vCU5sfwdaeU-00001-00005953-00006784 thank you vCU5sfwdaeU-00002-00006786-00007206 [Music] vCU5sfwdaeU-00003-00007208-00008227 thank you vCU5sfwdaeU-00004-00008228-00009816 [Music] vCU5sfwdaeU-00005-00009817-00009821 [Applause] vCU5sfwdaeU-00006-00009822-00011968 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00000-00000086-00000476 Aloha welcome thank you for coming to my vDT4pnW497I-00001-00000476-00001104 livestream today is Friday May 27 2016 vDT4pnW497I-00002-00001105-00001399 today I'm wearing an Aloha shirt I feel vDT4pnW497I-00003-00001400-00001664 like I blend into my background here I vDT4pnW497I-00004-00001664-00001984 have been wearing different shirts most vDT4pnW497I-00005-00001985-00002225 of these weeks sometimes my higher vDT4pnW497I-00006-00002226-00002720 quality Chinese shirts I call them each vDT4pnW497I-00007-00002721-00002884 day try to do something a little vDT4pnW497I-00008-00002885-00003220 different I think Monday I might go to vDT4pnW497I-00009-00003221-00003395 the park it depends on how many people vDT4pnW497I-00010-00003396-00003638 are out there it's going to be a holiday vDT4pnW497I-00011-00003639-00003935 here in America so I will probably go to vDT4pnW497I-00012-00003936-00004313 the park and film from there so you can vDT4pnW497I-00013-00004314-00004504 join me from there I will let you know vDT4pnW497I-00014-00004505-00004865 on Monday when I post but I will offer vDT4pnW497I-00015-00004866-00005143 you an early happy holiday so I think vDT4pnW497I-00016-00005144-00005333 you Yvonne for joining me I think you vDT4pnW497I-00017-00005334-00005704 could LA for joining me I will continue vDT4pnW497I-00018-00005705-00006074 to check on my monitor now make sure vDT4pnW497I-00019-00006075-00006563 that I can be seen and heard looks like vDT4pnW497I-00020-00006564-00007231 I can turn up my volume like okay so vDT4pnW497I-00021-00007233-00007877 that's good we're all good there so each vDT4pnW497I-00022-00007878-00008066 time I use this I'm getting a little bit vDT4pnW497I-00023-00008067-00008378 more proficient at it I'm learning how vDT4pnW497I-00024-00008379-00008689 to to connect to you and connect the vDT4pnW497I-00025-00008690-00008912 computer at the same time I have my vDT4pnW497I-00026-00008913-00009103 laptop in front of me and I'm going to vDT4pnW497I-00027-00009104-00009260 try something new today I'm going to try vDT4pnW497I-00028-00009261-00009509 to make some posts while I'm live with vDT4pnW497I-00029-00009510-00009662 you so my just information I'll be vDT4pnW497I-00030-00009663-00009874 talking about I believe that will work vDT4pnW497I-00031-00009875-00010171 we're going to try it out and then also vDT4pnW497I-00032-00010172-00010456 I want you to help me cool eh I know vDT4pnW497I-00033-00010457-00010616 you've accomplished this you figured out vDT4pnW497I-00034-00010617-00010892 how I can point out for people to follow vDT4pnW497I-00035-00010893-00011228 but I know that cool a when when I push vDT4pnW497I-00036-00011229-00011480 live you get a notice so I want to know vDT4pnW497I-00037-00011481-00011702 how that happens where you guys found vDT4pnW497I-00038-00011703-00011858 that out so I can tell other people vDT4pnW497I-00039-00011859-00012067 about it I think it's somewhere when I vDT4pnW497I-00040-00012068-00012344 go live but I'm truly not sure so Aloha vDT4pnW497I-00041-00012345-00012556 Stephanie Aloha Kristin thank you for vDT4pnW497I-00042-00012557-00012713 joining me I'm very happy that you're vDT4pnW497I-00043-00012714-00012907 here vDT4pnW497I-00044-00012908-00013133 truly vDT4pnW497I-00045-00013134-00013583 today I was I was I was offering vDT4pnW497I-00046-00013584-00013802 gratitude to all of you because I'm just vDT4pnW497I-00047-00013803-00014105 you know without you I could not have vDT4pnW497I-00048-00014106-00014315 someone to share this way and you all go vDT4pnW497I-00049-00014316-00014549 out and and you're like you're helping vDT4pnW497I-00050-00014550-00014716 me you know you're like the soldiers vDT4pnW497I-00051-00014718-00015032 going out there you know this wisdom can vDT4pnW497I-00052-00015033-00015236 assist you I love you and I appreciate vDT4pnW497I-00053-00015237-00015463 you so much for that and I love the vDT4pnW497I-00054-00015465-00015619 little hearts that pop up when you guys vDT4pnW497I-00055-00015620-00016040 do that that's the coolest thing so on vDT4pnW497I-00056-00016041-00016280 my n what I see is I see it says I'm vDT4pnW497I-00057-00016281-00016522 live I see right now there's five eyes vDT4pnW497I-00058-00016523-00016747 it tells me five people watching and I'm vDT4pnW497I-00059-00016748-00016855 going to see when you guys close to vDT4pnW497I-00060-00016856-00017018 stuff it's a little different on your vDT4pnW497I-00061-00017019-00017342 side so welcome today's Friday as vDT4pnW497I-00062-00017343-00017650 indicated it's May 27 we have a big vDT4pnW497I-00063-00017651-00017830 three-day holiday for most people in vDT4pnW497I-00064-00017831-00018065 America in Hawaii we take five Day vDT4pnW497I-00065-00018066-00018302 holidays they love their holidays here vDT4pnW497I-00066-00018303-00018407 if they give you a Monday they will vDT4pnW497I-00067-00018408-00018653 absolutely take the Friday no question vDT4pnW497I-00068-00018654-00018977 about it the employers know that it's vDT4pnW497I-00069-00018978-00019108 just the way it works around here and vDT4pnW497I-00070-00019109-00019313 some people add an extra day to it so vDT4pnW497I-00071-00019314-00019514 they're real big under holidays here in vDT4pnW497I-00072-00019515-00019822 Hawaii welcome Don I'm excited that Don vDT4pnW497I-00073-00019823-00020213 has just joined us see Jon welcomed ah I vDT4pnW497I-00074-00020214-00020612 welcome to see Jon I think last week's vDT4pnW497I-00075-00020613-00020794 you John didn't we do a soul reading for vDT4pnW497I-00076-00020795-00021062 you on your on your business I forget vDT4pnW497I-00077-00021063-00021314 what it was but I have to let me know vDT4pnW497I-00078-00021315-00021481 how that Winfrey I wasn't sure if that vDT4pnW497I-00079-00021482-00021697 wisdom was it was a value to your not I vDT4pnW497I-00080-00021698-00021853 know we talked about some pain for you vDT4pnW497I-00081-00021854-00022147 but I'm curious as to if I offered vDT4pnW497I-00082-00022148-00022369 somebody cosmetic guidance on their vDT4pnW497I-00083-00022370-00022600 cosmetic business and I want to find out vDT4pnW497I-00084-00022601-00022747 how that resonated with them I'm not vDT4pnW497I-00085-00022748-00023419 quite sure who it was okay vDT4pnW497I-00086-00023420-00023628 by the way if you don't have one of vDT4pnW497I-00087-00023629-00023892 these with these uh stickers from Master vDT4pnW497I-00088-00023893-00024060 sha where he puts power into your drink vDT4pnW497I-00089-00024061-00024192 you're missing it vDT4pnW497I-00090-00024193-00024611 good stuff okay so we have a good vDT4pnW497I-00091-00024612-00024830 gathering of people for me to go ahead vDT4pnW497I-00092-00024831-00024983 and get started I thank you all for vDT4pnW497I-00093-00024984-00025272 joining me hopefully more will come just vDT4pnW497I-00094-00025273-00025443 a lettuce connect we placed our hands on vDT4pnW497I-00095-00025444-00025637 so light soul service hand position with vDT4pnW497I-00096-00025638-00025856 the left palm all over the chest the vDT4pnW497I-00097-00025857-00026037 right palm pointed towards heaven vDT4pnW497I-00098-00026038-00026262 this is allows the happens entertainer vDT4pnW497I-00099-00026263-00026393 to come in through the right palm and vDT4pnW497I-00100-00026394-00026562 then it goes into our heart center vDT4pnW497I-00101-00026563-00026820 that's the purpose of this so light soul vDT4pnW497I-00102-00026820-00027162 service hand position so let us connect vDT4pnW497I-00103-00027163-00027521 their beloved divine doll source all the vDT4pnW497I-00104-00027522-00027770 way up to original creator dear our vDT4pnW497I-00105-00027772-00027930 spiritual teacher and father Master vDT4pnW497I-00106-00027931-00028179 Shaak we love you love you love you vDT4pnW497I-00107-00028180-00028418 honor you appreciate you respect you and vDT4pnW497I-00108-00028419-00028680 I bow down to you I am deeply honored to vDT4pnW497I-00109-00028681-00028905 be a worldwide representative of dr. and vDT4pnW497I-00110-00028906-00029148 Master sha I'm deeply honored to offer vDT4pnW497I-00111-00029149-00029420 the soul and Dao based wisdom to serve vDT4pnW497I-00112-00029422-00029586 humanity and all these beautiful souls vDT4pnW497I-00113-00029587-00029799 that come on the line today and all vDT4pnW497I-00114-00029800-00029952 those that will come on the line after vDT4pnW497I-00115-00029952-00030258 and watch I invite all the souls to make vDT4pnW497I-00116-00030258-00030455 requests for whatever you want vDT4pnW497I-00117-00030456-00030702 blessings for sometimes I will offer vDT4pnW497I-00118-00030702-00030948 blessings sometimes I will not sometimes vDT4pnW497I-00119-00030949-00031170 I would do special days but regardless vDT4pnW497I-00120-00031170-00031410 whatever you ask for blessing you will vDT4pnW497I-00121-00031411-00031779 receive on some level we ask that all vDT4pnW497I-00122-00031780-00031940 those souls that are present the souls vDT4pnW497I-00123-00031941-00032187 of their heavens teams guides angels and vDT4pnW497I-00124-00032188-00032477 saints please enjoy this as well we ask vDT4pnW497I-00125-00032478-00032645 that all of the healing angels vDT4pnW497I-00126-00032647-00032835 Archangels and all of those in the vDT4pnW497I-00127-00032836-00033030 heavenly realms all for whatever vDT4pnW497I-00128-00033031-00033333 assistance they can hear today to open vDT4pnW497I-00129-00033334-00033477 the hearts of all those who come on the vDT4pnW497I-00130-00033478-00033837 line I will start to by a heart opening vDT4pnW497I-00131-00033838-00034452 blessing I will start with using the da vDT4pnW497I-00132-00034453-00034787 I calligraphy I will ask the countless vDT4pnW497I-00133-00034788-00034965 Saints animals temple souls missed vDT4pnW497I-00134-00034966-00035205 treasures to offer you a blessing I will vDT4pnW497I-00135-00035206-00035520 trace the eye in the air for all of you vDT4pnW497I-00136-00035521-00035865 the eye is greatest left it is the best vDT4pnW497I-00137-00035866-00036051 way to open our spiritual channels vDT4pnW497I-00138-00036052-00036255 because greatest love opens our heart vDT4pnW497I-00139-00036256-00036507 our heart center our heart center is vDT4pnW497I-00140-00036508-00036645 directly related to vDT4pnW497I-00141-00036646-00036882 munication with heaven so in the open vDT4pnW497I-00142-00036883-00037107 our heart more we open our spiritual vDT4pnW497I-00143-00037108-00037377 channels you can receive the messages vDT4pnW497I-00144-00037378-00037839 from heaven with far greater success so vDT4pnW497I-00145-00037840-00038243 please receive do the soul of die the vDT4pnW497I-00146-00038244-00038474 soul of the calm the same things animals vDT4pnW497I-00147-00038475-00038733 typicals and treasures and all the die vDT4pnW497I-00148-00038734-00039018 calligraphies on earth today we love you vDT4pnW497I-00149-00039019-00039227 honor you appreciate you respective bow vDT4pnW497I-00150-00039228-00039449 down to you we ask at this time as vDT4pnW497I-00151-00039450-00039705 appropriate you come offer blessings to vDT4pnW497I-00152-00039706-00039840 all those that are on the line right now vDT4pnW497I-00153-00039841-00040065 with me all those that will come after vDT4pnW497I-00154-00040066-00040296 this video is recorded offer your vDT4pnW497I-00155-00040297-00040557 greatest love blessings to all open the vDT4pnW497I-00156-00040558-00040710 heart and soul so that we have a vDT4pnW497I-00157-00040711-00041154 wonderful session here today make your vDT4pnW497I-00158-00041155-00041636 request vDT4pnW497I-00159-00041637-00041915 also make note if it is a measurable vDT4pnW497I-00160-00041916-00042230 item what the level of blockage or vDT4pnW497I-00161-00042231-00042554 discomfort may be if it is a measurable vDT4pnW497I-00162-00042555-00043025 item then measure it afterwards we'll vDT4pnW497I-00163-00043026-00045479 check throughout this hour vDT4pnW497I-00164-00045480-00045753 I love vDT4pnW497I-00165-00045754-00046305 hi da da vDT4pnW497I-00166-00046306-00048239 I died da-da-da-da-da-da vDT4pnW497I-00167-00048240-00048450 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00168-00048451-00050942 I da-da-da-da-da-da vDT4pnW497I-00169-00050943-00051226 yo vDT4pnW497I-00170-00051227-00051623 I died uh vDT4pnW497I-00171-00051624-00051770 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00172-00051771-00053100 I vDT4pnW497I-00173-00053101-00053697 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00174-00053698-00054154 I know vDT4pnW497I-00175-00054154-00054265 hahaha vDT4pnW497I-00176-00054266-00054517 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00177-00054519-00055383 I died I died vDT4pnW497I-00178-00055384-00056066 Oh No vDT4pnW497I-00179-00056067-00056560 oh the vDT4pnW497I-00180-00056561-00056939 I know vDT4pnW497I-00181-00056940-00057159 I vDT4pnW497I-00182-00057160-00058841 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00183-00058841-00059677 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00184-00059678-00060916 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00185-00060917-00061455 da-da-da-da-da-da vDT4pnW497I-00186-00061457-00062461 I die I die vDT4pnW497I-00187-00062462-00063035 oh it all vDT4pnW497I-00188-00063036-00064517 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00189-00064519-00065541 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00190-00065542-00065820 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00191-00065821-00066073 for those that have just joined make you vDT4pnW497I-00192-00066074-00067626 request da-da-da-da-da vDT4pnW497I-00193-00067627-00069818 ha ha thank you thank you thank you vDT4pnW497I-00194-00069819-00070060 thank you this olive died I think you vDT4pnW497I-00195-00070061-00070273 the countless Saints since animals vDT4pnW497I-00196-00070274-00070504 temple souls and treasures that have vDT4pnW497I-00197-00070505-00070782 come today through the master Sha's vDT4pnW497I-00198-00070783-00071017 calligraphy died for your service vDT4pnW497I-00199-00071018-00071416 quality souls we ask as appropriate that vDT4pnW497I-00200-00071417-00071665 you continue to offer your blessings to vDT4pnW497I-00201-00071666-00071934 all those that have come on the line vDT4pnW497I-00202-00071935-00072261 continue to offer your greatest love to vDT4pnW497I-00203-00072262-00072490 help them transform whatever request vDT4pnW497I-00204-00072491-00072717 they have made through the entirety of vDT4pnW497I-00205-00072718-00073155 this hour in all cases as appropriate so vDT4pnW497I-00206-00073156-00073275 I want to talk to you a little bit about vDT4pnW497I-00207-00073276-00073603 souls first today's subject will be how vDT4pnW497I-00208-00073604-00073879 we can heal ourselves through healing vDT4pnW497I-00209-00073880-00074092 others we need a little bit of vDT4pnW497I-00210-00074093-00074379 additional education on souls there are vDT4pnW497I-00211-00074380-00074675 inner soles there are out your souls vDT4pnW497I-00212-00074676-00075190 inner soles start with us we have our vDT4pnW497I-00213-00075191-00075454 soul and we have all the souls inside of vDT4pnW497I-00214-00075455-00075817 us those souls include the soul of our vDT4pnW497I-00215-00075818-00076135 soul heart mind and body that breaks vDT4pnW497I-00216-00076136-00076584 down even further the soul is the is the vDT4pnW497I-00217-00076585-00076849 the soul itself the heart and the mind vDT4pnW497I-00218-00076850-00077349 the soul leads the heart the heart leads vDT4pnW497I-00219-00077350-00077679 the mind the mind leads the body and the vDT4pnW497I-00220-00077680-00077965 energy in the matter welcome everyone vDT4pnW497I-00221-00077966-00078204 welcome Kat Kat tatyana crystal and vDT4pnW497I-00222-00078205-00078591 Claudia thank you all for joining so vDT4pnW497I-00223-00078592-00078975 when we worked with the soul world we vDT4pnW497I-00224-00078976-00079149 want to recognize there are souls inside vDT4pnW497I-00225-00079150-00079563 as well as outside the souls on the vDT4pnW497I-00226-00079564-00079798 inside of the body remember all have the vDT4pnW497I-00227-00079799-00080118 same purpose which is to serve each soul vDT4pnW497I-00228-00080119-00080531 has to raise its soul standing to vDT4pnW497I-00229-00080532-00080880 incarnate into a higher level it might vDT4pnW497I-00230-00080881-00080963 be come back vDT4pnW497I-00231-00080964-00081200 they sell as it was a song before but if vDT4pnW497I-00232-00081201-00081383 maybe before it was the sell of your vDT4pnW497I-00233-00081384-00081599 knee then it becomes the sell of your vDT4pnW497I-00234-00081600-00081803 leg then it becomes the sell of your vDT4pnW497I-00235-00081804-00081998 artery then it becomes the sell of your vDT4pnW497I-00236-00081999-00082250 heart then it becomes the sell of an vDT4pnW497I-00237-00082251-00082580 animal and so forth each soul will go vDT4pnW497I-00238-00082581-00082829 through a series of increase in its soul vDT4pnW497I-00239-00082830-00083099 standing and the highest service that vDT4pnW497I-00240-00083100-00083342 you can offer to any soul is to educate vDT4pnW497I-00241-00083343-00083687 them on their ability to wake up and vDT4pnW497I-00242-00083688-00083969 increase their soul standing so one of vDT4pnW497I-00243-00083970-00084110 the ways you can do that for the souls vDT4pnW497I-00244-00084111-00084370 in your body is to communicate with them vDT4pnW497I-00245-00084371-00084761 every soul can hear they can hear on the vDT4pnW497I-00246-00084762-00085076 level that they operate at so when we do vDT4pnW497I-00247-00085077-00085358 soul communication we are not limited by vDT4pnW497I-00248-00085359-00085559 the physical world in the physical world vDT4pnW497I-00249-00085560-00085838 there is a frequency range we cannot see vDT4pnW497I-00250-00085839-00086021 above this range we cannot see below vDT4pnW497I-00251-00086022-00086285 this range in the soul world there is no vDT4pnW497I-00252-00086286-00086585 range there's all frequencies exist at vDT4pnW497I-00253-00086586-00086846 all times so when we communicate with vDT4pnW497I-00254-00086847-00087155 all souls and we ask all souls to come vDT4pnW497I-00255-00087156-00087473 certainly not all souls listen but vDT4pnW497I-00256-00087474-00087647 that's one unique thing about the souls vDT4pnW497I-00257-00087648-00087866 inside of our body the souls of vDT4pnW497I-00258-00087867-00088064 ourselves the souls of our cell units vDT4pnW497I-00259-00088065-00088262 the souls of our RNA and our DNA the vDT4pnW497I-00260-00088263-00088502 souls of our fat cells the souls of our vDT4pnW497I-00261-00088503-00088790 brain the souls of everything that makes vDT4pnW497I-00262-00088791-00089264 us up has to listen to us Master sha vDT4pnW497I-00263-00089265-00089417 discovered this and he put it in his vDT4pnW497I-00264-00089418-00089726 power of soul book and he discovered it vDT4pnW497I-00265-00089727-00089999 when he was somebody called him in an vDT4pnW497I-00266-00090000-00090215 emergency and they were bleeding and vDT4pnW497I-00267-00090216-00090407 they couldn't stop and he said soul vDT4pnW497I-00268-00090408-00090668 order stop bleeding soul order stop vDT4pnW497I-00269-00090669-00090944 bleeding he gave a soul order and it vDT4pnW497I-00270-00090945-00091220 worked in master Sha's case welcome vDT4pnW497I-00271-00091221-00091463 Magdalene thank you for coming I know it vDT4pnW497I-00272-00091464-00091598 was a little difficult but I know you vDT4pnW497I-00273-00091599-00092407 made a good job Souls respond to higher vDT4pnW497I-00274-00092408-00092774 soul standing Master sha so standing is vDT4pnW497I-00275-00092775-00093128 so high he can order other Souls you you vDT4pnW497I-00276-00093129-00093451 individually never order another soul vDT4pnW497I-00277-00093452-00093770 outside of your body soul but inside vDT4pnW497I-00278-00093771-00094043 your body the soul of every organ the vDT4pnW497I-00279-00094044-00094265 heart the liver the lungs is clean vDT4pnW497I-00280-00094266-00094511 the soul a very energy center in your vDT4pnW497I-00281-00094512-00095045 body the soul of the occupation meridian vDT4pnW497I-00282-00095046-00095375 point everything has a soul the soul of vDT4pnW497I-00283-00095376-00095636 all of the energy and matter that makes vDT4pnW497I-00284-00095637-00096077 up your body is under your body souls vDT4pnW497I-00285-00096078-00096410 order so your body soul is like the vDT4pnW497I-00286-00096411-00096596 general and all the other souls vDT4pnW497I-00287-00096597-00096926 underneath are like soldiers they're vDT4pnW497I-00288-00096927-00097172 here to serve you but many of them do vDT4pnW497I-00289-00097173-00097427 not have the consciousness that you have vDT4pnW497I-00290-00097428-00097670 they don't have the intelligence and vDT4pnW497I-00291-00097671-00098078 awareness that you have and you need to vDT4pnW497I-00292-00098079-00098569 educate them when you think about it vDT4pnW497I-00293-00098570-00098848 it's not that indifferent then having vDT4pnW497I-00294-00098849-00099083 you know a huge soccer team baseball vDT4pnW497I-00295-00099084-00099470 team basketball team any team you have vDT4pnW497I-00296-00099471-00099638 to get them all thinking the same way vDT4pnW497I-00297-00099639-00099944 before they can operate as a team they vDT4pnW497I-00298-00099945-00100103 come together knowing that they're part vDT4pnW497I-00299-00100104-00100256 of the soccer team but they don't know vDT4pnW497I-00300-00100257-00100571 what their jobs necessarily are you want vDT4pnW497I-00301-00100572-00100730 to think of every soul in your body the vDT4pnW497I-00302-00100731-00100952 same way you want to give it orders and vDT4pnW497I-00303-00100953-00101234 instructions but let me ask you if you vDT4pnW497I-00304-00101235-00101477 were a general and you had a bunch of vDT4pnW497I-00305-00101478-00101675 soldiers you would absolutely give them vDT4pnW497I-00306-00101676-00101870 orders in instruction or you might not vDT4pnW497I-00307-00101871-00102203 succeed but we live in a world where vDT4pnW497I-00308-00102204-00102460 love is the number one thing that vDT4pnW497I-00309-00102461-00102736 creates success love melts every vDT4pnW497I-00310-00102738-00103052 blockage so we talked to the souls in vDT4pnW497I-00311-00103053-00103448 our body we want to offer the greatest vDT4pnW497I-00312-00103449-00103991 love that we can attain why because when vDT4pnW497I-00313-00103992-00104167 we connect with them with the greatest vDT4pnW497I-00314-00104168-00104414 love it could very well be the first vDT4pnW497I-00315-00104415-00104760 time all these souls have experienced it vDT4pnW497I-00316-00104761-00104990 imagine you offered the twenty players vDT4pnW497I-00317-00104991-00105341 on your soccer team huge love they would vDT4pnW497I-00318-00105342-00105494 probably listen I just a little bit vDT4pnW497I-00319-00105495-00105806 better right think of it the same way vDT4pnW497I-00320-00105807-00106033 for the souls that are in your body vDT4pnW497I-00321-00106033-00106411 every soul in your body wants to serve vDT4pnW497I-00322-00106413-00106759 it knows innately that that is its vDT4pnW497I-00323-00106760-00107045 purpose in life we consciously as humans vDT4pnW497I-00324-00107046-00107260 forget that that is our purpose in life vDT4pnW497I-00325-00107261-00107507 is to serve the souls inside our body vDT4pnW497I-00326-00107508-00107615 know it and make vDT4pnW497I-00327-00107616-00107864 just like a dog knows to go bury a bone vDT4pnW497I-00328-00107865-00108197 it's innate it's in its DNA so they know vDT4pnW497I-00329-00108198-00108440 it innately but it's our job to remind vDT4pnW497I-00330-00108441-00108641 them it's our job to connect to them vDT4pnW497I-00331-00108642-00108908 it's our job to support them in their vDT4pnW497I-00332-00108908-00109253 service so we as human beings are made vDT4pnW497I-00333-00109254-00109696 up of Shen Chi and Jing Shen is soul vDT4pnW497I-00334-00109697-00110039 mind and heart soul heart and mind in vDT4pnW497I-00335-00110040-00110093 that order vDT4pnW497I-00336-00110094-00110369 chi is energy and Jing as matter all vDT4pnW497I-00337-00110370-00110843 life is made up of Shen Chi and gene but vDT4pnW497I-00338-00110844-00111116 the Shen Qian Jing in our body has a vDT4pnW497I-00339-00111117-00111508 huge opportunity to become pure a light vDT4pnW497I-00340-00111509-00112001 vessel a light beam how can we assist vDT4pnW497I-00341-00112002-00112403 our body in all of the organs all of the vDT4pnW497I-00342-00112404-00112561 system's everything that makes up our vDT4pnW497I-00343-00112563-00113108 body to be more of a light gave me a vDT4pnW497I-00344-00113108-00113353 time to take a drink while the frequency vDT4pnW497I-00345-00113354-00113582 shut off my connection for a moment vDT4pnW497I-00346-00113583-00114026 there the answer is we talk to it we vDT4pnW497I-00347-00114027-00114368 connect to it we ask all the souls in vDT4pnW497I-00348-00114369-00114923 our body to serve it's actually quite vDT4pnW497I-00349-00114924-00115220 simple you have pain in your back right vDT4pnW497I-00350-00115221-00115633 now what is the message you have been vDT4pnW497I-00351-00115634-00115958 telling your back for for how long I vDT4pnW497I-00352-00115958-00116246 have a bad back that's the message you vDT4pnW497I-00353-00116247-00116564 tell everybody else right oh my aching vDT4pnW497I-00354-00116565-00116736 back vDT4pnW497I-00355-00116738-00117158 sometimes I hate you the message is very vDT4pnW497I-00356-00117158-00117452 relevant you've heard this before but vDT4pnW497I-00357-00117453-00117665 I'll deliver it differently and maybe vDT4pnW497I-00358-00117666-00117910 you'll get a new a-ha moment about it vDT4pnW497I-00359-00117911-00118294 there's a gentleman named dr. Emoto and vDT4pnW497I-00360-00118295-00118595 what he decided to do on an experimental vDT4pnW497I-00361-00118596-00118943 basis but he had the idea that water vDT4pnW497I-00362-00118944-00119374 reflected emotion water reflected energy vDT4pnW497I-00363-00119375-00119645 so he went about creating a way in which vDT4pnW497I-00364-00119646-00119840 water can be frozen and and taken a vDT4pnW497I-00365-00119841-00120058 picture up took a long long long long vDT4pnW497I-00366-00120059-00120283 long long long time just to get that vDT4pnW497I-00367-00120284-00120488 part of it accurate just to give to take vDT4pnW497I-00368-00120489-00120674 a picture of a water crystal took him a vDT4pnW497I-00369-00120675-00120783 long time vDT4pnW497I-00370-00120783-00120948 then he started playing with words vDT4pnW497I-00371-00120949-00121379 emotions fear love hate loud music soft vDT4pnW497I-00372-00121380-00121679 music he's done well over 2,000 vDT4pnW497I-00373-00121680-00121833 experiments with various different vDT4pnW497I-00374-00121833-00122100 things and you might know this but I'm vDT4pnW497I-00375-00122101-00122274 heading somewhere with this what he was vDT4pnW497I-00376-00122275-00122483 able to discover it was that the higher vDT4pnW497I-00377-00122483-00122840 highest frequencies that carry emotions vDT4pnW497I-00378-00122841-00123116 associated with love make beautiful vDT4pnW497I-00379-00123117-00123470 water crystals what are you made up of vDT4pnW497I-00380-00123471-00123914 water you start out as 90% water we dry vDT4pnW497I-00381-00123915-00124133 out by the time we're done we end up vDT4pnW497I-00382-00124134-00124460 with about 70% water so for made up of vDT4pnW497I-00383-00124461-00124770 90% water when we come out stands to vDT4pnW497I-00384-00124771-00124995 reason that were directly impacted by vDT4pnW497I-00385-00124996-00125298 message we already had been validated by vDT4pnW497I-00386-00125299-00125646 scientific proof visual proof that vDT4pnW497I-00387-00125647-00126059 message impacts water we are water water vDT4pnW497I-00388-00126060-00126273 isn't everything water is in the air we vDT4pnW497I-00389-00126274-00126601 breathe it in message impacts water vDT4pnW497I-00390-00126602-00126918 watcher is in our body souls are in our vDT4pnW497I-00391-00126919-00127233 body the message we give each soul the vDT4pnW497I-00392-00127233-00127413 message we give the shin the Chi the vDT4pnW497I-00393-00127414-00127674 gene that makes up our energy and matter vDT4pnW497I-00394-00127675-00127863 that makes up our organs and systems is vDT4pnW497I-00395-00127864-00128177 held in the water it's held at the vDT4pnW497I-00396-00128178-00128459 cellular level the soul the soul Euler vDT4pnW497I-00397-00128460-00128810 level it is held right there so when we vDT4pnW497I-00398-00128811-00129188 teach our souls inside our body when we vDT4pnW497I-00399-00129189-00129471 teach them that they can heal themselves vDT4pnW497I-00400-00129472-00129988 when we teach them how to serve others vDT4pnW497I-00401-00129989-00130235 you think to sell inside your liver is vDT4pnW497I-00402-00130236-00130356 going to go down to the soup kitchen and vDT4pnW497I-00403-00130357-00130715 serve somebody no but we can teach them vDT4pnW497I-00404-00130716-00130928 how to serve in a different and very vDT4pnW497I-00405-00130929-00131331 powerful way and when we do when we open vDT4pnW497I-00406-00131332-00131702 their consciousness we have elevated vDT4pnW497I-00407-00131703-00132057 their soul standing dramatically each vDT4pnW497I-00408-00132058-00132372 one of those billions upon trillions of vDT4pnW497I-00409-00132373-00132624 pieces of energy and matter vDT4pnW497I-00410-00132625-00133110 Shen changing those souls now have a far vDT4pnW497I-00411-00133111-00133386 superior opportunity to elevate their vDT4pnW497I-00412-00133387-00133652 soul standing because we gave them love vDT4pnW497I-00413-00133653-00133988 we gave them an education we asked them vDT4pnW497I-00414-00133989-00134085 to serve vDT4pnW497I-00415-00134086-00134378 their souls and in doing so each one of vDT4pnW497I-00416-00134379-00134582 those souls which has a record is vDT4pnW497I-00417-00134583-00134954 getting elevated and they're a part of vDT4pnW497I-00418-00134955-00135246 our soul body so what do you think is vDT4pnW497I-00419-00135247-00135578 happening to the frequency of our soul vDT4pnW497I-00420-00135579-00135774 body would we connect with our inner vDT4pnW497I-00421-00135775-00136143 soles brilliant isn't it this is the vDT4pnW497I-00422-00136144-00136410 teachings of dr. and Master sha he has vDT4pnW497I-00423-00136411-00136619 been saying this in many different ways vDT4pnW497I-00424-00136620-00136991 this is one more way to bring healing to vDT4pnW497I-00425-00136992-00137415 yourself by asking the souls inside you vDT4pnW497I-00426-00137416-00137814 that are suffering to serve others now a vDT4pnW497I-00427-00137815-00138018 base foundational teaching of dr. and vDT4pnW497I-00428-00138019-00138300 Master sha is when we have suffering it vDT4pnW497I-00429-00138301-00138590 has a karmic base to it there is a vDT4pnW497I-00430-00138591-00138852 reason why we have done some harm we or vDT4pnW497I-00431-00138853-00139035 our ancestors have done some harm to vDT4pnW497I-00432-00139036-00139263 others in a different time we may be vDT4pnW497I-00433-00139264-00139502 aware of it we may not be aware of it vDT4pnW497I-00434-00139503-00139743 the relevancy of awareness doesn't vDT4pnW497I-00435-00139744-00139991 change anything what is relevant is that vDT4pnW497I-00436-00139992-00140220 we now know it and we have an vDT4pnW497I-00437-00140221-00140504 opportunity to shift it those souls that vDT4pnW497I-00438-00140505-00140760 have been harmed when they go to heaven vDT4pnW497I-00439-00140761-00141009 they are given a choice it's a we vDT4pnW497I-00440-00141010-00141165 understand that you were harmed in this vDT4pnW497I-00441-00141166-00141572 very harmful way a lot of them died and vDT4pnW497I-00442-00141573-00141822 we want to give you an education and a vDT4pnW497I-00443-00141823-00141990 teaching that everyone and everything is vDT4pnW497I-00444-00141991-00142203 here to serve to move higher we want to vDT4pnW497I-00445-00142204-00142374 move towards love but some of those vDT4pnW497I-00446-00142375-00142752 souls are so stuck in their pain that vDT4pnW497I-00447-00142753-00142979 they just want to remind us of the pain vDT4pnW497I-00448-00142980-00143250 we caused them so how do we address that vDT4pnW497I-00449-00143251-00143547 we can keep our hand on our sore back vDT4pnW497I-00450-00143548-00143874 and say I have a bad back and believe it vDT4pnW497I-00451-00143875-00144138 or we can send love to every soul vDT4pnW497I-00452-00144139-00144278 including the ones that we might have vDT4pnW497I-00453-00144279-00144549 harmed so now we're gravitating towards vDT4pnW497I-00454-00144550-00144885 the outside souls I'm going to show you vDT4pnW497I-00455-00144886-00145074 how you can educate your inside souls to vDT4pnW497I-00456-00145075-00145347 serve the outside souls and I'm going to vDT4pnW497I-00457-00145348-00145599 show you how you can use the tools that vDT4pnW497I-00458-00145600-00145752 you already have available to bring self vDT4pnW497I-00459-00145753-00146218 healing and to heal others this is key vDT4pnW497I-00460-00146219-00146451 your whole life you have heard the vDT4pnW497I-00461-00146452-00146707 sentence in one way or the other that we vDT4pnW497I-00462-00146708-00147003 are all one true right you have haven't vDT4pnW497I-00463-00147004-00147619 you when you hear that what is your vDT4pnW497I-00464-00147620-00147927 response yeah but I me yeah but I'm vDT4pnW497I-00465-00147928-00148156 separate how is it number all one my vDT4pnW497I-00466-00148157-00148318 arms aren't his arms my legs aren't his vDT4pnW497I-00467-00148319-00148795 legs look at it like this we are all one vDT4pnW497I-00468-00148796-00149121 in that we came from the same place and vDT4pnW497I-00469-00149122-00149443 when you if is that if the whole of vDT4pnW497I-00470-00149444-00149814 everything was like a human body we sent vDT4pnW497I-00471-00149815-00149952 the human body off to the side if vDT4pnW497I-00472-00149953-00150099 there's a cancer inside the human body vDT4pnW497I-00473-00150100-00150279 impact impacts everything in the body vDT4pnW497I-00474-00150280-00150547 there's no separation the cancer even vDT4pnW497I-00475-00150548-00150678 though it's a more important of the body vDT4pnW497I-00476-00150679-00151016 impacts the whole body so we as vDT4pnW497I-00477-00151017-00151413 individuals have to be collectively vDT4pnW497I-00478-00151414-00151660 responsible we could be the cancer for vDT4pnW497I-00479-00151661-00151870 everything we could be the one that's vDT4pnW497I-00480-00151871-00152054 keeping everything from returning to one vDT4pnW497I-00481-00152055-00152387 take that one step further when we offer vDT4pnW497I-00482-00152388-00152916 healing blessings to others especially vDT4pnW497I-00483-00152917-00153806 and specifically for the vDT4pnW497I-00484-00153807-00154215 pain that we're suffering back pain vDT4pnW497I-00485-00154216-00154614 we're suffering back pain dear my vDT4pnW497I-00486-00154615-00154770 treasures that I receive from master vDT4pnW497I-00487-00154771-00154992 shop dear the holy beings in this book vDT4pnW497I-00488-00154993-00155187 I'll teach you how to turn these things vDT4pnW497I-00489-00155188-00155352 on in a minute we'll use love keeps vDT4pnW497I-00490-00155353-00155793 harmony as well I love you dear every vDT4pnW497I-00491-00155794-00156255 soul in my body the light the the souls vDT4pnW497I-00492-00156256-00156531 that are not happy with me through the vDT4pnW497I-00493-00156532-00156771 soul on my sore back all of the energy vDT4pnW497I-00494-00156772-00157029 and matter shen chi and jing that make vDT4pnW497I-00495-00157030-00157482 up my entire back there the soul of vDT4pnW497I-00496-00157483-00157905 every part of my body I love you you vDT4pnW497I-00497-00157906-00158280 have the opportunity to increase your vDT4pnW497I-00498-00158281-00158616 service to all souls and all you have to vDT4pnW497I-00499-00158617-00159018 do is turn on a song that has been vDT4pnW497I-00500-00159019-00159423 gifted to you by the Creator Master sha vDT4pnW497I-00501-00159424-00159711 ask the Creator if he would gift this vDT4pnW497I-00502-00159712-00159963 song to every soul and the answer was vDT4pnW497I-00503-00159964-00160290 yes so every soul in every universe vDT4pnW497I-00504-00160291-00160536 every stuck energy every speck of matter vDT4pnW497I-00505-00160537-00160800 whether it's coagulated into an actual vDT4pnW497I-00506-00160801-00161031 form whether it's still floating around vDT4pnW497I-00507-00161032-00161288 as energy in matter has this foam vDT4pnW497I-00508-00161289-00161655 transmitted to it the souls in our body vDT4pnW497I-00509-00161656-00161904 don't know that we educate them they're vDT4pnW497I-00510-00161905-00162141 all the souls in my body you have this vDT4pnW497I-00511-00162142-00162464 soul song transmitted to your soul as vDT4pnW497I-00512-00162465-00162837 your body soul I give you a soul order vDT4pnW497I-00513-00162838-00163065 you can give us so order to every soul vDT4pnW497I-00514-00163066-00163356 inside your body you never get a soul vDT4pnW497I-00515-00163357-00163776 order outside of you but everything vDT4pnW497I-00516-00163777-00163983 under you is like all the soldiers under vDT4pnW497I-00517-00163984-00164327 the general there are all the souls that vDT4pnW497I-00518-00164328-00164652 make up my energy and matter this is a vDT4pnW497I-00519-00164653-00165009 soul order to turn on love peace and vDT4pnW497I-00520-00165010-00165654 harmony to chant to serve all souls in vDT4pnW497I-00521-00165655-00166014 all universes or to be more specific for vDT4pnW497I-00522-00166015-00166287 your pain there all the souls in my body vDT4pnW497I-00523-00166288-00166632 including my back please turn on love vDT4pnW497I-00524-00166633-00166887 peace and harmony to chant to serve vDT4pnW497I-00525-00166888-00167073 every soul of humanity vDT4pnW497I-00526-00167074-00167457 that has lower back pain now you're not vDT4pnW497I-00527-00167458-00167778 doing healing for them you are chanting vDT4pnW497I-00528-00167779-00168077 love peace and harmony on their behalf vDT4pnW497I-00529-00168078-00168348 you can invite them to join you it's vDT4pnW497I-00530-00168349-00168491 very important to understand this vDT4pnW497I-00531-00168492-00168783 difference you never want to force the vDT4pnW497I-00532-00168784-00168912 healing on anything and you never want vDT4pnW497I-00533-00168913-00169212 to say I am healing you you are asking a vDT4pnW497I-00534-00169213-00169512 song that was sent to all souls by vDT4pnW497I-00535-00169513-00169836 creator to do the service you are asking vDT4pnW497I-00536-00169837-00170066 it to do the service so you state your vDT4pnW497I-00537-00170067-00170331 verbage as such doesn't have to copy vDT4pnW497I-00538-00170332-00170654 mine just say their love peace harmony vDT4pnW497I-00539-00170655-00170946 on every soul my body serve all those vDT4pnW497I-00540-00170947-00171179 souls would also have back pain very vDT4pnW497I-00541-00171180-00171240 simple vDT4pnW497I-00542-00171241-00171426 you're not taking responsibility for it vDT4pnW497I-00543-00171427-00171704 you're asking it to serve we're going to vDT4pnW497I-00544-00171705-00171885 do that right now we're going to serve vDT4pnW497I-00545-00171886-00172206 other souls in relationship to our vDT4pnW497I-00546-00172207-00172770 suffering so I am going to drop a link vDT4pnW497I-00547-00172771-00173160 into right now it should show up in just vDT4pnW497I-00548-00173161-00173595 a moment and the words for a lot of vDT4pnW497I-00549-00173596-00173748 peace harmony for those of you that do vDT4pnW497I-00550-00173749-00174603 not know okay give me just a moment vDT4pnW497I-00551-00174604-00175152 so I'm putting in whoops that doesn't vDT4pnW497I-00552-00175153-00175688 work let's try it again vDT4pnW497I-00553-00175689-00176358 with technology vDT4pnW497I-00554-00176359-00176753 okay love peace hi Marie org and then vDT4pnW497I-00555-00176754-00177009 these are the words now you go to love vDT4pnW497I-00556-00177010-00177313 peace how many org and you see the words vDT4pnW497I-00557-00177314-00177575 or you can see in here when I'm posting vDT4pnW497I-00558-00177576-00177965 right now so it should be there live vDT4pnW497I-00559-00177966-00178122 right at the bottom of the scroll yeah I vDT4pnW497I-00560-00178123-00178361 see it myself coming up there okay vDT4pnW497I-00561-00178362-00178823 these are the words that you can't when vDT4pnW497I-00562-00178824-00179063 every soul in our body is chanting to vDT4pnW497I-00563-00179064-00179343 serve other souls with our blockage area vDT4pnW497I-00564-00179344-00179687 with our suffering finances relationship vDT4pnW497I-00565-00179688-00180014 business troubles okay this is how it vDT4pnW497I-00566-00180015-00180060 works vDT4pnW497I-00567-00180061-00180345 okay so work with me on this put your vDT4pnW497I-00568-00180346-00180500 hands in so light so service hand vDT4pnW497I-00569-00180501-00180851 position repeat after me they're all vDT4pnW497I-00570-00180852-00181322 souls that I or my ancestors have harmed vDT4pnW497I-00571-00181323-00181703 for the condition of list the area you vDT4pnW497I-00572-00181704-00182294 need the most blessings in I love you vDT4pnW497I-00573-00182295-00182579 please forgive me of my ancestors if vDT4pnW497I-00574-00182580-00182891 either of us have harmed you in this vDT4pnW497I-00575-00182892-00183326 area in any way the authentic it deeply vDT4pnW497I-00576-00183327-00183510 deeply apologize if we have harmed you vDT4pnW497I-00577-00183511-00183800 in finances in business in any way I vDT4pnW497I-00578-00183801-00184154 truly am sorry I deeply apologize if our vDT4pnW497I-00579-00184155-00184328 my ancestors have harmed your neck I vDT4pnW497I-00580-00184329-00184584 truly apologize be authentic in your vDT4pnW497I-00581-00184585-00184949 request I love you please open yourself vDT4pnW497I-00582-00184950-00185228 to receive this healing blessing from vDT4pnW497I-00583-00185229-00185590 love peace and harmony vDT4pnW497I-00584-00185591-00185813 so we've connected to them we've asked vDT4pnW497I-00585-00185814-00186227 for forgiveness next part dear the soul vDT4pnW497I-00586-00186228-00186584 of love peace and harmony soul song vDT4pnW497I-00587-00186585-00186960 downloading to all the souls in my body vDT4pnW497I-00588-00186961-00187298 all the Shen Qian Jing of my body I love vDT4pnW497I-00589-00187299-00187722 you please turn on please radiate your vDT4pnW497I-00590-00187723-00188327 love peace and harmony chant for all vDT4pnW497I-00591-00188328-00188651 those souls that they can have healing vDT4pnW497I-00592-00188652-00188985 for their area of suffering that you vDT4pnW497I-00593-00188986-00189179 have requested vDT4pnW497I-00594-00189180-00189531 now we chant for them visualize golden vDT4pnW497I-00595-00189532-00189734 light rainbow light surrounding those vDT4pnW497I-00596-00189735-00190058 souls for their issue whatever it might vDT4pnW497I-00597-00190059-00190115 be vDT4pnW497I-00598-00190116-00190415 close your eyes let's do this for I'll vDT4pnW497I-00599-00190416-00190628 set the timer for a couple of minutes vDT4pnW497I-00600-00190629-00190820 and then I'll do a soul reading as to vDT4pnW497I-00601-00190821-00191659 the value for us let us begin lulala vDT4pnW497I-00602-00191660-00192961 lulala lulala lulala lulala lulala vDT4pnW497I-00603-00192962-00194113 lulala lulala Lula Ohio Shin vDT4pnW497I-00604-00194114-00195401 early-warning Ingram her Musha soon so vDT4pnW497I-00605-00195402-00196213 mighty honor see you're writing honor vDT4pnW497I-00606-00196214-00197266 see I love my heart and soul I love vDT4pnW497I-00607-00197267-00198265 humanity joint hearts and souls to again vDT4pnW497I-00608-00198266-00199240 love peace and harmony love T's and vDT4pnW497I-00609-00199241-00199579 harmonious and in your greatest love vDT4pnW497I-00610-00199580-00201407 lulala lulala lulala lulala lulala Lula vDT4pnW497I-00611-00201408-00202055 Lula Lu vDT4pnW497I-00612-00202056-00202572 la Li Lu vDT4pnW497I-00613-00202573-00203697 whoa I was in early whoa truck friendly vDT4pnW497I-00614-00203698-00204858 warning her mushas so lighting on her vDT4pnW497I-00615-00204859-00206011 see you're writing on her see I love my vDT4pnW497I-00616-00206012-00207073 heart and soul I love all humanity join vDT4pnW497I-00617-00207073-00207875 hearts and souls together love peace and vDT4pnW497I-00618-00207876-00209344 harmony love you and harmony in Omaha my vDT4pnW497I-00619-00209344-00209976 Hawaiian Aloha cocoon haha vDT4pnW497I-00620-00209977-00210139 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-00621-00210140-00210538 ATZ Lee mine vDT4pnW497I-00622-00210539-00211992 Kakaako aloha Molino kahi Aloha Molly a vDT4pnW497I-00623-00211994-00212190 lokahi vDT4pnW497I-00624-00212191-00212753 oh wow thank you thank you thank you vDT4pnW497I-00625-00212754-00213002 gently by your head nine times they've vDT4pnW497I-00626-00213003-00213321 deepest gratitude for this wisdom that vDT4pnW497I-00627-00213321-00213576 master Shah has brought to earth for the vDT4pnW497I-00628-00213577-00213975 opportunity for us to serve souls with vDT4pnW497I-00629-00213976-00214323 this wisdom it is one of the hardest vDT4pnW497I-00630-00214323-00214829 ones to remember and I say that for me I vDT4pnW497I-00631-00214830-00215067 don't want that to be your truth you can vDT4pnW497I-00632-00215067-00215289 say I will remember this and I will vDT4pnW497I-00633-00215290-00215534 serve other Souls especially when I have vDT4pnW497I-00634-00215535-00215804 any form of suffering I have noticed for vDT4pnW497I-00635-00215805-00216039 me it is difficult to remember this vDT4pnW497I-00636-00216040-00216267 truth and that's because of what's vDT4pnW497I-00637-00216267-00216563 called Shen changing blockages because vDT4pnW497I-00638-00216564-00216939 darkness does not appreciate light dark vDT4pnW497I-00639-00216940-00217205 just does not like when night comes in vDT4pnW497I-00640-00217206-00217685 to us to cause it to go away and so I vDT4pnW497I-00641-00217686-00217955 have to remind myself through teachings vDT4pnW497I-00642-00217956-00218294 like this of the sheer power of this vDT4pnW497I-00643-00218296-00218555 service now one of the great powers of vDT4pnW497I-00644-00218556-00218798 this is we can teach this to others in a vDT4pnW497I-00645-00218800-00219053 soul power group when we get ready to vDT4pnW497I-00646-00219054-00219225 chant love peace and harmony for anybody vDT4pnW497I-00647-00219226-00219516 else remember to do a much simpler vDT4pnW497I-00648-00219517-00219765 teaching of this just teach them let's vDT4pnW497I-00649-00219766-00219966 ask all the souls inside of our body vDT4pnW497I-00650-00219967-00220151 that have suffering for whatever you vDT4pnW497I-00651-00220152-00220421 have to serve others by chanting for vDT4pnW497I-00652-00220423-00220692 that same problem area for others simple vDT4pnW497I-00653-00220692-00220812 you thought they don't need the big vDT4pnW497I-00654-00220813-00221112 teaching I gave you okay and then you vDT4pnW497I-00655-00221113-00221305 can't let peace or how many for others vDT4pnW497I-00656-00221306-00221616 do yourself a favor though measure their vDT4pnW497I-00657-00221617-00221862 suffering before could just be stressed vDT4pnW497I-00658-00221863-00222082 they have a stress measurement scale vDT4pnW497I-00659-00222083-00222344 could be high blood pressure could be vDT4pnW497I-00660-00222346-00222719 paint could be a toothache it could be vDT4pnW497I-00661-00222721-00222963 depression and they feel lighter and vDT4pnW497I-00662-00222964-00223188 better there's always something that's vDT4pnW497I-00663-00223189-00223419 measurable have the measure before you vDT4pnW497I-00664-00223419-00223721 chant for others like I did for you so vDT4pnW497I-00665-00223723-00224096 now tune in type in what value of you vDT4pnW497I-00666-00224098-00224357 received from this what was your aha vDT4pnW497I-00667-00224358-00224630 moments what was the value of this vDT4pnW497I-00668-00224631-00224828 teaching for you and what will you do vDT4pnW497I-00669-00224829-00225096 with it to serve others I don't need vDT4pnW497I-00670-00225096-00225248 accolades if you say anything positive vDT4pnW497I-00671-00225250-00225494 say it about Master sha this is vDT4pnW497I-00672-00225496-00225669 just as wisdom that I am sharing with vDT4pnW497I-00673-00225669-00226032 you but do a share so that everybody vDT4pnW497I-00674-00226033-00226254 that sees this at some point in time can vDT4pnW497I-00675-00226255-00226584 receive the value by reading what the vDT4pnW497I-00676-00226585-00226817 posts are I'm going to do a soul reading vDT4pnW497I-00677-00226819-00227001 as to the value of this service but vDT4pnW497I-00678-00227002-00227196 these others and we'll see what that vDT4pnW497I-00679-00227196-00227400 shares says as well while you're making vDT4pnW497I-00680-00227401-00228230 your post first I'm doing some water vDT4pnW497I-00681-00228231-00228480 my purification is a little better today vDT4pnW497I-00682-00228481-00228746 the last four or five days my lungs have vDT4pnW497I-00683-00228748-00229187 been purifying so it's not as much today vDT4pnW497I-00684-00229188-00229496 dear heaven did a soul of love kiss vDT4pnW497I-00685-00229498-00229764 harmony soul song dear the souls that vDT4pnW497I-00686-00229765-00230013 were served the soul of this wisdom vDT4pnW497I-00687-00230014-00230252 teaching could you collectively choose vDT4pnW497I-00688-00230253-00230619 someone to speak to offer any additional vDT4pnW497I-00689-00230619-00230964 insights and the value of this service vDT4pnW497I-00690-00230965-00233469 here today thank you vDT4pnW497I-00691-00233471-00234263 and figure those ability a year vDT4pnW497I-00692-00234264-00234830 this is a representative of all of the vDT4pnW497I-00693-00234831-00235229 Sheng Jian Jing inside of the bodies of vDT4pnW497I-00694-00235230-00235865 all those that were serving here today vDT4pnW497I-00695-00235866-00236582 we collectively are elated to have been vDT4pnW497I-00696-00236583-00236957 given the opportunity to not only hear vDT4pnW497I-00697-00236958-00237320 this wisdom but to serve with this vDT4pnW497I-00698-00237321-00237956 wisdom I am told that about 70% of us vDT4pnW497I-00699-00237957-00238433 were unaware of this soul song being vDT4pnW497I-00700-00238434-00238874 transmitted to our soul when we saw it vDT4pnW497I-00701-00238875-00239198 turned it on and discovered it for each vDT4pnW497I-00702-00239199-00239672 of us it was like a Sun in the middle of vDT4pnW497I-00703-00239673-00240502 our beingness we are beyond a measure vDT4pnW497I-00704-00240503-00240899 grateful to the one known as Master sha vDT4pnW497I-00705-00240900-00241181 for being the one that delivered this to vDT4pnW497I-00706-00241182-00241737 us so willingly so generously we cannot vDT4pnW497I-00707-00241738-00242107 truly comprehend what we have received vDT4pnW497I-00708-00242108-00242576 we now know the value of it and we all vDT4pnW497I-00709-00242577-00243230 evolved to serve all souls with all of vDT4pnW497I-00710-00243231-00243785 our heart we ask that our owners those vDT4pnW497I-00711-00243786-00244265 that are the ones that give us the vDT4pnW497I-00712-00244266-00244721 orders to please remember us to invoke vDT4pnW497I-00713-00244722-00245153 and invite us to serve we do not wish to vDT4pnW497I-00714-00245154-00245624 be on the suffering end of a broken body vDT4pnW497I-00715-00245625-00246260 part sore back or vDT4pnW497I-00716-00246261-00246767 unpleasant emotion we wish very much to vDT4pnW497I-00717-00246769-00247052 transform these blockages to light and vDT4pnW497I-00718-00247053-00247520 now for the first time ever we have this vDT4pnW497I-00719-00247521-00248169 awareness and this opportunity to vDT4pnW497I-00720-00248169-00248675 transform your suffering with you we are vDT4pnW497I-00721-00248676-00249158 elated to chance for all souls that have vDT4pnW497I-00722-00249159-00249494 any form of suffering not only those vDT4pnW497I-00723-00249496-00249860 souls that reflect the areas that we see vDT4pnW497I-00724-00249861-00250220 as darkness we are truly honored for vDT4pnW497I-00725-00250221-00250483 this wisdom and opportunity to share vDT4pnW497I-00726-00250484-00250922 this is a representative of the Shen vDT4pnW497I-00727-00250923-00251517 Qian Jing of all of your bodies haha vDT4pnW497I-00728-00251517-00251699 thank you thank you thank you vDT4pnW497I-00729-00251700-00252404 I am always always amazed by the souls vDT4pnW497I-00730-00252405-00252620 that come through i I just I cannot tell vDT4pnW497I-00731-00252621-00253010 you how amazed I am by the souls it's vDT4pnW497I-00732-00253011-00253406 because I opened myself up to it took vDT4pnW497I-00733-00253407-00253679 years to to to grasp that everything has vDT4pnW497I-00734-00253680-00253877 a soul and to communicate with it to vDT4pnW497I-00735-00253878-00254258 give it a mouth a voice but after all vDT4pnW497I-00736-00254259-00254477 this practice the wisdom that comes vDT4pnW497I-00737-00254478-00254684 through those Souls is beyond my vDT4pnW497I-00738-00254685-00255119 comprehension is truly a wonderful so vDT4pnW497I-00739-00255121-00255363 thank you to all those souls and now vDT4pnW497I-00740-00255364-00255537 they're not sharing so I'm going to back vDT4pnW497I-00741-00255538-00255767 up a little bit to read the comments vDT4pnW497I-00742-00255767-00256049 tatianna welcome to Jana thank you this vDT4pnW497I-00743-00256050-00256220 teaching and practice are priceless vDT4pnW497I-00744-00256221-00256376 thank you master sha thank you master vDT4pnW497I-00745-00256377-00256670 Paul I felt good to send them love to vDT4pnW497I-00746-00256671-00256844 help them to be liberated from the vDT4pnW497I-00747-00256846-00257219 suffering yes great Tatiana you captured vDT4pnW497I-00748-00257221-00257453 the wisdom good job so remember vDT4pnW497I-00749-00257454-00257821 suffering finances who do you chant for vDT4pnW497I-00750-00257822-00258219 that's right other people remember Pat vDT4pnW497I-00751-00258219-00258449 JD thank you for joining me how to serve vDT4pnW497I-00752-00258450-00258639 other soul to the same issue as I have vDT4pnW497I-00753-00258640-00259019 it's my pleasure thank you master sha Rd vDT4pnW497I-00754-00259019-00259307 thank you so much master Fletcher for vDT4pnW497I-00755-00259308-00259491 sharing the wisdom of mass vDT4pnW497I-00756-00259492-00259760 Shaw with us I am honored I hope that vDT4pnW497I-00757-00259761-00260037 the way I am sharing it is is a value to vDT4pnW497I-00758-00260038-00260271 you every master has a different way to vDT4pnW497I-00759-00260271-00260601 share so I thank you and I hope that it vDT4pnW497I-00760-00260602-00260928 is serving you well Kayla I love doing vDT4pnW497I-00761-00260929-00261119 this practice with others over Facebook vDT4pnW497I-00762-00261121-00261402 and on the soul level thank you so much vDT4pnW497I-00763-00261403-00261578 master shop in this incredible wisdom vDT4pnW497I-00764-00261579-00261821 yes I agree Thank You Kayla for that vDT4pnW497I-00765-00261823-00262079 sharing thank you message on master shot vDT4pnW497I-00766-00262080-00262259 master Paul for sharing and serving from vDT4pnW497I-00767-00262260-00263637 your heart welcome Gloria went down the vDT4pnW497I-00768-00263638-00263783 wrong way sorry about coughing in your vDT4pnW497I-00769-00263784-00264584 ear I was trying to drink fast so I can vDT4pnW497I-00770-00264585-00264798 return to you and take a little extra vDT4pnW497I-00771-00264799-00265122 time so I'll learn from that one and vDT4pnW497I-00772-00265123-00265338 Kristin thank you dear master Paul for vDT4pnW497I-00773-00265339-00265476 your sharing this teaching uncertainty vDT4pnW497I-00774-00265477-00265614 others who are suffering from the same vDT4pnW497I-00775-00265615-00265971 condition and asking of our inner soles vDT4pnW497I-00776-00265972-00266148 to chant to serve more Souls I vow to vDT4pnW497I-00777-00266149-00266469 serve also thank you you know Kristin is vDT4pnW497I-00778-00266470-00266649 such a dear heart she's such a giving vDT4pnW497I-00779-00266650-00266940 heart so there's no question in my mind vDT4pnW497I-00780-00266941-00267110 you will accomplish that Kristin thank vDT4pnW497I-00781-00267111-00267359 you see John - master politics was so vDT4pnW497I-00782-00267360-00267546 awesome teaching I know that all souls vDT4pnW497I-00783-00267547-00267699 need to increase their social standing vDT4pnW497I-00784-00267700-00267894 but it never hit me that all the souls vDT4pnW497I-00785-00267895-00268050 on our selves and the souls of all of vDT4pnW497I-00786-00268051-00268377 our body parts need to raise our son as vDT4pnW497I-00787-00268378-00268794 well big aha moment yes here's another vDT4pnW497I-00788-00268795-00268944 teaching for you I won't go too deep vDT4pnW497I-00789-00268945-00269373 into it when we receive a treasure from vDT4pnW497I-00790-00269374-00269653 Master sha even something from the books vDT4pnW497I-00791-00269654-00270102 that treasure comes with souls from vDT4pnW497I-00792-00270103-00270345 heaven assigned to it so that it works vDT4pnW497I-00793-00270346-00270546 it's a trick it can't work unless vDT4pnW497I-00794-00270547-00270785 heavens with it and in it you get it vDT4pnW497I-00795-00270786-00271034 it's a heavenly soul it came to you and vDT4pnW497I-00796-00271035-00271278 so heavens generals and soldiers are vDT4pnW497I-00797-00271279-00271582 assigned to that soul that came to you vDT4pnW497I-00798-00271583-00272019 they also have a soul standing so when vDT4pnW497I-00799-00272020-00272391 we don't turn it on and use it they are vDT4pnW497I-00800-00272392-00272625 not doing anything there vDT4pnW497I-00801-00272626-00273042 hanging out they cannot serve you vDT4pnW497I-00802-00273043-00273351 therefore their sole standing is not vDT4pnW497I-00803-00273352-00273817 impacted positively so by turning on the vDT4pnW497I-00804-00273818-00274012 treasures we receive obviously we vDT4pnW497I-00805-00274013-00274254 receive blessings and we ask the shows vDT4pnW497I-00806-00274255-00274465 to serve others obviously we receive vDT4pnW497I-00807-00274466-00274755 blessings but we must remember that all vDT4pnW497I-00808-00274756-00274990 the souls that are assigned to assist us vDT4pnW497I-00809-00274991-00275401 can only receive blessings if they have vDT4pnW497I-00810-00275402-00275845 an opportunity to serve us yeah amazing vDT4pnW497I-00811-00275846-00275964 huh vDT4pnW497I-00812-00275965-00276316 dear Renae using Facebook's live stream vDT4pnW497I-00813-00276317-00276483 I chanted the divine soul song love vDT4pnW497I-00814-00276484-00276630 peace and harmony in eight different vDT4pnW497I-00815-00276631-00276838 languages by the ocean earlier today vDT4pnW497I-00816-00276839-00277233 awesome it felt totally great I put the vDT4pnW497I-00817-00277234-00277564 totally in there for you when you chant vDT4pnW497I-00818-00277565-00277707 the love peace for me today I felt vDT4pnW497I-00819-00277708-00278176 surrounded by golden light and it felt vDT4pnW497I-00820-00278177-00278572 like floating wonderful so yeah vDT4pnW497I-00821-00278573-00278727 hopefully the soul reading helped you vDT4pnW497I-00822-00278728-00278923 all to better understand the happiness vDT4pnW497I-00823-00278924-00279118 of all the souls that we enlightened vDT4pnW497I-00824-00279119-00279514 with this opportunity to serve so the vDT4pnW497I-00825-00279515-00279924 final teaching on soul is outer souls vDT4pnW497I-00826-00279925-00280227 outer souls are those souls outside of vDT4pnW497I-00827-00280228-00280479 this now there are souls outside of us vDT4pnW497I-00828-00280480-00280642 that are lower frequency there's our vDT4pnW497I-00829-00280643-00280771 souls outside of us that are higher vDT4pnW497I-00830-00280772-00281074 frequency stands to reason we don't want vDT4pnW497I-00831-00281075-00281362 to communicate with any of the souls vDT4pnW497I-00832-00281363-00281955 that are lower frequency so we all come vDT4pnW497I-00833-00281956-00282201 to this experience with a heavens vDT4pnW497I-00834-00282202-00282487 team and it is my understanding that the vDT4pnW497I-00835-00282488-00282708 heavens king can change over time vDT4pnW497I-00836-00282709-00283015 depending on our needs so it's always a vDT4pnW497I-00837-00283016-00283201 great value to connect with our heavens vDT4pnW497I-00838-00283202-00283447 team it's always a great value to offer vDT4pnW497I-00839-00283448-00283693 them your food your drink anything over vDT4pnW497I-00840-00283694-00283870 time when I first learned this which was vDT4pnW497I-00841-00283871-00284395 with Master sha I constantly forgot I vDT4pnW497I-00842-00284396-00284628 would bite into the food for GAD feel vDT4pnW497I-00843-00284629-00284931 guilty next meal Biden to the food vDT4pnW497I-00844-00284932-00285166 forget feel guilty I cannot tell you how vDT4pnW497I-00845-00285167-00285295 many times that happened at least a vDT4pnW497I-00846-00285296-00285688 hundred times and I got to the point vDT4pnW497I-00847-00285689-00285828 where I would put the food up to my vDT4pnW497I-00848-00285829-00285899 mouth vDT4pnW497I-00849-00285900-00286268 ah put it back down okay offer to heaven vDT4pnW497I-00850-00286269-00286421 and then I find it got to the point vDT4pnW497I-00851-00286422-00286640 where I would offer it before I put the vDT4pnW497I-00852-00286641-00287059 fork up to my mouth why do we do that vDT4pnW497I-00853-00287060-00287396 because we're acknowledging that there vDT4pnW497I-00854-00287397-00287609 are beings that have tread this path vDT4pnW497I-00855-00287610-00287867 before and the reason they're where vDT4pnW497I-00856-00287868-00288014 they're at is because they have served vDT4pnW497I-00857-00288015-00288359 others unconditionally and the reason vDT4pnW497I-00858-00288360-00288611 they come is because that is how they vDT4pnW497I-00859-00288612-00288743 got weather act and that is how they vDT4pnW497I-00860-00288744-00288953 know they will get higher it is vDT4pnW497I-00861-00288954-00289148 naturally built in it as part of their vDT4pnW497I-00862-00289149-00289496 makeup they want to serve the outer vDT4pnW497I-00863-00289497-00289796 soles that are of higher frequency are vDT4pnW497I-00864-00289797-00289946 there because they want to serve so we vDT4pnW497I-00865-00289947-00290198 want to call upon them we want to call vDT4pnW497I-00866-00290199-00290600 upon all of them the Sun the Moon the vDT4pnW497I-00867-00290601-00290888 earth planet stars galaxies and vDT4pnW497I-00868-00290889-00291047 universes have been there a lot longer vDT4pnW497I-00869-00291048-00291236 than you and me we've been here about a vDT4pnW497I-00870-00291237-00291454 hundred years they've been here billion vDT4pnW497I-00871-00291455-00291761 so they carry a higher frequency a vDT4pnW497I-00872-00291762-00292241 higher Shen Chi and gene frequency call vDT4pnW497I-00873-00292242-00292472 upon them we already know to call upon vDT4pnW497I-00874-00292473-00292694 angels healing angels Archangels we know vDT4pnW497I-00875-00292695-00293015 to call upon our heavens team but we vDT4pnW497I-00876-00293016-00293158 want to call those other souls as well vDT4pnW497I-00877-00293159-00293510 the highest soul is Master sha on earth vDT4pnW497I-00878-00293511-00293852 today the more people learn about dr. vDT4pnW497I-00879-00293853-00294116 Master sha the more they will comprehend vDT4pnW497I-00880-00294117-00294668 who he is when you when you look at vDT4pnW497I-00881-00294669-00294899 someone that went from not being a vDT4pnW497I-00882-00294900-00295121 divine Channel meaning he was just doing vDT4pnW497I-00883-00295122-00295322 Qi Gong practices and teaching how to vDT4pnW497I-00884-00295323-00295550 move your hands and for powers to vDT4pnW497I-00885-00295551-00295784 achieve healing achieving for stage vDT4pnW497I-00886-00295785-00296108 cancer reversal to someone that can say vDT4pnW497I-00887-00296109-00296384 clear the blockages and in one word the vDT4pnW497I-00888-00296385-00296684 person recovers to go from here to there vDT4pnW497I-00889-00296685-00296849 means that he's been working with vDT4pnW497I-00890-00296850-00297260 somebody pretty close to the top and to vDT4pnW497I-00891-00297261-00297515 have a soul of that nature on the planet vDT4pnW497I-00892-00297516-00297983 today is nothing less than important why vDT4pnW497I-00893-00297984-00298193 would heaven bring somebody like that to vDT4pnW497I-00894-00298194-00298601 earth at this time why would he build vDT4pnW497I-00895-00298602-00298820 him up the way he's building him up all vDT4pnW497I-00896-00298821-00299117 these years bringing him slowly to the vDT4pnW497I-00897-00299118-00299274 surface so humanity can wreck vDT4pnW497I-00898-00299275-00299607 nice him why does this master who is vDT4pnW497I-00899-00299608-00299823 creating miracles on the spot in the vDT4pnW497I-00900-00299824-00300153 moment bowing down afterwards and saying vDT4pnW497I-00901-00300154-00300456 I take no credit the Creator is doing vDT4pnW497I-00902-00300457-00300768 everything I am just an unconditional vDT4pnW497I-00903-00300769-00301062 servant now why does he teach us all of vDT4pnW497I-00904-00301063-00301332 the healers the same thing don't offer vDT4pnW497I-00905-00301333-00301608 healing unless you take no credit for it vDT4pnW497I-00906-00301609-00301896 don't offer healing unless you give the vDT4pnW497I-00907-00301897-00302325 credit to God reason why is because he's vDT4pnW497I-00908-00302326-00302610 an authentic being here to serve this vDT4pnW497I-00909-00302611-00302958 wisdom is not for you it's not for the vDT4pnW497I-00910-00302959-00303186 next half hour it's not for the next vDT4pnW497I-00911-00303187-00303678 week it's not for you it's for all souls vDT4pnW497I-00912-00303679-00304068 it's called the soul light era this vDT4pnW497I-00913-00304069-00304385 entire conversation has been about souls vDT4pnW497I-00914-00304386-00304647 connecting with them helping them vDT4pnW497I-00915-00304648-00304971 assisting them going outside of vDT4pnW497I-00916-00304972-00305289 ourselves which is a wondrous thought a vDT4pnW497I-00917-00305290-00305502 oneness way of being this is the vDT4pnW497I-00918-00305503-00305727 foundational teaching dr. master Sha's vDT4pnW497I-00919-00305728-00306006 brought to earth since he came other vDT4pnW497I-00920-00306007-00306225 great beings have brought it also he vDT4pnW497I-00921-00306226-00306450 brings it with the unique flavor of soul vDT4pnW497I-00922-00306451-00306716 and he teaches of how to apply it vDT4pnW497I-00923-00306717-00307077 so remember that you have been blessed vDT4pnW497I-00924-00307078-00307341 to have so many tools available to you vDT4pnW497I-00925-00307342-00307569 it is our mind and our thoughts that vDT4pnW497I-00926-00307570-00307827 inhibit us from receiving the full value vDT4pnW497I-00927-00307828-00308169 of those we all want to receive for vDT4pnW497I-00928-00308170-00308394 ourselves because we all want to change vDT4pnW497I-00929-00308395-00308559 the blockage area that we are suffering vDT4pnW497I-00930-00308560-00308862 in but if you remember the wisdom to vDT4pnW497I-00931-00308863-00309159 serve others is to serve ourselves to vDT4pnW497I-00932-00309160-00309570 serve others is to increase our soul vDT4pnW497I-00933-00309571-00309804 standing on a natural basis when we vDT4pnW497I-00934-00309805-00310044 serve others unconditionally just vDT4pnW497I-00935-00310045-00310353 because that's where our heart is heaven vDT4pnW497I-00936-00310354-00310629 opens our Akashic records throws vDT4pnW497I-00937-00310630-00310899 countless flowers on it and the vDT4pnW497I-00938-00310900-00311139 blockages lifts when we serve others vDT4pnW497I-00939-00311140-00311385 unconditionally they reach into their vDT4pnW497I-00940-00311386-00311637 records at the soul level they take out vDT4pnW497I-00941-00311638-00311922 their virtue and they shower upon you in vDT4pnW497I-00942-00311923-00312306 the form of a thank you this is very vDT4pnW497I-00943-00312307-00312584 deep wisdom and it's a wisdom that you vDT4pnW497I-00944-00312585-00312872 share with others when they're suffering vDT4pnW497I-00945-00312873-00313190 you just say to them let us serve others vDT4pnW497I-00946-00313191-00313475 with the same condition by the way what vDT4pnW497I-00947-00313476-00313613 is your pain level and that's it all vDT4pnW497I-00948-00313614-00313925 it's about a six or seven great let's do vDT4pnW497I-00949-00313926-00314117 this teach them love peace and harmony vDT4pnW497I-00950-00314118-00314390 and then do the chanting with them and vDT4pnW497I-00951-00314391-00314722 for them and at the end measure their vDT4pnW497I-00952-00314723-00315119 uncomfortableness undoubtedly especially vDT4pnW497I-00953-00315120-00315305 to chant ten or fifteen minutes and vDT4pnW497I-00954-00315306-00315485 really be reduced I know it will be vDT4pnW497I-00955-00315486-00315557 reduced vDT4pnW497I-00956-00315558-00315770 don't guess second guess love peace vDT4pnW497I-00957-00315771-00316094 harmony it has amazing healing power it vDT4pnW497I-00958-00316095-00316289 will be reduced and from that moment vDT4pnW497I-00959-00316290-00316481 forward that person who had never heard vDT4pnW497I-00960-00316482-00316664 of this teaching before their life will vDT4pnW497I-00961-00316665-00316820 be changed and they will start serving vDT4pnW497I-00962-00316821-00317072 others this is how we change the planet vDT4pnW497I-00963-00317073-00317216 this is how we bring love peace coming vDT4pnW497I-00964-00317217-00317423 to the planet this is how we can make a vDT4pnW497I-00965-00317424-00317699 difference in people's lives by bringing vDT4pnW497I-00966-00317700-00317966 this song to them and teaching them vDT4pnW497I-00967-00317967-00318434 these basic foundational isms so I have vDT4pnW497I-00968-00318435-00318767 a question from C John Master Paul can vDT4pnW497I-00969-00318768-00318983 mothers ask the souls of all the sin vDT4pnW497I-00970-00318984-00319169 chi-ching in their babies to turn on vDT4pnW497I-00971-00319170-00319247 intent vDT4pnW497I-00972-00319248-00319598 the answer is brilliant absolutely vDT4pnW497I-00973-00319599-00319868 because the moment the sperm and the egg vDT4pnW497I-00974-00319869-00320309 touch a soul from the dial is given to vDT4pnW497I-00975-00320310-00320693 that baby so that baby instantly has a vDT4pnW497I-00976-00320694-00320884 salt the moment the sperm and the egg vDT4pnW497I-00977-00320885-00321254 meet and of course you know the cells vDT4pnW497I-00978-00321255-00321452 replicate so you have all the Shen she vDT4pnW497I-00979-00321453-00321740 and Gia okay I'm back I always pause vDT4pnW497I-00980-00321741-00322237 when it stops like that and do that vDT4pnW497I-00981-00322238-00322493 playing a love peace and harmony seeing vDT4pnW497I-00982-00322494-00322691 love peace and how many teach the baby vDT4pnW497I-00983-00322692-00323039 love peace and harmony oh my god that's vDT4pnW497I-00984-00323040-00323264 the highest way to maintain the heavenly vDT4pnW497I-00985-00323265-00323543 frequency that the baby came in with and vDT4pnW497I-00986-00323544-00323774 they'll come in with that frequency but vDT4pnW497I-00987-00323775-00324002 to be able to help maintain that is HUGE vDT4pnW497I-00988-00324003-00324242 can you get love peace harmony into the vDT4pnW497I-00989-00324243-00324359 maternity wards vDT4pnW497I-00990-00324360-00324500 can you bring love peace and harmony vDT4pnW497I-00991-00324501-00324719 into a nursery can you take it to a vDT4pnW497I-00992-00324720-00324971 preschool can you teach the children to vDT4pnW497I-00993-00324972-00325184 do this to help humanity by chanting vDT4pnW497I-00994-00325185-00325442 this song do any of you have those kinds vDT4pnW497I-00995-00325443-00325775 of connections put them to work bring vDT4pnW497I-00996-00325776-00325900 the music vDT4pnW497I-00997-00325901-00326128 bring anything else bring the music in vDT4pnW497I-00998-00326129-00326416 the words and say this isn't 28th vDT4pnW497I-00999-00326417-00326581 language and people are singing it to vDT4pnW497I-01000-00326582-00326749 help humanity do you think it's vDT4pnW497I-01001-00326750-00326878 something that your school might be vDT4pnW497I-01002-00326879-00327037 interested in do you think it's vDT4pnW497I-01003-00327038-00327157 something your nursery might be vDT4pnW497I-01004-00327158-00327313 interested in do you think it's vDT4pnW497I-01005-00327314-00327514 something that you might like to have in vDT4pnW497I-01006-00327515-00327799 the hospital to help bring people off vDT4pnW497I-01007-00327800-00328051 their levels of stress if you have these vDT4pnW497I-01008-00328052-00328321 connections please use them we must get vDT4pnW497I-01009-00328322-00328710 this information out there so I would vDT4pnW497I-01010-00328711-00328966 like to finish what's a blessing I will vDT4pnW497I-01011-00328967-00329263 leave it to you if you wish to forward vDT4pnW497I-01013-00332992-00333624 this will be a silent blessing vDT4pnW497I-01014-00333625-00333880 blessing again vDT4pnW497I-01015-00333881-00335587 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01016-00335588-00336332 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01017-00336333-00336821 mm-hmm vDT4pnW497I-01018-00336822-00336911 Oh vDT4pnW497I-01019-00336912-00338098 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01020-00338099-00339151 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01021-00339152-00339427 mm-hmm vDT4pnW497I-01022-00339428-00339747 Oh vDT4pnW497I-01023-00339748-00340046 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01024-00340047-00340325 mmm vDT4pnW497I-01025-00340326-00340515 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01026-00340516-00341746 mmm vDT4pnW497I-01027-00341747-00343851 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01028-00343852-00343884 Oh vDT4pnW497I-01029-00343885-00344612 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01030-00344613-00344868 [Music] vDT4pnW497I-01031-00344869-00345720 oh ah thank you thank you thinking thank vDT4pnW497I-01032-00345721-00345969 you to the soul that came to offer that vDT4pnW497I-01033-00345970-00346394 blessing you may respectfully return vDT4pnW497I-01034-00346395-00346724 welcome Vanessa you can write at the end vDT4pnW497I-01035-00346725-00347052 so you have a chance to watch the our vDT4pnW497I-01036-00347053-00347381 episode receive huge wisdom on the power vDT4pnW497I-01037-00347382-00347628 of soul to heal yourself you transform vDT4pnW497I-01038-00347629-00347862 your blockages and that is the case for vDT4pnW497I-01039-00347863-00348075 everybody that will watch this moving vDT4pnW497I-01040-00348076-00348182 into the future vDT4pnW497I-01041-00348183-00348533 I truly appreciate you coming it opens vDT4pnW497I-01042-00348534-00348699 my heart so much that you have all come vDT4pnW497I-01043-00348700-00349050 to join to watch it is a tremendous vDT4pnW497I-01044-00349051-00349433 opportunity to serve day vFBopJ5aBLQ-00000-00003360-00003631 oh hello again one of these times i i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00001-00003632-00003799 really do hope to look intelligent when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00002-00003800-00004070 i start one of these meetings vFBopJ5aBLQ-00003-00004071-00004406 wouldn't that be nice vFBopJ5aBLQ-00004-00004407-00004535 and i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00005-00004536-00004783 know 10 steps vFBopJ5aBLQ-00006-00004784-00004895 and maybe one of these times i'll vFBopJ5aBLQ-00007-00004896-00005159 remember all the steps um with all the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00008-00005160-00005327 delays i'm trying to watch and i'm vFBopJ5aBLQ-00009-00005328-00005463 trying to look intelligent i'm trying to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00010-00005464-00005631 see when it goes live and i miss it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00011-00005632-00005983 every time oh well vFBopJ5aBLQ-00012-00005984-00006199 and i just keep closing my screen just a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00013-00006200-00006527 moment people vFBopJ5aBLQ-00014-00006528-00006710 okay vFBopJ5aBLQ-00015-00006711-00006975 hello everybody vFBopJ5aBLQ-00016-00006976-00007191 it is tracy here your friendly vFBopJ5aBLQ-00017-00007192-00007406 neighborhood paper pusher vFBopJ5aBLQ-00018-00007408-00007487 who vFBopJ5aBLQ-00019-00007488-00007719 did not bring a cup of tea in the room vFBopJ5aBLQ-00020-00007720-00007870 with her vFBopJ5aBLQ-00021-00007872-00008070 is more than likely going to regret it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00022-00008072-00008295 very shortly vFBopJ5aBLQ-00023-00008296-00008483 welcome to what's up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00024-00008484-00008871 wednesday um i'm i have this on my desk vFBopJ5aBLQ-00025-00008872-00009127 just to invite comments i am actually vFBopJ5aBLQ-00026-00009128-00009310 going to use it there's a purpose for it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00027-00009311-00009463 but i'm curious if anybody knows why i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00028-00009464-00009614 have it on my desk vFBopJ5aBLQ-00029-00009615-00009823 i will give you a hint vFBopJ5aBLQ-00030-00009824-00010063 it's plastic rubber vFBopJ5aBLQ-00031-00010064-00010367 man-made something vFBopJ5aBLQ-00032-00010368-00010503 there you go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00033-00010504-00010655 before i actually use it and then you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00034-00010656-00010846 see why i use it see if you can guess vFBopJ5aBLQ-00035-00010847-00010983 why i have it here vFBopJ5aBLQ-00036-00010984-00011127 hello tamara vFBopJ5aBLQ-00037-00011128-00011503 so glad to see you again vFBopJ5aBLQ-00038-00011504-00011614 let's see vFBopJ5aBLQ-00039-00011615-00011806 where was i going to start vFBopJ5aBLQ-00040-00011807-00011959 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00041-00011960-00012159 kits let's start with kits i have a few vFBopJ5aBLQ-00042-00012160-00012351 little updates and then then we play for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00043-00012352-00012455 a minute vFBopJ5aBLQ-00044-00012456-00012678 um so kits vFBopJ5aBLQ-00045-00012679-00012871 the christmas whimsy one which i could vFBopJ5aBLQ-00046-00012872-00013030 have swore i brought with me to my desk vFBopJ5aBLQ-00047-00013031-00013183 and i did not vFBopJ5aBLQ-00048-00013184-00013399 not anywhere i can see it so the cute vFBopJ5aBLQ-00049-00013400-00013679 christmas card kit with the elves in it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00050-00013680-00013894 decorating the tree and such has sold vFBopJ5aBLQ-00051-00013895-00013983 out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00052-00013984-00014335 and that was the i guess that was the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00053-00014336-00014471 assumption that would happen when it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00054-00014472-00014711 first launched um it took three weeks vFBopJ5aBLQ-00055-00014712-00014879 which is longer than i thought i really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00056-00014880-00015038 did expect it would go faster than that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00057-00015040-00015271 because kits are just so easy they're so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00058-00015272-00015375 easy to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00059-00015376-00015527 put together they're so easy to get out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00060-00015528-00015679 to people vFBopJ5aBLQ-00061-00015680-00015911 now we're expecting a second kit out of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00062-00015912-00016047 this offering vFBopJ5aBLQ-00063-00016047-00016279 um it's hinted at in the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00064-00016280-00016471 mini catalog vFBopJ5aBLQ-00065-00016472-00016583 and it is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00066-00016584-00016791 from looks like card tags although these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00067-00016792-00016967 card tags from the one video i did see vFBopJ5aBLQ-00068-00016968-00017271 with the ceo does little tuesday yes vFBopJ5aBLQ-00069-00017272-00017463 tuesday afternoon videos vFBopJ5aBLQ-00070-00017464-00017615 she was putting together one of the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00071-00017616-00017783 samples of this kit because i guess when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00072-00017784-00017991 you're the ceo you can get stuff early vFBopJ5aBLQ-00073-00017992-00018135 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00074-00018136-00018367 and it appeared that like when she was vFBopJ5aBLQ-00075-00018368-00018550 holding the tag in her hand it was like vFBopJ5aBLQ-00076-00018551-00018750 a good oops there we go it was a good vFBopJ5aBLQ-00077-00018751-00018950 sized tank so i would imagine that these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00078-00018951-00019167 tags vFBopJ5aBLQ-00079-00019168-00019375 um which there appears to be four vFBopJ5aBLQ-00080-00019376-00019679 different um styles of it looks like you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00081-00019680-00019855 could make them into cards quite easily vFBopJ5aBLQ-00082-00019856-00020103 but they do make adorable looking tags vFBopJ5aBLQ-00083-00020104-00020286 now this kit is supposed to launch i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00084-00020287-00020486 believe early october vFBopJ5aBLQ-00085-00020487-00020647 because the other one is sold out i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00086-00020648-00020807 think that just ups the chances that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00087-00020808-00020950 this one is going to sell out and maybe vFBopJ5aBLQ-00088-00020951-00021263 even faster so i mentioned it before i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00089-00021264-00021447 will keep an eye out for it we did get a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00090-00021448-00021591 note stephanie is very good at vFBopJ5aBLQ-00091-00021592-00021791 communicating with certain things so we vFBopJ5aBLQ-00092-00021792-00021958 did get a note saying that we should get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00093-00021959-00022255 a day's notice when it's going to launch vFBopJ5aBLQ-00094-00022256-00022422 so hopefully i get that and i can tell vFBopJ5aBLQ-00095-00022423-00022614 you ahead of time but if you really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00096-00022615-00022783 really want to make this kit let me know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00097-00022784-00023022 ahead of time so that as soon as i know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00098-00023023-00023286 it's going to launch vFBopJ5aBLQ-00099-00023287-00023399 i can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00100-00023400-00023599 get the stuff together get a message get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00101-00023600-00023750 everything out make sure i tag the right vFBopJ5aBLQ-00102-00023751-00023975 people who have mentioned it um i assume vFBopJ5aBLQ-00103-00023976-00024142 it's going to be a 26 kit like the other vFBopJ5aBLQ-00104-00024143-00024383 ones have then plus shipping and tax i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00105-00024384-00024558 don't know that for sure um it looks vFBopJ5aBLQ-00106-00024559-00024711 like this is a stamp set that goes with vFBopJ5aBLQ-00107-00024712-00024903 it which is pretty cool vFBopJ5aBLQ-00108-00024904-00025150 uh so yeah if you're thinking of that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00109-00025151-00025447 and i probably will have just because vFBopJ5aBLQ-00110-00025448-00025614 last time when we had a card kit i think vFBopJ5aBLQ-00111-00025616-00025814 it was i think there's four different or vFBopJ5aBLQ-00112-00025816-00025967 a tag kit sorry vFBopJ5aBLQ-00113-00025968-00026127 i think it was four different tags and i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00114-00026127-00026287 think there's either three or four of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00115-00026288-00026583 each so if you don't need 12 16 of these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00116-00026583-00026767 like nice big tags vFBopJ5aBLQ-00117-00026768-00027007 maybe you make half tags half cards vFBopJ5aBLQ-00118-00027008-00027199 so i will have an option for an add-on vFBopJ5aBLQ-00119-00027200-00027367 of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00120-00027368-00027574 some card stock once i get a look at the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00121-00027575-00027758 kit and actually know what colors and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00122-00027760-00027999 sizes and stuff where you could actually vFBopJ5aBLQ-00123-00028000-00028214 convert summer all of this kit into vFBopJ5aBLQ-00124-00028216-00028311 carts vFBopJ5aBLQ-00125-00028312-00028470 um but yeah to get the kit ordered vFBopJ5aBLQ-00126-00028472-00028599 straight to your house put it together vFBopJ5aBLQ-00127-00028600-00028751 and have these awesome vFBopJ5aBLQ-00128-00028752-00028895 almost card like vFBopJ5aBLQ-00129-00028895-00029062 tags to go with it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00130-00029063-00029358 why not so yes i will i will communicate vFBopJ5aBLQ-00131-00029360-00029535 when it comes out but if you know for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00132-00029536-00029670 sure for sure you have to have it let me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00133-00029672-00029799 know ahead of time so i can make sure vFBopJ5aBLQ-00134-00029800-00029935 that i and if i just happen to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00135-00029936-00030046 putting an order in when i know it's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00136-00030047-00030287 coming up i'll just order it so then we vFBopJ5aBLQ-00137-00030288-00030470 don't have to worry about messing up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00138-00030472-00030799 fomo you don't want homo vFBopJ5aBLQ-00139-00030800-00031087 um speaking of missing out this kit the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00140-00031088-00031239 paper foam can get the deadline is the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00141-00031239-00031367 10th vFBopJ5aBLQ-00142-00031368-00031535 my sister's birthday vFBopJ5aBLQ-00143-00031536-00031783 um so if anybody is interested in that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00144-00031783-00031999 make sure you do that before the 10th vFBopJ5aBLQ-00145-00032000-00032190 if you think wow that's an awesome kit i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00146-00032191-00032351 don't really have time to craft but boy vFBopJ5aBLQ-00147-00032352-00032487 i wish i could buy that kit and give it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00148-00032488-00032670 to someone deserving have i got the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00149-00032672-00032943 opportunity for you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00150-00032944-00033087 they will be coming back we still know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00151-00033088-00033207 oh sorry see i'm having a really hard vFBopJ5aBLQ-00152-00033208-00033383 time looking at that i get in my zone vFBopJ5aBLQ-00153-00033384-00033574 and i don't look at the comments i did vFBopJ5aBLQ-00154-00033575-00033727 read so i did read the comments today we vFBopJ5aBLQ-00155-00033728-00033887 did get information about these kits and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00156-00033888-00034071 i think they're changing how the kits vFBopJ5aBLQ-00157-00034072-00034287 are working vFBopJ5aBLQ-00158-00034288-00034383 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00159-00034384-00034567 in 2022 and i think some of the kids vFBopJ5aBLQ-00160-00034568-00034735 will come back and i'm not 100 sure so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00161-00034736-00034911 when i clear when i when i get it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00162-00034912-00035039 straight in my head vFBopJ5aBLQ-00163-00035040-00035279 i will tell you guys and if those card vFBopJ5aBLQ-00164-00035280-00035439 kits do come back the cute ones with the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00165-00035440-00035767 elves i will for sure let you know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00166-00035768-00035959 okay so have i got an opportunity for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00167-00035960-00036079 you that's why i left off i gotta really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00168-00036080-00036230 stop with the squirrels vFBopJ5aBLQ-00169-00036231-00036543 um this paper pumpkin kit that is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00170-00036544-00036767 coming out for october vFBopJ5aBLQ-00171-00036768-00037015 has the makings of as you remember from vFBopJ5aBLQ-00172-00037016-00037190 the last time i cheat sheets vFBopJ5aBLQ-00173-00037191-00037374 10 christmas cards vFBopJ5aBLQ-00174-00037375-00037574 five each of two different designs and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00175-00037575-00037735 they coordinate with for anybody who vFBopJ5aBLQ-00176-00037736-00037927 watch i have this on my desk because i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00177-00037928-00038174 just love it um anybody who watched my vFBopJ5aBLQ-00178-00038175-00038407 make it monday this is the card that i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00179-00038408-00038695 made my little layered cabin card vFBopJ5aBLQ-00180-00038696-00038999 um based on the idea from terry gaines vFBopJ5aBLQ-00181-00039000-00039127 and this is the suite that it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00182-00039128-00039383 coordinates with now the the kit has vFBopJ5aBLQ-00183-00039384-00039590 this deep green and a red in it so it's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00184-00039591-00039727 obviously not going to look exactly like vFBopJ5aBLQ-00185-00039728-00040055 this but elements uh somehow but anyways vFBopJ5aBLQ-00186-00040056-00040215 i love this suite so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00187-00040216-00040327 i think it's going to be a beautiful vFBopJ5aBLQ-00188-00040328-00040495 card kit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00189-00040496-00040718 so it will make 10 and these card kits vFBopJ5aBLQ-00190-00040719-00040918 are designed to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00191-00040919-00041102 um put together pretty quickly hour hour vFBopJ5aBLQ-00192-00041103-00041246 and a half you need scissors everything vFBopJ5aBLQ-00193-00041247-00041439 else is in the kit there you go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00194-00041440-00041646 so they cost 31.50 vFBopJ5aBLQ-00195-00041647-00041846 and i did mention this i think i might vFBopJ5aBLQ-00196-00041847-00041974 have mentioned it on monday if not i did vFBopJ5aBLQ-00197-00041975-00042262 mention it last week but um we are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00198-00042263-00042407 trying to get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00199-00042408-00042599 my friend tamara who's with us tonight vFBopJ5aBLQ-00200-00042600-00042839 um came up with this great idea of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00201-00042840-00043183 recognizing nurses and hospital staff vFBopJ5aBLQ-00202-00043184-00043335 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00203-00043336-00043518 seriously those those are under pre vFBopJ5aBLQ-00204-00043519-00043743 under appreciated bunch who are working vFBopJ5aBLQ-00205-00043744-00043918 above and beyond right now and have been vFBopJ5aBLQ-00206-00043919-00044087 for a year and a half vFBopJ5aBLQ-00207-00044088-00044230 so to give them vFBopJ5aBLQ-00208-00044231-00044374 we can't solve all the world's problems vFBopJ5aBLQ-00209-00044375-00044574 we can't solve all the you know mess vFBopJ5aBLQ-00210-00044575-00044830 politicians make and such but we can let vFBopJ5aBLQ-00211-00044831-00044974 nurses and hospital staff and other vFBopJ5aBLQ-00212-00044975-00045143 healthcare workers know that they are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00213-00045144-00045335 appreciated and that we see them and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00214-00045336-00045446 that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00215-00045447-00045743 even to give them an hour or so of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00216-00045744-00045935 here's a little creative outlet kick vFBopJ5aBLQ-00217-00045936-00046143 back few of them sit down in the coffee vFBopJ5aBLQ-00218-00046144-00046246 room vFBopJ5aBLQ-00219-00046247-00046423 make some cards and then have 10 vFBopJ5aBLQ-00220-00046424-00046543 christmas cards that you can hand out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00221-00046544-00046646 and let your loved ones know you're vFBopJ5aBLQ-00222-00046647-00046862 doing okay like it's just a little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00223-00046863-00047127 something to to let them know so we're vFBopJ5aBLQ-00224-00047128-00047351 trying to get 100 of these kids to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00225-00047352-00047662 donate to nurses um i know i have a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00226-00047663-00047846 niece who's a nurse i have friends who vFBopJ5aBLQ-00227-00047847-00047999 are nurses there's ladies in our vFBopJ5aBLQ-00228-00048000-00048151 staffing group who are nurses and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00229-00048152-00048286 there's a whole vFBopJ5aBLQ-00230-00048287-00048471 thousands of nurses and healthcare vFBopJ5aBLQ-00231-00048472-00048646 workers out there who are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00232-00048647-00048830 who are really really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00233-00048831-00048990 really really deserving of a little bit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00234-00048991-00049286 of a nice gesture so anybody who wants vFBopJ5aBLQ-00235-00049287-00049558 can send me the thirty dollars i rounded vFBopJ5aBLQ-00236-00049559-00049767 that one off vFBopJ5aBLQ-00237-00049768-00049983 to sponsor a kit i will pay the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00238-00049984-00050118 difference in shipping and i will buy vFBopJ5aBLQ-00239-00050119-00050255 the block that goes with it using my vFBopJ5aBLQ-00240-00050256-00050407 commission on the kit so no profits vFBopJ5aBLQ-00241-00050408-00050535 being made on this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00242-00050536-00050735 all the money's going back into the kits vFBopJ5aBLQ-00243-00050736-00050918 trying to get the goal of 100 kids vFBopJ5aBLQ-00244-00050919-00051071 tamara and her awesome much people are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00245-00051072-00051270 about a third of the way there so i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00246-00051271-00051526 would like her to help i would like you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00247-00051527-00051926 you fine people to help me help her vFBopJ5aBLQ-00248-00051927-00052070 darn i wish i could do a tom cruise vFBopJ5aBLQ-00249-00052071-00052223 right now no maybe that wasn't tom vFBopJ5aBLQ-00250-00052224-00052350 cruise maybe that's the cute you've a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00251-00052351-00052599 goody junior help me help you no that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00252-00052600-00052799 was tom cruise um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00253-00052800-00052991 i would like to help tomorrow get to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00254-00052991-00053166 that hundred goal and i would like to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00255-00053167-00053487 part of the genius idea of giving nurses vFBopJ5aBLQ-00256-00053488-00053671 a little something to tell them thank vFBopJ5aBLQ-00257-00053672-00053759 you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00258-00053760-00053942 so if you want to be part of that let me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00259-00053944-00054111 know um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00260-00054112-00054415 i will put my email address in the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00261-00054416-00054623 in the post after this again just so you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00262-00054624-00054775 know and yeah we're just going to buy vFBopJ5aBLQ-00263-00054776-00055047 these kits add blocks to them vFBopJ5aBLQ-00264-00055048-00055182 we have a nurse that will distribute vFBopJ5aBLQ-00265-00055183-00055287 them for us so they go to the right vFBopJ5aBLQ-00266-00055288-00055375 people vFBopJ5aBLQ-00267-00055376-00055494 and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00268-00055495-00055815 just say thank you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00269-00055816-00056054 they totally deserve it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00270-00056055-00056230 let's see what else is on my thing oops vFBopJ5aBLQ-00271-00056232-00056479 i forgot my i've got my props vFBopJ5aBLQ-00272-00056479-00056630 my prop game is off tonight normally i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00273-00056632-00056815 haven't been organized in this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00274-00056816-00056999 celebration vFBopJ5aBLQ-00275-00057000-00057142 celebration vFBopJ5aBLQ-00276-00057144-00057494 uh is over on thursday when is thursday vFBopJ5aBLQ-00277-00057495-00057999 tomorrow so you have till 11 59 tomorrow vFBopJ5aBLQ-00278-00058000-00058094 to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00279-00058095-00058271 take advantage of the free vFBopJ5aBLQ-00280-00058272-00058487 so celebration just to recap for every vFBopJ5aBLQ-00281-00058488-00058719 sixty dollars you spend you get to pick vFBopJ5aBLQ-00282-00058720-00058935 um free products there's some stamp sets vFBopJ5aBLQ-00283-00058936-00059063 in here there's some dyes in here vFBopJ5aBLQ-00284-00059064-00059207 there's a couple dies where if you spend vFBopJ5aBLQ-00285-00059208-00059479 or sets if you spend 120 dollars vFBopJ5aBLQ-00286-00059479-00059759 you get these are amazing dies vFBopJ5aBLQ-00287-00059760-00059903 darn see this is what i get for cleaning vFBopJ5aBLQ-00288-00059904-00059975 up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00289-00059976-00060175 up until a few days ago my desk is just vFBopJ5aBLQ-00290-00060176-00060359 piled by with stuff but i'm trying to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00291-00060360-00060591 sort out and organize so i made these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00292-00060591-00060711 flowers are just gorgeous i don't even vFBopJ5aBLQ-00293-00060712-00060830 have the stamp set that goes with them vFBopJ5aBLQ-00294-00060832-00060959 all on their own these flowers are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00295-00060960-00061119 gorgeous and i made this great thing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00296-00061120-00061287 with them which vFBopJ5aBLQ-00297-00061288-00061494 was a arm reach away and now across the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00298-00061495-00061663 room so that's what i get for putting vFBopJ5aBLQ-00299-00061664-00061879 things away but anyways for 120 bucks vFBopJ5aBLQ-00300-00061879-00062111 look at this cool stuff you can get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00301-00062112-00062438 um there's also the join offer so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00302-00062439-00062599 if you buy the starter kit which is a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00303-00062600-00062782 good deal on any day vFBopJ5aBLQ-00304-00062783-00063054 you basically get 165 dollars worth of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00305-00063055-00063238 the product you pick you get a free vFBopJ5aBLQ-00306-00063239-00063415 paper pumpkin in there which as i just vFBopJ5aBLQ-00307-00063416-00063615 said is worth 31.50 vFBopJ5aBLQ-00308-00063616-00063726 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00309-00063727-00063999 and you get some catalogs and stuff vFBopJ5aBLQ-00310-00064000-00064135 which even if you don't want to be a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00311-00064136-00064326 demonstrator and do the business and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00312-00064327-00064479 even if you just want to have a party vFBopJ5aBLQ-00313-00064479-00064582 amongst friends you can pass your vFBopJ5aBLQ-00314-00064583-00064759 catalogs out to your friends and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00315-00064760-00064942 and have like little just get togethers vFBopJ5aBLQ-00316-00064944-00065087 where you all craft and you just you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00317-00065088-00065287 know supply the stuff so you get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00318-00065288-00065447 hundreds of dollars worth of stuff for a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00319-00065448-00065775 135 flat rate there's no gst there's no vFBopJ5aBLQ-00320-00065776-00066063 shipping it's just 135 dollars vFBopJ5aBLQ-00321-00066064-00066455 during stamp or celebration you also get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00322-00066456-00066679 so again till tomorrow night vFBopJ5aBLQ-00323-00066680-00066959 uh a choice of 12 different bundles now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00324-00066960-00067175 these bundles are for anywhere from i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00325-00067176-00067447 think 61 to 85 dollars vFBopJ5aBLQ-00326-00067448-00067726 and by bundle i mean vFBopJ5aBLQ-00327-00067727-00067838 and you don't get one with a missing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00328-00067839-00067991 snap but just this is not one of the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00329-00067992-00068094 samples this just happens to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00330-00068095-00068263 something with an arm sheet but so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00331-00068264-00068406 basically by bundle i mean you get a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00332-00068407-00068582 stamp set and the set of dies that go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00333-00068583-00068750 with it and i have this out because i'm vFBopJ5aBLQ-00334-00068751-00068935 using the snap it is not missing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00335-00068936-00069047 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00336-00069048-00069175 so this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00337-00069176-00069350 gets comes free so now you're looking at vFBopJ5aBLQ-00338-00069351-00069711 what 300 worth of stuff for 135 flat vFBopJ5aBLQ-00339-00069712-00069855 rate so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00340-00069856-00069943 even if you don't want to do the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00341-00069944-00070071 business even if you just want to get a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00342-00070072-00070175 good deal on vFBopJ5aBLQ-00343-00070176-00070391 some supplies and then once you do get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00344-00070392-00070599 this meet your minimums and you get at vFBopJ5aBLQ-00345-00070600-00070750 least 20 off on the rest of your vFBopJ5aBLQ-00346-00070751-00071023 supplies so awesome deal vFBopJ5aBLQ-00347-00071024-00071279 this particular one goes until 11 59 vFBopJ5aBLQ-00348-00071280-00071382 tomorrow vFBopJ5aBLQ-00349-00071383-00071482 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00350-00071483-00071719 celebration i want to sing the cool and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00351-00071720-00071919 the game song every time say vFBopJ5aBLQ-00352-00071920-00072111 little break it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00353-00072112-00072294 anyway i'm going to stop singing now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00354-00072295-00072462 what else is on my list vFBopJ5aBLQ-00355-00072463-00072655 i actually made a list today because i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00356-00072656-00072855 was all over the place today and i've vFBopJ5aBLQ-00357-00072856-00073103 sort of made a list uh why was i all vFBopJ5aBLQ-00358-00073104-00073255 over the place because i have vFBopJ5aBLQ-00359-00073256-00073471 rescheduled and just scheduled and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00360-00073472-00073687 changed and rescheduled things so many vFBopJ5aBLQ-00361-00073688-00073871 times in the last couple months and i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00362-00073872-00074062 was trying to come up with a plan that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00363-00074063-00074326 would work to not have to and really the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00364-00074327-00074543 only thing i came up with is we are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00365-00074544-00074759 virtual until december i'm going to quit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00366-00074760-00074894 trying to do impersonal ones because i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00367-00074895-00075055 just have to keep changing things i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00368-00075056-00075199 think it will take at least until vFBopJ5aBLQ-00369-00075200-00075359 december i know nothing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00370-00075360-00075511 i have no like special in or anything vFBopJ5aBLQ-00371-00075512-00075655 with vFBopJ5aBLQ-00372-00075656-00075862 the doctors or the nurses or vFBopJ5aBLQ-00373-00075863-00076062 politicians if there is such a thing as vFBopJ5aBLQ-00374-00076063-00076255 knowing what they're about to do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00375-00076256-00076462 so i have no idea but my instinct tells vFBopJ5aBLQ-00376-00076463-00076631 me it's at least december before they vFBopJ5aBLQ-00377-00076632-00076823 lift restrictions or at least vFBopJ5aBLQ-00378-00076824-00077047 into late november which means in order vFBopJ5aBLQ-00379-00077048-00077247 to plan something so i'm hoping by the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00380-00077248-00077447 time we get to our treat vFBopJ5aBLQ-00381-00077448-00077591 um get together that we usually have vFBopJ5aBLQ-00382-00077592-00077711 where we make treats to give to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00383-00077712-00077894 everybody for christmas that we can do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00384-00077895-00078031 that in person because that would be a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00385-00078032-00078159 whole lot easier vFBopJ5aBLQ-00386-00078160-00078238 but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00387-00078239-00078399 i'm not sure that anything else will vFBopJ5aBLQ-00388-00078400-00078703 happen in person so i am once again vFBopJ5aBLQ-00389-00078704-00078879 shifting and this time i'm doing it and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00390-00078880-00079159 then i'm done um i shifted for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00391-00079160-00079294 a crash sale because they changed that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00392-00079295-00079462 date now i'm not even sure if it's going vFBopJ5aBLQ-00393-00079463-00079662 to happen so this is it i'm shifting and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00394-00079663-00079871 then we're done um and then i will just vFBopJ5aBLQ-00395-00079872-00079991 start setting up the information and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00396-00079992-00080119 saying here's what's available here's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00397-00080120-00080303 the date we're doing it here's virtual vFBopJ5aBLQ-00398-00080304-00080567 and i really really hope that i can make vFBopJ5aBLQ-00399-00080568-00080711 something work for someone because vFBopJ5aBLQ-00400-00080712-00080847 really i just want to make cards with vFBopJ5aBLQ-00401-00080848-00081015 you guys and i want you to be able to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00402-00081016-00081215 have cards to give to people because i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00403-00081216-00081343 love the look at people's face when they vFBopJ5aBLQ-00404-00081344-00081519 get one i love looking your face when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00405-00081520-00081638 you make one and you know you're giving vFBopJ5aBLQ-00406-00081639-00081767 it to someone vFBopJ5aBLQ-00407-00081768-00081982 so that's the ultimate goal i am going vFBopJ5aBLQ-00408-00081983-00082126 to get there vFBopJ5aBLQ-00409-00082127-00082359 and the pandemic is not going to win vFBopJ5aBLQ-00410-00082360-00082567 so that's where i was today vFBopJ5aBLQ-00411-00082568-00082718 now we're going to play vFBopJ5aBLQ-00412-00082719-00082943 anybody figure out what my my fancy rock vFBopJ5aBLQ-00413-00082944-00083462 mat was for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00414-00083463-00083718 okay so what i really bought it for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00415-00083719-00083918 well here here's the here's the original vFBopJ5aBLQ-00416-00083919-00084006 use vFBopJ5aBLQ-00417-00084007-00084167 you buy these mats to put in your vFBopJ5aBLQ-00418-00084168-00084343 kitchen sink so when you're washing your vFBopJ5aBLQ-00419-00084344-00084582 fine china you don't chip and or break vFBopJ5aBLQ-00420-00084583-00084735 it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00421-00084736-00084823 now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00422-00084824-00084982 anybody who knows me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00423-00084983-00085143 knows that is never going to be the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00424-00085144-00085311 reason i have this mat vFBopJ5aBLQ-00425-00085312-00085487 not ever vFBopJ5aBLQ-00426-00085488-00085623 and you're right it is never going to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00427-00085624-00085791 the reason i have this mat i actually vFBopJ5aBLQ-00428-00085792-00085903 bought it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00429-00085904-00085999 when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00430-00086000-00086126 hello kim vFBopJ5aBLQ-00431-00086127-00086326 actually bought this mat when my son was vFBopJ5aBLQ-00432-00086327-00086431 a baby vFBopJ5aBLQ-00433-00086432-00086623 to put in the kitchen sink so he vFBopJ5aBLQ-00434-00086624-00086743 wouldn't slip around when i was giving vFBopJ5aBLQ-00435-00086744-00086879 him a bath vFBopJ5aBLQ-00436-00086880-00087031 right it's like the big no slip mats vFBopJ5aBLQ-00437-00087032-00087191 that you put in the shower only this one vFBopJ5aBLQ-00438-00087192-00087399 was designed for a kitchen sink and so i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00439-00087400-00087511 thought it would work and i love the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00440-00087512-00087655 fact that it looks like pebbles and it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00441-00087656-00087823 did work it kept them from sliding all vFBopJ5aBLQ-00442-00087824-00088087 over the place in the bathtub or in the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00443-00088088-00088223 not the bathtub in the sink that i was vFBopJ5aBLQ-00444-00088224-00088559 using in the bathtub but basically it's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00445-00088560-00088679 anti-slip vFBopJ5aBLQ-00446-00088680-00088831 that's what i have it for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00447-00088832-00089015 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00448-00089016-00089150 i have it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00449-00089151-00089367 used for my big shot which is not a big vFBopJ5aBLQ-00450-00089368-00089567 shot my staffing cat machine vFBopJ5aBLQ-00451-00089568-00089671 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00452-00089672-00089815 i'll put vFBopJ5aBLQ-00453-00089816-00090062 so this big machine will slide around on vFBopJ5aBLQ-00454-00090063-00090238 my desk and it will scratch my beautiful vFBopJ5aBLQ-00455-00090239-00090455 desk that cory made me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00456-00090456-00090679 and i don't like that um and it's easier vFBopJ5aBLQ-00457-00090680-00090903 to when you're getting like your vFBopJ5aBLQ-00458-00090904-00091062 cranking stuff through if it's not vFBopJ5aBLQ-00459-00091063-00091271 moving on you so this is what i have it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00460-00091272-00091503 for and now i put this on there so look vFBopJ5aBLQ-00461-00091504-00091679 at that this thing is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00462-00091680-00091894 over 13 years old and has found a new vFBopJ5aBLQ-00463-00091895-00092199 life in my craft room vFBopJ5aBLQ-00464-00092200-00092375 because not only would he not like it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00465-00092376-00092599 but there is no way that my now taller vFBopJ5aBLQ-00466-00092600-00092759 than me child will fit in the kitchen vFBopJ5aBLQ-00467-00092760-00092950 sink vFBopJ5aBLQ-00468-00092951-00093255 so why do i have this out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00469-00093256-00093415 good question tracy why do you don't vFBopJ5aBLQ-00470-00093416-00093518 know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00471-00093519-00093662 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00472-00093663-00093823 thank you oh look at this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00473-00093824-00094006 karen oh look at hello karen and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00474-00094007-00094143 tamara's calling me brilliant oh the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00475-00094144-00094511 day's just getting all better vFBopJ5aBLQ-00476-00094512-00094615 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00477-00094616-00094743 the reason i have this out is because i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00478-00094744-00095031 was getting ready to use this folder vFBopJ5aBLQ-00479-00095032-00095279 which is musical notes vFBopJ5aBLQ-00480-00095280-00095415 and it's a gorgeous folder stampin up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00481-00095416-00095606 has such awesome folders vFBopJ5aBLQ-00482-00095607-00095759 and this little bit of texture adds so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00483-00095760-00096071 much to a card and then i remember vFBopJ5aBLQ-00484-00096072-00096223 you uh i think it was tamara actually vFBopJ5aBLQ-00485-00096224-00096423 was using this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00486-00096424-00096591 goods for bums and die cutting there you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00487-00096592-00096671 go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00488-00096672-00096767 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00489-00096768-00096847 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00490-00096848-00096967 it's very using this and somebody vFBopJ5aBLQ-00491-00096968-00097223 pointed out to her about the orientation vFBopJ5aBLQ-00492-00097224-00097431 and by that i mean up or down not the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00493-00097432-00097615 other orientation that's in the news vFBopJ5aBLQ-00494-00097616-00097743 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00495-00097744-00098038 boom i'm here all week um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00496-00098039-00098206 so then i thought i should point out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00497-00098207-00098311 there's like a few things you should vFBopJ5aBLQ-00498-00098312-00098574 know about embossing folders vFBopJ5aBLQ-00499-00098575-00098718 and in this one in particular because it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00500-00098719-00098894 will frustrate you if you don't know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00501-00098895-00098991 now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00502-00098992-00099238 again for those of you who know me you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00503-00099239-00099406 know what a great singer and musician i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00504-00099407-00099518 am vFBopJ5aBLQ-00505-00099519-00099679 um but i do actually know a little bit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00506-00099680-00099871 about reading music thanks to a friend i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00507-00099872-00100015 had in high school who was a singer and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00508-00100016-00100223 i used to look at her sheet music as you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00509-00100224-00100503 know bored i had to learn something so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00510-00100504-00100638 i actually know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00511-00100639-00100791 that the treble clef which i'm trying to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00512-00100792-00100974 make it so you can see vFBopJ5aBLQ-00513-00100975-00101159 it's currently upside down vFBopJ5aBLQ-00514-00101160-00101271 right vFBopJ5aBLQ-00515-00101272-00101535 you see that right there vFBopJ5aBLQ-00516-00101536-00101743 so on this folder there is actually a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00517-00101744-00102047 right way up any wrong way up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00518-00102048-00102311 um and if i'm not mistaken vFBopJ5aBLQ-00519-00102312-00102486 and i think tamara maybe if you remember vFBopJ5aBLQ-00520-00102488-00102751 i also think somebody who can read music vFBopJ5aBLQ-00521-00102752-00102910 figured out that this song was joy to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00522-00102911-00103110 the world vFBopJ5aBLQ-00523-00103111-00103263 i i know maybe i should have double vFBopJ5aBLQ-00524-00103264-00103399 checked that before i started but i have vFBopJ5aBLQ-00525-00103400-00103615 a feeling this is joy to the world but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00526-00103616-00103751 anyway so it got me thinking about these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00527-00103752-00103910 embossing folders which i'm having a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00528-00103911-00104151 hard time keeping in frame because vFBopJ5aBLQ-00529-00104152-00104278 anyways vFBopJ5aBLQ-00530-00104279-00104366 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00531-00104367-00104502 so here's here's a couple things you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00532-00104503-00104758 should know with embossing folders oh vFBopJ5aBLQ-00533-00104759-00104878 look at this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00534-00104879-00105031 and you get to see circus performance vFBopJ5aBLQ-00535-00105032-00105295 while i balance um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00536-00105296-00105478 an embossing folder vFBopJ5aBLQ-00537-00105479-00105623 is meant to emboss vFBopJ5aBLQ-00538-00105624-00105758 it will also vFBopJ5aBLQ-00539-00105759-00105958 deboss vFBopJ5aBLQ-00540-00105959-00106143 not like i'm the boss but you know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00541-00106144-00106263 debossed vFBopJ5aBLQ-00542-00106264-00106431 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00543-00106432-00106663 i have no idea why i'm in this like vFBopJ5aBLQ-00544-00106664-00106854 movie tonight but here i am and lucky vFBopJ5aBLQ-00545-00106855-00107023 you guys vFBopJ5aBLQ-00546-00107024-00107254 so here we go show and tell them so this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00547-00107255-00107463 is the embossing folder and honestly i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00548-00107464-00107615 didn't emboss far enough to get the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00549-00107616-00107775 treble clef so now i have no idea which vFBopJ5aBLQ-00550-00107776-00107934 way is up or down i'd have to match it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00551-00107935-00108143 up but see this is an embossed piece of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00552-00108144-00108295 paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00553-00108296-00108551 so to take a plain piece of paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00554-00108552-00108719 you know nice vFBopJ5aBLQ-00555-00108720-00109007 wow and make it wow you emboss it so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00556-00109008-00109175 embossing i've got to get the right vFBopJ5aBLQ-00557-00109176-00109327 angle here we go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00558-00109328-00109534 gives you the texture so it lifts all vFBopJ5aBLQ-00559-00109535-00109678 this paper up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00560-00109679-00109783 right vFBopJ5aBLQ-00561-00109783-00109951 so in order to get vFBopJ5aBLQ-00562-00109952-00110223 embossed up you need to stamp the label vFBopJ5aBLQ-00563-00110224-00110358 the stampin up label here this little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00564-00110359-00110671 one to be up when you put it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00565-00110672-00110895 right that's the side of the paper now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00566-00110896-00111119 in a lot of cases if i put this paper in vFBopJ5aBLQ-00567-00111120-00111351 this way vFBopJ5aBLQ-00568-00111352-00111534 or if i show you this side of me it's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00569-00111535-00111783 debossed so in this case vFBopJ5aBLQ-00570-00111783-00111990 instead of the the texture going up the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00571-00111991-00112158 texture is going down vFBopJ5aBLQ-00572-00112159-00112254 now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00573-00112255-00112486 that's kind of cool some some embossing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00574-00112488-00112743 folders look just as good either way vFBopJ5aBLQ-00575-00112744-00112966 whether they are embossed or debossed vFBopJ5aBLQ-00576-00112967-00113166 it depends what you're going for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00577-00113167-00113390 but there are some circumstances where vFBopJ5aBLQ-00578-00113391-00113534 putting it in the wrong way is not a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00579-00113535-00113663 good idea vFBopJ5aBLQ-00580-00113664-00113895 for example vFBopJ5aBLQ-00581-00113896-00114175 this piece of paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00582-00114176-00114310 let's go with that pretend that's the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00583-00114311-00114566 right way so this piece of paper is now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00584-00114567-00114766 a debossed vFBopJ5aBLQ-00585-00114767-00115063 piece of just white vFBopJ5aBLQ-00586-00115064-00115254 but what it's supposed to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00587-00115255-00115375 is silver vFBopJ5aBLQ-00588-00115376-00115502 so in this case i did put it in the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00589-00115503-00115654 right way because i've learned my lesson vFBopJ5aBLQ-00590-00115655-00115775 by putting it in the wrong way enough vFBopJ5aBLQ-00591-00115776-00115854 time vFBopJ5aBLQ-00592-00115855-00116143 so if i want this silver side to be the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00593-00116144-00116286 emboss side where i have the texture vFBopJ5aBLQ-00594-00116288-00116590 going up and i put it if i put the paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00595-00116591-00116710 in this way vFBopJ5aBLQ-00596-00116711-00116831 it's not going to come out that way vFBopJ5aBLQ-00597-00116832-00117134 right because the side that is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00598-00117135-00117286 facing up with the label is the part vFBopJ5aBLQ-00599-00117288-00117478 that's going to pop up so for paper that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00600-00117479-00117751 is one-sided it really does matter vFBopJ5aBLQ-00601-00117752-00117966 which way you put it in vFBopJ5aBLQ-00602-00117967-00118199 some papers so this is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00603-00118200-00118383 this shimmery gold vellum that we have vFBopJ5aBLQ-00604-00118383-00118534 and oh my goodness does it ever look vFBopJ5aBLQ-00605-00118535-00118695 good you can't see the shimmer on oh vFBopJ5aBLQ-00606-00118696-00118934 yeah you can look at that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00607-00118935-00119047 you can't really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00608-00119048-00119263 get the full effect of the back side but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00609-00119264-00119486 this paper is gorgeous and it looks so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00610-00119488-00119671 good embossed vFBopJ5aBLQ-00611-00119672-00119854 the back side of the paper is not as vFBopJ5aBLQ-00612-00119855-00120110 shimmery and not as gold it is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00613-00120111-00120319 it's almost like it's got vFBopJ5aBLQ-00614-00120320-00120519 like a layer of patina like the chalk vFBopJ5aBLQ-00615-00120520-00120710 white paint you put on stuff but it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00616-00120711-00120919 turns out that when you emboss it even vFBopJ5aBLQ-00617-00120920-00121143 the back looks good but it is definitely vFBopJ5aBLQ-00618-00121144-00121519 more white than the shimmery gold front vFBopJ5aBLQ-00619-00121520-00121727 so yes it does matter which way you're vFBopJ5aBLQ-00620-00121728-00121814 going vFBopJ5aBLQ-00621-00121815-00122023 um if you do have to do it by mistake vFBopJ5aBLQ-00622-00122024-00122183 it's just an opportunity to be creative vFBopJ5aBLQ-00623-00122183-00122358 and figure out a way to use that side no vFBopJ5aBLQ-00624-00122359-00122502 big deal vFBopJ5aBLQ-00625-00122503-00122710 uh there are embossing folders like this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00626-00122711-00122927 one this is a subtle texture embossing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00627-00122928-00123134 folder which honestly oh joy to the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00628-00123135-00123302 world there you go which obviously vFBopJ5aBLQ-00629-00123303-00123407 everybody should have this folder vFBopJ5aBLQ-00630-00123408-00123710 because it is just amazing to add vFBopJ5aBLQ-00631-00123711-00123966 as it's called a subtle texture so in vFBopJ5aBLQ-00632-00123967-00124278 this case here's one side vFBopJ5aBLQ-00633-00124279-00124471 and here's the other side vFBopJ5aBLQ-00634-00124472-00124566 and there's not a whole lot of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00635-00124567-00124743 difference that's just the nature of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00636-00124744-00124983 this text this folder so in this case vFBopJ5aBLQ-00637-00124983-00125207 you probably you know you can't release vFBopJ5aBLQ-00638-00125208-00125439 um it is just it's gorgeous so just add vFBopJ5aBLQ-00639-00125440-00125575 a little bit so you just don't have a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00640-00125576-00125734 shiny flat surface you have just that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00641-00125735-00126078 little bit of texture it's awesome vFBopJ5aBLQ-00642-00126079-00126295 and then vFBopJ5aBLQ-00643-00126296-00126447 i cut this out and i realized afterwards vFBopJ5aBLQ-00644-00126448-00126647 they don't match some of our embossing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00645-00126648-00126871 folders they're starting now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00646-00126872-00126966 are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00647-00126967-00127134 thinner than the other ones vFBopJ5aBLQ-00648-00127135-00127271 these i think are three inches where vFBopJ5aBLQ-00649-00127272-00127566 these are five and a half or six seconds vFBopJ5aBLQ-00650-00127567-00127751 well they don't look like six vFBopJ5aBLQ-00651-00127752-00127895 these are these they're coming out with vFBopJ5aBLQ-00652-00127896-00128014 some of the smaller ones to go through vFBopJ5aBLQ-00653-00128015-00128239 the mini die cap machine and let's see vFBopJ5aBLQ-00654-00128240-00128366 how much trace you can stack on our desk vFBopJ5aBLQ-00655-00128367-00128519 and not cause an hour watch so the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00656-00128520-00128686 little mini die cut machine right so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00657-00128688-00128919 these are designed to fit in there vFBopJ5aBLQ-00658-00128920-00129071 these can also be used through the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00659-00129072-00129319 bigger machine the trick to them is they vFBopJ5aBLQ-00660-00129320-00129551 cut it there's a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00661-00129552-00129734 narrower strip of paper right you're not vFBopJ5aBLQ-00662-00129735-00129878 going to cut a full card front vFBopJ5aBLQ-00663-00129879-00130095 necessarily with these vFBopJ5aBLQ-00664-00130096-00130254 but you certainly can put the smaller vFBopJ5aBLQ-00665-00130255-00130358 one vFBopJ5aBLQ-00666-00130359-00130543 in the bigger machine with a little bit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00667-00130544-00130654 left out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00668-00130655-00130839 and have like a smooth spot that you can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00669-00130840-00131063 stamp on or something so there's there's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00670-00131064-00131327 different kinds um this one came in a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00671-00131328-00131471 two pack with the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00672-00131472-00131631 with the pie vowels vFBopJ5aBLQ-00673-00131632-00131911 okay so those are spruce pals and uh i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00674-00131912-00132023 grabbed the wrong one to go with the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00675-00132024-00132254 paper so let's just pretend that this is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00676-00132255-00132511 spruce palace but the the the message is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00677-00132512-00132663 the same vFBopJ5aBLQ-00678-00132664-00132814 some of the embossing folders it matters vFBopJ5aBLQ-00679-00132815-00132959 that you put them in straight some it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00680-00132960-00133223 doesn't so in this case it is a you know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00681-00133224-00133439 mishmash of branches and it really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00682-00133440-00133614 there's no really right or wrong that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00683-00133615-00133878 would be the same way with these leaves vFBopJ5aBLQ-00684-00133879-00134278 which that did not help at all vFBopJ5aBLQ-00685-00134279-00134511 i said leaves these are snowflakes vFBopJ5aBLQ-00686-00134512-00134671 so with these snowflakes vFBopJ5aBLQ-00687-00134672-00134878 same idea if your paper's a little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00688-00134879-00135014 crooked in there it's probably not going vFBopJ5aBLQ-00689-00135015-00135135 to matter that much right because it's vFBopJ5aBLQ-00690-00135136-00135399 just a flurry of snowflakes vFBopJ5aBLQ-00691-00135400-00135487 but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00692-00135488-00135631 in some cases vFBopJ5aBLQ-00693-00135632-00135751 and i don't know if you can see this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00694-00135752-00135983 because it's maybe the it's not as clear vFBopJ5aBLQ-00695-00135984-00136071 but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00696-00136072-00136271 i got this and i did it it just moved at vFBopJ5aBLQ-00697-00136272-00136431 me on the last minute and this is just vFBopJ5aBLQ-00698-00136432-00136614 like slightly crooked vFBopJ5aBLQ-00699-00136615-00136831 and this would drive me bonkers i would vFBopJ5aBLQ-00700-00136832-00136966 by the time i finished the card i would vFBopJ5aBLQ-00701-00136967-00137143 have replaced this piece and redone it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00702-00137144-00137351 because it is just slightly crooked and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00703-00137352-00137519 actually if you look at the note oh i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00704-00137520-00137623 can't believe i got it right the first vFBopJ5aBLQ-00705-00137624-00137790 time if you look at the notes here see vFBopJ5aBLQ-00706-00137791-00137999 how close it is to the edge and see how vFBopJ5aBLQ-00707-00138000-00138199 they kind of get farther away vFBopJ5aBLQ-00708-00138200-00138343 and i realize they're not exactly on the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00709-00138344-00138535 same place on that thing but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00710-00138536-00138671 but they are closer to the edge than vFBopJ5aBLQ-00711-00138672-00138863 there but that's that's how far crooked vFBopJ5aBLQ-00712-00138864-00138966 i was vFBopJ5aBLQ-00713-00138967-00139159 so it really does matter vFBopJ5aBLQ-00714-00139160-00139359 so you want to get them your paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00715-00139360-00139502 straight in there vFBopJ5aBLQ-00716-00139503-00139751 look at what stampin up did vFBopJ5aBLQ-00717-00139752-00139878 they put a little line on the front of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00718-00139879-00140071 the embossing folder vFBopJ5aBLQ-00719-00140072-00140302 so really all you have to do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00720-00140303-00140519 is line the bottom of your paper up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00721-00140520-00140743 on the line and now it's straight and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00722-00140744-00140895 you don't have the same problem i do of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00723-00140896-00141143 your off-kilter music vFBopJ5aBLQ-00724-00141144-00141311 and i tend to put them in a pinch and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00725-00141312-00141535 then until the machine grabs it i pinch vFBopJ5aBLQ-00726-00141536-00141711 it and i hold it tight which is what i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00727-00141712-00141839 didn't do the last time and that would vFBopJ5aBLQ-00728-00141840-00142007 cricket so that it wouldn't get away vFBopJ5aBLQ-00729-00142008-00142190 from me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00730-00142191-00142423 the other thing i am not sure if people vFBopJ5aBLQ-00731-00142424-00142566 know what you can do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00732-00142567-00142671 i'm going to try to do this really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00733-00142672-00142935 quickly because i didn't do it ah vFBopJ5aBLQ-00734-00142936-00143071 oops vFBopJ5aBLQ-00735-00143072-00143247 is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00736-00143248-00143383 you can stamp vFBopJ5aBLQ-00737-00143384-00143526 i've decided i'm going to try to stamp vFBopJ5aBLQ-00738-00143527-00143726 something live every time i go live now vFBopJ5aBLQ-00739-00143727-00143951 as opposed to just talking about things vFBopJ5aBLQ-00740-00143952-00144063 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00741-00144064-00144207 i'm going to do this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00742-00144208-00144359 so i've decided that i'm going to make vFBopJ5aBLQ-00743-00144360-00144487 this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00744-00144488-00144671 into the screen i'm going to make this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00745-00144672-00144831 card vFBopJ5aBLQ-00746-00144832-00145054 and i'm going to put this stamp on it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00747-00145055-00145159 i'm going to try not to put my head in vFBopJ5aBLQ-00748-00145160-00145335 the middle of everything but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00749-00145336-00145607 probably i'm going to anyways vFBopJ5aBLQ-00750-00145608-00145902 uh funny aside this stamp set here for vFBopJ5aBLQ-00751-00145903-00146031 christmas that says it's the most vFBopJ5aBLQ-00752-00146032-00146190 wonderful time of year vFBopJ5aBLQ-00753-00146191-00146343 teachers get a real kick out of it when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00754-00146344-00146575 you make their june end-of-year gift vFBopJ5aBLQ-00755-00146576-00146814 using this same stamp set vFBopJ5aBLQ-00756-00146815-00146990 i did that in a couple years and the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00757-00146991-00147199 teachers loved it because for a teacher vFBopJ5aBLQ-00758-00147200-00147375 to get to june vFBopJ5aBLQ-00759-00147376-00147526 god bless them i bet you they're so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00760-00147527-00147751 excited about june vFBopJ5aBLQ-00761-00147752-00147943 okay so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00762-00147944-00148102 oh there we go sorry for a moment there vFBopJ5aBLQ-00763-00148103-00148239 i was stalling because i couldn't figure vFBopJ5aBLQ-00764-00148240-00148463 what i did with my embossing folder okay vFBopJ5aBLQ-00765-00148464-00148719 so i have now snapped on this piece of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00766-00148720-00149023 card stock so yes in this case it really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00767-00149024-00149214 does matter which way i put it in this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00768-00149215-00149502 folder because if if i want vFBopJ5aBLQ-00769-00149503-00149766 a debossed so i want this to be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00770-00149767-00150023 flat and like grooves i have to make vFBopJ5aBLQ-00771-00150024-00150199 sure i put it in vFBopJ5aBLQ-00772-00150200-00150423 this way because if not vFBopJ5aBLQ-00773-00150424-00150551 my writing is going to be on the wrong vFBopJ5aBLQ-00774-00150552-00150639 side vFBopJ5aBLQ-00775-00150640-00150854 in this case i do want it to go and be vFBopJ5aBLQ-00776-00150855-00151151 embossed now i can do one of two things vFBopJ5aBLQ-00777-00151152-00151319 i can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00778-00151320-00151607 line it up i'm at a really bad angle vFBopJ5aBLQ-00779-00151608-00151766 between the bifocals and the light and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00780-00151767-00151878 the angle vFBopJ5aBLQ-00781-00151879-00152039 best of luck to me vFBopJ5aBLQ-00782-00152040-00152247 there we go vFBopJ5aBLQ-00783-00152248-00152431 let's pretend that's strange okay so i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00784-00152432-00152599 can do like this and i can just put the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00785-00152600-00152902 embossing folder in and only go this far vFBopJ5aBLQ-00786-00152903-00153166 but just to show you an example vFBopJ5aBLQ-00787-00153167-00153383 you can emboss over the stamping vFBopJ5aBLQ-00788-00153384-00153654 and depending on vFBopJ5aBLQ-00789-00153655-00153854 how fine the lines are on the stamp you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00790-00153855-00153959 stamp vFBopJ5aBLQ-00791-00153960-00154119 and how vFBopJ5aBLQ-00792-00154120-00154447 detailed the pattern pattern is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00793-00154448-00154687 on the embossing folder you use you'll vFBopJ5aBLQ-00794-00154688-00154902 have various results vFBopJ5aBLQ-00795-00154903-00155143 but most of the time it works really vFBopJ5aBLQ-00796-00155144-00155414 well just don't have a really deep busy vFBopJ5aBLQ-00797-00155415-00155695 pattern with really really fine stamp vFBopJ5aBLQ-00798-00155696-00155966 set and you should be just fine vFBopJ5aBLQ-00799-00155967-00156111 because it does it does take a little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00800-00156112-00156295 bit of it away but if you'll notice i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00801-00156296-00156463 now have this whole thing vFBopJ5aBLQ-00802-00156464-00156726 and it is still very readable vFBopJ5aBLQ-00803-00156727-00156975 it is it looks much nicer in person and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00804-00156976-00157119 even so from a distance you can read it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00805-00157120-00157247 quite well and then when you get closer vFBopJ5aBLQ-00806-00157248-00157431 you'll notice that the embossing posse vFBopJ5aBLQ-00807-00157432-00157575 goes right behind it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00808-00157576-00157719 so in case you didn't know that you can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00809-00157720-00157919 emboss right over top now again if you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00810-00157920-00158014 wanted vFBopJ5aBLQ-00811-00158015-00158143 debossed vFBopJ5aBLQ-00812-00158144-00158343 so the kind of smoother vFBopJ5aBLQ-00813-00158344-00158495 indented look vFBopJ5aBLQ-00814-00158496-00158663 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00815-00158664-00158975 now he snaps on the wrong side vFBopJ5aBLQ-00816-00158976-00159119 tada vFBopJ5aBLQ-00817-00159120-00159343 embossing folders 101 for you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00818-00159344-00159559 um i do plan to actually make a little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00819-00159560-00159766 series of videos about different things vFBopJ5aBLQ-00820-00159767-00159990 um i in april it will be 10 years and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00821-00159991-00160175 i've been a demonstrator vFBopJ5aBLQ-00822-00160176-00160263 and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00823-00160264-00160407 my all-time favorite i say it all the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00824-00160408-00160543 time favorite part of being a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00825-00160544-00160735 demonstrator is the community of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00826-00160736-00160919 stampers that you get some of them are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00827-00160920-00161054 demonstrators some of them are just vFBopJ5aBLQ-00828-00161055-00161214 crafters some of them are just people vFBopJ5aBLQ-00829-00161215-00161359 who appreciate vFBopJ5aBLQ-00830-00161360-00161495 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00831-00161496-00161726 paper crafting vFBopJ5aBLQ-00832-00161727-00161863 i love vFBopJ5aBLQ-00833-00161864-00161999 all that i have learned and all of the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00834-00162000-00162166 people that i have met in this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00835-00162167-00162407 and i have learned a lot just by vFBopJ5aBLQ-00836-00162408-00162607 watching other people through different vFBopJ5aBLQ-00837-00162608-00162887 training sharing sorry very loud stuff vFBopJ5aBLQ-00838-00162888-00162975 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00839-00162976-00163111 and so i thought you know i should vFBopJ5aBLQ-00840-00163112-00163302 really start putting some of that down vFBopJ5aBLQ-00841-00163303-00163535 while i still remember um putting some vFBopJ5aBLQ-00842-00163536-00163687 of that stuff down vFBopJ5aBLQ-00843-00163688-00163951 and i figured why not if i'm going to do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00844-00163952-00164038 this vFBopJ5aBLQ-00845-00164039-00164359 whole video thing thank you tupperware vFBopJ5aBLQ-00846-00164360-00164614 handy-dandy dispenser vFBopJ5aBLQ-00847-00164615-00164831 that's your local tupperware vFBopJ5aBLQ-00848-00164832-00164983 i say that not even having a tupperware vFBopJ5aBLQ-00849-00164984-00165287 wrap but um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00850-00165288-00165423 but yeah i'm gonna start making them vFBopJ5aBLQ-00851-00165424-00165566 into little videos into like little vFBopJ5aBLQ-00852-00165567-00165783 short snippets so that people can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00853-00165784-00165919 can um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00854-00165920-00166119 start vFBopJ5aBLQ-00855-00166120-00166311 learning little bits and pieces about it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00856-00166312-00166502 one of the reasons i want to do that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00857-00166503-00166654 is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00858-00166655-00166783 one of the options i'm going to come up vFBopJ5aBLQ-00859-00166784-00167159 with for going forward is the rent a box vFBopJ5aBLQ-00860-00167160-00167302 of supplies vFBopJ5aBLQ-00861-00167303-00167399 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00862-00167400-00167502 so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00863-00167503-00167671 i'll put a big shot put some dye stuff vFBopJ5aBLQ-00864-00167672-00167902 put some things in it rent it out you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00865-00167903-00168151 pay for all the consumables in a you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00866-00168152-00168366 know rent the box fee and you take it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00867-00168367-00168495 for a week you make your car to give it vFBopJ5aBLQ-00868-00168496-00168607 back vFBopJ5aBLQ-00869-00168608-00168871 so the more you guys can know and i and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00870-00168872-00169087 and i am available to answer questions vFBopJ5aBLQ-00871-00169088-00169254 and stuff but the more you can know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00872-00169255-00169454 about like how all the different pieces vFBopJ5aBLQ-00873-00169455-00169663 work the more fun it will be for when vFBopJ5aBLQ-00874-00169664-00169766 you're crafting because i don't want you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00875-00169767-00169911 to get home and try to do some crafting vFBopJ5aBLQ-00876-00169912-00170087 and then get really frustrated because vFBopJ5aBLQ-00877-00170088-00170199 you can't make things work the way you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00878-00170200-00170399 want to because yes that's that's the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00879-00170400-00170575 beauty of doing it in person is you can vFBopJ5aBLQ-00880-00170576-00170711 all talk we all help each other we all vFBopJ5aBLQ-00881-00170712-00170854 have ideas when somebody holds it up and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00882-00170855-00171071 says blue or red everybody's got an vFBopJ5aBLQ-00883-00171072-00171287 opinion um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00884-00171288-00171535 can't quite do that virtually but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00885-00171536-00171663 i'm going to try to simulate that as vFBopJ5aBLQ-00886-00171664-00171863 close as possible so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00887-00171864-00172038 i'm going to do some so if you are vFBopJ5aBLQ-00888-00172039-00172199 interested in that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00889-00172200-00172359 my youtube channel is called paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00890-00172360-00172519 pusher tv vFBopJ5aBLQ-00891-00172520-00172719 uh as i was making up all my social vFBopJ5aBLQ-00892-00172720-00172895 media handles i will tell you that i was vFBopJ5aBLQ-00893-00172896-00173087 amused and i just kept amusing myself vFBopJ5aBLQ-00894-00173088-00173263 the more i went i'm gonna put this down vFBopJ5aBLQ-00895-00173264-00173447 because it looks pretty on the rocks vFBopJ5aBLQ-00896-00173448-00173566 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00897-00173567-00173823 i couldn't get paper pusher as a handle vFBopJ5aBLQ-00898-00173824-00173999 and i couldn't get that paper push vFBopJ5aBLQ-00899-00174000-00174254 pusher as a handle but i could get the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00900-00174255-00174390 so i went with vFBopJ5aBLQ-00901-00174391-00174535 that so i thought people would be able vFBopJ5aBLQ-00902-00174536-00174735 to remember because i'm not just a paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00903-00174736-00175023 pusher i'm the paper pusher vFBopJ5aBLQ-00904-00175024-00175199 so i thought oh my gosh that's just so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00905-00175200-00175399 funny because as i had mentioned before vFBopJ5aBLQ-00906-00175400-00175583 i amused me quite a bit vFBopJ5aBLQ-00907-00175584-00175838 um but for some reason when i went to do vFBopJ5aBLQ-00908-00175839-00176007 my youtube channel vFBopJ5aBLQ-00909-00176008-00176135 i had it in my head that it had to be a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00910-00176136-00176326 different name so my youtube channel is vFBopJ5aBLQ-00911-00176327-00176599 called paper pusher tv vFBopJ5aBLQ-00912-00176600-00176702 i've never i've never had the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00913-00176703-00176863 aspirations to be on tv but look at that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00914-00176864-00177119 i'm on tv now paper pusher tv vFBopJ5aBLQ-00915-00177120-00177311 so if you want to go find that channel vFBopJ5aBLQ-00916-00177312-00177454 and subscribe you just search paper vFBopJ5aBLQ-00917-00177455-00177671 pressure tv it'll come up uh and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00918-00177672-00177878 subscribe and put in notifications you vFBopJ5aBLQ-00919-00177879-00178143 will find out that at least twice a week vFBopJ5aBLQ-00920-00178144-00178335 i'm posting a video and then i'm gonna vFBopJ5aBLQ-00921-00178336-00178519 start doing more and as soon as i figure vFBopJ5aBLQ-00922-00178520-00178647 out titles which i still have not vFBopJ5aBLQ-00923-00178648-00178854 figured out uh you will get to see my vFBopJ5aBLQ-00924-00178855-00178943 fun vFBopJ5aBLQ-00925-00178944-00179238 first attempt at a tip video where i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00926-00179239-00179447 sing the soundtrack in the back vFBopJ5aBLQ-00927-00179448-00179654 yes folks you heard it right i i don't vFBopJ5aBLQ-00928-00179655-00179823 really sing i started more hum but vFBopJ5aBLQ-00929-00179824-00180111 nonetheless i do the soundtrack so vFBopJ5aBLQ-00930-00180112-00180399 there's something to look forward to vFBopJ5aBLQ-00931-00180400-00180583 okay so there we go i've rambled long vFBopJ5aBLQ-00932-00180584-00180775 enough now um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00933-00180776-00180999 tips on the big are on the vFBopJ5aBLQ-00934-00181000-00181238 embossing machine and embossing folders vFBopJ5aBLQ-00935-00181239-00181566 and washing papers and i recommend vFBopJ5aBLQ-00936-00181567-00181759 everybody needs some of this gold vFBopJ5aBLQ-00937-00181760-00181911 sparkly vellum i wish that the silver vFBopJ5aBLQ-00938-00181912-00182023 stuff too vFBopJ5aBLQ-00939-00182024-00182126 um vFBopJ5aBLQ-00940-00182127-00182287 if you have any questions on any of vFBopJ5aBLQ-00941-00182288-00182487 those things by all means let me know vFBopJ5aBLQ-00942-00182488-00182711 and then just stay tuned because i will vFBopJ5aBLQ-00943-00182712-00182847 be putting out vFBopJ5aBLQ-00944-00182848-00182999 uh cards vFBopJ5aBLQ-00945-00183000-00183126 and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00946-00183127-00183359 um some home decor i believe i'm gonna vFBopJ5aBLQ-00947-00183360-00183495 get adventure into the picture world i vFBopJ5aBLQ-00948-00183496-00183735 think i can make kits for those and do a vFBopJ5aBLQ-00949-00183736-00183854 few of those other things and that vFBopJ5aBLQ-00950-00183855-00183983 information should all be out within vFBopJ5aBLQ-00951-00183984-00184166 about a week or two with all the new vFBopJ5aBLQ-00952-00184167-00184311 revised dates of how we're going to make vFBopJ5aBLQ-00953-00184312-00184471 this work vFBopJ5aBLQ-00954-00184472-00184638 so until then vFBopJ5aBLQ-00955-00184639-00184854 everybody be safe everybody have fun and vFBopJ5aBLQ-00956-00184855-00185300 happy stamping thanks for joining me vHATBarmcqo-00000-00000000-00000245 this video will show you how to access vHATBarmcqo-00001-00000246-00000461 web of science from the library's home vHATBarmcqo-00002-00000462-00000713 page the topics that web of science vHATBarmcqo-00003-00000714-00001298 covers and how to search the database so vHATBarmcqo-00004-00001299-00001502 let's start with accessing web of vHATBarmcqo-00005-00001503-00001850 science to access web of science you can vHATBarmcqo-00006-00001851-00002077 click underneath databases jump to a vHATBarmcqo-00007-00002078-00002623 database and type in web of science and vHATBarmcqo-00008-00002624-00003049 click or you can go to your guide vHATBarmcqo-00009-00003050-00003290 underneath guides by topic vHATBarmcqo-00010-00003290-00003772 find a guide type in science and medical vHATBarmcqo-00011-00003773-00004376 writing and click you can see that web vHATBarmcqo-00012-00004377-00004711 of science is the third database listed vHATBarmcqo-00013-00004712-00005020 underneath article databases click the vHATBarmcqo-00014-00005021-00005347 link and you'll be redirected to the vHATBarmcqo-00015-00005348-00005690 database but you may be wondering what vHATBarmcqo-00016-00005691-00005836 are you searching when you're searching vHATBarmcqo-00017-00005837-00006460 web of science while you're searching vHATBarmcqo-00018-00006461-00006692 journals on the topics of science vHATBarmcqo-00019-00006693-00007303 engineering medicine social sciences vHATBarmcqo-00020-00007304-00008012 arts and humanities but now how do you vHATBarmcqo-00021-00008013-00008392 search web of science offers multiple vHATBarmcqo-00022-00008393-00008671 ways to search their database you can do vHATBarmcqo-00023-00008672-00008939 an author search you can do a cited vHATBarmcqo-00024-00008940-00009292 reference search and advanced search or vHATBarmcqo-00025-00009293-00009524 even access your search history where vHATBarmcqo-00026-00009525-00009713 all you'll need to do is click on a vHATBarmcqo-00027-00009714-00010003 previous search to retrieve the results vHATBarmcqo-00028-00010004-00010277 one of the best ways to start searching vHATBarmcqo-00029-00010278-00010499 on the database though is their basic vHATBarmcqo-00030-00010500-00010813 search that's automatically up on the vHATBarmcqo-00031-00010814-00011033 home page when you access the database vHATBarmcqo-00032-00011034-00011695 if we type in our keyword term choose vHATBarmcqo-00033-00011696-00012160 the correct boolean operator and type in vHATBarmcqo-00034-00012161-00012571 our second term well the science will vHATBarmcqo-00035-00012572-00012860 build the search for us one thing to vHATBarmcqo-00036-00012861-00013069 note is that the second line and the vHATBarmcqo-00037-00013070-00013230 third line vHATBarmcqo-00038-00013231-00013470 automatically author and publication vHATBarmcqo-00039-00013471-00013905 name so if your second line is another vHATBarmcqo-00040-00013906-00014124 topic you'll need to switch back to that vHATBarmcqo-00041-00014125-00014380 you'll notice that underneath the search vHATBarmcqo-00042-00014381-00014616 itself you can automatically limit by vHATBarmcqo-00043-00014618-00015052 time the latest five years four weeks vHATBarmcqo-00044-00015053-00015434 two weeks or even the current week and vHATBarmcqo-00045-00015435-00015741 you can also choose to search within vHATBarmcqo-00046-00015743-00016116 specific citation databases but if you'd vHATBarmcqo-00047-00016118-00016386 like to retrieve everything all you need vHATBarmcqo-00048-00016387-00016884 to do is click search you can see that vHATBarmcqo-00049-00016885-00017139 the database highlights our keyword vHATBarmcqo-00050-00017140-00017500 terms in the titles of our results and vHATBarmcqo-00051-00017501-00017917 if you click on a result itself the vHATBarmcqo-00052-00017918-00018097 database continues to highlight our vHATBarmcqo-00053-00018098-00018402 search terms in the abstract as well vHATBarmcqo-00054-00018403-00018642 you'll notice at the top of the page vHATBarmcqo-00055-00018643-00018978 that there are options to export the vHATBarmcqo-00056-00018979-00019297 citation to bibliographic managers like vHATBarmcqo-00057-00019298-00019659 endnote and refworks and it's important vHATBarmcqo-00058-00019660-00019881 to remember that as a JHU student you vHATBarmcqo-00059-00019882-00020115 automatically have access to refworks vHATBarmcqo-00060-00020116-00020605 for free click find it to access the vHATBarmcqo-00061-00020606-00020844 article on one of our 900 databases vHATBarmcqo-00062-00020845-00021150 choose the proper electronic source and vHATBarmcqo-00063-00021151-00021427 you'll be redirected to a database that vHATBarmcqo-00064-00021428-00021846 has the article full text choose full vHATBarmcqo-00065-00021847-00022036 text on the right hand side of the vHATBarmcqo-00066-00022037-00022450 screen and you can see that we now have vHATBarmcqo-00067-00022451-00022705 the full article for any questions vHATBarmcqo-00068-00022706-00022893 regarding web of science our other vHATBarmcqo-00069-00022894-00023125 library resources please contact a vHATBarmcqo-00070-00023126-00023361 librarian or visit the library's home vHATBarmcqo-00071-00023362-00023676 page listed below vHBv2hLGmYU-00000-00000048-00001268 don't look too much line of social vHBv2hLGmYU-00001-00001269-00001441 prescribing is a way for those people vHBv2hLGmYU-00002-00001442-00001764 who come in the door for medical reasons vHBv2hLGmYU-00003-00001766-00002051 to find non-medical solutions where vHBv2hLGmYU-00004-00002052-00002255 they're appropriate and we're all very vHBv2hLGmYU-00005-00002256-00002498 proud of our healthcare system so we all vHBv2hLGmYU-00006-00002499-00002652 have encounters where we just don't feel vHBv2hLGmYU-00007-00002653-00002780 healthy vHBv2hLGmYU-00008-00002781-00003010 we don't feel heard and seen we rushed vHBv2hLGmYU-00009-00003011-00003338 in and rushed out we have to say our one vHBv2hLGmYU-00010-00003339-00003533 complaint as though it's not connected vHBv2hLGmYU-00011-00003534-00003758 to the rest of our lives and that's vHBv2hLGmYU-00012-00003759-00004822 something that we need to change the vHBv2hLGmYU-00013-00004823-00005000 Alliance for healthier communities is vHBv2hLGmYU-00014-00005001-00005143 delighted to be bringing social vHBv2hLGmYU-00015-00005144-00005390 prescribing here to Ontario we are so vHBv2hLGmYU-00016-00005391-00005572 fortunate to have the world's leaders vHBv2hLGmYU-00017-00005573-00005777 from social describing not only with us vHBv2hLGmYU-00018-00005778-00006131 on stage today but on handle yet next 18 vHBv2hLGmYU-00019-00006132-00006397 months as mentors and guides you mark on vHBv2hLGmYU-00020-00006398-00006683 this new journey the reality is that you vHBv2hLGmYU-00021-00006684-00006995 are much more than what your doctor vHBv2hLGmYU-00022-00006995-00007226 knows about learning you are much more vHBv2hLGmYU-00023-00007227-00007567 than the sum of your diagnoses your vHBv2hLGmYU-00024-00007568-00007789 medical history medication you might be vHBv2hLGmYU-00025-00007790-00008080 taking your health is actually vHBv2hLGmYU-00026-00008081-00008483 predicated on a wide range of issues vHBv2hLGmYU-00027-00008484-00008833 your education your housing your vHBv2hLGmYU-00028-00008834-00009170 nutrition your connectedness with your vHBv2hLGmYU-00029-00009171-00009371 community the quality of your vHBv2hLGmYU-00030-00009372-00009653 relationships all sorts of things so vHBv2hLGmYU-00031-00009654-00009980 what social prescribing does is it vHBv2hLGmYU-00032-00009981-00010301 offers clinicians and social workers to vHBv2hLGmYU-00033-00010302-00010714 use that wide-angle lens to appreciate vHBv2hLGmYU-00034-00010715-00011048 the whole person and understand there vHBv2hLGmYU-00035-00011049-00011281 may be things that are affecting that vHBv2hLGmYU-00036-00011282-00011552 person's health and well-being that are vHBv2hLGmYU-00037-00011553-00011878 not traditionally clinical colleague of vHBv2hLGmYU-00038-00011879-00012188 ours a GP in Exeter did a two-week piece vHBv2hLGmYU-00039-00012189-00012445 of work and in that two weeks he was vHBv2hLGmYU-00040-00012446-00012695 able to tell us that between 40 and 55 vHBv2hLGmYU-00041-00012696-00012935 percent of every patient that he saw vHBv2hLGmYU-00042-00012936-00013109 didn't need to see it all vHBv2hLGmYU-00043-00013110-00013325 didn't have a clinical need so if we can vHBv2hLGmYU-00044-00013326-00013559 reduce the number of people who are vHBv2hLGmYU-00045-00013560-00013869 presenting to the general practitioner vHBv2hLGmYU-00046-00013871-00014069 then we're gonna take some of the vHBv2hLGmYU-00047-00014069-00014272 pressure out of the system so not only vHBv2hLGmYU-00048-00014274-00014483 do people get their needs met but it vHBv2hLGmYU-00049-00014484-00014705 helps the people who are on services so vHBv2hLGmYU-00050-00014706-00014882 for us this just makes everybody's life vHBv2hLGmYU-00051-00014883-00015116 better social prescribing has really vHBv2hLGmYU-00052-00015116-00015308 reached a tipping point in the UK and vHBv2hLGmYU-00053-00015309-00015479 it's partly because their health system vHBv2hLGmYU-00054-00015480-00015740 is really fundamentally strained so they vHBv2hLGmYU-00055-00015741-00015986 need to find ways to save money to be vHBv2hLGmYU-00056-00015987-00016294 more efficient and to not overspend on vHBv2hLGmYU-00057-00016296-00016604 complex expensive medical interventions vHBv2hLGmYU-00058-00016605-00016859 for problems that are not medical in vHBv2hLGmYU-00059-00016860-00017087 nature so finding ways to find less vHBv2hLGmYU-00060-00017088-00017447 costly locally based locally appropriate vHBv2hLGmYU-00061-00017448-00017597 solutions that's what it's really all vHBv2hLGmYU-00062-00017598-00017915 about they're you know a new concept of vHBv2hLGmYU-00063-00017916-00018272 doctors working with lay people and I vHBv2hLGmYU-00064-00018273-00018611 think it's a really good idea a really vHBv2hLGmYU-00065-00018612-00018809 good idea and I'm hoping it's in the vHBv2hLGmYU-00066-00018810-00019109 spread right across the country I think vHBv2hLGmYU-00067-00019110-00019355 there's a lot of skills and in the vHBv2hLGmYU-00068-00019356-00019669 Champions that could be utilized to vHBv2hLGmYU-00069-00019670-00020072 offset or augment their medical so by vHBv2hLGmYU-00070-00020073-00020390 reducing the repeat visits all the time vHBv2hLGmYU-00071-00020391-00020980 then that way the doctors less stress vHBv2hLGmYU-00072-00020981-00021242 people are getting helped and in better vHBv2hLGmYU-00073-00021243-00021523 ways that the doctor can't help someone vHBv2hLGmYU-00074-00021524-00021758 so I think it's a win-win for everybody vHBv2hLGmYU-00075-00021759-00021994 when we shift the language way from vHBv2hLGmYU-00076-00021995-00022430 patients with needs to people with gifts vHBv2hLGmYU-00077-00022431-00022754 it really fundamentally changes what we vHBv2hLGmYU-00078-00022755-00022877 think we're doing when we're doing vHBv2hLGmYU-00079-00022878-00023144 healthcare we should be interested Chuck vHBv2hLGmYU-00080-00023145-00023435 was depressed a fellow who was keen to vHBv2hLGmYU-00081-00023436-00023705 be some fishing that that was something vHBv2hLGmYU-00082-00023706-00024038 that there was a need that he had raised vHBv2hLGmYU-00083-00024039-00024338 through one of our staff members at the vHBv2hLGmYU-00084-00024339-00024733 health center and I heard about it and vHBv2hLGmYU-00085-00024734-00025224 volunteered to provide him a fishing rod vHBv2hLGmYU-00086-00025225-00025433 take him fishing in a few places a vHBv2hLGmYU-00087-00025434-00025580 non-medical thing that we did to help vHBv2hLGmYU-00088-00025581-00025869 chuck was social prescribing reaching vHBv2hLGmYU-00089-00025870-00026072 out to resources and seeing how we can vHBv2hLGmYU-00090-00026073-00026280 help them and it seems to have really vHBv2hLGmYU-00091-00026281-00026393 worked for Jacko vHBv2hLGmYU-00092-00026394-00027114 to see somebody benefit from minimal vHBv2hLGmYU-00093-00027114-00027612 effort on my part is is rewarding it's vHBv2hLGmYU-00094-00027613-00027825 gonna look really different in each vHBv2hLGmYU-00095-00027826-00028029 setting so for example we have a vHBv2hLGmYU-00096-00028030-00028302 northern center we have a francophone vHBv2hLGmYU-00097-00028302-00028664 center we have downtown urban centers vHBv2hLGmYU-00098-00028666-00028935 focused on immigrant populations we have vHBv2hLGmYU-00099-00028936-00029181 rural centers with an older aging vHBv2hLGmYU-00100-00029182-00029382 population really different kinds of vHBv2hLGmYU-00101-00029383-00029537 places that require their own vHBv2hLGmYU-00102-00029538-00029811 specialized approaches in our area vHBv2hLGmYU-00103-00029812-00030060 people retire there as a couple in their vHBv2hLGmYU-00104-00030061-00030290 60s and by their seventies oftentimes vHBv2hLGmYU-00105-00030291-00030545 one of them is gone and so we recognize vHBv2hLGmYU-00106-00030547-00030825 that that group of people had a common vHBv2hLGmYU-00107-00030826-00030999 problem and that was being alone vHBv2hLGmYU-00108-00031000-00031293 suddenly and often unexpected so we vHBv2hLGmYU-00109-00031294-00031392 connected with other people that have vHBv2hLGmYU-00110-00031393-00031827 the same experience and that the healing vHBv2hLGmYU-00111-00031827-00032118 was was remarkable so it was nice to be vHBv2hLGmYU-00112-00032119-00032312 with this group because we all have the vHBv2hLGmYU-00113-00032313-00032592 same back home we've all lost somebody vHBv2hLGmYU-00114-00032593-00032840 so we could talk to each other and know vHBv2hLGmYU-00115-00032841-00032927 how each other vHBv2hLGmYU-00116-00032928-00033314 felt in fact I'm not very isolate vHBv2hLGmYU-00117-00033315-00033768 because my late husband we had a nurse vHBv2hLGmYU-00118-00033769-00034017 come to the home about the last six vHBv2hLGmYU-00119-00034018-00034275 months oxygen delivered and when he vHBv2hLGmYU-00120-00034276-00034657 passed away that all stopped and it was vHBv2hLGmYU-00121-00034658-00034937 laughing so you really had to find vHBv2hLGmYU-00122-00034938-00035230 something to do otherwise you would go vHBv2hLGmYU-00123-00035231-00035565 into depression at one time a doctor vHBv2hLGmYU-00124-00035566-00035764 that I had bought me a prescription and vHBv2hLGmYU-00125-00035765-00036021 gave it to me and it simply said have vHBv2hLGmYU-00126-00036022-00036330 more fun and well that's what I'm vHBv2hLGmYU-00127-00036331-00036520 learning how to do who would have vHBv2hLGmYU-00128-00036521-00036717 thought at this time in my life after vHBv2hLGmYU-00129-00036718-00036942 having spent 59 years with one woman vHBv2hLGmYU-00130-00036943-00037146 that I would ever have this wonderful vHBv2hLGmYU-00131-00037147-00037417 opportunity to have a new life with vHBv2hLGmYU-00132-00037418-00037705 Christine our Community Health Center is vHBv2hLGmYU-00133-00037706-00038023 really active in the community offers vHBv2hLGmYU-00134-00038024-00038265 all kinds of programs and I think people vHBv2hLGmYU-00135-00038266-00038470 are used to going there for different vHBv2hLGmYU-00136-00038471-00038839 supports we were really lucky that the vHBv2hLGmYU-00137-00038840-00039027 community health center got some seed vHBv2hLGmYU-00138-00039028-00039249 funding to try and do the mindfulness vHBv2hLGmYU-00139-00039250-00039705 course here I put mindfulness into my vHBv2hLGmYU-00140-00039706-00040285 life every day because it's medicine to vHBv2hLGmYU-00141-00040286-00040668 me you know I don't have to see for vHBv2hLGmYU-00142-00040669-00040879 example I was seeing a social worker I vHBv2hLGmYU-00143-00040880-00041293 don't need that now my doctor sees me vHBv2hLGmYU-00144-00041294-00041623 once in a while but yeah you don't know vHBv2hLGmYU-00145-00041624-00041868 you don't have to see in your doctors as vHBv2hLGmYU-00146-00041869-00042235 much and that's huge social prescribing vHBv2hLGmYU-00147-00042236-00042610 is not simply giving somebody a list of vHBv2hLGmYU-00148-00042611-00042852 email addresses or telephone numbers vHBv2hLGmYU-00149-00042853-00043123 that you think might possibly enable vHBv2hLGmYU-00150-00043124-00043380 them to answer their problem that's vHBv2hLGmYU-00151-00043381-00043689 quite cold and impersonal and a lot of vHBv2hLGmYU-00152-00043690-00043879 people that we're helping have already vHBv2hLGmYU-00153-00043880-00044173 been let down or failed to find their vHBv2hLGmYU-00154-00044174-00044410 own solutions through a complicated vHBv2hLGmYU-00155-00044411-00044514 system already vHBv2hLGmYU-00156-00044515-00044820 so social prescribing must necessarily vHBv2hLGmYU-00157-00044821-00045223 be personal and follow the individual vHBv2hLGmYU-00158-00045224-00045520 through until the point is you know for vHBv2hLGmYU-00159-00045521-00045762 sure they found the answer to their vHBv2hLGmYU-00160-00045763-00046039 particular selection of problems and vHBv2hLGmYU-00161-00046040-00046251 questions vHBv2hLGmYU-00162-00046252-00046530 so good mum that time we had today is vHBv2hLGmYU-00163-00046531-00046764 someone who is it has moved into our vHBv2hLGmYU-00164-00046765-00047046 area who doesn't have her own social vHBv2hLGmYU-00165-00047047-00047427 network and so social prescribing helps vHBv2hLGmYU-00166-00047428-00047805 us to have a framework within which to vHBv2hLGmYU-00167-00047806-00048039 link that mum to different things both vHBv2hLGmYU-00168-00048040-00048233 within our agency and outside of our vHBv2hLGmYU-00169-00048234-00048455 agency as well because I do that whole vHBv2hLGmYU-00170-00048456-00048662 perinatal spectrum it's really it's vHBv2hLGmYU-00171-00048663-00048876 nicer for mums if they get to know your vHBv2hLGmYU-00172-00048877-00049080 prenatally to actually follow through vHBv2hLGmYU-00173-00049081-00049248 for some of those things I know that vHBv2hLGmYU-00174-00049249-00049524 that individual relationship that vHBv2hLGmYU-00175-00049525-00049692 individual touch of actually knowing vHBv2hLGmYU-00176-00049693-00049940 somebody can make a big difference in vHBv2hLGmYU-00177-00049941-00050160 what you're willing to attempt or try vHBv2hLGmYU-00178-00050161-00050376 and can make a big difference both in vHBv2hLGmYU-00179-00050377-00050529 your mental health but also in the vHBv2hLGmYU-00180-00050530-00050679 growth and development of their children vHBv2hLGmYU-00181-00050680-00050990 I see them come back having had that vHBv2hLGmYU-00182-00050991-00051288 kind of help they used the medical bit vHBv2hLGmYU-00183-00051289-00051669 much better their self-esteem and their vHBv2hLGmYU-00184-00051670-00052223 dignity and that sense of belonging and vHBv2hLGmYU-00185-00052224-00052560 fulfilled lives is immense vHBv2hLGmYU-00186-00052561-00052919 and I strongly believe as a general vHBv2hLGmYU-00187-00052920-00053229 practitioner that social prescribing is vHBv2hLGmYU-00188-00053229-00053516 the most important transformative vHBv2hLGmYU-00189-00053517-00053871 initiative that I've ever encountered in vHBv2hLGmYU-00190-00053872-00054171 30 years working in health that's vHBv2hLGmYU-00191-00054172-00054404 England it's happening in Canada vHBv2hLGmYU-00192-00054405-00054569 we've got people talking about it in vHBv2hLGmYU-00193-00054570-00054813 Australia in Italy in Holland you know vHBv2hLGmYU-00194-00054814-00054869 Ireland vHBv2hLGmYU-00195-00054870-00055116 this isn't going back into the bottle vHBv2hLGmYU-00196-00055116-00055698 let's transform UK people know that vHBv2hLGmYU-00197-00055699-00055931 hospitals have their role but they don't vHBv2hLGmYU-00198-00055932-00056117 they can't solve all the health problems vHBv2hLGmYU-00199-00056119-00056298 people are facing so it's up to vHBv2hLGmYU-00200-00056299-00056574 community and that's where we see a huge vHBv2hLGmYU-00201-00056575-00056807 role to play in the future for community vHBv2hLGmYU-00202-00056808-00057051 health centres and this kind of work in vHBv2hLGmYU-00203-00057052-00057217 social prescribing vHBv2hLGmYU-00204-00057219-00058780 [Music] vHBv2hLGmYU-00205-00058782-00060313 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00000-00000024-00000744 birthdays vIbuOK9lONc-00001-00000745-00003401 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00002-00003402-00003754 foreign vIbuOK9lONc-00003-00003756-00006436 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00004-00006437-00007961 welcome foreign vIbuOK9lONc-00005-00007962-00009004 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00006-00009005-00012003 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00007-00012004-00012403 [Applause] vIbuOK9lONc-00008-00012404-00012827 four times vIbuOK9lONc-00009-00012828-00014694 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00010-00014694-00016938 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00011-00016939-00017386 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00012-00017387-00018245 foreign vIbuOK9lONc-00014-00023175-00024318 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00015-00024319-00025608 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00016-00025610-00025843 two times vIbuOK9lONc-00017-00025844-00027402 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00018-00027402-00028890 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00019-00028891-00029464 thank you vIbuOK9lONc-00020-00029464-00030731 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00021-00030732-00031147 flank return vIbuOK9lONc-00022-00031148-00031468 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00023-00031469-00033129 s vIbuOK9lONc-00024-00033130-00034408 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00025-00034409-00035378 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00026-00035379-00036518 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00027-00036519-00037400 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00028-00037401-00038218 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00029-00038219-00038317 foreign vIbuOK9lONc-00030-00038318-00039396 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00031-00039397-00040334 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00032-00040335-00042101 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00033-00042102-00043337 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00034-00043338-00044021 hahaha vIbuOK9lONc-00035-00044022-00045209 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00036-00045210-00046133 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00037-00046134-00046373 uh vIbuOK9lONc-00038-00046374-00047357 [Music] vIbuOK9lONc-00039-00047358-00047618 victory vJMA0tS79Nc-00000-00000003-00000329 ladies and gentlemen please rise to see vJMA0tS79Nc-00001-00000330-00000521 the great the governor of the great vJMA0tS79Nc-00002-00000522-00001762 state of West Virginia Governor Jim vJMA0tS79Nc-00003-00001763-00004316 [Applause] vJMA0tS79Nc-00004-00004317-00004664 Oh beat away it looked like a lunar vJMA0tS79Nc-00005-00004665-00005378 eclipse woman's what else vJMA0tS79Nc-00006-00005379-00005662 first of all black should have you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00007-00005663-00005966 good part about this is you was that vJMA0tS79Nc-00008-00005967-00006233 rock star my house so don't go gonna vJMA0tS79Nc-00009-00006234-00006508 throw rocks at me if you're here tonight vJMA0tS79Nc-00010-00006509-00006764 you come out of the house new thing to vJMA0tS79Nc-00011-00006765-00007018 see all lights out vJMA0tS79Nc-00012-00007019-00007352 I don't have a really any beds and vJMA0tS79Nc-00013-00007353-00007595 everything that so I just read to you vJMA0tS79Nc-00014-00007595-00007739 from the heart let me just take this vJMA0tS79Nc-00015-00007740-00008128 don't look about the lights yeah vJMA0tS79Nc-00016-00008129-00008641 when we lived in Beckley Jill was just a vJMA0tS79Nc-00017-00008642-00009008 little rascal and she was not thinking vJMA0tS79Nc-00018-00009009-00009346 junior high at the time and maybe a vJMA0tS79Nc-00019-00009347-00009827 seventh grader and nevertheless whatever vJMA0tS79Nc-00020-00009828-00010258 at the time in fact it was really early vJMA0tS79Nc-00021-00010259-00010607 she was trying to piss burgers and she vJMA0tS79Nc-00022-00010608-00010835 loved the play basketball and she was vJMA0tS79Nc-00023-00010836-00011248 when she was born she was from 510 but vJMA0tS79Nc-00024-00011249-00011726 she was really tall early on and she vJMA0tS79Nc-00025-00011727-00011981 played that she'd predict a good player vJMA0tS79Nc-00026-00011982-00012209 so a lot of times she'd be playing on vJMA0tS79Nc-00027-00012210-00012512 the boys teams it'd be all boys in jail vJMA0tS79Nc-00028-00012513-00012838 and so that was good for everything but vJMA0tS79Nc-00029-00012839-00013031 she broke her right arm she was right vJMA0tS79Nc-00030-00013032-00013060 here vJMA0tS79Nc-00031-00013061-00013385 and so she asked actually through vJMA0tS79Nc-00032-00013386-00013580 through that time started shooting the vJMA0tS79Nc-00033-00013581-00013738 ball left-handed all the time vJMA0tS79Nc-00034-00013740-00014078 well she ended up going to Clemson vJMA0tS79Nc-00035-00014079-00014200 University on a full basketball vJMA0tS79Nc-00036-00014201-00014341 scholarship and she transferred her vJMA0tS79Nc-00037-00014343-00014396 martial vJMA0tS79Nc-00038-00014397-00014713 should knock her and so she's she's done vJMA0tS79Nc-00039-00014715-00014947 really good but with all that being said vJMA0tS79Nc-00040-00014947-00015281 you know in all that she started vJMA0tS79Nc-00041-00015282-00015530 shooting the ball left-handed she shot vJMA0tS79Nc-00042-00015531-00015686 her three-point shots all left-handed vJMA0tS79Nc-00043-00015687-00015932 she shot over another shot foul shots vJMA0tS79Nc-00044-00015933-00016166 and everything else writing you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00045-00016166-00016379 it's uh it was it was kind of vJMA0tS79Nc-00046-00016380-00016526 interesting in the other nations I went vJMA0tS79Nc-00047-00016527-00016760 through all this is just this it's vJMA0tS79Nc-00048-00016761-00016988 because in all that when she broke her vJMA0tS79Nc-00049-00016989-00017027 arm vJMA0tS79Nc-00050-00017028-00017251 they she was going through all that I vJMA0tS79Nc-00051-00017252-00017597 decided the captain killer out of town I vJMA0tS79Nc-00052-00017598-00017954 understood we decorate our house up like vJMA0tS79Nc-00053-00017955-00018350 Christmas vacation ones so we put lights vJMA0tS79Nc-00054-00018351-00018560 on that house and record like you can't vJMA0tS79Nc-00055-00018561-00018797 imagine then we pulled a camper in the vJMA0tS79Nc-00056-00018798-00018860 driveway vJMA0tS79Nc-00057-00018861-00019154 if we took the tube and ran it into the vJMA0tS79Nc-00058-00019155-00019427 drain out of the street and we had it vJMA0tS79Nc-00059-00019428-00019669 all set up at the back they can go up vJMA0tS79Nc-00060-00019670-00019958 Jill McCready she loved it all that kind vJMA0tS79Nc-00061-00019959-00020194 of stuff so I did it every year so when vJMA0tS79Nc-00062-00020195-00020456 we first came to Lewisburg I thought I vJMA0tS79Nc-00063-00020457-00020702 don't know if these people are ready for vJMA0tS79Nc-00064-00020703-00021082 this take you know but but nevertheless vJMA0tS79Nc-00065-00021083-00021425 we ended up doing it now the next thing vJMA0tS79Nc-00066-00021426-00021716 like the hind end that happened was Gio vJMA0tS79Nc-00067-00021717-00021977 went to the osteopathic school over vJMA0tS79Nc-00068-00021978-00022184 Virginia Tech in when she was going vJMA0tS79Nc-00069-00022185-00022531 through the orientation or whatever vJMA0tS79Nc-00070-00022532-00022850 there was one other girl there from West vJMA0tS79Nc-00071-00022851-00023177 Virginia and they recognized we have two vJMA0tS79Nc-00072-00023178-00023399 people here two two people from West vJMA0tS79Nc-00073-00023400-00023653 Virginia and they went and met each vJMA0tS79Nc-00074-00023654-00024032 other after the orientation ceremony and vJMA0tS79Nc-00075-00024033-00024253 that girl said and just before you from vJMA0tS79Nc-00076-00024254-00024533 she said Huntington and then just and vJMA0tS79Nc-00077-00024534-00024731 she has killed what she was promised she vJMA0tS79Nc-00078-00024732-00025040 should lose her and so she said vJMA0tS79Nc-00079-00025041-00025253 Lewisburg she said you know I've only vJMA0tS79Nc-00080-00025254-00025469 been there once in my life for tuna vJMA0tS79Nc-00081-00025470-00025527 throw vJMA0tS79Nc-00082-00025528-00025808 that I went to was I was out on the vJMA0tS79Nc-00083-00025810-00026111 interstate and I could see these lights vJMA0tS79Nc-00084-00026112-00026445 and I stopped down on the interstate and vJMA0tS79Nc-00085-00026445-00026736 so what he said and I drove in here and vJMA0tS79Nc-00086-00026737-00026939 drove all the way around there's a house vJMA0tS79Nc-00087-00026941-00027285 there in Lewisburg and it's lit up awful vJMA0tS79Nc-00088-00027286-00027477 stuff they're sitting in your life woman vJMA0tS79Nc-00089-00027477-00027827 and she said Josie the other out there vJMA0tS79Nc-00090-00027827-00028326 so anyway listen I thank you for being vJMA0tS79Nc-00091-00028327-00028701 here I thank you for all you do for West vJMA0tS79Nc-00092-00028702-00028869 Virginia in every way shape form or vJMA0tS79Nc-00093-00028870-00029294 fashion you know your commitment to vJMA0tS79Nc-00094-00029295-00029544 higher end of this thing is unbelievable vJMA0tS79Nc-00095-00029545-00029922 and you truly truly what you were doing vJMA0tS79Nc-00096-00029923-00030537 you know was with bringing not the not vJMA0tS79Nc-00097-00030538-00030770 necessarily the best of the brightest vJMA0tS79Nc-00098-00030772-00031121 but in many ways the best enterprise but vJMA0tS79Nc-00099-00031122-00031490 you're bringing us the future leaders vJMA0tS79Nc-00100-00031491-00031790 the people that are striving in every vJMA0tS79Nc-00101-00031791-00032187 way to just get better better better now vJMA0tS79Nc-00102-00032188-00032652 listen this job's a tough job you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00103-00032652-00032937 and you catch all kinds of flies vJMA0tS79Nc-00104-00032938-00033219 you know I see lots and lots of friends vJMA0tS79Nc-00105-00033220-00033286 you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00106-00033287-00033517 the Vale or Melbourne have ever made day vJMA0tS79Nc-00107-00033518-00033843 they're here that have absolutely done vJMA0tS79Nc-00108-00033844-00034298 great work in many different areas way vJMA0tS79Nc-00109-00034299-00034610 beyond the education area but they still vJMA0tS79Nc-00110-00034611-00034993 of time and effort into the education vJMA0tS79Nc-00111-00034994-00035344 area my first things better vJMA0tS79Nc-00112-00035345-00035623 I said education should be our vJMA0tS79Nc-00113-00035624-00035948 centerpiece to West Virginia first aid vJMA0tS79Nc-00114-00035949-00036445 stuff it wasn't just a tagline that was vJMA0tS79Nc-00115-00036446-00036766 right from my heart but why do I think vJMA0tS79Nc-00116-00036767-00036994 that way then here's exactly what I vJMA0tS79Nc-00117-00036995-00037330 think I think that way because West vJMA0tS79Nc-00118-00037331-00037791 Virginia has an image or had an image vJMA0tS79Nc-00119-00037792-00038323 that was absolutely killing us you see a vJMA0tS79Nc-00120-00038324-00038571 lot of people may say when you have vJMA0tS79Nc-00121-00038572-00038866 justice is gonna scuff roads and vJMA0tS79Nc-00122-00038867-00039104 veterans and all this stuff education vJMA0tS79Nc-00123-00039105-00039324 everything on this phone bah bah bah and vJMA0tS79Nc-00124-00039325-00039661 with balanced budget so we got surpluses vJMA0tS79Nc-00125-00039662-00039811 and we're doing this and that and vJMA0tS79Nc-00126-00039812-00039967 everything we just keep on keep on keep vJMA0tS79Nc-00127-00039968-00040304 on it'll roll and everything but a lot vJMA0tS79Nc-00128-00040305-00040621 of times we miss the very thing that vJMA0tS79Nc-00129-00040622-00040930 will perpetuate us the other way and vJMA0tS79Nc-00130-00040931-00041374 that is is we had to change our image we vJMA0tS79Nc-00131-00041375-00041611 had to change the way people perceived vJMA0tS79Nc-00132-00041612-00042148 West Virginia you you are the excellent vJMA0tS79Nc-00133-00042149-00042511 cornerstones to that and everyone you vJMA0tS79Nc-00134-00042512-00042704 see with let's stake in the ground it vJMA0tS79Nc-00135-00042705-00043085 says my god we're going to believe that vJMA0tS79Nc-00136-00043086-00043330 education ought to be our centerpiece in vJMA0tS79Nc-00137-00043331-00043633 every way and then all of a sudden we vJMA0tS79Nc-00138-00043634-00043867 got to work on the roads and then we vJMA0tS79Nc-00139-00043868-00044077 made a real commitment to tourism and a vJMA0tS79Nc-00140-00044078-00044266 real commitment to our veterans so we vJMA0tS79Nc-00141-00044267-00044518 started to diversify and still yet a vJMA0tS79Nc-00142-00044519-00044623 very proud vJMA0tS79Nc-00143-00044624-00044812 our natural resources and all the stuff vJMA0tS79Nc-00144-00044813-00045093 we do there all of a sudden the outside vJMA0tS79Nc-00145-00045094-00045442 world started thinking with dad maybe vJMA0tS79Nc-00146-00045443-00045727 just maybe we've missed something vJMA0tS79Nc-00147-00045728-00045987 maybe that state that we thought was vJMA0tS79Nc-00148-00045988-00046249 backward and ignorant and dark and dingy vJMA0tS79Nc-00149-00046250-00046390 and all that stuff vJMA0tS79Nc-00150-00046391-00046762 just maybe that state is a diamond in vJMA0tS79Nc-00151-00046763-00047233 the rough that we missed maybe now with vJMA0tS79Nc-00152-00047234-00047493 that being said all of a sudden off we vJMA0tS79Nc-00153-00047494-00047551 go vJMA0tS79Nc-00154-00047552-00047989 and today today really truly on a vJMA0tS79Nc-00155-00047990-00048343 national scene West Virginia is vJMA0tS79Nc-00156-00048344-00048762 perceived so much differently today than vJMA0tS79Nc-00157-00048763-00049273 we were forevermore there's nothing that vJMA0tS79Nc-00158-00049274-00049514 I can bring you better than just that vJMA0tS79Nc-00159-00049515-00049824 because now what you've got to do is vJMA0tS79Nc-00160-00049825-00050212 just what you want to do I know just why vJMA0tS79Nc-00161-00050213-00050473 I said you know whether it be a bill or vJMA0tS79Nc-00162-00050474-00050715 an Elmer or all of these people that are vJMA0tS79Nc-00163-00050716-00050923 on wonderful porch and all the stuff vJMA0tS79Nc-00164-00050924-00051317 that you do all the stuff that you do vJMA0tS79Nc-00165-00051319-00051763 absolutely is what in your heart you vJMA0tS79Nc-00166-00051764-00052020 want to do and you believe in you vJMA0tS79Nc-00167-00052021-00052488 believe in now reality is just this a vJMA0tS79Nc-00168-00052489-00052776 lot of times higher again it's been a vJMA0tS79Nc-00169-00052777-00053071 low-hanging fruit for budget cuts all vJMA0tS79Nc-00170-00053072-00053341 over the place a lot of times that's the vJMA0tS79Nc-00171-00053341-00053584 first place we look we've got a problem vJMA0tS79Nc-00172-00053585-00053844 well we don't need all this money over vJMA0tS79Nc-00173-00053845-00054166 here in higher ed but when we start vJMA0tS79Nc-00174-00054166-00054472 taking money away it's just like I said vJMA0tS79Nc-00175-00054473-00054605 over vJMA0tS79Nc-00176-00054607-00054950 the fraud as soon as you start taking vJMA0tS79Nc-00177-00054951-00055280 money away any frog that's not proud of vJMA0tS79Nc-00178-00055282-00055517 a sudden pawn didn't much of a frog vJMA0tS79Nc-00179-00055519-00055862 it's so really at the end of the day you vJMA0tS79Nc-00180-00055863-00056129 know absolutely all I can do is just vJMA0tS79Nc-00181-00056130-00056438 continue to congratulate you continue to vJMA0tS79Nc-00182-00056439-00056756 encourage you continue to notice this vJMA0tS79Nc-00183-00056757-00057017 what is my job vJMA0tS79Nc-00184-00057019-00057561 my job is to bring enough industry to vJMA0tS79Nc-00185-00057562-00057885 bring enough job opportunity here and vJMA0tS79Nc-00186-00057886-00058292 what is your job your job is to prepare vJMA0tS79Nc-00187-00058294-00058667 people to be able to take the reins and vJMA0tS79Nc-00188-00058669-00059357 move us forward you can I mean you can't vJMA0tS79Nc-00189-00059358-00059736 fat the number of people that we talk to vJMA0tS79Nc-00190-00059737-00059960 you all the time vJMA0tS79Nc-00191-00059961-00060222 absolutely that our possibilities and vJMA0tS79Nc-00192-00060223-00060471 you run everyone on the ground you get vJMA0tS79Nc-00193-00060472-00060753 them all you know who get them all but vJMA0tS79Nc-00194-00060754-00061035 you still run on the ground and you do vJMA0tS79Nc-00195-00061036-00061265 it - very best you possibly can vJMA0tS79Nc-00196-00061266-00061554 you know there's a guy and I think his vJMA0tS79Nc-00197-00061554-00061896 name is J Whaler I believe that a second vJMA0tS79Nc-00198-00061897-00062318 pronounces last night but J is the vJMA0tS79Nc-00199-00062319-00062928 president of virgin - lukewarm not just vJMA0tS79Nc-00200-00062929-00063360 imagine it I imagine the mansion in West vJMA0tS79Nc-00201-00063361-00063782 Virginia imagine that we can be the vJMA0tS79Nc-00202-00063783-00064023 training center we could be the research vJMA0tS79Nc-00203-00064024-00064316 center in West Virginia of something vJMA0tS79Nc-00204-00064317-00064686 like this I mean you know Richard vJMA0tS79Nc-00205-00064687-00065057 Branson and Virgin Airlines and Berchem vJMA0tS79Nc-00206-00065058-00065342 and all the stuff that they've done they vJMA0tS79Nc-00207-00065343-00065542 have a concept and it vJMA0tS79Nc-00208-00065543-00065806 it is the most phenomenal thing you can vJMA0tS79Nc-00209-00065807-00066358 imagine it is 11 foot - and there's pods vJMA0tS79Nc-00210-00066359-00066748 within the - and they want their spots vJMA0tS79Nc-00211-00066749-00067237 to go 670 miles now you could go from vJMA0tS79Nc-00212-00067238-00067558 Morgantown to DC 9 and 40 minutes but in vJMA0tS79Nc-00213-00067559-00067897 about 17 minutes you have no sensation vJMA0tS79Nc-00214-00067898-00068269 of feel as them as the magnitude of your vJMA0tS79Nc-00215-00068270-00068661 speed they get 200 people working on vJMA0tS79Nc-00216-00068662-00069166 these are really smart people they're vJMA0tS79Nc-00217-00069167-00069466 the people that you have to train and vJMA0tS79Nc-00218-00069467-00069646 look at it dies because of our proximity vJMA0tS79Nc-00219-00069647-00070189 to population our terrain and all this vJMA0tS79Nc-00220-00070190-00070672 height that they here imagine just vJMA0tS79Nc-00221-00070673-00070941 imagine a different type of vJMA0tS79Nc-00222-00070942-00071116 transportation that we've ever heard vJMA0tS79Nc-00223-00071117-00071323 finished we ever thought runs off of vJMA0tS79Nc-00224-00071324-00071749 magnets it's amazing if you know if you vJMA0tS79Nc-00225-00071750-00072067 know if that doesn't just flip you out vJMA0tS79Nc-00226-00072068-00072285 enough think about this for a second vJMA0tS79Nc-00227-00072286-00072706 think about taking coal and through a vJMA0tS79Nc-00228-00072707-00072904 chemical process and compressing it vJMA0tS79Nc-00229-00072905-00073249 making it into carbon powder you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00230-00073250-00073447 and then from that think about the vJMA0tS79Nc-00231-00073448-00073762 concept of the idea that coal is too vJMA0tS79Nc-00232-00073763-00074119 valuable to burn wouldn't it be vJMA0tS79Nc-00233-00074120-00074425 something would it be something there's vJMA0tS79Nc-00234-00074426-00074569 a group that we're working towards right vJMA0tS79Nc-00235-00074570-00074770 now and then if the whole process in vJMA0tS79Nc-00236-00074771-00075042 this in the country today they can use a vJMA0tS79Nc-00237-00075043-00075528 and 20 million tons of coal and our vJMA0tS79Nc-00238-00075529-00075851 greatest payday our greatest height that vJMA0tS79Nc-00239-00075852-00076074 West Virginia we produce a hundred and vJMA0tS79Nc-00240-00076075-00076382 eighty-one million tons a hundred twenty vJMA0tS79Nc-00241-00076383-00076647 five million tons of taken use that they vJMA0tS79Nc-00242-00076648-00076863 want to use this is not just nothing vJMA0tS79Nc-00243-00076864-00077324 this is a real-life company a real-life vJMA0tS79Nc-00244-00077325-00077642 natural resource producing company I vJMA0tS79Nc-00245-00077643-00077949 think about compressing it making carbon vJMA0tS79Nc-00246-00077950-00078321 fiber making a product that is twice as vJMA0tS79Nc-00247-00078322-00078638 strong as steel four times the slightest vJMA0tS79Nc-00248-00078639-00079151 steel and it will never rust think about vJMA0tS79Nc-00249-00079152-00079455 all the thing anything they say well vJMA0tS79Nc-00250-00079456-00079619 just as such things aren't going to vJMA0tS79Nc-00251-00079620-00079919 happen they're just dreams that's all vJMA0tS79Nc-00252-00079920-00080273 I've ever done it's all I've ever done vJMA0tS79Nc-00253-00080274-00080651 I've absolutely thought big and we've vJMA0tS79Nc-00254-00080652-00080892 done some stuff that nobody else could vJMA0tS79Nc-00255-00080893-00081194 have ever ever dreamt up that's what you vJMA0tS79Nc-00256-00081195-00081561 do that's exactly what you do you think vJMA0tS79Nc-00257-00081562-00081855 big you actually came to us to be vJMA0tS79Nc-00258-00081856-00082242 dreamers to have visions to have goals vJMA0tS79Nc-00259-00082243-00082815 to aspire to be the very very best I can vJMA0tS79Nc-00260-00082816-00083256 never ever ever tell you that nobody is vJMA0tS79Nc-00261-00083257-00083622 it a political speech nobody in the vJMA0tS79Nc-00262-00083623-00084003 world is more in your court nobody vJMA0tS79Nc-00263-00084004-00084354 believes more that education ought to be vJMA0tS79Nc-00264-00084355-00084639 just what this chunky little guy here vJMA0tS79Nc-00265-00084640-00085076 maybe a little more chunky strolled into vJMA0tS79Nc-00266-00085077-00085382 the state the state said Twitter snaking vJMA0tS79Nc-00267-00085383-00085694 the same education should be our vJMA0tS79Nc-00268-00085695-00086109 centerpiece nobody wants to come to West vJMA0tS79Nc-00269-00086110-00086426 Virginia unless I ask the first question vJMA0tS79Nc-00270-00086427-00086751 what about the schools the first vJMA0tS79Nc-00271-00086752-00087044 question they always ask what about the vJMA0tS79Nc-00272-00087045-00087303 schools what about the opportunities for vJMA0tS79Nc-00273-00087304-00087507 education in western vJMA0tS79Nc-00274-00087508-00087753 because you know really truly before vJMA0tS79Nc-00275-00087754-00087990 they ever came they thought we need to vJMA0tS79Nc-00276-00087991-00088208 kill a deer everyday VP kids at school vJMA0tS79Nc-00277-00088209-00088491 that's what they thought about us you vJMA0tS79Nc-00278-00088492-00088998 know now we're moving and I congratulate vJMA0tS79Nc-00279-00088999-00089298 every one of you on all the successes vJMA0tS79Nc-00280-00089299-00089510 and I just tell you just this that I'm vJMA0tS79Nc-00281-00089511-00089682 I'm with you vJMA0tS79Nc-00282-00089683-00090027 I'm all-in with you and I thought all vJMA0tS79Nc-00283-00090028-00090156 that way see from the standpoint of vJMA0tS79Nc-00284-00090157-00090351 being a politician I am all-in with you vJMA0tS79Nc-00285-00090352-00090777 because I believe I believe that every vJMA0tS79Nc-00286-00090778-00091110 day we are closer and closer to an vJMA0tS79Nc-00287-00091111-00091377 enormous employment potential in West vJMA0tS79Nc-00288-00091378-00091452 Virginia vJMA0tS79Nc-00289-00091453-00091923 in enormous employment potential and as vJMA0tS79Nc-00290-00091924-00092226 we get closer we need you more and more vJMA0tS79Nc-00291-00092227-00092640 and more and more each and every day and vJMA0tS79Nc-00292-00092641-00092838 as that if one of the potential grows vJMA0tS79Nc-00293-00092839-00093177 and comes to pass and little you mark it vJMA0tS79Nc-00294-00093178-00093573 down we now know a bunch of you probably vJMA0tS79Nc-00295-00093574-00093843 think you're gonna say oh my gosh I wish vJMA0tS79Nc-00296-00093844-00093960 you with the city because I like vJMA0tS79Nc-00297-00093961-00094092 everything you said up to learn vJMA0tS79Nc-00298-00094093-00094292 everything vJMA0tS79Nc-00299-00094293-00094758 several may not have the same views of vJMA0tS79Nc-00300-00094759-00095229 our president today and I would be first vJMA0tS79Nc-00301-00095230-00095439 to say that our president even though vJMA0tS79Nc-00302-00095440-00095883 we're best buddies there's times when vJMA0tS79Nc-00303-00095884-00096318 Donald gets out over skis and he says vJMA0tS79Nc-00304-00096319-00096828 stuff at times that I wouldn't say but vJMA0tS79Nc-00305-00096829-00097254 I'm going to take you to this if we lose vJMA0tS79Nc-00306-00097255-00097806 him today and it comes to pass what vJMA0tS79Nc-00307-00097807-00098265 others were wanting to do you won't have vJMA0tS79Nc-00308-00098266-00098544 to worry about a lot because West vJMA0tS79Nc-00309-00098545-00099108 State Park you know as far as funding I vJMA0tS79Nc-00310-00099109-00099382 don't know where you go or what you'll vJMA0tS79Nc-00311-00099383-00099691 tell you and I don't mean that in a way vJMA0tS79Nc-00312-00099692-00100081 that you know it's contradictory to your vJMA0tS79Nc-00313-00100082-00100420 view so that's about our president I am vJMA0tS79Nc-00314-00100421-00100684 just telling you point-blank West vJMA0tS79Nc-00315-00100685-00101302 Virginia as far as many perceive is not vJMA0tS79Nc-00316-00101303-00101791 needed and that to me is a real real vJMA0tS79Nc-00317-00101792-00102211 selfish selfish concern because I know vJMA0tS79Nc-00318-00102212-00102582 just how great we really are and I know vJMA0tS79Nc-00319-00102583-00102850 the opportunities now I would be first vJMA0tS79Nc-00320-00102851-00103279 to say very very first decide we want to vJMA0tS79Nc-00321-00103280-00103417 clean fire vJMA0tS79Nc-00322-00103418-00103608 cleanest water nobody loves the outdoors vJMA0tS79Nc-00323-00103609-00103849 better than I absolutely want that vJMA0tS79Nc-00324-00103850-00104221 through and through we can't just run vJMA0tS79Nc-00325-00104222-00104392 completely away from our natural vJMA0tS79Nc-00326-00104393-00104581 resources for the media whether they be vJMA0tS79Nc-00327-00104582-00104980 coal or gas for temporal water we can't vJMA0tS79Nc-00328-00104981-00105253 just throw them all away but we need two vJMA0tS79Nc-00329-00105254-00105547 dark diversify in every way keep more vJMA0tS79Nc-00330-00105548-00105783 and more and more diversification tell vJMA0tS79Nc-00331-00105784-00106075 them the best example I could possibly vJMA0tS79Nc-00332-00106076-00106327 tell you about that today is all the vJMA0tS79Nc-00333-00106328-00106519 downstream and in fact we're growing in vJMA0tS79Nc-00334-00106520-00106675 manufacturing jobs with West Virginia vJMA0tS79Nc-00335-00106676-00106900 today for the first time in over a vJMA0tS79Nc-00336-00106901-00107004 decade vJMA0tS79Nc-00337-00107005-00107296 absolutely we are almost we are just vJMA0tS79Nc-00338-00107297-00107674 right teetering on the highest workforce vJMA0tS79Nc-00339-00107675-00108049 employment in the state in history you vJMA0tS79Nc-00340-00108050-00108309 know then in addition to all that vJMA0tS79Nc-00341-00108310-00108571 tourism is exploding there's so many vJMA0tS79Nc-00342-00108572-00108883 things from high-tech to higher ed to vJMA0tS79Nc-00343-00108883-00109075 all kinds of stuff that no that are vJMA0tS79Nc-00344-00109076-00109315 right at our fingertips exploding when vJMA0tS79Nc-00345-00109316-00109483 we finished ordering so the total vJMA0tS79Nc-00346-00109483-00109792 expressway and we can do it and we can vJMA0tS79Nc-00347-00109793-00110125 pull it all off just boom as soon as the vJMA0tS79Nc-00348-00110126-00110247 president vJMA0tS79Nc-00349-00110248-00110496 with an infrastructure program we will vJMA0tS79Nc-00350-00110497-00110802 get our share of the money I'll promise vJMA0tS79Nc-00351-00110803-00111024 you because his budget is set right on vJMA0tS79Nc-00352-00111025-00111303 this stove we'll turn it loose and food vJMA0tS79Nc-00353-00111304-00111617 will finish those two projects tomorrow vJMA0tS79Nc-00354-00111618-00112092 now it will open us up to so many vJMA0tS79Nc-00355-00112093-00112545 opportunities so many many things it's vJMA0tS79Nc-00356-00112546-00113016 common it's really really tough you are vJMA0tS79Nc-00357-00113017-00113319 the engines you are the ones with vJMA0tS79Nc-00358-00113320-00113691 Leggett run it's my opportunity to go vJMA0tS79Nc-00359-00113692-00114011 get the Bears it's your opportunity to vJMA0tS79Nc-00360-00114013-00114381 skin you know one of the whole movies a vJMA0tS79Nc-00361-00114382-00114621 long time ago there was two fellows and vJMA0tS79Nc-00362-00114622-00114846 they're trying to figure out you know vJMA0tS79Nc-00363-00114847-00115074 one which one would hunt which one was vJMA0tS79Nc-00364-00115075-00115395 skinned and the guy legs kind of flipped vJMA0tS79Nc-00365-00115396-00115596 a coin the guy that was gonna go hunt go vJMA0tS79Nc-00366-00115597-00115782 out in the field and out of the woods vJMA0tS79Nc-00367-00115783-00116001 after the violence and everything he vJMA0tS79Nc-00368-00116002-00116190 didn't like it because he didn't have vJMA0tS79Nc-00369-00116191-00116384 much of a gun and everything and he was vJMA0tS79Nc-00370-00116385-00116601 going to try to get a bear and that was vJMA0tS79Nc-00371-00116602-00116772 gonna be really tough because he knew vJMA0tS79Nc-00372-00116773-00117102 how mean those Bears were and so all of vJMA0tS79Nc-00373-00117103-00117297 a sudden he gaze up in the mouth of vJMA0tS79Nc-00374-00117298-00117531 these shoes there in a cabin in the vJMA0tS79Nc-00375-00117532-00117813 mountains and this cabin is just a log vJMA0tS79Nc-00376-00117814-00118032 cabin it's got a door the front one in vJMA0tS79Nc-00377-00118033-00118227 the back and everything just a great vJMA0tS79Nc-00378-00118228-00118419 room with everything that's all it is vJMA0tS79Nc-00379-00118420-00118782 and the guy's skin is down at the cabin vJMA0tS79Nc-00380-00118783-00119060 and the guy that Sutton is out of the vJMA0tS79Nc-00381-00119061-00119165 woods vJMA0tS79Nc-00382-00119166-00119408 remember you're the skinners not the vJMA0tS79Nc-00383-00119409-00119754 hunt and also he shoots and he doesn't vJMA0tS79Nc-00384-00119755-00119976 get the Bergen here comes the bear after vJMA0tS79Nc-00385-00119977-00120213 him so he's running down the mountain at vJMA0tS79Nc-00386-00120214-00120447 the top of his legs feet and he could vJMA0tS79Nc-00387-00120448-00120726 possibly run and as he busts through the vJMA0tS79Nc-00388-00120727-00121113 door he yells I got you one you take vJMA0tS79Nc-00389-00121114-00121225 care of that one vJMA0tS79Nc-00390-00121226-00121429 get another one and he goes out the back vJMA0tS79Nc-00391-00121430-00121717 door slams door so that's what happened vJMA0tS79Nc-00392-00121718-00122009 I'll go get you one but you've got skin vJMA0tS79Nc-00393-00122010-00122506 it's your Java skin and you'll do it and vJMA0tS79Nc-00394-00122507-00122794 you'll do it very well and so I I'll vJMA0tS79Nc-00395-00122795-00123007 even bet this thing I thank you for all vJMA0tS79Nc-00396-00123008-00123082 you do vJMA0tS79Nc-00397-00123083-00123370 I love you with all my soul I'll be vJMA0tS79Nc-00398-00123371-00123541 right with you every day in every vJMA0tS79Nc-00399-00123542-00123711 Stepford world won't have to take you vJMA0tS79Nc-00400-00123713-00123919 don't leave town and said where's the vJMA0tS79Nc-00401-00123920-00124042 governor where she got her words vJMA0tS79Nc-00402-00124043-00124297 together on this and everything look if vJMA0tS79Nc-00403-00124298-00124536 I tell you to send this for yourself to vJMA0tS79Nc-00404-00124538-00124710 come back in three weeks at this Center vJMA0tS79Nc-00405-00124711-00124900 make my mistakes but I will tell you vJMA0tS79Nc-00406-00124901-00125125 thing with the truth thank you so much vJMA0tS79Nc-00407-00125126-00125206 for having me vJMA0tS79Nc-00408-00125207-00125497 god bless you vL0xcmzBa2y-00000-00000046-00000302 hiberno-english from latin Hibernia vL0xcmzBa2y-00001-00000303-00000614 Ireland or Irish English as the set of vL0xcmzBa2y-00002-00000615-00000824 English dialects natively written and vL0xcmzBa2y-00003-00000825-00000974 spoken within the island of Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00004-00000975-00001178 including both the Republic of Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00005-00001179-00001391 and Northern Ireland English was brought vL0xcmzBa2y-00006-00001392-00001574 to Ireland as a result of the Norman vL0xcmzBa2y-00007-00001575-00001754 invasion of Ireland of the late 12th vL0xcmzBa2y-00008-00001755-00001837 century vL0xcmzBa2y-00009-00001838-00002081 initially it was mainly spoken in an vL0xcmzBa2y-00010-00002082-00002267 area known as the pale around Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00011-00002268-00002452 with mostly Irish spoken throughout the vL0xcmzBa2y-00012-00002453-00002705 rest of the country by the Tudor period vL0xcmzBa2y-00013-00002706-00002933 Irish culture and language had regained vL0xcmzBa2y-00014-00002934-00003109 most of the territory lost to the vL0xcmzBa2y-00015-00003110-00003370 invaders even in the pale all the common vL0xcmzBa2y-00016-00003371-00003554 folk for the most part are of Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00017-00003554-00003892 birth Irish habit and of Irish language vL0xcmzBa2y-00018-00003893-00004195 some small pockets remain predominantly vL0xcmzBa2y-00019-00004196-00004376 english-speaking because of their sheer vL0xcmzBa2y-00020-00004377-00004597 isolation their dialects developed into vL0xcmzBa2y-00021-00004598-00004829 later now extinct dialects known as Yola vL0xcmzBa2y-00022-00004830-00005075 in Wexford and Finland in Fingal Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00023-00005076-00005288 these were no longer mutually vL0xcmzBa2y-00024-00005289-00005413 intelligible with other English vL0xcmzBa2y-00025-00005414-00005516 varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00026-00005517-00005735 however the Tudor conquest and vL0xcmzBa2y-00027-00005736-00005954 colonization of Ireland in the 16th vL0xcmzBa2y-00028-00005955-00006143 century marked a revival in the use of vL0xcmzBa2y-00029-00006144-00006475 English by the mid 19th century English vL0xcmzBa2y-00030-00006476-00006667 was the majority language spoken in the vL0xcmzBa2y-00031-00006668-00006946 country it has retained this status to vL0xcmzBa2y-00032-00006947-00007112 the present day with even those whose vL0xcmzBa2y-00033-00007113-00007316 first language is Irish being fluent in vL0xcmzBa2y-00034-00007317-00007585 English as well today there is only a vL0xcmzBa2y-00035-00007586-00007766 little more than 1% of the population vL0xcmzBa2y-00036-00007767-00008092 that speaks Irish natively English is vL0xcmzBa2y-00037-00008093-00008309 one of two official languages along with vL0xcmzBa2y-00038-00008310-00008524 Irish of the Republic of Ireland and as vL0xcmzBa2y-00039-00008525-00008776 the country's de facto working language vL0xcmzBa2y-00040-00008777-00008989 hiberno-english is spelling and vL0xcmzBa2y-00041-00008990-00009181 pronunciation standards aligned with vL0xcmzBa2y-00042-00009182-00009381 British rather than American English vL0xcmzBa2y-00043-00009382-00009646 however hiberno-english is diverse vL0xcmzBa2y-00044-00009647-00009839 accents and some of its grammatical vL0xcmzBa2y-00045-00009840-00009977 structures are unique with some vL0xcmzBa2y-00046-00009978-00010169 influenced by the Irish language and a vL0xcmzBa2y-00047-00010170-00010334 tendency to be fun illogically vL0xcmzBa2y-00048-00010335-00010544 conservative retaining older features no vL0xcmzBa2y-00049-00010545-00010738 longer common in the accents of England vL0xcmzBa2y-00050-00010739-00011033 or North America phonologists today vL0xcmzBa2y-00051-00011034-00011260 often divided hiberno-english into four vL0xcmzBa2y-00052-00011261-00011516 or five overarching classes of dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00053-00011517-00011759 or accents Ulster accents west and vL0xcmzBa2y-00054-00011760-00011984 southwest region accents including for vL0xcmzBa2y-00055-00011985-00012224 example the cork accent various Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00056-00012225-00012428 accents and a super regional accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00057-00012429-00012626 developing since only the last quarter vL0xcmzBa2y-00058-00012627-00013102 of the 20th century vL0xcmzBa2y-00059-00013103-00013593 topic ulster English vL0xcmzBa2y-00060-00013594-00013838 ulster English or Northern Irish English vL0xcmzBa2y-00061-00013840-00014025 here refers collectively to the vL0xcmzBa2y-00062-00014026-00014196 varieties of the Ulster province vL0xcmzBa2y-00063-00014197-00014358 including Northern Ireland and vL0xcmzBa2y-00064-00014359-00014538 neighboring counties outside of Northern vL0xcmzBa2y-00065-00014538-00014703 Ireland which has been influenced by vL0xcmzBa2y-00066-00014704-00014883 ulster irish as well as the scots vL0xcmzBa2y-00067-00014884-00015051 language brought over by Scottish vL0xcmzBa2y-00068-00015052-00015269 settlers during the plantation of Ulster vL0xcmzBa2y-00069-00015271-00015522 its main subdivisions are middle ster vL0xcmzBa2y-00070-00015522-00015732 English South Ulster English and Ulster vL0xcmzBa2y-00071-00015733-00015909 Scots English the latter of which is vL0xcmzBa2y-00072-00015910-00016131 more directly and strongly influenced by vL0xcmzBa2y-00073-00016132-00016413 the Scots language all Ulster English vL0xcmzBa2y-00074-00016414-00016587 has more obvious pronunciation vL0xcmzBa2y-00075-00016588-00016791 similarities with Scottish English than vL0xcmzBa2y-00076-00016792-00017124 other Irish English dialects due Ulster vL0xcmzBa2y-00077-00017125-00017354 varieties distinctly pronounced and vL0xcmzBa2y-00078-00017355-00017613 ordinarily grammatically structured ie vL0xcmzBa2y-00079-00017614-00017850 non topic alized declarative sentences vL0xcmzBa2y-00080-00017851-00018060 often with a rising intonation at the vL0xcmzBa2y-00081-00018061-00018207 end of the sentence the type of vL0xcmzBa2y-00082-00018208-00018396 intonation pattern that other English vL0xcmzBa2y-00083-00018397-00018573 speakers usually associate with vL0xcmzBa2y-00084-00018574-00018852 questions as lowered in the general vL0xcmzBa2y-00085-00018853-00019145 vicinity of edye Eris's tilde tilde as vL0xcmzBa2y-00086-00019146-00019371 fronted and slightly rounded more vL0xcmzBa2y-00087-00019372-00019570 closely approaching vL0xcmzBa2y-00088-00019571-00019897 and both in the general vicinity of with vL0xcmzBa2y-00089-00019898-00020083 AB act on glide and fronted off glide vL0xcmzBa2y-00090-00020084-00020322 putting it in the vicinity of tilde as vL0xcmzBa2y-00091-00020323-00020578 tilde particularly before voiceless vL0xcmzBa2y-00092-00020579-00020848 consonants has eat though nowadays vL0xcmzBa2y-00093-00020849-00021064 commonly e or even when in a closed vL0xcmzBa2y-00094-00021065-00021376 syllable almost always as a slightly vL0xcmzBa2y-00095-00021377-00021757 raised monophthong o smiley face a lack vL0xcmzBa2y-00096-00021758-00021979 of happy tensing with the final vowel of vL0xcmzBa2y-00097-00021980-00022335 happy pulley money etc has e vL0xcmzBa2y-00098-00022336-00022627 syllable-final occasionally s dark vL0xcmzBa2y-00099-00022628-00023165 though especially before a consonant vL0xcmzBa2y-00100-00023166-00023779 topic notable lifelong native speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00101-00023780-00024058 Christine Bleakley Jamie Dornan Rory vL0xcmzBa2y-00102-00024059-00024325 McIlroy Liam Neeson the Northern Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00103-00024326-00024571 accent as the sexiest in the UK vL0xcmzBa2y-00104-00024572-00024910 according to a new poll the dulcet tones vL0xcmzBa2y-00105-00024911-00025180 of Liam Neeson Jamie Dornan Christine vL0xcmzBa2y-00106-00025181-00025444 Bleakley and Rory McIlroy helped ensure vL0xcmzBa2y-00107-00025445-00025666 the accent came top of the popularity vL0xcmzBa2y-00108-00025667-00025872 charts vL0xcmzBa2y-00109-00025873-00026264 John Cole his distinctive Ulster accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00110-00026266-00026595 Nadine Coyle I was born and raised in vL0xcmzBa2y-00111-00026597-00026998 Derry and I can't change the way I talk vL0xcmzBa2y-00112-00026999-00027292 Daniel O'Donnell the languid Donegal vL0xcmzBa2y-00113-00027293-00027633 accent made famous by Daniel O'Donnell vL0xcmzBa2y-00114-00027633-00027961 Colin Morgan Colin Morgan has revealed vL0xcmzBa2y-00115-00027962-00028189 that fans of the show are often confused vL0xcmzBa2y-00116-00028189-00028674 by his accent the 23 year old is vL0xcmzBa2y-00117-00028675-00029231 originally from Northern Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00118-00029232-00029899 topic west and southwest Irish English vL0xcmzBa2y-00119-00029900-00030148 west and southwest Irish English here vL0xcmzBa2y-00120-00030149-00030364 refers to broad varieties of Ireland's vL0xcmzBa2y-00121-00030364-00030664 west and southwest regions accents of vL0xcmzBa2y-00122-00030664-00031012 both regions are known for the pin pen vL0xcmzBa2y-00123-00031013-00031255 the backing and slight lowering of vL0xcmzBa2y-00124-00031256-00031543 towards tilde the more open starting vL0xcmzBa2y-00125-00031544-00031752 point for an of tilde a diocese and vL0xcmzBa2y-00126-00031754-00032080 tilde a diocese respectively the vL0xcmzBa2y-00127-00032081-00032272 preservation of as monophthong goal oh vL0xcmzBa2y-00128-00032273-00032712 and respectively as T tilde T and D in vL0xcmzBa2y-00129-00032713-00032974 the West and may respectively be vL0xcmzBa2y-00130-00032975-00033235 pronounced as and before a consonant so vL0xcmzBa2y-00131-00033236-00033412 fist sounds like fished castle like vL0xcmzBa2y-00132-00033413-00033580 Ashley and arrests like arrests vL0xcmzBa2y-00133-00033581-00033817 Southwest Irish English often known by vL0xcmzBa2y-00134-00033818-00034060 specific County as Cork English Kerry vL0xcmzBa2y-00135-00034061-00034237 English or Limerick English also vL0xcmzBa2y-00136-00034238-00034404 features two major defining vL0xcmzBa2y-00137-00034405-00034618 characteristics of its own the raising vL0xcmzBa2y-00138-00034619-00034879 of two when before n or per meter as in vL0xcmzBa2y-00139-00034880-00035053 again or pen and the noticeable vL0xcmzBa2y-00140-00035054-00035257 intonation pattern of a slightly higher vL0xcmzBa2y-00141-00035258-00035458 pitch followed by a significant drop in vL0xcmzBa2y-00142-00035459-00035653 pitch on stressed long vowel syllables vL0xcmzBa2y-00143-00035654-00035896 across multiple syllables or even within vL0xcmzBa2y-00144-00035897-00036124 a single one which is popularly heard in vL0xcmzBa2y-00145-00036125-00036321 rapid conversation as a kind of vL0xcmzBa2y-00146-00036322-00036865 undulating singsong pattern vL0xcmzBa2y-00147-00036866-00037452 topic notable lifelong native speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00148-00037453-00037960 Roy Keane cork accent date.the oh say vL0xcmzBa2y-00149-00037961-00038349 his carry dialect the Rubberbandits vL0xcmzBa2y-00150-00038350-00038712 Rubberbandits strong Limerick accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00151-00038713-00038971 sits on a frequency like a tambourine vL0xcmzBa2y-00152-00038972-00039549 which can cut through any noise vL0xcmzBa2y-00153-00039550-00040083 topic Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00154-00040084-00040323 Dublin English is highly internally vL0xcmzBa2y-00155-00040324-00040527 diverse and refers collectively to the vL0xcmzBa2y-00156-00040528-00040729 Irish English varieties immediately vL0xcmzBa2y-00157-00040730-00040920 surrounding and within the metropolitan vL0xcmzBa2y-00158-00040921-00041226 area of Dublin modern-day Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00159-00041227-00041473 largely lies on a phonological continuum vL0xcmzBa2y-00160-00041474-00041658 ranging from a more traditional lower vL0xcmzBa2y-00161-00041659-00041892 prestige local urban accent on the one vL0xcmzBa2y-00162-00041893-00042099 end to a more recently developing higher vL0xcmzBa2y-00163-00042100-00042318 prestige non-local regional and even vL0xcmzBa2y-00164-00042319-00042529 super regional accent on the other end vL0xcmzBa2y-00165-00042530-00042757 whose most advanced characteristics only vL0xcmzBa2y-00166-00042758-00042976 first emerged in the late 1980s and vL0xcmzBa2y-00167-00042977-00043332 1990s the accent that most strongly uses vL0xcmzBa2y-00168-00043333-00043518 the traditional working-class features vL0xcmzBa2y-00169-00043519-00043732 has been labeled by linguists as local vL0xcmzBa2y-00170-00043733-00044043 Dublin English most speakers from Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00171-00044044-00044257 and its suburbs however have accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00172-00044258-00044439 features falling variously along the vL0xcmzBa2y-00173-00044440-00044632 entire middle as well as newer end of vL0xcmzBa2y-00174-00044633-00044814 the spectrum which together form what is vL0xcmzBa2y-00175-00044815-00045027 called non-local Dublin English spoken vL0xcmzBa2y-00176-00045028-00045219 by middle and upper-class natives of vL0xcmzBa2y-00177-00045220-00045399 Dublin and the greater Eastern Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00178-00045400-00045679 region surrounding the city a subset of vL0xcmzBa2y-00179-00045680-00045904 this variety whose middle class speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00180-00045905-00046080 mostly range in the middle section of vL0xcmzBa2y-00181-00046081-00046251 the continuum is called mainstream vL0xcmzBa2y-00182-00046252-00046551 Dublin English mainstream Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00183-00046552-00046752 has become the basis of an accent that vL0xcmzBa2y-00184-00046753-00046974 has otherwise become super regional see vL0xcmzBa2y-00185-00046975-00047151 more below everywhere except in the vL0xcmzBa2y-00186-00047152-00047385 north of the country the majority of vL0xcmzBa2y-00187-00047386-00047623 Dubliners born since the 1980s led vL0xcmzBa2y-00188-00047624-00047826 particularly by females has shifted vL0xcmzBa2y-00189-00047827-00048021 towards the most innovative non local vL0xcmzBa2y-00190-00048022-00048235 accent here called new Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00191-00048236-00048426 which has gained ground over mainstream vL0xcmzBa2y-00192-00048427-00048594 Dublin English and which is the most vL0xcmzBa2y-00193-00048595-00048813 extreme variety in rejecting the local vL0xcmzBa2y-00194-00048814-00049048 accents traditional features the vL0xcmzBa2y-00195-00049049-00049224 varieties at either extreme of the vL0xcmzBa2y-00196-00049225-00049437 spectrum local and new Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00197-00049438-00049623 are both discussed in further detail vL0xcmzBa2y-00198-00049624-00049890 below in the most general terms all vL0xcmzBa2y-00199-00049891-00050100 varieties of Dublin English have the vL0xcmzBa2y-00200-00050101-00050289 following identifying sounds that are vL0xcmzBa2y-00201-00050290-00050475 often distinct from the rest of Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00202-00050476-00050787 pronouncing as fronted and/or raised vL0xcmzBa2y-00203-00050788-00051129 - tilde tilde E as retracted and or vL0xcmzBa2y-00204-00051130-00051341 centralized tilde vL0xcmzBa2y-00205-00051342-00051533 as a diphthong in the range local to vL0xcmzBa2y-00206-00051534-00051975 non-local of tilde o tilde vL0xcmzBa2y-00207-00051976-00052511 topic local Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00208-00052512-00052805 local dublin english or popular dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00209-00052807-00052994 english here refers to a traditional vL0xcmzBa2y-00210-00052995-00053231 broad working-class variety spoken in vL0xcmzBa2y-00211-00053232-00053429 the Republic of Ireland's capital city vL0xcmzBa2y-00212-00053430-00053691 of Dublin it is the only Irish English vL0xcmzBa2y-00213-00053691-00053910 variety that in earlier history was vL0xcmzBa2y-00214-00053911-00054141 non-rhotic however it is today weekly vL0xcmzBa2y-00215-00054141-00054503 Rohtak and it uniquely pronounces as as vL0xcmzBa2y-00216-00054504-00055041 tilde E as a tilde a diocese as tilde O vL0xcmzBa2y-00217-00055041-00055568 as and respectively as T and D the local vL0xcmzBa2y-00218-00055569-00055742 Dublin accent is also known for a vL0xcmzBa2y-00219-00055744-00055982 phenomenon called vowel breaking in vL0xcmzBa2y-00220-00055983-00056219 which the vowel sounds and enclosed vL0xcmzBa2y-00221-00056220-00056550 syllables are broken into two syllables vL0xcmzBa2y-00222-00056551-00057151 approximating J you and I respectively vL0xcmzBa2y-00223-00057152-00057750 topic notable lifelong native speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00224-00057751-00058059 Damien Dempsey his distinctly Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00225-00058060-00058561 sounds and a working-class Dublin accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00226-00058562-00058846 Imelda may Irish celebrities who have vL0xcmzBa2y-00227-00058847-00059226 distinctive accents such as Imelda May vL0xcmzBa2y-00228-00059227-00059661 Conor McGregor vL0xcmzBa2y-00229-00059662-00060182 topic new Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00230-00060183-00060423 evolving as a fashionable outgrowth of vL0xcmzBa2y-00231-00060424-00060644 the mainstream non local Dublin English vL0xcmzBa2y-00232-00060645-00060903 new Dublin English also advanced Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00233-00060904-00061122 English and formerly fashionable Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00234-00061123-00061319 English is a youthful variety that vL0xcmzBa2y-00235-00061320-00061484 originally began in the early 1990s vL0xcmzBa2y-00236-00061485-00061815 among the avant-garde and now those vL0xcmzBa2y-00237-00061816-00062034 aspiring to a non local urban vL0xcmzBa2y-00238-00062035-00062342 sophistication new Dublin English itself vL0xcmzBa2y-00239-00062344-00062547 first associated with affluent and vL0xcmzBa2y-00240-00062548-00062738 middle-class inhabitants of South Side vL0xcmzBa2y-00241-00062739-00062942 Dublin is probably now spoken by a vL0xcmzBa2y-00242-00062944-00063144 majority of Dubliners born since the vL0xcmzBa2y-00243-00063145-00063462 1980s it has replaced yet was largely vL0xcmzBa2y-00244-00063463-00063741 influenced by moribund e4 English often vL0xcmzBa2y-00245-00063741-00064157 known as Dublin 4 or dart speak or vL0xcmzBa2y-00246-00064158-00064494 mockingly dort speak which originated vL0xcmzBa2y-00247-00064495-00064740 around the 1970s from Dubliners who vL0xcmzBa2y-00248-00064741-00064904 rejected traditional notions of vL0xcmzBa2y-00249-00064905-00064971 Irishness vL0xcmzBa2y-00250-00064972-00065169 regarding themselves as more trendy and vL0xcmzBa2y-00251-00065170-00065436 sophisticated however particular aspects vL0xcmzBa2y-00252-00065437-00065675 of the d4 accent became quickly noticed vL0xcmzBa2y-00253-00065676-00065853 and ridiculed as sounding affected vL0xcmzBa2y-00254-00065854-00066015 causing these features to fall out of vL0xcmzBa2y-00255-00066016-00066347 fashion by the 1990s this new mainstream vL0xcmzBa2y-00256-00066348-00066594 accent of Dublin's youth rejecting vL0xcmzBa2y-00257-00066595-00066768 traditional working-class Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00258-00066769-00067238 pronounces as open as may be a diocese vL0xcmzBa2y-00259-00067239-00067443 listen with a backer vowel than in other vL0xcmzBa2y-00260-00067444-00067659 Irish accents though still relatively vL0xcmzBa2y-00261-00067660-00068004 fronted as high as or even Oh causing a vL0xcmzBa2y-00262-00068005-00068190 Reese plet in the cot cot merger that vL0xcmzBa2y-00263-00068191-00068367 traditionally characterised Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00264-00068368-00068796 speech as high as or even o as the vL0xcmzBa2y-00265-00068797-00069061 London Ian diphthong listen vL0xcmzBa2y-00266-00069062-00069271 and is both possibly rounded Ostra vL0xcmzBa2y-00267-00069272-00069592 perhaps causing a fur fair merger and is vL0xcmzBa2y-00268-00069593-00069772 possibly merged as well as and is vL0xcmzBa2y-00269-00069773-00069970 possibly merged leading to potential vL0xcmzBa2y-00270-00069971-00070472 horse horse in which which mergers vL0xcmzBa2y-00271-00070473-00070973 topic notable lifelong native speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00272-00070974-00071304 saoirse ronan the dub accent in which vL0xcmzBa2y-00273-00071305-00071482 she speaks vL0xcmzBa2y-00274-00071483-00071785 Andrew Scott his soft as rain Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00275-00071786-00072185 accent vL0xcmzBa2y-00276-00072186-00072446 topic super-regional southern Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00277-00072447-00073025 English super-regional southern Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00278-00073026-00073274 English sometimes simply super regional vL0xcmzBa2y-00279-00073275-00073454 Irish English are super regional vL0xcmzBa2y-00280-00073455-00073649 hiberno-english here refers to a variety vL0xcmzBa2y-00281-00073650-00073865 crossing regional boundaries throughout vL0xcmzBa2y-00282-00073866-00074069 all of the Republic of Ireland except vL0xcmzBa2y-00283-00074070-00074255 the north as mentioned earlier vL0xcmzBa2y-00284-00074256-00074480 mainstream dublin english of the early vL0xcmzBa2y-00285-00074481-00074753 to mid 1900s as the direct influence and vL0xcmzBa2y-00286-00074754-00075029 catalyst for this variety most speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00287-00075030-00075284 born in the 1980s or later are showing vL0xcmzBa2y-00288-00075285-00075481 fewer features of the 20th century vL0xcmzBa2y-00289-00075482-00075688 mainstream super regional form and more vL0xcmzBa2y-00290-00075689-00075899 characteristics of an advanced super vL0xcmzBa2y-00291-00075900-00076106 regional variety that aligns clearly vL0xcmzBa2y-00292-00076107-00076280 with the rapidly spreading new Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00293-00076281-00076559 accent see more above under non-local vL0xcmzBa2y-00294-00076560-00076838 Dublin English Ireland's super regional vL0xcmzBa2y-00295-00076839-00077175 dialect pronounces as quite opened up vL0xcmzBa2y-00296-00077176-00077441 along a possible spectrum a tilde a vL0xcmzBa2y-00297-00077442-00077624 diaeresis tilde with innovative vL0xcmzBa2y-00298-00077625-00077831 particularly more common before voiced vL0xcmzBa2y-00299-00077832-00078149 consonants notably including are as vL0xcmzBa2y-00300-00078150-00078335 starting fronter and often more raised vL0xcmzBa2y-00301-00078336-00078580 than other dialects a tilde Asch tilde vL0xcmzBa2y-00302-00078581-00078884 may be a diocese listen with a backer vL0xcmzBa2y-00303-00078885-00079085 vowel than in other Irish accents vL0xcmzBa2y-00304-00079086-00079456 they're still relatively fronted as has vL0xcmzBa2y-00305-00079457-00079685 almost always separate from Oh keeping vL0xcmzBa2y-00306-00079686-00079900 words like war and war or horse and vL0xcmzBa2y-00307-00079901-00080290 horse pronounced distinctly as vL0xcmzBa2y-00308-00080291-00080509 as a diphthong approaching oh listen as vL0xcmzBa2y-00309-00080510-00080707 in the mainstream United States or vL0xcmzBa2y-00310-00080708-00080946 listen as in mainstream England as vL0xcmzBa2y-00311-00080947-00081550 higher fronter and often rounder tilde vL0xcmzBa2y-00312-00081551-00081832 topic overview of pronunciation and vL0xcmzBa2y-00313-00081833-00082243 phonology vL0xcmzBa2y-00314-00082244-00082468 the following charts list the vowels vL0xcmzBa2y-00315-00082469-00082693 typical of each Irish English dialect as vL0xcmzBa2y-00316-00082694-00082834 well as the several distinctive vL0xcmzBa2y-00317-00082835-00083139 consonants of Irish English phonological vL0xcmzBa2y-00318-00083140-00083359 characteristics of overall Irish English vL0xcmzBa2y-00319-00083360-00083554 are given as well as categorizations vL0xcmzBa2y-00320-00083555-00083737 into five major divisions of vL0xcmzBa2y-00321-00083738-00083938 hiberno-english Northern Ireland or vL0xcmzBa2y-00322-00083939-00084211 Ulster west and southwest Ireland local vL0xcmzBa2y-00323-00084212-00084415 dublin new dublin and super regional vL0xcmzBa2y-00324-00084416-00084694 southern ireland features of mainstream vL0xcmzBa2y-00325-00084695-00084919 non local dublin english fall on a range vL0xcmzBa2y-00326-00084920-00085143 between local dublin and new dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00327-00085144-00085408 topic pure vowels monophthongs the vL0xcmzBa2y-00328-00085409-00085597 defining monophthongs of irish english vL0xcmzBa2y-00329-00085598-00085801 the following pure vowel sounds are vL0xcmzBa2y-00330-00085802-00085972 defining characteristics of irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00331-00085973-00086206 english the vowel as in cut or run is vL0xcmzBa2y-00332-00086207-00086413 typically centralized in the mouth and vL0xcmzBa2y-00333-00086414-00086581 often somewhat more rounded than other vL0xcmzBa2y-00334-00086582-00086773 standard English varieties such as vL0xcmzBa2y-00335-00086774-00086989 received pronunciation in England or vL0xcmzBa2y-00336-00086990-00087192 general American in the United States vL0xcmzBa2y-00337-00087193-00087490 most Irish English varieties make some vL0xcmzBa2y-00338-00087491-00087685 distinction between the broad and flat vL0xcmzBa2y-00339-00087686-00087892 of received pronunciation whereas vL0xcmzBa2y-00340-00087893-00088117 general American for example makes no vL0xcmzBa2y-00341-00088118-00088314 distinction there is inconsistency vL0xcmzBa2y-00342-00088315-00088549 regarding the lock cloth split and the vL0xcmzBa2y-00343-00088550-00088747 cot cot merger certain Irish English vL0xcmzBa2y-00344-00088748-00088939 dialects have these phenomena while vL0xcmzBa2y-00345-00088940-00089011 others do not vL0xcmzBa2y-00346-00089012-00089245 any and many are pronounced to rhyme vL0xcmzBa2y-00347-00089246-00089482 with nanny Danny etc by very many vL0xcmzBa2y-00348-00089483-00089680 speakers ie with each of these words vL0xcmzBa2y-00349-00089681-00089890 pronounced with a all pure vowels of vL0xcmzBa2y-00350-00089891-00090082 various hiberno-english dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00351-00090083-00090334 footnotes carat 1 in southside Dublin's vL0xcmzBa2y-00352-00090335-00090562 once briefly fashionable dublin 4 or vL0xcmzBa2y-00353-00090563-00090820 dort speak accent the and broad a said vL0xcmzBa2y-00354-00090821-00091042 becomes rounded as squared in southwest vL0xcmzBa2y-00355-00091043-00091303 ireland before n or per meter is raised vL0xcmzBa2y-00356-00091304-00091552 to cubed due to the local Dublin accents vL0xcmzBa2y-00357-00091553-00091756 phenomenon of vowel breaking I may be vL0xcmzBa2y-00358-00091757-00091999 realized in this accent as I in a closed vL0xcmzBa2y-00359-00092000-00092236 syllable and in the same environment you vL0xcmzBa2y-00360-00092237-00092521 may be realized as you carrot for vL0xcmzBa2y-00361-00092522-00092755 unstressed syllable final I or is vL0xcmzBa2y-00362-00092756-00093019 realized in Ulster accents uniquely as a vL0xcmzBa2y-00363-00093020-00093199 tilde other notes in some highly vL0xcmzBa2y-00364-00093200-00093406 conservative Irish English varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00365-00093407-00093592 words spelled with a 'e and pronounced vL0xcmzBa2y-00366-00093593-00093823 with i in RP are pronounced with e for vL0xcmzBa2y-00367-00093824-00094126 example meat beet and leaf in words like vL0xcmzBa2y-00368-00094127-00094246 took where the spelling vL0xcmzBa2y-00369-00094247-00094516 usually represents conservative speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00370-00094517-00094840 may use you this is most common in local vL0xcmzBa2y-00371-00094841-00095007 Dublin and the speech of North East line vL0xcmzBa2y-00372-00095008-00095362 stir topic gliding vowels diphthongs the vL0xcmzBa2y-00373-00095363-00095530 defining dipthongs of hiberno-english vL0xcmzBa2y-00374-00095531-00095629 the fall vL0xcmzBa2y-00375-00095630-00095839 gliding vowel diphthong sounds our vL0xcmzBa2y-00376-00095840-00096013 defining characteristics of Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00377-00096014-00096184 English the first element of the vL0xcmzBa2y-00378-00096185-00096379 diphthong as in au or doubt may move vL0xcmzBa2y-00379-00096380-00096577 forward in the mouth in the east namely vL0xcmzBa2y-00380-00096578-00096808 Dublin and super regionally however it vL0xcmzBa2y-00381-00096809-00096976 may actually move backward throughout vL0xcmzBa2y-00382-00096977-00097228 the entire rest of the country in the vL0xcmzBa2y-00383-00097229-00097399 north alone the second element is vL0xcmzBa2y-00384-00097400-00097591 particularly moved forward as in vL0xcmzBa2y-00385-00097592-00097828 Scotland the first element of the vL0xcmzBa2y-00386-00097829-00098026 diphthong as in boy or choice is vL0xcmzBa2y-00387-00098027-00098239 slightly or significantly lowered in all vL0xcmzBa2y-00388-00098240-00098572 geographic regions except the north vL0xcmzBa2y-00389-00098573-00098838 the diphthong as in rain or Bay is most vL0xcmzBa2y-00390-00098839-00099048 commonly monophthong eyes to e vL0xcmzBa2y-00391-00099049-00099282 furthermore this often lowers to in vL0xcmzBa2y-00392-00099283-00099537 words such as Gavin came sounding like vL0xcmzBa2y-00393-00099538-00100003 GeV and CEM all diphthongs of various vL0xcmzBa2y-00394-00100004-00100331 hiberno-english dialects footnotes vL0xcmzBa2y-00395-00100332-00100666 carrot one due to the local Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00396-00100667-00100921 accents phenomenon ax vowel breaking ah vL0xcmzBa2y-00397-00100922-00101236 may be realized in that accent as J in a vL0xcmzBa2y-00398-00101237-00101406 closed syllable and in the same vL0xcmzBa2y-00399-00101407-00101895 environment ah may be realized as vL0xcmzBa2y-00400-00101896-00102435 topic are colored vowels vL0xcmzBa2y-00401-00102436-00102669 the defining are coloured vowels of vL0xcmzBa2y-00402-00102670-00102940 hiberno-english the following are vL0xcmzBa2y-00403-00102941-00103110 colored vowel features our defining vL0xcmzBa2y-00404-00103111-00103341 characteristics of hiberno-english vL0xcmzBa2y-00405-00103342-00103608 rotisserie every major accent of vL0xcmzBa2y-00406-00103609-00103844 hiberno-english pronounces the letter R vL0xcmzBa2y-00407-00103845-00104113 whenever it follows a vowel sound though vL0xcmzBa2y-00408-00104114-00104278 this is weaker in the local Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00409-00104279-00104488 accent due to its earlier history of non vL0xcmzBa2y-00410-00104489-00104776 rotisserie rotisserie as a feature that vL0xcmzBa2y-00411-00104777-00104979 hiberno-english shares with Canadian vL0xcmzBa2y-00412-00104980-00105181 English and general American but not vL0xcmzBa2y-00413-00105182-00105442 with received pronunciation the vL0xcmzBa2y-00414-00105443-00105703 distinction between R and or is almost vL0xcmzBa2y-00415-00105704-00105865 always preserved so that for example vL0xcmzBa2y-00416-00105866-00106108 horse and horse are not merged in most vL0xcmzBa2y-00417-00106108-00106351 Irish accents all are coloured vowels of vL0xcmzBa2y-00418-00106352-00106583 various hiberno-english dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00419-00106584-00106924 footnotes carry one in older varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00420-00106925-00107170 of the conservative accents like local vL0xcmzBa2y-00421-00107171-00107491 Dublin the R sound before a vowel may be vL0xcmzBa2y-00422-00107492-00107689 pronounced as a tapped rather than as vL0xcmzBa2y-00423-00107690-00107979 the typical approximate squared every vL0xcmzBa2y-00424-00107980-00108208 major accent of Irish English is rodent vL0xcmzBa2y-00425-00108208-00108547 pronounces are after a vowel sound the vL0xcmzBa2y-00426-00108548-00108757 local Dublin accent is the only one that vL0xcmzBa2y-00427-00108758-00108952 during an earlier time was non-rhotic vL0xcmzBa2y-00428-00108953-00109147 though it usually very lightly Rohtak vL0xcmzBa2y-00429-00109148-00109420 today with a few minor exceptions the vL0xcmzBa2y-00430-00109421-00109615 Rohtak consonant in this and most other vL0xcmzBa2y-00431-00109616-00109972 Irish accents as an approximate cube the vL0xcmzBa2y-00432-00109973-00110278 R sound of the mainstream non-local vL0xcmzBa2y-00433-00110279-00110491 Dublin accent is more precisely a viel vL0xcmzBa2y-00434-00110492-00110800 Erised approximate whale de r sound of vL0xcmzBa2y-00435-00110801-00110989 the more recently emerging non-local vL0xcmzBa2y-00436-00110990-00111295 Dublin or new Dublin accent is more vL0xcmzBa2y-00437-00111296-00111660 precisely a retroflex approximate carrot vL0xcmzBa2y-00438-00111661-00111865 for in Southside Dublin's once briefly vL0xcmzBa2y-00439-00111866-00112254 fashionable Dublin for or dort speak vL0xcmzBa2y-00440-00112255-00112681 accent R is realized as carrot five and vL0xcmzBa2y-00441-00112682-00112849 non local Dublin's more recently vL0xcmzBa2y-00442-00112850-00113227 emerging or new Dublin accent R and R vL0xcmzBa2y-00443-00113228-00113458 may both be realized more rounded as a vL0xcmzBa2y-00444-00113458-00113811 stroke carrot 6 and local dublin west vL0xcmzBa2y-00445-00113813-00114043 southwest and other very conservative vL0xcmzBa2y-00446-00114044-00114256 and traditional irish english varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00447-00114257-00114439 ranging from the south to the north the vL0xcmzBa2y-00448-00114440-00114658 phoneme r is split into two distinct vL0xcmzBa2y-00449-00114658-00114841 phonemes depending on spelling and vL0xcmzBa2y-00450-00114842-00114991 proceeding consonants which have vL0xcmzBa2y-00451-00114992-00115236 sometimes been represented as are versus vL0xcmzBa2y-00452-00115238-00115456 are and often more precisely pronounced vL0xcmzBa2y-00453-00115457-00115774 as vs. as an example the words earn and vL0xcmzBa2y-00454-00115775-00115822 earner vL0xcmzBa2y-00455-00115823-00115999 pronounced the same as they are in most vL0xcmzBa2y-00456-00116000-00116200 dialects of English around the world in vL0xcmzBa2y-00457-00116201-00116431 the local Dublin and west-southwest vL0xcmzBa2y-00458-00116432-00116656 accents are when after a labial vL0xcmzBa2y-00459-00116657-00116998 consonant eg fern when spelled as a or vL0xcmzBa2y-00460-00116999-00117481 or eg word or when spelled as I are vL0xcmzBa2y-00461-00117482-00117778 after an alveolar stop eg dirt are vL0xcmzBa2y-00462-00117779-00117933 pronounced as in all other situations vL0xcmzBa2y-00463-00117934-00118276 are is pronounced as example words vL0xcmzBa2y-00464-00118277-00118608 include in non-local Dublin younger and vL0xcmzBa2y-00465-00118609-00118849 super regional Irish accents this split vL0xcmzBa2y-00466-00118850-00119040 is seldom preserved with both of the are vL0xcmzBa2y-00467-00119041-00119356 phonemes typically merged as carrot vL0xcmzBa2y-00468-00119357-00119602 seven in rare few local Dublin varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00469-00119603-00119784 that are non-rhotic are is either vL0xcmzBa2y-00470-00119785-00120048 lowered to or backed and raised to vL0xcmzBa2y-00471-00120049-00120291 carrot eight the distinction between are vL0xcmzBa2y-00472-00120292-00120579 and/or is widely preserved in Ireland so vL0xcmzBa2y-00473-00120580-00120783 that for example horse and horse are not vL0xcmzBa2y-00474-00120784-00120990 merged in most Irish English dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00475-00120991-00121183 however they are usually merged in vL0xcmzBa2y-00476-00121183-00121491 Belfast and new Dublin carrot nine in vL0xcmzBa2y-00477-00121492-00121678 local Dublin due to the phenomenon of vL0xcmzBa2y-00478-00121679-00122040 vowel breaking J you may in fact be vL0xcmzBa2y-00479-00122041-00122536 realized as J you vL0xcmzBa2y-00480-00122538-00122972 topic consonants vL0xcmzBa2y-00481-00122973-00123152 the defining consonants of vL0xcmzBa2y-00482-00123153-00123419 hiberno-english the consonants of vL0xcmzBa2y-00483-00123420-00123610 hiberno-english mostly aligned to the vL0xcmzBa2y-00484-00123611-00123899 typical english consonant sounds however vL0xcmzBa2y-00485-00123900-00124115 a few Irish English consonants have vL0xcmzBa2y-00486-00124116-00124367 distinctive varying qualities the vL0xcmzBa2y-00487-00124368-00124529 following consonant features are vL0xcmzBa2y-00488-00124530-00124676 defining characteristics of vL0xcmzBa2y-00489-00124677-00124982 hiberno-english each fullness unlike vL0xcmzBa2y-00490-00124983-00125189 most English varieties of England and vL0xcmzBa2y-00491-00125190-00125390 Wales which dropped the word initial H vL0xcmzBa2y-00492-00125391-00125588 sound in words like house are happy vL0xcmzBa2y-00493-00125589-00125795 hiberno-english always retains word vL0xcmzBa2y-00494-00125796-00126128 initial the phonemes as in the and as in vL0xcmzBa2y-00495-00126129-00126314 thin are pronounced uniquely in most vL0xcmzBa2y-00496-00126315-00126605 hiberno-english is pronounced as D or D vL0xcmzBa2y-00497-00126606-00126857 depending on specific dialect and theta vL0xcmzBa2y-00498-00126858-00127247 is pronounced as T or T the phoneme when vL0xcmzBa2y-00499-00127248-00127406 appearing at the end of word or between vL0xcmzBa2y-00500-00127407-00127640 vowel sounds is pronounced uniquely in vL0xcmzBa2y-00501-00127641-00127844 most hiberno-english the most common vL0xcmzBa2y-00502-00127845-00128196 pronunciation is is a slit fricative vL0xcmzBa2y-00503-00128197-00128463 the phoneme is almost always of a light vL0xcmzBa2y-00504-00128464-00128868 or clear quality ie not villa rised vL0xcmzBa2y-00505-00128869-00129117 unlike received pronunciation which uses vL0xcmzBa2y-00506-00129118-00129420 both a clear in a dark L sound or vL0xcmzBa2y-00507-00129421-00129709 general American which pronounces all L vL0xcmzBa2y-00508-00129710-00130058 sounds as dark rotisserie the vL0xcmzBa2y-00509-00130059-00130308 pronunciation of historical R is nearly vL0xcmzBa2y-00510-00130308-00130532 universal in Irish accents of English vL0xcmzBa2y-00511-00130533-00130794 like with general American but not vL0xcmzBa2y-00512-00130795-00131007 received pronunciation this means that vL0xcmzBa2y-00513-00131008-00131295 the letter R if appearing after a vowel vL0xcmzBa2y-00514-00131296-00131532 sound is always pronounced in words such vL0xcmzBa2y-00515-00131533-00131787 as here cart or serf unique consonants vL0xcmzBa2y-00516-00131788-00132038 in various hiberno-english dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00517-00132039-00132387 footnotes carry one in traditional vL0xcmzBa2y-00518-00132388-00132624 conservative Ulster English k and r vL0xcmzBa2y-00519-00132625-00132846 palatalized before a low front vowel vL0xcmzBa2y-00520-00132847-00133074 squared local dublin also undergoes vL0xcmzBa2y-00521-00133075-00133278 cluster simplification so that stop vL0xcmzBa2y-00522-00133279-00133422 consonant sounds occurring after vL0xcmzBa2y-00523-00133423-00133617 fricatives or sonorants may be left vL0xcmzBa2y-00524-00133618-00133836 unpronounce t' resulting for example in vL0xcmzBa2y-00525-00133837-00134322 pound d and lost t cubed rotisserie vL0xcmzBa2y-00526-00134323-00134580 every major accent of irish english as vL0xcmzBa2y-00527-00134581-00134895 strongly Rohtak pronounces are after a vL0xcmzBa2y-00528-00134896-00135090 vowel sound though to a weaker degree vL0xcmzBa2y-00529-00135091-00135378 with the local Dublin accent the accents vL0xcmzBa2y-00530-00135379-00135591 of local Dublin and some smaller Eastern vL0xcmzBa2y-00531-00135592-00135789 towns like Drogheda were historically vL0xcmzBa2y-00532-00135790-00136026 non-rhotic and now only very lightly row vL0xcmzBa2y-00533-00136027-00136206 decor variably Rohtak with eroded vL0xcmzBa2y-00534-00136207-00136362 consonant being an alveolar approximant vL0xcmzBa2y-00535-00136363-00136677 an extremely traditional and vL0xcmzBa2y-00536-00136678-00136902 conservative accents exemplified for vL0xcmzBa2y-00537-00136903-00137109 instance in the speech of older speakers vL0xcmzBa2y-00538-00137110-00137301 throughout the country even in southwest vL0xcmzBa2y-00539-00137302-00137520 Ireland such as Michael ohm your heart a vL0xcmzBa2y-00540-00137521-00137703 and Jackie Healy Rea the Rohtak vL0xcmzBa2y-00541-00137704-00137913 consonant before a vowel sound can also vL0xcmzBa2y-00542-00137914-00138228 be an alveolar tap the road at consonant vL0xcmzBa2y-00543-00138229-00138402 for the Northern Ireland and new Dublin vL0xcmzBa2y-00544-00138403-00138641 accents as a retroflex approximate vL0xcmzBa2y-00545-00138642-00138921 Dublin's retroflex approximant has no vL0xcmzBa2y-00546-00138922-00139116 precedent outside of Northern Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00547-00139117-00139311 and as a genuine innovation of the past vL0xcmzBa2y-00548-00139312-00139638 two decades a guttural uvular is found vL0xcmzBa2y-00549-00139639-00139905 in North East line stir otherwise the vL0xcmzBa2y-00550-00139906-00140097 Rohtak consonant of virtually all other vL0xcmzBa2y-00551-00140098-00140292 Irish accents as the post alveolar vL0xcmzBa2y-00552-00140293-00140512 approximant vL0xcmzBa2y-00553-00140513-00140755 carrot for the symbol is used here to vL0xcmzBa2y-00554-00140756-00140950 represent the voiceless alveolar non vL0xcmzBa2y-00555-00140951-00141154 sibilant fricative sometimes known as a vL0xcmzBa2y-00556-00141155-00141460 slit fricative whose articulation is vL0xcmzBa2y-00557-00141461-00141700 described as being Epico alveolar carrot vL0xcmzBa2y-00558-00141701-00141952 five overall HW and wither being vL0xcmzBa2y-00559-00141953-00142156 increasingly merged in super regional vL0xcmzBa2y-00560-00142157-00142378 Irish English for example making wine vL0xcmzBa2y-00561-00142379-00142621 and wine homophones as in most varieties vL0xcmzBa2y-00562-00142622-00142774 of English around the world other vL0xcmzBa2y-00563-00142775-00143005 phonological characteristics of Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00564-00143006-00143206 English include that consonant clusters vL0xcmzBa2y-00565-00143207-00143575 ending in J before you are distinctive J vL0xcmzBa2y-00566-00143576-00143746 is dropped after sonorants and vL0xcmzBa2y-00567-00143747-00144019 fricatives eg new sounds like no and su vL0xcmzBa2y-00568-00144020-00144544 like su DJ becomes deg doo-doo-doo can vL0xcmzBa2y-00569-00144545-00145125 do t sound like geo Juke and jus T vL0xcmzBa2y-00570-00145126-00145837 TJ becomes eg tubas Shubh tunas June the vL0xcmzBa2y-00571-00145838-00146023 following shown either dropping nor vL0xcmzBa2y-00572-00146024-00146395 coalescence KJ as in cute MJ as in mute vL0xcmzBa2y-00573-00146396-00146686 and HJ as in huge though the H can be vL0xcmzBa2y-00574-00146687-00146878 dropped in the southwest of Ireland the vL0xcmzBa2y-00575-00146879-00147231 naming of the letter HS page is standard vL0xcmzBa2y-00576-00147232-00147505 due to gaelic influence an epithet vL0xcmzBa2y-00577-00147506-00147745 akua's sometimes inserted perhaps as a vL0xcmzBa2y-00578-00147746-00147919 feature of older and less careful vL0xcmzBa2y-00579-00147920-00148561 speakers eg film Fulham and form fm vL0xcmzBa2y-00580-00148562-00149043 topic vocabulary vL0xcmzBa2y-00581-00149044-00149589 topic loan words from Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00582-00149590-00149829 a number of Irish language loan words vL0xcmzBa2y-00583-00149830-00150069 are used in hiberno-english particularly vL0xcmzBa2y-00584-00150070-00150327 in an official state capacity for vL0xcmzBa2y-00585-00150328-00150513 example the head of government as the vL0xcmzBa2y-00586-00150514-00150696 Taoiseach the deputy head is the today's vL0xcmzBa2y-00587-00150697-00150885 the Parliament as the Oireachtas and vL0xcmzBa2y-00588-00150886-00151131 it's lower house as dáil éireann less vL0xcmzBa2y-00589-00151132-00151377 formally people also use loan words in vL0xcmzBa2y-00590-00151378-00151569 day-to-day speech although this has been vL0xcmzBa2y-00591-00151570-00151758 on the wane in recent decades and among vL0xcmzBa2y-00592-00151759-00152076 the young vL0xcmzBa2y-00593-00152077-00152646 topic derived words from Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00594-00152647-00152883 another group of hiberno-english words vL0xcmzBa2y-00595-00152884-00153036 are those derived from the Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00596-00153037-00153312 language some are words in English that vL0xcmzBa2y-00597-00153313-00153477 have entered into general use while vL0xcmzBa2y-00598-00153478-00153738 others are unique to Ireland these words vL0xcmzBa2y-00599-00153739-00153909 and phrases are often anglicized vL0xcmzBa2y-00600-00153910-00154127 versions of words in Irish or direct vL0xcmzBa2y-00601-00154128-00154398 translations into English in the latter vL0xcmzBa2y-00602-00154399-00154604 case they often give a meaning to a word vL0xcmzBa2y-00603-00154605-00154812 or phrase that is generally not found in vL0xcmzBa2y-00604-00154813-00155258 wider English use vL0xcmzBa2y-00605-00155259-00155498 topic derived words from old in Middle vL0xcmzBa2y-00606-00155499-00155856 English vL0xcmzBa2y-00607-00155857-00156116 another class of vocabulary found in vL0xcmzBa2y-00608-00156117-00156290 hiberno-english our words and phrases vL0xcmzBa2y-00609-00156291-00156512 common in old and Middle English but vL0xcmzBa2y-00610-00156513-00156684 which have since become obscure or vL0xcmzBa2y-00611-00156685-00156882 obsolete in the modern English language vL0xcmzBa2y-00612-00156883-00157151 generally hiberno-english has also vL0xcmzBa2y-00613-00157152-00157356 developed particular meanings for words vL0xcmzBa2y-00614-00157357-00157553 that are still in common use in English vL0xcmzBa2y-00615-00157554-00157885 generally vL0xcmzBa2y-00616-00157886-00158383 topic other words vL0xcmzBa2y-00617-00158384-00158601 in addition to the three groups above vL0xcmzBa2y-00618-00158602-00158782 there are also additional words and vL0xcmzBa2y-00619-00158783-00158983 phrases whose origin is disputed or vL0xcmzBa2y-00620-00158984-00159232 unknown while this group may not be vL0xcmzBa2y-00621-00159233-00159418 unique to Ireland their usage is not vL0xcmzBa2y-00622-00159419-00159586 widespread and could be seen as vL0xcmzBa2y-00623-00159587-00159745 characteristic of the language in vL0xcmzBa2y-00624-00159746-00160151 Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00625-00160152-00160657 topic grammar and syntax vL0xcmzBa2y-00626-00160658-00160890 the syntax of the Irish language is vL0xcmzBa2y-00627-00160891-00161078 quite different from that of English vL0xcmzBa2y-00628-00161079-00161362 various aspects of Irish syntax have vL0xcmzBa2y-00629-00161363-00161550 influenced hiberno-english though many vL0xcmzBa2y-00630-00161551-00161739 of these idiosyncrasies are disappearing vL0xcmzBa2y-00631-00161740-00161944 in suburban areas and among the younger vL0xcmzBa2y-00632-00161945-00162252 population the other major influence on vL0xcmzBa2y-00633-00162253-00162438 hiberno-english that sets it apart from vL0xcmzBa2y-00634-00162439-00162625 modern English in general as the vL0xcmzBa2y-00635-00162626-00162823 retention of words and phrases from old vL0xcmzBa2y-00636-00162824-00163193 and Middle English vL0xcmzBa2y-00637-00163194-00163689 topic from Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00638-00163690-00164325 topic reduplication reduplicating as an vL0xcmzBa2y-00639-00164326-00164454 alleged trait of hiberno-english vL0xcmzBa2y-00640-00164455-00164736 strongly associated with stage Irish and vL0xcmzBa2y-00641-00164737-00164838 Hollywood films vL0xcmzBa2y-00642-00164839-00165105 the Irish are Biff corresponds to vL0xcmzBa2y-00643-00165106-00165429 English at all so the stronger arch or vL0xcmzBa2y-00644-00165430-00165669 are Biff gives rise to the forum at all vL0xcmzBa2y-00645-00165670-00165825 at all vL0xcmzBa2y-00646-00165826-00166152 I have no time at all at all vL0xcmzBa2y-00647-00166153-00166551 our eager go lit on fear that means in vL0xcmzBa2y-00648-00166552-00166908 case the variant re Glenda he glut lit vL0xcmzBa2y-00649-00166909-00167166 on fear of fear implies the vL0xcmzBa2y-00650-00167167-00167400 circumstances are more unlikely the vL0xcmzBa2y-00651-00167401-00167613 corresponding hiberno-english phrases vL0xcmzBa2y-00652-00167614-00167943 are to be sure and to be sure to be sure vL0xcmzBa2y-00653-00167944-00168267 in this context these are not as might vL0xcmzBa2y-00654-00168268-00168495 be thought dis junks meaning certainly vL0xcmzBa2y-00655-00168496-00168777 they could better be translated in case vL0xcmzBa2y-00656-00168778-00169040 and just in case vL0xcmzBa2y-00657-00169041-00169299 nowadays normally spoken with conscious vL0xcmzBa2y-00658-00169300-00169359 levity vL0xcmzBa2y-00659-00169360-00169653 I brought some cash in case I saw a vL0xcmzBa2y-00660-00169654-00169884 bargain and my credit card to be sure to vL0xcmzBa2y-00661-00169885-00170301 be sure vL0xcmzBa2y-00662-00170302-00170759 topic yes and no vL0xcmzBa2y-00663-00170760-00170984 Irish lacks words that directly vL0xcmzBa2y-00664-00170985-00171419 translate as yes or no and instead vL0xcmzBa2y-00665-00171420-00171620 repeats the verb used in the question vL0xcmzBa2y-00666-00171621-00171844 negated if necessary dancer vL0xcmzBa2y-00667-00171845-00172352 hiberno-english uses yes and no less vL0xcmzBa2y-00668-00172353-00172565 frequently than other English dialects vL0xcmzBa2y-00669-00172566-00172712 as speakers can repeat the verb vL0xcmzBa2y-00670-00172713-00172954 positively or negatively instead of or vL0xcmzBa2y-00671-00172955-00173476 in redundant addition to using yes or no vL0xcmzBa2y-00672-00173477-00173879 are you coming home soon I am vL0xcmzBa2y-00673-00173880-00174266 is your mobile charged it isn't this is vL0xcmzBa2y-00674-00174267-00174473 not limited only to the verb to be it is vL0xcmzBa2y-00675-00174474-00174674 also used with to have when used as an vL0xcmzBa2y-00676-00174675-00174905 auxiliary and with other verbs the verb vL0xcmzBa2y-00677-00174906-00175178 to do is used this is most commonly used vL0xcmzBa2y-00678-00175179-00175445 for intensification especially in Ulster vL0xcmzBa2y-00679-00175446-00175955 English this is strong stuff so it is we vL0xcmzBa2y-00680-00175956-00176243 won the game so we did topic recent past vL0xcmzBa2y-00681-00176244-00176474 construction Irish indicates recency of vL0xcmzBa2y-00682-00176475-00176690 an action by adding after to the present vL0xcmzBa2y-00683-00176691-00176879 continuous a verb ending an in a vL0xcmzBa2y-00684-00176880-00177053 construction known as the hot news vL0xcmzBa2y-00685-00177054-00177365 perfect or after perfect the idiom for I vL0xcmzBa2y-00686-00177366-00177608 had done X when I did y is I was after vL0xcmzBa2y-00687-00177609-00177830 doing X when I did y modeled on the vL0xcmzBa2y-00688-00177831-00178049 Irish usage of the compound prepositions vL0xcmzBa2y-00689-00178050-00178559 IND ia IDH tarea Sandin ASB mate Ras IND vL0xcmzBa2y-00690-00178560-00178901 IA ID h na sx a day on him new era Rene vL0xcmzBa2y-00691-00178902-00179111 may why why did you hit him he was after vL0xcmzBa2y-00692-00179112-00179306 giving me cheek he had been cheeky to me vL0xcmzBa2y-00693-00179307-00179504 a similar construction has seen where vL0xcmzBa2y-00694-00179505-00179702 exclamation is used in describing a vL0xcmzBa2y-00695-00179703-00179882 recent event I'm after hitting him with vL0xcmzBa2y-00696-00179883-00180143 the car tame tarea say a bullet lays in vL0xcmzBa2y-00697-00180144-00180455 G car she's after losing five stone in vL0xcmzBa2y-00698-00180456-00180626 five weeks when describing les vL0xcmzBa2y-00699-00180627-00180833 astonishing or significant events a vL0xcmzBa2y-00700-00180834-00181037 structure resembling the German perfect vL0xcmzBa2y-00701-00181038-00181241 can be seen I have the car fixed time vL0xcmzBa2y-00702-00181242-00181523 car dice I began I have my breakfast vL0xcmzBa2y-00703-00181524-00181742 eaten Tommo breakfast at a gam this vL0xcmzBa2y-00704-00181743-00181985 correlates with an analysis of h1 Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00705-00181986-00182210 proposed by adjure and Mitrovic in a vL0xcmzBa2y-00706-00182211-00182387 deliberate parallel to the status of vL0xcmzBa2y-00707-00182388-00182720 German as a v2 language topic reflection vL0xcmzBa2y-00708-00182721-00182921 for emphasis the reflexive version of vL0xcmzBa2y-00709-00182922-00183143 pronouns is often used for emphasis or vL0xcmzBa2y-00710-00183144-00183335 to refer indirectly to a particular vL0xcmzBa2y-00711-00183336-00183686 person etc according to context herself vL0xcmzBa2y-00712-00183687-00183890 for example might refer to the speaker's vL0xcmzBa2y-00713-00183891-00184190 boss or to the woman of the house use of vL0xcmzBa2y-00714-00184191-00184382 herself or himself in this way often vL0xcmzBa2y-00715-00184383-00184577 indicates that the speaker attributes vL0xcmzBa2y-00716-00184578-00184757 some degree of arrogance or selfishness vL0xcmzBa2y-00717-00184758-00185036 to the person in question note also the vL0xcmzBa2y-00718-00185037-00185198 indirectness of this construction vL0xcmzBa2y-00719-00185199-00185462 relative to for example she's coming now vL0xcmzBa2y-00720-00185463-00185684 Tiz herself that's coming now as I find vL0xcmzBa2y-00721-00185685-00185936 ah de AG teach to noise was it all of vL0xcmzBa2y-00722-00185937-00186185 year just yourself and sibs are fad no vL0xcmzBa2y-00723-00186186-00186656 to Safina bi GCE ist topic prepositional vL0xcmzBa2y-00724-00186657-00186839 pronouns there are some language forms vL0xcmzBa2y-00725-00186840-00187013 that stem from the fact that there is no vL0xcmzBa2y-00726-00187014-00187183 verb to have in Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00727-00187184-00187444 instead possession as indicated in Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00728-00187445-00187674 by using the preposition at in Irish act vL0xcmzBa2y-00729-00187675-00187951 to be more precise Irish uses a vL0xcmzBa2y-00730-00187952-00188173 prepositional pronoun that combines AK vL0xcmzBa2y-00731-00188174-00188516 and may meet to create a gam vL0xcmzBa2y-00732-00188517-00188828 in English the verb to have is used vL0xcmzBa2y-00733-00188829-00189227 along with uh with me or on me that vL0xcmzBa2y-00734-00189228-00189488 derives from tah agam this gives rise to vL0xcmzBa2y-00735-00189489-00189884 the frequent do you have the book I have vL0xcmzBa2y-00736-00189885-00190064 it with me vL0xcmzBa2y-00737-00190065-00190399 have you changed for the bus on you vL0xcmzBa2y-00738-00190400-00190639 he will not shut up if he has drink vL0xcmzBa2y-00739-00190640-00190888 taken somebody who can speak a language vL0xcmzBa2y-00740-00190889-00191212 has a language in which hiberno-english vL0xcmzBa2y-00741-00191213-00191440 has borrowed the grammatical form used vL0xcmzBa2y-00742-00191441-00191830 in Irish she does not have Irish mill vL0xcmzBa2y-00743-00191831-00192151 gaeilge aici literally there is no Irish vL0xcmzBa2y-00744-00192152-00192418 at her when describing something many vL0xcmzBa2y-00745-00192419-00192646 hiberno-english speakers use the term in vL0xcmzBa2y-00746-00192647-00193012 it where there would usually be used vL0xcmzBa2y-00747-00193013-00193213 this is due to the Irish word and vL0xcmzBa2y-00748-00193214-00193678 pronounced oh u N or on fulfilling both vL0xcmzBa2y-00749-00193679-00193987 meanings is it yourself that is in it vL0xcmzBa2y-00750-00193988-00194377 and to find out an is there any milk in vL0xcmzBa2y-00751-00194378-00194701 it and BH fool bein an another idiom is vL0xcmzBa2y-00752-00194702-00194869 this thing or that thing described as vL0xcmzBa2y-00753-00194870-00195268 this man here or that man there which vL0xcmzBa2y-00754-00195269-00195484 also features in Newfoundland English in vL0xcmzBa2y-00755-00195485-00195943 Canada this man here and fear Co CF the vL0xcmzBa2y-00756-00195944-00196291 related n co-equals here that man there vL0xcmzBa2y-00757-00196292-00196603 and fierce in CF the related Anson vL0xcmzBa2y-00758-00196604-00196792 equals there conditionals have a greater vL0xcmzBa2y-00759-00196793-00196996 presence in hiberno-english due to the vL0xcmzBa2y-00760-00196997-00197188 tendency to replace the simple present vL0xcmzBa2y-00761-00197189-00197368 tense with the conditional wit and the vL0xcmzBa2y-00762-00197369-00197563 simple past tense with the conditional vL0xcmzBa2y-00763-00197564-00197872 perfect would have John asked me would I vL0xcmzBa2y-00764-00197873-00198172 buy a loaf of bread John asked me to buy vL0xcmzBa2y-00765-00198173-00198502 a loaf of bread how do you know him we vL0xcmzBa2y-00766-00198503-00198742 would have been in school together we vL0xcmzBa2y-00767-00198743-00198910 went to school together bring and take vL0xcmzBa2y-00768-00198911-00199126 Irish use of these words differs from vL0xcmzBa2y-00769-00199127-00199288 that of British English because it vL0xcmzBa2y-00770-00199289-00199480 follows the Irish grammar for beer and vL0xcmzBa2y-00771-00199481-00199753 talk English usage is determined by vL0xcmzBa2y-00772-00199754-00199990 Direction person determines Irish usage vL0xcmzBa2y-00773-00199991-00200296 so in English one takes from here to vL0xcmzBa2y-00774-00200297-00200560 there and brings it to here from there vL0xcmzBa2y-00775-00200561-00200839 in Irish a person takes only when vL0xcmzBa2y-00776-00200840-00201031 accepting a transfer of possession of vL0xcmzBa2y-00777-00201032-00201220 the object from someone else and a vL0xcmzBa2y-00778-00201221-00201376 person brings it all other times vL0xcmzBa2y-00779-00201377-00201624 irrespective of direction to or from vL0xcmzBa2y-00780-00201625-00201871 don't forget to bring your umbrella with vL0xcmzBa2y-00781-00201872-00202043 you when you leave vL0xcmzBa2y-00782-00202044-00202241 to a child hold my hand I don't want vL0xcmzBa2y-00783-00202242-00202664 someone to take you vL0xcmzBa2y-00784-00202665-00203102 topic to be vL0xcmzBa2y-00785-00203103-00203360 the Irish equivalent of the verb to be vL0xcmzBa2y-00786-00203361-00203678 has to present tenses 1 the present vL0xcmzBa2y-00787-00203679-00203990 tense proper or aim sir lathe reach for vL0xcmzBa2y-00788-00203991-00204176 cases which are generally true or are vL0xcmzBa2y-00789-00204177-00204347 true at the time of speaking and the vL0xcmzBa2y-00790-00204348-00204578 other the habitual present or aim sir vL0xcmzBa2y-00791-00204579-00204838 natheless reach for repeated actions vL0xcmzBa2y-00792-00204839-00205304 thus york now or generally is Todd - but vL0xcmzBa2y-00793-00205305-00205658 you are repeatedly is by on to both vL0xcmzBa2y-00794-00205659-00205832 forms are used with the verbal noun vL0xcmzBa2y-00795-00205833-00206009 equivalent to the English present vL0xcmzBa2y-00796-00206010-00206211 participle to create compound tenses vL0xcmzBa2y-00797-00206212-00206437 this is similar to the distinction vL0xcmzBa2y-00798-00206438-00206767 between s ER and s star in Spanish the vL0xcmzBa2y-00799-00206769-00206965 corresponding usage in English has vL0xcmzBa2y-00800-00206966-00207142 frequently found in rural areas vL0xcmzBa2y-00801-00207144-00207386 especially Mayo Sligo in the West of vL0xcmzBa2y-00802-00207387-00207565 Ireland and Wexford in the southeast vL0xcmzBa2y-00803-00207566-00207763 inner-city Dublin along with border vL0xcmzBa2y-00804-00207764-00208028 areas of the north and Republic in this vL0xcmzBa2y-00805-00208029-00208325 form the verb to be in English is vL0xcmzBa2y-00806-00208326-00208561 similar to its use in Irish with a does vL0xcmzBa2y-00807-00208562-00208934 beat to be or bees although less vL0xcmzBa2y-00808-00208935-00209135 frequently construction to indicate the vL0xcmzBa2y-00809-00209136-00209464 continuous or habitual present he does vL0xcmzBa2y-00810-00209465-00209786 be working everyday by on say a Gobert vL0xcmzBa2y-00811-00209787-00210113 gala they do be talking on their mobiles vL0xcmzBa2y-00812-00210114-00210452 a lot V&C add egg came go mini Chara vL0xcmzBa2y-00813-00210453-00210767 blonde polka he must be doing a lot of vL0xcmzBa2y-00814-00210767-00211079 work at school vayan say egg day on them vL0xcmzBa2y-00815-00211080-00211430 goalie or uber are spoil it semi do be vL0xcmzBa2y-00816-00211431-00211721 thinking of is era be on may eggs may vL0xcmzBa2y-00817-00211721-00211955 oniy this construction also surfaces in vL0xcmzBa2y-00818-00211956-00212167 african-american vernacular English as vL0xcmzBa2y-00819-00212169-00212578 the famous habitual bee vL0xcmzBa2y-00820-00212579-00213159 topic from old and Middle English vL0xcmzBa2y-00821-00213160-00213483 in old-fashioned usage it is can be vL0xcmzBa2y-00822-00213484-00213688 freely abbreviated tis even as a vL0xcmzBa2y-00823-00213689-00213954 standalone sentence this also allows the vL0xcmzBa2y-00824-00213955-00214059 double contraction vL0xcmzBa2y-00825-00214060-00214336 tisn't for it is not vL0xcmzBa2y-00826-00214337-00214582 Irish has separate forms for the second vL0xcmzBa2y-00827-00214583-00214816 person singular to and the second person vL0xcmzBa2y-00828-00214817-00215212 plural s ibh mirroring Irish and almost vL0xcmzBa2y-00829-00215213-00215431 every other indo-european language the vL0xcmzBa2y-00830-00215432-00215619 plural U is also distinguished from the vL0xcmzBa2y-00831-00215621-00215844 singular in hiberno-english normally by vL0xcmzBa2y-00832-00215846-00216042 use of the otherwise archaic English vL0xcmzBa2y-00833-00216044-00216283 word D G the word use sometimes written vL0xcmzBa2y-00834-00216284-00216553 as Yas also occurs but primarily only in vL0xcmzBa2y-00835-00216554-00216846 Dublin and across Ulster in addition in vL0xcmzBa2y-00836-00216848-00217092 some areas inline stir North conduct and vL0xcmzBa2y-00837-00217094-00217282 parts of Ulster the hybrid word is vL0xcmzBa2y-00838-00217283-00217621 pronounced yes may be used the vL0xcmzBa2y-00839-00217621-00217801 pronunciation differs with that of the vL0xcmzBa2y-00840-00217802-00218041 northwestern being G Z and the line ster vL0xcmzBa2y-00841-00218042-00218377 pronunciation being J's did ye all go to vL0xcmzBa2y-00842-00218378-00218713 see it are I'm is IB H go lurched on a a vL0xcmzBa2y-00843-00218714-00219144 vacant none of Yas have a clue mill seal vL0xcmzBa2y-00844-00219146-00219430 laid are bit the game are ye not vL0xcmzBa2y-00845-00219431-00219514 finished yet vL0xcmzBa2y-00846-00219515-00219988 natch BH fool si BH Creek may Foss why vL0xcmzBa2y-00847-00219989-00220333 eyes are after destroying it tah si BH vL0xcmzBa2y-00848-00220334-00220666 tar ASAS cry Assad the word ye y is are vL0xcmzBa2y-00849-00220667-00220900 used otherwise archaic is still used in vL0xcmzBa2y-00850-00220901-00221188 place of U for the second person plural vL0xcmzBa2y-00851-00221189-00221407 year yes ER or you sir are the vL0xcmzBa2y-00852-00221408-00221794 possessive forms eg where are you going vL0xcmzBa2y-00853-00221794-00222033 the verb mich is very common in Ireland vL0xcmzBa2y-00854-00222034-00222316 indicating being truant from school this vL0xcmzBa2y-00855-00222317-00222505 word appears in Shakespeare though he vL0xcmzBa2y-00856-00222506-00222676 wrote in early modern English rather vL0xcmzBa2y-00857-00222677-00222865 than Middle English but his seldom heard vL0xcmzBa2y-00858-00222866-00223042 these days in British English although vL0xcmzBa2y-00859-00223042-00223279 pockets of usage persist in some areas vL0xcmzBa2y-00860-00223280-00223509 notably South Wales Devon and Cornwall vL0xcmzBa2y-00861-00223510-00223809 in parts of conduct and Ulster the mich vL0xcmzBa2y-00862-00223810-00224002 is often replaced by the verb scheme vL0xcmzBa2y-00863-00224003-00224212 while in Dublin it is often replaced by vL0xcmzBa2y-00864-00224213-00224488 on the hop bounce vL0xcmzBa2y-00865-00224489-00224746 another usage familiar from Shakespeare vL0xcmzBa2y-00866-00224746-00224935 as the inclusion of the second person vL0xcmzBa2y-00867-00224936-00225133 pronoun after the imperative form of a vL0xcmzBa2y-00868-00225134-00225396 verb as in wife go you to her ere you go vL0xcmzBa2y-00869-00225398-00225796 to bed Romeo and Juliet act 3 scene IV vL0xcmzBa2y-00870-00225796-00226098 this is still common in ulster get your vL0xcmzBa2y-00871-00226100-00226323 homework done or your no going out in vL0xcmzBa2y-00872-00226323-00226561 monster you will still hear children vL0xcmzBa2y-00873-00226562-00227053 being told up to bed leggy LT for vL0xcmzBa2y-00874-00227054-00227263 influence from Scotland C Ulster Scots vL0xcmzBa2y-00875-00227264-00227660 and Ulster English vL0xcmzBa2y-00876-00227661-00228242 topic other grammatical influences vL0xcmzBa2y-00877-00228242-00228442 now is often used at the end of vL0xcmzBa2y-00878-00228444-00228658 sentences or phrases as a semantically vL0xcmzBa2y-00879-00228659-00228821 empty word completing an utterance vL0xcmzBa2y-00880-00228821-00228992 without contributing any apparent vL0xcmzBa2y-00881-00228992-00229394 meaning examples include by now equals vL0xcmzBa2y-00882-00229394-00229780 goodbye there you go now when giving vL0xcmzBa2y-00883-00229781-00230078 someone something on now expressing vL0xcmzBa2y-00884-00230079-00230257 dismay hold on now vL0xcmzBa2y-00885-00230258-00230702 equals wait a minute now then as a mild vL0xcmzBa2y-00886-00230703-00230975 attention-getter etc this usage is vL0xcmzBa2y-00887-00230976-00231181 universal among English dialects but vL0xcmzBa2y-00888-00231182-00231326 occurs more frequently in vL0xcmzBa2y-00889-00231327-00231544 hiberno-english it is also used in the vL0xcmzBa2y-00890-00231546-00231764 manner of the Italian prego or German vL0xcmzBa2y-00891-00231765-00232016 that for example a barman might say now vL0xcmzBa2y-00892-00232017-00232432 sir when delivering drinks so is often vL0xcmzBa2y-00893-00232433-00232715 used for emphasis I can speak Irish so I vL0xcmzBa2y-00894-00232716-00232984 can or it may be tacked onto the end of vL0xcmzBa2y-00895-00232985-00233165 a sentence to indicate agreement where vL0xcmzBa2y-00896-00233166-00233446 then would often be used in standard vL0xcmzBa2y-00897-00233448-00233953 English by so let's go so that's fine so vL0xcmzBa2y-00898-00233954-00234302 we'll do that so the word is also used vL0xcmzBa2y-00899-00234303-00234491 to contradict a negative statement vL0xcmzBa2y-00900-00234492-00234665 you're not pushing hard enough vL0xcmzBa2y-00901-00234666-00235037 I am so this contradiction of a negative vL0xcmzBa2y-00902-00235038-00235271 is also seen in American English though vL0xcmzBa2y-00903-00235271-00235759 not as often as I am too or yes I am the vL0xcmzBa2y-00904-00235760-00235978 practice of indicating emphasis with so vL0xcmzBa2y-00905-00235979-00236138 and including reduplicating the vL0xcmzBa2y-00906-00236139-00236329 sentences subject pronoun and auxiliary vL0xcmzBa2y-00907-00236330-00236758 verb is our half past can etc such as in vL0xcmzBa2y-00908-00236759-00236963 the initial example is particularly vL0xcmzBa2y-00909-00236964-00237169 prevalent in more northern dialects such vL0xcmzBa2y-00910-00237171-00237382 as those of Sligo mayo and the counties vL0xcmzBa2y-00911-00237383-00237701 of Ulster sure is often used as a tag vL0xcmzBa2y-00912-00237702-00237917 word emphasizing the obvious 'no sub the vL0xcmzBa2y-00913-00237917-00238132 statement roughly translating as but and vL0xcmzBa2y-00914-00238133-00238510 well can be used as to be sure the vL0xcmzBa2y-00915-00238511-00238748 famous Irish stereotype phrase but note vL0xcmzBa2y-00916-00238748-00238991 that the other stereotype of shirin is vL0xcmzBa2y-00917-00238992-00239317 not actually used in Ireland or sure I vL0xcmzBa2y-00918-00239319-00239639 can just go on Wednesday I will not to vL0xcmzBa2y-00919-00239640-00239923 be sure the word is also used at the end vL0xcmzBa2y-00920-00239925-00240148 of sentences primarily in Munster for vL0xcmzBa2y-00921-00240150-00240385 instance I was only here five minutes vL0xcmzBa2y-00922-00240386-00240698 ago sure and can express emphasis or vL0xcmzBa2y-00923-00240698-00240989 indignation to is often omitted from vL0xcmzBa2y-00924-00240990-00241156 sentences where it would exist in vL0xcmzBa2y-00925-00241157-00241391 British English for example vL0xcmzBa2y-00926-00241392-00241632 I'm not let go out tonight vL0xcmzBa2y-00927-00241633-00241848 instead of I'm not allowed to go out vL0xcmzBa2y-00928-00241849-00242029 tonight vL0xcmzBa2y-00929-00242030-00242254 will is often used where British English vL0xcmzBa2y-00930-00242255-00242560 would use shall or American English vL0xcmzBa2y-00931-00242561-00242946 should as in will I make us a cup of tea vL0xcmzBa2y-00932-00242946-00243328 the distinction between shall for first vL0xcmzBa2y-00933-00243329-00243541 person simple future and second and vL0xcmzBa2y-00934-00243542-00243801 third person emphatic future and will vL0xcmzBa2y-00935-00243802-00244057 second and third person simple future vL0xcmzBa2y-00936-00244058-00244306 first person in Phatak future maintained vL0xcmzBa2y-00937-00244307-00244510 by many in England does not exist in vL0xcmzBa2y-00938-00244511-00244825 hiberno-english with will generally used vL0xcmzBa2y-00939-00244826-00245176 in all cases once is sometimes used in a vL0xcmzBa2y-00940-00245177-00245346 different way from how it is used in vL0xcmzBa2y-00941-00245348-00245530 other dialects in this usage it vL0xcmzBa2y-00942-00245531-00245748 indicates a combination of logical and vL0xcmzBa2y-00943-00245750-00246016 causal conditionality I have no problem vL0xcmzBa2y-00944-00246017-00246232 laughing at myself once the joke is vL0xcmzBa2y-00945-00246233-00246546 funny other dialects of English would vL0xcmzBa2y-00946-00246548-00247162 probably use if in this situation vL0xcmzBa2y-00947-00247163-00247682 topic see also vL0xcmzBa2y-00948-00247683-00248173 topic notes vL0xcmzBa2y-00949-00248175-00248686 topic references vL0xcmzBa2y-00950-00248687-00249229 topic bibliography vL0xcmzBa2y-00951-00249230-00249583 topic further reading vL0xcmzBa2y-00952-00249584-00249752 you vL0xcmzBa2y-00953-00249753-00250157 Irish English and Ulster English PDF vL0xcmzBa2y-00954-00250158-00250437 archived from the original PDF on the vL0xcmzBa2y-00955-00250438-00251017 21st of April 2014 vL0xcmzBa2y-00956-00251017-00251560 topic external links vL0xcmzBa2y-00957-00251561-00252019 everyday English and slang in Ireland vNVjbPKdipU-00000-00000716-00000969 your favorite 20th century vNVjbPKdipU-00001-00000971-00001153 internet-ready vNVjbPKdipU-00002-00001154-00001702 dream holiday grease favorite showcase vNVjbPKdipU-00003-00001703-00002005 piece who saris at the introduction vNVjbPKdipU-00004-00002007-00002359 Atlanta Mexican spicy food vNVjbPKdipU-00005-00002360-00002591 anything with pickled jalapenos vNVjbPKdipU-00006-00002592-00003220 I like all spicy so Nielsen violin vNVjbPKdipU-00007-00003221-00003985 concerto it is bombastic it's exciting vNVjbPKdipU-00008-00003986-00004661 it's lyrical it's feel sporadic at times vNVjbPKdipU-00009-00004662-00005131 it's was everything there is to have in vNVjbPKdipU-00010-00005132-00005547 a concerto I am vNVjbPKdipU-00011-00005548-00006755 Verity or Buckner Scott you just kind vNVjbPKdipU-00012-00006756-00007181 and a genius dream afternoon in a day vNVjbPKdipU-00013-00007181-00007717 off my gun Ethan three violence whereas vNVjbPKdipU-00014-00007718-00007884 I take to the lonely island vNVjbPKdipU-00015-00007886-00008339 so like concertos me or three contribute vNVjbPKdipU-00016-00008340-00008812 other than concerto vNVjbPKdipU-00017-00008813-00009531 mozart 3 that's hard vNVjbPKdipU-00018-00009532-00009741 favorite slow moment to play after a vNVjbPKdipU-00019-00009742-00010323 break what makes you think I play Aslam vNVjbPKdipU-00020-00010324-00010560 interpreter you might be like a happy vNVjbPKdipU-00021-00010561-00010669 woman vNVjbPKdipU-00022-00010670-00011188 I imagine the second moment of Beethoven vNVjbPKdipU-00023-00011189-00011437 as a very therapeutic thing to play vNVjbPKdipU-00024-00011438-00011889 after Rica Mexico City Philharmonic so vNVjbPKdipU-00025-00011890-00012228 welcoming and amusing and makes me that vNVjbPKdipU-00026-00012229-00012388 much more excited to be here for the vNVjbPKdipU-00027-00012389-00013433 first time so thank you vNVjbPKdipU-00028-00013434-00013640 you vQAezWg7EQc-00000-00000048-00000247 what's up guys and welcome back happy vQAezWg7EQc-00001-00000248-00000327 wednesday vQAezWg7EQc-00002-00000328-00000599 so i'm here with another card poll let's vQAezWg7EQc-00003-00000600-00000663 see vQAezWg7EQc-00004-00000664-00000958 what the universe wants us to know about vQAezWg7EQc-00005-00000959-00001174 our self-worth vQAezWg7EQc-00006-00001175-00001495 today wow all right the vQAezWg7EQc-00007-00001496-00001823 jack of swords is what we got so vQAezWg7EQc-00008-00001823-00002142 this is really about um vQAezWg7EQc-00009-00002143-00002407 potential about also kind of being vQAezWg7EQc-00010-00002408-00002471 cautious vQAezWg7EQc-00011-00002472-00002791 um being maybe a little bit hesitant vQAezWg7EQc-00012-00002792-00003166 and um kind of just being aware vQAezWg7EQc-00013-00003167-00003375 ready to kind of embark on this vQAezWg7EQc-00014-00003376-00003503 adventure and vQAezWg7EQc-00015-00003504-00003727 maybe also being a little bit afraid not vQAezWg7EQc-00016-00003728-00003806 being sure vQAezWg7EQc-00017-00003807-00004111 you know what to what to dive into vQAezWg7EQc-00018-00004112-00004343 what to avoid um and i feel like a lot vQAezWg7EQc-00019-00004344-00004519 of this is actually kind of symbolic of vQAezWg7EQc-00020-00004520-00004727 so many of our personal growth journeys vQAezWg7EQc-00021-00004728-00004919 right so in connection to just vQAezWg7EQc-00022-00004920-00005127 self-worth and this journey in general vQAezWg7EQc-00023-00005128-00005447 um it's so much about vQAezWg7EQc-00024-00005448-00005631 not being sure what you're heading into vQAezWg7EQc-00025-00005632-00005854 kind of being afraid maybe being vQAezWg7EQc-00026-00005855-00006118 um cautious and yeah hesitant like i vQAezWg7EQc-00027-00006119-00006263 said you don't really vQAezWg7EQc-00028-00006264-00006567 you're kind of afraid to figure out all vQAezWg7EQc-00029-00006568-00006687 the things that vQAezWg7EQc-00030-00006688-00006903 you have been thinking maybe afraid to vQAezWg7EQc-00031-00006904-00007087 figure out your limited beliefs you vQAezWg7EQc-00032-00007088-00007175 don't even vQAezWg7EQc-00033-00007176-00007391 or you're limiting beliefs or you don't vQAezWg7EQc-00034-00007392-00007623 even know how to start on that process vQAezWg7EQc-00035-00007623-00007783 and so you kind of feel like vQAezWg7EQc-00036-00007784-00008023 you need to armor up and have everything vQAezWg7EQc-00037-00008023-00008310 kind of ready vQAezWg7EQc-00038-00008311-00008631 all right i think we're good um so kind vQAezWg7EQc-00039-00008632-00008783 of having like this armor and feeling vQAezWg7EQc-00040-00008784-00008942 prepared for battle and kind of feeling vQAezWg7EQc-00041-00008943-00008983 like vQAezWg7EQc-00042-00008984-00009151 you have to have everything ready and vQAezWg7EQc-00043-00009152-00009287 i'm actually kind of getting almost a vQAezWg7EQc-00044-00009288-00009478 little bit of like perfectionist energy vQAezWg7EQc-00045-00009479-00009655 is when you're heading on your healing vQAezWg7EQc-00046-00009656-00009831 journey there's so much unknown there's vQAezWg7EQc-00047-00009832-00010031 so much that we're not taught to vQAezWg7EQc-00048-00010032-00010231 deal with or learn you know you're not vQAezWg7EQc-00049-00010232-00010414 taught how to safely get yourself vQAezWg7EQc-00050-00010415-00010574 through a panic attack in like vQAezWg7EQc-00051-00010575-00010759 normal school you're not taught how to vQAezWg7EQc-00052-00010760-00010903 deal with your emotions how to deal with vQAezWg7EQc-00053-00010904-00011014 your anger um vQAezWg7EQc-00054-00011015-00011287 and so because of that so many of us are vQAezWg7EQc-00055-00011288-00011406 feel like we have to vQAezWg7EQc-00056-00011407-00011678 have every resource ever available you vQAezWg7EQc-00057-00011679-00011870 know kind of with us or behind us and vQAezWg7EQc-00058-00011871-00011999 it's good to feel that sense of vQAezWg7EQc-00059-00012000-00012238 community but just also know that vQAezWg7EQc-00060-00012239-00012542 you are embarking on something great and vQAezWg7EQc-00061-00012543-00012719 you're finding so much potential it's vQAezWg7EQc-00062-00012720-00012751 like vQAezWg7EQc-00063-00012752-00012935 you know starting off on like a long vQAezWg7EQc-00064-00012936-00013094 hike and you know you might be starting vQAezWg7EQc-00065-00013095-00013230 off at like four in the morning it's vQAezWg7EQc-00066-00013231-00013407 dark it's cold you're scared vQAezWg7EQc-00067-00013408-00013566 you know there's trees everywhere and vQAezWg7EQc-00068-00013568-00013727 you might not be able to see super well vQAezWg7EQc-00069-00013728-00013894 but by the time you know you vQAezWg7EQc-00070-00013895-00014063 are making your way up by the time you vQAezWg7EQc-00071-00014063-00014279 get to see the sunrise in the mountains vQAezWg7EQc-00072-00014280-00014494 and you get to kind of get to the top of vQAezWg7EQc-00073-00014495-00014663 wherever you're hiking to and you have vQAezWg7EQc-00074-00014663-00014799 this gorgeous view like vQAezWg7EQc-00075-00014800-00014983 you're like wow it's a no-brainer of vQAezWg7EQc-00076-00014984-00015119 course i would have done this right but vQAezWg7EQc-00077-00015119-00015247 we don't have that vQAezWg7EQc-00078-00015247-00015407 view from the start we have to earn it vQAezWg7EQc-00079-00015408-00015630 we have to work our way up and so vQAezWg7EQc-00080-00015631-00015775 that's kind of what this is saying it's vQAezWg7EQc-00081-00015776-00015991 saying like you're embarking on so much vQAezWg7EQc-00082-00015991-00016166 greatness and so much potential with vQAezWg7EQc-00083-00016168-00016399 your journey but a lot of it has to do vQAezWg7EQc-00084-00016400-00016575 with you know vQAezWg7EQc-00085-00016576-00016807 being being a little unprepared and vQAezWg7EQc-00086-00016808-00016983 being okay with that that's part of the vQAezWg7EQc-00087-00016984-00017167 journey part of the vQAezWg7EQc-00088-00017168-00017471 the whole point is to not be sure of vQAezWg7EQc-00089-00017472-00017607 where you're going and still put one vQAezWg7EQc-00090-00017608-00017743 step in front of the other and vQAezWg7EQc-00091-00017744-00017958 to commit to yourself and when you're in vQAezWg7EQc-00092-00017959-00018263 that kind of space of not knowing vQAezWg7EQc-00093-00018264-00018447 what your environment is or not knowing vQAezWg7EQc-00094-00018448-00018567 where you're going or what you're vQAezWg7EQc-00095-00018568-00018735 embarking on that's really vQAezWg7EQc-00096-00018736-00019094 the kind of discomfort that really makes vQAezWg7EQc-00097-00019095-00019271 you understand yourself and get to know vQAezWg7EQc-00098-00019272-00019367 yourself and vQAezWg7EQc-00099-00019368-00019583 it's that discomfort that helps you vQAezWg7EQc-00100-00019584-00019750 understand who your higher self is and vQAezWg7EQc-00101-00019751-00019855 then that vQAezWg7EQc-00102-00019856-00020014 voice in your head that's making vQAezWg7EQc-00103-00020015-00020255 decisions that's pulling you closer to vQAezWg7EQc-00104-00020256-00020463 certain places or people or pulling you vQAezWg7EQc-00105-00020464-00020630 away from certain environments vQAezWg7EQc-00106-00020631-00020814 that voice becomes stronger and louder vQAezWg7EQc-00107-00020815-00020975 because you're listening to it more vQAezWg7EQc-00108-00020976-00021167 you're hearing it more and vQAezWg7EQc-00109-00021168-00021375 you're closer with it because you have vQAezWg7EQc-00110-00021376-00021583 that relationship vQAezWg7EQc-00111-00021584-00021911 with that side of yourself that you know vQAezWg7EQc-00112-00021912-00022135 is fearless and that's what's really vQAezWg7EQc-00113-00022136-00022319 coming up in this journey and so vQAezWg7EQc-00114-00022320-00022486 i think for any of you that feel like vQAezWg7EQc-00115-00022487-00022686 maybe you do have low self-worth or vQAezWg7EQc-00116-00022687-00022750 maybe vQAezWg7EQc-00117-00022751-00023030 there are lessons that you need to learn vQAezWg7EQc-00118-00023031-00023191 because you just don't feel good enough vQAezWg7EQc-00119-00023192-00023414 as you are and that's okay the world vQAezWg7EQc-00120-00023415-00023591 profits off of us not feeling good vQAezWg7EQc-00121-00023592-00023830 enough right so i don't want you to ever vQAezWg7EQc-00122-00023831-00024039 feel shame or put blame on yourself for vQAezWg7EQc-00123-00024040-00024207 that kind of feeling and just know that vQAezWg7EQc-00124-00024208-00024358 you are supported you do have the vQAezWg7EQc-00125-00024359-00024494 resources behind you vQAezWg7EQc-00126-00024495-00024830 if you are on you know my instagram and vQAezWg7EQc-00127-00024831-00025055 follow multiple other you know coaches vQAezWg7EQc-00128-00025056-00025278 or leaders or voices or if you have just vQAezWg7EQc-00129-00025279-00025407 one that you really resonate vQAezWg7EQc-00130-00025408-00025622 with that's all you kind of need and vQAezWg7EQc-00131-00025623-00025783 from there you know you might vQAezWg7EQc-00132-00025783-00025958 get a few journal prompts you might get vQAezWg7EQc-00133-00025960-00026134 a few lessons or you might vQAezWg7EQc-00134-00026135-00026311 have some ideas that you want to think vQAezWg7EQc-00135-00026312-00026455 about and vQAezWg7EQc-00136-00026456-00026623 you know one step in front of the other vQAezWg7EQc-00137-00026624-00026767 it's really not about having the whole vQAezWg7EQc-00138-00026768-00026799 journey vQAezWg7EQc-00139-00026800-00027007 mapped out and so for any of you that vQAezWg7EQc-00140-00027008-00027199 are really scared and a lot of us when vQAezWg7EQc-00141-00027200-00027399 we're scared or overwhelmed especially vQAezWg7EQc-00142-00027400-00027558 the perfectionists out there vQAezWg7EQc-00143-00027560-00027743 um we just go to what ifs right what if vQAezWg7EQc-00144-00027744-00027887 this happens what if this happens what vQAezWg7EQc-00145-00027888-00027935 if vQAezWg7EQc-00146-00027936-00028079 you know this person breaks up with me vQAezWg7EQc-00147-00028080-00028223 what if this person doesn't understand vQAezWg7EQc-00148-00028224-00028351 what i'm doing and what i'm going vQAezWg7EQc-00149-00028352-00028470 through what if everyone thinks i'm vQAezWg7EQc-00150-00028472-00028655 crazy what if i am crazy like vQAezWg7EQc-00151-00028656-00028814 we have all these what ifs and what ifs vQAezWg7EQc-00152-00028816-00029007 are usually negative but how much do you vQAezWg7EQc-00153-00029008-00029214 actually think about positive what ifs vQAezWg7EQc-00154-00029216-00029255 right vQAezWg7EQc-00155-00029256-00029527 what if you know you met the right vQAezWg7EQc-00156-00029527-00029646 people what if you vQAezWg7EQc-00157-00029647-00029814 only were around environments that vQAezWg7EQc-00158-00029816-00029999 supported you what if you were strong vQAezWg7EQc-00159-00030000-00030135 enough to set the boundaries that you vQAezWg7EQc-00160-00030136-00030287 need to set with people in your life so vQAezWg7EQc-00161-00030288-00030495 that you can show up happy and full of vQAezWg7EQc-00162-00030495-00030583 life and vQAezWg7EQc-00163-00030583-00030895 what if you know you what if you just vQAezWg7EQc-00164-00030895-00031039 learn more about self what if you do vQAezWg7EQc-00165-00031039-00031183 connect with your higher self what if vQAezWg7EQc-00166-00031183-00031223 you vQAezWg7EQc-00167-00031224-00031462 were about to miss this whole beautiful vQAezWg7EQc-00168-00031463-00031670 journey because you were so scared and vQAezWg7EQc-00169-00031672-00031718 so vQAezWg7EQc-00170-00031719-00031887 i think those are the things that we vQAezWg7EQc-00171-00031888-00032079 really need to remember like yes it can vQAezWg7EQc-00172-00032080-00032311 be good to have a healthy amount of vQAezWg7EQc-00173-00032312-00032535 caution or not being sure but also don't vQAezWg7EQc-00174-00032536-00032702 get stuck in that place because so many vQAezWg7EQc-00175-00032703-00032846 of us myself included vQAezWg7EQc-00176-00032847-00033055 get stuck in this whirlwind of fears and vQAezWg7EQc-00177-00033056-00033271 what-ifs and negativity and that we vQAezWg7EQc-00178-00033272-00033495 end up not making any decision but not vQAezWg7EQc-00179-00033496-00033687 making a decision is making a decision vQAezWg7EQc-00180-00033688-00033911 too right it's just much more inactive vQAezWg7EQc-00181-00033912-00034046 and it feels a little more vQAezWg7EQc-00182-00034047-00034311 yucky so get yourself out of that vQAezWg7EQc-00183-00034312-00034431 mindset of vQAezWg7EQc-00184-00034432-00034655 feeling again that scarcity theme is vQAezWg7EQc-00185-00034656-00034879 coming up but really just in general get vQAezWg7EQc-00186-00034880-00035046 yourself out of that mindset of vQAezWg7EQc-00187-00035047-00035199 only allowing yourself to see the vQAezWg7EQc-00188-00035200-00035479 negative or only allowing yourself to vQAezWg7EQc-00189-00035480-00035671 posit the negative to only imagine the vQAezWg7EQc-00190-00035672-00035879 negative and start vQAezWg7EQc-00191-00035880-00036111 finding out and feeling really how you vQAezWg7EQc-00192-00036112-00036223 can vQAezWg7EQc-00193-00036224-00036487 look at every situation when you're out vQAezWg7EQc-00194-00036488-00036655 of your comfort zone or every situation vQAezWg7EQc-00195-00036656-00036783 when you're uncomfortable and ask vQAezWg7EQc-00196-00036784-00036935 yourself what can i still be grateful vQAezWg7EQc-00197-00036936-00036990 for vQAezWg7EQc-00198-00036991-00037327 what can i still look at as a positive vQAezWg7EQc-00199-00037328-00037655 and what can i take out of this um so vQAezWg7EQc-00200-00037656-00037759 that is the message vQAezWg7EQc-00201-00037760-00037983 for today i hope you guys have a vQAezWg7EQc-00202-00037984-00038174 wonderful wednesday and i will see you vQAezWg7EQc-00203-00038175-00038287 tomorrow vQAezWg7EQc-00204-00038288-00038552 happy healing vR3Q7UfeRty-00000-00000064-00000361 Advanced Placement English language and vR3Q7UfeRty-00001-00000362-00000681 composition commonly abbreviated to AP vR3Q7UfeRty-00002-00000682-00000949 Lang or AP comp is a course an vR3Q7UfeRty-00003-00000950-00001186 examination offered by the College Board vR3Q7UfeRty-00004-00001187-00001393 as part of the Advanced Placement vR3Q7UfeRty-00005-00001394-00001776 program when AP exams were first vR3Q7UfeRty-00006-00001777-00002038 implemented English language and English vR3Q7UfeRty-00007-00002039-00002409 literature were initially combined they vR3Q7UfeRty-00008-00002410-00002729 separated in 1980 vR3Q7UfeRty-00009-00002730-00003110 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00010-00003111-00003658 topic course vR3Q7UfeRty-00011-00003659-00004003 AP English Language and Composition as a vR3Q7UfeRty-00012-00004004-00004270 course in the study of rhetoric taken in vR3Q7UfeRty-00013-00004271-00004603 high school many schools offer this vR3Q7UfeRty-00014-00004604-00004891 course primarily to juniors and the AP vR3Q7UfeRty-00015-00004892-00005065 English literature and Composition vR3Q7UfeRty-00016-00005066-00005500 course to seniors other schools reverse vR3Q7UfeRty-00017-00005501-00005794 the order and some offer both courses to vR3Q7UfeRty-00018-00005795-00006145 both juniors and seniors the College vR3Q7UfeRty-00019-00006146-00006451 Board advises that students choosing AP vR3Q7UfeRty-00020-00006452-00006684 English language and composition be vR3Q7UfeRty-00021-00006686-00006877 interested in studying and writing vR3Q7UfeRty-00022-00006878-00007168 various kinds of analytic or persuasive vR3Q7UfeRty-00023-00007169-00007462 essays on nonfiction topics while vR3Q7UfeRty-00024-00007463-00007759 students choosing AP English literature vR3Q7UfeRty-00025-00007759-00007975 and Composition be interested in vR3Q7UfeRty-00026-00007976-00008215 studying literature of various periods vR3Q7UfeRty-00027-00008216-00008584 and genres fiction poetry drama and vR3Q7UfeRty-00028-00008585-00008812 using this wide reading knowledge in vR3Q7UfeRty-00029-00008813-00009196 discussions of literary topics vR3Q7UfeRty-00030-00009197-00009580 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00031-00009581-00010482 topic exam vR3Q7UfeRty-00032-00010483-00011017 topic format vR3Q7UfeRty-00033-00011018-00011295 the AP English Language and Composition vR3Q7UfeRty-00034-00011296-00011677 exam consists of two sections a one-hour vR3Q7UfeRty-00035-00011678-00011959 multiple-choice section and a two-hour vR3Q7UfeRty-00036-00011960-00012413 15 minute free response section the exam vR3Q7UfeRty-00037-00012414-00013038 is further divided as follows vR3Q7UfeRty-00038-00013040-00013738 topic section i multiple-choice vR3Q7UfeRty-00039-00013740-00014018 the multiple-choice section of the test vR3Q7UfeRty-00040-00014019-00014366 as approximately 55 questions with the vR3Q7UfeRty-00041-00014366-00014633 exact number of questions varying from vR3Q7UfeRty-00042-00014634-00015049 52 to 55 with each test administration vR3Q7UfeRty-00043-00015050-00015394 there are typically four short passages vR3Q7UfeRty-00044-00015395-00015619 divided between pre-twentieth century vR3Q7UfeRty-00045-00015619-00015980 nonfiction prose and 20th and 21st vR3Q7UfeRty-00046-00015981-00016381 century nonfiction prose the questions vR3Q7UfeRty-00047-00016382-00016603 typically focus on identifying vR3Q7UfeRty-00048-00016604-00016868 rhetorical devices and structures from vR3Q7UfeRty-00049-00016869-00017117 the passages as well as their general vR3Q7UfeRty-00050-00017118-00017417 functions purposes in a passage the vR3Q7UfeRty-00051-00017418-00017666 relationships between the devices and vR3Q7UfeRty-00052-00017667-00018136 the formal features of the text in 2007 vR3Q7UfeRty-00053-00018137-00018367 questions were added that asked about vR3Q7UfeRty-00054-00018368-00018631 citation information included in the vR3Q7UfeRty-00055-00018632-00019028 passages these citation questions are vR3Q7UfeRty-00056-00019029-00019316 not designed to test knowledge about MLA vR3Q7UfeRty-00057-00019317-00019616 appa Chicago style or any other vR3Q7UfeRty-00058-00019617-00019958 particular citation format but instead vR3Q7UfeRty-00059-00019959-00020249 focus on how the citations reference and vR3Q7UfeRty-00060-00020250-00020556 enhance information from the passage vR3Q7UfeRty-00061-00020557-00020858 students have 60 minutes to answer all vR3Q7UfeRty-00062-00020859-00021178 55 questions and the section accounts vR3Q7UfeRty-00063-00021179-00021612 for 45 percent of the students score vR3Q7UfeRty-00064-00021613-00021947 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00065-00021948-00022700 topic section - free response writing vR3Q7UfeRty-00066-00022701-00022975 the free response section of the test vR3Q7UfeRty-00067-00022976-00023269 consists of three prompts each of a vR3Q7UfeRty-00068-00023270-00023378 different type vR3Q7UfeRty-00069-00023379-00023755 synthesis passage analysis and argument vR3Q7UfeRty-00070-00023756-00024208 each is scored on a scale from 0 to 9 vR3Q7UfeRty-00071-00024209-00024505 with the introduction of the synthesis vR3Q7UfeRty-00072-00024506-00024896 essay in 2007 the College Board allotted vR3Q7UfeRty-00073-00024897-00025130 15 additional minutes to the free vR3Q7UfeRty-00074-00025131-00025418 response exam portion to allow students vR3Q7UfeRty-00075-00025419-00025672 to read and annotate the three prompts vR3Q7UfeRty-00076-00025673-00025925 as well as the passages and sources vR3Q7UfeRty-00077-00025926-00026224 provided during the reading time vR3Q7UfeRty-00078-00026225-00026462 students may read the prompts and vR3Q7UfeRty-00079-00026463-00026833 examine the documents they may use this vR3Q7UfeRty-00080-00026835-00027086 time to make notes or begin writing vR3Q7UfeRty-00081-00027087-00027458 their essay the synthesis prompt vR3Q7UfeRty-00082-00027458-00027710 typically requires students to consider vR3Q7UfeRty-00083-00027711-00028031 a scenario then formulate a response to vR3Q7UfeRty-00084-00028032-00028292 a specific element of the scenario using vR3Q7UfeRty-00085-00028293-00028489 at least three of the accompanying vR3Q7UfeRty-00086-00028491-00028895 sources for support while a total of six vR3Q7UfeRty-00087-00028895-00029168 or seven sources accompany the prompt vR3Q7UfeRty-00088-00029169-00029389 using information from all of the vR3Q7UfeRty-00089-00029391-00029677 sources as not necessary and may even be vR3Q7UfeRty-00090-00029678-00030062 undesirable the source material used vR3Q7UfeRty-00091-00030063-00030332 must be cited in the essay in order to vR3Q7UfeRty-00092-00030333-00030725 be considered legitimate the analysis vR3Q7UfeRty-00093-00030726-00031004 prompt typically asks students to read a vR3Q7UfeRty-00094-00031005-00031319 short less than one-page passage which vR3Q7UfeRty-00095-00031320-00031532 may have been written at any time as vR3Q7UfeRty-00096-00031533-00031757 long as it was originally written in vR3Q7UfeRty-00097-00031758-00032123 modern English after reading the passage vR3Q7UfeRty-00098-00032124-00032402 students are asked to write an essay in vR3Q7UfeRty-00099-00032402-00032645 which they analyze and discuss various vR3Q7UfeRty-00100-00032645-00032870 techniques the author uses in the vR3Q7UfeRty-00101-00032871-00033185 passage the techniques differ from vR3Q7UfeRty-00102-00033186-00033443 prompt to prompt but may ask about vR3Q7UfeRty-00103-00033444-00033745 strategies argumentative techniques vR3Q7UfeRty-00104-00033746-00034070 motivations or other rhetorical elements vR3Q7UfeRty-00105-00034071-00034318 of the passage and how such techniques vR3Q7UfeRty-00106-00034319-00034523 effectively contribute to the overall vR3Q7UfeRty-00107-00034524-00034904 purpose of the passage the prompt may vR3Q7UfeRty-00108-00034905-00035174 mention specific techniques or purposes vR3Q7UfeRty-00109-00035175-00035465 but some leeway of discussion is left to vR3Q7UfeRty-00110-00035466-00035626 the student vR3Q7UfeRty-00111-00035627-00035932 the argument prompt typically gives a vR3Q7UfeRty-00112-00035933-00036133 position in the form of an assertion vR3Q7UfeRty-00113-00036134-00036517 from a documented source students are vR3Q7UfeRty-00114-00036518-00036774 asked to consider the assertion and then vR3Q7UfeRty-00115-00036775-00037060 form an argument that defense challenges vR3Q7UfeRty-00116-00037061-00037312 or qualifies the assertion using vR3Q7UfeRty-00117-00037313-00037498 supporting evidence from their own vR3Q7UfeRty-00118-00037499-00037781 knowledge or reading vR3Q7UfeRty-00119-00037782-00038140 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00120-00038141-00038672 topic scoring vR3Q7UfeRty-00121-00038673-00038981 the multiple-choice section is scored by vR3Q7UfeRty-00122-00038982-00039326 computer formerly the test was scored by vR3Q7UfeRty-00123-00039327-00039593 awarding one point four correct answers vR3Q7UfeRty-00124-00039594-00039878 while taking off a 1/4 point for vR3Q7UfeRty-00125-00039879-00040247 incorrect answers no points were taken vR3Q7UfeRty-00126-00040248-00040574 away for blank answers however the vR3Q7UfeRty-00127-00040575-00040832 College Board discontinued the policy vR3Q7UfeRty-00128-00040833-00041195 for all AP exams in 2011 now they only vR3Q7UfeRty-00129-00041196-00041450 award one point for each correct answer vR3Q7UfeRty-00130-00041451-00041942 with no 1/4 point deductions the free vR3Q7UfeRty-00131-00041943-00042143 response section is scored individually vR3Q7UfeRty-00132-00042144-00042581 by hundreds of educators each June each vR3Q7UfeRty-00133-00042582-00042953 essay is assigned a score from 0 to 9 9 vR3Q7UfeRty-00134-00042954-00043388 being high-scoring is holistic meaning vR3Q7UfeRty-00135-00043389-00043628 that specific elements of the essay are vR3Q7UfeRty-00136-00043629-00043910 not assessed but each essay is scored in vR3Q7UfeRty-00137-00043911-00044276 its entirety the scores from the three vR3Q7UfeRty-00138-00044277-00044528 essays are added and integrated with the vR3Q7UfeRty-00139-00044529-00044798 adjusted multiple-choice score using vR3Q7UfeRty-00140-00044799-00045029 appropriate weights of each section to vR3Q7UfeRty-00141-00045030-00045425 generate a composite score the composite vR3Q7UfeRty-00142-00045426-00045710 is then converted into an AP score of 1 vR3Q7UfeRty-00143-00045711-00046009 to 5 using a scale for that year's exam vR3Q7UfeRty-00144-00046010-00046286 students generally receive their scores vR3Q7UfeRty-00145-00046287-00046535 by mail in mid July of the year they vR3Q7UfeRty-00146-00046536-00046874 took the test alternately they can vR3Q7UfeRty-00147-00046875-00047114 receive their scores by phone as early vR3Q7UfeRty-00148-00047115-00047525 as July 1st for a fee sub scores are not vR3Q7UfeRty-00149-00047526-00047762 available for students for the English vR3Q7UfeRty-00150-00047763-00048176 Language and Composition exam AP vR3Q7UfeRty-00151-00048177-00048359 instructors receive a score sheet vR3Q7UfeRty-00152-00048360-00048650 showing the individual score for each of vR3Q7UfeRty-00153-00048651-00048878 their students as well as some score vR3Q7UfeRty-00154-00048879-00049289 information and national averages vR3Q7UfeRty-00155-00049290-00049671 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00156-00049672-00050333 topic grade distributions vR3Q7UfeRty-00157-00050334-00050696 the gray distribution since 2008 are vR3Q7UfeRty-00158-00050697-00050882 shown below vR3Q7UfeRty-00159-00050883-00051260 after 2010 the AP English Language and vR3Q7UfeRty-00160-00051261-00051584 Composition test overtook the AP United vR3Q7UfeRty-00161-00051585-00051866 States history test as the most taken in vR3Q7UfeRty-00162-00051866-00052150 the AP program vR3Q7UfeRty-00163-00052151-00052510 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00164-00052511-00053165 topic composite score range vR3Q7UfeRty-00165-00053166-00053387 the College Board has released vR3Q7UfeRty-00166-00053388-00053660 information on the composite score range vR3Q7UfeRty-00167-00053661-00054059 out of 150 required to obtain each grade vR3Q7UfeRty-00168-00054060-00054377 this score table is not absolute and the vR3Q7UfeRty-00169-00054378-00054641 ranges vary with each administration of vR3Q7UfeRty-00170-00054641-00054929 the test with the addition of the vR3Q7UfeRty-00171-00054929-00055304 synthesis essay in 2007 the scoring vR3Q7UfeRty-00172-00055304-00055535 tables were revised to account for the vR3Q7UfeRty-00173-00055536-00055989 new essay type in section 2 of the test vR3Q7UfeRty-00174-00055990-00056372 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00175-00056373-00056989 topic recent changes vR3Q7UfeRty-00176-00056990-00057337 in 2007 there was a change in the vR3Q7UfeRty-00177-00057338-00057615 multiple-choice portion of the exam vR3Q7UfeRty-00178-00057616-00057929 questions began to be included about vR3Q7UfeRty-00179-00057930-00058242 documentation and citation these vR3Q7UfeRty-00180-00058244-00058476 questions are based on at least one vR3Q7UfeRty-00181-00058477-00058676 passage which is a published work vR3Q7UfeRty-00182-00058677-00059139 including footnotes or a bibliography vR3Q7UfeRty-00183-00059140-00059522 you vR3Q7UfeRty-00184-00059523-00060121 topic benefits vR3Q7UfeRty-00185-00060122-00060388 independent research on the academic vR3Q7UfeRty-00186-00060389-00060575 benefits of the Advanced Placement vR3Q7UfeRty-00187-00060576-00060866 English language and Composition course vR3Q7UfeRty-00188-00060866-00061123 indicates that not all students receive vR3Q7UfeRty-00189-00061124-00061438 academic benefits from participating in vR3Q7UfeRty-00190-00061439-00061775 the course in a study with a sample size vR3Q7UfeRty-00191-00061776-00062111 of over 90,000 the authors found that vR3Q7UfeRty-00192-00062112-00062336 students who took the AP English vR3Q7UfeRty-00193-00062337-00062603 language and Composition course did not vR3Q7UfeRty-00194-00062604-00062788 receive any increase in academic vR3Q7UfeRty-00195-00062789-00063071 achievement unless they also prepared vR3Q7UfeRty-00196-00063072-00063446 for and took the AP test the authors vR3Q7UfeRty-00197-00063447-00063682 controlled for over 70 intervening vR3Q7UfeRty-00198-00063683-00063986 variables and found that AP students who vR3Q7UfeRty-00199-00063987-00064250 took and passed the English composition vR3Q7UfeRty-00200-00064251-00064574 and literature exam had a CT scores that vR3Q7UfeRty-00201-00064575-00064886 were 2.8 points higher than non AP vR3Q7UfeRty-00202-00064887-00065176 students or AP English students who did vR3Q7UfeRty-00203-00065177-00065579 not take their courses AP tests this led vR3Q7UfeRty-00204-00065580-00065806 the authors to state that ap vR3Q7UfeRty-00205-00065807-00066048 participation vR3Q7UfeRty-00206-00066049-00066381 is not beneficial to students who merely vR3Q7UfeRty-00207-00066382-00066769 enroll in the courses vR3Q7UfeRty-00208-00066770-00067240 P 414 vSPedOwpKKy-00000-00000104-00000641 well now we're in the middle of this PDF vSPedOwpKKy-00001-00000642-00001043 number 22 and I'm going to show you vSPedOwpKKy-00002-00001044-00001399 really the most important example of vSPedOwpKKy-00003-00001400-00001876 stretching and shrinking as a linear vSPedOwpKKy-00004-00001877-00002381 operator and that's this nmo example vSPedOwpKKy-00005-00002382-00002699 reflection normal moveout and we can vSPedOwpKKy-00006-00002700-00003317 certainly adapt this to remember NM o is vSPedOwpKKy-00007-00003318-00004270 part of the imaging condition of of vSPedOwpKKy-00008-00004271-00004972 seismic migration and dmo is the other vSPedOwpKKy-00009-00004973-00005372 part did move out of course there's 3d vSPedOwpKKy-00010-00005373-00005611 effects there are other effects that vSPedOwpKKy-00011-00005612-00005959 don't you know that are kind of at an vSPedOwpKKy-00012-00005960-00006272 angle to both NM o and dmo where their vSPedOwpKKy-00013-00006273-00006721 combined and of course prix stack vSPedOwpKKy-00014-00006722-00007025 migration solves those perfectly vSPedOwpKKy-00015-00007026-00007244 depending on the quality of our vSPedOwpKKy-00016-00007245-00007703 philosophy model but what this points vSPedOwpKKy-00017-00007704-00007970 out is is that the principles that we vSPedOwpKKy-00018-00007970-00008264 use in representing nmo as a linear vSPedOwpKKy-00019-00008265-00008771 operator and then also its conjugate vSPedOwpKKy-00020-00008772-00009010 transpose we could also apply to any of vSPedOwpKKy-00021-00009011-00009514 these other stretches such as the the vSPedOwpKKy-00022-00009515-00010187 Stoke migration Omega stretch right so vSPedOwpKKy-00023-00010188-00010481 we've got a seismic reflection survey vSPedOwpKKy-00024-00010482-00010723 recording echo times away from a source vSPedOwpKKy-00025-00010724-00011069 all right so here's a the physical setup vSPedOwpKKy-00026-00011070-00011371 in cross-section for a shot gather in X vSPedOwpKKy-00027-00011372-00011689 and Z and we have a source that goes off vSPedOwpKKy-00028-00011690-00012059 and there are some multiple receivers vSPedOwpKKy-00029-00012060-00012683 and each of the the first arrival times vSPedOwpKKy-00030-00012684-00012985 for this reflection are going to bounce vSPedOwpKKy-00031-00012986-00013199 off the reflector here at different vSPedOwpKKy-00032-00013200-00013397 places and vSPedOwpKKy-00033-00013397-00013969 you collect those times into a a a time vSPedOwpKKy-00034-00013970-00014560 section a travel time plot a TX plot and vSPedOwpKKy-00035-00014561-00015074 you track them depending on you you want vSPedOwpKKy-00036-00015075-00015475 to know the time T versus X and as you vSPedOwpKKy-00037-00015476-00015818 know it follows this hyperbolic vSPedOwpKKy-00038-00015819-00016190 diffraction path T squared is equal to Z vSPedOwpKKy-00039-00016191-00016442 squared over B squared plus x squared vSPedOwpKKy-00040-00016443-00016760 over V squared where x is 0 that's of vSPedOwpKKy-00041-00016761-00017018 course where the time is a minimum we vSPedOwpKKy-00042-00017019-00017417 call that zero offset time tau and it's vSPedOwpKKy-00043-00017418-00017708 you know for a flat reflector here it's vSPedOwpKKy-00044-00017709-00018233 a tau is the depth of the reflector Z vSPedOwpKKy-00045-00018234-00018665 divided by the constant velocity V now vSPedOwpKKy-00046-00018666-00018917 here we're using the half velocity as vSPedOwpKKy-00047-00018918-00019531 you remember we did in in 706 just to vSPedOwpKKy-00048-00019532-00020083 simplify the equations so nmo basically vSPedOwpKKy-00049-00020084-00020506 subtracts this term x squared over V vSPedOwpKKy-00050-00020507-00020887 squared again half velocity from the vSPedOwpKKy-00051-00020888-00021328 from the square of the time and that is vSPedOwpKKy-00052-00021329-00021893 bringing then time t equal to time tau vSPedOwpKKy-00053-00021894-00022219 the zero offset time tau so it's putting vSPedOwpKKy-00054-00022220-00022825 all the times to tau and so notice of vSPedOwpKKy-00055-00022826-00023215 course it's you know we have to take the vSPedOwpKKy-00056-00023216-00023569 we have to get x squared or geese x vSPedOwpKKy-00057-00023570-00023978 squared over V squared and and that's vSPedOwpKKy-00058-00023979-00024319 subtracted from T squared and then we vSPedOwpKKy-00059-00024320-00024631 take the square root of the result to vSPedOwpKKy-00060-00024632-00025058 get tau so it's a it's a variable vSPedOwpKKy-00061-00025059-00025268 stretch and it depends of course on X vSPedOwpKKy-00062-00025269-00025727 and as you might imagine you know vSPedOwpKKy-00063-00025727-00026002 looking at this you know here's some vSPedOwpKKy-00064-00026003-00026236 some hyperbolic reflections for vSPedOwpKKy-00065-00026237-00026519 basically constant velocity you can see vSPedOwpKKy-00066-00026520-00026740 that or at least imagined that these vSPedOwpKKy-00067-00026741-00026770 were vSPedOwpKKy-00068-00026772-00027062 collections are all asymptotic to the vSPedOwpKKy-00069-00027063-00027566 same velocity the same you know v-0 that vSPedOwpKKy-00070-00027567-00027863 heads in a straight line down here so vSPedOwpKKy-00071-00027864-00028108 you know still a simple situation but vSPedOwpKKy-00072-00028110-00028927 multiple reflections and the the the vSPedOwpKKy-00073-00028929-00029297 times tau are more different than the vSPedOwpKKy-00074-00029298-00029723 times T out here at large offset and the vSPedOwpKKy-00075-00029724-00029920 t's get more and more similar the closer vSPedOwpKKy-00076-00029922-00030395 and closer we get to where those where vSPedOwpKKy-00077-00030395-00030680 those hyperbola flanks are are all vSPedOwpKKy-00078-00030681-00030950 asymptotic to the same line that that vSPedOwpKKy-00079-00030951-00031349 straight line here notice that there's vSPedOwpKKy-00080-00031350-00031781 no way that nmo can sample you know it vSPedOwpKKy-00081-00031782-00032164 takes this area above the the highest vSPedOwpKKy-00082-00032166-00032489 reflector and at that's a too small a vSPedOwpKKy-00083-00032489-00032894 time at too large and x and it it throws vSPedOwpKKy-00084-00032895-00033206 it away it doesn't address it at all ok vSPedOwpKKy-00085-00033207-00033413 so this is a really highly nonlinear vSPedOwpKKy-00086-00033414-00033992 process but we use it everyday and the vSPedOwpKKy-00087-00033993-00034313 other you know didn't move outs you know vSPedOwpKKy-00088-00034314-00034784 migration imaging conditions they work vSPedOwpKKy-00089-00034785-00034955 in a very similar way there are some vSPedOwpKKy-00090-00034956-00035290 places where different reflectors you vSPedOwpKKy-00091-00035291-00035477 know have arrival times that are very vSPedOwpKKy-00092-00035478-00035765 close to each other and there's lots of vSPedOwpKKy-00093-00035766-00036107 places in the data that contained vSPedOwpKKy-00094-00036108-00036680 nonzero values as usual that an n mo or vSPedOwpKKy-00095-00036681-00037007 a migration velocity just never gets to vSPedOwpKKy-00096-00037008-00037226 an imaging condition never gets to these vSPedOwpKKy-00097-00037227-00037919 places so after the n mo stretch we've vSPedOwpKKy-00098-00037920-00038146 taken these these travel times that are vSPedOwpKKy-00099-00038147-00038276 very close for these different vSPedOwpKKy-00100-00038277-00038414 reflectors that are actually a very vSPedOwpKKy-00101-00038415-00038699 different taos and we we put them all in vSPedOwpKKy-00102-00038700-00038939 the same x axis but now at AU access vSPedOwpKKy-00103-00038940-00039542 instead of T and the you know that that vSPedOwpKKy-00104-00039543-00039773 those very close x are now stretched out vSPedOwpKKy-00105-00039774-00040078 to be just as different as the Taos vSPedOwpKKy-00106-00040079-00040513 and in most codes you know what you see vSPedOwpKKy-00107-00040514-00040945 is a is increasingly low frequency in vSPedOwpKKy-00108-00040946-00041554 the n mo stretched traces as you go out vSPedOwpKKy-00109-00041555-00042063 to larger offsets you can of course vSPedOwpKKy-00110-00042064-00042505 apply n mo again and you'll end up you vSPedOwpKKy-00111-00042506-00042988 know stretching these these reflections vSPedOwpKKy-00112-00042989-00043447 that were flat up to they're not semi vSPedOwpKKy-00113-00043448-00043720 circles but there I think inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00114-00043721-00044062 hyperbolas and stretching it to even vSPedOwpKKy-00115-00044063-00044272 more and throwing away what's at the vSPedOwpKKy-00116-00044273-00044899 bottom now what the way we're going to vSPedOwpKKy-00117-00044900-00045210 talk about this is that except for the vSPedOwpKKy-00118-00045211-00045673 truncations at the edges okay the vSPedOwpKKy-00119-00045674-00045865 transpose you know the stuff that's vSPedOwpKKy-00120-00045866-00046264 thrown away the transpose of n mo is vSPedOwpKKy-00121-00046265-00046725 going to be equal to the inverse of n mo vSPedOwpKKy-00122-00046726-00047416 so let's let the animal operator be vSPedOwpKKy-00123-00047417-00047605 represented as this linear operator vSPedOwpKKy-00124-00047606-00047944 which will represent as a matrix-matrix vSPedOwpKKy-00125-00047945-00048483 multiplication we call that big n and vSPedOwpKKy-00126-00048484-00048844 sent us a matrix multiplication it's vSPedOwpKKy-00127-00048845-00049090 action is linear and so the linearity vSPedOwpKKy-00128-00049091-00049615 shows that applying n mo to date to the vSPedOwpKKy-00129-00049616-00049963 sum of data set a and B is the same as vSPedOwpKKy-00130-00049964-00050551 summing the n mo the NM owed data sets a vSPedOwpKKy-00131-00050552-00051154 and B separately okay so and the scaling vSPedOwpKKy-00132-00051155-00051654 of linear linearity is also true now vSPedOwpKKy-00133-00051655-00052194 what is NM oh it's a square matrix in vSPedOwpKKy-00134-00052195-00052561 and you can think of it as being in a vSPedOwpKKy-00135-00052562-00053166 tea towel t plane so it takes the input vSPedOwpKKy-00136-00053166-00053528 traces are the vSPedOwpKKy-00137-00053529-00053784 about one trace at a time the input vSPedOwpKKy-00138-00053785-00054024 trace is X and that's a column vector vSPedOwpKKy-00139-00054025-00054591 that starts at t equals 0 and increases vSPedOwpKKy-00140-00054591-00054980 the output is why that's a call another vSPedOwpKKy-00141-00054982-00055257 column vector which starts at tau equals vSPedOwpKKy-00142-00055258-00055509 zero and increases in tau as you go down vSPedOwpKKy-00143-00055510-00056051 through the vector so you know this the vSPedOwpKKy-00144-00056052-00056238 X column vector the input column vector vSPedOwpKKy-00145-00056239-00056565 gets dotted with each row you know to vSPedOwpKKy-00146-00056566-00056966 generate each entry into y and so the vSPedOwpKKy-00147-00056966-00057237 the number of columns the dimension vSPedOwpKKy-00148-00057238-00057599 across the top of the nmo matrix is t or vSPedOwpKKy-00149-00057600-00058142 NT the de menthe the height of the nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00150-00058144-00058776 matrix is n tau and it's not exactly vSPedOwpKKy-00151-00058777-00059054 diagonal you could call it upper vSPedOwpKKy-00152-00059055-00059380 triangular there are interpolation vSPedOwpKKy-00153-00059382-00059738 coefficients that are you know maybe vSPedOwpKKy-00154-00059739-00060155 just a column of one's for instance that vSPedOwpKKy-00155-00060157-00060303 would be a nearest neighbor vSPedOwpKKy-00156-00060304-00060766 interpolation or no interpolation but vSPedOwpKKy-00157-00060767-00061089 that's confined to the upper triangle of vSPedOwpKKy-00158-00061090-00061505 the of the matrix and does end up being vSPedOwpKKy-00159-00061507-00061869 you know at large t large towel being vSPedOwpKKy-00160-00061870-00062291 quite close to the diagonal but still in vSPedOwpKKy-00161-00062292-00062555 the upper triangle outside this this vSPedOwpKKy-00162-00062557-00062937 band of interpolation coefficients which vSPedOwpKKy-00163-00062938-00063336 is hardly ever wider it's hardly ever vSPedOwpKKy-00164-00063337-00064098 more than three bands the dmo matrix is vSPedOwpKKy-00165-00064099-00064780 zero okay now you can see how this works vSPedOwpKKy-00166-00064782-00065115 you know the shape of this band of vSPedOwpKKy-00167-00065116-00065426 interpolation coefficients depends on vSPedOwpKKy-00168-00065427-00065688 the X depends on the velocity but vSPedOwpKKy-00169-00065689-00065841 basically what it's doing is it's taking vSPedOwpKKy-00170-00065842-00066156 something you know that's that's down in vSPedOwpKKy-00171-00066157-00066468 time and it's putting it very early in vSPedOwpKKy-00172-00066469-00066726 towel and that's what that's vSPedOwpKKy-00173-00066727-00066903 what the nmos stretch does it takes vSPedOwpKKy-00174-00066904-00067116 something that's that's at large time vSPedOwpKKy-00175-00067117-00067385 and it moves it up to an earlier towel vSPedOwpKKy-00176-00067386-00067743 so that's why it has this particular vSPedOwpKKy-00177-00067744-00068052 shape in the upper triangle you know and vSPedOwpKKy-00178-00068053-00068457 down at large time the you know vSPedOwpKKy-00179-00068458-00068904 especially for large velocities it's the vSPedOwpKKy-00180-00068905-00069072 effect is minimal you know there's very vSPedOwpKKy-00181-00069073-00069633 little nmo correction okay so let's vSPedOwpKKy-00182-00069634-00070065 implement that single banded matrix for vSPedOwpKKy-00183-00070066-00070380 nearest neighbor interpolation or non vSPedOwpKKy-00184-00070381-00070989 interpolation and so we've got our exes vSPedOwpKKy-00185-00070990-00071331 up two NT and our wise up to n tau and vSPedOwpKKy-00186-00071332-00071649 if we want two NT to be equal to n town vSPedOwpKKy-00187-00071650-00071847 and of course our our matrix will be vSPedOwpKKy-00188-00071848-00072303 square and we'll have this here's our vSPedOwpKKy-00189-00072304-00072681 single band with ones in it zero and vSPedOwpKKy-00190-00072682-00072996 there's exactly one sample per or vSPedOwpKKy-00191-00072997-00073347 there's you know one nonzero element per vSPedOwpKKy-00192-00073348-00073620 row in this single banded nearest vSPedOwpKKy-00193-00073621-00074415 neighbor interpolation okay so you know vSPedOwpKKy-00194-00074416-00074670 there's the tau dimension I'm sorry the vSPedOwpKKy-00195-00074671-00075125 T dimension and the tile dimension and vSPedOwpKKy-00196-00075126-00075426 here's you know we can easily look at vSPedOwpKKy-00197-00075427-00075663 the nmo equation you know depending on V vSPedOwpKKy-00198-00075664-00075960 and we can get the shape of this band in vSPedOwpKKy-00199-00075961-00076340 the in the tea towel plane right because vSPedOwpKKy-00200-00076341-00076671 you know here it is T squared is equal vSPedOwpKKy-00201-00076672-00076908 to tau squared plus x squared over B vSPedOwpKKy-00202-00076909-00077222 squared so that defines where we put the vSPedOwpKKy-00203-00077223-00077928 interpolation coefficients now we can vSPedOwpKKy-00204-00077929-00078603 also define this n transpose and here it vSPedOwpKKy-00205-00078604-00078924 is and now it has very likely more than vSPedOwpKKy-00206-00078925-00079764 one coefficient in each row okay so we vSPedOwpKKy-00207-00079765-00079998 can define in transpose to estimate the vSPedOwpKKy-00208-00079999-00080106 original vSPedOwpKKy-00209-00080107-00080588 unstretched en mo so X hat is equal to vSPedOwpKKy-00210-00080589-00080907 big and transpose applied to Y now and vSPedOwpKKy-00211-00080908-00081288 you can see how that would work what vSPedOwpKKy-00212-00081289-00081726 about inverting NM o ok so you know the vSPedOwpKKy-00213-00081727-00081983 normal equations say we should examine vSPedOwpKKy-00214-00081984-00082257 the information matrix for that which is vSPedOwpKKy-00215-00082258-00082782 n transpose in and so you do that and vSPedOwpKKy-00216-00082783-00083088 you find that it's 0 everywhere except vSPedOwpKKy-00217-00083089-00083460 some places along the diagonal ok are vSPedOwpKKy-00218-00083461-00084114 nonzero and you know with this single vSPedOwpKKy-00219-00084115-00084576 banded one that all the all the nonzero vSPedOwpKKy-00220-00084577-00084864 elements are along the diagonal in the vSPedOwpKKy-00221-00084865-00085205 upper part there are elements that are 0 vSPedOwpKKy-00222-00085206-00085782 ok so it is a singular matrix ok so vSPedOwpKKy-00223-00085783-00086202 strictly you know we we can't strictly vSPedOwpKKy-00224-00086203-00086534 find entrance transpose n inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00225-00086535-00087057 because because it's singular but you vSPedOwpKKy-00226-00087058-00087261 know we can estimate a pseudo inverse by vSPedOwpKKy-00227-00087262-00087474 ignoring the zeros on the diagonal vSPedOwpKKy-00228-00087475-00087704 effectively partitioning the matrix vSPedOwpKKy-00229-00087705-00088277 right and just inverting each of the vSPedOwpKKy-00230-00088278-00089061 each of the coefficients along the along vSPedOwpKKy-00231-00089062-00089289 that that are nonzero along the diagonal vSPedOwpKKy-00232-00089290-00089520 and and just not bothering to invert the vSPedOwpKKy-00233-00089521-00090057 ones that are zero ok so this is a very vSPedOwpKKy-00234-00090058-00090459 useful example to point out some vSPedOwpKKy-00235-00090460-00090798 prominent features of all linearized vSPedOwpKKy-00236-00090799-00091166 inversions ok such as this need to vSPedOwpKKy-00237-00091167-00091500 partition all right where the where the vSPedOwpKKy-00238-00091501-00091761 matrix is singular you know an n mo is vSPedOwpKKy-00239-00091762-00091965 well-behaved enough that we can describe vSPedOwpKKy-00240-00091966-00092669 these simply ok so there are vSPedOwpKKy-00241-00092670-00093012 inconsistent data ok note that this vSPedOwpKKy-00242-00093013-00093415 operator only allows solutions um vSPedOwpKKy-00243-00093416-00093657 that have you know this particular vSPedOwpKKy-00244-00093658-00094390 operator here that have a why at because vSPedOwpKKy-00245-00094391-00094654 the the band of interpolation doesn't go vSPedOwpKKy-00246-00094655-00094848 all the way to diagonal in this case vSPedOwpKKy-00247-00094849-00095329 okay you know there's there's there vSPedOwpKKy-00248-00095330-00095568 should be no way to get a why that's vSPedOwpKKy-00249-00095569-00095848 equal to 0 that's that's equal to vSPedOwpKKy-00250-00095849-00096265 anything but zero okay if we want to vSPedOwpKKy-00251-00096266-00096505 invert for X and we are given a why vSPedOwpKKy-00252-00096506-00096837 that's nonzero then no consistent X is vSPedOwpKKy-00253-00096838-00097174 possible so you know there can be vSPedOwpKKy-00254-00097175-00097425 inconsistent data for our inversion and vSPedOwpKKy-00255-00097426-00098059 of course in real data naturally you vSPedOwpKKy-00256-00098060-00098424 know why at entao is going to be nonzero vSPedOwpKKy-00257-00098425-00098842 so you know in any real case we're going vSPedOwpKKy-00258-00098843-00099136 to have inconsistent data it's not vSPedOwpKKy-00259-00099137-00099391 consistent with the with the operator vSPedOwpKKy-00260-00099392-00099888 there's no way to get it there's also vSPedOwpKKy-00261-00099889-00100242 the the null space of the model all vSPedOwpKKy-00262-00100243-00100717 right there are models X you know you vSPedOwpKKy-00263-00100718-00101317 can find in invent model x.x models that vSPedOwpKKy-00264-00101318-00101578 produce you know and applied to X is vSPedOwpKKy-00265-00101579-00102092 equal to Y is equal to 0 okay and such vSPedOwpKKy-00266-00102093-00102463 exes are in the null space you know vSPedOwpKKy-00267-00102464-00102775 those are model types or you know as vSPedOwpKKy-00268-00102776-00103077 christoph store called identified them vSPedOwpKKy-00269-00103078-00103659 they are really eigenvectors okay those vSPedOwpKKy-00270-00103660-00104064 types of models are are in the null vSPedOwpKKy-00271-00104065-00104565 space of this problem okay and such you vSPedOwpKKy-00272-00104566-00104788 know models in the null space have no vSPedOwpKKy-00273-00104789-00105058 effect on the data that means that vSPedOwpKKy-00274-00105058-00105318 inverting no matter what data you have vSPedOwpKKy-00275-00105319-00105658 they can't possibly estimate the models vSPedOwpKKy-00276-00105658-00106318 in the null space okay so you know vSPedOwpKKy-00277-00106319-00106779 examples of null space model vSPedOwpKKy-00278-00106780-00107743 our X 1 not equal to 0 okay and x at t vSPedOwpKKy-00279-00107744-00108413 equal to 0 but t naught equal to 1 okay vSPedOwpKKy-00280-00108414-00109035 so you know there's a whole spectrum of vSPedOwpKKy-00281-00109036-00109308 models a whole spectrum of eigenvectors vSPedOwpKKy-00282-00109309-00109716 that all kinds of modes of the model vSPedOwpKKy-00283-00109717-00110047 space that cannot be represented and vSPedOwpKKy-00284-00110048-00110262 have no effect by they can be vSPedOwpKKy-00285-00110263-00110448 represented but they have no effect on vSPedOwpKKy-00286-00110449-00110763 the day and so they cannot be inverted vSPedOwpKKy-00287-00110764-00111164 for and if you invert for them uncaring vSPedOwpKKy-00288-00111165-00111438 you'll end up blowing them up and the vSPedOwpKKy-00289-00111439-00111868 the null space of the model will vSPedOwpKKy-00290-00111869-00112134 dominate the solution which is crazy of vSPedOwpKKy-00291-00112135-00112744 course so here's a nmo matrix okay and vSPedOwpKKy-00292-00112745-00113343 the you know this is the tatt the T axis vSPedOwpKKy-00293-00113344-00113746 across here of the tea towel plane this vSPedOwpKKy-00294-00113747-00114397 is the tau axis here and the the nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00295-00114398-00114938 coefficients the the correlation the vSPedOwpKKy-00296-00114939-00115185 interpolation coefficients are confined vSPedOwpKKy-00297-00115186-00115494 to this upper corner right there's vSPedOwpKKy-00298-00115495-00115720 there's a long area where the whole vSPedOwpKKy-00299-00115721-00115981 matrix is null you know above a certain vSPedOwpKKy-00300-00115982-00116277 at less than a certainty so that's this vSPedOwpKKy-00301-00116278-00116604 whole left side and then at greater than vSPedOwpKKy-00302-00116605-00117011 a certain tau it's also it's also null vSPedOwpKKy-00303-00117012-00117300 okay and it's those boundaries that vSPedOwpKKy-00304-00117301-00117583 really define the inconsistent data in vSPedOwpKKy-00305-00117583-00117883 the null space of the model so for vSPedOwpKKy-00306-00117883-00118498 instance the the bottom rectangle that's vSPedOwpKKy-00307-00118499-00118985 null in the N operator that tells you vSPedOwpKKy-00308-00118986-00119354 where the inconsistent data will appear vSPedOwpKKy-00309-00119355-00119754 the left side the left rectangle that's vSPedOwpKKy-00310-00119755-00120129 null tells you where the null space of vSPedOwpKKy-00311-00120130-00120236 the model vSPedOwpKKy-00312-00120238-00121426 alright and that's you know for the N vSPedOwpKKy-00313-00121427-00121816 operator really very easy to define but vSPedOwpKKy-00314-00121817-00121986 these are you know these are general vSPedOwpKKy-00315-00121988-00122296 features of models and data that you vSPedOwpKKy-00316-00122297-00122488 have to look for in every operator that vSPedOwpKKy-00317-00122489-00122786 you apply in every inversion that you do vSPedOwpKKy-00318-00122788-00123033 it's just particularly easy to observe vSPedOwpKKy-00319-00123034-00123683 these with the nfo operator and you know vSPedOwpKKy-00320-00123684-00124363 actually in even a even a very vSPedOwpKKy-00321-00124364-00124543 complicated velocity model implemented vSPedOwpKKy-00322-00124544-00124825 in a priest at depth migration you know vSPedOwpKKy-00323-00124826-00125122 for a particular trace is going to have vSPedOwpKKy-00324-00125123-00125548 a very well definable T tau curve and so vSPedOwpKKy-00325-00125549-00125917 for that trace at that spot of the of vSPedOwpKKy-00326-00125918-00126301 the model you know for that midpoint and vSPedOwpKKy-00327-00126302-00126571 for that offset you'll be able to define vSPedOwpKKy-00328-00126572-00126928 you know even for a advanced migration vSPedOwpKKy-00329-00126929-00127177 you could define the null space of the vSPedOwpKKy-00330-00127178-00127417 model and being consistent data by vSPedOwpKKy-00331-00127418-00128368 drawing this this T tau curve now just vSPedOwpKKy-00332-00128369-00128854 to just to let you know you know it vSPedOwpKKy-00333-00128855-00129229 certainly is easy to you know for this vSPedOwpKKy-00334-00129230-00129544 you know simple single bandit n to vSPedOwpKKy-00335-00129545-00129781 define all these important properties of vSPedOwpKKy-00336-00129782-00130594 the of the linear operator and you know vSPedOwpKKy-00337-00130595-00130807 most linear operators are used in tandem vSPedOwpKKy-00338-00130808-00131137 with with other linear operators so what vSPedOwpKKy-00339-00131138-00131269 you're basically doing there just like vSPedOwpKKy-00340-00131270-00131572 in filtering your concatenating n for vSPedOwpKKy-00341-00131573-00131857 example with other operators you know vSPedOwpKKy-00342-00131858-00132514 filtering and deconvolution in pre vSPedOwpKKy-00343-00132515-00133086 stacked migration there's filtering for vSPedOwpKKy-00344-00133087-00133483 anti-aliasing so all these operators get vSPedOwpKKy-00345-00133484-00133549 concatenate vSPedOwpKKy-00346-00133550-00134059 and what do the concatenations do they vSPedOwpKKy-00347-00134060-00134299 just serve to hide the inconsistent data vSPedOwpKKy-00348-00134300-00134682 in the dull space of the model okay vSPedOwpKKy-00349-00134683-00134962 they're still there they're just harder vSPedOwpKKy-00350-00134963-00135550 to figure out okay yeah shouldn't y1 not vSPedOwpKKy-00351-00135551-00136282 directly to x 1 equals 0 T equals 0 over vSPedOwpKKy-00352-00136283-00136597 tau is it is but well this is this is vSPedOwpKKy-00353-00136598-00136927 for a non 0 this is for a non zero vSPedOwpKKy-00354-00136928-00137455 offset so which are you know vSPedOwpKKy-00355-00137456-00137977 unfortunately i also used x in the you vSPedOwpKKy-00356-00137978-00138517 know X is the input trace but I also use vSPedOwpKKy-00357-00138518-00138979 X here in the animal equation so for non vSPedOwpKKy-00358-00138980-00139698 zero X right you can't you can't have vSPedOwpKKy-00359-00139699-00139948 you all you you've got to have null vSPedOwpKKy-00360-00139949-00140755 space of the model are nmo operator vSPedOwpKKy-00361-00140756-00141052 let's start our matrix would have won vSPedOwpKKy-00362-00141053-00141241 the top diagonal and it was sort of vSPedOwpKKy-00363-00141242-00141739 slope slope out is that correct uh no vSPedOwpKKy-00364-00141740-00142218 because we're you know this is tracking vSPedOwpKKy-00365-00142219-00142687 this is tracking the you know tau is vSPedOwpKKy-00366-00142688-00143038 really the time depth so if you think of vSPedOwpKKy-00367-00143039-00143596 how a reflection will will ok so at zero vSPedOwpKKy-00368-00143597-00143785 offset if you're looking at that trace vSPedOwpKKy-00369-00143786-00144106 that's at the end of the sources right vSPedOwpKKy-00370-00144107-00144517 on top of it ok then yeah t is equal to vSPedOwpKKy-00371-00144518-00144889 tau ok and all the migration is foot is vSPedOwpKKy-00372-00144890-00145387 figuring out is how the how the the time vSPedOwpKKy-00373-00145388-00146140 match to death ok but you know you go vSPedOwpKKy-00374-00146141-00146532 one step away from from zero offset and vSPedOwpKKy-00375-00146533-00146860 suddenly you know there's just just no vSPedOwpKKy-00376-00146861-00146941 way vSPedOwpKKy-00377-00146942-00147660 to get a to derive a towel of of zero vSPedOwpKKy-00378-00147661-00148105 you just can't do it raised right so the vSPedOwpKKy-00379-00148106-00148548 example I was thinking of 0 and the vSPedOwpKKy-00380-00148549-00148879 right right so not notice and notice vSPedOwpKKy-00381-00148880-00149194 what would happen if if t is equal to vSPedOwpKKy-00382-00149195-00149632 tau right because x is 0 here then vSPedOwpKKy-00383-00149633-00149926 instead of having the band all in the vSPedOwpKKy-00384-00149927-00150184 upper triangle the band is exactly the vSPedOwpKKy-00385-00150185-00150634 diagonal yeah ok so this you're all set vSPedOwpKKy-00386-00150635-00151012 you know you know for a chirp survey vSPedOwpKKy-00387-00151013-00151288 it's all zero offset so you don't even vSPedOwpKKy-00388-00151289-00151495 do n mo because it's it's a it's a it's vSPedOwpKKy-00389-00151496-00151780 an identity operator and then you have vSPedOwpKKy-00390-00151781-00151984 no problem what we're worried about is vSPedOwpKKy-00391-00151985-00152476 this land data where yeah we can do n mo vSPedOwpKKy-00392-00152477-00152617 on those are also trace but doesn't do vSPedOwpKKy-00393-00152618-00152770 us any good because they're also traces vSPedOwpKKy-00394-00152771-00153166 junk right I mean have you seen any very vSPedOwpKKy-00395-00153167-00153349 informative zero offset traces in the vSPedOwpKKy-00396-00153350-00154048 Santa media data set okay okay well vSPedOwpKKy-00397-00154049-00154588 that's good to know nice nice and those vSPedOwpKKy-00398-00154589-00154827 are extremely valuable pieces of data vSPedOwpKKy-00399-00154828-00155167 believe me even though there's very few vSPedOwpKKy-00400-00155168-00155395 of them they should be you know in some vSPedOwpKKy-00401-00155396-00155620 kind of generalized inversion they vSPedOwpKKy-00402-00155621-00156118 should be weighted very highly huh yeah vSPedOwpKKy-00403-00156119-00156649 no kidding uh yeah you know and and what vSPedOwpKKy-00404-00156650-00156820 we do and most of our pre processing vSPedOwpKKy-00405-00156821-00157108 before migration is we we tend to gain vSPedOwpKKy-00406-00157109-00157363 them down you know where is what we vSPedOwpKKy-00407-00157364-00157729 really should do is is very careful you vSPedOwpKKy-00408-00157730-00158017 know muting and trace edited you know so vSPedOwpKKy-00409-00158018-00158182 we would we we would probably be better vSPedOwpKKy-00410-00158183-00158638 off see let me let me try to put this vSPedOwpKKy-00411-00158639-00159232 into the video okay look at this section vSPedOwpKKy-00412-00159233-00159799 on the left all right so usually you vSPedOwpKKy-00413-00159800-00160114 know add about the first reflection vSPedOwpKKy-00414-00160115-00160315 that's where the first arrival is and vSPedOwpKKy-00415-00160316-00160348 even vSPedOwpKKy-00416-00160349-00160510 you know at larger times than the first vSPedOwpKKy-00417-00160511-00160741 reflect then they then the first arrival vSPedOwpKKy-00418-00160742-00160885 there can be multiple reflected vSPedOwpKKy-00419-00160886-00161158 refractions and so we're surgically vSPedOwpKKy-00420-00161159-00161677 muting out everything from from that vSPedOwpKKy-00421-00161678-00161979 first reflection up and and what we're vSPedOwpKKy-00422-00161980-00162241 doing there is we're getting were you vSPedOwpKKy-00423-00162242-00162582 know cutting out the inconsistent date vSPedOwpKKy-00424-00162583-00163069 okay so that's a you know that that vSPedOwpKKy-00425-00163070-00163338 actually matches what what we should do vSPedOwpKKy-00426-00163339-00163618 okay but it's kind of you know surgical vSPedOwpKKy-00427-00163619-00164434 mutes are kind of a brutal process right vSPedOwpKKy-00428-00164435-00164638 right we we have to use another you know vSPedOwpKKy-00429-00164639-00164904 we could we could put them out to an RG vSPedOwpKKy-00430-00164905-00165166 there's an RG mute program that you vSPedOwpKKy-00431-00165167-00165544 could use but or you could do it in vSPedOwpKKy-00432-00165545-00165735 MATLAB probably a heck of a lot easier vSPedOwpKKy-00433-00165736-00166123 you know it could probably you can call vSPedOwpKKy-00434-00166124-00166444 a mute in open the tech to those good vSPedOwpKKy-00435-00166445-00167227 zero offset races that we do have at vSPedOwpKKy-00436-00167228-00167616 least now now now now generally the air vSPedOwpKKy-00437-00167617-00167851 wave and the surface waves are cutting vSPedOwpKKy-00438-00167852-00168124 across the reflections like this from vSPedOwpKKy-00439-00168125-00168412 from zero to you know it's some vSPedOwpKKy-00440-00168413-00168841 relatively low velocity and I i would i vSPedOwpKKy-00441-00168842-00169135 would imagine that you know in any land vSPedOwpKKy-00442-00169136-00169522 data set most of the traces you know vSPedOwpKKy-00443-00169523-00170002 most of the data at you know that are vSPedOwpKKy-00444-00170003-00170337 underneath the surface wave noise cone vSPedOwpKKy-00445-00170338-00170632 you know most of those are pretty vSPedOwpKKy-00446-00170633-00170872 garbagey and you can't really track vSPedOwpKKy-00447-00170873-00171226 trace the reflections through them and vSPedOwpKKy-00448-00171227-00171433 so you know most the time we would be vSPedOwpKKy-00449-00171434-00171879 surgically muting uh those away too you vSPedOwpKKy-00450-00171880-00172096 know everything under that that noise vSPedOwpKKy-00451-00172097-00172483 code but i have seen it i have seen it vSPedOwpKKy-00452-00172484-00172699 occur and you're so you're telling me vSPedOwpKKy-00453-00172700-00172945 that there are some traces you know vSPedOwpKKy-00454-00172946-00173241 maybe under the air wave perhaps you vSPedOwpKKy-00455-00173242-00173488 know you might have a surface wave and vSPedOwpKKy-00456-00173489-00173674 then there's an airway vSPedOwpKKy-00457-00173675-00173908 in most places the airwave is slower vSPedOwpKKy-00458-00173909-00174052 than the service waves maybe not in vSPedOwpKKy-00459-00174053-00174409 Santa video and then under the airwave vSPedOwpKKy-00460-00174410-00174709 cone you might have you know at zero vSPedOwpKKy-00461-00174710-00174895 wasit you might have a little cone of vSPedOwpKKy-00462-00174896-00175497 clear data you know that does happen vSPedOwpKKy-00463-00175498-00175786 yeah well that may be a lot of that may vSPedOwpKKy-00464-00175787-00176314 be due to the the geophone arrays the vSPedOwpKKy-00465-00176315-00176563 receiver arrays you know Two Cities vSPedOwpKKy-00466-00176564-00177166 design those very carefully yeah and and vSPedOwpKKy-00467-00177167-00177448 uh now the other opportunity with the vSPedOwpKKy-00468-00177449-00177801 Santa media data set is that we have vSPedOwpKKy-00469-00177802-00178048 horizontal recordings transverse and vSPedOwpKKy-00470-00178049-00178315 radial so we could actually clean up the vSPedOwpKKy-00471-00178316-00178576 shear waves a heck of a lot better by vSPedOwpKKy-00472-00178577-00178702 looking at those but that's that's vSPedOwpKKy-00473-00178703-00179116 another story entirely so kind of a vSPedOwpKKy-00474-00179117-00179716 crosstalk story so so you know with a vSPedOwpKKy-00475-00179717-00179974 very severe surgical mute you know we vSPedOwpKKy-00476-00179975-00180109 could eliminate the inconsistent data vSPedOwpKKy-00477-00180110-00180754 here okay and and and that eliminates a vSPedOwpKKy-00478-00180755-00181090 lot of the null some of the null space vSPedOwpKKy-00479-00181091-00181501 of the model too and then we could take vSPedOwpKKy-00480-00181502-00181738 a surgical mute that just gets in vSPedOwpKKy-00481-00181739-00181981 between the airwave and the and the vSPedOwpKKy-00482-00181982-00182287 shear waves and Rayleigh waves and then vSPedOwpKKy-00483-00182288-00182524 leave a little cone of cleaner data at vSPedOwpKKy-00484-00182525-00183079 zero offset so I mean that would of vSPedOwpKKy-00485-00183080-00183319 course blow away our ability to look at vSPedOwpKKy-00486-00183320-00183697 Hamilton versus offset but it might vSPedOwpKKy-00487-00183698-00184069 produce a better structural image and vSPedOwpKKy-00488-00184070-00184398 and those those zero offset times are vSPedOwpKKy-00489-00184399-00184633 very valuable data so if you think you vSPedOwpKKy-00490-00184634-00184921 can observe them it's it's well well vSPedOwpKKy-00491-00184922-00185662 worth noting them okay so just some vSPedOwpKKy-00492-00185663-00185941 comments about you know how these appear vSPedOwpKKy-00493-00185942-00186139 in real data and how they're how they're vSPedOwpKKy-00494-00186140-00186577 dealt with yeah I never before come up vSPedOwpKKy-00495-00186578-00186862 with a what anything like I thought was vSPedOwpKKy-00496-00186863-00186996 a logical x vSPedOwpKKy-00497-00186997-00187410 nation for surgical abuse but actually vSPedOwpKKy-00498-00187411-00187728 getting rid of inconsistent data is kind vSPedOwpKKy-00499-00187729-00188658 of a logical explanation okay now let's vSPedOwpKKy-00500-00188659-00189108 just let's look at this in a little more vSPedOwpKKy-00501-00189109-00189456 elaboration let's have a to bandit nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00502-00189457-00189792 matrix that basically implements linear vSPedOwpKKy-00503-00189793-00190230 interpolation okay so instead of setting vSPedOwpKKy-00504-00190231-00190587 out just ones along this curve this nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00505-00190588-00190815 equation curve in the tea towel plane vSPedOwpKKy-00506-00190816-00191034 we're going to set out you know we're vSPedOwpKKy-00507-00191035-00191211 going to recognize that the curve hits vSPedOwpKKy-00508-00191212-00191529 but always between samples and we're vSPedOwpKKy-00509-00191530-00191754 going to have interpolation coefficients vSPedOwpKKy-00510-00191755-00192285 a and B which you know interpolate vSPedOwpKKy-00511-00192286-00192543 between neighboring samples in in time T vSPedOwpKKy-00512-00192544-00192897 and so on each row you know a plus B is vSPedOwpKKy-00513-00192898-00193338 equal to one and if it's exactly at you vSPedOwpKKy-00514-00193339-00193524 know point B then B is equal to one day vSPedOwpKKy-00515-00193525-00193665 is equal to zero if it's exactly at vSPedOwpKKy-00516-00193666-00193926 point ay ay is equal to 1 and b is equal vSPedOwpKKy-00517-00193927-00194163 to zero but usually you know ninety-nine vSPedOwpKKy-00518-00194164-00194322 point nine nine percent of the time it's vSPedOwpKKy-00519-00194323-00194715 in between them and you know and so you vSPedOwpKKy-00520-00194716-00194976 just you have its scale so that a plus B vSPedOwpKKy-00521-00194977-00195786 equals one so a you know we have this to vSPedOwpKKy-00522-00195787-00196533 banded big n matrix and if you take n vSPedOwpKKy-00523-00196534-00196932 transpose n you'll find that Wow lo and vSPedOwpKKy-00524-00196933-00197196 behold all of a sudden it's tri diagonal vSPedOwpKKy-00525-00197197-00197661 and you learned in 706 just how easy and vSPedOwpKKy-00526-00197662-00198192 quick that is to invert okay so that's vSPedOwpKKy-00527-00198193-00198825 that's no problem at all and and of vSPedOwpKKy-00528-00198826-00199098 course you know that's just one of the vSPedOwpKKy-00529-00199099-00199508 reasons why we would use n mo with vSPedOwpKKy-00530-00199509-00199985 linear interpolation does this fix the vSPedOwpKKy-00531-00199986-00200277 does this fix having this linear vSPedOwpKKy-00532-00200278-00200367 interpolation vSPedOwpKKy-00533-00200368-00200811 and the tridiagonal n transpose n that's vSPedOwpKKy-00534-00200812-00200949 invertible does that fix the vSPedOwpKKy-00535-00200950-00201156 inconsistent data problem does that fix vSPedOwpKKy-00536-00201157-00201839 the the null space of the model problem vSPedOwpKKy-00537-00201840-00202242 not at all yeah I mean you you you know vSPedOwpKKy-00538-00202243-00202527 maybe you shrink your your your vSPedOwpKKy-00539-00202528-00202701 inconsistent data you shrink your null vSPedOwpKKy-00540-00202702-00202878 space of the model by one sample that's vSPedOwpKKy-00541-00202879-00203826 it okay maybe okay so so let's continue vSPedOwpKKy-00542-00203827-00204396 examining these these operators you know vSPedOwpKKy-00543-00204397-00204552 with this background now that that I vSPedOwpKKy-00544-00204553-00204737 define these general terms from this vSPedOwpKKy-00545-00204738-00205326 brutally simple nmo operator and I and vSPedOwpKKy-00546-00205327-00205521 so I need to mention unitary operators vSPedOwpKKy-00547-00205521-00205863 okay a unitary operator you conserves vSPedOwpKKy-00548-00205864-00206669 energy so if you have X input to an vSPedOwpKKy-00549-00206671-00207236 operator you and giving an output V then vSPedOwpKKy-00550-00207237-00207711 X conjugate transpose dotted with X is vSPedOwpKKy-00551-00207712-00207978 equal to V conjugate transpose dotted vSPedOwpKKy-00552-00207979-00208629 with v all right so a you know with a vSPedOwpKKy-00553-00208630-00208863 unitary operator the energy of X and the vSPedOwpKKy-00554-00208864-00209154 energy of the is defined to be the same vSPedOwpKKy-00555-00209155-00209492 okay these are you know dot products rms vSPedOwpKKy-00556-00209494-00210209 is if you like or mean squared and the vSPedOwpKKy-00557-00210210-00210915 and what this requires then is that u vSPedOwpKKy-00558-00210916-00211548 transpose u be equal to I oh well that's vSPedOwpKKy-00559-00211548-00211854 interesting if you have an operator that vSPedOwpKKy-00560-00211855-00212364 conserves energy then by definition u vSPedOwpKKy-00561-00212365-00212889 transpose is also u inverse very vSPedOwpKKy-00562-00212890-00213366 interesting okay um you know what kind vSPedOwpKKy-00563-00213367-00213730 of crazy operator is this well the 4-h vSPedOwpKKy-00564-00213731-00214126 ask for ma perator right bye I forget vSPedOwpKKy-00565-00214127-00214291 the name of the Fourier transform vSPedOwpKKy-00566-00214292-00214531 theorem but the Fourier transform can vSPedOwpKKy-00567-00214532-00215094 has to conserve energy and so thus we vSPedOwpKKy-00568-00215096-00215563 know just from that that the Fourier vSPedOwpKKy-00569-00215564-00216027 transform operator w is unitary okay vSPedOwpKKy-00570-00216028-00216238 which means that you know after our vSPedOwpKKy-00571-00216239-00216471 discussion yesterday that of course it's vSPedOwpKKy-00572-00216473-00216883 the the that means also that that the vSPedOwpKKy-00573-00216884-00217126 the scale factor has to be distributed vSPedOwpKKy-00574-00217127-00217596 through the through the components of vSPedOwpKKy-00575-00217598-00218164 Big W okay for it to be unitary and it vSPedOwpKKy-00576-00218165-00219265 has to be unitary so you know now you vSPedOwpKKy-00577-00219266-00219526 know we can think back any any of these vSPedOwpKKy-00578-00219527-00219679 linear operators which are represented vSPedOwpKKy-00579-00219680-00220054 balazs as matrix multiplication any of vSPedOwpKKy-00580-00220055-00220446 them at all are that are that conserve vSPedOwpKKy-00581-00220448-00220906 energy okay they they also have this vSPedOwpKKy-00582-00220907-00221176 wonderful property that their transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00583-00221177-00221461 their conjugate transpose is there in vSPedOwpKKy-00584-00221462-00222055 verse okay for a general operator B vSPedOwpKKy-00585-00222056-00222484 where a you know the output Y is equal vSPedOwpKKy-00586-00222485-00222925 to be applied to the input X okay can we vSPedOwpKKy-00587-00222926-00223264 find a a unitary operator that is vSPedOwpKKy-00588-00223265-00223644 similar to be similar in action but is vSPedOwpKKy-00589-00223646-00223944 unitary now if we can find that unitary vSPedOwpKKy-00590-00223946-00224209 operator then we know that the inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00591-00224210-00224680 of you will just be simply very simply vSPedOwpKKy-00592-00224681-00225079 be the transpose of you and and here's vSPedOwpKKy-00593-00225080-00225400 how to here's how to do it okay you make vSPedOwpKKy-00594-00225401-00225988 B transpose B and you take the negative vSPedOwpKKy-00595-00225989-00226423 square root of that and you know we will vSPedOwpKKy-00596-00226423-00226684 talk about how to how to do the negative vSPedOwpKKy-00597-00226685-00227104 square root of B of a matrix vSPedOwpKKy-00598-00227105-00227257 and then you operate on that with be vSPedOwpKKy-00599-00227258-00227791 that's your unitary operator okay you're vSPedOwpKKy-00600-00227792-00228546 suggesting the in general in verse right vSPedOwpKKy-00601-00228548-00228934 right if the inverse is composed notice vSPedOwpKKy-00602-00228935-00229183 that that you know to get the unitary vSPedOwpKKy-00603-00229184-00229392 operator we have to we have to form b vSPedOwpKKy-00604-00229394-00229675 transpose B we have to take the inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00605-00229676-00229821 you've got to take a square root of it vSPedOwpKKy-00606-00229823-00230542 then and and yeah so you know first of vSPedOwpKKy-00607-00230542-00230704 all we can't make a unitary operator vSPedOwpKKy-00608-00230705-00230973 unless it unless it's invertible at vSPedOwpKKy-00609-00230975-00232191 least somehow and then you know are vSPedOwpKKy-00610-00232192-00232644 perhaps we we will find that our our vSPedOwpKKy-00611-00232646-00233271 inverse does conserve energy and then vSPedOwpKKy-00612-00233273-00233569 it's a you know is it'll already obey vSPedOwpKKy-00613-00233569-00234025 these these properties but what this is vSPedOwpKKy-00614-00234026-00234405 saying I agree is that in general vSPedOwpKKy-00615-00234406-00234762 inverse operators don't conserve energy vSPedOwpKKy-00616-00234763-00235066 actually they throw it away you know and vSPedOwpKKy-00617-00235067-00235344 and you find that you know just in vSPedOwpKKy-00618-00235346-00235603 simple tomography solutions you know in vSPedOwpKKy-00619-00235604-00235960 linearized inversions you you know and vSPedOwpKKy-00620-00235961-00236104 you'll see that in every checkerboard vSPedOwpKKy-00621-00236105-00236464 test that that everybody puts in their vSPedOwpKKy-00622-00236465-00236785 papers right the amount the energy of vSPedOwpKKy-00623-00236786-00237098 the anomalies they get back is is very vSPedOwpKKy-00624-00237100-00237477 often very often for these real problems vSPedOwpKKy-00625-00237478-00237880 it's it's not just one-tenth it could be vSPedOwpKKy-00626-00237881-00238269 a point one percent of the energy that vSPedOwpKKy-00627-00238271-00238536 was put into the original checkerboard vSPedOwpKKy-00628-00238537-00238807 now why is that well because so much of vSPedOwpKKy-00629-00238808-00239121 the model is in the null space you know vSPedOwpKKy-00630-00239123-00239341 our raised don't go far enough you know vSPedOwpKKy-00631-00239342-00239696 for a for a computed medical tomography vSPedOwpKKy-00632-00239698-00239973 you know they make sure the Rays go vSPedOwpKKy-00633-00239975-00240271 everywhere and so there vSPedOwpKKy-00634-00240271-00240721 in verses are much more unitary but for vSPedOwpKKy-00635-00240721-00241059 for tomography you know earthquake vSPedOwpKKy-00636-00241060-00241359 tomography you know we just don't have vSPedOwpKKy-00637-00241360-00241669 enough raise we don't have enough vSPedOwpKKy-00638-00241669-00242341 coverage you know after after 60 years vSPedOwpKKy-00639-00242342-00242656 of installing stations all over the vSPedOwpKKy-00640-00242657-00243082 globe we have very little of the ocean vSPedOwpKKy-00641-00243083-00243394 basins that are that are sampled by by vSPedOwpKKy-00642-00243394-00243789 seismic stations for global tomography vSPedOwpKKy-00643-00243790-00244359 so yeah the inverses are you know they vSPedOwpKKy-00644-00244360-00244750 they they aim to what one think about it vSPedOwpKKy-00645-00244751-00245089 you know most inverses try to minimize vSPedOwpKKy-00646-00245090-00245512 the energy of the of the output of their vSPedOwpKKy-00647-00245513-00245859 of the inverse solution yeah so so vSPedOwpKKy-00648-00245860-00246048 they're throwing away energy right and vSPedOwpKKy-00649-00246050-00246621 left okay I just have two unrelated vSPedOwpKKy-00650-00246621-00247008 questions yeah I tried to I tried to do vSPedOwpKKy-00651-00247009-00247342 the transpose for my density model and I vSPedOwpKKy-00652-00247342-00247579 realized that it wasn't possible with vSPedOwpKKy-00653-00247580-00247867 the topography the way we handle it then vSPedOwpKKy-00654-00247867-00247996 I was thinking about the finite vSPedOwpKKy-00655-00247996-00248314 differencing and it doesn't seem to me vSPedOwpKKy-00656-00248315-00248500 like there's a way to make a matrix form vSPedOwpKKy-00657-00248501-00249007 for that either okay well well will will vSPedOwpKKy-00658-00249008-00249346 you know from the they're good there's vSPedOwpKKy-00659-00249346-00249471 going to be some corollary to this vSPedOwpKKy-00660-00249473-00249769 discussion of unitary operators and vSPedOwpKKy-00661-00249769-00249907 maybe you'll like you'll you'll have vSPedOwpKKy-00662-00249908-00250059 some thoughts about your operators when vSPedOwpKKy-00663-00250060-00251394 you see those corollaries okay so right vSPedOwpKKy-00664-00251396-00251728 what we've what we've got here you know vSPedOwpKKy-00665-00251729-00251971 we can create from from any operator we vSPedOwpKKy-00666-00251971-00252333 can invert somehow we can create a vSPedOwpKKy-00667-00252334-00252754 unitary operator and and and v is equal vSPedOwpKKy-00668-00252755-00253027 to then you know the original output V vSPedOwpKKy-00669-00253028-00253498 is equal to UX and then x is very simply vSPedOwpKKy-00670-00253498-00253623 equal to vSPedOwpKKy-00671-00253625-00253992 I u transpose V you know conjugate vSPedOwpKKy-00672-00253994-00254563 transpose now V is often close enough to vSPedOwpKKy-00673-00254564-00255123 why I so you know we we can we can often vSPedOwpKKy-00674-00255125-00255373 accept what the unitary operator gives vSPedOwpKKy-00675-00255373-00255817 us over what the original operator gave vSPedOwpKKy-00676-00255817-00256117 us and and of course energy conservation vSPedOwpKKy-00677-00256117-00256456 is an advantage you know maybe not in vSPedOwpKKy-00678-00256457-00256690 gravity but certainly in wave vSPedOwpKKy-00679-00256691-00257005 propagation and shifting waves around vSPedOwpKKy-00680-00257006-00257317 you really want to have all pass filters vSPedOwpKKy-00681-00257317-00257517 shifting those waves around it you don't vSPedOwpKKy-00682-00257519-00257953 want to lose any wave energy and what vSPedOwpKKy-00683-00257954-00258100 we're doing is we're defining the vSPedOwpKKy-00684-00258101-00258315 utility of the conjugate transpose in vSPedOwpKKy-00685-00258316-00258754 relation to the inverse okay so wherever vSPedOwpKKy-00686-00258755-00258942 we're using it this is interesting vSPedOwpKKy-00687-00258944-00259615 wherever we are using the the conjugate vSPedOwpKKy-00688-00259616-00259951 transpose instead of the inversion get vSPedOwpKKy-00689-00259952-00260461 this we are inserting we are inserting vSPedOwpKKy-00690-00260462-00261282 an assumption of of energy conservation vSPedOwpKKy-00691-00261283-00261652 you know or think of it in tomah graphic vSPedOwpKKy-00692-00261653-00262105 terms anomaly conservation I so so vSPedOwpKKy-00693-00262106-00262687 there's another place where I why don't vSPedOwpKKy-00694-00262688-00263002 we prefer to use processing to use back vSPedOwpKKy-00695-00263003-00263418 projection and not bother with inversion vSPedOwpKKy-00696-00263419-00263662 because we're we're actually going to vSPedOwpKKy-00697-00263663-00264358 conserve more of the of the energy just vSPedOwpKKy-00698-00264359-00264943 to just to make sure you understand you vSPedOwpKKy-00699-00264944-00265311 know how do we compute a B transpose B vSPedOwpKKy-00700-00265312-00265717 to the negative square root okay for a vSPedOwpKKy-00701-00265718-00266137 small V B you know and that's pretty big vSPedOwpKKy-00702-00266138-00266401 these days we can do it with eigen vSPedOwpKKy-00703-00266402-00266773 vector analysis so we we take B vSPedOwpKKy-00704-00266774-00266968 transpose B and we diagonalize vSPedOwpKKy-00705-00266969-00267408 through by finding the eigen vectors and vSPedOwpKKy-00706-00267409-00267964 so what we get are are at least in the vSPedOwpKKy-00707-00267965-00268153 partitioned you know non singular part vSPedOwpKKy-00708-00268154-00268600 of B transpose B everything is along the vSPedOwpKKy-00709-00268601-00269029 diagonal and it's in the partition part vSPedOwpKKy-00710-00269030-00269326 is non zero along the diagonal so then vSPedOwpKKy-00711-00269327-00269575 the B transpose B to the minus one-half vSPedOwpKKy-00712-00269576-00269818 is very simply you know where we had a vSPedOwpKKy-00713-00269819-00270067 and B transpose B we have 1 over square vSPedOwpKKy-00714-00270068-00270460 root of a and so forth down to 1 over vSPedOwpKKy-00715-00270461-00270928 the square root of Z is our edameh vSPedOwpKKy-00716-00270929-00271474 operator begin unitary well you know our vSPedOwpKKy-00717-00271475-00271861 our n transpose n inverse does not exist vSPedOwpKKy-00718-00271862-00272295 so we can't make a strictly unitary n vSPedOwpKKy-00719-00272296-00272770 but a partitioned n transpose n is vSPedOwpKKy-00720-00272771-00273181 diagonal okay and if we ignore the zeros vSPedOwpKKy-00721-00273182-00273481 on the diagonal then we can make nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00722-00273482-00273834 what you might call pseudo unitary and vSPedOwpKKy-00723-00273835-00274170 let's let's note some properties of this vSPedOwpKKy-00724-00274171-00274648 pseudo unitary nmo operator alright so vSPedOwpKKy-00725-00274649-00274999 the unitary NM of the pseudo unitary nfo vSPedOwpKKy-00726-00275000-00275587 is n transpose n partitioned to to vSPedOwpKKy-00727-00275588-00276169 ignore the the zero elements of along vSPedOwpKKy-00728-00276170-00276493 the diagonal of n transpose n and the vSPedOwpKKy-00729-00276494-00276991 and then we take we take each of those vSPedOwpKKy-00730-00276992-00277297 non zero diagonal elements 1 over the vSPedOwpKKy-00731-00277298-00277531 square root of each one then we operate vSPedOwpKKy-00732-00277532-00277669 on that with the original end and that vSPedOwpKKy-00733-00277670-00278544 is our unitary NM oh ok and so then a vSPedOwpKKy-00734-00278545-00279130 you know we can use u transpose instead vSPedOwpKKy-00735-00279131-00279475 of you in verse but you know we're going vSPedOwpKKy-00736-00279476-00280018 to find that you know in general u vSPedOwpKKy-00737-00280019-00280258 transpose you applied to X vSPedOwpKKy-00738-00280259-00280675 does not give you X back okay so you vSPedOwpKKy-00739-00280676-00281087 know the partitioning has has done that vSPedOwpKKy-00740-00281088-00281396 to us and of course u transpose u is not vSPedOwpKKy-00741-00281397-00281789 equal to the identity matrix alright but vSPedOwpKKy-00742-00281790-00282021 there is an interesting property here vSPedOwpKKy-00743-00282022-00282559 okay are unitary suit our pseudo unitary vSPedOwpKKy-00744-00282560-00283078 and mo well not identity you know u vSPedOwpKKy-00745-00283079-00283418 transpose u is not identity it is what vSPedOwpKKy-00746-00283419-00283996 what we can call idempotent all right it vSPedOwpKKy-00747-00283997-00284275 has the same effect you know whatever we vSPedOwpKKy-00748-00284276-00284612 lose which is of course the the vSPedOwpKKy-00749-00284613-00284872 inconsistent data the null space of the vSPedOwpKKy-00750-00284873-00285331 model whatever we lose okay in and in vSPedOwpKKy-00751-00285332-00285922 that in the application of you we only vSPedOwpKKy-00752-00285923-00286571 lose it once okay so and of course it vSPedOwpKKy-00753-00286572-00286838 drops energy out right out of the null vSPedOwpKKy-00754-00286839-00286996 space of the model drops energy out of vSPedOwpKKy-00755-00286997-00287629 the out of the inconsistent data so so vSPedOwpKKy-00756-00287630-00287908 we you know we take some input trace X vSPedOwpKKy-00757-00287909-00288430 and we apply our our pseudo unitary nmo vSPedOwpKKy-00758-00288431-00288627 you and then we apply the transpose of vSPedOwpKKy-00759-00288628-00289108 you u prime and we get you know an vSPedOwpKKy-00760-00289109-00289319 estimate of of X you know maybe let's vSPedOwpKKy-00761-00289320-00289916 call it X hat okay now let's say we we vSPedOwpKKy-00762-00289917-00290158 take we get the same estimate of X we vSPedOwpKKy-00763-00290159-00290473 take the original X and we operate with vSPedOwpKKy-00764-00290474-00290709 it on you and then by u by u transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00765-00290710-00291245 that gives us here the bx hat and then vSPedOwpKKy-00766-00291246-00291607 we do it all again we apply you we apply vSPedOwpKKy-00767-00291608-00292415 u transpose okay the idempotent the vSPedOwpKKy-00768-00292416-00293023 idempotent operator the item potent vSPedOwpKKy-00769-00293024-00293267 property of you means that those two are vSPedOwpKKy-00770-00293268-00293572 the same we do you you vSPedOwpKKy-00771-00293573-00293923 transpose on X once and we lose vSPedOwpKKy-00772-00293924-00294280 something yeah but we can do it twice we vSPedOwpKKy-00773-00294281-00294621 can do uu transpose a thousand times a vSPedOwpKKy-00774-00294622-00295290 million times and we get the same X hat vSPedOwpKKy-00775-00295291-00295710 ok u transpose u X is equal to u vSPedOwpKKy-00776-00295711-00295954 transpose you apply to u transpose you vSPedOwpKKy-00777-00295955-00296427 applied to X all right I'd impotency vSPedOwpKKy-00778-00296428-00296760 same application same effect with one vSPedOwpKKy-00779-00296761-00297079 application or with many so we never vSPedOwpKKy-00780-00297080-00297433 lose more than than that that one pass vSPedOwpKKy-00781-00297434-00297856 of losing the the null space of the vSPedOwpKKy-00782-00297857-00298104 model in the end the inconsistent data vSPedOwpKKy-00783-00298105-00298501 what we lose we only lose once so vSPedOwpKKy-00784-00298502-00298684 another way of putting it you know u vSPedOwpKKy-00785-00298685-00298930 transpose u squared is equal to u vSPedOwpKKy-00786-00298931-00299332 transpose u and that's a you know that's vSPedOwpKKy-00787-00299333-00299545 a if we're going to be doing some kind vSPedOwpKKy-00788-00299546-00299899 of iterative operation that's a very vSPedOwpKKy-00789-00299900-00301023 powerful tool okay no because it loses vSPedOwpKKy-00790-00301024-00301399 it loses the inconsistent data at the vSPedOwpKKy-00791-00301400-00301825 very least yeah and and the null space vSPedOwpKKy-00792-00301826-00301957 of the model doesn't come back when you vSPedOwpKKy-00793-00301958-00302500 apply uu transpose so yeah you you lose vSPedOwpKKy-00794-00302501-00302956 a lot okay but only once you don't keep vSPedOwpKKy-00795-00302957-00303154 losing you can keep doing forward and vSPedOwpKKy-00796-00303155-00303457 inverse n mo as many times you want and vSPedOwpKKy-00797-00303458-00303754 you never lose anymore the energy will vSPedOwpKKy-00798-00303755-00304078 not keep dropping ok so now through the vSPedOwpKKy-00799-00304079-00305041 idea of the n mo operator big n which vSPedOwpKKy-00800-00305042-00305962 show we can express as a pretty simple vSPedOwpKKy-00801-00305963-00306373 as if it's a fairly simple matrix vSPedOwpKKy-00802-00306374-00306754 multiplication that has a basically the vSPedOwpKKy-00803-00306755-00307027 nmo equation that is defining this curve vSPedOwpKKy-00804-00307028-00307360 and the upper triangle we can define all vSPedOwpKKy-00805-00307361-00307849 kinds of concepts very simply that vSPedOwpKKy-00806-00307850-00308140 exists in all kinds of linear operators vSPedOwpKKy-00807-00308141-00308383 inconsistent data null space of the vSPedOwpKKy-00808-00308384-00308884 model so forth and explore through this vSPedOwpKKy-00809-00308885-00309225 simple interpolation explore some of the vSPedOwpKKy-00810-00309226-00309460 properties of these operators that we're vSPedOwpKKy-00811-00309461-00309805 trying to invert one of those properties vSPedOwpKKy-00812-00309806-00310147 is the very desirable property of vSPedOwpKKy-00813-00310148-00310480 unitary operators which conserve energy vSPedOwpKKy-00814-00310481-00310848 and thus according to that definition vSPedOwpKKy-00815-00310849-00311152 give us that incredible property where vSPedOwpKKy-00816-00311153-00311656 the conjugate transpose is equal to the vSPedOwpKKy-00817-00311657-00312091 inverse so u prime you or u transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00818-00312092-00312352 you then for you being a unitary vSPedOwpKKy-00819-00312353-00312682 operator that gives the identity vSPedOwpKKy-00820-00312683-00312985 operation and we've already explored how vSPedOwpKKy-00821-00312986-00313380 that Fourier transform capital W the DFT vSPedOwpKKy-00822-00313381-00313753 which of course conserves energy is our vSPedOwpKKy-00823-00313754-00314170 favorite example of that and we can get vSPedOwpKKy-00824-00314171-00314578 a we can derive if we can invert B vSPedOwpKKy-00825-00314579-00314890 transpose B for some any operator B we vSPedOwpKKy-00826-00314891-00315205 can invert that then we can find a vSPedOwpKKy-00827-00315206-00315628 unitary equivalent to that to any vSPedOwpKKy-00828-00315629-00315994 operator assuming that that inversion vSPedOwpKKy-00829-00315995-00316489 works and you know usually what you have vSPedOwpKKy-00830-00316490-00317095 to do is find the the eigenvectors to vSPedOwpKKy-00831-00317096-00317434 diagonalize the the B transpose B matrix vSPedOwpKKy-00832-00317435-00317776 and then it's very simple to invert and vSPedOwpKKy-00833-00317777-00317944 take the square root of each of the vSPedOwpKKy-00834-00317945-00318208 elements along the diagonal at least vSPedOwpKKy-00835-00318209-00318763 where those elements are non singular so vSPedOwpKKy-00836-00318764-00319166 the uh vSPedOwpKKy-00837-00319167-00319742 that leads to a discussion of well we vSPedOwpKKy-00838-00319743-00320315 can't really get the because the the end vSPedOwpKKy-00839-00320316-00321109 transpose in for simple nmo correction n vSPedOwpKKy-00840-00321110-00321802 transpose n is highly singular we can't vSPedOwpKKy-00841-00321803-00322228 we can't get a we can't invert it and so vSPedOwpKKy-00842-00322229-00322802 we can't get a unitary representation of vSPedOwpKKy-00843-00322803-00323120 that but there's an additional property vSPedOwpKKy-00844-00323121-00323602 here item potency which tells us that vSPedOwpKKy-00845-00323603-00323927 whatever we lose in one application of vSPedOwpKKy-00846-00323928-00324283 you and then you transpose really lose vSPedOwpKKy-00847-00324284-00324550 it once we can have additional vSPedOwpKKy-00848-00324551-00324926 applications of the same operator so you vSPedOwpKKy-00849-00324927-00325250 know u transpose u squared gives the vSPedOwpKKy-00850-00325251-00325520 same effect as u transpose you what we vSPedOwpKKy-00851-00325521-00325928 lose we lose once and that is going to vSPedOwpKKy-00852-00325929-00326249 be true of a lot of operators that we vSPedOwpKKy-00853-00326250-00326771 might look at going forward so now i vSPedOwpKKy-00854-00326772-00327263 take i'd like to take a look at how to vSPedOwpKKy-00855-00327264-00327527 make nmo pseudo unitary just to finish vSPedOwpKKy-00856-00327528-00328132 off this set of notes number 22 if we vSPedOwpKKy-00857-00328133-00328274 have a double banded linear vSPedOwpKKy-00858-00328275-00328678 interpolation big n n mo operator then vSPedOwpKKy-00859-00328679-00329182 as i said earlier and transpose in let's vSPedOwpKKy-00860-00329183-00329468 uh let's call it t because it's tri vSPedOwpKKy-00861-00329469-00329704 diagonal so just to remind you what that vSPedOwpKKy-00862-00329705-00330203 looks like we have three diagonals we vSPedOwpKKy-00863-00330204-00330350 have the main diagonal and two side vSPedOwpKKy-00864-00330351-00330709 diagonals and we talked a lot in 706 vSPedOwpKKy-00865-00330710-00331216 about how easy it is and how quick to vSPedOwpKKy-00866-00331217-00331609 invert that tri diagonal matrix so now vSPedOwpKKy-00867-00331610-00332144 let's define the pseudo unitary nmo so vSPedOwpKKy-00868-00332145-00332558 we have B inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00869-00332559-00332822 x n that's going to be give us our vSPedOwpKKy-00870-00332823-00333368 unitary operator and B is a by diagonal vSPedOwpKKy-00871-00333369-00333938 matrix that is a factor of n transpose n vSPedOwpKKy-00872-00333939-00334337 equal to T so T is equal to B transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00873-00334338-00334874 B all right now you know you know see we vSPedOwpKKy-00874-00334875-00335252 have to factor you know to get the vSPedOwpKKy-00875-00335253-00335489 unitary operator we have to factor be vSPedOwpKKy-00876-00335490-00335837 here I mean it's easy to form the vSPedOwpKKy-00877-00335838-00335990 tridiagonal matrix that's just n vSPedOwpKKy-00878-00335991-00336263 transpose n but how do we get B well we vSPedOwpKKy-00879-00336264-00336524 got a we got to factor it out of out of vSPedOwpKKy-00880-00336525-00336815 tea and that's possible with a cholesky vSPedOwpKKy-00881-00336816-00337085 decomposition which is similar to vSPedOwpKKy-00882-00337086-00337496 spectral factorization so if we do that vSPedOwpKKy-00883-00337497-00337904 let's check the unitary operation of of vSPedOwpKKy-00884-00337905-00338417 this new equivalent unit area equivalent vSPedOwpKKy-00885-00338418-00338846 nmo which is u so u transpose u is equal vSPedOwpKKy-00886-00338847-00339283 to B inverse transpose supply to n vSPedOwpKKy-00887-00339284-00339611 transpose applied to n apply to be in vSPedOwpKKy-00888-00339612-00339911 verse okay and we can sort of collect vSPedOwpKKy-00889-00339912-00340247 things together and what we've got is B vSPedOwpKKy-00890-00340248-00340745 inverse transpose applied to B transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00891-00340746-00341063 applied to be apply to be in verse all vSPedOwpKKy-00892-00341064-00341702 right and so the U dot to mu transpose u vSPedOwpKKy-00893-00341703-00342083 then is equal to as you can see here you vSPedOwpKKy-00894-00342084-00342401 know B inverse transpose times B vSPedOwpKKy-00895-00342402-00342785 transpose has got to give I the identity vSPedOwpKKy-00896-00342786-00343262 matrix and be applied to the inverse has vSPedOwpKKy-00897-00343263-00343550 also got to give I and I applied to I is vSPedOwpKKy-00898-00343551-00344138 also I so u transpose u proves that is vSPedOwpKKy-00899-00344139-00344324 equal to I and that proves that you as vSPedOwpKKy-00900-00344325-00344666 unitary let's examine what this looks vSPedOwpKKy-00901-00344667-00345190 like u is equal to n B inverse and vSPedOwpKKy-00902-00345191-00345764 that's an all pass filter be coming from vSPedOwpKKy-00903-00345765-00345944 a cholesky vSPedOwpKKy-00904-00345945-00346172 decomposition like the spectral vSPedOwpKKy-00905-00346173-00346415 factorization that denominator is vSPedOwpKKy-00906-00346416-00346682 minimum phase which means that it must vSPedOwpKKy-00907-00346683-00347210 have a animal stretch correction built vSPedOwpKKy-00908-00347211-00347926 into it right we we have to decrease the vSPedOwpKKy-00909-00347927-00348275 the power whenever we do some NMOS vSPedOwpKKy-00910-00348276-00348779 stretch now the numerator n you know vSPedOwpKKy-00911-00348780-00349007 which of course to be an n mo it's got vSPedOwpKKy-00912-00349008-00349292 to do time shifts it's not minimum phase vSPedOwpKKy-00913-00349293-00349631 ok so that's an all pass filter all vSPedOwpKKy-00914-00349632-00349871 right that fits our definition and given vSPedOwpKKy-00915-00349872-00350174 again back in 706 of an all pass filter vSPedOwpKKy-00916-00350175-00350531 and so that's what the unitary n mo is vSPedOwpKKy-00917-00350532-00350819 going to look like all right so I want vSPedOwpKKy-00918-00350820-00351239 to sum up what I the key points that vSPedOwpKKy-00919-00351240-00351551 I've said about conjugate operators all vSPedOwpKKy-00920-00351552-00351917 right number one many operators have vSPedOwpKKy-00921-00351918-00352313 well-known and quite simple conjugate vSPedOwpKKy-00922-00352314-00352745 transpose ease and when we find the vSPedOwpKKy-00923-00352746-00353120 conjugate transpose we can instead of vSPedOwpKKy-00924-00353121-00353294 only being able to you know we can model vSPedOwpKKy-00925-00353295-00353456 of course once we have the modeling vSPedOwpKKy-00926-00353457-00353876 operator that's the first step but you vSPedOwpKKy-00927-00353877-00354235 know the next step was in the past often vSPedOwpKKy-00928-00354236-00354494 trying to invert the modeling and do vSPedOwpKKy-00929-00354495-00354743 inversion now we have the additional vSPedOwpKKy-00930-00354744-00354923 option of doing instead of inversion vSPedOwpKKy-00931-00354924-00355378 doing processing which is conjugating vSPedOwpKKy-00932-00355379-00355946 conjugate transpose the modeling and so vSPedOwpKKy-00933-00355947-00356168 that's that's where we get this idea of vSPedOwpKKy-00934-00356169-00356516 processing versus inversion again number vSPedOwpKKy-00935-00356517-00356786 two the conjugate program is going to be vSPedOwpKKy-00936-00356787-00357010 very similar to the modeling program and vSPedOwpKKy-00937-00357011-00357341 we can verify quite easily just by vSPedOwpKKy-00938-00357342-00357674 making forward and conjugate to vSPedOwpKKy-00939-00357675-00357917 calculations on on random or real vSPedOwpKKy-00940-00357918-00358331 datasets we can verify easily you know vSPedOwpKKy-00941-00358332-00358667 to six digits that we've got the correct vSPedOwpKKy-00942-00358668-00359060 conjugate in a least squares in verse vSPedOwpKKy-00943-00359061-00359330 number three the conjugate transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00944-00359331-00359555 operator does most of the work the vSPedOwpKKy-00945-00359556-00359909 inversion only adds some amplitude vSPedOwpKKy-00946-00359910-00360272 scaling okay now it doesn't of course vSPedOwpKKy-00947-00360273-00360616 it's not a uniform amplitude scaling but vSPedOwpKKy-00948-00360617-00361064 you know it's uh there's a lot of vSPedOwpKKy-00949-00361065-00361766 aspects about the you know where the the vSPedOwpKKy-00950-00361767-00361919 null space of the model is where the vSPedOwpKKy-00951-00361920-00362132 inconsistent data are all of those vSPedOwpKKy-00952-00362133-00362708 aspects are you know really contained in vSPedOwpKKy-00953-00362709-00362993 the in the conjugate transpose operator vSPedOwpKKy-00954-00362994-00363401 and of course they cause trouble in the vSPedOwpKKy-00955-00363402-00363929 inverse and they can lead the iterative vSPedOwpKKy-00956-00363930-00364439 inverse to blow up but you know really vSPedOwpKKy-00957-00364440-00364553 most of the work and most of the vSPedOwpKKy-00958-00364554-00364708 problems are right there in the vSPedOwpKKy-00959-00364709-00365027 conjugate transpose operator and the vSPedOwpKKy-00960-00365028-00365375 inversion if we can get it is is just vSPedOwpKKy-00961-00365376-00365828 some scaling now for unitary operators vSPedOwpKKy-00962-00365829-00366077 the conjugate transpose equals the vSPedOwpKKy-00963-00366078-00366335 inverse and of course the Fourier vSPedOwpKKy-00964-00366336-00366928 transform is unitary now simple mapping vSPedOwpKKy-00965-00366929-00367318 exercises and examples illustrate that vSPedOwpKKy-00966-00367319-00367634 such as nmo illustrate where we will vSPedOwpKKy-00967-00367635-00367919 find our inconsistent data and our model vSPedOwpKKy-00968-00367920-00368312 null spaces and operator partitioning vSPedOwpKKy-00969-00368313-00368594 overcomes some singularity inconsistency vSPedOwpKKy-00970-00368595-00368852 and no models by finding pseudo unitary vSPedOwpKKy-00971-00368853-00369146 operators and their pseudo inverses okay vSPedOwpKKy-00972-00369147-00369371 and sudha unitary and pseudo inverse vSPedOwpKKy-00973-00369372-00369869 combinations are i dint okay yeah you vSPedOwpKKy-00974-00369870-00370085 lose something when you apply the pair vSPedOwpKKy-00975-00370086-00370355 of them but at least you only you lose vSPedOwpKKy-00976-00370356-00371101 it once so in a in a iterative fashion vSPedOwpKKy-00977-00371102-00371512 you you at least can limit your losses vSPedOwpKKy-00978-00371513-00371873 all right we're going to go on now to vSPedOwpKKy-00979-00371874-00372347 some examples the last couple lectures vSPedOwpKKy-00980-00372348-00372689 in this class are going to be a comedy vSPedOwpKKy-00981-00372690-00373271 pation of the examples of where we we vSPedOwpKKy-00982-00373272-00373651 take these operator concepts you know vSPedOwpKKy-00983-00373652-00374004 unitary conjugate transpose vSPedOwpKKy-00984-00374005-00374458 invertibility what we find in the in the vSPedOwpKKy-00985-00374459-00374693 data and what's invertible in the data vSPedOwpKKy-00986-00374694-00375047 what's invertible in the model and we're vSPedOwpKKy-00987-00375048-00375178 going to apply that to the to the vSPedOwpKKy-00988-00375179-00375398 problem of migration talking about these vSPedOwpKKy-00989-00375399-00375719 squares migration you know iterative vSPedOwpKKy-00990-00375720-00376029 migration reverse time migration and vSPedOwpKKy-00991-00376030-00376402 these topics considering that we're vSPedOwpKKy-00992-00376403-00376691 focusing this year on on imaging and vSPedOwpKKy-00993-00376692-00376946 migration vTKqe0uhcBu-00000-00000039-00000311 hi this is a brief overview of an a vTKqe0uhcBu-00001-00000312-00000582 database called gale academic one file vTKqe0uhcBu-00002-00000583-00000831 this is a great resource for vTKqe0uhcBu-00003-00000832-00001054 uh your projects that you may have vTKqe0uhcBu-00004-00001055-00001247 research assignments for vTKqe0uhcBu-00005-00001248-00001343 um vTKqe0uhcBu-00006-00001344-00001511 we'll take a look at it so we're on the vTKqe0uhcBu-00007-00001512-00001718 college of alameda home page if you vTKqe0uhcBu-00008-00001719-00001902 select library go to the library vTKqe0uhcBu-00009-00001903-00002151 homepage vTKqe0uhcBu-00010-00002152-00002367 if i scroll down a bit you'll see how vTKqe0uhcBu-00011-00002368-00002607 you can chat with a librarian vTKqe0uhcBu-00012-00002608-00002775 the library catalog vTKqe0uhcBu-00013-00002776-00002991 and then article databases so this is vTKqe0uhcBu-00014-00002992-00003158 one article database that you have vTKqe0uhcBu-00015-00003159-00003343 access to as a college of alameda vTKqe0uhcBu-00016-00003344-00003454 student vTKqe0uhcBu-00017-00003455-00003670 i'm going to scroll down a bit vTKqe0uhcBu-00018-00003671-00003927 and there is gale academic one file vTKqe0uhcBu-00019-00003928-00004406 select so i'm going to select this vTKqe0uhcBu-00020-00004407-00004615 you may be prompted to log in with your vTKqe0uhcBu-00021-00004616-00004886 peralta user id and password so after vTKqe0uhcBu-00022-00004887-00005063 you do that this is what it will look vTKqe0uhcBu-00023-00005064-00005367 like vTKqe0uhcBu-00024-00005368-00005511 you know if you're looking for social vTKqe0uhcBu-00025-00005512-00005718 justice issues you can put social vTKqe0uhcBu-00026-00005719-00005895 justice in quotes and it will look for vTKqe0uhcBu-00027-00005896-00006079 that whole string of text vTKqe0uhcBu-00028-00006080-00006302 or perhaps vTKqe0uhcBu-00029-00006303-00006527 an article that has the word equality vTKqe0uhcBu-00030-00006528-00006703 somewhere in the text so this is a vTKqe0uhcBu-00031-00006704-00007167 search that will bring those up vTKqe0uhcBu-00032-00007168-00007406 and we can take a look at what's here vTKqe0uhcBu-00033-00007408-00007646 you can sort by relevance vTKqe0uhcBu-00034-00007647-00008078 or publication year vTKqe0uhcBu-00035-00008079-00008255 on the right hand side you have options vTKqe0uhcBu-00036-00008256-00008483 to filter your vTKqe0uhcBu-00037-00008484-00008799 results you can limit to peer-reviewed vTKqe0uhcBu-00038-00008800-00009391 or scholarly journals vTKqe0uhcBu-00039-00009392-00011510 and we can take a look at some of these vTKqe0uhcBu-00040-00011511-00011710 so at the top you have the journal that vTKqe0uhcBu-00041-00011711-00011919 it's published in vTKqe0uhcBu-00042-00011920-00012167 the authors vTKqe0uhcBu-00043-00012168-00012470 year of publication vTKqe0uhcBu-00044-00012471-00012655 and then here is a brief abstract vTKqe0uhcBu-00045-00012656-00013086 describing what this article is about vTKqe0uhcBu-00046-00013087-00013271 keywords vTKqe0uhcBu-00047-00013272-00013366 and then vTKqe0uhcBu-00048-00013368-00013591 if this looks good you can print it you vTKqe0uhcBu-00049-00013591-00013766 can download it you can email it to vTKqe0uhcBu-00050-00013768-00013879 yourself vTKqe0uhcBu-00051-00013880-00014071 send it to microsoft onedrive or google vTKqe0uhcBu-00052-00014072-00014158 drive vTKqe0uhcBu-00053-00014159-00014535 you can also listen to this article vTKqe0uhcBu-00054-00014536-00014775 and you can translate it into different vTKqe0uhcBu-00055-00014776-00015383 languages vTKqe0uhcBu-00056-00015384-00015638 so this is a great resource it has vTKqe0uhcBu-00057-00015640-00015903 more than 8 000 vTKqe0uhcBu-00058-00015904-00016199 journals in the full text so the actual vTKqe0uhcBu-00059-00016200-00016311 articles vTKqe0uhcBu-00060-00016312-00016519 and there's a lot of good stuff in here vTKqe0uhcBu-00061-00016520-00016671 at the bottom you have options for vTKqe0uhcBu-00062-00016672-00016855 creating a citation vTKqe0uhcBu-00063-00016856-00017047 in mla or apa vTKqe0uhcBu-00064-00017048-00017207 styled whichever your assignment vTKqe0uhcBu-00065-00017208-00017607 requires vTKqe0uhcBu-00066-00017608-00017783 so i hope that's helpful as always if vTKqe0uhcBu-00067-00017784-00017999 you have questions reach out to us we're vTKqe0uhcBu-00068-00018000-00018135 always happy to help vTKqe0uhcBu-00069-00018136-00018383 and we look forward to talking with you vTKqe0uhcBu-00070-00018384-00018687 take care thanks vc0VyrAbXfk-00000-00000000-00000311 live joe and my beautiful wife anna here vc0VyrAbXfk-00001-00000312-00000559 guess where we're at the lost world of vc0VyrAbXfk-00002-00000560-00000815 atlanta's check it out behind us vc0VyrAbXfk-00003-00000816-00001183 there is atlantis right there in dubai vc0VyrAbXfk-00004-00001184-00001591 yeah so lots of high-tech required on vc0VyrAbXfk-00005-00001592-00001798 this live vc0VyrAbXfk-00006-00001800-00001975 but we thought we'd give it a go because vc0VyrAbXfk-00007-00001976-00002191 it's our live well a little bit earlier vc0VyrAbXfk-00008-00002192-00002342 than our normal live time vc0VyrAbXfk-00009-00002343-00002495 but what we want to talk to you guys vc0VyrAbXfk-00010-00002496-00002710 today from dubai vc0VyrAbXfk-00011-00002711-00003023 from atlanta's here is um the video that vc0VyrAbXfk-00012-00003024-00003222 anastasia did on the streets of sumi vc0VyrAbXfk-00013-00003223-00003415 yesterday did you guys check that out vc0VyrAbXfk-00014-00003415-00003631 um if you haven't seen it well what vc0VyrAbXfk-00015-00003632-00003903 anastasia did is she hit the streets vc0VyrAbXfk-00016-00003904-00004086 and she asked the ukrainian ladies what vc0VyrAbXfk-00017-00004087-00004279 do you think about marriage agencies vc0VyrAbXfk-00018-00004280-00004615 and guys this is one of the biggest keys vc0VyrAbXfk-00019-00004616-00004783 to your success you need to know the vc0VyrAbXfk-00020-00004784-00005022 honest answer to this question vc0VyrAbXfk-00021-00005023-00005231 so it will help you fish in the right vc0VyrAbXfk-00022-00005232-00005391 pond in ukraine because vc0VyrAbXfk-00023-00005392-00005647 really the reason most guys fail in vc0VyrAbXfk-00024-00005648-00005838 ukraine is you're fishing in the wrong vc0VyrAbXfk-00025-00005839-00005927 pond vc0VyrAbXfk-00026-00005928-00006238 okay so uh that video link is in the vc0VyrAbXfk-00027-00006239-00006334 description below vc0VyrAbXfk-00028-00006335-00006463 this video you definitely want to go vc0VyrAbXfk-00029-00006464-00006742 check that out and what else we want oh vc0VyrAbXfk-00030-00006743-00006959 yeah we want to tell you vc0VyrAbXfk-00031-00006959-00007278 three super way cool facts about dubai vc0VyrAbXfk-00032-00007279-00007431 that are going to blow your mind vc0VyrAbXfk-00033-00007431-00007519 you want to hit him with the first one vc0VyrAbXfk-00034-00007520-00007631 huh vc0VyrAbXfk-00035-00007631-00007767 [Music] vc0VyrAbXfk-00036-00007768-00008119 yes okay well you remember yeah vc0VyrAbXfk-00037-00008120-00008455 okay go for it 40 of gold vc0VyrAbXfk-00038-00008456-00008807 which all people buy all over the around vc0VyrAbXfk-00039-00008808-00008903 the world vc0VyrAbXfk-00040-00008904-00009074 40 percent is vc0VyrAbXfk-00041-00009075-00009246 [Music] vc0VyrAbXfk-00042-00009247-00009591 buy by citizen or no resident vc0VyrAbXfk-00043-00009592-00009919 of dubai yeah so gold 40 of all the gold vc0VyrAbXfk-00044-00009920-00010063 in the world is owned by vc0VyrAbXfk-00045-00010064-00010342 dubai residents okay is this a lot of vc0VyrAbXfk-00046-00010343-00010574 money or what it's crazy the money here vc0VyrAbXfk-00047-00010575-00010806 okay my personal favorite okay the vc0VyrAbXfk-00048-00010807-00010959 standard issue cop cars vc0VyrAbXfk-00049-00010960-00011310 in dubai ferrari lamborghini vc0VyrAbXfk-00050-00011311-00011614 or bentley you have your choice suddenly vc0VyrAbXfk-00051-00011615-00011823 i find myself thinking hmm maybe i want vc0VyrAbXfk-00052-00011824-00011967 to become a cop vc0VyrAbXfk-00053-00011968-00012183 it was actually my first career choice vc0VyrAbXfk-00054-00012184-00012374 uh because my dad was a cop vc0VyrAbXfk-00055-00012375-00012894 um okay and what what what vc0VyrAbXfk-00056-00012895-00013143 oh yeah how would you like to pay how vc0VyrAbXfk-00057-00013144-00013327 much would you pay vc0VyrAbXfk-00058-00013328-00013711 for the license plate g5 vc0VyrAbXfk-00059-00013712-00013958 yeah g5 on your plate what would you pay vc0VyrAbXfk-00060-00013959-00014127 for that can i have a bid for vc0VyrAbXfk-00061-00014128-00014343 one million dollars anybody anybody one vc0VyrAbXfk-00062-00014344-00014543 now two and it'd be two three four five vc0VyrAbXfk-00063-00014544-00014863 nine was it nine or seven nine million vc0VyrAbXfk-00064-00014863-00014991 dollars for the plate vc0VyrAbXfk-00065-00014991-00015286 g5 the shorter yeah the shortest of vc0VyrAbXfk-00066-00015287-00015438 course the most expensive vc0VyrAbXfk-00067-00015440-00015743 so i've never seen money in the world vc0VyrAbXfk-00068-00015744-00015871 like in dubai it's just vc0VyrAbXfk-00069-00015872-00016038 crazy i mean can you imagine if you got vc0VyrAbXfk-00070-00016040-00016311 that kind of pocket change to buy a um vc0VyrAbXfk-00071-00016312-00016663 a vanity plate g5 okay vc0VyrAbXfk-00072-00016664-00016863 and what about marriage agency oh yeah vc0VyrAbXfk-00073-00016864-00017103 they're illegal marriage agencies are vc0VyrAbXfk-00074-00017104-00017207 illegal vc0VyrAbXfk-00075-00017208-00017527 as are flying drones ask me how i know vc0VyrAbXfk-00076-00017528-00017830 that just about it got arrested earlier vc0VyrAbXfk-00077-00017831-00017879 today vc0VyrAbXfk-00078-00017880-00018094 okay so guys this is going to be a vc0VyrAbXfk-00079-00018095-00018214 little bit of a short one vc0VyrAbXfk-00080-00018215-00018422 feel free to ask your questions there in vc0VyrAbXfk-00081-00018423-00018630 chat um vc0VyrAbXfk-00082-00018631-00018991 and basically yeah we wanted to vc0VyrAbXfk-00083-00018992-00019199 uh chat with you guys okay i see a vc0VyrAbXfk-00084-00019200-00019367 question uh vc0VyrAbXfk-00085-00019368-00019630 i see a question why why do ukrainian vc0VyrAbXfk-00086-00019631-00019750 girls vc0VyrAbXfk-00087-00019751-00019975 don't trust marriage agencies and why vc0VyrAbXfk-00088-00019976-00020071 don't you answer that question i've vc0VyrAbXfk-00089-00020072-00020286 answered it so many times vc0VyrAbXfk-00090-00020287-00020647 um basically because all beautiful vc0VyrAbXfk-00091-00020648-00020975 ukrainian lady at some time they were vc0VyrAbXfk-00092-00020976-00021222 invited to join marriage agency vc0VyrAbXfk-00093-00021223-00021543 but not as a with the purpose to find vc0VyrAbXfk-00094-00021544-00021639 their love vc0VyrAbXfk-00095-00021640-00021886 but with the purpose to make money and vc0VyrAbXfk-00096-00021887-00022014 because of that vc0VyrAbXfk-00097-00022015-00022335 they know how bad agencies and then vc0VyrAbXfk-00098-00022336-00022550 don't want to be a part of this camp vc0VyrAbXfk-00099-00022551-00022711 basically vc0VyrAbXfk-00100-00022712-00022983 so some of them would like to join to vc0VyrAbXfk-00101-00022984-00023086 meet their half vc0VyrAbXfk-00102-00023087-00023375 but because they know that it's it vc0VyrAbXfk-00103-00023376-00023494 doesn't connect it's vc0VyrAbXfk-00104-00023495-00023735 about meeting their life so they prefer vc0VyrAbXfk-00105-00023736-00023847 to stay away from vc0VyrAbXfk-00106-00023848-00024158 places it basically happened to me one vc0VyrAbXfk-00107-00024159-00024527 lady it's not one time actually yeah she vc0VyrAbXfk-00108-00024528-00024839 just told me she's on my instagram see vc0VyrAbXfk-00109-00024840-00025030 i'm beautiful so she vc0VyrAbXfk-00110-00025031-00025239 offered me to join marriage agency and vc0VyrAbXfk-00111-00025240-00025478 they say okay this time i was single and vc0VyrAbXfk-00112-00025479-00025614 i asked her like vc0VyrAbXfk-00113-00025616-00025870 if i have opportunity to meet a you know vc0VyrAbXfk-00114-00025872-00025990 mentor to marry vc0VyrAbXfk-00115-00025991-00026343 and she said oh really vc0VyrAbXfk-00116-00026344-00026558 never nobody asked me about this okay i vc0VyrAbXfk-00117-00026560-00026670 will ask my boss vc0VyrAbXfk-00118-00026672-00026990 and then she vc0VyrAbXfk-00119-00026991-00027207 came back to me in two days and say vc0VyrAbXfk-00120-00027208-00027374 sorry we cannot help you vc0VyrAbXfk-00121-00027375-00027607 we like marriage agency but we didn't vc0VyrAbXfk-00122-00027608-00027783 accept those ladies we want vc0VyrAbXfk-00123-00027783-00027990 another ladies kind of ladies who wants vc0VyrAbXfk-00124-00027991-00028135 to make money vc0VyrAbXfk-00125-00028136-00028367 and i wasn't shocked you know because vc0VyrAbXfk-00126-00028368-00028551 they called marriage agency but they vc0VyrAbXfk-00127-00028552-00028774 have no nothing in common with you know vc0VyrAbXfk-00128-00028775-00028943 making couples vc0VyrAbXfk-00129-00028944-00029143 so it's true and you know good ladies vc0VyrAbXfk-00130-00029144-00029246 they basically vc0VyrAbXfk-00131-00029247-00029574 stay out of this kind of business and vc0VyrAbXfk-00132-00029575-00029783 the only way how they can join marriage vc0VyrAbXfk-00133-00029783-00030007 agency if they vc0VyrAbXfk-00134-00030008-00030311 know someone by the word of mouth vc0VyrAbXfk-00135-00030312-00030623 okay so one lady shared with her friends vc0VyrAbXfk-00136-00030624-00030911 how she got vc0VyrAbXfk-00137-00030912-00031214 she's just married recently we met our vc0VyrAbXfk-00138-00031216-00031446 couple which we recently created and she vc0VyrAbXfk-00139-00031447-00031527 said i invited vc0VyrAbXfk-00140-00031527-00031767 three of my friends you know they joined vc0VyrAbXfk-00141-00031768-00031902 the agency because vc0VyrAbXfk-00142-00031903-00032190 just just like that because of high vc0VyrAbXfk-00143-00032191-00032590 level trust you know vc0VyrAbXfk-00144-00032591-00033015 yeah and then the truth is that vc0VyrAbXfk-00145-00033016-00033215 bad ladies they're not interested in our vc0VyrAbXfk-00146-00033216-00033407 services and vc0VyrAbXfk-00147-00033408-00033695 good ladies if they they are lucky to vc0VyrAbXfk-00148-00033696-00033807 find us somehow vc0VyrAbXfk-00149-00033808-00034023 they're very happy that they can find vc0VyrAbXfk-00150-00034024-00034167 honest agency vc0VyrAbXfk-00151-00034168-00034479 who really have a purpose to you know vc0VyrAbXfk-00152-00034480-00034567 create a couple vc0VyrAbXfk-00153-00034568-00034887 they're very happy normally but they vc0VyrAbXfk-00154-00034888-00035143 meet this opportunity and they're very vc0VyrAbXfk-00155-00035144-00035359 happy to join vc0VyrAbXfk-00156-00035360-00035718 thank you honey i mean that is vc0VyrAbXfk-00157-00035719-00035911 the sweet way of putting it as my honey vc0VyrAbXfk-00158-00035912-00036095 always does but basically vc0VyrAbXfk-00159-00036096-00036239 it's what i've been saying since i vc0VyrAbXfk-00160-00036240-00036423 started my marriage agency vc0VyrAbXfk-00161-00036424-00036639 good girls do not come to marriage vc0VyrAbXfk-00162-00036640-00036799 agencies in ukraine vc0VyrAbXfk-00163-00036800-00037023 uh profound statement from a marriage vc0VyrAbXfk-00164-00037024-00037255 agency owner but it's the truth guys vc0VyrAbXfk-00165-00037256-00037423 that we only deliver you the truth vc0VyrAbXfk-00166-00037424-00037630 whether it helps us hurts us vc0VyrAbXfk-00167-00037631-00037871 doesn't matter uh there will always be a vc0VyrAbXfk-00168-00037872-00038046 need for our services vc0VyrAbXfk-00169-00038047-00038374 we know that because vc0VyrAbXfk-00170-00038375-00038607 it's not easy for you to find your other vc0VyrAbXfk-00171-00038608-00038807 half in ukraine that is the god's honest vc0VyrAbXfk-00172-00038808-00038983 truth vc0VyrAbXfk-00173-00038984-00039279 but i will say this your chances are a vc0VyrAbXfk-00174-00039280-00039615 lot better finding your good other half vc0VyrAbXfk-00175-00039616-00039790 on the streets of ukraine in a coffee vc0VyrAbXfk-00176-00039791-00040046 shop in a restaurant out and about vc0VyrAbXfk-00177-00040047-00040287 taking english lessons going to church vc0VyrAbXfk-00178-00040288-00040423 then it is vc0VyrAbXfk-00179-00040424-00040839 going to a social definitely uh vc0VyrAbXfk-00180-00040840-00041167 and um going to 95 vc0VyrAbXfk-00181-00041168-00041407 of marriage agencies so that's the vc0VyrAbXfk-00182-00041408-00041471 honest truth vc0VyrAbXfk-00183-00041472-00041671 and the reason that is is because what vc0VyrAbXfk-00184-00041672-00041862 anna just said is that vc0VyrAbXfk-00185-00041863-00042135 listen every beautiful woman in ukraine vc0VyrAbXfk-00186-00042136-00042279 has been at some point vc0VyrAbXfk-00187-00042280-00042495 in her life usually in her early 20s i vc0VyrAbXfk-00188-00042496-00042679 mean when she's the youngest and vc0VyrAbXfk-00189-00042680-00042862 most beautiful she's been propositioned vc0VyrAbXfk-00190-00042863-00043039 by a marriage agency to come vc0VyrAbXfk-00191-00043040-00043246 work and make money nothing about love vc0VyrAbXfk-00192-00043247-00043439 or finding your future other half right vc0VyrAbXfk-00193-00043440-00043687 so she knows that she has personal vc0VyrAbXfk-00194-00043688-00043758 experience vc0VyrAbXfk-00195-00043759-00044095 that it's just you know a racket so vc0VyrAbXfk-00196-00044096-00044495 that's why again our job vc0VyrAbXfk-00197-00044496-00044862 is difficult our job and your job which vc0VyrAbXfk-00198-00044863-00044927 is the same vc0VyrAbXfk-00199-00044928-00045095 and that is to find genuine vc0VyrAbXfk-00200-00045096-00045255 marriage-minded ladies in ukraine that vc0VyrAbXfk-00201-00045256-00045430 want to marry a foreigner vc0VyrAbXfk-00202-00045431-00045687 that's another big one right right yeah vc0VyrAbXfk-00203-00045688-00045790 it's it's not easy vc0VyrAbXfk-00204-00045791-00045990 because not too many ladies actually in vc0VyrAbXfk-00205-00045991-00046095 ukraine they're open vc0VyrAbXfk-00206-00046096-00046318 for to marry foreign many of them they vc0VyrAbXfk-00207-00046319-00046407 would prefer vc0VyrAbXfk-00208-00046408-00046735 to have marriage with the same culture vc0VyrAbXfk-00209-00046736-00047102 ukrainian man yeah and and vc0VyrAbXfk-00210-00047103-00047343 and guys watch the video that anastasia vc0VyrAbXfk-00211-00047344-00047511 just did she just hit the streets vc0VyrAbXfk-00212-00047512-00047735 i went live yesterday that link is in vc0VyrAbXfk-00213-00047736-00047839 the description below vc0VyrAbXfk-00214-00047840-00047974 and that was one of her questions would vc0VyrAbXfk-00215-00047975-00048143 you ever consider marrying a foreigner vc0VyrAbXfk-00216-00048144-00048271 or would you ever marry before vc0VyrAbXfk-00217-00048272-00048502 and see what they have to say because vc0VyrAbXfk-00218-00048503-00048590 the other vc0VyrAbXfk-00219-00048591-00048783 statistic it's hard to get a good stat vc0VyrAbXfk-00220-00048784-00049007 on this but basically it's around five vc0VyrAbXfk-00221-00049008-00049143 or seven percent vc0VyrAbXfk-00222-00049144-00049358 of um you know beautiful ukrainian vc0VyrAbXfk-00223-00049359-00049486 ladies would ever consider vc0VyrAbXfk-00224-00049487-00049807 consider marrying a foreigner so what vc0VyrAbXfk-00225-00049808-00049958 else did we want to talk about today vc0VyrAbXfk-00226-00049959-00050286 guys we have a really cool vc0VyrAbXfk-00227-00050287-00050483 uh well it's kind of like a vc0VyrAbXfk-00228-00050484-00050615 pre-announcement vc0VyrAbXfk-00229-00050616-00050935 something coming up it's almost vc0VyrAbXfk-00230-00050936-00051167 inked this deal but it's not totally and vc0VyrAbXfk-00231-00051168-00051358 that is a reality tv vc0VyrAbXfk-00232-00051359-00051742 show featuring max guarantee called vc0VyrAbXfk-00233-00051744-00052070 who wants to marry a foreigner vc0VyrAbXfk-00234-00052071-00052463 okay and um yeah it would be vc0VyrAbXfk-00235-00052464-00052766 a bachelor type show featuring uh vc0VyrAbXfk-00236-00052767-00052975 match guaranteed client and match vc0VyrAbXfk-00237-00052976-00053111 guarantee ladies vc0VyrAbXfk-00238-00053112-00053359 so more on that coming up and uh you vc0VyrAbXfk-00239-00053360-00053423 guys vc0VyrAbXfk-00240-00053424-00053671 we're going to open up the floodgates to vc0VyrAbXfk-00241-00053672-00053854 accept uh vc0VyrAbXfk-00242-00053855-00054087 yeah helicopter uh billionaire checking vc0VyrAbXfk-00243-00054088-00054166 out uh vc0VyrAbXfk-00244-00054167-00054382 the castle here uh we're gonna open up vc0VyrAbXfk-00245-00054383-00054630 the floodgates to accepting contestants vc0VyrAbXfk-00246-00054632-00054854 for the reality tv show and i can vc0VyrAbXfk-00247-00054855-00054942 promise you this vc0VyrAbXfk-00248-00054944-00055079 i'm not sure if the whole thing is going vc0VyrAbXfk-00249-00055079-00055303 to be pro bono but at least your 8 000 vc0VyrAbXfk-00250-00055304-00055487 mass guarantee fee it's going to be on vc0VyrAbXfk-00251-00055488-00055630 us so you definitely vc0VyrAbXfk-00252-00055632-00055742 want to if you haven't already vc0VyrAbXfk-00253-00055744-00055959 subscribed to the channel and hit the vc0VyrAbXfk-00254-00055960-00056126 bell icon so you won't miss vc0VyrAbXfk-00255-00056127-00056407 when we open up the gates on contestants vc0VyrAbXfk-00256-00056408-00056582 to apply for that vc0VyrAbXfk-00257-00056583-00056854 so uh the sun is setting here should we vc0VyrAbXfk-00258-00056855-00057103 show them the sunset huh vc0VyrAbXfk-00259-00057104-00057766 it's beautiful wow stunning huh vc0VyrAbXfk-00260-00057767-00058094 so any any more questions uh as we let vc0VyrAbXfk-00261-00058095-00058191 you go here vc0VyrAbXfk-00262-00058191-00058591 from atlantis dubai vc0VyrAbXfk-00263-00058591-00058887 okay guys we will catch you um you vc0VyrAbXfk-00264-00058888-00058982 definitely want to catch vc0VyrAbXfk-00265-00058983-00059207 the upcoming uh live stream it's been vc0VyrAbXfk-00266-00059208-00059359 delayed a bit because it's a very big vc0VyrAbXfk-00267-00059360-00059471 project it's called vc0VyrAbXfk-00268-00059472-00059815 online dating scam hack vc0VyrAbXfk-00269-00059816-00060047 i'm really passionate about this project vc0VyrAbXfk-00270-00060048-00060223 it is a project that's going to involve vc0VyrAbXfk-00271-00060224-00060438 you guys like you guys that have been vc0VyrAbXfk-00272-00060439-00060582 scammed by the various on-site vc0VyrAbXfk-00273-00060583-00060975 online dating site scams the ppl scams vc0VyrAbXfk-00274-00060976-00061079 for the most part vc0VyrAbXfk-00275-00061079-00061279 and the reason i'm excited about that vc0VyrAbXfk-00276-00061279-00061391 this is because vc0VyrAbXfk-00277-00061391-00061654 all you guys that are being scammed on vc0VyrAbXfk-00278-00061655-00061742 ppl vc0VyrAbXfk-00279-00061744-00062015 it's going to become so obvious that vc0VyrAbXfk-00280-00062016-00062223 you're being scammed it's a little hack vc0VyrAbXfk-00281-00062224-00062391 that's very easy to do and it's going to vc0VyrAbXfk-00282-00062391-00062575 tell you unequivocally vc0VyrAbXfk-00283-00062576-00062791 that you're being scammed and vc0VyrAbXfk-00284-00062791-00062935 graphically and you're going to know vc0VyrAbXfk-00285-00062936-00063079 beyond the shadow of a doubt that you're vc0VyrAbXfk-00286-00063079-00063406 being scammed once and for all so you vc0VyrAbXfk-00287-00063407-00063615 can then liberate yourself cut the vc0VyrAbXfk-00288-00063616-00063759 threads and vc0VyrAbXfk-00289-00063760-00063959 enter over into the pool of the real vc0VyrAbXfk-00290-00063960-00064166 world in ukraine where you can meet vc0VyrAbXfk-00291-00064167-00064438 an incredibly beautiful and amazing vc0VyrAbXfk-00292-00064439-00064575 traditional values woman vc0VyrAbXfk-00293-00064576-00064935 that's real that's going to show up vc0VyrAbXfk-00294-00064936-00065071 at your dinner dating heave when you vc0VyrAbXfk-00295-00065072-00065247 invite her out okay so vc0VyrAbXfk-00296-00065248-00065399 that's coming up we're asking for vc0VyrAbXfk-00297-00065400-00065550 involvement from you guys vc0VyrAbXfk-00298-00065551-00065775 so any guys that want to participate in vc0VyrAbXfk-00299-00065776-00065855 this vc0VyrAbXfk-00300-00065856-00066167 let's say you've been scammed by vc0VyrAbXfk-00301-00066168-00066494 ppl site you would take on that project vc0VyrAbXfk-00302-00066495-00066791 that site and you would employ the scam vc0VyrAbXfk-00303-00066792-00066863 hack vc0VyrAbXfk-00304-00066864-00066982 and then you would share the results vc0VyrAbXfk-00305-00066983-00067094 with everybody it's going to be a very vc0VyrAbXfk-00306-00067095-00067255 much a collaborative effort vc0VyrAbXfk-00307-00067256-00067487 effort so all of the big sites we're vc0VyrAbXfk-00308-00067488-00067575 probably going to hit vc0VyrAbXfk-00309-00067576-00067799 20 30 websites of the big big ones vc0VyrAbXfk-00310-00067800-00067894 anyway vc0VyrAbXfk-00311-00067895-00068079 and you guys are welcome to nominate vc0VyrAbXfk-00312-00068080-00068263 sites as well right in the description vc0VyrAbXfk-00313-00068264-00068375 below or go to vc0VyrAbXfk-00314-00068376-00068559 community on our youtube channel and you vc0VyrAbXfk-00315-00068560-00068703 can see a survey there vc0VyrAbXfk-00316-00068704-00068855 and you can see all the sites that we're vc0VyrAbXfk-00317-00068856-00069103 going to tackle and then a lot more so vc0VyrAbXfk-00318-00069104-00069326 that's it for now so definitely guys you vc0VyrAbXfk-00319-00069327-00069503 don't want to miss out on that vc0VyrAbXfk-00320-00069504-00069759 click the subscribe button the bell icon vc0VyrAbXfk-00321-00069760-00069919 so we'll notify you when we go vc0VyrAbXfk-00322-00069920-00070111 live on that which will be within the vc0VyrAbXfk-00323-00070112-00070294 next week or two vc0VyrAbXfk-00324-00070295-00070606 anything else okay bye from vc0VyrAbXfk-00325-00070607-00070935 atlantis safe stay safe yeah vc0VyrAbXfk-00326-00070936-00071247 and life continues vc0VyrAbXfk-00327-00071248-00071526 yes enjoy life hey don't let corona ruin vc0VyrAbXfk-00328-00071527-00071606 it too much vc0VyrAbXfk-00330-00074663-00074872 you veoHSwFjid0-00000-00000003-00000308 a current sensor as a device that veoHSwFjid0-00001-00000309-00000536 detects electric current in a wire and veoHSwFjid0-00002-00000537-00000782 generates a signal proportional to that veoHSwFjid0-00003-00000783-00001082 current the generated signal could be veoHSwFjid0-00004-00001083-00001337 analog voltage or current or even a veoHSwFjid0-00005-00001338-00001682 digital output the generated signal can veoHSwFjid0-00006-00001682-00001882 be then used to display the measured veoHSwFjid0-00007-00001884-00002099 current in an ammeter or can be stored veoHSwFjid0-00008-00002100-00002302 for further analysis in a data veoHSwFjid0-00009-00002303-00002555 acquisition system or can be used for veoHSwFjid0-00010-00002556-00002716 the purpose of control veoHSwFjid0-00011-00002717-00003034 the sensed current and the output signal veoHSwFjid0-00012-00003035-00003533 can be alternating current input analog veoHSwFjid0-00013-00003534-00003781 output which duplicates the wave shape veoHSwFjid0-00014-00003782-00004013 of the sensed current veoHSwFjid0-00015-00004014-00004280 bipolar output which duplicates the wave veoHSwFjid0-00016-00004281-00004604 shape of the sensed current unipolar veoHSwFjid0-00017-00004605-00004832 output which is proportional to the veoHSwFjid0-00018-00004833-00005096 average or RMS value of the sensed veoHSwFjid0-00019-00005097-00005304 current veoHSwFjid0-00020-00005305-00005711 direct-current input unipolar with a veoHSwFjid0-00021-00005712-00005972 unipolar output which duplicates the veoHSwFjid0-00022-00005973-00006275 wave shape of the sensed current digital veoHSwFjid0-00023-00006276-00006521 output which switches when the sensed veoHSwFjid0-00024-00006522-00007176 current exceeds a certain threshold veoHSwFjid0-00025-00007177-00007744 topic Technologies veoHSwFjid0-00026-00007745-00008039 Hall effect sensor veoHSwFjid0-00027-00008040-00008274 transformer or current clamp meter veoHSwFjid0-00028-00008275-00008691 suitable for AC current only fluxgate veoHSwFjid0-00029-00008692-00009003 transformer type suitable for AC or DC veoHSwFjid0-00030-00009004-00009375 current resistor whose voltage is veoHSwFjid0-00031-00009376-00009567 directly proportional to the current veoHSwFjid0-00032-00009568-00009692 through it veoHSwFjid0-00033-00009693-00009999 fiber-optic current sensor using an veoHSwFjid0-00034-00010000-00010191 interferometer to measure the phase veoHSwFjid0-00035-00010192-00010385 change in the light produced by a veoHSwFjid0-00036-00010386-00010824 magnetic field Rogowski coil electrical veoHSwFjid0-00037-00010825-00011064 device for measuring alternating current veoHSwFjid0-00038-00011065-00011388 AC or high speed current pulses the Hall veoHSwFjid0-00039-00011389-00011585 effect current sensor as a type of veoHSwFjid0-00040-00011586-00011810 current sensor which is based on the veoHSwFjid0-00041-00011811-00012033 Hall effect phenomenon discovered by veoHSwFjid0-00042-00012034-00012516 Edwin Hall in 1879 Hall effect current veoHSwFjid0-00043-00012517-00012756 sensors can measure all types of current veoHSwFjid0-00044-00012757-00013251 signals ie ac/dc or pulsating current veoHSwFjid0-00045-00013252-00013466 these sensors are currently being used veoHSwFjid0-00046-00013468-00013731 widely in many industries because of veoHSwFjid0-00047-00013732-00013947 their vast applications and the type of veoHSwFjid0-00048-00013947-00014144 output they provide which can be veoHSwFjid0-00049-00014146-00014376 manipulated and can be used for various veoHSwFjid0-00050-00014377-00014630 application veoHSwFjid0-00051-00014631-00014999 you veoHSwFjid0-00052-00015000-00015563 topic see also veoHSwFjid0-00053-00015563-00016066 current shunt list of sensors current veoHSwFjid0-00054-00016068-00016369 sensing techniques vhDy-HyigIc-00001-00017681-00018738 what they can make vhDy-HyigIc-00002-00018739-00019244 goodbye vhDy-HyigIc-00003-00019245-00020744 Oh vhDy-HyigIc-00004-00020745-00021613 how about you vhDy-HyigIc-00005-00021614-00022461 in classic is vhDy-HyigIc-00006-00022462-00024775 intruder and what do I mean vhDy-HyigIc-00007-00024776-00027280 there's many like maybe vhDy-HyigIc-00009-00036509-00036748 got some system of vhDy-HyigIc-00010-00036749-00038706 around vhDy-HyigIc-00011-00038707-00038911 because you never touch them if they vhDy-HyigIc-00012-00038912-00039243 can't talk you talk to them are you hurt vhDy-HyigIc-00013-00039244-00039496 can you move your body you know things vhDy-HyigIc-00014-00039497-00039628 like that if you're talking and you need vhDy-HyigIc-00015-00039629-00039937 them vhDy-HyigIc-00016-00039938-00040108 in dementia damages if they're vhDy-HyigIc-00017-00040109-00040299 unconscious and they're not breathing vhDy-HyigIc-00018-00040300-00040595 then you can move them because by law vhDy-HyigIc-00019-00040596-00040686 international vhDy-HyigIc-00020-00040687-00040896 because their lady not breathing there vhDy-HyigIc-00021-00040897-00041168 look like you're dying I first have to vhDy-HyigIc-00023-00044449-00044718 yesh only of the smarter you get this vhDy-HyigIc-00024-00044719-00044895 one I can't see you at all vhDy-HyigIc-00025-00044896-00046315 national filmography seniority logic vhDy-HyigIc-00026-00046316-00047031 okay vhDy-HyigIc-00027-00047032-00047883 dialectal vhDy-HyigIc-00028-00047884-00049080 my secrecy vhDy-HyigIc-00029-00049081-00049728 wrong vhDy-HyigIc-00030-00049729-00050261 let's figure I don't care see what else vhDy-HyigIc-00031-00050262-00050660 mr. dvorak I put the paprika is very vhDy-HyigIc-00032-00050661-00051383 Nick appeals Parker died getting vhDy-HyigIc-00033-00051384-00051857 some sunshine is when you get both you vhDy-HyigIc-00034-00051858-00052405 will find out just fine but you know vhDy-HyigIc-00035-00052407-00053811 nature doesn't ask about my wish vhDy-HyigIc-00036-00053812-00054702 oh yeah vhDy-HyigIc-00037-00054703-00055126 like you go vhDy-HyigIc-00038-00055127-00055450 everything fake in Japan yes my sitter vhDy-HyigIc-00039-00055451-00055830 sitting your girlfriend these Chinese vhDy-HyigIc-00040-00055832-00056103 Taiwanese know vhDy-HyigIc-00041-00056104-00056457 no no no no train it's not fairness so vhDy-HyigIc-00042-00056458-00056790 what game is our last name was like vhDy-HyigIc-00043-00056791-00057225 Chinese death ah no no don't tell ethics vhDy-HyigIc-00044-00057226-00058916 over there vhDy-HyigIc-00045-00058916-00059203 Samuel in penalties vhDy-HyigIc-00046-00059204-00059910 localized religious Oh vhDy-HyigIc-00047-00059911-00061482 right vhDy-HyigIc-00048-00061483-00062072 so we don't stop before next time we vhDy-HyigIc-00049-00062073-00062444 went we stopped next time after we go vhDy-HyigIc-00050-00062445-00063512 after we go and finish and result stuff vhDy-HyigIc-00051-00063513-00065699 anymore vhDy-HyigIc-00052-00065700-00066175 okay well it's okay vhDy-HyigIc-00053-00066176-00066484 that gets the minister madam sir vhDy-HyigIc-00054-00066485-00067434 you good vhDy-HyigIc-00055-00067435-00067719 when your father's about another that's vhDy-HyigIc-00056-00067720-00068290 the punishment muy divertido usually say vhDy-HyigIc-00057-00068291-00068526 well this is tremendous source of vhDy-HyigIc-00058-00068527-00069190 Sacramento they should listen vhDy-HyigIc-00059-00069191-00069730 yeah well Elise Elise we shall study vhDy-HyigIc-00060-00069731-00070295 with stylus vhDy-HyigIc-00061-00070296-00070909 no on the auto supply though vhDy-HyigIc-00062-00070910-00071254 run it don't go for this so I look at vhDy-HyigIc-00063-00071255-00072133 the Peter tea green tea I see vhDy-HyigIc-00064-00072134-00072385 de la noche my rosin is elegant I'm not vhDy-HyigIc-00065-00072386-00072931 a traitor vhDy-HyigIc-00066-00072932-00073678 it vhDy-HyigIc-00067-00073679-00074020 so yeah so again the medicine American vhDy-HyigIc-00068-00074021-00074250 astronauts Monday is a sandwich that vhDy-HyigIc-00069-00074251-00075339 tastes or en3 mcduck family Martinez vhDy-HyigIc-00070-00075340-00075603 Oh three to the monomyth Atsuko cynic vhDy-HyigIc-00071-00075604-00075792 acquittal is a bike as dislodge the vhDy-HyigIc-00072-00075793-00076188 latest Ronnie which inability that's not vhDy-HyigIc-00073-00076189-00076446 the mother secretly but mistook a biker vhDy-HyigIc-00074-00076447-00076710 which aspires emotional stuff the odds vhDy-HyigIc-00075-00076711-00076914 of Krishna anatomically done the knish vhDy-HyigIc-00076-00076915-00077277 depression so does the aiccm vhNib3XioN4-00000-00000029-00000096 foreign vhNib3XioN4-00002-00003557-00005605 foreign vhNib3XioN4-00003-00005606-00006989 [Music] vhNib3XioN4-00004-00006990-00008113 foreign vhNib3XioN4-00005-00008114-00009906 [Music] vjRUaVZj9dy-00000-00000000-00000005 [Music] vjRUaVZj9dy-00001-00000006-00000164 what's going on guys it's Omni arkin vjRUaVZj9dy-00002-00000165-00000311 today I'm bringing you a brand new video vjRUaVZj9dy-00003-00000312-00000437 where I'm gonna be talking about how you vjRUaVZj9dy-00004-00000438-00001427 can grow your YouTube channel now I know vjRUaVZj9dy-00005-00001428-00001670 a lot of you are probably new here but vjRUaVZj9dy-00006-00001671-00001882 my channel has been around since 2014 vjRUaVZj9dy-00007-00001884-00002150 and even before that I have had all the vjRUaVZj9dy-00008-00002151-00002345 channels on this platform and over the vjRUaVZj9dy-00009-00002346-00002509 years right that's a long time for this vjRUaVZj9dy-00010-00002510-00002738 platform over the years I've seen tons vjRUaVZj9dy-00011-00002739-00002992 of trends come and go I've seen vjRUaVZj9dy-00012-00002993-00003179 different people abusing the YouTube vjRUaVZj9dy-00013-00003180-00003410 search algorithms and the home page and vjRUaVZj9dy-00014-00003411-00003670 subscriber feeds and I've seen people vjRUaVZj9dy-00015-00003671-00003911 just personalities come and go and get vjRUaVZj9dy-00016-00003911-00004156 cancelled and I've seen a lot right I've vjRUaVZj9dy-00017-00004157-00004411 seen a lot on this platform and so I vjRUaVZj9dy-00018-00004412-00004588 have a vested interest in understanding vjRUaVZj9dy-00019-00004589-00004906 how to grow on this platform not only as vjRUaVZj9dy-00020-00004907-00005086 a youtuber myself but as somebody who vjRUaVZj9dy-00021-00005087-00005404 has met a ton of people on not only vjRUaVZj9dy-00022-00005405-00005702 YouTube but on Twitter Instagram twitch vjRUaVZj9dy-00023-00005703-00005902 I've met people on the internet who all vjRUaVZj9dy-00024-00005903-00006145 have this common interest in common a vjRUaVZj9dy-00025-00006146-00006352 desire to grow on YouTube right I want vjRUaVZj9dy-00026-00006353-00006509 to talk a little bit about some of the vjRUaVZj9dy-00027-00006509-00006650 mistakes that I see a lot of people vjRUaVZj9dy-00028-00006651-00006851 making and some things that you can do vjRUaVZj9dy-00029-00006852-00007042 to fix that now you might be thinking vjRUaVZj9dy-00030-00007043-00007301 hang on I'm New York your channels not vjRUaVZj9dy-00031-00007302-00007456 that big right and you're right at the vjRUaVZj9dy-00032-00007458-00007628 time we're recording this my channel is vjRUaVZj9dy-00033-00007629-00007864 less than 10,000 subscribers so you're vjRUaVZj9dy-00034-00007865-00008117 totally right on that one I'm no Jake vjRUaVZj9dy-00035-00008118-00008299 Paul I'm no PewDiePie I don't have vjRUaVZj9dy-00036-00008300-00008564 millions of followers millions of views vjRUaVZj9dy-00037-00008565-00008824 on this platform but a really important vjRUaVZj9dy-00038-00008825-00009037 lesson that I learned when it comes to vjRUaVZj9dy-00039-00009038-00009328 developing a skill is something that I vjRUaVZj9dy-00040-00009329-00009494 actually learned from a youtuber by the vjRUaVZj9dy-00041-00009495-00009703 name of Alex Becker he posts mainly vjRUaVZj9dy-00042-00009704-00009923 business-related content content related vjRUaVZj9dy-00043-00009924-00010148 to marketing self-improvement things vjRUaVZj9dy-00044-00010149-00010319 along those lines great channel you vjRUaVZj9dy-00045-00010320-00010456 should check it out but one of the vjRUaVZj9dy-00046-00010457-00010616 things that he talked about when it vjRUaVZj9dy-00047-00010617-00010898 comes to learning a skill is that you vjRUaVZj9dy-00048-00010899-00011171 may think that the best person to teach vjRUaVZj9dy-00049-00011172-00011396 you that skill that you want to learn is vjRUaVZj9dy-00050-00011397-00011674 the best in the field right I mean in a vjRUaVZj9dy-00051-00011675-00011912 perfect world if you didn't know how to vjRUaVZj9dy-00052-00011913-00012142 swim you would want Michael Phelps to vjRUaVZj9dy-00053-00012143-00012341 teach you how to swim or you know if you vjRUaVZj9dy-00054-00012342-00012602 wanted to DJ you would want marshmallow vjRUaVZj9dy-00055-00012603-00012778 to teach you how to DJ but the problem vjRUaVZj9dy-00056-00012779-00013001 with that is that that's not necessarily vjRUaVZj9dy-00057-00013002-00013178 true I mean think about it this way vjRUaVZj9dy-00058-00013179-00013226 right vjRUaVZj9dy-00059-00013227-00013369 what marshmallow vjRUaVZj9dy-00060-00013371-00013631 does on an everyday basis to DJ and what vjRUaVZj9dy-00061-00013632-00013781 Michael Phelps does every day to vjRUaVZj9dy-00062-00013782-00014135 practice being a world-class swimmer it vjRUaVZj9dy-00063-00014136-00014378 has nothing to do with what a beginner vjRUaVZj9dy-00064-00014379-00014726 has to know right to them their task is vjRUaVZj9dy-00065-00014727-00015091 so finely tuned and so ingrained into vjRUaVZj9dy-00066-00015093-00015218 their nature and they've been doing it vjRUaVZj9dy-00067-00015219-00015599 for decades right that they probably vjRUaVZj9dy-00068-00015600-00015772 it's been so long since they've been a vjRUaVZj9dy-00069-00015774-00016129 beginner that they may have a hard time vjRUaVZj9dy-00070-00016130-00016361 teaching you exactly what you have to do vjRUaVZj9dy-00071-00016362-00016586 right because again it's been so long vjRUaVZj9dy-00072-00016587-00016847 since they've been in your shoes that it vjRUaVZj9dy-00073-00016848-00017069 might be difficult for them to teach you vjRUaVZj9dy-00074-00017070-00017318 exactly how to progress to the next vjRUaVZj9dy-00075-00017319-00017510 level and that's what's really important vjRUaVZj9dy-00076-00017511-00017747 when it comes to building skills and vjRUaVZj9dy-00077-00017748-00017939 especially it applies here with YouTube vjRUaVZj9dy-00078-00017940-00018146 is that you're gonna have to take it in vjRUaVZj9dy-00079-00018147-00018323 stages right so the first step is vjRUaVZj9dy-00080-00018324-00018542 getting your first you know couple of vjRUaVZj9dy-00081-00018543-00018662 views and then it's getting a hundred vjRUaVZj9dy-00082-00018663-00018821 subscribers and then maybe it's a vjRUaVZj9dy-00083-00018822-00019013 thousand subscribers and then maybe you vjRUaVZj9dy-00084-00019014-00019205 want to shoot for you know five thousand vjRUaVZj9dy-00085-00019206-00019349 subscribers or whatever the case is and vjRUaVZj9dy-00086-00019350-00019604 so you have to learn this skill in vjRUaVZj9dy-00087-00019605-00019904 stages and really the best person to vjRUaVZj9dy-00088-00019905-00020084 teach you how to get to the next level vjRUaVZj9dy-00089-00020085-00020399 is somebody who's already at that level vjRUaVZj9dy-00090-00020400-00020627 right somebody who's just out of reach vjRUaVZj9dy-00091-00020628-00020840 but they're they're ahead of you by a vjRUaVZj9dy-00092-00020841-00021044 couple of years maybe two years three vjRUaVZj9dy-00093-00021045-00021194 years something like that those are the vjRUaVZj9dy-00094-00021195-00021362 best people to learn from because they vjRUaVZj9dy-00095-00021363-00021548 were just in your shoes and they can vjRUaVZj9dy-00096-00021549-00021743 remember exactly what it was like and vjRUaVZj9dy-00097-00021744-00021926 the platform hasn't changed that much vjRUaVZj9dy-00098-00021927-00022133 since they were in your shoes and so vjRUaVZj9dy-00099-00022134-00022442 that's why I feel that me being able to vjRUaVZj9dy-00100-00022443-00022619 give you this advice at the size of vjRUaVZj9dy-00101-00022620-00022847 channel that I'm at I think it's still vjRUaVZj9dy-00102-00022848-00023144 very crucial for you as a beginner so vjRUaVZj9dy-00103-00023145-00023314 with that being said let's talk about vjRUaVZj9dy-00104-00023315-00023546 how would you grow on youtube right how vjRUaVZj9dy-00105-00023547-00023759 do you grow on YouTube in 2020 the vjRUaVZj9dy-00106-00023760-00023939 biggest thing that you need to know is vjRUaVZj9dy-00107-00023940-00024212 that everybody else on the entire planet vjRUaVZj9dy-00108-00024213-00024473 also wants to be a youtuber I know vjRUaVZj9dy-00109-00024474-00024638 that's a little bit of an exaggeration vjRUaVZj9dy-00110-00024639-00024851 but not really right I mean you have to vjRUaVZj9dy-00111-00024852-00025064 consider that there are millions and vjRUaVZj9dy-00112-00025065-00025223 millions and millions of accounts of vjRUaVZj9dy-00113-00025224-00025565 people on this platform who want to be a vjRUaVZj9dy-00114-00025566-00025745 youtuber they would love for that to be vjRUaVZj9dy-00115-00025745-00025949 their full-time job the reality is that vjRUaVZj9dy-00116-00025950-00026120 most of them would probably hate the job vjRUaVZj9dy-00117-00026120-00026377 because it requires so much time but vjRUaVZj9dy-00118-00026379-00026564 regardless that's the first thing that vjRUaVZj9dy-00119-00026564-00026747 you have to come to terms with you vjRUaVZj9dy-00120-00026748-00026930 competing with millions and millions of vjRUaVZj9dy-00121-00026931-00027139 people and not just regular people right vjRUaVZj9dy-00122-00027141-00027395 you're competing with all of your peers vjRUaVZj9dy-00123-00027395-00027587 who want to be youtubers all the people vjRUaVZj9dy-00124-00027588-00027767 at your channel size and then you also vjRUaVZj9dy-00125-00027768-00027980 competing with the big youtubers because vjRUaVZj9dy-00126-00027981-00028139 I really what you're competing for is vjRUaVZj9dy-00127-00028139-00028270 watch time and there's a good chance vjRUaVZj9dy-00128-00028272-00028439 that people are gonna watch the bigger vjRUaVZj9dy-00129-00028439-00028568 youtubers before they're gonna watch vjRUaVZj9dy-00130-00028569-00028781 your content and not only that but vjRUaVZj9dy-00131-00028782-00029086 you're also competing with other massive vjRUaVZj9dy-00132-00029087-00029363 conglomerates massive companies that are vjRUaVZj9dy-00133-00029364-00029570 producing high quality media content vjRUaVZj9dy-00134-00029570-00029741 like The Today Show The Tonight Show vjRUaVZj9dy-00135-00029742-00029930 whatever different shows are on the vjRUaVZj9dy-00136-00029931-00030092 front page right you're competing with vjRUaVZj9dy-00137-00030093-00030272 Netflix and your complete meeting with vjRUaVZj9dy-00138-00030273-00030467 everywhere that somebody could be vjRUaVZj9dy-00139-00030468-00030644 watching content that's pretty much what vjRUaVZj9dy-00140-00030645-00030791 you're competing with and I know that vjRUaVZj9dy-00141-00030792-00030983 that sounds intimidating and it sounds vjRUaVZj9dy-00142-00030983-00031199 daunting and it sounds impossible right vjRUaVZj9dy-00143-00031200-00031355 how could you possibly compete with that vjRUaVZj9dy-00144-00031356-00031613 but the good news is that there are also vjRUaVZj9dy-00145-00031614-00031783 millions and millions and millions of vjRUaVZj9dy-00146-00031785-00031979 people who are looking to watch vjRUaVZj9dy-00147-00031980-00032147 something on YouTube there's millions of vjRUaVZj9dy-00148-00032148-00032345 people to meet that demand or there's vjRUaVZj9dy-00149-00032345-00032470 millions people sorry to meet that vjRUaVZj9dy-00150-00032472-00032708 supply of content so what you have to do vjRUaVZj9dy-00151-00032708-00033014 is produce content that people not only vjRUaVZj9dy-00152-00033015-00033248 would like to watch but content that vjRUaVZj9dy-00153-00033249-00033446 people are searching for and that's a vjRUaVZj9dy-00154-00033447-00033803 huge huge point I see a lot of people vjRUaVZj9dy-00155-00033804-00034151 who are posting videos on YouTube who vjRUaVZj9dy-00156-00034152-00034418 are posting you know a let's play video vjRUaVZj9dy-00157-00034419-00034699 of an older game or they're posting a vjRUaVZj9dy-00158-00034700-00035062 funny moments video or a highlights vjRUaVZj9dy-00159-00035063-00035360 stream highlights video or something vjRUaVZj9dy-00160-00035361-00035639 along those lines right I see this all vjRUaVZj9dy-00161-00035640-00035834 the time with like Call of Duty like we vjRUaVZj9dy-00162-00035835-00036068 see like modern warfare funny moments vjRUaVZj9dy-00163-00036069-00036299 right and it's got three views and you vjRUaVZj9dy-00164-00036300-00036491 think well wait a minute if you watch vjRUaVZj9dy-00165-00036492-00036767 you know another huge youtuber posted vjRUaVZj9dy-00166-00036768-00037031 like let's say nadeshot posts a fun a vjRUaVZj9dy-00167-00037032-00037265 modernwarfare funny moments video it's vjRUaVZj9dy-00168-00037266-00037454 gonna do super well and so you might be vjRUaVZj9dy-00169-00037455-00037604 thinking well that's sort of a Content vjRUaVZj9dy-00170-00037605-00037931 that nadeshot is posting why when I post vjRUaVZj9dy-00171-00037932-00038189 it does it not do well and the reason is vjRUaVZj9dy-00172-00038190-00038402 because those types of content funny vjRUaVZj9dy-00173-00038403-00038660 moments content like hilarious clips or vjRUaVZj9dy-00174-00038661-00038924 stream highlights or like walkthroughs vjRUaVZj9dy-00175-00038925-00039233 of an older game let's say elder scrolls vjRUaVZj9dy-00176-00039234-00039587 oblivion right those types of content do vjRUaVZj9dy-00177-00039588-00039824 well when you already have an audience vjRUaVZj9dy-00178-00039825-00040010 because the reason that people are vjRUaVZj9dy-00179-00040011-00040070 clicking on vjRUaVZj9dy-00180-00040071-00040331 is for the person creating that content vjRUaVZj9dy-00181-00040332-00040601 not necessarily the content itself vjRUaVZj9dy-00182-00040602-00040871 everybody loves a funny moments video vjRUaVZj9dy-00183-00040872-00041105 but nobody's searching for it of course vjRUaVZj9dy-00184-00041106-00041221 there's exception to the rule but vjRUaVZj9dy-00185-00041222-00041495 virtually nobody is going to YouTube and vjRUaVZj9dy-00186-00041496-00041696 typing in you know funny moments right vjRUaVZj9dy-00187-00041697-00041846 if they do they're eight years old are vjRUaVZj9dy-00188-00041847-00041987 looking for fortnight funny moments and vjRUaVZj9dy-00189-00041988-00042196 the odds of your video showing up in vjRUaVZj9dy-00190-00042197-00042421 those search results are virtually none vjRUaVZj9dy-00191-00042422-00042614 there virtually none because there are vjRUaVZj9dy-00192-00042615-00042824 again thousands and thousands hundreds vjRUaVZj9dy-00193-00042825-00043058 of thousands other people posting vjRUaVZj9dy-00194-00043059-00043271 content that's very similar to that and vjRUaVZj9dy-00195-00043272-00043507 if they have a bigger following already vjRUaVZj9dy-00196-00043508-00043781 it's more likely that they're going to vjRUaVZj9dy-00197-00043782-00043993 end up in those search results and so vjRUaVZj9dy-00198-00043994-00044227 the problem is that the type of content vjRUaVZj9dy-00199-00044228-00044417 that I see a lot of people making when vjRUaVZj9dy-00200-00044418-00044621 they have smaller channels is content vjRUaVZj9dy-00201-00044622-00045023 that works well as a big youtuber or a vjRUaVZj9dy-00202-00045024-00045187 big personality right like let's say vjRUaVZj9dy-00203-00045188-00045380 ninja posts something like that on his vjRUaVZj9dy-00204-00045381-00045568 honor YouTube channel or you know if vjRUaVZj9dy-00205-00045569-00045821 you're let's say you are Jack Black vjRUaVZj9dy-00206-00045822-00045998 right he just comes out of nowhere and vjRUaVZj9dy-00207-00045999-00046190 creates a YouTube channel he could post vjRUaVZj9dy-00208-00046191-00046454 a modernwarfare funny moments video and vjRUaVZj9dy-00209-00046455-00046625 he'd get a lot of views compared to what vjRUaVZj9dy-00210-00046626-00046808 you're getting because he already has a vjRUaVZj9dy-00211-00046809-00046982 fanbase there's already people who are vjRUaVZj9dy-00212-00046983-00047168 interested in just whatever he does vjRUaVZj9dy-00213-00047169-00047362 there's some people that are gonna watch vjRUaVZj9dy-00214-00047363-00047533 it so what you have to do is you have to vjRUaVZj9dy-00215-00047534-00047783 start to think about what is some vjRUaVZj9dy-00216-00047784-00048115 content that I can make that you know vjRUaVZj9dy-00217-00048116-00048379 there are people searching for but not vjRUaVZj9dy-00218-00048380-00048611 everybody you have to have a fine vjRUaVZj9dy-00219-00048612-00048865 there's a balancing act that you have to vjRUaVZj9dy-00220-00048866-00049037 do when you think about something along vjRUaVZj9dy-00221-00049038-00049315 the lines of fortnight gameplay right or vjRUaVZj9dy-00222-00049316-00049526 warzone gameplay we're right over the vjRUaVZj9dy-00223-00049527-00049718 hot game is valor in gameplay whatever vjRUaVZj9dy-00224-00049719-00049955 if you touch if you make a video that vjRUaVZj9dy-00225-00049956-00050224 says like insane valor ins pro gameplay vjRUaVZj9dy-00226-00050225-00050387 or something like that right and you vjRUaVZj9dy-00227-00050388-00050527 talk about how many kills you get in the vjRUaVZj9dy-00228-00050528-00050693 title of the video and whatever it might vjRUaVZj9dy-00229-00050694-00051035 be an insanely good video but that vjRUaVZj9dy-00230-00051036-00051374 keyword valor --nt gameplay is so vjRUaVZj9dy-00231-00051375-00051667 saturated right so many people are vjRUaVZj9dy-00232-00051669-00052019 posting videos of that content that vjRUaVZj9dy-00233-00052020-00052267 you're not gonna probably show up in vjRUaVZj9dy-00234-00052269-00052463 those search results so you have to dig vjRUaVZj9dy-00235-00052464-00052778 down a little bit to think of okay so vjRUaVZj9dy-00236-00052779-00053021 what is content that I can make that vjRUaVZj9dy-00237-00053022-00053251 some people are searching for but it's vjRUaVZj9dy-00238-00053252-00053423 not as broad as vjRUaVZj9dy-00239-00053424-00053684 fala Hrant gameplay or fortnight funny vjRUaVZj9dy-00240-00053685-00053905 moments there's such and we saw this a vjRUaVZj9dy-00241-00053907-00054182 ton back in the Minecraft era when vjRUaVZj9dy-00242-00054183-00054437 everybody was playing Minecraft everyone vjRUaVZj9dy-00243-00054438-00054659 was posting a minecraft letsplay and a vjRUaVZj9dy-00244-00054660-00054913 Minecraft funny moments video everybody vjRUaVZj9dy-00245-00054914-00055100 was posting those types of content and vjRUaVZj9dy-00246-00055101-00055313 the problem is when you search for it vjRUaVZj9dy-00247-00055314-00055526 you're gonna see Pro syndicate you're vjRUaVZj9dy-00248-00055527-00055700 not gonna find somebody with six vjRUaVZj9dy-00249-00055701-00055882 subscribers right and and again it has vjRUaVZj9dy-00250-00055883-00056057 nothing to do with the quality of the vjRUaVZj9dy-00251-00056058-00056257 content because it's probably a good vjRUaVZj9dy-00252-00056258-00056462 video it's just no one's gonna see it vjRUaVZj9dy-00253-00056463-00056588 because you don't only have that you vjRUaVZj9dy-00254-00056589-00056782 don't already have that fanbase so you vjRUaVZj9dy-00255-00056783-00057007 have to think of okay what is some vjRUaVZj9dy-00256-00057008-00057313 content that I can produce and make that vjRUaVZj9dy-00257-00057314-00057544 you know has that some people are vjRUaVZj9dy-00258-00057545-00057691 searching for but that I actually have a vjRUaVZj9dy-00259-00057692-00057904 chance at showing up in those search vjRUaVZj9dy-00260-00057905-00058057 results right you need to have at least vjRUaVZj9dy-00261-00058058-00058244 chance of showing up in the search vjRUaVZj9dy-00262-00058245-00058619 results and for a while you're not going vjRUaVZj9dy-00263-00058620-00058778 to write and I know that that sounds vjRUaVZj9dy-00264-00058779-00059029 very bleak but it's it's a game of vjRUaVZj9dy-00265-00059029-00059297 maximizing your odds that's all that you vjRUaVZj9dy-00266-00059298-00059498 can do when it comes to creating YouTube vjRUaVZj9dy-00267-00059499-00059660 content and trying to attract an vjRUaVZj9dy-00268-00059661-00059846 audience you're trying to you're vjRUaVZj9dy-00269-00059847-00060088 maximizing the odds that somebody finds vjRUaVZj9dy-00270-00060089-00060287 your video clicks your video and watches vjRUaVZj9dy-00271-00060288-00060488 your video and then subscribes to come vjRUaVZj9dy-00272-00060489-00060662 back for more and it's an uphill battle vjRUaVZj9dy-00273-00060663-00060907 and all you can do there's no guaranteed vjRUaVZj9dy-00274-00060908-00061144 way right I see a lot of people doing a vjRUaVZj9dy-00275-00061145-00061346 subscribe or a sub4sub vjRUaVZj9dy-00276-00061347-00061490 right where I'll subscribe to you if you vjRUaVZj9dy-00277-00061491-00061651 subscribe to me and people think well vjRUaVZj9dy-00278-00061652-00061804 that's a guaranteed way to grow your sub vjRUaVZj9dy-00279-00061805-00062063 count and it's like yeah but they're not vjRUaVZj9dy-00280-00062064-00062234 actually gonna watch your content so vjRUaVZj9dy-00281-00062235-00062407 your sub number actually doesn't matter vjRUaVZj9dy-00282-00062408-00062779 at all and that's why your YouTube video vjRUaVZj9dy-00283-00062780-00062992 won't get pushed out to everybody in vjRUaVZj9dy-00284-00062994-00063313 your sub box because YouTube knows that vjRUaVZj9dy-00285-00063314-00063479 you can game the system that way because vjRUaVZj9dy-00286-00063479-00063679 YouTube's in a platform for a very long vjRUaVZj9dy-00287-00063680-00063848 time and so sub4sub vjRUaVZj9dy-00288-00063849-00064109 actually doesn't work unfortunately it's vjRUaVZj9dy-00289-00064110-00064351 it seems like a you know a 300 IQ play vjRUaVZj9dy-00290-00064352-00064541 but it's actually it doesn't do anything vjRUaVZj9dy-00291-00064541-00064775 right it grows your sub number but it vjRUaVZj9dy-00292-00064776-00065060 doesn't grow your view count in 99% of vjRUaVZj9dy-00293-00065061-00065285 scenarios maybe there's that 1% of vjRUaVZj9dy-00294-00065286-00065455 people who actually is like oh you know vjRUaVZj9dy-00295-00065457-00065696 what this is pretty cool but regardless vjRUaVZj9dy-00296-00065697-00065930 you have to create content that people vjRUaVZj9dy-00297-00065931-00066163 are searching for and it doesn't have to vjRUaVZj9dy-00298-00066164-00066331 be every piece of content right there's vjRUaVZj9dy-00299-00066332-00066536 still room for the funny moments and the vjRUaVZj9dy-00300-00066537-00066722 stream highlights and all that stuff and vjRUaVZj9dy-00301-00066723-00066899 those types of content you know while vjRUaVZj9dy-00302-00066900-00067079 they're not gonna show up in search vjRUaVZj9dy-00303-00067080-00067349 results most likely they they may get vjRUaVZj9dy-00304-00067350-00067475 overlooked compared to your other videos vjRUaVZj9dy-00305-00067476-00067616 what they are gonna do is they're gonna vjRUaVZj9dy-00306-00067617-00067877 help build a core fan base a core vjRUaVZj9dy-00307-00067878-00068051 audience of people who want to watch vjRUaVZj9dy-00308-00068052-00068219 what you're posting no matter what vjRUaVZj9dy-00309-00068220-00068354 you're posting and it's important to vjRUaVZj9dy-00310-00068355-00068594 have a balance of videos that have a vjRUaVZj9dy-00311-00068595-00068852 high probability of not only showing up vjRUaVZj9dy-00312-00068853-00069053 in search results but getting people to vjRUaVZj9dy-00313-00069054-00069179 click on them and watch them and then vjRUaVZj9dy-00314-00069180-00069323 maybe share them right that would be vjRUaVZj9dy-00315-00069324-00069518 ideal and then also creating content vjRUaVZj9dy-00316-00069519-00069719 that your core audience is going to like vjRUaVZj9dy-00317-00069720-00069899 people you know content that people are vjRUaVZj9dy-00318-00069900-00070078 going to watch and they're going to vjRUaVZj9dy-00319-00070079-00070289 resonate with you a little bit more vjRUaVZj9dy-00320-00070290-00070412 they're gonna feel like they know you a vjRUaVZj9dy-00321-00070413-00070541 little bit more right because that's vjRUaVZj9dy-00322-00070542-00070700 what's important about YouTube and the vjRUaVZj9dy-00323-00070701-00070835 reason that YouTube pretty much killed vjRUaVZj9dy-00324-00070836-00071057 television along with Netflix and Amazon vjRUaVZj9dy-00325-00071058-00071234 Prime video and everything like that vjRUaVZj9dy-00326-00071235-00071402 what makes YouTube standout is that vjRUaVZj9dy-00327-00071403-00071669 people can interact with that youtuber vjRUaVZj9dy-00328-00071670-00071816 and feel a connection with them they vjRUaVZj9dy-00329-00071817-00072089 feel it's a it's a one-to-one sort of a vjRUaVZj9dy-00330-00072090-00072281 relationship where you watch that vjRUaVZj9dy-00331-00072282-00072419 youtuber and you get to know them over vjRUaVZj9dy-00332-00072420-00072596 time and this is why vlogs are really vjRUaVZj9dy-00333-00072597-00072863 popular from people who already have fan vjRUaVZj9dy-00334-00072864-00073085 bases but aren't popular most people who vjRUaVZj9dy-00335-00073086-00073358 don't have a fan base because it's just vjRUaVZj9dy-00336-00073359-00073520 who wants to watch the daily life is vjRUaVZj9dy-00337-00073521-00073810 somebody that they don't care about like vjRUaVZj9dy-00338-00073811-00074171 not that many people not that many but vjRUaVZj9dy-00339-00074172-00074411 if you spin that vlog into for example vjRUaVZj9dy-00340-00074412-00074627 an apartment tour and then you talk vjRUaVZj9dy-00341-00074628-00074852 about this city that your apartment is vjRUaVZj9dy-00342-00074853-00075239 in well now now that's kind of a vlog vjRUaVZj9dy-00343-00075240-00075560 but some people may actually be vjRUaVZj9dy-00344-00075561-00075734 searching for apartment tours in your vjRUaVZj9dy-00345-00075735-00075926 city because people move people vjRUaVZj9dy-00346-00075927-00076160 sometimes move to your city and so vjRUaVZj9dy-00347-00076161-00076349 that's an idea and maybe if you don't vjRUaVZj9dy-00348-00076350-00076508 live in a city you could say a tour of vjRUaVZj9dy-00349-00076509-00076721 my country home or something like that vjRUaVZj9dy-00350-00076722-00076898 and so that's just one idea of how you vjRUaVZj9dy-00351-00076899-00077141 can spin the content to make it vjRUaVZj9dy-00352-00077142-00077243 something that people are actually vjRUaVZj9dy-00353-00077244-00077495 searching for because then again vlog vjRUaVZj9dy-00354-00077496-00077738 number one on a YouTube channel of five vjRUaVZj9dy-00355-00077739-00077786 subs vjRUaVZj9dy-00356-00077787-00077951 no one's gonna search for it and no vjRUaVZj9dy-00357-00077952-00078101 one's gonna watch it and maybe it'll be vjRUaVZj9dy-00358-00078102-00078251 like your friends and family but that's vjRUaVZj9dy-00359-00078252-00078479 not gonna get you to grow so you have to vjRUaVZj9dy-00360-00078480-00078728 think about what content can I make that vjRUaVZj9dy-00361-00078729-00078899 people are actually going to search for vjRUaVZj9dy-00362-00078900-00079172 and click on and and that second part is vjRUaVZj9dy-00363-00079173-00079406 equally as important as the first part vjRUaVZj9dy-00364-00079407-00079718 you have to have a title and thumbnail vjRUaVZj9dy-00365-00079719-00080006 that people want to click on it has to vjRUaVZj9dy-00366-00080007-00080179 be enticed vjRUaVZj9dy-00367-00080180-00080401 because you know YouTube is an algorithm vjRUaVZj9dy-00368-00080402-00080701 it's automated it's a system and you vjRUaVZj9dy-00369-00080702-00080854 know if your video shows up in search vjRUaVZj9dy-00370-00080855-00081085 results but the thumbnail is ugly or vjRUaVZj9dy-00371-00081086-00081340 it's lame or whatever and people don't vjRUaVZj9dy-00372-00081341-00081484 click on it they scroll past and click vjRUaVZj9dy-00373-00081485-00081637 on something else well that tells vjRUaVZj9dy-00374-00081638-00081826 YouTube like hey wait a minute we put vjRUaVZj9dy-00375-00081827-00082018 this video first but the guys down here vjRUaVZj9dy-00376-00082019-00082156 are actually getting more clicks so you vjRUaVZj9dy-00377-00082157-00082336 know that those are probably better vjRUaVZj9dy-00378-00082337-00082594 videos let's let's bump them up to the vjRUaVZj9dy-00379-00082595-00082831 top two results and then now your video vjRUaVZj9dy-00380-00082832-00082963 is third and then when people search vjRUaVZj9dy-00381-00082964-00083128 they keep clicking on the top to the top vjRUaVZj9dy-00382-00083129-00083320 two top two and then your video gets vjRUaVZj9dy-00383-00083321-00083581 ranked lower lower and lower and so not vjRUaVZj9dy-00384-00083582-00083809 only do you need to try to create as vjRUaVZj9dy-00385-00083810-00083986 much content as you can that will be vjRUaVZj9dy-00386-00083987-00084226 searchable but it also has to be vjRUaVZj9dy-00387-00084227-00084415 clickable right it has to be clickable vjRUaVZj9dy-00388-00084416-00084670 it has to have a title and thumbnail vjRUaVZj9dy-00389-00084671-00084961 that are very sort of click baited and I vjRUaVZj9dy-00390-00084962-00085180 hate to say it and you know if you hate vjRUaVZj9dy-00391-00085181-00085417 clickbait you have to re-evaluate that vjRUaVZj9dy-00392-00085418-00085624 hatred and and come to understand that vjRUaVZj9dy-00393-00085625-00085834 you have to have a certain level of vjRUaVZj9dy-00394-00085835-00085972 click mate but you have to have a vjRUaVZj9dy-00395-00085973-00086194 certain level if what you want to do is vjRUaVZj9dy-00396-00086195-00086383 really grow your YouTube channel it's vjRUaVZj9dy-00397-00086384-00086590 unfortunate but we live in it like I vjRUaVZj9dy-00398-00086591-00086796 said you're literally competing with vjRUaVZj9dy-00399-00086797-00087067 multi-million dollar companies people vjRUaVZj9dy-00400-00087068-00087220 could be watching Netflix right now why vjRUaVZj9dy-00401-00087221-00087370 would they watch your video you gotta vjRUaVZj9dy-00402-00087371-00087565 give them every single possible reason vjRUaVZj9dy-00403-00087566-00087724 in the universe to click your video vjRUaVZj9dy-00404-00087725-00087949 right and that that means it has to show vjRUaVZj9dy-00405-00087950-00088120 up for them when they search it has to vjRUaVZj9dy-00406-00088121-00088306 be a clickable thumbnail clickable title vjRUaVZj9dy-00407-00088307-00088573 and one of the ways that you even get vjRUaVZj9dy-00408-00088574-00088783 that video to show up is through search vjRUaVZj9dy-00409-00088784-00089044 engine optimization and I'm not gonna vjRUaVZj9dy-00410-00089045-00089263 cover this in in length here because it vjRUaVZj9dy-00411-00089264-00089452 gets a little bit complex and that's vjRUaVZj9dy-00412-00089453-00089545 very nuanced vjRUaVZj9dy-00413-00089546-00089755 sometimes and it changes depending on vjRUaVZj9dy-00414-00089756-00090073 the year but you can search up YouTube vjRUaVZj9dy-00415-00090074-00090313 SEO and there'll be plenty of videos vjRUaVZj9dy-00416-00090314-00090541 that come up for that so anyway I hope I vjRUaVZj9dy-00417-00090542-00090721 didn't ramble too much about this topic vjRUaVZj9dy-00418-00090722-00090943 but before I in the video I do want to vjRUaVZj9dy-00419-00090944-00091099 let you guys know that I do still have vjRUaVZj9dy-00420-00091100-00091375 my patreon is in the description below I vjRUaVZj9dy-00421-00091376-00091621 created a video course as one of the vjRUaVZj9dy-00422-00091622-00091855 rewards for my patrons and it will vjRUaVZj9dy-00423-00091856-00092038 literally take you through start to vjRUaVZj9dy-00424-00092039-00092308 finish how you can be growing a YouTube vjRUaVZj9dy-00425-00092309-00092443 channel it'll talk about all of the vjRUaVZj9dy-00426-00092444-00092650 hardware equipment like microphones vjRUaVZj9dy-00427-00092651-00092836 cameras it'll talk about video editing vjRUaVZj9dy-00428-00092837-00093019 it'll talk about thumbnail editing it'll vjRUaVZj9dy-00429-00093020-00093166 talk about video ads SEO vjRUaVZj9dy-00430-00093167-00093346 and I'll talk about literally everything vjRUaVZj9dy-00431-00093347-00093410 that I vjRUaVZj9dy-00432-00093411-00093556 kind of touched on in this video but vjRUaVZj9dy-00433-00093557-00093725 it's broken down into seven I think it vjRUaVZj9dy-00434-00093726-00093887 was seven parts it's like three hours vjRUaVZj9dy-00435-00093888-00094238 long so my prey patrons someone Haven my vjRUaVZj9dy-00436-00094239-00094454 patrons will have access to that content vjRUaVZj9dy-00437-00094455-00094606 so if you do want to actually learn more vjRUaVZj9dy-00438-00094607-00094778 that I do have that that is something vjRUaVZj9dy-00439-00094779-00094922 you can watch down below and if you're vjRUaVZj9dy-00440-00094923-00095063 new around here of course subscribe to vjRUaVZj9dy-00441-00095064-00095237 my channel for more videos like this one vjRUaVZj9dy-00442-00095238-00095425 drop a thumbs up on the video it just vjRUaVZj9dy-00443-00095426-00095632 takes a quick second make that thumb vjRUaVZj9dy-00444-00095633-00095843 turn blue it really does help out the vjRUaVZj9dy-00445-00095844-00096041 channel a ton I really really do vjRUaVZj9dy-00446-00096042-00096185 appreciate you guys going ahead and vjRUaVZj9dy-00447-00096186-00096331 doing that click the bell if you want to vjRUaVZj9dy-00448-00096332-00096475 be notified the next time that I upload vjRUaVZj9dy-00449-00096476-00096656 more YouTube videos and comment down vjRUaVZj9dy-00450-00096657-00096836 below if you have any questions about vjRUaVZj9dy-00451-00096837-00097067 growing on YouTube or maybe other social vjRUaVZj9dy-00452-00097068-00097225 media platforms right I actually wrote vjRUaVZj9dy-00453-00097226-00097574 an entire book on this content and and I vjRUaVZj9dy-00454-00097575-00097730 have that Linkens in the description vjRUaVZj9dy-00455-00097731-00097886 below you can if you have Kindle vjRUaVZj9dy-00456-00097887-00098024 unlimited you can get it for free on vjRUaVZj9dy-00457-00098025-00098231 Amazon just click the link in the vjRUaVZj9dy-00458-00098232-00098393 description below you can check out my vjRUaVZj9dy-00459-00098394-00098555 entire book on this I'm very passionate vjRUaVZj9dy-00460-00098556-00098762 about this topic and as always all I vjRUaVZj9dy-00461-00098763-00098885 social media links are in the vjRUaVZj9dy-00462-00098886-00099041 description below as well so go ahead vjRUaVZj9dy-00463-00099042-00099242 and check out my twitch our live stream vjRUaVZj9dy-00464-00099243-00099437 on there every week check out my discord vjRUaVZj9dy-00465-00099438-00099550 if you have any more questions for me vjRUaVZj9dy-00466-00099551-00099838 you can ask them over there my Instagram vjRUaVZj9dy-00467-00099839-00100010 I'm trying to use that a little bit more vjRUaVZj9dy-00468-00100011-00100163 now so go ahead and drop a follow on vjRUaVZj9dy-00469-00100164-00100310 there and my Twitter as well with that vjRUaVZj9dy-00470-00100311-00100454 being said guys thank you so much for vjRUaVZj9dy-00471-00100455-00100606 watching this has been Omni arc I will vjRUaVZj9dy-00472-00100607-00100961 talk to you guys again soon peace vkyj5tu4OlA-00000-00000167-00001050 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00001-00001051-00001366 thank you vkyj5tu4OlA-00002-00001367-00002429 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00003-00002430-00002558 baby vkyj5tu4OlA-00004-00002559-00003010 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00005-00003011-00003299 giving me wind away vkyj5tu4OlA-00006-00003300-00003622 some kind of butterfly vkyj5tu4OlA-00007-00003623-00003789 baby vkyj5tu4OlA-00009-00008168-00008428 to fly vkyj5tu4OlA-00010-00008429-00008586 baby vkyj5tu4OlA-00011-00008587-00010756 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00012-00010757-00011069 oh vkyj5tu4OlA-00013-00011070-00011627 but I don't wanna miss you baby vkyj5tu4OlA-00014-00011628-00012169 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00015-00012170-00014425 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00016-00014426-00014975 maybe you'll give me prices vkyj5tu4OlA-00017-00014976-00015191 fly vkyj5tu4OlA-00018-00015191-00015635 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00019-00015636-00015834 baby vkyj5tu4OlA-00020-00015835-00015926 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00021-00015927-00015976 [Applause] vkyj5tu4OlA-00022-00015977-00018022 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00023-00018023-00018179 foreign vkyj5tu4OlA-00024-00018180-00020407 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00025-00020408-00020548 [Applause] vkyj5tu4OlA-00026-00020549-00020957 [Music] vkyj5tu4OlA-00027-00020958-00021200 oh vmkid-Gc2UE-00000-00000003-00000206 if you improperly showing the Fuji vmkid-Gc2UE-00001-00000206-00000566 Ceci's or any other exams come here you vmkid-Gc2UE-00002-00000567-00000815 know just chill if I'm gonna give one vmkid-Gc2UE-00003-00000816-00001174 one piece of advice I realize in some vmkid-Gc2UE-00004-00001175-00001370 circumstances that's like a really bad vmkid-Gc2UE-00005-00001371-00001591 advice but like and I'm not just vmkid-Gc2UE-00006-00001592-00002063 children I mean I feel like to do well vmkid-Gc2UE-00007-00002064-00002321 you don't need to learn any content like vmkid-Gc2UE-00008-00002322-00002639 any weeds like unwise to provide for vmkid-Gc2UE-00009-00002640-00002926 example English right I reckon you don't vmkid-Gc2UE-00010-00002927-00003184 need to be too deep on the analysis if vmkid-Gc2UE-00011-00003185-00003445 you just use fancy words it's gonna it's vmkid-Gc2UE-00012-00003446-00003665 gonna make the example I think that you vmkid-Gc2UE-00013-00003665-00003847 know what you see and like you know if vmkid-Gc2UE-00014-00003848-00003974 you see something I don't know this vmkid-Gc2UE-00015-00003975-00004270 shows that a scheme like yes alright if vmkid-Gc2UE-00016-00004271-00004400 you see something like gardening this vmkid-Gc2UE-00017-00004401-00004718 elaborates the proposed notion that and vmkid-Gc2UE-00018-00004719-00005026 what you see in the same thing but like vmkid-Gc2UE-00019-00005027-00005276 I just think it's pretending to know vmkid-Gc2UE-00020-00005277-00005402 what you're on about by using big words vmkid-Gc2UE-00021-00005403-00005663 see this is real the real solid advice vmkid-Gc2UE-00022-00005664-00005921 that would be you vmkid-Gc2UE-00023-00005922-00006224 not like ooh you should use the Pomodoro vmkid-Gc2UE-00024-00006225-00006484 effect and do 25 minutes of learning and vmkid-Gc2UE-00025-00006486-00006683 then 5 minutes break I don't know what vmkid-Gc2UE-00026-00006684-00006745 that's all about vmkid-Gc2UE-00027-00006747-00006965 any time like revising is put into a vmkid-Gc2UE-00028-00006966-00007187 technique I can't do it like yeah maybe vmkid-Gc2UE-00029-00007188-00007394 I can like if I do some and then I look vmkid-Gc2UE-00030-00007395-00007529 over at three years later oh yeah vmkid-Gc2UE-00031-00007530-00007696 that'll work but when someone calls it vmkid-Gc2UE-00032-00007697-00007934 spaced repetition I'm like but that vmkid-Gc2UE-00033-00007934-00008165 isn't a technique that's like um it's vmkid-Gc2UE-00034-00008166-00008315 just common sense isn't it vmkid-Gc2UE-00035-00008316-00008524 see whenever I talk about like school vmkid-Gc2UE-00036-00008525-00008717 intelligence or whatever there's always vmkid-Gc2UE-00037-00008718-00008948 a fine balance of of how you can portray vmkid-Gc2UE-00038-00008949-00009089 yourself you know because obviously vmkid-Gc2UE-00039-00009090-00009310 that's the Boston being like oh yeah I vmkid-Gc2UE-00040-00009311-00009491 get nice and whatever whatever I hate I vmkid-Gc2UE-00041-00009492-00009719 hate that right I hate when people boast vmkid-Gc2UE-00042-00009720-00009960 like me goodness feel like absolute vmkid-Gc2UE-00043-00009961-00010199 absolutely here you know so I always vmkid-Gc2UE-00044-00010200-00010448 trying not to be that person who's being vmkid-Gc2UE-00045-00010449-00010658 the douche who's being the short vmkid-Gc2UE-00046-00010659-00010967 whatever and I mean doing well is it's vmkid-Gc2UE-00047-00010968-00011216 all a matter of opinion isn't it just vmkid-Gc2UE-00048-00011217-00011543 like there's someone the my Myka upset vmkid-Gc2UE-00049-00011544-00011713 was an a because like they're a freak or vmkid-Gc2UE-00050-00011714-00011951 something but someone you know Annie it vmkid-Gc2UE-00051-00011952-00012206 would be a dream come true like I don't vmkid-Gc2UE-00052-00012207-00012413 know you get what I'm saying right one vmkid-Gc2UE-00053-00012414-00012758 about Jesus I wasn't meant to go on this vmkid-Gc2UE-00054-00012759-00013210 tangent making this video vmkid-Gc2UE-00055-00013211-00013441 [Music] vmkid-Gc2UE-00056-00013441-00013663 whereas I'll say and you know be an vmkid-Gc2UE-00057-00013665-00013826 articulate a lot you know I get so vmkid-Gc2UE-00058-00013827-00013976 jealous of people who are really vmkid-Gc2UE-00059-00013977-00014126 articulate and they can convey a message vmkid-Gc2UE-00060-00014127-00014303 well it get exactly what they're trying vmkid-Gc2UE-00061-00014304-00014447 to say and I mean I can't even get a vmkid-Gc2UE-00062-00014447-00014657 coffee all right you know more I could I vmkid-Gc2UE-00063-00014658-00014819 could never be you study too but you vmkid-Gc2UE-00064-00014819-00014972 know I mean I reckon I could teach the vmkid-Gc2UE-00065-00014972-00015119 right thing as like a teach like pretty vmkid-Gc2UE-00066-00015119-00015347 well I mean I could never fit in to that vmkid-Gc2UE-00067-00015347-00015662 like to that box of that of the classic vmkid-Gc2UE-00068-00015663-00015833 like oh middle class white vlogger vmkid-Gc2UE-00069-00015834-00016091 that's all positive man why are you so vmkid-Gc2UE-00070-00016091-00016316 positive I mean how how are you so vmkid-Gc2UE-00071-00016316-00016517 moving it all the time I don't get you I vmkid-Gc2UE-00072-00016518-00016694 mean if are drawing like a group of vmkid-Gc2UE-00073-00016695-00016847 studies Shuba the conversation would vmkid-Gc2UE-00074-00016848-00017036 actually be like oh hey how are you vmkid-Gc2UE-00075-00017037-00017225 doing it's been a long time no see you vmkid-Gc2UE-00076-00017226-00017393 know I've just been volunteering at the vmkid-Gc2UE-00077-00017394-00017728 shelter for abundant poppies you know oh vmkid-Gc2UE-00078-00017729-00017975 yeah hi yeah I've just been I've just vmkid-Gc2UE-00079-00017976-00018227 released a new book and I've I've just vmkid-Gc2UE-00080-00018228-00018505 released a productivity planner and yeah vmkid-Gc2UE-00081-00018506-00018683 I've been quite productive over my vmkid-Gc2UE-00082-00018684-00018911 holidays you know I've actually got over vmkid-Gc2UE-00083-00018912-00019133 10 I will study with me session hey guys vmkid-Gc2UE-00084-00019134-00019235 sorry I'm late vmkid-Gc2UE-00085-00019236-00019511 I've just finished my year 71 books I've vmkid-Gc2UE-00086-00019512-00019691 read this month with you yeah it's that vmkid-Gc2UE-00087-00019692-00019892 I've also done an assumptions about me I vmkid-Gc2UE-00088-00019893-00020069 mean half of them say I do crack cocaine vmkid-Gc2UE-00089-00020070-00020261 in the toilets but I mean you know that vmkid-Gc2UE-00090-00020262-00020387 don't one's going to see those because vmkid-Gc2UE-00091-00020388-00020744 are you I'm so good at editing it's gone vmkid-Gc2UE-00092-00020745-00020975 off Gough and died and I mean it's vmkid-Gc2UE-00093-00020976-00021130 obvious how some youtubers not even vmkid-Gc2UE-00094-00021131-00021293 through the two of us the two fig and vmkid-Gc2UE-00095-00021294-00021515 happy the Shore facade will see right vmkid-Gc2UE-00096-00021516-00021668 through it the VR see right through it vmkid-Gc2UE-00097-00021669-00021839 you know if it's not genuine it's really vmkid-Gc2UE-00098-00021840-00021980 obvious and that's why I think the vmkid-Gc2UE-00099-00021981-00022147 majority of people love youtubers who vmkid-Gc2UE-00100-00022148-00022753 are down the earth and authentic no I vmkid-Gc2UE-00101-00022754-00022930 also have this weird thing right where vmkid-Gc2UE-00102-00022931-00023150 every youtuber who's more popular than vmkid-Gc2UE-00103-00023151-00023402 me and I thought I admire I also like vmkid-Gc2UE-00104-00023403-00023561 really here and I'm really jealous of vmkid-Gc2UE-00105-00023562-00023734 them like I mean I'm always really pet vmkid-Gc2UE-00106-00023735-00023884 you're toxic right but like I love me vmkid-Gc2UE-00107-00023885-00024050 okay I'm saying right it's like if a vmkid-Gc2UE-00108-00024051-00024266 youtubers got like good editor I'll be vmkid-Gc2UE-00109-00024267-00024544 sat there like yeah I could do better vmkid-Gc2UE-00110-00024545-00024740 also what the hell right when people see vmkid-Gc2UE-00111-00024741-00024953 in like a thank you video someone oh my vmkid-Gc2UE-00112-00024954-00025124 god I've been doing YouTube for almost vmkid-Gc2UE-00113-00025125-00025415 yeah you know I struggled right from the vmkid-Gc2UE-00114-00025416-00025598 beginning thank you so much for a vmkid-Gc2UE-00115-00025599-00025949 hundred thousand subscribers me what vmkid-Gc2UE-00116-00025950-00026069 you've got these people thinking that vmkid-Gc2UE-00117-00026070-00026213 you know less than a year is a really vmkid-Gc2UE-00118-00026214-00026383 long time you me doing YouTube like oh vmkid-Gc2UE-00119-00026385-00026555 yeah start my channel two years ago I've vmkid-Gc2UE-00120-00026556-00026780 changed so much but me I've been doing vmkid-Gc2UE-00121-00026781-00027026 YouTube for five years right I'm 16 and vmkid-Gc2UE-00122-00027027-00027242 I'm hosting for 300 yeah I mean it's vmkid-Gc2UE-00123-00027243-00027368 definitely not because I only you upload vmkid-Gc2UE-00124-00027369-00027542 once a decade but you know what I'm vmkid-Gc2UE-00125-00027543-00027677 saying yeah and yeah I don't I don't vmkid-Gc2UE-00126-00027677-00027812 know what this video was this is just vmkid-Gc2UE-00127-00027813-00028010 rambling talking about stuff hopefully vmkid-Gc2UE-00128-00028011-00028313 that tip about using fancy words helps vmkid-Gc2UE-00129-00028314-00029149 you out vmkid-Gc2UE-00130-00029150-00029735 [Music] vmrYcZcArJU-00000-00000608-00000751 greetings and welcome to the vmrYcZcArJU-00001-00000752-00000950 introduction to astronomy vmrYcZcArJU-00002-00000951-00001111 one of the things that i like to do in vmrYcZcArJU-00003-00001112-00001287 each of my introductory astronomy vmrYcZcArJU-00004-00001288-00001478 classes is to begin the class with the vmrYcZcArJU-00005-00001479-00001679 astronomy picture of the day vmrYcZcArJU-00006-00001680-00001979 from the nasa website that is vmrYcZcArJU-00007-00001980-00002142 vmrYcZcArJU-00008-00002143-00002463 apod and today's picture vmrYcZcArJU-00009-00002464-00002783 for december the 5th of 2020 vmrYcZcArJU-00010-00002784-00003039 well it is titled mons runker in the vmrYcZcArJU-00011-00003040-00003095 ocean vmrYcZcArJU-00012-00003096-00003431 of storms so what do we see here vmrYcZcArJU-00013-00003432-00003622 well a little to the left of center of vmrYcZcArJU-00014-00003623-00003870 the image we see a volcanic area on the vmrYcZcArJU-00015-00003871-00003951 moon vmrYcZcArJU-00016-00003952-00004175 the moon has been volcanically active in vmrYcZcArJU-00017-00004176-00004383 the past although not within the last vmrYcZcArJU-00018-00004384-00004543 few billion years vmrYcZcArJU-00019-00004544-00004775 but early in its history it was volcanic vmrYcZcArJU-00020-00004776-00004991 and in fact the maria the smooth vmrYcZcArJU-00021-00004992-00005222 darker area that we see on the left side vmrYcZcArJU-00022-00005223-00005302 here vmrYcZcArJU-00023-00005303-00005567 is actually the remnant of ancient lava vmrYcZcArJU-00024-00005568-00005783 flows that filled in lower lying vmrYcZcArJU-00025-00005784-00006054 areas on the moon and then as we look vmrYcZcArJU-00026-00006055-00006247 out to the right we see a more heavily vmrYcZcArJU-00027-00006248-00006422 cratered regions which are vmrYcZcArJU-00028-00006423-00006655 much older and date back four and a half vmrYcZcArJU-00029-00006656-00006855 billion years in many cases vmrYcZcArJU-00030-00006856-00007127 to the origin of the moon itself now vmrYcZcArJU-00031-00007128-00007375 this is the ocean of storms one of the vmrYcZcArJU-00032-00007376-00007431 large vmrYcZcArJU-00033-00007431-00007767 smooth areas on the surface of the moon vmrYcZcArJU-00034-00007768-00008095 and it's prominent recently because of vmrYcZcArJU-00035-00008095-00008174 the landing vmrYcZcArJU-00036-00008175-00008399 in this region and in fact just a little vmrYcZcArJU-00037-00008400-00008495 bit uh vmrYcZcArJU-00038-00008496-00008791 to the north of the domes of mons vmrYcZcArJU-00039-00008792-00008927 rumpker there vmrYcZcArJU-00040-00008928-00009271 and on december 1st just a few days ago vmrYcZcArJU-00041-00009272-00009671 that is where the china china's chang e5 vmrYcZcArJU-00042-00009672-00010023 lander landed and actually collected vmrYcZcArJU-00043-00010024-00010327 samples of material and just a couple of vmrYcZcArJU-00044-00010328-00010399 days ago vmrYcZcArJU-00045-00010400-00010742 on december third the uh the ascending vmrYcZcArJU-00046-00010743-00010823 part of that vmrYcZcArJU-00047-00010824-00011167 spacecraft left the moon and begins its vmrYcZcArJU-00048-00011168-00011351 journey back to earth vmrYcZcArJU-00049-00011352-00011670 bringing a good amount of lunar material vmrYcZcArJU-00050-00011671-00011870 and this will be the first lunar sample vmrYcZcArJU-00051-00011871-00012014 return since vmrYcZcArJU-00052-00012015-00012359 the 1970s the first time material had vmrYcZcArJU-00053-00012360-00012574 been brought back from the moon vmrYcZcArJU-00054-00012575-00012902 to explore and that was done in the late vmrYcZcArJU-00055-00012903-00013222 60s and early 70s by the apollo missions vmrYcZcArJU-00056-00013223-00013479 and later in the 1970s by some of the vmrYcZcArJU-00057-00013480-00013566 soviet vmrYcZcArJU-00058-00013568-00013919 missions there as well bringing samples vmrYcZcArJU-00059-00013919-00013975 back vmrYcZcArJU-00060-00013976-00014255 for further study so we'll be able to vmrYcZcArJU-00061-00014256-00014438 learn a little more about another vmrYcZcArJU-00062-00014440-00014655 region on the moon by being able to vmrYcZcArJU-00063-00014656-00014783 study those vmrYcZcArJU-00064-00014784-00015079 areas up close now in this case as i vmrYcZcArJU-00065-00015080-00015222 said we're looking at one of the vmrYcZcArJU-00066-00015223-00015494 one of the old lava flows and you can vmrYcZcArJU-00067-00015495-00015638 actually see some of that vmrYcZcArJU-00068-00015640-00015879 around the volcanic area they received vmrYcZcArJU-00069-00015880-00016127 as mons rumpker vmrYcZcArJU-00070-00016128-00016319 and there are still some flows and some vmrYcZcArJU-00071-00016319-00016527 cracking in the surface that we can see vmrYcZcArJU-00072-00016528-00016630 as well vmrYcZcArJU-00073-00016631-00016886 and note that there are very few craters vmrYcZcArJU-00074-00016887-00017094 scattered around that area vmrYcZcArJU-00075-00017095-00017294 and that tells us that it's relatively vmrYcZcArJU-00076-00017295-00017591 young the more craters we see in an area vmrYcZcArJU-00077-00017592-00017822 the older that surfaces and the longer vmrYcZcArJU-00078-00017823-00017950 it's been exposed vmrYcZcArJU-00079-00017951-00018263 to objects from space to impact it so vmrYcZcArJU-00080-00018264-00018399 more heavily cratered vmrYcZcArJU-00081-00018400-00018647 areas that we see on the right hand side vmrYcZcArJU-00082-00018648-00018863 are much older than the relatively vmrYcZcArJU-00083-00018864-00019007 smooth areas vmrYcZcArJU-00084-00019008-00019319 that we see towards the left so it will vmrYcZcArJU-00085-00019320-00019550 be interesting to see what we learn vmrYcZcArJU-00086-00019551-00019743 over the coming months and years from vmrYcZcArJU-00087-00019744-00019911 the samples brought back vmrYcZcArJU-00088-00019912-00020247 by changi 5. so that was our picture of vmrYcZcArJU-00089-00020248-00020311 the day vmrYcZcArJU-00090-00020312-00020630 for december the 5th of 2020 it was vmrYcZcArJU-00091-00020631-00020863 titled the mons rumpker in the ocean of vmrYcZcArJU-00092-00020864-00020967 storms vmrYcZcArJU-00093-00020968-00021135 we'll be back again tomorrow for the vmrYcZcArJU-00094-00021136-00021327 next picture previewed to be vmrYcZcArJU-00095-00021328-00021614 close up of a stellar nursery so we'll vmrYcZcArJU-00096-00021615-00021822 see what that is about tomorrow vmrYcZcArJU-00097-00021823-00022135 and until then have a great day everyone vmrYcZcArJU-00098-00022136-00022576 and i will see you in class w2RrPN9VOzc-00000-00000633-00000859 the oil industry has been part of w2RrPN9VOzc-00001-00000860-00001033 Wyoming's history since statehood in w2RrPN9VOzc-00002-00001034-00001327 fact many explorers reported seeing oil w2RrPN9VOzc-00003-00001328-00001564 seeps in the early 19th century before w2RrPN9VOzc-00004-00001565-00001782 Wyoming joined the Union one of those w2RrPN9VOzc-00005-00001784-00001980 explorers Captain Benjamin Bonneville w2RrPN9VOzc-00006-00001982-00002170 traveled into the Wind River Valley to w2RrPN9VOzc-00007-00002171-00002356 trade for beaver pelts with the Shoshone w2RrPN9VOzc-00008-00002357-00002577 Indians who lived in the area around w2RrPN9VOzc-00009-00002578-00002691 1832 w2RrPN9VOzc-00010-00002692-00002883 Bonneville stumbled upon an oil seep w2RrPN9VOzc-00011-00002884-00003112 near present-day Lander that eventually w2RrPN9VOzc-00012-00003113-00003249 became the site of Wyoming's first w2RrPN9VOzc-00013-00003250-00003568 oilfield 50 years later Mike Murphy w2RrPN9VOzc-00014-00003569-00003742 returned to the area which was still a w2RrPN9VOzc-00015-00003743-00004002 wild undeveloped land and sank a wildcat w2RrPN9VOzc-00016-00004003-00004213 well creating my omens first known w2RrPN9VOzc-00017-00004214-00004324 oilfield w2RrPN9VOzc-00018-00004325-00004638 Dallas stone Murphy struck black gold at w2RrPN9VOzc-00019-00004639-00004866 300 feet in the chug water formation w2RrPN9VOzc-00020-00004867-00005143 unfortunately for him uses for oil were w2RrPN9VOzc-00021-00005144-00005368 limited in 1883 and he primarily w2RrPN9VOzc-00022-00005369-00005652 marketed his oil to tanners in Utah who w2RrPN9VOzc-00023-00005653-00005845 used the product to prepare hides into w2RrPN9VOzc-00024-00005846-00006075 the Union Pacific Railroad for use as w2RrPN9VOzc-00025-00006076-00006357 axle grease native people used oil in w2RrPN9VOzc-00026-00006358-00006514 their everyday life before white men w2RrPN9VOzc-00027-00006515-00006723 began to mine it they used the greasy w2RrPN9VOzc-00028-00006725-00006943 residue for war paint decoration on w2RrPN9VOzc-00029-00006944-00007153 hides and teepees as horse and human w2RrPN9VOzc-00030-00007154-00007434 liniments and for medications Dallas w2RrPN9VOzc-00031-00007436-00007606 dome has been producing oil for more w2RrPN9VOzc-00032-00007606-00007809 than a hundred years and visitors can w2RrPN9VOzc-00033-00007811-00008062 still see pump jacks rhythmically rising w2RrPN9VOzc-00034-00008063-00008230 and falling near the junction of w2RrPN9VOzc-00035-00008231-00008574 highways 287 and 28 just south of Lander w2RrPN9VOzc-00036-00008575-00008721 from the University of Wyoming w2RrPN9VOzc-00037-00008722-00008977 Cooperative Extension Service I'm Tina w2RrPN9VOzc-00038-00008978-00009375 Russell exploring the nature of Wyoming w48CYbdA5mI-00000-00000303-00000517 and one thing we want to discuss when w48CYbdA5mI-00001-00000518-00000644 we're talking about a cyanotic heart w48CYbdA5mI-00002-00000645-00000844 defects is eisenmenger's syndrome w48CYbdA5mI-00003-00000846-00001012 what's eisenmenger's syndrome it's w48CYbdA5mI-00004-00001013-00001204 essentially a reversal of the shunt in w48CYbdA5mI-00005-00001205-00001441 which a left-to-right shunt becomes a w48CYbdA5mI-00006-00001442-00001622 right-to-left shot and we'll discuss in w48CYbdA5mI-00007-00001623-00001777 a second how that happens but basically w48CYbdA5mI-00008-00001778-00001982 it's the consequence of a long-standing w48CYbdA5mI-00009-00001982-00002213 and uncorrect did left-to-right shunt so w48CYbdA5mI-00010-00002214-00002543 any kind of larger ASD VSD or a patent w48CYbdA5mI-00011-00002544-00002720 ductus arteriosus could lead ties in w48CYbdA5mI-00012-00002721-00002954 memory syndrome and let's discuss the w48CYbdA5mI-00013-00002955-00003092 physiology of how this happens because w48CYbdA5mI-00014-00003093-00003229 this is really important to understand w48CYbdA5mI-00015-00003230-00003449 but we have an example of an atrial w48CYbdA5mI-00016-00003450-00003668 septal defect on the right side here and w48CYbdA5mI-00017-00003669-00003913 again as you'll recall we have blood w48CYbdA5mI-00018-00003914-00004066 flowing down the pressure gradient from w48CYbdA5mI-00019-00004067-00004411 the left atrium to the right atrium into w48CYbdA5mI-00020-00004412-00004561 the right ventricle and then out through w48CYbdA5mI-00021-00004562-00004820 the pulmonary artery and over time this w48CYbdA5mI-00022-00004821-00004979 increased amount of blood flow will lead w48CYbdA5mI-00023-00004980-00005197 to increased pressures in the pulmonary w48CYbdA5mI-00024-00005198-00005425 artery and eventually these patients w48CYbdA5mI-00025-00005426-00005645 will develop a pulmonary hypertension in w48CYbdA5mI-00026-00005646-00005816 response to the pulmonary hypertension w48CYbdA5mI-00027-00005817-00006116 this right ventricle is pumping so hard w48CYbdA5mI-00028-00006117-00006262 against the pulmonary hypertension that w48CYbdA5mI-00029-00006263-00006559 it begins to hypertrophy in response and w48CYbdA5mI-00030-00006561-00006748 eventually the pulmonary hypertension w48CYbdA5mI-00031-00006750-00007021 will become so bad that actually what w48CYbdA5mI-00032-00007022-00007313 we'll begin to see happen is the path of w48CYbdA5mI-00033-00007314-00007478 least resistance is no longer from the w48CYbdA5mI-00034-00007479-00007714 right ventricle to the pulmonary artery w48CYbdA5mI-00035-00007715-00007970 it's now from the right ventricle back w48CYbdA5mI-00036-00007970-00008206 into the right atrium and into the left w48CYbdA5mI-00037-00008207-00008485 atrium okay so the pressure gradient now w48CYbdA5mI-00038-00008486-00008648 favors the flow of blood from the right w48CYbdA5mI-00039-00008649-00008842 ventricle into the right atrium rather w48CYbdA5mI-00040-00008843-00009095 than the from the right atrium into the w48CYbdA5mI-00041-00009096-00009233 pulmonary artery that's how you get w48CYbdA5mI-00042-00009234-00009460 Eisenmenger syndrome and as you can see w48CYbdA5mI-00043-00009461-00009776 now we have a right-to-left shrimp w48CYbdA5mI-00044-00009777-00010078 rather than a lip duration and again w48CYbdA5mI-00045-00010079-00010208 what kind of patients are we gonna see w48CYbdA5mI-00046-00010209-00010424 this in it's in someone who's had a w48CYbdA5mI-00047-00010425-00010724 uncorrect 'add shunt so generally this w48CYbdA5mI-00048-00010725-00011108 would be a child or young adult that may w48CYbdA5mI-00049-00011109-00011438 have had a known heart defect or was w48CYbdA5mI-00050-00011439-00011689 never diagnosed with one and then what w48CYbdA5mI-00051-00011690-00011795 kind of symptoms are they gonna have w48CYbdA5mI-00052-00011796-00012016 again now we did a right-to-left shot w48CYbdA5mI-00053-00012017-00012256 and that would cause the patient to w48CYbdA5mI-00054-00012257-00012566 develop some cyanosis again they have w48CYbdA5mI-00055-00012567-00012703 weakened poor oxygenation of the blood w48CYbdA5mI-00056-00012704-00012860 as well so they're gonna have dyspnea w48CYbdA5mI-00057-00012861-00013066 and again in response to poor to w48CYbdA5mI-00058-00013067-00013300 saturation you'll see some clubbing in w48CYbdA5mI-00059-00013301-00013561 their digits as well and again these w48CYbdA5mI-00060-00013562-00013644 patients are going to w48CYbdA5mI-00061-00013646-00013918 evaluated with the echocardiogram and on w48CYbdA5mI-00062-00013919-00014128 their labs you might see some w48CYbdA5mI-00063-00014129-00014338 read-through cytosis and the reason this w48CYbdA5mI-00064-00014338-00014563 happens is again you have poor o2 w48CYbdA5mI-00065-00014563-00014743 saturation in the blood but the w48CYbdA5mI-00066-00014744-00014916 difference here is that it starts to w48CYbdA5mI-00067-00014918-00015157 develop gradually as Eisenmenger w48CYbdA5mI-00068-00015158-00015522 syndrome starts to develop it's a slow w48CYbdA5mI-00069-00015524-00015811 process so the bone marrow will adapt by w48CYbdA5mI-00070-00015812-00015982 increasing the production of red blood w48CYbdA5mI-00071-00015983-00016312 cells to try to maintain oxygenation of w48CYbdA5mI-00072-00016313-00016528 the peripheral tissues and how do we w48CYbdA5mI-00073-00016529-00016774 treat these patients again they're gonna w48CYbdA5mI-00074-00016775-00017068 have pulmonary hypertension that causes w48CYbdA5mI-00075-00017069-00017293 them to develop Eisenmenger syndrome as w48CYbdA5mI-00076-00017294-00017482 well they're gonna have some symptoms of w48CYbdA5mI-00077-00017483-00017662 right-sided congestive heart failure so w48CYbdA5mI-00078-00017663-00017935 we can give them you know diuretics and w48CYbdA5mI-00079-00017936-00018099 medications for pulmonary hypertension w48CYbdA5mI-00080-00018100-00018345 to manage these symptoms but eventually w48CYbdA5mI-00081-00018346-00018640 I so mango syndrome has quite a poor w48CYbdA5mI-00082-00018641-00018886 prognosis so a heart transplant is going w48CYbdA5mI-00083-00018887-00019054 to be the you know definitive treatment w48CYbdA5mI-00084-00019055-00019198 from both these most of these patients w48CYbdA5mI-00085-00019199-00019480 and you know they generally don't have w48CYbdA5mI-00086-00019481-00019681 very good outcomes so this is why it's w48CYbdA5mI-00087-00019682-00019942 so important to identify these defects w48CYbdA5mI-00088-00019943-00020164 early that's why we do a good physical w48CYbdA5mI-00089-00020165-00020395 exam on newborns do the appropriate w48CYbdA5mI-00090-00020396-00020662 workup so if there is a defect present w48CYbdA5mI-00091-00020663-00021185 we can catch it and prevent the onset of w48CYbdA5mI-00092-00021186-00022070 [Music] w6GVfokGULI-00000-00000003-00000332 an aircraft fuel system allows the crew w6GVfokGULI-00001-00000333-00000590 to pump manage and deliver aviation fuel w6GVfokGULI-00002-00000591-00000805 also called jet fuel to the propulsion w6GVfokGULI-00003-00000806-00001082 system and auxilary power unit appoo of w6GVfokGULI-00004-00001083-00001378 an aircraft fuel systems differ greatly w6GVfokGULI-00005-00001379-00001586 due to different performance of the w6GVfokGULI-00006-00001587-00001837 aircraft in which they are installed a w6GVfokGULI-00007-00001838-00002057 single-engine piston aircraft has a w6GVfokGULI-00008-00002058-00002192 simple fuel system w6GVfokGULI-00009-00002193-00002500 a tanker such as the kc-135 w6GVfokGULI-00010-00002501-00002741 in addition to managing its own fuel can w6GVfokGULI-00011-00002742-00002987 also provide fuel to other aircraft fuel w6GVfokGULI-00012-00002988-00003197 is piped through fuel lines to a fuel w6GVfokGULI-00013-00003198-00003406 control valve usually known as the fuel w6GVfokGULI-00014-00003407-00003683 selector this valve serves several w6GVfokGULI-00015-00003684-00003776 functions w6GVfokGULI-00016-00003777-00004036 the first function is to act as a fuel w6GVfokGULI-00017-00004037-00004313 shutoff valve this is required to w6GVfokGULI-00018-00004314-00004511 provide the crew with a means to prevent w6GVfokGULI-00019-00004512-00004718 fuel reaching the engine in case of an w6GVfokGULI-00020-00004719-00005015 engine fire the second function is to w6GVfokGULI-00021-00005016-00005201 allow the pilot to choose which tank w6GVfokGULI-00022-00005202-00005513 feeds the engine many aircraft have the w6GVfokGULI-00023-00005514-00005702 left tank and right tank selections w6GVfokGULI-00024-00005703-00006002 available to the pilot some Cessna w6GVfokGULI-00025-00006003-00006233 airplanes feed only from both tanks and w6GVfokGULI-00026-00006234-00006434 many have the option to feed from left w6GVfokGULI-00027-00006434-00006748 right or both tanks the reason to have w6GVfokGULI-00028-00006750-00006973 left only and right only options is to w6GVfokGULI-00029-00006975-00007195 allow pilots to balance fuel load to w6GVfokGULI-00030-00007197-00007471 reduce the banking moment in some w6GVfokGULI-00031-00007472-00007667 aircraft the shutoff function is a w6GVfokGULI-00032-00007668-00007877 different valve located after the fuel w6GVfokGULI-00033-00007878-00008198 selector valve typically after the w6GVfokGULI-00034-00008199-00008477 selector valve situated at a low point w6GVfokGULI-00035-00008478-00008759 in the fuel run there is a Gasca later a w6GVfokGULI-00036-00008760-00008989 fuel filter that can be opened on the w6GVfokGULI-00037-00008990-00009178 ground and drained of fuel impurities w6GVfokGULI-00038-00009179-00009416 denser than petroleum mainly water and w6GVfokGULI-00039-00009417-00009692 sediment other drainage points are in w6GVfokGULI-00040-00009693-00009824 each tank often more than one w6GVfokGULI-00041-00009825-00010058 contaminant collection some per tank and w6GVfokGULI-00042-00010059-00010378 at the injection pump each tank is w6GVfokGULI-00043-00010379-00010621 vented or pressurized to allow air into w6GVfokGULI-00044-00010622-00010781 the tank to take the place of burned w6GVfokGULI-00045-00010782-00010973 fuel otherwise the tank would be a w6GVfokGULI-00046-00010974-00011156 negative pressure which would result in w6GVfokGULI-00047-00011157-00011485 engine fuel starvation event also allows w6GVfokGULI-00048-00011486-00011710 for changes in atmospheric pressure and w6GVfokGULI-00049-00011711-00012260 temperature w6GVfokGULI-00050-00012261-00012599 topic single-engine aircraft gasoline w6GVfokGULI-00051-00012600-00013054 fuel system w6GVfokGULI-00052-00013055-00013318 the fuel level indication system in the w6GVfokGULI-00053-00013319-00013549 simplest form is a transparent window on w6GVfokGULI-00054-00013550-00013696 the tank side and in its usual w6GVfokGULI-00055-00013697-00013957 application a float driven potentiometer w6GVfokGULI-00056-00013958-00014272 installed in the tank after the TWA w6GVfokGULI-00057-00014272-00014547 flight 800 disaster a revision was made w6GVfokGULI-00058-00014549-00014763 to aircraft fuel systems to address the w6GVfokGULI-00059-00014765-00015004 potential explosion hazard of electrical w6GVfokGULI-00060-00015005-00015294 components located in the fuel tank w6GVfokGULI-00061-00015294-00015553 single-engine piston aircraft fuel level w6GVfokGULI-00062-00015554-00015760 systems moved to utilize float level w6GVfokGULI-00063-00015761-00016054 gauges from the CNG and lpg industries w6GVfokGULI-00064-00016055-00016246 which had the float driver magnetic w6GVfokGULI-00065-00016247-00016489 coupling and relocated the potentiometer w6GVfokGULI-00066-00016490-00016849 outside the fuel tank some single-engine w6GVfokGULI-00067-00016850-00017071 aircraft use capacitive probes in the w6GVfokGULI-00068-00017072-00017371 fuel tanks as fuel is burned more air w6GVfokGULI-00069-00017372-00017551 enters the tank and the capacitance w6GVfokGULI-00070-00017552-00017791 increases this is read by a computer in w6GVfokGULI-00071-00017792-00017974 the fuel amount is calculated and w6GVfokGULI-00072-00017975-00018334 displayed to the pilots recent advances w6GVfokGULI-00073-00018335-00018607 in magnetic technology have evolved new w6GVfokGULI-00074-00018608-00018822 fuel level sensors for general aviation w6GVfokGULI-00075-00018823-00019177 applications this system is not affected w6GVfokGULI-00076-00019178-00019408 by any additive or fuel combination to w6GVfokGULI-00077-00019409-00019627 replace 100 LL for piston powered w6GVfokGULI-00078-00019628-00020237 aircraft w6GVfokGULI-00079-00020238-00020969 topic multi-engine aircraft fuel system w6GVfokGULI-00080-00020970-00021222 adding tanks and engines increases the w6GVfokGULI-00081-00021223-00021422 complexity of the fuel system and its w6GVfokGULI-00082-00021423-00021725 management additional features found in w6GVfokGULI-00083-00021726-00022055 multi-engine aircraft are each wing tank w6GVfokGULI-00084-00022056-00022247 often has its own electric boost fuel w6GVfokGULI-00085-00022248-00022425 pump and each engine has its own w6GVfokGULI-00086-00022426-00022637 mechanical pump replicating the fuel w6GVfokGULI-00087-00022638-00022830 system described above for the single w6GVfokGULI-00088-00022831-00023127 engine in case of single engine w6GVfokGULI-00089-00023128-00023306 operation there is often a method w6GVfokGULI-00090-00023307-00023630 incorporated to cross feed the engine w6GVfokGULI-00091-00023631-00023889 left tank feeding right engine or vice w6GVfokGULI-00092-00023890-00023972 versa w6GVfokGULI-00093-00023973-00024300 to balance asymmetric weight flow valves w6GVfokGULI-00094-00024301-00024477 and pumps often are used to feed both w6GVfokGULI-00095-00024478-00024680 engines from one tank or simply to w6GVfokGULI-00096-00024681-00025390 transfer fuel between tanks w6GVfokGULI-00097-00025391-00026014 topic turbine fuel system w6GVfokGULI-00098-00026014-00026260 all of the considerations made for the w6GVfokGULI-00099-00026261-00026458 twin piston are applicable to turbine w6GVfokGULI-00100-00026458-00026787 fuel systems additional consideration w6GVfokGULI-00101-00026788-00026977 apply because of the higher altitudes w6GVfokGULI-00102-00026977-00027199 different fuel lower temperatures and w6GVfokGULI-00103-00027200-00027502 longer flights to avoid water w6GVfokGULI-00104-00027502-00027696 condensation or the fuel itself w6GVfokGULI-00105-00027697-00027987 solidifying at low temperatures - 55 w6GVfokGULI-00106-00027988-00028195 degrees Celsius fuel tanks have w6GVfokGULI-00107-00028195-00028492 thermometers and heating systems many w6GVfokGULI-00108-00028493-00028705 are pressurized with engine bleed air to w6GVfokGULI-00109-00028706-00028914 keep moist air out and ensure positive w6GVfokGULI-00110-00028916-00029236 pressure feed to the pumps in larger w6GVfokGULI-00111-00029237-00029455 aircraft fuel tanks also are in the w6GVfokGULI-00112-00029456-00029637 fuselage and their load affects the w6GVfokGULI-00113-00029638-00029926 center of gravity of the aircraft this w6GVfokGULI-00114-00029927-00030151 imposes limitations on the amount of w6GVfokGULI-00115-00030152-00030355 fuel carried and the order in which fuel w6GVfokGULI-00116-00030356-00030730 must be used turbine engines burn fuel w6GVfokGULI-00117-00030731-00030952 faster than reciprocating engines do w6GVfokGULI-00118-00030952-00031225 because fuel needs to be injected into a w6GVfokGULI-00119-00031226-00031437 combustor the injection system of a w6GVfokGULI-00120-00031438-00031660 turbine aircraft must provide fuel at w6GVfokGULI-00121-00031661-00031833 higher pressure and flow compared to w6GVfokGULI-00122-00031835-00032149 that for a piston engine aircraft the w6GVfokGULI-00123-00032150-00032356 refuelling system of larger aircraft w6GVfokGULI-00124-00032357-00032542 includes a single positive pressure w6GVfokGULI-00125-00032543-00032752 refueling point from which all tanks can w6GVfokGULI-00126-00032752-00033052 be fueled how much and to which tanks w6GVfokGULI-00127-00033053-00033223 fuel is fed during refueling operations w6GVfokGULI-00128-00033224-00033465 is determined by the controls in the w6GVfokGULI-00129-00033466-00033655 refuelling panel usually installed w6GVfokGULI-00130-00033656-00034406 nearby and accessible to ground crews w6GVfokGULI-00131-00034407-00035021 topic external tanks w6GVfokGULI-00132-00035022-00035278 external tanks are used to extend the w6GVfokGULI-00133-00035279-00035557 range of an aircraft drop tanks are used w6GVfokGULI-00134-00035558-00035779 by combat aircraft that need to discard w6GVfokGULI-00135-00035780-00036012 them after use for performance reasons w6GVfokGULI-00136-00036013-00036312 to transfer fuel from the tip tank to w6GVfokGULI-00137-00036313-00036520 the main tank on each side there must be w6GVfokGULI-00138-00036521-00036871 a fuel pump in the tip tank w6MkW-0U8tu-00000-00000012-00000250 hello my name is Yoon and I'm currently w6MkW-0U8tu-00001-00000252-00000497 helping Dalian in Indonesia with w6MkW-0U8tu-00002-00000498-00000767 interpreting filming and video editing w6MkW-0U8tu-00003-00000768-00001012 in this video I'm going to show you my w6MkW-0U8tu-00004-00001013-00001277 first day of fasting in Ramadan then I w6MkW-0U8tu-00005-00001278-00001516 hope you enjoy watching it w6MkW-0U8tu-00006-00001517-00001757 hello w6MkW-0U8tu-00007-00001757-00003000 hey bro come on w6MkW-0U8tu-00008-00003001-00004949 at this time I thought he was just crazy w6MkW-0U8tu-00010-00008552-00008824 we arrived at the convenience store to w6MkW-0U8tu-00011-00008825-00010105 buy some food w6MkW-0U8tu-00012-00010106-00010414 to be honest I wasn't hungry at all so I w6MkW-0U8tu-00013-00010415-00010769 picked anything w6MkW-0U8tu-00014-00010770-00011760 um w6MkW-0U8tu-00015-00011761-00012035 I thought fasting means only you not w6MkW-0U8tu-00016-00012036-00012238 eating food but I was shocked to learn w6MkW-0U8tu-00017-00012239-00012431 that I couldn't even drink water because w6MkW-0U8tu-00018-00012432-00012653 passing in Korean bean is not eating w6MkW-0U8tu-00019-00012654-00013186 only food w6MkW-0U8tu-00021-00016328-00016655 thank you w6MkW-0U8tu-00022-00016656-00016905 again w6MkW-0U8tu-00023-00016906-00019158 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00024-00019159-00019483 thank you w6MkW-0U8tu-00025-00019484-00019750 it was the first time I tried it and it w6MkW-0U8tu-00026-00019751-00019961 tasted really delicious like chocolate w6MkW-0U8tu-00027-00019962-00021461 or caramela w6MkW-0U8tu-00028-00021462-00021579 woman w6MkW-0U8tu-00029-00021580-00022997 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00030-00022998-00023426 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00031-00023427-00024630 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00032-00024631-00024928 I had no idea at the time the tragedy w6MkW-0U8tu-00033-00024929-00026087 that would come to me in the future w6MkW-0U8tu-00034-00026088-00028711 um w6MkW-0U8tu-00035-00028712-00028990 I gradually learned about those of w6MkW-0U8tu-00036-00028991-00029255 Muslims and the reason for fasting after w6MkW-0U8tu-00037-00029256-00029537 suhur my brother went hard to pray and I w6MkW-0U8tu-00038-00029538-00029729 went back to sleep then at the Carl w6MkW-0U8tu-00039-00029730-00029933 brought it out I went out to help with w6MkW-0U8tu-00040-00029933-00030120 the filming w6MkW-0U8tu-00041-00030122-00030779 so today is Friday I have to go our duty w6MkW-0U8tu-00042-00030780-00031408 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00043-00031410-00033474 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00044-00033475-00033767 so I try to eat at any restaurant I w6MkW-0U8tu-00045-00033768-00034343 could see passing by w6MkW-0U8tu-00046-00034344-00034667 oh w6MkW-0U8tu-00047-00034668-00035033 oh w6MkW-0U8tu-00048-00035034-00035237 the first restaurant we visited Pizza w6MkW-0U8tu-00049-00035238-00035531 Hut was closed and I didn't know why at w6MkW-0U8tu-00050-00035532-00037181 that time w6MkW-0U8tu-00051-00037182-00038074 um w6MkW-0U8tu-00052-00038075-00038693 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00053-00038694-00039617 Ramadan w6MkW-0U8tu-00055-00044450-00044723 why the hell does the person look so w6MkW-0U8tu-00056-00044724-00044911 happy w6MkW-0U8tu-00057-00044912-00045179 did you see their face they are so happy w6MkW-0U8tu-00058-00045180-00045395 that you passed today you're so happy w6MkW-0U8tu-00059-00045396-00045580 at this point I really wanted to kill w6MkW-0U8tu-00060-00045581-00045718 him w6MkW-0U8tu-00062-00048797-00049723 he's pretty Islam City w6MkW-0U8tu-00063-00049724-00050362 I was not joking seriously w6MkW-0U8tu-00064-00050363-00051480 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00065-00051482-00052619 thank you so much w6MkW-0U8tu-00066-00052620-00053513 yes w6MkW-0U8tu-00067-00053514-00054013 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00068-00054014-00054347 but unfortunately I didn't expect that w6MkW-0U8tu-00069-00054348-00054569 every restaurants are closed a while or w6MkW-0U8tu-00070-00054570-00054826 Ramadan it's kind of disaster for me w6MkW-0U8tu-00071-00054827-00054953 okay he's infesting right now he's w6MkW-0U8tu-00072-00054954-00055192 fasting oh really yeah yeah and first w6MkW-0U8tu-00073-00055194-00055438 time you might have time yeah not on my w6MkW-0U8tu-00074-00055439-00055709 purpose but I'm trying okay because I w6MkW-0U8tu-00075-00055710-00055900 have every shop is closed today so I w6MkW-0U8tu-00076-00055901-00056129 just suggest him to just the best just w6MkW-0U8tu-00077-00056129-00056369 for one day yeah yeah that's typical in w6MkW-0U8tu-00078-00056370-00056566 nature yeah like in Jakarta maybe there w6MkW-0U8tu-00079-00056567-00057103 are some shops open w6MkW-0U8tu-00080-00057104-00057413 I lived in Jakarta for about a year at w6MkW-0U8tu-00081-00057414-00057653 the time Jakarta where there were many w6MkW-0U8tu-00082-00057654-00057899 followers many restaurants were opened w6MkW-0U8tu-00083-00057900-00058126 despite Ramadan but in mandate most of w6MkW-0U8tu-00084-00058127-00058307 them were closed during the fasting w6MkW-0U8tu-00085-00058308-00059353 period w6MkW-0U8tu-00086-00059354-00059680 yes for me like I mean they they always w6MkW-0U8tu-00087-00059682-00059854 making smile for me in front of me like w6MkW-0U8tu-00088-00059855-00060082 I always add can I eat something in w6MkW-0U8tu-00089-00060083-00060292 front of you like they say like oh yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00090-00060294-00060544 of course why not but yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00091-00060545-00060737 how was your first time he looks so w6MkW-0U8tu-00092-00060738-00060871 angry now w6MkW-0U8tu-00093-00060872-00061182 sir thirst is also very hard yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00094-00061183-00061457 honestly I I thought only for the food w6MkW-0U8tu-00095-00061458-00061637 fasting for the food but no everything w6MkW-0U8tu-00096-00061638-00061876 though oh yeah even you're like you w6MkW-0U8tu-00097-00061877-00062142 better watch everything our emotional w6MkW-0U8tu-00099-00065300-00065635 son of a w6MkW-0U8tu-00100-00065636-00065950 we went to the mark and at this point I w6MkW-0U8tu-00101-00065951-00066571 had hard time to resisting my appetite w6MkW-0U8tu-00102-00066572-00066871 hey w6MkW-0U8tu-00103-00066872-00067081 calm down w6MkW-0U8tu-00104-00067082-00067361 calm down calm down we can buy we can w6MkW-0U8tu-00105-00067362-00067543 buy but not it w6MkW-0U8tu-00106-00067544-00067829 just take what you want everything I w6MkW-0U8tu-00107-00067830-00068105 want everything yeah yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00108-00068106-00068597 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00109-00068598-00068800 you can do it w6MkW-0U8tu-00110-00068801-00069385 do it w6MkW-0U8tu-00111-00069386-00069906 okay when we go to Korea w6MkW-0U8tu-00112-00069907-00070223 okay okay if you come to Korea we will w6MkW-0U8tu-00113-00070224-00073193 try to do everything okay okay w6MkW-0U8tu-00114-00073194-00073481 it's called like detox like birthday w6MkW-0U8tu-00115-00073482-00073673 I don't need to talk w6MkW-0U8tu-00116-00073674-00074017 you need to go see look at your body w6MkW-0U8tu-00117-00074018-00074400 you can do it w6MkW-0U8tu-00118-00074401-00074705 it was really hard to resist hunger when w6MkW-0U8tu-00119-00074706-00075856 ordering chicken w6MkW-0U8tu-00120-00075857-00076874 mashallah w6MkW-0U8tu-00121-00076875-00077662 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00122-00077663-00077993 hello since it was a holiday there was w6MkW-0U8tu-00123-00077994-00078215 no one on the beach so it felt like a w6MkW-0U8tu-00124-00078216-00078356 private beach w6MkW-0U8tu-00125-00078357-00079555 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00126-00079556-00079876 but not yet w6MkW-0U8tu-00127-00079877-00080225 I've never seen this kind of huge much w6MkW-0U8tu-00128-00080226-00080638 of course yeah you know one one meal one w6MkW-0U8tu-00129-00080639-00081479 honest w6MkW-0U8tu-00130-00081480-00081897 I'm not pretty sure I can do it w6MkW-0U8tu-00131-00081898-00082162 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00132-00082163-00082481 one hour left I got to see this the same w6MkW-0U8tu-00133-00082482-00082721 thing at the Jakarta they're already w6MkW-0U8tu-00134-00082722-00082985 inside the restaurant to order this and w6MkW-0U8tu-00135-00082986-00083159 then put everything on the table yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00136-00083160-00083356 they're just waiting read the foods it's w6MkW-0U8tu-00137-00083357-00083567 good babe why everyone was waiting in w6MkW-0U8tu-00138-00083568-00083776 front of the food I couldn't stand it w6MkW-0U8tu-00139-00083777-00084676 and ready too far away w6MkW-0U8tu-00140-00084677-00085055 I cannot even see the first Inferno at w6MkW-0U8tu-00141-00085056-00085338 that w6MkW-0U8tu-00142-00085339-00085709 I never waited much like this the food w6MkW-0U8tu-00143-00085710-00085926 ever never ever w6MkW-0U8tu-00144-00085927-00086526 oh so is very emotional w6MkW-0U8tu-00145-00086527-00086825 I'm really serious I didn't cheat it the w6MkW-0U8tu-00146-00086826-00087082 last word was 14 hours ago like yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00147-00087083-00087325 yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00148-00087326-00087793 we are proud of you bro w6MkW-0U8tu-00149-00087794-00088085 I'm gonna I'm gonna bring this memory w6MkW-0U8tu-00150-00088086-00088571 until die I think like oh there was a my w6MkW-0U8tu-00151-00088572-00088847 friend in Austin like yeah to take w6MkW-0U8tu-00152-00088848-00089562 fasting together w6MkW-0U8tu-00153-00089563-00090221 [Laughter] w6MkW-0U8tu-00154-00090222-00090544 I respect every Muslim I respect every w6MkW-0U8tu-00155-00090545-00090856 Muslim it's not only one day for the one w6MkW-0U8tu-00156-00090857-00090994 month one month w6MkW-0U8tu-00157-00090995-00091276 30 days thank you so much my friend to w6MkW-0U8tu-00158-00091277-00091541 prepare everything not only the food I'm w6MkW-0U8tu-00159-00091542-00091726 talking about this kind of our w6MkW-0U8tu-00160-00091727-00091973 experience of today you guys make the w6MkW-0U8tu-00161-00091974-00092212 special day for us you guys show us the w6MkW-0U8tu-00162-00092213-00092761 kindness of objects thank you so much w6MkW-0U8tu-00163-00092762-00092956 six minutes w6MkW-0U8tu-00164-00092957-00093203 wow w6MkW-0U8tu-00165-00093204-00093700 chicken w6MkW-0U8tu-00166-00093701-00094025 oh it lose the temperature but still has w6MkW-0U8tu-00167-00094026-00094573 a great taste really nice w6MkW-0U8tu-00168-00094574-00094961 one minute left I'm ready you ready I'm w6MkW-0U8tu-00169-00094962-00096214 ready congratulations w6MkW-0U8tu-00170-00096215-00096455 [Laughter] w6MkW-0U8tu-00171-00096456-00096629 myself w6MkW-0U8tu-00172-00096630-00098329 [Laughter] w6MkW-0U8tu-00173-00098330-00098603 I just thought it's nothing but like the w6MkW-0U8tu-00174-00098604-00098861 fasting make this food really tasteful w6MkW-0U8tu-00175-00098862-00099161 like where it came out but I didn't know w6MkW-0U8tu-00176-00099162-00099365 that he teached me it came from the w6MkW-0U8tu-00177-00099366-00099599 everything where it comes from say like w6MkW-0U8tu-00178-00099600-00099899 some of the crater the god w6MkW-0U8tu-00179-00099900-00100211 so I got to know what is that exactly w6MkW-0U8tu-00180-00100212-00100415 right now I can't even get the sympathy w6MkW-0U8tu-00181-00100416-00100756 to the poor people have no food even if w6MkW-0U8tu-00182-00100757-00100997 I couldn't be a Muslim but like I would w6MkW-0U8tu-00183-00100998-00101212 bring this memory until die I think yeah w6MkW-0U8tu-00184-00101213-00101398 wow w6MkW-0U8tu-00185-00101399-00101771 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00186-00101772-00102082 food and for the water that's true you w6MkW-0U8tu-00187-00102083-00102287 understand the exact meaning of Ramadan w6MkW-0U8tu-00188-00102288-00102497 oh yeah like that only just fasting w6MkW-0U8tu-00189-00102498-00102844 because you teach me every time when you w6MkW-0U8tu-00190-00102845-00103416 feel like that just say alhamdulillah w6MkW-0U8tu-00191-00103417-00103727 today was truly the most special day of w6MkW-0U8tu-00192-00103728-00103906 my life I've seen many Indonesian w6MkW-0U8tu-00193-00103907-00104134 friends fasting today is the first time w6MkW-0U8tu-00194-00104135-00104315 I've tried it myself I came to w6MkW-0U8tu-00195-00104316-00104530 understand very well today that fasting w6MkW-0U8tu-00196-00104531-00104758 is a process of giving thanks for food w6MkW-0U8tu-00197-00104759-00104993 and what is given and understanding w6MkW-0U8tu-00198-00104994-00105215 those who are hungry it seems that it w6MkW-0U8tu-00199-00105216-00105502 has become a day to give thanks for the w6MkW-0U8tu-00200-00105503-00105743 people right next to you and for being w6MkW-0U8tu-00201-00105744-00105989 alive and all the joy I think I will w6MkW-0U8tu-00202-00105990-00106223 respect all Muslims from today thank you w6MkW-0U8tu-00203-00106224-00106439 to our friends and brought it out for w6MkW-0U8tu-00204-00106440-00106636 making the day special and thank you to w6MkW-0U8tu-00205-00106638-00106865 everyone who watches and wish you a w6MkW-0U8tu-00206-00106866-00107158 happy Ramadan Ramadan Mubarak w6MkW-0U8tu-00207-00107159-00109199 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00208-00109200-00109420 foreign w6MkW-0U8tu-00209-00109421-00109984 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00210-00109985-00110225 [Music] w6MkW-0U8tu-00211-00110226-00110528 cause I've been w72R22Fu8RA-00000-00000344-00000607 hi I'm Nancy Howell with Western w72R22Fu8RA-00001-00000608-00000872 Cuyahoga Audubon and Wow who would have w72R22Fu8RA-00002-00000873-00001073 thought a December day would be so w72R22Fu8RA-00003-00001074-00001354 beautiful here at Edgewater Park but I'm w72R22Fu8RA-00004-00001355-00001525 really here to talk to you more about w72R22Fu8RA-00005-00001526-00001697 the Christmas Bird Count w72R22Fu8RA-00006-00001698-00001939 a hundred and twentieth Christmas Bird w72R22Fu8RA-00007-00001941-00002099 Count that's happening w72R22Fu8RA-00008-00002100-00002354 our Christmas Bird Count at western Iowa w72R22Fu8RA-00009-00002355-00002447 Audubon w72R22Fu8RA-00010-00002448-00002723 is taking place on Saturday December w72R22Fu8RA-00011-00002724-00003137 28th and we need lots of folks to go out w72R22Fu8RA-00012-00003138-00003347 into our town circle which is called the w72R22Fu8RA-00013-00003347-00003706 Lakewood circle to cover the urban and w72R22Fu8RA-00014-00003707-00004001 suburban areas parks we have driving w72R22Fu8RA-00015-00004002-00004361 routes which is just a lot of fun so it w72R22Fu8RA-00016-00004362-00004610 is citizen science because the w72R22Fu8RA-00017-00004611-00004922 information does get sent to the Cornell w72R22Fu8RA-00018-00004923-00005177 Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon w72R22Fu8RA-00019-00005178-00005501 Society and what it is they were looking w72R22Fu8RA-00020-00005502-00005713 at trends throughout many many many w72R22Fu8RA-00021-00005714-00006008 years no Western Cuyahoga has not w72R22Fu8RA-00022-00006009-00006238 participated for a hundred and twenty w72R22Fu8RA-00023-00006239-00006617 seasons or 120 years but the years that w72R22Fu8RA-00024-00006618-00006917 we have participated again all of this w72R22Fu8RA-00025-00006918-00007175 adds to the knowledge about birds their w72R22Fu8RA-00026-00007176-00007463 their increase their decline changes in w72R22Fu8RA-00027-00007464-00007787 habitat changes in climate we're very w72R22Fu8RA-00028-00007788-00008102 very concerned about birds and and how w72R22Fu8RA-00029-00008103-00008348 they're their populations are changing w72R22Fu8RA-00030-00008349-00008599 so participating in the Christmas Bird w72R22Fu8RA-00031-00008600-00008881 Count on that one day with Western w72R22Fu8RA-00032-00008882-00009160 Cuyahoga would be awesome we have again w72R22Fu8RA-00033-00009161-00009517 several routes that need to be covered w72R22Fu8RA-00034-00009518-00010974 you could watch birds from your feeder w72R22Fu8RA-00035-00010975-00011190 there's a big old button on that page w72R22Fu8RA-00036-00011191-00011445 and it says Christmas Bird Count you hit w72R22Fu8RA-00037-00011446-00011697 that button and it has lots and lots of w72R22Fu8RA-00038-00011698-00011939 information as to how to participate w72R22Fu8RA-00039-00011940-00012255 areas that need coverage groups that are w72R22Fu8RA-00040-00012256-00012501 going out that maybe you want to join so w72R22Fu8RA-00041-00012502-00012636 we hope that you'll be able to w72R22Fu8RA-00042-00012637-00012872 participate in the Christmas Bird Count w72R22Fu8RA-00043-00012874-00013479 Saturday December 28th thanks w82adXOaFlY-00000-00000142-00000383 welcome to my channel basic learn w82adXOaFlY-00001-00000384-00000805 English what's the weather like in your w82adXOaFlY-00002-00000806-00001066 country well there are four seasons w82adXOaFlY-00003-00001067-00001462 spring summer fall and winter which vary w82adXOaFlY-00004-00001463-00001751 considerably in characteristics what w82adXOaFlY-00005-00001752-00002009 kinds of weather do you like I enjoy hot w82adXOaFlY-00006-00002010-00002240 weather there are more things to do any w82adXOaFlY-00007-00002241-00002491 sunny I love swimming and sunbathing w82adXOaFlY-00008-00002492-00002729 what months have the best weather in w82adXOaFlY-00009-00002730-00003047 your country I believe it depends for me w82adXOaFlY-00010-00003048-00003238 the best weather is from June to August w82adXOaFlY-00011-00003239-00003524 when it's warm across the country do you w82adXOaFlY-00012-00003525-00003772 like it when it rains not at all w82adXOaFlY-00013-00003773-00004028 I hate raining how does the weather w82adXOaFlY-00014-00004029-00004306 affect your feelings I usually have a w82adXOaFlY-00015-00004307-00004570 bad mood when it rains the rain reminds w82adXOaFlY-00016-00004571-00004838 me of sad memories how has the weather w82adXOaFlY-00017-00004839-00005095 changed recently due to global warming w82adXOaFlY-00018-00005096-00005329 the weather has become more and more w82adXOaFlY-00019-00005330-00005615 unpredictable it's boiling hot in summer w82adXOaFlY-00020-00005616-00005911 and freezing cold on winter days do you w82adXOaFlY-00021-00005912-00006184 usually watch the weather forecasts no w82adXOaFlY-00022-00006185-00006457 not very often what's your favourite w82adXOaFlY-00023-00006458-00006716 season why let's see w82adXOaFlY-00024-00006717-00006953 I love spring when trees and flowers w82adXOaFlY-00025-00006954-00007208 blossom what do you like to do when it's w82adXOaFlY-00026-00007209-00007498 windy when it's windy I like flying a w82adXOaFlY-00027-00007500-00007942 kite with my friends that's interesting w82adXOaFlY-00028-00007943-00008198 do not forget to subscribe to my channel w82adXOaFlY-00029-00008199-00008606 likes video thank you wqkdB1Q0798-00000-00000314-00001543 [Music] wqkdB1Q0798-00001-00001544-00001814 it's an awesome game by yours truly i wqkdB1Q0798-00002-00001816-00002192 don't get unreal protein wvTlA4OY2R4-00000-00000038-00000302 federal elections were held in Germany wvTlA4OY2R4-00001-00000303-00000601 on the 5th of March 1933 after the Nazi wvTlA4OY2R4-00002-00000602-00000790 seizure of power in just six days after wvTlA4OY2R4-00003-00000791-00001120 the Reichstag fire Nazi storm troopers wvTlA4OY2R4-00004-00001121-00001310 had unleashed a campaign of violence wvTlA4OY2R4-00005-00001311-00001528 against the Communist Party KPD wvTlA4OY2R4-00006-00001529-00001801 left-wingers trade unionists the Social wvTlA4OY2R4-00007-00001802-00002000 Democratic Party of Germany and the wvTlA4OY2R4-00008-00002001-00002204 center party they were the last wvTlA4OY2R4-00009-00002205-00002414 multi-party elections in a unified wvTlA4OY2R4-00010-00002415-00002860 Germany until 1990 the 1933 election wvTlA4OY2R4-00011-00002861-00003020 followed the previous year's two wvTlA4OY2R4-00012-00003021-00003091 elections wvTlA4OY2R4-00013-00003092-00003256 July and November and Hitler's wvTlA4OY2R4-00014-00003257-00003509 appointment as Chancellor in the months wvTlA4OY2R4-00015-00003510-00003767 before the 1933 election brown shirts wvTlA4OY2R4-00016-00003768-00004058 and SS displayed terror repression and wvTlA4OY2R4-00017-00004059-00004302 propaganda wvTlA4OY2R4-00018-00004303-00004614 across the land and Nazi organizations wvTlA4OY2R4-00019-00004615-00004941 monitored the vote process in Prussia wvTlA4OY2R4-00020-00004942-00005241 50,000 members of the SS saw in style wvTlA4OY2R4-00021-00005242-00005406 helm were ordered to monitor the votes wvTlA4OY2R4-00022-00005407-00005607 by acting Interior Minister Hermann wvTlA4OY2R4-00023-00005608-00005850 Goering as auxiliary police the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00024-00005851-00006057 registered a large increase in votes in wvTlA4OY2R4-00025-00006058-00006179 1933 wvTlA4OY2R4-00026-00006180-00006450 however despite waging a campaign of wvTlA4OY2R4-00027-00006451-00006656 terror against their opponents the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00028-00006658-00006969 only tallied 43.9% of the vote well wvTlA4OY2R4-00029-00006970-00007203 short of a majority they needed the wvTlA4OY2R4-00030-00007204-00007380 votes of their coalition partner the wvTlA4OY2R4-00031-00007381-00007677 German National People's Party dnvp for wvTlA4OY2R4-00032-00007678-00007895 a bare working majority in the Reichstag wvTlA4OY2R4-00033-00007895-00008142 this would be the last contested wvTlA4OY2R4-00034-00008143-00008316 election held in Germany before World wvTlA4OY2R4-00035-00008317-00008523 War two two weeks after the election wvTlA4OY2R4-00036-00008524-00008771 Hitler was able to pass an enabling act wvTlA4OY2R4-00037-00008772-00008991 on the 23rd of March with the support of wvTlA4OY2R4-00038-00008992-00009165 all non socialist parties which wvTlA4OY2R4-00039-00009166-00009318 effectively gave Hitler dictatorial wvTlA4OY2R4-00040-00009319-00009635 powers within months the Nazis banned wvTlA4OY2R4-00041-00009636-00009785 all other parties and turned the wvTlA4OY2R4-00042-00009786-00009913 Reichstag into a rubber-stamp wvTlA4OY2R4-00043-00009914-00010176 legislature comprising only Nazis and wvTlA4OY2R4-00044-00010177-00010801 pro-nazi vests wvTlA4OY2R4-00045-00010802-00011314 topic background wvTlA4OY2R4-00046-00011315-00011566 the election took place after the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00047-00011567-00011788 came to power on the 30th of January wvTlA4OY2R4-00048-00011789-00011953 when president paul von hindenburg wvTlA4OY2R4-00049-00011954-00012232 appointed Hitler as Chancellor the wvTlA4OY2R4-00050-00012233-00012427 latter immediately urged the dissolution wvTlA4OY2R4-00051-00012428-00012613 of the Reichstag and the calling of new wvTlA4OY2R4-00052-00012614-00012921 elections in early February the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00053-00012922-00013186 unleashed a campaign of violence and wvTlA4OY2R4-00054-00013187-00013521 terror that dwarfed anything seen so far wvTlA4OY2R4-00055-00013522-00013735 stormtroopers began attacking trade wvTlA4OY2R4-00056-00013736-00014013 union and communist party KPD offices wvTlA4OY2R4-00057-00014015-00014194 and the homes of left-wingers in the wvTlA4OY2R4-00058-00014194-00014410 second half of February the violence was wvTlA4OY2R4-00059-00014411-00014616 extended to the Social Democrats with wvTlA4OY2R4-00060-00014618-00014815 gangs of brown shirts breaking up Social wvTlA4OY2R4-00061-00014816-00014983 Democrat meetings and beating up their wvTlA4OY2R4-00062-00014984-00015288 speakers and audiences issues of Social wvTlA4OY2R4-00063-00015290-00015550 Democratic newspapers were banned 20 wvTlA4OY2R4-00064-00015551-00015772 newspapers of the center party a party wvTlA4OY2R4-00065-00015772-00015937 of Catholic Germans were banned in wvTlA4OY2R4-00066-00015938-00016132 mid-february for criticizing the new wvTlA4OY2R4-00067-00016133-00016390 government government officials known to wvTlA4OY2R4-00068-00016391-00016546 be centre party supporters were wvTlA4OY2R4-00069-00016547-00016690 dismissed from their offices and wvTlA4OY2R4-00070-00016691-00016912 stormtroopers violently attacked party wvTlA4OY2R4-00071-00016913-00017197 meetings in Westphalia only the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00072-00017198-00017404 and dnvp were allowed to campaign wvTlA4OY2R4-00073-00017405-00017734 unmolested six days before the scheduled wvTlA4OY2R4-00074-00017735-00017908 election date the German parliament wvTlA4OY2R4-00075-00017909-00018088 building was set alight in the Reichstag wvTlA4OY2R4-00076-00018089-00018313 fire allegedly by the Dutch communists wvTlA4OY2R4-00077-00018314-00018610 marinus van der love this event reduced wvTlA4OY2R4-00078-00018611-00018859 the popularity of the KPD and enabled wvTlA4OY2R4-00079-00018860-00019027 Hitler to persuade President Hindenburg wvTlA4OY2R4-00080-00019028-00019272 to pass the Reichstag fire decree as an wvTlA4OY2R4-00081-00019273-00019507 emergency decree according to article 48 wvTlA4OY2R4-00082-00019508-00019759 of the Weimar Constitution this wvTlA4OY2R4-00083-00019760-00019960 emergency law removed many civil wvTlA4OY2R4-00084-00019961-00020119 liberties and allowed the arrest of wvTlA4OY2R4-00085-00020120-00020311 Ernst thälmann and four thousand leaders wvTlA4OY2R4-00086-00020312-00020554 and members of the KPD shortly before wvTlA4OY2R4-00087-00020555-00020743 the election suppressing the communist wvTlA4OY2R4-00088-00020744-00020941 vote and consolidating the position of wvTlA4OY2R4-00089-00020942-00021202 the Nazis although Hitler could have wvTlA4OY2R4-00090-00021203-00021433 banned the KPD outright he opted not to wvTlA4OY2R4-00091-00021434-00021721 do so not only did he fear a violent wvTlA4OY2R4-00092-00021722-00021934 communist uprising in the event of a ban wvTlA4OY2R4-00093-00021935-00022119 but he also believed that Cape Edie's wvTlA4OY2R4-00094-00022120-00022303 presence on the ballot could siphon off wvTlA4OY2R4-00095-00022304-00022579 votes from the Social Democrats instead wvTlA4OY2R4-00096-00022580-00022777 he opted to simply have communist wvTlA4OY2R4-00097-00022778-00022960 functionaries jailed by the thousands wvTlA4OY2R4-00098-00022961-00023221 the courts and prosecutors who had wvTlA4OY2R4-00099-00023222-00023443 already been hostile to the KPD long wvTlA4OY2R4-00100-00023444-00023728 before 1933 obligingly took the line wvTlA4OY2R4-00101-00023729-00023902 that since the Reichstag fire was a wvTlA4OY2R4-00102-00023903-00024156 communist plot KPD membership was an act wvTlA4OY2R4-00103-00024157-00024447 of treason as a result for all intents wvTlA4OY2R4-00104-00024448-00024718 and purposes that KPD was wvTlA4OY2R4-00105-00024719-00024910 on the day the Reichstag fire decree wvTlA4OY2R4-00106-00024911-00025273 took effect and completely banned as of wvTlA4OY2R4-00107-00025274-00025483 the day of the election while the Social wvTlA4OY2R4-00108-00025484-00025705 Democrats SPD were not as heavily wvTlA4OY2R4-00109-00025706-00025902 oppressed as the Communists at that time wvTlA4OY2R4-00110-00025904-00026125 the SPD were also restricted in their wvTlA4OY2R4-00111-00026126-00026323 actions as the party's leadership had wvTlA4OY2R4-00112-00026324-00026518 already fled to Prague and many members wvTlA4OY2R4-00113-00026519-00026698 were acting only from the underground wvTlA4OY2R4-00114-00026699-00026938 hence the Reichstag fire is widely wvTlA4OY2R4-00115-00026939-00027127 believed to have had a major effect on wvTlA4OY2R4-00116-00027127-00027337 the outcome of the election as a wvTlA4OY2R4-00117-00027338-00027547 replacement parliament building and for wvTlA4OY2R4-00118-00027548-00027757 10 years to come the new Parliament used wvTlA4OY2R4-00119-00027758-00027963 the Kroll Opera House for its meetings wvTlA4OY2R4-00120-00027964-00028239 the resources of big business and the wvTlA4OY2R4-00121-00028241-00028405 state were thrown behind the Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00122-00028406-00028608 campaign to achieve saturation coverage wvTlA4OY2R4-00123-00028610-00028912 all over Germany brown shirts and SS wvTlA4OY2R4-00124-00028913-00029101 patrolled and marched menacingly through wvTlA4OY2R4-00125-00029102-00029379 the streets of cities and towns a wvTlA4OY2R4-00126-00029380-00029641 combination of terror repression and wvTlA4OY2R4-00127-00029642-00029992 propaganda was mobilized in every wvTlA4OY2R4-00128-00029993-00030302 community large and small across the wvTlA4OY2R4-00129-00030302-00030695 land Irene van gets rights in a decree wvTlA4OY2R4-00130-00030695-00031004 issued on the 17th of February 1933 wvTlA4OY2R4-00131-00031005-00031235 Goering ordered the Prussian police wvTlA4OY2R4-00132-00031236-00031439 force to make unrestrained use of wvTlA4OY2R4-00133-00031439-00031685 firearms in operations against political wvTlA4OY2R4-00134-00031686-00031989 opponents the so-called Shearer lass or wvTlA4OY2R4-00135-00031991-00032276 shooting decree to further ensure a Nazi wvTlA4OY2R4-00136-00032277-00032513 majority in the vote Nazi organizations wvTlA4OY2R4-00137-00032514-00032843 monitored the vote process in Prussia wvTlA4OY2R4-00138-00032844-00033140 50,000 members of the SS saw in style wvTlA4OY2R4-00139-00033141-00033305 helm were ordered to monitor the votes wvTlA4OY2R4-00140-00033306-00033491 as so-called deputy sheriff's or wvTlA4OY2R4-00141-00033492-00033716 auxiliary police hills fellows I in wvTlA4OY2R4-00142-00033717-00033899 another decree by acting Interior wvTlA4OY2R4-00143-00033900-00034518 Minister Hermann Goering wvTlA4OY2R4-00144-00034519-00035046 topic results wvTlA4OY2R4-00145-00035047-00035307 of the black-white-red struggle front KS wvTlA4OY2R4-00146-00035308-00035520 WR was an alliance of the German wvTlA4OY2R4-00147-00035521-00035706 National People's Party with the style wvTlA4OY2R4-00148-00035707-00036265 helm and the agricultural league wvTlA4OY2R4-00149-00036266-00036779 topic aftermath wvTlA4OY2R4-00150-00036780-00036998 despite achieving a much better result wvTlA4OY2R4-00151-00036999-00037277 than in the November 1932 election the wvTlA4OY2R4-00152-00037278-00037490 Nazis did not do as well as Hitler had wvTlA4OY2R4-00153-00037491-00037774 hoped in spite of massive violence and wvTlA4OY2R4-00154-00037775-00038005 intimidation the Nazis won only forty wvTlA4OY2R4-00155-00038006-00038180 three point nine percent of the vote wvTlA4OY2R4-00156-00038181-00038342 rather than the majority that he had wvTlA4OY2R4-00157-00038343-00038449 expected wvTlA4OY2R4-00158-00038450-00038702 therefore Hitler was forced to maintain wvTlA4OY2R4-00159-00038703-00038942 his coalition with the dnvp to control a wvTlA4OY2R4-00160-00038943-00039277 majority of seats the Communists KPD wvTlA4OY2R4-00161-00039278-00039449 lost about a quarter of their votes wvTlA4OY2R4-00162-00039450-00039652 while the Social Democrats suffered only wvTlA4OY2R4-00163-00039653-00039767 moderate losses wvTlA4OY2R4-00164-00039768-00040033 although the KPD had not been formally wvTlA4OY2R4-00165-00040034-00040243 banned it was a foregone conclusion that wvTlA4OY2R4-00166-00040244-00040460 the KPD deputies would never be allowed wvTlA4OY2R4-00167-00040461-00040712 to take their seats within a few days wvTlA4OY2R4-00168-00040713-00040955 all of the KP DS representatives were wvTlA4OY2R4-00169-00040956-00041167 either under arrest or were in hiding wvTlA4OY2R4-00170-00041168-00041483 although the Nazi dnvp coalition had wvTlA4OY2R4-00171-00041484-00041657 enough seats to conduct the basic wvTlA4OY2R4-00172-00041658-00041849 business of government Hitler needed a wvTlA4OY2R4-00173-00041850-00042070 two-thirds majority to pass the enabling wvTlA4OY2R4-00174-00042071-00042262 act a law which allowed the cabinet in wvTlA4OY2R4-00175-00042263-00042439 effect the Chancellor to enact laws wvTlA4OY2R4-00176-00042440-00042614 without the approval of the Reichstag wvTlA4OY2R4-00177-00042615-00042857 for a four year period with certain wvTlA4OY2R4-00178-00042858-00043061 exceptions such laws could deviate from wvTlA4OY2R4-00179-00043062-00043339 the Weimar Constitution leaving nothing wvTlA4OY2R4-00180-00043340-00043577 to chance the Nazis used the provisions wvTlA4OY2R4-00181-00043578-00043771 of the Reichstag fire decree to arrest wvTlA4OY2R4-00182-00043772-00043999 all 81 communist deputies and keep wvTlA4OY2R4-00183-00044000-00044183 several Social Democrats out of the wvTlA4OY2R4-00184-00044184-00044437 chamber Hitler then obtained the wvTlA4OY2R4-00185-00044438-00044651 necessary supermajority by persuading wvTlA4OY2R4-00186-00044652-00044843 the Catholic centre party to vote with wvTlA4OY2R4-00187-00044844-00045014 him with regard to the Reich's Concorde wvTlA4OY2R4-00188-00045015-00045289 at the bill was passed on the 23rd of wvTlA4OY2R4-00189-00045290-00045632 March with 444 votes for in 94 against wvTlA4OY2R4-00190-00045633-00045920 only the Social Democrats led by Otto wvTlA4OY2R4-00191-00045921-00046126 Welles opposed the measure which came wvTlA4OY2R4-00192-00046127-00046382 into effect on the 27th of March as it wvTlA4OY2R4-00193-00046383-00046520 turned out the atmosphere of that wvTlA4OY2R4-00194-00046521-00046708 session was so intimidating that the wvTlA4OY2R4-00195-00046709-00046874 measure would have still passed even if wvTlA4OY2R4-00196-00046875-00047062 all communists and Social Democratic wvTlA4OY2R4-00197-00047063-00047333 deputies had been present and voting the wvTlA4OY2R4-00198-00047334-00047518 provisions of the bill turned the Hitler wvTlA4OY2R4-00199-00047519-00047687 government into a de facto legal wvTlA4OY2R4-00200-00047688-00047989 dictatorship within four months the wvTlA4OY2R4-00201-00047990-00048149 other parties had been shuttered either wvTlA4OY2R4-00202-00048150-00048376 by outright banning or Nazi terror and wvTlA4OY2R4-00203-00048377-00048598 Germany was firmly a one-party state wvTlA4OY2R4-00204-00048599-00048820 although three more elections were held wvTlA4OY2R4-00205-00048821-00049015 during the Nazi era voters were wvTlA4OY2R4-00206-00049016-00049217 presented with a single list of Nazis wvTlA4OY2R4-00207-00049218-00049420 and guest candidates and voting was not wvTlA4OY2R4-00208-00049421-00049669 secret w-rUaAVRrZE-00000-00000123-00000643 [Music] w-rUaAVRrZE-00001-00000644-00001457 thank you w-rUaAVRrZE-00002-00001458-00001717 [Music] w-rUaAVRrZE-00003-00001718-00002149 Rainmaker Beats w-rUaAVRrZE-00004-00002150-00003904 [Music] w-rUaAVRrZE-00005-00003905-00004650 foreign w-rUaAVRrZE-00007-00008528-00008864 Rainmaker Beats w-rUaAVRrZE-00009-00013562-00013975 foreign w-rUaAVRrZE-00010-00013976-00014156 maker Beats w-rUaAVRrZE-00011-00014157-00015279 [Music] w_-l2bWmpQQ-00000-00000051-00000257 the Maronite Church is an Eastern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00001-00000258-00000534 Catholics way iur is particular w_-l2bWmpQQ-00002-00000535-00000730 community Pope and the worldwide w_-l2bWmpQQ-00003-00000731-00000935 Catholic Church with self-governance w_-l2bWmpQQ-00004-00000936-00001108 under the code of canons of the Eastern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00005-00001109-00001360 Churches it is headed by patriarch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00006-00001361-00001789 bechara Boutros al rahi 2011 officially w_-l2bWmpQQ-00007-00001791-00001979 known as the Syriac Maronite Church of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00008-00001980-00002222 Antioch it is part of Syria Christianity w_-l2bWmpQQ-00009-00002223-00002527 by liturgy and heritage traditionally w_-l2bWmpQQ-00010-00002528-00002707 the Maronite Church ministers to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00011-00002708-00002932 Levant particularly around Mount Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00012-00002933-00003148 where its headquarters Burke is located w_-l2bWmpQQ-00013-00003149-00003395 north of Beirut other centres of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00014-00003396-00003593 historical importance include Kafar w_-l2bWmpQQ-00015-00003594-00003856 hey-yah nu may Falcon kadesha Valley w_-l2bWmpQQ-00016-00003857-00004159 however due to emigration since the 19th w_-l2bWmpQQ-00017-00004160-00004372 century approximately two-thirds of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00018-00004373-00004606 church members are located outside the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00019-00004607-00004879 Antiochian range and live within the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00020-00004880-00005108 worldwide Lebanese diaspora in Europe w_-l2bWmpQQ-00021-00005109-00005425 the Americas Australia and Africa w_-l2bWmpQQ-00022-00005426-00005641 establishment of the Maronite Church can w_-l2bWmpQQ-00023-00005642-00005836 be divided into three periods from the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00024-00005837-00006145 4th to the 7th centuries a congregation w_-l2bWmpQQ-00025-00006146-00006302 movement with saint maroon as an w_-l2bWmpQQ-00026-00006303-00006494 inspirational leader and patron saint w_-l2bWmpQQ-00027-00006495-00006791 marked the first period ii began with w_-l2bWmpQQ-00028-00006792-00006973 the establishment of the monastery of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00029-00006975-00007163 saint maroon on the oral test built w_-l2bWmpQQ-00030-00007164-00007328 after the council of chalcedon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00031-00007329-00007505 to defend the doctrines of the council w_-l2bWmpQQ-00032-00007506-00007754 this monastery was described as the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00033-00007755-00008056 greatest monastery in the region of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00034-00008058-00008279 Secunda syria with more than 300 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00035-00008280-00008435 hermitage ha's around it according to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00036-00008436-00008831 ancient records after 518 the monastery w_-l2bWmpQQ-00037-00008832-00009047 de facto administered many parishes in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00038-00009048-00009158 prima Syria w_-l2bWmpQQ-00039-00009159-00009461 Kol Syria and Phoenicia the third period w_-l2bWmpQQ-00040-00009462-00009629 was when seed Vacanti followed the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00041-00009630-00009818 Islamic conquest of the region and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00042-00009819-00010004 bishops of the saint maroon monastery w_-l2bWmpQQ-00043-00010005-00010226 elected John Marin as patriarch around w_-l2bWmpQQ-00044-00010227-00010478 685 AD according to the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00045-00010479-00010742 tradition the Greek Orthodox Church of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00046-00010743-00010907 Antioch re-established their w_-l2bWmpQQ-00047-00010908-00011201 Patriarchate in 751 ad although reduced w_-l2bWmpQQ-00048-00011202-00011423 in numbers today Maronites remain one of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00049-00011424-00011642 the principal ethno-religious groups in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00050-00011643-00011837 Lebanon with smaller minorities of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00051-00011838-00012095 Maronites in Syria Cyprus Israel and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00052-00012096-00012443 Jordan over 3 million Maronites practice w_-l2bWmpQQ-00053-00012444-00012792 the faith w_-l2bWmpQQ-00054-00012793-00013277 topic name w_-l2bWmpQQ-00055-00013278-00013610 topic the Maronite Church Arabic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00056-00013611-00013826 Alchemist all marnet as officially known w_-l2bWmpQQ-00057-00013827-00014015 as the Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00058-00014016-00014297 Latin ecclesia Siro Amuro nitiram w_-l2bWmpQQ-00059-00014297-00014519 classical Syriac Dietz riot Murnaghan w_-l2bWmpQQ-00060-00014519-00014849 Taiki translate Ito Surya - more annoyed w_-l2bWmpQQ-00061-00014850-00015116 Antioquia Arabic alpha Stalin Tekkit w_-l2bWmpQQ-00062-00015116-00015308 al-suri natal marnet Alcon isa al w_-l2bWmpQQ-00063-00015309-00015893 Antakya al-suri Nia alma Renea w_-l2bWmpQQ-00064-00015894-00016347 topic overview w_-l2bWmpQQ-00065-00016349-00016687 topic Sainte maroon has considered the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00066-00016688-00016882 founder of the spiritual and monastic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00067-00016883-00017055 movement now called the Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00068-00017056-00017275 this movement has had a profound w_-l2bWmpQQ-00069-00017276-00017503 influence in Lebanon and to a lesser w_-l2bWmpQQ-00070-00017504-00017730 degree in Syria Jordan and Palestine w_-l2bWmpQQ-00071-00017731-00017968 Saint Maroons spent his life on a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00072-00017969-00018178 mountain in Syria generally believed to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00073-00018179-00018490 be kafir naba on the mountain of oh le w_-l2bWmpQQ-00074-00018491-00018633 ambos in the taurus mountains w_-l2bWmpQQ-00075-00018634-00018886 contemporary Turkey becoming the cradle w_-l2bWmpQQ-00076-00018887-00019072 of the Maronite movement established in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00077-00019073-00019387 the monastery of st. Maron the six major w_-l2bWmpQQ-00078-00019388-00019576 traditions of the Catholic Church are w_-l2bWmpQQ-00079-00019577-00019798 Alexandrian Antioch een Armenian w_-l2bWmpQQ-00080-00019799-00020062 Chaldean constantinopolitan Byzantine w_-l2bWmpQQ-00081-00020063-00020305 and Latin Roman the Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00082-00020306-00020527 follows the anti Hakeem tradition a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00083-00020528-00020770 Roman Catholic may attend any Eastern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00084-00020771-00020980 Catholic liturgy and fulfill his or her w_-l2bWmpQQ-00085-00020981-00021169 obligations at an Eastern Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00086-00021170-00021472 parish that is a Roman Catholic may join w_-l2bWmpQQ-00087-00021473-00021679 any eastern Catholic parish and receive w_-l2bWmpQQ-00088-00021680-00021871 any sacrament from an Eastern Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00089-00021872-00021925 priest w_-l2bWmpQQ-00090-00021926-00022060 since all belonged to the Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00091-00022061-00022318 Church Maronites who do not reside w_-l2bWmpQQ-00092-00022319-00022519 within a convenient distance to a local w_-l2bWmpQQ-00093-00022520-00022699 Maronite Church are permitted to attend w_-l2bWmpQQ-00094-00022700-00022876 other Catholic churches while retaining w_-l2bWmpQQ-00095-00022877-00023068 their Maronite membership the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00096-00023069-00023377 patriarchal assembly 2003-2004 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00097-00023378-00023605 identified five distinguishing marks of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00098-00023606-00024019 the Maronite Church it is anti Akeem w_-l2bWmpQQ-00099-00024020-00024271 it is chalcedonian in that the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00100-00024272-00024469 were strong supporters of the council of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00101-00024470-00024886 chalcedon to 451 it is patriarchal and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00102-00024887-00025180 monastic it is faithful to the sea of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00103-00025181-00025483 Peter in Rome it has strong ties to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00104-00025484-00025836 Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00105-00025837-00026336 topic history w_-l2bWmpQQ-00106-00026337-00026720 topic saint-meran a fourth century monk w_-l2bWmpQQ-00107-00026720-00026918 and a contemporary and friend of st. w_-l2bWmpQQ-00108-00026919-00027118 John Chrysostom left Antioch for the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00109-00027119-00027340 oral test River in modern-day Syria to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00110-00027341-00027487 lead an ascetic life following the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00111-00027488-00027664 traditions of Anthony the great of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00112-00027666-00027917 desert and of pehoe meais many of his w_-l2bWmpQQ-00113-00027918-00028073 followers also lived a monastic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00114-00028074-00028514 lifestyle following Maron s death in 410 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00115-00028514-00028768 AD his disciples built beth marin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00116-00028769-00029048 monastery a tappa maya present-day qalat w_-l2bWmpQQ-00117-00029049-00029371 al-madiq this formed the nucleus of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00118-00029372-00029801 Maronite Church in 452 after the council w_-l2bWmpQQ-00119-00029802-00029887 of chalcedon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00120-00029888-00030092 the monastery was expanded by the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00121-00030093-00030337 Byzantine Emperor Marcion the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00122-00030338-00030586 movement reached Lebanon when st. Maron w_-l2bWmpQQ-00123-00030587-00030946 s first disciple Abraham of Cirrus who w_-l2bWmpQQ-00124-00030947-00031252 was called the apostle of Lebanon set w_-l2bWmpQQ-00125-00031254-00031427 out to convert the non-christians by w_-l2bWmpQQ-00126-00031427-00031607 introducing them to st. Maron the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00127-00031608-00031789 Maronites subscribed to the beliefs of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00128-00031791-00032107 the Council of Chalcedon in 451 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00129-00032108-00032437 monophysites of Antioch slew 350 monks w_-l2bWmpQQ-00130-00032438-00032570 and burned the monastery w_-l2bWmpQQ-00131-00032570-00032732 although Justinian the first later w_-l2bWmpQQ-00132-00032733-00032993 restored the walls correspondence w_-l2bWmpQQ-00133-00032994-00033140 concerning the event brought the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00134-00033141-00033377 Maronites papal and Orthodox recognition w_-l2bWmpQQ-00135-00033378-00033545 indicated by a letter from pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00136-00033546-00033968 armistice 514 to 523 dated the 10th of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00137-00033969-00034307 february 518 representatives from beth w_-l2bWmpQQ-00138-00034308-00034552 marin participated in the constantinople w_-l2bWmpQQ-00139-00034553-00035036 synod's of 536 and 553 an outbreak of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00140-00035037-00035225 civil war during the reign of emperor w_-l2bWmpQQ-00141-00035226-00035429 focus brought forth riots in the cities w_-l2bWmpQQ-00142-00035430-00035677 of Syria and Palestine and incursions by w_-l2bWmpQQ-00143-00035678-00036071 Persian Kinkos route ii in 609 the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00144-00036072-00036368 patriarch of Antioch Anastasius ii was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00145-00036369-00036506 killed either at the hands of some w_-l2bWmpQQ-00146-00036507-00036755 soldiers or locals this left the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00147-00036756-00036908 Maronites without a leader which w_-l2bWmpQQ-00148-00036909-00037106 continued because of the final Byzantine w_-l2bWmpQQ-00149-00037107-00037571 sassanid war of 602 to 628 in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00150-00037572-00037736 aftermath of the war the Emperor w_-l2bWmpQQ-00151-00037737-00037895 Heraclius propagated a new w_-l2bWmpQQ-00152-00037896-00038096 Christological doctrine in an attempt to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00153-00038097-00038312 unify the various Christian churches of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00154-00038313-00038501 the East who were divided over accepting w_-l2bWmpQQ-00155-00038502-00038774 the Council of Chalcedon this doctrine w_-l2bWmpQQ-00156-00038775-00039101 the unity of Christ as well with God s w_-l2bWmpQQ-00157-00039102-00039269 was meant as a compromise between w_-l2bWmpQQ-00158-00039270-00039496 supporters of Chalcedon such as the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00159-00039497-00039710 Maronites and opponents such as the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00160-00039711-00040001 bites the doctrine was endorsed by Pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00161-00040002-00040169 Honorius the first to win back the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00162-00040170-00040448 monophysites but problems soon arose see w_-l2bWmpQQ-00163-00040449-00040775 his anathematizing instead the unity of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00164-00040776-00041123 Christ as well with God s Mia the light w_-l2bWmpQQ-00165-00041124-00041369 ISM was misunderstood as monotheism that w_-l2bWmpQQ-00166-00041370-00041582 Christ and God have only one will which w_-l2bWmpQQ-00167-00041583-00041792 caused even greater controversy and was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00168-00041793-00041987 declared a heresy at the third Council w_-l2bWmpQQ-00169-00041988-00042464 of Constantinople in 682 681 the council w_-l2bWmpQQ-00170-00042465-00042674 condemned both hilarious and patriarch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00171-00042675-00042920 Sergius the first of Constantinople but w_-l2bWmpQQ-00172-00042921-00043049 did not mention the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00173-00043050-00043267 contemporary Greek and Arab sources w_-l2bWmpQQ-00174-00043268-00043436 misrepresented the Miyata light w_-l2bWmpQQ-00175-00043437-00043625 Maronites as having rejected the third w_-l2bWmpQQ-00176-00043626-00043877 council and accepted monotheism and that w_-l2bWmpQQ-00177-00043878-00044051 the Miata lights in fact maintained w_-l2bWmpQQ-00178-00044052-00044288 monotheism for centuries only moving w_-l2bWmpQQ-00179-00044289-00044462 away from it in the time of the Crusades w_-l2bWmpQQ-00180-00044463-00044672 in order to avoid being branded heretics w_-l2bWmpQQ-00181-00044673-00044900 by the Crusaders the Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00182-00044901-00045140 however rejects the assertion that the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00183-00045141-00045320 Maronites were Everman not the lights or w_-l2bWmpQQ-00184-00045321-00045518 apart from the Roman Catholic Church and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00185-00045519-00045659 the question remains a matter of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00186-00045660-00045758 controversy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00187-00045759-00046043 Elias Al Hayek attributes much of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00188-00046044-00046259 confusion to you teaches of Alexandria w_-l2bWmpQQ-00189-00046260-00046484 whose annals contain erroneous material w_-l2bWmpQQ-00190-00046485-00046622 regarding the early Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00191-00046623-00046832 which was then picked up by William of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00192-00046833-00047021 Tyre and others during the start of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00193-00047022-00047246 patriarchs periods the persecution of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00194-00047247-00047426 Christians and Arab ization of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00195-00047427-00047615 region including the destruction of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00196-00047616-00047846 monastery of st. Maron led the majority w_-l2bWmpQQ-00197-00047847-00048020 of the Maronites to move to the barren w_-l2bWmpQQ-00198-00048021-00048209 mountains of Lebanon especially the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00199-00048210-00048482 northern territory they established a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00200-00048483-00048701 closed rural hierarchical society w_-l2bWmpQQ-00201-00048702-00048899 re-established their communications with w_-l2bWmpQQ-00202-00048900-00049052 the papacy during the Crusades w_-l2bWmpQQ-00203-00049053-00049271 maintained Syriac up to the 18th century w_-l2bWmpQQ-00204-00049272-00049508 and shifted to Lebanese Arabic as their w_-l2bWmpQQ-00205-00049509-00049727 native language they issued many w_-l2bWmpQQ-00206-00049728-00049943 liturgical reforms most notably during w_-l2bWmpQQ-00207-00049944-00050270 khan yuvan s council of 1580 and the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00208-00050271-00050618 Lebanese Council of 1736 which seems in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00209-00050619-00050846 many parts to be a Latinization gained w_-l2bWmpQQ-00210-00050847-00051020 protection from the monarchy of France w_-l2bWmpQQ-00211-00051021-00051329 for the church in its community they w_-l2bWmpQQ-00212-00051329-00051644 organised the monastery in 1696 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00213-00051645-00051875 they played an influential role in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00214-00051876-00052121 Lebanon s political scene especially w_-l2bWmpQQ-00215-00052122-00052441 after 1770 when the chiheb dynasty w_-l2bWmpQQ-00216-00052442-00052691 joined the Maronite Church that choice w_-l2bWmpQQ-00217-00052691-00052898 was an essential element of the creation w_-l2bWmpQQ-00218-00052899-00053092 of Greater Lebanon in 1920 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00219-00053094-00053317 seem widely by scholars as fulfillment w_-l2bWmpQQ-00220-00053319-00053597 of the Maronites desire however due to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00221-00053598-00053786 mass emigration and eventually the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00222-00053787-00054152 Lebanese civil war 1975 to 1990 the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00223-00054153-00054326 Maronite role in the second Lebanese w_-l2bWmpQQ-00224-00054327-00054716 Republic decline w_-l2bWmpQQ-00225-00054717-00055291 topic first Maronite patriarchy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00226-00055292-00055616 topic the patriarch of Antioch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00227-00055616-00055921 Anastasius ii died in 609 and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00228-00055922-00056153 constantinople began to appoint a series w_-l2bWmpQQ-00229-00056154-00056362 of titular patriarchs who resided in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00230-00056363-00056737 Constantinople in 685 the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00231-00056738-00056956 elected bishop john merinov 'but RunAs w_-l2bWmpQQ-00232-00056957-00057166 patriarch of antioch and all the east w_-l2bWmpQQ-00233-00057166-00057440 through him later Maronites claimed full w_-l2bWmpQQ-00234-00057441-00057601 apostolic succession through the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00235-00057602-00057866 patriarchal sea of antioch while this w_-l2bWmpQQ-00236-00057866-00058081 installation of a patriarch was seen as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00237-00058082-00058312 a usurpation by the orthodox hierarchy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00238-00058313-00058498 john received the approval of Pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00239-00058499-00058705 Sergius the first and became the first w_-l2bWmpQQ-00240-00058706-00058916 Maronite patriarch of the oldest sea in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00241-00058916-00059323 Christianity in 687 as part of an w_-l2bWmpQQ-00242-00059324-00059516 agreement with abbot al maliki bin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00243-00059516-00059771 marwan Byzantine Emperor Justinian ii w_-l2bWmpQQ-00244-00059772-00059990 sent 12,000 christian Maronites from w_-l2bWmpQQ-00245-00059991-00060203 lebanon to armenia in exchange for a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00246-00060204-00060365 substantial payment and half the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00247-00060366-00060586 revenues of cyprus there they were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00248-00060587-00060793 conscripted as rowers and Marines in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00249-00060794-00061085 Byzantine Navy additional resettlement w_-l2bWmpQQ-00250-00061086-00061279 efforts allowed Justinian to reinforce w_-l2bWmpQQ-00251-00061280-00061472 naval forces depleted by earlier w_-l2bWmpQQ-00252-00061473-00061750 conflicts the Maronites struggled to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00253-00061751-00061916 retain their autonomy against both w_-l2bWmpQQ-00254-00061916-00062135 imperial power and arab incursions on w_-l2bWmpQQ-00255-00062136-00062443 the part of the damascus caliphate marin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00256-00062444-00062609 established himself in the remote w_-l2bWmpQQ-00257-00062610-00062929 kadesha Valley in Lebanon in 694 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00258-00062930-00063122 Justinian's sent troops against the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00259-00063123-00063331 Maronites in an unsuccessful attempt to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00260-00063332-00063704 capture the patriarch marin died in 707 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00261-00063704-00063924 at the monastery of st. Maron in Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00262-00063925-00064318 around 749 the Maronite community in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00263-00064319-00064496 Lebanon Mountains built the Mar mama w_-l2bWmpQQ-00264-00064497-00064756 church at Eddin meanwhile caught between w_-l2bWmpQQ-00265-00064757-00064934 the Byzantines and the Arabs the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00266-00064935-00065129 monastery at Beth Marin struggled to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00267-00065129-00065515 survive w_-l2bWmpQQ-00268-00065516-00065976 topic Islamic rule w_-l2bWmpQQ-00269-00065977-00066315 topic after they came under Arab rule w_-l2bWmpQQ-00270-00066316-00066572 following the Muslim conquest of Syria w_-l2bWmpQQ-00271-00066573-00066948 634 - 638 Maronite immigration to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00272-00066949-00067143 Lebanon which had begun some time before w_-l2bWmpQQ-00273-00067144-00067401 increased intensifying under the Abbasid w_-l2bWmpQQ-00274-00067402-00067842 caliph al Maimon 813 - 33 the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00275-00067843-00068013 experienced an improvement in their w_-l2bWmpQQ-00276-00068014-00068219 relationship with the Byzantine Empire w_-l2bWmpQQ-00277-00068220-00068489 Emperor Constantine the fourth reigned w_-l2bWmpQQ-00278-00068490-00068931 668 - 685 provided direct ecclesiastical w_-l2bWmpQQ-00279-00068932-00069129 political and military support to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00280-00069130-00069408 Maronites the new Alliance coordinated w_-l2bWmpQQ-00281-00069409-00069600 devastating raids on Muslim forces w_-l2bWmpQQ-00282-00069601-00069822 providing a welcome relief to besieged w_-l2bWmpQQ-00283-00069823-00070007 Christians throughout the Middle East w_-l2bWmpQQ-00284-00070008-00070245 during this period the region was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00285-00070246-00070473 dominated by the Abbasids who persecuted w_-l2bWmpQQ-00286-00070474-00070824 the Maronites around ad 1017 a new w_-l2bWmpQQ-00287-00070825-00071130 Muslim sect the Druze emerged at that w_-l2bWmpQQ-00288-00071131-00071313 time the Maronites as dim EES were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00289-00071314-00071508 required to wear black robes and black w_-l2bWmpQQ-00290-00071509-00071679 turbans and they were forbidden to ride w_-l2bWmpQQ-00291-00071680-00071997 horses to eliminate internal dissent w_-l2bWmpQQ-00292-00071998-00072297 from 1289 to 1291 Egyptian Mamluks w_-l2bWmpQQ-00293-00072298-00072495 troops descended on Mount Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00294-00072496-00073050 destroying forts and monasteries w_-l2bWmpQQ-00295-00073051-00073554 topic Crusades w_-l2bWmpQQ-00296-00073555-00073908 topic following the Muslim conquest of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00297-00073909-00074118 Eastern Christendom outside Anatolia and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00298-00074119-00074319 Europe in the seventh century and after w_-l2bWmpQQ-00299-00074320-00074526 the establishment of secured lines of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00300-00074527-00074754 demarcation between Islamic caliphs and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00301-00074755-00074943 Byzantine emperors little was heard from w_-l2bWmpQQ-00302-00074944-00075258 the Maronites for 400 years secure in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00303-00075259-00075447 their mountain strongholds the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00304-00075448-00075624 were rediscovered in the mountains near w_-l2bWmpQQ-00305-00075625-00075840 Tripoli Lebanon by Raymond of Toulouse w_-l2bWmpQQ-00306-00075841-00076035 on his way to conquer Jerusalem in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00307-00076036-00076434 Great Crusade of 1096 to 1099 Raymond w_-l2bWmpQQ-00308-00076435-00076683 later returned to besieged Tripoli 1102 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00309-00076684-00076941 to 1109 after the conquest of Jerusalem w_-l2bWmpQQ-00310-00076942-00077232 in 1099 and relations between the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00311-00077233-00077442 Maronites and European Christianity were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00312-00077443-00077649 re-established the Maronites assisted w_-l2bWmpQQ-00313-00077650-00077793 the Crusaders and affirmed their w_-l2bWmpQQ-00314-00077794-00077991 affiliation with the Holy See of Rome in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00315-00077992-00078282 1182 to commemorate their communion w_-l2bWmpQQ-00316-00078283-00078552 Maronite patriarch Yusuf Alger Jassi w_-l2bWmpQQ-00317-00078553-00078765 received the crown and staff marking his w_-l2bWmpQQ-00318-00078766-00078966 patriarchal authority from Pope Paschal w_-l2bWmpQQ-00319-00078967-00079410 ii in 1100 AD in 11:31 Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00320-00079411-00079674 patriarch Gregorios Al Houla T received w_-l2bWmpQQ-00321-00079675-00079890 letters from Pope Innocent ii in which w_-l2bWmpQQ-00322-00079891-00080091 the papacy recognized the authority of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00323-00080092-00080370 the patriarchate of antioch patriarch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00324-00080371-00080793 Jeremiah's - al MCT 1199 - 1230 became w_-l2bWmpQQ-00325-00080794-00080994 the first Maronite patriarch to visit w_-l2bWmpQQ-00326-00080995-00081180 Rome when he attended the fourth Council w_-l2bWmpQQ-00327-00081181-00081501 of the Lateran in 1215 the patriarchate w_-l2bWmpQQ-00328-00081502-00081717 of antioch was also represented at the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00329-00081718-00082017 Council of Ferrara in 1438 Peter hunts w_-l2bWmpQQ-00330-00082018-00082269 Calvin Bach notes this contact with the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00331-00082270-00082485 Latin Church enriched the intellectual w_-l2bWmpQQ-00332-00082486-00082730 world of Europe in the Middle Ages w_-l2bWmpQQ-00333-00082731-00083022 Maronites taught Oriental languages and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00334-00083023-00083256 literature at the universities of Italy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00335-00083257-00083688 and France w_-l2bWmpQQ-00336-00083689-00084186 topic Ottoman rule w_-l2bWmpQQ-00337-00084187-00084567 topic in the Ottoman Empire indigenous w_-l2bWmpQQ-00338-00084568-00084780 concentrated religious communities dealt w_-l2bWmpQQ-00339-00084781-00084879 mainly with the provincial w_-l2bWmpQQ-00340-00084880-00085188 administration officially Maronites had w_-l2bWmpQQ-00341-00085189-00085416 to pay the jizya taxes non-muslims but w_-l2bWmpQQ-00342-00085417-00085590 sometimes the monks and clergy were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00343-00085591-00085761 exempt because they were considered to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00344-00085762-00086274 be poor Thakur all din to 1572 to 1635 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00345-00086275-00086463 was a Druze Prince and a leader of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00346-00086464-00086607 emirate of shoof district in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00347-00086608-00086856 governorate of Mount Lebanon Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00348-00086857-00087075 Abu nadir al Kazan was one of his w_-l2bWmpQQ-00349-00087076-00087279 foremost supporters and served as Fakher w_-l2bWmpQQ-00350-00087280-00087603 all den as adjutant fares notes that the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00351-00087604-00087792 Emir's prospered from the intellectual w_-l2bWmpQQ-00352-00087793-00088014 skills and trading talents of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00353-00088015-00088197 Maronites while the Christians gained w_-l2bWmpQQ-00354-00088198-00088446 political protection autonomy and a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00355-00088447-00088644 local ally against the ever-present w_-l2bWmpQQ-00356-00088645-00088991 threat of direct Ottoman rule in 1649 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00357-00088992-00089283 patriarch johan de al su ferrari placed w_-l2bWmpQQ-00358-00089284-00089496 the Maronites under french protection w_-l2bWmpQQ-00359-00089497-00089688 and the french opened a consulate in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00360-00089689-00089895 beirut the cause and sheikhs increased w_-l2bWmpQQ-00361-00089896-00090048 in power and influence w_-l2bWmpQQ-00362-00090049-00090480 in 1662 with the mediation of jesuit w_-l2bWmpQQ-00363-00090481-00090747 missionaries abu novel al Kazin was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00364-00090748-00090966 named french consul despite complaints w_-l2bWmpQQ-00365-00090967-00091398 by Marseilles merchants that he wasn t w_-l2bWmpQQ-00366-00091399-00091620 from Marseille the church prospered from w_-l2bWmpQQ-00367-00091621-00091788 the protection and influence of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00368-00091789-00091947 cousins but at the expense of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00369-00091948-00092091 interference in church affairs w_-l2bWmpQQ-00370-00092092-00092349 particularly ecclesiastical appointments w_-l2bWmpQQ-00371-00092350-00092553 which the cousin saw as an extension of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00372-00092554-00092796 their political influence in 1610 the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00373-00092797-00093003 Maronite monks of the Monastery of Saint w_-l2bWmpQQ-00374-00093004-00093207 Anthony of CO Jaya imported one of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00375-00093208-00093351 first printing presses in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00376-00093352-00093579 arabic-speaking world however that press w_-l2bWmpQQ-00377-00093580-00093756 printed in the Syriac language not w_-l2bWmpQQ-00378-00093757-00094056 Arabic the monasteries of Lebanon later w_-l2bWmpQQ-00379-00094057-00094239 became key players in the Arabic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00380-00094240-00094473 Renaissance of the late 19th century as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00381-00094474-00094698 a result of developing Arabic as well as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00382-00094699-00095049 Syriac printable script Bashir jihad too w_-l2bWmpQQ-00383-00095050-00095280 was the first and last Maronite ruler of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00384-00095281-00095538 the emirate of mount lebanon a convert w_-l2bWmpQQ-00385-00095539-00095736 from sunni islam his rivalry with the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00386-00095737-00095925 Druze Leader Bashir jumbled it caused w_-l2bWmpQQ-00387-00095926-00096123 tension between the two communities in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00388-00096124-00096495 the 1822 war between Damascus and acre w_-l2bWmpQQ-00389-00096496-00096798 they backed opposite sides in the spring w_-l2bWmpQQ-00390-00096799-00097062 of 1864 broke out between the Druze w_-l2bWmpQQ-00391-00097063-00097260 population and the Maronite Christians w_-l2bWmpQQ-00392-00097261-00097548 the Ottoman authorities in Lebanon could w_-l2bWmpQQ-00393-00097549-00097568 not w_-l2bWmpQQ-00394-00097569-00097740 stop the violence and it spread into w_-l2bWmpQQ-00395-00097741-00097922 neighboring Syria with the massacre of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00396-00097923-00098228 many Christians in Damascus the Emir w_-l2bWmpQQ-00397-00098229-00098478 Abba LK ADR protected the Christians w_-l2bWmpQQ-00398-00098479-00098774 there against the Muslim rioters French w_-l2bWmpQQ-00399-00098775-00098984 Emperor Napoleon the third felt obliged w_-l2bWmpQQ-00400-00098985-00099188 to intervene on behalf of the Christians w_-l2bWmpQQ-00401-00099189-00099396 despite London's opposition which feared w_-l2bWmpQQ-00402-00099397-00099578 it would lead to a wider French presence w_-l2bWmpQQ-00403-00099579-00099822 in the Middle East after arduous w_-l2bWmpQQ-00404-00099823-00100028 negotiations to obtain the approval of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00405-00100029-00100205 the British government Napoleon the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00406-00100206-00100451 third sent a French contingent of 7,000 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00407-00100452-00100703 men for a period of six months the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00408-00100704-00100988 troops arrived in Beirut in August 1860 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00409-00100989-00101144 and took positions in the mountains w_-l2bWmpQQ-00410-00101145-00101261 between the Christian and Muslim w_-l2bWmpQQ-00411-00101262-00101543 communities he then organized an w_-l2bWmpQQ-00412-00101544-00101756 international conference in Paris where w_-l2bWmpQQ-00413-00101757-00101922 the country was placed under the rule of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00414-00101923-00102084 a Christian governor named by the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00415-00102085-00102278 Ottoman Sultan which restored a fragile w_-l2bWmpQQ-00416-00102279-00102676 peace w_-l2bWmpQQ-00417-00102677-00103106 topic French rule w_-l2bWmpQQ-00418-00103107-00103482 topic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00419-00103483-00104011 topic independent Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00420-00104013-00104385 topic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00421-00104386-00105075 topic Synod of Mount Lebanon 1736 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00422-00105076-00105447 topic Maronite Orientalist Joseph Simon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00423-00105448-00105669 has cemani presided as papal Leggett for w_-l2bWmpQQ-00424-00105670-00105959 Pope Clement the 12th the synod drafted w_-l2bWmpQQ-00425-00105960-00106125 a code of canons for the Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00426-00106126-00106347 and created the first regular diocesan w_-l2bWmpQQ-00427-00106348-00106671 structure the Council of Louisa led to a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00428-00106672-00106857 more effective church structure into w_-l2bWmpQQ-00429-00106858-00107064 gradual emancipation from the influence w_-l2bWmpQQ-00430-00107065-00107340 of Maronite families education was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00431-00107341-00107579 declared a major task through the joint w_-l2bWmpQQ-00432-00107580-00107775 efforts of the church and French Jesuits w_-l2bWmpQQ-00433-00107776-00108198 literacy became widespread w_-l2bWmpQQ-00434-00108199-00108683 topic Latinization w_-l2bWmpQQ-00435-00108684-00109047 topic due to closer ties with the Latin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00436-00109048-00109238 Church the Maronite Church is among the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00437-00109239-00109407 most latinized of the Eastern Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00438-00109408-00109583 churches although there have been moves w_-l2bWmpQQ-00439-00109584-00109814 to return to Eastern practices contacts w_-l2bWmpQQ-00440-00109815-00109998 between the Maronite monks and Rome date w_-l2bWmpQQ-00441-00109999-00110159 to the fifth century and were revived w_-l2bWmpQQ-00442-00110160-00110402 during the Crusades the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00443-00110403-00110607 introduced two Eastern Churches Western w_-l2bWmpQQ-00444-00110608-00110801 devotional practices such as the Rosary w_-l2bWmpQQ-00445-00110802-00111077 and the Stations of the Cross late in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00446-00111078-00111335 the 16th century Pope Gregory the 13th w_-l2bWmpQQ-00447-00111336-00111560 sent Jesuits to the Lebanese monasteries w_-l2bWmpQQ-00448-00111561-00111740 to ensure that their practice conformed w_-l2bWmpQQ-00449-00111741-00111908 to decisions made at the Council of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00450-00111909-00112190 Trent the Maronite College in Rome was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00451-00112191-00112460 established by Gregory the 13th in 1580 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00452-00112461-00112760 for the Maronite missile carbono was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00453-00112761-00113097 first printed between 1592 and 1590 for w_-l2bWmpQQ-00454-00113098-00113288 in Rome although with fewer and a phorus w_-l2bWmpQQ-00455-00113289-00113552 the venerable and Afra Eucharistic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00456-00113553-00113774 prayer sure are attributed to st. Peter w_-l2bWmpQQ-00457-00113775-00113970 was eliminated from later editions w_-l2bWmpQQ-00458-00113971-00114413 patriarch Stefan Aldo a high 1672 1704 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00459-00114414-00114749 later declared a servant of God was able w_-l2bWmpQQ-00460-00114750-00114860 to find a middle ground between w_-l2bWmpQQ-00461-00114861-00115068 reformers and conservatives and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00462-00115069-00115233 revitalized Maronite liturgical w_-l2bWmpQQ-00463-00115233-00115439 tradition the Synod of Mount Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00464-00115440-00115707 sought to incorporate both traditions it w_-l2bWmpQQ-00465-00115708-00115940 formalized many of the Latin practices w_-l2bWmpQQ-00466-00115941-00116135 that had developed but also attempted to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00467-00116136-00116300 preserve ancient Maronite liturgical w_-l2bWmpQQ-00468-00116301-00116591 tradition the Synod did not sanction the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00469-00116592-00116799 exclusive use of the Roman ritual in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00470-00116800-00117104 administration of baptism however in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00471-00117105-00117329 Eastern tradition the oil of catechumens w_-l2bWmpQQ-00472-00117330-00117483 is blessed by the priest during the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00473-00117483-00117737 baptismal right this blessing was now w_-l2bWmpQQ-00474-00117738-00117911 reserved to the chrism mass of Holy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00475-00117912-00118208 Thursday a practice common among all the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00476-00118209-00118383 Eastern Churches as to administer w_-l2bWmpQQ-00477-00118383-00118658 baptism and first communion together as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00478-00118659-00118874 in the Latin Rite Holy Communion as to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00479-00118875-00119039 be given only to those who have attained w_-l2bWmpQQ-00480-00119040-00119129 the age of reason w_-l2bWmpQQ-00481-00119130-00119309 priests were forbidden to give communion w_-l2bWmpQQ-00482-00119310-00119622 to infants in orientale lumen the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00483-00119623-00119820 apostolic letter to the churches of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00484-00119821-00120113 East issued the second of May 1995 pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00485-00120114-00120383 john paul ii quotes orient alia MacLeish w_-l2bWmpQQ-00486-00120384-00120611 Arum the Second Vatican councils decree w_-l2bWmpQQ-00487-00120612-00120819 on the eastern Catholic churches it has w_-l2bWmpQQ-00488-00120820-00120989 been stressed several times that the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00489-00120990-00121158 full union of the Catholic Eastern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00490-00121158-00121323 Churches with the Church of Rome which w_-l2bWmpQQ-00491-00121324-00121529 has already been achieved must not imply w_-l2bWmpQQ-00492-00121530-00121664 a diminished awareness of their own w_-l2bWmpQQ-00493-00121665-00121964 authenticity and originality wherever w_-l2bWmpQQ-00494-00121965-00122070 this occurred the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00495-00122071-00122258 Second Vatican Council has urged them to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00496-00122259-00122459 rediscover their full identity because w_-l2bWmpQQ-00497-00122460-00122660 they have the right and the duty to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00498-00122661-00122834 govern themselves according to their own w_-l2bWmpQQ-00499-00122835-00123110 unique disciplines for these are w_-l2bWmpQQ-00500-00123111-00123341 guaranteed by ancient tradition and seem w_-l2bWmpQQ-00501-00123342-00123539 to be better suited to the customs of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00502-00123540-00123708 their faithful and to the good of their w_-l2bWmpQQ-00503-00123708-00123898 souls w_-l2bWmpQQ-00504-00123899-00124134 Cardinals fears personal commitment w_-l2bWmpQQ-00505-00124135-00124348 accelerated liturgical reforms in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00506-00124349-00124809 1980s and 1990s in 1992 he published a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00507-00124810-00125044 new Maronite missile this represents an w_-l2bWmpQQ-00508-00125045-00125238 attempt to return to the original form w_-l2bWmpQQ-00509-00125239-00125436 of the anti Hakeem liturgy removing the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00510-00125438-00125620 liturgical Latinization of past w_-l2bWmpQQ-00511-00125621-00125893 centuries the service of the word has w_-l2bWmpQQ-00512-00125894-00126094 been described as far more enriched than w_-l2bWmpQQ-00513-00126095-00126274 in previous missiles and there are six w_-l2bWmpQQ-00514-00126275-00126595 in aphorism patriarch sphere stated that w_-l2bWmpQQ-00515-00126596-00126808 sacrosanct him Concilium and the roman w_-l2bWmpQQ-00516-00126808-00127026 liturgical changes following vatican ii w_-l2bWmpQQ-00517-00127027-00127300 applied to the Maronite Church st. croix w_-l2bWmpQQ-00518-00127301-00127531 sanctum Concilium says among these w_-l2bWmpQQ-00519-00127532-00127728 principles and norms there are some w_-l2bWmpQQ-00520-00127729-00127926 which can and should be applied both to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00521-00127927-00128136 the Roman Rite and also to all the other w_-l2bWmpQQ-00522-00128138-00128451 rites the practical norms which follow w_-l2bWmpQQ-00523-00128452-00128709 however should be taken as applying only w_-l2bWmpQQ-00524-00128710-00128947 to the Roman Rite except for those which w_-l2bWmpQQ-00525-00128948-00129163 in the very nature of things affect w_-l2bWmpQQ-00526-00129164-00129663 other rites as well w_-l2bWmpQQ-00527-00129664-00130186 topic organization w_-l2bWmpQQ-00528-00130188-00130557 topic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00529-00130558-00131109 topic patriarchate of antioch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00530-00131110-00131450 topic the head of the Maronite Church is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00531-00131451-00131643 the patriarch of Antioch and the whole w_-l2bWmpQQ-00532-00131644-00131832 event who is elected by the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00533-00131833-00132062 bishops and resides in Burke a close to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00534-00132063-00132246 junior north of Beirut and in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00535-00132247-00132401 northern town of domaine during the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00536-00132402-00132546 summer months there are four other w_-l2bWmpQQ-00537-00132547-00132762 claimants to the patriarchal succession w_-l2bWmpQQ-00538-00132763-00133062 of Antioch to other Eastern Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00539-00133063-00133265 also in full communion with the papal w_-l2bWmpQQ-00540-00133266-00133548 Holy See of Rome the patriarch of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00541-00133549-00133799 Antioch and all the East Alexandria and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00542-00133800-00134012 Jerusalem of the Melkite Greek Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00543-00134013-00134307 Church Byzantine Rite the patriarch of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00544-00134308-00134513 Antioch and all the east of the Sirius w_-l2bWmpQQ-00545-00134514-00134738 of the Syriac Catholic Church Antiochian w_-l2bWmpQQ-00546-00134739-00135144 right to Orthodox Eastern Orthodox w_-l2bWmpQQ-00547-00135145-00135372 Church the greek orthodox patriarch of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00548-00135373-00135546 antioch and all the east of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00549-00135547-00135783 Antiochian Orthodox Church in communion w_-l2bWmpQQ-00550-00135784-00135953 with the ecumenical patriarch of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00551-00135954-00136308 Constantinople oriental orthodoxy the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00552-00136309-00136506 patriarch of Antioch and all the East w_-l2bWmpQQ-00553-00136507-00136679 supreme head of the Syriac Orthodox w_-l2bWmpQQ-00554-00136680-00136947 Church the Maronite patriarch of Antioch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00555-00136948-00137196 and the whole event since March 2011 as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00556-00137197-00137438 Cardinal Maher baqara Boutros rahi while w_-l2bWmpQQ-00557-00137439-00137673 Cardinal Martinez Rolla Boutros fear is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00558-00137674-00137963 patriarch emeritus when a new patriarch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00559-00137964-00138183 is elected and enthroned he requests w_-l2bWmpQQ-00560-00138184-00138389 ecclesiastical recognition by the Pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00561-00138390-00138561 thus maintaining communion with the Holy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00562-00138562-00138899 See as an eastern Catholic patriarch the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00563-00138900-00139134 patriarch is usually created a cardinal w_-l2bWmpQQ-00564-00139135-00139301 by the Pope in the rank of a cardinal w_-l2bWmpQQ-00565-00139302-00139490 Bishop he does however not receive a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00566-00139491-00139691 suburban carryin C required to become w_-l2bWmpQQ-00567-00139692-00139947 Dean even ranks below those six but is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00568-00139948-00140133 known by the title of the Patriarchate w_-l2bWmpQQ-00569-00140134-00140496 of his sway I URIs church celibacy is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00570-00140497-00140687 not strictly required for Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00571-00140688-00140900 deacons and priests of parishes outside w_-l2bWmpQQ-00572-00140901-00140997 of North America w_-l2bWmpQQ-00573-00140998-00141219 monks however must remain celibate as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00574-00141220-00141381 well as bishops who are normally w_-l2bWmpQQ-00575-00141382-00141641 selected from the monasteries due to a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00576-00141642-00141827 long term understanding with their Latin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00577-00141828-00142044 counterparts in North America Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00578-00142045-00142248 priests in that area have traditionally w_-l2bWmpQQ-00579-00142249-00142506 remained celibate however in February w_-l2bWmpQQ-00580-00142507-00142818 2014 we sama Kiki was ordained to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00581-00142819-00143039 priesthood by bishop a elias decidin of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00582-00143040-00143252 the u.s. Maronite a party of Our Lady of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00583-00143253-00143441 Lebanon at st. Raymond's Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00584-00143442-00143748 Cathedral in st. Louis Deacon a Kiki is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00585-00143749-00143936 the first married man to be ordained to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00586-00143937-00144140 the Maronite priesthood in North America w_-l2bWmpQQ-00587-00144141-00144329 and will not be expected to uphold a vow w_-l2bWmpQQ-00588-00144330-00144766 of celibacy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00589-00144767-00145272 topic dioceses w_-l2bWmpQQ-00590-00145273-00145668 topic the Maronite Church has 26 at w_-l2bWmpQQ-00591-00145669-00145881 parties and patriarchal Vicari it's as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00592-00145882-00145941 follows w_-l2bWmpQQ-00593-00145942-00146145 despite the many are kept escapades none w_-l2bWmpQQ-00594-00146146-00146355 as a metropolitan abstraction made of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00595-00146356-00146532 the patriarch of Antioch who has a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00596-00146533-00146796 single suffragan Jeb asaba jr. and hence w_-l2bWmpQQ-00597-00146797-00147075 an ecclesiastical province in Latin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00598-00147076-00147282 America to Maronite EPP our keys are w_-l2bWmpQQ-00599-00147283-00147725 suffrage ins of Latin metropolitans w_-l2bWmpQQ-00600-00147726-00148243 topic Middle East w_-l2bWmpQQ-00601-00148244-00148615 topic Maronite Catholic patriarchate of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00602-00148616-00148834 antioch see above worldwide immediately w_-l2bWmpQQ-00603-00148835-00149070 subject to the patriarch in Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00604-00149071-00149305 Maronite Catholic are chappati of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00605-00149306-00149626 Antelias Maronite Catholic at Party of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00606-00149627-00149992 Baalbek dear elimar Maronite Catholic at w_-l2bWmpQQ-00607-00149993-00150307 parkia patroon Maronite Catholic are w_-l2bWmpQQ-00608-00150308-00150634 chappati of Beirut Maronite Catholic at w_-l2bWmpQQ-00609-00150635-00150979 Party of Jebel Maronite Catholic a party w_-l2bWmpQQ-00610-00150980-00151228 of Jubei Sabha and Junya soul suffragan w_-l2bWmpQQ-00611-00151229-00151534 of the patriarch of antioch Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00612-00151535-00151837 Catholic at Party of Sidon Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00613-00151838-00152173 Catholic Archer of Tripoli Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00614-00152174-00152485 Catholic arch a of Tyre Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00615-00152486-00152695 Catholic at Party of zal ahem the holy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00616-00152696-00153028 land Maronite Catholic arch a of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00617-00153029-00153247 Haifa and the holy land in Israel whose w_-l2bWmpQQ-00618-00153248-00153427 arch of arch holds the offices of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00619-00153428-00153763 patriarchal vicar of patriarchal x arc w_-l2bWmpQQ-00620-00153764-00153973 of the Maronite Catholic patriarch Alexy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00621-00153974-00154219 arcade of Jerusalem and Palestine in the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00622-00154220-00154516 Palestinian territories and Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00623-00154517-00154723 Catholic patriarch Alexy arcade of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00624-00154724-00155076 Jordan and trans Jordan in Syria w_-l2bWmpQQ-00625-00155077-00155308 Maronite Catholic arch apache of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00626-00155309-00155641 damascus Maronite Catholic arch apache w_-l2bWmpQQ-00627-00155642-00155965 of aleppo Maronite Catholic at par Kiev w_-l2bWmpQQ-00628-00155966-00156331 Latakia in Cyprus Maronite Catholic arch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00629-00156332-00156670 apache of Cyprus in Nicosia in Egypt w_-l2bWmpQQ-00630-00156671-00157135 Maronite Catholic at Party of Cairo w_-l2bWmpQQ-00631-00157136-00157639 topic elsewhere w_-l2bWmpQQ-00632-00157640-00158041 topic exempt ie immediately subject to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00633-00158042-00158269 the Holy See in Africa Maronite Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00634-00158270-00158527 a party of Annunciation of Ibadan with w_-l2bWmpQQ-00635-00158528-00158731 Cathedral C being Church of Our Lady of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00636-00158732-00159029 the Annunciation in ibadan in Nigeria in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00637-00159030-00159270 South America Maronite Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00638-00159271-00159550 Apostolic ex arcade of Columbia with Pro w_-l2bWmpQQ-00639-00159551-00159760 Cathedral C being Church of Our Lady of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00640-00159761-00160042 Lebanon in Bogota in Colombia subject to w_-l2bWmpQQ-00641-00160043-00160243 the Synod in matters of liturgical and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00642-00160244-00160462 particularly otherwise exempt ie w_-l2bWmpQQ-00643-00160463-00160672 immediately subject to the Holy See and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00644-00160673-00160882 it's Roman Congregation for the Eastern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00645-00160883-00161200 Churches in Europe Maronite Catholic a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00646-00161201-00161431 party of Our Lady of Lebanon of Paris in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00647-00161432-00161772 France in North and Central America w_-l2bWmpQQ-00648-00161773-00162054 Maronite Catholic a party of st. Maron w_-l2bWmpQQ-00649-00162055-00162373 of Montreal in Canada Maronite Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00650-00162374-00162610 a party of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los w_-l2bWmpQQ-00651-00162611-00162850 Angeles in the United States US West w_-l2bWmpQQ-00652-00162851-00163186 Coast Maronite Catholic a party of st. w_-l2bWmpQQ-00653-00163187-00163372 Maron of Brooklyn in the United States w_-l2bWmpQQ-00654-00163373-00163720 u.s. East Coast st. Joseph Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00655-00163721-00164001 Catholic Church in Sandy Springs Georgia w_-l2bWmpQQ-00656-00164002-00164272 Maronite Catholic a party of Our Lady of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00657-00164273-00164482 the martyrs of Lebanon in Mexico in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00658-00164483-00164935 Mexico in Oceania Maronite Catholic a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00659-00164936-00165124 party of st. Maron of Sydney in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00660-00165125-00165325 Australia suffrage Annette parkies in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00661-00165326-00165538 the ecclesiastical provinces of Latin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00662-00165539-00165751 metropolitan Archbishop's both in South w_-l2bWmpQQ-00663-00165752-00166015 America Maronite Catholic a party of San w_-l2bWmpQQ-00664-00166016-00166227 Charbel in Buenos Aires in Argentina w_-l2bWmpQQ-00665-00166228-00166435 suffragette of the Roman Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00666-00166436-00166756 Archdiocese of Buenos Aires Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00667-00166757-00166981 Catholic a party of Our Lady of Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00668-00166982-00167209 of South Paulo in Brazil suffragan of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00669-00167210-00167416 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of são w_-l2bWmpQQ-00670-00167417-00167733 Paulo w_-l2bWmpQQ-00671-00167734-00168291 topic titular seas w_-l2bWmpQQ-00672-00168292-00168666 topic for titla Archbishop Rick's none w_-l2bWmpQQ-00673-00168667-00168885 Metropolitan Cirrus of the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00674-00168886-00169116 Laodicea in Syria of the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00675-00169117-00169347 Nazareth of the Maronites Missy B's of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00676-00169348-00169584 the Maronites ninth it's allure w_-l2bWmpQQ-00677-00169585-00169803 bishoprics Optima in Syria of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00678-00169804-00169989 Maronites akka in Armenia of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00679-00169990-00170175 Maronites akka and Phoenicia of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00680-00170176-00170370 Maronites kali nakum of the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00681-00170371-00170589 epiphany ax in syria of the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00682-00170590-00170799 hem asa of the Maronites ptolemy and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00683-00170800-00171018 Phoenicia of the Maronites Sarepta of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00684-00171019-00171566 the Maronites Tarsus of the Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00685-00171567-00172157 topic religious Institute's orders w_-l2bWmpQQ-00686-00172158-00172639 topic Lebanese Maronites Antonin w_-l2bWmpQQ-00687-00172640-00172927 Maronite order Maria might Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00688-00172928-00173248 order congregation of Maronite Lebanese w_-l2bWmpQQ-00689-00173249-00173658 missionaries w_-l2bWmpQQ-00690-00173659-00174185 topic population w_-l2bWmpQQ-00691-00174186-00174560 topic the global Maronite population is w_-l2bWmpQQ-00692-00174561-00174778 not exactly known but as estimated at w_-l2bWmpQQ-00693-00174779-00174956 more than three million according to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00694-00174957-00175231 Catholic Near East Welfare Association w_-l2bWmpQQ-00695-00175232-00175448 according to the official site of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00696-00175449-00175699 Maronite Church approximately 1 million w_-l2bWmpQQ-00697-00175700-00175970 62,000 Maronites live in Lebanon where w_-l2bWmpQQ-00698-00175971-00176231 they constitute up to 22 to 23 percent w_-l2bWmpQQ-00699-00176232-00176560 of the population Syrian Maronites total w_-l2bWmpQQ-00700-00176561-00176798 51,000 following the Archdiocese of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00701-00176799-00177013 Aleppo and Damascus and the Diocese of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00702-00177014-00177313 Latakia a Maronite community of about w_-l2bWmpQQ-00703-00177314-00177536 10,000 lives in Cyprus that speaks w_-l2bWmpQQ-00704-00177537-00177818 Cypriot Maronite Arabic a noticeable w_-l2bWmpQQ-00705-00177819-00178015 Maronite community exists in northern w_-l2bWmpQQ-00706-00178016-00178351 Israel Galilee numbering 7,500 for w_-l2bWmpQQ-00707-00178352-00178562 famous for its preservation attempts of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00708-00178563-00178769 the Aramaic language and aramean ethnic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00709-00178770-00179106 identity w_-l2bWmpQQ-00710-00179107-00179599 topic diaspora w_-l2bWmpQQ-00711-00179600-00179962 topic immigration of Maronite faithful w_-l2bWmpQQ-00712-00179963-00180109 from the Middle East to the United w_-l2bWmpQQ-00713-00180110-00180298 States began during the latter part of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00714-00180299-00180580 the 19th century when the faithful were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00715-00180581-00180790 able to obtain a priest communities were w_-l2bWmpQQ-00716-00180791-00180967 established as parishes under the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00717-00180968-00181183 jurisdiction of the local Latin bishops w_-l2bWmpQQ-00718-00181184-00181567 in January 1966 Pope Paul the sixth w_-l2bWmpQQ-00719-00181568-00181771 established the Maronite Apostolic ex w_-l2bWmpQQ-00720-00181772-00181954 arcade for the Maronite faithful of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00721-00181955-00182251 United States in a decree of the Sacred w_-l2bWmpQQ-00722-00182252-00182416 Congregation for the Eastern Churches w_-l2bWmpQQ-00723-00182417-00182674 bishop francis Mansour's a acquainted w_-l2bWmpQQ-00724-00182675-00182941 the first ex arc the seat in Detroit w_-l2bWmpQQ-00725-00182942-00183112 Michigan with a cathedral under the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00726-00183113-00183322 patronage of st. Maron was suffered into w_-l2bWmpQQ-00727-00183323-00183709 the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1971 Pope w_-l2bWmpQQ-00728-00183710-00183946 Paul the sixth elevated the xrk to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00729-00183947-00184135 status of a net parky with the name of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00730-00184136-00184434 EPP our key of st. Maron of Detroit in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00731-00184435-00184729 1977 the see of the a party of st. Maron w_-l2bWmpQQ-00732-00184730-00184888 was transferred to Brooklyn New York w_-l2bWmpQQ-00733-00184889-00185083 with the cathedral under the patronage w_-l2bWmpQQ-00734-00185084-00185347 of Our Lady of Lebanon the name of the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00735-00185348-00185548 EPP our key was modified to EPP our key w_-l2bWmpQQ-00736-00185549-00185851 of st. Maron of Brooklyn in 1994 the EPP w_-l2bWmpQQ-00737-00185852-00186028 our key of Our Lady of Lebanon was w_-l2bWmpQQ-00738-00186029-00186202 established with the cathedral at Los w_-l2bWmpQQ-00739-00186203-00186421 Angeles California under the patronage w_-l2bWmpQQ-00740-00186422-00186676 of Our Lady of Lebanon John George w_-l2bWmpQQ-00741-00186677-00186931 headed auxiliary bishop of the diocese w_-l2bWmpQQ-00742-00186932-00187147 of st. Maron of Brooklyn was ordained as w_-l2bWmpQQ-00743-00187148-00187303 the first bishop of the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00744-00187304-00187525 Catholic a party of Our Lady of Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00745-00187526-00187723 of Los Angeles at the Our Lady of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00746-00187724-00187897 Lebanon Cathedral in Los Angeles w_-l2bWmpQQ-00747-00187898-00188110 California where he served until he w_-l2bWmpQQ-00748-00188111-00188302 reached the mandatory retirement age of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00749-00188303-00188620 80 in December 2000 Robert Joseph w_-l2bWmpQQ-00750-00188621-00188859 Shaheen succeeded chatted as he parch w_-l2bWmpQQ-00751-00188860-00189145 the two at parties in the United States w_-l2bWmpQQ-00752-00189146-00189399 have issued their own Maronite census w_-l2bWmpQQ-00753-00189400-00189652 designed to estimate the population of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00754-00189653-00189904 Maronites in the United States many have w_-l2bWmpQQ-00755-00189905-00190054 been assimilated into Western w_-l2bWmpQQ-00756-00190055-00190297 Catholicism absent Maronite parishes or w_-l2bWmpQQ-00757-00190298-00190720 priests the Maronite census was designed w_-l2bWmpQQ-00758-00190721-00190950 to locate these Maronites w_-l2bWmpQQ-00759-00190951-00191217 EPP our keys operate in Sao Paulo in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00760-00191218-00191442 Brazil as well as in Colombia mihika w_-l2bWmpQQ-00761-00191443-00191772 France Australia South Africa Canada and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00762-00191773-00191979 Argentina the history of the Lebanese w_-l2bWmpQQ-00763-00191980-00192192 community in South Africa dates to the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00764-00192193-00192384 late 19th century when the first w_-l2bWmpQQ-00765-00192385-00192579 immigrants arrived in Johannesburg the w_-l2bWmpQQ-00766-00192580-00192789 biggest city in the Transvaal having w_-l2bWmpQQ-00767-00192790-00193017 come from said whole messy era betch are w_-l2bWmpQQ-00768-00193018-00193275 hadith LG ba mag do che and other places w_-l2bWmpQQ-00769-00193276-00193650 it is recorded that in 1896 the first w_-l2bWmpQQ-00770-00193651-00193848 Maronite and Lebanese immigrants arrived w_-l2bWmpQQ-00771-00193849-00194085 in Durban Cape Town and Mozambique and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00772-00194086-00194280 congregated around their local Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00773-00194281-00194688 churches w_-l2bWmpQQ-00774-00194689-00195120 topic other w_-l2bWmpQQ-00775-00195121-00195492 topic metal great cross and gold an w_-l2bWmpQQ-00776-00195493-00195690 order of the Maronite general counsel of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00777-00195691-00196124 the Maronite Church w_-l2bWmpQQ-00778-00196125-00196646 topic see also w_-l2bWmpQQ-00779-00196647-00197115 topic Charbel maklouf phoenician ISM w_-l2bWmpQQ-00780-00197116-00197557 Cross of All Nations Our Lady of Lebanon w_-l2bWmpQQ-00781-00197558-00197854 st. George in devotions traditions and w_-l2bWmpQQ-00782-00197855-00198238 prayers w_-l2bWmpQQ-00783-00198239-00198759 topic references w_-l2bWmpQQ-00784-00198760-00199149 topic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00785-00199150-00199683 topic bibliography w_-l2bWmpQQ-00786-00199684-00200078 topic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00787-00200079-00200592 topic further reading w_-l2bWmpQQ-00788-00200593-00200967 topic moosa mahdi the Maronites in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00789-00200968-00201192 history gorgeous press Piscataway New w_-l2bWmpQQ-00790-00201193-00201932 Jersey 2005 ISBN 978 1 5 9 3 3 3 1 8 2 5 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00791-00201933-00202317 rj moolaade les Maronites cray deeanne's w_-l2bWmpQQ-00792-00202318-00202656 du Liban rebels publishers turnout 2009 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00793-00202657-00203207 ISBN 978 2 5 0 3 5 3 o 4 1 3 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00794-00203208-00203484 kamaal salut be a house of many mansions w_-l2bWmpQQ-00795-00203485-00203715 the history of Lebanon reconsidered w_-l2bWmpQQ-00796-00203716-00204056 University of California Press 1990 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00797-00204057-00204303 Maronite Church new Catholic w_-l2bWmpQQ-00798-00204304-00204735 Encyclopedia 2nd edition 2003 Riley w_-l2bWmpQQ-00799-00204736-00204933 Smith Jonathan the Oxford illustrated w_-l2bWmpQQ-00800-00204934-00205115 history of the Crusades w_-l2bWmpQQ-00801-00205116-00205508 Oxford University Press Oxford 1995 w_-l2bWmpQQ-00802-00205509-00205676 sermon Herald w_-l2bWmpQQ-00803-00205677-00206034 histoire de original eglee's Maronite pu w_-l2bWmpQQ-00804-00206035-00206436 SEK catholic 2010 ISBN nine seven eight w_-l2bWmpQQ-00805-00206437-00206700 nine nine five three four nine one six w_-l2bWmpQQ-00806-00206701-00207123 seven seven barber malcolm letters from w_-l2bWmpQQ-00807-00207123-00207375 the east crusades pilgrims and settlers w_-l2bWmpQQ-00808-00207376-00207630 in the 12th 13th centuries Ashgate press w_-l2bWmpQQ-00809-00207631-00208098 reading united kingdom 2013 ISBN 978 one w_-l2bWmpQQ-00810-00208098-00208332 four seven two four one three nine three w_-l2bWmpQQ-00811-00208333-00208702 two w_-l2bWmpQQ-00812-00208703-00209356 topic sources and external links w_-l2bWmpQQ-00813-00209357-00209713 topic Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00814-00209714-00209979 Catholic cathedral Brooklyn New York w_-l2bWmpQQ-00815-00209980-00210286 Maronite history project a Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00816-00210287-00210634 encyclopedia wiki Catholic culture News w_-l2bWmpQQ-00817-00210635-00211023 Maronite population discussed monastario w_-l2bWmpQQ-00818-00211025-00211381 Sancho Bell Caracas Venezuela the Divine w_-l2bWmpQQ-00819-00211382-00211600 Office for Lent as a Maronite document w_-l2bWmpQQ-00820-00211601-00211936 from 1695 article on the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00821-00211937-00212142 Catholic Church by Ronald Roberson on w_-l2bWmpQQ-00822-00212144-00212573 the CND w a website homepage of Fr w_-l2bWmpQQ-00823-00212575-00213092 Damien Hong's in German w_-l2bWmpQQ-00824-00213092-00213611 topic Maronite hierarchy w_-l2bWmpQQ-00825-00213612-00214033 topic the Maronite Patriarca dat burke a w_-l2bWmpQQ-00826-00214034-00214471 Maronite at parties w_-l2bWmpQQ-00827-00214473-00214973 topic EPP are keys w_-l2bWmpQQ-00828-00214975-00215342 topic Maronite Rite diocese based in w_-l2bWmpQQ-00829-00215344-00215619 Sydney Australia EPP our key of w_-l2bWmpQQ-00830-00215619-00215921 saint-meran of Brooklyn a party of Our w_-l2bWmpQQ-00831-00215923-00216269 Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles a party w_-l2bWmpQQ-00832-00216271-00216857 of saint-meran of Canada Montreal Canada w_-l2bWmpQQ-00833-00216858-00217462 topic Maronite Church religious orders w_-l2bWmpQQ-00834-00217463-00217806 topic Maronite order of the Blessed w_-l2bWmpQQ-00835-00217807-00218119 Virgin Mary congregation of the Maronite w_-l2bWmpQQ-00836-00218119-00218433 Lebanese missionaries the Maronite monks w_-l2bWmpQQ-00837-00218434-00218705 of adoration most holy trinity monastery w_-l2bWmpQQ-00838-00218706-00219105 monastery in Massachusetts wAE0kYvasyE-00000-00000000-00000233 I think that we've got to be aware of I wAE0kYvasyE-00001-00000234-00000586 meant there is a change taking place wAE0kYvasyE-00002-00000587-00001220 it's taking place in your different wAE0kYvasyE-00003-00001221-00001403 political situation from one country to wAE0kYvasyE-00004-00001404-00001602 another is becoming a european-wide wAE0kYvasyE-00005-00001603-00001913 situation we citizens are much more wAE0kYvasyE-00006-00001914-00002231 interested than in the past to what is wAE0kYvasyE-00007-00002232-00002408 happening in other European countries wAE0kYvasyE-00008-00002409-00002542 and we know that what is happening wAE0kYvasyE-00009-00002543-00002825 politically in one country can have an wAE0kYvasyE-00010-00002826-00003065 effect on other countries particularly wAE0kYvasyE-00011-00003066-00003251 for months before the European elections wAE0kYvasyE-00012-00003252-00003824 yes catalysts of this attention but wAE0kYvasyE-00013-00003825-00004054 changes are taking place among citizens wAE0kYvasyE-00014-00004055-00004904 in our public opinion so follow we take wAE0kYvasyE-00015-00004905-00005309 into account interested in domestic wAE0kYvasyE-00016-00005310-00005647 policy also want to take place in other wAE0kYvasyE-00017-00005648-00005741 countries wAE0kYvasyE-00018-00005742-00006095 Luigi de Mayo and mr. Cellini are they wAE0kYvasyE-00019-00006096-00006359 in power you who are a moderate so you wAE0kYvasyE-00020-00006360-00006623 are closer to Mario Monti how do you get wAE0kYvasyE-00021-00006623-00007039 your voice well you know that the two wAE0kYvasyE-00022-00007040-00007451 ministers are also the two leaders of wAE0kYvasyE-00023-00007452-00007601 the political parties that have a wAE0kYvasyE-00024-00007602-00007867 majority in Italy and democratically wAE0kYvasyE-00025-00007868-00008201 they exercise political power that has wAE0kYvasyE-00026-00008202-00008383 been given to them by the citizens that wAE0kYvasyE-00027-00008384-00008735 said I am NOT the only independent I wAE0kYvasyE-00028-00008736-00008935 remember in the government the wAE0kYvasyE-00029-00008936-00009116 government is an interesting balance wAE0kYvasyE-00030-00009117-00009503 between members of the two parties and wAE0kYvasyE-00031-00009504-00009977 there are a few ministers who are there wAE0kYvasyE-00032-00009978-00010169 is also a certain amount of dialectics wAE0kYvasyE-00033-00010170-00010442 going on and what we're trying to do is wAE0kYvasyE-00034-00010443-00010799 to try and find the best result Saipem wAE0kYvasyE-00035-00010800-00011256 what is it you who tries to reach a wAE0kYvasyE-00036-00011257-00011642 consensus it's not always but there is wAE0kYvasyE-00037-00011643-00011842 another element which is connected to wAE0kYvasyE-00038-00011843-00012174 what I was saying is you're wrong namely wAE0kYvasyE-00039-00012175-00012455 it is very difficult today at the wAE0kYvasyE-00040-00012456-00012695 European level to speak wAE0kYvasyE-00041-00012696-00013037 of a traditional foreign policy if I wAE0kYvasyE-00042-00013038-00013259 think it is quite normal that Minister wAE0kYvasyE-00043-00013260-00013784 has a European and that Europe is level wAE0kYvasyE-00044-00013785-00014027 we are obviously discussing certain wAE0kYvasyE-00045-00014028-00014528 things with domestic levels we trusted wAE0kYvasyE-00046-00014529-00014696 to ministers Alain Minister of Foreign wAE0kYvasyE-00047-00014697-00014894 Affairs well why is there a conflict wAE0kYvasyE-00048-00014894-00015074 being created between it and in France wAE0kYvasyE-00049-00015075-00015602 by your Minister see the criticism is wAE0kYvasyE-00050-00015603-00015833 negative the fact that there is an open wAE0kYvasyE-00051-00015834-00016835 discussion it's not a discussion that is wAE0kYvasyE-00052-00016836-00017132 part of the traditional way the wAE0kYvasyE-00053-00017133-00017354 diplomatic circle but they have to adapt wAE0kYvasyE-00054-00017355-00017612 to the new reality that the new reality wAE0kYvasyE-00055-00017613-00017921 in my view is that there is no political wAE0kYvasyE-00056-00017922-00018140 arena in Europe there is a political wAE0kYvasyE-00057-00018141-00018593 space which is in the perspective for wAE0kYvasyE-00058-00018594-00019343 the better very difficult domestic wAE0kYvasyE-00059-00019344-00019706 national local regional so pretty all wAE0kYvasyE-00060-00019707-00019987 the dialectics can be very hard wAE0kYvasyE-00061-00019988-00020360 irrespective of the forum when we are as wAE0kYvasyE-00062-00020361-00020627 your B level we are less well professor wAE0kYvasyE-00063-00020628-00020869 because we always look at things from a wAE0kYvasyE-00064-00020870-00021068 perspective between two different wAE0kYvasyE-00065-00021069-00021344 countries within European Union the fact wAE0kYvasyE-00066-00021345-00021665 we are united we mean speak much more wAE0kYvasyE-00067-00021666-00021902 openly and perhaps her without masking wAE0kYvasyE-00068-00021903-00022649 our real feelings there are divisions do wAE0kYvasyE-00069-00022650-00022952 you feel responsible you were part of wAE0kYvasyE-00070-00022953-00023183 the Mary Monte's government do you feel wAE0kYvasyE-00071-00023184-00023441 responsible for the rise of populism in wAE0kYvasyE-00072-00023442-00023806 Italy do you feel that this mistrust er wAE0kYvasyE-00073-00023807-00024071 b2b the political class even though you wAE0kYvasyE-00074-00024072-00024389 are an independent but the populism that wAE0kYvasyE-00075-00024390-00024556 we see in Italy is that the result of wAE0kYvasyE-00076-00024557-00024806 that in live well I think that an wAE0kYvasyE-00077-00024807-00025016 Italian party did Italy particularly wAE0kYvasyE-00078-00025017-00025196 results offer the elections that took wAE0kYvasyE-00079-00025197-00025519 place in March Oh 2018 but in all the wAE0kYvasyE-00080-00025520-00025664 other countries what we have seen for wAE0kYvasyE-00081-00025664-00025870 the new political forces emerging wAE0kYvasyE-00082-00025872-00026227 we're political forces which more were wAE0kYvasyE-00083-00026229-00026450 more marginal have emerged and that is wAE0kYvasyE-00084-00026451-00026729 by after the fruit you can call them wAE0kYvasyE-00085-00026730-00026983 populist although personally if I don't wAE0kYvasyE-00086-00026985-00027302 think that that is a very nice but the wAE0kYvasyE-00087-00027302-00027452 fact that they are different colonial wAE0kYvasyE-00088-00027452-00027704 forces with different political forces wAE0kYvasyE-00089-00027705-00027917 compared to the political parties of the wAE0kYvasyE-00090-00027918-00028124 past is the results of a certain number wAE0kYvasyE-00091-00028125-00028337 of things which haven't been properly wAE0kYvasyE-00092-00028338-00028604 handled either and the Nationals are the wAE0kYvasyE-00093-00028605-00028952 European so examples on the one hand wAE0kYvasyE-00094-00028952-00029233 you've got financial crisis which has wAE0kYvasyE-00095-00029235-00029561 really had a terrible devastating effect wAE0kYvasyE-00096-00029562-00029777 we've dealt with it a certain extent we wAE0kYvasyE-00097-00029777-00029930 could have got faster but I think that wAE0kYvasyE-00098-00029931-00030131 citizens really thought and we were wAE0kYvasyE-00099-00030132-00030452 going to go faster and we didn't really wAE0kYvasyE-00100-00030452-00030668 have the right solutions for financial wAE0kYvasyE-00101-00030669-00031022 solution then there is the crisis on the wAE0kYvasyE-00102-00031023-00031211 migration from Europe and there was a wAE0kYvasyE-00103-00031212-00031424 lot of problems with this not only as wAE0kYvasyE-00104-00031425-00031820 you level with incomes led a lot of the wAE0kYvasyE-00105-00031820-00032117 citizens to look at other political wAE0kYvasyE-00106-00032118-00032264 parties with a different message wAE0kYvasyE-00107-00032264-00032579 Judis laws out decisions it depends on wAE0kYvasyE-00108-00032580-00032792 how those ability or forces are going to wAE0kYvasyE-00109-00032793-00033062 contribute to the political discussion wAE0kYvasyE-00110-00033063-00033332 in the country that you could be a wAE0kYvasyE-00111-00033333-00033653 minority in Forman stomach well we have wAE0kYvasyE-00112-00033654-00033785 to see what's her behalf and math wAE0kYvasyE-00113-00033786-00034007 European election well that's going to wAE0kYvasyE-00114-00034008-00034172 be interesting for the very first time wAE0kYvasyE-00115-00034173-00034489 we're going to see real political wAE0kYvasyE-00116-00034490-00034817 elections I think the citizens in the wAE0kYvasyE-00117-00034818-00035015 European Union from we realized for the wAE0kYvasyE-00118-00035016-00035432 first time it's not just a repeat of the wAE0kYvasyE-00119-00035433-00035630 political audiences in Europe it would wAE0kYvasyE-00120-00035631-00035909 be real political elections which could wAE0kYvasyE-00121-00035910-00036197 change the face of and I think that wAE0kYvasyE-00122-00036198-00036359 you've got different vision Europe which wAE0kYvasyE-00123-00036360-00036611 will be in competition mrs. Muslim if wAE0kYvasyE-00124-00036612-00037400 you represent your commission we propose wAE0kYvasyE-00125-00037401-00037733 we're not we're not the legislature well wAE0kYvasyE-00126-00037734-00037943 we say the legislature where you were wAE0kYvasyE-00127-00037944-00038513 daughter Brussels is the enemy of the wAE0kYvasyE-00128-00038514-00038759 populous even in France during wAE0kYvasyE-00129-00038760-00039194 the jejunum evils I think that everybody wAE0kYvasyE-00130-00039195-00039464 thinks that there is no progress in wAE0kYvasyE-00131-00039465-00039806 Europe do you feel response or when wAE0kYvasyE-00132-00039807-00040160 people trampled foot the European flag I wAE0kYvasyE-00133-00040161-00040382 think you've got to see things clear yes wAE0kYvasyE-00134-00040383-00040571 there is this movement of the G later on wAE0kYvasyE-00135-00040572-00040901 the yellow visibility base you've got wAE0kYvasyE-00136-00040902-00041207 the muscle layers the National is you've wAE0kYvasyE-00137-00041208-00041606 got the anti-immigration forces in the wAE0kYvasyE-00138-00041607-00041831 Europe and we'll see water this is going wAE0kYvasyE-00139-00041832-00042077 to lead to me and I'm frightened about wAE0kYvasyE-00140-00042078-00042284 this yes your friends yes let me finish wAE0kYvasyE-00141-00042285-00042533 though there is another movement which wAE0kYvasyE-00142-00042534-00042836 isn't if you look at the opinion opposes wAE0kYvasyE-00143-00042837-00043076 all European countries support for the wAE0kYvasyE-00144-00043077-00043265 European Union and European cooperation wAE0kYvasyE-00145-00043266-00043556 is at its highest level in ten years wAE0kYvasyE-00146-00043557-00044327 with the exception the populace have the wAE0kYvasyE-00147-00044328-00044510 wind in their sails yes there the wind wAE0kYvasyE-00148-00044511-00044621 in their sails but they're still a wAE0kYvasyE-00149-00044622-00044894 minority if you look at the opinion of wAE0kYvasyE-00150-00044895-00045164 holes which I carried out the last 20 wAE0kYvasyE-00151-00045165-00045344 years in the same way the same number of wAE0kYvasyE-00152-00045345-00045566 respondents and we see that support for wAE0kYvasyE-00153-00045567-00045803 the EU is very strong and particularly wAE0kYvasyE-00154-00045804-00046285 amongst young people and that means wAE0kYvasyE-00155-00046286-00046589 everything is fine and dandy no there wAE0kYvasyE-00156-00046590-00046879 are lots of problems the notion that all wAE0kYvasyE-00157-00046880-00047153 Europe is against the U is wrong well wAE0kYvasyE-00158-00047154-00047324 why is there so much hatred you ask wAE0kYvasyE-00159-00047325-00047414 yourself that question wAE0kYvasyE-00160-00047415-00047645 why such hatred yes of course I ask wAE0kYvasyE-00161-00047646-00047972 myself that question I cannot explain wAE0kYvasyE-00162-00047973-00048157 that easily in two minutes wAE0kYvasyE-00163-00048158-00048446 I think the minister spoke about wAE0kYvasyE-00164-00048447-00048647 economic crisis of course that has wAE0kYvasyE-00165-00048648-00049172 created an enormous amount of social wAE0kYvasyE-00166-00049173-00049424 problems political problems in all the wAE0kYvasyE-00167-00049425-00049580 countries particularly in those wAE0kYvasyE-00168-00049581-00049736 countries that have been most effective wAE0kYvasyE-00169-00049737-00049943 and a lot of politicians have used that wAE0kYvasyE-00170-00049944-00050381 fear situation which people are wAE0kYvasyE-00171-00050382-00050576 confronted with in order to say well wAE0kYvasyE-00172-00050577-00050915 I've got an easy solution for you under wAE0kYvasyE-00173-00050916-00051122 er no you see solutions populist have wAE0kYvasyE-00174-00051123-00051346 used that bleep wAE0kYvasyE-00175-00051347-00051517 the minister also mentioned another wAE0kYvasyE-00176-00051519-00052108 aspect that there is problems in their wAE0kYvasyE-00177-00052109-00052327 countries so to take a joint wAE0kYvasyE-00178-00052328-00052562 responsibility for the migratory flows wAE0kYvasyE-00179-00052563-00052769 is it a failure of course it is a wAE0kYvasyE-00180-00052770-00053107 failure but is a failure by the member wAE0kYvasyE-00181-00053108-00053605 states why we are 27 countries amongst wAE0kYvasyE-00182-00053607-00053856 the richest in the world we could take wAE0kYvasyE-00183-00053857-00054137 responsibility to welcome refugees that wAE0kYvasyE-00184-00054138-00054347 really need protection we could do that wAE0kYvasyE-00185-00054348-00054590 together and we could also fight to wAE0kYvasyE-00186-00054591-00054826 ensure that we protect our borders in a wAE0kYvasyE-00187-00054827-00055075 trusting map but we've got to take that wAE0kYvasyE-00188-00055076-00055286 responsibility together the fact that wAE0kYvasyE-00189-00055287-00055492 certain countries refused the visi grant wAE0kYvasyE-00190-00055494-00055854 country is hungry is a case in point wAE0kYvasyE-00191-00055855-00056222 Huntress sent to refugees to my country wAE0kYvasyE-00192-00056223-00056366 to your country wAE0kYvasyE-00193-00056366-00056641 they said refugees 40 years ago this is wAE0kYvasyE-00194-00056642-00056966 a situation which hasn't led to a lot of wAE0kYvasyE-00195-00056966-00057287 trust but let me repeat there is this wAE0kYvasyE-00196-00057288-00058080 situation then there is Britain and in wAE0kYvasyE-00197-00058082-00058448 that countries have had a possibility to wAE0kYvasyE-00198-00058449-00058705 strengthen and deepen a European wAE0kYvasyE-00199-00058707-00059029 cooperation by taking measures in the wAE0kYvasyE-00200-00059030-00059251 field of the fans in the social sphere wAE0kYvasyE-00201-00059252-00060248 also digital developments we can't just wAE0kYvasyE-00202-00060249-00060653 talk about the Shilla zone there are wAE0kYvasyE-00203-00060654-00061028 also marches of young people thousands wAE0kYvasyE-00204-00061029-00061211 of young people who are demonstrating wAE0kYvasyE-00205-00061212-00061586 for a more responsive limas policy the wAE0kYvasyE-00206-00061587-00061819 fact that power has slipped away from wAE0kYvasyE-00207-00061820-00062084 national parliaments isn't that the fact wAE0kYvasyE-00208-00062085-00062263 that there are too many standards and wAE0kYvasyE-00209-00062264-00062462 regulations but if you look at the wAE0kYvasyE-00210-00062463-00062690 thousand people in streets in Poland and wAE0kYvasyE-00211-00062691-00062893 Hungary who go and demonstrate with the wAE0kYvasyE-00212-00062894-00063142 European flag against their government wAE0kYvasyE-00213-00063144-00063307 is not a resistance for there are wAE0kYvasyE-00214-00063308-00063541 thousands of them they are against their wAE0kYvasyE-00215-00063542-00063955 government they are in favor of your you wAE0kYvasyE-00216-00063957-00064187 at the head of a big French group AXA wAE0kYvasyE-00217-00064188-00064519 insurance ask you wAE0kYvasyE-00218-00064520-00064811 cooperation treaty in our hands signed wAE0kYvasyE-00219-00064812-00065036 between France and Germany signed a few wAE0kYvasyE-00220-00065037-00065333 days ago and it led to fake news how is wAE0kYvasyE-00221-00065334-00065591 it possible at a time of your condition wAE0kYvasyE-00222-00065592-00066062 a place I think even treaty is a very wAE0kYvasyE-00223-00066063-00066344 positive right because it strengthens wAE0kYvasyE-00224-00066345-00066857 the importance of the franco-german who wAE0kYvasyE-00225-00066858-00067127 try to produce fake news about the wAE0kYvasyE-00226-00067128-00067796 contract to come together on behalf of wAE0kYvasyE-00227-00067797-00068260 Europe but some saves an act of betrayal wAE0kYvasyE-00228-00068261-00069104 betrayal bees away who know the trail is wAE0kYvasyE-00229-00069105-00069338 there a lack of explanations when there wAE0kYvasyE-00230-00069339-00069482 is a treaty that is set up between wAE0kYvasyE-00231-00069483-00069695 France and Germany perhaps there's a wAE0kYvasyE-00232-00069696-00070244 lack of educational process Anya why do wAE0kYvasyE-00233-00070245-00070475 people think that this is something wAE0kYvasyE-00234-00070476-00070610 negative miss drew wAE0kYvasyE-00235-00070611-00070940 I think Europe is taken as something we wAE0kYvasyE-00236-00070941-00071117 take for granted if you talk to young wAE0kYvasyE-00237-00071118-00071564 people what they say well that is my wAE0kYvasyE-00238-00071565-00071813 day-to-day life they don't understand wAE0kYvasyE-00239-00071814-00071996 all the security issues they don't wAE0kYvasyE-00240-00071997-00072374 understand the issue of peace and I wAE0kYvasyE-00241-00072375-00072671 think we make people aware of what we wAE0kYvasyE-00242-00072672-00072923 have achieved and that veil is also lost wAE0kYvasyE-00243-00072924-00073241 the connection between people now the wAE0kYvasyE-00244-00073242-00074171 Chilean are not against you I've been on wAE0kYvasyE-00245-00074172-00074366 these roundabouts they're not radical wAE0kYvasyE-00246-00074367-00074561 people the people like you and me people wAE0kYvasyE-00247-00074562-00074771 who were often in single-parent wAE0kYvasyE-00248-00074772-00074996 households and what they're telling you wAE0kYvasyE-00249-00074997-00075245 is I don't like France anymore they say wAE0kYvasyE-00250-00075246-00075617 very often I am alone nobody speaks to wAE0kYvasyE-00251-00075618-00075911 me I can no longer express my views and wAE0kYvasyE-00252-00075912-00076072 I think that you've got a really wAE0kYvasyE-00253-00076073-00076322 connection with people as you've got to wAE0kYvasyE-00254-00076323-00076520 go to war to people you're born and that wAE0kYvasyE-00255-00076521-00077018 is why I think that is depressing what wAE0kYvasyE-00256-00077019-00077180 stop taking earth but at the same time wAE0kYvasyE-00257-00077181-00077381 it's good because people are expressing wAE0kYvasyE-00258-00077382-00077459 their wAE0kYvasyE-00259-00077460-00077755 it is also an opportunity to take their wAE0kYvasyE-00260-00077756-00078047 input but how do we reconnect with wAE0kYvasyE-00261-00078048-00078548 people I think we need to discuss what wAE0kYvasyE-00262-00078549-00078887 is lacking today is a dialogue if I look wAE0kYvasyE-00263-00078888-00079225 at my own industry yes we are doing wAE0kYvasyE-00264-00079226-00079523 pretty well in Europe there are some wAE0kYvasyE-00265-00079524-00079853 times we are outside reality even in my wAE0kYvasyE-00266-00079854-00080101 own industry my own sector if we've got wAE0kYvasyE-00267-00080102-00080326 to go to people we've got to talk to wAE0kYvasyE-00268-00080327-00080794 them bring them on board I'm not the wAE0kYvasyE-00269-00080795-00081428 best strategist facilitate the dialogue wAE0kYvasyE-00270-00081429-00081623 between people and you've got to do the wAE0kYvasyE-00271-00081624-00082115 same thing as an American intellectual wAE0kYvasyE-00272-00082116-00082235 what do you think about what is wAE0kYvasyE-00273-00082236-00082500 happening in Europe you say that history wAE0kYvasyE-00274-00082501-00082793 doesn't repeat itself it is something wAE0kYvasyE-00275-00082794-00083060 that is torn Iran that or more Lily song wAE0kYvasyE-00276-00083061-00083311 now you can also draw negative wAE0kYvasyE-00277-00083312-00084280 conclusions you can see you you can also wAE0kYvasyE-00278-00084281-00084649 take the lessons of the 1920s and 30s I wAE0kYvasyE-00279-00084650-00084905 think of course that the report lists wAE0kYvasyE-00280-00084906-00085081 are also populist in the United States wAE0kYvasyE-00281-00085082-00085409 in my country in Europe and they have a wAE0kYvasyE-00282-00085410-00085705 drawn some lessons from the period I wAE0kYvasyE-00283-00085706-00086012 referred to I think the globalization is wAE0kYvasyE-00284-00086013-00086206 a factor dish and you've got to make wAE0kYvasyE-00285-00086207-00086605 certain choices so that globalization wAE0kYvasyE-00286-00086606-00087590 and those are choices these are lessons wAE0kYvasyE-00287-00087591-00087785 that we can draw from the past is it not wAE0kYvasyE-00288-00087786-00087992 too late okay sook you think that was wAE0kYvasyE-00289-00087993-00088369 all I think that what history teaches us wAE0kYvasyE-00290-00088370-00088667 is that it's never too easy it is never wAE0kYvasyE-00291-00088668-00089009 too late your tomorrow will come in the wAE0kYvasyE-00292-00089010-00089261 pasture in reached in the future there wAE0kYvasyE-00293-00089262-00089413 are certain things which show we won't wAE0kYvasyE-00294-00089414-00089674 reproduce in us I think that history is wAE0kYvasyE-00295-00089675-00089930 greater than the eye imagination what is wAE0kYvasyE-00296-00089931-00090151 going to happen is the knot or what we wAE0kYvasyE-00297-00090152-00090365 are predicting is going to have no time wAE0kYvasyE-00298-00090366-00090568 but it's not too late wAE0kYvasyE-00299-00090569-00090809 and I think now it is very good that wAE0kYvasyE-00300-00090810-00091090 into the Americans and the Europeans has wAE0kYvasyE-00301-00091091-00091419 a Charlie traffic it is not true that wAE0kYvasyE-00302-00091420-00091940 democracy and globalization non pas wAE0kYvasyE-00303-00091941-00092185 besoin dead doesn't need to have wAE0kYvasyE-00304-00092186-00092350 something to help them historic wAE0kYvasyE-00305-00092351-00093006 historically speaking what they need wAE0kYvasyE-00306-00093007-00093274 we'll come back to that idea later on it wAE0kYvasyE-00307-00093275-00093478 so there this is the end of the first wAE0kYvasyE-00309-00098376-00098598 never new dollar design welcome to the wAE0kYvasyE-00310-00098599-00098847 second part of our special discussion on wAE0kYvasyE-00311-00098848-00099006 the European elections and the rise of wAE0kYvasyE-00312-00099007-00099326 populism what can we expect over the wAE0kYvasyE-00313-00099327-00099672 elections on 26th of May next er at the wAE0kYvasyE-00314-00099673-00099930 time of bring supply can we give a taste wAE0kYvasyE-00315-00099931-00100254 of Europa to people mr. Schneider we wAE0kYvasyE-00316-00100255-00100389 finished off with you in the first part wAE0kYvasyE-00317-00100390-00100518 you were talking about the fact we wAE0kYvasyE-00318-00100519-00100893 liable you know sort courage yes I think wAE0kYvasyE-00319-00100894-00101274 that's a problem with a populist we see wAE0kYvasyE-00320-00101275-00101616 or we think that the populist arm on the wAE0kYvasyE-00321-00101617-00101832 policy de l'avenir over a you've all wAE0kYvasyE-00322-00101833-00102015 your ages can come with your ideas but wAE0kYvasyE-00323-00102016-00102198 if we're thinking about the future we wAE0kYvasyE-00324-00102199-00102396 have got to think about how we want to wAE0kYvasyE-00325-00102397-00102611 shape the future and that is precisely wAE0kYvasyE-00326-00102613-00102872 where we see a problem with populism and wAE0kYvasyE-00327-00102873-00103132 something that affects us all wAE0kYvasyE-00328-00103133-00103473 we're all on the defensive we're we're wAE0kYvasyE-00329-00103474-00103650 resisting but we don't have people wAE0kYvasyE-00330-00103651-00104444 thinking who is that Europe will have to wAE0kYvasyE-00331-00104445-00104684 become it could become love power wAE0kYvasyE-00332-00104685-00105035 because environmental problems the wAE0kYvasyE-00333-00105036-00105288 problem with a black hole of taxes wAE0kYvasyE-00334-00105289-00105633 monopolies human rights at the time of wAE0kYvasyE-00335-00105633-00106194 digitization it is only the power to wAE0kYvasyE-00336-00106195-00106397 become a power what do you mean by that wAE0kYvasyE-00337-00106398-00106859 machine I think that china is looking to wAE0kYvasyE-00338-00106860-00107145 the future and it is manipulating things wAE0kYvasyE-00339-00107146-00107711 the United States but they're very wAE0kYvasyE-00340-00107713-00107964 short-term is in Italy they look at the wAE0kYvasyE-00341-00107965-00108176 present is that what you came here see wAE0kYvasyE-00342-00108177-00108416 seen them or what I think that that is wAE0kYvasyE-00343-00108417-00108552 the right time wAE0kYvasyE-00344-00108553-00108779 short earnest key but I think it's only wAE0kYvasyE-00345-00108780-00109149 Europe that is dancing to address the wAE0kYvasyE-00346-00109150-00109476 issues of our century that is the wAE0kYvasyE-00347-00109477-00109779 problem of young people human rights and wAE0kYvasyE-00348-00109780-00109956 environment these are issues that wAE0kYvasyE-00349-00109957-00110169 interest young people it's only Europe wAE0kYvasyE-00350-00110170-00110340 that can do something so you've got to wAE0kYvasyE-00351-00110341-00111086 give prospects a vision an American wAE0kYvasyE-00352-00111088-00111279 perspective not only 90 Chinese wAE0kYvasyE-00353-00111280-00111518 perspective but you've got to have a wAE0kYvasyE-00354-00111519-00111756 vision for wAE0kYvasyE-00355-00111757-00111959 Europe which is the only power which can wAE0kYvasyE-00356-00111960-00112398 really meet the challenges that can wAE0kYvasyE-00357-00112399-00112599 stand up to the lighted States in China wAE0kYvasyE-00358-00112600-00112854 is that how you see Europe today you wAE0kYvasyE-00359-00112855-00113202 pardon this all could not in the meaning wAE0kYvasyE-00360-00113203-00113360 that you've got to criticize the wAE0kYvasyE-00361-00113361-00113604 Americans or the Chinese all the time no wAE0kYvasyE-00362-00113605-00113913 don't I think that in a globalized world wAE0kYvasyE-00363-00113914-00114120 who we all have to face the same wAE0kYvasyE-00364-00114121-00114399 problems these are Chinese have already wAE0kYvasyE-00365-00114400-00114657 made certain choices at some Park of the wAE0kYvasyE-00366-00114658-00114915 Americans capable and making any choices wAE0kYvasyE-00367-00114916-00115502 at the moment you have perhaps the only wAE0kYvasyE-00368-00115503-00115808 institution that has really understood wAE0kYvasyE-00369-00115808-00116060 at least passively what are the real wAE0kYvasyE-00370-00116061-00116238 challenges and we should have the wAE0kYvasyE-00371-00116239-00116499 instruments to deal because I think that wAE0kYvasyE-00372-00116500-00116766 is precisely why Europe has so many wAE0kYvasyE-00373-00116767-00117434 enemies but Europe is very divided today wAE0kYvasyE-00374-00117435-00117710 it should come together around the ideas wAE0kYvasyE-00375-00117711-00117852 you're talking about around these wAE0kYvasyE-00376-00117853-00118034 challenges what do you mean by that I wAE0kYvasyE-00377-00118035-00118998 said that Europe today is very divided wAE0kYvasyE-00378-00118999-00119298 you always talk about the division brick wAE0kYvasyE-00379-00119299-00119568 succeed brexit is a case in point it's wAE0kYvasyE-00380-00119569-00119898 stupid it's a disaster at the same time wAE0kYvasyE-00381-00119899-00120249 it is an example of European processes wAE0kYvasyE-00382-00120250-00120402 yes now we've had two years of wAE0kYvasyE-00383-00120403-00120630 negotiations two hours two years of wAE0kYvasyE-00384-00120631-00120798 discussion and now nothing has been wAE0kYvasyE-00385-00120799-00121107 sampled that's good compared with the wAE0kYvasyE-00386-00121108-00121496 Americans it's very good why is it good wAE0kYvasyE-00387-00121497-00121902 why Japan spark complexity the hub I wAE0kYvasyE-00388-00121903-00122033 don't think then there will be a pretty wAE0kYvasyE-00389-00122034-00122268 sick quite honestly but I think it is I wAE0kYvasyE-00390-00122269-00122525 think that the divisions in Europe wAE0kYvasyE-00391-00122526-00122976 software are real they exist LC know at wAE0kYvasyE-00392-00122977-00123189 the same time it's normal its natural wAE0kYvasyE-00393-00123190-00123330 that there should be divisions and you wAE0kYvasyE-00394-00123331-00123813 can live with those you understand it is wAE0kYvasyE-00395-00123814-00124194 only in a large institution and we are wAE0kYvasyE-00396-00124195-00124446 able to talk to the Americans and wAE0kYvasyE-00397-00124447-00124806 Chinese and in a globalized world that wAE0kYvasyE-00398-00124807-00125076 is important I can't be Bruce : wAE0kYvasyE-00399-00125077-00125411 matéo salvini monkeys donut area Pusa wAE0kYvasyE-00400-00125413-00125700 salinas that week-long Wally Tobin no wAE0kYvasyE-00401-00125701-00126015 semen no penny pure Josh lower Kachinsky wAE0kYvasyE-00402-00126016-00126264 on polaron you are some Lily for wAE0kYvasyE-00403-00126265-00126606 populist I don't get my aces or pn s q7 wAE0kYvasyE-00404-00126607-00127098 sake a skill very power neon Kaka school wAE0kYvasyE-00405-00127099-00127460 vanadium it no more exact mo lapa wAE0kYvasyE-00406-00127461-00127731 fondled you decisions more politically wAE0kYvasyE-00407-00127732-00128009 he kiss a personal cell shows that there wAE0kYvasyE-00408-00128010-00128199 are great differences in the Europe and wAE0kYvasyE-00409-00128200-00128457 they're going to changes going on at the wAE0kYvasyE-00410-00128458-00128499 moment wAE0kYvasyE-00411-00128500-00128853 Wow so we're trying to do is seek wAE0kYvasyE-00412-00128854-00129126 certain alliances even where there are wAE0kYvasyE-00413-00129127-00129836 no natural and only defame home you have wAE0kYvasyE-00414-00129838-00130061 different qualities in different wAE0kYvasyE-00415-00130063-00130257 European countries which might be seen wAE0kYvasyE-00416-00130258-00130481 as socialist which might be see a list wAE0kYvasyE-00417-00130482-00130786 now we don't often realize that they are wAE0kYvasyE-00418-00130788-00131031 between themselves if we look at the wAE0kYvasyE-00419-00131032-00131193 political forces today we didn't see wAE0kYvasyE-00420-00131194-00131400 what kind of links there might be so wAE0kYvasyE-00421-00131401-00131496 you're saying there are links between wAE0kYvasyE-00422-00131497-00133292 these two yes wAE0kYvasyE-00423-00133293-00133599 we will see what comes of this we still wAE0kYvasyE-00424-00133600-00133986 have a number of months to consider so wAE0kYvasyE-00425-00133987-00134507 there's no we can see what happens wAE0kYvasyE-00426-00134508-00134721 politics we'll see what comes with the wAE0kYvasyE-00427-00134722-00134997 elections so you're saying that you in wAE0kYvasyE-00428-00134998-00135468 favorite well I said a sector up well I wAE0kYvasyE-00429-00135469-00135675 think it's part of this Europe really is wAE0kYvasyE-00430-00135676-00135870 political Europe really you know Kanye's wAE0kYvasyE-00431-00135871-00136101 be year in which doesn t have any wAE0kYvasyE-00432-00136102-00137145 traditional borders as well librettist wAE0kYvasyE-00433-00137146-00137408 you know a well you're a real question wAE0kYvasyE-00434-00137409-00137642 may well be different alliances wAE0kYvasyE-00435-00137643-00137844 different was they were in the past when wAE0kYvasyE-00436-00137845-00137994 we come to relations wAE0kYvasyE-00437-00137995-00138258 but citizens will then vote and we'll wAE0kYvasyE-00438-00138259-00138462 get results of that now depending on wAE0kYvasyE-00439-00138463-00138771 those results as the European man you wAE0kYvasyE-00440-00138772-00139761 will get majorities being formed be wAE0kYvasyE-00441-00139762-00139841 different to what you're good at wAE0kYvasyE-00442-00139842-00140252 nationals it might not be as strong but wAE0kYvasyE-00443-00140253-00140390 it might this time it'd be a little bit wAE0kYvasyE-00444-00140391-00140777 more clear-cut as I read it to know wAE0kYvasyE-00445-00140778-00141183 there's always been the majority there wAE0kYvasyE-00446-00141184-00142059 was a kind of majority minority but this wAE0kYvasyE-00447-00142060-00142362 time you can have a majority and then a wAE0kYvasyE-00448-00142363-00142620 minority which first time it be a kind wAE0kYvasyE-00449-00142621-00143649 of position so the first question to the wAE0kYvasyE-00450-00143650-00145395 majority that'll be the real proof wAE0kYvasyE-00451-00145396-00145628 positive what we're just thinking about wAE0kYvasyE-00452-00145629-00146477 at the moment protected those who've wAE0kYvasyE-00453-00146478-00146753 lost from globalization know it has and wAE0kYvasyE-00454-00146754-00146879 I think that explains a lot of these wAE0kYvasyE-00455-00146880-00147362 movements that we now see make a crisis wAE0kYvasyE-00456-00147363-00147551 were a lot of people lost their houses wAE0kYvasyE-00457-00147552-00147750 their jobs and even their hopes wAE0kYvasyE-00458-00147751-00147999 particularly younger people because we wAE0kYvasyE-00459-00148000-00148166 have a high you for the many countries wAE0kYvasyE-00460-00148167-00148829 still member states didn't have the wAE0kYvasyE-00461-00148830-00149063 strength well or the ability to protect wAE0kYvasyE-00462-00149064-00149346 people sufficiently so what about the wAE0kYvasyE-00463-00149347-00149499 social side of Europe no is that where wAE0kYvasyE-00464-00149500-00150144 the challenges responsibility is with wAE0kYvasyE-00465-00150145-00150312 member states is up to them to protect wAE0kYvasyE-00466-00150313-00150522 their citizens and they haven't made the wAE0kYvasyE-00467-00150523-00150896 necessary reforms to slice up the cake wAE0kYvasyE-00468-00150897-00151113 vocalization because it worked if it wAE0kYvasyE-00469-00151114-00151209 works it's good wAE0kYvasyE-00470-00151210-00151404 they haven't reformed their system their wAE0kYvasyE-00471-00151405-00151611 social systems and the tax wAE0kYvasyE-00472-00151612-00151875 redistribution there hasn't invested it wAE0kYvasyE-00473-00151876-00152214 in skill acquisition and education that wAE0kYvasyE-00474-00152215-00152406 the people need so that people could wAE0kYvasyE-00475-00152407-00152543 move to different places wAE0kYvasyE-00476-00152544-00153075 what are you person recently we've tried wAE0kYvasyE-00477-00153076-00153318 to develop a social agenda because it's wAE0kYvasyE-00478-00153319-00153557 not just economics it's also the social wAE0kYvasyE-00479-00153558-00153876 so what is that agenda that you see it a wAE0kYvasyE-00480-00153877-00154098 you say there are things to happening in wAE0kYvasyE-00481-00154099-00154194 different countries and their wAE0kYvasyE-00482-00154195-00154383 differences between countries well there wAE0kYvasyE-00483-00154384-00154557 are certain limits too because social wAE0kYvasyE-00484-00154558-00154884 Europe is how you distribute wealth to wAE0kYvasyE-00485-00154885-00155151 some extent and there's no legal power wAE0kYvasyE-00486-00155152-00155292 of the Commission to do that that's a wAE0kYvasyE-00487-00155293-00155559 national competition competence so what wAE0kYvasyE-00488-00155560-00155841 we can do is standards do some wAE0kYvasyE-00489-00155842-00156126 benchmarking to actually set certain wAE0kYvasyE-00490-00156127-00156327 targets so that everyone's who trying to wAE0kYvasyE-00491-00156328-00156507 move towards and that could be a minimum wAE0kYvasyE-00492-00156508-00156759 but this is controversial because who is wAE0kYvasyE-00493-00156760-00156990 going to fund the social it's funded wAE0kYvasyE-00494-00156991-00157134 from taxation and then we don't have wAE0kYvasyE-00495-00157135-00157440 European taxation the real wAE0kYvasyE-00496-00157441-00157647 responsibility here lies with the Member wAE0kYvasyE-00497-00157648-00157793 States and they're not doing enough wAE0kYvasyE-00498-00157794-00158013 would you be in favor of European tax wAE0kYvasyE-00499-00158014-00158754 for social purposes I think this would wAE0kYvasyE-00500-00158755-00158937 be in a very different different but wAE0kYvasyE-00501-00158938-00159075 it's something that can be discussed in wAE0kYvasyE-00502-00159076-00159285 coming years as good there is so much wAE0kYvasyE-00503-00159286-00159504 division at the moment within you so I wAE0kYvasyE-00504-00159505-00159657 think this is something we can look at wAE0kYvasyE-00505-00159658-00159942 we could talk about a social tax and so wAE0kYvasyE-00506-00159943-00160089 defence and some that might be one way wAE0kYvasyE-00507-00160090-00160359 to do things and it's up to citizens to wAE0kYvasyE-00508-00160360-00160749 decide because for the first time we wAE0kYvasyE-00509-00160750-00161219 kind of mobilize a lot of things which wAE0kYvasyE-00510-00161220-00162093 we've got and this might be this final wAE0kYvasyE-00511-00162094-00162270 commission of the last Commission that wAE0kYvasyE-00512-00162271-00162720 is made up of people we might be the wAE0kYvasyE-00513-00162721-00162852 last Commission that really is made up wAE0kYvasyE-00514-00162853-00163104 of people who really believe yes I'm wAE0kYvasyE-00515-00163105-00163443 very worried because there are movements wAE0kYvasyE-00516-00163444-00163556 we work wAE0kYvasyE-00517-00163557-00163826 foreigners and they're going to use wAE0kYvasyE-00518-00163827-00164069 foreigners to fight against fire and we wAE0kYvasyE-00519-00164070-00164285 see this with the mobilisation of a wAE0kYvasyE-00520-00164286-00164501 populist and the anti-immigration wAE0kYvasyE-00521-00164502-00164690 parties and that bothers me worries me wAE0kYvasyE-00522-00164691-00164885 because they're against Europe and if wAE0kYvasyE-00523-00164886-00165176 you have someone who's appointed to the wAE0kYvasyE-00524-00165177-00165353 Commission then you might have people wAE0kYvasyE-00525-00165354-00165539 within the European Commission who don't wAE0kYvasyE-00526-00165540-00165761 see a Europe as has been traditionally wAE0kYvasyE-00527-00165762-00167177 seen what sue should be done that what wAE0kYvasyE-00528-00167178-00167384 should we put a set up in France I mean wAE0kYvasyE-00529-00167385-00167555 you were asked to by mr. buck on this wAE0kYvasyE-00530-00167556-00167678 what did you say to make home when he wAE0kYvasyE-00531-00167679-00167908 asked you what should be done in front wAE0kYvasyE-00532-00167909-00168158 we have different responsibilities today wAE0kYvasyE-00533-00168159-00168884 you look at this which is one of the wAE0kYvasyE-00534-00168885-00169262 most developed in terms of distribution wAE0kYvasyE-00535-00169263-00170062 of you do wonder why is this going on wAE0kYvasyE-00536-00170063-00170267 you also have to bring in their wAE0kYvasyE-00537-00170268-00170423 companies as well that they have to be wAE0kYvasyE-00538-00170424-00170795 part of that social well this is what I wAE0kYvasyE-00539-00170796-00171080 said to mrs. McCoy I we agreed with the wAE0kYvasyE-00540-00171081-00171850 13 companies and it was a six days wAE0kYvasyE-00541-00171851-00172418 training apprenticeships and also each wAE0kYvasyE-00542-00172419-00172712 company is going to provide the service wAE0kYvasyE-00543-00172713-00172883 for the people who need it and that wAE0kYvasyE-00544-00172884-00173117 would be free of charge and then we wAE0kYvasyE-00545-00173118-00173264 would do some tracking as to who's done wAE0kYvasyE-00546-00173265-00173588 what what we're trying to do is abroad wAE0kYvasyE-00547-00173589-00173876 nur that but at the moment two companies wAE0kYvasyE-00548-00173877-00174116 have to sign up we can't just look to a wAE0kYvasyE-00549-00174117-00174329 government to expect them to do that and wAE0kYvasyE-00550-00174330-00174779 leave I think one of the yellow vests wAE0kYvasyE-00551-00174780-00174944 thing they wanted to say that there wAE0kYvasyE-00552-00174945-00175091 should be more commitment from bigger wAE0kYvasyE-00553-00175092-00175337 companies and they still expecting that wAE0kYvasyE-00554-00175338-00175562 I think we can say that that will come wAE0kYvasyE-00555-00175563-00175760 and it's a process because at the moment wAE0kYvasyE-00556-00175761-00176000 the systems moving is changing at the wAE0kYvasyE-00557-00176001-00176249 moment we're in a society which is so wAE0kYvasyE-00558-00176250-00176565 divided which is so fragmented wAE0kYvasyE-00559-00176566-00176808 what we're doing is grasping what's wAE0kYvasyE-00560-00176809-00177123 happening if you're in Paris the Paris wAE0kYvasyE-00561-00177124-00177354 bubble but what's really going on is wAE0kYvasyE-00562-00177355-00177726 going outside so and now we have to see wAE0kYvasyE-00563-00177727-00178002 how we can help the people who are in wAE0kYvasyE-00564-00178003-00178212 France and we have to look at the wAE0kYvasyE-00565-00178213-00178866 companies who are throughout France you wAE0kYvasyE-00566-00178867-00179073 going to perhaps pay people a bit more wAE0kYvasyE-00567-00179074-00179283 or are you going to affect training in wAE0kYvasyE-00568-00179284-00179703 salary every year company is been wAE0kYvasyE-00569-00179704-00179934 discussing this and we have taken this wAE0kYvasyE-00570-00179935-00180654 opportunity and also looking at pay wAE0kYvasyE-00571-00180655-00180858 levels is that enough if he's almost wAE0kYvasyE-00572-00180859-00181413 ever enough I think they were expecting wAE0kYvasyE-00573-00181414-00181719 a strong gesture I think from the big wAE0kYvasyE-00574-00181720-00182194 companies wasn't very strong from wAE0kYvasyE-00575-00182195-00183102 companies doesn't really deal with we wAE0kYvasyE-00576-00183103-00183912 need a commitment from certainly changed wAE0kYvasyE-00577-00183913-00184059 people's thinking and I've seen a lot of wAE0kYvasyE-00578-00184060-00185443 companies who've done great wasn't wAE0kYvasyE-00579-00185444-00185646 appreciating us it wasn't realized but I wAE0kYvasyE-00580-00185647-00186096 think we can see the brexit where wAE0kYvasyE-00581-00186097-00186285 there's a real risk there could be some wAE0kYvasyE-00582-00186286-00186474 an implosion within the United Kingdom wAE0kYvasyE-00583-00186475-00186738 and populist and you see them in Poland wAE0kYvasyE-00584-00186739-00186981 in Hungary and the music group which wAE0kYvasyE-00585-00186982-00187125 might have thought the same perceptions wAE0kYvasyE-00586-00187126-00187560 the same values as you liberal wAE0kYvasyE-00587-00187561-00188010 democracies so the European 1945 vote wAE0kYvasyE-00588-00188011-00188181 might just explode or might it simply wAE0kYvasyE-00589-00188182-00189393 disappear these four countries different wAE0kYvasyE-00590-00189394-00189841 hungry wAE0kYvasyE-00591-00189842-00190165 as a liberal democracy was a Slovakia wAE0kYvasyE-00592-00190166-00190345 that would not be the case wAE0kYvasyE-00593-00190346-00190876 like you know this an example but wAE0kYvasyE-00594-00190877-00191089 recently it's been an example see it wAE0kYvasyE-00595-00191090-00191268 takes place ACTU you have a very active wAE0kYvasyE-00596-00191269-00191425 Society they've been very wAE0kYvasyE-00597-00191426-00191803 anti-corruption and also the murder of a wAE0kYvasyE-00598-00191804-00192091 journalist an impetus lava you can see wAE0kYvasyE-00599-00192092-00192223 that there are some very interesting wAE0kYvasyE-00600-00192224-00192478 things happening and very positive line wAE0kYvasyE-00601-00192479-00193363 you know it's surprising to Poland and wAE0kYvasyE-00602-00193364-00194548 it was a feisty media which is alright wAE0kYvasyE-00603-00194549-00194725 for European but to answer your question wAE0kYvasyE-00604-00194726-00195325 I think that's the mistake made by some wAE0kYvasyE-00605-00195326-00196197 Hungarian politicians use the European wAE0kYvasyE-00606-00196198-00196699 and also at the same time they're not wAE0kYvasyE-00607-00196700-00196831 gonna do that that's not gonna be wAE0kYvasyE-00608-00196832-00197080 successful well well they seem to be wAE0kYvasyE-00609-00197081-00197272 doing well at the moment well I as I say wAE0kYvasyE-00610-00197273-00197860 the risk is they say it's not the union wAE0kYvasyE-00611-00197861-00199057 is I think different where Germany is it wAE0kYvasyE-00612-00199058-00199258 was more powerful we might be been wAE0kYvasyE-00613-00199259-00199807 talking about a two-speed Europe for the wAE0kYvasyE-00614-00199808-00200149 Polonia for now for Hungary that would wAE0kYvasyE-00615-00200150-00200392 mean there could be a different Europe wAE0kYvasyE-00616-00200393-00200680 here a bit it might be a worse for the wAE0kYvasyE-00617-00200681-00200875 Hungarians under the poles and that's wAE0kYvasyE-00618-00200876-00201142 the risk for them so they have to wAE0kYvasyE-00619-00201143-00201322 realize then that that might be the wAE0kYvasyE-00620-00201323-00201496 worst possible solution for them yeah wAE0kYvasyE-00621-00201497-00202087 that's what you say Italy I have to say wAE0kYvasyE-00622-00202088-00202506 this is as soon as the weak link wAE0kYvasyE-00623-00202507-00202735 is it going to leave the eurozone do you wAE0kYvasyE-00624-00202736-00203260 think no I don't think so this has been wAE0kYvasyE-00625-00203261-00203638 discussed a great deal when we had the wAE0kYvasyE-00626-00203639-00204031 last budget there was a bit of a tussle wAE0kYvasyE-00627-00204032-00204499 with Brussels but it was that's allowed wAE0kYvasyE-00628-00204500-00204693 for in the rules though in the rules wAE0kYvasyE-00629-00204694-00204960 uncertain parameters averted they do wAE0kYvasyE-00630-00204961-00205246 allow governments to propose their wAE0kYvasyE-00631-00205246-00205558 budget and national parliaments can wAE0kYvasyE-00632-00205559-00205798 decide whether they approve it or not so wAE0kYvasyE-00633-00205798-00205954 between the other two there is some wAE0kYvasyE-00634-00205955-00206187 discussion of course with the European wAE0kYvasyE-00635-00206188-00206466 Commission and with the Council of wAE0kYvasyE-00636-00206467-00206523 Ministers wAE0kYvasyE-00637-00206525-00206910 which deals with finance and economy to wAE0kYvasyE-00638-00206911-00207694 make sure this is a guarantee then yes I wAE0kYvasyE-00639-00207694-00209723 think it's a basic framework and wAE0kYvasyE-00640-00209725-00210187 exercised democratically Hong Kong wAE0kYvasyE-00641-00210188-00210417 Kong's faith in democracy doesn't always wAE0kYvasyE-00642-00210419-00210667 do where you want it today well this wAE0kYvasyE-00643-00210667-00210867 where's the markets there's a general wAE0kYvasyE-00644-00210869-00212446 concern in the European it's wAE0kYvasyE-00645-00212446-00212715 particularly a Europe I think a European wAE0kYvasyE-00646-00212716-00214033 downward pressure well look at this wAE0kYvasyE-00647-00214034-00214525 wearing a European Constitution I will wAE0kYvasyE-00648-00214526-00214935 say yeah after the financial crisis wAE0kYvasyE-00649-00214936-00215159 there are the puzzle wAE0kYvasyE-00650-00215160-00215542 for example which recovered much more wAE0kYvasyE-00651-00215542-00216294 quickly from the crisis they cope with wAE0kYvasyE-00652-00216296-00216867 this better than Europe and why is that wAE0kYvasyE-00653-00216869-00217406 you think this depends on them wAE0kYvasyE-00654-00217407-00217782 consistency but one of the problems that wAE0kYvasyE-00655-00217783-00218239 we have in a Europe this is just new but wAE0kYvasyE-00656-00218240-00218427 I think we have a certainly seen this in wAE0kYvasyE-00657-00218428-00219428 years because what's competition between wAE0kYvasyE-00658-00219429-00219937 states these constitutions which are wAE0kYvasyE-00659-00219938-00220119 both national and supranational wAE0kYvasyE-00660-00220121-00220339 sometimes it works but sometimes it wAE0kYvasyE-00661-00220340-00220608 doesn't and I think that's what we've wAE0kYvasyE-00662-00220609-00221467 seen they got the election in the wAE0kYvasyE-00663-00221467-00222096 elections as well so you've got wAE0kYvasyE-00664-00222098-00222309 competing legitimacy wAE0kYvasyE-00665-00222310-00222480 so I think this is gonna be changed by wAE0kYvasyE-00666-00222481-00222723 the year aap Parliament's they'll help wAE0kYvasyE-00667-00222725-00223017 us bring these together and we'll see wAE0kYvasyE-00668-00223019-00223216 what those results bring and we'll see wAE0kYvasyE-00669-00223217-00223682 what happens wAE0kYvasyE-00670-00223683-00224014 yes that might sort of help to merge wAE0kYvasyE-00671-00224015-00224137 things that we might not be able to come wAE0kYvasyE-00672-00224138-00224319 up well with a general conclusion to wAE0kYvasyE-00673-00224321-00224673 this do we have to look again at the wAE0kYvasyE-00674-00224675-00224835 powers of the European Union of amides wAE0kYvasyE-00675-00224836-00225021 did that be something that the incoming wAE0kYvasyE-00676-00225023-00225432 president has to do but I don't think wAE0kYvasyE-00677-00225433-00225609 that's the most important thing that we wAE0kYvasyE-00678-00225610-00225838 need to mobilize citizens in Europe for wAE0kYvasyE-00679-00225839-00226015 the elections of course we could always wAE0kYvasyE-00680-00226016-00226179 look at these things again but I think wAE0kYvasyE-00681-00226180-00226404 for the moment what we're trying to do wAE0kYvasyE-00682-00226405-00226734 we have to continue to do this is to it wAE0kYvasyE-00683-00226735-00226921 results because we want to see results wAE0kYvasyE-00684-00226921-00227208 and as mr. Schneider's say MA we've got wAE0kYvasyE-00685-00227209-00227641 climate change with God terrorism I'm wAE0kYvasyE-00686-00227642-00227811 sorry wAE0kYvasyE-00687-00227812-00228066 I'm at we were further ahead five years wAE0kYvasyE-00688-00228067-00228294 ago than we are today so something that wAE0kYvasyE-00689-00228294-00228462 no longer works I think we were more wAE0kYvasyE-00690-00228463-00228746 progressive then than now there are wAE0kYvasyE-00691-00228748-00229217 certain challenges stop interrupting me wAE0kYvasyE-00692-00229219-00229500 could you please let me answer so no I wAE0kYvasyE-00693-00229501-00229632 think you have to see the results and I wAE0kYvasyE-00694-00229633-00229866 would agree with you and now I think we wAE0kYvasyE-00695-00229867-00230042 could be more ambitious so regarding wAE0kYvasyE-00696-00230044-00230289 climate but if you look at the Europe as wAE0kYvasyE-00697-00230290-00231291 a whole is 28 European however I think wAE0kYvasyE-00698-00231292-00231450 we can say if the jacquard which wAE0kYvasyE-00699-00231451-00231585 wouldn't have been a six but as it was wAE0kYvasyE-00700-00231586-00231990 without Europe so the 28 then has to try wAE0kYvasyE-00701-00231991-00232341 and make the progress the digiworld got wAE0kYvasyE-00702-00232342-00232533 trade we're looking at the single market wAE0kYvasyE-00703-00232534-00233079 so that we couldn't we have to look at wAE0kYvasyE-00704-00233080-00233373 investment into intubation we look at wAE0kYvasyE-00705-00233373-00233598 the small companies and the education wAE0kYvasyE-00706-00233598-00233790 training and so on and we can we wAE0kYvasyE-00707-00233791-00233958 certainly have our projects on them so wAE0kYvasyE-00708-00233959-00234096 we're working member states on this and wAE0kYvasyE-00709-00234096-00234252 I think we have to go really focus on wAE0kYvasyE-00710-00234253-00234459 getting general results that we can show wAE0kYvasyE-00711-00234460-00234651 citizens that we're listening to their wAE0kYvasyE-00712-00234652-00234705 concerns wAE0kYvasyE-00713-00234706-00235017 so how you gonna tell them these are the wAE0kYvasyE-00714-00235017-00235176 results how you gonna do that in just wAE0kYvasyE-00715-00235177-00235230 four months wAE0kYvasyE-00716-00235231-00235469 well we're gonna do what we can all wAE0kYvasyE-00717-00235471-00235710 members of the Commission are travelling wAE0kYvasyE-00718-00235711-00235848 the room which is what we're already wAE0kYvasyE-00719-00235848-00236127 doing in fact I think you would take a wAE0kYvasyE-00720-00236128-00236273 lot of these kind of town hall meetings wAE0kYvasyE-00721-00236275-00236415 there and we're doing that look a bit wAE0kYvasyE-00722-00236416-00236676 more but I think we have to show a wAE0kYvasyE-00723-00236677-00236928 leadership in you know so that we can wAE0kYvasyE-00724-00236929-00237153 really immobilize here and so that we wAE0kYvasyE-00725-00237154-00237552 can try and show you is wrong to blame wAE0kYvasyE-00726-00237553-00237711 all bad things in the world on Brussels wAE0kYvasyE-00727-00237712-00237828 because that's not the way in which wAE0kYvasyE-00728-00237829-00237978 we're going to get the good decisions wAE0kYvasyE-00729-00237979-00238185 taken and we're going to get it probably wAE0kYvasyE-00730-00238186-00238473 so how can you give people a you sort of wAE0kYvasyE-00731-00238473-00238673 wish booth does it not seen as a wee bit wAE0kYvasyE-00732-00238675-00238857 bureaucratic how can you give people are wAE0kYvasyE-00733-00238858-00239054 sort of versa see it as a positive thing wAE0kYvasyE-00734-00239055-00239391 it's not for example well we're working wAE0kYvasyE-00735-00239392-00239835 on anti-terrorism okay wAE0kYvasyE-00736-00239836-00240087 perhaps you could say that institutional wAE0kYvasyE-00737-00240088-00240402 reform is a bit technocratic here you wAE0kYvasyE-00738-00240403-00240621 asked whether this would be a job of the wAE0kYvasyE-00739-00240623-00240834 president but we're doing some very wAE0kYvasyE-00740-00240835-00241117 specific stuff we listened to citizens wAE0kYvasyE-00741-00241117-00241384 we dialogue and we bring them into our wAE0kYvasyE-00742-00241385-00241552 decisions well how do you do that I wAE0kYvasyE-00743-00241553-00241755 guess you do that at European Parliament wAE0kYvasyE-00744-00241756-00241969 where the members of the European wAE0kYvasyE-00745-00241969-00242230 Parliament those of us standing for the wAE0kYvasyE-00746-00242231-00242434 elections certainly between the wAE0kYvasyE-00747-00242435-00242632 Commission within our limits we do what wAE0kYvasyE-00748-00242633-00242776 we can and we do this every week wAE0kYvasyE-00749-00242777-00242994 practically every day birds that we have wAE0kYvasyE-00750-00242996-00243271 to mobilize the National ministers and wAE0kYvasyE-00751-00243271-00243829 prime ministers you said we need a third wAE0kYvasyE-00752-00243830-00244012 pathway I mean what would that be in wAE0kYvasyE-00753-00244013-00244558 your so what professor said I think we wAE0kYvasyE-00754-00244559-00244837 have to look at what our differentiation wAE0kYvasyE-00755-00244838-00245350 is values and it's also our ability to wAE0kYvasyE-00756-00245351-00245602 set standards and one of the things I wAE0kYvasyE-00757-00245603-00245832 think that which was quite observed is wAE0kYvasyE-00758-00245833-00246187 that is to say at the NATO regulation wAE0kYvasyE-00759-00246188-00246342 yes we was the first in Europe to do wAE0kYvasyE-00760-00246344-00246601 this and I think for the next commission wAE0kYvasyE-00761-00246602-00246766 that's going to be very important to say wAE0kYvasyE-00762-00246767-00246934 what are our priorities wAE0kYvasyE-00763-00246935-00247185 clearly climate changes one of them as I wAE0kYvasyE-00764-00247186-00247501 see it the dual revolution burn - not wAE0kYvasyE-00765-00247502-00247756 just do we copy Google of Facebook I wAE0kYvasyE-00766-00247757-00247927 think we have to come up with our own wAE0kYvasyE-00767-00247928-00248217 pathway and we do that based on our own wAE0kYvasyE-00768-00248219-00248530 strong points transport irradiation and wAE0kYvasyE-00769-00248531-00248838 thirdly we have to see how we can wAE0kYvasyE-00770-00248839-00249379 reinvent the social contract because and wAE0kYvasyE-00771-00249380-00249544 it's always been a very social one wAE0kYvasyE-00772-00249544-00249846 I think that system is now come to the wAE0kYvasyE-00773-00249848-00249960 end of what it can do and we have to wAE0kYvasyE-00774-00249961-00250098 reinvent it I want that to happen wAE0kYvasyE-00775-00250100-00250740 because today we talk about China we wAE0kYvasyE-00776-00250741-00251281 brexit isn't there I think this is wAE0kYvasyE-00777-00251282-00251440 pretty damaging to Europe's reputation wAE0kYvasyE-00778-00251441-00251671 and I think we have to look into the wAE0kYvasyE-00779-00251671-00251871 future so that we can reinvent wAE0kYvasyE-00780-00251873-00252019 Europe we have to decide whether own wAE0kYvasyE-00781-00252019-00252232 pathway is and we have that brace of a wAE0kYvasyE-00782-00252233-00252748 project and I think we have to wake that wAE0kYvasyE-00783-00252748-00253075 all up again well thank you very much wAE0kYvasyE-00784-00253076-00253344 and all of you or to all the speakers wAE0kYvasyE-00785-00253346-00253615 thank you very much thank you to all of wAE0kYvasyE-00786-00253616-00253954 you as well to having a beam with us in wAE0kYvasyE-00787-00253955-00255230 a French and thank you very much mister wAE0kYvasyE-00788-00255231-00255687 or not we've got 50 minutes for wAE0kYvasyE-00789-00255688-00256732 questions please feel free yes please wAE0kYvasyE-00790-00256733-00257096 I'm from Italy from the Lassiter so I wAE0kYvasyE-00791-00257098-00257292 have a question to the Italian Minister wAE0kYvasyE-00792-00257292-00257481 not because I'm in Italian because there wAE0kYvasyE-00793-00257482-00257819 are two things and we saw the Aachen wAE0kYvasyE-00794-00257821-00258114 summit amongst those agreement says that wAE0kYvasyE-00795-00258115-00258266 agreement between France and Germany wAE0kYvasyE-00796-00258267-00258698 that they would consult on all these wAE0kYvasyE-00797-00258700-00258912 matters before we can look into other wAE0kYvasyE-00798-00258913-00259041 countries what do you think about that wAE0kYvasyE-00799-00259042-00259283 yeah perhaps I could say something else wAE0kYvasyE-00800-00259284-00259731 you said that it's normal though there wAE0kYvasyE-00801-00259732-00259877 might be disagreements within a wAE0kYvasyE-00802-00259878-00260580 political space does this concern you wAE0kYvasyE-00803-00260581-00261180 does it worry you that it is there are wAE0kYvasyE-00804-00261181-00261398 certain problems created by the Italian wAE0kYvasyE-00805-00261400-00261588 government and that it's laser isolated wAE0kYvasyE-00806-00261589-00261859 as was said by Commissioner Malmstrom wAE0kYvasyE-00807-00261860-00262109 well you've got a micro you can you can wAE0kYvasyE-00808-00262110-00262731 know now following this a question about wAE0kYvasyE-00809-00262732-00263376 how isolated Italy might be now what wAE0kYvasyE-00810-00263377-00263807 really strikes me at all of this and the wAE0kYvasyE-00811-00263808-00264837 European Union is is like an archipelago wAE0kYvasyE-00812-00264838-00265143 of different islands rather being all wAE0kYvasyE-00813-00265144-00265992 together so we see the Nordic or the wAE0kYvasyE-00814-00265993-00266676 Baltic group we should also have a group wAE0kYvasyE-00815-00266677-00267762 as well we don't want to let the others wAE0kYvasyE-00816-00267763-00268599 we don't have any particular access I wAE0kYvasyE-00817-00268600-00268740 think we have to put this into its wAE0kYvasyE-00818-00268741-00269040 proper context rather than saying that wAE0kYvasyE-00819-00269041-00269319 the country is isolated however there is wAE0kYvasyE-00820-00269320-00269676 certainly a risk in that we might lose wAE0kYvasyE-00821-00269677-00269916 that ability to talk and I think that's wAE0kYvasyE-00822-00269917-00270102 the most important thing we have to be wAE0kYvasyE-00823-00270103-00270327 able to have dialogue we have to be able wAE0kYvasyE-00824-00270328-00270704 to talk about the evener to disagree wAE0kYvasyE-00825-00270705-00270948 sometimes we have to perhaps be a little wAE0kYvasyE-00826-00270949-00271389 bit forthright how we do but I think we wAE0kYvasyE-00827-00271390-00271740 have to be able to do that to agree to wAE0kYvasyE-00828-00271741-00272121 disagree it's not by getting putting wAE0kYvasyE-00829-00272122-00273615 together agreements I think the most wAE0kYvasyE-00830-00273616-00273966 important thing is we have to be able to wAE0kYvasyE-00831-00273967-00274446 talk to each other we have to the moment wAE0kYvasyE-00832-00274447-00275298 even even if to be respecting but I wAE0kYvasyE-00833-00275299-00276168 think there should be no past but it was wAE0kYvasyE-00834-00276169-00276363 harbormaster's and that wasn't it and I wAE0kYvasyE-00835-00276364-00276552 think he was a very illustrious think wAE0kYvasyE-00836-00276553-00276804 but I think this european space is wAE0kYvasyE-00837-00276805-00276948 something that's going to come about wAE0kYvasyE-00838-00276949-00277626 because of the block of flats you have wAE0kYvasyE-00839-00277627-00278205 to discuss and i think you have to fix wAE0kYvasyE-00840-00278206-00278502 the roof or fix the heater therefore wAE0kYvasyE-00841-00278503-00278718 it's important to do thank you yes you wAE0kYvasyE-00842-00278719-00279597 have the floor hm from 10 years ago wAE0kYvasyE-00843-00279598-00281419 there was a poll done and it wAE0kYvasyE-00845-00288051-00289169 Oh it is a complex ones the human wAE0kYvasyE-00846-00289170-00289874 saturation of not just be nice to you wAE0kYvasyE-00847-00289875-00290560 because it's a French see he was talking wAE0kYvasyE-00848-00290561-00290693 about reaching out to Germany we're wAE0kYvasyE-00849-00290694-00290915 talking about 1950 then that tells you wAE0kYvasyE-00850-00290916-00291445 something he also spoke about wAE0kYvasyE-00851-00291446-00292514 responsibility so that was the political wAE0kYvasyE-00852-00292515-00293501 Obama wAE0kYvasyE-00853-00293502-00293769 still under way but I think we can say wAE0kYvasyE-00854-00293770-00294122 we River at the moment we fall and we wAE0kYvasyE-00855-00294123-00294887 have to be mindful in our this idea wAE0kYvasyE-00856-00294888-00295652 discussion very forthright discussion wAE0kYvasyE-00857-00295653-00295902 because we do need to relaunch links and wAE0kYvasyE-00858-00295903-00296427 we as well so I think that's so really wAE0kYvasyE-00859-00296428-00297117 of the situations we face today what are wAE0kYvasyE-00860-00297118-00297198 we going to do wAE0kYvasyE-00861-00297199-00297383 what are we heading for what has the wAE0kYvasyE-00862-00297384-00297570 future in store for us what are we going wAE0kYvasyE-00863-00297571-00297884 to do together are we going to proceed a wAE0kYvasyE-00864-00297885-00298157 different speed we need a debate on that wAE0kYvasyE-00865-00298158-00298832 on the side of the commissioners people wAE0kYvasyE-00866-00298833-00299070 participating a number of countries in wAE0kYvasyE-00867-00299071-00299285 France there's the great debate as well wAE0kYvasyE-00868-00299286-00299487 in the Netherlands as well we talked to wAE0kYvasyE-00869-00299488-00300026 thousands of people but we still have to wAE0kYvasyE-00870-00300027-00300329 take stock on where we stand but this wAE0kYvasyE-00871-00300330-00300639 cannot be done after finding solutions wAE0kYvasyE-00872-00300640-00300822 it has to be done in order to find wAE0kYvasyE-00873-00300823-00301034 solutions where we are at the middle of wAE0kYvasyE-00874-00301035-00301532 the rivers you just got to unite try and wAE0kYvasyE-00875-00301533-00301832 find out about the future try to reunite wAE0kYvasyE-00876-00301833-00302142 everybody around the same concepts of wAE0kYvasyE-00877-00302143-00302445 Europe we have to proceed with a Brit wAE0kYvasyE-00878-00302446-00302769 and we need concrete results as far as wAE0kYvasyE-00879-00302770-00303012 this debate is good sir I'm more federal wAE0kYvasyE-00880-00303013-00303657 istic be done in the short run we have wAE0kYvasyE-00881-00303658-00304818 to stop organise this debate exercise wAE0kYvasyE-00882-00304819-00305364 and pressure municipalities etc the wAE0kYvasyE-00883-00305365-00305631 debate has to be organized not only wAE0kYvasyE-00884-00305632-00305742 before the election wAE0kYvasyE-00885-00305743-00306015 but now as of now it is need it is wAE0kYvasyE-00886-00306016-00306935 needed Sylvia my fusion at least wAE0kYvasyE-00887-00306936-00307266 question in English no problem mr. Malay wAE0kYvasyE-00888-00307267-00307482 milania's he touched on the definition wAE0kYvasyE-00889-00307483-00307806 of populism that perhaps this is not the wAE0kYvasyE-00890-00307807-00308067 best word so I was wondering what is wAE0kYvasyE-00891-00308068-00308382 populism and what is the actual concept wAE0kYvasyE-00892-00308383-00308628 that you're trying to fight because if wAE0kYvasyE-00893-00308629-00308946 we don't understand that and the fight wAE0kYvasyE-00894-00308947-00309177 is really there there's no sense for it wAE0kYvasyE-00895-00309178-00309849 thank you okay no just to of course I wAE0kYvasyE-00896-00309850-00310119 understand the meaning which is normally wAE0kYvasyE-00897-00310120-00310338 given to the world population I think at wAE0kYvasyE-00898-00310339-00310674 least that I understand it I wonder if wAE0kYvasyE-00899-00310675-00311037 this is really the best definition for a wAE0kYvasyE-00900-00311038-00311448 variety of a different political parties wAE0kYvasyE-00901-00311449-00311676 political messages political movement wAE0kYvasyE-00902-00311677-00312003 and so on if it's a catch-all definition wAE0kYvasyE-00903-00312004-00312354 that we conventionally agree to adopt wAE0kYvasyE-00904-00312355-00312498 why not wAE0kYvasyE-00905-00312499-00312873 I wonder if it's really the right one I wAE0kYvasyE-00906-00312874-00313179 think that there are and not only in wAE0kYvasyE-00907-00313180-00313395 certain European country the amazing wAE0kYvasyE-00908-00313396-00313590 thing is that we have that everywhere in wAE0kYvasyE-00909-00313591-00313803 Europe everywhere around in Europe there wAE0kYvasyE-00910-00313804-00313971 are movement there are political parties wAE0kYvasyE-00911-00313972-00314148 there is a political debate there are wAE0kYvasyE-00912-00314149-00314526 political messages which broadly answer wAE0kYvasyE-00913-00314527-00314889 to what to the lack of hope the lack of wAE0kYvasyE-00914-00314890-00315270 trust which is unfortunately widespread wAE0kYvasyE-00915-00315271-00315564 among the population but in spite of the wAE0kYvasyE-00916-00315565-00315762 world unfortunately I think that we need wAE0kYvasyE-00917-00315763-00316071 to pay an answer to that and inevitably wAE0kYvasyE-00918-00316072-00316362 the fact that in democracy this kind of wAE0kYvasyE-00919-00316363-00316671 question go into a vote for a political wAE0kYvasyE-00920-00316672-00316886 movement or a political parties is not wAE0kYvasyE-00921-00316887-00317253 at all in my view negative in itself the wAE0kYvasyE-00922-00317254-00317538 the question is would that allowed the wAE0kYvasyE-00923-00317539-00317793 answer to be given and but the fact that wAE0kYvasyE-00924-00317794-00318189 we need to answer to what people don't wAE0kYvasyE-00925-00318190-00318471 trust anymore to what people ask to get wAE0kYvasyE-00926-00318472-00318779 to put to what people wish to get is wAE0kYvasyE-00927-00318780-00318997 compulsory for everyone wAE0kYvasyE-00928-00318998-00319258 additional parties new parties populist wAE0kYvasyE-00929-00319259-00319498 parties non populist parties whatever wAE0kYvasyE-00930-00319499-00319852 kind of of definition we we adopt so I wAE0kYvasyE-00931-00319853-00320010 do not want to contest the wAE0kYvasyE-00932-00320011-00320362 world-in-itself I think it's a bit sort wAE0kYvasyE-00933-00320363-00320608 of approximation but we can adopt it wAE0kYvasyE-00934-00320609-00321120 conventionally as the one we can use wAE0kYvasyE-00935-00321121-00321343 another question we have just a few wAE0kYvasyE-00936-00321344-00321784 minutes go ahead sir four minutes and wAE0kYvasyE-00937-00321785-00322216 then a lady over here my questioning wAE0kYvasyE-00938-00322217-00322381 business well my name is Donna era I'm a wAE0kYvasyE-00939-00322382-00322606 global shaper from Amsterdam and what wAE0kYvasyE-00940-00322607-00322843 I'm wondering is in the past we used to wAE0kYvasyE-00941-00322844-00323085 have like a vision for Europe we had wAE0kYvasyE-00942-00323086-00323281 really great projects we had open wAE0kYvasyE-00943-00323282-00323443 borders we had a common currency there wAE0kYvasyE-00944-00323444-00323713 so these were really positive things and wAE0kYvasyE-00945-00323714-00323869 it reminds me of yesterday when I was wAE0kYvasyE-00946-00323870-00324082 sitting in a session with the founder of wAE0kYvasyE-00947-00324083-00324355 Alibaba Jack Ma he mentioned it in China wAE0kYvasyE-00948-00324356-00324559 and an Africa there was a lot of energy wAE0kYvasyE-00949-00324560-00324793 and people look to a bright future and wAE0kYvasyE-00950-00324794-00325168 they have future visions so what do you wAE0kYvasyE-00951-00325169-00325390 think would be the big project for wAE0kYvasyE-00952-00325391-00325627 Europe where we can all look together to wAE0kYvasyE-00953-00325628-00325849 something positive rather than looking wAE0kYvasyE-00954-00325850-00325966 at the negative elements that euro wAE0kYvasyE-00955-00325967-00326617 brings us sure as the only American on wAE0kYvasyE-00956-00326618-00327307 the panel so I returning to this wAE0kYvasyE-00957-00327308-00327562 gentleman's question I think there's a wAE0kYvasyE-00958-00327563-00327877 way that you're faded to Europe which wAE0kYvasyE-00959-00327878-00328365 isn't always clear Valentin do historic wAE0kYvasyE-00960-00328366-00328645 historical misunderstanding where there wAE0kYvasyE-00961-00328646-00329155 were nations they were the nation-states wAE0kYvasyE-00962-00329156-00329413 it's an illusion the choice in Europe is wAE0kYvasyE-00963-00329414-00329779 between integration and Empire and if wAE0kYvasyE-00964-00329780-00329956 European integration is weakened now wAE0kYvasyE-00965-00329957-00330210 that means that other empires whether wAE0kYvasyE-00966-00330211-00330346 they're Chinese or American or Russian wAE0kYvasyE-00967-00330347-00330655 grow stronger that's the calculation the wAE0kYvasyE-00968-00330656-00330988 big illusion is that one can go back to wAE0kYvasyE-00969-00330989-00331174 the nation-state and I mention this wAE0kYvasyE-00970-00331175-00331333 because I think the real division in wAE0kYvasyE-00971-00331334-00331531 European politics is not between wAE0kYvasyE-00972-00331532-00331668 populism and you wAE0kYvasyE-00973-00331669-00331974 it's between past and future the way wAE0kYvasyE-00974-00331975-00332166 that the people we call the populace are wAE0kYvasyE-00975-00332167-00332388 winning is that they have as you've said wAE0kYvasyE-00976-00332389-00332571 they've removed the future from the wAE0kYvasyE-00977-00332572-00332829 conversation we're all either talking wAE0kYvasyE-00978-00332830-00333006 about the past or trying to defend the wAE0kYvasyE-00979-00333007-00333195 president so I think the people who win wAE0kYvasyE-00980-00333196-00333462 are the people who actually restore the wAE0kYvasyE-00981-00333463-00333789 future tense to the conversation and I wAE0kYvasyE-00982-00333790-00334005 think that might include some projects wAE0kYvasyE-00983-00334006-00334314 that are dramatic right that are the wAE0kYvasyE-00984-00334315-00334461 kinds of things that the Americans and wAE0kYvasyE-00985-00334462-00334608 the Chinese do but the Europeans have wAE0kYvasyE-00986-00334609-00334827 been shy about like bragging about your wAE0kYvasyE-00987-00334828-00335097 space program for example but I also wAE0kYvasyE-00988-00335098-00335298 think there's a lot to be said for and wAE0kYvasyE-00989-00335299-00335475 I'm not just echoing what the European wAE0kYvasyE-00990-00335476-00335631 colleagues have said there's a lot to be wAE0kYvasyE-00991-00335632-00336009 said for saying hey we are the only unit wAE0kYvasyE-00992-00336010-00336273 in the world that is actually handling wAE0kYvasyE-00993-00336274-00336519 the actual problems of the future which wAE0kYvasyE-00994-00336520-00336806 are digital human rights oligarchy wAE0kYvasyE-00995-00336807-00337080 climate change we are the only unit the wAE0kYvasyE-00996-00337081-00337233 world that's actually handling those wAE0kYvasyE-00997-00337234-00337389 things I think there's a lot to be said wAE0kYvasyE-00998-00337390-00337506 for that I think that could that could wAE0kYvasyE-00999-00337507-00338934 be that could be a vision we like wAE0kYvasyE-01000-00338935-00339159 competition in the business world we see wAE0kYvasyE-01001-00339160-00339354 that something that stimulates us in wAE0kYvasyE-01002-00339355-00339576 Europe couldn't we have some kind of wAE0kYvasyE-01003-00339577-00339894 emulation or best practices for the wAE0kYvasyE-01004-00339895-00340137 systems of social protection for wAE0kYvasyE-01005-00340138-00340446 educational systems in the nordica wAE0kYvasyE-01006-00340447-00341130 german-speaking countries dynamic labor wAE0kYvasyE-01007-00341131-00341444 market in the UK which we're losing some wAE0kYvasyE-01008-00341445-00341781 so rather than talking about regulating wAE0kYvasyE-01009-00341782-00342075 and becoming more and more red tape wAE0kYvasyE-01010-00342076-00342336 oriented can't we have an open liberal wAE0kYvasyE-01011-00342337-00342818 system for best practices we suppose mr. wAE0kYvasyE-01012-00342819-00343340 Faizal Khan Dwolla therapist or honest I wAE0kYvasyE-01013-00343341-00343599 think we have to do it there are some wAE0kYvasyE-01014-00343600-00343893 very good practices particularly in the wAE0kYvasyE-01015-00343894-00344076 northern European countries we have much wAE0kYvasyE-01016-00344077-00344709 to learn from them in education in terms wAE0kYvasyE-01017-00344710-00344876 of sustainable invest wAE0kYvasyE-01018-00344877-00345134 this has been done enough why because wAE0kYvasyE-01019-00345135-00345489 countries are frightened competition wAE0kYvasyE-01020-00345490-00345758 because they think they know we can wAE0kYvasyE-01021-00345759-00345935 mindset I think it's a question of a wAE0kYvasyE-01022-00345936-00346127 mindset we have to change people's wAE0kYvasyE-01023-00346128-00346406 mindset I think that Europe is a wAE0kYvasyE-01024-00346407-00346698 community where we want to help one wAE0kYvasyE-01025-00346699-00346974 another where we can learn but we need wAE0kYvasyE-01026-00346975-00347247 to also to be very careful don't cut and wAE0kYvasyE-01027-00347248-00347656 paste what is happening in France wAE0kYvasyE-01028-00347657-00347929 they've got the German system for wAE0kYvasyE-01029-00347930-00348198 apprenticeship we've just got a copyist wAE0kYvasyE-01030-00348199-00348501 no I don't think that that is the right wAE0kYvasyE-01031-00348502-00348740 thing to do why because there is a wAE0kYvasyE-01032-00348741-00348983 revolution and the labor market going on wAE0kYvasyE-01033-00348984-00349234 coupon you've got to copy certain things wAE0kYvasyE-01034-00349235-00349545 you have to adapt it and make it a wAE0kYvasyE-01035-00349546-00349797 future of key so it's been a marking wAE0kYvasyE-01036-00349798-00349989 even if you died at the same time you've wAE0kYvasyE-01037-00349990-00350252 got to evolve thank you very much wAE0kYvasyE-01038-00350253-00350424 so there's the end of the session thank wAE0kYvasyE-01039-00350425-00350579 you very much for having participation wAE0kYvasyE-01040-00350580-00350793 thank you very much to the panel you wAE0kYvasyE-01041-00350794-00351072 were fantastic wB4qiMh0gtA-00000-00000330-00000580 good morning welcome to CMC Markets on wB4qiMh0gtA-00001-00000581-00000797 Friday the 11th of November and this wB4qiMh0gtA-00002-00000798-00000911 quick look at the week ahead beginning wB4qiMh0gtA-00003-00000911-00001157 the 14th of November with me Michael wB4qiMh0gtA-00004-00001158-00001331 Houston wB4qiMh0gtA-00005-00001332-00001558 um the last few days have seen a wB4qiMh0gtA-00006-00001559-00001960 significant change in sentiment wB4qiMh0gtA-00007-00001961-00002176 um it sort of started towards the end of wB4qiMh0gtA-00008-00002177-00002567 last week actually a big China induced wB4qiMh0gtA-00009-00002568-00002926 rally on reports that wB4qiMh0gtA-00010-00002927-00003149 the Chinese government was looking at wB4qiMh0gtA-00011-00003150-00003377 potentially looking at a road map wB4qiMh0gtA-00012-00003378-00003688 for an unlocking of the economy wB4qiMh0gtA-00013-00003689-00003929 and while I think it's entirely wB4qiMh0gtA-00014-00003929-00004079 reasonable to be slightly skeptical wB4qiMh0gtA-00015-00004079-00004336 about the imminent reopening of wB4qiMh0gtA-00016-00004337-00004529 the Chinese economy markets are wB4qiMh0gtA-00017-00004530-00004813 certainly latched on to that wB4qiMh0gtA-00018-00004814-00005267 with a big with a big rally in the likes wB4qiMh0gtA-00019-00005268-00005638 of the hangs saying and the Hong Kong H wB4qiMh0gtA-00020-00005639-00005831 shares index so certainly I think it wB4qiMh0gtA-00021-00005832-00005975 makes sense for the Chinese government wB4qiMh0gtA-00022-00005976-00006256 to be wargaming a scenario where you're wB4qiMh0gtA-00023-00006257-00006418 going to see an unlocking wB4qiMh0gtA-00024-00006419-00006720 but I I still think it's highly unlikely wB4qiMh0gtA-00025-00006722-00007031 that we'll see a significant reopening wB4qiMh0gtA-00026-00007031-00007213 much before wB4qiMh0gtA-00027-00007214-00007720 the end of first quarter of next year wB4qiMh0gtA-00028-00007722-00007942 and why do I think that well it's fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00029-00007943-00008092 simple really I think if you're if wB4qiMh0gtA-00030-00008093-00008267 you're running a zero code with policy wB4qiMh0gtA-00031-00008268-00008567 and infection rates are continuing to wB4qiMh0gtA-00032-00008568-00008951 rise across China you've got wB4qiMh0gtA-00033-00008952-00009167 um Rising infections in places like Hong wB4qiMh0gtA-00034-00009168-00009545 Kong Guangdong shenzhou then wB4qiMh0gtA-00035-00009546-00009827 the scope for an imminent relaxation is wB4qiMh0gtA-00036-00009828-00010024 fairly limited nonetheless markets are wB4qiMh0gtA-00037-00010025-00010255 running with it wB4qiMh0gtA-00038-00010256-00010585 and um ultimately earlier today wB4qiMh0gtA-00039-00010586-00010789 we've seen wB4qiMh0gtA-00040-00010790-00011021 reports that the Chinese government is wB4qiMh0gtA-00041-00011022-00011406 looking at relaxing quarantine rules wB4qiMh0gtA-00042-00011407-00011688 modestly I would say very modestly wB4qiMh0gtA-00043-00011689-00012017 indeed certainly I think given by the wB4qiMh0gtA-00044-00012018-00012191 market reaction you'd think there'd be wB4qiMh0gtA-00045-00012192-00012388 there'd be an imminent there'll be a wB4qiMh0gtA-00046-00012389-00012556 significant relaxation over the course wB4qiMh0gtA-00047-00012557-00012749 of the next two or three months that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00048-00012750-00012985 not going to happen and I think once wB4qiMh0gtA-00049-00012986-00013258 markets come to terms with that and the wB4qiMh0gtA-00050-00013259-00013379 fact that we're probably not going to wB4qiMh0gtA-00051-00013380-00013571 get a significant pickup again in wB4qiMh0gtA-00052-00013572-00013816 economic activity in China much before wB4qiMh0gtA-00053-00013818-00014080 the end of q1 things will settle down a wB4qiMh0gtA-00054-00014081-00014351 bit but that's not the only thing that wB4qiMh0gtA-00055-00014352-00014638 markets have latched on to this week now wB4qiMh0gtA-00056-00014640-00014843 that the midterm elections are out of wB4qiMh0gtA-00057-00014844-00015197 the way the likelihood is that the wB4qiMh0gtA-00058-00015197-00015365 Republicans will at least gain control wB4qiMh0gtA-00059-00015366-00015629 of one house which will effectively wB4qiMh0gtA-00060-00015630-00015743 block wB4qiMh0gtA-00061-00015744-00016193 any further legislation from the wB4qiMh0gtA-00062-00016194-00016439 Democrats essentially making wB4qiMh0gtA-00063-00016440-00016577 um Joe Biden wB4qiMh0gtA-00064-00016578-00016786 a lame duck president or slightly more wB4qiMh0gtA-00065-00016787-00016943 of a lame duck president than he already wB4qiMh0gtA-00066-00016944-00017069 is wB4qiMh0gtA-00067-00017070-00017230 um so from that point of view that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00068-00017231-00017411 potentially dollar negative it's wB4qiMh0gtA-00069-00017412-00017572 certainly less inflationary if the wB4qiMh0gtA-00070-00017573-00017879 Democrats can't embark on significant uh wB4qiMh0gtA-00071-00017880-00018094 stimulus spending over the course of the wB4qiMh0gtA-00072-00018095-00018239 rest of wB4qiMh0gtA-00073-00018240-00018461 um his term wB4qiMh0gtA-00074-00018462-00018689 but I think the real I think the real wB4qiMh0gtA-00075-00018690-00018880 Catalyst for the rally well I think we wB4qiMh0gtA-00076-00018881-00019030 all know what the real Catalyst for the wB4qiMh0gtA-00077-00019031-00019294 rally over the last 24 hours has been wB4qiMh0gtA-00078-00019295-00019697 there's that U.S CPI number for October wB4qiMh0gtA-00079-00019698-00020141 which rose by 7.7 its lowest level since wB4qiMh0gtA-00080-00020142-00020405 January prompting a huge relief rally in wB4qiMh0gtA-00081-00020406-00020741 stocks bonds as well as a sharp sell-off wB4qiMh0gtA-00082-00020742-00020975 then the US dollar and I think that more wB4qiMh0gtA-00083-00020976-00021364 than anything is the significant factor wB4qiMh0gtA-00084-00021365-00021599 that could well drive Equity markets wB4qiMh0gtA-00085-00021600-00021958 through the rest of this year the rally wB4qiMh0gtA-00086-00021959-00022211 was also given added legs by at least wB4qiMh0gtA-00087-00022212-00022457 three fed speakers Dallas fed president wB4qiMh0gtA-00088-00022458-00022600 Laurie Logan wB4qiMh0gtA-00089-00022601-00022780 Philadelphia fed president Patrick wB4qiMh0gtA-00090-00022781-00023057 Harker and San Francisco fed president wB4qiMh0gtA-00091-00023058-00023339 Mary Daly who all indicated that a wB4qiMh0gtA-00092-00023340-00023494 slower pace of rate hikes might be wB4qiMh0gtA-00093-00023495-00023693 appropriate so essentially what they're wB4qiMh0gtA-00094-00023694-00023843 saying is that there's going to be no wB4qiMh0gtA-00095-00023844-00024094 more 75 basis points rate hikes going wB4qiMh0gtA-00096-00024095-00024197 forward wB4qiMh0gtA-00097-00024198-00024503 at least we'll at least get a 50 basis wB4qiMh0gtA-00098-00024504-00024736 point rate hike in December and wB4qiMh0gtA-00099-00024737-00024928 certainly I think if inflation numbers wB4qiMh0gtA-00100-00024929-00025186 continue to come in on the softer side wB4qiMh0gtA-00101-00025187-00025492 of expectations we could see a ratchet wB4qiMh0gtA-00102-00025493-00025925 down to 25 basis points as we head into wB4qiMh0gtA-00103-00025926-00026177 into next year wB4qiMh0gtA-00104-00026177-00026405 and I think while these fed speakers wB4qiMh0gtA-00105-00026406-00026651 were at pains to point out wB4qiMh0gtA-00106-00026652-00026989 that 50 basis points is still a sizable wB4qiMh0gtA-00107-00026989-00027287 rate increase it is wB4qiMh0gtA-00108-00027288-00027568 it's certainly so I think the fact that wB4qiMh0gtA-00109-00027569-00027779 U.S inflation has been falling and the wB4qiMh0gtA-00110-00027780-00027929 headline rate's been falling since June wB4qiMh0gtA-00111-00027930-00028168 I think if you look at a cursory look at wB4qiMh0gtA-00112-00028169-00028343 the cursory look at the data will tell wB4qiMh0gtA-00113-00028344-00028546 you that the fact that core prices also wB4qiMh0gtA-00114-00028547-00028858 dropped quite sharply was a was a huge wB4qiMh0gtA-00115-00028860-00029062 relief I think to an awful lot of people wB4qiMh0gtA-00116-00029063-00029329 and you can certainly see that borne out wB4qiMh0gtA-00117-00029330-00029746 in the way that U.S Bond markets reacted wB4qiMh0gtA-00118-00029747-00029933 yesterday wB4qiMh0gtA-00119-00029933-00030137 and I think from a technical point of wB4qiMh0gtA-00120-00030138-00030473 view this move lower was quite wB4qiMh0gtA-00121-00030474-00030779 significant in the context of the price wB4qiMh0gtA-00122-00030780-00031343 action over the past few weeks wB4qiMh0gtA-00123-00031344-00031690 the the break below these reaction lows wB4qiMh0gtA-00124-00031691-00031924 here on the two-year year well I'm sorry wB4qiMh0gtA-00125-00031925-00032237 on the 10-year yield was I think very wB4qiMh0gtA-00126-00032238-00032483 very significant indeed that the fact wB4qiMh0gtA-00127-00032483-00032873 that we broke below 389 390 wB4qiMh0gtA-00128-00032874-00033299 by 10 basis points suggests that this wB4qiMh0gtA-00129-00033300-00033407 move lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00130-00033408-00033712 then yields could have legs if we look wB4qiMh0gtA-00131-00033713-00033881 at the two-year wB4qiMh0gtA-00132-00033882-00034289 the move is similarly sharp in terms of wB4qiMh0gtA-00133-00034290-00034445 the move lower let's just look at six wB4qiMh0gtA-00134-00034446-00034673 months because I think that gives us a wB4qiMh0gtA-00135-00034674-00034937 better indication of where we are having wB4qiMh0gtA-00136-00034938-00035159 said that what we haven't done is taken wB4qiMh0gtA-00137-00035160-00035351 out the reaction low from October what's wB4qiMh0gtA-00138-00035352-00035543 quite interesting though wB4qiMh0gtA-00139-00035544-00035927 is if we look at a one-year chart that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00140-00035928-00036317 a bearish reversal a key date or a key wB4qiMh0gtA-00141-00036318-00036479 week reversal wB4qiMh0gtA-00142-00036480-00036796 so that gives us hope that we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00143-00036797-00037096 potentially seen a short-term top in U.S wB4qiMh0gtA-00144-00037097-00037362 yields but essentially that would then wB4qiMh0gtA-00145-00037363-00037607 potentially argue for further dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00146-00037608-00037835 declines and if we look at the dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00147-00037836-00037985 Index wB4qiMh0gtA-00148-00037986-00038302 we can see that I've showed you this wB4qiMh0gtA-00149-00038303-00038501 chart last week that we are trending wB4qiMh0gtA-00150-00038502-00038783 lower could we see a potential peak in wB4qiMh0gtA-00151-00038784-00038873 the dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00152-00038874-00039167 certainly that does appear to be playing wB4qiMh0gtA-00153-00039168-00039407 out in the way the dollar Index has been wB4qiMh0gtA-00154-00039408-00039593 trading and what was particularly wB4qiMh0gtA-00155-00039594-00039707 notable wB4qiMh0gtA-00156-00039708-00040271 was how dollar Yen reacted wB4qiMh0gtA-00157-00040272-00040823 this week we broke below 145 wB4qiMh0gtA-00158-00040824-00041177 which was the initial low on the second wB4qiMh0gtA-00159-00041178-00041573 bout of intervention from the 21st of wB4qiMh0gtA-00160-00041574-00041735 October wB4qiMh0gtA-00161-00041736-00041885 the the second bout of intervention wB4qiMh0gtA-00162-00041886-00042130 drove the dollar down to 145.10 we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00163-00042131-00042418 rallied back weren't able to break back wB4qiMh0gtA-00164-00042419-00042724 above 150. we've since broken below the wB4qiMh0gtA-00165-00042725-00042946 50-day moving average which was also the wB4qiMh0gtA-00166-00042947-00043367 145 level and retested 140. so that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00167-00043368-00043565 significant that's significant for a wB4qiMh0gtA-00168-00043566-00043702 number of reasons the fact that we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00169-00043703-00043852 broken below the 50-day moving average wB4qiMh0gtA-00170-00043853-00044117 the fact that we've broken below the wB4qiMh0gtA-00171-00044118-00044452 October 27th of October lows suggests wB4qiMh0gtA-00172-00044453-00044657 momentum is now shifting away from the wB4qiMh0gtA-00173-00044658-00044843 dollar and if you're shifting away from wB4qiMh0gtA-00174-00044844-00044974 the dollar that suggests yields are wB4qiMh0gtA-00175-00044975-00045179 going to come down should be good should wB4qiMh0gtA-00176-00045180-00045502 be positive for risk over the course of wB4qiMh0gtA-00177-00045503-00045658 the rest of this year the only thing wB4qiMh0gtA-00178-00045659-00045880 that would negate that is if dollar Yen wB4qiMh0gtA-00179-00045881-00046133 rallies back towards 145 and breaks wB4qiMh0gtA-00180-00046134-00046421 above it but it doesn't you know the wB4qiMh0gtA-00181-00046422-00046589 fact that we've seen these technical wB4qiMh0gtA-00182-00046590-00046690 breaks wB4qiMh0gtA-00183-00046691-00046924 on the dollar Yen but also the dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00184-00046925-00047093 Index has started to ratchet lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00185-00047094-00047273 suggests that we could be in for a wB4qiMh0gtA-00186-00047274-00047573 period of dollar weakness as we head in wB4qiMh0gtA-00187-00047574-00047795 to year end and that's potentially a wB4qiMh0gtA-00188-00047796-00048102 good thing when it comes to inflation wB4qiMh0gtA-00189-00048103-00048473 here in the UK but also in Europe as wB4qiMh0gtA-00190-00048474-00048677 well which is still Rising you know I wB4qiMh0gtA-00191-00048678-00048874 think we look at we look at inflation wB4qiMh0gtA-00192-00048875-00049073 and we we obsess a little bit about the wB4qiMh0gtA-00193-00049074-00049337 US and U.S inflation has been falling wB4qiMh0gtA-00194-00049338-00049540 and a part of the reason for that could wB4qiMh0gtA-00195-00049541-00049696 be the rise in the dollar now the dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00196-00049697-00049924 is going to start to weaken we could wB4qiMh0gtA-00197-00049925-00050165 start to see a Slowdown wB4qiMh0gtA-00198-00050166-00050512 in the pace of inflation here in Europe wB4qiMh0gtA-00199-00050513-00050771 and the UK which is continuing to rise wB4qiMh0gtA-00200-00050772-00051143 next week UK inflation is predicted to wB4qiMh0gtA-00201-00051144-00051496 rise from 10.1 to 10.5 and I think wB4qiMh0gtA-00202-00051497-00051688 that's one of the key that's going to be wB4qiMh0gtA-00203-00051689-00051904 one of the key indicators in terms of wB4qiMh0gtA-00204-00051905-00052042 inflation wB4qiMh0gtA-00205-00052044-00052270 um for the UK that's likely to drag on wB4qiMh0gtA-00206-00052271-00052457 the UK economy in the fourth quarter wB4qiMh0gtA-00207-00052458-00052685 because today the latest third quarter wB4qiMh0gtA-00208-00052686-00052942 GDP numbers out of the UK showed a wB4qiMh0gtA-00209-00052944-00053215 contraction of minus 0.2 percent wB4qiMh0gtA-00210-00053216-00053579 slightly better than expected but it's wB4qiMh0gtA-00211-00053579-00053830 really I think a small victory when you wB4qiMh0gtA-00212-00053832-00054107 consider that we were expecting a wB4qiMh0gtA-00213-00054108-00054407 contraction of minus 0.5 some of the wB4qiMh0gtA-00214-00054408-00054599 data for September was slightly better wB4qiMh0gtA-00215-00054600-00054892 than expected that's a positive but if wB4qiMh0gtA-00216-00054894-00055019 you think that things aren't going to wB4qiMh0gtA-00217-00055020-00055187 get any worse between now and the end of wB4qiMh0gtA-00218-00055188-00055432 the fourth quarter then wB4qiMh0gtA-00219-00055433-00055607 I think you're going to be largely wB4qiMh0gtA-00220-00055608-00055925 disappointed that being said that the wB4qiMh0gtA-00221-00055926-00056165 main focus as we look ahead to next week wB4qiMh0gtA-00222-00056166-00056441 and away from the big jump that we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00223-00056441-00056729 seen as a consequence of uscpi is going wB4qiMh0gtA-00224-00056729-00056999 to be very much on the UK economy the UK wB4qiMh0gtA-00225-00057000-00057407 mini Budget on the 17th of November UK wB4qiMh0gtA-00226-00057408-00057737 CPI on the 16th of November and wB4qiMh0gtA-00227-00057738-00058000 obviously wages and unemployment on the wB4qiMh0gtA-00228-00058001-00058288 15th of November we've also got Chinese wB4qiMh0gtA-00229-00058289-00058619 retail sales U.S retail sales and UK wB4qiMh0gtA-00230-00058620-00058925 retail sales as well so an awful lot of wB4qiMh0gtA-00231-00058926-00059249 UK data coming out how that affects the wB4qiMh0gtA-00232-00059250-00059507 Chancellor's mini Budget on a Thursday wB4qiMh0gtA-00233-00059508-00059885 is probably not going to make too much wB4qiMh0gtA-00234-00059886-00060065 of a difference we all know the data is wB4qiMh0gtA-00235-00060066-00060191 going to be wB4qiMh0gtA-00236-00060191-00060473 pretty poor when it comes to the UK wB4qiMh0gtA-00237-00060474-00060832 consumer consequently it's not good it's wB4qiMh0gtA-00238-00060833-00061049 you know the budget is really I think wB4qiMh0gtA-00239-00061050-00061409 going to make any attempted recovery in wB4qiMh0gtA-00240-00061410-00061750 the UK economy that much more difficult wB4qiMh0gtA-00241-00061751-00061985 so let's look at the technicals because wB4qiMh0gtA-00242-00061986-00062207 we've looked at the dollar Index let's wB4qiMh0gtA-00243-00062208-00062338 look at euro dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00244-00062339-00062663 and euro dollar continues continued in wB4qiMh0gtA-00245-00062664-00062938 this uptrend it's broken above these wB4qiMh0gtA-00246-00062939-00063353 September highs of 102 which suggests wB4qiMh0gtA-00247-00063354-00063587 that potentially we could be heading wB4qiMh0gtA-00248-00063588-00064007 back to 103.40. now that 10340 level is wB4qiMh0gtA-00249-00064008-00064223 is fairly decent wB4qiMh0gtA-00250-00064224-00064438 resistance level because it acted as wB4qiMh0gtA-00251-00064439-00064673 support on the way down on this move wB4qiMh0gtA-00252-00064674-00064835 down through here wB4qiMh0gtA-00253-00064836-00065044 and it's also actually this decent wB4qiMh0gtA-00254-00065045-00065387 resistance on the move back down to the wB4qiMh0gtA-00255-00065388-00065759 lows that we saw at 95.40 so the wider wB4qiMh0gtA-00256-00065760-00065981 question is are we going to test the wB4qiMh0gtA-00257-00065982-00066226 200-day moving average well certainly I wB4qiMh0gtA-00258-00066227-00066394 think if you look at it on the basis of wB4qiMh0gtA-00259-00066395-00066563 the way the dollar Index is traded wB4qiMh0gtA-00260-00066564-00066815 there's a fairly decent chance that we wB4qiMh0gtA-00261-00066816-00067103 could retest this 103 40 level the big wB4qiMh0gtA-00262-00067104-00067415 question is have we seen the lows in wB4qiMh0gtA-00263-00067416-00067697 euro dollar and I think the only way to wB4qiMh0gtA-00264-00067698-00067985 answer that question is to see how the wB4qiMh0gtA-00265-00067986-00068287 the Euro reacts around about wB4qiMh0gtA-00266-00068288-00068579 103.40 so certainly think we'll see a wB4qiMh0gtA-00267-00068580-00068867 test of that the big question is how we wB4qiMh0gtA-00268-00068868-00069143 react around that if and when we get wB4qiMh0gtA-00269-00069144-00069487 there similar sort of story for cable wB4qiMh0gtA-00270-00069488-00069881 we pretty much know that the data next wB4qiMh0gtA-00271-00069882-00070169 week is not going to be positive wB4qiMh0gtA-00272-00070170-00070409 but it's not really about that it's wB4qiMh0gtA-00273-00070410-00070685 really about wB4qiMh0gtA-00274-00070686-00071135 what U.S yields do how U.S how U.S data wB4qiMh0gtA-00275-00071136-00071405 performs and we do have U.S retail sales wB4qiMh0gtA-00276-00071406-00071573 next week weekly jobless claims are wB4qiMh0gtA-00277-00071574-00071831 still averaging around about 220 000. so wB4qiMh0gtA-00278-00071832-00071932 there's certainly nothing in the US wB4qiMh0gtA-00279-00071933-00072209 Labor Market at the moment to wB4qiMh0gtA-00280-00072210-00072575 um concern anyone about where the US wB4qiMh0gtA-00281-00072576-00072803 economy is going but what we have seen wB4qiMh0gtA-00282-00072804-00073061 is a breakout in cable now we want to wB4qiMh0gtA-00283-00073062-00073163 see wB4qiMh0gtA-00284-00073164-00073631 break above 117 40 50 we could well be wB4qiMh0gtA-00285-00073632-00073876 seeing that certainly I think there is wB4qiMh0gtA-00286-00073877-00074088 potential for cable to move higher now wB4qiMh0gtA-00287-00074089-00074303 certainly towards wB4qiMh0gtA-00288-00074304-00074621 the 200-day moving average maybe we wB4qiMh0gtA-00289-00074622-00074813 won't get that far I think the big level wB4qiMh0gtA-00290-00074814-00075149 is really around about 1 1980 120 I wB4qiMh0gtA-00291-00075150-00075371 think that round number it was a fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00292-00075372-00075575 decent support on the way down yeah we wB4qiMh0gtA-00293-00075576-00075881 did sort of mess around a little bit wB4qiMh0gtA-00294-00075882-00076211 around it in and around July and August wB4qiMh0gtA-00295-00076212-00076547 but ultimately on previous tests lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00296-00076548-00076912 the 119 51 20 area has generally tended wB4qiMh0gtA-00297-00076913-00077200 to tended to be a fairly decent wB4qiMh0gtA-00298-00077201-00077537 um area of support or resistance in wB4qiMh0gtA-00299-00077538-00077693 equal measure which is essentially why wB4qiMh0gtA-00300-00077694-00077825 I've left it in there yeah it's a bit wB4qiMh0gtA-00301-00077826-00077987 messy around there but if you take it wB4qiMh0gtA-00302-00077988-00078185 all the way back wB4qiMh0gtA-00303-00078186-00078526 um to 2019 it was a decent support area wB4qiMh0gtA-00304-00078527-00078731 it was a fairly decent support area wB4qiMh0gtA-00305-00078732-00078929 there obviously that was the covid crash wB4qiMh0gtA-00306-00078930-00079432 that we saw back in 2020 wB4qiMh0gtA-00307-00079433-00079661 um and then we saw a decent rebound from wB4qiMh0gtA-00308-00079662-00079871 here before we started to mess about wB4qiMh0gtA-00309-00079872-00080147 between the 119 and a half and 117 and a wB4qiMh0gtA-00310-00080148-00080267 half through here wB4qiMh0gtA-00311-00080268-00080488 so that's going to be a fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00312-00080489-00080675 significant barrier wB4qiMh0gtA-00313-00080676-00080897 um in in the short to medium term but I wB4qiMh0gtA-00314-00080898-00081047 still think there's a fairly decent wB4qiMh0gtA-00315-00081048-00081353 chance we can test it just on the basis wB4qiMh0gtA-00316-00081354-00081509 of the fact that the bank of England is wB4qiMh0gtA-00317-00081510-00081671 probably going to have to do 50 basis wB4qiMh0gtA-00318-00081672-00081953 points in December anyway just to match wB4qiMh0gtA-00319-00081954-00082115 the Fed so we've certainly got at least wB4qiMh0gtA-00320-00082116-00082475 another 50 to 100 basis points baked in wB4qiMh0gtA-00321-00082476-00082697 the big question is have we got any any wB4qiMh0gtA-00322-00082698-00082943 more rate hikes over and above beyond wB4qiMh0gtA-00323-00082944-00083194 that Euro Sterling wB4qiMh0gtA-00324-00083195-00083537 still boring wB4qiMh0gtA-00325-00083538-00083735 found a fairly decent resistance above wB4qiMh0gtA-00326-00083736-00084085 8820 I still think we're in a Range here wB4qiMh0gtA-00327-00084086-00084437 potential potential bias towards the wB4qiMh0gtA-00328-00084438-00084647 downside certainly the ECB has started wB4qiMh0gtA-00329-00084648-00084869 to sound a little bit more hawkish wB4qiMh0gtA-00330-00084870-00085037 but overall there's nothing in this wB4qiMh0gtA-00331-00085038-00085199 chart to suggest that we won't continue wB4qiMh0gtA-00332-00085200-00085367 to range trade in the way we've been wB4qiMh0gtA-00333-00085368-00085547 range trading over the course wB4qiMh0gtA-00334-00085548-00085915 of the past few weeks and months wB4qiMh0gtA-00335-00085916-00086188 interesting Dynamic however on gold wB4qiMh0gtA-00336-00086189-00086411 which suggests and supports my wB4qiMh0gtA-00337-00086412-00086779 hypothesis of a weaker dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00338-00086780-00087203 this break above these Peaks at 1730 wB4qiMh0gtA-00339-00087204-00087406 suggests that we put in a double bottom wB4qiMh0gtA-00340-00087407-00087761 or a triple bottom on gold now if that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00341-00087762-00087971 the case then we're likely to see a test wB4qiMh0gtA-00342-00087972-00088187 of the 200-day moving average on gold wB4qiMh0gtA-00343-00088188-00088547 and potentially higher looking at 16 17 wB4qiMh0gtA-00344-00088548-00089075 to 1729 that's 110 so we can then wB4qiMh0gtA-00345-00089076-00089512 extrapolate that up from 1730 to 1840. wB4qiMh0gtA-00346-00089513-00089717 so certainly a minimum price objective wB4qiMh0gtA-00347-00089718-00090035 on this move higher in Gold suggests wB4qiMh0gtA-00348-00090036-00090244 that we could see a test and a modest wB4qiMh0gtA-00349-00090245-00090587 break of the 200-day moving average on wB4qiMh0gtA-00350-00090588-00090905 gold if you believe as I do that this is wB4qiMh0gtA-00351-00090906-00091181 a break of a potential double or triple wB4qiMh0gtA-00352-00091182-00091462 base which suggests that on a minimum wB4qiMh0gtA-00353-00091463-00091661 price objective if you measure this on a wB4qiMh0gtA-00354-00091662-00091937 measured move basis then we should see a wB4qiMh0gtA-00355-00091938-00092399 similar move up towards 1810 1820 so wB4qiMh0gtA-00356-00092400-00092650 which suggests very much a weaker dollar wB4qiMh0gtA-00357-00092651-00092956 over the course of the next few months wB4qiMh0gtA-00358-00092957-00093275 which support then potentially lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00359-00093276-00093611 dollar Yen breaker 140 would Target 135 wB4qiMh0gtA-00360-00093612-00094085 130 euro dollar back towards 104 105 wB4qiMh0gtA-00361-00094086-00094450 cable back towards 120. we'll see wB4qiMh0gtA-00362-00094451-00094787 whether or not that plays out of course wB4qiMh0gtA-00363-00094788-00095053 with all this with all this chatter wB4qiMh0gtA-00364-00095054-00095356 about a reopening of the Chinese economy wB4qiMh0gtA-00365-00095357-00095644 that is pushing oil prices and commodity wB4qiMh0gtA-00366-00095645-00095861 prices up so inflation is likely to wB4qiMh0gtA-00367-00095862-00096275 remain sticky for quite some time one wB4qiMh0gtA-00368-00096276-00096509 thing I would say about this particular wB4qiMh0gtA-00369-00096510-00096856 Brent crew chart is that it continues to wB4qiMh0gtA-00370-00096857-00097018 find the air a little bit thin above 100 wB4qiMh0gtA-00371-00097019-00097276 a barrel so it'll be interesting to see wB4qiMh0gtA-00372-00097277-00097409 whether or not the current move that wB4qiMh0gtA-00373-00097410-00097559 we've seen over the past couple of days wB4qiMh0gtA-00374-00097560-00097931 is sustainable there is a big barrier at wB4qiMh0gtA-00375-00097932-00098255 around about 100 dollars a barrel we wB4qiMh0gtA-00376-00098256-00098381 certainly won't want to see it much wB4qiMh0gtA-00377-00098382-00098573 above that but that would suggest that wB4qiMh0gtA-00378-00098574-00098782 while inflation is starting to come down wB4qiMh0gtA-00379-00098783-00098993 it's not going to come down quickly wB4qiMh0gtA-00380-00098994-00099268 certainly not in the context of where wB4qiMh0gtA-00381-00099269-00099605 Energy prices are even though natural wB4qiMh0gtA-00382-00099606-00099923 gas prices are continuing to fall back wB4qiMh0gtA-00383-00099924-00100223 as a consequence of the recent warm wB4qiMh0gtA-00384-00100224-00100403 weather if we look at UK natural gas wB4qiMh0gtA-00385-00100404-00100768 prices we are still falling wB4qiMh0gtA-00386-00100769-00101062 um which is a very very good thing when wB4qiMh0gtA-00387-00101063-00101381 it comes to potential another energy wB4qiMh0gtA-00388-00101382-00101699 price cap wB4qiMh0gtA-00389-00101700-00101999 in March next year wB4qiMh0gtA-00390-00102000-00102059 um wB4qiMh0gtA-00391-00102060-00102187 so wB4qiMh0gtA-00392-00102188-00102592 let's shift our Focus back to the mini wB4qiMh0gtA-00393-00102593-00103027 budget we already know that UK wages wB4qiMh0gtA-00394-00103028-00103492 are trending at a much lower rate than wB4qiMh0gtA-00395-00103493-00103973 inflation around about five percent wB4qiMh0gtA-00396-00103974-00104368 so the income squeeze is likely to wB4qiMh0gtA-00397-00104369-00104603 continue for quite some time to come wB4qiMh0gtA-00398-00104604-00104842 average weekly earnings you know in wB4qiMh0gtA-00399-00104843-00104927 August wB4qiMh0gtA-00400-00104928-00105233 Rose to six percent excluding bonuses wB4qiMh0gtA-00401-00105233-00105671 5.4 inflation CPI inflation is expected wB4qiMh0gtA-00402-00105672-00106277 to rise from 10.1 to 10.5 I mean that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00403-00106278-00106465 just wB4qiMh0gtA-00404-00106466-00106781 eye-wateringly high so that's in real wB4qiMh0gtA-00405-00106782-00107063 terms of five percent decline in real wB4qiMh0gtA-00406-00107064-00107375 wages so that will keep the pressure on wB4qiMh0gtA-00407-00107376-00107560 the bank of England to hike aggressively wB4qiMh0gtA-00408-00107561-00107933 in December food prices are likely to be wB4qiMh0gtA-00409-00107933-00108184 the key driver behind that certainly wB4qiMh0gtA-00410-00108185-00108413 grocery price inflation is already wB4qiMh0gtA-00411-00108414-00108797 around about 14 year on year so wB4qiMh0gtA-00412-00108798-00109102 the the squeezing incomes is very very wB4qiMh0gtA-00413-00109103-00109193 real wB4qiMh0gtA-00414-00109194-00109421 which you know begs the question what to wB4qiMh0gtA-00415-00109422-00109673 expect from this week's mini budget we wB4qiMh0gtA-00416-00109674-00109834 expect to get the final details of that wB4qiMh0gtA-00417-00109835-00110051 on Thursday the various spending cuts wB4qiMh0gtA-00418-00110052-00110266 and tax Rises the new government is set wB4qiMh0gtA-00419-00110267-00110434 to where Mark when it comes to wB4qiMh0gtA-00420-00110435-00110602 addressing the so-called wB4qiMh0gtA-00421-00110603-00110897 40 billion pounds black hole in the wB4qiMh0gtA-00422-00110898-00111233 public finances right okay wB4qiMh0gtA-00423-00111233-00111497 I'm gonna get my soapbox here wB4qiMh0gtA-00424-00111498-00111695 currently wB4qiMh0gtA-00425-00111696-00111839 um wB4qiMh0gtA-00426-00111840-00112025 there's a black hole in the Public wB4qiMh0gtA-00427-00112026-00112193 Finance is because of the big jump that wB4qiMh0gtA-00428-00112194-00112343 we've seen in bond yields rise in wB4qiMh0gtA-00429-00112344-00112625 interest rate costs as a result of the wB4qiMh0gtA-00430-00112626-00112973 mini budget at the end of September well wB4qiMh0gtA-00431-00112974-00113236 sorry but I mean interest rate costs are wB4qiMh0gtA-00432-00113238-00113477 now backed down to where they were at wB4qiMh0gtA-00433-00113478-00113675 the beginning of September certainly in wB4qiMh0gtA-00434-00113676-00114010 the case of the tenure the UK 10-year wB4qiMh0gtA-00435-00114011-00114328 yield the pound is higher wB4qiMh0gtA-00436-00114329-00114689 than when it was prior to that mini wB4qiMh0gtA-00437-00114690-00115066 budget so you know what fiscal emergency wB4qiMh0gtA-00438-00115067-00115415 are we looking to address here since the wB4qiMh0gtA-00439-00115416-00115547 change of leadership at the top of wB4qiMh0gtA-00440-00115548-00115752 government these concerns have abated wB4qiMh0gtA-00441-00115753-00116057 about the sustainability of the UK's wB4qiMh0gtA-00442-00116058-00116315 public finances if you look at our debt wB4qiMh0gtA-00443-00116316-00116578 to GDP ratio compared to say for example wB4qiMh0gtA-00444-00116579-00116890 France it's way lower significantly wB4qiMh0gtA-00445-00116891-00116981 lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00446-00116982-00117221 Germany is spending probably three times wB4qiMh0gtA-00447-00117222-00117521 as much as we are on bailing out its wB4qiMh0gtA-00448-00117522-00117683 households and its energy sector over wB4qiMh0gtA-00449-00117683-00118043 the course of the next few months so wB4qiMh0gtA-00450-00118044-00118223 um I think the concern is that the wB4qiMh0gtA-00451-00118224-00118373 framing of the discussion about wB4qiMh0gtA-00452-00118374-00118619 sustainability of public finances hasn't wB4qiMh0gtA-00453-00118620-00118865 shifted at all in terms of convincing wB4qiMh0gtA-00454-00118866-00119039 the markets the future spending plans wB4qiMh0gtA-00455-00119040-00119249 will be properly scrutinized wB4qiMh0gtA-00456-00119250-00119471 you then have to offset with the damage wB4qiMh0gtA-00457-00119472-00119704 that any measures will do to the economy wB4qiMh0gtA-00458-00119705-00119915 in the round wB4qiMh0gtA-00459-00119916-00120071 so wB4qiMh0gtA-00460-00120072-00120293 you can talk about a black hole in the wB4qiMh0gtA-00461-00120294-00120497 public finances but what is it premised wB4qiMh0gtA-00462-00120498-00120695 on is it premised in a host of false wB4qiMh0gtA-00463-00120696-00120802 assumptions wB4qiMh0gtA-00464-00120803-00121204 that aren't likely to take place the wB4qiMh0gtA-00465-00121205-00121397 market didn't care when the market was wB4qiMh0gtA-00466-00121398-00121589 you know the market didn't care when the wB4qiMh0gtA-00467-00121590-00121758 government was spending wB4qiMh0gtA-00468-00121759-00122140 350 billion quid on various support wB4qiMh0gtA-00469-00122141-00122321 measures in the previous fiscal year yet wB4qiMh0gtA-00470-00122322-00122458 we're supposed to believe that suddenly wB4qiMh0gtA-00471-00122459-00122663 a huge concern about 40 billion back wB4qiMh0gtA-00472-00122664-00122981 black hole the government suddenly needs wB4qiMh0gtA-00473-00122982-00123154 to Peg yes interest rates are higher but wB4qiMh0gtA-00474-00123155-00123281 they're higher pretty much across the wB4qiMh0gtA-00475-00123282-00123436 board they're higher in the US they're wB4qiMh0gtA-00476-00123438-00123677 higher in Germany I'm not saying that wB4qiMh0gtA-00477-00123678-00123857 the government shouldn't be responsible wB4qiMh0gtA-00478-00123858-00124066 about wB4qiMh0gtA-00479-00124067-00124223 um the Public Finance but it doesn't wB4qiMh0gtA-00480-00124224-00124493 need to embark on a host of spending wB4qiMh0gtA-00481-00124494-00124660 cuts on big infrastructure projects wB4qiMh0gtA-00482-00124661-00124936 which is sorely needed if they are wB4qiMh0gtA-00483-00124938-00125099 serious about leveling up they simply wB4qiMh0gtA-00484-00125100-00125321 have to convince the markets that they wB4qiMh0gtA-00485-00125322-00125597 have a credible long-term economic plan wB4qiMh0gtA-00486-00125598-00125878 that they can Implement over a five or wB4qiMh0gtA-00487-00125879-00126131 ten year period that rather rather than wB4qiMh0gtA-00488-00126132-00126310 impose a plan that no other country in wB4qiMh0gtA-00489-00126311-00126401 Europe wB4qiMh0gtA-00490-00126402-00126719 is pursuing you know it just makes no wB4qiMh0gtA-00491-00126720-00126947 sense whatsoever all they will succeed wB4qiMh0gtA-00492-00126948-00127252 in doing is making any recession more wB4qiMh0gtA-00493-00127253-00127463 prolonged wB4qiMh0gtA-00494-00127464-00127840 um and more entrenched so you know the wB4qiMh0gtA-00495-00127841-00128147 hope is that the economics trumps the wB4qiMh0gtA-00496-00128148-00128393 politics ultimately wB4qiMh0gtA-00497-00128394-00128566 this government isn't going to win the wB4qiMh0gtA-00498-00128567-00128807 next election so really it's about wB4qiMh0gtA-00499-00128808-00128999 you might as well try and do what's best wB4qiMh0gtA-00500-00129000-00129251 for the country rather than basically wB4qiMh0gtA-00501-00129252-00129569 look at a self-serving budget that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00502-00129570-00129863 probably not going to achieve anything wB4qiMh0gtA-00503-00129864-00130163 anyway ran over let's just move that out wB4qiMh0gtA-00504-00130164-00130373 of the way and let's move on wB4qiMh0gtA-00505-00130374-00130643 um UK retail sales for October well wB4qiMh0gtA-00506-00130644-00130786 we've already seen two months of wB4qiMh0gtA-00507-00130788-00131116 declines minus 1.7 in August 1.4 in wB4qiMh0gtA-00508-00131117-00131285 September wB4qiMh0gtA-00509-00131286-00131669 um could we see uh an improvement in wB4qiMh0gtA-00510-00131670-00131921 October possibly but with the new energy wB4qiMh0gtA-00511-00131922-00132233 price cap kicking in in October it's not wB4qiMh0gtA-00512-00132234-00132461 hard to see the consumers will continue wB4qiMh0gtA-00513-00132462-00132947 to rain back spending going forward wB4qiMh0gtA-00514-00132948-00133085 um the September numbers were weighed wB4qiMh0gtA-00515-00133086-00133295 down by the extra bank holiday due to wB4qiMh0gtA-00516-00133296-00133511 the funeral Queen Elizabeth II this wB4qiMh0gtA-00517-00133512-00133721 week's October numbers could see an wB4qiMh0gtA-00518-00133722-00133925 improvement but with consumer confidence wB4qiMh0gtA-00519-00133926-00134123 already low and this this close to wB4qiMh0gtA-00520-00134124-00134351 Christmas I would imagine wB4qiMh0gtA-00521-00134352-00134597 the consumers will probably hold back wB4qiMh0gtA-00522-00134598-00134813 until November December when they'll wB4qiMh0gtA-00523-00134814-00135149 start to cautiously unlock their purse wB4qiMh0gtA-00524-00135150-00135497 strings as we head towards the end of wB4qiMh0gtA-00525-00135498-00135749 the year U.S retail sales been much more wB4qiMh0gtA-00526-00135750-00135881 resilient wB4qiMh0gtA-00527-00135882-00136127 um than UK ones the spikes seen in wB4qiMh0gtA-00528-00136128-00136283 natural gas prices in the US have been wB4qiMh0gtA-00529-00136284-00136433 nothing compared to those being seen in wB4qiMh0gtA-00530-00136434-00136666 the UK and Europe so that that basically wB4qiMh0gtA-00531-00136667-00136835 means the US consumer hasn't been wB4qiMh0gtA-00532-00136836-00137111 anywhere near as squeezed as here in the wB4qiMh0gtA-00533-00137112-00137357 UK what has been notable about the wB4qiMh0gtA-00534-00137358-00137507 rallies that we've seen this week in wB4qiMh0gtA-00535-00137508-00137759 equity markets is thus far wB4qiMh0gtA-00536-00137760-00138011 we haven't actually taken out this wB4qiMh0gtA-00537-00138012-00138316 resistance level on the NASDAQ so what wB4qiMh0gtA-00538-00138317-00138473 we've seen strong rallies in the likes wB4qiMh0gtA-00539-00138474-00138659 of Dax wB4qiMh0gtA-00540-00138660-00139031 the ftse 100 back to close to recent wB4qiMh0gtA-00541-00139032-00139157 range highs wB4qiMh0gtA-00542-00139158-00139451 we've seen a rally off wB4qiMh0gtA-00543-00139452-00139595 the lows wB4qiMh0gtA-00544-00139596-00139793 in the NASDAQ so while people talk about wB4qiMh0gtA-00545-00139794-00139997 the best rebound since wB4qiMh0gtA-00546-00139998-00140195 uh April 2020 wB4qiMh0gtA-00547-00140196-00140411 for the NASDAQ needs to be said in the wB4qiMh0gtA-00548-00140412-00140585 context of where markets are right now wB4qiMh0gtA-00549-00140586-00140885 and there's still just above the lows wB4qiMh0gtA-00550-00140886-00141202 that we saw earlier this year that's wB4qiMh0gtA-00551-00141203-00141569 that 10 500 level on the NASDAQ so I wB4qiMh0gtA-00552-00141570-00141827 think for the for the rebound to be wB4qiMh0gtA-00553-00141828-00142013 sustainable we really need to see a move wB4qiMh0gtA-00554-00142014-00142313 through twelve thousand and a test of wB4qiMh0gtA-00555-00142314-00142613 this trendline resistance from the highs wB4qiMh0gtA-00556-00142614-00142828 this year similarly wB4qiMh0gtA-00557-00142829-00143339 S P 500 we have broken higher but again wB4qiMh0gtA-00558-00143340-00143543 we're below the 50-day moving average wB4qiMh0gtA-00559-00143544-00143699 and we're below the trend line wB4qiMh0gtA-00560-00143700-00144016 resistance from the Peaks this year so wB4qiMh0gtA-00561-00144017-00144154 you need to put the rally that we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00562-00144155-00144401 seen in U.S markets in context wB4qiMh0gtA-00563-00144402-00144623 of how close we are to the recent lows wB4qiMh0gtA-00564-00144624-00145109 whereas if you look at the Dax wB4qiMh0gtA-00565-00145110-00145373 we could well retest fifteen thousand wB4qiMh0gtA-00566-00145374-00145673 and very easily and these previous Peaks wB4qiMh0gtA-00567-00145674-00146093 all the way back in June 14 700 and wB4qiMh0gtA-00568-00146094-00146333 obviously these this 15 000 area here wB4qiMh0gtA-00569-00146334-00146663 which I cut which I drawn in which was wB4qiMh0gtA-00570-00146664-00147011 previous support through 2021. so wB4qiMh0gtA-00571-00147012-00147311 certainly I think given the way we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00572-00147312-00147527 broken above the 200-day moving average wB4qiMh0gtA-00573-00147528-00147904 on the Dax there is scope for further wB4qiMh0gtA-00574-00147905-00148127 gains in the Dax wB4qiMh0gtA-00575-00148128-00148535 similarly ftse 100 wB4qiMh0gtA-00576-00148536-00148781 we've broken above the 200-day moving wB4qiMh0gtA-00577-00148782-00148978 average as well now that's not a wB4qiMh0gtA-00578-00148979-00149225 significant as say for example the move wB4qiMh0gtA-00579-00149226-00149399 in the Dax but it is significant wB4qiMh0gtA-00580-00149400-00149807 nonetheless we've retested look could wB4qiMh0gtA-00581-00149808-00150097 well retest the highs back in September wB4qiMh0gtA-00582-00150098-00150478 7500 uh in the round the ftse 100 year wB4qiMh0gtA-00583-00150479-00150719 today has probably performed better than wB4qiMh0gtA-00584-00150720-00150952 every other major index it hasn't lost wB4qiMh0gtA-00585-00150953-00151252 any ground at all on one of the main one wB4qiMh0gtA-00586-00151253-00151361 of the main reasons for that is wB4qiMh0gtA-00587-00151362-00151583 obviously the performance of oil and gas wB4qiMh0gtA-00588-00151584-00151913 stocks but I regress and the more wB4qiMh0gtA-00589-00151914-00152128 defensive areas of the market wB4qiMh0gtA-00590-00152129-00152339 what has been particularly interesting wB4qiMh0gtA-00591-00152340-00152543 though if you look at the Hong Kong the wB4qiMh0gtA-00592-00152544-00152843 Hang Seng we've seen a bullish weekly wB4qiMh0gtA-00593-00152844-00153323 reversal in the NASDAQ right there now wB4qiMh0gtA-00594-00153324-00153514 yes we did see one here all the way back wB4qiMh0gtA-00595-00153515-00153766 here and it didn't last very long wB4qiMh0gtA-00596-00153767-00154013 but if you look at how low the NASDAQ wB4qiMh0gtA-00597-00154014-00154271 has come from wB4qiMh0gtA-00598-00154272-00154589 there's certainly potential for a fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00599-00154590-00154813 decent rebound and we are down wB4qiMh0gtA-00600-00154814-00155128 significantly year to date so there's wB4qiMh0gtA-00601-00155129-00155314 certainly scope for a retest of eighteen wB4qiMh0gtA-00602-00155315-00155759 thousand these Peaks back in October and wB4qiMh0gtA-00603-00155760-00156197 even then we'd still be well down on the wB4qiMh0gtA-00604-00156198-00156443 year the eight shares index similarly wB4qiMh0gtA-00605-00156444-00156695 seen some really strong gains over the wB4qiMh0gtA-00606-00156696-00156916 course of the past few days and a wB4qiMh0gtA-00607-00156917-00157276 similarly posted weekly reversals wB4qiMh0gtA-00608-00157277-00157475 as I say you can't read too much into wB4qiMh0gtA-00609-00157476-00157781 that because again here we saw a very wB4qiMh0gtA-00610-00157782-00158159 strong reversal and it it barely lasted wB4qiMh0gtA-00611-00158160-00158423 two or three weeks we're back down here wB4qiMh0gtA-00612-00158424-00158699 again hopefully this time this wB4qiMh0gtA-00613-00158700-00158854 difference one of the more positive wB4qiMh0gtA-00614-00158855-00159119 factors at play here is that if we do wB4qiMh0gtA-00615-00159120-00159407 break above 6000 we could see a decent wB4qiMh0gtA-00616-00159408-00159737 rally in the eight shares index as well wB4qiMh0gtA-00617-00159738-00159964 on the earnings front wB4qiMh0gtA-00618-00159965-00160247 not really too much to report we've got wB4qiMh0gtA-00619-00160248-00160564 Walmart and Target Walmart on the 15th wB4qiMh0gtA-00620-00160565-00160769 of November with their Q3 numbers Target wB4qiMh0gtA-00621-00160770-00161009 with their Q3 numbers wB4qiMh0gtA-00622-00161010-00161404 um they have warned on higher costs and wB4qiMh0gtA-00623-00161405-00161626 for Q3 Walmart said it expects to see wB4qiMh0gtA-00624-00161627-00161749 revenues of wB4qiMh0gtA-00625-00161750-00162040 147.55 billion dollars and profits of wB4qiMh0gtA-00626-00162041-00162304 1.31 cents a share on slightly lower wB4qiMh0gtA-00627-00162305-00162664 operating margins of 3.6 also did also wB4qiMh0gtA-00628-00162665-00162833 announce that it was making Paramount wB4qiMh0gtA-00629-00162834-00163001 Plus available to its Walmart plus wB4qiMh0gtA-00630-00163002-00163307 subscribers from September to further wB4qiMh0gtA-00631-00163308-00163475 take the flight the flight to Amazon in wB4qiMh0gtA-00632-00163476-00163589 the battle for annular monthly wB4qiMh0gtA-00633-00163590-00163828 subscription services so you could see a wB4qiMh0gtA-00634-00163829-00164023 little bit of a boost there so wB4qiMh0gtA-00635-00164024-00164340 147.55 billion that's down from wB4qiMh0gtA-00636-00164341-00164866 152.86 billion dollars in Q2 so if we wB4qiMh0gtA-00637-00164867-00165071 look at the Walmart share price we look wB4qiMh0gtA-00638-00165072-00165335 at U.S retail sales you can see that wB4qiMh0gtA-00639-00165336-00165581 Walmart has continued to punch above its wB4qiMh0gtA-00640-00165582-00165797 weight when it comes to retail and has wB4qiMh0gtA-00641-00165798-00166090 been slowly edging higher from the lows wB4qiMh0gtA-00642-00166091-00166511 that we saw back in May wB4qiMh0gtA-00643-00166512-00166607 um wB4qiMh0gtA-00644-00166608-00166909 Target similarly says it still is sees wB4qiMh0gtA-00645-00166910-00167152 says it still sees full Revenue growth wB4qiMh0gtA-00646-00167153-00167375 in the low to mid single digits so again wB4qiMh0gtA-00647-00167376-00167626 they've been performing fairly well wB4qiMh0gtA-00648-00167627-00167831 another one to keep an eye out for is wB4qiMh0gtA-00649-00167832-00167952 NVIDIA wB4qiMh0gtA-00650-00167953-00168275 chipmaker which wB4qiMh0gtA-00651-00168276-00168431 you know even though we've seen a fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00652-00168432-00168659 decent Rebound in the NASDAQ is still wB4qiMh0gtA-00653-00168660-00168814 very much in the downtrend that it's wB4qiMh0gtA-00654-00168815-00169090 been in pretty much for most of this wB4qiMh0gtA-00655-00169091-00169319 year so there's certainly potential for wB4qiMh0gtA-00656-00169320-00169601 further gains and move back to the wB4qiMh0gtA-00657-00169602-00169811 200-day moving average and this series wB4qiMh0gtA-00658-00169812-00169966 of Peaks all the way through here in wB4qiMh0gtA-00659-00169967-00170290 July of 195 dollars we've certainly seen wB4qiMh0gtA-00660-00170291-00170549 a fairly decent rebound over the course wB4qiMh0gtA-00661-00170550-00170914 of the past few days and we can see that wB4qiMh0gtA-00662-00170915-00171347 played out in this chart here in the UK wB4qiMh0gtA-00663-00171348-00171616 we've got numbers from Vodafone we've wB4qiMh0gtA-00664-00171617-00171923 got numbers from Burberry wB4qiMh0gtA-00665-00171924-00172139 um optimistic on Burberry given some of wB4qiMh0gtA-00666-00172140-00172271 the numbers that we've seen out from his wB4qiMh0gtA-00667-00172272-00172475 peers Louis Vuitton Richmond and what wB4qiMh0gtA-00668-00172476-00172793 have you luxury has been a fairly wB4qiMh0gtA-00669-00172794-00173123 resilient sector when it comes to wB4qiMh0gtA-00670-00173124-00173297 earnings numbers first half earnings wB4qiMh0gtA-00671-00173298-00173501 numbers from Burberry first half wB4qiMh0gtA-00672-00173502-00173747 earnings numbers from Vodafone that does wB4qiMh0gtA-00673-00173748-00173957 appear to be some evidence of a bit of a wB4qiMh0gtA-00674-00173958-00174173 rebound in the Vodafone share price but wB4qiMh0gtA-00675-00174174-00174359 ultimately it's still feel very much a wB4qiMh0gtA-00676-00174360-00174563 story of wB4qiMh0gtA-00677-00174564-00174773 how is it able to get his debt levels wB4qiMh0gtA-00678-00174774-00175145 down while improving its margins in what wB4qiMh0gtA-00679-00175146-00175463 is a very very competitive telecoms wB4qiMh0gtA-00680-00175464-00175914 market okay so that's pretty much it for wB4qiMh0gtA-00681-00175915-00176231 this week ladies and gentlemen as I say wB4qiMh0gtA-00682-00176232-00176443 the key thing to keep an eye out for wB4qiMh0gtA-00683-00176444-00176890 next week is going to be the mini budget wB4qiMh0gtA-00684-00176891-00177190 and how much pain the chancellor of wB4qiMh0gtA-00685-00177191-00177454 exchequer decides to impose by way of wB4qiMh0gtA-00686-00177455-00177790 stealth taxes on not only us as wB4qiMh0gtA-00687-00177791-00178187 taxpayers but also businesses as well so wB4qiMh0gtA-00688-00178188-00178331 that's it for this week thank you very wB4qiMh0gtA-00689-00178332-00178475 much for listening this is Michael wB4qiMh0gtA-00690-00178476-00178970 Houston talking to you from CMC Markets wBajGx93xQI-00000-00000038-00000254 Central Institute of plastics wBajGx93xQI-00001-00000254-00000388 Engineering and Technology wBajGx93xQI-00002-00000389-00000695 Bhubaneshwar CIP ET o dia plastic wBajGx93xQI-00003-00000696-00000908 engineer mo Technology predestine abou wBajGx93xQI-00004-00000909-00001054 banners Varro is one the central wBajGx93xQI-00005-00001055-00001237 governmental research institution of wBajGx93xQI-00006-00001238-00001415 India which was established in the year wBajGx93xQI-00007-00001416-00001693 of 1968 and is one of 15 Institute under wBajGx93xQI-00008-00001694-00001859 central Institute of plastics wBajGx93xQI-00009-00001860-00002126 Engineering and Technology India the wBajGx93xQI-00010-00002127-00002306 Institute offers doctoral program in wBajGx93xQI-00011-00002307-00002525 polymer science material science and wBajGx93xQI-00012-00002526-00002752 plastics engineering master's bachelor's wBajGx93xQI-00013-00002753-00002966 degree programs in affiliation with Biju wBajGx93xQI-00014-00002967-00003182 Patnaik University of Technology raw wBajGx93xQI-00015-00003183-00003413 kala accredited by All India Council of wBajGx93xQI-00016-00003414-00004022 Technical Education wBajGx93xQI-00017-00004022-00004501 topic overview wBajGx93xQI-00018-00004502-00004699 Central Institute of plastics wBajGx93xQI-00019-00004700-00004867 Engineering and Technology is an wBajGx93xQI-00020-00004868-00005011 autonomous Institute under the wBajGx93xQI-00021-00005012-00005140 Department of chemicals and wBajGx93xQI-00022-00005141-00005356 petrochemicals ministry of chemicals and wBajGx93xQI-00023-00005357-00005704 fertilizers Government of India CIP ET wBajGx93xQI-00024-00005705-00006100 offers MSC tech BTech M Tech and ph.d wBajGx93xQI-00025-00006101-00006325 program as well as various short-term wBajGx93xQI-00026-00006326-00006553 courses wDQIBZhnMqU-00000-00000003-00000316 welcome to the debriefing portion of the wDQIBZhnMqU-00001-00000317-00000626 online simulation module total quality wDQIBZhnMqU-00002-00000627-00001019 management in air transportation in this wDQIBZhnMqU-00003-00001019-00001300 debriefing we will briefly revisit the wDQIBZhnMqU-00004-00001301-00001612 three scenarios presented and reflect on wDQIBZhnMqU-00005-00001613-00001862 the application of total quality wDQIBZhnMqU-00006-00001863-00002339 management theory or TQM that way you wDQIBZhnMqU-00007-00002340-00002666 can engage in cognitive rehearsal which wDQIBZhnMqU-00008-00002667-00002900 is a term for role-playing what you wDQIBZhnMqU-00009-00002901-00003224 would do in a certain situation even if wDQIBZhnMqU-00010-00003225-00003556 it is just in your mind by cognitively wDQIBZhnMqU-00011-00003557-00003824 rehearsing how you would respond if you wDQIBZhnMqU-00012-00003825-00004025 were a character in one of these wDQIBZhnMqU-00013-00004026-00004358 scenarios you can prepare yourself for wDQIBZhnMqU-00014-00004359-00004570 real-life scenarios that you might wDQIBZhnMqU-00015-00004571-00004801 encounter in business and management wDQIBZhnMqU-00016-00004802-00005138 just to remind you here are the module wDQIBZhnMqU-00017-00005139-00005360 learning objectives that are also listed wDQIBZhnMqU-00018-00005361-00005591 on the introduction page to the mudge wDQIBZhnMqU-00019-00005592-00005909 all of the activities and resources in wDQIBZhnMqU-00020-00005910-00006179 this module are geared toward having the wDQIBZhnMqU-00021-00006180-00006379 learner achieve these learning wDQIBZhnMqU-00022-00006380-00006680 objectives okay let's go back and wDQIBZhnMqU-00023-00006681-00006887 revisit the scenarios faced by the wDQIBZhnMqU-00024-00006888-00007103 characters in the simulation of the wDQIBZhnMqU-00025-00007104-00007394 British Airways executive team in our wDQIBZhnMqU-00026-00007395-00007603 first scenario the group discussed wDQIBZhnMqU-00027-00007604-00007996 setting goals for 2009 and using TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00028-00007997-00008327 elements as a guide let's think about wDQIBZhnMqU-00029-00008328-00008638 the various ideas the group throughout wDQIBZhnMqU-00030-00008639-00008939 remember the group was asked which wDQIBZhnMqU-00031-00008940-00009299 metrics on which to focus and which TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00032-00009300-00009527 elements to emphasize that would wDQIBZhnMqU-00033-00009528-00009739 positively impact those metrics wDQIBZhnMqU-00034-00009740-00010019 depending upon their perspective the wDQIBZhnMqU-00035-00010020-00010192 executives throughout many different wDQIBZhnMqU-00036-00010193-00010588 ideas some focused on revising processes wDQIBZhnMqU-00037-00010589-00010946 like ticketing and customer flow others wDQIBZhnMqU-00038-00010947-00011177 focus directly on actions that would wDQIBZhnMqU-00039-00011178-00011444 please passengers with the idea that wDQIBZhnMqU-00040-00011445-00011689 these efforts would also improve other wDQIBZhnMqU-00041-00011690-00012124 metrics in any case the TQM elements wDQIBZhnMqU-00042-00012125-00012323 provided a framework for the group to wDQIBZhnMqU-00043-00012324-00012566 discuss their various perspectives on wDQIBZhnMqU-00044-00012567-00012905 what metrics to prioritize and help them wDQIBZhnMqU-00045-00012906-00013213 consider how to apply the various TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00046-00013215-00013353 elements in that wDQIBZhnMqU-00047-00013354-00013677 process in the second scenario the group wDQIBZhnMqU-00048-00013678-00013953 is in panic mode because profit is wDQIBZhnMqU-00049-00013954-00014352 plummeting they use TQM to focus their wDQIBZhnMqU-00050-00014353-00014570 discussion on how to turn around wDQIBZhnMqU-00051-00014571-00014855 negative profit connecting their ideas wDQIBZhnMqU-00052-00014856-00015255 with metrics and TQM elements because wDQIBZhnMqU-00053-00015256-00015503 each member heads a different group they wDQIBZhnMqU-00054-00015504-00015755 each have a unique perspective as to why wDQIBZhnMqU-00055-00015756-00016022 profit is tanking and what should be wDQIBZhnMqU-00056-00016023-00016292 done about it in this case the ideas wDQIBZhnMqU-00057-00016293-00016511 thrown out by the group led to the wDQIBZhnMqU-00058-00016512-00016781 consideration of facts which are very wDQIBZhnMqU-00059-00016782-00017165 important to the TQM process the members wDQIBZhnMqU-00060-00017166-00017369 of the group expressed a need for more wDQIBZhnMqU-00061-00017370-00017717 facts before developing a plan sometimes wDQIBZhnMqU-00062-00017718-00018000 this happens and applying a TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00063-00018001-00018225 framework can help the group realize wDQIBZhnMqU-00064-00018226-00018500 this and obtain the facts needed to make wDQIBZhnMqU-00065-00018501-00018812 a plan for implementation having the wDQIBZhnMqU-00066-00018813-00019028 facts can help the panicking group wDQIBZhnMqU-00067-00019029-00019277 direct their efforts in a strategic way wDQIBZhnMqU-00068-00019278-00019511 through the framework of the TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00069-00019512-00019793 elements the group can develop a plan to wDQIBZhnMqU-00070-00019794-00020036 improve metrics associated with wDQIBZhnMqU-00071-00020037-00020306 increasing profit and implement changes wDQIBZhnMqU-00072-00020307-00020628 to bring this about finally in the third wDQIBZhnMqU-00073-00020629-00020837 scenario the group was asked to wDQIBZhnMqU-00074-00020838-00021128 recommend a strategy based on TQM theory wDQIBZhnMqU-00075-00021129-00021434 to keep inventory turnover high in this wDQIBZhnMqU-00076-00021435-00021711 case TQM really helped the group wDQIBZhnMqU-00077-00021712-00022005 brainstorm some concrete steps they wDQIBZhnMqU-00078-00022006-00022203 could take to move toward this goal wDQIBZhnMqU-00079-00022204-00022559 further they talked concretely about how wDQIBZhnMqU-00080-00022560-00022824 they'd actually implement the various wDQIBZhnMqU-00081-00022825-00023202 TQM steps in moving toward the goal such wDQIBZhnMqU-00082-00023203-00023425 practical ideas can lead to a wDQIBZhnMqU-00083-00023426-00023714 strategically focused master plan for wDQIBZhnMqU-00084-00023715-00024192 keeping turnover high in this case TQM wDQIBZhnMqU-00085-00024193-00024417 was helpful because it guided the group wDQIBZhnMqU-00086-00024418-00024692 toward an overall strategy which in turn wDQIBZhnMqU-00087-00024693-00024887 provided a context for the wDQIBZhnMqU-00088-00024888-00025271 implementation of all the TQM steps now wDQIBZhnMqU-00089-00025272-00025521 the group just has to formulate a wDQIBZhnMqU-00090-00025522-00025793 specific plan to move forward in wDQIBZhnMqU-00091-00025794-00026043 conclusion total quality management wDQIBZhnMqU-00092-00026044-00026343 Theory provides an approach that can be wDQIBZhnMqU-00093-00026344-00026595 used to guide problem-solving at the wDQIBZhnMqU-00094-00026597-00026895 level that results in plans that require wDQIBZhnMqU-00095-00026895-00027183 participation of workers at all levels wDQIBZhnMqU-00096-00027183-00027498 TQM is based on eight elements is wDQIBZhnMqU-00097-00027499-00027838 implemented in 12 steps and can be wDQIBZhnMqU-00098-00027839-00028027 guided by different implementation wDQIBZhnMqU-00099-00028027-00028318 strategies it provides a framework in wDQIBZhnMqU-00100-00028319-00028486 which business leaders can work together wDQIBZhnMqU-00101-00028487-00028729 to chart a course toward quality wDQIBZhnMqU-00102-00028730-00029131 improvement in their organization thank wDQIBZhnMqU-00103-00029132-00029383 you for completing our online simulation wDQIBZhnMqU-00104-00029383-00029605 leadership module on total quality wDQIBZhnMqU-00105-00029606-00029875 management please help us out by wDQIBZhnMqU-00106-00029876-00030118 completing our anonymous post module wDQIBZhnMqU-00107-00030119-00030391 survey by clicking on the survey link on wDQIBZhnMqU-00108-00030392-00030627 the completion page of the module and wDQIBZhnMqU-00109-00030629-00030970 have a nice day wEDdGYNjWKQ-00000-00000016-00000303 things we cannot have you know i said wEDdGYNjWKQ-00001-00000304-00000463 before i've said before when wEDdGYNjWKQ-00002-00000463-00000638 when my son was in the room that you wEDdGYNjWKQ-00003-00000639-00000927 know i i love my 14 year old son and i'm wEDdGYNjWKQ-00004-00000927-00001127 so proud of him and happy to have him wEDdGYNjWKQ-00005-00001128-00001335 but i miss the two-year-old version of wEDdGYNjWKQ-00006-00001336-00001535 him you know i really do wEDdGYNjWKQ-00007-00001536-00001798 and it was different and it's impossible wEDdGYNjWKQ-00008-00001800-00002039 to have both of those at the same time wEDdGYNjWKQ-00009-00002039-00002384 and i think that's what i saw wG-9EKEdnBE-00000-00000078-00000363 you guys look legit right wG-9EKEdnBE-00001-00000364-00000596 it's another mail call video so I hope wG-9EKEdnBE-00002-00000597-00000779 you enjoy it and I think we're like a wG-9EKEdnBE-00003-00000780-00000929 [__] on we're doing the intro because wG-9EKEdnBE-00004-00000930-00001525 there's nobody driving off in a bit wG-9EKEdnBE-00005-00001526-00003220 [Music] wG-9EKEdnBE-00006-00003221-00003565 hey guys as I said it's another mail wG-9EKEdnBE-00007-00003567-00003604 call wG-9EKEdnBE-00008-00003606-00003842 it's one my fund again he's basically wG-9EKEdnBE-00009-00003843-00004142 sent me another load of stuff well it's wG-9EKEdnBE-00010-00004143-00004412 not a load literally two items but two wG-9EKEdnBE-00011-00004413-00004556 quite expensive items as you can see wG-9EKEdnBE-00012-00004557-00004811 there's still be look staring yes this wG-9EKEdnBE-00013-00004812-00004931 point something about gardening she wG-9EKEdnBE-00014-00004932-00005485 could probably but one of them is this wG-9EKEdnBE-00015-00005486-00005936 hi boy I will have to leave the name of wG-9EKEdnBE-00016-00005937-00006343 it down in the down here honest truth wG-9EKEdnBE-00017-00006344-00006569 the accompaniment was called its carbon wG-9EKEdnBE-00018-00006570-00006938 steel very nice he's changed it modified wG-9EKEdnBE-00019-00006939-00007169 it for me and slightly I did this I wG-9EKEdnBE-00020-00007170-00007328 don't know like I don't know that's wG-9EKEdnBE-00021-00007329-00007508 right to you guys but I did that I wG-9EKEdnBE-00022-00007509-00007733 thought my firm one of my first attempts wG-9EKEdnBE-00023-00007734-00007948 trying to do it he did that this was a wG-9EKEdnBE-00024-00007950-00008228 lanyard cuz I'm a neck I might do that wG-9EKEdnBE-00025-00008229-00008366 might put that back as I'm on you wG-9EKEdnBE-00026-00008367-00008624 yeah so that's one of them it's quite wG-9EKEdnBE-00027-00008625-00008674 nice wG-9EKEdnBE-00028-00008675-00009290 finally I can hammer split quite I dig wG-9EKEdnBE-00029-00009291-00009646 but this is only the mini one it's not wG-9EKEdnBE-00030-00009647-00009941 the light one so yeah I was looking at wG-9EKEdnBE-00031-00009942-00010066 one of these a long time ago I mentioned wG-9EKEdnBE-00032-00010067-00010612 to him and sort of buying people right wG-9EKEdnBE-00033-00010613-00010969 you all know as well I like terawatt as wG-9EKEdnBE-00034-00010970-00011377 you all know I love my dog monster I'm wG-9EKEdnBE-00035-00011378-00011605 sorry to say my dog I think my friends wG-9EKEdnBE-00036-00011606-00011860 claim to beat you on the bike dog month wG-9EKEdnBE-00037-00011861-00012083 on the mobster feral water if not what wG-9EKEdnBE-00038-00012084-00012248 they cook what you guys call a monster wG-9EKEdnBE-00039-00012249-00012455 for in a marathon in the States or in wG-9EKEdnBE-00040-00012456-00012710 Canada we can get that one I've looked wG-9EKEdnBE-00041-00012711-00012938 and I've look I've looked we can buy it wG-9EKEdnBE-00042-00012938-00013124 it's going to cost me I was 70 quid to wG-9EKEdnBE-00043-00013125-00013258 get its shipment he earned something wG-9EKEdnBE-00044-00013259-00013490 just over 200 quid Dubai so it's been wG-9EKEdnBE-00045-00013491-00013849 400 pound for phone I can't do it wG-9EKEdnBE-00046-00013850-00014438 but my friend has bought this one you wG-9EKEdnBE-00047-00014438-00015168 ready there it is wG-9EKEdnBE-00048-00015169-00015532 it is 10 inches long by half an inch wG-9EKEdnBE-00049-00015533-00017023 wide here's the difference it is huge it wG-9EKEdnBE-00050-00017024-00017410 is massive it is big it wastes over 200 wG-9EKEdnBE-00051-00017411-00017791 grams and yeah I can't believe he got wG-9EKEdnBE-00052-00017792-00018313 this so I want to put a hand on this as wG-9EKEdnBE-00053-00018314-00018532 well so if anybody can give me some tips wG-9EKEdnBE-00054-00018533-00018829 and I put a hand on this please do and I wG-9EKEdnBE-00055-00018830-00019090 said month on I'd do a pull of Joyce but wG-9EKEdnBE-00056-00019091-00019675 I know yours has a stinking board so wG-9EKEdnBE-00057-00019676-00019933 this is all inches bigger than your one wG-9EKEdnBE-00058-00019934-00020278 I love it I was going to ask you as well wG-9EKEdnBE-00059-00020279-00020443 if you would like one of these because wG-9EKEdnBE-00060-00020444-00020641 I'm guessing the number one ship to me wG-9EKEdnBE-00061-00020642-00020875 by him so I was going to say if you want wG-9EKEdnBE-00062-00020876-00021244 one I would love to send you one if you wG-9EKEdnBE-00063-00021245-00021436 don't mind if you would want it I was wG-9EKEdnBE-00064-00021437-00021703 tired two of you please leave me an wG-9EKEdnBE-00065-00021704-00022285 email please so yeah and so if anybody wG-9EKEdnBE-00066-00022286-00022438 can give me some tips I would hand on wG-9EKEdnBE-00067-00022439-00022789 this please do because I think it wG-9EKEdnBE-00068-00022790-00023140 deserves one it's just too big else wG-9EKEdnBE-00069-00023141-00023302 actually holding it here and you'll be wG-9EKEdnBE-00070-00023303-00023461 sorting half of it and then this half wG-9EKEdnBE-00071-00023462-00023647 you just won't be using because to be wG-9EKEdnBE-00072-00023648-00023818 using your hand on it I don't want that wG-9EKEdnBE-00073-00023819-00023980 I want to hold it like it's basically up wG-9EKEdnBE-00074-00023981-00024208 here what a handle and I can use the wG-9EKEdnBE-00075-00024209-00024721 whole say 9 inches so yeah it's just 2 wG-9EKEdnBE-00076-00024722-00025031 inches square from a foot I do like it I wG-9EKEdnBE-00077-00025032-00025272 do reckon it's going to quite crack and wG-9EKEdnBE-00078-00025273-00025540 piece of kid you did blows a hole in it wG-9EKEdnBE-00079-00025541-00025714 so that's the reason why I don't know if wG-9EKEdnBE-00080-00025714-00025914 I could put a handle in this one not so wG-9EKEdnBE-00081-00025916-00026565 yeah so that's my need to new piece to wG-9EKEdnBE-00082-00026566-00026956 the kit I've been sent to me and don't wG-9EKEdnBE-00083-00026957-00027510 you think tell me if you think I've gone wG-9EKEdnBE-00084-00027511-00027733 so thank you very much for watching wG-9EKEdnBE-00085-00027733-00027921 please like be sure this is going I wG-9EKEdnBE-00086-00027922-00028002 don't see you soon guys wG-9EKEdnBE-00087-00028003-00028473 and hopefully it will be wG-9EKEdnBE-00088-00028474-00028797 the button on this would okay it's sent wG-9EKEdnBE-00089-00028798-00029106 away to somebody to have the handle done wG-9EKEdnBE-00090-00029107-00029370 I don't know so yeah wG-9EKEdnBE-00091-00029370-00029693 and tomorrow's with your voice is a wG-9EKEdnBE-00092-00029694-00029955 potato head video potato heads done a wG-9EKEdnBE-00093-00029956-00030147 video it's called up on my channel wG-9EKEdnBE-00094-00030148-00030399 because he it's better because not my wG-9EKEdnBE-00095-00030400-00030531 channel is my channel I should really wG-9EKEdnBE-00096-00030532-00030777 say because then they would community we wG-9EKEdnBE-00097-00030777-00030869 work as a team wG-9EKEdnBE-00098-00030870-00031383 so yeah his video more so please check wG-9EKEdnBE-00099-00031383-00031749 out that up and we see is it thank you wG-9EKEdnBE-00100-00031750-00032744 [Music] wGJCN6yZ4oA-00000-00000011-00000262 the ninth congressional district of wGJCN6yZ4oA-00001-00000263-00000482 Illinois covers parts of Cook County as wGJCN6yZ4oA-00002-00000483-00000724 of the 2011 redistricting which followed wGJCN6yZ4oA-00003-00000725-00001025 the 2010 census all are parts of Chicago wGJCN6yZ4oA-00004-00001026-00001349 Des Plaines Evanston Glenview Lincoln wGJCN6yZ4oA-00005-00001350-00001591 wood Morton Grove Mount Prospect Niles wGJCN6yZ4oA-00006-00001592-00001852 Park Ridge Prospect Heights Skokie wGJCN6yZ4oA-00007-00001853-00002023 Wilmette and Winnetka and Arlington wGJCN6yZ4oA-00008-00002025-00002279 Heights are included it is anchored in wGJCN6yZ4oA-00009-00002280-00002516 Chicago's North Side along Lake Michigan wGJCN6yZ4oA-00010-00002517-00002717 and covers many of Chicago's northern wGJCN6yZ4oA-00011-00002718-00003023 suburbs Democrat jan Schakowsky has wGJCN6yZ4oA-00012-00003024-00003233 represented the district since January wGJCN6yZ4oA-00013-00003234-00003575 1999 the district is one of the most wGJCN6yZ4oA-00014-00003576-00003827 reliably Democratic districts in Chicago wGJCN6yZ4oA-00015-00003828-00004094 and in all of Illinois it has been in wGJCN6yZ4oA-00016-00004095-00004288 democratic hands without interruption wGJCN6yZ4oA-00017-00004289-00004565 since 1949 and for all but six years wGJCN6yZ4oA-00018-00004566-00004916 since 1935 only three people have held wGJCN6yZ4oA-00019-00004917-00005186 the district since 1949 Sidney Yates wGJCN6yZ4oA-00020-00005187-00005479 Edward Finnegan and Schakowsky Yates wGJCN6yZ4oA-00021-00005480-00005759 gave up the seat in 1962 to run for wGJCN6yZ4oA-00022-00005760-00005993 United States Senate when he lost wGJCN6yZ4oA-00023-00005994-00006227 Chicago machine officials persuaded wGJCN6yZ4oA-00024-00006228-00006428 Finnegan who had succeeded Yates after wGJCN6yZ4oA-00025-00006429-00006598 his former district was merged with the wGJCN6yZ4oA-00026-00006600-00006834 ninth to hand the seat back to Yates wGJCN6yZ4oA-00027-00006836-00007123 Schakowsky won the seat in 1998 after wGJCN6yZ4oA-00028-00007125-00007685 Yates retired wGJCN6yZ4oA-00029-00007686-00008198 topic elections wGJCN6yZ4oA-00030-00008199-00008537 you wGJCN6yZ4oA-00031-00008538-00009087 topic 2012 election wGJCN6yZ4oA-00032-00009088-00009426 you wGJCN6yZ4oA-00033-00009427-00009948 topic 2014 wGJCN6yZ4oA-00034-00009949-00010287 you wGJCN6yZ4oA-00035-00010288-00010814 topic 2018 wGJCN6yZ4oA-00036-00010815-00011099 jan Schakowsky incumbent defeated john wGJCN6yZ4oA-00037-00011100-00011339 Elson in the November 2018 election wGJCN6yZ4oA-00038-00011340-00012081 winning by a margin of nearly 70 percent wGJCN6yZ4oA-00039-00012082-00012573 topic voting wGJCN6yZ4oA-00040-00012574-00012819 the district has a cook partisan voting wGJCN6yZ4oA-00041-00012819-00013515 index score of D plus two Oh wGJCN6yZ4oA-00042-00013516-00014104 topic list of Representatives wGJCN6yZ4oA-00043-00014105-00014469 you wGJCN6yZ4oA-00044-00014470-00015111 topic historical district boundaries wGJCN6yZ4oA-00045-00015112-00015474 you wGJCN6yZ4oA-00046-00015475-00016015 topic C also wGJCN6yZ4oA-00047-00016016-00016363 Illinois's congressional districts list wGJCN6yZ4oA-00048-00016363-00016780 of United States congressional districts wKBwR8GrD1I-00000-00000011-00000254 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00001-00000256-00000329 neato wKBwR8GrD1I-00002-00000330-00000447 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00003-00000448-00000747 come on dipper your sister did it wKBwR8GrD1I-00004-00000748-00001166 [Laughter] wKBwR8GrD1I-00005-00001167-00001423 hey you know what just there you go good wKBwR8GrD1I-00006-00001424-00001566 job throwing the kid off the fence wKBwR8GrD1I-00007-00001567-00001948 genius wKBwR8GrD1I-00008-00001950-00002514 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00009-00002515-00002879 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00010-00002880-00003118 i can't get in but i'm sure uh hercules wKBwR8GrD1I-00011-00003119-00003254 here is going to break it down like wKBwR8GrD1I-00012-00003255-00003529 junior let me take a crack at it wKBwR8GrD1I-00013-00003529-00004038 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00014-00004039-00004263 so what are we going to do now anything wKBwR8GrD1I-00015-00004264-00004483 we want wKBwR8GrD1I-00016-00004484-00005031 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00017-00005032-00005183 i thought this stuff was banned in wKBwR8GrD1I-00018-00005184-00005854 america maybe they had a good reason wKBwR8GrD1I-00019-00005855-00006191 you know i think i'm feeling kind of wKBwR8GrD1I-00020-00006192-00006567 weird i think i know what you mean wKBwR8GrD1I-00021-00006568-00006991 i feel so sweet wKBwR8GrD1I-00022-00006992-00007640 maybe we're wKBwR8GrD1I-00023-00007641-00007842 [Laughter] wKBwR8GrD1I-00024-00007843-00008327 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00025-00008328-00008614 that joke was really something yeah wKBwR8GrD1I-00026-00008615-00008754 something terrible wKBwR8GrD1I-00027-00008755-00009759 [Laughter] wKBwR8GrD1I-00028-00009760-00011223 what's going on wKBwR8GrD1I-00029-00011224-00012041 what do we wKBwR8GrD1I-00030-00012042-00012551 [Music] wKBwR8GrD1I-00031-00012552-00012767 do you think what we're experiencing is wKBwR8GrD1I-00032-00012768-00012935 real huh wKBwR8GrD1I-00033-00012936-00013655 if we're in a dream wKBwR8GrD1I-00034-00013656-00013838 where is there anything i want to go wKBwR8GrD1I-00035-00013840-00014030 home i want to go home i'm going to go wKBwR8GrD1I-00036-00014031-00014151 home i want to go home wKBwR8GrD1I-00037-00014152-00014471 i miss gary patrick sandy mr krabs and wKBwR8GrD1I-00038-00014472-00014647 all the other people i'm forced to be in wKBwR8GrD1I-00039-00014647-00015111 contact with i even miss spongebob wKBwR8GrD1I-00040-00015112-00015375 i'm never gonna eat or do anything ever wKBwR8GrD1I-00041-00015376-00015471 again wKBwR8GrD1I-00042-00015472-00016672 hey there's still some left wL9JYzwjSly-00000-00000000-00000470 Diana there's none ya task Oh dusty wL9JYzwjSly-00001-00000471-00000912 world land hey buddy buddy go just China wL9JYzwjSly-00002-00000913-00001190 or economic or toilet I will ever heard wL9JYzwjSly-00003-00001191-00001408 of a good day that they range a big wL9JYzwjSly-00004-00001409-00001670 talker gonna say I don't wL9JYzwjSly-00005-00001671-00001880 Adam back the language passing a book wL9JYzwjSly-00006-00001880-00002159 about imagine in could they come up wL9JYzwjSly-00007-00002160-00002758 nicely hamari bear ye mom today I want wL9JYzwjSly-00008-00002759-00002945 to eat up the past wL9JYzwjSly-00009-00002946-00003401 I tried calling wL9JYzwjSly-00010-00003402-00003553 [Music] wL9JYzwjSly-00011-00003554-00005105 jinda a few moments later wL9JYzwjSly-00012-00005106-00006028 [Music] wL9JYzwjSly-00013-00006029-00007088 [Music] wL9JYzwjSly-00014-00007089-00008273 [Music] wL9JYzwjSly-00015-00008274-00008673 our guru book Judy autumn around and I wL9JYzwjSly-00016-00008674-00008895 never dated to my team or plugged up as wL9JYzwjSly-00017-00008896-00009129 a big on them they are a subset and wL9JYzwjSly-00018-00009130-00009384 battering him openly Johnny money as wL9JYzwjSly-00019-00009385-00009678 much just put samples of butter wL9JYzwjSly-00020-00009679-00010046 literally rule of Sarrus Kapadia nav wL9JYzwjSly-00021-00010047-00011268 Joshua craft-a-monga metal original wL9JYzwjSly-00022-00011269-00011529 chan-hom 9 mins and montañosa wL9JYzwjSly-00023-00011530-00011766 common Quan Yin Manteca in the bottom wL9JYzwjSly-00024-00011767-00011964 tamerica platinum video manager wL9JYzwjSly-00025-00011965-00014947 commander come on boy wL9JYzwjSly-00026-00014947-00015289 our job was to DG they come out he did a wL9JYzwjSly-00027-00015290-00015527 book III just expending to put it out to wL9JYzwjSly-00028-00015528-00015769 be a something for Nicola gave him my wL9JYzwjSly-00030-00018942-00019234 disinterested a family mother charged us wL9JYzwjSly-00031-00019235-00019486 off Jamaat idea it'll stay there catch wL9JYzwjSly-00033-00026227-00026620 ARIMA a dope yeah my Tokyo scared I'm in wL9JYzwjSly-00034-00026620-00026866 the South economy Twitter and pretended wL9JYzwjSly-00035-00026867-00027845 subtle because second wL9JYzwjSly-00036-00027845-00029099 you wL9JYzwjSly-00037-00029100-00029505 at a banquet table owner reading a wL9JYzwjSly-00038-00029506-00029633 Content area today wL9JYzwjSly-00039-00029634-00030051 jello ero album but ferringhi ugly pig wL9JYzwjSly-00040-00030052-00030480 señor Escobar a metallurgist me yato wL9JYzwjSly-00041-00030481-00030711 Disney Puritan card or a primo müller wL9JYzwjSly-00042-00030712-00031062 for Daniela corner rather than could wL9JYzwjSly-00043-00031063-00031338 another kind of a little face another wL9JYzwjSly-00044-00031339-00032176 day wL9JYzwjSly-00046-00036552-00036821 yeah don't leave an item Lucas and I was wL9JYzwjSly-00047-00036822-00036910 admitted wL9JYzwjSly-00048-00036911-00037096 Tippecanoe gee I didn't really show us wL9JYzwjSly-00049-00037097-00037252 all yeah I want to let it go get the wL9JYzwjSly-00050-00037253-00037593 needle you can achieve your circle wL9JYzwjSly-00051-00037594-00037795 cutter necklace up here and what love wL9JYzwjSly-00052-00037796-00038074 yeah like who I love my just letter to wL9JYzwjSly-00053-00038075-00038412 you such a change their keys holiday a wL9JYzwjSly-00054-00038413-00038646 window scaritage will pay with more and wL9JYzwjSly-00055-00038647-00038943 about that matter Braley you mean don't wL9JYzwjSly-00056-00038944-00039495 make any jungle genom Nesta hey Vega wL9JYzwjSly-00057-00039496-00039843 battlenet don't go a question the red I wL9JYzwjSly-00058-00039844-00040120 don't see me cool Dana might alumni wL9JYzwjSly-00059-00040121-00040449 don't go I let it it a little yeah wL9JYzwjSly-00060-00040450-00040836 Jamie's I'm coming 50,000 got over two wL9JYzwjSly-00061-00040837-00041143 million got literally don't whisper wL9JYzwjSly-00062-00041144-00041412 little B yeah my love wL9JYzwjSly-00063-00041413-00041626 yeah I seen the druggie 14 degree but wL9JYzwjSly-00064-00041627-00041946 Irina and thanks for watching like wL9JYzwjSly-00065-00041947-00042258 subscribe button layout I meant to be wL9JYzwjSly-00066-00042259-00042433 garden I had a service corridor to wL9JYzwjSly-00067-00042434-00042639 Kenichi licked an online button Kalamata wL9JYzwjSly-00068-00042640-00042939 love thankful total my name is Fatima wL9JYzwjSly-00069-00042940-00043108 cadet of handkerchief am i log on wL9JYzwjSly-00070-00043109-00043495 tomorrow yoga Nagato but good a lunatic wL9JYzwjSly-00071-00043496-00045622 I like it wL9JYzwjSly-00072-00045623-00045931 [Music] wM-HNYOhudA-00000-00000955-00001340 when we evaluate a property the first wM-HNYOhudA-00001-00001341-00001646 thing we evaluate is is it significant wM-HNYOhudA-00002-00001647-00001895 does it meet one of our National wM-HNYOhudA-00003-00001896-00002209 Register criteria the next step is to wM-HNYOhudA-00004-00002210-00002525 evaluate its historic integrity historic wM-HNYOhudA-00005-00002526-00002782 integrity is defined as those physical wM-HNYOhudA-00006-00002783-00003034 characteristics that are tangibly wM-HNYOhudA-00007-00003035-00003304 related to the importance of that wM-HNYOhudA-00008-00003305-00003620 historic property there's seven aspects wM-HNYOhudA-00009-00003621-00003920 of integrity that we evaluate properties wM-HNYOhudA-00010-00003921-00004263 under location setting design wM-HNYOhudA-00011-00004264-00004640 workmanship materials Association and wM-HNYOhudA-00012-00004641-00004963 feeling those seven aspects of integrity wM-HNYOhudA-00013-00004964-00005215 are all important but they are weighted wM-HNYOhudA-00014-00005216-00005558 depending on why a property is important wM-HNYOhudA-00015-00005559-00005788 so a property that is significant under wM-HNYOhudA-00016-00005789-00006131 criterion C or its architecture for its wM-HNYOhudA-00017-00006132-00006413 distinctive characteristics of a period wM-HNYOhudA-00018-00006414-00006742 or type of property or of the work of a wM-HNYOhudA-00019-00006743-00007016 master or of high artistic value wM-HNYOhudA-00020-00007017-00007231 integrity of design is paramount wM-HNYOhudA-00021-00007233-00007514 integrity of workmanship is important wM-HNYOhudA-00022-00007515-00007766 integrity of materials is essential wM-HNYOhudA-00023-00007767-00008183 integrity of location may be compromised wM-HNYOhudA-00024-00008184-00008507 a moved property that is a significant wM-HNYOhudA-00025-00008508-00008867 example of a prac through trust bridge wM-HNYOhudA-00026-00008868-00009124 can still be a significant example of a wM-HNYOhudA-00027-00009125-00009349 prat through trust bridge if it has been wM-HNYOhudA-00028-00009350-00009589 relocated however if you're going to wM-HNYOhudA-00029-00009590-00009796 nominate a property for its association wM-HNYOhudA-00030-00009797-00010139 with events criterion a location is wM-HNYOhudA-00031-00010140-00010310 about most importance because that's wM-HNYOhudA-00032-00010311-00010621 where the event took place the feeling wM-HNYOhudA-00033-00010622-00010949 that the property engenders in you is wM-HNYOhudA-00034-00010950-00011242 important does this look right do I get wM-HNYOhudA-00035-00011243-00011463 that sense of time and place is wM-HNYOhudA-00036-00011464-00011870 important the design may not be as wM-HNYOhudA-00037-00011871-00012080 important what would be important is wM-HNYOhudA-00038-00012081-00012469 those aspects of design that help define wM-HNYOhudA-00039-00012470-00012836 the event interior spaces should be wM-HNYOhudA-00040-00012837-00013125 reflective of that period when that wM-HNYOhudA-00041-00013126-00013336 event have occurred but the fact that wM-HNYOhudA-00042-00013337-00013561 the building itself may have been wM-HNYOhudA-00043-00013562-00013852 altered over time is of less importance wM-HNYOhudA-00044-00013853-00014316 we weigh the integrity of design or wM-HNYOhudA-00045-00014316-00014688 workmanship less than we would location wM-HNYOhudA-00046-00014690-00015198 setting and feeling and Association wNAzGuR4wsE-00000-00000301-00000663 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00001-00000664-00000743 hey friends wNAzGuR4wsE-00002-00000744-00000871 in this video we're going to take a look wNAzGuR4wsE-00003-00000872-00001047 at six different methods for creating wNAzGuR4wsE-00004-00001048-00001223 riser sounds riser sounds are like those wNAzGuR4wsE-00005-00001224-00001399 things that lead into the next downbeat wNAzGuR4wsE-00006-00001400-00001511 you could also think of them wNAzGuR4wsE-00007-00001512-00001679 as transition sounds in any of these wNAzGuR4wsE-00008-00001680-00001807 sounds i'm about to show you you could wNAzGuR4wsE-00009-00001807-00001942 just reverse them and all of a sudden wNAzGuR4wsE-00010-00001943-00001998 they are now wNAzGuR4wsE-00011-00002000-00002223 impact sounds or down sounds there's a wNAzGuR4wsE-00012-00002224-00002367 lot of different names for these things wNAzGuR4wsE-00013-00002368-00002550 anyway if you like this kind of thing wNAzGuR4wsE-00014-00002551-00002671 like comment subscribe wNAzGuR4wsE-00015-00002672-00002895 let's get into it okay so in this first wNAzGuR4wsE-00016-00002896-00003039 example take a listen to this this is wNAzGuR4wsE-00017-00003040-00003353 just using ableton simpler wNAzGuR4wsE-00018-00003354-00004095 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00019-00004096-00004263 cool so this method of making a riser wNAzGuR4wsE-00020-00004264-00004399 sound is just using one wNAzGuR4wsE-00021-00004400-00004543 sample so i'm going to go ahead and make wNAzGuR4wsE-00022-00004544-00004638 this from scratch i'm going to make a wNAzGuR4wsE-00023-00004639-00004751 new midi track wNAzGuR4wsE-00024-00004752-00004902 and you can use any sample i'm going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00025-00004903-00005415 use one of these knocks wNAzGuR4wsE-00026-00005416-00005663 from our forest collection and if you wNAzGuR4wsE-00027-00005664-00005799 ever want to just make a simpler real wNAzGuR4wsE-00028-00005800-00005943 quick just take a sample and drag it wNAzGuR4wsE-00029-00005944-00006038 into a midi track wNAzGuR4wsE-00030-00006039-00006247 boom you get a simpler look at that all wNAzGuR4wsE-00031-00006248-00006414 right the way that we do this wNAzGuR4wsE-00032-00006415-00006670 is we are looping playing the sample so wNAzGuR4wsE-00033-00006672-00007119 i'm turning on loop wNAzGuR4wsE-00034-00007120-00007223 now it's just going to loop forever wNAzGuR4wsE-00035-00007223-00007414 right so there's a lot of extra stuff wNAzGuR4wsE-00036-00007415-00007534 here i don't need any of that i just wNAzGuR4wsE-00037-00007536-00007598 kind of need wNAzGuR4wsE-00038-00007600-00007734 maybe like this much so i'm going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00039-00007736-00007991 bring this this is the end of the sample wNAzGuR4wsE-00040-00007992-00008127 playhead right and this is the beginning wNAzGuR4wsE-00041-00008128-00008319 of the sample right so i'm just going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00042-00008320-00008519 bring it maybe to like right here wNAzGuR4wsE-00043-00008520-00008710 and as you can see you've got a much wNAzGuR4wsE-00044-00008711-00008823 faster loop wNAzGuR4wsE-00045-00008824-00008942 the other cool thing you can do is you wNAzGuR4wsE-00046-00008943-00009135 can turn the length down and this is the wNAzGuR4wsE-00047-00009136-00009310 this is how we make this effect so as i wNAzGuR4wsE-00048-00009311-00009799 turn the length down it sounds like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00049-00009800-00009935 but notice how it's snapping to wNAzGuR4wsE-00050-00009936-00010135 different places that's because snap is wNAzGuR4wsE-00051-00010136-00010246 on what snap does wNAzGuR4wsE-00052-00010247-00010455 is it basically finds zero crossings in wNAzGuR4wsE-00053-00010456-00010687 the waveform and snaps to them but if we wNAzGuR4wsE-00054-00010688-00010831 turn this off we can get a smooth wNAzGuR4wsE-00055-00010832-00010951 transition wNAzGuR4wsE-00056-00010952-00011167 as you can see it's just smoothly going wNAzGuR4wsE-00057-00011168-00011310 through that sample and making that loop wNAzGuR4wsE-00058-00011311-00011423 shorter and shorter so we get this wNAzGuR4wsE-00059-00011424-00011967 effect wNAzGuR4wsE-00060-00011968-00012174 right and so what we can also do is you wNAzGuR4wsE-00061-00012175-00012391 can see that the transient of this wNAzGuR4wsE-00062-00012392-00012583 sample is kind of high right here what i wNAzGuR4wsE-00063-00012584-00012742 can do is i can kind of just wNAzGuR4wsE-00064-00012743-00012894 get away from all that nonsense and just wNAzGuR4wsE-00065-00012895-00013030 kind of get into this area so we can get wNAzGuR4wsE-00066-00013031-00013494 a smoother sound wNAzGuR4wsE-00067-00013495-00013694 right so the next thing we'll do is wNAzGuR4wsE-00068-00013695-00013822 we'll make a big midi clip so i'm going wNAzGuR4wsE-00069-00013823-00013927 to select this area wNAzGuR4wsE-00070-00013928-00014127 hit shift command m which makes a midi wNAzGuR4wsE-00071-00014128-00014358 clip then i'm going to take a wNAzGuR4wsE-00072-00014359-00014527 just make a note doesn't matter which wNAzGuR4wsE-00073-00014528-00014766 one this is kind of an atonal sample wNAzGuR4wsE-00074-00014768-00014919 and as you decrease a loop length what wNAzGuR4wsE-00075-00014919-00015158 do you do you actually go up and pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00076-00015159-00015375 so that gives you going up in pitch is wNAzGuR4wsE-00077-00015376-00015535 one of the main features wNAzGuR4wsE-00078-00015536-00015766 of many riser sounds right so now what wNAzGuR4wsE-00079-00015768-00015919 we're going to do is as you can see wNAzGuR4wsE-00080-00015919-00016247 knock 14 sample length right it's right wNAzGuR4wsE-00081-00016247-00016311 there wNAzGuR4wsE-00082-00016312-00016583 so the length of this loop is ready to wNAzGuR4wsE-00083-00016584-00016639 go wNAzGuR4wsE-00084-00016640-00016886 so i'm going to take this make a little wNAzGuR4wsE-00085-00016887-00016943 break point wNAzGuR4wsE-00086-00016944-00017135 at 100 and then take another break point wNAzGuR4wsE-00087-00017136-00017247 and make it down at zero and let's take wNAzGuR4wsE-00088-00017248-00017750 a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00089-00017751-00017950 cool but as you can hear there's a lot wNAzGuR4wsE-00090-00017951-00018094 more action at the end than there is at wNAzGuR4wsE-00091-00018095-00018239 the beginning wNAzGuR4wsE-00092-00018240-00018391 and that's because of the exponential wNAzGuR4wsE-00093-00018392-00018558 nature of doing something like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00094-00018559-00018735 so what we can do is we can bend this wNAzGuR4wsE-00095-00018736-00018894 curve to make it make more sense wNAzGuR4wsE-00096-00018895-00019022 and the way that we do that is we hover wNAzGuR4wsE-00097-00019023-00019271 the mouse until this line turns blue wNAzGuR4wsE-00098-00019272-00019535 oh see how it turns blue we want to get wNAzGuR4wsE-00099-00019536-00019694 right up under it and then you can hold wNAzGuR4wsE-00100-00019695-00019967 option and you can click and you can wNAzGuR4wsE-00101-00019968-00020127 pull it down and you can skew it see how wNAzGuR4wsE-00102-00020128-00020230 you can skew this wNAzGuR4wsE-00103-00020231-00020927 so now we get a much better wNAzGuR4wsE-00104-00020928-00021127 much better sound right now at this wNAzGuR4wsE-00105-00021128-00021311 point this is kind of cool but this is a wNAzGuR4wsE-00106-00021312-00021511 very basic sound so how do we how do we wNAzGuR4wsE-00107-00021512-00021647 get some action out of this well we want wNAzGuR4wsE-00108-00021648-00021775 to get some movement going well maybe wNAzGuR4wsE-00109-00021776-00021903 we'll go over to controls wNAzGuR4wsE-00110-00021904-00022135 and simpler has an lfo so what i can do wNAzGuR4wsE-00111-00022136-00022247 is i can say all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00112-00022248-00022414 let's add some filter action to this so wNAzGuR4wsE-00113-00022415-00022550 i'll turn the filter down just a little wNAzGuR4wsE-00114-00022551-00022614 bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00115-00022615-00022863 and i'll add the lfo to the filter so wNAzGuR4wsE-00116-00022864-00023022 here's the lfo section and you can see wNAzGuR4wsE-00117-00023023-00023086 filter is wNAzGuR4wsE-00118-00023087-00023286 set at zero right now if i turn this up wNAzGuR4wsE-00119-00023287-00023742 and i play this wNAzGuR4wsE-00120-00023743-00023878 we can kind of hear some action if you wNAzGuR4wsE-00121-00023879-00023999 turn up the resonance you can hear it a wNAzGuR4wsE-00122-00024000-00024367 little bit better wNAzGuR4wsE-00123-00024368-00024783 maybe we'll turn it down wNAzGuR4wsE-00124-00024784-00024942 okay that's something we're getting wNAzGuR4wsE-00125-00024943-00025255 somewhere wNAzGuR4wsE-00126-00025256-00025367 but the next thing i want to do is i wNAzGuR4wsE-00127-00025368-00025583 want the lfo to spin up faster another wNAzGuR4wsE-00128-00025584-00025758 feature of a lot of risers is what wNAzGuR4wsE-00129-00025760-00025950 you're trying to do is you're trying to wNAzGuR4wsE-00130-00025951-00026158 build up energy right energy is building wNAzGuR4wsE-00131-00026160-00026335 up you're trying to get anticipation wNAzGuR4wsE-00132-00026336-00026543 anticipation for what's happening next wNAzGuR4wsE-00133-00026544-00026655 so essentially wNAzGuR4wsE-00134-00026656-00026823 if i take the lfo and i make it really wNAzGuR4wsE-00135-00026824-00027023 low or slow okay wNAzGuR4wsE-00136-00027024-00027246 and then i increase its speed over time wNAzGuR4wsE-00137-00027247-00027423 this will build up that anticipation so wNAzGuR4wsE-00138-00027424-00027737 let's take a listen to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00139-00027738-00027967 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00140-00027968-00028183 right so we're getting closer to our wNAzGuR4wsE-00141-00028183-00028399 sound maybe what i'll do is i'll also wNAzGuR4wsE-00142-00028400-00028623 hold option under this curve and kind of wNAzGuR4wsE-00143-00028624-00028758 bend it up a bit and i don't need to wNAzGuR4wsE-00144-00028760-00028958 start that low maybe something like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00145-00028960-00029111 and maybe i'll try to turn the frequency wNAzGuR4wsE-00146-00029112-00029695 up just a little bit take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00147-00029695-00029839 now yeah now the cool thing about the wNAzGuR4wsE-00148-00029839-00030039 lfo on simpler is that it's got a lot of wNAzGuR4wsE-00149-00030039-00030199 range you can go all the way up to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00150-00030200-00030255 crazy wNAzGuR4wsE-00151-00030256-00030551 almost audio rate 30 hertz super fast wNAzGuR4wsE-00152-00030552-00030679 right so let's take a listen to this i'm wNAzGuR4wsE-00153-00030680-00030718 going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00154-00030719-00031072 increase this a little bit more wNAzGuR4wsE-00155-00031073-00031367 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00156-00031368-00031479 now we might as well have a little bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00157-00031480-00031639 of fun now that we have this lfo set up wNAzGuR4wsE-00158-00031639-00031831 we could also pan this a little bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00159-00031832-00032014 so i'll turn the panning up to 20 and wNAzGuR4wsE-00160-00032016-00032385 now it's going to swirl around your head wNAzGuR4wsE-00161-00032386-00032614 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00162-00032616-00032831 right awesome so that's our first wNAzGuR4wsE-00163-00032832-00033062 example using simpler just to make a wNAzGuR4wsE-00164-00033063-00033271 simple riser right let's take a look at wNAzGuR4wsE-00165-00033272-00033455 maybe a more complex example so here's wNAzGuR4wsE-00166-00033456-00033599 an operator and i don't need to make a wNAzGuR4wsE-00167-00033600-00033855 midi track if i just hold a key wNAzGuR4wsE-00168-00033856-00034311 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00169-00034312-00034479 you can hear that the operator just wNAzGuR4wsE-00170-00034480-00034679 within itself is doing the trick here wNAzGuR4wsE-00171-00034680-00034727 all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00172-00034728-00034862 so there's so many different ways we wNAzGuR4wsE-00173-00034863-00035007 could do this let's just go ahead and go wNAzGuR4wsE-00174-00035008-00035055 over the wNAzGuR4wsE-00175-00035056-00035287 the overarching concept here i'm just wNAzGuR4wsE-00176-00035288-00035399 going to grab a wNAzGuR4wsE-00177-00035400-00035511 operator and we're going to go from wNAzGuR4wsE-00178-00035512-00035790 scratch so wNAzGuR4wsE-00179-00035791-00035999 from scratch we just get a sine waveform wNAzGuR4wsE-00180-00036000-00036183 and what we can do is we can use the wNAzGuR4wsE-00181-00036184-00036311 second oscillator wNAzGuR4wsE-00182-00036312-00036711 to affect the first one right wNAzGuR4wsE-00183-00036712-00036911 so maybe the move here is to take the wNAzGuR4wsE-00184-00036912-00037071 envelope of the second oscillator and wNAzGuR4wsE-00185-00037072-00037167 make it slow wNAzGuR4wsE-00186-00037168-00037327 right and we'll turn the volume all the wNAzGuR4wsE-00187-00037328-00037609 way up so that this has an effect over wNAzGuR4wsE-00188-00037610-00037883 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00189-00037884-00038118 time wNAzGuR4wsE-00190-00038119-00038302 we can hear the harmonic content growing wNAzGuR4wsE-00191-00038303-00038462 over time and if we turn the wNAzGuR4wsE-00192-00038463-00038607 the pitch up a little bit we'll course wNAzGuR4wsE-00193-00038608-00038943 it up maybe to like nine or something wNAzGuR4wsE-00194-00038944-00039183 we can hear that extra harmonic coming wNAzGuR4wsE-00195-00039184-00039318 in there so maybe let's turn the volume wNAzGuR4wsE-00196-00039319-00039430 down now that we've got a brighter wNAzGuR4wsE-00197-00039431-00039879 signal wNAzGuR4wsE-00198-00039880-00040046 now in the last example we were talking wNAzGuR4wsE-00199-00040047-00040199 about one of the features of risers wNAzGuR4wsE-00200-00040200-00040327 being increasing pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00201-00040328-00040455 so what we can do is we can go to the wNAzGuR4wsE-00202-00040456-00040687 pitch envelope over here and when you wNAzGuR4wsE-00203-00040688-00040767 turn it on wNAzGuR4wsE-00204-00040768-00041015 you're presented with this envelope here wNAzGuR4wsE-00205-00041016-00041151 so what i could do is i could wNAzGuR4wsE-00206-00041152-00041383 bring the envelope down and you can go wNAzGuR4wsE-00207-00041384-00041479 all the way down to wNAzGuR4wsE-00208-00041480-00041711 negative 48 and so now if i turn the wNAzGuR4wsE-00209-00041712-00041918 pitch envelope effect up see okay so you wNAzGuR4wsE-00210-00041919-00041951 can wNAzGuR4wsE-00211-00041952-00042102 make the envelope but you have to apply wNAzGuR4wsE-00212-00042103-00042343 the envelope to the synth in order for wNAzGuR4wsE-00213-00042344-00042679 it to do something so now we have wNAzGuR4wsE-00214-00042680-00042846 right and so what i can do is i can say wNAzGuR4wsE-00215-00042847-00042999 okay so this is an envelope wNAzGuR4wsE-00216-00043000-00043255 it's only taking 500 milliseconds for it wNAzGuR4wsE-00217-00043256-00043390 to get all the way up to wNAzGuR4wsE-00218-00043391-00043639 its target pitch so what i need to do is wNAzGuR4wsE-00219-00043640-00043902 increase this decay time wNAzGuR4wsE-00220-00043903-00044123 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00221-00044124-00044471 [Applause] wNAzGuR4wsE-00222-00044472-00044639 now it's going to take 40 seconds to get wNAzGuR4wsE-00223-00044640-00044799 all the way up to the target pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00224-00044800-00044958 right and as you can see it's got wNAzGuR4wsE-00225-00044959-00045135 somewhat of an exponential curve wNAzGuR4wsE-00226-00045136-00045262 that's what this little dot does so i wNAzGuR4wsE-00227-00045263-00045399 can pull it down and make it more linear wNAzGuR4wsE-00228-00045400-00045712 if i want wNAzGuR4wsE-00229-00045713-00046055 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00230-00046056-00046246 right might be a bit slow maybe what wNAzGuR4wsE-00231-00046247-00046399 we'll do is we'll say all right maybe wNAzGuR4wsE-00232-00046400-00046676 something more like wNAzGuR4wsE-00233-00046677-00046799 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00234-00046800-00047102 yeah 15 seconds boom all right so let's wNAzGuR4wsE-00235-00047103-00047239 talk about something else wNAzGuR4wsE-00236-00047240-00047390 we need some action in this at this wNAzGuR4wsE-00237-00047391-00047567 point this is kind of boring there's not wNAzGuR4wsE-00238-00047568-00047679 really much going on wNAzGuR4wsE-00239-00047680-00047855 so we can use the lfo to do all kinds of wNAzGuR4wsE-00240-00047856-00048039 wacky stuff maybe we'll take a third wNAzGuR4wsE-00241-00048040-00048255 oscillator here and we'll say all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00242-00048256-00048511 we're just going to have the lfo wNAzGuR4wsE-00243-00048512-00048655 destination going to the third wNAzGuR4wsE-00244-00048656-00048758 oscillator and so in order wNAzGuR4wsE-00245-00048759-00048911 to do that i'm as you can see i'm wNAzGuR4wsE-00246-00048912-00049095 turning off these other wNAzGuR4wsE-00247-00049096-00049279 oscillators i'm turning on the lfo and wNAzGuR4wsE-00248-00049280-00049407 so you can see only c wNAzGuR4wsE-00249-00049408-00049718 is highlighted right and so in order for wNAzGuR4wsE-00250-00049719-00049871 c to have an effect i first of all i wNAzGuR4wsE-00251-00049872-00049990 should probably turn the wNAzGuR4wsE-00252-00049991-00050127 sustain all the way up and then if i wNAzGuR4wsE-00253-00050128-00050735 turn it up take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00254-00050736-00050951 right we can hear that we can hear that wNAzGuR4wsE-00255-00050952-00051095 extra sound there right wNAzGuR4wsE-00256-00051096-00051342 so what we can do with this is at this wNAzGuR4wsE-00257-00051344-00051414 moment wNAzGuR4wsE-00258-00051415-00051582 what this means destination a this is wNAzGuR4wsE-00259-00051583-00051775 all about pitch okay wNAzGuR4wsE-00260-00051776-00051999 so i could do that sure i could i could wNAzGuR4wsE-00261-00052000-00052119 move the pitch of this around and let's wNAzGuR4wsE-00262-00052120-00052799 just see what happens wNAzGuR4wsE-00263-00052800-00052966 and of course that sounds pretty cool wNAzGuR4wsE-00264-00052967-00053135 how would i how would i apply this wNAzGuR4wsE-00265-00053136-00053287 though how would i turn the amount up wNAzGuR4wsE-00266-00053288-00053399 well the way that you can do that wNAzGuR4wsE-00267-00053400-00053535 is that there's an envelope as you can wNAzGuR4wsE-00268-00053536-00053711 see associated with the lfo wNAzGuR4wsE-00269-00053712-00053950 so i'll just make the attack really long wNAzGuR4wsE-00270-00053951-00054038 yet again wNAzGuR4wsE-00271-00054039-00054894 15 seconds right wNAzGuR4wsE-00272-00054895-00055015 and we can hear that that rate wNAzGuR4wsE-00273-00055016-00055223 increasing over time right that rate is wNAzGuR4wsE-00274-00055224-00055287 increasing wNAzGuR4wsE-00275-00055288-00055482 slowly we could start it lower wNAzGuR4wsE-00276-00055483-00056054 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00277-00056055-00056199 and you can hear that it's spinning up wNAzGuR4wsE-00278-00056200-00056359 faster and faster if the amount is all wNAzGuR4wsE-00279-00056360-00056599 the way up take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00280-00056600-00057135 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00281-00057136-00057335 right good times and so of course we wNAzGuR4wsE-00282-00057336-00057503 could also take this lfo and point it to wNAzGuR4wsE-00283-00057504-00057638 something else maybe we'll say all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00284-00057639-00057799 also the volume of c wNAzGuR4wsE-00285-00057800-00058071 okay so destination b a hundred percent wNAzGuR4wsE-00286-00058072-00058215 so the lfo is gonna have a hundred wNAzGuR4wsE-00287-00058216-00058335 percent control wNAzGuR4wsE-00288-00058336-00058471 over the volume of this second wNAzGuR4wsE-00289-00058472-00059094 oscillator right wNAzGuR4wsE-00290-00059095-00059287 so maybe uh some final touches here is wNAzGuR4wsE-00291-00059288-00059423 we could turn up spread and get a little wNAzGuR4wsE-00292-00059424-00059580 bit more stereo out of this wNAzGuR4wsE-00293-00059582-00060094 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00294-00060095-00060335 right and another thing we could do is wNAzGuR4wsE-00295-00060336-00060438 take a look at time wNAzGuR4wsE-00296-00060439-00060663 so something that's rad about time is wNAzGuR4wsE-00297-00060664-00060871 that let's say you have a song that has wNAzGuR4wsE-00298-00060872-00061023 you know a certain speed right wNAzGuR4wsE-00299-00061024-00061223 and you want this riser sound to be a wNAzGuR4wsE-00300-00061224-00061350 specific speed let's say you want it to wNAzGuR4wsE-00301-00061351-00061479 be faster wNAzGuR4wsE-00302-00061479-00061606 what i could do is i could turn time wNAzGuR4wsE-00303-00061607-00061766 down and this will make this a lot wNAzGuR4wsE-00304-00061767-00061836 faster wNAzGuR4wsE-00305-00061837-00062126 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00306-00062127-00062247 and you can hear that the pitch is going wNAzGuR4wsE-00307-00062248-00062430 up higher faster right if i turn down wNAzGuR4wsE-00308-00062432-00062511 all the way we get wNAzGuR4wsE-00309-00062512-00062894 super fast right really quick to the wNAzGuR4wsE-00310-00062895-00063038 to the next part right and then if i wNAzGuR4wsE-00311-00063039-00063191 need it to be slower though i can turn wNAzGuR4wsE-00312-00063191-00063271 time up wNAzGuR4wsE-00313-00063272-00063438 and what this does what time does is it wNAzGuR4wsE-00314-00063439-00063638 makes every single envelope wNAzGuR4wsE-00315-00063639-00063991 and lfo in operator slower or faster wNAzGuR4wsE-00316-00063991-00064287 right so as you increase time okay now wNAzGuR4wsE-00317-00064288-00065030 it's going to be a lot slower wNAzGuR4wsE-00318-00065032-00065182 now maybe this riser sound at this wNAzGuR4wsE-00319-00065183-00065342 moment isn't as impressive wNAzGuR4wsE-00320-00065344-00065519 as you've heard other risers well that's wNAzGuR4wsE-00321-00065520-00065631 because what we're doing is we're wNAzGuR4wsE-00322-00065632-00065815 focusing on making the raw sounds wNAzGuR4wsE-00323-00065816-00066047 right i could easily jump in here and wNAzGuR4wsE-00324-00066048-00066143 grab myself wNAzGuR4wsE-00325-00066144-00066447 a delay let's grab an echo for the fun wNAzGuR4wsE-00326-00066448-00066599 of it wNAzGuR4wsE-00327-00066600-00066743 you know i'll turn the driveway down a wNAzGuR4wsE-00328-00066744-00067567 little bit reverb up wNAzGuR4wsE-00329-00067568-00067687 right you could do all kinds of things wNAzGuR4wsE-00330-00067688-00067879 like that and you know make the riser wNAzGuR4wsE-00331-00067880-00067975 even more impressive wNAzGuR4wsE-00332-00067976-00068119 and that's just adding special effects wNAzGuR4wsE-00333-00068120-00068238 to it and of course you need to do wNAzGuR4wsE-00334-00068239-00068294 mixing wNAzGuR4wsE-00335-00068295-00068494 maybe some saturation and so on what i'm wNAzGuR4wsE-00336-00068495-00068631 showing you right now are the wNAzGuR4wsE-00337-00068632-00068894 raw approaches to making these okay so wNAzGuR4wsE-00338-00068895-00069038 real quick some of you might feel like wNAzGuR4wsE-00339-00069039-00069199 i'm flying through these parameters very wNAzGuR4wsE-00340-00069200-00069343 quickly and yeah my channel wNAzGuR4wsE-00341-00069344-00069503 see the stage is kind of dedicated to wNAzGuR4wsE-00342-00069504-00069711 the intermediate to advanced user wNAzGuR4wsE-00343-00069712-00069919 but i also have ableton online courses wNAzGuR4wsE-00344-00069920-00070038 one on sound design wNAzGuR4wsE-00345-00070039-00070191 one on mixing and mastering and one on wNAzGuR4wsE-00346-00070192-00070343 songwriting and composition wNAzGuR4wsE-00347-00070344-00070559 these courses are super thorough wNAzGuR4wsE-00348-00070560-00070735 optimized and organized to take your wNAzGuR4wsE-00349-00070736-00070926 skills to the next level very quickly so wNAzGuR4wsE-00350-00070927-00071055 if you're interested in learning about wNAzGuR4wsE-00351-00071056-00071111 those wNAzGuR4wsE-00352-00071112-00071262 i highly recommend that you check those wNAzGuR4wsE-00353-00071263-00071399 courses out the links are in the wNAzGuR4wsE-00354-00071400-00071543 description and in the comments all wNAzGuR4wsE-00355-00071544-00071694 right let's get back to it wNAzGuR4wsE-00356-00071695-00071838 so let's take a look at the next example wNAzGuR4wsE-00357-00071839-00071988 this is a wave table wNAzGuR4wsE-00358-00071989-00072241 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00359-00072242-00072615 [Applause] wNAzGuR4wsE-00360-00072616-00072743 and so as you can hear in this example wNAzGuR4wsE-00361-00072744-00072911 i'm not going up or down in pitch at all wNAzGuR4wsE-00362-00072912-00073006 in fact i'm just wNAzGuR4wsE-00363-00073007-00073287 using the modulators to make the wNAzGuR4wsE-00364-00073288-00073455 modulation that they're applying to the wNAzGuR4wsE-00365-00073456-00073519 sound wNAzGuR4wsE-00366-00073520-00073694 more and more intense over time right wNAzGuR4wsE-00367-00073695-00074591 take a listen again wNAzGuR4wsE-00368-00074592-00074743 and by the end of the sound the wNAzGuR4wsE-00369-00074744-00074935 modulation is so intense that we've lost wNAzGuR4wsE-00370-00074936-00075062 that initial pitch the wNAzGuR4wsE-00371-00075063-00075231 initial pitch is gone okay so let's go wNAzGuR4wsE-00372-00075232-00075438 ahead and make this from scratch wNAzGuR4wsE-00373-00075439-00075655 grab a fresh wave table here and of wNAzGuR4wsE-00374-00075656-00075799 course first time we get is just a sine wNAzGuR4wsE-00375-00075800-00076038 waveform wNAzGuR4wsE-00376-00076039-00076199 so i'll just choose let's just choose a wNAzGuR4wsE-00377-00076200-00076308 random wave table wNAzGuR4wsE-00378-00076309-00076879 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00379-00076880-00077015 okay so now we've got a waveform here wNAzGuR4wsE-00380-00077016-00077135 let's take a look at the matrix the wNAzGuR4wsE-00381-00077136-00077335 matrix is how you apply modulation to wNAzGuR4wsE-00382-00077336-00077455 things in wavetable wNAzGuR4wsE-00383-00077456-00077623 so if i click on for example the wNAzGuR4wsE-00384-00077624-00077855 position i can apply an lfo to it right wNAzGuR4wsE-00385-00077856-00077887 so wNAzGuR4wsE-00386-00077888-00078175 now we have a modulating position every wNAzGuR4wsE-00387-00078176-00078511 single time i play a note wNAzGuR4wsE-00388-00078512-00078638 now at this moment this is kind of wNAzGuR4wsE-00389-00078639-00078759 boring we're just going up and down wNAzGuR4wsE-00390-00078760-00078887 forever so what i'm going to do is i'm wNAzGuR4wsE-00391-00078888-00079103 going to use the matrix to my advantage wNAzGuR4wsE-00392-00079104-00079303 i'm going to go to envelope 2 and this wNAzGuR4wsE-00393-00079304-00079462 time i'm just going to make a wNAzGuR4wsE-00394-00079463-00079735 long envelope okay so what i can do is wNAzGuR4wsE-00395-00079736-00079950 i'll just make it something like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00396-00079951-00080103 now the envelope isn't applied to wNAzGuR4wsE-00397-00080104-00080238 anything yet right there's nothing wNAzGuR4wsE-00398-00080239-00080382 really happening but what i can do is i wNAzGuR4wsE-00399-00080383-00080494 can go to my matrix wNAzGuR4wsE-00400-00080495-00080767 and i can apply this envelope to my lfo wNAzGuR4wsE-00401-00080768-00080838 rate wNAzGuR4wsE-00402-00080839-00081182 okay so to add destinations or targets wNAzGuR4wsE-00403-00081183-00081503 to my matrix i need to click on anything wNAzGuR4wsE-00404-00081504-00081711 any any modulatable parameter such as wNAzGuR4wsE-00405-00081712-00081894 rate i'll click on rate wNAzGuR4wsE-00406-00081895-00082055 and now if i go back to my matrix we can wNAzGuR4wsE-00407-00082056-00082223 see lfo1 rate is there wNAzGuR4wsE-00408-00082224-00082431 so guess what i'll take envelope 2 and wNAzGuR4wsE-00409-00082432-00082591 apply it to lfo 1's rate wNAzGuR4wsE-00410-00082592-00083159 check this out wNAzGuR4wsE-00411-00083160-00083399 we can see as the envelope goes down wNAzGuR4wsE-00412-00083400-00083599 we're slowly but surely making the lfo wNAzGuR4wsE-00413-00083600-00083671 slower wNAzGuR4wsE-00414-00083672-00083703 right wNAzGuR4wsE-00415-00083704-00084071 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00416-00084072-00084223 so of course if we're making a riser wNAzGuR4wsE-00417-00084224-00084367 sound we got to do this backwards so the wNAzGuR4wsE-00418-00084368-00084503 cool thing about the matrix is you can wNAzGuR4wsE-00419-00084504-00084671 go backwards with it right so now we're wNAzGuR4wsE-00420-00084672-00085615 negative 50. wNAzGuR4wsE-00421-00085616-00085838 now as you can hear the effect that the wNAzGuR4wsE-00422-00085839-00086023 envelope has over the lfo is different wNAzGuR4wsE-00423-00086024-00086199 because the envelope is putting out a wNAzGuR4wsE-00424-00086200-00086311 unipolar signal wNAzGuR4wsE-00425-00086312-00086606 and the lfo is bipolar okay so what we wNAzGuR4wsE-00426-00086607-00086759 need to do is we need to increase wNAzGuR4wsE-00427-00086760-00087031 the lfo's rate getting started to get wNAzGuR4wsE-00428-00087032-00087159 the effect we're looking for so now that wNAzGuR4wsE-00429-00087160-00087469 the lfo is very fast take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00430-00087470-00088135 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00431-00088136-00088303 you can hear how fast that gets right wNAzGuR4wsE-00432-00088304-00088471 cool so that's our first little effect wNAzGuR4wsE-00433-00088472-00088511 there wNAzGuR4wsE-00434-00088512-00088615 let's look at something else there's wNAzGuR4wsE-00435-00088616-00088847 also oscillator warp and fold wNAzGuR4wsE-00436-00088848-00089071 on the modern setting here in the wave wNAzGuR4wsE-00437-00089072-00089150 table so wNAzGuR4wsE-00438-00089151-00089429 what warping sounds like is this wNAzGuR4wsE-00439-00089430-00089703 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00440-00089704-00089847 that's kind of fun so what we could do wNAzGuR4wsE-00441-00089848-00089999 is we could take lfo1 and apply it to wNAzGuR4wsE-00442-00090000-00090079 that as well wNAzGuR4wsE-00443-00090080-00090359 but fortunately i have two lfos if i wNAzGuR4wsE-00444-00090360-00090575 just use the same lfo for this warping wNAzGuR4wsE-00445-00090576-00090718 it might not sound as complex as it wNAzGuR4wsE-00446-00090719-00090967 could sound if i use the second lfo wNAzGuR4wsE-00447-00090968-00091118 so i'll use the second lfo and maybe wNAzGuR4wsE-00448-00091119-00091279 i'll make its rate a little bit slower wNAzGuR4wsE-00449-00091280-00091494 right now i'll go back to the matrix and wNAzGuR4wsE-00450-00091495-00091679 i'll add it to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00451-00091680-00092006 oscillator 1 warp so lfo 2 wNAzGuR4wsE-00452-00092007-00092662 to oscillator 1 warp can see how fast wNAzGuR4wsE-00453-00092663-00092815 that is right so what we can do is we wNAzGuR4wsE-00454-00092816-00093062 can use envelope 2 also on lfo2 wNAzGuR4wsE-00455-00093063-00093231 but it's going to spin at a different wNAzGuR4wsE-00456-00093232-00093382 speed all right so what we'll do is wNAzGuR4wsE-00457-00093383-00093415 we'll wNAzGuR4wsE-00458-00093416-00093671 we'll make this slow as well but maybe wNAzGuR4wsE-00459-00093672-00093806 we'll do it a little bit faster wNAzGuR4wsE-00460-00093807-00094855 now check this out wNAzGuR4wsE-00461-00094856-00095062 cool so now let's take a different wNAzGuR4wsE-00462-00095063-00095271 approach at this moment we've only used wNAzGuR4wsE-00463-00095272-00095406 envelope 2 to mess with wNAzGuR4wsE-00464-00095407-00095647 the rates of lfo1 and lfo2 instead we wNAzGuR4wsE-00465-00095648-00095791 could also use envelope 2 wNAzGuR4wsE-00466-00095792-00095926 to mess with something else let's say wNAzGuR4wsE-00467-00095927-00096103 the frequency all right so the filter wNAzGuR4wsE-00468-00096104-00096223 frequency and what we can do is we can wNAzGuR4wsE-00469-00096224-00096287 say all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00470-00096288-00096582 so filter1 frequency envelope 2 and this wNAzGuR4wsE-00471-00096583-00096743 time we'll make it negative so that it wNAzGuR4wsE-00472-00096744-00096910 opens up over time watch this wNAzGuR4wsE-00473-00096911-00097535 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00474-00097536-00097647 now you can see that we've created wNAzGuR4wsE-00475-00097648-00097799 somewhat of a target position for this wNAzGuR4wsE-00476-00097800-00097926 filter that's kind of boring we want wNAzGuR4wsE-00477-00097927-00098055 this to be all the way up wNAzGuR4wsE-00478-00098056-00098238 right and maybe what i'll do is i'll wNAzGuR4wsE-00479-00098239-00098431 change this to a distorted wNAzGuR4wsE-00480-00098432-00098694 sound so i'll i'll drive this filter a wNAzGuR4wsE-00481-00098695-00098847 bit and i'll turn the output level down wNAzGuR4wsE-00482-00098848-00098943 maybe we'll get a nice wNAzGuR4wsE-00483-00098944-00099887 uh thicker sound here wNAzGuR4wsE-00484-00099888-00100047 now the last thing i want to say is that wNAzGuR4wsE-00485-00100048-00100206 this is the same as operator wNAzGuR4wsE-00486-00100207-00100423 you have a time setting okay so if i wNAzGuR4wsE-00487-00100424-00100606 want this to go faster if i want this wNAzGuR4wsE-00488-00100607-00100911 entire process to go faster i can turn wNAzGuR4wsE-00489-00100912-00101061 time down and check it out wNAzGuR4wsE-00490-00101062-00101294 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00491-00101295-00101462 right or i can turn it up and make it go wNAzGuR4wsE-00492-00101463-00101831 a lot slower wNAzGuR4wsE-00493-00101832-00101999 and final touch maybe we'll turn on one wNAzGuR4wsE-00494-00102000-00102159 of these crazy unison modes we'll turn wNAzGuR4wsE-00495-00102160-00102279 on shimmer mode wNAzGuR4wsE-00496-00102280-00102399 turn the amount up a little bit now wNAzGuR4wsE-00497-00102400-00102619 we'll get a nice giant sound wNAzGuR4wsE-00498-00102620-00103215 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00499-00103216-00103454 all right cool okay so moving on take a wNAzGuR4wsE-00500-00103455-00103975 listen to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00501-00103976-00104134 in this example all that i'm doing is wNAzGuR4wsE-00502-00104135-00104310 i'm taking advantage of the fact that wNAzGuR4wsE-00503-00104311-00104486 most digital processors when they're wNAzGuR4wsE-00504-00104488-00104654 making reverb wNAzGuR4wsE-00505-00104655-00104854 have a size control and if you change wNAzGuR4wsE-00506-00104855-00104990 the size control you're actually wNAzGuR4wsE-00507-00104991-00105127 changing the pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00508-00105128-00105295 so right here i've got this sampled take wNAzGuR4wsE-00509-00105296-00105502 a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00510-00105503-00105815 right just a knock sound and if i turn wNAzGuR4wsE-00511-00105816-00106366 on my reverb sounds like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00512-00106367-00106543 so we already have a wide sound this wNAzGuR4wsE-00513-00106544-00106686 already sounds there's there's wNAzGuR4wsE-00514-00106688-00106847 complexity to the sound right so let's wNAzGuR4wsE-00515-00106848-00106975 go ahead and make this from scratch wNAzGuR4wsE-00516-00106976-00107254 i'll cut this out grab myself hybrid wNAzGuR4wsE-00517-00107255-00107399 reverb wNAzGuR4wsE-00518-00107400-00107615 slap it on there and with the dark hall wNAzGuR4wsE-00519-00107616-00107734 mode i'm going to turn the blend all the wNAzGuR4wsE-00520-00107735-00107847 way up so we're just getting the wNAzGuR4wsE-00521-00107848-00107999 algorithm side right wNAzGuR4wsE-00522-00108000-00108134 and i'll turn the dry wet all the way up wNAzGuR4wsE-00523-00108135-00108423 and this is what it sounds like wNAzGuR4wsE-00524-00108424-00108740 right i'll turn the decay up a bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00525-00108741-00109007 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00526-00109008-00109127 and now check out what happens when i wNAzGuR4wsE-00527-00109128-00109423 change size around wNAzGuR4wsE-00528-00109424-00109583 so let's go ahead and we'll take that wNAzGuR4wsE-00529-00109583-00109766 size and we'll change it over time wNAzGuR4wsE-00530-00109767-00109943 so we'll start with a big size and we'll wNAzGuR4wsE-00531-00109944-00110134 make it go to a smaller size thus wNAzGuR4wsE-00532-00110135-00110447 increasing the pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00533-00110448-00110683 right so maybe we want to make that wNAzGuR4wsE-00534-00110683-00111047 longer wNAzGuR4wsE-00535-00111048-00111199 and at this moment that's kind of linear wNAzGuR4wsE-00536-00111200-00111327 so another thing we could do is make it wNAzGuR4wsE-00537-00111328-00111383 a little bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00538-00111383-00111751 more exponential or maybe want to go the wNAzGuR4wsE-00539-00111752-00111799 other way wNAzGuR4wsE-00540-00111800-00111910 which i think this would probably make wNAzGuR4wsE-00541-00111911-00112423 sense going this way instead wNAzGuR4wsE-00542-00112424-00112575 now another thing we can do is we can wNAzGuR4wsE-00543-00112576-00112727 turn the damping down which is going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00544-00112728-00112758 let wNAzGuR4wsE-00545-00112759-00112895 more of the top end through take a wNAzGuR4wsE-00546-00112896-00113310 listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00547-00113311-00113502 and we also have modulation this will wNAzGuR4wsE-00548-00113503-00113678 control a little bit of the pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00549-00113679-00113815 modulation inside of this wNAzGuR4wsE-00550-00113816-00114447 right so take a listen to this now wNAzGuR4wsE-00551-00114448-00114590 you can also freeze the reverb so wNAzGuR4wsE-00552-00114591-00114734 another thing you could do is you could wNAzGuR4wsE-00553-00114735-00114847 turn on freeze wNAzGuR4wsE-00554-00114848-00115015 right after you've fed the signal into wNAzGuR4wsE-00555-00115016-00115175 here so maybe what we'll do is we'll wNAzGuR4wsE-00556-00115176-00115302 take a look at this freeze command and wNAzGuR4wsE-00557-00115303-00115439 we'll say all right freeze you're going wNAzGuR4wsE-00558-00115440-00115599 to happen right after the sample gets wNAzGuR4wsE-00559-00115600-00115647 hit wNAzGuR4wsE-00560-00115648-00115854 and now the reverb won't lose any volume wNAzGuR4wsE-00561-00115855-00116527 take a listen right wNAzGuR4wsE-00562-00116528-00117119 [Applause] wNAzGuR4wsE-00563-00117120-00117263 and so of course you could record that wNAzGuR4wsE-00564-00117264-00117431 or capture that so that's just a really wNAzGuR4wsE-00565-00117432-00117623 simple way of taking any sample wNAzGuR4wsE-00566-00117624-00117790 and applying reverb to it and turning it wNAzGuR4wsE-00567-00117791-00117927 into a riser sound wNAzGuR4wsE-00568-00117928-00118110 all right so next example we have a wNAzGuR4wsE-00569-00118111-00118239 collision wNAzGuR4wsE-00570-00118240-00118431 now this is a really interesting process wNAzGuR4wsE-00571-00118432-00119207 right here take a listen to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00572-00119208-00119351 now this is taking advantage of some wNAzGuR4wsE-00573-00119352-00119502 really interesting features inside of wNAzGuR4wsE-00574-00119503-00119615 collision so let's go ahead and take a wNAzGuR4wsE-00575-00119616-00119727 look at this from scratch wNAzGuR4wsE-00576-00119728-00119895 i'll go ahead and insert a new midi wNAzGuR4wsE-00577-00119896-00120143 track and i'll grab collision wNAzGuR4wsE-00578-00120144-00120343 all right so normally with collision you wNAzGuR4wsE-00579-00120344-00120478 have a resonator and you have something wNAzGuR4wsE-00580-00120479-00120519 to wNAzGuR4wsE-00581-00120520-00120671 excite the resonator right so this is a wNAzGuR4wsE-00582-00120672-00120975 mallet sound wNAzGuR4wsE-00583-00120976-00121175 if i instead turn on noise what this wNAzGuR4wsE-00584-00121176-00121278 does is it wNAzGuR4wsE-00585-00121279-00121551 has a noise envelope okay so at this wNAzGuR4wsE-00586-00121552-00121671 moment wNAzGuR4wsE-00587-00121672-00121823 you can just barely hear that i have to wNAzGuR4wsE-00588-00121824-00122263 turn up the noise envelope a bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00589-00122264-00122543 right what we have here is we actually wNAzGuR4wsE-00590-00122544-00122583 have wNAzGuR4wsE-00591-00122583-00122790 a envelope so one thing i could do is i wNAzGuR4wsE-00592-00122791-00122919 could turn sustain all the way up which wNAzGuR4wsE-00593-00122920-00123214 means that if i hold my key down wNAzGuR4wsE-00594-00123215-00123566 will resonate that thing forever right wNAzGuR4wsE-00595-00123567-00123702 so that's pretty loud maybe i'll turn it wNAzGuR4wsE-00596-00123703-00123783 down to something like this wNAzGuR4wsE-00597-00123783-00124047 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00598-00124048-00124223 now something else i want to talk about wNAzGuR4wsE-00599-00124224-00124399 is that there's also a pitch envelope wNAzGuR4wsE-00600-00124400-00124623 associated with our resonator so if i wNAzGuR4wsE-00601-00124624-00124790 turn the pitch envelope all the way down wNAzGuR4wsE-00602-00124791-00124927 and turn the time all the way up we're wNAzGuR4wsE-00603-00124928-00125110 going to get a slow but sure wNAzGuR4wsE-00604-00125111-00125244 increase in pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00605-00125245-00125943 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00606-00125944-00126063 so as you can hear there's a lot of wNAzGuR4wsE-00607-00126064-00126247 potentials here so now we can do is we wNAzGuR4wsE-00608-00126248-00126399 can try different materials and see what wNAzGuR4wsE-00609-00126400-00126463 they yield wNAzGuR4wsE-00610-00126464-00126863 let's try the string wNAzGuR4wsE-00611-00126864-00126999 another thing you can do is you can put wNAzGuR4wsE-00612-00127000-00127239 this on a high quality mode and you'll wNAzGuR4wsE-00613-00127240-00127799 get more harmonics in there wNAzGuR4wsE-00614-00127800-00128439 you could hold a cord for example wNAzGuR4wsE-00615-00128440-00128575 you could turn up the brightness to get wNAzGuR4wsE-00616-00128576-00129330 even more top end wNAzGuR4wsE-00617-00129331-00129758 [Applause] wNAzGuR4wsE-00618-00129759-00129951 that's such an interesting sound right wNAzGuR4wsE-00619-00129952-00130095 let's use membrane this is one of my wNAzGuR4wsE-00620-00130096-00130775 favorites take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00621-00130776-00130895 now something else we could do is we wNAzGuR4wsE-00622-00130896-00131039 could start to add some movement to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00623-00131040-00131239 so collision has an lfo section and this wNAzGuR4wsE-00624-00131240-00131407 is kind of cool so we could choose maybe wNAzGuR4wsE-00625-00131408-00131614 filter frequency or noise frequency wNAzGuR4wsE-00626-00131615-00131783 right and we're going to be filtering wNAzGuR4wsE-00627-00131784-00131854 this noise wNAzGuR4wsE-00628-00131855-00131966 so what i could do is i could turn this wNAzGuR4wsE-00629-00131967-00132190 over to maybe bandpass mode or something wNAzGuR4wsE-00630-00132191-00132343 and the amount if i turn it up take a wNAzGuR4wsE-00631-00132344-00132670 listen to this wNAzGuR4wsE-00632-00132671-00133111 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00633-00133112-00133358 that's kind of weird wNAzGuR4wsE-00634-00133359-00134014 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00635-00134015-00134190 so i think that collision has a lot of wNAzGuR4wsE-00636-00134191-00134366 creative potential and if you mess wNAzGuR4wsE-00637-00134367-00134447 around with this thing wNAzGuR4wsE-00638-00134448-00134854 you try these different materials wNAzGuR4wsE-00639-00134855-00135014 you can get some pretty crazy sounds i wNAzGuR4wsE-00640-00135015-00135199 wish the lfo spun up a little bit faster wNAzGuR4wsE-00641-00135200-00135351 than it does wNAzGuR4wsE-00642-00135352-00135839 [Music] wNAzGuR4wsE-00643-00135840-00135983 but as you can hear there are some new wNAzGuR4wsE-00644-00135984-00136102 sounds that you could create with this wNAzGuR4wsE-00645-00136103-00136175 for sure wNAzGuR4wsE-00646-00136176-00136447 right okay and then the last example i wNAzGuR4wsE-00647-00136448-00136590 just want to talk about the fact that wNAzGuR4wsE-00648-00136591-00136678 you can make wNAzGuR4wsE-00649-00136679-00136878 a riser sound without having any wNAzGuR4wsE-00650-00136879-00137023 parameters tweaked wNAzGuR4wsE-00651-00137024-00137319 inside of effects or instruments you can wNAzGuR4wsE-00652-00137320-00137519 just use ableton's built-in warping wNAzGuR4wsE-00653-00137520-00137590 modes wNAzGuR4wsE-00654-00137591-00137814 and the clever ways that it implements wNAzGuR4wsE-00655-00137815-00137902 that to create wNAzGuR4wsE-00656-00137903-00138039 a riser sound so let's just take a look wNAzGuR4wsE-00657-00138040-00138231 at how we might do that so right here i wNAzGuR4wsE-00658-00138232-00138502 just have a splash sample wNAzGuR4wsE-00659-00138503-00138766 right just good old splash so what i can wNAzGuR4wsE-00660-00138767-00138951 do is i can reverse this sample because wNAzGuR4wsE-00661-00138952-00139095 what am i trying to do i'm trying to wNAzGuR4wsE-00662-00139096-00139263 increase energy over time to build wNAzGuR4wsE-00663-00139264-00139407 anticipation right that's wNAzGuR4wsE-00664-00139408-00139575 the reason we do riser sounds right so wNAzGuR4wsE-00665-00139576-00139943 if i play it from here wNAzGuR4wsE-00666-00139944-00140063 we can hear that that effect is wNAzGuR4wsE-00667-00140064-00140199 happening but it's happening way too wNAzGuR4wsE-00668-00140200-00140343 fast wNAzGuR4wsE-00669-00140344-00140454 so one thing i could do is i could hit wNAzGuR4wsE-00670-00140455-00140639 command d and i'll just cut this part of wNAzGuR4wsE-00671-00140640-00140766 the waveform out wNAzGuR4wsE-00672-00140767-00140919 now if you hover your mouse at the end wNAzGuR4wsE-00673-00140920-00141111 of a clip and you hold shift wNAzGuR4wsE-00674-00141112-00141278 you can then stretch the wave out and wNAzGuR4wsE-00675-00141279-00141463 you can see that waveform stretching out wNAzGuR4wsE-00676-00141464-00141575 right wNAzGuR4wsE-00677-00141576-00141878 now at the present moment we're on beats wNAzGuR4wsE-00678-00141879-00141975 mode which means that wNAzGuR4wsE-00679-00141976-00142135 it'll just play the transients back and wNAzGuR4wsE-00680-00142136-00142311 forth and give us kind of a wobbly wNAzGuR4wsE-00681-00142312-00142519 effect to try to make up the space wNAzGuR4wsE-00682-00142520-00142847 take a listen right that's not going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00683-00142848-00142895 work wNAzGuR4wsE-00684-00142896-00142983 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna wNAzGuR4wsE-00685-00142984-00143175 switch this over to texture which is one wNAzGuR4wsE-00686-00143176-00143247 of the best wNAzGuR4wsE-00687-00143248-00143423 warping modes and this is just going to wNAzGuR4wsE-00688-00143424-00143623 play very small granular bits of this wNAzGuR4wsE-00689-00143624-00144095 wave to make up the space take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00690-00144096-00144447 pretty cool right almost has its own wNAzGuR4wsE-00691-00144448-00144566 pitch right wNAzGuR4wsE-00692-00144567-00144743 how is that being done well if we go wNAzGuR4wsE-00693-00144744-00144926 over to the clip automation we can see wNAzGuR4wsE-00694-00144927-00145102 that grain size is now an automatable wNAzGuR4wsE-00695-00145103-00145190 parameter wNAzGuR4wsE-00696-00145191-00145366 right so maybe we'll start a little bit wNAzGuR4wsE-00697-00145367-00145590 lower with the grain size at like a wNAzGuR4wsE-00698-00145591-00145687 hundred wNAzGuR4wsE-00699-00145688-00145959 we'll go back over here to the clip wNAzGuR4wsE-00700-00145960-00146183 envelopes and we'll just say all right wNAzGuR4wsE-00701-00146184-00146478 let's start this grain size very very wNAzGuR4wsE-00702-00146479-00146671 slow or low and then we'll decrease the wNAzGuR4wsE-00703-00146672-00146790 grain size over time wNAzGuR4wsE-00704-00146791-00147111 take a listen wNAzGuR4wsE-00705-00147112-00147478 whoa right pretty crazy wNAzGuR4wsE-00706-00147479-00147639 now unfortunately at this moment i can wNAzGuR4wsE-00707-00147640-00147831 only go so far right wNAzGuR4wsE-00708-00147832-00147999 i can't stretch this again because it's wNAzGuR4wsE-00709-00148000-00148199 going to mess up my my clip envelope so wNAzGuR4wsE-00710-00148200-00148343 the move here is just to freeze the wNAzGuR4wsE-00711-00148344-00148478 track wNAzGuR4wsE-00712-00148479-00148695 right then i'll flatten the track and wNAzGuR4wsE-00713-00148696-00148887 now i've committed this wNAzGuR4wsE-00714-00148888-00149166 track to audio right and so now i can i wNAzGuR4wsE-00715-00149167-00149343 can further manipulate it so maybe one wNAzGuR4wsE-00716-00149344-00149454 thing i want to do is i want to stretch wNAzGuR4wsE-00717-00149455-00149511 it out wNAzGuR4wsE-00718-00149512-00149678 so hold i'll hover the mouse at the end wNAzGuR4wsE-00719-00149679-00149863 hold shift pull it out wNAzGuR4wsE-00720-00149864-00150071 okay and now i can go back over here and wNAzGuR4wsE-00721-00150072-00150263 i can switch this back over to texture wNAzGuR4wsE-00722-00150264-00150407 and maybe try a different grain size wNAzGuR4wsE-00723-00150408-00150941 take a listen now wNAzGuR4wsE-00724-00150942-00151095 [Laughter] wNAzGuR4wsE-00725-00151096-00151295 right so maybe this would benefits from wNAzGuR4wsE-00726-00151296-00151407 some filtering of course wNAzGuR4wsE-00727-00151408-00151566 and some other things but as you can see wNAzGuR4wsE-00728-00151567-00151751 we could just keep going we could keep wNAzGuR4wsE-00729-00151752-00151871 cascading through these different wNAzGuR4wsE-00730-00151872-00151935 settings wNAzGuR4wsE-00731-00151936-00152071 and so of course you could also mess wNAzGuR4wsE-00732-00152072-00152278 with the course control for pitch wNAzGuR4wsE-00733-00152279-00152414 and maybe what we'll do is we'll say all wNAzGuR4wsE-00734-00152415-00152607 right let's take a look at that wNAzGuR4wsE-00735-00152608-00152878 on the clip side we're going to start wNAzGuR4wsE-00736-00152879-00153095 way low in pitch and go up way high wNAzGuR4wsE-00737-00153096-00153359 you know let's see what happens here wNAzGuR4wsE-00738-00153360-00153671 turn this down a bit probably wNAzGuR4wsE-00739-00153672-00154126 right wNAzGuR4wsE-00740-00154127-00154271 again sounds like this could benefit wNAzGuR4wsE-00741-00154272-00154559 from some filtering heck why not wNAzGuR4wsE-00742-00154560-00154751 grabbing an auto filter just a little wNAzGuR4wsE-00743-00154752-00155095 bit of filtering at the end wNAzGuR4wsE-00744-00155096-00155447 boom right so you can also just wNAzGuR4wsE-00745-00155448-00155639 use waveforms right you can also just wNAzGuR4wsE-00746-00155640-00155831 use the warping modes inside of ableton wNAzGuR4wsE-00747-00155832-00155975 to create risers wNAzGuR4wsE-00748-00155976-00156166 word awesome so as you can see i'm a fan wNAzGuR4wsE-00749-00156167-00156311 of ryzer sounds i really like making wNAzGuR4wsE-00750-00156312-00156447 them so if you have any ways that you wNAzGuR4wsE-00751-00156448-00156551 make riser sounds wNAzGuR4wsE-00752-00156552-00156702 leave them down in the comments i'd love wNAzGuR4wsE-00753-00156703-00156878 to see what you do anyway thanks for wNAzGuR4wsE-00754-00156879-00157123 watching everybody i'll see you next wNAzGuR4wsE-00755-00157124-00157424 time wp9UXlpzNq0-00000-00000168-00000366 dear friends and colleagues my name is wp9UXlpzNq0-00001-00000367-00000607 alexander egermont and wp9UXlpzNq0-00002-00000608-00000862 i'm happy to participate and discuss wp9UXlpzNq0-00003-00000863-00001047 with you the evolution of melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00004-00001048-00001278 therapies from advanced to wp9UXlpzNq0-00005-00001279-00001695 adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies wp9UXlpzNq0-00006-00001696-00001895 here my disclosures wp9UXlpzNq0-00007-00001896-00002126 and let's get started wp9UXlpzNq0-00008-00002127-00002334 so we've had two wp9UXlpzNq0-00009-00002335-00002742 revolutions in melanoma development wp9UXlpzNq0-00010-00002743-00002847 treatments wp9UXlpzNq0-00011-00002848-00003063 one mutation driven drug development and wp9UXlpzNq0-00012-00003064-00003215 one wp9UXlpzNq0-00013-00003215-00003463 innovative immunomodulation wp9UXlpzNq0-00014-00003464-00003670 i just want to make one remark about the wp9UXlpzNq0-00015-00003671-00003775 bref wp9UXlpzNq0-00016-00003776-00003959 mutant melanomas wp9UXlpzNq0-00017-00003960-00004183 so for a long time we thought that the b wp9UXlpzNq0-00018-00004184-00004447 ref mech inhibitor combo dubriphene plus wp9UXlpzNq0-00019-00004448-00004670 trimethnip or any other braf mech wp9UXlpzNq0-00020-00004671-00004838 inhibitor combo wp9UXlpzNq0-00021-00004839-00004959 would be wp9UXlpzNq0-00022-00004960-00005167 the most obvious and potentially best wp9UXlpzNq0-00023-00005168-00005486 solution to treat brave mutant melanomas wp9UXlpzNq0-00024-00005487-00005838 and by double blocking this pathway with wp9UXlpzNq0-00025-00005839-00006159 a brf inhibitor and a mech inhibitor wp9UXlpzNq0-00026-00006160-00006270 we wp9UXlpzNq0-00027-00006271-00006567 established results that are depicted wp9UXlpzNq0-00028-00006568-00006678 here wp9UXlpzNq0-00029-00006679-00006910 with a three-year 44 wp9UXlpzNq0-00030-00006911-00007334 overall survival and a five-year 34 wp9UXlpzNq0-00031-00007336-00007559 overall survival put those numbers in wp9UXlpzNq0-00032-00007559-00007863 your head because we will demonstrate wp9UXlpzNq0-00033-00007864-00008087 that with immuno oncology wp9UXlpzNq0-00034-00008088-00008374 management of advanced melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00035-00008375-00008742 the results are actually much better wp9UXlpzNq0-00036-00008743-00009014 so innovative immunomodulation wp9UXlpzNq0-00037-00009015-00009151 was wp9UXlpzNq0-00038-00009152-00009423 the biggest revolution in the melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00039-00009424-00009614 management over the last 10 years and wp9UXlpzNq0-00040-00009615-00009839 it's all defined by wp9UXlpzNq0-00041-00009840-00010046 master regulator wp9UXlpzNq0-00042-00010047-00010219 monoclonal antibodies wp9UXlpzNq0-00043-00010220-00010642 anti-ctla4 and anti-b1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00044-00010643-00011127 anti-ctla-4 enhances priming of t-cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00045-00011128-00011367 mostly in the lymph nodal compartment wp9UXlpzNq0-00046-00011368-00011591 and this way you create wp9UXlpzNq0-00047-00011592-00011759 continued wp9UXlpzNq0-00048-00011760-00011951 timing of t cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00049-00011952-00012231 that leads to multiple t-cell bones wp9UXlpzNq0-00050-00012232-00012438 go into the circulation wp9UXlpzNq0-00051-00012439-00012687 and then will reach the metastatic wp9UXlpzNq0-00052-00012688-00012983 tumors the tumor side wp9UXlpzNq0-00053-00012984-00013191 these t-cell clones wp9UXlpzNq0-00054-00013191-00013551 that express pd1 on their surface wp9UXlpzNq0-00055-00013552-00014007 bind to ptl1 ligands on tumor cells or wp9UXlpzNq0-00056-00014008-00014319 macrophages and other micro environment wp9UXlpzNq0-00057-00014319-00014447 components wp9UXlpzNq0-00058-00014447-00014655 and then they're being neutralized wp9UXlpzNq0-00059-00014656-00015063 so you must protect your t-cell effector wp9UXlpzNq0-00060-00015063-00015379 function with anti-pd-1 or wp9UXlpzNq0-00061-00015380-00015543 anti-pdl1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00062-00015544-00015647 and wp9UXlpzNq0-00063-00015647-00015838 these molecules are wp9UXlpzNq0-00064-00015840-00016038 the most effective in wp9UXlpzNq0-00065-00016040-00016366 immunoactivation wp9UXlpzNq0-00066-00016368-00016791 and production of the immune system wp9UXlpzNq0-00067-00016792-00017143 and so what we saw with anti-ctla4 alone wp9UXlpzNq0-00068-00017144-00017350 is monotherapy this was the first wp9UXlpzNq0-00069-00017351-00017486 molecule wp9UXlpzNq0-00070-00017487-00017807 we saw modest response rate of 20 wp9UXlpzNq0-00071-00017808-00018047 an overall survival rate in advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00072-00018048-00018255 melanoma of 20 wp9UXlpzNq0-00073-00018256-00018494 so you can cure about twenty percent of wp9UXlpzNq0-00074-00018495-00018911 melanoma patients with just anti-ctla iv wp9UXlpzNq0-00075-00018912-00019086 you see here twenty percent overall wp9UXlpzNq0-00076-00019087-00019383 survival at five years in the ten years wp9UXlpzNq0-00077-00019384-00019475 with the wp9UXlpzNq0-00078-00019476-00019750 anti-pd1 you achieve higher response wp9UXlpzNq0-00079-00019751-00019983 rates 40 to 45 wp9UXlpzNq0-00080-00019984-00020247 and use you get overall survival rates wp9UXlpzNq0-00081-00020248-00020519 in advanced melanoma patients of 40 to wp9UXlpzNq0-00082-00020520-00020686 45 percent wp9UXlpzNq0-00083-00020687-00020894 these are the first results of the wp9UXlpzNq0-00084-00020895-00021158 keynote 001 parallelism wp9UXlpzNq0-00085-00021159-00021486 trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00086-00021487-00021583 so wp9UXlpzNq0-00087-00021584-00021983 in the subsequent keynote trial the 006 wp9UXlpzNq0-00088-00021984-00022278 trial look at the right hand panel in wp9UXlpzNq0-00089-00022279-00022478 treatment naive advanced melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00090-00022479-00022775 patients there was a 43 wp9UXlpzNq0-00091-00022776-00023094 5 year overall survival as is depicted wp9UXlpzNq0-00092-00023095-00023350 here wp9UXlpzNq0-00093-00023351-00023747 and in another trial the lymphoma map wp9UXlpzNq0-00094-00023748-00024086 anti-pd1 where a comparison was made wp9UXlpzNq0-00095-00024087-00024407 between the bottom curve anti-ctla4 wp9UXlpzNq0-00096-00024408-00024711 monotherapy the blue curve and type e1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00097-00024712-00024958 novolo map monotherapy and the green wp9UXlpzNq0-00098-00024959-00025171 curve the combination of wp9UXlpzNq0-00099-00025172-00025550 anti-ctla4 plus anti-pd-1 api map plus wp9UXlpzNq0-00100-00025551-00025799 nevo map a 52 wp9UXlpzNq0-00101-00025800-00026070 overall survival rate at five years wp9UXlpzNq0-00102-00026072-00026231 look again at wp9UXlpzNq0-00103-00026232-00026535 monoclo monotherapy at ipd1 curve wp9UXlpzNq0-00104-00026536-00026846 five-year overall survival rate of 44 wp9UXlpzNq0-00105-00026847-00027174 so these numbers are now carved in stone wp9UXlpzNq0-00106-00027175-00027487 and they are clearly superior to the 34 wp9UXlpzNq0-00107-00027488-00027839 35 percent overall survival rate with wp9UXlpzNq0-00108-00027839-00028079 uh anti wp9UXlpzNq0-00109-00028080-00028295 with the bref mech inhibitor combo for wp9UXlpzNq0-00110-00028295-00028679 the bref mutant melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00111-00028680-00028831 look at another wp9UXlpzNq0-00112-00028832-00029127 combination of anti-pd1 amoralism in wp9UXlpzNq0-00113-00029127-00029462 this case bus plus low dose epilim wp9UXlpzNq0-00114-00029463-00029767 in this trial the keynote 29 you see wp9UXlpzNq0-00115-00029768-00030023 fantastic overall survival data at three wp9UXlpzNq0-00116-00030024-00030327 years of 73 percent and just wp9UXlpzNq0-00117-00030327-00030439 weeks ago wp9UXlpzNq0-00118-00030439-00030718 it was reported the five-year overall wp9UXlpzNq0-00119-00030719-00030974 survival rate in that trial was wp9UXlpzNq0-00120-00030975-00031079 in wp9UXlpzNq0-00121-00031080-00031199 naive wp9UXlpzNq0-00122-00031200-00031439 advanced melanoma patients and it was wp9UXlpzNq0-00123-00031439-00031735 68.3 wp9UXlpzNq0-00124-00031736-00032062 so these numbers are clearly superior to wp9UXlpzNq0-00125-00032063-00032479 what you might expect in the rf mutant wp9UXlpzNq0-00126-00032480-00032735 melanomas with refmec wp9UXlpzNq0-00127-00032736-00033023 combo therapies wp9UXlpzNq0-00128-00033024-00033095 but wp9UXlpzNq0-00129-00033096-00033279 when you look at the brev mutant wp9UXlpzNq0-00130-00033280-00033607 melanoma population even inside that wp9UXlpzNq0-00131-00033608-00033918 older trial with the nevola map and the wp9UXlpzNq0-00132-00033919-00034167 nevo combination you see that for the wp9UXlpzNq0-00133-00034168-00034374 brev muted melanoma patients there was wp9UXlpzNq0-00134-00034375-00034623 already a 60 wp9UXlpzNq0-00135-00034624-00034871 overall survival at five years wp9UXlpzNq0-00136-00034872-00035207 this is clearly much better than the 34 wp9UXlpzNq0-00137-00035208-00035455 for ref mutant patients with the breath wp9UXlpzNq0-00138-00035456-00035767 nip plus traumatic wp9UXlpzNq0-00139-00035768-00035879 and so wp9UXlpzNq0-00140-00035880-00036118 we can state that wp9UXlpzNq0-00141-00036119-00036471 immunotherapy really rules supremely in wp9UXlpzNq0-00142-00036472-00036655 advanced melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00143-00036656-00036918 so for brf mutant melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00144-00036919-00037223 there were triple therapy trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00145-00037224-00037583 one with the pdl one is elizumab added wp9UXlpzNq0-00146-00037584-00037902 to a prefmec inhibitor combo and one wp9UXlpzNq0-00147-00037903-00038135 with the anti-pd-1 spartalism in wp9UXlpzNq0-00148-00038136-00038367 combination with the dubrafnit plus wp9UXlpzNq0-00149-00038368-00038735 dramatic birefmec inhibitor combo wp9UXlpzNq0-00150-00038736-00038990 now these two triple wp9UXlpzNq0-00151-00038991-00039151 treatments wp9UXlpzNq0-00152-00039152-00039351 basically had the same progression-free wp9UXlpzNq0-00153-00039352-00039574 survival rates difference was only 10 wp9UXlpzNq0-00154-00039575-00039911 days yet one trial was just positive and wp9UXlpzNq0-00155-00039912-00040255 the other trial was just negative wp9UXlpzNq0-00156-00040256-00040367 the big wp9UXlpzNq0-00157-00040368-00040574 lacking wp9UXlpzNq0-00158-00040575-00040783 element in the design of these trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00159-00040784-00040902 was that wp9UXlpzNq0-00160-00040903-00041071 there should have been three arms in wp9UXlpzNq0-00161-00041072-00041199 these trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00162-00041200-00041415 and not just the bref mech inhibitor wp9UXlpzNq0-00163-00041416-00041567 combo wp9UXlpzNq0-00164-00041568-00041862 comparing its efficacy to the triple wp9UXlpzNq0-00165-00041863-00042079 combo but also wp9UXlpzNq0-00166-00042080-00042471 simply an anti-pd1 or anti-pla one mono wp9UXlpzNq0-00167-00042472-00042774 therapy arm this was not done in these wp9UXlpzNq0-00168-00042775-00042887 trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00169-00042888-00043071 and if it would have been done it would wp9UXlpzNq0-00170-00043072-00043302 have demonstrated the anti-pd-1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00171-00043303-00043495 monotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00172-00043496-00043655 was basically wp9UXlpzNq0-00173-00043656-00043967 at least as good as triple wp9UXlpzNq0-00174-00043968-00044279 therapy and that these are inferior to wp9UXlpzNq0-00175-00044280-00044567 the anti-pd1 plus anti-ctla4 wp9UXlpzNq0-00176-00044568-00044743 treatment options wp9UXlpzNq0-00177-00044744-00045071 so this whole triple therapy i think is wp9UXlpzNq0-00178-00045072-00045599 a deflated balloon will not find any uh wp9UXlpzNq0-00179-00045600-00045935 significant utility in advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00180-00045936-00046223 brav mutant melanoma conditions wp9UXlpzNq0-00181-00046224-00046358 and then just wp9UXlpzNq0-00182-00046359-00046630 two weeks ago at the society of melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00183-00046631-00046823 research uh wp9UXlpzNq0-00184-00046824-00047015 meeting and at wp9UXlpzNq0-00185-00047016-00047295 the asco plenary series the results of wp9UXlpzNq0-00186-00047296-00047527 the dreamseek wp9UXlpzNq0-00187-00047528-00047758 trial were wp9UXlpzNq0-00188-00047759-00047879 discussed wp9UXlpzNq0-00189-00047880-00048223 and presented by mike atkins and this wp9UXlpzNq0-00190-00048224-00048462 trial is in braf mutant melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00191-00048463-00048590 patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00192-00048591-00048839 advanced melanoma patients where the wp9UXlpzNq0-00193-00048840-00049030 patients were randomized to receive wp9UXlpzNq0-00194-00049031-00049439 either wp9UXlpzNq0-00195-00049440-00049727 followed by nivolumab monotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00196-00049728-00049958 maintenance therapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00197-00049959-00050183 first and then at progression they would wp9UXlpzNq0-00198-00050184-00050486 receive the brafny plaster uh tremetonip wp9UXlpzNq0-00199-00050487-00050751 the refmec combo inhibitor wp9UXlpzNq0-00200-00050752-00050855 treatment wp9UXlpzNq0-00201-00050856-00051207 or they would start with the brev mech wp9UXlpzNq0-00202-00051208-00051430 inhibitor combo and that progression wp9UXlpzNq0-00203-00051432-00051590 would receive the wp9UXlpzNq0-00204-00051591-00051758 lumet nivolumab wp9UXlpzNq0-00205-00051759-00052063 combination therapy and the question was wp9UXlpzNq0-00206-00052064-00052263 would it make a difference with which wp9UXlpzNq0-00207-00052264-00052471 treatment you would start in these b ref wp9UXlpzNq0-00208-00052472-00052663 muted melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00209-00052664-00052966 and the results are absolutely striking wp9UXlpzNq0-00210-00052967-00053103 what it shows in terms of wp9UXlpzNq0-00211-00053104-00053454 progression-free survival is that only wp9UXlpzNq0-00212-00053455-00053671 for the first wp9UXlpzNq0-00213-00053672-00053863 seven eight months wp9UXlpzNq0-00214-00053864-00054150 uh the refmec inhibitor combo has a wp9UXlpzNq0-00215-00054151-00054350 slight advantage for progression-free wp9UXlpzNq0-00216-00054351-00054638 survival but then curves cross wp9UXlpzNq0-00217-00054639-00054719 and wp9UXlpzNq0-00218-00054720-00055038 the patients who started with wp9UXlpzNq0-00219-00055039-00055247 the polymer map and the volume up wp9UXlpzNq0-00220-00055248-00055582 combination are doing far better wp9UXlpzNq0-00221-00055583-00055863 than patients who started with a bref wp9UXlpzNq0-00222-00055864-00055950 mech wp9UXlpzNq0-00223-00055951-00056287 combo and then switched that progression wp9UXlpzNq0-00224-00056288-00056382 to wp9UXlpzNq0-00225-00056383-00056679 iplin magnifold map the difference here wp9UXlpzNq0-00226-00056679-00056926 as you can see is wp9UXlpzNq0-00227-00056927-00057166 some 23 wp9UXlpzNq0-00228-00057167-00057423 at 24 months in progression-free wp9UXlpzNq0-00229-00057424-00057542 survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00230-00057544-00057799 and in overall survival you see that wp9UXlpzNq0-00231-00057800-00057919 same wp9UXlpzNq0-00232-00057920-00058223 striking twenty percent wp9UXlpzNq0-00233-00058224-00058463 difference in overall survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00234-00058464-00058791 benefiting the patients who started with wp9UXlpzNq0-00235-00058791-00059038 limb map plus nivola map wp9UXlpzNq0-00236-00059039-00059263 in spite of being a brave muted melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00237-00059264-00059535 patient and that these results are far wp9UXlpzNq0-00238-00059536-00059775 better than if you start with the bref wp9UXlpzNq0-00239-00059776-00060063 mech humboldt the refnip stromatonium wp9UXlpzNq0-00240-00060064-00060287 and then switch to iplimomide plus and wp9UXlpzNq0-00241-00060288-00060638 evolution map and so this trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00242-00060639-00060847 clearly positions the combination of wp9UXlpzNq0-00243-00060848-00061142 anti-c daily 4 plus anti-pd-1 as the wp9UXlpzNq0-00244-00061144-00061399 best starting therapy in advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00245-00061400-00061663 melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00246-00061664-00061879 also for the bref mutant melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00247-00061879-00062030 patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00248-00062032-00062254 then there's been another wp9UXlpzNq0-00249-00062255-00062647 new molecule that shows that it can wp9UXlpzNq0-00250-00062648-00062863 articulate well in combination with wp9UXlpzNq0-00251-00062864-00063135 anti-pd1 and it's the molecule wp9UXlpzNq0-00252-00063136-00063342 3 roulettely map wp9UXlpzNq0-00253-00063344-00063550 these data were presented at asco in wp9UXlpzNq0-00254-00063551-00063711 2021 wp9UXlpzNq0-00255-00063712-00063903 randomized trials where the combination wp9UXlpzNq0-00256-00063904-00064126 of relatively mapped novolument was wp9UXlpzNq0-00257-00064127-00064342 compared to the vola map alone in wp9UXlpzNq0-00258-00064344-00064550 treatment naive wp9UXlpzNq0-00259-00064551-00064775 advanced melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00260-00064776-00065111 what it showed was that the combination wp9UXlpzNq0-00261-00065112-00065335 did better than the wp9UXlpzNq0-00262-00065336-00065606 anti-p1 monotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00263-00065607-00065887 treatment wp9UXlpzNq0-00264-00065888-00066143 and that this particular signifi wp9UXlpzNq0-00265-00066144-00066463 result was significant at 12 months wp9UXlpzNq0-00266-00066464-00066679 in terms of progression-free survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00267-00066680-00066959 the primary endpoint of this trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00268-00066960-00067238 there's a little caveat with this trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00269-00067239-00067471 or perhaps it's not that little wp9UXlpzNq0-00270-00067472-00067775 we saw that the monotherapy with novolo wp9UXlpzNq0-00271-00067776-00067991 map had a medium progression-free wp9UXlpzNq0-00272-00067992-00068326 survival of only 4.6 months and this is wp9UXlpzNq0-00273-00068327-00068638 extraordinarily low wp9UXlpzNq0-00274-00068639-00068823 much lower than what we have seen in wp9UXlpzNq0-00275-00068824-00069071 prior trials that the combination of wp9UXlpzNq0-00276-00069072-00069319 nivolumab plus roulette map wp9UXlpzNq0-00277-00069320-00069438 at about wp9UXlpzNq0-00278-00069439-00069575 months wp9UXlpzNq0-00279-00069576-00069687 is wp9UXlpzNq0-00280-00069688-00069887 a medium progression-free survival in wp9UXlpzNq0-00281-00069888-00070079 some trials we have actually seen with wp9UXlpzNq0-00282-00070080-00070343 monotherapy with anti-pd1 so we're still wp9UXlpzNq0-00283-00070344-00070863 a bit puzzled by the results of this wp9UXlpzNq0-00284-00070864-00071150 all in all it's clear that it's very wp9UXlpzNq0-00285-00071151-00071511 hard it's so hard to break the anti-p1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00286-00071512-00071775 ceiling of effectivity wp9UXlpzNq0-00287-00071776-00072047 when we look at the t-cells and the wp9UXlpzNq0-00288-00072048-00072255 inhibitory receptors which we can wp9UXlpzNq0-00289-00072256-00072535 address with anti-ctla for anti-pd1 and wp9UXlpzNq0-00290-00072536-00072831 anti-lag 3 that these strategies have wp9UXlpzNq0-00291-00072832-00073199 worked so far that combinations with wp9UXlpzNq0-00292-00073200-00073462 activating receptors any of these wp9UXlpzNq0-00293-00073463-00073799 receptors so far have all failed wp9UXlpzNq0-00294-00073800-00073903 so that wp9UXlpzNq0-00295-00073904-00074206 combination of two inhibitory receptor wp9UXlpzNq0-00296-00074207-00074471 blocking antibodies has been the best wp9UXlpzNq0-00297-00074472-00074919 strategy in immunocombo development wp9UXlpzNq0-00298-00074920-00075287 and so basically the anti-b1 molecules wp9UXlpzNq0-00299-00075288-00075447 are central wp9UXlpzNq0-00300-00075448-00075750 to the strategy now in multiple tumor wp9UXlpzNq0-00301-00075751-00075975 types not just melanoma but across the wp9UXlpzNq0-00302-00075976-00076182 board in more than 20 wp9UXlpzNq0-00303-00076183-00076438 different uh tumor types that we are wp9UXlpzNq0-00304-00076439-00076543 running wp9UXlpzNq0-00305-00076544-00076855 now up to 3 000 different trials where wp9UXlpzNq0-00306-00076856-00077159 anti pd1 or antipedia one is the central wp9UXlpzNq0-00307-00077160-00077238 molecule wp9UXlpzNq0-00308-00077239-00077511 and on top of that we give for instance wp9UXlpzNq0-00309-00077512-00077782 anti-c daily 4 or chemotherapy or wp9UXlpzNq0-00310-00077783-00078111 radiation therapy or wp9UXlpzNq0-00311-00078112-00078503 angiogenesis blockers or vegf wp9UXlpzNq0-00312-00078504-00078847 inhibitors or any type of targeted wp9UXlpzNq0-00313-00078848-00079206 therapy or a vaccine or other wp9UXlpzNq0-00314-00079207-00079462 combination molecule wp9UXlpzNq0-00315-00079463-00079687 the core molecule is always a you want wp9UXlpzNq0-00316-00079688-00079919 our anti-seidel4 wp9UXlpzNq0-00317-00079920-00080103 in the further development of wp9UXlpzNq0-00318-00080104-00080271 immunotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00319-00080272-00080423 combo development wp9UXlpzNq0-00320-00080424-00080687 we therefore must look at what we wp9UXlpzNq0-00321-00080688-00080919 already have wp9UXlpzNq0-00322-00080920-00081182 achieved and that is enhancing ctl wp9UXlpzNq0-00323-00081183-00081447 priming with anti-c daily 4 protecting wp9UXlpzNq0-00324-00081448-00081703 ctl effector function with antipd1 or wp9UXlpzNq0-00325-00081704-00081943 antipedia one and then now we need to wp9UXlpzNq0-00326-00081944-00082255 address the third compartment in wp9UXlpzNq0-00327-00082256-00082471 the tumors which is dominated by wp9UXlpzNq0-00328-00082472-00082655 macrophages that are profoundly wp9UXlpzNq0-00329-00082656-00082806 immunosuppressive wp9UXlpzNq0-00330-00082807-00082918 and that wp9UXlpzNq0-00331-00082919-00083191 those are associated macrophages can wp9UXlpzNq0-00332-00083192-00083431 block with anti-interfering gamma wp9UXlpzNq0-00333-00083432-00083694 receptor two monoclonal antibodies wp9UXlpzNq0-00334-00083695-00083999 or we can change the tail of our wp9UXlpzNq0-00335-00084000-00084335 anti-pd1 or antipedial ones so that wp9UXlpzNq0-00336-00084336-00084543 they cannot be taken off wp9UXlpzNq0-00337-00084544-00084799 the t cell wp9UXlpzNq0-00338-00084800-00085031 that is protected by those antibodies by wp9UXlpzNq0-00339-00085032-00085255 macrophages wp9UXlpzNq0-00340-00085256-00085406 and there the wp9UXlpzNq0-00341-00085407-00085606 the example is for instance pearl wp9UXlpzNq0-00342-00085607-00085999 golimab the the russian biocat anti-pd1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00343-00086000-00086247 uh molecule very innovative wp9UXlpzNq0-00344-00086248-00086471 then we have anti-cd47 wp9UXlpzNq0-00345-00086472-00086767 and anti-serb alpha antibodies that can wp9UXlpzNq0-00346-00086768-00086950 also wp9UXlpzNq0-00347-00086951-00087223 enhance macrophage function and and wp9UXlpzNq0-00348-00087224-00087431 avoid the blocking function of wp9UXlpzNq0-00349-00087432-00087779 macrophages and we have two m1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00350-00087780-00088191 repolarization agents that drive the m2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00351-00088192-00088415 very immunosuppressive wp9UXlpzNq0-00352-00088416-00088647 macrophages into wp9UXlpzNq0-00353-00088648-00088967 immunoactive wp9UXlpzNq0-00354-00088968-00089247 macrophages the m1 macrophages and we wp9UXlpzNq0-00355-00089248-00089615 have different agents cr5 ccr5-2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00356-00089616-00089726 we have wp9UXlpzNq0-00357-00089727-00089982 three inhibitors and deep leaders and a wp9UXlpzNq0-00358-00089983-00090182 number of strategies wp9UXlpzNq0-00359-00090183-00090343 so when you look at wp9UXlpzNq0-00360-00090344-00090711 a very innovative and nice molecule wp9UXlpzNq0-00361-00090712-00090991 by modulating the fc part of your wp9UXlpzNq0-00362-00090992-00091375 anti-e1 molecule you have actually role wp9UXlpzNq0-00363-00091376-00091631 golema and this is the publication in wp9UXlpzNq0-00364-00091632-00092015 the european journal of cancer in 2021 wp9UXlpzNq0-00365-00092016-00092343 of your miraculous trial conducted in wp9UXlpzNq0-00366-00092344-00092535 russia and when you look at the two-year wp9UXlpzNq0-00367-00092536-00092806 miraculous overall survival data you see wp9UXlpzNq0-00368-00092807-00093071 that there is a 64 wp9UXlpzNq0-00369-00093072-00093247 2-year overall survival here in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00370-00093248-00093447 right upper hand curve wp9UXlpzNq0-00371-00093448-00093718 for all continuous melanoma patients and wp9UXlpzNq0-00372-00093719-00093943 when you look at the three-year update wp9UXlpzNq0-00373-00093944-00094167 data you see that at three years the wp9UXlpzNq0-00374-00094168-00094447 overall survival date is 55 percent and wp9UXlpzNq0-00375-00094448-00094671 this comp is comparable or even better wp9UXlpzNq0-00376-00094672-00094950 than keynote zero zero six data where it wp9UXlpzNq0-00377-00094951-00095103 was 51 wp9UXlpzNq0-00378-00095104-00095343 so this pro golem up wp9UXlpzNq0-00379-00095344-00095471 antibody wp9UXlpzNq0-00380-00095472-00095687 seems to be very good and compare at wp9UXlpzNq0-00381-00095688-00095918 least as good as the other anti-pd1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00382-00095919-00096238 molecules that are around wp9UXlpzNq0-00383-00096239-00096438 then we said that blocking the wp9UXlpzNq0-00384-00096439-00096887 macrophages recep gamma receptor 2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00385-00096888-00097111 fc gamma receptor 2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00386-00097112-00097231 would wp9UXlpzNq0-00387-00097232-00097447 protect further t cell function look at wp9UXlpzNq0-00388-00097448-00097838 the bottom panel here where anti st wp9UXlpzNq0-00389-00097839-00098087 gamma receptor 2 monoclonal antibodies wp9UXlpzNq0-00390-00098088-00098415 cover macrophages and therefore inhibit wp9UXlpzNq0-00391-00098416-00098738 the macrophages can take off the wp9UXlpzNq0-00392-00098739-00099023 anti-pd1s from the wp9UXlpzNq0-00393-00099024-00099215 human expression wp9UXlpzNq0-00394-00099216-00099359 ctls wp9UXlpzNq0-00395-00099360-00099599 and therefore wp9UXlpzNq0-00396-00099600-00099815 protect them for further functioning and wp9UXlpzNq0-00397-00099816-00100126 so the ctls remain activated and their wp9UXlpzNq0-00398-00100127-00100279 function is wp9UXlpzNq0-00399-00100280-00100599 enhanced so it's yet another strategy to wp9UXlpzNq0-00400-00100600-00100815 enhance wp9UXlpzNq0-00401-00100816-00101111 the cell function by protecting them wp9UXlpzNq0-00402-00101112-00101223 against wp9UXlpzNq0-00403-00101224-00101550 macrophages m2 macrophages wp9UXlpzNq0-00404-00101551-00101743 the same thing is true for macrophage wp9UXlpzNq0-00405-00101744-00101906 checkpoint blockage with wp9UXlpzNq0-00406-00101907-00102271 anti-cd47s and anti-verb alpha in this wp9UXlpzNq0-00407-00102272-00102575 pathway you must block wp9UXlpzNq0-00408-00102576-00102954 the don't eat me signal cd47 with either wp9UXlpzNq0-00409-00102955-00103294 anti-cd47 or anti-serp alpha which is on wp9UXlpzNq0-00410-00103295-00103463 the macrophages wp9UXlpzNq0-00411-00103464-00103839 and if you do so then you avoid wp9UXlpzNq0-00412-00103840-00104134 that the don't eat me signal wp9UXlpzNq0-00413-00104135-00104375 on tumor cells is functional wp9UXlpzNq0-00414-00104376-00104678 and protects more cells against wp9UXlpzNq0-00415-00104679-00104830 t-cell wp9UXlpzNq0-00416-00104831-00105031 tumors wp9UXlpzNq0-00417-00105032-00105295 so when you look at the friedman's uh wp9UXlpzNq0-00418-00105296-00105671 article in uh nature uh reviews wp9UXlpzNq0-00419-00105672-00105975 of clinical oncology they published the wp9UXlpzNq0-00420-00105976-00106447 infiltrate analysis on in thousand tours wp9UXlpzNq0-00421-00106448-00106719 and what was the common denominator in wp9UXlpzNq0-00422-00106720-00106943 being very immunosuppressive and bad wp9UXlpzNq0-00423-00106944-00107278 prognostics was the amount of m2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00424-00107279-00107486 macrophages that you found in all those wp9UXlpzNq0-00425-00107488-00107647 tumors wp9UXlpzNq0-00426-00107648-00107943 and so we need to tackle the m2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00427-00107944-00108239 tumor-associated macrophage population wp9UXlpzNq0-00428-00108240-00108439 to make the next advanced in wp9UXlpzNq0-00429-00108440-00108743 immunotherapy combo development wp9UXlpzNq0-00430-00108744-00108966 and one of the ways how to do that is wp9UXlpzNq0-00431-00108967-00109134 for instance by collecting wp9UXlpzNq0-00432-00109135-00109439 pre-inhibition or depletion because wp9UXlpzNq0-00433-00109440-00109710 collecting three high concentrations wp9UXlpzNq0-00434-00109711-00109983 lead to m2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00435-00109983-00110127 macrophage wp9UXlpzNq0-00436-00110128-00110375 activation and therefore very wp9UXlpzNq0-00437-00110376-00110671 deep immunosuppressive activity and if wp9UXlpzNq0-00438-00110672-00110927 you deplete collecting three in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00439-00110928-00111190 tumor microenvironment then you get the wp9UXlpzNq0-00440-00111191-00111510 shift back from m2 to m1 macrophages and wp9UXlpzNq0-00441-00111511-00111871 you get enhanced or cell killing wp9UXlpzNq0-00442-00111872-00111951 so wp9UXlpzNq0-00443-00111952-00112158 when you've taken care of those three wp9UXlpzNq0-00444-00112159-00112423 elements now ctl priming ctl effector wp9UXlpzNq0-00445-00112424-00112734 cell function protection and macrophage wp9UXlpzNq0-00446-00112735-00112934 neutralization of wp9UXlpzNq0-00447-00112935-00113023 the wp9UXlpzNq0-00448-00113024-00113190 m2 wp9UXlpzNq0-00449-00113191-00113390 immunosuppressive function there is wp9UXlpzNq0-00450-00113391-00113583 still a number of immune escape wp9UXlpzNq0-00451-00113583-00113847 mechanisms you may need to tackle check wp9UXlpzNq0-00452-00113848-00114143 1 check 2 mutations and loss of gamma wp9UXlpzNq0-00453-00114144-00114375 interferon pathways wp9UXlpzNq0-00454-00114376-00114639 loss of class 1 molecules wp9UXlpzNq0-00455-00114640-00114902 beta catheter pathway activation which wp9UXlpzNq0-00456-00114903-00115054 can lead to immune wp9UXlpzNq0-00457-00115055-00115319 exclusion and t-cell exhaustion which wp9UXlpzNq0-00458-00115320-00115431 you can wp9UXlpzNq0-00459-00115432-00115710 counteract by anti-lag three monoclonal wp9UXlpzNq0-00460-00115711-00116015 antibodies but these are then just wp9UXlpzNq0-00461-00116016-00116207 some remaining mechanisms of wp9UXlpzNq0-00462-00116208-00116415 immunosuppression that you may need to wp9UXlpzNq0-00463-00116416-00116607 tackle wp9UXlpzNq0-00464-00116608-00116854 and on top of that you may combine with wp9UXlpzNq0-00465-00116855-00117039 smarter cytokines wp9UXlpzNq0-00466-00117040-00117319 to especially prevent a deregulatory wp9UXlpzNq0-00467-00117320-00117566 cell or immunosuppressive t-cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00468-00117567-00117799 tsunami which is what you see with wp9UXlpzNq0-00469-00117800-00118183 regular interleukin-2 so bampac and ktr wp9UXlpzNq0-00470-00118183-00118383 2 14. wp9UXlpzNq0-00471-00118383-00118695 the nectar wp9UXlpzNq0-00472-00118696-00118919 interleukin-2 or the naovia interlocking wp9UXlpzNq0-00473-00118920-00119239 tool are interleukins that wp9UXlpzNq0-00474-00119240-00119454 avoid the wp9UXlpzNq0-00475-00119455-00119775 big expansion of t regulatory key cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00476-00119776-00120127 and so for instance with this wp9UXlpzNq0-00477-00120128-00120495 bempec aldous leuken molecule bampec wp9UXlpzNq0-00478-00120496-00120710 in combination with diabetes one and a wp9UXlpzNq0-00479-00120711-00120983 volume map there is a trial comparing it wp9UXlpzNq0-00480-00120983-00121263 with novolumeter monotherapy both in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00481-00121264-00121566 advanced melanoma setting as well as in wp9UXlpzNq0-00482-00121567-00121639 the wp9UXlpzNq0-00483-00121640-00121751 adjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00484-00121752-00121934 set wp9UXlpzNq0-00485-00121935-00122110 and then of course the other wp9UXlpzNq0-00486-00122111-00122310 question is what about vaccines well wp9UXlpzNq0-00487-00122311-00122510 vaccines alone and by themselves don't wp9UXlpzNq0-00488-00122511-00122639 work wp9UXlpzNq0-00489-00122640-00122854 but they can work and they have a second wp9UXlpzNq0-00490-00122855-00123127 life now in their development because of wp9UXlpzNq0-00491-00123128-00123454 anti-pd1 because vaccines can work wp9UXlpzNq0-00492-00123455-00123695 provided the effector cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00493-00123696-00123895 that are enhanced by your vaccine are wp9UXlpzNq0-00494-00123896-00124151 protected by anti-pd1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00495-00124152-00124463 and a good example is what was reported wp9UXlpzNq0-00496-00124464-00124775 at esmo in 2020 and published in nature wp9UXlpzNq0-00497-00124776-00124999 medicine in 2021 wp9UXlpzNq0-00498-00125000-00125483 and that is that the immune oncology wp9UXlpzNq0-00499-00125483-00125854 102-103 anti-ido wp9UXlpzNq0-00500-00125855-00126151 and type el1 vaccine wp9UXlpzNq0-00501-00126152-00126423 against immunosuppressive cells wp9UXlpzNq0-00502-00126424-00126599 there are myeloid derived suppressor wp9UXlpzNq0-00503-00126600-00126775 cells and two wp9UXlpzNq0-00504-00126776-00127054 uh suppressor cells and heat regulatory wp9UXlpzNq0-00505-00127055-00127286 cells that that the vaccine wp9UXlpzNq0-00506-00127288-00127543 in combination with nuvolo wp9UXlpzNq0-00507-00127544-00127951 reported in 30 patients who have in wp9UXlpzNq0-00508-00127952-00128286 advanced melanoma patients an 80 overall wp9UXlpzNq0-00509-00128288-00128543 response rate of 50 complete response wp9UXlpzNq0-00510-00128544-00128710 rate and a medium progression free wp9UXlpzNq0-00511-00128711-00129102 survival rate of more than 31 months wp9UXlpzNq0-00512-00129103-00129495 and that this approach therefore now got wp9UXlpzNq0-00513-00129496-00129599 breakthrough wp9UXlpzNq0-00514-00129600-00130039 status by the fda is going to be wp9UXlpzNq0-00515-00130040-00130247 the test in a randomized phase three wp9UXlpzNq0-00516-00130248-00130399 trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00517-00130400-00130727 of the combination of anti-bd1 embolism wp9UXlpzNq0-00518-00130728-00130886 plus this wp9UXlpzNq0-00519-00130888-00131263 double and i immunosuppressive cell wp9UXlpzNq0-00520-00131264-00131447 vaccine wp9UXlpzNq0-00521-00131448-00131639 in europe where you see all the wp9UXlpzNq0-00522-00131640-00131887 countries involved and wp9UXlpzNq0-00523-00131888-00132159 australia new zealand the u.s and latin wp9UXlpzNq0-00524-00132160-00132431 america wp9UXlpzNq0-00525-00132432-00132735 so overall we have seen that in advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00526-00132736-00132911 melanoma above the bill is the wp9UXlpzNq0-00527-00132912-00133375 combination of believer map wp9UXlpzNq0-00528-00133376-00133566 monotherapy and that this is true for wp9UXlpzNq0-00529-00133567-00133887 all melanomas also for ref-muted wp9UXlpzNq0-00530-00133888-00134214 melanomas wp9UXlpzNq0-00531-00134215-00134439 does it translate from the advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00532-00134440-00134766 setting into the adjuvant setting yes it wp9UXlpzNq0-00533-00134767-00134878 completely wp9UXlpzNq0-00534-00134879-00135166 linearly translates into what we have wp9UXlpzNq0-00535-00135167-00135383 observed in the adjuvant setting what wp9UXlpzNq0-00536-00135384-00135575 have we observed in the engine setting wp9UXlpzNq0-00537-00135576-00135863 that the first molecule limit map in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00538-00135864-00136054 advanced setting also was the first wp9UXlpzNq0-00539-00136055-00136311 molecule approved for lymph node wp9UXlpzNq0-00540-00136312-00136599 positive melanoma stage three in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00541-00136600-00136887 edge the adjuvant setting that the wp9UXlpzNq0-00542-00136888-00137143 volumet was shown to be superior to wp9UXlpzNq0-00543-00137144-00137359 epilim map just like in the advanced wp9UXlpzNq0-00544-00137360-00137671 setting also in the adjuvant setting wp9UXlpzNq0-00545-00137672-00137887 the brevnip strometenib was an wp9UXlpzNq0-00546-00137888-00138159 alternative for breath mutant melanomas wp9UXlpzNq0-00547-00138160-00138359 in the adjuvant setting wp9UXlpzNq0-00548-00138360-00138543 and that world is a map wp9UXlpzNq0-00549-00138544-00138790 that e1 was the other molecule clearly wp9UXlpzNq0-00550-00138791-00139014 superior to placebo in wp9UXlpzNq0-00551-00139015-00139278 without positive wp9UXlpzNq0-00552-00139279-00139519 stage three melanomas in the argument wp9UXlpzNq0-00553-00139520-00139943 setting so advanced translated into wp9UXlpzNq0-00554-00139944-00140454 different observations and approvals wp9UXlpzNq0-00555-00140455-00140590 the trial where there was little wp9UXlpzNq0-00556-00140591-00140902 crossover after a relapse and that was wp9UXlpzNq0-00557-00140903-00141175 the eortc 18071 epilima map versus wp9UXlpzNq0-00558-00141176-00141407 placebo trial in stage 3 melanoma we wp9UXlpzNq0-00559-00141408-00141671 showed that what you see in terms of wp9UXlpzNq0-00560-00141672-00141951 impact on relapse free survival is long wp9UXlpzNq0-00561-00141952-00142078 lasting wp9UXlpzNq0-00562-00142079-00142271 translates exactly in wp9UXlpzNq0-00563-00142272-00142471 basically the same as a ratio for wp9UXlpzNq0-00564-00142472-00142695 distant metastase-free survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00565-00142696-00143007 translates into the same observation on wp9UXlpzNq0-00566-00143008-00143295 the impact on overall survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00567-00143296-00143631 the problem of the dosing of map at wp9UXlpzNq0-00568-00143632-00143831 milligrams per cake was the high rate of wp9UXlpzNq0-00569-00143832-00144151 immune related adverse events but anyway wp9UXlpzNq0-00570-00144152-00144283 it was rapidly wp9UXlpzNq0-00571-00144284-00144583 replaced by wp9UXlpzNq0-00572-00144584-00144887 the rafny stromatinib in brav mutant wp9UXlpzNq0-00573-00144888-00145190 melanoma patients the top curve versus wp9UXlpzNq0-00574-00145191-00145599 sibo the bottom curve or anti e1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00575-00145600-00145935 volume top curve versus the bottom curve wp9UXlpzNq0-00576-00145936-00146166 the active treatment epilima map in this wp9UXlpzNq0-00577-00146167-00146399 checkpoint 3a trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00578-00146400-00146590 or again wp9UXlpzNq0-00579-00146591-00146999 realism in the keynote 54 trial which wp9UXlpzNq0-00580-00147000-00147199 shows this top curve in lymph node wp9UXlpzNq0-00581-00147200-00147454 positive melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00582-00147455-00147775 regardless of bref mutational status wp9UXlpzNq0-00583-00147776-00148063 just so for all melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00584-00148064-00148278 clearly superior to wp9UXlpzNq0-00585-00148279-00148511 a placebo so an absolute difference of wp9UXlpzNq0-00586-00148512-00148678 about 20 wp9UXlpzNq0-00587-00148679-00148759 at wp9UXlpzNq0-00588-00148760-00148983 three years wp9UXlpzNq0-00589-00148984-00149239 it was true for pdl one positive as well wp9UXlpzNq0-00590-00149240-00149487 as pdl one negative patient wp9UXlpzNq0-00591-00149488-00149766 it was true at the same hazard ratios of wp9UXlpzNq0-00592-00149767-00150183 around 50 55.5 wp9UXlpzNq0-00593-00150184-00150671 for different substages of stage 3 a b t wp9UXlpzNq0-00594-00150672-00150943 there's no positive melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00595-00150944-00151023 and wp9UXlpzNq0-00596-00151024-00151287 it was true wp9UXlpzNq0-00597-00151288-00151623 even more so in bref mutant missions an wp9UXlpzNq0-00598-00151624-00151847 absolute difference at three years of 25 wp9UXlpzNq0-00599-00151848-00152126 percent benefiting the pembrolizumab arm wp9UXlpzNq0-00600-00152127-00152335 top curve versus membrane wp9UXlpzNq0-00601-00152336-00152683 versus a placebo arm bottom wp9UXlpzNq0-00602-00152684-00153126 curve which actually is better than what wp9UXlpzNq0-00603-00153127-00153390 was observed in the combi a d the wp9UXlpzNq0-00604-00153391-00153639 raphini plus traumatic trial so i show wp9UXlpzNq0-00605-00153640-00153895 this in this trial at three years with wp9UXlpzNq0-00606-00153896-00154135 pembrolizumab we see a 25 percent wp9UXlpzNq0-00607-00154136-00154431 absolute difference in the stage 3 wp9UXlpzNq0-00608-00154432-00154671 melanoma patient population compared to wp9UXlpzNq0-00609-00154672-00154807 a 20 wp9UXlpzNq0-00610-00154808-00155151 difference in the combi ad wp9UXlpzNq0-00611-00155152-00155326 the same population wp9UXlpzNq0-00612-00155327-00155599 trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00613-00155600-00155823 it also translates in the pembrolizumab wp9UXlpzNq0-00614-00155824-00156071 trial into exactly the same observations wp9UXlpzNq0-00615-00156072-00156143 for wp9UXlpzNq0-00616-00156144-00156407 distant metastase free survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00617-00156408-00156502 here wp9UXlpzNq0-00618-00156503-00156687 relapse free survival here decent wp9UXlpzNq0-00619-00156688-00156854 metastase free survival at three and a wp9UXlpzNq0-00620-00156855-00157102 half years which we published in lancer wp9UXlpzNq0-00621-00157103-00157319 oncology this year wp9UXlpzNq0-00622-00157320-00157639 and again for the ref mutations wp9UXlpzNq0-00623-00157640-00157911 the best effect here twenty percent wp9UXlpzNq0-00624-00157912-00158159 absolute difference uh for distant wp9UXlpzNq0-00625-00158160-00158399 metastase free survival for pembrolism wp9UXlpzNq0-00626-00158400-00158583 had better to perceive over as it was wp9UXlpzNq0-00627-00158584-00158790 only fourteen percent in the combination wp9UXlpzNq0-00628-00158791-00158911 trial wp9UXlpzNq0-00629-00158912-00159054 and so wp9UXlpzNq0-00630-00159055-00159311 the last question then was would we also wp9UXlpzNq0-00631-00159312-00159519 see superiority of wp9UXlpzNq0-00632-00159520-00159743 the combination of anti-ctr4 plus wp9UXlpzNq0-00633-00159744-00159990 anti-pd1 in the adjuvant setting wp9UXlpzNq0-00634-00159991-00160143 there's two trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00635-00160144-00160439 one trial was published already in 2020 wp9UXlpzNq0-00636-00160440-00160607 in the highest risk wp9UXlpzNq0-00637-00160608-00160878 patient population trial resected stage wp9UXlpzNq0-00638-00160879-00161166 four melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00639-00161167-00161375 german trial the immune trial and it wp9UXlpzNq0-00640-00161376-00161495 compared wp9UXlpzNq0-00641-00161496-00161678 the combination of nivolumab plus wp9UXlpzNq0-00642-00161679-00161935 epilimu map but be limited dosed at wp9UXlpzNq0-00643-00161936-00162175 three milligrams per kick every three wp9UXlpzNq0-00644-00162176-00162447 weeks very important put that into your wp9UXlpzNq0-00645-00162448-00162847 head compared to nouveau map wp9UXlpzNq0-00646-00162848-00163031 compared to placebo wp9UXlpzNq0-00647-00163032-00163175 and here the combination of the wp9UXlpzNq0-00648-00163176-00163375 epilimium map is superior in terms of wp9UXlpzNq0-00649-00163376-00163551 progression-free survival compared to wp9UXlpzNq0-00650-00163552-00163883 monotherapy with anti-pd1 compared to wp9UXlpzNq0-00651-00163884-00164126 placebo then wp9UXlpzNq0-00652-00164127-00164238 we had wp9UXlpzNq0-00653-00164239-00164559 largest trial conducted checkmate 915 in wp9UXlpzNq0-00654-00164560-00164719 two thousand patients comparing wp9UXlpzNq0-00655-00164720-00164919 nivolumables epilimumab versus wp9UXlpzNq0-00656-00164920-00165166 nevolumete monotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00657-00165167-00165287 but wp9UXlpzNq0-00658-00165288-00165543 this is quite different in the sense wp9UXlpzNq0-00659-00165544-00165654 that wp9UXlpzNq0-00660-00165655-00165799 nivola map wp9UXlpzNq0-00661-00165800-00165911 was wp9UXlpzNq0-00662-00165912-00166166 dosed every two weeks at 240 milligrams wp9UXlpzNq0-00663-00166167-00166454 as a flat dose but ep lemon map here was wp9UXlpzNq0-00664-00166455-00166687 dosed at a very low dose one milligrams wp9UXlpzNq0-00665-00166688-00166926 per gig every three weeks but only every wp9UXlpzNq0-00666-00166927-00167126 six weeks wp9UXlpzNq0-00667-00167127-00167311 comparator volume at monotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00668-00167312-00167511 compared to epilimonotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00669-00167512-00167735 now look here wp9UXlpzNq0-00670-00167736-00168038 that dose of epilim map is six times wp9UXlpzNq0-00671-00168039-00168295 lower than the dosing of ep wp9UXlpzNq0-00672-00168296-00168614 at three weeks wp9UXlpzNq0-00673-00168615-00168799 intervals at three milligrams per k wp9UXlpzNq0-00674-00168800-00169119 which is the proof dosing of iklima and wp9UXlpzNq0-00675-00169120-00169295 so wp9UXlpzNq0-00676-00169296-00169483 this is what happened in this wp9UXlpzNq0-00677-00169484-00169719 trial eliminable wp9UXlpzNq0-00678-00169720-00169959 clearly underdosed wp9UXlpzNq0-00679-00169960-00170119 and there was no more wp9UXlpzNq0-00680-00170120-00170319 beneficial effect of the combination wp9UXlpzNq0-00681-00170320-00170431 over wp9UXlpzNq0-00682-00170432-00170687 uh adjuvant therapy with a novole map wp9UXlpzNq0-00683-00170688-00171007 with antique d1 a lot wp9UXlpzNq0-00684-00171008-00171190 there's one more trial out there which i wp9UXlpzNq0-00685-00171191-00171431 already mentioned is that wp9UXlpzNq0-00686-00171432-00171663 a new type of interleukin-2 that does wp9UXlpzNq0-00687-00171664-00171823 not create all those wp9UXlpzNq0-00688-00171824-00172071 t-regulatory cells it's the combination wp9UXlpzNq0-00689-00172072-00172335 of bendpak within the photomap wp9UXlpzNq0-00690-00172336-00172551 versus nivolumab monotherapy in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00691-00172552-00172814 adjuvant setting stage 3 and resected wp9UXlpzNq0-00692-00172815-00172999 stage 4 patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00693-00173000-00173175 that trial will wp9UXlpzNq0-00694-00173176-00173263 still wp9UXlpzNq0-00695-00173264-00173583 accruing and will only read out wp9UXlpzNq0-00696-00173584-00173775 in about 2 years or so wp9UXlpzNq0-00697-00173776-00173943 so then the question is what's next in wp9UXlpzNq0-00698-00173944-00174166 the adjuvant setting in the adjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00699-00174167-00174311 setting the next wp9UXlpzNq0-00700-00174312-00174559 question then is how about adjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00701-00174560-00174926 therapy in stage 2 bc melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00702-00174927-00175238 stage 2 bc melanoma patients you have as wp9UXlpzNq0-00703-00175239-00175438 many patients in that category as you wp9UXlpzNq0-00704-00175439-00175654 have stage three melanoma patients where wp9UXlpzNq0-00705-00175655-00175878 you have all your approved wp9UXlpzNq0-00706-00175879-00176078 different therapies wp9UXlpzNq0-00707-00176079-00176483 and if you go even lower stage 1 2a wp9UXlpzNq0-00708-00176484-00176751 well the relapse rates there are much wp9UXlpzNq0-00709-00176752-00177047 lower and there you can only wp9UXlpzNq0-00710-00177048-00177278 identify patients by using wp9UXlpzNq0-00711-00177279-00177502 tests on the primary melanoma so let's wp9UXlpzNq0-00712-00177503-00177871 discuss see what's going to happen wp9UXlpzNq0-00713-00177872-00178302 so here you see that stages to be wp9UXlpzNq0-00714-00178303-00178638 inside the the red box stages 2b wp9UXlpzNq0-00715-00178639-00178887 3 b and 2c wp9UXlpzNq0-00716-00178888-00179151 have very similar overall survival rates wp9UXlpzNq0-00717-00179152-00179335 at 5 and at 10 years wp9UXlpzNq0-00718-00179336-00179502 and therefore have a similar risk of wp9UXlpzNq0-00719-00179503-00179823 relapse whereas the stages 2b and 2c are wp9UXlpzNq0-00720-00179824-00180054 simply central or negative wp9UXlpzNq0-00721-00180055-00180311 so the size of the overall populations wp9UXlpzNq0-00722-00180312-00180438 is wp9UXlpzNq0-00723-00180439-00180719 stage 2a is as big as wp9UXlpzNq0-00724-00180720-00180943 stage 2b plus 2c wp9UXlpzNq0-00725-00180944-00181271 it's as big as stage 3 a b c d wp9UXlpzNq0-00726-00181272-00181535 and so the question then was wp9UXlpzNq0-00727-00181536-00181807 what about antique b1 adjuvant therapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00728-00181808-00182166 in stage 2 b c melanoma because there at wp9UXlpzNq0-00729-00182167-00182431 least you have a relapse rate of wp9UXlpzNq0-00730-00182432-00182566 25 to wp9UXlpzNq0-00731-00182567-00182726 50 percent wp9UXlpzNq0-00732-00182727-00182847 at wp9UXlpzNq0-00733-00182848-00182983 five years wp9UXlpzNq0-00734-00182984-00183159 and so there's two trials the keynote wp9UXlpzNq0-00735-00183160-00183487 716 trials and this checkmate wp9UXlpzNq0-00736-00183488-00183895 76k trial but keynote trial already now wp9UXlpzNq0-00737-00183896-00184159 was reported that was reported at esmo wp9UXlpzNq0-00738-00184160-00184471 and it was reported for an update on at wp9UXlpzNq0-00739-00184472-00184551 the wp9UXlpzNq0-00740-00184552-00184783 society of melanoma research only a wp9UXlpzNq0-00741-00184784-00184966 couple of weeks ago wp9UXlpzNq0-00742-00184967-00185175 and let's look at the results here for wp9UXlpzNq0-00743-00185176-00185343 adjuvant therapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00744-00185344-00185678 one year with realism f versus placebo wp9UXlpzNq0-00745-00185679-00186007 in stage 2bc melanoma patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00746-00186008-00186214 and here you see wp9UXlpzNq0-00747-00186215-00186502 the updated analysis as presented only wp9UXlpzNq0-00748-00186503-00186719 two weeks ago at the wp9UXlpzNq0-00749-00186720-00187063 society of melanoma research so look at wp9UXlpzNq0-00750-00187064-00187359 the 18 months wp9UXlpzNq0-00751-00187360-00187583 differences wp9UXlpzNq0-00752-00187584-00187687 it's wp9UXlpzNq0-00753-00187688-00187911 almost 86 percent for wp9UXlpzNq0-00754-00187912-00188126 adjuvant therapy with memorialism wp9UXlpzNq0-00755-00188127-00188335 77 wp9UXlpzNq0-00756-00188336-00188575 relapse free survival for wp9UXlpzNq0-00757-00188576-00188695 um wp9UXlpzNq0-00758-00188696-00189031 the placebo uh patient population the wp9UXlpzNq0-00759-00189032-00189350 hazard ratio is 0.61 wp9UXlpzNq0-00760-00189351-00189695 and if you also include the reduction of wp9UXlpzNq0-00761-00189696-00189975 new primary melanomas the asset ratio is wp9UXlpzNq0-00762-00189976-00190302 0.60 so you see the same 40 wp9UXlpzNq0-00763-00190303-00190566 reduction of new primary melanomas as wp9UXlpzNq0-00764-00190567-00190966 you see in terms of relapses wp9UXlpzNq0-00765-00190967-00191143 with the antip1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00766-00191144-00191390 therapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00767-00191391-00191647 does it work for a different group wp9UXlpzNq0-00768-00191648-00191847 e3 b wp9UXlpzNq0-00769-00191848-00192102 ep 4a and pt4b wp9UXlpzNq0-00770-00192103-00192311 yes it's remarkably wp9UXlpzNq0-00771-00192312-00192487 effective in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00772-00192488-00192623 stage wp9UXlpzNq0-00773-00192624-00192950 this is combined stage to be wp9UXlpzNq0-00774-00192951-00193063 in stage wp9UXlpzNq0-00775-00193064-00193319 2c the difference is somewhat smaller wp9UXlpzNq0-00776-00193320-00193614 with a hazard ratio of wp9UXlpzNq0-00777-00193615-00193935 asset ratio of 0.82 but overall it's wp9UXlpzNq0-00778-00193936-00194111 0.61 wp9UXlpzNq0-00779-00194112-00194519 and so approval of anti-pd1 of anti of wp9UXlpzNq0-00780-00194520-00194823 pembrolizumab for stage 2 bc is wp9UXlpzNq0-00781-00194824-00195063 basically going to be imminent and is wp9UXlpzNq0-00782-00195064-00195287 expected by the end of this year this wp9UXlpzNq0-00783-00195288-00195526 approval by the fda wp9UXlpzNq0-00784-00195527-00195663 and so wp9UXlpzNq0-00785-00195664-00195871 then wp9UXlpzNq0-00786-00195872-00196166 it also means what if you would include wp9UXlpzNq0-00787-00196167-00196454 stage 2a so if you would look at all of wp9UXlpzNq0-00788-00196455-00196687 stage 2 melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00789-00196688-00196895 and stage 2a wp9UXlpzNq0-00790-00196896-00197111 the relapse rate is much lower so then wp9UXlpzNq0-00791-00197112-00197326 you will need to identify with a high wp9UXlpzNq0-00792-00197327-00197831 risk score using a gene profiling wp9UXlpzNq0-00793-00197832-00198071 gene expression profile test on the wp9UXlpzNq0-00794-00198072-00198350 primary melanoma is it a high risk then wp9UXlpzNq0-00795-00198351-00198623 you can include it into randomization or wp9UXlpzNq0-00796-00198624-00198863 is it a low risk and then wp9UXlpzNq0-00797-00198864-00199047 you only wp9UXlpzNq0-00798-00199048-00199335 basically lose observation this is what wp9UXlpzNq0-00799-00199336-00199583 happens in the nevo mala adjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00800-00199584-00199863 therapy trial in germany wp9UXlpzNq0-00801-00199864-00199999 and wp9UXlpzNq0-00802-00200000-00200254 in the netherlands we have developed wp9UXlpzNq0-00803-00200255-00200447 another wp9UXlpzNq0-00804-00200448-00200702 algorithm to identify patients who are wp9UXlpzNq0-00805-00200703-00200935 at high risk for relapse in spite of wp9UXlpzNq0-00806-00200936-00201159 being central north negative that's by wp9UXlpzNq0-00807-00201160-00201271 using wp9UXlpzNq0-00808-00201272-00201454 clinical wp9UXlpzNq0-00809-00201455-00201638 physiologic characteristics that we wp9UXlpzNq0-00810-00201639-00201863 always know in all patients its age of wp9UXlpzNq0-00811-00201864-00202047 the patient and its breast low thickness wp9UXlpzNq0-00812-00202048-00202254 of the primary melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00813-00202255-00202654 and it genes the defined high metastatic wp9UXlpzNq0-00814-00202655-00202831 density wp9UXlpzNq0-00815-00202832-00203054 in a gene expression profiling test that wp9UXlpzNq0-00816-00203055-00203350 you can do in your primary melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00817-00203351-00203766 and this cpgp algorithm we published in wp9UXlpzNq0-00818-00203767-00204087 the european journal of cancer in 2020 wp9UXlpzNq0-00819-00204088-00204359 and look what happened in 854 patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00820-00204360-00204519 of the mayo clinic wp9UXlpzNq0-00821-00204520-00204695 in the united states wp9UXlpzNq0-00822-00204696-00205103 so if you were central node negative and wp9UXlpzNq0-00823-00205104-00205351 algorithm low risk you are in the light wp9UXlpzNq0-00824-00205352-00205503 blue curve on top wp9UXlpzNq0-00825-00205504-00205703 relapse free survival you have very very wp9UXlpzNq0-00826-00205704-00205782 few wp9UXlpzNq0-00827-00205783-00205919 relapses wp9UXlpzNq0-00828-00205919-00206134 at five years it's only wp9UXlpzNq0-00829-00206135-00206255 some wp9UXlpzNq0-00830-00206256-00206519 into eleven percent of relapses if you wp9UXlpzNq0-00831-00206519-00206831 are both sentinel positive and wp9UXlpzNq0-00832-00206832-00207206 uh cpgp algorithm uh high risk you are wp9UXlpzNq0-00833-00207207-00207327 on the wp9UXlpzNq0-00834-00207328-00207519 curve at the bottom wp9UXlpzNq0-00835-00207519-00207766 look at the dark blue curve these are wp9UXlpzNq0-00836-00207767-00207998 all central note negative patients but wp9UXlpzNq0-00837-00208000-00208279 they still relapse 30 still relapses at wp9UXlpzNq0-00838-00208280-00208590 five years and they are all identified wp9UXlpzNq0-00839-00208591-00208894 by the high risk cp gep algorithm wp9UXlpzNq0-00840-00208896-00209151 outcome it also translates in that wp9UXlpzNq0-00841-00209152-00209366 observation for wp9UXlpzNq0-00842-00209367-00209671 uh symmetra's free survival and overall wp9UXlpzNq0-00843-00209671-00209806 survival wp9UXlpzNq0-00844-00209807-00210006 and so that is going to be the test that wp9UXlpzNq0-00845-00210007-00210246 will change a lot of things wp9UXlpzNq0-00846-00210248-00210527 because it means that you can identify wp9UXlpzNq0-00847-00210528-00210734 patients in spite of being essential not wp9UXlpzNq0-00848-00210735-00211015 negative to be at high risk for relapse wp9UXlpzNq0-00849-00211016-00211206 and it's there for a test that can wp9UXlpzNq0-00850-00211207-00211487 basically replay central note staging wp9UXlpzNq0-00851-00211488-00211767 the last revolution is the neoadjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00852-00211767-00211958 immunotherapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00853-00211959-00212279 revolution and it all started in the up wp9UXlpzNq0-00854-00212280-00212575 here uppable macroscopic stage 3 wp9UXlpzNq0-00855-00212576-00212839 melanoma and these observations are wp9UXlpzNq0-00856-00212840-00213015 truly revolutionary because they will wp9UXlpzNq0-00857-00213016-00213239 lead more cures shorter treatment wp9UXlpzNq0-00858-00213240-00213342 circles wp9UXlpzNq0-00859-00213344-00213719 cycles and less surgery and it will be a wp9UXlpzNq0-00860-00213719-00213958 roll out from melanoma into colorectal wp9UXlpzNq0-00861-00213959-00214198 cancer into bladder cancer locally wp9UXlpzNq0-00862-00214200-00214471 advanced cutaneous squamous cell cancer wp9UXlpzNq0-00863-00214471-00214655 multiple other trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00864-00214656-00214903 so what happened was the following wp9UXlpzNq0-00865-00214904-00215027 if you give wp9UXlpzNq0-00866-00215028-00215203 neoadjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00867-00215204-00215527 dicta4 plus antibd1 you can get wp9UXlpzNq0-00868-00215528-00215742 fantastic responses in patients with wp9UXlpzNq0-00869-00215744-00215967 probable nodal melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00870-00215967-00216175 and then wp9UXlpzNq0-00871-00216176-00216439 you score on those wp9UXlpzNq0-00872-00216440-00216558 lymph nodes wp9UXlpzNq0-00873-00216559-00216791 after neoadjuvant therapy and you will wp9UXlpzNq0-00874-00216792-00217046 find out if you have a pathologic major wp9UXlpzNq0-00875-00217048-00217271 response you will almost see no more wp9UXlpzNq0-00876-00217271-00217503 relapses in these patients and they wp9UXlpzNq0-00877-00217504-00217758 actually seem to be potentially cured wp9UXlpzNq0-00878-00217759-00217998 with just two courses of therapy prior wp9UXlpzNq0-00879-00218000-00218127 to surgery wp9UXlpzNq0-00880-00218128-00218446 and this was all developed at the nki in wp9UXlpzNq0-00881-00218448-00218663 the netherlands first by uh wp9UXlpzNq0-00882-00218664-00218951 christian blanc and schumacher wp9UXlpzNq0-00883-00218952-00219123 they impaired wp9UXlpzNq0-00884-00219123-00219398 neoadjuvant epilimo wp9UXlpzNq0-00885-00219400-00219615 uh nivolumab wp9UXlpzNq0-00886-00219616-00219719 blue wp9UXlpzNq0-00887-00219719-00219823 versus wp9UXlpzNq0-00888-00219823-00219982 first doing the surgery and then wp9UXlpzNq0-00889-00219983-00220182 adjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00890-00220183-00220439 nevo combination therapy and they wp9UXlpzNq0-00891-00220440-00220775 measured these cell clones that were wp9UXlpzNq0-00892-00220776-00221006 expanded the ones who were already wp9UXlpzNq0-00893-00221007-00221239 present at baseline wp9UXlpzNq0-00894-00221240-00221510 or the new cell new clones that were wp9UXlpzNq0-00895-00221511-00221727 induced with the adjuvant therapy wp9UXlpzNq0-00896-00221728-00222046 depicted here look everything is much wp9UXlpzNq0-00897-00222048-00222231 much much bigger wp9UXlpzNq0-00898-00222232-00222503 in terms of diversity of diesel clones wp9UXlpzNq0-00899-00222504-00222815 induced as well as multiplication of t wp9UXlpzNq0-00900-00222816-00223158 cell clones new ones or already existing wp9UXlpzNq0-00901-00223159-00223479 ones by neoadjuvant therapy working with wp9UXlpzNq0-00902-00223480-00223719 the tumor load in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00903-00223719-00224015 lymph nodes and that diversity of t cell wp9UXlpzNq0-00904-00224016-00224287 clones and magnitude of the armies of t wp9UXlpzNq0-00905-00224288-00224510 cell clones means that you are actually wp9UXlpzNq0-00906-00224511-00224719 going to cure patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00907-00224719-00224910 and that's the force of neoadjuvant wp9UXlpzNq0-00908-00224911-00225191 therapy look at the right side if you wp9UXlpzNq0-00909-00225192-00225375 had a major wp9UXlpzNq0-00910-00225376-00225551 physiologic response wp9UXlpzNq0-00911-00225552-00225910 basically saw no more relapses in wp9UXlpzNq0-00912-00225911-00226046 these patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00913-00226048-00226255 and these were patients with palpable wp9UXlpzNq0-00914-00226256-00226487 nodal disease wp9UXlpzNq0-00915-00226488-00226694 and that's the green curve wp9UXlpzNq0-00916-00226696-00227031 and so in a consortium pulled analysis wp9UXlpzNq0-00917-00227032-00227167 you see that wp9UXlpzNq0-00918-00227167-00227351 neoadjuvant immunotherapy that's wp9UXlpzNq0-00919-00227352-00227687 anti-pd1 based is completely superior if wp9UXlpzNq0-00920-00227688-00227934 you have a major response a wp9UXlpzNq0-00921-00227935-00228151 philologic partial complete or wp9UXlpzNq0-00922-00228152-00228398 near-complete response you see almost no wp9UXlpzNq0-00923-00228400-00228487 more wp9UXlpzNq0-00924-00228488-00228598 re wp9UXlpzNq0-00925-00228600-00228846 lapses after that treatment whereas if wp9UXlpzNq0-00926-00228848-00229142 you do that with your breath strometinib wp9UXlpzNq0-00927-00229144-00229415 in brav mutant melanomas you wp9UXlpzNq0-00928-00229416-00229631 see some effect in the wp9UXlpzNq0-00929-00229632-00229855 pathological complete responders but you wp9UXlpzNq0-00930-00229856-00230134 see basically no effect on relapses in wp9UXlpzNq0-00931-00230135-00230431 the partial responders so this wp9UXlpzNq0-00932-00230432-00230863 superiority of immunotherapy in melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00933-00230864-00231046 everywhere in advanced disease in wp9UXlpzNq0-00934-00231048-00231287 neoadjuvant setting and probably also in wp9UXlpzNq0-00935-00231288-00231431 the adjuvant setting wp9UXlpzNq0-00936-00231432-00231719 and if you give this neoadjuvant nevo wp9UXlpzNq0-00937-00231719-00232015 and this is a hundred patients wp9UXlpzNq0-00938-00232016-00232142 where they wp9UXlpzNq0-00939-00232144-00232423 actually put a lymph node marker wp9UXlpzNq0-00940-00232423-00232631 in the largest lymph node that's here in wp9UXlpzNq0-00941-00232632-00232846 the light blue box wp9UXlpzNq0-00942-00232848-00233087 you give two courses of epilinomaplus wp9UXlpzNq0-00943-00233088-00233198 and volume wp9UXlpzNq0-00944-00233200-00233519 and then you take out just that one wp9UXlpzNq0-00945-00233519-00233782 largest lymph node that was marked with wp9UXlpzNq0-00946-00233783-00233919 a little magnet wp9UXlpzNq0-00947-00233919-00234119 and if it's a methyl as you complete or wp9UXlpzNq0-00948-00234119-00234367 near complete response wp9UXlpzNq0-00949-00234367-00234591 you don't do a completion lymph node or wp9UXlpzNq0-00950-00234592-00234815 therapeutic lymph node section anymore wp9UXlpzNq0-00951-00234816-00235119 that was true in 60 of patients who did wp9UXlpzNq0-00952-00235119-00235375 not need any therapeutic lymph node wp9UXlpzNq0-00953-00235376-00235575 infections anymore and they didn't even wp9UXlpzNq0-00954-00235576-00235919 get any further wp9UXlpzNq0-00955-00235919-00236239 adjuvant therapy so all they got was two wp9UXlpzNq0-00956-00236240-00236534 cycles of neoadjuvant epi wp9UXlpzNq0-00957-00236535-00236710 nivo wp9UXlpzNq0-00958-00236711-00236982 and so this is a true revolution started wp9UXlpzNq0-00959-00236983-00237127 in melanoma wp9UXlpzNq0-00960-00237128-00237406 will lead to much fewer therapeutic wp9UXlpzNq0-00961-00237407-00237655 lymph nodes sections and more cures and wp9UXlpzNq0-00962-00237656-00237846 it's rolled out in bladder cancer fifty wp9UXlpzNq0-00963-00237848-00238103 percent of logic complete responses with wp9UXlpzNq0-00964-00238104-00238334 neoadjuvant anti-pd1 wp9UXlpzNq0-00965-00238335-00238646 msi colorectal cancer 95 wp9UXlpzNq0-00966-00238648-00238846 pathologic complete responses for wp9UXlpzNq0-00967-00238848-00239142 electrical cancers or msi wp9UXlpzNq0-00968-00239144-00239398 and are rolled out in different wp9UXlpzNq0-00969-00239400-00239527 types wp9UXlpzNq0-00970-00239528-00239734 so that's where the landscape is going wp9UXlpzNq0-00971-00239735-00239951 this is where immunotherapy is wp9UXlpzNq0-00972-00239952-00240175 completely changing the management of wp9UXlpzNq0-00973-00240176-00240439 melanoma patients and wp9UXlpzNq0-00974-00240440-00240630 i hope you're all prepared for this and wp9UXlpzNq0-00975-00240631-00240871 going to participate in all the trials wp9UXlpzNq0-00976-00240871-00241175 that will lead to these predictions i wp9UXlpzNq0-00977-00241176-00241580 thank you very much for your attention wOZGODjhC78-00000-00000003-00000505 moriyasu Tassajara Hancock Donatella I wOZGODjhC78-00001-00000506-00001022 get a boner muneca Morini da emotion and wOZGODjhC78-00002-00001023-00001244 a killer killer ah just keep it down wOZGODjhC78-00003-00001245-00001330 keep it down wOZGODjhC78-00004-00001331-00002685 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00005-00002686-00003511 it's like a movie wOZGODjhC78-00006-00003512-00003643 something wOZGODjhC78-00007-00003644-00003994 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00008-00003995-00004590 I caused my fee wOZGODjhC78-00009-00004591-00004966 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00010-00004967-00006131 all of a sudden it became wOZGODjhC78-00011-00006132-00006492 none of that pretentious like no no no wOZGODjhC78-00012-00006493-00006987 don't wOZGODjhC78-00013-00006988-00008817 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00014-00008818-00009042 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00015-00009043-00009678 tonight clear the sea wOZGODjhC78-00016-00009679-00010206 do wOZGODjhC78-00017-00010207-00010618 you gave me a purpose now I'm on my feet wOZGODjhC78-00018-00010619-00010933 I'm dancing to the pounding of your wOZGODjhC78-00019-00010934-00011013 heartbeat wOZGODjhC78-00020-00011014-00011225 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00021-00011226-00011747 the sweet wOZGODjhC78-00022-00011748-00011880 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00023-00011881-00012245 no God no one wOZGODjhC78-00024-00012246-00012619 pretentious like no no no no you go to wOZGODjhC78-00025-00012620-00012988 get right there's no doubt in my wOZGODjhC78-00026-00012990-00015056 [Music] wOZGODjhC78-00027-00015057-00015261 is wOZGODjhC78-00028-00015262-00016291 [Music] wPjBAR4O7Iy-00000-00000003-00000592 when we were in school there was a boy I wPjBAR4O7Iy-00001-00000593-00000947 was telling with me who had a excellent wPjBAR4O7Iy-00002-00000948-00001253 hand you know he could just sketch wPjBAR4O7Iy-00003-00001254-00001589 anybody with whatever kind of distortion wPjBAR4O7Iy-00004-00001590-00002516 he wanted so there was one very hated wPjBAR4O7Iy-00005-00002517-00003670 geography teacher and when he entered wPjBAR4O7Iy-00006-00003671-00004136 the class this boy had a horrible wPjBAR4O7Iy-00007-00004137-00004340 caricature of him ready on the wPjBAR4O7Iy-00008-00004341-00004784 blackboard badly distorted but everybody wPjBAR4O7Iy-00009-00004785-00005327 can clearly recognize who with this in wPjBAR4O7Iy-00010-00005328-00005788 all kinds of very bad distortions honey wPjBAR4O7Iy-00011-00005789-00006259 then he walked in and as usually walks wPjBAR4O7Iy-00012-00006260-00006538 into the class always with a temper wPjBAR4O7Iy-00013-00006539-00006806 whether he is talking about the wPjBAR4O7Iy-00014-00006806-00007073 grasslands in America or he talks about wPjBAR4O7Iy-00015-00007073-00007267 the deserts in Africa he is always in wPjBAR4O7Iy-00016-00007268-00008374 bad temper he the moment he saw me just wPjBAR4O7Iy-00017-00008375-00008684 one thing he was angry another thing he wPjBAR4O7Iy-00018-00008685-00008906 was somehow hit by the whole thing the wPjBAR4O7Iy-00019-00008907-00009399 distortions then he asked who is wPjBAR4O7Iy-00020-00009400-00009994 responsible for this terrible atrocity wPjBAR4O7Iy-00021-00009995-00010231 as usual you know everybody will wPjBAR4O7Iy-00022-00010232-00010424 suddenly interested in geography very wPjBAR4O7Iy-00023-00010425-00011325 studious wPjBAR4O7Iy-00024-00011326-00011721 then he repeated again who is wPjBAR4O7Iy-00025-00011722-00012118 responsible for this atrocity he thinks wPjBAR4O7Iy-00026-00012119-00012358 it's an atrocity we thought it was an wPjBAR4O7Iy-00027-00012359-00013171 appropriate then somebody made up their wPjBAR4O7Iy-00028-00013172-00013491 mind and stood up and said we really wPjBAR4O7Iy-00029-00013493-00014991 don't know but it should be his parents wPjBAR4O7Iy-00030-00014993-00015834 [Laughter] wPjBAR4O7Iy-00031-00015835-00016240 so for this atrocity that you call as wPjBAR4O7Iy-00032-00016241-00016803 myself it's not your parents this is you wPjBAR4O7Iy-00033-00016804-00017100 only you can commit this atrocity of wPjBAR4O7Iy-00034-00017101-00017397 distorting yourself into such a tiny wPjBAR4O7Iy-00035-00017398-00017791 possibility when an unbounded wPjBAR4O7Iy-00036-00017792-00018022 possibility was what you were offered wPjBAR4O7Iy-00037-00018023-00018372 with life you were offered an unbounded wPjBAR4O7Iy-00038-00018373-00018480 possibility wPjBAR4O7Iy-00039-00018481-00018835 you made a such a bad distortion and wPjBAR4O7Iy-00040-00018836-00018975 made yourself into such a tiny wPjBAR4O7Iy-00041-00018976-00019339 possibility if you stopped creating this wPjBAR4O7Iy-00042-00019340-00019656 caricature because this caricature wPjBAR4O7Iy-00043-00019657-00019816 cannot exist one day without your wPjBAR4O7Iy-00044-00019817-00020100 support you need to support it all the wPjBAR4O7Iy-00045-00020101-00020578 time what meditation means means in one wPjBAR4O7Iy-00046-00020579-00020935 way you just withdrawing the support for wPjBAR4O7Iy-00047-00020936-00021037 your personality wPjBAR4O7Iy-00048-00021038-00021544 that's how suddenly it collapses only wPjBAR4O7Iy-00049-00021545-00021721 the presence is there the person is no wPjBAR4O7Iy-00050-00021722-00022122 more this if you could walk on the wPjBAR4O7Iy-00051-00022123-00022384 street like this if you could operate wPjBAR4O7Iy-00052-00022385-00022555 with people like this all the time that wPjBAR4O7Iy-00053-00022556-00022849 you have no personality but looking at wPjBAR4O7Iy-00054-00022850-00023127 this person at this moment how she is wPjBAR4O7Iy-00055-00023128-00023421 accordingly you put up a personality as wPjBAR4O7Iy-00056-00023422-00023722 it is necessary with this person now you wPjBAR4O7Iy-00057-00023723-00023917 go to that person you put up a wPjBAR4O7Iy-00058-00023918-00024055 personality that is necessary for wPjBAR4O7Iy-00059-00024056-00024353 person then it would be so much fun wPjBAR4O7Iy-00060-00024354-00024769 drawing new new caricatures every day wPjBAR4O7Iy-00061-00024770-00025055 but once you get stuck to a particular wPjBAR4O7Iy-00062-00025056-00025144 Distortion wPjBAR4O7Iy-00063-00025145-00025466 that becomes a problem every day if you wPjBAR4O7Iy-00064-00025467-00025975 have a new distortion it's called art if wPjBAR4O7Iy-00065-00025976-00026168 you're stuck with one distortion then wPjBAR4O7Iy-00066-00026169-00026583 it's called your collar freak isn't it wPjBAR4O7Iy-00067-00026584-00026945 isn't it so every day if you are able to wPjBAR4O7Iy-00068-00026945-00027161 create a new distortion that is artwork wPjBAR4O7Iy-00069-00027162-00027424 isn't it if you are stuck with one wPjBAR4O7Iy-00070-00027425-00027992 distortion you're a so that's a wPjBAR4O7Iy-00071-00027993-00028238 big difference wPrVwSuGUaQ-00000-00000055-00000231 [Music] wPrVwSuGUaQ-00001-00000231-00000534 my name is manfredo i'm the coordinator wPrVwSuGUaQ-00002-00000535-00000719 of the german network wPrVwSuGUaQ-00003-00000720-00001079 we have now 23 members wPrVwSuGUaQ-00004-00001080-00001327 and it's for me a great pleasure to be wPrVwSuGUaQ-00005-00001328-00001511 here in oviedo wPrVwSuGUaQ-00006-00001512-00001767 because the idea of cheetah solo is a wPrVwSuGUaQ-00007-00001768-00001855 very wPrVwSuGUaQ-00008-00001855-00002071 good idea wPrVwSuGUaQ-00009-00002072-00002175 we wPrVwSuGUaQ-00010-00002176-00002279 we want to wPrVwSuGUaQ-00011-00002280-00002567 have the best quality quality of life wPrVwSuGUaQ-00012-00002568-00002847 for our inhabitants inhabitants and that wPrVwSuGUaQ-00013-00002848-00003191 it's a long way and but an interest wPrVwSuGUaQ-00014-00003192-00003367 way and wPrVwSuGUaQ-00015-00003368-00003479 it's wPrVwSuGUaQ-00016-00003479-00003703 it's good to go on wPrVwSuGUaQ-00017-00003704-00003911 and um wPrVwSuGUaQ-00018-00003911-00004199 it was a great time in vietnam thanks to wPrVwSuGUaQ-00019-00004200-00004502 our president and our secretary general wPrVwSuGUaQ-00020-00004503-00004806 general and wPrVwSuGUaQ-00021-00004807-00005250 see you see you next year thank you wPrVwSuGUaQ-00022-00005251-00005568 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00000-00000493-00002378 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00001-00002379-00003920 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00002-00003921-00004697 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00003-00004698-00004985 that's oxy splits me goodnight Suika do wPCwApizpI4-00004-00004986-00005035 it wPCwApizpI4-00005-00005036-00005860 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00006-00005861-00006934 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00007-00006934-00007853 take it up wPCwApizpI4-00008-00007854-00008361 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00009-00008362-00008649 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00010-00008650-00009127 happy I have a happy ma loves a happy ma wPCwApizpI4-00011-00009128-00009613 loves wPCwApizpI4-00012-00009614-00009858 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00013-00009859-00011414 yeah wPCwApizpI4-00015-00015321-00017145 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00016-00017146-00017805 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00017-00017806-00018517 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00018-00018518-00018528 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00019-00018529-00018666 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00020-00018667-00018690 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00021-00018691-00020999 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00022-00021000-00022774 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00023-00022775-00024796 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00025-00028150-00030174 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00026-00030175-00031002 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00027-00031002-00031182 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00028-00031183-00031377 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00029-00031379-00031940 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00030-00031941-00032118 apparently in the container engine wPCwApizpI4-00031-00032119-00032431 vision at all without anything else so wPCwApizpI4-00032-00032432-00032796 with that said my name is Jay follow me wPCwApizpI4-00033-00032797-00033130 on Twitter Instagram Facebook and listen wPCwApizpI4-00034-00033131-00033292 to my podcast and anchor dot F M such wPCwApizpI4-00035-00033293-00033568 keepsakes Monday's 90mm another time wPCwApizpI4-00036-00033569-00033699 every two weeks wPCwApizpI4-00037-00033700-00034324 also Fashion Week's snap on a cervical wPCwApizpI4-00038-00034325-00034533 Oksana builder son ladies and gentlemen wPCwApizpI4-00039-00034534-00034960 this has been keepsakes developers 2020 wPCwApizpI4-00040-00034961-00035149 we can a mother say enough the lily gap wPCwApizpI4-00041-00035150-00035476 my name is Anna Madrigal our celebrity I wPCwApizpI4-00042-00035477-00035781 will see you the next events bye wPCwApizpI4-00043-00035782-00037403 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00044-00037404-00037914 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00045-00037915-00037969 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00046-00037970-00038497 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00047-00038498-00038677 [Applause] wPCwApizpI4-00048-00038678-00039491 [Music] wPCwApizpI4-00049-00039492-00039861 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00000-00000131-00001664 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00001-00001664-00003738 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00002-00003739-00003940 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00003-00003942-00004993 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00004-00004994-00005598 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00005-00005599-00006338 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00006-00006339-00007015 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00007-00007016-00007319 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00008-00007320-00008168 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00009-00008169-00010799 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00011-00014406-00014697 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00012-00014699-00015659 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00013-00015660-00017975 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00014-00017976-00020460 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00015-00020461-00020848 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00016-00020849-00021593 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00019-00028536-00029948 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00020-00029949-00030783 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00021-00030785-00031074 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00022-00031075-00031535 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00023-00031536-00031679 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00024-00031680-00032466 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00025-00032467-00033522 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00026-00033523-00034278 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00027-00034279-00035483 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00028-00035484-00035873 back wQi0PoN8lrQ-00029-00035874-00038330 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00030-00038331-00040618 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00031-00040619-00041055 huh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00032-00041056-00043793 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00033-00043794-00043939 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00034-00043940-00044250 no no wQi0PoN8lrQ-00035-00044251-00044261 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00036-00044262-00044771 no wQi0PoN8lrQ-00037-00044772-00045839 no no wQi0PoN8lrQ-00038-00045840-00046102 no wQi0PoN8lrQ-00039-00046103-00046535 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00040-00046536-00047467 bad wQi0PoN8lrQ-00041-00047468-00047921 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00042-00047922-00050171 oo wQi0PoN8lrQ-00043-00050172-00051416 hmm wQi0PoN8lrQ-00044-00051417-00051604 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00045-00051605-00054029 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00046-00054029-00055285 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00047-00055286-00055797 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00048-00055798-00056476 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00049-00056477-00056837 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00050-00056838-00057713 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00051-00057714-00058326 oh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00052-00058327-00060299 my God wQi0PoN8lrQ-00053-00060300-00063149 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00054-00063150-00064523 huh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00058-00078522-00080212 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00059-00080213-00082667 a wQi0PoN8lrQ-00060-00082668-00082997 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00061-00082998-00083675 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00062-00083676-00086249 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00064-00091992-00092411 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00065-00092412-00092693 a wQi0PoN8lrQ-00066-00092694-00093526 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00068-00099438-00100985 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00073-00131520-00131764 huh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00075-00136296-00136877 ha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00076-00136878-00137009 ha ha ha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00077-00137010-00138023 ha ha ha ha huh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00078-00138024-00138466 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00079-00138467-00140781 a wQi0PoN8lrQ-00080-00140782-00142393 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00081-00142394-00144613 all right wQi0PoN8lrQ-00082-00144614-00145301 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00083-00145302-00147454 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00084-00147455-00148937 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00086-00152465-00154157 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00088-00157290-00159628 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00089-00159629-00161487 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00090-00161488-00163373 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00091-00163374-00163947 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00092-00163948-00166414 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00093-00166415-00167574 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00094-00167575-00170063 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00098-00180304-00180826 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00099-00180827-00183317 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00100-00183318-00183859 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00101-00183860-00185128 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00102-00185129-00187740 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00103-00187741-00188104 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00104-00188105-00189158 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00105-00189159-00190411 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00106-00190412-00192052 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00107-00192053-00192545 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00109-00195841-00196594 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00110-00196595-00198913 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00113-00209544-00209840 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00114-00209841-00210932 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00115-00210933-00211671 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00116-00211671-00214006 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00117-00214007-00214271 let's go wQi0PoN8lrQ-00118-00214273-00216587 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00119-00216588-00217989 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00120-00217990-00218773 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00121-00218775-00220679 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00123-00223692-00223942 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00124-00223944-00224351 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00126-00228180-00229569 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00127-00229571-00231034 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00128-00231035-00233442 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00129-00233444-00234831 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00130-00234832-00237053 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00131-00237054-00238289 good morning wQi0PoN8lrQ-00132-00238290-00239098 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00133-00239098-00240016 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00134-00240017-00242562 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00135-00242563-00243142 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00136-00243144-00245231 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00137-00245232-00246058 hey wQi0PoN8lrQ-00138-00246059-00246742 there wQi0PoN8lrQ-00141-00259825-00260346 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00142-00260348-00262397 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00143-00262398-00265122 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00144-00265123-00265669 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00145-00265670-00265770 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00146-00265771-00266987 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00148-00273600-00274675 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00151-00285666-00288130 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00153-00296880-00299477 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00155-00303961-00306125 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00158-00312740-00313258 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00160-00320466-00320945 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00161-00320946-00322852 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00162-00322853-00324556 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00163-00324557-00324648 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00167-00342624-00343013 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00168-00343014-00344001 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00170-00349870-00350008 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00171-00350009-00351134 hahaha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00172-00351135-00351697 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00173-00351698-00352496 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00174-00352497-00353075 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00176-00356616-00357617 hahaha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00177-00357618-00358270 hahaha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00178-00358271-00359834 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00179-00359835-00361003 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00180-00361004-00363910 all right wQi0PoN8lrQ-00181-00363911-00364360 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00182-00364361-00364600 aha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00183-00364601-00364997 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00184-00364998-00365720 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00185-00365721-00368680 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00186-00368681-00369624 hahaha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00187-00369625-00371699 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00188-00371700-00371897 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00190-00376050-00379043 huh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00193-00386118-00388051 ah wQi0PoN8lrQ-00195-00393485-00394025 all right wQi0PoN8lrQ-00196-00394026-00395726 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00198-00398826-00401656 um wQi0PoN8lrQ-00199-00401657-00404636 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00200-00404637-00405430 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00201-00405431-00406826 of course wQi0PoN8lrQ-00202-00406827-00407730 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00203-00407731-00408401 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00204-00408402-00408540 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00205-00408541-00410646 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00206-00410647-00413464 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00207-00413466-00415666 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00209-00420738-00421841 a wQi0PoN8lrQ-00210-00421842-00422866 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00212-00427919-00430066 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00214-00435650-00438193 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00215-00438193-00440945 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00217-00444078-00444493 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00221-00456806-00458933 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00222-00458934-00460258 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00231-00505410-00507168 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00232-00507168-00507785 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00233-00507785-00508666 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00234-00508667-00510918 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00235-00510920-00511563 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00236-00511564-00511793 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00237-00511793-00514393 gosh wQi0PoN8lrQ-00240-00524669-00526018 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00241-00526019-00526227 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00242-00526228-00527266 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00243-00527267-00527609 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00244-00527610-00528040 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00245-00528041-00528572 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00246-00528573-00529652 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00247-00529653-00530339 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00248-00530340-00531383 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00249-00531384-00532192 hahaha wQi0PoN8lrQ-00250-00532193-00533119 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00251-00533120-00534311 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00252-00534312-00535906 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00253-00535907-00538325 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00254-00538326-00538541 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00255-00538542-00540988 foreign wQi0PoN8lrQ-00257-00544048-00545212 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00258-00545213-00545866 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00259-00545867-00546077 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00260-00546078-00547855 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00261-00547856-00550418 [Music] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00262-00550419-00552035 [Applause] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00263-00552036-00553468 thank you wQi0PoN8lrQ-00264-00553469-00556301 laughs wQi0PoN8lrQ-00267-00564157-00565133 [Laughter] wQi0PoN8lrQ-00272-00580806-00583666 questions wQi0PoN8lrQ-00273-00583667-00583946 foreign