z8PSoywNnAk-00000-00000016-00000279 hello everyone this is the ncr shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00001-00000280-00000415 management update z8PSoywNnAk-00002-00000416-00000638 on the applications and changes we've z8PSoywNnAk-00003-00000639-00000831 made as a result of z8PSoywNnAk-00004-00000832-00001054 user feedback and the ncr tabletop z8PSoywNnAk-00005-00001055-00001191 exercise z8PSoywNnAk-00006-00001192-00001366 again when you go to the home page of z8PSoywNnAk-00007-00001367-00001519 the shelter management tool z8PSoywNnAk-00008-00001520-00001687 there's a box in the top which will show z8PSoywNnAk-00009-00001688-00001895 you the major changes to what's new z8PSoywNnAk-00010-00001896-00002071 of course there's a lot of minor changes z8PSoywNnAk-00011-00002072-00002255 you'll find throughout and we z8PSoywNnAk-00012-00002256-00002518 welcome you to go through and check out z8PSoywNnAk-00013-00002519-00002631 all the different changes and z8PSoywNnAk-00014-00002632-00002839 applications we've been using z8PSoywNnAk-00015-00002840-00003031 the technical user guide has also been z8PSoywNnAk-00016-00003032-00003263 updated uh we recommend you go in there z8PSoywNnAk-00017-00003264-00003327 for both z8PSoywNnAk-00018-00003328-00003615 users and gis it personnel and you can z8PSoywNnAk-00019-00003615-00003759 see the metadata behind z8PSoywNnAk-00020-00003760-00003919 a lot of the fields that we've been z8PSoywNnAk-00021-00003920-00004167 working on if you have any changes to z8PSoywNnAk-00022-00004168-00004303 points of contact or additional z8PSoywNnAk-00023-00004304-00004431 information you'd like to see on this z8PSoywNnAk-00024-00004432-00004470 page z8PSoywNnAk-00025-00004471-00004702 please let us know we can add things z8PSoywNnAk-00026-00004703-00004775 such as the z8PSoywNnAk-00027-00004776-00004991 i-70 sheltering plan for the upcoming z8PSoywNnAk-00028-00004992-00005175 winter season or any other documents z8PSoywNnAk-00029-00005176-00005383 you'd like to see on this page z8PSoywNnAk-00030-00005384-00005535 we'll also be adding a couple more z8PSoywNnAk-00031-00005536-00005847 training videos this update the main z8PSoywNnAk-00032-00005848-00006054 shelter training video that's on there z8PSoywNnAk-00033-00006055-00006231 and then a power user training video z8PSoywNnAk-00034-00006232-00006399 which will show you some cool tips and z8PSoywNnAk-00035-00006400-00006470 tricks z8PSoywNnAk-00036-00006472-00006631 for things like custom filter z8PSoywNnAk-00037-00006631-00006910 expressions and attribute tables z8PSoywNnAk-00038-00006911-00007046 i just want to highlight some of the z8PSoywNnAk-00039-00007047-00007246 major changes we've made z8PSoywNnAk-00040-00007247-00007406 again when you come to the edit shelters z8PSoywNnAk-00041-00007408-00007591 tab you'll immediately be shown the z8PSoywNnAk-00042-00007592-00007846 about information nothing's really z8PSoywNnAk-00043-00007847-00007983 changed on all the widgets z8PSoywNnAk-00044-00007984-00008183 we've just made a bunch of changes to z8PSoywNnAk-00045-00008184-00008327 the actual z8PSoywNnAk-00046-00008328-00008614 smart editor function so as you can see z8PSoywNnAk-00047-00008615-00008799 we've added a couple more options in z8PSoywNnAk-00048-00008800-00008863 here z8PSoywNnAk-00049-00008864-00009046 we've added a spontaneous or other z8PSoywNnAk-00050-00009047-00009214 jurisdictional shelter and we've also z8PSoywNnAk-00051-00009215-00009399 added supply caches z8PSoywNnAk-00052-00009400-00009591 your spontaneous shelters will show up z8PSoywNnAk-00053-00009592-00009767 as green when you open them just like z8PSoywNnAk-00054-00009768-00009871 any other shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00055-00009872-00010142 but they will be ringed by a purple or z8PSoywNnAk-00056-00010143-00010271 pink halo z8PSoywNnAk-00057-00010272-00010438 this is important to differentiate them z8PSoywNnAk-00058-00010439-00010678 from authoritative and official shelters z8PSoywNnAk-00059-00010679-00010759 that are open z8PSoywNnAk-00060-00010760-00010935 but it gives you the opportunity to open z8PSoywNnAk-00061-00010936-00011142 up shelters that are at a z8PSoywNnAk-00062-00011143-00011351 gas station or a walmart that are still z8PSoywNnAk-00063-00011352-00011495 sheltering citizens but aren't z8PSoywNnAk-00064-00011496-00011606 necessarily z8PSoywNnAk-00065-00011607-00011783 staffed with government personnel or z8PSoywNnAk-00066-00011784-00011927 resources z8PSoywNnAk-00067-00011928-00012246 we've also added supply caches gives you z8PSoywNnAk-00068-00012247-00012383 the opportunity to put z8PSoywNnAk-00069-00012384-00012678 both loose and drivable supplies on the z8PSoywNnAk-00070-00012679-00012719 map z8PSoywNnAk-00071-00012720-00012935 and then you could do some analysis z8PSoywNnAk-00072-00012936-00013022 based on z8PSoywNnAk-00073-00013023-00013191 kind of drive time and what actual z8PSoywNnAk-00074-00013191-00013366 resource you would like z8PSoywNnAk-00075-00013368-00013615 i would first like to go to the actual z8PSoywNnAk-00076-00013616-00013783 smart editor fields z8PSoywNnAk-00077-00013784-00013927 based on a lot of feedback we've z8PSoywNnAk-00078-00013928-00014127 reordered a lot of these fields so z8PSoywNnAk-00079-00014128-00014335 most of the active incident data is z8PSoywNnAk-00080-00014336-00014430 right up top z8PSoywNnAk-00081-00014431-00014686 minus the shelter name obviously this is z8PSoywNnAk-00082-00014687-00014830 what you're going to be changing during z8PSoywNnAk-00083-00014831-00014903 an incident z8PSoywNnAk-00084-00014904-00015175 and all the base data or b should be z8PSoywNnAk-00085-00015176-00015294 filled out beforehand z8PSoywNnAk-00086-00015295-00015463 understanding that you may not fill it z8PSoywNnAk-00087-00015463-00015807 all out or that may change as well z8PSoywNnAk-00088-00015808-00016135 we have the same statuses on here but we z8PSoywNnAk-00089-00016136-00016358 have updated the facility purpose again z8PSoywNnAk-00090-00016359-00016391 from z8PSoywNnAk-00091-00016392-00016750 user feedback we think these four z8PSoywNnAk-00092-00016751-00016999 evacuation center warming center short z8PSoywNnAk-00093-00017000-00017103 and long-term shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00094-00017104-00017286 captures the majority of uses for the z8PSoywNnAk-00095-00017287-00017407 ncr z8PSoywNnAk-00096-00017408-00017671 if not you could use other if this is a z8PSoywNnAk-00097-00017672-00017847 huge issue and you have a different z8PSoywNnAk-00098-00017848-00018103 identifier please let us know but we did z8PSoywNnAk-00099-00018104-00018239 some research based on z8PSoywNnAk-00100-00018240-00018486 both the ncr sheltering and nationwide z8PSoywNnAk-00101-00018487-00018647 the different terminologies out there z8PSoywNnAk-00102-00018648-00018855 and we think this captures what it is z8PSoywNnAk-00103-00018856-00018991 of course you could always change the z8PSoywNnAk-00104-00018992-00019271 facility purpose as you go on z8PSoywNnAk-00105-00019272-00019439 i would also like to point out that we z8PSoywNnAk-00106-00019440-00019639 have changed a couple items in the z8PSoywNnAk-00107-00019640-00019799 facility type z8PSoywNnAk-00108-00019800-00019983 during the exercise there is a need to z8PSoywNnAk-00109-00019984-00020303 identify hotels and motels as a shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00110-00020304-00020503 we understand that a hotel motel can be z8PSoywNnAk-00111-00020504-00020622 a shelter just like z8PSoywNnAk-00112-00020623-00020903 a rec center or a government facility z8PSoywNnAk-00113-00020904-00021039 but we've added that down here z8PSoywNnAk-00114-00021040-00021230 facility type so you could identify that z8PSoywNnAk-00115-00021231-00021527 as one of the locations z8PSoywNnAk-00116-00021528-00021871 as far as the supply caches z8PSoywNnAk-00117-00021872-00022047 we've added a couple fields in here that z8PSoywNnAk-00118-00022048-00022222 we think captures what you would need z8PSoywNnAk-00119-00022223-00022543 for a supply cache outside of just the z8PSoywNnAk-00120-00022544-00022599 address z8PSoywNnAk-00121-00022600-00022863 or the owner we have funding types so z8PSoywNnAk-00122-00022864-00023071 both grant funded and agency funding z8PSoywNnAk-00123-00023072-00023271 understanding that the ncr has funded z8PSoywNnAk-00124-00023272-00023471 some specific resources that can be used z8PSoywNnAk-00125-00023472-00023630 for sheltering z8PSoywNnAk-00126-00023631-00023942 the type of cash is important is it in a z8PSoywNnAk-00127-00023943-00024135 closet of loose supplies or is it z8PSoywNnAk-00128-00024136-00024271 actually a trailer z8PSoywNnAk-00129-00024272-00024414 and is that trail or something that z8PSoywNnAk-00130-00024415-00024575 needs to be hooked up or is it something z8PSoywNnAk-00131-00024576-00024767 that's all included in the vehicle as z8PSoywNnAk-00132-00024768-00024927 well like a class b z8PSoywNnAk-00133-00024928-00025142 uh if it's a trailer then you could also z8PSoywNnAk-00134-00025143-00025294 put what sort of trailer hitch you might z8PSoywNnAk-00135-00025295-00025422 need to pick it up z8PSoywNnAk-00136-00025423-00025599 this is all just to help folks know what z8PSoywNnAk-00137-00025600-00025734 they're really getting into so they z8PSoywNnAk-00138-00025735-00025927 don't show up to pick up a shelter cash z8PSoywNnAk-00139-00025927-00026183 and realize they can't actually get it z8PSoywNnAk-00140-00026183-00026390 consumable items is important so folks z8PSoywNnAk-00141-00026391-00026567 know if they need to reimburse the z8PSoywNnAk-00142-00026568-00026662 agency if z8PSoywNnAk-00143-00026663-00026846 your agency decides to throw away a z8PSoywNnAk-00144-00026847-00027031 blanket after each use that's nice to z8PSoywNnAk-00145-00027032-00027151 know z8PSoywNnAk-00146-00027152-00027311 and then you could add some comments in z8PSoywNnAk-00147-00027312-00027527 here and when you did the last inventory z8PSoywNnAk-00148-00027527-00027695 but most importantly we give you the z8PSoywNnAk-00149-00027695-00027846 opportunity to add a file z8PSoywNnAk-00150-00027847-00028046 so go ahead and add the attachment or z8PSoywNnAk-00151-00028047-00028207 the spreadsheet that you have this can z8PSoywNnAk-00152-00028208-00028439 be both an excel file that shows the z8PSoywNnAk-00153-00028439-00028655 itemized list of resources but you can z8PSoywNnAk-00154-00028656-00028814 also take a picture of it z8PSoywNnAk-00155-00028816-00029055 to show where it is in the parking lot z8PSoywNnAk-00156-00029056-00029207 or what it actually looks like z8PSoywNnAk-00157-00029208-00029551 or what the hitch may look like z8PSoywNnAk-00158-00029552-00029695 obviously when you get to the dashboard z8PSoywNnAk-00159-00029695-00029879 now this also z8PSoywNnAk-00160-00029880-00030135 shows you the updated supply caches and z8PSoywNnAk-00161-00030136-00030270 preparedness indicators z8PSoywNnAk-00162-00030272-00030455 we have a tab right here which shows you z8PSoywNnAk-00163-00030456-00030631 the total supply caches z8PSoywNnAk-00164-00030632-00030895 uh with that just like shelters you have z8PSoywNnAk-00165-00030895-00031031 a filter option z8PSoywNnAk-00166-00031032-00031223 so up in the top right where you have z8PSoywNnAk-00167-00031224-00031343 your filter choices z8PSoywNnAk-00168-00031344-00031518 you could show all supply caches so z8PSoywNnAk-00169-00031519-00031662 right now we have two z8PSoywNnAk-00170-00031663-00031895 we have one identified as loose supplies z8PSoywNnAk-00171-00031895-00032039 so that one remains z8PSoywNnAk-00172-00032039-00032223 we have one identified as a drivable z8PSoywNnAk-00173-00032224-00032414 trailer that remains and again you could z8PSoywNnAk-00174-00032416-00032543 show all z8PSoywNnAk-00175-00032544-00032711 i think that's important for you all to z8PSoywNnAk-00176-00032712-00032862 have as you identify z8PSoywNnAk-00177-00032863-00033127 which cache you want to try to tap into z8PSoywNnAk-00178-00033128-00033287 if you again want to send a vehicle just z8PSoywNnAk-00179-00033288-00033431 to pick up loose supplies or you want to z8PSoywNnAk-00180-00033432-00033543 drive it z8PSoywNnAk-00181-00033544-00033767 another enhancement to this page has z8PSoywNnAk-00182-00033768-00033935 been the ability to select multiple z8PSoywNnAk-00183-00033936-00034079 counties we understand that some z8PSoywNnAk-00184-00034080-00034231 jurisdictions are in multiple counties z8PSoywNnAk-00185-00034232-00034367 so you could go ahead and you could z8PSoywNnAk-00186-00034368-00034415 select z8PSoywNnAk-00187-00034416-00034583 multiple counties from the list and it z8PSoywNnAk-00188-00034584-00034799 will populate them z8PSoywNnAk-00189-00034800-00034935 of course you just click back off of z8PSoywNnAk-00190-00034936-00035087 them if you want to see all of the z8PSoywNnAk-00191-00035088-00035335 shelters z8PSoywNnAk-00192-00035336-00035574 on the public map the major update that z8PSoywNnAk-00193-00035575-00035687 we've made z8PSoywNnAk-00194-00035688-00036190 has been to include z8PSoywNnAk-00195-00036191-00036462 some custom filters so we understand z8PSoywNnAk-00196-00036463-00036639 that folks uh z8PSoywNnAk-00197-00036640-00036895 identify shelters as evacuation centers z8PSoywNnAk-00198-00036896-00037118 warming centers or actual shelters z8PSoywNnAk-00199-00037119-00037287 we want the public to be able to search z8PSoywNnAk-00200-00037288-00037439 by that feature z8PSoywNnAk-00201-00037440-00037623 so right now i think we've identified z8PSoywNnAk-00202-00037624-00037823 this one at fox ridge farms as z8PSoywNnAk-00203-00037824-00037990 a warming center so if you go ahead and z8PSoywNnAk-00204-00037991-00038143 click an evacuation center z8PSoywNnAk-00205-00038144-00038390 that's going to disappear disregard this z8PSoywNnAk-00206-00038391-00038495 artifact out here z8PSoywNnAk-00207-00038496-00038646 but if you select a warming center z8PSoywNnAk-00208-00038647-00038807 that's going to remain z8PSoywNnAk-00209-00038808-00038983 same if you select a short-term shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00210-00038984-00039190 that won't that's just another way to z8PSoywNnAk-00211-00039191-00039311 inform the public z8PSoywNnAk-00212-00039312-00039518 of what you're actually providing if z8PSoywNnAk-00213-00039519-00039623 they're just trying to get out of a z8PSoywNnAk-00214-00039624-00039790 storm to stay warm that's nice but if z8PSoywNnAk-00215-00039791-00039927 their expectation that z8PSoywNnAk-00216-00039928-00040102 you come to this public map and z8PSoywNnAk-00217-00040103-00040262 everything on here is a overnight z8PSoywNnAk-00218-00040263-00040343 shelter z8PSoywNnAk-00219-00040344-00040502 we want to make sure we convey that's z8PSoywNnAk-00220-00040503-00040711 not the point z8PSoywNnAk-00221-00040712-00040895 so again we highly recommend everyone z8PSoywNnAk-00222-00040896-00041087 click through all the applications as we z8PSoywNnAk-00223-00041088-00041302 move towards the production and go live z8PSoywNnAk-00224-00041303-00041583 of this application uh feel free to z8PSoywNnAk-00225-00041584-00041727 reach out to napsig if you have any z8PSoywNnAk-00226-00041728-00041871 other recommendations or z8PSoywNnAk-00227-00041872-00042280 questions thank you very much z9hJ5ikreAc-00000-00000000-00001224 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00001-00001225-00003224 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00002-00003225-00004438 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00003-00004439-00005701 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00004-00005702-00006400 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00005-00006401-00007092 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00006-00007093-00007788 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00007-00007789-00007967 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00008-00007968-00008218 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00009-00008219-00008907 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00010-00008908-00011271 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00011-00011272-00012191 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00012-00012192-00014478 thank you z9hJ5ikreAc-00013-00014479-00015329 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00014-00015330-00015797 [Music] z9hJ5ikreAc-00015-00015797-00015893 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00016-00015894-00016186 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00017-00016187-00016457 foreign z9hJ5ikreAc-00018-00016458-00016670 thank you zqUhMHubL_A-00000-00000263-00001617 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00001-00001618-00003683 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00002-00003684-00003884 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00003-00003885-00004788 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00004-00004789-00006917 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00005-00006918-00007243 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00006-00007244-00009648 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00007-00009649-00009697 [Laughter] zqUhMHubL_A-00008-00009698-00010223 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00009-00010224-00010366 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00010-00010367-00012039 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00011-00012040-00012969 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00012-00012971-00013222 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00013-00013223-00013244 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00014-00013244-00016193 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00015-00016194-00016401 foreign zqUhMHubL_A-00016-00016402-00017111 [Music] zqUhMHubL_A-00017-00017112-00019561 [Music] zuyHprK8i1M-00000-00000000-00000256 [Music] zuyHprK8i1M-00001-00000257-00000614 hey everyone I don't want to assume that zuyHprK8i1M-00002-00000615-00000841 all of you are familiar with MacBook zuyHprK8i1M-00003-00000842-00001100 Pros and so we're going to do a quick zuyHprK8i1M-00004-00001101-00001312 overview for those of you who might not zuyHprK8i1M-00005-00001313-00001709 be in front of you you have a 13-inch zuyHprK8i1M-00006-00001710-00002075 MacBook Pro and it has the iMovie zuyHprK8i1M-00007-00002076-00002293 software on it that we're going to use zuyHprK8i1M-00008-00002294-00002551 the computer might be assigned to you zuyHprK8i1M-00009-00002552-00002893 alone or to you and a partner either way zuyHprK8i1M-00010-00002894-00003215 next to your keyboard on the top right zuyHprK8i1M-00011-00003215-00003527 is a small circular button that will zuyHprK8i1M-00012-00003528-00003860 turn on your computer will have each of zuyHprK8i1M-00013-00003861-00004036 you turned it on in a second zuyHprK8i1M-00014-00004037-00004427 each machine has a log of it login and zuyHprK8i1M-00015-00004428-00004693 password taped onto a piece of paper zuyHprK8i1M-00016-00004694-00005108 next to your keyboard so find that tape zuyHprK8i1M-00017-00005109-00005360 piece of paper to know what your zuyHprK8i1M-00018-00005361-00005795 password and your login is okay so you zuyHprK8i1M-00019-00005796-00005993 found the piece of paper go ahead and zuyHprK8i1M-00020-00005994-00006523 turn your computer on so all the zuyHprK8i1M-00021-00006525-00006767 computers you'll noticed are fully zuyHprK8i1M-00022-00006768-00007037 charged well how do you know that zuyHprK8i1M-00023-00007038-00007256 they're fully charged and you don't need zuyHprK8i1M-00024-00007256-00007580 to plug in your computer there's a zuyHprK8i1M-00025-00007581-00007919 battery picture or what I call an icon zuyHprK8i1M-00026-00007920-00008369 located at the top of your screen if the zuyHprK8i1M-00027-00008370-00008687 battery is fully black then the battery zuyHprK8i1M-00028-00008688-00008969 is fully charged and if it's almost zuyHprK8i1M-00029-00008970-00009281 entirely empty then your battery power zuyHprK8i1M-00030-00009282-00009545 is almost zero and you'll need to plug zuyHprK8i1M-00031-00009546-00009848 in your computer to recharge so keep an zuyHprK8i1M-00032-00009849-00010174 eye on that from time to time another zuyHprK8i1M-00033-00010175-00010399 thing you'll notice on your desktop is zuyHprK8i1M-00034-00010400-00010823 the dock and this bar right here is the zuyHprK8i1M-00035-00010824-00011281 dock you can control where you place the zuyHprK8i1M-00036-00011282-00011713 dock on your desktop my dock is on the zuyHprK8i1M-00037-00011714-00012023 bottom of my laptop here but I usually zuyHprK8i1M-00038-00012024-00012377 like it on the side so in later videos zuyHprK8i1M-00039-00012378-00012641 you'll likely see my dock in different zuyHprK8i1M-00040-00012642-00012980 places the more important question is zuyHprK8i1M-00041-00012981-00013319 what does the dock do well it holds zuyHprK8i1M-00042-00013319-00013591 pictures or icons that you can click on zuyHprK8i1M-00043-00013593-00013969 to open various software programs I can zuyHprK8i1M-00044-00013970-00014354 also add or delete icons too and you zuyHprK8i1M-00045-00014355-00014528 should know that you're able to do that zuyHprK8i1M-00046-00014529-00014840 and personalize your own doc we are not zuyHprK8i1M-00047-00014841-00015077 going to do that in this class but know zuyHprK8i1M-00048-00015078-00015410 that you can do that the purpose the zuyHprK8i1M-00049-00015411-00015635 real purpose of the doc is to help you zuyHprK8i1M-00050-00015636-00016091 work fast and it puts access to software zuyHprK8i1M-00051-00016091-00016303 programs right on your desktop right zuyHprK8i1M-00052-00016304-00016757 when you open your Mac another thing zuyHprK8i1M-00053-00016758-00016994 that you'll notice is that we're not zuyHprK8i1M-00054-00016995-00017297 using a mouse instead we have a trackpad zuyHprK8i1M-00055-00017298-00017588 just underneath our keyboard and that's zuyHprK8i1M-00056-00017589-00017930 that rectangular square with the zuyHprK8i1M-00057-00017931-00018164 trackpad you can control and direct the zuyHprK8i1M-00058-00018165-00018488 cursor or arrow on your screen go ahead zuyHprK8i1M-00059-00018489-00018689 if you're unfamiliar with the trackpad zuyHprK8i1M-00060-00018690-00018965 and drag the pointer finger of your zuyHprK8i1M-00061-00018966-00019175 dominant hand around on it zuyHprK8i1M-00062-00019176-00019412 you'll see that it tracks your finger zuyHprK8i1M-00063-00019413-00019802 you can activate your cursor or the zuyHprK8i1M-00064-00019803-00020155 arrow by pressing down on the trackpad zuyHprK8i1M-00065-00020156-00020492 there's actually a lot of gestures you zuyHprK8i1M-00066-00020493-00020800 can learn to manipulate your trackpad zuyHprK8i1M-00067-00020801-00021325 and that's a story for another day zuyHprK8i1M-00068-00021326-00021647 so next really quickly let's take a look zuyHprK8i1M-00069-00021648-00021983 at the sides of your computer and what zuyHprK8i1M-00070-00021984-00022219 you'll find there are the ports or the zuyHprK8i1M-00071-00022220-00022559 connections the first port is the zuyHprK8i1M-00072-00022560-00022916 MagSafe port for power a power cord then zuyHprK8i1M-00073-00022917-00023162 an ethernet cord can be connected and zuyHprK8i1M-00074-00023163-00023458 the next port to connect to the Internet zuyHprK8i1M-00075-00023459-00023794 then there's fire wire connects to zuyHprK8i1M-00076-00023795-00024053 things like cameras or video cameras zuyHprK8i1M-00077-00024054-00024425 after that is spender bolt thunderbolts zuyHprK8i1M-00078-00024426-00024692 proprietary meaning that only Apple zuyHprK8i1M-00079-00024693-00024872 products use Thunderbolt zuyHprK8i1M-00080-00024873-00025225 and they allow very fast connections zuyHprK8i1M-00081-00025226-00025658 following that is USB ports to connect zuyHprK8i1M-00082-00025658-00025972 to things like hard drives and then zuyHprK8i1M-00083-00025973-00026377 there is an SD card reader for things zuyHprK8i1M-00084-00026378-00026671 like memory cards that you can use and zuyHprK8i1M-00085-00026672-00026705 can zuyHprK8i1M-00086-00026706-00026987 and video cameras or you can capture zuyHprK8i1M-00087-00026988-00027317 music and finally a headphone check on zuyHprK8i1M-00088-00027318-00027583 the other side their support for a drive zuyHprK8i1M-00089-00027585-00028037 a super drive for things like a DVD with zuyHprK8i1M-00090-00028038-00028274 a movie or music and there's a little zuyHprK8i1M-00091-00028275-00028600 port for a lock as well if you have one zuyHprK8i1M-00092-00028601-00028852 so we're going to take a break here and zuyHprK8i1M-00093-00028854-00029095 I'd like to know what have you learned zuyHprK8i1M-00094-00029097-00029208 so far zuyHprK8i1M-00095-00029210-00029600 [Music] zuyHprK8i1M-00096-00029601-00029916 [Applause] zvOpiXYcMKy-00000-00000000-00000413 join a system across an aggregated it zvOpiXYcMKy-00001-00000413-00000676 with us today and he's regional zvOpiXYcMKy-00002-00000677-00001327 development zvOpiXYcMKy-00003-00001328-00001912 we're gonna go zvOpiXYcMKy-00004-00001913-00002255 I take em already we would like to start zvOpiXYcMKy-00005-00002256-00002435 with earlier because we have highest zvOpiXYcMKy-00006-00002436-00002795 hashem chance just gettin all da chance zvOpiXYcMKy-00007-00002796-00003401 to see Tyga poison us all so notice more zvOpiXYcMKy-00008-00003402-00003629 I would think about this gigantic zvOpiXYcMKy-00009-00003629-00004001 catfish at the mall oceans were hot kind zvOpiXYcMKy-00010-00004002-00004747 of now over to adding if a random boss zvOpiXYcMKy-00011-00004748-00005029 good morning everyone thanks for having zvOpiXYcMKy-00012-00005030-00005281 me today and giving me a chance to talk zvOpiXYcMKy-00013-00005282-00005546 glad to be opportunity to meet at least zvOpiXYcMKy-00014-00005547-00005772 some of you today here with my team zvOpiXYcMKy-00015-00005773-00006022 concern middle east and north africa zvOpiXYcMKy-00016-00006023-00006293 tour developer relations on my team and zvOpiXYcMKy-00017-00006294-00006593 a bar six sigma runs turkey central asia zvOpiXYcMKy-00018-00006594-00006917 and southern classes so thanks for real zvOpiXYcMKy-00019-00006918-00007088 exercise one again have a little chat zvOpiXYcMKy-00020-00007089-00007306 and share a few things with the been zvOpiXYcMKy-00021-00007308-00007664 told kind of mix crowd entrepreneurs and zvOpiXYcMKy-00022-00007665-00007883 developers raise your hands or software zvOpiXYcMKy-00023-00007884-00008012 developer again just so i can get zvOpiXYcMKy-00024-00008013-00008881 account perfect alright cool so i'm zvOpiXYcMKy-00025-00008882-00009041 going to share with you kind of three zvOpiXYcMKy-00026-00009042-00009194 things that I learned in the valley that zvOpiXYcMKy-00027-00009195-00009458 I think might be helpful and also talk a zvOpiXYcMKy-00028-00009459-00009623 little bit about if you're building or zvOpiXYcMKy-00029-00009624-00009777 web or mobile applications zvOpiXYcMKy-00030-00009778-00010008 I should be useful even to the zvOpiXYcMKy-00031-00010009-00010245 non-programmers mythologies and share zvOpiXYcMKy-00032-00010246-00010482 with you everything or look at him the zvOpiXYcMKy-00033-00010483-00010628 blinking out quality in marriage of them zvOpiXYcMKy-00034-00010629-00010974 know what ladies team yeah so hey Andy zvOpiXYcMKy-00035-00010975-00011346 from California originally lived in San zvOpiXYcMKy-00036-00011347-00011517 Francisco for a long time doing start a zvOpiXYcMKy-00037-00011518-00011838 few things started to cry I started a zvOpiXYcMKy-00038-00011839-00011970 company of my own started or two zvOpiXYcMKy-00039-00011971-00012162 products as well working some large zvOpiXYcMKy-00040-00012163-00012353 companies I moved out to South Africa zvOpiXYcMKy-00041-00012354-00012588 about three years ago out of that a real zvOpiXYcMKy-00042-00012589-00012762 love spread of the Legion getting more zvOpiXYcMKy-00043-00012763-00012969 involved and also a real personal zvOpiXYcMKy-00044-00012969-00013302 interest in South Africa so actually the zvOpiXYcMKy-00045-00013303-00013488 and I've been out here for about three zvOpiXYcMKy-00046-00013488-00013688 years so actually the sure don't worry zvOpiXYcMKy-00047-00013690-00013890 today I didn't know I was giving this zvOpiXYcMKy-00048-00013891-00014222 talk but it worked so well when I bought zvOpiXYcMKy-00049-00014223-00014405 with my brother sure with me it's a made zvOpiXYcMKy-00050-00014406-00014754 by a South African entrepreneur who was zvOpiXYcMKy-00051-00014755-00014949 a clothing designer to small business zvOpiXYcMKy-00052-00014950-00015191 doing designing shirts and things and it zvOpiXYcMKy-00053-00015193-00015300 was right after the democratic zvOpiXYcMKy-00054-00015301-00015555 transition in 94 when she I went to a zvOpiXYcMKy-00055-00015556-00015741 talk that Nelson Mandela was good and zvOpiXYcMKy-00056-00015741-00015933 she had money shirts to manage to put zvOpiXYcMKy-00057-00015934-00016097 into a box and asked his bodyguards like zvOpiXYcMKy-00058-00016098-00016308 please please give it to him so they got zvOpiXYcMKy-00059-00016309-00016503 to know what will happen next and now a zvOpiXYcMKy-00060-00016504-00016671 friend of hers told her a week later zvOpiXYcMKy-00061-00016672-00016908 like look at the newspaper when she zvOpiXYcMKy-00062-00016909-00017021 looks at the front page zvOpiXYcMKy-00063-00017022-00017123 the president where you wanted for zvOpiXYcMKy-00064-00017124-00017303 shirts the shirt that she'd given to him zvOpiXYcMKy-00065-00017304-00017525 and so she started providing more and zvOpiXYcMKy-00066-00017526-00017690 more these kind of loud you know kind of zvOpiXYcMKy-00067-00017691-00017885 wild chokes him and these became known zvOpiXYcMKy-00068-00017886-00018101 as Madiba shirts and her clothing zvOpiXYcMKy-00069-00018102-00018302 business presidential I took off started zvOpiXYcMKy-00070-00018303-00018530 opening multiple stores like had this zvOpiXYcMKy-00071-00018531-00018668 whole thing going and created really zvOpiXYcMKy-00072-00018669-00018860 this amazing iconic shirt for South zvOpiXYcMKy-00073-00018861-00019081 Africa's first democratic nations zvOpiXYcMKy-00074-00019082-00019298 anyways there's a little a little sort zvOpiXYcMKy-00075-00019299-00019700 of story in the shirts very honest um go zvOpiXYcMKy-00076-00019701-00019988 so yeah as a introduced to run developer zvOpiXYcMKy-00077-00019989-00020303 relations in Africa Middle East and zvOpiXYcMKy-00078-00020304-00020600 beyond that Turkey and Central Asia and zvOpiXYcMKy-00079-00020601-00020867 other boxes and when we look at zvOpiXYcMKy-00080-00020868-00021029 developer relations at Google we kind of zvOpiXYcMKy-00081-00021030-00021194 look at it from a whole ecosystem zvOpiXYcMKy-00082-00021195-00021431 perspective so we don't just look at zvOpiXYcMKy-00083-00021432-00021659 representing our our platforms to zvOpiXYcMKy-00084-00021660-00021800 different developers though when you do zvOpiXYcMKy-00085-00021801-00021965 that as well but we look at the whole zvOpiXYcMKy-00086-00021966-00022184 ecosystems like the software developers zvOpiXYcMKy-00087-00022185-00022397 come from where you have technology zvOpiXYcMKy-00088-00022398-00022529 startups come they getting their zvOpiXYcMKy-00089-00022530-00022715 resources they need how do these succeed zvOpiXYcMKy-00090-00022716-00022916 and grow on the environment and then how zvOpiXYcMKy-00091-00022917-00023027 are they learning that long-term zvOpiXYcMKy-00092-00023028-00023447 successful technology so it's a it's a zvOpiXYcMKy-00093-00023448-00023633 lot of fun we have a bunch of programs zvOpiXYcMKy-00094-00023634-00023834 kind of set up to help and one of the zvOpiXYcMKy-00095-00023835-00024011 things we're doing here at suite is zvOpiXYcMKy-00096-00024012-00024164 learning more from all of you what you zvOpiXYcMKy-00097-00024165-00024234 need what you zvOpiXYcMKy-00098-00024235-00024363 going to his developers and zvOpiXYcMKy-00099-00024364-00024555 entrepreneurs so we can better have zvOpiXYcMKy-00100-00024556-00024732 better adjust our programs to fit which zvOpiXYcMKy-00101-00024733-00025167 he so the first tip I wanted to share zvOpiXYcMKy-00102-00025168-00025437 with you was follow your passion I know zvOpiXYcMKy-00103-00025438-00025752 this is a almost cliche but Serena's had zvOpiXYcMKy-00104-00025752-00025917 a large impact on my life I really zvOpiXYcMKy-00105-00025918-00026106 wanted to kind of share one small zvOpiXYcMKy-00106-00026107-00026223 example of how that made a difference zvOpiXYcMKy-00107-00026224-00026601 for me as much so I was uh many years zvOpiXYcMKy-00108-00026602-00026787 ago in the late 90s I was working at a zvOpiXYcMKy-00109-00026788-00027030 company we were doing a product that zvOpiXYcMKy-00110-00027031-00027237 wasn't wasn't really working out and zvOpiXYcMKy-00111-00027238-00027360 we're trying to think of new things to zvOpiXYcMKy-00112-00027361-00027588 do we're kind of really moving forward zvOpiXYcMKy-00113-00027589-00027777 on this one idea and iterating over and zvOpiXYcMKy-00114-00027777-00028164 over again and at the time the start off zvOpiXYcMKy-00115-00028164-00028299 hours out we're looking for new ideas zvOpiXYcMKy-00116-00028300-00028644 and I'd also just been to Bernie met the zvOpiXYcMKy-00117-00028645-00028866 festival Nevada and it had a chance to zvOpiXYcMKy-00118-00028867-00029055 DJ radio station that and kind of reach zvOpiXYcMKy-00119-00029056-00029205 this whole community of people and get zvOpiXYcMKy-00120-00029206-00029418 this feedback and for me this is like an zvOpiXYcMKy-00121-00029419-00029622 intoxicating experience like the first zvOpiXYcMKy-00122-00029623-00029877 time I didn't know that I like the same zvOpiXYcMKy-00123-00029877-00029991 use because other people I just thought zvOpiXYcMKy-00124-00029992-00030350 all my taste we're pretty abstract so zvOpiXYcMKy-00125-00030351-00030570 how did chance connect with people to zvOpiXYcMKy-00126-00030570-00030786 music was an incredible experience but zvOpiXYcMKy-00127-00030787-00030972 the whole event is only a week long you zvOpiXYcMKy-00128-00030973-00031197 have DJ a few times you go home then zvOpiXYcMKy-00129-00031198-00031362 this this I wanted to try to find a way zvOpiXYcMKy-00130-00031363-00031563 to capture it and had to carry it on and zvOpiXYcMKy-00131-00031564-00031770 so I looked at using a some zvOpiXYcMKy-00132-00031770-00031920 off-the-shelf radio broadcasting zvOpiXYcMKy-00133-00031920-00032193 software and create a radio network with zvOpiXYcMKy-00134-00032194-00032454 my friends online and that became kind zvOpiXYcMKy-00135-00032455-00032643 of a small project to sort of doing and zvOpiXYcMKy-00136-00032644-00032769 then I brought it into work and let this zvOpiXYcMKy-00137-00032770-00032871 again zvOpiXYcMKy-00138-00032872-00033057 we looked at kind of giving away radio zvOpiXYcMKy-00139-00033058-00033234 servers to anybody to broadcaster on zvOpiXYcMKy-00140-00033235-00033498 radio systems and we built a simple zvOpiXYcMKy-00141-00033499-00033663 community model and plan the simple zvOpiXYcMKy-00142-00033664-00033900 viral marketing plan put it out there zvOpiXYcMKy-00143-00033901-00034062 recruited our first you know 50 zvOpiXYcMKy-00144-00034063-00034398 broadcasters or whatever and overnight zvOpiXYcMKy-00145-00034399-00034719 the radio cited up to brew geometrically zvOpiXYcMKy-00146-00034720-00034998 and I think I don't remember the exact zvOpiXYcMKy-00147-00034999-00035190 stats I'll family was about six months zvOpiXYcMKy-00148-00035191-00035397 and so he became roughly the second zvOpiXYcMKy-00149-00035398-00035598 largest online video network in the zvOpiXYcMKy-00150-00035599-00035898 world and I'm all based on giving zvOpiXYcMKy-00151-00035899-00036075 everybody the same opportunity that I zvOpiXYcMKy-00152-00036076-00036237 had a burning man kind of DJ a little zvOpiXYcMKy-00153-00036238-00036480 bit reach a crowd of people and so zvOpiXYcMKy-00154-00036481-00036597 people would show up for eight their own zvOpiXYcMKy-00155-00036598-00036825 see a shin and to be a rigid crowd of zvOpiXYcMKy-00156-00036826-00036969 people then they would come to listen zvOpiXYcMKy-00157-00036970-00037125 then they could create their own station zvOpiXYcMKy-00158-00037126-00037278 and do that with their friends and just zvOpiXYcMKy-00159-00037279-00037545 kept going on and on and on so I think zvOpiXYcMKy-00160-00037546-00037725 there's a lot of power 28 games I really zvOpiXYcMKy-00161-00037726-00037851 kind of just following the things you zvOpiXYcMKy-00162-00037852-00038082 love is your personal life of zvOpiXYcMKy-00163-00038083-00038259 professional life and kind of guiding zvOpiXYcMKy-00164-00038260-00038397 your startup down that way instead of zvOpiXYcMKy-00165-00038398-00038637 trying to kinda do what everybody what zvOpiXYcMKy-00166-00038638-00038868 other people are doing and I've been zvOpiXYcMKy-00167-00038869-00039054 really proud to see you know some other zvOpiXYcMKy-00168-00039055-00039177 things happening the number of zvOpiXYcMKy-00169-00039178-00039384 accelerators and incubators here the zvOpiXYcMKy-00170-00039385-00039582 number of things happen is the campus zvOpiXYcMKy-00171-00039583-00039758 itself like clearly there's a lot of zvOpiXYcMKy-00172-00039759-00040065 emphasis on this already so yeah it's zvOpiXYcMKy-00173-00040066-00040314 great it's really a public to see and zvOpiXYcMKy-00174-00040315-00040698 can people hear me okay zvOpiXYcMKy-00175-00040699-00040958 thought number 2 ayah is that your zvOpiXYcMKy-00176-00040959-00041204 company as a product I always feel like zvOpiXYcMKy-00177-00041205-00041437 any startup has to box the thing that zvOpiXYcMKy-00178-00041438-00041587 you're actually doing the consumers that zvOpiXYcMKy-00179-00041588-00041780 they're using and your full to your zvOpiXYcMKy-00180-00041781-00041945 company culture which is you know what zvOpiXYcMKy-00181-00041946-00042110 your company is live how you use names zvOpiXYcMKy-00182-00042111-00042335 how your track success I need to be each zvOpiXYcMKy-00183-00042336-00042548 other time your work together this is zvOpiXYcMKy-00184-00042549-00042767 listening it's super important and so I zvOpiXYcMKy-00185-00042768-00042998 think it's great to really think about zvOpiXYcMKy-00186-00042999-00043165 those consciousness your startup grows zvOpiXYcMKy-00187-00043166-00043430 really create a very strong corporate zvOpiXYcMKy-00188-00043431-00043682 culture so I think corporate culture is zvOpiXYcMKy-00189-00043683-00043889 kind of movie here doesn't say stay at zvOpiXYcMKy-00190-00043890-00044112 all i really think of as a product zvOpiXYcMKy-00191-00044113-00044389 attention and management measurement you zvOpiXYcMKy-00192-00044390-00044539 know innovation all these things should zvOpiXYcMKy-00193-00044540-00044911 go into what your company is and one zvOpiXYcMKy-00194-00044912-00045133 that brought it out along those lines is zvOpiXYcMKy-00195-00045134-00045430 if you ever seen be a google ventures zvOpiXYcMKy-00196-00045431-00045724 youtube channel so we publish a series zvOpiXYcMKy-00197-00045725-00045967 of videos about some best practices zvOpiXYcMKy-00198-00045968-00046177 learned at Google infant advice for zvOpiXYcMKy-00199-00046178-00046307 startups and there's a bunch of great zvOpiXYcMKy-00200-00046308-00046517 resources in there including things zvOpiXYcMKy-00201-00046518-00046693 about how Google itself works with how I zvOpiXYcMKy-00202-00046694-00046955 do called Google practices are kind of zvOpiXYcMKy-00203-00046956-00047161 evolved over time like there's a video zvOpiXYcMKy-00204-00047162-00047330 on okay ours it's been watched a lot zvOpiXYcMKy-00205-00047331-00047545 that talks about how we track our goal zvOpiXYcMKy-00206-00047546-00047695 is to google and how things were there zvOpiXYcMKy-00207-00047696-00047930 but there's also a video just about word zvOpiXYcMKy-00208-00047931-00048190 places on and it just looks at like how zvOpiXYcMKy-00209-00048191-00048380 do you you know how does Google design zvOpiXYcMKy-00210-00048381-00048577 in office and how you kind of create zvOpiXYcMKy-00211-00048578-00048739 spaces for people to kind of run into zvOpiXYcMKy-00212-00048740-00049025 each other at that serendipity zvOpiXYcMKy-00213-00049026-00049220 you're like what's the quality and how zvOpiXYcMKy-00214-00049221-00049361 is that how can you measure the impact zvOpiXYcMKy-00215-00049362-00049553 to that how can you look at the impact zvOpiXYcMKy-00216-00049554-00049739 of like the food you provide how do you zvOpiXYcMKy-00217-00049740-00049970 measure and optimize all these things so zvOpiXYcMKy-00218-00049971-00050096 there's a lot of a lot of thinking zvOpiXYcMKy-00219-00050097-00050198 that's gone into it it's worth checking zvOpiXYcMKy-00220-00050199-00050519 out the videos and find all except for zvOpiXYcMKy-00221-00050520-00050960 the google ventures interchange and the zvOpiXYcMKy-00222-00050961-00051119 first thing i wanted to share of you is zvOpiXYcMKy-00223-00051120-00051290 is really showing your users that you're zvOpiXYcMKy-00224-00051291-00051490 listening again i think everyone knows zvOpiXYcMKy-00225-00051491-00051611 you should be listened to your target zvOpiXYcMKy-00226-00051612-00051829 audience and things like that but if you zvOpiXYcMKy-00227-00051830-00051974 don't always get a chance to sort of zvOpiXYcMKy-00228-00051975-00052079 demonstrate to them that you're zvOpiXYcMKy-00229-00052079-00052307 listening to what their needs are what zvOpiXYcMKy-00230-00052308-00052607 they want and this one is super zvOpiXYcMKy-00231-00052608-00052966 important so one example of this side is zvOpiXYcMKy-00232-00052967-00053149 like if you're doing any zvOpiXYcMKy-00233-00053150-00053278 which presumably you're testing your zvOpiXYcMKy-00234-00053279-00053545 body with your target audience I was zvOpiXYcMKy-00235-00053546-00053746 irritated later a few best practices for zvOpiXYcMKy-00236-00053747-00054010 hiding from you guys but making sure zvOpiXYcMKy-00237-00054011-00054196 you've got a feedback cycle going into zvOpiXYcMKy-00238-00054197-00054337 audience so they know the changes you're zvOpiXYcMKy-00239-00054338-00054586 making and why are they not jest ok zvOpiXYcMKy-00240-00054587-00054775 here's version 2 and now we've added zvOpiXYcMKy-00241-00054776-00055063 these five features and 53 bucks but zvOpiXYcMKy-00242-00055064-00055183 it's like a we really heard that you zvOpiXYcMKy-00243-00055184-00055360 really want to feature X and like that's zvOpiXYcMKy-00244-00055361-00055660 why we better this in here getting the zvOpiXYcMKy-00245-00055661-00055828 message back stuff like for example if zvOpiXYcMKy-00246-00055829-00056053 you have an alpha man place for Android zvOpiXYcMKy-00247-00056054-00056272 and you get five people posting comments zvOpiXYcMKy-00248-00056273-00056398 saying what are you going to add future zvOpiXYcMKy-00249-00056399-00056635 ex you can reply to each one of them say zvOpiXYcMKy-00250-00056636-00056800 okay great you know what version to go zvOpiXYcMKy-00251-00056801-00057022 we added this check it out send us your zvOpiXYcMKy-00252-00057023-00057214 feedback we love to hear anything and zvOpiXYcMKy-00253-00057215-00057366 the more people see that you're zvOpiXYcMKy-00254-00057367-00057565 listening to our order you engage and zvOpiXYcMKy-00255-00057566-00057700 part of that product development process zvOpiXYcMKy-00256-00057701-00058015 has kind of you know very active members zvOpiXYcMKy-00257-00058016-00058321 of the music there's better the better zvOpiXYcMKy-00258-00058322-00058498 experience college before they'll talk zvOpiXYcMKy-00259-00058499-00058879 to other cultures I think this is a zvOpiXYcMKy-00260-00058879-00059117 really crucial thing ready to start at zvOpiXYcMKy-00261-00059119-00059470 Wiggins couldn't be back zvOpiXYcMKy-00262-00059471-00059714 hope so those are other three thoughts I zvOpiXYcMKy-00263-00059715-00059948 had about scars and I wanted to share a zvOpiXYcMKy-00264-00059949-00060320 few guys on kind of high quality apps I zvOpiXYcMKy-00265-00060321-00060599 talked about maps I mean not just like zvOpiXYcMKy-00266-00060600-00060839 you know a downloadable apps for home zvOpiXYcMKy-00267-00060840-00061007 they also vogel up what these zvOpiXYcMKy-00268-00061008-00061211 delegations and things like that really zvOpiXYcMKy-00269-00061212-00061636 you know programs and jetpacks zvOpiXYcMKy-00270-00061637-00061840 so the first thing is really focusing on zvOpiXYcMKy-00271-00061841-00062014 like how do you measure your app volumes zvOpiXYcMKy-00272-00062015-00062185 you know finding symmetric some zvOpiXYcMKy-00273-00062186-00062294 communities zvOpiXYcMKy-00274-00062295-00062521 if you are putting into one of the aux zvOpiXYcMKy-00275-00062522-00062632 fleurs it's pretty straightforward zvOpiXYcMKy-00276-00062633-00062803 you've got an average star rating is zvOpiXYcMKy-00277-00062804-00063016 pretty good practice for that you can zvOpiXYcMKy-00278-00063016-00063238 track that data over time there's zvOpiXYcMKy-00279-00063239-00063366 different third-party tools you can use zvOpiXYcMKy-00280-00063367-00063448 and zvOpiXYcMKy-00281-00063449-00063634 that you can look at these are engaged zvOpiXYcMKy-00282-00063635-00063816 within your application if your funnel zvOpiXYcMKy-00283-00063817-00064159 tracking with your goals of NSEL and all zvOpiXYcMKy-00284-00064160-00064369 these things map back to quality but zvOpiXYcMKy-00285-00064370-00064582 also like kind of some tools you can use zvOpiXYcMKy-00286-00064583-00064948 on web for example the bestest who zvOpiXYcMKy-00287-00064949-00065166 talked about really idea whatever your zvOpiXYcMKy-00288-00065167-00065434 funnel goal is at the end quality should zvOpiXYcMKy-00289-00065435-00065694 lead to better better deliver your goal zvOpiXYcMKy-00290-00065695-00066118 in this case at Mom's decision and i'll zvOpiXYcMKy-00291-00066119-00066286 go into saw the web-based tools missed a zvOpiXYcMKy-00292-00066287-00066544 moment here keeping a light so really zvOpiXYcMKy-00293-00066545-00066807 focusing on Minimum Viable Product maybe zvOpiXYcMKy-00294-00066808-00067138 your UI simple and not confusing I zvOpiXYcMKy-00295-00067139-00067330 remember one product experience I've got zvOpiXYcMKy-00296-00067331-00067504 in my life my turn over a new product zvOpiXYcMKy-00297-00067505-00067765 that was pretty complex we're trying to zvOpiXYcMKy-00298-00067766-00067882 figure out how to better than other zvOpiXYcMKy-00299-00067883-00068121 people we started by removing features zvOpiXYcMKy-00300-00068122-00068376 and actually taking things out reducing zvOpiXYcMKy-00301-00068377-00068599 complexity so we could focus on what our zvOpiXYcMKy-00302-00068600-00068881 core value proposition one switch and so zvOpiXYcMKy-00303-00068882-00068988 that's one thing I think is really zvOpiXYcMKy-00304-00068989-00069322 important like simplicity focus and not zvOpiXYcMKy-00305-00069323-00069501 being afraid to even like take things zvOpiXYcMKy-00306-00069502-00069721 back out or simplify things you know zvOpiXYcMKy-00307-00069722-00069898 less lines of code less future is less zvOpiXYcMKy-00308-00069899-00070376 memory zvOpiXYcMKy-00309-00070377-00070601 and then on the quality front for tools zvOpiXYcMKy-00310-00070602-00070815 we have a set of tool blood pools called zvOpiXYcMKy-00311-00070816-00071081 PageSpeed tools anybody can use this you zvOpiXYcMKy-00312-00071082-00071241 don't have to be a developer to use zvOpiXYcMKy-00313-00071242-00071486 pastry tools let's go to the URL and zvOpiXYcMKy-00314-00071487-00071774 it's a just type in whatever the URLs of zvOpiXYcMKy-00315-00071775-00071981 your website then we'll go through and zvOpiXYcMKy-00316-00071982-00072167 run a bunch of tests against it look for zvOpiXYcMKy-00317-00072168-00072297 ways you can optimize your web zvOpiXYcMKy-00318-00072298-00072492 experience so I'll tell you like oh you zvOpiXYcMKy-00319-00072493-00072749 can be using an adopted here or you've zvOpiXYcMKy-00320-00072750-00072950 got really small touch targets when you zvOpiXYcMKy-00321-00072951-00073185 render this on the smartphone the all zvOpiXYcMKy-00322-00073186-00073335 kinds of different different little tips zvOpiXYcMKy-00323-00073336-00073529 in both technical ones like image zvOpiXYcMKy-00324-00073530-00073805 optimization and file optimization and zvOpiXYcMKy-00325-00073806-00073998 user experience ones and it will break zvOpiXYcMKy-00326-00073999-00074160 out the test Suites by both mobile and zvOpiXYcMKy-00327-00074161-00074369 desktop devices so this is a really zvOpiXYcMKy-00328-00074370-00074685 ended what it is to be discouraged for zvOpiXYcMKy-00329-00074686-00075222 pastry tools zvOpiXYcMKy-00330-00075223-00075435 and then um another thing is kind of zvOpiXYcMKy-00331-00075436-00075555 making sure people are connected to zvOpiXYcMKy-00332-00075556-00075789 support one question I get a lot of sort zvOpiXYcMKy-00333-00075790-00075978 of like you know great to meet you zvOpiXYcMKy-00334-00075979-00076164 ending I send you lots of technical zvOpiXYcMKy-00335-00076165-00076290 questions or how do I make sure I'm zvOpiXYcMKy-00336-00076291-00076518 connected to the community and one area zvOpiXYcMKy-00337-00076519-00076710 especially for cited for Android a lot zvOpiXYcMKy-00338-00076711-00077124 of it as a platform is looking at stack zvOpiXYcMKy-00339-00077125-00077364 overflow they've got an amazing set of zvOpiXYcMKy-00340-00077365-00077619 communities around support and you'll zvOpiXYcMKy-00341-00077620-00077760 find a lot of your information we need zvOpiXYcMKy-00342-00077761-00078006 to be there and if you if you have a new zvOpiXYcMKy-00343-00078007-00078213 question has already answered submit it zvOpiXYcMKy-00344-00078214-00078423 and it stack overflows fantastic support zvOpiXYcMKy-00345-00078424-00078687 so that's an area I think I see a lot of zvOpiXYcMKy-00346-00078688-00078918 the developers not in your hand since he zvOpiXYcMKy-00347-00078919-00079421 already knows which is perfect zvOpiXYcMKy-00348-00079422-00079685 another area is the google developers zvOpiXYcMKy-00349-00079686-00079952 into challenge so obviously we have all zvOpiXYcMKy-00350-00079953-00080141 I developer documentation information on zvOpiXYcMKy-00351-00080142-00080396 the Google developer site but also on zvOpiXYcMKy-00352-00080397-00080537 the YouTube channel he's got a lot of zvOpiXYcMKy-00353-00080538-00080780 time going into more detail about you zvOpiXYcMKy-00354-00080781-00080909 know whether it's the content from i/o zvOpiXYcMKy-00355-00080910-00081080 which is coming up later this month ago zvOpiXYcMKy-00356-00081081-00081221 you posting all that information online zvOpiXYcMKy-00357-00081222-00081425 as well as there's a lead and i/o zvOpiXYcMKy-00358-00081426-00081755 extended possession i roam on google zvOpiXYcMKy-00359-00081756-00082004 developers but we also post information zvOpiXYcMKy-00360-00082005-00082334 like you know deadlines where we go into zvOpiXYcMKy-00361-00082335-00082574 detail like a really new API releases or zvOpiXYcMKy-00362-00082575-00082730 new kind of areas of interest to zvOpiXYcMKy-00363-00082731-00082934 specific did all things we have a great zvOpiXYcMKy-00364-00082935-00083092 new i series going on the channel zvOpiXYcMKy-00365-00083093-00083351 there's one called a android beautiful zvOpiXYcMKy-00366-00083352-00083573 design it really looks at what a zvOpiXYcMKy-00367-00083574-00083780 beautiful android app looks like like zvOpiXYcMKy-00368-00083781-00083957 not just a way of following the design zvOpiXYcMKy-00369-00083958-00084092 patterns you should be doing to help zvOpiXYcMKy-00370-00084093-00084347 them innovate on top of the design so zvOpiXYcMKy-00371-00084348-00084608 really create something to look at top zvOpiXYcMKy-00372-00084609-00084815 examples from around the world and if zvOpiXYcMKy-00373-00084816-00084965 you have an amazing Android app and zvOpiXYcMKy-00374-00084966-00085091 you're doing beautiful design please zvOpiXYcMKy-00375-00085092-00085295 come talk to me after this I would love zvOpiXYcMKy-00376-00085296-00085523 to learn more about zvOpiXYcMKy-00377-00085524-00085749 and there's a whole kind of series of zvOpiXYcMKy-00378-00085750-00085893 things as well as in multiple languages zvOpiXYcMKy-00379-00085894-00086144 and there's a lot a lot of content going zvOpiXYcMKy-00380-00086145-00086718 on in there ok Segway and over a little zvOpiXYcMKy-00381-00086719-00086848 bit zvOpiXYcMKy-00382-00086849-00087167 this is one of the things I can't talk zvOpiXYcMKy-00383-00087168-00087410 about enough is really making sure you zvOpiXYcMKy-00384-00087411-00087680 have an app it's easy to use well zvOpiXYcMKy-00385-00087681-00087750 designed zvOpiXYcMKy-00386-00087751-00087960 kind of leveraging the Android design zvOpiXYcMKy-00387-00087961-00088158 patterns so we published a whole library zvOpiXYcMKy-00388-00088159-00088338 of things where you can find all the zvOpiXYcMKy-00389-00088339-00088761 information how to design I think the zvOpiXYcMKy-00390-00088762-00088986 more you can use is this pre-existing zvOpiXYcMKy-00391-00088987-00089175 design pattern so your app is familiar zvOpiXYcMKy-00392-00089176-00089367 to other people already using android zvOpiXYcMKy-00393-00089368-00089562 apps and kind of focus on the core zvOpiXYcMKy-00394-00089563-00089679 innovation that makes your aquatic zvOpiXYcMKy-00395-00089680-00089848 people thing you're really trying to zvOpiXYcMKy-00396-00089849-00090249 this is a to be really helpful and so zvOpiXYcMKy-00397-00090250-00090493 looking at it beyond this or the current zvOpiXYcMKy-00398-00090494-00090772 the existing design patterns the big zvOpiXYcMKy-00399-00090773-00090976 changes that have come up have been a zvOpiXYcMKy-00400-00090977-00091186 material design which was released zvOpiXYcMKy-00401-00091187-00091519 across both Android and web so if you zvOpiXYcMKy-00402-00091520-00091669 look at android of course have been zvOpiXYcMKy-00403-00091670-00091804 updating all the apps in front of zvOpiXYcMKy-00404-00091805-00092056 information online but also with polymer zvOpiXYcMKy-00405-00092057-00092218 you can do the same type of material zvOpiXYcMKy-00406-00092219-00092388 design that's an India version of zvOpiXYcMKy-00407-00092389-00092629 Android on the web I was glad to see it zvOpiXYcMKy-00408-00092630-00092761 looks like I can't believe what's zvOpiXYcMKy-00409-00092762-00092992 happening this now zvOpiXYcMKy-00410-00092993-00093192 implementation just fantastic to sleep zvOpiXYcMKy-00411-00093193-00093412 we've got all the materials there you zvOpiXYcMKy-00412-00093413-00093556 can check out there's web demos of zvOpiXYcMKy-00413-00093557-00093784 holly's elements work and it's really a zvOpiXYcMKy-00414-00093785-00094003 cool really cool experience I recommend zvOpiXYcMKy-00415-00094004-00094159 if you're a weapon to design a web zvOpiXYcMKy-00416-00094160-00094321 application check out polymer seem to zvOpiXYcMKy-00417-00094322-00094612 think it's quite fast and simple and the zvOpiXYcMKy-00418-00094613-00094777 really cool part is also I think being zvOpiXYcMKy-00419-00094778-00095047 able to unify your designs for the first zvOpiXYcMKy-00420-00095048-00095194 time you can have a native application zvOpiXYcMKy-00421-00095195-00095431 with material design and a web zvOpiXYcMKy-00422-00095432-00095635 application sharing the same design same zvOpiXYcMKy-00423-00095636-00096201 components matter what our competency zvOpiXYcMKy-00424-00096202-00096529 and another thing like this sounds zvOpiXYcMKy-00425-00096530-00096721 pretty on something that people don't zvOpiXYcMKy-00426-00096722-00096909 always think of always making sure zvOpiXYcMKy-00427-00096910-00097167 for both tablet and phone on the same zvOpiXYcMKy-00428-00097168-00097359 application so that's something we zvOpiXYcMKy-00429-00097360-00097533 really look at and thinking about kind zvOpiXYcMKy-00430-00097534-00097668 of quality in the play store and check zvOpiXYcMKy-00431-00097669-00097917 out applications I always grab a tablet zvOpiXYcMKy-00432-00097918-00098106 and solace and not want to it chef like zvOpiXYcMKy-00433-00098107-00098445 how does a rendering that's important if zvOpiXYcMKy-00434-00098446-00098640 you're a developer you're going to make zvOpiXYcMKy-00435-00098641-00098901 sure you take a look at least mr. Towler zvOpiXYcMKy-00436-00098902-00099057 to the kind of liquid different screen zvOpiXYcMKy-00437-00099058-00099231 sizes as well as kind of new largest zvOpiXYcMKy-00438-00099232-00099453 pink phones are becoming more and more zvOpiXYcMKy-00439-00099454-00099849 popular and one of my favorite new zvOpiXYcMKy-00440-00099850-00100316 topics beta testing so you can do on zvOpiXYcMKy-00441-00100317-00100572 target before you launch kharghar from zvOpiXYcMKy-00442-00100573-00100815 every release keep testing both with zvOpiXYcMKy-00443-00100816-00100974 your Twitter audience before you push zvOpiXYcMKy-00444-00100975-00101346 the product so one thing that I've seen zvOpiXYcMKy-00445-00101347-00101514 developers doing more and more which has zvOpiXYcMKy-00446-00101515-00101742 been really helpful is running a test zvOpiXYcMKy-00447-00101743-00102087 with Google+ community so we've zvOpiXYcMKy-00448-00102088-00102256 integrated this stuff with the Android zvOpiXYcMKy-00449-00102257-00102490 you can go instead of manually specify zvOpiXYcMKy-00450-00102491-00102732 holistic users can set up a Google+ zvOpiXYcMKy-00451-00102733-00102967 community add the google accounts of all zvOpiXYcMKy-00452-00102968-00103059 the folks are going to be in your zvOpiXYcMKy-00453-00103060-00103255 Testaments like the top hat and sweet zvOpiXYcMKy-00454-00103256-00103477 spot lately should about 50 to 100 users zvOpiXYcMKy-00455-00103478-00103707 who represent the people that are going zvOpiXYcMKy-00456-00103708-00103857 to use in your out hopefully the range zvOpiXYcMKy-00457-00103858-00104106 of devices do folks need to kind of zvOpiXYcMKy-00458-00104107-00104329 different types of audience comments or zvOpiXYcMKy-00459-00104330-00104467 so on this you're designing for but zvOpiXYcMKy-00460-00104468-00104658 making sure that your target get that zvOpiXYcMKy-00461-00104659-00104851 all in there and then whenever you zvOpiXYcMKy-00462-00104852-00105049 release the new version of the app post zvOpiXYcMKy-00463-00105050-00105208 into the group to say okay we released zvOpiXYcMKy-00464-00105208-00105790 version yes zero point you hear the five zxHu4XdZO0u-00001-00003263-00003858 [Music] zxHu4XdZO0u-00002-00003859-00004169 [Applause] zxHu4XdZO0u-00004-00009160-00011132 do zxHu4XdZO0u-00005-00011133-00011806 [Music] zxHu4XdZO0u-00006-00011807-00013263 do zxHu4XdZO0u-00007-00013263-00013606 do zxHu4XdZO0u-00009-00020312-00022652 do zxHu4XdZO0u-00010-00022653-00023458 [Music] zxHu4XdZO0u-00011-00023459-00025294 [Applause] zxHu4XdZO0u-00012-00025295-00025504 you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00000-00000056-00000430 all right hello everybody and welcome to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00001-00000431-00000751 another episode of mbs zy6Eh5Dly3k-00002-00000752-00001062 seller real talk you mean the amazing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00003-00001063-00001335 seller real talk yeah that's what i said zy6Eh5Dly3k-00004-00001336-00001647 right you said mbsl retail zy6Eh5Dly3k-00005-00001648-00001775 i love that it's real talk because we're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00006-00001776-00002014 not going to cut that um so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00007-00002016-00002247 we uh you know if anyone's been through zy6Eh5Dly3k-00008-00002248-00002407 this experience with us this journey zy6Eh5Dly3k-00009-00002408-00002455 with us zy6Eh5Dly3k-00010-00002456-00002710 um usually his uh better half is sitting zy6Eh5Dly3k-00011-00002711-00002887 with us jade but um again you know a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00012-00002888-00002975 little bit of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00013-00002976-00003175 baby things going on so we had to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00014-00003176-00003390 downgrade for this we unfortunately zy6Eh5Dly3k-00015-00003392-00003622 are joined with well depending on how zy6Eh5Dly3k-00016-00003623-00003831 you know him he's either justin or danan zy6Eh5Dly3k-00017-00003832-00003903 or zy6Eh5Dly3k-00018-00003904-00004222 or john i i'm you've gone by manny zy6Eh5Dly3k-00019-00004223-00004575 i've been called bob before i'm no no no zy6Eh5Dly3k-00020-00004576-00004743 obviously he doesn't go by john or bob zy6Eh5Dly3k-00021-00004744-00004806 but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00022-00004807-00005054 um we are also joined by you know a long zy6Eh5Dly3k-00023-00005055-00005286 time friend of managed by stats and that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00024-00005287-00005311 is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00025-00005312-00005751 um kirsty and isaac from with uh real zy6Eh5Dly3k-00026-00005752-00006047 coaching coaching i called it real zy6Eh5Dly3k-00027-00006048-00006215 consulting like three times earlier zy6Eh5Dly3k-00028-00006216-00006302 today zy6Eh5Dly3k-00029-00006303-00006598 um and yeah they we you know we did uh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00030-00006600-00006719 we were on their podcast zy6Eh5Dly3k-00031-00006720-00006878 couple weeks ago now maybe even a month zy6Eh5Dly3k-00032-00006879-00007078 ago and um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00033-00007079-00007239 they've you know known philip the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00034-00007240-00007414 founder of managed by stats forever and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00035-00007415-00007470 a half zy6Eh5Dly3k-00036-00007472-00007727 and they're really good friends they're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00037-00007728-00007798 also zy6Eh5Dly3k-00038-00007800-00008070 um just a wealth of information when it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00039-00008072-00008134 comes to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00040-00008136-00008439 coaching specifically obviously for zy6Eh5Dly3k-00041-00008440-00008710 amazon sellers but um they'll help you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00042-00008711-00008846 with a lot more than just you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00043-00008847-00008942 listings and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00044-00008943-00009263 basics of your your sales process but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00045-00009264-00009455 your whole company structure so we were zy6Eh5Dly3k-00046-00009456-00009599 we thought it'd be a good idea to have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00047-00009600-00009710 them on the show zy6Eh5Dly3k-00048-00009711-00010039 and really pick their brains and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00049-00010040-00010214 because we already know that a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00050-00010215-00010399 sellers don't know what they're doing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00051-00010400-00010638 and they could use the help and um we zy6Eh5Dly3k-00052-00010639-00010703 figure hey zy6Eh5Dly3k-00053-00010704-00010863 we'll we'll give you an in the inside zy6Eh5Dly3k-00054-00010864-00011071 skinny and along the way give you some zy6Eh5Dly3k-00055-00011072-00011167 really cool tips zy6Eh5Dly3k-00056-00011168-00011319 so a lot of sellers think they know what zy6Eh5Dly3k-00057-00011320-00011487 they're doing but their data is old yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-00058-00011488-00011663 yeah that's a good point very good point zy6Eh5Dly3k-00059-00011664-00011870 so um we want to hear a little bit about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00060-00011871-00012031 you guys your background so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00061-00012032-00012199 whoever wants to kick it off whoever zy6Eh5Dly3k-00062-00012200-00012446 says i first no i'm just kidding zy6Eh5Dly3k-00063-00012447-00012623 yeah well i'm usually the gobby one so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00064-00012624-00012863 i'll go for that's in gobby in english zy6Eh5Dly3k-00065-00012863-00013094 english english it means my grandparents zy6Eh5Dly3k-00066-00013095-00013238 are english so i know i know what you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00067-00013240-00013447 saying my grandmother's welsh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00068-00013447-00013822 oh oh nice one boy i can see it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00069-00013823-00014143 that's my welsh accent so yeah um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00070-00014144-00014447 i yeah my name's kirsty and as you said zy6Eh5Dly3k-00071-00014447-00014583 yeah i've known phillip i think right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00072-00014584-00014630 back zy6Eh5Dly3k-00073-00014631-00014838 from the asm one days you know and we've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00074-00014840-00014999 kind of all started to hang out together zy6Eh5Dly3k-00075-00015000-00015207 at the conferences and stuff zy6Eh5Dly3k-00076-00015208-00015503 um and i've been selling on amazon since zy6Eh5Dly3k-00077-00015504-00015663 asm won which was zy6Eh5Dly3k-00078-00015663-00015983 i think it was back in 2013 and before zy6Eh5Dly3k-00079-00015984-00016022 that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00080-00016023-00016311 i was actually in marketing so my kind zy6Eh5Dly3k-00081-00016312-00016494 of background is corporate marketing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00082-00016495-00016622 corporate branding zy6Eh5Dly3k-00083-00016623-00016927 um i did it for 20 odd years originally zy6Eh5Dly3k-00084-00016928-00017047 from england as you can probably tell zy6Eh5Dly3k-00085-00017048-00017207 and then i moved to australia zy6Eh5Dly3k-00086-00017208-00017503 um because i just love to travel and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00087-00017504-00017575 also zy6Eh5Dly3k-00088-00017576-00017758 it's very sunny there whereas in england zy6Eh5Dly3k-00089-00017759-00017927 it's you know rains a lot zy6Eh5Dly3k-00090-00017928-00018183 bit chilly um so that's why i ended up zy6Eh5Dly3k-00091-00018184-00018279 moving to australia zy6Eh5Dly3k-00092-00018280-00018614 but i i kind of got to a point where um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00093-00018615-00018903 i loved the kind of background in terms zy6Eh5Dly3k-00094-00018904-00018927 of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00095-00018928-00019135 marketing itself right so i think um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00096-00019136-00019263 curtis you've been in from marketing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00097-00019264-00019391 background as well zy6Eh5Dly3k-00098-00019392-00019567 so i love the insights i love the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00099-00019568-00019743 consumer i love really getting into the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00100-00019744-00019863 head of the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00101-00019864-00020071 um but as you go further up the ladder zy6Eh5Dly3k-00102-00020072-00020199 in terms of a corporate role zy6Eh5Dly3k-00103-00020200-00020327 basically you don't get to do all that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00104-00020328-00020550 cool stuff anymore right you just manage zy6Eh5Dly3k-00105-00020551-00020750 the people that do all the cool stuff zy6Eh5Dly3k-00106-00020751-00020886 and then you're kind of sandwiched in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00107-00020887-00021167 between them who are usually awesome um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00108-00021168-00021294 and then the people above you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00109-00021295-00021447 who are kind of sandwiched between other zy6Eh5Dly3k-00110-00021448-00021630 people that are basically running the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00111-00021631-00021703 joint and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00112-00021704-00021886 are kind of you know pushing down sales zy6Eh5Dly3k-00113-00021887-00022030 targets and profit targets that don't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00114-00022031-00022158 make any sense zy6Eh5Dly3k-00115-00022159-00022319 so i just kind of got to this point zy6Eh5Dly3k-00116-00022320-00022471 where i was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00117-00022472-00022639 i've got all these awesome ideas about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00118-00022640-00022847 why how these businesses should zy6Eh5Dly3k-00119-00022848-00023199 you know make money but i don't have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00120-00023200-00023567 the authority or the um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00121-00023568-00023711 yeah i suppose the authority to be able zy6Eh5Dly3k-00122-00023712-00023878 to make that happen zy6Eh5Dly3k-00123-00023879-00024167 so um i also i just remember being in a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00124-00024168-00024350 board meeting one day being thoroughly zy6Eh5Dly3k-00125-00024351-00024407 bored zy6Eh5Dly3k-00126-00024408-00024686 and just kind of going i just cannot do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00127-00024687-00024871 this for another 20 years like it just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00128-00024872-00025086 i just you know my soul is being zy6Eh5Dly3k-00129-00025087-00025199 destroyed zy6Eh5Dly3k-00130-00025200-00025358 so um i just started to look for zy6Eh5Dly3k-00131-00025359-00025511 different ways of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00132-00025512-00025790 being able to make an income i tried a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00133-00025791-00025927 lot of different things you know real zy6Eh5Dly3k-00134-00025927-00026055 estate i tried zy6Eh5Dly3k-00135-00026056-00026439 um share training i tried ebay zy6Eh5Dly3k-00136-00026439-00026727 um and i also tried websites but the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00137-00026727-00026862 problem was zy6Eh5Dly3k-00138-00026863-00027046 that essentially didn't really give me zy6Eh5Dly3k-00139-00027047-00027262 what i wanted yes i could probably earn zy6Eh5Dly3k-00140-00027263-00027407 money from it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00141-00027408-00027583 but really what i wanted was freedom zy6Eh5Dly3k-00142-00027583-00027743 when it comes down to it right so i've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00143-00027744-00027783 had a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00144-00027783-00028014 kind of real soul-searching moment to go zy6Eh5Dly3k-00145-00028016-00028151 what i'm not really that bothered about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00146-00028152-00028287 the money i just need the money to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-00147-00028288-00028351 able to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00148-00028352-00028599 live the lifestyle that i want and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00149-00028600-00028735 that's when i kind of like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00150-00028736-00028974 fell into amazon because it kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00151-00028975-00029111 ticked all the boxes right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00152-00029112-00029295 you can do it from anywhere amazon do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00153-00029295-00029423 all the cool stuff zy6Eh5Dly3k-00154-00029424-00029614 you basically have to get really good at zy6Eh5Dly3k-00155-00029616-00029790 one or two key things zy6Eh5Dly3k-00156-00029791-00030087 to be able to make the business work so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00157-00030088-00030199 because i've done all those other things zy6Eh5Dly3k-00158-00030200-00030270 i spent zy6Eh5Dly3k-00159-00030272-00030414 shed loads of money like i think i spent zy6Eh5Dly3k-00160-00030416-00030599 over seventy thousand dollars on courses zy6Eh5Dly3k-00161-00030600-00030774 like different different ways of doing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00162-00030775-00030943 stuff um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00163-00030944-00031046 but because i've kind of gone through zy6Eh5Dly3k-00164-00031047-00031311 all that learning of what didn't work zy6Eh5Dly3k-00165-00031312-00031479 i knew what was going to work and so i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00166-00031480-00031631 actually um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00167-00031632-00031855 organized a redundancy or a severance zy6Eh5Dly3k-00168-00031856-00031943 from my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00169-00031944-00032246 job my career i worked with my hr zy6Eh5Dly3k-00170-00032247-00032390 director at the time and i told her what zy6Eh5Dly3k-00171-00032391-00032543 i wanted to do and she was like oh my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00172-00032544-00032727 god that's amazing yeah all right let's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00173-00032727-00032959 make this happen so i ended up walking zy6Eh5Dly3k-00174-00032960-00033174 away with like a year's pay zy6Eh5Dly3k-00175-00033175-00033535 and i was like right okay boogery i'm zy6Eh5Dly3k-00176-00033536-00033646 just going to go to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00177-00033647-00033790 i'm going to leave the lifestyle now i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00178-00033791-00033951 didn't have the business then i just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00179-00033952-00034143 bought asm zy6Eh5Dly3k-00180-00034144-00034302 i thought yeah i think it's gonna work zy6Eh5Dly3k-00181-00034303-00034462 so i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00182-00034463-00034687 left australia i went to bali for three zy6Eh5Dly3k-00183-00034688-00034855 months and i said okay i'm not gonna zy6Eh5Dly3k-00184-00034856-00034918 come back zy6Eh5Dly3k-00185-00034919-00035239 until i've made six thousand dollars a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00186-00035240-00035295 month zy6Eh5Dly3k-00187-00035296-00035495 that was kind of like my benchmark i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00188-00035496-00035655 don't know why six i was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00189-00035656-00035951 okay that's my benchmark and so i did zy6Eh5Dly3k-00190-00035952-00036167 that i launched a product zy6Eh5Dly3k-00191-00036168-00036483 and um i did that in the first two zy6Eh5Dly3k-00192-00036484-00036727 months so then i was like okay this is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00193-00036728-00036855 gonna work brilliant i went back to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00194-00036856-00036959 australia and i kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00195-00036960-00037255 like just went on from there really and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00196-00037256-00037335 um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00197-00037336-00037623 the reason i kind of ended up coaching zy6Eh5Dly3k-00198-00037624-00037799 people was because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00199-00037800-00037983 i started to live the lifestyle that i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00200-00037984-00038111 wanted you know i just started to kind zy6Eh5Dly3k-00201-00038112-00038246 of post stuff on facebook i was zy6Eh5Dly3k-00202-00038247-00038367 traveling everywhere i wasn't telling zy6Eh5Dly3k-00203-00038368-00038511 anyone really what i was doing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00204-00038512-00038679 and then people were like oh what are zy6Eh5Dly3k-00205-00038680-00038830 you doing uh you really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00206-00038831-00038959 you're not working then you didn't go zy6Eh5Dly3k-00207-00038960-00039174 back to glaxosmithkline i was like you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00208-00039175-00039255 know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00209-00039256-00039479 um and so they started to reach out more zy6Eh5Dly3k-00210-00039480-00039623 and more about you know the business zy6Eh5Dly3k-00211-00039624-00039790 model and how it works zy6Eh5Dly3k-00212-00039791-00040007 and meeting people at conferences and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00213-00040008-00040167 you know having met isaac and obviously zy6Eh5Dly3k-00214-00040168-00040239 he's going to talk to you about his zy6Eh5Dly3k-00215-00040240-00040343 story in a minute zy6Eh5Dly3k-00216-00040344-00040599 um we both had the same philosophy and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00217-00040600-00040751 we really found that there was a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00218-00040752-00040855 people that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00219-00040856-00041071 yeah they started the business but they zy6Eh5Dly3k-00220-00041072-00041239 didn't actually really know how to get zy6Eh5Dly3k-00221-00041240-00041383 the money out of the business zy6Eh5Dly3k-00222-00041384-00041599 which is one of the core things right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00223-00041600-00041718 and i'm sure we're going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00224-00041719-00041855 chat to you about this today so that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00225-00041856-00042055 how i ended up coaching and working with zy6Eh5Dly3k-00226-00042056-00042118 isaac zy6Eh5Dly3k-00227-00042119-00042415 um in real coaching well then very zy6Eh5Dly3k-00228-00042416-00042551 important question did you like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00229-00042552-00042862 uk or australia more zy6Eh5Dly3k-00230-00042863-00043111 sorry say that again did you like uk or zy6Eh5Dly3k-00231-00043112-00043279 australia more zy6Eh5Dly3k-00232-00043280-00043535 oh definitely australia i mean look the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00233-00043536-00043599 uk is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00234-00043600-00043823 my heart is my heart my home and my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00235-00043824-00043958 family still live there zy6Eh5Dly3k-00236-00043959-00044318 um but yeah duh but now i mean now i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00237-00044319-00044687 actually moved to um canada because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00238-00044688-00044911 i actually met mine now even colder good zy6Eh5Dly3k-00239-00044912-00045046 yeah it's even colder yeah so it's a bit zy6Eh5Dly3k-00240-00045047-00045135 weird but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00241-00045136-00045430 i uh met my now husband um actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00242-00045431-00045615 isaac and i were doing workshops zy6Eh5Dly3k-00243-00045616-00045887 and um he was one of our students zy6Eh5Dly3k-00244-00045888-00046046 clients whatever you want to call them zy6Eh5Dly3k-00245-00046047-00046246 and yeah that's how we met and then he's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00246-00046247-00046407 french canadian so then i had to move to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00247-00046408-00046574 canada because he's got two kids zy6Eh5Dly3k-00248-00046575-00046839 that i uh ended up not adopting but you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00249-00046840-00046983 know obviously zy6Eh5Dly3k-00250-00046984-00047255 being with him um so yeah it's not like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00251-00047256-00047407 one of them teacher student relations zy6Eh5Dly3k-00252-00047408-00047743 like high school or anything like that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00253-00047744-00047918 yeah he's younger than me but not that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00254-00047919-00048079 much zy6Eh5Dly3k-00255-00048080-00048415 yeah i'm canadian so no yeah no no zy6Eh5Dly3k-00256-00048416-00048558 definitely right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00257-00048559-00048735 i'm canadian so i know how cold it is up zy6Eh5Dly3k-00258-00048736-00048927 there and that's brutal can get brutal zy6Eh5Dly3k-00259-00048928-00049071 depending on where you live in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00260-00049072-00049374 but yeah yeah i i've slowly i've been zy6Eh5Dly3k-00261-00049375-00049495 here for four years and i'm just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00262-00049496-00049599 adapting now zy6Eh5Dly3k-00263-00049600-00049790 yeah i'm adapting to the kind of cold zy6Eh5Dly3k-00264-00049791-00049902 colder lifestyle zy6Eh5Dly3k-00265-00049903-00050062 but at least you get a summer so at zy6Eh5Dly3k-00266-00050063-00050271 least in england you might get a week zy6Eh5Dly3k-00267-00050272-00050518 and if you're lucky so yeah i can cope zy6Eh5Dly3k-00268-00050519-00050639 with that yeah i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00269-00050640-00050839 love the cold so i moved from california zy6Eh5Dly3k-00270-00050840-00050951 to florida zy6Eh5Dly3k-00271-00050952-00051190 yeah yeah it gets very cold here very zy6Eh5Dly3k-00272-00051191-00051319 logical zy6Eh5Dly3k-00273-00051320-00051694 oh yeah whatever zy6Eh5Dly3k-00274-00051695-00051799 all right now that's why they have all zy6Eh5Dly3k-00275-00051800-00051935 the golf tournaments in the winter in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00276-00051936-00052023 florida zy6Eh5Dly3k-00277-00052024-00052375 it's freezing denser and so they fly far zy6Eh5Dly3k-00278-00052376-00052503 yeah you know that kind of thing here zy6Eh5Dly3k-00279-00052504-00052766 yeah because it's like it's 72 degrees zy6Eh5Dly3k-00280-00052767-00052959 in the coldest part of our winter so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00281-00052960-00053271 there you go yeah whatever zy6Eh5Dly3k-00282-00053272-00053471 cool so yeah so obviously i guess that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00283-00053472-00053582 brings me up which zy6Eh5Dly3k-00284-00053583-00053854 uh my name is isaac uh coolman i now zy6Eh5Dly3k-00285-00053855-00054054 live in las vegas i actually grew up in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00286-00054055-00054366 the midwest montana north dakota stayed zy6Eh5Dly3k-00287-00054367-00054415 some zy6Eh5Dly3k-00288-00054416-00054607 a bit i went to college and lived in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00289-00054608-00054719 oregon for about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00290-00054720-00054911 12 years of my life as well so i was zy6Eh5Dly3k-00291-00054912-00055023 there zy6Eh5Dly3k-00292-00055024-00055215 but i didn't get into the amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-00293-00055216-00055375 business actually it was around the same zy6Eh5Dly3k-00294-00055376-00055550 time about 2013. zy6Eh5Dly3k-00295-00055551-00055742 um i didn't start doing it on my own zy6Eh5Dly3k-00296-00055744-00055854 actually i actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00297-00055855-00055991 was working in an indoor go-kart zy6Eh5Dly3k-00298-00055991-00056223 facility and happened to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00299-00056224-00056519 run into a person who was an amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-00300-00056520-00056687 seller we became friends i was actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00301-00056688-00056854 showing him how to get become a better zy6Eh5Dly3k-00302-00056855-00057111 uh go-kart racer which he was obsessed zy6Eh5Dly3k-00303-00057112-00057230 with at the time so i was like hey zy6Eh5Dly3k-00304-00057232-00057326 here's what you got to do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00305-00057327-00057487 so i was instructing him on how to do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00306-00057488-00057654 that and uh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00307-00057655-00057830 he started to see that like when we zy6Eh5Dly3k-00308-00057832-00057966 started to talk i was you know talking zy6Eh5Dly3k-00309-00057967-00058007 about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00310-00058008-00058207 the business that we were doing at the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00311-00058208-00058350 go-kart facility and stuff like that and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00312-00058351-00058471 how i was improving it and actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00313-00058472-00058638 making a profit which it never had made zy6Eh5Dly3k-00314-00058639-00058775 profit before i was there zy6Eh5Dly3k-00315-00058776-00059030 i was the operations manager at the time zy6Eh5Dly3k-00316-00059032-00059142 and uh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00317-00059144-00059279 he basically was like well you should zy6Eh5Dly3k-00318-00059279-00059423 come work for me i was like i don't know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00319-00059424-00059487 what you do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00320-00059488-00059799 so he was like well let's go to my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00321-00059800-00060047 office which was his house and i'll show zy6Eh5Dly3k-00322-00060048-00060175 you kind of what what my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00323-00060176-00060335 my business looks like and i was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00324-00060336-00060591 okay so look at it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00325-00060591-00060791 and then kind of figured it out a little zy6Eh5Dly3k-00326-00060791-00060919 bit i wasn't really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00327-00060920-00061135 like too savvy on the amazon part i knew zy6Eh5Dly3k-00328-00061136-00061319 how to do online stuff i'd been zy6Eh5Dly3k-00329-00061320-00061559 around like facebook and and knew about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00330-00061560-00061735 ebay and knew about amazon but never zy6Eh5Dly3k-00331-00061736-00061799 started selling zy6Eh5Dly3k-00332-00061800-00061950 on it didn't know the the ranking zy6Eh5Dly3k-00333-00061951-00062135 strategies or anything like that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00334-00062136-00062438 um didn't really understand how you even zy6Eh5Dly3k-00335-00062439-00062471 got zy6Eh5Dly3k-00336-00062472-00062630 to be in front of customers because at zy6Eh5Dly3k-00337-00062632-00062879 the time even ads were kind of a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00338-00062879-00063182 very minimally used thing so it was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00339-00063183-00063319 you just had to know how to rank pretty zy6Eh5Dly3k-00340-00063320-00063399 much zy6Eh5Dly3k-00341-00063400-00063711 um so i kind of got working with him zy6Eh5Dly3k-00342-00063712-00063942 um he basically said and you know we're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00343-00063944-00064126 going to set up an office we'll actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00344-00064127-00064254 do this we'll hire some people and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00345-00064255-00064399 you're going to run the office and run zy6Eh5Dly3k-00346-00064400-00064511 that around the brands zy6Eh5Dly3k-00347-00064512-00064854 i was like okay cool so literally the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00348-00064855-00064991 day before i supposed to start working zy6Eh5Dly3k-00349-00064991-00065047 with him zy6Eh5Dly3k-00350-00065048-00065287 uh his account got shut down his and the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00351-00065288-00065366 other two people's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00352-00065367-00065526 brands that i was supposed to work with zy6Eh5Dly3k-00353-00065527-00065823 all got shut down zy6Eh5Dly3k-00354-00065824-00066015 this was jason katzenbach i wasn't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00355-00066016-00066159 working on jason katzenbach's account zy6Eh5Dly3k-00356-00066160-00066319 but his account got shut down zy6Eh5Dly3k-00357-00066320-00066479 matt clark's account got shut down and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00358-00066480-00066655 then his who's pulsing claire he also zy6Eh5Dly3k-00359-00066656-00066791 got shut down as well zy6Eh5Dly3k-00360-00066792-00066991 and i was supposed to be working on zy6Eh5Dly3k-00361-00066992-00067191 three brands between matt and paul zy6Eh5Dly3k-00362-00067192-00067375 and i was like and those those accounts zy6Eh5Dly3k-00363-00067376-00067526 essentially were about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00364-00067527-00067687 over well they were over half a million zy6Eh5Dly3k-00365-00067688-00067926 a month it was about 300 and 300 zy6Eh5Dly3k-00366-00067927-00068119 and uh so yeah they were all shut down zy6Eh5Dly3k-00367-00068120-00068247 and i was like oh awesome i just quit my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00368-00068248-00068399 job and now i've got nothing to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00369-00068400-00068591 do because the account shut down because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00370-00068592-00068799 now it's like there's no money coming in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00371-00068800-00068926 so i was like well that was a big zy6Eh5Dly3k-00372-00068927-00069111 mistake anyway we got to the office the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00373-00069112-00069231 next day he's like all right we just got zy6Eh5Dly3k-00374-00069232-00069367 to get everything removed and we got to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00375-00069368-00069406 start zy6Eh5Dly3k-00376-00069407-00069526 new accounts and we got to figure this zy6Eh5Dly3k-00377-00069527-00069671 all out because this is this wasn't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00378-00069672-00069750 supposed to happen zy6Eh5Dly3k-00379-00069751-00069943 wow in reality they were they're doing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00380-00069944-00070103 something that has now been proven that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00381-00070104-00070263 you can't do which is incentivized for zy6Eh5Dly3k-00382-00070264-00070438 reviews so here's a free bottle for a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00383-00070439-00070503 review zy6Eh5Dly3k-00384-00070504-00070711 and you can't do that and that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00385-00070712-00070887 actually been something that's even been zy6Eh5Dly3k-00386-00070888-00071199 uh in a recent court case so that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00387-00071200-00071335 pretty much guarantee if you try to do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00388-00071336-00071535 that incentivize a free product zy6Eh5Dly3k-00389-00071536-00071694 to get reviews especially if it says for zy6Eh5Dly3k-00390-00071695-00071862 five star reviews you will get zy6Eh5Dly3k-00391-00071863-00072055 de-listed and shut down and your your zy6Eh5Dly3k-00392-00072056-00072215 seller privileges will be removed zy6Eh5Dly3k-00393-00072216-00072391 so don't do that uh that was a quick zy6Eh5Dly3k-00394-00072392-00072526 learning lesson right off the bat is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00395-00072527-00072623 don't do that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00396-00072624-00072806 and we had to remove 90 000 pieces of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00397-00072807-00073015 inventory repackage them and start zy6Eh5Dly3k-00398-00073016-00073159 sending them into brand new accounts and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00399-00073160-00073326 at that time the limit was five thousand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00400-00073327-00073447 now it would be even worse zy6Eh5Dly3k-00401-00073448-00073655 yeah because you only have 200 units per zy6Eh5Dly3k-00402-00073656-00073767 per sku zy6Eh5Dly3k-00403-00073768-00073919 which would make it very hard because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00404-00073920-00074071 some of those units were selling like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00405-00074072-00074215 two three hundred units a day zy6Eh5Dly3k-00406-00074216-00074319 so some of those skis were really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00407-00074320-00074519 popular so we would have been really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00408-00074520-00074679 really struggling to stay in stock zy6Eh5Dly3k-00409-00074680-00074926 um but we were able to send that in and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00410-00074927-00075126 from april 2013 zy6Eh5Dly3k-00411-00075127-00075375 basically at zero again we got to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00412-00075376-00075431 500 zy6Eh5Dly3k-00413-00075432-00075671 000 mark on just that one account uh by zy6Eh5Dly3k-00414-00075672-00075823 december because we're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00415-00075824-00076111 really we learned really how to get back zy6Eh5Dly3k-00416-00076112-00076175 on track zy6Eh5Dly3k-00417-00076176-00076415 so it was uh it was an interesting zy6Eh5Dly3k-00418-00076416-00076638 learning experience and that basically zy6Eh5Dly3k-00419-00076639-00076911 rolled into a training program for zy6Eh5Dly3k-00420-00076912-00077062 sourcing from china which was called zy6Eh5Dly3k-00421-00077063-00077150 sourcing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00422-00077151-00077294 uh sourcing prophets which i did with zy6Eh5Dly3k-00423-00077295-00077471 paul and another man named uh goer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00424-00077472-00077647 chaudhary from canada zy6Eh5Dly3k-00425-00077648-00077903 he's a he's a toronto guy i believe i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00426-00077904-00078015 think he's still in toronto zy6Eh5Dly3k-00427-00078016-00078279 anyway he's uh he's very good at the uh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00428-00078280-00078415 idea of like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00429-00078416-00078638 the the affiliate and and mass marketing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00430-00078639-00078743 of stuff so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00431-00078744-00078879 he was like i want to learn about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00432-00078880-00079023 private label so when we did it all zy6Eh5Dly3k-00433-00079024-00079094 together zy6Eh5Dly3k-00434-00079095-00079271 that was kind of how he came into the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00435-00079272-00079423 mix and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00436-00079424-00079638 we we did that and that's when i kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00437-00079639-00079759 got introduced to the coaching part zy6Eh5Dly3k-00438-00079760-00079935 because we did this training program and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00439-00079936-00079999 it did quite zy6Eh5Dly3k-00440-00080000-00080191 well for we only did it for like about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00441-00080192-00080303 nine months zy6Eh5Dly3k-00442-00080304-00080479 and it did over seven figures in nine zy6Eh5Dly3k-00443-00080480-00080662 months so it was it did really well but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00444-00080663-00080975 at the same time i wasn't making like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00445-00080976-00081143 a big chunk of that seven figures right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00446-00081144-00081279 i was just doing the legwork zy6Eh5Dly3k-00447-00081280-00081462 for that stuff so i was like all right i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00448-00081463-00081599 think it's time to kind of break off zy6Eh5Dly3k-00449-00081600-00081647 because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00450-00081648-00081799 i kind of want to go a separate way you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00451-00081800-00081950 guys are going this way so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00452-00081951-00082182 now that's when kirsty and i literally i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00453-00082183-00082311 stopped working with paul zy6Eh5Dly3k-00454-00082312-00082447 and stopped doing that and then two zy6Eh5Dly3k-00455-00082448-00082599 weeks later that's when paul and i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00456-00082600-00082759 actually met courtesy for the first time zy6Eh5Dly3k-00457-00082760-00082879 and then we started kind of working on zy6Eh5Dly3k-00458-00082880-00083062 more coaching stuff and pretty much zy6Eh5Dly3k-00459-00083063-00083118 since there zy6Eh5Dly3k-00460-00083119-00083303 started my own brands actually got two zy6Eh5Dly3k-00461-00083304-00083431 brands now and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00462-00083432-00083647 and we've been coaching for almost zy6Eh5Dly3k-00463-00083648-00083775 almost five years now zy6Eh5Dly3k-00464-00083776-00084182 wow wow now okay so to the question of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00465-00084183-00084231 coaching zy6Eh5Dly3k-00466-00084232-00084431 what um is there some area that you guys zy6Eh5Dly3k-00467-00084432-00084662 tend to obviously okay you specialize in zy6Eh5Dly3k-00468-00084663-00084991 amazon sellers but um what would you say zy6Eh5Dly3k-00469-00084992-00085247 is your guys bread and butter zy6Eh5Dly3k-00470-00085248-00085423 i think we each got our own but uh you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00471-00085424-00085582 know kirsten zy6Eh5Dly3k-00472-00085583-00085718 obviously brings her background of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00473-00085719-00085855 corporate marketing and branding and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00474-00085856-00085950 that's that's the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00475-00085951-00086150 crux of everything we do and i'll let zy6Eh5Dly3k-00476-00086151-00086279 you explain it christy but i just wanted zy6Eh5Dly3k-00477-00086280-00086431 to kind of preface this by saying zy6Eh5Dly3k-00478-00086432-00086655 the one little kind of dirty secret zy6Eh5Dly3k-00479-00086656-00086871 about amazon back in the day of like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00480-00086872-00087087 2013 through 2016 zy6Eh5Dly3k-00481-00087088-00087311 was all the biggest sellers were only zy6Eh5Dly3k-00482-00087312-00087431 talking about creating zy6Eh5Dly3k-00483-00087432-00087647 products and product selection but all zy6Eh5Dly3k-00484-00087648-00087791 of them had brands zy6Eh5Dly3k-00485-00087792-00087894 that they incorporated around zy6Eh5Dly3k-00486-00087895-00088038 complementary products that actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00487-00088039-00088118 grew zy6Eh5Dly3k-00488-00088119-00088367 and when they were trying to like like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00489-00088368-00088518 recite the training zy6Eh5Dly3k-00490-00088519-00088679 in their mind they were skipping the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00491-00088680-00088871 branding part and that's when we really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00492-00088872-00088999 uh when kirsty and i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00493-00089000-00089182 got together it was just inherent like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00494-00089183-00089359 we knew that you had to create brands zy6Eh5Dly3k-00495-00089360-00089535 but it didn't seem very obvious to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00496-00089536-00089694 people who were just starting out and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00497-00089695-00089831 that's kind of where we started zy6Eh5Dly3k-00498-00089832-00090079 kind of helping people first yeah so we zy6Eh5Dly3k-00499-00090080-00090150 we uh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00500-00090151-00090367 my wife and i that's how we managed our zy6Eh5Dly3k-00501-00090368-00090559 stuff we had three amazon seller zy6Eh5Dly3k-00502-00090560-00090679 accounts zy6Eh5Dly3k-00503-00090680-00091071 in vitamins beauty food outdoors zy6Eh5Dly3k-00504-00091072-00091294 we didn't have any kind of vertical and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00505-00091295-00091382 it was zy6Eh5Dly3k-00506-00091383-00091718 we started selling in 2010 with vitamins zy6Eh5Dly3k-00507-00091719-00091943 and you guys still do vitamins we still zy6Eh5Dly3k-00508-00091944-00092111 do vitamins yes because it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00509-00092112-00092318 it's a 10 year old account and we don't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00510-00092319-00092447 even advertising zy6Eh5Dly3k-00511-00092448-00092615 do any advertising on that one it just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00512-00092616-00092831 sells uh because of but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00513-00092832-00093150 it sells because of a well-known brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00514-00093151-00093367 and it's that's a wholesale account we zy6Eh5Dly3k-00515-00093368-00093582 we have and we get all the stuff zy6Eh5Dly3k-00516-00093583-00093935 on um consignment from the manufacturer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00517-00093936-00094135 and then we pay them as it sells so that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00518-00094136-00094238 was our model zy6Eh5Dly3k-00519-00094239-00094382 back in the beginning when we started zy6Eh5Dly3k-00520-00094383-00094623 selling but yes to your point zy6Eh5Dly3k-00521-00094624-00094950 100 percent like you got it you got to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00522-00094951-00095215 do a brand and do your products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00523-00095216-00095438 underneath that brand because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00524-00095439-00095662 i gosh i've forgotten even how many zy6Eh5Dly3k-00525-00095663-00095815 different types of products we have and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00526-00095816-00096015 it is not workable because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00527-00096016-00096279 you spend all your time being busy not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00528-00096280-00096374 making money zy6Eh5Dly3k-00529-00096375-00096615 right you can't really get repeat buyers zy6Eh5Dly3k-00530-00096616-00096823 in completely different industries zy6Eh5Dly3k-00531-00096824-00097174 yeah yeah and and also um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00532-00097175-00097399 you know one i think inherently we just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00533-00097400-00097518 kind of brought this to the business but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00534-00097519-00097662 we didn't realize that a lot of people zy6Eh5Dly3k-00535-00097663-00097887 didn't think that way as you said isaac zy6Eh5Dly3k-00536-00097888-00098199 um but we were always thinking ahead zy6Eh5Dly3k-00537-00098200-00098494 right so rather than just what am i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00538-00098495-00098671 doing today which of course you do need zy6Eh5Dly3k-00539-00098672-00098743 to do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00540-00098744-00099047 but you need a goal to aim for to then zy6Eh5Dly3k-00541-00099048-00099167 be able to go zy6Eh5Dly3k-00542-00099168-00099318 what does that mean for what i need to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00543-00099319-00099487 do today and so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00544-00099488-00099671 one key thing that number one that's the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00545-00099672-00099815 brand as well right because if you've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00546-00099816-00099935 got all these different products going zy6Eh5Dly3k-00547-00099936-00099999 on zy6Eh5Dly3k-00548-00100000-00100126 then how do you know what you're gonna zy6Eh5Dly3k-00549-00100127-00100326 focus on that day right right um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00550-00100327-00100487 how do i know who i'm talking to i've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00551-00100488-00100655 gotta i've gotta learn all about this zy6Eh5Dly3k-00552-00100656-00100815 type of customer over here zy6Eh5Dly3k-00553-00100816-00100974 to really you know get the conversion zy6Eh5Dly3k-00554-00100975-00101167 rate up on amazon you need to really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00555-00101168-00101255 understand the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00556-00101256-00101447 the customer and how they're going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00557-00101448-00101591 actually connect with you and your brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00558-00101592-00101694 and buy you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00559-00101695-00101871 over everyone else you know everyone's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00560-00101872-00102038 always saying how do i differentiate on zy6Eh5Dly3k-00561-00102039-00102255 amazon i need to put this whiz-bang zy6Eh5Dly3k-00562-00102256-00102399 thing into the product or i need to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00563-00102400-00102558 completely redesign the product or i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00564-00102559-00102678 need to do all these zy6Eh5Dly3k-00565-00102679-00102894 you know things that add cost add time zy6Eh5Dly3k-00566-00102895-00103086 and everything else into the process zy6Eh5Dly3k-00567-00103088-00103215 when really if you really just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00568-00103216-00103415 differentiate on the customer and you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00569-00103416-00103486 really connect zy6Eh5Dly3k-00570-00103488-00103751 with the person who's most likely to buy zy6Eh5Dly3k-00571-00103752-00103815 the product zy6Eh5Dly3k-00572-00103816-00104086 and your brand then that's how you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00573-00104088-00104215 differentiate and just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00574-00104216-00104375 that doesn't cost you any money it just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00575-00104376-00104510 costs you a bit more time to research zy6Eh5Dly3k-00576-00104511-00104575 the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00577-00104576-00104886 et cetera so the more deeper you can get zy6Eh5Dly3k-00578-00104888-00105158 on understanding your customer right up zy6Eh5Dly3k-00579-00105159-00105247 front zy6Eh5Dly3k-00580-00105248-00105471 then the long-term longevity of the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00581-00105472-00105647 business and your time your energy and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00582-00105648-00105758 all that other stuff zy6Eh5Dly3k-00583-00105759-00106007 is is just going to be leveraged as you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00584-00106008-00106215 actually start to grow the business so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00585-00106216-00106366 it feels like there's a lot more work to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00586-00106367-00106543 be done up front zy6Eh5Dly3k-00587-00106544-00106695 but once you get into the groove of that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00588-00106696-00106878 you become the expert to the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00589-00106879-00107054 okay well let's let's let's take that as zy6Eh5Dly3k-00590-00107055-00107231 an example then or let's use that and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00591-00107232-00107390 kind of build on it so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00592-00107391-00107590 let's say you have someone now obviously zy6Eh5Dly3k-00593-00107591-00107695 i don't want you guys to give away all zy6Eh5Dly3k-00594-00107696-00107854 your secrets so i'm sure you have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00595-00107855-00107975 a bunch of things you can i do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00596-00107976-00108102 reservations we have no secrets we'll zy6Eh5Dly3k-00597-00108103-00108286 take all of your secrets if you want to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00598-00108288-00108358 but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00599-00108359-00108575 um if okay we're talking about really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00600-00108576-00108702 getting to know your customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00601-00108703-00108839 let's say you've got someone and they've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00602-00108840-00109023 got a good product they have good zy6Eh5Dly3k-00603-00109024-00109271 potential for a brand what would you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00604-00109272-00109407 suggest then what would you say is a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00605-00109408-00109495 good tip zy6Eh5Dly3k-00606-00109496-00109702 to actually start to really get to know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00607-00109703-00109871 your customers zy6Eh5Dly3k-00608-00109872-00110063 yeah so we actually have a process um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00609-00110064-00110207 and it's called brand positioning zy6Eh5Dly3k-00610-00110208-00110510 right so um we have we've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00611-00110511-00110631 kind of simplified it as much as zy6Eh5Dly3k-00612-00110632-00110823 possible but we have a brand positioning zy6Eh5Dly3k-00613-00110824-00110990 statement a bps zy6Eh5Dly3k-00614-00110991-00111151 and literally the first thing you need zy6Eh5Dly3k-00615-00111152-00111383 to think about is who is the most zy6Eh5Dly3k-00616-00111383-00111695 who is most likely to use my brand of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00617-00111696-00111766 products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00618-00111767-00112078 right and really kind of think about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00619-00112079-00112358 their attitudes and their behaviors not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00620-00112359-00112478 necessarily zy6Eh5Dly3k-00621-00112479-00112663 you know um oh they get up in the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00622-00112664-00112799 morning they have a cup of coffee not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00623-00112800-00112910 that kind of thing like it's not a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00624-00112911-00113039 customer avatar zy6Eh5Dly3k-00625-00113040-00113215 it's like how do they what are their zy6Eh5Dly3k-00626-00113216-00113383 current beliefs what are their current zy6Eh5Dly3k-00627-00113383-00113495 attitudes zy6Eh5Dly3k-00628-00113496-00113686 um and an example that we always use is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00629-00113688-00113815 actually my husband's brand called the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00630-00113816-00114007 atomic bear and he he really works with zy6Eh5Dly3k-00631-00114008-00114183 survivalists right so people that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00632-00114183-00114399 um are really into survival so it's kind zy6Eh5Dly3k-00633-00114400-00114615 of like the attitudes and behaviors zy6Eh5Dly3k-00634-00114616-00114831 is that yeah it's so funny i looked at zy6Eh5Dly3k-00635-00114832-00114943 him and i was thinking you just look zy6Eh5Dly3k-00636-00114944-00115199 like an atomic bear zy6Eh5Dly3k-00637-00115200-00115454 i just spent 400 on food just in case zy6Eh5Dly3k-00638-00115455-00115590 things go crazy and it's all in a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00639-00115591-00115799 freezer so i i feel you i feel yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-00640-00115800-00116023 yeah exactly right so i'm going to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-00641-00116024-00116110 googling so that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00642-00116111-00116463 awesome yeah so damon if you think zy6Eh5Dly3k-00643-00116464-00116695 you know what what what worries you what zy6Eh5Dly3k-00644-00116696-00116878 scares you what keeps you up at night zy6Eh5Dly3k-00645-00116879-00117095 you know those types of things that type zy6Eh5Dly3k-00646-00117096-00117183 of um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00647-00117183-00117510 feeling behind why you even you're even zy6Eh5Dly3k-00648-00117511-00117663 interested in this space and that's the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00649-00117664-00117743 kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00650-00117744-00117878 kind of thing that we want to get into zy6Eh5Dly3k-00651-00117879-00118054 now if you don't know that you're not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00652-00118055-00118263 the customer generally what we find is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00653-00118264-00118543 when we work with people is they are zy6Eh5Dly3k-00654-00118544-00118686 usually their customer they just don't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00655-00118688-00118783 know it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00656-00118783-00119063 so that's what usually they pretend that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00657-00119064-00119247 there's something else right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00658-00119248-00119575 yeah yeah because they're trying to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00659-00119576-00119807 intellectualize everything rather than zy6Eh5Dly3k-00660-00119808-00119983 actually thinking zy6Eh5Dly3k-00661-00119983-00120223 how do i feel about this how do i feel zy6Eh5Dly3k-00662-00120224-00120319 about using this zy6Eh5Dly3k-00663-00120320-00120607 and so um you know we have a we have an zy6Eh5Dly3k-00664-00120608-00120727 exercise that we go through and you say zy6Eh5Dly3k-00665-00120728-00120871 why would you most likely use your zy6Eh5Dly3k-00666-00120872-00120990 product actually isaac you might want to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00667-00120991-00121086 go through this because you go through zy6Eh5Dly3k-00668-00121088-00121199 this a lot zy6Eh5Dly3k-00669-00121200-00121439 yeah so i mean it really comes down to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00670-00121440-00121590 solving the problem that the customers zy6Eh5Dly3k-00671-00121591-00121743 want right so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00672-00121744-00121895 anything that they're buying on amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-00673-00121896-00122031 it's to solve a problem that they zy6Eh5Dly3k-00674-00122032-00122102 currently have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00675-00122103-00122263 that's what products do they solve zy6Eh5Dly3k-00676-00122264-00122414 problems whether anybody wants to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00677-00122415-00122566 believe it or not like i sell an ice zy6Eh5Dly3k-00678-00122567-00122695 scraper it solves the problem of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00679-00122696-00122871 scraping ice off your windshield too zy6Eh5Dly3k-00680-00122872-00123063 yeah people are like well there's no zy6Eh5Dly3k-00681-00123064-00123199 problems that i script i'm not talking zy6Eh5Dly3k-00682-00123200-00123334 about world peace i'm talking about the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00683-00123335-00123407 initial zy6Eh5Dly3k-00684-00123408-00123543 function of the product just to solve zy6Eh5Dly3k-00685-00123544-00123751 that problem right so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00686-00123752-00123951 a lot of people just oh i don't have i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00687-00123952-00124102 don't have a product that solve the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00688-00124103-00124263 problem like every single product zy6Eh5Dly3k-00689-00124264-00124383 solves a problem so it's either an zy6Eh5Dly3k-00690-00124383-00124607 emotional problem or like a physical zy6Eh5Dly3k-00691-00124608-00124654 problem zy6Eh5Dly3k-00692-00124655-00124871 and or even like just a time or whatever zy6Eh5Dly3k-00693-00124872-00125007 there's lots of different problems i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00694-00125008-00125151 could solve but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00695-00125152-00125295 you ask yourselves like you know who's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00696-00125296-00125575 most likely to use the product so first zy6Eh5Dly3k-00697-00125576-00125807 and and stress the use because it's not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00698-00125808-00125951 who's most likely to buy the product zy6Eh5Dly3k-00699-00125952-00126023 because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00700-00126024-00126239 on amazon everyone wants to assume that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00701-00126240-00126399 all their products are giftable zy6Eh5Dly3k-00702-00126400-00126583 hey it's great to buy as a gift for a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00703-00126583-00126790 bachelor party a a baby shower zy6Eh5Dly3k-00704-00126791-00127047 uh christmas i'm like there's no way zy6Eh5Dly3k-00705-00127048-00127183 every product can be used for every zy6Eh5Dly3k-00706-00127183-00127375 single occasion as a gift it's just not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00707-00127376-00127431 possible zy6Eh5Dly3k-00708-00127432-00127671 so stop trying keyword stuff about gifts zy6Eh5Dly3k-00709-00127672-00127766 however zy6Eh5Dly3k-00710-00127767-00127934 the person who's actually gifting zy6Eh5Dly3k-00711-00127935-00128095 something is actually giving it to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00712-00128096-00128239 person who's going to use it anyway zy6Eh5Dly3k-00713-00128240-00128407 right so just talk about the use of it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00714-00128408-00128599 right and then you become the authority zy6Eh5Dly3k-00715-00128600-00128775 on the person who's actually the ideal zy6Eh5Dly3k-00716-00128776-00128966 client who's the person who's buying it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00717-00128967-00129063 for anyway zy6Eh5Dly3k-00718-00129064-00129263 so think about that so who's most likely zy6Eh5Dly3k-00719-00129264-00129471 to use it what problems is it solving zy6Eh5Dly3k-00720-00129472-00129766 what emotional you know uh feeling do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00721-00129767-00129807 they get zy6Eh5Dly3k-00722-00129808-00129966 when they're not having that problem zy6Eh5Dly3k-00723-00129967-00130110 solved so you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00724-00130111-00130214 maybe they don't have an ice scraper zy6Eh5Dly3k-00725-00130215-00130414 okay so they're out there scraping a a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00726-00130415-00130575 windshield with a credit card right that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00727-00130576-00130727 that's going to take forever and it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00728-00130728-00130831 probably going to ruin the credit card zy6Eh5Dly3k-00729-00130832-00130878 so that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00730-00130879-00131135 that's frustrating right so talk about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00731-00131136-00131207 that or zy6Eh5Dly3k-00732-00131208-00131335 you know then the other thing is how do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00733-00131336-00131447 they feel when they actually use the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00734-00131448-00131607 product that that's fit for the problem zy6Eh5Dly3k-00735-00131608-00131743 and solves that problem zy6Eh5Dly3k-00736-00131744-00131878 that's another thing you can talk about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00737-00131879-00131975 in the listing and that's great zy6Eh5Dly3k-00738-00131976-00132135 marketing then you can talk about you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00739-00132136-00132183 know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00740-00132184-00132319 how you compare you don't have to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00741-00132320-00132511 specifically compare yourself to other zy6Eh5Dly3k-00742-00132512-00132807 competitors but you can say this design zy6Eh5Dly3k-00743-00132808-00132919 is new because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00744-00132920-00133095 of this thing that helps you do this so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00745-00133096-00133231 like for example zy6Eh5Dly3k-00746-00133232-00133431 this ergonomic grip makes it easier to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00747-00133432-00133566 hold this thing and it won't slip out of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00748-00133567-00133623 your hand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00749-00133624-00133839 right so that's a benefit of that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00750-00133840-00133966 feature so you don't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00751-00133967-00134087 lead with the feature you leave with the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00752-00134088-00134327 benefit and then talk about the feature zy6Eh5Dly3k-00753-00134328-00134447 so there's lots of different ways that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00754-00134448-00134566 you can actually do this and we do have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00755-00134567-00134695 a full exercise zy6Eh5Dly3k-00756-00134696-00134854 and obviously if we went over that it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00757-00134855-00134983 probably takes up the whole call but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00758-00134984-00135159 yeah there is a full exercise to really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00759-00135160-00135302 break down your brand and then each zy6Eh5Dly3k-00760-00135303-00135519 product within that brand to really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00761-00135520-00135799 focus on exactly that so like each zy6Eh5Dly3k-00762-00135800-00135983 product doesn't have to fit zy6Eh5Dly3k-00763-00135984-00136183 like every aspect of what you might zy6Eh5Dly3k-00764-00136184-00136351 consider your brand to be but it's got zy6Eh5Dly3k-00765-00136352-00136447 to fit within that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00766-00136448-00136678 wheelhouse right so like i do automotive zy6Eh5Dly3k-00767-00136679-00136814 accessories for people who zy6Eh5Dly3k-00768-00136815-00137014 are fanatical about their cars and so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00769-00137015-00137166 that's kind of how i talk about my ice zy6Eh5Dly3k-00770-00137167-00137214 scraper zy6Eh5Dly3k-00771-00137215-00137335 for people who are fanatical about my zy6Eh5Dly3k-00772-00137336-00137543 cars but i could kind of stray off of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00773-00137544-00137687 that a little bit if i wanted to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00774-00137688-00137807 but i'm not going to because that fits zy6Eh5Dly3k-00775-00137808-00137999 my brand so well and there's people who zy6Eh5Dly3k-00776-00138000-00138095 buy that as zy6Eh5Dly3k-00777-00138096-00138359 stocking stuffers and you know moms who zy6Eh5Dly3k-00778-00138360-00138527 aren't they don't care about their zy6Eh5Dly3k-00779-00138528-00138711 their you know their automobile as much zy6Eh5Dly3k-00780-00138712-00138863 as like my fanatics do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00781-00138864-00139063 but those people buy it because i'm now zy6Eh5Dly3k-00782-00139064-00139414 the authority of ice scrapers zy6Eh5Dly3k-00783-00139415-00139727 they don't care yeah so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00784-00139728-00140054 really getting into the head of the the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00785-00140055-00140302 feeling that the customer has and then zy6Eh5Dly3k-00786-00140303-00140495 the problems that that customer has zy6Eh5Dly3k-00787-00140496-00140702 and then we kind of then go go into well zy6Eh5Dly3k-00788-00140703-00140847 why is your brand different zy6Eh5Dly3k-00789-00140848-00141087 and so we have this um area where you've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00790-00141088-00141223 got to think about what are the reasons zy6Eh5Dly3k-00791-00141224-00141343 to believe why should the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00792-00141344-00141439 believe you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00793-00141440-00141654 over everyone else right and we like to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00794-00141655-00141823 kind of just narrow that down nail that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00795-00141824-00141983 down to like three core reasons so it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00796-00141984-00142031 could be zy6Eh5Dly3k-00797-00142032-00142175 things like you know you understand the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00798-00142176-00142351 customer way more than everyone else zy6Eh5Dly3k-00799-00142352-00142495 because you are the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00800-00142496-00142663 and we you know put our heart and soul zy6Eh5Dly3k-00801-00142664-00142807 into developing these products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00802-00142808-00142951 because we use them ourselves we test zy6Eh5Dly3k-00803-00142952-00143159 them ourselves all that other stuff now zy6Eh5Dly3k-00804-00143160-00143319 it doesn't mean to say that you have to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00805-00143320-00143519 put that in your listings and everywhere zy6Eh5Dly3k-00806-00143520-00143751 you know on your website but what that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00807-00143752-00143895 allows you to do is actually really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00808-00143896-00143983 connect with zy6Eh5Dly3k-00809-00143984-00144183 you as the brand owner the brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00810-00144184-00144319 developer to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00811-00144320-00144678 the customer and then how you can feel zy6Eh5Dly3k-00812-00144679-00144839 like you're actually helping them solve zy6Eh5Dly3k-00813-00144840-00145039 the problem and it helps you really kind zy6Eh5Dly3k-00814-00145040-00145231 of feel that you're making a difference zy6Eh5Dly3k-00815-00145232-00145407 in their lives as well so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00816-00145408-00145575 uh we kind of go through that process zy6Eh5Dly3k-00817-00145576-00145711 get people really clear zy6Eh5Dly3k-00818-00145712-00146014 on who they're talking to why zy6Eh5Dly3k-00819-00146015-00146135 you are different as a brand not zy6Eh5Dly3k-00820-00146136-00146263 necessarily the product but the brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-00821-00146264-00146343 itself zy6Eh5Dly3k-00822-00146344-00146535 and then once you've got that brand down zy6Eh5Dly3k-00823-00146536-00146678 it's about as isaac said you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00824-00146679-00146790 finding products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00825-00146791-00147095 underneath that brand that that customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-00826-00147096-00147335 will want to continue to buy and so we zy6Eh5Dly3k-00827-00147336-00147439 actually like people to go zy6Eh5Dly3k-00828-00147440-00147559 quite broad here it might feel like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00829-00147560-00147759 you're niching niching niching down zy6Eh5Dly3k-00830-00147760-00147911 because one thing we don't want to do is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00831-00147912-00148159 just like make you know make the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00832-00148160-00148463 um yeah you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00833-00148464-00148647 you've got pain relief products only zy6Eh5Dly3k-00834-00148648-00148823 that's yeah exactly zy6Eh5Dly3k-00835-00148824-00149078 yeah exactly so that's why we want to go zy6Eh5Dly3k-00836-00149079-00149214 on the attitudes and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00837-00149215-00149543 beliefs not necessarily a specific zy6Eh5Dly3k-00838-00149544-00149663 product route zy6Eh5Dly3k-00839-00149664-00149863 that's really smart now sorry we have a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00840-00149864-00150063 technical thing so the audience won't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00841-00150064-00150295 see this but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00842-00150296-00150502 all right everyone re resume their zy6Eh5Dly3k-00843-00150503-00150639 position yeah right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00844-00150640-00150911 okay and we're back sorry there was a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00845-00150912-00151078 zoom technical difficulty but we are zy6Eh5Dly3k-00846-00151079-00151166 back here so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00847-00151167-00151407 okay so it's really it's really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00848-00151408-00151526 interesting talking about zy6Eh5Dly3k-00849-00151527-00151687 the point of like really getting to know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00850-00151688-00151831 your audience and those are some really zy6Eh5Dly3k-00851-00151832-00151911 good zy6Eh5Dly3k-00852-00151912-00152223 action items to really evaluate like the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00853-00152224-00152351 points of a listing and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00854-00152352-00152487 i guess you guys probably do the same zy6Eh5Dly3k-00855-00152488-00152639 thing for people who are like actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-00856-00152640-00152702 you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00857-00152703-00152935 i am not the buyer at all i sell women's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00858-00152936-00153039 makeup and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00859-00153040-00153375 you know it's some 60 year old dude so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00860-00153376-00153590 do you is the process the same or how do zy6Eh5Dly3k-00861-00153591-00153695 you alter it in those kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00862-00153696-00153823 circumstances zy6Eh5Dly3k-00863-00153824-00153999 yeah it's exactly the same absolutely zy6Eh5Dly3k-00864-00154000-00154159 exactly the same um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00865-00154160-00154423 that person might have a different zy6Eh5Dly3k-00866-00154424-00154575 connection zy6Eh5Dly3k-00867-00154576-00154831 um what we tend to find is that a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00868-00154832-00154935 guys that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00869-00154936-00155111 sell products for women is they think zy6Eh5Dly3k-00870-00155112-00155366 women are the same from 18 to 60. zy6Eh5Dly3k-00871-00155367-00155575 and usually they say oh yeah i i have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00872-00155576-00155678 products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00873-00155679-00156039 from 18 to 60 and uh for women 18 to 60 zy6Eh5Dly3k-00874-00156040-00156102 i'm like yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-00875-00156103-00156271 a woman is very different from when zy6Eh5Dly3k-00876-00156272-00156463 they're 18 to when they're 16. now hold zy6Eh5Dly3k-00877-00156464-00156519 on zy6Eh5Dly3k-00878-00156520-00156719 hold on when a man is talking to a woman zy6Eh5Dly3k-00879-00156720-00156878 they're they're oh boy zy6Eh5Dly3k-00880-00156879-00157214 there are 18 all the way 260. zy6Eh5Dly3k-00881-00157215-00157414 oh okay good that was that was nice oh zy6Eh5Dly3k-00882-00157415-00157583 that's bad probably wow that was well zy6Eh5Dly3k-00883-00157584-00157623 done zy6Eh5Dly3k-00884-00157624-00157847 okay fine that was a compliment to all zy6Eh5Dly3k-00885-00157848-00158214 women so i'm okay with that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00886-00158215-00158431 we have to be careful if i start yapping zy6Eh5Dly3k-00887-00158432-00158687 yeah he'll say some strange zy6Eh5Dly3k-00888-00158688-00159031 terrible things awesome brilliant zy6Eh5Dly3k-00889-00159032-00159183 yeah i think i think the idea is that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00890-00159184-00159319 even if you're not the ideal client you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00891-00159320-00159447 have to find a way to be the ideal zy6Eh5Dly3k-00892-00159448-00159487 client zy6Eh5Dly3k-00893-00159488-00159631 and understand the ideal client if zy6Eh5Dly3k-00894-00159632-00159831 you're not using the products zy6Eh5Dly3k-00895-00159832-00160111 it's probably not the best use of your zy6Eh5Dly3k-00896-00160112-00160159 time zy6Eh5Dly3k-00897-00160160-00160254 because you're probably going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00898-00160255-00160423 struggle to really compete at a high zy6Eh5Dly3k-00899-00160424-00160502 level zy6Eh5Dly3k-00900-00160503-00160671 um it's just like if a corporation's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00901-00160672-00160823 trying to talk to an individual right i zy6Eh5Dly3k-00902-00160824-00160854 mean zy6Eh5Dly3k-00903-00160855-00161071 it's they can do it it's just that it zy6Eh5Dly3k-00904-00161072-00161207 doesn't come off as zy6Eh5Dly3k-00905-00161208-00161414 as sincere as if it's the exact same zy6Eh5Dly3k-00906-00161415-00161535 type of person right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00907-00161536-00161775 um you know jessica alba created the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00908-00161776-00161887 honest company because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00909-00161888-00162023 she couldn't find anything that had zy6Eh5Dly3k-00910-00162024-00162207 chemical free like all these other zy6Eh5Dly3k-00911-00162208-00162351 things that were free of all these like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00912-00162352-00162487 irritants for her kids zy6Eh5Dly3k-00913-00162488-00162607 so she just started her own company zy6Eh5Dly3k-00914-00162608-00162799 because she had that issue richard zy6Eh5Dly3k-00915-00162800-00162919 branson started virgin zy6Eh5Dly3k-00916-00162920-00163183 airlines because he didn't have or he zy6Eh5Dly3k-00917-00163184-00163326 got kicked off a flight or he didn't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00918-00163327-00163454 have a good experience on a flight and zy6Eh5Dly3k-00919-00163455-00163559 just said you know what i'm going to buy zy6Eh5Dly3k-00920-00163560-00163647 my own airplane zy6Eh5Dly3k-00921-00163648-00163759 this is how i'm going to run it and it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-00922-00163760-00163878 going to be because this is how the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00923-00163879-00164063 client wants it because i am the ideal zy6Eh5Dly3k-00924-00164064-00164199 client so those are the kinds of things zy6Eh5Dly3k-00925-00164200-00164335 if you understand it from your own zy6Eh5Dly3k-00926-00164336-00164414 perspective zy6Eh5Dly3k-00927-00164415-00164695 it's going to come off a lot easier to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00928-00164696-00164775 you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00929-00164776-00164959 to message and to just you know appear zy6Eh5Dly3k-00930-00164960-00165151 like that that that brand that cares zy6Eh5Dly3k-00931-00165152-00165207 because you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00932-00165208-00165414 are the brand that cares versus you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00933-00165415-00165575 giant conglomerate that's probably zy6Eh5Dly3k-00934-00165576-00165751 at one point was that brand that you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-00935-00165752-00165919 starting now but then it got bought up zy6Eh5Dly3k-00936-00165920-00166038 and then got bought up and they got zy6Eh5Dly3k-00937-00166039-00166143 bought up and now it's just zy6Eh5Dly3k-00938-00166144-00166359 you know part of a corporate hub or you zy6Eh5Dly3k-00939-00166360-00166519 know cog in the wheel kind of thing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00940-00166520-00166687 that doesn't have that same feeling zy6Eh5Dly3k-00941-00166688-00166807 anymore yeah and you lose that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00942-00166808-00166935 connectivity and they zy6Eh5Dly3k-00943-00166936-00167166 pay millions of dollars to try and make zy6Eh5Dly3k-00944-00167167-00167287 that connectivity zy6Eh5Dly3k-00945-00167288-00167519 falsely so exactly a good point like zy6Eh5Dly3k-00946-00167520-00167614 never let that zy6Eh5Dly3k-00947-00167615-00167799 disappear i think it's i think it's one zy6Eh5Dly3k-00948-00167800-00167999 of the most interesting things because zy6Eh5Dly3k-00949-00168000-00168254 um kirsty kind of like you i came from zy6Eh5Dly3k-00950-00168255-00168366 marketing zy6Eh5Dly3k-00951-00168367-00168590 uh through a number of things and found zy6Eh5Dly3k-00952-00168591-00168735 my way into amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-00953-00168736-00169047 but um branding out there is the king zy6Eh5Dly3k-00954-00169048-00169278 because if you can't connect to your zy6Eh5Dly3k-00955-00169279-00169454 customers you can't zy6Eh5Dly3k-00956-00169455-00169583 you can't connect to your customers they zy6Eh5Dly3k-00957-00169584-00169807 won't buy you um amazon's a little zy6Eh5Dly3k-00958-00169808-00169926 different because it's you know you've zy6Eh5Dly3k-00959-00169927-00169999 got zy6Eh5Dly3k-00960-00170000-00170135 all these customers coming to one zy6Eh5Dly3k-00961-00170136-00170359 location and amazon can zy6Eh5Dly3k-00962-00170360-00170519 just put ads right in front of you but zy6Eh5Dly3k-00963-00170520-00170687 at the end of the day zy6Eh5Dly3k-00964-00170688-00170959 um especially as amazon continues to get zy6Eh5Dly3k-00965-00170960-00171119 bigger and bigger and bigger zy6Eh5Dly3k-00966-00171120-00171399 it becomes more and more like a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-00967-00171400-00171463 that needs zy6Eh5Dly3k-00968-00171464-00171623 and applies the same rules than any zy6Eh5Dly3k-00969-00171624-00171775 other business would you need to have zy6Eh5Dly3k-00970-00171776-00171935 branding you need to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00971-00171936-00172135 actually be able to connect with your zy6Eh5Dly3k-00972-00172136-00172283 audience those things become hugely zy6Eh5Dly3k-00973-00172284-00172431 important um zy6Eh5Dly3k-00974-00172432-00172638 yeah and one of the sorry just one of zy6Eh5Dly3k-00975-00172639-00172854 the added benefits if you like is zy6Eh5Dly3k-00976-00172855-00173190 the fact that it makes it a lot easier zy6Eh5Dly3k-00977-00173191-00173359 i think as damian was kind of alluding zy6Eh5Dly3k-00978-00173360-00173535 to for you as the zy6Eh5Dly3k-00979-00173536-00173759 as a business owner to just focus on one zy6Eh5Dly3k-00980-00173760-00173871 area right zy6Eh5Dly3k-00981-00173872-00174151 so that's like an added benefit um also zy6Eh5Dly3k-00982-00174152-00174319 you're building an asset that probably zy6Eh5Dly3k-00983-00174320-00174526 someone wants to buy one day so zy6Eh5Dly3k-00984-00174527-00174663 generally we've found that you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-00985-00174664-00174790 we've there's definitely a lot more zy6Eh5Dly3k-00986-00174791-00174926 roll-ups in the marketplace zy6Eh5Dly3k-00987-00174927-00175078 um especially you know they're getting a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00988-00175079-00175247 lot more funding and they want to buy zy6Eh5Dly3k-00989-00175248-00175302 brands zy6Eh5Dly3k-00990-00175303-00175478 right they don't want to buy a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-00991-00175479-00175599 that's got like a product over here zy6Eh5Dly3k-00992-00175600-00175711 product over here and a product over zy6Eh5Dly3k-00993-00175712-00175838 here it's a lot harder for them to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00994-00175839-00175951 integrate it into zy6Eh5Dly3k-00995-00175952-00176175 into their systems so you're building a zy6Eh5Dly3k-00996-00176176-00176295 long-term asset zy6Eh5Dly3k-00997-00176296-00176519 with a real brand and then it also gives zy6Eh5Dly3k-00998-00176520-00176607 you access to zy6Eh5Dly3k-00999-00176608-00176783 other channels that you might want to go zy6Eh5Dly3k-01000-00176784-00176943 into as well it's a lot easier to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01001-00176944-00177159 to go into those channels in the future zy6Eh5Dly3k-01002-00177160-00177287 yeah that makes a lot of sense zy6Eh5Dly3k-01003-00177288-00177454 in addition to that one thing that i've zy6Eh5Dly3k-01004-00177455-00177695 run across is that you can often find zy6Eh5Dly3k-01005-00177696-00177807 manufacturers zy6Eh5Dly3k-01006-00177808-00178038 that do products along your line and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01007-00178039-00178126 that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01008-00178127-00178351 that focuses your communications to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01009-00178352-00178535 same single terminal zy6Eh5Dly3k-01010-00178536-00178790 as opposed to having one person that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01011-00178791-00178959 makes beef sticks and one person that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01012-00178960-00179014 makes zy6Eh5Dly3k-01013-00179015-00179151 vitamins these are all products we've zy6Eh5Dly3k-01014-00179152-00179383 done i was gonna say that sounds very zy6Eh5Dly3k-01015-00179384-00179631 personally stated zy6Eh5Dly3k-01016-00179632-00179831 well that's um interesting yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01017-00179832-00179943 interesting you should say that because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01018-00179944-00180054 that's literally i've only ever worked zy6Eh5Dly3k-01019-00180055-00180287 with one manufacturer in my business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01020-00180288-00180511 um and i've actually done a a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01021-00180512-00180663 venture with them zy6Eh5Dly3k-01022-00180664-00180966 in china where we sell on the chinese zy6Eh5Dly3k-01023-00180967-00181126 amazon which is t-mall zy6Eh5Dly3k-01024-00181127-00181495 um as a partnership so not only do i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01025-00181496-00181719 work with them consistently with pretty zy6Eh5Dly3k-01026-00181720-00181926 much all my products apart from one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01027-00181927-00182183 we get great pricing we have built a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01028-00182184-00182351 massive relationship over the last seven zy6Eh5Dly3k-01029-00182352-00182414 years zy6Eh5Dly3k-01030-00182415-00182502 and we've also got a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01031-00182503-00182702 partnership together as well so yeah it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01032-00182703-00182823 definitely has zy6Eh5Dly3k-01033-00182824-00183238 way bigger benefits yeah yep yeah me i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01034-00183239-00183526 i try not to do this anymore and my wife zy6Eh5Dly3k-01035-00183527-00183559 will zy6Eh5Dly3k-01036-00183560-00183726 slap my hands because she knows i'm zy6Eh5Dly3k-01037-00183727-00183911 basically lying right now but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01038-00183912-00184078 i try that's why we don't have her in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01039-00184079-00184214 the room and him in the room at the same zy6Eh5Dly3k-01040-00184215-00184319 time zy6Eh5Dly3k-01041-00184320-00184695 i try not to find a product to sell zy6Eh5Dly3k-01042-00184696-00184999 that i personally want right then zy6Eh5Dly3k-01043-00185000-00185311 and there so you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01044-00185312-00185623 because i i am an impulse buyer i'm like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01045-00185624-00185759 what can i use it for it doesn't matter zy6Eh5Dly3k-01046-00185760-00185926 i want it you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01047-00185927-00186119 uh and i would do the same things i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01048-00186120-00186247 would bring all kinds of things to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01049-00186248-00186295 table zy6Eh5Dly3k-01050-00186296-00186471 like oh we need to sell these stuffed zy6Eh5Dly3k-01051-00186472-00186631 animals they're awesome like we don't zy6Eh5Dly3k-01052-00186632-00186743 have a baby brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01053-00186744-00186911 we'll just do another amazon account zy6Eh5Dly3k-01054-00186912-00187071 it'll be fine like no babe zy6Eh5Dly3k-01055-00187072-00187478 knock it off get up so yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01056-00187479-00187799 yeah exactly and i think you know that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01057-00187800-00187926 the thing about amazon this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01058-00187927-00188095 well business in general there's so much zy6Eh5Dly3k-01059-00188096-00188231 opportunity zy6Eh5Dly3k-01060-00188232-00188399 one of our core things as a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01061-00188400-00188550 owner is actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01062-00188551-00188743 to figure out what's the biggest zy6Eh5Dly3k-01063-00188744-00188935 opportunities that are actually going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01064-00188936-00189014 get us to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01065-00189015-00189126 the money that we want to make and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01066-00189127-00189335 that's one key area that we all we also zy6Eh5Dly3k-01067-00189336-00189454 focus on as well zy6Eh5Dly3k-01068-00189455-00189854 probably mostly in uh coaching because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01069-00189855-00190119 if you you know like i said you've got zy6Eh5Dly3k-01070-00190120-00190238 so much opportunity zy6Eh5Dly3k-01071-00190239-00190359 you could be launching products left zy6Eh5Dly3k-01072-00190360-00190566 right and center um you think yeah this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01073-00190567-00190695 is an awesome product zy6Eh5Dly3k-01074-00190696-00190799 number one you're going to run out of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01075-00190800-00190983 money very very quickly you're also zy6Eh5Dly3k-01076-00190984-00191135 going to lose a lot of focus zy6Eh5Dly3k-01077-00191136-00191311 and then you're also not going to know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01078-00191312-00191559 exactly what the key levers are that are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01079-00191560-00191614 actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01080-00191615-00191823 moving your business forward and usually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01081-00191824-00191959 when we work with people they've got to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01082-00191960-00192007 that point zy6Eh5Dly3k-01083-00192008-00192199 where they've had some success but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01084-00192200-00192326 they've kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01085-00192327-00192463 lost their way like they're just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01086-00192464-00192663 confused about what they should be doing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01087-00192664-00192863 every day um they've got so much zy6Eh5Dly3k-01088-00192864-00192966 opportunity zy6Eh5Dly3k-01089-00192967-00193214 and limited funds and then all of a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01090-00193215-00193319 sudden all of their zy6Eh5Dly3k-01091-00193320-00193502 cash is tied up in inventory and they're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01092-00193503-00193687 like i'm not getting any sales and so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01093-00193688-00193871 i'm screwed so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01094-00193872-00194007 that's usually where we kind of end up zy6Eh5Dly3k-01095-00194008-00194183 working with people yeah and to build on zy6Eh5Dly3k-01096-00194184-00194350 that don't go get a product that's too zy6Eh5Dly3k-01097-00194351-00194590 expensive which was my latest mistake zy6Eh5Dly3k-01098-00194591-00194943 my latest products were over 40 a piece zy6Eh5Dly3k-01099-00194944-00195247 so you know that that's an awful lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01100-00195248-00195390 money that burns through some cash so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01101-00195391-00195550 so you you could either spend all your zy6Eh5Dly3k-01102-00195551-00195743 money diversifying in a whole bunch of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01103-00195744-00195783 little zy6Eh5Dly3k-01104-00195784-00196087 or less or expensive products or be the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01105-00196088-00196199 one guy that chooses zy6Eh5Dly3k-01106-00196200-00196447 the one product that eliminates your zy6Eh5Dly3k-01107-00196448-00196566 cash flow like that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01108-00196567-00196759 you know because it's yeah and then it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01109-00196760-00196902 and it could be an untested zy6Eh5Dly3k-01110-00196903-00197238 product even you know so and we actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01111-00197239-00197287 we act zy6Eh5Dly3k-01112-00197288-00197487 one of our biggest areas i think that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01113-00197488-00197623 i've never seen anybody zy6Eh5Dly3k-01114-00197624-00197823 incorporate into their business and this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01115-00197824-00197999 is a little secret i guess behind the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01116-00198000-00198247 the the fact that there is a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01117-00198248-00198350 different ways that you can find zy6Eh5Dly3k-01118-00198351-00198407 products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01119-00198408-00198535 but the number one thing that's going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01120-00198536-00198695 stop you from getting the products that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01121-00198696-00198743 you want zy6Eh5Dly3k-01122-00198744-00199014 is the budget and if your budget can zy6Eh5Dly3k-01123-00199015-00199175 allow you to be successful so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01124-00199176-00199319 think about this it's like it's not just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01125-00199320-00199463 about the cost of goods but it's also zy6Eh5Dly3k-01126-00199464-00199599 about the marketing behind it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01127-00199600-00199799 how to get launch and visibility how to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01128-00199800-00199943 do the ongoing ads zy6Eh5Dly3k-01129-00199944-00200095 thinking about the reorders if you can't zy6Eh5Dly3k-01130-00200096-00200271 afford all that up front then you should zy6Eh5Dly3k-01131-00200272-00200447 not launch the product because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01132-00200448-00200590 if you don't understand that there's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01133-00200591-00200807 competitiveness to getting on amazon and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01134-00200808-00200943 selling on amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-01135-00200944-00201095 then you're just going to keep sitting zy6Eh5Dly3k-01136-00201096-00201263 at that point where 90 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01137-00201264-00201407 of your sales come from ads which means zy6Eh5Dly3k-01138-00201408-00201607 you're never profitable or you're just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01139-00201608-00201743 never even gonna get sales which means zy6Eh5Dly3k-01140-00201744-00201871 you just wasted all that money on that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01141-00201872-00202023 order right so we need you to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01142-00202024-00202126 understand that in order to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01143-00202127-00202359 successful you have to do you know xyz zy6Eh5Dly3k-01144-00202360-00202414 type of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01145-00202415-00202550 type of strategies and then you have to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01146-00202551-00202687 plan the budget for all those things zy6Eh5Dly3k-01147-00202688-00202838 ahead of time before you even order the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01148-00202839-00202895 product zy6Eh5Dly3k-01149-00202896-00203054 and if you do that and you say okay i've zy6Eh5Dly3k-01150-00203055-00203199 got fifteen thousand dollars or ten zy6Eh5Dly3k-01151-00203200-00203271 thousand dollars zy6Eh5Dly3k-01152-00203272-00203423 and if all that stuff falls under that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01153-00203424-00203575 or within that kind of range zy6Eh5Dly3k-01154-00203576-00203719 then you're okay you can move forward at zy6Eh5Dly3k-01155-00203720-00203911 least you got an idea that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01156-00203912-00204183 your products aren't going to be so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01157-00204184-00204326 drastically different once you do the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01158-00204327-00204487 research that you you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01159-00204488-00204647 you you did the research and says it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01160-00204648-00204775 twelve thousand dollars and all of a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01161-00204776-00204894 sudden it's 30 000. there's there's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01162-00204896-00204942 generally zy6Eh5Dly3k-01163-00204944-00205103 never going to be that right it might be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01164-00205104-00205246 like 15 000 instead of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01165-00205248-00205423 10 or 12 but you're kind of in the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01166-00205423-00205575 ballpark and it's not like you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01167-00205576-00205742 totally out of money it's just that you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01168-00205744-00205894 are comfortable more comfortable at 10 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01169-00205896-00205998 or 12 than 15 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01170-00206000-00206238 for example so yeah the exact same thing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01171-00206239-00206414 happened to us before i mean zy6Eh5Dly3k-01172-00206415-00206582 we've launched too many products at one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01173-00206583-00206742 time we've launched expensive products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01174-00206744-00206951 that that didn't work and it's like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01175-00206952-00207103 you need to know how much cash flow is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01176-00207104-00207294 going to be there not just today zy6Eh5Dly3k-01177-00207296-00207471 but then three months from now and six zy6Eh5Dly3k-01178-00207471-00207614 months and nine months and 12 months so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01179-00207615-00207671 that way zy6Eh5Dly3k-01180-00207671-00207910 you can continually launch products that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01181-00207911-00208038 will impactfully zy6Eh5Dly3k-01182-00208039-00208262 grow your bottom line of profit and then zy6Eh5Dly3k-01183-00208263-00208366 also revenues zy6Eh5Dly3k-01184-00208367-00208519 of course but profit more than anything zy6Eh5Dly3k-01185-00208519-00208694 in income yeah for sure i've definitely zy6Eh5Dly3k-01186-00208696-00208814 made that mistake zy6Eh5Dly3k-01187-00208815-00209119 so then um you know some of these have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01188-00209119-00209334 varying application depending on where zy6Eh5Dly3k-01189-00209335-00209446 you're at as a seller zy6Eh5Dly3k-01190-00209448-00209671 what are some things that you see as zy6Eh5Dly3k-01191-00209671-00209887 maybe a common theme with someone who zy6Eh5Dly3k-01192-00209888-00210182 is selling well on amazon and they're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01193-00210183-00210231 really zy6Eh5Dly3k-01194-00210232-00210367 looking they're like okay maybe it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01195-00210367-00210567 their like you said they're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01196-00210567-00210863 missing that direction or like what are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01197-00210864-00211023 some of these common zy6Eh5Dly3k-01198-00211023-00211239 commonalities that you see with sellers zy6Eh5Dly3k-01199-00211240-00211351 who are veterans zy6Eh5Dly3k-01200-00211352-00211694 and they need help zy6Eh5Dly3k-01201-00211696-00211942 they usually don't have any money so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01202-00211944-00212023 generally zy6Eh5Dly3k-01203-00212023-00212358 the the problem is that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01204-00212359-00212623 they don't understand their numbers so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01205-00212623-00212782 they're getting all these awesome zy6Eh5Dly3k-01206-00212783-00213119 sales that they believe is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01207-00213119-00213310 profitable because what they've probably zy6Eh5Dly3k-01208-00213311-00213479 done in the first place as isaac said zy6Eh5Dly3k-01209-00213480-00213575 they probably just looked at their zy6Eh5Dly3k-01210-00213576-00213879 profit margin and it stops there which zy6Eh5Dly3k-01211-00213880-00213998 really they've looked at the cost of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01212-00214000-00214142 goods and they've looked at the fba fees zy6Eh5Dly3k-01213-00214144-00214223 right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01214-00214223-00214431 but they haven't looked at all the on zy6Eh5Dly3k-01215-00214432-00214567 costs of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01216-00214567-00214798 advertising how much is your ppc gonna zy6Eh5Dly3k-01217-00214800-00214927 cost you on your main keyword to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01218-00214928-00215079 actually keep you on page one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01219-00215080-00215215 where are all the sales coming from are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01220-00215216-00215327 they coming from that keyword that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01221-00215328-00215494 keyword that keyword or are they coming zy6Eh5Dly3k-01222-00215496-00215567 from like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01223-00215567-00215863 20 of them and so they haven't got into zy6Eh5Dly3k-01224-00215864-00216039 that level of detail zy6Eh5Dly3k-01225-00216040-00216191 before they've launched a product so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01226-00216192-00216358 they've probably had maybe some success zy6Eh5Dly3k-01227-00216359-00216510 they're starting to get some cash back zy6Eh5Dly3k-01228-00216511-00216582 so they go zy6Eh5Dly3k-01229-00216583-00216903 whoa i'm this is easy awesome i'm going zy6Eh5Dly3k-01230-00216904-00217039 to launch 10 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01231-00217040-00217198 and i'm going to do it all in the next zy6Eh5Dly3k-01232-00217200-00217391 six months and so they go out to their zy6Eh5Dly3k-01233-00217392-00217455 supplier zy6Eh5Dly3k-01234-00217456-00217727 example yeah are you are you using our zy6Eh5Dly3k-01235-00217728-00217831 account zy6Eh5Dly3k-01236-00217832-00217991 have we spoken before that she's like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01237-00217992-00218127 yeah i'm looking at your account right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01238-00218128-00218271 now zy6Eh5Dly3k-01239-00218271-00218623 we know our ideal client yeah so yeah so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01240-00218623-00218815 um but yeah that's that's what happens zy6Eh5Dly3k-01241-00218816-00218951 and unlike as isaac said because we've zy6Eh5Dly3k-01242-00218952-00219134 done it as well right so that's why we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01243-00219135-00219303 can coach people because we're like oh zy6Eh5Dly3k-01244-00219304-00219510 you know bugger we've done that as well zy6Eh5Dly3k-01245-00219511-00219623 um zy6Eh5Dly3k-01246-00219623-00219823 but essentially what what it means is is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01247-00219823-00220006 that what we do first up zy6Eh5Dly3k-01248-00220007-00220158 regardless of if you've even started a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01249-00220159-00220287 business before or you've been selling zy6Eh5Dly3k-01250-00220288-00220375 for years zy6Eh5Dly3k-01251-00220376-00220655 is we do an audit to make sure that you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01252-00220656-00220782 actually understand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01253-00220783-00220910 where the colleagues are in your zy6Eh5Dly3k-01254-00220911-00221134 business okay that could be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01255-00221135-00221358 even just as simple as your conversion zy6Eh5Dly3k-01256-00221359-00221503 rates are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01257-00221504-00221775 like less than 20 right if your zy6Eh5Dly3k-01258-00221776-00221982 conversion rate is less than 20 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01259-00221983-00222127 and you feel like you're spending all zy6Eh5Dly3k-01260-00222128-00222287 your money on ads but you're not making zy6Eh5Dly3k-01261-00222288-00222398 any money back zy6Eh5Dly3k-01262-00222400-00222527 is either because you haven't got enough zy6Eh5Dly3k-01263-00222528-00222694 profit in your product or your zy6Eh5Dly3k-01264-00222696-00222903 conversion rate is not high enough zy6Eh5Dly3k-01265-00222904-00223087 and so you're sending a bunch of traffic zy6Eh5Dly3k-01266-00223088-00223223 to a listing that's never going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01267-00223223-00223287 convert zy6Eh5Dly3k-01268-00223288-00223542 right so that's number one so we look at zy6Eh5Dly3k-01269-00223544-00223710 the profit margins the return on zy6Eh5Dly3k-01270-00223711-00223823 investment zy6Eh5Dly3k-01271-00223823-00224223 the ad costs to even determine zy6Eh5Dly3k-01272-00224223-00224319 should you even bother with these zy6Eh5Dly3k-01273-00224319-00224494 products and usually what we have to do zy6Eh5Dly3k-01274-00224496-00224567 is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01275-00224567-00224791 is to kind of get people over the grief zy6Eh5Dly3k-01276-00224792-00224894 of kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01277-00224896-00225055 getting rid of some products first zy6Eh5Dly3k-01278-00225056-00225271 because they're just like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01279-00225271-00225591 they're just leaking money yeah um and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01280-00225592-00225646 or zy6Eh5Dly3k-01281-00225648-00225839 we then work with them on okay this is a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01282-00225840-00225975 better range of products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01283-00225976-00226119 for your um for your business moving zy6Eh5Dly3k-01284-00226119-00226255 forward we've worked with people even my zy6Eh5Dly3k-01285-00226256-00226439 husband when i met him he was doing a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01286-00226440-00226727 totally different brand had great sales zy6Eh5Dly3k-01287-00226728-00226758 but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01288-00226759-00227023 he was in the um the cell phone zy6Eh5Dly3k-01289-00227023-00227175 accessories niche zy6Eh5Dly3k-01290-00227176-00227351 had great top line sales but wasn't zy6Eh5Dly3k-01291-00227352-00227463 getting the money back out of his zy6Eh5Dly3k-01292-00227464-00227631 business and so he went right i'm just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01293-00227632-00227758 going to ditch all that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01294-00227759-00227934 i'm going to go for this brand where i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01295-00227935-00228110 know i can connect with the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-01296-00228111-00228439 and um really focus on profit and return zy6Eh5Dly3k-01297-00228440-00228623 on investment and now his business is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01298-00228623-00228871 completely flying so generally what it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01299-00228871-00229023 is it's the numbers part that people zy6Eh5Dly3k-01300-00229023-00229167 just don't understand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01301-00229167-00229351 yeah well numbers but then again just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01302-00229352-00229503 there you brought it back to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01303-00229504-00229839 i guess branding but also how how zy6Eh5Dly3k-01304-00229840-00230031 how much do you find that it's someone zy6Eh5Dly3k-01305-00230032-00230191 selling something that they personally zy6Eh5Dly3k-01306-00230192-00230415 believe in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01307-00230416-00230623 i think when they first come to us it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01308-00230623-00230767 like 50 50 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01309-00230767-00231046 if that it's usually less than that but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01310-00231048-00231103 after zy6Eh5Dly3k-01311-00231104-00231255 afterwards of working with us we try to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01312-00231256-00231439 get everybody to 100 because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01313-00231440-00231679 most people will just be like i'm going zy6Eh5Dly3k-01314-00231680-00231846 to sell on dogs because you know dog zy6Eh5Dly3k-01315-00231848-00231927 products because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01316-00231928-00232094 i think it's a very good niche it's like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01317-00232096-00232239 do you own a dog no zy6Eh5Dly3k-01318-00232240-00232671 you're like no and i don't know i've zy6Eh5Dly3k-01319-00232671-00232903 yeah i'm allergic to dogs or okay i have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01320-00232904-00233039 cats i'm like well then why are you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01321-00233040-00233175 selling dog products once you sell cat zy6Eh5Dly3k-01322-00233176-00233310 products yeah oh cause zy6Eh5Dly3k-01323-00233311-00233494 there's more dogs in america as being zy6Eh5Dly3k-01324-00233496-00233623 owned i'm like there's also a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01325-00233623-00233734 fish being owned too but that doesn't zy6Eh5Dly3k-01326-00233735-00233839 mean you could go into zy6Eh5Dly3k-01327-00233840-00234031 fish products i mean you got to find zy6Eh5Dly3k-01328-00234032-00234119 something that you're actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01329-00234119-00234255 passionate about too because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01330-00234256-00234446 when things get hard and they will zy6Eh5Dly3k-01331-00234448-00234591 you're going to want to quit yeah and if zy6Eh5Dly3k-01332-00234592-00234734 your numbers especially are telling you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01333-00234735-00234767 that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01334-00234767-00235158 you're not making any money well you you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01335-00235159-00235279 i'll equate it to this so a lot of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01336-00235280-00235406 people say that their first products are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01337-00235407-00235519 their baby right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01338-00235519-00235646 if your product's not making you money zy6Eh5Dly3k-01339-00235648-00235791 it's actually more like a parasite and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01340-00235792-00235887 it's just sucking zy6Eh5Dly3k-01341-00235888-00236039 the life out of you so get rid of it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01342-00236040-00236255 like take an antibiotic or something and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01343-00236256-00236398 get rid of that product right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01344-00236400-00236615 so get it get an understanding that you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01345-00236616-00236767 know just because you came up with the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01346-00236767-00236839 idea zy6Eh5Dly3k-01347-00236840-00237031 and you put the work in does not mean zy6Eh5Dly3k-01348-00237032-00237231 that it was a good idea unfortunately zy6Eh5Dly3k-01349-00237232-00237406 and doesn't mean you should continue zy6Eh5Dly3k-01350-00237407-00237542 going down that patrick's because you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01351-00237544-00237582 worked zy6Eh5Dly3k-01352-00237583-00237894 all that time in it yeah one one mentor zy6Eh5Dly3k-01353-00237896-00237942 of mine zy6Eh5Dly3k-01354-00237944-00238134 one time he said you don't pay the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01355-00238135-00238246 dentist zy6Eh5Dly3k-01356-00238248-00238415 by how long it takes for him to pull the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01357-00238416-00238575 tooth you pay him to remove the tooth as zy6Eh5Dly3k-01358-00238576-00238703 fast as possible right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01359-00238704-00238894 so you want this the pain ripped off zy6Eh5Dly3k-01360-00238896-00239015 whereas people are like well zy6Eh5Dly3k-01361-00239016-00239142 i think i can get it turned around in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01362-00239144-00239398 the next 12 to 16 months i'm like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01363-00239400-00239567 you're gonna have a long painful process zy6Eh5Dly3k-01364-00239567-00239782 here if you actually try that 12 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01365-00239783-00239942 months in the next three months if you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01366-00239944-00240087 can't just dispose of the product and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01367-00240088-00240223 move on that's going to feel a lot zy6Eh5Dly3k-01368-00240223-00240271 better zy6Eh5Dly3k-01369-00240271-00240494 moving forward than it is to drag this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01370-00240496-00240703 process out for our listeners zy6Eh5Dly3k-01371-00240704-00240998 that is key key advice because our first zy6Eh5Dly3k-01372-00241000-00241094 product was a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01373-00241096-00241446 miraculous flop and it was in cell phone zy6Eh5Dly3k-01374-00241448-00241510 except zy6Eh5Dly3k-01375-00241511-00241767 accessories and we thought we were zy6Eh5Dly3k-01376-00241767-00241863 brilliant zy6Eh5Dly3k-01377-00241864-00242175 and we were at the time we were and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01378-00242176-00242503 but it didn't take off and eventually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01379-00242504-00242815 about a year and a half or two years zy6Eh5Dly3k-01380-00242816-00242903 later of that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01381-00242904-00243127 stuff sitting in inventory i was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01382-00243128-00243206 okay zy6Eh5Dly3k-01383-00243207-00243439 and threw it in the dumpster i was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01384-00243440-00243542 oh zy6Eh5Dly3k-01385-00243544-00243775 yeah that's like a weight up yeah yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01386-00243776-00243894 it's totally like a weight off you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01387-00243896-00243927 like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01388-00243928-00244175 good that crap is not done and i did it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01389-00244176-00244327 again with another one of our products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01390-00244328-00244415 it was like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01391-00244416-00244742 it must be 12 15 000 in in value zy6Eh5Dly3k-01392-00244744-00244951 you know but we weren't selling it and i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01393-00244952-00245055 was like okay zy6Eh5Dly3k-01394-00245056-00245182 we're done we're not going to sell this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01395-00245183-00245327 we're not going to pick this brand back zy6Eh5Dly3k-01396-00245328-00245375 up zy6Eh5Dly3k-01397-00245376-00245630 into the dumpster it goes yeah it was zy6Eh5Dly3k-01398-00245631-00245775 potentially a lot of money but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01399-00245776-00246046 you know i already spent the in that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01400-00246048-00246223 money previously over a year ago i was zy6Eh5Dly3k-01401-00246223-00246279 like hey zy6Eh5Dly3k-01402-00246280-00246519 done it's on to the next thing yeah that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01403-00246519-00246623 checks cash zy6Eh5Dly3k-01404-00246623-00246846 yeah exactly and you can you can spend zy6Eh5Dly3k-01405-00246848-00246975 like you just said it's a weight off zy6Eh5Dly3k-01406-00246976-00247087 your shoulders right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01407-00247088-00247279 because you could spend more money zy6Eh5Dly3k-01408-00247280-00247446 obviously but more time zy6Eh5Dly3k-01409-00247448-00247727 worrying about that thing whereas you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01410-00247728-00247775 know what zy6Eh5Dly3k-01411-00247776-00247934 i'm just going to cut it out right and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01412-00247935-00248079 we actually worked with with zy6Eh5Dly3k-01413-00248080-00248294 with someone one of my friends actually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01414-00248296-00248439 and she did the classic zy6Eh5Dly3k-01415-00248440-00248646 variations right so this is another zy6Eh5Dly3k-01416-00248648-00248742 thing that we see zy6Eh5Dly3k-01417-00248744-00248863 a lot of people come to us and they're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01418-00248864-00249079 like i've got all these products though zy6Eh5Dly3k-01419-00249080-00249206 oh yeah i've got all these products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01420-00249207-00249319 under this brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01421-00249319-00249463 okay you have a look at it we've got one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01422-00249464-00249775 product 10 different variations zy6Eh5Dly3k-01423-00249776-00250039 different colors different sizes zy6Eh5Dly3k-01424-00250040-00250198 basically things that don't matter to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01425-00250200-00250303 the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-01426-00250304-00250430 maybe they've had a customer that said zy6Eh5Dly3k-01427-00250431-00250606 oh this would be lovely in blue oh oh zy6Eh5Dly3k-01428-00250607-00250742 we'll get a blue one in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01429-00250744-00250934 and usually what we do is we look at the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01430-00250935-00251087 other variations and go zy6Eh5Dly3k-01431-00251088-00251406 which one has got a reason for being zy6Eh5Dly3k-01432-00251407-00251623 and all the others get rid of them yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01433-00251623-00251758 and they're like freak out zy6Eh5Dly3k-01434-00251759-00251998 right but because you've got all those zy6Eh5Dly3k-01435-00252000-00252127 variations on the listing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01436-00252128-00252319 what happens is the customer goes to the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01437-00252319-00252551 listing doesn't really know which one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01438-00252552-00252879 they want yeah and will usually leave um zy6Eh5Dly3k-01439-00252880-00253071 and we've tested this time and time and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01440-00253071-00253198 time and time again zy6Eh5Dly3k-01441-00253200-00253430 and so when you actually look at the the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01442-00253431-00253542 one thing you should do is if you've got zy6Eh5Dly3k-01443-00253544-00253639 a bunch of variations and you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01444-00253640-00253742 listening to this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01445-00253744-00253887 just go and have a look at the sales of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01446-00253888-00254063 all your different variations and just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01447-00254064-00254175 pick the top zy6Eh5Dly3k-01448-00254176-00254367 one and i i will bet you there's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01449-00254367-00254551 probably either one or two zy6Eh5Dly3k-01450-00254552-00254742 that are giving you 100 of the sales zy6Eh5Dly3k-01451-00254744-00254919 right everything else is like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01452-00254919-00255103 bits and bobs and get rid of them so we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01453-00255104-00255303 had a our friend she was zy6Eh5Dly3k-01454-00255304-00255494 did you have 30 variations on one skill zy6Eh5Dly3k-01455-00255496-00255615 i think it was like 40 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01456-00255616-00255927 of them it was like six colors and four zy6Eh5Dly3k-01457-00255928-00256294 sizes zy6Eh5Dly3k-01458-00256296-00256646 10 sales a day with 40 variations zy6Eh5Dly3k-01459-00256648-00256894 right and so we were like all right mate zy6Eh5Dly3k-01460-00256896-00257030 you just got to get i think we left her zy6Eh5Dly3k-01461-00257031-00257094 with two zy6Eh5Dly3k-01462-00257096-00257310 because it made sense and we were like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01463-00257311-00257439 okay you've got to get rid of him she's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01464-00257440-00257551 like i can't do it i can't zy6Eh5Dly3k-01465-00257552-00257719 let you go get rid of it just get rid of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01466-00257719-00257958 it and so she was like all right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01467-00257959-00258071 and she did it and she was like oh my zy6Eh5Dly3k-01468-00258071-00258271 god why didn't i do that 12 months ago zy6Eh5Dly3k-01469-00258271-00258527 right i feel so much better so yeah and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01470-00258528-00258687 then her sales skyrocket because her zy6Eh5Dly3k-01471-00258688-00258855 conversion rate went from like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01472-00258856-00259103 15 to 53 or something like that and then zy6Eh5Dly3k-01473-00259104-00259230 your sales actually went up in the in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01474-00259231-00259375 the next month so yeah that was total zy6Eh5Dly3k-01475-00259376-00259519 sense zy6Eh5Dly3k-01476-00259519-00259687 yeah and i do want to mention this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01477-00259688-00259839 because i know i guarantee there's going zy6Eh5Dly3k-01478-00259840-00259871 to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01479-00259871-00260023 people sitting on this podcast listening zy6Eh5Dly3k-01480-00260023-00260230 is going bull crap zy6Eh5Dly3k-01481-00260231-00260463 variations work and sometimes they do zy6Eh5Dly3k-01482-00260464-00260630 but listen to what kirstie said when she zy6Eh5Dly3k-01483-00260631-00260679 said zy6Eh5Dly3k-01484-00260680-00260910 there's a reason for the variation for zy6Eh5Dly3k-01485-00260911-00261071 example a flavor of coffee zy6Eh5Dly3k-01486-00261071-00261175 there's probably a reason for that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01487-00261176-00261319 people have a preference for flavor of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01488-00261319-00261382 coffee zy6Eh5Dly3k-01489-00261383-00261630 people don't have a preference for black zy6Eh5Dly3k-01490-00261631-00261719 you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01491-00261719-00261991 silicone spatula versus blue silicone zy6Eh5Dly3k-01492-00261992-00262030 spatula zy6Eh5Dly3k-01493-00262031-00262167 they'll just buy the most popular one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01494-00262168-00262351 whatever comes up first that's the one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01495-00262352-00262439 that they see that's the one they zy6Eh5Dly3k-01496-00262440-00262567 clicked on so why wouldn't they just buy zy6Eh5Dly3k-01497-00262568-00262663 that one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01498-00262664-00262815 whereas you know some things yeah like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01499-00262816-00263006 flavor or potentially size zy6Eh5Dly3k-01500-00263007-00263215 size actually is a reason so like i sell zy6Eh5Dly3k-01501-00263216-00263391 some gloves you know you have to have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01502-00263392-00263519 different sizes or else people are going zy6Eh5Dly3k-01503-00263520-00263710 to complain about the size not fitting zy6Eh5Dly3k-01504-00263711-00263934 but in in essence you don't want to have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01505-00263935-00264063 too many of them and you don't want to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01506-00264064-00264206 have color variations for no reason zy6Eh5Dly3k-01507-00264207-00264319 because that's the biggest zy6Eh5Dly3k-01508-00264320-00264534 people make is i'll just do a color or a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01509-00264535-00264719 design it's like well the design zy6Eh5Dly3k-01510-00264720-00264903 is actually the function's the same so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01511-00264904-00265030 why are you changing the design that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01512-00265031-00265143 kind of admitting that your first zy6Eh5Dly3k-01513-00265144-00265295 design's not as good as the second one zy6Eh5Dly3k-01514-00265296-00265527 or vice versa so doing these things zy6Eh5Dly3k-01515-00265528-00265710 actually lowers your conversion rate zy6Eh5Dly3k-01516-00265711-00265879 and in the end it actually messes things zy6Eh5Dly3k-01517-00265880-00266030 up so i'll give you two zy6Eh5Dly3k-01518-00266031-00266255 big examples of people big big zy6Eh5Dly3k-01519-00266256-00266334 successful zy6Eh5Dly3k-01520-00266335-00266567 um you know famous people that i've said zy6Eh5Dly3k-01521-00266568-00266710 don't do variations essentially zy6Eh5Dly3k-01522-00266711-00266975 tim ferriss he says in his book uh the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01523-00266976-00267175 four hour work week he basically says zy6Eh5Dly3k-01524-00267176-00267310 if you give too many people too many zy6Eh5Dly3k-01525-00267311-00267487 choices then they suffer from the choice zy6Eh5Dly3k-01526-00267488-00267599 of indecision yes zy6Eh5Dly3k-01527-00267600-00267734 and they won't buy anything they'll zy6Eh5Dly3k-01528-00267735-00267871 actually and it's funny because i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01529-00267872-00267975 actually knew that before i read the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01530-00267976-00268127 book and i read the book and i'm like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01531-00268128-00268319 this is exactly right like we see it all zy6Eh5Dly3k-01532-00268320-00268439 the time right and then zy6Eh5Dly3k-01533-00268440-00268671 steve jobs when he got back from uh back zy6Eh5Dly3k-01534-00268672-00268806 into apple zy6Eh5Dly3k-01535-00268807-00269079 apple had over 200 products and steve zy6Eh5Dly3k-01536-00269080-00269158 jobs going zy6Eh5Dly3k-01537-00269159-00269351 like what are we doing here why are we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01538-00269352-00269487 looking at all these products and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01539-00269488-00269639 he goes show me what's making the money zy6Eh5Dly3k-01540-00269640-00269758 and they're like these 10 products he's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01541-00269759-00269855 like all right get rid of everything zy6Eh5Dly3k-01542-00269856-00269887 else zy6Eh5Dly3k-01543-00269888-00270095 wow you're just like you mean get rid of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01544-00270096-00270303 190 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01545-00270304-00270495 they're like he's like absolutely and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01546-00270496-00270719 now apple is like what one or two on the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01547-00270720-00270895 on the most successful like biggest zy6Eh5Dly3k-01548-00270896-00271055 corporations on earth now zy6Eh5Dly3k-01549-00271056-00271343 yeah so it works you're focusing on the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01550-00271344-00271471 wrong things it's not about zy6Eh5Dly3k-01551-00271472-00271758 sales it's about impact to your business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01552-00271759-00271806 growth zy6Eh5Dly3k-01553-00271807-00271943 if you can impact your business growth zy6Eh5Dly3k-01554-00271944-00272095 by hey instead of launching five more zy6Eh5Dly3k-01555-00272096-00272158 variations zy6Eh5Dly3k-01556-00272159-00272303 go launch five products in different zy6Eh5Dly3k-01557-00272304-00272487 areas that will be five times more zy6Eh5Dly3k-01558-00272488-00272655 impactful than these five variations zy6Eh5Dly3k-01559-00272656-00272799 i'd almost guarantee it every day of the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01560-00272800-00272999 week yep and that also circles straight zy6Eh5Dly3k-01561-00273000-00273039 back zy6Eh5Dly3k-01562-00273040-00273358 to building a brand and not a shotgun zy6Eh5Dly3k-01563-00273359-00273767 you know shotgun blast of products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01564-00273768-00274006 like you did i think people just get zy6Eh5Dly3k-01565-00274007-00274110 impatient right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01566-00274111-00274327 they they see all these big sellers out zy6Eh5Dly3k-01567-00274328-00274519 there you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01568-00274520-00274687 basically saying hey i'm an eight-figure zy6Eh5Dly3k-01569-00274688-00274799 seller i'm a nine-figure seller i'm a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01570-00274800-00274958 seven-figure seller whatever zy6Eh5Dly3k-01571-00274959-00275110 and so you feel like you need to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01572-00275111-00275358 there when really that's the other key zy6Eh5Dly3k-01573-00275359-00275519 thing that we focus on is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01574-00275520-00275734 what's what do you want right you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01575-00275735-00275887 starting a business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01576-00275888-00276030 how much money do you want to make from zy6Eh5Dly3k-01577-00276031-00276223 this business that will help you achieve zy6Eh5Dly3k-01578-00276224-00276382 the lifestyle that you want zy6Eh5Dly3k-01579-00276383-00276606 yeah and start there right and we we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01580-00276607-00276687 work with zy6Eh5Dly3k-01581-00276688-00276999 smart goals so specific measurable zy6Eh5Dly3k-01582-00277000-00277175 so you can actually measure the thing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01583-00277176-00277358 attainable because zy6Eh5Dly3k-01584-00277359-00277495 yeah you're going to set a vision which zy6Eh5Dly3k-01585-00277496-00277630 is totally different right a vision is zy6Eh5Dly3k-01586-00277631-00277767 where do you want to be in you know five zy6Eh5Dly3k-01587-00277768-00277855 ten years zy6Eh5Dly3k-01588-00277856-00277991 whereas this is about what do i want zy6Eh5Dly3k-01589-00277992-00278206 next year right um relevant zy6Eh5Dly3k-01590-00278207-00278399 so is it relevant to you there's no zy6Eh5Dly3k-01591-00278400-00278519 point in building a business where you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01592-00278520-00278719 need vc capital and also stuff if you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01593-00278720-00278847 actually really don't want to do that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01594-00278848-00278943 right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01595-00278944-00279158 and then time bound when are you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01596-00279159-00279303 actually going to achieve it and usually zy6Eh5Dly3k-01597-00279304-00279367 we find zy6Eh5Dly3k-01598-00279368-00279591 setting these goals is usually you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01599-00279592-00279847 at least 12 months right because you can zy6Eh5Dly3k-01600-00279848-00280103 kind of taste it but it's far enough zy6Eh5Dly3k-01601-00280104-00280247 away to be able to put the steps in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01602-00280248-00280382 place to be able to do it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01603-00280383-00280623 and so by by setting the income goal zy6Eh5Dly3k-01604-00280624-00280823 first how much money you want to make zy6Eh5Dly3k-01605-00280824-00281087 we then work up from the income so say zy6Eh5Dly3k-01606-00281088-00281239 it's five thousand dollars zy6Eh5Dly3k-01607-00281240-00281503 um we're just as a rule of thumb we just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01608-00281504-00281639 try and make it easy for people so we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01609-00281640-00281751 say okay you want to make five thousand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01610-00281752-00281791 dollars zy6Eh5Dly3k-01611-00281792-00281919 income like literally i want to take zy6Eh5Dly3k-01612-00281920-00282119 down i want to put in my pocket zy6Eh5Dly3k-01613-00282120-00282334 so you need to make profit to be able to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01614-00282335-00282558 do that now profit is not income zy6Eh5Dly3k-01615-00282559-00282703 profit we need to take some of that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01616-00282704-00282895 profit to grow the business zy6Eh5Dly3k-01617-00282896-00283143 so we would say take half of it take zy6Eh5Dly3k-01618-00283144-00283230 half the profit zy6Eh5Dly3k-01619-00283231-00283391 reinvest it back in the business and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01620-00283392-00283591 take half for yourself just as a rule of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01621-00283592-00283655 thumb zy6Eh5Dly3k-01622-00283656-00283863 so therefore if you want 5.5 000 income zy6Eh5Dly3k-01623-00283864-00284006 you want 10 000 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01624-00284007-00284239 profit and then ideally we want to be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01625-00284240-00284334 operating net zy6Eh5Dly3k-01626-00284335-00284671 profit after all expenses at 20 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01627-00284672-00284839 so then work up from there so if i need zy6Eh5Dly3k-01628-00284840-00285015 that 20 profit zy6Eh5Dly3k-01629-00285016-00285334 i need to be doing 50 000 in income zy6Eh5Dly3k-01630-00285335-00285606 and sorry in revenue right in my sales zy6Eh5Dly3k-01631-00285607-00285743 and then you can say okay zy6Eh5Dly3k-01632-00285744-00285887 now i'm going to look for the products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01633-00285888-00286110 that are actually going to hit zy6Eh5Dly3k-01634-00286111-00286319 those numbers and so yeah that's all zy6Eh5Dly3k-01635-00286320-00286495 literally what you do you just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01636-00286496-00286710 totally impassionate about the products zy6Eh5Dly3k-01637-00286711-00286863 get passionate about the brand that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01638-00286864-00286967 you're building and the customer that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01639-00286968-00287063 you want to serve zy6Eh5Dly3k-01640-00287064-00287215 and totally dispassionate about the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01641-00287216-00287367 types of products that are going to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01642-00287368-00287495 serve the customer zy6Eh5Dly3k-01643-00287496-00287719 and then you find the products based on zy6Eh5Dly3k-01644-00287720-00287943 the income that you want to make and so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01645-00287944-00288191 that's what we really focus on yeah i zy6Eh5Dly3k-01646-00288192-00288343 think everybody wants to sell those sexy zy6Eh5Dly3k-01647-00288344-00288430 products but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01648-00288431-00288623 if i sold bolts and screws and i got 50 zy6Eh5Dly3k-01649-00288624-00288839 000 a month from bolts and screws and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01650-00288840-00289079 whatever you know wing nuts i'm cool zy6Eh5Dly3k-01651-00289080-00289206 with that right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01652-00289207-00289439 if it's my brand my customers are zy6Eh5Dly3k-01653-00289440-00289558 looking for them they need them zy6Eh5Dly3k-01654-00289559-00289687 why wouldn't you want to sell stuff like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01655-00289688-00289839 that but people are like oh that's not zy6Eh5Dly3k-01656-00289840-00289967 fun to sell like zy6Eh5Dly3k-01657-00289968-00290254 well do you like the brand yes okay you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01658-00290255-00290351 got the brand zy6Eh5Dly3k-01659-00290352-00290495 does your customers need this from a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01660-00290496-00290695 brand like yours yes then what's the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01661-00290696-00290743 problem zy6Eh5Dly3k-01662-00290744-00290887 like sell the products you don't have to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01663-00290888-00291079 be super passionate now again zy6Eh5Dly3k-01664-00291080-00291191 people say oh how do you get passion zy6Eh5Dly3k-01665-00291192-00291375 about an ice i cream i don't say that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01666-00291376-00291495 i'm necessarily passionate about the ice zy6Eh5Dly3k-01667-00291496-00291582 cream but i am passionate about the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01668-00291583-00291727 brand so it reflects it in the listing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01669-00291728-00291871 so you gotta have some passion around zy6Eh5Dly3k-01670-00291872-00291958 the messaging zy6Eh5Dly3k-01671-00291959-00292206 but that's an easy thing to do like you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01672-00292207-00292375 talk to them like you want to be talked zy6Eh5Dly3k-01673-00292376-00292527 to like hey here's the reasons why using zy6Eh5Dly3k-01674-00292528-00292671 these bolts and nuts versus those ones zy6Eh5Dly3k-01675-00292672-00292887 over there or whatever this is why it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01676-00292888-00293071 easier to drill these ones in versus zy6Eh5Dly3k-01677-00293072-00293151 those zy6Eh5Dly3k-01678-00293152-00293343 and as long as you understand that that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01679-00293344-00293471 from a customer perspective zy6Eh5Dly3k-01680-00293472-00293710 is important then the products kind of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01681-00293711-00293839 just fall into place as long as you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01682-00293840-00293887 not zy6Eh5Dly3k-01683-00293888-00294199 so hung up on what you sell as as much zy6Eh5Dly3k-01684-00294200-00294230 as zy6Eh5Dly3k-01685-00294231-00294382 how you sell them and who you're selling zy6Eh5Dly3k-01686-00294383-00294527 them to that's really the important zy6Eh5Dly3k-01687-00294528-00294582 parts there zy6Eh5Dly3k-01688-00294583-00294847 makes sense well cool well okay so zy6Eh5Dly3k-01689-00294848-00294910 here's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01690-00294911-00295095 and i think i covered this with you guys zy6Eh5Dly3k-01691-00295096-00295254 but yes i did okay zy6Eh5Dly3k-01692-00295255-00295558 so the way we kind of do this is we have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01693-00295559-00295654 the majority zy6Eh5Dly3k-01694-00295655-00295982 of the episode for the general audience zy6Eh5Dly3k-01695-00295983-00296079 meaning zy6Eh5Dly3k-01696-00296080-00296263 managed by sets users non-managed by zy6Eh5Dly3k-01697-00296264-00296487 stats users doesn't matter right zy6Eh5Dly3k-01698-00296488-00296687 but then what we'll do is we'll do a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01699-00296688-00296839 little break which will occur zy6Eh5Dly3k-01700-00296840-00297151 in roughly 30 to 45 seconds and zy6Eh5Dly3k-01701-00297152-00297287 everything after that will be zy6Eh5Dly3k-01702-00297288-00297543 specifically for managed by stats users zy6Eh5Dly3k-01703-00297544-00297727 so we'll kind of just wrap up the zy6Eh5Dly3k-01704-00297728-00297871 podcast here zy6Eh5Dly3k-01705-00297872-00298127 sort of and then just basically have a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01706-00298128-00298295 mini episode for zy6Eh5Dly3k-01707-00298296-00298534 everyone else so basically if you are a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01708-00298535-00298767 managed by stats user make sure to jump zy6Eh5Dly3k-01709-00298768-00298927 onto our facebook group so you can get zy6Eh5Dly3k-01710-00298928-00299079 the rest of the content zy6Eh5Dly3k-01711-00299080-00299351 um and if you're not you know consider zy6Eh5Dly3k-01712-00299352-00299406 becoming zy6Eh5Dly3k-01713-00299407-00299639 a managed by stats user and we'll put zy6Eh5Dly3k-01714-00299640-00299743 the link to that zy6Eh5Dly3k-01715-00299744-00299895 down in the description this video zy6Eh5Dly3k-01716-00299896-00300047 that's exactly right um zy6Eh5Dly3k-01717-00300048-00300230 and so then for anyone who is watching zy6Eh5Dly3k-01718-00300231-00300358 this make sure to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01719-00300359-00300510 you know depending on the platform zy6Eh5Dly3k-01720-00300511-00300710 you're saying of youtube like it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01721-00300711-00300951 subscribe and in addition to subscribing zy6Eh5Dly3k-01722-00300952-00301119 because if we're being honest subscribes zy6Eh5Dly3k-01723-00301120-00301358 literally mean absolutely nothing it's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01724-00301359-00301454 sort of zy6Eh5Dly3k-01725-00301455-00301663 yes just like a pat on the back but it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01726-00301664-00301799 doesn't mean anything for you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01727-00301800-00301943 if you actually want to know that we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01728-00301944-00302127 have another episode coming you need to zy6Eh5Dly3k-01729-00302128-00302223 hit the little bell zy6Eh5Dly3k-01730-00302224-00302487 icon and then switch it to all so you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01731-00302488-00302599 actually get notified zy6Eh5Dly3k-01732-00302600-00302799 when we release something because you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01733-00302800-00302903 know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01734-00302904-00303079 this the the value you guys just zy6Eh5Dly3k-01735-00303080-00303230 provided here is amazing for zy6Eh5Dly3k-01736-00303231-00303399 you charge other people money for this zy6Eh5Dly3k-01737-00303400-00303492 yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01738-00303493-00303734 [Laughter] zy6Eh5Dly3k-01739-00303735-00304039 and so if it's on other platforms zy6Eh5Dly3k-01740-00304040-00304334 give it a you know thumbs up give it a zy6Eh5Dly3k-01741-00304335-00304543 five star review because unlike amazon zy6Eh5Dly3k-01742-00304544-00304703 we are still allowed to ask zy6Eh5Dly3k-01743-00304704-00304910 specifically for a five-star review if zy6Eh5Dly3k-01744-00304911-00305006 you have zy6Eh5Dly3k-01745-00305007-00305279 uh some reason a four-star lesser yeah zy6Eh5Dly3k-01746-00305280-00305399 don't even bother we don't actually want zy6Eh5Dly3k-01747-00305400-00305447 those zy6Eh5Dly3k-01748-00305448-00305551 you don't need to do this we'll take zy6Eh5Dly3k-01749-00305552-00305791 only five star reviews if you don't feel zy6Eh5Dly3k-01750-00305792-00305927 it was five stars zy6Eh5Dly3k-01751-00305928-00306063 thanks for watching yeah thanks for zy6Eh5Dly3k-01752-00306064-00306295 watching zy6Eh5Dly3k-01753-00306296-00306454 and if you didn't like this and you're zy6Eh5Dly3k-01754-00306455-00306679 on youtube hit the thumbs down button zy6Eh5Dly3k-01755-00306680-00306751 twice zy6Eh5Dly3k-01756-00306752-00306951 that'll that'll also help us we know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01757-00306952-00307095 really that you don't like it zy6Eh5Dly3k-01758-00307096-00307279 no just kidding otherwise uh you know zy6Eh5Dly3k-01759-00307280-00307447 we'll have another episode out here in zy6Eh5Dly3k-01760-00307448-00307527 another zy6Eh5Dly3k-01761-00307528-00307695 week maybe we're actually looking at zy6Eh5Dly3k-01762-00307696-00307863 going to two episodes a week so that's zy6Eh5Dly3k-01763-00307864-00307951 gonna be fun zy6Eh5Dly3k-01764-00307952-00308263 but um otherwise if you're a managed by zy6Eh5Dly3k-01765-00308264-00308430 stats user jump over to the facebook zy6Eh5Dly3k-01766-00308431-00308471 page zy6Eh5Dly3k-01767-00308472-00308647 and we will see you guys there thank you zy6Eh5Dly3k-01768-00308648-00308839 guys so very much zy6Eh5Dly3k-01769-00308840-00309158 for providing such amazing value and we zy6Eh5Dly3k-01770-00309159-00309199 will zy6Eh5Dly3k-01771-00309200-00309503 see you here in a second over on zy6Eh5Dly3k-01772-00309504-00309671 facebook kind of confusingly stated but zy6Eh5Dly3k-01773-00309672-00309871 it works zy6Eh5Dly3k-01774-00309872-00310280 okay thanks guys take care z-sRV2ejbEk-00000-00000136-00000407 all right welcome everybody to our may z-sRV2ejbEk-00001-00000408-00000503 4th z-sRV2ejbEk-00002-00000504-00000734 star wars day z-sRV2ejbEk-00003-00000735-00000950 edition of the period teaching and z-sRV2ejbEk-00004-00000951-00001079 learning call z-sRV2ejbEk-00005-00001080-00001423 and today we're going to have a sneak z-sRV2ejbEk-00006-00001424-00001614 peek at some of the development that's z-sRV2ejbEk-00007-00001616-00001814 been happening with the new meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00008-00001816-00002175 tool that's going to be in sakai 23 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00009-00002176-00002407 that should be really cool um edf is z-sRV2ejbEk-00010-00002408-00002639 here to show us z-sRV2ejbEk-00011-00002640-00002855 what they've got working so far so z-sRV2ejbEk-00012-00002856-00003063 definitely looking forward to that z-sRV2ejbEk-00013-00003064-00003247 um first though we'll start off with a z-sRV2ejbEk-00014-00003247-00003522 couple of quick announcements uh sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00015-00003523-00003854 21.3 was released last week z-sRV2ejbEk-00016-00003855-00003990 so um z-sRV2ejbEk-00017-00003992-00004167 depending on what version you are if you z-sRV2ejbEk-00018-00004168-00004383 were waiting for that dot release it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00019-00004384-00004583 available now so z-sRV2ejbEk-00020-00004584-00004759 so that is out z-sRV2ejbEk-00021-00004760-00005238 and also sakai con registration is open z-sRV2ejbEk-00022-00005239-00005559 i put the link there in the etherpad z-sRV2ejbEk-00023-00005560-00005702 the z-sRV2ejbEk-00024-00005703-00005911 registration is free z-sRV2ejbEk-00025-00005912-00006167 it's going to be a primarily online z-sRV2ejbEk-00026-00006168-00006311 event but there's also going to be a z-sRV2ejbEk-00027-00006312-00006527 watch party at z-sRV2ejbEk-00028-00006528-00006710 ann arbor michigan z-sRV2ejbEk-00029-00006711-00006967 dr chuck is hosting a watch party there z-sRV2ejbEk-00030-00006968-00007175 at university of michigan so if you z-sRV2ejbEk-00031-00007176-00007406 wanted to meet up with folks in person z-sRV2ejbEk-00032-00007408-00007583 you have that option z-sRV2ejbEk-00033-00007584-00007783 but all the content will be online z-sRV2ejbEk-00034-00007784-00007951 because you just never know with the z-sRV2ejbEk-00035-00007952-00008151 pandemic if people are going to be able z-sRV2ejbEk-00036-00008152-00008295 to travel so we didn't want to make a z-sRV2ejbEk-00037-00008296-00008519 lot of arrangements locally z-sRV2ejbEk-00038-00008520-00008807 and then have to cancel stuff so um so z-sRV2ejbEk-00039-00008808-00009055 we're gonna have a primarily online z-sRV2ejbEk-00040-00009056-00009271 event but again a watch party in ann z-sRV2ejbEk-00041-00009272-00009455 arbor for those that would like to z-sRV2ejbEk-00042-00009456-00009583 travel z-sRV2ejbEk-00043-00009584-00009719 so um z-sRV2ejbEk-00044-00009720-00009806 all right z-sRV2ejbEk-00045-00009807-00010071 does anybody else have any other z-sRV2ejbEk-00046-00010072-00011031 uh announcements z-sRV2ejbEk-00047-00011032-00011283 okay we'll take that silence as the new z-sRV2ejbEk-00048-00011284-00011551 announcements um so i'm going to go z-sRV2ejbEk-00049-00011552-00011703 ahead and z-sRV2ejbEk-00050-00011704-00011951 give it over to miguel should i give you z-sRV2ejbEk-00051-00011952-00012263 screen share z-sRV2ejbEk-00052-00012264-00012910 i think roberto with a screenshot z-sRV2ejbEk-00053-00012911-00013191 is he allowed to do it or z-sRV2ejbEk-00054-00013191-00013430 excuse me i just gave him presenter z-sRV2ejbEk-00055-00013431-00013703 so um let me assist him z-sRV2ejbEk-00056-00013704-00015575 wait z-sRV2ejbEk-00057-00015576-00015855 hi did you see my my screen z-sRV2ejbEk-00058-00015856-00016086 yes you're seeing the big blue okay now z-sRV2ejbEk-00059-00016087-00016383 we see sakai meetings tool powerpoint z-sRV2ejbEk-00060-00016384-00016494 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00061-00016495-00016655 okay here with this z-sRV2ejbEk-00062-00016656-00016894 great z-sRV2ejbEk-00063-00016895-00017150 and we got do you want to say something z-sRV2ejbEk-00064-00017151-00017335 or z-sRV2ejbEk-00065-00017336-00017694 yep and z-sRV2ejbEk-00066-00017695-00018230 once i come z-sRV2ejbEk-00067-00018231-00018486 because we have echo and z-sRV2ejbEk-00068-00018487-00018775 i would like to introduce to you roberto z-sRV2ejbEk-00069-00018776-00019039 which is one of the newer edf and the z-sRV2ejbEk-00070-00019040-00019199 sakai community developers since z-sRV2ejbEk-00071-00019200-00019343 december z-sRV2ejbEk-00072-00019344-00019614 um i know roberto for a long time i z-sRV2ejbEk-00073-00019615-00019927 think since 2009 he has right now like z-sRV2ejbEk-00074-00019928-00020191 14 years of experience in java z-sRV2ejbEk-00075-00020192-00020350 and the z-sRV2ejbEk-00076-00020351-00020614 sakai technology stack so he's pretty z-sRV2ejbEk-00077-00020615-00020799 familiar with the technologies z-sRV2ejbEk-00078-00020800-00021086 so for that reason since december he was z-sRV2ejbEk-00079-00021087-00021271 able to z-sRV2ejbEk-00080-00021272-00021383 to z-sRV2ejbEk-00081-00021384-00021599 to be ready for the sakai development he z-sRV2ejbEk-00082-00021600-00021822 succeeded with a learning curve z-sRV2ejbEk-00083-00021823-00022014 and he was ready you know to start z-sRV2ejbEk-00084-00022015-00022222 contributing things and z-sRV2ejbEk-00085-00022223-00022407 this is his second z-sRV2ejbEk-00086-00022408-00022599 piece of work right now he started z-sRV2ejbEk-00087-00022600-00022750 working on the dashboard tool and right z-sRV2ejbEk-00088-00022751-00022950 now the and after that z-sRV2ejbEk-00089-00022951-00023119 he started working on the meetings tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00090-00023120-00023447 and he did um a great job because he z-sRV2ejbEk-00091-00023448-00023550 combined z-sRV2ejbEk-00092-00023551-00023847 a modern the new generation ui z-sRV2ejbEk-00093-00023848-00024094 with with the with the java technology z-sRV2ejbEk-00094-00024095-00024383 and the the sakai stack and he's gonna z-sRV2ejbEk-00095-00024384-00024622 he's gonna show show you the the z-sRV2ejbEk-00096-00024623-00024791 progress on the meetings tool and the z-sRV2ejbEk-00097-00024792-00024967 current state of it z-sRV2ejbEk-00098-00024968-00025278 and if you have any question just let us z-sRV2ejbEk-00099-00025279-00025439 know you can use the chat i'm gonna z-sRV2ejbEk-00100-00025440-00025702 moderate the chat or or even wilma z-sRV2ejbEk-00101-00025704-00025822 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00102-00025823-00026070 we're gonna attend questions at the end z-sRV2ejbEk-00103-00026072-00026279 of the presentation okay so roberto go z-sRV2ejbEk-00104-00026280-00026670 on z-sRV2ejbEk-00105-00026672-00026902 okay thank you miguel z-sRV2ejbEk-00106-00026904-00027014 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00107-00027016-00027102 well z-sRV2ejbEk-00108-00027104-00027246 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00109-00027247-00027423 well this is uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00110-00027424-00027614 the meetings tool we have been working z-sRV2ejbEk-00111-00027616-00027870 on i'm going to show you z-sRV2ejbEk-00112-00027872-00027951 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00113-00027952-00028183 what's been in the ballot plan here in z-sRV2ejbEk-00114-00028183-00028335 here at edf z-sRV2ejbEk-00115-00028336-00028614 so when we can start z-sRV2ejbEk-00116-00028616-00028702 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00117-00028704-00028918 well the z-sRV2ejbEk-00118-00028919-00029127 the main goal of this of this tour of z-sRV2ejbEk-00119-00029127-00029351 the meetings tool is to create and z-sRV2ejbEk-00120-00029352-00029687 schedule new meetings for for students z-sRV2ejbEk-00121-00029688-00029958 by the instructors z-sRV2ejbEk-00122-00029960-00030199 these these new z-sRV2ejbEk-00123-00030200-00030487 these meetings are the access to these z-sRV2ejbEk-00124-00030488-00030679 meetings are controlled z-sRV2ejbEk-00125-00030680-00030807 by z-sRV2ejbEk-00126-00030808-00031143 by side or by group for the participants z-sRV2ejbEk-00127-00031144-00031423 that are that can attend the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00128-00031424-00031558 are z-sRV2ejbEk-00129-00031560-00031711 selected by z-sRV2ejbEk-00130-00031712-00031999 by all participants on the side or by my z-sRV2ejbEk-00131-00032000-00032231 group z-sRV2ejbEk-00132-00032232-00032511 and then these students can access the z-sRV2ejbEk-00133-00032512-00032711 meetings they have they have been z-sRV2ejbEk-00134-00032712-00032935 invited to participate z-sRV2ejbEk-00135-00032936-00033231 uh in the main screen of the of the tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00136-00033232-00033471 uh with a list where we can see here an z-sRV2ejbEk-00137-00033472-00033687 example of the main interface of the of z-sRV2ejbEk-00138-00033688-00033855 the tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00139-00033856-00034151 as we as as you can see z-sRV2ejbEk-00140-00034152-00034367 the interface is z-sRV2ejbEk-00141-00034368-00034743 is rendered by by cards and meeting cars z-sRV2ejbEk-00142-00034744-00034855 that we z-sRV2ejbEk-00143-00034856-00035127 we're going to explain later z-sRV2ejbEk-00144-00035128-00035359 um well z-sRV2ejbEk-00145-00035360-00035623 the features of the tool will include to z-sRV2ejbEk-00146-00035624-00035815 search for the meetings uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00147-00035816-00035983 the students have z-sRV2ejbEk-00148-00035984-00036062 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00149-00036063-00036327 these meetings can be added as events on z-sRV2ejbEk-00150-00036328-00036439 the site z-sRV2ejbEk-00151-00036440-00036751 calendar on the sakai calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00152-00036752-00036902 and when z-sRV2ejbEk-00153-00036903-00037071 when the meetings are scheduled and z-sRV2ejbEk-00154-00037072-00037399 created by the instructors uh these z-sRV2ejbEk-00155-00037400-00037535 this z-sRV2ejbEk-00156-00037536-00037807 all the participants can be notified by z-sRV2ejbEk-00157-00037808-00038015 by email about the creation of these z-sRV2ejbEk-00158-00038016-00038111 meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00159-00038112-00038318 uh the main goal of the of the tool was z-sRV2ejbEk-00160-00038319-00038455 to create a z-sRV2ejbEk-00161-00038456-00038743 a simple and fast uh and visual z-sRV2ejbEk-00162-00038744-00038879 interface z-sRV2ejbEk-00163-00038880-00039159 uh with a good looking appeal z-sRV2ejbEk-00164-00039160-00039246 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00165-00039247-00039439 and well i think we have succeeded at z-sRV2ejbEk-00166-00039440-00039646 that z-sRV2ejbEk-00167-00039647-00039759 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00168-00039760-00039839 the z-sRV2ejbEk-00169-00039840-00039999 well we are going to tell to talk about z-sRV2ejbEk-00170-00040000-00040239 the designer interface uh this is the z-sRV2ejbEk-00171-00040240-00040518 main screen of the of the tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00172-00040519-00040623 as z-sRV2ejbEk-00173-00040624-00040871 i've said before z-sRV2ejbEk-00174-00040872-00041030 this is a structure z-sRV2ejbEk-00175-00041031-00041223 with the the main z-sRV2ejbEk-00176-00041224-00041383 the main object in here is the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00177-00041384-00041495 cards z-sRV2ejbEk-00178-00041496-00041783 we have here um z-sRV2ejbEk-00179-00041784-00042039 all of the meetings are represented by z-sRV2ejbEk-00180-00042040-00042327 these cards and they are sorted and z-sRV2ejbEk-00181-00042328-00042655 ordered by by time we have z-sRV2ejbEk-00182-00042656-00042879 three sections we can see two of them z-sRV2ejbEk-00183-00042880-00043102 here in the in the screen z-sRV2ejbEk-00184-00043103-00043423 there's a today section in which we have z-sRV2ejbEk-00185-00043424-00043615 the meetings that are scheduled and z-sRV2ejbEk-00186-00043616-00043943 planned for for today as as z-sRV2ejbEk-00187-00043944-00044143 as its names uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00188-00044144-00044287 tell us z-sRV2ejbEk-00189-00044288-00044574 uh then we have a future section we have z-sRV2ejbEk-00190-00044575-00044790 not we are not seeing here in the stream z-sRV2ejbEk-00191-00044791-00044879 but z-sRV2ejbEk-00192-00044880-00045095 there's a section about the future z-sRV2ejbEk-00193-00045096-00045223 meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00194-00045224-00045527 and then there's a list of z-sRV2ejbEk-00195-00045528-00045839 past a summary of the past meetings we z-sRV2ejbEk-00196-00045840-00046039 had z-sRV2ejbEk-00197-00046040-00046230 in this screen z-sRV2ejbEk-00198-00046231-00046462 instructors can create new meetings with z-sRV2ejbEk-00199-00046463-00046662 this this button we see z-sRV2ejbEk-00200-00046663-00046862 above above the screen z-sRV2ejbEk-00201-00046863-00047095 we can search uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00202-00047096-00047223 meetings by z-sRV2ejbEk-00203-00047224-00047430 writing here in the box in the search z-sRV2ejbEk-00204-00047431-00047551 box z-sRV2ejbEk-00205-00047552-00047783 uh well the interface is so simple as z-sRV2ejbEk-00206-00047784-00048030 you can see as you can see here z-sRV2ejbEk-00207-00048031-00048230 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00208-00048231-00048423 about emitting cards z-sRV2ejbEk-00209-00048424-00048615 the goal here was to z-sRV2ejbEk-00210-00048616-00048799 to have a simple z-sRV2ejbEk-00211-00048800-00049046 clear information about the meeting in a z-sRV2ejbEk-00212-00049047-00049311 visual way um z-sRV2ejbEk-00213-00049312-00049630 we can we can see uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00214-00049631-00049879 well all the cars have the title of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00215-00049880-00049974 meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00216-00049975-00050290 uh we can see here the time on the date z-sRV2ejbEk-00217-00050291-00050415 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-00218-00050416-00050639 when the when the z-sRV2ejbEk-00219-00050640-00050799 the meeting starts z-sRV2ejbEk-00220-00050800-00051095 and we can see the state of or if if it z-sRV2ejbEk-00221-00051096-00051542 is leave it's uh currently being uh well z-sRV2ejbEk-00222-00051544-00051799 if the meeting is at this time or when z-sRV2ejbEk-00223-00051800-00051950 it starts z-sRV2ejbEk-00224-00051951-00052158 as we can see in this other in this z-sRV2ejbEk-00225-00052159-00052319 other card z-sRV2ejbEk-00226-00052320-00052454 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00227-00052455-00052591 we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00228-00052591-00052815 we have a link here with a build z-sRV2ejbEk-00229-00052816-00053150 description this link opens a window and z-sRV2ejbEk-00230-00053151-00053311 you can see a short description about z-sRV2ejbEk-00231-00053312-00053454 the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00232-00053455-00053694 and the other section here is a list of z-sRV2ejbEk-00233-00053695-00053950 avatars of the of the participants that z-sRV2ejbEk-00234-00053951-00054119 are invited to z-sRV2ejbEk-00235-00054120-00054542 to join the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00236-00054544-00054887 and then we have a button uh here that z-sRV2ejbEk-00237-00054888-00055159 is enabled to access the meeting when z-sRV2ejbEk-00238-00055160-00055350 the meeting is is live z-sRV2ejbEk-00239-00055351-00055591 but is disabled when the meetings is z-sRV2ejbEk-00240-00055591-00055742 scheduled for z-sRV2ejbEk-00241-00055744-00056082 for other date uh in the future okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00242-00056083-00056454 um then we have uh here uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00243-00056455-00056711 a button that is that opens a contextual z-sRV2ejbEk-00244-00056712-00056807 menu z-sRV2ejbEk-00245-00056808-00057079 uh where instructors can access the z-sRV2ejbEk-00246-00057079-00057415 options to edit or remove the z-sRV2ejbEk-00247-00057416-00057782 or delete the the meetings this is only z-sRV2ejbEk-00248-00057783-00057966 visible for instructors z-sRV2ejbEk-00249-00057967-00058135 students cannot see this button they z-sRV2ejbEk-00250-00058136-00058407 only see the the card and they only can z-sRV2ejbEk-00251-00058408-00058575 join the meeting and then you view the z-sRV2ejbEk-00252-00058576-00058911 description of the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00253-00058912-00059207 uh well uh about the creation of on z-sRV2ejbEk-00254-00059208-00059454 editing of meetings we have one when you z-sRV2ejbEk-00255-00059455-00059711 access the meeting by this button or do z-sRV2ejbEk-00256-00059712-00059871 and you can z-sRV2ejbEk-00257-00059872-00060038 to access z-sRV2ejbEk-00258-00060039-00060175 the edit z-sRV2ejbEk-00259-00060176-00060287 link here z-sRV2ejbEk-00260-00060288-00060566 the instructor access here then there's z-sRV2ejbEk-00261-00060567-00060887 the the form uh well the screen of z-sRV2ejbEk-00262-00060888-00061166 edit meeting opens z-sRV2ejbEk-00263-00061167-00061438 this is a simple form z-sRV2ejbEk-00264-00061439-00061591 the goal here was z-sRV2ejbEk-00265-00061591-00061750 again to be z-sRV2ejbEk-00266-00061751-00061999 a simple interface z-sRV2ejbEk-00267-00062000-00062223 easy to use z-sRV2ejbEk-00268-00062224-00062447 with a fast and visual interface and z-sRV2ejbEk-00269-00062448-00062726 responsive interface z-sRV2ejbEk-00270-00062727-00063142 in this well in this screen we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00271-00063144-00063303 edit all the information related to the z-sRV2ejbEk-00272-00063304-00063438 meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00273-00063439-00063823 and as we can see here well this this z-sRV2ejbEk-00274-00063824-00064126 form is interactive and when you z-sRV2ejbEk-00275-00064127-00064366 click on the arrows then z-sRV2ejbEk-00276-00064367-00064575 the section displays z-sRV2ejbEk-00277-00064576-00064735 you can access the z-sRV2ejbEk-00278-00064736-00064919 all the fields to z-sRV2ejbEk-00279-00064920-00065079 to z-sRV2ejbEk-00280-00065079-00065199 to define z-sRV2ejbEk-00281-00065200-00065382 the meeting we can see here the z-sRV2ejbEk-00282-00065383-00065511 availability z-sRV2ejbEk-00283-00065512-00065750 section of the other form when you can z-sRV2ejbEk-00284-00065751-00065903 select the open z-sRV2ejbEk-00285-00065904-00066159 date of the closed date of the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00286-00066160-00066535 and then we have here a check box to add z-sRV2ejbEk-00287-00066536-00066911 the meeting to the sakai sakai calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00288-00066912-00067063 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00289-00067064-00067303 when you z-sRV2ejbEk-00290-00067304-00067511 about this after the integration with z-sRV2ejbEk-00291-00067512-00067638 the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00292-00067639-00067726 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00293-00067727-00068031 when you click on this and you check z-sRV2ejbEk-00294-00068032-00068367 this this check box and just understand z-sRV2ejbEk-00295-00068368-00068671 the meeting then we have in the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00296-00068672-00068879 uh automatically z-sRV2ejbEk-00297-00068880-00069447 created the event asa event type meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00298-00069448-00069638 this is the z-sRV2ejbEk-00299-00069639-00069950 the calendar event of type meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00300-00069951-00070071 when we z-sRV2ejbEk-00301-00070072-00070391 edit z-sRV2ejbEk-00302-00070392-00070687 some information about the if we have we z-sRV2ejbEk-00303-00070688-00070935 have added the event to z-sRV2ejbEk-00304-00070936-00071126 the meeting to an event on the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00305-00071127-00071294 and we changed the information about z-sRV2ejbEk-00306-00071295-00071423 this event z-sRV2ejbEk-00307-00071424-00071623 this updates automatically here in the z-sRV2ejbEk-00308-00071624-00071831 calendar as well z-sRV2ejbEk-00309-00071832-00071950 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00310-00071951-00072238 and well uh about the integration with z-sRV2ejbEk-00311-00072239-00072511 the providers of the um z-sRV2ejbEk-00312-00072512-00072799 well we we currently support uh the z-sRV2ejbEk-00313-00072800-00073031 microsoft teams integration this is z-sRV2ejbEk-00314-00073032-00073271 about the by the conferencing provider z-sRV2ejbEk-00315-00073272-00073382 and we z-sRV2ejbEk-00316-00073383-00073847 we have supported now z-sRV2ejbEk-00317-00073848-00073975 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00318-00073976-00074135 this integration z-sRV2ejbEk-00319-00074136-00074262 controls z-sRV2ejbEk-00320-00074263-00074711 who can access the meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00321-00074712-00074919 only members of the organization can z-sRV2ejbEk-00322-00074920-00075150 access the meetings we create z-sRV2ejbEk-00323-00075151-00075367 in the meetings tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00324-00075368-00075655 this is controlled by the email of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00325-00075656-00075911 participants because all participants in z-sRV2ejbEk-00326-00075912-00076047 sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00327-00076048-00076150 has to z-sRV2ejbEk-00328-00076151-00076399 be has to they have z-sRV2ejbEk-00329-00076400-00076535 to have the z-sRV2ejbEk-00330-00076536-00076655 the email z-sRV2ejbEk-00331-00076656-00076887 the same email in the login of microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00332-00076888-00077079 teams this is z-sRV2ejbEk-00333-00077080-00077406 how we control the the access to z-sRV2ejbEk-00334-00077407-00077543 the meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00335-00077544-00077750 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00336-00077751-00077871 and well z-sRV2ejbEk-00337-00077872-00078047 all the members of the organization can z-sRV2ejbEk-00338-00078048-00078311 access the meetings but z-sRV2ejbEk-00339-00078312-00078582 if we the organizer of the meeting the z-sRV2ejbEk-00340-00078583-00078806 instructor that created the meeting is z-sRV2ejbEk-00341-00078807-00079079 set as the organizer of the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00342-00079080-00079431 and he can also also invite z-sRV2ejbEk-00343-00079432-00079662 some external users to z-sRV2ejbEk-00344-00079663-00079926 to the to the meeting but he has to z-sRV2ejbEk-00345-00079927-00080031 approve their z-sRV2ejbEk-00346-00080032-00080159 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-00347-00080160-00080399 day to login in the in the meeting we z-sRV2ejbEk-00348-00080400-00080703 can see all of this in a quick demo z-sRV2ejbEk-00349-00080704-00080999 uh about the functionality working on my z-sRV2ejbEk-00350-00081000-00081255 local instance of sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00351-00081256-00081406 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00352-00081407-00081726 uh we are going here z-sRV2ejbEk-00353-00081727-00081894 well z-sRV2ejbEk-00354-00081895-00082167 this is my this is my sakai i am z-sRV2ejbEk-00355-00082168-00082447 unlocked as an instructor uh this is z-sRV2ejbEk-00356-00082448-00082694 called jagger i present you callier this z-sRV2ejbEk-00357-00082695-00082903 is the instructor i have here z-sRV2ejbEk-00358-00082904-00083047 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00359-00083048-00083294 well this is the main the main page as i z-sRV2ejbEk-00360-00083295-00083447 told before z-sRV2ejbEk-00361-00083448-00083759 we have here the today's section z-sRV2ejbEk-00362-00083760-00084150 uh a future section this is a this is a z-sRV2ejbEk-00363-00084151-00084311 meeting we have for z-sRV2ejbEk-00364-00084312-00084423 well in z-sRV2ejbEk-00365-00084424-00084582 in 17 hours z-sRV2ejbEk-00366-00084583-00084838 and we have here the past z-sRV2ejbEk-00367-00084839-00084999 section then z-sRV2ejbEk-00368-00085000-00085287 we can search here for z-sRV2ejbEk-00369-00085288-00085406 for z-sRV2ejbEk-00370-00085407-00085503 some z-sRV2ejbEk-00371-00085504-00085750 some meetings by waiting here as you can z-sRV2ejbEk-00372-00085751-00086038 see it uh refreshes automatically while z-sRV2ejbEk-00373-00086039-00086359 i am uh i am z-sRV2ejbEk-00374-00086360-00086526 writing so z-sRV2ejbEk-00375-00086527-00086882 it's a fast interface z-sRV2ejbEk-00376-00086883-00087271 um and well as i said as i said before z-sRV2ejbEk-00377-00087272-00087487 uh if i click here and do description i z-sRV2ejbEk-00378-00087488-00087743 can we can see uh here the little z-sRV2ejbEk-00379-00087744-00088047 description of of of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00380-00088048-00088262 of the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00381-00088263-00088575 and well we can create a new meeting by z-sRV2ejbEk-00382-00088576-00088735 clicking here z-sRV2ejbEk-00383-00088736-00089118 uh well i want to create a demo meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00384-00089119-00089487 for example we can create here a sort z-sRV2ejbEk-00385-00089488-00089759 this is a demo meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00386-00089760-00089903 a short z-sRV2ejbEk-00387-00089904-00090111 description z-sRV2ejbEk-00388-00090112-00090350 well if if z-sRV2ejbEk-00389-00090351-00090471 there are some z-sRV2ejbEk-00390-00090472-00090806 some fields that are mandatory if i z-sRV2ejbEk-00391-00090807-00091071 click if i remove this text we have here z-sRV2ejbEk-00392-00091072-00091375 an advice to this to be filed out and we z-sRV2ejbEk-00393-00091376-00091494 cannot say z-sRV2ejbEk-00394-00091495-00091694 until we all all z-sRV2ejbEk-00395-00091695-00091967 all fields are valid so we can we need z-sRV2ejbEk-00396-00091968-00092038 to z-sRV2ejbEk-00397-00092039-00092438 write here and this button is enabled z-sRV2ejbEk-00398-00092439-00092743 while i am well i am writing z-sRV2ejbEk-00399-00092744-00092847 the more z-sRV2ejbEk-00400-00092848-00093006 meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00401-00093007-00093087 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00402-00093088-00093335 the video conferencing as i said before z-sRV2ejbEk-00403-00093336-00093606 we only support uh we only z-sRV2ejbEk-00404-00093607-00093838 currently only support microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00405-00093839-00094118 so we can select anything anything more z-sRV2ejbEk-00406-00094119-00094343 this is selected by default z-sRV2ejbEk-00407-00094344-00094526 and then z-sRV2ejbEk-00408-00094527-00094750 in the participants section we have two z-sRV2ejbEk-00409-00094751-00095031 options here we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00410-00095032-00095287 invite to all participants from the site z-sRV2ejbEk-00411-00095288-00095462 or we can select z-sRV2ejbEk-00412-00095463-00095759 some groups for for the um for the z-sRV2ejbEk-00413-00095760-00096111 meeting we can select one or two or z-sRV2ejbEk-00414-00096112-00096182 the z-sRV2ejbEk-00415-00096183-00096343 the rules we need z-sRV2ejbEk-00416-00096344-00096535 where i am going to select this group z-sRV2ejbEk-00417-00096536-00096806 for example for loadable group i have z-sRV2ejbEk-00418-00096807-00097150 this group with only one person budovic z-sRV2ejbEk-00419-00097151-00097526 and then we have here the availability z-sRV2ejbEk-00420-00097527-00097703 section z-sRV2ejbEk-00421-00097704-00097926 and this this is z-sRV2ejbEk-00422-00097927-00098199 filled automatically well when you enter z-sRV2ejbEk-00423-00098200-00098455 the the form it's automatically set as z-sRV2ejbEk-00424-00098456-00098591 the current time z-sRV2ejbEk-00425-00098592-00098871 and the close date one hour later but we z-sRV2ejbEk-00426-00098872-00099182 can select the time on date z-sRV2ejbEk-00427-00099183-00099487 we want with the picker or we can write z-sRV2ejbEk-00428-00099488-00099879 um the hour we we want z-sRV2ejbEk-00429-00099880-00100062 with the keyboard and z-sRV2ejbEk-00430-00100063-00100262 then z-sRV2ejbEk-00431-00100263-00100391 we have z-sRV2ejbEk-00432-00100392-00100631 data z-sRV2ejbEk-00433-00100632-00100767 if if i z-sRV2ejbEk-00434-00100768-00101143 if i put here some z-sRV2ejbEk-00435-00101144-00101271 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00436-00101272-00101574 dates that are not paste the validation z-sRV2ejbEk-00437-00101575-00101679 if i z-sRV2ejbEk-00438-00101680-00101903 have here a z-sRV2ejbEk-00439-00101904-00102150 date a close date before the open date z-sRV2ejbEk-00440-00102151-00102391 this is not valid and we cannot save as z-sRV2ejbEk-00441-00102392-00102471 well z-sRV2ejbEk-00442-00102472-00102599 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00443-00102600-00102902 but this is enabled when the validation z-sRV2ejbEk-00444-00102903-00103247 is what this problem is fixed z-sRV2ejbEk-00445-00103248-00103486 if i click here on the checkbox to add a z-sRV2ejbEk-00446-00103488-00103727 meeting to the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00447-00103728-00103999 we going to check uh in order to be to z-sRV2ejbEk-00448-00104000-00104086 see z-sRV2ejbEk-00449-00104088-00104318 the calendar event z-sRV2ejbEk-00450-00104319-00104606 and then the last the last section is z-sRV2ejbEk-00451-00104607-00104983 the notification section here we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00452-00104983-00105278 send no notification to anyone or we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00453-00105279-00105486 send a notification to all participants z-sRV2ejbEk-00454-00105488-00105623 of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00455-00105624-00105895 of the site and well outside of the site z-sRV2ejbEk-00456-00105896-00105975 no z-sRV2ejbEk-00457-00105976-00106519 the participants we are selected here z-sRV2ejbEk-00458-00106520-00106710 we are not going to send a notification z-sRV2ejbEk-00459-00106711-00106951 because this is a demo this is a demo z-sRV2ejbEk-00460-00106952-00107351 and there's there are no real real users z-sRV2ejbEk-00461-00107352-00107631 and then we can save z-sRV2ejbEk-00462-00107632-00107854 we can save the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00463-00107855-00108047 and then we have it z-sRV2ejbEk-00464-00108048-00108271 here as a card okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00465-00108272-00108558 if we go to the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00466-00108559-00108671 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00467-00108672-00108934 we can see that the moment i created is z-sRV2ejbEk-00468-00108935-00109223 is scheduled to the time i i z-sRV2ejbEk-00469-00109224-00109471 i put in what i wrote z-sRV2ejbEk-00470-00109472-00109727 uh if we don't here z-sRV2ejbEk-00471-00109728-00109878 then we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00472-00109879-00110310 edit this meeting we can change the z-sRV2ejbEk-00473-00110311-00110534 we can change a little the z-sRV2ejbEk-00474-00110535-00110683 the scratch the z-sRV2ejbEk-00475-00110683-00110966 description we can send the participants z-sRV2ejbEk-00476-00110967-00111166 to the site for example z-sRV2ejbEk-00477-00111167-00111471 or the time if we can put we can put z-sRV2ejbEk-00478-00111472-00111678 here to start at z-sRV2ejbEk-00479-00111679-00111847 6 z-sRV2ejbEk-00480-00111848-00111999 until z-sRV2ejbEk-00481-00112000-00112158 8. z-sRV2ejbEk-00482-00112159-00112327 and then z-sRV2ejbEk-00483-00112328-00112727 if we return here to the calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00484-00112728-00113134 this has been updated automatically z-sRV2ejbEk-00485-00113135-00113239 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00486-00113240-00113399 so this is the integration with the z-sRV2ejbEk-00487-00113400-00113527 calendar z-sRV2ejbEk-00488-00113528-00113719 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00489-00113720-00113886 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00490-00113888-00114015 well z-sRV2ejbEk-00491-00114016-00114310 we can also remove the the meeting by z-sRV2ejbEk-00492-00114311-00114558 clicking here on the delete meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00493-00114559-00114758 we are we have this advice and then z-sRV2ejbEk-00494-00114759-00115039 let's just remove the z-sRV2ejbEk-00495-00115040-00115454 the meeting and it simply works z-sRV2ejbEk-00496-00115455-00115727 and then uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00497-00115728-00115807 well z-sRV2ejbEk-00498-00115808-00116023 now we can join the meeting with the z-sRV2ejbEk-00499-00116024-00116254 with this button i'm gonna explain the z-sRV2ejbEk-00500-00116255-00116454 integration with microsoft because of z-sRV2ejbEk-00501-00116455-00116623 teams um z-sRV2ejbEk-00502-00116624-00116863 if we click here but z-sRV2ejbEk-00503-00116864-00117023 first of all z-sRV2ejbEk-00504-00117024-00117319 i have installed my microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00505-00117320-00117558 account z-sRV2ejbEk-00506-00117559-00117671 in here z-sRV2ejbEk-00507-00117672-00117934 i'm logged as maximilian this is a user z-sRV2ejbEk-00508-00117935-00118263 we have in sakai with this email z-sRV2ejbEk-00509-00118264-00118631 uh he corresponds to this user here z-sRV2ejbEk-00510-00118632-00118863 so if i join the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00511-00118864-00119215 and i open in well this is in spanish z-sRV2ejbEk-00512-00119216-00119343 okay but z-sRV2ejbEk-00513-00119344-00119686 uh if i open this on microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00514-00119688-00119799 i can z-sRV2ejbEk-00515-00119800-00119999 log into the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00516-00120000-00120199 with without any problem z-sRV2ejbEk-00517-00120200-00120534 and i'm i'm inside the meeting right now z-sRV2ejbEk-00518-00120535-00120766 as maximilian okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00519-00120767-00120910 but z-sRV2ejbEk-00520-00120911-00121166 uh potentially uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00521-00121167-00121495 every every person that has this link z-sRV2ejbEk-00522-00121496-00121671 can access the z-sRV2ejbEk-00523-00121672-00121823 the meeting but z-sRV2ejbEk-00524-00121824-00122127 if if the organizer of the meeting uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00525-00122128-00122271 wanted to z-sRV2ejbEk-00526-00122272-00122639 to share this with external uh people z-sRV2ejbEk-00527-00122640-00122766 people which is not inside the z-sRV2ejbEk-00528-00122767-00123263 organization external users you can z-sRV2ejbEk-00529-00123264-00123599 you can send them this link and access z-sRV2ejbEk-00530-00123600-00123951 this but what happens if we do that uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00531-00123952-00124214 well if i access here in the browser in z-sRV2ejbEk-00532-00124215-00124463 the browser i'm not logged in in my z-sRV2ejbEk-00533-00124464-00124663 microsoft teams if i click here to z-sRV2ejbEk-00534-00124664-00124951 continue in this in this browser z-sRV2ejbEk-00535-00124952-00125071 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00536-00125072-00125399 well we are not uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00537-00125400-00125590 members of the organization so we are z-sRV2ejbEk-00538-00125591-00125686 guests z-sRV2ejbEk-00539-00125688-00126071 we can put any any name we we want z-sRV2ejbEk-00540-00126072-00126286 for example john doe we can access like z-sRV2ejbEk-00541-00126288-00126439 from though z-sRV2ejbEk-00542-00126440-00126671 and what happens then z-sRV2ejbEk-00543-00126672-00126823 what happens is z-sRV2ejbEk-00544-00126824-00127231 that we need the organization z-sRV2ejbEk-00545-00127232-00127334 to z-sRV2ejbEk-00546-00127335-00127534 to access the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00547-00127535-00127719 we can try to do this z-sRV2ejbEk-00548-00127720-00128102 by well in microsoft in microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00549-00128103-00128383 if i log out with the student and i z-sRV2ejbEk-00550-00128383-00128686 access us the organizer z-sRV2ejbEk-00551-00128688-00128910 we can access like carl jagger that is z-sRV2ejbEk-00552-00128911-00129327 the organizer of the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00553-00129328-00129414 when z-sRV2ejbEk-00554-00129415-00129599 when cal is logged z-sRV2ejbEk-00555-00129600-00130054 and we try to access the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00556-00130055-00130231 what happens z-sRV2ejbEk-00557-00130232-00130631 well here if i join the meeting and open z-sRV2ejbEk-00558-00130632-00130975 it in microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00559-00130976-00131319 then i under the i am the organizer i z-sRV2ejbEk-00560-00131320-00131511 join the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00561-00131512-00131775 and we have an advice here to z-sRV2ejbEk-00562-00131776-00132063 accept when we have in the waiting room z-sRV2ejbEk-00563-00132064-00132207 we have a john doe z-sRV2ejbEk-00564-00132208-00132511 we can see this waiting room and we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00565-00132512-00132927 see that we can accept or deny z-sRV2ejbEk-00566-00132928-00133159 the joining of john doe to the to the z-sRV2ejbEk-00567-00133160-00133414 meeting we can we're going to deny it z-sRV2ejbEk-00568-00133415-00133575 because we don't know z-sRV2ejbEk-00569-00133576-00133743 who the hell z-sRV2ejbEk-00570-00133744-00133839 he is z-sRV2ejbEk-00571-00133840-00133943 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00572-00133944-00134078 then z-sRV2ejbEk-00573-00134079-00134295 this this person can't access the z-sRV2ejbEk-00574-00134296-00134495 meeting okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00575-00134496-00134743 so well z-sRV2ejbEk-00576-00134744-00134966 in summary this is z-sRV2ejbEk-00577-00134967-00135135 the main functionality of the meetings z-sRV2ejbEk-00578-00135136-00135231 tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00579-00135232-00135302 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00580-00135303-00135447 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-00581-00135448-00135603 in the future well z-sRV2ejbEk-00582-00135604-00135759 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-00583-00135760-00136047 the compatibility z-sRV2ejbEk-00584-00136048-00136127 is z-sRV2ejbEk-00585-00136128-00136295 we are working to z-sRV2ejbEk-00586-00136296-00136623 to with sakai 21 higher z-sRV2ejbEk-00587-00136624-00136927 higher versions currently we are working z-sRV2ejbEk-00588-00136928-00137102 reviewing the compatibility with sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00589-00137103-00137359 20 because there are some issues with z-sRV2ejbEk-00590-00137360-00137607 dependencies of older libraries on and z-sRV2ejbEk-00591-00137608-00137695 tools z-sRV2ejbEk-00592-00137696-00137975 so we are working now on on this and to z-sRV2ejbEk-00593-00137976-00138271 police some other other z-sRV2ejbEk-00594-00138272-00138471 but well the main the main job is down z-sRV2ejbEk-00595-00138472-00138654 about the of the tool but we are working z-sRV2ejbEk-00596-00138655-00138990 on this and this z-sRV2ejbEk-00597-00138991-00139199 these are the technologies we are being z-sRV2ejbEk-00598-00139200-00139399 using uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00599-00139400-00139527 with z-sRV2ejbEk-00600-00139528-00139766 to build uh to develop z-sRV2ejbEk-00601-00139767-00140023 the tool we have the microsoft graph app z-sRV2ejbEk-00602-00140024-00140287 from microsoft teams with for microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00603-00140288-00140566 teams integration and these all other z-sRV2ejbEk-00604-00140567-00140790 technologies to z-sRV2ejbEk-00605-00140791-00140990 to implement the the application the z-sRV2ejbEk-00606-00140991-00141239 tool for sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00607-00141240-00141495 and about the roadmap and next steps z-sRV2ejbEk-00608-00141496-00141751 miguel could tell you to tell you more z-sRV2ejbEk-00609-00141752-00141911 about this z-sRV2ejbEk-00610-00141912-00141999 if you z-sRV2ejbEk-00611-00142000-00142231 if you want z-sRV2ejbEk-00612-00142232-00142447 yeah i would like to talk a little bit z-sRV2ejbEk-00613-00142448-00142599 about the roadmap and about the the z-sRV2ejbEk-00614-00142600-00142759 progress we've made z-sRV2ejbEk-00615-00142760-00142863 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00616-00142864-00143151 i mean all of this project was done z-sRV2ejbEk-00617-00143152-00143447 um using a patio funds so everything was z-sRV2ejbEk-00618-00143448-00143623 sponsored by imperial z-sRV2ejbEk-00619-00143624-00143790 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00620-00143791-00144087 the designs of the meetings tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00621-00144088-00144199 uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00622-00144200-00144495 was done was done by the designs were z-sRV2ejbEk-00623-00144496-00144654 done by a designer z-sRV2ejbEk-00624-00144655-00144895 and wilma which is here provided us the z-sRV2ejbEk-00625-00144896-00145143 designs so we didn't create the ui or z-sRV2ejbEk-00626-00145144-00145351 the user experience it was there was z-sRV2ejbEk-00627-00145352-00145607 some research and some work done by a z-sRV2ejbEk-00628-00145608-00145726 designer z-sRV2ejbEk-00629-00145727-00145990 so the designer provided everything in z-sRV2ejbEk-00630-00145991-00146239 terms of user experience etc z-sRV2ejbEk-00631-00146240-00146414 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00632-00146415-00146664 this was a good experience because z-sRV2ejbEk-00633-00146665-00146790 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-00634-00146791-00146983 multiple people contributed to the to z-sRV2ejbEk-00635-00146984-00147311 the meetings too like a group of people z-sRV2ejbEk-00636-00147312-00147495 contributed with the front end with the z-sRV2ejbEk-00637-00147496-00147726 user experience and roberto integrated z-sRV2ejbEk-00638-00147727-00147847 everything with the backend and the z-sRV2ejbEk-00639-00147848-00148014 microsoft services z-sRV2ejbEk-00640-00148015-00148166 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00641-00148167-00148383 the user experience was was created z-sRV2ejbEk-00642-00148384-00148535 following the designs and at the same z-sRV2ejbEk-00643-00148536-00148951 time all the accessibility tests z-sRV2ejbEk-00644-00148952-00149135 was done before completing the z-sRV2ejbEk-00645-00149136-00149247 development z-sRV2ejbEk-00646-00149248-00149423 so let's say that z-sRV2ejbEk-00647-00149424-00149526 the ui z-sRV2ejbEk-00648-00149527-00149783 and the user experience was created z-sRV2ejbEk-00649-00149784-00150095 and it implemented unit tests z-sRV2ejbEk-00650-00150096-00150271 to to verify that the behavior is z-sRV2ejbEk-00651-00150272-00150463 correct and at the same time z-sRV2ejbEk-00652-00150464-00150719 we perform accessibility tests working z-sRV2ejbEk-00653-00150720-00151031 with the accessibility group so we z-sRV2ejbEk-00654-00151032-00151207 guarantee that the z-sRV2ejbEk-00655-00151208-00151551 that the interface was was accessible z-sRV2ejbEk-00656-00151552-00151702 after that z-sRV2ejbEk-00657-00151703-00151902 roberto started with the integration of z-sRV2ejbEk-00658-00151903-00152054 the back end z-sRV2ejbEk-00659-00152055-00152151 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00660-00152152-00152431 right now the um the metrics tool is is z-sRV2ejbEk-00661-00152432-00152783 close to the to the first to the first z-sRV2ejbEk-00662-00152784-00152983 to the first release okay also the z-sRV2ejbEk-00663-00152984-00153295 backend includes unit testing so at the z-sRV2ejbEk-00664-00153296-00153535 end the the front is well tested and the z-sRV2ejbEk-00665-00153536-00153751 back end is well tested automatically z-sRV2ejbEk-00666-00153752-00153983 but but at the same time z-sRV2ejbEk-00667-00153984-00154166 we want a lot of feedback from the user z-sRV2ejbEk-00668-00154167-00154302 perspective z-sRV2ejbEk-00669-00154303-00154463 because z-sRV2ejbEk-00670-00154464-00154695 because at the end users um can start z-sRV2ejbEk-00671-00154696-00154887 testing and providing feedback z-sRV2ejbEk-00672-00154888-00155063 so right now z-sRV2ejbEk-00673-00155064-00155390 we are in we where we want to deliver z-sRV2ejbEk-00674-00155391-00155478 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00675-00155479-00155687 the meetings tool to the to the sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00676-00155688-00155807 community z-sRV2ejbEk-00677-00155808-00155990 and we want to spend some time on z-sRV2ejbEk-00678-00155991-00156207 improving the documentation z-sRV2ejbEk-00679-00156208-00156407 especially around z-sRV2ejbEk-00680-00156408-00156719 technology and at the same time adoption z-sRV2ejbEk-00681-00156720-00156926 because if an institution wants to z-sRV2ejbEk-00682-00156927-00157119 deploy the the meetings tool and start z-sRV2ejbEk-00683-00157120-00157399 using or or evaluating it z-sRV2ejbEk-00684-00157400-00157583 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00685-00157584-00157887 the the more documentation the better z-sRV2ejbEk-00686-00157888-00158126 especially configuring all the microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00687-00158127-00158414 tenant and z-sRV2ejbEk-00688-00158415-00158654 keys and secrets to to start using the z-sRV2ejbEk-00689-00158655-00158854 tool in organizations z-sRV2ejbEk-00690-00158855-00159047 so for that reason right now is a z-sRV2ejbEk-00691-00159048-00159311 country project so institutions can can z-sRV2ejbEk-00692-00159312-00159559 take it and start using it z-sRV2ejbEk-00693-00159560-00159807 and the reason why is a contrib tool z-sRV2ejbEk-00694-00159808-00160007 right now is because we didn't want to z-sRV2ejbEk-00695-00160008-00160143 introduce z-sRV2ejbEk-00696-00160144-00160399 many dependencies with with sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00697-00160400-00160502 versions z-sRV2ejbEk-00698-00160503-00160783 because backboards are always z-sRV2ejbEk-00699-00160784-00160943 are always a problem z-sRV2ejbEk-00700-00160944-00161102 so we wanted to z-sRV2ejbEk-00701-00161103-00161359 to make the tool compatible with z-sRV2ejbEk-00702-00161360-00161671 21 22 and future versions of sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00703-00161672-00161911 and we're evaluating if it can work with z-sRV2ejbEk-00704-00161912-00162151 sakai 20. but that's the reason why it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00705-00162152-00162311 a country z-sRV2ejbEk-00706-00162312-00162599 but the contribution to sakai master it z-sRV2ejbEk-00707-00162600-00162871 may happen soon okay so depending on z-sRV2ejbEk-00708-00162872-00163119 discussions and the feedback z-sRV2ejbEk-00709-00163120-00163311 the contribution to sakai master is z-sRV2ejbEk-00710-00163312-00163519 going to happen soon z-sRV2ejbEk-00711-00163520-00163678 so right now z-sRV2ejbEk-00712-00163679-00163854 is an mvp z-sRV2ejbEk-00713-00163855-00164038 and we want feedback from institutions z-sRV2ejbEk-00714-00164039-00164319 about the tool and and and we suspect z-sRV2ejbEk-00715-00164320-00164447 that z-sRV2ejbEk-00716-00164448-00164559 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00717-00164560-00164790 the microsoft institutions are a subset z-sRV2ejbEk-00718-00164791-00165014 of all the sakai institutions z-sRV2ejbEk-00719-00165015-00165151 because other institutions are with z-sRV2ejbEk-00720-00165152-00165351 google or other z-sRV2ejbEk-00721-00165352-00165463 or other z-sRV2ejbEk-00722-00165464-00165695 you know organizations z-sRV2ejbEk-00723-00165696-00165847 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00724-00165848-00166095 one important aspect in terms of z-sRV2ejbEk-00725-00166096-00166463 security is the last piece that roberto z-sRV2ejbEk-00726-00166464-00166683 was talking about z-sRV2ejbEk-00727-00166684-00167047 um the let's say the microsoft services z-sRV2ejbEk-00728-00167048-00167326 and the api supports groups but sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00729-00167327-00167463 groups and microsoft groups are z-sRV2ejbEk-00730-00167464-00167566 different z-sRV2ejbEk-00731-00167567-00167719 and right now we z-sRV2ejbEk-00732-00167720-00167975 not many organizations have z-sRV2ejbEk-00733-00167976-00168247 a close integration between satai groups z-sRV2ejbEk-00734-00168248-00168478 and and microsoft groups z-sRV2ejbEk-00735-00168479-00168687 so as we wanted to create a z-sRV2ejbEk-00736-00168688-00168878 straightforward product z-sRV2ejbEk-00737-00168879-00168990 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00738-00168991-00169126 a good mbp z-sRV2ejbEk-00739-00169127-00169423 we made a decision around the membership z-sRV2ejbEk-00740-00169424-00169726 and that decision was that the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00741-00169727-00169951 is shown by the structure z-sRV2ejbEk-00742-00169952-00170135 and right now the instructor approves z-sRV2ejbEk-00743-00170136-00170375 people manually z-sRV2ejbEk-00744-00170376-00170599 because as i said um z-sRV2ejbEk-00745-00170600-00170735 there's no z-sRV2ejbEk-00746-00170736-00171047 integration with api like providing all z-sRV2ejbEk-00747-00171048-00171223 the members of the site z-sRV2ejbEk-00748-00171224-00171543 to the the the microsoft team z-sRV2ejbEk-00749-00171544-00171735 object z-sRV2ejbEk-00750-00171736-00171895 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00751-00171896-00172166 as we don't have all the information z-sRV2ejbEk-00752-00172167-00172335 from other microsoft institutions we z-sRV2ejbEk-00753-00172336-00172526 decided to do in this way z-sRV2ejbEk-00754-00172527-00172766 so basically the institutions can use it z-sRV2ejbEk-00755-00172767-00172847 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00756-00172848-00173087 from from the first day z-sRV2ejbEk-00757-00173088-00173190 but the z-sRV2ejbEk-00758-00173191-00173599 the con or the negative part is that z-sRV2ejbEk-00759-00173600-00173775 all the students are not provided to z-sRV2ejbEk-00760-00173776-00173983 microsoft teams only the structure and z-sRV2ejbEk-00761-00173984-00174223 they need to approve users manually z-sRV2ejbEk-00762-00174224-00174478 this is going to change but again it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00763-00174479-00174719 related to microsoft membership z-sRV2ejbEk-00764-00174720-00174935 because in the case of zoom or big blue z-sRV2ejbEk-00765-00174936-00175351 button is completely different you know z-sRV2ejbEk-00766-00175352-00175647 strategy okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00767-00175648-00175759 also z-sRV2ejbEk-00768-00175760-00175854 in z-sRV2ejbEk-00769-00175855-00176231 in in the future once this is in master z-sRV2ejbEk-00770-00176232-00176438 there's a strategy around z-sRV2ejbEk-00771-00176439-00176551 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00772-00176552-00176702 you know sharing z-sRV2ejbEk-00773-00176703-00176999 objects like conversations or or the z-sRV2ejbEk-00774-00177000-00177247 dashboard or rubrics z-sRV2ejbEk-00775-00177248-00177351 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00776-00177352-00177511 we're thinking about sharing the z-sRV2ejbEk-00777-00177512-00177702 meetings objects z-sRV2ejbEk-00778-00177703-00178014 we call it the meeting card okay so z-sRV2ejbEk-00779-00178015-00178207 basically we envisioned that we can z-sRV2ejbEk-00780-00178208-00178471 extract the meeting card and embed a z-sRV2ejbEk-00781-00178472-00178711 meeting card into lessons or maybe z-sRV2ejbEk-00782-00178712-00178926 conversations or maybe the chat i don't z-sRV2ejbEk-00783-00178927-00179183 know the technicality yet but z-sRV2ejbEk-00784-00179184-00179414 we envision that instructors can share a z-sRV2ejbEk-00785-00179415-00179766 meeting card across tools or maybe z-sRV2ejbEk-00786-00179767-00180007 at z-sRV2ejbEk-00787-00180008-00180151 global level z-sRV2ejbEk-00788-00180152-00180311 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00789-00180312-00180583 and finally as wilma said i mean z-sRV2ejbEk-00790-00180584-00180726 depending on conversations and z-sRV2ejbEk-00791-00180727-00181014 discussions etc and z-sRV2ejbEk-00792-00181015-00181207 all of these z-sRV2ejbEk-00793-00181208-00181463 all of this integration z-sRV2ejbEk-00794-00181464-00181647 was created following some rules and z-sRV2ejbEk-00795-00181648-00181831 contributions from long sight and adrian z-sRV2ejbEk-00796-00181832-00181943 fish z-sRV2ejbEk-00797-00181944-00182278 related to providing multiple z-sRV2ejbEk-00798-00182279-00182487 video conference providers z-sRV2ejbEk-00799-00182488-00182911 so basically the tool has a genetic z-sRV2ejbEk-00800-00182912-00183087 meeting provider z-sRV2ejbEk-00801-00183088-00183247 and one of the implementation is the z-sRV2ejbEk-00802-00183248-00183431 microsoft teams which is one of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00803-00183432-00183575 meeting providers z-sRV2ejbEk-00804-00183576-00183735 so in the future z-sRV2ejbEk-00805-00183736-00183895 right now there's a selector where you z-sRV2ejbEk-00806-00183896-00184111 can select the provider and it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00807-00184112-00184311 disabled because you can only use z-sRV2ejbEk-00808-00184312-00184535 microsoft teams but in the future you z-sRV2ejbEk-00809-00184536-00184799 can use other systems z-sRV2ejbEk-00810-00184800-00185031 one of the possible candidates will be z-sRV2ejbEk-00811-00185032-00185143 zoom z-sRV2ejbEk-00812-00185144-00185295 and another one will be this system z-sRV2ejbEk-00813-00185296-00185623 which is big blue button okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00814-00185624-00185735 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00815-00185736-00186254 anything else i guess z-sRV2ejbEk-00816-00186255-00186454 so if you have any questions you can you z-sRV2ejbEk-00817-00186455-00186711 can contact the people in sakai user z-sRV2ejbEk-00818-00186712-00186935 list or the death list or even if you z-sRV2ejbEk-00819-00186936-00187238 need you know private information or or z-sRV2ejbEk-00820-00187239-00187407 you need a private discussion you can z-sRV2ejbEk-00821-00187408-00188207 contact our sakers at edf.global z-sRV2ejbEk-00822-00188208-00188383 all right that was awesome thank you z-sRV2ejbEk-00823-00188384-00188726 miguel and roberto z-sRV2ejbEk-00824-00188727-00188926 it's looking really great z-sRV2ejbEk-00825-00188927-00189102 can't wait to see it working and it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00826-00189103-00189278 exciting that people who want to adopt z-sRV2ejbEk-00827-00189279-00189350 it z-sRV2ejbEk-00828-00189351-00189487 earlier z-sRV2ejbEk-00829-00189488-00189726 can do so you don't have to wait for the z-sRV2ejbEk-00830-00189727-00190054 23 release you can go ahead and start z-sRV2ejbEk-00831-00190055-00190238 using it testing it z-sRV2ejbEk-00832-00190239-00190390 improving it z-sRV2ejbEk-00833-00190391-00190671 you know if you're on 21 or higher so z-sRV2ejbEk-00834-00190672-00190871 that's that's definitely some z-sRV2ejbEk-00835-00190872-00191071 news there for adoption z-sRV2ejbEk-00836-00191072-00192247 um does anybody have any questions z-sRV2ejbEk-00837-00192248-00192990 guys are super quiet z-sRV2ejbEk-00838-00192991-00193719 do we have any folks here that use teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00839-00193720-00194014 yeah i'm a we're a microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00840-00194015-00194150 school z-sRV2ejbEk-00841-00194151-00194247 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00842-00194248-00194623 and i am curious as to uh z-sRV2ejbEk-00843-00194624-00194854 when you were showing the the external z-sRV2ejbEk-00844-00194855-00194999 version of it z-sRV2ejbEk-00845-00195000-00195087 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00846-00195088-00195271 you could then it do you have to go to z-sRV2ejbEk-00847-00195272-00195519 the external uh to the microsoft teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00848-00195520-00195887 itself to like add a guest z-sRV2ejbEk-00849-00195888-00196119 we also use zoom here too so actually a z-sRV2ejbEk-00850-00196120-00196454 lot more zoom than we do teams but z-sRV2ejbEk-00851-00196455-00197807 i just want your feedback on that z-sRV2ejbEk-00852-00197808-00198095 did you mean when when z-sRV2ejbEk-00853-00198096-00198447 when you connect as a guest z-sRV2ejbEk-00854-00198448-00198743 uh when uh so let's just say a faculty z-sRV2ejbEk-00855-00198744-00199063 member is having a guest speaker in z-sRV2ejbEk-00856-00199064-00199278 um is that invitation done through the z-sRV2ejbEk-00857-00199279-00199495 lms to the z-sRV2ejbEk-00858-00199496-00199687 through the meetings no you can share z-sRV2ejbEk-00859-00199688-00199878 the link you can just share the link z-sRV2ejbEk-00860-00199879-00200135 okay that's curious okay thank you z-sRV2ejbEk-00861-00200136-00200295 correct but when you create when you z-sRV2ejbEk-00862-00200296-00200590 create a team subject in microsoft using z-sRV2ejbEk-00863-00200591-00200735 the api z-sRV2ejbEk-00864-00200736-00200823 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00865-00200824-00201071 basically you can provide other z-sRV2ejbEk-00866-00201072-00201238 microsoft accounts z-sRV2ejbEk-00867-00201239-00201478 or even external accounts z-sRV2ejbEk-00868-00201479-00201743 but right now z-sRV2ejbEk-00869-00201744-00201935 i mean there are many sakai services z-sRV2ejbEk-00870-00201936-00202135 like onedrive z-sRV2ejbEk-00871-00202136-00202343 microsoft streams z-sRV2ejbEk-00872-00202344-00202495 and all the services z-sRV2ejbEk-00873-00202496-00202566 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00874-00202567-00202766 you can have groups in microsoft and you z-sRV2ejbEk-00875-00202767-00202950 can have groups in sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00876-00202951-00203271 but right now there's no let's say z-sRV2ejbEk-00877-00203272-00203447 really really complete integration z-sRV2ejbEk-00878-00203448-00203663 between sakai groups and and z-sRV2ejbEk-00879-00203664-00203871 and microsoft groups and that z-sRV2ejbEk-00880-00203872-00204126 is is kind of complex because the z-sRV2ejbEk-00881-00204127-00204359 institution needs to be microsoft and it z-sRV2ejbEk-00882-00204360-00204559 depends on the microsoft configuration z-sRV2ejbEk-00883-00204560-00204799 if because some institutions may not use z-sRV2ejbEk-00884-00204800-00204982 microsoft groups maybe z-sRV2ejbEk-00885-00204983-00205151 so we decided z-sRV2ejbEk-00886-00205152-00205366 that the owner z-sRV2ejbEk-00887-00205367-00205575 gonna be the instructor z-sRV2ejbEk-00888-00205576-00205679 and z-sRV2ejbEk-00889-00205680-00205919 and and this you know has control over z-sRV2ejbEk-00890-00205919-00206151 the meeting that can you know allow z-sRV2ejbEk-00891-00206152-00206319 guests can allow z-sRV2ejbEk-00892-00206319-00206542 that makes sense students etc so right z-sRV2ejbEk-00893-00206544-00206790 now is it's an mvp that can work and in z-sRV2ejbEk-00894-00206791-00206942 the future exploring the api and z-sRV2ejbEk-00895-00206944-00207279 exploring microsoft institutions cases z-sRV2ejbEk-00896-00207280-00207471 maybe we can improve the microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00897-00207471-00207614 integration z-sRV2ejbEk-00898-00207615-00207831 like i don't know providing groups z-sRV2ejbEk-00899-00207832-00208023 providing students z-sRV2ejbEk-00900-00208023-00208175 because all of them have a microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00901-00208176-00208375 account z-sRV2ejbEk-00902-00208376-00208542 sometimes i mean institutions z-sRV2ejbEk-00903-00208544-00208742 authenticate using microsoft services or z-sRV2ejbEk-00904-00208744-00208927 sometimes they authenticate using sakai z-sRV2ejbEk-00905-00208928-00209046 local z-sRV2ejbEk-00906-00209048-00209294 accounts or sometimes they use you know z-sRV2ejbEk-00907-00209296-00209479 active directory or i mean there are z-sRV2ejbEk-00908-00209480-00209671 many many combinations so we want the z-sRV2ejbEk-00909-00209671-00210031 information before making a decision z-sRV2ejbEk-00910-00210032-00210134 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-00911-00210135-00210375 uh the functionality right now is that z-sRV2ejbEk-00912-00210376-00210567 the the owner of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00913-00210567-00210655 of the z-sRV2ejbEk-00914-00210656-00210991 of the meeting is the instructor and z-sRV2ejbEk-00915-00210992-00211351 every every person in the organization z-sRV2ejbEk-00916-00211352-00211615 can access z-sRV2ejbEk-00917-00211616-00211839 all people in the organization that has z-sRV2ejbEk-00918-00211840-00212327 an email created on the microsoft portal z-sRV2ejbEk-00919-00212328-00212542 they can access the meetings created for z-sRV2ejbEk-00920-00212544-00212703 this institution z-sRV2ejbEk-00921-00212704-00213063 but external users can access only if z-sRV2ejbEk-00922-00213064-00213367 the organizer accepts them as i saw in z-sRV2ejbEk-00923-00213367-00213855 the in the demo z-sRV2ejbEk-00924-00213856-00214063 when you access when you click on the z-sRV2ejbEk-00925-00214064-00214375 join meeting button z-sRV2ejbEk-00926-00214376-00214598 a new a new z-sRV2ejbEk-00927-00214600-00214831 window in the new tab in the explorer z-sRV2ejbEk-00928-00214832-00215031 opens and z-sRV2ejbEk-00929-00215032-00215271 the direct the address the internet z-sRV2ejbEk-00930-00215271-00215510 address that appears above z-sRV2ejbEk-00931-00215511-00215727 you can share this um z-sRV2ejbEk-00932-00215728-00216023 with that address external members could z-sRV2ejbEk-00933-00216023-00216327 try to access to to the meeting but only z-sRV2ejbEk-00934-00216328-00216663 the organizer if if someone do that z-sRV2ejbEk-00935-00216664-00216942 only the organizer can accept them for z-sRV2ejbEk-00936-00216944-00217134 joining to go to the meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-00937-00217135-00219319 that's the control we have for now z-sRV2ejbEk-00938-00219319-00219463 thank you for answering my questions z-sRV2ejbEk-00939-00219464-00219742 that was really uh very enlightening a z-sRV2ejbEk-00940-00219744-00219942 lot of work was done here that it's it's z-sRV2ejbEk-00941-00219944-00220046 evident z-sRV2ejbEk-00942-00220048-00220223 uh how much has been thought through so z-sRV2ejbEk-00943-00220223-00220479 far really can i congratulate you for z-sRV2ejbEk-00944-00220480-00220903 good work really good work z-sRV2ejbEk-00945-00220904-00221103 thank you i mean z-sRV2ejbEk-00946-00221104-00221327 one of the big one of the big challenges z-sRV2ejbEk-00947-00221328-00221542 we have right now is the testing just z-sRV2ejbEk-00948-00221544-00221671 because z-sRV2ejbEk-00949-00221671-00221942 it's not easy to make a public microsoft z-sRV2ejbEk-00950-00221944-00222206 tenant you know available for everyone z-sRV2ejbEk-00951-00222207-00222303 so z-sRV2ejbEk-00952-00222304-00222494 i still don't know if z-sRV2ejbEk-00953-00222496-00222687 how we're going to test this and verify z-sRV2ejbEk-00954-00222688-00222863 that everything's working fine z-sRV2ejbEk-00955-00222864-00223110 i mean we verified locally z-sRV2ejbEk-00956-00223111-00223231 but z-sRV2ejbEk-00957-00223232-00223575 i believe that as a community we should z-sRV2ejbEk-00958-00223576-00223863 i don't know enable z-sRV2ejbEk-00959-00223864-00224046 a microsoft tenant allows i don't know z-sRV2ejbEk-00960-00224048-00224255 if a specific period of time you know z-sRV2ejbEk-00961-00224256-00224558 for the for everybody to to play with it z-sRV2ejbEk-00962-00224559-00226423 i don't know the details yet z-sRV2ejbEk-00963-00226423-00226582 if we do have any z-sRV2ejbEk-00964-00226583-00226887 microsoft schools z-sRV2ejbEk-00965-00226888-00227223 that are interested in helping qa z-sRV2ejbEk-00966-00227223-00227655 well that would be super helpful z-sRV2ejbEk-00967-00227656-00227942 yeah that's what i i thought z-sRV2ejbEk-00968-00227944-00228127 because at the end you can enable the z-sRV2ejbEk-00969-00228128-00228423 tool in a specific set of sites or small z-sRV2ejbEk-00970-00228423-00228767 set of sites and make a small pilot z-sRV2ejbEk-00971-00228767-00229055 but you definitely need z-sRV2ejbEk-00972-00229056-00229294 a microsoft tenant because you need to z-sRV2ejbEk-00973-00229296-00229455 create an application z-sRV2ejbEk-00974-00229456-00229631 you know provide and authorize the z-sRV2ejbEk-00975-00229632-00229982 application to access your institution z-sRV2ejbEk-00976-00229983-00230303 and configuring in the sakai site so z-sRV2ejbEk-00977-00230304-00230558 that's something we can't z-sRV2ejbEk-00978-00230559-00231079 we can't do with the nyla servers z-sRV2ejbEk-00979-00231080-00232415 i think i don't know yet but z-sRV2ejbEk-00980-00232416-00232655 i'll definitely ask my uh my my teams z-sRV2ejbEk-00981-00232656-00232934 and see what they say z-sRV2ejbEk-00982-00232935-00233319 great thanks judy z-sRV2ejbEk-00983-00233319-00233487 volunteer z-sRV2ejbEk-00984-00233488-00233758 since you guys do a lot of qa anyway z-sRV2ejbEk-00985-00233759-00234455 it'd be nice to z-sRV2ejbEk-00986-00234456-00234598 all right does anybody else have any z-sRV2ejbEk-00987-00234600-00236071 other questions right now z-sRV2ejbEk-00988-00236071-00236246 looks like new questions although z-sRV2ejbEk-00989-00236248-00236406 there's some z-sRV2ejbEk-00990-00236407-00236694 kudos there in the in the chat people z-sRV2ejbEk-00991-00236696-00236871 seem to like it so z-sRV2ejbEk-00992-00236871-00236958 um z-sRV2ejbEk-00993-00236959-00237175 yeah it's definitely great work so thank z-sRV2ejbEk-00994-00237176-00237406 you guys for um z-sRV2ejbEk-00995-00237407-00237591 demoing this and for doing all the work z-sRV2ejbEk-00996-00237592-00237871 to get it to this point so z-sRV2ejbEk-00997-00237871-00238063 once we get it out there in the wild z-sRV2ejbEk-00998-00238064-00238342 we'll start to get more feedback on on z-sRV2ejbEk-00999-00238344-00238734 the little tweaks that are needed still z-sRV2ejbEk-01000-00238735-00238942 but i think it's a great start for an z-sRV2ejbEk-01001-00238944-00239375 mvp z-sRV2ejbEk-01002-00239376-00239479 all right z-sRV2ejbEk-01003-00239480-00239863 well um thanks again to miguel and z-sRV2ejbEk-01004-00239864-00239998 roberto z-sRV2ejbEk-01005-00240000-00240231 for um for doing the demo for us here z-sRV2ejbEk-01006-00240232-00240342 today z-sRV2ejbEk-01007-00240344-00240655 and it looks like i'm not seeing any z-sRV2ejbEk-01008-00240656-00240782 jiras z-sRV2ejbEk-01009-00240783-00240958 listed in z-sRV2ejbEk-01010-00240959-00241175 our ether pad z-sRV2ejbEk-01011-00241176-00241391 does anyone have any jars that they z-sRV2ejbEk-01012-00241392-00241606 would like to discuss z-sRV2ejbEk-01013-00241607-00242471 have about 15 minutes left z-sRV2ejbEk-01014-00242471-00242655 no one has a jira that they want to talk z-sRV2ejbEk-01015-00242656-00244709 about we can always end early z-sRV2ejbEk-01016-00244710-00244839 [Music] z-sRV2ejbEk-01017-00244840-00245087 let's take a look z-sRV2ejbEk-01018-00245088-00245439 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01019-00245440-00245863 that is z-sRV2ejbEk-01020-00245864-00246110 diamonds instructor review let me go z-sRV2ejbEk-01021-00246111-00246342 ahead and put that in z-sRV2ejbEk-01022-00246344-00246727 i already did z-sRV2ejbEk-01023-00246728-00246975 let me i'll do screen share just so we z-sRV2ejbEk-01024-00246976-00248934 have something to look at z-sRV2ejbEk-01025-00248935-00249030 all right z-sRV2ejbEk-01026-00249031-00249175 so z-sRV2ejbEk-01027-00249176-00249591 this jira z-sRV2ejbEk-01028-00249592-00249798 okay allow an instructor to quickly z-sRV2ejbEk-01029-00249800-00249958 navigate to the next or previous z-sRV2ejbEk-01030-00249959-00250094 assignment z-sRV2ejbEk-01031-00250096-00250287 similar to how they can grade the next z-sRV2ejbEk-01032-00250288-00250703 or previous student z-sRV2ejbEk-01033-00250704-00250927 um okay so z-sRV2ejbEk-01034-00250928-00251127 background is z-sRV2ejbEk-01035-00251128-00251391 as an instructor i must click z-sRV2ejbEk-01036-00251392-00251591 grade or view submissions to see the z-sRV2ejbEk-01037-00251592-00251782 student names z-sRV2ejbEk-01038-00251783-00251934 if i want to go directly to the next z-sRV2ejbEk-01039-00251935-00252094 assignment i have to go back to the z-sRV2ejbEk-01040-00252096-00252287 assignment list z-sRV2ejbEk-01041-00252288-00252367 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01042-00252367-00252551 so z-sRV2ejbEk-01043-00252552-00252823 the idea is to have a next assignment z-sRV2ejbEk-01044-00252823-00252998 button z-sRV2ejbEk-01045-00253000-00253175 here and there's a z-sRV2ejbEk-01046-00253176-00253439 screenshot z-sRV2ejbEk-01047-00253440-00253942 assignment z-sRV2ejbEk-01048-00253944-00254327 i'll navigate assignments z-sRV2ejbEk-01049-00254328-00254742 grouping there z-sRV2ejbEk-01050-00254744-00255279 and z-sRV2ejbEk-01051-00255280-00255406 this is z-sRV2ejbEk-01052-00255407-00255727 actively grading multiple assignments z-sRV2ejbEk-01053-00255728-00255927 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01054-00255928-00256103 get some of these other ones okay so z-sRV2ejbEk-01055-00256104-00256191 that's z-sRV2ejbEk-01056-00256192-00256615 what we saw z-sRV2ejbEk-01057-00256616-00256758 i guess they're just different versions z-sRV2ejbEk-01058-00256759-00256863 of the same z-sRV2ejbEk-01059-00256864-00257023 thing okay z-sRV2ejbEk-01060-00257023-00257246 so what do people think about this z-sRV2ejbEk-01061-00257248-00257494 uh feature z-sRV2ejbEk-01062-00257496-00257775 request z-sRV2ejbEk-01063-00257776-00258406 seem useful z-sRV2ejbEk-01064-00258407-00258623 he says notice the versions what are the z-sRV2ejbEk-01065-00258623-00259055 versions z-sRV2ejbEk-01066-00259056-00259223 uh the effects version i saw it there z-sRV2ejbEk-01067-00259223-00259694 that was 12 and 19. z-sRV2ejbEk-01068-00259696-00259942 but those images are from later versions z-sRV2ejbEk-01069-00259944-00260287 so i don't yeah this was no z-sRV2ejbEk-01070-00260288-00260751 2021 this was a fairly recent image yeah z-sRV2ejbEk-01071-00260752-00260894 that's why i was saying notice the z-sRV2ejbEk-01072-00260896-00261079 versions it just seemed a little off z-sRV2ejbEk-01073-00261080-00261287 yeah um z-sRV2ejbEk-01074-00261288-00261558 but i mean i know when i've graded um i z-sRV2ejbEk-01075-00261559-00261710 usually grade one assignment at a time z-sRV2ejbEk-01076-00261711-00261903 but if if others are z-sRV2ejbEk-01077-00261904-00262087 instructors are using this where they're z-sRV2ejbEk-01078-00262088-00262182 going through and looking for a z-sRV2ejbEk-01079-00262183-00262495 particular person as they grade or um z-sRV2ejbEk-01080-00262496-00262830 or just going from one to the other z-sRV2ejbEk-01081-00262831-00263079 i don't think it's a it's a high option z-sRV2ejbEk-01082-00263080-00264271 but other people want to chime in z-sRV2ejbEk-01083-00264272-00264391 because i do know that when people are z-sRV2ejbEk-01084-00264392-00264495 grading z-sRV2ejbEk-01085-00264496-00264727 in the um z-sRV2ejbEk-01086-00264728-00264855 if you could go to that screenshot for z-sRV2ejbEk-01087-00264856-00265030 just a second uh z-sRV2ejbEk-01088-00265031-00265303 i know when people are are greeting they z-sRV2ejbEk-01089-00265304-00265510 have the assignment list z-sRV2ejbEk-01090-00265511-00265679 um because right now if they're looking z-sRV2ejbEk-01091-00265680-00265806 at a sample assignment one they're z-sRV2ejbEk-01092-00265807-00265951 looking at the z-sRV2ejbEk-01093-00265952-00266127 student list there's more underneath z-sRV2ejbEk-01094-00266128-00266463 that page z-sRV2ejbEk-01095-00266464-00266575 the z-sRV2ejbEk-01096-00266576-00266727 next assignment oh you do like it z-sRV2ejbEk-01097-00266728-00267551 jennifer chime in z-sRV2ejbEk-01098-00267552-00268287 if you can z-sRV2ejbEk-01099-00268288-00268447 i do like the idea of getting one less z-sRV2ejbEk-01100-00268448-00268582 click out of the way so you can go back z-sRV2ejbEk-01101-00268583-00268710 without having to go back to the main z-sRV2ejbEk-01102-00268711-00269351 listing as well z-sRV2ejbEk-01103-00269352-00269567 yeah the only thing i would worry about z-sRV2ejbEk-01104-00269568-00269806 is i would want to see it in context z-sRV2ejbEk-01105-00269807-00270047 with like the current z-sRV2ejbEk-01106-00270048-00270279 buttons that would be in that screen to z-sRV2ejbEk-01107-00270280-00270463 make sure it doesn't look too busy that z-sRV2ejbEk-01108-00270464-00270679 would be my only z-sRV2ejbEk-01109-00270680-00270823 i don't want people to get confused z-sRV2ejbEk-01110-00270824-00271039 between next student and next assignment z-sRV2ejbEk-01111-00271040-00271230 right that's what uh and it looks like z-sRV2ejbEk-01112-00271231-00271463 it would be that way where the same area z-sRV2ejbEk-01113-00271464-00271623 of the screen z-sRV2ejbEk-01114-00271624-00271734 because when you're grading you have z-sRV2ejbEk-01115-00271735-00271982 that next person next person next person z-sRV2ejbEk-01116-00271983-00272406 so we just have to be clear on the z-sRV2ejbEk-01117-00272407-00272710 and this mock-up isn't this is like from z-sRV2ejbEk-01118-00272711-00272910 the download all z-sRV2ejbEk-01119-00272911-00273343 yeah so it's hard to visualize z-sRV2ejbEk-01120-00273344-00274103 land of course z-sRV2ejbEk-01121-00274104-00275447 dave what do you think christina z-sRV2ejbEk-01122-00275448-00275767 i'm not an instructor but z-sRV2ejbEk-01123-00275768-00275951 it's maybe more interesting to have a z-sRV2ejbEk-01124-00275952-00276223 let's say a selector of assignments z-sRV2ejbEk-01125-00276224-00276463 you can search through the title z-sRV2ejbEk-01126-00276464-00276687 so instead of going next or previous you z-sRV2ejbEk-01127-00276688-00276903 can you can see other assignments and z-sRV2ejbEk-01128-00276904-00277039 you can go directly to the list of z-sRV2ejbEk-01129-00277040-00277191 submissions i don't know i'm not an z-sRV2ejbEk-01130-00277192-00277463 instructor z-sRV2ejbEk-01131-00277464-00277687 so this is the grader interface z-sRV2ejbEk-01132-00277688-00277806 right now z-sRV2ejbEk-01133-00277807-00278071 so right now there's a return to list z-sRV2ejbEk-01134-00278072-00278351 and there's arrows for next and previous z-sRV2ejbEk-01135-00278352-00278663 which are too tiny z-sRV2ejbEk-01136-00278664-00278879 but i just i worry about having another z-sRV2ejbEk-01137-00278880-00279047 grouping up here that it might be a z-sRV2ejbEk-01138-00279048-00279230 little too much z-sRV2ejbEk-01139-00279231-00279575 yeah i'm wondering if there's z-sRV2ejbEk-01140-00279576-00279767 yet where would that fall so if this is z-sRV2ejbEk-01141-00279768-00279958 our assignment list so if you click on z-sRV2ejbEk-01142-00279959-00280463 assignments again z-sRV2ejbEk-01143-00280464-00280758 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01144-00280759-00280919 so we have a list of assignments we z-sRV2ejbEk-01145-00280920-00281079 don't have z-sRV2ejbEk-01146-00281080-00281279 the only thing we have there is that the z-sRV2ejbEk-01147-00281280-00281487 the assignment list that has the you z-sRV2ejbEk-01148-00281488-00281639 know next previous and z-sRV2ejbEk-01149-00281640-00281743 and next z-sRV2ejbEk-01150-00281744-00282006 and that interface there where the um z-sRV2ejbEk-01151-00282007-00282151 where we have the viewing one of two z-sRV2ejbEk-01152-00282152-00282430 items that look that layout idea that uh z-sRV2ejbEk-01153-00282431-00282695 on the right hand navigation over there z-sRV2ejbEk-01154-00282696-00282879 that's what i would expect to see z-sRV2ejbEk-01155-00282880-00283079 something similar to z-sRV2ejbEk-01156-00283080-00283263 yeah so that was that screenshot was z-sRV2ejbEk-01157-00283264-00283406 from this page because it's got the z-sRV2ejbEk-01158-00283407-00283679 download all links right z-sRV2ejbEk-01159-00283680-00283799 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01160-00283800-00283991 so next assignment is i can see where z-sRV2ejbEk-01161-00283992-00284103 they'd want to instead of going z-sRV2ejbEk-01162-00284104-00284287 backwards to go forward z-sRV2ejbEk-01163-00284288-00284503 from this screen not from the grading z-sRV2ejbEk-01164-00284504-00284639 individual z-sRV2ejbEk-01165-00284640-00284927 screen okay that makes more sense yeah z-sRV2ejbEk-01166-00284928-00285087 wouldn't you also want to see uh you z-sRV2ejbEk-01167-00285088-00285303 know as on the screen we just saw that z-sRV2ejbEk-01168-00285304-00285534 the interface the the buttons that are z-sRV2ejbEk-01169-00285535-00285727 used i would love to see those also in z-sRV2ejbEk-01170-00285728-00285927 that in the greater z-sRV2ejbEk-01171-00285928-00286399 the similar layout of the buttons so um z-sRV2ejbEk-01172-00286400-00286654 when you go this layout here something z-sRV2ejbEk-01173-00286655-00286879 similar to the actually see that in the z-sRV2ejbEk-01174-00286880-00286982 greater z-sRV2ejbEk-01175-00286983-00287215 yeah closer to that or what was shown on z-sRV2ejbEk-01176-00287216-00287375 the last screen that you just looked at z-sRV2ejbEk-01177-00287376-00287606 had the you know uh all the way to the z-sRV2ejbEk-01178-00287607-00287815 end um z-sRV2ejbEk-01179-00287816-00287999 selection choices z-sRV2ejbEk-01180-00288000-00288239 so yeah i like the the buttons with z-sRV2ejbEk-01181-00288240-00288487 previous and next spelled out yeah z-sRV2ejbEk-01182-00288488-00288734 because i think that also works for um z-sRV2ejbEk-01183-00288735-00288879 for accessibility z-sRV2ejbEk-01184-00288880-00289023 yeah z-sRV2ejbEk-01185-00289024-00289327 accessible and easier to to see because z-sRV2ejbEk-01186-00289328-00289630 the other ones are slightly small z-sRV2ejbEk-01187-00289631-00289879 especially when grading yes so z-sRV2ejbEk-01188-00289880-00290071 i found i would want i would want to see z-sRV2ejbEk-01189-00290072-00290295 the same kind of thing and i and i do z-sRV2ejbEk-01190-00290296-00290463 agree with the i mean it would be nice z-sRV2ejbEk-01191-00290464-00290623 to have the buttons be there for the on z-sRV2ejbEk-01192-00290624-00290879 that last page on that assignment page z-sRV2ejbEk-01193-00290880-00291047 to have that going to the next one the z-sRV2ejbEk-01194-00291048-00291167 next one the next one i don't think z-sRV2ejbEk-01195-00291168-00291406 that's a bad thing there is space for it z-sRV2ejbEk-01196-00291407-00291582 but we'd have to kind of delineate what z-sRV2ejbEk-01197-00291583-00291782 is having to do with the student this z-sRV2ejbEk-01198-00291783-00292030 assignment versus going to a next z-sRV2ejbEk-01199-00292031-00292271 assignment as an as an interface and z-sRV2ejbEk-01200-00292272-00292454 those who code would probably also be z-sRV2ejbEk-01201-00292455-00293223 able to give some feedback z-sRV2ejbEk-01202-00293224-00294454 a lot of call outs in the chat z-sRV2ejbEk-01203-00294455-00295958 thanks dave z-sRV2ejbEk-01204-00295959-00296063 i think there should be a little more z-sRV2ejbEk-01205-00296064-00296223 discussion about this but i do think we z-sRV2ejbEk-01206-00296224-00296303 can z-sRV2ejbEk-01207-00296304-00296463 up the food chain to have people look at z-sRV2ejbEk-01208-00296464-00296719 it and get some more feedback z-sRV2ejbEk-01209-00296720-00296887 yeah definitely z-sRV2ejbEk-01210-00296888-00297158 i will add a comment on here showing z-sRV2ejbEk-01211-00297159-00297495 that um you know we talked about it and z-sRV2ejbEk-01212-00297496-00297782 we um z-sRV2ejbEk-01213-00297783-00297910 liked the z-sRV2ejbEk-01214-00297911-00298119 larger buttons for previous and next and z-sRV2ejbEk-01215-00298120-00298303 would want to see some consistency z-sRV2ejbEk-01216-00298304-00298591 between previous and next student z-sRV2ejbEk-01217-00298592-00298775 and previous and next assignment even z-sRV2ejbEk-01218-00298776-00299030 though they're on different pages yep z-sRV2ejbEk-01219-00299031-00299127 exactly z-sRV2ejbEk-01220-00299128-00299319 thanks z-sRV2ejbEk-01221-00299320-00299854 i will add that as a follow-up she rocks z-sRV2ejbEk-01222-00299855-00300295 okay z-sRV2ejbEk-01223-00300296-00300599 well it is 10 53 z-sRV2ejbEk-01224-00300600-00300854 so if anybody has a quick jira that we z-sRV2ejbEk-01225-00300855-00301071 can do in seven minutes we can take a z-sRV2ejbEk-01226-00301072-00301182 look z-sRV2ejbEk-01227-00301183-00302303 or we can go ahead and wrap up z-sRV2ejbEk-01228-00302304-00302575 i'm not seeing anybody pasting in jira's z-sRV2ejbEk-01229-00302576-00302887 so i'm gonna z-sRV2ejbEk-01230-00302888-00303103 assume that we'll just uh z-sRV2ejbEk-01231-00303104-00303263 wrap for today z-sRV2ejbEk-01232-00303264-00303406 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01233-00303407-00303630 our next meeting is z-sRV2ejbEk-01234-00303631-00303903 may z-sRV2ejbEk-01235-00303904-00304191 18th in two weeks and i don't think we z-sRV2ejbEk-01236-00304192-00304279 have z-sRV2ejbEk-01237-00304280-00304454 a topic z-sRV2ejbEk-01238-00304455-00304703 um so if anybody has something that they z-sRV2ejbEk-01239-00304704-00304887 would like to demo z-sRV2ejbEk-01240-00304888-00305095 or a particular topic that you would z-sRV2ejbEk-01241-00305096-00305191 like to z-sRV2ejbEk-01242-00305192-00305334 discuss z-sRV2ejbEk-01243-00305335-00305439 um z-sRV2ejbEk-01244-00305440-00305782 feel free to to let me or dede know z-sRV2ejbEk-01245-00305783-00305927 that you'd like to add that to the z-sRV2ejbEk-01246-00305928-00306119 schedule for next time z-sRV2ejbEk-01247-00306120-00306454 so um the 18th is currently open if z-sRV2ejbEk-01248-00306455-00306654 anyone z-sRV2ejbEk-01249-00306655-00307071 discuss a particular tool z-sRV2ejbEk-01250-00307072-00307423 and thanks again to edf for showing us z-sRV2ejbEk-01251-00307424-00307591 the meeting stuff it's looking really z-sRV2ejbEk-01252-00307592-00307958 good so i'm excited about that z-sRV2ejbEk-01253-00307959-00308151 all right well you guys have a great z-sRV2ejbEk-01254-00308152-00308399 rest of your day and we'll go ahead and z-sRV2ejbEk-01255-00308400-00308663 end our meeting z-sRV2ejbEk-01256-00308664-00308996 thanks everybody zAubSwKHHxc-00000-00000114-00000250 screaming zAubSwKHHxc-00001-00000250-00000293 [Applause] zAubSwKHHxc-00002-00000294-00001308 [Music] zAMHnCHW3Lo-00000-00000000-00000250 what is good everybody welcome back to zAMHnCHW3Lo-00001-00000252-00000443 another my name to his video today we zAMHnCHW3Lo-00002-00000444-00000644 have a lot of brand new WWE action zAMHnCHW3Lo-00003-00000645-00001283 figures fix-ups and customs alright guys zAMHnCHW3Lo-00004-00001284-00001429 as you see we have about eight figures zAMHnCHW3Lo-00005-00001430-00001601 to cover here today I've got some brand zAMHnCHW3Lo-00006-00001602-00001789 new WWE action figures that I got in the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00007-00001791-00002009 mail some fix-ups I'd done over the past zAMHnCHW3Lo-00008-00002010-00002275 few days and a brand new painted custom zAMHnCHW3Lo-00009-00002276-00002434 to show you guys so let's go ahead and zAMHnCHW3Lo-00010-00002435-00002615 get started the first figure I have for zAMHnCHW3Lo-00011-00002616-00002846 you guys is the fan central Toys R Us zAMHnCHW3Lo-00012-00002847-00003062 exclusive Triple H in the red trunks zAMHnCHW3Lo-00013-00003063-00003356 from 2003 looking absolutely fantastic zAMHnCHW3Lo-00014-00003357-00003584 but this figure was a must for me I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00015-00003585-00003734 actually got this in a trade with zAMHnCHW3Lo-00016-00003735-00003938 Angelino collector on Instagram as you zAMHnCHW3Lo-00017-00003939-00004133 see on your screen there go give him a zAMHnCHW3Lo-00018-00004134-00004415 follow awesome guy we conducted a trade zAMHnCHW3Lo-00019-00004416-00004613 I put in my story you know I wanted this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00020-00004614-00004844 figure and he hit me up and he delivered zAMHnCHW3Lo-00021-00004845-00004997 and it looks great man I love this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00022-00004998-00005174 figure so much it included all the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00023-00005175-00005300 accessories World Heavyweight title zAMHnCHW3Lo-00024-00005301-00005543 water bottle and sledgehammer love the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00025-00005544-00005713 new head skin love the red trunks I have zAMHnCHW3Lo-00026-00005714-00005999 quite the Triple H figures now if you zAMHnCHW3Lo-00027-00006000-00006127 guys would like to see a Triple H zAMHnCHW3Lo-00028-00006128-00006277 collection video definitely let me know zAMHnCHW3Lo-00029-00006278-00006421 down in the comment section below zAMHnCHW3Lo-00030-00006422-00006589 love Triple H so much I have a ton of zAMHnCHW3Lo-00031-00006590-00006875 figures left to get up his butt on this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00032-00006876-00007025 is a very nice one to add to the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00033-00007026-00007178 collection the next figure I have guys zAMHnCHW3Lo-00034-00007179-00007442 is this elite 44 braun strowman fix up zAMHnCHW3Lo-00035-00007443-00007678 all I did was take my old elite 44 braun zAMHnCHW3Lo-00036-00007679-00007924 strowman the front with the custom head zAMHnCHW3Lo-00037-00007925-00008108 stand from BEW and swapped it with one zAMHnCHW3Lo-00038-00008109-00008273 of my Brunnstrom and basic heads and i zAMHnCHW3Lo-00039-00008274-00008446 think it looks a lot better now i have zAMHnCHW3Lo-00040-00008447-00008614 like three different attires for bronze zAMHnCHW3Lo-00041-00008615-00008732 from and aware so i think it looks zAMHnCHW3Lo-00042-00008733-00008989 pretty cool i'm diggin the oranges brown zAMHnCHW3Lo-00043-00008990-00009160 pants with this head scan i wish it was zAMHnCHW3Lo-00044-00009161-00009349 the yelling head scan maybe we'll get a zAMHnCHW3Lo-00045-00009350-00009527 basic run to throw in there something zAMHnCHW3Lo-00046-00009528-00009646 like that but i think it was pretty cool zAMHnCHW3Lo-00047-00009647-00009817 fix up to see I don't think I had seen zAMHnCHW3Lo-00048-00009818-00009980 anybody do it just yet but it's just a zAMHnCHW3Lo-00049-00009981-00010171 simple fix up but I thought it'd be cool zAMHnCHW3Lo-00050-00010172-00010367 to throw in to show you guys next up we zAMHnCHW3Lo-00051-00010368-00010526 have three different Matt Hardy's to zAMHnCHW3Lo-00052-00010527-00010808 show you guys as you see we have the WWE zAMHnCHW3Lo-00053-00010809-00011063 Shop exclusive right here and it is a zAMHnCHW3Lo-00054-00011064-00011276 head swap with an odor basic I think I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00055-00011277-00011423 got like three of these head scans from zAMHnCHW3Lo-00056-00011424-00011663 Taobao it's like a Chinese online site zAMHnCHW3Lo-00057-00011664-00011795 I'll have to do a video on it on it zAMHnCHW3Lo-00058-00011796-00012005 someday Jean Adi did do a video on it zAMHnCHW3Lo-00059-00012006-00012230 before but I got a few of those head zAMHnCHW3Lo-00060-00012231-00012403 scans on there so I knew as soon as this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00061-00012404-00012545 figure came in I wanted to do the head zAMHnCHW3Lo-00062-00012546-00012670 swap now I have like a ruthless zAMHnCHW3Lo-00063-00012671-00012893 aggression looking Hardy I still want to zAMHnCHW3Lo-00064-00012894-00013072 get another one to have the pony tail zAMHnCHW3Lo-00065-00013073-00013211 head scan on there maybe change the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00066-00013212-00013288 attire but I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00067-00013290-00013430 - love the way this mail already came zAMHnCHW3Lo-00068-00013431-00013756 out and then the second one is just a zAMHnCHW3Lo-00069-00013757-00013930 head swap between the entrance grates zAMHnCHW3Lo-00070-00013931-00014150 and the new elite 58 and I think this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00071-00014151-00014347 looks cool I think that a hopeless zAMHnCHW3Lo-00072-00014348-00014555 emotion on Instagram also wanted me to zAMHnCHW3Lo-00073-00014556-00014719 do this head swap so I went ahead and zAMHnCHW3Lo-00074-00014720-00014941 did that just to see what it looks like zAMHnCHW3Lo-00075-00014943-00015119 and I think it came out great I think zAMHnCHW3Lo-00076-00015119-00015296 both figures look great can pass off for zAMHnCHW3Lo-00077-00015297-00015442 Matt Hardy I'll probably keep it like zAMHnCHW3Lo-00078-00015443-00015664 this for a while depending on what I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00079-00015665-00015905 want to see but I do like the way all zAMHnCHW3Lo-00080-00015906-00016075 three of these fix up Matt Hardy's came zAMHnCHW3Lo-00081-00016076-00016336 out and I would love to see how the new zAMHnCHW3Lo-00082-00016337-00016499 summer slams look maybe I can do some zAMHnCHW3Lo-00083-00016500-00016727 more head swaps when that releases next zAMHnCHW3Lo-00084-00016728-00016949 up we have this fix-up John Cena in the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00085-00016950-00017186 orange attire and I'm not liking this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00086-00017187-00017308 head scan I want to switch it for zAMHnCHW3Lo-00087-00017309-00017419 something else just because I don't zAMHnCHW3Lo-00088-00017420-00017564 think it sits right on my body it makes zAMHnCHW3Lo-00089-00017565-00017753 them look really short and stocky or zAMHnCHW3Lo-00090-00017754-00017905 stubby I don't really like the way that zAMHnCHW3Lo-00091-00017906-00017947 looks zAMHnCHW3Lo-00092-00017948-00018200 however I had to have this attire so I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00093-00018201-00018374 went with the blue shorts the shoes zAMHnCHW3Lo-00094-00018375-00018539 aren't accurate I do got to paint up the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00095-00018540-00018733 new shoes or wait for the elite 60 to zAMHnCHW3Lo-00096-00018734-00018974 get the shoes accurate but I do like zAMHnCHW3Lo-00097-00018975-00019166 this the orange and blue attire with the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00098-00019167-00019444 blue shorts orange shirt elite 54 hat zAMHnCHW3Lo-00099-00019445-00019646 and arms and head scan again I do want zAMHnCHW3Lo-00100-00019647-00019762 to switch to head skin because I'm not zAMHnCHW3Lo-00101-00019763-00019928 feeling that but I'm very happy to add zAMHnCHW3Lo-00102-00019929-00020147 this John finally to my collection it's zAMHnCHW3Lo-00103-00020148-00020422 very overdue so now I'm looking to get D zAMHnCHW3Lo-00104-00020423-00020572 lime green attire done I've been wanting zAMHnCHW3Lo-00105-00020573-00020683 to get that done for quite a while now zAMHnCHW3Lo-00106-00020684-00020989 so hopefully soon I'll have it done the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00107-00020990-00021172 next fix up I have guys is this new zAMHnCHW3Lo-00108-00021173-00021449 Elite 58 Cesaro fix up what I did was zAMHnCHW3Lo-00109-00021450-00021608 switch the right arm with a finn bálor zAMHnCHW3Lo-00110-00021609-00021800 basic to give it that black sleeve look zAMHnCHW3Lo-00111-00021801-00022049 and in the kneepads I did a lower leg zAMHnCHW3Lo-00112-00022050-00022219 swap and then came in with knee pads zAMHnCHW3Lo-00113-00022220-00022465 put the white large D pads behind the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00114-00022466-00022805 black sort of Randy Orton knee pads not zAMHnCHW3Lo-00115-00022806-00022921 the ones he wears in real life for the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00116-00022922-00023239 ones they always give his figures and I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00117-00023240-00023461 went down changed the lower legs to Bo zAMHnCHW3Lo-00118-00023462-00023689 Dallas lower legs I believe and then I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00119-00023690-00023875 put out Berta Del Rio boots on there I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00120-00023876-00024080 will have to do a switch obviously I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00121-00024081-00024308 want to get some elite 43 Alberto Del zAMHnCHW3Lo-00122-00024309-00024456 Rio boots because they're more accurate zAMHnCHW3Lo-00123-00024457-00024677 acetone the logos off still got to do zAMHnCHW3Lo-00124-00024678-00024914 that as well but I like this is ro I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00125-00024915-00025072 think it works perfect for him I like zAMHnCHW3Lo-00126-00025073-00025228 the longer boots look and I actually zAMHnCHW3Lo-00127-00025229-00025396 have a picture maybe I can bring it up zAMHnCHW3Lo-00128-00025397-00025606 to show you why I did this I also zAMHnCHW3Lo-00129-00025607-00025795 thought about removing these black knee zAMHnCHW3Lo-00130-00025797-00025972 pads and just painting the face of the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00131-00025973-00026137 white ones black instead of having this zAMHnCHW3Lo-00132-00026138-00026296 look and like I don't know what do you zAMHnCHW3Lo-00133-00026297-00026464 guys think I want to know your comments zAMHnCHW3Lo-00134-00026465-00026626 down in the comment section definitely zAMHnCHW3Lo-00135-00026627-00026745 let me know what you think this is Auto zAMHnCHW3Lo-00136-00026747-00027058 fix-up and I am digging the way it came zAMHnCHW3Lo-00137-00027058-00027223 out though here's a little back shot of zAMHnCHW3Lo-00138-00027224-00027439 it there is a hole in the knee pad zAMHnCHW3Lo-00139-00027439-00027595 actually was heating it up trying to get zAMHnCHW3Lo-00140-00027595-00027765 it over these large knee pads very tough zAMHnCHW3Lo-00141-00027766-00028018 thing to do and it did tear but I am zAMHnCHW3Lo-00142-00028019-00028177 happy with the way it came out please zAMHnCHW3Lo-00143-00028177-00028324 let me know what your thoughts are down zAMHnCHW3Lo-00144-00028325-00028474 in the comments section and the last zAMHnCHW3Lo-00145-00028475-00028639 figure I have for you guys is a fully zAMHnCHW3Lo-00146-00028639-00028960 painted custom as you know in my custom zAMHnCHW3Lo-00147-00028961-00029227 Batista vs. Mattel Batista video I said zAMHnCHW3Lo-00148-00029227-00029439 that I wanted to do a custom a new zAMHnCHW3Lo-00149-00029440-00029707 custom with the Oder WrestleMania 21 but zAMHnCHW3Lo-00150-00029708-00029868 teesta and this is the result guys I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00151-00029869-00030061 went in on my story you guys said I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00152-00030062-00030205 should do a fantasy attire so that's zAMHnCHW3Lo-00153-00030206-00030370 what I did I came in did a black and zAMHnCHW3Lo-00154-00030370-00030552 gold attire as you can see the trunk zAMHnCHW3Lo-00155-00030553-00030718 Satan the animal and gold with white zAMHnCHW3Lo-00156-00030719-00031005 outline on the black trunks and on the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00157-00031006-00031264 back I custom painted this Batista logo zAMHnCHW3Lo-00158-00031264-00031440 on there and I'm happy with the way it zAMHnCHW3Lo-00159-00031441-00031693 came out I didn't want that logo of him zAMHnCHW3Lo-00160-00031694-00031833 with the slashes going through it so I zAMHnCHW3Lo-00161-00031834-00032173 went with my own favorite logo of zAMHnCHW3Lo-00162-00032174-00032368 Bateses I just always loved that be logo zAMHnCHW3Lo-00163-00032369-00032560 so I went with that I am happy with the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00164-00032561-00032715 way it came out and I love the way the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00165-00032716-00032905 boots came out as well I put that shiny zAMHnCHW3Lo-00166-00032906-00033120 gloss on there with the gold to cover zAMHnCHW3Lo-00167-00033121-00033301 the red and I think it came out amazing zAMHnCHW3Lo-00168-00033302-00033535 I am loving this Batista even though zAMHnCHW3Lo-00169-00033536-00033724 it's not accurate to any attire he wore zAMHnCHW3Lo-00170-00033725-00033999 I am happy with this attire they just zAMHnCHW3Lo-00171-00034000-00034155 sort of popped in my head so I went with zAMHnCHW3Lo-00172-00034156-00034282 it please let me know down in the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00173-00034283-00034432 comment section below what you guys zAMHnCHW3Lo-00174-00034433-00034648 think of it I am loving it like I said zAMHnCHW3Lo-00175-00034649-00034839 black and gold looks very great together zAMHnCHW3Lo-00176-00034840-00035046 and I don't know I think the boots are zAMHnCHW3Lo-00177-00035047-00035214 really what does it for me and the logo zAMHnCHW3Lo-00178-00035215-00035389 on the back I love that logo I wish you zAMHnCHW3Lo-00179-00035390-00035526 would have used that more often on his zAMHnCHW3Lo-00180-00035527-00035785 attires but yes let me know what you zAMHnCHW3Lo-00181-00035786-00036007 think of this Batista down below but zAMHnCHW3Lo-00182-00036008-00036183 that about does involve the new WWE zAMHnCHW3Lo-00183-00036184-00036367 figures and fix-ups and customs I have zAMHnCHW3Lo-00184-00036368-00036508 where you guys thank you so much for zAMHnCHW3Lo-00185-00036509-00036682 watching again down in the comments zAMHnCHW3Lo-00186-00036683-00036799 section below let me know what your zAMHnCHW3Lo-00187-00036800-00036973 favorite figure is from this little zAMHnCHW3Lo-00188-00036974-00037155 collection of source right here let me zAMHnCHW3Lo-00189-00037156-00037305 know what you think of each individual zAMHnCHW3Lo-00190-00037306-00037510 figure as well leave it like subscribe zAMHnCHW3Lo-00191-00037511-00037768 for more epic WWE WWE figure related zAMHnCHW3Lo-00192-00037769-00037936 videos and I will see you guys in the zAMHnCHW3Lo-00193-00037937-00038302 next video thank you zD9qGKcxtHg-00000-00000010-00000298 the University of Oxford is a Collegiate zD9qGKcxtHg-00001-00000299-00000545 Research University in Oxford England zD9qGKcxtHg-00002-00000546-00000788 there is evidence of teaching as far zD9qGKcxtHg-00003-00000789-00001025 back as 1096 making it the oldest zD9qGKcxtHg-00004-00001026-00001199 university in the english-speaking world zD9qGKcxtHg-00005-00001200-00001427 in the world's second oldest university zD9qGKcxtHg-00006-00001428-00001690 in continuous operation it grew rapidly zD9qGKcxtHg-00007-00001691-00002039 from 1167 when henry ii banned english zD9qGKcxtHg-00008-00002039-00002224 students from attending the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00009-00002225-00002537 of paris after disputes between students zD9qGKcxtHg-00010-00002538-00002785 and oxford towns folk in 1209 some zD9qGKcxtHg-00011-00002786-00002983 academics fled northeast to Cambridge zD9qGKcxtHg-00012-00002984-00003146 where they established what became the zD9qGKcxtHg-00013-00003147-00003413 University of Cambridge the two ancient zD9qGKcxtHg-00014-00003414-00003635 universities are frequently jointly zD9qGKcxtHg-00015-00003636-00003920 referred to as Oxbridge the history and zD9qGKcxtHg-00016-00003921-00004094 influence of the University of Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00017-00004095-00004310 has made it one of the most prestigious zD9qGKcxtHg-00018-00004311-00004532 universities in the world the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00019-00004533-00004775 has made up of 38 constituent colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00020-00004776-00004982 and a range of academic departments zD9qGKcxtHg-00021-00004983-00005149 which are organized into four divisions zD9qGKcxtHg-00022-00005150-00005426 all the colleges are self-governing zD9qGKcxtHg-00023-00005427-00005630 institutions within the university each zD9qGKcxtHg-00024-00005631-00005813 controlling its own membership and with zD9qGKcxtHg-00025-00005814-00005957 its own internal structure and zD9qGKcxtHg-00026-00005958-00006185 activities it does not have a main zD9qGKcxtHg-00027-00006186-00006365 campus and its buildings and facilities zD9qGKcxtHg-00028-00006366-00006642 are scattered throughout the city centre zD9qGKcxtHg-00029-00006643-00006863 undergraduate teaching at Oxford is zD9qGKcxtHg-00030-00006864-00007081 organized around weekly tutorials at the zD9qGKcxtHg-00031-00007082-00007321 colleges and halls supported by classes zD9qGKcxtHg-00032-00007322-00007580 lectures seminars and laboratory work zD9qGKcxtHg-00033-00007581-00007798 provided by university faculties and zD9qGKcxtHg-00034-00007799-00007994 departments some postgraduate teaching zD9qGKcxtHg-00035-00007995-00008209 includes tutorials organized by zD9qGKcxtHg-00036-00008210-00008488 faculties and departments it operates zD9qGKcxtHg-00037-00008489-00008710 the world's oldest University Museum as zD9qGKcxtHg-00038-00008711-00008933 well as the largest university press in zD9qGKcxtHg-00039-00008934-00009070 the world in the largest academic zD9qGKcxtHg-00040-00009071-00009427 library system nationwide the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00041-00009428-00009605 is consistently cited as among the zD9qGKcxtHg-00042-00009606-00009838 world's best Oxford has educated many zD9qGKcxtHg-00043-00009839-00010099 notable alumni including 29 Nobel zD9qGKcxtHg-00044-00010100-00010334 laureates 27 prime ministers of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00045-00010335-00010534 United Kingdom and many heads of state zD9qGKcxtHg-00046-00010535-00010774 and government around the world as of zD9qGKcxtHg-00047-00010775-00011149 2017 69 Nobel Prize winners three fields zD9qGKcxtHg-00048-00011150-00011371 medalists and six Turing Award winners zD9qGKcxtHg-00049-00011372-00011569 have studied worked or held visiting zD9qGKcxtHg-00050-00011570-00011766 fellowships at the University of Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00051-00011767-00012139 it's alumni have won 160 Olympic medals zD9qGKcxtHg-00052-00012140-00012334 Oxford is the home of the Rhodes zD9qGKcxtHg-00053-00012335-00012530 Scholarship one of the world's oldest zD9qGKcxtHg-00054-00012531-00012969 international scholarships zD9qGKcxtHg-00055-00012971-00013474 topic history zD9qGKcxtHg-00056-00013475-00013941 topic founding zD9qGKcxtHg-00057-00013943-00014197 the University of Oxford has no known zD9qGKcxtHg-00058-00014197-00014403 foundation date teaching at Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00059-00014404-00014709 existed in some form as early as 1096 zD9qGKcxtHg-00060-00014710-00014928 but it is unclear when a university came zD9qGKcxtHg-00061-00014929-00015297 into being it grew quickly in 1167 when zD9qGKcxtHg-00062-00015298-00015453 English students returned from the zD9qGKcxtHg-00063-00015454-00015762 University of Paris the historian Gerald zD9qGKcxtHg-00064-00015763-00015975 of Wales lectured to such scholars in zD9qGKcxtHg-00065-00015976-00016236 1188 and the first known foreign scholar zD9qGKcxtHg-00066-00016237-00016587 emo of Friesland arrived in 1190 the zD9qGKcxtHg-00067-00016588-00016786 head of the university had the title of zD9qGKcxtHg-00068-00016787-00017022 chancellor from at least 1201 and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00069-00017023-00017253 masters were recognized as a universitas zD9qGKcxtHg-00070-00017254-00017614 or corporation in 1231 the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00071-00017615-00017850 was granted a Royal Charter in 1248 zD9qGKcxtHg-00072-00017851-00018052 during the reign of King Henry the third zD9qGKcxtHg-00073-00018053-00018255 after disputes between students and zD9qGKcxtHg-00074-00018256-00018553 Oxford townsfolk in 1209 some academics zD9qGKcxtHg-00075-00018554-00018714 fled from the violence to Cambridge zD9qGKcxtHg-00076-00018715-00018874 later forming the University of zD9qGKcxtHg-00077-00018875-00019170 Cambridge the students associated zD9qGKcxtHg-00078-00019171-00019378 together on the basis of geographical zD9qGKcxtHg-00079-00019379-00019624 origins into two nations representing zD9qGKcxtHg-00080-00019625-00019842 the north northerners or by LA's who zD9qGKcxtHg-00081-00019843-00020022 included the English people from north zD9qGKcxtHg-00082-00020023-00020208 of the River Trent in the Scots and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00083-00020209-00020455 south southerners or astrology included zD9qGKcxtHg-00084-00020456-00020631 English people from South of the Trent zD9qGKcxtHg-00085-00020632-00020878 the Irish and the Welsh in later zD9qGKcxtHg-00086-00020879-00021136 centuries geographical origins continued zD9qGKcxtHg-00087-00021137-00021339 to influence many students affiliations zD9qGKcxtHg-00088-00021340-00021519 when membership of a college or Hall zD9qGKcxtHg-00089-00021520-00021828 became customary in Oxford in addition zD9qGKcxtHg-00090-00021829-00022011 members of many religious orders zD9qGKcxtHg-00091-00022012-00022200 including Dominicans Franciscans zD9qGKcxtHg-00092-00022201-00022461 Carmelites and Augustinians settled in zD9qGKcxtHg-00093-00022462-00022689 Oxford in the mid 13th century gained zD9qGKcxtHg-00094-00022690-00022903 influence and maintained houses or halls zD9qGKcxtHg-00095-00022904-00023181 for students at about the same time zD9qGKcxtHg-00096-00023182-00023394 private benefactors established colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00097-00023395-00023618 as self-contained scholarly communities zD9qGKcxtHg-00098-00023619-00023871 among the earliest such founders were zD9qGKcxtHg-00099-00023872-00024127 William of Durham who in 1249 endowed zD9qGKcxtHg-00100-00024128-00024321 University College and John Balliol zD9qGKcxtHg-00101-00024322-00024592 father of a future King of Scots Balliol zD9qGKcxtHg-00102-00024593-00024871 College bears his name another founder zD9qGKcxtHg-00103-00024872-00025086 Walter de Merton a Lord Chancellor of zD9qGKcxtHg-00104-00025087-00025269 England and afterwards Bishop of zD9qGKcxtHg-00105-00025270-00025440 Rochester devised a series of zD9qGKcxtHg-00106-00025441-00025653 regulations for college life Merton zD9qGKcxtHg-00107-00025654-00025824 College thereby became the model for zD9qGKcxtHg-00108-00025825-00026056 such establishments at Oxford as well as zD9qGKcxtHg-00109-00026057-00026217 at the University of Cambridge zD9qGKcxtHg-00110-00026218-00026461 thereafter an increasing number of zD9qGKcxtHg-00111-00026462-00026662 students lived in colleges rather than zD9qGKcxtHg-00112-00026663-00026974 in halls and religious houses in 1333 to zD9qGKcxtHg-00113-00026975-00027217 34 an attempt by some dissatisfied zD9qGKcxtHg-00114-00027218-00027323 Oxford scholar zD9qGKcxtHg-00115-00027324-00027514 to found a new University at Stamford zD9qGKcxtHg-00116-00027516-00027655 Lincolnshire was blocked by the zD9qGKcxtHg-00117-00027656-00027823 universities of Oxford and Cambridge zD9qGKcxtHg-00118-00027824-00028045 petitioning King Edward the third zD9qGKcxtHg-00119-00028045-00028358 thereafter until the 1820s no new zD9qGKcxtHg-00120-00028358-00028543 universities were allowed to be founded zD9qGKcxtHg-00121-00028544-00028696 in England even in London zD9qGKcxtHg-00122-00028697-00028886 thus Oxford and Cambridge had a duopoly zD9qGKcxtHg-00123-00028887-00029132 which was unusual in large Western zD9qGKcxtHg-00124-00029133-00029508 European countries zD9qGKcxtHg-00125-00029508-00030032 topic Renaissance period zD9qGKcxtHg-00126-00030033-00030224 the new learning of the Renaissance zD9qGKcxtHg-00127-00030225-00030430 greatly influenced Oxford from the late zD9qGKcxtHg-00128-00030431-00030770 15th century onwards among university zD9qGKcxtHg-00129-00030770-00030932 scholars of the period were William zD9qGKcxtHg-00130-00030933-00031165 großen who contributed to the revival of zD9qGKcxtHg-00131-00031166-00031370 Greek language studies and John Collette zD9qGKcxtHg-00132-00031370-00031642 the noted biblical scholar with the zD9qGKcxtHg-00133-00031643-00031837 English Reformation and the breaking of zD9qGKcxtHg-00134-00031838-00032024 communion with the Roman Catholic Church zD9qGKcxtHg-00135-00032025-00032249 ricca-san scholars from Oxford fled to zD9qGKcxtHg-00136-00032250-00032455 continental Europe settling especially zD9qGKcxtHg-00137-00032456-00032729 at the university of do a the method of zD9qGKcxtHg-00138-00032730-00032936 teaching at Oxford was transformed from zD9qGKcxtHg-00139-00032937-00033107 the medieval scholastic method to zD9qGKcxtHg-00140-00033108-00033248 Renaissance education although zD9qGKcxtHg-00141-00033249-00033443 institutions associated with the zD9qGKcxtHg-00142-00033444-00033655 University suffered losses of land and zD9qGKcxtHg-00143-00033656-00033911 revenues as a centre of learning and zD9qGKcxtHg-00144-00033912-00034151 scholarship Oxford's reputation declined zD9qGKcxtHg-00145-00034152-00034339 in the Age of Enlightenment enrollments zD9qGKcxtHg-00146-00034340-00034720 fell and teaching was neglected in 1636 zD9qGKcxtHg-00147-00034721-00034907 William laud the Chancellor and zD9qGKcxtHg-00148-00034908-00035114 Archbishop of Canterbury codified the zD9qGKcxtHg-00149-00035115-00035408 university statutes these to a large zD9qGKcxtHg-00150-00035409-00035564 extent remained its governing zD9qGKcxtHg-00151-00035565-00035815 regulations until the mid 19th century zD9qGKcxtHg-00152-00035816-00036067 Vlad was also responsible for the zD9qGKcxtHg-00153-00036068-00036220 granting of a charter securing zD9qGKcxtHg-00154-00036221-00036430 privileges for the University Press and zD9qGKcxtHg-00155-00036431-00036643 he made significant contributions to the zD9qGKcxtHg-00156-00036644-00036868 Bodleian library the main library of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00157-00036869-00037111 university from the beginnings of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00158-00037112-00037286 Church of England as the established zD9qGKcxtHg-00159-00037287-00037558 church until 1866 membership of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00160-00037559-00037748 church was a requirement to receive the zD9qGKcxtHg-00161-00037749-00037918 BA degree from the University in zD9qGKcxtHg-00162-00037919-00038180 dissenters were only permitted to zD9qGKcxtHg-00163-00038181-00038579 receive the MA in 1871 the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00164-00038580-00038749 was a center of the royalist party zD9qGKcxtHg-00165-00038750-00039026 during the English Civil War 1642 to zD9qGKcxtHg-00166-00039027-00039307 1649 while the town favored the opposing zD9qGKcxtHg-00167-00039308-00039599 parliamentarian cause from the mid 18th zD9qGKcxtHg-00168-00039600-00039802 century onwards however the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00169-00039803-00040101 took little part in political conflicts zD9qGKcxtHg-00170-00040102-00040436 Wadham College founded in 1610 was the zD9qGKcxtHg-00171-00040437-00040589 undergraduate College of Sir Christopher zD9qGKcxtHg-00172-00040590-00040892 Wren Wren was part of a brilliant group zD9qGKcxtHg-00173-00040893-00041132 of experimental scientists at Oxford in zD9qGKcxtHg-00174-00041133-00041420 the 1650s the Oxford philosophical Club zD9qGKcxtHg-00175-00041421-00041639 which included Robert Boyle and Robert zD9qGKcxtHg-00176-00041640-00041896 Hooke this group held regular meetings zD9qGKcxtHg-00177-00041897-00042055 at hwadam under the guidance of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00178-00042056-00042280 college's warden John Wilkins and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00179-00042281-00042449 group formed the nucleus which went on zD9qGKcxtHg-00180-00042450-00042866 to found the Royal Society zD9qGKcxtHg-00181-00042867-00043380 topic modern period zD9qGKcxtHg-00182-00043381-00043841 topic students zD9qGKcxtHg-00183-00043842-00044072 the four reforms in the early 19th zD9qGKcxtHg-00184-00044073-00044279 century the curriculum at Oxford was zD9qGKcxtHg-00185-00044280-00044582 notoriously narrow and impractical Sir zD9qGKcxtHg-00186-00044583-00044777 Spencer Walpole a historian of zD9qGKcxtHg-00187-00044778-00044948 contemporary Britain and a senior zD9qGKcxtHg-00188-00044949-00045146 government official had not attended any zD9qGKcxtHg-00189-00045147-00045230 University zD9qGKcxtHg-00190-00045231-00045599 he says few medical men few solicitors zD9qGKcxtHg-00191-00045600-00045842 few persons intended for commerce or zD9qGKcxtHg-00192-00045843-00046049 trade ever dreamed of passing through a zD9qGKcxtHg-00193-00046050-00046391 university career he quotes the Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00194-00046392-00046685 University commissioners in 1852 stating zD9qGKcxtHg-00195-00046686-00046916 the education imparted at Oxford was not zD9qGKcxtHg-00196-00046917-00047108 such as to conduce to the advancement in zD9qGKcxtHg-00197-00047109-00047291 life of many persons except those zD9qGKcxtHg-00198-00047292-00047531 intended for the ministry nevertheless zD9qGKcxtHg-00199-00047532-00047828 Walpole argued among the many zD9qGKcxtHg-00200-00047829-00047983 deficiencies attending a university zD9qGKcxtHg-00201-00047984-00048242 education there was however one good zD9qGKcxtHg-00202-00048243-00048371 thing about it and that was the zD9qGKcxtHg-00203-00048372-00048569 education which the undergraduates gave zD9qGKcxtHg-00204-00048570-00048842 themselves it was impossible to collect zD9qGKcxtHg-00205-00048843-00049016 some thousand or twelve hundred of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00206-00049017-00049208 best young man in England to give them zD9qGKcxtHg-00207-00049209-00049391 the opportunity of making acquaintance zD9qGKcxtHg-00208-00049392-00049580 with one another and full liberty to zD9qGKcxtHg-00209-00049581-00049712 live their lives in their own way zD9qGKcxtHg-00210-00049713-00049898 without evolving in the best among them zD9qGKcxtHg-00211-00049899-00050108 some admirable qualities of loyalty zD9qGKcxtHg-00212-00050109-00050393 independence and self control if the zD9qGKcxtHg-00213-00050394-00050576 average undergraduate carried from zD9qGKcxtHg-00214-00050577-00050789 university little or no learning which zD9qGKcxtHg-00215-00050790-00050981 was of any service to him he carried zD9qGKcxtHg-00216-00050982-00051161 from it a knowledge of men and respect zD9qGKcxtHg-00217-00051162-00051362 for his fellows in himself a reverence zD9qGKcxtHg-00218-00051363-00051548 for the past a code of honor for the zD9qGKcxtHg-00219-00051549-00051683 present which could not but be zD9qGKcxtHg-00220-00051684-00052087 serviceable he had enjoyed opportunities zD9qGKcxtHg-00221-00052088-00052309 of intercourse with men some of whom zD9qGKcxtHg-00222-00052310-00052450 were certain to rise to the highest zD9qGKcxtHg-00223-00052451-00052678 places in the Senate in the church or at zD9qGKcxtHg-00224-00052679-00052909 the bar he might have mixed with them in zD9qGKcxtHg-00225-00052910-00053134 his sports in his studies and perhaps in zD9qGKcxtHg-00226-00053135-00053297 his debating society and any zD9qGKcxtHg-00227-00053298-00053497 associations which he had this formed zD9qGKcxtHg-00228-00053498-00053680 had been useful to him at the time and zD9qGKcxtHg-00229-00053681-00053872 might be a source of satisfaction to him zD9qGKcxtHg-00230-00053873-00054148 in afterlife out of the students who zD9qGKcxtHg-00231-00054149-00054503 matriculated in 1840 65% were sons of zD9qGKcxtHg-00232-00054504-00054736 professionals 34% were Anglican zD9qGKcxtHg-00233-00054737-00055117 ministers after graduation 87% became zD9qGKcxtHg-00234-00055118-00055498 professionals 59% as Anglican clergy out zD9qGKcxtHg-00235-00055499-00055768 of the students who matriculated in 1870 zD9qGKcxtHg-00236-00055769-00056128 59% were sons of professionals 25% were zD9qGKcxtHg-00237-00056129-00056497 Anglican ministers after graduation 87% zD9qGKcxtHg-00238-00056498-00056803 became professionals 42% as Anglican zD9qGKcxtHg-00239-00056804-00057190 clergy m/c her voice and HS Jones argue zD9qGKcxtHg-00240-00057191-00057388 that the rise of organised sport was one zD9qGKcxtHg-00241-00057389-00057572 of the most remarkable and distinctive zD9qGKcxtHg-00242-00057573-00057703 features of the history of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00243-00057704-00057919 universities of Oxford and Cambridge in zD9qGKcxtHg-00244-00057920-00058150 the late 19th and early 20th centuries zD9qGKcxtHg-00245-00058151-00058409 it was carried over from the athleticism zD9qGKcxtHg-00246-00058410-00058628 prevalent at the public schools such as zD9qGKcxtHg-00247-00058629-00058918 Eden Winchester Shrewsbury and Harrow at zD9qGKcxtHg-00248-00058919-00059194 the start of 1914 the university housed zD9qGKcxtHg-00249-00059195-00059494 about 3,000 undergraduates and about 100 zD9qGKcxtHg-00250-00059495-00059765 postgraduate students during the First zD9qGKcxtHg-00251-00059766-00059968 World War many undergraduates and zD9qGKcxtHg-00252-00059969-00060325 fellows joined the Armed Forces by 1918 zD9qGKcxtHg-00253-00060326-00060526 virtually all fellows were in uniform zD9qGKcxtHg-00254-00060527-00060748 and the student population in residence zD9qGKcxtHg-00255-00060749-00061090 was reduced to 12% the university role zD9qGKcxtHg-00256-00061091-00061404 of service records that in total 14,000 zD9qGKcxtHg-00257-00061405-00061693 792 members of the university served in zD9qGKcxtHg-00258-00061694-00062278 the war with 2716 18.3 6% killed not all zD9qGKcxtHg-00259-00062279-00062471 the members of the university who served zD9qGKcxtHg-00260-00062472-00062660 in the great war were on the Allied side zD9qGKcxtHg-00261-00062661-00062842 there is a remarkable memorial to zD9qGKcxtHg-00262-00062843-00063031 members of new college who served in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00263-00063032-00063202 German armed forces bearing the zD9qGKcxtHg-00264-00063203-00063391 inscription in memory of the men of this zD9qGKcxtHg-00265-00063392-00063550 College who coming from a foreign land zD9qGKcxtHg-00266-00063551-00063730 entered into the inheritance of this zD9qGKcxtHg-00267-00063731-00063928 place and returning fought and died for zD9qGKcxtHg-00268-00063929-00064240 their country in the war 1914 to 1918 zD9qGKcxtHg-00269-00064241-00064496 during the war years the University zD9qGKcxtHg-00270-00064497-00064717 buildings became hospitals cadet schools zD9qGKcxtHg-00271-00064718-00065228 and military training camps zD9qGKcxtHg-00272-00065229-00065594 reforms zD9qGKcxtHg-00273-00065595-00065897 to parliamentary commissions in 1852 zD9qGKcxtHg-00274-00065898-00066137 issued recommendations for Oxford and zD9qGKcxtHg-00275-00066138-00066437 Cambridge Archibald Campbell Tate former zD9qGKcxtHg-00276-00066438-00066644 headmaster of rugby school was a key zD9qGKcxtHg-00277-00066645-00066812 member of the Oxford Commission he zD9qGKcxtHg-00278-00066813-00067001 wanted Oxford to follow the German and zD9qGKcxtHg-00279-00067002-00067130 Scottish model in which the zD9qGKcxtHg-00280-00067131-00067355 professorship was paramount the zD9qGKcxtHg-00281-00067356-00067511 commission's report envisioned a zD9qGKcxtHg-00282-00067512-00067745 centralized university run predominantly zD9qGKcxtHg-00283-00067746-00067958 by professors and faculties with a much zD9qGKcxtHg-00284-00067959-00068207 stronger emphasis on research the zD9qGKcxtHg-00285-00068208-00068345 professional staff should be zD9qGKcxtHg-00286-00068346-00068537 strengthened and better paid for zD9qGKcxtHg-00287-00068538-00068741 students restrictions on entry should be zD9qGKcxtHg-00288-00068742-00068933 dropped and more opportunity given to zD9qGKcxtHg-00289-00068934-00069170 poorer families it called for an zD9qGKcxtHg-00290-00069171-00069341 enlargement of the curriculum with zD9qGKcxtHg-00291-00069342-00069604 honours to be awarded in many new fields zD9qGKcxtHg-00292-00069605-00069806 undergraduate scholarships should be zD9qGKcxtHg-00293-00069807-00070064 open to all Britons graduate fellowships zD9qGKcxtHg-00294-00070065-00070232 should be opened up to all members of zD9qGKcxtHg-00295-00070233-00070478 the university it recommended that zD9qGKcxtHg-00296-00070479-00070676 fellows be released from an obligation zD9qGKcxtHg-00297-00070677-00070880 for ordination students were to be zD9qGKcxtHg-00298-00070881-00071057 allowed to save money by boarding in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00299-00071058-00071288 city instead of in a college the system zD9qGKcxtHg-00300-00071289-00071438 of separate honours schools for zD9qGKcxtHg-00301-00071439-00071708 different subjects began in 1802 with zD9qGKcxtHg-00302-00071709-00071935 mathematics and literature mani auras zD9qGKcxtHg-00303-00071936-00072392 schools of natural sciences and law and zD9qGKcxtHg-00304-00072393-00072808 modern history were added in 1853 by zD9qGKcxtHg-00305-00072809-00073135 1872 the last of these had split into zD9qGKcxtHg-00306-00073136-00073456 jurisprudence and modern history zD9qGKcxtHg-00307-00073457-00073772 theology became the 6th honor school in zD9qGKcxtHg-00308-00073773-00074090 addition to these BA honours degrees the zD9qGKcxtHg-00309-00074091-00074363 postgraduate Bachelor of civil law BC L zD9qGKcxtHg-00310-00074364-00074708 was and still is offered the mid 19th zD9qGKcxtHg-00311-00074709-00074903 century saw the impact of the Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00312-00074904-00075287 movement 1833 to 1845 led among others zD9qGKcxtHg-00313-00075288-00075488 by the future cardinal John Henry Newman zD9qGKcxtHg-00314-00075489-00075767 the influence of the reformed model of zD9qGKcxtHg-00315-00075768-00075998 German universities reached Oxford via zD9qGKcxtHg-00316-00075999-00076187 key scholars such as Edward bouverie zD9qGKcxtHg-00317-00076188-00076507 Pusey Benjamin Jowett and Max Muller zD9qGKcxtHg-00318-00076508-00076748 administrative reforms during the 19th zD9qGKcxtHg-00319-00076749-00076973 century included the replacement of oral zD9qGKcxtHg-00320-00076974-00077189 examinations with written entrance tests zD9qGKcxtHg-00321-00077190-00077390 greater tolerance for religious dissent zD9qGKcxtHg-00322-00077391-00077579 and the establishment of for women's zD9qGKcxtHg-00323-00077580-00077885 colleges Privy Council decisions in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00324-00077886-00078116 20th century eg the abolition of zD9qGKcxtHg-00325-00078117-00078371 compulsory daily worship dissociation of zD9qGKcxtHg-00326-00078372-00078581 the regius professorship of Hebrew from zD9qGKcxtHg-00327-00078582-00078803 clerical status diversion of colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00328-00078804-00078972 theological bequests to other zD9qGKcxtHg-00329-00078973-00079118 purposes loosened the link with zD9qGKcxtHg-00330-00079119-00079304 traditional belief in practice zD9qGKcxtHg-00331-00079305-00079526 furthermore although the university's zD9qGKcxtHg-00332-00079527-00079704 emphasis had historically been on zD9qGKcxtHg-00333-00079705-00079860 classical knowledge its curriculum zD9qGKcxtHg-00334-00079861-00080100 expanded during the 19th century to zD9qGKcxtHg-00335-00080101-00080330 include scientific and medical studies zD9qGKcxtHg-00336-00080331-00080580 knowledge of ancient Greek was required zD9qGKcxtHg-00337-00080581-00080862 for admission until 1920 and Latin until zD9qGKcxtHg-00338-00080863-00081257 1960 the University of Oxford began to zD9qGKcxtHg-00339-00081258-00081435 award doctorates in the first third of zD9qGKcxtHg-00340-00081436-00081828 the 20th century the first Oxford DPH il zD9qGKcxtHg-00341-00081829-00082125 in mathematics was awarded in 1921 the zD9qGKcxtHg-00342-00082126-00082371 mid 20th century saw many distinguished zD9qGKcxtHg-00343-00082372-00082629 continental scholars displaced by Nazism zD9qGKcxtHg-00344-00082630-00082953 and communism relocating to Oxford the zD9qGKcxtHg-00345-00082954-00083142 list of distinguished scholars at the zD9qGKcxtHg-00346-00083143-00083340 University of Oxford is long and zD9qGKcxtHg-00347-00083341-00083490 includes many who have made major zD9qGKcxtHg-00348-00083491-00083738 contributions to politics the sciences zD9qGKcxtHg-00349-00083739-00084042 medicine and literature more than 50 zD9qGKcxtHg-00350-00084043-00084246 Nobel laureates and more than 50 world zD9qGKcxtHg-00351-00084247-00084419 leaders have been affiliated with the zD9qGKcxtHg-00352-00084420-00084821 University of Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00353-00084822-00085351 topic women's education zD9qGKcxtHg-00354-00085352-00085699 the university passed a statute in 1875 zD9qGKcxtHg-00355-00085700-00085900 allowing examinations for women at zD9qGKcxtHg-00356-00085901-00086104 roughly undergraduate level for a brief zD9qGKcxtHg-00357-00086105-00086359 period in the early 1900s this allowed zD9qGKcxtHg-00358-00086360-00086704 the steamboat ladies to receive ad unum zD9qGKcxtHg-00359-00086705-00086908 degrees from the University of Dublin in zD9qGKcxtHg-00360-00086909-00087247 June 1878 the association for the higher zD9qGKcxtHg-00361-00087248-00087547 education of women aew was formed aiming zD9qGKcxtHg-00362-00087548-00087739 for the eventual creation of the college zD9qGKcxtHg-00363-00087740-00087979 for women in Oxford some of the more zD9qGKcxtHg-00364-00087980-00088171 prominent members of the Association zD9qGKcxtHg-00365-00088172-00088414 were George Granville Bradley th green zD9qGKcxtHg-00366-00088415-00088729 and Edward Stuart Talbot Talbot insisted zD9qGKcxtHg-00367-00088730-00088948 on a specifically Anglican institution zD9qGKcxtHg-00368-00088949-00089134 which was unacceptable to most of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00369-00089135-00089386 other members the two parties eventually zD9qGKcxtHg-00370-00089387-00089614 split and Talbots group founded Lady zD9qGKcxtHg-00371-00089615-00089920 Margaret Hall in 1878 while th Green zD9qGKcxtHg-00372-00089921-00090121 founded the nondenominational Somerville zD9qGKcxtHg-00373-00090122-00090499 College in 1879 Lady Margaret Hall and zD9qGKcxtHg-00374-00090500-00090670 Somerville opened their doors to their zD9qGKcxtHg-00375-00090671-00090943 first 21 students 12 from Somerville 9 zD9qGKcxtHg-00376-00090944-00091237 from Lady Margaret Hall in 1879 who zD9qGKcxtHg-00377-00091238-00091414 attended lectures in rooms above an zD9qGKcxtHg-00378-00091415-00091723 Oxford Baker shop there were also 25 zD9qGKcxtHg-00379-00091724-00091930 women's students living at home or with zD9qGKcxtHg-00380-00091931-00092233 friends in 1879 a group which evolved zD9qGKcxtHg-00381-00092234-00092467 into the Society of Oxford home students zD9qGKcxtHg-00382-00092468-00092755 and in 1952 into st. Anne's College zD9qGKcxtHg-00383-00092756-00092950 these first three societies for women zD9qGKcxtHg-00384-00092951-00093256 were followed by st. Hugh's 1886 and st. zD9qGKcxtHg-00385-00093257-00093625 Hilda's 1893 all of these colleges later zD9qGKcxtHg-00386-00093626-00093862 became co-educational starting with Lady zD9qGKcxtHg-00387-00093863-00094144 Margaret Hall and Saint Anne's in 1979 zD9qGKcxtHg-00388-00094145-00094336 and finishing with st. Hilda's which zD9qGKcxtHg-00389-00094337-00094609 began to accept male students in 2008 in zD9qGKcxtHg-00390-00094610-00094909 the early 20th century Oxford and zD9qGKcxtHg-00391-00094910-00095077 Cambridge were widely perceived to be zD9qGKcxtHg-00392-00095078-00095227 bastions of male privilege zD9qGKcxtHg-00393-00095228-00095413 however the integration of women into zD9qGKcxtHg-00394-00095414-00095614 Oxford moved forward during the First zD9qGKcxtHg-00395-00095615-00095674 World War zD9qGKcxtHg-00396-00095675-00096031 in 1916 women were admitted as medical zD9qGKcxtHg-00397-00096032-00096304 students on a par with men and in 1917 zD9qGKcxtHg-00398-00096305-00096505 the university accepted financial zD9qGKcxtHg-00399-00096506-00096730 responsibility for women's examinations zD9qGKcxtHg-00400-00096731-00097015 on the 7th of October 1920 women became zD9qGKcxtHg-00401-00097016-00097213 eligible for admission as full members zD9qGKcxtHg-00402-00097214-00097375 of the University and were given the zD9qGKcxtHg-00403-00097376-00097705 right to take degrees in 1927 the zD9qGKcxtHg-00404-00097706-00097939 university's Dons created a quota that zD9qGKcxtHg-00405-00097940-00098134 limited the number of female students to zD9qGKcxtHg-00406-00098135-00098368 1/4 that of men a ruling which was not zD9qGKcxtHg-00407-00098369-00098736 abolished until 1957 however during the zD9qGKcxtHg-00408-00098737-00098973 period Oxford colleges were single sex zD9qGKcxtHg-00409-00098974-00099186 so the number of women was also limited zD9qGKcxtHg-00410-00099187-00099387 by the capacity of the women's colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00411-00099388-00099729 to admit students it was not until 1959 zD9qGKcxtHg-00412-00099730-00099924 that the women's colleges were given zD9qGKcxtHg-00413-00099925-00100227 full collegiate status in 1974 Brasi zD9qGKcxtHg-00414-00100228-00100473 knows Jesus hwadam Hertford and st. zD9qGKcxtHg-00415-00100474-00100674 Catharines became the first previously zD9qGKcxtHg-00416-00100675-00100935 all-male colleges to admit women the zD9qGKcxtHg-00417-00100936-00101146 majority of men's colleges accepted zD9qGKcxtHg-00418-00101147-00101439 their first female students in 1979 with zD9qGKcxtHg-00419-00101440-00101652 Christ Church following in 1980 an zD9qGKcxtHg-00420-00101653-00101868 Oriole becoming the last men's college zD9qGKcxtHg-00421-00101869-00102234 to admit women in 1985 most of Oxford's zD9qGKcxtHg-00422-00102235-00102417 graduate colleges were founded as zD9qGKcxtHg-00423-00102418-00102612 co-educational establishments in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00424-00102613-00102843 20th century with the exception of Saint zD9qGKcxtHg-00425-00102844-00103026 Anthony's which was founded as a men's zD9qGKcxtHg-00426-00103027-00103273 College in 1950 and began to accept zD9qGKcxtHg-00427-00103274-00103755 women only in 1962 by 1988 40% of zD9qGKcxtHg-00428-00103756-00103980 undergraduates at Oxford were female in zD9qGKcxtHg-00429-00103981-00104098 2016 zD9qGKcxtHg-00430-00104099-00104469 45% of the student population and 47% of zD9qGKcxtHg-00431-00104470-00104676 undergraduate students were female in zD9qGKcxtHg-00432-00104677-00104979 June 2017 Oxford announced that starting zD9qGKcxtHg-00433-00104980-00105148 the following academic year history zD9qGKcxtHg-00434-00105149-00105319 students may choose to sit a take-home zD9qGKcxtHg-00435-00105320-00105552 exam in some courses with the intention zD9qGKcxtHg-00436-00105553-00105714 that this will equalize rates of first zD9qGKcxtHg-00437-00105715-00106002 awarded to women and men at Oxford that zD9qGKcxtHg-00438-00106003-00106233 same summer maths and computer science zD9qGKcxtHg-00439-00106234-00106488 tests were extended by 15 minutes in a zD9qGKcxtHg-00440-00106489-00106672 bid to see if female students scores zD9qGKcxtHg-00441-00106673-00106878 would improve the detective novel gaudy zD9qGKcxtHg-00442-00106879-00107151 night by Dorothy L sayers herself one of zD9qGKcxtHg-00443-00107152-00107328 the first women to gain an academic zD9qGKcxtHg-00444-00107329-00107553 degree from Oxford is largely set in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00445-00107554-00107743 all-female Shrewsbury College Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00446-00107744-00107944 based on sayers own Somerville College zD9qGKcxtHg-00447-00107945-00108165 and the issue of women's education is zD9qGKcxtHg-00448-00108166-00108465 central to its plot social historian and zD9qGKcxtHg-00449-00108466-00108627 Somerville College alumna Jane zD9qGKcxtHg-00450-00108628-00108810 Robinson's book blue stockings a zD9qGKcxtHg-00451-00108811-00109008 remarkable history of the first women to zD9qGKcxtHg-00452-00109009-00109195 fight for an education gives a very zD9qGKcxtHg-00453-00109196-00109377 detailed in immersive account of this zD9qGKcxtHg-00454-00109378-00109717 history zD9qGKcxtHg-00455-00109718-00110274 topic buildings and sites zD9qGKcxtHg-00456-00110275-00110733 topic map zD9qGKcxtHg-00457-00110734-00111234 topic main sites zD9qGKcxtHg-00458-00111235-00111589 the university is a City University in zD9qGKcxtHg-00459-00111590-00111769 that it does not have a main campus zD9qGKcxtHg-00460-00111770-00111963 instead colleges departments zD9qGKcxtHg-00461-00111964-00112195 accommodation and other facilities are zD9qGKcxtHg-00462-00112196-00112434 scattered throughout the city center the zD9qGKcxtHg-00463-00112435-00112639 science area in which most science zD9qGKcxtHg-00464-00112640-00112854 departments are located is the area that zD9qGKcxtHg-00465-00112855-00113053 bears closest resemblance to a campus zD9qGKcxtHg-00466-00113054-00113341 the 10-acre four hectare Radcliffe zD9qGKcxtHg-00467-00113342-00113557 observatory quarter in the northwest of zD9qGKcxtHg-00468-00113558-00113729 the city is currently under development zD9qGKcxtHg-00469-00113730-00114036 however the larger colleges sites are of zD9qGKcxtHg-00470-00114038-00114349 similar size to these areas iconic zD9qGKcxtHg-00471-00114350-00114520 University buildings include the zD9qGKcxtHg-00472-00114521-00114741 Radcliffe Camera the Sheldonian theatre zD9qGKcxtHg-00473-00114742-00114954 used for music concerts lectures and zD9qGKcxtHg-00474-00114955-00115134 university ceremonies and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00475-00115135-00115369 examination schools where examinations zD9qGKcxtHg-00476-00115370-00115597 and some lectures take place the zD9qGKcxtHg-00477-00115598-00115789 University Church of Saint Mary the zD9qGKcxtHg-00478-00115790-00115963 Virgin was used for university zD9qGKcxtHg-00479-00115964-00116146 ceremonies before the construction of zD9qGKcxtHg-00480-00116147-00116398 the Sheldonian Christchurch Cathedral zD9qGKcxtHg-00481-00116399-00116644 uniquely serves as both a college chapel zD9qGKcxtHg-00482-00116645-00116991 and as a cathedral in 2012-13 the zD9qGKcxtHg-00483-00116992-00117199 university built the controversial 1 zD9qGKcxtHg-00484-00117200-00117540 hectare 400 meters x 25 metres Castle zD9qGKcxtHg-00485-00117541-00117778 mill development of 4 to 5 storey blocks zD9qGKcxtHg-00486-00117779-00117988 of student flats overlooking crippling zD9qGKcxtHg-00487-00117989-00118165 meadow and the historic port meadow zD9qGKcxtHg-00488-00118166-00118365 blocking views of the spires in the city zD9qGKcxtHg-00489-00118366-00118611 centre the development has been likened zD9qGKcxtHg-00490-00118613-00118843 to building a skyscraper besides zD9qGKcxtHg-00491-00118844-00119272 Stonehenge zD9qGKcxtHg-00492-00119273-00119748 topic parks zD9qGKcxtHg-00493-00119749-00120015 the university parks are a 70-acre zD9qGKcxtHg-00494-00120016-00120231 twenty eight hectares parkland area in zD9qGKcxtHg-00495-00120232-00120416 the northeast of the city near Keeble zD9qGKcxtHg-00496-00120417-00120608 college Somerville college and Lady zD9qGKcxtHg-00497-00120609-00120854 Margaret Hall it is open to the public zD9qGKcxtHg-00498-00120855-00121085 during daylight hours as well as zD9qGKcxtHg-00499-00121086-00121320 providing gardens and exotic plants the zD9qGKcxtHg-00500-00121321-00121529 parks contains numerous sports fields zD9qGKcxtHg-00501-00121530-00121656 used for official and unofficial zD9qGKcxtHg-00502-00121657-00121910 fixtures and also contains sites of zD9qGKcxtHg-00503-00121911-00122100 special interest including the genetic zD9qGKcxtHg-00504-00122101-00122283 garden an experimental garden to zD9qGKcxtHg-00505-00122283-00122493 elucidate and investigate evolutionary zD9qGKcxtHg-00506-00122494-00122816 processes the botanic garden on the high zD9qGKcxtHg-00507-00122817-00123021 street is the oldest botanic garden in zD9qGKcxtHg-00508-00123022-00123315 the UK it contains over 8,000 different zD9qGKcxtHg-00509-00123316-00123597 plant species on 1.8 hectares zD9qGKcxtHg-00510-00123598-00123854 four and a half acres it is one of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00511-00123855-00124032 most diverse yet compact major zD9qGKcxtHg-00512-00124033-00124229 collections of plants in the world and zD9qGKcxtHg-00513-00124230-00124488 includes representatives of over 90% of zD9qGKcxtHg-00514-00124489-00124743 the higher plant families the Harcourt zD9qGKcxtHg-00515-00124744-00125106 Arboretum as a 130-acre 53 hectares site zD9qGKcxtHg-00516-00125107-00125352 6 miles 10 kilometres south of the city zD9qGKcxtHg-00517-00125353-00125604 that includes native woodland and 67 zD9qGKcxtHg-00518-00125605-00125984 acres 27 hectares of meadow the 1,000 zD9qGKcxtHg-00519-00125985-00126254 acre 4.0 square kilometres white ahmed's zD9qGKcxtHg-00520-00126255-00126458 are owned by the University and used for zD9qGKcxtHg-00521-00126459-00126701 research in zoology and climate change zD9qGKcxtHg-00522-00126702-00126969 there are also various collegiate owned zD9qGKcxtHg-00523-00126970-00127173 open spaces open to the public including zD9qGKcxtHg-00524-00127174-00127361 Bagley wood and most notably zD9qGKcxtHg-00525-00127363-00127830 Christchurch meadow zD9qGKcxtHg-00526-00127831-00128302 topic organization zD9qGKcxtHg-00527-00128303-00128515 as a collegiate University Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00528-00128516-00128725 structure can be confusing to those zD9qGKcxtHg-00529-00128726-00128998 unfamiliar with it the university is a zD9qGKcxtHg-00530-00128999-00129208 federation comprising over 40 zD9qGKcxtHg-00531-00129208-00129435 self-governing colleges and halls along zD9qGKcxtHg-00532-00129436-00129622 with a central administration headed by zD9qGKcxtHg-00533-00129623-00129946 the vice-chancellor academic departments zD9qGKcxtHg-00534-00129947-00130105 are located centrally within the zD9qGKcxtHg-00535-00130106-00130284 structure of the Federation they are not zD9qGKcxtHg-00536-00130285-00130527 affiliated with any particular college zD9qGKcxtHg-00537-00130528-00130734 departments provide facilities for zD9qGKcxtHg-00538-00130735-00130930 teaching and research determine the zD9qGKcxtHg-00539-00130931-00131128 syllabi and guidelines for the teaching zD9qGKcxtHg-00540-00131129-00131347 of students perform research and deliver zD9qGKcxtHg-00541-00131348-00131665 lectures and seminars colleges arrange zD9qGKcxtHg-00542-00131666-00131818 the tutorial teaching for their zD9qGKcxtHg-00543-00131819-00131998 undergraduates and the members of an zD9qGKcxtHg-00544-00131999-00132166 academic department are spread around zD9qGKcxtHg-00545-00132167-00132475 many colleges though certain colleges do zD9qGKcxtHg-00546-00132476-00132712 have subject alignments eg Nuffield zD9qGKcxtHg-00547-00132713-00132889 College as a center for the social zD9qGKcxtHg-00548-00132890-00133105 sciences these are exceptions and most zD9qGKcxtHg-00549-00133106-00133270 colleges will have a broad mix of zD9qGKcxtHg-00550-00133271-00133462 academics and students from a diverse zD9qGKcxtHg-00551-00133463-00133741 range of subjects facilities such as zD9qGKcxtHg-00552-00133742-00133936 libraries are provided on all these zD9qGKcxtHg-00553-00133937-00134146 levels by the central university the zD9qGKcxtHg-00554-00134147-00134365 Bodleian by the department's individual zD9qGKcxtHg-00555-00134366-00134575 departmental libraries such as the zD9qGKcxtHg-00556-00134576-00134812 English faculty library and by colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00557-00134813-00134941 each of which maintains a zD9qGKcxtHg-00558-00134942-00135154 multi-discipline library for the use of zD9qGKcxtHg-00559-00135155-00135489 its members zD9qGKcxtHg-00560-00135490-00136014 topic central governance zD9qGKcxtHg-00561-00136015-00136251 the university's formal head as the zD9qGKcxtHg-00562-00136252-00136440 Chancellor currently Lord patent of zD9qGKcxtHg-00563-00136441-00136590 Barnes though is at most British zD9qGKcxtHg-00564-00136591-00136812 universities the Chancellor is a titular zD9qGKcxtHg-00565-00136813-00136977 figure and is not involved with the zD9qGKcxtHg-00566-00136978-00137241 day-to-day running of the university the zD9qGKcxtHg-00567-00137242-00137424 Chancellor is elected by the members of zD9qGKcxtHg-00568-00137425-00137646 convocation a body comprising all zD9qGKcxtHg-00569-00137647-00137835 graduates of the University and holds zD9qGKcxtHg-00570-00137836-00138147 office until death the Vice Chancellor zD9qGKcxtHg-00571-00138148-00138351 currently Louise Richardson is the de zD9qGKcxtHg-00572-00138352-00138657 facto head of the University v Pro vice zD9qGKcxtHg-00573-00138658-00138807 chancellors have specific zD9qGKcxtHg-00574-00138808-00139047 responsibilities for education research zD9qGKcxtHg-00575-00139048-00139275 planning and resources development and zD9qGKcxtHg-00576-00139276-00139500 external affairs and personnel and equal zD9qGKcxtHg-00577-00139501-00139806 opportunities the University Council is zD9qGKcxtHg-00578-00139807-00140043 the executive policy forming body which zD9qGKcxtHg-00579-00140044-00140241 consists of the Vice Chancellor as well zD9qGKcxtHg-00580-00140242-00140391 as heads of departments and other zD9qGKcxtHg-00581-00140392-00140586 members elected by congregation in zD9qGKcxtHg-00582-00140587-00140775 addition to observers from the Students zD9qGKcxtHg-00583-00140776-00141099 Union Congregation the Parliament of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00584-00141100-00141507 Dawn's comprises over 3,700 members of zD9qGKcxtHg-00585-00141508-00141675 the university's academic and zD9qGKcxtHg-00586-00141676-00141876 administrative staff and has ultimate zD9qGKcxtHg-00587-00141877-00142095 responsibility for legislative matters zD9qGKcxtHg-00588-00142096-00142332 it discusses and pronounces on policies zD9qGKcxtHg-00589-00142333-00142649 proposed by the University Council zD9qGKcxtHg-00590-00142650-00142931 to university Proctor's elected annually zD9qGKcxtHg-00591-00142932-00143129 on a rotating basis from two of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00592-00143130-00143343 colleges are the internal ombudsman who zD9qGKcxtHg-00593-00143344-00143510 makes sure that the university and its zD9qGKcxtHg-00594-00143511-00143793 members adhere to its statutes this role zD9qGKcxtHg-00595-00143794-00143981 incorporates student welfare and zD9qGKcxtHg-00596-00143982-00144170 discipline as well as oversight of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00597-00144171-00144389 university's proceedings the zD9qGKcxtHg-00598-00144390-00144590 university's professors are collectively zD9qGKcxtHg-00599-00144591-00144815 referred to as the statutory professors zD9qGKcxtHg-00600-00144816-00145064 of the University of Oxford they are zD9qGKcxtHg-00601-00145065-00145268 particularly influential in the running zD9qGKcxtHg-00602-00145269-00145510 of the university's graduate programs zD9qGKcxtHg-00603-00145511-00145784 examples of statutory professors are the zD9qGKcxtHg-00604-00145785-00145937 chief shell professorships and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00605-00145938-00146134 Drummond professor of political economy zD9qGKcxtHg-00606-00146135-00146402 the various academic faculties zD9qGKcxtHg-00607-00146403-00146585 departments and Institute's are zD9qGKcxtHg-00608-00146586-00146801 organized into four divisions each with zD9qGKcxtHg-00609-00146802-00147050 its own head and elected board they are zD9qGKcxtHg-00610-00147051-00147236 the humanities division the Social zD9qGKcxtHg-00611-00147237-00147443 Sciences Division the mathematical zD9qGKcxtHg-00612-00147444-00147653 physical and life sciences division and zD9qGKcxtHg-00613-00147654-00147920 the Medical Sciences Division the zD9qGKcxtHg-00614-00147921-00148157 University of Oxford is a public zD9qGKcxtHg-00615-00148158-00148427 university in the sense that it receives zD9qGKcxtHg-00616-00148428-00148562 some public money from the government zD9qGKcxtHg-00617-00148563-00148898 but it is a private university in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00618-00148899-00149105 sense that it is entirely self-governing zD9qGKcxtHg-00619-00149106-00149273 and in theory could choose to become zD9qGKcxtHg-00620-00149274-00149480 entirely private by rejecting public zD9qGKcxtHg-00621-00149481-00149796 funds zD9qGKcxtHg-00622-00149797-00150285 topic colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00623-00150286-00150507 to be a member of the university all zD9qGKcxtHg-00624-00150508-00150750 students and most academic staff must zD9qGKcxtHg-00625-00150751-00150939 also be a member of a college or Hall zD9qGKcxtHg-00626-00150940-00151194 there are 38 colleges of the University zD9qGKcxtHg-00627-00151195-00151461 of Oxford and six permanent private zD9qGKcxtHg-00628-00151462-00151635 halls each controlling its membership zD9qGKcxtHg-00629-00151636-00151815 and with its own internal structure and zD9qGKcxtHg-00630-00151816-00152121 activities not all colleges offer all zD9qGKcxtHg-00631-00152122-00152328 courses but they generally cover a broad zD9qGKcxtHg-00632-00152329-00152666 range of subjects the colleges are the zD9qGKcxtHg-00633-00152667-00152919 permanent private halls were founded by zD9qGKcxtHg-00634-00152920-00153195 different Christian denominations one zD9qGKcxtHg-00635-00153196-00153423 difference between a college and a pph zD9qGKcxtHg-00636-00153424-00153633 is that whereas colleges are governed by zD9qGKcxtHg-00637-00153634-00153779 the fellows of the college the zD9qGKcxtHg-00638-00153780-00154038 governance of a pph resides at least in zD9qGKcxtHg-00639-00154039-00154221 part with the corresponding Christian zD9qGKcxtHg-00640-00154222-00154550 denomination the six current PP h's are zD9qGKcxtHg-00641-00154551-00154857 the PP HS and colleges joined together zD9qGKcxtHg-00642-00154858-00155058 as the conference of colleges which zD9qGKcxtHg-00643-00155059-00155244 represents the common concerns of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00644-00155245-00155448 several colleges of the University to zD9qGKcxtHg-00645-00155449-00155640 discuss matters of shared interest and zD9qGKcxtHg-00646-00155641-00155856 to act collectively when necessary such zD9qGKcxtHg-00647-00155857-00155994 as in dealings with the central zD9qGKcxtHg-00648-00155995-00156270 university the conference of colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00649-00156271-00156474 was established as a recommendation of zD9qGKcxtHg-00650-00156475-00156750 the Frank's Commission in 1965 teaching zD9qGKcxtHg-00651-00156751-00156975 members of the colleges ie fellows and zD9qGKcxtHg-00652-00156976-00157158 tutors are collectively and familiarly zD9qGKcxtHg-00653-00157159-00157340 known as Dons although the term is zD9qGKcxtHg-00654-00157341-00157560 rarely used by the university itself in zD9qGKcxtHg-00655-00157561-00157815 addition to residential and dining zD9qGKcxtHg-00656-00157816-00158043 facilities the colleges provide social zD9qGKcxtHg-00657-00158044-00158265 cultural and recreational activities for zD9qGKcxtHg-00658-00158266-00158490 their members colleges have zD9qGKcxtHg-00659-00158491-00158649 responsibility for admitting zD9qGKcxtHg-00660-00158650-00158832 undergraduates and organising their zD9qGKcxtHg-00661-00158833-00158988 tuition for graduates this zD9qGKcxtHg-00662-00158989-00159219 responsibility falls upon the department zD9qGKcxtHg-00663-00159220-00159477 there is no common title for the heads zD9qGKcxtHg-00664-00159478-00159687 of colleges the titles used include zD9qGKcxtHg-00665-00159688-00159939 warden Provost principal president zD9qGKcxtHg-00666-00159940-00160372 rector master and Dean zD9qGKcxtHg-00667-00160373-00160865 topic finances zD9qGKcxtHg-00668-00160866-00161232 in 2014-15 the university had an income zD9qGKcxtHg-00669-00161233-00161438 of one thousand four hundred twenty-nine zD9qGKcxtHg-00670-00161439-00161666 million pounds key sources were research zD9qGKcxtHg-00671-00161667-00161864 grants five hundred twenty two point zD9qGKcxtHg-00672-00161865-00162113 nine million pounds an academic fees two zD9qGKcxtHg-00673-00162114-00162275 hundred fifty eight point three million zD9qGKcxtHg-00674-00162276-00162566 pounds the colleges had a total income zD9qGKcxtHg-00675-00162567-00162797 of four hundred fifteen million pounds zD9qGKcxtHg-00676-00162798-00163016 while the university has a larger annual zD9qGKcxtHg-00677-00163017-00163245 income and operating budget the colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-00678-00163246-00163443 have a larger aggregate endowment over zD9qGKcxtHg-00679-00163444-00163673 3.8 billion pounds compared to the zD9qGKcxtHg-00680-00163674-00163857 university's eight hundred thirty four zD9qGKcxtHg-00681-00163858-00164141 million pounds the central University's zD9qGKcxtHg-00682-00164142-00164295 endowment along with some of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00683-00164296-00164516 college's is managed by the university's zD9qGKcxtHg-00684-00164517-00164714 wholly owned endowment management office zD9qGKcxtHg-00685-00164715-00164948 Oxford University endowment management zD9qGKcxtHg-00686-00164949-00165272 formed in 2007 the university has zD9qGKcxtHg-00687-00165273-00165495 substantial investments in fossil fuel zD9qGKcxtHg-00688-00165496-00165697 companies and in 2014 began zD9qGKcxtHg-00689-00165698-00165875 consultations on whether it should zD9qGKcxtHg-00690-00165876-00166071 follow some US universities which have zD9qGKcxtHg-00691-00166072-00166253 committed to sell off their fossil fuel zD9qGKcxtHg-00692-00166254-00166533 investments the university was one of zD9qGKcxtHg-00693-00166534-00166700 the first in the UK to raise money zD9qGKcxtHg-00694-00166701-00166877 through a major public fundraising zD9qGKcxtHg-00695-00166878-00167150 campaign the campaign for Oxford the zD9qGKcxtHg-00696-00167151-00167370 current campaign its second was launched zD9qGKcxtHg-00697-00167371-00167651 in May 2008 and is entitled Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00698-00167652-00167873 thinking the campaign for the University zD9qGKcxtHg-00699-00167874-00168152 of Oxford this is looking to support zD9qGKcxtHg-00700-00168153-00168408 three areas academic posts and programs zD9qGKcxtHg-00701-00168409-00168599 student support and buildings and zD9qGKcxtHg-00702-00168600-00168768 infrastructure having passed its zD9qGKcxtHg-00703-00168769-00169059 original target of 1.25 billion pounds zD9qGKcxtHg-00704-00169060-00169316 in March 2012 the target was raised to 3 zD9qGKcxtHg-00705-00169317-00169613 billion pounds the campaign had raised a zD9qGKcxtHg-00706-00169614-00170165 total of 2 billion pounds by May 2015 zD9qGKcxtHg-00707-00170166-00170684 topic affiliations zD9qGKcxtHg-00708-00170685-00170927 Oxford as a member of the Russell group zD9qGKcxtHg-00709-00170928-00171155 of research-led British universities the zD9qGKcxtHg-00710-00171156-00171356 g5 the League of European research zD9qGKcxtHg-00711-00171357-00171539 universities and the international zD9qGKcxtHg-00712-00171540-00171824 alliance of research universities it is zD9qGKcxtHg-00713-00171825-00172031 also a core member of the europium and zD9qGKcxtHg-00714-00172032-00172274 forms part of the Golden Triangle of zD9qGKcxtHg-00715-00172275-00172505 highly research intensive and elite zD9qGKcxtHg-00716-00172506-00172998 English universities zD9qGKcxtHg-00717-00172999-00173489 pick academic profile zD9qGKcxtHg-00718-00173490-00173976 topic admission zD9qGKcxtHg-00719-00173977-00174234 in common with most British universities zD9qGKcxtHg-00720-00174235-00174417 prospective students apply through the zD9qGKcxtHg-00721-00174418-00174666 UK's application system but prospective zD9qGKcxtHg-00722-00174667-00174885 applicants for the University of Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00723-00174886-00175050 along with those for medicine dentistry zD9qGKcxtHg-00724-00175051-00175299 and University of Cambridge applicants zD9qGKcxtHg-00725-00175300-00175488 must observe an earlier deadline of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00726-00175489-00175689 15th of October to allow a more zD9qGKcxtHg-00727-00175690-00175896 personalised judgment of students who zD9qGKcxtHg-00728-00175897-00176028 might otherwise apply for both zD9qGKcxtHg-00729-00176029-00176205 undergraduate applicants are not zD9qGKcxtHg-00730-00176206-00176394 permitted to apply to both Oxford and zD9qGKcxtHg-00731-00176395-00176637 Cambridge in the same year the only zD9qGKcxtHg-00732-00176638-00176820 exceptions are applicants for organ zD9qGKcxtHg-00733-00176821-00177009 scholarships and those applying to read zD9qGKcxtHg-00734-00177010-00177222 for a second undergraduate degree most zD9qGKcxtHg-00735-00177223-00177420 applicants choose to apply to one of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00736-00177421-00177621 individual colleges which work with each zD9qGKcxtHg-00737-00177622-00177804 other to ensure that the best students zD9qGKcxtHg-00738-00177805-00177999 gain a place somewhere at the university zD9qGKcxtHg-00739-00178000-00178235 regardless of their college preferences zD9qGKcxtHg-00740-00178236-00178470 shortlisting is based on achieved and zD9qGKcxtHg-00741-00178471-00178719 predicted exam results school references zD9qGKcxtHg-00742-00178720-00178911 and in some subjects written admission zD9qGKcxtHg-00743-00178912-00179139 tests or candidate submitted written zD9qGKcxtHg-00744-00179140-00179493 work approximately 60% of applicants are zD9qGKcxtHg-00745-00179494-00179652 shortlisted although this varies by zD9qGKcxtHg-00746-00179653-00179979 subject if a large number of shortlisted zD9qGKcxtHg-00747-00179980-00180156 applicants for a subject choose one zD9qGKcxtHg-00748-00180157-00180333 college then students who name that zD9qGKcxtHg-00749-00180334-00180552 college may be reallocated randomly to zD9qGKcxtHg-00750-00180553-00180723 under subscribed colleges for the zD9qGKcxtHg-00751-00180724-00180972 subject the colleges then invite zD9qGKcxtHg-00752-00180973-00181137 shortlisted candidates for interview zD9qGKcxtHg-00753-00181138-00181326 where they are provided with food and zD9qGKcxtHg-00754-00181327-00181527 accommodation for around three days in zD9qGKcxtHg-00755-00181528-00181764 December most applicants will be zD9qGKcxtHg-00756-00181765-00181977 individually interviewed by academics at zD9qGKcxtHg-00757-00181978-00182226 more than one college students from zD9qGKcxtHg-00758-00182227-00182382 outside Europe can be interviewed zD9qGKcxtHg-00759-00182383-00182633 remotely for example over the internet zD9qGKcxtHg-00760-00182634-00182889 offers are sent out in early January zD9qGKcxtHg-00761-00182890-00183081 with each offer usually being from a zD9qGKcxtHg-00762-00183082-00183360 specific college one in four successful zD9qGKcxtHg-00763-00183361-00183561 candidates receives an offer from a zD9qGKcxtHg-00764-00183562-00183828 college that they did not apply to some zD9qGKcxtHg-00765-00183829-00184140 courses may make open offers to some zD9qGKcxtHg-00766-00184141-00184311 candidates who are not assigned to a zD9qGKcxtHg-00767-00184312-00184542 particular college until a level results zD9qGKcxtHg-00768-00184543-00184752 day in August the university has come zD9qGKcxtHg-00769-00184753-00184911 under criticism for the number of zD9qGKcxtHg-00770-00184912-00185106 students it accepts from private schools zD9qGKcxtHg-00771-00185107-00185337 for instance Laura Spencer's rejection zD9qGKcxtHg-00772-00185338-00185544 from the University in 2000 led to zD9qGKcxtHg-00773-00185545-00185910 widespread debate in 2016 the University zD9qGKcxtHg-00774-00185911-00186213 of Oxford gave 59% of offers to UK zD9qGKcxtHg-00775-00186214-00186381 students to students from state schools zD9qGKcxtHg-00776-00186382-00186762 while about 93% of all UK pupils and 86% zD9qGKcxtHg-00777-00186763-00187068 of post-16 UK pupils are educated in zD9qGKcxtHg-00778-00187069-00187359 state schools however 64 zD9qGKcxtHg-00779-00187360-00187557 percent of UK applicants were from state zD9qGKcxtHg-00780-00187558-00187746 schools and the University notes that zD9qGKcxtHg-00781-00187747-00187881 state school students apply zD9qGKcxtHg-00782-00187882-00188078 disproportionately to oversubscribed zD9qGKcxtHg-00783-00188079-00188412 subjects Oxford University spends over zD9qGKcxtHg-00784-00188413-00188634 six million pounds per year on outreach zD9qGKcxtHg-00785-00188635-00188828 programs to encourage applicants from zD9qGKcxtHg-00786-00188829-00189090 underrepresented demographics in 2018 zD9qGKcxtHg-00787-00189091-00189278 the university's annual admissions zD9qGKcxtHg-00788-00189279-00189452 report revealed that approximately zD9qGKcxtHg-00789-00189453-00189651 one-third of Oxford's colleges had zD9qGKcxtHg-00790-00189652-00189887 accepted three or fewer black applicants zD9qGKcxtHg-00791-00189888-00190178 David Lammy said this is social zD9qGKcxtHg-00792-00190179-00190340 apartheid and it is utterly zD9qGKcxtHg-00793-00190341-00190541 unrepresentative of life in modern zD9qGKcxtHg-00794-00190542-00190952 Britain zD9qGKcxtHg-00795-00190953-00191494 topic teaching and degrees zD9qGKcxtHg-00796-00191495-00191725 undergraduate teaching is centered on zD9qGKcxtHg-00797-00191726-00191947 the tutorial where one to four students zD9qGKcxtHg-00798-00191948-00192102 spend an hour with an academic zD9qGKcxtHg-00799-00192103-00192291 discussing their week's work usually in zD9qGKcxtHg-00800-00192292-00192598 sa humanities most social sciences some zD9qGKcxtHg-00801-00192599-00192777 mathematical physical and life sciences zD9qGKcxtHg-00802-00192778-00193065 or problem sheet most mathematical zD9qGKcxtHg-00803-00193066-00193278 physical and life sciences and some zD9qGKcxtHg-00804-00193279-00193597 social sciences the university itself is zD9qGKcxtHg-00805-00193598-00193752 responsible for conducting examinations zD9qGKcxtHg-00806-00193753-00194059 and conferring degrees undergraduate zD9qGKcxtHg-00807-00194060-00194233 teaching takes place during three zD9qGKcxtHg-00808-00194234-00194443 eight-week academic terms mikkel Miss zD9qGKcxtHg-00809-00194444-00194668 Hilary and Trinity these are officially zD9qGKcxtHg-00810-00194669-00194884 known as full term term is a lengthier zD9qGKcxtHg-00811-00194885-00195022 period with little practical zD9qGKcxtHg-00812-00195023-00195240 significance internally the weeks in a zD9qGKcxtHg-00813-00195241-00195441 term begin on Sundays and are referred zD9qGKcxtHg-00814-00195442-00195610 to numerically with the initial week zD9qGKcxtHg-00815-00195611-00195937 known as first week the last s eighth zD9qGKcxtHg-00816-00195938-00196195 week and with the numbering extended to zD9qGKcxtHg-00817-00196196-00196411 refer to weeks before an after term for zD9qGKcxtHg-00818-00196412-00196803 example minus one stone week and 0th zD9qGKcxtHg-00819-00196804-00197137 week precede term undergraduates must be zD9qGKcxtHg-00820-00197138-00197352 in residence from Thursday of 0th week zD9qGKcxtHg-00821-00197353-00197557 these teaching terms are shorter than zD9qGKcxtHg-00822-00197558-00197761 those of most other British universities zD9qGKcxtHg-00823-00197762-00197956 and their total duration amounts to less zD9qGKcxtHg-00824-00197957-00198138 than half the year however zD9qGKcxtHg-00825-00198139-00198394 undergraduates are also expected to do zD9qGKcxtHg-00826-00198395-00198564 some academic work during the three zD9qGKcxtHg-00827-00198565-00198748 holidays known as the Christmas Easter zD9qGKcxtHg-00828-00198749-00199111 and long vacations research degrees at zD9qGKcxtHg-00829-00199112-00199275 the Masters and doctoral level are zD9qGKcxtHg-00830-00199276-00199468 conferred in all subjects studied a zD9qGKcxtHg-00831-00199469-00199974 graduate level at the University zD9qGKcxtHg-00832-00199975-00200537 topic scholarships and financial support zD9qGKcxtHg-00833-00200538-00200717 there are many opportunities for zD9qGKcxtHg-00834-00200718-00200951 students at Oxford to receive financial zD9qGKcxtHg-00835-00200952-00201077 help during their studies zD9qGKcxtHg-00836-00201078-00201329 the Oxford opportunity bursaries zD9qGKcxtHg-00837-00201330-00201623 introduced in 2006 are university-wide zD9qGKcxtHg-00838-00201624-00201845 means based bursaries available to any zD9qGKcxtHg-00839-00201846-00202028 British undergraduate with a total zD9qGKcxtHg-00840-00202029-00202373 possible grant of 10,000 235 pounds over zD9qGKcxtHg-00841-00202374-00202604 a three year degree in addition zD9qGKcxtHg-00842-00202605-00202859 individual colleges also offer bursaries zD9qGKcxtHg-00843-00202860-00203096 and funds to help their students for zD9qGKcxtHg-00844-00203097-00203198 graduate study zD9qGKcxtHg-00845-00203199-00203384 there are many scholarships attached to zD9qGKcxtHg-00846-00203385-00203582 the university available to students zD9qGKcxtHg-00847-00203583-00203747 from all sorts of backgrounds from zD9qGKcxtHg-00848-00203748-00203924 Rhodes scholarships to the relatively zD9qGKcxtHg-00849-00203925-00204254 new widen felt scholarships Oxford also zD9qGKcxtHg-00850-00204255-00204443 offers the Clarendon scholarship which zD9qGKcxtHg-00851-00204444-00204632 is open to graduate applicants of all zD9qGKcxtHg-00852-00204633-00204923 nationalities the Clarendon scholarship zD9qGKcxtHg-00853-00204923-00205100 is principally funded by Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-00854-00205101-00205301 University Press in association with zD9qGKcxtHg-00855-00205302-00205600 colleges and other partnership Awards in zD9qGKcxtHg-00856-00205601-00205714 2016 zD9qGKcxtHg-00857-00205715-00205912 Oxford University announced that it is zD9qGKcxtHg-00858-00205913-00206126 to run its first free online economics zD9qGKcxtHg-00859-00206127-00206351 course as part of a massive open online zD9qGKcxtHg-00860-00206352-00206744 course MOOC scheme in partnership with zD9qGKcxtHg-00861-00206744-00207064 aus online University Network the course zD9qGKcxtHg-00862-00207065-00207254 available is called from poverty to zD9qGKcxtHg-00863-00207255-00207463 prosperity understanding economic zD9qGKcxtHg-00864-00207464-00207782 development students successful in early zD9qGKcxtHg-00865-00207783-00207961 examinations are rewarded by their zD9qGKcxtHg-00866-00207962-00208123 colleges with scholarships and zD9qGKcxtHg-00867-00208125-00208328 exhibitions normally the result of a zD9qGKcxtHg-00868-00208329-00208505 long-standing endowment although since zD9qGKcxtHg-00869-00208506-00208694 the introduction of tuition fees the zD9qGKcxtHg-00870-00208694-00208861 amounts of money available are purely zD9qGKcxtHg-00871-00208862-00209164 nominal scholars and exhibition errs in zD9qGKcxtHg-00872-00209165-00209338 some colleges are entitled to wear a zD9qGKcxtHg-00873-00209339-00209515 more voluminous undergraduate gown zD9qGKcxtHg-00874-00209516-00209813 commoners originally those who had to zD9qGKcxtHg-00875-00209814-00210086 pay for their Commons or food and zD9qGKcxtHg-00876-00210087-00210254 lodging are restricted to a short zD9qGKcxtHg-00877-00210255-00210619 sleeveless garment the term scholar in zD9qGKcxtHg-00878-00210621-00210823 relation to Oxford therefore has a zD9qGKcxtHg-00879-00210825-00210998 specific meaning as well as the more zD9qGKcxtHg-00880-00210998-00211142 general meaning of someone of zD9qGKcxtHg-00881-00211142-00211463 outstanding academic ability in previous zD9qGKcxtHg-00882-00211464-00211783 times there were noblemen commoners and zD9qGKcxtHg-00883-00211784-00212090 gentlemen commoners but these ranks were zD9qGKcxtHg-00884-00212091-00212392 abolished in the 19th century closed zD9qGKcxtHg-00885-00212392-00212609 scholarships available only to zD9qGKcxtHg-00886-00212610-00212767 candidates who fitted specific zD9qGKcxtHg-00887-00212769-00212971 conditions such as coming from specific zD9qGKcxtHg-00888-00212973-00213564 schools were abolished in the 1970s zD9qGKcxtHg-00889-00213565-00214062 topic libraries zD9qGKcxtHg-00890-00214063-00214305 the university maintains the largest zD9qGKcxtHg-00891-00214306-00214557 university library system in the UK and zD9qGKcxtHg-00892-00214558-00214785 with over 11 million volumes housed on zD9qGKcxtHg-00893-00214786-00215163 120 miles 190 kilometers of shelving the zD9qGKcxtHg-00894-00215164-00215325 Bodleian group as the second largest zD9qGKcxtHg-00895-00215326-00215550 library in the UK after the British zD9qGKcxtHg-00896-00215551-00215867 Library the Bodleian as a legal deposit zD9qGKcxtHg-00897-00215869-00216057 library which means that it is entitled zD9qGKcxtHg-00898-00216058-00216248 to request a free copy of every book zD9qGKcxtHg-00899-00216250-00216534 published in the UK as such its zD9qGKcxtHg-00900-00216535-00216729 collection is growing at a rate of over zD9qGKcxtHg-00901-00216730-00216963 three miles five kilometres of shelving zD9qGKcxtHg-00902-00216964-00217152 every year the buildings referred to as zD9qGKcxtHg-00903-00217153-00217362 the university's main research library zD9qGKcxtHg-00904-00217363-00217575 the Bodleian consists of the original zD9qGKcxtHg-00905-00217576-00217761 Bodleian library in the old school's zD9qGKcxtHg-00906-00217762-00218007 quadrangle founded by Sir Thomas bodily zD9qGKcxtHg-00907-00218008-00218367 in 1598 and opened in 1602 the Radcliffe zD9qGKcxtHg-00908-00218367-00218565 Camera the Clarendon building and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00909-00218566-00218850 Weston library a tunnel underneath Broad zD9qGKcxtHg-00910-00218851-00219048 Street connects these buildings with the zD9qGKcxtHg-00911-00219048-00219237 Gladstone link which opened to readers zD9qGKcxtHg-00912-00219238-00219480 in 2011 connecting the old Bodleian and zD9qGKcxtHg-00913-00219481-00219792 Radcliffe Camera the Bodleian libraries zD9qGKcxtHg-00914-00219792-00220014 group was formed in 2000 bringing the zD9qGKcxtHg-00915-00220015-00220223 Bodleian library and some of the subject zD9qGKcxtHg-00916-00220225-00220551 libraries together it now comprises 28 zD9qGKcxtHg-00917-00220552-00220742 libraries a number of which have been zD9qGKcxtHg-00918-00220744-00220956 created by bringing previously separate zD9qGKcxtHg-00919-00220957-00221123 collections together including the zD9qGKcxtHg-00920-00221125-00221340 Sackler library Social Science Library zD9qGKcxtHg-00921-00221341-00221646 and Radcliffe Science Library another zD9qGKcxtHg-00922-00221646-00221846 major project of this collaboration has zD9qGKcxtHg-00923-00221848-00222084 been a joint integrated library system zD9qGKcxtHg-00924-00222085-00222303 Ollis Oxford libraries information zD9qGKcxtHg-00925-00222304-00222531 system and its public interface solo zD9qGKcxtHg-00926-00222532-00222756 search Oxford libraries online which zD9qGKcxtHg-00927-00222757-00222981 provides an electronic catalog covering zD9qGKcxtHg-00928-00222982-00223176 all member libraries as well as the zD9qGKcxtHg-00929-00223177-00223392 libraries of individual colleges and zD9qGKcxtHg-00930-00223392-00223584 other faculty libraries which are not zD9qGKcxtHg-00931-00223585-00223746 members of the group but do share zD9qGKcxtHg-00932-00223746-00223935 cataloging information a new Book zD9qGKcxtHg-00933-00223936-00224154 Depository opened in South Marston zD9qGKcxtHg-00934-00224155-00224409 Swindon in October 2010 and recent zD9qGKcxtHg-00935-00224410-00224610 building projects include the remodeling zD9qGKcxtHg-00936-00224611-00224778 of the new Bodleian building which was zD9qGKcxtHg-00937-00224779-00224961 renamed the Weston library when it zD9qGKcxtHg-00938-00224962-00225264 reopened in 2015 the renovation is zD9qGKcxtHg-00939-00225265-00225417 designed to better showcase the zD9qGKcxtHg-00940-00225417-00225600 library's various treasures which zD9qGKcxtHg-00941-00225601-00225819 include a Shakespeare first folio and a zD9qGKcxtHg-00942-00225819-00226002 Gutenberg Bible as well as temporary zD9qGKcxtHg-00943-00226003-00226335 exhibitions the Bodleian engaged in a zD9qGKcxtHg-00944-00226336-00226578 mass digitization project with Google in zD9qGKcxtHg-00945-00226579-00226971 2004 notable electronic resources hosted zD9qGKcxtHg-00946-00226971-00227139 by the Bodleian group include the zD9qGKcxtHg-00947-00227140-00227337 electronic enlightenment project which zD9qGKcxtHg-00948-00227338-00227429 was awarded the zD9qGKcxtHg-00949-00227430-00227633 ten digital prize by the British society zD9qGKcxtHg-00950-00227634-00228169 for eighteenth-century studies zD9qGKcxtHg-00951-00228171-00228594 soppec museums zD9qGKcxtHg-00952-00228594-00228864 Oxford maintains a number of museums and zD9qGKcxtHg-00953-00228865-00229055 galleries open for free to the public zD9qGKcxtHg-00954-00229056-00229455 the Ashmolean museum founded in 1683 is zD9qGKcxtHg-00955-00229456-00229662 the oldest Museum in the UK and the zD9qGKcxtHg-00956-00229663-00229883 oldest university museum in the world zD9qGKcxtHg-00957-00229884-00230139 it holds significant collections of art zD9qGKcxtHg-00958-00230140-00230333 and archaeology including works by zD9qGKcxtHg-00959-00230334-00230601 Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci Turner zD9qGKcxtHg-00960-00230602-00230853 and Picasso as well as treasures such as zD9qGKcxtHg-00961-00230854-00231054 the Scorpion mace head the Parian marble zD9qGKcxtHg-00962-00231055-00231344 and the Alfred jewel it also contains zD9qGKcxtHg-00963-00231346-00231656 the Messiah a pristine Stradivarius zD9qGKcxtHg-00964-00231657-00231864 violin regarded by some as one of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00965-00231865-00232155 finest examples in existence the zD9qGKcxtHg-00966-00232156-00232334 University Museum of Natural History zD9qGKcxtHg-00967-00232335-00232583 holds the university's zoological zD9qGKcxtHg-00968-00232584-00232832 entomological and geological specimens zD9qGKcxtHg-00969-00232833-00233064 it is housed in a large neo-gothic zD9qGKcxtHg-00970-00233065-00233256 building on parks Road in the zD9qGKcxtHg-00971-00233257-00233523 university's science area among its zD9qGKcxtHg-00972-00233523-00233679 collection are the skeletons of a zD9qGKcxtHg-00973-00233680-00233904 Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops and zD9qGKcxtHg-00974-00233905-00234075 the most complete remains of a dodo zD9qGKcxtHg-00975-00234076-00234330 found anywhere in the world it also zD9qGKcxtHg-00976-00234331-00234542 hosts the Simonyi professorship of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00977-00234544-00234666 public understanding of science zD9qGKcxtHg-00978-00234667-00234962 currently held by Marcos duce a toy zD9qGKcxtHg-00979-00234963-00235232 adjoining the Museum of Natural History zD9qGKcxtHg-00980-00235233-00235440 as the Pitt rivers museum founded in zD9qGKcxtHg-00981-00235441-00235712 1884 which displays the university's zD9qGKcxtHg-00982-00235713-00235839 archaeological and anthropological zD9qGKcxtHg-00983-00235840-00236098 collections currently holding over zD9qGKcxtHg-00984-00236100-00236442 500,000 items it recently built a new zD9qGKcxtHg-00985-00236442-00236625 research annex its staff have been zD9qGKcxtHg-00986-00236626-00236748 involved with the teaching of zD9qGKcxtHg-00987-00236748-00236937 anthropology at Oxford since its zD9qGKcxtHg-00988-00236938-00237150 foundation when as part of his donation zD9qGKcxtHg-00989-00237151-00237375 general Augustus Pitt rivers stipulated zD9qGKcxtHg-00990-00237376-00237533 that the university established a zD9qGKcxtHg-00991-00237534-00237813 lectureship in anthropology the Museum zD9qGKcxtHg-00992-00237814-00237990 of the history of science is housed on zD9qGKcxtHg-00993-00237991-00238160 Broad Street in the world's oldest zD9qGKcxtHg-00994-00238161-00238377 surviving purpose-built Museum building zD9qGKcxtHg-00995-00238378-00238689 it contains 15,000 artifacts from zD9qGKcxtHg-00996-00238690-00238855 antiquity to the 20th century zD9qGKcxtHg-00997-00238856-00239096 representing almost all aspects of the zD9qGKcxtHg-00998-00239098-00239352 history of Science in the Faculty of zD9qGKcxtHg-00999-00239353-00239550 Music on Saint Al dates as the Bakke zD9qGKcxtHg-01000-00239551-00239735 collection of musical instruments a zD9qGKcxtHg-01001-00239736-00239916 collection mostly of instruments from zD9qGKcxtHg-01002-00239917-00240092 Western classical music from the zD9qGKcxtHg-01003-00240094-00240371 medieval period onwards Christchurch zD9qGKcxtHg-01004-00240373-00240569 picture-gallery holds a collection of zD9qGKcxtHg-01005-00240571-00240894 over 200 old master paintings topic zD9qGKcxtHg-01006-00240894-00241085 publishing the Oxford University Press zD9qGKcxtHg-01007-00241086-00241290 as the world's second oldest and zD9qGKcxtHg-01008-00241291-00241484 currently the largest University Press zD9qGKcxtHg-01009-00241485-00241760 by the number of publications more than zD9qGKcxtHg-01010-00241761-00241983 6,000 new books are published and zD9qGKcxtHg-01011-00241984-00242217 including many reference professional zD9qGKcxtHg-01012-00242217-00242442 and academic works such as the oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01013-00242442-00242667 english dictionary the concise oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01014-00242667-00242873 english dictionary the oxford world's zD9qGKcxtHg-01015-00242875-00243069 classics the Oxford Dictionary of zD9qGKcxtHg-01016-00243069-00243267 National Biography and the concise zD9qGKcxtHg-01017-00243267-00243582 Dictionary of National Biography topic zD9qGKcxtHg-01018-00243583-00243783 rankings and reputation Oxford is zD9qGKcxtHg-01019-00243784-00243960 regularly ranked within the top 10 zD9qGKcxtHg-01020-00243961-00244134 universities in the world and is zD9qGKcxtHg-01021-00244135-00244314 currently ranked first in the world in zD9qGKcxtHg-01022-00244315-00244467 The Times Higher Education World zD9qGKcxtHg-01023-00244467-00244689 University Rankings as well as the zD9qGKcxtHg-01024-00244690-00244967 Forbes is World University Rankings it zD9qGKcxtHg-01025-00244969-00245139 held the number one position in the zD9qGKcxtHg-01026-00245140-00245367 times good University Guide for 11 zD9qGKcxtHg-01027-00245367-00245562 consecutive years and the Medical School zD9qGKcxtHg-01028-00245563-00245784 has also maintained first place in the zD9qGKcxtHg-01029-00245785-00246009 clinical preclinical and health table of zD9qGKcxtHg-01030-00246010-00246192 the the world university rankings for zD9qGKcxtHg-01031-00246192-00246477 the past seven consecutive years the has zD9qGKcxtHg-01032-00246478-00246687 also recognized Oxford as one of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01033-00246688-00246900 world's six super brands on its world zD9qGKcxtHg-01034-00246901-00247116 reputation rankings along with Berkeley zD9qGKcxtHg-01035-00247117-00247500 Cambridge Harvard MIT and Stanford the zD9qGKcxtHg-01036-00247501-00247721 University is fifth worldwide on the US zD9qGKcxtHg-01037-00247723-00247946 News ranking it said Business School zD9qGKcxtHg-01038-00247948-00248190 came 23rd in the world in financial zD9qGKcxtHg-01039-00248191-00248439 times global in banking Oxford is ranked zD9qGKcxtHg-01040-00248440-00248631 fifth best university worldwide and zD9qGKcxtHg-01041-00248632-00248814 first in Britain performing CEOs zD9qGKcxtHg-01042-00248815-00248988 according to the professional ranking zD9qGKcxtHg-01043-00248989-00249279 world universities it is ranked first in zD9qGKcxtHg-01044-00249280-00249467 the UK for the quality of its graduates zD9qGKcxtHg-01045-00249469-00249702 as chosen by the recruiters of the UK's zD9qGKcxtHg-01046-00249703-00249963 major companies in the 2018 Complete zD9qGKcxtHg-01047-00249964-00250251 University Guide all 38 subjects offered zD9qGKcxtHg-01048-00250252-00250437 by Oxford ranked within the top 10 zD9qGKcxtHg-01049-00250438-00250650 nationally meaning Oxford was one of zD9qGKcxtHg-01050-00250651-00250866 only two multi faculty universities zD9qGKcxtHg-01051-00250867-00251058 along with Cambridge in the UK to have zD9qGKcxtHg-01052-00251059-00251298 100 percent of their subjects in the top zD9qGKcxtHg-01053-00251298-00251612 10 computer science medicine philosophy zD9qGKcxtHg-01054-00251613-00251862 politics and psychology were ranked zD9qGKcxtHg-01055-00251863-00252081 first in the UK by the guide according zD9qGKcxtHg-01056-00252082-00252312 to the Q s World University Rankings by zD9qGKcxtHg-01057-00252313-00252567 subject the University of Oxford also zD9qGKcxtHg-01058-00252567-00252780 ranks as number one in the world for for zD9qGKcxtHg-01059-00252781-00253005 humanities disciplines English language zD9qGKcxtHg-01060-00253006-00253188 and literature Modern Languages zD9qGKcxtHg-01061-00253189-00253500 geography and history it also ranks zD9qGKcxtHg-01062-00253501-00253680 second globally for anthropology zD9qGKcxtHg-01063-00253681-00253983 archaeology law medicine politics and zD9qGKcxtHg-01064-00253984-00254221 International Studies and psychology zD9qGKcxtHg-01065-00254223-00254481 topics student life topic traditions zD9qGKcxtHg-01066-00254482-00254652 academic dress as required for zD9qGKcxtHg-01067-00254653-00254931 examinations matriculation disciplinary zD9qGKcxtHg-01068-00254932-00255132 hearings and when visiting University zD9qGKcxtHg-01069-00255133-00255386 officers a referendum held zD9qGKcxtHg-01070-00255387-00255680 the oxford student body in 2015 showed zD9qGKcxtHg-01071-00255681-00255962 76% against making it voluntary in zD9qGKcxtHg-01072-00255963-00256334 examinations 8,000 671 students voted zD9qGKcxtHg-01073-00256335-00256601 with the 40.2% turnout the highest ever zD9qGKcxtHg-01074-00256602-00256886 for a UK student union referendum this zD9qGKcxtHg-01075-00256887-00257092 was widely interpreted by students as zD9qGKcxtHg-01076-00257094-00257296 being a vote on not so much making sub zD9qGKcxtHg-01077-00257298-00257516 fuss colin terry but rather in effect zD9qGKcxtHg-01078-00257517-00257732 abolishing it by default in that if a zD9qGKcxtHg-01079-00257733-00257951 minority of people came to exams without zD9qGKcxtHg-01080-00257952-00258187 sub fuss the rest would soon follow in zD9qGKcxtHg-01081-00258188-00258479 July 2012 the regulations regarding zD9qGKcxtHg-01082-00258480-00258725 academic dress were modified to be more zD9qGKcxtHg-01083-00258726-00258926 inclusive to transgender people other zD9qGKcxtHg-01084-00258927-00259157 traditions and customs vary by college zD9qGKcxtHg-01085-00259158-00259457 for example some colleges have formal zD9qGKcxtHg-01086-00259458-00259646 halls six times a week but in others zD9qGKcxtHg-01087-00259646-00259921 this only happens occasionally at most zD9qGKcxtHg-01088-00259923-00260126 colleges these formal meals require zD9qGKcxtHg-01089-00260127-00260348 gowns to be worn and a Latin grace is zD9qGKcxtHg-01090-00260348-00260639 said balls are major events held by zD9qGKcxtHg-01091-00260640-00260876 colleges the largest held try annually zD9qGKcxtHg-01092-00260877-00261080 in 9th week of Trinity term are called zD9qGKcxtHg-01093-00261081-00261290 commemoration balls the dress code is zD9qGKcxtHg-01094-00261291-00261575 usually white tie many other colleges zD9qGKcxtHg-01095-00261576-00261767 hold smaller events during the year that zD9qGKcxtHg-01096-00261767-00261946 they call summer balls or parties zD9qGKcxtHg-01097-00261948-00262211 these are usually held on an annual or a zD9qGKcxtHg-01098-00262212-00262498 regular basis and are usually black-tie zD9qGKcxtHg-01099-00262499-00262721 punting is a common summer leisure zD9qGKcxtHg-01100-00262722-00263027 activity there are several more or less zD9qGKcxtHg-01101-00263028-00263267 quirky traditions peculiar to individual zD9qGKcxtHg-01102-00263268-00263456 colleges for example the All Souls zD9qGKcxtHg-01103-00263457-00263882 Mallard song zD9qGKcxtHg-01104-00263883-00264212 topic clubs and societies zD9qGKcxtHg-01105-00264213-00264371 you zD9qGKcxtHg-01106-00264372-00264638 Sport is played between college teams in zD9qGKcxtHg-01107-00264639-00264842 tournaments known as coppers the term is zD9qGKcxtHg-01108-00264843-00265009 also used for some non sporting zD9qGKcxtHg-01109-00265010-00265274 competitions in addition to these there zD9qGKcxtHg-01110-00265275-00265451 are higher standard university-wide zD9qGKcxtHg-01111-00265452-00265721 groups significant focus is given to zD9qGKcxtHg-01112-00265722-00265919 annual varsity matches played against zD9qGKcxtHg-01113-00265920-00266093 Cambridge the most famous of which is zD9qGKcxtHg-01114-00266094-00266306 the Boat Race watched by a TV audience zD9qGKcxtHg-01115-00266307-00266540 of between five and ten million viewers zD9qGKcxtHg-01116-00266541-00266804 this outside interest reflects the zD9qGKcxtHg-01117-00266805-00266972 importance of rowing to many of those zD9qGKcxtHg-01118-00266973-00267259 within the university much attention is zD9qGKcxtHg-01119-00267260-00267428 given to the term lis Intercollegiate zD9qGKcxtHg-01120-00267429-00267629 rowing regattas Christchurch regatta zD9qGKcxtHg-01121-00267630-00267926 torpid zan summer eights a blue is an zD9qGKcxtHg-01122-00267927-00268112 award given to those who compete at the zD9qGKcxtHg-01123-00268113-00268319 University team level in certain sports zD9qGKcxtHg-01124-00268320-00268598 as well as traditional sports there are zD9qGKcxtHg-01125-00268599-00268838 teams for activities such as octopus and zD9qGKcxtHg-01126-00268839-00269126 Quidditch there are two weekly student zD9qGKcxtHg-01127-00269127-00269348 newspapers the independent cherwell and zD9qGKcxtHg-01128-00269349-00269618 O us used the oxford student other zD9qGKcxtHg-01129-00269619-00269860 publications include the ISIS magazine zD9qGKcxtHg-01130-00269861-00270109 the owl journal the satirical oxymoron zD9qGKcxtHg-01131-00270110-00270383 and the Graduate Oxonian review the zD9qGKcxtHg-01132-00270384-00270610 student radio station is oxide Radio zD9qGKcxtHg-01133-00270611-00270958 most colleges have Chapel choirs music zD9qGKcxtHg-01134-00270959-00271202 drama and other arts societies exist zD9qGKcxtHg-01135-00271203-00271360 both at collegiate level and as zD9qGKcxtHg-01136-00271361-00271507 university-wide groups zD9qGKcxtHg-01137-00271508-00271781 unlike most other collegiate societies zD9qGKcxtHg-01138-00271782-00272003 musical ensembles actively encourage zD9qGKcxtHg-01139-00272004-00272282 players from other colleges most zD9qGKcxtHg-01140-00272283-00272531 academic areas have student societies of zD9qGKcxtHg-01141-00272532-00272723 some form which are open to students zD9qGKcxtHg-01142-00272724-00272930 studying all courses for example the zD9qGKcxtHg-01143-00272931-00273215 scientific society there are groups for zD9qGKcxtHg-01144-00273216-00273413 almost all faiths political parties zD9qGKcxtHg-01145-00273414-00273737 countries and cultures the Oxford Union zD9qGKcxtHg-01146-00273738-00273932 not to be confused with the Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01147-00273933-00274132 University Student Union hosts weekly zD9qGKcxtHg-01148-00274133-00274427 debates and high-profile speakers there zD9qGKcxtHg-01149-00274428-00274601 have historically been elite invite-only zD9qGKcxtHg-01150-00274602-00275196 societies such as the Bullingdon Club zD9qGKcxtHg-01151-00275197-00275739 pick Student Union and common rooms zD9qGKcxtHg-01152-00275740-00275961 the Oxford University Student Union zD9qGKcxtHg-01153-00275962-00276201 formerly better known by its acronym Oh zD9qGKcxtHg-01154-00276202-00276462 us you and now rebranded as Oxford sue zD9qGKcxtHg-01155-00276463-00276663 exists to represent students in the zD9qGKcxtHg-01156-00276664-00276873 university's decision making to act as zD9qGKcxtHg-01157-00276874-00277050 the voice for students in the national zD9qGKcxtHg-01158-00277051-00277263 higher education policy debate and to zD9qGKcxtHg-01159-00277264-00277458 provide direct services to the student zD9qGKcxtHg-01160-00277459-00277740 body reflecting the collegiate nature of zD9qGKcxtHg-01161-00277741-00278010 the University of Oxford itself o us U zD9qGKcxtHg-01162-00278011-00278241 as both an association of Oxford's more zD9qGKcxtHg-01163-00278242-00278496 than 21,000 individual students and a zD9qGKcxtHg-01164-00278497-00278691 federation of the affiliated college zD9qGKcxtHg-01165-00278692-00278870 common rooms and other affiliated zD9qGKcxtHg-01166-00278871-00279108 organizations that represent subsets of zD9qGKcxtHg-01167-00279109-00279300 the undergraduate and graduate students zD9qGKcxtHg-01168-00279301-00279621 the OU USU executive committee includes zD9qGKcxtHg-01169-00279622-00279840 six full-time salaried sabbatical zD9qGKcxtHg-01170-00279841-00280044 officers who generally serve in the year zD9qGKcxtHg-01171-00280045-00280206 following completion of their final zD9qGKcxtHg-01172-00280207-00280476 examinations the importance of zD9qGKcxtHg-01173-00280477-00280668 collegiate life has such that for many zD9qGKcxtHg-01174-00280669-00280941 students their college JCR junior common zD9qGKcxtHg-01175-00280942-00281223 room for undergraduates or MC are middle zD9qGKcxtHg-01176-00281224-00281430 common room for graduates is seen as zD9qGKcxtHg-01177-00281431-00281784 more important than no USU JC ours and zD9qGKcxtHg-01178-00281785-00281985 MC ours each have a committee with a zD9qGKcxtHg-01179-00281986-00282177 president and other elected students zD9qGKcxtHg-01180-00282178-00282342 representing their peers to college zD9qGKcxtHg-01181-00282343-00282615 authorities additionally they organize zD9qGKcxtHg-01182-00282616-00282846 event and often have significant budgets zD9qGKcxtHg-01183-00282847-00283011 to spend as they wish money coming from zD9qGKcxtHg-01184-00283012-00283197 their colleges and sometimes other zD9qGKcxtHg-01185-00283198-00283431 sources such as student-run bars it is zD9qGKcxtHg-01186-00283432-00283698 worth noting that JCR and MC are are zD9qGKcxtHg-01187-00283699-00283869 terms that are used to refer to rooms zD9qGKcxtHg-01188-00283870-00284064 for use by members as well as the zD9qGKcxtHg-01189-00284065-00284295 student bodies not all colleges use this zD9qGKcxtHg-01190-00284296-00284613 JCR MC our structure for example hwadam zD9qGKcxtHg-01191-00284614-00284832 colleges entire student population is zD9qGKcxtHg-01192-00284833-00285024 represented by a combined Students Union zD9qGKcxtHg-01193-00285025-00285231 and purely graduate colleges have zD9qGKcxtHg-01194-00285232-00285634 different arrangements zD9qGKcxtHg-01195-00285635-00286001 topic notable alumni zD9qGKcxtHg-01196-00286002-00286182 you zD9qGKcxtHg-01197-00286183-00286438 throughout its history a sizable number zD9qGKcxtHg-01198-00286439-00286656 of Oxford alumni known as Oxonian z' zD9qGKcxtHg-01199-00286657-00286845 have become notable in many varied zD9qGKcxtHg-01200-00286846-00287044 fields both academic and otherwise zD9qGKcxtHg-01201-00287045-00287298 ranging from TE Lawrence British army zD9qGKcxtHg-01202-00287299-00287478 officer known better as Lawrence of zD9qGKcxtHg-01203-00287479-00287692 Arabia to the explorer Corps dear and zD9qGKcxtHg-01204-00287693-00287910 man of letters Sir Walter Raleigh who zD9qGKcxtHg-01205-00287911-00288105 attended Oriole college but left without zD9qGKcxtHg-01206-00288106-00288319 taking a degree in the Australian media zD9qGKcxtHg-01207-00288320-00288483 mogul Rupert Murdoch zD9qGKcxtHg-01208-00288484-00288763 moreover fifty-eight Nobel Prize winners zD9qGKcxtHg-01209-00288764-00288951 have studied or taught at Oxford with zD9qGKcxtHg-01210-00288952-00289278 prizes won in all six categories more zD9qGKcxtHg-01211-00289279-00289470 information on famous senior and junior zD9qGKcxtHg-01212-00289471-00289683 members of the university can be found zD9qGKcxtHg-01213-00289684-00289920 in the individual college articles an zD9qGKcxtHg-01214-00289921-00290191 individual may be associated with two or zD9qGKcxtHg-01215-00290192-00290368 more colleges as an undergraduate zD9qGKcxtHg-01216-00290369-00290882 postgraduate and or member of staff zD9qGKcxtHg-01217-00290883-00291388 topic politics zD9qGKcxtHg-01218-00291389-00291635 27 British Prime Minister's have zD9qGKcxtHg-01219-00291636-00291821 attended Oxford including William zD9qGKcxtHg-01220-00291822-00292085 Gladstone HH askwith Clement Attlee zD9qGKcxtHg-01221-00292086-00292313 Harold Macmillan Edward Heath Harold zD9qGKcxtHg-01222-00292314-00292529 Wilson Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair zD9qGKcxtHg-01223-00292530-00292850 David Cameron and Theresa May of all the zD9qGKcxtHg-01224-00292851-00293066 post-war prime ministers only Gordon zD9qGKcxtHg-01225-00293067-00293291 Brown was educated at a university other zD9qGKcxtHg-01226-00293292-00293504 than Oxford while James Callaghan and zD9qGKcxtHg-01227-00293505-00293660 John Major never attended a university zD9qGKcxtHg-01228-00293661-00293984 over 100 Oxford alumni were elected to zD9qGKcxtHg-01229-00293985-00294254 the House of Commons in 2010 this zD9qGKcxtHg-01230-00294255-00294467 includes former leader of the Opposition zD9qGKcxtHg-01231-00294468-00294683 Ed Miliband and numerous members of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01232-00294684-00294968 cabinet and Shadow Cabinet additionally zD9qGKcxtHg-01233-00294969-00295250 over 140 Oxonian sit in the House of zD9qGKcxtHg-01234-00295251-00295580 Lords at least 30 other international zD9qGKcxtHg-01235-00295581-00295733 leaders have been educated at Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01236-00295734-00296042 this number includes Harold v of Norway zD9qGKcxtHg-01237-00296043-00296309 abdullah ii of jordan william ii of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01238-00296310-00296498 netherlands five prime ministers of zD9qGKcxtHg-01239-00296499-00296774 australia John Gordon Malcolm Fraser Bob zD9qGKcxtHg-01240-00296775-00296996 Hawke Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull zD9qGKcxtHg-01241-00296997-00297242 six prime ministers of Pakistan Liaquat zD9qGKcxtHg-01242-00297243-00297533 Ali Khan Hussein Shaheed sir awardee Sir zD9qGKcxtHg-01243-00297534-00297754 Feroz Khan noon Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto zD9qGKcxtHg-01244-00297755-00298058 Benazir Bhutto and Imran Khan two prime zD9qGKcxtHg-01245-00298059-00298310 ministers of Canada Lester B Pearson and zD9qGKcxtHg-01246-00298311-00298514 John Turner two prime ministers of India zD9qGKcxtHg-01247-00298515-00298766 Manmohan Singh and Indira Gandhi though zD9qGKcxtHg-01248-00298767-00298949 the latter did not finish her degree s zD9qGKcxtHg-01249-00298950-00299222 wrd bond or Nayaka former prime minister zD9qGKcxtHg-01250-00299223-00299489 of salon norman washington manley of zD9qGKcxtHg-01251-00299490-00299738 jamaica eric williams prime minister of zD9qGKcxtHg-01252-00299739-00299945 Trinidad and Tobago Pedro Pablo zD9qGKcxtHg-01253-00299946-00300161 Kachinsky former President of Peru zD9qGKcxtHg-01254-00300162-00300446 Abhisit Vejjajiva former Prime Minister zD9qGKcxtHg-01255-00300447-00300644 of Thailand and Bill Clinton the first zD9qGKcxtHg-01256-00300645-00300830 President of the United States to have zD9qGKcxtHg-01257-00300831-00301037 attended Oxford he attended as a Rhodes zD9qGKcxtHg-01258-00301038-00301346 Scholar Arthur Mutambara Deputy Prime zD9qGKcxtHg-01259-00301347-00301544 Minister of Zimbabwe was a Rhodes zD9qGKcxtHg-01260-00301545-00301907 Scholar in 1991 surrett C comma first zD9qGKcxtHg-01261-00301908-00302135 president of Botswana spent a year at zD9qGKcxtHg-01262-00302136-00302438 Balliol College Festus Mogae former zD9qGKcxtHg-01263-00302439-00302654 president of Botswana was a student at zD9qGKcxtHg-01264-00302655-00302917 University College the Burmese democracy zD9qGKcxtHg-01265-00302918-00303215 activists in Nobel laureate Aung San Suu zD9qGKcxtHg-01266-00303216-00303761 Kyi surname yel wangchuck the current zD9qGKcxtHg-01267-00303762-00303974 reigning druk Gyalpo Dragon King of zD9qGKcxtHg-01268-00303975-00304175 Bhutan was a member of st. Peter's zD9qGKcxtHg-01269-00304176-00304548 College zD9qGKcxtHg-01270-00304549-00304959 topic law zD9qGKcxtHg-01271-00304960-00305208 Oxford has produced a large number of zD9qGKcxtHg-01272-00305209-00305424 distinguished jurists judges and lawyers zD9qGKcxtHg-01273-00305425-00305712 around the world Lords Bingham and any zD9qGKcxtHg-01274-00305713-00305916 commonly recognized as two of the most zD9qGKcxtHg-01275-00305917-00306117 influential English judges in the zD9qGKcxtHg-01276-00306118-00306315 history of the common law both studied zD9qGKcxtHg-01277-00306316-00306585 at Oxford within the United Kingdom zD9qGKcxtHg-01278-00306586-00306744 five of the current justices of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01279-00306745-00306896 Supreme Court are oxford-educated zD9qGKcxtHg-01280-00306897-00307158 Jonathon sumption Jonathan manse zD9qGKcxtHg-01281-00307159-00307392 Niklas Wilson Robert Reid and Michael zD9qGKcxtHg-01282-00307393-00307632 Briggs retired justices include David zD9qGKcxtHg-01283-00307633-00307836 Neuberger president of the Supreme Court zD9qGKcxtHg-01284-00307837-00308025 2012 to 2017 zD9qGKcxtHg-01285-00308026-00308304 Alan Rodger mark Saville John Dyson and zD9qGKcxtHg-01286-00308305-00308592 Simon Brown the twelve Lord Chancellor's zD9qGKcxtHg-01287-00308593-00308796 and nine Lord Chief Justice's that have zD9qGKcxtHg-01288-00308797-00309006 been educated at Oxford include Thomas zD9qGKcxtHg-01289-00309007-00309261 Bingham Stanley Buckmaster Thomas More zD9qGKcxtHg-01290-00309262-00309630 Thomas Wolsey Gavin Simon's the 22 Law zD9qGKcxtHg-01291-00309631-00309834 Lords count amongst them Leonard Hoffman zD9qGKcxtHg-01292-00309835-00310041 kenneth dip luck Richard Wilberforce zD9qGKcxtHg-01293-00310042-00310317 James Atkin Simon Brown Nicholas brown zD9qGKcxtHg-01294-00310318-00310554 Wilkinson Robert Gough Brian Hutton zD9qGKcxtHg-01295-00310555-00310842 Jonathan manse Alan Roger mark Saville zD9qGKcxtHg-01296-00310843-00311106 Leslie Scarman Johan stain master of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01297-00311107-00311310 rolls include Alfred dining and Wilfred zD9qGKcxtHg-01298-00311311-00311544 Greene Lord justices of Appeal include zD9qGKcxtHg-01299-00311545-00311793 John Laws Brian Levison and John memory zD9qGKcxtHg-01300-00311794-00312033 the British government's attorneys zD9qGKcxtHg-01301-00312034-00312225 general have included Dominick grieve zD9qGKcxtHg-01302-00312226-00312534 Nicklaus Leo Patrick Mayhew John Hobson zD9qGKcxtHg-01303-00312535-00312684 Reginald Manningham Buller zD9qGKcxtHg-01304-00312685-00312927 Lionel healed Frank so skies David zD9qGKcxtHg-01305-00312928-00313164 Maxwell Fyfe Donald Somerville William zD9qGKcxtHg-01306-00313165-00313355 Jowett directors of Public Prosecutions zD9qGKcxtHg-01307-00313356-00313668 include Sir Thomas Hetherington QC Dame zD9qGKcxtHg-01308-00313669-00313929 Barbara Mills QC and surkhi R star Merck zD9qGKcxtHg-01309-00313930-00314247 you see in the United States three of zD9qGKcxtHg-01310-00314248-00314415 the nine incumbent justices of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01311-00314416-00314619 Supreme Court are Oxonian x' namely zD9qGKcxtHg-01312-00314620-00314694 stephen breyer zD9qGKcxtHg-01313-00314695-00314952 elena kagan and me'll Gorsuch retired zD9qGKcxtHg-01314-00314953-00315198 justices include John Marshall Harlan - zD9qGKcxtHg-01315-00315199-00315440 David Souter and Byron white zD9qGKcxtHg-01316-00315441-00315687 internationally Oxonian sir Humphrey zD9qGKcxtHg-01317-00315688-00315867 wall doc served in the international zD9qGKcxtHg-01318-00315868-00315966 court of justice zD9qGKcxtHg-01319-00315967-00316200 Akua Akua yahia sat in the International zD9qGKcxtHg-01320-00316201-00316410 Criminal Court Sir Nicholas Bratz and zD9qGKcxtHg-01321-00316411-00316620 Paul Mahoney sat in the European Court zD9qGKcxtHg-01322-00316621-00316713 of Human Rights zD9qGKcxtHg-01323-00316714-00316926 Kenneth Haines Dyson Heydon as well as zD9qGKcxtHg-01324-00316927-00317121 Patrick Keane sat in the High Court of zD9qGKcxtHg-01325-00317122-00317379 Australia both Kayla's not want you aan zD9qGKcxtHg-01326-00317380-00317580 Rey served as chief justices of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01327-00317581-00317847 Supreme Court of India in Hong Kong aar zD9qGKcxtHg-01328-00317848-00318048 if' Barma and Doreen lo pitchin zD9qGKcxtHg-01329-00318049-00318295 currently serve in the Court of Appeal zD9qGKcxtHg-01330-00318296-00318487 while Charles Ching and Henry Linton zD9qGKcxtHg-01331-00318488-00318684 both served as permanent judges of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01332-00318685-00318916 court of final appeal of Hong Kong six zD9qGKcxtHg-01333-00318917-00319114 puny justices of the Supreme Court of zD9qGKcxtHg-01334-00319115-00319291 Canada and a chief justice of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01335-00319292-00319485 now-defunct Federal Court of Canada were zD9qGKcxtHg-01336-00319486-00319801 also educated at Oxford the list of zD9qGKcxtHg-01337-00319802-00320074 noted legal scholars includes HLA Hart zD9qGKcxtHg-01338-00320075-00320368 Ronald Dworkin Jeremy Waldron AV dicey zD9qGKcxtHg-01339-00320369-00320634 William Blackstone John Gardner Timothy zD9qGKcxtHg-01340-00320635-00320901 Endicott Peter Burke's John finis Andrew zD9qGKcxtHg-01341-00320902-00321060 Ashworth Joseph R ass zD9qGKcxtHg-01342-00321061-00321327 Leslie Greene Tony honoré Neil McCormick zD9qGKcxtHg-01343-00321328-00321582 and Hugh Collins other distinguished zD9qGKcxtHg-01344-00321583-00321753 practitioners who have attended Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01345-00321754-00322042 include Lord Panik QC Geoffrey Robertson zD9qGKcxtHg-01346-00322043-00322414 QC Amal Clooney Lord Fox QC and Dinah zD9qGKcxtHg-01347-00322415-00322852 Rose QC zD9qGKcxtHg-01348-00322853-00323443 topic mathematics and Sciences three zD9qGKcxtHg-01349-00323444-00323677 Oxford mathematicians Michael ADEA zD9qGKcxtHg-01350-00323678-00323878 Daniel Quillin and Simon Donaldson the zD9qGKcxtHg-01351-00323879-00324154 one fields metals often called the Nobel zD9qGKcxtHg-01352-00324155-00324490 Prize for mathematics Andrew Wiles who zD9qGKcxtHg-01353-00324491-00324667 proved Fermat's Last Theorem was zD9qGKcxtHg-01354-00324668-00324868 educated at Oxford and is currently the zD9qGKcxtHg-01355-00324869-00325087 Regius professor and Royal Society zD9qGKcxtHg-01356-00325088-00325276 research professor in mathematics at zD9qGKcxtHg-01357-00325277-00325594 Oxford Marcus do Sato and Roger Penrose zD9qGKcxtHg-01358-00325595-00325774 are both currently mathematics zD9qGKcxtHg-01359-00325775-00325960 professors and Jacky shtetl was a zD9qGKcxtHg-01360-00325961-00326227 professor of the University Stephen zD9qGKcxtHg-01361-00326228-00326464 Wolfram chief designer of Mathematica zD9qGKcxtHg-01362-00326465-00326626 and Wolfram Alpha studied at the zD9qGKcxtHg-01363-00326627-00326824 University along with Tim berners-lee zD9qGKcxtHg-01364-00326825-00327082 inventor of the World Wide Web Edgar F zD9qGKcxtHg-01365-00327083-00327313 Codd inventor of the relational model of zD9qGKcxtHg-01366-00327314-00327502 data and Tony Hoare programming zD9qGKcxtHg-01367-00327503-00327682 languages pioneer an inventor of zD9qGKcxtHg-01368-00327683-00328015 quicksort the University is associated zD9qGKcxtHg-01369-00328016-00328222 with 11 winners of the Nobel Prize in zD9qGKcxtHg-01370-00328223-00328447 Chemistry 5 in physics and 16 in zD9qGKcxtHg-01371-00328448-00328705 medicine scientists who performed zD9qGKcxtHg-01372-00328706-00328897 research in oxford include chemist zD9qGKcxtHg-01373-00328898-00329098 Dorothy Hodgkin who received her Nobel zD9qGKcxtHg-01374-00329099-00329374 Prize for determinations by x-ray zD9qGKcxtHg-01375-00329375-00329539 techniques of the structures of zD9qGKcxtHg-01376-00329540-00329823 important biochemical substances and zD9qGKcxtHg-01377-00329824-00330175 Howard Florey who shared the 1945 Nobel zD9qGKcxtHg-01378-00330176-00330385 Prize for the discovery of penicillin zD9qGKcxtHg-01379-00330386-00330643 and it's curative effect in various zD9qGKcxtHg-01380-00330644-00331000 infectious diseases both Richard Dawkins zD9qGKcxtHg-01381-00331001-00331180 and Frederick Soddy studied at the zD9qGKcxtHg-01382-00331181-00331375 University and returned for research zD9qGKcxtHg-01383-00331376-00331672 purposes Robert Hooke Edwin Hubble and zD9qGKcxtHg-01384-00331673-00331944 Stephen Hawking all studied in Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01385-00331945-00332191 Robert Boyle a founder of modern zD9qGKcxtHg-01386-00332192-00332425 chemistry never formally studied or held zD9qGKcxtHg-01387-00332426-00332647 a post within the university but resided zD9qGKcxtHg-01388-00332648-00332791 within the city to be part of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01389-00332792-00332992 scientific community and was awarded an zD9qGKcxtHg-01390-00332993-00333280 honorary degree notable scientists who zD9qGKcxtHg-01391-00333281-00333496 spent brief periods at Oxford include zD9qGKcxtHg-01392-00333497-00333703 Albert Einstein developer of general zD9qGKcxtHg-01393-00333704-00333913 theory of relativity and the concept of zD9qGKcxtHg-01394-00333914-00334108 photons and Erwin Schrodinger who zD9qGKcxtHg-01395-00334109-00334309 formulated the Schrodinger equation and zD9qGKcxtHg-01396-00334310-00334512 the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment zD9qGKcxtHg-01397-00334513-00334744 structural engineer Roma Agrawal zD9qGKcxtHg-01398-00334745-00334972 responsible for London's iconic shard zD9qGKcxtHg-01399-00334973-00335173 attributes her love of engineering to a zD9qGKcxtHg-01400-00335174-00335299 summer placement during her zD9qGKcxtHg-01401-00335300-00335568 undergraduate physics degree at Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01402-00335569-00335899 economists adam smith alfred marshall EF zD9qGKcxtHg-01403-00335900-00336079 Schumacher and a marquis ascend all zD9qGKcxtHg-01404-00336080-00336543 spent time at Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01405-00336544-00337091 topic literature music and drama zD9qGKcxtHg-01406-00337092-00337360 the long list of writers associated with zD9qGKcxtHg-01407-00337361-00337589 Oxford includes John Fowles Theodore zD9qGKcxtHg-01408-00337590-00337850 Geisel Thomas Middleton Samuel Johnson zD9qGKcxtHg-01409-00337851-00338110 Christopher Hitchens Robert Graves even zD9qGKcxtHg-01410-00338111-00338158 wah zD9qGKcxtHg-01411-00338159-00338428 Lewis Carroll Aldous Huxley Oscar Wilde zD9qGKcxtHg-01412-00338429-00338792 CS Lewis JRR tolkien Graham Greene VS zD9qGKcxtHg-01413-00338793-00338953 Naipaul Vera Brittain zD9qGKcxtHg-01414-00338954-00339203 Dorothy L sayers AS Byatt Iris Murdoch zD9qGKcxtHg-01415-00339204-00339508 Philip Pullman Joseph Heller Vikram Seth zD9qGKcxtHg-01416-00339509-00339719 the poets Percy Bysshe Shelley John zD9qGKcxtHg-01417-00339720-00339863 Donne AE Housman zD9qGKcxtHg-01418-00339864-00340238 Gerard Manley Hopkins WH Auden TS Eliot zD9qGKcxtHg-01419-00340239-00340469 Wendy Perea min philip larkin and seven zD9qGKcxtHg-01420-00340470-00340712 Poets Laureate Thomas warden Henry James zD9qGKcxtHg-01421-00340713-00341015 PI Robert Southey Robert bridges Cecil zD9qGKcxtHg-01422-00341016-00341246 day-lewis Sir John Benjamin and Andrew zD9qGKcxtHg-01423-00341247-00341477 motion composers Hubert Perry George zD9qGKcxtHg-01424-00341478-00341720 Butterworth John Taverner William Walton zD9qGKcxtHg-01425-00341721-00341924 James Witt born and Andrew Lloyd Webber zD9qGKcxtHg-01426-00341925-00342062 have all been involved with the zD9qGKcxtHg-01427-00342063-00342374 university actors Hugh Grant Kate zD9qGKcxtHg-01428-00342375-00342631 Beckinsale Rosamund Pike Felicity Jones zD9qGKcxtHg-01429-00342632-00342893 Jemma Chan Dudley Moore Michael Palin zD9qGKcxtHg-01430-00342894-00343163 Terry Jones and a poplar well and Rowan zD9qGKcxtHg-01431-00343164-00343333 Atkinson were undergraduates at the zD9qGKcxtHg-01432-00343334-00343565 University as we're filmmakers Ken Loach zD9qGKcxtHg-01433-00343566-00343942 and Richard Curtis zD9qGKcxtHg-01434-00343943-00344420 topic religion zD9qGKcxtHg-01435-00344421-00344687 Oxford has also produced at least 12 zD9qGKcxtHg-01436-00344688-00344942 Saints 19 English Cardinals and 20 zD9qGKcxtHg-01437-00344943-00345125 Archbishop's of Canterbury the most zD9qGKcxtHg-01438-00345126-00345317 recent archbishop being Rowan Williams zD9qGKcxtHg-01439-00345318-00345524 who studied at Wadham College and was zD9qGKcxtHg-01440-00345525-00345742 later a canon professor at Christchurch zD9qGKcxtHg-01441-00345743-00346019 Duns Scotus teaching is commemorated zD9qGKcxtHg-01442-00346020-00346210 with a monument in the University Church zD9qGKcxtHg-01443-00346211-00346478 of st. Mary religious reformer John zD9qGKcxtHg-01444-00346479-00346708 Wickliffe was an Oxford scholar for a zD9qGKcxtHg-01445-00346709-00346984 Time Master of Balliol College John zD9qGKcxtHg-01446-00346985-00347213 Collett Christian humanist Dean of st. zD9qGKcxtHg-01447-00347214-00347447 Paul's and friend of Erasmus studied at zD9qGKcxtHg-01448-00347448-00347559 Magdalene College zD9qGKcxtHg-01449-00347560-00347846 several of the Caroline Devine ZG in zD9qGKcxtHg-01450-00347847-00348058 particular William laud as president of zD9qGKcxtHg-01451-00348059-00348221 st. John's and Chancellor of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01452-00348222-00348575 University and the non jurors eg Thomas zD9qGKcxtHg-01453-00348576-00348803 Ken had closed Oxford connections the zD9qGKcxtHg-01454-00348804-00349057 founder of Methodism John Wesley studied zD9qGKcxtHg-01455-00349058-00349238 at Christchurch and was elected a fellow zD9qGKcxtHg-01456-00349239-00349540 of Lincoln College the Oxford movement zD9qGKcxtHg-01457-00349541-00349937 1833 2 1846 was closely associated with zD9qGKcxtHg-01458-00349938-00350110 the oriole fellows John Henry Newman zD9qGKcxtHg-01459-00350111-00350350 Edward bouverie Pusey and John Keeble zD9qGKcxtHg-01460-00350351-00350632 other religious figures were mirza nasir zD9qGKcxtHg-01461-00350633-00350870 ahmad the third caliph of the ahmadiyya zD9qGKcxtHg-01462-00350871-00351119 muslim community shoghi effendi one of zD9qGKcxtHg-01463-00351120-00351269 the appointed leaders of the Baha'i zD9qGKcxtHg-01464-00351270-00351419 faith and Joseph Cordero zD9qGKcxtHg-01465-00351420-00351660 the only Pakistani Catholic Cardinal zD9qGKcxtHg-01466-00351661-00351968 topic philosophy Oxford's philosophical zD9qGKcxtHg-01467-00351969-00352148 tradition started in the medieval era zD9qGKcxtHg-01468-00352149-00352352 with Robert grosse test day and William zD9qGKcxtHg-01469-00352353-00352541 of Ockham commonly known for Occam's zD9qGKcxtHg-01470-00352542-00352582 razor zD9qGKcxtHg-01471-00352583-00352785 among those teaching at the University zD9qGKcxtHg-01472-00352786-00353054 Thomas Hobbes Jeremy Bentham and the zD9qGKcxtHg-01473-00353055-00353243 empiricist John Locke received degrees zD9qGKcxtHg-01474-00353244-00353495 from Oxford though the latter's main zD9qGKcxtHg-01475-00353496-00353659 works were written after leaving Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01476-00353660-00353908 Locke was heavily influenced by his 12 zD9qGKcxtHg-01477-00353909-00354064 years at the University Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01478-00354065-00354329 philosophers of the 20th century include zD9qGKcxtHg-01479-00354330-00354551 Gilbert Ryle author of the concept of zD9qGKcxtHg-01480-00354552-00354794 mind and Derek Parfit who specialized in zD9qGKcxtHg-01481-00354795-00355076 personal identity other commonly read zD9qGKcxtHg-01482-00355077-00355277 modern philosophers to have studied at zD9qGKcxtHg-01483-00355278-00355544 the University include a Jair Elizabeth zD9qGKcxtHg-01484-00355545-00355604 Anscombe zD9qGKcxtHg-01485-00355605-00355853 Paul Grice Iris Murdoch Thomas Nagel zD9qGKcxtHg-01486-00355854-00356117 Bernard Williams Robert Nozick and Nora zD9qGKcxtHg-01487-00356118-00356372 O'Neill John Rawls Michael Sandel and zD9qGKcxtHg-01488-00356373-00356669 Peter Singer john searle presenter of zD9qGKcxtHg-01489-00356670-00356860 the Chinese room thought experiment zD9qGKcxtHg-01490-00356861-00357092 studied and began his academic career at zD9qGKcxtHg-01491-00357093-00357310 the University likewise zD9qGKcxtHg-01492-00357311-00357482 Philip a foot the creator of the famous zD9qGKcxtHg-01493-00357483-00357689 trolley problem studied and taught at zD9qGKcxtHg-01494-00357690-00357788 Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01495-00357789-00358082 topic sports some 150 Olympic medal zD9qGKcxtHg-01496-00358083-00358274 winners have academic connections with zD9qGKcxtHg-01497-00358275-00358472 the university including sir Matthew zD9qGKcxtHg-01498-00358473-00358687 Pinsent quadruple gold medallist rower zD9qGKcxtHg-01499-00358688-00358979 other sporting connections include Imran zD9qGKcxtHg-01500-00358980-00359189 Khan rowers from Oxford who have won zD9qGKcxtHg-01501-00359190-00359321 gold at the Olympics or World zD9qGKcxtHg-01502-00359322-00359555 Championships include Michael Blomquist zD9qGKcxtHg-01503-00359556-00359780 IDI coud Chris Davidge Hugh Edwards zD9qGKcxtHg-01504-00359781-00360068 Jason Flickinger Tim foster Christopher zD9qGKcxtHg-01505-00360069-00360314 Lee ski Matthew Pinsent Pete Reed Johnny zD9qGKcxtHg-01506-00360315-00360575 Searle andrew triggs hodge Jake Wetzel zD9qGKcxtHg-01507-00360576-00360875 Michael Worley and Barney Williams many zD9qGKcxtHg-01508-00360876-00361109 Oxford graduates have also risen to the zD9qGKcxtHg-01509-00361110-00361268 highest echelon in cricket zD9qGKcxtHg-01510-00361269-00361514 Harry autumn Bernard bosanquet inventor zD9qGKcxtHg-01511-00361515-00361724 of the googly Colin Cowie Gerry zD9qGKcxtHg-01512-00361725-00361796 Crutchley zD9qGKcxtHg-01513-00361797-00362012 Jamie Dalrymple Martin Donnelly Ari zD9qGKcxtHg-01514-00362013-00362273 Foster the only man to captain England zD9qGKcxtHg-01515-00362274-00362510 at both cricket and football CB fry zD9qGKcxtHg-01516-00362511-00362735 George Harris also served in the House zD9qGKcxtHg-01517-00362736-00363005 of Lords Douglas Jardine Malcom Jardine zD9qGKcxtHg-01518-00363006-00363293 Imran Khan Alan Melville Iftekhar Ali zD9qGKcxtHg-01519-00363294-00363605 Khan Pataudi Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi MJ zD9qGKcxtHg-01520-00363606-00363896 K Smith and Pelham Warner Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01521-00363897-00364073 students have also excelled in other zD9qGKcxtHg-01522-00364074-00364349 sports such a lung I include American zD9qGKcxtHg-01523-00364350-00364598 football player Myron role NFL player zD9qGKcxtHg-01524-00364599-00364835 Olympic gold medalists in athletics zD9qGKcxtHg-01525-00364836-00364997 David Hemery and Jack Lovelock zD9qGKcxtHg-01526-00364998-00365261 basketball players bill bradley u.s. zD9qGKcxtHg-01527-00365262-00365477 senator and NBA player and charles zD9qGKcxtHg-01528-00365478-00365696 thomas macmillan u.s. congressman and zD9qGKcxtHg-01529-00365697-00365933 NBA player figure skater john misha zD9qGKcxtHg-01530-00365934-00366182 Petkovic national champion footballers zD9qGKcxtHg-01531-00366183-00366398 john bain charles reffered brown in zD9qGKcxtHg-01532-00366399-00366641 cuthbert Ottawa fencer alan jay world zD9qGKcxtHg-01533-00366642-00366884 champion and five-time olympian modern zD9qGKcxtHg-01534-00366885-00367085 pentathlete steph cooked olympic gold zD9qGKcxtHg-01535-00367086-00367157 medalist zD9qGKcxtHg-01536-00367158-00367394 rugby footballers stewart barns simon zD9qGKcxtHg-01537-00367395-00367631 Danieli David Humphreys David Edward zD9qGKcxtHg-01538-00367632-00367889 Kirk Anton Oliver Ronald Pelton Palmer zD9qGKcxtHg-01539-00367890-00368075 Joe Roth and William Webb Ellis zD9qGKcxtHg-01540-00368076-00368276 allegedly the inventor of rugby football zD9qGKcxtHg-01541-00368277-00368558 runners Sir Roger Gilbert Bannister who zD9qGKcxtHg-01542-00368559-00368750 ran the first sub four-minute mile zD9qGKcxtHg-01543-00368751-00369017 World Cup freestyle skier Ryan max Riley zD9qGKcxtHg-01544-00369018-00369218 national champion and tennis player zD9qGKcxtHg-01545-00369219-00369503 Clarence Bruce topic adventure and zD9qGKcxtHg-01546-00369504-00369680 exploration three of the most well-known zD9qGKcxtHg-01547-00369681-00369908 adventurers and explorers who attended zD9qGKcxtHg-01548-00369909-00370112 Oxford are Walter Raleigh one of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01549-00370113-00370322 most notable figures of the Elizabethan zD9qGKcxtHg-01550-00370323-00370577 era TE Lawrence whose life was the basis zD9qGKcxtHg-01551-00370578-00370874 of the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia and zD9qGKcxtHg-01552-00370875-00371138 Thomas core yet the latter the zD9qGKcxtHg-01553-00371139-00371353 of quarry at scrutinies hastily gobbled zD9qGKcxtHg-01554-00371354-00371537 up in five months travels in France zD9qGKcxtHg-01555-00371538-00371854 Italy and see 1611 in court gesture of zD9qGKcxtHg-01556-00371855-00372050 Henry Frederick Prince of Wales is zD9qGKcxtHg-01557-00372051-00372269 credited with introducing the table fork zD9qGKcxtHg-01558-00372270-00372451 and umbrella to England and being the zD9qGKcxtHg-01559-00372452-00372614 first Briton to do a grand tour of zD9qGKcxtHg-01560-00372615-00372824 Europe other notable figures include zD9qGKcxtHg-01561-00372825-00373088 Gertrude Bell and explorer archaeologist zD9qGKcxtHg-01562-00373089-00373313 mapper and spy who along with TE zD9qGKcxtHg-01563-00373314-00373622 Lawrence helped establish the Hashemite zD9qGKcxtHg-01564-00373623-00373823 dynasties in what is today Jordan and zD9qGKcxtHg-01565-00373824-00373984 Iraq and played a major role in zD9qGKcxtHg-01566-00373985-00374182 establishing and administering the zD9qGKcxtHg-01567-00374183-00374372 modern state of Iraq Richard Francis zD9qGKcxtHg-01568-00374373-00374575 Bergen who travelled in disguise to zD9qGKcxtHg-01569-00374576-00374744 Mecca and journeyed with John Hanning zD9qGKcxtHg-01570-00374745-00374975 Speke as the first European explorers to zD9qGKcxtHg-01571-00374976-00375146 visit the great lakes of Africa in zD9qGKcxtHg-01572-00375147-00375272 search of the source of the Nile zD9qGKcxtHg-01573-00375273-00375518 Mountaineer Tom bordelon member of the zD9qGKcxtHg-01574-00375519-00375709 expedition to make the first ascent of zD9qGKcxtHg-01575-00375710-00375880 Mount Everest and Peter Fleming zD9qGKcxtHg-01576-00375881-00376097 adventurer and travel rider and elder zD9qGKcxtHg-01577-00376098-00376316 brother of Ian Fleming creator of James zD9qGKcxtHg-01578-00376317-00376663 Bond zD9qGKcxtHg-01579-00376664-00376942 topic Oxford and literature and other zD9qGKcxtHg-01580-00376943-00377323 media zD9qGKcxtHg-01581-00377324-00377584 the University of Oxford is the setting zD9qGKcxtHg-01582-00377585-00377863 for numerous works of fiction Oxford was zD9qGKcxtHg-01583-00377864-00378115 mentioned in fiction as early as 1400 zD9qGKcxtHg-01584-00378116-00378298 when Chaucer and his Canterbury Tales zD9qGKcxtHg-01585-00378299-00378585 referred to a clerk student of oxenfurt zD9qGKcxtHg-01586-00378586-00379084 by 1989 533 novels based in Oxford had zD9qGKcxtHg-01587-00379085-00379249 been identified and the number continues zD9qGKcxtHg-01588-00379250-00379597 to rise famous literary works range from zD9qGKcxtHg-01589-00379598-00379825 Brideshead Revisited by yves Lanois to zD9qGKcxtHg-01590-00379826-00380023 the trilogy His Dark Materials by Philip zD9qGKcxtHg-01591-00380024-00380227 Pullman which features an alternate zD9qGKcxtHg-01592-00380228-00380527 reality version of the University other zD9qGKcxtHg-01593-00380528-00380857 notable examples include Gotti Knight a zD9qGKcxtHg-01594-00380858-00381094 Lord Peter Wimsey mystery by Dorothy L zD9qGKcxtHg-01595-00381095-00381280 Sayers who was herself a graduate of zD9qGKcxtHg-01596-00381281-00381577 Somerville College the Inspector Morse zD9qGKcxtHg-01597-00381578-00381805 series by Colin Dexter and it's spin-off zD9qGKcxtHg-01598-00381806-00382045 Lewis are set in Oxford and frequently zD9qGKcxtHg-01599-00382046-00382237 referred to the university although most zD9qGKcxtHg-01600-00382238-00382431 of the college names are fictional zD9qGKcxtHg-01601-00382432-00382740 Zuleika Dobson by max Beerbohm zD9qGKcxtHg-01602-00382741-00383101 Brideshead Revisited 1981 based on Oise zD9qGKcxtHg-01603-00383102-00383347 novel a miniseries enormous ly popular zD9qGKcxtHg-01604-00383348-00383533 in Britain and America the film has zD9qGKcxtHg-01605-00383534-00383734 sometimes been seen as drawing unwanted zD9qGKcxtHg-01606-00383735-00383941 attention to Oxford's stereotypical zD9qGKcxtHg-01607-00383942-00384139 reputation as a playground for the upper zD9qGKcxtHg-01608-00384140-00384445 class it stars Jeremy Irons and most zD9qGKcxtHg-01609-00384446-00384637 College shots are of Christchurch in zD9qGKcxtHg-01610-00384638-00385059 Hertford true-blue 1996 about the mutiny zD9qGKcxtHg-01611-00385060-00385243 at the time of the Oxford Cambridge Boat zD9qGKcxtHg-01612-00385244-00385720 Race of 1987 The History Boys 2008 about zD9qGKcxtHg-01613-00385721-00385891 a group of boys applying to do history zD9qGKcxtHg-01614-00385892-00386263 at Oxford said in 1983 and based on the zD9qGKcxtHg-01615-00386264-00386571 play by Alan Bennett the Golden Compass zD9qGKcxtHg-01616-00386572-00387100 2007 the riot Club 2014 testament of zD9qGKcxtHg-01617-00387101-00387367 youth 2014 drama film based on the zD9qGKcxtHg-01618-00387368-00387523 memoir of the same name written by zD9qGKcxtHg-01619-00387524-00387748 Somerville alumna Vera Brittain notable zD9qGKcxtHg-01620-00387749-00387937 nonfiction works on Oxford include zD9qGKcxtHg-01621-00387938-00388379 Oxford by Jan Morris zD9qGKcxtHg-01622-00388380-00388897 topic see also zD9qGKcxtHg-01623-00388898-00389395 topic notes zD9qGKcxtHg-01624-00389396-00389906 topic references zD9qGKcxtHg-01625-00389907-00390448 topic bibliography zD9qGKcxtHg-01626-00390449-00390993 topic external links zD9qGKcxtHg-01627-00390994-00391324 official website the University of zD9qGKcxtHg-01628-00391325-00391564 Oxford a history of the county of Oxford zD9qGKcxtHg-01629-00391565-00392089 vol 3 the University of Oxford 1954 pp 1 zD9qGKcxtHg-01630-00392090-00392446 238 works by or about University of zD9qGKcxtHg-01631-00392447-00392788 Oxford and Internet Archive zFG8UbTdJ9E-00000-00000049-00000273 the parliamentarian of the United States zFG8UbTdJ9E-00001-00000274-00000488 Senate as the official adviser to the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00002-00000490-00000632 United States Senate on the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00003-00000633-00000836 interpretation of standing rules of the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00004-00000837-00001014 United States Senate and parliamentary zFG8UbTdJ9E-00005-00001015-00001337 procedure as the presiding officer of zFG8UbTdJ9E-00006-00001338-00001541 the Senate may not be fully aware of the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00007-00001542-00001770 parliamentary situation currently facing zFG8UbTdJ9E-00008-00001771-00001967 the Senate a parliamentary staff sits zFG8UbTdJ9E-00009-00001968-00002138 second from the left on the Senate day zFG8UbTdJ9E-00010-00002139-00002337 is to advise the presiding officer on zFG8UbTdJ9E-00011-00002338-00002529 how to respond to inquiries and motions zFG8UbTdJ9E-00012-00002530-00002745 from senators the role of the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00013-00002746-00002972 parliamentary staff has advisory and the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00014-00002973-00003146 presiding officer may overrule the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00015-00003147-00003334 advice of the parliamentarian in zFG8UbTdJ9E-00016-00003335-00003561 practice this is rare and the most zFG8UbTdJ9E-00017-00003561-00003774 recent example of a vice president as zFG8UbTdJ9E-00018-00003775-00003956 president of the Senate overruling the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00019-00003957-00004166 parliamentarian was Nelson Rockefeller zFG8UbTdJ9E-00020-00004167-00004815 in 1975 zFG8UbTdJ9E-00021-00004816-00005323 topic overview zFG8UbTdJ9E-00022-00005324-00005575 an important role of the parliamentarian zFG8UbTdJ9E-00023-00005576-00005779 is to decide what can and cannot be done zFG8UbTdJ9E-00024-00005780-00005944 under the Senate's reconciliation zFG8UbTdJ9E-00025-00005945-00006139 process under the provisions of the bird zFG8UbTdJ9E-00026-00006140-00006403 rule these rulings are important because zFG8UbTdJ9E-00027-00006404-00006595 they allow certain bills to be approved zFG8UbTdJ9E-00028-00006595-00006841 by a simple majority instead of the 60 zFG8UbTdJ9E-00029-00006842-00007015 votes needed to end debate and block a zFG8UbTdJ9E-00030-00007016-00007284 filibuster a meeting to screen a draft zFG8UbTdJ9E-00031-00007286-00007495 bill by the parliamentarian office staff zFG8UbTdJ9E-00032-00007495-00007669 in the presence of Republican and zFG8UbTdJ9E-00033-00007670-00007876 Democratic staff as sometimes informally zFG8UbTdJ9E-00034-00007877-00008014 termed a birdbath zFG8UbTdJ9E-00035-00008015-00008281 the office also refers bills to the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00036-00008282-00008476 appropriate committees on behalf of the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00037-00008477-00008680 Senate's presiding officer and referees zFG8UbTdJ9E-00038-00008681-00008863 efforts by the ruling party to change zFG8UbTdJ9E-00039-00008864-00009037 the Senate rules by rulings from the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00040-00009038-00009321 chair the parliamentarian is appointed zFG8UbTdJ9E-00041-00009322-00009484 by and serves at the pleasure of the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00042-00009485-00009778 Senate Majority Leader traditionally the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00043-00009779-00009979 parliamentarian is chosen from senior zFG8UbTdJ9E-00044-00009980-00010165 staff in the parliamentarian office zFG8UbTdJ9E-00045-00010166-00010360 which helps ensure consistency in the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00046-00010361-00010540 application of the Senate's complex zFG8UbTdJ9E-00047-00010541-00010849 rules the last two parliamentarians have zFG8UbTdJ9E-00048-00010850-00011017 served under both Republican and zFG8UbTdJ9E-00049-00011018-00011254 Democratic Senate rule the zFG8UbTdJ9E-00050-00011255-00011643 parliamentarians current salary is 170 zFG8UbTdJ9E-00051-00011644-00012344 1315 dollars per year zFG8UbTdJ9E-00052-00012345-00012846 topic history zFG8UbTdJ9E-00053-00012847-00013101 the current parliamentarian is Elisabeth zFG8UbTdJ9E-00054-00013102-00013287 McDonough who has held the office since zFG8UbTdJ9E-00055-00013288-00013527 2012 and was appointed by then Senate zFG8UbTdJ9E-00056-00013528-00013830 Majority Leader Harry Reid six people zFG8UbTdJ9E-00057-00013831-00014419 have served as Senate parliamentarian zFG8UbTdJ9E-00058-00014420-00014991 topic see also zFG8UbTdJ9E-00059-00014991-00015190 parliamentarian of the United States zFG8UbTdJ9E-00060-00015191-00015505 House of Representatives equals equals zFG8UbTdJ9E-00061-00015506-00015741 notes zHm1zxwn5Xk-00000-00000156-00000509 hello and welcome zHm1zxwn5Xk-00001-00000509-00000743 happy New Year this is the first zHm1zxwn5Xk-00002-00000744-00001145 recording for everyday counts in 2023 my zHm1zxwn5Xk-00003-00001146-00001307 name is Tony and we have an hour zHm1zxwn5Xk-00004-00001308-00001660 together for chair yoga so welcome thank zHm1zxwn5Xk-00005-00001661-00001960 you for taking this time for yourself zHm1zxwn5Xk-00006-00001961-00002333 today we're going to be considering how zHm1zxwn5Xk-00007-00002334-00002609 we want to move forward into our zHm1zxwn5Xk-00008-00002610-00002957 practice and ultimately into this New zHm1zxwn5Xk-00009-00002958-00003203 Year rather than thinking about it as zHm1zxwn5Xk-00010-00003204-00003388 kind of like the traditional New Year's zHm1zxwn5Xk-00011-00003389-00003553 resolution zHm1zxwn5Xk-00012-00003554-00003719 consider zHm1zxwn5Xk-00013-00003720-00004036 what you would like to invite more of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00014-00004037-00004235 into your life zHm1zxwn5Xk-00015-00004236-00004513 maybe there's a quality there zHm1zxwn5Xk-00016-00004514-00004822 something as simple as calmness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00017-00004823-00005188 quietness maybe that's the opposite to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00018-00005189-00005459 that maybe it's busyness maybe you want zHm1zxwn5Xk-00019-00005460-00005861 to do more things be more out into the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00020-00005862-00006251 community whatever it is for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00021-00006252-00006491 so in a moment when we tune in I'm going zHm1zxwn5Xk-00022-00006492-00006719 to give you the opportunity if something zHm1zxwn5Xk-00023-00006720-00007210 hasn't already arisen to consider what zHm1zxwn5Xk-00024-00007211-00007498 you want to bring forward into this new zHm1zxwn5Xk-00025-00007500-00007834 year for yourself a quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00026-00007836-00008117 and we'll have an opportunity to Anchor zHm1zxwn5Xk-00027-00008118-00008314 that in we'll keep coming back to that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00028-00008315-00008477 quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00029-00008478-00008845 and it's a lot of people talk about zHm1zxwn5Xk-00030-00008846-00009155 intentions and that's ultimately what zHm1zxwn5Xk-00031-00009156-00009517 this quality is and you could consider zHm1zxwn5Xk-00032-00009518-00009809 writing this quality down off to class zHm1zxwn5Xk-00033-00009810-00010114 and putting it on a Post-It sticking it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00034-00010115-00010349 on your mirror or somewhere where you're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00035-00010350-00010499 going to see it because if it's a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00036-00010500-00010727 quality you really want to invite into zHm1zxwn5Xk-00037-00010728-00011141 your world and into this full year ahead zHm1zxwn5Xk-00038-00011142-00011446 it doesn't just stop with this moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00039-00011447-00011687 now it's something we can keep coming zHm1zxwn5Xk-00040-00011688-00012113 back to and keep being mindful of say if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00041-00012114-00012388 we want to bring in a little bit more zHm1zxwn5Xk-00042-00012389-00012610 then if we look at that in the mirrors zHm1zxwn5Xk-00043-00012611-00012802 we're brushing our teeth every day then zHm1zxwn5Xk-00044-00012803-00013186 we could consider small ways that we can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00045-00013187-00013486 invite that quality of calm into our zHm1zxwn5Xk-00046-00013487-00013558 life zHm1zxwn5Xk-00047-00013559-00013744 and we're going to be keep coming back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00048-00013745-00014141 to that into our practice as well and if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00049-00014141-00014321 this is not something you're interested zHm1zxwn5Xk-00050-00014322-00014530 in then you can just ignore me zHm1zxwn5Xk-00051-00014531-00014725 and as always zHm1zxwn5Xk-00052-00014726-00014986 remembering that everything I offer zHm1zxwn5Xk-00053-00014987-00015263 today is simply that it is a suggestion zHm1zxwn5Xk-00054-00015263-00015647 it is not anything that needs to be done zHm1zxwn5Xk-00055-00015647-00015886 you're listening to me a little bit of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00056-00015887-00016097 the time but mostly you're listening to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00057-00016097-00016361 yourself your body your intuition your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00058-00016362-00016655 inner knowings and deciding if something zHm1zxwn5Xk-00059-00016656-00016883 feels right in your body if you would zHm1zxwn5Xk-00060-00016884-00017141 like to move in that way if you need to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00061-00017142-00017357 adjust or adapt the number of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00062-00017358-00017975 repetitions or the angle or depth or zHm1zxwn5Xk-00063-00017976-00018257 anything at all about that movement to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00064-00018258-00018647 make it more in line with working with zHm1zxwn5Xk-00065-00018648-00018917 your body instead of against zHm1zxwn5Xk-00066-00018918-00019199 so with a comfortable chair zHm1zxwn5Xk-00067-00019200-00019439 considering sitting away from the back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00068-00019440-00019619 of your chair that's something you would zHm1zxwn5Xk-00069-00019620-00019894 like to do feet at a comfortable zHm1zxwn5Xk-00070-00019895-00020153 distance for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00071-00020154-00020441 and then just do a little intuitive zHm1zxwn5Xk-00072-00020442-00020794 movement maybe that hasn't already been zHm1zxwn5Xk-00073-00020795-00021071 done today just kind of feeling into zHm1zxwn5Xk-00074-00021072-00021472 your body and how it is in this moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00075-00021473-00021827 and then when you're ready we'll come to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00076-00021828-00022133 a Stillness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00077-00022134-00022349 feel free zHm1zxwn5Xk-00078-00022350-00022739 on your next exhale to lower soften your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00079-00022740-00023255 gaze or close your eyes zHm1zxwn5Xk-00080-00023256-00023461 and take a couple of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00081-00023462-00023878 slower more conscious breaths in and out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00082-00023879-00024736 in your own rhythm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00083-00024737-00024971 and then let the breath come back to its zHm1zxwn5Xk-00084-00024972-00025192 own natural zHm1zxwn5Xk-00085-00025193-00025572 Cadence zHm1zxwn5Xk-00086-00025573-00025972 momentum and to the support underneath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00087-00025973-00026087 your feet zHm1zxwn5Xk-00088-00026088-00026770 your seat maybe the back of your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00089-00026772-00026962 you can pick up through the toes and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00090-00026963-00027173 spread them wide if you like you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00091-00027174-00027502 pick up the bowls with the feet zHm1zxwn5Xk-00092-00027504-00027749 and if you lifted the balls of the feet zHm1zxwn5Xk-00093-00027750-00028001 of the toes allow them to gently soften zHm1zxwn5Xk-00094-00028002-00028181 back down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00095-00028182-00028487 and once again Awakening that awareness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00096-00028488-00029002 to the support underneath you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00097-00029004-00029273 bring that awareness into your seat zHm1zxwn5Xk-00098-00029274-00029602 where it meets the chair zHm1zxwn5Xk-00099-00029604-00029849 and if there's any adjusting you need to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00100-00029850-00030017 make if you're sitting more to one side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00101-00030018-00030281 than the other or if you want to adjust zHm1zxwn5Xk-00102-00030282-00030502 your shoulders over your hips so your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00103-00030504-00030802 knee there is sitting forward or sitting zHm1zxwn5Xk-00104-00030804-00031145 back so we're stacking our vertebrae zHm1zxwn5Xk-00105-00031145-00031474 balancing the bones zHm1zxwn5Xk-00106-00031475-00031762 crown of the head reaching up towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00107-00031763-00032105 the sky now so there's a whole lifting zHm1zxwn5Xk-00108-00032106-00032483 through the Torso through the head and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00109-00032483-00032670 the neck zHm1zxwn5Xk-00110-00032672-00032896 rolling the shoulders a couple of times zHm1zxwn5Xk-00111-00032897-00033101 back and down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00112-00033102-00033340 allowing them to settle away from the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00113-00033341-00034018 ears in your own way zHm1zxwn5Xk-00114-00034019-00034237 take a big breath in when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00115-00034238-00034589 keep the shape of the body exhale let go zHm1zxwn5Xk-00116-00034590-00034996 of the tension and tightness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00117-00034997-00035224 another couple of exhales like that feel zHm1zxwn5Xk-00118-00035225-00035507 your body softening the muscles and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00119-00035508-00036029 loosening zHm1zxwn5Xk-00120-00036030-00036293 and then with this internal Focus allow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00121-00036294-00036443 the breath to come back to its own zHm1zxwn5Xk-00122-00036444-00036773 natural rhythm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00123-00036774-00036983 just take a moment here and notice how zHm1zxwn5Xk-00124-00036984-00037421 it is you're feeling in this moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00125-00037422-00037661 maybe there's a lot going on in your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00126-00037662-00037937 body your head your heart zHm1zxwn5Xk-00127-00037938-00038279 or maybe there's not so much going on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00128-00038280-00038495 there's a jumble of things it's just zHm1zxwn5Xk-00129-00038496-00038795 allow it all to be there zHm1zxwn5Xk-00130-00038796-00039233 to figure it out or filter it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00131-00039234-00039515 and then we'll tune in to our mind and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00132-00039516-00039667 notice thoughts zHm1zxwn5Xk-00133-00039668-00040246 concerns anticipation of the future zHm1zxwn5Xk-00134-00040247-00040961 or cheering over the past zHm1zxwn5Xk-00135-00040962-00041212 drop that awareness down into your chest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00136-00041213-00041501 and heart space or a place zHm1zxwn5Xk-00137-00041502-00041837 that makes sense for you for your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00138-00041838-00042133 emotions and notice zHm1zxwn5Xk-00139-00042134-00042437 emotions feelings zHm1zxwn5Xk-00140-00042438-00042629 and maybe there's a lot there maybe zHm1zxwn5Xk-00141-00042630-00042779 there's next to nothing or you're not zHm1zxwn5Xk-00142-00042780-00042952 quite sure zHm1zxwn5Xk-00143-00042953-00043318 there's no wrong way to do this zHm1zxwn5Xk-00144-00043319-00043571 and then tapping into your body of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00145-00043572-00043840 physical body noticing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00146-00043841-00044218 Sensations noticing areas of tenderness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00147-00044219-00044374 Maybe zHm1zxwn5Xk-00148-00044375-00044807 or discomfort zHm1zxwn5Xk-00149-00044808-00045101 also notice those places of quietness of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00150-00045102-00045299 ease that we don't normally pay zHm1zxwn5Xk-00151-00045300-00045935 attention to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00152-00045936-00046168 soften any zHm1zxwn5Xk-00153-00046169-00046318 tightness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00154-00046319-00046673 tension wherever you can and start to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00155-00046674-00047062 notice how your body is moving with your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00156-00047063-00047321 breath there is a slight lifting zHm1zxwn5Xk-00157-00047322-00047518 expanding through the chest the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00158-00047519-00047807 shoulders on the inhale and that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00159-00047808-00048371 softening of the exhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00160-00048372-00048562 maybe bringing the lips together zHm1zxwn5Xk-00161-00048563-00048761 breathing in and out through your nose zHm1zxwn5Xk-00162-00048762-00048958 if that feels comfortable for you today zHm1zxwn5Xk-00163-00048959-00049217 and if it doesn't I'm breathing in an zHm1zxwn5Xk-00164-00049218-00049811 easy Gentle Way zHm1zxwn5Xk-00165-00049812-00050105 starting to deepen and lengthen that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00166-00050106-00050386 breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00167-00050387-00050579 again there's no wrong way to breathe zHm1zxwn5Xk-00168-00050580-00050758 you don't have to match anybody else's zHm1zxwn5Xk-00169-00050759-00051335 breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00170-00051336-00051616 with that more mindful zHm1zxwn5Xk-00171-00051617-00051976 expensive breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00172-00051977-00052246 starting to study the breath out all the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00173-00052247-00052499 way up to the inhale top of the inhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00174-00052500-00052661 all the way down to the bottom of the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00175-00052662-00053171 exhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00176-00053172-00053441 the opportunity on the exhale is always zHm1zxwn5Xk-00177-00053441-00053692 to let go of any tension that may have zHm1zxwn5Xk-00178-00053694-00054347 built up somewhere along the line zHm1zxwn5Xk-00179-00054348-00054641 let me release any forcing of the breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00180-00054641-00054838 of the body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00181-00054839-00055066 so there's a softness that Creeps in and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00182-00055067-00055330 we have this longer steadier softer zHm1zxwn5Xk-00183-00055332-00055673 breath in and out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00184-00055674-00056116 and you're away and here we take a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00185-00056117-00056363 moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00186-00056364-00056741 and consider zHm1zxwn5Xk-00187-00056741-00057142 what do I wish to invite in to my zHm1zxwn5Xk-00188-00057144-00057491 practice today and into zHm1zxwn5Xk-00189-00057491-00057665 this new year zHm1zxwn5Xk-00190-00057666-00057880 what quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00191-00057882-00058397 do I want more of in my life zHm1zxwn5Xk-00192-00058398-00058642 and again it could be a word it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00193-00058644-00058930 may be a couple of words or short zHm1zxwn5Xk-00194-00058932-00059375 sentence zHm1zxwn5Xk-00195-00059376-00059530 well if you're not quite sure you could zHm1zxwn5Xk-00196-00059532-00059854 try a few words on if you were trying a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00197-00059855-00060091 coat on maybe zHm1zxwn5Xk-00198-00060091-00060515 calmness maybe connection to self to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00199-00060516-00060832 others zHm1zxwn5Xk-00200-00060833-00061103 let's go through a few and if there's zHm1zxwn5Xk-00201-00061104-00061366 one that feels like it resonates with zHm1zxwn5Xk-00202-00061367-00061576 you more then stay with that one and it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00203-00061577-00061811 doesn't have to stay that one for the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00204-00061812-00061991 rest of the year but would just zHm1zxwn5Xk-00205-00061991-00062176 considering what would you like to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00206-00062177-00062441 invite more into zHm1zxwn5Xk-00207-00062441-00062753 your practice today and into this new zHm1zxwn5Xk-00208-00062754-00063341 year zHm1zxwn5Xk-00209-00063341-00063491 and then imagine zHm1zxwn5Xk-00210-00063491-00063857 sense and feel into what having that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00211-00063858-00064216 quality would feel like in your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00212-00064217-00064516 so if you were already calm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00213-00064517-00064726 how could you embody that calm what zHm1zxwn5Xk-00214-00064727-00064925 would it feel like is there a location zHm1zxwn5Xk-00215-00064926-00065242 in your body where it feels like it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00216-00065244-00065903 would be more present for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00217-00065904-00066149 and see if you can invite that feeling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00218-00066150-00066413 into the now as if you were already zHm1zxwn5Xk-00219-00066414-00066953 possessed that quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00220-00066954-00067361 and invite that quality into your breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00221-00067362-00067691 and doesn't have to make sense zHm1zxwn5Xk-00222-00067692-00068032 invited into your breath your body your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00223-00068033-00068375 mind your heart zHm1zxwn5Xk-00224-00068376-00068747 as if it was already present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00225-00068748-00068956 you could even imagine the expression on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00226-00068957-00069106 your face zHm1zxwn5Xk-00227-00069107-00069275 how your body will zHm1zxwn5Xk-00228-00069276-00069832 feel maybe tension drains away a little zHm1zxwn5Xk-00229-00069833-00070421 depending on your quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00230-00070422-00070655 and then you can State your quality to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00231-00070656-00070906 yourself again that word or that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00232-00070907-00071309 sentence three times silently as if it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00233-00071310-00071525 was already present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00234-00071526-00071867 so for example instead of I wish for zHm1zxwn5Xk-00235-00071868-00072263 calm as if it was already present I am zHm1zxwn5Xk-00236-00072264-00072599 calm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00237-00072600-00072856 three times silently or out loud to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00238-00072857-00072994 yourself zHm1zxwn5Xk-00239-00072995-00073805 allowing those words to land zHm1zxwn5Xk-00240-00073806-00074056 and we'll keep coming back to that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00241-00074057-00074273 quality rooting down through the feet zHm1zxwn5Xk-00242-00074274-00074638 and seat so getting heavy through that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00243-00074639-00074867 connection to the support underneath you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00244-00074868-00075155 and Rising through the Torso through the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00245-00075156-00075365 crown of the head roll the shoulders zHm1zxwn5Xk-00246-00075366-00075623 back and down once more broad through zHm1zxwn5Xk-00247-00075624-00075935 the collar bones zHm1zxwn5Xk-00248-00075936-00076156 and on the inhale you're going to lift zHm1zxwn5Xk-00249-00076157-00076373 the chin up lengthen through the back of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00250-00076374-00076594 the neck so we're not just compressing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00251-00076595-00076882 the back of the neck exhale chin down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00252-00076883-00077106 towards the chest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00253-00077107-00077537 inhaling the entire steady inhale chin zHm1zxwn5Xk-00254-00077538-00078161 lifts on the exhale chin draws down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00255-00078162-00078449 and invite that quality into the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00256-00078450-00078688 movement so if you're putting a whole zHm1zxwn5Xk-00257-00078689-00079187 lot of effort in and your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00258-00079188-00079487 your word or your sentence was zHm1zxwn5Xk-00259-00079488-00079793 gentleness then can you embody that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00260-00079794-00080182 quality As you move zHm1zxwn5Xk-00261-00080183-00080531 two more here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00262-00080532-00080806 maybe that movement stays the same gets zHm1zxwn5Xk-00263-00080807-00080993 smaller or one bigger depending on your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00264-00080994-00081323 intention zHm1zxwn5Xk-00265-00081324-00081623 the end of that next exhale draw the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00266-00081624-00081844 chin down towards the chest and stay zHm1zxwn5Xk-00267-00081845-00082109 drawing the collarbones wide and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00268-00082110-00082312 breathing into the back of the neck of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00269-00082313-00082619 your shoulders upper back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00270-00082620-00083141 that steady quality of breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00271-00083142-00083350 and then when you're ready the crown of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00272-00083351-00083705 the head reaches up towards the sky once zHm1zxwn5Xk-00273-00083706-00084017 more dangling that right arm down nice zHm1zxwn5Xk-00274-00084018-00084323 and soft and on the inhale we'll lift zHm1zxwn5Xk-00275-00084324-00084550 that shoulder the shoulder up towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00276-00084551-00084832 the ear exhaling round so we're circling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00277-00084833-00085132 with that right shoulder being gentle zHm1zxwn5Xk-00278-00085133-00085337 with yourself it's been a while since zHm1zxwn5Xk-00279-00085338-00085655 you've done some movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00280-00085656-00086003 inviting that quality into not only your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00281-00086004-00086267 body your breath but the movement as zHm1zxwn5Xk-00282-00086268-00086806 well zHm1zxwn5Xk-00283-00086807-00087053 and then at the end of the exhale we'll zHm1zxwn5Xk-00284-00087054-00087287 pause and then go round in the opposite zHm1zxwn5Xk-00285-00087288-00087503 direction and of course you can rest at zHm1zxwn5Xk-00286-00087504-00087815 any time notice where you feel is in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00287-00087816-00088273 your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00288-00088274-00088571 embodying that quality that you invited zHm1zxwn5Xk-00289-00088572-00089171 and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00290-00089172-00089531 end of that exhale we'll keep that hand zHm1zxwn5Xk-00291-00089532-00089855 and um still I'm going to lift up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00292-00089856-00090017 through the shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00293-00090018-00090371 elbow and wrist and then let it come zHm1zxwn5Xk-00294-00090372-00090443 down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00295-00090444-00090844 so shoulder elbow wrist fingers zHm1zxwn5Xk-00296-00090845-00091168 so it's a flow and this can be a very zHm1zxwn5Xk-00297-00091169-00091456 small movement that arm can be gentle zHm1zxwn5Xk-00298-00091457-00091817 and Next to You Down by your hip zHm1zxwn5Xk-00299-00091818-00092231 it can be a lifted bigger movement what zHm1zxwn5Xk-00300-00092232-00092494 we're looking for here is the flow of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00301-00092495-00092675 the movement if it doesn't feel like zHm1zxwn5Xk-00302-00092676-00092849 it's flowing then that is why we're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00303-00092850-00093161 doing it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00304-00093162-00093262 um zHm1zxwn5Xk-00305-00093263-00093544 one more and then that right hand comes zHm1zxwn5Xk-00306-00093545-00093923 all the way back to support left hand zHm1zxwn5Xk-00307-00093924-00094187 dangles down keeping the eyes soft load zHm1zxwn5Xk-00308-00094188-00094415 or closed if you like and we're circling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00309-00094416-00094643 through that left shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00310-00094644-00094997 keep the breath steady the movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00311-00094998-00095321 mirrors the breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00312-00095322-00095543 notice where you feel those if you need zHm1zxwn5Xk-00313-00095544-00095962 to adjust it or rest at any point zHm1zxwn5Xk-00314-00095963-00096137 and then when you're ready we'll pause zHm1zxwn5Xk-00315-00096138-00096329 and take those circles around in the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00316-00096330-00096521 opposite direction as me feel very zHm1zxwn5Xk-00317-00096522-00097193 different in your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00318-00097194-00097337 um zHm1zxwn5Xk-00319-00097338-00097781 noticing that let's take one more zHm1zxwn5Xk-00320-00097782-00097973 and then we'll come back to Stillness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00321-00097974-00098243 and then from here broad collar bones zHm1zxwn5Xk-00322-00098244-00098488 we're going to lift the left shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00323-00098489-00098831 elbow wrist and then the fingers zHm1zxwn5Xk-00324-00098832-00099244 and they slow down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00325-00099245-00099550 so considering zHm1zxwn5Xk-00326-00099551-00099844 trying to find that ease of movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00327-00099845-00100121 here and again this can be a really zHm1zxwn5Xk-00328-00100122-00100499 gentle small movement it can be a bigger zHm1zxwn5Xk-00329-00100500-00100709 movement one is not better than the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00330-00100710-00101082 other let's do one more here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00331-00101083-00101387 I'm going to take both hands down we're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00332-00101388-00101674 going to go side to side so start on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00333-00101675-00102065 that right side so lifting up and then zHm1zxwn5Xk-00334-00102066-00102473 we'll go to the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00335-00102474-00103189 I'm going to allow that to flow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00336-00103190-00103439 it doesn't have to look like it does in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00337-00103440-00103649 my body everybody's gonna experience zHm1zxwn5Xk-00338-00103650-00103918 this and want to do this differently zHm1zxwn5Xk-00339-00103919-00104080 because we've got different things going zHm1zxwn5Xk-00340-00104081-00104953 on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00341-00104954-00105293 and then we'll take those hands down and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00342-00105294-00105647 back to support any intuitive movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00343-00105648-00106013 to release any tension go ahead rooting zHm1zxwn5Xk-00344-00106014-00106301 to rise that steady breath here if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00345-00106302-00106427 you're sitting into the back of your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00346-00106428-00106631 chair you could consider coming forward zHm1zxwn5Xk-00347-00106632-00106919 as we come into seat of cat and cow on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00348-00106920-00107140 the inhale the hands draw back as the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00349-00107141-00107513 heart comes forward and we Arch on the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00350-00107514-00107801 exhale pushing the fingertips towards or zHm1zxwn5Xk-00351-00107802-00108119 on the knees as we round you can bring zHm1zxwn5Xk-00352-00108120-00108490 that chin in as we lift and again zHm1zxwn5Xk-00353-00108491-00108665 lengthening through the back of the neck zHm1zxwn5Xk-00354-00108666-00108869 exhale drop the chin in towards the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00355-00108870-00108983 chest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00356-00108983-00109271 hitting that spinal movement all the way zHm1zxwn5Xk-00357-00109272-00109697 up through the base of the skull zHm1zxwn5Xk-00358-00109698-00110273 noticing how this feels zHm1zxwn5Xk-00359-00110274-00110645 if you want to add on we can add some zHm1zxwn5Xk-00360-00110646-00110957 alms in here on the inhale sweeping zHm1zxwn5Xk-00361-00110958-00111377 those arms wide and on the exhale join zHm1zxwn5Xk-00362-00111378-00111695 the fingertips forward and together they zHm1zxwn5Xk-00363-00111696-00112108 do not have to touch inhaling sweeping zHm1zxwn5Xk-00364-00112109-00112510 wide exhaling fingers together now those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00365-00112511-00112908 arms can be high zHm1zxwn5Xk-00366-00112909-00113393 or they can be low zHm1zxwn5Xk-00367-00113394-00113675 we've got another five here so let that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00368-00113676-00113928 flow be your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00369-00113929-00114083 guidance zHm1zxwn5Xk-00370-00114083-00114523 that quality that you're inviting in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00371-00114524-00114923 mindful of that three more rest if you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00372-00114924-00115199 want to well the hands can of course be zHm1zxwn5Xk-00373-00115200-00115697 sliding up and down the legs zHm1zxwn5Xk-00374-00115698-00116213 lost one zHm1zxwn5Xk-00375-00116214-00116434 and I'm going to take the hands all the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00376-00116435-00116647 way down if they're not there already zHm1zxwn5Xk-00377-00116648-00116999 and come back to Center big beautiful zHm1zxwn5Xk-00378-00117000-00117265 breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00379-00117266-00117575 exhale it out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00380-00117576-00117760 nicely done zHm1zxwn5Xk-00381-00117761-00118031 dangling those hands next to you roll zHm1zxwn5Xk-00382-00118032-00118231 through the collarbones once again zHm1zxwn5Xk-00383-00118232-00118547 steady the breath this is the inhale on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00384-00118548-00118684 the exhale we're going to reach those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00385-00118685-00118925 right fingertips down as the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00386-00118926-00119207 shoulder lifts inhaling back up through zHm1zxwn5Xk-00387-00119208-00119563 Center and exhaling down the other side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00388-00119564-00119890 get heavy now through your feet and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00389-00119891-00120202 pelvis so your sit bones making sure zHm1zxwn5Xk-00390-00120203-00120377 that as you reach to one side the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00391-00120378-00120736 opposite hip doesn't get light or lift zHm1zxwn5Xk-00392-00120738-00120923 so we're really feeling that connection zHm1zxwn5Xk-00393-00120924-00121234 down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00394-00121235-00121510 getting the this is kind of like cat and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00395-00121511-00121769 cow but side to side so it's getting zHm1zxwn5Xk-00396-00121770-00122710 into the lateral flexion of the spine zHm1zxwn5Xk-00397-00122711-00123058 for the last three on either side option zHm1zxwn5Xk-00398-00123059-00123593 to lift one arm up and over zHm1zxwn5Xk-00399-00123594-00123904 you can use the support of the lower zHm1zxwn5Xk-00400-00123905-00124231 hand on your chair should you want to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00401-00124232-00124571 again making sure the feet and both zHm1zxwn5Xk-00402-00124572-00125104 sides of the pelvis are connected zHm1zxwn5Xk-00403-00125105-00125471 one more either side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00404-00125472-00125681 cleaning that length through the side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00405-00125682-00126023 body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00406-00126024-00126347 and coming all the way back up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00407-00126348-00126760 once again hands resting coming into a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00408-00126761-00127139 gentle twist rooting to rise zHm1zxwn5Xk-00409-00127140-00127457 invite that quality back in and stay zHm1zxwn5Xk-00410-00127458-00127763 with that quality as we twist the inhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00411-00127764-00128002 is lifting the exhale we're twist zHm1zxwn5Xk-00412-00128003-00128278 towards the left glancing to the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00413-00128279-00128525 maybe over that left shoulder inhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00414-00128526-00128836 back to Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00415-00128838-00129113 left shoulder draws back right shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00416-00129114-00129425 comes forward as we twist zHm1zxwn5Xk-00417-00129426-00129671 but the pelvis and the feet the lower zHm1zxwn5Xk-00418-00129672-00130186 body is connected downwards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00419-00130188-00130493 if you want to add on with the arms zHm1zxwn5Xk-00420-00130494-00130799 the inhale that left fingertips those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00421-00130800-00131002 left fingertips come forward on the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00422-00131003-00131297 exhale we're Cactus the arm round and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00423-00131298-00131377 back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00424-00131378-00132214 inhaling up and forward zHm1zxwn5Xk-00425-00132215-00132533 again coming back to that quality so if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00426-00132534-00132959 your quality was gentlemax and you are zHm1zxwn5Xk-00427-00132960-00133357 bringing a whole lot of tension in here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00428-00133358-00133919 mimic the quality that you invited them zHm1zxwn5Xk-00429-00133920-00134375 take one more here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00430-00134376-00134639 and we'll come back to Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00431-00134640-00134873 this is the inhale and the exhale is zHm1zxwn5Xk-00432-00134874-00135214 sliding to the right left hand comes zHm1zxwn5Xk-00433-00135215-00135485 forward right hand comes back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00434-00135486-00135766 once again the lower body is connected zHm1zxwn5Xk-00435-00135767-00136043 down so that left hip isn't shuffling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00436-00136044-00136354 forward if you want to add the arms that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00437-00136355-00136804 right arm comes up cactuses back and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00438-00136805-00137140 inhaling tapping down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00439-00137141-00137554 that quality that you invited in both in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00440-00137555-00138161 the breath and embodying it as we move zHm1zxwn5Xk-00441-00138162-00138437 looking back towards the right or over zHm1zxwn5Xk-00442-00138438-00138749 that right shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00443-00138750-00139549 let's take another one here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00444-00139550-00139985 all the way back take a big breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00445-00139986-00140261 exhale it out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00446-00140262-00140399 and then we're going to take those feet zHm1zxwn5Xk-00447-00140400-00140771 a little wider sitting more forward if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00448-00140772-00140957 you want less support on your chair zHm1zxwn5Xk-00449-00140958-00141185 sitting back or even into the back of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00450-00141186-00141293 the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00451-00141294-00141502 um chair behind you so your back is zHm1zxwn5Xk-00452-00141503-00141761 supported if that feels more stable for zHm1zxwn5Xk-00453-00141762-00141881 you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00454-00141882-00142163 make sure that your feet are that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00455-00142164-00142378 connection down to the support zHm1zxwn5Xk-00456-00142379-00142564 underneath you so once again you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00457-00142565-00142727 pick up the toes or even the balls at zHm1zxwn5Xk-00458-00142728-00142954 the feet press down through the heels zHm1zxwn5Xk-00459-00142955-00143183 and then when you're ready the balls at zHm1zxwn5Xk-00460-00143184-00143413 the feet and the toes flow down too zHm1zxwn5Xk-00461-00143414-00143752 making sure that you do feel stable and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00462-00143753-00143963 if you don't mind adjusting your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00463-00143964-00144251 foundation zHm1zxwn5Xk-00464-00144252-00144490 take a big breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00465-00144491-00144701 exhale it out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00466-00144702-00144923 I'm gonna dangle that right hand down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00467-00144924-00145157 from the elbow inhaling the fingertips zHm1zxwn5Xk-00468-00145158-00145493 up towards or on the shoulder exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00469-00145494-00145793 down left hand is supporting you great zHm1zxwn5Xk-00470-00145794-00146093 Pace to stay right here if you want to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00471-00146094-00146363 add on starting to move from that right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00472-00146364-00146657 shoulder instead of the elbow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00473-00146658-00146885 and depending on what feels good to you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00474-00146886-00147185 keeping the Torso upright or those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00475-00147186-00147485 fingertips can come up and over to the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00476-00147486-00147881 left that left hand can support you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00477-00147882-00148097 we've already kind of been here a little zHm1zxwn5Xk-00478-00148098-00148223 bit now we're getting a little more zHm1zxwn5Xk-00479-00148224-00148481 length through at that right side of the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00480-00148482-00148757 body making sure that right hip Roots zHm1zxwn5Xk-00481-00148758-00148990 down and is not getting light as the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00482-00148991-00149683 fingertips come to the left side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00483-00149684-00150269 option to stay here option two reach and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00484-00150270-00150514 stay hands can be overhead or the hand zHm1zxwn5Xk-00485-00150515-00150737 can come behind this zHm1zxwn5Xk-00486-00150738-00150923 um the skull and open up through the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00487-00150924-00151078 elbow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00488-00151079-00151366 left hand supporting you great place to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00489-00151367-00151727 stay or reaching that left hand down and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00490-00151728-00151877 away so you've got the collar bones zHm1zxwn5Xk-00491-00151878-00152183 broad maybe that right elbow in the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00492-00152184-00152464 hand even draw back a little keeping zHm1zxwn5Xk-00493-00152465-00152752 those front ribs integrated so we're not zHm1zxwn5Xk-00494-00152753-00153071 popping into an arched back and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00495-00153072-00153539 breathing three breaths here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00496-00153540-00153761 any numbness tingling those right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00497-00153762-00153995 fingertips then you're coming up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00498-00153996-00154228 releasing that right hand last breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00499-00154229-00154451 here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00500-00154452-00154757 the left hand comes back to support and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00501-00154758-00155039 using that support coming up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00502-00155040-00155393 and taking the right hand down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00503-00155394-00155614 coming to the other side after that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00504-00155615-00155957 intuitive movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00505-00155958-00156178 left hand dangles from the elbow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00506-00156179-00156473 inhaling fingertips up exhaling down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00507-00156474-00156713 this is a great place to stay crown of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00508-00156714-00157037 the head is reaching Towards the Sky zHm1zxwn5Xk-00509-00157038-00157199 auction zHm1zxwn5Xk-00510-00157200-00157439 to start to move from the shoulder now zHm1zxwn5Xk-00511-00157440-00157673 this can be a very gentle small movement zHm1zxwn5Xk-00512-00157674-00157895 and maybe that's enough for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00513-00157896-00158152 you can reach zHm1zxwn5Xk-00514-00158153-00158416 keeping the Torso lifted towards the sky zHm1zxwn5Xk-00515-00158417-00158699 that right hand to support option to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00516-00158700-00158902 take those left fingertips up and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00517-00158903-00159071 overhead zHm1zxwn5Xk-00518-00159072-00159293 once again everything from the pelvis zHm1zxwn5Xk-00519-00159294-00159616 downwards is rooted especially that left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00520-00159617-00160033 hip zHm1zxwn5Xk-00521-00160034-00160295 inhaling and exhaling this is a great zHm1zxwn5Xk-00522-00160296-00160535 place to stay in flow finding that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00523-00160536-00160804 length through the left side of the body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00524-00160805-00161104 always resting coming back to Stillness zHm1zxwn5Xk-00525-00161105-00161449 if you want to imagine that quality your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00526-00161450-00161849 invoking option to reach and stay you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00527-00161850-00162113 have that right hand for support zHm1zxwn5Xk-00528-00162114-00162328 left hand can come behind the skull zHm1zxwn5Xk-00529-00162329-00162623 opening up through the elbow if you like zHm1zxwn5Xk-00530-00162624-00162881 excellent place to stay here broaden zHm1zxwn5Xk-00531-00162882-00163240 across the collarbound or option to draw zHm1zxwn5Xk-00532-00163241-00163439 that right hand down maybe even back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00533-00163440-00163704 behind you as you open across the chest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00534-00163705-00164128 and stay we've got three breaths here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00535-00164129-00164513 what was the quality you invited in are zHm1zxwn5Xk-00536-00164514-00165197 you honoring that quality here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00537-00165198-00165707 staying for one last breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00538-00165708-00166037 the right hand comes back to support up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00539-00166038-00166278 we come with the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00540-00166279-00166739 and roaring that intuitive movement back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00541-00166740-00166954 into the body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00542-00166955-00167207 lost movement sitting we're going to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00543-00167208-00167339 take those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00544-00167340-00167513 um keep those legs in that external zHm1zxwn5Xk-00545-00167514-00167747 rotation fingertips are supporting you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00546-00167748-00167993 here and we're gonna hula hoop through zHm1zxwn5Xk-00547-00167994-00168239 those mid ribs so the inhale coming zHm1zxwn5Xk-00548-00168240-00168414 forward zHm1zxwn5Xk-00549-00168415-00169421 exhaling back and round zHm1zxwn5Xk-00550-00169422-00170143 mm-hmm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00551-00170144-00170993 noticing how that feels zHm1zxwn5Xk-00552-00170994-00171323 always adjusting to move with your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00553-00171324-00171569 not against it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00554-00171570-00171869 and then we'll pause and take that round zHm1zxwn5Xk-00555-00171870-00172519 in the opposite direction zHm1zxwn5Xk-00556-00172520-00173578 inhaling exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00557-00173579-00173861 that quality you're inviting into the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00558-00173862-00174352 movement to your practice to this year zHm1zxwn5Xk-00559-00174353-00174676 and at the end of the last exhale we'll zHm1zxwn5Xk-00560-00174677-00174887 come back to Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00561-00174888-00175121 rooting to rise zHm1zxwn5Xk-00562-00175122-00175516 and heel toe the legs back to Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00563-00175517-00175876 just wash the knees side to side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00564-00175877-00176495 noticing how you feel this in your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00565-00176496-00177143 and we'll come back rooting to rise zHm1zxwn5Xk-00566-00177144-00177478 come back to that breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00567-00177479-00177785 come back to the shape and position of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00568-00177786-00177995 your body that feels good to you in this zHm1zxwn5Xk-00569-00177996-00178151 moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00570-00178152-00178631 embodying that quality you invited in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00571-00178632-00178859 and you can stay here for as long as you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00572-00178860-00179207 like tapping in noticing what is present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00573-00179208-00179945 without judgment just with a curiosity zHm1zxwn5Xk-00574-00179946-00180226 stay here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00575-00180227-00180449 and when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00576-00180450-00180707 I'll meet those of you who want to down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00577-00180708-00180959 on the earth taking the chair out of the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00578-00180960-00181240 way bringing with you anything you might zHm1zxwn5Xk-00579-00181241-00181540 need for the relaxation at the end of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00580-00181541-00181990 class extra layers pillows a bolster or zHm1zxwn5Xk-00581-00181991-00182063 um zHm1zxwn5Xk-00582-00182064-00182302 firm pillows underneath your knees maybe zHm1zxwn5Xk-00583-00182303-00182609 just close at hand and I will see you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00584-00182610-00183125 down on the Earth zHm1zxwn5Xk-00585-00183126-00183376 from sitting we're going to come all the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00586-00183377-00183683 way to our back knees to the sky feet to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00587-00183684-00183983 the floor taking any extra support you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00588-00183984-00184228 need underneath you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00589-00184229-00184559 know around a comfortable distance for zHm1zxwn5Xk-00590-00184560-00184871 you option to pick up the pelvis and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00591-00184872-00185081 just draw the sit bones a little closer zHm1zxwn5Xk-00592-00185082-00185278 to your heels one coming through the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00593-00185279-00185416 spine zHm1zxwn5Xk-00594-00185417-00185681 maybe drawing one shoulder blade and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00595-00185682-00185909 then another underneath you a little bit zHm1zxwn5Xk-00596-00185910-00186233 more so we get this broadness across the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00597-00186234-00186419 collar bones zHm1zxwn5Xk-00598-00186420-00186671 once you're here just like when we was zHm1zxwn5Xk-00599-00186672-00186833 seated zHm1zxwn5Xk-00600-00186834-00187109 take a big breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00601-00187110-00187271 keep the shape zHm1zxwn5Xk-00602-00187272-00187552 that's soften any tightness any tension zHm1zxwn5Xk-00603-00187553-00187757 and if there's any adjustments you need zHm1zxwn5Xk-00604-00187758-00187954 to make to be more comfortable here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00605-00187955-00188333 please go ahead zHm1zxwn5Xk-00606-00188334-00188602 and as we settle into this shape now zHm1zxwn5Xk-00607-00188603-00188801 gravity working in a slightly different zHm1zxwn5Xk-00608-00188802-00188999 way for us zHm1zxwn5Xk-00609-00189000-00189395 start to steady the breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00610-00189396-00189678 coming back to that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00611-00189679-00190121 longer smoother softer breath in and out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00612-00190122-00190331 that we established right at the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00613-00190332-00190576 beginning zHm1zxwn5Xk-00614-00190577-00190913 and then inviting in that quality that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00615-00190914-00191159 you chose zHm1zxwn5Xk-00616-00191160-00191501 as if it was present so not as if you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00617-00191502-00191735 wanted it but as if it was really zHm1zxwn5Xk-00618-00191736-00191878 present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00619-00191879-00192214 how would that feel to already have that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00620-00192215-00192538 quality in this moment zHm1zxwn5Xk-00621-00192539-00192821 and you can of course repeat that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00622-00192822-00193054 intention that quality whether it's a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00623-00193055-00193319 word or a sentence to yourself three zHm1zxwn5Xk-00624-00193320-00193540 times just to allow that to land in your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00625-00193541-00194513 body should you wish to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00626-00194514-00194747 and then when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00627-00194748-00195047 we'll draw that right knee in give it a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00628-00195048-00195287 little hug hands coming to wherever they zHm1zxwn5Xk-00629-00195288-00195545 land side of your thigh and inside zHm1zxwn5Xk-00630-00195546-00196097 behind your knee in front of that shin zHm1zxwn5Xk-00631-00196098-00196271 and from here we're going to circle that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00632-00196272-00196649 ankle around in One Direction zHm1zxwn5Xk-00633-00196650-00196966 nice and slow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00634-00196967-00197290 being mindful of what you're feeling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00635-00197291-00197578 what you're experiencing and then let's zHm1zxwn5Xk-00636-00197579-00197759 pause and take that one under the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00637-00197760-00197993 opposite direction zHm1zxwn5Xk-00638-00197994-00198287 getting that range of motion but also zHm1zxwn5Xk-00639-00198288-00198754 stability and control zHm1zxwn5Xk-00640-00198755-00199001 and we'll keep that Flex in the ankle zHm1zxwn5Xk-00641-00199002-00199259 just gently maybe spreading the toes zHm1zxwn5Xk-00642-00199260-00199669 wide zHm1zxwn5Xk-00643-00199670-00199961 releasing the hands into a cactus or a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00644-00199962-00200423 tea or maybe down by your hips or you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00645-00200424-00200795 can keep your hands resting on your ribs zHm1zxwn5Xk-00646-00200796-00201202 and then on inhale I'm gonna shoot that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00647-00201203-00201514 right leg down and away from you you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00648-00201515-00201761 keep a nice Bend in that knee you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00649-00201762-00201976 lengthen the knee keeping the heel zHm1zxwn5Xk-00650-00201977-00202331 hovered from the earth that's the inhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00651-00202332-00202613 on the exhale we're gonna curl up back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00652-00202614-00202787 into the chest you can give it a hug if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00653-00202788-00203119 you want or leaving the hands down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00654-00203120-00203725 inhaling and exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00655-00203726-00204166 using if you want to draw that knee in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00656-00204167-00204443 draw the thigh and towards the ribs as zHm1zxwn5Xk-00657-00204444-00204664 if you're pushing the air out on that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00658-00204665-00205031 exhale on the inhale allowing the air to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00659-00205032-00205384 fill back up on that right side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00660-00205385-00205753 breathing into the right rib and then zHm1zxwn5Xk-00661-00205754-00206105 exhaling it out using that thigh to help zHm1zxwn5Xk-00662-00206106-00206369 you so there's a slight compression zHm1zxwn5Xk-00663-00206369-00206610 there as we draw it in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00664-00206611-00206951 option to stay here if you want to bring zHm1zxwn5Xk-00665-00206952-00207179 the arms involved zHm1zxwn5Xk-00666-00207180-00207455 I'm gonna exhale we're curling in taking zHm1zxwn5Xk-00667-00207456-00207712 your hands to wherever those hands land zHm1zxwn5Xk-00668-00207713-00207946 as the knee comes in towards the chest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00669-00207948-00208264 and on the inhale as if you're holding a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00670-00208265-00208642 beach ball open your arms up up towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00671-00208644-00208858 the sky maybe overhead that Beach Bowl zHm1zxwn5Xk-00672-00208859-00209092 can be as big or as small as you like to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00673-00209094-00209351 accommodate for your shoulders and that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00674-00209352-00209873 exhale we're curling it in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00675-00209873-00210232 find that length on the inhale all the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00676-00210233-00210532 way from the right toes up through the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00677-00210533-00210731 crown of the head and the fingertips if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00678-00210732-00211037 they're reaching too zHm1zxwn5Xk-00679-00211038-00211589 let's take two more here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00680-00211590-00211853 again pushing that air out on the exhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00681-00211854-00212356 especially that right side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00682-00212357-00212617 lost exhale here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00683-00212617-00212891 curling it in and then we're going to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00684-00212892-00213155 take that outer right ankle over the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00685-00213156-00213444 left thigh coming into that figure four zHm1zxwn5Xk-00686-00213446-00213803 and adjust that left foot a little zHm1zxwn5Xk-00687-00213804-00214001 further away if that's a lot in the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00688-00214002-00214253 right hip or a little closer depending zHm1zxwn5Xk-00689-00214254-00214487 on what feels good here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00690-00214488-00214834 keep the quality you invited in as you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00691-00214835-00215117 Wing that right knee down and away from zHm1zxwn5Xk-00692-00215117-00215429 you great place to stay here that right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00693-00215430-00215755 ankle is flexed so we protect the knee zHm1zxwn5Xk-00694-00215756-00216077 option to stay here option to elevate zHm1zxwn5Xk-00695-00216078-00216425 the left foot now that foot is also zHm1zxwn5Xk-00696-00216426-00216773 flexed hands can come to either side of zHm1zxwn5Xk-00697-00216773-00216977 your thigh underneath that left knee pit zHm1zxwn5Xk-00698-00216978-00217217 or in front of that left shin and we zHm1zxwn5Xk-00699-00217217-00217656 breathe into the right hip zHm1zxwn5Xk-00700-00217657-00218129 inviting that quality in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00701-00218130-00218591 and you can use the left leg without the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00702-00218592-00218963 use of your hands to draw that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00703-00218964-00219221 right ankle a little closer and towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00704-00219221-00219515 you it doesn't all have to be through zHm1zxwn5Xk-00705-00219516-00221687 your arms and your hands zHm1zxwn5Xk-00706-00221688-00221908 let's take another couple of breaths zHm1zxwn5Xk-00707-00221909-00222294 here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00708-00222296-00222467 allowing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00709-00222467-00222863 yourself to rest if you need to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00710-00222864-00223169 and then we'll take that left leg of the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00711-00223169-00223348 foot back to the floor if it's not there zHm1zxwn5Xk-00712-00223350-00223510 already zHm1zxwn5Xk-00713-00223511-00223769 right leg zHm1zxwn5Xk-00714-00223769-00224098 releases zHm1zxwn5Xk-00715-00224100-00224434 left knee draws in here getting that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00716-00224435-00224717 knee a little hug wherever your hands zHm1zxwn5Xk-00717-00224717-00224819 rest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00718-00224819-00225041 and then we'll Circle through that left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00719-00225042-00225334 ankle that might feel a lot different zHm1zxwn5Xk-00720-00225335-00225648 from the right side again we want the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00721-00225650-00225994 steadiness that quality that you invited zHm1zxwn5Xk-00722-00225996-00226210 in or pause and take it round in the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00723-00226211-00226379 opposite direction when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00724-00226380-00226942 always noticing this challenging places zHm1zxwn5Xk-00725-00226944-00227237 places equally zHm1zxwn5Xk-00726-00227238-00227596 keep a flex in that ankle and on that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00727-00227598-00228053 exhale give your thigh a little deeper zHm1zxwn5Xk-00728-00228054-00228406 hug in so you're compressing the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00729-00228407-00228773 side of the ribs pushing the air out and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00730-00228773-00229165 then on the inhale releasing that leg zHm1zxwn5Xk-00731-00229166-00229463 and sending the left leg down and away zHm1zxwn5Xk-00732-00229464-00229667 from you keeping a bend in that knee it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00733-00229667-00230123 can come the heel can hover to the floor zHm1zxwn5Xk-00734-00230123-00230477 with an extended or bent knee you get to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00735-00230478-00230710 decide and the exhale is that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00736-00230711-00231125 compression the thigh into the ribs and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00737-00231126-00231241 the belly zHm1zxwn5Xk-00738-00231242-00231701 inhaling and exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00739-00231702-00231910 you can even listen to the sound of that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00740-00231911-00232337 breath as you squeeze the air out is on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00741-00232338-00232825 that left side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00742-00232826-00233153 inhaling and exhaling a great place to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00743-00233154-00233363 stay right here if you want to bring the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00744-00233364-00233705 arms involved that reach ball comes up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00745-00233706-00234060 to the ceiling or towards the floor zHm1zxwn5Xk-00746-00234061-00234442 overhead that's the inhale exhale you're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00747-00234444-00234781 curling everything in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00748-00234782-00235163 finding a length through the whole left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00749-00235164-00235534 side of the body from the heel all the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00750-00235535-00235667 way through the crown of the head and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00751-00235667-00236063 the fingertips if you're reaching zHm1zxwn5Xk-00752-00236064-00236303 there's quite a bit of core going on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00753-00236304-00236801 here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00754-00236802-00237113 let's take one more on the side pushing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00755-00237114-00237263 that air out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00756-00237264-00237773 of tail zHm1zxwn5Xk-00757-00237773-00238042 when that air is released I'm going to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00758-00238044-00238337 take that left ankle on the top of that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00759-00238338-00238660 right thigh Flex in that left ankle so zHm1zxwn5Xk-00760-00238661-00238894 you protect that left knee as it draws zHm1zxwn5Xk-00761-00238896-00239267 away from you you can adjust that right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00762-00239267-00239537 foot closer or further away depending on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00763-00239538-00239884 how it feels in the left hip option to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00764-00239885-00240298 stay here or option to draw at that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00765-00240300-00240503 right thigh in towards your chest we've zHm1zxwn5Xk-00766-00240504-00240671 already been here but this time we have zHm1zxwn5Xk-00767-00240671-00240989 that left ankle on top of the thigh zHm1zxwn5Xk-00768-00240990-00241234 thread the needle zHm1zxwn5Xk-00769-00241235-00241517 both ankles flexed here to protect the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00770-00241517-00241823 knee only going as far as it feels zHm1zxwn5Xk-00771-00241823-00242669 comfortable in your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00772-00242669-00242944 stay with that quality you invited in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00773-00242946-00243179 even repeating it to yourself should you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00774-00243180-00243610 wish to as if you're already embodying zHm1zxwn5Xk-00775-00243611-00243701 it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00776-00243702-00243982 not as if you want it because that's the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00777-00243983-00244517 future as if it's already here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00778-00244517-00245039 stay for one more exhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00779-00245040-00245344 and then we'll release the right foot zHm1zxwn5Xk-00780-00245346-00245675 down to the floor and release that left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00781-00245676-00245801 leg zHm1zxwn5Xk-00782-00245802-00246023 we'll walk those feet a little bit zHm1zxwn5Xk-00783-00246023-00246329 further apart Cactus or tea with the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00784-00246330-00246671 arms and we're rocking and rolling those zHm1zxwn5Xk-00785-00246671-00246937 knees side to side gently zHm1zxwn5Xk-00786-00246938-00247229 or so much so that the opposite hip zHm1zxwn5Xk-00787-00247230-00247342 lifts zHm1zxwn5Xk-00788-00247344-00248656 noticing how that feels zHm1zxwn5Xk-00789-00248657-00248951 and then we'll come all the way back up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00790-00248952-00249115 to Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00791-00249116-00249442 and taking those feet to a comfortable zHm1zxwn5Xk-00792-00249444-00249894 distance for you big beautiful breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00793-00249896-00250181 exhaling it out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00794-00250182-00250510 from here drawing the belly button down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00795-00250511-00250727 into the Earth so there's a slight tilt zHm1zxwn5Xk-00796-00250728-00251027 of the pelvis here the tailbone lifts a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00797-00251028-00251296 little as we draw that connection down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00798-00251298-00251560 of the belly in towards the Earth zHm1zxwn5Xk-00799-00251561-00251831 I'm going to keep that connection down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00800-00251832-00252317 as we take the knees up above the hips zHm1zxwn5Xk-00801-00252317-00252653 the closer those knees are towards your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00802-00252654-00252851 chest the easier it's going to be to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00803-00252852-00253067 keep that connection of the belly button zHm1zxwn5Xk-00804-00253067-00253253 down into the Earth zHm1zxwn5Xk-00805-00253254-00253498 the heels can be down towards your seat zHm1zxwn5Xk-00806-00253500-00253984 or lifted towards knee height and here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00807-00253985-00254206 we are with a little bit of core now zHm1zxwn5Xk-00808-00254207-00254548 arms in the tear our cactus zHm1zxwn5Xk-00809-00254550-00254819 and again if you're having a hard time zHm1zxwn5Xk-00810-00254819-00255065 here draw the knees a little bit further zHm1zxwn5Xk-00811-00255066-00255281 in towards the chest to keep that lower zHm1zxwn5Xk-00812-00255282-00255587 back Connected down to the earth that is zHm1zxwn5Xk-00813-00255588-00255769 much more zHm1zxwn5Xk-00814-00255769-00256073 beneficial for the body than straining zHm1zxwn5Xk-00815-00256073-00256294 and having the knees away from you but zHm1zxwn5Xk-00816-00256296-00256553 over arching the back then we're not zHm1zxwn5Xk-00817-00256554-00256894 feeling that integral part of the core zHm1zxwn5Xk-00818-00256896-00257165 involved in this zHm1zxwn5Xk-00819-00257166-00257446 knees and ankles connected in towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00820-00257448-00257729 each other wherever they are in space zHm1zxwn5Xk-00821-00257730-00258196 this is the inhale keeping the shoulders zHm1zxwn5Xk-00822-00258198-00258358 um connected down to the Earth both zHm1zxwn5Xk-00823-00258359-00258623 shoulders in a t or a cactus with the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00824-00258623-00258755 arms here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00825-00258756-00259042 this is the inhale on the exhale I'm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00826-00259044-00259246 going to take the knees and ankles a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00827-00259248-00259642 little over towards the right so much so zHm1zxwn5Xk-00828-00259644-00259973 that the left side of the pelvis starts zHm1zxwn5Xk-00829-00259973-00260387 to lift just a little zHm1zxwn5Xk-00830-00260388-00260627 and then on the inhale we're coming back zHm1zxwn5Xk-00831-00260628-00260867 to Center again belly button down to the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00832-00260867-00261094 Earth keeping that connection and then zHm1zxwn5Xk-00833-00261096-00261389 over the leg the knees go over towards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00834-00261390-00261682 the left inhaling back to center now zHm1zxwn5Xk-00835-00261683-00261994 this is not a big movement if you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00836-00261996-00262163 consider zHm1zxwn5Xk-00837-00262164-00262373 the back of your pelvis zHm1zxwn5Xk-00838-00262374-00262780 in the center from hip to hip you're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00839-00262781-00262963 just zHm1zxwn5Xk-00840-00262964-00263291 massaging that line zHm1zxwn5Xk-00841-00263292-00263567 cross the back of the pelvis as if you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00842-00263568-00263801 drew a line from zHm1zxwn5Xk-00843-00263802-00264197 one side to the other zHm1zxwn5Xk-00844-00264198-00264479 now if this feels comfortable and your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00845-00264480-00264784 shoulders are staying grounded option to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00846-00264785-00264991 take those knees a little further zHm1zxwn5Xk-00847-00264992-00265330 opposite shoulder stays rooted zHm1zxwn5Xk-00848-00265331-00265582 and again I was in a cactus or a tea zHm1zxwn5Xk-00849-00265583-00265756 whichever is more comfortable for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00850-00265757-00266182 it's a whole lot of core involved here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00851-00266183-00266477 it's not a very big movement this is not zHm1zxwn5Xk-00852-00266478-00266651 about getting your knees as far as you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00853-00266652-00266993 can to one side or another it's about zHm1zxwn5Xk-00854-00266994-00267406 the control of the movement keeping that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00855-00267407-00267629 connection of the belly button down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00856-00267630-00267799 towards the Earth zHm1zxwn5Xk-00857-00267800-00268060 even when the knees are coming to one zHm1zxwn5Xk-00858-00268061-00268206 side and the other zHm1zxwn5Xk-00859-00268207-00268577 option to stay rocking and rolling from zHm1zxwn5Xk-00860-00268578-00268853 side to side massaging that line side to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00861-00268854-00269153 side or next time the knees come over to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00862-00269154-00269399 the right we're staying there three zHm1zxwn5Xk-00863-00269400-00269680 breaths draw the belly button down even zHm1zxwn5Xk-00864-00269681-00269956 though the back of the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00865-00269957-00270227 um body may not be connected downwards zHm1zxwn5Xk-00866-00270228-00270587 that same pulling in and down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00867-00270588-00270845 keep the breath steady zHm1zxwn5Xk-00868-00270846-00271319 invite that quality in even here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00869-00271320-00271582 and then we're coming back to Center on zHm1zxwn5Xk-00870-00271583-00271834 an inhale over to the other side option zHm1zxwn5Xk-00871-00271835-00272249 to hold three breaths belly button draws zHm1zxwn5Xk-00872-00272250-00272434 down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00873-00272435-00272932 and in keep that connection zHm1zxwn5Xk-00874-00272933-00273184 the opposite shoulder is connected zHm1zxwn5Xk-00875-00273185-00273605 deeply down for the last breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00876-00273606-00274013 and we're coming back to Center here and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00877-00274014-00274360 hug those knees in rocking and rolling zHm1zxwn5Xk-00878-00274361-00274997 from side to side zHm1zxwn5Xk-00879-00274998-00275279 feet come down to the Earth zHm1zxwn5Xk-00880-00275280-00275543 knees to the sky feet to the floor shift zHm1zxwn5Xk-00881-00275544-00275837 the hips to the right keep that right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00882-00275838-00276089 shoulder root tip and if you need extra zHm1zxwn5Xk-00883-00276090-00276310 support or blankets or pillows on the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00884-00276311-00276695 left side please go ahead knees come up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00885-00276696-00276929 and over to the left as that right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00886-00276930-00277258 shoulder stays grounded and again any zHm1zxwn5Xk-00887-00277259-00277613 support you might need blocks bolster zHm1zxwn5Xk-00888-00277614-00278010 pillows underneath the lower zHm1zxwn5Xk-00889-00278011-00278356 right left leg sorry the knee the shin zHm1zxwn5Xk-00890-00278357-00278603 ankle zHm1zxwn5Xk-00891-00278604-00279005 play with how far up or how far away you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00892-00279006-00279269 want those knees to be it's going to be zHm1zxwn5Xk-00893-00279270-00279497 different to each of us and I thought zHm1zxwn5Xk-00894-00279498-00279773 right shoulder is grounded option to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00895-00279774-00280075 take the Gaze over that right shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00896-00280076-00280463 breathing steady the breath and embody zHm1zxwn5Xk-00897-00280464-00281008 that quality here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00898-00281009-00281410 not only in your physical body and the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00899-00281411-00281608 efforting you're doing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00900-00281609-00282058 but in the breath as well zHm1zxwn5Xk-00901-00282059-00282401 you can of course repeat that quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-00902-00282402-00282713 to yourself at any time as if it is zHm1zxwn5Xk-00903-00282714-00283253 already present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00904-00283254-00283451 some steady breaths right the way down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00905-00283452-00283655 into the back of the body into the belly zHm1zxwn5Xk-00906-00283656-00284045 here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00907-00284046-00284399 stay here for as long as you like zHm1zxwn5Xk-00908-00284400-00284639 The Gaze is over towards the right as we zHm1zxwn5Xk-00909-00284640-00284801 come to the other side it comes to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00910-00284802-00284982 Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00911-00284983-00285365 releasing the knees up to Center too zHm1zxwn5Xk-00912-00285366-00285701 feet come down hips coming back into a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00913-00285702-00285937 central place and then over to the left zHm1zxwn5Xk-00914-00285938-00286345 left shoulder is grounded if you need to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00915-00286346-00286625 shift your support over to the right zHm1zxwn5Xk-00916-00286626-00286960 side for Your Right legs go ahead knees zHm1zxwn5Xk-00917-00286961-00287177 come up keeping that left shoulder zHm1zxwn5Xk-00918-00287178-00287737 grounded knees come over zHm1zxwn5Xk-00919-00287738-00288263 and Shifting the legs to support your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00920-00288264-00288371 body zHm1zxwn5Xk-00921-00288372-00288575 in your own way so that's going to be zHm1zxwn5Xk-00922-00288576-00288749 different for each of us it might feel zHm1zxwn5Xk-00923-00288750-00288923 better to have the knees closer up zHm1zxwn5Xk-00924-00288924-00289591 towards your chest or further away zHm1zxwn5Xk-00925-00289592-00289895 breathing inviting that quality into zHm1zxwn5Xk-00926-00289896-00290147 your breath your body your mind your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00927-00290148-00290291 emotions zHm1zxwn5Xk-00928-00290292-00290519 taking the breath down into the belly zHm1zxwn5Xk-00929-00290520-00290837 the lower back or sensation where you're zHm1zxwn5Xk-00930-00290838-00292625 feeling it here zHm1zxwn5Xk-00931-00292626-00292865 when you're ready The Gaze comes to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00932-00292866-00293021 Center zHm1zxwn5Xk-00933-00293022-00293406 the knees come to Center feet down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00934-00293407-00293687 Shifting the hips back to a central zHm1zxwn5Xk-00935-00293688-00293830 place zHm1zxwn5Xk-00936-00293831-00294155 then you have a few moments here if zHm1zxwn5Xk-00937-00294156-00294527 there's any other movement that you wish zHm1zxwn5Xk-00938-00294528-00294917 to bring into your practice to finish it zHm1zxwn5Xk-00939-00294918-00295163 off maybe some happy baby maybe just zHm1zxwn5Xk-00940-00295164-00295487 hugging in maybe you're already ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00941-00295488-00295930 for relaxation you get to choose zHm1zxwn5Xk-00942-00295931-00296225 and then when you're ready in your own zHm1zxwn5Xk-00943-00296226-00296405 time zHm1zxwn5Xk-00944-00296406-00296813 setting yourself up for relaxation and zHm1zxwn5Xk-00945-00296814-00297082 as you know there's no wrong way to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00946-00297083-00297263 relax here if you want to be on your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00947-00297264-00297551 side your belly your back your knees can zHm1zxwn5Xk-00948-00297552-00297791 be lifted and towards each other ankles zHm1zxwn5Xk-00949-00297792-00298156 wide and take support underneath the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00950-00298157-00298343 back of the thighs or the knees to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00951-00298344-00298871 support the lower back as you rest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00952-00298872-00299182 and as you get settled adding extra zHm1zxwn5Xk-00953-00299183-00299441 layers zHm1zxwn5Xk-00954-00299442-00299897 taking any adjustments you need zHm1zxwn5Xk-00955-00299898-00300082 mind zHm1zxwn5Xk-00956-00300083-00300282 that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00957-00300283-00300713 quality of comfort zHm1zxwn5Xk-00958-00300714-00300989 and so much at the time we get to a zHm1zxwn5Xk-00959-00300990-00301247 place and we're like oh it's fine zHm1zxwn5Xk-00960-00301248-00301729 could you offer yourself that extra two zHm1zxwn5Xk-00961-00301730-00302165 moments of adjusting something for it to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00962-00302166-00302482 feel even better than fine zHm1zxwn5Xk-00963-00302483-00302863 and this is part of self-care zHm1zxwn5Xk-00964-00302864-00303227 noticing your needs and then taking the zHm1zxwn5Xk-00965-00303228-00303569 time to offer yourself zHm1zxwn5Xk-00966-00303570-00304108 Port of those needs zHm1zxwn5Xk-00967-00304109-00304973 and as you settle in and settle down zHm1zxwn5Xk-00968-00304974-00305134 making zHm1zxwn5Xk-00969-00305135-00305597 those small adjustments zHm1zxwn5Xk-00970-00305598-00305873 when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-00971-00305874-00306408 take a beautiful breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00972-00306409-00307306 exhale it out long and slow zHm1zxwn5Xk-00973-00307307-00307813 oh breaths just like that big breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-00974-00307814-00308734 exhale it out zHm1zxwn5Xk-00975-00308735-00309095 with every exhale zHm1zxwn5Xk-00976-00309096-00309334 start to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00977-00309335-00309803 invite to your body to let go zHm1zxwn5Xk-00978-00309804-00310067 tension tightness let go of your zHm1zxwn5Xk-00979-00310068-00310337 practice zHm1zxwn5Xk-00980-00310338-00310751 letting go of the judgments zHm1zxwn5Xk-00981-00310752-00311008 and the thoughts zHm1zxwn5Xk-00982-00311009-00311458 letting go of the inner dialogue zHm1zxwn5Xk-00983-00311459-00311729 at the breath sackle back to its own zHm1zxwn5Xk-00984-00311730-00312232 soft rhythm zHm1zxwn5Xk-00985-00312233-00312641 giving yourself the opportunity zHm1zxwn5Xk-00986-00312642-00313973 to deepen into rest zHm1zxwn5Xk-00987-00313974-00314519 and as you do that zHm1zxwn5Xk-00988-00314520-00314951 invite in that quality you chose zHm1zxwn5Xk-00989-00314952-00315397 into this moment too zHm1zxwn5Xk-00990-00315398-00315821 repeating it to yourself three times zHm1zxwn5Xk-00991-00315822-00317603 as if it was present zHm1zxwn5Xk-00992-00317604-00318215 and let that intention go to zHm1zxwn5Xk-00993-00318216-00319463 feel it embodied zHm1zxwn5Xk-00994-00319464-00319769 releasing zHm1zxwn5Xk-00995-00319770-00320056 your bones into the support underneath zHm1zxwn5Xk-00996-00320057-00320410 you zHm1zxwn5Xk-00997-00320411-00321184 joints zHm1zxwn5Xk-00998-00321185-00321803 allowing your inner organs to release zHm1zxwn5Xk-00999-00321804-00322451 muscles to loosen and lengthen zHm1zxwn5Xk-01000-00322452-00322684 the muscles of your face zHm1zxwn5Xk-01001-00322685-00323351 to soften zHm1zxwn5Xk-01002-00323352-00324245 your skin to start to relax zHm1zxwn5Xk-01003-00324246-00324539 in your thoughts zHm1zxwn5Xk-01004-00324540-00325925 to unwind and let go zHm1zxwn5Xk-01005-00325926-00326293 allowing yourself to Simply zHm1zxwn5Xk-01007-00329598-00329830 if your thoughts drift zHm1zxwn5Xk-01008-00329831-00330149 as they will zHm1zxwn5Xk-01009-00330150-00330401 as many times as you need state that zHm1zxwn5Xk-01010-00330402-00331199 quality in the present tense zHm1zxwn5Xk-01011-00331200-00331732 and feel it being present zHm1zxwn5Xk-01012-00331733-00331901 your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-01013-00331902-00332321 your breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-01015-00337080-00337775 foreign zHm1zxwn5Xk-01016-00337776-00339797 thank you zHm1zxwn5Xk-01017-00339798-00340247 rest in that quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-01018-00340248-00340408 for as long zHm1zxwn5Xk-01019-00340409-00340606 as you need to zHm1zxwn5Xk-01020-00340607-00341267 as long as it feels perfect for you zHm1zxwn5Xk-01021-00341268-00341543 if you wish to stay for longer tune my zHm1zxwn5Xk-01022-00341544-00341854 voice out zHm1zxwn5Xk-01023-00341855-00342293 if you wish to finish your practice zHm1zxwn5Xk-01024-00342294-00342880 feel that quality present once more zHm1zxwn5Xk-01025-00342881-00343265 smooth body and spirit zHm1zxwn5Xk-01026-00343266-00343499 notice what it feels like so you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-01027-00343500-00343775 keep coming back to it zHm1zxwn5Xk-01028-00343776-00344045 in your day your week zHm1zxwn5Xk-01029-00344046-00344651 your year ahead zHm1zxwn5Xk-01030-00344652-00344975 Temptation if it feels good to you to zHm1zxwn5Xk-01031-00344976-00345310 really keep one quality for this year zHm1zxwn5Xk-01032-00345311-00345430 ahead zHm1zxwn5Xk-01033-00345431-00345658 until it feels zHm1zxwn5Xk-01034-00345659-00345880 that you no longer need it and you can zHm1zxwn5Xk-01035-00345881-00346810 move on to another one zHm1zxwn5Xk-01036-00346811-00347356 feeling the support underneath you zHm1zxwn5Xk-01037-00347357-00347615 the space around you zHm1zxwn5Xk-01038-00347616-00348041 needing to look but just sensing into it zHm1zxwn5Xk-01039-00348042-00348454 sense the different textures zHm1zxwn5Xk-01040-00348455-00348887 of that support zHm1zxwn5Xk-01041-00348888-00349073 sense the air on your skin the zHm1zxwn5Xk-01042-00349074-00349775 temperature zHm1zxwn5Xk-01043-00349776-00350256 and how the body responds to that breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-01044-00350257-00350987 expanding and letting go zHm1zxwn5Xk-01045-00350988-00351215 allowing a little bit more mindful zHm1zxwn5Xk-01046-00351216-00351534 breath in zHm1zxwn5Xk-01047-00351535-00352595 exhale like a soft sigh zHm1zxwn5Xk-01048-00352596-00354484 exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-01049-00354485-00356003 exhaling zHm1zxwn5Xk-01050-00356004-00356284 and when you're ready zHm1zxwn5Xk-01051-00356285-00356608 as you expand the breath start to invite zHm1zxwn5Xk-01052-00356609-00357023 in Awakening movements into your body in zHm1zxwn5Xk-01053-00357024-00357245 your own way maybe starting at the toes zHm1zxwn5Xk-01054-00357246-00357454 the fingers zHm1zxwn5Xk-01055-00357455-00357823 to be the neck Glide side to side or zHm1zxwn5Xk-01056-00357824-00358103 moving in your own way zHm1zxwn5Xk-01057-00358104-00358565 there is no wrong way to awaken zHm1zxwn5Xk-01058-00358566-00359027 and maybe you want to stay almost still zHm1zxwn5Xk-01059-00359028-00359513 or maybe you want to over the next few zHm1zxwn5Xk-01060-00359514-00359699 breaths zHm1zxwn5Xk-01061-00359700-00359975 bring yourself to a different shape zHm1zxwn5Xk-01062-00359976-00360149 where you would like to finish your zHm1zxwn5Xk-01063-00360150-00360310 practice zHm1zxwn5Xk-01064-00360311-00360730 taking intuitive movements as you get zHm1zxwn5Xk-01065-00360731-00360928 there zHm1zxwn5Xk-01066-00360929-00362369 be gentle with yourself zHm1zxwn5Xk-01067-00362370-00362839 and then zHm1zxwn5Xk-01068-00362840-00363119 once you are away you wish to be zHm1zxwn5Xk-01069-00363120-00363713 settling down into the support once more zHm1zxwn5Xk-01070-00363714-00364001 allowing that support to lift through zHm1zxwn5Xk-01071-00364002-00364217 the hot space zHm1zxwn5Xk-01072-00364218-00364625 your hands can come to any gesture that zHm1zxwn5Xk-01073-00364626-00364943 suits you today zHm1zxwn5Xk-01074-00364944-00365356 on your next beautiful exhale lower your zHm1zxwn5Xk-01075-00365357-00365777 chin just softly towards your heart zHm1zxwn5Xk-01076-00365778-00366604 One More Time come back to that quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-01077-00366605-00366953 feel it as if it is already present in zHm1zxwn5Xk-01078-00366954-00367067 your body zHm1zxwn5Xk-01079-00367068-00367499 your mind zHm1zxwn5Xk-01080-00367500-00367804 your breath zHm1zxwn5Xk-01081-00367805-00368201 your spirit zHm1zxwn5Xk-01082-00368202-00368482 and maybe Endeavor to bring this quality zHm1zxwn5Xk-01083-00368483-00368951 back into your awareness into zHm1zxwn5Xk-01084-00368952-00369473 your day week month year ahead zHm1zxwn5Xk-01085-00369474-00369706 from my heart to yours zHm1zxwn5Xk-01086-00369707-00369985 namaste zHX94QMz7WM-00000-00000000-00001158 [Music] zHX94QMz7WM-00001-00001159-00001427 who is zHX94QMz7WM-00003-00009375-00009999 oh zHX94QMz7WM-00005-00017608-00018227 oh zHX94QMz7WM-00006-00018228-00020350 [Music] zHX94QMz7WM-00007-00020351-00020533 oh zHX94QMz7WM-00008-00020534-00020761 [Music] zIq94vx-WTy-00000-00000016-00000151 all right here's what everyone knows zIq94vx-WTy-00001-00000152-00000327 about chocolate milk chocolate tastes zIq94vx-WTy-00002-00000328-00000574 the best dark chocolate is okay orange zIq94vx-WTy-00003-00000575-00000815 chocolate is disgusting m m's don't need zIq94vx-WTy-00004-00000816-00000999 anything in them they're fine how they zIq94vx-WTy-00005-00001000-00001215 are and chocolate covered pretzels are zIq94vx-WTy-00006-00001216-00001366 far and away better than chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00007-00001367-00001582 covered strawberries now here's what zIq94vx-WTy-00008-00001583-00001751 everyone doesn't know about chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00009-00001752-00001910 chocolate contains several different zIq94vx-WTy-00010-00001911-00002095 compounds that cause the same effects on zIq94vx-WTy-00011-00002096-00002342 the body as coffee marijuana and zIq94vx-WTy-00012-00002343-00002558 amphetamines this is because the plant zIq94vx-WTy-00013-00002559-00002726 that chocolate is extracted from the zIq94vx-WTy-00014-00002727-00002991 cocoa plant or theobroma cacao is a zIq94vx-WTy-00015-00002992-00003206 tropical plant some tropical plants zIq94vx-WTy-00016-00003207-00003375 evolve to produce compounds called zIq94vx-WTy-00017-00003376-00003590 alkaloids either for self-defense or zIq94vx-WTy-00018-00003592-00003815 competition alkaloids are organic zIq94vx-WTy-00019-00003815-00004006 compounds that contain one or more zIq94vx-WTy-00020-00004007-00004191 nitrogen atoms and some have zIq94vx-WTy-00021-00004192-00004375 pharmacological effects on the human zIq94vx-WTy-00022-00004376-00004438 body zIq94vx-WTy-00023-00004439-00004631 the most known and benign alkaloid in zIq94vx-WTy-00024-00004632-00004879 chocolate is caffeine but this isn't a zIq94vx-WTy-00025-00004880-00005070 big deal because caffeine is found in zIq94vx-WTy-00026-00005071-00005318 nearly everything we drink soda coffee zIq94vx-WTy-00027-00005319-00005575 and tea everybody drinks it and you know zIq94vx-WTy-00028-00005576-00005759 what everyone else does too surf the zIq94vx-WTy-00029-00005760-00005983 internet unprotected but you can be zIq94vx-WTy-00030-00005984-00006222 different by using nordvpn right now zIq94vx-WTy-00031-00006223-00006406 your isp is logging your browsing zIq94vx-WTy-00032-00006408-00006598 activity they can see all the different zIq94vx-WTy-00033-00006600-00006759 kinds of chocolate you're searching for zIq94vx-WTy-00034-00006759-00006959 after watching this video afterwards zIq94vx-WTy-00035-00006959-00007142 they can sell that data to advertisers zIq94vx-WTy-00036-00007143-00007319 who then post chocolate ads everywhere zIq94vx-WTy-00037-00007320-00007519 you browse chocolate chocolate chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00038-00007520-00007823 chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00039-00007823-00007959 keep your chocolate search history zIq94vx-WTy-00040-00007959-00008223 private by using nordvpn nord not only zIq94vx-WTy-00041-00008224-00008374 keeps you safe from hackers by zIq94vx-WTy-00042-00008375-00008527 concealing your ip address through zIq94vx-WTy-00043-00008528-00008703 remote servers but also encrypts your zIq94vx-WTy-00044-00008704-00008935 data so it can't be logged sure you zIq94vx-WTy-00045-00008936-00009255 could use free vpns but at a cost slower zIq94vx-WTy-00046-00009256-00009455 connection speeds and higher traffic zIq94vx-WTy-00047-00009456-00009735 also those free vpns aren't really free zIq94vx-WTy-00048-00009736-00009927 they have to make a profit too some zIq94vx-WTy-00049-00009928-00010095 actually log your browsing history and zIq94vx-WTy-00050-00010096-00010303 then sell it to advertisers for profit zIq94vx-WTy-00051-00010304-00010583 and then this happens zIq94vx-WTy-00052-00010584-00010855 however nord is a paid for vpn service zIq94vx-WTy-00053-00010856-00011103 so you pay for faster speeds and nord zIq94vx-WTy-00054-00011104-00011319 has a strict no logging user activity zIq94vx-WTy-00055-00011320-00011599 policy so your browsing is truly private zIq94vx-WTy-00056-00011600-00011903 nordvpn is offering 73 off a two-year zIq94vx-WTy-00057-00011904-00012119 plan plus four additional months for zIq94vx-WTy-00058-00012120-00012319 free for only three dollars and eighteen zIq94vx-WTy-00059-00012320-00012503 cents per month check the description zIq94vx-WTy-00060-00012504-00012695 for more details zIq94vx-WTy-00061-00012696-00012879 the way caffeine works in making you zIq94vx-WTy-00062-00012880-00013119 awake is by blocking adenosine receptors zIq94vx-WTy-00063-00013119-00013311 in your nervous system normally when zIq94vx-WTy-00064-00013312-00013479 adenosine binds to the adenosine zIq94vx-WTy-00065-00013480-00013727 receptors it inhibits neuronal activity zIq94vx-WTy-00066-00013728-00013943 making neurons fire at a slower speed zIq94vx-WTy-00067-00013944-00014135 thus making you feel tired when you zIq94vx-WTy-00068-00014136-00014358 drink coffee tea or soda or eat zIq94vx-WTy-00069-00014359-00014527 chocolate caffeine binds to the zIq94vx-WTy-00070-00014528-00014735 adenosine receptors blocking adenosine zIq94vx-WTy-00071-00014736-00014943 altogether thereby preventing you from zIq94vx-WTy-00072-00014944-00015183 feeling tired making you feel awake and zIq94vx-WTy-00073-00015184-00015383 alert but here's the thing chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00074-00015384-00015675 only has trace amounts of caffeine about zIq94vx-WTy-00075-00015676-00015830 0.24 zIq94vx-WTy-00076-00015831-00016055 by weight so one ounce of dark chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00077-00016056-00016271 would only have about 12 milligrams of zIq94vx-WTy-00078-00016272-00016486 caffeine less than half a cup of green zIq94vx-WTy-00079-00016487-00016679 tea the predominant stimulant in zIq94vx-WTy-00080-00016680-00016943 chocolate is not caffeine but rather is zIq94vx-WTy-00081-00016944-00017175 theobromine yeah i know they look nearly zIq94vx-WTy-00082-00017176-00017350 identical especially if you don't study zIq94vx-WTy-00083-00017351-00017527 chemistry but there is a difference i zIq94vx-WTy-00084-00017528-00017711 can assure you for example there is a zIq94vx-WTy-00085-00017712-00017894 hydrogen atom bound to this nitrogen zIq94vx-WTy-00086-00017895-00018127 atom on theobromine right here whereas zIq94vx-WTy-00087-00018128-00018319 caffeine there is no hydrogen atom bound zIq94vx-WTy-00088-00018320-00018511 there at all and this does matter zIq94vx-WTy-00089-00018512-00018775 theobromine is an alkaloid and is also a zIq94vx-WTy-00090-00018776-00018919 stimulant causing a feeling of zIq94vx-WTy-00091-00018920-00019071 wakefulness by blocking the same zIq94vx-WTy-00092-00019072-00019367 receptors as caffeine oh and it's also zIq94vx-WTy-00093-00019368-00019567 the substance that makes chocolate toxic zIq94vx-WTy-00094-00019568-00019847 to dogs due to very high concentrations zIq94vx-WTy-00095-00019848-00020086 on average there's about 300 milligrams zIq94vx-WTy-00096-00020087-00020343 of theobromine per 1 ounce of chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00097-00020344-00020630 25 times more than caffeine compared to zIq94vx-WTy-00098-00020631-00020894 caffeine theobromine is a mild stimulant zIq94vx-WTy-00099-00020895-00021078 it's slower acting and has a longer zIq94vx-WTy-00100-00021079-00021335 duration whereas caffeine is fast acting zIq94vx-WTy-00101-00021336-00021567 and has a much shorter duration despite zIq94vx-WTy-00102-00021568-00021727 there being a lot of theobromine and zIq94vx-WTy-00103-00021728-00021911 chocolate it doesn't make you jittery zIq94vx-WTy-00104-00021912-00022143 and hyper but can chocolate make you zIq94vx-WTy-00105-00022144-00022327 jittery and hyper yes if you eat enough zIq94vx-WTy-00106-00022328-00022527 of it but there's not enough caffeine in zIq94vx-WTy-00107-00022528-00022719 it and theobromine is just a mild zIq94vx-WTy-00108-00022720-00022919 stimulant so what does it zIq94vx-WTy-00109-00022920-00023199 our third alkaloid phenylethylamine this zIq94vx-WTy-00110-00023200-00023439 is phenylethylamine and this is zIq94vx-WTy-00111-00023440-00023703 amphetamine they're very very similar in zIq94vx-WTy-00112-00023704-00023903 structure and this is a big deal zIq94vx-WTy-00113-00023904-00024135 amphetamine is very similar in structure zIq94vx-WTy-00114-00024136-00024430 to methamphetamine or more simply meth zIq94vx-WTy-00115-00024431-00024599 which as you know from watching breaking zIq94vx-WTy-00116-00024600-00024814 bad is a very strong nervous system zIq94vx-WTy-00117-00024815-00024983 stimulant by nature this makes zIq94vx-WTy-00118-00024984-00025191 amphetamine a nervous system stimulant zIq94vx-WTy-00119-00025192-00025375 as well though not as strong as zIq94vx-WTy-00120-00025376-00025591 methamphetamine and by nature of zIq94vx-WTy-00121-00025592-00025758 similarity and structure makes zIq94vx-WTy-00122-00025760-00025950 phenylethylamine a nervous system zIq94vx-WTy-00123-00025951-00026183 stimulant as well which again zIq94vx-WTy-00124-00026183-00026407 is in chocolate the same stuff that your zIq94vx-WTy-00125-00026408-00026639 kids eat at halloween and easter in fact zIq94vx-WTy-00126-00026639-00026839 phenylethylamine activates the exact zIq94vx-WTy-00127-00026839-00027023 same receptors in the nervous system as zIq94vx-WTy-00128-00027024-00027190 amphetamine causing the release of zIq94vx-WTy-00129-00027191-00027423 dopamine and norepinephrine in the body zIq94vx-WTy-00130-00027424-00027599 the release of dopamine gives you a zIq94vx-WTy-00131-00027600-00027758 feeling of happiness while zIq94vx-WTy-00132-00027760-00027943 norepinephrine makes you feel jittery zIq94vx-WTy-00133-00027944-00028135 and aware by increasing heart rate in zIq94vx-WTy-00134-00028136-00028374 raising blood sugar levels but chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00135-00028375-00028558 is not exclusively a stimulant like zIq94vx-WTy-00136-00028560-00028767 cocaine aside from these alkaloids zIq94vx-WTy-00137-00028768-00028958 there's also cannabinoids in chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00138-00028960-00029183 the same compounds found in marijuana zIq94vx-WTy-00139-00029183-00029407 the most significant being anatomide zIq94vx-WTy-00140-00029408-00029735 anatomide binds to the same cb1 and cb2 zIq94vx-WTy-00141-00029736-00030055 receptors as thc and induces a similar zIq94vx-WTy-00142-00030056-00030270 high effect on the brain making you feel zIq94vx-WTy-00143-00030272-00030495 relaxed and blissful though anatomide zIq94vx-WTy-00144-00030495-00030751 binds to the same receptors as thc and zIq94vx-WTy-00145-00030752-00030999 does induce a very similar effect its zIq94vx-WTy-00146-00031000-00031239 effects are only slightly potent this is zIq94vx-WTy-00147-00031239-00031407 because the body makes a very small zIq94vx-WTy-00148-00031408-00031646 amount of its own anatomies and recycles zIq94vx-WTy-00149-00031647-00031862 it using the enzyme fatty acid amide zIq94vx-WTy-00150-00031863-00032207 hydrolase or faah for short which breaks zIq94vx-WTy-00151-00032208-00032462 down anatomide into arachidonic acid and zIq94vx-WTy-00152-00032463-00032670 ethanolamine disabling its activity zIq94vx-WTy-00153-00032672-00032862 thereby making any high effects of zIq94vx-WTy-00154-00032863-00033127 external anatomic use very short-lived zIq94vx-WTy-00155-00033128-00033335 so you can't really get high by eating zIq94vx-WTy-00156-00033336-00033551 chocolate but you can feel relaxed and zIq94vx-WTy-00157-00033552-00033790 blissful thc on the other hand lasts zIq94vx-WTy-00158-00033791-00033990 much longer in the body so its effects zIq94vx-WTy-00159-00033991-00034239 are longer lasting and more noticeable zIq94vx-WTy-00160-00034240-00034431 now all chocolate contains these zIq94vx-WTy-00161-00034432-00034671 different compounds but the caveat is zIq94vx-WTy-00162-00034672-00034862 not all chocolate has the same amount zIq94vx-WTy-00163-00034863-00035031 the more concentrated the chocolate the zIq94vx-WTy-00164-00035032-00035246 more alkaloids and cannabinoids it has zIq94vx-WTy-00165-00035247-00035439 the question is which chocolate is the zIq94vx-WTy-00166-00035440-00035655 most concentrated and thereby has the zIq94vx-WTy-00167-00035656-00035927 most compounds well let's see first up zIq94vx-WTy-00168-00035928-00036159 is white chocolate well this isn't even zIq94vx-WTy-00169-00036160-00036359 really chocolate moving on second is zIq94vx-WTy-00170-00036360-00036543 milk chocolate ah yes the chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00171-00036544-00036711 that's literally in everything we eat zIq94vx-WTy-00172-00036712-00036951 hershey's bars reese's m ms snickers zIq94vx-WTy-00173-00036952-00037151 kitkats even the salad chocolate you eat zIq94vx-WTy-00174-00037152-00037446 at easter yes milk chocolate is mostly zIq94vx-WTy-00175-00037447-00037615 not chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00176-00037616-00037799 that's right you heard me it's not zIq94vx-WTy-00177-00037800-00038007 chocolate okay you've been lied to the zIq94vx-WTy-00178-00038008-00038183 moon landing was fake water isn't really zIq94vx-WTy-00179-00038184-00038399 blue the earth is flat oswald was the zIq94vx-WTy-00180-00038400-00038574 lone shooter the walking dead should end zIq94vx-WTy-00181-00038575-00038823 it at season ten okay your life is a lie zIq94vx-WTy-00182-00038824-00038999 okay maybe i'm getting a little far zIq94vx-WTy-00183-00039000-00039230 ahead of myself here but seriously milk zIq94vx-WTy-00184-00039231-00039455 chocolate is only about 12 real zIq94vx-WTy-00185-00039456-00039679 chocolate or cocoa mass by weight here's zIq94vx-WTy-00186-00039680-00039871 a visual of the amount of ingredients in zIq94vx-WTy-00187-00039872-00040159 a real 1.5 ounce milk chocolate bar this zIq94vx-WTy-00188-00040160-00040351 little bit here is the chocolate that's zIq94vx-WTy-00189-00040352-00040567 added to it the other 88 zIq94vx-WTy-00190-00040568-00040783 in order of amount is forty eight point zIq94vx-WTy-00191-00040784-00040990 six percent sugar twenty percent milk zIq94vx-WTy-00192-00040991-00041199 salads nineteen percent butter and zero zIq94vx-WTy-00193-00041200-00041343 point four percent less of thin and zIq94vx-WTy-00194-00041344-00041583 flavoring when you eat milk chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00195-00041584-00041774 you're essentially eating a mixture of zIq94vx-WTy-00196-00041775-00041999 sugar milk and butter which is why you zIq94vx-WTy-00197-00042000-00042151 hardly feel the effects of these zIq94vx-WTy-00198-00042152-00042239 compounds zIq94vx-WTy-00199-00042240-00042430 on the other hand dark chocolate is much zIq94vx-WTy-00200-00042431-00042662 different it's on average 60 percent zIq94vx-WTy-00201-00042663-00042815 real chocolate with the remaining zIq94vx-WTy-00202-00042816-00043015 difference being sugar lecithin and zIq94vx-WTy-00203-00043016-00043223 flavoring however it can go up to zIq94vx-WTy-00204-00043224-00043518 concentrations as high as 85 sometimes zIq94vx-WTy-00205-00043519-00043615 90 zIq94vx-WTy-00206-00043616-00043815 and by far has substantially higher zIq94vx-WTy-00207-00043816-00044062 concentrations of these compounds for zIq94vx-WTy-00208-00044063-00044302 example a 50 gram milk chocolate candy zIq94vx-WTy-00209-00044303-00044543 bar only contains about 9 milligrams of zIq94vx-WTy-00210-00044544-00044767 caffeine and 56 milligrams of zIq94vx-WTy-00211-00044768-00045046 theobromine very small quantities in zIq94vx-WTy-00212-00045047-00045295 contrast a 50 gram ecuadorian dark zIq94vx-WTy-00213-00045296-00045679 chocolate bar at 75 cacao contains 75 zIq94vx-WTy-00214-00045680-00045951 milligrams of caffeine and 426 zIq94vx-WTy-00215-00045952-00046151 milligrams of theobromine the dark zIq94vx-WTy-00216-00046152-00046351 chocolate bar has an equivalent of three zIq94vx-WTy-00217-00046352-00046567 quarters of a cup of coffee and seven zIq94vx-WTy-00218-00046568-00046839 times the amount of theobromine wow not zIq94vx-WTy-00219-00046840-00046974 to mention higher levels of zIq94vx-WTy-00220-00046975-00047246 phenylethylamine and anatomide but the zIq94vx-WTy-00221-00047247-00047415 highest concentration of chocolate that zIq94vx-WTy-00222-00047416-00047646 you can find that's edible is baking zIq94vx-WTy-00223-00047647-00047855 chocolate which is 100 zIq94vx-WTy-00224-00047856-00048118 pure cocoa mass so if after the video zIq94vx-WTy-00225-00048119-00048279 you want to experience the effects of zIq94vx-WTy-00226-00048280-00048486 chocolate that's the best way to go but zIq94vx-WTy-00227-00048487-00048735 be forewarned it tastes terrible there's zIq94vx-WTy-00228-00048736-00048983 no sugar butter or milk in it so it's zIq94vx-WTy-00229-00048984-00049183 very bitter oh and don't worry about zIq94vx-WTy-00230-00049184-00049415 overdosing it's nearly impossible the zIq94vx-WTy-00231-00049416-00049646 most toxic and substantial alkaloid in zIq94vx-WTy-00232-00049647-00049895 chocolate is theobromine and if you eat zIq94vx-WTy-00233-00049896-00050102 enough of it it can kill you but the zIq94vx-WTy-00234-00050103-00050374 question is how much is lethal well for zIq94vx-WTy-00235-00050375-00050671 a 165 pound person they would have to zIq94vx-WTy-00236-00050672-00050927 ingest over 75 000 milligrams of zIq94vx-WTy-00237-00050928-00051311 theobromine or 250 pounds of chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00238-00051312-00051526 so you'll likely either throw up or be zIq94vx-WTy-00239-00051527-00051758 in a diabetic coma before you die in zIq94vx-WTy-00240-00051759-00051935 conclusion chocolate has a range of zIq94vx-WTy-00241-00051936-00052094 stimulants and cannabinoids that are zIq94vx-WTy-00242-00052095-00052319 also found in coffee marijuana and zIq94vx-WTy-00243-00052320-00052526 amphetamines the overall effect of these zIq94vx-WTy-00244-00052527-00052671 compounds depending on how much you zIq94vx-WTy-00245-00052672-00052894 consume result in wakefulness feeling zIq94vx-WTy-00246-00052895-00053135 alert and happy or content the higher zIq94vx-WTy-00247-00053136-00053319 the concentration of chocolate or cocoa zIq94vx-WTy-00248-00053320-00053447 mass the more stimulants and zIq94vx-WTy-00249-00053448-00053654 cannabinoids you consume milk chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00250-00053655-00053830 has trace amounts dark chocolate has zIq94vx-WTy-00251-00053832-00054023 substantially more and baking chocolate zIq94vx-WTy-00252-00054024-00054247 has the most so yeah zIq94vx-WTy-00253-00054248-00054926 that's the video thanks for watching zIq94vx-WTy-00254-00054927-00055136 you zIHg7yF4hSu-00000-00000054-00000536 Raveendran f ravi batra born June 27th zIHg7yF4hSu-00001-00000537-00000827 1943 is an Indian American economist zIHg7yF4hSu-00002-00000828-00001028 author and professor at Southern zIHg7yF4hSu-00003-00001029-00001332 Methodist University Batra is the author zIHg7yF4hSu-00004-00001333-00001572 of six best-selling books two of which zIHg7yF4hSu-00005-00001573-00001722 appeared on the New York Times zIHg7yF4hSu-00006-00001723-00001923 bestseller list with one the Great zIHg7yF4hSu-00007-00001923-00002175 Depression of 1990 reaching number one zIHg7yF4hSu-00008-00002176-00002595 in late 1987 his book center on his idea zIHg7yF4hSu-00009-00002596-00002793 that financial capitalism breeds zIHg7yF4hSu-00010-00002794-00003002 excessive inequality and political zIHg7yF4hSu-00011-00003003-00003210 corruption which inevitably succumbs to zIHg7yF4hSu-00012-00003211-00003474 financial crisis and economic depression zIHg7yF4hSu-00013-00003475-00003836 in his works Batra proposes an equitable zIHg7yF4hSu-00014-00003838-00004061 distribution system known as progressive zIHg7yF4hSu-00015-00004061-00004329 utilization theory proud as a means to zIHg7yF4hSu-00016-00004330-00004569 not only ensure material welfare but zIHg7yF4hSu-00017-00004570-00004788 also to secure the ability of all to zIHg7yF4hSu-00018-00004789-00005109 develop a full personality ravi batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00019-00005110-00005619 has appeared on CBS NBC CNN ABC and CNBC zIHg7yF4hSu-00020-00005620-00005859 and has been profiled in the New York zIHg7yF4hSu-00021-00005860-00006315 Times Time and Newsweek since the zIHg7yF4hSu-00022-00006316-00006534 financial crisis Batra has been a zIHg7yF4hSu-00023-00006534-00006802 frequent guest on radio shows and zIHg7yF4hSu-00024-00006803-00007570 featured in numerous publications zIHg7yF4hSu-00025-00007572-00008148 topic academic career zIHg7yF4hSu-00026-00008148-00008451 Batra obtained his BA degree from Punjab zIHg7yF4hSu-00027-00008452-00008799 University in 1963 and MA degree from zIHg7yF4hSu-00028-00008800-00009188 Delhi School of Economics in 1965 in zIHg7yF4hSu-00029-00009189-00009498 1969 he received his PhD in economics zIHg7yF4hSu-00030-00009499-00009834 from Southern Illinois University he zIHg7yF4hSu-00031-00009835-00010008 became assistant professor of economics zIHg7yF4hSu-00032-00010009-00010321 at the University of Western Ontario in zIHg7yF4hSu-00033-00010322-00010632 1969 he moved to Southern Methodist zIHg7yF4hSu-00034-00010633-00011007 University in Dallas Texas in 1970 to zIHg7yF4hSu-00035-00011008-00011171 become assistant professor of economics zIHg7yF4hSu-00036-00011172-00011624 in 1972 he became associate professor zIHg7yF4hSu-00037-00011625-00011904 and in 1973 he was appointed full zIHg7yF4hSu-00038-00011905-00012105 professor of economics and head of zIHg7yF4hSu-00039-00012106-00012413 department at the age of 30 prior to zIHg7yF4hSu-00040-00012414-00012708 1978 he published advanced theoretical zIHg7yF4hSu-00041-00012709-00012944 articles and two books primarily in the zIHg7yF4hSu-00042-00012945-00013588 field of trade theory zIHg7yF4hSu-00043-00013588-00014185 topic spiritual heritage zIHg7yF4hSu-00044-00014186-00014413 Thatcher's writings should be considered zIHg7yF4hSu-00045-00014413-00014650 in terms of the philosophy of his mentor zIHg7yF4hSu-00046-00014651-00014878 Prabhat Ranjin circa who has had a zIHg7yF4hSu-00047-00014879-00015547 profound influence on him zIHg7yF4hSu-00048-00015547-00016122 topic novel ideas zIHg7yF4hSu-00049-00016122-00016649 in 1963 Batra met his mentor PR circa zIHg7yF4hSu-00050-00016650-00016992 1921 to 1990 and after establishing zIHg7yF4hSu-00051-00016993-00017235 himself in his chosen field he decided zIHg7yF4hSu-00052-00017236-00017439 to branch out by contributing to his zIHg7yF4hSu-00053-00017440-00017832 mentis work in 1978 he published a novel zIHg7yF4hSu-00054-00017833-00018044 book the downfall of capitalism and zIHg7yF4hSu-00055-00018045-00018291 communism a new study of history where zIHg7yF4hSu-00056-00018292-00018447 he turned his gaze from theoretical zIHg7yF4hSu-00057-00018448-00018780 economics to history in the book Batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00058-00018781-00019008 promoted the social cycle theory of his zIHg7yF4hSu-00059-00019009-00019263 spiritual mentor Sircar based on an zIHg7yF4hSu-00060-00019264-00019497 analysis of four distinct classes with zIHg7yF4hSu-00061-00019498-00019716 different psychological preferences or zIHg7yF4hSu-00062-00019717-00020037 endowments at the same time Batra has zIHg7yF4hSu-00063-00020038-00020211 theorized that economic inequality zIHg7yF4hSu-00064-00020212-00020499 affects economic performance and social zIHg7yF4hSu-00065-00020500-00020822 change he popularized the concept of the zIHg7yF4hSu-00066-00020823-00021261 share of wealth held by richest 1% as an zIHg7yF4hSu-00067-00021262-00021492 indicator of inequality and an important zIHg7yF4hSu-00068-00021493-00022097 determinant of depressions zIHg7yF4hSu-00069-00022098-00022769 topic social evolution the main thesis zIHg7yF4hSu-00070-00022770-00022940 of the book was that the age of zIHg7yF4hSu-00071-00022941-00023153 acquisitive better known as capitalism zIHg7yF4hSu-00072-00023154-00023374 was soon to come to an end in the West zIHg7yF4hSu-00073-00023375-00023669 this dramatic change was to be followed zIHg7yF4hSu-00074-00023670-00023894 by the downfall of the age of commanders zIHg7yF4hSu-00075-00023895-00024100 in the Soviet Union more commonly known zIHg7yF4hSu-00076-00024101-00024400 as communism while his predictions for zIHg7yF4hSu-00077-00024401-00024599 capitalism to collapse within a few zIHg7yF4hSu-00078-00024600-00024836 decades due to rampant inequality and zIHg7yF4hSu-00079-00024837-00025043 speculation have not come true his zIHg7yF4hSu-00080-00025044-00025225 prediction for the collapse of communism zIHg7yF4hSu-00081-00025226-00025457 due to in a stasis and oppression zIHg7yF4hSu-00082-00025458-00025831 arrived in 1990 sooner than expected the zIHg7yF4hSu-00083-00025832-00026037 key reason that capitalism as a zIHg7yF4hSu-00084-00026038-00026290 self-perpetuating social formation was zIHg7yF4hSu-00085-00026291-00026525 seen to be on an unsustainable path was zIHg7yF4hSu-00086-00026526-00026732 the relentless drive of acquisitive to zIHg7yF4hSu-00087-00026733-00027050 acquire ever more capital over time this zIHg7yF4hSu-00088-00027051-00027283 activity was seen to gain momentum and zIHg7yF4hSu-00089-00027285-00027562 result in financial booms and busts a zIHg7yF4hSu-00090-00027563-00027790 depression would then follow and as it zIHg7yF4hSu-00091-00027791-00028010 came on top of extreme inequality it zIHg7yF4hSu-00092-00028011-00028208 would quickly bring social chaos and zIHg7yF4hSu-00093-00028208-00028517 revolt as Anarchy was not a normal state zIHg7yF4hSu-00094-00028518-00028727 of affairs the class of military leaders zIHg7yF4hSu-00095-00028727-00028886 would step in the breech and zIHg7yF4hSu-00096-00028887-00029120 re-establish order and thereby usher in zIHg7yF4hSu-00097-00029120-00029495 a new age of commanders in this context zIHg7yF4hSu-00098-00029495-00029750 Batra reviews a prior such social change zIHg7yF4hSu-00099-00029751-00029957 which occurred two millennia ago when zIHg7yF4hSu-00100-00029958-00030173 the Roman Republic was transformed into zIHg7yF4hSu-00101-00030174-00030464 the Roman Empire at that time slave zIHg7yF4hSu-00102-00030464-00030695 uprisings were common but were violently zIHg7yF4hSu-00103-00030695-00030962 suppressed this period became known as zIHg7yF4hSu-00104-00030963-00031235 the servile walls at the same time the zIHg7yF4hSu-00105-00031236-00031462 military was in ascendancy as the Roman zIHg7yF4hSu-00106-00031463-00031777 army continued to expand the Empire the zIHg7yF4hSu-00107-00031778-00031973 pivotal figure in the development was zIHg7yF4hSu-00108-00031974-00032192 the military leader Julius Caesar who zIHg7yF4hSu-00109-00032193-00032393 rested control from the Senate by zIHg7yF4hSu-00110-00032394-00032608 diluting its membership but was in turn zIHg7yF4hSu-00111-00032609-00032854 murdered by the disgruntled Senators the zIHg7yF4hSu-00112-00032855-00033143 military class led by his adopted son zIHg7yF4hSu-00113-00033144-00033421 Octavian cemented the new social order zIHg7yF4hSu-00114-00033422-00033683 Batra thinks such a scenario in the zIHg7yF4hSu-00115-00033684-00033920 future will refocus the social motive 80 zIHg7yF4hSu-00116-00033921-00034142 away from acquisition of money to a zIHg7yF4hSu-00117-00034143-00034343 mastery of technology and physical zIHg7yF4hSu-00118-00034344-00034552 bravery including the conquest of space zIHg7yF4hSu-00119-00034553-00034783 heralding a new age of commanders in the zIHg7yF4hSu-00120-00034784-00035129 West these ideas contrast starkly with zIHg7yF4hSu-00121-00035130-00035357 those of thinkers like Francis Fukuyama zIHg7yF4hSu-00122-00035358-00035480 who argues in zIHg7yF4hSu-00123-00035481-00035645 end of history and the last man that zIHg7yF4hSu-00124-00035646-00035930 capitalism as it is based on democracy zIHg7yF4hSu-00125-00035931-00036137 and freedom represents the pinnacle of zIHg7yF4hSu-00126-00036138-00036440 human social development for Fukuyama zIHg7yF4hSu-00127-00036441-00036674 the collapse of Soviet Communism could zIHg7yF4hSu-00128-00036675-00036857 have been inevitable but not that of zIHg7yF4hSu-00129-00036858-00037450 capitalism zIHg7yF4hSu-00130-00037451-00037998 topic bestsellers zIHg7yF4hSu-00131-00037999-00038243 ravi batra is the author of six zIHg7yF4hSu-00132-00038244-00038457 international bestsellers two of which zIHg7yF4hSu-00133-00038458-00038771 appeared on the New York Times list in zIHg7yF4hSu-00134-00038772-00039027 1980 he published Muslim civilization zIHg7yF4hSu-00135-00039028-00039243 and the crisis in Iran where he zIHg7yF4hSu-00136-00039244-00039429 predicted the fall of the Shah and the zIHg7yF4hSu-00137-00039430-00039630 rise of a class of intellectuals or zIHg7yF4hSu-00138-00039631-00039885 mullahs followed by a drawn-out war with zIHg7yF4hSu-00139-00039886-00040224 Iraq in 1984 he penned what was to zIHg7yF4hSu-00140-00040225-00040440 become his first bestseller first under zIHg7yF4hSu-00141-00040441-00040649 the title regular cycles of money zIHg7yF4hSu-00142-00040650-00040927 inflation regulation and depressions a zIHg7yF4hSu-00143-00040928-00041174 central theme of this book was that the zIHg7yF4hSu-00144-00041175-00041402 maldistribution of wealth which Batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00145-00041403-00041612 found to be the cause of past episodes zIHg7yF4hSu-00146-00041613-00041846 of financial speculative manias that zIHg7yF4hSu-00147-00041847-00042056 were followed by a crash and depression zIHg7yF4hSu-00148-00042057-00042321 Lester Thurow was so impressed that he zIHg7yF4hSu-00149-00042322-00042546 wrote a preface stating the ideas were zIHg7yF4hSu-00150-00042547-00042855 novel and brilliant this book was zIHg7yF4hSu-00151-00042856-00043035 subsequently renamed as the Great zIHg7yF4hSu-00152-00043036-00043352 Depression of 1990 it entered the New zIHg7yF4hSu-00153-00043353-00043542 York Times bestseller list in the zIHg7yF4hSu-00154-00043543-00043842 nonfiction category in early 1987 and zIHg7yF4hSu-00155-00043843-00044540 reached number one later that year zIHg7yF4hSu-00156-00044541-00045161 topic outcomes of predictions zIHg7yF4hSu-00157-00045162-00045434 Batra predicted a full-scale depression zIHg7yF4hSu-00158-00045435-00045751 in the USA in 1990 it did not happen zIHg7yF4hSu-00159-00045752-00046031 atrás reputation rose in Europe on zIHg7yF4hSu-00160-00046032-00046214 account of his correct prediction for zIHg7yF4hSu-00161-00046215-00046415 the downfall of communism when he was zIHg7yF4hSu-00162-00046416-00046616 awarded the medal of the Italian Senate zIHg7yF4hSu-00163-00046617-00046952 in 1990 Batra continued to publish zIHg7yF4hSu-00164-00046953-00047162 best-selling works in Japan with zIHg7yF4hSu-00165-00047163-00047389 economic malaise lasting until the early zIHg7yF4hSu-00166-00047390-00047828 2000s in the USA however his sales began zIHg7yF4hSu-00167-00047829-00048056 to drop and his booming sideline career zIHg7yF4hSu-00168-00048057-00048260 as a media commentator on matters zIHg7yF4hSu-00169-00048261-00048601 economic and financial began to sour in zIHg7yF4hSu-00170-00048602-00048938 1993 Batra received the Ig Nobel Prize zIHg7yF4hSu-00171-00048939-00049382 in Economics on September 9th 2007 zIHg7yF4hSu-00172-00049383-00049676 batcher predicted a political revolution zIHg7yF4hSu-00173-00049677-00049946 will take place in the United States by zIHg7yF4hSu-00174-00049947-00050336 the end of this decade by around 2010 zIHg7yF4hSu-00175-00050337-00050615 and the revolution could go on for four zIHg7yF4hSu-00176-00050616-00050945 or five years before it is complete so zIHg7yF4hSu-00177-00050946-00051241 from 2010 to 2016 we could see major zIHg7yF4hSu-00178-00051242-00051587 changes in US economy and society it zIHg7yF4hSu-00179-00051588-00051785 will be a peaceful revolution and it zIHg7yF4hSu-00180-00051786-00051953 will bring an end to the rule of money zIHg7yF4hSu-00181-00051954-00052570 in society zIHg7yF4hSu-00182-00052571-00053139 topic recent works zIHg7yF4hSu-00183-00053140-00053472 in 1993 Batra published the myth of free zIHg7yF4hSu-00184-00053473-00053700 trade the pouring of America in which he zIHg7yF4hSu-00185-00053701-00053916 argued that free trade has enabled the zIHg7yF4hSu-00186-00053916-00054126 rich to become richer but most people zIHg7yF4hSu-00187-00054127-00054441 became poorer Batra predicted that NAFTA zIHg7yF4hSu-00188-00054441-00054680 would create unemployment in Mexico and zIHg7yF4hSu-00189-00054682-00054966 lower wages in America he urged the zIHg7yF4hSu-00190-00054966-00055179 breakup of large firms a raise in zIHg7yF4hSu-00191-00055179-00055401 tariffs and a drastic cut in defense zIHg7yF4hSu-00192-00055402-00055676 spending to turn the country around in zIHg7yF4hSu-00193-00055677-00055920 his view domestic monopolies generate zIHg7yF4hSu-00194-00055921-00056132 inequality and poverty and global trade zIHg7yF4hSu-00195-00056133-00056357 damages the industrial base and the zIHg7yF4hSu-00196-00056358-00056754 global environment in 1998 he published zIHg7yF4hSu-00197-00056754-00057048 stock market pressures of 1998 and 1999 zIHg7yF4hSu-00198-00057049-00057321 the Asian crisis and your future zIHg7yF4hSu-00199-00057322-00057573 the book was revisiting the premise of zIHg7yF4hSu-00200-00057574-00057779 his earlier best-selling work arguing zIHg7yF4hSu-00201-00057780-00057984 nothing had changed only the palliative zIHg7yF4hSu-00202-00057985-00058251 cures of economic policy had become more zIHg7yF4hSu-00203-00058252-00058457 effective at suppressing the symptoms of zIHg7yF4hSu-00204-00058458-00058689 financial capitalism but not cure its zIHg7yF4hSu-00205-00058690-00058911 underlying illness he therefore zIHg7yF4hSu-00206-00058912-00059136 predicted increasing stock market zIHg7yF4hSu-00207-00059137-00059490 volatility again in 1999 he published a zIHg7yF4hSu-00208-00059491-00059634 book the crash of the millennium zIHg7yF4hSu-00209-00059635-00059819 surviving the coming inflationary zIHg7yF4hSu-00210-00059820-00060039 depression which suggested a plunge in zIHg7yF4hSu-00211-00060040-00060344 stocks the drop in high tech stocks in zIHg7yF4hSu-00212-00060345-00060585 the spring of 2000 sent a shiver through zIHg7yF4hSu-00213-00060586-00060742 the global marketplace zIHg7yF4hSu-00214-00060744-00061014 however his critics claimed that since zIHg7yF4hSu-00215-00061015-00061173 the capitalist system remained zIHg7yF4hSu-00216-00061174-00061379 relatively intact that he was proven zIHg7yF4hSu-00217-00061380-00061704 wrong in 2004 he wrote a new book zIHg7yF4hSu-00218-00061704-00061967 greenspan's fraud how two decades of his zIHg7yF4hSu-00219-00061969-00062175 policies have undermined the global zIHg7yF4hSu-00220-00062176-00062373 economy where he critically evaluates zIHg7yF4hSu-00221-00062374-00062571 the policy prescriptions of former zIHg7yF4hSu-00222-00062572-00062798 Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan in zIHg7yF4hSu-00223-00062799-00063060 2008 he published his book the new zIHg7yF4hSu-00224-00063061-00063297 golden age the coming revolution against zIHg7yF4hSu-00225-00063298-00063489 political corruption and economic chaos zIHg7yF4hSu-00226-00063490-00063692 where he analyzes the present-day zIHg7yF4hSu-00227-00063694-00063924 economic downturn and the forces behind zIHg7yF4hSu-00228-00063925-00063982 it zIHg7yF4hSu-00229-00063983-00064263 after some significant struggle Batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00230-00064264-00064614 predicts a swift and stunning revival of zIHg7yF4hSu-00231-00064615-00064863 American ideals based on true democratic zIHg7yF4hSu-00232-00064864-00065051 principles that will quickly spread zIHg7yF4hSu-00233-00065052-00065361 around the world the United States does zIHg7yF4hSu-00234-00065362-00065610 not export much but it does export ideas zIHg7yF4hSu-00235-00065611-00065838 which today mainly emit Hedden ISM and zIHg7yF4hSu-00236-00065839-00066147 materialism a new standard exulting zIHg7yF4hSu-00237-00066148-00066372 marshal qualities and magnanimity will zIHg7yF4hSu-00238-00066373-00066525 soon replace the currently zIHg7yF4hSu-00239-00066526-00066813 dominant American ethos it will also zIHg7yF4hSu-00240-00066814-00066999 sound the death knell for trick ISM zIHg7yF4hSu-00241-00067000-00067188 which is creating poverty around the zIHg7yF4hSu-00242-00067189-00067527 world America's revolutionary ideas will zIHg7yF4hSu-00243-00067528-00067713 quickly captivate the globe they will zIHg7yF4hSu-00244-00067714-00067929 spread like wildfire and eradicate zIHg7yF4hSu-00245-00067930-00068235 poverty within a generation the internet zIHg7yF4hSu-00246-00068236-00068379 will make sure that the Renaissance zIHg7yF4hSu-00247-00068380-00068592 spreads its fragrance all over the zIHg7yF4hSu-00248-00068593-00068871 planet verily for the first time in zIHg7yF4hSu-00249-00068872-00069206 history there will be a golden age PG zIHg7yF4hSu-00250-00069207-00069734 204 zIHg7yF4hSu-00251-00069735-00070307 topic bibliography zIHg7yF4hSu-00252-00070308-00070752 topic books Batra ravindra 1989 studies zIHg7yF4hSu-00253-00070753-00070953 in the pure theory of international zIHg7yF4hSu-00254-00070954-00071310 trade new york st. martin's press ISBN zIHg7yF4hSu-00255-00071311-00071538 nine trillion seven hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00256-00071539-00071817 billion 312 million seven hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00257-00071818-00072242 seventy two thousand 109 Batra ravindra zIHg7yF4hSu-00258-00072243-00072531 1975 the pure theory of international zIHg7yF4hSu-00259-00072532-00072813 trade under under certainty london zIHg7yF4hSu-00260-00072814-00073110 macmillan ISBN nine trillion seven zIHg7yF4hSu-00261-00073111-00073251 hundred and eighty billion three hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00262-00073252-00073473 and thirty three million one hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00263-00073474-00073662 sixty five thousand six hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00264-00073663-00074145 seven Batra Raveendran 1978 the downfall zIHg7yF4hSu-00265-00074146-00074400 of capitalism and communism a new study zIHg7yF4hSu-00266-00074401-00074802 of history london macmillan ISBN nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00267-00074803-00074949 trillion seven hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00268-00074950-00075129 billion three hundred and thirty three zIHg7yF4hSu-00269-00075130-00075339 million two hundred and sixteen thousand zIHg7yF4hSu-00270-00075340-00075603 four hundred and fifty three Batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00271-00075604-00075981 ravindra 1989 regular economic cycles zIHg7yF4hSu-00272-00075982-00076221 money inflation regulation and zIHg7yF4hSu-00273-00076222-00076505 depressions new york st. martin's press zIHg7yF4hSu-00274-00076506-00076812 ISBN nine trillion seven hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00275-00076813-00076986 eighty billion three hundred and twelve zIHg7yF4hSu-00276-00076987-00077181 million thirty two thousand six hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00277-00077182-00077634 and nine Batra ravindra 1987 the Great zIHg7yF4hSu-00278-00077635-00077865 Depression of 1990 why it's got to zIHg7yF4hSu-00279-00077866-00078195 happen how to protect yourself new york zIHg7yF4hSu-00280-00078196-00078507 simon and schuster ISBN nine trillion zIHg7yF4hSu-00281-00078508-00078690 seven hundred and eighty billion six zIHg7yF4hSu-00282-00078691-00078870 hundred and seventy 1 million six zIHg7yF4hSu-00283-00078871-00079023 hundred and forty thousand two hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00284-00079024-00079439 and twenty four Batra ravindra 1989 zIHg7yF4hSu-00285-00079440-00079719 surviving the Great Depression of 1990 zIHg7yF4hSu-00286-00079720-00079935 protect your assets and investments and zIHg7yF4hSu-00287-00079936-00080280 come out on top New York del publishing zIHg7yF4hSu-00288-00080281-00080568 ISBN nine trillion seven hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00289-00080569-00080721 eighty billion four hundred and forty zIHg7yF4hSu-00290-00080722-00080922 million two hundred and four thousand zIHg7yF4hSu-00291-00080923-00081240 six hundred and nineteen Batra ravindra zIHg7yF4hSu-00292-00081241-00081579 1989 progressive utilisation Theory zIHg7yF4hSu-00293-00081580-00081834 Prout an economic solution to poverty in zIHg7yF4hSu-00294-00081835-00082119 the third-world ohmmeter Manila zIHg7yF4hSu-00295-00082120-00082383 Philippines ananda marga publications zIHg7yF4hSu-00296-00082384-00082890 ISBN nine trillion 789 billion 718 zIHg7yF4hSu-00297-00082891-00083058 million six hundred and twenty three zIHg7yF4hSu-00298-00083059-00083381 thousand and seventy seven Batra ravi zIHg7yF4hSu-00299-00083382-00083687 1990 the downfall of capitalism zIHg7yF4hSu-00300-00083688-00083924 and communism can capitalism be saved zIHg7yF4hSu-00301-00083925-00084254 Dallas Texas Venus books distributed by zIHg7yF4hSu-00302-00084255-00084623 Taylor pub Co ISBN nine trillion seven zIHg7yF4hSu-00303-00084624-00084803 hundred and eighty billion nine hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00304-00084804-00084941 and thirty nine million three hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00305-00084942-00085192 and fifty two thousand and ninety-eight zIHg7yF4hSu-00306-00085193-00085487 Batra Ravi nineteen ninety three the zIHg7yF4hSu-00307-00085488-00085766 myth of free trade a plan for America's zIHg7yF4hSu-00308-00085767-00086099 economic revival New York Toronto New zIHg7yF4hSu-00309-00086100-00086348 York C Scribner Sons Maxwell Macmillan zIHg7yF4hSu-00310-00086349-00086605 Canada Maxwell Macmillan International zIHg7yF4hSu-00311-00086606-00086867 ISBN nine trillion seven hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00312-00086868-00087026 eighty billion six hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00313-00087027-00087234 four million one hundred and ninety five zIHg7yF4hSu-00314-00087235-00087463 thousand nine hundred and twenty six zIHg7yF4hSu-00315-00087464-00087884 Batra revi 1996 the great American zIHg7yF4hSu-00316-00087885-00088094 deception what politicians won't tell zIHg7yF4hSu-00317-00088095-00088400 you about our economy in your future new zIHg7yF4hSu-00318-00088401-00088751 york john wiley & sons ISBN nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00319-00088752-00088898 trillion seven hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00320-00088899-00089090 billion four hundred and seventy 1 zIHg7yF4hSu-00321-00089091-00089265 million one hundred and sixty five zIHg7yF4hSu-00322-00089266-00089500 thousand five hundred and sixty nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00323-00089501-00089885 Batra ravi 1999 the crash of the zIHg7yF4hSu-00324-00089886-00090062 millennium surviving the coming zIHg7yF4hSu-00325-00090063-00090350 inflationary depression new york harmony zIHg7yF4hSu-00326-00090351-00090668 books ISBN nine trillion seven hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00327-00090669-00090834 and eighty billion six hundred and nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00328-00090835-00091028 million six hundred and five thousand zIHg7yF4hSu-00329-00091029-00091366 one hundred and twenty seven Batra ravi zIHg7yF4hSu-00330-00091367-00091690 2003 common sense macroeconomics zIHg7yF4hSu-00331-00091691-00092123 Richardson Texas Liberty press ISBN nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00332-00092124-00092271 trillion seven hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00333-00092272-00092435 billion nine hundred and thirty nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00334-00092436-00092636 million three hundred and fifty two zIHg7yF4hSu-00335-00092637-00092851 thousand eight hundred and sixty nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00336-00092852-00093315 Batra ravi 2005 greenspan's fraud how zIHg7yF4hSu-00337-00093316-00093485 two decades of his policies have zIHg7yF4hSu-00338-00093486-00093803 undermined the global economy new york zIHg7yF4hSu-00339-00093804-00094122 palgrave macmillan ISBN nine trillion zIHg7yF4hSu-00340-00094123-00094304 seven hundred and eighty-one billion zIHg7yF4hSu-00341-00094305-00094460 four hundred and three million nine zIHg7yF4hSu-00342-00094461-00094655 hundred and sixty eight thousand five zIHg7yF4hSu-00343-00094656-00095078 hundred and ninety three Batra ravi 2007 zIHg7yF4hSu-00344-00095079-00095354 the new golden age becoming revolution zIHg7yF4hSu-00345-00095355-00095525 against political corruption and zIHg7yF4hSu-00346-00095526-00095834 economic chaos new york palgrave zIHg7yF4hSu-00347-00095835-00096128 macmillan ISBN nine trillion seven zIHg7yF4hSu-00348-00096129-00096287 hundred and eighty-one billion four zIHg7yF4hSu-00349-00096288-00096467 hundred and three million nine hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00350-00096468-00096647 and seventy five thousand seven hundred zIHg7yF4hSu-00351-00096648-00097077 and ninety-nine Batra ravi 2015 zIHg7yF4hSu-00352-00097078-00097260 and unemployment now how to eliminate zIHg7yF4hSu-00353-00097261-00097530 joblessness debt and poverty despite zIHg7yF4hSu-00354-00097531-00097806 Congress New York palgrave macmillan zIHg7yF4hSu-00355-00097807-00098142 ISBN nine trillion seven hundred and zIHg7yF4hSu-00356-00098143-00098331 eighty 1 billion one hundred and thirty zIHg7yF4hSu-00357-00098332-00098499 seven million two hundred and eighty zIHg7yF4hSu-00358-00098500-00099146 thousand and seventy seven zIHg7yF4hSu-00359-00099147-00099712 topic journal articles zIHg7yF4hSu-00360-00099713-00100051 Batra Ravindra n pattern ike prasanta k zIHg7yF4hSu-00361-00100052-00100426 october 1972 on some suggestions for zIHg7yF4hSu-00362-00100427-00100645 having non-binary social choice zIHg7yF4hSu-00363-00100646-00101059 functions theory and decision springer 3 zIHg7yF4hSu-00364-00101060-00101608 1 1 2 11 do i ten-point 100 7 b fo 0 1 3 zIHg7yF4hSu-00365-00101609-00102040 9 3 4 9 Batra ravi Velarde zIHg7yF4hSu-00366-00102041-00102376 Hameed September 2013 the US trade zIHg7yF4hSu-00367-00102377-00102721 deficit and the rate of interest review zIHg7yF4hSu-00368-00102722-00102996 of International Economics Wiley Online zIHg7yF4hSu-00369-00102997-00103744 21 4 614 - 626 DOI ten point one one one zIHg7yF4hSu-00370-00103745-00104140 one one point one two oh five nine Batra zIHg7yF4hSu-00371-00104141-00104454 ravi Velarde Hameed November 2013 zIHg7yF4hSu-00372-00104455-00104782 foreign capital and urban congestion in zIHg7yF4hSu-00373-00104783-00105124 emerging markets review of development zIHg7yF4hSu-00374-00105125-00105798 economics Wiley Online 17 4 676 - 684 zIHg7yF4hSu-00375-00105799-00106180 DOI ten point one one one one road point zIHg7yF4hSu-00376-00106181-00106831 one two oh five eight zIHg7yF4hSu-00377-00106832-00107381 topic see also zIHg7yF4hSu-00378-00107382-00107757 free-trade controversy law of social zIHg7yF4hSu-00379-00107758-00108291 cycle progressive utilization theory zII8JAH4Rig-00000-00000057-00000356 the men's 5 kilometers competition of zII8JAH4Rig-00001-00000357-00000566 the open water swimming events at the zII8JAH4Rig-00002-00000567-00000862 2015 World Aquatics Championships was zII8JAH4Rig-00003-00000863-00001689 held on the 25th of July 2015 zII8JAH4Rig-00004-00001689-00002252 topic results zII8JAH4Rig-00005-00002253-00002744 the race was started at 1300 zKspuuP7o1g-00000-00001096-00001511 welcome to Patricia Fritz ten traps how zKspuuP7o1g-00001-00001512-00001939 the go from dull to dynamic whenever you zKspuuP7o1g-00002-00001941-00002209 open your mouth whether your audience is zKspuuP7o1g-00003-00002210-00002492 one person or a thousand you usually zKspuuP7o1g-00004-00002493-00002824 want to get across a specific message zKspuuP7o1g-00005-00002825-00003188 maybe you want your opinions heard zKspuuP7o1g-00006-00003189-00003503 meetings or you're giving a formal talk zKspuuP7o1g-00007-00003504-00003767 or perhaps you're in the position to zKspuuP7o1g-00008-00003768-00004163 advise your sales team or CEO on how to zKspuuP7o1g-00009-00004164-00004395 deliver an important presentation zKspuuP7o1g-00010-00004396-00004672 everyone who sets out to present zKspuuP7o1g-00011-00004673-00005167 persuade and propel with the spoken word zKspuuP7o1g-00012-00005168-00005777 faces 10 major pitfalls one unclear zKspuuP7o1g-00013-00005778-00006065 thinking if you can't describe what zKspuuP7o1g-00014-00006066-00006377 you're talking about in one sentence you zKspuuP7o1g-00015-00006378-00006716 may be guilty of fuzzy focus or trying zKspuuP7o1g-00016-00006717-00007021 to cover too many topics your listeners zKspuuP7o1g-00017-00007022-00007405 won't understand what you're saying to zKspuuP7o1g-00018-00007406-00007814 no clear structure you have to make it zKspuuP7o1g-00019-00007815-00008089 easier for your audience to follow what zKspuuP7o1g-00020-00008090-00008333 you're saying they'll remember better zKspuuP7o1g-00021-00008334-00008657 and so were you when you present your zKspuuP7o1g-00022-00008658-00009089 information ideas in a logical logical zKspuuP7o1g-00023-00009090-00009460 structure if you awful ramble or never zKspuuP7o1g-00024-00009461-00009596 get to the point you're going to lose zKspuuP7o1g-00025-00009597-00010146 your listeners 3 no memorable stories zKspuuP7o1g-00026-00010147-00010480 people really remember your exact words zKspuuP7o1g-00027-00010481-00010892 instead they remember the mental images zKspuuP7o1g-00028-00010893-00011194 the pictures that your words capture zKspuuP7o1g-00029-00011195-00011471 support your key points with vivid zKspuuP7o1g-00030-00011472-00011863 relevant stories and examples help the zKspuuP7o1g-00031-00011864-00012214 audience make the movie in their minds zKspuuP7o1g-00032-00012215-00012595 by using memorable characters exciting zKspuuP7o1g-00033-00012596-00012991 situations dialogue suspense and perhaps zKspuuP7o1g-00034-00012991-00013268 appropriate human zKspuuP7o1g-00035-00013269-00013749 for no emotional connection the most zKspuuP7o1g-00036-00013750-00014103 powerful communication combines both zKspuuP7o1g-00037-00014104-00014504 intellectual and emotional connection zKspuuP7o1g-00038-00014505-00014816 intellectual connection means appealing zKspuuP7o1g-00039-00014818-00015246 to the educated self interest with facts zKspuuP7o1g-00040-00015247-00015666 and reasoning and arguments emotional zKspuuP7o1g-00041-00015666-00015924 collection comes from engaging the zKspuuP7o1g-00042-00015925-00016272 listeners imaginations involving them in zKspuuP7o1g-00043-00016272-00016701 your stories and by the frequent use of zKspuuP7o1g-00044-00016702-00017217 the word you rather than I we always zKspuuP7o1g-00045-00017218-00017480 have to answer the unspoken question zKspuuP7o1g-00046-00017481-00018180 what's in it for me five wrong level of zKspuuP7o1g-00047-00018181-00018573 abstraction are you providing the big zKspuuP7o1g-00048-00018574-00018834 picture and generalities when your zKspuuP7o1g-00049-00018835-00019044 listeners are hungry for details facts zKspuuP7o1g-00050-00019045-00019401 and specific I tues or are you drowning zKspuuP7o1g-00051-00019402-00019662 them in data when they need a broad zKspuuP7o1g-00052-00019663-00020016 overview get on the same wavelength with zKspuuP7o1g-00053-00020017-00020289 your listeners and speak at the right zKspuuP7o1g-00054-00020290-00020805 level of abstraction for your audience 6 zKspuuP7o1g-00055-00020806-00021156 no pauses good music and good zKspuuP7o1g-00056-00021157-00021560 communication both contain changes of zKspuuP7o1g-00057-00021561-00022224 pacing pausing and full rests when you zKspuuP7o1g-00058-00022225-00022584 pause your audience actually has the zKspuuP7o1g-00059-00022585-00022881 chance to digest what they heard and you zKspuuP7o1g-00060-00022882-00023094 get the chance to think what comes next zKspuuP7o1g-00061-00023095-00023421 you actually draw people closer to you zKspuuP7o1g-00062-00023422-00024138 on the pause 7 irritating non-words the zKspuuP7o1g-00063-00024139-00024792 are you know you know what I mean record zKspuuP7o1g-00064-00024793-00025038 yourself and check the number of times zKspuuP7o1g-00065-00025039-00025500 you look unsure and not confident and zKspuuP7o1g-00066-00025501-00025714 your audience is being driven crazy zKspuuP7o1g-00067-00025716-00025980 start listening to other people and you zKspuuP7o1g-00068-00025981-00026531 don't want to sound like that zKspuuP7o1g-00069-00026532-00027120 eight stepping on the impact phrases the zKspuuP7o1g-00070-00027120-00027411 most important words or phrase are at zKspuuP7o1g-00071-00027412-00027674 the end of a sentence in comedy is zKspuuP7o1g-00072-00027675-00027971 called the punch word or the punch zKspuuP7o1g-00073-00027972-00028236 phrase in business communication you zKspuuP7o1g-00074-00028237-00028443 might want to think of it as the impact zKspuuP7o1g-00075-00028444-00028724 phrase and it usually comes at the end zKspuuP7o1g-00076-00028725-00029124 of the sentence if you add right see zKspuuP7o1g-00077-00029125-00029511 okay or today at the end of a sentence zKspuuP7o1g-00078-00029512-00030114 you just killed your impact nine not zKspuuP7o1g-00079-00030114-00030439 having a strong opening and closing zKspuuP7o1g-00080-00030441-00030821 engage your audience immediately with a zKspuuP7o1g-00081-00030822-00031170 powerful relevant opening grab them this zKspuuP7o1g-00082-00031170-00031368 is the flavor of what they can expect zKspuuP7o1g-00083-00031369-00031668 for the entire presentation then zKspuuP7o1g-00084-00031669-00031977 certainly handle questions but don't zKspuuP7o1g-00085-00031977-00032395 close on questions asked for an zKspuuP7o1g-00086-00032397-00032939 appropriate challenge then deliver a zKspuuP7o1g-00087-00032940-00033290 dynamic clothes and remember your last zKspuuP7o1g-00088-00033291-00033937 words linger make sure they're powerful zKspuuP7o1g-00089-00033938-00034533 ten miss using technology timid speakers zKspuuP7o1g-00090-00034534-00034821 who simply read off their powerpoint are zKspuuP7o1g-00091-00034822-00035187 boring and ineffective you want to be a zKspuuP7o1g-00092-00035188-00035520 star your powerpoint is a valuable tool zKspuuP7o1g-00093-00035521-00035835 it's not a crutch what you do is design zKspuuP7o1g-00094-00035836-00036132 your message and then ask yourself where zKspuuP7o1g-00095-00036133-00036527 do I need of a visual aids to enhance my zKspuuP7o1g-00096-00036528-00036933 message not distract when you avoid zKspuuP7o1g-00097-00036934-00037254 these 10 common traps it's the first zKspuuP7o1g-00098-00037255-00037543 step in changing dull boring zKspuuP7o1g-00099-00037544-00037836 presentations into dynamic powerful zKspuuP7o1g-00100-00037837-00038171 persuasive communication this is zKspuuP7o1g-00101-00038172-00038445 patricia fripp the executive speech zKspuuP7o1g-00102-00038446-00038742 coach my role is to build leaders and zKspuuP7o1g-00103-00038743-00039012 transform sales teams through more zKspuuP7o1g-00104-00039013-00039212 effective speaking and presentation zKspuuP7o1g-00105-00039213-00039630 skills consider this your public speed zKspuuP7o1g-00106-00039631-00039963 service announcement zKC07RPAUi4-00000-00000760-00001332 hey zKC07RPAUi4-00001-00001333-00002567 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00002-00002568-00002857 he zKC07RPAUi4-00003-00002858-00004206 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00004-00004207-00004774 he zKC07RPAUi4-00005-00004775-00006015 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00006-00006016-00006973 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00007-00006975-00008167 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00008-00008168-00008316 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00009-00008317-00010039 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00010-00010040-00011199 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00011-00011200-00011518 punjabi zKC07RPAUi4-00012-00011519-00012670 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00013-00012671-00012960 krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00014-00012961-00013127 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00015-00013128-00013656 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00016-00013657-00013958 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00017-00013959-00014131 rama rama zKC07RPAUi4-00018-00014132-00014358 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00019-00014359-00015869 see zKC07RPAUi4-00020-00015869-00016439 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00021-00016440-00016989 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00022-00016990-00017726 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00023-00017727-00018303 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00024-00018304-00018679 me zKC07RPAUi4-00025-00018680-00020611 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00026-00020612-00020874 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00027-00020875-00021407 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00028-00021408-00022222 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00029-00022223-00024615 a zKC07RPAUi4-00030-00024616-00025255 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00031-00025256-00025854 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00032-00025855-00026183 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00033-00026183-00027788 me zKC07RPAUi4-00034-00027789-00028218 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00035-00028219-00028287 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00036-00028288-00028368 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00037-00028369-00028713 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00038-00028714-00029493 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00039-00029494-00029698 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00040-00029699-00029723 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00041-00029724-00030055 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00042-00030056-00030211 me zKC07RPAUi4-00043-00030212-00030889 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00044-00030891-00031708 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00045-00031710-00031801 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00046-00031802-00032167 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00047-00032168-00032366 oh zKC07RPAUi4-00048-00032367-00032911 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00049-00032912-00033872 oh zKC07RPAUi4-00050-00033873-00033955 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00051-00033956-00034706 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00052-00034707-00034902 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00053-00034903-00035168 a zKC07RPAUi4-00054-00035169-00036127 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00055-00036128-00036268 god zKC07RPAUi4-00056-00036269-00039190 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00057-00039191-00040473 i zKC07RPAUi4-00058-00040474-00041672 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00059-00041673-00042332 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00060-00042333-00043065 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00061-00043066-00044362 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00063-00048384-00048662 so we've been recounting some of the zKC07RPAUi4-00064-00048663-00048967 incidents from the first first canto of zKC07RPAUi4-00065-00048968-00049894 the srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00066-00049895-00050207 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00067-00050208-00050471 was elected to be the speaker to the zKC07RPAUi4-00068-00050472-00051726 sages zKC07RPAUi4-00069-00051727-00052654 had put a number of zKC07RPAUi4-00070-00052655-00052887 one of the questions which they asked zKC07RPAUi4-00071-00052888-00053071 was zKC07RPAUi4-00072-00053072-00053423 that so long as lord krishna was present zKC07RPAUi4-00073-00053424-00053623 on the planet zKC07RPAUi4-00074-00053624-00053935 we knew him to be the personification zKC07RPAUi4-00075-00053936-00054311 of all religious principles zKC07RPAUi4-00076-00054312-00054591 but now that he has departed from the zKC07RPAUi4-00077-00054591-00054711 world zKC07RPAUi4-00078-00054712-00055023 now where are the religious principles zKC07RPAUi4-00079-00055024-00055791 to be found zKC07RPAUi4-00080-00055791-00057319 in zKC07RPAUi4-00081-00057320-00057654 so this question was answered by suta zKC07RPAUi4-00082-00057655-00058038 goswami very important for us to be zKC07RPAUi4-00083-00058039-00058350 aware of how he answered this zKC07RPAUi4-00084-00058351-00058542 he said zKC07RPAUi4-00085-00058544-00058694 that zKC07RPAUi4-00086-00058695-00059109 well he said krsna's zKC07RPAUi4-00087-00059110-00061191 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00088-00061191-00061294 is as zKC07RPAUi4-00089-00061295-00061526 brilliant as the sun zKC07RPAUi4-00090-00061527-00061791 and it has arisen just after the zKC07RPAUi4-00091-00061791-00062150 departure of lord krishna from his own zKC07RPAUi4-00092-00062151-00062942 abode zKC07RPAUi4-00093-00062944-00063238 persons who have lost their vision zKC07RPAUi4-00094-00063239-00063550 due to the dense darkness of the age of zKC07RPAUi4-00095-00063551-00064166 cali can get light from this purana zKC07RPAUi4-00096-00064167-00064671 amra is zKC07RPAUi4-00097-00064672-00064742 so zKC07RPAUi4-00098-00064744-00065047 we can understand the srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00099-00065048-00065366 is the literary incarnation of lord zKC07RPAUi4-00100-00065367-00065863 krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00101-00065864-00066247 simply by reading srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00102-00066248-00066526 we can directly associate with lord zKC07RPAUi4-00103-00066527-00067094 krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00104-00067095-00067367 and srila prabhupada told us zKC07RPAUi4-00105-00067368-00067447 that zKC07RPAUi4-00106-00067448-00067823 if we regularly read srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00107-00067824-00068167 one day we will see lord krishna from zKC07RPAUi4-00108-00068168-00068503 the pages of the srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00109-00068504-00070031 prabhupada bullets zKC07RPAUi4-00110-00070032-00070215 and he explained how the zKC07RPAUi4-00111-00070216-00070391 srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00112-00070392-00071382 came to be spoken zKC07RPAUi4-00113-00071383-00071735 he explained how srila vyasadeva zKC07RPAUi4-00114-00071736-00072023 was feeling despondent although he had zKC07RPAUi4-00115-00072024-00072294 written a number of literatures zKC07RPAUi4-00116-00072295-00074023 he did not feel satisfaction zKC07RPAUi4-00117-00074024-00074279 which is a very very big book zKC07RPAUi4-00118-00074280-00074479 many many slokas zKC07RPAUi4-00119-00074480-00074823 and he had written 18 puranas zKC07RPAUi4-00120-00074824-00074975 and he'd also zKC07RPAUi4-00121-00074976-00075135 had the faders zKC07RPAUi4-00122-00075136-00075447 divided into four and he'd written the zKC07RPAUi4-00123-00075448-00075726 upanishads which are there supplements zKC07RPAUi4-00124-00075727-00077031 of the vedas zKC07RPAUi4-00125-00077032-00077311 so it was at that time narada muni zKC07RPAUi4-00126-00077312-00077550 who was the spiritual teacher of sri zKC07RPAUi4-00127-00077551-00077894 lanka assadev narada muni appeared to zKC07RPAUi4-00128-00077895-00078094 srila vyasadeva zKC07RPAUi4-00129-00078095-00078279 and he zKC07RPAUi4-00130-00078280-00080535 instructed srila vyasadeva zKC07RPAUi4-00131-00080536-00080694 you've written zKC07RPAUi4-00132-00080695-00080975 so many books but you have not properly zKC07RPAUi4-00133-00080976-00081271 glorified the process of devotional zKC07RPAUi4-00134-00081272-00082287 service zKC07RPAUi4-00135-00082288-00082491 you have not properly zKC07RPAUi4-00136-00082492-00082806 enunciated the real importance of the zKC07RPAUi4-00137-00082807-00083038 path of devotion to the supreme zKC07RPAUi4-00138-00083039-00083862 personality of godhead zKC07RPAUi4-00139-00083863-00084135 you've simply encouraged the people in zKC07RPAUi4-00140-00084136-00084323 materialistic zKC07RPAUi4-00141-00084324-00085382 ritualistic activities zKC07RPAUi4-00142-00085383-00085482 these zKC07RPAUi4-00143-00085483-00085775 materialistic ritualistic activities we zKC07RPAUi4-00144-00085776-00086182 may refer to them karma kandy activities zKC07RPAUi4-00145-00086183-00086431 they are not going to fulfill the need zKC07RPAUi4-00146-00086432-00086775 of the soul zKC07RPAUi4-00147-00086776-00087694 uh zKC07RPAUi4-00148-00087695-00087943 another question which the sages had zKC07RPAUi4-00149-00087944-00088287 asked from suta goswami was what is the zKC07RPAUi4-00150-00088288-00090623 ultimate purpose of all the scriptures zKC07RPAUi4-00151-00090624-00091055 the supreme occupation for all humanity zKC07RPAUi4-00152-00091056-00091423 to attain is loving service to the zKC07RPAUi4-00153-00091424-00091582 supreme lord zKC07RPAUi4-00154-00091583-00091926 such service must be unmotivated zKC07RPAUi4-00155-00091927-00092011 and zKC07RPAUi4-00156-00092012-00092399 uninterrupted to completely satisfy the zKC07RPAUi4-00157-00092400-00093855 soul zKC07RPAUi4-00158-00093856-00094974 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00159-00094975-00095318 so the nature of devotional service is zKC07RPAUi4-00160-00095319-00095903 described here with two words zKC07RPAUi4-00161-00095904-00096043 it must be zKC07RPAUi4-00162-00096044-00096343 unmotivated first of all that we don't zKC07RPAUi4-00163-00096344-00096655 perform devotional service for any zKC07RPAUi4-00164-00096656-00098174 material purpose zKC07RPAUi4-00165-00098175-00098543 generally people are only motivated by zKC07RPAUi4-00166-00098544-00098871 the results what am i going to get how zKC07RPAUi4-00167-00098872-00099191 much will i gain will i get promotion zKC07RPAUi4-00168-00099192-00099326 will i get zKC07RPAUi4-00169-00099327-00100903 my material desires zKC07RPAUi4-00170-00100904-00101199 that is not pure devotion if you have zKC07RPAUi4-00171-00101200-00101574 material desires then that is not pure zKC07RPAUi4-00172-00101575-00102279 devotion zKC07RPAUi4-00173-00102280-00102675 and pure devotional service must also be zKC07RPAUi4-00174-00102676-00102990 uninterrupted in other words we must zKC07RPAUi4-00175-00102991-00103375 continue daily every moment our whole zKC07RPAUi4-00176-00103376-00103694 day our every second of our time should zKC07RPAUi4-00177-00103695-00104639 be engaged in the service of the lords zKC07RPAUi4-00178-00104640-00105110 again zKC07RPAUi4-00179-00105111-00105239 some of us zKC07RPAUi4-00180-00105240-00105534 you know rather a week comes we do a lot zKC07RPAUi4-00181-00105535-00105831 of seva the rest of the year we don't do zKC07RPAUi4-00182-00105832-00106175 anything only rafael we come we come zKC07RPAUi4-00183-00106176-00106423 every day we take part in coming here to zKC07RPAUi4-00184-00106424-00108390 come and zKC07RPAUi4-00185-00108391-00108743 so pure devotional service must be done zKC07RPAUi4-00186-00108744-00109086 every day every moment all of our time zKC07RPAUi4-00187-00109088-00110239 must be used for the service of krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00188-00110240-00110527 i'm not saying you cannot sleep zKC07RPAUi4-00190-00113567-00113886 although he was 70s in the 70s he was zKC07RPAUi4-00191-00113888-00114751 sleeping only 2 hours a night zKC07RPAUi4-00192-00114752-00114999 and the whole day he would be awake he zKC07RPAUi4-00193-00115000-00116078 would be preaching and writing his books zKC07RPAUi4-00194-00116079-00116415 we know the goswamis of vrindavan zKC07RPAUi4-00195-00116416-00116751 the followers of sri caitanya mahaprabhu zKC07RPAUi4-00196-00116752-00117158 there were six prominent goswamis zKC07RPAUi4-00197-00117159-00117415 they lived in vrndavan and they zKC07RPAUi4-00198-00117416-00119007 conquered over eating and sleeping zKC07RPAUi4-00199-00119008-00119399 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00200-00119400-00119527 they were zKC07RPAUi4-00201-00119528-00119878 advanced devotees they did not eat too zKC07RPAUi4-00202-00119879-00119975 much zKC07RPAUi4-00203-00119976-00122199 and they did not sleep too much zKC07RPAUi4-00204-00122200-00122439 and they were sleeping sometimes they zKC07RPAUi4-00205-00122440-00122695 would forget to sleep because they were zKC07RPAUi4-00206-00122696-00123975 so busy in devotional services zKC07RPAUi4-00207-00123976-00124199 when he was a young man zKC07RPAUi4-00208-00124200-00125439 he gave up mating and defending zKC07RPAUi4-00209-00125440-00125783 and he said now in my old age i have zKC07RPAUi4-00210-00125783-00127414 also given up eating and sleeping zKC07RPAUi4-00211-00127415-00127783 he was a liberated soul so he did not zKC07RPAUi4-00212-00127783-00128078 fall under the influence of the material zKC07RPAUi4-00213-00128079-00128799 energy zKC07RPAUi4-00214-00128800-00129075 so similarly we're hearing about zKC07RPAUi4-00215-00129076-00129231 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00216-00129232-00129454 maharaja pariksit zKC07RPAUi4-00217-00129455-00129854 that we told how he was cursed to die in zKC07RPAUi4-00218-00129855-00130807 seven days zKC07RPAUi4-00219-00130808-00131102 and because he knew his death is coming zKC07RPAUi4-00220-00131103-00131463 he did not eat anymore and he did not zKC07RPAUi4-00221-00131464-00132478 sleep anymore zKC07RPAUi4-00222-00132479-00132854 he considered every moment of time to be zKC07RPAUi4-00223-00132855-00133151 so valuable that he did not want to zKC07RPAUi4-00224-00133152-00134151 waste a second of his time zKC07RPAUi4-00225-00134152-00134527 so he gave up eating and sleeping and he zKC07RPAUi4-00226-00134528-00134831 used every moment to hear zKC07RPAUi4-00227-00134832-00135687 srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00228-00135688-00135807 just think zKC07RPAUi4-00229-00135808-00135966 every day zKC07RPAUi4-00230-00135967-00136199 how many hours we're sleeping zKC07RPAUi4-00231-00136200-00136702 maybe six hours maybe even eight hours zKC07RPAUi4-00232-00136703-00137119 so in a year just think how much time we zKC07RPAUi4-00233-00137120-00138454 spend in sleep zKC07RPAUi4-00234-00138455-00138759 and then how much time we spend in zKC07RPAUi4-00235-00138760-00139543 eating zKC07RPAUi4-00236-00139544-00139831 maybe you're taking two meals or maybe zKC07RPAUi4-00237-00139832-00140014 three meals a day zKC07RPAUi4-00238-00140015-00140111 so we zKC07RPAUi4-00239-00140112-00140239 we take time zKC07RPAUi4-00240-00140240-00140535 somebody takes time ladies probably take zKC07RPAUi4-00241-00140536-00140911 time to cook and to prepare the food zKC07RPAUi4-00242-00140912-00141190 and the men come and they will sit and zKC07RPAUi4-00243-00141191-00141423 they will eat the food zKC07RPAUi4-00244-00141424-00142847 in this way we pass a lot of time zKC07RPAUi4-00245-00142848-00144366 therefore zKC07RPAUi4-00246-00144367-00144743 lord krishna said if you eat too much zKC07RPAUi4-00247-00144744-00144935 or eat too little zKC07RPAUi4-00248-00144936-00145278 if you sleep too much or do not sleep zKC07RPAUi4-00249-00145279-00146990 enough then you cannot be a yogi zKC07RPAUi4-00250-00146991-00147102 however zKC07RPAUi4-00251-00147103-00147295 at the end of life zKC07RPAUi4-00252-00147296-00147607 when you get when we get near to death zKC07RPAUi4-00253-00147608-00147943 we want to be very conscious about how zKC07RPAUi4-00254-00147944-00148319 we use time zKC07RPAUi4-00255-00148320-00149078 ok zKC07RPAUi4-00256-00149079-00149302 was in this situation zKC07RPAUi4-00257-00149303-00149502 he was thinking zKC07RPAUi4-00258-00149503-00149783 don't waste any time zKC07RPAUi4-00259-00149784-00150678 tomorrow zKC07RPAUi4-00260-00150679-00150799 has come zKC07RPAUi4-00261-00150800-00151135 and he's been chosen as the most zKC07RPAUi4-00262-00151136-00151447 suitable person to give guidance and zKC07RPAUi4-00263-00151448-00152639 instruction zKC07RPAUi4-00264-00152640-00152711 so zKC07RPAUi4-00265-00152712-00153078 using our time chanakya panda said time zKC07RPAUi4-00266-00153079-00153263 is like zKC07RPAUi4-00267-00153264-00153623 more valuable than gold because you can zKC07RPAUi4-00268-00153624-00153790 purchase gold zKC07RPAUi4-00269-00153791-00155302 but you cannot purchase a moment of time zKC07RPAUi4-00270-00155303-00155702 whatever time is lost it's gone forever zKC07RPAUi4-00271-00155703-00156383 you can never get it back zKC07RPAUi4-00272-00156384-00156743 so we must be very cautious to utilize zKC07RPAUi4-00273-00156744-00157959 our time very zKC07RPAUi4-00274-00157960-00159902 as the sun rises and sets then zKC07RPAUi4-00275-00159903-00160254 every day we're seeing the sun rise come zKC07RPAUi4-00276-00160255-00160639 overhead and then set that's another day zKC07RPAUi4-00277-00160640-00160975 gone and another day we have moved zKC07RPAUi4-00278-00160976-00162519 nearer to zKC07RPAUi4-00279-00162520-00162959 bhagavatam sukhadeva goswami describes zKC07RPAUi4-00280-00162960-00163119 that zKC07RPAUi4-00281-00163120-00163447 it reduces the duration of life for all zKC07RPAUi4-00282-00163448-00163559 people zKC07RPAUi4-00283-00163560-00163878 except for those who are using their zKC07RPAUi4-00284-00163879-00164238 time to hear and chant the glories of zKC07RPAUi4-00285-00164239-00165214 the supreme lord zKC07RPAUi4-00286-00165215-00166183 um zKC07RPAUi4-00287-00166184-00166438 this is one of the glorious benefits we zKC07RPAUi4-00288-00166439-00166526 get zKC07RPAUi4-00289-00166527-00166863 from hearing and chanting the glories of zKC07RPAUi4-00290-00166864-00167966 the lord zKC07RPAUi4-00291-00167967-00168335 goswami describes he says zKC07RPAUi4-00292-00168336-00168471 in the village zKC07RPAUi4-00293-00168472-00168871 there was one day the astrologer came to zKC07RPAUi4-00294-00168872-00169078 see the village to meet the people in zKC07RPAUi4-00295-00169079-00169199 the village zKC07RPAUi4-00296-00169200-00169483 and different people came to see the zKC07RPAUi4-00297-00169484-00170383 astrologer to get blessings zKC07RPAUi4-00298-00170384-00171247 um zKC07RPAUi4-00299-00171248-00171519 so one man was the head of the village zKC07RPAUi4-00300-00171520-00171831 he was like the the royal king there he zKC07RPAUi4-00301-00171832-00172054 was the king of that region zKC07RPAUi4-00302-00172055-00172214 so his son zKC07RPAUi4-00303-00172215-00172495 came to find out about zKC07RPAUi4-00304-00172496-00173671 his future zKC07RPAUi4-00305-00173672-00173966 the astrologer heard about this young zKC07RPAUi4-00306-00173967-00174543 man and he told him he said rajapudra zKC07RPAUi4-00307-00174544-00174647 he said zKC07RPAUi4-00308-00174648-00175895 the king's son may you live forever zKC07RPAUi4-00309-00175896-00176151 and then a sage came zKC07RPAUi4-00310-00176152-00176326 with his son zKC07RPAUi4-00311-00176327-00176738 and the astrologer bless the sage zKC07RPAUi4-00312-00176739-00177111 majiva rishi putraka zKC07RPAUi4-00313-00177112-00177359 in other words the sage's son the zKC07RPAUi4-00314-00177360-00177807 rishi's son may your death come soon zKC07RPAUi4-00315-00177808-00178671 rishi rishi zKC07RPAUi4-00316-00178672-00178966 and then there was the butcher's son zKC07RPAUi4-00317-00178967-00179295 and the butcher's son met the astrologer zKC07RPAUi4-00318-00179296-00179935 and the astrologer told him zKC07RPAUi4-00319-00179936-00180151 he said don't live zKC07RPAUi4-00320-00180152-00181271 don't die zKC07RPAUi4-00321-00181272-00181590 but then the devotee's son the sadhu son zKC07RPAUi4-00322-00181591-00181951 came and the astrologer blessed him zKC07RPAUi4-00323-00181952-00182414 uh zKC07RPAUi4-00324-00182415-00182783 that for the sadhu son doesn't matter if zKC07RPAUi4-00325-00182784-00184031 he lives or if he dies zKC07RPAUi4-00326-00184032-00184119 so zKC07RPAUi4-00327-00184120-00184319 they were a bit puzzled when they heard zKC07RPAUi4-00328-00184320-00184566 these things from the astrologer they zKC07RPAUi4-00329-00184567-00186007 asked the astrologer please explain zKC07RPAUi4-00330-00186008-00186214 the astrologer told them zKC07RPAUi4-00331-00186215-00186590 king's son i blessed him don't die live zKC07RPAUi4-00332-00186591-00186711 forever zKC07RPAUi4-00333-00186712-00186943 because he's the son of the king zKC07RPAUi4-00334-00186944-00187223 he does whatever he likes he does all zKC07RPAUi4-00335-00187224-00187350 nonsense zKC07RPAUi4-00336-00187351-00187702 is because his father is the king nobody zKC07RPAUi4-00337-00187703-00187990 can tell him not he's doing wrong nobody zKC07RPAUi4-00338-00187991-00188135 can correct him zKC07RPAUi4-00339-00188136-00188478 he does so many bad bad things zKC07RPAUi4-00340-00188479-00188831 so when he dies he will suffer a lot so zKC07RPAUi4-00341-00188832-00188975 i blessed him zKC07RPAUi4-00343-00192215-00193302 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00344-00193303-00193543 rishi's son die soon zKC07RPAUi4-00345-00193544-00193814 because he's living with his father and zKC07RPAUi4-00346-00193815-00194014 they live in the forest zKC07RPAUi4-00347-00194015-00194319 and they live very austere life zKC07RPAUi4-00348-00194320-00194726 they only eat some wild vegetables some zKC07RPAUi4-00349-00194727-00194959 wild leaves which grow there in the zKC07RPAUi4-00350-00194960-00195078 forest zKC07RPAUi4-00351-00195079-00195302 sometimes they may get some wild zKC07RPAUi4-00352-00195303-00195447 potatoes zKC07RPAUi4-00353-00195448-00195638 something like that zKC07RPAUi4-00354-00195639-00195935 they don't have any opulence zKC07RPAUi4-00355-00195936-00196150 at all they're living and they just zKC07RPAUi4-00356-00196151-00196519 simply drink the water from the stream zKC07RPAUi4-00357-00196520-00196735 and in this way they're doing great zKC07RPAUi4-00358-00196736-00196902 austerity zKC07RPAUi4-00359-00196903-00197207 so the astrologer blessed him may your zKC07RPAUi4-00360-00197208-00197550 death come soon because when you die zKC07RPAUi4-00361-00197551-00197831 you will enjoy the results of all these zKC07RPAUi4-00362-00197832-00198047 austerities you'll have a very good zKC07RPAUi4-00363-00198048-00198814 birth in the future zKC07RPAUi4-00364-00198815-00201175 it is zKC07RPAUi4-00365-00201176-00201390 or the animal killer zKC07RPAUi4-00366-00201391-00201671 so his son was blessed zKC07RPAUi4-00367-00201672-00201950 don't live don't die zKC07RPAUi4-00368-00201951-00202054 because zKC07RPAUi4-00369-00202055-00202278 he's living in hell zKC07RPAUi4-00370-00202279-00203023 and when he dies he will go to hell zKC07RPAUi4-00371-00203024-00204814 um zKC07RPAUi4-00372-00204815-00205110 for the sadhu and his son zKC07RPAUi4-00373-00205111-00205455 does not matter if they live or if they zKC07RPAUi4-00374-00205456-00205542 die zKC07RPAUi4-00375-00205544-00205838 because every day they're chanting hare zKC07RPAUi4-00376-00205839-00206158 krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00377-00206159-00206471 they see the deities and every day zKC07RPAUi4-00378-00206471-00206838 they're engaged in devotional service zKC07RPAUi4-00379-00206839-00206934 so zKC07RPAUi4-00380-00206935-00207231 if they die they will continue next life zKC07RPAUi4-00381-00207232-00207590 they'll go on in devotional service zKC07RPAUi4-00382-00207591-00207742 and in this life zKC07RPAUi4-00383-00207744-00208038 every day they're chanting dancing zKC07RPAUi4-00384-00208039-00208271 eating krishna prasada zKC07RPAUi4-00385-00208271-00211063 every day is blissful zKC07RPAUi4-00386-00211064-00211431 is describing to us the superiority the zKC07RPAUi4-00387-00211432-00211767 superior position of the devotees of zKC07RPAUi4-00388-00211767-00212110 krishna how they are the most fortunate zKC07RPAUi4-00389-00212111-00213382 people zKC07RPAUi4-00390-00213383-00213687 we are all the most fortunate people zKC07RPAUi4-00391-00213688-00213982 because we are having this opportunity zKC07RPAUi4-00392-00213983-00215719 to chant and to hear about krishna and zKC07RPAUi4-00393-00215719-00216103 what is his duty for one who is about to zKC07RPAUi4-00394-00216104-00216775 die zKC07RPAUi4-00395-00216776-00217055 and the answer was given whether you're zKC07RPAUi4-00396-00217056-00217406 about to die or not about to die zKC07RPAUi4-00397-00217407-00217775 the duty is the same for all people at zKC07RPAUi4-00398-00217776-00218767 all times zKC07RPAUi4-00399-00218767-00218894 the duty zKC07RPAUi4-00400-00218896-00219158 is that we should hear zKC07RPAUi4-00401-00219159-00219467 chant and remember the supreme zKC07RPAUi4-00402-00219467-00219855 personality of godhead zKC07RPAUi4-00403-00219856-00220575 hello zKC07RPAUi4-00404-00220576-00220791 we have to hear zKC07RPAUi4-00405-00220792-00221119 with wrapped attention very carefully zKC07RPAUi4-00406-00221119-00221494 here with great attention in other words zKC07RPAUi4-00407-00221496-00221894 grasp fully this message of krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00408-00221896-00222663 consciousness zKC07RPAUi4-00409-00222664-00224623 so zKC07RPAUi4-00410-00224623-00224887 give me a verse from the scriptures zKC07RPAUi4-00411-00224888-00226263 about the ultimate goal of life zKC07RPAUi4-00412-00226264-00226534 first of all he said look he said i'm a zKC07RPAUi4-00413-00226535-00226910 low-born person you're the sannyasi you zKC07RPAUi4-00414-00226911-00227182 are from a brahmana family i am a zKC07RPAUi4-00415-00227183-00227567 low-born person and i am in family life zKC07RPAUi4-00416-00227567-00228142 you are asking me to answer you zKC07RPAUi4-00417-00228144-00229391 story zKC07RPAUi4-00418-00229392-00230158 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00419-00230159-00230415 it does not matter whether you are a zKC07RPAUi4-00420-00230416-00230591 learned brahman zKC07RPAUi4-00421-00230592-00230982 or a renunciate or a householder it does zKC07RPAUi4-00422-00230983-00231287 it's not important but if you know the zKC07RPAUi4-00423-00231288-00231646 science of krishna then you can become zKC07RPAUi4-00424-00231648-00232239 the spiritual teacher zKC07RPAUi4-00425-00232240-00233815 today zKC07RPAUi4-00426-00233816-00234158 now you please answer my question tell zKC07RPAUi4-00427-00234159-00234455 me some verse from the scripture about zKC07RPAUi4-00428-00234456-00235063 the goal of life zKC07RPAUi4-00429-00235064-00236006 um zKC07RPAUi4-00430-00236007-00236342 which says that by following the duties zKC07RPAUi4-00431-00236344-00236710 of vanna and ashram one can please the zKC07RPAUi4-00432-00236711-00237015 supreme personality of godhead and zKC07RPAUi4-00433-00237016-00238934 attain perfection in life zKC07RPAUi4-00434-00238935-00239310 that is external that is not an zKC07RPAUi4-00435-00239311-00239463 indication zKC07RPAUi4-00436-00239464-00240942 or that zKC07RPAUi4-00437-00240944-00241246 you may be the very good brahman or you zKC07RPAUi4-00438-00241248-00241519 may be the very good bhakta zKC07RPAUi4-00439-00241519-00241846 you may be very good in following all zKC07RPAUi4-00440-00241848-00242119 the rules and regulations zKC07RPAUi4-00441-00242119-00243694 but it is not an indication zKC07RPAUi4-00442-00243696-00244030 it is said if you execute the duties of zKC07RPAUi4-00443-00244031-00244310 a brahmana for a hundred births zKC07RPAUi4-00444-00244311-00244558 then after a hundred births you become zKC07RPAUi4-00445-00244559-00244879 qualified to go to such a loka to the zKC07RPAUi4-00446-00244880-00246198 planet of lord brahma it zKC07RPAUi4-00447-00246200-00246606 you can see it takes a long time to make zKC07RPAUi4-00448-00246607-00246967 advancement by practicing varnasrama zKC07RPAUi4-00449-00246967-00247591 dharma zKC07RPAUi4-00450-00247592-00247871 but still vanish from dharma should not zKC07RPAUi4-00451-00247871-00248215 be neglected lord caitanya was a very zKC07RPAUi4-00452-00248216-00248519 strict sannyasi and he was the very zKC07RPAUi4-00453-00248519-00248775 ideal great huster when he was in great zKC07RPAUi4-00454-00248776-00249079 history life he was very ideal in his zKC07RPAUi4-00455-00249080-00250663 behavior zKC07RPAUi4-00456-00250664-00250871 but we should understand for the zKC07RPAUi4-00457-00250871-00251134 perfection in life you have to do zKC07RPAUi4-00458-00251135-00251591 something more zKC07RPAUi4-00459-00251592-00253263 local zKC07RPAUi4-00460-00253264-00253510 all that you do all that you eat all zKC07RPAUi4-00461-00253511-00253806 that you offer and give away whatever zKC07RPAUi4-00462-00253807-00254079 austerities you perform you should do zKC07RPAUi4-00463-00254080-00255942 them as an offering unto me zKC07RPAUi4-00464-00255944-00256255 offering the results of our work to the zKC07RPAUi4-00465-00256256-00257239 lord zKC07RPAUi4-00466-00257240-00257423 that's all right zKC07RPAUi4-00467-00257423-00257510 but zKC07RPAUi4-00468-00257511-00257798 it's not the ultimate goal of life zKC07RPAUi4-00469-00257800-00258094 because people may offer to krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00470-00258096-00258415 someone may offer to shiva someone may zKC07RPAUi4-00471-00258416-00258703 offer to ganesh they will offer to so zKC07RPAUi4-00472-00258704-00260527 many different people zKC07RPAUi4-00473-00260528-00260839 caitanya mahaprabhu requested ramananda zKC07RPAUi4-00474-00260840-00261223 rai go further and then ramanandarai zKC07RPAUi4-00475-00261223-00261510 quoted the verse from bhagavad-gita from zKC07RPAUi4-00476-00261511-00261694 18th chapter zKC07RPAUi4-00477-00261696-00262199 sarva dharmam paragyajnam zKC07RPAUi4-00478-00262200-00262415 that one should give up all his zKC07RPAUi4-00479-00262416-00262758 religious duties and simply take shelter zKC07RPAUi4-00480-00262759-00263087 of me and lord krsna said i will protect zKC07RPAUi4-00481-00263088-00265279 you do not fear zKC07RPAUi4-00482-00265280-00265503 now we may think oh that's very good zKC07RPAUi4-00483-00265504-00265687 that's the perfection that's the zKC07RPAUi4-00484-00265688-00265958 conclusion of bhagavad-gita it comes zKC07RPAUi4-00485-00265959-00266247 almost at the end of the bhagavad-gita zKC07RPAUi4-00486-00266248-00266519 surely this would be accepted by zKC07RPAUi4-00487-00266520-00267754 caitanya mahaprabhu zKC07RPAUi4-00488-00267755-00268639 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00489-00268640-00268758 he said zKC07RPAUi4-00490-00268759-00269047 people may surrender to krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00491-00269048-00270127 for so many reasons zKC07RPAUi4-00492-00270128-00270527 in hong kong and one man came to him one zKC07RPAUi4-00493-00270528-00270910 indian man came he said to him swamiji zKC07RPAUi4-00494-00270911-00271679 i want to become a sannyasi zKC07RPAUi4-00495-00271680-00272182 propaganda zKC07RPAUi4-00496-00272183-00272399 looked at him and said oh zKC07RPAUi4-00497-00272400-00272639 why what's your reason why you want to zKC07RPAUi4-00498-00272640-00274815 be sannyas zKC07RPAUi4-00499-00274816-00275047 of course understood the man's zKC07RPAUi4-00500-00275048-00275375 motivation was very materialistic zKC07RPAUi4-00501-00275376-00275671 and was not actually so genuine in zKC07RPAUi4-00502-00275672-00277367 desiring to send surrender zKC07RPAUi4-00503-00277368-00277591 and at that time a zKC07RPAUi4-00504-00277592-00277847 person who became gorgovinda zKC07RPAUi4-00505-00277848-00278175 swami he came to prabhupada he was not a zKC07RPAUi4-00506-00278176-00278367 sannyasi at the time zKC07RPAUi4-00507-00278368-00278639 he came to prabhupada and he met zKC07RPAUi4-00508-00278640-00278871 prabhupada and he told prabhupada also zKC07RPAUi4-00509-00278872-00280887 he wanted to take sannyas zKC07RPAUi4-00510-00280888-00281087 even though some of the members of our zKC07RPAUi4-00511-00281088-00281263 society some of zKC07RPAUi4-00512-00281264-00281623 the senior disciples they said oh he's a zKC07RPAUi4-00513-00281624-00281895 very new man prabhupad why are you zKC07RPAUi4-00514-00281896-00282879 giving him sannyas zKC07RPAUi4-00515-00282880-00283110 and zKC07RPAUi4-00516-00283111-00283943 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00517-00283944-00284271 he's not a new man he's a devotee all zKC07RPAUi4-00518-00284272-00284975 his zKC07RPAUi4-00519-00284976-00285334 he was from arusa he was born over there zKC07RPAUi4-00520-00285335-00285671 in bhubaneswar and he the whole life he zKC07RPAUi4-00521-00285672-00285951 was devoted to lord jagannath he was a zKC07RPAUi4-00522-00285952-00286239 very learned person he'd been working as zKC07RPAUi4-00523-00286240-00286519 a school teacher and he'd given up the zKC07RPAUi4-00524-00286520-00286791 school teaching profession and he was zKC07RPAUi4-00526-00289928-00290039 so you see zKC07RPAUi4-00527-00290040-00290310 different for different people what was zKC07RPAUi4-00528-00290311-00290575 good for one person it wasn't good for zKC07RPAUi4-00529-00290576-00291030 another person zKC07RPAUi4-00530-00291031-00291667 um zKC07RPAUi4-00531-00291668-00292543 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00532-00292544-00292967 he was asked by maharaja pariksit zKC07RPAUi4-00533-00292968-00293310 what is the duty of one who is about to zKC07RPAUi4-00534-00293311-00293999 die zKC07RPAUi4-00535-00294000-00294082 and zKC07RPAUi4-00536-00294083-00294415 this sukadeva goswami when he heard this zKC07RPAUi4-00537-00294416-00294799 question he said oh this question is zKC07RPAUi4-00538-00294800-00295158 very nice this is a good topic to zKC07RPAUi4-00539-00295159-00298071 discuss zKC07RPAUi4-00540-00298072-00298303 when you go to the market you meet the zKC07RPAUi4-00541-00298304-00298606 other people there in the market oh how zKC07RPAUi4-00542-00298607-00298903 are you today oh yes oh what's the news zKC07RPAUi4-00543-00298904-00299175 and oh they talk so did you hear about zKC07RPAUi4-00544-00299176-00299454 this did you know that oh there's so zKC07RPAUi4-00545-00299455-00299642 many topics to discuss zKC07RPAUi4-00546-00299643-00300847 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00547-00300848-00301191 so this this is the business of ordinary zKC07RPAUi4-00548-00301192-00301487 people materialistic minded people zKC07RPAUi4-00549-00301488-00301710 they're very busy they have many zKC07RPAUi4-00550-00301711-00302143 questions to ask but nothing about zKC07RPAUi4-00551-00302144-00304599 topics of the absolute truth zKC07RPAUi4-00552-00304600-00304895 they will talk about other people oh did zKC07RPAUi4-00553-00304896-00305134 you know so-and-so oh they got a new zKC07RPAUi4-00554-00305135-00305430 house oh they got the new car oh they zKC07RPAUi4-00555-00305431-00305679 got the new child oh did you know this zKC07RPAUi4-00556-00305680-00306006 did you know that so many mundane topics zKC07RPAUi4-00557-00306007-00307623 oh this is grammy zKC07RPAUi4-00558-00307624-00307806 describes zKC07RPAUi4-00559-00307807-00308039 one of the items which will be very zKC07RPAUi4-00560-00308040-00308334 harmful for our devotional service he zKC07RPAUi4-00561-00308335-00308599 said zKC07RPAUi4-00562-00308600-00309310 nonsense zKC07RPAUi4-00563-00309311-00310415 should zKC07RPAUi4-00564-00310416-00310727 which have nothing to do with real zKC07RPAUi4-00565-00310728-00310943 krishna consciousness zKC07RPAUi4-00566-00310944-00311287 then it's very bad for our spiritual zKC07RPAUi4-00567-00311288-00312247 progress zKC07RPAUi4-00568-00312248-00312543 protocol zKC07RPAUi4-00569-00312544-00312919 described how one time he was sitting zKC07RPAUi4-00570-00312920-00313167 listening while bhakti siddhanta zKC07RPAUi4-00571-00313168-00313487 saraswati was giving the lecture zKC07RPAUi4-00572-00313488-00314119 prophetically zKC07RPAUi4-00573-00314120-00314430 so it happened that one man was sitting zKC07RPAUi4-00574-00314431-00314767 behind our prabhupada and the man behind zKC07RPAUi4-00575-00314768-00315047 him hit him on the shoulder to get him zKC07RPAUi4-00576-00315048-00315295 to get his attention so probably turn zKC07RPAUi4-00577-00315296-00316382 around to look at him zKC07RPAUi4-00578-00316383-00318239 um zKC07RPAUi4-00579-00318240-00318447 and he said to the one man the old man zKC07RPAUi4-00580-00318448-00318639 who had touched prophet on the shoulder zKC07RPAUi4-00581-00318640-00318895 he said do you think you have purchased zKC07RPAUi4-00582-00318896-00319151 me because you give five rupees a month zKC07RPAUi4-00583-00319152-00321934 donation zKC07RPAUi4-00584-00321935-00322287 a moment of greatest mercy i could have zKC07RPAUi4-00585-00322288-00323175 died on the spot zKC07RPAUi4-00586-00323176-00323567 the mercy of the spiritual master zKC07RPAUi4-00587-00323568-00323895 guru kripa by the mercy of the spiritual zKC07RPAUi4-00588-00323896-00324519 master we get the mercy of krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00589-00324520-00324767 so sometimes the mercy of the spiritual zKC07RPAUi4-00590-00324768-00325095 master comes to us in these harsh ways zKC07RPAUi4-00591-00325096-00325951 it seems like a thunderbolt zKC07RPAUi4-00592-00325952-00326239 the spiritual master sometimes he'll be zKC07RPAUi4-00593-00326240-00326534 hard as a thunderbolt and other times zKC07RPAUi4-00594-00326535-00326815 soft as a rose zKC07RPAUi4-00595-00326816-00327487 gurudev zKC07RPAUi4-00596-00327488-00327871 it is all mercy but it is coming in zKC07RPAUi4-00597-00327872-00328695 different ways zKC07RPAUi4-00598-00328696-00329071 is speaking to maharaja pariksit and he zKC07RPAUi4-00599-00329072-00329439 wants to remind maharaja pariksit zKC07RPAUi4-00600-00329440-00329727 about the goal about his real business zKC07RPAUi4-00601-00329728-00331167 and coming to him for instruction zKC07RPAUi4-00602-00331168-00331495 was already a great soul he was already zKC07RPAUi4-00603-00331496-00331815 very advanced and elevated his whole zKC07RPAUi4-00604-00331816-00332167 life was like that devotion to the lord zKC07RPAUi4-00605-00332168-00332615 but he wanted to prepare even more zKC07RPAUi4-00606-00332616-00333587 before the end of life zKC07RPAUi4-00607-00333588-00334110 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00608-00334111-00334415 and lord krishna was so kind that he zKC07RPAUi4-00609-00334416-00334695 sent sukadeva goswami there to zKC07RPAUi4-00610-00334696-00336071 personally instruct him zKC07RPAUi4-00611-00336072-00336351 people are very busy in questions and zKC07RPAUi4-00612-00336352-00336471 answers zKC07RPAUi4-00613-00336472-00336830 but your question is glorious because zKC07RPAUi4-00614-00336831-00338903 it's in relation to krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00615-00338904-00339199 two types of householders there are the zKC07RPAUi4-00616-00339200-00340367 grey hastas and the graham ladies zKC07RPAUi4-00617-00340368-00340703 is a spiritual ashram husband and wife zKC07RPAUi4-00618-00340704-00341927 live together for spiritual advancements zKC07RPAUi4-00619-00341928-00342134 and they have children and they raise zKC07RPAUi4-00620-00342135-00342423 their children to be devotees of the zKC07RPAUi4-00621-00342424-00343030 lord zKC07RPAUi4-00622-00343031-00343303 they use their home for spiritual zKC07RPAUi4-00623-00343304-00343887 practice zKC07RPAUi4-00624-00343888-00344110 some time to time they will invite zKC07RPAUi4-00625-00344111-00344391 people to their home to come to take zKC07RPAUi4-00626-00344392-00344695 prasada and to chant the glories of the zKC07RPAUi4-00627-00344696-00345654 lord zKC07RPAUi4-00628-00345655-00346958 that is ideal family zKC07RPAUi4-00629-00346959-00347303 householders those people whose business zKC07RPAUi4-00630-00347304-00348463 is simply envy of others zKC07RPAUi4-00631-00348464-00348623 is also busy zKC07RPAUi4-00632-00348624-00349343 working to get money zKC07RPAUi4-00633-00349344-00349639 people working very hard they want money zKC07RPAUi4-00634-00349640-00349887 they never have enough they always want zKC07RPAUi4-00635-00349888-00349999 more zKC07RPAUi4-00636-00350000-00350767 that are cooperation zKC07RPAUi4-00637-00350768-00351095 for some people one job is not enough zKC07RPAUi4-00638-00351096-00351295 they have a job in the day they have zKC07RPAUi4-00639-00351296-00351558 another job at night and another job on zKC07RPAUi4-00640-00351559-00352463 the weekend zKC07RPAUi4-00641-00352464-00352758 why are they working just simply to get zKC07RPAUi4-00642-00352759-00352854 money zKC07RPAUi4-00643-00352855-00353510 to get zKC07RPAUi4-00644-00353511-00353678 and what are they going to do with the zKC07RPAUi4-00645-00353679-00354058 money they simply use it for the sense zKC07RPAUi4-00646-00354059-00354382 gratification to for them and their zKC07RPAUi4-00647-00354383-00355319 family members zKC07RPAUi4-00648-00355320-00355630 and they're busy to decorate their home zKC07RPAUi4-00649-00355631-00357191 and to decorate zKC07RPAUi4-00650-00357192-00357527 their business is simply to be envious zKC07RPAUi4-00651-00357528-00357991 of others zKC07RPAUi4-00652-00357992-00358295 and they will try to surround themselves zKC07RPAUi4-00653-00358296-00359399 by their family members zKC07RPAUi4-00654-00359400-00359599 they have their home and they are zKC07RPAUi4-00655-00359600-00359878 thinking in this way they can live there zKC07RPAUi4-00656-00359879-00360727 forever zKC07RPAUi4-00657-00360728-00361030 these family members and servants and zKC07RPAUi4-00658-00361031-00361295 people who are all living around us zKC07RPAUi4-00659-00361296-00361599 they are described to be like soldiers zKC07RPAUi4-00660-00361600-00361863 just like a king is surrounded by his zKC07RPAUi4-00661-00361864-00363182 army zKC07RPAUi4-00662-00363183-00363454 in the same way materialistic minded zKC07RPAUi4-00663-00363455-00363775 people are surrounded by their family zKC07RPAUi4-00664-00363776-00364015 and relatives and they're thinking zKC07RPAUi4-00665-00364016-00366951 they're they will zKC07RPAUi4-00666-00366952-00367287 he wants him to detach to be fully zKC07RPAUi4-00667-00367288-00368158 detached from everything of this world zKC07RPAUi4-00668-00368159-00369063 is zKC07RPAUi4-00669-00369064-00369319 may be worried that he hasn't got much zKC07RPAUi4-00670-00369320-00369767 time he's only got seven days to prepare zKC07RPAUi4-00671-00369768-00370054 but sukhadeva goswami tells him about zKC07RPAUi4-00672-00370055-00370382 khadvanga that kadvanga maharaja had zKC07RPAUi4-00673-00370383-00370647 only one moment but he could get zKC07RPAUi4-00674-00370648-00372534 perfection zKC07RPAUi4-00675-00372535-00372871 goswami encourages maharaja pariksit zKC07RPAUi4-00676-00372872-00373230 that just simply become fully absorbed zKC07RPAUi4-00677-00373231-00373734 in this hearing enchanting zKC07RPAUi4-00678-00373735-00375806 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00679-00375807-00376087 one type of one death which is glorious zKC07RPAUi4-00680-00376088-00376399 is a perpetration dies in food trance zKC07RPAUi4-00681-00376400-00376647 absorbed in samadhi zKC07RPAUi4-00682-00376648-00377510 actually zKC07RPAUi4-00683-00377511-00377823 and the second way which is glorious is zKC07RPAUi4-00684-00377824-00378175 to die on the battlefield just just like zKC07RPAUi4-00685-00378176-00379334 the shad tree as kings fighting zKC07RPAUi4-00686-00379335-00379710 so srila prabhupad like that idea zKC07RPAUi4-00687-00379711-00379919 he was saying yes i want that zKC07RPAUi4-00688-00379920-00380191 benediction i want to die on the zKC07RPAUi4-00689-00380192-00380599 battlefield zKC07RPAUi4-00690-00380600-00381182 say zKC07RPAUi4-00691-00381183-00381423 the battlefield was on the field of zKC07RPAUi4-00692-00381424-00381695 preaching krishna consciousness zKC07RPAUi4-00693-00381696-00382295 everywhere zKC07RPAUi4-00694-00382296-00382591 no prabhupada died on the battlefield zKC07RPAUi4-00695-00382592-00382927 preaching and he was also in samadhi zKC07RPAUi4-00696-00382928-00383623 fully entranced on lord krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00697-00383624-00383895 christianity zKC07RPAUi4-00698-00383896-00384167 human life is very special very zKC07RPAUi4-00699-00384168-00384502 fortunate it's a blessing it's a chance zKC07RPAUi4-00700-00384503-00385630 to do wonderful service for lord krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00701-00385631-00385847 the other forms of life the other zKC07RPAUi4-00702-00385848-00386182 species of life it's very difficult for zKC07RPAUi4-00703-00386183-00387815 them to do service for krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00704-00387816-00388063 we just have to take advantage zKC07RPAUi4-00705-00388064-00388302 to utilize every moment zKC07RPAUi4-00706-00388303-00388630 try to make the best of this human life zKC07RPAUi4-00707-00388631-00388895 a little advancement made zKC07RPAUi4-00708-00388896-00390310 saves us from the greatest danger zKC07RPAUi4-00709-00390311-00390582 right the danger is now we have the zKC07RPAUi4-00710-00390583-00390854 human life next life we may not next zKC07RPAUi4-00711-00390855-00391134 life we may degrade into the lower zKC07RPAUi4-00712-00391135-00391487 species and become a tree or become a zKC07RPAUi4-00713-00391488-00393278 bird or become an animal zKC07RPAUi4-00714-00393279-00393582 but just by doing a little devotional zKC07RPAUi4-00715-00393583-00393902 service in this life it will save us zKC07RPAUi4-00716-00393903-00394175 from that danger it will give us the zKC07RPAUi4-00717-00394176-00394527 opportunity at least again to come back zKC07RPAUi4-00718-00394528-00396310 into the human form of life zKC07RPAUi4-00719-00396311-00397663 about the fate of the unsuccessful yogi. zKC07RPAUi4-00720-00397664-00397943 we may be worried you know that i'm i zKC07RPAUi4-00721-00397944-00398199 don't know if i can get perfection i may zKC07RPAUi4-00722-00398200-00398439 not be able to get success in my zKC07RPAUi4-00723-00398440-00398799 practice what will happen zKC07RPAUi4-00724-00398800-00399519 is zKC07RPAUi4-00725-00399520-00399782 if you have made a little advancement in zKC07RPAUi4-00726-00399783-00400167 this life then next life you will go to zKC07RPAUi4-00727-00400168-00400471 the higher planets and you will enjoy zKC07RPAUi4-00728-00400472-00400767 great sense gratification and when you zKC07RPAUi4-00729-00400768-00401030 have satisfied your senses there then zKC07RPAUi4-00730-00401031-00401302 you will come back to this earth planet zKC07RPAUi4-00731-00401303-00401630 and you will take birth in a prestigious zKC07RPAUi4-00732-00401631-00401910 wealthy family where again you will have zKC07RPAUi4-00733-00401911-00402063 the opportunity zKC07RPAUi4-00734-00402064-00404191 to cultivate devotional services zKC07RPAUi4-00735-00404192-00404495 and if you practice for a long time then zKC07RPAUi4-00736-00404496-00404695 you'll take birth in a family of zKC07RPAUi4-00737-00404696-00405623 devotees zKC07RPAUi4-00738-00405624-00406782 such a birth is very rare in this world zKC07RPAUi4-00739-00406783-00406982 and you have children you should zKC07RPAUi4-00740-00406983-00407239 understand your children to be very zKC07RPAUi4-00741-00407240-00407487 fortunate souls who must have been zKC07RPAUi4-00742-00407488-00407743 somewhat advanced in yoga in their zKC07RPAUi4-00743-00407744-00408134 previous life zKC07RPAUi4-00744-00408135-00409006 so zKC07RPAUi4-00745-00409007-00409310 now they've taken birth in your family zKC07RPAUi4-00746-00409311-00409599 you should think this will be their last zKC07RPAUi4-00747-00409600-00410366 birth zKC07RPAUi4-00748-00410367-00410614 after giving up this body they will zKC07RPAUi4-00749-00410615-00411303 never take birth again zKC07RPAUi4-00750-00411304-00411518 so that is real zKC07RPAUi4-00751-00411519-00411791 parent the mother and father one whose zKC07RPAUi4-00752-00411792-00412751 child will go back to god's head zKC07RPAUi4-00753-00412752-00413022 if your child becomes a pure devotee zKC07RPAUi4-00754-00413023-00413270 then certainly it will be for your zKC07RPAUi4-00755-00413271-00414774 benefit also you can also be delivered zKC07RPAUi4-00756-00414775-00415118 he was worried about his father that oh zKC07RPAUi4-00757-00415119-00415399 my father was such a demon i'm worried zKC07RPAUi4-00758-00415400-00415582 will he go to hell zKC07RPAUi4-00759-00415583-00415863 but lord nishingadev said no he won't go zKC07RPAUi4-00760-00415864-00415982 to hell zKC07RPAUi4-00761-00415983-00416287 because you're a great devotee so all of zKC07RPAUi4-00762-00416288-00416630 your forefathers and all of your future zKC07RPAUi4-00763-00416631-00419343 descendants they're all liberated zKC07RPAUi4-00764-00419343-00419527 so we hope you will also become zKC07RPAUi4-00765-00419528-00419822 successful in your human life and also zKC07RPAUi4-00766-00419823-00421463 go back to god damn zKC07RPAUi4-00767-00421464-00421670 the question zKC07RPAUi4-00768-00421671-00421807 yes zKC07RPAUi4-00770-00427257-00429363 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00771-00429364-00430029 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00773-00433567-00433847 uh sacrifice offered to lord zKC07RPAUi4-00774-00433847-00434070 you told that is also extended zKC07RPAUi4-00775-00434071-00434263 we're told that is external zKC07RPAUi4-00776-00434264-00434439 and then you talk about sarvatharman zKC07RPAUi4-00777-00434439-00434663 paritaja that also chaitanya mahaprabhu zKC07RPAUi4-00778-00434664-00434879 told that that is external and then you zKC07RPAUi4-00779-00434880-00435087 uh told about the story of srila zKC07RPAUi4-00780-00435088-00435327 prabhupada zKC07RPAUi4-00781-00435328-00435551 of bhaktisiddhanta zKC07RPAUi4-00782-00435552-00435687 is it that zKC07RPAUi4-00783-00435688-00435983 spiritual master mercy is everything or zKC07RPAUi4-00784-00435984-00436279 if you can kindly explain this zKC07RPAUi4-00785-00436280-00436575 yes i did not complete actually the zKC07RPAUi4-00786-00436576-00436879 instruction the question was answered zKC07RPAUi4-00787-00436880-00437181 caitanya zKC07RPAUi4-00788-00437182-00437375 [Music] zKC07RPAUi4-00789-00437376-00437887 about the goal of life so after server zKC07RPAUi4-00790-00437888-00438014 because zKC07RPAUi4-00791-00438015-00438351 he was explaining swadharmatiyak zKC07RPAUi4-00792-00438352-00438663 giving up our duty but lord caitanya zKC07RPAUi4-00793-00438664-00438966 said no not very good he wanted to go zKC07RPAUi4-00794-00438967-00439239 further so then after that zKC07RPAUi4-00795-00439239-00439487 then ramananda rai quoted from zKC07RPAUi4-00796-00439488-00439679 bhagavad-gita zKC07RPAUi4-00797-00439680-00440159 brahma zKC07RPAUi4-00798-00440160-00440407 that is the version bhagavad-gita which zKC07RPAUi4-00799-00440408-00440703 describes zKC07RPAUi4-00801-00443871-00444166 so then caitanya mah then ramana naraya zKC07RPAUi4-00802-00444167-00444399 gave another verse which was zKC07RPAUi4-00803-00444400-00444663 very pleasing to lord caitanya and that zKC07RPAUi4-00804-00444664-00444951 was a verse from srimad-bhagavatam zKC07RPAUi4-00805-00444952-00445287 which describes that one should remain zKC07RPAUi4-00806-00445288-00445591 in whatever position one is in zKC07RPAUi4-00807-00445592-00445983 and in the association of pure devotees zKC07RPAUi4-00808-00445984-00446335 one should hear and chant the glories of zKC07RPAUi4-00809-00446335-00446510 lord krishna zKC07RPAUi4-00810-00446512-00449135 even zKC07RPAUi4-00811-00449135-00449383 by hearing about krishna in the zKC07RPAUi4-00812-00449384-00449759 association of devotees you can conquer zKC07RPAUi4-00813-00449760-00450027 krishna although krishna is zKC07RPAUi4-00814-00450028-00450375 unconquerable he becomes conquered by zKC07RPAUi4-00815-00450376-00452783 those devotees who will hear about him zKC07RPAUi4-00816-00452784-00453079 this is right this is the point and then zKC07RPAUi4-00817-00453080-00453359 go on from there and then ramananda rai zKC07RPAUi4-00818-00453360-00453599 went on and they discussed more and more zKC07RPAUi4-00819-00453600-00454991 higher levels zKC07RPAUi4-00820-00454992-00455295 um zKC07RPAUi4-00821-00455296-00455566 it's not necessary to change your zKC07RPAUi4-00822-00455567-00455943 position to change your ashram or zKC07RPAUi4-00823-00455943-00456135 to change your varna you don't have to zKC07RPAUi4-00824-00456135-00456414 do that stay in whatever position you're zKC07RPAUi4-00825-00456415-00456755 in and just hear about krishna in the zKC07RPAUi4-00826-00456756-00459159 association of devotees zKC07RPAUi4-00827-00459160-00460231 and this is what caitanya zKC07RPAUi4-00828-00460232-00460391 thank you zKC07RPAUi4-00829-00460392-00460559 any other question zKC07RPAUi4-00830-00460560-00461718 yes prabhu come zKC07RPAUi4-00831-00461719-00461943 we know that zKC07RPAUi4-00832-00461943-00462231 multiple generations of a pure devotee zKC07RPAUi4-00833-00462232-00462399 are also liberated zKC07RPAUi4-00834-00462400-00462743 so in bengal we meet many families zKC07RPAUi4-00835-00462743-00462951 who are descendants of associates of zKC07RPAUi4-00836-00462952-00463127 caitanya mahaprabhu zKC07RPAUi4-00837-00463128-00463366 but externally they are now like zKC07RPAUi4-00838-00463367-00463559 not following the vaishnav etiquette zKC07RPAUi4-00839-00463560-00463727 taking meat and zKC07RPAUi4-00840-00463728-00463935 apparently like zKC07RPAUi4-00841-00463935-00464118 living like non-devotees zKC07RPAUi4-00842-00464119-00464366 so when we meet such people should we zKC07RPAUi4-00843-00464367-00464614 how should we treat them should we treat zKC07RPAUi4-00844-00464615-00464863 them like liberated souls or try to zKC07RPAUi4-00845-00464864-00466207 preach zKC07RPAUi4-00846-00466208-00468327 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00847-00468328-00468559 so we should respect them we should zKC07RPAUi4-00848-00468560-00468807 offer all respects to them caitanya zKC07RPAUi4-00849-00468808-00469127 mahaprabhu teaches us like that offer zKC07RPAUi4-00850-00469128-00469431 all respects to others and don't be zKC07RPAUi4-00851-00469432-00470399 anxious to be respected yourself zKC07RPAUi4-00852-00470400-00471375 so zKC07RPAUi4-00853-00471376-00471679 and don't try to teach to people unless zKC07RPAUi4-00854-00471680-00472670 they have accepted you as their teacher zKC07RPAUi4-00855-00472671-00472966 right if they actually inquire from you zKC07RPAUi4-00856-00472967-00473175 if they ask any question then you can zKC07RPAUi4-00857-00473176-00473863 answer zKC07RPAUi4-00858-00473864-00474222 but it's better not to try to zKC07RPAUi4-00859-00474223-00474463 push yourself as their teacher if they zKC07RPAUi4-00860-00474464-00475839 have not accepted you zKC07RPAUi4-00861-00475839-00475951 so zKC07RPAUi4-00862-00475952-00476143 should i internally respect him and zKC07RPAUi4-00863-00476143-00476470 teach as we teach other students or zKC07RPAUi4-00864-00476471-00476679 like sometimes i am in dilemma whether zKC07RPAUi4-00865-00476680-00476839 to zKC07RPAUi4-00866-00476839-00477087 whether will i offend him if i will zKC07RPAUi4-00867-00477088-00477287 scold him or try to discipline him like zKC07RPAUi4-00868-00477288-00478983 that because zKC07RPAUi4-00869-00478984-00479183 better to be humble zKC07RPAUi4-00870-00479184-00479479 just to offer respects to them don't try zKC07RPAUi4-00871-00479480-00480207 to argue and defeat them zKC07RPAUi4-00872-00480208-00481255 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00873-00481256-00481351 and you're zKC07RPAUi4-00874-00481352-00481631 just simply you're coming and you zKC07RPAUi4-00875-00481632-00481895 argue with them and challenge them it zKC07RPAUi4-00876-00481896-00482814 won't create a good mood zKC07RPAUi4-00877-00482815-00483022 at the same time you don't need to zKC07RPAUi4-00878-00483023-00484375 associate zKC07RPAUi4-00879-00484376-00484679 we want to make friends it's easy to zKC07RPAUi4-00880-00484680-00484839 make enemies zKC07RPAUi4-00881-00484839-00485614 we want to make friends zKC07RPAUi4-00882-00485615-00485855 so if you make enemies of people this is zKC07RPAUi4-00883-00485856-00487191 not good zKC07RPAUi4-00884-00487192-00487399 okay we'll stop here thank you very much zKC07RPAUi4-00885-00487400-00487626 srila prabhupad zKC07RPAUi4-00886-00487627-00488135 [Applause] zKC07RPAUi4-00887-00488135-00489239 foreign zKC07RPAUi4-00889-00504760-00505060 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00001-00004712-00004895 thank you zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00002-00004896-00005002 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00003-00005003-00005236 [Applause] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00004-00005237-00005753 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00005-00005754-00005767 [Applause] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00006-00005768-00008392 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00007-00008393-00008518 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00009-00012252-00012421 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00010-00012422-00015316 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00011-00015318-00015778 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00012-00015779-00016989 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00013-00016990-00018479 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00014-00018480-00018680 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00015-00018681-00021544 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00016-00021545-00021874 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00017-00021875-00024641 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00018-00024642-00025230 foreign zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00019-00025231-00025630 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00020-00025631-00026069 [Applause] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00021-00026070-00027232 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00022-00027233-00027335 [Applause] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00023-00027336-00028047 [Music] zpPBJ8pL7VQ-00024-00028048-00028438 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00000-00000000-00000238 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00001-00000239-00002176 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00002-00002177-00003062 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00003-00003063-00003990 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00004-00003992-00004233 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00005-00004234-00005183 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00006-00005184-00005615 see zP6aecUZAYU-00007-00005616-00008576 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00008-00008577-00010319 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00009-00010320-00011666 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00011-00015000-00015133 repeat zP6aecUZAYU-00012-00015134-00016655 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00013-00016656-00017464 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00015-00020959-00021390 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00016-00021391-00022014 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00017-00022015-00022152 christmas zP6aecUZAYU-00018-00022153-00024245 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00019-00024246-00024494 [Applause] zP6aecUZAYU-00020-00024495-00024654 so zP6aecUZAYU-00021-00024655-00025862 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00022-00025863-00026110 by zP6aecUZAYU-00023-00026111-00028135 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00024-00028136-00028195 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00026-00033224-00033479 feel good zP6aecUZAYU-00027-00033480-00036287 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00028-00036288-00036641 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00029-00036642-00039030 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00030-00039031-00039223 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00031-00039224-00039648 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00032-00039649-00042537 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00033-00042538-00043082 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00034-00043083-00043159 [Applause] zP6aecUZAYU-00035-00043160-00045007 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00036-00045008-00045182 do zP6aecUZAYU-00037-00045183-00048135 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00038-00048136-00048559 see zP6aecUZAYU-00039-00048560-00051063 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00040-00051064-00051711 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00041-00051712-00051828 section zP6aecUZAYU-00042-00051829-00052615 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00043-00052616-00054526 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00044-00054527-00054791 foreign zP6aecUZAYU-00046-00058076-00058651 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00047-00058652-00059338 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00048-00059339-00061326 [Music] zP6aecUZAYU-00049-00061327-00061576 foreign zP8m6s4xuBE-00000-00000385-00000661 Reimer vino here with your 2017 rack zP8m6s4xuBE-00001-00000662-00000805 review we're going to talk about our zP8m6s4xuBE-00002-00000806-00000964 offering of Full Tilt boots that we zP8m6s4xuBE-00003-00000965-00001189 carry in-house here at the shop we have zP8m6s4xuBE-00004-00001190-00001438 the original three-piece shell and in zP8m6s4xuBE-00005-00001439-00001684 this form we got the first chair six the zP8m6s4xuBE-00006-00001685-00001855 newer lineup boot from them which is zP8m6s4xuBE-00007-00001855-00002044 called the descendant or for the ladies zP8m6s4xuBE-00008-00002045-00002212 the plush series that's a hundred and zP8m6s4xuBE-00009-00002213-00002362 two millimeters so it's their wider zP8m6s4xuBE-00010-00002363-00002614 offering their original goes back to the zP8m6s4xuBE-00011-00002615-00002802 original rightly boot which is a ninety zP8m6s4xuBE-00012-00002803-00002980 nine millimeter boot here in the first zP8m6s4xuBE-00013-00002981-00003244 chair or in the sole sister a couple of zP8m6s4xuBE-00014-00003245-00003424 great things about three-piece shells in zP8m6s4xuBE-00015-00003425-00003544 general is that they're lighter zP8m6s4xuBE-00016-00003545-00003733 especially with this nice heat moldable zP8m6s4xuBE-00017-00003734-00003954 intuition liner they're also free zP8m6s4xuBE-00018-00003956-00004113 flexing so there's nothing to really zP8m6s4xuBE-00019-00004114-00004336 inhibit the tongue from really flexing zP8m6s4xuBE-00020-00004337-00004459 and putting some pressure down on that zP8m6s4xuBE-00021-00004460-00004783 ski tip and then they are ease of on and zP8m6s4xuBE-00022-00004784-00004966 off I've seen people put both boots on zP8m6s4xuBE-00023-00004967-00005128 with no hands at once which is kind of zP8m6s4xuBE-00024-00005129-00005284 like a magic trick and the ski boot zP8m6s4xuBE-00025-00005285-00005445 fitting world but it's one of those zP8m6s4xuBE-00026-00005446-00005590 boots that if you struggle getting your zP8m6s4xuBE-00027-00005591-00005740 boots on and off this is something you zP8m6s4xuBE-00028-00005741-00006082 definitely got to try getting on zPkHq-mE7KM-00000-00000656-00000878 hi everyone it's dr romini welcome back zPkHq-mE7KM-00001-00000880-00001062 to this youtube channel on all things zPkHq-mE7KM-00002-00001063-00001239 toxic narcissistic and otherwise zPkHq-mE7KM-00003-00001240-00001415 interpersonally unpleasant zPkHq-mE7KM-00004-00001416-00001599 it's a youtube channel meant to sort of zPkHq-mE7KM-00005-00001600-00001798 unlock the secrets of narcissism zPkHq-mE7KM-00006-00001800-00002079 so that you can push back on this and as zPkHq-mE7KM-00007-00002080-00002255 always knowledge is power when it comes zPkHq-mE7KM-00008-00002256-00002463 to these relationships the more you do zPkHq-mE7KM-00009-00002464-00002631 the more you know the more you're able zPkHq-mE7KM-00010-00002632-00002823 to make better decisions for yourself zPkHq-mE7KM-00011-00002824-00002950 i'm going to take on an interesting zPkHq-mE7KM-00012-00002951-00003079 question today and before i start the zPkHq-mE7KM-00013-00003080-00003199 video i'd love to hear some of your zPkHq-mE7KM-00014-00003200-00003367 thoughts on it if you know anyone like zPkHq-mE7KM-00015-00003368-00003422 this zPkHq-mE7KM-00016-00003423-00003638 do you know anyone out there who's zPkHq-mE7KM-00017-00003639-00003767 actually immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00018-00003768-00003959 to narcissists meaning that they're just zPkHq-mE7KM-00019-00003960-00004183 not bothered by them zPkHq-mE7KM-00020-00004184-00004286 because that's what this video is going zPkHq-mE7KM-00021-00004287-00004486 gonna take on is this question are there zPkHq-mE7KM-00022-00004487-00004631 some people out there zPkHq-mE7KM-00023-00004632-00005038 who are actually immune to narcissists zPkHq-mE7KM-00024-00005039-00005247 before we get to that and again drop a zPkHq-mE7KM-00025-00005248-00005367 comment there if you know anyone like zPkHq-mE7KM-00026-00005368-00005422 that zPkHq-mE7KM-00027-00005423-00005686 hit that like button give us that thumbs zPkHq-mE7KM-00028-00005687-00005870 up if you do like this video zPkHq-mE7KM-00029-00005871-00006111 subscribe you get the comments alone zPkHq-mE7KM-00030-00006112-00006270 just to tune into those just about every zPkHq-mE7KM-00031-00006271-00006351 day is worth it zPkHq-mE7KM-00032-00006352-00006527 and then also hit that bell if you want zPkHq-mE7KM-00033-00006528-00006655 to get notifications zPkHq-mE7KM-00034-00006656-00006814 so let's let's answer this question zPkHq-mE7KM-00035-00006815-00007031 though are there people out there zPkHq-mE7KM-00036-00007031-00007463 who are actually immune to narcissists zPkHq-mE7KM-00037-00007464-00007606 that was a medication i could tell i'd zPkHq-mE7KM-00038-00007608-00007774 be a very wealthy woman zPkHq-mE7KM-00039-00007775-00007974 it's an interesting question that zPkHq-mE7KM-00040-00007975-00008142 clients have raised with me zPkHq-mE7KM-00041-00008143-00008423 have demonstrated to me and lots of zPkHq-mE7KM-00042-00008424-00008559 people have asked about i've gotten more zPkHq-mE7KM-00043-00008560-00008831 than a few emails about this question zPkHq-mE7KM-00044-00008832-00009151 i can all but bet if there was a magic zPkHq-mE7KM-00045-00009152-00009223 pill zPkHq-mE7KM-00046-00009224-00009431 or perhaps even an immunization that you zPkHq-mE7KM-00047-00009432-00009703 could take that would make you immune to zPkHq-mE7KM-00048-00009704-00009806 narcissists zPkHq-mE7KM-00049-00009807-00010087 that more than a few of you would be zPkHq-mE7KM-00050-00010088-00010246 happy to sign up zPkHq-mE7KM-00051-00010247-00010406 especially those of you who have to zPkHq-mE7KM-00052-00010407-00010567 still live your day-to-day lives with zPkHq-mE7KM-00053-00010568-00010678 narcissists and they zPkHq-mE7KM-00054-00010679-00010935 really really take a toll on you this zPkHq-mE7KM-00055-00010936-00011127 idea of being immune to narcissists is a zPkHq-mE7KM-00056-00011128-00011255 phenomenon i've seen zPkHq-mE7KM-00057-00011256-00011559 a few times there are people out there zPkHq-mE7KM-00058-00011560-00011719 who themselves are actually not zPkHq-mE7KM-00059-00011720-00011895 narcissistic or not fully zPkHq-mE7KM-00060-00011896-00012103 who literally don't let narcissists get zPkHq-mE7KM-00061-00012104-00012231 under their skin zPkHq-mE7KM-00062-00012232-00012463 they will be working with one they have zPkHq-mE7KM-00063-00012464-00012638 a parent who is one zPkHq-mE7KM-00064-00012639-00012919 they have a partner who is one and it zPkHq-mE7KM-00065-00012919-00013022 really zPkHq-mE7KM-00066-00013023-00013335 doesn't get to them they'll tell the zPkHq-mE7KM-00067-00013336-00013422 partner to step zPkHq-mE7KM-00068-00013423-00013727 off and if they don't they'll leave they zPkHq-mE7KM-00069-00013728-00013903 shrug their shoulders at the difficult zPkHq-mE7KM-00070-00013904-00014055 colleague and don't let it get in the zPkHq-mE7KM-00071-00014056-00014327 way of them doing their work zPkHq-mE7KM-00072-00014328-00014647 they find a way to communicate with a zPkHq-mE7KM-00073-00014647-00014735 difficult zPkHq-mE7KM-00074-00014736-00015166 parent and it doesn't get to them zPkHq-mE7KM-00075-00015168-00015494 it's really interesting to see so what's zPkHq-mE7KM-00076-00015495-00015655 going on zPkHq-mE7KM-00077-00015656-00015927 what do these people have going on that zPkHq-mE7KM-00078-00015928-00016063 lets them kind of zPkHq-mE7KM-00079-00016063-00016350 navigate these worlds without it really zPkHq-mE7KM-00080-00016351-00016486 taking a toll on them zPkHq-mE7KM-00081-00016487-00016655 now let me please start with a zPkHq-mE7KM-00082-00016656-00016791 disclaimer zPkHq-mE7KM-00083-00016792-00017143 some of these so called zPkHq-mE7KM-00084-00017144-00017391 narcissist immune people i guess can zPkHq-mE7KM-00085-00017392-00017607 sometimes be a little enably zPkHq-mE7KM-00086-00017608-00017886 a little gaslighty and sort of benign zPkHq-mE7KM-00087-00017887-00018022 narcissisty zPkHq-mE7KM-00088-00018023-00018263 they may minimize the struggles you are zPkHq-mE7KM-00089-00018264-00018439 having with the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00090-00018440-00018639 and they may also not call the zPkHq-mE7KM-00091-00018640-00018775 narcissist out zPkHq-mE7KM-00092-00018776-00018991 so the narcissist will stay up to their zPkHq-mE7KM-00093-00018992-00019158 usual tricks it just doesn't bother the zPkHq-mE7KM-00094-00019159-00019303 person who's immune to it zPkHq-mE7KM-00095-00019304-00019494 but this isn't always the case the fact zPkHq-mE7KM-00096-00019495-00019639 is they're not always enabling they're zPkHq-mE7KM-00097-00019640-00019799 not always a little narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00098-00019800-00019935 they're just not bothered by the zPkHq-mE7KM-00099-00019936-00020103 narcissists zPkHq-mE7KM-00100-00020104-00020414 so what is their secret because once you zPkHq-mE7KM-00101-00020415-00020503 know it zPkHq-mE7KM-00102-00020504-00020711 you're gonna know it so their secret is zPkHq-mE7KM-00103-00020712-00020839 so simple zPkHq-mE7KM-00104-00020840-00020999 that i know you're gonna roll your eyes zPkHq-mE7KM-00105-00021000-00021135 i can see right through and i can see zPkHq-mE7KM-00106-00021136-00021199 you're rolling your zPkHq-mE7KM-00107-00021200-00021439 eyes as you watch this video but it's zPkHq-mE7KM-00108-00021440-00021686 really this simple zPkHq-mE7KM-00109-00021687-00022047 they don't take the narcissus zPkHq-mE7KM-00110-00022048-00022391 bs personally it's zPkHq-mE7KM-00111-00022392-00022719 literally that simple they don't make it zPkHq-mE7KM-00112-00022720-00022847 personal zPkHq-mE7KM-00113-00022848-00023255 i have worked with clients who had zPkHq-mE7KM-00114-00023256-00023447 very toxic parents and difficult zPkHq-mE7KM-00115-00023448-00023583 histories they've zPkHq-mE7KM-00116-00023584-00023863 worked with toxic colleagues they've had zPkHq-mE7KM-00117-00023864-00024127 toxic partners and they were fine zPkHq-mE7KM-00118-00024128-00024367 they were not confused they were not zPkHq-mE7KM-00119-00024368-00024527 full of self-doubt zPkHq-mE7KM-00120-00024528-00024886 they weren't ruminating they just zPkHq-mE7KM-00121-00024887-00025191 didn't take it personally zPkHq-mE7KM-00122-00025192-00025350 as i said i've worked with more than a zPkHq-mE7KM-00123-00025351-00025558 few clients like this now zPkHq-mE7KM-00124-00025559-00025814 they are rare they're very rare people zPkHq-mE7KM-00125-00025816-00025887 like this zPkHq-mE7KM-00126-00025888-00026143 but they tend to have a few things i zPkHq-mE7KM-00127-00026144-00026279 don't know for lack of a better way to zPkHq-mE7KM-00128-00026280-00026431 put it they have a few things going for zPkHq-mE7KM-00129-00026432-00026535 them zPkHq-mE7KM-00130-00026536-00026879 first of all people who are immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00131-00026880-00027174 to narcissists tend to be confident and zPkHq-mE7KM-00132-00027175-00027367 self-assured in their own abilities zPkHq-mE7KM-00133-00027368-00027567 they're clear on what they know and zPkHq-mE7KM-00134-00027568-00027751 they're clear on what they don't know zPkHq-mE7KM-00135-00027752-00027951 and addition and in addition to that zPkHq-mE7KM-00136-00027952-00028183 they do tend to do things that they love zPkHq-mE7KM-00137-00028183-00028351 whether it's in their work or in their zPkHq-mE7KM-00138-00028352-00028518 hobbies or both they're just there's a zPkHq-mE7KM-00139-00028519-00028646 self-assuredness zPkHq-mE7KM-00140-00028647-00028943 number two that they don't take the zPkHq-mE7KM-00141-00028944-00029143 narcissist behavior personally the point zPkHq-mE7KM-00142-00029144-00029262 i was making originally zPkHq-mE7KM-00143-00029263-00029479 they're able to say yep he's an absolute zPkHq-mE7KM-00144-00029480-00029590 jerk zPkHq-mE7KM-00145-00029591-00029767 she is a complete and utter pain in the zPkHq-mE7KM-00146-00029768-00029958 neck that's on them though it has zPkHq-mE7KM-00147-00029960-00030239 nothing to do with me so even when the zPkHq-mE7KM-00148-00030239-00030358 narcissist is saying zPkHq-mE7KM-00149-00030360-00030670 mean gaslighty invalidating zPkHq-mE7KM-00150-00030672-00030883 outlandish things they just tend to zPkHq-mE7KM-00151-00030883-00031127 shrug and they just don't make it their zPkHq-mE7KM-00152-00031127-00031262 problem zPkHq-mE7KM-00153-00031263-00031511 the third thing we see in people who are zPkHq-mE7KM-00154-00031512-00031662 immune to narcissists is that they're zPkHq-mE7KM-00155-00031663-00031855 really able to hold on well to their zPkHq-mE7KM-00156-00031856-00031943 reality zPkHq-mE7KM-00157-00031944-00032135 so even when they are gaslighted again zPkHq-mE7KM-00158-00032136-00032287 they shrug and will say zPkHq-mE7KM-00159-00032288-00032535 all right that's your version i got a zPkHq-mE7KM-00160-00032536-00032614 version zPkHq-mE7KM-00161-00032616-00032743 and i guess we're just going to have to zPkHq-mE7KM-00162-00032744-00033039 agree to disagree zPkHq-mE7KM-00163-00033040-00033215 the fourth thing we see in people who zPkHq-mE7KM-00164-00033216-00033390 are sort of immune to the narcissist is zPkHq-mE7KM-00165-00033391-00033574 that they're able to set and maintain zPkHq-mE7KM-00166-00033575-00033687 boundaries zPkHq-mE7KM-00167-00033688-00033943 probably because they are relatively zPkHq-mE7KM-00168-00033944-00034223 immune to the narcissist's bad behavior zPkHq-mE7KM-00169-00034224-00034559 they know when to quit they are willing zPkHq-mE7KM-00170-00034560-00034631 to leave zPkHq-mE7KM-00171-00034632-00035023 dinner parties early quit from jobs zPkHq-mE7KM-00172-00035024-00035199 stay in hotels instead of at the zPkHq-mE7KM-00173-00035200-00035343 narcissist house zPkHq-mE7KM-00174-00035344-00035646 and they have an uncanny ability zPkHq-mE7KM-00175-00035647-00036023 to know when to say no and to stick zPkHq-mE7KM-00176-00036024-00036327 by their boundary now the fifth thing is zPkHq-mE7KM-00177-00036328-00036455 interestingly zPkHq-mE7KM-00178-00036456-00036823 they may not even know the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00179-00036824-00037095 is a narcissist and that is a very zPkHq-mE7KM-00180-00037096-00037255 important point for you to know zPkHq-mE7KM-00181-00037256-00037439 it's not as though that they all went zPkHq-mE7KM-00182-00037440-00037662 out there and got educated on toxic zPkHq-mE7KM-00183-00037663-00037790 personality styles zPkHq-mE7KM-00184-00037791-00037918 the kinds of things you're doing through zPkHq-mE7KM-00185-00037919-00038062 this youtube channel and the stuff you zPkHq-mE7KM-00186-00038063-00038183 read zPkHq-mE7KM-00187-00038184-00038574 there's there's an equanimity to people zPkHq-mE7KM-00188-00038575-00038807 who are immune to narcissists and again zPkHq-mE7KM-00189-00038808-00038951 by equanimity i mean they're like they zPkHq-mE7KM-00190-00038952-00039127 kind of just sort of are able to get zPkHq-mE7KM-00191-00039128-00039255 along with everyone and they just sort zPkHq-mE7KM-00192-00039256-00039399 of shrug and say zPkHq-mE7KM-00193-00039400-00039646 i'm not going to let them get me down zPkHq-mE7KM-00194-00039647-00039767 now these zPkHq-mE7KM-00195-00039768-00040118 sometimes lovely and relatively rare zen zPkHq-mE7KM-00196-00040119-00040271 scholars in our midst zPkHq-mE7KM-00197-00040272-00040543 can often have tough backstories of zPkHq-mE7KM-00198-00040544-00040607 their own zPkHq-mE7KM-00199-00040608-00040807 it's not as though these sort of zPkHq-mE7KM-00200-00040808-00040990 narcissistic immune people zPkHq-mE7KM-00201-00040991-00041343 necessarily come from cushy loving safe zPkHq-mE7KM-00202-00041344-00041687 places they often had very zPkHq-mE7KM-00203-00041688-00041958 narcissistic families of origin and zPkHq-mE7KM-00204-00041959-00042046 relatively zPkHq-mE7KM-00205-00042047-00042383 tough life journeys it's interesting zPkHq-mE7KM-00206-00042384-00042487 because it's as though they were zPkHq-mE7KM-00207-00042488-00042702 engaging in radical acceptance zPkHq-mE7KM-00208-00042703-00043015 without knowing it was even a thing zPkHq-mE7KM-00209-00043016-00043327 they don't fight pointless battles they zPkHq-mE7KM-00210-00043328-00043518 don't personalize zPkHq-mE7KM-00211-00043519-00043830 and they don't let themselves be zPkHq-mE7KM-00212-00043831-00044167 abused they may actually zPkHq-mE7KM-00213-00044168-00044479 make excuses for the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00214-00044480-00044751 and that's interesting because what you zPkHq-mE7KM-00215-00044752-00044815 might see zPkHq-mE7KM-00216-00044816-00045151 is they'll literally say ugh zPkHq-mE7KM-00217-00045152-00045343 that person he doesn't know what he's zPkHq-mE7KM-00218-00045344-00045471 saying but zPkHq-mE7KM-00219-00045472-00045807 then they may back that up with but what zPkHq-mE7KM-00220-00045808-00045839 they zPkHq-mE7KM-00221-00045840-00046071 said was not okay so they're just not zPkHq-mE7KM-00222-00046072-00046174 fully enablers zPkHq-mE7KM-00223-00046175-00046327 sometimes they're able to back it up zPkHq-mE7KM-00224-00046328-00046462 with that statement saying that yet zPkHq-mE7KM-00225-00046463-00046567 that's not okay zPkHq-mE7KM-00226-00046568-00046783 even though they can't help themselves zPkHq-mE7KM-00227-00046784-00046974 these immune folks are able to skirt zPkHq-mE7KM-00228-00046975-00047086 both sides zPkHq-mE7KM-00229-00047087-00047374 they know that the narcissist is totally zPkHq-mE7KM-00230-00047375-00047535 not self-aware zPkHq-mE7KM-00231-00047536-00047743 and they're able to point the behavior zPkHq-mE7KM-00232-00047744-00047927 out as problematic zPkHq-mE7KM-00233-00047928-00048207 especially to people who are being hurt zPkHq-mE7KM-00234-00048208-00048343 by the narcissist they're able to zPkHq-mE7KM-00235-00048344-00048639 acknowledge like yeah this isn't okay zPkHq-mE7KM-00236-00048640-00048839 people who are relatively immune to zPkHq-mE7KM-00237-00048840-00048990 narcissists can be zPkHq-mE7KM-00238-00048991-00049318 very easy going in general things often zPkHq-mE7KM-00239-00049319-00049479 just don't bother them zPkHq-mE7KM-00240-00049480-00049727 so in that way like i said it's not zPkHq-mE7KM-00241-00049728-00049862 necessarily that they zPkHq-mE7KM-00242-00049863-00050135 understand narcissism it's that it just zPkHq-mE7KM-00243-00050136-00050239 doesn't get to them zPkHq-mE7KM-00244-00050240-00050407 they don't tend to people tend to be zPkHq-mE7KM-00245-00050408-00050590 people who always personalize everything zPkHq-mE7KM-00246-00050591-00050790 and what's even more interesting zPkHq-mE7KM-00247-00050791-00051030 and this is really important they don't zPkHq-mE7KM-00248-00051031-00051214 try to change the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00249-00051215-00051390 they actually don't care that the zPkHq-mE7KM-00250-00051391-00051558 narcissist won't change zPkHq-mE7KM-00251-00051559-00051702 and it's they don't always end the zPkHq-mE7KM-00252-00051703-00051838 relationship it's not like these folks zPkHq-mE7KM-00253-00051839-00051999 are going out going be no zPkHq-mE7KM-00254-00052000-00052246 going no contact all the time it's the zPkHq-mE7KM-00255-00052247-00052390 fact that they understand that the zPkHq-mE7KM-00256-00052391-00052526 narcissists won't change and for zPkHq-mE7KM-00257-00052527-00052615 whatever reason zPkHq-mE7KM-00258-00052616-00052966 to them it doesn't bother them zPkHq-mE7KM-00259-00052967-00053182 now when their narcissistic relationship zPkHq-mE7KM-00260-00053183-00053407 gets more abusive zPkHq-mE7KM-00261-00053408-00053694 and it may escalate into a violent realm zPkHq-mE7KM-00262-00053695-00053871 the fact is the odds are zPkHq-mE7KM-00263-00053872-00054119 very high that the immune narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00264-00054120-00054311 people got out of those relationships zPkHq-mE7KM-00265-00054312-00054582 long before it happened but if it does zPkHq-mE7KM-00266-00054583-00054687 again zPkHq-mE7KM-00267-00054688-00055135 the immune person is likely to step away zPkHq-mE7KM-00268-00055136-00055326 clearly recognize violence as never zPkHq-mE7KM-00269-00055327-00055463 acceptable and zPkHq-mE7KM-00270-00055464-00055654 write the narcissistic person off as zPkHq-mE7KM-00271-00055655-00055982 having an issue that is not their own zPkHq-mE7KM-00272-00055983-00056415 so what can we learn zPkHq-mE7KM-00273-00056416-00056663 from these immune narcissistically zPkHq-mE7KM-00274-00056664-00056863 immune unicorns who are in our midst zPkHq-mE7KM-00275-00056864-00057094 number one with the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00276-00057095-00057430 don't take it personally these immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00277-00057432-00057607 folks have an incredible ability zPkHq-mE7KM-00278-00057608-00057919 to shrug shrug and shrug and say this zPkHq-mE7KM-00279-00057920-00058030 isn't about me zPkHq-mE7KM-00280-00058032-00058335 that's them it's not me number two zPkHq-mE7KM-00281-00058336-00058559 they don't try to change the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00282-00058560-00058838 ever they accept that this is how it is zPkHq-mE7KM-00283-00058839-00059071 and because they don't personalize it it zPkHq-mE7KM-00284-00059072-00059182 often doesn't get to them zPkHq-mE7KM-00285-00059183-00059375 it's not saying that they like it but zPkHq-mE7KM-00286-00059376-00059519 they're like i i'm not going to be the zPkHq-mE7KM-00287-00059520-00059638 one to change this zPkHq-mE7KM-00288-00059639-00059859 number three they engage in zPkHq-mE7KM-00289-00059860-00060030 self-preservation zPkHq-mE7KM-00290-00060032-00060254 immune folks have solid enough zPkHq-mE7KM-00291-00060255-00060399 psychological cores zPkHq-mE7KM-00292-00060400-00060694 and egos to do the things that make them zPkHq-mE7KM-00293-00060695-00060766 happy zPkHq-mE7KM-00294-00060767-00060982 and to find the good stuff around them zPkHq-mE7KM-00295-00060983-00061135 even when the narcissist is making a zPkHq-mE7KM-00296-00061136-00061263 mess out of everything zPkHq-mE7KM-00297-00061264-00061487 and if the relationship becomes too zPkHq-mE7KM-00298-00061488-00061606 unhealthy zPkHq-mE7KM-00299-00061607-00061935 they set boundaries or they step away zPkHq-mE7KM-00300-00061936-00062142 but not from an anguish grief-stricken zPkHq-mE7KM-00301-00062144-00062319 position they just step away saying zPkHq-mE7KM-00302-00062320-00062550 i can't do this the fourth thing is that zPkHq-mE7KM-00303-00062551-00062711 they're not afraid zPkHq-mE7KM-00304-00062712-00062919 many if not most people are terrified of zPkHq-mE7KM-00305-00062920-00063071 the narcissist rage zPkHq-mE7KM-00306-00063072-00063335 and this does not apply in cases when a zPkHq-mE7KM-00307-00063336-00063494 narcissist becomes violent i'm talking zPkHq-mE7KM-00308-00063495-00063599 about sort of zPkHq-mE7KM-00309-00063600-00063894 that psychological loud rage the immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00310-00063895-00064094 folks are just not afraid of traditional zPkHq-mE7KM-00311-00064095-00064150 rage zPkHq-mE7KM-00312-00064151-00064350 they'll take the stance off of the zPkHq-mE7KM-00313-00064351-00064519 stance of of zPkHq-mE7KM-00314-00064520-00064759 let this narcissist make a fuss they zPkHq-mE7KM-00315-00064760-00064879 look ridiculous zPkHq-mE7KM-00316-00064879-00065071 and if they start yelling i'm out i'm zPkHq-mE7KM-00317-00065072-00065199 not going to listen to someone yelling zPkHq-mE7KM-00318-00065200-00065359 at me zPkHq-mE7KM-00319-00065360-00065671 fifth they know when to cut zPkHq-mE7KM-00320-00065672-00065967 their losses some narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00321-00065968-00066135 relationships are simply zPkHq-mE7KM-00322-00066136-00066359 not sustainable the people who are zPkHq-mE7KM-00323-00066360-00066550 immune to narcissists somehow zPkHq-mE7KM-00324-00066551-00066806 they have a good sense of when that is zPkHq-mE7KM-00325-00066807-00067047 and they step away or do a sort of gray zPkHq-mE7KM-00326-00067048-00067206 rock situation zPkHq-mE7KM-00327-00067207-00067591 interestingly immune folks often don't zPkHq-mE7KM-00328-00067592-00067647 go zPkHq-mE7KM-00329-00067648-00068015 full no contact unless the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00330-00068016-00068143 initiates it zPkHq-mE7KM-00331-00068144-00068350 again these immune folks are just able zPkHq-mE7KM-00332-00068351-00068575 to shrug it off zPkHq-mE7KM-00333-00068576-00068926 number six they don't derive any of zPkHq-mE7KM-00334-00068927-00069079 their self-worth zPkHq-mE7KM-00335-00069080-00069382 from the narcissist one of the most zPkHq-mE7KM-00336-00069383-00069599 toxic dynamics we observe in the zPkHq-mE7KM-00337-00069600-00069767 narcissistic relationship zPkHq-mE7KM-00338-00069768-00069943 is the trauma bonding and the zPkHq-mE7KM-00339-00069944-00070103 codependency zPkHq-mE7KM-00340-00070104-00070335 the person in the relationship with the zPkHq-mE7KM-00341-00070336-00070431 narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00342-00070432-00070703 derives their self-esteem or their sort zPkHq-mE7KM-00343-00070704-00070838 of sense of self zPkHq-mE7KM-00344-00070839-00071279 from mastering or taming the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00345-00071280-00071599 the immune narcissistically immune folks zPkHq-mE7KM-00346-00071600-00071847 don't have that kind of bond they don't zPkHq-mE7KM-00347-00071848-00072047 feel the need to master the narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00348-00072048-00072182 and they're just sort of good with zPkHq-mE7KM-00349-00072183-00072494 themselves none of this is to say zPkHq-mE7KM-00350-00072495-00072791 that the immune people don't get zPkHq-mE7KM-00351-00072792-00072982 exhausted by the narcissist they zPkHq-mE7KM-00352-00072983-00073135 absolutely do zPkHq-mE7KM-00353-00073136-00073447 they can find it very depleting to be zPkHq-mE7KM-00354-00073448-00073591 with a narcissist zPkHq-mE7KM-00355-00073592-00073919 but they are very good at engaging zPkHq-mE7KM-00356-00073920-00074223 in the sort of decompressing and zPkHq-mE7KM-00357-00074224-00074471 self-care that narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00358-00074472-00074662 relationships require zPkHq-mE7KM-00359-00074663-00074935 they may recognize that they won't for zPkHq-mE7KM-00360-00074936-00074991 example zPkHq-mE7KM-00361-00074992-00075255 join folks from work for happy hour zPkHq-mE7KM-00362-00075256-00075343 because they're zPkHq-mE7KM-00363-00075344-00075687 really genuinely tired from dealing with zPkHq-mE7KM-00364-00075688-00075855 all the kinds of ups and downs of the zPkHq-mE7KM-00365-00075856-00076006 narcissistic conversation all day and zPkHq-mE7KM-00366-00076007-00076167 they know they're not going to change zPkHq-mE7KM-00367-00076168-00076423 or they may cut time on a family zPkHq-mE7KM-00368-00076424-00076599 vacation or family holiday zPkHq-mE7KM-00369-00076600-00076919 shorter because they know their limits zPkHq-mE7KM-00370-00076920-00077191 or they go to bed earlier than their zPkHq-mE7KM-00371-00077192-00077359 narcissistic partner so they just don't zPkHq-mE7KM-00372-00077360-00077487 have to deal with arguments in the zPkHq-mE7KM-00373-00077488-00077550 evening zPkHq-mE7KM-00374-00077551-00077799 they recognize the exhaustion and they zPkHq-mE7KM-00375-00077800-00077943 don't personalize it zPkHq-mE7KM-00376-00077944-00078238 but they attend to it almost the way a zPkHq-mE7KM-00377-00078239-00078406 new parent needs to attend to making zPkHq-mE7KM-00378-00078407-00078543 sure they get rest because they've got a zPkHq-mE7KM-00379-00078544-00078599 new crying zPkHq-mE7KM-00380-00078600-00078911 baby at night and the immune folks zPkHq-mE7KM-00381-00078912-00079271 are human too and will acknowledge zPkHq-mE7KM-00382-00079272-00079479 that it's not healthy that these zPkHq-mE7KM-00383-00079480-00079582 narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00384-00079583-00079847 relationships are not healthy but again zPkHq-mE7KM-00385-00079848-00079999 not from a place of being zPkHq-mE7KM-00386-00080000-00080247 shredded and soul-crushed by these zPkHq-mE7KM-00387-00080248-00080343 relationships zPkHq-mE7KM-00388-00080344-00080711 but from a circumspect place they accept zPkHq-mE7KM-00389-00080712-00080855 i just can't get through to them zPkHq-mE7KM-00390-00080856-00081087 and i am not going to waste my time and zPkHq-mE7KM-00391-00081088-00081238 energy on them zPkHq-mE7KM-00392-00081239-00081543 so perhaps being immune to narcissists zPkHq-mE7KM-00393-00081544-00081847 may really be about being kind to zPkHq-mE7KM-00394-00081848-00081967 yourself zPkHq-mE7KM-00395-00081968-00082231 not taking another person's behavior zPkHq-mE7KM-00396-00082232-00082359 personally zPkHq-mE7KM-00397-00082360-00082718 learning to shrug a lot living a life zPkHq-mE7KM-00398-00082719-00082831 you love zPkHq-mE7KM-00399-00082832-00083126 and doing things you enjoy cultivating zPkHq-mE7KM-00400-00083127-00083318 your sense of self and in some ways zPkHq-mE7KM-00401-00083319-00083615 giving up on the expectations that other zPkHq-mE7KM-00402-00083616-00083662 people zPkHq-mE7KM-00403-00083663-00084038 dictate to you about life so many people zPkHq-mE7KM-00404-00084039-00084215 in narcissistic relationships zPkHq-mE7KM-00405-00084216-00084559 turn themselves into human sacrifices zPkHq-mE7KM-00406-00084560-00084943 trying to please an unpleasable zPkHq-mE7KM-00407-00084944-00085223 human being but if you think about it zPkHq-mE7KM-00408-00085224-00085294 the day zPkHq-mE7KM-00409-00085295-00085511 you sort of stop caring about what they zPkHq-mE7KM-00410-00085512-00085687 think and sort of again zPkHq-mE7KM-00411-00085688-00085991 shrugging it off that could be a really zPkHq-mE7KM-00412-00085992-00086367 really important step to your freedom zPkHq-mE7KM-00413-00086368-00086687 because here's the thing narcissistic zPkHq-mE7KM-00414-00086688-00086791 relationships zPkHq-mE7KM-00415-00086792-00087182 are so triggering that most of us zPkHq-mE7KM-00416-00087183-00087375 are probably never going to fully get to zPkHq-mE7KM-00417-00087376-00087543 this place of immunity zPkHq-mE7KM-00418-00087544-00087838 but we can definitely take a page out of zPkHq-mE7KM-00419-00087839-00088055 the immune person's playbook zPkHq-mE7KM-00420-00088056-00088262 or at least steal a few of their great zPkHq-mE7KM-00421-00088263-00088447 psychological antibodies zPkHq-mE7KM-00422-00088448-00088775 and learn from them and a final point on zPkHq-mE7KM-00423-00088776-00088959 something that the people who are immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00424-00088960-00089262 to narcissists are able to do zPkHq-mE7KM-00425-00089263-00089623 they don't get overwhelmed zPkHq-mE7KM-00426-00089624-00089918 or tricked by the enablers and the zPkHq-mE7KM-00427-00089919-00090167 people who do the gaslighting by proxy zPkHq-mE7KM-00428-00090168-00090391 once again the narcissistically immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00429-00090392-00090559 people much as the just like any human zPkHq-mE7KM-00430-00090560-00090735 being want to fit in zPkHq-mE7KM-00431-00090736-00090982 they know who they are enough and they zPkHq-mE7KM-00432-00090983-00091103 know that they can see zPkHq-mE7KM-00433-00091104-00091326 that the narcissist behavior isn't zPkHq-mE7KM-00434-00091327-00091455 necessarily good zPkHq-mE7KM-00435-00091456-00091687 that even when the enablers are saying zPkHq-mE7KM-00436-00091688-00091918 no no no what they're doing is fine zPkHq-mE7KM-00437-00091919-00092079 that the immune person is able to say zPkHq-mE7KM-00438-00092080-00092271 yeah no it's actually not fine and it's zPkHq-mE7KM-00439-00092272-00092359 not good for me zPkHq-mE7KM-00440-00092360-00092487 so i'm not going to do it and i'm zPkHq-mE7KM-00441-00092488-00092631 actually not going to hang out with them zPkHq-mE7KM-00442-00092632-00092767 there's a very zPkHq-mE7KM-00443-00092768-00092982 matter-of-fact quality if you've ever zPkHq-mE7KM-00444-00092983-00093118 been in the presence and again i'd love zPkHq-mE7KM-00445-00093119-00093262 to hear in the comments if any of you zPkHq-mE7KM-00446-00093263-00093367 have ever been in the presence of zPkHq-mE7KM-00447-00093368-00093415 someone zPkHq-mE7KM-00448-00093416-00093606 who really is immune to this they're zPkHq-mE7KM-00449-00093607-00093735 very very unique zPkHq-mE7KM-00450-00093736-00093950 creatures like i said they can feel very zPkHq-mE7KM-00451-00093951-00094174 zen and i'm going to be honest some of zPkHq-mE7KM-00452-00094175-00094343 them again can be a little mildly zPkHq-mE7KM-00453-00094344-00094511 narcissistic they're a little bit zPkHq-mE7KM-00454-00094512-00094647 there's a word out there it's a good zPkHq-mE7KM-00455-00094648-00094759 word for you to learn they're a little zPkHq-mE7KM-00456-00094760-00094935 supercilious it's like oh zPkHq-mE7KM-00457-00094936-00095118 i can't be bothered so they can feel a zPkHq-mE7KM-00458-00095119-00095238 little snobby so zPkHq-mE7KM-00459-00095239-00095335 i'm not saying that these zPkHq-mE7KM-00460-00095336-00095518 narcissistically immune people are zPkHq-mE7KM-00461-00095519-00095711 saints or angels by any stretch zPkHq-mE7KM-00462-00095712-00095879 they can just sort of be a little above zPkHq-mE7KM-00463-00095880-00096094 it all but it is very interesting to me zPkHq-mE7KM-00464-00096095-00096150 how they zPkHq-mE7KM-00465-00096151-00096415 just don't get their their noses bent zPkHq-mE7KM-00466-00096416-00096543 out of shape zPkHq-mE7KM-00467-00096544-00096750 and again i want to remind you don't zPkHq-mE7KM-00468-00096751-00096887 hold this up as a goal zPkHq-mE7KM-00469-00096888-00097126 a lot of us just the way we're wired zPkHq-mE7KM-00470-00097127-00097279 present company included zPkHq-mE7KM-00471-00097280-00097438 we're not going to get to a place of zPkHq-mE7KM-00472-00097439-00097647 full immunity narcissists still really zPkHq-mE7KM-00473-00097648-00097735 get to me i zPkHq-mE7KM-00474-00097736-00098103 still go into the shower and scream and zPkHq-mE7KM-00475-00098104-00098374 let forth some choice expletives or come zPkHq-mE7KM-00476-00098375-00098494 home and just zPkHq-mE7KM-00477-00098495-00098694 yell at the cat and can't believe that zPkHq-mE7KM-00478-00098695-00098871 this has happened so zPkHq-mE7KM-00479-00098872-00099079 i i they still get to me so i'm telling zPkHq-mE7KM-00480-00099080-00099247 you knowing as much as i know i'm not zPkHq-mE7KM-00481-00099248-00099423 immune i know that there's old ancient zPkHq-mE7KM-00482-00099424-00099606 triggers for me that gets set off zPkHq-mE7KM-00483-00099607-00099806 and i'm always fascinated by the people zPkHq-mE7KM-00484-00099807-00099974 who are relatively immune zPkHq-mE7KM-00485-00099975-00100126 like i said over the years i've been zPkHq-mE7KM-00486-00100127-00100287 jotting down the things they do it zPkHq-mE7KM-00487-00100288-00100431 becomes an interesting playbook zPkHq-mE7KM-00488-00100432-00100574 so even if you're never going to be zPkHq-mE7KM-00489-00100575-00100799 fully immune just make it so that the zPkHq-mE7KM-00490-00100800-00100974 next time you're in the presence of that zPkHq-mE7KM-00491-00100975-00101126 virus called narcissism zPkHq-mE7KM-00492-00101127-00101335 you don't get the full-blown flu and can zPkHq-mE7KM-00493-00101336-00101479 keep it a little milder zPkHq-mE7KM-00494-00101480-00101711 so thanks again for tuning in i hope you zPkHq-mE7KM-00495-00101712-00101838 enjoyed this video if you liked it zPkHq-mE7KM-00496-00101839-00101887 always zPkHq-mE7KM-00497-00101888-00102031 give me that thumbs up it's a little bit zPkHq-mE7KM-00498-00102032-00102174 of validation that i wouldn't mind zPkHq-mE7KM-00499-00102175-00102247 getting zPkHq-mE7KM-00500-00102248-00102430 and as always if you are enjoying this zPkHq-mE7KM-00501-00102431-00102606 community subscribe to this channel zPkHq-mE7KM-00502-00102607-00102847 hit that bell read those comments zPkHq-mE7KM-00503-00102848-00102990 because there's some good juicy stuff zPkHq-mE7KM-00504-00102991-00103127 down there and as always zPkHq-mE7KM-00505-00103128-00103327 keep tuning in for more content you have zPkHq-mE7KM-00506-00103328-00103510 more ideas for videos please drop us an zPkHq-mE7KM-00507-00103511-00103671 email or drop some in the comments zPkHq-mE7KM-00508-00103672-00103718 section zPkHq-mE7KM-00509-00103719-00103983 bye-bye now zQtZh8NrhMu-00000-00000049-00000366 the following outline is provided as an zQtZh8NrhMu-00001-00000367-00000647 overview of an topical guide to zQtZh8NrhMu-00002-00000648-00000946 telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00003-00000947-00001184 Telecommunication the transmission of zQtZh8NrhMu-00004-00001185-00001445 signals over a distance for the purpose zQtZh8NrhMu-00005-00001446-00001858 of communication in modern times this zQtZh8NrhMu-00006-00001859-00002144 process almost always involves the use zQtZh8NrhMu-00007-00002145-00002467 of electromagnetic waves by transmitters zQtZh8NrhMu-00008-00002468-00002747 and receivers but in earlier years it zQtZh8NrhMu-00009-00002748-00002983 also involved the use of drums and zQtZh8NrhMu-00010-00002984-00003274 visual signals such as smoke fire zQtZh8NrhMu-00011-00003275-00003581 beacons semaphore lines and other zQtZh8NrhMu-00012-00003582-00004337 optical communications zQtZh8NrhMu-00013-00004338-00005055 topic types of telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00014-00005056-00005266 email zQtZh8NrhMu-00015-00005267-00005553 facts zQtZh8NrhMu-00016-00005554-00006231 instant-messaging radio satellite zQtZh8NrhMu-00017-00006232-00006674 telegraphy telephony zQtZh8NrhMu-00018-00006675-00007038 television broadcasting zQtZh8NrhMu-00019-00007039-00007284 video-conferencing zQtZh8NrhMu-00020-00007286-00007850 voice zQtZh8NrhMu-00021-00007851-00008232 topic types of telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00022-00008233-00008765 networks zQtZh8NrhMu-00023-00008766-00009052 telecommunications network zQtZh8NrhMu-00024-00009053-00009364 computer networks zQtZh8NrhMu-00025-00009365-00009538 ARPANET zQtZh8NrhMu-00026-00009539-00009969 Ethernet Internet zQtZh8NrhMu-00027-00009970-00010385 wireless networks public switched zQtZh8NrhMu-00028-00010386-00010926 telephone networks PSTN packet switched zQtZh8NrhMu-00029-00010927-00011435 networks radio networks zQtZh8NrhMu-00030-00011436-00012087 television networks zQtZh8NrhMu-00031-00012088-00012510 topic aspects of telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00032-00012511-00013047 transmission zQtZh8NrhMu-00033-00013047-00013308 telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00034-00013309-00013462 and a log zQtZh8NrhMu-00035-00013463-00013663 Digital zQtZh8NrhMu-00036-00013663-00014230 optics zQtZh8NrhMu-00037-00014231-00014988 topic telecommunication technology zQtZh8NrhMu-00038-00014988-00015251 modulation zQtZh8NrhMu-00039-00015252-00015582 amplitude modulation zQtZh8NrhMu-00040-00015583-00016005 frequency modulation quadrature zQtZh8NrhMu-00041-00016006-00016304 amplitude modulation zQtZh8NrhMu-00042-00016305-00016549 nyquist rate zQtZh8NrhMu-00043-00016550-00016900 Nyquist is C criterion zQtZh8NrhMu-00044-00016901-00017153 Paul's shaping zQtZh8NrhMu-00045-00017154-00017827 intersymbol interference zQtZh8NrhMu-00046-00017828-00018369 topic communications media types zQtZh8NrhMu-00047-00018370-00018583 you zQtZh8NrhMu-00048-00018584-00019018 physical media for telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00049-00019019-00019916 twisted-pair coaxial cable optical fiber zQtZh8NrhMu-00050-00019917-00020264 telecommunication through free space zQtZh8NrhMu-00051-00020265-00020583 broadcast radiofrequency including zQtZh8NrhMu-00052-00020584-00021163 television and radio line-of-sight zQtZh8NrhMu-00053-00021164-00021572 communications satellite terrestrial zQtZh8NrhMu-00054-00021573-00022349 microwave wireless LAN zQtZh8NrhMu-00055-00022350-00022747 topic relationship between media and zQtZh8NrhMu-00056-00022748-00022998 transmitters zQtZh8NrhMu-00057-00022999-00023207 you zQtZh8NrhMu-00058-00023208-00023793 physical access to media simplex zQtZh8NrhMu-00059-00023794-00024221 duplex telecommunications zQtZh8NrhMu-00060-00024222-00024804 logical relationships return channel zQtZh8NrhMu-00061-00024805-00025097 two-way alternating zQtZh8NrhMu-00062-00025098-00025789 two-way simultaneous zQtZh8NrhMu-00063-00025791-00026551 topic multiple access to media zQtZh8NrhMu-00064-00026552-00026760 multiplexing zQtZh8NrhMu-00065-00026761-00027372 analogue frequency division multiplexing zQtZh8NrhMu-00066-00027373-00027766 space division multiplexing zQtZh8NrhMu-00067-00027767-00027962 Digital zQtZh8NrhMu-00068-00027963-00028464 time division multiplexing statistical zQtZh8NrhMu-00069-00028466-00028930 multiplexing and packet switching zQtZh8NrhMu-00070-00028931-00029365 access-control contention zQtZh8NrhMu-00071-00029366-00030007 token-based centralized token control zQtZh8NrhMu-00072-00030008-00030694 distributed token control zQtZh8NrhMu-00073-00030695-00031436 topic history of telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00074-00031437-00031929 history of telecommunication history of zQtZh8NrhMu-00075-00031930-00032129 telegraphy zQtZh8NrhMu-00076-00032130-00032414 history of the telephone invention of zQtZh8NrhMu-00077-00032416-00032622 the telephone zQtZh8NrhMu-00078-00032623-00032899 timeline of the telephone historie of zQtZh8NrhMu-00079-00032900-00033071 radio zQtZh8NrhMu-00080-00033072-00033376 history of television zQtZh8NrhMu-00081-00033377-00033703 history of video phones zQtZh8NrhMu-00082-00033704-00034035 history of mobile phones zQtZh8NrhMu-00083-00034036-00034390 history of computing hardware zQtZh8NrhMu-00084-00034391-00034707 history of the Internet zQtZh8NrhMu-00085-00034708-00035121 topic major telecommunications equipment zQtZh8NrhMu-00086-00035122-00035445 manufacturers alcatel-lucent Aricent zQtZh8NrhMu-00087-00035446-00035881 AT&T Avaya CNS Cisco Systems Ericsson zQtZh8NrhMu-00088-00035882-00036322 Fujitsu HCL Technologies Huawei and ICI zQtZh8NrhMu-00089-00036323-00037107 Nokia ShoreTel Verizon wild X ZTE zQtZh8NrhMu-00090-00037108-00037546 topic major telecommunications service zQtZh8NrhMu-00091-00037547-00037987 providers zQtZh8NrhMu-00092-00037988-00038389 list of mobile network operators zQtZh8NrhMu-00093-00038390-00039195 list of telephone operating companies zQtZh8NrhMu-00094-00039196-00040006 topic telecommunication organizations zQtZh8NrhMu-00095-00040007-00040367 Alliance for telecommunications industry zQtZh8NrhMu-00096-00040368-00040665 solutions zQtZh8NrhMu-00097-00040666-00041071 telecommunications industry association zQtZh8NrhMu-00098-00041072-00041429 topic telecommunication publications zQtZh8NrhMu-00099-00041430-00041729 magazines billing and us world cabling zQtZh8NrhMu-00100-00041730-00042025 installation and maintenance call center zQtZh8NrhMu-00101-00042026-00042290 communications news communications zQtZh8NrhMu-00102-00042291-00042577 system design light wave mobile radio zQtZh8NrhMu-00103-00042578-00043001 technology MRT new telephony phone plus zQtZh8NrhMu-00104-00043002-00043408 RCR wireless news telecom Asia zQtZh8NrhMu-00105-00043409-00043664 telecommunications magazine telephony zQtZh8NrhMu-00106-00043665-00043967 what satphone magazine wireless systems zQtZh8NrhMu-00107-00043968-00044633 design wireless week exchange zQtZh8NrhMu-00108-00044634-00045059 topic persons influential in zQtZh8NrhMu-00109-00045060-00045494 telecommunication zQtZh8NrhMu-00110-00045495-00045817 Edwin Howard Armstrong zQtZh8NrhMu-00111-00045818-00046085 John Logie Baird zQtZh8NrhMu-00112-00046086-00046366 Paul Baran zQtZh8NrhMu-00113-00046367-00046637 Alexander Graham Bell zQtZh8NrhMu-00114-00046638-00046923 Tim berners-lee zQtZh8NrhMu-00115-00046924-00047242 Jagadish Chandra Bose zQtZh8NrhMu-00116-00047243-00047457 vint cerf zQtZh8NrhMu-00117-00047458-00048232 Clyde chappy Donald Davies Lee de Forest zQtZh8NrhMu-00118-00048233-00048780 fellow Farnsworth Reginald Fessenden zQtZh8NrhMu-00119-00048781-00049045 Elisha gray zQtZh8NrhMu-00120-00049046-00049362 in a chen's Oh manzetti zQtZh8NrhMu-00121-00049363-00049690 ghuli Elmo Marconi zQtZh8NrhMu-00122-00049691-00050005 antonio meucci zQtZh8NrhMu-00123-00050006-00050385 Alexander Stepanovich Popov zQtZh8NrhMu-00124-00050386-00050674 johann philipp reis zQtZh8NrhMu-00125-00050675-00051190 Nikola Tesla Kamil T so zQtZh8NrhMu-00126-00051191-00051426 Alfred Vail zQtZh8NrhMu-00127-00051427-00051996 Charles Wheatstone Vladimir K swore zQtZh8NrhMu-00128-00051997-00052144 eakin zQtZh8NrhMu-00129-00052145-00052594 equals equals see also zRpecv17eiA-00000-00000044-00001793 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00001-00001794-00003303 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00002-00003304-00004057 cuz zRpecv17eiA-00003-00004058-00004744 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00004-00004745-00005238 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00005-00005239-00007014 let you down zRpecv17eiA-00006-00007015-00007231 knock knock knocking on heaven's door zRpecv17eiA-00007-00007231-00007455 whipped cream crunch okay zRpecv17eiA-00008-00007456-00007606 all-star zRpecv17eiA-00009-00007608-00008012 sunset no bottom i'ma take it slowly zRpecv17eiA-00010-00008013-00008271 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00011-00008272-00008563 you know i know zRpecv17eiA-00012-00008564-00008735 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00013-00008736-00009343 put me down zRpecv17eiA-00014-00009344-00010218 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00015-00010219-00011246 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00016-00011247-00011742 i want zRpecv17eiA-00017-00011743-00012855 children zRpecv17eiA-00018-00012856-00013491 new zRpecv17eiA-00019-00013493-00016447 [Music] zRpecv17eiA-00020-00016448-00018679 won't let you down zRpecv17eiA-00021-00018680-00018887 you zRz9FtLirAU-00000-00000003-00000289 hi it's time again I'm here with my best zRz9FtLirAU-00001-00000290-00001754 friend Kayla so today we have a very zRz9FtLirAU-00002-00001755-00002048 special holiday episode we're making zRz9FtLirAU-00003-00002049-00002275 gingerbread houses yes zRz9FtLirAU-00004-00002276-00002798 but there's gonna be a twist well we are zRz9FtLirAU-00005-00002799-00003010 gonna try and make a penthouse but then zRz9FtLirAU-00006-00003011-00003158 I just read the box and it says zRz9FtLirAU-00007-00003159-00003251 pre-built zRz9FtLirAU-00008-00003252-00003583 so we'll see how that goes zRz9FtLirAU-00009-00003584-00003913 considering the houses are already built zRz9FtLirAU-00010-00003914-00004241 we can try and do it I don't really read zRz9FtLirAU-00011-00004242-00004429 things would I get it I saw these at zRz9FtLirAU-00012-00004430-00004529 Costco no oh zRz9FtLirAU-00013-00004530-00004736 kako is has good deal let's just get zRz9FtLirAU-00014-00004737-00005802 this oh my god they are pre-built I zRz9FtLirAU-00015-00005803-00006250 wonder if we break it apart if we have zRz9FtLirAU-00016-00006251-00006820 kids to get back together yeah I thought zRz9FtLirAU-00017-00006822-00006980 it would be like a fun twist to just a zRz9FtLirAU-00018-00006981-00007178 normal gingerbread house making if we've zRz9FtLirAU-00019-00007179-00007484 tried to make a big but I guess Costco zRz9FtLirAU-00020-00007484-00007583 had other plans zRz9FtLirAU-00021-00007584-00008207 let's go trying to make our life easier zRz9FtLirAU-00022-00008208-00008627 is made our life okay so change of plans zRz9FtLirAU-00023-00008628-00008855 instead of making a penthouse we're zRz9FtLirAU-00024-00008856-00009113 making singular houses that will be zRz9FtLirAU-00025-00009114-00010900 neighbors yes yes zRz9FtLirAU-00026-00010901-00011191 so we have been friends since zRz9FtLirAU-00027-00011192-00011468 kindergarten so we've been there through zRz9FtLirAU-00028-00011469-00011720 all the awkward phases oh god are you zRz9FtLirAU-00029-00011721-00012083 sure we're not so awkward I mean look at zRz9FtLirAU-00030-00012084-00012169 us zRz9FtLirAU-00031-00012170-00012581 I'm justice today her brother and I am zRz9FtLirAU-00032-00012582-00013052 Makayla myself I have an identity crisis zRz9FtLirAU-00033-00013053-00013688 though I'm trying today I'm a boy I am a zRz9FtLirAU-00034-00013688-00014381 boy oh these are big doors damn I live zRz9FtLirAU-00035-00014382-00014684 lavishly I guess in comparison to the zRz9FtLirAU-00036-00014685-00014852 house though the gingerbread people are zRz9FtLirAU-00037-00014853-00015247 like can my gingerbread person I know my zRz9FtLirAU-00038-00015248-00015431 gingerbread person is too wide to fit zRz9FtLirAU-00039-00015432-00015553 into my door zRz9FtLirAU-00040-00015554-00017963 he did I'm going to I am going to commit zRz9FtLirAU-00041-00017964-00018042 suicide zRz9FtLirAU-00042-00018043-00019637 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00043-00019638-00020357 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00044-00020358-00021314 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00045-00021315-00021711 I'm trying to win I'm trying to win even zRz9FtLirAU-00046-00021712-00021887 describe that this is a holiday zRz9FtLirAU-00047-00021888-00022292 tradition of ours yes that um I think zRz9FtLirAU-00048-00022293-00022419 like since middle school zRz9FtLirAU-00049-00022420-00022742 probably meals that we she her family zRz9FtLirAU-00050-00022743-00022992 has a Christmas party every year and we zRz9FtLirAU-00051-00022993-00023094 would always go over there and there'd zRz9FtLirAU-00052-00023095-00023253 be like a whole bunch of events and then zRz9FtLirAU-00053-00023254-00023411 one of the events was making gingerbread zRz9FtLirAU-00054-00023412-00023606 houses other that's cheating you can't zRz9FtLirAU-00055-00023607-00023853 use that why I'm not I'm just giving zRz9FtLirAU-00056-00023854-00024272 ideas that's cheating zRz9FtLirAU-00057-00024273-00024768 use your own ideas finals killed all my zRz9FtLirAU-00058-00024769-00024942 brain cells so I don't have original zRz9FtLirAU-00059-00024943-00025793 ideas I've been sabotaged zRz9FtLirAU-00060-00025794-00026414 how I guess you oughta try and fix that zRz9FtLirAU-00061-00026414-00026751 sometimes life gives you one bit and zRz9FtLirAU-00062-00026752-00026979 sometimes life gives you lies when zRz9FtLirAU-00063-00026980-00028112 you're trying to make lemonade zRz9FtLirAU-00064-00028113-00028752 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00065-00028754-00029170 oh my geez I've been played I've been zRz9FtLirAU-00066-00029170-00029595 played what is the point of cutting it I zRz9FtLirAU-00067-00029597-00029820 don't know there was no point at this zRz9FtLirAU-00068-00029822-00030127 point do you have like maybe tape or zRz9FtLirAU-00069-00030127-00030691 something yes where do we just send it zRz9FtLirAU-00070-00030692-00031000 just send it I guess I'll just put the zRz9FtLirAU-00071-00031001-00031579 frosting down here this side of my house zRz9FtLirAU-00072-00031580-00033509 is covered in snow cool oh honey honey zRz9FtLirAU-00073-00033510-00034161 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00074-00034162-00035035 it'll be like remember what I just said zRz9FtLirAU-00075-00035036-00035611 that the side of my house is covered zRz9FtLirAU-00076-00035612-00036820 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00077-00036821-00037134 [Laughter] zRz9FtLirAU-00078-00037135-00037381 thank you this is where I sing I'm zRz9FtLirAU-00079-00037382-00037720 trying to get that like dusty snow I zRz9FtLirAU-00080-00037721-00037912 mean you're the one who's seen more snow zRz9FtLirAU-00081-00037913-00038380 than I have there but um I think your zRz9FtLirAU-00082-00038381-00038701 technique leaves something to be desired zRz9FtLirAU-00083-00038702-00039462 oh okay oh my god zRz9FtLirAU-00084-00039463-00040386 oh I see what you were I like that zRz9FtLirAU-00085-00040387-00041080 that's some good Cosco was like oh you zRz9FtLirAU-00086-00041081-00041448 have a nice fun idea nice try nice try zRz9FtLirAU-00087-00041449-00042384 not if I'd not in front of my Sally yes zRz9FtLirAU-00088-00042385-00042805 that's cool oh my god you have to change zRz9FtLirAU-00089-00042806-00043095 schools zRz9FtLirAU-00090-00043096-00043551 look it adds a little tail really I zRz9FtLirAU-00091-00043552-00043815 don't like this zRz9FtLirAU-00092-00043816-00044387 yours are pulling babies geez oh geez zRz9FtLirAU-00093-00044388-00044769 cheese I mean like there's not enough zRz9FtLirAU-00094-00044770-00045258 decorations to do much else yeah well zRz9FtLirAU-00095-00045259-00045455 let's be another one of my failed it is zRz9FtLirAU-00096-00045456-00046524 you know I failure is part except for zRz9FtLirAU-00097-00046525-00046910 that failure is part of success McCain zRz9FtLirAU-00098-00046911-00047247 except when it's not except when it's my zRz9FtLirAU-00099-00047248-00047559 failures everyone else can think that zRz9FtLirAU-00100-00047560-00049445 but I don't practice what I preach zRz9FtLirAU-00101-00049446-00050518 and then you die zRz9FtLirAU-00102-00050519-00050968 the first that's death is ginger a house zRz9FtLirAU-00103-00050969-00051210 you die and that's the case they're like zRz9FtLirAU-00104-00051211-00051413 have you made your gingerbread house yet zRz9FtLirAU-00105-00051414-00051532 nope zRz9FtLirAU-00106-00051533-00052094 send her back haja Christmas fudge and zRz9FtLirAU-00107-00052095-00052592 cookies you know since I don't practice zRz9FtLirAU-00108-00052593-00052751 swearing I always come up with very zRz9FtLirAU-00109-00052752-00052937 creative swear words what do you mean zRz9FtLirAU-00110-00052938-00053375 you don't practice you don't sleep not zRz9FtLirAU-00111-00053376-00053649 all the time especially when I'm around zRz9FtLirAU-00112-00053650-00054374 my mom me too that's why I come on just zRz9FtLirAU-00113-00054375-00054776 giving you a pony move Oh Fork zRz9FtLirAU-00114-00054777-00054956 oh my god have you seen the good place zRz9FtLirAU-00115-00054957-00056253 yes I love the good place oh my god we zRz9FtLirAU-00116-00056254-00056622 did tower shows every year yeah like zRz9FtLirAU-00117-00056623-00057009 every year we had iconic iconic as in zRz9FtLirAU-00118-00057010-00057366 cringe-worthy and one year our you know zRz9FtLirAU-00119-00057366-00057699 to audition for the town show oh no it zRz9FtLirAU-00120-00057700-00057932 was so bad that we didn't get into the zRz9FtLirAU-00121-00057933-00058098 town show we didn't even get into a zRz9FtLirAU-00122-00058099-00058278 talent show where they let everyone in zRz9FtLirAU-00123-00058279-00058587 so that's how that we were but we are-- zRz9FtLirAU-00124-00058588-00058781 auditioned then then they let us in and zRz9FtLirAU-00125-00058782-00059037 then we want it even though they didn't zRz9FtLirAU-00126-00059038-00059304 have where's we want it in our heart I zRz9FtLirAU-00127-00059304-00059598 was about to say well I mean at the end zRz9FtLirAU-00128-00059599-00059756 of the talent show they always play a zRz9FtLirAU-00129-00059757-00060038 song and they played our song zRz9FtLirAU-00130-00060039-00060781 so I mean technically we won sure sure I zRz9FtLirAU-00131-00060782-00061215 remember one year we did YMCA why I am zRz9FtLirAU-00132-00061216-00061572 seeing I remember I was like why did I zRz9FtLirAU-00133-00061573-00061737 looking back and like we were not zRz9FtLirAU-00134-00061738-00062201 talented like in terms of like talent zRz9FtLirAU-00135-00062202-00062385 show worthy like what we would come up zRz9FtLirAU-00136-00062386-00062762 with excuse me we were very talented in zRz9FtLirAU-00137-00062763-00063135 third grade when we did we did Sharpay zRz9FtLirAU-00138-00063136-00063324 and Ryan zRz9FtLirAU-00139-00063325-00063696 like I couldn't - wait my hands are zRz9FtLirAU-00140-00063697-00063744 sticky zRz9FtLirAU-00141-00063745-00065549 I can't oh my gosh a couple of episodes zRz9FtLirAU-00142-00065550-00066420 yeah you don't know what II mean I think zRz9FtLirAU-00143-00066421-00066749 I need a new best friend zRz9FtLirAU-00144-00066750-00067443 yes I mean kind of it's like what do you zRz9FtLirAU-00145-00067444-00067686 draw hot knowledge or like hot gossip oh zRz9FtLirAU-00146-00067687-00067875 I'm always like what I always say zRz9FtLirAU-00147-00067876-00068286 I must fill the team yes oh okay how did zRz9FtLirAU-00148-00068287-00068508 you not apply that to this situation I zRz9FtLirAU-00149-00068509-00068853 don't know okay you can still be my best zRz9FtLirAU-00150-00068854-00069516 friend okay okay my hands heart my zRz9FtLirAU-00151-00069517-00069615 thumbs hot zRz9FtLirAU-00152-00069616-00070272 well whose idea was it to do this well I zRz9FtLirAU-00153-00070273-00070341 wrote it zRz9FtLirAU-00154-00070342-00070646 no I was like dang that's like actually zRz9FtLirAU-00155-00070647-00071036 will give my piping skills zRz9FtLirAU-00156-00071037-00071690 she's the Pied Piper I mean dang girl zRz9FtLirAU-00157-00071691-00072045 how did I write that so nicely I don't zRz9FtLirAU-00158-00072046-00072251 even write that and I flew with a pen zRz9FtLirAU-00159-00072252-00072405 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00160-00072406-00072648 I mean I was just fishing for a zRz9FtLirAU-00161-00072649-00073322 compliment so thank you oh geez oh geez zRz9FtLirAU-00162-00073323-00074123 that's my new favorite saying I can tell zRz9FtLirAU-00163-00074124-00074475 it's kind of murdering his eyes and a zRz9FtLirAU-00164-00074476-00074865 blood-red smile is coming to kill your zRz9FtLirAU-00165-00074866-00075078 friends thank you Sam zRz9FtLirAU-00166-00075079-00075474 oh are you okay zRz9FtLirAU-00167-00075475-00075923 oh geez that's a creepy zRz9FtLirAU-00168-00075924-00076514 ding-ding-ding-ding zRz9FtLirAU-00169-00076515-00077416 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00170-00077417-00077702 it's not like this is a measure of self zRz9FtLirAU-00171-00077703-00080300 or anything yes zRz9FtLirAU-00172-00080301-00080618 I'm this pleased with my gingerbread zRz9FtLirAU-00173-00080619-00080983 hands I think it looks pretty good zRz9FtLirAU-00174-00080984-00081617 thanks man you know where these are zRz9FtLirAU-00175-00081618-00081844 going after we're done with it zRz9FtLirAU-00176-00081845-00082466 yeah the trash trash all that trash zRz9FtLirAU-00177-00082467-00083142 trash zRz9FtLirAU-00178-00083143-00083747 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00179-00083748-00084066 my hands are gross my gingerbread house zRz9FtLirAU-00180-00084067-00085457 sucks I'm not happy zRz9FtLirAU-00181-00085458-00085629 you know I got the day on the other side zRz9FtLirAU-00182-00085630-00086099 too right no you leave you from one side zRz9FtLirAU-00183-00086100-00087511 the string oh no a snowstorm is coming zRz9FtLirAU-00184-00087512-00088729 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00185-00088730-00089105 it's snow just want to destroy it but zRz9FtLirAU-00186-00089106-00089351 since it's a prebuilt feel like really zRz9FtLirAU-00187-00089352-00090975 hard you destroyed zRz9FtLirAU-00188-00090976-00091556 now way zRz9FtLirAU-00189-00091557-00093518 I want to destroy you love you already zRz9FtLirAU-00190-00093519-00094019 know if I destroy this come I will be zRz9FtLirAU-00191-00094020-00095024 happy did you see how high that blew no zRz9FtLirAU-00192-00095025-00095113 boom zRz9FtLirAU-00193-00095114-00095651 gee I guess he really did destroy it zRz9FtLirAU-00194-00095652-00097121 geez Louise zRz9FtLirAU-00195-00097122-00097946 I can't like a wrecking ball I never hit zRz9FtLirAU-00196-00097947-00098933 so hard in love no it's a patio not my zRz9FtLirAU-00197-00098934-00100481 door like in a box step hole in the box zRz9FtLirAU-00198-00100482-00100898 step to put your blink in the Box step zRz9FtLirAU-00199-00100899-00102077 three maker open the box jeez jeez zRz9FtLirAU-00200-00102078-00102781 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00201-00102782-00103743 I can't fix it look look my hands are zRz9FtLirAU-00202-00103744-00105533 fixed zRz9FtLirAU-00203-00105533-00105806 I can't believe I can't believe you done zRz9FtLirAU-00204-00105807-00106214 this it's your house that can't be them zRz9FtLirAU-00205-00106215-00106526 okay so that is all I have zRz9FtLirAU-00206-00106527-00107224 hey guys today I hope you enjoyed our zRz9FtLirAU-00207-00107225-00107897 merry have a good holiday season I'll zRz9FtLirAU-00208-00107898-00108089 see you guys in the new year I'll be zRz9FtLirAU-00209-00108090-00108428 with my family with my friends so yeah zRz9FtLirAU-00210-00108429-00109552 no okay bye like and subscribe zRz9FtLirAU-00211-00109553-00110233 [Music] zRz9FtLirAU-00212-00110234-00110441 you zRbY1TDPoLk-00000-00001580-00002963 [Music] zRbY1TDPoLk-00001-00002964-00003386 [Laughter] zSY759jVj90-00000-00000038-00000463 why hi everybody welcome to custody zSY759jVj90-00001-00000465-00000850 matters live with my I am Danny Joan and zSY759jVj90-00002-00000851-00001187 my co-host is Wendy Perry today's zSY759jVj90-00003-00001188-00001603 special guest is Krystal shivers she is zSY759jVj90-00004-00001604-00001841 an adult child of parental alienation zSY759jVj90-00005-00001842-00002099 and she's going to share with us her zSY759jVj90-00006-00002100-00002525 story and and I guess let's begin zSY759jVj90-00007-00002526-00002818 welcome Krystal thank you so much for zSY759jVj90-00008-00002819-00003058 having me I am so glad one thing I zSY759jVj90-00009-00003059-00003340 wanted to acknowledge you of it is not zSY759jVj90-00010-00003342-00003656 easy for a child who's gone through zSY759jVj90-00011-00003657-00003947 parental alienation to really speak out zSY759jVj90-00012-00003947-00004276 sometimes it's it's a very traumatic zSY759jVj90-00013-00004277-00004472 situation especially when you realize zSY759jVj90-00014-00004473-00005186 that a parent has has perpetrated this zSY759jVj90-00015-00005187-00005390 and I'm sure there's feelings of zSY759jVj90-00016-00005391-00005804 betrayal of feeling that you were zSY759jVj90-00017-00005805-00006056 betrayed and maybe even feeling like you zSY759jVj90-00018-00006057-00006445 are betraying a relationship by speaking zSY759jVj90-00019-00006447-00006887 out so I not just do that thank you know zSY759jVj90-00020-00006888-00007151 then that has been a big like if you zSY759jVj90-00021-00007152-00007463 look at how long I've had videos out on zSY759jVj90-00022-00007464-00007660 YouTube like I put out my first video zSY759jVj90-00023-00007661-00008012 years ago very anonymously but it's been zSY759jVj90-00024-00008013-00008159 out there for years and it's been this zSY759jVj90-00025-00008159-00008552 very long slow journey for me to be able zSY759jVj90-00026-00008553-00008819 to open up more and more and share more zSY759jVj90-00027-00008820-00009121 of my story just because it's been hard zSY759jVj90-00028-00009122-00009289 to process but then there's also zSY759jVj90-00029-00009290-00009485 relationships that you do indeed feel zSY759jVj90-00030-00009486-00009742 like you're betraying by speaking out zSY759jVj90-00031-00009743-00009980 and I think it's so important that you zSY759jVj90-00032-00009981-00010214 do and as Danica was saying thank you so zSY759jVj90-00033-00010215-00010435 much for that because you know we talked zSY759jVj90-00034-00010436-00010673 about people who are experts in the zSY759jVj90-00035-00010674-00010924 field of parental alienation and I think zSY759jVj90-00036-00010925-00011177 the best experts we have are people like zSY759jVj90-00037-00011178-00011480 you who were alienated children who zSY759jVj90-00038-00011481-00011726 share their true experiences with us and zSY759jVj90-00039-00011727-00012005 I love your bio that I got from your zSY759jVj90-00040-00012006-00012160 Facebook page and your Facebook pages zSY759jVj90-00041-00012161-00012641 kid of PAS it's short and to the point zSY759jVj90-00042-00012642-00012799 I was alienated from my biological zSY759jVj90-00043-00012800-00013102 father and his family by my mother now I zSY759jVj90-00044-00013103-00013330 am grown and I want to share my journey zSY759jVj90-00045-00013331-00013386 and zSY759jVj90-00046-00013387-00013632 variances with others and so it's so zSY759jVj90-00047-00013633-00013860 important and thank you so much for for zSY759jVj90-00048-00013861-00014111 doing that it takes a lot of courage but zSY759jVj90-00049-00014112-00014271 by doing that I know you helped so many zSY759jVj90-00050-00014272-00014372 people zSY759jVj90-00051-00014372-00014799 well thank you thank you so tell us zSY759jVj90-00052-00014800-00015366 about when did your mom and dad divorce zSY759jVj90-00053-00015366-00015500 or split up zSY759jVj90-00054-00015501-00015813 when did they break up and then at what zSY759jVj90-00055-00015813-00016258 point was their parental alienation zSY759jVj90-00056-00016259-00018809 starting yeah so by the time I was about zSY759jVj90-00057-00018810-00019130 to somewhere between two and three mom zSY759jVj90-00058-00019131-00019511 and dad had I know this for sure because zSY759jVj90-00059-00019512-00019705 at that point right before I turned four zSY759jVj90-00060-00019706-00020108 my mom had remarried so he married her zSY759jVj90-00061-00020109-00020340 I'm gonna say final husband because zSY759jVj90-00062-00020341-00020508 they've been married now for about 30 zSY759jVj90-00063-00020509-00021069 years so Matt and at that point you know zSY759jVj90-00064-00021070-00021515 we we moved from a rural town in Texas zSY759jVj90-00065-00021516-00021986 to to Dallas so that right away kind of zSY759jVj90-00066-00021987-00022436 helped start the the alienation just zSY759jVj90-00067-00022437-00022683 because you know you have someone who's zSY759jVj90-00068-00022684-00022950 20 years old wants to go see his kids zSY759jVj90-00069-00022951-00023196 but being couple miles down the road zSY759jVj90-00070-00023197-00023525 they're you know three hours away start zSY759jVj90-00071-00023526-00023683 to put that physical distance between zSY759jVj90-00072-00023684-00024059 you and your dad and then so you were zSY759jVj90-00073-00024060-00024540 quite young and then what was there and zSY759jVj90-00074-00024541-00024683 I don't know what you remember because zSY759jVj90-00075-00024684-00024849 you were so young but what do you zSY759jVj90-00076-00024850-00025164 remember was there an incident where zSY759jVj90-00077-00025165-00025484 there was like a sudden cut off or was zSY759jVj90-00078-00025485-00025662 it like all of a sudden you're your dad zSY759jVj90-00079-00025663-00025778 just wasn't there zSY759jVj90-00080-00025779-00025994 how what were the first things that you zSY759jVj90-00081-00025995-00026373 remember about that situation yeah no so zSY759jVj90-00082-00026374-00026633 so definitely the first thing zSY759jVj90-00083-00026633-00027010 be the distance and then after that zSY759jVj90-00084-00027011-00027262 there was just this one day where I was zSY759jVj90-00085-00027263-00027479 I was walking through the kitchen and my zSY759jVj90-00086-00027480-00027830 older brother and he my mom's bedroom zSY759jVj90-00087-00027831-00028090 and he just crying and he doesn't stop zSY759jVj90-00088-00028091-00028307 to talk to me he runs past me to go to zSY759jVj90-00089-00028308-00028712 his room and shortly thereafter you know zSY759jVj90-00090-00028713-00028864 I'm like summoned to go into my mom's zSY759jVj90-00091-00028866-00029135 room for her to talk to me and to this zSY759jVj90-00092-00029136-00029492 day I still do not remember the details zSY759jVj90-00093-00029493-00029723 of that conversation even though I can zSY759jVj90-00094-00029724-00029951 remember like my third birthday cake zSY759jVj90-00095-00029952-00030239 look like I don't remember what was zSY759jVj90-00096-00030239-00030512 discussed all I know is my life was zSY759jVj90-00097-00030513-00030952 entirely different after that day there zSY759jVj90-00098-00030954-00031312 was a little girl Brown Street totally zSY759jVj90-00099-00031313-00031586 used to babysit sometimes and she had a zSY759jVj90-00100-00031587-00031945 very real situation where her dad was zSY759jVj90-00101-00031947-00032527 watching her and after that I haven't zSY759jVj90-00102-00032529-00032660 been able to sort that out this zSY759jVj90-00103-00032661-00032887 conversation did occur after it was zSY759jVj90-00104-00032888-00033032 revealed that this little girl had been zSY759jVj90-00105-00033033-00033470 being abused you know suddenly my dad zSY759jVj90-00106-00033471-00033840 was an abuser like physically and also zSY759jVj90-00107-00033841-00034244 and we we weren't allowed to to discuss zSY759jVj90-00108-00034245-00034396 the details of our abuse with each other zSY759jVj90-00109-00034397-00034615 because my mom said that was like too zSY759jVj90-00110-00034616-00034886 traumatic for us but you know she did zSY759jVj90-00111-00034887-00035114 let us know that things had happened to zSY759jVj90-00112-00035115-00035321 other siblings but that we weren't zSY759jVj90-00113-00035322-00035606 allowed to talk about it so now do you zSY759jVj90-00114-00035607-00035867 and I'm I'm just asking this I don't zSY759jVj90-00115-00035868-00036080 know if you think this but do you zSY759jVj90-00116-00036081-00036284 believe that the reason your mom told zSY759jVj90-00117-00036285-00036635 you kids that you couldn't just discuss zSY759jVj90-00118-00036636-00036952 it with each other is that you might put zSY759jVj90-00119-00036953-00037160 your heads together and and realize oh zSY759jVj90-00120-00037161-00037387 this didn't really happen definitely zSY759jVj90-00121-00037388-00037771 100% so she would just take little zSY759jVj90-00122-00037772-00038201 things and twist them so like as a as a zSY759jVj90-00123-00038202-00038459 young child I struggled with sensitivity zSY759jVj90-00124-00038460-00038693 to different soaps and so like if I zSY759jVj90-00125-00038694-00038977 would have taken aback it's like oh so zSY759jVj90-00126-00038978-00039477 that would cause me to have I remember zSY759jVj90-00127-00039478-00039932 being on visitation and crying because zSY759jVj90-00128-00039933-00040183 I knew and my dad with whatever reason I zSY759jVj90-00129-00040184-00040312 don't know he thought I was selling it zSY759jVj90-00130-00040313-00040540 or what but he wouldn't listen to me zSY759jVj90-00131-00040541-00040652 that I couldn't take it back with that zSY759jVj90-00132-00040653-00040883 type of soap so I was very upset because zSY759jVj90-00133-00040884-00041243 I knew that it when it was me issues and zSY759jVj90-00134-00041244-00041489 so she takes that part of the story of zSY759jVj90-00135-00041490-00041657 me being upset that I'm getting bath and zSY759jVj90-00136-00041658-00041965 then with that so Anthony takes my zSY759jVj90-00137-00041966-00042182 brother's memory of just being in the zSY759jVj90-00138-00042183-00042335 house and crystals crying because she's zSY759jVj90-00139-00042336-00042539 getting this back and it's like oh my zSY759jVj90-00140-00042540-00042596 gosh zSY759jVj90-00141-00042597-00042811 you are aware that your sister was about zSY759jVj90-00142-00042812-00043052 to be molested and like turns it into zSY759jVj90-00143-00043053-00043217 this whole thing we get we're not zSY759jVj90-00144-00043218-00043343 allowed to discuss it with each other zSY759jVj90-00145-00043344-00043826 and so then years later as adults he and zSY759jVj90-00146-00043827-00044099 I finally talked about it together like zSY759jVj90-00147-00044100-00044408 I mean it doesn't make any sense but as zSY759jVj90-00148-00044409-00044686 children you know she wanted to take zSY759jVj90-00149-00044687-00044968 opportunities where she could you know zSY759jVj90-00150-00044969-00045289 credit and print memories on us and do zSY759jVj90-00151-00045290-00045545 that which is entirely sick engrossed on zSY759jVj90-00152-00045546-00045827 her part because you know you have to zSY759jVj90-00153-00045828-00046085 bend like curl up and unpack all of this zSY759jVj90-00154-00046086-00046321 and like process it and come to terms zSY759jVj90-00155-00046322-00046532 with your whole life he thought you were zSY759jVj90-00156-00046533-00046789 subsequent you really weren't so it so zSY759jVj90-00157-00046790-00046973 you did think God I mean it did and zSY759jVj90-00158-00046974-00047423 plant those false absolutely and that zSY759jVj90-00159-00047424-00047596 was another thing that drove me nuts was zSY759jVj90-00160-00047597-00047858 that I thought because of what I've been zSY759jVj90-00161-00047859-00048133 told that I need I've had been abused zSY759jVj90-00162-00048134-00048427 but then like I can I remember right zSY759jVj90-00163-00048428-00049301 there is happen so then after she sat zSY759jVj90-00164-00049302-00049508 you and your siblings down one at a time zSY759jVj90-00165-00049509-00049751 and have these conversations with you zSY759jVj90-00166-00049752-00049933 but told you you can't discuss this with zSY759jVj90-00167-00049934-00050368 each other or yes or okay or anyone else zSY759jVj90-00168-00050369-00050573 then what did she do because I know you zSY759jVj90-00169-00050574-00050701 said that she had moved and put some zSY759jVj90-00170-00050702-00050977 physical distance but then after she had zSY759jVj90-00171-00050978-00051145 that conversation with all of you was it zSY759jVj90-00172-00051146-00051379 like an abrupt and total cut off from zSY759jVj90-00173-00051380-00051682 your dad and his family what what did zSY759jVj90-00174-00051683-00051829 what happened after she had those zSY759jVj90-00175-00051830-00052132 conversations with you kids after that zSY759jVj90-00176-00052133-00052516 she started a custody battle with my zSY759jVj90-00177-00052516-00052928 half-sisters dad so she didn't want to zSY759jVj90-00178-00052929-00053329 go after my dad's family because I zSY759jVj90-00179-00053329-00053660 your money and so I think that would not zSY759jVj90-00180-00053661-00053990 be or she could win but his but my zSY759jVj90-00181-00053991-00054187 sister's dad's family you know I think zSY759jVj90-00182-00054188-00054560 she felt like probably win in that case zSY759jVj90-00183-00054561-00054935 so she started a custody battle yeah I zSY759jVj90-00184-00054936-00055312 think wanted to also kind of detour my zSY759jVj90-00185-00055313-00055516 dad and his family for coming around as zSY759jVj90-00186-00055517-00055891 much and then I remember you know she zSY759jVj90-00187-00055892-00056111 would it would seem like every time I'm zSY759jVj90-00188-00056112-00056266 around the time he was about to show up zSY759jVj90-00189-00056267-00056546 you know no cell phones back then he zSY759jVj90-00190-00056547-00056786 would call either before he left the zSY759jVj90-00191-00056787-00057110 town he was living in or he was getting zSY759jVj90-00192-00057111-00057424 into the Dallas and he would just you zSY759jVj90-00193-00057425-00057538 know want to make sure that we're still zSY759jVj90-00194-00057539-00057848 available you know ready to be picked up zSY759jVj90-00195-00057849-00058334 and you know fight with him and he very zSY759jVj90-00196-00058335-00058571 bad temper so he would just get mad and zSY759jVj90-00197-00058572-00058961 then drive all the way home and she tell zSY759jVj90-00198-00058962-00059179 us that she'd picked his fight so she'd zSY759jVj90-00199-00059180-00059348 let us you know sit outside on the front zSY759jVj90-00200-00059349-00059593 steps hitting our hearts broken that zSY759jVj90-00201-00059594-00059759 he's not going to come by and pick us up zSY759jVj90-00202-00059760-00059917 so you know there's the physical zSY759jVj90-00203-00059919-00060098 boundary and and now but here it's the zSY759jVj90-00204-00060099-00060599 story of gold it is also a bad guy that zSY759jVj90-00205-00060600-00060779 hurts you so do you really want to be zSY759jVj90-00206-00060779-00061081 seeing this person wow you know you must zSY759jVj90-00207-00061082-00061385 have felt I mean I'm only asking I don't zSY759jVj90-00208-00061386-00061579 know this but I would assume that you zSY759jVj90-00209-00061580-00061792 felt kind of terrified of him at that zSY759jVj90-00210-00061794-00062005 point I mean did you feel really afraid zSY759jVj90-00211-00062006-00062612 of him no as a child I'd never felt to zSY759jVj90-00212-00062613-00062779 this day I've never felt afraid of them zSY759jVj90-00213-00062780-00063215 and and I think it's because I just I zSY759jVj90-00214-00063216-00063556 couldn't remember anything that she was zSY759jVj90-00215-00063557-00063838 telling us about him and around the same zSY759jVj90-00216-00063839-00064097 time that all this came out too like we zSY759jVj90-00217-00064098-00064426 changed churches she stopped sending us zSY759jVj90-00218-00064427-00064819 to public school there was like all of zSY759jVj90-00219-00064820-00065041 these changes happening at once all over zSY759jVj90-00220-00065042-00065249 for any hurt changing all at once and zSY759jVj90-00221-00065250-00065840 you know crying and my mom being like zSY759jVj90-00222-00065841-00066017 why are you hurting and really a crack zSY759jVj90-00223-00066018-00066299 as I miss my dad but I can't tell my mom zSY759jVj90-00224-00066300-00066487 that cuz I know it's gonna upset her so zSY759jVj90-00225-00066488-00066575 I'm like oh zSY759jVj90-00226-00066576-00066812 at school or I miss my friends at church zSY759jVj90-00227-00066813-00067018 so I knew that I wasn't allowed to be zSY759jVj90-00228-00067019-00067373 open and honest with her and also zSY759jVj90-00229-00067374-00067517 learned at an early age to hide my zSY759jVj90-00230-00067518-00067849 emotions and just not show emotion zSY759jVj90-00231-00067850-00068294 wow I just my glowing because when you zSY759jVj90-00232-00068295-00068535 think about like the role of a parent zSY759jVj90-00233-00068536-00068786 and in fact and sometimes in these zSY759jVj90-00234-00068787-00069090 families these dynamics of parental zSY759jVj90-00235-00069091-00069297 alienation and the families you can zSY759jVj90-00236-00069298-00069609 almost see the justification that a zSY759jVj90-00237-00069610-00069955 parent has for doing what they do zSY759jVj90-00238-00069956-00070448 albeit unhealthy but in in your story zSY759jVj90-00239-00070449-00070878 it's like this blatant lie you know zSY759jVj90-00240-00070879-00071385 conspiracy too tall cost to you know to zSY759jVj90-00241-00071386-00071768 get in your heads yeah absolutely zSY759jVj90-00242-00071769-00072011 I mean first it started out just with zSY759jVj90-00243-00072012-00072317 you you've been physically abused and zSY759jVj90-00244-00072318-00072540 physically threatened and then you've zSY759jVj90-00245-00072541-00072782 also been you know sexually abused and zSY759jVj90-00246-00072783-00073053 then I don't even remember zSY759jVj90-00247-00073054-00073278 at what age this part of the narrative zSY759jVj90-00248-00073279-00073572 developed but it ended up coming out at zSY759jVj90-00249-00073573-00073746 some point that that he was actually zSY759jVj90-00250-00073747-00073985 part of like this Tanika cult where they zSY759jVj90-00251-00073986-00074216 did awful horrible things to children zSY759jVj90-00252-00074217-00074385 and we were each one being groomed zSY759jVj90-00253-00074386-00074616 differently to participate in this cult zSY759jVj90-00254-00074617-00075092 as we grew up and so what it ended up zSY759jVj90-00255-00075093-00075305 happening was it was like not only was I zSY759jVj90-00256-00075306-00075569 late freaked out at that point yes I was zSY759jVj90-00257-00075570-00075776 freaked out by my dad sandy I'm scared zSY759jVj90-00258-00075777-00075854 because I didn't think that would zSY759jVj90-00259-00075855-00076047 actually do anything but I was very zSY759jVj90-00260-00076048-00076460 freaked out but then it also it helped zSY759jVj90-00261-00076461-00076754 to because you know some time or another zSY759jVj90-00262-00076755-00077253 in the 90s the the home school got zSY759jVj90-00263-00077254-00077588 really into their own subculture where zSY759jVj90-00264-00077589-00077842 they wanted to certainly ship and zSY759jVj90-00265-00077843-00078222 patrols and things so this narrative of zSY759jVj90-00266-00078223-00078404 you were born into a cult suddenly gave zSY759jVj90-00267-00078405-00078603 her even more power and control over our zSY759jVj90-00268-00078604-00078887 lives because now we didn't even get a zSY759jVj90-00269-00078888-00079185 say in who day and we would marry zSY759jVj90-00270-00079186-00079403 because they could have been sent from zSY759jVj90-00271-00079404-00079724 the cult so we really needed to embrace zSY759jVj90-00272-00079725-00080021 this biblical courtship zSY759jVj90-00273-00080022-00080259 philosophies so that the whole family zSY759jVj90-00274-00080260-00080462 could vet the person and ensure that we zSY759jVj90-00275-00080463-00080649 wouldn't be sucked back into the cult zSY759jVj90-00276-00080650-00080894 like he got really creepy and there zSY759jVj90-00277-00080895-00081319 wasn't she really wanted to isolate you zSY759jVj90-00278-00081320-00081560 really and really control your zSY759jVj90-00279-00081561-00081857 environment in all aspects your zSY759jVj90-00280-00081858-00082187 schooling your friendships all of your zSY759jVj90-00281-00082188-00082475 relationships keep you isolated and zSY759jVj90-00282-00082476-00082730 controlled really as a barrier to your zSY759jVj90-00283-00082731-00083037 dad and his family right though so you zSY759jVj90-00284-00083038-00083330 were alienated from your dad or you zSY759jVj90-00285-00083331-00083478 didn't have a relationship with him for zSY759jVj90-00286-00083479-00083637 17 years zSY759jVj90-00287-00083638-00084141 that is such such a long time and I know zSY759jVj90-00288-00084142-00084607 we can't go over all 17 years but what zSY759jVj90-00289-00084608-00084861 how old were you during those 17 years zSY759jVj90-00290-00084862-00085076 first of all from what age to what age zSY759jVj90-00291-00085077-00085440 and and what was the majority of your zSY759jVj90-00292-00085441-00085647 thoughts during those 17 years were you zSY759jVj90-00293-00085648-00085994 were you missing him were you confused zSY759jVj90-00294-00085995-00086442 about what happened were you did you zSY759jVj90-00295-00086443-00086592 feel sure that he didn't do anything zSY759jVj90-00296-00086593-00086766 wrong but you just weren't sure how to zSY759jVj90-00297-00086767-00086969 handle the situation like can you kind zSY759jVj90-00298-00086970-00087155 of tell us what was going on in your zSY759jVj90-00299-00087156-00087557 mind during those 17 years yeah so to zSY759jVj90-00300-00087558-00087849 help tell my story just because it's zSY759jVj90-00301-00087850-00088181 like such a span of time on my my cover zSY759jVj90-00302-00088182-00088706 on my my timeline so I've got like 1919 zSY759jVj90-00303-00088707-00088973 one last time I saw my dad as a child zSY759jVj90-00304-00088974-00089409 2008 reconnected after 17 years so in zSY759jVj90-00305-00089410-00089859 2008 you know 23 years old a lot zSY759jVj90-00306-00089860-00090101 happened a lot fired in the piers zSY759jVj90-00307-00090102-00090516 obviously it's a lifetime so it was just zSY759jVj90-00308-00090517-00090887 like this constant like what the heck zSY759jVj90-00309-00090888-00091092 kind of thing because it's like you know zSY759jVj90-00310-00091093-00091205 they're being told we were born into zSY759jVj90-00311-00091206-00091349 this cult and so then you're like oh and zSY759jVj90-00312-00091350-00091544 I kind of feel like lucky got away from zSY759jVj90-00313-00091545-00091712 it so then you feel like happy that zSY759jVj90-00314-00091713-00091974 you're isolated and away from it but zSY759jVj90-00315-00091975-00092190 then like you know my mom would even zSY759jVj90-00316-00092191-00092448 like freak us out by you know they only zSY759jVj90-00317-00092449-00092606 drive Chevy's and they like white wings zSY759jVj90-00318-00092607-00092784 so you should be scared of me zSY759jVj90-00319-00092785-00093051 yes for me that you seen so please you zSY759jVj90-00320-00093052-00093357 know you see a white SUV you show me and zSY759jVj90-00321-00093358-00093549 you kind of get like this pain in your zSY759jVj90-00322-00093550-00093723 stomach like oh my gosh I hope it's not zSY759jVj90-00323-00093724-00094011 them coming to try to kidnap me and then zSY759jVj90-00324-00094012-00094266 she would also do weird things to like zSY759jVj90-00325-00094267-00094464 sneak out at night and like play around zSY759jVj90-00326-00094465-00094767 across the car and be like I bet you zSY759jVj90-00327-00094768-00095067 their house just anything she can do to zSY759jVj90-00328-00095068-00095295 try to keep us freaked out and zSY759jVj90-00329-00095296-00095766 disinterested in wanting engagement with zSY759jVj90-00330-00095767-00096213 my dad and his family and then the way zSY759jVj90-00331-00096214-00096366 that I ended up reconnecting with him zSY759jVj90-00332-00096367-00096600 because a lot of people they wonder zSY759jVj90-00333-00096601-00096825 about that and it's so calm so zSY759jVj90-00334-00096826-00097248 complicated but basically also around 23 zSY759jVj90-00335-00097249-00097554 like 22 years old I realized I'm gay and zSY759jVj90-00336-00097555-00097917 I'm like okay this is finally I feel zSY759jVj90-00337-00097918-00098103 good about myself I feel at peace about zSY759jVj90-00338-00098104-00098481 this realization and so I tell my zSY759jVj90-00339-00098482-00098745 brother and I tell my sister and they zSY759jVj90-00340-00098746-00098985 end up telling my mom before I got the zSY759jVj90-00341-00098986-00099210 chance to tell her so I didn't get to zSY759jVj90-00342-00099211-00099449 control the optics on that conversation zSY759jVj90-00343-00099450-00099900 instead it was like oh my god like the zSY759jVj90-00344-00099901-00100113 world is over we need to send you to zSY759jVj90-00345-00100114-00100365 conversion therapy like we can fix you zSY759jVj90-00346-00100366-00100698 type type kind of thing so while I'm in zSY759jVj90-00347-00100699-00100986 the process of seeing this therapist is zSY759jVj90-00348-00100987-00101202 like a fasiq counselor that's going to zSY759jVj90-00349-00101203-00101391 help me from this biblical perspective zSY759jVj90-00350-00101392-00101718 and all this I'm in complete lockdown zSY759jVj90-00351-00101719-00102003 mode like my mom's tracking the mileage zSY759jVj90-00352-00102004-00102315 almighty house without anyone I'm gonna zSY759jVj90-00353-00102316-00102564 love have access to the Internet or a zSY759jVj90-00354-00102565-00102758 computer without something sitting or zSY759jVj90-00355-00102759-00103057 physically with me like I you know any zSY759jVj90-00356-00103058-00103290 temptation I'm not allowed to have but zSY759jVj90-00357-00103291-00103867 the outside becoming straight again and zSY759jVj90-00358-00103868-00104156 one day I have to go to therapy and zSY759jVj90-00359-00104157-00104636 nobody can accompany me and so you know zSY759jVj90-00360-00104638-00104744 my mom tells me I'm tracking your zSY759jVj90-00361-00104745-00104877 mileage I know how many miles are gonna zSY759jVj90-00362-00104878-00105099 go round trips if you do anything that I zSY759jVj90-00363-00105100-00105249 told you not to do like I'm going to zSY759jVj90-00364-00105250-00105594 know so I'm like okay okay so I drive zSY759jVj90-00365-00105595-00105918 there and I see this gas station that's zSY759jVj90-00366-00105919-00105997 on my way zSY759jVj90-00367-00105998-00106318 and they have Python so I get out and I zSY759jVj90-00368-00106319-00106438 had my best friend's phone number zSY759jVj90-00369-00106439-00106681 memorized and I call her and thank God zSY759jVj90-00370-00106682-00107038 she answered and I said you know I knew zSY759jVj90-00371-00107039-00107206 that my dad had his own business so I zSY759jVj90-00372-00107207-00107398 knew that his name was everywhere and zSY759jVj90-00373-00107399-00107578 natality lived in and his phone number zSY759jVj90-00374-00107579-00107863 should be out there so I said I need zSY759jVj90-00375-00107864-00108250 right now to look up this name on the zSY759jVj90-00376-00108251-00108384 internet and tell me the phone number zSY759jVj90-00377-00108385-00108660 and she was like okay whatever he does zSY759jVj90-00378-00108661-00108885 it and she's like anything else I'm like zSY759jVj90-00379-00108886-00109000 no I'll talk to you later bye zSY759jVj90-00380-00109001-00109213 and like I took the phone number and zSY759jVj90-00381-00109214-00109447 then I knew that if I rushed home I zSY759jVj90-00382-00109448-00109768 could she got that from whatever errand zSY759jVj90-00383-00109769-00110103 she ran through and I could call him so zSY759jVj90-00384-00110104-00110464 I did because I was like everyone in my zSY759jVj90-00385-00110465-00110677 community thinks that I'm going to hell zSY759jVj90-00386-00110678-00110722 right now zSY759jVj90-00387-00110723-00111052 no one's born out of the situation but zSY759jVj90-00388-00111053-00111244 this isn't a good situation to be in and zSY759jVj90-00389-00111245-00111514 I need someone to help me and that was zSY759jVj90-00390-00111515-00111682 like the only person that I could think zSY759jVj90-00391-00111683-00111891 of and I didn't know if he was a zSY759jVj90-00392-00111892-00112063 homophobe I didn't know where was he zSY759jVj90-00393-00112064-00112300 before I guys just speaking a stab in zSY759jVj90-00394-00112301-00112552 the dark and called the guy you thought zSY759jVj90-00395-00112553-00112798 it was it was worth a chance yeah yeah zSY759jVj90-00396-00112799-00113178 let me just try this and then I was zSY759jVj90-00397-00113179-00113653 hoping you know hey certainly hope that zSY759jVj90-00398-00113654-00113859 he doesn't call her and tell her that zSY759jVj90-00399-00113860-00114271 I've told hold he tells his mother his zSY759jVj90-00400-00114272-00114547 mother calls my mother and boom they're zSY759jVj90-00401-00114548-00115053 talking and now I'm watching my mom and zSY759jVj90-00402-00115054-00115260 I know she's just assuming right it's zSY759jVj90-00403-00115261-00115447 just like how dare you call him you zSY759jVj90-00404-00115448-00115600 called the enemy that's what she kept zSY759jVj90-00405-00115601-00115915 saying so so there she is zSY759jVj90-00406-00115916-00116233 on the phone and like I'm the only one zSY759jVj90-00407-00116233-00116466 that's called because she's giving an zSY759jVj90-00408-00116467-00116766 update to this woman who supposedly like zSY759jVj90-00409-00116767-00116965 has the son that's this massive cult zSY759jVj90-00410-00116966-00117220 leader giving an update on each one for zSY759jVj90-00411-00117221-00117483 five kids to this woman and I'm sitting zSY759jVj90-00412-00117484-00117724 there like if I'm in danger I'm in zSY759jVj90-00413-00117725-00117879 danger you want me to give information zSY759jVj90-00414-00117880-00118183 about my siblings to this woman to put zSY759jVj90-00415-00118183-00118365 us all in danger now had she stayed zSY759jVj90-00416-00118366-00118641 connected with your dad's mom had she zSY759jVj90-00417-00118642-00118882 I had no idea but it was like they were zSY759jVj90-00418-00118883-00119214 cranks it was super weird Wow zSY759jVj90-00419-00119215-00119332 yes that zSY759jVj90-00420-00119333-00119680 weird it was so strange and so you know zSY759jVj90-00421-00119681-00119851 my mom gets off the phone and then she zSY759jVj90-00422-00119852-00120060 starts you know trying to now turn all zSY759jVj90-00423-00120061-00120364 my siblings against me because this was zSY759jVj90-00424-00120365-00120860 opened up Pandora's box Wow and I'm like zSY759jVj90-00425-00120861-00121153 okay so that was like it wasn't my light zSY759jVj90-00426-00121154-00121315 bulb moment but it was definitely a zSY759jVj90-00427-00121316-00121624 spark to the bulb because I'm like okay zSY759jVj90-00428-00121625-00121792 something's not right here zSY759jVj90-00429-00121793-00121986 why would you share information with zSY759jVj90-00430-00121988-00122341 this woman why would you talk to her and zSY759jVj90-00431-00122342-00122596 why are you now I just I seen it I was zSY759jVj90-00432-00122597-00122779 just like oh all sudden we're now trying zSY759jVj90-00433-00122780-00123100 to turn all my siblings against me so I zSY759jVj90-00434-00123101-00123280 started feeling like now I was going to zSY759jVj90-00435-00123281-00123819 be the a alienated mm-hmm Wow Wow zSY759jVj90-00436-00123820-00124501 goodness so things started opening up zSY759jVj90-00437-00124502-00124818 like layers started peeling away and zSY759jVj90-00438-00124819-00125155 around this and just to kind of jump zSY759jVj90-00439-00125156-00125527 because of time what how long did it zSY759jVj90-00440-00125528-00125899 take for you well have you reestablished zSY759jVj90-00441-00125900-00126169 a relationship with your father and and zSY759jVj90-00442-00126170-00126510 what is it like yes so after that I mean zSY759jVj90-00443-00126511-00126667 obviously it was kind of like I can't zSY759jVj90-00444-00126668-00126946 trust you because I just called you and zSY759jVj90-00445-00126947-00127195 he's like had your mom call my mom this zSY759jVj90-00446-00127196-00127630 is not an ideal situation so it ended up zSY759jVj90-00447-00127631-00127942 being like another year before I was zSY759jVj90-00448-00127943-00128131 able to talk to him again and once again zSY759jVj90-00449-00128132-00128308 it was because aunt had been calling me zSY759jVj90-00450-00128308-00128407 going hey you know give him another zSY759jVj90-00451-00128408-00128806 chance another chance so you know I did zSY759jVj90-00452-00128807-00129193 and it wasn't a good time in his life he zSY759jVj90-00453-00129194-00129526 he had a wife that was very ill and she zSY759jVj90-00454-00129527-00129724 she was struggling with cancer and zSY759jVj90-00455-00129725-00130086 whatnot and so he and I kind of like we zSY759jVj90-00456-00130088-00130357 didn't really do much and then I like in zSY759jVj90-00457-00130358-00130824 2009 we lose touch called 2015 we were zSY759jVj90-00458-00130825-00131194 reconnected again so it took a lot of zSY759jVj90-00459-00131195-00131572 time trying to build a relationship and zSY759jVj90-00460-00131573-00131881 trying to get to know each other and it zSY759jVj90-00461-00131882-00131992 was strange because I know someone zSY759jVj90-00462-00131993-00132232 asking what was that like they see you zSY759jVj90-00463-00132233-00132370 dead you've not seen it zSY759jVj90-00464-00132371-00132646 it was not like 23 years okay so that's zSY759jVj90-00465-00132647-00132898 the someone that's supposed to be so zSY759jVj90-00466-00132899-00133075 close to you and was like you don't ever zSY759jVj90-00467-00133076-00133261 you're out I'm waking you so pretty like zSY759jVj90-00468-00133262-00133507 live in the flesh you know you just hurt zSY759jVj90-00469-00133508-00133723 them because it's are they real same zSY759jVj90-00470-00133724-00133921 kind of thing it's like yeah he's not zSY759jVj90-00471-00133922-00134140 famous but to me like I knew he was out zSY759jVj90-00472-00134141-00134553 there I knew it I was gonna stare at him zSY759jVj90-00473-00134554-00134854 no you knew you said you knew he had his zSY759jVj90-00474-00134855-00135085 own business his name was all over this zSY759jVj90-00475-00135086-00135526 particular town and so that sounds like zSY759jVj90-00476-00135527-00135775 you always had a curiosity about him zSY759jVj90-00477-00135776-00136042 somehow you were always kind of had an zSY759jVj90-00478-00136043-00136210 awareness of him maybe thinking about zSY759jVj90-00479-00136211-00136672 him and were you um were you seeking zSY759jVj90-00480-00136673-00136870 information about him just to kind of zSY759jVj90-00481-00136871-00137026 know where he was and what he was doing zSY759jVj90-00482-00137027-00137452 this is a question that most alienated zSY759jVj90-00483-00137453-00137740 parents have is is my does my child zSY759jVj90-00484-00137741-00137980 really think of me are they looking at zSY759jVj90-00485-00137981-00138253 what I do online are they secretly zSY759jVj90-00486-00138254-00138661 trying to just watch me just just to zSY759jVj90-00487-00138662-00139000 have a secret connection to me so were zSY759jVj90-00488-00139001-00139156 you always thinking about him and kind zSY759jVj90-00489-00139157-00139315 of looking into what he was doing and zSY759jVj90-00490-00139316-00139561 where he was yeah I don't think there zSY759jVj90-00491-00139562-00139768 was it was a day that went by that I zSY759jVj90-00492-00139769-00140029 didn't think about my dad I didn't think zSY759jVj90-00493-00140030-00140239 about the supposed situation that I was zSY759jVj90-00494-00140240-00140584 in it really just kinda like being in zSY759jVj90-00495-00140585-00141172 bondage actually and I so my mom's zSY759jVj90-00496-00141173-00141343 family actually lives like a couple of zSY759jVj90-00497-00141344-00141499 miles from him like they all live in zSY759jVj90-00498-00141500-00141784 single town and so anytime I'm all would zSY759jVj90-00499-00141785-00142387 talk to her family something like that zSY759jVj90-00500-00142388-00142645 then of course you have a scepter you zSY759jVj90-00501-00142646-00142834 know I got a little bit all over her and zSY759jVj90-00502-00142835-00143008 he was you know looking around the zSY759jVj90-00503-00143009-00143395 internet I would find out what's he been zSY759jVj90-00504-00143396-00143437 up to zSY759jVj90-00505-00143438-00143923 has he had any more kids another and you zSY759jVj90-00506-00143924-00144136 know booked I'd found his Facebook page zSY759jVj90-00507-00144137-00144526 so you mean you're curious you look sure zSY759jVj90-00508-00144527-00144877 so from his perspective looking at it zSY759jVj90-00509-00144878-00145264 from his perspective was he had he given zSY759jVj90-00510-00145265-00145659 up on having a relationship I mean zSY759jVj90-00511-00145660-00145935 if and I know that you this all started zSY759jVj90-00512-00145936-00146217 like in the 90s where you didn't social zSY759jVj90-00513-00146218-00146580 media was not a thing and like that so zSY759jVj90-00514-00146581-00146883 there is that I've got a couple of zSY759jVj90-00515-00146884-00147333 questions with technology there's not as zSY759jVj90-00516-00147334-00147687 much room to just like for a parent to zSY759jVj90-00517-00147688-00148053 just disappear so much but but also zSY759jVj90-00518-00148054-00148224 there's the other side of it because he zSY759jVj90-00519-00148225-00148686 was so close I have to wonder what had zSY759jVj90-00520-00148687-00149241 him not continue you know like to keep zSY759jVj90-00521-00149242-00149580 trying to reach out to you or Diddy yeah zSY759jVj90-00522-00149581-00149910 so I think with him and this is like zSY759jVj90-00523-00149911-00150186 very over simplistic but I think that it zSY759jVj90-00524-00150187-00150558 sometimes simple works whatever woman zSY759jVj90-00525-00150559-00150699 he's with at the time that's who he's zSY759jVj90-00526-00150700-00151125 preoccupied with at the time so after he zSY759jVj90-00527-00151126-00151488 was with my mom align the same age and zSY759jVj90-00528-00151489-00151764 dealt with all that chaos he married it zSY759jVj90-00529-00151765-00152181 was like she had three children there zSY759jVj90-00530-00152182-00152517 were like teenagers and nine and so like zSY759jVj90-00531-00152518-00152766 it was a different focus she was very zSY759jVj90-00532-00152767-00153078 business minded and they started a zSY759jVj90-00533-00153079-00153213 couple of different businesses together zSY759jVj90-00534-00153214-00153387 and that was that was his life that's zSY759jVj90-00535-00153388-00153764 all he produced on I also think that he zSY759jVj90-00536-00153765-00154134 doesn't have the dista fortitude to zSY759jVj90-00537-00154135-00154452 handle a lot of rejection and I think zSY759jVj90-00538-00154453-00154575 that he knew he was gonna be rejected zSY759jVj90-00539-00154576-00154845 and because I've seen it now where zSY759jVj90-00540-00154846-00155061 anytime you know we've had any sort of zSY759jVj90-00541-00155062-00155376 conflicts he shuts down and when what zSY759jVj90-00542-00155377-00155625 I've told him it's okay listen you know zSY759jVj90-00543-00155626-00155862 we're humans and we don't know each zSY759jVj90-00544-00155863-00156066 other but we're related to each other zSY759jVj90-00545-00156067-00156252 and I'd like to know you and we're gonna zSY759jVj90-00546-00156253-00156444 have hard conversations that's part of zSY759jVj90-00547-00156445-00156645 being a human that's part of having a zSY759jVj90-00548-00156646-00156903 relationship and we did you know zSY759jVj90-00549-00156904-00157029 whenever it's time for a hard zSY759jVj90-00550-00157030-00157179 conversation you don't need to call your zSY759jVj90-00551-00157180-00157371 mom and have her call me to like tell me zSY759jVj90-00552-00157372-00157566 your side like we need to have this zSY759jVj90-00553-00157567-00157881 conversation so I think for him it's zSY759jVj90-00554-00157882-00158124 easier for him to retreat I just focus zSY759jVj90-00555-00158125-00158250 on whatever one when he's lit at the zSY759jVj90-00556-00158251-00158580 time and you know some oh he wasn't very zSY759jVj90-00557-00158581-00158734 actively looking for me I don't zSY759jVj90-00558-00158735-00158989 um I think he was happy when he got zSY759jVj90-00559-00158990-00159136 updates about me but I don't think it zSY759jVj90-00560-00159137-00159586 was like a preoccupation Wow do you wish zSY759jVj90-00561-00159587-00160021 that he had tried harder to okay zSY759jVj90-00562-00160022-00160315 yeah no and that's been a big source of zSY759jVj90-00563-00160316-00160897 hurt for me is I I'm like why didn't you zSY759jVj90-00564-00160898-00161095 fight for me why didn't you look for me zSY759jVj90-00565-00161096-00161413 I'm here period and like I found it cuz zSY759jVj90-00566-00161414-00161665 I had this weird rare illness as a child zSY759jVj90-00567-00161666-00161821 that almost killed me zSY759jVj90-00568-00161822-00161974 and I know he called the hospital and I zSY759jVj90-00569-00161975-00162097 know he talked to my mom and know they zSY759jVj90-00570-00162098-00162298 had a fight and that's it but you knew zSY759jVj90-00571-00162299-00162568 here I was you know what for it was on zSY759jVj90-00572-00162569-00162874 like you knew but you never came and zSY759jVj90-00573-00162875-00163278 then my stepsister she also had zSY759jVj90-00574-00163279-00163471 something happen which she was about 11 zSY759jVj90-00575-00163472-00163843 and he knows all the details about the zSY759jVj90-00576-00163844-00164004 medically induced coma that she was in zSY759jVj90-00577-00164005-00164194 everything and one day when he was zSY759jVj90-00578-00164195-00164401 telling me about it like I started zSY759jVj90-00579-00164402-00164632 crying I'm like why am i crying you know zSY759jVj90-00580-00164633-00164761 like oh I'm crying because you know the zSY759jVj90-00581-00164762-00164938 details about what happened to her but zSY759jVj90-00582-00164939-00165070 you don't know details about what zSY759jVj90-00583-00165071-00165204 happened to me because you were there zSY759jVj90-00584-00165205-00165574 for her why are you there for me what zSY759jVj90-00585-00165575-00165802 about your relationship now with your zSY759jVj90-00586-00165803-00166012 siblings if you want to talk about that zSY759jVj90-00587-00166013-00166357 because what we hear a lot but we don't zSY759jVj90-00588-00166358-00166639 talk about it a lot is how this really zSY759jVj90-00589-00166640-00166921 fractures many relationships within the zSY759jVj90-00590-00166922-00167253 family not just you and your dad so how zSY759jVj90-00591-00167254-00167485 has this affected if you don't mind zSY759jVj90-00592-00167486-00167614 talking about it how has this affected zSY759jVj90-00593-00167615-00167824 your relationship with your siblings I zSY759jVj90-00594-00167825-00168007 don't have a relationship with any of my zSY759jVj90-00595-00168008-00168556 first place and what just like blows my zSY759jVj90-00596-00168557-00169068 mind about it is you know beautiful zSY759jVj90-00597-00169069-00169360 break in the relationship was that I zSY759jVj90-00598-00169361-00169534 reached out to my biological father so zSY759jVj90-00599-00169535-00169684 now suddenly I was the enemy zSY759jVj90-00600-00169685-00169882 no one could talk to me because they all zSY759jVj90-00601-00169883-00170137 sincerely believed that he was part of zSY759jVj90-00602-00170138-00170326 this offering or occult and that they zSY759jVj90-00603-00170327-00170536 were going be like caught and tortured zSY759jVj90-00604-00170537-00170671 and all kinds of horrible things zSY759jVj90-00605-00170672-00170872 happened to them because of me so they zSY759jVj90-00606-00170873-00171054 wanted nothing to do with me and I spent zSY759jVj90-00607-00171055-00171187 forever zSY759jVj90-00608-00171188-00171376 trying to get my brother to believe me zSY759jVj90-00609-00171377-00171603 that a bit this isn't the thing this zSY759jVj90-00610-00171604-00171760 isn't real zSY759jVj90-00611-00171761-00172044 eventually he did finally come to Texas zSY759jVj90-00612-00172045-00172283 he met my dad and everything which I zSY759jVj90-00613-00172284-00172710 never thought that happened but my other zSY759jVj90-00614-00172711-00173010 three siblings just completely cut me zSY759jVj90-00615-00173011-00173295 out of their lives but my only zSY759jVj90-00616-00173296-00173583 vindication and my own like okay yes and zSY759jVj90-00617-00173584-00173901 this whole situation is none of them zSY759jVj90-00618-00173902-00174327 talk to neither the common denominator zSY759jVj90-00619-00174328-00174789 now you know what it just struck me as zSY759jVj90-00620-00174790-00175143 so ironic that your mom had this big zSY759jVj90-00621-00175144-00175449 story about how your dad was involved in zSY759jVj90-00622-00175450-00175758 a cult when in fact she actually created zSY759jVj90-00623-00175759-00176114 a cult herself right she had built a zSY759jVj90-00624-00176115-00176364 parental alienation cult is what I call zSY759jVj90-00625-00176365-00176604 it she really she actually had formed a zSY759jVj90-00626-00176605-00176961 cult and then you broke free from the zSY759jVj90-00627-00176962-00177252 cult and as you said then you were the zSY759jVj90-00628-00177253-00177441 enemy because when there is a cult like zSY759jVj90-00629-00177442-00177645 that a parental alienation cult you're zSY759jVj90-00630-00177646-00177852 either in the cult or you're out you're zSY759jVj90-00631-00177853-00178050 either a cult member or you are an enemy zSY759jVj90-00632-00178051-00178326 of the cult and you became an enemy of zSY759jVj90-00633-00178327-00178845 her cult that's exactly what was going zSY759jVj90-00634-00178846-00179163 through my head is this sounds so much zSY759jVj90-00635-00179164-00179532 like a cult and like the indoctrination zSY759jVj90-00636-00179533-00179883 the the taboos and and all that around zSY759jVj90-00637-00179884-00180417 it don't don't cross that Wow no joke zSY759jVj90-00638-00180418-00180591 around that I escaped the cult of my zSY759jVj90-00639-00180592-00181269 mother's name how is your relationship zSY759jVj90-00640-00181270-00182162 with your dad now so like I said we zSY759jVj90-00641-00182163-00182472 he doesn't really reach out and you know zSY759jVj90-00642-00182473-00182895 it's so that's kind of where I'm at and zSY759jVj90-00643-00182896-00183273 and you know and that could be having zSY759jVj90-00644-00183274-00183447 having really nothing at all to do with zSY759jVj90-00645-00183448-00183728 parental alienation that just might be zSY759jVj90-00646-00183729-00184008 him I think it it it's just his zSY759jVj90-00647-00184009-00184305 personality and right it was one of zSY759jVj90-00648-00184306-00184500 those things where it was hard on me at zSY759jVj90-00649-00184501-00184665 first because like I took over a year zSY759jVj90-00650-00184666-00184875 after we reconnected the finally falling zSY759jVj90-00651-00184876-00185067 down so I don't want you to kind of earn zSY759jVj90-00652-00185068-00185307 this and then zSY759jVj90-00653-00185308-00185580 you know he decided it was time for him zSY759jVj90-00654-00185581-00185724 to get back out on the dating scene and zSY759jVj90-00655-00185725-00186003 he did and I was just like I just don't zSY759jVj90-00656-00186004-00186225 not into this anymore like you don't zSY759jVj90-00657-00186226-00186375 call me anymore you talk to me anymore zSY759jVj90-00658-00186376-00186678 I've planned to go see you when you're zSY759jVj90-00659-00186679-00187182 like okay you know it's just kinda like zSY759jVj90-00660-00187183-00187569 what are your priorities and obviously I zSY759jVj90-00661-00187570-00187899 survived hearing you may be mean not to zSY759jVj90-00662-00187900-00188427 sound like a sinner but so what was it zSY759jVj90-00663-00188428-00188654 that made you want to share your story zSY759jVj90-00664-00188655-00189003 to other people because that is huge and zSY759jVj90-00665-00189004-00189303 so what what motivated you would zSY759jVj90-00666-00189304-00189474 inspired you what made you think I want zSY759jVj90-00667-00189475-00189668 to I want to talk about this publicly zSY759jVj90-00668-00189669-00190173 yeah so when I came out as gay because zSY759jVj90-00669-00190174-00190821 it was you know and when I came out I zSY759jVj90-00670-00190822-00191157 wasn't allowed to tell her friends and zSY759jVj90-00671-00191158-00191549 Mail so all of a sudden these people zSY759jVj90-00672-00191550-00191892 like kids started reaching out to me zSY759jVj90-00673-00191893-00192096 because they were like oh my gosh zSY759jVj90-00674-00192097-00192291 there's another one of us like I was zSY759jVj90-00675-00192292-00192822 like safety so I started thinking about zSY759jVj90-00676-00192823-00193113 from alienation wondering like the same zSY759jVj90-00677-00193114-00193389 thing they're like people out there zSY759jVj90-00678-00193390-00193752 don't know that yeah that is your kid zSY759jVj90-00679-00193753-00193938 can come out on the other side have that zSY759jVj90-00680-00193939-00194253 moment income realization maybe maybe it zSY759jVj90-00681-00194254-00194496 will be comforting maybe I can help zSY759jVj90-00682-00194497-00194712 because you know we're surely I'm not zSY759jVj90-00683-00194713-00194928 going to go through all this you know zSY759jVj90-00684-00194929-00195231 not help someone so a question I have zSY759jVj90-00685-00195232-00195402 for you is I know your relationship with zSY759jVj90-00686-00195403-00195615 your dad has got us ups and downs I zSY759jVj90-00687-00195616-00195786 think a lot of those ups and downs zSY759jVj90-00688-00195787-00196011 sounds like it's just his personality zSY759jVj90-00689-00196012-00196412 and your personality and but are you zSY759jVj90-00690-00196413-00196737 even with the ups and downs are you glad zSY759jVj90-00691-00196738-00197166 that you reached out and reconnected zSY759jVj90-00692-00197167-00197498 with your dad and what would you say to zSY759jVj90-00693-00197499-00197850 alienated kids who are maybe watching zSY759jVj90-00694-00197851-00198099 this and they're thinking man should I zSY759jVj90-00695-00198100-00198315 reach out to my alienated parent what do zSY759jVj90-00696-00198316-00198565 I do I'm scared zSY759jVj90-00697-00198566-00198793 are you glad you did it and what kind of zSY759jVj90-00698-00198794-00198966 advice would you have for kids who are zSY759jVj90-00699-00198967-00199227 thinking about that or young adults yeah zSY759jVj90-00700-00199228-00199444 no I think I'm one who no person glad zSY759jVj90-00701-00199445-00199609 that I did it and I would still do it zSY759jVj90-00702-00199610-00199735 again even though it's like zSY759jVj90-00703-00199736-00200044 heart-wrenching and it hurts and it's zSY759jVj90-00704-00200045-00200374 scary because you don't know until you zSY759jVj90-00705-00200375-00200602 know right like you can sit there and zSY759jVj90-00706-00200603-00200778 you can live paralyzed in fear and zSY759jVj90-00707-00200779-00201163 paralyzed in the unknown or you can take zSY759jVj90-00708-00201164-00201397 that leap to go find out for yourself zSY759jVj90-00709-00201398-00201643 and that's that's how I am I don't want zSY759jVj90-00710-00201644-00201835 people who tell me how something needs zSY759jVj90-00711-00201836-00202012 to be with this enemy but like I want to zSY759jVj90-00712-00202013-00202329 find you have to find my way and I would zSY759jVj90-00713-00202330-00202627 be much happier knowing that you know zSY759jVj90-00714-00202628-00202894 everything that my mom had told me my zSY759jVj90-00715-00202895-00203122 dad like that's not true that's not who zSY759jVj90-00716-00203123-00203701 he is that was her toxic narrative and zSY759jVj90-00717-00203702-00203998 and you know that takes it and it chips zSY759jVj90-00718-00203999-00204196 away also at that relationship with her zSY759jVj90-00719-00204197-00204370 so like finally the way I left it with zSY759jVj90-00720-00204371-00204499 her because she'd asked me for years if zSY759jVj90-00721-00204500-00204685 I go to therapy with her might know I zSY759jVj90-00722-00204686-00204919 had good therapy with you but then zSY759jVj90-00723-00204919-00205126 finally after reconnecting with my dad zSY759jVj90-00724-00205127-00205341 it kind of like letting it set in zSY759jVj90-00725-00205342-00205654 everything that missed out on I reached zSY759jVj90-00726-00205655-00205815 out to her and I just said yeah you know zSY759jVj90-00727-00205816-00206265 I would go to therapy with you if you're zSY759jVj90-00728-00206266-00206589 willing to first answer these questions zSY759jVj90-00729-00206590-00206725 and I sent her a series of questions zSY759jVj90-00730-00206726-00206961 like why did you do this do you feel bad zSY759jVj90-00731-00206962-00207111 that I missed out on a lifetime of zSY759jVj90-00732-00207112-00207165 memories zSY759jVj90-00733-00207166-00207444 is that another her response was zSY759jVj90-00734-00207446-00207686 everything that I needed she completely zSY759jVj90-00735-00207687-00207963 disregarded me brush me and off and look zSY759jVj90-00736-00207964-00208350 like this is how you want to be zSY759jVj90-00737-00208351-00208696 how's about two years ago all right so zSY759jVj90-00738-00208696-00209175 it's time to tie our time is up zSY759jVj90-00739-00209176-00209476 unfortunately and there's wow I know zSY759jVj90-00740-00209477-00209667 that people are wanting more information zSY759jVj90-00741-00209667-00209965 maybe even you this might have reached zSY759jVj90-00742-00209966-00210219 someone who is a child of parental zSY759jVj90-00743-00210221-00210532 alienation or is just discovering that zSY759jVj90-00744-00210533-00210748 they might be a child of parental zSY759jVj90-00745-00210748-00211167 alienation so could you give us your zSY759jVj90-00746-00211167-00211509 either your Facebook page or your web zSY759jVj90-00747-00211510-00211782 page so that people can find out more zSY759jVj90-00748-00211783-00211867 information zSY759jVj90-00749-00211867-00211971 yeah zSY759jVj90-00750-00211973-00212125 so you can just search for me on zSY759jVj90-00751-00212126-00212385 Facebook I'm kid of PAS that's three zSY759jVj90-00752-00212386-00212764 words kid of pas and then I also have zSY759jVj90-00753-00212765-00213171 the gmail account setup so it's a kid of zSY759jVj90-00754-00213173-00213466 PAS and kidnap I've got a few videos on zSY759jVj90-00755-00213467-00213781 YouTube also kid a pas ok very good zSY759jVj90-00756-00213782-00214033 alright thank you so much for sharing zSY759jVj90-00757-00214034-00214312 your story and Wow zSY759jVj90-00758-00214313-00214617 I do I commend you it takes a lot of zSY759jVj90-00759-00214619-00214971 courage to stand up to that in the face zSY759jVj90-00760-00214973-00215469 of possibly losing a relationship with zSY759jVj90-00761-00215471-00215767 with all the people that you grew you zSY759jVj90-00762-00215767-00215973 know grew up and with and loved now zSY759jVj90-00763-00215975-00216391 thank you so much thank you zVn0gzOyDX8-00000-00000398-00001002 [Music] zVn0gzOyDX8-00001-00001003-00001204 thank you zVn0gzOyDX8-00002-00001205-00001469 hey guys I'm gonna go ahead and film zVn0gzOyDX8-00003-00001470-00001709 another video because I'm gonna have to zVn0gzOyDX8-00004-00001710-00001991 take a few days and I probably won't zVn0gzOyDX8-00005-00001992-00002315 feel like doing it so here we go zVn0gzOyDX8-00006-00002316-00002729 I know I just did that video on zVn0gzOyDX8-00007-00002730-00003125 500 times the cash and uh it didn't work zVn0gzOyDX8-00008-00003126-00003353 out it wasn't nice zVn0gzOyDX8-00009-00003354-00003706 but guess what I have zVn0gzOyDX8-00010-00003707-00004054 I have a still wheezing a little bit I zVn0gzOyDX8-00011-00004055-00004265 have a gold rush zVn0gzOyDX8-00012-00004266-00004588 so let's do it cold Rush limited the 20 zVn0gzOyDX8-00013-00004589-00004852 ticket you know I play it a lot zVn0gzOyDX8-00014-00004853-00005129 this one's ticket number four let's hope zVn0gzOyDX8-00015-00005130-00005435 it has something special for me zVn0gzOyDX8-00016-00005436-00005777 and this did come from Publix I think I zVn0gzOyDX8-00017-00005778-00005981 bought five of these so zVn0gzOyDX8-00018-00005982-00006179 I don't think I'm gonna play all five zVn0gzOyDX8-00019-00006180-00006467 today but let's just start and see what zVn0gzOyDX8-00020-00006468-00006809 happens zVn0gzOyDX8-00021-00006809-00009721 foreign zVn0gzOyDX8-00022-00009722-00011459 not a three zVn0gzOyDX8-00024-00015341-00015671 I think this one let us down zVn0gzOyDX8-00025-00015672-00016079 so I don't see anything on number four zVn0gzOyDX8-00026-00016080-00016475 let me pick it up zVn0gzOyDX8-00027-00016476-00016739 try not to make a mess with all that zVn0gzOyDX8-00028-00016740-00016979 scratch and dust zVn0gzOyDX8-00029-00016980-00017422 okay let's go number five zVn0gzOyDX8-00030-00017423-00017657 I hope it's nicer it also has a white zVn0gzOyDX8-00031-00017658-00018017 line at the bottom zVn0gzOyDX8-00033-00021186-00021533 what are you up to today zVn0gzOyDX8-00034-00021534-00021863 I hope it's some fun zVn0gzOyDX8-00035-00021864-00022091 because if we don't have fun in our life zVn0gzOyDX8-00036-00022092-00022325 what do we have zVn0gzOyDX8-00037-00022326-00023083 we have to have some fun zVn0gzOyDX8-00038-00023084-00023464 oh this is a winning ticket look zVn0gzOyDX8-00039-00023465-00023777 I got the five times zVn0gzOyDX8-00040-00023778-00024293 that's good zVn0gzOyDX8-00041-00024294-00024683 oh we got number six also this looks zVn0gzOyDX8-00042-00024684-00025019 like it's a payback ticket but that's zVn0gzOyDX8-00043-00025020-00025228 all right I'll take my money back and zVn0gzOyDX8-00044-00025229-00025577 get something else zVn0gzOyDX8-00045-00025578-00026077 foreign zVn0gzOyDX8-00046-00026077-00026261 up top zVn0gzOyDX8-00047-00026262-00026752 all right zVn0gzOyDX8-00048-00026754-00027287 okay we got thirty dollars back so 10 zVn0gzOyDX8-00049-00027288-00027611 profit on that ticket but we still down zVn0gzOyDX8-00050-00027612-00027977 all right do we want to do another one zVn0gzOyDX8-00051-00027977-00028264 or we want to end it here I think I'm zVn0gzOyDX8-00052-00028266-00028564 going to end it right here zVn0gzOyDX8-00053-00028566-00028823 I hope you're playing Gold Rush also zVn0gzOyDX8-00054-00028824-00029068 they are fun to play zVn0gzOyDX8-00055-00029069-00029333 we'll see you next time thank you for zVn0gzOyDX8-00056-00029333-00029832 watching I appreciate it bye-bye zahaBxRj_vo-00000-00001159-00001367 you zahz2cwPv84-00000-00000451-00001470 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00001-00001471-00001735 today's gonna be a busy day getting into zahz2cwPv84-00002-00001736-00001871 a new apartment and setting all that up zahz2cwPv84-00003-00001872-00002050 filming a little thing there I'm not zahz2cwPv84-00004-00002051-00002257 gonna be living out of this anymore zahz2cwPv84-00005-00002258-00002533 who feeling it feeling really excited zahz2cwPv84-00006-00002534-00002749 today feeling super good I woke up just zahz2cwPv84-00007-00002750-00003016 this like bright orange sky back I'm zahz2cwPv84-00008-00003017-00003203 back in my element wanna get packed and zahz2cwPv84-00009-00003204-00003406 get over to my new apartment so that is zahz2cwPv84-00010-00003407-00003584 what we're gonna do I have to get all zahz2cwPv84-00011-00003585-00003811 this behind me clean and packed up just zahz2cwPv84-00012-00003813-00005340 like that okay let's get out of here zahz2cwPv84-00013-00005341-00006893 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00014-00006894-00007925 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00015-00007926-00009082 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00016-00009083-00011342 oh whoa zahz2cwPv84-00017-00011343-00011939 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00018-00011940-00012151 you guys don't even see me fold clothes zahz2cwPv84-00019-00012152-00012321 but I'm gonna unpack get everything zahz2cwPv84-00020-00012322-00012574 settled here situated we'll go we'll go zahz2cwPv84-00021-00012575-00012738 up and tour everything in just a minute zahz2cwPv84-00022-00012739-00012972 okay so I don't know that I've mentioned zahz2cwPv84-00023-00012973-00013228 just how much of this place is costing zahz2cwPv84-00024-00013229-00013416 me it's probably a boy your mind when zahz2cwPv84-00025-00013418-00013530 you find out I want to give you a little zahz2cwPv84-00026-00013531-00013672 bit of a rundown of what exactly I'm zahz2cwPv84-00027-00013672-00013837 getting here in Bangkok Thailand and zahz2cwPv84-00028-00013838-00014011 then I will tell you just how much I'm zahz2cwPv84-00029-00014012-00014257 paying for it which is insane I'm on the zahz2cwPv84-00030-00014258-00014482 28th floor so I have this whole area zahz2cwPv84-00031-00014483-00014775 really beautiful Airbnb all my camera zahz2cwPv84-00032-00014776-00014947 gear up there kitchen right through zahz2cwPv84-00033-00014947-00014988 there zahz2cwPv84-00034-00014990-00015255 river view I have a pool that's a gym in zahz2cwPv84-00035-00015256-00015511 a restaurant literally breathtaking view zahz2cwPv84-00036-00015512-00015694 like it's like it freaks me out to stand zahz2cwPv84-00037-00015694-00016024 near that window go over here give the zahz2cwPv84-00038-00016025-00016191 kitchen a little bit of a mess I just zahz2cwPv84-00039-00016193-00016393 got back from grocery shopping I'd hold zahz2cwPv84-00040-00016394-00016575 balcony outside to hang my clothes zahz2cwPv84-00041-00016576-00017050 little kitchen nice bathroom shower very zahz2cwPv84-00042-00017051-00017362 clean super nice so that's it for the zahz2cwPv84-00043-00017363-00017644 apartment also perfect Wi-Fi I've zahz2cwPv84-00044-00017645-00017818 already checked the speeds you know me zahz2cwPv84-00045-00017819-00018019 cuz I was like ready to call the owner zahz2cwPv84-00046-00018020-00018175 and be like upgrade your Wi-Fi I'll pay zahz2cwPv84-00047-00018176-00018490 for it I don't care like but the Wi-Fi zahz2cwPv84-00048-00018491-00018667 is fine I thought I had rooftop access zahz2cwPv84-00049-00018668-00018814 but it says there's a penthouse lounge zahz2cwPv84-00050-00018815-00019096 up top so happy let me get my little zahz2cwPv84-00051-00019097-00019771 filter so with it out check it out I'm zahz2cwPv84-00052-00019772-00019963 on floor 28 I think zahz2cwPv84-00053-00019964-00020605 goes up to like 31 let's see I'm not too zahz2cwPv84-00054-00020606-00023305 far away 28 between 31 anytime I want I zahz2cwPv84-00055-00023306-00023434 can come here and make my morning coffee zahz2cwPv84-00056-00023435-00023827 and come up to the very top floor zahz2cwPv84-00057-00023828-00024797 I'm losing my damn mind this is insane zahz2cwPv84-00058-00024798-00025566 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00059-00025567-00025825 Jaime is the pool the gym is up from the zahz2cwPv84-00060-00025826-00025963 second floor us I'm not gonna film zahz2cwPv84-00061-00025964-00026131 people working out in the gym but I'll zahz2cwPv84-00062-00026132-00026283 do something later with my phone if I zahz2cwPv84-00063-00026285-00026500 can it has enough okay so I'll say that zahz2cwPv84-00064-00026501-00026686 it has enough to get a workout in each zahz2cwPv84-00065-00026687-00026962 day oh I wanna go swimming but I have zahz2cwPv84-00066-00026963-00027140 stuff to do today let's go back up now zahz2cwPv84-00067-00027141-00027493 finish up the tour of the room so that's zahz2cwPv84-00068-00027494-00027700 it that's the tour so I think this is zahz2cwPv84-00069-00027701-00027922 just perfect and the price on it and a zahz2cwPv84-00070-00027923-00028150 little bit of a deal it's like a hundred zahz2cwPv84-00071-00028151-00028239 dollars off zahz2cwPv84-00072-00028241-00028576 so this place is regularly five hundred zahz2cwPv84-00073-00028577-00028711 dollars a month zahz2cwPv84-00074-00028712-00029064 I paid 387 for this month ten bucks a zahz2cwPv84-00075-00029066-00029320 day ten dollars a day I'm paying to live zahz2cwPv84-00076-00029320-00029530 here all-inclusive four hundred dollars zahz2cwPv84-00077-00029531-00029652 for the next month of my life zahz2cwPv84-00078-00029654-00029875 this is what you can get in Bangkok zahz2cwPv84-00079-00029876-00030199 Thailand $400 a month the luxurious zahz2cwPv84-00080-00030200-00030454 apartment I'm so stoked that's my zahz2cwPv84-00081-00030455-00030598 apartment these guys if you like this zahz2cwPv84-00082-00030599-00030799 video head on over to youtube subscribe zahz2cwPv84-00083-00030800-00031060 to unguided Nations on YouTube hit the zahz2cwPv84-00084-00031061-00031221 like comment down below let me know what zahz2cwPv84-00085-00031222-00031371 you thought this apartment would cost zahz2cwPv84-00086-00031372-00031600 okay I have errands to run the sun's zahz2cwPv84-00087-00031601-00031774 gonna go down soon I'm Raja Toby with zahz2cwPv84-00088-00031775-00031914 unguided Asians and I will see you soon zahz2cwPv84-00089-00031916-00032700 on another adventure zahz2cwPv84-00090-00032701-00033330 [Music] zahz2cwPv84-00091-00033331-00033579 [Music] zaxx3nGEap0-00000-00000048-00000191 thank you zaxx3nGEap0-00001-00000192-00000547 Wednesday December 21st zaxx3nGEap0-00002-00000548-00000881 we had a heavy rain this morning zaxx3nGEap0-00003-00000882-00001127 so I thought the would-be would be zaxx3nGEap0-00004-00001128-00001300 delivered today but it's not going to be zaxx3nGEap0-00005-00001301-00001481 delivered to zaxx3nGEap0-00006-00001482-00001721 until in the morning zaxx3nGEap0-00007-00001722-00001930 but uh as you can see the water levels zaxx3nGEap0-00008-00001932-00002147 up a good bit zaxx3nGEap0-00009-00002148-00002489 it's all the way up to the uh the pieces zaxx3nGEap0-00010-00002490-00002699 of wood that I used across zaxx3nGEap0-00011-00002700-00002897 but uh zaxx3nGEap0-00012-00002898-00003203 the ATV bridge is still in good shape zaxx3nGEap0-00013-00003204-00003463 still in a good place zaxx3nGEap0-00014-00003464-00003790 I don't think the water is going to get zaxx3nGEap0-00015-00003792-00004145 higher than the bridge zaxx3nGEap0-00016-00004146-00004415 based on the surrounding zaxx3nGEap0-00017-00004416-00004685 Creek bed it can get up to where the zaxx3nGEap0-00018-00004686-00004931 bridge is but I don't foresee that zaxx3nGEap0-00019-00004932-00005051 happening zaxx3nGEap0-00020-00005052-00005206 so zaxx3nGEap0-00021-00005207-00005381 um zaxx3nGEap0-00022-00005382-00005567 the supports I put in are looking pretty zaxx3nGEap0-00023-00005568-00005729 solid they made the bridge a lot more zaxx3nGEap0-00024-00005730-00005836 Stabler zaxx3nGEap0-00025-00005837-00006179 I've got to add more on the other side zaxx3nGEap0-00026-00006180-00006432 near the end post zaxx3nGEap0-00027-00006433-00006637 to zaxx3nGEap0-00028-00006638-00006898 just to make sure I've got zaxx3nGEap0-00029-00006900-00007201 you know complete stability zaxx3nGEap0-00030-00007202-00007498 but otherwise you're doing okay it's a zaxx3nGEap0-00031-00007500-00007745 good strong flow of water coming through zaxx3nGEap0-00032-00007745-00007913 like I said it rained pretty hard this zaxx3nGEap0-00033-00007914-00007996 morning zaxx3nGEap0-00034-00007997-00008219 for a while so some good rain zaxx3nGEap0-00035-00008220-00008435 I can only imagine what the ground is zaxx3nGEap0-00036-00008436-00008591 like on the other side it's probably zaxx3nGEap0-00037-00008592-00008885 very soft now since it rained so much zaxx3nGEap0-00038-00008886-00009101 but um zaxx3nGEap0-00039-00009102-00009346 I won't be able to do any work on the zaxx3nGEap0-00040-00009347-00009485 bridge today since I don't have any more zaxx3nGEap0-00041-00009486-00009581 lumber zaxx3nGEap0-00042-00009582-00009892 but um zaxx3nGEap0-00043-00009893-00010217 I do have some beams for supports I zaxx3nGEap0-00044-00010218-00010349 could put the supports in over there but zaxx3nGEap0-00045-00010350-00010517 I'm gonna wait since the wood is really zaxx3nGEap0-00046-00010518-00010721 wet zaxx3nGEap0-00047-00010722-00010991 I'm gonna give my drill a break zaxx3nGEap0-00048-00010992-00011321 but um the road crew zaxx3nGEap0-00049-00011322-00011495 the main road crew is up putting in zaxx3nGEap0-00050-00011496-00011813 pipes for the uh Spillway so they're up zaxx3nGEap0-00051-00011814-00012088 working at the top zaxx3nGEap0-00052-00012089-00012514 but other than that that's about it zaxx3nGEap0-00053-00012515-00012878 shorting for the day no real updates zdgFHO3_H_M-00000-00000112-00000403 the fifth Philippine legislature was the zdgFHO3_H_M-00001-00000404-00000553 meeting of the legislature of the zdgFHO3_H_M-00002-00000554-00000730 Philippines under the sovereign control zdgFHO3_H_M-00003-00000731-00001353 of the United States from 1919 to 1922 zdgFHO3_H_M-00004-00001354-00002237 members Philippine Senate House of zdgFHO3_H_M-00005-00002238-00002603 Representatives zdgFHO3_H_M-00006-00002604-00003347 see also Congress of the Philippines zdgFHO3_H_M-00007-00003347-00003768 Senate of the Philippines House of zdgFHO3_H_M-00008-00003769-00004211 Representatives of the Philippines zdgFHO3_H_M-00009-00004212-00004914 external links list of Senators Senate zdgFHO3_H_M-00010-00004915-00005091 of the Philippines archived from the zdgFHO3_H_M-00011-00005092-00005420 original on the 14th of September 2006 zdgFHO3_H_M-00012-00005421-00005985 retrieved the 16th of September 2006 the zdgFHO3_H_M-00013-00005986-00006228 lawful project Philippine laws and zdgFHO3_H_M-00014-00006229-00006552 jurisprudence databank Ariana Law zdgFHO3_H_M-00015-00006553-00006770 Foundation retrieved the 16th of zdgFHO3_H_M-00016-00006772-00007064 September 2006 zdgFHO3_H_M-00017-00007065-00007638 further reading Philippine House of zdgFHO3_H_M-00018-00007639-00007962 Representatives congressional library zdgFHO3_H_M-00019-00007963-00008191 the presidents of the senate of the zdgFHO3_H_M-00020-00008192-00008514 republic of the philippines ISBN nine zdgFHO3_H_M-00021-00008515-00008778 seven one eight eight three two two four zdgFHO3_H_M-00022-00008779-00008994 six zdgFHO3_H_M-00023-00008995-00009298 pobre says-- RP Philippine legislature zdgFHO3_H_M-00024-00009299-00009694 100 years ISBN nine seven one nine two zdgFHO3_H_M-00025-00009695-00010078 two four five oh nine zerE1OK4AMg-00000-00000163-00000447 in this tutorial we have a look at the zerE1OK4AMg-00001-00000448-00000735 various types of differences and how to zerE1OK4AMg-00002-00000736-00000991 update them with just a couple clicks I zerE1OK4AMg-00003-00000992-00001295 have opened already two workbooks and zerE1OK4AMg-00004-00001296-00001659 the worksheet names are identical so zerE1OK4AMg-00005-00001660-00001826 synchronizer has matched Emirati zerE1OK4AMg-00006-00001827-00002099 automatically to include as many zerE1OK4AMg-00007-00002100-00002276 differences as possible zerE1OK4AMg-00008-00002277-00002683 we also click on content and include zerE1OK4AMg-00009-00002684-00003340 comments and actual names zerE1OK4AMg-00010-00003342-00003704 additionally include format differences zerE1OK4AMg-00011-00003704-00004143 click on enable formats and we want to zerE1OK4AMg-00012-00004144-00004593 have number alignment font border and zerE1OK4AMg-00013-00004594-00005247 fill differences and because setting we zerE1OK4AMg-00014-00005248-00005522 can click on the start icon to compare zerE1OK4AMg-00015-00005523-00005841 the two worksheets before we look into zerE1OK4AMg-00016-00005842-00006081 the differences a couple words about the zerE1OK4AMg-00017-00006082-00006483 main interface of synchronizer on the zerE1OK4AMg-00018-00006484-00006714 right side you see the two worksheets zerE1OK4AMg-00019-00006715-00007067 with the differences highlighted on the zerE1OK4AMg-00020-00007068-00007292 left side you have to make navigation zerE1OK4AMg-00021-00007293-00007748 the upper part builds the summary while zerE1OK4AMg-00022-00007750-00008033 the lower part gives you all the details zerE1OK4AMg-00023-00008034-00008364 in our example we have only one zerE1OK4AMg-00024-00008365-00008691 worksheet pervert book so you just see zerE1OK4AMg-00025-00008692-00009056 one name here which is usually the name zerE1OK4AMg-00026-00009057-00009498 of the source worksheet if there are zerE1OK4AMg-00027-00009499-00009783 multiple worksheets they are just listed zerE1OK4AMg-00028-00009784-00010191 here as well as the differences in the zerE1OK4AMg-00029-00010192-00010509 summary all the differences are grouped zerE1OK4AMg-00030-00010510-00010946 by difference type we have inserted zerE1OK4AMg-00031-00010947-00011417 columns insert rows differences in zerE1OK4AMg-00032-00011418-00011864 entered values and formulas differences zerE1OK4AMg-00033-00011865-00012413 in calculated values format differences zerE1OK4AMg-00034-00012414-00012798 differences in comments and differences zerE1OK4AMg-00035-00012799-00013194 in axel names below the icon you see the zerE1OK4AMg-00036-00013194-00013427 number of differences zerE1OK4AMg-00037-00013428-00013888 and in some cases you see two numbers if zerE1OK4AMg-00038-00013890-00014174 you see two numbers that means twelve zerE1OK4AMg-00039-00014175-00014497 differences on the source worksheet and zerE1OK4AMg-00040-00014497-00014854 ten differences on the target worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00041-00014855-00015146 the lower part which is the detailed zerE1OK4AMg-00042-00015147-00015512 part and the updating part consists of zerE1OK4AMg-00043-00015513-00015847 the options how to update a difference zerE1OK4AMg-00044-00015848-00016262 and a listing of all the differences zerE1OK4AMg-00045-00016263-00016607 that have been found in synchronizer if zerE1OK4AMg-00046-00016608-00016838 you compared already two worksheets and zerE1OK4AMg-00047-00016839-00017102 you would like to make some adjustments zerE1OK4AMg-00048-00017103-00017552 for example set additional filters just zerE1OK4AMg-00049-00017553-00018038 select your filters close them and click zerE1OK4AMg-00050-00018039-00018279 the refresh button zerE1OK4AMg-00051-00018280-00018681 it repeats the comparison including your zerE1OK4AMg-00052-00018682-00018993 newly set filters for our example let's zerE1OK4AMg-00053-00018994-00019359 take these filters out again and as a zerE1OK4AMg-00054-00019360-00019644 reminder always click the refresh button zerE1OK4AMg-00055-00019645-00019926 as soon as you do some changes or zerE1OK4AMg-00056-00019927-00020207 adjustments zerE1OK4AMg-00057-00020208-00020463 now let's have a look at the individual zerE1OK4AMg-00058-00020464-00020814 differences the navigation between the zerE1OK4AMg-00059-00020815-00021021 different types of differences is quite zerE1OK4AMg-00060-00021022-00021246 easy simply click on the number of zerE1OK4AMg-00061-00021247-00021660 differences Andy chose you down here the zerE1OK4AMg-00062-00021661-00021972 details it reads that the target zerE1OK4AMg-00063-00021973-00022394 worksheet has on column H an inserted zerE1OK4AMg-00064-00022395-00022677 column which if you look at the example zerE1OK4AMg-00065-00022678-00023016 is the column information which is zerE1OK4AMg-00066-00023017-00023349 missing on the source worksheet to add zerE1OK4AMg-00067-00023350-00023640 that source worksheet is always the left zerE1OK4AMg-00068-00023641-00023985 worksheet and the target worksheet is zerE1OK4AMg-00069-00023986-00024372 the right worksheet when the update we zerE1OK4AMg-00070-00024373-00024699 can move either from the left worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00071-00024700-00024999 to the right worksheet or from the right zerE1OK4AMg-00072-00025000-00025319 worksheet to the left worksheet the same zerE1OK4AMg-00073-00025320-00025640 goes for the delete functions delete on zerE1OK4AMg-00074-00025641-00025992 the left worksheet and delete on the zerE1OK4AMg-00075-00025993-00026333 right worksheet to update their friends zerE1OK4AMg-00076-00026335-00026685 click on the difference and select the zerE1OK4AMg-00077-00026686-00027027 option you would like to do in this zerE1OK4AMg-00078-00027027-00027371 example you can either transfer the zerE1OK4AMg-00079-00027372-00027726 inserted column from the right worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00080-00027727-00028173 to the left worksheet you can transfer zerE1OK4AMg-00081-00028174-00028485 all the differences in this case that's zerE1OK4AMg-00082-00028486-00028658 not possible because we have only one zerE1OK4AMg-00083-00028660-00029031 inserted column you can delete the zerE1OK4AMg-00084-00029032-00029280 inserted column on the right worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00085-00029281-00029592 or you can delete all the inserted zerE1OK4AMg-00086-00029593-00029937 columns let's just update the left zerE1OK4AMg-00087-00029938-00030381 worksheet means inserting the inserted zerE1OK4AMg-00088-00030382-00030665 column the change is done with a single zerE1OK4AMg-00089-00030666-00030951 click and that the change is really done zerE1OK4AMg-00090-00030952-00031350 is shown here in green as soon as you zerE1OK4AMg-00091-00031351-00031704 see a green field that tells you a zerE1OK4AMg-00092-00031705-00032057 specific difference has been updated zerE1OK4AMg-00093-00032058-00032550 next let's look at the inserted rows for zerE1OK4AMg-00094-00032551-00032844 the updating it is again the same layout zerE1OK4AMg-00095-00032845-00033051 and the same functions zerE1OK4AMg-00096-00033052-00033293 from the left worksheet to the right zerE1OK4AMg-00097-00033294-00033540 word sheet from the right worksheet to zerE1OK4AMg-00098-00033541-00033807 the left worksheet delete on the left zerE1OK4AMg-00099-00033808-00034068 worksheet delete on the right worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00100-00034069-00034377 let's click on a difference let's say zerE1OK4AMg-00101-00034378-00034770 this one we want to delete and instantly zerE1OK4AMg-00102-00034771-00035105 the color changes to red which tells you zerE1OK4AMg-00103-00035106-00035439 this difference has been deleted click zerE1OK4AMg-00104-00035440-00035865 on the next difference and let's say we zerE1OK4AMg-00105-00035866-00036135 move this from the left to the right zerE1OK4AMg-00106-00036136-00036495 worksheet you can either click manually zerE1OK4AMg-00107-00036496-00036830 here or you can use the two arrows to zerE1OK4AMg-00108-00036831-00037271 navigate this one goes one by one down zerE1OK4AMg-00109-00037272-00037701 or one by one up the next type of zerE1OK4AMg-00110-00037702-00038079 differences is the inserted values and zerE1OK4AMg-00111-00038080-00038471 formulas also here click on the number zerE1OK4AMg-00112-00038472-00038739 of differences and it shows you all the zerE1OK4AMg-00113-00038740-00039137 details here on very strong point of zerE1OK4AMg-00114-00039138-00039427 synchronizer is to synchronize scrolling zerE1OK4AMg-00115-00039428-00039758 if you scroll on one worksheet zerE1OK4AMg-00116-00039759-00040056 automatically the other worksheet jumps zerE1OK4AMg-00117-00040057-00040356 to the same position to update these zerE1OK4AMg-00118-00040357-00040646 differences now we can do that either on zerE1OK4AMg-00119-00040647-00041102 a case by case basis or we can update zerE1OK4AMg-00120-00041103-00041493 entire columns or rows I will come to zerE1OK4AMg-00121-00041494-00041620 that in a minute zerE1OK4AMg-00122-00041621-00042051 for now select any difference and the zerE1OK4AMg-00123-00042052-00042354 cursor jumps right to the difference in zerE1OK4AMg-00124-00042355-00042726 both world sheets we can see on the zerE1OK4AMg-00125-00042727-00043068 source worksheet the name is different zerE1OK4AMg-00126-00043069-00043392 from the target worksheet to update we zerE1OK4AMg-00127-00043393-00043752 can either update the right worksheet by zerE1OK4AMg-00128-00043753-00044108 moving from the source worksheet to the zerE1OK4AMg-00129-00044109-00044402 target worksheet or the other way around zerE1OK4AMg-00130-00044403-00044702 from the target worksheet to the source zerE1OK4AMg-00131-00044703-00045030 worksheet let's click on the arrow and zerE1OK4AMg-00132-00045031-00045561 the chose that animals has been updated zerE1OK4AMg-00133-00045562-00045936 as you can see now in both worksheets zerE1OK4AMg-00134-00045937-00046299 the name is Alchemy's off while on the zerE1OK4AMg-00135-00046300-00046369 main level zerE1OK4AMg-00136-00046370-00046765 datian it still shows the original value zerE1OK4AMg-00137-00046766-00047104 in the updated cell we made this that zerE1OK4AMg-00138-00047105-00047362 you can easily compare how was it before zerE1OK4AMg-00139-00047363-00047875 and how is it now if you like to update zerE1OK4AMg-00140-00047876-00048253 all the differences simply click on this zerE1OK4AMg-00141-00048254-00048700 icon here and the right worksheet is zerE1OK4AMg-00142-00048701-00048988 updated with the values from the left zerE1OK4AMg-00143-00048989-00049407 worksheet or the other way around an zerE1OK4AMg-00144-00049408-00049827 option for a very efficient updating is zerE1OK4AMg-00145-00049828-00050197 grouping by column it shows you here the zerE1OK4AMg-00146-00050198-00050551 column and the differences for each of zerE1OK4AMg-00147-00050552-00051043 the columns to get details click on the zerE1OK4AMg-00148-00051044-00051463 plus and here of detailed differences zerE1OK4AMg-00149-00051464-00051904 which are cure in the column see now you zerE1OK4AMg-00150-00051904-00052159 can either update each of the zerE1OK4AMg-00151-00052160-00052540 differences individually or you can zerE1OK4AMg-00152-00052541-00052875 click on the number of differences and zerE1OK4AMg-00153-00052876-00053212 click on the single update arrow from zerE1OK4AMg-00154-00053213-00053644 left to right or right to left and all zerE1OK4AMg-00155-00053645-00053998 differences of this specific column will zerE1OK4AMg-00156-00053999-00054358 be updated within a single click click zerE1OK4AMg-00157-00054359-00054778 on the number click on the arrow and it zerE1OK4AMg-00158-00054779-00055138 is all updated if you go back to sort by zerE1OK4AMg-00159-00055139-00055576 row the updated differences are shown zerE1OK4AMg-00160-00055577-00056026 already as usual in green the next type zerE1OK4AMg-00161-00056027-00056404 of differences is calculated values also zerE1OK4AMg-00162-00056404-00056829 here click on the number and it shows zerE1OK4AMg-00163-00056830-00057175 you the details differences now since zerE1OK4AMg-00164-00057176-00057532 these are calculated values meaning they zerE1OK4AMg-00165-00057533-00057897 depend on other entity all use or zerE1OK4AMg-00166-00057898-00058276 formulas there is no option to update zerE1OK4AMg-00167-00058277-00058570 them to change their friends you will zerE1OK4AMg-00168-00058571-00059086 need to update here in the entered zerE1OK4AMg-00169-00059087-00059330 values and formulas zerE1OK4AMg-00170-00059332-00059717 the next will be the format's click on zerE1OK4AMg-00171-00059719-00060210 the difference and shows you where what zerE1OK4AMg-00172-00060211-00060455 type or what group of difference of zerE1OK4AMg-00173-00060457-00060897 cures and the detail difference for zerE1OK4AMg-00174-00060898-00061428 example here we have italic and the zerE1OK4AMg-00175-00061429-00061820 color next we have the axial comments zerE1OK4AMg-00176-00061821-00062184 click on it and again you see the zerE1OK4AMg-00177-00062185-00062679 details here and the update options zerE1OK4AMg-00178-00062679-00063033 again always from left to right from zerE1OK4AMg-00179-00063034-00063420 right to left all differences from left zerE1OK4AMg-00180-00063421-00063774 to right all differences from right to zerE1OK4AMg-00181-00063775-00064163 left and finally we have the axel names zerE1OK4AMg-00182-00064164-00064565 also here click on the dear friends zerE1OK4AMg-00183-00064566-00064857 click on the plus and you get the zerE1OK4AMg-00184-00064858-00065151 details that's it about how to update zerE1OK4AMg-00185-00065152-00065460 your worksheet it can be basically done zerE1OK4AMg-00186-00065461-00065742 within just a couple clicks and within zerE1OK4AMg-00187-00065743-00066060 just a couple seconds thank you for zerE1OK4AMg-00188-00066061-00066958 watching zerE1OK4AMg-00189-00066959-00067165 you zfSaO5-Ox58-00000-00000017-00000724 hey there's a rollercoaster King Dakar zfSaO5-Ox58-00001-00000725-00001312 somebody ever been there is it used to zfSaO5-Ox58-00002-00001313-00001553 be a big one but it's still a big one zfSaO5-Ox58-00003-00001554-00002201 but hey so this rollercoaster has a zfSaO5-Ox58-00004-00002202-00002699 vertical drop of 127 meters so there's zfSaO5-Ox58-00005-00002700-00003429 my roller coaster comes down 127 meters zfSaO5-Ox58-00006-00003430-00003692 suppose the coaster has a speed of 6 zfSaO5-Ox58-00007-00003693-00003956 meters per second at the top so I've got zfSaO5-Ox58-00008-00003957-00004369 a V initial equals 6 meters per second zfSaO5-Ox58-00009-00004370-00004613 find the speed of the coaster at the zfSaO5-Ox58-00010-00004614-00004811 bottom ignoring friction and air zfSaO5-Ox58-00011-00004812-00005452 resistance conservation of energy right zfSaO5-Ox58-00012-00005453-00005743 conservation of energy on Friday's class zfSaO5-Ox58-00013-00005744-00006052 we will revisit this coaster again where zfSaO5-Ox58-00014-00006053-00006347 we will introduce Richard solve it zfSaO5-Ox58-00015-00006348-00006587 slightly different today's lecture we're zfSaO5-Ox58-00016-00006588-00006866 not going to introduce friction so this zfSaO5-Ox58-00017-00006867-00007387 is initial energy equals final energy zfSaO5-Ox58-00018-00007388-00007703 again what's the initial state of zfSaO5-Ox58-00019-00007704-00007769 affairs zfSaO5-Ox58-00020-00007770-00008288 do I have kinetic energy medic initial zfSaO5-Ox58-00021-00008289-00008617 do I have any it's moving at 6 meters zfSaO5-Ox58-00022-00008618-00008945 per second right so I have some kinetic zfSaO5-Ox58-00023-00008946-00009188 energy do I have potential energy at the zfSaO5-Ox58-00024-00009189-00009778 beginning yes I have sigh of mgh1 zfSaO5-Ox58-00025-00009779-00010052 Hey final state of affairs do I have zfSaO5-Ox58-00026-00010053-00010291 kinetic energy yes zfSaO5-Ox58-00027-00010292-00010906 one-half MV actually medic final do I zfSaO5-Ox58-00028-00010907-00011080 have potential energy at the end of the zfSaO5-Ox58-00029-00011081-00011345 game no zero potential energy at the zfSaO5-Ox58-00030-00011346-00011501 bottom because now we're at the bottom zfSaO5-Ox58-00031-00011502-00011816 is that on the ground it may be it may zfSaO5-Ox58-00032-00011817-00012038 not be but it's as low as the coaster zfSaO5-Ox58-00033-00012039-00012496 can go alright so that's the bottom now zfSaO5-Ox58-00034-00012497-00012719 so that there's no final potential zfSaO5-Ox58-00035-00012720-00013102 energy now we plug them in 1/2 and the zfSaO5-Ox58-00036-00013103-00013658 initial squared plus M th equals zfSaO5-Ox58-00037-00013659-00014360 one-half M V final squared and goes away zfSaO5-Ox58-00038-00014361-00014881 as usual for us do the algebra V final zfSaO5-Ox58-00039-00014882-00015181 is going to be the initial squared plus zfSaO5-Ox58-00040-00015182-00016066 2 th all square root now for those of zfSaO5-Ox58-00041-00016068-00016265 you who are inclined to do this do not zfSaO5-Ox58-00042-00016266-00016517 write all these different variations of zfSaO5-Ox58-00043-00016518-00016834 formulas on your formula sheet the only zfSaO5-Ox58-00044-00016835-00017050 formula you need is energy equals zfSaO5-Ox58-00045-00017051-00017318 initial and then you need to know what zfSaO5-Ox58-00046-00017319-00017519 kinetic energy is needed all potential zfSaO5-Ox58-00047-00017520-00017711 energies thus knowing three formulas you zfSaO5-Ox58-00048-00017712-00017875 need to write don't write every version zfSaO5-Ox58-00049-00017876-00018185 of every possibility on it zfSaO5-Ox58-00050-00018186-00018422 just start with this and go through the zfSaO5-Ox58-00051-00018423-00018644 process that we use it ends up being the zfSaO5-Ox58-00052-00018645-00019136 right one in the end plug and chug put zfSaO5-Ox58-00053-00019137-00019313 all your numbers in grind it all out zfSaO5-Ox58-00054-00019314-00019475 you're going to get fifteen point three zfSaO5-Ox58-00055-00019476-00019793 meters per second which is approximately zfSaO5-Ox58-00056-00019794-00020131 a hundred and twelve miles per hour zfSaO5-Ox58-00057-00020132-00020354 you're moving pretty quick by the time zfSaO5-Ox58-00058-00020355-00020663 you get to the bottom of it we're going zfSaO5-Ox58-00059-00020664-00020891 to find out if you look at the problem zfSaO5-Ox58-00060-00020892-00021094 that's listed in number that set of zfSaO5-Ox58-00061-00021095-00021362 notes the real speed at the bottom of it zfSaO5-Ox58-00062-00021363-00021725 is forty-five meters per second there is zfSaO5-Ox58-00063-00021726-00021968 a loss of energy to friction we'll deal zfSaO5-Ox58-00064-00021969-00023105 with on Friday zfSaO5-Ox58-00065-00023106-00023591 45 inch per second versus 50 meters so zfSaO5-Ox58-00066-00023592-00023825 where is that energy goal that it went zfSaO5-Ox58-00067-00023826-00024119 to friction and air resistance Friday is zfSaO5-Ox58-00068-00024120-00024428 when we'll deal with this problem any zfSaO5-Ox58-00069-00024429-00024881 questions so far so the the physics the zfSaO5-Ox58-00070-00024882-00025076 hard part of these problems is just that zfSaO5-Ox58-00071-00025077-00025508 setup bananas's algebra which are prone zfSaO5-Ox58-00072-00025509-00025901 to careless mistakes so don't make them zkoosfJc6FE-00000-00000053-00000311 the asteroid impact and deflection zkoosfJc6FE-00001-00000312-00000529 assessment I doubt mission as a proposed zkoosfJc6FE-00002-00000530-00000767 pair of space probes which would study zkoosfJc6FE-00003-00000768-00000983 and demonstrate the kinetic effects of zkoosfJc6FE-00004-00000984-00001223 crashing an impactor spacecraft into an zkoosfJc6FE-00005-00001224-00001535 asteroid moon the mission has intended zkoosfJc6FE-00006-00001536-00001739 to test whether a spacecraft could zkoosfJc6FE-00007-00001739-00001964 successfully deflect an asteroid on a zkoosfJc6FE-00008-00001964-00002276 collision course with earth the concept zkoosfJc6FE-00009-00002277-00002555 proposes two spacecraft Hera built by zkoosfJc6FE-00010-00002556-00002840 ESA would orbit the asteroid and double zkoosfJc6FE-00011-00002841-00003109 asteroid redirection test dart built by zkoosfJc6FE-00012-00003110-00003463 NASA would impact its moon besides the zkoosfJc6FE-00013-00003464-00003677 observation of the change of orbital zkoosfJc6FE-00014-00003678-00003904 parameters of the asteroid moon the zkoosfJc6FE-00015-00003905-00004141 observation of the plume the crater and zkoosfJc6FE-00016-00004142-00004370 the freshly exposed material will zkoosfJc6FE-00017-00004371-00004606 provide unique information for asteroid zkoosfJc6FE-00018-00004607-00004691 deflection zkoosfJc6FE-00019-00004692-00005050 science and mining communities initially zkoosfJc6FE-00020-00005051-00005318 Hera's role was to be realized by a much zkoosfJc6FE-00021-00005319-00005545 larger spacecraft call an asteroid zkoosfJc6FE-00022-00005546-00005980 impact mission aim in December 2016 the zkoosfJc6FE-00023-00005981-00006218 European Space Agency cancelled the zkoosfJc6FE-00024-00006219-00006464 development of the aim spacecraft after zkoosfJc6FE-00025-00006465-00006695 Germany decided to fund the ExoMars zkoosfJc6FE-00026-00006695-00007079 project only NASA has continued on with zkoosfJc6FE-00027-00007080-00007289 the development of the dart spacecraft zkoosfJc6FE-00028-00007290-00007526 replacing Ames role of monitoring the zkoosfJc6FE-00029-00007527-00007739 effects of the impact with ground-based zkoosfJc6FE-00030-00007740-00007984 telescopes as dart is currently planned zkoosfJc6FE-00031-00007986-00008261 to launch in 2021 Hera would only zkoosfJc6FE-00032-00008262-00008558 arrived at Didymos a few years after dar zkoosfJc6FE-00033-00008559-00008903 T's impact to maximize scientific zkoosfJc6FE-00034-00008904-00009170 outcome the IDA team proposes to delay zkoosfJc6FE-00035-00009171-00009446 dar T's launch so that Hera will arrive zkoosfJc6FE-00036-00009447-00009671 at the asteroid first enabling it to zkoosfJc6FE-00037-00009672-00010079 witness dar T's impact while most of the zkoosfJc6FE-00038-00010080-00010319 initial objectives of IDA would still be zkoosfJc6FE-00039-00010320-00010526 met if Hara arrives after Dart zkoosfJc6FE-00040-00010527-00010730 as a drawback data from direct zkoosfJc6FE-00041-00010731-00010964 observation of the impact and ejecta zkoosfJc6FE-00042-00010965-00011685 formation will not be obtained zkoosfJc6FE-00043-00011686-00012259 topic collaboration zkoosfJc6FE-00044-00012260-00012544 the IDA mission as a joint international zkoosfJc6FE-00045-00012545-00012736 collaboration of the European Space zkoosfJc6FE-00046-00012737-00013083 Agency ESA the German Aerospace Center zkoosfJc6FE-00047-00013084-00013546 DLR Observatory la cote d'azur OCA NASA zkoosfJc6FE-00048-00013547-00013768 and Johns Hopkins University Applied zkoosfJc6FE-00049-00013769-00014308 Physics Laboratory JHU APL the project zkoosfJc6FE-00050-00014309-00014527 was formed by joining two separate zkoosfJc6FE-00051-00014528-00014769 studies dart an asteroid impact er zkoosfJc6FE-00052-00014770-00014983 developed by NASA and a monitoring zkoosfJc6FE-00053-00014984-00015313 spacecraft ESA Sierra formerly aim the zkoosfJc6FE-00054-00015313-00015544 meu litter instrument onboard Hera will zkoosfJc6FE-00055-00015544-00015760 be provided by a consortium of teams zkoosfJc6FE-00056-00015761-00016144 from Portugal Poland and Ireland to cube zkoosfJc6FE-00057-00016144-00016378 sets will be deployed by Hera while at zkoosfJc6FE-00058-00016379-00016696 Didymos the apex asteroid prospection zkoosfJc6FE-00059-00016697-00016999 Explorer CubeSat was developed by Sweden zkoosfJc6FE-00060-00017000-00017338 Finland Czech Republic and Germany the zkoosfJc6FE-00061-00017339-00017587 juventus cubes ad has developed by gum zkoosfJc6FE-00062-00017588-00017997 space and GM B's Romanian division along zkoosfJc6FE-00063-00017998-00018294 with monitoring dar T's impact Hera zkoosfJc6FE-00064-00018295-00018600 itself may also carry an impactor as zkoosfJc6FE-00065-00018601-00018874 proposed by the Japanese space agency zkoosfJc6FE-00066-00018875-00019144 this instrument will be a replica of the zkoosfJc6FE-00067-00019145-00019387 small carry-on impactor Tsai an zkoosfJc6FE-00068-00019388-00019644 explosively formed penetrator on board zkoosfJc6FE-00069-00019645-00019888 the Hayabusa to asteroid sample return zkoosfJc6FE-00070-00019889-00020236 mission the side would hit the asteroids zkoosfJc6FE-00071-00020237-00020493 moon at a speed lower than that of dart zkoosfJc6FE-00072-00020494-00020809 by performing a secondary impact a zkoosfJc6FE-00073-00020810-00021034 comparison of the effects posed by two zkoosfJc6FE-00074-00021035-00021238 collisions of different nature on the zkoosfJc6FE-00075-00021239-00021460 same asteroid can be realized zkoosfJc6FE-00076-00021461-00021678 helping validate numerical impact zkoosfJc6FE-00077-00021679-00022410 algorithms and scaling laws zkoosfJc6FE-00078-00022411-00022990 topic mission design zkoosfJc6FE-00079-00022991-00023437 Ida would target 65,000 803 Didymos a zkoosfJc6FE-00080-00023438-00023698 binary asteroid system in which one zkoosfJc6FE-00081-00023699-00024052 asteroid is orbited by a smaller one the zkoosfJc6FE-00082-00024053-00024390 primary asteroid is about 800 meters zkoosfJc6FE-00083-00024391-00024682 2,600 feet in diameter it's small zkoosfJc6FE-00084-00024683-00025078 satellite as about 150 meters 490 feet zkoosfJc6FE-00085-00025079-00025366 in diameter in an orbit about 1.1 zkoosfJc6FE-00086-00025367-00025726 kilometres from the primary Didymos is zkoosfJc6FE-00087-00025727-00025951 not an earth crossing asteroid and there zkoosfJc6FE-00088-00025952-00026143 is no possibility that the deflection zkoosfJc6FE-00089-00026144-00026389 experiment could create an impact hazard zkoosfJc6FE-00090-00026389-00026641 under the original proposal aim would zkoosfJc6FE-00091-00026642-00026917 have launched in October 2020 and dart zkoosfJc6FE-00092-00026918-00027319 in July 2021 aim would have orbited the zkoosfJc6FE-00093-00027320-00027517 larger asteroid and studied the zkoosfJc6FE-00094-00027518-00027817 composition of it and it's moon dart zkoosfJc6FE-00095-00027818-00028083 would then impact the moon on October 20 zkoosfJc6FE-00096-00028085-00028450 22 during a close approach to earth aim zkoosfJc6FE-00097-00028451-00028666 would have studied the asteroid strength zkoosfJc6FE-00098-00028667-00028882 surface physical properties and its zkoosfJc6FE-00099-00028883-00029107 internal structure as well as measured zkoosfJc6FE-00100-00029108-00029341 the effect on the asteroid moon's orbit zkoosfJc6FE-00101-00029342-00029658 around the larger asteroid since the aim zkoosfJc6FE-00102-00029660-00029899 orbiter was cancelled the effects of the zkoosfJc6FE-00103-00029900-00030120 impact by Dart will be monitored from zkoosfJc6FE-00104-00030122-00030487 ground-based telescopes the impact of zkoosfJc6FE-00105-00030488-00030838 the 300 kilograms 660 pounds dart zkoosfJc6FE-00106-00030839-00031270 spacecraft at 6.25 km/s will produce a zkoosfJc6FE-00107-00031270-00031501 velocity change on the order of zero zkoosfJc6FE-00108-00031502-00031741 point four millimeters per second which zkoosfJc6FE-00109-00031742-00031969 leads to a significant change in the zkoosfJc6FE-00110-00031970-00032212 mutual orbit of these two objects but zkoosfJc6FE-00111-00032213-00032386 only a minimal change in the zkoosfJc6FE-00112-00032387-00032689 heliocentric orbit of the system Ida zkoosfJc6FE-00113-00032689-00032932 would provide a great benefit obtaining zkoosfJc6FE-00114-00032933-00033157 the size of the resulting impact crater zkoosfJc6FE-00115-00033158-00033343 in addition to the momentum transfer zkoosfJc6FE-00116-00033344-00033574 measurement as the effects of porosity zkoosfJc6FE-00117-00033575-00033811 and strength of the target are needed to zkoosfJc6FE-00118-00033812-00033966 calculate the momentum transfer zkoosfJc6FE-00119-00033967-00034594 efficiency zkoosfJc6FE-00120-00034595-00035202 topic proposed payload zkoosfJc6FE-00121-00035203-00035560 the notional requirements are her on zkoosfJc6FE-00122-00035561-00035779 asteroid framing camera to obtain zkoosfJc6FE-00123-00035780-00036010 information on the dynamics of a binary zkoosfJc6FE-00124-00036011-00036320 asteroid and physical characteristics a zkoosfJc6FE-00125-00036321-00036621 laser altimeter to measure the shapes of zkoosfJc6FE-00126-00036622-00036832 the two bodies and constraining the mass zkoosfJc6FE-00127-00036833-00037176 of the asteroids moon a CubeSat for zkoosfJc6FE-00128-00037177-00037368 spectral imaging that supports the zkoosfJc6FE-00129-00037369-00037582 science and technology objectives of zkoosfJc6FE-00130-00037583-00037788 Hera and the Ida mission dart dart as a zkoosfJc6FE-00131-00037789-00038170 300 kilograms 660 pounds impactor that zkoosfJc6FE-00132-00038171-00038436 hosts no scientific payload other than a zkoosfJc6FE-00133-00038437-00038787 20 cm aperture CCD camera to support zkoosfJc6FE-00134-00038788-00039036 autonomous guiding to impact the target zkoosfJc6FE-00135-00039037-00039348 body through its center an optional zkoosfJc6FE-00136-00039349-00039604 impactor and high-frequency radar may zkoosfJc6FE-00137-00039605-00039963 also be carried by Hera the notional zkoosfJc6FE-00138-00039964-00040317 requirements for aim as of 2012 work an zkoosfJc6FE-00139-00040318-00040585 asteroid lander based on the German zkoosfJc6FE-00140-00040586-00040893 mascot heritage for in situ measurement zkoosfJc6FE-00141-00040894-00041179 a thermal infrared imager to zkoosfJc6FE-00142-00041180-00041340 discriminate different surface zkoosfJc6FE-00143-00041341-00041542 properties like rocks or granular zkoosfJc6FE-00144-00041543-00041865 surfaces a mono static high-frequency zkoosfJc6FE-00145-00041866-00042123 radar to obtain information on the zkoosfJc6FE-00146-00042124-00042451 structure of the asteroid surface Abba zkoosfJc6FE-00147-00042452-00042661 static low-frequency radar on the zkoosfJc6FE-00148-00042662-00042886 orbiter and on the lander that allows a zkoosfJc6FE-00149-00042887-00043146 view inside the asteroid and obtain data zkoosfJc6FE-00150-00043147-00043510 on its inner structure to interplanetary zkoosfJc6FE-00151-00043511-00043692 Kube sets out of five proposals zkoosfJc6FE-00152-00043693-00043938 currently under investigation that zkoosfJc6FE-00153-00043939-00044102 support the science and technology zkoosfJc6FE-00154-00044103-00044369 objectives of the aim and Ida mission zkoosfJc6FE-00155-00044370-00044715 one of the proposed 3u cube sets under zkoosfJc6FE-00156-00044716-00045002 development was dust QED zkoosfJc6FE-00157-00045003-00045707 deep-space optical communication zkoosfJc6FE-00158-00045708-00046241 topic status zkoosfJc6FE-00159-00046242-00046445 both aim and dart were initially zkoosfJc6FE-00160-00046446-00046685 approved for preliminary design in zkoosfJc6FE-00161-00046686-00047072 February 2015 but in December 2016 the zkoosfJc6FE-00162-00047073-00047342 ESA component the aim orbiter was not zkoosfJc6FE-00163-00047343-00047516 funded in order to help pay for zkoosfJc6FE-00164-00047517-00047869 additional expenses of the ExoMars Rover zkoosfJc6FE-00165-00047870-00048104 ExoMars Rover has been in development zkoosfJc6FE-00166-00048105-00048440 since at least 2005 when over half a zkoosfJc6FE-00167-00048441-00048680 billion euros was authorized for it zkoosfJc6FE-00168-00048681-00048950 Germany offered to cover 35 million of zkoosfJc6FE-00169-00048951-00049133 the 60 million needed for the aim zkoosfJc6FE-00170-00049134-00049394 portion to continue however this was not zkoosfJc6FE-00171-00049395-00049627 enough to continue development zkoosfJc6FE-00172-00049628-00049946 nevertheless NASA has continued with the zkoosfJc6FE-00173-00049947-00050180 dart mission to sixty-five thousand zkoosfJc6FE-00174-00050181-00050390 eight hundred three Didymos and will zkoosfJc6FE-00175-00050391-00050594 measure the effects of the impact from zkoosfJc6FE-00176-00050595-00050785 ground-based telescopes zkoosfJc6FE-00177-00050786-00051143 following Ames cancellation ESA director zkoosfJc6FE-00178-00051144-00051386 Jan Warner stated his intentions to zkoosfJc6FE-00179-00051387-00051707 revive the mission in some form ed en zkoosfJc6FE-00180-00051708-00051938 Schneider Luxembourg's Deputy Prime zkoosfJc6FE-00181-00051939-00052139 Minister expressed regret at Ames zkoosfJc6FE-00182-00052140-00052349 cancellation and commented that his zkoosfJc6FE-00183-00052350-00052547 country would continue to advocate for zkoosfJc6FE-00184-00052548-00052769 the realization of the mission as of zkoosfJc6FE-00185-00052770-00053177 March 2018 herre proposal as in phase b1 zkoosfJc6FE-00186-00053178-00053399 whereupon the preliminary design is zkoosfJc6FE-00187-00053400-00053702 being drawn up a system requirement zkoosfJc6FE-00188-00053703-00054008 review s RR is scheduled to be conducted zkoosfJc6FE-00189-00054009-00054275 in January 2019 followed by a zkoosfJc6FE-00190-00054276-00054641 preliminary design review PDR in May 20 zkoosfJc6FE-00191-00054641-00055016 20 in the 7th of January 2019 the HERA zkoosfJc6FE-00192-00055016-00055255 team announced the selection of apex and zkoosfJc6FE-00193-00055257-00055499 Juventus as Cube sets to be carried by zkoosfJc6FE-00194-00055500-00056112 the spacecraft zkoosfJc6FE-00195-00056113-00056672 topic see also zkoosfJc6FE-00196-00056673-00057110 asteroid impact avoidance b612 zkoosfJc6FE-00197-00057111-00057328 foundation zkoosfJc6FE-00198-00057329-00057549 Don Quixote eyed his predecessor zkoosfJc6FE-00199-00057550-00058083 proposal the Spaceguard Foundation zl2jPN9OqHM-00000-00000138-00000278 okay zl2jPN9OqHM-00001-00000279-00000451 [Music] zl2jPN9OqHM-00002-00000451-00002082 what you write is zl2jPN9OqHM-00003-00002083-00003319 [Music] zl2jPN9OqHM-00004-00003320-00003499 thank you zl2jPN9OqHM-00005-00003500-00005615 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00000-00000000-00000175 what's good youtube y'all know this is zlxr07b95DY-00001-00000176-00000351 your boyfriend game guys with another zlxr07b95DY-00002-00000352-00000647 video we're gonna be checking out sml zlxr07b95DY-00003-00000648-00000799 movie zlxr07b95DY-00004-00000800-00000975 the dead body zlxr07b95DY-00005-00000976-00001327 on today's video let's get it started zlxr07b95DY-00006-00001328-00001535 hey donnie i got a question what is it zlxr07b95DY-00007-00001536-00001782 jeffy um when i squeeze my ball shack it zlxr07b95DY-00008-00001784-00001975 turns red and looks like a strawberry is zlxr07b95DY-00009-00001976-00002095 that normal zlxr07b95DY-00010-00002096-00002455 whoa zlxr07b95DY-00011-00002456-00002607 okay i just zlxr07b95DY-00012-00002608-00002750 turned on the heat zlxr07b95DY-00013-00002751-00003231 okay zlxr07b95DY-00014-00003232-00003415 pause zlxr07b95DY-00015-00003415-00003647 pause zlxr07b95DY-00016-00003647-00003847 he he zlxr07b95DY-00017-00003847-00004206 never he squeeze his boss egg zlxr07b95DY-00018-00004207-00004283 so zlxr07b95DY-00019-00004284-00004583 hard it turns red zlxr07b95DY-00020-00004584-00004759 like a strawberry zlxr07b95DY-00021-00004760-00004943 is what normal for my balls egg to look zlxr07b95DY-00022-00004944-00005102 like a strawberry it's not normal for zlxr07b95DY-00023-00005103-00005343 you to squeeze your balls out jeffy oh zlxr07b95DY-00024-00005344-00005679 um i'm hungry dang you're hungry well um zlxr07b95DY-00025-00005680-00005838 i can make you some green beans zlxr07b95DY-00026-00005839-00005967 some white nut zlxr07b95DY-00027-00005968-00006111 some green beans zlxr07b95DY-00028-00006112-00006295 daddy come here what no come come here zlxr07b95DY-00029-00006296-00006454 i'm gonna try something okay what come zlxr07b95DY-00030-00006455-00006789 here okay um zlxr07b95DY-00031-00006790-00006934 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00032-00006936-00007175 jeffy why'd you get on my zlxr07b95DY-00033-00007176-00007470 times do i have to tell you i don't like zlxr07b95DY-00034-00007472-00007670 green beans well i mean i just didn't zlxr07b95DY-00035-00007672-00007839 know you hate them what is it going to zlxr07b95DY-00036-00007840-00008134 take to get through your thick italian zlxr07b95DY-00037-00008136-00008359 mustache not matching the color of your zlxr07b95DY-00038-00008360-00008614 hair school day to know that i don't zlxr07b95DY-00039-00008615-00008878 like grape eggs okay jeffy i i get it zlxr07b95DY-00040-00008879-00009039 you don't you don't like green beans i zlxr07b95DY-00041-00009040-00009231 don't like green beans i hate them zlxr07b95DY-00042-00009232-00009391 they're not my favorite all right jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00043-00009392-00009623 then what do you want to eat um chicken zlxr07b95DY-00044-00009624-00009791 nuggets chicken nuggets zlxr07b95DY-00045-00009792-00010006 healthy jeffy i want chicken nuggets zlxr07b95DY-00046-00010007-00010174 danny okay fine zlxr07b95DY-00047-00010175-00010295 we'll go drive and get some chicken zlxr07b95DY-00048-00010296-00010478 nuggets come one more thing daddy what zlxr07b95DY-00049-00010479-00010727 kind of cry no you can't drive jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00050-00010728-00010919 daddy i want to drive tell him you don't zlxr07b95DY-00051-00010920-00011071 know who you even know there's no drugs zlxr07b95DY-00052-00011072-00011191 you don't even know how to know how to zlxr07b95DY-00053-00011192-00011373 drive zlxr07b95DY-00054-00011374-00012423 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00055-00012424-00012890 you're not driving down zlxr07b95DY-00056-00012891-00014286 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00057-00014287-00014391 jeffy you were grabbing the wheel you zlxr07b95DY-00058-00014391-00014543 made me running over oh danny you zlxr07b95DY-00059-00014544-00014719 shouldn't let me draw jeffy you're too zlxr07b95DY-00060-00014719-00014927 young to drive is he dead is he dead zlxr07b95DY-00061-00014928-00015086 what do you mean daddy zlxr07b95DY-00062-00015087-00015286 jeffy i think he's dead oh damn i got an zlxr07b95DY-00063-00015287-00015511 idea what why don't you run him over zlxr07b95DY-00064-00015512-00015711 again why would i do that because you'd zlxr07b95DY-00065-00015712-00015886 be funny jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00066-00015887-00016063 oh my god okay uh jeffy help me pick him zlxr07b95DY-00067-00016063-00016230 up why because i'm gonna put him in the zlxr07b95DY-00068-00016231-00016455 truck jeffy come on just pick him up zlxr07b95DY-00069-00016456-00016719 oh my god he smells dead zlxr07b95DY-00070-00016720-00017885 all right jeffy let him down easy zlxr07b95DY-00071-00017886-00018222 [Laughter] zlxr07b95DY-00072-00018223-00020054 [Applause] zlxr07b95DY-00073-00020055-00020230 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00074-00020231-00020383 it looks like he hasn't wiped you zlxr07b95DY-00075-00020384-00020591 forever zlxr07b95DY-00076-00020592-00021083 why are you looking at his zlxr07b95DY-00077-00021084-00021286 butthole all right jeffy what do we do zlxr07b95DY-00078-00021287-00021455 jeffy what do we do what are we doing zlxr07b95DY-00079-00021456-00021614 today you're the one that killed him zlxr07b95DY-00080-00021615-00021775 what job did i not kill him it was an zlxr07b95DY-00081-00021776-00021950 accident no dad you hit him with your zlxr07b95DY-00082-00021951-00022135 car well you were distracting me jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00083-00022136-00022319 no daddy i had nothing to do with that zlxr07b95DY-00084-00022320-00022450 she died zlxr07b95DY-00085-00022451-00023086 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00086-00023087-00023222 magician zlxr07b95DY-00087-00023223-00023414 a magician yeah daddy and he makes him zlxr07b95DY-00088-00023415-00023607 disappear with magic zlxr07b95DY-00089-00023608-00023847 oh okay make the body disappear zlxr07b95DY-00090-00023848-00023999 but the magician's gonna see the dead zlxr07b95DY-00091-00024000-00024158 body and what if he calls the cops on us zlxr07b95DY-00092-00024159-00024367 oh yeah you're right yeah zlxr07b95DY-00093-00024368-00024614 well then we kill the magician daddy zlxr07b95DY-00094-00024615-00024830 but then we still have a dead body jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00095-00024831-00025055 well then we call another magician zlxr07b95DY-00096-00025056-00025207 but then we have to kill that magician zlxr07b95DY-00097-00025208-00025575 jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00098-00025576-00025718 magician that's a stupid idea jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00099-00025719-00025822 we're not gonna call magician we don't zlxr07b95DY-00100-00025823-00025958 need that we we gotta think of another zlxr07b95DY-00101-00025960-00026246 idea how do we get rid of a dead body zlxr07b95DY-00102-00026247-00026479 oh my god is the devil they die look at zlxr07b95DY-00103-00026480-00026623 spiderman zlxr07b95DY-00104-00026624-00026895 well that's a fair spider-man jeffy yeah zlxr07b95DY-00105-00026895-00027087 guy look he's red zlxr07b95DY-00106-00027088-00027231 jeffy that's not spider-man that's the zlxr07b95DY-00107-00027232-00027495 devil oh ooh yeah the most evil person zlxr07b95DY-00108-00027495-00027662 in the universe zlxr07b95DY-00109-00027663-00027855 slowed down i'm not that bad you're the zlxr07b95DY-00110-00027856-00028111 devil you're evil no no i'm not anything zlxr07b95DY-00111-00028112-00028302 yes you are what are you doing here well zlxr07b95DY-00112-00028304-00028543 i sensed something evil was going on zlxr07b95DY-00113-00028544-00028687 there's nothing evil going on here zlxr07b95DY-00114-00028688-00028846 nothing evil at all i'm looking at the zlxr07b95DY-00115-00028847-00029014 dead body here zlxr07b95DY-00116-00029016-00029270 i hit him with my car okay yes very good zlxr07b95DY-00117-00029272-00029390 on accident zlxr07b95DY-00118-00029391-00029511 and i'm trying to get rid of the body so zlxr07b95DY-00119-00029512-00029695 i don't get in trouble god god that is zlxr07b95DY-00120-00029695-00029927 very evil look i'm not evil just do you zlxr07b95DY-00121-00029927-00030087 know any idea of how to get rid of this zlxr07b95DY-00122-00030088-00030383 body dump him in the lake zlxr07b95DY-00123-00030383-00030543 i would like him to disappear zlxr07b95DY-00124-00030544-00030751 have you tried calling a magician zlxr07b95DY-00125-00030752-00030967 a magician yes he could make the party zlxr07b95DY-00126-00030968-00031183 disappear with magic zlxr07b95DY-00127-00031183-00031399 i like it daddy this is stupid no that zlxr07b95DY-00128-00031400-00031590 would never work why because the zlxr07b95DY-00129-00031591-00031735 magician might call the cops after he zlxr07b95DY-00130-00031736-00031870 sees the dead body zlxr07b95DY-00131-00031872-00032087 yes well then you just kill the magician zlxr07b95DY-00132-00032088-00032439 but but then you have another body yeah zlxr07b95DY-00133-00032439-00032543 you would have to have a lot of zlxr07b95DY-00134-00032544-00032799 magicians i know yeah like five of them zlxr07b95DY-00135-00032800-00032935 we're not doing the magicians okay zlxr07b95DY-00136-00032936-00033087 that's stupid we're not doing that hey zlxr07b95DY-00137-00033088-00033215 jeez you act like you've heard this zlxr07b95DY-00138-00033216-00033423 before do you know any other idea get zlxr07b95DY-00139-00033424-00033702 rid of a dead body no um you could burn zlxr07b95DY-00140-00033703-00033839 it zlxr07b95DY-00141-00033840-00033974 that's really bad it's gross i can't do zlxr07b95DY-00142-00033975-00034231 that okay yes you can let's see uh you zlxr07b95DY-00143-00034232-00034479 could eat it eat it i'm not gonna eat a zlxr07b95DY-00144-00034480-00034735 dead body um i'll do it you're not zlxr07b95DY-00145-00034736-00035574 eating a dead body zlxr07b95DY-00146-00035575-00035711 a better way i don't want to get caught zlxr07b95DY-00147-00035712-00035895 let's see you could cut it up into zlxr07b95DY-00148-00035896-00036055 little pieces and then dump it in the zlxr07b95DY-00149-00036056-00036230 ocean oh zlxr07b95DY-00150-00036231-00036383 i don't like that one i like that one zlxr07b95DY-00151-00036384-00036559 too we could cut up pieces and drop them zlxr07b95DY-00152-00036560-00036679 in the ocean and then sharks would eat zlxr07b95DY-00153-00036680-00036895 the rest wow that yeah really that zlxr07b95DY-00154-00036896-00037087 that's pretty messed up actually yeah i zlxr07b95DY-00155-00037088-00037223 like that one thanks thank you thank you zlxr07b95DY-00156-00037224-00037359 a lot okay zlxr07b95DY-00157-00037360-00037727 goodbye zlxr07b95DY-00158-00037728-00037846 weren't you supposed to like poof in the zlxr07b95DY-00159-00037847-00038046 smoke no i'm just going to walk home zlxr07b95DY-00160-00038047-00038183 from here zlxr07b95DY-00161-00038184-00038262 yeah zlxr07b95DY-00162-00038263-00038383 all right jeffy we got a good idea we're zlxr07b95DY-00163-00038384-00038487 going to cut open the pieces and drop zlxr07b95DY-00164-00038488-00038646 them in the ocean okay zlxr07b95DY-00165-00038647-00038839 oh we're going to do that zlxr07b95DY-00166-00038840-00039030 who's that jeffy who is that probably zlxr07b95DY-00167-00039031-00039496 the cops yeah the cops are coming zlxr07b95DY-00168-00039497-00040030 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00169-00040031-00040207 what are you doing here don't you want zlxr07b95DY-00170-00040208-00040439 me here not not really i mean not right zlxr07b95DY-00171-00040440-00040543 now zlxr07b95DY-00172-00040544-00040947 mario i didn't want to be with zlxr07b95DY-00173-00040948-00041343 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00174-00041344-00041615 is there another girl over wait i mean zlxr07b95DY-00175-00041616-00041743 look at me do you think that's gonna zlxr07b95DY-00176-00041744-00041990 happen oh good point zlxr07b95DY-00177-00041991-00042279 come on inside okay why are you acting zlxr07b95DY-00178-00042280-00042527 so weird mario i'm not acting weird i'm zlxr07b95DY-00179-00042528-00042662 just drooling zlxr07b95DY-00180-00042663-00042902 around the sunglasses oh who's this oh zlxr07b95DY-00181-00042903-00043087 it's some dead guy daddy hit with his zlxr07b95DY-00182-00043088-00043207 car what zlxr07b95DY-00183-00043208-00043439 no no this is jeffy's friend from school zlxr07b95DY-00184-00043440-00043655 oh you made a friend at school zlxr07b95DY-00185-00043656-00044039 jeffy tell her about it yeah he's dead zlxr07b95DY-00186-00044040-00044311 he's deaf oh yeah he can't hear yeah zlxr07b95DY-00187-00044312-00044502 probably because he's dead daddy what zlxr07b95DY-00188-00044503-00044662 he's not zlxr07b95DY-00189-00044663-00044862 the difference in the words hey well zlxr07b95DY-00190-00044863-00045423 what's his name zlxr07b95DY-00191-00045424-00045599 i did not hit him with my car i picked zlxr07b95DY-00192-00045600-00046039 him up he said piss pants zlxr07b95DY-00193-00046040-00046358 oh my god zlxr07b95DY-00194-00046359-00046615 piss pants wow zlxr07b95DY-00195-00046616-00046815 oh yeah he can't hear yeah probably zlxr07b95DY-00196-00046816-00047023 because he's dead daddy what he's not zlxr07b95DY-00197-00047024-00047167 dead he's deaf jeffy doesn't know the zlxr07b95DY-00198-00047168-00047343 difference in the words yeah hey well zlxr07b95DY-00199-00047344-00047639 what's his name zlxr07b95DY-00200-00047640-00047783 because he picked his pants when you hit zlxr07b95DY-00201-00047784-00047974 him in your car daddy i did not hit him zlxr07b95DY-00202-00047975-00048174 with my car i picked him up in my car at zlxr07b95DY-00203-00048175-00048343 school they they know that you hit it zlxr07b95DY-00204-00048344-00048511 with your car and then you said hurry up zlxr07b95DY-00205-00048512-00048615 debbie get him in your truck before zlxr07b95DY-00206-00048616-00048767 somebody sees this so they only wrote in zlxr07b95DY-00207-00048768-00048943 the truck in the truck zlxr07b95DY-00208-00048944-00049102 no they wanted to ride in the trunk zlxr07b95DY-00209-00049103-00049239 because they're stupid i mean zlxr07b95DY-00210-00049240-00049455 i i hit him you're fine i hit him with zlxr07b95DY-00211-00049456-00049718 my car and he's dead you killed him zlxr07b95DY-00212-00049719-00049943 no no we killed him daddy you need to zlxr07b95DY-00213-00049944-00050199 stop with this [__] you're the one when zlxr07b95DY-00214-00050200-00050390 you're calling you grab the wheel jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00215-00050391-00050615 i don't even know what a wheel is i was zlxr07b95DY-00216-00050616-00050790 grabbing the steering circle it's the zlxr07b95DY-00217-00050791-00050990 stairs i'm wearing the steering wheel zlxr07b95DY-00218-00050991-00051197 i'm gonna call the car zlxr07b95DY-00219-00051198-00051375 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00220-00051376-00051599 there you go magician zlxr07b95DY-00221-00051600-00051758 grab the duct tape zlxr07b95DY-00222-00051759-00052412 the duct tape the duct zlxr07b95DY-00223-00052413-00053755 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00224-00053757-00054133 [Laughter] zlxr07b95DY-00225-00054134-00054687 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00226-00054688-00054887 oh it doesn't matter duct tape is heavy zlxr07b95DY-00227-00054888-00055063 pieces zlxr07b95DY-00228-00055064-00055182 we're gonna cut the body in the piece zlxr07b95DY-00229-00055183-00055366 and double in the ocean zlxr07b95DY-00230-00055367-00055535 how are we gonna do it oh daddy i know zlxr07b95DY-00231-00055536-00055799 what if we use scissors scissors yeah zlxr07b95DY-00232-00055800-00055975 danny like snip snip we gonna get my zlxr07b95DY-00233-00055976-00056754 hair cut jeffy yep zlxr07b95DY-00234-00056754-00057342 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00235-00057344-00057526 are you sure this is a good idea yeah zlxr07b95DY-00236-00057527-00057679 okay you're gonna be cutting the pages zlxr07b95DY-00237-00057679-00057847 like you wanted okay it's just it's zlxr07b95DY-00238-00057848-00058015 gonna be a mess and it's gonna be gross zlxr07b95DY-00239-00058016-00058191 you know i don't wanna watch so just can zlxr07b95DY-00240-00058191-00058303 you do it and when you're done you just zlxr07b95DY-00241-00058304-00058579 come upstairs and tell me okay zlxr07b95DY-00242-00058579-00058986 [Applause] zlxr07b95DY-00243-00058987-00059342 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00244-00059344-00059494 look i'm sorry you're tied up but you're zlxr07b95DY-00245-00059495-00059823 trying to call the cops zlxr07b95DY-00246-00059824-00060271 oh i don't know who that is zlxr07b95DY-00247-00060272-00060415 [Applause] zlxr07b95DY-00248-00060416-00060535 you see when you answer the door like zlxr07b95DY-00249-00060536-00060711 that you make me nervous i'm sorry i'm zlxr07b95DY-00250-00060712-00060903 just i'm just shocked to see a cop here zlxr07b95DY-00251-00060904-00061047 because there's nothing illegal going on zlxr07b95DY-00252-00061048-00061199 here so i don't know why you would be zlxr07b95DY-00253-00061200-00061391 here why are you here that's kind of zlxr07b95DY-00254-00061391-00061599 rude but i got a report about somebody zlxr07b95DY-00255-00061600-00061982 running over a body and then taking it zlxr07b95DY-00256-00061983-00062175 how how illegal yeah that is really zlxr07b95DY-00257-00062176-00062350 illegal and they said it was a red car zlxr07b95DY-00258-00062351-00062479 and you happen to have a red car in your zlxr07b95DY-00259-00062479-00062630 driveway zlxr07b95DY-00260-00062632-00062775 there's a bunch of red cars why would zlxr07b95DY-00261-00062776-00062959 you think it's me i mean yeah but you zlxr07b95DY-00262-00062960-00063094 know judging by the way you answered the zlxr07b95DY-00263-00063095-00063254 door i'd say it's a pretty safe bet so zlxr07b95DY-00264-00063255-00063350 i'm just going to come in and have a zlxr07b95DY-00265-00063351-00063438 look zlxr07b95DY-00266-00063439-00063582 don't come in i mean can you give me zlxr07b95DY-00267-00063583-00063766 like a second to clean up you know it's zlxr07b95DY-00268-00063767-00063982 really dirty no of course not especially zlxr07b95DY-00269-00063983-00064111 not now zlxr07b95DY-00270-00064112-00064311 so there's nothing really to see in here zlxr07b95DY-00271-00064312-00064503 uh yeah this ain't looking too good zlxr07b95DY-00272-00064504-00064647 explain that zlxr07b95DY-00273-00064648-00064806 me and my girlfriend we're into some zlxr07b95DY-00274-00064807-00065111 freaky stuff zlxr07b95DY-00275-00065112-00065303 so you just tape your girlfriend up yeah zlxr07b95DY-00276-00065304-00065543 she likes that right you like that right zlxr07b95DY-00277-00065544-00065711 yeah yeah she doesn't seem too into it zlxr07b95DY-00278-00065712-00067271 this seems pretty suspicious it is zlxr07b95DY-00279-00067272-00068253 okay zlxr07b95DY-00280-00068254-00068694 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00281-00068695-00068863 no she doesn't know what she's talking zlxr07b95DY-00282-00068864-00069038 about okay then what happened we did not zlxr07b95DY-00283-00069039-00069175 hit somebody with the car we did not cut zlxr07b95DY-00284-00069176-00069343 him up into pieces oh really then why is zlxr07b95DY-00285-00069344-00069526 there blood all over his shirt well zlxr07b95DY-00286-00069527-00069726 because he was having trouble opening up zlxr07b95DY-00287-00069727-00069975 a ball of ketchup tell him jeffy yeah i zlxr07b95DY-00288-00069976-00070159 have trouble opening the ketchup so i zlxr07b95DY-00289-00070160-00070319 cut the lid off yeah you can cut the zlxr07b95DY-00290-00070320-00070479 little ketchup does not make that kind zlxr07b95DY-00291-00070480-00070606 of mess oh yeah zlxr07b95DY-00292-00070607-00070926 yeah yeah we were opening ketchup zlxr07b95DY-00293-00070927-00071135 yeah zlxr07b95DY-00294-00071136-00071335 all right fine we i hit a homeless guy zlxr07b95DY-00295-00071336-00071526 with my car and we killed him and i was zlxr07b95DY-00296-00071527-00071671 trying to hide the body we decided to zlxr07b95DY-00297-00071672-00071871 cut his body into pieces i can't lie zlxr07b95DY-00298-00071872-00071967 anymore zlxr07b95DY-00299-00071968-00072159 all right all right there's the truth zlxr07b95DY-00300-00072160-00072391 now just i i need to see the body okay zlxr07b95DY-00301-00072392-00072582 the body um all right jeffy come on zlxr07b95DY-00302-00072583-00072799 let's let's show them the body all right zlxr07b95DY-00303-00072800-00073062 all right so here's the body what jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00304-00073063-00073262 where's the body what am i the body that zlxr07b95DY-00305-00073263-00073455 you cut into pieces i came by in your zlxr07b95DY-00306-00073456-00073662 peaches daddy so that's a cancer bottle zlxr07b95DY-00307-00073663-00073791 but so you were telling the truth about zlxr07b95DY-00308-00073792-00073943 that part that was a lie i literally zlxr07b95DY-00309-00073944-00074111 made that up well if you didn't make it zlxr07b95DY-00310-00074112-00074262 up it's right here well jeffy why'd you zlxr07b95DY-00311-00074263-00074591 kind of catch zlxr07b95DY-00312-00074592-00074750 why would you want to cut ketchup open zlxr07b95DY-00313-00074751-00074935 well because the zombie weren't done for zlxr07b95DY-00314-00074936-00075111 a series daddy zlxr07b95DY-00315-00075112-00075319 zombie what are you talking about well zlxr07b95DY-00316-00075320-00076248 he didn't want to happen daddy zlxr07b95DY-00317-00076249-00078055 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00318-00078056-00078326 are you gonna kill me oh hey kid could zlxr07b95DY-00319-00078327-00078680 you open this ketchup bottle for zlxr07b95DY-00320-00078681-00078785 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00321-00078786-00079791 [Applause] zlxr07b95DY-00322-00079792-00080038 okay so i know what's going on here zlxr07b95DY-00323-00080039-00080359 so basically he he he didn't die he just zlxr07b95DY-00324-00080360-00080559 got knocked out zlxr07b95DY-00325-00080560-00080743 so he just got knocked out he didn't die zlxr07b95DY-00326-00080744-00080950 okay zlxr07b95DY-00327-00080951-00081518 and then he woke up zlxr07b95DY-00328-00081519-00082396 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00329-00082397-00083655 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00330-00083656-00084815 [Music] zlxr07b95DY-00331-00084816-00085015 okay so let me get this straight nobody zlxr07b95DY-00332-00085016-00085199 actually died you didn't hit anybody zlxr07b95DY-00333-00085200-00085367 with your car and you didn't cut anybody zlxr07b95DY-00334-00085368-00085623 into peace no no no crimes happened he's zlxr07b95DY-00335-00085624-00085823 alive and no one got hurt zlxr07b95DY-00336-00085824-00085999 wow yeah i guess it was all just a prank zlxr07b95DY-00337-00086000-00086238 or something yeah big prank yeah yeah zlxr07b95DY-00338-00086239-00086423 yeah you got me that was a big prank zlxr07b95DY-00339-00086424-00086638 yeah but uh i'm gonna i'm gonna stop by zlxr07b95DY-00340-00086639-00086799 every now and then check on you okay zlxr07b95DY-00341-00086800-00086943 okay okay yeah but nothing illegal zlxr07b95DY-00342-00086944-00087159 happened it was it was all just a big zlxr07b95DY-00343-00087160-00087294 prank yes that's what i would tell zlxr07b95DY-00344-00087295-00087471 people it was just a break it's just a zlxr07b95DY-00345-00087472-00087567 break zlxr07b95DY-00346-00087568-00087767 that was a really mean prank you pulled zlxr07b95DY-00347-00087768-00087991 on us today mario you know i love zlxr07b95DY-00348-00087992-00088167 pulling me some pranks i'm i'm a zlxr07b95DY-00349-00088168-00088471 prankster you know you know zlxr07b95DY-00350-00088472-00088718 because it was a prank yep it's a prank zlxr07b95DY-00351-00088719-00089023 um daddy i didn't know that was a prank zlxr07b95DY-00352-00089024-00089143 we'll see jeffy that was part of the zlxr07b95DY-00353-00089144-00089294 prank is is that i pranked everybody zlxr07b95DY-00354-00089295-00089455 even you yeah that's that's what zlxr07b95DY-00355-00089456-00089682 happened oh well zlxr07b95DY-00356-00089683-00089918 um nuggets now daddy no jeffy just eat zlxr07b95DY-00357-00089919-00090087 green beans or something zlxr07b95DY-00358-00090088-00090247 holy zlxr07b95DY-00359-00090248-00090431 jeffy zlxr07b95DY-00360-00090432-00090759 no mommy [__] that this mexican italian zlxr07b95DY-00361-00090760-00092023 looking [__] wow zlxr07b95DY-00362-00092024-00092367 my boy my boy my boy my boy my boy jeff zlxr07b95DY-00363-00092368-00092503 face zlxr07b95DY-00364-00092504-00092671 can't be spelling now cause you want zlxr07b95DY-00365-00092672-00092871 some green bees man zlxr07b95DY-00366-00092872-00093191 can't be spazzing out so much man zlxr07b95DY-00367-00093192-00093559 can't be spazzing out so much man zlxr07b95DY-00368-00093560-00093735 just can't make zlxr07b95DY-00369-00093736-00093887 cause you want green cause you don't zlxr07b95DY-00370-00093888-00094143 want green beans man zlxr07b95DY-00371-00094144-00094494 the song though [__] that daddy [__] me zlxr07b95DY-00372-00094495-00094638 i swear zlxr07b95DY-00373-00094639-00094974 i'm gonna make myself throw up zlxr07b95DY-00374-00094975-00095143 don't do that jimmy zlxr07b95DY-00375-00095144-00095479 stop [__] daddy [__] you and bust zlxr07b95DY-00376-00095480-00095679 your green beans zlxr07b95DY-00377-00095680-00095911 i'm out [__] zlxr07b95DY-00378-00095912-00096047 oh god zlxr07b95DY-00379-00096048-00096182 you know i think he needs anger zlxr07b95DY-00380-00096183-00096382 management zlxr07b95DY-00381-00096383-00096479 daddy zlxr07b95DY-00382-00096480-00096682 don't lie green beach zlxr07b95DY-00383-00096683-00096974 okay [__] buy me carrots or bees or zlxr07b95DY-00384-00096975-00097135 some other [__] zlxr07b95DY-00385-00097136-00097343 get laid the green beans at the goddamn zlxr07b95DY-00386-00097344-00097806 store daddy [__] you zlxr07b95DY-00387-00097807-00098071 oh man zlxr07b95DY-00388-00098072-00098247 oh man zlxr07b95DY-00389-00098248-00098559 sml question zlxr07b95DY-00390-00098560-00098982 wait hold on zlxr07b95DY-00391-00098983-00099191 that's a male question zlxr07b95DY-00392-00099192-00099494 what would you do if you accidentally zlxr07b95DY-00393-00099495-00099662 kill someone zlxr07b95DY-00394-00099663-00099887 well if i actually didn't kill someone zlxr07b95DY-00395-00099888-00100279 here's what i would do zlxr07b95DY-00396-00100280-00100623 let me show you what i'll do zlxr07b95DY-00397-00100624-00100823 first of all i don't have a suitcase zlxr07b95DY-00398-00100824-00101047 y'all so zlxr07b95DY-00399-00101048-00101359 i use my regular book bags zlxr07b95DY-00400-00101360-00101631 use my regular book bag put the dead zlxr07b95DY-00401-00101632-00101871 body in the book bag zlxr07b95DY-00402-00101872-00102159 dead body in a book bag y'all zlxr07b95DY-00403-00102160-00102343 and then bring them to zlxr07b95DY-00404-00102344-00102566 and bring them to the uh zlxr07b95DY-00405-00102567-00102751 the lake or river in the ocean or zlxr07b95DY-00406-00102752-00102975 something dump that body and just act zlxr07b95DY-00407-00102976-00103190 like nothing happen man zlxr07b95DY-00408-00103191-00103382 so yeah man zlxr07b95DY-00409-00103383-00103486 so zlxr07b95DY-00410-00103488-00103727 yeah this was a good good episode y'all zlxr07b95DY-00411-00103728-00103854 good episode zlxr07b95DY-00412-00103855-00104015 but yeah this is where i'm going in this zlxr07b95DY-00413-00104016-00104286 video be sure to subscribe zlxr07b95DY-00414-00104288-00104575 and yo boy your boy boy see y'all in the zlxr07b95DY-00415-00104576-00104911 next one i'm out peace znjfhzoo4eQ-00000-00000003-00000193 hi my name is Abdeen not Abdullah that znjfhzoo4eQ-00001-00000194-00000302 become reached and all of us look alike znjfhzoo4eQ-00002-00000303-00000497 all the same name I'm 20 years old and znjfhzoo4eQ-00003-00000498-00000665 I've been making me just since I was 12 znjfhzoo4eQ-00004-00000666-00000794 I've been making youtube videos since I znjfhzoo4eQ-00005-00000795-00000862 was 13 znjfhzoo4eQ-00006-00000863-00001045 that makes sense according to working in znjfhzoo4eQ-00007-00001046-00001279 a fashion warehouse which transferred so znjfhzoo4eQ-00008-00001280-00001412 it's like a trial she's drama three days znjfhzoo4eQ-00009-00001413-00001562 off I do freelance videographer you're znjfhzoo4eQ-00010-00001563-00001709 acting on the side hence the long hair znjfhzoo4eQ-00011-00001710-00001838 cuz I'm in a play at the moment and I'm znjfhzoo4eQ-00012-00001839-00001991 playing at a prison and a prison guard znjfhzoo4eQ-00013-00001992-00002174 my favorite actor is a Scottish actor znjfhzoo4eQ-00014-00002175-00002293 you know the bloke from Doctor Who znjfhzoo4eQ-00015-00002294-00002471 no not Peter Capaldi no I mean the guy znjfhzoo4eQ-00016-00002472-00002654 who's also in Jessica Jones Dave tin and znjfhzoo4eQ-00017-00002655-00002807 when I first got into acting I was like znjfhzoo4eQ-00018-00002808-00002983 um I wanna be an actor but I think he's znjfhzoo4eQ-00019-00002984-00003080 pronounced doctor znjfhzoo4eQ-00020-00003081-00003215 no I'm serious I really want to do this znjfhzoo4eQ-00021-00003215-00003436 in my life hi Bob Arum kita Horton znjfhzoo4eQ-00022-00003438-00003674 are you sure is not a phase wait what znjfhzoo4eQ-00023-00003675-00003824 just to clarify my mom hasn't got a znjfhzoo4eQ-00024-00003825-00003953 really strong Asian accent I just wanna znjfhzoo4eQ-00025-00003954-00004054 show you guys that I've gotta be znjfhzoo4eQ-00026-00004055-00004211 arranged I also was a Salesman for about znjfhzoo4eQ-00027-00004212-00004313 a year so I should sell in shopping znjfhzoo4eQ-00028-00004314-00004469 centers door-to-door that's all on the znjfhzoo4eQ-00029-00004470-00004634 bus one I stopped Lola different types znjfhzoo4eQ-00030-00004635-00004811 of people I should like Jin dable you znjfhzoo4eQ-00031-00004812-00005051 actually mash mash Internet sky BT znjfhzoo4eQ-00032-00005052-00005338 virgin Siri or I'll charge Hajj I hope znjfhzoo4eQ-00033-00005339-00005474 you guys enjoy my audition tape I don't znjfhzoo4eQ-00034-00005475-00005627 wanna sing I want to tell me how many znjfhzoo4eQ-00035-00005628-00005793 British boom guys you see on the telling znjfhzoo4eQ-00036-00005794-00006121 apart from her Z3X8ViFpo3y-00000-00000520-00000647 nick had uh Z3X8ViFpo3y-00001-00000648-00001023 come out of surgery he was lying on a Z3X8ViFpo3y-00002-00001024-00001391 gurney he sustained Z3X8ViFpo3y-00003-00001392-00001887 significant injury but he was our neck Z3X8ViFpo3y-00004-00001888-00002142 and that's when every parent's worst Z3X8ViFpo3y-00005-00002143-00002350 nightmare became a reality for us right Z3X8ViFpo3y-00006-00002351-00002758 then and there Z3X8ViFpo3y-00007-00002759-00003176 what damage will your driving do Z6FCD7MZO6I-00000-00000225-00001303 [Music] Z6FCD7MZO6I-00001-00001304-00001497 fast and furious Z6FCD7MZO6I-00002-00001498-00002535 [Music] Z6QmRS1xDwy-00000-00000071-00000327 loki once again for crimes against Z6QmRS1xDwy-00001-00000328-00000430 asgard Z6QmRS1xDwy-00002-00000431-00000774 you are banished to earth ah where to Z6QmRS1xDwy-00003-00000775-00001491 new york london paris Z6QmRS1xDwy-00004-00001492-00002542 springfield Z6QmRS1xDwy-00005-00002543-00002751 you Z7gb4DFqrku-00000-00000360-00000551 it's still up to us to make what we can Z7gb4DFqrku-00001-00000552-00000607 of it Z7gb4DFqrku-00002-00000608-00000774 it's not out of our control i still Z7gb4DFqrku-00003-00000775-00000983 believe in love peace i still believe in Z7gb4DFqrku-00004-00000984-00001127 positive thinking Z7gb4DFqrku-00005-00001128-00001374 when i can do it i'm not always positive Z7gb4DFqrku-00006-00001375-00001796 but when i am i try and subject Z7gb4DFqrku-00007-00001797-00002488 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00008-00002489-00004283 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00009-00004284-00004886 so Z7gb4DFqrku-00010-00004887-00005625 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00011-00005626-00007556 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00012-00007556-00008483 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00013-00008484-00008681 so Z7gb4DFqrku-00014-00008682-00010227 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00016-00013319-00015286 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00017-00015287-00015483 [Music] Z7gb4DFqrku-00018-00015484-00016207 so Z7gb4DFqrku-00019-00016208-00016416 you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00000-00000032-00000191 yo what's going on everybody this is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00001-00000192-00000318 mystical today i'm bringing your video Z8ERMxBi-aY-00002-00000319-00000495 on how to play against Z8ERMxBi-aY-00003-00000496-00000878 rogue mage uh pally or priest um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00004-00000880-00001079 now very quickly i'm gonna this first Z8ERMxBi-aY-00005-00001080-00001247 game i'm gonna do commentary Z8ERMxBi-aY-00006-00001248-00001383 and then there's like three games after Z8ERMxBi-aY-00007-00001384-00001503 this where there's no commentary but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00008-00001504-00001630 i'll point some things out Z8ERMxBi-aY-00009-00001632-00001767 so if you just want to watch those games Z8ERMxBi-aY-00010-00001768-00001926 feel free to skip ahead i'll probably Z8ERMxBi-aY-00011-00001927-00002071 put a timestamp or something Z8ERMxBi-aY-00012-00002072-00002255 and then if you enjoy videos like this i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00013-00002256-00002383 did stream these so if you want to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00014-00002384-00002487 follow the twitch Z8ERMxBi-aY-00015-00002488-00002758 feel free you don't have to um but with Z8ERMxBi-aY-00016-00002759-00002999 that said let's get right into it today Z8ERMxBi-aY-00017-00003000-00003327 we have turbo versus rmp um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00018-00003328-00003511 you guys seem to enjoy uh how to survive Z8ERMxBi-aY-00019-00003511-00003695 versus double melee and today i'm gonna Z8ERMxBi-aY-00020-00003696-00003903 bring you how to survive or how to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00021-00003904-00004070 how to win versus rogue mage i want to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00022-00004071-00004359 preface this really quickly by saying um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00023-00004360-00004686 i play turbo and i play tsg Z8ERMxBi-aY-00024-00004687-00005031 rmp should win they should win Z8ERMxBi-aY-00025-00005032-00005231 so um you do have to play perfect you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00026-00005232-00005391 can't overlap cooldowns Z8ERMxBi-aY-00027-00005392-00005654 and even when you do play perfect you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00028-00005655-00005735 can still lose Z8ERMxBi-aY-00029-00005736-00005967 so just remember that but still um i'm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00030-00005968-00006215 gonna try to do my best to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00031-00006216-00006375 show what's going through my mind and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00032-00006376-00006518 how we're playing so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00033-00006519-00006919 these games are at about 28 20 50 2900 Z8ERMxBi-aY-00034-00006920-00007014 mmr so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00035-00007015-00007214 these teams know what they're doing and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00036-00007215-00007359 um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00037-00007359-00007606 yeah so before we get into it some gear Z8ERMxBi-aY-00038-00007608-00007734 uh you can see my versatility is a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00039-00007736-00007863 little low Z8ERMxBi-aY-00040-00007864-00008014 we were queuing into rogue mage pally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00041-00008015-00008271 spiders so i dropped my corruption Z8ERMxBi-aY-00042-00008272-00008599 by i want to say like 12 versatility Z8ERMxBi-aY-00043-00008600-00008935 so normally i have like 45 46 Z8ERMxBi-aY-00044-00008936-00009239 versatility um with one surging vitality Z8ERMxBi-aY-00045-00009240-00009414 so that's my versatility is a little low Z8ERMxBi-aY-00046-00009415-00009655 my trinkets are the mythic nazar Z8ERMxBi-aY-00047-00009656-00009919 uh tank trinket if you don't have done Z8ERMxBi-aY-00048-00009920-00010063 this off tank trinket it's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00049-00010064-00010367 fine you can play versus the pally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00050-00010368-00010495 version you want to play Z8ERMxBi-aY-00051-00010496-00010774 uh safeguard battlemaster if you want to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00052-00010775-00010974 the reason why safeguard is really good Z8ERMxBi-aY-00053-00010975-00011206 versus the pally version is because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00054-00011207-00011374 in the priest version the priest and the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00055-00011375-00011663 mage both can purge spam purge you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00056-00011664-00011910 whereas the pali version if he's not Z8ERMxBi-aY-00057-00011911-00012087 stacked the pali can't blood off you and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00058-00012088-00012231 only the mage can dispel Z8ERMxBi-aY-00059-00012232-00012455 or purge you so that's why i kind of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00060-00012456-00012591 like that and then we're realizing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00061-00012592-00012710 voodoo is really good if you don't have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00062-00012711-00012935 that just play battlemaster Z8ERMxBi-aY-00063-00012936-00013247 and safeguard those triggers are fair so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00064-00013247-00013463 yes here we go we are turbo versus rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00065-00013463-00013575 mage pally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00066-00013576-00013919 um let's just start it so you can see Z8ERMxBi-aY-00067-00013919-00014111 we're in combat right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00068-00014112-00014303 if you're in combat versus the pali Z8ERMxBi-aY-00069-00014304-00014551 version what they're gonna try to do Z8ERMxBi-aY-00070-00014552-00014686 even if you're non-combat what they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00071-00014687-00014847 gonna try to do is they're gonna try to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00072-00014847-00014935 open on you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00073-00014936-00015183 uh it's pretty common that they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00074-00015184-00015366 they're gonna try to force your trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00075-00015368-00015535 and what that does for the rogue mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00076-00015536-00015775 pally team is that Z8ERMxBi-aY-00077-00015776-00015950 then they can just they can just blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00078-00015951-00016158 zap you and then kill one of your dps Z8ERMxBi-aY-00079-00016159-00016407 so versus rogue mage pali rogue mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00080-00016408-00016591 priest Z8ERMxBi-aY-00081-00016592-00016799 it is a win in my books if you can get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00082-00016800-00016991 through the opener without using trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00083-00016992-00017167 so just don't use trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00084-00017168-00017415 and you'll be you'll be looking fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-00085-00017416-00017567 they might use combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00086-00017568-00017767 which is is fine too if they double Z8ERMxBi-aY-00087-00017768-00017950 stack the vendetta and combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00088-00017951-00018111 i think that's fine to trinket it but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00089-00018112-00018303 you can see the pally pushing in Z8ERMxBi-aY-00090-00018304-00018479 another clear way that you know that Z8ERMxBi-aY-00091-00018480-00018630 they're going to go you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00092-00018631-00018863 is when they start to cc or dps if they Z8ERMxBi-aY-00093-00018864-00019079 cc or dps in the opener Z8ERMxBi-aY-00094-00019080-00019230 there's a good chance they're going you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00095-00019231-00019414 um i don't know usually afford Z8ERMxBi-aY-00096-00019415-00019679 pre-fortifying brew but i actually don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00097-00019680-00019903 i normally i would but i actually don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00098-00019904-00020055 so it's very important they get the mark Z8ERMxBi-aY-00099-00020056-00020222 for that kidney on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00100-00020223-00020558 which is is it expected so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00101-00020559-00020694 um you can see the mage just still see Z8ERMxBi-aY-00102-00020695-00020871 seeing my enhancement shaman the pally's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00103-00020872-00021055 pushing in for a dr hodge off of this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00104-00021056-00021127 kidney shot Z8ERMxBi-aY-00105-00021128-00021414 and there's the claw from the pally i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00106-00021415-00021463 assume Z8ERMxBi-aY-00107-00021464-00021614 and then the dress i got to get from the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00108-00021615-00021783 rogue so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00109-00021784-00021903 they're obviously trying to force a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00110-00021904-00022039 cooldown here but it's very important to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00111-00022040-00022167 note Z8ERMxBi-aY-00112-00022168-00022422 they haven't used vendetta or combust so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00113-00022423-00022630 if you trinket this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00114-00022631-00022903 it's they can one they can probably just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00115-00022904-00023047 kill you just outright kill you in the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00116-00023048-00023135 next stun Z8ERMxBi-aY-00117-00023136-00023463 or they can kill your dps so again very Z8ERMxBi-aY-00118-00023464-00023591 hold on to your trinket as long as you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00119-00023592-00023871 can um here's the dr hodge claw's still Z8ERMxBi-aY-00120-00023872-00023999 ticking my poor shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00121-00024000-00024311 is still is still in a ring of frost so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00122-00024312-00024575 it's kind of unfortunate but that's okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-00123-00024576-00024719 the tiara the stun is over they're going Z8ERMxBi-aY-00124-00024720-00024855 to go for garrote off this there's the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00125-00024856-00024950 vanishing road Z8ERMxBi-aY-00126-00024951-00025086 they do it every time i actually had Z8ERMxBi-aY-00127-00025087-00025278 time to port here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00128-00025279-00025455 which i didn't and i'm surprised i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00129-00025456-00025646 didn't but uh they just go for the dr Z8ERMxBi-aY-00130-00025647-00025750 cheap shot and to grow Z8ERMxBi-aY-00131-00025751-00025974 so it's fine again when you're corroded Z8ERMxBi-aY-00132-00025975-00026127 you can use your healing elixirs Z8ERMxBi-aY-00133-00026127-00026351 and we get rally from my warrior so my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00134-00026352-00026479 warrior rallies Z8ERMxBi-aY-00135-00026480-00026790 um yeah remember it's a 3v3 game so what Z8ERMxBi-aY-00136-00026791-00026879 you need to do Z8ERMxBi-aY-00137-00026880-00027070 is rely on your teammates to not use Z8ERMxBi-aY-00138-00027072-00027190 your shrink in the opener Z8ERMxBi-aY-00139-00027191-00027383 if my shaman wasn't cc'd i'm sure he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00140-00027383-00027599 would have gotten a hex kick on the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00141-00027600-00027839 um maybe maybe you know some kind of cap Z8ERMxBi-aY-00142-00027839-00028046 totem maybe a root maybe something else Z8ERMxBi-aY-00143-00028047-00028190 my warrior obviously doing as much as Z8ERMxBi-aY-00144-00028191-00028383 you can there's rally it potentially Z8ERMxBi-aY-00145-00028383-00028518 could have feared i think the road Z8ERMxBi-aY-00146-00028519-00028646 shrinking in nothing so that's really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00147-00028647-00028751 good for us Z8ERMxBi-aY-00148-00028752-00029031 and um so far this opener actually isn't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00149-00029032-00029151 going too bad so again Z8ERMxBi-aY-00150-00029152-00029431 um the first when you're getting trained Z8ERMxBi-aY-00151-00029432-00029527 first cooldown Z8ERMxBi-aY-00152-00029527-00029823 you use port there's revival because i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00153-00029824-00030007 get the bleeds off kind of a waste Z8ERMxBi-aY-00154-00030008-00030311 in my opinion but uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00155-00030312-00030487 revival in this matchup really doesn't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00156-00030488-00030639 do too much but uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00157-00030639-00030783 it was a little bit of a waste by me so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00158-00030783-00030902 the first cooldown first made you cool Z8ERMxBi-aY-00159-00030903-00031055 cooldown to use versus when you get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00160-00031056-00031151 versus anything when you're getting Z8ERMxBi-aY-00161-00031152-00031231 trained Z8ERMxBi-aY-00162-00031232-00031623 use your port um it's awkward because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00163-00031624-00031814 the mage is it so this is why you kind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00164-00031816-00032023 of want to like stay away from your port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00165-00032024-00032158 but always stay in range is because the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00166-00032160-00032287 mage right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00167-00032288-00032495 is close enough where he can blink cs me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00168-00032495-00032655 so i go for the i know it seems awkward Z8ERMxBi-aY-00169-00032656-00032758 as unfocused here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00170-00032760-00033055 but if he blinks yeses me i'm dead like Z8ERMxBi-aY-00171-00033056-00033199 i'm just so dead so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00172-00033200-00033374 i go for the blink cs the rogue's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00173-00033375-00033511 obviously pushing him too so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00174-00033512-00033695 he blinks and see you see how he blinks Z8ERMxBi-aY-00175-00033696-00033823 if he has csc when used it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00176-00033824-00033959 and then i think he spells steel as my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00177-00033960-00034223 enveloping yeah so i'm still dying Z8ERMxBi-aY-00178-00034224-00034502 i am still dying versus this team uh but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00179-00034503-00034655 very important i don't use fortifying Z8ERMxBi-aY-00180-00034656-00034718 brew yet Z8ERMxBi-aY-00181-00034719-00034879 um i'm still gonna i'm still gonna wait Z8ERMxBi-aY-00182-00034880-00035223 for it excuse me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00183-00035224-00035487 so i hold off on using my fortifying Z8ERMxBi-aY-00184-00035488-00035815 brew and i just press live cocoon Z8ERMxBi-aY-00185-00035816-00036015 my zen focus t is about to fall rally is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00186-00036016-00036199 also going to fall and really important Z8ERMxBi-aY-00187-00036200-00036295 is rally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00188-00036296-00036430 doesn't care about the life coach and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00189-00036431-00036630 absorption um it just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00190-00036631-00036846 it just cares about health percentage so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00191-00036847-00036943 even if i'm at Z8ERMxBi-aY-00192-00036944-00037174 39 health it's going to drop my health Z8ERMxBi-aY-00193-00037175-00037287 percentage based Z8ERMxBi-aY-00194-00037288-00037502 so i go for a life you can put Z8ERMxBi-aY-00195-00037503-00037623 everything you missed on myself and the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00196-00037624-00037767 rally's about to fall so you'll see my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00197-00037768-00037887 health go from 45 Z8ERMxBi-aY-00198-00037888-00038223 to 28 so um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00199-00038224-00038446 so right now i think we're okay uh the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00200-00038447-00038583 the we survived the opener Z8ERMxBi-aY-00201-00038584-00038743 which which is good we didn't use our Z8ERMxBi-aY-00202-00038744-00038935 trinket no one used their trinkets Z8ERMxBi-aY-00203-00038936-00039079 actually in the opener no one used any Z8ERMxBi-aY-00204-00039080-00039207 major cooldowns in the opening which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00205-00039208-00039302 really good however Z8ERMxBi-aY-00206-00039303-00039471 they also didn't use vendetta or combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00207-00039472-00039662 yet so it's very important Z8ERMxBi-aY-00208-00039663-00039974 to kind of gauge their cooldowns use Z8ERMxBi-aY-00209-00039975-00040102 your trinket when you have to normally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00210-00040103-00040255 it's unblind but because the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00211-00040256-00040374 already vanished Z8ERMxBi-aY-00212-00040375-00040630 if he blinds me he can't get that that Z8ERMxBi-aY-00213-00040631-00040711 sap off Z8ERMxBi-aY-00214-00040712-00040902 so that's really important to note so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00215-00040903-00041046 right now your Z8ERMxBi-aY-00216-00041047-00041230 your goal should be my goal is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00217-00041231-00041415 reposition look at this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00218-00041416-00041607 just take a look at they're all stacked Z8ERMxBi-aY-00219-00041608-00041855 on me i need to get away like if you're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00220-00041856-00042062 a monk you you know the situation is bad Z8ERMxBi-aY-00221-00042063-00042279 so you need to get away what i do is i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00222-00042280-00042439 just get out of there Z8ERMxBi-aY-00223-00042440-00042727 i book it i think i reset my port here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00224-00042728-00042774 yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-00225-00042775-00042958 we set the port here perfect they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00226-00042959-00043102 really far away there's a kidney shot on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00227-00043103-00043183 my shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00228-00043184-00043335 i'm not really too worried about it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00229-00043336-00043479 because i'm really far away right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00230-00043480-00043630 but you can see the pally's pushing him Z8ERMxBi-aY-00231-00043631-00043662 for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00232-00043663-00043815 he's probably pushing for a hodge blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00233-00043816-00044007 on me so i'm still a little bit on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00234-00044008-00044271 global here so i think i go for a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00235-00044272-00044415 ink cap yeah so we ain't kept the pallet Z8ERMxBi-aY-00236-00044416-00044558 while he's pushing in and then they Z8ERMxBi-aY-00237-00044559-00044727 commit the mallet to my shaman which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00238-00044728-00044902 a little and a late vendetta Z8ERMxBi-aY-00239-00044903-00045167 so that's really good for us and i'm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00240-00045168-00045287 just trying to kite out that Z8ERMxBi-aY-00241-00045288-00045518 that pally while i try to deal with my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00242-00045519-00045671 shaman there's actual shift which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00243-00045672-00045718 fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-00244-00045719-00045983 and i instantly dispel them out it it's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00245-00045984-00046135 very important Z8ERMxBi-aY-00246-00046136-00046302 with with uh when you're playing with Z8ERMxBi-aY-00247-00046303-00046471 dps that have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00248-00046472-00046839 self-healing you know dk um shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00249-00046840-00047246 warlocks even priests demon hunters Z8ERMxBi-aY-00250-00047247-00047383 when you're playing against with classes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00251-00047384-00047535 like that that kind of rely on their Z8ERMxBi-aY-00252-00047536-00047662 self-healing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00253-00047663-00047839 if you see a mallet on them you need to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00254-00047840-00047958 dispel it because it doesn't only Z8ERMxBi-aY-00255-00047959-00048111 destroy you like absorb your healing it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00256-00048112-00048246 absorbs their healing too Z8ERMxBi-aY-00257-00048247-00048535 so dispel it as fast you can and i think Z8ERMxBi-aY-00258-00048536-00048655 i might just go for a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00259-00048656-00048911 vitality into renewing mister and then Z8ERMxBi-aY-00260-00048912-00049046 also Z8ERMxBi-aY-00261-00049047-00049262 right here just want to note that the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00262-00049263-00049399 pro the pali press Z8ERMxBi-aY-00263-00049400-00049590 the divine favor which is their ori Z8ERMxBi-aY-00264-00049591-00049799 mastery and does a lot of healing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00265-00049800-00050071 but if you're playing but it is purgable Z8ERMxBi-aY-00266-00050072-00050102 right Z8ERMxBi-aY-00267-00050103-00050390 so if you're playing with a shaman a you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00268-00050391-00050415 know Z8ERMxBi-aY-00269-00050416-00050823 a priest a mage anything that can purge Z8ERMxBi-aY-00270-00050824-00051039 uh demon hunter you you i'm right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00271-00051040-00051151 i'm definitely saying in Z8ERMxBi-aY-00272-00051152-00051335 in the in the call that hey i just stung Z8ERMxBi-aY-00273-00051336-00051535 this pally with or mastery Z8ERMxBi-aY-00274-00051536-00051863 can we can we purge it you know so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00275-00051864-00052038 i kind of make that a point i think he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00276-00052039-00052190 trickets this yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-00277-00052191-00052366 there's a trinket which is fine we get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00278-00052367-00052550 training from the pally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00279-00052551-00052703 that's fair there's a full poly on my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00280-00052704-00052863 warrior i think i dispel it here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00281-00052864-00052966 like as fast as i can there's a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00282-00052967-00053142 fortifying brew by me because i think Z8ERMxBi-aY-00283-00053144-00053279 they're swapping to me right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00284-00053279-00053479 i'm stacked on the pally he still has a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00285-00053479-00053607 hodge because he was running at me so he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00286-00053608-00053703 definitely has it and then there's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00287-00053704-00053854 kidney shot in four seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-00288-00053855-00054135 so i'm kind of expecting to get swapped Z8ERMxBi-aY-00289-00054136-00054247 to right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00290-00054248-00054438 but they actually don't and then one Z8ERMxBi-aY-00291-00054439-00054687 thing to note about here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00292-00054688-00055047 is uh we're taught the shaman which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00293-00055048-00055119 nice Z8ERMxBi-aY-00294-00055120-00055375 um but the mage is going for a polymorph Z8ERMxBi-aY-00295-00055376-00055582 unfortunately Z8ERMxBi-aY-00296-00055583-00055782 i was playing grapple weapon instead of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00297-00055783-00055982 short port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00298-00055983-00056199 my bad i i took the gamble it is a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00299-00056200-00056335 gamble you know because if they don't go Z8ERMxBi-aY-00300-00056336-00056463 you disarm is so good Z8ERMxBi-aY-00301-00056464-00056591 but i feel like even if they're going Z8ERMxBi-aY-00302-00056591-00056847 you i think disarm is really solid Z8ERMxBi-aY-00303-00056848-00057215 um ideal situations to use grab a weapon Z8ERMxBi-aY-00304-00057216-00057487 is right before cc right before you get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00305-00057488-00057638 stunned right before Z8ERMxBi-aY-00306-00057639-00057791 anything that's gonna make it so you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00307-00057791-00057991 can't play your you know your class Z8ERMxBi-aY-00308-00057991-00058182 i tend to try to disarm so i think i try Z8ERMxBi-aY-00309-00058183-00058319 to go for a disarm here you can see me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00310-00058320-00058487 clicking disarm here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00311-00058488-00058847 but it actually barely the globe was Z8ERMxBi-aY-00312-00058848-00059007 barely too slow i actually don't get the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00313-00059008-00059126 disarm on the road here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00314-00059127-00059294 so we are seeing this full poly Z8ERMxBi-aY-00315-00059295-00059487 positioning right now is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00316-00059488-00059799 it's it's like it's okay um it's really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00317-00059800-00059975 not the best they can potentially swap Z8ERMxBi-aY-00318-00059976-00060079 to me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00319-00060079-00060335 um or they could also get some follow-up Z8ERMxBi-aY-00320-00060336-00060406 cc on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00321-00060407-00060591 so i i'm kind of expecting to maybe get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00322-00060591-00060735 blinded out of this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00323-00060736-00061006 just because you know i'm full polite Z8ERMxBi-aY-00324-00061007-00061103 here they're probably they probably Z8ERMxBi-aY-00325-00061104-00061191 follow up cc Z8ERMxBi-aY-00326-00061191-00061399 so here there's a double db and here i'm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00327-00061400-00061550 thinking yeah they're going to swap me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00328-00061551-00061791 off this but i think they blind me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00329-00061791-00062071 really important right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00330-00062072-00062303 again because this matchup you you not Z8ERMxBi-aY-00331-00062304-00062438 only need to play it perfect Z8ERMxBi-aY-00332-00062439-00062679 you need to play it like a beyond but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00333-00062679-00062847 you need to play out of your mind versus Z8ERMxBi-aY-00334-00062848-00062975 every rogue image team Z8ERMxBi-aY-00335-00062976-00063191 which is why it's like some sometimes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00336-00063191-00063326 frustrating so right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00337-00063327-00063454 i really had a feeling they were going Z8ERMxBi-aY-00338-00063455-00063606 to blind me because i just said polly Z8ERMxBi-aY-00339-00063607-00063679 and i feel like they were going to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00340-00063679-00063815 hollers me and i think they were waiting Z8ERMxBi-aY-00341-00063816-00063863 for my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00342-00063864-00064103 fortifying rear to go off so what i do Z8ERMxBi-aY-00343-00064104-00064215 is abs i read Z8ERMxBi-aY-00344-00064216-00064366 as soon as i leave the polymorph i put Z8ERMxBi-aY-00345-00064367-00064550 on revitalizing voodoo totem Z8ERMxBi-aY-00346-00064551-00064711 which is the on-use minute-and-a-half Z8ERMxBi-aY-00347-00064712-00064879 cooldown Z8ERMxBi-aY-00348-00064879-00064982 i just had a feeling they were gonna Z8ERMxBi-aY-00349-00064983-00065182 blind me so i went for it and i think it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00350-00065183-00065342 lets me sit the blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00351-00065344-00065559 yeah because they um they it was a late Z8ERMxBi-aY-00352-00065560-00065806 kidney and then they polly my shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00353-00065807-00065999 which is really good that was definitely Z8ERMxBi-aY-00354-00066000-00066182 a mistake on their part like for sure a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00355-00066183-00066294 mistake on their part Z8ERMxBi-aY-00356-00066295-00066647 uh obviously um but it lets me sit and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00357-00066648-00066855 yeah i kind of just hit the blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00358-00066856-00066967 whenever you can Z8ERMxBi-aY-00359-00066968-00067126 whenever you don't have to drink at the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00360-00067127-00067279 opener or blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00361-00067280-00067455 i can't even tell you how far ahead of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00362-00067456-00067631 the game you are like Z8ERMxBi-aY-00363-00067632-00067799 so far ahead because that's their win Z8ERMxBi-aY-00364-00067800-00067991 conditions the way condition is to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00365-00067992-00068175 force your trick in the opener force or Z8ERMxBi-aY-00366-00068176-00068406 force major cooldowns in the opener Z8ERMxBi-aY-00367-00068407-00068671 maybe a trinket maybe i don't know Z8ERMxBi-aY-00368-00068672-00068735 something Z8ERMxBi-aY-00369-00068736-00069023 and or some kind of peel and then punish Z8ERMxBi-aY-00370-00069024-00069150 it later in the game on the next candy Z8ERMxBi-aY-00371-00069151-00069303 shop when they have real cooldowns Z8ERMxBi-aY-00372-00069304-00069631 but i didn't have to drink the opener or Z8ERMxBi-aY-00373-00069632-00069799 the blind and we still have every shrink Z8ERMxBi-aY-00374-00069800-00069959 in the game they already use smoke bomb Z8ERMxBi-aY-00375-00069960-00070071 so right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00376-00070072-00070294 we're ahead but it's very important Z8ERMxBi-aY-00377-00070295-00070479 versus rogue range teams and most teams Z8ERMxBi-aY-00378-00070480-00070606 because you're a monk Z8ERMxBi-aY-00379-00070607-00070943 uh is that even though you're far ahead Z8ERMxBi-aY-00380-00070944-00071079 they can still kill you they can still Z8ERMxBi-aY-00381-00071080-00071262 kill on your teammates so don't over Z8ERMxBi-aY-00382-00071263-00071415 commit overextend Z8ERMxBi-aY-00383-00071416-00071655 you know start uh overlapping cooldowns Z8ERMxBi-aY-00384-00071656-00071775 try to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00385-00071776-00071967 just keep playing the game so right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00386-00071968-00072079 we're doing all right Z8ERMxBi-aY-00387-00072080-00072231 now it's our turn right now it's now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00388-00072232-00072471 it's our turn to kind of you know Z8ERMxBi-aY-00389-00072472-00072687 use our cooldowns a bit so i can see Z8ERMxBi-aY-00390-00072688-00072806 that the pally has no trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00391-00072807-00072991 we're on on the mage rogues also kind of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00392-00072992-00073126 low so it's pretty clear they're in Z8ERMxBi-aY-00393-00073127-00073182 trouble Z8ERMxBi-aY-00394-00073183-00073438 the problem is that i have nothing i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00395-00073439-00073559 have no cc Z8ERMxBi-aY-00396-00073560-00073879 except for ring of peace so because they Z8ERMxBi-aY-00397-00073880-00074006 have no smoke bomb Z8ERMxBi-aY-00398-00074007-00074103 i'm just gonna ring a piece of the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00399-00074104-00074350 healer pretty sure i would Z8ERMxBi-aY-00400-00074351-00074582 yeah on this on on the uh divine favor Z8ERMxBi-aY-00401-00074583-00074782 as well yeah i definitely would because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00402-00074783-00074919 they have again they have no smoke bomb Z8ERMxBi-aY-00403-00074920-00075126 for three minutes so that's usually what Z8ERMxBi-aY-00404-00075127-00075247 i say bring a piece for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00405-00075248-00075375 they don't have it so i'm just gonna use Z8ERMxBi-aY-00406-00075376-00075535 the interrupt here we have a stun on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00407-00075536-00075655 mage so it looks like we go with some Z8ERMxBi-aY-00408-00075656-00075750 pressure it looks like we're also Z8ERMxBi-aY-00409-00075751-00075894 hitting the rogue here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00410-00075895-00076055 they're in some trouble right now which Z8ERMxBi-aY-00411-00076056-00076199 is nice so i use that focus t because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00412-00076200-00076359 both of them have kick and the rogue has Z8ERMxBi-aY-00413-00076360-00076599 stepped so he can't potentially kick me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00414-00076600-00076750 and i just kind of bomb some heels here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00415-00076751-00076999 we got a kick on the on the um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00416-00077000-00077215 on the polymorph here which is really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00417-00077216-00077326 solid um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00418-00077327-00077519 but i i i saw it too late i still Z8ERMxBi-aY-00419-00077520-00077687 thought i was getting i saw like the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00420-00077688-00077799 magic clothes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00421-00077800-00077943 and i just go for the instant disarm on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00422-00077944-00078182 the road here which i think is okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-00423-00078183-00078359 i think it's fine um again you want to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00424-00078360-00078503 use disarm if you get kicked Z8ERMxBi-aY-00425-00078504-00078687 or right before polymorph for hodge and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00426-00078688-00078879 any any time before that or during that Z8ERMxBi-aY-00427-00078880-00078911 is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00428-00078912-00079206 is is okay but you get the most value Z8ERMxBi-aY-00429-00079207-00079343 because if you get full polymorphed and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00430-00079344-00079487 you get a full disarm on the rogue with Z8ERMxBi-aY-00431-00079488-00079767 no trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00432-00079768-00079911 they can't really do much they're not Z8ERMxBi-aY-00433-00079912-00080055 gonna get much pressure which is really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00434-00080056-00080126 nice Z8ERMxBi-aY-00435-00080127-00080343 so um i'm just kind of positioning right Z8ERMxBi-aY-00436-00080344-00080615 now where they can't get any follow-up Z8ERMxBi-aY-00437-00080616-00080775 and we have to make we get the mages Z8ERMxBi-aY-00438-00080776-00080911 block which is really nice because i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00439-00080912-00081031 think this is a sentence Z8ERMxBi-aY-00440-00081032-00081175 yeah i just definitely saw one of those Z8ERMxBi-aY-00441-00081176-00081367 yeah i think it was a sentence Z8ERMxBi-aY-00442-00081368-00081719 yeah so right now even when a mage is an Z8ERMxBi-aY-00443-00081720-00081935 ice block you need to be Z8ERMxBi-aY-00444-00081936-00082191 cautious with mages because when a mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00445-00082192-00082318 leaves ice block Z8ERMxBi-aY-00446-00082319-00082503 um they can still kick you as soon as Z8ERMxBi-aY-00447-00082504-00082662 they leave so if you're free casting Z8ERMxBi-aY-00448-00082663-00082750 they can cancel Z8ERMxBi-aY-00449-00082751-00083023 kick you and you you could die um what Z8ERMxBi-aY-00450-00083024-00083182 they can also do is they can cancel it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00451-00083183-00083238 early Z8ERMxBi-aY-00452-00083239-00083406 go for polymorph on you and i think Z8ERMxBi-aY-00453-00083407-00083575 that's what this mage does i get in line Z8ERMxBi-aY-00454-00083576-00083743 of the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00455-00083744-00083879 boom instantly starts going for a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00456-00083880-00084071 polymorph now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00457-00084072-00084471 because this team is going on me and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00458-00084472-00084815 port is very important i try my best Z8ERMxBi-aY-00459-00084816-00085135 to not waste my port on avoiding cc Z8ERMxBi-aY-00460-00085136-00085375 rather i'd rather waste my rolls so i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00461-00085376-00085567 roll around the pillar cancel my roll Z8ERMxBi-aY-00462-00085568-00085631 and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00463-00085632-00085823 stay right behind the pillar in case he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00464-00085824-00085935 had a double blink Z8ERMxBi-aY-00465-00085936-00086215 which he did and we avoided the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00466-00086216-00086391 polymorph so i'll show it again Z8ERMxBi-aY-00467-00086392-00086662 we're getting we get in we replace our Z8ERMxBi-aY-00468-00086663-00086831 port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00469-00086832-00087047 we're on the road and we get in in line Z8ERMxBi-aY-00470-00087048-00087182 of the mage here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00471-00087183-00087335 so we get in line the mage he instantly Z8ERMxBi-aY-00472-00087336-00087526 can start he cancels his block Z8ERMxBi-aY-00473-00087527-00087687 and he goes for a polymorph and we roll Z8ERMxBi-aY-00474-00087688-00087887 around the corner and stay behind the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00475-00087888-00087926 pillar Z8ERMxBi-aY-00476-00087927-00088103 very close to the pillar don't don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00477-00088104-00088223 poke out there because they can get them Z8ERMxBi-aY-00478-00088224-00088350 maybe get the double blink if they have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00479-00088351-00088431 it but we Z8ERMxBi-aY-00480-00088432-00088662 we avoid it and this is good for a few Z8ERMxBi-aY-00481-00088663-00088806 reasons one Z8ERMxBi-aY-00482-00088807-00088999 you just avoid a polymorph which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00483-00089000-00089191 amazing they can't get any pressure now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00484-00089192-00089359 they have to wait for maybe the rogue to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00485-00089360-00089559 connect to you or the pop the pallets Z8ERMxBi-aY-00486-00089560-00089767 across the map to get to you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00487-00089768-00090031 and two uh the mage just wasted one of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00488-00090032-00090118 their blinks Z8ERMxBi-aY-00489-00090119-00090415 one of their shimmers it's amazing so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00490-00090416-00090559 that's less Z8ERMxBi-aY-00491-00090560-00090743 mobility to get away from my team which Z8ERMxBi-aY-00492-00090744-00090894 is really important Z8ERMxBi-aY-00493-00090895-00091047 so i'm just kind of staying behind the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00494-00091048-00091175 pillar i'm putting crackling jade Z8ERMxBi-aY-00495-00091176-00091335 lightning to put mystic touch on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00496-00091336-00091415 rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00497-00091416-00091550 and i'm just kind of staying far away Z8ERMxBi-aY-00498-00091551-00091767 this position right now is what you want Z8ERMxBi-aY-00499-00091768-00091823 to see Z8ERMxBi-aY-00500-00091824-00091967 you want to see the rogue mage palette Z8ERMxBi-aY-00501-00091968-00092167 team very far away Z8ERMxBi-aY-00502-00092168-00092335 you do not want to get anywhere close to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00503-00092336-00092503 these guys and then your team is still Z8ERMxBi-aY-00504-00092504-00092575 in line Z8ERMxBi-aY-00505-00092576-00092743 so you can you know still heal them Z8ERMxBi-aY-00506-00092744-00092894 without having to overextend like this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00507-00092895-00093103 is the ideal positioning Z8ERMxBi-aY-00508-00093104-00093343 that you want on any map versus this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00509-00093344-00093406 team Z8ERMxBi-aY-00510-00093407-00093671 is to just staying far stay far away let Z8ERMxBi-aY-00511-00093672-00093871 that let your dps through the dps and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00512-00093872-00094038 then you just heal them it's really nice Z8ERMxBi-aY-00513-00094039-00094174 really peaceful Z8ERMxBi-aY-00514-00094175-00094335 doesn't last for long though uh there's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00515-00094336-00094487 a second bop we get the instant purge on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00516-00094488-00094582 the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00517-00094583-00094711 and now they're starting to run at me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00518-00094712-00094911 yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-00519-00094912-00095111 let's just take a look here let's take Z8ERMxBi-aY-00520-00095112-00095487 right right after the bob Z8ERMxBi-aY-00521-00095488-00095718 there's a bop on the storm bowl and all Z8ERMxBi-aY-00522-00095719-00095894 of a sudden Z8ERMxBi-aY-00523-00095895-00096094 i see the rogue starting to completely Z8ERMxBi-aY-00524-00096095-00096247 avoid my shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00525-00096248-00096438 and avoiding like my warrior that's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00526-00096439-00096687 extremely overextended Z8ERMxBi-aY-00527-00096688-00096879 and i have a feeling that uh they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00528-00096880-00097126 gonna go me right it's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00529-00097127-00097271 it's fair to say that they're gonna go Z8ERMxBi-aY-00530-00097272-00097503 me so um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00531-00097504-00097662 i kind of position behind the pillar Z8ERMxBi-aY-00532-00097663-00097791 because if they're gonna go me i want Z8ERMxBi-aY-00533-00097792-00097926 the rogue to overextend Z8ERMxBi-aY-00534-00097927-00098079 to force the paladin to a bad spot to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00535-00098080-00098238 force the mage in a bad spot Z8ERMxBi-aY-00536-00098239-00098391 um because he's still very far away he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00537-00098392-00098503 doesn't even have to step for seven Z8ERMxBi-aY-00538-00098504-00098567 seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-00539-00098568-00098743 so if i stay far away from the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00540-00098744-00098879 they can't really get a setup on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00541-00098880-00099055 i think we have them extremely low here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00542-00099056-00099182 so i go for an end cap Z8ERMxBi-aY-00543-00099183-00099438 but it breaks yeah if for some reason it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00544-00099439-00099599 instantly breaks here i actually i don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00545-00099600-00099671 know why Z8ERMxBi-aY-00546-00099672-00099894 i don't see anything flying at him and i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00547-00099895-00099999 i i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00548-00100000-00100174 i just go for an in go for an encap on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00549-00100175-00100382 him just about the poisons off myself Z8ERMxBi-aY-00550-00100383-00100615 ain't kept the pally here i really think Z8ERMxBi-aY-00551-00100616-00100759 if this stuck the road was gonna die but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00552-00100760-00100911 they got the vitality on them on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00553-00100912-00101015 rogue so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00554-00101016-00101231 maybe not but yeah i go for the i don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00555-00101232-00101359 know what hits it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00556-00101360-00101638 i don't know what i i anyway it breaks Z8ERMxBi-aY-00557-00101639-00101718 on the palate which is a little Z8ERMxBi-aY-00558-00101719-00101847 unfortunate Z8ERMxBi-aY-00559-00101848-00102055 now again we are kind of far ahead but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00560-00102056-00102191 they are gonna they're trying to go me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00561-00102192-00102238 right now Z8ERMxBi-aY-00562-00102239-00102518 so uh there's a full poly on the shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00563-00102519-00102654 again when they start to see seeing your Z8ERMxBi-aY-00564-00102655-00102839 dps it's a good indicator that they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00565-00102840-00102958 gonna go you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00566-00102959-00103118 and right now i'm looking down at my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00567-00103119-00103271 cooldowns i'm looking at where the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00568-00103272-00103439 is the rogue's on this side of pillar Z8ERMxBi-aY-00569-00103440-00103671 i remember in all the monk mondays what Z8ERMxBi-aY-00570-00103672-00103758 you want to do Z8ERMxBi-aY-00571-00103759-00104015 is you want to cut away from your port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00572-00104016-00104223 but towards your dps so we see the road Z8ERMxBi-aY-00573-00104224-00104447 coming on this side of the pillar Z8ERMxBi-aY-00574-00104448-00104615 and i'm very far away from my dps i got Z8ERMxBi-aY-00575-00104616-00104782 my warrior over here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00576-00104783-00104975 got my shaman polymorphed over here so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00577-00104976-00105158 what i do is i ring a piece the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00578-00105159-00105199 away from Z8ERMxBi-aY-00579-00105200-00105534 me and i b-line it towards my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00580-00105535-00105839 towards my uh towards my dps so oh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00581-00105840-00106127 also very important right here i wish it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00582-00106128-00106286 kind of reversed like five seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-00583-00106288-00106415 instead of ten but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00584-00106416-00106599 i hope i hope this isn't too long i feel Z8ERMxBi-aY-00585-00106600-00106775 bad so what i do is one i only use one Z8ERMxBi-aY-00586-00106776-00106943 roll i remember it only takes one roll Z8ERMxBi-aY-00587-00106944-00107071 to get from one pillar to the next on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00588-00107072-00107295 this map but very important right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00589-00107296-00107534 right here there's about a half second Z8ERMxBi-aY-00590-00107535-00107663 left on polymorph Z8ERMxBi-aY-00591-00107664-00107807 and the mage is already casting a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00592-00107808-00107975 follow-up polymorph Z8ERMxBi-aY-00593-00107976-00108151 what i do is i wait for this follow-up Z8ERMxBi-aY-00594-00108152-00108351 polymorph to go off and then dispel my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00595-00108352-00108454 shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00596-00108455-00108623 you don't want to dispel this polymorph Z8ERMxBi-aY-00597-00108624-00108847 with like a quarter of a second left Z8ERMxBi-aY-00598-00108848-00109143 only for your shaman to get put into a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00599-00109144-00109286 half polymorph without the spell so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00600-00109288-00109399 again i wait Z8ERMxBi-aY-00601-00109400-00109654 and then i go for the dispel on them so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00602-00109655-00109751 and then right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00603-00109752-00110102 again the row gets to me instantly port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00604-00110103-00110358 instantly just get away um i think right Z8ERMxBi-aY-00605-00110359-00110471 now i don't know what's going through my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00606-00110472-00110543 head at the time Z8ERMxBi-aY-00607-00110544-00110847 but watching this play back i have nine Z8ERMxBi-aY-00608-00110848-00111039 seconds left on fortify and brew Z8ERMxBi-aY-00609-00111040-00111334 so i think i'm kind of stalling out time Z8ERMxBi-aY-00610-00111335-00111478 to get a fortifying brew on the kidney Z8ERMxBi-aY-00611-00111479-00111599 shot that's gonna be on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00612-00111600-00111790 because they have combust four the next Z8ERMxBi-aY-00613-00111791-00111958 um they might have been dead if he's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00614-00111959-00112119 playing like one in nepal truth or is it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00615-00112120-00112231 if he's playing like Z8ERMxBi-aY-00616-00112232-00112575 um vision perfection minor so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00617-00112576-00112854 i'm kind of just waiting it out here and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00618-00112855-00112927 or Z8ERMxBi-aY-00619-00112928-00113175 major minor um i'm kind of just stalling Z8ERMxBi-aY-00620-00113176-00113286 out eight seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-00621-00113288-00113447 so i'm just i'm just waiting it out my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00622-00113448-00113623 warrior gets polymorphed Z8ERMxBi-aY-00623-00113624-00113775 um it gets broken by the work which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00624-00113776-00113958 nice four seconds three Z8ERMxBi-aY-00625-00113959-00114158 two all right perfect one i can roll Z8ERMxBi-aY-00626-00114159-00114447 away boom i can afford to find brew Z8ERMxBi-aY-00627-00114448-00114599 i get the disarm on the rogue here which Z8ERMxBi-aY-00628-00114600-00114871 again very good use of disarm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00629-00114872-00115190 but i misplayed it i misplayed uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00630-00115191-00115407 heavily here and i kind of pay for it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00631-00115408-00115551 with my trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00632-00115552-00115719 now i disarm the rogue here which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00633-00115720-00115886 really nice however Z8ERMxBi-aY-00634-00115888-00116239 he has trinket he instantly trinkets it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00635-00116240-00116431 instantly he just instantly trains to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00636-00116432-00116543 disarm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00637-00116544-00116766 and i didn't press forward to finding Z8ERMxBi-aY-00638-00116767-00116863 room before Z8ERMxBi-aY-00639-00116864-00117207 so now i'm in a full kidney shot um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00640-00117208-00117327 let me see if they use cooldowns they Z8ERMxBi-aY-00641-00117328-00117654 use vendetta they use combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00642-00117655-00117839 i kind of feel a little bit down right Z8ERMxBi-aY-00643-00117840-00118047 here because it's like man i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00644-00118048-00118327 i used the right i used a good global Z8ERMxBi-aY-00645-00118328-00118502 but at the wrong time because again Z8ERMxBi-aY-00646-00118503-00118743 the rogue had trinket instantly trinkets Z8ERMxBi-aY-00647-00118744-00118807 it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00648-00118808-00119086 and um i don't have fortifying brew for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00649-00119088-00119239 this so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00650-00119240-00119366 in this situation if i didn't have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00651-00119367-00119558 trinket what i would be doing is i would Z8ERMxBi-aY-00652-00119559-00119727 say can you rally can you fear Z8ERMxBi-aY-00653-00119728-00119863 because again the rogue shrinking and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00654-00119864-00120039 disarm which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00655-00120040-00120247 pretty solid i mean no he's got no Z8ERMxBi-aY-00656-00120248-00120390 trinket so we have fear Z8ERMxBi-aY-00657-00120391-00120590 we got we got rally we also have a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00658-00120591-00120766 shamanist hex probably for the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00659-00120767-00120943 also has purge to get the combust but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00660-00120944-00121223 this is both vendetta and combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00661-00121224-00121543 so i trink it i just drink it i i just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00662-00121544-00121663 instantly trink it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00663-00121664-00121886 and kind of just um completely avoid the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00664-00121888-00122023 situation i don't want to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00665-00122024-00122199 i don't want them to get a you know crit Z8ERMxBi-aY-00666-00122200-00122343 with like their lethal strikes or Z8ERMxBi-aY-00667-00122344-00122414 whatever Z8ERMxBi-aY-00668-00122415-00122614 and i just die without shrinking so i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00669-00122615-00122751 trink it because it is vendetta and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00670-00122752-00122854 combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-00671-00122855-00123095 if i got the pre-fortifying brew on it i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00672-00123096-00123239 don't think i would have trinketed i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00673-00123240-00123463 i really don't i would adjust uh double Z8ERMxBi-aY-00674-00123464-00123623 kill elixir tank drink it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00675-00123624-00123758 boom i think that's what i would have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00676-00123759-00123934 done but uh because i didn't get the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00677-00123935-00124102 fortifying brew Z8ERMxBi-aY-00678-00124103-00124407 and he triggers the disarm um i pay for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00679-00124408-00124439 it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00680-00124440-00124663 yeah uh completely my bad uh shrink a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00681-00124664-00124854 cocoon for this one and again i'm not Z8ERMxBi-aY-00682-00124855-00124990 playing short port versus this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00683-00124991-00125175 so i don't have port i do have a role to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00684-00125176-00125334 get out so i dispel Z8ERMxBi-aY-00685-00125335-00125719 yeah i dispel the the claw Z8ERMxBi-aY-00686-00125720-00126039 because the pally's using it and usually Z8ERMxBi-aY-00687-00126040-00126231 versus like pally teams it usually comes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00688-00126232-00126327 down to mana Z8ERMxBi-aY-00689-00126328-00126558 but um again i also see so they kind of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00690-00126559-00126678 that was kind of their goal Z8ERMxBi-aY-00691-00126679-00126927 but i also see a window where this team Z8ERMxBi-aY-00692-00126928-00127014 is stacked up Z8ERMxBi-aY-00693-00127015-00127254 and i have like sweep so again even Z8ERMxBi-aY-00694-00127255-00127319 while Z8ERMxBi-aY-00695-00127320-00127471 they're kind of killing me and focusing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00696-00127472-00127719 me down i try to keep my team aggressive Z8ERMxBi-aY-00697-00127720-00127886 by getting a double leg sweep rogue is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00698-00127888-00127975 no trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00699-00127976-00128119 mage has to drink it he might trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00700-00128120-00128319 this um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00701-00128320-00128471 i just get the double trinket run away Z8ERMxBi-aY-00702-00128472-00128727 roll away boom i'm out of that situation Z8ERMxBi-aY-00703-00128728-00129110 um i manatee here as well because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00704-00129111-00129310 i don't know why actually because the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00705-00129311-00129454 rook is kicking the mages kick so this Z8ERMxBi-aY-00706-00129455-00129607 is kind of an awkward manatee Z8ERMxBi-aY-00707-00129608-00129831 he does kick me but i just get on an Z8ERMxBi-aY-00708-00129832-00129990 encap on the rogue here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00709-00129991-00130207 it's loss of my dps so it's definitely Z8ERMxBi-aY-00710-00130208-00130327 gonna sit and i get the spell on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00711-00130328-00130454 polymorph there Z8ERMxBi-aY-00712-00130455-00130751 and uh right now there's again there's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00713-00130752-00130783 the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00714-00130783-00130934 there's the vanish from the rogue i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00715-00130935-00131111 remember in the call my shaman was Z8ERMxBi-aY-00716-00131112-00131359 was like did he just get a resteal and i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00717-00131360-00131519 was like i really don't think how he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00718-00131520-00131583 could Z8ERMxBi-aY-00719-00131584-00131759 but uh it looks like he did vanish for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00720-00131760-00131887 it so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00721-00131888-00132183 again it's kind of similar to earlier if Z8ERMxBi-aY-00722-00132184-00132375 if the rogue vanishes before blind Z8ERMxBi-aY-00723-00132376-00132590 he can't get the vanish the vanish sap Z8ERMxBi-aY-00724-00132591-00132854 off the blind so if they blind me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00725-00132855-00133031 i i there's i have to sit except i have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00726-00133032-00133199 no trinket but we're in a good spot so i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00727-00133200-00133359 think i replaced my port here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00728-00133360-00133551 again when you're moving around on the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00729-00133552-00133775 map it's always important to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00730-00133776-00133966 like place your port where you are and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00731-00133967-00134087 where it's gonna be useful Z8ERMxBi-aY-00732-00134088-00134239 and you know if i didn't move it and we Z8ERMxBi-aY-00733-00134240-00134407 were i had my port all the way over here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00734-00134408-00134671 i wouldn't be able to avoid some some cc Z8ERMxBi-aY-00735-00134672-00134799 so there's a polymorph i think it's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00736-00134800-00134927 gonna be on me i don't know if i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00737-00134928-00135135 poured it no i ring a piece it and then Z8ERMxBi-aY-00738-00135136-00135295 i think i poured this one oh nice storm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00739-00135296-00135407 bolt as well Z8ERMxBi-aY-00740-00135408-00135687 um but yeah i'm kind of chilling here i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00741-00135688-00135847 think i dispel this polymorph really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00742-00135848-00135911 good Z8ERMxBi-aY-00743-00135912-00136119 and i can see that they're they're on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00744-00136120-00136231 again and before Z8ERMxBi-aY-00745-00136232-00136431 teams go on me like especially rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00746-00136432-00136535 mage teams Z8ERMxBi-aY-00747-00136536-00136654 it's a good idea to get enveloping Z8ERMxBi-aY-00748-00136655-00136831 missed renewing mist on you it's just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00749-00136832-00136927 passive healing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00750-00136928-00137183 while you're stunned so i think there's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00751-00137184-00137271 a there's a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00752-00137272-00137471 there's a guerrilla into a stun on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00753-00137472-00137614 blinding light in my shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00754-00137615-00137790 really good leap for my warrior and i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00755-00137791-00137999 don't know if he disarms here no Z8ERMxBi-aY-00756-00138000-00138223 there's a maldives claw okay so i think Z8ERMxBi-aY-00757-00138224-00138414 we just dispel it oh and hodge Z8ERMxBi-aY-00758-00138415-00138702 so again there's mali claw me a little Z8ERMxBi-aY-00759-00138703-00138799 bit of a misplay here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00760-00138800-00138935 yeah a little bit of misplay what i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00761-00138936-00139135 would have done here i got the you know Z8ERMxBi-aY-00762-00139136-00139271 healing on myself which is good outside Z8ERMxBi-aY-00763-00139272-00139463 55 percent versus from the searching Z8ERMxBi-aY-00764-00139464-00139687 vitality proc but um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00765-00139688-00139911 what i should have done is just ported i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00766-00139912-00140190 should just poured it and then dispelled Z8ERMxBi-aY-00767-00140191-00140351 the reason why is because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00768-00140352-00140559 when i dispel here i dispel the claw the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00769-00140560-00140775 melodic the wound poison Z8ERMxBi-aY-00770-00140776-00141031 but then i sit here and he reports he Z8ERMxBi-aY-00771-00141032-00141278 gets his poisons back on me so i pour it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00772-00141279-00141399 and then i still have wound poison i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00773-00141400-00141647 have no dispel so i should have poured Z8ERMxBi-aY-00774-00141648-00141702 it first Z8ERMxBi-aY-00775-00141703-00141823 then dispelled everything and then i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00776-00141824-00141935 wouldn't have had to worry about wound Z8ERMxBi-aY-00777-00141936-00142014 poison Z8ERMxBi-aY-00778-00142015-00142366 um but yeah in the moment i thought you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00779-00142367-00142519 know i just gotta dispel this as fast i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00780-00142520-00142575 can Z8ERMxBi-aY-00781-00142576-00142847 i don't want the pilot to get mana so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00782-00142848-00142919 kind of my bad Z8ERMxBi-aY-00783-00142920-00143039 right here i'm trying to deal with the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00784-00143040-00143183 mage the mage just hex here but it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00785-00143184-00143302 probably breaks soon Z8ERMxBi-aY-00786-00143303-00143607 yeah um he's in blink cs range and you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00787-00143608-00143726 could see i juke him here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00788-00143727-00144126 so i could hodge and everything to spell Z8ERMxBi-aY-00789-00144127-00144399 port boom and then you can see the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00790-00144400-00144559 again you always need to be mindful of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00791-00144560-00144631 the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00792-00144632-00144807 especially when they have cs because the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00793-00144808-00144951 blink cs that that's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00794-00144952-00145102 even if you live to go that's where Z8ERMxBi-aY-00795-00145103-00145263 they're going to get the kill they're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00796-00145264-00145447 going to try to get the blinks yes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00797-00145448-00145623 try to get maybe another kidney shot on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00798-00145624-00145766 you they get kidney shot in five if i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00799-00145767-00145959 get cs t or i'm cs and then kitty shot Z8ERMxBi-aY-00800-00145960-00146039 and i die Z8ERMxBi-aY-00801-00146040-00146359 so mage is going he leaves hex he's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00802-00146360-00146551 obviously in range to blink csm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00803-00146552-00146735 so they're always gonna they're normally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00804-00146736-00146887 gonna try to go for it so he blinks here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00805-00146888-00147078 i took the cs Z8ERMxBi-aY-00806-00147079-00147335 beautiful so now the rogue has no step Z8ERMxBi-aY-00807-00147336-00147454 for 14 Z8ERMxBi-aY-00808-00147455-00147687 seconds which means he can't kick me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00809-00147688-00147823 unless he's standing atop me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00810-00147824-00148047 and the mage has no cs so for the next Z8ERMxBi-aY-00811-00148048-00148159 14 seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-00812-00148160-00148526 ish um if i stay away from the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00813-00148527-00148831 they can't kick me you know i'm so i'm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00814-00148832-00148975 just trying to stay far away here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00815-00148976-00149126 trying to keep my renewing mist on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00816-00149127-00149335 everybody vitality conduit here i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00817-00149336-00149439 probably didn't have to use Z8ERMxBi-aY-00818-00149440-00149639 vita um i was just predicting i was just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00819-00149640-00149831 predicting some kind of cc here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00820-00149832-00149975 which i think they do they go for the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00821-00149976-00150214 blonde on me and um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00822-00150215-00150414 i get the beat off so i think it's okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-00823-00150415-00150566 if we didn't have veda or if i didn't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00824-00150567-00150614 preview Z8ERMxBi-aY-00825-00150615-00150999 vitality conduit we still have trinket Z8ERMxBi-aY-00826-00151000-00151351 rally and uh die by the sword so again Z8ERMxBi-aY-00827-00151352-00151566 we're doing really good this is why when Z8ERMxBi-aY-00828-00151567-00151654 teams go you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00829-00151655-00151823 and then swap to a dps and then swap Z8ERMxBi-aY-00830-00151824-00152039 back to you it's great when you live and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00831-00152040-00152231 don't have to use many cooldowns because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00832-00152232-00152359 if they keep trying to swap we're just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00833-00152360-00152463 gonna have our cooldowns by the time Z8ERMxBi-aY-00834-00152464-00152551 they swap back Z8ERMxBi-aY-00835-00152552-00152871 so we get blinded here again even if i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00836-00152872-00152990 had shrink it i don't think i would have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00837-00152991-00153087 trinketed Z8ERMxBi-aY-00838-00153088-00153326 because he doesn't have the vanish for Z8ERMxBi-aY-00839-00153327-00153495 the for the for the sap off Z8ERMxBi-aY-00840-00153496-00153735 and my poly my poly breaks here because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00841-00153736-00153847 the pally Z8ERMxBi-aY-00842-00153848-00153966 when they were attacking me put the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00843-00153967-00154199 glimmer on me so glimmer gets put on you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00844-00154200-00154454 when the pally holy shocks you and it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00845-00154455-00154647 lasts for 30 seconds and when he heals Z8ERMxBi-aY-00846-00154648-00154790 with holy light it deals damage to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00847-00154791-00154966 people with glimmer on them Z8ERMxBi-aY-00848-00154967-00155111 and he put a glamour on me and healed Z8ERMxBi-aY-00849-00155112-00155254 with holy light so that's really good Z8ERMxBi-aY-00850-00155255-00155343 for us the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00851-00155344-00155526 poly breaks but again even if they Z8ERMxBi-aY-00852-00155527-00155711 didn't make that mistake Z8ERMxBi-aY-00853-00155712-00155951 i actually i don't think uh my warrior Z8ERMxBi-aY-00854-00155952-00156071 would have died i think we would have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00855-00156072-00156135 been fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-00856-00156136-00156447 uh there's a revival there Z8ERMxBi-aY-00857-00156448-00156783 i don't know i don't really it's okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-00858-00156784-00156911 i i think i could have replied with a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00859-00156912-00157111 little bit better but um it's really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00860-00157112-00157247 only good for dispelling things i just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00861-00157248-00157463 went for the instant healing on it but Z8ERMxBi-aY-00862-00157464-00157607 probably could have done better uh the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00863-00157608-00157807 poly or the rogue is on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00864-00157808-00157983 i get some hot to myself here so i i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00865-00157984-00158102 feel like the rogue was going to try to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00866-00158103-00158190 kidding me there Z8ERMxBi-aY-00867-00158191-00158407 so i put a an enveloping mist and i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00868-00158408-00158575 think i go for maybe renewing this to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00869-00158576-00158743 myself as well Z8ERMxBi-aY-00870-00158744-00158959 i definitely let renewing miss drop uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00871-00158960-00159078 in this game quite a bit Z8ERMxBi-aY-00872-00159079-00159383 so i think i go for the poly um oh my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00873-00159384-00159487 warrior trinkets that's a little Z8ERMxBi-aY-00874-00159488-00159583 unfortunate so again Z8ERMxBi-aY-00875-00159584-00159751 kind of like what i said earlier Z8ERMxBi-aY-00876-00159752-00159935 whenever i feel like they're gonna put Z8ERMxBi-aY-00877-00159936-00160166 try to kill me with like a kidney shot Z8ERMxBi-aY-00878-00160167-00160383 um i try to put hot to myself especially Z8ERMxBi-aY-00879-00160384-00160511 when you don't have trinkets so i put Z8ERMxBi-aY-00880-00160512-00160654 involving mr knew you missed on myself Z8ERMxBi-aY-00881-00160655-00160719 here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00882-00160720-00160959 before this um this go so we have some Z8ERMxBi-aY-00883-00160960-00161047 passive healing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00884-00161048-00161239 during the kidney shot it might not be a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00885-00161240-00161526 whole lot but it is something Z8ERMxBi-aY-00886-00161527-00161711 and i believe there's combust and i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00887-00161712-00161854 think my shaman gives me some really Z8ERMxBi-aY-00888-00161855-00162014 good all feeling here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00889-00162015-00162183 yeah yeah really good off healing by my Z8ERMxBi-aY-00890-00162184-00162414 shaman a beautiful amount of healing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00891-00162415-00162695 and i instantly it again stain range Z8ERMxBi-aY-00892-00162696-00162799 your port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00893-00162800-00162935 and then when you're you know when teams Z8ERMxBi-aY-00894-00162936-00163119 are training you to the ground Z8ERMxBi-aY-00895-00163120-00163439 port first cooldown every time por Z8ERMxBi-aY-00896-00163440-00163639 por port you don't have to use zen focus Z8ERMxBi-aY-00897-00163640-00163854 t like cocoon Z8ERMxBi-aY-00898-00163855-00164047 fortifying brew nothing just use your Z8ERMxBi-aY-00899-00164048-00164190 port because again like Z8ERMxBi-aY-00900-00164191-00164359 they get a lot of pressure here they get Z8ERMxBi-aY-00901-00164360-00164559 me down really low that's combustion Z8ERMxBi-aY-00902-00164560-00164735 wings so they're doing a lot of damage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00903-00164736-00164919 here um they don't have dirt they use Z8ERMxBi-aY-00904-00164920-00164959 dress Z8ERMxBi-aY-00905-00164960-00165126 dressing out there as well i get a Z8ERMxBi-aY-00906-00165127-00165335 little off healing for my shaman Z8ERMxBi-aY-00907-00165336-00165623 and i could have um poured it before the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00908-00165624-00165799 hajj but i thought i was fine so i sat Z8ERMxBi-aY-00909-00165800-00165926 there and boom port Z8ERMxBi-aY-00910-00165927-00166111 that's it and i should dispel the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00911-00166112-00166383 poisons here i hope Z8ERMxBi-aY-00912-00166384-00166759 oh that's what i'm doing so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00913-00166760-00166966 we poured here and like how i was saying Z8ERMxBi-aY-00914-00166967-00167207 with the mage blink cs Z8ERMxBi-aY-00915-00167208-00167414 boom i tried a line here but look at the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00916-00167415-00167511 mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00917-00167512-00167671 he's looking to see if i'm casting Z8ERMxBi-aY-00918-00167672-00167847 because the mage is trying to blink cs Z8ERMxBi-aY-00919-00167848-00167902 on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-00920-00167903-00168078 so what i'm doing right here is i'm not Z8ERMxBi-aY-00921-00168079-00168214 dispelling any poisons Z8ERMxBi-aY-00922-00168215-00168335 and what i'm trying to do is i'm just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00923-00168336-00168463 trying to fake him right now because Z8ERMxBi-aY-00924-00168464-00168614 again he could get the blink cs i don't Z8ERMxBi-aY-00925-00168615-00168783 know if he has any blinks Z8ERMxBi-aY-00926-00168784-00168919 but i'm just trying to deal with the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00927-00168920-00169102 blinks yes and then i dispel the poisons Z8ERMxBi-aY-00928-00169103-00169231 and i'd just go for it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00929-00169232-00169423 um i've revitalizing voodoo totem in two Z8ERMxBi-aY-00930-00169424-00169654 seconds so if i get blank cs Z8ERMxBi-aY-00931-00169655-00169863 it is what it is i i have i can i can Z8ERMxBi-aY-00932-00169864-00170054 heal myself or my teammates with it so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00933-00170055-00170199 i'm not really worried about it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00934-00170200-00170447 um but he just stays away from me which Z8ERMxBi-aY-00935-00170448-00170559 is really amazing Z8ERMxBi-aY-00936-00170560-00170943 so again um we did i think we got to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00937-00170944-00171087 kick that no i get a double leg sweep Z8ERMxBi-aY-00938-00171088-00171166 here which is Z8ERMxBi-aY-00939-00171167-00171478 amazing so the the pali Z8ERMxBi-aY-00940-00171479-00171702 vitality conduits i think the the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-00941-00171703-00171823 here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00942-00171824-00172014 yeah or it's it might swap off or it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00943-00172015-00172159 goes down but i try to get a double leg Z8ERMxBi-aY-00944-00172160-00172247 sweep here Z8ERMxBi-aY-00945-00172248-00172519 because again it's really important to Z8ERMxBi-aY-00946-00172520-00172695 stay alive obviously but you always want Z8ERMxBi-aY-00947-00172696-00172863 to play to win Z8ERMxBi-aY-00948-00172864-00173047 playing the win is important rather than Z8ERMxBi-aY-00949-00173048-00173231 not losing because eventually Z8ERMxBi-aY-00950-00173232-00173383 you know it's going to get far enough Z8ERMxBi-aY-00951-00173384-00173543 from dampening where Z8ERMxBi-aY-00952-00173544-00173695 they can kill you and palace have so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00953-00173696-00173831 many cooldowns with the netflow truth Z8ERMxBi-aY-00954-00173832-00174102 that uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00955-00174103-00174254 they can make the game they can extend Z8ERMxBi-aY-00956-00174255-00174414 the game for so long so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00957-00174415-00174599 i see that they're stacked up here i Z8ERMxBi-aY-00958-00174600-00174783 could have potentially Z8ERMxBi-aY-00959-00174784-00174926 um if i had to ring a piece i don't know Z8ERMxBi-aY-00960-00174927-00175038 if i do i didn't i could have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00961-00175039-00175143 potentially saved Z8ERMxBi-aY-00962-00175144-00175366 my double roll and get a goddess done on Z8ERMxBi-aY-00963-00175367-00175526 the pally but instead i just see you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00964-00175527-00175647 know i see the mage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00965-00175648-00175823 doesn't have stun yard the pat the it'll Z8ERMxBi-aY-00966-00175824-00176023 be half on the rogue so Z8ERMxBi-aY-00967-00176024-00176247 i figure they're stacked up we have Z8ERMxBi-aY-00968-00176248-00176390 cooldowns i think we have a sentence Z8ERMxBi-aY-00969-00176391-00176535 yeah we we actually have a sentence i'm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00970-00176536-00176647 just like you know what let's just Z8ERMxBi-aY-00971-00176648-00176807 let's just go for it so i get the double Z8ERMxBi-aY-00972-00176808-00176975 leg sweep a spinning crane kick to keep Z8ERMxBi-aY-00973-00176976-00177111 to put the mystic touch on both of them Z8ERMxBi-aY-00974-00177112-00177326 so we get the cleave and just a ton of Z8ERMxBi-aY-00975-00177327-00177375 damage Z8ERMxBi-aY-00976-00177376-00177614 the rogue evasions and then the mage uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-00977-00177615-00177687 temps Z8ERMxBi-aY-00978-00177688-00177926 but i think we get a purge on it no we Z8ERMxBi-aY-00979-00177927-00178063 actually kill him right before it goes Z8ERMxBi-aY-00980-00178064-00178111 off Z8ERMxBi-aY-00981-00178112-00178502 so we get the kill on the mage and um Z8ERMxBi-aY-00982-00178503-00178654 that's normally the kill target is the Z8ERMxBi-aY-00983-00178655-00178847 mage and yeah that's Z8ERMxBi-aY-00984-00178848-00178999 pretty much it at the end there we had Z8ERMxBi-aY-00985-00179000-00179143 every culinary fortifying brew we had Z8ERMxBi-aY-00986-00179144-00179175 our Z8ERMxBi-aY-00987-00179176-00179295 healing link series we had both of our Z8ERMxBi-aY-00988-00179296-00179438 trainings we had a life going during it Z8ERMxBi-aY-00989-00179439-00179551 we had disarm Z8ERMxBi-aY-00990-00179552-00179895 so yeah absolutely insane and Z8ERMxBi-aY-00991-00179896-00180111 yeah i just i don't use disarm too often Z8ERMxBi-aY-00992-00180112-00180287 except for like before polymorphs before Z8ERMxBi-aY-00993-00180288-00180614 like cc on me and yeah that's pretty Z8ERMxBi-aY-00994-00180615-00180654 much Z8ERMxBi-aY-00995-00180655-00180926 it a really solid game a really good Z8ERMxBi-aY-00996-00180927-00180999 game Z8ERMxBi-aY-00997-00181000-00181135 and if you have any questions or if you Z8ERMxBi-aY-00998-00181136-00181271 want to see a comp or if you're Z8ERMxBi-aY-00999-00181272-00181407 struggling against the comp Z8ERMxBi-aY-01000-00181408-00181559 and you want to see me do a video like Z8ERMxBi-aY-01001-00181560-00181711 this please let me know Z8ERMxBi-aY-01002-00181712-00181966 but for now there are three other games Z8ERMxBi-aY-01003-00181967-00182023 where Z8ERMxBi-aY-01004-00182024-00182263 we play against rogue mage um pally and Z8ERMxBi-aY-01005-00182264-00182326 priest Z8ERMxBi-aY-01006-00182327-00182535 and i'm gonna do some call outs there Z8ERMxBi-aY-01007-00182536-00182702 and show you guys what's going through Z8ERMxBi-aY-01008-00182703-00182854 my mind as well but that's pretty much Z8ERMxBi-aY-01009-00182855-00182983 it if you enjoyed the video Z8ERMxBi-aY-01010-00182984-00183183 like please let me know because i enjoy Z8ERMxBi-aY-01011-00183184-00183326 doing videos like this we came into Z8ERMxBi-aY-01012-00183327-00183414 quite a few comps Z8ERMxBi-aY-01013-00183415-00183654 so i think major lock might also be a Z8ERMxBi-aY-01014-00183655-00183759 pretty popular one Z8ERMxBi-aY-01015-00183760-00183863 still trying to figure out how to beat Z8ERMxBi-aY-01016-00183864-00184095 that comp but um yeah again any Z8ERMxBi-aY-01017-00184096-00184214 questions please let me know Z8ERMxBi-aY-01018-00184215-00184366 but for now that's pretty much all the Z8ERMxBi-aY-01019-00184367-00184535 commentary i got enjoy the last three Z8ERMxBi-aY-01020-00184536-00184654 videos and uh Z8ERMxBi-aY-01021-00184655-00185135 have a great rest your day Z8ERMxBi-aY-01022-00185136-00185447 what's the plan here Z8ERMxBi-aY-01023-00185448-00186102 kurt on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-01024-00186103-00186414 are we gonna try mage okay yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01025-00186415-00186887 yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01026-00186888-00187254 okay okay good good on this mate here Z8ERMxBi-aY-01027-00187255-00188838 i'm kidding Z8ERMxBi-aY-01028-00188839-00188950 he just paints up too he just paints Z8ERMxBi-aY-01029-00188951-00189671 them too i got paulie i got i gotta go Z8ERMxBi-aY-01030-00189672-00190023 yeah i kick neck seal um i'm probably Z8ERMxBi-aY-01031-00190024-00190166 full you might need a wall here Z8ERMxBi-aY-01032-00190167-00190483 yeah yeah it's fine there's some rope Z8ERMxBi-aY-01033-00190484-00191399 yep Z8ERMxBi-aY-01034-00191400-00191599 i might just try to sit this uh yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01035-00191600-00191743 could they just follow me yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01036-00191744-00191807 we're fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-01037-00191808-00193135 yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01038-00193136-00193390 he has no pain sub uh just throwing a Z8ERMxBi-aY-01039-00193391-00193447 hex out Z8ERMxBi-aY-01040-00193448-00193590 yeah nice that's good yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01041-00193591-00193790 beautiful i'm just not amazed on me Z8ERMxBi-aY-01042-00193791-00194278 okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-01043-00194279-00194511 i locked the room into the room i got Z8ERMxBi-aY-01044-00194512-00195054 you i guess i got i got i gotta get yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01045-00195055-00195438 i'm fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-01046-00195439-00195663 i could cc healer or i could try at Z8ERMxBi-aY-01047-00195664-00195854 least i'm probably fully too far away Z8ERMxBi-aY-01048-00195855-00196102 yeah you might need to rally this unless Z8ERMxBi-aY-01049-00196103-00196207 we can stop breeze which would be Z8ERMxBi-aY-01050-00196208-00196463 amazing Z8ERMxBi-aY-01051-00196464-00196847 okay okay i could read off this Z8ERMxBi-aY-01052-00196848-00197343 nice good kick i i i i some priests fall Z8ERMxBi-aY-01053-00197344-00198895 yeah yeah come on kill go yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01054-00198896-00199175 yeah yeah and tank dreams you can i'm in Z8ERMxBi-aY-01055-00199176-00199366 cc for a while Z8ERMxBi-aY-01056-00199367-00199614 nice good banner oh really nice rally b Z8ERMxBi-aY-01057-00199615-00199799 to you before the polly should be okay Z8ERMxBi-aY-01058-00199800-00199966 yeah belly on you Z8ERMxBi-aY-01059-00199967-00200287 combust yeah uh that's bomb i'm gonna Z8ERMxBi-aY-01060-00200288-00200454 stumbling yeah you're good you're good Z8ERMxBi-aY-01061-00200455-00200623 i'm teaming short it's good you're new Z8ERMxBi-aY-01062-00200624-00200934 it's fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-01063-00200935-00201238 [Music] Z8ERMxBi-aY-01064-00201239-00201511 yeah we're good survive the opener Z8ERMxBi-aY-01065-00201512-00203277 that's also invasion yeah yeah yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01066-00203278-00204483 [Music] Z8ERMxBi-aY-01067-00204484-00204982 before i can get your poly Z8ERMxBi-aY-01068-00204983-00205166 that's great you give a i don't know how Z8ERMxBi-aY-01069-00205167-00205327 that works you get my poly ball Z8ERMxBi-aY-01070-00205328-00205551 it doesn't it doesn't just feel real Z8ERMxBi-aY-01072-00208687-00208855 nice really good really good feet here Z8ERMxBi-aY-01073-00208856-00208998 before hodge or for a thing Z8ERMxBi-aY-01074-00209000-00209406 nice it's been out of two try some dps Z8ERMxBi-aY-01075-00209407-00209742 yeah i ever throw this Z8ERMxBi-aY-01076-00209744-00211071 keeping the dick yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01077-00211071-00211294 i think you're dead you have rally any Z8ERMxBi-aY-01078-00211296-00212882 stops for reese grounding or anything Z8ERMxBi-aY-01080-00216352-00216679 yeah trying to grind the hodge Z8ERMxBi-aY-01082-00219883-00220375 nice Z8ERMxBi-aY-01083-00220376-00220510 i just don't have trinket that's the Z8ERMxBi-aY-01084-00220511-00220703 only thing i get your i Z8ERMxBi-aY-01085-00220704-00220910 i pre-vitality this i pre beat it as i Z8ERMxBi-aY-01086-00220911-00221079 preview this combust Z8ERMxBi-aY-01087-00221080-00221423 vendetta i have cocoon off if we need to Z8ERMxBi-aY-01088-00221423-00221567 oh i wasted my grounding are you good Z8ERMxBi-aY-01089-00221567-00221742 you're good you're good i can port this Z8ERMxBi-aY-01090-00221744-00222046 i did i'm right here Z8ERMxBi-aY-01091-00222048-00222431 oh they bombed it just on the rogue Z8ERMxBi-aY-01092-00222432-00222582 i'm out of the bomb okay trying to kick Z8ERMxBi-aY-01093-00222583-00222775 it yeah i i took the mage i took the Z8ERMxBi-aY-01094-00222776-00222894 mage it's fine Z8ERMxBi-aY-01095-00222896-00223127 i just found the rogue i can't get it Z8ERMxBi-aY-01096-00223128-00223255 two seconds Z8ERMxBi-aY-01097-00223256-00223431 okay yeah yeah i got your polly get your Z8ERMxBi-aY-01098-00223432-00223631 polly you vanish Z8ERMxBi-aY-01099-00223632-00223839 probably me i'm gonna cocoon here before Z8ERMxBi-aY-01100-00223840-00223942 cc Z8ERMxBi-aY-01101-00223944-00224191 all right you should be okay cocoon and Z8ERMxBi-aY-01102-00224192-00224246 40 Z8ERMxBi-aY-01103-00224248-00224375 i've encapped for i actually have ink Z8ERMxBi-aY-01104-00224376-00224694 out for the pally yeah i got hajj Z8ERMxBi-aY-01105-00224696-00225055 pick pawnee yep yep yeah Z8ERMxBi-aY-01106-00225056-00225967 [__] it yeah incapacity nice job Z8ERMxBi-aY-01107-00225969-00226869 [Music] Z8ERMxBi-aY-01108-00226871-00227439 [Music] Z8ERMxBi-aY-01109-00227440-00227648 you Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00000-00000057-00000243 the Journal of global information Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00001-00000244-00000501 management is a quarterly peer-reviewed Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00002-00000501-00000717 academic journal covering information Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00003-00000718-00001077 management it was established in 1993 Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00004-00001078-00001379 and is published by IGI global the Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00005-00001380-00001601 editor-in-chief is Justin Jiang of Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00006-00001602-00002300 University of North Florida Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00007-00002301-00002933 topic abstracting and indexing Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00008-00002934-00003271 the journal is abstracted and indexed in Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00009-00003272-00003500 according to the journal citation Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00010-00003501-00003793 reports the journal has a 2016 impact Z8X-6Kfa7OI-00011-00003794-00004325 factor of zero 517 Zq_gr1KAGay-00000-00000098-00002427 [Music] Zq_gr1KAGay-00001-00002428-00003778 [Music] Zq_gr1KAGay-00003-00007669-00009017 [Music] Zq_gr1KAGay-00004-00009018-00010309 [Music] ZrO4RdXeVTk-00000-00000440-00000816 [Music] ZrO4RdXeVTk-00001-00000817-00001052 welcome everyone today I'm pleased to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00002-00001053-00001270 show you the new NX or construction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00003-00001271-00001544 authoring this new work construction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00004-00001545-00001745 operation type is the basis for this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00005-00001746-00001976 capability each work construction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00006-00001977-00002246 operation contains and manages some ZrO4RdXeVTk-00007-00002247-00002459 instructions on one or more of these ZrO4RdXeVTk-00008-00002460-00002765 sheets several sheet templates are ZrO4RdXeVTk-00009-00002766-00003005 available we'll start with a general ZrO4RdXeVTk-00010-00003006-00003229 instruction sheet of course you can ZrO4RdXeVTk-00011-00003230-00003436 modify or add to this template list to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00012-00003438-00003772 best meet your documentation needs these ZrO4RdXeVTk-00013-00003773-00003953 instruction sheets are available for ZrO4RdXeVTk-00014-00003954-00004172 HTML preview as soon as we create them ZrO4RdXeVTk-00015-00004173-00004370 making it very easy to ensure your ZrO4RdXeVTk-00016-00004371-00004526 instructions look the way you want them ZrO4RdXeVTk-00017-00004527-00004879 to as we go through these examples we'll ZrO4RdXeVTk-00018-00004880-00005069 be moving our preview browser window ZrO4RdXeVTk-00019-00005070-00005270 over and back so we can see these ZrO4RdXeVTk-00020-00005271-00005588 previews we can add additional sheets to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00021-00005589-00005801 our construction operations as many as ZrO4RdXeVTk-00022-00005802-00006052 we like this next sheet will use the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00023-00006053-00006284 setup instructions template and this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00024-00006285-00006509 template includes a product view item ZrO4RdXeVTk-00025-00006509-00006760 which captures a particular view of the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00026-00006761-00007045 setup to illustrate the instruction step ZrO4RdXeVTk-00027-00007045-00007309 note that the captured view includes not ZrO4RdXeVTk-00028-00007311-00007514 just view direction and zoom factor but ZrO4RdXeVTk-00029-00007515-00007688 also any other visibility settings ZrO4RdXeVTk-00030-00007689-00008053 available in an x-component visibility ZrO4RdXeVTk-00031-00008054-00008374 rendering style even cross sectioning or ZrO4RdXeVTk-00032-00008375-00008552 the status of wavelength components is ZrO4RdXeVTk-00033-00008553-00008708 captured and remembered as part of the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00034-00008709-00009023 view you can also see there are text ZrO4RdXeVTk-00035-00009024-00009233 entry for this template includes some ZrO4RdXeVTk-00036-00009234-00009478 quick text choices that are included ZrO4RdXeVTk-00037-00009479-00009767 with the template so we obviously want ZrO4RdXeVTk-00038-00009768-00010010 to include any company boilerplate text ZrO4RdXeVTk-00039-00010011-00010259 in a quick text selection like this in ZrO4RdXeVTk-00040-00010260-00010430 order to speed things up and keep them ZrO4RdXeVTk-00041-00010431-00010760 consistent we could also bring in text ZrO4RdXeVTk-00042-00010761-00011141 from a file the ability to save these ZrO4RdXeVTk-00043-00011142-00011353 various view settings is a big advantage ZrO4RdXeVTk-00044-00011354-00011492 to this method of war construction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00045-00011493-00011828 authoring we'll grab a stored model view ZrO4RdXeVTk-00046-00011829-00012002 that includes some key product ZrO4RdXeVTk-00047-00012003-00012341 manufacturing information or PMI items ZrO4RdXeVTk-00048-00012342-00012470 and we'll create another work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00049-00012471-00012760 construction operation this view will ZrO4RdXeVTk-00050-00012761-00012977 show the specified run-out tolerance of ZrO4RdXeVTk-00051-00012978-00013428 0.01 as a piece of PMI on this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00052-00013429-00013663 will create another work instruction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00053-00013665-00013981 operation named run-out check and use ZrO4RdXeVTk-00054-00013982-00014209 the setup instruction template again for ZrO4RdXeVTk-00055-00014210-00015353 the first instruction sheet ZrO4RdXeVTk-00056-00015354-00015580 we'll capture this view including the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00057-00015581-00015860 PMI visibility as the product view so ZrO4RdXeVTk-00058-00015861-00016108 that the actual model PMI will be part ZrO4RdXeVTk-00059-00016109-00016400 of the war construction content and the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00060-00016401-00016628 immediate feedback of the captured image ZrO4RdXeVTk-00061-00016629-00016874 enables the war construction author to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00062-00016875-00017044 verify that the image clearly defines ZrO4RdXeVTk-00063-00017045-00018164 the required steps let's create another ZrO4RdXeVTk-00064-00018165-00018386 war construction operation and look at ZrO4RdXeVTk-00065-00018387-00018611 one of the tool list templates there are ZrO4RdXeVTk-00066-00018612-00018830 two - list templates included in the out ZrO4RdXeVTk-00067-00018831-00019046 of the box template examples but ZrO4RdXeVTk-00068-00019047-00019214 remember that she can create additional ZrO4RdXeVTk-00069-00019215-00019322 templates if you have different ZrO4RdXeVTk-00070-00019323-00019606 documentation requirements the items on ZrO4RdXeVTk-00071-00019607-00019747 this sheet are different from what we've ZrO4RdXeVTk-00072-00019748-00019922 seen so far starting with these two ZrO4RdXeVTk-00073-00019923-00020189 drawing items so we can pick any store ZrO4RdXeVTk-00074-00020190-00020378 drawing in the part file and include it ZrO4RdXeVTk-00075-00020379-00020503 with the instruction sheet if the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00076-00020504-00020722 template offers this kind of item the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00077-00020723-00020930 example template we're using now has two ZrO4RdXeVTk-00078-00020931-00021146 drawing selections but you can include ZrO4RdXeVTk-00079-00021147-00021364 as many as you like in your templates ZrO4RdXeVTk-00080-00021365-00021614 the second new item type is the tool ZrO4RdXeVTk-00081-00021615-00021856 list item and we specify the program ZrO4RdXeVTk-00082-00021857-00022121 group we want to list tools for in this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00083-00022122-00022309 case we want all of the tools used in ZrO4RdXeVTk-00084-00022310-00022571 the overall program group and you can ZrO4RdXeVTk-00085-00022572-00022750 see the information provided includes ZrO4RdXeVTk-00086-00022751-00023027 tool numbers and geometry it also ZrO4RdXeVTk-00087-00023028-00023200 includes a list of operations where the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00088-00023201-00023393 tool is used and its total cutting time ZrO4RdXeVTk-00089-00023394-00023722 and all of this is associative if the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00090-00023723-00023908 drawings change or the tool selections ZrO4RdXeVTk-00091-00023909-00024161 and the NC program are modified the work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00092-00024162-00024397 instruction sheets automatically reflect ZrO4RdXeVTk-00093-00024398-00024833 the changes so far we've created new ZrO4RdXeVTk-00094-00024834-00024997 work construction operations to keep ZrO4RdXeVTk-00095-00024998-00025222 track of any instruction sheet content ZrO4RdXeVTk-00096-00025223-00025433 we can also add instruction sheets to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00097-00025434-00025612 any other operation in the operation ZrO4RdXeVTk-00098-00025613-00025886 navigator work instructions are added to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00099-00025887-00026044 an operation by using the right mouse ZrO4RdXeVTk-00100-00026045-00026231 button on the operation navigator and ZrO4RdXeVTk-00101-00026232-00026411 authoring new work instructions for that ZrO4RdXeVTk-00102-00026412-00026711 operation so here on the first face mail ZrO4RdXeVTk-00103-00026712-00026902 operation will create an instruction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00104-00026903-00027158 sheet using this operation template and ZrO4RdXeVTk-00105-00027158-00027404 this template will include a path view ZrO4RdXeVTk-00106-00027405-00027721 and some text and a drawing the path ZrO4RdXeVTk-00107-00027722-00027935 view is like other product view so we've ZrO4RdXeVTk-00108-00027936-00028114 used except that it can include tool ZrO4RdXeVTk-00109-00028115-00028445 path display also you can see how the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00110-00028445-00028633 tool path shows up immediately in the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00111-00028634-00028702 instruction for ZrO4RdXeVTk-00112-00028704-00028904 you browser even though it's not even ZrO4RdXeVTk-00113-00028905-00029117 currently visible on screen so it's just ZrO4RdXeVTk-00114-00029118-00029402 automatically included showing the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00115-00029402-00029602 operator the tool path for an operation ZrO4RdXeVTk-00116-00029604-00029758 of course conveys a lot of important ZrO4RdXeVTk-00117-00029760-00029954 information and is really a key ZrO4RdXeVTk-00118-00029955-00030116 component of the work instructions ZrO4RdXeVTk-00119-00030117-00030524 overall and we'll add some text and ZrO4RdXeVTk-00120-00030525-00030845 again select a prepared drawing sheet to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00121-00030845-00031004 finish off this operations or ZrO4RdXeVTk-00122-00031005-00031562 construction a quick look at the preview ZrO4RdXeVTk-00123-00031563-00032470 verifies what we've done ZrO4RdXeVTk-00124-00032472-00032724 let's add another work instruction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00125-00032725-00032949 operation to our program and this time ZrO4RdXeVTk-00126-00032950-00033192 as part of the green top area program ZrO4RdXeVTk-00127-00033193-00033444 group and we want to give some ZrO4RdXeVTk-00128-00033445-00033669 instructions to the operator after the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00129-00033670-00033942 planer mill operation is finished now ZrO4RdXeVTk-00130-00033943-00034152 we'll go back to that stored model view ZrO4RdXeVTk-00131-00034153-00034398 that included our interesting PMI items ZrO4RdXeVTk-00132-00034399-00034617 and set up our view to show the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00133-00034618-00034776 specified hole tolerance that we're ZrO4RdXeVTk-00134-00034777-00035016 interested in and then create our new ZrO4RdXeVTk-00135-00035017-00035433 work instruction operation this time ZrO4RdXeVTk-00136-00035434-00035637 we'll choose the manual control ZrO4RdXeVTk-00137-00035638-00035964 operation subtype we've been using the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00138-00035965-00036174 documentation subtype previously but ZrO4RdXeVTk-00139-00036175-00036354 this time we want the manual control ZrO4RdXeVTk-00140-00036355-00036723 subtype specify that it lives in the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00141-00036724-00037085 green top area program group and name it ZrO4RdXeVTk-00142-00037086-00037395 this manual control subtype lets us ZrO4RdXeVTk-00143-00037396-00037644 issue as a separate program step a ZrO4RdXeVTk-00144-00037645-00037898 machine stop with an operator message ZrO4RdXeVTk-00145-00037899-00038157 and we want our operator to do some ZrO4RdXeVTk-00146-00038158-00038433 inspection so the operator message on ZrO4RdXeVTk-00147-00038434-00038646 the control will refer him to the work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00148-00038647-00038849 instructions for more details and the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00149-00038850-00039063 operator message on the control is ZrO4RdXeVTk-00150-00039064-00039348 pretty brief but the request then can be ZrO4RdXeVTk-00151-00039349-00039515 as detailed as necessary in the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00152-00039516-00040335 published work instructions we use the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00153-00040336-00040503 setup instructions template again to ZrO4RdXeVTk-00154-00040504-00040806 provide a product view and some text as ZrO4RdXeVTk-00155-00040807-00041004 before the product view we capture ZrO4RdXeVTk-00156-00041005-00041402 includes the PMI information this time ZrO4RdXeVTk-00157-00041403-00041613 specifying whole tolerance that we'd ZrO4RdXeVTk-00158-00041614-00042616 like him to be aware of ZrO4RdXeVTk-00159-00042617-00042920 so the or constructions themselves are a ZrO4RdXeVTk-00160-00042921-00043070 little bit more detailed here will ZrO4RdXeVTk-00161-00043071-00043310 indicate that he needs to measure this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00162-00043311-00043586 hole with CalPERS following some process ZrO4RdXeVTk-00163-00043587-00043934 to verify the PMI that's that's in view ZrO4RdXeVTk-00164-00043935-00044144 on the orc instructions and of course we ZrO4RdXeVTk-00165-00044145-00044548 can use as much detail as is required ZrO4RdXeVTk-00166-00044549-00045068 and for instructions that really require ZrO4RdXeVTk-00167-00045069-00045314 a lot of explanation or external ZrO4RdXeVTk-00168-00045315-00045536 references we can even include ZrO4RdXeVTk-00169-00045537-00045941 hyperlinks in our instruction text so ZrO4RdXeVTk-00170-00045942-00046133 companies can highlight their published ZrO4RdXeVTk-00171-00046134-00046346 standards as part of each work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00172-00046347-00046583 instruction package making the most of ZrO4RdXeVTk-00173-00046584-00046798 their investments in standardization ZrO4RdXeVTk-00174-00046799-00047114 best practices manuals can be integrated ZrO4RdXeVTk-00175-00047115-00047261 right into these work instructions ZrO4RdXeVTk-00176-00047262-00047441 instead of maybe sitting on a shelf ZrO4RdXeVTk-00177-00047442-00048128 unopened this is a big benefit and when ZrO4RdXeVTk-00178-00048129-00048311 we take a look at our preview we can see ZrO4RdXeVTk-00179-00048312-00048485 that the text we wrote does include a ZrO4RdXeVTk-00180-00048486-00048680 hyperlink and again this can really ZrO4RdXeVTk-00181-00048681-00048947 enrich the content that we provide as ZrO4RdXeVTk-00182-00048948-00049343 part of our work instructions so now ZrO4RdXeVTk-00183-00049344-00049469 that we've built all of this work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00184-00049470-00049733 construction content into our program we ZrO4RdXeVTk-00185-00049734-00049895 need to be able to manage it a bit and ZrO4RdXeVTk-00186-00049896-00050117 you see that here a new column has been ZrO4RdXeVTk-00187-00050118-00050441 added to the operation navigator display ZrO4RdXeVTk-00188-00050442-00050621 an icon if the operation has work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00189-00050622-00050861 instructions associated with it in ZrO4RdXeVTk-00190-00050862-00051041 addition a new operation Navigator ZrO4RdXeVTk-00191-00051042-00051269 filter has been added to display only ZrO4RdXeVTk-00192-00051270-00051446 those operations that have or ZrO4RdXeVTk-00193-00051447-00051809 constructions we've been looking at ZrO4RdXeVTk-00194-00051810-00052016 previews of our work instructions so ZrO4RdXeVTk-00195-00052016-00052240 let's get them officially published ZrO4RdXeVTk-00196-00052241-00052499 we'll publish everything selecting the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00197-00052500-00052787 very top level NC program item in the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00198-00052788-00053024 navigator and using the right mouse ZrO4RdXeVTk-00199-00053025-00053347 button to publish the work instructions ZrO4RdXeVTk-00200-00053348-00053605 we can publish these either to a route ZrO4RdXeVTk-00201-00053607-00053960 HTML directory or to a PDF file will ZrO4RdXeVTk-00202-00053961-00054440 show the PDF as it publishes you can see ZrO4RdXeVTk-00203-00054441-00054629 that it updates everything with fresh ZrO4RdXeVTk-00204-00054629-00054911 product views and paths use and it grabs ZrO4RdXeVTk-00205-00054912-00055160 up-to-date drawing images and assembles ZrO4RdXeVTk-00206-00055161-00055604 it all into a single PDF document for us ZrO4RdXeVTk-00207-00055604-00055916 the PDF document has a hyperlink table ZrO4RdXeVTk-00208-00055917-00056154 of contents and each page displays one ZrO4RdXeVTk-00209-00056154-00056334 of the instruction sheets that we ZrO4RdXeVTk-00210-00056335-00056691 defined in NX kam and as we scroll down ZrO4RdXeVTk-00211-00056691-00056901 you can see how helpful it is that the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00212-00056902-00057096 views are unique to each instruction ZrO4RdXeVTk-00213-00057097-00057291 step providing the best possible ZrO4RdXeVTk-00214-00057291-00058146 illustrations we mentioned that the work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00215-00058147-00058314 instructions are associative and will ZrO4RdXeVTk-00216-00058315-00058554 reflect changes in the process and we ZrO4RdXeVTk-00217-00058554-00058728 can show that very quickly by making a ZrO4RdXeVTk-00218-00058729-00058937 small change to our face mail operation ZrO4RdXeVTk-00219-00058938-00059223 that you recall we included a path view ZrO4RdXeVTk-00220-00059224-00059366 of this operation in the work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00221-00059367-00059664 instructions so if we change the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00222-00059665-00059862 step-over specified for this operation ZrO4RdXeVTk-00223-00059863-00060141 we end up with many more passes over the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00224-00060141-00060429 part and it's important that the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00225-00060429-00060651 operator visualize this facing operation ZrO4RdXeVTk-00226-00060652-00060825 so we want to make sure he sees this ZrO4RdXeVTk-00227-00060826-00061101 operations updated tool path and not the ZrO4RdXeVTk-00228-00061102-00061764 old tool path with fewer passes so we ZrO4RdXeVTk-00229-00061765-00062051 simply republish the work instructions ZrO4RdXeVTk-00230-00062052-00062441 and we see that the path view is ZrO4RdXeVTk-00231-00062442-00062717 automatically updated for us note that ZrO4RdXeVTk-00232-00062719-00062925 we did not need to remember or recreate ZrO4RdXeVTk-00233-00062926-00063092 the view conditions to get a fresh ZrO4RdXeVTk-00234-00063094-00063372 capture and that's all stored as part of ZrO4RdXeVTk-00235-00063373-00063579 these instruction sheets we just ZrO4RdXeVTk-00236-00063579-00063815 republish and everything is up to date ZrO4RdXeVTk-00237-00063816-00064023 thanks to the powerful new work ZrO4RdXeVTk-00238-00064024-00064670 instruction objects inside NX ZrO4RdXeVTk-00239-00064671-00065197 [Music] ZspZAkZEhpc-00000-00000043-00000443 do it again is a song by the British ZspZAkZEhpc-00001-00000444-00000668 electronic music duo The Chemical ZspZAkZEhpc-00002-00000669-00000916 Brothers and as the fifth track on their ZspZAkZEhpc-00003-00000917-00001340 2007 studio album we are the night the ZspZAkZEhpc-00004-00001341-00001616 song also featured Ally love and was ZspZAkZEhpc-00005-00001617-00001817 released as the first single from that ZspZAkZEhpc-00006-00001818-00002282 album in early June 2007 it reached its ZspZAkZEhpc-00007-00002283-00002558 highest chart position in Italy where it ZspZAkZEhpc-00008-00002559-00002902 hit number two it also made it into the ZspZAkZEhpc-00009-00002903-00003146 UK Singles Chart where it peaked at ZspZAkZEhpc-00010-00003147-00003461 number 12 it was released as a digital ZspZAkZEhpc-00011-00003461-00003806 download on the iTunes Store on the 15th ZspZAkZEhpc-00012-00003807-00004253 of May 2007 the music video for the song ZspZAkZEhpc-00013-00004254-00004522 was directed by Michael Houseman and was ZspZAkZEhpc-00014-00004523-00004856 set in rural Morocco the song was ZspZAkZEhpc-00015-00004857-00005152 nominated at the 50th Grammy Awards for ZspZAkZEhpc-00016-00005153-00005513 Best Dance Recording but lost out to ZspZAkZEhpc-00017-00005514-00005858 Justin Timberlake's love stoned I think ZspZAkZEhpc-00018-00005859-00006099 that she knows ZspZAkZEhpc-00019-00006100-00006492 the song was used in Paco Rabanne x' 1 ZspZAkZEhpc-00020-00006493-00006993 million video advertisement topic ZspZAkZEhpc-00021-00006994-00007212 samples early versions of the song ZspZAkZEhpc-00022-00007213-00007443 featured a sample of the song on a ZspZAkZEhpc-00023-00007444-00007761 journey by electric funk the line I sing ZspZAkZEhpc-00024-00007762-00008112 the funk electric at last minute it was ZspZAkZEhpc-00025-00008113-00008361 dropped and replaced by let's turn this ZspZAkZEhpc-00026-00008362-00008709 thing electric the song contains many ZspZAkZEhpc-00027-00008710-00009003 similarities including the same spoken ZspZAkZEhpc-00028-00009004-00009315 word phrase do it again to the 1998 ZspZAkZEhpc-00029-00009316-00009684 dance track called do it again by DJ duo ZspZAkZEhpc-00030-00009685-00009996 razor and Guido ZspZAkZEhpc-00031-00009997-00010358 you ZspZAkZEhpc-00032-00010359-00010950 topic music video ZspZAkZEhpc-00033-00010951-00011268 the video for the chemical brothers do ZspZAkZEhpc-00034-00011269-00011375 it again ZspZAkZEhpc-00035-00011376-00011732 is similar to that of Fatboy Slim's yo ZspZAkZEhpc-00036-00011733-00012077 mama video which includes a tape that ZspZAkZEhpc-00037-00012078-00012383 causes uncontrollable dancing it takes ZspZAkZEhpc-00038-00012384-00012629 place in Morocco and is centered around ZspZAkZEhpc-00039-00012630-00012980 a little boy and his older brother the ZspZAkZEhpc-00040-00012981-00013219 younger boy has a toothache and must ZspZAkZEhpc-00041-00013221-00013466 have his tooth removed but he escapes ZspZAkZEhpc-00042-00013466-00013706 with his brother whom he begs not to let ZspZAkZEhpc-00043-00013707-00014006 anyone take his tooth away whilst ZspZAkZEhpc-00044-00014007-00014231 walking through the desert a cassette ZspZAkZEhpc-00045-00014232-00014555 tape falls from the sky it is noteworthy ZspZAkZEhpc-00046-00014556-00014876 that the writing on the tape US Chemical ZspZAkZEhpc-00047-00014877-00015155 Brothers in Arabic although the ZspZAkZEhpc-00048-00015156-00015443 translation is not quite accurate the ZspZAkZEhpc-00049-00015444-00015686 brothers get a tape player and once they ZspZAkZEhpc-00050-00015687-00015947 hit play the music causes them to dance ZspZAkZEhpc-00051-00015947-00016244 uncontrollably as they bring it back ZspZAkZEhpc-00052-00016244-00016526 home they see that anyone who hears the ZspZAkZEhpc-00053-00016527-00016898 music starts dancing - by hitching rides ZspZAkZEhpc-00054-00016899-00017249 on cars motorcycles and on top of buses ZspZAkZEhpc-00055-00017250-00017495 they travel to a larger city into a ZspZAkZEhpc-00056-00017496-00017732 market where they use the hypnotic music ZspZAkZEhpc-00057-00017733-00018001 to help them acquire money from a bank ZspZAkZEhpc-00058-00018002-00018329 with it they fix the boy's tooth instead ZspZAkZEhpc-00059-00018330-00018683 of pulling it out and return home it was ZspZAkZEhpc-00060-00018684-00019371 directed by Michael Houseman ZspZAkZEhpc-00061-00019372-00019954 topic tracklisting ZspZAkZEhpc-00062-00019955-00020468 you kcd do it again edit ZspZAkZEhpc-00063-00020469-00020966 do it again Oliver Hunt Minh remix 609 ZspZAkZEhpc-00064-00020967-00021455 UK 7 limited edition white vinyl do it ZspZAkZEhpc-00065-00021456-00021665 again edit ZspZAkZEhpc-00066-00021666-00022232 no need you k12 quote quote do it again ZspZAkZEhpc-00067-00022233-00022937 extended mix clip kiss EU CD do it again ZspZAkZEhpc-00068-00022938-00023130 edit ZspZAkZEhpc-00069-00023131-00023644 do it again Oliver hunt men remix ZspZAkZEhpc-00070-00023645-00024349 no need you SCD do it again extended mix ZspZAkZEhpc-00071-00024350-00024920 do it again Oliver Hunt Minh remix ZspZAkZEhpc-00072-00024921-00025319 again audience house-arrest mix ZspZAkZEhpc-00073-00025320-00026117 clip kiss no need us 12 quote quote do ZspZAkZEhpc-00074-00026118-00026740 it again extended mix clip kiss do it ZspZAkZEhpc-00075-00026741-00027145 again audience house-arrest mix us ZspZAkZEhpc-00076-00027147-00027568 iTunes and Napster do it again ZspZAkZEhpc-00077-00027569-00028079 do it again extended mix ZspZAkZEhpc-00078-00028080-00028458 again Oliver Hunt men remix ZspZAkZEhpc-00079-00028459-00029103 clip kiss equals equals charts Zw4Zli8icbk-00000-00000393-00000923 [Music] Zw4Zli8icbk-00001-00000924-00001224 um ZxW4GtIo6N8-00000-00000185-00000488 good morning the first item of business ZxW4GtIo6N8-00001-00000488-00000703 today is general questions and we begin ZxW4GtIo6N8-00002-00000704-00000936 with question number one from run amok I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00003-00000938-00001220 thank you for setting off sir to ask the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00004-00001221-00001366 Scottish Government what support it can ZxW4GtIo6N8-00005-00001367-00001612 provide to the family of Jack terracing ZxW4GtIo6N8-00006-00001613-00001852 Joe hull from Dumbarton in light of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00007-00001853-00002081 reports that has been held in prison and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00008-00002082-00002315 Punjab without charge and has faced ZxW4GtIo6N8-00009-00002316-00002626 torture camera secretary Funes look we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00010-00002627-00002783 are deeply concerned to learn about the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00011-00002784-00003083 detention of Jing Zhu Hal a Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00012-00003084-00003293 officials which contacted the foreign ZxW4GtIo6N8-00013-00003294-00003494 commerce office about this case the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00014-00003495-00003656 Foreign Office has assured us that they ZxW4GtIo6N8-00015-00003657-00003884 are aware of the situation and have had ZxW4GtIo6N8-00016-00003885-00004111 access to mr. Yu Hal and consular ZxW4GtIo6N8-00017-00004112-00004283 assistance is a matter for the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00018-00004284-00004406 government and the Scottish government ZxW4GtIo6N8-00019-00004407-00004613 would ordinarily refer individuals to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00020-00004614-00004813 the foreign commerce offices consular ZxW4GtIo6N8-00021-00004814-00004979 affairs department to work with foreign ZxW4GtIo6N8-00022-00004980-00005108 governments and authorities in these ZxW4GtIo6N8-00023-00005109-00005306 circumstances consular officials are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00024-00005307-00005518 continuing to provide assistance to mr. ZxW4GtIo6N8-00025-00005519-00005772 Johan and are engaging with his family ZxW4GtIo6N8-00026-00005773-00006127 Bhumika I thank the cabinet secretary ZxW4GtIo6N8-00027-00006128-00006290 for the answer will the cabinet's ZxW4GtIo6N8-00028-00006291-00006478 actually commit to engage with the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00029-00006479-00006670 government to ensure everything possible ZxW4GtIo6N8-00030-00006672-00006878 has been done to secure his well-being ZxW4GtIo6N8-00031-00006879-00007309 and release every secretary the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00032-00007311-00007484 government officials are in regular ZxW4GtIo6N8-00033-00007484-00007652 contact with the foreign core of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00034-00007653-00007864 office and will continue to leave with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00035-00007865-00008071 them with regards to this very serious ZxW4GtIo6N8-00036-00008072-00008126 case ZxW4GtIo6N8-00037-00008127-00008570 Jackie Billy the cabinet secretary will ZxW4GtIo6N8-00038-00008571-00008756 be aware that mr. Johan was visiting ZxW4GtIo6N8-00039-00008757-00008930 India to attend his wedding and for the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00040-00008931-00009149 first 10 days was denied access to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00041-00009150-00009326 lawyers British High Commissioner ZxW4GtIo6N8-00042-00009327-00009560 representatives and indeed his family ZxW4GtIo6N8-00043-00009561-00009755 he's not been charged he remains in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00044-00009756-00010099 police custody and his continuing to be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00045-00010100-00010331 mistreated by the Indian authorities ZxW4GtIo6N8-00046-00010332-00010528 I appreciate the representations made to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00047-00010529-00010721 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office but ZxW4GtIo6N8-00048-00010722-00011089 would I us urge the cabinet secretary to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00049-00011090-00011273 make urgent representations to the High ZxW4GtIo6N8-00050-00011274-00011521 Commissioner of India and to use any ZxW4GtIo6N8-00051-00011522-00011720 diplomatic channels open to the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00052-00011721-00011984 Government to secure his release Gabbar ZxW4GtIo6N8-00053-00011985-00012049 Singh ZxW4GtIo6N8-00054-00012050-00012269 we're very aware of the seriousness of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00055-00012270-00012571 the case and indeed the reports and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00056-00012572-00012857 allegations we are very pleased that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00057-00012858-00013024 mark fuelled the Minister of State for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00058-00013025-00013363 Asia and the specific has agreed to meet ZxW4GtIo6N8-00059-00013365-00013564 local MP Martin Hughes Daugherty and the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00060-00013565-00013747 family at mr. your house and I'm sure ZxW4GtIo6N8-00061-00013748-00013946 these points that are being made will be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00062-00013947-00014171 presented during that discussion I think ZxW4GtIo6N8-00063-00014172-00014408 the diplomatic approaches as the member ZxW4GtIo6N8-00064-00014409-00014636 will know well no can be an opportunity ZxW4GtIo6N8-00065-00014637-00015013 to you know see progress in some areas ZxW4GtIo6N8-00066-00015015-00015208 but sometimes the diplomacy of it might ZxW4GtIo6N8-00067-00015209-00015361 mean that we have to work with others to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00068-00015362-00015671 understand the correct and most useful ZxW4GtIo6N8-00069-00015672-00015913 way to make sure that progress is made ZxW4GtIo6N8-00070-00015913-00016216 question I'm a to Bronwyn Thank You ZxW4GtIo6N8-00071-00016218-00016363 officer to ask the Scottish Government ZxW4GtIo6N8-00072-00016365-00016555 why analysis is carried out of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00073-00016556-00016736 economic importance of the port of keen ZxW4GtIo6N8-00074-00016737-00016919 Ryan to the southwest of Scotland and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00075-00016920-00017021 nationally ZxW4GtIo6N8-00076-00017022-00017303 mr. Hamza Yusuf we recognize the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00077-00017304-00017525 important role that they ports Atkin ZxW4GtIo6N8-00078-00017526-00017678 Ryan play and supporting the economy of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00079-00017679-00017914 the southwest region and Scotland as a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00080-00017915-00018106 whole as part of advance work in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00081-00018107-00018286 relation to the commitment to commence ZxW4GtIo6N8-00082-00018287-00018452 the strategic transport projects review ZxW4GtIo6N8-00083-00018453-00018637 in south-west court on Transport ZxW4GtIo6N8-00084-00018638-00018784 Scotland have Commission consulted or ZxW4GtIo6N8-00085-00018785-00018944 well commissioned consultants I should ZxW4GtIo6N8-00086-00018945-00019124 say to undertake a specialist RV and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00087-00019125-00019325 analysis of Road basically using the a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00088-00019326-00019625 75 in a 77 this includes estimating the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00089-00019626-00019768 value of goods being carried through the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00090-00019769-00019961 pores which will aid analysis of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00091-00019962-00020158 economic value of the poorest Escala ZxW4GtIo6N8-00092-00020159-00020450 Prineville thank the Minister for that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00093-00020451-00020497 answer ZxW4GtIo6N8-00094-00020498-00020699 if one looks around other ports in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00095-00020700-00020878 UK that have attracted significant ZxW4GtIo6N8-00096-00020879-00021103 investment to help ward accessibility ZxW4GtIo6N8-00097-00021104-00021261 that are obviously examples including ZxW4GtIo6N8-00098-00021262-00021527 125 million per annum sex-linked Lord at ZxW4GtIo6N8-00099-00021528-00021899 here some 500 million 2055 upgrade for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00100-00021900-00022196 the Holyhead port an assessment was made ZxW4GtIo6N8-00101-00022197-00022433 at a house from that for every pound ZxW4GtIo6N8-00102-00022434-00022639 invested and the new house from link ZxW4GtIo6N8-00103-00022640-00022897 road will m4 pounds 40 for the local ZxW4GtIo6N8-00104-00022898-00023102 economy will the the minister take that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00105-00023103-00023192 into consideration ZxW4GtIo6N8-00106-00023193-00023434 and and look at there to secure the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00107-00023435-00023630 long-term future of the ports of care ZxW4GtIo6N8-00108-00023631-00023875 mine mr. yes we well as part of the way ZxW4GtIo6N8-00109-00023876-00023996 to study that we're doing and owned the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00110-00023997-00024152 southwest that will certainly take the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00111-00024153-00024355 economic importance but also the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00112-00024356-00024467 important point that the member mix ZxW4GtIo6N8-00113-00024468-00024694 which the 877 action group made to me ZxW4GtIo6N8-00114-00024695-00024839 which I know he was present and that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00115-00024840-00025081 meeting as others where to was we don't ZxW4GtIo6N8-00116-00025082-00025237 want to lose the competitive advantage ZxW4GtIo6N8-00117-00025238-00025408 of the ports that can rain so I'm very ZxW4GtIo6N8-00118-00025409-00025568 very aware of that and that will ZxW4GtIo6N8-00119-00025569-00025753 certainly be part of the centre edition ZxW4GtIo6N8-00120-00025754-00025909 of the wider a please will study that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00121-00025910-00026087 were going to commence in the southwest ZxW4GtIo6N8-00122-00026088-00026375 region question number three Emma ZxW4GtIo6N8-00123-00026376-00026512 Harbour ZxW4GtIo6N8-00124-00026513-00026723 just the Scottish government but whether ZxW4GtIo6N8-00125-00026724-00026923 it will provide an update on what action ZxW4GtIo6N8-00126-00026924-00027139 it is taken to end the illegal trade in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00127-00027140-00027395 puppies cabinet secretaries on Akali I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00128-00027395-00027692 addressed the SPCA event on the impact ZxW4GtIo6N8-00129-00027693-00027920 of the dog trade on canine welfare on ZxW4GtIo6N8-00130-00027920-00028168 9th November the final report of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00131-00028169-00028367 Scottish government funded research on ZxW4GtIo6N8-00132-00028368-00028546 the sourcing of pet dogs from illegal ZxW4GtIo6N8-00133-00028547-00028762 importation and puppy farms was ZxW4GtIo6N8-00134-00028763-00028942 presented to the event we are taking the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00135-00028943-00029117 recommendations of this research forward ZxW4GtIo6N8-00136-00029118-00029285 and to work with charities and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00137-00029286-00029527 enforcement agencies to create a robust ZxW4GtIo6N8-00138-00029528-00029783 strategy to combat the illegal dog trade ZxW4GtIo6N8-00139-00029783-00030020 and puppy farming particular concerns ZxW4GtIo6N8-00140-00030020-00030280 are on increasing public awareness of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00141-00030281-00030560 the dangers of buying animals on impulse ZxW4GtIo6N8-00142-00030561-00030768 without knowing where they came from ZxW4GtIo6N8-00143-00030769-00030986 initial discussions on the responses to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00144-00030987-00031183 the consultation on the non-commercial ZxW4GtIo6N8-00145-00031184-00031468 movement of pet animals order 2011 which ZxW4GtIo6N8-00146-00031469-00031687 controls the import of pets from outside ZxW4GtIo6N8-00147-00031688-00031939 the UK have already taken place and the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00148-00031940-00032092 Scottish government will continue to be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00149-00032093-00032308 involved in all further discussions with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00150-00032309-00032521 Defra and the Welsh government over the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00151-00032522-00032683 coming months on completion of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00152-00032684-00032885 review and on any future policy ZxW4GtIo6N8-00153-00032886-00033211 development on pet travel into the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00154-00033212-00033577 Emma Harper the cabinet secretary for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00155-00033578-00033883 that answer I'm interested to understand ZxW4GtIo6N8-00156-00033884-00034051 that there are additional ZxW4GtIo6N8-00157-00034052-00034258 recommendations contained in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00158-00034259-00034417 Scottish Government Commission report ZxW4GtIo6N8-00159-00034418-00034717 from Sheffield University and what ZxW4GtIo6N8-00160-00034718-00034945 additional recommendations does she ZxW4GtIo6N8-00161-00034946-00035080 think should be implemented as a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00162-00035081-00035417 priority cameras acres well we think our ZxW4GtIo6N8-00163-00035418-00035668 priority should be to work to ensure the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00164-00035669-00035863 public fully understands the risks ZxW4GtIo6N8-00165-00035864-00036080 involved in buying puppies which have ZxW4GtIo6N8-00166-00036081-00036370 been illegally imported or bred by those ZxW4GtIo6N8-00167-00036371-00036536 whose sole interest is making money and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00168-00036537-00036757 who have cautious callous disregard for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00169-00036758-00036907 animal welfare so we're going to work ZxW4GtIo6N8-00170-00036908-00037171 with partners to change buyers behavior ZxW4GtIo6N8-00171-00037172-00037505 and reduce financial gain to this pretty ZxW4GtIo6N8-00172-00037506-00037724 reprehensible trade we'll also continue ZxW4GtIo6N8-00173-00037725-00037901 to support collaborative working between ZxW4GtIo6N8-00174-00037902-00038092 enforcement agencies and there's a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00175-00038093-00038257 number of other recommendations that we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00176-00038258-00038405 will include as we take forward ZxW4GtIo6N8-00177-00038406-00038555 commitments made in the programme for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00178-00038556-00038887 government Ruth McGuire Thank You ZxW4GtIo6N8-00179-00038888-00039037 presiding officer with the cabinet ZxW4GtIo6N8-00180-00039038-00039196 secretary agree that given the stress ZxW4GtIo6N8-00181-00039197-00039404 caused to seized puppies which have to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00182-00039405-00039602 be kept and ace SPCA kennels ZxW4GtIo6N8-00183-00039603-00039854 a substantial cost to the charity from ZxW4GtIo6N8-00184-00039855-00040001 the duration of the court case which ZxW4GtIo6N8-00185-00040002-00040181 could sometimes be years that there is ZxW4GtIo6N8-00186-00040182-00040364 an animal welfare case of exploring a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00187-00040365-00040535 different approach to the cases of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00188-00040536-00040751 illegally trafficked puppies and could ZxW4GtIo6N8-00189-00040752-00040886 she explain what action the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00190-00040887-00041147 government could take to improve the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00191-00041148-00041405 current situation camera c well remember ZxW4GtIo6N8-00192-00041406-00041624 we'll have heard the indications have ZxW4GtIo6N8-00193-00041625-00041855 already given to Emma Harper it is the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00194-00041856-00042062 case that rescuers such as the S SPCA ZxW4GtIo6N8-00195-00042063-00042299 provide a very high standard of care for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00196-00042300-00042467 seized puppies and the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00197-00042468-00042674 government is keen to identify ways in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00198-00042675-00042902 which the cost to such rescuers might be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00199-00042903-00043112 reduced but also there is a course not ZxW4GtIo6N8-00200-00043113-00043373 just in financial terms because a lot of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00201-00043374-00043604 these puppies require to be put down ZxW4GtIo6N8-00202-00043605-00043853 as a result of the circumstances in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00203-00043854-00044072 which they have been born and that is a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00204-00044073-00044438 great sadness so again I want to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00205-00044439-00044594 re-emphasize the importance particularly ZxW4GtIo6N8-00206-00044595-00044899 as we head towards Christmas of of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00207-00044900-00045173 people understanding that there are a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00208-00045174-00045323 lot of dogs awaiting new homes and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00209-00045324-00045452 rescue centers up and down the country ZxW4GtIo6N8-00210-00045453-00045761 and we really need to people considering ZxW4GtIo6N8-00211-00045762-00045980 getting a dog to look at rehoming at ZxW4GtIo6N8-00212-00045981-00046328 first option rather than continue the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00213-00046329-00046679 the reprehensible trade that we are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00214-00046680-00046952 seeing currently question umber for Andy ZxW4GtIo6N8-00215-00046953-00047141 Whiteman to ask the Scottish Government ZxW4GtIo6N8-00216-00047142-00047357 what plans it has to enable the public ZxW4GtIo6N8-00217-00047358-00047531 to find out who owns land and property ZxW4GtIo6N8-00218-00047532-00047714 in Scotland Cabrio secretary Rosana ZxW4GtIo6N8-00219-00047715-00047870 claims as a member will be aware in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00220-00047871-00048110 vast majority of cases it is possible to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00221-00048111-00048269 determine the legal owner of land in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00222-00048270-00048434 Scotland from the land register or the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00223-00048435-00048626 register of seasons Scottish Ministers ZxW4GtIo6N8-00224-00048627-00048821 have invited the keeper of the registers ZxW4GtIo6N8-00225-00048822-00048995 of Scotland to complete the land ZxW4GtIo6N8-00226-00048996-00049484 register by 2024 Andy Whelan I declare ZxW4GtIo6N8-00227-00049485-00049631 an interest as the operator of the fuel ZxW4GtIo6N8-00228-00049632-00049823 in Scotland website a constituent of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00229-00049824-00049955 mines trying to find out who owns five ZxW4GtIo6N8-00230-00049956-00050105 short-term let's and a tenement she ZxW4GtIo6N8-00231-00050106-00050297 faces one hundred and fifty pound fee to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00232-00050298-00050435 find out information that's freely ZxW4GtIo6N8-00233-00050436-00050597 available in other jurisdictions in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00234-00050598-00050834 October 2015 John Swinney approved the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00235-00050835-00050969 creation of Scotland an information ZxW4GtIo6N8-00236-00050970-00051152 service they went live this month but ZxW4GtIo6N8-00237-00051153-00051329 consists of only a basic directory of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00238-00051329-00051541 addresses searchable by postcodes and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00239-00051542-00051754 with a 30-pound fee today is the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00240-00051755-00051953 deadline for implementing the 2007 EU ZxW4GtIo6N8-00241-00051954-00052097 inspired directive yet the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00242-00052098-00052247 governor's failed to implement it in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00243-00052248-00052487 relation to cadastral parcels when will ZxW4GtIo6N8-00244-00052488-00052642 the inspire directive be implemented ZxW4GtIo6N8-00245-00052644-00052838 when will Scott las' be functionals and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00246-00052839-00052986 world ministers open up the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00247-00052987-00053178 to be free to view and we'll the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00248-00053179-00053291 Scottish government follow the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00249-00053292-00053424 government's plans confirmed yesterday ZxW4GtIo6N8-00250-00053425-00053628 by the Chancellor to create a free to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00251-00053629-00053829 view open land data platform to allow ZxW4GtIo6N8-00252-00053829-00053954 the people of Scotland to find out who ZxW4GtIo6N8-00253-00053955-00054195 owns our country well of course we'll be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00254-00054196-00054528 looking very closely at what the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00255-00054529-00054825 outcomes of yesterday's announcements in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00256-00054826-00055130 the House of Commons chamber are and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00257-00055132-00055355 whether or not there is any ZxW4GtIo6N8-00258-00055357-00055654 reconsideration should be given to what ZxW4GtIo6N8-00259-00055655-00055914 what is available in Scotland as the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00260-00055915-00056085 member knows as considerable amount of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00261-00056086-00056322 work being done in respective registers ZxW4GtIo6N8-00262-00056323-00056504 in Scotland not least of which bringing ZxW4GtIo6N8-00263-00056505-00056904 in the register of controlling interests ZxW4GtIo6N8-00264-00056904-00057285 inland and I'm happy to speak either ZxW4GtIo6N8-00265-00057286-00057609 directly to the member myself in respect ZxW4GtIo6N8-00266-00057610-00057990 of this or perhaps more appropriately to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00267-00057991-00058290 suggest that he contact Keith Brown who ZxW4GtIo6N8-00268-00058291-00058505 is the cabinet secretary who has the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00269-00058507-00058662 most direct responsibility for the land ZxW4GtIo6N8-00270-00058663-00059032 register question were 5 David Stewart ZxW4GtIo6N8-00271-00059033-00059282 to ask the Scottish Government whether ZxW4GtIo6N8-00272-00059283-00059415 it will provide an update on its ZxW4GtIo6N8-00273-00059416-00059559 position and whether it should be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00274-00059560-00059763 pedestrian and vehicle ferry service ZxW4GtIo6N8-00275-00059764-00060104 between GU Rick and denoon tine centres ZxW4GtIo6N8-00276-00060104-00060357 Minister Hamza using the government's ZxW4GtIo6N8-00277-00060358-00060680 program for Scotland 2017-18 stated that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00278-00060682-00060915 we would continue with a number of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00279-00060916-00061065 initiatives to further enhance and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00280-00061066-00061203 improve Scotland's ferry services ZxW4GtIo6N8-00281-00061204-00061440 including the support support of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00282-00061441-00061803 tone st. a 2-tone centre good noon ferry ZxW4GtIo6N8-00283-00061804-00061950 service we also committed to the viewing ZxW4GtIo6N8-00284-00061951-00062150 Fraley services procurement policy and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00285-00062151-00062291 subsequently putting in place ZxW4GtIo6N8-00286-00062292-00062492 arrangements for the long term delivery ZxW4GtIo6N8-00287-00062494-00062649 of our supported services the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00288-00062650-00062801 Government will shortly publish an ZxW4GtIo6N8-00289-00062802-00063017 interim report and the emerging findings ZxW4GtIo6N8-00290-00063019-00063276 from our ongoing policy review into the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00291-00063277-00063459 future procurement of Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00292-00063460-00063605 government funded ferry services that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00293-00063607-00063767 are poor well outlined implications for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00294-00063769-00064034 each of our lifeline ferry services ZxW4GtIo6N8-00295-00064035-00064278 including the good afternoon turns into ZxW4GtIo6N8-00296-00064279-00064641 route to this joke absolutely not sir ZxW4GtIo6N8-00297-00064641-00064769 will the minister join with me and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00298-00064770-00064971 welcome to the gallery this afternoon ZxW4GtIo6N8-00299-00064972-00065192 and the do noon to Gulick ferry action ZxW4GtIo6N8-00300-00065194-00065235 group ZxW4GtIo6N8-00301-00065236-00065429 when will the minister make a decision ZxW4GtIo6N8-00302-00065430-00065631 on a new tender and could I urge him to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00303-00065632-00065844 use the tackle exemption to directly ZxW4GtIo6N8-00304-00065845-00066042 award the contract to the david green ZxW4GtIo6N8-00305-00066043-00066231 group wholly owned by scottish ministers ZxW4GtIo6N8-00306-00066232-00066336 and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00307-00066337-00066543 in the meantime could I urge them to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00308-00066544-00066807 contact calmac to allocate the m/v kursk ZxW4GtIo6N8-00309-00066808-00067101 to the route over the winter Minister ZxW4GtIo6N8-00310-00067102-00067404 I'll say they look at this look at his ZxW4GtIo6N8-00311-00067405-00067554 final request and discussed that with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00312-00067555-00067767 Carmack in terms of the MV critic you'll ZxW4GtIo6N8-00313-00067768-00067950 know that over the winter months dry ZxW4GtIo6N8-00314-00067951-00068136 docking and maintenance of course of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00315-00068137-00068352 fleet as the same so if you leave that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00316-00068353-00068571 with me of course respond to him of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00317-00068572-00068796 course I welcome the the ferry action ZxW4GtIo6N8-00318-00068797-00069030 group here as I said in my previous ZxW4GtIo6N8-00319-00069031-00069282 answer the interim report and to the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00320-00069283-00069492 tackle exemption which of course I must ZxW4GtIo6N8-00321-00069493-00069699 applaud the member for for leading the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00322-00069700-00070014 drive on as well be announced in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00323-00070015-00070278 next coming few weeks so he and I share ZxW4GtIo6N8-00324-00070279-00070458 an ambition that we prefer to have our ZxW4GtIo6N8-00325-00070459-00070761 ferry services directly awarded by an ZxW4GtIo6N8-00326-00070762-00070959 house provider pair he does know that we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00327-00070960-00071070 have to go through the state aid ZxW4GtIo6N8-00328-00071071-00071292 particularly the old mark for criteria ZxW4GtIo6N8-00329-00071293-00071535 in order to satisfy that so my interim ZxW4GtIo6N8-00330-00071536-00071739 report in the next few weeks of course ZxW4GtIo6N8-00331-00071740-00072018 will be of interest to him and will ZxW4GtIo6N8-00332-00072019-00072201 outline how we will take forward the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00333-00072202-00072411 good afternoon tones into it and that to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00334-00072412-00072690 report Morris Cory Thank You presiding ZxW4GtIo6N8-00335-00072691-00072729 officer ZxW4GtIo6N8-00336-00072730-00072852 the minister will be aware of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00337-00072853-00072996 ongoing problems with the call Craig ZxW4GtIo6N8-00338-00072997-00073206 into gorrik ferry which is affecting ZxW4GtIo6N8-00339-00073207-00073401 numerous businesses commuters and people ZxW4GtIo6N8-00340-00073402-00073539 traveling for medical appointments from ZxW4GtIo6N8-00341-00073540-00073788 the peninsula can the minister confirmed ZxW4GtIo6N8-00342-00073789-00073932 that the Scottish Government is looking ZxW4GtIo6N8-00343-00073933-00074094 at transferring the contract with Craig ZxW4GtIo6N8-00344-00074095-00074322 and ferry to Transport Scotland and to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00345-00074323-00074583 maintain it as a separate contract from ZxW4GtIo6N8-00346-00074584-00074784 the Gura to the noon service now that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00347-00074785-00074958 the song of the cold Craig and ferry has ZxW4GtIo6N8-00348-00074959-00075147 been had it's at his debut on television ZxW4GtIo6N8-00349-00075148-00075419 this week ZxW4GtIo6N8-00350-00075420-00075680 the guru Craig infer is of course the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00351-00075681-00075965 responsibility of SPT we have had ZxW4GtIo6N8-00352-00075966-00076061 discussions with them about the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00353-00076062-00076298 potential transfer of that the rules ZxW4GtIo6N8-00354-00076299-00076451 around in the criteria that have to be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00355-00076452-00076607 met in order of the transfer of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00356-00076608-00076853 ferry are outlined in the fairies plan ZxW4GtIo6N8-00357-00076854-00077039 I've had a good discussion productive ZxW4GtIo6N8-00358-00077040-00077165 discussion with the chair of SPT ZxW4GtIo6N8-00359-00077166-00077393 councillor martin Bartos we are awaiting ZxW4GtIo6N8-00360-00077394-00077612 further information from a SPT but I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00361-00077613-00077831 must make the point once again that as ZxW4GtIo6N8-00362-00077832-00078167 the responsibility of a SPT but more ZxW4GtIo6N8-00363-00078168-00078395 than happy to update Parliament as those ZxW4GtIo6N8-00364-00078396-00078560 discussions continuing I think if I'm ZxW4GtIo6N8-00365-00078561-00078674 right in saying there's a members debate ZxW4GtIo6N8-00366-00078675-00078893 shortly in this Parliament but I'm sure ZxW4GtIo6N8-00367-00078894-00079040 we can furnish the Parliament with more ZxW4GtIo6N8-00368-00079041-00079325 details mistakes Jackson colonel ZxW4GtIo6N8-00369-00079326-00079484 to ask the Scottish Government what ZxW4GtIo6N8-00370-00079485-00079622 further progress has been made with the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00371-00079623-00079793 implementation of the alcohol minimum ZxW4GtIo6N8-00372-00079794-00080024 pricing Scotland Act 2012 I suppose I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00373-00080025-00080260 might reasonably state since Tuesday ZxW4GtIo6N8-00374-00080261-00080489 Cavendish's members already knew I'm ZxW4GtIo6N8-00375-00080490-00080720 delighted to remain them last week the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00376-00080721-00080915 UK Supreme Court ruled that minimum unit ZxW4GtIo6N8-00377-00080916-00081188 pricing for alcohol can now proceed this ZxW4GtIo6N8-00378-00081189-00081290 is a measure that was passed ZxW4GtIo6N8-00379-00081291-00081434 overwhelmingly by the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00380-00081435-00081575 Parliament in 2012 and we should ZxW4GtIo6N8-00381-00081576-00081764 recognize the global significance of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00382-00081765-00081926 ruling for other public health measures ZxW4GtIo6N8-00383-00081927-00082121 once again Scotland is leading the way ZxW4GtIo6N8-00384-00082122-00082313 we should all be proud it to be at the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00385-00082314-00082469 forefront of such pioneering and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00386-00082470-00082673 life-saving policies on Tuesday I say a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00387-00082674-00082901 timetable for implementation after a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00388-00082902-00083159 long did Delino is attained for action ZxW4GtIo6N8-00389-00083160-00083402 Jackson Carla I thank the cabinet ZxW4GtIo6N8-00390-00083403-00083549 secretary for those remarks and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00391-00083550-00083870 associate conservatives with them the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00392-00083871-00084053 through no fault of the cabinet ZxW4GtIo6N8-00393-00084054-00084200 secretaries and because of the extended ZxW4GtIo6N8-00394-00084201-00084419 legal process that took place we will be ZxW4GtIo6N8-00395-00084420-00084575 introducing alcohol minimum unit pricing ZxW4GtIo6N8-00396-00084576-00084785 at the point where we might otherwise ZxW4GtIo6N8-00397-00084786-00084965 have expected to be considering the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00398-00084966-00085166 evaluation under the same sunset clause ZxW4GtIo6N8-00399-00085167-00085396 five years into its implementation on ZxW4GtIo6N8-00400-00085397-00085631 Tuesday there were calls from all sides ZxW4GtIo6N8-00401-00085632-00085844 of the chamber including her own for her ZxW4GtIo6N8-00402-00085845-00086021 to consider whether the level of minimum ZxW4GtIo6N8-00403-00086022-00086201 unit price that is now being set is ZxW4GtIo6N8-00404-00086202-00086396 impro priyad given that it was set five ZxW4GtIo6N8-00405-00086397-00086618 years ago will it be appropriate eleven ZxW4GtIo6N8-00406-00086619-00086885 years later and will she consider to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00407-00086886-00087122 reflect on whether or not at least ZxW4GtIo6N8-00408-00087123-00087305 compound inflation and the period since ZxW4GtIo6N8-00409-00087306-00087458 the bill was passed might more ZxW4GtIo6N8-00410-00087459-00087617 appropriately be reflected in the price ZxW4GtIo6N8-00411-00087618-00087977 that has now said cameras English what ZxW4GtIo6N8-00412-00087978-00088437 can I say - a Jetson Karl or as I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00413-00088438-00088622 in my statement on Tuesday a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00414-00088623-00088836 consultation will be issued at the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00415-00088837-00089013 beginning of December and will run for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00416-00089014-00089241 eight weeks and they outcome of the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00417-00089242-00089481 consultation well there the consultation ZxW4GtIo6N8-00418-00089482-00089703 will be both on price and the business ZxW4GtIo6N8-00419-00089704-00089889 and regulatory impact assessment so of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00420-00089890-00090093 course we will lessen to the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00421-00090094-00090596 representations made however we are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00422-00090597-00090939 clear that all of the modeling that has ZxW4GtIo6N8-00423-00090940-00091122 been done and the evidence base that has ZxW4GtIo6N8-00424-00091123-00091323 been presented has been based on 50 ZxW4GtIo6N8-00425-00091324-00091575 paints minimum unit price and therefore ZxW4GtIo6N8-00426-00091576-00091884 a the government is of the view that we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00427-00091885-00092169 should proceed with that 50 paints ZxW4GtIo6N8-00428-00092170-00092361 minimum unit price but of course we are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00429-00092362-00092625 consulting and we always listen to the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00430-00092626-00092808 views that will come back in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00431-00092809-00093069 consultations including this one so ZxW4GtIo6N8-00432-00093070-00093312 Jackson Karl or as many others members ZxW4GtIo6N8-00433-00093313-00093426 in this chamber will have the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00434-00093427-00093612 opportunity if they so wish to input ZxW4GtIo6N8-00435-00093613-00093807 into that consultation and we encourage ZxW4GtIo6N8-00436-00093808-00093969 him and others to do so ZxW4GtIo6N8-00437-00093970-00094188 Richard Lyle thank you for saving us ZxW4GtIo6N8-00438-00094189-00094374 akin the cabinet secretary confirm the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00439-00094375-00094578 Scottish government will engage with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00440-00094579-00094764 retailers to ensure that they are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00441-00094765-00095186 involved in the implementation process ZxW4GtIo6N8-00442-00095187-00095511 yes I can confirm that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00443-00095512-00095946 - Richard Lyle we are keen to ensure ZxW4GtIo6N8-00444-00095947-00096249 that the views of retailers are taken on ZxW4GtIo6N8-00445-00096250-00096444 board we want to work with them around ZxW4GtIo6N8-00446-00096445-00096684 the detail now of implementation we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00447-00096685-00096903 believe that the time frame set out with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00448-00096904-00097176 the commencement over the 1st of May ZxW4GtIo6N8-00449-00097177-00097515 2018 gives enough time for retailers to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00450-00097516-00097791 put this plan into action to make any ZxW4GtIo6N8-00451-00097792-00097992 changes that they need to make and we ZxW4GtIo6N8-00452-00097993-00098217 will work with them on the detail and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00453-00098218-00098382 get that underway as soon as possible ZxW4GtIo6N8-00454-00098383-00098688 question number 7 Ben McPherson Thank ZxW4GtIo6N8-00455-00098689-00098850 You presiding officer to ask the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00456-00098851-00099054 Scottish Government how its draft budget ZxW4GtIo6N8-00457-00099055-00099312 proposals will take account of the needs ZxW4GtIo6N8-00458-00099313-00099528 opportunities and population growth of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00459-00099529-00099876 Edinburgh chemicai the draft budget ZxW4GtIo6N8-00460-00099877-00100080 proposals are bring forward to the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00461-00100081-00100245 Scottish Parliament will provide the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00462-00100246-00100479 resources necessary to double deliver ZxW4GtIo6N8-00463-00100480-00100686 the bold a vision set out in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00464-00100687-00100878 programme for government and balance the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00465-00100879-00101112 impact of UK austerity with the need to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00466-00101113-00101352 protect public services and strengthen ZxW4GtIo6N8-00467-00101353-00101577 the social contract people across ZxW4GtIo6N8-00468-00101578-00101784 Scotland including those in Edinburgh ZxW4GtIo6N8-00469-00101785-00101819 will ZxW4GtIo6N8-00470-00101820-00102044 benefit from our commitments to expand ZxW4GtIo6N8-00471-00102045-00102236 early learning and childcare Reis ZxW4GtIo6N8-00472-00102237-00102410 standards and schools and close the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00473-00102411-00102597 achievement gap deliver affordable ZxW4GtIo6N8-00474-00102598-00102825 housing investment protect the police ZxW4GtIo6N8-00475-00102826-00103091 budget in real terms and increase the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00476-00103092-00103154 health budget ZxW4GtIo6N8-00477-00103155-00103401 in addition funding for the Edinburgh to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00478-00103402-00103583 Glasgow real Improvement Program and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00479-00103584-00103769 Edinburgh and southeast Scotland City ZxW4GtIo6N8-00480-00103770-00103976 region deal will help transform the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00481-00103977-00104141 region's economy and provide ZxW4GtIo6N8-00482-00104142-00104376 opportunities for all areas to grow with ZxW4GtIo6N8-00483-00104377-00104574 investments in housing innovation ZxW4GtIo6N8-00484-00104575-00104909 transport skills and culture airman ZxW4GtIo6N8-00485-00104910-00105138 first thank the cabinet secretary for ZxW4GtIo6N8-00486-00105139-00105300 that answer and warmly welcome has ZxW4GtIo6N8-00487-00105301-00105549 support for our capital city the Cabinet ZxW4GtIo6N8-00488-00105550-00105768 Secretary will also be aware that Tory ZxW4GtIo6N8-00489-00105769-00105959 UK government austerity and particularly ZxW4GtIo6N8-00490-00105960-00106202 welfare reform has led to increased ZxW4GtIo6N8-00491-00106203-00106443 instances of homelessness in the capital ZxW4GtIo6N8-00492-00106444-00106736 can I therefore ask what consideration ZxW4GtIo6N8-00493-00106738-00106913 will be given in the draft budget ZxW4GtIo6N8-00494-00106914-00107135 proposals to help tackle homelessness in ZxW4GtIo6N8-00495-00107136-00107408 Edinburgh and across Scotland on camera ZxW4GtIo6N8-00496-00107409-00107654 secretary oh can I see a first of all ZxW4GtIo6N8-00497-00107655-00107966 that clearly the Chancellor say a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00498-00107967-00108297 position or a pilot in terms of a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00499-00108298-00108531 homelessness task force an outline ZxW4GtIo6N8-00500-00108532-00108723 figures of some 20 million pounds ZxW4GtIo6N8-00501-00108724-00108986 investment elsewhere as I understand ZxW4GtIo6N8-00502-00108988-00109163 that there are no consequences from this ZxW4GtIo6N8-00503-00109164-00109446 it coming to Scotland but what we are ZxW4GtIo6N8-00504-00109447-00109719 able to do is in understanding the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00505-00109720-00109991 impact on welfare cuts at the hands of ZxW4GtIo6N8-00506-00109992-00110258 the UK a Tory government causing such ZxW4GtIo6N8-00507-00110259-00110528 major hardship we have established a ZxW4GtIo6N8-00508-00110529-00110759 homelessness and rough sleeping Action ZxW4GtIo6N8-00509-00110760-00110970 Group to eradicate rough sleeping and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00510-00110971-00111246 transform temporary accommodation but ZxW4GtIo6N8-00511-00111247-00111432 this government it will also support ZxW4GtIo6N8-00512-00111433-00111669 that initiative by creating the 50 ZxW4GtIo6N8-00513-00111670-00111854 million pounds ending homelessness ZxW4GtIo6N8-00514-00111855-00112234 together fund over the next five years ZxW4GtIo6N8-00515-00112235-00112548 question number eight Neil Findlay the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00516-00112549-00112709 Scottish Government will ensure there ZxW4GtIo6N8-00517-00112710-00112896 are no fire station closures during the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00518-00112897-00113097 current parliamentary session Minister ZxW4GtIo6N8-00519-00113098-00113307 Annabelle Ewing the Scottish Fire Rescue ZxW4GtIo6N8-00520-00113308-00113463 Service plays a vital role in protecting ZxW4GtIo6N8-00521-00113464-00113726 communities across Scotland since the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00522-00113727-00113874 establishment of the Scottish Fire and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00523-00113875-00114075 Rescue Service in 2013 there have been ZxW4GtIo6N8-00524-00114076-00114294 no compulsory redundancies and no ZxW4GtIo6N8-00525-00114295-00114527 closure of any fire stations this year ZxW4GtIo6N8-00526-00114528-00114750 100 new firefighters have been recruited ZxW4GtIo6N8-00527-00114751-00114981 and the euro for budget for the S FRS ZxW4GtIo6N8-00528-00114982-00115110 has increased by 20 ZxW4GtIo6N8-00529-00115111-00115366 1.7 million pounds to support investment ZxW4GtIo6N8-00530-00115367-00115594 in equipment and resources no decisions ZxW4GtIo6N8-00531-00115595-00115779 have been made on what transformation ZxW4GtIo6N8-00532-00115780-00115972 would look like and the transformation ZxW4GtIo6N8-00533-00115973-00116154 process will involve liaison and ZxW4GtIo6N8-00534-00116155-00116404 discussion with staff partners and the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00535-00116405-00116701 public Newfoundland if everything in the ZxW4GtIo6N8-00536-00116702-00116857 governor's Rosie why did the Minister ZxW4GtIo6N8-00537-00116858-00117028 not go and speak to firefighters today ZxW4GtIo6N8-00538-00117029-00117234 who demonstrate now say this Parliament ZxW4GtIo6N8-00539-00117235-00117493 can send for their jobs the fire ZxW4GtIo6N8-00540-00117494-00117684 stations and the safety the communities ZxW4GtIo6N8-00541-00117685-00118072 in which the self Minister ZxW4GtIo6N8-00542-00118073-00118315 well I Chris Maclaurin Denise Christie ZxW4GtIo6N8-00543-00118316-00118468 and the whole of the FPU team know that ZxW4GtIo6N8-00544-00118469-00118723 my door is always open mr. friendly but ZxW4GtIo6N8-00545-00118724-00118840 I'm sure the memory be interested to ZxW4GtIo6N8-00546-00118841-00118996 know that in fact the SFA race is ZxW4GtIo6N8-00547-00118997-00119200 proceeding with a new recruitment reign ZxW4GtIo6N8-00548-00119201-00119511 for 300 whole time firefighters which ZxW4GtIo6N8-00549-00119513-00119701 Ryan just opened on the 30th November ZxW4GtIo6N8-00550-00119702-00119929 and on the key issue of resource what I ZxW4GtIo6N8-00551-00119930-00120135 would say is if it is wrong for the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00552-00120136-00120382 government to take that off the Scottish ZxW4GtIo6N8-00553-00120383-00120544 Fire Rescue Service going forwards ZxW4GtIo6N8-00554-00120545-00120772 surely it is wrong for the UK government ZxW4GtIo6N8-00555-00120773-00121069 to hold on to the 40 million pounds ZxW4GtIo6N8-00556-00121070-00121315 worth of that it has already deprived ZxW4GtIo6N8-00557-00121316-00121654 the Scottish Fire Rescue Service Paul so ZxW4GtIo6N8-00558-00121655-00121879 presiding officer I will say to the UK ZxW4GtIo6N8-00559-00121880-00122124 Chancellor give us the money back ZxW4GtIo6N8-00560-00122125-00122602 [Applause]