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00006-00003006-00003503 where we hold our recreate mass for our rVTzgNq_Vtc-00007-00003504-00003904 dear Pope Benedict XVI rVTzgNq_Vtc-00008-00003905-00004199 as an act of gratitude for all that he rVTzgNq_Vtc-00009-00004200-00004463 has done for the church my dear brother rVTzgNq_Vtc-00010-00004464-00004661 priests and celebrants rVTzgNq_Vtc-00011-00004662-00004883 my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord rVTzgNq_Vtc-00012-00004884-00005165 thank you for coming over and taking rVTzgNq_Vtc-00013-00005166-00005506 some time some of your time to come and rVTzgNq_Vtc-00014-00005507-00006022 celebrate with us this requiemas rVTzgNq_Vtc-00015-00006023-00006256 in John 14 rVTzgNq_Vtc-00016-00006257-00006689 John or Jesus said to his disciples I am rVTzgNq_Vtc-00017-00006690-00007084 the way and the truth and the life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00018-00007086-00007391 no one comes to the father except rVTzgNq_Vtc-00019-00007392-00007570 through me rVTzgNq_Vtc-00020-00007572-00007895 if you really know me you will know my rVTzgNq_Vtc-00021-00007895-00008033 father as well rVTzgNq_Vtc-00022-00008034-00008477 from now on you do know him and have rVTzgNq_Vtc-00023-00008478-00008705 seen him rVTzgNq_Vtc-00024-00008706-00008891 end of quote rVTzgNq_Vtc-00025-00008892-00009214 these words from the mouth of Jesus are rVTzgNq_Vtc-00026-00009215-00009509 part of a series of the what we call the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00027-00009510-00009892 I am sayings in the Gospel of John rVTzgNq_Vtc-00028-00009893-00010121 that the name of God in the encounter of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00029-00010122-00010564 God and Moses in the big burning bush is rVTzgNq_Vtc-00030-00010565-00010871 the name that Jesus claims for himself rVTzgNq_Vtc-00031-00010872-00011135 in the New Testament rVTzgNq_Vtc-00032-00011136-00011783 that in Jesus we see God made visible rVTzgNq_Vtc-00033-00011784-00012263 hope Emeritus Benedict XVI is one great rVTzgNq_Vtc-00034-00012264-00012670 proclaimer of the mystery of God in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00035-00012671-00012941 Jesus of Nazareth rVTzgNq_Vtc-00036-00012941-00013258 in his life as universal pastor of the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00037-00013259-00013361 church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00038-00013362-00013607 he lived this truth rVTzgNq_Vtc-00039-00013608-00013894 up to the end of his life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00040-00013895-00014327 he wrote extensively on Jesus and his rVTzgNq_Vtc-00041-00014328-00014644 church in his introduction to rVTzgNq_Vtc-00042-00014645-00014801 Christianity rVTzgNq_Vtc-00043-00014802-00015244 and in a profound way this is found in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00044-00015245-00015736 the three volumes of Jesus of Nazareth rVTzgNq_Vtc-00045-00015737-00015941 I invite you rVTzgNq_Vtc-00046-00015941-00016205 to get a copy if you haven't if you rVTzgNq_Vtc-00047-00016206-00016486 still don't have of these books and read rVTzgNq_Vtc-00048-00016487-00016729 them then you will see and understand rVTzgNq_Vtc-00049-00016730-00017344 how Central it is in the uh Legacy of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00050-00017345-00017765 Pope Benedict 16. the person of Jesus rVTzgNq_Vtc-00051-00017766-00017933 Christ rVTzgNq_Vtc-00052-00017934-00018149 three movements in the life of Pope rVTzgNq_Vtc-00053-00018150-00018499 Benedict are worth a reflection rVTzgNq_Vtc-00054-00018500-00019008 using this formula Jesus as the way rVTzgNq_Vtc-00055-00019009-00019463 Jesus asked the truth and Jesus as the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00056-00019464-00019600 life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00057-00019601-00020057 first Jesus as the way rVTzgNq_Vtc-00058-00020058-00020435 he is the way to the father rVTzgNq_Vtc-00059-00020436-00020789 in the moral life Benedict XVI was rVTzgNq_Vtc-00060-00020790-00021077 straightforward in facing the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00061-00021078-00021379 dictatorship of relativism rVTzgNq_Vtc-00062-00021380-00021763 relativism is a disease that afflicts rVTzgNq_Vtc-00063-00021764-00022055 modern civilization rVTzgNq_Vtc-00064-00022056-00022421 it is a product of secularism rVTzgNq_Vtc-00065-00022422-00022733 that everything is up for grams that rVTzgNq_Vtc-00066-00022734-00022997 there are no absolutes and for that rVTzgNq_Vtc-00067-00022998-00023393 matter there is a denial of the truth of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00068-00023394-00023755 God who is the absolute one rVTzgNq_Vtc-00069-00023756-00024064 relativism brings about religious rVTzgNq_Vtc-00070-00024065-00024635 indifference if not modern day atheism rVTzgNq_Vtc-00071-00024636-00024994 among his many works his encyclical on rVTzgNq_Vtc-00072-00024995-00025367 Hope stands out more strongly in our rVTzgNq_Vtc-00073-00025368-00025606 society today rVTzgNq_Vtc-00074-00025607-00025978 for the gift of Hope Has setting such as rVTzgNq_Vtc-00075-00025979-00026140 prayer rVTzgNq_Vtc-00076-00026141-00026543 action and suffering and judgment rVTzgNq_Vtc-00077-00026544-00026849 that when one prays Pope Benedict rVTzgNq_Vtc-00078-00026850-00027346 teaches us we are never alone that God rVTzgNq_Vtc-00079-00027347-00027796 is with us that he accompanies Us in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00080-00027797-00028001 this life's journey rVTzgNq_Vtc-00081-00028002-00028324 one can appreciate the power of Prayer rVTzgNq_Vtc-00082-00028325-00028618 in the latter part of the life of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00083-00028619-00028799 Benedict XVI rVTzgNq_Vtc-00084-00028800-00029189 he poured his precious time to prayer rVTzgNq_Vtc-00085-00029189-00029740 and reflection to silence and solitude rVTzgNq_Vtc-00086-00029741-00030118 coupled with suffering and aging he rVTzgNq_Vtc-00087-00030119-00030629 found himself on Calvary standing by at rVTzgNq_Vtc-00088-00030630-00030929 the foot of the cross rVTzgNq_Vtc-00089-00030930-00031308 second Jesus as the truth rVTzgNq_Vtc-00090-00031310-00031657 summoned by John Paul II in his diocese rVTzgNq_Vtc-00091-00031658-00032111 Pope Benedict XVI was charged to head rVTzgNq_Vtc-00092-00032112-00032417 the congregation for the doctrine of the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00093-00032418-00032501 faith rVTzgNq_Vtc-00094-00032502-00032843 he together with Cardinals Sean born of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00095-00032844-00033215 Vienna drafted under the direction of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00096-00033216-00033562 John Paul II the great work the Opus rVTzgNq_Vtc-00097-00033563-00033823 mannum known as the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00098-00033824-00034240 Catholicism of the Catholic Church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00099-00034241-00034535 there is no substitute to the work of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00100-00034536-00034918 catechesis in the life of the church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00101-00034919-00035135 to think with the church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00102-00035136-00035374 was the rallying cry rVTzgNq_Vtc-00103-00035375-00035555 to the church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00104-00035556-00035896 just like think diocese we have that as rVTzgNq_Vtc-00105-00035897-00036335 our motto to instill in us that sense of rVTzgNq_Vtc-00106-00036336-00036485 belongingness rVTzgNq_Vtc-00107-00036486-00036796 to the diocese you see all of us know rVTzgNq_Vtc-00108-00036797-00037174 that next to the Sacred Scriptures the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00109-00037175-00037546 catechism of the Catholic church is the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00110-00037547-00037889 resource for the people of God and in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00111-00037890-00038140 particular for priests and seminarians rVTzgNq_Vtc-00112-00038141-00038483 for teachers of Christian Living and for rVTzgNq_Vtc-00113-00038484-00038657 catechists rVTzgNq_Vtc-00114-00038658-00038867 with particular attention is his rVTzgNq_Vtc-00115-00038868-00039112 contribution in the writing of the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00116-00039113-00039240 encyclical rVTzgNq_Vtc-00117-00039241-00039533 Veritas splendor rVTzgNq_Vtc-00118-00039534-00039829 the document addressing some rVTzgNq_Vtc-00119-00039830-00040252 misinterpretations on the moral life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00120-00040253-00040715 of importance for instance is the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00121-00040716-00041093 necessity of the formation or education rVTzgNq_Vtc-00122-00041094-00041507 of conscience in order to arrive at a rVTzgNq_Vtc-00123-00041508-00041843 mature Christian decision rVTzgNq_Vtc-00124-00041844-00042239 third Jesus as the life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00125-00042240-00042629 life is centered on the Eucharist for rVTzgNq_Vtc-00126-00042630-00042857 Pope Benedict XVI rVTzgNq_Vtc-00127-00042858-00043171 as a man of the second Vatican Council rVTzgNq_Vtc-00128-00043172-00043511 importance is given to the Liturgy as rVTzgNq_Vtc-00129-00043512-00043865 the summit and source of all Christian rVTzgNq_Vtc-00130-00043866-00044039 Life rVTzgNq_Vtc-00131-00044040-00044261 while achievements have been made in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00132-00044262-00044651 liturgical renewal Benedict XVI reminded rVTzgNq_Vtc-00133-00044652-00045083 the church to be cautious of abuses in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00134-00045084-00045196 liturgy rVTzgNq_Vtc-00135-00045197-00045557 that careful preparation and celebration rVTzgNq_Vtc-00136-00045558-00045887 of the Liturgy is a must rVTzgNq_Vtc-00137-00045888-00046265 for in the Liturgy we experience the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00138-00046266-00046702 mystery of God in signs and symbols in rVTzgNq_Vtc-00139-00046703-00047093 rituals and words with gestures rVTzgNq_Vtc-00140-00047094-00047321 some significant truths of the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00141-00047322-00047590 liturgical life are first that the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00142-00047591-00047927 Liturgy is the memorial of the Paschal rVTzgNq_Vtc-00143-00047928-00048293 mystery second that the Liturgy is the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00144-00048294-00048605 proclamation of the word of God and rVTzgNq_Vtc-00145-00048606-00048952 third that the Liturgy is The Epiphany rVTzgNq_Vtc-00146-00048953-00049451 of the church as one Holy Catholic and rVTzgNq_Vtc-00147-00049452-00049637 Apostolic rVTzgNq_Vtc-00148-00049638-00049901 in the end I present to you these rVTzgNq_Vtc-00149-00049902-00050099 thoughts drawn from the Gospel of Jesus rVTzgNq_Vtc-00150-00050100-00050524 that our beloved Benedict XVI is a rVTzgNq_Vtc-00151-00050525-00050905 shining example of one great Pastor rVTzgNq_Vtc-00152-00050906-00051407 whose life points to Jesus the way the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00153-00051408-00051629 truth and the LIE rVTzgNq_Vtc-00154-00051629-00051911 let me end with this prayer o God rVTzgNq_Vtc-00155-00051912-00052157 through Shepherd of all this faithful rVTzgNq_Vtc-00156-00052158-00052547 look with kindness on your servant Pope rVTzgNq_Vtc-00157-00052548-00052985 Benedict XVI whom you set as head and rVTzgNq_Vtc-00158-00052986-00053279 Shepherd of our church rVTzgNq_Vtc-00159-00053279-00053537 we give you thanks for your grace at rVTzgNq_Vtc-00160-00053538-00053932 work in him as he has led us by word and rVTzgNq_Vtc-00161-00053933-00054299 example in his teaching in his prayer rVTzgNq_Vtc-00162-00054300-00054557 and in his great love rVTzgNq_Vtc-00163-00054558-00054865 Grant him then your strength in Frailty rVTzgNq_Vtc-00164-00054866-00055373 comfort in sorrow and serenity amid the rVTzgNq_Vtc-00165-00055374-00055715 trials of this world and guide your rVTzgNq_Vtc-00166-00055716-00056087 church built on the rock of Peter with rVTzgNq_Vtc-00167-00056088-00056376 the power of your spirit as we continue rVTzgNq_Vtc-00168-00056377-00056729 on the path that leads to you rVTzgNq_Vtc-00169-00056729-00057154 best we ask through Christ Our Lord rVTzgNq_Vtc-00170-00057155-00057761 amen rVTzgNq_Vtc-00171-00057762-00058138 thank you for watching this video please rVTzgNq_Vtc-00172-00058139-00058637 like follow And subscribe our social rVTzgNq_Vtc-00173-00058638-00059021 media platforms rVTzgNq_Vtc-00174-00059022-00059159 and also help rVTzgNq_Vtc-00175-00059160-00059747 our Paris by contributing financially rVTzgNq_Vtc-00176-00059748-00059897 thank you rVTzgNq_Vtc-00177-00059898-00061009 God bless and see you next time rVTzgNq_Vtc-00178-00061010-00063161 [Music] rWmZYDo7dkY-00000-00000003-00000179 welcome back to kids fun science my rWmZYDo7dkY-00001-00000180-00000356 name's Ken today's experiment is the rWmZYDo7dkY-00002-00000357-00000628 life-sized Leonardo's arch bridge last rWmZYDo7dkY-00003-00000629-00000821 experiment I did the model size this rWmZYDo7dkY-00004-00000822-00001064 time I am going to cross the pond as rWmZYDo7dkY-00005-00001065-00001241 always adult supervision is required rWmZYDo7dkY-00006-00001242-00001507 what you need for this experiment is 10 rWmZYDo7dkY-00007-00001508-00001873 2 by 3 inches 8 foot boards and 5 1 and rWmZYDo7dkY-00008-00001875-00002101 a quarter inch dowels 48 inches long rWmZYDo7dkY-00009-00002102-00002279 that you can find at your local hardware rWmZYDo7dkY-00010-00002280-00004636 store we're gonna make an actual bridge rWmZYDo7dkY-00011-00004637-00004861 so the build the bridge I started off rWmZYDo7dkY-00012-00004862-00005084 with two two by threes and put them in rWmZYDo7dkY-00013-00005085-00005351 the middle spacing them out about you rWmZYDo7dkY-00014-00005352-00005536 know a three feet and then you're gonna rWmZYDo7dkY-00015-00005537-00005702 take one down and put it right in the rWmZYDo7dkY-00016-00005703-00005947 middle of the two by three so about four rWmZYDo7dkY-00017-00005948-00006167 feet in and so it's hanging over the rWmZYDo7dkY-00018-00006168-00006406 edge then you're gonna take two more two rWmZYDo7dkY-00019-00006408-00006641 by threes and place them on top of the rWmZYDo7dkY-00020-00006642-00006784 dowel just like this rWmZYDo7dkY-00021-00006786-00007034 overlapping about by six to eight inches rWmZYDo7dkY-00022-00007034-00007412 or 15 centimeters to 20 centimeters and rWmZYDo7dkY-00023-00007413-00007616 then you take another dowel one person rWmZYDo7dkY-00024-00007617-00007889 is gonna grab the bottom two of the two rWmZYDo7dkY-00025-00007890-00008074 by threes lift them up so someone else rWmZYDo7dkY-00026-00008075-00008396 can put the dowel in between extending rWmZYDo7dkY-00027-00008397-00008708 over the dowel by six to eight inches rWmZYDo7dkY-00028-00008709-00008885 and then you're gonna repeat the process rWmZYDo7dkY-00029-00008886-00009214 go on the inside of the two by threes rWmZYDo7dkY-00030-00009215-00009389 and place them on top of the dowel and rWmZYDo7dkY-00031-00009390-00009641 then you're gonna grab one person's rWmZYDo7dkY-00032-00009642-00009874 gonna grab the bottom two two by fours rWmZYDo7dkY-00033-00009875-00010099 that are on the ground pick it up and rWmZYDo7dkY-00034-00010100-00010367 place the dowel back in again with it rWmZYDo7dkY-00035-00010368-00010646 extending over about six to eight inches rWmZYDo7dkY-00036-00010647-00010778 there so you're just gonna keep rWmZYDo7dkY-00037-00010779-00010978 repeating it since my bocce ball court rWmZYDo7dkY-00038-00010979-00011239 is run out of space on one end I am rWmZYDo7dkY-00039-00011240-00011467 trying to decide think I'm gonna have to rWmZYDo7dkY-00040-00011468-00011792 go the other way so I will grab two more rWmZYDo7dkY-00041-00011793-00011989 and we're gonna place these on the rWmZYDo7dkY-00042-00011990-00012305 inside of the other two by fours but on rWmZYDo7dkY-00043-00012306-00012634 top of the dowel right there and then rWmZYDo7dkY-00044-00012635-00013004 we're gonna have Craig grab the bottom rWmZYDo7dkY-00045-00013005-00013255 two I gotta move the camera here for a rWmZYDo7dkY-00046-00013256-00013347 second rWmZYDo7dkY-00047-00013347-00013680 grab the bottom two of the two by fours rWmZYDo7dkY-00048-00013681-00013863 that are on the ground right there let's rWmZYDo7dkY-00049-00013863-00014058 go down a little farther and then I'm rWmZYDo7dkY-00050-00014059-00014225 gonna place the dowel once he gets them rWmZYDo7dkY-00051-00014226-00014493 higher than the other one and put them rWmZYDo7dkY-00052-00014494-00014819 in about 68 inches up and therefore now rWmZYDo7dkY-00053-00014820-00015015 we need to tighten it up a little bit rWmZYDo7dkY-00054-00015016-00015255 you want to push all the 2x4 so they're rWmZYDo7dkY-00055-00015256-00015386 kind of touching each other you don't rWmZYDo7dkY-00056-00015387-00015672 want any space in between otherwise you rWmZYDo7dkY-00057-00015672-00016016 won't be able to go across the bridge so rWmZYDo7dkY-00058-00016018-00016277 when you step on it remember this is a rWmZYDo7dkY-00059-00016278-00016505 she's trying a little touch grunt here rWmZYDo7dkY-00060-00016506-00016674 you can see it's angling a little bit rWmZYDo7dkY-00061-00016675-00017003 and it's going to tilt to the side so I rWmZYDo7dkY-00062-00017004-00017397 stopped going the base of the sides are rWmZYDo7dkY-00063-00017398-00017661 not centered up so I need to pull those rWmZYDo7dkY-00064-00017662-00017943 out a little bit and make sure it's rWmZYDo7dkY-00065-00017944-00018177 heavily set so now what we're gonna do rWmZYDo7dkY-00066-00018178-00018506 is we're going to move the bridge once rWmZYDo7dkY-00067-00018507-00018656 we got it tightened up we're gonna trip rWmZYDo7dkY-00068-00018657-00018828 each grab one end of the bridge it rWmZYDo7dkY-00069-00018829-00018996 should stay together and we're gonna rWmZYDo7dkY-00070-00018997-00019188 move it over to the pond rWmZYDo7dkY-00071-00019189-00019527 I actually I only used four eight of the rWmZYDo7dkY-00072-00019528-00019847 jus by three and for the dowels because rWmZYDo7dkY-00073-00019848-00020196 my bridge my pond wasn't as long so here rWmZYDo7dkY-00074-00020197-00020487 is the first test and I'm starting to go rWmZYDo7dkY-00075-00020488-00020637 and it's starting to sway back and forth rWmZYDo7dkY-00076-00020638-00020844 and once again when we put it down the rWmZYDo7dkY-00077-00020845-00021108 ground isn't seen right there one of the rWmZYDo7dkY-00078-00021109-00021321 two by threes that was a close close rWmZYDo7dkY-00079-00021322-00021587 call falling in there tilted to the side rWmZYDo7dkY-00080-00021588-00021786 because it wasn't when we moved it we rWmZYDo7dkY-00081-00021787-00021978 didn't tighten the two by threes rWmZYDo7dkY-00082-00021979-00022242 together so it had some space to be able rWmZYDo7dkY-00083-00022243-00022481 to tilt so we're tighten this up and rWmZYDo7dkY-00084-00022482-00022689 we're probably gonna have to move it too rWmZYDo7dkY-00085-00022690-00022878 because the ground is not level so we're rWmZYDo7dkY-00086-00022879-00023058 gonna move it so it's on level ground rWmZYDo7dkY-00087-00023059-00023355 both ways you don't want it angle in one rWmZYDo7dkY-00088-00023356-00023547 way or the other and it kind of was rWmZYDo7dkY-00089-00023548-00023681 angling so make sure it's a little rWmZYDo7dkY-00090-00023682-00024003 straight here again and once rWmZYDo7dkY-00091-00024004-00024321 everything's tight together then I will rWmZYDo7dkY-00092-00024322-00024480 make the attempt to go across the pond rWmZYDo7dkY-00093-00024481-00024867 without falling in so I'll get rWmZYDo7dkY-00094-00024868-00025005 everything straight there make sure rWmZYDo7dkY-00095-00025006-00025172 those dowels are a little bit farther up rWmZYDo7dkY-00096-00025173-00025409 and remember I'm a hundred and ninety rWmZYDo7dkY-00097-00025410-00025769 one pounds 86 kilograms and I'm gonna rWmZYDo7dkY-00098-00025770-00025970 attempt to go over here the steps are a rWmZYDo7dkY-00099-00025972-00026357 little bit far but I think I'm going to rWmZYDo7dkY-00100-00026358-00026570 now I'm in the middle now I'm fully rWmZYDo7dkY-00101-00026571-00026660 committed rWmZYDo7dkY-00102-00026661-00027211 and up one more step to go and did it rWmZYDo7dkY-00103-00027212-00027445 success hundred ninety one pounds rWmZYDo7dkY-00104-00027447-00027920 awesome so we got a second person going rWmZYDo7dkY-00105-00027920-00028082 over simply to make it across the rWmZYDo7dkY-00106-00028083-00028336 hardest part was how far the steps were rWmZYDo7dkY-00107-00028337-00028517 in between so you have to really be rWmZYDo7dkY-00108-00028518-00028751 flexible stretch maybe cutting the wood rWmZYDo7dkY-00109-00028752-00029027 in half and making them closer instead rWmZYDo7dkY-00110-00029027-00029276 of a footlong two by threes making them rWmZYDo7dkY-00111-00029277-00029608 four by four feet long rWmZYDo7dkY-00112-00029609-00029812 you'd have steps in between once again rWmZYDo7dkY-00113-00029813-00030037 success we made the bridge all the way rWmZYDo7dkY-00114-00030038-00030314 across and it was success awesome a rWmZYDo7dkY-00115-00030314-00030520 little closer look here you can see the rWmZYDo7dkY-00116-00030521-00030767 dowel is about six to eight inches over rWmZYDo7dkY-00117-00030768-00030970 you could also see the two by fours are rWmZYDo7dkY-00118-00030971-00031133 flushed against each other very rWmZYDo7dkY-00119-00031133-00031321 important I hope you enjoyed this video rWmZYDo7dkY-00120-00031322-00031540 remember to click thumbs up and share rWmZYDo7dkY-00121-00031541-00031888 and thanks for watching rWePSi5pm2M-00000-00000148-00001975 [Music] rWePSi5pm2M-00001-00001976-00002184 you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00000-00000000-00001187 yo what's popping people welcome back rX-FsrPgJuQ-00001-00001188-00001457 to my teeth is literally all over your rX-FsrPgJuQ-00002-00001458-00001726 face did it look cool it's in your teeth rX-FsrPgJuQ-00003-00001727-00001997 oh my God welcome back to another video rX-FsrPgJuQ-00004-00001998-00002213 today we're going to be doing the 1v1 rX-FsrPgJuQ-00005-00002214-00002489 topwater only fishing challenge today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00006-00002490-00002681 and I'm actually going up against Tara rX-FsrPgJuQ-00007-00002682-00002915 we're gonna do the 1v1 challenge biggest rX-FsrPgJuQ-00008-00002916-00003113 fish wins so it's not gonna be like a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00009-00003114-00003245 five fish or three fish biggest fish rX-FsrPgJuQ-00010-00003246-00003461 wins but we only throw top Waters today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00011-00003461-00003653 so that's a game plan also it is the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00012-00003654-00003815 Fourth of July so this is kind of like a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00013-00003815-00004019 little Fourth of July red white and blue rX-FsrPgJuQ-00014-00004020-00004270 Edition video and she bought like this rX-FsrPgJuQ-00015-00004271-00004493 little popper and I guess we thought it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00016-00004494-00004804 was like confetti and it it was like it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00017-00004805-00004997 was powder and they got all over here rX-FsrPgJuQ-00018-00004998-00005272 but straight blue I look better now look rX-FsrPgJuQ-00019-00005273-00005429 there's a little bit there it was like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00020-00005430-00005579 all in her teeth and everything that's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00021-00005580-00005722 hilarious but we're gonna go ahead and rX-FsrPgJuQ-00022-00005723-00005915 hop into this dunk the boat in the water rX-FsrPgJuQ-00023-00005916-00006118 and see if we can catch some really big rX-FsrPgJuQ-00024-00006119-00006317 fish today it is really windy so I do rX-FsrPgJuQ-00025-00006318-00006509 apologize about that in advance rX-FsrPgJuQ-00026-00006509-00006653 hopefully it won't be too bad on the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00027-00006654-00006827 cameras but let's go ahead and get this rX-FsrPgJuQ-00028-00006828-00006953 started if you guys are new to the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00029-00006954-00007091 channel hit that subscribe button hit rX-FsrPgJuQ-00030-00007092-00007259 the notification Bell also hit the like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00031-00007259-00007414 button if you guys want to see some more rX-FsrPgJuQ-00032-00007415-00007696 1v1 challenges with Tara let me know in rX-FsrPgJuQ-00033-00007697-00007846 the comment section down below let's get rX-FsrPgJuQ-00034-00007847-00009035 after you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00035-00009036-00009274 all right y'all let's get today started rX-FsrPgJuQ-00036-00009275-00009467 I'm hoping they're gonna bite last time rX-FsrPgJuQ-00037-00009468-00009683 I was here I didn't get to push the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00038-00009684-00009983 video but caught almost 80 fish on a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00039-00009984-00010205 swim bait so we're about to see what's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00040-00010206-00010319 gonna happen I hope we're just gonna rX-FsrPgJuQ-00041-00010320-00010577 slam them on top you're good by the way rX-FsrPgJuQ-00042-00010578-00010709 I hope you guys like the American flag rX-FsrPgJuQ-00043-00010710-00010835 too you know we're all about that red rX-FsrPgJuQ-00044-00010836-00010955 white and blue here on kicking their rX-FsrPgJuQ-00045-00010956-00011195 bass we got some new merch dropping very rX-FsrPgJuQ-00046-00011196-00011309 soon rX-FsrPgJuQ-00047-00011310-00011488 um some America themes some us theme rX-FsrPgJuQ-00048-00011489-00012214 merch so stay on the lookout for that rX-FsrPgJuQ-00049-00012215-00012463 good I'm good rX-FsrPgJuQ-00050-00012464-00012863 I'm gonna kick your butt today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00051-00012863-00013403 better watch what you wish for girl rX-FsrPgJuQ-00052-00013404-00013775 honestly I want you to beat me today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00053-00013776-00014735 but I don't think I can let you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00054-00014736-00014986 all right y'all I just got out to the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00055-00014987-00015233 first spot I'm going to be starting off rX-FsrPgJuQ-00056-00015234-00015611 with the mock patroller and this is by rX-FsrPgJuQ-00057-00015612-00015736 Mark Bates if you guys want to check rX-FsrPgJuQ-00058-00015737-00015899 them out you can find them rX-FsrPgJuQ-00059-00015900-00016211 on mock-nation.com or you can get them rX-FsrPgJuQ-00060-00016212-00016325 at Dick's Sporting Goods I'll have a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00061-00016326-00016486 link down below and the kicking their rX-FsrPgJuQ-00062-00016487-00016613 bass combos if you guys want to check rX-FsrPgJuQ-00063-00016614-00016769 these out only available on rX-FsrPgJuQ-00064-00016770-00016967 kickingtherebass.com uh the link down rX-FsrPgJuQ-00065-00016968-00017111 below as well rX-FsrPgJuQ-00066-00017112-00017225 um thank you guys everyone who's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00067-00017226-00017399 supported me with kicking their bass as rX-FsrPgJuQ-00068-00017400-00017603 far as the combos getting their baskets rX-FsrPgJuQ-00069-00017604-00017807 those combos go I really appreciate all rX-FsrPgJuQ-00070-00017808-00017980 y'all but we're gonna get this started rX-FsrPgJuQ-00071-00017981-00018257 we're gonna be fishing this deep rX-FsrPgJuQ-00072-00018258-00018407 grass line out here we're sitting in rX-FsrPgJuQ-00073-00018408-00018617 about 14 to 15 foot rX-FsrPgJuQ-00074-00018618-00018893 and there's a bunch of thick hydrilla up rX-FsrPgJuQ-00075-00018894-00019241 here so we're going to start off here rX-FsrPgJuQ-00076-00019242-00019480 with these plopper style baits and see rX-FsrPgJuQ-00077-00019481-00019619 if we can get some fish to come up I'm rX-FsrPgJuQ-00078-00019620-00019714 praying that they're going to eat top rX-FsrPgJuQ-00079-00019715-00019853 orders today guys it is a little bit rX-FsrPgJuQ-00080-00019854-00020117 later 11 o'clock right now we want to rX-FsrPgJuQ-00081-00020118-00020308 get out a little bit earlier but it did rX-FsrPgJuQ-00082-00020309-00020513 start raining so rX-FsrPgJuQ-00083-00020514-00020663 but it might rain here in a little bit rX-FsrPgJuQ-00084-00020664-00020836 so we're really gonna have to hustle to rX-FsrPgJuQ-00085-00020837-00021053 catch these fish today let's see what we rX-FsrPgJuQ-00086-00021054-00021269 can do whoever catches the biggest one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00087-00021270-00021430 wins rX-FsrPgJuQ-00088-00021431-00021677 so guys the patroller that I'm using is rX-FsrPgJuQ-00089-00021678-00021947 actually all Chrome the one that Tara's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00090-00021948-00022157 using let me see what you got rX-FsrPgJuQ-00091-00022158-00022325 this one's like I don't even know the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00092-00022326-00022511 name of this color but it's got like a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00093-00022512-00022811 blue top and a White and chrome belly so rX-FsrPgJuQ-00094-00022812-00022955 that one looks pretty good too are you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00095-00022956-00023117 ready rX-FsrPgJuQ-00096-00023118-00023344 I'm ready I am ready I just hope that rX-FsrPgJuQ-00097-00023345-00023608 they're gonna bite it I'm praying that rX-FsrPgJuQ-00098-00023609-00023794 they're gonna eat it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00099-00023795-00024094 eat the old top water rX-FsrPgJuQ-00100-00024095-00024239 but how many fish I caught here last rX-FsrPgJuQ-00101-00024240-00024397 time I was here guys I would be just rX-FsrPgJuQ-00102-00024398-00024586 mind-blowing if we don't end up catching rX-FsrPgJuQ-00103-00024587-00024857 on this top part but I don't know let's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00104-00024858-00025067 see I will say the one thing I have seen rX-FsrPgJuQ-00105-00025068-00025378 on the graph is that the bait is uh a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00106-00025379-00025535 lot deeper than I would like it to be rX-FsrPgJuQ-00107-00025536-00025631 you know when you're throwing a top rX-FsrPgJuQ-00108-00025632-00025822 water a jerk bait rX-FsrPgJuQ-00109-00025823-00026099 something at the top of the water column rX-FsrPgJuQ-00110-00026100-00026308 you kind of want that bait to be pushed rX-FsrPgJuQ-00111-00026310-00026561 up towards the top and right now it's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00112-00026562-00027562 not so rX-FsrPgJuQ-00113-00027563-00028264 okay rX-FsrPgJuQ-00114-00028266-00028531 oh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00115-00028532-00028996 it's a billion rX-FsrPgJuQ-00116-00028997-00029177 oh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00117-00029177-00029399 maybe we do need to go in shallower that rX-FsrPgJuQ-00118-00029400-00030095 was the first cast up shower oh my God rX-FsrPgJuQ-00119-00030095-00030340 on the patrol there rX-FsrPgJuQ-00120-00030341-00030617 was a nice one yeah he hit it right when rX-FsrPgJuQ-00121-00030618-00030790 I threw it down okay rX-FsrPgJuQ-00122-00030791-00030989 maybe we'll maybe we'll get a few on top rX-FsrPgJuQ-00123-00030989-00031139 right rX-FsrPgJuQ-00124-00031139-00031373 that's a good one he's not quite three rX-FsrPgJuQ-00125-00031374-00031601 but he's almost three pounds he's got a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00126-00031602-00031864 big head on it too and I was like maybe rX-FsrPgJuQ-00127-00031866-00032045 we need to go up shower rX-FsrPgJuQ-00128-00032045-00032224 sure enough he slammed it maybe that's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00129-00032225-00032417 what we need to do rX-FsrPgJuQ-00130-00032418-00032723 he did over it like a freaking rX-FsrPgJuQ-00131-00032724-00032987 five pounder I'm not gonna lie I saw his rX-FsrPgJuQ-00132-00032988-00033149 big head rX-FsrPgJuQ-00133-00033150-00033317 looks like it's bigger it's our first rX-FsrPgJuQ-00134-00033318-00033545 top water bass of the day rX-FsrPgJuQ-00135-00033546-00033718 you wanna put him in the lava look at a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00136-00033719-00033940 picture that's a good one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00137-00033941-00034193 two and a half can I get it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00138-00034194-00034433 hey that's not bad rX-FsrPgJuQ-00139-00034434-00034607 we'll call him two and a half I'm I rX-FsrPgJuQ-00140-00034608-00034751 think he's a little over that but we're rX-FsrPgJuQ-00141-00034752-00034996 just going too two and a half I'm on rX-FsrPgJuQ-00142-00034997-00035381 board now girls your turn rX-FsrPgJuQ-00143-00035382-00035602 maybe they'll eat it I'm just glad to rX-FsrPgJuQ-00144-00035603-00035837 see one bite oh I got one you got one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00145-00035838-00035909 yeah rX-FsrPgJuQ-00146-00035910-00036209 oh nice you got my way out there rX-FsrPgJuQ-00147-00036210-00036389 there you go girl rX-FsrPgJuQ-00148-00036390-00036629 it honestly looks it might be a little rX-FsrPgJuQ-00149-00036630-00036796 smaller than the one I caught rX-FsrPgJuQ-00150-00036797-00037073 might be just a little bit smaller rX-FsrPgJuQ-00151-00037074-00037252 girl rX-FsrPgJuQ-00152-00037253-00037468 oh barely hooked up oh yeah you got them rX-FsrPgJuQ-00153-00037469-00037667 under the mouth too yeah I'll get it for rX-FsrPgJuQ-00154-00037668-00037985 you nice rX-FsrPgJuQ-00155-00037986-00038177 I'm gonna choke it he's not bigger than rX-FsrPgJuQ-00156-00038178-00038305 mine rX-FsrPgJuQ-00157-00038306-00038621 good job now you're on board we built rX-FsrPgJuQ-00158-00038622-00038855 out one yeah rX-FsrPgJuQ-00159-00038856-00039011 thank you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00160-00039012-00039202 that was good rX-FsrPgJuQ-00161-00039203-00039383 now you caught him on that outer grass rX-FsrPgJuQ-00162-00039384-00039580 patch too you caught him out here didn't rX-FsrPgJuQ-00163-00039581-00039827 you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00164-00039828-00041980 maybe we're fishing a little too close rX-FsrPgJuQ-00165-00041981-00042502 that's a big one oh my custom man his rX-FsrPgJuQ-00166-00042503-00042712 mouth's huge rX-FsrPgJuQ-00167-00042713-00043067 his mouth is gigantic rX-FsrPgJuQ-00168-00043068-00043301 why do you look so big rX-FsrPgJuQ-00169-00043302-00043607 did he not rX-FsrPgJuQ-00170-00043608-00043780 oh this big on him maybe that's why I rX-FsrPgJuQ-00171-00043781-00043943 mean it's a solid two pounder but he rX-FsrPgJuQ-00172-00043944-00044423 looked four pounds dang rX-FsrPgJuQ-00173-00044424-00044668 there's our second fish yeah he he rX-FsrPgJuQ-00174-00044669-00044927 destroyed it it sounded huge there we go rX-FsrPgJuQ-00175-00044928-00045161 guys third fish of the day on the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00176-00045162-00045412 patroller I've caught two tears got one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00177-00045413-00045802 nothing really giant yet but rX-FsrPgJuQ-00178-00045803-00046018 this one I don't think is as big as my rX-FsrPgJuQ-00179-00046019-00046168 last one either I think my first one was rX-FsrPgJuQ-00180-00046169-00046337 bigger see they got big heads and small rX-FsrPgJuQ-00181-00046338-00046661 bodies still like a two pounds yeah rX-FsrPgJuQ-00182-00046662-00046786 that's good rX-FsrPgJuQ-00183-00046787-00047236 I will say he's not big but he uh he rX-FsrPgJuQ-00184-00047237-00047414 destroyed it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00185-00047415-00048417 [Music] rX-FsrPgJuQ-00186-00048418-00049571 [Music] rX-FsrPgJuQ-00187-00049572-00049973 that was crazy I got him on top of the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00188-00049974-00050068 head rX-FsrPgJuQ-00189-00050069-00050321 he gave me way out here rX-FsrPgJuQ-00190-00050322-00050615 gosh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00191-00050616-00050962 that was a bite did you hear that rX-FsrPgJuQ-00192-00050963-00051130 hooks are good too guys that's one thing rX-FsrPgJuQ-00193-00051131-00051316 about the mark Bates really great hooks rX-FsrPgJuQ-00194-00051317-00051490 on them that's a smaller one that was rX-FsrPgJuQ-00195-00051491-00051810 just about a pound I threw him back rX-FsrPgJuQ-00196-00051811-00051930 [Music] rX-FsrPgJuQ-00197-00051932-00052258 we got four fish total thanks about it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00198-00052259-00052511 I've been here for what rX-FsrPgJuQ-00199-00052512-00052937 34 30 40 minutes four fish on top 40 not rX-FsrPgJuQ-00200-00052938-00053038 too bad rX-FsrPgJuQ-00201-00053039-00053171 I don't know if you guys can see in the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00202-00053172-00053404 distance the rain is not looking good rX-FsrPgJuQ-00203-00053405-00053669 guys it's looking a little rX-FsrPgJuQ-00204-00053670-00054376 make it a little scary rX-FsrPgJuQ-00205-00054377-00054604 got rained out so we're going rX-FsrPgJuQ-00206-00054605-00054803 we're going back out now rX-FsrPgJuQ-00207-00054804-00054982 um we we literally parked the boat at rX-FsrPgJuQ-00208-00054983-00055235 the ramp just ran up in the car for like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00209-00055236-00055511 the last what 30 minutes maybe rX-FsrPgJuQ-00210-00055512-00055673 um and it actually just stopped rain I rX-FsrPgJuQ-00211-00055674-00055876 mean it's slight sprinkled it's fine rX-FsrPgJuQ-00212-00055877-00056021 though so we're gonna go out and try to rX-FsrPgJuQ-00213-00056022-00056242 play around for a little bit longer I'm rX-FsrPgJuQ-00214-00056244-00056380 glad we caught the fish that we have you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00215-00056382-00056507 know we've caught like four fish already rX-FsrPgJuQ-00216-00056508-00056692 so that's sweet so we're gonna go out rX-FsrPgJuQ-00217-00056694-00056854 here for a little bit longer rX-FsrPgJuQ-00218-00056855-00057041 and uh see what we can do it is looking rX-FsrPgJuQ-00219-00057041-00057311 a little nasty but maybe we'll be able rX-FsrPgJuQ-00220-00057312-00057466 to come out here for just a little bit I rX-FsrPgJuQ-00221-00057467-00057688 had a big catastrophe happen to which rX-FsrPgJuQ-00222-00057689-00057871 I'll show you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00223-00057872-00058085 this uh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00224-00058086-00058373 this literally broke rX-FsrPgJuQ-00225-00058374-00058625 the so we're kind of in a situation here rX-FsrPgJuQ-00226-00058626-00058966 we had to like lay this down to hold the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00227-00058967-00059159 water yeah it did work rX-FsrPgJuQ-00228-00059160-00059423 oh that's a big mess all right we'll see rX-FsrPgJuQ-00229-00059424-00060023 if uh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00230-00060024-00060191 all right guys rX-FsrPgJuQ-00231-00060191-00060700 back got it are you ready everybody rX-FsrPgJuQ-00232-00060701-00060982 all right let's do it hey maybe they'll rX-FsrPgJuQ-00233-00060983-00061175 bite really good sometimes they bite rX-FsrPgJuQ-00234-00061176-00061294 really good in the rain I don't know how rX-FsrPgJuQ-00235-00061295-00061444 it is in Florida we are on a Florida rX-FsrPgJuQ-00236-00061445-00061691 Lake today guys rX-FsrPgJuQ-00237-00061691-00061859 maybe they'll buy good maybe this rain rX-FsrPgJuQ-00238-00061860-00062050 turned them up either turn it up or turn rX-FsrPgJuQ-00239-00062051-00062213 them off rX-FsrPgJuQ-00240-00062214-00062471 there's no in between so rX-FsrPgJuQ-00241-00062472-00062615 let's hope it turned them on and we can rX-FsrPgJuQ-00242-00062616-00063311 get on a few big ones real quick rX-FsrPgJuQ-00243-00063312-00063725 that last bite we had oh yeah oh that's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00244-00063726-00063988 the biggest one today okay they might be rX-FsrPgJuQ-00245-00063989-00064132 biting really good that was what second rX-FsrPgJuQ-00246-00064133-00064421 cast Tara rX-FsrPgJuQ-00247-00064422-00064703 yeah that might be bigger than any of rX-FsrPgJuQ-00248-00064704-00064903 them in the box rX-FsrPgJuQ-00249-00064904-00065297 hi get in there girl see this one's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00250-00065298-00065416 actually filled out he's a little rX-FsrPgJuQ-00251-00065417-00065525 thicker rX-FsrPgJuQ-00252-00065526-00065711 I was just saying that last bite that we rX-FsrPgJuQ-00253-00065712-00065879 had was sweet and then that one was kind rX-FsrPgJuQ-00254-00065880-00066071 of the same way rX-FsrPgJuQ-00255-00066072-00066311 look at that man maybe these fish are rX-FsrPgJuQ-00256-00066312-00066532 gonna bite because of this rain that's a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00257-00066533-00067103 good one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00258-00067104-00067379 y'all that is a good time all right Tara rX-FsrPgJuQ-00259-00067380-00067888 it is your turn oh no rX-FsrPgJuQ-00260-00067889-00068050 I thought I reeled up my line in the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00261-00068051-00068279 trolling there a bait that works really rX-FsrPgJuQ-00262-00068280-00068549 good in the rain is a buzzbait rX-FsrPgJuQ-00263-00068550-00068788 and a similar action to this bait like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00264-00068789-00068915 it kind of rX-FsrPgJuQ-00265-00068916-00069094 kicks up water like that and that's like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00266-00069095-00069238 a bait that's just known to catch fish rX-FsrPgJuQ-00267-00069239-00069449 when it's raining outside like it's a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00268-00069450-00069671 great bait when there's water on the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00269-00069672-00070237 water rX-FsrPgJuQ-00270-00070238-00070787 oh oh yes oh it's a freaking that's the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00271-00070788-00071105 biggest one that's the biggest one let's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00272-00071106-00071332 go get it girl rX-FsrPgJuQ-00273-00071333-00071482 get it girl rX-FsrPgJuQ-00274-00071483-00071694 oh yeah oh yeah that's the biggest one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00275-00071695-00072275 can I help you yeah rX-FsrPgJuQ-00276-00072276-00072706 oh yeah yes I needed him I don't oh rX-FsrPgJuQ-00277-00072707-00072905 they're they're so funny because their rX-FsrPgJuQ-00278-00072906-00073138 heads are so big yeah and they're just rX-FsrPgJuQ-00279-00073139-00073247 like rX-FsrPgJuQ-00280-00073248-00073499 their bodies are so skinny but I think rX-FsrPgJuQ-00281-00073500-00073655 he might be the biggest if not he tied rX-FsrPgJuQ-00282-00073656-00073819 the biggest he's my biggest one today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00283-00073820-00074111 okay job girl well there's cheers second rX-FsrPgJuQ-00284-00074112-00074267 fish of the day yeah throw it back in rX-FsrPgJuQ-00285-00074268-00074459 there see if you can get another one rX-FsrPgJuQ-00286-00074460-00074909 that's a good one too rX-FsrPgJuQ-00287-00074910-00075131 I can't I don't know I can't tell if rX-FsrPgJuQ-00288-00075132-00075323 he's the biggest or if he might be just rX-FsrPgJuQ-00289-00075324-00075556 the second biggest dog or I mean uh not rX-FsrPgJuQ-00290-00075557-00075761 second biggest tied with the biggest we rX-FsrPgJuQ-00291-00075762-00075893 just need to come in on the spot a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00292-00075894-00076138 little bit more literally it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00293-00076139-00076331 he missed it a couple times didn't he rX-FsrPgJuQ-00294-00076332-00076517 yeah we're gonna change up from the rX-FsrPgJuQ-00295-00076518-00076817 patroller to a strike King's sexy dog if rX-FsrPgJuQ-00296-00076818-00076955 you guys want to get a discount on any rX-FsrPgJuQ-00297-00076956-00077129 of the Striking baits I'll have a rX-FsrPgJuQ-00298-00077130-00077338 discount code and leak down below but rX-FsrPgJuQ-00299-00077339-00077465 the last time me and Tara went out rX-FsrPgJuQ-00300-00077466-00077632 topwater fishing not on this Lake it was rX-FsrPgJuQ-00301-00077633-00077861 on a different one but they were killing rX-FsrPgJuQ-00302-00077862-00078017 the sexy dog rX-FsrPgJuQ-00303-00078018-00078191 might be able to call up some bigger rX-FsrPgJuQ-00304-00078192-00078323 ones with that so we're going to try rX-FsrPgJuQ-00305-00078324-00078526 that cloudy out the bone color so you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00306-00078527-00078659 either want to go with that black or rX-FsrPgJuQ-00307-00078660-00078850 white or you want to go with this this rX-FsrPgJuQ-00308-00078851-00079097 is called bone it's kind of like a it's rX-FsrPgJuQ-00309-00079098-00079319 a white kind of tan rX-FsrPgJuQ-00310-00079320-00079505 this bone color in the clouds I mean rX-FsrPgJuQ-00311-00079506-00079811 it's just it's Monk money rX-FsrPgJuQ-00312-00079812-00079985 you don't want that reflection you know rX-FsrPgJuQ-00313-00079986-00080212 you that Chrome when the sun's out is rX-FsrPgJuQ-00314-00080213-00080411 killer rX-FsrPgJuQ-00315-00080412-00080567 when them clouds get out you get this rX-FsrPgJuQ-00316-00080568-00080800 darker color on rX-FsrPgJuQ-00317-00080801-00081029 more matte look rX-FsrPgJuQ-00318-00081030-00081737 they munch it rX-FsrPgJuQ-00319-00081738-00084262 thank you rX-FsrPgJuQ-00320-00084263-00084653 I wasn't even watching it that scared me rX-FsrPgJuQ-00321-00084654-00084815 there we go rX-FsrPgJuQ-00322-00084816-00085085 first sexy dog bass and surprisingly rX-FsrPgJuQ-00323-00085086-00085379 it's smaller than anyone we caught today rX-FsrPgJuQ-00324-00085380-00085529 I thought he's gonna be bigger look how rX-FsrPgJuQ-00325-00085530-00085726 fat he is though yeah a little belly on rX-FsrPgJuQ-00326-00085727-00085894 him pretty fish rX-FsrPgJuQ-00327-00085895-00086316 sexy dog bass he destroyed it though rX-FsrPgJuQ-00328-00086317-00087882 [Music] rX-FsrPgJuQ-00329-00087883-00088207 thank you rXHlLwgmuOQ-00000-00000089-00000495 [Music] rXHlLwgmuOQ-00001-00000496-00000686 how to apply urea fertilizer rXHlLwgmuOQ-00002-00000687-00000902 urea fertilizer is a stable organic rXHlLwgmuOQ-00003-00000903-00001070 fertilizer that can improve the quality rXHlLwgmuOQ-00004-00001071-00001247 of your soil provide nitrogen to your rXHlLwgmuOQ-00005-00001248-00001399 plants and increase the yield of your rXHlLwgmuOQ-00006-00001400-00001487 crops rXHlLwgmuOQ-00007-00001488-00001687 you can usually get it in a dry granular rXHlLwgmuOQ-00008-00001688-00001887 form there are several benefits to using rXHlLwgmuOQ-00009-00001888-00002110 urea as a fertilizer but urea is not rXHlLwgmuOQ-00010-00002111-00002287 without its disadvantages rXHlLwgmuOQ-00011-00002288-00002455 knowing how to properly apply urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00012-00002456-00002647 fertilizer to your soil and how urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00013-00002648-00002807 interacts with other fertilizers can rXHlLwgmuOQ-00014-00002808-00002975 help you avoid these disadvantages and rXHlLwgmuOQ-00015-00002976-00003110 get as much benefit out of your rXHlLwgmuOQ-00016-00003111-00003286 fertilizer as possible rXHlLwgmuOQ-00017-00003288-00003695 applying urea on its own rXHlLwgmuOQ-00018-00003696-00003967 minimize ammonia loss by applying urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00019-00003968-00004086 on a cool day rXHlLwgmuOQ-00020-00004087-00004359 urea is best applied on a cool day in rXHlLwgmuOQ-00021-00004360-00004399 weather rXHlLwgmuOQ-00022-00004400-00004647 between 32 degrees to 60 degrees rXHlLwgmuOQ-00023-00004648-00004719 fahrenheit rXHlLwgmuOQ-00024-00004720-00005063 0 degrees to 15.6 degrees celsius and rXHlLwgmuOQ-00025-00005064-00005270 with little to no wind rXHlLwgmuOQ-00026-00005271-00005479 at colder temperatures the ground is rXHlLwgmuOQ-00027-00005480-00005663 frozen making it difficult to rXHlLwgmuOQ-00028-00005664-00005943 incorporate the urea into the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00029-00005944-00006151 at higher temperatures and in windy rXHlLwgmuOQ-00030-00006152-00006383 conditions the urea is broken down rXHlLwgmuOQ-00031-00006384-00006903 faster than it can soak into the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00032-00006904-00007142 use a urea fertilizer with a urease rXHlLwgmuOQ-00033-00007143-00007327 inhibitor before planting rXHlLwgmuOQ-00034-00007328-00007559 urease is the enzyme that begins the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00035-00007559-00007783 chemical reaction that turns urea into rXHlLwgmuOQ-00036-00007784-00008023 the nitrates plants need rXHlLwgmuOQ-00037-00008023-00008239 applying urea fertilizers before rXHlLwgmuOQ-00038-00008240-00008431 planting leads to high amounts of the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00039-00008432-00008599 urea being lost before rXHlLwgmuOQ-00040-00008600-00008878 it can benefit your plants using a rXHlLwgmuOQ-00041-00008879-00009110 fertilizer with a urease inhibitor can rXHlLwgmuOQ-00042-00009111-00009310 slow the chemical reaction and helps rXHlLwgmuOQ-00043-00009311-00009806 retain urea in the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00044-00009807-00010087 spread the urea evenly across the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00045-00010088-00010327 urea is packaged and sold as small rXHlLwgmuOQ-00046-00010328-00010646 solid pellets or granules broadcast the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00047-00010647-00010855 urea with a fertilizer spreader or rXHlLwgmuOQ-00048-00010856-00011063 sprinkle the pellets by hand evenly rXHlLwgmuOQ-00049-00011064-00011238 across your soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00050-00011239-00011438 for most plants you will want to keep rXHlLwgmuOQ-00051-00011439-00011655 the urea close to the plant's roots or rXHlLwgmuOQ-00052-00011656-00012151 close to where you will plant the seeds rXHlLwgmuOQ-00053-00012152-00012367 wet the soil before urea is turned into rXHlLwgmuOQ-00054-00012368-00012551 the nitrates your plants need it first rXHlLwgmuOQ-00055-00012552-00012727 becomes ammonia gas rXHlLwgmuOQ-00056-00012728-00012910 because gases can easily escape from the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00057-00012911-00013111 surface of the soil applying fertilizer rXHlLwgmuOQ-00058-00013112-00013263 when the ground is wet will help to rXHlLwgmuOQ-00059-00013263-00013438 incorporate the urea into the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00060-00013440-00013663 before the chemical reaction begins rXHlLwgmuOQ-00061-00013663-00013855 this way more of the ammonia is trapped rXHlLwgmuOQ-00062-00013856-00013991 within the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00063-00013991-00014230 the top half inch 1.3 centimeters of rXHlLwgmuOQ-00064-00014231-00014383 soil should be wet to keep as much rXHlLwgmuOQ-00065-00014384-00014630 ammonia gas in the soil as possible rXHlLwgmuOQ-00066-00014631-00014807 you can water the soil yourself apply rXHlLwgmuOQ-00067-00014808-00015030 the urea before it rains or apply within rXHlLwgmuOQ-00068-00015031-00015247 48 hours after the snow on your fields rXHlLwgmuOQ-00069-00015247-00015615 has completely melted rXHlLwgmuOQ-00070-00015616-00015886 till the soil to incorporate the urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00071-00015887-00016079 chilling your fields or garden is a rXHlLwgmuOQ-00072-00016080-00016279 great way to incorporate the urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00073-00016280-00016511 fertilizer into the soil before any of rXHlLwgmuOQ-00074-00016512-00016775 the ammonia gas can be lost rXHlLwgmuOQ-00075-00016776-00017030 harrow drag or hold the field in order rXHlLwgmuOQ-00076-00017031-00017247 to incorporate the urea into the top rXHlLwgmuOQ-00077-00017248-00017663 layer of the soil rXHlLwgmuOQ-00078-00017664-00017839 control the amount of nitrogen you give rXHlLwgmuOQ-00079-00017840-00018055 to potato plants certain varieties of rXHlLwgmuOQ-00080-00018056-00018222 potatoes can handle high levels of rXHlLwgmuOQ-00081-00018223-00018422 nitrogen while others cannot rXHlLwgmuOQ-00082-00018423-00018599 be cautious and treat all potatoes the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00083-00018600-00018822 same way avoid giving potato plants rXHlLwgmuOQ-00084-00018823-00018983 large quantities of nitrogen with your rXHlLwgmuOQ-00085-00018984-00019135 urea fertilizer rXHlLwgmuOQ-00086-00019136-00019343 urea fertilizers can be applied directly rXHlLwgmuOQ-00087-00019344-00019535 onto potato plants or in a solution with rXHlLwgmuOQ-00088-00019536-00019686 other fertilizers as long as the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00089-00019687-00019847 solution is made up of 30 rXHlLwgmuOQ-00090-00019848-00020030 nitrogen or less solutions of urea rXHlLwgmuOQ-00091-00020031-00020214 fertilizer that are more than 30 rXHlLwgmuOQ-00092-00020215-00020367 nitrogen should only be applied to rXHlLwgmuOQ-00093-00020368-00020822 fields before potatoes are planted rXHlLwgmuOQ-00094-00020823-00021127 fertilize grains with urea on a mild day rXHlLwgmuOQ-00095-00021128-00021375 urea can be applied directly onto most rXHlLwgmuOQ-00096-00021376-00021607 cereal grains but never in temperatures rXHlLwgmuOQ-00097-00021608-00021950 above 60 degrees fahrenheit 15.6 degrees rXHlLwgmuOQ-00098-00021951-00022135 celsius when applied in warmer rXHlLwgmuOQ-00099-00022136-00022343 temperatures the plants will give off an rXHlLwgmuOQ-00100-00022344-00022727 odor of ammonia rXHlLwgmuOQ-00101-00022728-00023047 apply urea to corn seeds indirectly only rXHlLwgmuOQ-00102-00023048-00023263 apply urea to corn indirectly rXHlLwgmuOQ-00103-00023264-00023503 by spreading the urea onto soil at least rXHlLwgmuOQ-00104-00023504-00023719 two inches five centimeters away from rXHlLwgmuOQ-00105-00023720-00023894 the corn seeds rXHlLwgmuOQ-00106-00023895-00024158 direct exposure to urea is toxic to the rXHlLwgmuOQ-00107-00024159-00024375 seeds and greatly reduces the corn rXHlLwgmuOQ-00108-00024376-00025530 plants yield rXHlLwgmuOQ-00109-00025531-00026031 [Music] rXHlLwgmuOQ-00110-00026032-00026239 you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00000-00000003-00000181 so fuzz and I are in the studio today rZ9M3xaqZT4-00001-00000182-00000340 I'm getting cat hair all in my painting rZ9M3xaqZT4-00002-00000341-00000659 I said can I don't and we're asking a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00003-00000660-00000778 really important question how do I know rZ9M3xaqZT4-00004-00000779-00001012 if my arts any good arts one of those rZ9M3xaqZT4-00005-00001013-00001204 things it's not necessarily right or rZ9M3xaqZT4-00006-00001205-00001429 wrong or black and white it's kind of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00007-00001430-00001591 hard to tell sometimes whether or not rZ9M3xaqZT4-00008-00001592-00001748 you're making art that people are gonna rZ9M3xaqZT4-00009-00001748-00002002 find good so in this video I'm gonna rZ9M3xaqZT4-00010-00002003-00002270 offer you five criteria so you can base rZ9M3xaqZT4-00011-00002271-00002441 for yourself whether or not you think rZ9M3xaqZT4-00012-00002442-00002767 your art any good so before we get rZ9M3xaqZT4-00013-00002768-00003010 started let's play a guessing game here rZ9M3xaqZT4-00014-00003011-00003170 I'm showing you three different rZ9M3xaqZT4-00015-00003171-00003374 paintings each done by three different rZ9M3xaqZT4-00016-00003375-00003586 artists one of them is worth a lot of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00017-00003588-00003806 money and done by a famous artist rZ9M3xaqZT4-00018-00003807-00004043 another one is done by a four-year-old rZ9M3xaqZT4-00019-00004044-00004342 and the third one is done by a gorilla rZ9M3xaqZT4-00020-00004343-00004588 so which one is which piece one piece rZ9M3xaqZT4-00021-00004589-00004888 two piece 3 I'm gonna tell you at the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00022-00004889-00005195 end of this video now in the process of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00023-00005196-00005377 this conversation I'm going to be making rZ9M3xaqZT4-00024-00005378-00005645 my own piece of art and you can let me rZ9M3xaqZT4-00025-00005646-00005876 know in the comments if you think that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00026-00005877-00006150 my arm is any good rZ9M3xaqZT4-00027-00006151-00006764 [Music] rZ9M3xaqZT4-00028-00006765-00007199 so the first criteria is is your art rZ9M3xaqZT4-00029-00007200-00007530 original you can make the argument that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00030-00007531-00007784 no art is ever original because art is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00031-00007786-00007923 always influenced by something that came rZ9M3xaqZT4-00032-00007923-00008103 before it but there is something to be rZ9M3xaqZT4-00033-00008104-00008478 said about art that is proprietary it's rZ9M3xaqZT4-00034-00008479-00008667 different from something that comes rZ9M3xaqZT4-00035-00008668-00008901 before it in some sort of way it's got a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00036-00008902-00009305 twist to it so if you are for example rZ9M3xaqZT4-00037-00009306-00009762 just emulating another artists work that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00038-00009763-00009989 can be beneficial in that it will help rZ9M3xaqZT4-00039-00009990-00010320 you to see what it takes to get those rZ9M3xaqZT4-00040-00010321-00010535 techniques down and to create a specific rZ9M3xaqZT4-00041-00010536-00010845 look but eventually you want to move rZ9M3xaqZT4-00042-00010846-00011021 beyond that because if all you ever do rZ9M3xaqZT4-00043-00011022-00011366 is copy somebody then you're a copycat rZ9M3xaqZT4-00044-00011367-00011724 there's no value in copying someone else rZ9M3xaqZT4-00045-00011725-00012012 because they're reaping the rewards of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00046-00012013-00012227 the value because it was their original rZ9M3xaqZT4-00047-00012228-00012510 art for you you want to be able to get rZ9M3xaqZT4-00048-00012511-00012696 good enough at the techniques that you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00049-00012697-00012980 see that appeal to you in order to be rZ9M3xaqZT4-00050-00012981-00013290 able to then move beyond that evolve rZ9M3xaqZT4-00051-00013291-00013500 with it somehow in order to create rZ9M3xaqZT4-00052-00013501-00013711 something that is truly and uniquely rZ9M3xaqZT4-00053-00013712-00014222 your own now if you actually create rZ9M3xaqZT4-00054-00014223-00014451 something that is really really truly rZ9M3xaqZT4-00055-00014452-00014682 original and really out there you may rZ9M3xaqZT4-00056-00014683-00014847 have some people actually hate it at rZ9M3xaqZT4-00057-00014847-00015135 first like Einstein said if at first an rZ9M3xaqZT4-00058-00015136-00015363 idea is not absurd there's no hope for rZ9M3xaqZT4-00059-00015363-00015669 it and everything that's new kind of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00060-00015669-00015816 looks weird at first rZ9M3xaqZT4-00061-00015816-00016094 take for example mayonnaise déjeuner sur rZ9M3xaqZT4-00062-00016095-00016163 l'herbe rZ9M3xaqZT4-00063-00016165-00016508 that painting was absolutely hated when rZ9M3xaqZT4-00064-00016509-00016755 it came out in 1863 it was refused by rZ9M3xaqZT4-00065-00016756-00016977 the Paris salon it was refused by the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00066-00016978-00017202 Salon des refuse a and there was all rZ9M3xaqZT4-00067-00017203-00017394 kinds of controversy about that piece of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00068-00017395-00017721 course now it's a celebrated piece in rZ9M3xaqZT4-00069-00017722-00018021 the Musee d'Orsay in Paris and I don't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00070-00018022-00018197 know how much money it must be worth by rZ9M3xaqZT4-00071-00018198-00018464 now same goes for Jackson Pollock with rZ9M3xaqZT4-00072-00018465-00018791 his poor splatter drip technique rZ9M3xaqZT4-00073-00018792-00018955 back in the 40s when he was doing it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00074-00018956-00019103 nobody had ever done that before it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00075-00019104-00019255 looked completely weird it could look rZ9M3xaqZT4-00076-00019256-00019719 kind of amateur to be honest and in 1949 rZ9M3xaqZT4-00077-00019720-00020180 his piece number five from 1948 sold for rZ9M3xaqZT4-00078-00020181-00020390 $1,500 it was the only piece that he rZ9M3xaqZT4-00079-00020391-00020711 sold and people thought that that person rZ9M3xaqZT4-00080-00020712-00020855 who brought it was kind of crazy for rZ9M3xaqZT4-00081-00020856-00021179 wasting her money well fast forward to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00082-00021180-00021494 2006 and that piece Diabolique sold for rZ9M3xaqZT4-00083-00021495-00021818 a whopping 140 million dollars which was rZ9M3xaqZT4-00084-00021819-00022052 the highest amount that any art piece rZ9M3xaqZT4-00085-00022053-00022352 had ever fetched in history so just rZ9M3xaqZT4-00086-00022353-00022565 because you make her that is so original rZ9M3xaqZT4-00087-00022566-00022763 that people don't necessarily appreciate rZ9M3xaqZT4-00088-00022764-00023042 it now doesn't mean that it won't be rZ9M3xaqZT4-00089-00023043-00023267 appreciated later once people come rZ9M3xaqZT4-00090-00023268-00023969 around to seeing your point of view okay rZ9M3xaqZT4-00091-00023970-00024212 number two does the artwork incorporate rZ9M3xaqZT4-00092-00024213-00024437 the principles of design so the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00093-00024438-00024605 principles of design are things like rZ9M3xaqZT4-00094-00024606-00024925 balance emphasis movement repetition rZ9M3xaqZT4-00095-00024926-00025319 unity contrast and proportion the ways rZ9M3xaqZT4-00096-00025320-00025744 that you use line shape color to create rZ9M3xaqZT4-00097-00025745-00026056 appeal and chances are if you've made rZ9M3xaqZT4-00098-00026057-00026203 art that you think looks good you've rZ9M3xaqZT4-00099-00026204-00026402 probably used the principles of design rZ9M3xaqZT4-00100-00026402-00026630 without even realizing it and people who rZ9M3xaqZT4-00101-00026631-00026948 have sort of an innate sense of artistry rZ9M3xaqZT4-00102-00026949-00027248 use these things just because it's it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00103-00027249-00027518 feels natural to place things where you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00104-00027519-00027820 place them because they look good that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00105-00027822-00028102 way if something doesn't follow the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00106-00028103-00028361 principles of design it has like an rZ9M3xaqZT4-00107-00028362-00028607 off-kilter randomness to it the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00108-00028608-00028769 composition you can tell there's rZ9M3xaqZT4-00109-00028770-00029033 something not quite right about it it's rZ9M3xaqZT4-00110-00029033-00029183 a little bit jarring and a little bit rZ9M3xaqZT4-00111-00029183-00029420 off so if you want to get better at the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00112-00029420-00029588 principles of design you can just look rZ9M3xaqZT4-00113-00029589-00029839 at examples like really explicit rZ9M3xaqZT4-00114-00029841-00030074 examples of where people have have done rZ9M3xaqZT4-00115-00030075-00030236 a really good job with like let's say rZ9M3xaqZT4-00116-00030237-00030650 repetition or contrast or unity and look rZ9M3xaqZT4-00117-00030651-00030779 at what they've done and try to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00118-00030780-00031036 replicate some of those techniques rZ9M3xaqZT4-00119-00031037-00031249 so how do the principles of design rZ9M3xaqZT4-00120-00031250-00031490 relate back to whether art is any good rZ9M3xaqZT4-00121-00031491-00031756 basically the principles of design bring rZ9M3xaqZT4-00122-00031757-00032260 order to your composition and that sense rZ9M3xaqZT4-00123-00032261-00032500 of orderliness is generally appealing to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00124-00032501-00033442 the eye so number three do the materials rZ9M3xaqZT4-00125-00033443-00033690 that you've used have integrity rZ9M3xaqZT4-00126-00033691-00033961 are they good quality products this is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00127-00033962-00034249 like the similar to if you're making a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00128-00034250-00034459 recipe you want to use good quality rZ9M3xaqZT4-00129-00034460-00034671 ingredients so that your recipe will rZ9M3xaqZT4-00130-00034672-00034882 turn out and taste really good same kind rZ9M3xaqZT4-00131-00034883-00035100 of idea here you're using good quality rZ9M3xaqZT4-00132-00035101-00035434 paints and other things then you're rZ9M3xaqZT4-00133-00035435-00035562 probably going to come out with a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00134-00035563-00035755 product that actually looks a lot nicer rZ9M3xaqZT4-00135-00035756-00035959 the money that you put into your rZ9M3xaqZT4-00136-00035960-00036175 materials really does have an effect rZ9M3xaqZT4-00137-00036176-00036424 with the overall outcome at least in my rZ9M3xaqZT4-00138-00036425-00036730 opinion so today I am using golden rZ9M3xaqZT4-00139-00036731-00037005 acrylic paints I'm working on a nice rZ9M3xaqZT4-00140-00037006-00037365 wooden panel from a company called Apple rZ9M3xaqZT4-00141-00037366-00037639 on Godric and they're very it's very rZ9M3xaqZT4-00142-00037640-00037930 very sturdy I'm using some really nice rZ9M3xaqZT4-00143-00037931-00038127 brushes which I do spend a lot of money rZ9M3xaqZT4-00144-00038128-00038323 on my freshers because I just find that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00145-00038324-00038602 they break down really easily if I don't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00146-00038603-00038920 put enough money into my brushes and and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00147-00038921-00039100 then I get like little bristles and my rZ9M3xaqZT4-00148-00039101-00039406 painting and I don't like that and when rZ9M3xaqZT4-00149-00039407-00039562 I'm all done with this piece I'm gonna rZ9M3xaqZT4-00150-00039563-00039799 be coating it in a product called art rZ9M3xaqZT4-00151-00039800-00040030 resin it's an epoxy resin that makes rZ9M3xaqZT4-00152-00040031-00040207 everything look really shiny it's kind rZ9M3xaqZT4-00153-00040208-00040342 of like clear nail polish for your rZ9M3xaqZT4-00154-00040343-00040602 artwork and I'm using that brand because rZ9M3xaqZT4-00155-00040603-00040765 that is the epoxy resin that was rZ9M3xaqZT4-00156-00040766-00041020 basically designed for art work epoxy rZ9M3xaqZT4-00157-00041021-00041302 resins tend to yellow actually sum up of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00158-00041303-00041551 really badly over time and so art resin rZ9M3xaqZT4-00159-00041552-00041790 is the one that has been tested to show rZ9M3xaqZT4-00160-00041791-00042037 the least amount of yellowing over time rZ9M3xaqZT4-00161-00042038-00042271 so if you don't use good quality rZ9M3xaqZT4-00162-00042272-00042552 products to begin with your artist won't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00163-00042553-00042811 last so it's important to think about rZ9M3xaqZT4-00164-00042812-00043132 even really good quality art products rZ9M3xaqZT4-00165-00043133-00043417 will break down over time if you've ever rZ9M3xaqZT4-00166-00043418-00043532 been to an art museum rZ9M3xaqZT4-00167-00043533-00043679 and you've looked at oil paintings from rZ9M3xaqZT4-00168-00043680-00043871 like a hundred years ago you'll see that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00169-00043872-00044071 they have a little cracks in it and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00170-00044072-00044224 that's just because nothing on earth is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00171-00044225-00044501 ever gonna last forever but pieces that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00172-00044502-00044665 we really want to stay around for a long rZ9M3xaqZT4-00173-00044666-00044870 time because it has inherent cultural rZ9M3xaqZT4-00174-00044871-00045155 and educational value like like the Mona rZ9M3xaqZT4-00175-00045156-00045424 Lisa for example conservators will rZ9M3xaqZT4-00176-00045425-00045689 actually go in and restore the painting rZ9M3xaqZT4-00177-00045690-00046012 like in 1809 the Mona Lisa had its rZ9M3xaqZT4-00178-00046013-00046345 entire top coat of paint stripped right rZ9M3xaqZT4-00179-00046346-00046679 off of it because it was aging and it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00180-00046680-00046883 was showing age it was looking more rZ9M3xaqZT4-00181-00046884-00047210 ambery than it was probably intended to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00182-00047211-00047614 so conservators have a role in going in rZ9M3xaqZT4-00183-00047615-00047843 and restoring art but I think ultimately rZ9M3xaqZT4-00184-00047844-00048043 like what's the point of making good art rZ9M3xaqZT4-00185-00048044-00048299 if it's not going to be around for a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00186-00048300-00048560 while for people to enjoy so if you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00187-00048561-00048733 start with good materials then you're rZ9M3xaqZT4-00188-00048734-00048899 giving your art the best chance to have rZ9M3xaqZT4-00189-00048900-00049139 a really long life rZ9M3xaqZT4-00190-00049140-00049696 good longevity rZ9M3xaqZT4-00191-00049697-00050021 number four does the art have a message rZ9M3xaqZT4-00192-00050022-00050221 or is there a point that's trying to be rZ9M3xaqZT4-00193-00050222-00050458 made through this piece of art now this rZ9M3xaqZT4-00194-00050459-00050690 one is not really a necessity it's not rZ9M3xaqZT4-00195-00050691-00050890 like art that doesn't have a message rZ9M3xaqZT4-00196-00050891-00051058 isn't no good at all I'm not saying that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00197-00051059-00051319 but art is one of these things that is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00198-00051320-00051611 really subjective and so sometimes if rZ9M3xaqZT4-00199-00051612-00051860 there is a bit of a narrative that can rZ9M3xaqZT4-00200-00051861-00052102 be wrapped around this piece of art it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00201-00052103-00052301 helps people to understand it better and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00202-00052302-00052586 in turn it helps people to attribute rZ9M3xaqZT4-00203-00052587-00052930 value to the piece so when I say rZ9M3xaqZT4-00204-00052932-00053123 narrative this could be in a bunch of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00205-00053124-00053254 different ways there could be a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00206-00053255-00053636 narrative with respect to how the piece rZ9M3xaqZT4-00207-00053637-00053846 is actually made the process of building rZ9M3xaqZT4-00208-00053847-00054076 this piece of art there could be a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00209-00054077-00054263 narrative surrounding the artists rZ9M3xaqZT4-00210-00054264-00054536 themselves which is like how you brand rZ9M3xaqZT4-00211-00054537-00054754 yourself as an artist if you have a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00212-00054755-00055040 story to tell like you're like a rags to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00213-00055041-00055271 riches type artist and now you've hit rZ9M3xaqZT4-00214-00055272-00055441 the big time well people are going to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00215-00055442-00055835 appreciate that story and think of that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00216-00055836-00055988 story when they look at your piece of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00217-00055989-00056179 art and in turn they may just like your rZ9M3xaqZT4-00218-00056180-00056396 piece of art better and then there's rZ9M3xaqZT4-00219-00056397-00056626 also the narrative surrounding what the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00220-00056627-00057038 art focuses on so for example art that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00221-00057039-00057226 is a little more conceptual art that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00222-00057227-00057659 wants to speak to some psychological rZ9M3xaqZT4-00223-00057660-00058054 sociological ideological message all of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00224-00058055-00058491 that context can add value to art but rZ9M3xaqZT4-00225-00058492-00058756 again it's not to say that if you don't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00226-00058757-00059012 have a point to your art that it can't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00227-00059013-00059080 be good rZ9M3xaqZT4-00228-00059082-00059363 lots of times art can stand on its own rZ9M3xaqZT4-00229-00059364-00059609 just because it's really strong with rZ9M3xaqZT4-00230-00059610-00059819 those principles of design that we rZ9M3xaqZT4-00231-00059820-00060055 talked about sometimes the message that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00232-00060057-00060151 an artwork rZ9M3xaqZT4-00233-00060152-00060407 communicates isn't even rZ9M3xaqZT4-00234-00060408-00060617 nice one sometimes it can be rather rZ9M3xaqZT4-00235-00060618-00060966 nasty but art exists for all these rZ9M3xaqZT4-00236-00060966-00061301 different purposes so for example 1917 rZ9M3xaqZT4-00237-00061302-00061679 Marshall Duchamp exhibited a urinal rZ9M3xaqZT4-00238-00061680-00061991 which he signed his name to sign a name rZ9M3xaqZT4-00239-00061992-00062393 not his name and put it in an exhibition rZ9M3xaqZT4-00240-00062394-00062675 and that was a straight-up comment on rZ9M3xaqZT4-00241-00062676-00062973 the state of the modern world at the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00242-00062974-00063281 time he was a data artist and their rZ9M3xaqZT4-00243-00063282-00063512 whole mandate was to show how ridiculous rZ9M3xaqZT4-00244-00063513-00063887 it really was and how ridiculous the the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00245-00063888-00064067 world was this is at a time of World War rZ9M3xaqZT4-00246-00064068-00064286 one when the world was sort of upside rZ9M3xaqZT4-00247-00064287-00064613 down and so his his art was very much in rZ9M3xaqZT4-00248-00064614-00064850 context of the time and it was making a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00249-00064851-00065192 comment on the state of affairs at the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00250-00065193-00065456 time so by putting a urinal in an rZ9M3xaqZT4-00251-00065457-00065825 exhibition it was almost to say artist rZ9M3xaqZT4-00252-00065826-00066194 and that was their slogan kunst each rZ9M3xaqZT4-00253-00066195-00066542 scheisse so in that case the message rZ9M3xaqZT4-00254-00066543-00066861 wasn't glamorous not at all rZ9M3xaqZT4-00255-00066862-00067191 it wasn't beautiful but it was still a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00256-00067192-00067537 compelling message and I think sometimes rZ9M3xaqZT4-00257-00067538-00067791 compelling is a good metric or having rZ9M3xaqZT4-00258-00067792-00068046 art that is interesting one way or rZ9M3xaqZT4-00259-00068047-00068456 another is a good metric to go by rZ9M3xaqZT4-00260-00068457-00068738 now we can contrast that with an artist rZ9M3xaqZT4-00261-00068739-00068969 a contemporary artist like Mike Hammer rZ9M3xaqZT4-00262-00068970-00069435 for example who fully admits he has no rZ9M3xaqZT4-00263-00069436-00069599 point to his art in the sense that rZ9M3xaqZT4-00264-00069600-00069828 there's no political comment there's no rZ9M3xaqZT4-00265-00069829-00070142 sociological intent or anything like rZ9M3xaqZT4-00266-00070143-00070529 that his art is blobs of paint stacked rZ9M3xaqZT4-00267-00070530-00070791 upon blobs of paint that are therefore rZ9M3xaqZT4-00268-00070792-00071150 purely aesthetic value and he makes no rZ9M3xaqZT4-00269-00071151-00071453 problems about that it's it stands on rZ9M3xaqZT4-00270-00071454-00071717 its own merit based on the principles of rZ9M3xaqZT4-00271-00071718-00072005 design and it's still in my opinion it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00272-00072006-00072329 still is good art so just to underscore rZ9M3xaqZT4-00273-00072330-00072540 that point again you don't have to align rZ9M3xaqZT4-00274-00072541-00072763 your art with a message or a narrative rZ9M3xaqZT4-00275-00072764-00073140 but sometimes it can help others to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00276-00073141-00073780 perceive your art as being good and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00277-00073781-00074271 finally style style is something that is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00278-00074272-00074490 really a matter of taste it's not like rZ9M3xaqZT4-00279-00074491-00074654 one style is necessarily better than rZ9M3xaqZT4-00280-00074655-00074784 another it's not like we have a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00281-00074785-00075044 hierarchy of styles but style is rZ9M3xaqZT4-00282-00075045-00075173 something that you should commit to one rZ9M3xaqZT4-00283-00075174-00075410 way or another and that's up to you as rZ9M3xaqZT4-00284-00075411-00075609 the artist so if you are painting rZ9M3xaqZT4-00285-00075610-00075842 figures and your figures happen to look rZ9M3xaqZT4-00286-00075843-00076028 kind of rough and ragged it's not to say rZ9M3xaqZT4-00287-00076029-00076235 that those figures are worse or not as rZ9M3xaqZT4-00288-00076236-00076424 good as someone who can pay figures and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00289-00076425-00076746 high realism it's just their stylized rZ9M3xaqZT4-00290-00076747-00077051 differently so whereas in high realism rZ9M3xaqZT4-00291-00077052-00077357 the criteria for excellence is a real rZ9M3xaqZT4-00292-00077358-00077717 close likeness that is not what you're rZ9M3xaqZT4-00293-00077718-00077903 looking for as a criteria of excellence rZ9M3xaqZT4-00294-00077904-00078086 when it comes to a different style like rZ9M3xaqZT4-00295-00078087-00078335 abstraction in abstraction you're going rZ9M3xaqZT4-00296-00078336-00078488 for something completely opposite rZ9M3xaqZT4-00297-00078489-00078701 something that has no likeness at all rZ9M3xaqZT4-00298-00078702-00078875 something completely non rZ9M3xaqZT4-00299-00078876-00079128 representational so whatever the style rZ9M3xaqZT4-00300-00079129-00079331 is that you're going for it I would rZ9M3xaqZT4-00301-00079332-00079562 suggest just committing to it one way or rZ9M3xaqZT4-00302-00079563-00079896 another and whatever that is is what it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00303-00079897-00080126 is it comes down to taste and opinion rZ9M3xaqZT4-00304-00080127-00080371 from there rZ9M3xaqZT4-00305-00080372-00080612 so there you have it those are my five rZ9M3xaqZT4-00306-00080613-00080870 criteria for judging whether or not your rZ9M3xaqZT4-00307-00080871-00081116 art is any good I think that you could rZ9M3xaqZT4-00308-00081117-00081281 take off a few of these boxes you don't rZ9M3xaqZT4-00309-00081282-00081470 have to take off all five boxes to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00310-00081471-00081644 consider your art any good but that's rZ9M3xaqZT4-00311-00081645-00081707 just it rZ9M3xaqZT4-00312-00081708-00081917 artists subjective there's no hard and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00313-00081918-00082058 fast rules here and you might have your rZ9M3xaqZT4-00314-00082059-00082322 own criteria if so I would love to hear rZ9M3xaqZT4-00315-00082323-00082538 it oh and before I forget I have to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00316-00082539-00082769 reveal which of the pieces belongs to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00317-00082770-00083054 which artist so which piece belongs to a rZ9M3xaqZT4-00318-00083055-00083273 famous artist which piece belongs into rZ9M3xaqZT4-00319-00083274-00083450 the gorilla and which piece belongs to rZ9M3xaqZT4-00320-00083451-00083729 the four-year-old well number one is the rZ9M3xaqZT4-00321-00083730-00083792 four-year-old rZ9M3xaqZT4-00322-00083793-00083987 number two is the gorilla and number rZ9M3xaqZT4-00323-00083988-00084293 three is the famous artist Karl Apple rZ9M3xaqZT4-00324-00084294-00084515 now you might have your own opinions rZ9M3xaqZT4-00325-00084516-00084725 after this whole video about which piece rZ9M3xaqZT4-00326-00084726-00084986 is better or which piece should be more rZ9M3xaqZT4-00327-00084987-00085160 valuable or what-have-you but I think rZ9M3xaqZT4-00328-00085161-00085379 ultimately now that I think about it I rZ9M3xaqZT4-00329-00085380-00085607 think art is just good if it makes you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00330-00085608-00085808 feel good so if it makes you feel good rZ9M3xaqZT4-00331-00085809-00086168 then I must pick an art right so comment rZ9M3xaqZT4-00332-00086169-00086444 subscribe stay happy and be creative and rZ9M3xaqZT4-00333-00086445-00086601 I'll see you next time rZ9M3xaqZT4-00334-00086602-00086880 [Music] rZ9M3xaqZT4-00335-00086881-00086911 you rZ9M3xaqZT4-00336-00086912-00087335 [Music] rbwsTokgH0U-00000-00000032-00000247 this is witch based news for friday the rbwsTokgH0U-00001-00000248-00000526 30th of october 2020 rbwsTokgH0U-00002-00000527-00000693 i'm commander burr rbwsTokgH0U-00003-00000694-00001191 [Music] rbwsTokgH0U-00004-00001192-00001415 in this week's news the frontier rbwsTokgH0U-00005-00001416-00001495 halloween rbwsTokgH0U-00006-00001496-00001695 in-game event reaches its creepy rbwsTokgH0U-00007-00001696-00001823 conclusion rbwsTokgH0U-00008-00001823-00002191 horizons for everyone and more rbwsTokgH0U-00009-00002192-00002342 if you enjoyed this video remember to rbwsTokgH0U-00010-00002343-00002518 subscribe to the channel and turn on rbwsTokgH0U-00011-00002519-00002623 notifications rbwsTokgH0U-00012-00002624-00002775 and if you'd like to support our work rbwsTokgH0U-00013-00002776-00002966 you'll also find us on patreon rbwsTokgH0U-00014-00002967-00003134 links to everything you need are in the rbwsTokgH0U-00015-00003135-00003375 description below rbwsTokgH0U-00016-00003376-00003583 as the community team at frontier had rbwsTokgH0U-00017-00003584-00003767 hinted some weeks ago rbwsTokgH0U-00018-00003768-00003959 this week saw the arrival of the elite rbwsTokgH0U-00019-00003960-00004095 dangerous halloween rbwsTokgH0U-00020-00004096-00004367 event and it was a doozy as we've been rbwsTokgH0U-00021-00004368-00004438 reporting rbwsTokgH0U-00022-00004439-00004695 all week the event started with hints of rbwsTokgH0U-00023-00004696-00004959 something afoot on social media rbwsTokgH0U-00024-00004960-00005206 cryptic messages in binary code began rbwsTokgH0U-00025-00005207-00005359 appearing on the elite dangerous rbwsTokgH0U-00026-00005360-00005502 instagram page rbwsTokgH0U-00027-00005503-00005718 whilst the game's twitter account lit up rbwsTokgH0U-00028-00005719-00005918 with a mysterious screenshot rbwsTokgH0U-00029-00005919-00006191 and a link to the instagram page the rbwsTokgH0U-00030-00006192-00006422 binary code messages continued over rbwsTokgH0U-00031-00006423-00006646 successive days until wednesday rbwsTokgH0U-00032-00006647-00006870 when the full message could be decoded rbwsTokgH0U-00033-00006872-00006983 it read rbwsTokgH0U-00034-00006984-00007310 colsack nebula the stones he keeps rbwsTokgH0U-00035-00007311-00007527 watching the stones rbwsTokgH0U-00036-00007528-00007774 with the location of something revealed rbwsTokgH0U-00037-00007775-00007998 a large portion of the playerbase headed rbwsTokgH0U-00038-00008000-00008223 off to search the colsack nebula for rbwsTokgH0U-00039-00008224-00008327 further clues rbwsTokgH0U-00040-00008328-00008567 but it wasn't until the game came up on rbwsTokgH0U-00041-00008568-00008631 thursday rbwsTokgH0U-00042-00008632-00008903 after an extended scheduled downtime rbwsTokgH0U-00043-00008904-00008967 that things rbwsTokgH0U-00044-00008968-00009231 started being discovered fear not we rbwsTokgH0U-00045-00009232-00009455 won't go into spoiler territory here in rbwsTokgH0U-00046-00009456-00009535 this video rbwsTokgH0U-00047-00009536-00009767 but we will say that a gal net news rbwsTokgH0U-00048-00009768-00009959 article appeared in game rbwsTokgH0U-00049-00009960-00010174 detailing the arrival of a long lost rbwsTokgH0U-00050-00010175-00010383 mega ship called the adamaster rbwsTokgH0U-00051-00010384-00010671 in the chuck chan system that then sent rbwsTokgH0U-00052-00010672-00010838 players off on a galactic rbwsTokgH0U-00053-00010839-00011046 mystery tour the like of which has not rbwsTokgH0U-00054-00011047-00011238 been seen in elite dangerous rbwsTokgH0U-00055-00011239-00011567 in a long long time when the event rbwsTokgH0U-00056-00011568-00011742 started it brought with it a level of rbwsTokgH0U-00057-00011743-00011983 engagement and mass group activity that rbwsTokgH0U-00058-00011984-00012174 had been sorely missing rbwsTokgH0U-00059-00012175-00012359 whilst it wasn't without some small rbwsTokgH0U-00060-00012360-00012567 problems at the time of this recording rbwsTokgH0U-00061-00012568-00012767 there are a couple of bugs with the rbwsTokgH0U-00062-00012768-00012935 mystery tour that still need to be rbwsTokgH0U-00063-00012936-00013046 ironed out rbwsTokgH0U-00064-00013047-00013327 the explosion of frantic player activity rbwsTokgH0U-00065-00013328-00013479 that the hunt for the story of the rbwsTokgH0U-00066-00013480-00013647 adamaster caused rbwsTokgH0U-00067-00013647-00013886 would surely have proved to frontier as rbwsTokgH0U-00068-00013887-00014038 if there were ever any doubt rbwsTokgH0U-00069-00014040-00014279 that the player base is still very very rbwsTokgH0U-00070-00014280-00014479 active and hungry for more rbwsTokgH0U-00071-00014480-00014655 of just about everything in elite rbwsTokgH0U-00072-00014656-00014855 dangerous fear not rbwsTokgH0U-00073-00014856-00015007 if you've not yet followed up on the rbwsTokgH0U-00074-00015008-00015207 events of yesterday in game rbwsTokgH0U-00075-00015208-00015415 the things that have been added are not rbwsTokgH0U-00076-00015416-00015630 going anywhere this isn't a week-long rbwsTokgH0U-00077-00015631-00015830 thing and then it's gone kind of a deal rbwsTokgH0U-00078-00015831-00016063 the story that surrounds the adamastor rbwsTokgH0U-00079-00016063-00016255 is very much a permanent thing rbwsTokgH0U-00080-00016256-00016503 and fleshes out yet more of the elite rbwsTokgH0U-00081-00016504-00016615 dangerous law rbwsTokgH0U-00082-00016616-00016783 and is a permanent addition to the rbwsTokgH0U-00083-00016784-00016950 existing game so there's plenty of time rbwsTokgH0U-00084-00016951-00017143 to experience it yourself rbwsTokgH0U-00085-00017144-00017375 when you're ready not content with the rbwsTokgH0U-00086-00017376-00017567 events in game however frontiers rbwsTokgH0U-00087-00017568-00017686 community team rbwsTokgH0U-00088-00017687-00017855 weren't done with elite commanders rbwsTokgH0U-00089-00017856-00018103 entirely as the community was wrestling rbwsTokgH0U-00090-00018104-00018286 with the mystery of the adamaster the rbwsTokgH0U-00091-00018287-00018535 community team released a hilarious rbwsTokgH0U-00092-00018536-00018791 spoof edition of the super cruise news rbwsTokgH0U-00093-00018792-00018894 broadcast rbwsTokgH0U-00094-00018895-00019143 that frankly has to be seen to be rbwsTokgH0U-00095-00019144-00019230 believed rbwsTokgH0U-00096-00019231-00019447 i'm not kidding it's linked below rbwsTokgH0U-00097-00019448-00019655 special mention has to go to community rbwsTokgH0U-00098-00019656-00019935 team regular steven block benedetti rbwsTokgH0U-00099-00019936-00020207 for driving for six hours from scotland rbwsTokgH0U-00100-00020208-00020391 to cambridge yesterday morning rbwsTokgH0U-00101-00020392-00020639 to help with the dave's events and rbwsTokgH0U-00102-00020640-00020894 appear in the video alongside bruce rbwsTokgH0U-00103-00020895-00021199 vantana garrido and arthur anchorman rbwsTokgH0U-00104-00021200-00021519 tolmi with the out of game hints rbwsTokgH0U-00105-00021520-00021750 the news broadcast and then the suitably rbwsTokgH0U-00106-00021751-00021822 creepy rbwsTokgH0U-00107-00021823-00022111 but still completely in-universe in-game rbwsTokgH0U-00108-00022112-00022199 horrors that rbwsTokgH0U-00109-00022200-00022486 we think hinted more for the future it rbwsTokgH0U-00110-00022487-00022686 was easily one of the best halloween rbwsTokgH0U-00111-00022687-00022814 events we've seen in rbwsTokgH0U-00112-00022815-00023071 any online game as we've already said rbwsTokgH0U-00113-00023072-00023271 this stuff has added to the permanent rbwsTokgH0U-00114-00023272-00023471 elite backstory and law rbwsTokgH0U-00115-00023472-00023671 and is a permanent addition to the game rbwsTokgH0U-00116-00023672-00023903 rather than a throwaway week-long event rbwsTokgH0U-00117-00023904-00024086 so there's plenty of time to experience rbwsTokgH0U-00118-00024087-00024230 it all for yourself rbwsTokgH0U-00119-00024231-00024407 here at the pit we're still not done rbwsTokgH0U-00120-00024408-00024591 with following up all the halloween rbwsTokgH0U-00121-00024592-00024839 in-game content ourselves but with what rbwsTokgH0U-00122-00024840-00025039 we've seen already we're happy to report rbwsTokgH0U-00123-00025040-00025142 that frontier have rbwsTokgH0U-00124-00025143-00025439 absolutely smashed it wholesale bravo rbwsTokgH0U-00125-00025440-00025655 team rbwsTokgH0U-00126-00025656-00025902 as was expected this week the horizons rbwsTokgH0U-00127-00025904-00026006 expansion was rbwsTokgH0U-00128-00026007-00026262 folded into the main game making way for rbwsTokgH0U-00129-00026263-00026479 the odyssey expansion next year rbwsTokgH0U-00130-00026480-00026655 this means that the base game now rbwsTokgH0U-00131-00026656-00026839 includes planetary landings on rbwsTokgH0U-00132-00026839-00027102 airless worlds access to the engineers rbwsTokgH0U-00133-00027104-00027262 ship launched fighters and rbwsTokgH0U-00134-00027263-00027623 srvs multi-crew and more if you already rbwsTokgH0U-00135-00027624-00027839 owned horizons then every ship in the rbwsTokgH0U-00136-00027839-00028014 game slfs included rbwsTokgH0U-00137-00028016-00028295 now have access to a shimmery new azure rbwsTokgH0U-00138-00028295-00028374 paint job rbwsTokgH0U-00139-00028375-00028646 and as an added bonus this week the game rbwsTokgH0U-00140-00028647-00028831 now with horizons included rbwsTokgH0U-00141-00028832-00029167 is currently on sale on steam on the pc rbwsTokgH0U-00142-00029168-00029551 for around 75 off meaning in the uk rbwsTokgH0U-00143-00029552-00029846 you can pick it up for about five quid rbwsTokgH0U-00144-00029847-00030014 and finally this week as part of the rbwsTokgH0U-00145-00030016-00030118 halloween season rbwsTokgH0U-00146-00030119-00030335 there are some new bobble heads on sale rbwsTokgH0U-00147-00030336-00030599 in the in game store to festoon your rbwsTokgH0U-00148-00030600-00030679 dashboard rbwsTokgH0U-00149-00030680-00030927 with creepy delights the horror themed rbwsTokgH0U-00150-00030927-00031118 bubbles will only be available during rbwsTokgH0U-00151-00031119-00031262 the halloween season rbwsTokgH0U-00152-00031263-00031455 so don't wait to grab them if you're in rbwsTokgH0U-00153-00031456-00031687 the market for such a thing rbwsTokgH0U-00154-00031688-00031862 that's it for now thanks very much for rbwsTokgH0U-00155-00031863-00031999 watching we'll be back rbwsTokgH0U-00156-00032000-00032199 later this week with more videos until rbwsTokgH0U-00157-00032200-00032431 then 07 commanders follow the greens on rbwsTokgH0U-00158-00032432-00032614 the way out and do keep clear of the rbwsTokgH0U-00159-00032616-00032711 toast track rbwsTokgH0U-00160-00032712-00032862 we very much look forward to seeing you rbwsTokgH0U-00161-00032863-00034071 next time rbwsTokgH0U-00162-00034072-00034280 you rcWBdagJykA-00000-00000095-00000703 [Music] rcWBdagJykA-00001-00000704-00000928 now to the latest on the covid-19 rcWBdagJykA-00002-00000930-00001108 pandemic the World Health Organization rcWBdagJykA-00003-00001109-00001312 says in Omicron subvariant is now the rcWBdagJykA-00004-00001313-00001499 most dominant strain in the U.S and rcWBdagJykA-00005-00001500-00001721 could drive a new wave of cases let's rcWBdagJykA-00006-00001722-00001937 bring in CBS News medical contributor Dr rcWBdagJykA-00007-00001938-00002141 David a is to talk about this and to rcWBdagJykA-00008-00002142-00002452 answer your medical questions uh all rcWBdagJykA-00009-00002453-00002626 right Dr agus so what can you tell us rcWBdagJykA-00010-00002627-00002849 about this latest I can't remember where rcWBdagJykA-00011-00002850-00003115 we went it's like the original rcWBdagJykA-00012-00003116-00003353 I thought we were off Homer chronic this rcWBdagJykA-00013-00003354-00003670 other one but now Omer Khan is resurgent rcWBdagJykA-00014-00003671-00003851 right and this is I mean this is if you rcWBdagJykA-00015-00003852-00004013 had to come up with a name for a variant rcWBdagJykA-00016-00004014-00004231 this is the perfect name rcWBdagJykA-00017-00004232-00005056 xbb.1.5 okay rcWBdagJykA-00018-00005057-00005236 okay it's by far the most infectious rcWBdagJykA-00019-00005237-00005470 variant we've ever had so much so that rcWBdagJykA-00020-00005471-00005627 it was four percent of cases beginning rcWBdagJykA-00021-00005628-00005867 of December and by the end of December rcWBdagJykA-00022-00005868-00006118 it's over 40 percent of cases so rcWBdagJykA-00023-00006119-00006365 tremendously infectious although there rcWBdagJykA-00024-00006366-00006514 is no data that people are getting rcWBdagJykA-00025-00006515-00006791 sicker from it and there's no data yet rcWBdagJykA-00026-00006792-00007013 that it's evading vaccines despite what rcWBdagJykA-00027-00007014-00007259 some of the media has reported it seems rcWBdagJykA-00028-00007259-00007481 that the vaccine T Cell responses are rcWBdagJykA-00029-00007481-00007660 still protective against serious illness rcWBdagJykA-00030-00007661-00007877 and hospitalization which is very rcWBdagJykA-00031-00007878-00008074 powerful and very heartening in many rcWBdagJykA-00032-00008075-00008314 respects okay so on to the questions rcWBdagJykA-00033-00008315-00008489 from the public now and it fits right rcWBdagJykA-00034-00008490-00008669 into this uh this person wants to know rcWBdagJykA-00035-00008670-00008795 whether or not the vaccines that are rcWBdagJykA-00036-00008796-00008992 being developed now are specifically rcWBdagJykA-00037-00008993-00009257 targeting xbb the variant rcWBdagJykA-00038-00009258-00009509 well it's a derivative of Omicron so the rcWBdagJykA-00039-00009510-00009778 Omicron bivalent booster which came out rcWBdagJykA-00040-00009779-00010042 in September um we'll Target this and rcWBdagJykA-00041-00010043-00010228 give some protection to it it's not rcWBdagJykA-00042-00010229-00010403 perfect you can still get sick but it rcWBdagJykA-00043-00010404-00010649 will be a mild cold and flu uh like rcWBdagJykA-00044-00010650-00010859 symptoms it won't be serious which is rcWBdagJykA-00045-00010860-00011128 key in no hospitalizations it enables us rcWBdagJykA-00046-00011129-00011338 to live with the virus rcWBdagJykA-00047-00011339-00011519 all right this question comes from the rcWBdagJykA-00048-00011520-00011788 grandparent of an infant the baby has rcWBdagJykA-00049-00011789-00011951 coveted and they're curious about any rcWBdagJykA-00050-00011952-00012233 special precautions they should take rcWBdagJykA-00051-00012234-00012406 just make sure the baby gets enough rcWBdagJykA-00052-00012407-00012574 fluid I mean you know when you have a rcWBdagJykA-00053-00012575-00012778 fever and or your coughing you use up rcWBdagJykA-00054-00012779-00013001 more fluid and you need to replace that rcWBdagJykA-00055-00013002-00013283 so don't let the baby get dehydrated use rcWBdagJykA-00056-00013284-00013535 uh antipyretics or anti-fever medicines rcWBdagJykA-00057-00013536-00013822 like Tylenol if needed and unfortunately rcWBdagJykA-00058-00013823-00013991 there's really no other treatment I rcWBdagJykA-00059-00013991-00014135 would give to the baby and just make rcWBdagJykA-00060-00014136-00014363 sure you look out for symptoms some rcWBdagJykA-00061-00014363-00014591 babies can get very sick it's very rare rcWBdagJykA-00062-00014591-00014849 but if they have if they are obviously rcWBdagJykA-00063-00014850-00014999 they need to talk to their pediatrician rcWBdagJykA-00064-00015000-00015280 and there are treatments at a curiosity rcWBdagJykA-00065-00015281-00015611 Dr Aegis if you're caring for a baby who rcWBdagJykA-00066-00015612-00015761 has coven this happened with my cousin rcWBdagJykA-00067-00015762-00015958 two-month-old baby rcWBdagJykA-00068-00015959-00016133 um you know obviously you don't put a rcWBdagJykA-00069-00016134-00016336 mask on a baby what are the precautions rcWBdagJykA-00070-00016337-00016505 that other people should take when rcWBdagJykA-00071-00016506-00016685 they're caring for an infant that may be rcWBdagJykA-00072-00016686-00016786 ill rcWBdagJykA-00073-00016787-00017015 that's a great one I mean yeah the rcWBdagJykA-00074-00017016-00017207 infant gets it at daycare and comes home rcWBdagJykA-00075-00017208-00017363 and the parents are working and don't rcWBdagJykA-00076-00017364-00017549 want to catch coven obviously the rcWBdagJykA-00077-00017550-00017771 parents should wear an n95 mask man rcWBdagJykA-00078-00017772-00018017 around the child as much as possible rcWBdagJykA-00079-00018018-00018203 till they're in longer infections which rcWBdagJykA-00080-00018204-00018389 is a day or two past resolution of rcWBdagJykA-00081-00018390-00018641 symptoms not easy but certainly rcWBdagJykA-00082-00018642-00018791 important if the parents don't want to rcWBdagJykA-00083-00018792-00019007 get that covered the next one is about rcWBdagJykA-00084-00019008-00019217 the flu this person was diagnosed rcWBdagJykA-00085-00019218-00019439 yesterday and is taking Tamiflu they rcWBdagJykA-00086-00019440-00019685 want to know when will they stop being rcWBdagJykA-00087-00019686-00019925 contagious rcWBdagJykA-00088-00019926-00020183 so a day before symptoms with the flu rcWBdagJykA-00089-00020184-00020350 you're contagious and it classically rcWBdagJykA-00090-00020351-00020644 lasts for five to seven days Tamiflu is rcWBdagJykA-00091-00020645-00020813 amazing in that it takes away symptoms rcWBdagJykA-00092-00020814-00021058 and you start to feel better sooner but rcWBdagJykA-00093-00021059-00021275 you still can be infectious so what is rcWBdagJykA-00094-00021276-00021527 said by the CDC is classically you wait rcWBdagJykA-00095-00021528-00021725 a day or two until resolution of rcWBdagJykA-00096-00021726-00021989 symptoms totally and then you can go out rcWBdagJykA-00097-00021990-00022127 and that's going to be five to seven rcWBdagJykA-00098-00022128-00022343 days even if you're on Tamiflu you'll rcWBdagJykA-00099-00022344-00022528 feel better but you're still infectious rcWBdagJykA-00100-00022529-00022987 good to know Dr David Aegis thank you reeANkT9lQk-00000-00000000-00000250 Nautilus as an online and print science reeANkT9lQk-00001-00000252-00000503 magazine that combines the sciences reeANkT9lQk-00002-00000504-00000755 culture and philosophy into a single reeANkT9lQk-00003-00000756-00001003 story it publishes one issue on a reeANkT9lQk-00004-00001005-00001254 selected topic each month on its website reeANkT9lQk-00005-00001255-00001560 releasing one chapter each Thursday reeANkT9lQk-00006-00001561-00001868 issue topics have included human reeANkT9lQk-00007-00001869-00002162 uniqueness time uncertainty genius reeANkT9lQk-00008-00002163-00002482 mergers and acquisitions and feedback reeANkT9lQk-00009-00002483-00002756 Nautilus also publishes a print edition reeANkT9lQk-00010-00002757-00003076 six times a year and a daily blog called reeANkT9lQk-00011-00003077-00003245 facts a romantic reeANkT9lQk-00012-00003246-00003536 it makes regular use of original reeANkT9lQk-00013-00003536-00003728 commissioned illustration to accompany reeANkT9lQk-00014-00003729-00004063 its stories the headquarters are in New reeANkT9lQk-00015-00004064-00004670 York New York reeANkT9lQk-00016-00004671-00005222 topic reception reeANkT9lQk-00017-00005223-00005574 in Nautilus launch year 2013 it was reeANkT9lQk-00018-00005575-00005822 cited as one of library Journal's 10 reeANkT9lQk-00019-00005823-00006096 best new magazines launched was named reeANkT9lQk-00020-00006097-00006315 one of the world's best designed news reeANkT9lQk-00021-00006316-00006564 sites by the Society for News design reeANkT9lQk-00022-00006565-00006809 received an honorary mention as one of reeANkT9lQk-00023-00006811-00007053 real clear Sciences top science news reeANkT9lQk-00024-00007054-00007278 sites and received three awards from reeANkT9lQk-00025-00007279-00007593 folio magazine including best consumer reeANkT9lQk-00026-00007594-00007956 website and best full issue in 2014 the reeANkT9lQk-00027-00007956-00008189 magazine won a Webby Award for best reeANkT9lQk-00028-00008190-00008412 science website and was nominated for reeANkT9lQk-00029-00008413-00008670 two others had two stories selected to reeANkT9lQk-00030-00008671-00008949 be included in 2014 edition of the best reeANkT9lQk-00031-00008950-00009207 American science and nature writing one reeANkT9lQk-00032-00009208-00009452 a folio award for best standalone reeANkT9lQk-00033-00009453-00009690 digital consumer magazine and was reeANkT9lQk-00034-00009691-00010019 nominated for two webby awards reeANkT9lQk-00035-00010020-00010370 in 2015 Nautilus won two National reeANkT9lQk-00036-00010371-00010826 Magazine Awards aka Ellie's for general reeANkT9lQk-00037-00010827-00011048 excellence literature science and reeANkT9lQk-00038-00011049-00011399 politics magazines and best website it reeANkT9lQk-00039-00011400-00011633 is the only magazine to have won reeANkT9lQk-00040-00011634-00011870 multiple Ellie's in its first year of reeANkT9lQk-00041-00011871-00012199 eligibility it also had one story reeANkT9lQk-00042-00012200-00012506 included in the 2015 edition of the best reeANkT9lQk-00043-00012507-00012746 American science and nature writing and reeANkT9lQk-00044-00012747-00013094 another story when AAAS Cali science reeANkT9lQk-00045-00013094-00013418 journalism award real clear science reeANkT9lQk-00046-00013419-00013841 again named in a top 10 science website reeANkT9lQk-00047-00013843-00014213 in 2016 Nautilus had one story included reeANkT9lQk-00048-00014215-00014478 in the 2016 edition of the best American reeANkT9lQk-00049-00014479-00014711 science and nature writing one an reeANkT9lQk-00050-00014712-00014961 American Society of magazine editors reeANkT9lQk-00051-00014962-00015213 award for best style and design of a reeANkT9lQk-00052-00015213-00015441 cover and was nominated for a webby reeANkT9lQk-00053-00015441-00015947 award in 2017 Nautilus had three stories reeANkT9lQk-00054-00015948-00016208 selected for inclusion in the 2017 reeANkT9lQk-00055-00016209-00016455 edition of the best American science and reeANkT9lQk-00056-00016456-00016716 nature writing at one piece when AAAS reeANkT9lQk-00057-00016717-00017087 calve lease I enjoyed and was a Webby reeANkT9lQk-00058-00017088-00017447 Award nominee for Best editorial writing reeANkT9lQk-00059-00017448-00017750 over a dozen Nautilus illustrations have reeANkT9lQk-00060-00017751-00018002 been recognized by American illustration reeANkT9lQk-00061-00018003-00018851 spectrum and the Society of illustrators reeANkT9lQk-00062-00018852-00019184 topic contributors reeANkT9lQk-00063-00019185-00019426 you reeANkT9lQk-00064-00019427-00019693 since the magazines launched in April reeANkT9lQk-00065-00019694-00019966 2013 contributors have included reeANkT9lQk-00066-00019967-00020230 scientists Peter Douglas Ward Caleb reeANkT9lQk-00067-00020231-00020575 Scharf Gary Marcus Robert Sapolsky David reeANkT9lQk-00068-00020576-00020851 Deutsch Lisa Carlton Egger Jim Davies reeANkT9lQk-00069-00020852-00021154 cognitive scientist Laura Mercier Holden reeANkT9lQk-00070-00021155-00021445 Ian Tattersall max tegmark Julian reeANkT9lQk-00071-00021446-00021712 Barbour Scott Aaronson Steve Schuh reeANkT9lQk-00072-00021713-00022039 Martin Rees Helen Fisher anthropologist reeANkT9lQk-00073-00022040-00022243 and Leonard milada now and writer reeANkT9lQk-00074-00022244-00022525 journalists Christian H Cooper a yawn reeANkT9lQk-00075-00022526-00022810 Hirsi Ali a mere Nicholas Carr reeANkT9lQk-00076-00022811-00023302 Carl Zimmer BJ Novak Philip ball Kitty reeANkT9lQk-00077-00023303-00023623 Ferguson Jill nee mark Alan Lightman Tom reeANkT9lQk-00078-00023624-00023716 Vanderbilt reeANkT9lQk-00079-00023717-00024103 and George Musser Cormac McCarthy made reeANkT9lQk-00080-00024104-00024325 his non-fiction writing debut in reeANkT9lQk-00081-00024326-00024673 Nautilus on the 20th of April 2017 with reeANkT9lQk-00082-00024674-00025466 an article entitled the kekulé a problem reeANkT9lQk-00083-00025467-00025981 topic name reeANkT9lQk-00084-00025982-00026350 the word Nautilus has a number of reeANkT9lQk-00085-00026351-00026557 meanings that are referred to in the reeANkT9lQk-00086-00026558-00026908 title of the magazine the Nautilus is so reeANkT9lQk-00087-00026908-00027160 steeped in math and myth and story from reeANkT9lQk-00088-00027161-00027343 Verne to the golden mean to the reeANkT9lQk-00089-00027344-00027619 spectacular sea creature itself Nautilus reeANkT9lQk-00090-00027620-00027862 publisher John Steele said that it reeANkT9lQk-00091-00027863-00028081 seemed a fitting namesake for the idea reeANkT9lQk-00092-00028082-00028848 of connecting and illuminating science reeANkT9lQk-00093-00028849-00029411 topic controversy reeANkT9lQk-00094-00029412-00029798 on the 13th of December 2017 20 of reeANkT9lQk-00095-00029799-00030051 Nautilus freelance writers published an reeANkT9lQk-00096-00030052-00030377 open letter from freelancers at Nautilus reeANkT9lQk-00097-00030378-00030710 magazine in the National Writers Union reeANkT9lQk-00098-00030711-00030950 alleging that the company was in arrears reeANkT9lQk-00099-00030951-00031415 to them for $50,000 for unpaid work they reeANkT9lQk-00100-00031416-00031652 announced that 10 of them had joined the reeANkT9lQk-00101-00031653-00031999 nwu in order to pursue a group reeANkT9lQk-00102-00032000-00032288 non-payment grievance with legal action reeANkT9lQk-00103-00032289-00032714 if necessary on the 15th of December reeANkT9lQk-00104-00032715-00033068 2017 the Nautilus publisher John Steele reeANkT9lQk-00105-00033069-00033293 published a reply explaining the reeANkT9lQk-00106-00033294-00033530 magazine's financial situation and reeANkT9lQk-00107-00033531-00033740 taking responsibility for the late reeANkT9lQk-00108-00033741-00034166 payments On February 1st 2018 the reeANkT9lQk-00109-00034167-00034407 National Writers Union announced it had reeANkT9lQk-00110-00034408-00035118 reached a settlement with Steele reeANkT9lQk-00111-00035119-00035674 topic partnerships reeANkT9lQk-00112-00035675-00036067 on March 20th 2018 Nautilus announced a reeANkT9lQk-00113-00036068-00036268 marketing partnership with Kalmbach reeANkT9lQk-00114-00036269-00036496 media publisher of discover and reeANkT9lQk-00115-00036497-00036844 astronomy magazines at the time of the reeANkT9lQk-00116-00036845-00037075 partnership the three magazines had a reeANkT9lQk-00117-00037076-00037534 combined reach of 10 million users rfy8L6ZSgTo-00000-00000032-00000231 i thank the member uh the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00001-00000231-00000359 cook is seeking a call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00002-00000360-00000647 i am okay madam deputy speaker i move rfy8L6ZSgTo-00003-00000648-00000807 that so much of standing in sessional rfy8L6ZSgTo-00004-00000808-00000950 orders be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00005-00000951-00001103 as would prevent the member for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00006-00001104-00001327 moving forth with that the report from rfy8L6ZSgTo-00007-00001328-00001487 the selection committee meeting of june rfy8L6ZSgTo-00008-00001488-00001751 18 2013 at 5 pm rfy8L6ZSgTo-00009-00001752-00001982 be immediately tabled and reported to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00010-00001984-00002215 the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00011-00002216-00002567 madam deputy speaker earlier today rfy8L6ZSgTo-00012-00002568-00002910 i asked the speaker when rfy8L6ZSgTo-00013-00002911-00003095 the speaker intended to table the report rfy8L6ZSgTo-00014-00003096-00003247 of the selection committee rfy8L6ZSgTo-00015-00003247-00003527 before the house and she indicated that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00016-00003528-00003703 would be done after question time rfy8L6ZSgTo-00017-00003704-00003943 today in accordance with that process rfy8L6ZSgTo-00018-00003944-00004119 now madam deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00019-00004120-00004343 at issue here is the fact that prior to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00020-00004344-00004519 that meeting yesterday the coalition has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00021-00004520-00004606 sought rfy8L6ZSgTo-00022-00004607-00004951 to have the bill regarding the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00023-00004952-00005127 migration amendments to implement the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00024-00005128-00005286 457 scheme rfy8L6ZSgTo-00025-00005287-00005535 to be referred to the education and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00026-00005536-00005679 employment committee that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00027-00005680-00005854 has just been reported on before this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00028-00005855-00006070 house what the government is seeking to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00029-00006071-00006175 do rfy8L6ZSgTo-00030-00006176-00006406 is if the selection committee indeed has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00031-00006408-00006518 decided to refer rfy8L6ZSgTo-00032-00006519-00006831 that bill to the committee rfy8L6ZSgTo-00033-00006831-00007198 then that bill cannot be debated in rfy8L6ZSgTo-00034-00007200-00007367 this place until that committee has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00035-00007368-00007534 considered that bill now what the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00036-00007536-00007670 government are trying to do here madam rfy8L6ZSgTo-00037-00007672-00007767 deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00038-00007768-00008063 is avoid the parliamentary scrutiny of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00039-00008064-00008183 what is one of the most rfy8L6ZSgTo-00040-00008184-00008391 shameless attacks on skilled migrants rfy8L6ZSgTo-00041-00008392-00008574 that has come before this place rfy8L6ZSgTo-00042-00008575-00008719 and it is being done at the behest of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00043-00008720-00008919 the union movement and this motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00044-00008920-00009127 madam deputy speaker and the reason why rfy8L6ZSgTo-00045-00009128-00009278 standing in session orders need to be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00046-00009279-00009374 suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00047-00009375-00009599 is to ensure that this government cannot rfy8L6ZSgTo-00048-00009600-00009719 ram through rfy8L6ZSgTo-00049-00009720-00009959 their union-driven attacks on skilled rfy8L6ZSgTo-00050-00009960-00010046 migration rfy8L6ZSgTo-00051-00010047-00010223 through this parliament over the last rfy8L6ZSgTo-00052-00010224-00010431 two sitting weeks of the 43rd parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00053-00010432-00010559 that is the intention rfy8L6ZSgTo-00054-00010560-00010703 that is the intention of the government rfy8L6ZSgTo-00055-00010704-00010919 and last night they tried this on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00056-00010920-00011127 and they were beaten in this house of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00057-00011128-00011287 representatives the government was rfy8L6ZSgTo-00058-00011288-00011359 defeated rfy8L6ZSgTo-00059-00011360-00011527 in the house of representatives when rfy8L6ZSgTo-00060-00011528-00011703 they tried to bring this on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00061-00011704-00011814 and one of the reasons they were rfy8L6ZSgTo-00062-00011815-00012055 defeated is that the minister for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00063-00012056-00012142 immigration rfy8L6ZSgTo-00064-00012143-00012374 whose own bill this was the subject of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00065-00012375-00012574 couldn't be bothered even turning up for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00066-00012575-00012646 the vote rfy8L6ZSgTo-00067-00012647-00012846 that would see his bill put before this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00068-00012847-00013038 is a shameless attack on process rfy8L6ZSgTo-00069-00013039-00013238 in this house madam speaker and it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00070-00013240-00013391 should not be allowed to continue rfy8L6ZSgTo-00071-00013391-00013535 and standing in sessional order should rfy8L6ZSgTo-00072-00013536-00013791 be suspended to allow that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00073-00013791-00014119 his seat i will just give some advice rfy8L6ZSgTo-00074-00014119-00014247 though rfy8L6ZSgTo-00075-00014247-00014647 the selection report hasn't been tabled rfy8L6ZSgTo-00076-00014647-00014966 it's still privileged no rfy8L6ZSgTo-00077-00014968-00015311 discussing the contents just rfy8L6ZSgTo-00078-00015312-00015694 putting i'm clearly putting on record rfy8L6ZSgTo-00079-00015695-00016150 it has not been tabled rfy8L6ZSgTo-00080-00016151-00016447 the parliamentary secretary has the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00081-00016448-00016527 i'm not aware rfy8L6ZSgTo-00082-00016528-00016750 whether the parliamentary secretary rfy8L6ZSgTo-00083-00016751-00016883 doesn't need to get involved in that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00084-00016884-00017111 debate the parliamentary secretary has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00085-00017112-00017199 the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00086-00017200-00017335 i'm not aware whether the gentleman's rfy8L6ZSgTo-00087-00017336-00017479 finished his remarks so therefore i rfy8L6ZSgTo-00088-00017480-00017599 can't move rfy8L6ZSgTo-00089-00017600-00017943 the the suspension of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00090-00017944-00018175 his remarks um because i'm not sure rfy8L6ZSgTo-00091-00018176-00019543 whether he's finished rfy8L6ZSgTo-00092-00019544-00019727 the question is that the member be no rfy8L6ZSgTo-00093-00019728-00019903 longer heard all of those of that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00094-00019904-00020055 opinion say aye rfy8L6ZSgTo-00095-00020056-00020375 to the country no think the eyes have it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00096-00020376-00020591 knows have it division required ring the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00097-00020592-00020711 bells rfy8L6ZSgTo-00098-00020712-00023492 for four minutes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00099-00023493-00024022 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00100-00024023-00024278 this afternoon and so to progress rfy8L6ZSgTo-00101-00024279-00026574 further with some of these issues rfy8L6ZSgTo-00102-00026575-00027246 with what we have done rfy8L6ZSgTo-00103-00027247-00029483 no not at all rfy8L6ZSgTo-00104-00029483-00029855 absolutely rfy8L6ZSgTo-00105-00029856-00032283 we're trying to find out rfy8L6ZSgTo-00106-00032283-00033683 okay rfy8L6ZSgTo-00107-00033684-00035083 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00108-00035084-00035634 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00109-00035635-00037883 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00110-00037884-00039170 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00112-00044884-00045774 but rfy8L6ZSgTo-00113-00045775-00046143 the question is that the member be no rfy8L6ZSgTo-00114-00046144-00046223 longer hurt rfy8L6ZSgTo-00115-00046224-00046367 the eyes will pass the right of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00116-00046368-00046558 chair the nose to the left rfy8L6ZSgTo-00117-00046559-00046790 i appoint the members for morton and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00118-00046791-00046999 machu and tellers for the eyes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00119-00047000-00047167 and the members for barker and parks rfy8L6ZSgTo-00121-00053283-00054682 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00122-00054683-00056082 ah rfy8L6ZSgTo-00123-00056083-00057482 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00124-00057483-00060282 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00125-00060283-00061682 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00126-00061683-00063082 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00127-00063083-00065882 much rfy8L6ZSgTo-00128-00065883-00067282 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00129-00067283-00070082 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00130-00070083-00071482 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00131-00071483-00071700 snooping rfy8L6ZSgTo-00133-00077083-00077897 it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00134-00077898-00078482 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00135-00078483-00079882 elbow rfy8L6ZSgTo-00136-00079883-00081282 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00137-00081283-00082393 really rfy8L6ZSgTo-00138-00082394-00084082 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00139-00084083-00086882 people rfy8L6ZSgTo-00140-00086883-00087894 it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00141-00087895-00088191 the result of the division is i 67 knows rfy8L6ZSgTo-00142-00088192-00088911 73 the question is therefore negated rfy8L6ZSgTo-00143-00088912-00089118 is the motion seconded the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00144-00089119-00089318 sturt i do second the motion madam rfy8L6ZSgTo-00145-00089319-00089487 speaker and i second the motion because rfy8L6ZSgTo-00146-00089488-00089655 it's very important that the house knows rfy8L6ZSgTo-00147-00089656-00089806 what the selection committee decided rfy8L6ZSgTo-00148-00089807-00090126 last night rfy8L6ZSgTo-00149-00090127-00090447 his seat the member rfy8L6ZSgTo-00150-00090448-00091094 for sturt will resume his seat rfy8L6ZSgTo-00151-00091095-00091406 the leader of the house thank you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00152-00091407-00091494 speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00153-00091495-00091767 um speaker i seek your guidance i was rfy8L6ZSgTo-00154-00091768-00092047 very concerned rfy8L6ZSgTo-00155-00092048-00092311 with comments by member for this is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00156-00092312-00092431 serious issues rfy8L6ZSgTo-00157-00092432-00093382 and you're not in rfy8L6ZSgTo-00158-00093383-00093574 the leader of the house on a point of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00159-00093575-00093759 order yes it's a serious point of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00160-00093760-00093926 speaker it goes to whether there's been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00161-00093927-00094191 a breach of privilege of this parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00162-00094192-00094774 uh with regard to with rfy8L6ZSgTo-00163-00094775-00095023 the member for sterp will resume his rfy8L6ZSgTo-00164-00095024-00095167 seat rfy8L6ZSgTo-00165-00095168-00095382 the leader of the house it goes to the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00166-00095383-00095559 issue of whether there has been a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00167-00095560-00095782 serious breach of privilege due to the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00168-00095783-00095918 comments rfy8L6ZSgTo-00169-00095919-00096167 of privilege the member for sturt if he rfy8L6ZSgTo-00170-00096168-00096350 allows the letter of the house to finish rfy8L6ZSgTo-00171-00096351-00096494 we will get there the leader of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00172-00096495-00096703 house has the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00173-00096704-00097031 by the member for cook in his comments rfy8L6ZSgTo-00174-00097032-00097359 last night his comments uh today rfy8L6ZSgTo-00175-00097360-00097703 again which would clearly rfy8L6ZSgTo-00176-00097704-00098031 indicate clearly indicate that there has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00177-00098032-00098071 been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00178-00098072-00098406 a breach of privilege and i ask you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00179-00098407-00098726 speaker uh for your guidance rfy8L6ZSgTo-00180-00098727-00099087 on how to deal the leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00181-00099088-00099350 will resume his seat the mem the leader rfy8L6ZSgTo-00182-00099351-00099526 of the house resume his seat the member rfy8L6ZSgTo-00183-00099527-00099774 for cook will withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00184-00099775-00100055 the i withdraw the memphis dirt will rfy8L6ZSgTo-00185-00100056-00100118 resume rfy8L6ZSgTo-00186-00100119-00100494 his seat as i have already indicated rfy8L6ZSgTo-00187-00100495-00100806 i have grave concerns already about rfy8L6ZSgTo-00188-00100807-00101150 privilege and this issue i also have rfy8L6ZSgTo-00189-00101151-00101335 grave concerns rfy8L6ZSgTo-00190-00101336-00101599 about the process of the selection rfy8L6ZSgTo-00191-00101600-00101671 committee rfy8L6ZSgTo-00192-00101672-00101894 which has run successfully in this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00193-00101895-00102031 parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00194-00102032-00102486 now being tampered with i as speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00195-00102488-00102927 have already expressed my concerns rfy8L6ZSgTo-00196-00102928-00103239 and the tabling of the report is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00197-00103240-00103478 in accordance as i indicated this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00198-00103479-00103575 morning rfy8L6ZSgTo-00199-00103576-00103830 with the procedures adopted at the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00200-00103831-00103982 beginning of this parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00201-00103983-00104318 and to some no no i'm saying rfy8L6ZSgTo-00202-00104319-00104654 you are politicizing what had been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00203-00104655-00104934 a selection process and i'm expressing rfy8L6ZSgTo-00204-00104935-00105071 that concern rfy8L6ZSgTo-00205-00105072-00105415 but i am allowing you to continue rfy8L6ZSgTo-00206-00105416-00105710 with the suspension but i am noting my rfy8L6ZSgTo-00207-00105711-00105799 concern rfy8L6ZSgTo-00208-00105800-00106095 which i don't believe is outrageous at rfy8L6ZSgTo-00209-00106096-00106166 all rfy8L6ZSgTo-00210-00106167-00106431 but something a speaker should have the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00211-00106432-00106543 right to do rfy8L6ZSgTo-00212-00106544-00106790 the member for sturt has the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00213-00106791-00106927 speaker i certainly wouldn't want to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00214-00106928-00107015 reflect on the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00215-00107016-00107183 the chair so i won't comment on your rfy8L6ZSgTo-00216-00107183-00107343 contribution to the debate rfy8L6ZSgTo-00217-00107344-00107590 i will simply say i didn't reflect on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00218-00107591-00107727 the triceps that i wouldn't rfy8L6ZSgTo-00219-00107728-00107919 reflect on the chair by commenting on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00220-00107920-00108078 her contribution to the debate rfy8L6ZSgTo-00221-00108079-00108271 which is not a reflection on anyone so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00222-00108272-00108415 stop your foe outrage rfy8L6ZSgTo-00223-00108416-00108631 and allow the debate to continue rfy8L6ZSgTo-00224-00108632-00108958 remember rfy8L6ZSgTo-00225-00108959-00109686 the member for stir will resume his seat rfy8L6ZSgTo-00226-00109688-00109871 the member for dunkley might want to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00227-00109872-00110078 reflect on that remark the leader of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00228-00110079-00110223 house has the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00229-00110224-00110399 i moved that the member be no longer rfy8L6ZSgTo-00230-00110400-00110671 heard the question is that the member be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00231-00110672-00110815 no longer heard rfy8L6ZSgTo-00232-00110816-00111071 all of those of that opinion say aye to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00233-00111072-00111278 the contrary no rfy8L6ZSgTo-00234-00111279-00111527 think the eyes have it division required rfy8L6ZSgTo-00235-00111528-00113483 ring the bells for four minutes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00236-00113483-00114883 dudes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00237-00114883-00117683 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00238-00117683-00117990 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00239-00117991-00120483 i've got five rfy8L6ZSgTo-00240-00120483-00121710 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00242-00125555-00126083 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00243-00126083-00128883 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00244-00128883-00131683 just rfy8L6ZSgTo-00245-00131684-00133083 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00246-00133084-00134359 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00247-00134360-00135687 don't fall over please that would be bad rfy8L6ZSgTo-00248-00135688-00135911 lock the doors the question is that the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00249-00135912-00136007 member be no longer rfy8L6ZSgTo-00250-00136008-00136159 heard the eyes will pass through the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00251-00136160-00136375 chair the nose the left rfy8L6ZSgTo-00252-00136376-00136639 i appoint the members for mcewen and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00253-00136640-00136695 morton rfy8L6ZSgTo-00254-00136696-00136935 tellers for the eyes and the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00255-00136936-00139014 barker and parks as tellers for the nose rfy8L6ZSgTo-00256-00139015-00141483 i've got another one i've got symbols rfy8L6ZSgTo-00257-00141484-00143326 yeah rfy8L6ZSgTo-00258-00143327-00145683 two kevlar rfy8L6ZSgTo-00259-00145684-00147083 yes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00260-00147084-00148483 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00261-00148484-00149883 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00262-00149884-00152683 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00263-00152684-00154083 hi rfy8L6ZSgTo-00265-00158284-00161083 funny rfy8L6ZSgTo-00267-00165284-00168083 this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00268-00168084-00168199 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00269-00168200-00170883 the next one rfy8L6ZSgTo-00270-00170884-00173687 problems rfy8L6ZSgTo-00271-00173688-00176463 i rfy8L6ZSgTo-00272-00176464-00176647 the question is therefore negated the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00273-00176648-00176999 time for the debate has expired rfy8L6ZSgTo-00274-00177000-00177414 the clerk the member for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00275-00177415-00177663 is seeking the call on another point of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00276-00177664-00177807 order no i i move rfy8L6ZSgTo-00277-00177808-00177975 madam speaker that so much of standing rfy8L6ZSgTo-00278-00177976-00178126 in session lawyers be suspended to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00279-00178127-00178278 enable the member for cook to move the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00280-00178279-00178399 following motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00281-00178400-00178583 that the house not consider government rfy8L6ZSgTo-00282-00178584-00178759 business order of the day number one the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00283-00178760-00178943 migration amendment temporary sponsored rfy8L6ZSgTo-00284-00178944-00179014 visas bill rfy8L6ZSgTo-00285-00179015-00179326 until such time as a a full research rfy8L6ZSgTo-00286-00179327-00179454 report is completed rfy8L6ZSgTo-00287-00179455-00179614 on the true incidence and nature of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00288-00179615-00179878 abuses and non-compliance within the 457 rfy8L6ZSgTo-00289-00179879-00179983 visas program rfy8L6ZSgTo-00290-00179984-00180175 in comparison to other programs by the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00291-00180176-00180302 department of immigration and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00292-00180303-00180399 citizenship rfy8L6ZSgTo-00293-00180400-00180583 to substantiate the requirement for the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00294-00180584-00180847 measures proposed in the bill b rfy8L6ZSgTo-00295-00180848-00181031 a full consultation program with rfy8L6ZSgTo-00296-00181032-00181238 industry and other stakeholders has been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00297-00181239-00181399 conducted by the department of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00298-00181400-00181566 immigration and citizenship rfy8L6ZSgTo-00299-00181567-00181759 on the impacts of the measures contained rfy8L6ZSgTo-00300-00181760-00181966 in the bill and c rfy8L6ZSgTo-00301-00181967-00182175 a regulatory impact statement has been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00302-00182176-00182399 completed by the government in relation rfy8L6ZSgTo-00303-00182400-00182519 to schedule two rfy8L6ZSgTo-00304-00182520-00182735 of the bill relating to the proposed rfy8L6ZSgTo-00305-00182736-00182919 labor market testing regime rfy8L6ZSgTo-00306-00182920-00183151 as required by the office of best rfy8L6ZSgTo-00307-00183152-00183278 practice regulation rfy8L6ZSgTo-00308-00183279-00183438 and submitted to the parliament madam rfy8L6ZSgTo-00309-00183439-00183599 speaker this is a bill rfy8L6ZSgTo-00310-00183600-00183783 that the government is seeking to ram rfy8L6ZSgTo-00311-00183784-00183935 through for the unions rfy8L6ZSgTo-00312-00183936-00184214 before the election regime his seat the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00313-00184215-00184326 leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00314-00184327-00184654 point of order uh speaker uh this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00315-00184655-00185007 is order the member has the right rfy8L6ZSgTo-00316-00185008-00185223 to move his point of order the member rfy8L6ZSgTo-00317-00185224-00185519 for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00318-00185520-00185647 doesn't have the call the leader of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00319-00185648-00185831 house does letter of the house thank you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00320-00185832-00186223 speaker this is the second attempted rfy8L6ZSgTo-00321-00186224-00186583 suspension of standing orders in a row rfy8L6ZSgTo-00322-00186584-00186823 in the past it has been ruled by rfy8L6ZSgTo-00323-00186824-00186975 previous speakers rfy8L6ZSgTo-00324-00186976-00187335 that where there are concessional rfy8L6ZSgTo-00325-00187336-00187671 continue consecutive thank you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00326-00187672-00187902 consecutive suspensions of standing rfy8L6ZSgTo-00327-00187903-00188063 orders in order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00328-00188064-00188271 in order to disrupt the parliament it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00329-00188272-00188607 has been regarded as disorderly conduct rfy8L6ZSgTo-00330-00188608-00188919 and uh given uh the uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00331-00188920-00189271 state uh of the parliament in our last rfy8L6ZSgTo-00332-00189272-00189526 sitting days and the amount of business rfy8L6ZSgTo-00333-00189527-00189638 that is before rfy8L6ZSgTo-00334-00189639-00190063 the parliament i uh failed to understand rfy8L6ZSgTo-00335-00190064-00190343 failed to understand uh what is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00336-00190344-00190447 motivating rfy8L6ZSgTo-00337-00190448-00190799 uh the member for cook in moving rfy8L6ZSgTo-00338-00190800-00191102 uh this uh this motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00339-00191103-00191359 uh the fact is that this legislation was rfy8L6ZSgTo-00340-00191360-00191431 introduced rfy8L6ZSgTo-00341-00191432-00191695 in the normal way and is being dealt rfy8L6ZSgTo-00342-00191696-00191735 with rfy8L6ZSgTo-00343-00191736-00191919 in the normal way the leader of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00344-00191920-00192190 house resume his seat the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00345-00192191-00192287 sturt rfy8L6ZSgTo-00346-00192288-00192607 will resume his seat yes it is a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00347-00192608-00192735 consecutive rfy8L6ZSgTo-00348-00192736-00192959 suspension but it is a different rfy8L6ZSgTo-00349-00192960-00193175 suspension the member for cook has the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00350-00193176-00193223 call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00351-00193224-00193454 thank you madame madam speaker the point rfy8L6ZSgTo-00352-00193455-00193654 of this motion is to suspend session on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00353-00193655-00193814 standing orders to prevent rfy8L6ZSgTo-00354-00193815-00193975 this bill being debated in this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00355-00193976-00194102 parliament because the government has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00356-00194103-00194190 not consulted rfy8L6ZSgTo-00357-00194191-00194366 they have not done their homework they rfy8L6ZSgTo-00358-00194367-00194735 are making up claims rfy8L6ZSgTo-00359-00194736-00194950 all right memphis has the call they are rfy8L6ZSgTo-00360-00194951-00195159 making up uh claims about abuses in the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00361-00195160-00195335 system ten thousand abuses rfy8L6ZSgTo-00362-00195336-00195566 the minister has said and he's had to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00363-00195567-00195663 openly admit rfy8L6ZSgTo-00364-00195664-00195878 that he just completely made it up and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00365-00195879-00196038 that is the basis for the bill that is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00366-00196039-00196175 becoming for this parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00367-00196176-00196375 on the behest of the unions just how rfy8L6ZSgTo-00368-00196376-00196583 much more union business do you want rfy8L6ZSgTo-00369-00196584-00196831 the member for regime the minister has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00370-00196832-00197023 the call point of order the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00371-00197024-00197063 cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00372-00197064-00197438 is casting aspersions on the minister rfy8L6ZSgTo-00373-00197439-00197695 he is not allowed he is not allowed rfy8L6ZSgTo-00374-00197696-00197999 during a suspension of standing orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00375-00198000-00198295 he must discuss why standing orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00376-00198296-00198447 should be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00377-00198448-00198743 he hasn't mentioned one word about that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00378-00198744-00199031 and he is out of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00379-00199032-00199271 the member cook has the call thank you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00380-00199272-00199414 madam deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00381-00199415-00199575 standing in session orders should be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00382-00199576-00199726 suspended because the government is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00383-00199727-00199854 seeking to ram through rfy8L6ZSgTo-00384-00199855-00200014 a union-driven bill through this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00385-00200015-00200263 parliament in the last days of the 43rd rfy8L6ZSgTo-00386-00200264-00200383 parliament now madam rfy8L6ZSgTo-00387-00200384-00200638 deputy speaker this bill has not been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00388-00200639-00200814 subject to the proper consultation and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00389-00200815-00201007 process is necessary for this house to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00390-00201008-00201078 consider it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00391-00201079-00201231 and the government is seeking to ram rfy8L6ZSgTo-00392-00201232-00201550 through things on behalf of the union rfy8L6ZSgTo-00393-00201551-00202023 the minister yes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00394-00202024-00202423 yes deputy speaker standing order 90 rfy8L6ZSgTo-00395-00202424-00202790 reflections on members indicates rfy8L6ZSgTo-00396-00202791-00203063 all imputations of improper motives to a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00397-00203064-00203302 member and all personal reflections on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00398-00203303-00203487 other members shall be considered highly rfy8L6ZSgTo-00399-00203488-00203607 disorderly rfy8L6ZSgTo-00400-00203608-00203935 the the member for cook has reflected on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00401-00203936-00204047 the motivations rfy8L6ZSgTo-00402-00204048-00204311 of the minister who has brought this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00403-00204312-00204447 legislation rfy8L6ZSgTo-00404-00204448-00204838 before the parliament and the manager of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00405-00204839-00205023 opposition business has just rfy8L6ZSgTo-00406-00205023-00205390 indicated again again that the member rfy8L6ZSgTo-00407-00205391-00205455 for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00408-00205456-00205823 is being disorderly by by pointing out rfy8L6ZSgTo-00409-00205823-00206055 that he is putting forward the argument rfy8L6ZSgTo-00410-00206056-00206262 he must stick to why standing orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00411-00206263-00206398 should be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00412-00206400-00206727 and he must withdraw the reflection rfy8L6ZSgTo-00413-00206728-00207271 on the minister and he should withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00414-00207271-00207527 thank the minister i asked memphis to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00415-00207528-00207598 withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00416-00207600-00207806 as requested by the minister to assist rfy8L6ZSgTo-00417-00207807-00207958 the house i withdraw madam i appreciate rfy8L6ZSgTo-00418-00207959-00208110 that i'm deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00419-00208111-00208279 let me table for the benefit of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00420-00208280-00208414 master rfy8L6ZSgTo-00421-00208415-00208558 let me table for the benefit of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00422-00208559-00208734 house the open letter to members of this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00423-00208735-00208823 parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00424-00208823-00208951 from the australian industry group the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00425-00208952-00209134 business council australia and migration rfy8L6ZSgTo-00426-00209135-00209286 council australia who have rfy8L6ZSgTo-00427-00209287-00209542 refuted the claims made up by the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00428-00209544-00209719 minister about ten thousand abuses of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00429-00209719-00209782 the system rfy8L6ZSgTo-00430-00209783-00209975 we are greatly concerned it says by the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00431-00209976-00210127 lack of supporting evidence rfy8L6ZSgTo-00432-00210128-00210358 damaging rhetoric and poor process this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00433-00210359-00210503 is why standing orders need to be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00434-00210504-00210567 suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00435-00210567-00210806 because process and consultation has not rfy8L6ZSgTo-00436-00210807-00210951 been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00437-00210952-00211215 he's still not speaking to the motion to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00438-00211216-00211671 suspend the minister rfy8L6ZSgTo-00439-00211671-00211919 the manager of government business there rfy8L6ZSgTo-00440-00211919-00212110 is some element of irony in those rfy8L6ZSgTo-00441-00212111-00212294 opposite objecting to points of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00442-00212296-00212423 being made rfy8L6ZSgTo-00443-00212423-00212727 but uh but uh none rfy8L6ZSgTo-00444-00212728-00212982 nonetheless deputy speaker this is a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00445-00212983-00213094 motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00446-00213096-00213406 to suspend standing orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00447-00213407-00213742 and the member you never got to be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00448-00213744-00213823 speaker bro rfy8L6ZSgTo-00449-00213823-00214206 no the minister has the call um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00450-00214207-00214815 the the the member for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00451-00214816-00215119 the member for cook rfy8L6ZSgTo-00452-00215119-00215510 must address why standing orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00453-00215511-00215798 should be suspended and further to my rfy8L6ZSgTo-00454-00215800-00215894 point of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00455-00215896-00216271 understanding audit 65 deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00456-00216271-00216510 whilst i've been giving my point of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00457-00216511-00216575 order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00458-00216576-00216951 the member for mckellar has continued to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00459-00216952-00217094 interject and throw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00460-00217096-00217423 slurs across the chamber as has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00461-00217423-00217703 the manager of opposition business both rfy8L6ZSgTo-00462-00217704-00217782 of them rfy8L6ZSgTo-00463-00217783-00218063 both of them clearly want to be speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00464-00218064-00218175 and there's been rfy8L6ZSgTo-00465-00218176-00218415 opportunities to put themselves forward rfy8L6ZSgTo-00466-00218416-00218494 before now rfy8L6ZSgTo-00467-00218496-00218663 the minister has made his point of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00468-00218664-00218991 the member for cook will continue rfy8L6ZSgTo-00469-00218992-00219167 the motion before that standing and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00470-00219167-00219334 sessional orders should be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00471-00219335-00219455 because this government rfy8L6ZSgTo-00472-00219456-00219687 is seeking to ram through a bill through rfy8L6ZSgTo-00473-00219688-00219775 this parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00474-00219776-00220006 without following proper process and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00475-00220007-00220215 without doing the proper consultation rfy8L6ZSgTo-00476-00220216-00220391 and homework on the bill that is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00477-00220392-00220591 required and again i seek further to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00478-00220592-00220734 read that from the letter damaging rfy8L6ZSgTo-00479-00220735-00220894 reddit rfy8L6ZSgTo-00480-00220896-00221282 the member will resume his seat the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00481-00221283-00221471 minister rfy8L6ZSgTo-00482-00221471-00221631 indicates that you cannot make rfy8L6ZSgTo-00483-00221632-00221823 imputations against members rfy8L6ZSgTo-00484-00221823-00222110 as leader of the house i have strong rfy8L6ZSgTo-00485-00222111-00222351 objections to the imputation rfy8L6ZSgTo-00486-00222352-00222598 that a bill is being rammed through this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00487-00222600-00222767 parliament rfy8L6ZSgTo-00488-00222767-00223006 when there is no bill even being rfy8L6ZSgTo-00489-00223007-00223182 discussed in this parliament the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00490-00223183-00223351 minister no one on this side of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00491-00223352-00223646 house has moved to any questions be put rfy8L6ZSgTo-00492-00223648-00223998 uh what we seek to facilitate rfy8L6ZSgTo-00493-00224000-00224319 the minister resume his seat rfy8L6ZSgTo-00494-00224319-00224567 the member mckellar is seeking the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00495-00224567-00224815 i would refer you to page 189 of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00496-00224816-00224903 practice rfy8L6ZSgTo-00497-00224904-00225079 i would refer you to the paragraph that rfy8L6ZSgTo-00498-00225080-00225294 says members have been disciplined by rfy8L6ZSgTo-00499-00225296-00225455 the chair for raising spurious or rfy8L6ZSgTo-00500-00225456-00225631 privileged points of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00501-00225632-00225871 or introducing debate when raising on a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00502-00225871-00225967 point of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00503-00225967-00226144 and for persisting with the matter rfy8L6ZSgTo-00504-00226144-00226279 [Music] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00505-00226280-00226479 as chair madam deputy speaker it is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00506-00226480-00226663 incumbent upon you to rule him out of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00507-00226664-00226742 order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00508-00226744-00226951 and not take any more points of order as rfy8L6ZSgTo-00509-00226952-00227103 the chair has often done rfy8L6ZSgTo-00510-00227104-00227303 when she sees that it is yet another rfy8L6ZSgTo-00511-00227304-00227519 spurious point of order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00512-00227519-00227679 has made my point of order is not rfy8L6ZSgTo-00513-00227680-00227951 avoidable rfy8L6ZSgTo-00514-00227952-00228182 the member for cook thank you madam rfy8L6ZSgTo-00515-00228183-00228294 deputy speaker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00516-00228296-00228463 standing in sessional orders need to be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00517-00228464-00228742 suspended in order to ensure that this rfy8L6ZSgTo-00518-00228744-00228831 government rfy8L6ZSgTo-00519-00228832-00229110 the member for cook the minister is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00520-00229111-00229206 seeking the court i mean rfy8L6ZSgTo-00521-00229207-00229463 that the member be no longer heard the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00522-00229464-00229542 question is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00523-00229544-00229751 that the emotion be agreed to all those rfy8L6ZSgTo-00524-00229752-00229958 that opinion say i rfy8L6ZSgTo-00525-00229959-00230471 country no i think the eyes have it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00526-00230471-00230663 division required ring the bells for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00527-00230664-00232482 four minutes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00528-00232483-00233882 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00529-00233883-00236682 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00530-00236683-00238082 hmm rfy8L6ZSgTo-00532-00242283-00242798 beautiful rfy8L6ZSgTo-00534-00249283-00250719 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00536-00253959-00255191 thank you rfy8L6ZSgTo-00537-00255192-00255534 lock the doors the question is that the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00538-00255535-00255694 member be no longer heard the eyes will rfy8L6ZSgTo-00539-00255696-00255863 pass the right of chair the nose to the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00540-00255864-00255927 left rfy8L6ZSgTo-00541-00255928-00256230 i appoint the members for morton and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00542-00256231-00256423 mcewan tell us for the eyes and barker rfy8L6ZSgTo-00543-00256423-00259082 and parks tell us for the nose rfy8L6ZSgTo-00544-00259083-00260482 is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00545-00260483-00261882 my rfy8L6ZSgTo-00549-00278683-00279103 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00550-00279104-00281482 and i just rfy8L6ZSgTo-00551-00281483-00284282 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00552-00284283-00285682 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00553-00285683-00288482 me rfy8L6ZSgTo-00554-00288483-00289882 okay rfy8L6ZSgTo-00555-00289883-00292682 future rfy8L6ZSgTo-00556-00292683-00294082 so rfy8L6ZSgTo-00557-00294083-00295551 sometimes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00558-00295552-00297630 crazy rfy8L6ZSgTo-00559-00297631-00297871 the result of the division is i 64 knows rfy8L6ZSgTo-00560-00297872-00298247 71 the question is therefore negated rfy8L6ZSgTo-00561-00298248-00298503 is the motion seconded the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00562-00298504-00298623 brisbane rfy8L6ZSgTo-00563-00298624-00298854 thank you very much speaker i second to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00564-00298855-00298958 this motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00565-00298959-00299191 um this bill is based on a false premise rfy8L6ZSgTo-00566-00299192-00299367 it's based on the fact that the minister rfy8L6ZSgTo-00567-00299368-00299558 has made up the number of raws rfy8L6ZSgTo-00568-00299559-00299817 in order for brisbane rfy8L6ZSgTo-00569-00299818-00299991 [Applause] rfy8L6ZSgTo-00570-00299992-00300343 the member for brisbane will resume rfy8L6ZSgTo-00571-00300344-00300647 her seat the leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00572-00300648-00300951 firstly under standing order rfy8L6ZSgTo-00573-00300952-00301279 90 the member must withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00574-00301280-00301975 that allegation against the minister rfy8L6ZSgTo-00575-00301976-00302239 the member for brisbane could withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00576-00302240-00302391 for the assistance of the house and to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00577-00302392-00302551 progress the member for brisbane has the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00578-00302552-00302879 call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00579-00302880-00303271 speaker um i withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00580-00303272-00303495 the bill is still based on a false rfy8L6ZSgTo-00581-00303496-00303582 premise rfy8L6ZSgTo-00582-00303583-00304239 on the number of uh members of brisbane rfy8L6ZSgTo-00583-00304240-00304503 speaker this is a suspension of standing rfy8L6ZSgTo-00584-00304504-00304582 orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00585-00304583-00304943 the member must address why standing rfy8L6ZSgTo-00586-00304944-00305175 the leader of the house will resume the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00587-00305176-00305367 leader of the house will resume his rfy8L6ZSgTo-00588-00305368-00305527 seats rfy8L6ZSgTo-00589-00305528-00305871 and the individuals around will rfy8L6ZSgTo-00590-00305872-00306206 desist from assisting the chair the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00591-00306207-00306358 leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00592-00306359-00306623 why standing orders should be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00593-00306624-00306782 and not address the substance of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00594-00306783-00306887 motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00595-00306888-00307119 and later and i ask that that be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00596-00307120-00307223 withdrawn rfy8L6ZSgTo-00597-00307224-00307423 from the member from mckellar the leader rfy8L6ZSgTo-00598-00307424-00307551 of the house regime he said the member rfy8L6ZSgTo-00599-00307552-00307910 for mckellar will withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00600-00307911-00308134 swans at the time i withdraw i thank the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00601-00308135-00308351 member the member for brisbane rfy8L6ZSgTo-00602-00308352-00308606 has the call and must address the motion rfy8L6ZSgTo-00603-00308607-00308695 before the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00604-00308696-00309015 uh thank you speaker um standing and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00605-00309016-00309167 sessional orders rfy8L6ZSgTo-00606-00309168-00309606 should be suspended rfy8L6ZSgTo-00607-00309607-00309767 because member for brisbane has the call rfy8L6ZSgTo-00608-00309768-00309982 the leader of the house is not a system rfy8L6ZSgTo-00609-00309983-00310127 sanding and station orders should be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00610-00310128-00310327 suspended because the premise of which rfy8L6ZSgTo-00611-00310328-00310527 the bill is brought into the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00612-00310528-00310758 is on a premise that no research has rfy8L6ZSgTo-00613-00310759-00310854 been done rfy8L6ZSgTo-00614-00310855-00311079 uh on the particular incidents and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00615-00311080-00311206 natures of abuse rfy8L6ZSgTo-00616-00311207-00311423 a full consultation with industry and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00617-00311424-00311606 other stakeholders has not occurred by rfy8L6ZSgTo-00618-00311607-00311758 the department of immigration rfy8L6ZSgTo-00619-00311759-00311975 and a regulatory impact statement we're rfy8L6ZSgTo-00620-00311976-00312254 not being brought in rfy8L6ZSgTo-00621-00312255-00312463 the member from brisbane will resume rfy8L6ZSgTo-00622-00312464-00312591 they say the leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00623-00312592-00312758 member for brisbane almost got their rfy8L6ZSgTo-00624-00312759-00312958 speaker but i moved that the member be rfy8L6ZSgTo-00625-00312959-00313095 no longer heard rfy8L6ZSgTo-00626-00313096-00313271 the question is the member been no rfy8L6ZSgTo-00627-00313272-00313454 longer heard or does that opinion say rfy8L6ZSgTo-00628-00313455-00313567 aye rfy8L6ZSgTo-00629-00313568-00314054 to the country no i think the uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00630-00314055-00314382 the leader of the house rfy8L6ZSgTo-00631-00314383-00314687 order the leader of the house and people rfy8L6ZSgTo-00632-00314688-00314815 should be aware in the middle of a rfy8L6ZSgTo-00633-00314816-00314910 division rfy8L6ZSgTo-00634-00314911-00315223 making comments is even more dubious rfy8L6ZSgTo-00635-00315224-00315575 than when we're actually in rfy8L6ZSgTo-00636-00315576-00315727 the normal process the leader of the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00637-00315728-00316482 house i'd ask the member for mckellar to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00638-00316483-00317230 withdraw rfy8L6ZSgTo-00639-00317231-00317606 i did not hear the comment rfy8L6ZSgTo-00640-00317607-00317847 i'm not going to ask the member for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00641-00317848-00317927 mckellar rfy8L6ZSgTo-00642-00317928-00318358 to withdraw but i will rfy8L6ZSgTo-00643-00318359-00318639 remind people that reflections on rfy8L6ZSgTo-00644-00318640-00318767 members rfy8L6ZSgTo-00645-00318768-00319023 is highly inappropriate the question is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00646-00319024-00319182 the member be no longer heard all of rfy8L6ZSgTo-00647-00319183-00319367 those that opinion say aye rfy8L6ZSgTo-00648-00319368-00319663 to the country no think the eyes have it rfy8L6ZSgTo-00649-00319664-00319815 knows have it division required ring the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00650-00319816-00322082 bells for four minutes rfy8L6ZSgTo-00651-00322083-00323482 hey rfy8L6ZSgTo-00652-00323483-00326282 uh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00653-00326283-00327682 is rfy8L6ZSgTo-00654-00327683-00329082 maybe rfy8L6ZSgTo-00655-00329083-00330482 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00657-00334688-00337482 us i think rfy8L6ZSgTo-00659-00341683-00343082 know rfy8L6ZSgTo-00660-00343083-00343910 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00661-00343911-00344158 lock the doors the question is that the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00662-00344159-00344343 member be no longer heard the eyes will rfy8L6ZSgTo-00663-00344344-00344519 pass the right of the chair the nose to rfy8L6ZSgTo-00664-00344520-00344615 the left rfy8L6ZSgTo-00665-00344616-00344878 i appoint the members for mcewen and rfy8L6ZSgTo-00666-00344879-00345047 morton tellers for the eyes and the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00667-00345048-00345263 members for backroom parks tell us for rfy8L6ZSgTo-00668-00345264-00347282 the nose rfy8L6ZSgTo-00669-00347283-00348682 um rfy8L6ZSgTo-00671-00354283-00355682 hey rfy8L6ZSgTo-00673-00361283-00362695 ah rfy8L6ZSgTo-00674-00362696-00364454 oh rfy8L6ZSgTo-00676-00368283-00371082 perfect rfy8L6ZSgTo-00678-00376683-00377582 woodsy rfy8L6ZSgTo-00679-00377583-00377878 the result of the division is i 63 no 71 rfy8L6ZSgTo-00680-00377879-00377943 the question rfy8L6ZSgTo-00681-00377944-00378110 is therefore negated the time for the rfy8L6ZSgTo-00682-00378111-00378616 debate has concluded the clerk rgBHvWzs1h8-00000-00000043-00000350 Vyborg Bay Russian Vyborg skids Ally rgBHvWzs1h8-00001-00000351-00000653 Finnish via Puran Lottie Swedish Vyborg rgBHvWzs1h8-00002-00000654-00000839 sub Vikon is a deep Inlet running rgBHvWzs1h8-00003-00000840-00001010 northeastward near the eastern end of rgBHvWzs1h8-00004-00001011-00001274 Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea the rgBHvWzs1h8-00005-00001275-00001483 city of Vyborg is located near the head rgBHvWzs1h8-00006-00001484-00001763 of the Gulf the bay is connected by the rgBHvWzs1h8-00007-00001764-00001988 cyma canal to the lakes i'ma in Finland rgBHvWzs1h8-00008-00001989-00002335 in 1790 the bay was the scene of one of rgBHvWzs1h8-00009-00002336-00002567 the largest naval battles in history the rgBHvWzs1h8-00010-00002568-00002875 Battle of Vyborg Bay with a total of 498 rgBHvWzs1h8-00011-00002876-00003184 Russian and Swedish ships the end of the rgBHvWzs1h8-00012-00003185-00003415 bay is called ash Tenaya Bay Russian rgBHvWzs1h8-00013-00003417-00003650 Buddhas a Satana Finnish suomen baden rgBHvWzs1h8-00014-00003651-00004063 puja in the Middle Ages the river voxi rgBHvWzs1h8-00015-00004064-00004256 had an outlet there which however dried rgBHvWzs1h8-00016-00004257-00004438 up little by little due to post-glacial rgBHvWzs1h8-00017-00004439-00004686 rebound and was left completely dry in rgBHvWzs1h8-00018-00004687-00005072 1857 when the Kevin Yemi Rapids in lo7 rgBHvWzs1h8-00019-00005073-00005320 low Sebo finish kevin yummy Karelian rgBHvWzs1h8-00020-00005321-00005506 isthmus were formed in the Barnea river rgBHvWzs1h8-00021-00005507-00006061 became the main outlet of laksa rgBHvWzs1h8-00022-00006062-00006581 topic see also rgBHvWzs1h8-00023-00006583-00006891 locha nimi rhOyUHy4Gh0-00000-00000032-00000231 hey everybody welcome back to another rhOyUHy4Gh0-00001-00000231-00000415 week of cs125 rhOyUHy4Gh0-00002-00000416-00000726 so um we have a quiz this week as usual rhOyUHy4Gh0-00003-00000727-00000991 uh we have lessons today tomorrow uh rhOyUHy4Gh0-00004-00000992-00001166 wednesday and thursday so we have four rhOyUHy4Gh0-00005-00001167-00001270 lessons this week rhOyUHy4Gh0-00006-00001271-00001470 um friday will be off to help you finish rhOyUHy4Gh0-00007-00001471-00001702 up mp2 other than that it's just another rhOyUHy4Gh0-00008-00001703-00001855 wonderful beautiful week here rhOyUHy4Gh0-00009-00001855-00002142 in uh in awesomeness right uh we're rhOyUHy4Gh0-00010-00002143-00002287 gonna learn some more computer science rhOyUHy4Gh0-00011-00002288-00002518 the weather's really nice um you know i rhOyUHy4Gh0-00012-00002519-00002663 always feel like spring is a little bit rhOyUHy4Gh0-00013-00002664-00002710 kind of a rhOyUHy4Gh0-00014-00002711-00002871 it's like a race against time with you rhOyUHy4Gh0-00015-00002872-00003047 guys it's like can i can i teach you rhOyUHy4Gh0-00016-00003048-00003191 enough about computer science before it rhOyUHy4Gh0-00017-00003192-00003351 gets so nice outside that rhOyUHy4Gh0-00018-00003352-00003503 you're too distracted to learn anything rhOyUHy4Gh0-00019-00003504-00003686 but i feel like this rhOyUHy4Gh0-00020-00003688-00003886 year the weather is like winning right rhOyUHy4Gh0-00021-00003887-00004086 so i mean i love spring so i'm not going rhOyUHy4Gh0-00022-00004087-00004263 to complain because it's nice out but rhOyUHy4Gh0-00023-00004264-00004454 i certainly am like oh man it could rhOyUHy4Gh0-00024-00004455-00004670 still be snowing right and then you'd be rhOyUHy4Gh0-00025-00004671-00004854 you know trapped inside uh learning rhOyUHy4Gh0-00026-00004855-00004999 about exceptions and hashing but rhOyUHy4Gh0-00027-00005000-00005159 anyway so this way you can learn about rhOyUHy4Gh0-00028-00005160-00005286 exceptions in hashing maybe on your rhOyUHy4Gh0-00029-00005287-00005343 porch rhOyUHy4Gh0-00030-00005344-00005543 or somewhere where it's nice um but i rhOyUHy4Gh0-00031-00005544-00005695 hope you enjoyed today's lesson uh i rhOyUHy4Gh0-00032-00005696-00005984 will see you at the bottom rjHprPo3UgY-00000-00000000-00000403 a parroquia Spanish Pirozhki Galician rjHprPo3UgY-00001-00000404-00000647 the Archaea ass Turin Perugia is a rjHprPo3UgY-00002-00000648-00000877 population entity or parish found in rjHprPo3UgY-00003-00000878-00001091 Galicia and Asturias in northwest Spain rjHprPo3UgY-00004-00001092-00001319 the term may have its origins in Roman rjHprPo3UgY-00005-00001320-00001523 Catholic Church usage similar to the rjHprPo3UgY-00006-00001524-00001810 British term parish the concept forms a rjHprPo3UgY-00007-00001811-00001973 very settled part of the popular rjHprPo3UgY-00008-00001973-00002165 consciousness but it has never become an rjHprPo3UgY-00009-00002166-00002474 official political division in Galicia rjHprPo3UgY-00010-00002475-00002860 there are 3781 parroquia each comprising rjHprPo3UgY-00011-00002861-00003182 between 3 and 15 or more villages they rjHprPo3UgY-00012-00003183-00003404 developed over time as de facto entities rjHprPo3UgY-00013-00003404-00003575 although the Galician statute of rjHprPo3UgY-00014-00003576-00003851 autonomy of 1981 recognizes them as rjHprPo3UgY-00015-00003852-00004063 territorial entities below the Kinsella rjHprPo3UgY-00016-00004064-00004279 municipality and above villages in rjHprPo3UgY-00017-00004280-00004595 Asturias there are 857 parishes per rjHprPo3UgY-00018-00004596-00004877 aqueous integrating the 78 consejos or rjHprPo3UgY-00019-00004878-00005113 con ciose municipalities in the region rjHprPo3UgY-00020-00005114-00005276 and they usually coincide with the rjHprPo3UgY-00021-00005277-00005917 ecclesiastic divisions rjHprPo3UgY-00022-00005918-00006452 topic see also rjHprPo3UgY-00023-00006453-00006753 Peruggia rjT7L83L0Xc-00000-00000155-00000969 [Music] rjT7L83L0Xc-00001-00000971-00001232 what's up everybody welcome back to red rjT7L83L0Xc-00002-00001233-00001528 thorns game red thorn is named ladies rjT7L83L0Xc-00003-00001529-00001784 shoe revolution is the game I got a very rjT7L83L0Xc-00004-00001785-00002000 special treat for everyone today this rjT7L83L0Xc-00005-00002001-00002434 particular siege does not happen very rjT7L83L0Xc-00006-00002435-00002720 often it happens once a week but it's rjT7L83L0Xc-00007-00002721-00003140 oftentimes fixed where the two major rjT7L83L0Xc-00008-00003141-00003392 alliances outbid each other so that they rjT7L83L0Xc-00009-00003393-00003590 can get there the clans in their own rjT7L83L0Xc-00010-00003590-00004163 Alliance a castle however this time rjT7L83L0Xc-00011-00004164-00004438 around that is not the case what is rjT7L83L0Xc-00012-00004439-00004706 going on today is we have an actual rjT7L83L0Xc-00013-00004707-00005084 place so this is Castle siege number 10 rjT7L83L0Xc-00014-00005085-00005247 the last time I did one of these rjT7L83L0Xc-00015-00005248-00005795 December 29th of 2018 crazy how rare it rjT7L83L0Xc-00016-00005796-00006188 is to capture a castle siege and record rjT7L83L0Xc-00017-00006189-00006721 it so let's head into the rankings this rjT7L83L0Xc-00018-00006722-00007400 castle is for Dion it is V Smyre up here rjT7L83L0Xc-00019-00007401-00007720 on top of 138 and they are allied with rjT7L83L0Xc-00020-00007722-00008033 hell keepers are you with 128 point rjT7L83L0Xc-00021-00008034-00008384 eight million combat power going against rjT7L83L0Xc-00022-00008385-00008720 Valkyrie with 120 1.2 million combat rjT7L83L0Xc-00023-00008721-00008945 power and brotherhood one hundred and rjT7L83L0Xc-00024-00008946-00009188 fifteen point five million combat hard rjT7L83L0Xc-00025-00009189-00009509 now I'll do the math and put it up on rjT7L83L0Xc-00026-00009510-00009853 the screen but what it looks like right rjT7L83L0Xc-00027-00009854-00009934 now rjT7L83L0Xc-00028-00009935-00010337 it looks like the Beast Meyer health rjT7L83L0Xc-00029-00010338-00010774 keepers are you Alliance is going to win rjT7L83L0Xc-00030-00010775-00011121 this battle but that is not set in stone rjT7L83L0Xc-00031-00011122-00011623 let's head into the battlefield rjT7L83L0Xc-00032-00011624-00012128 here are your this beast Meyer 26 rjT7L83L0Xc-00033-00012129-00012563 million Brotherhood 25 million to a demo rjT7L83L0Xc-00034-00012564-00013038 and Valkyrie 25 million wanted done Oh rjT7L83L0Xc-00035-00013040-00013594 fantabulous rjT7L83L0Xc-00036-00013594-00014075 and there is the defenders hell keepers rjT7L83L0Xc-00037-00014076-00014269 are you now I was told that beast Meyer rjT7L83L0Xc-00038-00014270-00014978 was going to take this I don't know whom rjT7L83L0Xc-00039-00014979-00015406 from Brotherhood or Valkyrie will take rjT7L83L0Xc-00040-00015407-00015733 this if they manage to get the altar rjT7L83L0Xc-00041-00015734-00016120 imprint for 20 seconds he'll keepers up rjT7L83L0Xc-00042-00016121-00016549 here in the blue down here in the orange rjT7L83L0Xc-00043-00016550-00016955 we have Bell Creed and says orange they rjT7L83L0Xc-00044-00016956-00017119 look red I don't know what's going on rjT7L83L0Xc-00045-00017120-00017627 there these guys have also read that rjT7L83L0Xc-00046-00017628-00017815 this is the actual red team this is V rjT7L83L0Xc-00047-00017816-00018217 Smyre so Brotherhood will be over here rjT7L83L0Xc-00048-00018218-00018742 in the green okay their names are red rjT7L83L0Xc-00049-00018743-00018977 but that is the teams that you have rjT7L83L0Xc-00050-00018978-00019661 they're difficult to decide whom I'm rjT7L83L0Xc-00051-00019662-00020215 going to follow technically Bell 3 and rjT7L83L0Xc-00052-00020216-00020599 Brotherhood are the attackers these rjT7L83L0Xc-00053-00020600-00020867 fires in the sack of two so I'll start rjT7L83L0Xc-00054-00020868-00021011 down here in the middle I think this is rjT7L83L0Xc-00055-00021012-00021187 the best way to do this we'll see how rjT7L83L0Xc-00056-00021188-00021580 this goes this way we have 20 seconds rjT7L83L0Xc-00057-00021581-00021928 before we begin and it looks like rjT7L83L0Xc-00058-00021929-00022150 deleting and reinstalling the game does rjT7L83L0Xc-00059-00022151-00022480 manage to fix the spectator bug because rjT7L83L0Xc-00060-00022481-00022687 it's not happening now I have a feeling rjT7L83L0Xc-00061-00022688-00023114 it will happen however we have 5 seconds rjT7L83L0Xc-00062-00023115-00023794 before we begin and here we go Castle rjT7L83L0Xc-00063-00023795-00024074 siege number 10 hell keepers are you and rjT7L83L0Xc-00064-00024075-00024331 beats Maier versus Brotherhood in rjT7L83L0Xc-00065-00024332-00024922 Calgary three teams beating on their rjT7L83L0Xc-00066-00024923-00025446 gates rjT7L83L0Xc-00067-00025447-00026031 sure does take a long time all right rjT7L83L0Xc-00068-00026032-00026220 there is a central gate house that was rjT7L83L0Xc-00069-00026222-00026395 dese Myers they are going left they're rjT7L83L0Xc-00070-00026395-00026743 going right here comes hell keepers are rjT7L83L0Xc-00071-00026744-00028090 you to help out be Smyre rjT7L83L0Xc-00072-00028091-00028370 Wow was that these Geisha House rjT7L83L0Xc-00073-00028372-00029100 I think that was Valkyries all right rjT7L83L0Xc-00074-00029101-00029361 they they I guess they wanted somebody rjT7L83L0Xc-00075-00029362-00029558 else to knock it down rjT7L83L0Xc-00076-00029558-00030118 it comes mouthing strolling through oh rjT7L83L0Xc-00077-00030119-00031032 missile bolt got her see how the bees rjT7L83L0Xc-00078-00031033-00031514 are doing quite well Brotherhood's under rjT7L83L0Xc-00079-00031516-00031692 attack wow there's a whole lot people rjT7L83L0Xc-00080-00031693-00031777 over here rjT7L83L0Xc-00081-00031779-00032061 the a battle Brotherhood seeds camp over rjT7L83L0Xc-00082-00032062-00032396 half dead right now beasts Meyer has rjT7L83L0Xc-00083-00032397-00032580 completely surrounded stormed and rjT7L83L0Xc-00084-00032581-00032921 eliminated Brotherhood from the battle rjT7L83L0Xc-00085-00032922-00033414 not looking good for Valkyrie I don't rjT7L83L0Xc-00086-00033415-00033555 know where my cat is doing what is she rjT7L83L0Xc-00087-00033556-00034274 doing xylem Hey good grief rjT7L83L0Xc-00088-00034275-00034577 everyone's gonna come crushing over here rjT7L83L0Xc-00089-00034578-00035382 down to Valkyrie that was very fast how rjT7L83L0Xc-00090-00035383-00035815 quickly the eliminated Brotherhood rjT7L83L0Xc-00091-00035816-00036117 doctor is here and there goes overseas rjT7L83L0Xc-00092-00036118-00036261 camps over half they have this these rjT7L83L0Xc-00093-00036262-00036587 camp is done better luck next time rjT7L83L0Xc-00094-00036588-00037208 Valkyrie and Brotherhood so not a great rjT7L83L0Xc-00095-00037209-00037565 castle siege yet again we haven't even rjT7L83L0Xc-00096-00037566-00037937 made it what do we add we're less than rjT7L83L0Xc-00097-00037938-00038193 two and a half minutes in two teams have rjT7L83L0Xc-00098-00038194-00039193 been eliminated already rjT7L83L0Xc-00099-00039194-00039391 so it looks like these Meijer is going rjT7L83L0Xc-00100-00039392-00039883 to take this away from help keepers help rjT7L83L0Xc-00101-00039884-00040081 keepers is I guess they're just fighting rjT7L83L0Xc-00102-00040082-00041139 back for giggles rjT7L83L0Xc-00103-00041140-00041380 peace Meier making quick work of these rjT7L83L0Xc-00104-00041381-00041718 defensive towers rjT7L83L0Xc-00105-00041719-00042024 wait quick video another quick video I rjT7L83L0Xc-00106-00042025-00042258 think this one will be even faster than rjT7L83L0Xc-00107-00042259-00042669 yesterday's so unfortunately these rjT7L83L0Xc-00108-00042670-00042894 castle seeds is a very political it's rjT7L83L0Xc-00109-00042895-00043083 it's very difficult to try to find an rjT7L83L0Xc-00110-00043084-00043491 actual real castle siege obviously a one rjT7L83L0Xc-00111-00043492-00043764 on one on one on one would be the ideal rjT7L83L0Xc-00112-00043765-00044025 situation but that I believe will never rjT7L83L0Xc-00113-00044026-00044523 actually happen two versus two I think rjT7L83L0Xc-00114-00044524-00044796 it's the best as you can see but as you rjT7L83L0Xc-00115-00044797-00046254 just saw they don't last very long let's rjT7L83L0Xc-00116-00046255-00046542 see if they can get this done before rjT7L83L0Xc-00117-00046543-00046752 the five minute mark they only have a rjT7L83L0Xc-00118-00046753-00047886 minute and eight seconds they're trying rjT7L83L0Xc-00119-00047887-00048084 it goes beast Meyer I think they're rjT7L83L0Xc-00120-00048085-00048228 going to get done before the five minute rjT7L83L0Xc-00121-00048229-00048965 mark Wow obviously they're gonna get it rjT7L83L0Xc-00122-00048966-00049077 done if they're just gonna let them have rjT7L83L0Xc-00123-00049078-00049212 it these two are allied they don't rjT7L83L0Xc-00124-00049213-00049905 really care hi well congratulations the rjT7L83L0Xc-00125-00049906-00050190 Beast Meyer here are some stats for you rjT7L83L0Xc-00126-00050191-00050325 I'm trying to get through these as rjT7L83L0Xc-00127-00050326-00050529 quickly as possible that was extremely rjT7L83L0Xc-00128-00050530-00051333 fast rjT7L83L0Xc-00129-00051334-00051723 I was really hoping this would take a rjT7L83L0Xc-00130-00051724-00052040 lot longer but Brotherhood went down so rjT7L83L0Xc-00131-00052041-00052554 quickly that Valkyrie really didn't rjT7L83L0Xc-00132-00052554-00053151 stand a chance I'm trying to do two rjT7L83L0Xc-00133-00053152-00053300 things at once here this is outstanding rjT7L83L0Xc-00134-00053301-00053544 and then you have Brotherhood's rjT7L83L0Xc-00135-00053545-00054378 here's Valkyrie not many people I guess rjT7L83L0Xc-00136-00054379-00054829 all these pilot that is it for Valkyrie rjT7L83L0Xc-00137-00054830-00055130 and maybe that's why not much in the way rjT7L83L0Xc-00138-00055132-00055782 of participation okay well there's your rjT7L83L0Xc-00139-00055783-00055923 Casa seeds ladies and gentlemen rjT7L83L0Xc-00140-00055924-00056082 subscribe to my channel if you haven't rjT7L83L0Xc-00141-00056083-00056298 done so already it's free to do so and rjT7L83L0Xc-00142-00056299-00056541 come hang out with me on Instagram and rjT7L83L0Xc-00143-00056541-00056745 Twitter thanks so much for watching and rjT7L83L0Xc-00144-00056746-00057109 I will see you again rjT7L83L0Xc-00145-00057110-00058361 [Music] rjT7L83L0Xc-00146-00058362-00058728 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00000-00000174-00000751 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00001-00000752-00000966 hi my name is lindsay and i'm so glad rjW4OaDQwaY-00002-00000967-00001174 that you've chosen to join me today to rjW4OaDQwaY-00003-00001175-00001350 sing some songs and rhymes with your rjW4OaDQwaY-00004-00001351-00001454 child rjW4OaDQwaY-00005-00001455-00001630 i'd like to begin by acknowledging that rjW4OaDQwaY-00006-00001632-00001942 we are gathered here on treaty six land rjW4OaDQwaY-00007-00001943-00002223 the territory of the cree people and the rjW4OaDQwaY-00008-00002224-00002567 traditional homeland of the metis nation rjW4OaDQwaY-00009-00002568-00002750 and i've been trying to do some learning rjW4OaDQwaY-00010-00002751-00002950 recently and i found out that cree and rjW4OaDQwaY-00011-00002951-00003279 the kree language is nihil people so the rjW4OaDQwaY-00012-00003279-00003606 territory of the nihil people rjW4OaDQwaY-00013-00003607-00003775 let's get started with our hello friend rjW4OaDQwaY-00014-00003776-00004086 song we had an american sign language so rjW4OaDQwaY-00015-00004087-00004286 we sign hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00016-00004287-00004695 friends it's time to say hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00017-00004696-00004951 and i'm going to put ripley down here rjW4OaDQwaY-00018-00004952-00005215 and i'll play the ukulele and put the rjW4OaDQwaY-00019-00005216-00005367 signs up in the corner so that you can rjW4OaDQwaY-00020-00005368-00005559 follow along with the sign language rjW4OaDQwaY-00021-00005560-00005683 too rjW4OaDQwaY-00022-00005684-00005847 hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00023-00005848-00006031 friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00024-00006032-00006175 hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00025-00006176-00006354 friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00026-00006355-00006870 hello friends it's time to say hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00027-00006872-00007331 let's do it one more time rjW4OaDQwaY-00028-00007331-00007487 friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00029-00007488-00007659 hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00030-00007659-00007967 friends hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00031-00007968-00008614 friends it's time to say hello rjW4OaDQwaY-00032-00008615-00008807 all right we're gonna get right into our rjW4OaDQwaY-00033-00008808-00009006 first song and it's baby put your pants rjW4OaDQwaY-00034-00009007-00009087 on rjW4OaDQwaY-00035-00009088-00009310 so this is a great getting dress song rjW4OaDQwaY-00036-00009311-00009487 where you can bounce along with it goes rjW4OaDQwaY-00037-00009488-00009591 like this rjW4OaDQwaY-00038-00009592-00009951 baby put your pants on pants on pants on rjW4OaDQwaY-00039-00009952-00010310 baby put your pants on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00040-00010311-00010663 baby put your pants on pants on pants on rjW4OaDQwaY-00041-00010664-00011014 baby put your pants on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00042-00011015-00011423 leg to the left leg to the right wiggle rjW4OaDQwaY-00043-00011424-00011710 and jiggle and pull them up tight rjW4OaDQwaY-00044-00011711-00012103 leg to the left leg to the right wiggle rjW4OaDQwaY-00045-00012104-00012391 and jiggle and pull them up tight rjW4OaDQwaY-00046-00012392-00012735 baby put your pants on pants on pants on rjW4OaDQwaY-00047-00012736-00013079 baby put your pants on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00048-00013080-00013415 baby put your pants on pants on pants on rjW4OaDQwaY-00049-00013416-00013807 baby put your pants on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00050-00013808-00014071 and if your baby is um getting all rjW4OaDQwaY-00051-00014072-00014263 dressed up for the day or going outside rjW4OaDQwaY-00052-00014263-00014511 or maybe learning some new words you rjW4OaDQwaY-00053-00014512-00014599 might rjW4OaDQwaY-00054-00014600-00014719 um rjW4OaDQwaY-00055-00014719-00014879 get their help in choosing the next rjW4OaDQwaY-00056-00014880-00015015 thing that they're gonna put on maybe rjW4OaDQwaY-00057-00015016-00015175 they're gonna put on their rjW4OaDQwaY-00058-00015176-00015286 coat rjW4OaDQwaY-00059-00015287-00015638 baby put your coat on coat on coat on rjW4OaDQwaY-00060-00015640-00015983 baby put your coat on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00061-00015984-00016319 baby put your coat on coat on coat on rjW4OaDQwaY-00062-00016319-00016655 baby put your coat on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00063-00016656-00017055 arm to the left arm to the right wiggle rjW4OaDQwaY-00064-00017056-00017399 and jiggle and pull it on tight arm to rjW4OaDQwaY-00065-00017400-00017750 the left arm to the right wiggle and rjW4OaDQwaY-00066-00017751-00018071 jiggle and pull it on tight baby put rjW4OaDQwaY-00067-00018072-00018686 your coat on coat on coat rjW4OaDQwaY-00068-00018687-00019030 baby put your coat on coat on coat on rjW4OaDQwaY-00069-00019031-00019367 baby put your coat on one two three rjW4OaDQwaY-00070-00019368-00019639 great while we're talking about moving rjW4OaDQwaY-00071-00019640-00019975 around let's do this rhyme it goes i rjW4OaDQwaY-00072-00019976-00020350 wiggle my fingers i wiggle my toes i rjW4OaDQwaY-00073-00020351-00020735 wiggle my shoulders i wiggle my nose and rjW4OaDQwaY-00074-00020736-00020999 now the wiggles are all out of me and rjW4OaDQwaY-00075-00021000-00021335 i'm as still as still can be rjW4OaDQwaY-00076-00021336-00021511 shh rjW4OaDQwaY-00077-00021512-00021791 maybe you might wiggle with them i rjW4OaDQwaY-00078-00021792-00021983 wiggle my fingers rjW4OaDQwaY-00079-00021984-00022222 i wiggle my toes rjW4OaDQwaY-00080-00022223-00022422 i wiggle my shoulders rjW4OaDQwaY-00081-00022423-00022639 i wiggle into my nose rjW4OaDQwaY-00082-00022640-00022871 and now the wiggles are all out of me rjW4OaDQwaY-00083-00022872-00023086 and i'm as still rjW4OaDQwaY-00084-00023087-00023278 as still can be rjW4OaDQwaY-00085-00023279-00023575 shh rjW4OaDQwaY-00086-00023576-00023799 well we're talking about wiggly fingers rjW4OaDQwaY-00087-00023800-00024047 it reminds me of our literacy tip for rjW4OaDQwaY-00088-00024048-00024239 today and that is that rjW4OaDQwaY-00089-00024240-00024463 when they're very young we can get some rjW4OaDQwaY-00090-00024464-00024655 crayons or sidewalk chalk into their rjW4OaDQwaY-00091-00024656-00024935 hands and they can start the early rjW4OaDQwaY-00092-00024936-00025142 learning of literacy and making some rjW4OaDQwaY-00093-00025143-00025335 marks on the page or on the sidewalk rjW4OaDQwaY-00094-00025336-00025535 outside rjW4OaDQwaY-00095-00025536-00025687 all right let's move on to a lap balance rjW4OaDQwaY-00096-00025688-00025878 called jelly on a plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00097-00025879-00026111 so babies on your lap we go rjW4OaDQwaY-00098-00026112-00026318 jelly on the plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00099-00026319-00026535 jelly on the plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00100-00026536-00027023 with a wobble wobble jelly on a plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00101-00027024-00027246 sausage in the pan rjW4OaDQwaY-00102-00027247-00027487 sausage in the pan rjW4OaDQwaY-00103-00027488-00027831 turn him over turn them over sausage in rjW4OaDQwaY-00104-00027832-00027967 the pan rjW4OaDQwaY-00105-00027968-00028183 biscuits in the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00106-00028183-00028390 biscuits in the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00107-00028391-00028687 shake them up shake them up biscuits in rjW4OaDQwaY-00108-00028688-00028855 the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00109-00028856-00029039 i've seen some variations and heard some rjW4OaDQwaY-00110-00029039-00029223 variations of this song so if you have rjW4OaDQwaY-00111-00029224-00029311 some rjW4OaDQwaY-00112-00029312-00029455 other foods that you want to add in rjW4OaDQwaY-00113-00029456-00029670 there feel free i'm going to repeat with rjW4OaDQwaY-00114-00029672-00029895 jelly on the plate one more time rjW4OaDQwaY-00115-00029895-00030118 jelly on the plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00116-00030119-00030335 jelly on the plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00117-00030336-00030662 wibble wobble will be wobble jelly on rjW4OaDQwaY-00118-00030663-00030783 the plate rjW4OaDQwaY-00119-00030783-00031279 sausage in the pan sausage in the pan rjW4OaDQwaY-00120-00031280-00031655 turn them over turn them over sausage in rjW4OaDQwaY-00121-00031656-00031774 the pan rjW4OaDQwaY-00122-00031775-00031983 biscuits in the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00123-00031983-00032167 biscuits in the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00124-00032168-00032374 shake them up rjW4OaDQwaY-00125-00032375-00032558 shake them up rjW4OaDQwaY-00126-00032560-00032887 biscuits in the tin rjW4OaDQwaY-00127-00032888-00033151 all right our next song is an action rjW4OaDQwaY-00128-00033152-00033431 song and kids get to play pretend a rjW4OaDQwaY-00129-00033432-00033662 little bit so you might have your little rjW4OaDQwaY-00130-00033663-00034015 one find a nice cozy place to pretend to rjW4OaDQwaY-00131-00034016-00034231 have a nap not a real nap just to rjW4OaDQwaY-00132-00034232-00034367 pretend one rjW4OaDQwaY-00133-00034368-00034679 for our little song and then rjW4OaDQwaY-00134-00034680-00034911 they're going to rjW4OaDQwaY-00135-00034912-00035215 get the word to get up and hop around so rjW4OaDQwaY-00136-00035216-00035374 if you're a little one rjW4OaDQwaY-00137-00035375-00035583 find a cozy place on the floor and just rjW4OaDQwaY-00138-00035584-00035774 pretend to sleep you don't even have to rjW4OaDQwaY-00139-00035775-00035990 close your eyes but it's kind of fun so rjW4OaDQwaY-00140-00035991-00036151 just pretend to sleep and listen for rjW4OaDQwaY-00141-00036152-00036343 when it's time to hop rjW4OaDQwaY-00142-00036344-00036718 see the little bunny sleeping till it's rjW4OaDQwaY-00143-00036719-00036943 nearly noon rjW4OaDQwaY-00144-00036944-00037295 come and let us gently wake them with a rjW4OaDQwaY-00145-00037296-00037511 merry tube rjW4OaDQwaY-00146-00037512-00037790 oh how still rjW4OaDQwaY-00147-00037791-00038062 are they you rjW4OaDQwaY-00148-00038063-00038383 wake up soon rjW4OaDQwaY-00149-00038384-00038702 are you ready bunnies time to wake up rjW4OaDQwaY-00150-00038703-00038999 little bunnies hop hop hop hop little rjW4OaDQwaY-00151-00039000-00039255 bunnies rjW4OaDQwaY-00152-00039256-00039862 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00153-00039863-00040015 all right bunnies rjW4OaDQwaY-00154-00040016-00040239 we've stopped now it's time to go back rjW4OaDQwaY-00155-00040240-00040590 to sleep see the sleeping bunny sleeping rjW4OaDQwaY-00156-00040591-00040862 till it's nearly noon rjW4OaDQwaY-00157-00040863-00041190 come and let us gently wake them with a rjW4OaDQwaY-00158-00041191-00041399 merry tune rjW4OaDQwaY-00159-00041400-00041662 oh how still rjW4OaDQwaY-00160-00041663-00041951 are they ill rjW4OaDQwaY-00161-00041952-00042246 wake up soon it's time to wake up rjW4OaDQwaY-00162-00042247-00042567 bunnies ready wake up rjW4OaDQwaY-00163-00042568-00042910 hop little bunnies rjW4OaDQwaY-00164-00042911-00043799 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00165-00043800-00043999 that was great stopping you can continue rjW4OaDQwaY-00166-00044000-00044207 to hop and sleep and hop and sleep as rjW4OaDQwaY-00167-00044208-00044423 long as your little bunnies have energy rjW4OaDQwaY-00168-00044424-00044599 for that game rjW4OaDQwaY-00169-00044600-00044774 all right we have a lap bounce called rjW4OaDQwaY-00170-00044775-00045158 mother and father and uncle john so if rjW4OaDQwaY-00171-00045159-00045343 your troubles sit on your lap it goes rjW4OaDQwaY-00172-00045344-00045646 like this mother and father and uncle rjW4OaDQwaY-00173-00045647-00045935 john went for a ride to town rjW4OaDQwaY-00174-00045936-00046279 first father fell off whoa rjW4OaDQwaY-00175-00046280-00046423 then mother fell off rjW4OaDQwaY-00176-00046424-00046590 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00177-00046591-00046830 but uncle john went on and on and on and rjW4OaDQwaY-00178-00046831-00047055 on and on and on and on rjW4OaDQwaY-00179-00047056-00047190 let's do it again rjW4OaDQwaY-00180-00047191-00047511 mother and father and uncle john went rjW4OaDQwaY-00181-00047512-00047727 for a ride to town rjW4OaDQwaY-00182-00047728-00048007 first mother fell off rjW4OaDQwaY-00183-00048008-00048262 then father fell off rjW4OaDQwaY-00184-00048263-00048446 but uncle john went on rjW4OaDQwaY-00185-00048447-00048862 and on and on and on and on rjW4OaDQwaY-00186-00048863-00049079 all right our next rjW4OaDQwaY-00187-00049080-00049374 song is called or our next rhyme is rjW4OaDQwaY-00188-00049375-00049702 called akka back a soda cracker and so rjW4OaDQwaY-00189-00049703-00049911 this is also a balance baby can sit on rjW4OaDQwaY-00190-00049912-00050118 your lap it goes like this rjW4OaDQwaY-00191-00050119-00051423 act back a soda cracker act rjW4OaDQwaY-00192-00051424-00051894 soda cracker i love you rjW4OaDQwaY-00193-00051895-00052066 let's do it again rjW4OaDQwaY-00194-00052067-00052471 acrobatica soda cracker akka back a boo rjW4OaDQwaY-00195-00052472-00052926 act back a soda cracker up goes you rjW4OaDQwaY-00196-00052927-00053287 act back a soda cracker after back a boo rjW4OaDQwaY-00197-00053288-00053919 acrobaca cracker i love you rjW4OaDQwaY-00198-00053920-00054135 all right i have a couple of shaker rjW4OaDQwaY-00199-00054136-00054607 rinds for you so what i have is a little rjW4OaDQwaY-00200-00054608-00054799 plastic container with some lentils in rjW4OaDQwaY-00201-00054800-00054879 it rjW4OaDQwaY-00202-00054879-00055079 because i don't have a regular shaker at rjW4OaDQwaY-00203-00055079-00055159 home rjW4OaDQwaY-00204-00055160-00055382 in the library we have egg shakers egg rjW4OaDQwaY-00205-00055383-00055575 shaped shakers with rice or something in rjW4OaDQwaY-00206-00055576-00055823 them but anything that can make a noise rjW4OaDQwaY-00207-00055824-00056111 and that that baby can grasp onto and rjW4OaDQwaY-00208-00056112-00056311 move around is great for the shaker rjW4OaDQwaY-00209-00056312-00056438 songs rjW4OaDQwaY-00210-00056439-00056871 or rhymes so the first one goes one two rjW4OaDQwaY-00211-00056872-00057150 shake it on your shoe rjW4OaDQwaY-00212-00057151-00057599 three four shake it on the floor rjW4OaDQwaY-00213-00057600-00057942 five six stir mix rjW4OaDQwaY-00214-00057944-00058319 seven eight stand up straight rjW4OaDQwaY-00215-00058320-00058630 nine ten ways to your friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00216-00058632-00058823 let's do it one more time rjW4OaDQwaY-00217-00058824-00059111 one two shake it on your shoe rjW4OaDQwaY-00218-00059112-00059430 three four shake it on the floor rjW4OaDQwaY-00219-00059432-00059854 five six stir and mix rjW4OaDQwaY-00220-00059855-00060071 seven eight stand up straight and you rjW4OaDQwaY-00221-00060072-00060279 can stand up the shaker straight rjW4OaDQwaY-00222-00060279-00060735 and nine ten wave to your friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00223-00060736-00061015 all right our next shaker song is sort rjW4OaDQwaY-00224-00061016-00061199 of like that tommy thumbs up tommy rjW4OaDQwaY-00225-00061200-00061438 thumbs down but we have our shakers up rjW4OaDQwaY-00226-00061439-00061815 shakers go up shakers go down shakers go rjW4OaDQwaY-00227-00061816-00062103 dancing all around the town shake them rjW4OaDQwaY-00228-00062104-00062335 on your shoulders shake them on your rjW4OaDQwaY-00229-00062336-00062423 head rjW4OaDQwaY-00230-00062424-00062663 shake them on your nose then tuck them rjW4OaDQwaY-00231-00062664-00062806 into bed rjW4OaDQwaY-00232-00062807-00063126 and you can have baby watch you rjW4OaDQwaY-00233-00063127-00063311 shake your shaker up rjW4OaDQwaY-00234-00063312-00063542 shake your shakers down shake your rjW4OaDQwaY-00235-00063544-00063894 shaker dancing all around the town dance rjW4OaDQwaY-00236-00063895-00064150 them on my shoulders dance them on my rjW4OaDQwaY-00237-00064151-00064303 head rjW4OaDQwaY-00238-00064304-00064575 dance them on my nose and tuck them into rjW4OaDQwaY-00239-00064576-00064950 bed rjW4OaDQwaY-00240-00064951-00065199 okay we are going to move into a little rjW4OaDQwaY-00241-00065200-00065423 bit of wiggling and we're listening for rjW4OaDQwaY-00242-00065424-00065679 the word stop in this song rjW4OaDQwaY-00243-00065680-00066119 and so i'm going to grab the ukulele rjW4OaDQwaY-00244-00066120-00066606 again rjW4OaDQwaY-00245-00066607-00066847 all right so it goes like this we wiggle rjW4OaDQwaY-00246-00066848-00067143 and wiggle and stop rjW4OaDQwaY-00247-00067144-00067612 we wiggle and wiggle rjW4OaDQwaY-00248-00067613-00067982 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00249-00067983-00068263 all right let's do it again we rjW4OaDQwaY-00250-00068264-00068671 wiggle and wiggle and stop rjW4OaDQwaY-00251-00068672-00069227 we rjW4OaDQwaY-00252-00069228-00069575 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00253-00069576-00069823 now we could also bounce rjW4OaDQwaY-00254-00069824-00070111 so we could bounce like this or maybe rjW4OaDQwaY-00255-00070112-00070263 your child is learning to jump they rjW4OaDQwaY-00256-00070264-00070431 could jump and jump rjW4OaDQwaY-00257-00070432-00070775 so let's bounce and bounce and stop rjW4OaDQwaY-00258-00070776-00071135 we bounce and we bounce and we stop rjW4OaDQwaY-00259-00071136-00071503 we bounce and we bounce and we stop rjW4OaDQwaY-00260-00071504-00071703 we bounced and we bounced and we bounced rjW4OaDQwaY-00261-00071704-00071838 and we bounced and we bounced and we rjW4OaDQwaY-00262-00071839-00072062 bounced and we stopped we bumped and we rjW4OaDQwaY-00263-00072063-00072215 bounced we stopped rjW4OaDQwaY-00264-00072216-00072438 we felt it we bounced and we stopped we rjW4OaDQwaY-00265-00072439-00072559 bounced and we bounced and we bounced rjW4OaDQwaY-00266-00072560-00072671 and we bounced and we thought and we rjW4OaDQwaY-00267-00072672-00073055 found rjW4OaDQwaY-00268-00073056-00073319 all right let's get some body part rjW4OaDQwaY-00269-00073320-00073599 awareness songs so this first one is is rjW4OaDQwaY-00270-00073600-00073703 uh rjW4OaDQwaY-00271-00073704-00074023 head and shoulder so head and shoulders rjW4OaDQwaY-00272-00074024-00074447 knees and toes knees and toes knees and rjW4OaDQwaY-00273-00074448-00074543 toes rjW4OaDQwaY-00274-00074544-00074871 head shoulders knees and toes rjW4OaDQwaY-00275-00074872-00075231 eyes ears mouth and nose rjW4OaDQwaY-00276-00075232-00075438 all right here we go ready head rjW4OaDQwaY-00277-00075439-00075838 shoulders knees and toes knees and toes rjW4OaDQwaY-00278-00075839-00076238 knees and toes head shoulders knees and rjW4OaDQwaY-00279-00076239-00076799 toes eyes ears mouth and nose rjW4OaDQwaY-00280-00076800-00077142 and speaking of our nose we go rjW4OaDQwaY-00281-00077143-00077487 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00282-00077488-00077815 eyes nose cheeky cheeky chin rjW4OaDQwaY-00283-00077816-00078150 eyes nose cheeky cheeky chin rjW4OaDQwaY-00284-00078151-00078455 cheeky cheeky chin eyes and nose one rjW4OaDQwaY-00285-00078456-00078559 more time rjW4OaDQwaY-00286-00078560-00078887 eyes and nose cheeky cheeky chin rjW4OaDQwaY-00287-00078888-00079223 eyes nose cheeky cheeky chin rjW4OaDQwaY-00288-00079224-00079559 eyes nose cheeky cheeky chin rjW4OaDQwaY-00289-00079560-00080111 cheeky cheeky chin eyes and nose rjW4OaDQwaY-00290-00080112-00080462 all right it's time in our story time to rjW4OaDQwaY-00291-00080463-00080735 move into our lullaby rjW4OaDQwaY-00292-00080736-00081055 so rjW4OaDQwaY-00293-00081056-00081311 our lullaby is to the tune of hush rjW4OaDQwaY-00294-00081312-00081447 little baby but rjW4OaDQwaY-00295-00081448-00081831 i see the moon rjW4OaDQwaY-00296-00081832-00082287 i see the moon and the moon sees me rjW4OaDQwaY-00297-00082288-00082606 down through the leaves of the old oak rjW4OaDQwaY-00298-00082607-00082718 tree rjW4OaDQwaY-00299-00082719-00083150 please let the moon that shines on me rjW4OaDQwaY-00300-00083151-00083591 shine on the ones i love rjW4OaDQwaY-00301-00083592-00084015 over the mountain over the sea rjW4OaDQwaY-00302-00084016-00084455 back where my heart is longing to be rjW4OaDQwaY-00303-00084456-00084894 please let the moon that shines on me rjW4OaDQwaY-00304-00084895-00085215 shine on the ones i love let's do it one rjW4OaDQwaY-00305-00085216-00085326 more time rjW4OaDQwaY-00306-00085327-00085526 so the first one is down through the rjW4OaDQwaY-00307-00085527-00085775 leaves of the old oak tree rjW4OaDQwaY-00308-00085776-00086231 i see the moon and the moon sees me rjW4OaDQwaY-00309-00086232-00086543 down through the leaves of the old oak rjW4OaDQwaY-00310-00086544-00086662 tree rjW4OaDQwaY-00311-00086663-00087094 please let the moon that shines on me rjW4OaDQwaY-00312-00087095-00087526 shine on the ones i love rjW4OaDQwaY-00313-00087527-00087950 over the mountain over the sea rjW4OaDQwaY-00314-00087951-00088510 back where my heart is longing to be rjW4OaDQwaY-00315-00088511-00089326 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00316-00089327-00089559 well it's time for us to say goodbye i'm rjW4OaDQwaY-00317-00089560-00089743 so glad you've joined me and it's rjW4OaDQwaY-00318-00089744-00089999 awareness and goodbye friends it's time rjW4OaDQwaY-00319-00090000-00090426 to say goodbye rjW4OaDQwaY-00320-00090427-00090711 goodbye friends rjW4OaDQwaY-00321-00090712-00091406 good bye rjW4OaDQwaY-00322-00091407-00091631 it's time to say rjW4OaDQwaY-00323-00091632-00091838 goodbye rjW4OaDQwaY-00324-00091839-00092249 see you next time rjW4OaDQwaY-00325-00092250-00092671 [Music] rjW4OaDQwaY-00326-00092672-00092880 you rknFdtMitzc-00000-00000040-00001155 [Music] rknFdtMitzc-00001-00001156-00002455 [Music] rknFdtMitzc-00002-00002456-00002623 big rknFdtMitzc-00003-00002624-00005015 [Music] rknFdtMitzc-00004-00005016-00005345 purchase your tracks today rknFdtMitzc-00006-00008552-00009179 purchase your tax today rknFdtMitzc-00008-00015231-00015350 purchase rknFdtMitzc-00009-00015351-00015651 today rmnJ1UcdtZc-00000-00000020-00000313 atención Harvey Park residents this is a rmnJ1UcdtZc-00001-00000314-00000559 community notification of a new sexually rmnJ1UcdtZc-00002-00000560-00000811 violent predator in your area please rmnJ1UcdtZc-00003-00000811-00000958 stay tuned to the following short rmnJ1UcdtZc-00004-00000959-00001200 program for more information rmnJ1UcdtZc-00005-00001201-00001447 hi i'm technician ron hackett with the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00006-00001448-00001635 Denver Police Department the sex rmnJ1UcdtZc-00007-00001636-00001825 offender registration and compliance rmnJ1UcdtZc-00008-00001826-00002080 unit at BPD is responsible for the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00009-00002081-00002334 registration monitoring and tracking of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00010-00002335-00002515 all registered sex offenders and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00011-00002516-00002727 sexually violent predators who live in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00012-00002728-00002896 the City and County of Denver here's a rmnJ1UcdtZc-00013-00002897-00003049 brief history of sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00014-00003050-00003282 legislation in Colorado our state laws rmnJ1UcdtZc-00015-00003283-00003447 trickled down from federal government rmnJ1UcdtZc-00016-00003448-00003736 mandates in 1994 we had the Jacob rmnJ1UcdtZc-00017-00003736-00003939 Wetterling Act which mandated that rmnJ1UcdtZc-00018-00003940-00004125 states would establish a sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00019-00004126-00004177 list rmnJ1UcdtZc-00020-00004178-00004518 Megan's law of 1996 said that the public rmnJ1UcdtZc-00021-00004519-00004725 would have access to those sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00022-00004726-00004947 registration lists the Pam listener Act rmnJ1UcdtZc-00023-00004948-00005196 of 1996 stated that some offenders might rmnJ1UcdtZc-00024-00005197-00005409 have to have lifetime registrations in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00025-00005410-00005754 the Adam Walsh act of 2006 unified sex rmnJ1UcdtZc-00026-00005755-00005994 offender laws across the country in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00027-00005995-00006210 Colorado the legislature has determined rmnJ1UcdtZc-00028-00006211-00006384 that sexually violent predators by rmnJ1UcdtZc-00029-00006385-00006592 definition pose a higher risk to the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00030-00006593-00006785 community at large and therefore rmnJ1UcdtZc-00031-00006786-00007020 mandated that upon their release from rmnJ1UcdtZc-00032-00007021-00007180 the Department of Corrections the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00033-00007181-00007446 community must be notified sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00034-00007447-00007645 notification in Colorado happens in two rmnJ1UcdtZc-00035-00007645-00007855 ways the first is passive and ongoing rmnJ1UcdtZc-00036-00007856-00008038 through the sex offender registration rmnJ1UcdtZc-00037-00008039-00008256 process which is a list maintained by rmnJ1UcdtZc-00038-00008257-00008466 local police departments the second way rmnJ1UcdtZc-00039-00008467-00008763 is active via community notification for rmnJ1UcdtZc-00040-00008764-00008923 those offenders determined to be rmnJ1UcdtZc-00041-00008924-00009130 sexually violent predators by the courts rmnJ1UcdtZc-00042-00009131-00009337 or by the parole board most sex rmnJ1UcdtZc-00043-00009338-00009573 offenders in Colorado are supervised by rmnJ1UcdtZc-00044-00009574-00009730 the criminal justice system in our rmnJ1UcdtZc-00045-00009731-00009958 communities both sex offenders engage in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00046-00009959-00010170 crossover behavior which means they may rmnJ1UcdtZc-00047-00010171-00010408 have been arrested for one type of crime rmnJ1UcdtZc-00048-00010409-00010671 but be apt to commit another many sex rmnJ1UcdtZc-00049-00010672-00010824 offenders have no criminal history at rmnJ1UcdtZc-00050-00010825-00011044 all prior to their arrest there is no rmnJ1UcdtZc-00051-00011045-00011305 typical sex offender but all tend to be rmnJ1UcdtZc-00052-00011306-00011626 deceptive manipulative and secretive 80 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00053-00011627-00011845 to 93 percent of sex offenses are rmnJ1UcdtZc-00054-00011846-00012023 committed by someone known to the victim rmnJ1UcdtZc-00055-00012024-00012321 sexual deviancy begins in mid to late rmnJ1UcdtZc-00056-00012322-00012564 adolescence sex offenses are not rmnJ1UcdtZc-00057-00012565-00012624 impulsive rmnJ1UcdtZc-00058-00012625-00012819 they're usually carefully planned and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00059-00012820-00013044 most sex offenders are male the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00060-00013045-00013225 community has a vested interest in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00061-00013226-00013396 helping offenders to be success rmnJ1UcdtZc-00062-00013397-00013615 managing the community sex offenders rmnJ1UcdtZc-00063-00013616-00013786 have the same need for housing and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00064-00013787-00013999 employment as any other citizen any rmnJ1UcdtZc-00065-00014000-00014179 citizen who uses sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00066-00014180-00014394 information to harass threaten or rmnJ1UcdtZc-00067-00014396-00014659 intimidate an offender will be subject rmnJ1UcdtZc-00068-00014660-00014794 to criminal prosecution rmnJ1UcdtZc-00069-00014794-00015031 there are approximately sixteen thousand rmnJ1UcdtZc-00070-00015032-00015216 five hundred registered sex offenders in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00071-00015218-00015487 the state of Colorado about 65% of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00072-00015488-00015676 convicted sex offenders are placed in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00073-00015677-00015897 the community on probation the remainder rmnJ1UcdtZc-00074-00015899-00016069 are in the Department of Corrections or rmnJ1UcdtZc-00075-00016069-00016288 Community Corrections offenders may be rmnJ1UcdtZc-00076-00016288-00016516 copper one type of offense but be at a rmnJ1UcdtZc-00077-00016517-00016738 high risk to commit another type crime rmnJ1UcdtZc-00078-00016739-00016933 of conviction is only one indicator of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00079-00016934-00017209 risk a sexually violent predator must rmnJ1UcdtZc-00080-00017210-00017329 register with the Denver Police rmnJ1UcdtZc-00081-00017330-00017515 Department sex offender registration rmnJ1UcdtZc-00082-00017516-00017707 unit every three months for the rest of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00083-00017708-00017905 their life the offender's residents must rmnJ1UcdtZc-00084-00017906-00018112 be verified quarterly by the Denver rmnJ1UcdtZc-00085-00018113-00018316 Police Department the full sex offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00086-00018317-00018481 registration list is available by rmnJ1UcdtZc-00087-00018482-00018631 calling the Denver Police Department rmnJ1UcdtZc-00088-00018632-00018982 identification bureau at seven 209 one rmnJ1UcdtZc-00089-00018983-00019291 three six seven five six convicted rmnJ1UcdtZc-00090-00019292-00019438 felons and those with multiple rmnJ1UcdtZc-00091-00019439-00019768 convictions are posted online at Denver rmnJ1UcdtZc-00092-00019769-00020158 gov dot org slash police remember rmnJ1UcdtZc-00093-00020159-00020350 sexually violent predators do not rmnJ1UcdtZc-00094-00020351-00020557 represent all dangerous sex offenders rmnJ1UcdtZc-00095-00020558-00020794 the community notification process and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00096-00020795-00021034 sex offender registration are not a rmnJ1UcdtZc-00097-00021035-00021361 complete deterrent to sexual assault now rmnJ1UcdtZc-00098-00021362-00021550 here's a look at the newest sexually rmnJ1UcdtZc-00099-00021551-00021858 violent predator living in Denver rmnJ1UcdtZc-00100-00021859-00022102 here's an overview of the registered sex rmnJ1UcdtZc-00101-00022103-00022240 offenders currently living in Denver rmnJ1UcdtZc-00102-00022241-00022423 there are two thousand four hundred and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00103-00022424-00022609 seventy four total living within city rmnJ1UcdtZc-00104-00022610-00022807 limits in Denver Police District four rmnJ1UcdtZc-00105-00022808-00022956 there are four hundred and seventy nine rmnJ1UcdtZc-00106-00022957-00023218 precinct four twenty two has eighty five rmnJ1UcdtZc-00107-00023219-00023503 registered sex offenders of those fifty rmnJ1UcdtZc-00108-00023504-00023692 six have felony convictions and twenty rmnJ1UcdtZc-00109-00023693-00023883 nine have misdemeanor convictions rmnJ1UcdtZc-00110-00023884-00024151 Brendan ray s Coble is a sexually rmnJ1UcdtZc-00111-00024152-00024307 violent predator currently living in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00112-00024308-00024544 Denver he's 38 years old and was born on rmnJ1UcdtZc-00113-00024545-00024892 December 4th 1980 he's a Hispanic male 5 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00114-00024893-00025189 feet 9 inches tall 150 pounds with black rmnJ1UcdtZc-00115-00025190-00025453 hair and brown eyes he's currently rmnJ1UcdtZc-00116-00025454-00025731 living at 2030 south Irving Street in rmnJ1UcdtZc-00117-00025732-00025983 the Harve Park neighborhood of Denver rmnJ1UcdtZc-00118-00025983-00026245 schools located within one mile of this rmnJ1UcdtZc-00119-00026245-00026572 offender in clued dual elementary at 25 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00120-00026573-00026977 2002 Street Johnson elementary at 1850 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00121-00026977-00027244 south Irving Street gust elementary at rmnJ1UcdtZc-00122-00027245-00027562 34 40 West Yale Avenue stride prep rmnJ1UcdtZc-00123-00027563-00027849 federal at 26 26 West Evans Avenue rmnJ1UcdtZc-00124-00027850-00028201 College View Elementary at 26 75 South rmnJ1UcdtZc-00125-00028202-00028411 Decatur Street Lincoln High School rmnJ1UcdtZc-00126-00028412-00028720 respect Academy and compass Academy all rmnJ1UcdtZc-00127-00028720-00029098 at 22 85 South federal Boulevard schmidt rmnJ1UcdtZc-00128-00029099-00029420 elementary at 18 20 South Vallejo Street rmnJ1UcdtZc-00129-00029422-00029770 Excel Academy at 18 25 South federal rmnJ1UcdtZc-00130-00029770-00030037 Boulevard shank community school at rmnJ1UcdtZc-00131-00030038-00030339 1,300 South Quitman Street khuns Miller rmnJ1UcdtZc-00132-00030341-00030610 School at 2250 south quipment Street rmnJ1UcdtZc-00133-00030611-00030990 strive prep Ruby Hill at 26 26 West rmnJ1UcdtZc-00134-00030991-00031308 Evans Avenue parks located within one rmnJ1UcdtZc-00135-00031310-00031570 mile of ass offender in clewd sanderson rmnJ1UcdtZc-00136-00031570-00031833 gulch irving in java park sanderson rmnJ1UcdtZc-00137-00031835-00032149 Gulch Florida and Raritan at Mar park rmnJ1UcdtZc-00138-00032150-00032551 Harvey Park Harvard Gulch West Lalo Mita rmnJ1UcdtZc-00139-00032552-00032965 Park Garfield Lake Park recreation rmnJ1UcdtZc-00140-00032966-00033169 centers located within one mile of this rmnJ1UcdtZc-00141-00033170-00033427 offender include College View rec center rmnJ1UcdtZc-00142-00033428-00033799 at 25 25 South Decatur Street athma rec rmnJ1UcdtZc-00143-00033800-00034111 center at 26 80 West Mexico Avenue rmnJ1UcdtZc-00144-00034112-00034426 harvey park rec center at 21 20 self rmnJ1UcdtZc-00145-00034427-00034758 tennyson way bus routes located within rmnJ1UcdtZc-00146-00034759-00035008 one mile of this offender include route rmnJ1UcdtZc-00147-00035009-00035227 21 West Evans Avenue and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00148-00035228-00035551 Irving Street a brief history of charges rmnJ1UcdtZc-00149-00035552-00035794 against this offender sexual assault and rmnJ1UcdtZc-00150-00035795-00035866 a child rmnJ1UcdtZc-00151-00035867-00036205 force threats enticement of a child he's rmnJ1UcdtZc-00152-00036206-00036379 currently on parole and registered with rmnJ1UcdtZc-00153-00036380-00036553 the Denver Police Department On January rmnJ1UcdtZc-00154-00036554-00036934 28th 2019 to 2030 south Irving Street rmnJ1UcdtZc-00155-00036935-00037090 and the Harvey Park neighborhood of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00156-00037091-00037348 Denver passed charges against this rmnJ1UcdtZc-00157-00037349-00037612 offender include attempted flight escape rmnJ1UcdtZc-00158-00037613-00037876 traffic offenses motor vehicle theft rmnJ1UcdtZc-00159-00037877-00038194 assault trespass dangerous drugs rmnJ1UcdtZc-00160-00038195-00038476 carrying a concealed weapon marijuana rmnJ1UcdtZc-00161-00038477-00038797 possession Brandon Rae s Coble has been rmnJ1UcdtZc-00162-00038798-00038977 determined a sexually violent predator rmnJ1UcdtZc-00163-00038978-00039147 after meeting the following criteria rmnJ1UcdtZc-00164-00039148-00039439 criteria one age 18 or older on the date rmnJ1UcdtZc-00165-00039440-00039673 of the offense or under 18 and tried as rmnJ1UcdtZc-00166-00039674-00039730 an adult rmnJ1UcdtZc-00167-00039731-00040015 the offender was age 21 at the time of rmnJ1UcdtZc-00168-00040016-00040300 the offense criteria to the crime must rmnJ1UcdtZc-00169-00040301-00040485 have been committed on or after July 1st rmnJ1UcdtZc-00170-00040486-00040746 1997 and convicted on or after July 1st rmnJ1UcdtZc-00171-00040747-00041037 1999 crimes include sexual assault rmnJ1UcdtZc-00172-00041038-00041323 felony unlawful sexual contact sexual rmnJ1UcdtZc-00173-00041324-00041536 assault on a child sexual assault on a rmnJ1UcdtZc-00174-00041537-00041733 child by a person in a position of trust rmnJ1UcdtZc-00175-00041734-00042031 the offender was convicted on may 24 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00176-00042032-00042370 2002 for sexual assault on a child force rmnJ1UcdtZc-00177-00042371-00042777 threats enticement of a child criteria 3 rmnJ1UcdtZc-00178-00042778-00042961 the relationship to the victim was one rmnJ1UcdtZc-00179-00042962-00043174 of the following victim was a stranger rmnJ1UcdtZc-00180-00043175-00043371 to the offender or the offender rmnJ1UcdtZc-00181-00043372-00043555 established or promoted a relationship rmnJ1UcdtZc-00182-00043556-00043711 with the victim primarily for the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00183-00043712-00043996 purpose of sexual victimization the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00184-00043997-00044239 victim was a 14 year old female the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00185-00044240-00044469 offender was known to the victim rmnJ1UcdtZc-00186-00044470-00044737 criteria for positive results are the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00187-00044738-00044901 passing of a risk assessment instrument rmnJ1UcdtZc-00188-00044902-00045124 administered by probation parole staff rmnJ1UcdtZc-00189-00045125-00045298 and a qualified treatment evaluator rmnJ1UcdtZc-00190-00045299-00045517 positive results include an assessment rmnJ1UcdtZc-00191-00045518-00045700 for the presence of a mental abnormality rmnJ1UcdtZc-00192-00045701-00045925 a level of denial regarding the offense rmnJ1UcdtZc-00193-00045926-00046156 treatment appropriateness and motivation rmnJ1UcdtZc-00194-00046157-00046498 presence of sexual deviant interests the rmnJ1UcdtZc-00195-00046499-00046681 offender was evaluated by the Colorado rmnJ1UcdtZc-00196-00046682-00046861 State Board of parole with positive rmnJ1UcdtZc-00197-00046862-00047086 results determining him to be a sexually rmnJ1UcdtZc-00198-00047087-00048225 violent predator rmnJ1UcdtZc-00199-00048226-00048545 [Music] rmFTeT8T83U-00000-00001632-00001759 we were rmFTeT8T83U-00001-00001760-00001975 talking about structural relations we rmFTeT8T83U-00002-00001976-00002367 started talking about case as well rmFTeT8T83U-00003-00002368-00002775 and we are going to look at it rmFTeT8T83U-00004-00002776-00002887 that is rmFTeT8T83U-00005-00002888-00003063 what is case rmFTeT8T83U-00006-00003064-00003247 and how do we understand them rmFTeT8T83U-00007-00003247-00003470 configurationally that is rmFTeT8T83U-00008-00003471-00003847 in the whole scheme of x bar rmFTeT8T83U-00009-00003847-00003951 how do we rmFTeT8T83U-00010-00003952-00004191 understand case and how does x bar rmFTeT8T83U-00011-00004192-00004415 scheme help us rmFTeT8T83U-00012-00004416-00004791 ah assignment of cases to different rmFTeT8T83U-00013-00004792-00004935 np's rmFTeT8T83U-00014-00004936-00005359 see the the point is rmFTeT8T83U-00015-00005360-00005606 any noun phrase in a sentence that you rmFTeT8T83U-00016-00005607-00005711 see rmFTeT8T83U-00017-00005712-00005934 whether it is a subject noun phrase or rmFTeT8T83U-00018-00005935-00006143 an object noun phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00019-00006144-00006383 or anything else rmFTeT8T83U-00020-00006384-00006542 a noun phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00021-00006543-00006639 within rmFTeT8T83U-00022-00006640-00006775 a pp rmFTeT8T83U-00023-00006776-00006919 which may be rmFTeT8T83U-00024-00006920-00007095 an adjunct rmFTeT8T83U-00025-00007095-00007231 ok rmFTeT8T83U-00026-00007231-00007319 ah rmFTeT8T83U-00027-00007320-00007767 each noun phrase must have a case rmFTeT8T83U-00028-00007768-00007855 if rmFTeT8T83U-00029-00007856-00008110 a noun phrase does not have a case rmFTeT8T83U-00030-00008111-00008231 then rmFTeT8T83U-00031-00008232-00008487 the sentence is not grammatical rmFTeT8T83U-00032-00008488-00008887 ok also if the noun phrase has a wrong rmFTeT8T83U-00033-00008888-00009127 case still the sentence is grammatical rmFTeT8T83U-00034-00009128-00009310 and i am going to show you some such rmFTeT8T83U-00035-00009311-00009623 examples remember this part rmFTeT8T83U-00036-00009624-00009846 dominance and precedence rmFTeT8T83U-00037-00009847-00009959 so far rmFTeT8T83U-00038-00009960-00010167 keeping these two things in mind we are rmFTeT8T83U-00039-00010168-00010406 going to move ahead with cases and we rmFTeT8T83U-00040-00010407-00010767 will introduce two more concept of rmFTeT8T83U-00041-00010768-00010895 governance rmFTeT8T83U-00042-00010896-00011078 that is government rmFTeT8T83U-00043-00011079-00011487 and then finally c command which i told rmFTeT8T83U-00044-00011488-00011631 you last time rmFTeT8T83U-00045-00011632-00011942 the term stands for constituent command rmFTeT8T83U-00046-00011943-00012214 how one constituent rmFTeT8T83U-00047-00012215-00012683 commands controls the other one rmFTeT8T83U-00048-00012684-00013030 okay we come to agreement patterns rmFTeT8T83U-00049-00013031-00014063 little later let us look at first case rmFTeT8T83U-00050-00014063-00014238 first we want to see the distinction rmFTeT8T83U-00051-00014240-00014343 between rmFTeT8T83U-00052-00014344-00014527 morphological case rmFTeT8T83U-00053-00014528-00014830 and abstract case rmFTeT8T83U-00054-00014831-00015063 if you try to if you understand what we rmFTeT8T83U-00055-00015063-00015311 mean by abstract case rmFTeT8T83U-00056-00015312-00015494 then you understand what what is the rmFTeT8T83U-00057-00015495-00015686 meaning of morphological case and vice rmFTeT8T83U-00058-00015687-00015799 versa rmFTeT8T83U-00059-00015800-00016135 these two terms simply mean rmFTeT8T83U-00060-00016136-00016575 in a in a in an np in a noun phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00061-00016576-00016958 which has abstract case on it we do not rmFTeT8T83U-00062-00016959-00017167 see the case rmFTeT8T83U-00063-00017168-00017543 see the point we do not see the case rmFTeT8T83U-00064-00017544-00017791 in a morphological case rmFTeT8T83U-00065-00017792-00017983 we realize rmFTeT8T83U-00066-00017984-00018271 that something has happened to that np rmFTeT8T83U-00067-00018272-00018486 and therefore it looks different rmFTeT8T83U-00068-00018487-00018711 okay for example look at the first rmFTeT8T83U-00069-00018712-00018863 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00070-00018864-00019158 john is from germany rmFTeT8T83U-00071-00019159-00019311 what are the noun phrases that you see rmFTeT8T83U-00072-00019312-00019583 here rmFTeT8T83U-00073-00019584-00019847 john is one and rmFTeT8T83U-00074-00019848-00020167 germany is the other one rmFTeT8T83U-00075-00020168-00020375 the first thing that i told you rmFTeT8T83U-00076-00020376-00020758 is both the np must have case rmFTeT8T83U-00077-00020759-00020950 we do not know which case rmFTeT8T83U-00078-00020951-00021319 so far but both the nps must have case rmFTeT8T83U-00079-00021320-00021535 and as a matter of i have i have marked rmFTeT8T83U-00080-00021536-00021807 just the first one for our purpose rmFTeT8T83U-00081-00021808-00022103 but both of them have abstract cases do rmFTeT8T83U-00082-00022104-00022414 you see any change in germany rmFTeT8T83U-00083-00022415-00022822 by change i mean any change in the world rmFTeT8T83U-00084-00022823-00023007 no rmFTeT8T83U-00085-00023008-00023167 it comes as rmFTeT8T83U-00086-00023168-00023414 it is anywhere else rmFTeT8T83U-00087-00023415-00023527 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00088-00023528-00023735 in whatever position it comes whether in rmFTeT8T83U-00089-00023736-00023991 a subject position or an object position rmFTeT8T83U-00090-00023992-00024222 the word comes exactly this way rmFTeT8T83U-00091-00024223-00024407 therefore you see no change do you see rmFTeT8T83U-00092-00024408-00024599 any change in the name of the rmFTeT8T83U-00093-00024600-00024903 any any change in john rmFTeT8T83U-00094-00024904-00025303 no and and again i will make it clearer rmFTeT8T83U-00095-00025304-00025527 to you rmFTeT8T83U-00096-00025528-00025750 what i mean by rmFTeT8T83U-00097-00025751-00025862 change rmFTeT8T83U-00098-00025863-00026487 okay now look at the second one rmFTeT8T83U-00099-00026488-00026583 we rmFTeT8T83U-00100-00026583-00026846 we say his coat is big rmFTeT8T83U-00101-00026847-00027207 can we say he quote is big rmFTeT8T83U-00102-00027208-00027574 no why not rmFTeT8T83U-00103-00027575-00027918 why do we need to say his rmFTeT8T83U-00104-00027919-00028311 and what is possessive rmFTeT8T83U-00105-00028312-00028423 you are right that that is the rmFTeT8T83U-00106-00028424-00028879 possessive and possessive is a case rmFTeT8T83U-00107-00028880-00029174 ok so the np in a possessive case must rmFTeT8T83U-00108-00029175-00029483 be in a different form than nominative rmFTeT8T83U-00109-00029483-00029902 cases john is in nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00110-00029904-00030199 okay his is a possessive case now look rmFTeT8T83U-00111-00030200-00030287 at the rmFTeT8T83U-00112-00030288-00030527 look at this the next sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00113-00030527-00030911 mary is his friend rmFTeT8T83U-00114-00030912-00031207 mary is nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00115-00031208-00031590 what is about the other np rmFTeT8T83U-00116-00031591-00031743 that's a possessive rmFTeT8T83U-00117-00031744-00032231 case so we cannot say mary is he friend rmFTeT8T83U-00118-00032232-00032487 okay and finally rmFTeT8T83U-00119-00032488-00032790 the sentence the last sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00120-00032791-00033095 i am trying to use both pronouns in this rmFTeT8T83U-00121-00033096-00033511 sentence he likes her rmFTeT8T83U-00122-00033512-00033695 now rmFTeT8T83U-00123-00033696-00033959 the pronoun he rmFTeT8T83U-00124-00033960-00034239 and look at the pronoun her rmFTeT8T83U-00125-00034240-00034695 can we say he likes she rmFTeT8T83U-00126-00034696-00034799 no rmFTeT8T83U-00127-00034800-00035174 can we say his likes her rmFTeT8T83U-00128-00035175-00035367 none of these things are rmFTeT8T83U-00129-00035368-00035599 allowed in english rmFTeT8T83U-00130-00035600-00035862 the reason being rmFTeT8T83U-00131-00035863-00036135 he is a nominative case he is the form rmFTeT8T83U-00132-00036136-00036295 in the nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00133-00036296-00036430 and her rmFTeT8T83U-00134-00036431-00036879 is the form in possessive case rmFTeT8T83U-00135-00036880-00037062 i'm sorry rmFTeT8T83U-00136-00037063-00037359 ah yeah that's that's right rmFTeT8T83U-00137-00037360-00037479 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00138-00037480-00037671 so in rmFTeT8T83U-00139-00037672-00037983 in a set of four four five sentences rmFTeT8T83U-00140-00037984-00038151 what i want you to see rmFTeT8T83U-00141-00038152-00038430 is there are some np's rmFTeT8T83U-00142-00038431-00038527 which are rmFTeT8T83U-00143-00038528-00038702 in nominative cases rmFTeT8T83U-00144-00038703-00038951 some nps in other cases rmFTeT8T83U-00145-00038952-00039102 at the same time rmFTeT8T83U-00146-00039103-00039543 these are the examples of rmFTeT8T83U-00147-00039544-00039815 morpholo morphologically case marked rmFTeT8T83U-00148-00039816-00040079 np's as well as rmFTeT8T83U-00149-00040080-00040302 abstract rmFTeT8T83U-00150-00040303-00040415 as well as rmFTeT8T83U-00151-00040416-00040807 nps with abstract cases rmFTeT8T83U-00152-00040808-00040990 as rmFTeT8T83U-00153-00040991-00041190 nps like john rmFTeT8T83U-00154-00041191-00041502 mary and he rmFTeT8T83U-00155-00041503-00041799 these three nps have abstract cases on rmFTeT8T83U-00156-00041800-00041902 them rmFTeT8T83U-00157-00041903-00042111 that is we do not see any change rmFTeT8T83U-00158-00042112-00042439 on them however when you see his rmFTeT8T83U-00159-00042440-00042551 and her rmFTeT8T83U-00160-00042552-00042671 these are rmFTeT8T83U-00161-00042672-00042990 morphologically case marked np's is this rmFTeT8T83U-00162-00042991-00043158 distinction clear rmFTeT8T83U-00163-00043159-00043327 to you rmFTeT8T83U-00164-00043328-00043415 in rmFTeT8T83U-00165-00043416-00043630 the distinct the distinction that i want rmFTeT8T83U-00166-00043631-00043846 you to be clear with is rmFTeT8T83U-00167-00043847-00044030 morphological case rmFTeT8T83U-00168-00044031-00044271 and abstract case rmFTeT8T83U-00169-00044272-00044407 see rmFTeT8T83U-00170-00044408-00044543 keep in mind rmFTeT8T83U-00171-00044544-00044895 that each np must have a case rmFTeT8T83U-00172-00044896-00045087 so that's out of a question that there rmFTeT8T83U-00173-00045088-00045271 will be an np in a sentence which may rmFTeT8T83U-00174-00045272-00045567 not have a case is out of question rmFTeT8T83U-00175-00045568-00045879 what is important is whether an np rmFTeT8T83U-00176-00045880-00046127 has a morphological case on it rmFTeT8T83U-00177-00046128-00046283 or rmFTeT8T83U-00178-00046284-00046615 its it has an abstract case on it that's rmFTeT8T83U-00179-00046616-00046862 the only distinction we have to make rmFTeT8T83U-00180-00046863-00047118 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00181-00047119-00047351 yeah i'm going to i'm going to talk more rmFTeT8T83U-00182-00047352-00047502 about that but rmFTeT8T83U-00183-00047503-00047686 you are telling the rule that everyone rmFTeT8T83U-00184-00047687-00047807 should rmFTeT8T83U-00185-00047808-00047974 yeah first i am telling you that every rmFTeT8T83U-00186-00047975-00048151 np must have case rmFTeT8T83U-00187-00048152-00048239 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00188-00048240-00048399 and second thing i am telling you that rmFTeT8T83U-00189-00048400-00048686 some nps will have cases rmFTeT8T83U-00190-00048687-00048927 will have morphologically marked cases rmFTeT8T83U-00191-00048928-00049199 and some nps will have abstract cases rmFTeT8T83U-00192-00049200-00049430 what i mean by case is case is an rmFTeT8T83U-00193-00049431-00049695 abstract property of nouns rmFTeT8T83U-00194-00049696-00049918 of noun phrases ok rmFTeT8T83U-00195-00049919-00050111 these things are rmFTeT8T83U-00196-00050112-00050423 and it is also a property of a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00197-00050424-00050502 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00198-00050503-00050686 cases are rmFTeT8T83U-00199-00050687-00050767 not rmFTeT8T83U-00200-00050768-00051086 properties of nouns in isolation rmFTeT8T83U-00201-00051087-00051319 they receive a case only when they are rmFTeT8T83U-00202-00051320-00051519 in a in a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00203-00051520-00051790 therefore rmFTeT8T83U-00204-00051791-00051975 a noun phrase to begin with does not rmFTeT8T83U-00205-00051976-00052150 have any case rmFTeT8T83U-00206-00052151-00052230 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00207-00052232-00052535 it receives either a nominative case or rmFTeT8T83U-00208-00052536-00052863 an accusative case only when they appear rmFTeT8T83U-00209-00052864-00053063 in a different position in different rmFTeT8T83U-00210-00053064-00053230 positions in a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00211-00053232-00053566 so case is an abstract property of rmFTeT8T83U-00212-00053567-00053694 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00213-00053695-00053815 number one rmFTeT8T83U-00214-00053816-00053926 these rmFTeT8T83U-00215-00053927-00054254 these cases are realized only on noun rmFTeT8T83U-00216-00054255-00054447 phrases rmFTeT8T83U-00217-00054448-00054526 ok rmFTeT8T83U-00218-00054527-00054607 and rmFTeT8T83U-00219-00054608-00054982 these cases are rmFTeT8T83U-00220-00054983-00055199 how these cases are given to different rmFTeT8T83U-00221-00055200-00055454 np nps is what we are going to see rmFTeT8T83U-00222-00055455-00055647 further is this is this making sense to rmFTeT8T83U-00223-00055648-00055975 you now once again let us let's clarify rmFTeT8T83U-00224-00055976-00056071 this thing rmFTeT8T83U-00225-00056072-00056247 we are going to repeat this again we are rmFTeT8T83U-00226-00056248-00056423 going to see these things time and time rmFTeT8T83U-00227-00056424-00056671 and again but i am glad you asked rmFTeT8T83U-00228-00056672-00056879 which gives me an opportunity to clarify rmFTeT8T83U-00229-00056879-00057271 this thing rmFTeT8T83U-00230-00057272-00057447 case is a prop rmFTeT8T83U-00231-00057448-00057694 property of sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00232-00057695-00058071 though they are realized on noun phrases rmFTeT8T83U-00233-00058072-00058319 noun phrases do not come loaded with rmFTeT8T83U-00234-00058320-00058526 cases rmFTeT8T83U-00235-00058527-00058847 okay they receive cases within the rmFTeT8T83U-00236-00058848-00059063 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00237-00059064-00059311 now at this point rmFTeT8T83U-00238-00059312-00059566 i do not want to take you to advanced rmFTeT8T83U-00239-00059567-00059823 debates there are some debates available rmFTeT8T83U-00240-00059824-00060119 in principles and parameters rmFTeT8T83U-00241-00060120-00060342 and and they are highly abstract and rmFTeT8T83U-00242-00060344-00060703 theoretical in nature where people argue rmFTeT8T83U-00243-00060704-00061079 or people have argued that noun phrases rmFTeT8T83U-00244-00061079-00061175 come rmFTeT8T83U-00245-00061176-00061463 with cases rmFTeT8T83U-00246-00061464-00061566 and then rmFTeT8T83U-00247-00061567-00061687 they rmFTeT8T83U-00248-00061688-00061854 unpack themselves rmFTeT8T83U-00249-00061855-00062054 in the sentence now these are two rmFTeT8T83U-00250-00062055-00062311 abstract thing for us to to see at this rmFTeT8T83U-00251-00062312-00062550 stage okay rmFTeT8T83U-00252-00062551-00062735 what their argument is rmFTeT8T83U-00253-00062736-00062982 just like a noun a noun rmFTeT8T83U-00254-00062983-00063311 is either masculine or feminine rmFTeT8T83U-00255-00063312-00063582 right the gender is not real gender of a rmFTeT8T83U-00256-00063583-00063854 noun is not realized in a sentence a rmFTeT8T83U-00257-00063855-00064087 gender of a noun rmFTeT8T83U-00258-00064088-00064342 is available with noun even without a rmFTeT8T83U-00259-00064344-00064479 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00260-00064479-00064654 for example when i say rmFTeT8T83U-00261-00064655-00064766 chair rmFTeT8T83U-00262-00064767-00064999 what's the what the word for chair in rmFTeT8T83U-00263-00065000-00065206 hindi rmFTeT8T83U-00264-00065207-00065438 kursi and i'm giving you a hindi example rmFTeT8T83U-00265-00065439-00065615 it's it's going to be true rmFTeT8T83U-00266-00065616-00065999 in many other languages except english rmFTeT8T83U-00267-00066000-00066199 kursi rmFTeT8T83U-00268-00066200-00066423 you put it outside a sentence or you try rmFTeT8T83U-00269-00066424-00066591 to use in a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00270-00066592-00066838 in both the cases it has a gender which rmFTeT8T83U-00271-00066839-00066975 is rmFTeT8T83U-00272-00066976-00067119 feminine gender rmFTeT8T83U-00273-00067120-00067382 so the argument is just like a noun rmFTeT8T83U-00274-00067383-00067567 phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00275-00067568-00067815 a noun has gender rmFTeT8T83U-00276-00067816-00068071 outside the sentence also rmFTeT8T83U-00277-00068072-00068167 and rmFTeT8T83U-00278-00068168-00068375 lot of times it gets realized only in a rmFTeT8T83U-00279-00068376-00068494 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00280-00068495-00068679 similarly rmFTeT8T83U-00281-00068680-00069031 cases also come noun phrases come loaded rmFTeT8T83U-00282-00069032-00069231 with case and they are realized in the rmFTeT8T83U-00283-00069232-00069367 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00284-00069368-00069606 see there see the argument now rmFTeT8T83U-00285-00069607-00069791 that argument is not relevant at this rmFTeT8T83U-00286-00069792-00069919 point rmFTeT8T83U-00287-00069920-00070006 how rmFTeT8T83U-00288-00070007-00070143 therefore rmFTeT8T83U-00289-00070144-00070247 i want rmFTeT8T83U-00290-00070248-00070471 you to take only one part of that rmFTeT8T83U-00291-00070472-00070694 argument which is rmFTeT8T83U-00292-00070695-00071023 case is an abstract property of a rmFTeT8T83U-00293-00071024-00071343 sentence not not of a noun phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00294-00071344-00071582 case is an abstract property of a rmFTeT8T83U-00295-00071583-00071815 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00296-00071816-00072023 in a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00297-00072024-00072262 when cases get rmFTeT8T83U-00298-00072263-00072367 cases rmFTeT8T83U-00299-00072368-00072655 get manifested they get manifested on rmFTeT8T83U-00300-00072656-00072894 noun phrases rmFTeT8T83U-00301-00072895-00073423 ok on noun phrases rmFTeT8T83U-00302-00073424-00073591 how they get manifested in noun phrase rmFTeT8T83U-00303-00073592-00073782 is what i am going to show you little rmFTeT8T83U-00304-00073783-00073871 later rmFTeT8T83U-00305-00073872-00074343 but rmFTeT8T83U-00306-00074344-00074655 some examples of cases are rmFTeT8T83U-00307-00074656-00074862 nominative rmFTeT8T83U-00308-00074863-00075047 objective rmFTeT8T83U-00309-00075048-00075231 possessive and and i am going to show rmFTeT8T83U-00310-00075232-00075550 you few more examples ok rmFTeT8T83U-00311-00075551-00075887 these are some examples of cases rmFTeT8T83U-00312-00075888-00076150 the third point i want you to know rmFTeT8T83U-00313-00076151-00076326 some of them rmFTeT8T83U-00314-00076327-00076623 are going to show up in abstract form rmFTeT8T83U-00315-00076624-00076911 and some of them show up morphologically rmFTeT8T83U-00316-00076912-00077111 marked and this is what i am trying to rmFTeT8T83U-00317-00077112-00077431 show you here is this much clear rmFTeT8T83U-00318-00077432-00077559 so far rmFTeT8T83U-00319-00077560-00077782 any any hesitation any problem let me rmFTeT8T83U-00320-00077783-00077879 know rmFTeT8T83U-00321-00077880-00078094 or or when we move and still you see rmFTeT8T83U-00322-00078095-00078238 some rmFTeT8T83U-00323-00078239-00078382 some something rmFTeT8T83U-00324-00078383-00078687 contradicting one each one another rmFTeT8T83U-00325-00078688-00078967 please remind me and if and if they rmFTeT8T83U-00326-00078968-00079047 uh rmFTeT8T83U-00327-00079048-00079262 if they rmFTeT8T83U-00328-00079263-00079511 are not going through if they if they rmFTeT8T83U-00329-00079512-00079815 are not convincing let me know okay now rmFTeT8T83U-00330-00079816-00080047 look at the last sentence john killed rmFTeT8T83U-00331-00080048-00080326 the tiger rmFTeT8T83U-00332-00080327-00080582 see this thing rmFTeT8T83U-00333-00080583-00080926 what are the two nps in this sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00334-00080927-00081199 john and the tiger rmFTeT8T83U-00335-00081200-00081367 if i ask you rmFTeT8T83U-00336-00081368-00081694 what kinds of cases given the two here rmFTeT8T83U-00337-00081695-00081903 do you see on rmFTeT8T83U-00338-00081904-00082087 these two noun phrases i am not asking rmFTeT8T83U-00339-00082088-00082271 the names of the cases rmFTeT8T83U-00340-00082272-00082511 i am asking given the two things what rmFTeT8T83U-00341-00082512-00082799 type of cases do you see here on rmFTeT8T83U-00342-00082800-00083079 these two noun phrases abstract cases rmFTeT8T83U-00343-00083080-00083279 right rmFTeT8T83U-00344-00083280-00083471 once again to wind this rmFTeT8T83U-00345-00083472-00083655 wind up this discussion on rmFTeT8T83U-00346-00083656-00083911 abstract case and morphological case rmFTeT8T83U-00347-00083912-00084135 what we mean is rmFTeT8T83U-00348-00084136-00084238 knowing that rmFTeT8T83U-00349-00084239-00084479 case is the property of a sentence the rmFTeT8T83U-00350-00084480-00084782 two nps in this sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00351-00084783-00084982 have two cases rmFTeT8T83U-00352-00084983-00085182 namely one rmFTeT8T83U-00353-00085183-00085350 what's the position of john rmFTeT8T83U-00354-00085351-00085550 grammatical position rmFTeT8T83U-00355-00085551-00085782 subject position and the position of the rmFTeT8T83U-00356-00085783-00085967 tiger rmFTeT8T83U-00357-00085968-00086303 object position very nice so john gets a rmFTeT8T83U-00358-00086304-00086535 k gets a nominative case in the subject rmFTeT8T83U-00359-00086536-00086767 position and again how i am going to rmFTeT8T83U-00360-00086768-00086935 show you in a minute just let us take it rmFTeT8T83U-00361-00086936-00087055 for a moment rmFTeT8T83U-00362-00087056-00087223 john gets a nominative case in the rmFTeT8T83U-00363-00087224-00087375 subject position rmFTeT8T83U-00364-00087376-00087655 and the tiger gets rmFTeT8T83U-00365-00087656-00087926 objective case or because it is an rmFTeT8T83U-00366-00087927-00088143 object it the case is called objective rmFTeT8T83U-00367-00088144-00088303 case or rmFTeT8T83U-00368-00088304-00088518 there is another name for the same same rmFTeT8T83U-00369-00088519-00088815 thing which is accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00370-00088816-00089150 objective or accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00371-00089151-00089494 because it's in the object position rmFTeT8T83U-00372-00089495-00089735 okay however rmFTeT8T83U-00373-00089736-00090047 you you see no change in the no rmFTeT8T83U-00374-00090048-00090359 physical change in these two words rmFTeT8T83U-00375-00090360-00090535 this is the meaning of rmFTeT8T83U-00376-00090536-00090887 abstract case that even though it has rmFTeT8T83U-00377-00090888-00091126 accusative case on it rmFTeT8T83U-00378-00091127-00091367 that is the np the tiger rmFTeT8T83U-00379-00091368-00091735 and even if the np john has nominated rmFTeT8T83U-00380-00091736-00091999 case on it we see no rmFTeT8T83U-00381-00092000-00092471 change as such in their physical form rmFTeT8T83U-00382-00092472-00092687 yeah right give an example where there's rmFTeT8T83U-00383-00092688-00092918 a physical change in the objective case rmFTeT8T83U-00384-00092919-00093006 yeah rmFTeT8T83U-00385-00093007-00093238 the sentence before yeah so what exactly rmFTeT8T83U-00386-00093239-00093511 is a change that has happened i'm going rmFTeT8T83U-00387-00093512-00093606 hold on rmFTeT8T83U-00388-00093607-00093750 let's look at this rmFTeT8T83U-00389-00093751-00094094 this chart rmFTeT8T83U-00390-00094095-00094318 we see rmFTeT8T83U-00391-00094319-00094671 we see lot of changes in pronouns most rmFTeT8T83U-00392-00094672-00094815 of the time you are not going to see rmFTeT8T83U-00393-00094816-00094935 changes in rmFTeT8T83U-00394-00094936-00095079 nouns rmFTeT8T83U-00395-00095080-00095311 however you are going to see changes in rmFTeT8T83U-00396-00095312-00095526 pronouns and look at the look at the rmFTeT8T83U-00397-00095527-00095687 changes rmFTeT8T83U-00398-00095688-00095959 if you have a if you have a lexical np rmFTeT8T83U-00399-00095960-00096150 that that's what i mean mean when i say rmFTeT8T83U-00400-00096151-00096367 the distinction between noun and pronoun rmFTeT8T83U-00401-00096368-00096479 nouns are rmFTeT8T83U-00402-00096480-00096647 lexical nps rmFTeT8T83U-00403-00096648-00096767 if you have rmFTeT8T83U-00404-00096768-00096918 np like john rmFTeT8T83U-00405-00096919-00097118 it is going to be the same in nominative rmFTeT8T83U-00406-00097119-00097335 case or accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00407-00097336-00097526 okay however rmFTeT8T83U-00408-00097527-00097815 if you have pronouns that is pronominal rmFTeT8T83U-00409-00097816-00098150 np in a in a nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00410-00098151-00098335 you have i rmFTeT8T83U-00411-00098336-00098543 in the accusative case it is going to rmFTeT8T83U-00412-00098544-00098662 become rmFTeT8T83U-00413-00098663-00098871 me rmFTeT8T83U-00414-00098872-00098982 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00415-00098983-00099094 in a rmFTeT8T83U-00416-00099095-00099279 if you have he rmFTeT8T83U-00417-00099280-00099503 in a nominative case it is going to be rmFTeT8T83U-00418-00099504-00099759 he in accusative case it is going to rmFTeT8T83U-00419-00099760-00099974 become him rmFTeT8T83U-00420-00099975-00100247 okay or if it is she in accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00421-00100248-00100487 it is become it is going to become rmFTeT8T83U-00422-00100488-00100606 har rmFTeT8T83U-00423-00100607-00100806 ok now rmFTeT8T83U-00424-00100807-00101103 see the in the previous previous slide rmFTeT8T83U-00425-00101104-00101350 when we say he likes her rmFTeT8T83U-00426-00101351-00101479 right rmFTeT8T83U-00427-00101480-00101743 the fact that we cannot say rmFTeT8T83U-00428-00101744-00102111 he likes she rmFTeT8T83U-00429-00102112-00102199 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00430-00102200-00102542 the reason behind that is she rmFTeT8T83U-00431-00102543-00102839 has nominative case on it rmFTeT8T83U-00432-00102840-00102918 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00433-00102919-00103302 and when it appears in a object position rmFTeT8T83U-00434-00103303-00103551 where it receives accusative case or rmFTeT8T83U-00435-00103552-00103702 objective case rmFTeT8T83U-00436-00103703-00103999 it cannot retain its nominative form rmFTeT8T83U-00437-00104000-00104294 it must appear in the accusative form rmFTeT8T83U-00438-00104295-00104630 okay now this change in the form is rmFTeT8T83U-00439-00104631-00104934 visible on pronouns rmFTeT8T83U-00440-00104935-00105110 that is what we mean by rmFTeT8T83U-00441-00105111-00105647 morphological marking rmFTeT8T83U-00442-00105648-00105839 there are two two forms rmFTeT8T83U-00443-00105840-00105966 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00444-00105967-00106254 we what we can say in an in an abstract rmFTeT8T83U-00445-00106255-00106483 way we have just one form rmFTeT8T83U-00446-00106483-00106766 she in nominating case rmFTeT8T83U-00447-00106767-00107007 the form is she in accusative case the rmFTeT8T83U-00448-00107008-00107207 form is rmFTeT8T83U-00449-00107208-00107366 we have one form rmFTeT8T83U-00450-00107367-00107439 he rmFTeT8T83U-00451-00107440-00107678 in nominative case the form is he rmFTeT8T83U-00452-00107679-00108071 in accusative case the form is him rmFTeT8T83U-00453-00108072-00108183 ok rmFTeT8T83U-00454-00108183-00108566 this is the distinction between rmFTeT8T83U-00455-00108567-00108775 morphology abstract case and rmFTeT8T83U-00456-00108776-00109071 morphological case and the point that rmFTeT8T83U-00457-00109072-00109215 the further point that i am trying to rmFTeT8T83U-00458-00109216-00109486 make is he rmFTeT8T83U-00459-00109488-00109702 has abstract case because we do not see rmFTeT8T83U-00460-00109703-00109886 any change on it rmFTeT8T83U-00461-00109888-00110223 because even though it it has rmFTeT8T83U-00462-00110224-00110471 nominative case on it we do not see any rmFTeT8T83U-00463-00110472-00110566 change rmFTeT8T83U-00464-00110567-00110647 but rmFTeT8T83U-00465-00110648-00110927 the moment it takes accusative case we rmFTeT8T83U-00466-00110928-00111102 see a change in it rmFTeT8T83U-00467-00111103-00111302 it doesn't retain its form rmFTeT8T83U-00468-00111303-00111583 what what happens is the form becomes rmFTeT8T83U-00469-00111583-00111710 him rmFTeT8T83U-00470-00111711-00111951 that's the meaning of morphological case rmFTeT8T83U-00471-00111952-00112054 however rmFTeT8T83U-00472-00112055-00112566 that is not true for lexical nps like rmFTeT8T83U-00473-00112567-00112790 john or mary rmFTeT8T83U-00474-00112791-00112871 right rmFTeT8T83U-00475-00112872-00113102 now take the same sentence if i want to rmFTeT8T83U-00476-00113103-00113471 say john likes mary rmFTeT8T83U-00477-00113472-00113751 john has which case rmFTeT8T83U-00478-00113752-00113958 in the in the subject position rmFTeT8T83U-00479-00113959-00114295 nominative case and mary has which case rmFTeT8T83U-00480-00114296-00114543 being in the object position objective rmFTeT8T83U-00481-00114544-00114766 case or accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00482-00114767-00114966 right rmFTeT8T83U-00483-00114967-00115223 do you see any change in the physical rmFTeT8T83U-00484-00115224-00115495 form of the word mary rmFTeT8T83U-00485-00115496-00115575 no rmFTeT8T83U-00486-00115576-00115927 that doesn't mean it's nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00487-00115928-00116151 it's in accusative case because of its rmFTeT8T83U-00488-00116152-00116375 position in a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00489-00116376-00116447 now rmFTeT8T83U-00490-00116448-00116639 lexical np's rmFTeT8T83U-00491-00116640-00116766 here is the point rmFTeT8T83U-00492-00116767-00116927 lexical nps rmFTeT8T83U-00493-00116928-00117143 do not change their form rmFTeT8T83U-00494-00117144-00117247 even rmFTeT8T83U-00495-00117248-00117590 when they have different cases on them rmFTeT8T83U-00496-00117591-00118007 that's called abstract case rmFTeT8T83U-00497-00118008-00118166 well in the generative the situation rmFTeT8T83U-00498-00118167-00118327 will be different absolutely right but i rmFTeT8T83U-00499-00118328-00118519 am trying to hold on to just two rmFTeT8T83U-00500-00118520-00118686 nominative and accusative to see the rmFTeT8T83U-00501-00118688-00118831 distinction rmFTeT8T83U-00502-00118832-00119071 however in nominative positions most of rmFTeT8T83U-00503-00119072-00119366 them are abstract cases rmFTeT8T83U-00504-00119367-00119671 in accusative case also some some rmFTeT8T83U-00505-00119672-00119871 pronouns also you can see the examples i rmFTeT8T83U-00506-00119872-00120127 am not not articulating them for example rmFTeT8T83U-00507-00120128-00120295 when you have u rmFTeT8T83U-00508-00120296-00120551 no change even in accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00509-00120552-00120671 ah rmFTeT8T83U-00510-00120672-00120886 what else it rmFTeT8T83U-00511-00120888-00121127 no change in the accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00512-00121128-00121286 ah rmFTeT8T83U-00513-00121288-00121647 yeah you and it at least rmFTeT8T83U-00514-00121648-00121934 in the in generative case you see all of rmFTeT8T83U-00515-00121935-00122143 them changing rmFTeT8T83U-00516-00122144-00122478 so all the forms of genitive case are rmFTeT8T83U-00517-00122479-00122663 called rmFTeT8T83U-00518-00122664-00123031 nps morphologically marked that is some rmFTeT8T83U-00519-00123032-00123263 by morphological case we simply mean rmFTeT8T83U-00520-00123264-00123471 some change rmFTeT8T83U-00521-00123472-00123719 okay nominating cases you are not going rmFTeT8T83U-00522-00123720-00123919 to see any change rmFTeT8T83U-00523-00123920-00124143 accusative case sometimes the form rmFTeT8T83U-00524-00124144-00124423 change forms change sometimes forms do rmFTeT8T83U-00525-00124424-00124566 not change rmFTeT8T83U-00526-00124567-00124807 that is all is the distinction between rmFTeT8T83U-00527-00124808-00125231 morphological and abstract cases rmFTeT8T83U-00528-00125232-00125471 are we ok so far rmFTeT8T83U-00529-00125472-00125758 ok all right rmFTeT8T83U-00530-00125759-00125999 ah rmFTeT8T83U-00531-00126000-00126383 now we want to see rmFTeT8T83U-00532-00126383-00126623 if we have a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00533-00126624-00126751 ok fine rmFTeT8T83U-00534-00126752-00127127 he likes her we can at least see rmFTeT8T83U-00535-00127128-00127502 something he if i tell you rmFTeT8T83U-00536-00127503-00127775 he is a nominative case and rmFTeT8T83U-00537-00127776-00127999 her is accusative case you have some rmFTeT8T83U-00538-00128000-00128239 evidence to believe it rmFTeT8T83U-00539-00128240-00128319 right rmFTeT8T83U-00540-00128320-00128519 some evidence to believe that he has rmFTeT8T83U-00541-00128520-00128814 nominative case and her has accusative rmFTeT8T83U-00542-00128815-00128902 case rmFTeT8T83U-00543-00128903-00129086 even on the basis of this rmFTeT8T83U-00544-00129088-00129247 chart you have some evidence to believe rmFTeT8T83U-00545-00129248-00129327 it rmFTeT8T83U-00546-00129328-00129407 but rmFTeT8T83U-00547-00129408-00129743 when we have sentences like rmFTeT8T83U-00548-00129744-00129966 john likes mary rmFTeT8T83U-00549-00129967-00130166 what's the evidence that rmFTeT8T83U-00550-00130167-00130366 other than what is the evidence that rmFTeT8T83U-00551-00130367-00130551 john has nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00552-00130552-00130678 and rmFTeT8T83U-00553-00130679-00131007 mary has accusative case other than the rmFTeT8T83U-00554-00131008-00131263 fact that someone is telling you show rmFTeT8T83U-00555-00131264-00131383 telling you so rmFTeT8T83U-00556-00131384-00131623 right other than the fact that we know rmFTeT8T83U-00557-00131624-00131783 that one is in the subject position and rmFTeT8T83U-00558-00131784-00132031 the other is in the object position rmFTeT8T83U-00559-00132032-00132271 how do we know and then rmFTeT8T83U-00560-00132272-00132463 the second question is rmFTeT8T83U-00561-00132464-00132607 how do they get rmFTeT8T83U-00562-00132608-00132927 is is there is the structure the rmFTeT8T83U-00563-00132928-00133159 x bar scheme that we have seen does that rmFTeT8T83U-00564-00133160-00133407 have anything to do with case rmFTeT8T83U-00565-00133408-00133535 or rmFTeT8T83U-00566-00133536-00133711 we can put the same question in a better rmFTeT8T83U-00567-00133712-00133863 way rmFTeT8T83U-00568-00133864-00134071 as follows rmFTeT8T83U-00569-00134072-00134327 does x bar theory rmFTeT8T83U-00570-00134328-00134487 x bar scheme rmFTeT8T83U-00571-00134488-00134687 help us understand nominative and rmFTeT8T83U-00572-00134688-00134823 accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-00573-00134824-00135047 or we just have to rmFTeT8T83U-00574-00135048-00135271 ah we just have to believe that one has rmFTeT8T83U-00575-00135272-00135447 nominative case and the other has rmFTeT8T83U-00576-00135448-00135623 accusative case see that see the rmFTeT8T83U-00577-00135624-00135839 question rmFTeT8T83U-00578-00135840-00136127 the the answer is x bar scheme rmFTeT8T83U-00579-00136128-00136423 definitely helps us understand cases in rmFTeT8T83U-00580-00136424-00136702 a better way rmFTeT8T83U-00581-00136703-00136902 so we are going to see rmFTeT8T83U-00582-00136903-00137119 that rmFTeT8T83U-00583-00137120-00137471 ah rmFTeT8T83U-00584-00137472-00137687 look at the look at the rmFTeT8T83U-00585-00137688-00138014 examples here on this rmFTeT8T83U-00586-00138015-00138319 screen rmFTeT8T83U-00587-00138320-00138502 first i want you to understand what we rmFTeT8T83U-00588-00138503-00138799 mean by a finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00589-00138800-00139007 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00590-00139008-00139359 for example things like john likes mary rmFTeT8T83U-00591-00139360-00139471 or rmFTeT8T83U-00592-00139472-00139678 john likes her rmFTeT8T83U-00593-00139679-00139847 these are rmFTeT8T83U-00594-00139848-00140135 finite clauses rmFTeT8T83U-00595-00140136-00140454 finite clauses simply means rmFTeT8T83U-00596-00140455-00140566 that rmFTeT8T83U-00597-00140567-00141102 in a in a x bar scheme rmFTeT8T83U-00598-00141103-00141319 in an x bar scheme rmFTeT8T83U-00599-00141320-00142502 ah let us say we are talking about an ip rmFTeT8T83U-00600-00142503-00142671 all right rmFTeT8T83U-00601-00142672-00142863 this is where we are going to have rmFTeT8T83U-00602-00142864-00143054 objects and this is where we are going rmFTeT8T83U-00603-00143055-00143143 to have rmFTeT8T83U-00604-00143144-00143543 subjects in in x bar scheme rmFTeT8T83U-00605-00143544-00143687 if this rmFTeT8T83U-00606-00143688-00143878 ip rmFTeT8T83U-00607-00143879-00143959 has rmFTeT8T83U-00608-00143960-00144190 something in it like rmFTeT8T83U-00609-00144191-00144302 if it is rmFTeT8T83U-00610-00144303-00144678 plus tense rmFTeT8T83U-00611-00144679-00144959 you understand the meaning of plus tense rmFTeT8T83U-00612-00144960-00145078 no rmFTeT8T83U-00613-00145079-00145463 if the sentence has a tense rmFTeT8T83U-00614-00145464-00145599 this is the place where it is going to rmFTeT8T83U-00615-00145600-00145743 show up rmFTeT8T83U-00616-00145744-00145990 so as long as you have any tense coming rmFTeT8T83U-00617-00145991-00146102 up here rmFTeT8T83U-00618-00146103-00146390 present past future anything rmFTeT8T83U-00619-00146391-00146647 then we say the sentence is plus tense rmFTeT8T83U-00620-00146648-00146902 that is sentence has tense rmFTeT8T83U-00621-00146903-00147263 then the whole clause is finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00622-00147264-00147414 if this has rmFTeT8T83U-00623-00147415-00147823 no tense that is minus tense rmFTeT8T83U-00624-00147824-00147999 then the sentence is rmFTeT8T83U-00625-00148000-00148319 non-finite rmFTeT8T83U-00626-00148320-00148623 then the sentence is non-finite rmFTeT8T83U-00627-00148624-00148751 very simple rmFTeT8T83U-00628-00148752-00149095 finiteness directly corresponds to rmFTeT8T83U-00629-00149096-00149343 tense rmFTeT8T83U-00630-00149344-00149631 the moment we say a finite clause or a rmFTeT8T83U-00631-00149632-00149983 finite sentence we mean rmFTeT8T83U-00632-00149984-00150199 sentence with tense rmFTeT8T83U-00633-00150200-00150495 the moment we say non-finite clause we rmFTeT8T83U-00634-00150496-00150726 mean a sentence with rmFTeT8T83U-00635-00150727-00150966 sentence without tense rmFTeT8T83U-00636-00150967-00151143 that's all rmFTeT8T83U-00637-00151144-00151326 clear rmFTeT8T83U-00638-00151327-00151743 so if i say john likes mary rmFTeT8T83U-00639-00151744-00151919 is this a finite clause or a non-finite rmFTeT8T83U-00640-00151920-00152287 clause rmFTeT8T83U-00641-00152288-00152559 john likes mary rmFTeT8T83U-00642-00152560-00152775 finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00643-00152776-00153063 likes her rmFTeT8T83U-00644-00153064-00153247 finite class rmFTeT8T83U-00645-00153248-00153511 i am i i know what what is coming to rmFTeT8T83U-00646-00153512-00153678 your mind is what is an example of a rmFTeT8T83U-00647-00153679-00153823 non-finite clause i am going to show you rmFTeT8T83U-00648-00153824-00154031 as you can see on the screen but hold on rmFTeT8T83U-00649-00154032-00154287 before we go there rmFTeT8T83U-00650-00154288-00154463 now look at the look at the sentence in rmFTeT8T83U-00651-00154464-00154623 red rmFTeT8T83U-00652-00154624-00154943 which is not grammatical with a star rmFTeT8T83U-00653-00154944-00155223 marks we mean ungrammatical sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00654-00155224-00155383 what is the meaning of that rmFTeT8T83U-00655-00155384-00155551 i am sorry why is that why is that rmFTeT8T83U-00656-00155552-00156023 ungrammatical when we say john likes she rmFTeT8T83U-00657-00156024-00156278 what's the what rmFTeT8T83U-00658-00156279-00156495 she rmFTeT8T83U-00659-00156496-00156735 is an object position rmFTeT8T83U-00660-00156736-00157159 and the pronominal np is not displaying rmFTeT8T83U-00661-00157160-00157383 its objective form rmFTeT8T83U-00662-00157384-00157647 it's displaying its nominative form is rmFTeT8T83U-00663-00157648-00157854 the reason why this sentence is rmFTeT8T83U-00664-00157855-00157990 ungrammatical rmFTeT8T83U-00665-00157991-00158207 okay now we are going to use this rmFTeT8T83U-00666-00158208-00158390 finiteness the distinction between rmFTeT8T83U-00667-00158391-00158566 finite and infinite rmFTeT8T83U-00668-00158567-00158831 very soon to see why we need this rmFTeT8T83U-00669-00158832-00158951 discussion let's let's look at rmFTeT8T83U-00670-00158952-00159166 non-finite things rmFTeT8T83U-00671-00159167-00159302 you see the rmFTeT8T83U-00672-00159303-00159383 uh rmFTeT8T83U-00673-00159384-00159551 see the whole sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00674-00159552-00159623 for rmFTeT8T83U-00675-00159624-00159911 for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-00676-00159912-00160214 is not possible rmFTeT8T83U-00677-00160215-00160463 okay rmFTeT8T83U-00678-00160464-00160775 are you with me for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-00679-00160776-00160919 is not possible rmFTeT8T83U-00680-00160920-00161135 is this a good sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00681-00161136-00161326 the whole sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00682-00161327-00161599 good or not rmFTeT8T83U-00683-00161600-00161783 good sentence it's perfectly good rmFTeT8T83U-00684-00161784-00161959 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00685-00161960-00162135 now rmFTeT8T83U-00686-00162136-00162302 whole sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00687-00162303-00162535 is a finite sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00688-00162536-00162671 the whole rmFTeT8T83U-00689-00162672-00162839 sentence whole rmFTeT8T83U-00690-00162840-00163078 big sentence is a finite sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00691-00163079-00163175 because rmFTeT8T83U-00692-00163176-00163351 it has tense in it rmFTeT8T83U-00693-00163352-00163495 and what is the tense in the whole rmFTeT8T83U-00694-00163496-00163999 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00695-00164000-00164278 by sentence i i hope i am not asking you rmFTeT8T83U-00696-00164279-00164478 too complicated a question rmFTeT8T83U-00697-00164479-00164838 for him to go to delhi is not possible rmFTeT8T83U-00698-00164839-00165047 and what shows us present tense in the rmFTeT8T83U-00699-00165048-00165151 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00700-00165152-00165231 is rmFTeT8T83U-00701-00165232-00165326 clear rmFTeT8T83U-00702-00165327-00165526 now next question rmFTeT8T83U-00703-00165527-00165702 and i'm asking you these questions to rmFTeT8T83U-00704-00165703-00165911 make sure that you understand these rmFTeT8T83U-00705-00165912-00166047 terms rmFTeT8T83U-00706-00166048-00166287 next question what's the subject of this rmFTeT8T83U-00707-00166288-00166831 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00708-00166832-00167135 what is the subject of this sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00709-00167136-00167343 please don't think about x bar and other rmFTeT8T83U-00710-00167344-00167495 things right now rmFTeT8T83U-00711-00167496-00167726 very simply rmFTeT8T83U-00712-00167727-00167887 in simple terms rmFTeT8T83U-00713-00167888-00168031 the question is rmFTeT8T83U-00714-00168032-00168383 what is the subject of the sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00715-00168384-00168687 him rmFTeT8T83U-00716-00168688-00169063 why rmFTeT8T83U-00717-00169064-00169343 sorry rmFTeT8T83U-00718-00169344-00169783 him is the sentence because rmFTeT8T83U-00719-00169784-00169919 goes go rmFTeT8T83U-00720-00169920-00170087 now we are talking about a completely rmFTeT8T83U-00721-00170088-00170287 different thing now rmFTeT8T83U-00722-00170288-00170423 right rmFTeT8T83U-00723-00170424-00170543 we are saying rmFTeT8T83U-00724-00170544-00170775 what's the what's the what's the verb in rmFTeT8T83U-00725-00170776-00171183 the full sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00726-00171184-00171343 you see this is a pretty simple sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00727-00171344-00171551 very simple looking sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00728-00171552-00171695 and i am not sure if i have told you rmFTeT8T83U-00729-00171696-00171943 this thing for sure i haven't discussed rmFTeT8T83U-00730-00171944-00172166 these things with you i am only starting rmFTeT8T83U-00731-00172167-00172319 to discuss rmFTeT8T83U-00732-00172320-00172535 ok i mean there is there is one more rmFTeT8T83U-00733-00172536-00172695 type of sentence where i can show you rmFTeT8T83U-00734-00172696-00172935 non-finiteness but i have already rmFTeT8T83U-00735-00172936-00173151 discussed that sentence enough for rmFTeT8T83U-00736-00173152-00173375 example imperative sentences are rmFTeT8T83U-00737-00173376-00173678 non-finite sentences when we say rmFTeT8T83U-00738-00173679-00173902 please go home rmFTeT8T83U-00739-00173903-00174078 please sit down rmFTeT8T83U-00740-00174079-00174343 these sentences are infinite sentences rmFTeT8T83U-00741-00174344-00174631 but i wanted to take one more sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00742-00174632-00174814 slightly bigger rmFTeT8T83U-00743-00174815-00175054 to show you in finiteness rmFTeT8T83U-00744-00175055-00175302 and the reason here and the the answer rmFTeT8T83U-00745-00175303-00175575 to this finite and infinite sentence is rmFTeT8T83U-00746-00175576-00175687 the following rmFTeT8T83U-00747-00175688-00175959 and and listen to me carefully looking rmFTeT8T83U-00748-00175960-00176126 at the sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00749-00176127-00176302 the whole sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00750-00176303-00176535 for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-00751-00176536-00176943 is not possible is a finite sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00752-00176944-00177311 the tense in this sentence is present rmFTeT8T83U-00753-00177312-00177535 therefore the sentence is known for is rmFTeT8T83U-00754-00177536-00177654 finite rmFTeT8T83U-00755-00177655-00177911 agree everybody rmFTeT8T83U-00756-00177912-00178302 the the chunk that you see in red rmFTeT8T83U-00757-00178303-00178454 the whole thing rmFTeT8T83U-00758-00178455-00178687 for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-00759-00178688-00179063 is the subject of this sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00760-00179064-00179399 for him to go to delhi is the subject of rmFTeT8T83U-00761-00179400-00179599 this sentence whole sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00762-00179600-00179719 that is rmFTeT8T83U-00763-00179720-00180151 in the ip in this spec ip position rmFTeT8T83U-00764-00180152-00180502 in the spec ip position what comes rmFTeT8T83U-00765-00180503-00180838 is the whole thing in the red bracket rmFTeT8T83U-00766-00180839-00181014 you see that rmFTeT8T83U-00767-00181015-00181319 because the sentence is just like rmFTeT8T83U-00768-00181320-00181647 john is my friend rmFTeT8T83U-00769-00181648-00181735 right rmFTeT8T83U-00770-00181736-00181871 in the sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00771-00181872-00182063 john is my friend rmFTeT8T83U-00772-00182064-00182326 the subject is rmFTeT8T83U-00773-00182327-00182471 the subject is rmFTeT8T83U-00774-00182472-00182814 john whatever comes before is is the rmFTeT8T83U-00775-00182815-00183063 subject in this sentence whatever comes rmFTeT8T83U-00776-00183064-00183190 before is rmFTeT8T83U-00777-00183191-00183454 is the whole clause and the whole clause rmFTeT8T83U-00778-00183455-00183638 is the rmFTeT8T83U-00779-00183639-00183759 is the rmFTeT8T83U-00780-00183760-00183902 subject rmFTeT8T83U-00781-00183903-00183999 now rmFTeT8T83U-00782-00184000-00184271 in the whole clause the whole clause rmFTeT8T83U-00783-00184272-00184495 what's the verb we are we are calling it rmFTeT8T83U-00784-00184496-00184614 a clause rmFTeT8T83U-00785-00184615-00184943 right the whole clause is the rmFTeT8T83U-00786-00184944-00185047 subject rmFTeT8T83U-00787-00185048-00185399 what is the verb in this clause rmFTeT8T83U-00788-00185400-00185647 you were right somebody said to go right rmFTeT8T83U-00789-00185648-00185823 is the word rmFTeT8T83U-00790-00185824-00185919 now rmFTeT8T83U-00791-00185920-00186111 what's the np rmFTeT8T83U-00792-00186112-00186283 in that clause rmFTeT8T83U-00793-00186284-00186711 him right i'm i'm trying to rmFTeT8T83U-00794-00186712-00186959 complicate the questions for you to see rmFTeT8T83U-00795-00186960-00187199 these see the concepts rmFTeT8T83U-00796-00187200-00187350 in a better way rmFTeT8T83U-00797-00187351-00187566 and here is the rmFTeT8T83U-00798-00187567-00187887 complication rmFTeT8T83U-00799-00187888-00188007 that rmFTeT8T83U-00800-00188008-00188319 this clause seems to have a subject and rmFTeT8T83U-00801-00188320-00188478 seems to have a verb rmFTeT8T83U-00802-00188479-00188614 right rmFTeT8T83U-00803-00188615-00188775 then if this this clause should be a rmFTeT8T83U-00804-00188776-00189023 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00805-00189024-00189119 but rmFTeT8T83U-00806-00189120-00189238 what is missing rmFTeT8T83U-00807-00189239-00189911 from this clause to be a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-00808-00189912-00190207 what is meant sorry is it agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00809-00190208-00190390 agreement is missing rmFTeT8T83U-00810-00190391-00190623 all the possible ingredients that make a rmFTeT8T83U-00811-00190624-00190895 subject that make a sentence is missing rmFTeT8T83U-00812-00190896-00191038 from this what's the tense in that rmFTeT8T83U-00813-00191039-00191231 clause rmFTeT8T83U-00814-00191232-00191390 no tense rmFTeT8T83U-00815-00191391-00191575 because the moment you have a tense we rmFTeT8T83U-00816-00191576-00191943 cannot say to go rmFTeT8T83U-00817-00191944-00192102 is is out of question we cannot say to rmFTeT8T83U-00818-00192103-00192231 go rmFTeT8T83U-00819-00192232-00192695 so there is no agreement and no tense rmFTeT8T83U-00820-00192696-00193283 therefore that clause is a non finite rmFTeT8T83U-00821-00193284-00193583 clause you see that that therefore that rmFTeT8T83U-00822-00193584-00193926 clause is a non finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00823-00193927-00194071 do we see the distinction between a rmFTeT8T83U-00824-00194072-00194423 finite clause and non finite clause now rmFTeT8T83U-00825-00194424-00194726 a finite clause is a rmFTeT8T83U-00826-00194727-00194854 is a rmFTeT8T83U-00827-00194855-00195238 clause or a sentence with tense rmFTeT8T83U-00828-00195239-00195423 and non finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00829-00195424-00195847 is a clause or a sentence without tense rmFTeT8T83U-00830-00195848-00196047 and when you have no tense then there is rmFTeT8T83U-00831-00196048-00196343 no agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00832-00196344-00196454 are you with me rmFTeT8T83U-00833-00196455-00196719 no tense no agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00834-00196720-00196975 can i can i take you rmFTeT8T83U-00835-00196976-00197223 for for less than 30 seconds to another rmFTeT8T83U-00836-00197224-00197311 question rmFTeT8T83U-00837-00197312-00197471 for you to see it rmFTeT8T83U-00838-00197472-00197687 right right now because i am making a rmFTeT8T83U-00839-00197688-00197863 point which will help you understand rmFTeT8T83U-00840-00197864-00198007 something which we have already rmFTeT8T83U-00841-00198008-00198143 discussed rmFTeT8T83U-00842-00198144-00198311 remember rmFTeT8T83U-00843-00198312-00198463 when we had rmFTeT8T83U-00844-00198464-00198638 broken the ip rmFTeT8T83U-00845-00198639-00198847 the i rmFTeT8T83U-00846-00198848-00199063 there are there were three things in i rmFTeT8T83U-00847-00199064-00199254 which were rmFTeT8T83U-00848-00199255-00199543 tense agreement and aspect we had a rmFTeT8T83U-00849-00199544-00199766 question in mind at that time rmFTeT8T83U-00850-00199767-00199847 right rmFTeT8T83U-00851-00199848-00200078 that how do we order them how do we rmFTeT8T83U-00852-00200079-00200287 start do we start with tense rmFTeT8T83U-00853-00200288-00200502 do we start with agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00854-00200503-00200750 we decided that okay rmFTeT8T83U-00855-00200751-00201007 aspect is dependent on tense rmFTeT8T83U-00856-00201008-00201295 so let us put aspect and tense together rmFTeT8T83U-00857-00201296-00201438 do we start with rmFTeT8T83U-00858-00201439-00201678 tense or agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00859-00201679-00201847 we started with rmFTeT8T83U-00860-00201848-00202095 agreement and then we did not settle the rmFTeT8T83U-00861-00202096-00202207 question rmFTeT8T83U-00862-00202208-00202687 there that which one is logically first rmFTeT8T83U-00863-00202688-00202838 by first we mean rmFTeT8T83U-00864-00202839-00203126 logically more prominent more rmFTeT8T83U-00865-00203127-00203287 significant rmFTeT8T83U-00866-00203288-00203390 now rmFTeT8T83U-00867-00203391-00203638 you can have agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00868-00203639-00203878 you can have tense on you cannot have rmFTeT8T83U-00869-00203879-00204014 tense rmFTeT8T83U-00870-00204015-00204214 right but the moment you do not have rmFTeT8T83U-00871-00204215-00204454 tense you do not have agreement also rmFTeT8T83U-00872-00204455-00204638 so which one is more important rmFTeT8T83U-00873-00204639-00204966 tensor agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00874-00204967-00205158 you see that you see the point rmFTeT8T83U-00875-00205159-00205342 therefore rmFTeT8T83U-00876-00205344-00205575 starting the structure with tp rmFTeT8T83U-00877-00205576-00205814 is more logically convincing than rmFTeT8T83U-00878-00205815-00206214 starting the structure with agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00879-00206215-00206375 you see see this thing that's all i rmFTeT8T83U-00880-00206376-00206710 wanted to show you at this point so rmFTeT8T83U-00881-00206711-00206910 in a sentence like this rmFTeT8T83U-00882-00206911-00207351 in a clause like this you have no rmFTeT8T83U-00883-00207352-00207446 agreement rmFTeT8T83U-00884-00207448-00207694 and no tense rmFTeT8T83U-00885-00207696-00207886 the moment we have no tense we don't rmFTeT8T83U-00886-00207887-00208062 even need to look at agreement we can rmFTeT8T83U-00887-00208063-00208398 simply say this is a non-finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-00888-00208400-00208662 end of the story so right now i am only rmFTeT8T83U-00889-00208663-00208855 trying to show you finite clauses and rmFTeT8T83U-00890-00208856-00209103 non-finite clauses i promise you i will rmFTeT8T83U-00891-00209104-00209351 come back to this again and we will rmFTeT8T83U-00892-00209352-00209534 discuss little bit more rmFTeT8T83U-00893-00209535-00209694 i am not going to leave this thing just rmFTeT8T83U-00894-00209696-00209798 like that rmFTeT8T83U-00895-00209800-00210015 for example when i am saying rmFTeT8T83U-00896-00210016-00210319 for him to go to delhi the whole thing rmFTeT8T83U-00897-00210319-00210463 is a rmFTeT8T83U-00898-00210464-00210591 is a clause rmFTeT8T83U-00899-00210592-00210694 right rmFTeT8T83U-00900-00210696-00210871 ah and the whole thing is the subject i rmFTeT8T83U-00901-00210871-00211206 am going to show you more examples rmFTeT8T83U-00902-00211207-00211351 to make a point rmFTeT8T83U-00903-00211352-00211463 that rmFTeT8T83U-00904-00211464-00211758 subject position does not only need an rmFTeT8T83U-00905-00211759-00211863 np rmFTeT8T83U-00906-00211864-00212046 we can have rmFTeT8T83U-00907-00212048-00212327 a clause or a bigger sentence or a much rmFTeT8T83U-00908-00212328-00212646 bigger sentence in subject positions rmFTeT8T83U-00909-00212648-00212871 remember from the very beginning i have rmFTeT8T83U-00910-00212871-00213103 been trying to tell you that the whole rmFTeT8T83U-00911-00213104-00213271 notion of subject rmFTeT8T83U-00912-00213271-00213487 is a very complicated notion rmFTeT8T83U-00913-00213488-00213871 it is not easy for anyone to define rmFTeT8T83U-00914-00213871-00214103 and say in one sentence this is what is rmFTeT8T83U-00915-00214104-00214294 subject rmFTeT8T83U-00916-00214296-00214534 we have tried to define a subject from rmFTeT8T83U-00917-00214535-00214742 the perspective of agreement from the rmFTeT8T83U-00918-00214744-00214887 perspective of rmFTeT8T83U-00919-00214888-00215063 ah semantics rmFTeT8T83U-00920-00215064-00215215 and still rmFTeT8T83U-00921-00215216-00215423 we see that it is not just an np it rmFTeT8T83U-00922-00215423-00215646 could be a bigger bigger chunk rmFTeT8T83U-00923-00215648-00215871 also it could be rmFTeT8T83U-00924-00215871-00215942 as rmFTeT8T83U-00925-00215944-00216191 a non-finite clause it could be a finite rmFTeT8T83U-00926-00216192-00216439 clause it could be a cp rmFTeT8T83U-00927-00216440-00216631 have we have we have discussed cp little rmFTeT8T83U-00928-00216632-00216815 bit right we will come back to that rmFTeT8T83U-00929-00216816-00217119 again so it could be cp it could be much rmFTeT8T83U-00930-00217119-00217527 bigger as bigger a clause or an np rmFTeT8T83U-00931-00217528-00217710 same is the story for object position rmFTeT8T83U-00932-00217711-00217798 also rmFTeT8T83U-00933-00217800-00217991 so we are going to see some examples of rmFTeT8T83U-00934-00217992-00218246 those things i just want to rmFTeT8T83U-00935-00218248-00218487 give you a flavor right now rmFTeT8T83U-00936-00218488-00218806 and all i want you to take from here is rmFTeT8T83U-00937-00218807-00219142 finiteness and non-finiteness now rmFTeT8T83U-00938-00219144-00219310 two more things before we go to a rmFTeT8T83U-00939-00219311-00219703 structure i want you to know rmFTeT8T83U-00940-00219704-00219855 nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00941-00219856-00219927 is rmFTeT8T83U-00942-00219928-00220223 reserved for subject positions rmFTeT8T83U-00943-00220223-00220391 whatever comes in the subject position rmFTeT8T83U-00944-00220392-00220687 gets nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00945-00220688-00220767 how rmFTeT8T83U-00946-00220767-00220855 is rmFTeT8T83U-00947-00220856-00221039 is something that we can see rmFTeT8T83U-00948-00221040-00221191 structurally and i am going to show you rmFTeT8T83U-00949-00221192-00221431 that but the moment something comes in rmFTeT8T83U-00950-00221432-00221663 in a subject position that gets rmFTeT8T83U-00951-00221664-00221798 nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-00952-00221800-00221958 and rmFTeT8T83U-00953-00221959-00222191 accusative case or objective cases are rmFTeT8T83U-00954-00222192-00222342 for objects rmFTeT8T83U-00955-00222344-00222582 object positions rmFTeT8T83U-00956-00222583-00222839 and by definition we know what are the rmFTeT8T83U-00957-00222840-00223231 types of verbs which can have objects rmFTeT8T83U-00958-00223232-00223471 transitive verbs or ditransitive verbs rmFTeT8T83U-00959-00223471-00223703 intransitive verbs do not have rmFTeT8T83U-00960-00223704-00223806 objects rmFTeT8T83U-00961-00223807-00223991 so so keep these things these things in rmFTeT8T83U-00962-00223992-00224223 mind rmFTeT8T83U-00963-00224223-00224398 what are the things rmFTeT8T83U-00964-00224400-00224591 other than verbs which can take an rmFTeT8T83U-00965-00224592-00224958 object rmFTeT8T83U-00966-00224959-00225246 like a post position can take an object rmFTeT8T83U-00967-00225248-00225482 when we say on the rmFTeT8T83U-00968-00225483-00225751 table on the table rmFTeT8T83U-00969-00225752-00225831 the rmFTeT8T83U-00970-00225832-00226046 post position on rmFTeT8T83U-00971-00226048-00226158 has rmFTeT8T83U-00972-00226159-00226575 the table as its object rmFTeT8T83U-00973-00226576-00226710 sorry rmFTeT8T83U-00974-00226711-00226927 i am sorry a preposition rmFTeT8T83U-00975-00226928-00227046 has rmFTeT8T83U-00976-00227048-00227294 ah you see the there is another term i rmFTeT8T83U-00977-00227296-00227542 want to give you at this stage rmFTeT8T83U-00978-00227544-00227894 i i don't like throwing terms uh only rmFTeT8T83U-00979-00227896-00228094 so that you have to memorize them or you rmFTeT8T83U-00980-00228096-00228431 have to understand a lot of them rmFTeT8T83U-00981-00228432-00228575 you understand the distinction between rmFTeT8T83U-00982-00228576-00228806 preposition and post positions don't you rmFTeT8T83U-00983-00228807-00229055 you know to combine the two there is rmFTeT8T83U-00984-00229056-00229191 another term which is called add rmFTeT8T83U-00985-00229192-00229358 position rmFTeT8T83U-00986-00229359-00229615 so we use the term add position and rmFTeT8T83U-00987-00229616-00229927 depending on the language we we take rmFTeT8T83U-00988-00229928-00230198 them as preposition or postposition okay rmFTeT8T83U-00989-00230200-00230358 but but that's all right you don't have rmFTeT8T83U-00990-00230359-00230575 to remember the term you're right rmFTeT8T83U-00991-00230576-00230687 in this case rmFTeT8T83U-00992-00230688-00230910 on the table we are talking about a pr rmFTeT8T83U-00993-00230911-00231134 preposition and preposition takes the rmFTeT8T83U-00994-00231135-00231423 object the np we are going to see some rmFTeT8T83U-00995-00231423-00231551 of these things rmFTeT8T83U-00996-00231552-00231798 today now here is how it rmFTeT8T83U-00997-00231800-00232015 hit it works rmFTeT8T83U-00998-00232016-00232255 and i will show you structurally also so rmFTeT8T83U-00999-00232256-00232503 we have a we have a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-01000-00232504-00232863 john plays football in the playground rmFTeT8T83U-01001-00232864-00233110 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01002-00233111-00233198 the rmFTeT8T83U-01003-00233200-00233423 the assumptions that we have made so far rmFTeT8T83U-01004-00233423-00233567 is john rmFTeT8T83U-01005-00233567-00233758 nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-01006-00233759-00233927 what's in the objective case or rmFTeT8T83U-01007-00233928-00234191 accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-01008-00234192-00234358 football rmFTeT8T83U-01009-00234359-00234542 abstract case marker or morphological rmFTeT8T83U-01010-00234544-00234734 case marker rmFTeT8T83U-01011-00234735-00234998 abstract case marker so rmFTeT8T83U-01012-00235000-00235175 i am bringing this thing again the rmFTeT8T83U-01013-00235176-00235358 abstract and morphological justice for rmFTeT8T83U-01014-00235359-00235542 us to understand rmFTeT8T83U-01015-00235544-00235742 whether abstract or morphological it has rmFTeT8T83U-01016-00235744-00235879 a case rmFTeT8T83U-01017-00235880-00236039 ok so rmFTeT8T83U-01018-00236040-00236215 and then we have what what is the other rmFTeT8T83U-01019-00236216-00236439 np that we have rmFTeT8T83U-01020-00236440-00236575 the playground rmFTeT8T83U-01021-00236576-00236934 and the pp is in the playground so the rmFTeT8T83U-01022-00236935-00237142 question is there are three nps in this rmFTeT8T83U-01023-00237144-00237246 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-01024-00237248-00237391 one is john rmFTeT8T83U-01025-00237392-00237671 the other is football and the third is rmFTeT8T83U-01026-00237671-00237806 the playground rmFTeT8T83U-01027-00237807-00238110 each np that is all three of them must rmFTeT8T83U-01028-00238111-00238287 have cases rmFTeT8T83U-01029-00238288-00238623 we need to explain how do they get cases rmFTeT8T83U-01030-00238623-00238815 who gives them case when the moment we rmFTeT8T83U-01031-00238816-00239031 say they must get case rmFTeT8T83U-01032-00239032-00239175 we also rmFTeT8T83U-01033-00239176-00239310 must explain rmFTeT8T83U-01034-00239311-00239527 what gives them cases rmFTeT8T83U-01035-00239528-00239751 and the moment we say we we def we rmFTeT8T83U-01036-00239752-00240015 determine what gives them cases rmFTeT8T83U-01037-00240016-00240351 x bar scheme helps us understand how rmFTeT8T83U-01038-00240352-00240710 ok so quickly let us look at this rmFTeT8T83U-01039-00240711-00240791 so rmFTeT8T83U-01040-00240792-00241015 verbs and post positions assign rmFTeT8T83U-01041-00241016-00241255 accusative cases rmFTeT8T83U-01042-00241256-00241503 verbs and postpositions assign rmFTeT8T83U-01043-00241504-00241791 accusative cases in other words rmFTeT8T83U-01044-00241792-00242271 what we what we really want to say is rmFTeT8T83U-01045-00242271-00242446 when we say rmFTeT8T83U-01046-00242448-00242687 ah verbs and post positions we really rmFTeT8T83U-01047-00242688-00242879 mean heads rmFTeT8T83U-01048-00242880-00243167 so in a vp rmFTeT8T83U-01049-00243167-00243903 what is the head of this vp rmFTeT8T83U-01050-00243904-00244046 and rmFTeT8T83U-01051-00244048-00244151 what's the rmFTeT8T83U-01052-00244152-00244527 head of a rmFTeT8T83U-01053-00244528-00244767 pp rmFTeT8T83U-01054-00244767-00245167 prepositions rmFTeT8T83U-01055-00245167-00245446 so when we say verbs and post positions rmFTeT8T83U-01056-00245448-00245630 assign cases rmFTeT8T83U-01057-00245631-00246006 assign accusative cases what we mean is rmFTeT8T83U-01058-00246007-00246287 heads rmFTeT8T83U-01059-00246288-00246439 assign rmFTeT8T83U-01060-00246440-00246663 accusative cases to rmFTeT8T83U-01061-00246664-00246967 their rmFTeT8T83U-01062-00246967-00247494 compliments rmFTeT8T83U-01063-00247496-00247663 heads assign rmFTeT8T83U-01064-00247664-00247882 accusative cases to their rmFTeT8T83U-01065-00247883-00248215 compliments that is what we mean rmFTeT8T83U-01066-00248216-00248382 when we say verbs and post positions rmFTeT8T83U-01067-00248383-00248687 assign accusative cases to the nps the rmFTeT8T83U-01068-00248688-00248967 govern and c command now rmFTeT8T83U-01069-00248967-00249206 we are bringing in the two terms govern rmFTeT8T83U-01070-00249207-00249351 and c command rmFTeT8T83U-01071-00249352-00249582 right and i am going to explain that to rmFTeT8T83U-01072-00249583-00250063 you rmFTeT8T83U-01073-00250064-00250271 and rmFTeT8T83U-01074-00250271-00250519 ok we answer the last question rmFTeT8T83U-01075-00250519-00250767 what is science case to the subject rmFTeT8T83U-01076-00250767-00251023 little later ok let us first look at rmFTeT8T83U-01077-00251023-00251198 verbs and rmFTeT8T83U-01078-00251200-00251358 postposition rmFTeT8T83U-01079-00251359-00251727 and prepositions rmFTeT8T83U-01080-00251728-00252015 and before that we need to look at rmFTeT8T83U-01081-00252016-00252167 the notion of rmFTeT8T83U-01082-00252167-00252439 c comma government and c command we are rmFTeT8T83U-01083-00252440-00252719 trying to say look at all the structures rmFTeT8T83U-01084-00252719-00252951 that that are in front of you and try rmFTeT8T83U-01085-00252952-00253319 and understand the notion of government rmFTeT8T83U-01086-00253319-00253534 notion of government first and then the rmFTeT8T83U-01087-00253535-00253694 notion of c command rmFTeT8T83U-01088-00253696-00253910 not very complicated these are the rmFTeT8T83U-01089-00253911-00254151 new terms probably you are listening to rmFTeT8T83U-01090-00254152-00254415 these terms for the first time am i am i rmFTeT8T83U-01091-00254416-00254542 right can i rmFTeT8T83U-01092-00254544-00254727 in the advantage in this class is i can rmFTeT8T83U-01093-00254728-00254967 make these assumptions very simply rmFTeT8T83U-01094-00254967-00255103 very simple i cannot make any rmFTeT8T83U-01095-00255104-00255358 assumptions about physics chemistry and rmFTeT8T83U-01096-00255359-00255623 all kinds of engineering in terms of how rmFTeT8T83U-01097-00255623-00255871 much of those things you know or you may rmFTeT8T83U-01098-00255871-00256103 have heard before but about these things rmFTeT8T83U-01099-00256104-00256327 i can make simpler assumptions am i rmFTeT8T83U-01100-00256328-00256519 right and this is not to show you that rmFTeT8T83U-01101-00256519-00256734 you don't know these things i all i am rmFTeT8T83U-01102-00256735-00256951 trying to assure you in fact what i am rmFTeT8T83U-01103-00256952-00257191 trying to assure you that even if you rmFTeT8T83U-01104-00257192-00257351 are listening to these terms for the rmFTeT8T83U-01105-00257352-00257542 first time are not very complicated rmFTeT8T83U-01106-00257544-00257694 terms they are rmFTeT8T83U-01107-00257696-00257967 simpler notions look at this rmFTeT8T83U-01108-00257967-00258182 did you take a look at this rmFTeT8T83U-01109-00258183-00258358 it means it says rmFTeT8T83U-01110-00258359-00258558 a governs b rmFTeT8T83U-01111-00258559-00258798 if and only if rmFTeT8T83U-01112-00258800-00259087 a is a governor rmFTeT8T83U-01113-00259088-00259430 by governor we simply mean heads rmFTeT8T83U-01114-00259431-00259727 only heads are governors rmFTeT8T83U-01115-00259728-00260015 and a c commands b rmFTeT8T83U-01116-00260016-00260342 these two conditions must be fulfilled rmFTeT8T83U-01117-00260344-00260551 for a head to govern rmFTeT8T83U-01118-00260552-00260671 another rmFTeT8T83U-01119-00260671-00260967 another node rmFTeT8T83U-01120-00260967-00261094 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01121-00261096-00261367 the node a governs node b rmFTeT8T83U-01122-00261367-00261655 if and only if a is a governor rmFTeT8T83U-01123-00261656-00261942 which is a must be a head rmFTeT8T83U-01124-00261944-00262055 and rmFTeT8T83U-01125-00262056-00262351 a c commands b rmFTeT8T83U-01126-00262352-00262630 then a is a governor so when we said rmFTeT8T83U-01127-00262631-00262791 hold on before we come to c command rmFTeT8T83U-01128-00262792-00263087 again so when we said rmFTeT8T83U-01129-00263088-00263487 verbs and postpositions are governors rmFTeT8T83U-01130-00263488-00263655 we are also saying verbs and post rmFTeT8T83U-01131-00263656-00263903 positions must be head rmFTeT8T83U-01132-00263904-00264079 heads which they are rmFTeT8T83U-01133-00264080-00264351 and they can assign cases only when they rmFTeT8T83U-01134-00264352-00264630 are in the head position rmFTeT8T83U-01135-00264631-00264887 again i want to underline the notion rmFTeT8T83U-01136-00264888-00265119 that i have told you that it's a sin rmFTeT8T83U-01137-00265120-00265415 it's a it's a property of a sentence rmFTeT8T83U-01138-00265416-00265710 case is a syntactic property verbs rmFTeT8T83U-01139-00265711-00266015 outside a sentence cannot do anything rmFTeT8T83U-01140-00266016-00266351 a verb becomes a head only when its part rmFTeT8T83U-01141-00266352-00266519 of vp rmFTeT8T83U-01142-00266520-00266703 ok so so rmFTeT8T83U-01143-00266704-00266871 keep these things in mind rmFTeT8T83U-01144-00266872-00267143 and rmFTeT8T83U-01145-00267144-00267223 the rmFTeT8T83U-01146-00267224-00267575 verbs assign accusative case only to the rmFTeT8T83U-01147-00267576-00267767 to the np that they govern rmFTeT8T83U-01148-00267768-00268015 right so there must be rmFTeT8T83U-01149-00268016-00268215 a governor that they must be a head and rmFTeT8T83U-01150-00268216-00268382 they must see command how do they see rmFTeT8T83U-01151-00268383-00268806 command a c commands b if and only if a rmFTeT8T83U-01152-00268807-00269103 does not dominate b rmFTeT8T83U-01153-00269104-00269239 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01154-00269240-00269558 and the first branching node dominating rmFTeT8T83U-01155-00269559-00269927 a also dominates b rmFTeT8T83U-01156-00269928-00270223 is that true the first branching node rmFTeT8T83U-01157-00270224-00270575 dominating a also dominates b and here rmFTeT8T83U-01158-00270576-00270806 if the term is not clear if the term rmFTeT8T83U-01159-00270807-00271039 first branching node is not clear rmFTeT8T83U-01160-00271040-00271223 what we mean is this what's the first rmFTeT8T83U-01161-00271224-00271639 branching node here rmFTeT8T83U-01162-00271640-00272134 this is the node which is rmFTeT8T83U-01163-00272135-00272319 branching rmFTeT8T83U-01164-00272320-00272430 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01165-00272431-00272543 however rmFTeT8T83U-01166-00272544-00272839 ok so let us first understand this thing rmFTeT8T83U-01167-00272840-00273006 first branching node rmFTeT8T83U-01168-00273007-00273463 dominating a does it dominate b rmFTeT8T83U-01169-00273464-00273630 yes rmFTeT8T83U-01170-00273631-00273855 someone can extend this thing and say rmFTeT8T83U-01171-00273856-00273982 look rmFTeT8T83U-01172-00273983-00274110 this rmFTeT8T83U-01173-00274111-00274279 node rmFTeT8T83U-01174-00274280-00274382 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01175-00274383-00274655 also dominates both of them rmFTeT8T83U-01176-00274656-00274839 that true rmFTeT8T83U-01177-00274840-00274991 but rmFTeT8T83U-01178-00274992-00275079 this rmFTeT8T83U-01179-00275080-00275319 this node dominates both of them but rmFTeT8T83U-01180-00275320-00275639 this node is not first branching node rmFTeT8T83U-01181-00275640-00276039 dominating the two rmFTeT8T83U-01182-00276040-00276319 this is at second or third or whatever rmFTeT8T83U-01183-00276320-00276558 branching node the first branching node rmFTeT8T83U-01184-00276559-00276782 dominating the two is this one rmFTeT8T83U-01185-00276783-00276999 this is why we are introducing the term rmFTeT8T83U-01186-00277000-00277223 first branching node rmFTeT8T83U-01187-00277224-00277791 dominating a also dominates b rmFTeT8T83U-01188-00277792-00277991 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01189-00277992-00278230 the this definition rmFTeT8T83U-01190-00278231-00278551 runs little bit into difficulty and then rmFTeT8T83U-01191-00278552-00278695 there are rmFTeT8T83U-01192-00278696-00278943 ah rmFTeT8T83U-01193-00278944-00279143 control mechanism applied to these rmFTeT8T83U-01194-00279144-00279319 things which i do not want to show you rmFTeT8T83U-01195-00279320-00279519 right now i only want you to understand rmFTeT8T83U-01196-00279520-00279823 with clarity the two terms government rmFTeT8T83U-01197-00279824-00279967 and rmFTeT8T83U-01198-00279968-00280110 c command rmFTeT8T83U-01199-00280111-00280247 where rmFTeT8T83U-01200-00280248-00280510 case assignment simply means rmFTeT8T83U-01201-00280511-00280655 that rmFTeT8T83U-01202-00280656-00280839 when the verb rmFTeT8T83U-01203-00280840-00280982 assigns rmFTeT8T83U-01204-00280983-00281055 a rmFTeT8T83U-01205-00281056-00281175 case rmFTeT8T83U-01206-00281176-00281343 to the np rmFTeT8T83U-01207-00281344-00281823 football rmFTeT8T83U-01208-00281824-00281967 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01209-00281968-00282279 it is science accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-01210-00282280-00282479 with the notion of rmFTeT8T83U-01211-00282480-00282830 government and c command which means rmFTeT8T83U-01212-00282831-00282919 verb rmFTeT8T83U-01213-00282920-00283039 governs its rmFTeT8T83U-01214-00283040-00283239 complement rmFTeT8T83U-01215-00283240-00283606 verb c commands its complement rmFTeT8T83U-01216-00283607-00283767 you may be wondering why do we need to rmFTeT8T83U-01217-00283768-00283951 say govern and see command rmFTeT8T83U-01218-00283952-00284223 why can't we simply say verb science rmFTeT8T83U-01219-00284224-00284527 accusative case okay the answer to this rmFTeT8T83U-01220-00284528-00284719 question i will show you little little rmFTeT8T83U-01221-00284720-00284903 later but by a little later i don't rmFTeT8T83U-01222-00284904-00285134 think we are going to do it today we're rmFTeT8T83U-01223-00285135-00285279 running out of time rmFTeT8T83U-01224-00285280-00285463 but i'll show you that that thing but rmFTeT8T83U-01225-00285464-00285615 hold on let me let me conclude this rmFTeT8T83U-01226-00285616-00285815 thing rmFTeT8T83U-01227-00285816-00286103 does this apply here too rmFTeT8T83U-01228-00286104-00286463 in the the the post position is in rmFTeT8T83U-01229-00286464-00286543 and rmFTeT8T83U-01230-00286544-00286791 what was the other np rmFTeT8T83U-01231-00286792-00287015 the playground rmFTeT8T83U-01232-00287016-00287391 the complement of this p is the np rmFTeT8T83U-01233-00287392-00287910 the rmFTeT8T83U-01234-00287911-00288175 playground and i am i am rmFTeT8T83U-01235-00288176-00288430 assuming here that you understand rmFTeT8T83U-01236-00288431-00288647 that we are not talking about playground rmFTeT8T83U-01237-00288648-00288967 we are talking about the entire np rmFTeT8T83U-01238-00288968-00289271 okay so this p rmFTeT8T83U-01239-00289272-00289471 is a governor rmFTeT8T83U-01240-00289472-00289775 it governs this np and it c commands rmFTeT8T83U-01241-00289776-00289887 this np rmFTeT8T83U-01242-00289888-00290071 therefore we say rmFTeT8T83U-01243-00290072-00290206 prepositions rmFTeT8T83U-01244-00290207-00290423 and rmFTeT8T83U-01245-00290424-00290615 prepositions and rmFTeT8T83U-01246-00290616-00290727 verbs rmFTeT8T83U-01247-00290728-00290927 are governors rmFTeT8T83U-01248-00290928-00291063 they are heads rmFTeT8T83U-01249-00291064-00291175 and they rmFTeT8T83U-01250-00291176-00291439 assign accusative cases rmFTeT8T83U-01251-00291440-00291654 with the notion of government and rmFTeT8T83U-01252-00291655-00291934 segment rmFTeT8T83U-01253-00291935-00292182 this is what i mean when i said rmFTeT8T83U-01254-00292183-00292575 x bar scheme helps us understand certain rmFTeT8T83U-01255-00292576-00292743 of these things rmFTeT8T83U-01256-00292744-00292847 i am rmFTeT8T83U-01257-00292848-00293054 not skipping i am leaving it behind i rmFTeT8T83U-01258-00293055-00293230 had it on schedule rmFTeT8T83U-01259-00293231-00293375 we thought we will be able to look at rmFTeT8T83U-01260-00293376-00293567 nominative case also rmFTeT8T83U-01261-00293568-00293710 but we will look at nominative case rmFTeT8T83U-01262-00293711-00293934 tomorrow it is important for us to rmFTeT8T83U-01263-00293935-00294158 understand but before we go let me just rmFTeT8T83U-01264-00294159-00294439 show you one more thing where we started rmFTeT8T83U-01265-00294440-00294654 do you see again this finite clause rmFTeT8T83U-01266-00294655-00294975 for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-01267-00294976-00295151 do you see this thing sorry non-finite rmFTeT8T83U-01268-00295152-00295303 clause rmFTeT8T83U-01269-00295304-00295567 what is for doing here rmFTeT8T83U-01270-00295568-00295782 can we not say him to go to the rmFTeT8T83U-01271-00295783-00296006 he to go to we are not saying he to go rmFTeT8T83U-01272-00296007-00296239 to the lead you see this thing rmFTeT8T83U-01273-00296240-00296543 we we we use these kinds of sentences rmFTeT8T83U-01274-00296544-00296823 but i am asking you to draw your rmFTeT8T83U-01275-00296824-00297047 attention to these sentences rmFTeT8T83U-01276-00297048-00297230 and probably it will make more sense to rmFTeT8T83U-01277-00297231-00297319 you rmFTeT8T83U-01278-00297320-00297582 what is him doing here how did it get rmFTeT8T83U-01279-00297583-00297671 him rmFTeT8T83U-01280-00297672-00297871 and where did it get accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-01281-00297872-00298167 from rmFTeT8T83U-01282-00298168-00298375 him is a accusative case mark accusative rmFTeT8T83U-01283-00298376-00298527 case mp rmFTeT8T83U-01284-00298528-00298623 him rmFTeT8T83U-01285-00298624-00298710 right rmFTeT8T83U-01286-00298711-00298951 and who gave it accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-01287-00298952-00299230 even though it is non-finite sentence rmFTeT8T83U-01288-00299231-00299463 him is the subject of that non-finite rmFTeT8T83U-01289-00299464-00299654 sentence rmFTeT8T83U-01290-00299655-00299927 i will i'll show you these clauses rmFTeT8T83U-01291-00299928-00300047 threadbare rmFTeT8T83U-01292-00300048-00300287 to see these notions rmFTeT8T83U-01293-00300288-00300534 and i don't want to leave you guessing rmFTeT8T83U-01294-00300535-00300758 for the time being i can tell you the rmFTeT8T83U-01295-00300759-00301047 preposition for is giving accusative rmFTeT8T83U-01296-00301048-00301263 case to him rmFTeT8T83U-01297-00301264-00301391 okay rmFTeT8T83U-01298-00301392-00301623 in the subject position it is getting an rmFTeT8T83U-01299-00301624-00301799 accusative case rmFTeT8T83U-01300-00301800-00301934 we cannot have rmFTeT8T83U-01301-00301935-00302079 just he rmFTeT8T83U-01302-00302080-00302247 he there rmFTeT8T83U-01303-00302248-00302471 and therefore for a sentence like this rmFTeT8T83U-01304-00302472-00302782 we must say for him to go to delhi rmFTeT8T83U-01305-00302783-00303006 we need to begin the sentences with with rmFTeT8T83U-01306-00303007-00303375 prepositions because rmFTeT8T83U-01307-00303376-00303695 if we don't have the preposition there rmFTeT8T83U-01308-00303696-00303958 this np remains uncase marked rmFTeT8T83U-01309-00303959-00304127 and therefore not a good rmFTeT8T83U-01310-00304128-00304343 good sentence we can say he to go to rmFTeT8T83U-01311-00304344-00304623 delhi is impossible or not possible we rmFTeT8T83U-01312-00304624-00304871 have to say for him to go to delhi is rmFTeT8T83U-01313-00304872-00305063 not possible more rmFTeT8T83U-01314-00305064-00305167 later rmFTeT8T83U-01315-00305168-00305303 i do want you to understand this rmFTeT8T83U-01316-00305304-00305534 sentence and sentences like these when rmFTeT8T83U-01317-00305535-00308054 we have looked at more ok thank you rmFTeT8T83U-01318-00308055-00308264 you rnkN5ckwOBA-00000-00000026-00001031 [Music] rnkN5ckwOBA-00001-00001032-00001158 what is good everybody welcome to an rnkN5ckwOBA-00002-00001159-00001366 epic my name toys video today ladies and rnkN5ckwOBA-00003-00001367-00001439 gentlemen we rnkN5ckwOBA-00004-00001440-00001679 i mean i can't even i can't even believe rnkN5ckwOBA-00005-00001680-00001751 it brad rnkN5ckwOBA-00006-00001752-00001967 i can't even believe it i mean every rnkN5ckwOBA-00007-00001968-00002142 single day i wake up i just rnkN5ckwOBA-00008-00002143-00002383 is there just going to be a ewf i just rnkN5ckwOBA-00009-00002384-00002534 get slapped in the titties rnkN5ckwOBA-00010-00002535-00002807 with aew figure news every single day it rnkN5ckwOBA-00011-00002808-00002926 seems i swear rnkN5ckwOBA-00012-00002927-00003102 every day for the last two weeks it rnkN5ckwOBA-00013-00003103-00003286 seems like we have reported on something rnkN5ckwOBA-00014-00003288-00003367 we have found rnkN5ckwOBA-00015-00003368-00003583 something we have leaked something and rnkN5ckwOBA-00016-00003584-00003775 we're not done brad we're still going on rnkN5ckwOBA-00017-00003776-00003879 here today guys rnkN5ckwOBA-00018-00003879-00004175 and today we have officially a leaked rnkN5ckwOBA-00019-00004176-00004343 image of the packaging rnkN5ckwOBA-00020-00004344-00004631 of aew unrivaled series number five you rnkN5ckwOBA-00021-00004632-00004783 guys remember the same thing happened rnkN5ckwOBA-00022-00004784-00004895 with series number four rnkN5ckwOBA-00023-00004896-00005063 i kind of thought it was a fake at first rnkN5ckwOBA-00024-00005064-00005199 that's why i didn't report on it i rnkN5ckwOBA-00025-00005200-00005302 didn't post on it rnkN5ckwOBA-00026-00005303-00005591 then come to find out it was indeed real rnkN5ckwOBA-00027-00005592-00005791 and now that same person has came back rnkN5ckwOBA-00028-00005792-00005983 and we are reporting on series number rnkN5ckwOBA-00029-00005984-00006054 five now rnkN5ckwOBA-00030-00006055-00006206 and i'm gonna put the image up for you rnkN5ckwOBA-00031-00006207-00006359 guys check out and we're gonna cover all rnkN5ckwOBA-00032-00006360-00006503 the things and talk about everything rnkN5ckwOBA-00033-00006504-00006631 going on with it so rnkN5ckwOBA-00034-00006631-00006806 let's go ahead and put this image up rnkN5ckwOBA-00035-00006808-00006942 guys lucha rnkN5ckwOBA-00036-00006943-00007214 saurus on the back of the box right here rnkN5ckwOBA-00037-00007215-00007310 you got the big rnkN5ckwOBA-00038-00007311-00007503 beautiful man and specimen that is rnkN5ckwOBA-00039-00007504-00007710 luchasaurus right there big signature rnkN5ckwOBA-00040-00007711-00007791 across the back rnkN5ckwOBA-00041-00007792-00008031 lucha saurus double or nothing attire rnkN5ckwOBA-00042-00008031-00008239 series 5 unrivaled collection with the rnkN5ckwOBA-00043-00008240-00008342 rest of the wave rnkN5ckwOBA-00044-00008343-00008495 down below now there's a lot of things rnkN5ckwOBA-00045-00008496-00008678 to talk about with this and the first rnkN5ckwOBA-00046-00008679-00008742 thing is rnkN5ckwOBA-00047-00008743-00008999 lucha saurus is finally here i've been rnkN5ckwOBA-00048-00009000-00009142 waiting on a lucha source rnkN5ckwOBA-00049-00009143-00009327 for way too long you guys know i've been rnkN5ckwOBA-00050-00009328-00009471 on here i've been talking about lucha rnkN5ckwOBA-00051-00009472-00009631 soros he's one of my favorites in all of rnkN5ckwOBA-00052-00009632-00009831 aew i think he's super unique i brought rnkN5ckwOBA-00053-00009832-00009959 him to the pickfed rnkN5ckwOBA-00054-00009960-00010214 now i can officially have my unrivaled rnkN5ckwOBA-00055-00010215-00010295 collection rnkN5ckwOBA-00056-00010296-00010495 luchasaurus figure and you guys will rnkN5ckwOBA-00057-00010496-00010655 also notice not only are we getting rnkN5ckwOBA-00058-00010656-00010799 lucha soros but we got rnkN5ckwOBA-00059-00010800-00011014 jungle boy in the set as well no rnkN5ckwOBA-00060-00011015-00011103 information rnkN5ckwOBA-00061-00011104-00011367 on marco just yet but just having lucha rnkN5ckwOBA-00062-00011368-00011527 source and jungle boy in this is rnkN5ckwOBA-00063-00011528-00011751 absolutely massive we obviously put it rnkN5ckwOBA-00064-00011752-00011774 up rnkN5ckwOBA-00065-00011775-00011951 a week ago or something like that we rnkN5ckwOBA-00066-00011952-00012078 thought that the target app rnkN5ckwOBA-00067-00012079-00012223 you know they revealed that wave three rnkN5ckwOBA-00068-00012224-00012399 was gonna have lucha source in it rnkN5ckwOBA-00069-00012400-00012567 they ended up being inaccurate we rnkN5ckwOBA-00070-00012568-00012742 thought that he would be in series four rnkN5ckwOBA-00071-00012743-00012983 but eventually he was pushed back to rnkN5ckwOBA-00072-00012984-00013158 series five which is unveiled right here rnkN5ckwOBA-00073-00013159-00013238 to us so rnkN5ckwOBA-00074-00013240-00013455 lucha saurus and jungle boy it looks rnkN5ckwOBA-00075-00013456-00013630 like their tires are going to be double rnkN5ckwOBA-00076-00013631-00013719 or nothing rnkN5ckwOBA-00077-00013719-00013966 and i'll put up images of those guys and rnkN5ckwOBA-00078-00013968-00014119 what those guys should look like what rnkN5ckwOBA-00079-00014119-00014255 their gear should look like rnkN5ckwOBA-00080-00014256-00014399 doesn't really matter what gear they go rnkN5ckwOBA-00081-00014400-00014575 for guys because i'm gonna definitely be rnkN5ckwOBA-00082-00014576-00014751 grabbing a couple copies probably even rnkN5ckwOBA-00083-00014752-00014894 three or four because rnkN5ckwOBA-00084-00014895-00015030 i love these guys i think they're rnkN5ckwOBA-00085-00015031-00015199 fantastic i use them in the picfat as rnkN5ckwOBA-00086-00015200-00015294 you guys know so rnkN5ckwOBA-00087-00015295-00015463 using their official figures over some rnkN5ckwOBA-00088-00015463-00015638 customs will be grand rnkN5ckwOBA-00089-00015640-00015791 even though i just finished my custom rnkN5ckwOBA-00090-00015791-00015927 i'm sure it'll be a little bit before we rnkN5ckwOBA-00091-00015928-00016071 get these guys but nonetheless rnkN5ckwOBA-00092-00016072-00016247 nonetheless we are getting them and i rnkN5ckwOBA-00093-00016247-00016415 cannot wait to see what their official rnkN5ckwOBA-00094-00016416-00016558 figures look like it should be really rnkN5ckwOBA-00095-00016559-00016647 exciting so rnkN5ckwOBA-00096-00016648-00016839 luchasaurus and jungle boy are confirmed rnkN5ckwOBA-00097-00016840-00016991 for series number five the rest of the rnkN5ckwOBA-00098-00016992-00017094 figures in the wave though rnkN5ckwOBA-00099-00017095-00017303 is actually very interesting as well rnkN5ckwOBA-00100-00017304-00017486 because as you guys will see we have rnkN5ckwOBA-00101-00017487-00017719 john moxley this will be our second john rnkN5ckwOBA-00102-00017720-00017855 moxley you guys know we got rnkN5ckwOBA-00103-00017856-00018047 our first one in series number two that rnkN5ckwOBA-00104-00018048-00018222 was a great looking figure i have a few rnkN5ckwOBA-00105-00018223-00018358 of them in my collection rnkN5ckwOBA-00106-00018359-00018503 i really enjoy that figure i thought it rnkN5ckwOBA-00107-00018504-00018671 was the best figure in all of series rnkN5ckwOBA-00108-00018672-00018758 number two rnkN5ckwOBA-00109-00018759-00018919 i like it a lot it looks like the rnkN5ckwOBA-00110-00018920-00019111 championship is draped over his shoulder rnkN5ckwOBA-00111-00019112-00019335 so i'm guessing it's going to be a john rnkN5ckwOBA-00112-00019336-00019511 moxley it probably won't have the scar rnkN5ckwOBA-00113-00019512-00019671 on the forehead or at least the you know rnkN5ckwOBA-00114-00019672-00019758 the stitched look rnkN5ckwOBA-00115-00019759-00019919 on the forehead it's probably going to rnkN5ckwOBA-00116-00019920-00020135 include the eye patch if i had to guess rnkN5ckwOBA-00117-00020136-00020279 and we don't know what a tire is going rnkN5ckwOBA-00118-00020280-00020414 to be so that's kind of you know we rnkN5ckwOBA-00119-00020415-00020527 don't know if it's going to be the same rnkN5ckwOBA-00120-00020528-00020671 attire with different head sculpts if rnkN5ckwOBA-00121-00020672-00020783 it's going to include a couple different rnkN5ckwOBA-00122-00020784-00020863 head sculpts rnkN5ckwOBA-00123-00020864-00021071 we don't know the whole the whole thing rnkN5ckwOBA-00124-00021072-00021247 of it but i'm guessing he will come with rnkN5ckwOBA-00125-00021248-00021455 the aew championship simply because he rnkN5ckwOBA-00126-00021456-00021519 has it rnkN5ckwOBA-00127-00021520-00021743 in the back of the packaging right here rnkN5ckwOBA-00128-00021744-00021927 which is going to lead us into our other rnkN5ckwOBA-00129-00021928-00022078 two figures in this thing rnkN5ckwOBA-00130-00022079-00022303 which is going to be scorpio sky and rnkN5ckwOBA-00131-00022304-00022455 frankie kazarian rnkN5ckwOBA-00132-00022456-00022727 out of scu and the eight they have the rnkN5ckwOBA-00133-00022728-00022799 aew rnkN5ckwOBA-00134-00022800-00022967 tag team championships on the back of rnkN5ckwOBA-00135-00022968-00023199 the packaging in their photos so i am rnkN5ckwOBA-00136-00023200-00023350 guessing this will be our first time in rnkN5ckwOBA-00137-00023351-00023591 the line look at the aew tag team rnkN5ckwOBA-00138-00023592-00023686 championships rnkN5ckwOBA-00139-00023687-00023878 these will these will come with the you rnkN5ckwOBA-00140-00023879-00024071 know with the guys in each of their rnkN5ckwOBA-00141-00024072-00024135 boxes rnkN5ckwOBA-00142-00024136-00024319 i'm super excited to add both of those rnkN5ckwOBA-00143-00024320-00024519 guys to our tag team collections and we rnkN5ckwOBA-00144-00024520-00024550 have rnkN5ckwOBA-00145-00024551-00024767 two different tag teams featured in this rnkN5ckwOBA-00146-00024768-00024911 wave i think that's the first time we've rnkN5ckwOBA-00147-00024912-00025103 seen that so not only are we getting rnkN5ckwOBA-00148-00025104-00025335 jurassic express but we're also getting rnkN5ckwOBA-00149-00025336-00025407 scu rnkN5ckwOBA-00150-00025408-00025583 so i'm guessing that christopher daniels rnkN5ckwOBA-00151-00025584-00025767 will probably come in the next wave rnkN5ckwOBA-00152-00025768-00025983 and uh maybe marco stunt who knows we'll rnkN5ckwOBA-00153-00025983-00026143 have to see we'll have to see about that rnkN5ckwOBA-00154-00026144-00026246 and everything like that rnkN5ckwOBA-00155-00026247-00026439 a couple things to note also which we'll rnkN5ckwOBA-00156-00026439-00026607 get into in a minute though i want to rnkN5ckwOBA-00157-00026608-00026774 cover these tag teams real quick it's rnkN5ckwOBA-00158-00026775-00026935 kind of crazy how fast we're getting tag rnkN5ckwOBA-00159-00026936-00027095 teams like i feel like we have a bunch rnkN5ckwOBA-00160-00027095-00027151 already rnkN5ckwOBA-00161-00027152-00027327 so once this wave completely releases rnkN5ckwOBA-00162-00027327-00027511 guys that is going to be four total tag rnkN5ckwOBA-00163-00027512-00027702 teams i do believe that we have seen rnkN5ckwOBA-00164-00027704-00027935 count the lucha bros the young bucks scu rnkN5ckwOBA-00165-00027936-00028127 and jurassic express and i'm guessing rnkN5ckwOBA-00166-00028127-00028295 that it is only going to get bigger and rnkN5ckwOBA-00167-00028295-00028487 bigger as we grow i'm sure best friends rnkN5ckwOBA-00168-00028488-00028583 are coming soon rnkN5ckwOBA-00169-00028583-00028799 private party is probably coming soon of rnkN5ckwOBA-00170-00028800-00028999 course we know that in series 4 we're rnkN5ckwOBA-00171-00029000-00029055 getting rnkN5ckwOBA-00172-00029056-00029335 santana and ortiz so this is really big rnkN5ckwOBA-00173-00029336-00029495 i'm excited man i can't wait to see it rnkN5ckwOBA-00174-00029495-00029527 but rnkN5ckwOBA-00175-00029527-00029702 i'm excited to get scorpio sky and rnkN5ckwOBA-00176-00029704-00029846 kazarian in here can't wait to see what rnkN5ckwOBA-00177-00029847-00029990 the championships look like rnkN5ckwOBA-00178-00029991-00030143 when we get them in hand and everything rnkN5ckwOBA-00179-00030144-00030270 i can't wait to see the gear that they rnkN5ckwOBA-00180-00030272-00030335 give them rnkN5ckwOBA-00181-00030336-00030518 and all of that stuff next up guys we rnkN5ckwOBA-00182-00030519-00030767 also have adam hangman page to round out rnkN5ckwOBA-00183-00030768-00030999 our series of six i'm also curious to rnkN5ckwOBA-00184-00031000-00031158 see who will be the chase variants in rnkN5ckwOBA-00185-00031160-00031287 the set you guys know those rnkN5ckwOBA-00186-00031288-00031535 two chase variants in every single wave rnkN5ckwOBA-00187-00031536-00031711 and i'm excited to see which guys end up rnkN5ckwOBA-00188-00031712-00031846 getting it it'd be really cool to see rnkN5ckwOBA-00189-00031847-00032007 lucha source and jungle boy get the rnkN5ckwOBA-00190-00032008-00032158 chase variants but we'll have to see rnkN5ckwOBA-00191-00032160-00032302 about that that would just be what i rnkN5ckwOBA-00192-00032303-00032502 would like to see i'd also like to see rnkN5ckwOBA-00193-00032503-00032711 seu possibly get them and i'd be fine rnkN5ckwOBA-00194-00032712-00032871 with moxley getting another chase very rnkN5ckwOBA-00195-00032872-00033007 it wouldn't bother me but loser source rnkN5ckwOBA-00196-00033008-00033159 is one that i'd really like to see rnkN5ckwOBA-00197-00033160-00033335 with jungle boy give them a different rnkN5ckwOBA-00198-00033336-00033495 look give them something to search out rnkN5ckwOBA-00199-00033496-00033631 for and stuff like that but rnkN5ckwOBA-00200-00033632-00033839 overall really strong stuff adam hangman rnkN5ckwOBA-00201-00033840-00033990 paige i'm guessing he'll probably be in rnkN5ckwOBA-00202-00033991-00034127 his longer tights look rnkN5ckwOBA-00203-00034128-00034335 maybe i'm not entirely sure when exactly rnkN5ckwOBA-00204-00034336-00034511 he started rocking that look but adam rnkN5ckwOBA-00205-00034512-00034679 hangman paige doesn't really matter to rnkN5ckwOBA-00206-00034680-00034727 me rnkN5ckwOBA-00207-00034728-00034918 i enjoy it i think his figure will be rnkN5ckwOBA-00208-00034919-00035071 improved upon from his last one same rnkN5ckwOBA-00209-00035072-00035223 thing for moxley and stuff so rnkN5ckwOBA-00210-00035224-00035407 the more re-releases we get at least rnkN5ckwOBA-00211-00035408-00035574 their second figure or their first rnkN5ckwOBA-00212-00035575-00035639 figures rnkN5ckwOBA-00213-00035640-00035783 were not you know their skin tones rnkN5ckwOBA-00214-00035784-00035990 weren't messed up so uh we know exactly rnkN5ckwOBA-00215-00035991-00036118 what we'll probably get as far as their rnkN5ckwOBA-00216-00036119-00036246 skin tones are concerned rnkN5ckwOBA-00217-00036247-00036407 the head swaps and things like that are rnkN5ckwOBA-00218-00036408-00036567 coming soon you know because we'll get rnkN5ckwOBA-00219-00036568-00036735 to interchange those things and stuff as rnkN5ckwOBA-00220-00036736-00036927 we get more head sculpts and more looks rnkN5ckwOBA-00221-00036928-00037143 so that is super exciting i mean dude i rnkN5ckwOBA-00222-00037144-00037287 just can't believe that we get more and rnkN5ckwOBA-00223-00037288-00037511 more aew figure news it's like again it rnkN5ckwOBA-00224-00037512-00037630 just comes out of nowhere and we just rnkN5ckwOBA-00225-00037631-00037823 bam bam bam and here it is and it's rnkN5ckwOBA-00226-00037824-00037990 unveiled to us again but overall the rnkN5ckwOBA-00227-00037991-00038127 full wave looks great and rnkN5ckwOBA-00228-00038128-00038318 i think another thing to discuss is that rnkN5ckwOBA-00229-00038319-00038607 moxley and adam hangman paige were both rnkN5ckwOBA-00230-00038608-00038759 in those amazon leaks you remember the rnkN5ckwOBA-00231-00038760-00038918 amazon screenshots that we talked about rnkN5ckwOBA-00232-00038919-00039062 yesterday those were rnkN5ckwOBA-00233-00039063-00039230 those two guys were on there and it said rnkN5ckwOBA-00234-00039231-00039399 wave five so amazon nailed rnkN5ckwOBA-00235-00039400-00039583 it they also had luchasaurus on there rnkN5ckwOBA-00236-00039584-00039751 for series three but we already knew rnkN5ckwOBA-00237-00039752-00039935 that that wasn't right because we knew rnkN5ckwOBA-00238-00039936-00040135 about series three we have series three rnkN5ckwOBA-00239-00040136-00040271 there's no lucha saurus rnkN5ckwOBA-00240-00040272-00040430 so we knew that wasn't accurate we rnkN5ckwOBA-00241-00040431-00040599 thought he'd be in series four that's rnkN5ckwOBA-00242-00040600-00040702 not accurate either rnkN5ckwOBA-00243-00040703-00040902 so it looks like he is in series number rnkN5ckwOBA-00244-00040903-00041095 five and yeah i mean that's just that's rnkN5ckwOBA-00245-00041096-00041230 just what it is man so it looks like rnkN5ckwOBA-00246-00041231-00041423 amazon was accurate so i would think rnkN5ckwOBA-00247-00041424-00041574 that the rest of those figures that are rnkN5ckwOBA-00248-00041575-00041727 in later series that we haven't already rnkN5ckwOBA-00249-00041728-00041790 gotten are rnkN5ckwOBA-00250-00041791-00042007 probably concrete like the brian cage rnkN5ckwOBA-00251-00042008-00042183 the brodie lees and all of those things rnkN5ckwOBA-00252-00042184-00042262 i think that rnkN5ckwOBA-00253-00042263-00042399 you know some of those figures that they rnkN5ckwOBA-00254-00042400-00042590 unveiled to us the unmatched series all rnkN5ckwOBA-00255-00042591-00042718 of those different screenshots that we rnkN5ckwOBA-00256-00042719-00042830 took a look at yesterday rnkN5ckwOBA-00257-00042831-00043046 are probably going to be pretty damn rnkN5ckwOBA-00258-00043047-00043239 accurate but i had to put this up to you rnkN5ckwOBA-00259-00043240-00043383 guys i had to see what you guys think of rnkN5ckwOBA-00260-00043384-00043502 it and everything like that rnkN5ckwOBA-00261-00043503-00043718 did you guys watch aew dynamite last rnkN5ckwOBA-00262-00043719-00043935 night they cut lucha sources freaking rnkN5ckwOBA-00263-00043936-00044062 horns off his mask rnkN5ckwOBA-00264-00044063-00044343 made me very upset ftr did that so i rnkN5ckwOBA-00265-00044344-00044399 don't know rnkN5ckwOBA-00266-00044400-00044583 that made me upset pretty john brown rnkN5ckwOBA-00267-00044584-00044767 good episode of of dynamite last night rnkN5ckwOBA-00268-00044768-00044902 if you guys missed it but rnkN5ckwOBA-00269-00044903-00045102 series 5 overall looks great i'm excited rnkN5ckwOBA-00270-00045103-00045279 i like all these guys so you know i rnkN5ckwOBA-00271-00045280-00045399 don't have a problem with it you got rnkN5ckwOBA-00272-00045400-00045430 four rnkN5ckwOBA-00273-00045431-00045607 first time in the lines two guys that rnkN5ckwOBA-00274-00045608-00045767 i've been waiting on forever and then rnkN5ckwOBA-00275-00045768-00045967 scorpio sky and kazarian i think are rnkN5ckwOBA-00276-00045968-00046127 great and i've been waiting on the aew rnkN5ckwOBA-00277-00046128-00046302 world tag team championship so i i don't rnkN5ckwOBA-00278-00046303-00046462 have a football problem with it man i'm rnkN5ckwOBA-00279-00046463-00046615 excited i can't wait to see it rnkN5ckwOBA-00280-00046616-00046758 i can't wait to get him in here and see rnkN5ckwOBA-00281-00046759-00046958 what we officially get uh since this was rnkN5ckwOBA-00282-00046959-00047079 leaked you guys know that rnkN5ckwOBA-00283-00047080-00047239 since this was i think it was like a rnkN5ckwOBA-00284-00047240-00047439 couple days after it may have even been rnkN5ckwOBA-00285-00047440-00047535 like a day later rnkN5ckwOBA-00286-00047536-00047702 jeremy took to twitter and ended up rnkN5ckwOBA-00287-00047703-00047918 confirming it or you know like following rnkN5ckwOBA-00288-00047919-00048095 up and talking about series four rnkN5ckwOBA-00289-00048096-00048223 i don't know if he'll do the same thing rnkN5ckwOBA-00290-00048224-00048415 for this but i would say that this is rnkN5ckwOBA-00291-00048416-00048543 about 98 rnkN5ckwOBA-00292-00048544-00048727 accurate i don't think this is any you rnkN5ckwOBA-00293-00048728-00048886 know i don't think this is false i don't rnkN5ckwOBA-00294-00048887-00049055 think this is fake i feel like this rnkN5ckwOBA-00295-00049056-00049207 information is pretty solid rnkN5ckwOBA-00296-00049208-00049351 and we'll just have to see about that rnkN5ckwOBA-00297-00049352-00049502 but i'm pretty sure this is good because rnkN5ckwOBA-00298-00049503-00049639 this is the same person rnkN5ckwOBA-00299-00049640-00049855 how shiny on instagram is the one that rnkN5ckwOBA-00300-00049856-00050023 did the same thing with series 4 it rnkN5ckwOBA-00301-00050024-00050127 completely turned out rnkN5ckwOBA-00302-00050128-00050367 completely accurate and and everything rnkN5ckwOBA-00303-00050368-00050558 real the chase variants were real the rnkN5ckwOBA-00304-00050559-00050599 the rnkN5ckwOBA-00305-00050600-00050823 screenshots were real the photo you know rnkN5ckwOBA-00306-00050824-00050974 obviously the photos weren't that clear rnkN5ckwOBA-00307-00050975-00051118 but they were still right like rnkN5ckwOBA-00308-00051119-00051375 this they were correct on all cylinders rnkN5ckwOBA-00309-00051376-00051519 so i don't know man it's just crazy with rnkN5ckwOBA-00310-00051520-00051623 all the stuff we've been getting but rnkN5ckwOBA-00311-00051624-00051766 before we get out of here guys i did rnkN5ckwOBA-00312-00051767-00051966 want to put this up to you guys show it rnkN5ckwOBA-00313-00051967-00052111 off see what you guys thought about it i rnkN5ckwOBA-00314-00052112-00052294 can't wait for luchasaurus man it blows rnkN5ckwOBA-00315-00052295-00052463 my damn mind that we're getting that but rnkN5ckwOBA-00316-00052464-00052623 let's get into our random shout out rnkN5ckwOBA-00317-00052624-00052759 before we get the hell out of here and rnkN5ckwOBA-00318-00052760-00052903 this random shout out is going to go to rnkN5ckwOBA-00319-00052904-00053111 aqua tejas or tasias rnkN5ckwOBA-00320-00053112-00053430 tj shout out tj aqua to jazz t haas rnkN5ckwOBA-00321-00053432-00053663 tejas aqua got it he says kenny looks rnkN5ckwOBA-00322-00053664-00053823 like he's going to shoot someone's head rnkN5ckwOBA-00323-00053824-00053975 off and i agree brad he looked pretty rnkN5ckwOBA-00324-00053976-00054191 pissed off and angry i liked it a lot i rnkN5ckwOBA-00325-00054191-00054359 thought it looked great i thought the rnkN5ckwOBA-00326-00054360-00054542 figure the aew series 4 rnkN5ckwOBA-00327-00054544-00054726 kitty omega looks great and it looks rnkN5ckwOBA-00328-00054727-00054975 like uh he agrees with it there but huge rnkN5ckwOBA-00329-00054976-00055142 shout out to aqua tejas or t rnkN5ckwOBA-00330-00055144-00055319 jazz for that comment guys thank you so rnkN5ckwOBA-00331-00055320-00055430 very much for watching let me know what rnkN5ckwOBA-00332-00055432-00055535 you think of series 5 down in the rnkN5ckwOBA-00333-00055536-00055663 comment section below i would really rnkN5ckwOBA-00334-00055664-00055782 appreciate it i would love to hear your rnkN5ckwOBA-00335-00055783-00055942 thoughts down on it but another thing i rnkN5ckwOBA-00336-00055944-00056047 also wanted to ask rnkN5ckwOBA-00337-00056048-00056287 is if i were to have a figure if i had a rnkN5ckwOBA-00338-00056288-00056415 figure released of myself rnkN5ckwOBA-00339-00056416-00056623 what three accessories would my action rnkN5ckwOBA-00340-00056624-00056815 figure the mdt action figure come with rnkN5ckwOBA-00341-00056816-00056966 let me know down in the comments section rnkN5ckwOBA-00342-00056967-00057023 below rnkN5ckwOBA-00343-00057024-00057159 i would really appreciate it you'll get rnkN5ckwOBA-00344-00057160-00057303 an automatic heart thank you for rnkN5ckwOBA-00345-00057304-00057423 watching subscribe to the channel and rnkN5ckwOBA-00346-00057424-00057494 i'll see you guys rnkN5ckwOBA-00347-00057495-00059335 in the next video don't cross the line rnkN5ckwOBA-00348-00059336-00060059 [Music] so93MJ0xbGU-00000-00000000-00000176 as the case number grows in Minnesota so93MJ0xbGU-00001-00000177-00000337 we've learned a teenager has been so93MJ0xbGU-00002-00000338-00000532 diagnosed with kovat 19 now here's so93MJ0xbGU-00003-00000533-00000703 what's happened today the Minnesota so93MJ0xbGU-00004-00000704-00000866 Department of Health announced seven new so93MJ0xbGU-00005-00000867-00001052 cases of the virus bringing the total so93MJ0xbGU-00006-00001053-00001295 case number to 21 health officials say so93MJ0xbGU-00007-00001296-00001502 the current cases have not come as a so93MJ0xbGU-00008-00001503-00001697 result of community spread the new so93MJ0xbGU-00009-00001698-00001817 patients are recovering at home so93MJ0xbGU-00010-00001818-00002029 including a teenager from Dakota County so93MJ0xbGU-00011-00002030-00002246 President Donald Trump says he took a so93MJ0xbGU-00012-00002247-00002471 test for covin 19 and is awaiting so93MJ0xbGU-00013-00002472-00002717 results his European travel ban was so93MJ0xbGU-00014-00002718-00002935 expanded to include Great Britain and so93MJ0xbGU-00015-00002936-00003208 Ireland and the first death connected to so93MJ0xbGU-00016-00003209-00003422 the virus in New York City was reported so93MJ0xbGU-00017-00003422-00003635 the Minnesota Department of Health has so93MJ0xbGU-00018-00003636-00004019 now tested 868 people more than 300 of so93MJ0xbGU-00019-00004020-00004213 those tests happened yesterday as of so93MJ0xbGU-00020-00004214-00004397 right now all of Minnesota's confirmed so93MJ0xbGU-00021-00004398-00004592 cases have come from tests done by the so93MJ0xbGU-00022-00004593-00004820 state but as commercial labs get up and so93MJ0xbGU-00023-00004821-00004988 running more tests will be done so93MJ0xbGU-00024-00004989-00005204 yesterday state health officials and so93MJ0xbGU-00025-00005205-00005420 governor Tim Walz said they do not have so93MJ0xbGU-00026-00005421-00005633 enough tests for everyone who wants one so93MJ0xbGU-00027-00005634-00005834 in Minnesota the governor is now asking so93MJ0xbGU-00028-00005835-00006043 vice president Mike Pence for at least so93MJ0xbGU-00029-00006044-00006359 15,000 tests a month as mentioned more so93MJ0xbGU-00030-00006360-00006592 cases of kovat 19 were also reported in so93MJ0xbGU-00031-00006593-00006835 Wisconsin in the last day the number of so93MJ0xbGU-00032-00006836-00007019 patients diagnosed with the virus jumped so93MJ0xbGU-00033-00007020-00007381 from 19 to 27 nearly 250 others have so93MJ0xbGU-00034-00007383-00007598 been tested governor Tony Evers is so93MJ0xbGU-00035-00007598-00007778 closing public and private schools to so93MJ0xbGU-00036-00007779-00008017 slow the spread all K through 12 schools so93MJ0xbGU-00037-00008018-00008270 will close next Wednesday there's no set so93MJ0xbGU-00038-00008271-00008524 date to reopen across the country so93MJ0xbGU-00039-00008525-00008741 confirmed cases of Cova 19 have climbed so93MJ0xbGU-00040-00008742-00009023 to more than 2400 at least 52 people so93MJ0xbGU-00041-00009024-00009235 have died and today a patient in New so93MJ0xbGU-00042-00009236-00009557 York City joined that list soDnoW_q4wQ-00000-00000000-00000257 we took if red-meat is unhealthy red soDnoW_q4wQ-00001-00000258-00000476 meat is something my favorite but does soDnoW_q4wQ-00002-00000476-00000647 that mean I'm gonna be biased in this soDnoW_q4wQ-00003-00000648-00000811 video so stick around and you'll figure soDnoW_q4wQ-00004-00000813-00001787 it out at the end soDnoW_q4wQ-00005-00001788-00002016 let's throw the clock on that let's get soDnoW_q4wQ-00006-00002017-00002214 started but if you're new here consider soDnoW_q4wQ-00007-00002215-00002526 subscribing we do every week a health soDnoW_q4wQ-00008-00002527-00002766 tip trick and hack video and a soDnoW_q4wQ-00009-00002767-00002967 mythbuster video just like this one as soDnoW_q4wQ-00010-00002968-00003236 always these videos have a subject which soDnoW_q4wQ-00011-00003238-00003479 is red-meat the facts figures and the soDnoW_q4wQ-00012-00003480-00003684 research associate with it and lastly soDnoW_q4wQ-00013-00003685-00003933 the long-awaited conclusion or the soDnoW_q4wQ-00014-00003934-00004140 verdict whether this is a myth or a soDnoW_q4wQ-00015-00004141-00004431 fight so with no further ado let's dive soDnoW_q4wQ-00016-00004432-00004736 in what is red meat meat comes from soDnoW_q4wQ-00017-00004737-00005081 various sources processed raised organic soDnoW_q4wQ-00018-00005082-00005372 cured etc but majority of the meat that soDnoW_q4wQ-00019-00005373-00005661 you and I refer to our focused on meat soDnoW_q4wQ-00020-00005662-00005865 in the form of animal muscle tissue that soDnoW_q4wQ-00021-00005866-00006138 is about 75% of that is going to be soDnoW_q4wQ-00022-00006139-00006399 water 20% of that's going to be protein soDnoW_q4wQ-00023-00006400-00006674 and 5% of it's going to be fat and meat soDnoW_q4wQ-00024-00006675-00006863 comes from variety of sources of animals soDnoW_q4wQ-00025-00006864-00007113 from chicken to crocodile and depending soDnoW_q4wQ-00026-00007114-00007338 on certain regions and cultures the soDnoW_q4wQ-00027-00007339-00007533 types of animals or parts of animals soDnoW_q4wQ-00028-00007534-00007748 that are consumed differ and in certain soDnoW_q4wQ-00029-00007750-00007973 instances even the whole animal from soDnoW_q4wQ-00030-00007975-00008310 brain to tail is consumed red meat is soDnoW_q4wQ-00031-00008311-00008685 red meat versus white meat which comes soDnoW_q4wQ-00032-00008686-00008927 from chickens or turkey so red meat soDnoW_q4wQ-00033-00008928-00009113 usually the thing that you and I most soDnoW_q4wQ-00034-00009114-00009338 associated with would be coming from soDnoW_q4wQ-00035-00009339-00009609 either cows or buffalos I don't think we soDnoW_q4wQ-00036-00009610-00009777 need to spend more time about explaining soDnoW_q4wQ-00037-00009778-00009977 what red meat is so let's get into the soDnoW_q4wQ-00038-00009978-00010199 facts research and the opinions soDnoW_q4wQ-00039-00010200-00010401 associated with whether red meat is soDnoW_q4wQ-00040-00010402-00010469 unhealthy soDnoW_q4wQ-00041-00010470-00010752 number one research many people consider soDnoW_q4wQ-00042-00010753-00010962 red meat unhealthy because of the soDnoW_q4wQ-00043-00010963-00011274 postulated high fat content which have soDnoW_q4wQ-00044-00011275-00011510 associations with increase in health soDnoW_q4wQ-00045-00011511-00011799 conditions from hard diseases to colon soDnoW_q4wQ-00046-00011800-00012066 cancer and as a consequence no meat or soDnoW_q4wQ-00047-00012067-00012302 low amounts of meat are recommended and soDnoW_q4wQ-00048-00012303-00012602 in addition with a large trend towards a soDnoW_q4wQ-00049-00012603-00012777 plant-based diet soDnoW_q4wQ-00050-00012778-00013080 meat is getting a bad reputation so is soDnoW_q4wQ-00051-00013081-00013290 this research bell founded the biggest soDnoW_q4wQ-00052-00013291-00013476 issue with the majority of this research soDnoW_q4wQ-00053-00013477-00013707 is that correlation doesn't result in soDnoW_q4wQ-00054-00013708-00013883 causation this is a problem with soDnoW_q4wQ-00055-00013884-00014063 majority of the observational studies soDnoW_q4wQ-00056-00014065-00014355 that most of the media uses to translate soDnoW_q4wQ-00057-00014356-00014565 and brainwash majority of people's soDnoW_q4wQ-00058-00014566-00014675 decisions in the soDnoW_q4wQ-00059-00014676-00014903 so let's take an example if we say soDnoW_q4wQ-00060-00014904-00015139 someone who's eating meat is unhealthy soDnoW_q4wQ-00061-00015140-00015446 and has increased rates of heart and soDnoW_q4wQ-00062-00015447-00015650 health conditions that person could be soDnoW_q4wQ-00063-00015651-00015944 eating fast-food burgers and his other soDnoW_q4wQ-00064-00015944-00016219 health habits could be as worse as that soDnoW_q4wQ-00065-00016220-00016538 so increased in refined sugars maybe he soDnoW_q4wQ-00066-00016539-00016766 is even smoking cigarettes etc the soDnoW_q4wQ-00067-00016767-00016952 problem with observational studies is soDnoW_q4wQ-00068-00016953-00017177 that there's no way that you can confine soDnoW_q4wQ-00069-00017178-00017455 the individual to just eat organic soDnoW_q4wQ-00070-00017456-00017708 grass-fed meat for the purposes of an soDnoW_q4wQ-00071-00017709-00017903 experiment so conclusions with such soDnoW_q4wQ-00072-00017904-00018128 research should be treated with caution soDnoW_q4wQ-00073-00018129-00018325 and these types of research don't soDnoW_q4wQ-00074-00018326-00018599 consider things such as how the animals soDnoW_q4wQ-00075-00018600-00018761 are fed whether it's genetical or soDnoW_q4wQ-00076-00018762-00019000 whether its traditional or whether these soDnoW_q4wQ-00077-00019001-00019211 animals come into contact with hormones soDnoW_q4wQ-00078-00019212-00019415 and antibiotics or whether they are soDnoW_q4wQ-00079-00019416-00019661 pasteurized however none of the research soDnoW_q4wQ-00080-00019662-00019894 that's established that meat is soDnoW_q4wQ-00081-00019895-00020213 unhealthy has been able to do this soDnoW_q4wQ-00082-00020214-00020458 number 2 nutrient density and soDnoW_q4wQ-00083-00020459-00020656 bioavailability the arguments that are soDnoW_q4wQ-00084-00020657-00020852 made to say that meat is unhealthy soDnoW_q4wQ-00085-00020853-00021071 ignore one fact that is the availability soDnoW_q4wQ-00086-00021072-00021272 of micronutrients and the ease of soDnoW_q4wQ-00087-00021273-00021503 absorption by the human body through soDnoW_q4wQ-00088-00021504-00021680 meat based sources essential soDnoW_q4wQ-00089-00021681-00021858 micronutrients such as iron selenium soDnoW_q4wQ-00090-00021859-00022061 vitamin A b12 soDnoW_q4wQ-00091-00022062-00022244 might only occur in very small amounts soDnoW_q4wQ-00092-00022245-00022508 in plant-based foods or in certain soDnoW_q4wQ-00093-00022509-00022742 instances not even occur at all for soDnoW_q4wQ-00094-00022743-00023030 example the bioavailability and access soDnoW_q4wQ-00095-00023031-00023264 to vitamin b12 is increased through soDnoW_q4wQ-00096-00023265-00023417 animal-based products soDnoW_q4wQ-00097-00023418-00023659 I've also discussed this extensively in soDnoW_q4wQ-00098-00023660-00023852 the vegan is healthy video which I've soDnoW_q4wQ-00099-00023853-00023969 linked in the description below soDnoW_q4wQ-00100-00023970-00024224 vitamin b12 plays a significant part in soDnoW_q4wQ-00101-00024225-00024440 almost every body function and the lack soDnoW_q4wQ-00102-00024441-00024658 of it could result from disorders soDnoW_q4wQ-00103-00024659-00024869 ranging from neurological disorders to soDnoW_q4wQ-00104-00024870-00025055 cardiovascular disease to infertility soDnoW_q4wQ-00105-00025056-00025300 and meat also contains high levels of soDnoW_q4wQ-00106-00025301-00025580 other vitamin B such as vitamin b6 and soDnoW_q4wQ-00107-00025581-00025742 it's been proven that it's more soDnoW_q4wQ-00108-00025743-00025964 effective to absorb these vitamins soDnoW_q4wQ-00109-00025964-00026150 through whole food sources versus soDnoW_q4wQ-00110-00026151-00026477 supplements number three red meat versus soDnoW_q4wQ-00111-00026477-00026726 white meat fats from mammals such as soDnoW_q4wQ-00112-00026727-00027005 cows or remnants containing equal parts soDnoW_q4wQ-00113-00027006-00027265 of saturated and monounsaturated fats soDnoW_q4wQ-00114-00027266-00027529 and a very small part of polyunsaturated soDnoW_q4wQ-00115-00027530-00027724 that's the reason for this is the soDnoW_q4wQ-00116-00027725-00027970 digestive tract of such animals such as soDnoW_q4wQ-00117-00027970-00028210 cows are designed to maintain these soDnoW_q4wQ-00118-00028211-00028512 levels irrespective of the type of food soDnoW_q4wQ-00119-00028513-00028729 that's been consumed and massive soDnoW_q4wQ-00120-00028730-00028957 disclaimer before we go forward and that soDnoW_q4wQ-00121-00028958-00029202 does not mean that animals raised under soDnoW_q4wQ-00122-00029203-00029430 the influence of hormone fed genetically soDnoW_q4wQ-00123-00029431-00029643 modified or antibiotic Li influenced soDnoW_q4wQ-00124-00029644-00029940 food is healthy at all so when you have soDnoW_q4wQ-00125-00029941-00030240 to make a decision in terms of organic soDnoW_q4wQ-00126-00030241-00030474 versus not organic you'd be better off soDnoW_q4wQ-00127-00030475-00030786 buying red meat versus non-organic white soDnoW_q4wQ-00128-00030787-00030835 meat soDnoW_q4wQ-00129-00030836-00031048 number four digestion there's a thought soDnoW_q4wQ-00130-00031049-00031333 that when digestion takes long it's bad soDnoW_q4wQ-00131-00031333-00031515 for your body I wonder if that's the soDnoW_q4wQ-00132-00031516-00031807 case sugar is the most fastest digesting soDnoW_q4wQ-00133-00031808-00032029 piece of food that we have access to so soDnoW_q4wQ-00134-00032030-00032208 should we just eat sugar all the time soDnoW_q4wQ-00135-00032209-00032490 and yes meat might take along a time to soDnoW_q4wQ-00136-00032491-00032739 digest because of its complex breakdown soDnoW_q4wQ-00137-00032740-00032935 of nutrients but that does not mean that soDnoW_q4wQ-00138-00032936-00033058 it is unhealthy soDnoW_q4wQ-00139-00033059-00033283 number five evolution if we track back soDnoW_q4wQ-00140-00033284-00033568 the evolution of humankind for 2.5 soDnoW_q4wQ-00141-00033569-00033802 million years ago humans have always soDnoW_q4wQ-00142-00033803-00034039 been studied to eat a combination of soDnoW_q4wQ-00143-00034040-00034371 meat and fruits and vegetables and the soDnoW_q4wQ-00144-00034372-00034605 meat also includes red meat this partly soDnoW_q4wQ-00145-00034606-00034792 aligns with the fact that the way that soDnoW_q4wQ-00146-00034793-00034974 our digestive system has been aligned soDnoW_q4wQ-00147-00034975-00035214 our largest part of the small intestine soDnoW_q4wQ-00148-00035215-00035482 is designed in a way to absorb micro soDnoW_q4wQ-00149-00035483-00035770 nutrients from food such as meat or red soDnoW_q4wQ-00150-00035771-00036033 meat and starchy vegetables number six soDnoW_q4wQ-00151-00036034-00036258 health risks with all this said does soDnoW_q4wQ-00152-00036259-00036462 that mean that red meat soDnoW_q4wQ-00153-00036463-00036933 has no impact on heart disease risk it soDnoW_q4wQ-00154-00036934-00037095 depends on the type of meat that you eat soDnoW_q4wQ-00155-00037096-00037340 if it is going to be processed and soDnoW_q4wQ-00156-00037341-00037567 additive food types that you're gonna soDnoW_q4wQ-00157-00037568-00037726 get at a fast food chain that you're soDnoW_q4wQ-00158-00037727-00037824 going to over-consume soDnoW_q4wQ-00159-00037825-00038149 yes there will be an absolute impact due soDnoW_q4wQ-00160-00038150-00038305 to the trans fats that you're going to soDnoW_q4wQ-00161-00038306-00038455 consume through this products but soDnoW_q4wQ-00162-00038456-00038701 majority of the recent research which soDnoW_q4wQ-00163-00038702-00038976 we've linked down below have proved that soDnoW_q4wQ-00164-00038977-00039292 unprocessed red meat does not have any soDnoW_q4wQ-00165-00039293-00039540 link or correlation to increase amount soDnoW_q4wQ-00166-00039541-00039774 of heart risk number seven the ethics soDnoW_q4wQ-00167-00039775-00039955 marketing and mass production the soDnoW_q4wQ-00168-00039956-00040137 biggest problem in the meat industry is soDnoW_q4wQ-00169-00040138-00040433 the size and the production rate soDnoW_q4wQ-00170-00040434-00040811 if there's 75 burgers produced at every soDnoW_q4wQ-00171-00040812-00041057 single minute feeding over 60 million soDnoW_q4wQ-00172-00041058-00041384 people that cannot be a sustainable way soDnoW_q4wQ-00173-00041385-00041711 that me could be produced in a organic soDnoW_q4wQ-00174-00041712-00041963 and a traditional fashion as a result of soDnoW_q4wQ-00175-00041964-00042251 that these large food manufacturers try soDnoW_q4wQ-00176-00042252-00042476 and cut corners and at the same time due soDnoW_q4wQ-00177-00042477-00042635 to the large level of production it soDnoW_q4wQ-00178-00042636-00042866 consistently questions the ethics in the soDnoW_q4wQ-00179-00042867-00043076 farming industry so with all that said soDnoW_q4wQ-00180-00043077-00043304 do you think now we are ready for a soDnoW_q4wQ-00181-00043305-00043946 conclusion is red meat unhealthy no but soDnoW_q4wQ-00182-00043947-00044290 with one caveat meat that is sustainably soDnoW_q4wQ-00183-00044291-00044564 organically and traditionally sourced soDnoW_q4wQ-00184-00044565-00044789 red meat which is not processed is not soDnoW_q4wQ-00185-00044790-00045071 unhealthy if your sources of meat is soDnoW_q4wQ-00186-00045072-00045392 processed fast food and full of soDnoW_q4wQ-00187-00045393-00045656 additives yes it's unhealthy thank you soDnoW_q4wQ-00188-00045657-00045815 very much for watching this video if you soDnoW_q4wQ-00189-00045816-00046025 like this video comment like and share I soDnoW_q4wQ-00190-00046026-00046168 will see you on the next soDnoW_q4wQ-00191-00046169-00048057 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00000-00000059-00000199 [Applause] s0jYdZln3eU-00001-00000200-00000975 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00002-00000976-00001495 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00003-00001496-00001709 good um s0jYdZln3eU-00005-00006440-00006694 so s0jYdZln3eU-00007-00012624-00013099 oh s0jYdZln3eU-00009-00018317-00021035 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00011-00026104-00026473 so s0jYdZln3eU-00012-00026474-00027902 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00013-00027904-00028888 [Applause] s0jYdZln3eU-00014-00028889-00029705 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00015-00029706-00029964 [Applause] s0jYdZln3eU-00016-00029964-00030626 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00017-00030627-00031167 [Music] s0jYdZln3eU-00018-00031168-00031468 know s0plYikyO7o-00000-00000152-00000388 so this is Ophelia who is dressing up s0plYikyO7o-00001-00000389-00000582 home s0plYikyO7o-00002-00000583-00001057 a penguin is acting as yeah s0plYikyO7o-00003-00001058-00001331 you're acting as a lady today oh yeah s0plYikyO7o-00004-00001332-00001726 yeah it's very pretty amazing thank you s0plYikyO7o-00005-00001727-00002076 okay s0plYikyO7o-00006-00002077-00003467 tell us about your history and s0plYikyO7o-00007-00003468-00005219 um s0plYikyO7o-00008-00005220-00005825 is s0plYikyO7o-00009-00005826-00006136 yeah even both the art and music yeah s0plYikyO7o-00010-00006137-00006503 and music yeah uh some roles which you s0plYikyO7o-00011-00006504-00007505 remember of yours uh s0plYikyO7o-00012-00007506-00008767 as a abnormal abnormal s0plYikyO7o-00013-00008768-00008969 I see yeah s0plYikyO7o-00015-00013302-00013529 what's the toughest part of being an s0plYikyO7o-00016-00013530-00013703 actress s0plYikyO7o-00017-00013704-00013888 for me nothing s0plYikyO7o-00018-00013890-00014057 you're used to it by now nine years s0plYikyO7o-00019-00014058-00014563 later people appreciate Santa s0plYikyO7o-00020-00014563-00015475 I see and um s0plYikyO7o-00021-00015476-00015766 so in your Village People also see you s0plYikyO7o-00022-00015768-00016138 as a small celebrity yeah correct all s0plYikyO7o-00023-00016140-00016319 right all the best thank you so much s0plYikyO7o-00024-00016319-00016573 thank you very much s24s2qtyQ0y-00000-00000000-00000191 get an audience major and he'll do it s24s2qtyQ0y-00001-00000192-00000437 for you I'm my friend you can block s24s2qtyQ0y-00002-00000438-00000593 those out in four hour periods my friend s24s2qtyQ0y-00003-00000594-00000844 always want to walk it out from 4am to s24s2qtyQ0y-00004-00000846-00001066 eight or eight a.m I don't know who he s24s2qtyQ0y-00005-00001067-00001265 had coming into this building at 4am but s24s2qtyQ0y-00006-00001266-00001445 he's never struggled getting a artist s24s2qtyQ0y-00007-00001446-00001684 card before s24s2qtyQ0y-00008-00001685-00001876 if you have any questions you know the s24s2qtyQ0y-00009-00001877-00002156 cameras in 4k s5o2BfYn-BQ-00000-00000008-00000206 hey in today's video i wanted to talk s5o2BfYn-BQ-00001-00000208-00000455 about why problematic youtubers rise to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00002-00000456-00000519 the top s5o2BfYn-BQ-00003-00000520-00000695 in the past month alone we have heard s5o2BfYn-BQ-00004-00000696-00000919 about so much alleged s5o2BfYn-BQ-00005-00000919-00001143 bad behavior from huge creators like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00006-00001144-00001262 james charles s5o2BfYn-BQ-00007-00001263-00001535 jake paul david dobrik dirty dom and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00008-00001536-00001671 just for the purposes of not being s5o2BfYn-BQ-00009-00001672-00001839 censored by youtube i'm going to refer s5o2BfYn-BQ-00010-00001839-00002199 to bad behavior as problematic toxic s5o2BfYn-BQ-00011-00002200-00002407 bad behavior hurtful behavior but it s5o2BfYn-BQ-00012-00002408-00002510 really is the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00013-00002511-00002831 a word and the sa word because a lot of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00014-00002832-00002958 this behavior that has s5o2BfYn-BQ-00015-00002959-00003311 happened is just illegal but anyway when s5o2BfYn-BQ-00016-00003311-00003470 you hear all this you can't help but s5o2BfYn-BQ-00017-00003471-00003606 wonder s5o2BfYn-BQ-00018-00003607-00003927 why is it that so many s5o2BfYn-BQ-00019-00003928-00004231 creators would hurt their followers or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00020-00004232-00004527 why do so many people uplift creators s5o2BfYn-BQ-00021-00004528-00004559 that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00022-00004560-00004767 are problematic and so there are a few s5o2BfYn-BQ-00023-00004768-00004935 subjects that i want us to quickly cover s5o2BfYn-BQ-00024-00004936-00005063 in this video first s5o2BfYn-BQ-00025-00005064-00005359 how capitalism rewards results second s5o2BfYn-BQ-00026-00005360-00005599 how social media rewards toxic behavior s5o2BfYn-BQ-00027-00005600-00005686 and three s5o2BfYn-BQ-00028-00005687-00006165 what can we possibly do about it s5o2BfYn-BQ-00029-00006166-00006495 [Music] s5o2BfYn-BQ-00030-00006495-00006759 now first of all there is a myth that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00031-00006759-00006910 capitalism rewards s5o2BfYn-BQ-00032-00006911-00007214 hard work and it is just a myth s5o2BfYn-BQ-00033-00007215-00007439 if you have been watching my series marx s5o2BfYn-BQ-00034-00007440-00007655 and chill in which we covered s5o2BfYn-BQ-00035-00007656-00007991 mark's text and we chill s5o2BfYn-BQ-00036-00007992-00008310 now one of the big pillars of capitalism s5o2BfYn-BQ-00037-00008311-00008623 is that competition allows people to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00038-00008624-00008742 work hard s5o2BfYn-BQ-00039-00008743-00008991 and for the best businesses to rise to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00040-00008992-00009087 the top right s5o2BfYn-BQ-00041-00009088-00009223 but it turns out that's just not the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00042-00009224-00009406 case let's say there are two grocery s5o2BfYn-BQ-00043-00009407-00009527 stores in your town s5o2BfYn-BQ-00044-00009528-00009767 they're gonna of course try to make s5o2BfYn-BQ-00045-00009768-00009919 their stores a little bit different a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00046-00009920-00009999 little bit special s5o2BfYn-BQ-00047-00010000-00010310 so you get your business but another s5o2BfYn-BQ-00048-00010311-00010495 component of that might be s5o2BfYn-BQ-00049-00010496-00010774 one might have lower prices and let's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00050-00010775-00010935 just be honest for you as a consumer s5o2BfYn-BQ-00051-00010936-00011014 that's great s5o2BfYn-BQ-00052-00011015-00011174 like that is the best thing that can s5o2BfYn-BQ-00053-00011175-00011319 happen that people start competing on s5o2BfYn-BQ-00054-00011320-00011519 price because you can now afford s5o2BfYn-BQ-00055-00011520-00011799 whatever that store is selling however s5o2BfYn-BQ-00056-00011800-00011910 in the long term s5o2BfYn-BQ-00057-00011911-00012183 if they both start competing on price s5o2BfYn-BQ-00058-00012184-00012255 they have no s5o2BfYn-BQ-00059-00012256-00012503 other option but to undercut one another s5o2BfYn-BQ-00060-00012504-00012670 to the point where eventually s5o2BfYn-BQ-00061-00012671-00012871 they will start losing money and in that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00062-00012872-00013038 case only the store s5o2BfYn-BQ-00063-00013039-00013263 that has more money or more access to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00064-00013263-00013519 money more access to resources s5o2BfYn-BQ-00065-00013519-00013655 maybe they have better connections at s5o2BfYn-BQ-00066-00013656-00013830 the bank or something like that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00067-00013831-00014038 the store that can undercut themselves s5o2BfYn-BQ-00068-00014040-00014151 for the longest s5o2BfYn-BQ-00069-00014152-00014383 will actually beat the competition right s5o2BfYn-BQ-00070-00014384-00014543 in the long term s5o2BfYn-BQ-00071-00014544-00014751 that's not really good for the town in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00072-00014752-00014903 general because s5o2BfYn-BQ-00073-00014904-00015127 well now that other business is out of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00074-00015128-00015271 work and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00075-00015272-00015463 there's now more people that need jobs s5o2BfYn-BQ-00076-00015463-00015638 right and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00077-00015640-00015943 this other one store becomes a monopoly s5o2BfYn-BQ-00078-00015944-00016127 they can up their prices even though s5o2BfYn-BQ-00079-00016128-00016335 they were low prices before s5o2BfYn-BQ-00080-00016336-00016535 they can lower their wages because they s5o2BfYn-BQ-00081-00016536-00016694 don't even have to compete s5o2BfYn-BQ-00082-00016695-00016919 with the other workplace in terms of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00083-00016920-00017079 hiring people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00084-00017080-00017294 etc etc i mean you already know what s5o2BfYn-BQ-00085-00017295-00017503 walmart and amazon have done s5o2BfYn-BQ-00086-00017504-00017694 to their competitors and why do i bring s5o2BfYn-BQ-00087-00017695-00017927 this up because if competition s5o2BfYn-BQ-00088-00017928-00018327 is a big pillar of capitalism then s5o2BfYn-BQ-00089-00018328-00018519 when we really inspect it we can tell s5o2BfYn-BQ-00090-00018520-00018750 that capitalism does not reward s5o2BfYn-BQ-00091-00018751-00019039 hard work necessarily capitalism rewards s5o2BfYn-BQ-00092-00019040-00019094 people that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00093-00019095-00019447 already have money or that can s5o2BfYn-BQ-00094-00019448-00019679 figure out how to amass wealth and it's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00095-00019680-00019799 kind of a snowball effect s5o2BfYn-BQ-00096-00019800-00019950 that person that has money more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00097-00019951-00020214 resources can figure out how to be their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00098-00020215-00020367 competition the longest s5o2BfYn-BQ-00099-00020368-00020478 which means they're going to make more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00100-00020479-00020678 money which means they can compete for s5o2BfYn-BQ-00101-00020679-00020855 longer movies which means they make more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00102-00020856-00020927 money s5o2BfYn-BQ-00103-00020928-00021222 which makes them etc etc etc but and why s5o2BfYn-BQ-00104-00021223-00021399 not bring that up because i feel like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00105-00021400-00021703 youtube works the same way youtube s5o2BfYn-BQ-00106-00021704-00021911 operates under capitalism s5o2BfYn-BQ-00107-00021912-00022175 youtube is not rewarding people's hard s5o2BfYn-BQ-00108-00022176-00022383 work necessarily s5o2BfYn-BQ-00109-00022384-00022599 youtube rewards and on social media s5o2BfYn-BQ-00110-00022600-00022783 platforms youtube rewards s5o2BfYn-BQ-00111-00022784-00023094 creators that can create results which s5o2BfYn-BQ-00112-00023095-00023407 will inevitably create profits or money s5o2BfYn-BQ-00113-00023408-00023478 for them s5o2BfYn-BQ-00114-00023479-00023647 let's say you have two channels and they s5o2BfYn-BQ-00115-00023648-00023839 start making videos s5o2BfYn-BQ-00116-00023840-00024014 well whoever can figure out how to get s5o2BfYn-BQ-00117-00024015-00024278 more views more engagement right s5o2BfYn-BQ-00118-00024279-00024447 that's going to be pushed out into more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00119-00024448-00024591 new viewers because of course the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00120-00024592-00024719 platform can tell that you're bringing s5o2BfYn-BQ-00121-00024720-00024847 in more views you're bringing in more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00122-00024848-00024942 engagement s5o2BfYn-BQ-00123-00024943-00025191 you must be an amazing creator let's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00124-00025192-00025375 show you to more people so that more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00125-00025376-00025511 people can be engaged s5o2BfYn-BQ-00126-00025512-00025678 on our platform but i feel like just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00127-00025679-00025887 like the two grocery stores example the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00128-00025888-00026190 person on youtube with more resources s5o2BfYn-BQ-00129-00026191-00026527 can more likely grow faster s5o2BfYn-BQ-00130-00026527-00026702 than somebody that doesn't the tech s5o2BfYn-BQ-00131-00026704-00026887 creator does figure out how to make good s5o2BfYn-BQ-00132-00026888-00027007 videos that are getting views they're s5o2BfYn-BQ-00133-00027008-00027167 getting engagement their channel s5o2BfYn-BQ-00134-00027168-00027399 finally becomes monetized eventually s5o2BfYn-BQ-00135-00027400-00027487 they can s5o2BfYn-BQ-00136-00027488-00027687 quit their day job this becomes their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00137-00027688-00027799 new job that can put s5o2BfYn-BQ-00138-00027800-00027958 all their attention in it right and of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00139-00027960-00028127 course on youtube s5o2BfYn-BQ-00140-00028127-00028327 most videos are free so people cannot s5o2BfYn-BQ-00141-00028327-00028518 compete on price s5o2BfYn-BQ-00142-00028519-00028751 but what people are competing on is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00143-00028752-00028902 level of production s5o2BfYn-BQ-00144-00028904-00029095 or more often than not i feel like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00145-00029095-00029231 people will compete s5o2BfYn-BQ-00146-00029232-00029462 by making more and more videos even if s5o2BfYn-BQ-00147-00029463-00029631 you don't have money s5o2BfYn-BQ-00148-00029632-00029927 there are other resources such as time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00149-00029927-00030070 that can be used to compete with other s5o2BfYn-BQ-00150-00030072-00030135 people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00151-00030136-00030295 let's say somebody that has a full time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00152-00030295-00030511 but they do youtube on the side right s5o2BfYn-BQ-00153-00030512-00030727 their hours are kind of counted and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00154-00030727-00030814 believe it or not s5o2BfYn-BQ-00155-00030816-00031143 even a 15 minute video can take up to 20 s5o2BfYn-BQ-00156-00031144-00031287 hours or more a week s5o2BfYn-BQ-00157-00031288-00031511 to produce right so they're kind of like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00158-00031512-00031614 battling time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00159-00031616-00031967 and a person with just more free time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00160-00031968-00032231 can easily create more and more videos s5o2BfYn-BQ-00161-00032232-00032414 and while we really don't know s5o2BfYn-BQ-00162-00032416-00032711 exactly what the algorithm likes on s5o2BfYn-BQ-00163-00032712-00032767 youtube s5o2BfYn-BQ-00164-00032768-00033102 we know that it rewards engagement views s5o2BfYn-BQ-00165-00033103-00033318 and frequency of uploads and so that's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00166-00033319-00033543 why i feel like even a person that has s5o2BfYn-BQ-00167-00033544-00033815 more resources even if that resource is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00168-00033816-00033967 time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00169-00033968-00034239 in the long run will be rewarded more or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00170-00034240-00034343 more quickly s5o2BfYn-BQ-00171-00034344-00034495 than the person that is going at a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00172-00034496-00034702 slower pace because of a lack of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00173-00034703-00034783 resources s5o2BfYn-BQ-00174-00034784-00034943 which i feel like it's very similar to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00175-00034944-00035095 the grocery store example s5o2BfYn-BQ-00176-00035096-00035302 it's not the hard work that the creator s5o2BfYn-BQ-00177-00035303-00035462 is putting into making the video that's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00178-00035463-00035583 being rewarded s5o2BfYn-BQ-00179-00035584-00035807 it's your ability to produce results s5o2BfYn-BQ-00180-00035808-00035927 that the platform s5o2BfYn-BQ-00181-00035928-00036080 inevitably rewards s5o2BfYn-BQ-00182-00036081-00036462 [Music] s5o2BfYn-BQ-00183-00036463-00036590 now let's talk a little bit more about s5o2BfYn-BQ-00184-00036591-00036783 the youth algorithm because i've been s5o2BfYn-BQ-00185-00036784-00036927 intentionally s5o2BfYn-BQ-00186-00036928-00037118 creating one video a week for the past s5o2BfYn-BQ-00187-00037119-00037295 year now for the first time even though s5o2BfYn-BQ-00188-00037296-00037495 i made my channel a long time ago and as s5o2BfYn-BQ-00189-00037496-00037623 a creator when you start putting your s5o2BfYn-BQ-00190-00037624-00037830 focus on youtube you really s5o2BfYn-BQ-00191-00037831-00038071 start to notice what things get views s5o2BfYn-BQ-00192-00038072-00038159 right s5o2BfYn-BQ-00193-00038160-00038439 and let me just tell you very easily s5o2BfYn-BQ-00194-00038440-00038599 what gets views s5o2BfYn-BQ-00195-00038600-00038943 it is controversial videos even if the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00196-00038944-00039167 creator is not purposely creating a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00197-00039168-00039471 controversial harmful video a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00198-00039472-00039623 controversial subject s5o2BfYn-BQ-00199-00039624-00039871 will result in more views you know why s5o2BfYn-BQ-00200-00039872-00040039 because it results in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00201-00040040-00040271 more likes and dislikes and more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00202-00040272-00040430 arguments in the comments section of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00203-00040431-00040543 that video s5o2BfYn-BQ-00204-00040544-00040815 and so even if all your comments are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00205-00040816-00040862 negative s5o2BfYn-BQ-00206-00040863-00041151 even if you have the most thumb downs of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00207-00041152-00041302 any video s5o2BfYn-BQ-00208-00041303-00041487 you will definitely get more views on s5o2BfYn-BQ-00209-00041488-00041758 your video it has more thumbs down s5o2BfYn-BQ-00210-00041759-00041999 than any other because the platform will s5o2BfYn-BQ-00211-00042000-00042135 read that as engagement s5o2BfYn-BQ-00212-00042136-00042367 and it will show to more people now s5o2BfYn-BQ-00213-00042368-00042479 imagine s5o2BfYn-BQ-00214-00042480-00042790 that kind of reward system on a person s5o2BfYn-BQ-00215-00042791-00043039 that has a more s5o2BfYn-BQ-00216-00043040-00043295 morally questionable character the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00217-00043296-00043455 incredible thing about all these s5o2BfYn-BQ-00218-00043456-00043774 problematic youtubers creators whatever s5o2BfYn-BQ-00219-00043775-00043967 is that it's not that they just suddenly s5o2BfYn-BQ-00220-00043968-00044262 one day made like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00221-00044263-00044479 made a huge mistake that nobody's so s5o2BfYn-BQ-00222-00044480-00044727 coming the thing about every single s5o2BfYn-BQ-00223-00044728-00045015 creator that is controversial harmful to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00224-00045016-00045239 their viewers s5o2BfYn-BQ-00225-00045240-00045518 the only thing that they have in common s5o2BfYn-BQ-00226-00045519-00045774 is that they were that way from day one s5o2BfYn-BQ-00227-00045775-00046055 anywhere from just being very dramatic s5o2BfYn-BQ-00228-00046056-00046271 and controversial getting into conflict s5o2BfYn-BQ-00229-00046272-00046607 with other creators creating drama s5o2BfYn-BQ-00230-00046608-00046902 all the way to being hurtful to their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00231-00046903-00047023 viewers or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00232-00047024-00047215 being hurtful to the audience like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00233-00047216-00047343 creating s5o2BfYn-BQ-00234-00047344-00047686 controversial slash hurtful emotionally s5o2BfYn-BQ-00235-00047687-00047927 hurtful videos and as a creator of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00236-00047928-00048111 course it makes sense to connect the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00237-00048112-00048279 dots like these people are rising to the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00238-00048280-00048311 top s5o2BfYn-BQ-00239-00048312-00048558 because social media platforms are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00240-00048559-00048815 rewarding engagement s5o2BfYn-BQ-00241-00048816-00049030 without even taking a look in any way s5o2BfYn-BQ-00242-00049031-00049295 shape or form or in any way regulating s5o2BfYn-BQ-00243-00049296-00049486 how you get your views a person that is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00244-00049487-00049695 more willing to engage in bad behavior s5o2BfYn-BQ-00245-00049696-00049871 in order to get attention s5o2BfYn-BQ-00246-00049872-00050062 will see that the platform is rewarding s5o2BfYn-BQ-00247-00050063-00050262 them and will be s5o2BfYn-BQ-00248-00050263-00050423 not just feel comfortable but they will s5o2BfYn-BQ-00249-00050424-00050599 be encouraged to repeat s5o2BfYn-BQ-00250-00050600-00050879 that over and over again and not just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00251-00050880-00050974 repeat but to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00252-00050975-00051223 top themselves which is how we have s5o2BfYn-BQ-00253-00051224-00051438 arrived at so many of these creators s5o2BfYn-BQ-00254-00051439-00051766 making such hurtful videos because s5o2BfYn-BQ-00255-00051767-00052038 they have to have the time and time s5o2BfYn-BQ-00256-00052039-00052087 again s5o2BfYn-BQ-00257-00052088-00052263 and it's a snowball effect and imagine s5o2BfYn-BQ-00258-00052264-00052447 even if not older viewers were s5o2BfYn-BQ-00259-00052448-00052526 encouraging them s5o2BfYn-BQ-00260-00052527-00052711 even if there were people in the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00261-00052712-00052854 comments saying s5o2BfYn-BQ-00262-00052855-00053094 i think this is a bad choice like you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00263-00053095-00053191 missed the mark s5o2BfYn-BQ-00264-00053191-00053311 you shouldn't have done that you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00265-00053312-00053471 shouldn't have said that that is just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00266-00053472-00053654 more engagement on that video s5o2BfYn-BQ-00267-00053655-00053942 and if you've ever read youtube comments s5o2BfYn-BQ-00268-00053944-00054023 you know how s5o2BfYn-BQ-00269-00054024-00054319 easy it is for comments to escalate into s5o2BfYn-BQ-00270-00054320-00054430 full-blown fights s5o2BfYn-BQ-00271-00054432-00054582 and so the creator themselves doesn't s5o2BfYn-BQ-00272-00054583-00054823 even have to reply to any comments for s5o2BfYn-BQ-00273-00054824-00054894 people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00274-00054895-00055166 to engage into fights and up the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00275-00055167-00055238 engagement s5o2BfYn-BQ-00276-00055239-00055471 on that person's videos and for the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00277-00055472-00055654 platform to just share that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00278-00055655-00055854 video more and more and so i kind of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00279-00055855-00056023 feel like if you're a problematic s5o2BfYn-BQ-00280-00056024-00056182 creator s5o2BfYn-BQ-00281-00056183-00056479 you're just gonna be encouraged to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00282-00056479-00056526 create s5o2BfYn-BQ-00283-00056527-00056782 problematic videos over and over and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00284-00056783-00056903 over again s5o2BfYn-BQ-00285-00056904-00057126 and you will be rewarded faster than s5o2BfYn-BQ-00286-00057127-00057366 people that are not necessarily creating s5o2BfYn-BQ-00287-00057367-00057607 problematic videos oh and of course can s5o2BfYn-BQ-00288-00057608-00057703 you imagine s5o2BfYn-BQ-00289-00057704-00057894 what a person with questionable s5o2BfYn-BQ-00290-00057895-00058023 character will do s5o2BfYn-BQ-00291-00058024-00058294 when they have access to millions of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00292-00058295-00058391 people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00293-00058391-00058630 through their phone like that has never s5o2BfYn-BQ-00294-00058632-00058823 happened in the history of humanity like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00295-00058824-00058999 that is new territory s5o2BfYn-BQ-00296-00059000-00059175 and of course that's not to say that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00297-00059176-00059311 everybody that has a big channel s5o2BfYn-BQ-00298-00059312-00059511 is problematic so many creators are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00299-00059512-00059663 responsible with their platforms that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00300-00059664-00059854 want to educate people or at the very s5o2BfYn-BQ-00301-00059855-00059975 least just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00302-00059976-00060166 entertain and leave them with positive s5o2BfYn-BQ-00303-00060167-00060366 feelings feeling better about themselves s5o2BfYn-BQ-00304-00060367-00060542 but i just can't help but think that the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00305-00060544-00060766 current model of social media s5o2BfYn-BQ-00306-00060767-00061119 is the perfect reward system in which a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00307-00061120-00061319 problematic creator can thrive s5o2BfYn-BQ-00308-00061320-00061471 and that's how we end up with so many of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00309-00061472-00061654 the huge creators having s5o2BfYn-BQ-00310-00061655-00061863 questionable relationships with their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00311-00061864-00061982 followers putting s5o2BfYn-BQ-00312-00061983-00062238 questionable videos after another and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00313-00062239-00062423 it's only when enough people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00314-00062424-00062687 look back and bring this up to the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00315-00062688-00062894 surface often people with huge platforms s5o2BfYn-BQ-00316-00062895-00062935 like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00317-00062936-00063135 you know right now age three often these s5o2BfYn-BQ-00318-00063136-00063279 creators go unnoticed s5o2BfYn-BQ-00319-00063279-00063526 i feel like of course the platform has a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00320-00063527-00063750 huge responsibility in terms of curving s5o2BfYn-BQ-00321-00063751-00063926 this kind of behavior and it's a huge s5o2BfYn-BQ-00322-00063927-00064111 problem i mean it's not even just the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00323-00064112-00064342 fact that creators on youtube tik tok s5o2BfYn-BQ-00324-00064344-00064438 are being s5o2BfYn-BQ-00325-00064439-00064703 hurtful towards their audience members i s5o2BfYn-BQ-00326-00064704-00064830 mean in the past four years we have s5o2BfYn-BQ-00327-00064832-00064919 realized s5o2BfYn-BQ-00328-00064920-00065175 the level of influence that something s5o2BfYn-BQ-00329-00065176-00065303 like facebook s5o2BfYn-BQ-00330-00065304-00065679 can have on our lives like literally s5o2BfYn-BQ-00331-00065680-00065911 on who's the president what issues come s5o2BfYn-BQ-00332-00065912-00066094 to the surface do we believe in science s5o2BfYn-BQ-00333-00066095-00066150 or not s5o2BfYn-BQ-00334-00066151-00066399 social media's platforms have to do s5o2BfYn-BQ-00335-00066400-00066599 something about this because it is a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00336-00066600-00066911 huge problem it's becoming a huge huge s5o2BfYn-BQ-00337-00066912-00067087 problem that is affecting our lives our s5o2BfYn-BQ-00338-00067088-00067215 mental health i mean s5o2BfYn-BQ-00339-00067216-00067526 it's crazy it's not just youtube drama i s5o2BfYn-BQ-00340-00067527-00067575 really s5o2BfYn-BQ-00341-00067576-00067791 despise the fact that people don't want s5o2BfYn-BQ-00342-00067792-00067950 to talk about this subject and pretend s5o2BfYn-BQ-00343-00067951-00068038 that this is just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00344-00068039-00068287 youtube drama because it's not it's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00345-00068288-00068431 people's lives people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00346-00068432-00068775 are suffering due to somebody having a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00347-00068776-00068815 huge s5o2BfYn-BQ-00348-00068816-00068959 platform somebody that does not deserve s5o2BfYn-BQ-00349-00068960-00069103 to have the platform and another s5o2BfYn-BQ-00350-00069104-00069287 narrative that really bothers me is this s5o2BfYn-BQ-00351-00069288-00069535 whole idea that oh in the early to mid s5o2BfYn-BQ-00352-00069536-00069838 2000s it was okay to be racist s5o2BfYn-BQ-00353-00069839-00070047 it was okay to be homophobic it was just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00354-00070048-00070223 an attempt that edgy humor s5o2BfYn-BQ-00355-00070224-00070447 no it wasn't it has never been okay to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00356-00070448-00070631 be homophobic it's never been okay to be s5o2BfYn-BQ-00357-00070632-00070791 racist it's never been okay s5o2BfYn-BQ-00358-00070792-00070967 to be hurtful towards people it was just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00359-00070968-00071111 that it was happening in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00360-00071112-00071311 spaces on the internet that were not s5o2BfYn-BQ-00361-00071312-00071479 regulated and it's so s5o2BfYn-BQ-00362-00071480-00071735 sad that it's only when advertisers can s5o2BfYn-BQ-00363-00071736-00071919 make money that the platform is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00364-00071920-00072126 of course motivated to do something s5o2BfYn-BQ-00365-00072127-00072326 about this problematic creators s5o2BfYn-BQ-00366-00072327-00072638 which is why these problematic videos s5o2BfYn-BQ-00367-00072639-00072823 were allowed to run on the platform for s5o2BfYn-BQ-00368-00072824-00072959 so long because as long as s5o2BfYn-BQ-00369-00072960-00073231 advertisers don't care or weren't paying s5o2BfYn-BQ-00370-00073232-00073399 attention s5o2BfYn-BQ-00371-00073400-00073575 then the platform has no motivation s5o2BfYn-BQ-00372-00073576-00073782 under capitalism to do anything about it s5o2BfYn-BQ-00373-00073783-00073950 because capitalism does not care about s5o2BfYn-BQ-00374-00073951-00074111 ethics capitalism does not care about s5o2BfYn-BQ-00375-00074112-00074279 your mental health capitalism does not s5o2BfYn-BQ-00376-00074280-00074462 care about crimes s5o2BfYn-BQ-00377-00074463-00074759 capitalism only cares about profits and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00378-00074760-00074911 it cares about rewarding s5o2BfYn-BQ-00379-00074912-00075167 people that can create profits which is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00380-00075168-00075311 more often than not people that already s5o2BfYn-BQ-00381-00075312-00075382 have wealth s5o2BfYn-BQ-00382-00075383-00075694 or have the ability to amass s5o2BfYn-BQ-00383-00075695-00076006 wealth and just make more profits out of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00384-00076007-00076233 that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00385-00076234-00076575 [Music] s5o2BfYn-BQ-00386-00076576-00076831 now as users what can we possibly do i s5o2BfYn-BQ-00387-00076832-00076919 feel like we're in a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00388-00076920-00077119 somewhat helpless position but there's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00389-00077120-00077335 nothing that we can do except s5o2BfYn-BQ-00390-00077336-00077599 bring attention to these issues that are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00391-00077600-00077671 happening s5o2BfYn-BQ-00392-00077672-00077943 sadly if the only way the platforms are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00393-00077944-00077991 gonna s5o2BfYn-BQ-00394-00077992-00078279 take action will be if their advertisers s5o2BfYn-BQ-00395-00078280-00078359 take action s5o2BfYn-BQ-00396-00078360-00078567 then maybe what we can do is like what i s5o2BfYn-BQ-00397-00078568-00078735 have been seeing on social media which s5o2BfYn-BQ-00398-00078736-00078799 is people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00399-00078800-00078999 starting to message their advertisers s5o2BfYn-BQ-00400-00079000-00079119 directly s5o2BfYn-BQ-00401-00079120-00079326 and say is this who you want to sponsor s5o2BfYn-BQ-00402-00079327-00079462 is this what you want to give your money s5o2BfYn-BQ-00403-00079463-00079638 to is this who you want to put in front s5o2BfYn-BQ-00404-00079639-00079743 of your customers s5o2BfYn-BQ-00405-00079744-00079999 because as we saw with david dobrik for s5o2BfYn-BQ-00406-00080000-00080103 example s5o2BfYn-BQ-00407-00080104-00080326 once the advertiser started to drop one s5o2BfYn-BQ-00408-00080327-00080494 by one s5o2BfYn-BQ-00409-00080495-00080735 then it's just a domino effect and then s5o2BfYn-BQ-00410-00080736-00080799 youtube s5o2BfYn-BQ-00411-00080800-00080950 does something about it in the case of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00412-00080951-00081126 james charles i still can't believe s5o2BfYn-BQ-00413-00081127-00081215 we're a month s5o2BfYn-BQ-00414-00081216-00081462 into it and morphe is still standing by s5o2BfYn-BQ-00415-00081463-00081694 him youtube hasn't yet s5o2BfYn-BQ-00416-00081695-00081903 to do anything about it i mean this is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00417-00081904-00082047 crazy this is s5o2BfYn-BQ-00418-00082048-00082238 this isn't even the a word this is like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00419-00082239-00082438 literal crimes that we're talking about s5o2BfYn-BQ-00420-00082439-00082703 if a creator confesses to a crime on s5o2BfYn-BQ-00421-00082704-00082855 video s5o2BfYn-BQ-00422-00082856-00083023 how are you going to tell me that you're s5o2BfYn-BQ-00423-00083024-00083223 still going to stand by him s5o2BfYn-BQ-00424-00083224-00083447 because he makes you money and of course s5o2BfYn-BQ-00425-00083448-00083567 as a viewer it makes you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00426-00083568-00083823 feel very helpless and as a creator it s5o2BfYn-BQ-00427-00083824-00084062 makes you feel very like s5o2BfYn-BQ-00428-00084063-00084423 disgusted like you you value s5o2BfYn-BQ-00429-00084424-00084662 this person because they're bringing you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00430-00084663-00084767 money that's it s5o2BfYn-BQ-00431-00084768-00084967 you don't value people's hard work you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00432-00084968-00085094 don't value s5o2BfYn-BQ-00433-00085095-00085406 people's effect on the audience you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00434-00085407-00085526 don't you don't value s5o2BfYn-BQ-00435-00085527-00085879 your creators but what the platform s5o2BfYn-BQ-00436-00085880-00086150 tells you is that it does not value the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00437-00086151-00086318 creators it just values s5o2BfYn-BQ-00438-00086319-00086567 its profits and like i've mentioned in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00439-00086568-00086750 this video multiple times s5o2BfYn-BQ-00440-00086751-00086999 unfortunately that is capitalism in a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00441-00087000-00087071 nutshell s5o2BfYn-BQ-00442-00087072-00087311 now as a viewer i think we do have a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00443-00087312-00087423 responsibility s5o2BfYn-BQ-00444-00087424-00087735 to stop engaging with those problematic s5o2BfYn-BQ-00445-00087736-00087903 creators like that's literally all we s5o2BfYn-BQ-00446-00087904-00087975 can do s5o2BfYn-BQ-00447-00087976-00088206 because even finding in the comments of s5o2BfYn-BQ-00448-00088207-00088415 the video leaving back comments critical s5o2BfYn-BQ-00449-00088416-00088647 comments thumbs down s5o2BfYn-BQ-00450-00088648-00088815 like i mentioned earlier in the video s5o2BfYn-BQ-00451-00088816-00089023 that is just going to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00452-00089024-00089343 make that creator bigger s5o2BfYn-BQ-00453-00089344-00089615 like it literally makes no sense and so s5o2BfYn-BQ-00454-00089616-00089679 while s5o2BfYn-BQ-00455-00089680-00089926 i think it's good that you use if you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00456-00089927-00090126 have a platform you use your platform to s5o2BfYn-BQ-00457-00090127-00090191 either s5o2BfYn-BQ-00458-00090192-00090503 give survivors a place to share their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00459-00090504-00090599 story or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00460-00090600-00090782 just amplify their story that already s5o2BfYn-BQ-00461-00090783-00090926 exists somewhere s5o2BfYn-BQ-00462-00090927-00091143 or just flat out call call-out s5o2BfYn-BQ-00463-00091144-00091335 problematic behavior i think s5o2BfYn-BQ-00464-00091336-00091582 another side of that for everybody in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00465-00091583-00091638 general s5o2BfYn-BQ-00466-00091639-00091887 is just stop engaging with problematic s5o2BfYn-BQ-00467-00091888-00092006 creators wait until s5o2BfYn-BQ-00468-00092007-00092255 t channels cover their latest drama or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00469-00092256-00092311 whatever s5o2BfYn-BQ-00470-00092312-00092462 and i get that that's really hard s5o2BfYn-BQ-00471-00092463-00092567 because like you know when you're s5o2BfYn-BQ-00472-00092568-00092687 driving in the freewind there's an s5o2BfYn-BQ-00473-00092688-00092759 accident you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00474-00092760-00092911 you want to watch like you know that you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00475-00092912-00093015 want to want you know what you're trying s5o2BfYn-BQ-00476-00093016-00093167 not to crash but you want to watch the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00477-00093168-00093350 crash that just happened next to you s5o2BfYn-BQ-00478-00093351-00093726 like it's human nature but that just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00479-00093727-00094015 literally makes that person's platform s5o2BfYn-BQ-00480-00094016-00094103 bigger s5o2BfYn-BQ-00481-00094104-00094231 even if you feel like you're not s5o2BfYn-BQ-00482-00094232-00094423 engaging even if you just you're just a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00483-00094424-00094518 silent view s5o2BfYn-BQ-00484-00094519-00094711 the platform will read that it will s5o2BfYn-BQ-00485-00094712-00094959 literally share the video to more people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00486-00094960-00095126 like you're literally helping that s5o2BfYn-BQ-00487-00095127-00095287 problematic person s5o2BfYn-BQ-00488-00095288-00095487 get a bigger platform if you engage in s5o2BfYn-BQ-00489-00095488-00095647 any way shape or form s5o2BfYn-BQ-00490-00095648-00095879 with their video unfortunately some s5o2BfYn-BQ-00491-00095880-00095982 people s5o2BfYn-BQ-00492-00095983-00096238 have shown over and over again that they s5o2BfYn-BQ-00493-00096239-00096455 are not responsible enough s5o2BfYn-BQ-00494-00096456-00096750 to have contact with their followers and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00495-00096751-00096903 i feel like at a certain point the s5o2BfYn-BQ-00496-00096904-00096982 platform just s5o2BfYn-BQ-00497-00096983-00097215 has to pull the plug in some way or s5o2BfYn-BQ-00498-00097216-00097423 another and i know that's like a harsh s5o2BfYn-BQ-00499-00097424-00097647 statement but i feel like there should s5o2BfYn-BQ-00500-00097648-00097894 be a hard line s5o2BfYn-BQ-00501-00097895-00098055 that should not be crossed when it's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00502-00098056-00098318 like you're committing s5o2BfYn-BQ-00503-00098319-00098550 crimes against your followers for s5o2BfYn-BQ-00504-00098551-00098726 example like if you're hurting your s5o2BfYn-BQ-00505-00098727-00098935 followers s5o2BfYn-BQ-00506-00098936-00099135 you don't deserve to have any platform s5o2BfYn-BQ-00507-00099136-00099789 on the internet s5o2BfYn-BQ-00508-00099790-00100047 [Music] s5o2BfYn-BQ-00509-00100048-00100247 anyways that's all i have for you today s5o2BfYn-BQ-00510-00100248-00100350 let me know in the comments s5o2BfYn-BQ-00511-00100351-00100503 what you think about this whole thing at s5o2BfYn-BQ-00512-00100504-00100679 what point does a platform have a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00513-00100680-00100887 responsibility to ensure that their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00514-00100888-00100967 creators s5o2BfYn-BQ-00515-00100968-00101182 are not hurting their viewers their s5o2BfYn-BQ-00516-00101183-00101343 followers etc etc s5o2BfYn-BQ-00517-00101344-00101479 and do you think it's fair that it's s5o2BfYn-BQ-00518-00101480-00101662 basically at this point the viewers and s5o2BfYn-BQ-00519-00101663-00101926 the community's responsibility s5o2BfYn-BQ-00520-00101927-00102159 to police that behavior to for lack of a s5o2BfYn-BQ-00521-00102160-00102231 better word s5o2BfYn-BQ-00522-00102232-00102510 because the platform is unwilling to do s5o2BfYn-BQ-00523-00102511-00102551 so s5o2BfYn-BQ-00524-00102552-00102734 thank you for watching if you still are s5o2BfYn-BQ-00525-00102735-00102871 subscribe if you like to continue s5o2BfYn-BQ-00526-00102872-00103086 talking about world domination s5o2BfYn-BQ-00527-00103088-00103472 and i'll see you in the next one s8mM_fFBcrQ-00000-00000608-00000751 greetings and welcome to the s8mM_fFBcrQ-00001-00000752-00000983 introduction to astronomy one of the s8mM_fFBcrQ-00002-00000984-00001150 things that i like to do in each of my s8mM_fFBcrQ-00003-00001151-00001358 introductory astronomy classes is to s8mM_fFBcrQ-00004-00001359-00001543 begin the class with the astronomy s8mM_fFBcrQ-00005-00001544-00001671 picture of the day s8mM_fFBcrQ-00006-00001672-00001830 from the nasa website that is s8mM_fFBcrQ-00007-00001832-00002159 apod.nasa.gov s8mM_fFBcrQ-00008-00002160-00002310 apod s8mM_fFBcrQ-00009-00002311-00002542 and today's picture for september 7th of s8mM_fFBcrQ-00010-00002543-00002718 2021 s8mM_fFBcrQ-00011-00002719-00003079 well it is titled ngc 520 colliding s8mM_fFBcrQ-00012-00003080-00003303 galaxies from hubble s8mM_fFBcrQ-00013-00003304-00003583 so what do we see here well what looks s8mM_fFBcrQ-00014-00003584-00003967 like one very unusual irregular peculiar s8mM_fFBcrQ-00015-00003968-00004095 galaxy s8mM_fFBcrQ-00016-00004096-00004335 is actually a combination of a couple of s8mM_fFBcrQ-00017-00004336-00004599 galaxies colliding and detailed s8mM_fFBcrQ-00018-00004600-00004775 measurements made by hubble space s8mM_fFBcrQ-00019-00004776-00005015 telescope allow us to see s8mM_fFBcrQ-00020-00005016-00005270 that these are two separate galaxies s8mM_fFBcrQ-00021-00005271-00005479 that are in the process of merging s8mM_fFBcrQ-00022-00005480-00005654 together s8mM_fFBcrQ-00023-00005655-00005911 now galaxy collisions are how galaxies s8mM_fFBcrQ-00024-00005912-00006167 grow over time galaxies will merge s8mM_fFBcrQ-00025-00006168-00006263 together s8mM_fFBcrQ-00026-00006264-00006503 and grow from smaller galaxies into s8mM_fFBcrQ-00027-00006504-00006823 larger galaxies however these collisions s8mM_fFBcrQ-00028-00006823-00007078 can take a long time but since galaxies s8mM_fFBcrQ-00029-00007079-00007406 have been around for billions of years s8mM_fFBcrQ-00030-00007408-00007591 they still have had time to undergo s8mM_fFBcrQ-00031-00007592-00007774 collisions many times s8mM_fFBcrQ-00032-00007775-00008070 including likely our own milky way has s8mM_fFBcrQ-00033-00008072-00008278 gone undergone collisions and in fact we s8mM_fFBcrQ-00034-00008279-00008351 have s8mM_fFBcrQ-00035-00008352-00008567 evidence that it is cannibalizing other s8mM_fFBcrQ-00036-00008568-00008863 small galaxies around it right now s8mM_fFBcrQ-00037-00008864-00009127 and is on a collision course in about s8mM_fFBcrQ-00038-00009128-00009399 five to six billion years with another s8mM_fFBcrQ-00039-00009400-00009646 large galaxy at what point they will s8mM_fFBcrQ-00040-00009647-00009951 start to merge together and that galaxy s8mM_fFBcrQ-00041-00009952-00010199 is the andromeda galaxy and we are s8mM_fFBcrQ-00042-00010200-00010438 getting closer and closer to it but s8mM_fFBcrQ-00043-00010439-00010646 because of the immense distances it will s8mM_fFBcrQ-00044-00010647-00010895 take us another five or six billion s8mM_fFBcrQ-00045-00010896-00011142 years before the galaxies begin to s8mM_fFBcrQ-00046-00011143-00011271 interact s8mM_fFBcrQ-00047-00011272-00011487 a galaxy collision like this takes s8mM_fFBcrQ-00048-00011488-00011806 hundreds of millions of years so we see s8mM_fFBcrQ-00049-00011807-00012070 no changes in our lifetime s8mM_fFBcrQ-00050-00012071-00012295 so we can understand galaxy collisions s8mM_fFBcrQ-00051-00012296-00012487 in a couple of ways we can look at s8mM_fFBcrQ-00052-00012488-00012710 various galaxies at different states in s8mM_fFBcrQ-00053-00012711-00012958 the collision and try to piece together s8mM_fFBcrQ-00054-00012959-00013286 some things there and we can also create s8mM_fFBcrQ-00055-00013287-00013599 computer models to look at galaxies and s8mM_fFBcrQ-00056-00013600-00013894 try to understand how galaxies work that s8mM_fFBcrQ-00057-00013895-00014135 way so we can make simulations and s8mM_fFBcrQ-00058-00014136-00014366 collide those galaxies together by s8mM_fFBcrQ-00059-00014368-00014479 computer s8mM_fFBcrQ-00060-00014480-00014807 and see how those models fit with what s8mM_fFBcrQ-00061-00014808-00015071 we actually see out in space s8mM_fFBcrQ-00062-00015072-00015350 so we see this here we see a lot of dust s8mM_fFBcrQ-00063-00015351-00015671 from these two galaxies likely to disc s8mM_fFBcrQ-00064-00015672-00015894 or spiral galaxies that have a lot of s8mM_fFBcrQ-00065-00015895-00015983 dust s8mM_fFBcrQ-00066-00015984-00016191 we see some distinct blue stars and s8mM_fFBcrQ-00067-00016191-00016415 enhanced star formation especially down s8mM_fFBcrQ-00068-00016416-00016694 towards the lower right hand side s8mM_fFBcrQ-00069-00016695-00016975 and we see that we'll see that over the s8mM_fFBcrQ-00070-00016976-00017222 next few hundred million years that they s8mM_fFBcrQ-00071-00017223-00017463 will eventually combine to form one s8mM_fFBcrQ-00072-00017464-00017639 single galaxy s8mM_fFBcrQ-00073-00017640-00017950 although because of how distant it is we s8mM_fFBcrQ-00074-00017951-00018214 will never see changes within a human s8mM_fFBcrQ-00075-00018215-00018455 lifetime so even if we could look at it s8mM_fFBcrQ-00076-00018456-00018630 a hundred years from now it would s8mM_fFBcrQ-00077-00018631-00018903 essentially look exactly as it does s8mM_fFBcrQ-00078-00018904-00019014 today s8mM_fFBcrQ-00079-00019015-00019271 the galaxy collisions take much much s8mM_fFBcrQ-00080-00019272-00019543 longer for us to be able to see any s8mM_fFBcrQ-00081-00019544-00019663 changes s8mM_fFBcrQ-00082-00019664-00019886 so that was our picture of the day for s8mM_fFBcrQ-00083-00019887-00020167 september 7th of 2021 s8mM_fFBcrQ-00084-00020168-00020535 it was titled ngc 520 colliding galaxies s8mM_fFBcrQ-00085-00020536-00020783 from hubble we'll be back again tomorrow s8mM_fFBcrQ-00086-00020784-00021063 for the next picture so until then have s8mM_fFBcrQ-00087-00021064-00021350 a great day everyone and i will see you s8mM_fFBcrQ-00088-00021351-00021672 in class s9TjlDbFci0-00000-00000048-00000314 Natural History is a domain of inquiry s9TjlDbFci0-00001-00000315-00000526 involving organisms including animals s9TjlDbFci0-00002-00000527-00000733 fungi and plants in their environment s9TjlDbFci0-00003-00000734-00000937 leaning more towards observational than s9TjlDbFci0-00004-00000938-00001232 experimental methods of study a person s9TjlDbFci0-00005-00001233-00001432 who studies Natural History is called a s9TjlDbFci0-00006-00001433-00001766 naturalist or natural historian natural s9TjlDbFci0-00007-00001767-00001985 history encompasses scientific research s9TjlDbFci0-00008-00001986-00002225 but is not limited to it it involves the s9TjlDbFci0-00009-00002226-00002429 systematic study of any category of s9TjlDbFci0-00010-00002430-00002747 natural objects or organisms so while it s9TjlDbFci0-00011-00002748-00002885 dates from studies in the ancient s9TjlDbFci0-00012-00002886-00003107 greco-roman world in the media eval s9TjlDbFci0-00013-00003108-00003281 Arabic world through to European s9TjlDbFci0-00014-00003282-00003479 Renaissance naturalist working in near s9TjlDbFci0-00015-00003479-00003704 isolation today's natural history is a s9TjlDbFci0-00016-00003704-00003886 cross-discipline umbrella of many s9TjlDbFci0-00017-00003888-00004199 specialty sciences eg geobiology has a s9TjlDbFci0-00018-00004200-00004704 strong multidisciplinary nature s9TjlDbFci0-00019-00004705-00005233 topic definitions s9TjlDbFci0-00020-00005234-00005763 topic before 1900 s9TjlDbFci0-00021-00005764-00006001 the meaning of the English term natural s9TjlDbFci0-00022-00006002-00006297 history a calque of the Latin historia s9TjlDbFci0-00023-00006298-00006493 Naturalis has narrowed progressively s9TjlDbFci0-00024-00006494-00006723 with time while by contrast the meaning s9TjlDbFci0-00025-00006725-00007018 of the related term nature has widened s9TjlDbFci0-00026-00007019-00007353 see also history below in antiquity s9TjlDbFci0-00027-00007354-00007642 natural history covered essentially s9TjlDbFci0-00028-00007643-00007852 anything connected with nature or which s9TjlDbFci0-00029-00007853-00008077 used materials drawn from nature such as s9TjlDbFci0-00030-00008078-00008302 Pliny the elders encyclopedia of this s9TjlDbFci0-00031-00008303-00008662 title published circa 77 to 79 ad which s9TjlDbFci0-00032-00008663-00008923 covers astronomy geography humans and s9TjlDbFci0-00033-00008924-00009076 their technology medicine and s9TjlDbFci0-00034-00009077-00009280 superstition as well as animals and s9TjlDbFci0-00035-00009281-00009607 plants medieval European academics s9TjlDbFci0-00036-00009608-00009790 considered knowledge to have two main s9TjlDbFci0-00037-00009791-00010024 divisions the humanities primarily what s9TjlDbFci0-00038-00010025-00010210 is now known as classics and divinity s9TjlDbFci0-00039-00010211-00010405 with science studied largely through s9TjlDbFci0-00040-00010406-00010585 texts rather than observation or s9TjlDbFci0-00041-00010586-00010858 experiment the study of nature revived s9TjlDbFci0-00042-00010859-00011049 in the Renaissance and quickly became a s9TjlDbFci0-00043-00011050-00011221 third branch of academic knowledge s9TjlDbFci0-00044-00011222-00011476 itself divided into descriptive Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00045-00011477-00011674 History and Natural Philosophy the s9TjlDbFci0-00046-00011675-00011949 analytical study of nature in modern s9TjlDbFci0-00047-00011950-00012163 terms Natural Philosophy roughly s9TjlDbFci0-00048-00012164-00012349 corresponded to modern physics and s9TjlDbFci0-00049-00012350-00012565 chemistry while Natural History included s9TjlDbFci0-00050-00012566-00012796 the biological and geological sciences s9TjlDbFci0-00051-00012797-00013132 the two were strongly associated during s9TjlDbFci0-00052-00013133-00013324 the heyday of the gentlemen scientists s9TjlDbFci0-00053-00013325-00013549 many people contributed to both fields s9TjlDbFci0-00054-00013550-00013747 and early papers in both were commonly s9TjlDbFci0-00055-00013747-00013957 read at professional science Society s9TjlDbFci0-00056-00013958-00014163 meetings such as the Royal Society in s9TjlDbFci0-00057-00014165-00014361 the French Academy of Sciences both s9TjlDbFci0-00058-00014362-00014704 founded during the 17th century Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00059-00014705-00014908 History had been encouraged by practical s9TjlDbFci0-00060-00014909-00015130 motives such as Linnaeus aspiration to s9TjlDbFci0-00061-00015131-00015351 improve the economic condition of Sweden s9TjlDbFci0-00062-00015352-00015558 similarly the Industrial Revolution s9TjlDbFci0-00063-00015559-00015816 prompted the development of geology to s9TjlDbFci0-00064-00015818-00016358 help find useful mineral deposits s9TjlDbFci0-00065-00016359-00016821 pick since 1900 s9TjlDbFci0-00066-00016822-00017031 modern definitions of Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00067-00017032-00017256 come from a variety of fields and s9TjlDbFci0-00068-00017257-00017412 sources and many of the modern s9TjlDbFci0-00069-00017413-00017577 definitions emphasize a particular s9TjlDbFci0-00070-00017578-00017853 aspect of the field creating a plurality s9TjlDbFci0-00071-00017854-00018036 of definitions with a number of common s9TjlDbFci0-00072-00018037-00018279 themes among them for example while s9TjlDbFci0-00073-00018280-00018498 Natural History is most often defined as s9TjlDbFci0-00074-00018499-00018705 a type of observation and a subject of s9TjlDbFci0-00075-00018706-00018930 study it can also be defined as a body s9TjlDbFci0-00076-00018931-00019098 of knowledge and as a craft or a s9TjlDbFci0-00077-00019099-00019296 practice in which the emphasis is placed s9TjlDbFci0-00078-00019297-00019446 more on the observer than on the s9TjlDbFci0-00079-00019447-00019767 observed definitions from biologists s9TjlDbFci0-00080-00019768-00019977 often focus on the scientific study of s9TjlDbFci0-00081-00019978-00020139 individual organisms in their s9TjlDbFci0-00082-00020140-00020298 environment as seen in this definition s9TjlDbFci0-00083-00020299-00020610 by Marston Bates Natural History is the s9TjlDbFci0-00084-00020611-00021030 study of animals and plants of organisms s9TjlDbFci0-00085-00021031-00021305 I like to think then of Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00086-00021306-00021519 as the study of life at the level of the s9TjlDbFci0-00087-00021520-00021771 individual of what plants and animals do s9TjlDbFci0-00088-00021772-00021963 how they react to each other in their s9TjlDbFci0-00089-00021964-00022169 environment how they are organized into s9TjlDbFci0-00090-00022170-00022394 larger groupings like populations and s9TjlDbFci0-00091-00022395-00022674 communities and this more recent s9TjlDbFci0-00092-00022675-00023025 definition by D s wilco van T Eisner the s9TjlDbFci0-00093-00023026-00023313 close observation of organisms their s9TjlDbFci0-00094-00023314-00023558 origins their evolution their behavior s9TjlDbFci0-00095-00023559-00023724 and their relationships with other s9TjlDbFci0-00096-00023725-00024114 species this focus on organisms in their s9TjlDbFci0-00097-00024115-00024453 environment is also echoed by HW green s9TjlDbFci0-00098-00024454-00024807 and JB Losos natural history focuses on s9TjlDbFci0-00099-00024808-00025005 where organisms are and what they do in s9TjlDbFci0-00100-00025006-00025230 their environment including interactions s9TjlDbFci0-00101-00025231-00025494 with other organisms it encompasses s9TjlDbFci0-00102-00025495-00025781 changes in internal States insofar as s9TjlDbFci0-00103-00025782-00026139 they pertain to what organisms do some s9TjlDbFci0-00104-00026139-00026349 definitions go further focusing on s9TjlDbFci0-00105-00026350-00026577 direct observation of organisms in their s9TjlDbFci0-00106-00026577-00026799 environment both past and present such s9TjlDbFci0-00107-00026800-00027168 as this one by GA Bartholomew a student s9TjlDbFci0-00108-00027169-00027402 of Natural History or a naturalist s9TjlDbFci0-00109-00027402-00027618 studies the world by observing plants s9TjlDbFci0-00110-00027619-00027975 and animals directly because organisms s9TjlDbFci0-00111-00027976-00028170 are functionally inseparable from the s9TjlDbFci0-00112-00028170-00028364 environment in which they live and s9TjlDbFci0-00113-00028366-00028542 because their structure and function s9TjlDbFci0-00114-00028543-00028767 cannot be adequately interpreted without s9TjlDbFci0-00115-00028768-00028929 knowing some of their evolutionary s9TjlDbFci0-00116-00028930-00029146 history the study of Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00117-00029147-00029430 embraces the study of fossils as well as s9TjlDbFci0-00118-00029431-00029664 physiographic and other aspects of the s9TjlDbFci0-00119-00029664-00029987 physical environment a common thread in s9TjlDbFci0-00120-00029988-00030204 many definitions of Natural History is s9TjlDbFci0-00121-00030205-00030402 the inclusion of a descriptive component s9TjlDbFci0-00122-00030402-00030650 as seen in a recent definition by HW s9TjlDbFci0-00123-00030651-00031049 Greene descriptive ecology and ethology s9TjlDbFci0-00124-00031050-00031302 several authors have argued for a more s9TjlDbFci0-00125-00031302-00031460 expansive view of Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00126-00031461-00031719 including s Herman who defines the field s9TjlDbFci0-00127-00031720-00031923 as the scientific study of plants and s9TjlDbFci0-00128-00031924-00032118 animals in their natural environments it s9TjlDbFci0-00129-00032119-00032400 is concerned with levels of organization s9TjlDbFci0-00130-00032401-00032580 from the individual organism to the s9TjlDbFci0-00131-00032581-00032808 ecosystem and stresses identification s9TjlDbFci0-00132-00032809-00033074 life history distribution abundance and s9TjlDbFci0-00133-00033075-00033339 interrelationships it often s9TjlDbFci0-00134-00033340-00033527 inappropriately includes an aesthetic s9TjlDbFci0-00135-00033528-00033786 component and deflation er who defines s9TjlDbFci0-00136-00033787-00034087 the field even more broadly as s9TjlDbFci0-00137-00034088-00034286 a practice of intentional focused s9TjlDbFci0-00138-00034287-00034477 attentiveness and receptivity to the s9TjlDbFci0-00139-00034478-00034693 more than human world guided by honesty s9TjlDbFci0-00140-00034694-00034995 and accuracy quote dot these definitions s9TjlDbFci0-00141-00034996-00035251 explicitly include the arts in the field s9TjlDbFci0-00142-00035252-00035464 of Natural History and are aligned with s9TjlDbFci0-00143-00035465-00035737 the broad definition outlined by B Lopez s9TjlDbFci0-00144-00035738-00036040 who defines the field as that patient s9TjlDbFci0-00145-00036041-00036248 interrogation of a landscape while s9TjlDbFci0-00146-00036249-00036404 referring to the natural history s9TjlDbFci0-00147-00036405-00036623 knowledge of the Eskimo Inuit a slightly s9TjlDbFci0-00148-00036624-00036823 different framework for Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00149-00036824-00037033 covering a similar range of themes is s9TjlDbFci0-00150-00037034-00037211 also implied in the scope of work s9TjlDbFci0-00151-00037212-00037405 encompassed by many leading Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00152-00037406-00037592 History Museum's which often include s9TjlDbFci0-00153-00037593-00037768 elements of anthropology geology s9TjlDbFci0-00154-00037769-00038039 paleontology and astronomy along with s9TjlDbFci0-00155-00038040-00038258 botany and zoology or include both s9TjlDbFci0-00156-00038259-00038452 cultural and natural components of the s9TjlDbFci0-00157-00038453-00038654 world the plurality of definitions for s9TjlDbFci0-00158-00038655-00038864 this field has been recognized as both a s9TjlDbFci0-00159-00038865-00039037 weakness and a strength and a range of s9TjlDbFci0-00160-00039038-00039217 definitions have recently been offered s9TjlDbFci0-00161-00039218-00039415 by practitioners in a recent collection s9TjlDbFci0-00162-00039416-00039862 of views on Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00163-00039863-00040362 topic history s9TjlDbFci0-00164-00040363-00040862 topic ancient times s9TjlDbFci0-00165-00040863-00041127 natural history begins with Aristotle s9TjlDbFci0-00166-00041128-00041298 and other ancient philosophers who s9TjlDbFci0-00167-00041299-00041486 analyzed the diversity of the natural s9TjlDbFci0-00168-00041487-00041765 world natural history was understood by s9TjlDbFci0-00169-00041766-00041964 Pliny the Elder to cover anything that s9TjlDbFci0-00170-00041965-00042146 could be found in the world including s9TjlDbFci0-00171-00042147-00042352 living things geology astronomy s9TjlDbFci0-00172-00042353-00042651 technology art and humanity de materia s9TjlDbFci0-00173-00042652-00042905 medica was written between 50 and 70 AD s9TjlDbFci0-00174-00042906-00043155 by padania style or IDEs a Roman s9TjlDbFci0-00175-00043156-00043421 physician of Greek origin it was widely s9TjlDbFci0-00176-00043422-00043707 read for more than 1500 years until s9TjlDbFci0-00177-00043708-00043905 supplanted in the Renaissance making it s9TjlDbFci0-00178-00043906-00044064 one of the longest-lasting of all s9TjlDbFci0-00179-00044065-00044351 natural history books from the ancient s9TjlDbFci0-00180-00044352-00044555 Greeks until the work of Carl Linnaeus s9TjlDbFci0-00181-00044556-00044792 and other 18th century natural ists a s9TjlDbFci0-00182-00044793-00045042 major concept of Natural History was the s9TjlDbFci0-00183-00045043-00045279 Scala naturae or great chain of being an s9TjlDbFci0-00184-00045280-00045495 arrangement of minerals vegetables more s9TjlDbFci0-00185-00045496-00045686 primitive forms of animals and more s9TjlDbFci0-00186-00045687-00045924 complex life forms on a linear scale of s9TjlDbFci0-00187-00045925-00046098 supposedly increasing perfection s9TjlDbFci0-00188-00046099-00046530 culminating in our species s9TjlDbFci0-00189-00046531-00046996 topic medieval s9TjlDbFci0-00190-00046997-00047239 Natural History was basically static s9TjlDbFci0-00191-00047240-00047368 through the Middle Ages in Europe s9TjlDbFci0-00192-00047369-00047575 although in the Arabic and oriental s9TjlDbFci0-00193-00047576-00047764 world it proceeded at a much brisker s9TjlDbFci0-00194-00047765-00048079 pace from the 13th century the work of s9TjlDbFci0-00195-00048080-00048286 Aristotle was adapted rather rigidly s9TjlDbFci0-00196-00048287-00048517 into Christian philosophy particularly s9TjlDbFci0-00197-00048518-00048751 by Thomas Aquinas forming the basis for s9TjlDbFci0-00198-00048752-00049024 natural theology during the Renaissance s9TjlDbFci0-00199-00049025-00049231 scholars herbalists and humanists s9TjlDbFci0-00200-00049232-00049414 particularly returned to direct s9TjlDbFci0-00201-00049415-00049624 observation of plants and animals for s9TjlDbFci0-00202-00049625-00049807 natural history and many began to s9TjlDbFci0-00203-00049808-00050014 accumulate large collections of exotic s9TjlDbFci0-00204-00050015-00050323 specimens and unusual monsters Lenhart s9TjlDbFci0-00205-00050324-00050491 Fuchs was one of the three founding s9TjlDbFci0-00206-00050492-00050671 fathers of botany along with Otto s9TjlDbFci0-00207-00050672-00050932 Braunfels in Hieronymous Bock other s9TjlDbFci0-00208-00050933-00051148 important contributors to the field were s9TjlDbFci0-00209-00051149-00051420 Valerius cordis Konrad Gesner historia s9TjlDbFci0-00210-00051421-00051666 animal ium Frederick rice or gaspard' s9TjlDbFci0-00211-00051667-00051915 Baumann the rapid increase in the number s9TjlDbFci0-00212-00051916-00052111 of known organisms prompted many s9TjlDbFci0-00213-00052112-00052348 attempts at classifying and organizing s9TjlDbFci0-00214-00052349-00052528 species into taxonomic groups s9TjlDbFci0-00215-00052529-00052735 culminating in the system of the Swedish s9TjlDbFci0-00216-00052736-00053219 naturalist Carl Linnaeus s9TjlDbFci0-00217-00053220-00053755 topic birth of scientific biology s9TjlDbFci0-00218-00053757-00054004 a significant contribution to English s9TjlDbFci0-00219-00054005-00054217 natural history was made by parson s9TjlDbFci0-00220-00054219-00054442 naturalist such as Gilbert white William s9TjlDbFci0-00221-00054444-00054704 Kirby John George wood and John Ray who s9TjlDbFci0-00222-00054704-00054892 wrote about plants animals and other s9TjlDbFci0-00223-00054894-00055169 aspects of nature many of these men s9TjlDbFci0-00224-00055170-00055364 wrote about nature to make the natural s9TjlDbFci0-00225-00055365-00055567 theology argument for the existence or s9TjlDbFci0-00226-00055569-00055757 goodness of God in modern Europe s9TjlDbFci0-00227-00055758-00055970 professional disciplines such as botany s9TjlDbFci0-00228-00055971-00056051 geology s9TjlDbFci0-00229-00056052-00056348 mycology paleontology Physiology and s9TjlDbFci0-00230-00056349-00056639 zoology were formed Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00231-00056640-00056834 formerly the main subject taught by s9TjlDbFci0-00232-00056835-00057008 college science professors was s9TjlDbFci0-00233-00057009-00057212 increasingly scorned by scientists of a s9TjlDbFci0-00234-00057213-00057419 more specialized manner and relegated to s9TjlDbFci0-00235-00057420-00057730 him amateur activity rather than a part s9TjlDbFci0-00236-00057732-00057998 of science proper in Victorian Scotland s9TjlDbFci0-00237-00057999-00058136 it was believed that the study of s9TjlDbFci0-00238-00058137-00058334 Natural History contributed to good s9TjlDbFci0-00239-00058335-00058613 mental health particularly in Britain in s9TjlDbFci0-00240-00058614-00058792 the United States this grew into s9TjlDbFci0-00241-00058794-00058988 specialist hobbies such as the study of s9TjlDbFci0-00242-00058989-00059210 birds butterflies seashells s9TjlDbFci0-00243-00059211-00059447 malee ecology conch ology beetles and s9TjlDbFci0-00244-00059448-00059680 wild flowers meanwhile scientists tried s9TjlDbFci0-00245-00059682-00059854 to define a unified discipline of s9TjlDbFci0-00246-00059855-00060071 biology though with only partial success s9TjlDbFci0-00247-00060072-00060280 at least until the modern evolutionary s9TjlDbFci0-00248-00060282-00060551 synthesis still the traditions of s9TjlDbFci0-00249-00060552-00060764 Natural History continue to play a part s9TjlDbFci0-00250-00060765-00060935 in the study of biology especially s9TjlDbFci0-00251-00060936-00061172 ecology the study of natural systems s9TjlDbFci0-00252-00061173-00061376 involving living organisms and the s9TjlDbFci0-00253-00061377-00061523 inorganic components of the Earth's s9TjlDbFci0-00254-00061524-00061760 biosphere that support them with ology s9TjlDbFci0-00255-00061761-00061954 the scientific study of animal behavior s9TjlDbFci0-00256-00061955-00062216 and evolutionary biology the study of s9TjlDbFci0-00257-00062216-00062408 the relationships between life-forms s9TjlDbFci0-00258-00062409-00062636 over very long periods of time Andreea s9TjlDbFci0-00259-00062637-00062842 merges today as integrative organismal s9TjlDbFci0-00260-00062844-00063182 biology amateur collectors and Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00261-00063183-00063347 History entrepreneurs played an s9TjlDbFci0-00262-00063348-00063539 important role in building the world's s9TjlDbFci0-00263-00063540-00063770 large natural history collections such s9TjlDbFci0-00264-00063771-00064001 as the Natural History Museum London and s9TjlDbFci0-00265-00064002-00064166 the National Museum of Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00266-00064166-00064511 in Washington DC three of the greatest s9TjlDbFci0-00267-00064512-00064721 English natural ists of the 19th century s9TjlDbFci0-00268-00064722-00064994 Henri Walter Bates Charles Darwin and s9TjlDbFci0-00269-00064995-00065240 Alfred Russel Wallace who all knew each s9TjlDbFci0-00270-00065241-00065528 other each made natural history travels s9TjlDbFci0-00271-00065529-00065723 that took years collected thousands of s9TjlDbFci0-00272-00065724-00065930 specimens many of them new to science s9TjlDbFci0-00273-00065931-00066110 and by their writings both advanced s9TjlDbFci0-00274-00066111-00066359 knowledge of remote parts of the world s9TjlDbFci0-00275-00066360-00066668 the Amazon basin the Galapagos Islands s9TjlDbFci0-00276-00066669-00066878 and the Malay Archipelago among others s9TjlDbFci0-00277-00066879-00067115 and in so doing helped to transform by s9TjlDbFci0-00278-00067116-00067139 all s9TjlDbFci0-00279-00067140-00067331 from a descriptive to a theory based s9TjlDbFci0-00280-00067332-00067721 science the understanding of nature as s9TjlDbFci0-00281-00067722-00068096 an organism and not as a mechanism can s9TjlDbFci0-00282-00068097-00068291 be traced to the writings of alexander s9TjlDbFci0-00283-00068292-00068692 von humboldt prussia 1769 to 1859 s9TjlDbFci0-00284-00068693-00068954 Humboldt Scopus writings and research s9TjlDbFci0-00285-00068955-00069158 were seminal influences for Charles s9TjlDbFci0-00286-00069159-00069215 Darwin s9TjlDbFci0-00287-00069216-00069485 Simone Bolivar Henry David Thoreau Ernst s9TjlDbFci0-00288-00069486-00069911 Haeckel and John Muir s9TjlDbFci0-00289-00069912-00070422 topic museums s9TjlDbFci0-00290-00070423-00070683 Natural History Museum's which evolved s9TjlDbFci0-00291-00070684-00070896 from cabinets of curiosities played an s9TjlDbFci0-00292-00070897-00071064 important role in the emergence of s9TjlDbFci0-00293-00071065-00071277 professional biological disciplines and s9TjlDbFci0-00294-00071278-00071559 research programs particularly in the s9TjlDbFci0-00295-00071560-00071802 19th century scientists began to use s9TjlDbFci0-00296-00071803-00071979 their natural history collections as s9TjlDbFci0-00297-00071980-00072186 teaching tools for advanced students and s9TjlDbFci0-00298-00072187-00072360 the basis for their own morphological s9TjlDbFci0-00299-00072361-00072716 research s9TjlDbFci0-00300-00072717-00073238 topic societies s9TjlDbFci0-00301-00073239-00073598 the term natural history alone or s9TjlDbFci0-00302-00073599-00073844 sometimes together with archeology forms s9TjlDbFci0-00303-00073845-00074048 the name of many national regional and s9TjlDbFci0-00304-00074049-00074263 local Natural History societies that s9TjlDbFci0-00305-00074264-00074476 maintain records for animals including s9TjlDbFci0-00306-00074477-00074525 Birds s9TjlDbFci0-00307-00074526-00074792 ornithology insects entomology and s9TjlDbFci0-00308-00074793-00075119 mammals mammalogy fungi mycology plants s9TjlDbFci0-00309-00075120-00075416 botany and other organisms they may also s9TjlDbFci0-00310-00075417-00075635 have geological and microscopical s9TjlDbFci0-00311-00075636-00075965 sections examples of these societies in s9TjlDbFci0-00312-00075966-00076109 Britain include the Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00313-00076110-00076426 Society of Northumbria founded in 1829 s9TjlDbFci0-00314-00076427-00076760 London Natural History Society 1858 s9TjlDbFci0-00315-00076761-00077096 Birmingham Natural History Society 1859 s9TjlDbFci0-00316-00077097-00077312 British entomological and Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00317-00077313-00077654 History Society founded in 1872 Glasgow s9TjlDbFci0-00318-00077655-00077810 Natural History Society s9TjlDbFci0-00319-00077811-00078035 Manchester microscopical and Natural s9TjlDbFci0-00320-00078036-00078278 History Society established in 1880 s9TjlDbFci0-00321-00078279-00078500 would be natural ists club founded in s9TjlDbFci0-00322-00078501-00078769 1913 Scarborough field naturalist s9TjlDbFci0-00323-00078770-00078988 Society in the Sorby Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00324-00078989-00079051 Society s9TjlDbFci0-00325-00079052-00079385 Sheffield founded in 1918 the growth of s9TjlDbFci0-00326-00079386-00079622 Natural History societies was also s9TjlDbFci0-00327-00079623-00079778 spurred due to the growth of British s9TjlDbFci0-00328-00079779-00079961 colonies in tropical regions with s9TjlDbFci0-00329-00079962-00080156 numerous new species to be discovered s9TjlDbFci0-00330-00080157-00080429 many civil servants took an interest in s9TjlDbFci0-00331-00080430-00080534 their new surroundings s9TjlDbFci0-00332-00080535-00080753 sending specimens back to museums in s9TjlDbFci0-00333-00080754-00081073 Britain see also Indian Natural History s9TjlDbFci0-00334-00081074-00081317 societies in other countries include the s9TjlDbFci0-00335-00081318-00081530 American Society of naturalists and s9TjlDbFci0-00336-00081531-00081734 polish Copernicus Society of natural s9TjlDbFci0-00337-00081735-00082122 ists s9TjlDbFci0-00338-00082123-00082597 topic see also s9TjlDbFci0-00339-00082598-00083117 topic references s9TjlDbFci0-00340-00083118-00083631 topic further reading s9TjlDbFci0-00341-00083632-00084177 topic external links s9TjlDbFci0-00342-00084178-00084447 a history of the ecological sciences by s9TjlDbFci0-00343-00084448-00084804 Frank n Edgerton srpFGSLNUMM-00000-00000085-00000807 [Music] srpFGSLNUMM-00001-00000808-00000927 i'm just trying to live srpFGSLNUMM-00002-00000927-00001262 my funky life why you wanna funk with me srpFGSLNUMM-00003-00001263-00001470 tv got me like poltergeist and did the srpFGSLNUMM-00004-00001471-00001671 radio poison frequency srpFGSLNUMM-00005-00001672-00001895 news reporters always restore this srpFGSLNUMM-00006-00001896-00002095 another year of the new world order srpFGSLNUMM-00007-00002096-00002191 racism srpFGSLNUMM-00008-00002192-00002463 still exists gangland warfare in this srpFGSLNUMM-00009-00002464-00002510 bitch srpFGSLNUMM-00010-00002511-00002718 bombing countries and selling dope srpFGSLNUMM-00011-00002719-00002926 weapons with soaps that kill your hope srpFGSLNUMM-00012-00002927-00003183 suicidal on a rival and then they go srpFGSLNUMM-00013-00003184-00003351 tribal that's for survival srpFGSLNUMM-00014-00003352-00003599 terrorism capitalism dressed up srpFGSLNUMM-00015-00003600-00003759 political activism srpFGSLNUMM-00016-00003760-00003975 one more strike and is back in prison srpFGSLNUMM-00017-00003976-00004175 that leaves me with one decision srpFGSLNUMM-00018-00004176-00004470 policeman patrol my block predator's out srpFGSLNUMM-00019-00004471-00004591 and he's on the clock srpFGSLNUMM-00020-00004592-00004791 flashing lights are telling me to stop srpFGSLNUMM-00021-00004792-00005015 social profiling filthy cop srpFGSLNUMM-00022-00005016-00005247 congressman a honest man a dirty srpFGSLNUMM-00023-00005248-00005422 politician and a campaign plan srpFGSLNUMM-00024-00005423-00005606 how to fight crime and drug addiction srpFGSLNUMM-00025-00005607-00005767 while giving out srpFGSLNUMM-00026-00005768-00005983 conviction district attorney and your srpFGSLNUMM-00027-00005984-00006167 attorney and a judge and a man on the srpFGSLNUMM-00028-00006168-00006270 illest journey srpFGSLNUMM-00029-00006271-00006470 pack the jails and rotate the doors srpFGSLNUMM-00030-00006472-00006670 inside the riots attack the pawn srpFGSLNUMM-00031-00006672-00006895 the big machine the little device the srpFGSLNUMM-00032-00006895-00007087 innocent people that paid the price srpFGSLNUMM-00033-00007088-00007310 you want to violate my human rights i srpFGSLNUMM-00034-00007311-00007646 can't let you control my life srpFGSLNUMM-00035-00007647-00008045 remember the right to vote it's in your srpFGSLNUMM-00036-00008047-00008314 [Music] srpFGSLNUMM-00037-00008315-00008615 hands ssLQBi5bVWQ-00000-00000737-00001424 [Music] ssLQBi5bVWQ-00001-00001425-00001493 [Music] ssLQBi5bVWQ-00002-00001494-00002883 [Applause] ssLQBi5bVWQ-00003-00002884-00003640 so ssLQBi5bVWQ-00004-00003640-00004283 [Music] ssLQBi5bVWQ-00005-00004284-00004467 so ssLQBi5bVWQ-00007-00012392-00012600 you stAf1jA26PM-00000-00000000-00002952 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00001-00002953-00003789 thank you stAf1jA26PM-00002-00003790-00006043 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00003-00006044-00006509 all right stAf1jA26PM-00004-00006511-00007891 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00005-00007892-00008238 thank you stAf1jA26PM-00007-00011311-00011977 thank you stAf1jA26PM-00009-00015073-00015404 oh my God stAf1jA26PM-00010-00015405-00017608 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00011-00017609-00017630 foreign stAf1jA26PM-00012-00017631-00019991 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00013-00019992-00020735 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00014-00020736-00021195 foreign stAf1jA26PM-00016-00025610-00025993 thank you stAf1jA26PM-00017-00025994-00027070 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00018-00027072-00027220 awesome stAf1jA26PM-00019-00027222-00027383 Edge stAf1jA26PM-00020-00027385-00028037 [Music] stAf1jA26PM-00021-00028038-00028558 foreign stAf1jA26PM-00023-00031945-00032433 good job stAf1jA26PM-00024-00032435-00034635 [Music] svQmyXG9hjA-00000-00001103-00001316 hello I'm Wayne and here are the svQmyXG9hjA-00001-00001317-00001619 headlines from pinksixty lesbian couple svQmyXG9hjA-00002-00001620-00001805 from Northampton have one two hundred svQmyXG9hjA-00003-00001805-00001948 thousand pounds after their neighbor svQmyXG9hjA-00004-00001950-00002126 took four years to renovate his svQmyXG9hjA-00005-00002127-00002372 Victorian house Samantha Jones and svQmyXG9hjA-00006-00002373-00002579 Rachel love Grover awarded to some the svQmyXG9hjA-00007-00002580-00002855 suffering a campaign of harassment the svQmyXG9hjA-00008-00002856-00003065 BBC have accidentally funded a number of svQmyXG9hjA-00009-00003066-00003269 gay hate groups in the US the svQmyXG9hjA-00010-00003270-00003410 broadcaster's were linked to the online svQmyXG9hjA-00011-00003411-00003629 bookstore Christian values network which svQmyXG9hjA-00012-00003629-00003842 donates cash to homophobes but have now svQmyXG9hjA-00013-00003843-00004088 ended the relationship a lesbian svQmyXG9hjA-00014-00004089-00004247 strippers surrendered to police after svQmyXG9hjA-00015-00004248-00004424 her abandoned children were killed in a svQmyXG9hjA-00016-00004425-00004706 fire Kira Pollard sons perished in the svQmyXG9hjA-00017-00004707-00004870 blaze which destroyed her Pittsburgh svQmyXG9hjA-00018-00004871-00005099 apartment last one she has been charged svQmyXG9hjA-00019-00005100-00005386 with two counts of homicide some of the svQmyXG9hjA-00020-00005387-00005561 first gay marriages in New York could be svQmyXG9hjA-00021-00005562-00005777 held on the Broadway stage the venue svQmyXG9hjA-00022-00005778-00005933 where hair is being performed as summer svQmyXG9hjA-00023-00005934-00006097 will host several queer couples when svQmyXG9hjA-00024-00006098-00006236 they tie the knot on the twenty-fifth of svQmyXG9hjA-00025-00006237-00006529 july and finally the annual eurogames svQmyXG9hjA-00026-00006530-00006701 will take place in rotterdam next svQmyXG9hjA-00027-00006702-00006947 weekend more than 6,000 athletes who svQmyXG9hjA-00028-00006948-00007097 expect it to attend the event which svQmyXG9hjA-00029-00007098-00007361 officially begins next birthstone that's svQmyXG9hjA-00030-00007362-00007723 all for today for this again tomorrow swD8fPCS4GA-00000-00000028-00000286 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00001-00000287-00000447 i'm heading out across britain swD8fPCS4GA-00002-00000448-00000655 to find the history embedded in the swD8fPCS4GA-00003-00000656-00000799 landscape swD8fPCS4GA-00004-00000800-00000966 this is a country where you're never swD8fPCS4GA-00005-00000967-00001239 very far from an ancient route way swD8fPCS4GA-00006-00001240-00001519 a glimpse of lost industry or a grand swD8fPCS4GA-00007-00001520-00001775 monument from our past swD8fPCS4GA-00008-00001776-00002159 so from coastal paths to hilltop tracks swD8fPCS4GA-00009-00002160-00002558 i've started doing some serious walking swD8fPCS4GA-00010-00002559-00002807 each of my walks leads me to a different swD8fPCS4GA-00011-00002808-00002887 time swD8fPCS4GA-00012-00002888-00003150 and a stunning location to find the swD8fPCS4GA-00013-00003151-00003415 stories you can only really appreciate swD8fPCS4GA-00014-00003415-00003806 on foot i'm in sleepy north norfolk for swD8fPCS4GA-00015-00003807-00003879 this walk swD8fPCS4GA-00016-00003879-00004183 exploring a famously quiet coastline but swD8fPCS4GA-00017-00004184-00004327 in victorian times swD8fPCS4GA-00018-00004328-00004647 this area seemed set to change royal swD8fPCS4GA-00019-00004648-00004759 patronage swD8fPCS4GA-00020-00004760-00005031 celebrity visitors a host of railway swD8fPCS4GA-00021-00005032-00005111 lines swD8fPCS4GA-00022-00005112-00005399 and some very fine sea bathing all made swD8fPCS4GA-00023-00005400-00005438 this swD8fPCS4GA-00024-00005439-00005815 the place to be so how on earth did swD8fPCS4GA-00025-00005816-00006331 north norfolk remain such a celebrated swD8fPCS4GA-00026-00006332-00007083 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00027-00007084-00007342 backwater swD8fPCS4GA-00028-00007343-00007631 just here i'm only 100 miles from london swD8fPCS4GA-00029-00007631-00007823 yet i'm in one of the quietest corners swD8fPCS4GA-00030-00007823-00008006 of england swD8fPCS4GA-00031-00008008-00008319 and it's fantastic walking territory swD8fPCS4GA-00032-00008320-00008510 one of the things i love so much about swD8fPCS4GA-00033-00008511-00008710 norfolk is that you don't often come swD8fPCS4GA-00034-00008711-00008759 here swD8fPCS4GA-00035-00008760-00008887 unless you're going to come here if you swD8fPCS4GA-00036-00008888-00009063 see what i mean it's not on the way to swD8fPCS4GA-00037-00009064-00009119 anywhere swD8fPCS4GA-00038-00009120-00009439 it's an edge a periphery and so much of swD8fPCS4GA-00039-00009440-00009591 what it is is defined swD8fPCS4GA-00040-00009592-00009758 by those characteristics swD8fPCS4GA-00041-00009759-00009895 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00042-00009896-00010135 in our unique british way we've come to swD8fPCS4GA-00043-00010136-00010310 celebrate the fact that this area swD8fPCS4GA-00044-00010311-00011246 is well a little bit backward swD8fPCS4GA-00045-00011247-00011431 uh we're asking you to tell us who is swD8fPCS4GA-00046-00011432-00011631 simply the best person swD8fPCS4GA-00047-00011632-00011910 norfolk has ever produced where else swD8fPCS4GA-00048-00011911-00012095 could alan partridge hail from swD8fPCS4GA-00049-00012096-00012463 except north norfolk but something swD8fPCS4GA-00050-00012464-00012687 very dramatic happened here during the swD8fPCS4GA-00051-00012688-00012807 long reign of swD8fPCS4GA-00052-00012808-00013135 queen victoria her son the prince of swD8fPCS4GA-00053-00013136-00013319 wales arrived in the county swD8fPCS4GA-00054-00013319-00013566 accompanied by a succession of railway swD8fPCS4GA-00055-00013568-00013751 lines swD8fPCS4GA-00056-00013752-00014083 this area was in danger of becoming swD8fPCS4GA-00057-00014084-00014335 trendy so i've come to find out how the swD8fPCS4GA-00058-00014336-00014479 victorian gentry swD8fPCS4GA-00059-00014480-00014679 managed to keep north norfolk in a swD8fPCS4GA-00060-00014680-00014783 perfect state swD8fPCS4GA-00061-00014784-00014951 to become the natural home for alan swD8fPCS4GA-00062-00014952-00015015 partridge swD8fPCS4GA-00063-00015016-00015175 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00064-00015176-00015422 my four-day route starts beside the wash swD8fPCS4GA-00065-00015423-00015622 at the queen's private residence swD8fPCS4GA-00066-00015623-00015950 sandringham so different from its swD8fPCS4GA-00067-00015951-00016071 coastal neighbour swD8fPCS4GA-00068-00016072-00016294 the experimental seaside resort of swD8fPCS4GA-00069-00016295-00016575 hunstanton swD8fPCS4GA-00070-00016576-00016767 day two and i'm crossing ancient swD8fPCS4GA-00071-00016768-00016943 agricultural land swD8fPCS4GA-00072-00016944-00017127 much of it still dominated by the swD8fPCS4GA-00073-00017128-00017319 county's largest estate swD8fPCS4GA-00074-00017320-00017630 hokum further east swD8fPCS4GA-00075-00017631-00017847 and it's the coast that's of interest at swD8fPCS4GA-00076-00017848-00017935 the victorian swD8fPCS4GA-00077-00017936-00018311 inspired nature reserve of blakeney swD8fPCS4GA-00078-00018312-00018575 finally steam power will help carry me swD8fPCS4GA-00079-00018576-00018671 to chroma swD8fPCS4GA-00080-00018672-00018894 the victorian resort that became a swD8fPCS4GA-00081-00018895-00019086 battleground for the heart and soul of swD8fPCS4GA-00082-00019087-00019375 north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00083-00019376-00020011 but that's 35 miles and four days east swD8fPCS4GA-00084-00020012-00020167 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00085-00020168-00020414 i'm starting at a royal residence that swD8fPCS4GA-00086-00020415-00020591 threatened to kick start a norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00087-00020592-00020791 awakening swD8fPCS4GA-00088-00020792-00021094 sandringham house swD8fPCS4GA-00089-00021095-00021414 in 1861 queen victoria and her husband swD8fPCS4GA-00090-00021415-00021471 albert swD8fPCS4GA-00091-00021472-00021663 were searching for a property for their swD8fPCS4GA-00092-00021664-00021830 wayward son bertie swD8fPCS4GA-00093-00021831-00022222 the future edward vii that summer the 19 swD8fPCS4GA-00094-00022223-00022350 year old prince had been swD8fPCS4GA-00095-00022351-00022622 on an army camp in ireland but managed swD8fPCS4GA-00096-00022623-00022678 to spend swD8fPCS4GA-00097-00022679-00023055 three nights with a young actress swD8fPCS4GA-00098-00023056-00023286 victoria claimed the incident so swD8fPCS4GA-00099-00023287-00023447 appalled her husband swD8fPCS4GA-00100-00023448-00023775 that it killed him so when this remote swD8fPCS4GA-00101-00023776-00023967 country estate came on the market the swD8fPCS4GA-00102-00023968-00024086 following year swD8fPCS4GA-00103-00024087-00024350 the now widowed victoria snapped it up swD8fPCS4GA-00104-00024351-00024607 for the equivalent of 22 million pounds swD8fPCS4GA-00105-00024608-00025230 in today's money swD8fPCS4GA-00106-00025231-00025455 to find out if north norfolk tamed swD8fPCS4GA-00107-00025456-00025718 bertie i'm meeting historian dr kate swD8fPCS4GA-00108-00025719-00025799 williams swD8fPCS4GA-00109-00025800-00026062 queen victoria she loved the idea of the swD8fPCS4GA-00110-00026063-00026239 healthy body and the healthy mind that swD8fPCS4GA-00111-00026239-00026431 was prince albert's mantra and that was swD8fPCS4GA-00112-00026432-00026551 quite a modern thing wasn't it it was a swD8fPCS4GA-00113-00026552-00026735 very modern thing very german thing of swD8fPCS4GA-00114-00026736-00026902 course vince albert was just dead but swD8fPCS4GA-00115-00026904-00026999 they still swD8fPCS4GA-00116-00027000-00027239 the idea of running around outside and swD8fPCS4GA-00117-00027239-00027335 keeping healthy swD8fPCS4GA-00118-00027336-00027567 and being in the country queen victoria swD8fPCS4GA-00119-00027568-00027679 loved the idea of it swD8fPCS4GA-00120-00027680-00027855 the principles was a bit of a bad boy swD8fPCS4GA-00121-00027856-00028062 wasn't it what queen victoria wanted the swD8fPCS4GA-00122-00028063-00028239 idea of her pushing him to get his swD8fPCS4GA-00123-00028239-00028462 country estate was hopefully here he'd swD8fPCS4GA-00124-00028463-00028662 be away from all the glamour girls of swD8fPCS4GA-00125-00028663-00028727 london swD8fPCS4GA-00126-00028727-00028887 and be able to focus on his wife and swD8fPCS4GA-00127-00028888-00029031 family swD8fPCS4GA-00128-00029032-00029295 but victoria's plans didn't exactly work swD8fPCS4GA-00129-00029295-00029502 as she'd intended swD8fPCS4GA-00130-00029504-00029767 in 1863 edward married princess swD8fPCS4GA-00131-00029768-00030102 alexandra of denmark swD8fPCS4GA-00132-00030103-00030239 but this sheen of grown-up swD8fPCS4GA-00133-00030239-00030527 respectability masked a cavalcade of swD8fPCS4GA-00134-00030527-00030774 royal mistresses swD8fPCS4GA-00135-00030775-00030918 did any of the mistresses come here swD8fPCS4GA-00136-00030919-00031095 afraid they did tony they came to the swD8fPCS4GA-00137-00031095-00031239 parties with their husbands swD8fPCS4GA-00138-00031239-00031383 and some of the other ones were kept swD8fPCS4GA-00139-00031383-00031558 outside in little cottages so some of swD8fPCS4GA-00140-00031560-00031670 the mistresses were married swD8fPCS4GA-00141-00031672-00031831 he had married mistresses because if you swD8fPCS4GA-00142-00031832-00032023 find a married mistress you could cover swD8fPCS4GA-00143-00032024-00032255 up the evidence swD8fPCS4GA-00144-00032256-00032518 bertie's ladies included actress lily swD8fPCS4GA-00145-00032519-00032670 langtry swD8fPCS4GA-00146-00032672-00032974 french actress sarah bernhardt swD8fPCS4GA-00147-00032975-00033262 french singer authent schneider the swD8fPCS4GA-00148-00033263-00033471 countess of warwick swD8fPCS4GA-00149-00033472-00033683 lady randolph churchill mother of sir swD8fPCS4GA-00150-00033684-00033879 winston swD8fPCS4GA-00151-00033880-00034215 and alice keppel often referred to swD8fPCS4GA-00152-00034216-00034426 as the prince's favorite swD8fPCS4GA-00153-00034427-00034823 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00154-00034824-00035087 with its discreet location sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00155-00035088-00035255 seemed to be the ideal cover for this swD8fPCS4GA-00156-00035256-00035511 sort of behavior swD8fPCS4GA-00157-00035512-00035759 nonetheless simply by being here bertie swD8fPCS4GA-00158-00035760-00035951 was opening the eyes of the nation to swD8fPCS4GA-00159-00035952-00036159 this corner of north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00160-00036160-00036415 people in the late victorian era were swD8fPCS4GA-00161-00036416-00036551 urban dwellers so swD8fPCS4GA-00162-00036552-00036718 increasingly the countryside wasn't what swD8fPCS4GA-00163-00036719-00036935 it was before a place where you worked swD8fPCS4GA-00164-00036936-00037135 it was a place for tourism holidays swD8fPCS4GA-00165-00037136-00037271 became more popular throughout the swD8fPCS4GA-00166-00037272-00037383 leisured classes swD8fPCS4GA-00167-00037384-00037583 once the walls had purchased sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00168-00037584-00037718 everyone wanted to come here swD8fPCS4GA-00169-00037719-00037959 royal spotting was absolutely top swD8fPCS4GA-00170-00037960-00038062 popular hobby swD8fPCS4GA-00171-00038063-00038279 in the 19th century so it really gave swD8fPCS4GA-00172-00038280-00038430 the area a huge swD8fPCS4GA-00173-00038431-00039127 boost swD8fPCS4GA-00174-00039128-00039343 our passion for the royals today is swD8fPCS4GA-00175-00039344-00039615 stronger than ever swD8fPCS4GA-00176-00039616-00039810 no matter how soggy it gets swD8fPCS4GA-00177-00039811-00040407 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00178-00040408-00040639 our current prince of wales attends the swD8fPCS4GA-00179-00040640-00040879 sandringham flower show every year swD8fPCS4GA-00180-00040880-00041174 these days with camilla the great swD8fPCS4GA-00181-00041175-00041430 granddaughter of none other than alice swD8fPCS4GA-00182-00041431-00041495 keppel swD8fPCS4GA-00183-00041496-00041687 his great-grandfather's favorite swD8fPCS4GA-00184-00041688-00041830 mistress swD8fPCS4GA-00185-00041831-00042439 funny how things work out swD8fPCS4GA-00186-00042440-00042615 having soaked up the scandals of swD8fPCS4GA-00187-00042616-00042774 victorian sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00188-00042775-00042943 i'm setting off on my walk through the swD8fPCS4GA-00189-00042944-00043230 public areas of the modern estate swD8fPCS4GA-00190-00043231-00043479 in the 1860s access here would have been swD8fPCS4GA-00191-00043480-00043630 strictly limited swD8fPCS4GA-00192-00043631-00043943 space and privacy really were the point swD8fPCS4GA-00193-00043944-00044190 because in addition to ladies bertie's swD8fPCS4GA-00194-00044191-00044302 other passion swD8fPCS4GA-00195-00044303-00044646 was shooting over his 50 years at swD8fPCS4GA-00196-00044647-00044727 sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00197-00044728-00045062 more and more land was purchased seven swD8fPCS4GA-00198-00045063-00045327 thousand acres of woodland were planted swD8fPCS4GA-00199-00045328-00045558 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00200-00045559-00045799 sandringham became the country's premier swD8fPCS4GA-00201-00045800-00046023 sporting terrain swD8fPCS4GA-00202-00046024-00046199 shooting would start each year on swD8fPCS4GA-00203-00046200-00046383 november the 9th the future king's swD8fPCS4GA-00204-00046384-00046543 birthday swD8fPCS4GA-00205-00046544-00046727 after which bertie would use all swD8fPCS4GA-00206-00046728-00046943 available time to entertain the great swD8fPCS4GA-00207-00046944-00047127 and the good swD8fPCS4GA-00208-00047128-00047351 a single day shoot it said once swD8fPCS4GA-00209-00047352-00047439 accounted swD8fPCS4GA-00210-00047440-00047862 for 1 300 partridges swD8fPCS4GA-00211-00047863-00048111 edward even decreed that time itself swD8fPCS4GA-00212-00048112-00048223 should be altered swD8fPCS4GA-00213-00048224-00048486 to maximize enjoyment of the estate this swD8fPCS4GA-00214-00048487-00048543 involved swD8fPCS4GA-00215-00048544-00048735 moving all the clocks here forward by swD8fPCS4GA-00216-00048736-00048846 half an hour swD8fPCS4GA-00217-00048847-00049023 in order to make the most of daylight swD8fPCS4GA-00218-00049024-00049455 hours in the winter months swD8fPCS4GA-00219-00049456-00049646 he was bringing his own way of doing swD8fPCS4GA-00220-00049647-00049846 things to north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00221-00049847-00050055 and the most fashionable man in britain swD8fPCS4GA-00222-00050056-00050327 was dead set on keeping development here swD8fPCS4GA-00223-00050328-00050667 to a minimum swD8fPCS4GA-00224-00050668-00050855 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00225-00050856-00051102 bertie though needed one cutting-edge swD8fPCS4GA-00226-00051103-00051358 bit of technology to make his dual life swD8fPCS4GA-00227-00051359-00051582 in london and norfolk possible swD8fPCS4GA-00228-00051583-00051823 two miles west of sandringham house i'm swD8fPCS4GA-00229-00051824-00051919 stopping off swD8fPCS4GA-00230-00051920-00052311 at the royal railway station swD8fPCS4GA-00231-00052312-00052647 in 1846 a line from pancras to king's swD8fPCS4GA-00232-00052648-00052782 lynn was completed swD8fPCS4GA-00233-00052783-00052999 it was part of a transport explosion swD8fPCS4GA-00234-00053000-00053166 that saw britain acquire swD8fPCS4GA-00235-00053167-00053423 ten thousand miles of track in the space swD8fPCS4GA-00236-00053424-00053735 of just 15 years swD8fPCS4GA-00237-00053736-00053950 and as bertie and his bride princess swD8fPCS4GA-00238-00053951-00054199 alexandra moved into sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00239-00054200-00054454 the lynn hanstanton railway company were swD8fPCS4GA-00240-00054455-00054671 extending the line to the north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00241-00054672-00054750 coast swD8fPCS4GA-00242-00054751-00055111 right past their front door swD8fPCS4GA-00243-00055112-00055287 it was practically their own private swD8fPCS4GA-00244-00055288-00055447 facility the old swD8fPCS4GA-00245-00055448-00055703 station at wolforton about two miles swD8fPCS4GA-00246-00055704-00055847 from sandringham so swD8fPCS4GA-00247-00055848-00056071 near enough to be incredibly convenient swD8fPCS4GA-00248-00056072-00056238 and far away swD8fPCS4GA-00249-00056239-00056407 enough not to intrude swD8fPCS4GA-00250-00056408-00056694 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00251-00056695-00056879 the trains may have long gone but swD8fPCS4GA-00252-00056879-00056999 wolferton station swD8fPCS4GA-00253-00057000-00057366 remains fit for royalty thanks entirely swD8fPCS4GA-00254-00057367-00057615 to its railway enthusiast owner richard swD8fPCS4GA-00255-00057616-00057726 brown swD8fPCS4GA-00256-00057727-00058030 richard this station when the the prince swD8fPCS4GA-00257-00058032-00058126 of wales came here swD8fPCS4GA-00258-00058127-00058447 did it look like this more or less yes swD8fPCS4GA-00259-00058448-00058479 it's swD8fPCS4GA-00260-00058479-00058703 uh it's changed of course obviously with swD8fPCS4GA-00261-00058704-00058887 no track of course now and swD8fPCS4GA-00262-00058888-00059015 that was the original building over swD8fPCS4GA-00263-00059016-00059199 there that's the one with the swD8fPCS4GA-00264-00059200-00059447 prince of wales feathers over the door swD8fPCS4GA-00265-00059448-00059575 but presumably swD8fPCS4GA-00266-00059576-00059791 uh the prince of wales and alexandra swD8fPCS4GA-00267-00059791-00059959 didn't just hang around on the platform swD8fPCS4GA-00268-00059960-00060094 reading the newspaper waiting for the swD8fPCS4GA-00269-00060095-00060247 train tomorrow no swD8fPCS4GA-00270-00060248-00060406 they both had a hand in the design of swD8fPCS4GA-00271-00060407-00060919 this side with the great eastern railway swD8fPCS4GA-00272-00060920-00061206 at wolferton an entire station was built swD8fPCS4GA-00273-00061207-00061406 to keep the prince and princess of wales swD8fPCS4GA-00274-00061407-00061511 happy swD8fPCS4GA-00275-00061512-00061687 the lamp fittings came topped with swD8fPCS4GA-00276-00061688-00061854 crowns swD8fPCS4GA-00277-00061855-00062071 the station buildings matched the tudor swD8fPCS4GA-00278-00062072-00062279 style of the estate swD8fPCS4GA-00279-00062279-00062591 can we have a look so this is as it were swD8fPCS4GA-00280-00062591-00063030 the royal waiting room yes indeed wow swD8fPCS4GA-00281-00063032-00063254 and inside there were fixtures and swD8fPCS4GA-00282-00063255-00063599 fittings fit for a future king and queen swD8fPCS4GA-00283-00063600-00063815 to say nothing of all the vips who would swD8fPCS4GA-00284-00063816-00064019 also come through here swD8fPCS4GA-00285-00064020-00064135 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00286-00064136-00064366 bertie's nephews for instance tsar swD8fPCS4GA-00287-00064367-00064479 nicholas swD8fPCS4GA-00288-00064479-00064766 and kaiser wilhelm and his swD8fPCS4GA-00289-00064767-00064982 nephews-in-law the kings of greece swD8fPCS4GA-00290-00064983-00065342 and spain all came through wolferton swD8fPCS4GA-00291-00065344-00065567 on their way to stay at sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00292-00065568-00066015 thanks a lot richard bye-bye swD8fPCS4GA-00293-00066016-00066287 in 1862 the railway company must have swD8fPCS4GA-00294-00066288-00066526 been ecstatic swD8fPCS4GA-00295-00066527-00066750 the little branch line they lobbied swD8fPCS4GA-00296-00066751-00066975 campaigned and fundraised for swD8fPCS4GA-00297-00066976-00067191 was now going to service the most talked swD8fPCS4GA-00298-00067192-00067615 about spot in rural britain swD8fPCS4GA-00299-00067616-00067838 and heading north i'll be sticking close swD8fPCS4GA-00300-00067839-00068023 to the old railway line for the rest of swD8fPCS4GA-00301-00068024-00068375 my days walking swD8fPCS4GA-00302-00068376-00068591 my final stretch inside the sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00303-00068592-00068815 estate takes me across dursingham swD8fPCS4GA-00304-00068816-00068878 bog swD8fPCS4GA-00305-00068879-00069294 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00306-00069295-00069511 it's a rare chance to see what this land swD8fPCS4GA-00307-00069512-00069647 on the edge of the fence would have swD8fPCS4GA-00308-00069648-00069726 looked like swD8fPCS4GA-00309-00069727-00070082 centuries ago before forestry made its swD8fPCS4GA-00310-00070083-00070743 mark swD8fPCS4GA-00311-00070744-00070982 lowland heath like this with his bed of swD8fPCS4GA-00312-00070983-00071094 acid peat swD8fPCS4GA-00313-00071095-00071303 once littered the eastern shores of the swD8fPCS4GA-00314-00071304-00071567 wash swD8fPCS4GA-00315-00071568-00071815 now a protected nature reserve swD8fPCS4GA-00316-00071816-00072119 dursingham bog is home to insects galore swD8fPCS4GA-00317-00072120-00072882 the black data dragonfly and the odd swD8fPCS4GA-00318-00072883-00073319 walker swD8fPCS4GA-00319-00073320-00073694 bog conquered and i can follow the old swD8fPCS4GA-00320-00073695-00073919 railway track bed for a while as i make swD8fPCS4GA-00321-00073920-00074062 my way to the coast swD8fPCS4GA-00322-00074063-00074335 and the line's ultimate destination han swD8fPCS4GA-00323-00074336-00074631 stanton swD8fPCS4GA-00324-00074632-00074855 here at the very northwest tip of east swD8fPCS4GA-00325-00074856-00074935 anglia swD8fPCS4GA-00326-00074936-00075143 the line stretched beyond the royal swD8fPCS4GA-00327-00075144-00075391 estate straight into another massive swD8fPCS4GA-00328-00075392-00075550 norfolk land holding swD8fPCS4GA-00329-00075551-00075854 that of the lestrange family swD8fPCS4GA-00330-00075855-00076006 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00331-00076007-00076287 in the 1840s two decades before bertie swD8fPCS4GA-00332-00076288-00076455 arrived at sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00333-00076456-00076735 the man in charge was henry stileman swD8fPCS4GA-00334-00076736-00076926 lestrange swD8fPCS4GA-00335-00076927-00077247 artist aristo and innovator he took note swD8fPCS4GA-00336-00077248-00077359 of two things swD8fPCS4GA-00337-00077360-00077575 the coming of the railways and the swD8fPCS4GA-00338-00077576-00077791 crazed sweeping more developed parts of swD8fPCS4GA-00339-00077792-00077903 the country swD8fPCS4GA-00340-00077904-00078215 seaside holidays swD8fPCS4GA-00341-00078216-00078399 since the beginning of that century swD8fPCS4GA-00342-00078400-00078631 seawater had been heralded as a wonder swD8fPCS4GA-00343-00078632-00078743 drug swD8fPCS4GA-00344-00078744-00078975 swimming in it could cure everything swD8fPCS4GA-00345-00078976-00079271 from corns to cancer it was claimed swD8fPCS4GA-00346-00079272-00079494 south coast settlements like brighton swD8fPCS4GA-00347-00079495-00079662 weymouth and eastbourne swD8fPCS4GA-00348-00079663-00079879 had been transformed into grand and swD8fPCS4GA-00349-00079880-00080150 profitable resorts swD8fPCS4GA-00350-00080151-00080399 but here on grassy cliff tops where swD8fPCS4GA-00351-00080400-00080647 sheep had grazed for centuries swD8fPCS4GA-00352-00080648-00080894 lestrange conceived of a new style of swD8fPCS4GA-00353-00080895-00081015 coastal resort swD8fPCS4GA-00354-00081016-00081282 one that was just a little bit more swD8fPCS4GA-00355-00081283-00081479 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00356-00081480-00081894 this is a copy of his swD8fPCS4GA-00357-00081895-00082094 bird's eye view of the proposed sea swD8fPCS4GA-00358-00082095-00082255 bathing village swD8fPCS4GA-00359-00082256-00082567 near the old village of hunstanton swD8fPCS4GA-00360-00082568-00082806 lestrange's design is like a cotswold swD8fPCS4GA-00361-00082807-00082894 village swD8fPCS4GA-00362-00082895-00083135 always intended to be classy there was swD8fPCS4GA-00363-00083136-00083199 to be no swD8fPCS4GA-00364-00083200-00083487 brash metropolis here there were going swD8fPCS4GA-00365-00083488-00083599 to be between swD8fPCS4GA-00366-00083600-00083943 60 and 80 little houses and swD8fPCS4GA-00367-00083944-00084471 a hotel somewhere for people to bathe swD8fPCS4GA-00368-00084472-00084706 it was a radical vision mapped out in swD8fPCS4GA-00369-00084707-00084918 1846 swD8fPCS4GA-00370-00084919-00085111 but even then lestrange believed it swD8fPCS4GA-00371-00085112-00085326 would take a railway to make his resort swD8fPCS4GA-00372-00085327-00085615 village a reality swD8fPCS4GA-00373-00085616-00085847 problem was there was no guarantee of swD8fPCS4GA-00374-00085848-00086079 any railway at that point swD8fPCS4GA-00375-00086080-00086415 initially all that got built was the new swD8fPCS4GA-00376-00086416-00086503 inn which is swD8fPCS4GA-00377-00086504-00086823 what's now the golden lion hotel swD8fPCS4GA-00378-00086824-00087126 there without a railway this location swD8fPCS4GA-00379-00087127-00087294 was just too remote swD8fPCS4GA-00380-00087295-00087526 development ground to a halt and the swD8fPCS4GA-00381-00087527-00087726 lonely hotel became known swD8fPCS4GA-00382-00087727-00088231 as lestrange's folly swD8fPCS4GA-00383-00088232-00088391 but ten years later there was a swD8fPCS4GA-00384-00088392-00088655 breakthrough a concrete plan was laid swD8fPCS4GA-00385-00088656-00088918 out to extend the line from king's lynn swD8fPCS4GA-00386-00088919-00089159 past sandringham to this northwest tip swD8fPCS4GA-00387-00089160-00089343 of east anglia swD8fPCS4GA-00388-00089344-00089623 this is what lestrange had waited for he swD8fPCS4GA-00389-00089624-00089750 seized his chance swD8fPCS4GA-00390-00089751-00089950 and gave away stretches of his land for swD8fPCS4GA-00391-00089951-00090231 free to ensure the line got built swD8fPCS4GA-00392-00090232-00090438 the first train rolled into the new han swD8fPCS4GA-00393-00090439-00090887 stanton in october 1862 swD8fPCS4GA-00394-00090888-00091287 but lestrange sadly wasn't there swD8fPCS4GA-00395-00091288-00091550 he died from a heart attack five weeks swD8fPCS4GA-00396-00091551-00091726 before the line opened swD8fPCS4GA-00397-00091727-00092206 aged just 47. swD8fPCS4GA-00398-00092207-00092471 lestrange was a pioneer and a visionary swD8fPCS4GA-00399-00092472-00092623 and like so many of swD8fPCS4GA-00400-00092624-00092847 such people after he died other swD8fPCS4GA-00401-00092848-00093055 developers were able to pursue swD8fPCS4GA-00402-00093056-00093287 his dream although i'm not sure swD8fPCS4GA-00403-00093288-00093406 lestrange would have been that swD8fPCS4GA-00404-00093407-00093526 enthusiastic swD8fPCS4GA-00405-00093527-00093694 about this bowling alley and the swD8fPCS4GA-00406-00093695-00093879 amusement arcade or that swD8fPCS4GA-00407-00093880-00094103 row of shops over there not not swD8fPCS4GA-00408-00094104-00094582 incredibly lestrange are they swD8fPCS4GA-00409-00094583-00094791 the truth is sunny honey as it's swD8fPCS4GA-00410-00094792-00094935 affectionately known swD8fPCS4GA-00411-00094936-00095199 grew and grew in a way lestrange could swD8fPCS4GA-00412-00095200-00095479 never have imagined or wanted swD8fPCS4GA-00413-00095480-00095759 the railway did bring people loads of swD8fPCS4GA-00414-00095760-00095855 people swD8fPCS4GA-00415-00095856-00096055 and whilst han stanton has never swD8fPCS4GA-00416-00096056-00096311 rivalled a brighton or an eastbourne swD8fPCS4GA-00417-00096312-00096503 it was an early lesson for the great and swD8fPCS4GA-00418-00096504-00096671 good of norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00419-00096672-00096959 the railways had the power to usher in swD8fPCS4GA-00420-00096960-00097047 major and swD8fPCS4GA-00421-00097048-00097359 unwelcome change tomorrow though swD8fPCS4GA-00422-00097360-00097606 i'm moving along the coast to explore swD8fPCS4GA-00423-00097607-00097879 how lestrange's even wealthier neighbors swD8fPCS4GA-00424-00097880-00098742 did things rather differently swD8fPCS4GA-00425-00098743-00098855 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00426-00098856-00099015 i've reached the northwest tip of swD8fPCS4GA-00427-00099016-00099262 norfolk on my walk exploring how this swD8fPCS4GA-00428-00099263-00099431 area has remained one of the least swD8fPCS4GA-00429-00099432-00099767 populated stretches of modern england swD8fPCS4GA-00430-00099768-00099982 today i'm heading east and walking away swD8fPCS4GA-00431-00099983-00100079 from the wash swD8fPCS4GA-00432-00100080-00100326 through an area that remains beautifully swD8fPCS4GA-00433-00100327-00100431 undeveloped swD8fPCS4GA-00434-00100432-00100662 so why did this part of my walk never swD8fPCS4GA-00435-00100663-00101023 received the sunny honey treatment swD8fPCS4GA-00436-00101024-00101287 with a railway to support it hunstanton swD8fPCS4GA-00437-00101288-00101503 had become a rare outpost of local swD8fPCS4GA-00438-00101504-00101855 tourism by 1865. swD8fPCS4GA-00439-00101856-00102055 today's walk though should prove just swD8fPCS4GA-00440-00102056-00102294 how rare a thing that was swD8fPCS4GA-00441-00102295-00102534 over 20 miles i'll be crossing land swD8fPCS4GA-00442-00102535-00102782 that's been cultivated for centuries swD8fPCS4GA-00443-00102783-00103023 as i head towards a farm that grew and swD8fPCS4GA-00444-00103024-00103294 grew into the county's largest and most swD8fPCS4GA-00445-00103295-00103951 powerful estate hokum swD8fPCS4GA-00446-00103952-00104182 four miles from hanstanton i've reached swD8fPCS4GA-00447-00104183-00104375 the rather lovely village of thornham swD8fPCS4GA-00448-00104376-00104590 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00449-00104591-00104766 this is just the kind of thing i was swD8fPCS4GA-00450-00104767-00105207 expecting from north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00451-00105208-00105451 a nice little bit of history in the year swD8fPCS4GA-00452-00105452-00105575 1666 swD8fPCS4GA-00453-00105576-00105775 they were building that church tower swD8fPCS4GA-00454-00105776-00105958 there to fit on the end of the building swD8fPCS4GA-00455-00105959-00106127 but then the great fire of london swD8fPCS4GA-00456-00106128-00106343 happened so they had to stop because the swD8fPCS4GA-00457-00106344-00106463 construction team swD8fPCS4GA-00458-00106464-00106678 needed to go down to london in order to swD8fPCS4GA-00459-00106679-00106878 help in london's reconstruction swD8fPCS4GA-00460-00106879-00107110 and they didn't finish it until later swD8fPCS4GA-00461-00107111-00107247 quite a bit later actually swD8fPCS4GA-00462-00107248-00107647 in 1935. well that's got to be the swD8fPCS4GA-00463-00107648-00108031 longest builders tea break in history swD8fPCS4GA-00464-00108032-00108286 but in those three centuries i doubt the swD8fPCS4GA-00465-00108288-00108583 look of this land had changed that much swD8fPCS4GA-00466-00108583-00108758 a field of barley is still a field of swD8fPCS4GA-00467-00108759-00108881 barley swD8fPCS4GA-00468-00108882-00109031 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00469-00109032-00109286 but one thing had changed the land swD8fPCS4GA-00470-00109288-00109447 ownership swD8fPCS4GA-00471-00109448-00109686 by the time victoria reached the throne swD8fPCS4GA-00472-00109688-00109766 nearly all swD8fPCS4GA-00473-00109767-00109999 north norfolk's vast acres of fertile swD8fPCS4GA-00474-00110000-00110078 soil were in swD8fPCS4GA-00475-00110079-00110383 private hands conferring real power on swD8fPCS4GA-00476-00110383-00110415 those swD8fPCS4GA-00477-00110416-00110766 fortunate land owners swD8fPCS4GA-00478-00110767-00111031 but i'm heading to barrow common one of swD8fPCS4GA-00479-00111032-00111366 the few remaining patches of common land swD8fPCS4GA-00480-00111367-00111502 where i've arranged to meet tom swD8fPCS4GA-00481-00111503-00111671 williamson an expert swD8fPCS4GA-00482-00111672-00111966 in the history of norfolk's landscape so swD8fPCS4GA-00483-00111967-00112110 what happened to all the common land swD8fPCS4GA-00484-00112111-00112358 when agriculture changes and modernizes swD8fPCS4GA-00485-00112359-00112543 in the 18th century swD8fPCS4GA-00486-00112544-00112847 um most of it gets enclosed in various swD8fPCS4GA-00487-00112848-00113078 ways often by parliamentary enclosure swD8fPCS4GA-00488-00113079-00113327 and reallocated as private land farms swD8fPCS4GA-00489-00113328-00113415 are getting bigger swD8fPCS4GA-00490-00113416-00113607 small farms are going to the wall but swD8fPCS4GA-00491-00113608-00113847 for the rich that is an invitation for swD8fPCS4GA-00492-00113848-00113983 them to create these swD8fPCS4GA-00493-00113983-00114223 wonderful new large places for swD8fPCS4GA-00494-00114224-00114390 themselves yeah absolutely once you've swD8fPCS4GA-00495-00114391-00114495 amassed property swD8fPCS4GA-00496-00114496-00114639 through purchase through enclosure swD8fPCS4GA-00497-00114640-00114847 whatever then you can start swD8fPCS4GA-00498-00114848-00115151 improving it as they say creating modern swD8fPCS4GA-00499-00115152-00115223 farms swD8fPCS4GA-00500-00115224-00115454 creating a nice park and garden around swD8fPCS4GA-00501-00115455-00115910 your your posh mansion swD8fPCS4GA-00502-00115911-00116102 it's difficult to conceive in this day swD8fPCS4GA-00503-00116103-00116351 and age that until quite recently swD8fPCS4GA-00504-00116352-00116590 millions of acres of our country weren't swD8fPCS4GA-00505-00116591-00116847 owned by anyone swD8fPCS4GA-00506-00116848-00117047 there were simply rights allowing folk swD8fPCS4GA-00507-00117048-00117486 to grow crops and graze cattle swD8fPCS4GA-00508-00117488-00117799 george iii's enclosure act scrapped that swD8fPCS4GA-00509-00117800-00118054 and they transformed rural areas like swD8fPCS4GA-00510-00118055-00118127 this swD8fPCS4GA-00511-00118128-00118351 allowing landowners to take a modern swD8fPCS4GA-00512-00118352-00118631 industrial approach to farming swD8fPCS4GA-00513-00118632-00118863 the acts gave smart farmers the chance swD8fPCS4GA-00514-00118864-00119575 to become the oligarchs of the age swD8fPCS4GA-00515-00119576-00119775 here in brancaster there used to be one swD8fPCS4GA-00516-00119776-00119966 of the most perfect examples swD8fPCS4GA-00517-00119967-00120199 of the industrialization of norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00518-00120200-00120319 agriculture swD8fPCS4GA-00519-00120320-00120583 it was called the brancaster malt house swD8fPCS4GA-00520-00120583-00120719 and it was absolutely swD8fPCS4GA-00521-00120720-00121031 massive it was finished in 1797 and swD8fPCS4GA-00522-00121032-00121263 it used to run all the way down the far swD8fPCS4GA-00523-00121264-00121334 side swD8fPCS4GA-00524-00121335-00121551 of that lane there about a hundred swD8fPCS4GA-00525-00121552-00121747 meters and it processed swD8fPCS4GA-00526-00121748-00122086 120 tons of barley every week swD8fPCS4GA-00527-00122088-00122302 and when they finish processing it they swD8fPCS4GA-00528-00122303-00122463 used to bring it over here to swD8fPCS4GA-00529-00122464-00122734 branches to stave and norfolk barley swD8fPCS4GA-00530-00122735-00122886 went all over the place swD8fPCS4GA-00531-00122888-00123158 it went to scotland to make the whiskey swD8fPCS4GA-00532-00123159-00123214 it went swD8fPCS4GA-00533-00123215-00123471 to holland to make the beer even went to swD8fPCS4GA-00534-00123472-00123551 dublin swD8fPCS4GA-00535-00123552-00123691 to make the guinness swD8fPCS4GA-00536-00123692-00123919 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00537-00123920-00124175 so after the landing closures barley was swD8fPCS4GA-00538-00124176-00124239 grown swD8fPCS4GA-00539-00124240-00124583 malted and shipped on a massive scale swD8fPCS4GA-00540-00124583-00124758 this coastline was becoming highly swD8fPCS4GA-00541-00124759-00124999 profitable without the slightest hint of swD8fPCS4GA-00542-00125000-00125223 a tourist swD8fPCS4GA-00543-00125224-00125495 and on this north-facing coast the swD8fPCS4GA-00544-00125496-00125575 geography swD8fPCS4GA-00545-00125576-00125743 simply didn't fit the tourist mold swD8fPCS4GA-00546-00125744-00125951 either swD8fPCS4GA-00547-00125952-00126127 what the victorians wanted was a cliff swD8fPCS4GA-00548-00126128-00126263 top walk or swD8fPCS4GA-00549-00126264-00126534 a nice sandy beach and a dip in the sea swD8fPCS4GA-00550-00126535-00126743 but what you get in this part of north swD8fPCS4GA-00551-00126744-00126831 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00552-00126832-00127183 is this great swathes of tidal salt swD8fPCS4GA-00553-00127183-00127248 marsh swD8fPCS4GA-00554-00127249-00127454 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00555-00127455-00127743 longshore currents pushing tons of silt swD8fPCS4GA-00556-00127744-00127927 west towards the wash swD8fPCS4GA-00557-00127928-00128151 have created the muddy ever-changing swD8fPCS4GA-00558-00128152-00128383 marshlands of north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00559-00128383-00128607 they now dominate the coastline for over swD8fPCS4GA-00560-00128608-00128758 20 miles swD8fPCS4GA-00561-00128759-00128983 and there's one product of that process swD8fPCS4GA-00562-00128983-00129166 i'm rather fond of swD8fPCS4GA-00563-00129167-00129510 there's a lovely patch of it there swD8fPCS4GA-00564-00129511-00129751 sam fire or samford as they call it swD8fPCS4GA-00565-00129752-00129863 around here when i was a kid you swD8fPCS4GA-00566-00129864-00129943 wouldn't touch this swD8fPCS4GA-00567-00129944-00130119 with a barge pole but now you can get it swD8fPCS4GA-00568-00130120-00130414 in all the swanky london restaurants swD8fPCS4GA-00569-00130415-00130743 inflated prices just wash it through to swD8fPCS4GA-00570-00130744-00130847 get rid of swD8fPCS4GA-00571-00130848-00131199 the salt cook it very very lightly swD8fPCS4GA-00572-00131200-00131399 add a bit of oil and vinegar and some swD8fPCS4GA-00573-00131400-00131607 pepper swD8fPCS4GA-00574-00131608-00132151 absolutely gorgeous fantastic swD8fPCS4GA-00575-00132152-00132319 well the victorians may not have been swD8fPCS4GA-00576-00132320-00132575 drawn to these salt marshes swD8fPCS4GA-00577-00132576-00132814 but just east the collection of villages swD8fPCS4GA-00578-00132815-00133014 known as the burnhams swD8fPCS4GA-00579-00133015-00133247 did produce one thing the victorians swD8fPCS4GA-00580-00133248-00133383 loved swD8fPCS4GA-00581-00133384-00133711 a true hero burnham thorpe swD8fPCS4GA-00582-00133712-00134014 was once home to one of england's finest swD8fPCS4GA-00583-00134015-00134414 horatio nelson who was born here in 1758 swD8fPCS4GA-00584-00134415-00134671 the son of a local rector he didn't live swD8fPCS4GA-00585-00134672-00134790 long enough to be swD8fPCS4GA-00586-00134791-00135087 a victorian he died valiantly at the swD8fPCS4GA-00587-00135088-00135327 battle of trafalgar in 1805 swD8fPCS4GA-00588-00135328-00135743 the scene of his greatest triumph swD8fPCS4GA-00589-00135744-00135983 this son of norfolk was revered by swD8fPCS4GA-00590-00135984-00136159 victorian society swD8fPCS4GA-00591-00136160-00136431 and about 250 pubs in britain bear his swD8fPCS4GA-00592-00136432-00136543 name swD8fPCS4GA-00593-00136544-00136743 but i'm stopping for lunch at the only swD8fPCS4GA-00594-00136744-00137127 one that was actually his local swD8fPCS4GA-00595-00137128-00137463 after his first 17 years at sea nelson swD8fPCS4GA-00596-00137464-00137775 returned to his home village in 1787 swD8fPCS4GA-00597-00137776-00138023 and waited five whole years for his next swD8fPCS4GA-00598-00138024-00138151 commission swD8fPCS4GA-00599-00138152-00138447 plenty of time for a drink you'd think swD8fPCS4GA-00600-00138448-00138551 and we do know swD8fPCS4GA-00601-00138552-00138719 that he actually came here because it's swD8fPCS4GA-00602-00138720-00138923 recorded that in the year swD8fPCS4GA-00603-00138924-00139263 1793 he threw a big dinner swD8fPCS4GA-00604-00139264-00139478 for the men of the village in order to swD8fPCS4GA-00605-00139479-00139695 celebrate the fact that he'd just swD8fPCS4GA-00606-00139696-00140031 taken command of the 64 gun agamemnon is swD8fPCS4GA-00607-00140032-00140287 that for me thank you cheers swD8fPCS4GA-00608-00140288-00140783 so uh i'm in good company aren't i swD8fPCS4GA-00609-00140784-00140943 nelson would go on to become the swD8fPCS4GA-00610-00140944-00141151 national hero swD8fPCS4GA-00611-00141152-00141407 but in north norfolk the biggest name by swD8fPCS4GA-00612-00141408-00141454 far swD8fPCS4GA-00613-00141455-00141678 was nelson's neighbor who was busy swD8fPCS4GA-00614-00141679-00141823 building an estate swD8fPCS4GA-00615-00141824-00142054 that to this day makes even sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00616-00142055-00142647 look a little pokey swD8fPCS4GA-00617-00142648-00142823 look at that avenue is pretty impressive swD8fPCS4GA-00618-00142824-00142966 isn't it swD8fPCS4GA-00619-00142967-00143199 just over two miles from burnham thorpe swD8fPCS4GA-00620-00143200-00143335 is the south entrance swD8fPCS4GA-00621-00143336-00143726 to hokam hall i'm swD8fPCS4GA-00622-00143727-00144039 just there at the entrance to swD8fPCS4GA-00623-00144040-00144431 hogan park hogan parks about 3 000 acres swD8fPCS4GA-00624-00144432-00144471 all swD8fPCS4GA-00625-00144472-00144790 trees and grass it's really swD8fPCS4GA-00626-00144791-00145087 very very big with hokum hall in the swD8fPCS4GA-00627-00145088-00145166 middle of it but swD8fPCS4GA-00628-00145167-00145326 that's just the start of the story swD8fPCS4GA-00629-00145327-00145511 because all the way around it there's swD8fPCS4GA-00630-00145512-00145551 the swD8fPCS4GA-00631-00145552-00145823 hoka mistake going right up to the sea swD8fPCS4GA-00632-00145824-00145854 and swD8fPCS4GA-00633-00145855-00146063 all the way around here that is eight swD8fPCS4GA-00634-00146064-00146190 times as big swD8fPCS4GA-00635-00146191-00146631 as the park swD8fPCS4GA-00636-00146632-00146966 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00637-00146967-00147166 of all the great norfolk estates that swD8fPCS4GA-00638-00147167-00147375 came together in time for the victorian swD8fPCS4GA-00639-00147376-00147463 age swD8fPCS4GA-00640-00147464-00147719 hocum was the biggest and finest of the swD8fPCS4GA-00641-00147720-00147863 lot swD8fPCS4GA-00642-00147864-00148047 it was controlled by the ultimate swD8fPCS4GA-00643-00148048-00148390 norfolk farmer thomas william cook swD8fPCS4GA-00644-00148391-00148551 who just happened to be godfather to swD8fPCS4GA-00645-00148552-00148999 henry lestrange back in hanstanton swD8fPCS4GA-00646-00149000-00149223 cook's utter dominance of this area was swD8fPCS4GA-00647-00149224-00149526 recognized in the form of a royal visit swD8fPCS4GA-00648-00149527-00149775 a young victoria came to stay with the swD8fPCS4GA-00649-00149776-00149839 man swD8fPCS4GA-00650-00149840-00150054 hailed as the greatest commoner in swD8fPCS4GA-00651-00150055-00150183 england swD8fPCS4GA-00652-00150184-00150431 why did she come well i think thomas swD8fPCS4GA-00653-00150432-00150614 william cook was almost a legend within swD8fPCS4GA-00654-00150615-00150823 his own lifetime he'd been an mp for swD8fPCS4GA-00655-00150824-00151023 nearly 50 years she commented in her swD8fPCS4GA-00656-00151024-00151126 diary about swD8fPCS4GA-00657-00151127-00151295 what an old man he was but yet how swD8fPCS4GA-00658-00151296-00151431 vigorous and swD8fPCS4GA-00659-00151432-00151623 lively he was you think he was 30 years swD8fPCS4GA-00660-00151624-00151831 younger she also commented on the fact swD8fPCS4GA-00661-00151832-00151943 that his wife swD8fPCS4GA-00662-00151944-00152263 who in fact and was his goddaughter um swD8fPCS4GA-00663-00152264-00152463 was 40 years younger than he was so he swD8fPCS4GA-00664-00152464-00152878 was so that kept him vigorous guy swD8fPCS4GA-00665-00152879-00153063 with his international agricultural swD8fPCS4GA-00666-00153064-00153335 fares crop rotation techniques swD8fPCS4GA-00667-00153336-00153607 30 000 acres and dozens of tenant swD8fPCS4GA-00668-00153608-00153831 farmers paying him rent swD8fPCS4GA-00669-00153832-00154023 thomas william was the greatest swD8fPCS4GA-00670-00154024-00154311 beneficiary of land enclosures swD8fPCS4GA-00671-00154312-00154535 he's still known simply as cook of swD8fPCS4GA-00672-00154536-00154735 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00673-00154736-00154895 not everybody was that impressed by him swD8fPCS4GA-00674-00154896-00155095 were they no this was a very small swD8fPCS4GA-00675-00155096-00155335 elitist group of very wealthy capitalist swD8fPCS4GA-00676-00155336-00155423 farmers swD8fPCS4GA-00677-00155424-00155687 and of course under them were a huge swD8fPCS4GA-00678-00155688-00155759 number swD8fPCS4GA-00679-00155760-00156007 of very poor farm labourers there was a swD8fPCS4GA-00680-00156008-00156135 lot of underemployment a lot of swD8fPCS4GA-00681-00156136-00156239 unemployment swD8fPCS4GA-00682-00156240-00156423 wages were the lowest amongst swD8fPCS4GA-00683-00156424-00156583 agricultural workers any anywhere in swD8fPCS4GA-00684-00156584-00156648 britain swD8fPCS4GA-00685-00156649-00156926 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00686-00156927-00157111 it would be harsh to blame cook for the swD8fPCS4GA-00687-00157112-00157351 broad social ills of 19th century swD8fPCS4GA-00688-00157352-00157495 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00689-00157496-00157719 but he's proved to be the key figure swD8fPCS4GA-00690-00157720-00157990 that shaped large parts of my walk today swD8fPCS4GA-00691-00157991-00158111 and indeed tomorrow swD8fPCS4GA-00692-00158112-00158623 too such was the extent of his estate swD8fPCS4GA-00693-00158624-00158790 and as if his influence wasn't great swD8fPCS4GA-00694-00158791-00159063 enough queen victoria made the aging swD8fPCS4GA-00695-00159064-00159119 cook swD8fPCS4GA-00696-00159120-00159454 earl of leicester in return swD8fPCS4GA-00697-00159455-00159678 the new earl of leicester built a pub on swD8fPCS4GA-00698-00159679-00159799 the edge of his park swD8fPCS4GA-00699-00159800-00159964 in honor of his queen swD8fPCS4GA-00700-00159965-00160263 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00701-00160264-00160526 but as cook of norfolk gave way to his swD8fPCS4GA-00702-00160527-00160590 son swD8fPCS4GA-00703-00160591-00160902 so our old friend the railway arrived it swD8fPCS4GA-00704-00160903-00160943 went swD8fPCS4GA-00705-00160944-00161271 between the enormous expanse of swD8fPCS4GA-00706-00161272-00161566 hulken beach down there and holcombe swD8fPCS4GA-00707-00161567-00161719 village swD8fPCS4GA-00708-00161720-00161951 so did that mean the estate was about to swD8fPCS4GA-00709-00161952-00162822 be swamped by tourists swD8fPCS4GA-00710-00162823-00163135 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00711-00163136-00163343 i'm finding out how north norfolk has swD8fPCS4GA-00712-00163344-00163543 remained so famously undeveloped swD8fPCS4GA-00713-00163544-00163726 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00714-00163727-00163951 and so far at least a handful of swD8fPCS4GA-00715-00163952-00164214 powerful landowners have been the key swD8fPCS4GA-00716-00164215-00164447 by the early victorian age life and swD8fPCS4GA-00717-00164448-00164687 business in this extremity of rural swD8fPCS4GA-00718-00164688-00164759 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00719-00164760-00164983 were dominated by the earls of leicester swD8fPCS4GA-00720-00164984-00165102 and their power base swD8fPCS4GA-00721-00165103-00165383 at hokam hall but even they couldn't swD8fPCS4GA-00722-00165384-00165566 escape the new age of swD8fPCS4GA-00723-00165567-00165866 industry and travel all together and in swD8fPCS4GA-00724-00165867-00166007 1866 swD8fPCS4GA-00725-00166008-00166319 the railway came this was the greatest swD8fPCS4GA-00726-00166320-00166590 farming estate in norfolk but in a swD8fPCS4GA-00727-00166591-00166790 county now made trendy by the royal swD8fPCS4GA-00728-00166791-00166911 family swD8fPCS4GA-00729-00166912-00167151 could hocum resist the railway age of swD8fPCS4GA-00730-00167152-00167359 mass tourism swD8fPCS4GA-00731-00167360-00167702 in short yes and today i'm hugging the swD8fPCS4GA-00732-00167703-00167766 coast swD8fPCS4GA-00733-00167767-00167990 to see how the victorian age effectively swD8fPCS4GA-00734-00167991-00168175 killed off any chance of modern swD8fPCS4GA-00735-00168176-00168487 development ever happening swD8fPCS4GA-00736-00168488-00168711 from hogan park i'll be passing through swD8fPCS4GA-00737-00168712-00168895 the small port of wells swD8fPCS4GA-00738-00168896-00169175 and on across more salt marshes to the swD8fPCS4GA-00739-00169176-00169438 famous nature reserve at blakeney point swD8fPCS4GA-00740-00169439-00169751 a pristine conservation area born out of swD8fPCS4GA-00741-00169752-00169823 all things swD8fPCS4GA-00742-00169824-00170343 the victorian love of hunting swD8fPCS4GA-00743-00170344-00170551 back on the edge of hokum park the swD8fPCS4GA-00744-00170552-00170671 second earl of leicester swD8fPCS4GA-00745-00170672-00171111 was now adjusting to life with a railway swD8fPCS4GA-00746-00171112-00171447 in 1866 the very first people to use the swD8fPCS4GA-00747-00171448-00171607 new line past hocum swD8fPCS4GA-00748-00171608-00171807 were the prince and princess of wales swD8fPCS4GA-00749-00171808-00172102 paying a visit from sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00750-00172103-00172399 countryside pursuits were all the rage swD8fPCS4GA-00751-00172400-00172590 and the second earl of leicester swD8fPCS4GA-00752-00172591-00172775 was great mates with edward prince of swD8fPCS4GA-00753-00172776-00172966 wales and the two of them would swD8fPCS4GA-00754-00172967-00173223 go out with their guns and slaughter as swD8fPCS4GA-00755-00173224-00173431 many of god's creatures as they possibly swD8fPCS4GA-00756-00173432-00173511 could swD8fPCS4GA-00757-00173512-00173814 and no amount of trains or swD8fPCS4GA-00758-00173815-00174047 holiday makers was going to be allowed swD8fPCS4GA-00759-00174048-00174214 to get in the way of that hallowed swD8fPCS4GA-00760-00174215-00174438 pursuit swD8fPCS4GA-00761-00174439-00174638 but the second earl wasn't anti the swD8fPCS4GA-00762-00174639-00174783 railway age swD8fPCS4GA-00763-00174784-00174983 in fact he invested heavily in the local swD8fPCS4GA-00764-00174984-00175231 network just not for tourists swD8fPCS4GA-00765-00175232-00175631 but for his barley wells next the sea swD8fPCS4GA-00766-00175632-00175863 was the key gateway where the estates swD8fPCS4GA-00767-00175864-00176183 barley was malted and shipped out swD8fPCS4GA-00768-00176184-00176351 we've got maltings all the way around swD8fPCS4GA-00769-00176352-00176519 the town there aren't so many now but swD8fPCS4GA-00770-00176520-00176599 there were a dozen swD8fPCS4GA-00771-00176600-00176863 100 years ago here and we were exporting swD8fPCS4GA-00772-00176864-00176935 half the swD8fPCS4GA-00773-00176936-00177199 exports and more in the country with the swD8fPCS4GA-00774-00177200-00177335 earl of leicester's backing swD8fPCS4GA-00775-00177336-00177559 there wasn't just one but two railway swD8fPCS4GA-00776-00177560-00177702 lines swD8fPCS4GA-00777-00177703-00177887 lines set to push the port and the swD8fPCS4GA-00778-00177888-00178254 maltings to a whole new level swD8fPCS4GA-00779-00178255-00178438 but there's barely a glimmer of industry swD8fPCS4GA-00780-00178439-00178631 in wells today swD8fPCS4GA-00781-00178632-00178831 it's a charming little keysight where swD8fPCS4GA-00782-00178832-00179071 locals and visitors come crabbing as the swD8fPCS4GA-00783-00179072-00179263 tide comes in swD8fPCS4GA-00784-00179264-00179590 but if it had two railways why didn't swD8fPCS4GA-00785-00179591-00179671 wells grow swD8fPCS4GA-00786-00179672-00179935 more wells was already busy before the swD8fPCS4GA-00787-00179936-00180047 railway came swD8fPCS4GA-00788-00180048-00180431 and uh in fact the railway made wells swD8fPCS4GA-00789-00180432-00180719 quieter why it actually put it into swD8fPCS4GA-00790-00180720-00180814 decline because swD8fPCS4GA-00791-00180815-00181102 it was so wells was built on on swD8fPCS4GA-00792-00181103-00181326 exporting stuff and importing stuff swD8fPCS4GA-00793-00181327-00181502 and it was easier to do it by rail than swD8fPCS4GA-00794-00181503-00181711 it was by boat swD8fPCS4GA-00795-00181712-00181935 the railways were more effective than swD8fPCS4GA-00796-00181936-00182126 anyone could have imagined swD8fPCS4GA-00797-00182127-00182302 they killed off the fortnightly packet swD8fPCS4GA-00798-00182303-00182471 boat service to london almost swD8fPCS4GA-00799-00182472-00182631 immediately swD8fPCS4GA-00800-00182632-00182831 and as ships grew bigger and the north swD8fPCS4GA-00801-00182832-00183031 norfolk silt grew deeper swD8fPCS4GA-00802-00183032-00183238 well struggled to live up to its billing swD8fPCS4GA-00803-00183239-00183495 of major port swD8fPCS4GA-00804-00183496-00183702 all of which has left the town in some swD8fPCS4GA-00805-00183703-00183919 kind of time warp swD8fPCS4GA-00806-00183920-00184087 just the sort of place that appeals swD8fPCS4GA-00807-00184088-00184871 enormously to 21st century visitors swD8fPCS4GA-00808-00184872-00185102 the next nine miles of my walk is a swD8fPCS4GA-00809-00185103-00185590 return to the world of the salt marsh swD8fPCS4GA-00810-00185591-00185807 this unique ecosystem is fiercely swD8fPCS4GA-00811-00185808-00185983 protected swD8fPCS4GA-00812-00185984-00186366 but 130 years ago it certainly wasn't swD8fPCS4GA-00813-00186367-00186590 and the abundance of bird life drew swD8fPCS4GA-00814-00186591-00187063 those gun-loving victorians swD8fPCS4GA-00815-00187064-00187326 here on the norfolk coast the attraction swD8fPCS4GA-00816-00187327-00187807 was wildfowl swD8fPCS4GA-00817-00187808-00188095 the gentleman enjoyed the sport the swD8fPCS4GA-00818-00188096-00188306 ladies liked the feathered hats swD8fPCS4GA-00819-00188307-00188575 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00820-00188576-00188807 above all gentlemen gunners wanted to swD8fPCS4GA-00821-00188808-00188926 shoot here swD8fPCS4GA-00822-00188927-00189150 the four-mile spit of land known as swD8fPCS4GA-00823-00189151-00189335 blakeney point swD8fPCS4GA-00824-00189336-00189663 hi hello the quality and range of the swD8fPCS4GA-00825-00189664-00189823 wildlife found here was swD8fPCS4GA-00826-00189824-00190119 irresistible but as it turned out swD8fPCS4GA-00827-00190120-00190478 dangerously fragile swD8fPCS4GA-00828-00190479-00190743 coastal ranger rj tagalog has agreed to swD8fPCS4GA-00829-00190744-00190966 ferry me out to blakeney point swD8fPCS4GA-00830-00190967-00191126 it was discovered in the victorian times swD8fPCS4GA-00831-00191127-00191343 as a great place to come rarity hunting swD8fPCS4GA-00832-00191344-00191583 shooting birds which were later stuffed swD8fPCS4GA-00833-00191584-00191743 when you say rarity swD8fPCS4GA-00834-00191744-00191926 hunting what were they after they had a swD8fPCS4GA-00835-00191927-00192095 motto of what shot swD8fPCS4GA-00836-00192096-00192343 is history what's missed is mystery it swD8fPCS4GA-00837-00192344-00192447 was a learning process swD8fPCS4GA-00838-00192448-00192687 in 1884 a couple of brothers from london swD8fPCS4GA-00839-00192688-00192838 traveled down and found a bird called swD8fPCS4GA-00840-00192839-00192935 the blue throat swD8fPCS4GA-00841-00192936-00193343 a beautiful bird with blue markings swD8fPCS4GA-00842-00193344-00193535 the shooting of one rare visitor to swD8fPCS4GA-00843-00193536-00193743 britain turned this obscure swD8fPCS4GA-00844-00193744-00194014 shingle spit into a dream destination swD8fPCS4GA-00845-00194015-00194375 for the shooting fraternity of britain swD8fPCS4GA-00846-00194376-00194607 strange as it may seem these gents swD8fPCS4GA-00847-00194608-00194887 considered themselves lovers of nature swD8fPCS4GA-00848-00194888-00195119 but without the barrel of a lens they swD8fPCS4GA-00849-00195120-00195214 love nature swD8fPCS4GA-00850-00195215-00195415 via the barrel of a gun swD8fPCS4GA-00851-00195416-00195847 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00852-00195848-00196071 alongside the turns gulls and oyster swD8fPCS4GA-00853-00196072-00196231 catchers today swD8fPCS4GA-00854-00196232-00196607 legny has some other famous residents swD8fPCS4GA-00855-00196608-00196814 is that what i think they are certainly swD8fPCS4GA-00856-00196815-00196911 is yeah swD8fPCS4GA-00857-00196912-00197078 here we've got a mixture of grain common swD8fPCS4GA-00858-00197079-00197326 seals on the end of the point swD8fPCS4GA-00859-00197327-00197526 they're just as curious in us as i think swD8fPCS4GA-00860-00197527-00197647 we are in them swD8fPCS4GA-00861-00197648-00197902 so charming aren't they look at that one swD8fPCS4GA-00862-00197903-00198521 kicking off up there swD8fPCS4GA-00863-00198522-00198878 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00864-00198879-00199183 by the late 1800s mass slaughter by swD8fPCS4GA-00865-00199184-00199438 rarity hunters and wildfowlers was swD8fPCS4GA-00866-00199439-00199663 having a serious impact on wildlife swD8fPCS4GA-00867-00199664-00199911 stocks swD8fPCS4GA-00868-00199912-00200199 at blakeney common turn numbers dropped swD8fPCS4GA-00869-00200200-00200431 by up to 90 percent swD8fPCS4GA-00870-00200432-00200823 oyster catchers disappeared altogether swD8fPCS4GA-00871-00200824-00200966 if there were to be such things as swD8fPCS4GA-00872-00200967-00201143 rarities in the future swD8fPCS4GA-00873-00201144-00201519 something would have to change swD8fPCS4GA-00874-00201520-00201790 and it did blakeny point became a swD8fPCS4GA-00875-00201791-00202023 standard bearer for a new national swD8fPCS4GA-00876-00202024-00202471 sentiment thanks a lot swD8fPCS4GA-00877-00202472-00202695 why do you think there was that great swD8fPCS4GA-00878-00202696-00202878 sea change between swD8fPCS4GA-00879-00202879-00203087 shooting wildlife and conserving swD8fPCS4GA-00880-00203088-00203263 wildlife i think through having the swD8fPCS4GA-00881-00203264-00203454 opportunity to look at wildlife up close swD8fPCS4GA-00882-00203455-00203690 that they shot um gave them a sense of swD8fPCS4GA-00883-00203691-00203847 sentimentality swD8fPCS4GA-00884-00203848-00203975 because they were appreciating the swD8fPCS4GA-00885-00203976-00204135 beauty of these creatures yeah and the swD8fPCS4GA-00886-00204136-00204319 realization that they were taking their swD8fPCS4GA-00887-00204320-00204454 lives in actual fact these wonderful swD8fPCS4GA-00888-00204455-00204526 creatures swD8fPCS4GA-00889-00204527-00204814 deserve to be conserved what about here swD8fPCS4GA-00890-00204815-00204998 when did it stop just being a swD8fPCS4GA-00891-00205000-00205214 spit where you might take pot shots of swD8fPCS4GA-00892-00205215-00205366 sea birds and seals swD8fPCS4GA-00893-00205367-00205598 and started to be somewhere for the swD8fPCS4GA-00894-00205600-00205758 protection of wildlife swD8fPCS4GA-00895-00205759-00206062 well in 1901 uh the klein blakeney wild swD8fPCS4GA-00896-00206063-00206294 bird protection society was set up swD8fPCS4GA-00897-00206296-00206551 and well local wildfowlers um decided swD8fPCS4GA-00898-00206552-00206734 that the breeding birds needed protected swD8fPCS4GA-00899-00206735-00206910 a guy named bob pinchon came the first swD8fPCS4GA-00900-00206911-00207079 watcher out here and he had been an swD8fPCS4GA-00901-00207080-00207214 assistant to these gunners and a swD8fPCS4GA-00902-00207215-00207303 wildfowler swD8fPCS4GA-00903-00207304-00207462 and ended up working here protecting the swD8fPCS4GA-00904-00207463-00207742 birds so he started off very much as swD8fPCS4GA-00905-00207744-00208055 the victorian and then ended up swD8fPCS4GA-00906-00208056-00208246 the modern man as it were yeah indeed swD8fPCS4GA-00907-00208248-00208534 yes swD8fPCS4GA-00908-00208535-00208782 modern conservation was a victorian swD8fPCS4GA-00909-00208783-00208975 innovation swD8fPCS4GA-00910-00208976-00209262 the rspb and the national trust both swD8fPCS4GA-00911-00209263-00209655 creations of the late 1800s swD8fPCS4GA-00912-00209656-00209910 the highest levels of society ditch swD8fPCS4GA-00913-00209911-00210055 their feathered hats swD8fPCS4GA-00914-00210056-00210423 in favor of flowers and even bertie back swD8fPCS4GA-00915-00210423-00210534 at sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-00916-00210535-00210767 ended up patron of his local birds swD8fPCS4GA-00917-00210767-00210975 protection society swD8fPCS4GA-00918-00210976-00211191 and this is where you live now this is swD8fPCS4GA-00919-00211192-00211294 yes wow swD8fPCS4GA-00920-00211296-00211606 it is so fantastic everybody swD8fPCS4GA-00921-00211607-00211951 must be green with envy swD8fPCS4GA-00922-00211952-00212167 the old blakeney lifeboat station is swD8fPCS4GA-00923-00212167-00212294 home to rj swD8fPCS4GA-00924-00212296-00212598 and two other national trust rangers swD8fPCS4GA-00925-00212600-00212903 21st century versions of bob pinchen swD8fPCS4GA-00926-00212904-00213158 the man who shot and then saved the swD8fPCS4GA-00927-00213159-00214094 wildlife of blakeney swD8fPCS4GA-00928-00214096-00214287 but what did this sudden empathy for swD8fPCS4GA-00929-00214288-00214398 wildlife mean swD8fPCS4GA-00930-00214400-00214575 for the long-term future of north swD8fPCS4GA-00931-00214576-00214719 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00932-00214719-00214991 well in 1910 the then land owner of swD8fPCS4GA-00933-00214992-00215103 blakeney point swD8fPCS4GA-00934-00215104-00215255 threatened to sell to a property swD8fPCS4GA-00935-00215256-00215463 developer swD8fPCS4GA-00936-00215464-00215798 a thousand acres in total the new swD8fPCS4GA-00937-00215800-00216119 conservationists were in uproar so funds swD8fPCS4GA-00938-00216119-00216227 were raised swD8fPCS4GA-00939-00216228-00216582 695 pounds in all to purchase the land swD8fPCS4GA-00940-00216583-00216942 for the new national trust their first swD8fPCS4GA-00941-00216944-00217310 coastal nature reserve swD8fPCS4GA-00942-00217311-00217510 conservation had become a new way of swD8fPCS4GA-00943-00217511-00217751 ensuring this coastline would never get swD8fPCS4GA-00944-00217752-00218103 developed swD8fPCS4GA-00945-00218104-00218334 the tiny village of cly next the sea is swD8fPCS4GA-00946-00218335-00218694 my destination this evening swD8fPCS4GA-00947-00218696-00218982 tomorrow it's my final days walking in swD8fPCS4GA-00948-00218983-00219063 norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00949-00219064-00219382 a return to the railways and a visit to swD8fPCS4GA-00950-00219383-00219487 north norfolk's swD8fPCS4GA-00951-00219488-00220727 one genuine victorian resort swD8fPCS4GA-00952-00220728-00220951 i've reached my final day exploring swD8fPCS4GA-00953-00220952-00221142 north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00954-00221144-00221327 from the prince of wales to the birth of swD8fPCS4GA-00955-00221328-00221455 the national trust swD8fPCS4GA-00956-00221456-00221631 i've seen how big players here in swD8fPCS4GA-00957-00221632-00221775 victorian times swD8fPCS4GA-00958-00221776-00222071 helped keep norfolk nicely detached from swD8fPCS4GA-00959-00222071-00222279 the modern industrial world swD8fPCS4GA-00960-00222280-00222519 but no one no matter how powerful they swD8fPCS4GA-00961-00222519-00222582 might be swD8fPCS4GA-00962-00222583-00222734 could stem the rise of the british swD8fPCS4GA-00963-00222735-00222934 summer holiday swD8fPCS4GA-00964-00222935-00223263 in 1871 holidays became a statutory swD8fPCS4GA-00965-00223264-00223471 right swD8fPCS4GA-00966-00223471-00223663 it might not sound much but the bank swD8fPCS4GA-00967-00223664-00224158 holidays act gave us six days off a year swD8fPCS4GA-00968-00224159-00224391 and the rail companies wasted no time swD8fPCS4GA-00969-00224392-00224575 marketing their destinations swD8fPCS4GA-00970-00224576-00224903 to a new mass audience in the late swD8fPCS4GA-00971-00224904-00225046 victorian times swD8fPCS4GA-00972-00225048-00225223 it wasn't just the rich who were coming swD8fPCS4GA-00973-00225223-00225351 here swD8fPCS4GA-00974-00225352-00225575 my final days walking is leading me to swD8fPCS4GA-00975-00225576-00225767 the place which by 1900 swD8fPCS4GA-00976-00225767-00226071 had become the epitome of north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-00977-00226071-00226319 at least as far as the holidaying masses swD8fPCS4GA-00978-00226319-00226440 were concerned swD8fPCS4GA-00979-00226441-00226615 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00980-00226616-00226839 the nature reserves and salt marshes are swD8fPCS4GA-00981-00226840-00227094 behind me swD8fPCS4GA-00982-00227096-00227358 and fittingly it's steam power that will swD8fPCS4GA-00983-00227359-00227558 help me on my way today swD8fPCS4GA-00984-00227559-00227806 before an afternoon stroll to the cliffs swD8fPCS4GA-00985-00227807-00227951 villas and pier swD8fPCS4GA-00986-00227952-00228710 of chroma swD8fPCS4GA-00987-00228711-00228991 in national terms the railways were not swD8fPCS4GA-00988-00228992-00229087 surprisingly swD8fPCS4GA-00989-00229088-00229303 rather late to arrive in this distant swD8fPCS4GA-00990-00229304-00229437 corner of east anglia swD8fPCS4GA-00991-00229438-00229646 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-00992-00229648-00230151 but when they did they made a big impact swD8fPCS4GA-00993-00230152-00230327 and it's nice to find one that's still swD8fPCS4GA-00994-00230328-00230727 with us swD8fPCS4GA-00995-00230728-00230927 the north norfolk railway has been swD8fPCS4GA-00996-00230928-00231151 entertaining steam enthusiasts along an swD8fPCS4GA-00997-00231152-00231294 old route to chroma swD8fPCS4GA-00998-00231296-00231473 for nearly 50 years swD8fPCS4GA-00999-00231475-00231710 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01000-00231711-00231942 but back in victorian times the line was swD8fPCS4GA-01001-00231944-00232167 intended to transform this part of the swD8fPCS4GA-01002-00232167-00232558 county swD8fPCS4GA-01003-00232559-00232839 how was this road work 1897 was the year swD8fPCS4GA-01004-00232840-00233006 when it was completed through to chroma swD8fPCS4GA-01005-00233007-00233334 that's quite late yes indeed um it was swD8fPCS4GA-01006-00233335-00233519 built hopefully to sell to the midland swD8fPCS4GA-01007-00233519-00233734 railway why did the railway men in the swD8fPCS4GA-01008-00233735-00233846 midlands want to swD8fPCS4GA-01009-00233848-00234094 throw a spur out to north norfolk the swD8fPCS4GA-01010-00234096-00234310 idea of an east west connection gets swD8fPCS4GA-01011-00234311-00234398 away from swD8fPCS4GA-01012-00234400-00234567 all the other railways being london swD8fPCS4GA-01013-00234567-00234823 centric and uh swD8fPCS4GA-01014-00234823-00235087 opens the midlands and the north up to swD8fPCS4GA-01015-00235088-00235239 wonderful holiday resorts swD8fPCS4GA-01016-00235240-00235423 so it was very much a tourist line with swD8fPCS4GA-01017-00235423-00235551 tourist stations on it swD8fPCS4GA-01018-00235552-00235815 yes yeah the uh the industry was just swD8fPCS4GA-01019-00235816-00235894 beginning swD8fPCS4GA-01020-00235896-00236142 in late victorian times and and the idea swD8fPCS4GA-01021-00236144-00236279 was to take advantage of it swD8fPCS4GA-01022-00236280-00236439 pretty successfully it was they they swD8fPCS4GA-01023-00236440-00236598 came during the summer swD8fPCS4GA-01024-00236600-00236806 so much so that the profits made during swD8fPCS4GA-01025-00236807-00236967 the summer kept the railway running swD8fPCS4GA-01026-00236967-00237100 during the winter swD8fPCS4GA-01027-00237101-00237342 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01028-00237344-00237519 for the railway companies getting swD8fPCS4GA-01029-00237519-00237727 londoners and brummies to the norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-01030-00237728-00237991 coast wasn't the end of the story swD8fPCS4GA-01031-00237992-00238206 once they were here they aggressively swD8fPCS4GA-01032-00238207-00238382 marketed day trips swD8fPCS4GA-01033-00238383-00238623 it was advertised as the royal route uh swD8fPCS4GA-01034-00238623-00238734 from the midlands swD8fPCS4GA-01035-00238735-00238919 later years once the tourism was swD8fPCS4GA-01036-00238919-00239134 established they would run you all round swD8fPCS4GA-01037-00239135-00239223 the system swD8fPCS4GA-01038-00239223-00239406 on a wednesday they advertised the swD8fPCS4GA-01039-00239407-00239846 sharaban tour of sandringham swD8fPCS4GA-01040-00239848-00239982 my dad always said six months to the swD8fPCS4GA-01041-00239983-00240103 person who sees the first side of the swD8fPCS4GA-01042-00240104-00240206 scene swD8fPCS4GA-01043-00240207-00241551 i don't think we ever were paid but swD8fPCS4GA-01044-00241552-00241767 today the railway only stretches as far swD8fPCS4GA-01045-00241767-00241903 as sheringham swD8fPCS4GA-01046-00241904-00242103 where it's clear the line built to carry swD8fPCS4GA-01047-00242104-00242367 tourists is now a major attraction in swD8fPCS4GA-01048-00242367-00242646 its own right swD8fPCS4GA-01049-00242646-00242903 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01050-00242904-00243110 i'm only passing through sheringham but swD8fPCS4GA-01051-00243111-00243279 it's easily the biggest settlement i've swD8fPCS4GA-01052-00243280-00243551 seen on my walk swD8fPCS4GA-01053-00243552-00243839 if you look at those dates they all post swD8fPCS4GA-01054-00243840-00243951 the arrival swD8fPCS4GA-01055-00243952-00244206 of the train it's hard to believe that a swD8fPCS4GA-01056-00244207-00244375 relatively short time ago that was all swD8fPCS4GA-01057-00244376-00244525 fields isn't it swD8fPCS4GA-01058-00244526-00244687 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01059-00244688-00244927 so finally i've found some real urban swD8fPCS4GA-01060-00244928-00245463 development in victorian north norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-01061-00245464-00245630 but i'm heading on a further five and a swD8fPCS4GA-01062-00245631-00245927 half miles to my final destination swD8fPCS4GA-01063-00245928-00246215 an intriguing coastal spot because since swD8fPCS4GA-01064-00246216-00246463 the dawn of sea bathing fashion swD8fPCS4GA-01065-00246464-00246679 it had been renowned for the purity of swD8fPCS4GA-01066-00246680-00246855 its waters swD8fPCS4GA-01067-00246856-00247246 chroma there was a certain class of swD8fPCS4GA-01068-00247248-00247319 people swD8fPCS4GA-01069-00247319-00247615 who came here before the railways there swD8fPCS4GA-01070-00247616-00247671 were the swD8fPCS4GA-01071-00247671-00247927 gurneys who were bankers from norwich swD8fPCS4GA-01072-00247928-00248191 the barclays bankers from london swD8fPCS4GA-01073-00248192-00248455 these were ultra well-heeled families swD8fPCS4GA-01074-00248456-00248551 who were swD8fPCS4GA-01075-00248552-00248719 following prince edward and prince swD8fPCS4GA-01076-00248719-00248958 albert and coming here to live the rural swD8fPCS4GA-01077-00248959-00249046 life with swD8fPCS4GA-01078-00249048-00249551 lots of fresh air swD8fPCS4GA-01079-00249552-00249798 so unlike everywhere else on my walk swD8fPCS4GA-01080-00249800-00250039 chroma had a tourist platform to build swD8fPCS4GA-01081-00250040-00250134 on swD8fPCS4GA-01082-00250135-00250430 albeit quite an exclusive one and by swD8fPCS4GA-01083-00250431-00250534 1887 swD8fPCS4GA-01084-00250535-00250958 it was the terminus of two railway lines swD8fPCS4GA-01085-00250959-00251167 londoners could be here in less than swD8fPCS4GA-01086-00251167-00251382 three hours swD8fPCS4GA-01087-00251383-00251615 chroma was set for an invasion from the swD8fPCS4GA-01088-00251616-00252006 trendy middle classes swD8fPCS4GA-01089-00252007-00252182 i'm meeting alistair murphy of the swD8fPCS4GA-01090-00252183-00252423 chroma museum to find out what happened swD8fPCS4GA-01091-00252423-00252558 next swD8fPCS4GA-01092-00252559-00252798 if you'd been here 100 years ago there swD8fPCS4GA-01093-00252800-00252958 would have been hotels lining swD8fPCS4GA-01094-00252959-00253191 here and there would have been people in swD8fPCS4GA-01095-00253192-00253287 posh clothes swD8fPCS4GA-01096-00253288-00253494 people outside the hotels and there swD8fPCS4GA-01097-00253496-00253710 would have been carriages pulled up swD8fPCS4GA-01098-00253711-00254079 if you were anyone in the 1890s swD8fPCS4GA-01099-00254080-00254287 you had to have been to chroma now you'd swD8fPCS4GA-01100-00254288-00254510 have to have been to southeast asia swD8fPCS4GA-01101-00254511-00255015 but in 1893 it was chroma swD8fPCS4GA-01102-00255016-00255303 this entire westcliff area of town swD8fPCS4GA-01103-00255304-00255479 appeared in the last 10 years of swD8fPCS4GA-01104-00255480-00255671 victoria's reign swD8fPCS4GA-01105-00255671-00255910 at this time the empress of austria and swD8fPCS4GA-01106-00255911-00256206 the german nobility came to stay swD8fPCS4GA-01107-00256207-00256446 prince of wales bertie was made patron swD8fPCS4GA-01108-00256448-00256671 of royal chroma golf club swD8fPCS4GA-01109-00256671-00256855 although he much preferred hanging out swD8fPCS4GA-01110-00256856-00256975 at the virginia court swD8fPCS4GA-01111-00256976-00257191 gentlemen's club and for the middle swD8fPCS4GA-01112-00257192-00257439 classes there was clement scott swD8fPCS4GA-01113-00257440-00257758 theatre critic of the daily telegraph he swD8fPCS4GA-01114-00257759-00257934 came at the invitation of the railway swD8fPCS4GA-01115-00257935-00257998 company swD8fPCS4GA-01116-00258000-00258215 and penned a series of gushing travel swD8fPCS4GA-01117-00258216-00258391 reports swD8fPCS4GA-01118-00258392-00258694 he named the area poppyland which swD8fPCS4GA-01119-00258696-00258894 quickly proved to be nothing short of a swD8fPCS4GA-01120-00258896-00259103 marketing triumph swD8fPCS4GA-01121-00259104-00259406 the businessmen of chroma who were also swD8fPCS4GA-01122-00259407-00259534 the councillors swD8fPCS4GA-01123-00259535-00259703 realized that they could make money out swD8fPCS4GA-01124-00259704-00259894 of the poppyland brand swD8fPCS4GA-01125-00259896-00260191 so a local chemist made the poppyland swD8fPCS4GA-01126-00260192-00260423 bouquet which was a perfume that swD8fPCS4GA-01127-00260423-00260646 ladies visiting the town would buy and swD8fPCS4GA-01128-00260648-00260887 there was poppyland china which is swD8fPCS4GA-01129-00260888-00261239 very uh sought after to this day swD8fPCS4GA-01130-00261240-00261406 but not everything about poppyland swD8fPCS4GA-01131-00261407-00261710 pleased its councillors swD8fPCS4GA-01132-00261711-00262030 in 1897 the elderly gentleman who ran swD8fPCS4GA-01133-00262031-00262175 the council some of them swD8fPCS4GA-01134-00262176-00262406 were having apoplexy at council meetings swD8fPCS4GA-01135-00262407-00262615 it's in the records swD8fPCS4GA-01136-00262616-00262847 at the prospect of men and women swD8fPCS4GA-01137-00262848-00263079 actually bathing together swD8fPCS4GA-01138-00263080-00263319 in the same area of beach prior to that swD8fPCS4GA-01139-00263320-00263495 the women would have bathed in one part swD8fPCS4GA-01140-00263496-00263591 of the town swD8fPCS4GA-01141-00263592-00263767 and the men would have bathed in other swD8fPCS4GA-01142-00263768-00264071 parts but from 1897 onwards swD8fPCS4GA-01143-00264072-00264351 you could bathe with your partner as swD8fPCS4GA-01144-00264352-00264487 long as you were dressed swD8fPCS4GA-01145-00264488-00264839 in a costume from neck to knee swD8fPCS4GA-01146-00264840-00265063 as one of the first resorts to allow mix swD8fPCS4GA-01147-00265064-00265158 c bathing swD8fPCS4GA-01148-00265159-00265527 visitor numbers grew and grew swD8fPCS4GA-01149-00265528-00265727 and the decision was made to create an swD8fPCS4GA-01150-00265728-00265919 eye-catching centerpiece for chroma's swD8fPCS4GA-01151-00265920-00266055 reinvention swD8fPCS4GA-01152-00266056-00266391 a pleasure pier they're all about swD8fPCS4GA-01153-00266392-00266551 promoting the place aren't they a swD8fPCS4GA-01154-00266552-00266703 statement of confidence swD8fPCS4GA-01155-00266704-00266910 we're here to give you a really good swD8fPCS4GA-01156-00266911-00267151 time swD8fPCS4GA-01157-00267152-00267455 chrome appear opened in 1901 swD8fPCS4GA-01158-00267456-00267669 the very end of the victorian age swD8fPCS4GA-01159-00267670-00267863 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01160-00267864-00268158 after almost 60 years of waiting bertie swD8fPCS4GA-01161-00268159-00268271 prince of wales swD8fPCS4GA-01162-00268272-00268663 was now edward vii and with its peer swD8fPCS4GA-01163-00268664-00268975 memorabilia and mixed bathing croma swD8fPCS4GA-01164-00268976-00269199 seemed to finally be leading norfolk swD8fPCS4GA-01165-00269200-00269495 into the world of mass tourism but swD8fPCS4GA-01166-00269496-00269695 looking back at chroma what strikes me swD8fPCS4GA-01167-00269696-00269910 is how small it is swD8fPCS4GA-01168-00269911-00270063 it doesn't begin to compare with all the swD8fPCS4GA-01169-00270064-00270263 large victorian resorts of the swD8fPCS4GA-01170-00270264-00270630 south and west coasts swD8fPCS4GA-01171-00270631-00270934 in truth bertie's 10-year reign was as swD8fPCS4GA-01172-00270935-00271358 good as it got for tourism in chroma swD8fPCS4GA-01173-00271359-00271615 poppyland with its mix of resort and swD8fPCS4GA-01174-00271616-00271703 rural swD8fPCS4GA-01175-00271704-00271927 was the perfect brand for genteel swD8fPCS4GA-01176-00271928-00272146 edwardian leisure swD8fPCS4GA-01177-00272147-00272358 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01178-00272359-00272599 the great war though changed british swD8fPCS4GA-01179-00272600-00272863 society forever swD8fPCS4GA-01180-00272864-00273127 the resorts that went on to thrive now swD8fPCS4GA-01181-00273128-00273206 had to cope with swD8fPCS4GA-01182-00273207-00273567 millions of working families each year swD8fPCS4GA-01183-00273568-00273791 chroma was really quite happy with just swD8fPCS4GA-01184-00273792-00274039 a few thousand swD8fPCS4GA-01185-00274040-00274279 poppyland simply slipped from the swD8fPCS4GA-01186-00274280-00275023 public's attention swD8fPCS4GA-01187-00275024-00275279 and now north norfolk's railways have swD8fPCS4GA-01188-00275280-00275439 mostly gone swD8fPCS4GA-01189-00275440-00275855 the nature reserves have grown swD8fPCS4GA-01190-00275856-00276175 and the vast estates continue to farm swD8fPCS4GA-01191-00276176-00276399 shoot and shape the future of this swD8fPCS4GA-01192-00276400-00276727 coastline swD8fPCS4GA-01193-00276728-00276910 but i'm not sorry because if the swD8fPCS4GA-01194-00276911-00277095 entrepreneurs and developers had changed swD8fPCS4GA-01195-00277096-00277255 this coastline in the way they did swD8fPCS4GA-01196-00277256-00277358 elsewhere swD8fPCS4GA-01197-00277359-00277567 i wouldn't have wanted to walk it and swD8fPCS4GA-01198-00277568-00277703 chroma may be small swD8fPCS4GA-01199-00277704-00278103 but it is perfectly formed on which note swD8fPCS4GA-01200-00278104-00278682 it's almost time for the end of the pier swD8fPCS4GA-01201-00278683-00279003 show swD8fPCS4GA-01202-00279004-00279710 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01203-00279711-00279919 sbs is looking for budding entrepreneurs swD8fPCS4GA-01204-00279920-00280127 to take part in a revolutionary business swD8fPCS4GA-01205-00280128-00280206 experiment swD8fPCS4GA-01206-00280207-00280382 if you've struggled with employment but swD8fPCS4GA-01207-00280383-00280519 have a business idea swD8fPCS4GA-01208-00280520-00280758 then we want to hear from you apply now swD8fPCS4GA-01209-00280759-00281163 at sbs.com dot eu forward slash business swD8fPCS4GA-01210-00281164-00281482 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01211-00281483-00281830 program swD8fPCS4GA-01212-00281831-00282671 [Music] swD8fPCS4GA-01213-00282672-00282880 you swOJFwu3zpM-00000-00000068-00000615 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00001-00000616-00001491 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00002-00001492-00001592 is swOJFwu3zpM-00003-00001593-00002730 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00004-00002731-00003694 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00005-00003695-00004283 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00006-00004284-00004516 i swOJFwu3zpM-00007-00004517-00007078 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00008-00007079-00007406 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00009-00007406-00008483 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00010-00008484-00009007 i swOJFwu3zpM-00011-00009008-00009600 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00012-00009601-00009883 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00013-00009884-00010110 um swOJFwu3zpM-00014-00010111-00010911 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00015-00010912-00011319 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00016-00011320-00011349 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00017-00011350-00012683 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00018-00012684-00013403 i swOJFwu3zpM-00019-00013404-00013733 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00020-00013734-00013851 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00021-00013852-00014083 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00022-00014084-00015788 i am swOJFwu3zpM-00023-00015788-00016175 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00024-00016176-00017421 i am hey swOJFwu3zpM-00025-00017422-00018283 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00026-00018284-00018602 hey swOJFwu3zpM-00027-00018603-00019686 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00028-00019687-00020365 i am swOJFwu3zpM-00029-00020366-00021510 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00030-00021511-00022483 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00031-00022484-00022667 hey swOJFwu3zpM-00032-00022668-00023883 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00033-00023884-00024499 uh swOJFwu3zpM-00034-00024500-00025283 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00035-00025284-00025917 hi swOJFwu3zpM-00036-00025918-00026483 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00037-00026483-00026561 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00038-00026562-00026683 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00039-00026683-00027120 hi swOJFwu3zpM-00040-00027120-00028083 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00041-00028083-00028313 hey swOJFwu3zpM-00042-00028314-00030774 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00043-00030775-00030883 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00044-00030883-00031427 hey swOJFwu3zpM-00045-00031427-00031469 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00046-00031470-00032283 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00047-00032283-00033107 hi swOJFwu3zpM-00048-00033108-00033305 [Music] swOJFwu3zpM-00049-00033306-00033352 [Applause] swOJFwu3zpM-00050-00033353-00033661 [Music] syMFX2_9yd4-00000-00000552-00000655 hello syMFX2_9yd4-00001-00000656-00000943 so as you post your notifications each syMFX2_9yd4-00002-00000944-00001023 week syMFX2_9yd4-00003-00001024-00001335 you may want to include a video so you syMFX2_9yd4-00004-00001336-00001566 see the tutorials on how to create a syMFX2_9yd4-00005-00001567-00001751 video and to place it into your youtube syMFX2_9yd4-00006-00001752-00001839 channel syMFX2_9yd4-00007-00001839-00001991 now we're going to show you how you can syMFX2_9yd4-00008-00001992-00002159 actually take that video syMFX2_9yd4-00009-00002160-00002591 and put it into your weekly notification syMFX2_9yd4-00010-00002592-00002895 so exactly how do you go about linking a syMFX2_9yd4-00011-00002896-00003039 youtube video syMFX2_9yd4-00012-00003040-00003375 to your notifications page so on the syMFX2_9yd4-00013-00003376-00003486 page where you're going to be posting syMFX2_9yd4-00014-00003488-00003670 your notification after you've added all syMFX2_9yd4-00015-00003671-00003847 the different texts you can then choose syMFX2_9yd4-00016-00003847-00004095 the location where you want your video syMFX2_9yd4-00017-00004096-00004270 so for me i want my video to be the syMFX2_9yd4-00018-00004271-00004399 first thing that syMFX2_9yd4-00019-00004400-00004670 the fellows see so the first step would syMFX2_9yd4-00020-00004671-00004702 be syMFX2_9yd4-00021-00004703-00004983 to think about the text that you want to syMFX2_9yd4-00022-00004984-00006031 connect to the video syMFX2_9yd4-00023-00006032-00006334 so for me i want it to be week 8 video syMFX2_9yd4-00024-00006335-00006598 message so now how do i get my youtube syMFX2_9yd4-00025-00006600-00006687 video syMFX2_9yd4-00026-00006688-00006998 over into the notifications syMFX2_9yd4-00027-00007000-00007246 so i go to the youtube page where i have syMFX2_9yd4-00028-00007247-00007398 my video ready syMFX2_9yd4-00029-00007400-00007598 and then i'll go over here to the bottom syMFX2_9yd4-00030-00007600-00007703 where it says syMFX2_9yd4-00031-00007704-00008006 share when you go to share syMFX2_9yd4-00032-00008008-00008142 you're going to see these different syMFX2_9yd4-00033-00008143-00008335 options the very first one that's going syMFX2_9yd4-00034-00008336-00008431 to open up syMFX2_9yd4-00035-00008432-00008703 is going to be a url so you're going to syMFX2_9yd4-00036-00008704-00009110 go ahead and copy that syMFX2_9yd4-00037-00009111-00009303 here i can see that on my computer it's syMFX2_9yd4-00038-00009304-00009606 linked to the clipboard syMFX2_9yd4-00039-00009607-00009823 i'm going to go back to my notifications syMFX2_9yd4-00040-00009824-00009919 page syMFX2_9yd4-00041-00009920-00010206 and then i'm going to highlight the text syMFX2_9yd4-00042-00010207-00010463 that i've identified in my notification syMFX2_9yd4-00043-00010464-00010671 and then i'm going to go up to the syMFX2_9yd4-00044-00010672-00010838 hyperlink syMFX2_9yd4-00045-00010839-00011119 here the text is automatically going to syMFX2_9yd4-00046-00011120-00011238 populate syMFX2_9yd4-00047-00011239-00011406 so what you want to do is get rid of syMFX2_9yd4-00048-00011407-00011663 that text syMFX2_9yd4-00049-00011664-00011959 and then you're going to put in your url syMFX2_9yd4-00050-00011960-00012095 and then you're going to hit syMFX2_9yd4-00051-00012096-00012446 save so now i have my video message for syMFX2_9yd4-00052-00012447-00012567 that week syMFX2_9yd4-00053-00012568-00012855 then once i'm done i'm going to go ahead syMFX2_9yd4-00054-00012856-00012894 and syMFX2_9yd4-00055-00012895-00013263 post that notification syMFX2_9yd4-00056-00013263-00013422 you might want to go ahead and check to syMFX2_9yd4-00057-00013423-00013622 make sure that it works properly and syMFX2_9yd4-00058-00013623-00013807 that it is linking syMFX2_9yd4-00059-00013808-00014143 so i go ahead to that link syMFX2_9yd4-00060-00014144-00014375 and i see that it does open up to the syMFX2_9yd4-00061-00014376-00014455 video syMFX2_9yd4-00062-00014456-00014766 that i want for the fellows syMFX2_9yd4-00063-00014768-00014951 so that's how you go about linking your syMFX2_9yd4-00064-00014952-00015207 youtube video to notifications syMFX2_9yd4-00065-00015208-00015784 i hope you found this tutorial helpful sCTT6SjeWJ4-00000-00000003-00000323 welcome to headline news 24/7 please sCTT6SjeWJ4-00001-00000324-00000732 click like and subscribe sCTT6SjeWJ4-00002-00000733-00000966 Pelosi refuses to release her tax sCTT6SjeWJ4-00003-00000967-00001140 returns while demanding Trump release sCTT6SjeWJ4-00004-00001141-00001422 his pker Pelosi is anxious to get her sCTT6SjeWJ4-00005-00001423-00001617 hands on president Trump's tax returns sCTT6SjeWJ4-00006-00001618-00001866 but she's not so keen on releasing hers sCTT6SjeWJ4-00007-00001867-00002135 the hill reported that Pell soy signaled sCTT6SjeWJ4-00008-00002136-00002304 Thursday that Democrats would pursue sCTT6SjeWJ4-00009-00002305-00002487 getting president Trump's tax returns sCTT6SjeWJ4-00010-00002488-00002690 arguing that Americans overwhelmingly sCTT6SjeWJ4-00011-00002691-00002926 support Congress reviewing the returns sCTT6SjeWJ4-00012-00002927-00003156 asked by reporters during a press sCTT6SjeWJ4-00013-00003157-00003311 conference about whether she finds it sCTT6SjeWJ4-00014-00003313-00003570 important to obtain Trump's taxes Pelosi sCTT6SjeWJ4-00015-00003571-00003729 said that voters indicated strong sCTT6SjeWJ4-00016-00003729-00003872 support for investigating the sCTT6SjeWJ4-00017-00003873-00004088 president's finances I think sCTT6SjeWJ4-00018-00004089-00004266 overwhelmingly the public wants to see sCTT6SjeWJ4-00019-00004267-00004509 the president's tax returns Pelosi told sCTT6SjeWJ4-00020-00004510-00004713 reporters they want to know the truth sCTT6SjeWJ4-00021-00004714-00004965 they want to know the facts and he has sCTT6SjeWJ4-00022-00004966-00005195 nothing to hide when it came to a sCTT6SjeWJ4-00023-00005196-00005363 timeline for getting their returns sCTT6SjeWJ4-00024-00005364-00005616 however Pelosi said Democrats must be sCTT6SjeWJ4-00025-00005617-00005775 careful in pursuing the president's sCTT6SjeWJ4-00026-00005776-00006006 taxes pushing back on those demanding sCTT6SjeWJ4-00027-00006007-00006177 lawmakers take immediate action to sCTT6SjeWJ4-00028-00006178-00006447 obtain them we have to be very very sCTT6SjeWJ4-00029-00006448-00006681 careful as we go forward Pelosi said sCTT6SjeWJ4-00030-00006681-00006873 addressing complaints that the new House sCTT6SjeWJ4-00031-00006873-00007131 Majority is moving too slowly in terms sCTT6SjeWJ4-00032-00007131-00007362 of the tax returns it's not an issue of sCTT6SjeWJ4-00033-00007363-00007578 just sending a letter you have to do it sCTT6SjeWJ4-00034-00007579-00007701 in a very careful way sCTT6SjeWJ4-00035-00007702-00007980 however when Democrats were asked if the sCTT6SjeWJ4-00036-00007981-00008156 speaker should have to turn over her tax sCTT6SjeWJ4-00037-00008158-00008367 returns they kick the question back to sCTT6SjeWJ4-00038-00008368-00008742 Pelosi from cns House Speaker Nancy sCTT6SjeWJ4-00039-00008743-00009033 Pelosi Democrat California will gladly sCTT6SjeWJ4-00040-00009034-00009234 release her tax returns if and when she sCTT6SjeWJ4-00041-00009235-00009420 runs for president sent her chief of sCTT6SjeWJ4-00042-00009421-00009645 staff drew Hamill apparently indicating sCTT6SjeWJ4-00043-00009646-00009852 that in policies current position as sCTT6SjeWJ4-00044-00009853-00009909 Speaker sCTT6SjeWJ4-00045-00009910-00010122 she will not release her tax returns sCTT6SjeWJ4-00046-00010123-00010392 when concern is come repeatedly followed sCTT6SjeWJ4-00047-00010393-00010572 up and asked Hamill to directly confirm sCTT6SjeWJ4-00048-00010573-00010827 that Pelosi as Speaker would not release sCTT6SjeWJ4-00049-00010828-00011105 her tax returns Hamill did not respond sCTT6SjeWJ4-00050-00011106-00011487 Pelosi who was born on March 26 1940 sCTT6SjeWJ4-00051-00011488-00011733 will turn 79 next month and has not sCTT6SjeWJ4-00052-00011734-00011871 announced that she is running for sCTT6SjeWJ4-00053-00011872-00012201 president in 2020 ensues calm has been sCTT6SjeWJ4-00054-00012202-00012360 trying for two weeks by email and sCTT6SjeWJ4-00055-00012361-00012525 telephone to get a direct answer from sCTT6SjeWJ4-00056-00012526-00012705 Speaker Pelosi on this tax return sCTT6SjeWJ4-00057-00012706-00012879 question because she is NGO sponsored sCTT6SjeWJ4-00058-00012880-00013161 legislation HR 1 that would require the sCTT6SjeWJ4-00059-00013162-00013316 President and Vice President to release sCTT6SjeWJ4-00060-00013318-00013638 their tax returns under three US code 19 sCTT6SjeWJ4-00061-00013638-00013965 enacted under article 2 section 1 Clause sCTT6SjeWJ4-00062-00013966-00014122 6 of the Constitution sCTT6SjeWJ4-00063-00014124-00014282 the Speaker of the House is third in sCTT6SjeWJ4-00064-00014283-00014611 line to the presidency sCTT6SjeWJ4-00065-00014612-00014791 was the news we thought you might be sCTT6SjeWJ4-00066-00014791-00015046 interested in knowing about this please sCTT6SjeWJ4-00067-00015047-00015588 click like and subscribe thank you sDUZAnaZvak-00000-00006643-00006846 okay I'm going to go ahead and call to sDUZAnaZvak-00001-00006847-00007017 order tonight's meeting of the city of sDUZAnaZvak-00002-00007018-00007248 Santa Rosa Planning Commission and asked sDUZAnaZvak-00003-00007250-00007501 her roll call please let the record sDUZAnaZvak-00004-00007502-00007623 reflect that all commissioners are sDUZAnaZvak-00005-00007625-00007970 present except Commissioner Kalia okay sDUZAnaZvak-00006-00007972-00008323 with that we'll move on to the approval sDUZAnaZvak-00007-00008324-00008738 of our October 24th draft minutes any sDUZAnaZvak-00008-00008739-00008998 comments or correction and some knows sDUZAnaZvak-00009-00008999-00009369 then those are going to stand as printed sDUZAnaZvak-00010-00009370-00009702 next is public comments which is a time sDUZAnaZvak-00011-00009703-00010012 for any member of the public to come and sDUZAnaZvak-00012-00010013-00010194 address the Commission on matters of sDUZAnaZvak-00013-00010195-00010539 interest to the Commission that aren't sDUZAnaZvak-00014-00010540-00010738 listed tonight as a public hearing sDUZAnaZvak-00015-00010739-00010902 I'm going to go ahead and open public sDUZAnaZvak-00016-00010903-00011169 comments I don't have any cards but you sDUZAnaZvak-00017-00011170-00011488 don't need to have filled any out and I sDUZAnaZvak-00018-00011489-00011664 am not seeing anyone move to a sDUZAnaZvak-00019-00011665-00011869 microphone to make a comment so I'm sDUZAnaZvak-00020-00011870-00011988 going to go ahead and close public sDUZAnaZvak-00021-00011989-00012249 comments and move on to planning sDUZAnaZvak-00022-00012250-00012601 commissioners report any reports tonight sDUZAnaZvak-00023-00012602-00012734 okay sDUZAnaZvak-00024-00012735-00013143 then we'll move on to Department report sDUZAnaZvak-00025-00013144-00013356 all right good afternoon sDUZAnaZvak-00026-00013357-00013575 just give a highlight of some upcoming sDUZAnaZvak-00027-00013576-00013875 meetings and our schedule as we finished sDUZAnaZvak-00028-00013876-00014224 out the year we will not be having and sDUZAnaZvak-00029-00014225-00014344 unique commission meeting on sDUZAnaZvak-00030-00014344-00014991 Thanksgiving so with your families but sDUZAnaZvak-00031-00014993-00015156 so our next meeting won't be until sDUZAnaZvak-00032-00015157-00015280 December 12 sDUZAnaZvak-00033-00015281-00015541 so we're gearing up for that obviously sDUZAnaZvak-00034-00015541-00015813 only having one meeting per month we sDUZAnaZvak-00035-00015815-00015988 will have a full agenda but not overly sDUZAnaZvak-00036-00015988-00016284 full but that would be the last meeting sDUZAnaZvak-00037-00016285-00016591 of the year also looking at upcoming sDUZAnaZvak-00038-00016592-00016867 City Council meetings that would be of sDUZAnaZvak-00039-00016868-00017143 your interest and one item of which you sDUZAnaZvak-00040-00017144-00017425 will be participating in December 3rd is sDUZAnaZvak-00041-00017426-00017580 the joint City Council Planning sDUZAnaZvak-00042-00017581-00017947 Commission study session and at that sDUZAnaZvak-00043-00017948-00018144 meeting and that study sessions are sDUZAnaZvak-00044-00018145-00018391 typically held at 2:30 but the final sDUZAnaZvak-00045-00018392-00018682 agenda isn't isn't out yet but typically sDUZAnaZvak-00046-00018683-00018928 at 2:30 we hold our study sessions sDUZAnaZvak-00047-00018929-00019096 and this one will be about the downtown sDUZAnaZvak-00048-00019097-00019435 plan update and the where we're at in sDUZAnaZvak-00049-00019436-00019780 that process is we have drafted a sDUZAnaZvak-00050-00019781-00020064 preferred alternative and at this point sDUZAnaZvak-00051-00020065-00020224 in the process we'll be checking in with sDUZAnaZvak-00052-00020225-00020380 the council and the Commission and we sDUZAnaZvak-00053-00020381-00020728 have been all month checking in with our sDUZAnaZvak-00054-00020729-00020997 community groups let this draft sDUZAnaZvak-00055-00020998-00021231 preferred alternative instead of looking sDUZAnaZvak-00056-00021232-00021352 at three different ones that are sDUZAnaZvak-00057-00021353-00021522 radically different we've boiled it down sDUZAnaZvak-00058-00021523-00021778 to one I'm really getting feedback sDUZAnaZvak-00059-00021779-00022050 before we go into the next stage is this sDUZAnaZvak-00060-00022051-00022255 the right one what adaptations do we sDUZAnaZvak-00061-00022256-00022396 need to do before we go into the next sDUZAnaZvak-00062-00022397-00022617 stage which is the technical analysis sDUZAnaZvak-00063-00022618-00022908 feasibility of that specific plan and sDUZAnaZvak-00064-00022909-00023203 the drafting of the specific plan so sDUZAnaZvak-00065-00023204-00023649 December 3rd will be that session and sDUZAnaZvak-00066-00023650-00023958 for the public that are following the sDUZAnaZvak-00067-00023959-00024292 process at home there is a website sDUZAnaZvak-00068-00024293-00024531 that's set up and you can take a look at sDUZAnaZvak-00069-00024532-00024739 the draft preferred alternative and you sDUZAnaZvak-00070-00024740-00024894 can follow you can sign up for updates sDUZAnaZvak-00071-00024895-00025272 as the plan progresses through analysis sDUZAnaZvak-00072-00025273-00025471 and public review and adoption process sDUZAnaZvak-00073-00025472-00025693 that will take us into next year the sDUZAnaZvak-00074-00025694-00026268 website is www.seannal.com sDUZAnaZvak-00075-00026269-00026737 downtown sr comm that's plan downtown SR sDUZAnaZvak-00076-00026738-00027268 comm and then just a update there is an sDUZAnaZvak-00077-00027269-00027583 appeal that's making its way back to the sDUZAnaZvak-00078-00027583-00027768 City Council that was related to a sDUZAnaZvak-00079-00027769-00027996 commission action and that was a the Fox sDUZAnaZvak-00080-00027997-00028252 10 cannabis dispensary retail sDUZAnaZvak-00081-00028252-00028468 application it had already gone on sDUZAnaZvak-00082-00028469-00028708 appeal to City Council but City Council sDUZAnaZvak-00083-00028708-00028917 had continued it for more work more sDUZAnaZvak-00084-00028918-00029176 evaluation and that work has been sDUZAnaZvak-00085-00029177-00029479 conducted and so December 3rd will be sDUZAnaZvak-00086-00029480-00029656 the continuation of that peel hearing sDUZAnaZvak-00087-00029657-00029929 with the City Council and that's look sDUZAnaZvak-00088-00029930-00030136 that rounds out the end of the year so sDUZAnaZvak-00089-00030137-00030600 thank you okay great thank you sDUZAnaZvak-00090-00030601-00031020 any statements of abstentions tonight sDUZAnaZvak-00091-00031020-00031264 okay great sDUZAnaZvak-00092-00031264-00031512 we don't have a study session or do we sDUZAnaZvak-00093-00031513-00031780 have any consent items so we'll go ahead sDUZAnaZvak-00094-00031781-00031995 and move on to our public hearings sDUZAnaZvak-00095-00031996-00032098 tonight sDUZAnaZvak-00096-00032099-00032389 and we will begin with item 10.1 which sDUZAnaZvak-00097-00032389-00032569 is a one-time automatic 12-month sDUZAnaZvak-00098-00032570-00033043 tentative map extension rezoning zoning sDUZAnaZvak-00099-00033044-00033322 text a minute citywide it is not an ex sDUZAnaZvak-00100-00033323-00033870 parte disclosure and Adam Ross that's it sDUZAnaZvak-00101-00033871-00034150 Thank You cherish Cisco and members of sDUZAnaZvak-00102-00034151-00034510 the Commission the item before you is a sDUZAnaZvak-00103-00034511-00034750 second 12-month automatic tentative map sDUZAnaZvak-00104-00034751-00035350 extension text amendment it it's the sDUZAnaZvak-00105-00035351-00035524 proposed text amendment to the zoning is sDUZAnaZvak-00106-00035525-00035905 as is it so the text amendment is to the sDUZAnaZvak-00107-00035906-00036202 zoning code chapter 20-16 resilience sDUZAnaZvak-00108-00036203-00036421 city of development measures it would sDUZAnaZvak-00109-00036422-00036610 add a second automatic 12-month sDUZAnaZvak-00110-00036611-00036817 extension to tentative maps and sDUZAnaZvak-00111-00036818-00037054 associated at entitlements and it sDUZAnaZvak-00112-00037055-00037234 applies only to maps which received the sDUZAnaZvak-00113-00037235-00037479 first automatic extension which you had sDUZAnaZvak-00114-00037480-00037789 recommended approval to City Council sDUZAnaZvak-00115-00037790-00038290 back in 2018 it continues to address the sDUZAnaZvak-00116-00038291-00038512 housing needs citywide following the sDUZAnaZvak-00117-00038513-00039169 October 2017 wildfires on October 2016 sDUZAnaZvak-00118-00039170-00039385 the council accepted the housing action sDUZAnaZvak-00119-00039386-00039637 plan addressing ongoing unmet housing sDUZAnaZvak-00120-00039638-00039673 needs sDUZAnaZvak-00121-00039674-00040003 then in June 2017 the council priorities sDUZAnaZvak-00122-00040004-00040333 adopted implementation of a sDUZAnaZvak-00123-00040334-00040555 comprehensive housing strategy in sDUZAnaZvak-00124-00040556-00040839 October 2017 the fires damaged sDUZAnaZvak-00125-00040840-00041077 approximately 3000 homes and 100 sDUZAnaZvak-00126-00041078-00041281 commercial structures and a local sDUZAnaZvak-00127-00041282-00041485 emergency Proclamation antemer and sDUZAnaZvak-00128-00041486-00041761 resiliency D overlay district were sDUZAnaZvak-00129-00041762-00042121 created in April and May of 2018 the sDUZAnaZvak-00130-00042122-00042301 council adopted the resilient city sDUZAnaZvak-00131-00042302-00042604 development measures in November 2018 sDUZAnaZvak-00132-00042605-00042814 the Commission recommended approval of sDUZAnaZvak-00133-00042815-00043006 the first automatic the 12-month sDUZAnaZvak-00134-00043007-00043321 extension and then in December 2018 sDUZAnaZvak-00135-00043322-00043587 January 2019 the council adopted sDUZAnaZvak-00136-00043588-00043987 ordinance number 20 1901 went into sDUZAnaZvak-00137-00043988-00044432 effect in January sDUZAnaZvak-00138-00044433-00044873 the in the automatic twelve months sDUZAnaZvak-00139-00044874-00045098 extension applies to tentative sDUZAnaZvak-00140-00045099-00045311 subdivision maps vesting tentative sDUZAnaZvak-00141-00045312-00045505 subdivision maps and tentative parcel sDUZAnaZvak-00142-00045506-00045817 maps that were valid on October 9 2017 sDUZAnaZvak-00143-00045818-00046073 and subject to a previous one-year sDUZAnaZvak-00144-00046074-00046364 extension as stated before with sDUZAnaZvak-00145-00046365-00046693 ordinance number 2019 Dodgers or one and sDUZAnaZvak-00146-00046694-00046904 it would extend them one additional year sDUZAnaZvak-00147-00046905-00047161 it applies to roughly 36 subdivisions sDUZAnaZvak-00148-00047162-00047570 totaling 975 housing units and there's a sDUZAnaZvak-00149-00047571-00047740 potential for more housing commercial sDUZAnaZvak-00150-00047741-00047932 projects that would benefit from this sDUZAnaZvak-00151-00047933-00048136 discretionary land use approvals that sDUZAnaZvak-00152-00048137-00048274 were approved in conjunction with the sDUZAnaZvak-00153-00048275-00048449 above map approval would be sDUZAnaZvak-00154-00048450-00048658 automatically extended by one year as sDUZAnaZvak-00155-00048659-00049243 well this is an exhibit of all of the sDUZAnaZvak-00156-00049244-00049582 locations provided in an attachment one sDUZAnaZvak-00157-00049583-00050282 placed throughout the city the sDUZAnaZvak-00158-00050283-00050633 notification included one a page and the sDUZAnaZvak-00159-00050634-00050914 press Democrat and emailed a notice sDUZAnaZvak-00160-00050915-00051104 emailed to city to the community sDUZAnaZvak-00161-00051105-00051335 advisory boards and it was posted at sDUZAnaZvak-00162-00051336-00051794 City Hall the adoption of the proposed sDUZAnaZvak-00163-00051795-00051998 ordinance is exempt from the California sDUZAnaZvak-00164-00051999-00052180 Environmental Quality Act pursuant to sDUZAnaZvak-00165-00052182-00052366 sequence section one five zero six one sDUZAnaZvak-00166-00052367-00052724 b3 it's a common-sense exemption and sDUZAnaZvak-00167-00052725-00052874 sequence section one five one eight sDUZAnaZvak-00168-00052875-00053060 three it's consistent with community sDUZAnaZvak-00169-00053061-00053213 with the community plan general plan or sDUZAnaZvak-00170-00053214-00053615 zoning with that the Planning and sDUZAnaZvak-00171-00053616-00053776 Economic Development Department sDUZAnaZvak-00172-00053777-00053987 recommends that the Planning Commission sDUZAnaZvak-00173-00053988-00054185 by resolution recommend to the City sDUZAnaZvak-00174-00054186-00054434 Council to adopt the adoption of an sDUZAnaZvak-00175-00054435-00054654 ordinance amending city code chapter sDUZAnaZvak-00176-00054655-00054892 2016 resilient city development measures sDUZAnaZvak-00177-00054894-00055148 to add a second 12-month automatic sDUZAnaZvak-00178-00055149-00055373 tentative map extensions to address the sDUZAnaZvak-00179-00055374-00055478 continuing housing and economic sDUZAnaZvak-00180-00055479-00055640 development needs within the city sDUZAnaZvak-00181-00055641-00055906 following the Tubbs and nuns fire of sDUZAnaZvak-00182-00055907-00056629 October 2017 file number Raz 1 9 - 0 1 - sDUZAnaZvak-00183-00056629-00056854 that concludes my presentation sDUZAnaZvak-00184-00056855-00057251 great any questions of staff right now sDUZAnaZvak-00185-00057252-00057529 yes mr. Peterson sDUZAnaZvak-00186-00057530-00057746 just just a brief one and I think this sDUZAnaZvak-00187-00057747-00058124 came up the last time as well but at sDUZAnaZvak-00188-00058125-00058310 least one of these projects dates to sDUZAnaZvak-00189-00058311-00058514 when I was a junior in high school so sDUZAnaZvak-00190-00058515-00058816 I'm not super optimistic that granting sDUZAnaZvak-00191-00058817-00059029 another year is going to do much are we sDUZAnaZvak-00192-00059030-00059476 inadvertently preventing higher better sDUZAnaZvak-00193-00059477-00059828 uses of these parcels by granting sDUZAnaZvak-00194-00059829-00060391 another extension yeah sDUZAnaZvak-00195-00060392-00060659 the answer's no because if there's a sDUZAnaZvak-00196-00060660-00060985 higher and better use or a more modern sDUZAnaZvak-00197-00060986-00061282 project that an applicant wants to prove sDUZAnaZvak-00198-00061283-00061541 you know provide for they are eligible sDUZAnaZvak-00199-00061541-00061691 to apply for a new project on the sDUZAnaZvak-00200-00061691-00061810 property so it doesn't prohibit sDUZAnaZvak-00201-00061811-00062063 something new and modern to come forward sDUZAnaZvak-00202-00062064-00062528 what it does is it enables something sDUZAnaZvak-00203-00062529-00062755 that was vested to stay vested until sDUZAnaZvak-00204-00062757-00062996 it's either no longer of interest or sDUZAnaZvak-00205-00062997-00063560 will expire mm-hmm thank you any other sDUZAnaZvak-00206-00063561-00064082 questions okay all right this is a sDUZAnaZvak-00207-00064083-00064265 public hearing I'm gonna go ahead and sDUZAnaZvak-00208-00064266-00064526 open the public hearing on this item if sDUZAnaZvak-00209-00064527-00064739 anyone wishes to speak on this item you sDUZAnaZvak-00210-00064740-00065155 can move to a microphone and I am not sDUZAnaZvak-00211-00065157-00065404 seeing anyone do that so I'm gonna go sDUZAnaZvak-00212-00065405-00065600 ahead and close the public hearing and sDUZAnaZvak-00213-00065601-00066007 bring it back to the Commission any sDUZAnaZvak-00214-00066008-00066197 other questions sDUZAnaZvak-00215-00066198-00066551 and would somebody be willing to move sDUZAnaZvak-00216-00066552-00066770 the resolution for the purposes of sDUZAnaZvak-00217-00066771-00067091 discussion I'll move the resolution of sDUZAnaZvak-00218-00067092-00067217 the Planning Commission of the city of sDUZAnaZvak-00219-00067218-00067376 Santa Rosa recommending to the City sDUZAnaZvak-00220-00067377-00067556 Council approval of an ordinance sDUZAnaZvak-00221-00067557-00067828 amending zoning code chapter 20-16 sDUZAnaZvak-00222-00067829-00068063 resilient city development measures to sDUZAnaZvak-00223-00068064-00068237 add a second 12-month automatic sDUZAnaZvak-00224-00068238-00068462 tentative map extension to address sDUZAnaZvak-00225-00068463-00068569 continued housing and economic sDUZAnaZvak-00226-00068570-00068735 development needs within the city sDUZAnaZvak-00227-00068736-00068918 following the Tubbs and none spires of sDUZAnaZvak-00228-00068919-00069257 October 2017 file number are easy one sDUZAnaZvak-00229-00069258-00069746 9-0 one two and wave for the reading do sDUZAnaZvak-00230-00069747-00070244 I have a second okay call second thank sDUZAnaZvak-00231-00070245-00070408 you sDUZAnaZvak-00232-00070409-00070805 helps me when we say it orally I'm not sDUZAnaZvak-00233-00070806-00071068 used to this okay so that resolution was sDUZAnaZvak-00234-00071069-00071354 moved by Commissioner Duggan seconded by sDUZAnaZvak-00235-00071355-00071699 Commissioner Peterson vice-chair weeks sDUZAnaZvak-00236-00071700-00071864 would you like to say anything about sDUZAnaZvak-00237-00071865-00072224 this I supportive of this they have no sDUZAnaZvak-00238-00072225-00072680 comments which are Peterson no sDUZAnaZvak-00239-00072681-00073127 additional confidence mature Krupke I sDUZAnaZvak-00240-00073128-00073316 will be in support of this I have no sDUZAnaZvak-00241-00073317-00073712 additional comments mr. Duggan I have no sDUZAnaZvak-00242-00073713-00073820 additional comments and I think sDUZAnaZvak-00243-00073821-00073979 Commissioner Peter Center for asking his sDUZAnaZvak-00244-00073980-00074114 question Thanks sDUZAnaZvak-00245-00074115-00074495 I'm support Commissioner Carter I'm sDUZAnaZvak-00246-00074496-00074681 going to support staffs recommendation sDUZAnaZvak-00247-00074682-00074897 and I have no further comments all right sDUZAnaZvak-00248-00074898-00075230 and I also support staffs recommendation sDUZAnaZvak-00249-00075231-00075617 and have no comments and I know that sDUZAnaZvak-00250-00075618-00075812 project it's been out there a really a sDUZAnaZvak-00251-00075813-00076258 long time so okay with that the sDUZAnaZvak-00252-00076259-00076538 resolution was moved by Commissioner sDUZAnaZvak-00253-00076539-00076874 Duggan seconded by Commissioner Peterson sDUZAnaZvak-00254-00076875-00077651 and our votes which I don't remember how sDUZAnaZvak-00255-00077652-00078389 to do okay it's going to show up okay I sDUZAnaZvak-00256-00078390-00078536 thought well maybe there's a spot and sDUZAnaZvak-00257-00078537-00078998 I'm not seeing it I just see the motion sDUZAnaZvak-00258-00078999-00079965 the motion to adjourn sDUZAnaZvak-00259-00079966-00080244 for the public that's here the benefit sDUZAnaZvak-00260-00080245-00080516 this is a new system to us so we're sDUZAnaZvak-00262-00083585-00084714 on the motion sDUZAnaZvak-00263-00084715-00085584 I don't know what something we'll have sDUZAnaZvak-00264-00085585-00085689 to work with the City Clerk's office if sDUZAnaZvak-00265-00085690-00085809 we can just do a manual vote with your sDUZAnaZvak-00266-00085810-00085905 hands because we don't have the other sDUZAnaZvak-00267-00085906-00086595 system set up either so we just raise sDUZAnaZvak-00268-00086596-00086964 our hands okay all right those in favor sDUZAnaZvak-00269-00086965-00087285 go ahead and raise your hands and that sDUZAnaZvak-00270-00087286-00087936 is going to pass by six votes canor call sDUZAnaZvak-00271-00087937-00088503 you being absent chair Cisco yes staff sDUZAnaZvak-00272-00088504-00088617 recommendation would be to just do a sDUZAnaZvak-00273-00088618-00089175 roll call vote that secretary is called sDUZAnaZvak-00274-00089176-00089468 mr. Melones job correct I like that idea sDUZAnaZvak-00275-00089469-00089657 that sounds good I haven't done that one sDUZAnaZvak-00276-00089658-00090006 before let's do it patty Cisco my vote sDUZAnaZvak-00277-00090007-00090438 aye Karen weeks I Charles Carter Vicki sDUZAnaZvak-00278-00090439-00090723 Duggan I gosh Kolya is absent so Jeff of sDUZAnaZvak-00279-00090724-00090792 Krupke I sDUZAnaZvak-00280-00090793-00091382 Julian Peterson aye okay so that passes sDUZAnaZvak-00281-00091383-00091572 with six eyes commissioner sDUZAnaZvak-00282-00091573-00092087 kaalia being absent and that concludes sDUZAnaZvak-00283-00092088-00093057 that item and next we're going to move sDUZAnaZvak-00284-00093058-00093357 on to item 10.2 which again is a public sDUZAnaZvak-00285-00093358-00093684 hearing for the resolution of the sDUZAnaZvak-00286-00093685-00093909 Planning Commission recommending to City sDUZAnaZvak-00287-00093910-00094092 Council approval of zoning code text sDUZAnaZvak-00288-00094093-00094365 amendments to amend a number of city sDUZAnaZvak-00289-00094366-00094607 code sections that is not an ex parte sDUZAnaZvak-00290-00094608-00095529 disclosure and Amy Nicholson is staff sDUZAnaZvak-00291-00095530-00095791 Thank You chair Cisco members of the sDUZAnaZvak-00292-00095792-00096025 Commission the item before you is a sDUZAnaZvak-00293-00096026-00096292 zoning code text amendment which is in sDUZAnaZvak-00294-00096293-00096526 response to recent state legislation sDUZAnaZvak-00295-00096527-00096817 regarding housing and family day care sDUZAnaZvak-00296-00096818-00097272 homes this text amendment incorporates sDUZAnaZvak-00297-00097273-00097659 the language from Assembly Bill 2162 sDUZAnaZvak-00298-00097660-00098370 assembly bill 31 94 and Senate bill 234 sDUZAnaZvak-00299-00098371-00098611 Assembly Bill 2162 sDUZAnaZvak-00300-00098612-00098845 covers supportive and emergency housing sDUZAnaZvak-00301-00098846-00099142 this bill went into effect January 1st sDUZAnaZvak-00302-00099143-00099574 of 2019 and it may sound familiar to you sDUZAnaZvak-00303-00099575-00099787 this was one of the two bills which was sDUZAnaZvak-00304-00099788-00100015 the impetus for the objective design sDUZAnaZvak-00305-00100016-00100195 standards that came before you in sDUZAnaZvak-00306-00100196-00100264 September sDUZAnaZvak-00307-00100265-00100918 a b31 94 is also called the Housing sDUZAnaZvak-00308-00100919-00101212 Accountability Act this act has been sDUZAnaZvak-00309-00101213-00101389 around for several decades but was sDUZAnaZvak-00310-00101390-00101725 recently amended to further limit local sDUZAnaZvak-00311-00101726-00101932 governments Authority regarding housing sDUZAnaZvak-00312-00101933-00102262 projects and this bill into effect sDUZAnaZvak-00313-00102263-00102585 January of 2019 and finally Senate bill sDUZAnaZvak-00314-00102586-00103059 234 go into effect until January 2020 sDUZAnaZvak-00315-00103060-00103369 but it encourages large family day care sDUZAnaZvak-00316-00103370-00103546 homes to be located throughout sDUZAnaZvak-00317-00103547-00104169 residential districts Assembly Bill 2162 sDUZAnaZvak-00318-00104170-00104503 requires a number of text amendments to sDUZAnaZvak-00319-00104504-00104740 the city's zoning code including sDUZAnaZvak-00320-00104741-00104944 allowing supportive housing as a sDUZAnaZvak-00321-00104945-00105258 permitted use anywhere that mixed-use or sDUZAnaZvak-00322-00105258-00105565 multifamily uses are allowed so what sDUZAnaZvak-00323-00105566-00105817 this would do is add supportive housing sDUZAnaZvak-00324-00105818-00106096 as a permitted use in six of the city's sDUZAnaZvak-00325-00106097-00106357 seven commercial zoning districts it sDUZAnaZvak-00326-00106358-00106584 would also allow it as a permitted use sDUZAnaZvak-00327-00106585-00106813 within the business park zoning district sDUZAnaZvak-00328-00106814-00107095 the open space and Recreation District sDUZAnaZvak-00329-00107096-00107476 and the text amendment would also sDUZAnaZvak-00330-00107477-00107725 eliminate a footnote in the residential sDUZAnaZvak-00331-00107726-00108072 district land use table which requires a sDUZAnaZvak-00332-00108073-00108319 minor use permit for the new sDUZAnaZvak-00333-00108320-00108678 construction of supportive housing sDUZAnaZvak-00334-00108679-00109069 assembly bell 2162 would also modify sDUZAnaZvak-00335-00109070-00109288 automotive and bicycle parking sDUZAnaZvak-00336-00109289-00109673 requirements that is if the supportive sDUZAnaZvak-00337-00109674-00109810 housing units are located within sDUZAnaZvak-00338-00109811-00110086 one-half mile of a public transit stop sDUZAnaZvak-00339-00110087-00110338 there would be no minimum parking spaces sDUZAnaZvak-00340-00110339-00110713 required and the bill also requires that sDUZAnaZvak-00341-00110714-00111028 public transit stop be defined and so sDUZAnaZvak-00342-00111029-00111272 this amendment includes a definition for sDUZAnaZvak-00343-00111273-00111562 public transit stop to include any bus sDUZAnaZvak-00344-00111563-00112159 stop or train station assembly bill 3194 sDUZAnaZvak-00345-00112160-00112552 would require one text amendment in sDUZAnaZvak-00346-00112553-00112726 terms of content but it would be located sDUZAnaZvak-00347-00112727-00113048 in two sections of the zoning code up in sDUZAnaZvak-00348-00113049-00113294 the front section where the zoning code sDUZAnaZvak-00349-00113295-00113491 discusses the different zoning districts sDUZAnaZvak-00350-00113492-00113783 and also in the process section which sDUZAnaZvak-00351-00113783-00114186 discusses amendments to the zoning code sDUZAnaZvak-00352-00114187-00114623 this bill aims to remove barriers to sDUZAnaZvak-00353-00114624-00114971 having housing projects be permitted and sDUZAnaZvak-00354-00114972-00115408 the text amendment would make it clear sDUZAnaZvak-00355-00115409-00115694 that a rezoning would not would no sDUZAnaZvak-00356-00115695-00115898 longer be required in cases of sDUZAnaZvak-00357-00115899-00116147 inconsistency between a general plan and sDUZAnaZvak-00358-00116148-00116573 a zoning district so an example of this sDUZAnaZvak-00359-00116574-00116839 is if there was a housing project that sDUZAnaZvak-00360-00116840-00117148 came forward on a site with a medium sDUZAnaZvak-00361-00117149-00117391 high-density land use designation but sDUZAnaZvak-00362-00117392-00117529 the zoning district was general sDUZAnaZvak-00363-00117530-00117859 commercial those to that zoning and sDUZAnaZvak-00364-00117860-00118058 general plan are inconsistent sDUZAnaZvak-00365-00118058-00118351 however pursuant to this law the city sDUZAnaZvak-00366-00118352-00118556 would utilize the implementing zoning sDUZAnaZvak-00367-00118557-00118873 district which is our 3:30 and instead sDUZAnaZvak-00368-00118874-00119035 of going through that rezoning process sDUZAnaZvak-00369-00119036-00119308 they would just measure that project sDUZAnaZvak-00370-00119309-00119558 against those existing standards and and sDUZAnaZvak-00371-00119558-00120037 so this lack of a rezoning requirement sDUZAnaZvak-00372-00120038-00120286 will likely make a pretty big impact for sDUZAnaZvak-00373-00120287-00120473 those housing projects because it sDUZAnaZvak-00374-00120474-00120770 increases certainty for developers to sDUZAnaZvak-00375-00120771-00120883 not have to go through a rezoning sDUZAnaZvak-00376-00120884-00121181 process it cuts down on the time as you sDUZAnaZvak-00377-00121182-00121378 know rezoning is go to the Commission sDUZAnaZvak-00378-00121379-00121527 and then the council sDUZAnaZvak-00379-00121528-00121749 it also opens up additional secret sDUZAnaZvak-00380-00121750-00122202 exemptions and then finally Senate bill sDUZAnaZvak-00381-00122203-00122734 234 this bill would require that large sDUZAnaZvak-00382-00122735-00123083 family day care homes be permitted by sDUZAnaZvak-00383-00123084-00123267 right in all residential zoning sDUZAnaZvak-00384-00123268-00123634 districts so this text amendment would sDUZAnaZvak-00385-00123635-00123860 move the requirement remove the sDUZAnaZvak-00386-00123861-00124056 requirement for a minor use permit and sDUZAnaZvak-00387-00124057-00124374 state each of the zoning districts would sDUZAnaZvak-00388-00124375-00124626 have a large family daycare as a sDUZAnaZvak-00389-00124627-00124866 permitted use the zoning code also sDUZAnaZvak-00390-00124867-00125247 contains a chapter on specific land use sDUZAnaZvak-00391-00125248-00125457 requirements and one of those chapter or sDUZAnaZvak-00392-00125458-00125636 one of those sections is on daycare sDUZAnaZvak-00393-00125638-00125889 facilities there are many references to sDUZAnaZvak-00394-00125890-00126114 large family daycare homes within that sDUZAnaZvak-00395-00126115-00126567 section which requires evaluation for sDUZAnaZvak-00396-00126568-00126930 over concentration circulation plans and sDUZAnaZvak-00397-00126931-00127259 those would no longer be evaluated as sDUZAnaZvak-00398-00127260-00127488 the city would no longer have any sort sDUZAnaZvak-00399-00127489-00127779 of discretionary review of small or sDUZAnaZvak-00400-00127780-00128183 large daycares instead all of the sDUZAnaZvak-00401-00128184-00128352 evaluation and permitting and licensing sDUZAnaZvak-00402-00128353-00128667 would be done by the state and then sDUZAnaZvak-00403-00128668-00129129 finally there's a minor change to the sDUZAnaZvak-00404-00129130-00129315 definition of both large family daycare sDUZAnaZvak-00405-00129316-00129639 home and small family daycare home sDUZAnaZvak-00406-00129640-00129873 pursuant to some changes in the state sDUZAnaZvak-00407-00129874-00130202 legislation to those remain consistent sDUZAnaZvak-00408-00130203-00130458 the amendments before you are exempt sDUZAnaZvak-00409-00130458-00130629 from the California Environmental sDUZAnaZvak-00410-00130630-00130910 Quality Act purse equaling section one sDUZAnaZvak-00411-00130911-00131220 five zero six one B 3 which is the sDUZAnaZvak-00412-00131221-00131415 general rule in that the amendments sDUZAnaZvak-00413-00131416-00131634 themselves do not have the potential to sDUZAnaZvak-00414-00131635-00131847 cause a significant effect on the sDUZAnaZvak-00415-00131848-00132198 environment and with that the planning sDUZAnaZvak-00416-00132199-00132350 and Economic Development Department sDUZAnaZvak-00417-00132351-00132575 recommend that the Planning Commission sDUZAnaZvak-00418-00132576-00132870 recommend approval of the zoning code sDUZAnaZvak-00419-00132871-00133106 text amendment to the City Council and sDUZAnaZvak-00420-00133107-00133500 I'm happy to answer any questions any sDUZAnaZvak-00421-00133501-00133859 questions of mr. Colson at this point sDUZAnaZvak-00422-00133860-00134258 okay sDUZAnaZvak-00423-00134259-00134550 this also is a public hearing item sDUZAnaZvak-00424-00134551-00134706 tonight I'm going to go ahead and open sDUZAnaZvak-00425-00134707-00134849 the public hearing and sDUZAnaZvak-00426-00134850-00135104 if any lone member of the public wishes sDUZAnaZvak-00427-00135105-00135422 to speak on this item he may I'm not sDUZAnaZvak-00428-00135423-00135731 seeing him want to do that so go ahead sDUZAnaZvak-00429-00135732-00135944 and close the public hearing and bring sDUZAnaZvak-00430-00135945-00136306 it back to the Commission any other sDUZAnaZvak-00431-00136307-00136643 questions before we move on to the sDUZAnaZvak-00432-00136644-00136814 resolution No sDUZAnaZvak-00433-00136815-00137006 okay would somebody like to move the sDUZAnaZvak-00434-00137007-00137708 resolution I'll move the resolution of sDUZAnaZvak-00435-00137709-00137825 the Planning Commission of the city of sDUZAnaZvak-00436-00137826-00138014 Santa Rosa recommending the City Council sDUZAnaZvak-00437-00138015-00138230 approval of a zoning code text amendment sDUZAnaZvak-00438-00138231-00138605 to amend city code sections 20-20 dot sDUZAnaZvak-00439-00138606-00139072 zero two zero 20-22 dot zero three zero sDUZAnaZvak-00440-00139073-00139562 20-23 dot zero three zero 20-24 dot zero sDUZAnaZvak-00441-00139563-00139820 three zero twenty - twenty six zero sDUZAnaZvak-00442-00139821-00140165 three zero 20-36 zero four zero sDUZAnaZvak-00443-00140166-00140750 20 - 40 - 0 5 0 20 - sixty four zero two sDUZAnaZvak-00444-00140751-00141212 zero 2027 do zero - zero sDUZAnaZvak-00445-00141213-00141569 file number re Z 1 9 - 0 1 1 and wave sDUZAnaZvak-00446-00141570-00142143 for the reading and all second alright sDUZAnaZvak-00447-00142144-00142376 so that was moved by Commissioner Duggan sDUZAnaZvak-00448-00142377-00142673 second by Commissioner Peterson sDUZAnaZvak-00449-00142674-00142913 Richard Duggan you want to start on that sDUZAnaZvak-00450-00142914-00143420 one I think it's just common sense thing sDUZAnaZvak-00451-00143421-00143630 they got it's in line with state law so sDUZAnaZvak-00452-00143631-00143969 I'm fully supportive right Commissioner sDUZAnaZvak-00453-00143970-00144419 quarter in support of staff's sDUZAnaZvak-00454-00144420-00144614 recommendation I'm a little bit curious sDUZAnaZvak-00455-00144615-00144833 as to whether or not we have any sDUZAnaZvak-00456-00144834-00145148 projects that we anticipated seeing that sDUZAnaZvak-00457-00145149-00145443 would exempt would not come before the sDUZAnaZvak-00458-00145444-00145943 Planning Commission this change sDUZAnaZvak-00459-00145944-00146609 [Music] sDUZAnaZvak-00460-00146610-00147030 well if your question is what projects sDUZAnaZvak-00461-00147031-00147225 would come before the Commission they sDUZAnaZvak-00462-00147226-00147438 none that would be permitted by right by sDUZAnaZvak-00463-00147439-00147666 the state law so those are those by sDUZAnaZvak-00464-00147667-00147981 right would they don't require even a sDUZAnaZvak-00465-00147982-00148164 minor use permit so they would get what sDUZAnaZvak-00466-00148165-00148401 we call is a zoning clearance and we sDUZAnaZvak-00467-00148402-00148776 issue those across the counter my sDUZAnaZvak-00468-00148777-00148944 question was more do we have sDUZAnaZvak-00469-00148945-00149175 applications in the queue that might be sDUZAnaZvak-00470-00149176-00149489 streamlined through this action and not sDUZAnaZvak-00471-00149490-00150324 require further approvals I'm aware of sDUZAnaZvak-00472-00150325-00150627 one daycare application that was sDUZAnaZvak-00473-00150628-00151023 submitted several months ago that won't sDUZAnaZvak-00474-00151024-00151188 have to go through the process because sDUZAnaZvak-00475-00151189-00151731 of this new state law and we will sDUZAnaZvak-00476-00151732-00151956 continue to get more since this is sDUZAnaZvak-00477-00151957-00152300 fairly new to us we haven't put together sDUZAnaZvak-00478-00152301-00152718 sort of a public campaign if you will sDUZAnaZvak-00479-00152719-00153038 but ultimately the supportive housing sDUZAnaZvak-00480-00153039-00153243 stakeholders in our community and day sDUZAnaZvak-00481-00153244-00153423 care providers we they will be notified sDUZAnaZvak-00482-00153424-00153666 that they have this option and so that sDUZAnaZvak-00483-00153667-00154350 will create opportunities I'm sure sDUZAnaZvak-00484-00154351-00154586 Kripke sDUZAnaZvak-00485-00154587-00154916 I'm in support of staffs recommendation sDUZAnaZvak-00486-00154917-00155277 mr. Peterson I am also in support of sDUZAnaZvak-00487-00155278-00155418 staffs recommendation sDUZAnaZvak-00488-00155419-00155949 yeah the vice-chair weeks let me do and sDUZAnaZvak-00489-00155950-00156333 I also support staffs recommendation so sDUZAnaZvak-00490-00156334-00156669 are we gonna try this again with okay sDUZAnaZvak-00491-00156670-00156996 grip that resolution was moved by sDUZAnaZvak-00492-00156997-00157137 Commissioner Duggan seconded by sDUZAnaZvak-00493-00157138-00157757 Commissioner Peterson there we go sDUZAnaZvak-00494-00157758-00158529 okay so your votes please and that sDUZAnaZvak-00495-00158530-00158625 passes we sDUZAnaZvak-00496-00158626-00158907 six eyes comes your call you being sDUZAnaZvak-00497-00158908-00159798 absent and I believe that went well okay sDUZAnaZvak-00498-00159799-00160160 so that concludes this item it also sDUZAnaZvak-00499-00160161-00160415 concludes our meeting tonight and all sDUZAnaZvak-00500-00160416-00161030 our journey to our December 12th meeting sFZnCySP0Gy-00000-00000071-00000530 live from Las Vegas it's the cube sFZnCySP0Gy-00001-00000531-00000875 covering IBM think 2018 sFZnCySP0Gy-00002-00000876-00001402 brought to you by IBM hello everyone sFZnCySP0Gy-00003-00001403-00001614 welcome back to the queue we are here on sFZnCySP0Gy-00004-00001616-00001905 the floor at IBM think 2018 in the cube sFZnCySP0Gy-00005-00001906-00002265 Studios live coverage from IBM think I'm sFZnCySP0Gy-00006-00002266-00002421 John Ferrier the host of the cube and sFZnCySP0Gy-00007-00002422-00002564 we're here 72 years is the sFZnCySP0Gy-00008-00002565-00002754 vice-president offering manager IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00009-00002755-00003021 cognitive systems that's power systems a sFZnCySP0Gy-00010-00003022-00003261 variety of other great stuff real sFZnCySP0Gy-00011-00003263-00003552 technology performance happening with sFZnCySP0Gy-00012-00003553-00003747 power it's been a good strategic bet for sFZnCySP0Gy-00013-00003748-00003913 IBM Stephanie great to see you again sFZnCySP0Gy-00014-00003914-00004020 thanks for coming back on the cube sFZnCySP0Gy-00015-00004021-00004227 absolutely I love to be on John thank so sFZnCySP0Gy-00016-00004228-00004481 when we had a brief with Papa Giano sFZnCySP0Gy-00017-00004482-00004716 who's heading up power in that group sFZnCySP0Gy-00018-00004717-00004888 long as we learned was there's a lot of sFZnCySP0Gy-00019-00004889-00005097 stuff going on that's really gonna be sFZnCySP0Gy-00020-00005098-00005361 impacting that the performance of things sFZnCySP0Gy-00021-00005362-00005563 so just take a minute to explain what sFZnCySP0Gy-00022-00005564-00005838 you guys are offering in this area what sFZnCySP0Gy-00023-00005839-00006093 does it fit into the IBM portfolio sFZnCySP0Gy-00024-00006094-00006403 what's the customer use cases where does sFZnCySP0Gy-00025-00006404-00006652 that offering fit in yeah absolutely sFZnCySP0Gy-00026-00006653-00006924 so I think he right here I think it's sFZnCySP0Gy-00027-00006925-00007146 been a great chance for us to see how we sFZnCySP0Gy-00028-00007147-00007356 have really transformed you know we have sFZnCySP0Gy-00029-00007357-00007555 been known in the market for AIX and IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00030-00007556-00007759 I we continue to drive value in that sFZnCySP0Gy-00031-00007759-00008134 space we just g8 on yesterday our new sFZnCySP0Gy-00032-00008134-00008349 systems based upon power 9 processor sFZnCySP0Gy-00033-00008350-00008578 chip for AIX and IBM I and Linux so that sFZnCySP0Gy-00034-00008579-00008787 remains a strong strategic push sFZnCySP0Gy-00035-00008788-00009135 Enterprise Linux we transformed in 2014 sFZnCySP0Gy-00036-00009136-00009391 to embrace Linux wholeheartedly so we sFZnCySP0Gy-00037-00009392-00009619 really are going after now the Linux sFZnCySP0Gy-00038-00009620-00009826 base s AP Hana has been an incredible sFZnCySP0Gy-00039-00009827-00009999 workload where over a thousand customers sFZnCySP0Gy-00040-00010000-00010281 run an s AP Hana and boy we are going sFZnCySP0Gy-00041-00010282-00010527 after this cognitive and AI space with sFZnCySP0Gy-00042-00010528-00010681 our performance and our acceleration sFZnCySP0Gy-00043-00010682-00010935 capabilities particularly on GPUs so sFZnCySP0Gy-00044-00010936-00011202 things like unique differentiation in sFZnCySP0Gy-00045-00011203-00011494 our NV link is driving our capabilities sFZnCySP0Gy-00046-00011495-00011641 with some great announcements here that sFZnCySP0Gy-00047-00011642-00011773 we've had in the last couple of days sFZnCySP0Gy-00048-00011774-00011959 Jamie Thomas was on earlier and she and sFZnCySP0Gy-00049-00011960-00012066 I were talking about some of the things sFZnCySP0Gy-00050-00012067-00012246 around really the software stack and the sFZnCySP0Gy-00051-00012247-00012287 hardware sFZnCySP0Gy-00052-00012288-00012455 kind of coming together you just break sFZnCySP0Gy-00053-00012456-00012595 that out because I know power been sFZnCySP0Gy-00054-00012596-00012781 covering Doug de los been on many times sFZnCySP0Gy-00055-00012782-00012988 a lot of great growth right out of the sFZnCySP0Gy-00056-00012989-00013157 gate ecosystem formed right around it sFZnCySP0Gy-00057-00013158-00013385 what else has happened and separate out sFZnCySP0Gy-00058-00013386-00013624 where the hardware innovation is sFZnCySP0Gy-00059-00013625-00013910 technology and what software and how the sFZnCySP0Gy-00060-00013911-00014180 ecosystem and people are adopting it you sFZnCySP0Gy-00061-00014181-00014303 just take us through there yeah sFZnCySP0Gy-00062-00014304-00014486 absolutely and actually I think it's an sFZnCySP0Gy-00063-00014487-00014602 interesting question because the sFZnCySP0Gy-00064-00014603-00014794 ecosystem actually has happened on both sFZnCySP0Gy-00065-00014795-00014947 sides of the fence with both the sFZnCySP0Gy-00066-00014948-00015166 hardware side and the software side so sFZnCySP0Gy-00067-00015168-00015368 open power has grown dramatically on the sFZnCySP0Gy-00068-00015369-00015608 hardware side we just released our power sFZnCySP0Gy-00069-00015609-00015994 9 processor chip so here is our here is sFZnCySP0Gy-00070-00015995-00016193 our new baby this is the power line hold sFZnCySP0Gy-00071-00016194-00016555 it up so this is our power 9 here 8 sFZnCySP0Gy-00072-00016556-00017060 billion transistors 14 miles of wiring sFZnCySP0Gy-00073-00017061-00017328 and 17 layers of metal I mean it's a sFZnCySP0Gy-00074-00017329-00017927 technology so small this is the Moore's sFZnCySP0Gy-00075-00017928-00018112 Law piece that Ginny was talking about sFZnCySP0Gy-00076-00018113-00018362 that's exactly it but what we have sFZnCySP0Gy-00077-00018363-00018587 really done strategically is is changed sFZnCySP0Gy-00078-00018588-00018800 what gets delivered from the CPU to more sFZnCySP0Gy-00079-00018801-00018953 what gets delivered at a system level sFZnCySP0Gy-00080-00018954-00019283 and so our i/o capabilities first chip sFZnCySP0Gy-00081-00019284-00019436 to market deliver in the first systems sFZnCySP0Gy-00082-00019437-00019727 to market with PCIe gen 4 so able to sFZnCySP0Gy-00083-00019728-00019909 connect to other things much faster sFZnCySP0Gy-00084-00019910-00020186 we have NV link 2.0 which provides sFZnCySP0Gy-00085-00020187-00020462 nearly 10x the bandwidth to transport sFZnCySP0Gy-00086-00020463-00020747 data between this chip and a GPU so sFZnCySP0Gy-00087-00020748-00020953 Jensen was on stage yesterday from sFZnCySP0Gy-00088-00020954-00021247 Nvidia he held up his chip proudly as sFZnCySP0Gy-00089-00021248-00021527 well we're very the capabilities that sFZnCySP0Gy-00090-00021528-00021665 are coming out from being able to sFZnCySP0Gy-00091-00021666-00021902 transport data between the power CPU and sFZnCySP0Gy-00092-00021903-00022112 the GPU is unbelievable how about the sFZnCySP0Gy-00093-00022113-00022289 relation video versus Eggers that's also sFZnCySP0Gy-00094-00022290-00022519 you know Nvidia stocks up a lot having sFZnCySP0Gy-00095-00022520-00022666 to do it thanks to Bitcoin mining sFZnCySP0Gy-00096-00022667-00022865 graphics card but this is what this is sFZnCySP0Gy-00097-00022866-00023122 again a used one use case and vidi has sFZnCySP0Gy-00098-00023123-00023278 been doing very well they're doing sFZnCySP0Gy-00099-00023279-00023474 really well in IOT self-driving cars sFZnCySP0Gy-00100-00023475-00023759 where data performance is critical yeah sFZnCySP0Gy-00101-00023760-00023918 how do you guys play in that what's the sFZnCySP0Gy-00102-00023919-00024167 relationship with Nvidia yeah so it has sFZnCySP0Gy-00103-00024168-00024319 been a great partnership with Nvidia sFZnCySP0Gy-00104-00024320-00024566 when we launched in 2013 right at the sFZnCySP0Gy-00105-00024567-00024733 end of 2013 we launched open power sFZnCySP0Gy-00106-00024734-00024911 Nvidia was one of the five founding sFZnCySP0Gy-00107-00024912-00025088 members with us Google melon sFZnCySP0Gy-00108-00025089-00025358 tn so they clearly wanted to change the sFZnCySP0Gy-00109-00025359-00025559 game at the system's value level we sFZnCySP0Gy-00110-00025560-00025775 launched into that with we went and sFZnCySP0Gy-00111-00025776-00026059 jointly bid with NVIDIA and Mellanox we sFZnCySP0Gy-00112-00026060-00026237 jointly bid for the Department of Energy sFZnCySP0Gy-00113-00026238-00026462 when we cold named it coral but that sFZnCySP0Gy-00114-00026463-00026642 came to culmination at the end of last sFZnCySP0Gy-00115-00026643-00026804 year when we delivered the summit in sFZnCySP0Gy-00116-00026805-00026993 Sierra supercomputers to Oak Ridge and sFZnCySP0Gy-00117-00026994-00027220 Lawrence Livermore we did that with sFZnCySP0Gy-00118-00027222-00027427 innovation from both us and NVIDIA and sFZnCySP0Gy-00119-00027429-00027575 that's what's driving things like this sFZnCySP0Gy-00120-00027576-00027881 capability and now we bring in software sFZnCySP0Gy-00121-00027882-00028142 that exploits it so that envy link sFZnCySP0Gy-00122-00028143-00028280 connection between the CPU and the GPU sFZnCySP0Gy-00123-00028281-00028520 we deliver software called power AI sFZnCySP0Gy-00124-00028520-00028742 we've optimized the frameworks to take sFZnCySP0Gy-00125-00028743-00028997 advantage of that data transport between sFZnCySP0Gy-00126-00028998-00029162 that CPU and GPU so it makes it sFZnCySP0Gy-00127-00029163-00029375 consumable with all of these things it's sFZnCySP0Gy-00128-00029376-00029549 not just about the technology it's about sFZnCySP0Gy-00129-00029550-00029752 is it easy to consume at the software sFZnCySP0Gy-00130-00029754-00030083 level so great great announcement sFZnCySP0Gy-00131-00030083-00030293 yesterday right with the capabilities to sFZnCySP0Gy-00132-00030294-00030542 do logistic regression unbelievable sFZnCySP0Gy-00133-00030543-00030760 taking a you know ability to do sFZnCySP0Gy-00134-00030761-00031090 advertising analytics taking it from you sFZnCySP0Gy-00135-00031091-00031268 know 70 minutes to one and a half I mean sFZnCySP0Gy-00136-00031269-00031388 we're gonna geek out here but let's go sFZnCySP0Gy-00137-00031389-00031544 into the lake for a second this isn't sFZnCySP0Gy-00138-00031545-00031720 really kind of a high-end systems sFZnCySP0Gy-00139-00031722-00031904 product okay with the kind of sFZnCySP0Gy-00140-00031905-00032063 performance levels where does the sFZnCySP0Gy-00141-00032064-00032243 connect to the go-to-market who's the sFZnCySP0Gy-00142-00032244-00032531 buyer of is it OMS is it integrators is sFZnCySP0Gy-00143-00032532-00032750 it new hardware devices how do I get sFZnCySP0Gy-00144-00032751-00032948 involved and who's the target customer sFZnCySP0Gy-00145-00032949-00033128 is and what kind of developers are you sFZnCySP0Gy-00146-00033129-00033326 reaching he take us through that who's sFZnCySP0Gy-00147-00033327-00033674 buying this product so this is this is sFZnCySP0Gy-00148-00033675-00033932 no longer relegated to the elite set sFZnCySP0Gy-00149-00033933-00034139 what we did and I think this is amazing sFZnCySP0Gy-00150-00034140-00034325 when we deliver the summit in Sierra sFZnCySP0Gy-00151-00034326-00034592 right huge cluster of these notes we sFZnCySP0Gy-00152-00034593-00034840 took that same node we pulled it into sFZnCySP0Gy-00153-00034841-00035135 our product line is the AC 922 and we sFZnCySP0Gy-00154-00035136-00035348 delivered a for GPU air-cooled version sFZnCySP0Gy-00155-00035349-00035786 to market on December 22nd we g8 of last sFZnCySP0Gy-00156-00035787-00036113 year and we sold in over 40 independent sFZnCySP0Gy-00157-00036114-00036404 clients by the end of 2017 so that's a sFZnCySP0Gy-00158-00036405-00036671 short runway and most of it honestly is sFZnCySP0Gy-00159-00036672-00037013 all driven around AI the AI adoption and sFZnCySP0Gy-00160-00037014-00037277 it's a cross enterprise our goal is sFZnCySP0Gy-00161-00037278-00037508 really to make sure that the enterprises sFZnCySP0Gy-00162-00037509-00037670 who are looking at AI now with their sFZnCySP0Gy-00163-00037671-00037868 developer are ready to take it into sFZnCySP0Gy-00164-00037869-00038065 production we offer support for the sFZnCySP0Gy-00165-00038066-00038195 frameworks on the sFZnCySP0Gy-00166-00038196-00038336 systems so they know that when they do sFZnCySP0Gy-00167-00038337-00038593 development on this infrastructure they sFZnCySP0Gy-00168-00038594-00038771 can take it to production later so it's sFZnCySP0Gy-00169-00038772-00038951 very much driven to it taking AI to the sFZnCySP0Gy-00170-00038952-00039104 enterprise and it's all over it's sFZnCySP0Gy-00171-00039105-00039323 insurance it's financial services sector sFZnCySP0Gy-00172-00039324-00039539 it's those kinds of enterprise that are sFZnCySP0Gy-00173-00039540-00039914 using IO sensitive right so so IOT not a sFZnCySP0Gy-00174-00039915-00040237 target or an AV so you know when we talk sFZnCySP0Gy-00175-00040238-00040402 out to edge it's a little bit different sFZnCySP0Gy-00176-00040403-00040843 right so the IOT today for us is driving sFZnCySP0Gy-00177-00040844-00041087 a lot of data that's coming in and then sFZnCySP0Gy-00178-00041088-00041270 you know at different levels forcing sFZnCySP0Gy-00179-00041271-00041440 power needed at the edge there is not sFZnCySP0Gy-00180-00041441-00041642 there is not and it kind of scales and sFZnCySP0Gy-00181-00041643-00041804 we are seeing I would say kind of sFZnCySP0Gy-00182-00041805-00042026 progression of that compute moving out sFZnCySP0Gy-00183-00042027-00042271 closer right whether or not it's on it sFZnCySP0Gy-00184-00042272-00042455 doesn't all come home necessarily any sFZnCySP0Gy-00185-00042456-00042608 more compute being pushed to where the sFZnCySP0Gy-00186-00042609-00042860 data is head room for you guys you're sFZnCySP0Gy-00187-00042861-00043004 not sorry low are not a priority now sFZnCySP0Gy-00188-00043005-00043160 because there's not an intensive and sFZnCySP0Gy-00189-00043161-00043318 other compute can solve it that's right sFZnCySP0Gy-00190-00043319-00043493 all right so where does the cloud fit sFZnCySP0Gy-00191-00043494-00043787 into you guys powering IBM's cloud so sFZnCySP0Gy-00192-00043788-00044024 IBM cloud has been a great announcements sFZnCySP0Gy-00193-00044025-00044192 this year as well so you've seen the sFZnCySP0Gy-00194-00044193-00044429 focus here about an AI and cloud so we sFZnCySP0Gy-00195-00044430-00044627 announced that HANA will come on power sFZnCySP0Gy-00196-00044628-00044890 into the cloud specializing in large sFZnCySP0Gy-00197-00044891-00045137 memory sets so 24 terabyte memory sets sFZnCySP0Gy-00198-00045138-00045574 for clients that's huge power or not so sFZnCySP0Gy-00199-00045575-00045812 that will be an IBM cloud so got IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00200-00045813-00045995 cloud be able to deploy an s AP sFZnCySP0Gy-00201-00045996-00046235 certified Hana on power deployment for sFZnCySP0Gy-00202-00046236-00046471 large memory installs which is great we sFZnCySP0Gy-00203-00046472-00046799 also announced power AI access on power sFZnCySP0Gy-00204-00046800-00047180 9 technology in IBM cloud so we are sFZnCySP0Gy-00205-00047181-00047395 definitely partnering both with IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00206-00047396-00047618 cloud as well as with like the analytics sFZnCySP0Gy-00207-00047619-00047837 pieces data science experience available sFZnCySP0Gy-00208-00047838-00048080 on power and I think it's very important sFZnCySP0Gy-00209-00048081-00048274 what you said earlier John about you sFZnCySP0Gy-00210-00048275-00048437 want to bring the capabilities to where sFZnCySP0Gy-00211-00048438-00048712 the data is so things like a lot of sFZnCySP0Gy-00212-00048713-00048911 clients are doing AI on-prem where we sFZnCySP0Gy-00213-00048912-00049114 can offer a solution you can augment sFZnCySP0Gy-00214-00049115-00049385 that with capabilities like Watson right sFZnCySP0Gy-00215-00049386-00049693 off Prem you can also do DevOps now on sFZnCySP0Gy-00216-00049694-00050048 with AI in my IBM cloud so it really sFZnCySP0Gy-00217-00050049-00050267 becomes both a deployment model but the sFZnCySP0Gy-00218-00050268-00050429 client needs to be able to choose how sFZnCySP0Gy-00219-00050430-00050618 they want to do it and the data could sFZnCySP0Gy-00220-00050619-00050752 come from multiple sources as always sFZnCySP0Gy-00221-00050753-00050837 gonna be latency so what about sFZnCySP0Gy-00222-00050838-00050995 blockchain look at the sFZnCySP0Gy-00223-00050996-00051126 are you guys doing anything in the sFZnCySP0Gy-00224-00051127-00051300 blockchain ecosystem obviously one sFZnCySP0Gy-00225-00051301-00051429 complaint we've been hearing obviously sFZnCySP0Gy-00226-00051430-00051639 is a Sony's cryptocurrency chains like sFZnCySP0Gy-00227-00051640-00051831 aetherium has performance issues I got sFZnCySP0Gy-00228-00051832-00051996 projects going a lot open source in sFZnCySP0Gy-00229-00051997-00052275 there is power even putting their toe in sFZnCySP0Gy-00230-00052276-00052488 the water with blockchain or we put our sFZnCySP0Gy-00231-00052489-00052713 toe in the water blockchain runs on sFZnCySP0Gy-00232-00052714-00053007 power from an IBM portfolio perspective sFZnCySP0Gy-00233-00053008-00053316 VMs chain runs on power or blockchain sFZnCySP0Gy-00234-00053317-00053532 another hyper ledger like hyper ledger sFZnCySP0Gy-00235-00053533-00053734 will run so open source blockchain will sFZnCySP0Gy-00236-00053735-00053929 run on power but if you look at the IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00237-00053929-00054141 portfolio the security capabilities in sFZnCySP0Gy-00238-00054142-00054375 z14 that that brings and pulling that sFZnCySP0Gy-00239-00054376-00054640 into IBM cloud our focus is really to be sFZnCySP0Gy-00240-00054641-00054816 able to deliver that level of security sFZnCySP0Gy-00241-00054817-00055111 so we lead with System z in that space sFZnCySP0Gy-00242-00055112-00055350 and Z has been incredible with blocks sFZnCySP0Gy-00243-00055351-00055504 he's pretty expensive to purchase them sFZnCySP0Gy-00244-00055504-00055704 but now you can purchase it in the cloud sFZnCySP0Gy-00245-00055705-00055960 through IBM cloud which is great awesome sFZnCySP0Gy-00246-00055961-00056130 this is the benefit of cloud sounds like sFZnCySP0Gy-00247-00056132-00056371 SoftLayer is moving towards more of a Z sFZnCySP0Gy-00248-00056372-00056829 mainframe our back-end I think I think sFZnCySP0Gy-00249-00056830-00057010 the IBM cloud is broadening the sFZnCySP0Gy-00250-00057011-00057199 capabilities that it has because the sFZnCySP0Gy-00251-00057200-00057424 workloads demand write different things sFZnCySP0Gy-00252-00057425-00057673 blockchain demands security now you can sFZnCySP0Gy-00253-00057674-00057886 get that in the cloud through Z right sFZnCySP0Gy-00254-00057887-00058165 ai demands incredible compute strength sFZnCySP0Gy-00255-00058166-00058455 with GPU acceleration power is great for sFZnCySP0Gy-00256-00058456-00058713 that and and now now a client doesn't sFZnCySP0Gy-00257-00058714-00058879 have to choose they can use the cloud sFZnCySP0Gy-00258-00058879-00059035 and get the best infrastructure for the sFZnCySP0Gy-00259-00059036-00059244 workload they want an IBM cloud runs it sFZnCySP0Gy-00260-00059245-00059568 you guys been busy we've been busy papa sFZnCySP0Gy-00261-00059569-00059718 siano has been bunkered and you guys sFZnCySP0Gy-00262-00059719-00059904 been cranking out some love to do deeper sFZnCySP0Gy-00263-00059905-00060219 dive on this Stephanie and so we love to sFZnCySP0Gy-00264-00060220-00060385 follow up with you guys and we told Bob sFZnCySP0Gy-00265-00060386-00060565 we would dig into that too question I sFZnCySP0Gy-00266-00060566-00060724 have for you now is how do you talk sFZnCySP0Gy-00267-00060725-00060910 about this group that you're building sFZnCySP0Gy-00268-00060911-00061005 together sFZnCySP0Gy-00269-00061006-00061234 it's the names all internal IBM names sFZnCySP0Gy-00270-00061235-00061462 power cognitive is it is it like a group sFZnCySP0Gy-00271-00061463-00061597 you guys call yourself like the modern sFZnCySP0Gy-00272-00061598-00061765 infrastructure group is it like I mean sFZnCySP0Gy-00273-00061766-00061921 what is it called within like if you've sFZnCySP0Gy-00274-00061922-00062166 explained it side to outside IBM hey sFZnCySP0Gy-00275-00062167-00062341 guys easy I know what AI team does sFZnCySP0Gy-00276-00062341-00062532 you're kind of doing AI you're enabling sFZnCySP0Gy-00277-00062533-00062769 AI you modern infrastructure or is it sFZnCySP0Gy-00278-00062770-00062991 what's the pillar are you under yeah so sFZnCySP0Gy-00279-00062992-00063279 we sit under IBM systems and we are sFZnCySP0Gy-00280-00063280-00063436 definitely systems proud right sFZnCySP0Gy-00281-00063437-00063604 everything runs on infrastructure sFZnCySP0Gy-00282-00063604-00063790 somewhere and then within that three sFZnCySP0Gy-00283-00063791-00063891 spaces you have sFZnCySP0Gy-00284-00063892-00064141 we have Z storage and we empower since sFZnCySP0Gy-00285-00064141-00064390 we've set our sights on AI and cognitive sFZnCySP0Gy-00286-00064391-00064551 workloads internally we're called IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00287-00064552-00064755 cognitive systems and I think that's sFZnCySP0Gy-00288-00064757-00064987 really two things both a focus on the sFZnCySP0Gy-00289-00064988-00065166 workloads and differentiation we want to sFZnCySP0Gy-00290-00065167-00065350 bring to clients but also the fact that sFZnCySP0Gy-00291-00065351-00065505 it's not just about the hardware we're sFZnCySP0Gy-00292-00065507-00065701 now doing software with things like sFZnCySP0Gy-00293-00065702-00065911 power AI software optimized for our sFZnCySP0Gy-00294-00065912-00066124 hardware there's magic that happens when sFZnCySP0Gy-00295-00066125-00066280 the software and the hardware are Co sFZnCySP0Gy-00296-00066281-00066444 optimized well if you look at me and sFZnCySP0Gy-00297-00066445-00066618 systems proud I love that I love that sFZnCySP0Gy-00298-00066619-00066835 conversation because if you look at the sFZnCySP0Gy-00299-00066836-00066988 systems revolution that I grew up in sFZnCySP0Gy-00300-00066989-00067182 computer science generation of the 80s sFZnCySP0Gy-00301-00067183-00067588 that was you know the open movement BSD sFZnCySP0Gy-00302-00067589-00067843 pre Linux and then now everything about sFZnCySP0Gy-00303-00067844-00068005 the cloud and what's going on with AI sFZnCySP0Gy-00304-00068006-00068236 and what I call the innovation sandwich sFZnCySP0Gy-00305-00068237-00068449 with data in the middle blockchain and a sFZnCySP0Gy-00306-00068450-00068755 is bread yep you have all the perfect sFZnCySP0Gy-00307-00068756-00069148 elements of automation and a cloud sFZnCySP0Gy-00308-00069149-00069454 that's all gonna be powered by a system sFZnCySP0Gy-00309-00069455-00069832 absolutely operating systems skills are sFZnCySP0Gy-00310-00069833-00070072 super important super important super sFZnCySP0Gy-00311-00070073-00070209 enforces the foundational elements sFZnCySP0Gy-00312-00070210-00070407 absolutely and I think your point on sFZnCySP0Gy-00313-00070408-00070672 open that that has really come in and sFZnCySP0Gy-00314-00070673-00070891 changed how quickly this innovation is sFZnCySP0Gy-00315-00070892-00071146 happening but completely agree right and sFZnCySP0Gy-00316-00071147-00071359 we'll see more more fit for purpose sFZnCySP0Gy-00317-00071360-00071578 types of things as you mentioned right sFZnCySP0Gy-00318-00071579-00071689 more fit for purpose where the sFZnCySP0Gy-00319-00071690-00071907 infrastructure and the OS are driving sFZnCySP0Gy-00320-00071908-00072132 huge value for at a workload level and sFZnCySP0Gy-00321-00072133-00072271 that's that's what the client needs you sFZnCySP0Gy-00322-00072272-00072412 know what DevOps grew with the cloud sFZnCySP0Gy-00323-00072413-00072610 movement was you can have programmable sFZnCySP0Gy-00324-00072611-00072775 infrastructure and what we're seeing sFZnCySP0Gy-00325-00072776-00072937 with blockchain and decentralized web sFZnCySP0Gy-00326-00072938-00073086 and AI is that the real value sFZnCySP0Gy-00327-00073087-00073269 intellectual property to me the business sFZnCySP0Gy-00328-00073270-00073501 logic okay that that is going to be sFZnCySP0Gy-00329-00073502-00073761 dealing with now a whole nother layer of sFZnCySP0Gy-00330-00073762-00073981 programmability yeah it used to be the sFZnCySP0Gy-00331-00073982-00074104 other way around the technology sFZnCySP0Gy-00332-00074105-00074317 determine that's right the core decision sFZnCySP0Gy-00333-00074318-00074647 so the risk was technology purchase now sFZnCySP0Gy-00334-00074648-00074884 that this risk is his a small decision sFZnCySP0Gy-00335-00074885-00075169 how do you code your business and it's sFZnCySP0Gy-00336-00075170-00075331 very challenging for any business sFZnCySP0Gy-00337-00075332-00075544 because the efficiency happens when sFZnCySP0Gy-00338-00075545-00075669 those decisions get made jointly sFZnCySP0Gy-00339-00075670-00075862 together that's when real business sFZnCySP0Gy-00340-00075863-00076054 efficiency if you make one decision a sFZnCySP0Gy-00341-00076055-00076267 decision on one side of the line or the sFZnCySP0Gy-00342-00076268-00076487 other side of the line only your sFZnCySP0Gy-00343-00076488-00076722 losing efficiency open-open is big sFZnCySP0Gy-00344-00076723-00076872 because you have consensus algorithms sFZnCySP0Gy-00345-00076873-00077097 you got regulatory issues or data you're sFZnCySP0Gy-00346-00077098-00077334 exposed to and more horsepower that you sFZnCySP0Gy-00347-00077335-00077513 have absolutely this is the future sFZnCySP0Gy-00348-00077514-00077738 perfect storm perfect storm definitely sFZnCySP0Gy-00349-00077739-00077871 thanks for coming the keep great to see sFZnCySP0Gy-00350-00077872-00078031 you sFZnCySP0Gy-00351-00078032-00078242 Systems proud here in the cube we're sFZnCySP0Gy-00352-00078243-00078512 sharing all the systems data here at IBM sFZnCySP0Gy-00353-00078513-00078707 think I'm John Fourier more live sFZnCySP0Gy-00354-00078708-00080432 coverage after this short break sFZnCySP0Gy-00355-00080433-00080739 [Music] sGjX9tBDJA8-00000-00000696-00000854 um sGjX9tBDJA8-00001-00000855-00001062 okay now sGjX9tBDJA8-00002-00001063-00001366 it is time to welcome um sGjX9tBDJA8-00003-00001367-00001718 our speaker of today sGjX9tBDJA8-00004-00001719-00001982 with the topic factors influencing the sGjX9tBDJA8-00005-00001984-00002207 implementation of midway flood care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00006-00002208-00002495 low and middle income countries a mixed sGjX9tBDJA8-00007-00002496-00002799 method systematic review sGjX9tBDJA8-00008-00002800-00002958 this is by sGjX9tBDJA8-00009-00002959-00003447 none other than sangi mangini and raj sGjX9tBDJA8-00010-00003447-00003679 you want to know sanji father sangi is a sGjX9tBDJA8-00011-00003679-00003959 third year phd student in the department sGjX9tBDJA8-00012-00003960-00004295 of midwifery at king's college london sGjX9tBDJA8-00013-00004296-00004527 her research is on midway that care sGjX9tBDJA8-00014-00004528-00004775 being implemented in india sGjX9tBDJA8-00015-00004776-00004863 and sGjX9tBDJA8-00016-00004864-00005151 research has always been an interest and sGjX9tBDJA8-00017-00005152-00005318 interest to sangi sGjX9tBDJA8-00018-00005319-00005711 and this made her to register in 2018 sGjX9tBDJA8-00019-00005712-00005934 as a master of research student at sGjX9tBDJA8-00020-00005935-00006167 king's college london where she sGjX9tBDJA8-00021-00006168-00006311 continues sGjX9tBDJA8-00022-00006312-00006623 as a postgraduate researcher and sGjX9tBDJA8-00023-00006623-00006846 the focus of our phd research is to sGjX9tBDJA8-00024-00006847-00007055 explore the views of women about midwife sGjX9tBDJA8-00025-00007056-00007287 care care led in india sGjX9tBDJA8-00026-00007288-00007503 sanger has has specialization in sGjX9tBDJA8-00027-00007504-00007727 maternal health nursing she has worked sGjX9tBDJA8-00028-00007728-00007927 in academic as well as in clinical sGjX9tBDJA8-00029-00007928-00008078 settings sGjX9tBDJA8-00030-00008079-00008310 her career started as a midwife and she sGjX9tBDJA8-00031-00008311-00008535 had worked in all clinical settings such sGjX9tBDJA8-00032-00008536-00008863 as home community maternity wards and sGjX9tBDJA8-00033-00008864-00009110 you know in hospitals in academia she sGjX9tBDJA8-00034-00009111-00009351 started as a clinical instructor and sGjX9tBDJA8-00035-00009352-00009574 later became a lecturer in the midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00036-00009575-00009823 department she had worked in academic sGjX9tBDJA8-00037-00009824-00010014 institutions for 10 years in india as sGjX9tBDJA8-00038-00010015-00010231 well as in oman muscat sGjX9tBDJA8-00039-00010232-00010438 sanji is a registered midwife in the sGjX9tBDJA8-00040-00010439-00010671 nursing and midwifery council sGjX9tBDJA8-00041-00010672-00010951 in the united kingdom sangee sGjX9tBDJA8-00042-00010952-00011135 you are most welcome with your sGjX9tBDJA8-00043-00011136-00011287 presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00044-00011288-00011478 um sGjX9tBDJA8-00045-00011479-00011991 that's what we say in kenya thank you sGjX9tBDJA8-00046-00011992-00012223 welcome sGjX9tBDJA8-00047-00012224-00012599 thank you margaret sGjX9tBDJA8-00048-00012600-00012863 happy to present at the vidm conference sGjX9tBDJA8-00049-00012863-00013030 thanks for the vidm committee for sGjX9tBDJA8-00050-00013031-00013215 selecting this topic sGjX9tBDJA8-00051-00013216-00013422 before i start with the sGjX9tBDJA8-00052-00013423-00013679 uh presentation i just would like to put sGjX9tBDJA8-00053-00013680-00013894 off my camera so that there is good sGjX9tBDJA8-00054-00013895-00014086 connection as well as clarity in my sGjX9tBDJA8-00055-00014087-00014294 presentation i'll just get back my sGjX9tBDJA8-00056-00014295-00014838 camera by the end of the presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00057-00014840-00015063 so i welcome you all to the presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00058-00015063-00015319 titled factors influencing the sGjX9tBDJA8-00059-00015319-00015566 implementation of midwife lit care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00060-00015568-00015822 low and middle income countries a mixed sGjX9tBDJA8-00061-00015823-00016038 method systematic review sGjX9tBDJA8-00062-00016040-00016247 the systematic review is a part of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00063-00016247-00016494 phd study and has been collected under sGjX9tBDJA8-00064-00016495-00016735 the supervision of dr maria deworsa and sGjX9tBDJA8-00065-00016736-00016943 dr sean walker sGjX9tBDJA8-00066-00016944-00017175 in this presentation i will take you sGjX9tBDJA8-00067-00017176-00017399 through a brief introduction followed by sGjX9tBDJA8-00068-00017400-00017558 the research question sGjX9tBDJA8-00069-00017559-00017703 then we'll state the aim of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00070-00017704-00017967 systematic review and the methods sGjX9tBDJA8-00071-00017968-00018158 to match with this year's vidm sGjX9tBDJA8-00072-00018159-00018471 conference theme which together we care sGjX9tBDJA8-00073-00018472-00018663 this presentation will highlight the sGjX9tBDJA8-00074-00018664-00018863 review findings from the midwife's sGjX9tBDJA8-00075-00018864-00019055 perspectives sGjX9tBDJA8-00076-00019056-00019335 following the findings the strengths sGjX9tBDJA8-00077-00019336-00019567 limitation and the conclusions will be sGjX9tBDJA8-00078-00019568-00019703 presented sGjX9tBDJA8-00079-00019704-00019943 as this review is part of the phd study sGjX9tBDJA8-00080-00019944-00020207 as mentioned earlier the next phases of sGjX9tBDJA8-00081-00020208-00020622 the study will also be highlighted sGjX9tBDJA8-00082-00020623-00020830 coming to the current situation about sGjX9tBDJA8-00083-00020831-00020983 maternal health sGjX9tBDJA8-00084-00020984-00021255 the state of world's midwifery that is sGjX9tBDJA8-00085-00021256-00021471 according to xiaomi report in the year sGjX9tBDJA8-00086-00021472-00021943 2021 it states that globally around 810 sGjX9tBDJA8-00087-00021944-00022214 maternal deaths occur each day sGjX9tBDJA8-00088-00022215-00022527 out of this nearly 94 percent of these sGjX9tBDJA8-00089-00022528-00022758 debts are preventable and are found to sGjX9tBDJA8-00090-00022759-00022999 happen in low-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00091-00023000-00023222 one of the main reasons for these debts sGjX9tBDJA8-00092-00023223-00023455 that happen in low-income country is sGjX9tBDJA8-00093-00023456-00023607 just because sGjX9tBDJA8-00094-00023608-00023767 there is no qualified health sGjX9tBDJA8-00095-00023768-00024030 professional for a pregnant women during sGjX9tBDJA8-00096-00024031-00024335 her childbirth and this was reported in sGjX9tBDJA8-00097-00024336-00024575 the year through 2017 by the world sGjX9tBDJA8-00098-00024576-00024775 health organization sGjX9tBDJA8-00099-00024776-00025039 so how is the situation right now sGjX9tBDJA8-00100-00025040-00025263 now according to the global estimate sGjX9tBDJA8-00101-00025264-00025583 according to the somi report in 2021 it sGjX9tBDJA8-00102-00025584-00025934 states that still one in five women are sGjX9tBDJA8-00103-00025935-00026167 having their child birth without support sGjX9tBDJA8-00104-00026168-00026414 from a skilled health worker or health sGjX9tBDJA8-00105-00026416-00026535 professional sGjX9tBDJA8-00106-00026536-00026807 the same report is also showing that sGjX9tBDJA8-00107-00026808-00027014 once we strengthen the capacity of sGjX9tBDJA8-00108-00027016-00027351 midwives then the access to get sGjX9tBDJA8-00109-00027352-00027599 a healthcare professional for a pregnant sGjX9tBDJA8-00110-00027600-00027846 woman during pregnancy as well as child sGjX9tBDJA8-00111-00027847-00028118 birth can increase and thereby maternal sGjX9tBDJA8-00112-00028119-00028631 and newborn deaths can be prevented sGjX9tBDJA8-00113-00028632-00028902 so to prevent maternal deaths as well as sGjX9tBDJA8-00114-00028904-00029102 to provide high quality maternal and sGjX9tBDJA8-00115-00029104-00029439 newborn services midwives are pivotal sGjX9tBDJA8-00116-00029439-00029695 further a modeling study from 88 low sGjX9tBDJA8-00117-00029695-00029974 middle-income country estimated that sGjX9tBDJA8-00118-00029975-00030207 universal reach of midwife led care sGjX9tBDJA8-00119-00030208-00030462 would prevent 67 percent of maternal sGjX9tBDJA8-00120-00030463-00030823 deaths and 64 percent of neonatal deaths sGjX9tBDJA8-00121-00030824-00031007 which why fletch care has also been sGjX9tBDJA8-00122-00031008-00031231 recommended as an ideal or relevant sGjX9tBDJA8-00123-00031232-00031470 model of care by the international sGjX9tBDJA8-00124-00031472-00031879 confederation of midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00125-00031880-00032095 so based on these evidences sGjX9tBDJA8-00126-00032095-00032335 strengthening the midwife workforce and sGjX9tBDJA8-00127-00032336-00032558 bringing in midwife-led care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00128-00032560-00032758 low-middle-income country has come in sGjX9tBDJA8-00129-00032760-00033015 the global agenda it's gained more sGjX9tBDJA8-00130-00033016-00033262 attention in low-middle-income country sGjX9tBDJA8-00131-00033263-00033471 although this model gained more of sGjX9tBDJA8-00132-00033472-00033702 attention resistance to implementing sGjX9tBDJA8-00133-00033703-00033831 with white flat care and low sGjX9tBDJA8-00134-00033832-00034062 middle-income country remains and this sGjX9tBDJA8-00135-00034063-00034399 was given by the lancet series in 2015. sGjX9tBDJA8-00136-00034400-00034527 further event the world health sGjX9tBDJA8-00137-00034528-00034743 organization clearly states that there sGjX9tBDJA8-00138-00034744-00034911 are challenges in implementing the sGjX9tBDJA8-00139-00034912-00035111 intervention in low and middle-income sGjX9tBDJA8-00140-00035112-00035367 countries even studies from low middle sGjX9tBDJA8-00141-00035368-00035567 income countries indicate there are sGjX9tBDJA8-00142-00035568-00035807 certain factors that are influencing the sGjX9tBDJA8-00143-00035808-00035974 implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00144-00035975-00036215 so though primary studies on midwifert sGjX9tBDJA8-00145-00036216-00036415 care from lower middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00146-00036416-00036646 exist there has been no systematic sGjX9tBDJA8-00147-00036647-00036927 review focusing on this topic and that's sGjX9tBDJA8-00148-00036928-00037167 why this research question came up which sGjX9tBDJA8-00149-00037168-00037462 states what are the factors that are sGjX9tBDJA8-00150-00037463-00037646 influencing the implementation of sGjX9tBDJA8-00151-00037647-00037887 midwifert care in low and middle income sGjX9tBDJA8-00152-00037888-00038039 countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00153-00038040-00038255 what does this review aim to sGjX9tBDJA8-00154-00038256-00038495 the review aims to identify to sGjX9tBDJA8-00155-00038496-00038790 synthesize and report all the factors sGjX9tBDJA8-00156-00038791-00039015 that facilitate as well as hinder the sGjX9tBDJA8-00157-00039016-00039223 implementation of midwife led care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00158-00039224-00039511 low and middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00159-00039512-00039751 so coming to the methods this is a mixed sGjX9tBDJA8-00160-00039752-00039967 method review which was conducted using sGjX9tBDJA8-00161-00039968-00040199 prisma guidelines and it's reported sGjX9tBDJA8-00162-00040200-00040446 following the prisma p checklist the sGjX9tBDJA8-00163-00040447-00040662 review protocol has been registered in sGjX9tBDJA8-00164-00040663-00040918 prosper 2020 and the reference number sGjX9tBDJA8-00165-00040919-00041158 has been given for your review sGjX9tBDJA8-00166-00041159-00041271 how did we sGjX9tBDJA8-00167-00041272-00041502 how did this method go about so the sGjX9tBDJA8-00168-00041503-00041743 first thing in this review we started is sGjX9tBDJA8-00169-00041744-00041958 the inclusion and exclusion criteria sGjX9tBDJA8-00170-00041959-00042223 were identified using the pico's element sGjX9tBDJA8-00171-00042224-00042502 which is the population intervention the sGjX9tBDJA8-00172-00042503-00042823 context outcome and the study design sGjX9tBDJA8-00173-00042824-00043039 coming to the third strategy the sGjX9tBDJA8-00174-00043040-00043230 searches were conducted using seven sGjX9tBDJA8-00175-00043231-00043502 electronic databases such as medline sGjX9tBDJA8-00176-00043503-00043846 embase sinal psycinfo midris global sGjX9tBDJA8-00177-00043847-00044087 health and web of science searches were sGjX9tBDJA8-00178-00044088-00044358 done up to july 2021 and the search was sGjX9tBDJA8-00179-00044359-00044671 limited to english and spanish languages sGjX9tBDJA8-00180-00044672-00044902 the data was extracted from the studies sGjX9tBDJA8-00181-00044903-00045135 using the supporting the use of research sGjX9tBDJA8-00182-00045136-00045358 evidence which is commonly called as sGjX9tBDJA8-00183-00045359-00045511 issue framework sGjX9tBDJA8-00184-00045512-00045702 the show framework was used in this sGjX9tBDJA8-00185-00045703-00045951 review because it provides a structured sGjX9tBDJA8-00186-00045952-00046190 guide to identify and address the sGjX9tBDJA8-00187-00046191-00046415 barriers to implementation of healthcare sGjX9tBDJA8-00188-00046416-00046567 interventions sGjX9tBDJA8-00189-00046568-00046735 the methodological quality of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00190-00046736-00046927 studies were assessed using the mixed sGjX9tBDJA8-00191-00046928-00047158 method appraisal tool which is the math sGjX9tBDJA8-00192-00047159-00047415 tool and the data was synthesized using sGjX9tBDJA8-00193-00047416-00047799 the framework thematic synthesis sGjX9tBDJA8-00194-00047800-00047958 coming to the results sGjX9tBDJA8-00195-00047959-00048179 so initially a total of sGjX9tBDJA8-00196-00048180-00048486 6605 articles were identified on sGjX9tBDJA8-00197-00048487-00048767 screening by titles and abstracts some sGjX9tBDJA8-00198-00048768-00048983 records were excluded sGjX9tBDJA8-00199-00048984-00049302 51 studies were screened by full text sGjX9tBDJA8-00200-00049303-00049439 and were assessed based on the sGjX9tBDJA8-00201-00049440-00049630 eligibility criteria sGjX9tBDJA8-00202-00049631-00049830 as 20 articles did not fit in the sGjX9tBDJA8-00203-00049831-00050055 eligibility criteria those studies were sGjX9tBDJA8-00204-00050056-00050174 excluded sGjX9tBDJA8-00205-00050175-00050374 one article got identified through sGjX9tBDJA8-00206-00050375-00050639 reference list search and so totally 32 sGjX9tBDJA8-00207-00050640-00050902 studies were included in this review so sGjX9tBDJA8-00208-00050903-00051118 out of the 32 studies sGjX9tBDJA8-00209-00051119-00051430 24 were qualitative 6 were quantitative sGjX9tBDJA8-00210-00051432-00051742 and 2 a mixed method studies sGjX9tBDJA8-00211-00051744-00051887 coming to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00212-00051888-00052230 this image shows exactly the 21 low sGjX9tBDJA8-00213-00052232-00052438 middle income countries from where the sGjX9tBDJA8-00214-00052439-00052742 32 included studies were taken sGjX9tBDJA8-00215-00052744-00052854 we had sGjX9tBDJA8-00216-00052855-00053047 major studies like five studies from sGjX9tBDJA8-00217-00053048-00053359 pakistan two from afghanistan bangladesh sGjX9tBDJA8-00218-00053360-00053735 nepal muslim nigeria kenya and malawi sGjX9tBDJA8-00219-00053736-00054015 and one study from morocco benin brazil sGjX9tBDJA8-00220-00054016-00054335 cambodia guatemala iran law palestine sGjX9tBDJA8-00221-00054336-00054654 peru rwanda and ethequini district in sGjX9tBDJA8-00222-00054655-00054991 south africa uganda and vietnam so these sGjX9tBDJA8-00223-00054991-00055223 are the 21 low middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00224-00055224-00055526 from where the 32 included studies had sGjX9tBDJA8-00225-00055527-00055863 were taken in this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00226-00055864-00056135 regarding the participants sGjX9tBDJA8-00227-00056136-00056363 a total of 17 sGjX9tBDJA8-00228-00056364-00056703 589 participants belonging to three key sGjX9tBDJA8-00229-00056704-00056982 groups such as care recipients cab sGjX9tBDJA8-00230-00056983-00057326 providers and stakeholders were included sGjX9tBDJA8-00231-00057327-00057647 based on the settings 11 studies were sGjX9tBDJA8-00232-00057648-00057911 done in urban setting 16 were done in sGjX9tBDJA8-00233-00057912-00058166 rural areas and five studies included sGjX9tBDJA8-00234-00058167-00058447 urban as well as rural areas sGjX9tBDJA8-00235-00058448-00058711 at the methodological quality of studies sGjX9tBDJA8-00236-00058712-00058903 looking at the methodological quality it sGjX9tBDJA8-00237-00058904-00059126 was found that 23 studies had a high sGjX9tBDJA8-00238-00059127-00059407 score of four to five eight studies had sGjX9tBDJA8-00239-00059408-00059607 a moderate score of three out of five sGjX9tBDJA8-00240-00059608-00059879 and only one study was code low with a sGjX9tBDJA8-00241-00059879-00060015 score of two sGjX9tBDJA8-00242-00060016-00060199 but none of the studies were excluded sGjX9tBDJA8-00243-00060200-00060638 based on the methodological quality sGjX9tBDJA8-00244-00060639-00060871 so the review findings this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00245-00060872-00061135 identified many factors that influenced sGjX9tBDJA8-00246-00061136-00061391 the implementation of midwife led care sGjX9tBDJA8-00247-00061391-00061703 to match this vidm conference theme the sGjX9tBDJA8-00248-00061704-00062054 review findings will be presented using sGjX9tBDJA8-00249-00062055-00062319 three levels that is the cap providers sGjX9tBDJA8-00250-00062320-00062575 level or the providers of care level the sGjX9tBDJA8-00251-00062576-00062815 level two would be health system factors sGjX9tBDJA8-00252-00062816-00063135 level three social and political factors sGjX9tBDJA8-00253-00063136-00063375 and all the findings will be presented sGjX9tBDJA8-00254-00063376-00063591 from the perspectives of midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00255-00063591-00063806 professionals sGjX9tBDJA8-00256-00063807-00063991 coming to level one which is the sGjX9tBDJA8-00257-00063991-00064166 providers of care sGjX9tBDJA8-00258-00064167-00064375 watch by the barriers for the providers sGjX9tBDJA8-00259-00064376-00064479 of care sGjX9tBDJA8-00260-00064479-00064726 the first main barrier was inadequate sGjX9tBDJA8-00261-00064727-00064999 knowledge and skill among midwives were sGjX9tBDJA8-00262-00065000-00065199 considered as one of the major barriers sGjX9tBDJA8-00263-00065200-00065447 to implement midwife lit care in low low sGjX9tBDJA8-00264-00065448-00065655 and middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00265-00065656-00065879 this barrier is directly linked to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00266-00065880-00066094 education and training that is received sGjX9tBDJA8-00267-00066095-00066375 by midwife midwives in this review and sGjX9tBDJA8-00268-00066376-00066606 13 studies in this review have reported sGjX9tBDJA8-00269-00066607-00066847 that the quality of midwifery education sGjX9tBDJA8-00270-00066848-00067087 was so low that they were unable to sGjX9tBDJA8-00271-00067088-00067326 handle even normal pregnancy sGjX9tBDJA8-00272-00067327-00067567 in certain contexts midwives have stated sGjX9tBDJA8-00273-00067568-00067799 that even if the education was up to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00274-00067800-00068087 standard the midwifery educators who had sGjX9tBDJA8-00275-00068088-00068319 trained them were not found to be sGjX9tBDJA8-00276-00068320-00068550 skilled enough sGjX9tBDJA8-00277-00068551-00068782 so due to these factors midwives have sGjX9tBDJA8-00278-00068783-00069015 stated that their knowledge and skill to sGjX9tBDJA8-00279-00069016-00069319 practice midwifery was inadequate sGjX9tBDJA8-00280-00069320-00069494 indeed in a study which was done in sGjX9tBDJA8-00281-00069495-00069815 vietnam by joanne in the year 2018 one sGjX9tBDJA8-00282-00069816-00070038 of the midwives have stated that she sGjX9tBDJA8-00283-00070039-00070303 cannot do much because just because her sGjX9tBDJA8-00284-00070304-00070526 competence is low sGjX9tBDJA8-00285-00070527-00070735 the other barrier was the inability to sGjX9tBDJA8-00286-00070736-00071023 recognize complication especially during sGjX9tBDJA8-00287-00071024-00071206 the intra-part-time period sGjX9tBDJA8-00288-00071207-00071382 this barrier is connected to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00289-00071383-00071550 previous one which is inadequate sGjX9tBDJA8-00290-00071551-00071638 knowledge sGjX9tBDJA8-00291-00071639-00071862 and from this review it was noticeable sGjX9tBDJA8-00292-00071863-00071975 that sGjX9tBDJA8-00293-00071976-00072159 many of the midwives did not have the sGjX9tBDJA8-00294-00072160-00072431 capacity to recognize when patients come sGjX9tBDJA8-00295-00072432-00072591 with complication sGjX9tBDJA8-00296-00072592-00072799 so this is quite evident from a study sGjX9tBDJA8-00297-00072800-00073015 which was done in guatemala by summer in sGjX9tBDJA8-00298-00073016-00073303 the 8th year 2017 wherein midwives have sGjX9tBDJA8-00299-00073304-00073543 reported they don't have knowledge if sGjX9tBDJA8-00300-00073544-00073815 patients come with complication so due sGjX9tBDJA8-00301-00073816-00073999 to this inability to recognize sGjX9tBDJA8-00302-00074000-00074247 complication midwives failed to refer sGjX9tBDJA8-00303-00074248-00074487 women to tertiary hospitals at the right sGjX9tBDJA8-00304-00074488-00074582 time sGjX9tBDJA8-00305-00074583-00074831 inadequate knowledge skill as well as sGjX9tBDJA8-00306-00074832-00075143 the incapacity to identify complications sGjX9tBDJA8-00307-00075144-00075399 at the right time totally decreased the sGjX9tBDJA8-00308-00075400-00075615 confidence of midwives working in low sGjX9tBDJA8-00309-00075616-00075806 middle-income country and this was the sGjX9tBDJA8-00310-00075807-00076135 third barrier for providers of care sGjX9tBDJA8-00311-00076136-00076311 according to this review the priest's sGjX9tBDJA8-00312-00076312-00076559 confidence was most obvious among sGjX9tBDJA8-00313-00076560-00076791 midwives while performing midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00314-00076792-00077111 procedures or practical skills sGjX9tBDJA8-00315-00077112-00077255 all these three barriers are sGjX9tBDJA8-00316-00077256-00077479 interconnected which made the care sGjX9tBDJA8-00317-00077480-00077662 recipients to negatively view the sGjX9tBDJA8-00318-00077663-00077903 midwifery services and hence the sGjX9tBDJA8-00319-00077904-00078143 implementation of midwifert care was sGjX9tBDJA8-00320-00078144-00078359 adversely affected in sGjX9tBDJA8-00321-00078360-00078655 low middle income countries so what then sGjX9tBDJA8-00322-00078656-00078806 facilitated sGjX9tBDJA8-00323-00078807-00079031 so the facilitator factors the first sGjX9tBDJA8-00324-00079032-00079311 factor is according to the midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00325-00079312-00079582 they have reported that when midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00326-00079583-00079879 education is provided by qualified sGjX9tBDJA8-00327-00079880-00080182 clinical educator and supervisor then it sGjX9tBDJA8-00328-00080183-00080543 was found to facilitate implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00329-00080544-00080782 post study in this review showed that sGjX9tBDJA8-00330-00080783-00081087 midwives specifically have indicated sGjX9tBDJA8-00331-00081088-00081431 that certified experienced midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00332-00081432-00081703 educators provided efficient practical sGjX9tBDJA8-00333-00081704-00081950 training and also taught them how to sGjX9tBDJA8-00334-00081951-00082247 handle autistic emergencies and that sGjX9tBDJA8-00335-00082248-00082431 increased the confidence of midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00336-00082432-00082662 while performing their skills sGjX9tBDJA8-00337-00082663-00082926 this created a positive image among care sGjX9tBDJA8-00338-00082927-00083167 recipients about the midwives as well as sGjX9tBDJA8-00339-00083168-00083399 their services provided by them and sGjX9tBDJA8-00340-00083400-00083494 thereby sGjX9tBDJA8-00341-00083495-00083782 it enhanced the implementation of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00342-00083783-00083926 intervention sGjX9tBDJA8-00343-00083927-00084159 the second facilitating factor was sGjX9tBDJA8-00344-00084160-00084471 midwifery education and training sGjX9tBDJA8-00345-00084472-00084679 when midwifery education and training is sGjX9tBDJA8-00346-00084680-00084918 given to global standards based on sGjX9tBDJA8-00347-00084919-00085135 international recommendation then that sGjX9tBDJA8-00348-00085136-00085399 was considered as a facilitator sGjX9tBDJA8-00349-00085400-00085582 but additionally midwives have also sGjX9tBDJA8-00350-00085583-00085823 reported that the training should also sGjX9tBDJA8-00351-00085824-00086087 be relevant to the local context sGjX9tBDJA8-00352-00086088-00086343 13 studies in this review midwives have sGjX9tBDJA8-00353-00086344-00086606 reported education should be based on sGjX9tBDJA8-00354-00086607-00086767 global standard sGjX9tBDJA8-00355-00086768-00086999 but at the same time it should also meet sGjX9tBDJA8-00356-00087000-00087206 the needs which is applicable to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00357-00087207-00087359 daily practice sGjX9tBDJA8-00358-00087360-00087606 so the last facilitating factor for sGjX9tBDJA8-00359-00087607-00087871 providers of care level is adequate sGjX9tBDJA8-00360-00087872-00088071 clinical supervision sGjX9tBDJA8-00361-00088072-00088326 six studies in this review it was sGjX9tBDJA8-00362-00088327-00088567 noticed that provision of sufficient sGjX9tBDJA8-00363-00088568-00088831 clinical supervision improved quality of sGjX9tBDJA8-00364-00088832-00089055 care for care consumers sGjX9tBDJA8-00365-00089056-00089335 the studies additionally suggested that sGjX9tBDJA8-00366-00089336-00089518 midwife led care had greater sGjX9tBDJA8-00367-00089519-00089703 implementation success in low sGjX9tBDJA8-00368-00089704-00089894 middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00369-00089895-00090167 when regular supportive supervision is sGjX9tBDJA8-00370-00090168-00090415 given particularly for newly qualified sGjX9tBDJA8-00371-00090416-00090638 midwives when employing her in any sGjX9tBDJA8-00372-00090639-00090815 clinical settings sGjX9tBDJA8-00373-00090816-00091031 so these three are the factors that sGjX9tBDJA8-00374-00091032-00091287 facilitated at providers of level sGjX9tBDJA8-00375-00091288-00091462 coming to the second level which is sGjX9tBDJA8-00376-00091463-00091647 health system factor sGjX9tBDJA8-00377-00091648-00091862 there are three factors which acted as sGjX9tBDJA8-00378-00091863-00092143 barriers the first foremost factor was sGjX9tBDJA8-00379-00092144-00092415 lack of resources this includes both sGjX9tBDJA8-00380-00092416-00092735 human as well as financial resources sGjX9tBDJA8-00381-00092736-00092847 lack sGjX9tBDJA8-00382-00092848-00093126 coming to the human resources staff sGjX9tBDJA8-00383-00093127-00093374 shortage was considered as a major major sGjX9tBDJA8-00384-00093375-00093591 barrier to implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00385-00093592-00093862 especially in remote rural areas of low sGjX9tBDJA8-00386-00093863-00094055 middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00387-00094056-00094415 midwives in 17 studies reported that sGjX9tBDJA8-00388-00094416-00094687 staff shortage resulted in exhaustion sGjX9tBDJA8-00389-00094688-00094855 diabetes leading to poor standard of sGjX9tBDJA8-00390-00094856-00095071 midwifery care sGjX9tBDJA8-00391-00095072-00095359 besides insufficient workforce resulted sGjX9tBDJA8-00392-00095360-00095662 in stress dissatisfaction at work sGjX9tBDJA8-00393-00095663-00095887 managing work was really difficult for sGjX9tBDJA8-00394-00095888-00096143 midwives because of insufficient staff sGjX9tBDJA8-00395-00096144-00096374 and midwives felt always that they were sGjX9tBDJA8-00396-00096375-00096559 overloaded with work sGjX9tBDJA8-00397-00096560-00096911 this work overload led to absenteeism sGjX9tBDJA8-00398-00096912-00097111 high turnover thereby affecting sGjX9tBDJA8-00399-00097112-00097350 successful implementation of midwife led sGjX9tBDJA8-00400-00097351-00097431 care sGjX9tBDJA8-00401-00097432-00097623 the next barrier is linked to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00402-00097624-00097799 previous barrier sGjX9tBDJA8-00403-00097800-00098071 this lack of facility was directly sGjX9tBDJA8-00404-00098072-00098359 linked to lack of financial resources sGjX9tBDJA8-00405-00098360-00098606 midwives in seven studies reported that sGjX9tBDJA8-00406-00098607-00098838 due to lack of financial support the sGjX9tBDJA8-00407-00098839-00099111 infrastructure facilities were very poor sGjX9tBDJA8-00408-00099112-00099350 in the midwifery units sGjX9tBDJA8-00409-00099351-00099623 for example the midwifery units in low sGjX9tBDJA8-00410-00099624-00099815 middle-income countries did not have a sGjX9tBDJA8-00411-00099816-00099999 proper delivery bed sGjX9tBDJA8-00412-00100000-00100223 even adequate beds were not there no sGjX9tBDJA8-00413-00100224-00100535 proper watts were available no privacy sGjX9tBDJA8-00414-00100536-00100799 and also no delivery kits so because of sGjX9tBDJA8-00415-00100800-00101047 the lack of these basic facilities or sGjX9tBDJA8-00416-00101048-00101271 supplies it was difficult for midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00417-00101272-00101479 to provide quality care sGjX9tBDJA8-00418-00101480-00101711 further midwives in three african sGjX9tBDJA8-00419-00101712-00101967 studies have also highlighted that lack sGjX9tBDJA8-00420-00101968-00102215 of water and electricity facility as a sGjX9tBDJA8-00421-00102216-00102454 main problem for per service sGjX9tBDJA8-00422-00102455-00102663 because of these lack of facility as sGjX9tBDJA8-00423-00102664-00102902 well as lack of financial resources sGjX9tBDJA8-00424-00102903-00103127 women were not attracted to visit the sGjX9tBDJA8-00425-00103128-00103382 midwife led unit and therefore the sGjX9tBDJA8-00426-00103383-00103606 implementation of the program had to be sGjX9tBDJA8-00427-00103607-00103839 discontinued halfway in many of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00428-00103840-00104127 settings in low middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00429-00104128-00104366 coming to the third factor sGjX9tBDJA8-00430-00104367-00104647 lack of authority was considered as a sGjX9tBDJA8-00431-00104648-00104823 barrier in low and middle income sGjX9tBDJA8-00432-00104824-00104934 countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00433-00104935-00105158 executing midwife lit care was really sGjX9tBDJA8-00434-00105159-00105415 challenging for midwifery professionals sGjX9tBDJA8-00435-00105416-00105615 as they had no power to act in the sGjX9tBDJA8-00436-00105616-00105758 health system sGjX9tBDJA8-00437-00105759-00106143 in a study done in 2017 and by summer it sGjX9tBDJA8-00438-00106144-00106375 clearly says that the health care system sGjX9tBDJA8-00439-00106376-00106671 is highly hierarchical that efforts only sGjX9tBDJA8-00440-00106672-00106919 primary authority to physician sGjX9tBDJA8-00441-00106920-00107143 so this shows clearly that there is sGjX9tBDJA8-00442-00107144-00107390 medical dominance and because of this sGjX9tBDJA8-00443-00107391-00107623 medical dominance the midwives had very sGjX9tBDJA8-00444-00107624-00107886 low level of autonomy to practice and sGjX9tBDJA8-00445-00107888-00108127 this entered implementing implementing sGjX9tBDJA8-00446-00108128-00108327 midwife led care in low and middle sGjX9tBDJA8-00447-00108328-00108486 income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00448-00108488-00108727 further midwives in eight studies had sGjX9tBDJA8-00449-00108728-00109007 reported that the independent practice sGjX9tBDJA8-00450-00109008-00109263 was not at all achievable independent sGjX9tBDJA8-00451-00109264-00109566 decision making was really very hard sGjX9tBDJA8-00452-00109567-00109815 many occasions midwives were just as sGjX9tBDJA8-00453-00109816-00110063 passive observers they did not have the sGjX9tBDJA8-00454-00110064-00110351 authorization to act at all sGjX9tBDJA8-00455-00110352-00110615 so these are the barriers so coming to sGjX9tBDJA8-00456-00110616-00110695 the sGjX9tBDJA8-00457-00110696-00110951 facilitators what then facilitated at sGjX9tBDJA8-00458-00110952-00111102 this level the first thing which sGjX9tBDJA8-00459-00111103-00111454 facilitated at health system level is sGjX9tBDJA8-00460-00111455-00111727 leadership and management sGjX9tBDJA8-00461-00111728-00111983 it was found that midwives with decisive sGjX9tBDJA8-00462-00111983-00112247 leadership good managerial skills sGjX9tBDJA8-00463-00112248-00112502 facilitated the execution of midwife let sGjX9tBDJA8-00464-00112503-00112583 care sGjX9tBDJA8-00465-00112583-00112815 midwives as decision makers getting sGjX9tBDJA8-00466-00112816-00113086 involved in policy dialogues enhanced sGjX9tBDJA8-00467-00113088-00113239 implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00468-00113240-00113486 presence of midwifery representatives in sGjX9tBDJA8-00469-00113488-00113710 policy making and support from sGjX9tBDJA8-00470-00113711-00113927 professional organization increase the sGjX9tBDJA8-00471-00113928-00114190 likelihood of gaining authority sGjX9tBDJA8-00472-00114191-00114399 the second factor which facilitated at sGjX9tBDJA8-00473-00114400-00114607 this level was communication which sGjX9tBDJA8-00474-00114608-00114815 includes both internal as well as sGjX9tBDJA8-00475-00114816-00115102 external communication from this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00476-00115103-00115327 it is noticeable that communication sGjX9tBDJA8-00477-00115328-00115607 increased coordination which helped in sGjX9tBDJA8-00478-00115608-00115910 smooth working at all levels of sectors sGjX9tBDJA8-00479-00115911-00116199 for example proper communication system sGjX9tBDJA8-00480-00116200-00116407 interacting among health professionals sGjX9tBDJA8-00481-00116408-00116734 were easy at be district or provincial sGjX9tBDJA8-00482-00116735-00116990 or national level so this communication sGjX9tBDJA8-00483-00116991-00117183 strategy along with information sGjX9tBDJA8-00484-00117183-00117375 continuity was found to ease the sGjX9tBDJA8-00485-00117376-00117607 implementation of midwife led care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00486-00117608-00117839 low and middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00487-00117840-00118071 the third facilitating factor was quite sGjX9tBDJA8-00488-00118072-00118310 important and it is funding it was sGjX9tBDJA8-00489-00118311-00118502 highly considered as a facilitating sGjX9tBDJA8-00490-00118503-00118734 factor to implement midwife less care in sGjX9tBDJA8-00491-00118735-00118958 low middle-income countries this is sGjX9tBDJA8-00492-00118959-00119207 because funding improved the basic sGjX9tBDJA8-00493-00119208-00119423 facilities or structure in midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00494-00119424-00119519 units sGjX9tBDJA8-00495-00119520-00119815 15 studies in this review showed that sGjX9tBDJA8-00496-00119816-00120039 increasing the funding increases the sGjX9tBDJA8-00497-00120040-00120319 supplies in hospital and this in turn sGjX9tBDJA8-00498-00120320-00120566 increased the demand for midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00499-00120567-00120686 services sGjX9tBDJA8-00500-00120688-00120927 further it was obvious from this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00501-00120928-00121007 that sGjX9tBDJA8-00502-00121008-00121199 national as well as international sGjX9tBDJA8-00503-00121200-00121463 funding is quite required to continue sGjX9tBDJA8-00504-00121464-00121758 midwife let care program as planned so sGjX9tBDJA8-00505-00121759-00122095 regular on-time monetary aid or support sGjX9tBDJA8-00506-00122096-00122254 was found to facilitate the sGjX9tBDJA8-00507-00122255-00122486 implementation of midwivelet care in low sGjX9tBDJA8-00508-00122488-00122751 and middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00509-00122752-00122958 coming to the last level the social and sGjX9tBDJA8-00510-00122959-00123134 political factors sGjX9tBDJA8-00511-00123135-00123431 so the barrier with regard to social sGjX9tBDJA8-00512-00123432-00123590 factor was sGjX9tBDJA8-00513-00123591-00123743 the practices sGjX9tBDJA8-00514-00123744-00124031 in relation to culture and tradition sGjX9tBDJA8-00515-00124032-00124295 it is cultural traditional as well as sGjX9tBDJA8-00516-00124296-00124558 religious practices that existed within sGjX9tBDJA8-00517-00124559-00124814 a community acted as a barrier to sGjX9tBDJA8-00518-00124815-00125039 implement care by midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00519-00125040-00125247 because of the local practices and sGjX9tBDJA8-00520-00125248-00125575 beliefs in a community women including sGjX9tBDJA8-00521-00125576-00125831 their families were resistant to accept sGjX9tBDJA8-00522-00125832-00126031 the midwife as well as the midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00523-00126032-00126127 care sGjX9tBDJA8-00524-00126128-00126343 this barrier was more prominent among sGjX9tBDJA8-00525-00126344-00126607 women living in remote rural areas sGjX9tBDJA8-00526-00126608-00126831 wherein they followed certain customary sGjX9tBDJA8-00527-00126832-00127023 practices which is more pronounced sGjX9tBDJA8-00528-00127024-00127295 during pregnancy and these practices sGjX9tBDJA8-00529-00127296-00127486 hindered implementing with white fled sGjX9tBDJA8-00530-00127488-00127702 care because it was a big challenge for sGjX9tBDJA8-00531-00127703-00127927 midwives to overcome their practice and sGjX9tBDJA8-00532-00127928-00128127 render their services sGjX9tBDJA8-00533-00128128-00128334 coming to the political barriers there sGjX9tBDJA8-00534-00128335-00128534 are two factors one is political sGjX9tBDJA8-00535-00128535-00128734 instability as well as corrupted sGjX9tBDJA8-00536-00128735-00128927 political system sGjX9tBDJA8-00537-00128928-00129166 by political instability sGjX9tBDJA8-00538-00129167-00129478 it it refers to the frequent changes in sGjX9tBDJA8-00539-00129479-00129695 the government which is very common in sGjX9tBDJA8-00540-00129696-00130007 most of the low middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00541-00130008-00130214 because of the political changes or sGjX9tBDJA8-00542-00130215-00130366 uncertainty sGjX9tBDJA8-00543-00130367-00130599 authorizing midwife lunch care program sGjX9tBDJA8-00544-00130600-00130854 as well as approving any plans from the sGjX9tBDJA8-00545-00130855-00131102 minister level got delayed so this sGjX9tBDJA8-00546-00131103-00131343 consequently implement help sGjX9tBDJA8-00547-00131344-00131599 this consequently hindered sGjX9tBDJA8-00548-00131600-00131814 implementing midwife led care within the sGjX9tBDJA8-00549-00131815-00132078 time frame according to the plan and sGjX9tBDJA8-00550-00132079-00132199 also most of the time sGjX9tBDJA8-00551-00132200-00132399 government-initiated midwife led care sGjX9tBDJA8-00552-00132400-00132695 program had to be deferred often sGjX9tBDJA8-00553-00132696-00132911 the corrupted political system was sGjX9tBDJA8-00554-00132912-00133231 another factor which acted as a barrier sGjX9tBDJA8-00555-00133232-00133559 so apart from political instability sGjX9tBDJA8-00556-00133560-00133799 employing the right talented midwives in sGjX9tBDJA8-00557-00133800-00134111 midwife led unit was not possible sGjX9tBDJA8-00558-00134112-00134295 because of the corrupt corrupted sGjX9tBDJA8-00559-00134296-00134559 behavior of decision maker this was sGjX9tBDJA8-00560-00134560-00134751 quite evident in a study which was done sGjX9tBDJA8-00561-00134752-00135119 in benin wherein the midwives had said sGjX9tBDJA8-00562-00135120-00135335 that holders were appointed by sGjX9tBDJA8-00563-00135336-00135559 politician which in turn affected the sGjX9tBDJA8-00564-00135560-00135831 functioning of hospitals so it is quite sGjX9tBDJA8-00565-00135832-00136039 noticeable from this review that many sGjX9tBDJA8-00566-00136040-00136247 posts got filled in by incompetent sGjX9tBDJA8-00567-00136248-00136511 midwives that affected professionalism sGjX9tBDJA8-00568-00136512-00136727 and again it became more difficult for sGjX9tBDJA8-00569-00136728-00136959 the care recipients to accept care from sGjX9tBDJA8-00570-00136960-00137247 midwives and this adversely influenced sGjX9tBDJA8-00571-00137248-00137454 the implementation of midwife led care sGjX9tBDJA8-00572-00137455-00137711 in low and middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00573-00137712-00137927 what then facilitated sGjX9tBDJA8-00574-00137928-00138214 three factors acted as facilitators one sGjX9tBDJA8-00575-00138215-00138519 is government legislation and regulation sGjX9tBDJA8-00576-00138520-00138711 the two was long-term thinking and sGjX9tBDJA8-00577-00138712-00138990 contracts for midwives so government sGjX9tBDJA8-00578-00138991-00139127 legislation sGjX9tBDJA8-00579-00139128-00139439 it clearly says midwives from a study in sGjX9tBDJA8-00580-00139440-00139559 morocco sGjX9tBDJA8-00581-00139560-00139814 that when the midwife led care program sGjX9tBDJA8-00582-00139815-00140135 is being based on national strategy then sGjX9tBDJA8-00583-00140136-00140454 that facilitated the implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00584-00140455-00140695 even additionally government regulation sGjX9tBDJA8-00585-00140696-00140975 rules legislation for working condition sGjX9tBDJA8-00586-00140976-00141287 of whim of midwives has been implemented sGjX9tBDJA8-00587-00141288-00141495 then the program would have a smooth sGjX9tBDJA8-00588-00141496-00141687 implementation process in low middle sGjX9tBDJA8-00589-00141688-00141878 income country was evident from this sGjX9tBDJA8-00590-00141879-00141999 review sGjX9tBDJA8-00591-00142000-00142166 coming to long term thinking and sGjX9tBDJA8-00592-00142167-00142407 contracts this was more related to sGjX9tBDJA8-00593-00142408-00142647 increasing the credibility of midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00594-00142648-00142831 profession as well as sustaining the sGjX9tBDJA8-00595-00142832-00143054 implementation program sGjX9tBDJA8-00596-00143055-00143319 policies plans on recruit recruiting sGjX9tBDJA8-00597-00143320-00143535 midwives on permanent contracts sGjX9tBDJA8-00598-00143536-00143799 performed to facilitate implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00599-00143800-00144078 because it reduced turnover increased sGjX9tBDJA8-00600-00144079-00144302 job satisfaction and retention of sGjX9tBDJA8-00601-00144303-00144575 midwives especially in remote areas sGjX9tBDJA8-00602-00144576-00144783 so these are the barriers and sGjX9tBDJA8-00603-00144784-00145014 facilitators related to all the three sGjX9tBDJA8-00604-00145015-00145326 levels such as providers of care sGjX9tBDJA8-00605-00145327-00145575 healthcare system factors and social and sGjX9tBDJA8-00606-00145576-00145807 political factors sGjX9tBDJA8-00607-00145808-00146007 what were the strength and limitation of sGjX9tBDJA8-00608-00146008-00146207 this systematic review sGjX9tBDJA8-00609-00146208-00146478 the strength of this review is that sGjX9tBDJA8-00610-00146479-00146711 using the sure framework for extracting sGjX9tBDJA8-00611-00146712-00147014 the data was the strength of this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00612-00147015-00147207 this is because as i mentioned earlier sGjX9tBDJA8-00613-00147208-00147414 the shure framework was designed to sGjX9tBDJA8-00614-00147415-00147623 identify barriers sGjX9tBDJA8-00615-00147624-00147823 when a healthcare intervention gets sGjX9tBDJA8-00616-00147824-00148087 implemented in low-income countries the sGjX9tBDJA8-00617-00148088-00148254 other strength is sGjX9tBDJA8-00618-00148255-00148543 all the 32 included studies assess the sGjX9tBDJA8-00619-00148544-00148783 factors that hindered or facilitated the sGjX9tBDJA8-00620-00148784-00148990 implementation of government-initiated sGjX9tBDJA8-00621-00148991-00149199 midwifery program and this is another sGjX9tBDJA8-00622-00149200-00149414 strength of this review sGjX9tBDJA8-00623-00149415-00149607 the limitation is there could be a sGjX9tBDJA8-00624-00149608-00149839 possibility of missing some relevant sGjX9tBDJA8-00625-00149840-00149943 studies sGjX9tBDJA8-00626-00149944-00150102 because there was no sGjX9tBDJA8-00627-00150103-00150343 great literature involved or included as sGjX9tBDJA8-00628-00150344-00150711 part of the search sGjX9tBDJA8-00629-00150712-00150935 coming to the conclusion sGjX9tBDJA8-00630-00150936-00151166 so from this review it is evident that sGjX9tBDJA8-00631-00151167-00151390 for greater implementation success in sGjX9tBDJA8-00632-00151391-00151647 low middle-income countries to wi-fi sGjX9tBDJA8-00633-00151648-00151871 education and training needs to be to sGjX9tBDJA8-00634-00151872-00152047 global standards sGjX9tBDJA8-00635-00152048-00152287 it drives us leaders and policy makers sGjX9tBDJA8-00636-00152288-00152559 are crucial professional organizations sGjX9tBDJA8-00637-00152560-00152807 supporting midwives to gain authority is sGjX9tBDJA8-00638-00152808-00152990 very much imperative sGjX9tBDJA8-00639-00152991-00153159 and an enabling environment with sGjX9tBDJA8-00640-00153160-00153390 adequate facilities resources to sGjX9tBDJA8-00641-00153391-00153647 practice is very much essential and sGjX9tBDJA8-00642-00153648-00153911 government legislation and regulation to sGjX9tBDJA8-00643-00153912-00154135 develop autonomy and accountability to sGjX9tBDJA8-00644-00154136-00154247 be in place sGjX9tBDJA8-00645-00154248-00154454 prior to the implementation of midwife sGjX9tBDJA8-00646-00154455-00154631 led care in low and middle income sGjX9tBDJA8-00647-00154632-00154766 countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00648-00154767-00154959 so what does this sGjX9tBDJA8-00649-00154960-00155190 review lead to so or what are the next sGjX9tBDJA8-00650-00155191-00155471 steps so this review identified it sGjX9tBDJA8-00651-00155472-00155735 reported the barriers and facilitators sGjX9tBDJA8-00652-00155736-00155990 from three key group members such as sGjX9tBDJA8-00653-00155991-00156214 care recipients care providers and sGjX9tBDJA8-00654-00156215-00156359 stakeholders sGjX9tBDJA8-00655-00156360-00156583 most of the identified barriers as well sGjX9tBDJA8-00656-00156584-00156847 as facilitators are also pertaining to sGjX9tBDJA8-00657-00156848-00157119 the indian context from the review it sGjX9tBDJA8-00658-00157120-00157302 was very much clear that sGjX9tBDJA8-00659-00157303-00157583 many studies had care providers as well sGjX9tBDJA8-00660-00157584-00157831 as stakeholders point of view sGjX9tBDJA8-00661-00157832-00158063 and if they included women sGjX9tBDJA8-00662-00158064-00158375 exactly what women want was really very sGjX9tBDJA8-00663-00158376-00158599 scarce or studies pertaining to what sGjX9tBDJA8-00664-00158600-00158902 women want what are the needs of women sGjX9tBDJA8-00665-00158903-00159159 or how women can be involved in this sGjX9tBDJA8-00666-00159160-00159439 health decision making process was sGjX9tBDJA8-00667-00159440-00159535 really sGjX9tBDJA8-00668-00159536-00159790 few and that is the reason why this sGjX9tBDJA8-00669-00159791-00160063 review has led to this current study as sGjX9tBDJA8-00670-00160064-00160207 which is on sGjX9tBDJA8-00671-00160208-00160399 what are the attitudes and beliefs of sGjX9tBDJA8-00672-00160400-00160575 women towards the implementation of sGjX9tBDJA8-00673-00160576-00160911 midwife care in india sGjX9tBDJA8-00674-00160912-00161078 these are some of the references for sGjX9tBDJA8-00675-00161079-00161319 this presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00676-00161320-00161583 and thank you very much for listening sGjX9tBDJA8-00677-00161584-00161783 for any further question you can contact sGjX9tBDJA8-00678-00161784-00161966 me through the email id which i had sGjX9tBDJA8-00679-00161967-00162463 given thank you for listening once again sGjX9tBDJA8-00680-00162464-00162751 thank you very much sangee sGjX9tBDJA8-00681-00162752-00162959 for that sGjX9tBDJA8-00682-00162960-00163207 detailed presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00683-00163208-00163399 um sGjX9tBDJA8-00684-00163400-00163702 it is really a valuable presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00685-00163703-00163883 particularly to sGjX9tBDJA8-00686-00163884-00164295 low and medium income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00687-00164296-00164614 i believe they will put it into practice sGjX9tBDJA8-00688-00164615-00164854 now sGjX9tBDJA8-00689-00164855-00165143 just to summarize before i ask certain sGjX9tBDJA8-00690-00165144-00165278 questions sGjX9tBDJA8-00691-00165279-00165463 from your presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00692-00165464-00165735 i have seen that um sGjX9tBDJA8-00693-00165736-00165814 for sGjX9tBDJA8-00694-00165815-00166190 midwife let the care to be successful we sGjX9tBDJA8-00695-00166191-00166463 need an enabling environment sGjX9tBDJA8-00696-00166464-00166702 an enabling environment that starts from sGjX9tBDJA8-00697-00166703-00166983 our governments and the whole system sGjX9tBDJA8-00698-00166984-00167199 should actually be involved and i've sGjX9tBDJA8-00699-00167200-00167471 also seen from your presentation that sGjX9tBDJA8-00700-00167472-00167775 participation of women is key in this sGjX9tBDJA8-00701-00167776-00168047 because they will be able to highlight sGjX9tBDJA8-00702-00168048-00168278 their concerns their needs sGjX9tBDJA8-00703-00168279-00168390 and sGjX9tBDJA8-00704-00168391-00168590 you know to be taken into consideration sGjX9tBDJA8-00705-00168591-00168895 but in real sense uh we have found that sGjX9tBDJA8-00706-00168896-00169190 women are left out which is sGjX9tBDJA8-00707-00169191-00169471 making the whole thing not really useful sGjX9tBDJA8-00708-00169472-00169823 to them so um but their participation is sGjX9tBDJA8-00709-00169824-00169975 quite key here sGjX9tBDJA8-00710-00169976-00170311 and also in policy formulation we need sGjX9tBDJA8-00711-00170312-00170535 to have policies that really take care sGjX9tBDJA8-00712-00170536-00170702 of women sGjX9tBDJA8-00713-00170703-00170902 taking care of their needs particularly sGjX9tBDJA8-00714-00170903-00171126 midwives and the women sGjX9tBDJA8-00715-00171127-00171543 who are giving birth sGjX9tBDJA8-00716-00171544-00171935 we have seen also that training um is sGjX9tBDJA8-00717-00171936-00172054 key sGjX9tBDJA8-00718-00172055-00172143 in sGjX9tBDJA8-00719-00172144-00172407 in these and sGjX9tBDJA8-00720-00172408-00172559 training has to be to the global sGjX9tBDJA8-00721-00172560-00172678 standards sGjX9tBDJA8-00722-00172679-00172807 um sGjX9tBDJA8-00723-00172808-00173054 so that at least we have a comparison sGjX9tBDJA8-00724-00173055-00173366 and when doing this we only have to sGjX9tBDJA8-00725-00173367-00173599 consider the local context sGjX9tBDJA8-00726-00173600-00173847 um because um sGjX9tBDJA8-00727-00173848-00174102 remember you talked about the the the sGjX9tBDJA8-00728-00174103-00174399 retrogressive cultures which you know we sGjX9tBDJA8-00729-00174400-00174631 have to know how to deal with so i think sGjX9tBDJA8-00730-00174632-00174854 those are the key issues that i got from sGjX9tBDJA8-00731-00174855-00174951 there sGjX9tBDJA8-00732-00174952-00175190 uh before i asked sGjX9tBDJA8-00733-00175191-00175383 my questions sGjX9tBDJA8-00734-00175384-00175743 um okay we have seen that sGjX9tBDJA8-00735-00175744-00175959 resistance still exists particularly in sGjX9tBDJA8-00736-00175960-00176095 these sGjX9tBDJA8-00737-00176096-00176463 low and medium income countries so now sGjX9tBDJA8-00738-00176464-00176711 your research is very good it will help sGjX9tBDJA8-00739-00176712-00176999 like policy makers to you know kind of sGjX9tBDJA8-00740-00177000-00177214 review their system so how will you sGjX9tBDJA8-00741-00177215-00177454 ensure that the results of this research sGjX9tBDJA8-00742-00177455-00177654 are accessed by the government of india sGjX9tBDJA8-00743-00177655-00177854 particularly in this context sGjX9tBDJA8-00744-00177855-00178038 to be able to put them into practical sGjX9tBDJA8-00745-00178039-00178311 use for sustainable solutions towards sGjX9tBDJA8-00746-00178312-00178583 improving the status of midwives in that sGjX9tBDJA8-00747-00178584-00179031 country and also the women who give back sGjX9tBDJA8-00748-00179032-00179119 yeah sGjX9tBDJA8-00749-00179120-00179471 i think disseminating research would be sGjX9tBDJA8-00750-00179472-00179695 a good idea of giving um sGjX9tBDJA8-00751-00179696-00179919 the results and then making the sGjX9tBDJA8-00752-00179920-00180135 particular government know like sGjX9tBDJA8-00753-00180136-00180375 what women are thinking about this and sGjX9tBDJA8-00754-00180376-00180583 how it can be implemented sGjX9tBDJA8-00755-00180584-00180743 so designation either through sGjX9tBDJA8-00756-00180744-00181111 conferences or through any other sGjX9tBDJA8-00757-00181112-00181319 i mean publication sGjX9tBDJA8-00758-00181320-00181599 as well as even dealing with or directly sGjX9tBDJA8-00759-00181600-00181743 talking to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00760-00181744-00181895 organization the professional sGjX9tBDJA8-00761-00181896-00182119 organization like for example in india sGjX9tBDJA8-00762-00182120-00182278 we have the nursing and midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00763-00182279-00182399 council sGjX9tBDJA8-00764-00182400-00182495 so sGjX9tBDJA8-00765-00182496-00182702 giving the report to them and sGjX9tBDJA8-00766-00182703-00182919 telling them what is required from the sGjX9tBDJA8-00767-00182920-00183143 women's side should really help sGjX9tBDJA8-00768-00183144-00183366 in bringing up the policies and plans sGjX9tBDJA8-00769-00183367-00183590 but above all to me i think having a sGjX9tBDJA8-00770-00183591-00183854 decisive leader is quite very important sGjX9tBDJA8-00771-00183855-00184071 and that leader should be from the sGjX9tBDJA8-00772-00184072-00184302 profession from midwifery and nursing sGjX9tBDJA8-00773-00184303-00184463 profession sGjX9tBDJA8-00774-00184464-00184631 who could be supported further by the sGjX9tBDJA8-00775-00184632-00184807 associations sGjX9tBDJA8-00776-00184808-00184887 and sGjX9tBDJA8-00777-00184888-00185071 so that she can bring up as a government sGjX9tBDJA8-00778-00185072-00185247 legislation because studies in this sGjX9tBDJA8-00779-00185248-00185519 review had given good examples wherein sGjX9tBDJA8-00780-00185520-00185702 when the government gets involved and sGjX9tBDJA8-00781-00185703-00185959 when legislation has been passed either sGjX9tBDJA8-00782-00185960-00186119 even a bill or sGjX9tBDJA8-00783-00186120-00186335 a policy is coming up with then the sGjX9tBDJA8-00784-00186336-00186511 implementation process is really sGjX9tBDJA8-00785-00186512-00186671 successful in low middle income sGjX9tBDJA8-00786-00186672-00186854 countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00787-00186855-00187095 thank you so much for that sGjX9tBDJA8-00788-00187096-00187343 my second question is sGjX9tBDJA8-00789-00187344-00187511 we are dealing with patriarchal sGjX9tBDJA8-00790-00187512-00187695 societies sGjX9tBDJA8-00791-00187696-00187959 particularly those who value these sGjX9tBDJA8-00792-00187960-00188271 cultural and traditional practices that sGjX9tBDJA8-00793-00188272-00188575 you know are still retrogressive and sGjX9tBDJA8-00794-00188576-00188895 really entrenched in our communities so sGjX9tBDJA8-00795-00188896-00189143 what would be your recommendation on how sGjX9tBDJA8-00796-00189144-00189302 these low in sGjX9tBDJA8-00797-00189303-00189519 and medium income countries should sGjX9tBDJA8-00798-00189520-00189726 handle the issue of this progressive sGjX9tBDJA8-00799-00189727-00189983 cultures and beliefs to enable people sGjX9tBDJA8-00800-00189984-00190319 embrace modern technology in midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00801-00190320-00190654 care and what systems should those sGjX9tBDJA8-00802-00190655-00190871 low and medium income countries put in sGjX9tBDJA8-00803-00190872-00191263 place to deal with those cultural issues sGjX9tBDJA8-00804-00191264-00191447 yeah it's quite difficult as far as sGjX9tBDJA8-00805-00191448-00191711 cultural issue is concerned especially sGjX9tBDJA8-00806-00191712-00191887 in remote areas sGjX9tBDJA8-00807-00191888-00192119 people don't say no to you but they very sGjX9tBDJA8-00808-00192120-00192366 well can stop you if you are not sGjX9tBDJA8-00809-00192367-00192590 respecting their culture and this was sGjX9tBDJA8-00810-00192591-00192823 evident when as you said i just want to sGjX9tBDJA8-00811-00192824-00192966 pick out a sGjX9tBDJA8-00812-00192967-00193214 study which from our review itself sGjX9tBDJA8-00813-00193215-00193414 one of the pakistan study which was done sGjX9tBDJA8-00814-00193415-00193614 in the year 2017 sGjX9tBDJA8-00815-00193615-00193943 and it was done by ahmad that study sGjX9tBDJA8-00816-00193944-00194111 clearly states when you work in a sGjX9tBDJA8-00817-00194112-00194359 community especially in rural areas one sGjX9tBDJA8-00818-00194360-00194550 of the community midwife had clearly sGjX9tBDJA8-00819-00194551-00194695 stated that sGjX9tBDJA8-00820-00194696-00194966 providing culture-based care is quite sGjX9tBDJA8-00821-00194967-00195095 important sGjX9tBDJA8-00822-00195096-00195343 so that you get accepted first and then sGjX9tBDJA8-00823-00195344-00195647 you can overcome the cultural barriers sGjX9tBDJA8-00824-00195648-00195895 so that is one part and sGjX9tBDJA8-00825-00195896-00196150 second thing is coming to the gender sGjX9tBDJA8-00826-00196151-00196350 inequal inequity which you you're sGjX9tBDJA8-00827-00196351-00196478 talking about sGjX9tBDJA8-00828-00196479-00196671 um i think uh sGjX9tBDJA8-00829-00196672-00196871 gender is always even in our review we sGjX9tBDJA8-00830-00196872-00197150 had uh from the women perspectives just sGjX9tBDJA8-00831-00197151-00197471 because women were not decision makers sGjX9tBDJA8-00832-00197472-00197638 it adversely influence the sGjX9tBDJA8-00833-00197639-00197847 implementation so most of the time it is sGjX9tBDJA8-00834-00197848-00198031 the husband's or the father-in-law or sGjX9tBDJA8-00835-00198032-00198247 the other in-laws who are deciding on sGjX9tBDJA8-00836-00198248-00198526 behalf of the women where she must give sGjX9tBDJA8-00837-00198527-00198814 her child birth and that adversely sGjX9tBDJA8-00838-00198815-00198935 affected sGjX9tBDJA8-00839-00198936-00199078 so i think sGjX9tBDJA8-00840-00199079-00199271 this research that's the purpose of this sGjX9tBDJA8-00841-00199272-00199463 research like involving women as sGjX9tBDJA8-00842-00199464-00199711 decision makers in their health sGjX9tBDJA8-00843-00199712-00199975 and really finding them what really they sGjX9tBDJA8-00844-00199976-00200159 want what do they think about this sGjX9tBDJA8-00845-00200160-00200454 advice let care should really help sGjX9tBDJA8-00846-00200455-00200726 in successful implementation sGjX9tBDJA8-00847-00200727-00200948 okay thank you very much um sGjX9tBDJA8-00848-00200949-00201119 [Music] sGjX9tBDJA8-00849-00201120-00201366 question i don't know whether i'm i'm sGjX9tBDJA8-00850-00201367-00201535 interfering with someone who wants to sGjX9tBDJA8-00851-00201536-00201759 ask us a question sGjX9tBDJA8-00852-00201760-00201966 anybody who has another question before sGjX9tBDJA8-00853-00201967-00202071 i ask sGjX9tBDJA8-00854-00202072-00202375 i i can see a question by ela sGjX9tBDJA8-00855-00202376-00202607 on midwifery education she wants to know sGjX9tBDJA8-00856-00202608-00202863 exactly what is happening in india sGjX9tBDJA8-00857-00202864-00203175 yes there is sGjX9tBDJA8-00858-00203176-00203535 uh in telangana state in india they have sGjX9tBDJA8-00859-00203536-00203735 started with the midwife lit care sGjX9tBDJA8-00860-00203736-00203911 program successfully sGjX9tBDJA8-00861-00203912-00204190 uh and they have brought uk with drives sGjX9tBDJA8-00862-00204191-00204350 to educate them sGjX9tBDJA8-00863-00204351-00204702 and they are also following the icm com sGjX9tBDJA8-00864-00204703-00205031 global standard midwifery education sGjX9tBDJA8-00865-00205032-00205119 so sGjX9tBDJA8-00866-00205119-00205375 with regard to your question india is sGjX9tBDJA8-00867-00205376-00205623 is definitely following the icm standard sGjX9tBDJA8-00868-00205623-00205814 as well as trying to bring in midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00869-00205815-00205990 education to global standards but the sGjX9tBDJA8-00870-00205991-00206110 only thing sGjX9tBDJA8-00871-00206111-00206279 from my review which i'm very much sGjX9tBDJA8-00872-00206280-00206431 concerned is that sGjX9tBDJA8-00873-00206432-00206623 all the review have stated they had good sGjX9tBDJA8-00874-00206623-00206751 education sGjX9tBDJA8-00875-00206752-00206990 but the only problem was how far they sGjX9tBDJA8-00876-00206991-00207206 were able to apply in the practical sGjX9tBDJA8-00877-00207207-00207527 setting was a question this is because sGjX9tBDJA8-00878-00207528-00207758 when we get practice from the sGjX9tBDJA8-00879-00207759-00207958 institution we have all the equipments sGjX9tBDJA8-00880-00207959-00208134 we have the delivery kits we have all sGjX9tBDJA8-00881-00208135-00208342 the settings in place but when these sGjX9tBDJA8-00882-00208344-00208534 midwives were left to the practical sGjX9tBDJA8-00883-00208535-00208758 setting in low middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00884-00208759-00209006 it was really very difficult for them to sGjX9tBDJA8-00885-00209007-00209175 get into the real sGjX9tBDJA8-00886-00209176-00209423 practice because they did not have the sGjX9tBDJA8-00887-00209423-00209671 delivery kits also to perform sGjX9tBDJA8-00888-00209671-00209855 in some areas there were no delivery sGjX9tBDJA8-00889-00209856-00210142 bits some did not have even sGjX9tBDJA8-00890-00210144-00210358 blood pressure missions so it was quite sGjX9tBDJA8-00891-00210359-00210542 difficult for them during those sGjX9tBDJA8-00892-00210544-00210742 situations so i think along when the sGjX9tBDJA8-00893-00210744-00210975 midwifery educators educate sGjX9tBDJA8-00894-00210976-00211198 the midwives it's quite very much sGjX9tBDJA8-00895-00211200-00211487 important to take into consideration sGjX9tBDJA8-00896-00211488-00211727 the place where they are going to work sGjX9tBDJA8-00897-00211728-00211967 and how they can bring in quality in sGjX9tBDJA8-00898-00211967-00212319 such situations should be ensured sGjX9tBDJA8-00899-00212319-00212551 i hope it answered sGjX9tBDJA8-00900-00212552-00213327 any other person with another question sGjX9tBDJA8-00901-00213328-00213575 anybody wants to ask sGjX9tBDJA8-00902-00213576-00213910 verbal sGjX9tBDJA8-00903-00213911-00214127 okay my last question is sGjX9tBDJA8-00904-00214128-00214319 there are other ones in the chat sGjX9tBDJA8-00905-00214319-00214671 margaret if you have a look sGjX9tBDJA8-00906-00214671-00214975 there are other questions in the chat sGjX9tBDJA8-00907-00214976-00215079 oh yeah sGjX9tBDJA8-00908-00215080-00215342 one is going to us okay sGjX9tBDJA8-00909-00215344-00215479 can you sGjX9tBDJA8-00910-00215480-00215815 respond to this sheila sGjX9tBDJA8-00911-00215816-00216087 i think the midwifery education i just sGjX9tBDJA8-00912-00216088-00216191 said sGjX9tBDJA8-00913-00216192-00216342 yeah but now i could see another sGjX9tBDJA8-00914-00216344-00216567 question from sheila yes you know very sGjX9tBDJA8-00915-00216567-00216894 much right sheila like uh midwife is sGjX9tBDJA8-00916-00216896-00217103 as far as i've started with phase two sGjX9tBDJA8-00917-00217104-00217398 quantitative study i could clearly say sGjX9tBDJA8-00918-00217400-00217639 the term midwife is not even clear among sGjX9tBDJA8-00919-00217640-00217855 women you're very much right sGjX9tBDJA8-00920-00217856-00217934 so sGjX9tBDJA8-00921-00217935-00218094 uh sGjX9tBDJA8-00922-00218096-00218334 what we want to know is through sGjX9tBDJA8-00923-00218335-00218558 what is the understanding about midwife sGjX9tBDJA8-00924-00218559-00218782 how well do they differentiate a midwife sGjX9tBDJA8-00925-00218783-00218919 from a nurse sGjX9tBDJA8-00926-00218919-00219094 that's quite important sGjX9tBDJA8-00927-00219096-00219391 so we just started with a quantitative sGjX9tBDJA8-00928-00219392-00219671 phase and and even the term midwife was sGjX9tBDJA8-00929-00219671-00220015 not well understood by them so through sGjX9tBDJA8-00930-00220016-00220319 this research i think it should at least sGjX9tBDJA8-00931-00220319-00220494 bring in an awareness that there is a sGjX9tBDJA8-00932-00220496-00220719 group called midwife and what are their sGjX9tBDJA8-00933-00220719-00220887 roles what do these sGjX9tBDJA8-00934-00220888-00221263 services include those things will be sGjX9tBDJA8-00935-00221264-00221567 mentioned or at least known to to the sGjX9tBDJA8-00936-00221567-00221727 indian population sGjX9tBDJA8-00937-00221728-00221991 through these research research i mean sGjX9tBDJA8-00938-00221992-00222358 okay i can see uh gopi mamba has raised sGjX9tBDJA8-00939-00222359-00222487 the hand sGjX9tBDJA8-00940-00222488-00222846 um bubba can you talk and see your your sGjX9tBDJA8-00941-00222848-00223127 comment or your question sGjX9tBDJA8-00942-00223128-00223382 uh yes so thank you very much sangee for sGjX9tBDJA8-00943-00223383-00223655 this uh systematic review sGjX9tBDJA8-00944-00223656-00223767 uh sGjX9tBDJA8-00945-00223767-00223975 i have just have a question with regards sGjX9tBDJA8-00946-00223976-00224158 to what you mentioned following through sGjX9tBDJA8-00947-00224159-00224327 your presentation sGjX9tBDJA8-00948-00224328-00224663 where you spoke about um sGjX9tBDJA8-00949-00224664-00224879 midwife related units in low and sGjX9tBDJA8-00950-00224880-00225063 middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00951-00225064-00225358 not um sGjX9tBDJA8-00952-00225359-00225534 getting to sGjX9tBDJA8-00953-00225535-00225791 their establishment because sGjX9tBDJA8-00954-00225792-00226087 uh midwives didn't have the autonomy sGjX9tBDJA8-00955-00226088-00226327 i'm trained i'm a midwife trained from sGjX9tBDJA8-00956-00226328-00226710 zambia and uh worked in south africa sGjX9tBDJA8-00957-00226711-00226942 and so i'm just wondering what exactly sGjX9tBDJA8-00958-00226944-00227182 you mean by that because um sGjX9tBDJA8-00959-00227183-00227406 you if you if you happen to go to like sGjX9tBDJA8-00960-00227407-00227558 one of the lower american countries sGjX9tBDJA8-00961-00227559-00227703 where malawi sGjX9tBDJA8-00962-00227704-00228031 most uh maternity care services are sGjX9tBDJA8-00963-00228032-00228223 handled by midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00964-00228223-00228503 so what exactly do you mean because sGjX9tBDJA8-00965-00228504-00228751 uh the number of of obstetricians are sGjX9tBDJA8-00966-00228752-00228863 very few sGjX9tBDJA8-00967-00228864-00229031 so we can't say it's sGjX9tBDJA8-00968-00229032-00229271 it's managed by obstetricians so i'm not sGjX9tBDJA8-00969-00229271-00229471 so certain what exactly you meant by sGjX9tBDJA8-00970-00229471-00229591 saying sGjX9tBDJA8-00971-00229592-00229687 uh sGjX9tBDJA8-00972-00229688-00229855 midwives have no autonomy because sGjX9tBDJA8-00973-00229856-00230015 they're the ones that do sGjX9tBDJA8-00974-00230016-00230246 most of the work fewer obstetricians sGjX9tBDJA8-00975-00230248-00230431 can't handle the entire sGjX9tBDJA8-00976-00230432-00230775 uh demand in maternity care so sGjX9tBDJA8-00977-00230776-00231071 did you a probe fear that what this sGjX9tBDJA8-00978-00231071-00231271 meant exactly sGjX9tBDJA8-00979-00231271-00231406 thank you very much sGjX9tBDJA8-00980-00231407-00231598 yeah thank you thank you for your sGjX9tBDJA8-00981-00231600-00231687 question sGjX9tBDJA8-00982-00231688-00231879 actually this question has to be sGjX9tBDJA8-00983-00231880-00232215 answered from the education side itself sGjX9tBDJA8-00984-00232216-00232423 when the midwifery students were sGjX9tBDJA8-00985-00232423-00232646 selected and taken to certain settings sGjX9tBDJA8-00986-00232648-00232798 like for example they grit their sGjX9tBDJA8-00987-00232800-00233063 practice from hospital sites sGjX9tBDJA8-00988-00233064-00233287 even it starts from there sGjX9tBDJA8-00989-00233288-00233503 when these midwifery students were sGjX9tBDJA8-00990-00233504-00233919 trained even to practice on uh women sGjX9tBDJA8-00991-00233919-00234134 to whatever they have learned from the sGjX9tBDJA8-00992-00234135-00234319 nursing institution or midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-00993-00234319-00234527 institution even that was difficult for sGjX9tBDJA8-00994-00234528-00234671 the midwives sGjX9tBDJA8-00995-00234671-00234967 even in that setting as a student itself sGjX9tBDJA8-00996-00234967-00235198 they they have stated that they cannot sGjX9tBDJA8-00997-00235200-00235463 practice or they cannot sGjX9tBDJA8-00998-00235464-00235631 conduct a delivery because of the sGjX9tBDJA8-00999-00235632-00235815 presence of medical students who are sGjX9tBDJA8-01000-00235816-00236055 given more importance sGjX9tBDJA8-01001-00236056-00236255 that is one thing and this was from a sGjX9tBDJA8-01002-00236256-00236519 review which was done in a study on sGjX9tBDJA8-01003-00236519-00236719 midwifery educator and midwifery sGjX9tBDJA8-01004-00236719-00237055 students from bangladesh and number two sGjX9tBDJA8-01005-00237056-00237206 in afghanistan sGjX9tBDJA8-01006-00237207-00237463 the study which was done in afghanistan sGjX9tBDJA8-01007-00237464-00237710 which has been included in this review sGjX9tBDJA8-01008-00237711-00237879 this states that sGjX9tBDJA8-01009-00237880-00238142 it's not the community or the midwife sGjX9tBDJA8-01010-00238144-00238367 who's working in remote or rural you sGjX9tBDJA8-01011-00238367-00238591 should also think about the other units sGjX9tBDJA8-01012-00238592-00238879 like midwife in hospitals working in sGjX9tBDJA8-01013-00238880-00239023 hospitals sGjX9tBDJA8-01014-00239023-00239246 so many of the midwives who trained who sGjX9tBDJA8-01015-00239248-00239446 get trained from the low middle income sGjX9tBDJA8-01016-00239448-00239623 countries they are not only placed in sGjX9tBDJA8-01017-00239623-00239823 communities you should also think sGjX9tBDJA8-01018-00239823-00240006 simultaneously what is happening to sGjX9tBDJA8-01019-00240007-00240319 those who get employed or get deployed sGjX9tBDJA8-01020-00240319-00240575 in the hospital side they really are sGjX9tBDJA8-01021-00240576-00240830 facing a lot of problems they cannot sGjX9tBDJA8-01022-00240831-00241055 practice independently just because of sGjX9tBDJA8-01023-00241056-00241246 the presence of an obstetrician is what sGjX9tBDJA8-01024-00241248-00241446 i meant if i was not clear in the review sGjX9tBDJA8-01025-00241448-00241623 i'm sorry but this is what sGjX9tBDJA8-01026-00241623-00242351 the review findings gave sGjX9tBDJA8-01027-00242352-00242527 i hope i answered yes you have a sGjX9tBDJA8-01028-00242528-00242782 question sGjX9tBDJA8-01029-00242783-00242910 yes so it's a follow-up question with sGjX9tBDJA8-01030-00242911-00243071 regards to that so i'm just thinking sGjX9tBDJA8-01031-00243071-00243358 that this being a systematic review sGjX9tBDJA8-01032-00243359-00243558 uh i think it was going to be very sGjX9tBDJA8-01033-00243559-00243863 important if you grouped the lower sGjX9tBDJA8-01034-00243864-00244103 mid-income countries because uh sGjX9tBDJA8-01035-00244104-00244279 me myself coming from low and sGjX9tBDJA8-01036-00244280-00244527 middle-income countries i had no issues sGjX9tBDJA8-01037-00244528-00244703 with regards to practice sGjX9tBDJA8-01038-00244704-00244910 whether it's at the hospital or in a sGjX9tBDJA8-01039-00244911-00245079 rural place sGjX9tBDJA8-01040-00245080-00245279 we had all the autonomy because of the sGjX9tBDJA8-01041-00245280-00245510 fewer obstetricians so i think it's sGjX9tBDJA8-01042-00245511-00245758 country specific it can be low and sGjX9tBDJA8-01043-00245759-00245951 middle-income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-01044-00245952-00246271 but some lower middle income countries sGjX9tBDJA8-01045-00246271-00246534 have midwives as the majority of my sGjX9tBDJA8-01046-00246535-00246751 tenant health care workers and hence sGjX9tBDJA8-01047-00246752-00246998 midwives have the autonomy to practice i sGjX9tBDJA8-01048-00247000-00247110 don't know if you're getting my point sGjX9tBDJA8-01049-00247111-00247327 there because the way it's coming out sGjX9tBDJA8-01050-00247328-00247479 it's coming out like sGjX9tBDJA8-01051-00247480-00247630 wherever you go in lower middle-income sGjX9tBDJA8-01052-00247631-00247927 countries it's a similar trend i'm sure sGjX9tBDJA8-01053-00247928-00248182 that's the same pattern of practice even sGjX9tBDJA8-01054-00248183-00248439 in malawi and other countries where sGjX9tBDJA8-01055-00248440-00248671 uh midwives are like the majority of sGjX9tBDJA8-01056-00248671-00248927 maternity care workers it's a different sGjX9tBDJA8-01057-00248928-00249167 story in countries where we have a lot sGjX9tBDJA8-01058-00249167-00249503 of obstetricians i totally understand sGjX9tBDJA8-01059-00249504-00249646 but um sGjX9tBDJA8-01060-00249648-00249967 from my own context not all of them may sGjX9tBDJA8-01061-00249967-00250263 have that pattern so if afghanistan and sGjX9tBDJA8-01062-00250264-00250479 bangladesh have that it was going to be sGjX9tBDJA8-01063-00250480-00250758 good to categorize them to say sGjX9tBDJA8-01064-00250759-00250934 some of these lower middle-income sGjX9tBDJA8-01065-00250935-00251119 countries like bangladesh like the way sGjX9tBDJA8-01066-00251119-00251310 you had come out you know sGjX9tBDJA8-01067-00251311-00251558 then general i think to say in low amid sGjX9tBDJA8-01068-00251559-00251687 income countries it's difficult to sGjX9tBDJA8-01069-00251688-00251782 practice sGjX9tBDJA8-01070-00251783-00252015 thank you very much yeah thank you bubba sGjX9tBDJA8-01071-00252016-00252263 for the point but i just want to put in sGjX9tBDJA8-01072-00252264-00252510 forward that this review just put the sGjX9tBDJA8-01073-00252511-00252615 top sGjX9tBDJA8-01074-00252616-00252951 uh barriers as well as facilitators and sGjX9tBDJA8-01075-00252952-00253279 this may like in one country it happens sGjX9tBDJA8-01076-00253280-00253487 doesn't mean that it is happening in all sGjX9tBDJA8-01077-00253488-00253719 it's just a review and it's just brought sGjX9tBDJA8-01078-00253719-00254023 in the most commonly stated things like sGjX9tBDJA8-01079-00254023-00254255 how many con how many studies reported sGjX9tBDJA8-01080-00254256-00254415 about this sGjX9tBDJA8-01081-00254416-00254751 i hope you understand what i'm saying sGjX9tBDJA8-01082-00254752-00254934 but it's good to know that in your place sGjX9tBDJA8-01083-00254935-00255356 you have the autonomy to practice sJB_06oRh44-00000-00000884-00001216 welcome to virtual vacations a smarter sJB_06oRh44-00001-00001217-00001500 travel media podcast sJB_06oRh44-00002-00001501-00001825 on this episode we invite you to close sJB_06oRh44-00003-00001826-00002137 your eyes leave your bags unpacked and sJB_06oRh44-00004-00002138-00002367 join us on a hike through Zion National sJB_06oRh44-00005-00002368-00002691 Park sJB_06oRh44-00006-00002692-00003054 before we begin take a few moments to sJB_06oRh44-00007-00003055-00003254 separate yourself from what you were sJB_06oRh44-00008-00003256-00003633 doing before make sure you're resting sJB_06oRh44-00009-00003634-00003897 somewhere comfortable and then take a sJB_06oRh44-00010-00003897-00004472 few slow deep breaths bring awareness sJB_06oRh44-00011-00004473-00004715 into the different parts of the breath sJB_06oRh44-00012-00004716-00005267 the slow deep inhale and the long steady sJB_06oRh44-00013-00005268-00005377 exhale sJB_06oRh44-00014-00005378-00006193 [Music] sJB_06oRh44-00015-00006194-00006670 as you exhale let your shoulders relax sJB_06oRh44-00016-00006672-00007055 repeat this gentle focused breathing for sJB_06oRh44-00017-00007056-00007356 as long as you would like sJB_06oRh44-00018-00007356-00007644 when you're ready we'll be heading to sJB_06oRh44-00019-00007645-00007871 one of the most famous national parties sJB_06oRh44-00020-00007872-00008273 in the United States sJB_06oRh44-00021-00008274-00008646 welcome to Zion National Park you've sJB_06oRh44-00022-00008647-00008853 made the journey on a road trip through sJB_06oRh44-00023-00008854-00009099 the Red Rock canyons and long winding sJB_06oRh44-00024-00009100-00009380 roads throughout southern Utah sJB_06oRh44-00025-00009381-00009671 everywhere you turn your head red rocks sJB_06oRh44-00026-00009672-00010038 like towers reach toward the sky you're sJB_06oRh44-00027-00010039-00010287 here in early spring when the sJB_06oRh44-00028-00010288-00010554 snow-capped peaks slowly start to melt sJB_06oRh44-00029-00010555-00010998 rain falls trees are green rivers flow sJB_06oRh44-00030-00010999-00011288 full and the park is sprinkled with sJB_06oRh44-00031-00011289-00011517 ephemeral waterfalls that can disappear sJB_06oRh44-00032-00011518-00012066 as quickly as they came a friendly park sJB_06oRh44-00033-00012067-00012255 ranger greets you as you pass through sJB_06oRh44-00034-00012256-00012504 the visitor center and hop onto an sJB_06oRh44-00035-00012505-00012846 uncrowded shallows you open the window sJB_06oRh44-00036-00012847-00013097 and are met with a brisk wave of fresh sJB_06oRh44-00037-00013098-00013574 air so crisp maybe almost taste pine sap sJB_06oRh44-00038-00013575-00013859 as you slowly make your way through Zion sJB_06oRh44-00039-00013860-00014153 Canyon you recognize one of its famous sJB_06oRh44-00040-00014154-00014496 rock formations angels landing sJB_06oRh44-00041-00014497-00014793 you marvel at its swooping top and steep sJB_06oRh44-00042-00014794-00015078 sides and look a little closer to see sJB_06oRh44-00043-00015079-00015315 its sedimentary layers and slick rock sJB_06oRh44-00044-00015316-00015653 walls sJB_06oRh44-00045-00015654-00015955 a light dusting of snow appears as low sJB_06oRh44-00046-00015956-00016325 clouds cover its crown in this season sJB_06oRh44-00047-00016326-00016580 between deep winter and true spring sJB_06oRh44-00048-00016581-00016858 you're seeing a side of Zion that not sJB_06oRh44-00049-00016859-00017189 many get to see you take a moment to sJB_06oRh44-00050-00017190-00017425 feel grateful for even though it's sJB_06oRh44-00051-00017426-00019763 chilly it's also perfectly serene sJB_06oRh44-00052-00019764-00020039 narrow streams of tumbling water form sJB_06oRh44-00053-00020040-00020375 waterfalls along the Red Rocks you get sJB_06oRh44-00054-00020376-00020696 off the bus at the last stop the temple sJB_06oRh44-00055-00020697-00020972 of Sina lava and approach the Riverside sJB_06oRh44-00056-00020973-00021218 walk which follows the twists and turns sJB_06oRh44-00057-00021219-00021455 of the Virgin River along the base of a sJB_06oRh44-00058-00021456-00021857 narrow canyon you don't go far before sJB_06oRh44-00059-00021858-00022160 spotting an astounding waterfall you sJB_06oRh44-00060-00022161-00022544 stop and just stand and revel in the sJB_06oRh44-00061-00022545-00022874 sound of crashing water the site of the sJB_06oRh44-00062-00022875-00023150 rolling water and the feeling of the sJB_06oRh44-00063-00023151-00024469 fine mist sprinkle in your face sJB_06oRh44-00064-00024470-00024742 you look up to see the source of the sJB_06oRh44-00065-00024743-00025027 waterfall and discover it's so high up sJB_06oRh44-00066-00025028-00025240 that it's above where your camera can sJB_06oRh44-00067-00025241-00025731 frame you look around to notice the sJB_06oRh44-00068-00025732-00025972 grooves that this powerful source formed sJB_06oRh44-00069-00025973-00026289 in the canyon walls surrounding you the sJB_06oRh44-00070-00026291-00026557 waterfalls seemed so peaceful but you sJB_06oRh44-00071-00026558-00026796 can see signs of its strength in the way sJB_06oRh44-00072-00026797-00027502 it has carved the rock over time you sJB_06oRh44-00073-00027502-00027708 know that you'll return again to see the sJB_06oRh44-00074-00027710-00027921 version of Zion that most visitors see sJB_06oRh44-00075-00027922-00028233 the bright sky and vivid desert of sJB_06oRh44-00076-00028235-00028533 summer but for now you cherish the sJB_06oRh44-00077-00028535-00028780 chance to see the snow kissed version of sJB_06oRh44-00078-00028781-00029077 nature after all sJB_06oRh44-00079-00029077-00029374 Zion means pure of heart or sanctuary sJB_06oRh44-00080-00029375-00029670 and nothing feels more like a sanctuary sJB_06oRh44-00081-00029672-00030007 than this almost empty park whose red sJB_06oRh44-00082-00030008-00030379 rocks are temporarily briefly adorned by sJB_06oRh44-00083-00030380-00030870 snow and waterfalls feel free to sJB_06oRh44-00084-00030872-00031117 continue exploring the National Park in sJB_06oRh44-00085-00031118-00031395 your mind or too slowly return from the sJB_06oRh44-00086-00031397-00031665 trip and rejoin your regularly scheduled sJB_06oRh44-00087-00031666-00031969 day thanks for traveling with us we'll sJB_06oRh44-00088-00031970-00033808 see you again see sJB_06oRh44-00089-00033809-00034075 virtual vacations is a smarter travel sJB_06oRh44-00090-00034076-00034360 media podcast this episode was written sJB_06oRh44-00091-00034361-00034687 by Ashley Rossi senior editor at smarter sJB_06oRh44-00092-00034688-00034930 travel comm and produced by Carol sJB_06oRh44-00093-00034931-00035158 McPherson with executive producer Heath sJB_06oRh44-00094-00035159-00035521 Alba virtual vacations is also available sJB_06oRh44-00095-00035522-00035710 complete with meditative visuals on sJB_06oRh44-00096-00035711-00036171 YouTube @ww youtube.com slash smarter sJB_06oRh44-00097-00036172-00036499 travel this episode was sponsored by sJB_06oRh44-00098-00036500-00036727 jetsedder the stylish travellers sJB_06oRh44-00099-00036728-00036982 ultimate muse and an inside source for sJB_06oRh44-00100-00036983-00037120 everything you need to live a sJB_06oRh44-00101-00037121-00037378 jet-setting lifestyle to learn more sJB_06oRh44-00102-00037379-00037846 visit them online at WWDC to calm or sJB_06oRh44-00103-00037847-00038337 find them on YouTube at jetsetter sJB_06oRh44-00104-00038338-00038544 you sKyTKAInBYk-00000-00000065-00000884 foreign sKyTKAInBYk-00001-00000885-00002988 [Music] sKyTKAInBYk-00002-00002989-00004631 [Music] sKyTKAInBYk-00003-00004632-00005421 yeah yeah sKyTKAInBYk-00004-00005422-00007777 [Applause] sKyTKAInBYk-00005-00007778-00008683 [Applause] sKyTKAInBYk-00006-00008684-00011076 thank you sKyTKAInBYk-00007-00011077-00011203 [Music] sKyTKAInBYk-00008-00011204-00012600 thank you sKyTKAInBYk-00010-00016878-00018398 foreign sKyTKAInBYk-00011-00018399-00018705 [Applause] sKHV5gfKXh4-00000-00000744-00001043 any fool can know the point is to sKHV5gfKXh4-00001-00001044-00001175 understand sKHV5gfKXh4-00002-00001176-00001511 Albert Einstein science without religion sKHV5gfKXh4-00003-00001512-00001793 is lame religion without science is sKHV5gfKXh4-00004-00001794-00001907 blind sKHV5gfKXh4-00005-00001907-00002273 Albert Einstein a clever person solves a sKHV5gfKXh4-00006-00002274-00002609 problem a wise person avoids it sKHV5gfKXh4-00007-00002610-00002873 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00008-00002874-00003179 I have no special talents I am only sKHV5gfKXh4-00009-00003180-00003388 passionately curious sKHV5gfKXh4-00010-00003389-00003665 if we knew what it was we were doing it sKHV5gfKXh4-00011-00003665-00003940 would not be called research with it sKHV5gfKXh4-00012-00003942-00004283 reality is merely an illusion albeit a sKHV5gfKXh4-00013-00004284-00004499 very persistent one sKHV5gfKXh4-00014-00004500-00004841 a clever person solves a problem a wise sKHV5gfKXh4-00015-00004842-00005033 person avoids it sKHV5gfKXh4-00016-00005034-00005356 Albert Einstein science without religion sKHV5gfKXh4-00017-00005357-00005645 is lame religion without science is sKHV5gfKXh4-00018-00005646-00005765 blind sKHV5gfKXh4-00019-00005766-00006154 Albert Einstein any fool can know the sKHV5gfKXh4-00020-00006155-00006359 point is to understand sKHV5gfKXh4-00021-00006360-00006634 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00022-00006636-00006892 the most beautiful experience we can sKHV5gfKXh4-00023-00006893-00007133 have is the mysterious it is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00024-00007134-00007342 fundamental emotion that stands at the sKHV5gfKXh4-00025-00007343-00007595 Cradle of true art and true science sKHV5gfKXh4-00026-00007595-00008069 Albert Einstein the world as I see it sKHV5gfKXh4-00027-00008070-00008287 try not to become a man of success sKHV5gfKXh4-00028-00008288-00008603 rather become a man of value sKHV5gfKXh4-00029-00008604-00008801 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00030-00008802-00009083 a hundred times every day I remind sKHV5gfKXh4-00031-00009084-00009364 myself that my inner and outer life sKHV5gfKXh4-00032-00009365-00009610 depend on the laborers of other men sKHV5gfKXh4-00033-00009611-00009923 living and dead and that I must exert sKHV5gfKXh4-00034-00009924-00010163 myself in order to give in the same sKHV5gfKXh4-00035-00010164-00010403 measure as I received and am still sKHV5gfKXh4-00036-00010404-00010541 receiving sKHV5gfKXh4-00037-00010542-00010931 Albert Einstein a hundred times every sKHV5gfKXh4-00038-00010932-00011231 day I remind myself that my inner and sKHV5gfKXh4-00039-00011232-00011483 outer life depend on the laborers of sKHV5gfKXh4-00040-00011484-00011801 other men living and dead and that I sKHV5gfKXh4-00041-00011802-00012053 must exert myself in order to give in sKHV5gfKXh4-00042-00012054-00012305 the same measure as I received and am sKHV5gfKXh4-00043-00012306-00012478 still receiving sKHV5gfKXh4-00044-00012479-00012874 Albert Einstein we cannot solve our sKHV5gfKXh4-00045-00012875-00013121 problems with the same thinking we used sKHV5gfKXh4-00046-00013122-00013486 when we created them a common modest sKHV5gfKXh4-00047-00013487-00013751 life brings more happiness than the sKHV5gfKXh4-00048-00013752-00013961 pursuit of success combined with sKHV5gfKXh4-00049-00013962-00014153 constant restlessness sKHV5gfKXh4-00050-00014154-00014507 Albert Einstein we cannot solve our sKHV5gfKXh4-00051-00014508-00014753 problems with the same thinking we used sKHV5gfKXh4-00052-00014754-00014938 when we created them sKHV5gfKXh4-00053-00014940-00015238 a common modest life brings more sKHV5gfKXh4-00054-00015240-00015479 happiness than the pursuit of success sKHV5gfKXh4-00055-00015480-00015772 combined with constant restlessness sKHV5gfKXh4-00056-00015773-00016066 Albert Einstein all of one's sKHV5gfKXh4-00057-00016068-00016313 contemporaries and aging friends are sKHV5gfKXh4-00058-00016313-00016600 living in a delicate balance and one sKHV5gfKXh4-00059-00016601-00016889 feels that one's own Consciousness is no sKHV5gfKXh4-00060-00016890-00017161 longer as brightly lit as it once was sKHV5gfKXh4-00061-00017162-00017543 but then Twilight with its more subdued sKHV5gfKXh4-00062-00017544-00017885 colors as its charms as well all of sKHV5gfKXh4-00063-00017886-00018143 one's contemporaries and aging friends sKHV5gfKXh4-00064-00018144-00018467 are living in a delicate balance and one sKHV5gfKXh4-00065-00018468-00018755 feels that one's own Consciousness is no sKHV5gfKXh4-00066-00018756-00019025 longer as brightly lit as it once was sKHV5gfKXh4-00067-00019026-00019408 but then Twilight with its more subdued sKHV5gfKXh4-00068-00019409-00019739 colors has its charms as well as far as sKHV5gfKXh4-00069-00019740-00020080 I'm concerned I prefer silent Vice to sKHV5gfKXh4-00070-00020081-00020417 ostentatious virtue learn from yesterday sKHV5gfKXh4-00071-00020418-00020836 Live for today hope for tomorrow the sKHV5gfKXh4-00072-00020837-00021029 important thing is not to stop sKHV5gfKXh4-00073-00021030-00021172 questioning sKHV5gfKXh4-00074-00021173-00021521 Bella hardari can as far as I'm sKHV5gfKXh4-00075-00021522-00021833 concerned I prefer silent Vice to sKHV5gfKXh4-00076-00021834-00022169 ostentatious virtue learn from yesterday sKHV5gfKXh4-00077-00022170-00022577 Live for today hope for tomorrow the sKHV5gfKXh4-00078-00022578-00022775 important thing is not to stop sKHV5gfKXh4-00079-00022776-00022919 questioning sKHV5gfKXh4-00080-00022920-00023272 Bell hardari cam learn from yesterday sKHV5gfKXh4-00081-00023273-00023686 Live for today hope for tomorrow the sKHV5gfKXh4-00082-00023687-00023878 important thing is not to stop sKHV5gfKXh4-00083-00023879-00024257 questioning a person starts to live when sKHV5gfKXh4-00084-00024258-00024497 he can live outside himself sKHV5gfKXh4-00085-00024498-00024755 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00086-00024756-00025036 learned from yesterday Live for today sKHV5gfKXh4-00087-00025037-00025408 hope for tomorrow the important thing is sKHV5gfKXh4-00088-00025409-00025793 not to stop questioning a person starts sKHV5gfKXh4-00089-00025794-00026105 to live when he can live outside himself sKHV5gfKXh4-00090-00026106-00026320 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00091-00026322-00026627 a new type of thinking is essential if sKHV5gfKXh4-00092-00026627-00026945 mankind is to survive and move toward sKHV5gfKXh4-00093-00026945-00027287 higher levels there are two ways to live sKHV5gfKXh4-00094-00027288-00027581 you can live as if nothing is a miracle sKHV5gfKXh4-00095-00027582-00027857 you can live as if everything is a sKHV5gfKXh4-00096-00027858-00028139 miracle Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00097-00028139-00028462 a new type of thinking is essential if sKHV5gfKXh4-00098-00028463-00028768 mankind is to survive and move toward sKHV5gfKXh4-00099-00028769-00029111 higher levels there are two ways to live sKHV5gfKXh4-00100-00029112-00029405 you can live as if nothing is a miracle sKHV5gfKXh4-00101-00029406-00029674 you can live as if everything is a sKHV5gfKXh4-00102-00029675-00029957 miracle Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00103-00029958-00030317 peace cannot be kept by force it can sKHV5gfKXh4-00104-00030318-00030695 only be achieved by understanding if you sKHV5gfKXh4-00105-00030695-00031007 want to live a happy life tie it to a sKHV5gfKXh4-00106-00031008-00031427 goal not to people or objects once you sKHV5gfKXh4-00107-00031427-00031823 stop learning you start dying Albert sKHV5gfKXh4-00108-00031824-00031949 Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00109-00031950-00032308 peace cannot be kept by force it can sKHV5gfKXh4-00110-00032310-00032681 only be achieved by understanding if you sKHV5gfKXh4-00111-00032682-00032993 want to live a happy life tie it to a sKHV5gfKXh4-00112-00032994-00033418 goal not to people or objects once you sKHV5gfKXh4-00113-00033419-00033809 stop learning you start dying Albert sKHV5gfKXh4-00114-00033810-00033946 Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00115-00033947-00034318 peace cannot be kept by force it can sKHV5gfKXh4-00116-00034319-00034690 only be achieved by understanding if you sKHV5gfKXh4-00117-00034691-00035002 want to live a happy life tie it to a sKHV5gfKXh4-00118-00035003-00035417 goal not to people or objects once you sKHV5gfKXh4-00119-00035418-00035812 stop learning you start dying Albert sKHV5gfKXh4-00120-00035813-00035951 Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00121-00035952-00036323 peace cannot be kept by force it can sKHV5gfKXh4-00122-00036324-00036695 only be achieved by understanding if you sKHV5gfKXh4-00123-00036696-00037007 want to live a happy life tie it to a sKHV5gfKXh4-00124-00037008-00037324 goal not to people or objects sKHV5gfKXh4-00125-00037325-00037717 once you stop learning you start dying sKHV5gfKXh4-00126-00037718-00038105 Albert Einstein everybody is a genius sKHV5gfKXh4-00127-00038106-00038417 but if you judge a fish by its ability sKHV5gfKXh4-00128-00038418-00038711 to climb a tree it will live its whole sKHV5gfKXh4-00129-00038712-00039040 life believing that it is stupid in the sKHV5gfKXh4-00130-00039041-00039343 middle of difficulty lies opportunity sKHV5gfKXh4-00131-00039344-00039724 Albert Einstein everybody is a genius sKHV5gfKXh4-00132-00039725-00040037 but if you judge a fish by its ability sKHV5gfKXh4-00133-00040038-00040330 to climb a tree it will live its whole sKHV5gfKXh4-00134-00040331-00040661 life believing that it is stupid in the sKHV5gfKXh4-00135-00040662-00040957 middle of difficulty lies opportunity sKHV5gfKXh4-00136-00040958-00041357 Albert Einstein there comes a time when sKHV5gfKXh4-00137-00041358-00041590 the mind takes a higher plane of sKHV5gfKXh4-00138-00041591-00041843 knowledge but can never prove how it got sKHV5gfKXh4-00139-00041844-00042173 there anyone who has never made a sKHV5gfKXh4-00140-00042174-00042467 mistake has never tried anything new sKHV5gfKXh4-00141-00042468-00042671 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00142-00042672-00043012 there comes a time when the mind takes a sKHV5gfKXh4-00143-00043013-00043240 higher plane of knowledge but can never sKHV5gfKXh4-00144-00043241-00043445 prove how it got there sKHV5gfKXh4-00145-00043446-00043745 anyone who has never made a mistake has sKHV5gfKXh4-00146-00043746-00043985 never tried anything new sKHV5gfKXh4-00147-00043986-00044321 Albert Einstein if a is a success in sKHV5gfKXh4-00148-00044322-00044717 life then a equals X Plus y plus Z work sKHV5gfKXh4-00149-00044718-00045035 is X why is play and Z is keeping your sKHV5gfKXh4-00150-00045036-00045185 mouth shut sKHV5gfKXh4-00151-00045186-00045408 time is an illusion sKHV5gfKXh4-00152-00045409-00045707 imagination is everything it is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00153-00045708-00045971 preview of life's coming attractions sKHV5gfKXh4-00154-00045972-00046301 Albert Einstein if a is a success in sKHV5gfKXh4-00155-00046302-00046690 life then a equals X Plus y plus Z work sKHV5gfKXh4-00156-00046691-00047021 is X Y is play and Z is keeping your sKHV5gfKXh4-00157-00047022-00047165 mouth shut sKHV5gfKXh4-00158-00047166-00047387 time is an illusion sKHV5gfKXh4-00159-00047388-00047680 imagination is everything it is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00160-00047681-00047945 preview of life's coming attractions sKHV5gfKXh4-00161-00047946-00048227 Albert Einstein a question that sKHV5gfKXh4-00162-00048228-00048502 sometimes drives me hazy am I or are the sKHV5gfKXh4-00163-00048503-00048652 others crazy sKHV5gfKXh4-00164-00048653-00048893 blind belief in Authority is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00165-00048894-00049085 greatest enemy of Truth sKHV5gfKXh4-00166-00049086-00049308 logic will get you from A to Z sKHV5gfKXh4-00167-00049309-00049589 imagination will get you everywhere sKHV5gfKXh4-00168-00049590-00049774 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00169-00049775-00050045 a question that sometimes drives me hazy sKHV5gfKXh4-00170-00050046-00050327 am I or are the others crazy sKHV5gfKXh4-00171-00050328-00050555 blind belief in Authority is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00172-00050556-00050765 greatest enemy of Truth sKHV5gfKXh4-00173-00050766-00050977 logic will get you from A to Z sKHV5gfKXh4-00174-00050978-00051269 imagination will get you everywhere sKHV5gfKXh4-00175-00051270-00051640 Albert Einstein if a is a success in sKHV5gfKXh4-00176-00051641-00052030 life then a equals X Plus y plus Z work sKHV5gfKXh4-00177-00052032-00052349 is X Y is play and Z is keeping your sKHV5gfKXh4-00178-00052350-00052487 mouth shut sKHV5gfKXh4-00179-00052488-00052723 time is an illusion sKHV5gfKXh4-00180-00052724-00053021 imagination is everything it is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00181-00053022-00053297 preview of life's coming attractions sKHV5gfKXh4-00182-00053298-00053644 Albert Einstein if a is a success in sKHV5gfKXh4-00183-00053645-00054029 life then a equals X Plus y plus Z work sKHV5gfKXh4-00184-00054029-00054359 is X Y is play and Z is keeping your sKHV5gfKXh4-00185-00054360-00054509 mouth shut sKHV5gfKXh4-00186-00054510-00054730 time is an illusion sKHV5gfKXh4-00187-00054732-00055025 imagination is everything it is the sKHV5gfKXh4-00188-00055026-00055307 preview of life's coming attractions sKHV5gfKXh4-00189-00055308-00055582 Albert Einstein the measure of sKHV5gfKXh4-00190-00055583-00055865 intelligence is the ability to change sKHV5gfKXh4-00191-00055866-00056200 reality is merely an illusion albeit a sKHV5gfKXh4-00192-00056201-00056375 very persistent one sKHV5gfKXh4-00193-00056376-00056609 what is right is not always popular and sKHV5gfKXh4-00194-00056610-00056800 what is popular is not always right sKHV5gfKXh4-00195-00056801-00057082 Albert Einstein the measure of sKHV5gfKXh4-00196-00057083-00057376 intelligence is the ability to change sKHV5gfKXh4-00197-00057377-00057700 reality is merely an illusion albeit a sKHV5gfKXh4-00198-00057701-00057880 very persistent one sKHV5gfKXh4-00199-00057882-00058121 what is right is not always popular and sKHV5gfKXh4-00200-00058122-00058307 what is popular is not always right sKHV5gfKXh4-00201-00058308-00058523 Albert Einstein sKHV5gfKXh4-00202-00058524-00058835 it is not that I'm so smart but I stay sKHV5gfKXh4-00203-00058836-00059099 with the questions much longer The sKHV5gfKXh4-00204-00059100-00059369 Pursuit Of Truth and beauty is a sphere sKHV5gfKXh4-00205-00059370-00059644 of activity in which we are permitted to sKHV5gfKXh4-00206-00059645-00059741 remain sKHV5gfKXh4-00207-00059741-00060053 it is not that I'm so smart but I stay sKHV5gfKXh4-00208-00060054-00060323 with the questions much longer The sKHV5gfKXh4-00209-00060324-00060587 Pursuit Of Truth and beauty is a sphere sKHV5gfKXh4-00210-00060588-00060869 of activity in which we are permitted to sKHV5gfKXh4-00211-00060870-00061013 remain sKHV5gfKXh4-00212-00061014-00061216 once you can accept the universe's sKHV5gfKXh4-00213-00061217-00061421 matter expanding into nothing that is sKHV5gfKXh4-00214-00061422-00061625 something wearing stripes with plaid sKHV5gfKXh4-00215-00061626-00061780 comes easy sKHV5gfKXh4-00216-00061782-00061997 you never fail until you stop trying sKHV5gfKXh4-00217-00061998-00062230 once you can accept the universe's sKHV5gfKXh4-00218-00062232-00062435 matter expanding into nothing that is sKHV5gfKXh4-00219-00062436-00062632 something wearing stripes with plaid sKHV5gfKXh4-00220-00062633-00062788 comes easy sKHV5gfKXh4-00221-00062789-00063119 you never fail until you stop trying the sKHV5gfKXh4-00222-00063120-00063466 weak can never forgive forgiveness is an sKHV5gfKXh4-00223-00063467-00063779 attribute of the strong have the courage sKHV5gfKXh4-00224-00063779-00064115 to follow your heart and intuition they sKHV5gfKXh4-00225-00064116-00064373 somehow already know what you truly want sKHV5gfKXh4-00226-00064374-00064492 to become sKHV5gfKXh4-00227-00064494-00064835 Albert Einstein there is nothing either sKHV5gfKXh4-00228-00064836-00065171 good or bad but thinking makes it so sKHV5gfKXh4-00229-00065172-00065447 you talk when you cease to be at peace sKHV5gfKXh4-00230-00065448-00065735 with your thoughts if you cannot explain sKHV5gfKXh4-00231-00065736-00066053 it simply you do not understand it well sKHV5gfKXh4-00232-00066054-00066149 enough sKHV5gfKXh4-00233-00066150-00066503 Albert Einstein there is nothing either sKHV5gfKXh4-00234-00066504-00066905 good or bad but thinking makes it so you sKHV5gfKXh4-00235-00066906-00067132 talk when you cease to be at peace with sKHV5gfKXh4-00236-00067133-00067432 your thoughts if you cannot explain it sKHV5gfKXh4-00237-00067433-00067709 simply you do not understand it well sKHV5gfKXh4-00238-00067710-00067805 enough sKHV5gfKXh4-00239-00067806-00068153 Albert Einstein when one door of sKHV5gfKXh4-00240-00068154-00068513 happiness closes another opens but often sKHV5gfKXh4-00241-00068514-00068782 we look so long at the closed door that sKHV5gfKXh4-00242-00068783-00069011 we do not see the one which has been sKHV5gfKXh4-00243-00069012-00069191 opened for us sKHV5gfKXh4-00244-00069192-00069526 Albert Einstein win one door of sKHV5gfKXh4-00245-00069527-00069887 happiness closes another opens but often sKHV5gfKXh4-00246-00069888-00070150 we look so long at the closed door that sKHV5gfKXh4-00247-00070151-00070379 we do not see the one which has been sKHV5gfKXh4-00248-00070380-00070559 opened for us sKHV5gfKXh4-00249-00070560-00070961 Albert Einstein what I do all day is sKHV5gfKXh4-00250-00070962-00071249 meet with teams of people and work on sKHV5gfKXh4-00251-00071250-00071632 ideas and solve problems to make new sKHV5gfKXh4-00252-00071633-00071956 products to make new marketing programs sKHV5gfKXh4-00253-00071957-00072143 whatever it is sKHV5gfKXh4-00254-00072144-00072376 Steve Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00255-00072377-00072749 what I do all day is meet with teams of sKHV5gfKXh4-00256-00072750-00073109 people and work on ideas and solve sKHV5gfKXh4-00257-00073110-00073426 problems to make new products to make sKHV5gfKXh4-00258-00073427-00073793 new marketing programs whatever it is sKHV5gfKXh4-00259-00073794-00073985 Steve Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00260-00073986-00074315 .god gave us the senses to let us feel sKHV5gfKXh4-00261-00074316-00074591 the love in everyone's heart not the sKHV5gfKXh4-00262-00074592-00074921 Illusions brought about by wealth Steve sKHV5gfKXh4-00263-00074922-00075155 Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00264-00075156-00075467 dot God gave us the senses to let us sKHV5gfKXh4-00265-00075468-00075737 feel the love in everyone's heart not sKHV5gfKXh4-00266-00075738-00076037 the Illusions brought about by wealth sKHV5gfKXh4-00267-00076038-00076343 Steve Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00268-00076344-00076673 I've been rejected but I am still in sKHV5gfKXh4-00269-00076674-00076787 love sKHV5gfKXh4-00270-00076788-00077165 Steve Jobs you've got to find what you sKHV5gfKXh4-00271-00077166-00077453 love and that is as true for your work sKHV5gfKXh4-00272-00077454-00077705 as it is for your lovers sKHV5gfKXh4-00273-00077706-00077909 Steve Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00274-00077910-00078232 I've been rejected but I am still in sKHV5gfKXh4-00275-00078233-00078335 love sKHV5gfKXh4-00276-00078336-00078725 Steve Jobs you've got to find what you sKHV5gfKXh4-00277-00078726-00079012 love and that is as true for your work sKHV5gfKXh4-00278-00079013-00079253 as it is for your lovers sKHV5gfKXh4-00279-00079254-00079469 Steve Jobs sKHV5gfKXh4-00280-00079470-00079775 the access today is not liberal and sKHV5gfKXh4-00281-00079776-00080093 conservative the axis is constructive sKHV5gfKXh4-00282-00080094-00080249 destructive sKHV5gfKXh4-00283-00080250-00080545 Steve Jobs sL-aJbklolU-00000-00000923-00001453 my name is Nate Berkus welcome to the sL-aJbklolU-00001-00001454-00001984 month of May I'm also known by the name sL-aJbklolU-00002-00001985-00002270 of grand maester Nate I am an expert in sL-aJbklolU-00003-00002271-00002600 rails magic I've forged my links at the sL-aJbklolU-00004-00002601-00002864 old town great Citadel just kidding sL-aJbklolU-00005-00002865-00003052 rails is not actually magic rails sL-aJbklolU-00006-00003053-00003353 doesn't DHH does not actually sacrifice sL-aJbklolU-00007-00003354-00003586 chickens in his backyard to make all of sL-aJbklolU-00008-00003588-00003838 the components work and so we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00009-00003839-00003965 talk a little bit about some of that sL-aJbklolU-00010-00003965-00004193 magic today being the different parts of sL-aJbklolU-00011-00004194-00004484 the rails framework and how they all fit sL-aJbklolU-00012-00004485-00004729 together when you type rails new and get sL-aJbklolU-00013-00004730-00005011 this huge magic set of folders and files sL-aJbklolU-00014-00005012-00005179 what are they all actually doing for you sL-aJbklolU-00015-00005180-00005408 and can we get rid of all of them and sL-aJbklolU-00016-00005409-00005858 put a rails application in a tweet um sL-aJbklolU-00017-00005859-00006017 again my name is Nate Berkus Peck you sL-aJbklolU-00018-00006018-00006170 may have seen my blog online that blog sL-aJbklolU-00019-00006171-00006491 at Nate Birkbeck com I also have a sL-aJbklolU-00020-00006492-00006670 course called the complete guide to sL-aJbklolU-00021-00006672-00006869 rails performance normally talking about sL-aJbklolU-00022-00006870-00007103 performance and Ruby speed is kind of my sL-aJbklolU-00023-00007104-00007388 shtick that that is a trail speed comm sL-aJbklolU-00024-00007389-00007573 that course we're not gonna really talk sL-aJbklolU-00025-00007575-00007742 about performance today there is some sL-aJbklolU-00026-00007743-00007906 performance benefits to this talk which sL-aJbklolU-00027-00007908-00008095 I'll talk about but they're not really sL-aJbklolU-00028-00008097-00008237 the most interesting part I think what's sL-aJbklolU-00029-00008238-00008428 interesting here is the underlying sL-aJbklolU-00030-00008429-00008735 modularity of of what rails can do for sL-aJbklolU-00031-00008736-00009103 you but first let's do a little let's do sL-aJbklolU-00032-00009104-00009253 a little word association let's that's sL-aJbklolU-00033-00009254-00009421 let's do a little psychoanalysis on all sL-aJbklolU-00034-00009422-00009817 our poor rail developer Minds here when sL-aJbklolU-00035-00009818-00009985 I say rails what do you think of do you sL-aJbklolU-00036-00009986-00010478 think of bloated or lightweight when you sL-aJbklolU-00037-00010479-00010766 have a rails application and it's 50,000 sL-aJbklolU-00038-00010767-00010910 lines does it feel a little bit like sL-aJbklolU-00039-00010911-00012711 this sL-aJbklolU-00040-00012712-00012840 when you think of rails do you think sL-aJbklolU-00041-00012841-00013013 well architected or do you think of sL-aJbklolU-00042-00013014-00013353 spaghetti code I've heard actually sL-aJbklolU-00043-00013354-00013547 controllers described as a crack den of sL-aJbklolU-00044-00013549-00013899 inheritance do you think of sL-aJbklolU-00045-00013900-00014119 object-oriented when you think of rails sL-aJbklolU-00046-00014120-00014526 there's a Ruby web framework formerly sL-aJbklolU-00047-00014527-00014697 known as Lotus now known as tsunami I sL-aJbklolU-00048-00014697-00014886 don't know if they still say this in sL-aJbklolU-00049-00014887-00015006 their marketing but they used to say sL-aJbklolU-00050-00015007-00015284 that Lotus aims to bring back sL-aJbklolU-00051-00015285-00015516 object-oriented programming to web sL-aJbklolU-00052-00015516-00015638 development which left me wondering sL-aJbklolU-00053-00015640-00015921 where did it go and who is bringing it sL-aJbklolU-00054-00015922-00016031 back sL-aJbklolU-00055-00016032-00016251 when you think of rails do you think of sL-aJbklolU-00056-00016252-00016596 modular or monolithic there are many sL-aJbklolU-00057-00016597-00016779 people on Stack Overflow who complain sL-aJbklolU-00058-00016780-00016994 about CSRF not working and the common sL-aJbklolU-00059-00016995-00017211 advice to just is to just turn off CSRF sL-aJbklolU-00060-00017212-00017472 protection surely that by itself is sL-aJbklolU-00061-00017473-00017646 proof that people should only turn on sL-aJbklolU-00062-00017647-00017852 this feature when they need it sL-aJbklolU-00063-00017853-00018042 presumably whoever wrote this comment sL-aJbklolU-00064-00018043-00018252 also probably thinks that SSL breaks sL-aJbklolU-00065-00018253-00018450 things and show all of us should just sL-aJbklolU-00066-00018451-00018810 not verify our SSL Certificates when you sL-aJbklolU-00067-00018811-00019038 think of rails do you think of fast or sL-aJbklolU-00068-00019039-00019407 do you think of slow does your rails sL-aJbklolU-00069-00019408-00019575 application sometimes feel like it's sL-aJbklolU-00070-00019576-00020260 going at a bit of a leisurely sL-aJbklolU-00071-00020261-00020575 oh wait wait what's that sound sL-aJbklolU-00072-00020576-00020860 oh it's a plug oh I wrote a course about sL-aJbklolU-00073-00020861-00021028 fast roads applications oh it's at real sL-aJbklolU-00074-00021029-00021310 speed calm all right that's that's all sL-aJbklolU-00075-00021311-00021427 I'm gonna stop talking about and stop sL-aJbklolU-00076-00021428-00021811 talking about uno speed so my thesis sL-aJbklolU-00077-00021812-00022177 here is that although we have a lot of sL-aJbklolU-00078-00022178-00022465 negative mental associations sometimes I sL-aJbklolU-00079-00022466-00022723 think with rails I think it's actually a sL-aJbklolU-00080-00022724-00022795 lightweight sL-aJbklolU-00081-00022796-00023056 well architected and modular framework sL-aJbklolU-00082-00023057-00023251 for creating speedy web applications but sL-aJbklolU-00083-00023252-00023440 it just doesn't advertise itself that sL-aJbklolU-00084-00023441-00023731 way and I think a lot of this comes from sL-aJbklolU-00085-00023732-00024058 the way that our be DFL DHH talks about sL-aJbklolU-00086-00024059-00024343 rails in his keynote last year at sL-aJbklolU-00087-00024344-00024724 railsconf 2015 he described rails as a sL-aJbklolU-00088-00024725-00025063 kind of prepper backpack for doomsday sL-aJbklolU-00089-00025064-00025264 like he wanted to be able to rebuild sL-aJbklolU-00090-00025265-00025677 Basecamp by himself if all of the sL-aJbklolU-00091-00025679-00025864 internet you know went down and he only sL-aJbklolU-00092-00025864-00026089 had rails left he wants rails to be able sL-aJbklolU-00093-00026089-00026335 to do everything and to be able to sL-aJbklolU-00094-00026336-00026577 rebuild Basecamp with just everything sL-aJbklolU-00095-00026579-00026830 that comes in rails out of the box and sL-aJbklolU-00096-00026831-00027049 that's a very expansive vision that sL-aJbklolU-00097-00027050-00027315 that's not like oh I'm gonna do a one sL-aJbklolU-00098-00027316-00027574 line a one file Sinatra app and like sL-aJbklolU-00099-00027575-00027789 it's going to be cute in blog posts like sL-aJbklolU-00100-00027791-00028002 that sort of vision leads to a very sL-aJbklolU-00101-00028004-00028408 different perception of a web framework sL-aJbklolU-00102-00028408-00028651 then what other frameworks come to sL-aJbklolU-00103-00028652-00028945 advertises their simplicity or whatever sL-aJbklolU-00104-00028945-00029113 like that but that doesn't necessarily sL-aJbklolU-00105-00029114-00029410 mean that rails can't be simple or can't sL-aJbklolU-00106-00029411-00029629 be lightweight so what we're gonna do in sL-aJbklolU-00107-00029630-00029875 this talk is we're gonna take the file sL-aJbklolU-00108-00029876-00030133 structure and the the the boilerplate sL-aJbklolU-00109-00030133-00030400 that you get from a rails new command sL-aJbklolU-00110-00030401-00030633 line and we're gonna basically just hack sL-aJbklolU-00111-00030635-00030892 it all off until we get down to 140 sL-aJbklolU-00112-00030893-00031261 characters so the first thing we do sL-aJbklolU-00113-00031262-00031573 after we type rails new is we have to sL-aJbklolU-00114-00031574-00031740 add a controller our app has to actually sL-aJbklolU-00115-00031741-00031977 do something and so I'm gonna add a sL-aJbklolU-00116-00031979-00032173 hello world controller which is gonna sL-aJbklolU-00117-00032174-00032455 render hello world in plain text that's sL-aJbklolU-00118-00032456-00032599 the only thing I'm going to add to rails sL-aJbklolU-00119-00032600-00032767 new right and I've got to add a route sL-aJbklolU-00120-00032768-00032944 for this obviously and configure routes sL-aJbklolU-00121-00032945-00033462 d'Arby okay now at this point we have sL-aJbklolU-00122-00033463-00033646 433 lines of code sL-aJbklolU-00123-00033647-00033934 code generated by rails new and that sL-aJbklolU-00124-00033935-00034117 spread over 61 unique files that is a sL-aJbklolU-00125-00034118-00034477 lot and so that includes the yamo sL-aJbklolU-00126-00034478-00034705 configuration files generated all the sL-aJbklolU-00127-00034706-00035161 dot RB files the rack up file it does sL-aJbklolU-00128-00035162-00035362 not include blank lines or comments so sL-aJbklolU-00129-00035363-00035596 this is 433 lines that are actually sL-aJbklolU-00130-00035597-00035941 doing things so that's a lot to wrap sL-aJbklolU-00131-00035942-00036190 your head around step one is to just sL-aJbklolU-00132-00036191-00036420 delete all the empty folders and files sL-aJbklolU-00133-00036421-00036718 we get a lot of folders that are sL-aJbklolU-00134-00036719-00037021 generated by rails new a rails new that sL-aJbklolU-00135-00037022-00037207 just are empty and I have this get this sL-aJbklolU-00136-00037208-00037522 dot keep file to like force get to put sL-aJbklolU-00137-00037523-00037810 them into your source control but these sL-aJbklolU-00138-00037811-00038083 folders are otherwise empty and they're sL-aJbklolU-00139-00038084-00038344 just there to serve as a placeholder sL-aJbklolU-00140-00038345-00038593 that rails doesn't need these things to sL-aJbklolU-00141-00038594-00038845 boot up it doesn't need empty folders to sL-aJbklolU-00142-00038846-00039028 like start an application which seems sL-aJbklolU-00143-00039029-00039235 kind of obvious in retrospect but a lot sL-aJbklolU-00144-00039236-00039409 of people keep these folders around with sL-aJbklolU-00145-00039410-00039640 no intent of ever using them some of sL-aJbklolU-00146-00039641-00039856 them the more interesting ones here that sL-aJbklolU-00147-00039857-00040033 we're gonna delete entirely are the sL-aJbklolU-00148-00040034-00040315 entire Lib folder the entire log and sL-aJbklolU-00149-00040316-00040492 temp folder login temp will just be sL-aJbklolU-00150-00040493-00040774 recreated if rails needs them and the sL-aJbklolU-00151-00040775-00041020 entire vendor folder if we don't cuz sL-aJbklolU-00152-00041021-00041140 we're just doing a hello world sL-aJbklolU-00153-00041141-00041437 application so we don't need assets or sL-aJbklolU-00154-00041438-00041640 whether or not they come from our own sL-aJbklolU-00155-00041641-00042064 app or from some vendor we're also gonna sL-aJbklolU-00156-00042065-00042370 delete all the sort of like boilerplate sL-aJbklolU-00157-00042371-00042625 empty files that don't do anything a lot sL-aJbklolU-00158-00042626-00042874 of these files especially config sL-aJbklolU-00159-00042875-00043114 initializers a lot of these are just sL-aJbklolU-00160-00043115-00043336 blank with comments there's no actual sL-aJbklolU-00161-00043337-00043504 code in these they're just comments that sL-aJbklolU-00162-00043505-00043660 tell you hey you should think about some sL-aJbklolU-00163-00043661-00044104 such decision go do that and a lot of sL-aJbklolU-00164-00044105-00044254 these like application job or sL-aJbklolU-00165-00044255-00044410 application to help her are just blank sL-aJbklolU-00166-00044411-00044581 modules that don't do anything either sL-aJbklolU-00167-00044582-00044860 they're they're sigh there's signposts sL-aJbklolU-00168-00044861-00044974 that say hey you should put sL-aJbklolU-00169-00044975-00045154 such-and-such code here they don't sL-aJbklolU-00170-00045155-00045415 actually do anything functional same sL-aJbklolU-00171-00045416-00045550 thing with the public directory we can sL-aJbklolU-00172-00045551-00045948 delete the entire public directory the sL-aJbklolU-00173-00045949-00046303 files like five hundred HTML and 404 dot sL-aJbklolU-00174-00046304-00046414 HTML sL-aJbklolU-00175-00046415-00046660 when rails has a five hundred response sL-aJbklolU-00176-00046661-00046783 in the production environment and we'll sL-aJbklolU-00177-00046784-00047039 try to show the user 508 sL-aJbklolU-00178-00047040-00047258 EML if that file doesn't exist and you sL-aJbklolU-00179-00047259-00047531 have an owner in rails his behavior it sL-aJbklolU-00180-00047532-00047746 will just render a blank 500 response sL-aJbklolU-00181-00047747-00047879 which for our little hello world sL-aJbklolU-00182-00047880-00048174 application is totally fine sL-aJbklolU-00183-00048175-00048496 so my point here is that empty does not sL-aJbklolU-00184-00048497-00048686 equal worthless I think this is actually sL-aJbklolU-00185-00048687-00048935 one of the most important things that sL-aJbklolU-00186-00048936-00049212 rails new does is create all these empty sL-aJbklolU-00187-00049213-00049568 comment filled files because what it sL-aJbklolU-00188-00049569-00049711 does is it creates a common vocabulary sL-aJbklolU-00189-00049712-00050132 it says ok when I come to a new rails sL-aJbklolU-00190-00050133-00050342 application I will go to the app models sL-aJbklolU-00191-00050343-00050543 directory to find the model the domain sL-aJbklolU-00192-00050544-00050696 model like I know that that's where most sL-aJbklolU-00193-00050697-00050812 of the business logic is gonna happen sL-aJbklolU-00194-00050813-00051200 hopefully I know that the controllers sL-aJbklolU-00195-00051201-00051362 and all the HTTP related stuff is gonna sL-aJbklolU-00196-00051363-00051580 be in app controllers if I'm hacking sL-aJbklolU-00197-00051582-00051812 away in the view and I see like a jQuery sL-aJbklolU-00198-00051813-00051979 plug-in I know that that's probably sL-aJbklolU-00199-00051980-00052160 gonna be in vendor assets Java scripts sL-aJbklolU-00200-00052161-00052469 it just gives us this this common sL-aJbklolU-00201-00052470-00052649 starting place which which makes it so sL-aJbklolU-00202-00052650-00052919 easy for any company that works on sL-aJbklolU-00203-00052920-00053069 multiple rails applications or as sL-aJbklolU-00204-00053070-00053378 consultants like myself to go from rails sL-aJbklolU-00205-00053379-00053585 application to rails application and say sL-aJbklolU-00206-00053586-00053747 all right well I know pretty much how sL-aJbklolU-00207-00053748-00053897 this is organized because we have like sL-aJbklolU-00208-00053898-00054101 this default organization that we've all sL-aJbklolU-00209-00054102-00054409 sort of agreed upon by using rails new sL-aJbklolU-00210-00054410-00054698 we could hash out this problem every sL-aJbklolU-00211-00054699-00054875 time we started to do application but we sL-aJbklolU-00212-00054876-00055169 don't I didn't really realize how sL-aJbklolU-00213-00055170-00055364 important this was until I started doing sL-aJbklolU-00214-00055365-00055523 more work with JavaScript on the server sL-aJbklolU-00215-00055524-00055616 side sL-aJbklolU-00216-00055616-00055792 it's it's just like a free-for-all like sL-aJbklolU-00217-00055794-00056107 every different some frameworks don't sL-aJbklolU-00218-00056108-00056222 even tell you how to organize anything sL-aJbklolU-00219-00056223-00056522 so you know if you're using this is sL-aJbklolU-00220-00056523-00056704 especially true it seems to me in sL-aJbklolU-00221-00056705-00056917 electron applications or everyone just sL-aJbklolU-00222-00056919-00057055 sort of has their own folder structure sL-aJbklolU-00223-00057057-00057272 and each app kind of does things their sL-aJbklolU-00224-00057273-00057485 own different way in rails we don't have sL-aJbklolU-00225-00057486-00057694 that problem we just all have agreed sL-aJbklolU-00226-00057695-00057907 that well we're just going to not bike sL-aJbklolU-00227-00057908-00058085 on this and this is where how we're sL-aJbklolU-00228-00058086-00058403 gonna organize our applications step two sL-aJbklolU-00229-00058404-00058886 is to delete the entire app folder so sL-aJbklolU-00230-00058887-00059054 some of these are kind of obvious like sL-aJbklolU-00231-00059054-00059201 if our hello world application doesn't sL-aJbklolU-00232-00059202-00059363 need assets so I can just delete sL-aJbklolU-00233-00059364-00059701 application KS like actually cable I'm a sL-aJbklolU-00234-00059702-00059941 bit of a cord cutter so I don't use sL-aJbklolU-00235-00059942-00060209 action cable that was a tender love sL-aJbklolU-00236-00060210-00060429 phone it wasn't mine sL-aJbklolU-00237-00060430-00060717 don't need CSS it's more actually cable sL-aJbklolU-00238-00060719-00061003 stuff PD controllers we're gonna inline sL-aJbklolU-00239-00061004-00061189 so we're gonna move the actual sL-aJbklolU-00240-00061190-00061441 controller with stuff that matters into sL-aJbklolU-00241-00061441-00061738 config application dot RB and we're sL-aJbklolU-00242-00061739-00061948 gonna delete all the views and all the sL-aJbklolU-00243-00061949-00062125 models everything else in app so the sL-aJbklolU-00244-00062126-00062350 only part of app that we actually care sL-aJbklolU-00245-00062351-00062571 about in a HelloWorld application is sL-aJbklolU-00246-00062572-00062851 this part right the controller so I'm sL-aJbklolU-00247-00062852-00063180 eliminating application I'm eliminating sL-aJbklolU-00248-00063182-00063346 application controller that's just a sL-aJbklolU-00249-00063347-00063610 common useful pattern to have you should sL-aJbklolU-00250-00063611-00063780 usually have an application controller sL-aJbklolU-00251-00063782-00064104 that has common behavior between all of sL-aJbklolU-00252-00064105-00064348 your controller classes if you don't sL-aJbklolU-00253-00064349-00064462 that's fine you don't need an sL-aJbklolU-00254-00064463-00064726 application controller and in a one sL-aJbklolU-00255-00064727-00064870 controller application we definitely sL-aJbklolU-00256-00064871-00065257 don't so I'm just putting it at the sL-aJbklolU-00257-00065258-00065494 bottom of config application dot RB if sL-aJbklolU-00258-00065495-00065938 you I think Xavier nuria's talk just sL-aJbklolU-00259-00065939-00066109 talked before me in here is gonna be a sL-aJbklolU-00260-00066110-00066262 really good complement to this talk if sL-aJbklolU-00261-00066263-00066451 any of this stuff because I'm going too sL-aJbklolU-00262-00066452-00066604 fast here it's like well I don't know sL-aJbklolU-00263-00066605-00066913 why it's in config application dot RB he sL-aJbklolU-00264-00066914-00067078 talks about the entire boot process and sL-aJbklolU-00265-00067079-00067336 when this file gets loaded and why it's sL-aJbklolU-00266-00067337-00067612 important that I moved it here so it's sL-aJbklolU-00267-00067613-00067765 really confusing I would watch this talk sL-aJbklolU-00268-00067766-00068088 when that gets when that gets posted sL-aJbklolU-00269-00068089-00068305 step three is delete the entire bin sL-aJbklolU-00270-00068306-00068482 folder so this one's a little more sL-aJbklolU-00271-00068483-00068725 obvious I think the bin folder is just sL-aJbklolU-00272-00068726-00069052 full of a couple of useful things that sL-aJbklolU-00273-00069053-00069363 make rails development easier from a sL-aJbklolU-00274-00069364-00069637 developer's perspective two of these sL-aJbklolU-00275-00069638-00070045 files are just really simple like best sL-aJbklolU-00276-00070046-00070162 practices they don't really do anything sL-aJbklolU-00277-00070163-00070395 and that's been update and been set up sL-aJbklolU-00278-00070396-00070693 these are just examples scripts that are sL-aJbklolU-00279-00070694-00070957 just intended to say like hey successful sL-aJbklolU-00280-00070958-00071128 rails applications generally have a sL-aJbklolU-00281-00071129-00071488 setup script that sets up a develop sL-aJbklolU-00282-00071489-00071716 environment like it installs Redis and sL-aJbklolU-00283-00071717-00071848 Postgres and all the weird things that sL-aJbklolU-00284-00071849-00072097 your app needs and so a new developer sL-aJbklolU-00285-00072098-00072259 should just be able to run been set up sL-aJbklolU-00286-00072260-00072607 and then rails server and be done that's sL-aJbklolU-00287-00072608-00072946 just a best practice here's an example sL-aJbklolU-00288-00072947-00073117 so you don't need that file you can just sL-aJbklolU-00289-00073118-00073150 delete it sL-aJbklolU-00290-00073151-00073405 same with been update same thing then sL-aJbklolU-00291-00073406-00073662 the four other files here bin spring sL-aJbklolU-00292-00073663-00073902 Ben rake bin rails and bin bundle our sL-aJbklolU-00293-00073903-00074244 bin stubs water bin stubs bin stubs sL-aJbklolU-00294-00074245-00074655 basically just rap a gem executable in a sL-aJbklolU-00295-00074656-00074832 little bit of environment setup so sL-aJbklolU-00296-00074833-00075117 usually it means setting up the load sL-aJbklolU-00297-00075118-00075399 path with bundler or whatever it might sL-aJbklolU-00298-00075400-00075591 set a constant like it might say hey my sL-aJbklolU-00299-00075592-00075819 app lives in such-and-such a directory sL-aJbklolU-00300-00075820-00076134 now load the gem executable and that's sL-aJbklolU-00301-00076135-00076353 what that's what actually gets run when sL-aJbklolU-00302-00076354-00076542 we type rails servers it should be the sL-aJbklolU-00303-00076543-00077127 bin stub that gets run and in the if you sL-aJbklolU-00304-00077128-00077352 actually look at bin rails and bin rake sL-aJbklolU-00305-00077353-00077727 you'll see they also use spring so the sL-aJbklolU-00306-00077728-00078012 bin rails sets up a new application sL-aJbklolU-00307-00078013-00078213 process with spring then does what it sL-aJbklolU-00308-00078214-00078510 would normally go and do anyway we don't sL-aJbklolU-00309-00078511-00078741 need these what we can do instead is sL-aJbklolU-00310-00078742-00078924 because we're just all we want to do is sL-aJbklolU-00311-00078925-00079278 set up a little hello world server is to sL-aJbklolU-00312-00079279-00079572 use config dot are you directly and use sL-aJbklolU-00313-00079573-00079788 a command called rack up which comes sL-aJbklolU-00314-00079789-00080220 with the rack gem so rack up looks for a sL-aJbklolU-00315-00080221-00080457 config dot are you file in the current sL-aJbklolU-00316-00080458-00080748 directory and then it treats the sL-aJbklolU-00317-00080749-00081123 contents of config dot ru as the body of sL-aJbklolU-00318-00081124-00081477 a block inside this code so it thinks sL-aJbklolU-00319-00081478-00081861 app equals rack builder new contents sL-aJbklolU-00320-00081862-00082047 that's your config dot ru file and then sL-aJbklolU-00321-00082048-00082365 calls dot to app on it you can figure sL-aJbklolU-00322-00082366-00082569 out are you file in a generated rails sL-aJbklolU-00323-00082570-00082977 new application looks like this all rack sL-aJbklolU-00324-00082978-00083307 up files that's dot are used rack up and sL-aJbklolU-00325-00083308-00083820 in run and then some rack compatible sL-aJbklolU-00326-00083821-00084213 application if you don't know how rack sL-aJbklolU-00327-00084214-00084327 apps work I'm going to get to that in a sL-aJbklolU-00328-00084328-00084525 second but that's all you need to know sL-aJbklolU-00329-00084526-00084735 is we have to have it can we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00330-00084736-00084903 call rack up in the current directory sL-aJbklolU-00331-00084904-00085161 instead of rails server and it's gonna sL-aJbklolU-00332-00085162-00085386 execute config dot are you directly sL-aJbklolU-00333-00085387-00085536 which is basically what rails server was sL-aJbklolU-00334-00085537-00085677 doing anyway just with a lot of other sL-aJbklolU-00335-00085678-00085905 fancy add-ins that we don't need for our sL-aJbklolU-00336-00085906-00086202 little hello world server step four is sL-aJbklolU-00337-00086203-00086502 to start using only what we need of the sL-aJbklolU-00338-00086503-00086760 the actual functional components that sL-aJbklolU-00339-00086761-00087062 remain at this point sL-aJbklolU-00340-00087063-00087394 we're going to sew at the top of every sL-aJbklolU-00341-00087395-00087615 everyone's config application dot RB sL-aJbklolU-00342-00087616-00088079 you're gonna see require rails all and sL-aJbklolU-00343-00088080-00088347 what that does is loads up all the sL-aJbklolU-00344-00088348-00088659 different frameworks and rails the truth sL-aJbklolU-00345-00088660-00088965 is is that I think many applications sL-aJbklolU-00346-00088966-00089201 don't actually use all the components of sL-aJbklolU-00347-00089202-00089490 rails especially API only applications sL-aJbklolU-00348-00089491-00089732 or very simple ones like the one I'm sL-aJbklolU-00349-00089733-00089972 talking about today like a hello world sL-aJbklolU-00350-00089973-00090285 if you actually look at the rails all sL-aJbklolU-00351-00090286-00090585 file it looks like this I think this is sL-aJbklolU-00352-00090586-00090824 the entire the entirety of it I didn't sL-aJbklolU-00353-00090825-00091007 cut anything out here literally just sL-aJbklolU-00354-00091008-00091121 loops through all the different sL-aJbklolU-00355-00091122-00091410 framework components of rails requires sL-aJbklolU-00356-00091411-00091572 each of them and then we're done sL-aJbklolU-00357-00091573-00092006 so all I've done here is taking that out sL-aJbklolU-00358-00092007-00092265 of an array and then it line by line and sL-aJbklolU-00359-00092266-00092462 commented out the parts that we're not sL-aJbklolU-00360-00092463-00092630 gonna use we're literally just gonna use sL-aJbklolU-00361-00092631-00092790 action controller for this hello world sL-aJbklolU-00362-00092791-00092928 app I don't need a database sL-aJbklolU-00363-00092929-00093149 I don't need action view although action sL-aJbklolU-00364-00093150-00093480 view gets loaded anyway action mailer I sL-aJbklolU-00365-00093481-00093626 don't need it not gonna send any email sL-aJbklolU-00366-00093627-00093849 don't need active job definitely don't sL-aJbklolU-00367-00093850-00094155 need an action cable and I don't need sL-aJbklolU-00368-00094156-00094376 sprockets because I am a PA server so I sL-aJbklolU-00369-00094377-00094611 don't need to serve any assets or have sL-aJbklolU-00370-00094612-00095144 anything to do with assets so to give sL-aJbklolU-00371-00095145-00095324 you a little history lesson on even why sL-aJbklolU-00372-00095325-00095610 this is possible a gentleman named sL-aJbklolU-00373-00095611-00095847 Yehuda Katz who I think is here not in sL-aJbklolU-00374-00095848-00096044 this room I mean he's he's here he's sL-aJbklolU-00375-00096045-00096401 there hey you know so Wow okay so this sL-aJbklolU-00376-00096402-00096506 is the second time I've talked about sL-aJbklolU-00377-00096507-00096857 someone's framework in front of them so sL-aJbklolU-00378-00096858-00097430 in 2008 merb merged with rails who to sL-aJbklolU-00379-00097431-00097613 sacrifice his web framework at the altar sL-aJbklolU-00380-00097614-00097994 of rails and at the time he had said sL-aJbklolU-00381-00097995-00098207 rails will become more modular starting sL-aJbklolU-00382-00098208-00098361 with a rails core and including the sL-aJbklolU-00383-00098362-00098529 ability to opt in or out as specific sL-aJbklolU-00384-00098530-00098640 components this was sort of like a sL-aJbklolU-00385-00098641-00098829 hallmark of merb you couldn't do this sL-aJbklolU-00386-00098830-00099078 stuff in rails 2 it wasn't the this sL-aJbklolU-00387-00099079-00099267 modular structure that we have today but sL-aJbklolU-00388-00099268-00099498 that was the way Merv worked so when we sL-aJbklolU-00389-00099499-00099818 merged Merv into rails to get to the sL-aJbklolU-00390-00099819-00100071 rails 3 release that was a big part of sL-aJbklolU-00391-00100072-00100242 the work that was done was getting these sL-aJbklolU-00392-00100243-00100339 like sL-aJbklolU-00393-00100340-00100501 extracting these different framework sL-aJbklolU-00394-00100502-00100912 components now some people didn't like sL-aJbklolU-00395-00100913-00100999 this sL-aJbklolU-00396-00101000-00101271 Jeremy Ashe penis CoffeeScript author sL-aJbklolU-00397-00101272-00101530 had said on Twitter that all forward sL-aJbklolU-00398-00101531-00101686 progress stalled for nearly two years sL-aJbklolU-00399-00101687-00101923 it's still slower than rails two bundler sL-aJbklolU-00400-00101924-00102136 Genesis bundlers a nightmare nodejs one sL-aJbklolU-00401-00102137-00102391 you know case closed sL-aJbklolU-00402-00102392-00102532 thankfully that that doesn't seem to sL-aJbklolU-00403-00102533-00102643 have been the case in the four years sL-aJbklolU-00404-00102644-00103027 since he said that but I think it is it sL-aJbklolU-00405-00103028-00103303 is true that rails 3 wasn't really like sL-aJbklolU-00406-00103304-00103450 a feature release it was a it was a sL-aJbklolU-00407-00103451-00103654 release for cleaning the internals sL-aJbklolU-00408-00103655-00103825 making things easier for plug-in authors sL-aJbklolU-00409-00103826-00104071 and part of why I'm giving this talk is sL-aJbklolU-00410-00104072-00104476 I think a lot of the work that went into sL-aJbklolU-00411-00104477-00104719 rails 3 and this this modularity that's sL-aJbklolU-00412-00104720-00105049 been given to us isn't used enough or at sL-aJbklolU-00413-00105050-00105205 least we're not aware of it enough as a sL-aJbklolU-00414-00105206-00105721 rails developers so know this stuff so sL-aJbklolU-00415-00105722-00105942 that you who does work was not in vain sL-aJbklolU-00416-00105943-00106192 so the other thing we're gonna lead here sL-aJbklolU-00417-00106193-00106480 is our gem file the only thing we need sL-aJbklolU-00418-00106481-00106630 in our HelloWorld application is just sL-aJbklolU-00419-00106631-00106951 gem rails so we're just gonna get rid of sL-aJbklolU-00420-00106952-00107122 the gem file eventually to get down a sL-aJbklolU-00421-00107123-00107251 tweet size we're actually going to get sL-aJbklolU-00422-00107252-00107470 rid of bundler which is annoying but it sL-aJbklolU-00423-00107471-00107815 does you know technically work it's sL-aJbklolU-00424-00107816-00107983 important to know that that rails is sL-aJbklolU-00425-00107983-00108358 very conscientious I think of what goes sL-aJbklolU-00426-00108358-00108633 in the gem file and what goes into you sL-aJbklolU-00427-00108634-00108843 know the rails framework itself and sL-aJbklolU-00428-00108844-00109075 everything in the gem file is very much sL-aJbklolU-00429-00109076-00109315 a suggestion none of it is required to sL-aJbklolU-00430-00109316-00109573 get a rails server working none of it is sL-aJbklolU-00431-00109574-00109819 like official you know saying I guess sL-aJbklolU-00432-00109820-00109975 turbo links is officially sanctioned sL-aJbklolU-00433-00109976-00110047 right because it's in the rails sL-aJbklolU-00434-00110048-00110257 organization or whatever but none of it sL-aJbklolU-00435-00110258-00110470 is required you can you can get rid of sL-aJbklolU-00436-00110471-00110791 all of it if you want one area like that sL-aJbklolU-00437-00110792-00110971 you can you kind of saw this happen was sL-aJbklolU-00438-00110972-00111241 with with action cable someone suggested sL-aJbklolU-00439-00111242-00111384 during the development and the merge sL-aJbklolU-00440-00111385-00111568 like why don't we just make action cable sL-aJbklolU-00441-00111569-00111718 a gem and then put it in the default gem sL-aJbklolU-00442-00111719-00112083 file but DHH said I think action cable sL-aJbklolU-00443-00112084-00112335 and WebSockets is so important that it sL-aJbklolU-00444-00112336-00112555 needs to be in the main framework it's sL-aJbklolU-00445-00112556-00112734 too important to be just in the gem file sL-aJbklolU-00446-00112735-00112921 so there's a definite decision being sL-aJbklolU-00447-00112922-00113053 made here about what goes in the sL-aJbklolU-00448-00113054-00113239 framework and what goes in the gem file sL-aJbklolU-00449-00113240-00113559 and so when you look at that gem file sL-aJbklolU-00450-00113560-00113716 don't think that anything in there is sL-aJbklolU-00451-00113717-00114033 is something that you have to be using sL-aJbklolU-00452-00114033-00114280 we're also going to dump all of the sL-aJbklolU-00453-00114281-00114448 config files that we don't use anymore sL-aJbklolU-00454-00114449-00114721 because I just got rid of action cable sL-aJbklolU-00455-00114722-00114952 by not loading it instead of rails with sL-aJbklolU-00456-00114953-00115240 rails at all a real slash hole we're not sL-aJbklolU-00457-00115241-00115417 using active record anymore so I can sL-aJbklolU-00458-00115418-00115741 delete config database yeah no we're not sL-aJbklolU-00459-00115742-00116002 using Puma so I can get rid of Puma it sL-aJbklolU-00460-00116003-00116188 on RB and I'm not using spring so I can sL-aJbklolU-00461-00116189-00116563 get rid of spring dot RB then at this sL-aJbklolU-00462-00116564-00116733 point we've got like five files left and sL-aJbklolU-00463-00116734-00116998 now we just inline everything so we move sL-aJbklolU-00464-00116999-00117355 five files into one there are four very sL-aJbklolU-00465-00117356-00117568 important files here again sL-aJbklolU-00466-00117569-00117778 Xavier stalks really important here he sL-aJbklolU-00467-00117779-00117922 talked about why there there are four sL-aJbklolU-00468-00117923-00118054 different files for all this stuff and sL-aJbklolU-00469-00118055-00118293 why we don't enlighten them all into one sL-aJbklolU-00470-00118294-00118584 so we have boot dot RB environment RB sL-aJbklolU-00471-00118585-00118780 application are be in production dot RB sL-aJbklolU-00472-00118781-00118975 and we're just gonna put all of these in sL-aJbklolU-00473-00118976-00119140 the rack up file so they're all gonna go sL-aJbklolU-00474-00119141-00119419 into config dot are you and once you do sL-aJbklolU-00475-00119420-00119833 that it looks like this so this is what sL-aJbklolU-00476-00119833-00120082 I consider the smallest practical rails sL-aJbklolU-00477-00120083-00120469 application and we're gonna get to tweet sL-aJbklolU-00478-00120470-00120826 stupid lengths in a minute so let's walk sL-aJbklolU-00479-00120827-00120933 through this one line by line because I sL-aJbklolU-00480-00120934-00121158 think this is important to understand sL-aJbklolU-00481-00121158-00121447 we're gonna require the rail tie for sL-aJbklolU-00482-00121448-00121683 action controller we require the rail sL-aJbklolU-00483-00121684-00121876 tie and not action controller directly sL-aJbklolU-00484-00121877-00122080 because there's some stuff that happens sL-aJbklolU-00485-00122081-00122191 in the rail tie that we want to make sL-aJbklolU-00486-00122192-00122527 sure that actually gets run we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00487-00122528-00122800 define a application that inherits some sL-aJbklolU-00488-00122801-00123009 rails application this is this part sL-aJbklolU-00489-00123010-00123304 right here is exactly the same as it is sL-aJbklolU-00490-00123305-00123585 an application dot RB we have to define sL-aJbklolU-00491-00123586-00123781 a secret key I got rid of secret start sL-aJbklolU-00492-00123782-00124090 yeah Moe right so I have to define my sL-aJbklolU-00493-00124091-00124347 secret key as a as a config point sL-aJbklolU-00494-00124348-00124573 because this is a toy application I'm sL-aJbklolU-00495-00124574-00124699 just gonna set it to some meaningless sL-aJbklolU-00496-00124700-00125005 string you obviously have to do that for sL-aJbklolU-00497-00125006-00125401 real in a real application and then I've sL-aJbklolU-00498-00125402-00125499 inlined sL-aJbklolU-00499-00125500-00125791 config routes dot RB inside of my sL-aJbklolU-00500-00125792-00126001 application definition so normally in at sL-aJbklolU-00501-00126002-00126244 the top of config route set RB I think sL-aJbklolU-00502-00126245-00126601 it says rails application routes draw so sL-aJbklolU-00503-00126602-00126834 we're just doing that here inside of the sL-aJbklolU-00504-00126835-00127026 application itself sL-aJbklolU-00505-00127027-00127263 finally I've got the controller at the sL-aJbklolU-00506-00127264-00127541 bottom of the file here and I have to sL-aJbklolU-00507-00127542-00127733 call initialize on Rails application sL-aJbklolU-00508-00127734-00128019 this runs all the initializers and all sL-aJbklolU-00509-00128020-00128418 the hooks in rail ties and finally every sL-aJbklolU-00510-00128419-00128577 like I said every rack up file is going sL-aJbklolU-00511-00128578-00128891 to end in run some rack compatible sL-aJbklolU-00512-00128892-00129156 application so this is the smallest sL-aJbklolU-00513-00129157-00129404 practical rails application for all sL-aJbklolU-00514-00129405-00130979 intents and purposes beautiful I know it sL-aJbklolU-00515-00130980-00131382 really is a work of art but there's a sL-aJbklolU-00516-00131383-00131598 lot happening here even though this is sL-aJbklolU-00517-00131599-00131868 like a ten line rails application you're sL-aJbklolU-00518-00131869-00132068 still running if you even if you just sL-aJbklolU-00519-00132069-00132312 required rails all at the top you're sL-aJbklolU-00520-00132313-00132690 running dozens of initializers tons of sL-aJbklolU-00521-00132691-00132900 features are still in this rails sL-aJbklolU-00522-00132901-00133101 application even though it's ten or sL-aJbklolU-00523-00133102-00133326 twelve lines or whatever the most though sL-aJbklolU-00524-00133327-00133464 where you I think you can see this the sL-aJbklolU-00525-00133465-00133734 most is in the middleware stack so there sL-aJbklolU-00526-00133735-00133902 is a stack of rack middleware sL-aJbklolU-00527-00133903-00134148 that each request passes through before sL-aJbklolU-00528-00134149-00134427 it even gets to your router there was a sL-aJbklolU-00529-00134428-00134565 talk this morning about rack middleware sL-aJbklolU-00530-00134566-00134816 and more about how that works all you sL-aJbklolU-00531-00134817-00134922 gonna know is basically there are things sL-aJbklolU-00532-00134923-00135351 that wrap your application and like that sL-aJbklolU-00533-00135352-00135552 they get are like filters for for the sL-aJbklolU-00534-00135553-00135732 requests so first the request goes sL-aJbklolU-00535-00135733-00135837 through this middleware and then that sL-aJbklolU-00536-00135838-00135933 one then that one then that one and so sL-aJbklolU-00537-00135934-00136107 on and so forth at the very bottom here sL-aJbklolU-00538-00136108-00136529 is where we call the router or they gets sL-aJbklolU-00539-00136530-00136869 passed off to the router and all these sL-aJbklolU-00540-00136870-00137097 middleware do something so as some sL-aJbklolU-00541-00137098-00137400 examples here action dispatch request ID sL-aJbklolU-00542-00137401-00137709 adds a unique ID header to every request sL-aJbklolU-00543-00137710-00138024 rack runtime adds a runtime header that sL-aJbklolU-00544-00138025-00138284 says this request took X amount of time sL-aJbklolU-00545-00138285-00138600 remote IP protects you from IP spoofing sL-aJbklolU-00546-00138601-00138999 attacks we have cookies and session sL-aJbklolU-00547-00139000-00139266 store we have the flash middleware that sL-aJbklolU-00548-00139267-00139541 runs the flash hash and then we have sL-aJbklolU-00549-00139542-00139863 some middleware here at the end for HTTP sL-aJbklolU-00550-00139864-00140118 caching so all these middleware are all sL-aJbklolU-00551-00140119-00140256 doing things that you didn't have to sL-aJbklolU-00552-00140257-00140367 configure any of them they're just sL-aJbklolU-00553-00140368-00140835 the default rails middleware stack some sL-aJbklolU-00554-00140836-00140991 of these can be eliminated now in rails sL-aJbklolU-00555-00140992-00141339 5 we have this new config point called sL-aJbklolU-00556-00141340-00141648 API only if you set this to true it'll sL-aJbklolU-00557-00141649-00141945 remove the session based middleware down sL-aJbklolU-00558-00141946-00142164 here I think it removes some more it's sL-aJbklolU-00559-00142165-00142524 sort of like the it's sort of similar to sL-aJbklolU-00560-00142525-00142932 when you call rails new - - API like one sL-aJbklolU-00561-00142933-00143079 of the things it's gonna do is set API sL-aJbklolU-00562-00143080-00143364 only equal to true you can also delete sL-aJbklolU-00563-00143365-00143721 middleware on your own so if all of this sL-aJbklolU-00564-00143722-00143922 sort of boilerplate doesn't appeal to sL-aJbklolU-00565-00143923-00144000 you whoops sL-aJbklolU-00566-00144001-00144147 all this boilerplate doesn't appeal to sL-aJbklolU-00567-00144148-00144345 you you can just delete each middleware sL-aJbklolU-00568-00144346-00144495 that you don't your application doesn't sL-aJbklolU-00569-00144496-00144824 use on its own now why would you do that sL-aJbklolU-00570-00144825-00145122 middleware are not free each one of sL-aJbklolU-00571-00145123-00145497 these is gonna cost some time it's not sL-aJbklolU-00572-00145498-00145653 it's not zero sL-aJbklolU-00573-00145654-00145896 and some of them are gonna use some sL-aJbklolU-00574-00145897-00146096 slower features of Ruby like block call sL-aJbklolU-00575-00146097-00146436 and when there's 20 of them here that sL-aJbklolU-00576-00146437-00146610 does start to add up and I'm gonna talk sL-aJbklolU-00577-00146611-00146933 a little bit more about that in a second sL-aJbklolU-00578-00146934-00147267 here's another hidden rails modularity sL-aJbklolU-00579-00147268-00147417 feature as we're trying to strip down sL-aJbklolU-00580-00147418-00147633 our app even further there's a little sL-aJbklolU-00581-00147634-00147801 class called action controller metal sL-aJbklolU-00582-00147802-00148074 which is pretty cool actually controller sL-aJbklolU-00583-00148075-00148362 base inherits from this class inherits sL-aJbklolU-00584-00148363-00148602 from action controller metal and all sL-aJbklolU-00585-00148603-00148875 action controller base is is action sL-aJbklolU-00586-00148876-00149181 controller metal plus a ton of modules sL-aJbklolU-00587-00149182-00149442 like 50 modules like like a ton of sL-aJbklolU-00588-00149443-00149790 modules these are just some of them like sL-aJbklolU-00589-00149791-00150150 cookies strong parameters force SSL etc sL-aJbklolU-00590-00150151-00150447 etc if all these things don't really sL-aJbklolU-00591-00150448-00151134 mean anything to you sL-aJbklolU-00592-00151135-00151470 that's okay and it's kind of intended sL-aJbklolU-00593-00151471-00151753 but if you do feel like you want to dig sL-aJbklolU-00594-00151754-00151930 into how actioncontroller base works a sL-aJbklolU-00595-00151931-00152098 little bit more if the idea of a thin sL-aJbklolU-00596-00152099-00152359 controller appeals to you sL-aJbklolU-00597-00152360-00152542 you can inherit directly from action sL-aJbklolU-00598-00152543-00152731 control or metal and build your own sL-aJbklolU-00599-00152732-00153151 controller so even the render method is sL-aJbklolU-00600-00153152-00153373 actually factored out into its own sL-aJbklolU-00601-00153374-00153559 module so if you inherit from a extra sL-aJbklolU-00602-00153560-00153742 controller metal basically like the only sL-aJbklolU-00603-00153743-00153901 thing you can do is work with the rack sL-aJbklolU-00604-00153902-00154081 response directly and say okay the sL-aJbklolU-00605-00154082-00154327 response body is this you can't even sL-aJbklolU-00606-00154328-00154609 call render at this point so like this sL-aJbklolU-00607-00154610-00154771 isn't a hundred percent equivalent to sL-aJbklolU-00608-00154772-00154906 our to our hello world application sL-aJbklolU-00609-00154907-00155065 because this won't set the correct sL-aJbklolU-00610-00155066-00155536 content type but you can basically start sL-aJbklolU-00611-00155537-00155770 here and then just start including all sL-aJbklolU-00612-00155771-00155944 the different action controller modules sL-aJbklolU-00613-00155945-00156100 that you need for this particular sL-aJbklolU-00614-00156101-00156535 controller and here's another part where sL-aJbklolU-00615-00156536-00156658 I blow your mind all controllers are sL-aJbklolU-00616-00156659-00157021 actually just rack apps so this is our sL-aJbklolU-00617-00157022-00157366 controller and we can just run that sL-aJbklolU-00618-00157367-00157546 controller in our racket file as if it sL-aJbklolU-00619-00157547-00157813 was a complete application the dot sL-aJbklolU-00620-00157814-00158119 action method takes a symbol which sL-aJbklolU-00621-00158120-00158455 corresponds to an action and we can run sL-aJbklolU-00622-00158456-00158821 the dot call method on this object sL-aJbklolU-00623-00158822-00159013 that's returned by this and it's just sL-aJbklolU-00624-00159014-00159361 it's just a rack application okay so now sL-aJbklolU-00625-00159362-00159505 we can talk about rack applications rack sL-aJbklolU-00626-00159506-00159781 applications racks it's between rails sL-aJbklolU-00627-00159782-00160006 and your webserver rack is like the sL-aJbklolU-00628-00160007-00160216 common language that web servers and sL-aJbklolU-00629-00160217-00160447 rails speak this is what allows you to sL-aJbklolU-00630-00160448-00160762 use pomo web brick thin all between and sL-aJbklolU-00631-00160763-00160897 without having to change any of your sL-aJbklolU-00632-00160898-00161212 code because rails just speaks rack and sL-aJbklolU-00633-00161213-00161506 the web server bindings all just speak sL-aJbklolU-00634-00161507-00161647 rack as well so that they have like a sL-aJbklolU-00635-00161648-00161962 common interface right and that sL-aJbklolU-00636-00161963-00162238 interface is a ract application a rack sL-aJbklolU-00637-00162239-00162475 application is just an object that sL-aJbklolU-00638-00162476-00162754 responds to call and returns an array of sL-aJbklolU-00639-00162755-00163141 three values the first one is the HTTP sL-aJbklolU-00640-00163142-00163330 status code the second one is a hash sL-aJbklolU-00641-00163331-00163501 this slide is wrong it's not array the sL-aJbklolU-00642-00163502-00163651 second one is a hash which is the rack sL-aJbklolU-00643-00163652-00163975 end or environment hash and the second sL-aJbklolU-00644-00163976-00164071 one is sL-aJbklolU-00645-00164072-00164359 the body which I think has to respond to sL-aJbklolU-00646-00164360-00164659 the each method so usually our responses sL-aJbklolU-00647-00164660-00164881 are gonna be a race because they have to sL-aJbklolU-00648-00164882-00165462 respond to da teach so our actually our sL-aJbklolU-00649-00165463-00165634 controller is just by themselves our sL-aJbklolU-00650-00165635-00165882 rack applications and when the router sL-aJbklolU-00651-00165883-00166215 the rails router is basically working sL-aJbklolU-00652-00166216-00166384 with your rails application it kind of sL-aJbklolU-00653-00166385-00166773 doesn't know that each end point are you sL-aJbklolU-00654-00166774-00167036 when you call get hello hello index a sL-aJbklolU-00655-00167037-00167253 rails controller is basically sL-aJbklolU-00656-00167254-00167509 functionally the same to it as any other sL-aJbklolU-00657-00167510-00167679 rack application which allows you to do sL-aJbklolU-00658-00167680-00168012 some kind of cool things you can send sL-aJbklolU-00659-00168013-00168252 routes to Sinatra applications because sL-aJbklolU-00660-00168253-00168384 it's a natural applications our rack sL-aJbklolU-00661-00168385-00168690 applications as far as I know hanami / sL-aJbklolU-00662-00168691-00168936 Lotus is also a rack application so you sL-aJbklolU-00663-00168937-00169222 could just mount a Lotus application sL-aJbklolU-00664-00169223-00169483 Honami applications inside of rails you sL-aJbklolU-00665-00169484-00169696 can also route route directly to procs sL-aJbklolU-00666-00169697-00170097 which is kind of crazy because they are sL-aJbklolU-00667-00170098-00170310 rack applications that respond to call sL-aJbklolU-00668-00170311-00170719 etc etc so which we're gonna use that in sL-aJbklolU-00669-00170720-00170760 a minute sL-aJbklolU-00670-00170761-00170901 well we could use that in a minute we sL-aJbklolU-00671-00170902-00171070 could make our hello world application sL-aJbklolU-00672-00171071-00171343 even simpler right by just routing sL-aJbklolU-00673-00171344-00171544 directly to a proc rather than even sL-aJbklolU-00674-00171545-00171970 bothering with a controller if that sL-aJbklolU-00675-00171971-00172108 actually controller metal and all that sL-aJbklolU-00676-00172109-00172251 stuff sounds interesting to you but like sL-aJbklolU-00677-00172252-00172359 you don't want to start from zero sL-aJbklolU-00678-00172360-00172566 there's this cool method it's kind of sL-aJbklolU-00679-00172567-00172689 hard to read I'm sorry it's kind of sL-aJbklolU-00680-00172690-00173008 small action controller base dot without sL-aJbklolU-00681-00173009-00173310 modules dot each and then you give it a sL-aJbklolU-00682-00173311-00173610 block you can basically start with sL-aJbklolU-00683-00173611-00173794 action controller it'll give you a list sL-aJbklolU-00684-00173795-00174022 of modules - the ones you don't want so sL-aJbklolU-00685-00174023-00174213 we're saying every module and action sL-aJbklolU-00686-00174214-00174477 controller base - params wrapper and sL-aJbklolU-00687-00174478-00174699 streaming include all those so you can sL-aJbklolU-00688-00174700-00175057 kind of start from the mat like all the sL-aJbklolU-00689-00175058-00175197 action controller based modules instead sL-aJbklolU-00690-00175198-00175362 of starting from zero and including them sL-aJbklolU-00691-00175363-00175890 one at a time okay finally when it comes sL-aJbklolU-00692-00175891-00176115 to - modularity I think it's important sL-aJbklolU-00693-00176116-00176352 to know that not all models need be sL-aJbklolU-00694-00176353-00176541 active record you can put anything you sL-aJbklolU-00695-00176542-00176709 want in the models folder actually it sL-aJbklolU-00696-00176710-00176835 doesn't have to inherit from active sL-aJbklolU-00697-00176836-00177193 record base active record base is just a sL-aJbklolU-00698-00177194-00177370 class that sL-aJbklolU-00699-00177371-00177626 like action contraction controller metal sL-aJbklolU-00700-00177627-00177871 just includes or extends a bunch of sL-aJbklolU-00701-00177872-00178093 other modules that's literally it if you sL-aJbklolU-00702-00178094-00178336 look at the based on RB wherever it is sL-aJbklolU-00703-00178337-00178590 in active record code and it's not any sL-aJbklolU-00704-00178591-00178785 more complicated than that sL-aJbklolU-00705-00178786-00179202 so whatever is in your models folder it sL-aJbklolU-00706-00179203-00179395 doesn't have to inherit from active sL-aJbklolU-00707-00179396-00179604 record base there's tons of cool stuff sL-aJbklolU-00708-00179605-00179841 in active model which can make your sL-aJbklolU-00709-00179842-00180097 plane Ruby objects sort of walk and sL-aJbklolU-00710-00180098-00180313 quack like an active record base object sL-aJbklolU-00711-00180314-00180475 but not actually have to do anything sL-aJbklolU-00712-00180476-00180757 with persistence or a database so check sL-aJbklolU-00713-00180758-00180973 out active model for a way of sL-aJbklolU-00714-00180974-00181152 modularizing your rails applications sL-aJbklolU-00715-00181153-00181525 even further so like I said I said I was sL-aJbklolU-00716-00181526-00181602 going to talk about the performance sL-aJbklolU-00717-00181603-00181929 story so here's what it is if you're a sL-aJbklolU-00718-00181930-00182146 rails application is like not doing sL-aJbklolU-00719-00182147-00182376 anything meaningful or is an API only sL-aJbklolU-00720-00182377-00182632 application which is not using several sL-aJbklolU-00721-00182633-00182952 of the main components of rails if you sL-aJbklolU-00722-00182953-00183153 don't require all the parts of the rails sL-aJbklolU-00723-00183154-00183481 framework you can save some memory so if sL-aJbklolU-00724-00183482-00183738 you don't require for example sprockets sL-aJbklolU-00725-00183739-00183895 I think you can save like 10 megabytes sL-aJbklolU-00726-00183896-00184138 of memory per process which is like not sL-aJbklolU-00727-00184139-00184326 small potatoes I mean like when that sL-aJbklolU-00728-00184327-00184652 across four processes in a typical sL-aJbklolU-00729-00184653-00184888 server like that adds up a little bit sL-aJbklolU-00730-00184889-00185229 and if you start eating getting rid of sL-aJbklolU-00731-00185230-00185451 logging middleware you can save a couple sL-aJbklolU-00732-00185452-00185824 of milliseconds per request so that when sL-aJbklolU-00733-00185825-00185995 I talked about config dot middleware dot sL-aJbklolU-00734-00185996-00186259 delete some of those if you delete half sL-aJbklolU-00735-00186260-00186418 a dozen of them you can shave some sL-aJbklolU-00736-00186419-00186646 milliseconds off you're off your request sL-aJbklolU-00737-00186647-00187024 time they're not really that big of a sL-aJbklolU-00738-00187025-00187258 gain obviously I mean most rails servers sL-aJbklolU-00739-00187259-00187522 are 100 millisecond response times right sL-aJbklolU-00740-00187523-00187759 so shaving 6 milliseconds 10 sL-aJbklolU-00741-00187760-00187914 milliseconds off it's probably not a big sL-aJbklolU-00742-00187915-00188038 deal to you unless you're at github sL-aJbklolU-00743-00188039-00188332 scale and like you have an average sL-aJbklolU-00744-00188333-00188548 response time of 50 milliseconds and so sL-aJbklolU-00745-00188549-00188800 that's like 10% like awesome great I sL-aJbklolU-00746-00188801-00188998 think the performance story here is sL-aJbklolU-00747-00188999-00189303 really not as interesting as the sL-aJbklolU-00748-00189304-00189463 modularity story and the code sL-aJbklolU-00749-00189464-00189736 organization story so in general I just sL-aJbklolU-00750-00189737-00189886 want you to realize that framework code sL-aJbklolU-00751-00189887-00190075 is nowhere near as important as sL-aJbklolU-00752-00190076-00190389 application code rails is not slow your sL-aJbklolU-00753-00190390-00190582 application is slow the way you use sL-aJbklolU-00754-00190583-00190721 rails is slow sL-aJbklolU-00755-00190722-00191186 but you're you're not starting from from sL-aJbklolU-00756-00191187-00191473 a you know a five yard sL-aJbklolU-00757-00191474-00191672 what's what the opposite of a head start sL-aJbklolU-00758-00191673-00191902 you're not starting a negative here sL-aJbklolU-00759-00191903-00192122 you're starting with at the same level sL-aJbklolU-00760-00192123-00192344 that pretty much everyone else is and sL-aJbklolU-00761-00192345-00192560 it's the application that's everything sL-aJbklolU-00762-00192561-00192761 that comes after rails new that makes an sL-aJbklolU-00763-00192762-00192877 application slow sL-aJbklolU-00764-00192878-00193249 okay now the insanity that's cold golf sL-aJbklolU-00765-00193250-00193508 so this is the application as we left it sL-aJbklolU-00766-00193509-00193765 last this is the sort of the smallest sL-aJbklolU-00767-00193766-00193961 practical rails application that makes sL-aJbklolU-00768-00193962-00194345 any sense and here's the world's sL-aJbklolU-00769-00194346-00195728 smallest rails application sL-aJbklolU-00770-00195729-00195999 amazing beautiful no here's what it sL-aJbklolU-00771-00196000-00196290 actually is so this is a shell command sL-aJbklolU-00772-00196291-00196548 we're gonna call rack up we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00773-00196549-00196908 pass rack up a - our option which is sL-aJbklolU-00774-00196909-00197046 gonna require a library we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00775-00197047-00197204 require actioncontroller railtie and sL-aJbklolU-00776-00197205-00197514 then the - B option is basically saying sL-aJbklolU-00777-00197515-00197775 okay this string is config dot ru it's sL-aJbklolU-00778-00197776-00197838 the same thing sL-aJbklolU-00779-00197839-00198051 I think - B actually stands for builder sL-aJbklolU-00780-00198052-00198282 as in rack builder and then we're gonna sL-aJbklolU-00781-00198283-00198425 give it a string that's I like our sL-aJbklolU-00782-00198426-00198884 config doubt ru we're going to run a sL-aJbklolU-00783-00198885-00199233 anonymous class which inherits from sL-aJbklolU-00784-00199234-00199560 rails application and then this block sL-aJbklolU-00785-00199561-00199794 here is the body of the class we still sL-aJbklolU-00786-00199795-00199959 have to set a secret key base I don't sL-aJbklolU-00787-00199960-00200136 know why because I'm like not using any sL-aJbklolU-00788-00200137-00200343 secret key base related things like sL-aJbklolU-00789-00200344-00200636 sessions here's a little code golf trick sL-aJbklolU-00790-00200637-00200979 this question mark X is the same thing sL-aJbklolU-00791-00200980-00201237 as quote X quote is just one character sL-aJbklolU-00792-00201238-00201579 less I think that's that's only there sL-aJbklolU-00793-00201580-00201813 for historical reasons cuz like Ruby 1/8 sL-aJbklolU-00794-00201814-00201975 had this weird thing where like if you sL-aJbklolU-00795-00201976-00202233 did question mark X it like returned a sL-aJbklolU-00796-00202234-00202407 number like it returned the ASCII code sL-aJbklolU-00797-00202408-00202569 or whatever and they couldn't get rid of sL-aJbklolU-00798-00202570-00202731 that so they made it return a letter sL-aJbklolU-00799-00202732-00203013 instead so anyway it doesn't matter sL-aJbklolU-00800-00203014-00203145 because we just can't we just want to sL-aJbklolU-00801-00203146-00203298 set config secret key base to like sL-aJbklolU-00802-00203299-00203579 something that makes real shut up this sL-aJbklolU-00803-00203580-00203816 is very insecure don't do this but this sL-aJbklolU-00804-00203817-00203973 is a toy application so it's fine and sL-aJbklolU-00805-00203974-00204195 then we call dot initialize on it to run sL-aJbklolU-00806-00204196-00204410 all the rail ties and set up the the sL-aJbklolU-00807-00204411-00204744 rails application and this application sL-aJbklolU-00808-00204745-00204909 doesn't actually do anything sL-aJbklolU-00809-00204910-00205187 it's 404s as a service because there's sL-aJbklolU-00810-00205188-00205304 no routes sL-aJbklolU-00811-00205305-00205548 so all this rails application can do is sL-aJbklolU-00812-00205548-00205742 serve empty 404 responses but it is a sL-aJbklolU-00813-00205744-00206269 rails application yeah sL-aJbklolU-00814-00206271-00206607 and it fits in a tweet you could make it sL-aJbklolU-00815-00206608-00207087 a useful quote-unquote useful by by sL-aJbklolU-00816-00207088-00207494 adding routes draw you know to some proc sL-aJbklolU-00817-00207496-00207627 here but then you would just have an sL-aJbklolU-00818-00207628-00207879 application that you know serve 200 sL-aJbklolU-00819-00207880-00208356 responses instead of 404s so is this sL-aJbklolU-00820-00208357-00208631 even practical mate well no not really sL-aJbklolU-00821-00208632-00208889 there's two practical applications I can sL-aJbklolU-00822-00208890-00209187 think of for rails applications that fit sL-aJbklolU-00823-00209188-00209516 in a file or probably not a tweet test sL-aJbklolU-00824-00209517-00209733 Suites for gem slash engines I think sL-aJbklolU-00825-00209734-00210198 plenty of gems need a way to test with a sL-aJbklolU-00826-00210198-00210492 live rails application sometimes people sL-aJbklolU-00827-00210492-00210692 just do rails new inside of their test sL-aJbklolU-00828-00210694-00210848 suite directory which ends up cream sL-aJbklolU-00829-00210850-00211019 that's like huge you know four hundred sL-aJbklolU-00830-00211021-00211209 line monstrosity which is longer than sL-aJbklolU-00831-00211210-00211425 their entire test suite you don't need sL-aJbklolU-00832-00211426-00211619 to do that you can just use our one line sL-aJbklolU-00833-00211619-00211878 rails application and it's going to be sL-aJbklolU-00834-00211879-00212021 functionally the same as a real rails sL-aJbklolU-00835-00212023-00212423 application so we use that technique in sL-aJbklolU-00836-00212425-00212673 the Raven ruby gem which I maintain sL-aJbklolU-00837-00212673-00212973 that's the Ruby client for the century sL-aJbklolU-00838-00212973-00213306 error notification service and I think sL-aJbklolU-00839-00213307-00213558 every rails or every ruby gem that needs sL-aJbklolU-00840-00213559-00213657 to test against a rails application sL-aJbklolU-00841-00213658-00213933 should be using a similar approach and sL-aJbklolU-00842-00213934-00214227 also for API only applications I'm not sL-aJbklolU-00843-00214228-00214521 the kind of guy that does like single sL-aJbklolU-00844-00214521-00214728 page applications it only uses my my sL-aJbklolU-00845-00214729-00215058 rails server as like a back-end for my sL-aJbklolU-00846-00215059-00215331 angular app or whatever but if you are sL-aJbklolU-00847-00215332-00215594 and you're not rendering HTML responses sL-aJbklolU-00848-00215596-00215826 maybe your rails application doesn't sL-aJbklolU-00849-00215827-00215985 have anything to do with assets and all sL-aJbklolU-00850-00215986-00216159 the assets are handled by nginx or sL-aJbklolU-00851-00216160-00216417 whatever there's a lot of the the rails sL-aJbklolU-00852-00216417-00216671 framework that you cannot load sprockets sL-aJbklolU-00853-00216673-00216825 an active record of the most important sL-aJbklolU-00854-00216826-00217223 ones as far as memory goes and not sL-aJbklolU-00855-00217225-00217332 loading those parts of the rails sL-aJbklolU-00856-00217333-00217512 framework will save you some a little sL-aJbklolU-00857-00217513-00217800 bit of memory and it will save you some sL-aJbklolU-00858-00217801-00217941 head space of not having to think about sL-aJbklolU-00859-00217942-00218250 these components in in your global sL-aJbklolU-00860-00218251-00218390 namespace sL-aJbklolU-00861-00218391-00218594 but the reality is is that most sL-aJbklolU-00862-00218596-00218826 applications need 80% of what rails sL-aJbklolU-00863-00218827-00219271 provides and so you know when you see sL-aJbklolU-00864-00219273-00219477 Sinatra and Snatchers like require sL-aJbklolU-00865-00219478-00219709 Sinatra get sL-aJbklolU-00866-00219710-00219927 /do and and all that and that's really sL-aJbklolU-00867-00219928-00220198 nice you know the reality is is that an sL-aJbklolU-00868-00220200-00220503 application that you get that you could sL-aJbklolU-00869-00220504-00220757 get paid to work on every day is gonna sL-aJbklolU-00870-00220758-00221016 need about 80% or more of all these sL-aJbklolU-00871-00221017-00221166 things that get provided for us in the sL-aJbklolU-00872-00221167-00221534 rails framework so while it may not win sL-aJbklolU-00873-00221535-00221885 any blog post beauty contests I think sL-aJbklolU-00874-00221886-00222056 the way that rails new is set up is sL-aJbklolU-00875-00222057-00222433 actually the way that most of us would sL-aJbklolU-00876-00222434-00222710 minimizes the work for the mote for the sL-aJbklolU-00877-00222711-00223128 majority of applications and so rails is sL-aJbklolU-00878-00223129-00223453 modular you just maybe never needed it sL-aJbklolU-00879-00223454-00223725 so your homework today sL-aJbklolU-00880-00223726-00224073 try not using rails /all in your rails sL-aJbklolU-00881-00224073-00224250 application try loading the parts of the sL-aJbklolU-00882-00224251-00224594 framework that you need to actually test sL-aJbklolU-00883-00224596-00224771 to see if this makes any difference to sL-aJbklolU-00884-00224773-00225071 you I suggest using derailed benchmarks sL-aJbklolU-00885-00225073-00225276 it has a little tool that will help you sL-aJbklolU-00886-00225277-00225644 see how much memory you're using on sL-aJbklolU-00887-00225646-00225884 startup so when you're not requiring sL-aJbklolU-00888-00225885-00226017 these parts of the framework right you sL-aJbklolU-00889-00226017-00226323 want to see that number go down its sL-aJbklolU-00890-00226323-00226521 author Richard Stevens right here in the sL-aJbklolU-00891-00226521-00226851 front row and also if you're thinking sL-aJbklolU-00892-00226852-00227091 about deleting middleware to save some sL-aJbklolU-00893-00227092-00227360 response time you can use Apache bench sL-aJbklolU-00894-00227361-00227696 that's a B to pound your application sL-aJbklolU-00895-00227698-00227865 with a tons of requests per second and sL-aJbklolU-00896-00227866-00228071 see if it's actually improving those sL-aJbklolU-00897-00228073-00228359 times consider actioncontroller metal sL-aJbklolU-00898-00228360-00228627 and active model just take a look at sL-aJbklolU-00899-00228628-00228848 those those classes in the rails sL-aJbklolU-00900-00228850-00228983 codebase and see if there's any way that sL-aJbklolU-00901-00228984-00229223 you can simplify your models or sL-aJbklolU-00902-00229225-00229398 controllers maybe you're using all these sL-aJbklolU-00903-00229398-00229539 features that you don't actually need sL-aJbklolU-00904-00229540-00229856 and then the next time you may be maybe sL-aJbklolU-00905-00229857-00229982 the next time you reach her you would sL-aJbklolU-00906-00229983-00230271 reach for Sinatra next time you would sL-aJbklolU-00907-00230271-00230579 reach for Cuba or some other simple Ruby sL-aJbklolU-00908-00230580-00230826 framework try just starting from a one sL-aJbklolU-00909-00230827-00230994 line rails application and see where sL-aJbklolU-00910-00230994-00231414 that gets you instead so this talk is sL-aJbklolU-00911-00231415-00231623 available in the form of a github repo sL-aJbklolU-00912-00231623-00231978 if I skipped if or if I went fast to any sL-aJbklolU-00913-00231979-00232154 parts and you want to know okay how do I sL-aJbklolU-00914-00232155-00232416 get from rails new to a tweet it's sL-aJbklolU-00915-00232417-00232617 available here in the form of a commit sL-aJbklolU-00916-00232617-00232856 log so if you it'll this if you go to sL-aJbklolU-00917-00232857-00232966 Nate Berg backslash sL-aJbklolU-00918-00232967-00233200 length on github you can follow the sL-aJbklolU-00919-00233201-00233442 commit log line my line I've put some sL-aJbklolU-00920-00233444-00233709 really long commit messages about why I sL-aJbklolU-00921-00233710-00233962 did certain things it gives a little bit sL-aJbklolU-00922-00233963-00234139 more the background of it this sL-aJbklolU-00923-00234140-00234309 presentation and the slides are gonna be sL-aJbklolU-00924-00234310-00234534 available here at Nate Berkus slash sL-aJbklolU-00925-00234535-00234796 right rails lightweight stack actually sL-aJbklolU-00926-00234796-00235003 that's rails underscore lightweight sL-aJbklolU-00927-00235004-00235192 underscore stack markdown screwed it up sL-aJbklolU-00928-00235192-00235651 there the in that repo also there's a sL-aJbklolU-00929-00235652-00235915 bunch of different one one file rails sL-aJbklolU-00930-00235916-00236077 applications and like different app sL-aJbklolU-00931-00236078-00236306 different practical uses and like sL-aJbklolU-00932-00236307-00236746 different like API only uses for this sL-aJbklolU-00933-00236746-00236869 kind of stuff lots of other resources sL-aJbklolU-00934-00236869-00237127 there like I said Mike my course is the sL-aJbklolU-00935-00237128-00237273 complete guide to rails performance it's sL-aJbklolU-00936-00237275-00237538 available at real speed comm I also have sL-aJbklolU-00937-00237539-00237703 tweeted I've tweeted the one line rails sL-aJbklolU-00938-00237704-00237933 app the one tweet rails application at sL-aJbklolU-00939-00237934-00238177 my Twitter at neighbor Quebec if you sL-aJbklolU-00940-00238178-00238396 want to retweet it there so thank you sL-aJbklolU-00941-00238396-00238777 very much for your time