Ex-Hw6KJusg-00000-00001896-00004279 i'm sure Ex-Hw6KJusg-00001-00004280-00006151 foreign Ex-Hw6KJusg-00002-00006152-00006335 so Ex-Hw6KJusg-00004-00009359-00010198 [Music] Ex-Hw6KJusg-00006-00013847-00014056 you Eyrr9GRm_lc-00000-00000915-00001124 air pollution is the world's largest Eyrr9GRm_lc-00001-00001125-00001319 environmental health risk Eyrr9GRm_lc-00002-00001320-00001517 that's not me saying it that's the world Eyrr9GRm_lc-00003-00001518-00001630 health organization Eyrr9GRm_lc-00004-00001632-00001951 that's the UN Environment and division Eyrr9GRm_lc-00005-00001952-00002138 my name is Jocelyn then my daughter it's Eyrr9GRm_lc-00006-00002139-00002276 a reversal Eyrr9GRm_lc-00007-00002277-00002624 she died in 2013 from one of the worst Eyrr9GRm_lc-00008-00002625-00002924 cases of asthma ever going and on Eyrr9GRm_lc-00009-00002925-00003296 average 25 children die every year in Eyrr9GRm_lc-00010-00003297-00003536 this country from asthma error was one Eyrr9GRm_lc-00011-00003536-00003796 of 27 she wasn't the only one to die in Eyrr9GRm_lc-00012-00003797-00004054 2013 I come from at the borough of Eyrr9GRm_lc-00013-00004055-00004235 Lewisham which is quite to be deprived Eyrr9GRm_lc-00014-00004236-00004526 power also the South Circular runs right Eyrr9GRm_lc-00015-00004527-00004756 through us the more I actually looks Eyrr9GRm_lc-00016-00004757-00005018 into this I realised that Manchester has Eyrr9GRm_lc-00017-00005019-00005261 the same issue Bristol has the same Eyrr9GRm_lc-00018-00005262-00005477 issue Birmingham has the same issue Eyrr9GRm_lc-00019-00005478-00005729 Glasgow people who leads people in Eyrr9GRm_lc-00020-00005730-00005995 Newcastle as parties everywhere so this Eyrr9GRm_lc-00021-00005996-00006170 is a study we published in Brazil Eyrr9GRm_lc-00022-00006171-00006379 looking at the surface of lung are Eyrr9GRm_lc-00023-00006380-00006617 people in Sao Paulo this is the black Eyrr9GRm_lc-00024-00006618-00006917 line of a nonsmoker in Sao Paulo so the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00025-00006918-00007118 idea that smoke heat rise look like of Eyrr9GRm_lc-00026-00007119-00007366 course it does but living in urban areas Eyrr9GRm_lc-00027-00007367-00007573 does that we could actually calculate if Eyrr9GRm_lc-00028-00007575-00007810 you work if you worked every day of your Eyrr9GRm_lc-00029-00007811-00007981 life that's our Paulo that would be Eyrr9GRm_lc-00030-00007983-00008188 equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes a day Eyrr9GRm_lc-00031-00008189-00008366 so that's what we're thinking is that Eyrr9GRm_lc-00032-00008367-00008491 you know you've got your lung function Eyrr9GRm_lc-00033-00008492-00008794 grows reaches a maximum slowly declines Eyrr9GRm_lc-00034-00008795-00009124 as your age what you're seeing with air Eyrr9GRm_lc-00035-00009125-00009316 pollution is you having suppression of Eyrr9GRm_lc-00036-00009317-00009527 lung function growth over the whole life Eyrr9GRm_lc-00037-00009528-00009752 course you cheap you don't achieve your Eyrr9GRm_lc-00038-00009753-00009941 maximum potential and you are starting Eyrr9GRm_lc-00039-00009942-00010157 to decline from that so if you develop a Eyrr9GRm_lc-00040-00010158-00010460 disease you're going to have just Eyrr9GRm_lc-00041-00010461-00010790 reduced capacity this study is the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00042-00010791-00011038 Southern Californian studies apps Eyrr9GRm_lc-00043-00011039-00011254 critical children will follow for many Eyrr9GRm_lc-00044-00011255-00011506 years measuring their lung function over Eyrr9GRm_lc-00045-00011507-00011796 time communities were different were low Eyrr9GRm_lc-00046-00011797-00012028 and high pollution and what they found Eyrr9GRm_lc-00047-00012029-00012259 was that in those children growing up Eyrr9GRm_lc-00048-00012260-00012463 with high pollution communities they Eyrr9GRm_lc-00049-00012464-00012691 suppress the lung function growth it Eyrr9GRm_lc-00050-00012692-00012866 literally been linked to everything Eyrr9GRm_lc-00051-00012867-00013468 CHD strokes asthma every 20 billion I Eyrr9GRm_lc-00052-00013469-00013771 speak to people who have respiratory Eyrr9GRm_lc-00053-00013772-00014071 problems who tell me how on many pages Eyrr9GRm_lc-00054-00014072-00014344 they cannot leave the house because if Eyrr9GRm_lc-00055-00014344-00014488 they leave the house the air that they Eyrr9GRm_lc-00056-00014488-00014677 would be forced to breathe you have to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00057-00014678-00014971 breathe will will just not let them be Eyrr9GRm_lc-00058-00014972-00015199 and it's tragic to hear that some people Eyrr9GRm_lc-00059-00015200-00015352 can actually be imprisoned in their own Eyrr9GRm_lc-00060-00015353-00015679 homes because the air is so dirty 50 Eyrr9GRm_lc-00061-00015680-00015907 percent of air pollution comes from Eyrr9GRm_lc-00062-00015908-00016243 transport and if you ask me what should Eyrr9GRm_lc-00063-00016244-00016465 then be done government we need to ban Eyrr9GRm_lc-00064-00016466-00016632 diesel you couldn't get a better Eyrr9GRm_lc-00065-00016633-00017011 delivery device for toxic material than Eyrr9GRm_lc-00066-00017012-00017188 the diesel particle these are tiny Eyrr9GRm_lc-00067-00017189-00017440 little particles at the nano scale very Eyrr9GRm_lc-00068-00017441-00017665 very small they can get right down deep Eyrr9GRm_lc-00069-00017666-00017877 into the lung and then on those Eyrr9GRm_lc-00070-00017878-00018163 particles coated of range of toxins Eyrr9GRm_lc-00071-00018164-00018412 because the the evidence is overwhelming Eyrr9GRm_lc-00072-00018413-00018658 we I launched with my colleague doctors Eyrr9GRm_lc-00073-00018659-00018859 against diesel we as doctors are very Eyrr9GRm_lc-00074-00018860-00019102 reticent in trying to sort of be Eyrr9GRm_lc-00075-00019103-00019305 advocates but it's it's a no-brainer Eyrr9GRm_lc-00076-00019306-00019555 we've got to get rid of the current Eyrr9GRm_lc-00077-00019556-00019831 toxic diesel fleet if you're going to do Eyrr9GRm_lc-00078-00019832-00019981 anything that's the further the first Eyrr9GRm_lc-00079-00019982-00020224 thing you've got to do there needs to be Eyrr9GRm_lc-00080-00020225-00020602 a lot more education about the impacts Eyrr9GRm_lc-00081-00020603-00020772 of air pollution Eyrr9GRm_lc-00082-00020773-00021105 also is the most irritant gas for humans Eyrr9GRm_lc-00083-00021106-00021477 on Sunday Easter Sunday was a national Eyrr9GRm_lc-00084-00021478-00021804 ozone air pollution trigger nationally Eyrr9GRm_lc-00085-00021805-00022058 in Bournemouth our ozone it over a Eyrr9GRm_lc-00086-00022059-00022335 hundred and eighty micrograms per cubic Eyrr9GRm_lc-00087-00022336-00022605 meter for one hour and that triggers a Eyrr9GRm_lc-00088-00022606-00022893 requirement under EU and UK law to put Eyrr9GRm_lc-00089-00022894-00023115 up a national air pollution alert does Eyrr9GRm_lc-00090-00023116-00023382 anyone know about it well it's not Eyrr9GRm_lc-00091-00023383-00023589 surprising because guess what you'd have Eyrr9GRm_lc-00092-00023590-00023766 to be an air pollution expert to find Eyrr9GRm_lc-00093-00023767-00023952 out fine the government's statement and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00094-00023953-00024189 it's down here buried on their website Eyrr9GRm_lc-00095-00024190-00024315 I'm probably the only person who knows Eyrr9GRm_lc-00096-00024316-00024555 where to find it I mean it's on their Eyrr9GRm_lc-00097-00024556-00024717 statistical page where they put up Eyrr9GRm_lc-00098-00024718-00024969 passive statements the government has Eyrr9GRm_lc-00099-00024970-00025227 not published one or distributed one Eyrr9GRm_lc-00100-00025228-00025433 press release warning about an ozone Eyrr9GRm_lc-00101-00025434-00025640 episode in the last 10 years the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00102-00025641-00025877 government covers it up the government Eyrr9GRm_lc-00103-00025878-00026058 covers up these air pollution episodes Eyrr9GRm_lc-00104-00026058-00026292 when I was my first child I was asked to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00105-00026293-00026454 do a breathalyzer test at the 12-week Eyrr9GRm_lc-00106-00026455-00026706 scan and the results came back that I Eyrr9GRm_lc-00107-00026707-00026912 had high levels of carbon monoxide in my Eyrr9GRm_lc-00108-00026913-00027192 bloodstream and I was obviously shocked Eyrr9GRm_lc-00109-00027193-00027389 at this and they said well do you smoke Eyrr9GRm_lc-00110-00027391-00027564 and I said no I don't smoke I've never Eyrr9GRm_lc-00111-00027564-00027670 smoked Eyrr9GRm_lc-00112-00027670-00027849 the explanation they could give me was Eyrr9GRm_lc-00113-00027850-00028114 the answer cyclists in London but I felt Eyrr9GRm_lc-00114-00028114-00028387 very disempowered and frightened Eyrr9GRm_lc-00115-00028388-00028576 actually because if I was a smoker I Eyrr9GRm_lc-00116-00028577-00028764 would just stop smoking and but I Eyrr9GRm_lc-00117-00028766-00028902 couldn't do anything about the air I was Eyrr9GRm_lc-00118-00028903-00029058 breathing and we still live close to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00119-00029060-00029343 Brixton Road so I was obviously Eyrr9GRm_lc-00120-00029344-00029562 terrified having a child growing inside Eyrr9GRm_lc-00121-00029563-00029698 your body and you know they're already Eyrr9GRm_lc-00122-00029699-00029887 there being exposed to air pollution the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00123-00029888-00030027 school Street project is basically Eyrr9GRm_lc-00124-00030028-00030249 temporary road closures around schools Eyrr9GRm_lc-00125-00030250-00030430 that pick up and drop off points and the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00126-00030431-00030637 idea of dice to encourage people not to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00127-00030638-00030777 take my children to school in cars Eyrr9GRm_lc-00128-00030778-00031030 trials of schools to accept started in Eyrr9GRm_lc-00129-00031031-00031417 Lambeth in the last two months we know Eyrr9GRm_lc-00130-00031418-00031639 the Tower Hamlets is committed to 40 Eyrr9GRm_lc-00131-00031639-00031954 school streets Giles we need to enshrine Eyrr9GRm_lc-00132-00031955-00032317 the right human right to clean air in UK Eyrr9GRm_lc-00133-00032318-00032524 law and what that does is it triggers Eyrr9GRm_lc-00134-00032525-00032824 the duty of the state to protect life Eyrr9GRm_lc-00135-00032825-00033096 and what that means is that for every Eyrr9GRm_lc-00136-00033097-00033310 tier of government every public Eyrr9GRm_lc-00137-00033311-00033514 authority in the same way they have to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00138-00033515-00033768 worry about equality they would have to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00139-00033769-00033973 think about clean air every single Eyrr9GRm_lc-00140-00033974-00034314 decision may take that is why this is so Eyrr9GRm_lc-00141-00034315-00034576 transformational clear as ohs otherwise Eyrr9GRm_lc-00142-00034577-00034752 also known as low emission zones should Eyrr9GRm_lc-00143-00034753-00035096 be designed to prevent the most Eyrr9GRm_lc-00144-00035097-00035265 polluting vehicles Eyrr9GRm_lc-00145-00035266-00035433 the most critical parts of a chancer Eyrr9GRm_lc-00146-00035434-00035715 cities but it's not enough to just you Eyrr9GRm_lc-00147-00035716-00035857 know restrict people's access you have Eyrr9GRm_lc-00148-00035858-00036123 to give real help and support to people Eyrr9GRm_lc-00149-00036124-00036283 and businesses so they can make the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00150-00036284-00036583 switch and we need to do it now we don't Eyrr9GRm_lc-00151-00036584-00036805 need to do it you know the government Eyrr9GRm_lc-00152-00036806-00037052 has said things like targets for Eyrr9GRm_lc-00153-00037053-00037345 primitively and sound of diesel and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00154-00037346-00037620 petrol cars by 2040 that's no use Eyrr9GRm_lc-00155-00037621-00037812 we need help it's our fault for people Eyrr9GRm_lc-00156-00037813-00038064 to move on to cleaner vehicles and to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00157-00038065-00038277 public transport and to walk in it's Eyrr9GRm_lc-00158-00038278-00038482 like doing now how do people make it Eyrr9GRm_lc-00159-00038483-00038649 work how people are going to afford to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00160-00038650-00038851 make that switch are they going to do if Eyrr9GRm_lc-00161-00038852-00038964 they haven't got a charging point Eyrr9GRm_lc-00162-00038965-00039120 outside the house these are all things Eyrr9GRm_lc-00163-00039121-00039310 that we have two solutions to we can Eyrr9GRm_lc-00164-00039311-00039505 change our investments we can take Eyrr9GRm_lc-00165-00039506-00039670 subsidies out of fossil fuels and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00166-00039671-00039864 investment in fossil fuels we can put Eyrr9GRm_lc-00167-00039865-00040002 them into electric vehicle Eyrr9GRm_lc-00168-00040003-00040192 infrastructure we can do that there will Eyrr9GRm_lc-00169-00040193-00040432 be somewhere - someone tonight a child Eyrr9GRm_lc-00170-00040433-00040632 somewhere in Great Ormond Street Eyrr9GRm_lc-00171-00040633-00041005 somewhere who will be on a nebulizer who Eyrr9GRm_lc-00172-00041006-00041239 will be on oxygen just because you don't Eyrr9GRm_lc-00173-00041240-00041507 see them does not mean Eyrr9GRm_lc-00174-00041508-00041712 so the emergency isn't in ten years time Eyrr9GRm_lc-00175-00041713-00042037 it is absolutely now what's really Eyrr9GRm_lc-00176-00042038-00042251 important is to realize that it doesn't Eyrr9GRm_lc-00177-00042252-00042490 have to be like this just because we Eyrr9GRm_lc-00178-00042491-00042694 live in towns and cities doesn't mean Eyrr9GRm_lc-00179-00042695-00042862 that we have to accept that the air that Eyrr9GRm_lc-00180-00042863-00043102 we breathe is dirty that the air that we Eyrr9GRm_lc-00181-00043103-00043387 breathe is unhealthy we have a choice if Eyrr9GRm_lc-00182-00043388-00043588 we act now we can do something about Eyrr9GRm_lc-00183-00043589-00043837 this problem if we wait ten years there Eyrr9GRm_lc-00184-00043838-00044065 is nothing we can do other than adapt Eyrr9GRm_lc-00185-00044066-00044282 the problem that has been created over Eyrr9GRm_lc-00186-00044283-00044485 the last few decades this is an Eyrr9GRm_lc-00187-00044486-00044815 opportunity to not just improve the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00188-00044816-00044998 quality of our air but also to make our Eyrr9GRm_lc-00189-00044999-00045202 towns and cities better places for Eyrr9GRm_lc-00190-00045203-00045382 everyone to live and work it's about Eyrr9GRm_lc-00191-00045383-00045523 trying to change your relationship we Eyrr9GRm_lc-00192-00045524-00045742 have with a public space and to just Eyrr9GRm_lc-00193-00045743-00046087 look at ourselves in the heart you know Eyrr9GRm_lc-00194-00046088-00046261 the cold light of day and just ask how Eyrr9GRm_lc-00195-00046262-00046468 is it that we've left ours take over the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00196-00046469-00046699 roads in the way that we have we've all Eyrr9GRm_lc-00197-00046700-00046930 accepted that cars can kill us not just Eyrr9GRm_lc-00198-00046931-00047125 by knocking us over but now knowing Eyrr9GRm_lc-00199-00047126-00047293 they're killing us by polluting us and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00200-00047294-00047491 we have allowed that to happen we have Eyrr9GRm_lc-00201-00047492-00047749 tackle this all probably before as any Eyrr9GRm_lc-00202-00047750-00047962 of those who may have lived through the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00203-00047963-00048145 great smog that we used to have to see Eyrr9GRm_lc-00204-00048146-00048313 months that 50 or 40 years ago Eyrr9GRm_lc-00205-00048314-00048589 we'll remember at that point people came Eyrr9GRm_lc-00206-00048590-00048854 together civil society doctors and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00207-00048855-00049081 politicians and we got our first ever Eyrr9GRm_lc-00208-00049082-00049292 Clean Air Act's and what that did is Eyrr9GRm_lc-00209-00049293-00049567 banned burning of coal Eyrr9GRm_lc-00210-00049568-00049824 factories inside towns and cities the Eyrr9GRm_lc-00211-00049825-00050043 dinosaurs were unlucky because they Eyrr9GRm_lc-00212-00050044-00050218 didn't know what was going to happen to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00213-00050219-00050434 them and couldn't help themselves but we Eyrr9GRm_lc-00214-00050435-00050593 know what's happening and we know what's Eyrr9GRm_lc-00215-00050594-00050662 gonna happen Eyrr9GRm_lc-00216-00050663-00050865 I remember me 9 years old and there are Eyrr9GRm_lc-00217-00050866-00051049 hundreds of thousands of children older Eyrr9GRm_lc-00218-00051050-00051262 and younger like me and we want to have Eyrr9GRm_lc-00219-00051263-00051532 a proper education find good jobs get to Eyrr9GRm_lc-00220-00051533-00051748 know our tenants travel the world like Eyrr9GRm_lc-00221-00051749-00051996 you and your parents probably did if you Eyrr9GRm_lc-00222-00051997-00052221 don't listen to our protests we won't be Eyrr9GRm_lc-00223-00052222-00052450 able to do any of that and I tell them Eyrr9GRm_lc-00224-00052451-00052672 we really really want to do those things Eyrr9GRm_lc-00225-00052673-00052921 but if you don't listen I will ask you Eyrr9GRm_lc-00226-00052922-00053166 in the Suffragette skipper did Nelson Eyrr9GRm_lc-00227-00053167-00053488 Mandela stop fighting didn't must lose a Eyrr9GRm_lc-00228-00053489-00053764 king every stop no soon neither will we Eyrr9GRm_lc-00229-00053765-00054001 we will carry on protesting and striking Eyrr9GRm_lc-00230-00054002-00054172 and marching and shouting until you Eyrr9GRm_lc-00231-00054173-00054394 listen and stop burning fossil fuels and Eyrr9GRm_lc-00232-00054395-00054826 stopping dangerous emissions and saving Eyrr9GRm_lc-00233-00054827-00055697 [Applause] EyBfHzVEtHU-00000-00000006-00000227 hey everybody I'm Lance koiki and today EyBfHzVEtHU-00001-00000228-00000526 we're talking more about warm-ups so in EyBfHzVEtHU-00002-00000527-00000628 our first video we talked about EyBfHzVEtHU-00003-00000629-00000896 something that you may or may not do and EyBfHzVEtHU-00004-00000897-00001193 that is self myofascial release laying EyBfHzVEtHU-00005-00001194-00001408 on a foam roller and grab an etheric gun EyBfHzVEtHU-00006-00001409-00001785 or you know pinning a lacrosse ball or EyBfHzVEtHU-00007-00001786-00002042 what's a field hockey ball in between EyBfHzVEtHU-00008-00002043-00002495 your PEC and your wall nearby or maybe EyBfHzVEtHU-00009-00002496-00002720 the ground and your butt because you got EyBfHzVEtHU-00010-00002721-00002851 some glute muscles that feel tight EyBfHzVEtHU-00011-00002852-00003140 that's step one but you might not even EyBfHzVEtHU-00012-00003141-00003422 use it step two is hey maybe you just EyBfHzVEtHU-00013-00003422-00003551 need to move around a little bit maybe EyBfHzVEtHU-00014-00003552-00003758 you need to roll on the ground maybe you EyBfHzVEtHU-00015-00003759-00004076 need to walk around whatever it is that EyBfHzVEtHU-00016-00004077-00004235 gets you kind of moving around and EyBfHzVEtHU-00017-00004236-00004442 clears your mind gets you in the you EyBfHzVEtHU-00018-00004443-00004697 know the frame of mind before working EyBfHzVEtHU-00019-00004698-00004895 out now today EyBfHzVEtHU-00020-00004896-00005168 step three generally in this order is EyBfHzVEtHU-00021-00005169-00005551 how I'm doing this step three is muscle EyBfHzVEtHU-00022-00005552-00006079 activation so I you know we kind of got EyBfHzVEtHU-00023-00006080-00006272 away from calling it muscle activation EyBfHzVEtHU-00024-00006273-00006567 cuz it seems like it's probably just me EyBfHzVEtHU-00025-00006568-00006814 repositioning a muscle and then it's EyBfHzVEtHU-00026-00006815-00007000 allowed to turn on a little bit better EyBfHzVEtHU-00027-00007001-00007352 physiologically and so muscle activation EyBfHzVEtHU-00028-00007353-00007805 seems a little unclear or a little not EyBfHzVEtHU-00029-00007806-00008092 necessarily unclear but less specific EyBfHzVEtHU-00030-00008093-00008714 less accurate I think talking about EyBfHzVEtHU-00031-00008715-00009008 activating a muscle is a very good way EyBfHzVEtHU-00032-00009009-00009191 of thinking about it it makes a lot of EyBfHzVEtHU-00033-00009192-00009571 sense to a lot of people so some people EyBfHzVEtHU-00034-00009572-00009773 especially people who sit down all day EyBfHzVEtHU-00035-00009774-00010013 at work and then they sit down and they EyBfHzVEtHU-00036-00010014-00010339 drive into the gym and then they you EyBfHzVEtHU-00037-00010340-00010538 know I don't know hopefully don't sit EyBfHzVEtHU-00038-00010539-00010660 down too much when they're at the gym EyBfHzVEtHU-00039-00010661-00010996 but they've been sitting a lot and when EyBfHzVEtHU-00040-00010997-00011246 I sit there and I put pressure on a EyBfHzVEtHU-00041-00011247-00011648 muscle it falls asleep and I think EyBfHzVEtHU-00042-00011649-00011777 that's a really good way to think about EyBfHzVEtHU-00043-00011778-00012124 it let's I don't have a coin here's my EyBfHzVEtHU-00044-00012125-00012428 pen let's see this so we did this EyBfHzVEtHU-00045-00012429-00012794 experiment in my physiology class we EyBfHzVEtHU-00046-00012795-00013096 took this coin or this pen and we just EyBfHzVEtHU-00047-00013097-00013280 put it on our arm EyBfHzVEtHU-00048-00013281-00013625 and it stayed there it stayed there yep EyBfHzVEtHU-00049-00013626-00013953 so we put it on our arm and we just held EyBfHzVEtHU-00050-00013954-00014228 it there for a long time for you know EyBfHzVEtHU-00051-00014229-00014652 over a minute and what you did was the EyBfHzVEtHU-00052-00014653-00015005 tester checked in with you at like 15 EyBfHzVEtHU-00053-00015006-00015441 seconds at 30 seconds at 60 seconds at 2 EyBfHzVEtHU-00054-00015441-00015744 minutes at 5 minutes whatever and you EyBfHzVEtHU-00055-00015744-00016034 were supposed to sorry I I hit my mic EyBfHzVEtHU-00056-00016035-00016469 down there you were supposed to say yes EyBfHzVEtHU-00057-00016470-00016869 I feel the pen still or no I do not feel EyBfHzVEtHU-00058-00016870-00017067 the pen still let's let's keep it right EyBfHzVEtHU-00059-00017068-00017495 up there in there so I was starting to EyBfHzVEtHU-00060-00017496-00017744 not feel it but when I moved it up it EyBfHzVEtHU-00061-00017745-00017894 started to move around and so things EyBfHzVEtHU-00062-00017895-00018119 started to change a little bit and that EyBfHzVEtHU-00063-00018120-00018311 gave me some signals that said hey there EyBfHzVEtHU-00064-00018312-00018728 is something on there so our nervous EyBfHzVEtHU-00065-00018729-00018917 system is really good at detecting EyBfHzVEtHU-00066-00018918-00019055 especially our proprioceptors in our EyBfHzVEtHU-00067-00019056-00019381 skin it's really good at detecting EyBfHzVEtHU-00068-00019382-00019728 change it's just like your your vision EyBfHzVEtHU-00069-00019729-00019949 right so if I just have you ever found EyBfHzVEtHU-00070-00019950-00020243 like a Where's Waldo or whatever Where's EyBfHzVEtHU-00071-00020244-00020639 Waldo works as a puzzle because it's all EyBfHzVEtHU-00072-00020640-00020817 just right there nothing's moving EyBfHzVEtHU-00073-00020818-00020969 nothing's drawing your attention you're EyBfHzVEtHU-00074-00020970-00021256 not looking for any one particular thing EyBfHzVEtHU-00075-00021257-00021722 you're just there you're just you know EyBfHzVEtHU-00076-00021723-00021930 it's just the picture and you have to EyBfHzVEtHU-00077-00021931-00022130 find Waldo and he kind of looks like EyBfHzVEtHU-00078-00022131-00022525 everything else in the picture and the EyBfHzVEtHU-00079-00022526-00022772 what our brains are good at doing is EyBfHzVEtHU-00080-00022773-00023049 noticing the change noticing something EyBfHzVEtHU-00081-00023050-00023243 really really different so if Waldo was EyBfHzVEtHU-00082-00023244-00023459 dressed in all black in those pictures EyBfHzVEtHU-00083-00023460-00023667 we'd be able to find them probably EyBfHzVEtHU-00084-00023668-00023870 pretty easily because all those other EyBfHzVEtHU-00085-00023871-00024089 dudes in the red and white stripes are EyBfHzVEtHU-00086-00024090-00024330 you know totally different than what EyBfHzVEtHU-00087-00024331-00024603 Waldo looks like so we notice EyBfHzVEtHU-00088-00024604-00024896 differences we notice changes and so EyBfHzVEtHU-00089-00024897-00025253 when I put a coin or a pen on my arm I EyBfHzVEtHU-00090-00025254-00025589 feel the pressure change on my skin and EyBfHzVEtHU-00091-00025590-00025911 so I'm very aware that it's there and my EyBfHzVEtHU-00092-00025912-00026139 skin proprioceptors keep sending these EyBfHzVEtHU-00093-00026139-00026546 signals on and on and eventually it EyBfHzVEtHU-00094-00026547-00026662 starts to be like EyBfHzVEtHU-00095-00026663-00026764 okay well if you're not gonna do EyBfHzVEtHU-00096-00026765-00026905 anything about it I don't need to keep EyBfHzVEtHU-00097-00026906-00027046 telling you this because this is an EyBfHzVEtHU-00098-00027047-00027346 expensive task and what we say is that EyBfHzVEtHU-00099-00027347-00027683 that sensory system accommodates it EyBfHzVEtHU-00100-00027683-00028361 stops feeling that sense so if we think EyBfHzVEtHU-00101-00028362-00028673 about the coin being the chair and the EyBfHzVEtHU-00102-00028674-00029143 arm skin being your but then when I sit EyBfHzVEtHU-00103-00029144-00029426 down all day I will get something that EyBfHzVEtHU-00104-00029427-00029723 you know good marketers call the gluteal EyBfHzVEtHU-00105-00029724-00030211 amnesia where my butt is just tired and EyBfHzVEtHU-00106-00030212-00030439 it's forgetful and it doesn't know how EyBfHzVEtHU-00107-00030440-00030643 to turn on at the right times and the EyBfHzVEtHU-00108-00030644-00030915 right amount and so I can benefit from EyBfHzVEtHU-00109-00030916-00031445 some gluteal activation the third part EyBfHzVEtHU-00110-00031445-00031867 of our warm-up so I that was just you EyBfHzVEtHU-00111-00031868-00032043 know that's something that I think EyBfHzVEtHU-00112-00032044-00032351 people in our circle don't really think EyBfHzVEtHU-00113-00032352-00032561 about that much but that's a really good EyBfHzVEtHU-00114-00032562-00032773 way to look at it and you know sensory EyBfHzVEtHU-00115-00032774-00032954 systems accommodate that is definitely EyBfHzVEtHU-00116-00032955-00033214 the case and you definitely see progress EyBfHzVEtHU-00117-00033215-00033464 if you activate your glutes before you EyBfHzVEtHU-00118-00033465-00033623 start doing your split squats I have a EyBfHzVEtHU-00119-00033624-00033926 client who is now addicted to it and EyBfHzVEtHU-00120-00033927-00034130 asking to do it right before or split EyBfHzVEtHU-00121-00034131-00034349 squats because otherwise your quad burns EyBfHzVEtHU-00122-00034350-00034513 so much because it has to work so hard EyBfHzVEtHU-00123-00034514-00034610 it's crazy EyBfHzVEtHU-00124-00034611-00034765 even though our position is really good EyBfHzVEtHU-00125-00034766-00034963 her quad has to overwork because the EyBfHzVEtHU-00126-00034964-00035263 glute isn't helping it so in your warmup EyBfHzVEtHU-00127-00035264-00035508 you might want to do your due diligence EyBfHzVEtHU-00128-00035509-00035890 and make sure that anything that might EyBfHzVEtHU-00129-00035891-00036311 be sleeping is awake EyHx_EIJvHg-00000-00000200-00000455 the nayakur language is an austroasiatic EyHx_EIJvHg-00001-00000456-00000663 language spoken by a remnant of the man EyHx_EIJvHg-00002-00000664-00000919 people of davaravati the nayakur people EyHx_EIJvHg-00003-00000919-00001150 who live in present-day thailand EyHx_EIJvHg-00004-00001151-00001423 it is known as chalban thai chabian and EyHx_EIJvHg-00005-00001424-00001655 thai EyHx_EIJvHg-00006-00001655-00002063 distribution EyHx_EIJvHg-00007-00002064-00002326 nayakur h ker is spoken by a few EyHx_EIJvHg-00008-00002327-00002479 thousand people in the central and EyHx_EIJvHg-00009-00002480-00002783 northeastern provinces sidwell 2009 to EyHx_EIJvHg-00010-00002784-00003110 113-105 EyHx_EIJvHg-00011-00003111-00003359 according to premserat 2002 there are EyHx_EIJvHg-00012-00003360-00003567 four thousand to six thousand speakers EyHx_EIJvHg-00013-00003568-00003799 of nyacur the vast majority living in EyHx_EIJvHg-00014-00003800-00003967 chiayafam province EyHx_EIJvHg-00015-00003968-00004159 the northern dialects of pechabun EyHx_EIJvHg-00016-00004160-00004519 province are highly endangered EyHx_EIJvHg-00017-00004520-00004902 southern dialect chiyupham province EyHx_EIJvHg-00018-00004903-00005167 nikon ratchasima province dan kun thot EyHx_EIJvHg-00019-00005168-00005375 district pak thong chai district and EyHx_EIJvHg-00020-00005376-00005615 kang district northern dialects fechaban EyHx_EIJvHg-00021-00005616-00006006 province banthajuang etc EyHx_EIJvHg-00022-00006007-00006254 pitsanalok province nikon thai district EyHx_EIJvHg-00023-00006255-00006422 the northern southern bipart-type EyHx_EIJvHg-00024-00006423-00006563 classification is from EyHx_EIJvHg-00025-00006564-00006778 therafen-alphoncom's 1984 EyHx_EIJvHg-00026-00006779-00007070 multi-dialectal niakar dictionary EyHx_EIJvHg-00027-00007072-00007310 however gerard diffloff considers nye EyHx_EIJvHg-00028-00007311-00007519 occur to be made up of three dialects EyHx_EIJvHg-00029-00007520-00007919 namely north central and south EyHx_EIJvHg-00030-00007920-00008335 classification EyHx_EIJvHg-00031-00008336-00008535 being the only languages of the monarch EyHx_EIJvHg-00032-00008536-00008751 branch of the mon khmer language family EyHx_EIJvHg-00033-00008752-00009295 man and nayakur are very closely related EyHx_EIJvHg-00034-00009296-00009671 history EyHx_EIJvHg-00035-00009672-00009887 the modern day speakers of nyakur are EyHx_EIJvHg-00036-00009888-00010055 the descendants of the mon who did not EyHx_EIJvHg-00037-00010056-00010246 flee west when the khmer overran their EyHx_EIJvHg-00038-00010247-00010535 empire in the 9th and 11th centuries EyHx_EIJvHg-00039-00010536-00010774 consequently modern man and nayakur have EyHx_EIJvHg-00040-00010775-00010983 both developed directly from old man EyHx_EIJvHg-00041-00010984-00011374 independently for almost a millennium EyHx_EIJvHg-00042-00011375-00011591 nayakur was discovered by linguists EyHx_EIJvHg-00043-00011592-00011806 early in the 20th century but was not EyHx_EIJvHg-00044-00011807-00012095 recognized as being related in fact a EyHx_EIJvHg-00045-00012096-00012214 sister EyHx_EIJvHg-00046-00012215-00012655 language to man for nearly 70 years EyHx_EIJvHg-00047-00012656-00012894 due to integration into thai society the EyHx_EIJvHg-00048-00012895-00013111 number of speakers of niakura as a first EyHx_EIJvHg-00049-00013112-00013319 language is rapidly decreasing and some EyHx_EIJvHg-00050-00013319-00013503 predict the language will become extinct EyHx_EIJvHg-00051-00013504-00013663 within the next century unless the EyHx_EIJvHg-00052-00013663-00013871 current course is reversed EyHx_EIJvHg-00053-00013872-00014094 language change influenced by tai is EyHx_EIJvHg-00054-00014095-00014294 also occurring as younger generations EyHx_EIJvHg-00055-00014295-00014463 pronounce certain phonemes different EyHx_EIJvHg-00056-00014463-00014663 from older generations EyHx_EIJvHg-00057-00014663-00014943 for instance final r and l which do not EyHx_EIJvHg-00058-00014944-00015166 occur as finals in tai are now often EyHx_EIJvHg-00059-00015168-00015399 pronounced as n by younger generations EyHx_EIJvHg-00060-00015400-00015758 premserat 2002 however since the younger EyHx_EIJvHg-00061-00015759-00015999 generations also generally have positive EyHx_EIJvHg-00062-00016000-00016150 attitudes about their language and EyHx_EIJvHg-00063-00016151-00016303 support the idea of having an EyHx_EIJvHg-00064-00016304-00016519 orthography for nia occur the language EyHx_EIJvHg-00065-00016520-00016950 may be preserved premserath 2002 EyHx_EIJvHg-00066-00016951-00017350 further reading EyHx_EIJvHg-00067-00017351-00017719 premsarat sawelai 2002 the future of EyHx_EIJvHg-00068-00017720-00017879 nayakur EyHx_EIJvHg-00069-00017880-00018255 bauer robert s ed 2002 collected papers EyHx_EIJvHg-00070-00018256-00018527 on southeast asian and pacific languages EyHx_EIJvHg-00071-00018528-00018911 canberra pacific linguistics EyHx_EIJvHg-00072-00018912-00019319 references EyHx_EIJvHg-00073-00019320-00019719 difloth g 1984 the davarivati old man EyHx_EIJvHg-00074-00019720-00019975 language and nayakur chulalongkorn EyHx_EIJvHg-00075-00019976-00020311 university printing house bangkok isbn EyHx_EIJvHg-00076-00020312-00020863 974-563-783-1 EyHx_EIJvHg-00077-00020864-00021135 huffman f.e 1990 EyHx_EIJvHg-00078-00021136-00021399 burmese man taiman and nayakur a EyHx_EIJvHg-00079-00021400-00021639 synchronic comparison mon khmer studies EyHx_EIJvHg-00080-00021640-00022183 16-17 pp 31-64 EyHx_EIJvHg-00081-00022184-00022447 sidwell paul 2009 EyHx_EIJvHg-00082-00022448-00022703 classifying the austroasiatic languages EyHx_EIJvHg-00083-00022704-00022999 history and state of the art lincom EyHx_EIJvHg-00084-00023000-00023335 studies in asian linguistics 76 EyHx_EIJvHg-00085-00023336-00023686 munich lincoln europa EyHx_EIJvHg-00086-00023687-00024119 external links EyHx_EIJvHg-00087-00024120-00024342 development of modern man and nayakur EyHx_EIJvHg-00088-00024343-00024550 paul sidwell australian national EyHx_EIJvHg-00089-00024551-00025083 university accessed may 11 2006 EyHx_EIJvHg-00090-00025084-00025327 s-e-a-l-a-n-g brief discussion outlining EyHx_EIJvHg-00091-00025328-00025550 development of mon and nayakur from old EyHx_EIJvHg-00092-00025551-00026094 man accessed may 11 2006 EyHx_EIJvHg-00093-00026095-00026495 further reading EyHx_EIJvHg-00094-00026495-00026846 theraphan al thonkam 1984 nayakur EyHx_EIJvHg-00095-00026847-00027111 chalbon thai english dictionary manic EyHx_EIJvHg-00096-00027112-00027462 language studies vol 2. bangkok thailand EyHx_EIJvHg-00097-00027463-00027727 chulalongkorn university printing house EyHx_EIJvHg-00098-00027727-00028358 isbn 974-563-7858 EyHx_EIJvHg-00099-00028360-00028662 meminas peo 1979 EyHx_EIJvHg-00100-00028663-00028814 a description of chalban an EyHx_EIJvHg-00101-00028816-00029046 austroasiatic language in thailand EyHx_EIJvHg-00102-00029047-00029524 mahadal university m.a thesis EyHWtW8aWg0-00000-00000008-00000295 union grove paddock lake williams bay EyHWtW8aWg0-00001-00000296-00000534 camp lake winter harbor new england EyHWtW8aWg0-00002-00000535-00000790 general city walworth silver lake EyHWtW8aWg0-00003-00000791-00001087 clinton and fontana on geneva lake EyHWtW8aWg0-00004-00001088-00001287 for your protection move to an interior EyHWtW8aWg0-00005-00001288-00002183 room on the lowest floor of a building EyHWtW8aWg0-00006-00002184-00002439 okay EyHWtW8aWg0-00007-00002440-00002764 bye guys E-1jFOt3siI-00000-00000000-00000257 hi guys welcome to Cheryl's home cooking E-1jFOt3siI-00001-00000258-00000593 I put my oven on 350. E-1jFOt3siI-00002-00000594-00000971 I'll peel and core three pounds of the E-1jFOt3siI-00003-00000972-00001199 Granny Smith apples E-1jFOt3siI-00004-00001200-00001397 and I'll show you a different way of E-1jFOt3siI-00005-00001398-00001636 making a homemade apple pie E-1jFOt3siI-00006-00001637-00001948 once I peel and core my Granny Smith E-1jFOt3siI-00007-00001950-00002260 apples I'll dice them up into like E-1jFOt3siI-00008-00002261-00002495 bite-sized pieces E-1jFOt3siI-00009-00002496-00002752 I'll place them in my bowl E-1jFOt3siI-00010-00002753-00003118 with a little bit of lemon juice E-1jFOt3siI-00011-00003119-00003370 here are the bite-sized pieces of Apple E-1jFOt3siI-00012-00003371-00003563 I cut E-1jFOt3siI-00013-00003564-00003875 I'll place them in my bowl with a little E-1jFOt3siI-00014-00003876-00004151 bit of lemon juice about a fourth of a E-1jFOt3siI-00015-00004152-00004349 cup of lemon juice and then mix it E-1jFOt3siI-00016-00004350-00004525 around E-1jFOt3siI-00017-00004526-00004967 I'll add in one cup of white sugar E-1jFOt3siI-00018-00004968-00005269 two tablespoons of cinnamon E-1jFOt3siI-00019-00005270-00005888 one teaspoon of apple pie spice E-1jFOt3siI-00020-00005889-00006113 [Music] E-1jFOt3siI-00021-00006114-00006367 now I'll take a spoon mix it all around E-1jFOt3siI-00022-00006368-00006605 making sure that all the apples are E-1jFOt3siI-00023-00006606-00006839 coated with the spices E-1jFOt3siI-00024-00006840-00007620 foreign E-1jFOt3siI-00025-00007622-00007978 pan on medium heat I have two E-1jFOt3siI-00026-00007979-00008278 tablespoons of butter E-1jFOt3siI-00027-00008279-00008464 I'll make sure that the butter is well E-1jFOt3siI-00028-00008465-00008987 coated on the bottom of the pan E-1jFOt3siI-00029-00008988-00010324 I'll place my apples in the pan E-1jFOt3siI-00030-00010325-00010871 making sure to stir it around E-1jFOt3siI-00031-00010872-00011146 this is what it looks like you want to E-1jFOt3siI-00032-00011147-00011338 cook your apples until they're nice and E-1jFOt3siI-00033-00011339-00011891 tender E-1jFOt3siI-00034-00011892-00012106 you can see how nice and tender these E-1jFOt3siI-00035-00012107-00012287 apples are and the juice that it E-1jFOt3siI-00036-00012288-00012545 occurred E-1jFOt3siI-00037-00012546-00012929 this is what you want it to look like E-1jFOt3siI-00038-00012930-00013307 I rolled out one ready-made pie crust I E-1jFOt3siI-00039-00013308-00013679 have it in my pie plate E-1jFOt3siI-00040-00013680-00013950 foreign E-1jFOt3siI-00041-00013951-00014203 [Applause] E-1jFOt3siI-00042-00014204-00014488 about a fourth of a cup of sugar on the E-1jFOt3siI-00043-00014490-00015736 bottom of this pie crust E-1jFOt3siI-00044-00015737-00016055 now I'll add in my cooked apples and E-1jFOt3siI-00045-00016056-00016253 I'll make sure and spread it across my E-1jFOt3siI-00046-00016254-00016584 pie shell so it's even E-1jFOt3siI-00047-00016585-00017471 [Music] E-1jFOt3siI-00048-00017472-00017722 the apples are nice and tender in there E-1jFOt3siI-00049-00017723-00018358 they really look juicy E-1jFOt3siI-00050-00018359-00018583 in the case like this E-1jFOt3siI-00051-00018584-00018905 now I'll take the second E-1jFOt3siI-00052-00018906-00019157 pie crust E-1jFOt3siI-00053-00019158-00019385 I'll cut them into strips E-1jFOt3siI-00054-00019386-00019679 and place it on top of the apples I'll E-1jFOt3siI-00055-00019680-00019979 make like a lattice topping E-1jFOt3siI-00056-00019980-00020255 once I have all the lattice topping on E-1jFOt3siI-00057-00020256-00020344 top E-1jFOt3siI-00058-00020345-00020675 then I'll coat it with some egg wash and E-1jFOt3siI-00059-00020676-00021721 some sugar E-1jFOt3siI-00060-00021722-00022030 I have one egg I'll place it in my bowl E-1jFOt3siI-00061-00022031-00022319 with about two tablespoons of water mix E-1jFOt3siI-00062-00022320-00022613 it and then I'll brush it on top of my E-1jFOt3siI-00063-00022614-00022805 lattice pie crust E-1jFOt3siI-00065-00026135-00026824 um E-1jFOt3siI-00066-00026825-00027046 now I'll take some sugar and sprinkle it E-1jFOt3siI-00067-00027047-00027268 on top of the egg wash that's on top of E-1jFOt3siI-00068-00027269-00027473 my lattice pie crust E-1jFOt3siI-00069-00027474-00027737 I'll make sure that it's all coated E-1jFOt3siI-00070-00027738-00028073 place at my 350 degree oven for about 45 E-1jFOt3siI-00071-00028074-00028631 minutes E-1jFOt3siI-00072-00028632-00028889 I'll place my pie on top of a baking E-1jFOt3siI-00073-00028889-00029183 sheet now into the oven it goes E-1jFOt3siI-00074-00029183-00029440 and here is the apple pie E-1jFOt3siI-00075-00029441-00029705 and I did the lattice topping came out E-1jFOt3siI-00076-00029706-00029795 good E-1jFOt3siI-00077-00029795-00030101 I sprinkled a little sugar on top along E-1jFOt3siI-00078-00030102-00030305 with the egg wash E-1jFOt3siI-00079-00030306-00030623 put it in a 350 degree oven for about 45 E-1jFOt3siI-00080-00030624-00030814 minutes E-1jFOt3siI-00081-00030816-00031096 came out good E-1jFOt3siI-00082-00031097-00031402 this is what's left of it E-1jFOt3siI-00083-00031404-00031589 do you see how good that came out by E-1jFOt3siI-00084-00031589-00031973 cooking the apples E-1jFOt3siI-00085-00031974-00032404 um E-1jFOt3siI-00086-00032405-00032717 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00000-00000160-00000167 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00001-00000168-00000745 um E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00002-00000746-00000943 let's go E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00003-00000944-00001211 I wake up to a little bit of Drool on my E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00004-00001212-00001374 pillow feel like it's gonna be a bad day E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00005-00001375-00001630 yeah I'm tired of [__] and the coffee E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00006-00001632-00001913 ain't hit yet damn ain't that great E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00007-00001914-00002092 I don't want to go to work cause my boss E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00008-00002093-00002387 is a jerk and I'm not even that paid I E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00009-00002388-00002549 need a change in my life cause I don't E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00010-00002550-00002668 feel alive and there's nothing that E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00011-00002669-00002921 makes me happy oh hope I'll be here for E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00012-00002922-00003095 a minute I'm about to quit my job cash E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00013-00003096-00003317 in for a ticket I'm going on a trip and E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00014-00003318-00003497 I don't plan to visit I'm gonna stay E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00015-00003497-00003683 there till I feel like I'm winning oh E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00016-00003684-00003940 and this is just the beginning I need a E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00017-00003942-00004138 big change help me feel like living I E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00018-00004139-00004336 need a [__] swing home runs I'm hitting E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00019-00004337-00004517 and I'll never look back moving on till E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00020-00004518-00004672 I get it all E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00021-00004673-00005518 foreign E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00022-00005519-00006289 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00023-00006290-00007338 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00024-00007339-00007884 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00025-00007886-00008269 let's go E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00026-00008270-00008542 yeah this is my life my Strife my right E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00027-00008543-00008759 to fight to die on E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00028-00008760-00009053 and this is my game to play to claim a E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00029-00009054-00009257 brand new name oh E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00030-00009258-00009473 that ain't gonna lie to you I'm a bit E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00031-00009474-00009724 nervous that I might screw everything up E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00032-00009725-00009892 that I've ever done but what's the point E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00033-00009893-00010133 of living if you ain't having fun E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00034-00010134-00010373 I guess I'll try this try that my Miss E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00035-00010374-00010589 gotta find what I'm good at E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00036-00010590-00010828 I guess I look here look man over where E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00037-00010829-00011110 am I scared where am I at I gotta make E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00038-00011111-00011285 it in this life whatever makes me happy E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00039-00011286-00011488 know I'm doing things right sleeping in E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00040-00011489-00011692 the summer on a ghost and Sprite or find E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00041-00011693-00011987 a nightclub for the end of the night oh E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00042-00011988-00012478 we all got dreams we all want things but E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00043-00012479-00012659 what you gonna do for a height gonna E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00044-00012660-00012836 move for what you gonna be E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00045-00012837-00014656 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00046-00014657-00015463 [Music] E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00047-00015463-00015647 thank you E-EUCt_ZiWQ-00048-00015647-00016186 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00000-00000048-00000390 smells like butter like criminal on the EAuSMfhWRKQ-00001-00000391-00000455 cover EAuSMfhWRKQ-00002-00000456-00000759 girl pop like trouble breaking in the EAuSMfhWRKQ-00003-00000760-00000966 yard like dad EAuSMfhWRKQ-00004-00000967-00001754 go chase EAuSMfhWRKQ-00005-00001755-00002883 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00006-00002884-00003047 oh EAuSMfhWRKQ-00007-00003048-00005109 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00008-00005110-00006339 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00009-00006340-00007083 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00010-00007084-00007720 oh EAuSMfhWRKQ-00011-00007720-00009855 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00012-00009856-00010046 get it EAuSMfhWRKQ-00013-00010047-00011231 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00014-00011232-00011455 got the right body and the right mind EAuSMfhWRKQ-00015-00011456-00011783 rolling up the party got the right vibe EAuSMfhWRKQ-00016-00011784-00012119 haters fresh babe pull up and we lay low EAuSMfhWRKQ-00017-00012120-00012303 all the places get moving with the bass EAuSMfhWRKQ-00018-00012304-00013503 low got me right behind us when we say EAuSMfhWRKQ-00019-00013504-00013863 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00020-00013863-00015013 let me show you EAuSMfhWRKQ-00021-00015015-00015375 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00022-00015376-00015728 oh my god EAuSMfhWRKQ-00023-00015729-00016255 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00024-00016256-00017017 get it let it run EAuSMfhWRKQ-00025-00017018-00017499 [Music] EAuSMfhWRKQ-00026-00017500-00017800 me EAMFT4NbDVI-00000-00000000-00000609 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00001-00000610-00002647 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00002-00002648-00002863 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00003-00002864-00003472 recipe EAMFT4NbDVI-00004-00003472-00004135 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00005-00004136-00004889 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00006-00004890-00005767 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00007-00005768-00005984 up EAMFT4NbDVI-00008-00005985-00008239 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00009-00008240-00009397 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00010-00009398-00010021 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00011-00010022-00011319 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00012-00011320-00011492 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00013-00011493-00012350 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00014-00012351-00013413 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00015-00013413-00014204 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00016-00014205-00014999 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00017-00015000-00015838 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00018-00015840-00017686 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00019-00017687-00017944 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00021-00020959-00021484 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00022-00021485-00021735 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00023-00021736-00022367 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00024-00022368-00023871 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00025-00023872-00024303 is EAMFT4NbDVI-00026-00024304-00025466 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00027-00025467-00026497 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00028-00026498-00027279 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00029-00027280-00027739 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00031-00030783-00031702 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00032-00031703-00032055 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00033-00032056-00034525 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00034-00034526-00034951 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00035-00034952-00035287 one teaspoon red chili powder EAMFT4NbDVI-00036-00035288-00036013 1 tsp EAMFT4NbDVI-00037-00036014-00036127 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00038-00036128-00036897 substitute EAMFT4NbDVI-00039-00036898-00037983 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00040-00037984-00039488 the EAMFT4NbDVI-00041-00039489-00040033 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00042-00040034-00041214 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00043-00041215-00041992 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00044-00041993-00043062 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00045-00043063-00043196 here EAMFT4NbDVI-00046-00043197-00043902 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00047-00044429-00046867 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00048-00046868-00047607 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00049-00047608-00048268 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00050-00048269-00048823 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00051-00048824-00049807 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00052-00049808-00050512 curry EAMFT4NbDVI-00053-00050513-00051919 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00054-00051920-00053175 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00055-00053176-00053670 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00056-00053671-00054366 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00057-00054367-00055390 foreign EAMFT4NbDVI-00058-00055391-00056399 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00059-00056400-00056557 is EAMFT4NbDVI-00060-00056558-00058711 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00061-00058712-00058832 okay EAMFT4NbDVI-00062-00058833-00059175 [Music] EAMFT4NbDVI-00063-00059176-00059383 you EAWRpAusZpy-00000-00000002-00000289 hello my name is better giovanna's from EAWRpAusZpy-00001-00000290-00000449 Imperial College from the honey said EAWRpAusZpy-00002-00000450-00000668 before robotic surgery so i'm here to EAWRpAusZpy-00003-00000669-00000989 present our work for robotic ism we have EAWRpAusZpy-00004-00000990-00001202 made a developed a robotic instrument EAWRpAusZpy-00005-00001203-00001460 for interrupt diffusion of ultrasound EAWRpAusZpy-00006-00001461-00001721 with a new microscopy when i say about EAWRpAusZpy-00007-00001722-00001913 the sound now you know is a real-time EAWRpAusZpy-00008-00001914-00002110 imaging technique that we can see EAWRpAusZpy-00009-00002111-00002317 directly the depth in the death of the EAWRpAusZpy-00010-00002318-00002542 tissue and also you have into microscopy EAWRpAusZpy-00011-00002543-00002771 which novel optical imaging technique EAWRpAusZpy-00012-00002772-00002990 that you can see in real time the cells EAWRpAusZpy-00013-00002991-00003199 the several level in nothing so we are EAWRpAusZpy-00014-00003200-00003374 using the ultrasound to give a EAWRpAusZpy-00015-00003375-00003551 cross-section view of the tissue and EAWRpAusZpy-00016-00003552-00003929 also the end microscopy to give the EAWRpAusZpy-00017-00003929-00004163 surface information in several level and EAWRpAusZpy-00018-00004164-00004381 we are using the robotic instrument to EAWRpAusZpy-00019-00004382-00004670 provide a much larger view of the EAWRpAusZpy-00020-00004671-00004958 surgeon with 3d reconstructions and mo EAWRpAusZpy-00021-00004959-00005152 psyching as well so this gives EAWRpAusZpy-00022-00005153-00005368 interruptive lee during the procedure EAWRpAusZpy-00023-00005369-00005668 they are appropriate image guidance to EAWRpAusZpy-00024-00005669-00006140 the surgeon and have better tumor EAWRpAusZpy-00025-00006141-00006379 margins so when we are talking about the EAWRpAusZpy-00026-00006380-00006595 cancer surgery we have a tumor we have EAWRpAusZpy-00027-00006597-00006848 to delineate the margin surrounded humor EAWRpAusZpy-00028-00006848-00007192 so this actually gives a real time the EAWRpAusZpy-00029-00007193-00007481 surgical margins and the surgeon could EAWRpAusZpy-00030-00007481-00007726 see the surgical marches in front of him EAWRpAusZpy-00031-00007727-00008090 to the images EDurykBfCw0-00000-00000606-00001803 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00001-00001804-00002239 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00002-00002240-00002908 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00003-00002909-00003095 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00004-00003096-00003333 oh EDurykBfCw0-00005-00003334-00005915 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00006-00005916-00006775 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00007-00006776-00007048 this [__] EDurykBfCw0-00008-00007048-00007487 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00009-00007488-00007719 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00010-00007720-00010606 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00011-00010607-00012687 uh EDurykBfCw0-00012-00012688-00014682 is EDurykBfCw0-00013-00014683-00015030 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00014-00015031-00016030 good EDurykBfCw0-00015-00016031-00016676 here EDurykBfCw0-00016-00016677-00017543 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00017-00017544-00020122 good to go EDurykBfCw0-00018-00020123-00020767 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00019-00020768-00022550 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00020-00022551-00023094 what EDurykBfCw0-00021-00023095-00023319 you mean there are no sniper bullets in EDurykBfCw0-00022-00023320-00025286 here EDurykBfCw0-00023-00025287-00027918 oh EDurykBfCw0-00024-00027919-00028145 right back on the top EDurykBfCw0-00025-00028145-00028574 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00026-00028575-00030111 what EDurykBfCw0-00027-00030112-00031735 oh EDurykBfCw0-00028-00031736-00032158 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00029-00032160-00032270 wow EDurykBfCw0-00030-00032272-00033039 he's tight EDurykBfCw0-00031-00033040-00033295 your mom's pussy's wet EDurykBfCw0-00032-00033296-00034583 what are your allies EDurykBfCw0-00033-00034584-00035380 this time EDurykBfCw0-00034-00035381-00036335 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00035-00036336-00037138 enemy dropping into the yoyo EDurykBfCw0-00036-00037139-00037743 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00037-00037744-00038058 no EDurykBfCw0-00038-00038059-00039023 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00039-00039024-00039347 i died EDurykBfCw0-00040-00039348-00040052 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00041-00040053-00041918 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00042-00041919-00042246 oh my god my boy that was crazy oh my EDurykBfCw0-00043-00042247-00042407 god yeah EDurykBfCw0-00044-00042408-00042502 oh EDurykBfCw0-00045-00042503-00042639 if they're not on the move i'll be one EDurykBfCw0-00046-00042640-00042815 level EDurykBfCw0-00047-00042816-00043039 yeah it's like two oh my god there's so EDurykBfCw0-00048-00043040-00043147 many bro EDurykBfCw0-00049-00043148-00043423 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00050-00043424-00043646 how how are you not dead EDurykBfCw0-00051-00043647-00043871 you should be so dead EDurykBfCw0-00052-00043872-00044030 hey right behind me EDurykBfCw0-00053-00044031-00044783 all right EDurykBfCw0-00054-00044784-00044974 same dude from [__] put a precision EDurykBfCw0-00055-00044975-00046247 on nova um EDurykBfCw0-00056-00046248-00047246 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00057-00047247-00047407 he wasn't even trying to hit me he was EDurykBfCw0-00058-00047408-00050046 trying to hit the up here EDurykBfCw0-00059-00050047-00051566 you're a [__] you're EDurykBfCw0-00060-00051567-00051687 watch out somebody pulled up from the EDurykBfCw0-00061-00051688-00052438 back cause EDurykBfCw0-00062-00052439-00053238 one of my green things EDurykBfCw0-00063-00053239-00053908 oh EDurykBfCw0-00064-00053909-00054542 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00065-00054544-00054887 keep coming EDurykBfCw0-00066-00054888-00055184 hey i'm a [__] EDurykBfCw0-00067-00055185-00058087 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00069-00061672-00062079 guess is moving in usa EDurykBfCw0-00070-00062079-00063198 precision air strike stay alert EDurykBfCw0-00071-00063199-00063542 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00072-00063544-00065926 it's broken right here EDurykBfCw0-00073-00065927-00068463 squad membership EDurykBfCw0-00074-00068464-00068679 oh EDurykBfCw0-00075-00068680-00071027 god EDurykBfCw0-00076-00071028-00071768 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00077-00071769-00072054 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00078-00072055-00072535 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00079-00072536-00072767 she's playing titanic charles yo snipe EDurykBfCw0-00080-00072768-00072967 ggs bro hey you're frying snipe ggs EDurykBfCw0-00081-00072968-00073087 buddy EDurykBfCw0-00082-00073088-00073238 hey listen man hey i don't make the EDurykBfCw0-00083-00073239-00073399 rules i just i'm just here so i won't EDurykBfCw0-00084-00073400-00073643 get EDurykBfCw0-00085-00073644-00074025 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00086-00074026-00074303 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00087-00074304-00076143 there's fined left wall EDurykBfCw0-00088-00076144-00078382 this way EDurykBfCw0-00089-00078383-00079844 that's crazy EDurykBfCw0-00090-00079845-00080830 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00091-00080831-00081303 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00092-00081304-00081911 yeah i don't want it EDurykBfCw0-00093-00081912-00083855 yeah take them off EDurykBfCw0-00094-00083856-00084606 oh EDurykBfCw0-00095-00084607-00084855 how many more josh EDurykBfCw0-00096-00084856-00086452 there's another one EDurykBfCw0-00097-00086453-00086718 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00098-00086719-00088343 behind you EDurykBfCw0-00099-00088344-00088987 no [__] way bro EDurykBfCw0-00100-00088988-00090375 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00101-00090376-00090591 kill them all EDurykBfCw0-00102-00090592-00091494 drop it into the area EDurykBfCw0-00103-00091495-00092200 oh EDurykBfCw0-00104-00092201-00093862 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00105-00093863-00094029 sweeping for enemy EDurykBfCw0-00106-00094030-00094292 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00107-00094293-00096862 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00108-00096863-00097006 oh EDurykBfCw0-00109-00097007-00097167 my god EDurykBfCw0-00110-00097168-00098599 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00111-00098600-00098935 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00112-00098936-00099223 this is ridiculous EDurykBfCw0-00113-00099224-00099718 no place EDurykBfCw0-00114-00099719-00100523 giving flyover EDurykBfCw0-00115-00100524-00100710 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00116-00100711-00101399 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00117-00101400-00103430 is EDurykBfCw0-00118-00103431-00104815 oh they're all down two of them are down EDurykBfCw0-00119-00104816-00105078 hey man EDurykBfCw0-00120-00105079-00106095 what's EDurykBfCw0-00121-00106096-00106271 yo this guy was actually good he's EDurykBfCw0-00122-00106272-00106463 throwing like me from way back there and EDurykBfCw0-00123-00106464-00108590 still EDurykBfCw0-00124-00108591-00111134 oh what the [__] EDurykBfCw0-00125-00111135-00112654 you should drop that gasoline EDurykBfCw0-00126-00112655-00113108 uh EDurykBfCw0-00127-00113108-00114543 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00128-00114544-00115545 uh EDurykBfCw0-00129-00115546-00116302 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00130-00116303-00116502 moving in go get it yeah try to get him EDurykBfCw0-00131-00116503-00116575 back EDurykBfCw0-00133-00119879-00120551 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00135-00124111-00124239 oh EDurykBfCw0-00136-00124240-00124375 you know where EDurykBfCw0-00137-00124376-00124575 i just literally bubbled the first EDurykBfCw0-00138-00124576-00125790 person EDurykBfCw0-00139-00125791-00126943 give your money to your boy EDurykBfCw0-00140-00126944-00127719 oh the storm saved your life EDurykBfCw0-00142-00131255-00133751 is EDurykBfCw0-00143-00133752-00134307 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00144-00134308-00135586 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00145-00135587-00137625 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00146-00137626-00138007 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00147-00138008-00140055 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00148-00140056-00140814 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00149-00140815-00141790 almost here EDurykBfCw0-00150-00141791-00143271 enemy uab EDurykBfCw0-00151-00143272-00145135 watch EDurykBfCw0-00152-00145136-00145295 oh my god EDurykBfCw0-00153-00145296-00145478 you in this knife bro EDurykBfCw0-00154-00145479-00145887 you in this [__] night EDurykBfCw0-00155-00145888-00146399 don't you follow me you dirty [__] EDurykBfCw0-00156-00146400-00146626 oh [__] EDurykBfCw0-00157-00146627-00148975 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00158-00148976-00149719 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00159-00149720-00151175 squad EDurykBfCw0-00160-00151176-00152683 tracking enemy EDurykBfCw0-00161-00152684-00152871 defeat EDurykBfCw0-00162-00152872-00153411 i can't get a going over here EDurykBfCw0-00163-00153412-00153783 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00164-00153784-00156687 nevermind EDurykBfCw0-00165-00156688-00157438 right there EDurykBfCw0-00166-00157439-00157440 [Applause] EDurykBfCw0-00167-00157441-00158207 [Music] EDurykBfCw0-00168-00158208-00159663 oh yeah EDurykBfCw0-00169-00159664-00160183 look EDurykBfCw0-00170-00160184-00160484 oh EE_S5UniKg8-00000-00000017-00000340 the women's 5 kilometres competition of EE_S5UniKg8-00001-00000341-00000524 the open water swimming events at the EE_S5UniKg8-00002-00000525-00000788 2015 World Aquatics Championships was EE_S5UniKg8-00003-00000789-00001586 held on the 25th of July 2015 EE_S5UniKg8-00004-00001587-00002137 topic results EE_S5UniKg8-00005-00002138-00002548 the race was started at 10 o'clock EFPqKk7YhGY-00000-00000197-00000862 foreign EFPqKk7YhGY-00001-00000863-00001241 tell us why you chose to sort of take EFPqKk7YhGY-00002-00001242-00001558 this slice this moment in time which EFPqKk7YhGY-00003-00001559-00001717 goes back to the beginning of the war EFPqKk7YhGY-00004-00001718-00002009 and tell the story because the story is EFPqKk7YhGY-00005-00002010-00002375 not done it still are going EFPqKk7YhGY-00006-00002376-00002771 I think marupole is a city as a EFPqKk7YhGY-00007-00002772-00003107 one of the events that happened in the EFPqKk7YhGY-00008-00003108-00003335 beginning of the full-scale Russia's EFPqKk7YhGY-00009-00003336-00003640 invasion in Ukraine is uh extremely EFPqKk7YhGY-00010-00003642-00003809 symbolic EFPqKk7YhGY-00011-00003810-00004193 for ukrainians and historically symbolic EFPqKk7YhGY-00012-00004194-00004354 because being EFPqKk7YhGY-00013-00004355-00004625 being a strategically important city for EFPqKk7YhGY-00014-00004626-00004870 Russia to try to take EFPqKk7YhGY-00015-00004871-00005177 from Ukraine it's also EFPqKk7YhGY-00016-00005178-00005593 had so much tragedy packed in there EFPqKk7YhGY-00017-00005594-00005993 in this short period of time over three EFPqKk7YhGY-00018-00005994-00006149 months EFPqKk7YhGY-00019-00006150-00006472 and EFPqKk7YhGY-00020-00006473-00006814 being able to show this tragedy to the EFPqKk7YhGY-00021-00006815-00007001 world EFPqKk7YhGY-00022-00007002-00007078 um EFPqKk7YhGY-00023-00007079-00007613 means a lot to us but also we feel and EFPqKk7YhGY-00024-00007614-00007895 we found out only later when we left EFPqKk7YhGY-00025-00007895-00008117 mariubo when we broke out of The Siege EFPqKk7YhGY-00026-00008118-00008633 we only then we found out how much EFPqKk7YhGY-00027-00008634-00008873 what we did there EFPqKk7YhGY-00028-00008874-00009119 and what happened there changed the EFPqKk7YhGY-00029-00009120-00009401 world's perspective on The Invasion EFPqKk7YhGY-00030-00009402-00009731 so it's also symbolic from that side EFPqKk7YhGY-00031-00009732-00009959 but throughout the throughout the EFPqKk7YhGY-00032-00009960-00010145 coverage throughout these 20 days of EFPqKk7YhGY-00033-00010146-00010295 film it's called 20 days in Marine EFPqKk7YhGY-00034-00010296-00010499 throughout that 20 days we've been EFPqKk7YhGY-00035-00010500-00010805 sending news dispatches so we're quite EFPqKk7YhGY-00036-00010806-00010889 short EFPqKk7YhGY-00037-00010890-00011135 packages of videos one minute two EFPqKk7YhGY-00038-00011136-00011305 minutes EFPqKk7YhGY-00039-00011306-00011671 sending them to somebody about YouTube EFPqKk7YhGY-00040-00011672-00012023 we work for for AP uh all you guys were EFPqKk7YhGY-00041-00012024-00012209 creeping out the producers yeah we are EFPqKk7YhGY-00042-00012210-00012413 we are AP team and Michelle is with the EFPqKk7YhGY-00043-00012414-00012592 front line so the front when we left EFPqKk7YhGY-00044-00012593-00012785 Mario upo EFPqKk7YhGY-00045-00012786-00013307 um we took out safely around 30 hours up EFPqKk7YhGY-00046-00013308-00013516 to 30 hours of footage EFPqKk7YhGY-00047-00013518-00013751 most of it was unpublished EFPqKk7YhGY-00048-00013752-00013919 and EFPqKk7YhGY-00049-00013919-00014201 I felt that we need EFPqKk7YhGY-00050-00014202-00014483 to do more about marupo who felt quite EFPqKk7YhGY-00051-00014484-00014693 guilty that we left and mariobo was EFPqKk7YhGY-00052-00014694-00014849 still under the siege people were still EFPqKk7YhGY-00053-00014850-00015029 dying EFPqKk7YhGY-00054-00015030-00015269 every day and EFPqKk7YhGY-00055-00015269-00015586 I felt that we needed to do more so EFPqKk7YhGY-00056-00015587-00015899 collaboration with Frontline started and EFPqKk7YhGY-00057-00015900-00016208 we assembled a film EFcbfhWGyCc-00000-00000440-00000599 for successful businesses EFcbfhWGyCc-00001-00000600-00000799 external factors like the business EFcbfhWGyCc-00002-00000800-00000999 environment are critical EFcbfhWGyCc-00003-00001000-00001215 the business environment consists of EFcbfhWGyCc-00004-00001216-00001399 seven sub-arenas EFcbfhWGyCc-00005-00001400-00001639 institutional development determines the EFcbfhWGyCc-00006-00001639-00001726 rules EFcbfhWGyCc-00007-00001727-00001959 regulations and policies each EFcbfhWGyCc-00008-00001960-00002199 entrepreneur has to follow EFcbfhWGyCc-00009-00002200-00002455 innovative or emerging businesses that EFcbfhWGyCc-00010-00002456-00002695 require new technologies or knowledge to EFcbfhWGyCc-00011-00002696-00002750 develop EFcbfhWGyCc-00012-00002751-00003015 new products and services depend heavily EFcbfhWGyCc-00013-00003016-00003134 on the subarena EFcbfhWGyCc-00014-00003135-00003479 technology and knowledge EFcbfhWGyCc-00015-00003479-00003686 resources and infrastructure like EFcbfhWGyCc-00016-00003688-00003943 facilities communication and transport EFcbfhWGyCc-00017-00003944-00004127 are especially critical for rural EFcbfhWGyCc-00018-00004128-00004351 businesses EFcbfhWGyCc-00019-00004352-00004567 growing businesses also depend on EFcbfhWGyCc-00020-00004568-00004679 available funding EFcbfhWGyCc-00021-00004680-00005031 and access to financial resources EFcbfhWGyCc-00022-00005032-00005311 to make a product or service appealing EFcbfhWGyCc-00023-00005312-00005415 consumer EFcbfhWGyCc-00024-00005416-00005735 value and need has to be respected EFcbfhWGyCc-00025-00005736-00006102 public opinion knowledge expectations EFcbfhWGyCc-00026-00006103-00006334 and general trends in society can EFcbfhWGyCc-00027-00006335-00006527 influence those directly EFcbfhWGyCc-00028-00006528-00006863 or indirectly market structure EFcbfhWGyCc-00029-00006864-00007127 is formed by business competitors and EFcbfhWGyCc-00030-00007128-00007198 other market EFcbfhWGyCc-00031-00007200-00007534 players the availability EFcbfhWGyCc-00032-00007536-00007774 frequency and quality of training and EFcbfhWGyCc-00033-00007775-00007878 education EFcbfhWGyCc-00034-00007879-00008078 is relevant for each business to EFcbfhWGyCc-00035-00008079-00008483 innovate or improve their products and EFcbfhWGyCc-00036-00008484-00008974 services EFcbfhWGyCc-00037-00008975-00009184 you EI4wsEFA__u-00000-00000174-00000473 where you at man your house is empty EI4wsEFA__u-00001-00000474-00000797 hey I had to kind of lay low for a while EI4wsEFA__u-00002-00000798-00001079 yeah that nice Mexican we met EI4wsEFA__u-00003-00001080-00001312 me and T did that job for him and we EI4wsEFA__u-00004-00001313-00001447 fell out EI4wsEFA__u-00005-00001448-00001876 I wish I was EI4wsEFA__u-00006-00001877-00002476 desert out by Alamo sea EI4wsEFA__u-00007-00002477-00002897 absolutely uh oh hey EI4wsEFA__u-00008-00002898-00003179 Trevor's got his wife EI4wsEFA__u-00009-00003180-00003701 no no the Mexican's wife what EI4wsEFA__u-00010-00003702-00003833 what nothing EI4wsEFA__u-00011-00003834-00004265 nothing to say about that EI4wsEFA__u-00012-00004266-00004375 run EI4wsEFA__u-00013-00004376-00004727 I'm back coming drummer EI4wsEFA__u-00014-00004728-00004901 now bring me my coffee I'm gonna cut EI4wsEFA__u-00015-00004902-00005206 your arm off EI4wsEFA__u-00016-00005207-00005417 what the hell's that you're made EI4wsEFA__u-00017-00005418-00005854 oh business partner good guy very loyal EI4wsEFA__u-00018-00005855-00006245 Ron Ron that is Michael and this is EI4wsEFA__u-00019-00006246-00006520 Patricia EI4wsEFA__u-00020-00006522-00006934 ah listen beautiful you know I'm sorry EI4wsEFA__u-00021-00006936-00007091 about everything that's happened and EI4wsEFA__u-00022-00007092-00007306 that you know I can't guarantee no EI4wsEFA__u-00023-00007308-00007510 Harm's gonna come to you EI4wsEFA__u-00024-00007511-00007667 I might have to chop you up into little EI4wsEFA__u-00025-00007668-00007864 pieces before spraying your mess down EI4wsEFA__u-00026-00007865-00008045 the drain but EI4wsEFA__u-00027-00008045-00008321 I really hope it doesn't come to that I EI4wsEFA__u-00028-00008322-00008542 appreciate your honesty EI4wsEFA__u-00029-00008543-00008759 you are a good man EI4wsEFA__u-00030-00008760-00008987 I can't see that you need your eyes EI4wsEFA__u-00031-00008988-00009196 examined then EI4wsEFA__u-00032-00009197-00009335 run EI4wsEFA__u-00033-00009336-00009635 you miss me yeah Trevor a bit I mean was EI4wsEFA__u-00034-00009636-00010001 the [__] business I I tried EI4wsEFA__u-00035-00010002-00010181 if you're gonna give me a sob story I'm EI4wsEFA__u-00036-00010182-00010355 gonna rip your [__] throat out and EI4wsEFA__u-00037-00010356-00010523 shove a turd down the hole it's not a EI4wsEFA__u-00038-00010524-00010739 sob story it's just not quite come good EI4wsEFA__u-00039-00010740-00010859 yet EI4wsEFA__u-00040-00010860-00011110 but I heard about something to do with EI4wsEFA__u-00041-00011111-00011435 Merryweather those [__] baby cash of EI4wsEFA__u-00042-00011436-00011645 weapons they got coming in so I thought EI4wsEFA__u-00043-00011646-00012131 you might want to uh requisition it fan EI4wsEFA__u-00044-00012132-00012491 fantastic let's go I'm in whoa no no not EI4wsEFA__u-00045-00012492-00012749 you sit down you're a wanted man stay EI4wsEFA__u-00046-00012750-00013037 low and watch her okay she's good lady EI4wsEFA__u-00047-00013038-00013261 let's go Ron good to meet you Michael EI4wsEFA__u-00048-00013262-00013830 [__] come on let's go EI4wsEFA__u-00049-00013831-00014122 ah the weapons are coming in by air EI4wsEFA__u-00050-00014123-00014369 we've got a plane over at the airstrip EI4wsEFA__u-00051-00014369-00015283 but right let's go EI4wsEFA__u-00052-00015284-00015611 what are you going to do we're not gonna EI4wsEFA__u-00053-00015612-00015863 take out a private Army on the ground or EI4wsEFA__u-00054-00015863-00016249 on we gotta meet him in the air uh EI4wsEFA__u-00055-00016250-00016583 okay well I knew that you were pissed EI4wsEFA__u-00056-00016584-00016822 after the Merryweather Heist giving back EI4wsEFA__u-00057-00016823-00017250 the hardware that was [__] right EI4wsEFA__u-00058-00017251-00017579 right so I've been monitoring chatter EI4wsEFA__u-00059-00017580-00017903 tapping into Merryweather networks feels EI4wsEFA__u-00060-00017904-00018065 good to be back in the company of a EI4wsEFA__u-00061-00018066-00018479 professional I gotta say I got it I was EI4wsEFA__u-00062-00018480-00018641 expecting something a little more EI4wsEFA__u-00063-00018642-00018899 impressive the late great Michael EI4wsEFA__u-00064-00018900-00019235 Townley not so late and not so great EI4wsEFA__u-00065-00019236-00019511 right and no longer called Townley the EI4wsEFA__u-00066-00019512-00019829 years have not been terribly kind EI4wsEFA__u-00067-00019830-00020141 have not been terribly kind what's the EI4wsEFA__u-00068-00020142-00020375 end game man we had a good thing going EI4wsEFA__u-00069-00020376-00020639 without him if it's such a good thing EI4wsEFA__u-00070-00020640-00020872 where's my money huh where's my EI4wsEFA__u-00071-00020873-00021161 consultancy and my big fat dividend I EI4wsEFA__u-00072-00021162-00021383 want a franchise Network Ron I want EI4wsEFA__u-00073-00021384-00021641 reward cards merchandise I want to make EI4wsEFA__u-00074-00021642-00021808 gun violence and Drug dependency EI4wsEFA__u-00075-00021809-00022114 accessible to every man and feast just EI4wsEFA__u-00076-00022115-00022361 the plain eye needs to take on a heavily EI4wsEFA__u-00077-00022362-00022822 armed tax funded militia EI4wsEFA__u-00078-00022823-00023044 get in touch with my Mexican contact EI4wsEFA__u-00079-00023045-00023344 tell him we got some guns to sell EI4wsEFA__u-00080-00023345-00024119 I'll get you on the radio EI4wsEFA__u-00082-00027212-00027527 Le the Merryweather plane is in a EI4wsEFA__u-00083-00027527-00027802 holding pattern to the left try and stay EI4wsEFA__u-00084-00027804-00028114 low the control Power at Fort San Kudo EI4wsEFA__u-00085-00028116-00028696 is monitoring air traffic EI4wsEFA__u-00086-00028697-00029033 through the wall remember don't want to EI4wsEFA__u-00087-00029033-00029281 give them reason to think you're suspect EI4wsEFA__u-00088-00029282-00030190 altitudes just fine Ron EI4wsEFA__u-00089-00030191-00030502 cargo planes on my 12. I'm gonna use EI4wsEFA__u-00090-00030504-00031655 those weapons EI4wsEFA__u-00091-00031656-00031949 I know it isn't my place to ask but how EI4wsEFA__u-00092-00031950-00032195 exactly do you plan on requisitioning EI4wsEFA__u-00093-00032195-00032437 this equipment EI4wsEFA__u-00094-00032438-00032740 one step at a time Ronald let's just get EI4wsEFA__u-00095-00032741-00035224 there first EI4wsEFA__u-00096-00035225-00035485 we're flying by the military base now EI4wsEFA__u-00097-00035486-00035818 avoided boss don't fly over EI4wsEFA__u-00098-00035819-00038093 I'm reading yeah EI4wsEFA__u-00099-00038094-00038471 no the cargo planes got four chats a 200 EI4wsEFA__u-00100-00038472-00038765 foot wingspan yeah yeah yeah and I'm in EI4wsEFA__u-00101-00038766-00038987 a crop duster this is something I'm EI4wsEFA__u-00103-00042450-00042599 you know Ronald EI4wsEFA__u-00104-00042600-00042983 Ronald you're there Trevor so start EI4wsEFA__u-00105-00042984-00043205 monitoring you with that altitude EI4wsEFA__u-00106-00043206-00044830 I'm plenty low enough Ron EI4wsEFA__u-00107-00044831-00045101 you speak to Oscar the Mexicans this EI4wsEFA__u-00108-00045102-00045340 deal on I'll let them know it's in the EI4wsEFA__u-00109-00045341-00045629 works the worst I'm not risking life in EI4wsEFA__u-00110-00045630-00046012 limp for a shiminate soul are you sure EI4wsEFA__u-00111-00046013-00046243 I still don't like getting messed with EI4wsEFA__u-00112-00046244-00046637 do the deal the guns are good as ours EI4wsEFA__u-00114-00050072-00050290 the altitude EI4wsEFA__u-00115-00050291-00051323 here we go EI4wsEFA__u-00116-00051324-00051551 aircraft identify yourself as finger EI4wsEFA__u-00117-00051552-00051688 intent EI4wsEFA__u-00118-00051689-00051958 I'm just a lonely guy out just this crap EI4wsEFA__u-00119-00051959-00052301 who are you unidentified aircraft divert EI4wsEFA__u-00120-00052302-00052457 your car so we will be forced to shoot EI4wsEFA__u-00121-00052458-00052565 you down EI4wsEFA__u-00122-00052566-00052847 really shoot me down well that seems a EI4wsEFA__u-00123-00052848-00054623 little extreme doesn't it EI4wsEFA__u-00124-00054624-00056538 faith in your hands EI4wsEFA__u-00125-00056539-00058744 what's wrong with you EI4wsEFA__u-00127-00063036-00064582 whoa EI4wsEFA__u-00128-00064583-00064829 get off my plate EI4wsEFA__u-00129-00064829-00065269 how's the man EI4wsEFA__u-00130-00065270-00065725 now who's gonna fly this thing EI4wsEFA__u-00131-00065726-00066023 come in air traffic control there's been EI4wsEFA__u-00132-00066024-00066238 a change of personnel and destination on EI4wsEFA__u-00133-00066239-00066515 the Merryweather jet we are now Landing EI4wsEFA__u-00134-00066516-00067481 in McKenzie field EI4wsEFA__u-00135-00067482-00067894 swapping radio channels over running the EI4wsEFA__u-00136-00067895-00068081 cargo jet is now part of the TP EI4wsEFA__u-00137-00068082-00068459 Enterprise Fleet you with the max EI4wsEFA__u-00139-00071477-00072413 escort EI4wsEFA__u-00140-00072414-00072713 or you could diddle yourself EI4wsEFA__u-00141-00072714-00073037 hey Rod so um the freaking Air Force are EI4wsEFA__u-00142-00073038-00073259 on me EI4wsEFA__u-00143-00073260-00073649 it's an altitude EI4wsEFA__u-00144-00073650-00074099 Fly Above them all right EI4wsEFA__u-00145-00074100-00074285 try immediately EI4wsEFA__u-00146-00074286-00074543 I'm landing at McKenzie field we can EI4wsEFA__u-00147-00074544-00074650 discuss EI4wsEFA__u-00148-00074651-00076576 there on the dirt like men EI4wsEFA__u-00149-00076577-00076882 is authorized change bearing or we will EI4wsEFA__u-00150-00076883-00077135 engage I don't think you understand the EI4wsEFA__u-00151-00077136-00078569 effort I've gone to be here pal EI4wsEFA__u-00152-00078570-00079037 is your final warning EI4wsEFA__u-00153-00079038-00079253 you'll be down anyway think of the EI4wsEFA__u-00154-00079254-00081419 ground casualties EI4wsEFA__u-00155-00081420-00082525 Eagle 2 Fox 2. EI4wsEFA__u-00156-00082526-00083567 are you reading EI4wsEFA__u-00157-00083568-00084031 oh those are useless EI4wsEFA__u-00158-00084032-00084382 I'm getting a shoot and I'm failing EI4wsEFA__u-00159-00084383-00087321 okay EI4wsEFA__u-00160-00087322-00089350 [Music] EI4wsEFA__u-00161-00089351-00089651 foreign EIGLc87l8Ly-00000-00000032-00000182 in this lesson we look at another EIGLc87l8Ly-00001-00000183-00000438 example circuit which is to synthesize a EIGLc87l8Ly-00002-00000440-00001491 negative resistance using an op EIGLc87l8Ly-00003-00001492-00001926 amp i will say negative resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00004-00001927-00002118 using EIGLc87l8Ly-00005-00002119-00002318 miller effect EIGLc87l8Ly-00006-00002319-00002607 i will explain what that is EIGLc87l8Ly-00007-00002608-00002734 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00008-00002735-00002975 lets consider EIGLc87l8Ly-00009-00002976-00003079 a a EIGLc87l8Ly-00010-00003080-00004806 non inverting amplifier EIGLc87l8Ly-00011-00004807-00005063 if the input is v i the output will be k EIGLc87l8Ly-00012-00005064-00005406 v i because of this resistance ratio EIGLc87l8Ly-00013-00005407-00005695 ok its one plus the upper resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00014-00005696-00006006 divided by the lower resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00015-00006007-00006199 now EIGLc87l8Ly-00016-00006200-00006431 of course in this condition EIGLc87l8Ly-00017-00006431-00006727 no current flows into the op amp EIGLc87l8Ly-00018-00006728-00006951 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00019-00006952-00007119 so the input resistance of this circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00020-00007120-00007327 is infinity EIGLc87l8Ly-00021-00007328-00007455 let me show the voltage source EIGLc87l8Ly-00022-00007456-00008063 explicitly EIGLc87l8Ly-00023-00008064-00008903 okay EIGLc87l8Ly-00024-00008904-00009119 and EIGLc87l8Ly-00025-00009120-00009367 lets say EIGLc87l8Ly-00026-00009368-00009599 i connect a resistance r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00027-00009600-00009895 between the input and output EIGLc87l8Ly-00028-00009896-00010214 and then i will evaluate the EIGLc87l8Ly-00029-00010215-00010414 resistance of this part of the circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00030-00010415-00010631 that is to the right of this line EIGLc87l8Ly-00031-00010632-00010967 between these terminals here and EIGLc87l8Ly-00032-00010968-00011135 ground EIGLc87l8Ly-00033-00011136-00011271 and we know how to evaluate the EIGLc87l8Ly-00034-00011272-00011503 resistance of any linear circuit we EIGLc87l8Ly-00035-00011504-00011710 apply a test voltage find the current EIGLc87l8Ly-00036-00011711-00011831 that is flowing in EIGLc87l8Ly-00037-00011832-00012006 divide the voltage by the current to EIGLc87l8Ly-00038-00012007-00012199 obtain the resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00039-00012200-00012374 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00040-00012375-00012599 now the only current here is flowing EIGLc87l8Ly-00041-00012600-00012943 through r x this node is at v i this EIGLc87l8Ly-00042-00012944-00013102 node is at k v i EIGLc87l8Ly-00043-00013103-00013311 so EIGLc87l8Ly-00044-00013312-00013535 this current i x EIGLc87l8Ly-00045-00013536-00013647 is EIGLc87l8Ly-00046-00013647-00013766 v i EIGLc87l8Ly-00047-00013768-00013935 minus k v i EIGLc87l8Ly-00048-00013936-00014119 divided by r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00049-00014119-00014391 which is v i times EIGLc87l8Ly-00050-00014391-00014551 one minus k EIGLc87l8Ly-00051-00014552-00014686 divided by EIGLc87l8Ly-00052-00014687-00014871 r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00053-00014872-00015191 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00054-00015191-00015471 now EIGLc87l8Ly-00055-00015472-00015703 you can see that this i x will actually EIGLc87l8Ly-00056-00015704-00015894 be negative because this k will be EIGLc87l8Ly-00057-00015895-00016055 greater than one EIGLc87l8Ly-00058-00016056-00016222 ok we will assume that k is more than EIGLc87l8Ly-00059-00016223-00016294 one EIGLc87l8Ly-00060-00016295-00016447 because we are making an amplifier of EIGLc87l8Ly-00061-00016448-00016743 gain k k is at least one and in this EIGLc87l8Ly-00062-00016744-00016886 case we will choose k to be more than EIGLc87l8Ly-00063-00016887-00016975 one EIGLc87l8Ly-00064-00016976-00017255 so that this k minus one is a positive EIGLc87l8Ly-00065-00017256-00017391 number EIGLc87l8Ly-00066-00017392-00017486 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00067-00017487-00017719 so this i x in this direction will be EIGLc87l8Ly-00068-00017720-00017991 actually negative so EIGLc87l8Ly-00069-00017992-00018283 the current in this direction i x EIGLc87l8Ly-00070-00018284-00018463 is EIGLc87l8Ly-00071-00018464-00018799 v i EIGLc87l8Ly-00072-00018800-00018999 times minus EIGLc87l8Ly-00073-00019000-00019263 k minus one by r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00074-00019264-00019471 which is v i EIGLc87l8Ly-00075-00019472-00019750 divided by EIGLc87l8Ly-00076-00019751-00019903 r x by EIGLc87l8Ly-00077-00019904-00020255 k minus one with a negative sign here EIGLc87l8Ly-00078-00020256-00020478 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00079-00020479-00020614 so EIGLc87l8Ly-00080-00020615-00021039 the resistance looking in here r i EIGLc87l8Ly-00081-00021040-00021311 which is v i by i x EIGLc87l8Ly-00082-00021312-00021486 is nothing but EIGLc87l8Ly-00083-00021487-00021694 minus r x divided by EIGLc87l8Ly-00084-00021695-00021903 k minus one EIGLc87l8Ly-00085-00021904-00022167 so this k minus one is a positive number EIGLc87l8Ly-00086-00022168-00022327 and r x is of course positive its a EIGLc87l8Ly-00087-00022328-00022471 physical resistor EIGLc87l8Ly-00088-00022472-00022655 so the input resistance of this circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00089-00022656-00022791 is negative EIGLc87l8Ly-00090-00022792-00022991 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00091-00022992-00023183 so if you wanted to synthesize a EIGLc87l8Ly-00092-00023184-00023350 negative resistance this is how we would EIGLc87l8Ly-00093-00023351-00023558 do it EIGLc87l8Ly-00094-00023559-00024047 this is EIGLc87l8Ly-00095-00024048-00024886 an amplifier of gain k EIGLc87l8Ly-00096-00024887-00025519 and EIGLc87l8Ly-00097-00025520-00025734 i connect some r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00098-00025735-00026022 then between this point and ground i see EIGLc87l8Ly-00099-00026023-00026199 a resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00100-00026200-00026543 which is minus r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00101-00026544-00026831 divided by k minus one and in this EIGLc87l8Ly-00102-00026832-00027087 circuit of course k is more than one EIGLc87l8Ly-00103-00027088-00027599 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00104-00027600-00027855 now this is quite easy and it turns out EIGLc87l8Ly-00105-00027856-00028007 this is a specific case of what is known EIGLc87l8Ly-00106-00028008-00028311 as miller effect EIGLc87l8Ly-00107-00028312-00028574 if you have an amplifier of gain k EIGLc87l8Ly-00108-00028575-00028870 ok i use this symbol to mean EIGLc87l8Ly-00109-00028872-00029079 this circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00110-00029080-00029214 lets say ground is the reference EIGLc87l8Ly-00111-00029216-00029414 terminal EIGLc87l8Ly-00112-00029416-00029551 and EIGLc87l8Ly-00113-00029552-00029855 this is v i this is v naught equals k v EIGLc87l8Ly-00114-00029856-00029927 i EIGLc87l8Ly-00115-00029927-00030158 this is nothing but EIGLc87l8Ly-00116-00030160-00030239 a EIGLc87l8Ly-00117-00030239-00030462 voltage controlled voltage source EIGLc87l8Ly-00118-00030463-00030607 of EIGLc87l8Ly-00119-00030608-00030743 gain k EIGLc87l8Ly-00120-00030744-00031055 so if this is v i this will be k times v EIGLc87l8Ly-00121-00031056-00031231 i EIGLc87l8Ly-00122-00031232-00031567 if you connect a resistance between EIGLc87l8Ly-00123-00031568-00031687 the input and the output of the EIGLc87l8Ly-00124-00031688-00031831 amplifier EIGLc87l8Ly-00125-00031832-00031951 r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00126-00031952-00032143 lets assume that no current flows in EIGLc87l8Ly-00127-00032144-00032374 here like the here its an open circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00128-00032375-00032607 no current flows in there EIGLc87l8Ly-00129-00032608-00032751 and EIGLc87l8Ly-00130-00032752-00032887 the amount of current that flows in EIGLc87l8Ly-00131-00032888-00032967 there EIGLc87l8Ly-00132-00032968-00033255 would be EIGLc87l8Ly-00133-00033256-00033655 v i times one minus k divided by r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00134-00033656-00033855 exactly what i evaluated for the other EIGLc87l8Ly-00135-00033856-00033951 circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00136-00033952-00034118 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00137-00034119-00034327 if you apply v i here the amount of EIGLc87l8Ly-00138-00034328-00034502 current that flows in there is v i times EIGLc87l8Ly-00139-00034503-00034767 one minus k divided by r x this comes EIGLc87l8Ly-00140-00034768-00034927 from simple ohms law EIGLc87l8Ly-00141-00034928-00035262 so the looking in resistance which is EIGLc87l8Ly-00142-00035263-00035623 v i divided by i x let me call this i x EIGLc87l8Ly-00143-00035624-00035911 is the same formula as before ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00144-00035912-00036102 it is EIGLc87l8Ly-00145-00036103-00036295 minus r x EIGLc87l8Ly-00146-00036296-00036679 divided by k minus one or r x divided by EIGLc87l8Ly-00147-00036680-00036871 one minus k EIGLc87l8Ly-00148-00036872-00037015 ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00149-00037016-00037262 so by connecting a resistance between EIGLc87l8Ly-00150-00037263-00037462 the input and output of the amplifier EIGLc87l8Ly-00151-00037463-00037599 you have an input resistance which EIGLc87l8Ly-00152-00037600-00037839 depends on the gain of the amplifier and EIGLc87l8Ly-00153-00037840-00038030 this is in general known as miller EIGLc87l8Ly-00154-00038031-00038630 effect EIGLc87l8Ly-00155-00038631-00038902 and also depending on the gain value EIGLc87l8Ly-00156-00038903-00039102 there are a few possibilities EIGLc87l8Ly-00157-00039103-00039407 if k is more than one EIGLc87l8Ly-00158-00039408-00039839 we see a EIGLc87l8Ly-00159-00039840-00040007 negative EIGLc87l8Ly-00160-00040008-00040143 resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00161-00040144-00040351 at the input EIGLc87l8Ly-00162-00040352-00040815 and if k is between EIGLc87l8Ly-00163-00040816-00041007 zero and one EIGLc87l8Ly-00164-00041008-00041143 we see EIGLc87l8Ly-00165-00041144-00041374 a EIGLc87l8Ly-00166-00041375-00041599 positive EIGLc87l8Ly-00167-00041600-00041879 resistance which is more than r x more EIGLc87l8Ly-00168-00041880-00042046 than the resistor that you have in the EIGLc87l8Ly-00169-00042047-00042158 circuit EIGLc87l8Ly-00170-00042159-00043535 and if k is EIGLc87l8Ly-00171-00043536-00043807 and if k is smaller than zero that is if EIGLc87l8Ly-00172-00043808-00044023 k is negative then EIGLc87l8Ly-00173-00044024-00044358 we have a positive EIGLc87l8Ly-00174-00044359-00044735 resistance that is smaller than r x ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00175-00044736-00044879 you can make a large resistance look EIGLc87l8Ly-00176-00044880-00045143 like a small resistance by connecting it EIGLc87l8Ly-00177-00045144-00045318 across an amplifier whose gain is EIGLc87l8Ly-00178-00045319-00045415 negative EIGLc87l8Ly-00179-00045416-00045758 ok so this is known as miller effect and EIGLc87l8Ly-00180-00045759-00046007 it manifests itself in some circuits EIGLc87l8Ly-00181-00046008-00046239 and this is how you calculate the input EIGLc87l8Ly-00182-00046240-00046662 resistance ok EIGLc87l8Ly-00183-00046663-00046855 the main point is that the input EIGLc87l8Ly-00184-00046856-00046967 resistance EIGLc87l8Ly-00185-00046968-00047143 is determined by the EIGLc87l8Ly-00186-00047144-00047343 gain of the amplifier so you can think EIGLc87l8Ly-00187-00047344-00047518 of many possibilities such as if you EIGLc87l8Ly-00188-00047519-00047711 have an electronically varying gain you EIGLc87l8Ly-00189-00047712-00047846 could also have an electronically EIGLc87l8Ly-00190-00047847-00048062 varying resistance and so on and of EIGLc87l8Ly-00191-00048063-00048199 course the additional application is EIGLc87l8Ly-00192-00048200-00048374 what i already showed you how to make a EIGLc87l8Ly-00193-00048375-00048630 negative resistance ok it can also be EIGLc87l8Ly-00194-00048631-00048758 used for realizing a very small EIGLc87l8Ly-00195-00048759-00049072 resistance and so on EMpKKUllP1Q-00000-00001216-00003010 my EMpKKUllP1Q-00001-00003011-00005647 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00002-00005648-00006302 start again EMpKKUllP1Q-00003-00006303-00006639 hey vincent what's your plan after this EMpKKUllP1Q-00004-00006640-00006791 i don't know EMpKKUllP1Q-00005-00006792-00006975 haven't really thought about it EMpKKUllP1Q-00006-00006976-00007303 you haven't thought about it EMpKKUllP1Q-00007-00007304-00007478 mr overthinker EMpKKUllP1Q-00008-00007479-00007606 there's a difference between EMpKKUllP1Q-00009-00007608-00007878 overthinking things and being smart leo EMpKKUllP1Q-00010-00007879-00008142 are you implying that i'm not smart EMpKKUllP1Q-00011-00008143-00008471 your words not mine hey i might not be EMpKKUllP1Q-00012-00008472-00008703 smart in your book but i do get [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00013-00008704-00008895 done EMpKKUllP1Q-00014-00008896-00011206 i can't argue with that EMpKKUllP1Q-00015-00011207-00011648 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00016-00011649-00012120 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00017-00012121-00013951 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00018-00013952-00014356 okay EMpKKUllP1Q-00019-00014357-00015143 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00020-00015144-00015491 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00021-00015493-00016448 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00022-00016449-00019190 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00023-00019191-00019343 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00024-00019344-00020239 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00025-00020240-00020384 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00026-00020385-00021125 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00027-00021126-00022012 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00028-00022013-00022350 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00029-00022351-00024975 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00030-00024976-00026217 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00031-00026218-00026655 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00032-00026656-00027535 there you go EMpKKUllP1Q-00033-00027536-00028450 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00034-00028451-00029408 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00035-00029410-00031527 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00036-00031529-00032887 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00037-00032888-00035229 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00038-00035230-00037257 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00039-00037258-00037727 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00040-00037728-00037999 my name is williams and this is my EMpKKUllP1Q-00041-00038000-00038135 prison EMpKKUllP1Q-00042-00038136-00038439 any questions EMpKKUllP1Q-00043-00038440-00038846 uh when are we allowed visitors in here EMpKKUllP1Q-00044-00038847-00039187 something EMpKKUllP1Q-00045-00039188-00040038 something together EMpKKUllP1Q-00046-00040039-00040615 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00047-00040616-00042951 wow EMpKKUllP1Q-00048-00042952-00043255 hey relax i said do it EMpKKUllP1Q-00049-00043256-00043446 go hey take it easy man what's wrong EMpKKUllP1Q-00050-00043447-00043855 with you close up cell 48 EMpKKUllP1Q-00051-00043856-00044007 not your floor EMpKKUllP1Q-00052-00044008-00044471 keep going bud cheeks EMpKKUllP1Q-00053-00044472-00044646 oh my god EMpKKUllP1Q-00054-00044647-00046183 let's go EMpKKUllP1Q-00055-00046184-00047655 49. EMpKKUllP1Q-00056-00047656-00048035 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00057-00048036-00050105 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00058-00050106-00050455 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00059-00050456-00052046 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00060-00052047-00053407 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00061-00053408-00055950 on EMpKKUllP1Q-00062-00055951-00056504 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00063-00056505-00057647 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00064-00057648-00058350 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00065-00058351-00060254 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00066-00060255-00061415 ah EMpKKUllP1Q-00067-00061416-00061566 what do you want EMpKKUllP1Q-00068-00061567-00062511 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00069-00062512-00062687 are you looking for trouble EMpKKUllP1Q-00070-00062688-00062782 no EMpKKUllP1Q-00071-00062783-00063071 but i'll let you know when i am EMpKKUllP1Q-00072-00063072-00063502 right EMpKKUllP1Q-00073-00063503-00064215 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00074-00064216-00065575 it's time to play EMpKKUllP1Q-00075-00065576-00066432 he might be on the outside but this is EMpKKUllP1Q-00076-00066433-00069053 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00077-00069054-00071119 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00078-00071120-00072638 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00079-00072639-00075367 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00080-00075368-00075774 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00081-00075775-00076647 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00082-00076648-00076806 break it up before i put you all in EMpKKUllP1Q-00083-00076807-00079479 solitary EMpKKUllP1Q-00084-00079480-00081498 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00085-00081499-00082507 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00086-00082508-00084006 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00087-00084007-00084638 me neither EMpKKUllP1Q-00088-00084639-00084847 guys don't [__] with me when i'm hungry EMpKKUllP1Q-00089-00084848-00085271 okay oh you got a tough guy EMpKKUllP1Q-00090-00085272-00085462 all right so what are you gonna do about EMpKKUllP1Q-00091-00085463-00085575 it EMpKKUllP1Q-00092-00085576-00085847 how about this oh shut up EMpKKUllP1Q-00093-00085848-00087029 all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00094-00087030-00089340 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00095-00089341-00090982 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00096-00090983-00091909 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00097-00091910-00092167 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00098-00092168-00092510 okay EMpKKUllP1Q-00099-00092511-00093023 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00100-00093024-00095262 [__] you man EMpKKUllP1Q-00101-00095263-00096303 all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00102-00096304-00098184 come on come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00103-00098185-00099511 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00104-00099512-00099799 holy oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00105-00099800-00099999 i hate those things EMpKKUllP1Q-00106-00100000-00100135 don't you have worse things to worry EMpKKUllP1Q-00107-00100136-00100335 about here EMpKKUllP1Q-00108-00100336-00101791 just be careful EMpKKUllP1Q-00109-00101792-00101935 thanks EMpKKUllP1Q-00110-00101936-00102938 baby EMpKKUllP1Q-00111-00102939-00103863 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00112-00103864-00105415 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00113-00105416-00105575 but don't worry about him he's not a EMpKKUllP1Q-00114-00105576-00105847 picture now like this fights me a favor EMpKKUllP1Q-00115-00105848-00106007 like what EMpKKUllP1Q-00116-00106008-00106286 the game is what's that exactly EMpKKUllP1Q-00117-00106288-00108724 [__] man it's simple EMpKKUllP1Q-00118-00108725-00109319 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00119-00109320-00110623 keep your eyes sharp EMpKKUllP1Q-00120-00110624-00110823 okay i'll distract the nurse just watch EMpKKUllP1Q-00121-00110824-00111343 out for her EMpKKUllP1Q-00122-00111344-00113086 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00123-00113088-00114519 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00124-00114520-00115111 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00125-00115113-00116215 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00126-00116216-00116876 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00127-00116877-00117686 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00128-00117688-00118471 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00129-00118472-00119350 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00130-00119351-00121183 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00131-00121183-00122102 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00132-00122103-00122207 come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00133-00122208-00122510 that portion couldn't feed a hummingbird EMpKKUllP1Q-00134-00122511-00122678 that was a snack EMpKKUllP1Q-00135-00122679-00122895 sorry that's all you get EMpKKUllP1Q-00136-00122896-00123759 what's up EMpKKUllP1Q-00137-00123760-00124289 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00138-00124290-00125045 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00139-00125046-00125735 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00140-00125736-00126086 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00141-00126088-00126369 hello baby EMpKKUllP1Q-00142-00126370-00127067 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00143-00127068-00128786 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00144-00128788-00129574 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00145-00129575-00131254 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00146-00131255-00131439 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00147-00131440-00131566 i mean it man EMpKKUllP1Q-00148-00131567-00131847 you [__] this up i'll kill you myself EMpKKUllP1Q-00149-00131848-00131999 yeah i get it EMpKKUllP1Q-00150-00132000-00132327 so what's your plan EMpKKUllP1Q-00151-00132328-00132719 you'll know soon enough EMpKKUllP1Q-00152-00132720-00133173 i just want to show it EMpKKUllP1Q-00153-00133174-00135383 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00154-00135384-00135543 of course i did EMpKKUllP1Q-00155-00135544-00135823 you had an idea i'll give you that EMpKKUllP1Q-00156-00135824-00136063 i got you out didn't i what do you mean EMpKKUllP1Q-00157-00136064-00136239 you got me out EMpKKUllP1Q-00158-00136240-00136478 we got out together EMpKKUllP1Q-00159-00136479-00136623 yeah yeah sure EMpKKUllP1Q-00160-00136624-00136823 but if it wasn't for me you'd still be EMpKKUllP1Q-00161-00136824-00138463 in there don't forget i saved your ass EMpKKUllP1Q-00162-00138464-00139608 right EMpKKUllP1Q-00163-00139609-00141383 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00164-00141384-00141483 can you make it EMpKKUllP1Q-00165-00141484-00141943 happen season's great EMpKKUllP1Q-00166-00141944-00142111 just get me up there EMpKKUllP1Q-00167-00142112-00142639 you're putting me there EMpKKUllP1Q-00168-00142640-00143447 richie EMpKKUllP1Q-00169-00143448-00143726 hey fred what's up oh good what's up EMpKKUllP1Q-00170-00143727-00143887 what do you want we got a couple of EMpKKUllP1Q-00171-00143888-00144031 workers here EMpKKUllP1Q-00172-00144032-00144263 change the scenery uh so all right lydia EMpKKUllP1Q-00173-00144264-00144511 we're full i'm sure we can figure EMpKKUllP1Q-00174-00144512-00144711 something out right EMpKKUllP1Q-00175-00144712-00144911 i guess we could use a few extra hands EMpKKUllP1Q-00176-00144912-00146489 around here EMpKKUllP1Q-00177-00146490-00146895 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00178-00146896-00149092 all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00179-00149093-00151000 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00180-00151001-00151214 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00181-00151215-00151390 a record player you can help that EMpKKUllP1Q-00182-00151391-00151575 awesome sorry man EMpKKUllP1Q-00183-00151576-00151895 the only place for the record players EMpKKUllP1Q-00184-00151896-00152095 and how much would that cost but he EMpKKUllP1Q-00185-00152096-00152278 won't he'll be here the only way up to EMpKKUllP1Q-00186-00152279-00152535 the board EMpKKUllP1Q-00187-00152536-00152816 himself EMpKKUllP1Q-00188-00152817-00155071 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00189-00155072-00155940 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00190-00155941-00156743 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00191-00156744-00158860 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00192-00158861-00160375 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00193-00160376-00160695 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00194-00160696-00162023 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00195-00162024-00162399 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00196-00162400-00162663 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00197-00162664-00162902 can i ask you something what's up EMpKKUllP1Q-00198-00162903-00163031 look EMpKKUllP1Q-00199-00163032-00163231 being a prison guard it's almost like EMpKKUllP1Q-00200-00163232-00163471 being in prison i mean you're in here EMpKKUllP1Q-00201-00163472-00163575 all the time EMpKKUllP1Q-00202-00163576-00163671 with us EMpKKUllP1Q-00203-00163672-00164207 are you being a smart ass EMpKKUllP1Q-00204-00164208-00164463 what's with the attitude huh all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00205-00164464-00164543 look EMpKKUllP1Q-00206-00164544-00164838 people have accidents here all the time EMpKKUllP1Q-00207-00164839-00165047 sometimes they sled EMpKKUllP1Q-00208-00165048-00165183 if you know what i mean EMpKKUllP1Q-00209-00165184-00166326 it's you're being cocky EMpKKUllP1Q-00210-00166327-00167463 mother EMpKKUllP1Q-00211-00167464-00168801 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00212-00168802-00170575 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00213-00170576-00172598 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00214-00172599-00173407 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00215-00173408-00174775 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00216-00174776-00176159 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00217-00176160-00177175 no it's not going to happen EMpKKUllP1Q-00218-00177176-00177399 stop busting my balls man i'm not doing EMpKKUllP1Q-00219-00177400-00179920 anything EMpKKUllP1Q-00220-00179921-00181175 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00221-00181176-00181752 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00222-00181753-00183478 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00223-00183479-00184143 no EMpKKUllP1Q-00224-00184144-00186054 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00225-00186055-00187383 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00226-00187384-00187980 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00227-00187981-00190390 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00228-00190391-00190711 go to bed inmate i don't want to sleep EMpKKUllP1Q-00229-00190712-00190911 just leave me alone EMpKKUllP1Q-00230-00190912-00192831 that's for them EMpKKUllP1Q-00231-00192832-00194535 now EMpKKUllP1Q-00232-00194536-00197483 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00233-00197484-00197935 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00235-00201082-00201271 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00236-00201272-00202534 what do you want me to do about it EMpKKUllP1Q-00237-00202535-00203161 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00238-00203162-00204383 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00239-00204384-00207110 hello EMpKKUllP1Q-00240-00207111-00209652 not EMpKKUllP1Q-00241-00209653-00211223 [Laughter] EMpKKUllP1Q-00242-00211223-00212782 we're gonna hold it EMpKKUllP1Q-00243-00212783-00213975 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00244-00213976-00214473 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00246-00218432-00218823 uncle EMpKKUllP1Q-00247-00218823-00219579 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00248-00219580-00219919 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00249-00219919-00220948 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00250-00220950-00222398 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00251-00222400-00223479 hold on hold on EMpKKUllP1Q-00252-00223480-00223758 check this out what are you thinking EMpKKUllP1Q-00253-00223759-00223967 i'm thinking sheets EMpKKUllP1Q-00254-00223967-00224101 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00256-00227262-00227871 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00257-00227871-00229031 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00258-00229032-00230007 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00259-00230008-00231151 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00260-00231152-00231271 hey guard EMpKKUllP1Q-00261-00231271-00231391 can i ask you something EMpKKUllP1Q-00262-00231392-00231575 i don't have time for you i know about EMpKKUllP1Q-00263-00231576-00231860 it EMpKKUllP1Q-00264-00231861-00232055 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00265-00232056-00232206 what are you doing EMpKKUllP1Q-00266-00232207-00232455 get away from there go on EMpKKUllP1Q-00267-00232456-00232679 oh you ready to come that way EMpKKUllP1Q-00268-00232680-00232894 hey man i could use the other cards back EMpKKUllP1Q-00269-00232896-00232998 there EMpKKUllP1Q-00270-00233000-00233231 uh sure name a number please vincent EMpKKUllP1Q-00271-00233232-00233663 moretti three four six five EMpKKUllP1Q-00272-00233664-00233887 nope there's no vincent here sorry EMpKKUllP1Q-00273-00233888-00233977 manage EMpKKUllP1Q-00274-00233978-00236671 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00275-00236671-00236871 damn it smells like [__] in here shh EMpKKUllP1Q-00276-00236871-00237127 keep your voice down EMpKKUllP1Q-00277-00237128-00237382 sure not my yelling really bad man EMpKKUllP1Q-00278-00237383-00237567 really bad just suck it up and keep EMpKKUllP1Q-00279-00237567-00238617 quiet EMpKKUllP1Q-00280-00238617-00239334 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00281-00239335-00239898 we need more shoes EMpKKUllP1Q-00282-00239900-00240598 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00283-00240600-00242308 hurry put in more sheets EMpKKUllP1Q-00284-00242309-00243446 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00285-00243446-00244982 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00286-00244983-00245830 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00287-00245831-00246071 okay see what we have here EMpKKUllP1Q-00288-00246071-00246310 all right looks good EMpKKUllP1Q-00289-00246311-00247758 get out of the way EMpKKUllP1Q-00290-00247759-00247934 hey you think it's okay what he just EMpKKUllP1Q-00291-00247935-00248063 said what's your mother what do you say EMpKKUllP1Q-00292-00248064-00248246 you said something about your mother let EMpKKUllP1Q-00293-00248248-00248382 me tell you what's the one that wasn't EMpKKUllP1Q-00294-00248383-00248463 pretty EMpKKUllP1Q-00295-00248464-00248646 hey hey [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00296-00248648-00248846 you talking [__] about my mom EMpKKUllP1Q-00297-00248848-00249134 give a [__] about that EMpKKUllP1Q-00298-00249135-00249230 come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00299-00249231-00249887 come on get him up come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00300-00249888-00250119 break it up EMpKKUllP1Q-00301-00250119-00250246 stop EMpKKUllP1Q-00302-00250248-00250375 enough EMpKKUllP1Q-00303-00250376-00250510 get out of the way EMpKKUllP1Q-00304-00250511-00250671 come on now EMpKKUllP1Q-00305-00250671-00251430 get off EMpKKUllP1Q-00306-00251431-00253154 hey you're not allowed in here EMpKKUllP1Q-00307-00253155-00253463 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00308-00253464-00253585 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00309-00253586-00254767 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00310-00254767-00255477 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00311-00255478-00256175 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00312-00256176-00256282 you think it's EMpKKUllP1Q-00313-00256283-00256382 okay do EMpKKUllP1Q-00314-00256383-00256519 what'd he say he said something about EMpKKUllP1Q-00315-00256519-00256719 your mother and let me tell you it EMpKKUllP1Q-00316-00256719-00257023 wasn't pretty [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00317-00257023-00257510 you talking [__] about my mom EMpKKUllP1Q-00318-00257511-00257606 come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00319-00257607-00257782 come on get him up come on you little EMpKKUllP1Q-00320-00257783-00257919 [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00321-00257919-00258103 hobby that what you did EMpKKUllP1Q-00322-00258104-00258310 what the hell that was that one break it EMpKKUllP1Q-00323-00258311-00258494 up guys EMpKKUllP1Q-00324-00258496-00258615 stop EMpKKUllP1Q-00325-00258616-00258742 enough EMpKKUllP1Q-00326-00258744-00258887 get out EMpKKUllP1Q-00327-00258888-00259039 come on now EMpKKUllP1Q-00328-00259040-00260629 get off each other EMpKKUllP1Q-00329-00260630-00261487 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00330-00261488-00261839 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00331-00261840-00262830 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00332-00262831-00263194 thank you EMpKKUllP1Q-00333-00263195-00264558 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00334-00264559-00266039 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00335-00266040-00268887 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00336-00268888-00270006 not EMpKKUllP1Q-00337-00270007-00271239 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00338-00271240-00273669 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00339-00273670-00274875 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00340-00274876-00276112 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00341-00276113-00276657 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00343-00280290-00282206 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00344-00282207-00282479 oh god damn it this water smells like EMpKKUllP1Q-00345-00282480-00282639 [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00346-00282640-00282887 well it is [__] are you being funny now EMpKKUllP1Q-00347-00282888-00283206 one EMpKKUllP1Q-00348-00283207-00283375 actual [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00349-00283376-00283510 [__] you man EMpKKUllP1Q-00350-00283511-00283591 yeah EMpKKUllP1Q-00351-00283592-00284268 yeah EMpKKUllP1Q-00352-00284269-00285113 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00353-00285114-00285471 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00354-00285472-00288223 right EMpKKUllP1Q-00355-00288224-00290958 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00356-00290959-00292528 do it EMpKKUllP1Q-00357-00292529-00293242 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00358-00293243-00295933 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00359-00295934-00296719 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00360-00296720-00297606 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00361-00297607-00299744 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00362-00299745-00300887 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00363-00300888-00302423 against my back EMpKKUllP1Q-00364-00302424-00303782 the same time EMpKKUllP1Q-00366-00309464-00310734 i mean EMpKKUllP1Q-00368-00314168-00314423 i guess it's the same way down right EMpKKUllP1Q-00369-00314424-00314575 yeah EMpKKUllP1Q-00370-00314576-00314863 yeah no childhood tricks up your sleeve EMpKKUllP1Q-00371-00314864-00316534 furry not EMpKKUllP1Q-00372-00316535-00317002 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00374-00320168-00321405 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00375-00321406-00321791 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00376-00321792-00322284 gotta get the wrench before we leave EMpKKUllP1Q-00377-00322285-00324508 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00378-00324509-00324863 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00379-00324864-00325982 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00380-00325983-00326175 i just have a quick question for you EMpKKUllP1Q-00381-00326176-00326296 guys EMpKKUllP1Q-00383-00330488-00331503 you EMpKKUllP1Q-00384-00331504-00334430 get to the other side and grab them EMpKKUllP1Q-00385-00334431-00335029 they actually EMpKKUllP1Q-00386-00335030-00337167 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00387-00337168-00338516 let's go all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00388-00338517-00340030 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00389-00340031-00341247 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00390-00341248-00342791 can't hide it here EMpKKUllP1Q-00391-00342792-00343102 come on EMpKKUllP1Q-00392-00343103-00344199 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00393-00344200-00344565 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00394-00344566-00345452 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00395-00345453-00347327 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00396-00347328-00347454 good EMpKKUllP1Q-00397-00347455-00347799 what can i do oh don't worry EMpKKUllP1Q-00398-00347800-00348054 i got someone helping me in here EMpKKUllP1Q-00399-00348055-00348327 who's that his name is vincent seems EMpKKUllP1Q-00400-00348328-00348487 legit EMpKKUllP1Q-00401-00348488-00348567 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00402-00348568-00348782 are you EMpKKUllP1Q-00403-00348783-00349071 we both thought we could trust harvey EMpKKUllP1Q-00404-00349072-00349230 this guy wants to take him down as much EMpKKUllP1Q-00405-00349231-00349382 as i do EMpKKUllP1Q-00406-00349383-00349558 what EMpKKUllP1Q-00407-00349559-00349806 i'm hiding EMpKKUllP1Q-00408-00349807-00351179 i don't know EMpKKUllP1Q-00409-00351180-00352175 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00410-00352176-00352319 it's fine he still thinks you're in EMpKKUllP1Q-00411-00352320-00352527 italy helping your uncle oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00412-00352528-00352758 good good EMpKKUllP1Q-00413-00352759-00353015 any trauma from harvey EMpKKUllP1Q-00414-00353016-00353430 don't worry about that he won't find us EMpKKUllP1Q-00415-00353431-00353678 yeah i gotta say this we should be safe EMpKKUllP1Q-00416-00353679-00353871 for now EMpKKUllP1Q-00417-00353872-00354278 a [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00418-00354279-00355310 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00419-00355311-00355503 you want to make a phone call or you EMpKKUllP1Q-00420-00355504-00358310 want to go back to yourself EMpKKUllP1Q-00421-00358311-00358534 this isn't who you are is this how you EMpKKUllP1Q-00422-00358535-00358767 want your future child to remember you EMpKKUllP1Q-00423-00358768-00358871 no EMpKKUllP1Q-00424-00358872-00359151 but i need to take care of the heart EMpKKUllP1Q-00425-00359152-00359519 someone else's questions EMpKKUllP1Q-00426-00359520-00359687 he was my family EMpKKUllP1Q-00427-00359688-00359878 my old brother EMpKKUllP1Q-00428-00359879-00361199 i EMpKKUllP1Q-00429-00361200-00362439 oh that's EMpKKUllP1Q-00430-00362440-00363512 now EMpKKUllP1Q-00431-00363513-00365295 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00432-00365296-00366863 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00433-00366864-00367078 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00434-00367079-00369047 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00435-00369048-00369215 there's nothing to hope for well it EMpKKUllP1Q-00436-00369216-00369404 ain't happening EMpKKUllP1Q-00437-00369405-00370639 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00438-00370640-00370865 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00439-00370866-00371602 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00440-00371603-00372459 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00441-00372460-00374630 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00442-00374631-00376257 i'll be here EMpKKUllP1Q-00443-00376258-00377375 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00444-00377376-00377693 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00445-00377694-00379985 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00446-00379986-00380327 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00448-00383655-00384751 okay EMpKKUllP1Q-00449-00384752-00384902 it's working just a couple more like EMpKKUllP1Q-00450-00384903-00385921 that EMpKKUllP1Q-00451-00385922-00386471 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00452-00386472-00386817 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00454-00390648-00392071 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00455-00392072-00393415 thank you EMpKKUllP1Q-00456-00393416-00395548 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00457-00395549-00397543 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00458-00397544-00398754 i've always wanted to go to africa EMpKKUllP1Q-00459-00398755-00399833 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00460-00399834-00401191 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00461-00401192-00404030 i can't remember EMpKKUllP1Q-00462-00404031-00405116 what are you talking about EMpKKUllP1Q-00463-00405117-00405319 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00464-00405320-00407223 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00465-00407224-00407471 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00466-00407472-00407983 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00467-00407984-00409487 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00468-00409488-00410092 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00469-00410093-00411530 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00470-00411531-00411655 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00471-00411656-00413055 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00472-00413056-00413284 you know EMpKKUllP1Q-00473-00413285-00414422 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00474-00414423-00414600 yes EMpKKUllP1Q-00475-00414601-00415730 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00476-00415731-00416951 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00477-00416952-00417221 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00478-00417222-00419445 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00479-00419446-00420789 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00480-00420791-00421270 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00481-00421271-00421772 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00482-00421774-00423655 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00483-00423656-00426520 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00484-00426521-00426903 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00485-00426904-00427143 you know the back to back thing yeah EMpKKUllP1Q-00486-00427143-00427422 what about it EMpKKUllP1Q-00487-00427423-00427927 did you really do that when you were kid EMpKKUllP1Q-00488-00427928-00428175 i saw it in a comic book once when i was EMpKKUllP1Q-00489-00428176-00428503 a EMpKKUllP1Q-00490-00428504-00428751 know what i'm kid glad it worked EMpKKUllP1Q-00491-00428752-00428951 oh my god EMpKKUllP1Q-00492-00428952-00429087 i can't [__] believe you're talking EMpKKUllP1Q-00493-00429088-00429303 to me EMpKKUllP1Q-00495-00433815-00434210 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00496-00434212-00434843 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00497-00434845-00436663 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00498-00436664-00437129 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00499-00437130-00438327 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00500-00438328-00441166 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00501-00441167-00443132 what EMpKKUllP1Q-00502-00443133-00443559 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00503-00443560-00444391 no i need you to get johnson over there EMpKKUllP1Q-00504-00444392-00445575 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00505-00445576-00446402 which EMpKKUllP1Q-00506-00446403-00447080 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00508-00457704-00458733 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00509-00458734-00459732 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00510-00459733-00460781 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00511-00460782-00461414 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00514-00469566-00471807 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00515-00471808-00472014 [__] EMpKKUllP1Q-00516-00472015-00474543 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00517-00474543-00476079 got it EMpKKUllP1Q-00518-00476080-00478847 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00519-00478847-00479231 sorry boss look sean EMpKKUllP1Q-00520-00479232-00479318 okay EMpKKUllP1Q-00521-00479319-00479487 yeah but i'm not sure the men we have EMpKKUllP1Q-00522-00479488-00479655 right now are my problem you're EMpKKUllP1Q-00523-00479656-00479879 adjusting you're fine you got it i don't EMpKKUllP1Q-00524-00479880-00480127 give a [__] how just make it happen yes EMpKKUllP1Q-00525-00480128-00482527 boss i don't [__] with someone she got EMpKKUllP1Q-00526-00482528-00483334 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00527-00483335-00483783 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00528-00483784-00484380 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00529-00484381-00485862 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00530-00485863-00486127 but i definitely eat it yep EMpKKUllP1Q-00531-00486128-00486327 anyway let's say all right we should EMpKKUllP1Q-00532-00486328-00486935 find something on the way EMpKKUllP1Q-00533-00486935-00487214 let you know if i find a burger joint EMpKKUllP1Q-00534-00487215-00489822 yeah EMpKKUllP1Q-00535-00489823-00491391 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00536-00491392-00493185 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00537-00493187-00494183 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00538-00494184-00494607 yeah you're probably right EMpKKUllP1Q-00539-00494608-00494735 let's check it out EMpKKUllP1Q-00540-00494735-00494943 maybe there's something eat there EMpKKUllP1Q-00541-00494943-00496397 all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00542-00496397-00498426 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00543-00498427-00499679 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00544-00499680-00499799 no toilets EMpKKUllP1Q-00545-00499800-00500687 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00546-00500688-00502518 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00547-00502519-00503983 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00548-00503984-00504310 hey i'm gonna need some EMpKKUllP1Q-00549-00504310-00505343 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00550-00505343-00507951 yes EMpKKUllP1Q-00551-00507952-00510822 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00552-00510823-00511718 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00553-00511719-00511870 i'm gonna need some more wood for the EMpKKUllP1Q-00554-00511871-00513103 fire EMpKKUllP1Q-00555-00513104-00514927 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00556-00514928-00516439 hmm EMpKKUllP1Q-00558-00519447-00520807 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00559-00520808-00521093 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00560-00521095-00522514 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00561-00522514-00523599 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00562-00523600-00525062 what are you applying EMpKKUllP1Q-00563-00525063-00526487 the first EMpKKUllP1Q-00565-00531092-00532047 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00566-00532048-00534822 shotgun EMpKKUllP1Q-00567-00534823-00537332 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00568-00537333-00537614 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00569-00537615-00539076 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00570-00539077-00539559 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00571-00539560-00539913 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00573-00543032-00545168 get your hands off here EMpKKUllP1Q-00574-00545169-00547394 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00575-00547395-00549058 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00576-00549059-00550069 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00577-00550070-00551865 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00578-00551866-00554104 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00579-00554105-00556269 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00580-00556270-00556895 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00581-00556896-00558279 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00582-00558280-00561112 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00583-00561113-00561422 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00584-00561423-00562532 no EMpKKUllP1Q-00585-00562533-00564214 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00587-00569438-00569759 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00588-00569760-00572447 food EMpKKUllP1Q-00589-00572448-00575214 god damn it EMpKKUllP1Q-00590-00575215-00575531 m EMpKKUllP1Q-00591-00575532-00576639 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00592-00576640-00577327 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00593-00577328-00578235 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00595-00582415-00585295 wow EMpKKUllP1Q-00596-00585296-00585527 spare around here somewhere EMpKKUllP1Q-00597-00585528-00585670 i don't know man EMpKKUllP1Q-00598-00585671-00585870 it's not like we have a choice EMpKKUllP1Q-00599-00585871-00586079 sherpy is running on foot let's fix it EMpKKUllP1Q-00600-00586080-00586327 up EMpKKUllP1Q-00601-00586328-00586655 all right fine EMpKKUllP1Q-00602-00586656-00587154 with zhongzhou EMpKKUllP1Q-00603-00587155-00589207 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00604-00589208-00589727 all right EMpKKUllP1Q-00605-00589728-00589996 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00607-00593688-00596382 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00608-00596383-00599166 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00609-00599167-00600255 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00610-00600256-00601991 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00611-00601992-00603510 we need to attach the wheel EMpKKUllP1Q-00612-00603511-00604270 before we go yes EMpKKUllP1Q-00613-00604271-00604847 we could use this to fasten a new tire EMpKKUllP1Q-00615-00613799-00614543 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00616-00614544-00615870 sometimes EMpKKUllP1Q-00617-00615871-00616029 it was a while ago EMpKKUllP1Q-00618-00616030-00616935 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00619-00616936-00617087 are the police on their way yet yes EMpKKUllP1Q-00620-00617088-00617303 they'll be here anyways okay i'll go EMpKKUllP1Q-00621-00617304-00618143 take care of them no just do it EMpKKUllP1Q-00622-00618144-00618305 is EMpKKUllP1Q-00623-00618306-00619743 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00624-00619744-00620669 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00625-00620670-00621283 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00626-00621284-00622839 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00628-00627256-00629359 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00629-00629360-00631721 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00630-00631722-00632261 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00631-00632262-00633622 [Applause] EMpKKUllP1Q-00633-00637012-00639847 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00634-00639848-00641255 him EMpKKUllP1Q-00635-00641256-00643431 emojis EMpKKUllP1Q-00636-00643432-00643637 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00637-00643638-00645470 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00638-00645471-00646159 foreign EMpKKUllP1Q-00639-00646160-00647255 oh EMpKKUllP1Q-00640-00647256-00649191 stay where you are EMpKKUllP1Q-00641-00649192-00650975 um EMpKKUllP1Q-00642-00650976-00651190 hey EMpKKUllP1Q-00643-00651191-00652422 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00644-00652423-00652679 but the further away the better EMpKKUllP1Q-00645-00652680-00653170 yeah i guess you're right EMpKKUllP1Q-00646-00653171-00653718 [Music] EMpKKUllP1Q-00647-00653719-00654036 did it Ep-Xq-lExr8-00000-00000100-00000874 [Applause] Ep-Xq-lExr8-00001-00000875-00001187 hey royal its nickel and a truth and Ep-Xq-lExr8-00002-00001188-00001382 this is royal we interview Ep-Xq-lExr8-00003-00001383-00001618 today's November 16th do you hear about Ep-Xq-lExr8-00004-00001619-00001805 the quiet concert I did but I don't Ep-Xq-lExr8-00005-00001805-00001984 really know anything about it here's Ep-Xq-lExr8-00006-00001985-00004679 some information about it hey Siri what Ep-Xq-lExr8-00007-00004680-00004976 is lovesick lovesick is a play showing Ep-Xq-lExr8-00008-00004977-00005204 today and tomorrow you should definitely Ep-Xq-lExr8-00009-00005205-00005479 go sis well you heard it from Cirie you Ep-Xq-lExr8-00010-00005480-00006179 guys should go today and tomorrow Ep-Xq-lExr8-00011-00006180-00006395 towards right I can't do some of those Ep-Xq-lExr8-00012-00006396-00006650 things yeah I take these small I know Ep-Xq-lExr8-00013-00006651-00006881 and I totally respected that but this is Ep-Xq-lExr8-00014-00006881-00007091 just too slow I mean we've been together Ep-Xq-lExr8-00015-00007092-00007309 over a month now and I've never been Ep-Xq-lExr8-00016-00007311-00007487 over to your place and you've never been Ep-Xq-lExr8-00017-00007488-00007580 over to mine Ep-Xq-lExr8-00018-00007581-00009331 I never even held your hand Ep-Xq-lExr8-00019-00009332-00009653 [Music] Ep-Xq-lExr8-00020-00009654-00009970 hello Royals today is a very special Ep-Xq-lExr8-00021-00009971-00010038 occasion Ep-Xq-lExr8-00022-00010039-00010246 recently a royal staff member has Ep-Xq-lExr8-00023-00010247-00010389 reached out to us and shared a very Ep-Xq-lExr8-00024-00010390-00010689 tragic personal story miss Barry sent Ep-Xq-lExr8-00025-00010690-00010917 out an all staff email asking what Ep-Xq-lExr8-00026-00010918-00011067 should students do if they lose their ID Ep-Xq-lExr8-00027-00011068-00011310 cards while this may seem like an easy Ep-Xq-lExr8-00028-00011311-00011521 question to answer one staff member Ep-Xq-lExr8-00029-00011522-00011743 decided to give a rather personal Ep-Xq-lExr8-00030-00011744-00012133 response from mr. Christiansen miss Ep-Xq-lExr8-00031-00012134-00012360 Barry I have a quick question I was Ep-Xq-lExr8-00032-00012361-00012574 wondering about ID cards when I was in Ep-Xq-lExr8-00033-00012575-00012763 elementary school I had a teacher mr. Ep-Xq-lExr8-00034-00012764-00012943 Ling Busche and he married miss Martinez Ep-Xq-lExr8-00035-00012944-00013200 I had mr. lang Bush for fourth grade he Ep-Xq-lExr8-00036-00013201-00013432 was a great teacher he later went on to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00037-00013433-00013636 buy the Somerset community pool where I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00038-00013637-00013891 was a brief member it was hard for us to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00039-00013891-00014035 maintain our membership even though I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00040-00014036-00014200 loved swimming at the pool every summer Ep-Xq-lExr8-00041-00014201-00014428 miss Martinez was my third grade teacher Ep-Xq-lExr8-00042-00014429-00014707 she was a total jerk but she used to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00043-00014708-00014887 give away pencils for good spellers I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00044-00014888-00015097 never got a pencil until the end of the Ep-Xq-lExr8-00045-00015097-00015262 year and the last week she found out I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00046-00015263-00015472 never received a pencil I was the only Ep-Xq-lExr8-00047-00015472-00015625 student in the class that didn't get a Ep-Xq-lExr8-00048-00015626-00015871 pencil so she gave me a pity pencil Ep-Xq-lExr8-00049-00015872-00016084 well they got married in the fifth grade Ep-Xq-lExr8-00050-00016085-00016431 and Miss Haizlip was my teacher in the Ep-Xq-lExr8-00051-00016432-00016584 fifth grade I was playing on the Ep-Xq-lExr8-00052-00016585-00016747 playground stump which you were not Ep-Xq-lExr8-00053-00016748-00016956 supposed to do and I fell playing king Ep-Xq-lExr8-00054-00016957-00017256 of the stump and I hurt my leg I didn't Ep-Xq-lExr8-00055-00017257-00017409 tell anyone because I knew I was not Ep-Xq-lExr8-00056-00017410-00017614 supposed to play on the stump today that Ep-Xq-lExr8-00057-00017615-00017683 leg hurts Ep-Xq-lExr8-00058-00017684-00018013 should I tell miss hazel ooh today we Ep-Xq-lExr8-00059-00018014-00018166 are going to be answering your question Ep-Xq-lExr8-00060-00018167-00018349 mr. Christiansen we have tracked down a Ep-Xq-lExr8-00061-00018350-00019053 very special guest hello this is mrs. Ep-Xq-lExr8-00062-00019054-00019419 Hayslip and I'm here to discuss some Ep-Xq-lExr8-00063-00019420-00019666 unresolved playground issues that I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00064-00019667-00019969 understand you have Mike and I'm here to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00065-00019970-00020184 help you with that look forward to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00066-00020185-00020774 seeing you Ep-Xq-lExr8-00067-00020775-00021590 Oh leave Ep-Xq-lExr8-00068-00021591-00021986 mr. Hayslip mr. Christian that was in my Ep-Xq-lExr8-00069-00021987-00022310 class in fifth grade and there seems to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00070-00022311-00022628 have been an issue that come up about Ep-Xq-lExr8-00071-00022629-00023033 his playground behavior I'm in fifth Ep-Xq-lExr8-00072-00023034-00023366 grade and so I came down here to try to Ep-Xq-lExr8-00073-00023367-00023630 get that resolved there was a big stump Ep-Xq-lExr8-00074-00023631-00023882 on the playground that Selim Somerset Ep-Xq-lExr8-00075-00023883-00024263 elementary when he was there and he was Ep-Xq-lExr8-00076-00024264-00024572 out playing out there and he was injured Ep-Xq-lExr8-00077-00024573-00024806 but he wasn't supposed to be playing Ep-Xq-lExr8-00078-00024807-00025103 there and so he didn't want to tell Ep-Xq-lExr8-00079-00025104-00025475 anybody incident in trouble and so I'm Ep-Xq-lExr8-00080-00025476-00025817 here after all these years I was going Ep-Xq-lExr8-00081-00025818-00026189 through the elementary yearbook fifth Ep-Xq-lExr8-00082-00026189-00026567 grade and I really need to see if you're Ep-Xq-lExr8-00083-00026568-00026885 doing okay and if you feel all right Ep-Xq-lExr8-00084-00026886-00027224 about it now or you can they really went Ep-Xq-lExr8-00085-00027225-00028145 to this extent it's better it's better I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00086-00028145-00028301 appreciate it yeah it's healed slightly Ep-Xq-lExr8-00087-00028302-00028523 since fifth grade just a little bit it's Ep-Xq-lExr8-00088-00028524-00028652 got a little bit of a like kind of a Ep-Xq-lExr8-00089-00028652-00029213 twitching and on rainy days yeah it was Ep-Xq-lExr8-00090-00029214-00029405 it was a little bit of carryover from Ep-Xq-lExr8-00091-00029406-00029608 that but totally different yeah totally Ep-Xq-lExr8-00092-00029610-00030077 yeah look look how cute I was he was Ep-Xq-lExr8-00093-00030077-00030404 very cute and he was very well behaved Ep-Xq-lExr8-00094-00030405-00030681 and very nice and I think I Ep-Xq-lExr8-00095-00030682-00030924 and she'd miss Haysom taught Paul of all Ep-Xq-lExr8-00096-00030925-00031113 of the Christensen children and I was Ep-Xq-lExr8-00097-00031114-00031733 the best I will tell you 100% sure just Ep-Xq-lExr8-00098-00031735-00032418 so you know I will get them back I'm Ep-Xq-lExr8-00099-00032419-00032760 cool and I'm truth see you next week bye Ep-Xq-lExr8-00100-00032761-00033819 Nicole and truth you teacher challenge Ep-Xq-lExr8-00101-00033820-00034188 I don't even know what I'm about EQ1CZ4cW72g-00000-00000090-00000588 foreign EQ1CZ4cW72g-00001-00000589-00000881 schoolnet Academy and uh nice to see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00002-00000882-00001175 some uh familiar faces here or some EQ1CZ4cW72g-00003-00001176-00001433 familiar names in the chat EQ1CZ4cW72g-00004-00001434-00001684 um and do introduce yourself EQ1CZ4cW72g-00005-00001685-00001948 um if you have the chance uh in the chat EQ1CZ4cW72g-00006-00001950-00002165 in the meantime a couple of housekeeping EQ1CZ4cW72g-00007-00002166-00002260 points EQ1CZ4cW72g-00008-00002261-00002429 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-00009-00002430-00002597 uh first of all this meeting is being EQ1CZ4cW72g-00010-00002598-00002891 recorded so um and the recording might EQ1CZ4cW72g-00011-00002892-00003041 be used for dissemination purposes so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00012-00003042-00003388 please be aware of that uh Second of all EQ1CZ4cW72g-00013-00003389-00003622 as you have probably noticed EQ1CZ4cW72g-00014-00003623-00003772 um you do not have the opportunity to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00015-00003773-00003970 unmute yourself EQ1CZ4cW72g-00016-00003971-00004175 um we will however give you the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00017-00004176-00004367 permission to do that when it comes to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00018-00004368-00004606 the Q a session in the meantime please EQ1CZ4cW72g-00019-00004607-00004841 make use of the chat please ask any EQ1CZ4cW72g-00020-00004842-00005104 questions or make comments about the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00021-00005105-00005393 presentations in the chat and we will EQ1CZ4cW72g-00022-00005394-00005602 pick those up when it when we come to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00023-00005603-00006052 the Q a part of this webinar EQ1CZ4cW72g-00024-00006053-00006347 so um it's a great pleasure to um to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00025-00006348-00006610 open this uh thematic seminar which will EQ1CZ4cW72g-00026-00006611-00006773 be organized in the form of two webinars EQ1CZ4cW72g-00027-00006773-00006983 one today and one tomorrow on the topic EQ1CZ4cW72g-00028-00006984-00007295 of effective use of data in teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00029-00007295-00007492 training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00030-00007493-00007763 um as mentioned we will be having two EQ1CZ4cW72g-00031-00007764-00008020 webinars for this seminar uh the first EQ1CZ4cW72g-00032-00008022-00008278 webinar is the one today uh focusing on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00033-00008279-00008435 the topic of learning analytics and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00034-00008436-00008651 teaching in teacher training with a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00035-00008652-00008819 keynote presentation from Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00036-00008820-00009028 Hendrick Draxler who I will introduce in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00037-00009029-00009283 a moment and followed by a q a session EQ1CZ4cW72g-00038-00009284-00009563 and the second webinar is happening EQ1CZ4cW72g-00039-00009564-00009856 tomorrow at the same time at two in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00040-00009857-00010174 afternoon and at this webinar we will be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00041-00010175-00010492 uh having three practitioner guests with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00042-00010493-00010703 us who will be talking about their use EQ1CZ4cW72g-00043-00010704-00010924 of data in their teacher training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00044-00010925-00011201 context and I'll give a few more details EQ1CZ4cW72g-00045-00011202-00011549 about who the practitioners are at the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00046-00011550-00011819 end of the webinar so hopefully you will EQ1CZ4cW72g-00047-00011820-00012233 also be able to join us tomorrow at two EQ1CZ4cW72g-00048-00012234-00012559 in the afternoon EQ1CZ4cW72g-00049-00012560-00012863 now just in case you're not familiar EQ1CZ4cW72g-00050-00012863-00013091 with the European schoolnet Academy or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00051-00013091-00013253 european schoolnet in general EQ1CZ4cW72g-00052-00013254-00013444 um some very brief words uh of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00053-00013445-00013619 introduction the European schoolnet is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00054-00013619-00013901 network of ministries of education and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00055-00013902-00014080 as this network we are running the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00056-00014081-00014357 European schoolnet Academy which is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00057-00014358-00014525 training platform for teachers where we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00058-00014526-00014747 primarily offer moocs for teachers it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00059-00014747-00014957 was launched back in 2014 and since then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00060-00014958-00015413 we have run 91 moocs with around 170 000 EQ1CZ4cW72g-00061-00015413-00015641 registered participants EQ1CZ4cW72g-00062-00015641-00015886 but as part of this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00063-00015887-00016319 um uh Academy we are also running uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-00064-00016319-00016558 thematic seminars which address that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00065-00016559-00016757 topics that are of interest to our EQ1CZ4cW72g-00066-00016758-00016997 network of ministries of Education many EQ1CZ4cW72g-00067-00016998-00017117 of which EQ1CZ4cW72g-00068-00017118-00017308 um are engaged in training activities EQ1CZ4cW72g-00069-00017309-00017489 and teacher training activities directly EQ1CZ4cW72g-00070-00017490-00017722 themselves so in the past for example we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00071-00017723-00017915 have looked at the topic of Blended EQ1CZ4cW72g-00072-00017916-00018094 learning in teacher training or peer EQ1CZ4cW72g-00073-00018095-00018275 assessment and teacher training and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00074-00018276-00018503 European School in general uh has been EQ1CZ4cW72g-00075-00018504-00018917 looking at the use of data in schools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00076-00018918-00019079 um over the past year in particular and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00077-00019080-00019343 continues to do so this year so in this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00078-00019344-00019564 context we also want to look at the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00079-00019565-00019786 effective use of data in a teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00080-00019787-00020039 training context this is of course EQ1CZ4cW72g-00081-00020040-00020189 relevant for our own work in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00082-00020190-00020441 European schoolnet Academy but it is of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00083-00020442-00020800 course also a key topic of interest in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00084-00020801-00021047 uh yeah numerous countries numerous EQ1CZ4cW72g-00085-00021048-00021293 Ministries around Europe who are working EQ1CZ4cW72g-00086-00021294-00021599 on the topic of teacher training and I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00087-00021600-00021850 think it's clear to everyone that uh the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00088-00021851-00022091 use of data is um or the availability of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00089-00022092-00022199 data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00090-00022200-00022450 um is rising exponentially especially EQ1CZ4cW72g-00091-00022451-00022714 with the increased use of digital tools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00092-00022715-00022949 if you think about the kind of data that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00093-00022950-00023063 is collected by Learning Management EQ1CZ4cW72g-00094-00023064-00023183 Systems EQ1CZ4cW72g-00095-00023184-00023435 and as part of that it is absolutely EQ1CZ4cW72g-00096-00023436-00023614 essential that teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-00097-00023615-00023855 um know and have the competence how to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00098-00023856-00024064 make effective use of the data that is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00099-00024065-00024250 available to them to improve what they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00100-00024251-00024436 do in the classroom so if we think about EQ1CZ4cW72g-00101-00024437-00024580 that in the context of teacher training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00102-00024581-00024893 well we as teacher trainers need to be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00103-00024894-00025067 able to support teachers to make EQ1CZ4cW72g-00104-00025068-00025264 effective use of data to support their EQ1CZ4cW72g-00105-00025265-00025475 work in the classroom and that also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00106-00025476-00025667 means that we ourselves need to make EQ1CZ4cW72g-00107-00025668-00025870 effective use of data to improve our own EQ1CZ4cW72g-00108-00025872-00026068 teacher training offer EQ1CZ4cW72g-00109-00026069-00026279 um simply because well it can benefit EQ1CZ4cW72g-00110-00026280-00026501 the learning experiences of the teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-00111-00026502-00026740 that we work with but also because it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00112-00026741-00027029 models good practices that allows EQ1CZ4cW72g-00113-00027030-00027268 teachers to to replicate those when it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00114-00027269-00027539 comes to their work in the classroom so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00115-00027539-00027796 it's these two questions that we aim to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00116-00027797-00028090 explore today and tomorrow EQ1CZ4cW72g-00117-00028091-00028552 and um I'm very happy to welcome uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-00118-00028554-00028817 Professor Dr Hendrick Draxler as the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00119-00028818-00029177 keynote speaker for the session today uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-00120-00029177-00029327 Professor Drexler is a professor of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00121-00029327-00029524 educational Technologies and learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00122-00029525-00029764 analytics with affiliations with the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00123-00029766-00029927 German leibniz Institute for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00124-00029927-00030233 international educational research uh to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00125-00030233-00030395 go to university in Frankfurt and mine EQ1CZ4cW72g-00126-00030395-00030562 and the open University of Netherlands EQ1CZ4cW72g-00127-00030563-00030737 and his research interests include EQ1CZ4cW72g-00128-00030738-00030911 learning analytics personalization EQ1CZ4cW72g-00129-00030912-00031079 Technologies recommender systems EQ1CZ4cW72g-00130-00031080-00031462 educational data and many others and as EQ1CZ4cW72g-00131-00031463-00031618 part of his work he is also a board EQ1CZ4cW72g-00132-00031619-00031781 member of the European Association of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00133-00031782-00031979 Technology enhanced learning and for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00134-00031980-00032164 five years was also a board member of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00135-00032166-00032333 the Society of learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00136-00032333-00032614 research so it's a great pleasure to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00137-00032616-00032795 have you with us here today Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00138-00032796-00033029 Draxler to talk about this topic on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00139-00033030-00033287 learning analytics in teacher training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00140-00033288-00033479 and before I pass the floor over to you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00141-00033480-00033652 let me just mention that uh Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00142-00033653-00033917 Draxler also prepared a report for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00143-00033918-00034085 European schoolnet which we probably EQ1CZ4cW72g-00144-00034086-00034302 list back in December EQ1CZ4cW72g-00145-00034303-00034679 and in that report he goes into a lot EQ1CZ4cW72g-00146-00034680-00034859 more detail then he will have the chance EQ1CZ4cW72g-00147-00034860-00035140 to go into today in the presentation so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00148-00035141-00035345 really highly recommended reading for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00149-00035346-00035512 after the webinar and I'll share a link EQ1CZ4cW72g-00150-00035513-00035746 to the report at the end of the webinar EQ1CZ4cW72g-00151-00035747-00035890 of course EQ1CZ4cW72g-00152-00035891-00035993 so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00153-00035994-00036065 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-00154-00036066-00036251 without further Ado then I would like to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00155-00036252-00036412 pass the floor over to you Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00156-00036413-00036635 Draxler uh yeah looking forward to your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00157-00036636-00036785 presentation EQ1CZ4cW72g-00158-00036786-00037090 yep thanks Benjamin um hi everyone great EQ1CZ4cW72g-00159-00037091-00037343 to having me EQ1CZ4cW72g-00160-00037344-00037924 um just let me share my slides EQ1CZ4cW72g-00161-00037925-00038393 there was such similar slides right EQ1CZ4cW72g-00162-00038394-00038579 yes we can see them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00163-00038580-00038807 excellent okay great EQ1CZ4cW72g-00164-00038808-00038980 um I have half an hour to talk you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00165-00038981-00039190 basically through the report that we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00166-00039191-00039395 have been creating EQ1CZ4cW72g-00167-00039396-00039671 um in December for uh learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00168-00039672-00039839 and teacher training and the interesting EQ1CZ4cW72g-00169-00039840-00040085 part was actually even Benjamin came EQ1CZ4cW72g-00170-00040086-00040330 with the task to make a report and a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00171-00040331-00040552 presentation on teacher training for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00172-00040553-00040727 learning analytics that there is not so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00173-00040728-00040974 much in the area of learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00174-00040975-00041207 for specific teacher training you can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00175-00041208-00041351 find a lot about learning Alex in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00176-00041352-00041579 schools learning analytics for for the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00177-00041580-00041783 students basically but not so much for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00178-00041784-00042035 teacher training and we identified this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00179-00042036-00042335 actually as a gap in the current body of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00180-00042336-00042509 knowledge on also practices on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00181-00042510-00042796 educational Technologies and made this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00182-00042797-00043168 first report where we tried to draft the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00183-00043169-00043312 current situation of learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00184-00043313-00043674 and how it fits to teacher training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00185-00043675-00043907 so the talk will be based on on an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00186-00043908-00044093 introduction into learning analytics so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00187-00044094-00044261 maybe that's a new topic to some of you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00188-00044262-00044518 the few of the staff that's 10 years 12 EQ1CZ4cW72g-00189-00044519-00044680 years now EQ1CZ4cW72g-00190-00044681-00044885 um but still I I will try to summarize EQ1CZ4cW72g-00191-00044886-00045112 for you learning analytics in a nutshell EQ1CZ4cW72g-00192-00045113-00045407 then show a connection to educational EQ1CZ4cW72g-00193-00045408-00045658 science and how educational science is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00194-00045659-00045871 connected to this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00195-00045872-00046067 examples of learning colleagues in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00196-00046068-00046277 schools potential training scenarios for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00197-00046278-00046439 Teacher trainers that we've thought EQ1CZ4cW72g-00198-00046440-00046607 about how teacher trainers could be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00199-00046608-00046924 involved in learning analytics exercises EQ1CZ4cW72g-00200-00046925-00047267 and then we drafted some ideas about and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00201-00047268-00047501 why maybe a learning elix supported EQ1CZ4cW72g-00202-00047502-00047711 professional training program at the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00203-00047712-00048005 European schoolnet Academy might be a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00204-00048006-00048221 white thing and that's up to discussion EQ1CZ4cW72g-00205-00048222-00048340 with you guys then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00206-00048341-00048515 thank you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00207-00048516-00048802 okay well Benjamin already introduced EQ1CZ4cW72g-00208-00048803-00049012 myself to you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00209-00049013-00049162 um just here some logos of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00210-00049163-00049408 associations that I'm involved in and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00211-00049409-00049618 maybe one thing to mention is that in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00212-00049619-00049823 all three University setups that I'm EQ1CZ4cW72g-00213-00049824-00050039 like The lipos Institute the good EQ1CZ4cW72g-00214-00050040-00050190 University as well the open University EQ1CZ4cW72g-00215-00050191-00050489 we are really focusing on teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00216-00050490-00050752 training initial teacher education so I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00217-00050753-00050993 have a close connection to this from The EQ1CZ4cW72g-00218-00050994-00051304 Faculty of computer science EQ1CZ4cW72g-00219-00051305-00051640 okay when you define learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00220-00051641-00051964 um then you basically come along this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00221-00051965-00052114 this statement that you can easily EQ1CZ4cW72g-00222-00052115-00052288 Google learning a big system measurement EQ1CZ4cW72g-00223-00052289-00052547 collection analysis reporting of data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00224-00052548-00052775 about Learners and their context for the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00225-00052776-00052973 purpose of understanding and optimizing EQ1CZ4cW72g-00226-00052974-00053171 learning and the environments in which EQ1CZ4cW72g-00227-00053172-00053513 it occurs it's a nice summary of what EQ1CZ4cW72g-00228-00053514-00053657 learning and this means and it's from EQ1CZ4cW72g-00229-00053658-00053771 the first Conference of learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00230-00053772-00053947 analytics that has been in banned Canada EQ1CZ4cW72g-00231-00053948-00054221 12 years or 13 years ago EQ1CZ4cW72g-00232-00054222-00054461 and when we talk learning analytics very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00233-00054462-00054682 important is that you need to consider EQ1CZ4cW72g-00234-00054683-00054935 on which level you actually want to do EQ1CZ4cW72g-00235-00054936-00055085 learning analytics so you have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00236-00055086-00055276 educational data coming maybe from a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00237-00055277-00055438 mood environment some of your Moodle EQ1CZ4cW72g-00238-00055439-00055703 experts that's on the chat then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00239-00055704-00055900 um you could consider that applying EQ1CZ4cW72g-00240-00055901-00056104 learning elix for one course this would EQ1CZ4cW72g-00241-00056105-00056309 be and one student would be the micro EQ1CZ4cW72g-00242-00056310-00056488 level so and then you really need to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00243-00056489-00056669 take this level into account because you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00244-00056670-00056849 support an individual Learner in an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00245-00056850-00057047 individual course so it's a certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00246-00057048-00057287 setup but you could also do maybe EQ1CZ4cW72g-00247-00057288-00057659 analytics on on a whole faculty that has EQ1CZ4cW72g-00248-00057660-00057869 many courses in that Moodle environment EQ1CZ4cW72g-00249-00057870-00058144 than you would be on the nasal level and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00250-00058145-00058313 for sure you could even scale it up to a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00251-00058314-00058450 macro level and then it's an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00252-00058451-00058661 Institutional approach EQ1CZ4cW72g-00253-00058662-00058954 um that dentists face then and there are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00254-00058955-00059116 different indicators and different EQ1CZ4cW72g-00255-00059117-00059279 analytic approaches that could be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00256-00059279-00059471 followed up from the micro level you're EQ1CZ4cW72g-00257-00059472-00059615 more interested in really giving EQ1CZ4cW72g-00258-00059616-00059866 feedback to learning and achieving goals EQ1CZ4cW72g-00259-00059867-00060130 on the major level you look more for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00260-00060132-00060437 learning paths and how students or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00261-00060438-00060803 trainees move to a course setup or a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00262-00060804-00060982 curriculum in the macro level you have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00263-00060983-00061361 then higher order kpis so to say that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00264-00061362-00061504 you want to monitor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00265-00061505-00061721 so it's important in a very first step EQ1CZ4cW72g-00266-00061722-00061871 what kind of analytics I'm actually EQ1CZ4cW72g-00267-00061872-00062076 planning to do EQ1CZ4cW72g-00268-00062077-00062441 another thing that is important is to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00269-00062441-00062723 make a distinguishing between data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00270-00062724-00062987 subjects and data clients so most EQ1CZ4cW72g-00271-00062988-00063244 commonly you have the Learners in this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00272-00063245-00063575 pyramid in this hierarchical model in an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00273-00063576-00063730 institution where the Learners are the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00274-00063732-00063929 data subjects because they act in your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00275-00063929-00064235 environments they Pro relief traces with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00276-00064236-00064475 data behind and then you can consume EQ1CZ4cW72g-00277-00064476-00064630 them and the trainers or the teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-00278-00064632-00064930 would then be the data clients that work EQ1CZ4cW72g-00279-00064932-00065099 on that data and do something with the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00280-00065100-00065411 data for feedback or other purposes but EQ1CZ4cW72g-00281-00065412-00065597 also when you consider such a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00282-00065598-00065800 hierarchical model then also the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00283-00065801-00065993 trainers and the teachers could become EQ1CZ4cW72g-00284-00065994-00066282 subject of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00285-00066283-00066509 analytics processes and then there would EQ1CZ4cW72g-00286-00066510-00066725 be the data subjects and institutioners EQ1CZ4cW72g-00287-00066726-00067038 collecting data about EQ1CZ4cW72g-00288-00067039-00067355 the trainers and the teachers for sure EQ1CZ4cW72g-00289-00067356-00067582 this all needs to happen in the in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00290-00067583-00067793 boundaries of the European Privacy Law EQ1CZ4cW72g-00291-00067794-00068075 and data protection laws so especially EQ1CZ4cW72g-00292-00068076-00068273 that institutions consume information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00293-00068274-00068525 about trainers and teachers is a very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00294-00068526-00068687 delicate thing EQ1CZ4cW72g-00295-00068688-00068969 um and needs to go with a high EQ1CZ4cW72g-00296-00068970-00069067 commitment EQ1CZ4cW72g-00297-00069068-00069431 and that also belongs to harvesting the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00298-00069432-00069682 data from the learners but just keep in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00299-00069683-00069941 mind micro means a macro and who's the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00300-00069942-00070115 data subject who's the data client EQ1CZ4cW72g-00301-00070116-00070261 foreign EQ1CZ4cW72g-00302-00070262-00070576 here one very easy example just to give EQ1CZ4cW72g-00303-00070577-00070763 you an example actually was my first EQ1CZ4cW72g-00304-00070764-00070937 example on doing analytics when I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00305-00070938-00071267 started this research 30 years ago what EQ1CZ4cW72g-00306-00071268-00071537 you see here is basically the curriculum EQ1CZ4cW72g-00307-00071538-00071794 of one of our courses back then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00308-00071795-00071921 um and what you see here is the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00309-00071922-00072094 curriculum and its activities when we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00310-00072095-00072461 plant in business days study days right EQ1CZ4cW72g-00311-00072462-00072665 um so 70 study days and that's the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00312-00072666-00072832 activities that should be done in that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00313-00072833-00072985 course in that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00314-00072986-00073181 in this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00315-00073182-00073463 in this course at that time and then we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00316-00073464-00073631 plan certain activities at a startup and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00317-00073632-00073799 then some other activities should happen EQ1CZ4cW72g-00318-00073800-00073991 and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00319-00073992-00074171 um what you see at the red line is then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00320-00074172-00074476 basically what one of the students did EQ1CZ4cW72g-00321-00074477-00074800 compared to what what we expected them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00322-00074801-00075071 to do so you and what you already saw EQ1CZ4cW72g-00323-00075072-00075323 there's some things that we did not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00324-00075324-00075556 expect for instance so we just put on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00325-00075557-00075832 top the the time when students delivered EQ1CZ4cW72g-00326-00075833-00076097 the activity and you see that there's a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00327-00076098-00076397 difference that they delivered for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00328-00076398-00076679 activity 17 somehow 10 days later EQ1CZ4cW72g-00329-00076680-00076925 something but that in the meantime other EQ1CZ4cW72g-00330-00076926-00077100 things so that's something we did not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00331-00077101-00077338 consider in the curriculum and also at EQ1CZ4cW72g-00332-00077339-00077494 the end of the course where our EQ1CZ4cW72g-00333-00077495-00077741 resources allocated and so on they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00334-00077742-00077938 showed totally different Behavior they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00335-00077939-00078143 finished the course earlier and they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00336-00078144-00078371 don't go through all activities there EQ1CZ4cW72g-00337-00078372-00078605 and that's nice if you do this for one EQ1CZ4cW72g-00338-00078606-00078809 student but it becomes really powerful EQ1CZ4cW72g-00339-00078810-00079012 if you do it for a cohort of students EQ1CZ4cW72g-00340-00079013-00079265 right so then you would have a cohort of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00341-00079266-00079444 students from the whole faculty going EQ1CZ4cW72g-00342-00079445-00079661 through this course and then you would EQ1CZ4cW72g-00343-00079662-00079937 see okay just by putting the timestamps EQ1CZ4cW72g-00344-00079938-00080117 when somebody delivers something and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00345-00080118-00080344 what we expected we see the same pattern EQ1CZ4cW72g-00346-00080345-00080621 again all of the students deliver here EQ1CZ4cW72g-00347-00080622-00080812 later and all of them have a different EQ1CZ4cW72g-00348-00080813-00081029 Behavior at the end EQ1CZ4cW72g-00349-00081030-00081317 and I mean this is a very easy example EQ1CZ4cW72g-00350-00081318-00081575 of learning is just using Advantage EQ1CZ4cW72g-00351-00081576-00081947 process data and there's no mining or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00352-00081948-00082229 any mining technology involved but it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00353-00082230-00082456 shows us how powerful this technology EQ1CZ4cW72g-00354-00082457-00082685 can be for optimizing learning for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00355-00082686-00082871 understanding your curriculars and to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00356-00082872-00083081 provide personal feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-00357-00083082-00083417 because in the traditional mode I would EQ1CZ4cW72g-00358-00083418-00083669 have sent out a question at the end how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00359-00083670-00083885 well this course was achieved but I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00360-00083886-00084125 would never get the feedback that there EQ1CZ4cW72g-00361-00084126-00084347 is a structural problem in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00362-00084348-00084473 instructional design of that course EQ1CZ4cW72g-00363-00084474-00084665 without the Analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00364-00084666-00084917 and that's for me was an eye-opener that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00365-00084918-00085115 this is a field to explore and invest EQ1CZ4cW72g-00366-00085116-00085432 further in 13 years ago and yeah for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00367-00085433-00085703 sure this is today on an even different EQ1CZ4cW72g-00368-00085704-00085956 magnitude EQ1CZ4cW72g-00369-00085957-00086212 so when we when we scientists talk EQ1CZ4cW72g-00370-00086213-00086417 analytics we put it into Frameworks you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00371-00086418-00086561 need to have a model of things that you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00372-00086562-00086843 understand and also in 2012 I came up EQ1CZ4cW72g-00373-00086844-00087023 with the falling framework for learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00374-00087024-00087197 analytics that still holds so that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00375-00087198-00087371 framework still holds for us for all the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00376-00087372-00087617 analytics projects we do EQ1CZ4cW72g-00377-00087618-00087881 um and I will talk you through this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00378-00087882-00088091 um framework it basically it's a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00379-00088092-00088361 starting point if a new partner comes to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00380-00088362-00088523 us we discuss with them these Six EQ1CZ4cW72g-00381-00088524-00088726 Dimensions EQ1CZ4cW72g-00382-00088727-00088997 um and prepare with them in a learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00383-00088998-00089212 analytics project it's roughly on the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00384-00089213-00089362 blue it's The Six Dimensions EQ1CZ4cW72g-00385-00089363-00089555 stakeholders EQ1CZ4cW72g-00386-00089556-00089782 objectives of learning analytics data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00387-00089783-00090011 that are used instruments that are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00388-00090012-00090268 applied external constraints like EQ1CZ4cW72g-00389-00090269-00090550 conventions Norms ethics privacy belong EQ1CZ4cW72g-00390-00090551-00090809 here but also internal limitations like EQ1CZ4cW72g-00391-00090810-00091097 competences Target group acceptance Etc EQ1CZ4cW72g-00392-00091098-00091391 of the analytics process and this all EQ1CZ4cW72g-00393-00091392-00091768 together forms then Dynamic to roll out EQ1CZ4cW72g-00394-00091769-00092015 the learning analytics project or to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00395-00092016-00092218 start running on this project EQ1CZ4cW72g-00396-00092219-00092494 and let me talk you through this with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00397-00092495-00092741 some triggering questions that um you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00398-00092742-00092909 need to answer for yourself if you want EQ1CZ4cW72g-00399-00092910-00093137 to start analytics projects or do EQ1CZ4cW72g-00400-00093138-00093400 analytics in one of your courses EQ1CZ4cW72g-00401-00093401-00093587 so for instance on the stakeholder level EQ1CZ4cW72g-00402-00093588-00093749 what we do there EQ1CZ4cW72g-00403-00093750-00094091 um we follow certain methods we do use EQ1CZ4cW72g-00404-00094092-00094355 case studies we do personas like Elias EQ1CZ4cW72g-00405-00094356-00094603 he's a student from the go to university EQ1CZ4cW72g-00406-00094604-00094859 and he describes EQ1CZ4cW72g-00407-00094860-00095123 um certain preferences he would have to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00408-00095124-00095267 learn analytics and things he wished EQ1CZ4cW72g-00409-00095268-00095447 from this to make personas of different EQ1CZ4cW72g-00410-00095448-00095668 people and use them then and questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-00411-00095669-00095897 that trigger us when we run such a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00412-00095898-00096125 project are what are the specific needs EQ1CZ4cW72g-00413-00096126-00096359 of your educational stakeholders teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00414-00096360-00096581 trainers teachers and how can learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00415-00096582-00096821 Alex Solutions helps satisfying these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00416-00096822-00097055 needs because it should really satisfy a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00417-00097056-00097300 need it should not be a technology or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00418-00097301-00097541 technical exercise because it's so great EQ1CZ4cW72g-00419-00097542-00097738 to do Analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00420-00097739-00097925 and how can different stakeholder groups EQ1CZ4cW72g-00421-00097926-00098105 be supported by learning Analytics tool EQ1CZ4cW72g-00422-00098106-00098332 in a meaningful way is also an important EQ1CZ4cW72g-00423-00098333-00098518 point that I will also stress it a bit EQ1CZ4cW72g-00424-00098519-00098729 later when you see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00425-00098730-00098968 um there can be very easy analytics like EQ1CZ4cW72g-00426-00098969-00099262 counting downloads of PowerPoint slides EQ1CZ4cW72g-00427-00099263-00099550 or something else but this is really not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00428-00099551-00099731 very meaningful if it's about learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00429-00099732-00099941 and in the meantime the field developed EQ1CZ4cW72g-00430-00099942-00100103 that further that we really aim to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00431-00100104-00100361 competence development developing and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00432-00100362-00100547 supporting a competence and providing EQ1CZ4cW72g-00433-00100548-00100835 highly informative feedback to Learners EQ1CZ4cW72g-00434-00100836-00101141 and that goes beyond just counting EQ1CZ4cW72g-00435-00101142-00101418 um certain activities EQ1CZ4cW72g-00436-00101419-00101632 objectives of learning analytics are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00437-00101633-00101891 always reflecting so reflecting about EQ1CZ4cW72g-00438-00101892-00102274 the past period reflecting to what I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00439-00102275-00102454 wanted to do and how others do it and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00440-00102455-00102706 prediction like you see here so the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00441-00102707-00102892 reflection part often goes together with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00442-00102893-00103192 certain graphs you see then a graph of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00443-00103193-00103528 yourself like the orange line here being EQ1CZ4cW72g-00444-00103529-00103739 yourself and the the blue one the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00445-00103740-00104003 average of other groups so you you can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00446-00104004-00104182 put this in contrast and compare EQ1CZ4cW72g-00447-00104183-00104440 yourself or the blue could also be your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00448-00104441-00104663 previous self in another course and how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00449-00104664-00104921 you do now so that would be another EQ1CZ4cW72g-00450-00104922-00105149 preference frame so it does not always EQ1CZ4cW72g-00451-00105150-00105334 need to be a comparison against the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00452-00105335-00105515 group and that's something I stress very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00453-00105516-00105658 strongly EQ1CZ4cW72g-00454-00105659-00105863 um because the education should also not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00455-00105864-00106049 always be a social comparison it should EQ1CZ4cW72g-00456-00106050-00106216 also be about individual development EQ1CZ4cW72g-00457-00106217-00106354 right EQ1CZ4cW72g-00458-00106355-00106577 and then you have predictions a very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00459-00106578-00106793 famous system was the core signal EQ1CZ4cW72g-00460-00106794-00107045 systems from the OS where um they used EQ1CZ4cW72g-00461-00107046-00107302 certain Trace data and process data and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00462-00107303-00107489 made predictions if EQ1CZ4cW72g-00463-00107490-00107728 um a student is behaving well or not so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00464-00107729-00107969 well and even intervention is needed in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00465-00107970-00108239 that case in the US if green then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00466-00108240-00108460 nothing happened orange was a bit of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00467-00108461-00108725 alarming and by Red then the study EQ1CZ4cW72g-00468-00108726-00108940 advisor basically called UPS EQ1CZ4cW72g-00469-00108941-00109193 um the Learners and and asked them for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00470-00109194-00109571 if they can do anything to support them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00471-00109572-00109828 and here also triggering questions for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00472-00109829-00110033 your own projects might be what are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00473-00110033-00110227 effective visualizations to support EQ1CZ4cW72g-00474-00110228-00110507 awareness or reflection processes can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00475-00110508-00110681 someone cope with this graph that I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00476-00110682-00110783 showed here EQ1CZ4cW72g-00477-00110783-00111034 what are promising predict predictors to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00478-00111035-00111286 forecast learning progresses I mean EQ1CZ4cW72g-00479-00111288-00111521 predicting is a very delicate thing too EQ1CZ4cW72g-00480-00111522-00111749 because the ability uses the data we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00481-00111750-00111899 have right now there's a lot of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00482-00111900-00112186 discussion on biases in this so what is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00483-00112188-00112384 actually in predict that is that is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00484-00112385-00112619 good protective for the forecast and how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00485-00112620-00112847 to recommend or cluster on us into EQ1CZ4cW72g-00486-00112848-00113158 groups to recommend then personalized EQ1CZ4cW72g-00487-00113159-00113381 personal learning paths to them or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00488-00113382-00113704 provide personalized feedback to them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00489-00113705-00113915 um I will have one example about a group EQ1CZ4cW72g-00490-00113916-00114149 activity where we just did this where we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00491-00114150-00114227 then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00492-00114228-00114684 um due to educational Technologies and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00493-00114685-00114995 artificial intelligence had emerging EQ1CZ4cW72g-00494-00114996-00115163 groups of different types of Learners EQ1CZ4cW72g-00495-00115164-00115343 and these different type of Learners EQ1CZ4cW72g-00496-00115344-00115613 receive different types of feedback so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00497-00115614-00115793 it's the personalized feedback is really EQ1CZ4cW72g-00498-00115794-00116099 bound to a to a group it's not really EQ1CZ4cW72g-00499-00116100-00116308 um on a personalized on an individual EQ1CZ4cW72g-00500-00116309-00116549 level EQ1CZ4cW72g-00501-00116550-00116747 then we have data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00502-00116748-00116993 um last 13 years of research for sure we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00503-00116994-00117289 have a lot of data and also here we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00504-00117290-00117671 released in 2022 the open layer the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00505-00117672-00117875 learning analytics indicator repository EQ1CZ4cW72g-00506-00117876-00118078 you can find it on that links that we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00507-00118079-00118415 provide there down there and uh why we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00508-00118416-00118690 do this we we like other disciplines we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00509-00118691-00118895 want to build up a body of knowledge EQ1CZ4cW72g-00510-00118896-00119104 that what has been applied what can be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00511-00119105-00119393 applied and what results came out of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00512-00119394-00119543 this we have that in Psychology for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00513-00119544-00119675 instance in psychology of certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00514-00119676-00119945 instruments they are well studied they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00515-00119946-00120166 have the certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00516-00120167-00120371 um certain studies connected to it and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00517-00120372-00120508 then they apply these instruments again EQ1CZ4cW72g-00518-00120509-00120743 and improve them and the same thing we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00519-00120744-00120928 want to do very often learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00520-00120929-00121157 projects we invent the wheel so they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00521-00121158-00121307 start a project they look what kind of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00522-00121308-00121463 data they have and then they use this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00523-00121464-00121781 data and we want to put this process on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00524-00121782-00122081 on around and basically asked rather EQ1CZ4cW72g-00525-00122082-00122236 what kind of learning you want to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00526-00122238-00122513 support what other indicators and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00527-00122514-00122747 metrics is that people use for this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00528-00122748-00122969 learning assignment and can you use them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00529-00122970-00123178 as well and that's something we put into EQ1CZ4cW72g-00530-00123179-00123445 this article just give you another EQ1CZ4cW72g-00531-00123446-00123766 representation of the open layer tool so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00532-00123767-00124049 if you would have a event a learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00533-00124050-00124265 event like receiving information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00534-00124266-00124493 and it could be a reading activity a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00535-00124494-00124723 presentation or watching video activity EQ1CZ4cW72g-00536-00124724-00124990 and then on a literature study we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00537-00124991-00125213 identified for reading activities the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00538-00125214-00125399 polling indicators that are used in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00539-00125400-00125627 learning analytics reading analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00540-00125628-00125854 discourse analytics and we also show you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00541-00125855-00126089 what kind of metrics is from the Moodle EQ1CZ4cW72g-00542-00126090-00126323 system or whatever Learning System have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00543-00126324-00126515 been behind this and have been EQ1CZ4cW72g-00544-00126516-00126784 aggregated in which way to provide such EQ1CZ4cW72g-00545-00126785-00127102 an indicator so it's a it's a repository EQ1CZ4cW72g-00546-00127103-00127331 of learning analytics indicators in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00547-00127332-00127469 past EQ1CZ4cW72g-00548-00127470-00127793 and describes nicely what data is used EQ1CZ4cW72g-00549-00127794-00128008 and also here um triggering questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-00550-00128009-00128195 are what kind of digital learning tools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00551-00128196-00128440 are used in your organization so make an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00552-00128441-00128657 inventory of those uh for which of these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00553-00128658-00128866 tools do you have access to the data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00554-00128867-00129107 that's also a topic not always you have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00555-00129108-00129383 access to all tools and how meaningful EQ1CZ4cW72g-00556-00129383-00129683 is actually the data on for micro meso EQ1CZ4cW72g-00557-00129683-00129886 and the macro level so how meaningful is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00558-00129888-00130127 this data if you want to provide EQ1CZ4cW72g-00559-00130128-00130366 feedback to reading analytics then it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00560-00130367-00130510 does not make sense EQ1CZ4cW72g-00561-00130511-00130793 um to to basically use data from from EQ1CZ4cW72g-00562-00130794-00131039 downloads or activities and logins into EQ1CZ4cW72g-00563-00131040-00131287 the Moodle environment EQ1CZ4cW72g-00564-00131288-00131573 technology for sure there's a well EQ1CZ4cW72g-00565-00131574-00131735 there's a lot to say about Technologies EQ1CZ4cW72g-00566-00131736-00131933 but on the other end you should also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00567-00131934-00132221 it's like this we uh that technology is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00568-00132222-00132389 there the problem in analytics is no EQ1CZ4cW72g-00569-00132390-00132545 longer the technology you just need to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00570-00132546-00132869 have a strong partner you can do these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00571-00132870-00132995 things with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00572-00132996-00133211 um we analyzed when in 2020 which EQ1CZ4cW72g-00573-00133212-00133366 strategies actually are used for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00574-00133367-00133564 different learner links infrastructures EQ1CZ4cW72g-00575-00133565-00133864 so um you can find there and report and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00576-00133865-00134009 different infrastructure so most common EQ1CZ4cW72g-00577-00134010-00134164 tools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00578-00134165-00134339 um but this also something that can be EQ1CZ4cW72g-00579-00134340-00134507 addressed and also you can have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00580-00134508-00134771 wonderful visualizations from learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00581-00134772-00134975 analytics data like this Sunbeam EQ1CZ4cW72g-00582-00134976-00135323 visualization we applied once and to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00583-00135324-00135611 show certain metrics and indicators for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00584-00135612-00135995 course mainly for the teacher and also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00585-00135996-00136169 here you are able to ask you certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00586-00136170-00136366 questions what learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00587-00136367-00136535 information are most suited and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00588-00136536-00136787 meaningful to the stakeholder groups and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00589-00136788-00137021 ask personalized information provided to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00590-00137022-00137190 the Learners increase actually EQ1CZ4cW72g-00591-00137191-00137399 Effectiveness and efficiency of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00592-00137400-00137663 learning process or what kind of aims EQ1CZ4cW72g-00593-00137664-00138275 you follow with the analytics process EQ1CZ4cW72g-00594-00138276-00138497 um then external constraints EQ1CZ4cW72g-00595-00138498-00138859 um here it's mainly about ethics privacy EQ1CZ4cW72g-00596-00138860-00139193 everything that comes from from from the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00597-00139194-00139481 outside to our organizations EQ1CZ4cW72g-00598-00139482-00139799 um here we thought already before gdpr EQ1CZ4cW72g-00599-00139800-00140075 the European data protection regulation EQ1CZ4cW72g-00600-00140076-00140285 was out actually we came up with an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00601-00140286-00140495 article on privacy analytics it's a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00602-00140496-00140699 delicate issue and came up with these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00603-00140700-00140933 delicate checklist you can see here to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00604-00140934-00141040 the left EQ1CZ4cW72g-00605-00141041-00141377 the delicate chat list was invented to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00606-00141378-00141690 basically break down the complicated EQ1CZ4cW72g-00607-00141691-00142013 discussion on ethics and privacy if EQ1CZ4cW72g-00608-00142014-00142240 you're not used to it to to affect to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00609-00142241-00142589 effect sheets to a checklist like EQ1CZ4cW72g-00610-00142590-00142828 um since medical doctors during the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00611-00142829-00142997 hospital they also have checklists for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00612-00142998-00143243 certain procedures it helps you to go EQ1CZ4cW72g-00613-00143244-00143440 through it and inspired by this we came EQ1CZ4cW72g-00614-00143441-00143585 up with delicate EQ1CZ4cW72g-00615-00143586-00143866 and envision that this is something you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00616-00143867-00144040 can have in the office and if you want EQ1CZ4cW72g-00617-00144041-00144275 to have a quick judgment on privacy and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00618-00144276-00144485 ethics you can take the dedicated EQ1CZ4cW72g-00619-00144486-00144731 checklist and fill it in yourself to to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00620-00144732-00144857 make a judgment EQ1CZ4cW72g-00621-00144858-00145139 with what kind of sensitive data you're EQ1CZ4cW72g-00622-00145140-00145252 working in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00623-00145253-00145523 based on this previous work there's a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00624-00145524-00145714 couple of other EQ1CZ4cW72g-00625-00145715-00145931 practice code of practices code of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00626-00145932-00146135 conducts actually on learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00627-00146136-00146339 to learn English Community takes this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00628-00146340-00146578 topic very seriously because it can be a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00629-00146579-00146752 real show stopper for learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00630-00146753-00146957 if you don't do the ethics and the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00631-00146958-00147299 Privacy right at the very beginning then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00632-00147300-00147490 you might invest a lot of money and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00633-00147491-00147731 lose later on the whole project so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00634-00147732-00147952 that's a very important topic and there EQ1CZ4cW72g-00635-00147953-00148114 for instance also this is an example EQ1CZ4cW72g-00636-00148115-00148354 from surf in the Netherlands the surf EQ1CZ4cW72g-00637-00148355-00148627 organization they came up with a whole EQ1CZ4cW72g-00638-00148628-00148925 there's a similar guideline on learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00639-00148926-00149351 analytics for under the gdpr or the germ EQ1CZ4cW72g-00640-00149352-00149590 or the Dutch version of the gdpr the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00641-00149591-00149819 same we did in in Germany and also in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00642-00149820-00150035 the UK there are different examples of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00643-00150036-00150211 this code of practices EQ1CZ4cW72g-00644-00150212-00150509 and also here triggering questions are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00645-00150510-00150731 what are the potential biases in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00646-00150732-00150977 data we are using and how can we manage EQ1CZ4cW72g-00647-00150978-00151240 these bios biases towards Fair usage I EQ1CZ4cW72g-00648-00151241-00151439 mean this is a super hot topic because EQ1CZ4cW72g-00649-00151440-00151775 the data we use all between EQ1CZ4cW72g-00650-00151776-00152104 um replicates current problems we see in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00651-00152105-00152423 a society like disadvantages for colored EQ1CZ4cW72g-00652-00152424-00152699 people disadvantages for female people EQ1CZ4cW72g-00653-00152700-00152909 and so on especially if you go to stem EQ1CZ4cW72g-00654-00152910-00153125 education and we need to do something EQ1CZ4cW72g-00655-00153126-00153304 like this you cannot just use a data set EQ1CZ4cW72g-00656-00153305-00153514 like this and then do analytics on this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00657-00153515-00153707 because it might be an unfair treatment EQ1CZ4cW72g-00658-00153708-00153911 so this is an important thing to contr EQ1CZ4cW72g-00659-00153912-00154157 to consider EQ1CZ4cW72g-00660-00154158-00154276 um and how can you train your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00661-00154277-00154463 stakeholders to be actually more EQ1CZ4cW72g-00662-00154464-00154625 knowledgeable and responsive about their EQ1CZ4cW72g-00663-00154626-00154943 own data that's also something that we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00664-00154944-00155213 we address with a with a series of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00665-00155214-00155351 workshops EQ1CZ4cW72g-00666-00155352-00155537 and what kind of security measures we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00667-00155538-00155704 can take to guarantee trusted and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00668-00155705-00155902 unbiased learning analytics processes EQ1CZ4cW72g-00669-00155903-00156133 well this is what is covered in these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00670-00156134-00156359 policy documents EQ1CZ4cW72g-00671-00156360-00156521 um and that is very helpful and you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00672-00156522-00156640 should start really from the very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00673-00156641-00157139 beginning actually of 100x projects EQ1CZ4cW72g-00674-00157140-00157433 then we get to internal limitations EQ1CZ4cW72g-00675-00157434-00157690 internal limitations it's all about the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00676-00157691-00157943 person so information and data literacy EQ1CZ4cW72g-00677-00157944-00158152 you might have heard about so the skills EQ1CZ4cW72g-00678-00158153-00158314 that the people have there but also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00679-00158315-00158489 feedback literacy EQ1CZ4cW72g-00680-00158490-00158663 um comes really into the focus these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00681-00158664-00158825 days EQ1CZ4cW72g-00682-00158826-00159004 um so that's all about how can we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00683-00159005-00159143 measure the effect of learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00684-00159144-00159383 on the stakeholders EQ1CZ4cW72g-00685-00159384-00159604 um how can we can you train information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00686-00159605-00159869 and feedback and data literacy skills to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00687-00159870-00160013 your stakeholders EQ1CZ4cW72g-00688-00160014-00160151 um so that they can really act on the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00689-00160152-00160289 analytics results that they can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00690-00160290-00160487 criticize the learning analytics results EQ1CZ4cW72g-00691-00160488-00160757 that they can speak up on them that's EQ1CZ4cW72g-00692-00160758-00160985 very important in such an algorithmic EQ1CZ4cW72g-00693-00160986-00161243 word and how can the use of flying Alex EQ1CZ4cW72g-00694-00161244-00161447 and teacher training be a way for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00695-00161448-00161663 teachers to apply learning analytics in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00696-00161664-00161819 their own classes might be something for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00697-00161820-00161989 teacher training for sure EQ1CZ4cW72g-00698-00161990-00162287 and just about the feedback literacy EQ1CZ4cW72g-00699-00162288-00162569 that's something we invested in now very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00700-00162570-00162773 recently until now actually we did a lot EQ1CZ4cW72g-00701-00162774-00163007 of analytics use data and we give them EQ1CZ4cW72g-00702-00163008-00163289 back and dashboards or feedback tags but EQ1CZ4cW72g-00703-00163290-00163523 this is just one side of the coin what EQ1CZ4cW72g-00704-00163524-00163702 we miss is the other side of the coin to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00705-00163703-00163919 understand what actually the data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00706-00163920-00164099 subjects are doing with this feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-00707-00164100-00164351 and therefore we invented the feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-00708-00164352-00164585 literacy instrument to measure their EQ1CZ4cW72g-00709-00164586-00164878 skills in this and also to see how the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00710-00164879-00165107 uptake actually of this feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-00711-00165108-00165439 generated by data is done EQ1CZ4cW72g-00712-00165440-00165743 yeah that was learning analytics in a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00713-00165744-00165851 nutshell EQ1CZ4cW72g-00714-00165852-00166066 um now I talk you through the other EQ1CZ4cW72g-00715-00166067-00166343 points that will be shorter for sure um EQ1CZ4cW72g-00716-00166344-00166516 than the introduction to learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00717-00166517-00166739 Analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00718-00166740-00167226 um we talked about to not use Easy EQ1CZ4cW72g-00719-00167227-00167464 indicator sense and I just brought you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00720-00167465-00167669 one paper we have been publishing in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00721-00167670-00167951 2017 actually to work on this it was fun EQ1CZ4cW72g-00722-00167952-00168323 in 2015 and when you look at this so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00723-00168324-00168647 this was a forum discussion um in a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00724-00168648-00168869 forum discussion where different study EQ1CZ4cW72g-00725-00168870-00169133 groups of students have been interacting EQ1CZ4cW72g-00726-00169134-00169451 together and we used then the Forum EQ1CZ4cW72g-00727-00169452-00169781 posts to basically give them feedback on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00728-00169782-00170014 initiative so how often they take the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00729-00170015-00170351 initiative in this process how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00730-00170352-00170663 responsiveness they are and this was how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00731-00170664-00170914 often they reply basically to to another EQ1CZ4cW72g-00732-00170915-00171214 post and how present they are in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00733-00171215-00171371 environment by logging into the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00734-00171372-00171593 environment and by also taking into EQ1CZ4cW72g-00735-00171594-00171845 account initiative and responsiveness EQ1CZ4cW72g-00736-00171846-00172135 but also productivity was then a measure EQ1CZ4cW72g-00737-00172136-00172390 that was combined in any clearing EQ1CZ4cW72g-00738-00172391-00172589 analytics combat measure that was EQ1CZ4cW72g-00739-00172590-00172769 combined from initiative and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00740-00172770-00172919 responsiveness and I put these EQ1CZ4cW72g-00741-00172920-00173164 indicators here to the right and you see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00742-00173165-00173411 there's not much magic in this so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00743-00173412-00173593 basically to measure initiative we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00744-00173594-00173873 counted the number of top level posts so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00745-00173874-00174083 the first post that was made that was an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00746-00174084-00174364 indicator for an initiative then number EQ1CZ4cW72g-00747-00174365-00174587 of commented posts answering the top EQ1CZ4cW72g-00748-00174588-00174893 level was responsiveness basically and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00749-00174894-00174971 then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00750-00174972-00175301 um presence was number of page views EQ1CZ4cW72g-00751-00175302-00175469 um this was in that environment was EQ1CZ4cW72g-00752-00175470-00175690 patreon everything whenever you get and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00753-00175691-00175888 be active you had a page view that was EQ1CZ4cW72g-00754-00175889-00176183 your presence indicator an emperor EQ1CZ4cW72g-00755-00176184-00176363 activity was then basically the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00756-00176364-00176640 initiative indicator plus responsiveness EQ1CZ4cW72g-00757-00176641-00176897 divided by presence EQ1CZ4cW72g-00758-00176898-00177107 and this was the way how we did EQ1CZ4cW72g-00759-00177108-00177359 analytics and we have two papers on this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00760-00177360-00177695 uh work from our own Shuffle and we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00761-00177696-00177971 could show that this widget already for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00762-00177972-00178259 this group did really helped to degrease EQ1CZ4cW72g-00763-00178260-00178516 a lot of conflicts we had but students EQ1CZ4cW72g-00764-00178517-00178685 that are surfing on the shoulders of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00765-00178686-00178990 others don't doing so much the teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-00766-00178991-00179147 really liked it they wanted to use this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00767-00179148-00179399 for sure for assessment then but this is EQ1CZ4cW72g-00768-00179400-00179651 a repurposing task this was really meant EQ1CZ4cW72g-00769-00179652-00180028 to give feedback to a study group and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00770-00180029-00180226 um yeah it was a really positively EQ1CZ4cW72g-00771-00180227-00180401 perceived EQ1CZ4cW72g-00772-00180402-00180647 and was a nice study you know but this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00773-00180648-00180869 is early analytics this is using just EQ1CZ4cW72g-00774-00180870-00181163 log data and do no further artificial EQ1CZ4cW72g-00775-00181164-00181409 intelligence something on it and I just EQ1CZ4cW72g-00776-00181410-00181685 want to show you the same exercise on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00777-00181686-00181907 Forum activities with a group that we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00778-00181908-00182033 apply now EQ1CZ4cW72g-00779-00182034-00182351 this looks like this now so we have a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00780-00182352-00182597 correlation Matrix we have a bunch of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00781-00182598-00182933 indicators under there and you also see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00782-00182934-00183175 that the level uh the amount of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00783-00183176-00183385 indicators we use EQ1CZ4cW72g-00784-00183386-00183640 increased and it's no longer just a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00785-00183641-00183947 counting task it's really more an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00786-00183948-00184045 artificial EQ1CZ4cW72g-00787-00184046-00184409 intelligence task with using an advanced EQ1CZ4cW72g-00788-00184410-00184643 artificial intelligence so we still have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00789-00184644-00184888 participation user posts found in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00790-00184889-00185038 relation to the group EQ1CZ4cW72g-00791-00185039-00185357 newness is basically a semantic measure EQ1CZ4cW72g-00792-00185358-00185554 where we measure if you post something EQ1CZ4cW72g-00793-00185555-00185926 new to the group or you just start to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00794-00185927-00186137 um still repeating what others say or EQ1CZ4cW72g-00795-00186138-00186347 just agree so the newness level EQ1CZ4cW72g-00796-00186348-00186557 then density amount of information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00797-00186558-00186887 related to the lengths so because we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00798-00186888-00187090 measured lengths at one point but also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00799-00187091-00187301 then the density of this how much you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00800-00187302-00187469 actually contribute then with this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00801-00187470-00187763 length of text to it then we got EQ1CZ4cW72g-00802-00187764-00187885 responsive EQ1CZ4cW72g-00803-00187886-00188164 responsibility this is the semantic EQ1CZ4cW72g-00804-00188165-00188440 relatedness to peer pose so how much you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00805-00188441-00188699 really rely on arguments of the others EQ1CZ4cW72g-00806-00188700-00188902 and incorrect incorporate them into your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00807-00188903-00189016 reply EQ1CZ4cW72g-00808-00189017-00189376 social impact this is really how often EQ1CZ4cW72g-00809-00189377-00189707 people use arguments from you posts and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00810-00189708-00190007 use it in their peer posts and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00811-00190008-00190271 internal cohesion semantic relateness of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00812-00190272-00190564 your post of your own posts and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00813-00190565-00190733 uncertainty we also can measure the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00814-00190734-00190925 uncertainty level of posts and you can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00815-00190926-00191195 see easily from this indicators that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00816-00191196-00191459 they are so much richer than the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00817-00191460-00191819 indicators we had in 2015 that we can EQ1CZ4cW72g-00818-00191820-00192016 get really highly informative feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-00819-00192017-00192287 about how you write how well you do it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00820-00192288-00192509 and how you could improve this and this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00821-00192510-00192809 ongoing work and on top of this we also EQ1CZ4cW72g-00822-00192810-00193085 have different types of students EQ1CZ4cW72g-00823-00193086-00193343 different cohorts that receive this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00824-00193344-00193552 so if you consider a teacher training EQ1CZ4cW72g-00825-00193553-00193673 program EQ1CZ4cW72g-00826-00193674-00193835 um that applies to learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00827-00193836-00194038 you should really go to this late this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00828-00194039-00194387 models of learning analytics and not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00829-00194388-00194609 um not redo basically the things we have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00830-00194610-00195113 been doing uh five six seven years ago EQ1CZ4cW72g-00831-00195114-00195485 okay example of growing Alex and schools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00832-00195486-00195701 um so what are this do what are actually EQ1CZ4cW72g-00833-00195702-00196054 teach us in the schools are facing so as EQ1CZ4cW72g-00834-00196055-00196223 we said already in teacher training we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00835-00196224-00196463 haven't seen so much learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00836-00196464-00196661 applications at least there's not so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00837-00196662-00196931 much published about it but for sure if EQ1CZ4cW72g-00838-00196932-00197104 you're a teacher in a school you you you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00839-00197105-00197326 face a lot of digital systems in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00840-00197327-00197704 meantime so um and we we just choose one EQ1CZ4cW72g-00841-00197705-00197987 open and one commercial platform to just EQ1CZ4cW72g-00842-00197988-00198251 give two examples in the report math EQ1CZ4cW72g-00843-00198252-00198478 tutor is an intelligent tutoring system EQ1CZ4cW72g-00844-00198479-00198778 that you can create class lists and so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00845-00198779-00199211 on and it's divided into problem sets of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00846-00199212-00199547 math so it can give very well describe EQ1CZ4cW72g-00847-00199548-00199745 if a student has understood certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00848-00199746-00200038 concepts of mathematics and the teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00849-00200039-00200237 can select then different problem sets EQ1CZ4cW72g-00850-00200238-00200399 and make assignments for the students EQ1CZ4cW72g-00851-00200400-00200687 and also receive them on dashboards EQ1CZ4cW72g-00852-00200688-00200890 certain information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00853-00200891-00201107 um about the feedback about the perform EQ1CZ4cW72g-00854-00201108-00201443 moments of of the students in that class EQ1CZ4cW72g-00855-00201444-00201719 so and that's a typical analytic system EQ1CZ4cW72g-00856-00201720-00201869 for Mars that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00857-00201870-00201935 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-00858-00201936-00202145 that is used these days EQ1CZ4cW72g-00859-00202146-00202426 and just going back to the Netherlands EQ1CZ4cW72g-00860-00202427-00202793 again their snap it is um a big provider EQ1CZ4cW72g-00861-00202794-00203050 of commercial commercial Learning System EQ1CZ4cW72g-00862-00203051-00203219 we could have taken many other EQ1CZ4cW72g-00863-00203220-00203519 commercial systems here EQ1CZ4cW72g-00864-00203520-00203788 um for the we just used one open one EQ1CZ4cW72g-00865-00203789-00204083 commercial system and also here you see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00866-00204084-00204275 it's similar to mass tutor it's also for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00867-00204276-00204514 Mass training it uses learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00868-00204515-00204790 algorithms to adapt exercises to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00869-00204791-00205084 current skill level of certain people in EQ1CZ4cW72g-00870-00205085-00205307 school and then the algorithm models EQ1CZ4cW72g-00871-00205308-00205481 then the probability that student EQ1CZ4cW72g-00872-00205482-00205751 answers a question correctly and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00873-00205752-00205990 calculating its student ability score EQ1CZ4cW72g-00874-00205991-00206279 they call it and for here also you get EQ1CZ4cW72g-00875-00206280-00206488 10 dashboards like this where you as a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00876-00206489-00206866 teacher can all go over the um the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00877-00206867-00207053 exercises you see your class you see EQ1CZ4cW72g-00878-00207054-00207286 what is going wrong and well and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-00879-00207287-00207484 you could select one of the students we EQ1CZ4cW72g-00880-00207485-00207677 are multiple things going not so well EQ1CZ4cW72g-00881-00207678-00207892 and Provo and put them into a class to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00882-00207894-00208001 really EQ1CZ4cW72g-00883-00208002-00208205 um do more EQ1CZ4cW72g-00884-00208206-00208492 um exercises with them and to basically EQ1CZ4cW72g-00885-00208494-00208673 bring them on the same level the classes EQ1CZ4cW72g-00886-00208673-00208948 already EQ1CZ4cW72g-00887-00208950-00209134 Financial Training scenarios for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00888-00209135-00209357 teachers trainings so we together with EQ1CZ4cW72g-00889-00209358-00209531 Benjamin we thought now what what could EQ1CZ4cW72g-00890-00209532-00209734 we do basically to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00891-00209735-00209951 um get training scenarios for Teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00892-00209952-00210232 trainers to to work on this and they are EQ1CZ4cW72g-00893-00210233-00210539 currently two promising exercises from EQ1CZ4cW72g-00894-00210540-00210731 my point of view EQ1CZ4cW72g-00895-00210732-00211025 um one thing is The Fellowship of The EQ1CZ4cW72g-00896-00211026-00211217 Learning analytics learning activity EQ1CZ4cW72g-00897-00211217-00211451 this this is very nice because it's very EQ1CZ4cW72g-00898-00211452-00211691 low Tech you can basically EQ1CZ4cW72g-00899-00211692-00211871 um it's a board game you bring into the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00900-00211871-00212260 into a room and you you use these cards EQ1CZ4cW72g-00901-00212261-00212446 you have different cards or what kind of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00902-00212448-00212627 pedagogy you're doing and what you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00903-00212628-00212819 actually do here is you work on EQ1CZ4cW72g-00904-00212819-00213065 indicators so you put down your whole EQ1CZ4cW72g-00905-00213066-00213413 course you enter the class you do appear EQ1CZ4cW72g-00906-00213414-00213634 work how do they do the peer work what EQ1CZ4cW72g-00907-00213635-00213815 technology are using and then we build EQ1CZ4cW72g-00908-00213816-00214115 up on this process step by step what EQ1CZ4cW72g-00909-00214116-00214265 kind of indicators and what kind of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00910-00214266-00214475 tools could be there and also what your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00911-00214476-00214744 question as a teacher or as a teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-00912-00214746-00214942 trainer for this course is and this is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00913-00214944-00215146 very powerful method for people that EQ1CZ4cW72g-00914-00215148-00215310 have no clue about EQ1CZ4cW72g-00915-00215311-00215513 learning analytics but also the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00916-00215514-00215773 technology behind EQ1CZ4cW72g-00917-00215773-00215992 behind certain educational technology EQ1CZ4cW72g-00918-00215994-00216301 tools to build up such a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00919-00216302-00216665 course and become aware of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00920-00216666-00216844 indicators that are used there EQ1CZ4cW72g-00921-00216846-00217103 and since Corona we also have a digital EQ1CZ4cW72g-00922-00217104-00217313 version of this where you can basically EQ1CZ4cW72g-00923-00217314-00217589 once you understood the board game you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00924-00217590-00217865 can use the digital version to lay out EQ1CZ4cW72g-00925-00217866-00218039 your cards you can store the information EQ1CZ4cW72g-00926-00218040-00218279 there you can bring courses back so it EQ1CZ4cW72g-00927-00218280-00218471 becomes really important actually a EQ1CZ4cW72g-00928-00218471-00218651 Knowledge Management tool about the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00929-00218652-00218831 knowledge in the tactics that you have EQ1CZ4cW72g-00930-00218832-00218958 in your EQ1CZ4cW72g-00931-00218959-00219298 institution and also here you can put EQ1CZ4cW72g-00932-00219300-00219503 them the same cards in the same way and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00933-00219504-00219760 so we're really fascinated by this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00934-00219761-00219982 method maybe you can watch some of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00935-00219983-00220139 videos about this or let's have a look EQ1CZ4cW72g-00936-00220140-00220434 at this if you consider to train EQ1CZ4cW72g-00937-00220435-00220660 teachers on how to use learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00938-00220661-00221039 analytics in their classes EQ1CZ4cW72g-00939-00221040-00221255 um another more high-tech methods to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00940-00221256-00221591 train teachers are hackathons or data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00941-00221592-00221789 competitions what you see here to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00942-00221790-00222148 left is basically one data set that has EQ1CZ4cW72g-00943-00222150-00222431 been used by different teams and they EQ1CZ4cW72g-00944-00222432-00222658 provided different visualizations so EQ1CZ4cW72g-00945-00222659-00222869 it's a nice way also to to understand EQ1CZ4cW72g-00946-00222869-00223103 well the data that you provide if you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00947-00223104-00223258 apply different classification EQ1CZ4cW72g-00948-00223259-00223637 algorithms to it and if you do different EQ1CZ4cW72g-00949-00223638-00223906 other things to it and represent this EQ1CZ4cW72g-00950-00223907-00224044 data in a very different way and it's EQ1CZ4cW72g-00951-00224046-00224387 also a way to really become aware of EQ1CZ4cW72g-00952-00224388-00224675 um of data and especially if this data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00953-00224676-00224903 is Meaningful to your organization EQ1CZ4cW72g-00954-00224904-00225203 and um this was for us also an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00955-00225204-00225419 eye-opener when we did this uh already EQ1CZ4cW72g-00956-00225419-00225844 in 2014 that it is really powerful to to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00957-00225846-00226181 have this um hackathons to use the data EQ1CZ4cW72g-00958-00226182-00226444 set and to work with it in certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-00959-00226446-00226775 um certain questions about that and um EQ1CZ4cW72g-00960-00226776-00227123 you can also do this more guided and you EQ1CZ4cW72g-00961-00227123-00227381 provide the digital tools that are not EQ1CZ4cW72g-00962-00227382-00227615 so afforded and are not so difficult to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00963-00227616-00227879 use and put teams together to basically EQ1CZ4cW72g-00964-00227880-00228077 work on this but this is a very powerful EQ1CZ4cW72g-00965-00228078-00228275 method too EQ1CZ4cW72g-00966-00228276-00228569 um where you can work on a demanding EQ1CZ4cW72g-00967-00228569-00228748 data Challenge on a topic you want to EQ1CZ4cW72g-00968-00228750-00229181 work on or to train a community on how EQ1CZ4cW72g-00969-00229182-00229360 to work with new types of data for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00970-00229361-00229708 digital tools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00971-00229709-00230015 and getting to the end of my uh of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00972-00230016-00230255 presentation of the report and that's EQ1CZ4cW72g-00973-00230256-00230519 our well a vision we formulated for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00974-00230519-00230705 learning Alex supported professional EQ1CZ4cW72g-00975-00230706-00230951 training program EQ1CZ4cW72g-00976-00230952-00231269 um and then we thought uh yeah why why EQ1CZ4cW72g-00977-00231269-00231491 should actually uh someone or an EQ1CZ4cW72g-00978-00231492-00231706 organization put out a professional EQ1CZ4cW72g-00979-00231707-00231910 training program on learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-00980-00231911-00232325 or usage of data in education and so and EQ1CZ4cW72g-00981-00232326-00232546 the reasons are really pretty clear well EQ1CZ4cW72g-00982-00232548-00232696 many higher education institutions EQ1CZ4cW72g-00983-00232698-00232913 increasingly take advantage of learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-00984-00232914-00233260 Analytics in their study programs EQ1CZ4cW72g-00985-00233261-00233458 um also when you buy in certain tools EQ1CZ4cW72g-00986-00233459-00233639 they have an analytics component in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-00987-00233640-00233734 meantime EQ1CZ4cW72g-00988-00233735-00233915 and the teacher is therefore pacing EQ1CZ4cW72g-00989-00233916-00234071 increasingly learning analytic systems EQ1CZ4cW72g-00990-00234071-00234232 in their classrooms EQ1CZ4cW72g-00991-00234233-00234515 and but while initial teacher education EQ1CZ4cW72g-00992-00234516-00234742 at universities lays foundation for EQ1CZ4cW72g-00993-00234744-00234898 these first years of the teacher's EQ1CZ4cW72g-00994-00234900-00234994 career EQ1CZ4cW72g-00995-00234996-00235201 they are far more relevant EQ1CZ4cW72g-00996-00235202-00235408 professionalization happens in the Years EQ1CZ4cW72g-00997-00235409-00235619 thereafter and also technology develops EQ1CZ4cW72g-00998-00235619-00235951 thereafter and therefore we are actually EQ1CZ4cW72g-00999-00235952-00236134 reassured that it would really make EQ1CZ4cW72g-01000-00236135-00236371 sense to have a continuous EQ1CZ4cW72g-01001-00236371-00236629 professionalization program for teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-01002-00236630-00236915 on on the topic of analytics because EQ1CZ4cW72g-01003-00236916-00237208 also technology with the latest shared EQ1CZ4cW72g-01004-00237209-00237431 gbt you might have followed this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01005-00237432-00237605 discussion it's all over in the media EQ1CZ4cW72g-01006-00237606-00238039 really changes educational practices and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01007-00238040-00238303 also demands New EQ1CZ4cW72g-01008-00238304-00238565 Concepts for assessment and so on to us EQ1CZ4cW72g-01009-00238566-00238751 and therefore teachers need to be aware EQ1CZ4cW72g-01010-00238752-00238931 of this and I think there there's a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01011-00238932-00239182 space for this professional education of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01012-00239183-00239441 teachers and how could you do this well EQ1CZ4cW72g-01013-00239442-00239632 consider the target group it will be EQ1CZ4cW72g-01014-00239633-00239842 more adult Learners than students or EQ1CZ4cW72g-01015-00239844-00240065 pupils that's something to take into EQ1CZ4cW72g-01016-00240066-00240263 account and it's teaching professionals EQ1CZ4cW72g-01017-00240264-00240425 so EQ1CZ4cW72g-01018-00240426-00240617 um you should also consider that they EQ1CZ4cW72g-01019-00240617-00240808 really know about educational theories EQ1CZ4cW72g-01020-00240809-00241001 and you should not provide them with EQ1CZ4cW72g-01021-00241002-00241265 easy quick win analytics like the one EQ1CZ4cW72g-01022-00241266-00241505 that I showed you about Counting blog EQ1CZ4cW72g-01023-00241506-00241792 posts and so on but rather provide them EQ1CZ4cW72g-01024-00241794-00242134 also with a method of Teach as you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01025-00242135-00242410 breach method to really show them EQ1CZ4cW72g-01026-00242411-00242651 um an attractive feedback that comes EQ1CZ4cW72g-01027-00242652-00242891 from analytic methods to also be an EQ1CZ4cW72g-01028-00242892-00243173 eye-opener for them when they go back to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01029-00243173-00243329 their schools what else on analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01030-00243330-00243569 they can do or to challenge the the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01031-00243569-00243994 systems they bought or apply currently EQ1CZ4cW72g-01032-00243996-00244360 yeah that already brings us for to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01033-00244361-00244594 end of the presentation of this first EQ1CZ4cW72g-01034-00244596-00244751 um day EQ1CZ4cW72g-01035-00244752-00244991 um with the announcement again for the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01036-00244992-00245231 webinar tomorrow and I'm very pleased EQ1CZ4cW72g-01037-00245232-00245458 that we have time to discuss now EQ1CZ4cW72g-01038-00245459-00245632 um what is much more meaningful for you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01039-00245633-00245879 guys than listening to me and because EQ1CZ4cW72g-01040-00245880-00246232 all of this is also in the report EQ1CZ4cW72g-01041-00246233-00246532 great many many thanks uh Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-01042-00246533-00246767 Draxler so for that uh interesting EQ1CZ4cW72g-01043-00246767-00247013 overview on the topic EQ1CZ4cW72g-01044-00247014-00247115 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01045-00247116-00247348 so I have a couple questions myself but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01046-00247350-00247558 there have been two questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-01047-00247559-00247858 um posted in the chat so um uh let's EQ1CZ4cW72g-01048-00247859-00248027 start with those EQ1CZ4cW72g-01049-00248028-00248260 um I'm also gonna give everybody the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01050-00248261-00248555 opportunity to um directly answer or EQ1CZ4cW72g-01051-00248556-00248729 directly raise their questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-01052-00248730-00248944 um so you can use your microphone if you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01053-00248946-00249329 want to do that please raise your hand EQ1CZ4cW72g-01054-00249330-00249653 um and then I will give you the relevant EQ1CZ4cW72g-01055-00249654-00249839 um rights and you can directly ask your EQ1CZ4cW72g-01056-00249840-00250181 question I I would like to also um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01057-00250182-00250469 um highlight that um I think this is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01058-00250469-00250613 really great opportunity to ask EQ1CZ4cW72g-01059-00250614-00250853 questions not just about what Professor EQ1CZ4cW72g-01060-00250854-00250979 director was talking about in this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01061-00250980-00251171 presentation but maybe also quite EQ1CZ4cW72g-01062-00251171-00251392 practical questions you might be EQ1CZ4cW72g-01063-00251394-00251548 considering EQ1CZ4cW72g-01064-00251550-00251777 um using learning analytics in your own EQ1CZ4cW72g-01065-00251778-00251915 context EQ1CZ4cW72g-01066-00251916-00252119 um and as as Professor Drex was talking EQ1CZ4cW72g-01067-00252119-00252263 about I mean he has quite a lot of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01068-00252264-00252503 experience of also the implementation EQ1CZ4cW72g-01069-00252504-00252791 and of course also the research so I EQ1CZ4cW72g-01070-00252792-00252946 think it's a really good opportunity to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01071-00252948-00253210 to um yeah ask any questions you might EQ1CZ4cW72g-01072-00253211-00253408 have and um I see there are a couple EQ1CZ4cW72g-01073-00253409-00253691 already here but uh yeah please please EQ1CZ4cW72g-01074-00253692-00253937 keep them coming let's start with a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01075-00253938-00254110 question from EQ1CZ4cW72g-01076-00254111-00254248 um it's actually a colleague of mine who EQ1CZ4cW72g-01077-00254250-00254375 also works on the European schoolnet EQ1CZ4cW72g-01078-00254376-00254681 academy uh Fe saltido Effie do you want EQ1CZ4cW72g-01079-00254682-00254975 to raise your question directly yourself EQ1CZ4cW72g-01080-00254976-00255413 you have microphone rights yes sure EQ1CZ4cW72g-01081-00255414-00255587 um well thank you very much for this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01082-00255588-00255892 very interesting presentation EQ1CZ4cW72g-01083-00255894-00256132 um my question is the following it's EQ1CZ4cW72g-01084-00256133-00256444 more about the Critics on the on the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01085-00256446-00256691 data and metrics in learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01086-00256692-00256882 in general and the fact that they can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01087-00256883-00257171 lead in a narrow uh view on student EQ1CZ4cW72g-01088-00257171-00257351 learning in England may be other EQ1CZ4cW72g-01089-00257352-00257608 important aspects as such as creativity EQ1CZ4cW72g-01090-00257609-00257837 critical thinking and emotional EQ1CZ4cW72g-01091-00257838-00258106 intelligence for example and I would EQ1CZ4cW72g-01092-00258107-00258337 like to hear your view on that and also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01093-00258338-00258755 another point is concerning the lack of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01094-00258756-00259084 knowledge or understanding of the field EQ1CZ4cW72g-01095-00259085-00259330 of learning analytics by administrators EQ1CZ4cW72g-01096-00259331-00259630 and Educators and which may lead to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01097-00259631-00259948 misuse or misinterpretation of the data EQ1CZ4cW72g-01098-00259950-00260255 and results so I suppose some education EQ1CZ4cW72g-01099-00260256-00260489 and training is needed in this area as EQ1CZ4cW72g-01100-00260490-00260669 well so I would like to hear your views EQ1CZ4cW72g-01101-00260669-00261041 your view and your suggestions related EQ1CZ4cW72g-01102-00261042-00261305 to this too actually it's two questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-01103-00261306-00261544 yeah thank you so much AP that's that's EQ1CZ4cW72g-01104-00261546-00261815 wonderful questions and you really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01105-00261816-00262013 um you really raised critical ones here EQ1CZ4cW72g-01106-00262014-00262337 that um that I really appreciate EQ1CZ4cW72g-01107-00262338-00262601 um so uh regarding your first question EQ1CZ4cW72g-01108-00262602-00262937 about the narrow through um I fully EQ1CZ4cW72g-01109-00262938-00263021 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01110-00263022-00263260 I believe second actually what you're EQ1CZ4cW72g-01111-00263261-00263441 saying here so there's also a clear EQ1CZ4cW72g-01112-00263442-00263699 danger it's but it's in all systems EQ1CZ4cW72g-01113-00263700-00263927 whenever we bring a number up let's just EQ1CZ4cW72g-01114-00263928-00264077 put it as a number analytics as an EQ1CZ4cW72g-01115-00264078-00264341 output output is a number basically then EQ1CZ4cW72g-01116-00264342-00264647 these numbers can be misleading so there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01117-00264648-00264767 was once EQ1CZ4cW72g-01118-00264768-00264934 um I don't know if it's true story or EQ1CZ4cW72g-01119-00264935-00265163 something that somebody came into a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01120-00265164-00265403 library in UK and there was a student EQ1CZ4cW72g-01121-00265404-00265703 that moves his entry EQ1CZ4cW72g-01122-00265704-00265889 um he always moved through the entry out EQ1CZ4cW72g-01123-00265890-00266141 and in and then someone asks what you're EQ1CZ4cW72g-01124-00266142-00266308 doing here and he said oh I need to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01125-00266309-00266608 increase my library score so this would EQ1CZ4cW72g-01126-00266609-00266849 be a typical example of a misleading EQ1CZ4cW72g-01127-00266850-00267065 analytics indicator if we would take EQ1CZ4cW72g-01128-00267066-00267280 this into account EQ1CZ4cW72g-01129-00267281-00267563 um and and sometimes these numbers also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01130-00267564-00267773 get an own Dynamic right it's really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01131-00267774-00267953 like a Pandora box EQ1CZ4cW72g-01132-00267954-00268103 um also the example that I showed you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01133-00268104-00268427 and this this spider graph was gave EQ1CZ4cW72g-01134-00268428-00268589 feedback to that group was really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01135-00268590-00268847 intended was to do with the target to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01136-00268848-00269160 support the students to on better EQ1CZ4cW72g-01137-00269161-00269447 to better balance their work but then EQ1CZ4cW72g-01138-00269448-00269693 quickly the teacher said oh that's great EQ1CZ4cW72g-01139-00269694-00269899 we want to use this for the assessment EQ1CZ4cW72g-01140-00269900-00270239 and and this is a repurposing of that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01141-00270240-00270443 whole thing it was invented to what we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01142-00270444-00270689 also forbid basically EQ1CZ4cW72g-01143-00270690-00270827 um because this would have been an EQ1CZ4cW72g-01144-00270828-00271019 unfair treatment it would not be EQ1CZ4cW72g-01145-00271020-00271277 mentioned in the beginning and so on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01146-00271278-00271517 so there's a lot to say about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01147-00271518-00271756 um about these numbers that that are EQ1CZ4cW72g-01148-00271757-00271906 brought up EQ1CZ4cW72g-01149-00271907-00272237 um and especially if you buy into such a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01150-00272238-00272434 system very often you don't have the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01151-00272435-00272621 technical still to do something like EQ1CZ4cW72g-01152-00272622-00272777 this on your own or you need to work EQ1CZ4cW72g-01153-00272778-00273125 with a partner like us and then in a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01154-00273126-00273334 project or so then you can do this but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01155-00273335-00273545 most of the time you buy into a system EQ1CZ4cW72g-01156-00273546-00273725 and also there we need to be very honest EQ1CZ4cW72g-01157-00273726-00273953 that many of these systems the analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01158-00273954-00274180 is not well developed it's just written EQ1CZ4cW72g-01159-00274181-00274415 there the data behind is very weak when EQ1CZ4cW72g-01160-00274416-00274606 you talk to an engineer of one of these EQ1CZ4cW72g-01161-00274607-00274787 systems they never thought about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01162-00274788-00275008 competences what is the competence they EQ1CZ4cW72g-01163-00275009-00275243 just use certain numbers put them EQ1CZ4cW72g-01164-00275244-00275405 together and then there's a number out EQ1CZ4cW72g-01165-00275406-00275771 so this is why critical thinking is so EQ1CZ4cW72g-01166-00275772-00276095 much needed and there's no um while EQ1CZ4cW72g-01167-00276096-00276263 triangles which also said it once EQ1CZ4cW72g-01168-00276264-00276539 there's no one-size-fits-all solution to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01169-00276540-00276743 analytics it's always an analytic EQ1CZ4cW72g-01170-00276744-00276953 process is close to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01171-00276954-00277139 um the philosophy or the culture of your EQ1CZ4cW72g-01172-00277140-00277373 organization because you also need to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01173-00277374-00277577 give this number a place and you also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01174-00277578-00277799 need to know what is behind this number EQ1CZ4cW72g-01175-00277800-00278082 and this is why we say well there's no EQ1CZ4cW72g-01176-00278083-00278315 one-size-fits all and you do need to do EQ1CZ4cW72g-01177-00278316-00278519 it very carefully but what I showed you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01178-00278520-00278729 there after was the new approach that we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01179-00278730-00279041 applied now we have highly satisfied EQ1CZ4cW72g-01180-00279042-00279258 students you need to imagine and and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01181-00279259-00279484 Frankfurt you come into one of these EQ1CZ4cW72g-01182-00279485-00279665 introduction courses you sit there with EQ1CZ4cW72g-01183-00279666-00279875 1 000 students or with 800 other EQ1CZ4cW72g-01184-00279876-00280073 students you don't get any feedback at EQ1CZ4cW72g-01185-00280074-00280343 all and what we can do now with this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01186-00280344-00280558 highly informative learning analytics is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01187-00280559-00280865 that in one week we give you feedback on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01188-00280866-00281099 certain Dimensions that are really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01189-00281100-00281297 important and that are competences you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01190-00281298-00281447 should develop EQ1CZ4cW72g-01191-00281448-00281705 um during your studies and this this is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01192-00281706-00281875 where I believe in and where I think EQ1CZ4cW72g-01193-00281876-00282232 there is power and but then really it EQ1CZ4cW72g-01194-00282233-00282413 takes more time to invest this and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-01195-00282414-00282532 we consider EQ1CZ4cW72g-01196-00282533-00282797 not creativity but we consider critical EQ1CZ4cW72g-01197-00282798-00283037 thinking for instance and I'm also not a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01198-00283038-00283360 fan of emotional uh in Emotion tracking EQ1CZ4cW72g-01199-00283361-00283571 emotional intelligence EQ1CZ4cW72g-01200-00283572-00283780 um so we really go for certain EQ1CZ4cW72g-01201-00283781-00284063 competences like uh critically thinking EQ1CZ4cW72g-01202-00284064-00284255 is definitely one of that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01203-00284256-00284429 um but also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01204-00284430-00284791 for instance planning EQ1CZ4cW72g-01205-00284792-00284993 customizing we have one other exercise EQ1CZ4cW72g-01206-00284994-00285179 where you need to read the text and then EQ1CZ4cW72g-01207-00285180-00285430 you need to make a concept map and we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01208-00285431-00285623 can follow you how you do this concept EQ1CZ4cW72g-01209-00285624-00285803 map and can support you and really give EQ1CZ4cW72g-01210-00285804-00285958 you feedback if you understood the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01211-00285959-00286205 concepts that that you're modeling there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01212-00286206-00286456 your own well and how you can improve EQ1CZ4cW72g-01213-00286457-00286697 this so there's this highly informative EQ1CZ4cW72g-01214-00286698-00286877 level that we really get to with more EQ1CZ4cW72g-01215-00286878-00287080 data but you need to have a good expert EQ1CZ4cW72g-01216-00287081-00287297 to do this and I would not trust the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01217-00287298-00287549 next analytics around the corner EQ1CZ4cW72g-01218-00287550-00287879 yeah I don't so this is my take on this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01219-00287880-00287956 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01220-00287957-00288197 um and that also applies then to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01221-00288198-00288365 administrator part what I talked EQ1CZ4cW72g-01222-00288366-00288563 actually about the commercial companies EQ1CZ4cW72g-01223-00288564-00288737 then you quickly I mean it's a company EQ1CZ4cW72g-01224-00288738-00288953 they need to earn money they quickly EQ1CZ4cW72g-01225-00288954-00289217 make an indicator up and they don't put EQ1CZ4cW72g-01226-00289218-00289505 much research behind this so in that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01227-00289506-00289751 sense there there is a challenge and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01228-00289752-00289913 there's a lot of space of critical EQ1CZ4cW72g-01229-00289914-00290356 thinking about this yes EQ1CZ4cW72g-01230-00290357-00290537 many thanks for that comprehensive EQ1CZ4cW72g-01231-00290538-00290680 answer EQ1CZ4cW72g-01232-00290681-00290860 um there's a couple more questions uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-01233-00290861-00291053 coming up here uh one question is from EQ1CZ4cW72g-01234-00291054-00291293 Anna Maria lizotti EQ1CZ4cW72g-01235-00291294-00291443 um about if a teacher would like to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01236-00291444-00291593 learn about learning analytics are there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01237-00291594-00291923 workshops or courses in Europe or online EQ1CZ4cW72g-01238-00291924-00292132 um do you have anything that comes to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01239-00292133-00292319 mind from your perspective EQ1CZ4cW72g-01240-00292320-00292523 um that's worth flagging up there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01241-00292524-00292858 in Europe well the Society of learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-01242-00292859-00293099 analytics research has really a strong EQ1CZ4cW72g-01243-00293100-00293339 movement always to implement it also in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01244-00293340-00293506 schools at least it was before the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01245-00293507-00293669 pandemic EQ1CZ4cW72g-01246-00293670-00293849 um and there's always also a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01247-00293850-00294053 practitioner track but then you need to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01248-00294054-00294317 attend this conference uh it will be in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01249-00294318-00294575 Texas in March again but then it moves EQ1CZ4cW72g-01250-00294576-00294845 also next year will be Japan and so on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01251-00294846-00295025 but there's an offer and they also have EQ1CZ4cW72g-01252-00295026-00295295 a lot of webinars that you can sign up EQ1CZ4cW72g-01253-00295296-00295529 for free where you see latest research EQ1CZ4cW72g-01254-00295530-00295673 of people it's more the research EQ1CZ4cW72g-01255-00295674-00295858 Community but this is a very open EQ1CZ4cW72g-01256-00295859-00296075 community that you can join in and make EQ1CZ4cW72g-01257-00296076-00296363 connection to but there's no tailored EQ1CZ4cW72g-01258-00296364-00296615 offer for for teachers actually in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01259-00296616-00296884 Europe so I think this is really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01260-00296885-00297203 um a gap that that also Benjamin and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01261-00297204-00297437 European schoolnet identified I guess EQ1CZ4cW72g-01262-00297438-00297743 yeah and I I must also say that at the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01263-00297744-00297934 level of arrow for European school-led EQ1CZ4cW72g-01264-00297935-00298060 Academy we don't have something EQ1CZ4cW72g-01265-00298061-00298253 dedicated to learning analytics in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01266-00298254-00298553 particular we do have a course coming up EQ1CZ4cW72g-01267-00298554-00298780 on the topic of artificial intelligence EQ1CZ4cW72g-01268-00298781-00299075 AI basics for schools EQ1CZ4cW72g-01269-00299076-00299273 um so there are elements linked to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01270-00299274-00299495 use of data being picked up there and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01271-00299496-00299705 then also um on the European school EQ1CZ4cW72g-01272-00299706-00299873 education platform from the European EQ1CZ4cW72g-01273-00299874-00299987 commission EQ1CZ4cW72g-01274-00299988-00300215 um back in last year November there was EQ1CZ4cW72g-01275-00300216-00300413 a course on the effective use of data in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01276-00300414-00300725 in the classroom so um there are courses EQ1CZ4cW72g-01277-00300726-00300893 out there and we can put the put the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01278-00300894-00301210 links in the in the chats in a moment EQ1CZ4cW72g-01279-00301211-00301445 um but there's definitely not enough so EQ1CZ4cW72g-01280-00301446-00301643 um that's uh definitely something that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01281-00301644-00301882 we we had um identified and and one of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01282-00301883-00302008 the reasons why we also wanted to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01283-00302009-00302356 address this topic here today EQ1CZ4cW72g-01284-00302357-00302489 um there's another question here from EQ1CZ4cW72g-01285-00302490-00302801 Federico malpica Federico do you want to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01286-00302802-00302987 um maybe raise your question directly to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01287-00302988-00303149 Professor Draxler EQ1CZ4cW72g-01288-00303150-00303521 um and I can give you the uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-01289-00303522-00303784 um rights to do so just give me just a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01290-00303785-00304301 second yes EQ1CZ4cW72g-01291-00304302-00304571 okay so you should now be able to unmute EQ1CZ4cW72g-01292-00304572-00304804 yourself and also show your camera very EQ1CZ4cW72g-01293-00304805-00304979 cool so please go ahead thank you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01294-00304980-00305147 Benjamin and thank you very much EQ1CZ4cW72g-01295-00305148-00305387 Professor that's clear I have two EQ1CZ4cW72g-01296-00305388-00305675 questions one is related to I'm a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01297-00305676-00305854 practitioner of uh teaching training and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01298-00305855-00306101 we are using a platform to to develop EQ1CZ4cW72g-01299-00306102-00306256 this teaching training in different EQ1CZ4cW72g-01300-00306257-00306491 Spanish speaking countries mostly but um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01301-00306492-00306760 my questions are one is what are the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01302-00306761-00307054 best practices uh using learning EQ1CZ4cW72g-01303-00307055-00307180 analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01304-00307181-00307380 um related to artificial intelligence EQ1CZ4cW72g-01305-00307381-00307660 for teaching training that you know this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01306-00307661-00307882 is you have some some examples about it EQ1CZ4cW72g-01307-00307883-00308225 and the other what is my mainly concern EQ1CZ4cW72g-01308-00308226-00308501 is that notice it's not about the the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01309-00308502-00308675 instructional design of the course but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01310-00308676-00308915 the instructional design after the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01311-00308916-00309208 course so my second question is how can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01312-00309209-00309430 learning analytics can be applied to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01313-00309431-00309604 following up teachers after teaching EQ1CZ4cW72g-01314-00309605-00309797 training when they have to transfer to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01315-00309798-00310051 their own classrooms thank you very much EQ1CZ4cW72g-01316-00310052-00310360 yeah thanks Puerto Rico also very very EQ1CZ4cW72g-01317-00310361-00310558 important question let me just make one EQ1CZ4cW72g-01318-00310559-00310865 one clarification because I'm I'm not EQ1CZ4cW72g-01319-00310866-00311051 sure if this is clear when we talk EQ1CZ4cW72g-01320-00311052-00311315 artificial intelligence I mean this is a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01321-00311316-00311554 sea of algorithms right and when we talk EQ1CZ4cW72g-01322-00311555-00311771 learning analytics as the application of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01323-00311772-00311956 artificial intelligence in education EQ1CZ4cW72g-01324-00311957-00312119 purposes so EQ1CZ4cW72g-01325-00312120-00312269 in that sense EQ1CZ4cW72g-01326-00312270-00312377 um learning analytics is about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01327-00312378-00312569 artificial intelligence and the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01328-00312570-00312923 application of it very strongly and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01329-00312924-00313108 um regarding your question what are the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01330-00313109-00313277 best practices EQ1CZ4cW72g-01331-00313278-00313480 um of using artificial intelligence for EQ1CZ4cW72g-01332-00313481-00313637 teacher training so really train the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01333-00313638-00313732 teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-01334-00313733-00313906 um to to become knowledgeable about this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01335-00313907-00314206 I guess that's your question EQ1CZ4cW72g-01336-00314207-00314495 um we have been designing a course that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01337-00314496-00314687 we um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01338-00314688-00314879 thought that is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01339-00314880-00315160 um is important to know and and also in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01340-00315161-00315280 that course EQ1CZ4cW72g-01341-00315281-00315563 um we first do actually an exercise on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01342-00315564-00315730 ethics and privacy EQ1CZ4cW72g-01343-00315731-00315947 because especially for a teacher in the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01344-00315948-00316049 class EQ1CZ4cW72g-01345-00316050-00316253 um it's important to know where the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01346-00316254-00316589 boundaries of this information is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01347-00316590-00316925 um and then thereafter EQ1CZ4cW72g-01348-00316926-00317201 um we we really what we do now is we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01349-00317202-00317410 apply this folar method very strongly EQ1CZ4cW72g-01350-00317411-00317615 that that is also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01351-00317616-00317675 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01352-00317676-00317915 the easy be accessible you can attend EQ1CZ4cW72g-01353-00317916-00318143 courses for this and so on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01354-00318144-00318460 um and then we we use this um board game EQ1CZ4cW72g-01355-00318461-00318719 it's actually a method to really lay out EQ1CZ4cW72g-01356-00318720-00318887 with the teachers and then I think about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01357-00318888-00319175 folders we can really can carry on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01358-00319176-00319403 everyone from where they are so you come EQ1CZ4cW72g-01359-00319404-00319595 to a glass uh you come to our session EQ1CZ4cW72g-01360-00319596-00319853 with the Fuller board and you just tell EQ1CZ4cW72g-01361-00319854-00320056 us what what you teach and how you do it EQ1CZ4cW72g-01362-00320057-00320230 and you put the cards we have cards for EQ1CZ4cW72g-01363-00320231-00320423 this you put it on on that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01364-00320424-00320627 um board game EQ1CZ4cW72g-01365-00320628-00320860 um and then we you we ask you what are EQ1CZ4cW72g-01366-00320861-00321010 what is actually information you're EQ1CZ4cW72g-01367-00321011-00321239 missing I mean what is the target of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01368-00321240-00321430 learning analytics in your teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-01369-00321431-00321575 training what you want to achieve with EQ1CZ4cW72g-01370-00321576-00321760 this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01371-00321761-00322060 um uh and then when based on this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01372-00322061-00322282 information that this person wants to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01373-00322283-00322480 know that goes to there's no one size EQ1CZ4cW72g-01374-00322481-00322732 fits all it needs to be dedicated we can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01375-00322733-00322949 tell you what are certain indicators and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01376-00322950-00323213 informations for instance from these um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01377-00323214-00323447 open learning analytics repository you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01378-00323448-00323621 could use to measure certain things and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01379-00323622-00323837 to provide feedback and only if you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01380-00323838-00324004 satisfy these individual questions EQ1CZ4cW72g-01381-00324005-00324221 someone has I think then it's successful EQ1CZ4cW72g-01382-00324222-00324449 and you can't start very small you can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01383-00324450-00324695 start really very small but you should EQ1CZ4cW72g-01384-00324696-00324989 start small and once the people see the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01385-00324990-00325163 potential of it like I showed you in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01386-00325164-00325427 this very early example I had 13 years EQ1CZ4cW72g-01387-00325428-00325708 ago I think then then you basically have EQ1CZ4cW72g-01388-00325709-00326056 an A momentum that that that grows EQ1CZ4cW72g-01389-00326057-00326279 and regarding your second question how EQ1CZ4cW72g-01390-00326280-00326495 can language be applied to following up EQ1CZ4cW72g-01391-00326496-00326621 then EQ1CZ4cW72g-01392-00326622-00326821 um what we do then there we do a lot of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01393-00326822-00327058 dashboard work in the beginning we send EQ1CZ4cW72g-01394-00327059-00327269 out emails with text but the problem EQ1CZ4cW72g-01395-00327270-00327430 with this email is we cannot follow up EQ1CZ4cW72g-01396-00327431-00327647 what they actually do with it so we do EQ1CZ4cW72g-01397-00327648-00327827 dashboards in the meantime we also see EQ1CZ4cW72g-01398-00327828-00328030 how often and consult these dashboards EQ1CZ4cW72g-01399-00328031-00328229 and we try to make them very actionable EQ1CZ4cW72g-01400-00328230-00328529 we also ask them in these dashboards not EQ1CZ4cW72g-01401-00328530-00328804 just showing this information but they EQ1CZ4cW72g-01402-00328805-00329032 rate for us how well this information is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01403-00329033-00329267 if they can understand this information EQ1CZ4cW72g-01404-00329268-00329591 and they write a reflection prompt for EQ1CZ4cW72g-01405-00329592-00329765 their own what they want to do with this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01406-00329766-00329873 information EQ1CZ4cW72g-01407-00329874-00330106 and but this is a currently in research EQ1CZ4cW72g-01408-00330107-00330347 we do and with one of our EQ1CZ4cW72g-01409-00330348-00330460 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01410-00330461-00330737 uh Partners we also um do this in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01411-00330738-00331019 Germany currently there's teachers that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01412-00331020-00331258 get a information from analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01413-00331259-00331499 activity and they send out feedback EQ1CZ4cW72g-01414-00331500-00331679 messages to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01415-00331680-00331960 um to students then in that class EQ1CZ4cW72g-01416-00331961-00332141 um that's also something we do so we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01417-00332142-00332339 work a lot about over dashboards but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01418-00332340-00332519 making them active not just presenting EQ1CZ4cW72g-01419-00332520-00332806 information having their interaction EQ1CZ4cW72g-01420-00332807-00333017 with the dashboard EQ1CZ4cW72g-01421-00333018-00333563 I hope that answers your question a bit EQ1CZ4cW72g-01422-00333564-00333791 great many thanks thank you very much EQ1CZ4cW72g-01423-00333792-00333923 thank you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01424-00333924-00334193 thanks for the records for the question EQ1CZ4cW72g-01425-00334194-00334282 um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01426-00334283-00334397 no there haven't been any further EQ1CZ4cW72g-01427-00334398-00334589 questions in the chat so I'll take the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01428-00334590-00334691 opportunity EQ1CZ4cW72g-01429-00334692-00334984 um to to still ask uh my own question uh EQ1CZ4cW72g-01430-00334985-00335206 and I'm wondering if in the research EQ1CZ4cW72g-01431-00335207-00335429 literature there is any discussion about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01432-00335430-00335663 the impact that for example these EQ1CZ4cW72g-01433-00335664-00335860 dashboards that you have mentioned can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01434-00335861-00336065 have on the instructor or the teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-01435-00336066-00336245 trainer or the teacher EQ1CZ4cW72g-01436-00336246-00336467 um so does it for example EQ1CZ4cW72g-01437-00336468-00336808 um change their perception of their own EQ1CZ4cW72g-01438-00336809-00336953 role EQ1CZ4cW72g-01439-00336954-00337079 um is there a danger that the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01440-00337080-00337301 professional judgment or agency of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01441-00337302-00337475 instructor is eroded through this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01442-00337476-00337697 process of providing them all this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01443-00337698-00337991 information and potentially giving them EQ1CZ4cW72g-01444-00337992-00338165 predictions or even quite strong EQ1CZ4cW72g-01445-00338166-00338363 suggestions about certain actions EQ1CZ4cW72g-01446-00338364-00338608 regarding their learners EQ1CZ4cW72g-01447-00338609-00338710 all right EQ1CZ4cW72g-01448-00338711-00338975 you are great you are great people here EQ1CZ4cW72g-01449-00338976-00339263 so so mandatory important questions that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01450-00339264-00339460 you put on me that's really fantastic to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01451-00339461-00339671 see um and Benjamin yeah EQ1CZ4cW72g-01452-00339672-00339953 um actually the problem with research is EQ1CZ4cW72g-01453-00339954-00340084 um we can nicely do research on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01454-00340085-00340241 dashboards with students because there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01455-00340242-00340408 are always many students but they are EQ1CZ4cW72g-01456-00340409-00340619 not so many teachers so you end up in a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01457-00340620-00340769 paper that has EQ1CZ4cW72g-01458-00340770-00341134 um as data points one to ten uh teachers EQ1CZ4cW72g-01459-00341135-00341339 and there's not so much work actually EQ1CZ4cW72g-01460-00341340-00341627 really on what teachers do with this we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01461-00341628-00341843 see this increasing now slowly with EQ1CZ4cW72g-01462-00341844-00342065 qualitative research interview studies EQ1CZ4cW72g-01463-00342066-00342251 they did and so on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01464-00342252-00342401 um but also there it is it's really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01465-00342402-00342587 unexplored EQ1CZ4cW72g-01466-00342588-00342856 um an unexplored area and a lot more EQ1CZ4cW72g-01467-00342857-00343127 work to do with this EQ1CZ4cW72g-01468-00343128-00343475 um what we see with what a personal well EQ1CZ4cW72g-01469-00343476-00343684 it's not based on on evidence now but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01470-00343685-00343847 the personal thing that really surprised EQ1CZ4cW72g-01471-00343848-00344027 me in that work where we have been EQ1CZ4cW72g-01472-00344028-00344267 working with that stem education physics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01473-00344268-00344447 teachers and so on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01474-00344448-00344656 um and provided them that a dashboard EQ1CZ4cW72g-01475-00344657-00344891 where information is then I can send out EQ1CZ4cW72g-01476-00344892-00345173 feedback messages and we we did not dare EQ1CZ4cW72g-01477-00345174-00345358 to write the feedback messages so we EQ1CZ4cW72g-01478-00345359-00345532 gave them templates but actually they EQ1CZ4cW72g-01479-00345533-00345749 came back to us and said oh that's great EQ1CZ4cW72g-01480-00345750-00345965 could you make the full text for us that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01481-00345966-00346217 we just send it out and I was kind of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01482-00346218-00346441 shocked of this because then I mean EQ1CZ4cW72g-01483-00346442-00346715 artificial intelligence uh also with EQ1CZ4cW72g-01484-00346716-00347045 jgbt or learning analytics makes us lazy EQ1CZ4cW72g-01485-00347046-00347219 in a way right we don't use our brain EQ1CZ4cW72g-01486-00347220-00347579 anymore and I was kind of shocked seeing EQ1CZ4cW72g-01487-00347580-00347741 this reaction because I thought it's EQ1CZ4cW72g-01488-00347742-00347915 really in the responsibility of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01489-00347916-00348130 teacher to not send out automatic EQ1CZ4cW72g-01490-00348131-00348341 feedback messages rather than really EQ1CZ4cW72g-01491-00348342-00348532 think about it and customize them and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01492-00348533-00348671 make they give them the Personal Touch EQ1CZ4cW72g-01493-00348672-00348773 they need EQ1CZ4cW72g-01494-00348774-00349175 and um so yeah there's a this is an area EQ1CZ4cW72g-01495-00349176-00349337 that really needs to be explored EQ1CZ4cW72g-01496-00349338-00349577 Benjamin and there is a lot of to gain EQ1CZ4cW72g-01497-00349578-00349727 and learn from EQ1CZ4cW72g-01498-00349728-00349895 um and I cannot give you the full answer EQ1CZ4cW72g-01499-00349896-00350110 to this right now sorry EQ1CZ4cW72g-01500-00350111-00350453 okay many thanks um well still lots of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01501-00350454-00350687 work uh to do for sure in this area but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01502-00350688-00350891 uh super interesting to to listen to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01503-00350892-00351310 your thoughts um and and insights there EQ1CZ4cW72g-01504-00351311-00351580 um we are now approaching the end so I EQ1CZ4cW72g-01505-00351581-00351803 do just quickly want to say a few more EQ1CZ4cW72g-01506-00351804-00351880 words EQ1CZ4cW72g-01507-00351881-00352169 um about our session tomorrow EQ1CZ4cW72g-01508-00352170-00352558 um so I'm just gonna go back to my EQ1CZ4cW72g-01509-00352559-00353249 slides apology EQ1CZ4cW72g-01510-00353250-00353530 I need to stop sharing I guess that's EQ1CZ4cW72g-01511-00353531-00354082 okay I think it does it automatically so EQ1CZ4cW72g-01512-00354083-00354310 uh yeah first of all EQ1CZ4cW72g-01513-00354311-00354545 um just to quickly mention it I've I've EQ1CZ4cW72g-01514-00354546-00354767 put the link already in the chat but um EQ1CZ4cW72g-01515-00354768-00355013 you can see again here the link to the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01516-00355014-00355295 report drafted by Professor Drexler EQ1CZ4cW72g-01517-00355296-00355541 um it's uh I think really useful reading EQ1CZ4cW72g-01518-00355542-00355703 uh especially as a follow-up and if EQ1CZ4cW72g-01519-00355704-00355847 you're interested in this topic you can EQ1CZ4cW72g-01520-00355848-00356075 find it on our website EQ1CZ4cW72g-01521-00356076-00356356 um and then please also join us tomorrow EQ1CZ4cW72g-01522-00356357-00356621 for a continuation of this discussion EQ1CZ4cW72g-01523-00356622-00356843 that we've started today EQ1CZ4cW72g-01524-00356844-00357023 um we will be joined by EQ1CZ4cW72g-01525-00357024-00357280 um well three external practitioners and EQ1CZ4cW72g-01526-00357281-00357521 myself I will also be talking about EQ1CZ4cW72g-01527-00357522-00357760 um our own experiences with the use of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01528-00357761-00357941 data at the European second Academy but EQ1CZ4cW72g-01529-00357942-00358163 then we also have um our colleague EQ1CZ4cW72g-01530-00358164-00358313 Madeline Murray for who's National EQ1CZ4cW72g-01531-00358314-00358439 coordinator at the professional EQ1CZ4cW72g-01532-00358440-00358595 development service for teachers in EQ1CZ4cW72g-01533-00358596-00358763 Ireland who will be speaking about their EQ1CZ4cW72g-01534-00358764-00359075 use of data we have owner cara de Mia EQ1CZ4cW72g-01535-00359076-00359284 who's a researcher and founder of study EQ1CZ4cW72g-01536-00359285-00359573 core which provides edtech tools to EQ1CZ4cW72g-01537-00359574-00359741 schools and universities with a focus on EQ1CZ4cW72g-01538-00359742-00359915 adaptive learning and learning analytics EQ1CZ4cW72g-01539-00359916-00360089 dashboard and as part of that they do EQ1CZ4cW72g-01540-00360090-00360256 teacher training as well so they're EQ1CZ4cW72g-01541-00360257-00360365 going to be he's going to be talking EQ1CZ4cW72g-01542-00360366-00360593 about that experience and then we also EQ1CZ4cW72g-01543-00360594-00360839 have Roy Pacheco who's director of the EQ1CZ4cW72g-01544-00360840-00361156 multi media division of uh educational EQ1CZ4cW72g-01545-00361157-00361439 publisher from Portugal who provide a EQ1CZ4cW72g-01546-00361440-00361625 virtual learning environment used by 80 EQ1CZ4cW72g-01547-00361626-00361930 of teachers in Portugal and who also do EQ1CZ4cW72g-01548-00361931-00362189 a lot of training as part of that and of EQ1CZ4cW72g-01549-00362190-00362356 course make use of the data that they EQ1CZ4cW72g-01550-00362357-00362554 get from the platform as part of that EQ1CZ4cW72g-01551-00362555-00362813 data so um yeah EQ1CZ4cW72g-01552-00362814-00363047 um please do join us tomorrow same time EQ1CZ4cW72g-01553-00363048-00363347 2 p.m two in the afternoon Central EQ1CZ4cW72g-01554-00363348-00363575 European Time you should have received EQ1CZ4cW72g-01555-00363576-00363808 the link already but uh I will send out EQ1CZ4cW72g-01556-00363809-00364054 a follow-up to this first webinar later EQ1CZ4cW72g-01557-00364055-00364306 tonight also with a reminder of the link EQ1CZ4cW72g-01558-00364307-00364589 for the session tomorrow many thanks for EQ1CZ4cW72g-01559-00364590-00364793 joining us today and many thanks again EQ1CZ4cW72g-01560-00364794-00365056 to Professor Draxler for the interesting EQ1CZ4cW72g-01561-00365057-00365219 keynote presentation and photographing EQ1CZ4cW72g-01562-00365220-00365308 the report EQ1CZ4cW72g-01563-00365309-00365560 and uh yeah I wish everyone a good rest EQ1CZ4cW72g-01564-00365561-00365734 of the afternoon and hopefully see you EQ1CZ4cW72g-01565-00365735-00366074 tomorrow bye everyone EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00000-00000024-00000407 so this is how i use the lessons tool EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00001-00000408-00000734 i really like it because it's simple EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00002-00000735-00001119 clean easily digestible it's a one-stop EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00003-00001120-00001383 shop for students where you can make use EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00004-00001384-00001663 of all these sub tools EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00005-00001664-00001959 everything that they need is in each EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00006-00001960-00002175 module for my course EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00007-00002176-00002447 this is a real step up from when i first EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00008-00002448-00002623 started many years ago EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00009-00002624-00002839 using the isidore tool and would have EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00010-00002840-00003110 students clicking around to assignments EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00011-00003111-00003399 to resources etc EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00012-00003400-00003622 and i just love that everything is right EQ6Nd3FNQTu-00013-00003623-00004015 there for students to access ERO4c8UxEic-00000-00000000-00001716 [Music] ERO4c8UxEic-00001-00001717-00002187 I think the main challenge is ERO4c8UxEic-00002-00002188-00002382 undoubtedly what we tend to call ERO4c8UxEic-00003-00002383-00002592 right-wing populist you know whether ERO4c8UxEic-00004-00002593-00002876 we're talking about Putin Trump the ERO4c8UxEic-00005-00002877-00003240 brexit Viktor Orban in Hungary this is a ERO4c8UxEic-00006-00003240-00003479 real challenge to transformative ERO4c8UxEic-00007-00003480-00003699 democracy I'm not sure the right-wing ERO4c8UxEic-00008-00003700-00004029 populism is the right time because in a ERO4c8UxEic-00009-00004029-00004443 sense it's a peculiar mixture of what we ERO4c8UxEic-00010-00004444-00004716 might call crony capitalism these people ERO4c8UxEic-00011-00004717-00004970 make lots of money from contracting out ERO4c8UxEic-00012-00004971-00005391 and privatization of government and at ERO4c8UxEic-00013-00005392-00005722 the same time extremist nationalist ERO4c8UxEic-00014-00005723-00005997 identity politics and that's undoubtedly ERO4c8UxEic-00015-00005998-00006318 the big challenge of course we need to ERO4c8UxEic-00016-00006319-00006576 oppose neoliberalism to bring social ERO4c8UxEic-00017-00006577-00006930 justice to tackle climate change but ERO4c8UxEic-00018-00006931-00007155 they're the main obstacles to achieving ERO4c8UxEic-00019-00007156-00007481 that I think the big problem today and ERO4c8UxEic-00020-00007483-00007794 that's why people vote for these new ERO4c8UxEic-00021-00007795-00008195 right-wing populist is the people film ERO4c8UxEic-00022-00008196-00008522 a huge loss of trust in their ERO4c8UxEic-00023-00008523-00008830 institutions they feel disempowered and ERO4c8UxEic-00024-00008831-00009254 although we technically have democracies ERO4c8UxEic-00025-00009255-00009605 everywhere in fact people feel they ERO4c8UxEic-00026-00009606-00009845 don't have what I call substantive ERO4c8UxEic-00027-00009846-00010058 democracy and what I mean by a ERO4c8UxEic-00028-00010059-00010331 substantive democracy is being able to ERO4c8UxEic-00029-00010332-00010583 influence the decisions that affect your ERO4c8UxEic-00030-00010584-00010739 life ERO4c8UxEic-00031-00010740-00011018 the Spanish indignados said we have a ERO4c8UxEic-00032-00011019-00011294 vote but not a voice and I've been ERO4c8UxEic-00033-00011295-00011579 working in leave areas in Britain and ERO4c8UxEic-00034-00011580-00011881 people just feel profoundly disavowed ERO4c8UxEic-00035-00011882-00012230 but actually they won't be reamed by ERO4c8UxEic-00036-00012231-00012542 getting by being nationalists they think ERO4c8UxEic-00037-00012543-00012812 that in Britain the slogan take back ERO4c8UxEic-00038-00012813-00013079 control was hugely important but ERO4c8UxEic-00039-00013080-00013352 actually not only estates highly ERO4c8UxEic-00040-00013353-00013640 centralized and democratic the big ERO4c8UxEic-00041-00013641-00013838 problem is that the decisions that ERO4c8UxEic-00042-00013838-00013976 effect ERO4c8UxEic-00043-00013977-00014319 climate change financial markets ERO4c8UxEic-00044-00014321-00014663 multinational corporations can no longer ERO4c8UxEic-00045-00014663-00015032 be controlled at national level and so ERO4c8UxEic-00046-00015033-00015374 we need a transnational layer of ERO4c8UxEic-00047-00015375-00015749 governance in order to address those ERO4c8UxEic-00048-00015750-00016040 issues and to allow people to make ERO4c8UxEic-00049-00016041-00016340 decisions and Berrian pardon local ERO4c8UxEic-00050-00016341-00016538 levels and that's how I understand ERO4c8UxEic-00051-00016539-00016814 cosmopolitan democracy it's not simply ERO4c8UxEic-00052-00016815-00017057 democracy at an international level ERO4c8UxEic-00053-00017058-00017441 it's a layering of democracy it allows ERO4c8UxEic-00054-00017442-00017672 great more decisions to be taken at ERO4c8UxEic-00055-00017673-00017873 local levels because you control ERO4c8UxEic-00056-00017874-00018104 financial speculation your tax ERO4c8UxEic-00057-00018105-00018292 multinational corporations ERO4c8UxEic-00058-00018293-00018558 and you start a big program of ERO4c8UxEic-00059-00018559-00018853 addressing climate change ERO4c8UxEic-00060-00018854-00019144 the dominant ways of talking about ERO4c8UxEic-00061-00019145-00019492 history social science journalists ERO4c8UxEic-00062-00019493-00019786 always tell history from above and ERO4c8UxEic-00063-00019787-00020050 people don't understand how social ERO4c8UxEic-00064-00020051-00020358 struggles have played a key role in all ERO4c8UxEic-00065-00020359-00020700 the big changes in history so most ERO4c8UxEic-00066-00020701-00021025 people have forgotten that the 1989 ERO4c8UxEic-00067-00021026-00021450 revolutions happened because there was a ERO4c8UxEic-00068-00021451-00021874 trans European grassroots movement who ERO4c8UxEic-00069-00021875-00022140 really campaign throughout the eighties ERO4c8UxEic-00070-00022141-00022453 peace and human rights on the European ERO4c8UxEic-00071-00022454-00022737 continent and interestingly enough that ERO4c8UxEic-00072-00022738-00022978 generation were very often the children ERO4c8UxEic-00073-00022979-00023368 of the resistance of the European ERO4c8UxEic-00074-00023369-00023560 resistance during the Second World War ERO4c8UxEic-00075-00023561-00023818 and during the Second World War the ERO4c8UxEic-00076-00023819-00024058 European resistance was committed to a ERO4c8UxEic-00077-00024059-00024378 democratic socialist Europe so ERO4c8UxEic-00078-00024379-00024649 understanding those previous generation ERO4c8UxEic-00079-00024650-00024949 struggles is not only important in ERO4c8UxEic-00080-00024950-00025213 understanding how change takes place but ERO4c8UxEic-00081-00025214-00025453 it's also inspiring and also men ERO4c8UxEic-00082-00025454-00025689 feel you can make a difference by ERO4c8UxEic-00083-00025691-00026029 becoming an activist ERO4c8UxEic-00084-00026030-00026680 [Music] ES1URRwMrwg-00000-00000064-00000311 that was undeniable proof that we ES1URRwMrwg-00001-00000312-00000704 totally owned you lamers EZP18ynPyKE-00000-00001246-00001472 using the experience 84 today we have EZP18ynPyKE-00001-00001473-00001777 really mixed conditions the visibility EZP18ynPyKE-00002-00001778-00001934 was poor at points but it definitely got EZP18ynPyKE-00003-00001935-00002099 better throughout the day and I found EZP18ynPyKE-00004-00002100-00002260 that the couple of runs I did on that EZP18ynPyKE-00005-00002261-00002507 was great because when the sky did open EZP18ynPyKE-00006-00002508-00002635 up a bit and you can see more of what EZP18ynPyKE-00007-00002636-00002756 you do and you could charge about a EZP18ynPyKE-00008-00002757-00002939 little bit more but then when it was EZP18ynPyKE-00009-00002940-00003116 overcast and you wanted to ski perhaps a EZP18ynPyKE-00010-00003117-00003340 little bit slower it wasn't it wasn't EZP18ynPyKE-00011-00003342-00003470 out of control it wasn't forcing me to EZP18ynPyKE-00012-00003471-00003602 do anything I was uncomfortable doing EZP18ynPyKE-00013-00003603-00003794 its suited to an upper intermediate EZP18ynPyKE-00014-00003795-00004001 skier looking to branch out to more EZP18ynPyKE-00015-00004002-00004229 advanced skiing who wants to use more EZP18ynPyKE-00016-00004230-00004345 mountain EZP18ynPyKE-00017-00004346-00004711 so the Santa Fe for me this this year EZP18ynPyKE-00018-00004712-00004972 for setup for 1617 is their experience EZP18ynPyKE-00019-00004973-00005327 84 84 is a great product last year EZP18ynPyKE-00020-00005328-00005563 you notice versatility was incredible EZP18ynPyKE-00021-00005564-00005779 all of the mountain 84 millimeters under EZP18ynPyKE-00022-00005780-00006013 the foot to go to it with you know EZP18ynPyKE-00023-00006014-00006247 that's really in a moment and for mix EZP18ynPyKE-00024-00006248-00006475 incredibly versatile all over the place EZP18ynPyKE-00025-00006476-00006833 however this year adding again the EZP18ynPyKE-00026-00006834-00007106 carbon alloy matrix into the experience EZP18ynPyKE-00027-00007106-00007175 84 EZP18ynPyKE-00028-00007176-00007450 it's the stand out ski for me that's EZP18ynPyKE-00029-00007451-00007723 in terms of its performance level it's EZP18ynPyKE-00030-00007723-00007936 really increased dramatically on that EZP18ynPyKE-00031-00007937-00008137 side so make it more difficult to use EZP18ynPyKE-00032-00008138-00008416 was just giving you a much more solid EZP18ynPyKE-00033-00008417-00008671 experience right away very product it's EZP18ynPyKE-00034-00008672-00008875 one of those skis that for me I would EZP18ynPyKE-00035-00008876-00009085 quite happily take it out all day long EZP18ynPyKE-00036-00009086-00009340 it's an unreal great Cruiser lunar EZP18ynPyKE-00037-00009341-00009547 terrain saw all pieces with respect I'd EZP18ynPyKE-00038-00009548-00009739 love that but again if you want more EZP18ynPyKE-00039-00009740-00010123 fluid and variable conditions EcbE37XemIE-00000-00000372-00001996 [Music] EcbE37XemIE-00002-00005677-00005944 [Music] EcbE37XemIE-00003-00005945-00006202 during a homogeneous a or latest update EcbE37XemIE-00004-00006203-00006429 te hemara channel subscribe kg or mel i EcbE37XemIE-00005-00006430-00006690 confessed Ed_1gTEOJ40-00000-00000016-00000275 carl jung published his famous book Ed_1gTEOJ40-00001-00000276-00000615 psychological types back in 1921 and his Ed_1gTEOJ40-00002-00000616-00000839 book has come to become celebrated as Ed_1gTEOJ40-00003-00000840-00001166 the most in-depth and comprehensive way Ed_1gTEOJ40-00004-00001167-00001439 to understand psychology and the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00005-00001440-00001671 personality of the individual Ed_1gTEOJ40-00006-00001672-00001871 the goal of his books and his work was Ed_1gTEOJ40-00007-00001872-00002239 to help humans experience individuation Ed_1gTEOJ40-00008-00002240-00002431 through self-awareness Ed_1gTEOJ40-00009-00002432-00002695 and to help people even transcend the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00010-00002696-00002999 self gaining psychic energy and flow Ed_1gTEOJ40-00011-00003000-00003238 call young was a person whose theories Ed_1gTEOJ40-00012-00003239-00003486 came about about a hundred years ago yet Ed_1gTEOJ40-00013-00003488-00003711 his theories are still relevant today Ed_1gTEOJ40-00014-00003711-00003919 but what if his theories are a lot older Ed_1gTEOJ40-00015-00003920-00004127 than what we previously think what if Ed_1gTEOJ40-00016-00004128-00004351 his theory on the eight kind of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00017-00004352-00004559 functions is in fact three thousand Ed_1gTEOJ40-00018-00004560-00004870 years old today we're speculating about Ed_1gTEOJ40-00019-00004871-00005175 carl jung and his connections to the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00020-00005176-00005527 famous ancient book the i ching Ed_1gTEOJ40-00021-00005528-00005695 now the iching is a book that was Ed_1gTEOJ40-00022-00005696-00005943 published about 3 000 years ago about Ed_1gTEOJ40-00023-00005944-00006334 800 before christ that means the book Ed_1gTEOJ40-00024-00006335-00006534 was one of the most ancient books in Ed_1gTEOJ40-00025-00006536-00006839 human history known to today the iching Ed_1gTEOJ40-00026-00006840-00007151 explains and defines that everything the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00027-00007152-00007406 totality of human experience the entire Ed_1gTEOJ40-00028-00007408-00007591 universe can be broken down to two Ed_1gTEOJ40-00029-00007592-00007798 forces jin and yang Ed_1gTEOJ40-00030-00007800-00008063 now it goes further than that and argues Ed_1gTEOJ40-00031-00008064-00008342 that one you take the and apply this Ed_1gTEOJ40-00032-00008343-00008623 principle of two principal forces then Ed_1gTEOJ40-00033-00008624-00008823 connected with the number three you Ed_1gTEOJ40-00034-00008824-00009039 connect and can conjure about eight Ed_1gTEOJ40-00035-00009040-00009239 specific trigrams Ed_1gTEOJ40-00036-00009240-00009423 now that means everything in the world Ed_1gTEOJ40-00037-00009424-00009678 is a combination of these eight trigrams Ed_1gTEOJ40-00038-00009679-00009855 and the number eight is a fascinating Ed_1gTEOJ40-00039-00009856-00009942 one Ed_1gTEOJ40-00040-00009943-00010095 and we're gonna go into that a bit Ed_1gTEOJ40-00041-00010096-00010231 further Ed_1gTEOJ40-00042-00010232-00010438 but first let's talk about the validity Ed_1gTEOJ40-00043-00010439-00010606 of the argument that the world is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00044-00010607-00010895 constituted by two forces is it true Ed_1gTEOJ40-00045-00010896-00011063 that the world can be really broken down Ed_1gTEOJ40-00046-00011064-00011399 to two things or is it a scientific Ed_1gTEOJ40-00047-00011400-00011678 fallacy the truth is the answer might Ed_1gTEOJ40-00048-00011679-00011999 not matter the iching is utilized based Ed_1gTEOJ40-00049-00012000-00012342 in a form of chinese alchemy and that Ed_1gTEOJ40-00050-00012343-00012631 means it's founded on alchemical Ed_1gTEOJ40-00051-00012632-00012974 tradition alchemy is what could be said Ed_1gTEOJ40-00052-00012975-00013375 as an conceptual silence it is alchemy Ed_1gTEOJ40-00053-00013376-00013583 that we use in order to divine and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00054-00013584-00013758 understand the reason about things which Ed_1gTEOJ40-00055-00013759-00013958 we do not know Ed_1gTEOJ40-00056-00013959-00014166 the truth is when carl jung started Ed_1gTEOJ40-00057-00014168-00014327 working on his theories on the human Ed_1gTEOJ40-00058-00014328-00014551 mind and on human experience he had no Ed_1gTEOJ40-00059-00014552-00014743 access to the modern instruments that we Ed_1gTEOJ40-00060-00014744-00014927 do today he didn't know about Ed_1gTEOJ40-00061-00014928-00015191 neuroscience or the inner workings of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00062-00015191-00015455 the mind or neurotransmitters he didn't Ed_1gTEOJ40-00063-00015456-00015686 know about genetics and how that might Ed_1gTEOJ40-00064-00015687-00015935 influence personality he was forced to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00065-00015936-00016047 navigate Ed_1gTEOJ40-00066-00016047-00016279 something which he could not break he Ed_1gTEOJ40-00067-00016280-00016535 was forced to understand the subjective Ed_1gTEOJ40-00068-00016536-00016855 innermost experience of humanity without Ed_1gTEOJ40-00069-00016856-00017191 any tools so how did he do it well the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00070-00017192-00017558 truth is he used alchemy alchemy is and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00071-00017559-00017807 argues that if you break down things Ed_1gTEOJ40-00072-00017808-00018191 into two parts and then from there form Ed_1gTEOJ40-00073-00018192-00018511 a triangle and then from there apply Ed_1gTEOJ40-00074-00018512-00018735 this principle of two forces to these Ed_1gTEOJ40-00075-00018736-00018927 three things you can create eight Ed_1gTEOJ40-00076-00018928-00019167 distinct forces and then from there on Ed_1gTEOJ40-00077-00019168-00019439 you can create and describe 64 different Ed_1gTEOJ40-00078-00019440-00019671 forces then from there on you can Ed_1gTEOJ40-00079-00019672-00019911 understand and map out and begin to map Ed_1gTEOJ40-00080-00019912-00020094 and connect different forms of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00081-00020095-00020367 experiences so what he did was he took Ed_1gTEOJ40-00082-00020368-00020583 this principle of two divine forces Ed_1gTEOJ40-00083-00020584-00020830 subjectivity and objectivity and he Ed_1gTEOJ40-00084-00020831-00021055 applied it to the human mind stating Ed_1gTEOJ40-00085-00021056-00021207 that external thinking was more Ed_1gTEOJ40-00086-00021208-00021439 objective and stating that interrupted Ed_1gTEOJ40-00087-00021440-00021630 feeling encapsulated everything that was Ed_1gTEOJ40-00088-00021631-00021799 more subjective Ed_1gTEOJ40-00089-00021800-00022055 yeah ko yong started by reasoning about Ed_1gTEOJ40-00090-00022056-00022311 feeling and thinking as the two primary Ed_1gTEOJ40-00091-00022312-00022558 forces and later he started thinking Ed_1gTEOJ40-00092-00022559-00022799 about introversion and extroversion and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00093-00022800-00022983 intuition and sensing Ed_1gTEOJ40-00094-00022984-00023230 the i-ching similarly starts with what Ed_1gTEOJ40-00095-00023231-00023511 is most yang and then what is most yin Ed_1gTEOJ40-00096-00023512-00023742 and then applied and broke this these Ed_1gTEOJ40-00097-00023743-00023975 two forces down to multiple parts to try Ed_1gTEOJ40-00098-00023976-00024239 to explain and go beyond these two Ed_1gTEOJ40-00099-00024240-00024439 forces to explain the totality of human Ed_1gTEOJ40-00100-00024440-00024711 experience and ultimately this gives us Ed_1gTEOJ40-00101-00024712-00024983 a language instead of first trying to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00102-00024984-00025222 find things and then mapping them to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00103-00025223-00025478 concepts what alchemy does is it first Ed_1gTEOJ40-00104-00025479-00025711 creates concepts for things and then Ed_1gTEOJ40-00105-00025712-00025967 tries to apply and find things to put Ed_1gTEOJ40-00106-00025968-00026214 inside these concepts alchemy gives us a Ed_1gTEOJ40-00107-00026216-00026495 way to kind of delineate and kind of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00108-00026495-00026751 divide the mind so that we can start to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00109-00026752-00027087 form an idea about things allowing us to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00110-00027088-00027302 reason about things which we have no Ed_1gTEOJ40-00111-00027304-00027527 clue about now the question of this Ed_1gTEOJ40-00112-00027527-00027758 video is to which degree was call young Ed_1gTEOJ40-00113-00027760-00027999 inspired and influenced by the iching Ed_1gTEOJ40-00114-00028000-00028223 the truth is we don't really know we Ed_1gTEOJ40-00115-00028224-00028414 know that call young wrote the forward Ed_1gTEOJ40-00116-00028416-00028631 to ching and we know that he was deeply Ed_1gTEOJ40-00117-00028632-00028814 fascinated with this model but we don't Ed_1gTEOJ40-00118-00028816-00028999 know when he discovered it and how long Ed_1gTEOJ40-00119-00029000-00029239 he has been working with it the truth is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00120-00029239-00029470 the iching applies and arrives at Ed_1gTEOJ40-00121-00029472-00029702 similar explanations to the theories of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00122-00029704-00029911 call young and that's startling how can Ed_1gTEOJ40-00123-00029912-00030151 a theory from 3 000 years ago in a Ed_1gTEOJ40-00124-00030152-00030383 theory that came about 100 years ago be Ed_1gTEOJ40-00125-00030383-00030655 so similar what are the connections here Ed_1gTEOJ40-00126-00030656-00030883 and how did they arrive at a similar Ed_1gTEOJ40-00127-00030883-00031087 framework using Ed_1gTEOJ40-00128-00031088-00031302 such different experiences Ed_1gTEOJ40-00129-00031303-00031623 are the eight trigrams in fact connected Ed_1gTEOJ40-00130-00031624-00031855 to the eight cognitive functions and if Ed_1gTEOJ40-00131-00031856-00032023 so how Ed_1gTEOJ40-00132-00032024-00032295 it's very much possible that the eight Ed_1gTEOJ40-00133-00032295-00032567 trigrams can be divided in this way Ed_1gTEOJ40-00134-00032568-00032758 first with heaven Ed_1gTEOJ40-00135-00032760-00032879 kian Ed_1gTEOJ40-00136-00032880-00033159 as extroverted thinking and then Ed_1gTEOJ40-00137-00033160-00033246 as Ed_1gTEOJ40-00138-00033247-00033599 kun earth as introverted feeling Ed_1gTEOJ40-00139-00033600-00033702 then Ed_1gTEOJ40-00140-00033703-00033918 from there on we can go to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00141-00033919-00034167 thunder chen and map that out as Ed_1gTEOJ40-00142-00034168-00034551 extroverted intuition then khan water as Ed_1gTEOJ40-00143-00034552-00034743 introverted intuition Ed_1gTEOJ40-00144-00034744-00035159 gen or mountain as introverted thinking Ed_1gTEOJ40-00145-00035160-00035462 or wind as introverted sensing Ed_1gTEOJ40-00146-00035463-00035735 lee or flame as exerted something and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00147-00035736-00036046 finally lake or dewey as extroverted Ed_1gTEOJ40-00148-00036047-00036199 feeling how did i arrive at these Ed_1gTEOJ40-00149-00036200-00036511 connections well first of all heaven is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00150-00036512-00036639 the most Ed_1gTEOJ40-00151-00036640-00036911 yang in its nature that means it's the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00152-00036912-00037230 most based on objectivity of all forces Ed_1gTEOJ40-00153-00037231-00037430 it's a rational force Ed_1gTEOJ40-00154-00037431-00037511 of Ed_1gTEOJ40-00155-00037512-00037774 judgment from the heavens Ed_1gTEOJ40-00156-00037775-00038039 it's associated with an emperor or a Ed_1gTEOJ40-00157-00038040-00038374 ruler or with might and with power just Ed_1gTEOJ40-00158-00038375-00038743 as kun or art is associated with feeling Ed_1gTEOJ40-00159-00038744-00039007 with the most subjective innermost human Ed_1gTEOJ40-00160-00039008-00039151 experience Ed_1gTEOJ40-00161-00039152-00039495 healing or connection to the feeling Ed_1gTEOJ40-00162-00039496-00039799 world shen or thunder means to strike Ed_1gTEOJ40-00163-00039800-00040087 with opportunity to strike fast to bring Ed_1gTEOJ40-00164-00040088-00040430 about change from out of nowhere khan or Ed_1gTEOJ40-00165-00040431-00040751 water means to seek out depth Ed_1gTEOJ40-00166-00040752-00040983 represented by the pilgrim Ed_1gTEOJ40-00167-00040984-00041262 on its wandering journey water is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00168-00041263-00041487 searching for the deepest spaces of the Ed_1gTEOJ40-00169-00041488-00041574 world Ed_1gTEOJ40-00170-00041575-00041799 mountain or indirect thinking is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00171-00041800-00042062 associated with going up to your own Ed_1gTEOJ40-00172-00042063-00042383 place of judgment and isolating yourself Ed_1gTEOJ40-00173-00042384-00042607 from other people to formulate your own Ed_1gTEOJ40-00174-00042608-00042823 logic or opinion Ed_1gTEOJ40-00175-00042824-00043111 wind or soon or inverted sensing is Ed_1gTEOJ40-00176-00043112-00043407 associated with the slow and persistent Ed_1gTEOJ40-00177-00043408-00043655 force that brings about slow Ed_1gTEOJ40-00178-00043656-00043943 change in the world lee or flame or Ed_1gTEOJ40-00179-00043944-00044158 extraverted sensing is associated with Ed_1gTEOJ40-00180-00044159-00044446 brightness intensity and action and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00181-00044447-00044679 dewey or lake is associated with Ed_1gTEOJ40-00182-00044680-00044990 connection between people communication Ed_1gTEOJ40-00183-00044991-00045311 and understanding between tribes and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00184-00045312-00045439 one another Ed_1gTEOJ40-00185-00045440-00045655 yeah the question of today's video is to Ed_1gTEOJ40-00186-00045656-00045871 which degree was called young influenced Ed_1gTEOJ40-00187-00045872-00046151 by these eight trigrams and did it Ed_1gTEOJ40-00188-00046152-00046439 influence his research and his arrival Ed_1gTEOJ40-00189-00046440-00046623 at the conclusion of eight cognitive Ed_1gTEOJ40-00190-00046624-00046918 processes and to which degree Ed_1gTEOJ40-00191-00046919-00047215 do these functions or trigrams map out Ed_1gTEOJ40-00192-00047216-00047446 and accurately explain the scope and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00193-00047447-00047646 structure of the world Ed_1gTEOJ40-00194-00047647-00047790 feel free to leave your comments and Ed_1gTEOJ40-00195-00047791-00047958 your thoughts in the comments down below Ed_1gTEOJ40-00196-00047959-00048143 and i hope to see you all in the next Ed_1gTEOJ40-00197-00048144-00048368 video Ehhz1mYxcxY-00000-00000128-00000782 poem one the crocodile Ehhz1mYxcxY-00001-00000783-00001207 [Music] Ehhz1mYxcxY-00002-00001208-00001543 how does the little crocodile improve Ehhz1mYxcxY-00003-00001544-00001726 its shining tail Ehhz1mYxcxY-00004-00001727-00002030 and fold the waters of the nile on Ehhz1mYxcxY-00005-00002032-00002228 every golden state Ehhz1mYxcxY-00006-00002229-00002958 [Music] Ehhz1mYxcxY-00007-00002959-00003327 how cheerful he seems to grin how neatly Ehhz1mYxcxY-00008-00003328-00003503 spread this claws Ehhz1mYxcxY-00009-00003504-00003783 and welcomes little faces in we're Ehhz1mYxcxY-00010-00003784-00004524 gently smiling Ehhz1mYxcxY-00011-00004525-00004541 [Applause] Ehhz1mYxcxY-00012-00004542-00005399 [Music] Ehhz1mYxcxY-00013-00005400-00005832 words and meanings Ejq_oKHWl0k-00000-00000048-00000302 a district collector often abbreviated Ejq_oKHWl0k-00001-00000303-00000512 to collector is an Indian Administrative Ejq_oKHWl0k-00002-00000513-00000784 Service IAS officer in charge of revenue Ejq_oKHWl0k-00003-00000785-00000956 collection and administration of the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00004-00000957-00001202 district in India since district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00005-00001203-00001397 collectors are senior most executive Ejq_oKHWl0k-00006-00001398-00001597 magistrate in the district the post is Ejq_oKHWl0k-00007-00001598-00001759 also referred to as the district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00008-00001760-00001930 magistrate and as the office bearer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00009-00001932-00002096 works under the supervision of a Ejq_oKHWl0k-00010-00002097-00002306 divisional commissioner the post is also Ejq_oKHWl0k-00011-00002307-00002948 known as Deputy Commissioner Ejq_oKHWl0k-00012-00002949-00003454 topic history Ejq_oKHWl0k-00013-00003454-00003703 district administration in India is a Ejq_oKHWl0k-00014-00003704-00003949 legacy of the British Raj district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00015-00003950-00004108 collectors were members of the Indian Ejq_oKHWl0k-00016-00004109-00004272 Civil Service and were charged with Ejq_oKHWl0k-00017-00004273-00004492 supervising general administration in Ejq_oKHWl0k-00018-00004493-00004795 the district Warren Hastings introduced Ejq_oKHWl0k-00019-00004796-00004986 the office of the District Collector in Ejq_oKHWl0k-00020-00004987-00005111 1772 Ejq_oKHWl0k-00021-00005112-00005400 Sir George Campbell lieutenant governor Ejq_oKHWl0k-00022-00005401-00005832 of Bengal from 1871 to 1874 intended to Ejq_oKHWl0k-00023-00005833-00006046 render the heads of districts no longer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00024-00006047-00006247 the drudges of many departments and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00025-00006248-00006484 masters of none but in fact the general Ejq_oKHWl0k-00026-00006484-00006660 controlling authority over all Ejq_oKHWl0k-00027-00006661-00006991 departments in each district the office Ejq_oKHWl0k-00028-00006992-00007162 of a collector during the British Raj Ejq_oKHWl0k-00029-00007163-00007369 held multiple responsibilities as Ejq_oKHWl0k-00030-00007370-00007560 collector he was the head of the revenue Ejq_oKHWl0k-00031-00007561-00007763 organization charged with registration Ejq_oKHWl0k-00032-00007764-00008020 alteration and partition of holdings the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00033-00008020-00008233 settlement of disputes the management of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00034-00008234-00008482 indebted estates loans to agriculturists Ejq_oKHWl0k-00035-00008483-00008782 and famine relief as district magistrate Ejq_oKHWl0k-00036-00008783-00009007 he exercised general supervision over Ejq_oKHWl0k-00037-00009008-00009202 the inferior courts and in particular Ejq_oKHWl0k-00038-00009203-00009484 directed the police work the office was Ejq_oKHWl0k-00039-00009485-00009744 meant to achieve the peculiar purpose of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00040-00009745-00009963 collecting revenue and of keeping the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00041-00009964-00010246 peace the superintendent of police SP Ejq_oKHWl0k-00042-00010247-00010501 Inspector General of jails the Surgeon Ejq_oKHWl0k-00043-00010502-00010710 General the divisional forest officer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00044-00010711-00010999 DFO and the chief engineer C II had to Ejq_oKHWl0k-00045-00011000-00011185 inform the collector of every activity Ejq_oKHWl0k-00046-00011186-00011368 in their departments until the later Ejq_oKHWl0k-00047-00011369-00011599 part of the 19th century no native was Ejq_oKHWl0k-00048-00011600-00011790 eligible to become a district collector Ejq_oKHWl0k-00049-00011791-00012024 but with the introduction of open Ejq_oKHWl0k-00050-00012025-00012238 competitive examinations for the Indian Ejq_oKHWl0k-00051-00012239-00012438 Civil Service the office was open to Ejq_oKHWl0k-00052-00012439-00012730 natives an under umber OA an eminent Ejq_oKHWl0k-00053-00012731-00012949 scholar of Sanskrit and the 6th Indian Ejq_oKHWl0k-00054-00012950-00013186 and the first Assamese ICS officer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00055-00013187-00013378 became the third Indian to be appointed Ejq_oKHWl0k-00056-00013379-00013576 a district magistrate the first two Ejq_oKHWl0k-00057-00013577-00013840 being Romesh Chandra and Sripad Babaji Ejq_oKHWl0k-00058-00013841-00014022 Thakur respectively the district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00059-00014023-00014140 continued to be the unit of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00060-00014141-00014311 administration after India gained Ejq_oKHWl0k-00061-00014312-00014644 independence in 1947 the role of the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00062-00014644-00014797 district collector remained largely Ejq_oKHWl0k-00063-00014797-00015028 unchanged except for the separation of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00064-00015029-00015208 most judicial powers two judicial Ejq_oKHWl0k-00065-00015209-00015502 officers of the district later with the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00066-00015503-00015705 promulgation of the national extension Ejq_oKHWl0k-00067-00015706-00015843 services and Community Development Ejq_oKHWl0k-00068-00015844-00016069 Programme by the Nehru government in Ejq_oKHWl0k-00069-00016069-00016312 1952 the District Collector was Ejq_oKHWl0k-00070-00016313-00016444 entrusted with the additional Ejq_oKHWl0k-00071-00016445-00016621 responsibility of implementing the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00072-00016622-00016735 government of India's development Ejq_oKHWl0k-00073-00016736-00016828 programme Ejq_oKHWl0k-00074-00016829-00017404 in the district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00075-00017405-00017900 topic posting Ejq_oKHWl0k-00076-00017901-00018125 they are posted by the state government Ejq_oKHWl0k-00077-00018126-00018269 from among the pool of Indian Ejq_oKHWl0k-00078-00018270-00018539 Administrative Service IAS officers who Ejq_oKHWl0k-00079-00018540-00018764 either are on level 11 or level 12 of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00080-00018765-00019036 the pay matrix in the state the members Ejq_oKHWl0k-00081-00019037-00019247 of the IAS are either directly recruited Ejq_oKHWl0k-00082-00019248-00019463 by the Union Public Service Commission Ejq_oKHWl0k-00083-00019464-00019636 or promoted from provincial civil Ejq_oKHWl0k-00084-00019637-00019930 service pcs the direct recruits are Ejq_oKHWl0k-00085-00019931-00020147 posted as collectors after five to six Ejq_oKHWl0k-00086-00020148-00020339 years of service whereas the promoted Ejq_oKHWl0k-00087-00020340-00020522 members from state civil services Ejq_oKHWl0k-00088-00020523-00020714 generally occupied this post after Ejq_oKHWl0k-00089-00020715-00020939 promotion to the IAS which generally Ejq_oKHWl0k-00090-00020940-00021175 happens after two decades of service a Ejq_oKHWl0k-00091-00021176-00021416 district magistrate and collector is Ejq_oKHWl0k-00092-00021417-00021593 transferred to and from the post by the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00093-00021594-00021781 state government the office bearer is Ejq_oKHWl0k-00094-00021782-00021955 generally of the rank of joint secretary Ejq_oKHWl0k-00095-00021956-00022175 to the state government equivalent to Ejq_oKHWl0k-00096-00022176-00022893 Deputy Secretary in Government of India Ejq_oKHWl0k-00097-00022894-00023533 topic functions and responsibilities Ejq_oKHWl0k-00098-00023534-00023753 the responsibilities assigned to a Ejq_oKHWl0k-00099-00023754-00023972 district magistrate vary from state to Ejq_oKHWl0k-00100-00023973-00024175 state but generally district collectors Ejq_oKHWl0k-00101-00024176-00024350 are entrusted with a wide range of Ejq_oKHWl0k-00102-00024351-00024508 duties in the jurisdiction of the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00103-00024509-00024686 district generally involving the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00104-00024687-00024991 following as district magistrate Ejq_oKHWl0k-00105-00024992-00025237 conducts Criminal Court of Executive Ejq_oKHWl0k-00106-00025238-00025636 magistrate maintenance of law and order Ejq_oKHWl0k-00107-00025637-00025942 supervision of the police and jails Ejq_oKHWl0k-00108-00025943-00026177 supervision of subordinate executive Ejq_oKHWl0k-00109-00026177-00026395 magistracy and conduct Magisterial Ejq_oKHWl0k-00110-00026397-00026674 inquiries hearing cases under the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00111-00026675-00026812 preventive section of the Criminal Ejq_oKHWl0k-00112-00026813-00027167 Procedure Code supervision of jails and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00113-00027168-00027392 certification of execution of capital Ejq_oKHWl0k-00114-00027393-00027712 sentences prepares panel of names for Ejq_oKHWl0k-00115-00027713-00027914 appointment of public prosecutors and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00116-00027914-00028093 additional public prosecutors with Ejq_oKHWl0k-00117-00028094-00028280 consultation with session judge and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00118-00028281-00028662 district arbitrator of land acquisition Ejq_oKHWl0k-00119-00028663-00028864 disaster management during natural Ejq_oKHWl0k-00120-00028866-00029105 calamities such as floods famines or Ejq_oKHWl0k-00121-00029106-00029458 epidemics crisis management during riots Ejq_oKHWl0k-00122-00029459-00029657 or external aggression as collector Ejq_oKHWl0k-00123-00029658-00029977 conducts Revenue Court land assessment Ejq_oKHWl0k-00124-00029977-00030257 land acquisition Ejq_oKHWl0k-00125-00030258-00030565 collection collection of income tax dues Ejq_oKHWl0k-00126-00030566-00030915 excise duties irrigation dues etc Ejq_oKHWl0k-00127-00030916-00031192 distribution of agricultural loans Ejq_oKHWl0k-00128-00031193-00031402 chairman of the district bankers Ejq_oKHWl0k-00129-00031403-00031667 coordination committee head of the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00130-00031668-00031877 district industries sent Rhea's Deputy Ejq_oKHWl0k-00131-00031877-00032080 Commissioner District Commissioner Ejq_oKHWl0k-00132-00032081-00032305 reports to divisional commissioner on Ejq_oKHWl0k-00133-00032306-00032583 all matters as district election officer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00134-00032584-00032839 conduct selections in the district be a Ejq_oKHWl0k-00135-00032840-00033179 General Assembly or municipal acts as Ejq_oKHWl0k-00136-00033180-00033337 the returning officer for the Lok Sabha Ejq_oKHWl0k-00137-00033338-00033602 constituency in the district a district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00138-00033603-00033827 magistrate is assisted by some IAS and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00139-00033828-00034090 pcs for carrying out day-to-day work in Ejq_oKHWl0k-00140-00034091-00034387 various fields chief development officer Ejq_oKHWl0k-00141-00034388-00034801 CDO or district Development Officer DDO Ejq_oKHWl0k-00142-00034802-00035123 chief revenue officer CRO or district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00143-00035124-00035495 revenue officer d ro additional district Ejq_oKHWl0k-00144-00035496-00035867 magistrates ADM north west east south e Ejq_oKHWl0k-00145-00035868-00036193 executive FR finance and revenue city Ejq_oKHWl0k-00146-00036194-00036562 judicial city magistrate CM and Ejq_oKHWl0k-00147-00036563-00036899 additional city magistrates a cm i - 3 Ejq_oKHWl0k-00148-00036900-00037457 IV v v7 8 ex ex sub-divisional Ejq_oKHWl0k-00149-00037458-00037783 magistrates SDM or deputy collector's DC Ejq_oKHWl0k-00150-00037784-00038099 and other executive magistrates other Ejq_oKHWl0k-00151-00038100-00038290 officers from other departments at the Ejq_oKHWl0k-00152-00038291-00038654 district level also report to him / Ejq_oKHWl0k-00153-00038655-00039035 equals equals see also ElFzDt_WBDg-00000-00000014-00000919 [Music] ElFzDt_WBDg-00001-00000919-00001187 we've strengthened the link on climate ElFzDt_WBDg-00002-00001188-00001349 change insecurity in the council by ElFzDt_WBDg-00003-00001350-00001541 organizing the first debate on climate ElFzDt_WBDg-00004-00001542-00001710 and security in seven years ElFzDt_WBDg-00005-00001711-00002173 [Music] ElFzDt_WBDg-00006-00002174-00002699 you see these council members you have ElFzDt_WBDg-00007-00002700-00002896 to consider climate change ElFzDt_WBDg-00008-00002897-00003338 CCP the votes have highlighted this link ElFzDt_WBDg-00009-00003339-00003506 in several products and resolutions ElFzDt_WBDg-00010-00003507-00003715 including in the resolution of the lake ElFzDt_WBDg-00011-00003717-00003961 Chad basin ElFzDt_WBDg-00012-00003963-00004274 [Music] F0MxbkJOXXM-00000-00000112-00000359 forensic software engineering refers to F0MxbkJOXXM-00001-00000360-00000543 the discipline of analyzing and F0MxbkJOXXM-00002-00000544-00000726 sometimes reconstructing the F0MxbkJOXXM-00003-00000727-00000983 functionality of software applications F0MxbkJOXXM-00004-00000984-00001239 or services that have become defunct are F0MxbkJOXXM-00005-00001240-00001503 no longer accompanied by or previously F0MxbkJOXXM-00006-00001504-00001734 lacked documentation or for which the F0MxbkJOXXM-00007-00001735-00001926 original engineers are no longer F0MxbkJOXXM-00008-00001927-00002558 available F0MxbkJOXXM-00009-00002559-00003102 topic description F0MxbkJOXXM-00010-00003103-00003375 usually forensic software engineering is F0MxbkJOXXM-00011-00003376-00003527 performed with an interest in F0MxbkJOXXM-00012-00003528-00003743 understanding the functionality and F0MxbkJOXXM-00013-00003744-00003975 sometimes intent of software that has F0MxbkJOXXM-00014-00003976-00004215 been abandoned by its creators with an F0MxbkJOXXM-00015-00004216-00004470 eye to correcting unexpected outcomes or F0MxbkJOXXM-00016-00004471-00004711 determining whether to port rebuild F0MxbkJOXXM-00017-00004712-00004991 replace or retire a functional software F0MxbkJOXXM-00018-00004992-00005231 instance is often required as a result F0MxbkJOXXM-00019-00005232-00005479 of a corporate mergers or acquisitions F0MxbkJOXXM-00020-00005480-00005718 or during the migration transition from F0MxbkJOXXM-00021-00005719-00006510 an old data center to a newer one F0MxbkJOXXM-00022-00006511-00007063 topic see also F0MxbkJOXXM-00023-00007064-00007351 charles babbage institute F0MxbkJOXXM-00024-00007352-00007663 history of operating systems F0MxbkJOXXM-00025-00007664-00007974 it history society F0MxbkJOXXM-00026-00007975-00008287 list of operating systems F0MxbkJOXXM-00027-00008288-00008724 timeline of operating systems F2j_zjaSxCA-00000-00000052-00000438 a wafer also called a slice or substrate F2j_zjaSxCA-00001-00000438-00000708 is a thin slice of semiconductor F2j_zjaSxCA-00002-00000709-00001011 material such as a crystalline silicon F2j_zjaSxCA-00003-00001011-00001349 used in electronics for the fabrication F2j_zjaSxCA-00004-00001350-00001548 of integrated circuits and in F2j_zjaSxCA-00005-00001549-00001854 photovoltaics for conventional wafer F2j_zjaSxCA-00006-00001855-00002256 based solar cells the wafer serves as F2j_zjaSxCA-00007-00002257-00002510 the substrate for micro electronic F2j_zjaSxCA-00008-00002511-00002796 devices built in and over the wafer and F2j_zjaSxCA-00009-00002797-00003129 undergoes many micro fabrication process F2j_zjaSxCA-00010-00003130-00003440 steps such as doping or ion implantation F2j_zjaSxCA-00011-00003440-00003815 edging deposition of various materials F2j_zjaSxCA-00012-00003817-00004148 and photo lithographic patterning F2j_zjaSxCA-00013-00004149-00004458 finally the individual micro circuits F2j_zjaSxCA-00014-00004459-00005303 are separated dicing and packaged F2j_zjaSxCA-00015-00005304-00005858 topic history F2j_zjaSxCA-00016-00005859-00006278 by 1960 silicon wafers were being F2j_zjaSxCA-00017-00006279-00006614 manufactured in the US by companies such F2j_zjaSxCA-00018-00006615-00007250 as M EMC SunEdison in 1965 American F2j_zjaSxCA-00019-00007251-00007592 engineers Eric Oh Ernst Donald J heard F2j_zjaSxCA-00020-00007593-00007934 and Gerard Sealy while working under IBM F2j_zjaSxCA-00021-00007934-00008333 filed patent us three four two three six F2j_zjaSxCA-00022-00008334-00008641 two nine a for the first high-capacity F2j_zjaSxCA-00023-00008642-00009387 epitaxial apparatus F2j_zjaSxCA-00024-00009388-00009980 topic formation F2j_zjaSxCA-00025-00009981-00010507 wafers are formed of highly pure F2j_zjaSxCA-00026-00010508-00010882 99.999999 9 percent purity F2j_zjaSxCA-00027-00010883-00011203 nearly defect-free single crystal and F2j_zjaSxCA-00028-00011204-00011575 material one process for forming F2j_zjaSxCA-00029-00011576-00011851 crystalline wafers as known as sacral F2j_zjaSxCA-00030-00011852-00012085 tsuki growth invented by the Polish F2j_zjaSxCA-00031-00012086-00012526 chemist Jan's across key in this process F2j_zjaSxCA-00032-00012527-00012835 a cylindrical ingot of high purity mono F2j_zjaSxCA-00033-00012836-00013111 crystalline semiconductor such as F2j_zjaSxCA-00034-00013112-00013419 silicon or germanium called a boule is F2j_zjaSxCA-00035-00013421-00013716 formed by pulling a seed crystal from a F2j_zjaSxCA-00036-00013718-00014194 melt donor impurity atoms such as boron F2j_zjaSxCA-00037-00014194-00014515 or phosphorus in the case of silicon can F2j_zjaSxCA-00038-00014516-00014722 be added to the molten intrinsic F2j_zjaSxCA-00039-00014722-00015025 material in precise amounts in order to F2j_zjaSxCA-00040-00015026-00015280 dope the crystal thus changing it into F2j_zjaSxCA-00041-00015281-00015778 n-type or p-type extrinsic semiconductor F2j_zjaSxCA-00042-00015779-00016102 the bool is then sliced with a wafer saw F2j_zjaSxCA-00043-00016103-00016558 wire saw and polished to form wafers the F2j_zjaSxCA-00044-00016559-00016942 size of wafers for photovoltaics as 100 F2j_zjaSxCA-00045-00016943-00017205 to 200 millimeters square and the F2j_zjaSxCA-00046-00017206-00017619 thickness as 200 to 300 micrometers in F2j_zjaSxCA-00047-00017620-00018100 the future 160 micrometers will be the F2j_zjaSxCA-00048-00018101-00018541 standard electronics use wafer sizes F2j_zjaSxCA-00049-00018542-00019096 from 100 to 450 millimetres diameter the F2j_zjaSxCA-00050-00019097-00019439 largest wafers made have a diameter of F2j_zjaSxCA-00051-00019440-00019750 450 millimetres but are not yet in F2j_zjaSxCA-00052-00019751-00020404 general use F2j_zjaSxCA-00053-00020405-00021178 topic cleaning texturing and etching F2j_zjaSxCA-00054-00021179-00021489 wafers are cleaned with weak acids to F2j_zjaSxCA-00055-00021490-00021775 remove unwanted particles or repair F2j_zjaSxCA-00056-00021776-00022119 damage caused during the sighing process F2j_zjaSxCA-00057-00022120-00022503 when used for solar cells the wafers are F2j_zjaSxCA-00058-00022504-00022771 textured to create a rough surface to F2j_zjaSxCA-00059-00022772-00023149 increase their efficiency the generated F2j_zjaSxCA-00060-00023150-00023539 PSG FASFA silicate glass is removed from F2j_zjaSxCA-00061-00023540-00024298 the edge of the wafer in the etching F2j_zjaSxCA-00062-00024299-00025292 topic wafer properties F2j_zjaSxCA-00063-00025293-00025802 topic standard wafer sizes F2j_zjaSxCA-00064-00025804-00026007 you F2j_zjaSxCA-00065-00026008-00026295 silicon wafers are available in a F2j_zjaSxCA-00066-00026297-00026577 variety of diameters from twenty-five F2j_zjaSxCA-00067-00026579-00026952 point four millimeters one inch to 300 F2j_zjaSxCA-00068-00026954-00027466 millimeters 11.8 inches semiconductor F2j_zjaSxCA-00069-00027467-00027766 fabrication plants colloquially known as F2j_zjaSxCA-00070-00027767-00028066 fabs are defined by the diameter of F2j_zjaSxCA-00071-00028067-00028458 wafers that they are told to produce the F2j_zjaSxCA-00072-00028460-00028738 diameter has gradually increased to F2j_zjaSxCA-00073-00028739-00029011 improve throughput and reduce cost with F2j_zjaSxCA-00074-00029012-00029266 the current state-of-the-art fab using F2j_zjaSxCA-00075-00029267-00029667 300 millimeters with a proposal to adopt F2j_zjaSxCA-00076-00029668-00030268 450 millimeters Intel TSMC and Samsung F2j_zjaSxCA-00077-00030269-00030526 are separately conducting research to F2j_zjaSxCA-00078-00030527-00031023 the advent of 450 millimeters prototype F2j_zjaSxCA-00079-00031024-00031366 research fabs those serious hurdles F2j_zjaSxCA-00080-00031367-00031935 remain one inch twenty five millimeters F2j_zjaSxCA-00081-00031936-00032480 - inch 51 millimeters with thickness 275 F2j_zjaSxCA-00082-00032481-00032706 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00083-00032707-00033198 three-inch 76 millimeters with thickness F2j_zjaSxCA-00084-00033199-00033512 375 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00085-00033513-00033958 four inch 100 millimeters with thickness F2j_zjaSxCA-00086-00033959-00034516 525 micrometers or four point nine inch F2j_zjaSxCA-00087-00034517-00034964 125 millimeters with thickness 625 F2j_zjaSxCA-00088-00034965-00035263 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00089-00035264-00035696 150 millimeters 5.9 inch usually F2j_zjaSxCA-00090-00035697-00036320 referred to as 6-inch with thickness 675 F2j_zjaSxCA-00091-00036321-00036565 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00092-00036566-00037012 200 millimeters 7.9 inch usually F2j_zjaSxCA-00093-00037013-00037607 referred to as 8 inch with thickness 725 F2j_zjaSxCA-00094-00037608-00037858 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00095-00037859-00038205 300 millimeters eleven point eight inch F2j_zjaSxCA-00096-00038206-00038680 usually referred to as 12 inch with F2j_zjaSxCA-00097-00038681-00039237 thickness 775 micrometers F2j_zjaSxCA-00098-00039238-00039789 450 millimeters 17.7 inch with thickness F2j_zjaSxCA-00099-00039790-00040290 925 micrometers proposed F2j_zjaSxCA-00100-00040291-00040581 675 millimetre F2j_zjaSxCA-00101-00040582-00041077 26.6 in unknown thickness theoretical F2j_zjaSxCA-00102-00041078-00041386 wafers grown using materials other than F2j_zjaSxCA-00103-00041387-00041650 silicon will have different thicknesses F2j_zjaSxCA-00104-00041651-00041878 than a silicon wafer of the same F2j_zjaSxCA-00105-00041879-00042280 diameter wafer thickness as determined F2j_zjaSxCA-00106-00042281-00042481 by the mechanical strength of the F2j_zjaSxCA-00107-00042482-00042787 material used the wafer must be thick F2j_zjaSxCA-00108-00042788-00043012 enough to support its own weight without F2j_zjaSxCA-00109-00043013-00043696 cracking during handling F2j_zjaSxCA-00110-00043697-00044480 topic historical increases of wafer size F2j_zjaSxCA-00111-00044481-00044873 a unit wafer fabrication step such as an F2j_zjaSxCA-00112-00044874-00045115 etch step can produce more chips F2j_zjaSxCA-00113-00045116-00045377 proportional to the increase in wafer F2j_zjaSxCA-00114-00045378-00045612 area while the cost of the unit F2j_zjaSxCA-00115-00045613-00045890 fabrication step goes up more slowly F2j_zjaSxCA-00116-00045891-00046259 than the wafer area this was the cost F2j_zjaSxCA-00117-00046260-00046594 basis for increasing wafer size F2j_zjaSxCA-00118-00046595-00046931 conversion to 300 millimeters wafers F2j_zjaSxCA-00119-00046932-00047261 from 200 millimeters wafers began in F2j_zjaSxCA-00120-00047262-00047579 earnest in 2000 and reduced the price F2j_zjaSxCA-00121-00047580-00047986 per die about 30 to 40 percent F2j_zjaSxCA-00122-00047987-00048343 however this was not without significant F2j_zjaSxCA-00123-00048344-00048610 problems for the micro electronics or F2j_zjaSxCA-00124-00048611-00049414 chip or other similar named industry F2j_zjaSxCA-00125-00049415-00049889 topic proposed 450 millimeters F2j_zjaSxCA-00126-00049890-00050296 transition F2j_zjaSxCA-00127-00050297-00050631 there is considerable resistance to the F2j_zjaSxCA-00128-00050632-00050968 450 millimeters transition despite the F2j_zjaSxCA-00129-00050969-00051211 possible productivity improvement F2j_zjaSxCA-00130-00051212-00051480 because of concern about insufficient F2j_zjaSxCA-00131-00051482-00051873 return on investment higher cost F2j_zjaSxCA-00132-00051874-00052167 semiconductor fabrication equipment for F2j_zjaSxCA-00133-00052169-00052576 larger wafers increases the cost of 450 F2j_zjaSxCA-00134-00052577-00052846 millimeters fabs semiconductor F2j_zjaSxCA-00135-00052847-00053247 fabrication facilities are factories F2j_zjaSxCA-00136-00053248-00053590 lithographer Chris Mack claimed in 2012 F2j_zjaSxCA-00137-00053591-00053965 that the overall price per die for 450 F2j_zjaSxCA-00138-00053966-00054226 millimetres wafers would be reduced by F2j_zjaSxCA-00139-00054227-00054595 only 10 to 20 percent compared to 300 F2j_zjaSxCA-00140-00054596-00054958 millimetres wafers because over 50% of F2j_zjaSxCA-00141-00054959-00055225 total wafer processing costs are F2j_zjaSxCA-00142-00055226-00055674 lithography related converting to larger F2j_zjaSxCA-00143-00055675-00055978 450 millimetres wafers would reduce F2j_zjaSxCA-00144-00055979-00056236 price per die only for process F2j_zjaSxCA-00145-00056237-00056527 operations such as edge where cost is F2j_zjaSxCA-00146-00056528-00056913 related to wafer count not wafer area F2j_zjaSxCA-00147-00056914-00057291 cost for processes such as lithography F2j_zjaSxCA-00148-00057292-00057628 is proportional to wafer area and larger F2j_zjaSxCA-00149-00057629-00057900 wafers would not reduce the lithography F2j_zjaSxCA-00150-00057901-00058329 contribution to die cost Nikon planned F2j_zjaSxCA-00151-00058330-00058729 to deliver 450 M lithography equipment F2j_zjaSxCA-00152-00058729-00059191 in 2015 with volume production in 2017 F2j_zjaSxCA-00153-00059191-00059746 in November 2013 a SML paas development F2j_zjaSxCA-00154-00059747-00060160 of 450 M lithography equipment citing F2j_zjaSxCA-00155-00060161-00060427 uncertain timing of chip maker demand F2j_zjaSxCA-00156-00060428-00060835 the timeline for 450 millimetres has not F2j_zjaSxCA-00157-00060836-00061294 been fixed marked Durkin then CEO of F2j_zjaSxCA-00158-00061295-00061684 micron technology said in February 2014 F2j_zjaSxCA-00159-00061685-00062128 that he expects 450 millimetres adoption F2j_zjaSxCA-00160-00062129-00062325 to be delayed indefinitely or F2j_zjaSxCA-00161-00062326-00062520 discontinued F2j_zjaSxCA-00162-00062521-00062898 I am not convinced that 450 millimeters F2j_zjaSxCA-00163-00062899-00063162 will ever happen but to the extent that F2j_zjaSxCA-00164-00063163-00063408 it does it's a long way out in the F2j_zjaSxCA-00165-00063409-00063789 future there is not a lot of necessity F2j_zjaSxCA-00166-00063790-00064089 for micron at least over the next five F2j_zjaSxCA-00167-00064090-00064417 years to be spending a lot of money on F2j_zjaSxCA-00168-00064419-00064804 450 millimeters there is a lot of F2j_zjaSxCA-00169-00064805-00065064 investment that needs to go on in the F2j_zjaSxCA-00170-00065065-00065319 equipment community to make that happen F2j_zjaSxCA-00171-00065320-00065709 and the value at the end of the day so F2j_zjaSxCA-00172-00065710-00065928 that customers would buy that equipment F2j_zjaSxCA-00173-00065929-00066296 I think is dubious as of March 2014 F2j_zjaSxCA-00174-00066297-00066711 Intel Corporation expected 450 F2j_zjaSxCA-00175-00066712-00067023 millimeters deployment by 2020 by the F2j_zjaSxCA-00176-00067024-00067208 end of this decade F2j_zjaSxCA-00177-00067209-00067596 mark Lapidus of semi engineering dot-com F2j_zjaSxCA-00178-00067597-00067989 reported in mid 201 for that chip makers F2j_zjaSxCA-00179-00067990-00068355 had delayed adoption of 450 millimeters F2j_zjaSxCA-00180-00068356-00068757 for the foreseeable future according to F2j_zjaSxCA-00181-00068758-00069120 this report some observers expected 2018 F2j_zjaSxCA-00182-00069121-00069486 to 2020 while G Dan Hutchison chief F2j_zjaSxCA-00183-00069487-00069893 executive of VLSI research didn't see F2j_zjaSxCA-00184-00069894-00070197 450 millimeters fabs moving into F2j_zjaSxCA-00185-00070198-00070632 production until 2020 to 2025 the step F2j_zjaSxCA-00186-00070633-00070950 up to 300 millimeters required major F2j_zjaSxCA-00187-00070951-00071274 changes with fully automated factories F2j_zjaSxCA-00188-00071275-00071610 using 300 millimeters wafers versus F2j_zjaSxCA-00189-00071611-00071931 barely automated factories for the 200 F2j_zjaSxCA-00190-00071932-00072315 millimeters wafers partly because fo u P F2j_zjaSxCA-00191-00072316-00072618 for 300 millimeters wafers weighs about F2j_zjaSxCA-00192-00072619-00073068 20 pounds when loaded with 25,000 300 F2j_zjaSxCA-00193-00073069-00073287 millimetres wafers whereas myth F2j_zjaSxCA-00194-00073288-00073560 interface weighs about 10 pounds when F2j_zjaSxCA-00195-00073561-00073929 loaded with 25,000 200 millimetres F2j_zjaSxCA-00196-00073930-00074244 wafers thus requiring twice the amount F2j_zjaSxCA-00197-00074245-00074469 of physical strength from factory F2j_zjaSxCA-00198-00074470-00074904 workers and increasing fatigue 300 F2j_zjaSxCA-00199-00074905-00075255 millimeters fo ups have handles so that F2j_zjaSxCA-00200-00075256-00075629 they can be still be moved by hand F2j_zjaSxCA-00201-00075630-00076092 450 millimeters fo ups weigh 50 pounds F2j_zjaSxCA-00202-00076093-00076545 when loaded with 25,000 450 millimeters F2j_zjaSxCA-00203-00076546-00076836 wafers thus cranes are necessary to F2j_zjaSxCA-00204-00076837-00077160 handle the FO ups and handles are no F2j_zjaSxCA-00205-00077161-00077691 longer present in the FO u p fo ups are F2j_zjaSxCA-00206-00077692-00077943 moved around using material handling F2j_zjaSxCA-00207-00077944-00078366 systems from Miura Tek or daifuku these F2j_zjaSxCA-00208-00078367-00078663 major investments were undertaken in the F2j_zjaSxCA-00209-00078664-00078936 economic downturn following the dot-com F2j_zjaSxCA-00210-00078937-00079245 bubble resulting in huge resistance to F2j_zjaSxCA-00211-00079246-00079578 upgrading to 450 millimeters by the F2j_zjaSxCA-00212-00079579-00080100 original timeframe on the ramp up to 450 F2j_zjaSxCA-00213-00080101-00080334 millimeters are that the crystal ingots F2j_zjaSxCA-00214-00080335-00080613 will be three times heavier total weight F2j_zjaSxCA-00215-00080614-00080913 a metric ton and take two to four times F2j_zjaSxCA-00216-00080914-00081213 longer to cool and the process time will F2j_zjaSxCA-00217-00081214-00081629 be double all told the development of F2j_zjaSxCA-00218-00081630-00081929 450 millimetres wafers requires F2j_zjaSxCA-00219-00081930-00082290 significant engineering time and cost to F2j_zjaSxCA-00220-00082291-00082880 overcome F2j_zjaSxCA-00221-00082881-00083636 topic analytical dye count estimation F2j_zjaSxCA-00222-00083637-00083992 in order to minimize the cost per die F2j_zjaSxCA-00223-00083993-00084242 manufacturers wish to maximize the F2j_zjaSxCA-00224-00084243-00084473 number of dyes that can be made from a F2j_zjaSxCA-00225-00084474-00084787 single wafer dyes always have a square F2j_zjaSxCA-00226-00084788-00085010 or rectangular shape due to the F2j_zjaSxCA-00227-00085011-00085399 constraint of wafer dicing in general F2j_zjaSxCA-00228-00085400-00085650 this is a computationally complex F2j_zjaSxCA-00229-00085651-00085963 problem with no analytical solution F2j_zjaSxCA-00230-00085964-00086234 dependent on both the area of the dyes F2j_zjaSxCA-00231-00086235-00086567 as well as their aspect ratio square or F2j_zjaSxCA-00232-00086568-00086842 rectangular and other considerations F2j_zjaSxCA-00233-00086843-00087112 such as scribe line size and the space F2j_zjaSxCA-00234-00087113-00087359 occupied by alignment and test F2j_zjaSxCA-00235-00087360-00087878 structures note that gross dpw formulas F2j_zjaSxCA-00236-00087879-00088184 account only for wafer area that is lost F2j_zjaSxCA-00237-00088185-00088411 because it cannot be used to make F2j_zjaSxCA-00238-00088412-00088806 physically complete dyes gross dpw F2j_zjaSxCA-00239-00088807-00089068 calculations do not account for yield F2j_zjaSxCA-00240-00089069-00089519 loss due to defects or parametric issues F2j_zjaSxCA-00241-00089520-00089834 nevertheless the number of gross died F2j_zjaSxCA-00242-00089835-00090260 per wafer dpw can be estimated starting F2j_zjaSxCA-00243-00090261-00090518 with the first order approximation or F2j_zjaSxCA-00244-00090519-00090845 wafer to die area ratio F2j_zjaSxCA-00245-00090846-00091032 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00246-00091033-00091241 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00247-00091242-00091454 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00248-00091455-00091670 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00249-00091671-00091880 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00250-00091881-00092047 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00251-00092048-00092428 - for F2j_zjaSxCA-00252-00092429-00092612 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00253-00092613-00093081 display style dpw equals left l floor F2j_zjaSxCA-00254-00093082-00093754 frac pi d carrot 2 4 s right our floor F2j_zjaSxCA-00255-00093755-00093972 where F2j_zjaSxCA-00256-00093973-00094169 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00257-00094170-00094461 display style D F2j_zjaSxCA-00258-00094462-00094800 is the wafer diameter typically in em F2j_zjaSxCA-00259-00094801-00094939 and F2j_zjaSxCA-00260-00094940-00095129 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00261-00095130-00095642 display style s the size of each die em F2j_zjaSxCA-00262-00095643-00096072 to this formula simply states that the F2j_zjaSxCA-00263-00096073-00096305 number of dies which can fit on the F2j_zjaSxCA-00264-00096306-00096573 wafer cannot exceed the area of the F2j_zjaSxCA-00265-00096574-00096822 wafer divided by the area of each F2j_zjaSxCA-00266-00096823-00097156 individual die it will always F2j_zjaSxCA-00267-00097157-00097472 overestimate the true best-case gross F2j_zjaSxCA-00268-00097473-00097791 dpw since it includes the area of F2j_zjaSxCA-00269-00097792-00098040 partially patterned eyes which do not F2j_zjaSxCA-00270-00098041-00098340 fully lie on the wafer surface see F2j_zjaSxCA-00271-00098341-00098703 figure these partially patterned eyes F2j_zjaSxCA-00272-00098704-00099017 don't represent complete eye sees so F2j_zjaSxCA-00273-00099018-00099460 they cannot be sold as functional parts F2j_zjaSxCA-00274-00099461-00099697 refinements of this simple formula F2j_zjaSxCA-00275-00099698-00099989 typically add an edge correction to F2j_zjaSxCA-00276-00099990-00100214 account for partial dies on the edge F2j_zjaSxCA-00277-00100215-00100430 which in general will be more F2j_zjaSxCA-00278-00100431-00100682 significant when the area of the die is F2j_zjaSxCA-00279-00100683-00100988 large compared to the total area of the F2j_zjaSxCA-00280-00100989-00101365 wafer in the other limiting case F2j_zjaSxCA-00281-00101366-00101660 infinitesimally small dies or infinitely F2j_zjaSxCA-00282-00101661-00101951 large wafers the edge correction is F2j_zjaSxCA-00283-00101952-00102204 negligible F2j_zjaSxCA-00284-00102205-00102525 the correction factor or correction term F2j_zjaSxCA-00285-00102526-00102809 generally takes one of the forms cited F2j_zjaSxCA-00286-00102810-00103016 by DeVries F2j_zjaSxCA-00287-00103017-00103199 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00288-00103200-00103405 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00289-00103406-00103615 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00290-00103616-00103841 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00291-00103842-00104379 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00292-00104380-00104586 d24 F2j_zjaSxCA-00293-00104588-00104782 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00294-00104783-00104984 - F2j_zjaSxCA-00295-00104985-00105174 hi F2j_zjaSxCA-00296-00105175-00105355 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00297-00105356-00105545 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00298-00105546-00106313 s display style dpw equals frac display F2j_zjaSxCA-00299-00106314-00106885 style PI D carat to 4s frac display F2j_zjaSxCA-00300-00106886-00107394 style PI D s QR t to s F2j_zjaSxCA-00301-00107395-00107796 area ratio circumference die diagonal F2j_zjaSxCA-00302-00107797-00107958 length F2j_zjaSxCA-00303-00107958-00108135 or F2j_zjaSxCA-00304-00108136-00108320 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00305-00108321-00108529 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00306-00108530-00108745 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00307-00108746-00108961 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00308-00108963-00109504 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00309-00109505-00109713 d24 F2j_zjaSxCA-00310-00109714-00109950 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00311-00109951-00110160 exp F2j_zjaSxCA-00312-00110161-00110358 - F2j_zjaSxCA-00313-00110358-00110533 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00314-00110534-00110745 yes F2j_zjaSxCA-00315-00110746-00110920 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00316-00110921-00111421 display style dpw equals left frac F2j_zjaSxCA-00317-00111422-00112054 display style pi d carat 2 4 s right exp F2j_zjaSxCA-00318-00112055-00112551 minus 2 s QR t SD F2j_zjaSxCA-00319-00112552-00112890 area ratio scaled by an exponential F2j_zjaSxCA-00320-00112891-00113060 factor F2j_zjaSxCA-00321-00113061-00113231 or F2j_zjaSxCA-00322-00113232-00113413 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00323-00113414-00113618 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00324-00113619-00113832 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00325-00113833-00114053 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00326-00114054-00114252 hi F2j_zjaSxCA-00327-00114253-00114450 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00328-00114451-00115170 - 4s1 F2j_zjaSxCA-00329-00115171-00115376 - F2j_zjaSxCA-00330-00115377-00115735 - s F2j_zjaSxCA-00331-00115736-00115920 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00332-00115921-00116115 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00333-00116116-00116689 display style dpw equals frac display F2j_zjaSxCA-00334-00116690-00117270 style PI D carrot to 4s left one frac F2j_zjaSxCA-00335-00117271-00117850 display style to s QR t SD right carrot F2j_zjaSxCA-00336-00117851-00117998 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00337-00117999-00118406 area ratio scaled by a polynomial factor F2j_zjaSxCA-00338-00118407-00118679 studies comparing these analytical F2j_zjaSxCA-00339-00118680-00118982 formulas to brute force computational F2j_zjaSxCA-00340-00118983-00119236 results show that the formulas can be F2j_zjaSxCA-00341-00119238-00119555 made more accurate over practical ranges F2j_zjaSxCA-00342-00119556-00119879 of dice sizes and aspect ratios by F2j_zjaSxCA-00343-00119880-00120080 adjusting the coefficients of the F2j_zjaSxCA-00344-00120081-00120341 corrections to values above or below F2j_zjaSxCA-00345-00120342-00120638 unity and by replacing the linear die F2j_zjaSxCA-00346-00120639-00120833 dimension F2j_zjaSxCA-00347-00120834-00121002 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00348-00121003-00121459 display style sq RTS F2j_zjaSxCA-00349-00121460-00121635 with F2j_zjaSxCA-00350-00121636-00121817 H F2j_zjaSxCA-00351-00121818-00122029 Plus F2j_zjaSxCA-00352-00122030-00122231 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00353-00122232-00122425 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00354-00122426-00122881 display style h plus w2 F2j_zjaSxCA-00355-00122882-00123196 average side lengths in the case of dyes F2j_zjaSxCA-00356-00123197-00123529 with large aspect ratio F2j_zjaSxCA-00357-00123530-00123713 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00358-00123714-00123920 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00359-00123921-00124130 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00360-00124131-00124335 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00361-00124336-00124523 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00362-00124524-00124713 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00363-00124714-00125074 - for F2j_zjaSxCA-00364-00125075-00125266 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00365-00125267-00125810 - 0.58 F2j_zjaSxCA-00366-00125811-00126013 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00367-00126014-00126383 d s F2j_zjaSxCA-00368-00126383-00126950 display style dpw equals frac display F2j_zjaSxCA-00369-00126951-00127691 style pie d carrot to 4s - 0:58 carrot F2j_zjaSxCA-00370-00127692-00128449 asterisk frac display style pie d SQ RTS F2j_zjaSxCA-00371-00128450-00128620 or F2j_zjaSxCA-00372-00128621-00128808 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00373-00128809-00129014 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00374-00129015-00129226 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00375-00129227-00129451 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00376-00129452-00129647 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00377-00129648-00129833 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00378-00129833-00130258 - for F2j_zjaSxCA-00379-00130259-00130465 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00380-00130466-00130677 exp F2j_zjaSxCA-00381-00130678-00130956 - F2j_zjaSxCA-00382-00130957-00131215 2.32 F2j_zjaSxCA-00383-00131216-00131387 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00384-00131388-00131577 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00385-00131578-00132084 display style dpw equals left frac F2j_zjaSxCA-00386-00132085-00132718 display style PI D carat 2 4 s right exp F2j_zjaSxCA-00387-00132719-00133237 minus 2 point 3 2 carat asterisk s QR t F2j_zjaSxCA-00388-00133238-00133455 SD F2j_zjaSxCA-00389-00133456-00133625 or F2j_zjaSxCA-00390-00133626-00133813 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00391-00133814-00134023 P F2j_zjaSxCA-00392-00134024-00134231 w F2j_zjaSxCA-00393-00134232-00134452 equals F2j_zjaSxCA-00394-00134453-00134650 pi F2j_zjaSxCA-00395-00134651-00134832 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00396-00134833-00135587 - 4s1 F2j_zjaSxCA-00397-00135588-00136134 - 1.16 F2j_zjaSxCA-00398-00136135-00136325 s F2j_zjaSxCA-00399-00136326-00136497 d F2j_zjaSxCA-00400-00136498-00136698 to F2j_zjaSxCA-00401-00136699-00137268 display style dpw equals frac display F2j_zjaSxCA-00402-00137269-00137846 style pi d carat to 4s left one frac F2j_zjaSxCA-00403-00137847-00138227 display style one point one six carat F2j_zjaSxCA-00404-00138228-00139305 asterisk s QR t SD right carat to F2j_zjaSxCA-00405-00139306-00139995 topic crystal and orientation F2j_zjaSxCA-00406-00139996-00140291 wafers are grown from crystal having a F2j_zjaSxCA-00407-00140292-00140588 regular crystal structure with silicon F2j_zjaSxCA-00408-00140589-00140864 having a diamond cubic structure with a F2j_zjaSxCA-00409-00140865-00141171 lattice spacing of five point four three F2j_zjaSxCA-00410-00141172-00141539 zero seven one zero of zero point five F2j_zjaSxCA-00411-00141540-00141821 four three zero seven one zero F2j_zjaSxCA-00412-00141822-00142269 nanometers when cut into wafers the F2j_zjaSxCA-00413-00142270-00142497 surface is aligned in one of several F2j_zjaSxCA-00414-00142498-00142789 relative directions known as crystal F2j_zjaSxCA-00415-00142790-00143232 orientations orientation is defined by F2j_zjaSxCA-00416-00143233-00143711 the Miller index with 100 or 111 faces F2j_zjaSxCA-00417-00143712-00144096 being the most common for silicon F2j_zjaSxCA-00418-00144097-00144429 orientation is important since many of a F2j_zjaSxCA-00419-00144430-00144652 single crystals structural and F2j_zjaSxCA-00420-00144653-00144879 electronic properties are highly F2j_zjaSxCA-00421-00144880-00145327 anisotropic ion implantation depths F2j_zjaSxCA-00422-00145328-00145648 depend on the wafers crystal orientation F2j_zjaSxCA-00423-00145649-00145936 since each direction offers distinct F2j_zjaSxCA-00424-00145937-00146210 paths for transport F2j_zjaSxCA-00425-00146211-00146570 wafer cleavage typically occurs only in F2j_zjaSxCA-00426-00146571-00146936 a few well-defined directions scoring F2j_zjaSxCA-00427-00146937-00147202 the wafer along cleavage planes allows F2j_zjaSxCA-00428-00147203-00147485 it to be easily diced into individual F2j_zjaSxCA-00429-00147486-00147881 chips dyes so that the billions of F2j_zjaSxCA-00430-00147882-00148121 individual circuit elements on an F2j_zjaSxCA-00431-00148122-00148414 average wafer can be separated into many F2j_zjaSxCA-00432-00148415-00149116 individual circuits F2j_zjaSxCA-00433-00149117-00149532 topic crystallographic orientation F2j_zjaSxCA-00434-00149533-00149935 notches F2j_zjaSxCA-00435-00149936-00150260 wafers under 200 millimetres diameter F2j_zjaSxCA-00436-00150261-00150588 have flats cut into one or more sites F2j_zjaSxCA-00437-00150589-00150860 indicating the crystallographic planes F2j_zjaSxCA-00438-00150861-00151346 of the wafer usually a 110 face in F2j_zjaSxCA-00439-00151347-00151639 earlier generation wafers a pair of F2j_zjaSxCA-00440-00151640-00151910 flats at different angles additionally F2j_zjaSxCA-00441-00151911-00152219 conveyed the doping type C illustration F2j_zjaSxCA-00442-00152220-00152611 for conventions wafers of 200 F2j_zjaSxCA-00443-00152612-00152863 millimetres diameter and above use a F2j_zjaSxCA-00444-00152864-00153160 single small notch to convey wafer F2j_zjaSxCA-00445-00153161-00153490 orientation with no visual indication of F2j_zjaSxCA-00446-00153491-00154111 doping type F2j_zjaSxCA-00447-00154112-00154553 topic impurity doping F2j_zjaSxCA-00448-00154554-00154758 you F2j_zjaSxCA-00449-00154759-00155182 silicon wafers are generally not 100% F2j_zjaSxCA-00450-00155183-00155485 pure silicon but are instead formed with F2j_zjaSxCA-00451-00155486-00155790 an initial impurity doping concentration F2j_zjaSxCA-00452-00155791-00156225 between 10 13 and 10 16 atoms per cc of F2j_zjaSxCA-00453-00156226-00156563 boron phosphorus arsenic or antimony F2j_zjaSxCA-00454-00156564-00156874 which is added to the melt and defines F2j_zjaSxCA-00455-00156875-00157137 the wafer as either bulk n-type or F2j_zjaSxCA-00456-00157138-00157561 p-type however compared with single F2j_zjaSxCA-00457-00157562-00157890 crystal silicon atomic density of 5 F2j_zjaSxCA-00458-00157891-00158320 times 10 22 atoms per cc this still F2j_zjaSxCA-00459-00158321-00158979 gives a purity greater than 99.9999% the F2j_zjaSxCA-00460-00158980-00159250 wafers can also be initially provided F2j_zjaSxCA-00461-00159251-00159498 with some interstitial oxygen F2j_zjaSxCA-00462-00159499-00159878 concentration carbon and metallic F2j_zjaSxCA-00463-00159879-00160170 contamination are kept to a minimum F2j_zjaSxCA-00464-00160171-00160531 transition metals in particular must be F2j_zjaSxCA-00465-00160532-00160766 kept below parts per billion F2j_zjaSxCA-00466-00160767-00160976 concentrations for electronic F2j_zjaSxCA-00467-00160977-00161640 applications F2j_zjaSxCA-00468-00161641-00162367 topic compound semiconductors F2j_zjaSxCA-00469-00162368-00162703 while Silicon as the prevalent material F2j_zjaSxCA-00470-00162704-00162961 for wafers used in the electronics F2j_zjaSxCA-00471-00162962-00163360 industry other compound iii-v or Eevee F2j_zjaSxCA-00472-00163361-00163683 materials have also been employed F2j_zjaSxCA-00473-00163684-00164079 gallium arsenide gallium 3 arsenide F2j_zjaSxCA-00474-00164080-00164404 iii-v semiconductor produced via the F2j_zjaSxCA-00475-00164405-00164725 Zakrzewski process is also a common F2j_zjaSxCA-00476-00164726-00165036 wafer material F2j_zjaSxCA-00477-00165037-00165471 equals equals see also F2Jjrk5Ib84-00000-00000007-00000335 Shalom Babu hema been laser toner daha F2Jjrk5Ib84-00001-00000336-00000724 guzel sharma hot model open net game F2Jjrk5Ib84-00002-00000725-00001064 repository mcgaha dodge limited models F2Jjrk5Ib84-00003-00001065-00001565 time ashihara no leash loss plate a F2Jjrk5Ib84-00004-00001566-00002002 Madonna beam meto a portal a digitally F2Jjrk5Ib84-00005-00002003-00002467 she'll miss Audrey no linear a poet 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the fan ver bottle a F2Jjrk5Ib84-00020-00009411-00009620 digitally shell solution una mochila F2Jjrk5Ib84-00021-00009621-00010003 collage no sir des moines actual ha F2Jjrk5Ib84-00022-00010004-00010438 Pascal agreed exeter but its if you F2Jjrk5Ib84-00023-00010439-00011228 whole lot any propagation F2Jjrk5Ib84-00024-00011229-00011676 verma travelpod pose repo specialist de F2Jjrk5Ib84-00025-00011677-00012438 lo que hay espacio de parte de na nu F2Jjrk5Ib84-00026-00012439-00012752 metal a name separate Mangano hippos F2Jjrk5Ib84-00027-00012753-00013152 kadesha Alberta male convent of pool I'm F2Jjrk5Ib84-00028-00013153-00014316 sorry no F2Jjrk5Ib84-00029-00014316-00014663 can t bono chiva na hoona holy moly F2Jjrk5Ib84-00030-00014665-00015241 haute chaplet mg morphine mm I'm a game F2Jjrk5Ib84-00031-00015243-00015765 show named Joseph know the hot monadic F2Jjrk5Ib84-00032-00015766-00016063 issue rocket editor Logan basu Graeme eh F2Jjrk5Ib84-00033-00016065-00016401 que no lo I am a poet uberta Shalom F2Jjrk5Ib84-00034-00016402-00016737 elaborate aslam lemania shabbat elusive F2Jjrk5Ib84-00035-00016738-00017163 podemos offense kayvan t model marshal F2Jjrk5Ib84-00036-00017164-00018094 at sig bottom Joseph M Annie boho F2Jjrk5Ib84-00037-00018095-00018638 missoula mine chellah rabat BrainPOP F2Jjrk5Ib84-00038-00018639-00019053 Djokovic a chunk of leg issue ratio la F2Jjrk5Ib84-00039-00019054-00019290 pelota magnesium at battle ah da F2Jjrk5Ib84-00040-00019291-00019836 BrainPOP Asafa with a gradation okie F2Jjrk5Ib84-00041-00019837-00021006 show any goal el gato dile fo F2Jjrk5Ib84-00042-00021007-00021343 tempranillo joe dimaggio for money yonas F2Jjrk5Ib84-00043-00021344-00021781 cattle meet la da da da I'm anemic real F2Jjrk5Ib84-00044-00021782-00022728 economy legation de miedo vale la piazza F2Jjrk5Ib84-00045-00022729-00023089 venezia lift ohata issue berjalan hijo F2Jjrk5Ib84-00046-00023090-00023335 de chambly la belladonna vote Mick on F2Jjrk5Ib84-00047-00023336-00023776 Saturday on vivaha lewbert's la la la F2Jjrk5Ib84-00048-00023777-00024010 Coulomb F48ob4aDMtc-00000-00000064-00001623 [Music] F48ob4aDMtc-00001-00001623-00001910 hello everyone welcome to nptel course F48ob4aDMtc-00002-00001911-00002134 on groundwater hydrology F48ob4aDMtc-00003-00002135-00002279 and management F48ob4aDMtc-00004-00002280-00002750 this is week three lecture four F48ob4aDMtc-00005-00002751-00002910 we are looking at some important F48ob4aDMtc-00006-00002911-00003087 components of F48ob4aDMtc-00007-00003088-00003279 groundwater hydrology F48ob4aDMtc-00008-00003279-00003495 and we have been defining F48ob4aDMtc-00009-00003496-00003775 what is groundwater how is it stored F48ob4aDMtc-00010-00003776-00004086 and what are the key components F48ob4aDMtc-00011-00004087-00004231 in today's lecture F48ob4aDMtc-00012-00004232-00004511 we will be applying the understanding F48ob4aDMtc-00013-00004512-00004647 to F48ob4aDMtc-00014-00004648-00004806 differentiate the different F48ob4aDMtc-00015-00004807-00005015 indian aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00016-00005016-00005231 subcontinent F48ob4aDMtc-00017-00005232-00005438 since as i mentioned earlier this course F48ob4aDMtc-00018-00005439-00005535 would be F48ob4aDMtc-00019-00005536-00005759 focused more on F48ob4aDMtc-00020-00005760-00006022 the indian groundwater system F48ob4aDMtc-00021-00006023-00006391 we'll be looking at the indian aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00022-00006392-00006518 at this point F48ob4aDMtc-00023-00006519-00006719 i also want to stress F48ob4aDMtc-00024-00006720-00006975 that F48ob4aDMtc-00025-00006976-00007334 groundwater is very important for india F48ob4aDMtc-00026-00007336-00007503 this is one of the most important fresh F48ob4aDMtc-00027-00007504-00007670 water resource F48ob4aDMtc-00028-00007672-00008055 in india if not the most F48ob4aDMtc-00029-00008056-00008231 it accounts to almost F48ob4aDMtc-00030-00008232-00008599 all of the ravi season cropping in major F48ob4aDMtc-00031-00008600-00008935 seasons and major regions of india F48ob4aDMtc-00032-00008936-00009110 and also we are F48ob4aDMtc-00033-00009111-00009271 ranked number one in groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00034-00009272-00009487 extraction F48ob4aDMtc-00035-00009488-00009663 so F48ob4aDMtc-00036-00009664-00010063 the major types of indian aquifers are F48ob4aDMtc-00037-00010064-00010399 hard rock aquifers of peninsula india F48ob4aDMtc-00038-00010400-00010719 which is present around 65 percent F48ob4aDMtc-00039-00010720-00011055 of india F48ob4aDMtc-00040-00011056-00011527 and it covers most of the surface area F48ob4aDMtc-00041-00011528-00011695 the central india F48ob4aDMtc-00042-00011696-00011959 would be housing most of these hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00043-00011960-00012223 aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00044-00012224-00012423 so aquifers were defined in the previous F48ob4aDMtc-00045-00012424-00012542 lecture F48ob4aDMtc-00046-00012543-00012646 wherein F48ob4aDMtc-00047-00012647-00012943 it is the unit of storage F48ob4aDMtc-00048-00012944-00013102 uh inside F48ob4aDMtc-00049-00013103-00013407 the groundwater profile F48ob4aDMtc-00050-00013408-00013655 where you have four spaces and solid F48ob4aDMtc-00051-00013656-00013903 medium and waters is filled in the pore F48ob4aDMtc-00052-00013904-00014103 spaces F48ob4aDMtc-00053-00014104-00014263 the aquifers can be confined and F48ob4aDMtc-00054-00014263-00014455 unconfined F48ob4aDMtc-00055-00014456-00014591 so what do you mean by hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00056-00014591-00014983 atrophos F48ob4aDMtc-00057-00014984-00015407 it is underlined by hard rock formations F48ob4aDMtc-00058-00015408-00015694 the rock is hard well all rocks are hard F48ob4aDMtc-00059-00015695-00015807 so you would ask me what is the F48ob4aDMtc-00060-00015808-00015903 difference F48ob4aDMtc-00061-00015904-00015991 um F48ob4aDMtc-00062-00015991-00016263 hard rock means it is hard to F48ob4aDMtc-00063-00016263-00016366 crack F48ob4aDMtc-00064-00016368-00016639 and weather so because of that there is F48ob4aDMtc-00065-00016640-00016847 least weathering F48ob4aDMtc-00066-00016848-00017039 and the weathering is almost along a F48ob4aDMtc-00067-00017040-00017350 single line or a fracture F48ob4aDMtc-00068-00017351-00017550 and because of that there is less pore F48ob4aDMtc-00069-00017551-00017686 spaces F48ob4aDMtc-00070-00017687-00018039 the rocks are kind of platy and are are F48ob4aDMtc-00071-00018040-00018271 one on top of the other with less space F48ob4aDMtc-00072-00018272-00018519 in between so if suppose you have a rock F48ob4aDMtc-00073-00018520-00018655 like which is F48ob4aDMtc-00074-00018656-00018950 having um different F48ob4aDMtc-00075-00018951-00019167 dimensions okay it is not smooth it is F48ob4aDMtc-00076-00019168-00019447 not circular so what happens they cannot F48ob4aDMtc-00077-00019448-00019671 uh you know overlay on each other and so F48ob4aDMtc-00078-00019672-00019886 there is space in between however if it F48ob4aDMtc-00079-00019887-00020127 is platey like this and there's only F48ob4aDMtc-00080-00020128-00020414 cracks in between it still can F48ob4aDMtc-00081-00020415-00020711 gel together with less space and that F48ob4aDMtc-00082-00020712-00020927 less space gives rise to only less F48ob4aDMtc-00083-00020928-00021255 groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00084-00021256-00021399 so as um F48ob4aDMtc-00085-00021400-00021486 the F48ob4aDMtc-00086-00021487-00021735 writing says on here F48ob4aDMtc-00087-00021736-00021814 these F48ob4aDMtc-00088-00021815-00021975 rocks give rise to a complex and F48ob4aDMtc-00089-00021976-00022311 extensive low storage aquifer system F48ob4aDMtc-00090-00022312-00022535 low storage because water takes time to F48ob4aDMtc-00091-00022536-00022807 get into this system and also it is hard F48ob4aDMtc-00092-00022808-00023158 to extract water out F48ob4aDMtc-00093-00023159-00023527 okay and it rapidly falls once you F48ob4aDMtc-00094-00023528-00023878 extract more and more water F48ob4aDMtc-00095-00023879-00024086 and the permeability is very low how F48ob4aDMtc-00096-00024087-00024263 much water can pass through the system F48ob4aDMtc-00097-00024264-00024383 is very low F48ob4aDMtc-00098-00024384-00024591 uh pass through the rocks is very low so F48ob4aDMtc-00099-00024592-00024903 there is iron both recharge low storage F48ob4aDMtc-00100-00024904-00025222 space is low and also when once you pull F48ob4aDMtc-00101-00025223-00025319 it out F48ob4aDMtc-00102-00025320-00025591 the next recharge is very very slow and F48ob4aDMtc-00103-00025592-00025790 there is no connectivity much between F48ob4aDMtc-00104-00025791-00026014 the aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00105-00026016-00026231 so this implies that the water in these F48ob4aDMtc-00106-00026232-00026502 aquifers is non-replenishable or not F48ob4aDMtc-00107-00026504-00026727 quickly replenishable F48ob4aDMtc-00108-00026727-00026983 and will eventually dry out F48ob4aDMtc-00109-00026983-00027287 when you use it continuously F48ob4aDMtc-00110-00027288-00027527 given that it is almost present in 65 F48ob4aDMtc-00111-00027527-00027702 percent of india F48ob4aDMtc-00112-00027704-00027911 it is scary to say that this is the F48ob4aDMtc-00113-00027912-00028087 water that F48ob4aDMtc-00114-00028088-00028255 is being depleted F48ob4aDMtc-00115-00028256-00028574 constantly and is not being F48ob4aDMtc-00116-00028575-00028718 recharged F48ob4aDMtc-00117-00028719-00028831 so F48ob4aDMtc-00118-00028832-00029095 all the benefits that the farmers and F48ob4aDMtc-00119-00029095-00029302 industries and domestic users were F48ob4aDMtc-00120-00029304-00029558 enjoying by using water from this hard F48ob4aDMtc-00121-00029560-00029935 rock aquifers will soon face shortage F48ob4aDMtc-00122-00029936-00030135 if not now F48ob4aDMtc-00123-00030136-00030255 and F48ob4aDMtc-00124-00030256-00030470 their attitude in using water has to F48ob4aDMtc-00125-00030472-00030567 change F48ob4aDMtc-00126-00030568-00030870 or will be changed F48ob4aDMtc-00127-00030872-00031055 what are the remaining atmospheres the F48ob4aDMtc-00128-00031056-00031223 remaining aquifers are called alluvial F48ob4aDMtc-00129-00031224-00031470 aquifers of the indo-gangetic plane or F48ob4aDMtc-00130-00031472-00031679 alluvial aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00131-00031680-00031831 so you do have olivia acquisition the F48ob4aDMtc-00132-00031832-00032102 southern plain in the carvery delta F48ob4aDMtc-00133-00032103-00032214 and in the F48ob4aDMtc-00134-00032216-00032535 western side along the narmada region F48ob4aDMtc-00135-00032536-00032767 so most of it is in the indus F48ob4aDMtc-00136-00032768-00033151 ganges and ramaphotra region F48ob4aDMtc-00137-00033152-00033367 okay but the majority of the alluvial is F48ob4aDMtc-00138-00033368-00033574 formed in the ganges plains so F48ob4aDMtc-00139-00033575-00033702 these are F48ob4aDMtc-00140-00033703-00033895 in the northern india and have F48ob4aDMtc-00141-00033896-00034223 significant storage spaces F48ob4aDMtc-00142-00034224-00034407 and has a very valuable source of fresh F48ob4aDMtc-00143-00034408-00034574 water supply F48ob4aDMtc-00144-00034575-00034902 the ganges basin the ganges area F48ob4aDMtc-00145-00034903-00035071 totally can support F48ob4aDMtc-00146-00035072-00035246 more than a billion F48ob4aDMtc-00147-00035247-00035455 population both using surface and F48ob4aDMtc-00148-00035456-00035599 groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00149-00035600-00035751 when you say a billion population is F48ob4aDMtc-00150-00035752-00036055 supported that means F48ob4aDMtc-00151-00036056-00036190 almost one F48ob4aDMtc-00152-00036191-00036374 person every seven F48ob4aDMtc-00153-00036375-00036590 of the world population is supported by F48ob4aDMtc-00154-00036591-00036783 the gangster basin such an important F48ob4aDMtc-00155-00036784-00036879 basin F48ob4aDMtc-00156-00036880-00037079 and there is a lot of groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00157-00037080-00037335 storage there F48ob4aDMtc-00158-00037336-00037535 however F48ob4aDMtc-00159-00037536-00037887 due to excessive groundwater extraction F48ob4aDMtc-00160-00037888-00038135 and not as fast F48ob4aDMtc-00161-00038136-00038271 recharge rates which means the F48ob4aDMtc-00162-00038272-00038551 extraction is happening 10 times the F48ob4aDMtc-00163-00038552-00038783 natural recharge rate you're taking a F48ob4aDMtc-00164-00038784-00039023 money like 10 times in a day and putting F48ob4aDMtc-00165-00039024-00039262 only once in a day the salary F48ob4aDMtc-00166-00039263-00039518 or let's take it a month so that means F48ob4aDMtc-00167-00039519-00039918 you are extracting at a much faster pace F48ob4aDMtc-00168-00039919-00040230 than the natural recharge F48ob4aDMtc-00169-00040231-00040583 these aquifers are always at risk F48ob4aDMtc-00170-00040584-00040927 of irreversible expo over exploitation F48ob4aDMtc-00171-00040928-00041135 what do you mean by irreversible is once F48ob4aDMtc-00172-00041136-00041462 you go below a particular water level F48ob4aDMtc-00173-00041463-00041711 you cannot recharge the water F48ob4aDMtc-00174-00041712-00041895 and that actually F48ob4aDMtc-00175-00041896-00042167 uh would cause tremendous stress on the F48ob4aDMtc-00176-00042168-00042623 groundwater ecosystem in the ganges base F48ob4aDMtc-00177-00042624-00042855 let's look at this visually because F48ob4aDMtc-00178-00042856-00043030 visually you could F48ob4aDMtc-00179-00043031-00043207 make more sense of what is happening and F48ob4aDMtc-00180-00043208-00043399 what are the driver forces okay so F48ob4aDMtc-00181-00043400-00043702 principal aquifer system first we'll F48ob4aDMtc-00182-00043703-00043823 deal with the F48ob4aDMtc-00183-00043824-00043999 aluminum aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00184-00044000-00044318 alluvium is the term which comes from F48ob4aDMtc-00185-00044319-00044679 deposition of minerals solids and F48ob4aDMtc-00186-00044680-00044918 sediments through F48ob4aDMtc-00187-00044919-00045271 water okay so you have uh F48ob4aDMtc-00188-00045272-00045543 water carrying these sediments and it F48ob4aDMtc-00189-00045544-00045758 deposits along the way F48ob4aDMtc-00190-00045759-00045902 so these waters could come from the F48ob4aDMtc-00191-00045903-00046215 himalayas and in between regions F48ob4aDMtc-00192-00046216-00046383 it carries a lot of sediment and the F48ob4aDMtc-00193-00046384-00046679 sediment are fine particles if they get F48ob4aDMtc-00194-00046680-00046990 deposited then water can get into these F48ob4aDMtc-00195-00046991-00047199 sediments because of the pore space so F48ob4aDMtc-00196-00047200-00047551 humans have a lot of pore space F48ob4aDMtc-00197-00047552-00047662 okay F48ob4aDMtc-00198-00047663-00047902 so most of the yellow region here which F48ob4aDMtc-00199-00047903-00048143 is the indus the ganges the brahmaputra F48ob4aDMtc-00200-00048144-00048415 are all alluvial aquifers very high F48ob4aDMtc-00201-00048416-00048502 yield F48ob4aDMtc-00202-00048503-00048790 uh there is some here also due to the uh F48ob4aDMtc-00203-00048791-00048999 ganges basin and etcetera and here you F48ob4aDMtc-00204-00049000-00049351 have some on the kaveri delta region F48ob4aDMtc-00205-00049352-00049511 here you could see another marathi F48ob4aDMtc-00206-00049512-00049799 region F48ob4aDMtc-00207-00049800-00050030 what else do we have F48ob4aDMtc-00208-00050031-00050230 we have the F48ob4aDMtc-00209-00050231-00050455 laterite in orange F48ob4aDMtc-00210-00050456-00050790 very less amount so let's concentrate on F48ob4aDMtc-00211-00050791-00050935 the F48ob4aDMtc-00212-00050936-00051214 major aquifers so first is your aloe F48ob4aDMtc-00213-00051215-00051375 vera on the picture F48ob4aDMtc-00214-00051376-00051607 and then you have the hard rock basalt F48ob4aDMtc-00215-00051608-00051726 aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00216-00051727-00051999 so the term basalt comes because of the F48ob4aDMtc-00217-00052000-00052254 nature of the rock the name of the rock F48ob4aDMtc-00218-00052255-00052494 okay and the basalt itself is a hard F48ob4aDMtc-00219-00052495-00052694 rock so when in the previous slide when F48ob4aDMtc-00220-00052695-00052999 we mentioned hard rock aquifers uh it is F48ob4aDMtc-00221-00053000-00053119 not F48ob4aDMtc-00222-00053120-00053487 the term given to the the formation of F48ob4aDMtc-00223-00053488-00053735 the rock it is it is the rock itself is F48ob4aDMtc-00224-00053736-00053966 a very hard rock and it doesn't F48ob4aDMtc-00225-00053967-00054150 disintegrate that fast there are F48ob4aDMtc-00226-00054151-00054399 multiple types of odd rocks and that is F48ob4aDMtc-00227-00054400-00054663 what we are seeing here in this image F48ob4aDMtc-00228-00054664-00054830 the blue color which represents the F48ob4aDMtc-00229-00054832-00054991 basalt F48ob4aDMtc-00230-00054991-00055182 and the orange F48ob4aDMtc-00231-00055183-00055311 color F48ob4aDMtc-00232-00055312-00055526 more in the F48ob4aDMtc-00233-00055527-00055815 laterite and limestone F48ob4aDMtc-00234-00055816-00056103 etc and granites granites in the blue F48ob4aDMtc-00235-00056104-00056326 color all constitute your hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00236-00056327-00056487 aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00237-00056488-00056575 okay F48ob4aDMtc-00238-00056576-00056823 in in southern india in tamil nadu and F48ob4aDMtc-00239-00056824-00057079 kerala region you have the code right F48ob4aDMtc-00240-00057079-00057350 and those also constitute your hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00241-00057351-00057679 aquifers very very less ground water F48ob4aDMtc-00242-00057679-00058023 potential and nieces g and e sis all F48ob4aDMtc-00243-00058024-00058166 these are F48ob4aDMtc-00244-00058167-00058366 your geological terms for the name of F48ob4aDMtc-00245-00058367-00058463 the rock F48ob4aDMtc-00246-00058464-00058654 and the rock is a type of a hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00247-00058655-00058926 because it doesn't have enough space F48ob4aDMtc-00248-00058927-00059223 porosity is low permeability is raw it F48ob4aDMtc-00249-00059224-00059399 is very hard to F48ob4aDMtc-00250-00059400-00059638 weather the rock and because of that F48ob4aDMtc-00251-00059639-00059887 there is less groundwater storage F48ob4aDMtc-00252-00059888-00060311 potential in these aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00253-00060312-00060679 moving on we also have a shale F48ob4aDMtc-00254-00060679-00061047 along the uh northeastern region um uh F48ob4aDMtc-00255-00061048-00061215 pretty much covering the northeastern F48ob4aDMtc-00256-00061216-00061319 region F48ob4aDMtc-00257-00061320-00061615 and here you have the hilly regions um F48ob4aDMtc-00258-00061616-00061823 schist formation F48ob4aDMtc-00259-00061824-00062038 very very hard rock not much F48ob4aDMtc-00260-00062039-00062263 groundwater potential F48ob4aDMtc-00261-00062264-00062487 all those are the himalayan regions and F48ob4aDMtc-00262-00062488-00062679 you would expect very less groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00263-00062679-00062942 potential there so the principal aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00264-00062944-00063150 systems is again F48ob4aDMtc-00265-00063151-00063415 based on the geology F48ob4aDMtc-00266-00063416-00063654 okay uh first is you need to have a F48ob4aDMtc-00267-00063655-00063887 container to pour the water and that F48ob4aDMtc-00268-00063888-00064191 container or that storage unit F48ob4aDMtc-00269-00064191-00064342 is your F48ob4aDMtc-00270-00064344-00064482 groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00271-00064483-00064759 aquifer and the aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00272-00064760-00065135 is a function of your geology names you F48ob4aDMtc-00273-00065136-00065438 see here is alluvial aquifer etcetera so F48ob4aDMtc-00274-00065439-00065671 here don't confuse it between the F48ob4aDMtc-00275-00065672-00065919 unconfined aquifer confined aquifer and F48ob4aDMtc-00276-00065920-00066191 alluvial alluvial and the names you see F48ob4aDMtc-00277-00066192-00066463 here is predominantly F48ob4aDMtc-00278-00066464-00066575 the F48ob4aDMtc-00279-00066576-00066815 rock material but when you say confined F48ob4aDMtc-00280-00066816-00067079 versus unconfined it is the presence of F48ob4aDMtc-00281-00067080-00067319 a impermeable membrane F48ob4aDMtc-00282-00067320-00067479 or a rock F48ob4aDMtc-00283-00067480-00067743 surface and how it recharges so it is F48ob4aDMtc-00284-00067744-00067982 more on a function of recharge whereas F48ob4aDMtc-00285-00067983-00068182 here it is a function of the geologic F48ob4aDMtc-00286-00068183-00068494 material F48ob4aDMtc-00287-00068495-00068726 okay so you can have a hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00288-00068727-00068950 confined aquifer you can have a hard F48ob4aDMtc-00289-00068951-00069182 rock unconfined aquifer okay so the F48ob4aDMtc-00290-00069183-00069431 unconfined confined can be added to your F48ob4aDMtc-00291-00069432-00069606 hard rock F48ob4aDMtc-00292-00069607-00069894 and so there's only two types F48ob4aDMtc-00293-00069895-00070031 of F48ob4aDMtc-00294-00070032-00070223 aquifer system based on the recharge and F48ob4aDMtc-00295-00070224-00070406 movement of water which is confined and F48ob4aDMtc-00296-00070407-00070526 unconfined F48ob4aDMtc-00297-00070527-00070775 and the geology can be put in front as F48ob4aDMtc-00298-00070776-00071031 hard rock aquifer or alluvial F48ob4aDMtc-00299-00071032-00071271 confined arc of alluvial unconfined F48ob4aDMtc-00300-00071272-00071494 aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00301-00071495-00071743 here we're just looking at the F48ob4aDMtc-00302-00071744-00072103 base material which gives the space and F48ob4aDMtc-00303-00072104-00072303 rock materials for F48ob4aDMtc-00304-00072304-00072559 your porosity to have pin and that F48ob4aDMtc-00305-00072560-00072741 porosity stores F48ob4aDMtc-00306-00072742-00072882 [Music] F48ob4aDMtc-00307-00072883-00073094 groundwater now we're going to take F48ob4aDMtc-00308-00073095-00073319 another F48ob4aDMtc-00309-00073320-00073447 map F48ob4aDMtc-00310-00073448-00073599 by the geological survey of india the F48ob4aDMtc-00311-00073600-00073759 previous one was from the central F48ob4aDMtc-00312-00073760-00074055 groundwater board where they do a lot of F48ob4aDMtc-00313-00074056-00074215 work on groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00314-00074216-00074479 whereas this one is based purely on the F48ob4aDMtc-00315-00074480-00074591 geology F48ob4aDMtc-00316-00074592-00074823 if you look closely uh the geology F48ob4aDMtc-00317-00074824-00075103 doesn't change much between years or F48ob4aDMtc-00318-00075104-00075247 even decades F48ob4aDMtc-00319-00075248-00075447 because only the weathering happens but F48ob4aDMtc-00320-00075448-00075615 the material is the same F48ob4aDMtc-00321-00075616-00075862 so if you go here and see quaternary it F48ob4aDMtc-00322-00075863-00076047 is only going to be quaternary for 100 F48ob4aDMtc-00323-00076048-00076294 years thousand years uh and it can F48ob4aDMtc-00324-00076295-00076543 change uh only the F48ob4aDMtc-00325-00076544-00076815 density or how it weathers the geology F48ob4aDMtc-00326-00076816-00077062 is the same it doesn't change much F48ob4aDMtc-00327-00077063-00077150 right F48ob4aDMtc-00328-00077151-00077367 so this is a permanent uh F48ob4aDMtc-00329-00077368-00077655 property of the location and depending F48ob4aDMtc-00330-00077656-00077831 on how it weathers F48ob4aDMtc-00331-00077832-00078062 the porosity formation happens and in F48ob4aDMtc-00332-00078063-00078415 that groundwater can recharge F48ob4aDMtc-00333-00078416-00078535 so F48ob4aDMtc-00334-00078536-00078735 based on the alluvial aquifers you can F48ob4aDMtc-00335-00078736-00079006 also have the same method here most of F48ob4aDMtc-00336-00079007-00079223 central india F48ob4aDMtc-00337-00079224-00079326 is F48ob4aDMtc-00338-00079327-00079519 having the jurassic F48ob4aDMtc-00339-00079520-00079655 geology F48ob4aDMtc-00340-00079656-00079894 content F48ob4aDMtc-00341-00079895-00080143 whereas um uh along with your upper F48ob4aDMtc-00342-00080144-00080335 palestinian and F48ob4aDMtc-00343-00080336-00080647 a lower uh mesoic of himalaya geology F48ob4aDMtc-00344-00080648-00080759 type F48ob4aDMtc-00345-00080760-00080919 and your F48ob4aDMtc-00346-00080920-00081143 alluvial aquifer plane where you have F48ob4aDMtc-00347-00081144-00081303 the indus ganges F48ob4aDMtc-00348-00081304-00081638 brahmaputra etc those are the quaternary F48ob4aDMtc-00349-00081639-00082006 geology so the geology also coincides F48ob4aDMtc-00350-00082007-00082231 with the alluvial aquaformatic so that F48ob4aDMtc-00351-00082232-00082559 is what i wanted to show here that your F48ob4aDMtc-00352-00082560-00082871 geology plays the key role in formation F48ob4aDMtc-00353-00082872-00083094 of these alluvial aquifers and then when F48ob4aDMtc-00354-00083095-00083479 water comes in the storage happens F48ob4aDMtc-00355-00083480-00083726 and depending on the rainfall and your F48ob4aDMtc-00356-00083727-00083950 extraction recharge and discharge the F48ob4aDMtc-00357-00083951-00084143 groundwater yield and potential can be F48ob4aDMtc-00358-00084144-00084647 mapped F48ob4aDMtc-00359-00084648-00084926 so you could see that both the aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00360-00084927-00085175 map and the geology map are almost F48ob4aDMtc-00361-00085176-00085303 similar F48ob4aDMtc-00362-00085304-00085559 and they derive the names between each F48ob4aDMtc-00363-00085560-00085655 other F48ob4aDMtc-00364-00085656-00085791 the geology F48ob4aDMtc-00365-00085792-00086062 plays the vital role in hydrology we F48ob4aDMtc-00366-00086063-00086343 call it hydro geology which means F48ob4aDMtc-00367-00086344-00086623 a geology which is used to explain the F48ob4aDMtc-00368-00086624-00086879 hydrological component here it is the F48ob4aDMtc-00369-00086880-00087262 groundwater storage ah and so we call F48ob4aDMtc-00370-00087263-00087487 the groundwater parameters F48ob4aDMtc-00371-00087488-00087735 in the geology F48ob4aDMtc-00372-00087736-00088238 as hydrogeological components F48ob4aDMtc-00373-00088239-00088582 moving on um let's take a look at the F48ob4aDMtc-00374-00088583-00088943 groundwater potential uh and yield F48ob4aDMtc-00375-00088944-00089079 that happens F48ob4aDMtc-00376-00089080-00089359 in these different aquifers uh the F48ob4aDMtc-00377-00089360-00089711 aquifers are mapped again as per F48ob4aDMtc-00378-00089712-00090047 how much groundwater you can extract per F48ob4aDMtc-00379-00090048-00090350 second um and it is given at yield at F48ob4aDMtc-00380-00090351-00090575 liters per second okay so you have the F48ob4aDMtc-00381-00090576-00090838 allevial and unconfined the major F48ob4aDMtc-00382-00090839-00091055 trooper systems F48ob4aDMtc-00383-00091056-00091294 one of the major aquifer systems with 31 F48ob4aDMtc-00384-00091295-00091559 of the area you have dark blue and light F48ob4aDMtc-00385-00091560-00091767 blue which are covering them uh you F48ob4aDMtc-00386-00091768-00092031 could clearly see that along the major F48ob4aDMtc-00387-00092032-00092271 channels of the kansas basin F48ob4aDMtc-00388-00092272-00092511 if i put the kansas shapefile on top of F48ob4aDMtc-00389-00092512-00092879 it you could see all the major reverse F48ob4aDMtc-00390-00092880-00093094 and tributaries of the ganges along this F48ob4aDMtc-00391-00093095-00093247 blue dark blue F48ob4aDMtc-00392-00093248-00093615 area and that area has almost more than F48ob4aDMtc-00393-00093616-00093882 40 liters per second F48ob4aDMtc-00394-00093883-00094135 yield and that matches with your F48ob4aDMtc-00395-00094136-00094335 quaternary uh F48ob4aDMtc-00396-00094336-00094423 map F48ob4aDMtc-00397-00094424-00094591 which is a geology based on F48ob4aDMtc-00398-00094592-00094823 sedimentation there's a lot of sediments F48ob4aDMtc-00399-00094824-00095079 moving and that city it is still a young F48ob4aDMtc-00400-00095080-00095350 soil when we say young because it's not F48ob4aDMtc-00401-00095351-00095455 stopped F48ob4aDMtc-00402-00095456-00095615 still you have sediments coming and F48ob4aDMtc-00403-00095616-00095831 settling in and deposition making these F48ob4aDMtc-00404-00095832-00096094 layers up and these layers can give a F48ob4aDMtc-00405-00096095-00096406 way to confined and unconfined across as F48ob4aDMtc-00406-00096407-00096647 we discussed earlier F48ob4aDMtc-00407-00096648-00096799 so here your F48ob4aDMtc-00408-00096800-00096935 alluvial F48ob4aDMtc-00409-00096936-00097118 aquifer system which is one of the major F48ob4aDMtc-00410-00097119-00097367 aquifer system uh is predominantly F48ob4aDMtc-00411-00097368-00097638 placed in the northern region um and F48ob4aDMtc-00412-00097639-00097871 also along the coastal regions F48ob4aDMtc-00413-00097872-00098159 why would it be on the coastal region F48ob4aDMtc-00414-00098160-00098271 because F48ob4aDMtc-00415-00098272-00098518 most of these sediments from the inland F48ob4aDMtc-00416-00098519-00098799 are brought to the oceans and deposited F48ob4aDMtc-00417-00098800-00099031 so while it comes to the ocean the F48ob4aDMtc-00418-00099032-00099294 deposition happens right before it F48ob4aDMtc-00419-00099295-00099526 merges into the ocean we call that as a F48ob4aDMtc-00420-00099527-00099799 delta or a fan so water brings all the F48ob4aDMtc-00421-00099800-00100015 sediments and then when it hits the F48ob4aDMtc-00422-00100016-00100318 ocean it starts to spread and deposit F48ob4aDMtc-00423-00100319-00100479 all the sediments F48ob4aDMtc-00424-00100480-00100703 now these sediments are fine particles F48ob4aDMtc-00425-00100704-00100894 as i said very small F48ob4aDMtc-00426-00100895-00101062 and when they are put together there's a F48ob4aDMtc-00427-00101063-00101326 lot of porosity a lot of four spaces in F48ob4aDMtc-00428-00101327-00101718 between so that is where water can go in F48ob4aDMtc-00429-00101719-00101950 okay to understand this better you can F48ob4aDMtc-00430-00101951-00102247 think like a sponge F48ob4aDMtc-00431-00102248-00102542 take your normal sponge that you use to F48ob4aDMtc-00432-00102543-00102694 wash your vessels F48ob4aDMtc-00433-00102695-00102790 at home F48ob4aDMtc-00434-00102791-00102966 a yellow sponge F48ob4aDMtc-00435-00102967-00103239 with a lot of holes in it and that holes F48ob4aDMtc-00436-00103240-00103390 represent your F48ob4aDMtc-00437-00103391-00103678 porosity so now if you fill water what F48ob4aDMtc-00438-00103679-00103927 happens the water goes into the hose and F48ob4aDMtc-00439-00103928-00104094 gets stored F48ob4aDMtc-00440-00104095-00104310 and when you lift it some water will F48ob4aDMtc-00441-00104311-00104510 come down but still water is F48ob4aDMtc-00442-00104511-00104742 stored in the F48ob4aDMtc-00443-00104743-00104919 sponge due to surface tension and F48ob4aDMtc-00444-00104920-00105175 holding capacity of the sponge F48ob4aDMtc-00445-00105176-00105302 the same way F48ob4aDMtc-00446-00105303-00105583 uh here your alluvial aquifers water F48ob4aDMtc-00447-00105583-00105758 gushes through him so if you go and play F48ob4aDMtc-00448-00105759-00106031 in the beach uh in in a with the sand F48ob4aDMtc-00449-00106032-00106286 you pour water water just flows through F48ob4aDMtc-00450-00106288-00106390 right F48ob4aDMtc-00451-00106391-00106639 and that constitutes an alluvial aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00452-00106640-00106871 and what happens is water goes through F48ob4aDMtc-00453-00106872-00107031 it's easy for the water to go through F48ob4aDMtc-00454-00107032-00107351 and easy to extract the water F48ob4aDMtc-00455-00107352-00107590 the alluvial aquifers are not as sandy F48ob4aDMtc-00456-00107591-00107758 as your beach F48ob4aDMtc-00457-00107759-00107975 but still it can hold and that is one of F48ob4aDMtc-00458-00107976-00108199 the reasons it can hold the water for a F48ob4aDMtc-00459-00108200-00108351 longer time F48ob4aDMtc-00460-00108352-00108551 so moving on F48ob4aDMtc-00461-00108552-00108766 the hard rock areas are mostly in the F48ob4aDMtc-00462-00108767-00108983 central region F48ob4aDMtc-00463-00108983-00109207 and semi-consolidated rocks F48ob4aDMtc-00464-00109208-00109439 the rocks are hard and slightly F48ob4aDMtc-00465-00109440-00109702 weathered okay not fully weathered those F48ob4aDMtc-00466-00109703-00110039 two constitute the major portion of F48ob4aDMtc-00467-00110040-00110271 the indian aquifer system so now if you F48ob4aDMtc-00468-00110272-00110551 look at this is it very sustainable F48ob4aDMtc-00469-00110552-00110823 someone can ask me is it sustainable to F48ob4aDMtc-00470-00110824-00111031 use so much water F48ob4aDMtc-00471-00111032-00111175 in a year F48ob4aDMtc-00472-00111176-00111495 if the major groundwater aquifer systems F48ob4aDMtc-00473-00111496-00111847 are hard rock and semi-consolidated F48ob4aDMtc-00474-00111848-00112086 the answer is a simple no F48ob4aDMtc-00475-00112088-00112431 right if your major aquifer system F48ob4aDMtc-00476-00112432-00112766 is a hard rock semi-consolidated rock F48ob4aDMtc-00477-00112767-00113047 with very very low porosity which means F48ob4aDMtc-00478-00113048-00113254 low ground water storage F48ob4aDMtc-00479-00113255-00113478 and low groundwater yield you can see F48ob4aDMtc-00480-00113479-00113766 the yield here just 125 liters per F48ob4aDMtc-00481-00113767-00113927 second F48ob4aDMtc-00482-00113928-00114151 max F48ob4aDMtc-00483-00114152-00114271 then F48ob4aDMtc-00484-00114272-00114543 what happens is your use does not F48ob4aDMtc-00485-00114544-00114663 justify F48ob4aDMtc-00486-00114664-00115023 the recharge rate and the geology in the F48ob4aDMtc-00487-00115024-00115183 country F48ob4aDMtc-00488-00115183-00115463 so something serious would happen if we F48ob4aDMtc-00489-00115464-00115775 don't change the groundwater use uh F48ob4aDMtc-00490-00115776-00116223 pattern because we may be using it for F48ob4aDMtc-00491-00116224-00116319 you know F48ob4aDMtc-00492-00116320-00116502 improving the productivity F48ob4aDMtc-00493-00116503-00116766 sustaining crops F48ob4aDMtc-00494-00116767-00116919 fighting climate change because when F48ob4aDMtc-00495-00116920-00117095 there's a flood or a drought there's F48ob4aDMtc-00496-00117096-00117390 less water for the crops to grow so you F48ob4aDMtc-00497-00117391-00117599 use groundwater all these things are F48ob4aDMtc-00498-00117600-00117686 good F48ob4aDMtc-00499-00117688-00117775 but F48ob4aDMtc-00500-00117776-00118007 if we don't F48ob4aDMtc-00501-00118008-00118247 use it uh cautiously F48ob4aDMtc-00502-00118248-00118478 we will lose the groundwater because F48ob4aDMtc-00503-00118479-00118766 most of the aquifer is a hard F48ob4aDMtc-00504-00118767-00119023 semi-consolidated rock F48ob4aDMtc-00505-00119024-00119399 unlike other regions of the world F48ob4aDMtc-00506-00119400-00119727 the hilly areas are also present F48ob4aDMtc-00507-00119728-00119895 mostly along the borders of the country F48ob4aDMtc-00508-00119896-00120039 on the north F48ob4aDMtc-00509-00120040-00120286 and those have very very low potential F48ob4aDMtc-00510-00120288-00120543 less than a liter per second F48ob4aDMtc-00511-00120544-00120671 and if you think F48ob4aDMtc-00512-00120672-00120863 how much water is needed for domestic F48ob4aDMtc-00513-00120864-00120943 use F48ob4aDMtc-00514-00120944-00121086 uh you would understand that these F48ob4aDMtc-00515-00121088-00121231 waters are not F48ob4aDMtc-00516-00121232-00121358 that much F48ob4aDMtc-00517-00121359-00121623 uh you know conducive to use F48ob4aDMtc-00518-00121624-00121854 that is why a lot of F48ob4aDMtc-00519-00121855-00122207 people walk miles to collect water for F48ob4aDMtc-00520-00122208-00122486 drinking and bring them back home F48ob4aDMtc-00521-00122488-00122575 so F48ob4aDMtc-00522-00122576-00122799 if you go to the central part of india F48ob4aDMtc-00523-00122800-00123254 here where you have the F48ob4aDMtc-00524-00123255-00123463 conservative and semi-consolidated F48ob4aDMtc-00525-00123464-00123623 formations F48ob4aDMtc-00526-00123624-00123886 there is a lot of lag in the recharge F48ob4aDMtc-00527-00123888-00124214 time which means you might have a good F48ob4aDMtc-00528-00124215-00124366 rainfall here F48ob4aDMtc-00529-00124367-00124663 you might have a good water availability F48ob4aDMtc-00530-00124664-00124966 however it takes longer time for the F48ob4aDMtc-00531-00124967-00125183 groundwater to recharge F48ob4aDMtc-00532-00125183-00125358 and as a result F48ob4aDMtc-00533-00125359-00125558 you would only see the benefits two or F48ob4aDMtc-00534-00125559-00125783 three years later F48ob4aDMtc-00535-00125783-00126054 and this is a reason why F48ob4aDMtc-00536-00126055-00126351 people uh have to understand that just F48ob4aDMtc-00537-00126352-00126519 because we had a good year F48ob4aDMtc-00538-00126520-00126695 of rainfall doesn't mean our groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00539-00126696-00126951 is going to come up it will take time F48ob4aDMtc-00540-00126952-00127127 so you should not deplete your F48ob4aDMtc-00541-00127128-00127286 groundwater because the next year could F48ob4aDMtc-00542-00127288-00127454 also be a drought here F48ob4aDMtc-00543-00127455-00127671 okay so to fight the droughts you have F48ob4aDMtc-00544-00127672-00127975 to be careful uh it is like always a F48ob4aDMtc-00545-00127976-00128214 small amount of water should be kept as F48ob4aDMtc-00546-00128215-00128358 a safe limit F48ob4aDMtc-00547-00128359-00128583 and we will be discussing these limits F48ob4aDMtc-00548-00128583-00128863 that the central groundwater board has F48ob4aDMtc-00549-00128864-00129247 proposed in the next lecture F48ob4aDMtc-00550-00129248-00129566 moving on there are multiple multiple F48ob4aDMtc-00551-00129567-00129751 authors that have looked into this F48ob4aDMtc-00552-00129752-00130095 aquifer system of india because of the F48ob4aDMtc-00553-00130096-00130183 very F48ob4aDMtc-00554-00130183-00130495 high dependence and high utility of F48ob4aDMtc-00555-00130496-00130766 these aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00556-00130767-00131031 for example this map from F48ob4aDMtc-00557-00131032-00131175 germany F48ob4aDMtc-00558-00131176-00131383 you could see that the F48ob4aDMtc-00559-00131384-00131478 indus F48ob4aDMtc-00560-00131479-00131663 and the ganges basins F48ob4aDMtc-00561-00131664-00131990 have very very high yield um F48ob4aDMtc-00562-00131991-00132295 very high recharge the previous image we F48ob4aDMtc-00563-00132296-00132447 saw the yield F48ob4aDMtc-00564-00132448-00132751 potential as liters per second here it F48ob4aDMtc-00565-00132752-00132951 is millimeters per year which is means a F48ob4aDMtc-00566-00132952-00133087 thickness of F48ob4aDMtc-00567-00133088-00133295 water per year F48ob4aDMtc-00568-00133296-00133431 and here we're going to look at the F48ob4aDMtc-00569-00133432-00133751 recharge potential so if the recharge is F48ob4aDMtc-00570-00133752-00134023 high the yield is also high because F48ob4aDMtc-00571-00134024-00134199 if you can get water into the system you F48ob4aDMtc-00572-00134200-00134478 can also get water out of the system F48ob4aDMtc-00573-00134479-00134575 easily F48ob4aDMtc-00574-00134576-00134895 so that is why you see the same aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00575-00134896-00134983 mapped F48ob4aDMtc-00576-00134984-00135183 where the yield was high the recharge F48ob4aDMtc-00577-00135184-00135343 rate is also high F48ob4aDMtc-00578-00135344-00135511 and these are mostly along the F48ob4aDMtc-00579-00135512-00135743 unconsolidated aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00580-00135744-00135990 okay they are unconsolidated they're F48ob4aDMtc-00581-00135991-00136335 unconfined most of them um and they have F48ob4aDMtc-00582-00136336-00136575 a lot of pore spaces for storing the F48ob4aDMtc-00583-00136576-00136687 water F48ob4aDMtc-00584-00136688-00136966 and if you plot the uh F48ob4aDMtc-00585-00136967-00137071 river F48ob4aDMtc-00586-00137072-00137327 networks along this you can clearly see F48ob4aDMtc-00587-00137328-00137566 that wherever the major rivers are F48ob4aDMtc-00588-00137567-00137831 especially the perennial rivers you see F48ob4aDMtc-00589-00137832-00138135 a healthy unconsolidated aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00590-00138136-00138327 because there's always movement of F48ob4aDMtc-00591-00138328-00138527 sediments and rocks and F48ob4aDMtc-00592-00138528-00138743 that gives rise to this kind of an F48ob4aDMtc-00593-00138744-00138839 aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00594-00138840-00139159 and you have good recharge and yield F48ob4aDMtc-00595-00139160-00139423 let's take for example the indus basin F48ob4aDMtc-00596-00139424-00139695 the ganges tributaries the koshi all F48ob4aDMtc-00597-00139696-00139902 draining through bangladesh would give a F48ob4aDMtc-00598-00139903-00140190 very good aquifer system so in fact the F48ob4aDMtc-00599-00140191-00140366 entire bangladesh F48ob4aDMtc-00600-00140367-00140607 region is blessed with a good aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00601-00140608-00140702 system F48ob4aDMtc-00602-00140703-00140871 there are some water quality issues but F48ob4aDMtc-00603-00140872-00141159 it's pretty good in terms of water both F48ob4aDMtc-00604-00141160-00141447 surface water and groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00605-00141448-00141654 similarly a brahmaputra region also has F48ob4aDMtc-00606-00141655-00141959 good groundwater yield uh totally uh F48ob4aDMtc-00607-00141960-00142102 because of F48ob4aDMtc-00608-00142103-00142278 the F48ob4aDMtc-00609-00142279-00142399 aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00610-00142400-00142883 led by the formation of unconsolidated F48ob4aDMtc-00611-00142884-00143039 sediments F48ob4aDMtc-00612-00143040-00143199 moving into the F48ob4aDMtc-00613-00143200-00143431 central location it is F48ob4aDMtc-00614-00143432-00143631 formed by more complex crystalline hard F48ob4aDMtc-00615-00143632-00143823 rock aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00616-00143824-00143999 some of the regions have very high so if F48ob4aDMtc-00617-00144000-00144295 you look at this region it's almost as F48ob4aDMtc-00618-00144296-00144551 high greater than 300 millimeters per F48ob4aDMtc-00619-00144552-00145039 year uh is almost as high or higher F48ob4aDMtc-00620-00145040-00145119 than F48ob4aDMtc-00621-00145120-00145383 the ganges basin in some regions F48ob4aDMtc-00622-00145384-00145583 why would that be possible F48ob4aDMtc-00623-00145584-00145854 because this region if you know very F48ob4aDMtc-00624-00145855-00146087 carefully this region F48ob4aDMtc-00625-00146088-00146295 is the western guard region whereas you F48ob4aDMtc-00626-00146296-00146454 have a lot of these F48ob4aDMtc-00627-00146455-00146695 western guards and slopes the big hill F48ob4aDMtc-00628-00146696-00146871 grain change F48ob4aDMtc-00629-00146872-00147166 and these hill ranges have a lot of F48ob4aDMtc-00630-00147167-00147478 erosion which gets deposited and that F48ob4aDMtc-00631-00147479-00147751 deposition becomes your aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00632-00147752-00148047 so if you have a hill region like this F48ob4aDMtc-00633-00148048-00148319 the hill on the top is slowly eroding so F48ob4aDMtc-00634-00148320-00148543 that's why when you go near hills you F48ob4aDMtc-00635-00148544-00148902 see rocks falling down you see a lot of F48ob4aDMtc-00636-00148903-00149231 small broken rock materials always there F48ob4aDMtc-00637-00149232-00149478 is erosion the erosion happens because F48ob4aDMtc-00638-00149479-00149743 it is exposed to sunlight and water F48ob4aDMtc-00639-00149744-00149999 these two elements would break the rocks F48ob4aDMtc-00640-00150000-00150231 very very slowly it's not like every day F48ob4aDMtc-00641-00150232-00150463 you can see a hill F48ob4aDMtc-00642-00150464-00150599 breaking F48ob4aDMtc-00643-00150600-00150854 it's a very slow process and cumulative F48ob4aDMtc-00644-00150855-00151047 process F48ob4aDMtc-00645-00151048-00151190 so when there's a big rainfall what F48ob4aDMtc-00646-00151191-00151375 happens most of the erosion happens all F48ob4aDMtc-00647-00151376-00151583 these broken materials are piled up F48ob4aDMtc-00648-00151584-00151839 along the foot of the hill and you know F48ob4aDMtc-00649-00151840-00151975 that this side F48ob4aDMtc-00650-00151976-00152166 of the western guards gets a lot of F48ob4aDMtc-00651-00152167-00152359 rainfall compared to the F48ob4aDMtc-00652-00152360-00152566 rain shadow region so on this side F48ob4aDMtc-00653-00152567-00152926 there's a thick formation of F48ob4aDMtc-00654-00152927-00153351 aquifer because of your sediments and F48ob4aDMtc-00655-00153352-00153631 erosion and sediments both rivers also F48ob4aDMtc-00656-00153632-00154007 bring the the water down F48ob4aDMtc-00657-00154008-00154111 along with the water there there's F48ob4aDMtc-00658-00154112-00154335 sediments which come down so that forms F48ob4aDMtc-00659-00154336-00154495 a good aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00660-00154496-00154751 and has very high recharge rate F48ob4aDMtc-00661-00154752-00155078 so most of central india does not have F48ob4aDMtc-00662-00155079-00155287 that high recharge rate it is very in F48ob4aDMtc-00663-00155288-00155519 the medium and low range uh and then F48ob4aDMtc-00664-00155520-00155639 when you go to the F48ob4aDMtc-00665-00155640-00155735 uh F48ob4aDMtc-00666-00155736-00155951 the saurashtra region and the hilly F48ob4aDMtc-00667-00155952-00156207 regions you have the minor groundwater F48ob4aDMtc-00668-00156208-00156343 basins F48ob4aDMtc-00669-00156344-00156535 with a very F48ob4aDMtc-00670-00156536-00156711 low recharge compared to the F48ob4aDMtc-00671-00156712-00156943 unconsolidated and complex F48ob4aDMtc-00672-00156944-00157223 and not many major rivers are present if F48ob4aDMtc-00673-00157224-00157407 you look at the brown regions there's F48ob4aDMtc-00674-00157408-00157702 not many major events present so all the F48ob4aDMtc-00675-00157703-00157895 major rivers are in the alluvial F48ob4aDMtc-00676-00157896-00158111 aquifers look at this this kaveri F48ob4aDMtc-00677-00158112-00158328 krishna F48ob4aDMtc-00678-00158329-00158599 [Music] F48ob4aDMtc-00679-00158600-00158990 and also you have the hilly regions with F48ob4aDMtc-00680-00158991-00159199 good rainfall F48ob4aDMtc-00681-00159200-00159399 in the F48ob4aDMtc-00682-00159400-00159631 high complex high yielding complex F48ob4aDMtc-00683-00159632-00159943 crystalline aquifers F48ob4aDMtc-00684-00159944-00160175 so we've discussed uh aquifers we've F48ob4aDMtc-00685-00160176-00160359 discussed the indian aquifers and how F48ob4aDMtc-00686-00160360-00160678 the indian aquifers are are delineated F48ob4aDMtc-00687-00160679-00160919 based on the F48ob4aDMtc-00688-00160920-00161087 geology F48ob4aDMtc-00689-00161088-00161278 and then after the geology we looked at F48ob4aDMtc-00690-00161279-00161607 how it is based on the F48ob4aDMtc-00691-00161608-00161847 ground potential to store the water F48ob4aDMtc-00692-00161848-00162102 which is your porosity as a function of F48ob4aDMtc-00693-00162103-00162495 geology and we came into terminologies F48ob4aDMtc-00694-00162496-00162711 like alluvial aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00695-00162712-00163007 hard rock aquifers etc F48ob4aDMtc-00696-00163008-00163254 then we also looked at formations how F48ob4aDMtc-00697-00163255-00163407 the rock is F48ob4aDMtc-00698-00163408-00163583 what type of rock is formed in the F48ob4aDMtc-00699-00163584-00163743 geology map F48ob4aDMtc-00700-00163744-00163911 along with the rivers F48ob4aDMtc-00701-00163912-00164119 in this particular image F48ob4aDMtc-00702-00164120-00164295 we have clearly seen F48ob4aDMtc-00703-00164296-00164543 that there are multiple physical factors F48ob4aDMtc-00704-00164544-00164790 river rainfall F48ob4aDMtc-00705-00164791-00164935 geology F48ob4aDMtc-00706-00164936-00165151 which influence the F48ob4aDMtc-00707-00165152-00165343 type of aquifer and the yield in the F48ob4aDMtc-00708-00165344-00165495 aquifer F48ob4aDMtc-00709-00165496-00165702 so this information should be carried F48ob4aDMtc-00710-00165703-00165990 forward and if you see there's not much F48ob4aDMtc-00711-00165991-00166159 difference in the central india but if F48ob4aDMtc-00712-00166160-00166431 you go to small scales you will find F48ob4aDMtc-00713-00166432-00166631 some heterogeneity F48ob4aDMtc-00714-00166632-00166847 which we will be discussing in the next F48ob4aDMtc-00715-00166848-00167087 lecture F48ob4aDMtc-00716-00167088-00167326 i would like to conclude the chapter on F48ob4aDMtc-00717-00167327-00167599 uh indian aquifers uh and F48ob4aDMtc-00718-00167600-00167871 we will be soon uh discussing the F48ob4aDMtc-00719-00167872-00168199 hydrological parameters to F48ob4aDMtc-00720-00168200-00168351 groundwater flow F48ob4aDMtc-00721-00168352-00168497 thank you F48ob4aDMtc-00723-00172048-00172255 you F4Cg0I88Kvc-00000-00000000-00000149 I want to share with you one of the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00001-00000150-00000353 greatest statements I've heard in the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00002-00000354-00000563 last four or five years that I use in my F4Cg0I88Kvc-00003-00000564-00000790 personal development and when things get F4Cg0I88Kvc-00004-00000791-00000935 tough with me and I don't feel like F4Cg0I88Kvc-00005-00000936-00001193 doing something and it goes like this if F4Cg0I88Kvc-00006-00001194-00001445 you do the hard things in your life that F4Cg0I88Kvc-00007-00001446-00001702 needs to be done you will have an easy F4Cg0I88Kvc-00008-00001703-00002039 life if you continue to do the only the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00009-00002039-00002315 easy things in your life you will have a F4Cg0I88Kvc-00010-00002316-00002551 hard life and I always remember that F4Cg0I88Kvc-00011-00002552-00002867 statement because for me it's very very F4Cg0I88Kvc-00012-00002868-00003166 powerful and it motivates me and it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00013-00003167-00003485 keeps me going when I find life is tough F4Cg0I88Kvc-00014-00003486-00003740 for me it keeps me going that move F4Cg0I88Kvc-00015-00003740-00004004 forward everybody knows on this channel F4Cg0I88Kvc-00016-00004004-00004220 that I'm a recovering alcoholic and F4Cg0I88Kvc-00017-00004221-00004513 rugged a drug addict I remember the day F4Cg0I88Kvc-00018-00004514-00004829 that I decided to quit doing drugs and F4Cg0I88Kvc-00019-00004830-00005060 alcohol I didn't know the journey it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00020-00005061-00005263 would put me on and let me tell you it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00021-00005264-00005567 was very very hard but I was determined F4Cg0I88Kvc-00022-00005568-00005884 and I want to get better and I kept at F4Cg0I88Kvc-00023-00005885-00006172 it every time I came up against a wall F4Cg0I88Kvc-00024-00006173-00006472 in recovery and I found it difficult I F4Cg0I88Kvc-00025-00006473-00006713 would bash through that wall and do it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00026-00006714-00007028 because I knew after a while if I did F4Cg0I88Kvc-00027-00007029-00007321 the hard things in recovery that my life F4Cg0I88Kvc-00028-00007322-00007603 would become better and I continued to F4Cg0I88Kvc-00029-00007604-00007952 do that I continued to remember that do F4Cg0I88Kvc-00030-00007953-00008164 the hard things Terry because your life F4Cg0I88Kvc-00031-00008165-00008449 will be better for it it's like doing F4Cg0I88Kvc-00032-00008450-00008702 these videos at the beginning I found it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00033-00008703-00008978 very difficult I had a talk for more F4Cg0I88Kvc-00034-00008979-00009101 than two or three minutes about F4Cg0I88Kvc-00035-00009102-00009284 something and hopefully you enjoyed it I F4Cg0I88Kvc-00036-00009285-00009530 had to figure out the lighting how to F4Cg0I88Kvc-00037-00009531-00009809 figure out how to edit and the soft the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00038-00009810-00010039 video after all those things took me F4Cg0I88Kvc-00039-00010040-00010319 hours it was very very difficult but I F4Cg0I88Kvc-00040-00010320-00010649 kept at it and I only weep the benefits F4Cg0I88Kvc-00041-00010650-00010955 from doing that because now I can set it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00042-00010956-00011224 up very easily and I can work on more of F4Cg0I88Kvc-00043-00011225-00011480 the content stuff I enjoy and I don't F4Cg0I88Kvc-00044-00011481-00011651 have to worry about the technical side F4Cg0I88Kvc-00045-00011652-00011938 because I practice it I learnt it and I F4Cg0I88Kvc-00046-00011939-00012074 became great at it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00047-00012075-00012353 so I weep the benefits from doing those F4Cg0I88Kvc-00048-00012354-00012610 things we might find at the beginning F4Cg0I88Kvc-00049-00012611-00012857 when we make a decision to do something F4Cg0I88Kvc-00050-00012858-00013160 our lives that is that we find very F4Cg0I88Kvc-00051-00013161-00013394 that it's very very good for us we might F4Cg0I88Kvc-00052-00013394-00013733 find it difficult and hard keep doing it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00053-00013734-00014084 because eventually it will get easier F4Cg0I88Kvc-00054-00014085-00014318 it really will and then your personal F4Cg0I88Kvc-00055-00014319-00014507 relationships meaning if somebody need F4Cg0I88Kvc-00056-00014508-00014735 to call off or maybe you need to make an F4Cg0I88Kvc-00057-00014736-00015050 apology you might find it hard but it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00058-00015051-00015281 will benefit yourself and it will F4Cg0I88Kvc-00059-00015282-00015476 benefit the other person in that F4Cg0I88Kvc-00060-00015477-00015740 relationship so doing the hard things in F4Cg0I88Kvc-00061-00015741-00016040 life only benefit us but a lot of people F4Cg0I88Kvc-00062-00016041-00016400 choose the easier softer way or the path F4Cg0I88Kvc-00063-00016401-00016631 of least resistance because they're F4Cg0I88Kvc-00064-00016632-00016877 either afraid they're either lazy or F4Cg0I88Kvc-00065-00016878-00017168 they just don't want to do it get off F4Cg0I88Kvc-00066-00017169-00017411 your Duff and do something for their F4Cg0I88Kvc-00067-00017412-00017642 personal development if you're trying to F4Cg0I88Kvc-00068-00017643-00017869 change your life in any way in a F4Cg0I88Kvc-00069-00017870-00018146 positive way in any area of your life F4Cg0I88Kvc-00070-00018147-00018407 and your marriage in your work life in F4Cg0I88Kvc-00071-00018408-00018683 your relationships with your kids or F4Cg0I88Kvc-00072-00018684-00019016 your family it will be difficult at the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00073-00019017-00019385 beginning it'll be hard but if you stick F4Cg0I88Kvc-00074-00019386-00019682 at it it will become easier and it'll F4Cg0I88Kvc-00075-00019683-00020053 benefits your life in a great way waste F4Cg0I88Kvc-00076-00020054-00020441 and you cannot imagine so is the easier F4Cg0I88Kvc-00077-00020442-00020690 softer way better in personal F4Cg0I88Kvc-00078-00020691-00020888 development and changing your life for F4Cg0I88Kvc-00079-00020889-00020990 the better F4Cg0I88Kvc-00080-00020991-00021227 no we need to take charge of our lives F4Cg0I88Kvc-00081-00021228-00021464 get out there and do things that we were F4Cg0I88Kvc-00082-00021465-00021671 afraid of get out of our comfort zone F4Cg0I88Kvc-00083-00021672-00021947 things that we find hard because it's a F4Cg0I88Kvc-00084-00021948-00022274 benefit us make those decisions that F4Cg0I88Kvc-00085-00022275-00022502 you've been holding on to make those F4Cg0I88Kvc-00086-00022503-00022838 choices a reality in your life and your F4Cg0I88Kvc-00087-00022839-00023192 life will become better guarantee it so F4Cg0I88Kvc-00088-00023193-00023516 remember doing the easy things in life F4Cg0I88Kvc-00089-00023517-00023822 will always make you have a hard life F4Cg0I88Kvc-00090-00023823-00024119 guarantee it guarantee it if you do the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00091-00024120-00024335 hard things in your life the things that F4Cg0I88Kvc-00092-00024336-00024578 need to be done you will reap the F4Cg0I88Kvc-00093-00024579-00024922 benefits of a great life I'm living F4Cg0I88Kvc-00094-00024923-00025205 proof of it and get out there and try it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00095-00025206-00025453 and let me know how you make out this is F4Cg0I88Kvc-00096-00025454-00025700 a young twisted voice of Terry G and F4Cg0I88Kvc-00097-00025701-00025985 usual look after yourself because it F4Cg0I88Kvc-00098-00025986-00026207 shows and have a great day thank you F4Cg0I88Kvc-00099-00026208-00026727 very much for stopping by F4Cg0I88Kvc-00100-00026729-00027036 [Music] F55j-wX3N5I-00000-00000053-00000346 the heliosphere is the vast bubble-like F55j-wX3N5I-00001-00000347-00000616 region of space which surrounds and is F55j-wX3N5I-00002-00000617-00000969 created by the Sun in plasma physics F55j-wX3N5I-00003-00000971-00001240 terms this is the cavity formed by the F55j-wX3N5I-00004-00001241-00001416 Sun in the surrounding interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00005-00001417-00001943 medium the bubble of the heliosphere is F55j-wX3N5I-00006-00001944-00002364 continuously inflated by plasma F55j-wX3N5I-00007-00002365-00002620 originating from the Sun known as the F55j-wX3N5I-00008-00002621-00003016 solar wind outside the heliosphere this F55j-wX3N5I-00009-00003017-00003225 solar plasma gives way to the F55j-wX3N5I-00010-00003226-00003454 interstellar plasma permeating our F55j-wX3N5I-00011-00003454-00003865 galaxy radiation levels inside and F55j-wX3N5I-00012-00003865-00004104 outside the heliosphere differ in F55j-wX3N5I-00013-00004105-00004404 particular the galactic cosmic rays are F55j-wX3N5I-00014-00004405-00004681 less abundant inside the heliosphere so F55j-wX3N5I-00015-00004682-00004915 that the planets inside including earth F55j-wX3N5I-00016-00004916-00005202 are partly shielded from their impact F55j-wX3N5I-00017-00005203-00005670 the word heliosphere is said to have F55j-wX3N5I-00018-00005671-00005988 been coined by Alexander J Destler who F55j-wX3N5I-00019-00005989-00006220 is credited with first use of the word F55j-wX3N5I-00020-00006221-00006481 in scientific literature flowing F55j-wX3N5I-00021-00006481-00006720 unimpeded through the solar system for F55j-wX3N5I-00022-00006722-00006973 billions of kilometers the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00023-00006973-00007231 extends far beyond even the region of F55j-wX3N5I-00024-00007231-00007434 Pluto until it encounters the F55j-wX3N5I-00025-00007436-00007728 termination shock where its motion slows F55j-wX3N5I-00026-00007729-00007981 abruptly due to the outside pressure of F55j-wX3N5I-00027-00007981-00008308 the interstellar medium beyond the shock F55j-wX3N5I-00028-00008309-00008545 lies the heliosheath a broad F55j-wX3N5I-00029-00008546-00008796 transitional region between the inner F55j-wX3N5I-00030-00008797-00009087 heliosphere in the external environment F55j-wX3N5I-00031-00009088-00009414 the outermost edge of the heliosphere is F55j-wX3N5I-00032-00009415-00009753 called the heliopause the overall shape F55j-wX3N5I-00033-00009754-00010012 of the heliosphere resembles that of a F55j-wX3N5I-00034-00010013-00010270 comet being approximately spherical on F55j-wX3N5I-00035-00010271-00010516 one side with a long trailing tail F55j-wX3N5I-00036-00010517-00010930 opposite known as the Helia tail the two F55j-wX3N5I-00037-00010931-00011196 Voyager spacecraft have explored the F55j-wX3N5I-00038-00011197-00011476 outer reaches of the heliosphere passing F55j-wX3N5I-00039-00011477-00011677 through the termination shock and the F55j-wX3N5I-00040-00011678-00012130 heliosheath NASA announced in 2013 that F55j-wX3N5I-00041-00012131-00012420 Voyager 1 had encountered the heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00042-00012421-00012792 on August 25th 2012 when the spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00043-00012793-00013041 measured a sudden increase in plasma F55j-wX3N5I-00044-00013042-00013402 density of about 40 times F55j-wX3N5I-00045-00013403-00013762 in 2018 NASA announced that Voyager 2 F55j-wX3N5I-00046-00013763-00014044 had traversed the heliopause on November F55j-wX3N5I-00047-00014044-00014368 5th of that year because the heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00048-00014369-00014607 marks the boundary between matter F55j-wX3N5I-00049-00014608-00014824 originating from the Sun and matter F55j-wX3N5I-00050-00014825-00015102 originating from the rest of the galaxy F55j-wX3N5I-00051-00015103-00015369 spacecraft such as the two voyagers F55j-wX3N5I-00052-00015370-00015646 which have departed the heliosphere can F55j-wX3N5I-00053-00015647-00015841 be said to have reached interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00054-00015841-00016461 space F55j-wX3N5I-00055-00016462-00017030 topic summary F55j-wX3N5I-00056-00017031-00017327 the heliosphere is the area under the F55j-wX3N5I-00057-00017328-00017558 influence of the Sun the two major F55j-wX3N5I-00058-00017559-00017816 components to determining its edge are F55j-wX3N5I-00059-00017817-00018053 the magnetic field lines and the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00060-00018054-00018401 wind from the Sun three major sections F55j-wX3N5I-00061-00018402-00018626 from the beginning of the heliosphere to F55j-wX3N5I-00062-00018627-00018863 its edge of the termination shock the F55j-wX3N5I-00063-00018864-00019235 heliosheath and the heliopause 5 F55j-wX3N5I-00064-00019236-00019490 spacecraft have returned much of the F55j-wX3N5I-00065-00019491-00019718 data about its farthest reaches F55j-wX3N5I-00066-00019719-00020347 including pioneer 10 1972 to 1997 data F55j-wX3N5I-00067-00020348-00020872 267 astronomical units pioneer 11 1973 F55j-wX3N5I-00068-00020873-00021425 to 1990 544 astronomical units Voyager 1 F55j-wX3N5I-00069-00021426-00021896 and Voyager 2 feat launched 1977 ongoing F55j-wX3N5I-00070-00021897-00022409 and New Horizons launched 2006 a type of F55j-wX3N5I-00071-00022410-00022685 particle called an energetic neutral F55j-wX3N5I-00072-00022686-00022979 atom ena has also been observed to have F55j-wX3N5I-00073-00022980-00023347 been produced from its edges there are a F55j-wX3N5I-00074-00023348-00023621 host of spacecraft that observed the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00075-00023622-00023963 and interplanetary space one of the F55j-wX3N5I-00076-00023964-00024221 latest to explore the Sun from nearer F55j-wX3N5I-00077-00024222-00024475 than ever before is the Parker Solar F55j-wX3N5I-00078-00024476-00024844 Probe launched in 2018 solar F55j-wX3N5I-00079-00024845-00025121 observations such as during a solar F55j-wX3N5I-00080-00025122-00025369 eclipse allow observation of the Sun's F55j-wX3N5I-00081-00025370-00025740 corona while various types of space F55j-wX3N5I-00082-00025741-00026036 observatories also provide data on the F55j-wX3N5I-00083-00026037-00026387 Sun and its influences the study of F55j-wX3N5I-00084-00026388-00026636 other stars can also allow insights F55j-wX3N5I-00085-00026637-00026850 indirectly F55j-wX3N5I-00086-00026851-00027150 except for regions near obstacles such F55j-wX3N5I-00087-00027151-00027450 as planets or comets the heliosphere is F55j-wX3N5I-00088-00027451-00027726 dominated by material emanating from the F55j-wX3N5I-00089-00027727-00027995 Sun although cosmic rays fast-moving F55j-wX3N5I-00090-00027997-00028305 neutral atoms and cosmic dust can F55j-wX3N5I-00091-00028306-00028506 penetrate the heliosphere from the F55j-wX3N5I-00092-00028507-00028895 outside originating at the extremely hot F55j-wX3N5I-00093-00028897-00029145 surface of the corona solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00094-00029145-00029377 particles reach escape velocity F55j-wX3N5I-00095-00029379-00029718 streaming outwards at 300 to 800 F55j-wX3N5I-00096-00029719-00030164 kilometers per second 671 thousand to F55j-wX3N5I-00097-00030164-00030606 1.79 million miles per hour or 1 to 2.9 F55j-wX3N5I-00098-00030607-00030960 million kilometers per hour as it begins F55j-wX3N5I-00099-00030961-00031182 to interact with the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00100-00031183-00031617 its velocity slows to a stop the point F55j-wX3N5I-00101-00031618-00031872 where the solar wind becomes slower than F55j-wX3N5I-00102-00031873-00032061 the speed of sound is called the F55j-wX3N5I-00103-00032062-00032292 termination shock the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00104-00032293-00032523 continues to slow as it passes through F55j-wX3N5I-00105-00032524-00032781 the heliosheath leading to a boundary F55j-wX3N5I-00106-00032782-00032991 called the heliopause where the F55j-wX3N5I-00107-00032992-00033213 interstellar medium and solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00108-00033214-00033555 pressures balance the termination shock F55j-wX3N5I-00109-00033556-00033984 was traversed by Voyager 1 in 2004 and F55j-wX3N5I-00110-00033985-00034332 Voyager 2 in 2007 it was thought that F55j-wX3N5I-00111-00034333-00034572 beyond the heliopause there was a bow F55j-wX3N5I-00112-00034573-00034791 shock but data from interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00113-00034792-00035088 boundary Explorer suggested the velocity F55j-wX3N5I-00114-00035089-00035259 of the Sun through the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00115-00035260-00035658 medium is too low for it to form it may F55j-wX3N5I-00116-00035659-00036084 be a more gentle bow wave starting in F55j-wX3N5I-00117-00036085-00036582 May 2012 at 120 au 1.8 times one F55j-wX3N5I-00118-00036583-00036918 thousand and ten kilometers 1.1 times F55j-wX3N5I-00119-00036919-00037215 one thousand and ten miles Voyager one F55j-wX3N5I-00120-00037216-00037470 detected a sudden increase in cosmic F55j-wX3N5I-00121-00037471-00037734 rays an apparent signature of approach F55j-wX3N5I-00122-00037735-00038153 to the heliopause in the summer of 2013 F55j-wX3N5I-00123-00038154-00038439 NASA announced that Voyager 1 had F55j-wX3N5I-00124-00038440-00038688 reached interstellar space as of August F55j-wX3N5I-00125-00038689-00039066 25th 2012 pioneer 10 was launched in F55j-wX3N5I-00126-00039067-00039468 March 1972 and within 10 hours passed by F55j-wX3N5I-00127-00039469-00039798 the moon over the next 35 years or so F55j-wX3N5I-00128-00039799-00039960 the mission would be the first out F55j-wX3N5I-00129-00039961-00040200 laying out many firsts of discoveries F55j-wX3N5I-00130-00040201-00040245 about F55j-wX3N5I-00131-00040246-00040455 the nature of heliosphere as well as F55j-wX3N5I-00132-00040456-00040860 Jupiter's impact on it pioneer 10 was F55j-wX3N5I-00133-00040861-00041139 the first spacecraft to detect sodium F55j-wX3N5I-00134-00041140-00041405 and aluminium ions in the solar wind as F55j-wX3N5I-00135-00041406-00041677 well as helium in the inner solar system F55j-wX3N5I-00136-00041678-00042155 in November of 1972 pioneer 10 F55j-wX3N5I-00137-00042156-00042420 encountered Jupiter's enormous compared F55j-wX3N5I-00138-00042421-00042674 to earth magnetosphere and would pass in F55j-wX3N5I-00139-00042675-00042965 and out of it and heliosphere 17 times F55j-wX3N5I-00140-00042966-00043193 charting its interaction with the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00141-00043194-00043646 wind pioneer 10 returned scientific data F55j-wX3N5I-00142-00043647-00044079 until March 1997 including data on the F55j-wX3N5I-00143-00044080-00044427 solar wind out to about 67 astronomical F55j-wX3N5I-00144-00044428-00044835 units at that time it was also contacted F55j-wX3N5I-00145-00044836-00045195 in 2003 when it was a distance of seven F55j-wX3N5I-00146-00045196-00045518 point six billion miles from Earth 82 F55j-wX3N5I-00147-00045519-00045801 astronomical units but no instrument F55j-wX3N5I-00148-00045802-00046040 data about the solar wind was returned F55j-wX3N5I-00149-00046041-00046320 then Voyager 1 surpassed the radial F55j-wX3N5I-00150-00046321-00046646 distance from son of pioneer 10 at 69 F55j-wX3N5I-00151-00046647-00046980 point 4 astronomical units on the 17th F55j-wX3N5I-00152-00046981-00047292 of February 1998 because it was F55j-wX3N5I-00153-00047293-00047580 travelling faster gaining about 1.0 to F55j-wX3N5I-00154-00047581-00048008 astronomical units per year pioneer 11 F55j-wX3N5I-00155-00048009-00048342 launched a year after pioneer 10 took F55j-wX3N5I-00156-00048343-00048614 similar data as pioneer out to forty F55j-wX3N5I-00157-00048615-00048932 four point seven astronomical units in F55j-wX3N5I-00158-00048933-00049295 1995 when that mission was concluded F55j-wX3N5I-00159-00049296-00049617 pioneer 11 had a similar instrument F55j-wX3N5I-00160-00049618-00049895 suite as ten but also had a fluxgate F55j-wX3N5I-00161-00049896-00050258 magnetometer pioneer and Voyager F55j-wX3N5I-00162-00050259-00050437 spacecraft were on different F55j-wX3N5I-00163-00050438-00050736 trajectories and thus recorded data on F55j-wX3N5I-00164-00050737-00050945 the heliosphere in different overall F55j-wX3N5I-00165-00050946-00051261 directions away from the Sun data F55j-wX3N5I-00166-00051262-00051500 obtained from pioneer and Voyager F55j-wX3N5I-00167-00051501-00051738 spacecraft helped corroborate the F55j-wX3N5I-00168-00051739-00052023 detection of a hydrogen wall Voyager 1 F55j-wX3N5I-00169-00052024-00052415 and 2 were launched in 1977 and operated F55j-wX3N5I-00170-00052416-00052706 continuously to at least the late 2010 F55j-wX3N5I-00171-00052707-00052986 and encountered various aspects of the F55j-wX3N5I-00172-00052987-00053484 heliosphere past Pluto in 2012 Voyager 1 F55j-wX3N5I-00173-00053485-00053625 is thought to have pi F55j-wX3N5I-00174-00053626-00053961 through the heliopause and in 2018 there F55j-wX3N5I-00175-00053962-00054297 is some indications voyager ii of may be F55j-wX3N5I-00176-00054298-00054554 experiencing the same threshold while F55j-wX3N5I-00177-00054555-00054858 its twin spacecraft Voyager 1 crossed F55j-wX3N5I-00178-00054859-00055101 the boundary known as the heliopause in F55j-wX3N5I-00179-00055102-00055454 2012 Voyager 2 carries instruments that F55j-wX3N5I-00180-00055455-00055691 will provide new observations into the F55j-wX3N5I-00181-00055692-00056030 gateway of interstellar space the twin F55j-wX3N5I-00182-00056032-00056319 voyagers are the only man-made objects F55j-wX3N5I-00183-00056320-00056554 to have entered interstellar space F55j-wX3N5I-00184-00056555-00056844 however while they have left the F55j-wX3N5I-00185-00056845-00057090 heliosphere they have not yet left the F55j-wX3N5I-00186-00057091-00057317 boundary of the solar system which is F55j-wX3N5I-00187-00057319-00057530 considered to be the outer edge of the F55j-wX3N5I-00188-00057532-00057890 Oort cloud upon passing the heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00189-00057891-00058229 Voyager twos plasma science experiment F55j-wX3N5I-00190-00058230-00058500 uh observed a sharp decline in the speed F55j-wX3N5I-00191-00058501-00058754 of solar wind particles on the 5th of F55j-wX3N5I-00192-00058755-00058979 November and there has been no sign of F55j-wX3N5I-00193-00058980-00059364 it since the three other instruments on F55j-wX3N5I-00194-00059365-00059640 board measuring cosmic rays low-energy F55j-wX3N5I-00195-00059641-00059954 charged particles and magnetic fields F55j-wX3N5I-00196-00059955-00060279 also recorded the transition the F55j-wX3N5I-00197-00060279-00060582 observations complement data from NASA's F55j-wX3N5I-00198-00060583-00060957 ibex mission NASA is also preparing an F55j-wX3N5I-00199-00060958-00061209 additional mission into stellar mapping F55j-wX3N5I-00200-00061210-00061517 and acceleration probe IMAP which is due F55j-wX3N5I-00201-00061519-00061817 to launch in 2024 to capitalize on F55j-wX3N5I-00202-00061819-00062562 voyagers observations F55j-wX3N5I-00203-00062563-00063136 topic structure F55j-wX3N5I-00204-00063137-00063485 despite its name the heliosphere shape F55j-wX3N5I-00205-00063486-00063674 is known to differ from that of a F55j-wX3N5I-00206-00063675-00063995 perfect sphere this shape is determined F55j-wX3N5I-00207-00063996-00064310 by three factors the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00208-00064311-00064610 ISM the solar wind and the overall F55j-wX3N5I-00209-00064611-00064871 motion of the Sun and heliosphere as it F55j-wX3N5I-00210-00064872-00065198 passes through the ISM because the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00211-00065199-00065450 wind and the ISM are both fluids the F55j-wX3N5I-00212-00065451-00065693 heliosphere shape and size are also F55j-wX3N5I-00213-00065694-00066128 fluid changes in the solar wind however F55j-wX3N5I-00214-00066129-00066371 more strongly alter the fluctuating F55j-wX3N5I-00215-00066372-00066599 position of the boundaries on short F55j-wX3N5I-00216-00066600-00066977 timescales hours to a few years the F55j-wX3N5I-00217-00066978-00067232 solar winds pressure varies far more F55j-wX3N5I-00218-00067233-00067475 rapidly than the outside pressure of the F55j-wX3N5I-00219-00067476-00067841 ism at any given location in particular F55j-wX3N5I-00220-00067842-00068114 the effect of the 11-year solar cycle F55j-wX3N5I-00221-00068115-00068399 which sees a distinct maximum and F55j-wX3N5I-00222-00068400-00068636 minimum of solar wind activity is F55j-wX3N5I-00223-00068637-00069014 thought to be significant on a broader F55j-wX3N5I-00224-00069015-00069254 scale the motion of the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00225-00069255-00069506 through the fluid medium of the ism F55j-wX3N5I-00226-00069507-00069796 results in an overall comet like shape F55j-wX3N5I-00227-00069797-00070124 the solar wind plasma which is moving F55j-wX3N5I-00228-00070125-00070517 roughly upstream in the same direction F55j-wX3N5I-00229-00070518-00070802 as the sun's motion through the galaxy F55j-wX3N5I-00230-00070803-00071009 is compressed into a nearly spherical F55j-wX3N5I-00231-00071010-00071311 form whereas the plasma moving F55j-wX3N5I-00232-00071312-00071648 downstream opposite the sun's motion F55j-wX3N5I-00233-00071649-00071909 flows out for a much greater distance F55j-wX3N5I-00234-00071910-00072215 before giving way to the ism defining F55j-wX3N5I-00235-00072216-00072455 the long trailing shape of the Helia F55j-wX3N5I-00236-00072456-00072854 tail the limited data available and F55j-wX3N5I-00237-00072855-00073097 unexplored nature of these structures F55j-wX3N5I-00238-00073098-00073334 have resulted in many theories as to F55j-wX3N5I-00239-00073335-00073940 their form F55j-wX3N5I-00240-00073941-00074530 topic solo wind F55j-wX3N5I-00241-00074531-00074833 the solar wind consists of particles F55j-wX3N5I-00242-00074834-00075133 ionized atoms from the solar corona and F55j-wX3N5I-00243-00075134-00075409 fields like the magnetic field that are F55j-wX3N5I-00244-00075410-00075610 produced from the Sun and stream out F55j-wX3N5I-00245-00075611-00076008 into space because the Sun rotates once F55j-wX3N5I-00246-00076009-00076387 approximately every 25 days the magnetic F55j-wX3N5I-00247-00076388-00076678 field transported by the solar wind gets F55j-wX3N5I-00248-00076679-00077014 wrapped into a spiral the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00249-00077015-00077296 effects many other systems in the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00250-00077297-00077617 system for example variations in the F55j-wX3N5I-00251-00077618-00077881 sun's own magnetic field are carried out F55j-wX3N5I-00252-00077882-00078105 with by the solar wind producing F55j-wX3N5I-00253-00078106-00078334 geomagnetic storms in the Earth's F55j-wX3N5I-00254-00078335-00078622 magnetosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00255-00078623-00078968 you F55j-wX3N5I-00256-00078969-00079662 topic Heliospheric current sheet F55j-wX3N5I-00257-00079663-00079941 the Heliospheric current sheet is a F55j-wX3N5I-00258-00079942-00080207 ripple in the heliosphere created by the F55j-wX3N5I-00259-00080208-00080537 rotating magnetic field of the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00260-00080538-00080813 extending throughout the heliosphere it F55j-wX3N5I-00261-00080814-00081060 is considered the largest structure in F55j-wX3N5I-00262-00081061-00081287 the solar system and is said to resemble F55j-wX3N5I-00263-00081288-00082040 a ballerinas skirt F55j-wX3N5I-00264-00082041-00082634 topic outer structure F55j-wX3N5I-00265-00082635-00082874 the outer structure of the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00266-00082875-00083131 is determined by the interactions F55j-wX3N5I-00267-00083132-00083362 between the solar wind and the winds of F55j-wX3N5I-00268-00083363-00083693 interstellar space the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00269-00083694-00083903 streams away from the Sun in all F55j-wX3N5I-00270-00083904-00084167 directions at speeds of several hundred F55j-wX3N5I-00271-00084168-00084365 kilometer per second in the Earth's F55j-wX3N5I-00272-00084366-00084749 vicinity at some distance from the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00273-00084750-00085018 well beyond the orbit of Neptune this F55j-wX3N5I-00274-00085019-00085280 supersonic wind must slow down to meet F55j-wX3N5I-00275-00085281-00085528 the gases in the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00276-00085529-00086036 this takes place in several stages the F55j-wX3N5I-00277-00086037-00086238 solar wind is traveling at supersonic F55j-wX3N5I-00278-00086239-00086636 speeds within the solar system at the F55j-wX3N5I-00279-00086637-00086936 termination shock a standing shockwave F55j-wX3N5I-00280-00086937-00087218 the solar wind falls below the speed of F55j-wX3N5I-00281-00087219-00087593 sound and becomes subsonic it was F55j-wX3N5I-00282-00087594-00087887 previously thought that once subsonic F55j-wX3N5I-00283-00087888-00088105 the solar wind would be shaped by the F55j-wX3N5I-00284-00088106-00088342 ambient flow of the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00285-00088343-00088630 forming blunt-nosed on one side and F55j-wX3N5I-00286-00088631-00088930 comet like hylia tail behind a region F55j-wX3N5I-00287-00088931-00089230 called the heliosheath however F55j-wX3N5I-00288-00089231-00089600 observations in 2009 showed that this F55j-wX3N5I-00289-00089601-00090007 model is incorrect as of 2011 it is F55j-wX3N5I-00290-00090008-00090236 thought to be filled with a magnetic F55j-wX3N5I-00291-00090237-00090700 bubble foam the outer surface of the F55j-wX3N5I-00292-00090701-00090974 heliosheath where the heliosphere meets F55j-wX3N5I-00293-00090975-00091211 the interstellar medium is called the F55j-wX3N5I-00294-00091212-00091531 heliopause this is the edge of the F55j-wX3N5I-00295-00091532-00091981 entire heliosphere observations in 2009 F55j-wX3N5I-00296-00091982-00092425 led to changes to this model in theory F55j-wX3N5I-00297-00092426-00092719 the heliopause causes turbulence in the F55j-wX3N5I-00298-00092720-00092944 interstellar medium as the Sun orbits F55j-wX3N5I-00299-00092945-00093280 the galactic center outside the F55j-wX3N5I-00300-00093281-00093542 heliopause would be a turbulent region F55j-wX3N5I-00301-00093543-00093800 caused by the pressure of the advancing F55j-wX3N5I-00302-00093801-00094006 heliopause against the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00303-00094007-00094403 medium however the velocity of solar F55j-wX3N5I-00304-00094404-00094637 wind relative to the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00305-00094638-00095444 is probably too low for a bow shock F55j-wX3N5I-00306-00095445-00096081 topic termination shock F55j-wX3N5I-00307-00096082-00096384 the termination shock is the point in F55j-wX3N5I-00308-00096385-00096609 the heliosphere where the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00309-00096610-00096921 slows down to subsonic speed relative to F55j-wX3N5I-00310-00096922-00097197 the Sun because of interactions with the F55j-wX3N5I-00311-00097198-00097551 local interstellar medium this causes F55j-wX3N5I-00312-00097552-00097833 compression heating and a change in the F55j-wX3N5I-00313-00097834-00098238 magnetic field in the solar system the F55j-wX3N5I-00314-00098239-00098568 termination shock is believed to be 75 F55j-wX3N5I-00315-00098569-00099008 to 90 astronomical units from the Sun in F55j-wX3N5I-00316-00099009-00099141 2004 F55j-wX3N5I-00317-00099142-00099429 Voyager 1 crossed the sun's termination F55j-wX3N5I-00318-00099430-00099852 shock followed by Voyager 2 in 2007 the F55j-wX3N5I-00319-00099853-00100068 shock arises because solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00320-00100069-00100287 particles are emitted from the Sun at F55j-wX3N5I-00321-00100288-00100593 about 400 kilometres per second while F55j-wX3N5I-00322-00100594-00100830 the speed of sound in the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00323-00100831-00101115 medium is about 100 kilometers per F55j-wX3N5I-00324-00101116-00101415 second the exact speed depends on the F55j-wX3N5I-00325-00101416-00101700 density which fluctuates considerably F55j-wX3N5I-00326-00101701-00101967 the interstellar medium although very F55j-wX3N5I-00327-00101968-00102207 low in density nonetheless has a F55j-wX3N5I-00328-00102208-00102492 constant pressure associated with it the F55j-wX3N5I-00329-00102493-00102669 pressure from the solar wind decreases F55j-wX3N5I-00330-00102670-00102924 with the square of the distance from the F55j-wX3N5I-00331-00102925-00103239 Sun as one moves far enough away from F55j-wX3N5I-00332-00103240-00103491 the Sun the pressure of the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00333-00103492-00103757 drops to where it can no longer maintain F55j-wX3N5I-00334-00103758-00104007 supersonic flow against the pressure of F55j-wX3N5I-00335-00104008-00104241 the interstellar medium at which point F55j-wX3N5I-00336-00104242-00104490 the solar wind slows to below its speed F55j-wX3N5I-00337-00104491-00104841 of sound causing a shockwave further F55j-wX3N5I-00338-00104842-00105132 from the Sun the termination shock is F55j-wX3N5I-00339-00105133-00105399 followed by the heliopause where the two F55j-wX3N5I-00340-00105400-00105645 pressures become equal and solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00341-00105646-00105804 particles are stopped by the F55j-wX3N5I-00342-00105805-00106215 interstellar medium other termination F55j-wX3N5I-00343-00106216-00106443 shocks can be seen in terrestrial F55j-wX3N5I-00344-00106444-00106736 systems perhaps the easiest may be seen F55j-wX3N5I-00345-00106738-00106992 by simply running a water tap into a F55j-wX3N5I-00346-00106993-00107340 sink creating a hydraulic jump upon F55j-wX3N5I-00347-00107341-00107574 hitting the floor of the sink the F55j-wX3N5I-00348-00107575-00107817 flowing water spreads out at a speed F55j-wX3N5I-00349-00107818-00108054 that is higher than the local wave speed F55j-wX3N5I-00350-00108055-00108327 forming a disc of shallow rapidly F55j-wX3N5I-00351-00108328-00108623 diverging flow analogous to the tenuous F55j-wX3N5I-00352-00108624-00108972 supersonic solar wind around the F55j-wX3N5I-00353-00108973-00109233 periphery of the disc a shock front or F55j-wX3N5I-00354-00109233-00109428 wall of water forms out F55j-wX3N5I-00355-00109429-00109658 side the shock front the water moves F55j-wX3N5I-00356-00109659-00109869 slower than the local wave speed F55j-wX3N5I-00357-00109870-00110133 analogous to the subsonic interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00358-00110133-00110523 medium evidence presented at a meeting F55j-wX3N5I-00359-00110524-00110852 of the American Geophysical Union in May F55j-wX3N5I-00360-00110853-00111183 2005 by Ed stones suggests that the F55j-wX3N5I-00361-00111183-00111420 Voyager 1 spacecraft passed the F55j-wX3N5I-00362-00111421-00111809 termination shock in December 2004 when F55j-wX3N5I-00363-00111810-00112109 it was about 94 astronomical units from F55j-wX3N5I-00364-00112110-00112368 the Sun by virtue of the change in F55j-wX3N5I-00365-00112369-00112643 magnetic readings taken from the craft F55j-wX3N5I-00366-00112644-00113097 in contrast Voyager 2 began detecting F55j-wX3N5I-00367-00113098-00113420 returning particles when it was only 76 F55j-wX3N5I-00368-00113421-00113741 astronomical units from the Sun in May F55j-wX3N5I-00369-00113742-00114144 2006 this implies that the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00370-00114145-00114417 may be irregularly shaped bulging F55j-wX3N5I-00371-00114418-00114594 outwards in the sun's Northern F55j-wX3N5I-00372-00114595-00114795 Hemisphere and pushed inward in the F55j-wX3N5I-00373-00114796-00115023 south F55j-wX3N5I-00374-00115024-00115368 you F55j-wX3N5I-00375-00115369-00115965 topic heliosheath F55j-wX3N5I-00376-00115966-00116241 the heliosheath is the region of the F55j-wX3N5I-00377-00116242-00116549 heliosphere beyond the termination shock F55j-wX3N5I-00378-00116550-00116898 here the wind is slowed compressed and F55j-wX3N5I-00379-00116899-00117165 made turbulent by its interaction with F55j-wX3N5I-00380-00117166-00117516 the interstellar medium at its closest F55j-wX3N5I-00381-00117517-00117747 point the inner edge of the heliosheath F55j-wX3N5I-00382-00117748-00118061 lies approximately 80 to 100 F55j-wX3N5I-00383-00118063-00118325 astronomical units from the Sun a F55j-wX3N5I-00384-00118326-00118644 proposed model hypothesizes that the F55j-wX3N5I-00385-00118645-00118905 heliosheath is shaped like the coma of a F55j-wX3N5I-00386-00118906-00119159 comet and trails several times that F55j-wX3N5I-00387-00119160-00119384 distance in the direction opposite to F55j-wX3N5I-00388-00119385-00119730 the sun's path through space at its F55j-wX3N5I-00389-00119731-00120033 windward side its thickness is estimated F55j-wX3N5I-00390-00120033-00120342 to be between 10 and 100 astronomical F55j-wX3N5I-00391-00120343-00120758 units Voyager project scientists have F55j-wX3N5I-00392-00120759-00121013 determined that the heliosheath is not F55j-wX3N5I-00393-00121014-00121563 smooth it is rather a foamy zone filled F55j-wX3N5I-00394-00121564-00121848 with magnetic bubbles each about one F55j-wX3N5I-00395-00121849-00122202 astronomical unit wide these magnetic F55j-wX3N5I-00396-00122203-00122475 bubbles are created by the impact of the F55j-wX3N5I-00397-00122476-00122783 solar wind and the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00398-00122783-00123138 Voyager 1 and 2 began detecting evidence F55j-wX3N5I-00399-00123139-00123525 for the bubbles in 2007 and 2008 F55j-wX3N5I-00400-00123526-00123897 respectively the probably sausage-shaped F55j-wX3N5I-00401-00123898-00124119 bubbles are formed by magnetic F55j-wX3N5I-00402-00124120-00124385 reconnection between oppositely oriented F55j-wX3N5I-00403-00124386-00124695 sectors of the solar magnetic field as F55j-wX3N5I-00404-00124696-00125070 the solar wind slows down they probably F55j-wX3N5I-00405-00125071-00125336 represent self-contained structures that F55j-wX3N5I-00406-00125338-00125520 have detached from the interplanetary F55j-wX3N5I-00407-00125521-00125949 magnetic field at a distance of about F55j-wX3N5I-00408-00125950-00126284 130 no Voyager one detected at F55j-wX3N5I-00409-00126285-00126552 stagnation region within the heliosheath F55j-wX3N5I-00410-00126553-00126990 in this region the solar wind slowed to F55j-wX3N5I-00411-00126991-00127269 zero the magnetic field intensity F55j-wX3N5I-00412-00127270-00127533 doubled and high-energy electrons from F55j-wX3N5I-00413-00127533-00127802 the galaxies increased one hundredfold F55j-wX3N5I-00414-00127803-00128304 at about 122 astronomical units F55j-wX3N5I-00415-00128305-00128571 the spacecraft entered a new region that F55j-wX3N5I-00416-00128572-00128832 Voyager project scientists called their F55j-wX3N5I-00417-00128833-00129233 magnetic highway an area still under F55j-wX3N5I-00418-00129234-00129340 their influence of F55j-wX3N5I-00419-00129341-00130124 son but with some dramatic differences F55j-wX3N5I-00420-00130125-00130718 topic heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00421-00130719-00130955 the heliopause is the theoretical F55j-wX3N5I-00422-00130956-00131243 boundary where the sun's solar wind is F55j-wX3N5I-00423-00131244-00131489 stopped by the interstellar medium where F55j-wX3N5I-00424-00131490-00131705 the solar winds strength is no longer F55j-wX3N5I-00425-00131706-00131924 great enough to push back the stellar F55j-wX3N5I-00426-00131925-00132278 winds of the surrounding stars this is F55j-wX3N5I-00427-00132279-00132467 the boundary where the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00428-00132468-00132784 medium and solar wind pressures balance F55j-wX3N5I-00429-00132785-00133100 the crossing of the heliopause should be F55j-wX3N5I-00430-00133101-00133301 signaled by a sharp drop in the F55j-wX3N5I-00431-00133302-00133547 temperature of charged particles a F55j-wX3N5I-00432-00133548-00133748 change in the direction of the magnetic F55j-wX3N5I-00433-00133749-00134021 field and an increase in the number of F55j-wX3N5I-00434-00134022-00134474 galactic cosmic rays in May 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00435-00134475-00134750 Voyager 1 detected a rapid increase in F55j-wX3N5I-00436-00134751-00135110 such cosmic rays a 9% increase in a F55j-wX3N5I-00437-00135111-00135365 month following a more gradual increase F55j-wX3N5I-00438-00135366-00135910 of 25% from January 2009 to January 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00439-00135911-00136121 suggesting it was approaching the F55j-wX3N5I-00440-00136122-00136505 heliopause between late August and early F55j-wX3N5I-00441-00136506-00136706 September 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00442-00136707-00136946 Voyager 1 witnessed a sharp drop in F55j-wX3N5I-00443-00136947-00137321 protons from the Sun from 25 particles F55j-wX3N5I-00444-00137322-00137585 per second late August 2 about two F55j-wX3N5I-00445-00137586-00137965 particles per second by early October in F55j-wX3N5I-00446-00137966-00138335 September of 2013 NASA announced that F55j-wX3N5I-00447-00138336-00138617 Voyager 1 had crossed the heliopause as F55j-wX3N5I-00448-00138618-00139034 of August 25th 2012 this was at a F55j-wX3N5I-00449-00139035-00139478 distance of 121 astronomical units 18 F55j-wX3N5I-00450-00139479-00139841 billion kilometres from the Sun contrary F55j-wX3N5I-00451-00139842-00140138 to predictions data from Voyager 1 F55j-wX3N5I-00452-00140139-00140366 indicates the magnetic field of the F55j-wX3N5I-00453-00140367-00140567 galaxy is aligned with the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00454-00140568-00140874 magnetic field F55j-wX3N5I-00455-00140875-00141218 you F55j-wX3N5I-00456-00141219-00141799 topic helia tail F55j-wX3N5I-00457-00141800-00142048 the Helia tail is the tail of the F55j-wX3N5I-00458-00142049-00142315 heliosphere and thus the solar system's F55j-wX3N5I-00459-00142316-00142678 tail it can be compared to the tail of a F55j-wX3N5I-00460-00142679-00142969 comet however a comet's tail does not F55j-wX3N5I-00461-00142970-00143215 stretch behind it as it moves it is F55j-wX3N5I-00462-00143216-00143560 always pointing away from the Sun the F55j-wX3N5I-00463-00143561-00143809 tail is a region where the sun's solar F55j-wX3N5I-00464-00143810-00144091 wind slows down and ultimately escapes F55j-wX3N5I-00465-00144092-00144343 the heliosphere slowly evaporating F55j-wX3N5I-00466-00144344-00144757 because of charge exchange the shape of F55j-wX3N5I-00467-00144758-00145045 the Helia tail newly found by NASA's F55j-wX3N5I-00468-00145046-00145345 interstellar boundary Explorer ibex is F55j-wX3N5I-00469-00145346-00145717 that of a four leaf clover the particles F55j-wX3N5I-00470-00145718-00145993 in the tail do not shine therefore it F55j-wX3N5I-00471-00145994-00146248 cannot be seen with conventional optical F55j-wX3N5I-00472-00146249-00146589 instruments ibex made the first F55j-wX3N5I-00473-00146590-00146833 observations of the Helia tail by F55j-wX3N5I-00474-00146834-00147064 measuring the energy of energetic F55j-wX3N5I-00475-00147065-00147517 neutral atoms neutral particles created F55j-wX3N5I-00476-00147518-00147745 by collisions in the solar system's F55j-wX3N5I-00477-00147746-00148021 boundaries zone the tail has been shown F55j-wX3N5I-00478-00148022-00148330 to contain fast and slow particles the F55j-wX3N5I-00479-00148331-00148564 slow particles are on the side and the F55j-wX3N5I-00480-00148565-00148795 fast particles are encompassed in the F55j-wX3N5I-00481-00148796-00149101 center the shape of the tail can be F55j-wX3N5I-00482-00149102-00149374 linked to the Sun sending out fast solar F55j-wX3N5I-00483-00149375-00149677 winds near its poles and slow solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00484-00149678-00150010 near its equator more recently the F55j-wX3N5I-00485-00150011-00150250 clover shaped tail moves further away F55j-wX3N5I-00486-00150251-00150514 from the Sun which makes the charged F55j-wX3N5I-00487-00150515-00150754 particles begin to morph into a new F55j-wX3N5I-00488-00150755-00151189 orientation Cassini an ibex data F55j-wX3N5I-00489-00151190-00151617 challenged their Helia tail theory in F55j-wX3N5I-00490-00151618-00151972 2009 in July 2013 F55j-wX3N5I-00491-00151973-00152290 ibex results revealed a four lobe tail F55j-wX3N5I-00492-00152291-00153059 on the solar system's heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00493-00153060-00153834 topic additional heliosphere structures F55j-wX3N5I-00494-00153835-00154107 the heliopause is the final known F55j-wX3N5I-00495-00154108-00154371 boundary between the heliosphere in the F55j-wX3N5I-00496-00154372-00154589 interstellar space that is filled with F55j-wX3N5I-00497-00154590-00154901 material especially plasma not from our F55j-wX3N5I-00498-00154902-00155231 own star the Sun but from other stars F55j-wX3N5I-00499-00155232-00155586 even sir just outside the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00500-00155587-00155960 ayiva solar bubble there is a F55j-wX3N5I-00501-00155961-00156243 transitional region as detected by F55j-wX3N5I-00502-00156244-00156539 Voyager 1 just as sim interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00503-00156540-00156878 pressure was detected as early as 2004 F55j-wX3N5I-00504-00156879-00157154 some of the sun's material seeps into F55j-wX3N5I-00505-00157155-00157490 the interstellar medium the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00506-00157491-00157727 is thought to reside in the local F55j-wX3N5I-00507-00157728-00157959 interstellar cloud inside the local F55j-wX3N5I-00508-00157960-00158208 bubble which is a region in the Orion F55j-wX3N5I-00509-00158209-00158634 Arm of the Milky Way galaxy outside the F55j-wX3N5I-00510-00158635-00158927 heliosphere there is a 40 fold increase F55j-wX3N5I-00511-00158928-00159275 in plasma density there is also a F55j-wX3N5I-00512-00159276-00159512 radical reduction in the detection of F55j-wX3N5I-00513-00159513-00159774 certain types of particles from the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00514-00159775-00160035 and a large increase in galactic cosmic F55j-wX3N5I-00515-00160036-00160308 rays the flow of the interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00516-00160309-00160599 ISM into the heliosphere has been F55j-wX3N5I-00517-00160600-00160811 measured by at least eleven different F55j-wX3N5I-00518-00160812-00161349 spacecraft as of 2013 by 2013 it was F55j-wX3N5I-00519-00161350-00161591 suspected that the direction of the flow F55j-wX3N5I-00520-00161592-00161973 had changed over time the flow coming F55j-wX3N5I-00521-00161974-00162161 from Earth's perspective from the F55j-wX3N5I-00522-00162162-00162437 constellation Scorpius has probably F55j-wX3N5I-00523-00162438-00162674 changed direction by several degrees F55j-wX3N5I-00524-00162675-00163089 since the 1970s F55j-wX3N5I-00525-00163090-00163434 you F55j-wX3N5I-00526-00163435-00164048 topic hydrogen wall F55j-wX3N5I-00527-00164049-00164337 predicted to be a region of hot hydrogen F55j-wX3N5I-00528-00164338-00164598 a structure called the hydrogen wall F55j-wX3N5I-00529-00164599-00164820 maybe between the bow shock and the F55j-wX3N5I-00530-00164821-00165174 heliopause the wall is composed of F55j-wX3N5I-00531-00165175-00165423 interstellar material interacting with F55j-wX3N5I-00532-00165424-00165741 the edge of the heliosphere one paper F55j-wX3N5I-00533-00165742-00166113 released in 2013 studied the concept of F55j-wX3N5I-00534-00166114-00166368 a bow wave and hydrogen wall another F55j-wX3N5I-00535-00166369-00166620 hypothesis suggests that the heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00536-00166621-00166839 could be smaller on the side of the F55j-wX3N5I-00537-00166840-00167103 solar system facing the sun's orbital F55j-wX3N5I-00538-00167104-00167436 motion through the galaxy it may also F55j-wX3N5I-00539-00167437-00167724 vary depending on the current velocity F55j-wX3N5I-00540-00167725-00167970 of the solar wind and the local density F55j-wX3N5I-00541-00167971-00168300 of the interstellar medium it is known F55j-wX3N5I-00542-00168301-00168575 to lie far outside the orbit of Neptune F55j-wX3N5I-00543-00168576-00168873 the current mission of the Voyager 1 and F55j-wX3N5I-00544-00168874-00169182 2 spacecraft is to find and study the F55j-wX3N5I-00545-00169183-00169449 termination shock heliosheath and F55j-wX3N5I-00546-00169450-00169842 heliopause meanwhile the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00547-00169843-00170118 boundary Explorer ibex mission is F55j-wX3N5I-00548-00170119-00170364 attempting to image the heliopause from F55j-wX3N5I-00549-00170365-00170691 Earth orbit within two years of its 2008 F55j-wX3N5I-00550-00170692-00171267 launch initial results October 2009 from F55j-wX3N5I-00551-00171268-00171525 ibex suggests that previous assumptions F55j-wX3N5I-00552-00171526-00171801 are insufficiently cognizant of the true F55j-wX3N5I-00553-00171802-00172089 complexities of the heliopause in August F55j-wX3N5I-00554-00172090-00172389 2018 long-term studies about the F55j-wX3N5I-00555-00172390-00172623 hydrogen wall by the new Horizons F55j-wX3N5I-00556-00172624-00172872 spacecraft confirmed results first F55j-wX3N5I-00557-00172873-00173229 detected in 1992 by the two Voyager F55j-wX3N5I-00558-00173230-00173357 spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00559-00173358-00173655 although the hydrogen is detected by F55j-wX3N5I-00560-00173656-00173943 extra ultraviolet light which may come F55j-wX3N5I-00561-00173944-00174216 from another source the detection by New F55j-wX3N5I-00562-00174217-00174447 Horizons corroborates the earlier F55j-wX3N5I-00563-00174448-00174669 detection by Voyager at a much higher F55j-wX3N5I-00564-00174670-00175386 level of sensitivity F55j-wX3N5I-00565-00175387-00175946 topic bows shark F55j-wX3N5I-00566-00175947-00176239 it was long hypothesized that the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00567-00176240-00176633 produces a shockwave in its travels F55j-wX3N5I-00568-00176634-00176929 within the interstellar medium it would F55j-wX3N5I-00569-00176930-00177154 occur if the interstellar medium is F55j-wX3N5I-00570-00177155-00177548 moving supersonically toward the Sun F55j-wX3N5I-00571-00177549-00177983 since its solar wind moves away from the F55j-wX3N5I-00572-00177984-00178295 Sun supersonically when the interstellar F55j-wX3N5I-00573-00178296-00178595 wind hits the heliosphere it slows and F55j-wX3N5I-00574-00178596-00178958 creates a region of turbulence abode F55j-wX3N5I-00575-00178959-00179198 shock was thought to possibly occur at F55j-wX3N5I-00576-00179199-00179660 about 230 astronomical units but in 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00577-00179661-00179909 it was determined it probably does not F55j-wX3N5I-00578-00179910-00180004 exist F55j-wX3N5I-00579-00180005-00180311 this conclusion resulted from new F55j-wX3N5I-00580-00180312-00180616 measurements the velocity of the lis M F55j-wX3N5I-00581-00180617-00180845 local interstellar medium F55j-wX3N5I-00582-00180846-00181064 relative to the Suns was previously F55j-wX3N5I-00583-00181065-00181286 measured to be twenty six point three F55j-wX3N5I-00584-00181287-00181625 kilometers per second by Ulysses whereas F55j-wX3N5I-00585-00181626-00181877 ibex measured it at twenty three point F55j-wX3N5I-00586-00181878-00182114 two kilometres per second this F55j-wX3N5I-00587-00182115-00182365 phenomenon has been observed outside the F55j-wX3N5I-00588-00182366-00182621 solar system around stars other than the F55j-wX3N5I-00589-00182622-00182977 Sun by NASA's now retired orbital GA le F55j-wX3N5I-00590-00182978-00183422 X telescope the red giant star mirror in F55j-wX3N5I-00591-00183423-00183695 the constellation Cetus has been shown F55j-wX3N5I-00592-00183696-00183956 to have both a debris tail of ejecta F55j-wX3N5I-00593-00183957-00184177 from the star and a distinct shock in F55j-wX3N5I-00594-00184178-00184390 the direction of its movement through F55j-wX3N5I-00595-00184391-00185348 space at over 130 kilometres per second F55j-wX3N5I-00596-00185349-00186031 topic observational methods F55j-wX3N5I-00597-00186032-00186384 you F55j-wX3N5I-00598-00186385-00187102 topic detection by spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00599-00187103-00187435 the precise distance to and shape of the F55j-wX3N5I-00600-00187436-00187755 heliopause is still uncertain F55j-wX3N5I-00601-00187756-00188008 interplanetary interstellar spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00602-00188009-00188401 such as pioneer 10 pioneer 11 and new F55j-wX3N5I-00603-00188402-00188626 horizons are traveling outward through F55j-wX3N5I-00604-00188627-00188800 the solar system and will eventually F55j-wX3N5I-00605-00188801-00189199 pass through the heliopause contact to F55j-wX3N5I-00606-00189200-00189944 pioneer 10 and 11 has been lost F55j-wX3N5I-00607-00189945-00190540 topic Cassini results F55j-wX3N5I-00608-00190541-00190831 rather than a comet-like shape the F55j-wX3N5I-00609-00190832-00191074 heliosphere appears to be bubble shaped F55j-wX3N5I-00610-00191075-00191344 according to data from Cassini Zion a F55j-wX3N5I-00611-00191345-00191752 neutral camera Mimi Inca rather than F55j-wX3N5I-00612-00191753-00191959 being dominated by the collisions F55j-wX3N5I-00613-00191960-00192139 between the solar wind and the F55j-wX3N5I-00614-00192140-00192427 interstellar medium the Inca ena Maps F55j-wX3N5I-00615-00192428-00192631 suggests that the interaction is F55j-wX3N5I-00616-00192632-00192895 controlled more by particle pressure and F55j-wX3N5I-00617-00192896-00193640 magnetic field energy density F55j-wX3N5I-00618-00193641-00194241 topic ibex results F55j-wX3N5I-00619-00194242-00194538 initial data from interstellar boundary F55j-wX3N5I-00620-00194539-00194949 Explorer ibex launched in October 2008 F55j-wX3N5I-00621-00194950-00195288 revealed our previously unpredicted very F55j-wX3N5I-00622-00195289-00195576 narrow ribbon that is two to three times F55j-wX3N5I-00623-00195577-00195965 brighter than anything else in the sky F55j-wX3N5I-00624-00195966-00196356 initial interpretations suggest that the F55j-wX3N5I-00625-00196357-00196619 interstellar environment has far more F55j-wX3N5I-00626-00196620-00196911 influence on structuring the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00627-00196912-00197502 than anyone previously believed no one F55j-wX3N5I-00628-00197503-00197738 knows what is creating the inna F55j-wX3N5I-00629-00197739-00198219 energetic neutral atoms ribbon F55j-wX3N5I-00630-00198220-00198609 the IBEX results are truly remarkable F55j-wX3N5I-00631-00198610-00198934 what we are seeing in these maps does F55j-wX3N5I-00632-00198935-00199156 not match with any of the previous F55j-wX3N5I-00633-00199157-00199516 theoretical models of this region it F55j-wX3N5I-00634-00199517-00199816 will be exciting for scientists to F55j-wX3N5I-00635-00199817-00200152 review these ena maps and revised the F55j-wX3N5I-00636-00200153-00200404 way we understand our heliosphere and F55j-wX3N5I-00637-00200405-00200806 how it interacts with the galaxy in F55j-wX3N5I-00638-00200807-00201154 October 2010 significant changes were F55j-wX3N5I-00639-00201155-00201430 detected in the ribbon after six months F55j-wX3N5I-00640-00201431-00201660 based on the second set of ibex F55j-wX3N5I-00641-00201661-00202102 observations ibex data did not support F55j-wX3N5I-00642-00202103-00202357 the existence of a bow shock but there F55j-wX3N5I-00643-00202358-00202600 might be a bow wave according to one F55j-wX3N5I-00644-00202601-00203178 study F55j-wX3N5I-00645-00203179-00203726 topic locally F55j-wX3N5I-00646-00203727-00203995 of particular interest is the Earth's F55j-wX3N5I-00647-00203996-00204272 interaction with the heliosphere but its F55j-wX3N5I-00648-00204273-00204530 extent and interaction with other bodies F55j-wX3N5I-00649-00204531-00204761 in the solar system have also been F55j-wX3N5I-00650-00204762-00205171 studied some examples of missions that F55j-wX3N5I-00651-00205173-00205463 have or continue to collect data related F55j-wX3N5I-00652-00205464-00205760 to the heliosphere include see also list F55j-wX3N5I-00653-00205761-00206138 of Helio physics missions solar F55j-wX3N5I-00654-00206139-00206405 anomalous and magnetospheric particle F55j-wX3N5I-00655-00206406-00206687 Explorer Solar and Heliospheric F55j-wX3N5I-00656-00206688-00207291 Observatory Solar Dynamics Observatory F55j-wX3N5I-00657-00207292-00207940 stereo Ulysses spacecraft Parker Solar F55j-wX3N5I-00658-00207941-00208189 Probe during a total eclipse the high F55j-wX3N5I-00659-00208190-00208417 temperature Corona can be more readily F55j-wX3N5I-00660-00208419-00208746 observed from Earth solar observatories F55j-wX3N5I-00661-00208748-00209078 during the Apollo program the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00662-00209079-00209303 was measured on the moon via the solar F55j-wX3N5I-00663-00209304-00209657 wind composition experiment some F55j-wX3N5I-00664-00209658-00209954 examples of Earth's surface based solar F55j-wX3N5I-00665-00209955-00210221 observatories include the McMath Pierce F55j-wX3N5I-00666-00210221-00210485 solar telescope or the newer Gregor F55j-wX3N5I-00667-00210486-00210767 solar telescope and the refurbished Big F55j-wX3N5I-00668-00210767-00211190 Bear solar observatory see also list of F55j-wX3N5I-00669-00211191-00211769 solar telescopes F55j-wX3N5I-00670-00211771-00212457 topic timeline of exploration F55j-wX3N5I-00671-00212458-00212914 January 1959 Luna 1 becomes the first F55j-wX3N5I-00672-00212915-00213510 spacecraft to observe the solar wind F55j-wX3N5I-00673-00213511-00213873 1972-1973 pioneer 10 becomes the first F55j-wX3N5I-00674-00213875-00214114 spacecraft to explore the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00675-00214115-00214477 past Mars flying by Jupiter on December F55j-wX3N5I-00676-00214478-00214869 4th 1973 and continuing to return solar F55j-wX3N5I-00677-00214871-00215182 wind data out to a distance of 67 F55j-wX3N5I-00678-00215183-00215773 astronomical units february 1992 after F55j-wX3N5I-00679-00215773-00216100 flying by Jupiter the Ulysses spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00680-00216101-00216337 becomes the first to explore the mid and F55j-wX3N5I-00681-00216338-00216846 high latitudes of the heliosphere 1992 F55j-wX3N5I-00682-00216848-00217183 pioneer and Voyager probes detected lie F55j-wX3N5I-00683-00217184-00217477 alpha radiation resonantly scattered by F55j-wX3N5I-00684-00217478-00218019 Heliospheric hydrogen 2004 voyager 1 F55j-wX3N5I-00685-00218021-00218281 becomes the first spacecraft to reach F55j-wX3N5I-00686-00218282-00218806 the termination shock 2005 Soho F55j-wX3N5I-00687-00218807-00219069 observations of the solar wind show that F55j-wX3N5I-00688-00219071-00219273 the shape of the heliosphere is not F55j-wX3N5I-00689-00219275-00219646 axisymmetric alerted very likely under F55j-wX3N5I-00690-00219646-00219805 the effect of the local galactic F55j-wX3N5I-00691-00219806-00220386 magnetic field 2009 ibex project F55j-wX3N5I-00692-00220387-00220642 scientists discover and map a ribbon F55j-wX3N5I-00693-00220642-00220882 shaped region of intense energetic F55j-wX3N5I-00694-00220883-00221233 neutral atomo mission these neutral F55j-wX3N5I-00695-00221234-00221458 atoms are thought to be originating from F55j-wX3N5I-00696-00221459-00221977 the heliopause october 2009 F55j-wX3N5I-00697-00221978-00222267 the heliosphere may be bubble not comet F55j-wX3N5I-00698-00222269-00222798 shaped October 2010 significant changes F55j-wX3N5I-00699-00222800-00223017 were detected in the ribbon after six F55j-wX3N5I-00700-00223019-00223311 months based on the second set of ibex F55j-wX3N5I-00701-00223312-00223719 observations May 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00702-00223721-00224014 ibex data implies there is probably not F55j-wX3N5I-00703-00224015-00224280 a bow shock F55j-wX3N5I-00704-00224281-00224802 June 2012 at 119 Oh Voyager 1 detected F55j-wX3N5I-00705-00224803-00225261 an increase in cosmic rays the 25th of F55j-wX3N5I-00706-00225262-00225417 August 2012 F55j-wX3N5I-00707-00225417-00225632 Voyager 1 crosses the heliopause F55j-wX3N5I-00708-00225633-00225944 becoming the first human-made object to F55j-wX3N5I-00709-00225946-00226373 depart the heliosphere August 2018 F55j-wX3N5I-00710-00226375-00226635 long-term studies about the hydrogen F55j-wX3N5I-00711-00226636-00226846 wall by the New Horizons spacecraft F55j-wX3N5I-00712-00226848-00227304 confirmed results first detected in 1992 F55j-wX3N5I-00713-00227305-00227751 by the two Voyager spacecraft the 5th of F55j-wX3N5I-00714-00227752-00228105 November 2018 Voyager 2 crosses the F55j-wX3N5I-00715-00228106-00228917 heliopause departing the heliosphere F55j-wX3N5I-00716-00228919-00229485 topic gallery F55j-wX3N5I-00717-00229486-00229788 these depictions include features that F55j-wX3N5I-00718-00229789-00230198 may not reflect most recent models F55j-wX3N5I-00719-00230200-00230616 equals equals see also F7JaRuTh1iU-00000-00000024-00000245 foreign F7JaRuTh1iU-00001-00000246-00002783 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00002-00002784-00003091 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00003-00003092-00003544 together to save our planets F7JaRuTh1iU-00004-00003545-00004579 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00005-00004580-00004929 together F7JaRuTh1iU-00006-00004930-00005772 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00007-00005773-00006263 how can we keep up with this spread of F7JaRuTh1iU-00008-00006264-00006443 such evilness F7JaRuTh1iU-00009-00006444-00007651 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00010-00007652-00007960 don't you know that the world needs an F7JaRuTh1iU-00011-00007961-00008059 answer F7JaRuTh1iU-00012-00008059-00008603 my brother my sister Let's Dance F7JaRuTh1iU-00013-00008604-00008681 [Applause] F7JaRuTh1iU-00014-00008682-00008971 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00015-00008972-00009354 leave all the fears behind us F7JaRuTh1iU-00016-00009355-00009805 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00017-00009806-00010269 together F7JaRuTh1iU-00018-00010270-00011035 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00019-00011036-00013555 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00020-00013556-00013907 not knowing when they will come together F7JaRuTh1iU-00021-00013908-00014051 again F7JaRuTh1iU-00022-00014052-00014933 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00023-00014934-00015301 thank you F7JaRuTh1iU-00024-00015302-00016957 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00025-00016958-00017196 all over F7JaRuTh1iU-00026-00017197-00017491 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00027-00017492-00018040 your mouth F7JaRuTh1iU-00028-00018041-00019007 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00029-00019008-00019623 pestilence F7JaRuTh1iU-00030-00019624-00021635 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00031-00021636-00022023 tonight F7JaRuTh1iU-00032-00022024-00022781 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00033-00022782-00023411 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00034-00023412-00023614 foreign F7JaRuTh1iU-00035-00023615-00025130 [Music] F7JaRuTh1iU-00036-00025131-00025449 [Applause] F7J-eXtbH9o-00000-00001470-00003034 two hours later F7J-eXtbH9o-00001-00003035-00003467 yeah yeah the jumper just I'm joking I'm F7J-eXtbH9o-00002-00003468-00006197 joking F7J-eXtbH9o-00003-00006198-00007995 [Music] F7J-eXtbH9o-00004-00007997-00008614 surprise [__] F7J-eXtbH9o-00005-00008615-00010807 [Music] F7J-eXtbH9o-00006-00010808-00012002 you F7J-eXtbH9o-00007-00012003-00012264 you ever look at someone and wonder what F7J-eXtbH9o-00009-00017133-00017593 two hours later F7J-eXtbH9o-00011-00022573-00022873 easy F83kNFkTDVY-00000-00000043-00000272 bamboo chicken as a chicken curry F83kNFkTDVY-00001-00000273-00000467 prepared by stuffing the bamboo shoot' F83kNFkTDVY-00002-00000468-00000611 with the chicken and then cooked on F83kNFkTDVY-00003-00000612-00000908 charcoal bamboo chicken as an oil-free F83kNFkTDVY-00004-00000909-00001535 and nutritionally rich dish F83kNFkTDVY-00005-00001536-00002060 topic origins F83kNFkTDVY-00006-00002061-00002315 bamboo chicken as a traditional tribal F83kNFkTDVY-00007-00002316-00002542 cuisine of Araku Valley a hill station F83kNFkTDVY-00008-00002543-00002744 in the Visakhapatnam district in the F83kNFkTDVY-00009-00002745-00003372 state of Andhra Pradesh F83kNFkTDVY-00010-00003373-00003913 topic preparation F83kNFkTDVY-00011-00003914-00004238 ingredients skinless chicken cut the F83kNFkTDVY-00012-00004239-00004460 chicken into small pieces chopped onions F83kNFkTDVY-00013-00004461-00004661 chopped green chilies ginger paste F83kNFkTDVY-00014-00004662-00004945 garlic paste dry spices salt turmeric F83kNFkTDVY-00015-00004946-00005200 powder red chili powder garam masala F83kNFkTDVY-00016-00005201-00005578 powder chicken masala powder method F83kNFkTDVY-00017-00005579-00005774 marinate the chicken with all the F83kNFkTDVY-00018-00005775-00005971 ingredients and keep this aside for one F83kNFkTDVY-00019-00005972-00006039 hour F83kNFkTDVY-00020-00006040-00006278 stuff the marinated chicken into the F83kNFkTDVY-00021-00006279-00006491 bamboo shoot' through the open side and F83kNFkTDVY-00022-00006492-00006677 closed the open end with leaves banana F83kNFkTDVY-00023-00006678-00006992 leaves or palm leaves roast the bamboo F83kNFkTDVY-00024-00006993-00007198 stick for at least 45 minutes on a F83kNFkTDVY-00025-00007200-00007534 medium flame by keeping it on coal after F83kNFkTDVY-00026-00007536-00007791 45 minutes cut open the bamboo shoot' F83kNFkTDVY-00027-00007792-00008173 take out the chicken pieces garnish with F83kNFkTDVY-00028-00008175-00008374 a few drops of lemon juice and chopped F83kNFkTDVY-00029-00008375-00008674 onions serving it is mainly eaten with F83kNFkTDVY-00030-00008675-00009407 rice roti naan or any other bread F83kNFkTDVY-00031-00009408-00009944 topic see also F83kNFkTDVY-00032-00009945-00010279 list of chicken dishes FthCIq0D7Bo-00000-00000000-00000286 what are you going to do take on a hind FthCIq0D7Bo-00001-00000287-00000648 with your bare hands FtL9XpEyP_Y-00000-00000156-00000649 [Music] FtL9XpEyP_Y-00001-00000650-00000958 this is a graph of mortality versus FtL9XpEyP_Y-00002-00000959-00001162 coffee consumption suggesting coffee FtL9XpEyP_Y-00003-00001163-00001403 drinkers live longer than non-coffee FtL9XpEyP_Y-00004-00001404-00001691 drinkers this may be because confident FtL9XpEyP_Y-00005-00001692-00001898 official effects and inflammation lung FtL9XpEyP_Y-00006-00001898-00002063 function insulin sensitivity and FtL9XpEyP_Y-00007-00002064-00002297 depression this may be in part because FtL9XpEyP_Y-00008-00002298-00002495 of a class of polyphenol phytonutrients FtL9XpEyP_Y-00009-00002496-00002756 found in coffee beans called chlorogenic FtL9XpEyP_Y-00010-00002757-00003032 acid proven to have favorable effects FtL9XpEyP_Y-00011-00003033-00003280 with studies like these where they just FtL9XpEyP_Y-00012-00003281-00003487 give it a loan in pill form and can show FtL9XpEyP_Y-00013-00003488-00003754 beneficial effects such as acute blood FtL9XpEyP_Y-00014-00003755-00004009 pressure lowering activity dropping the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00015-00004010-00004177 top and bottom blood pressure numbers FtL9XpEyP_Y-00016-00004178-00004522 within hours of consumption okay so FtL9XpEyP_Y-00017-00004523-00004991 which coffee has the most we know how to FtL9XpEyP_Y-00018-00004992-00005234 choose the reddest tomato the deepest FtL9XpEyP_Y-00019-00005235-00005452 orange sweet potato since many of the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00020-00005453-00005719 plant pigments are the antioxidants FtL9XpEyP_Y-00021-00005720-00005932 themselves how do you choose the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00022-00005933-00006202 healthiest coffee more than a hundred FtL9XpEyP_Y-00023-00006203-00006416 coffees were tested and different FtL9XpEyP_Y-00024-00006417-00006644 coffees had different caffeine levels FtL9XpEyP_Y-00025-00006645-00006871 but the chlorogenic acid levels varied FtL9XpEyP_Y-00026-00006872-00007127 by more than thirty fold as a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00027-00007128-00007316 consequence coffee selection may have a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00028-00007317-00007531 large influence of a potential health FtL9XpEyP_Y-00029-00007532-00007810 potential of coffee intake so all those FtL9XpEyP_Y-00030-00007811-00007994 studies that show that you know one cup FtL9XpEyP_Y-00031-00007995-00008183 of coffee does this or that I mean what FtL9XpEyP_Y-00032-00008184-00008392 does that even mean when coffee can vary FtL9XpEyP_Y-00033-00008393-00008744 so greatly interestingly the major FtL9XpEyP_Y-00034-00008745-00009028 contributor to the wide range was the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00035-00009029-00009274 coffee purchased from Starbucks which FtL9XpEyP_Y-00036-00009275-00009458 had an extremely low FtL9XpEyP_Y-00037-00009459-00009656 chlorogenic acid content averaging 10 FtL9XpEyP_Y-00038-00009657-00010001 times lower than the others maybe it's FtL9XpEyP_Y-00039-00010002-00010202 because they roast their beans too dark FtL9XpEyP_Y-00040-00010203-00010467 the more you roast the less there is FtL9XpEyP_Y-00041-00010468-00010733 they appear to be partially destroyed by FtL9XpEyP_Y-00042-00010734-00011017 roasting and caffeine is pretty stable FtL9XpEyP_Y-00043-00011018-00011273 but a dark roast may wipe out nearly 90 FtL9XpEyP_Y-00044-00011274-00011521 percent of the chlorogenic acid content FtL9XpEyP_Y-00045-00011522-00011759 of the beans the difference between a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00046-00011760-00011971 medium light roast and a medium rose FtL9XpEyP_Y-00047-00011972-00012155 we're not enough though to make a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00048-00012156-00012316 difference in total antioxidant status FtL9XpEyP_Y-00049-00012317-00012499 in people's bloodstream after drinking FtL9XpEyP_Y-00050-00012500-00012701 them they both gave about the same boost FtL9XpEyP_Y-00051-00012702-00013055 other factors such as how you prepare it FtL9XpEyP_Y-00052-00013056-00013313 or decaffeination don't appear to have a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00053-00013313-00013427 major effect FtL9XpEyP_Y-00054-00013428-00013910 what about adding milk longtime fans may FtL9XpEyP_Y-00055-00013911-00014153 remember this ancient video where the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00056-00014154-00014351 addition of milk was shown to prevent FtL9XpEyP_Y-00057-00014352-00014669 the protective effects of tea on artery FtL9XpEyP_Y-00058-00014669-00014855 function drink black teen you get a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00059-00014856-00015026 significant improvement in vascular FtL9XpEyP_Y-00060-00015027-00015287 function within hours whereas addition FtL9XpEyP_Y-00061-00015288-00015547 of milk completely blunted the effects FtL9XpEyP_Y-00062-00015548-00015893 of the tea here's the big boost did an FtL9XpEyP_Y-00063-00015894-00016112 artery function you get drinking tea but FtL9XpEyP_Y-00064-00016113-00016330 drink the same amount of tea with milk FtL9XpEyP_Y-00065-00016331-00016562 and it's like you never drank the tea at FtL9XpEyP_Y-00066-00016563-00016946 all they think it's the casing to blame FtL9XpEyP_Y-00067-00016947-00017125 one of the milk proteins binding up the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00068-00017126-00017390 tea phytonutrients bottom line this FtL9XpEyP_Y-00069-00017391-00017612 finding that the teen deuced improvement FtL9XpEyP_Y-00070-00017613-00017771 in vascular function is completely FtL9XpEyP_Y-00071-00017772-00018014 attenuated after addition of milk may FtL9XpEyP_Y-00072-00018015-00018175 have broad implications on the mode of FtL9XpEyP_Y-00073-00018176-00018452 tea preparation and consumption in other FtL9XpEyP_Y-00074-00018453-00018674 words maybe we should not add milk to FtL9XpEyP_Y-00075-00018675-00019097 tea or put cream on our berries appears FtL9XpEyP_Y-00076-00019098-00019232 to have the same effect on Barry FtL9XpEyP_Y-00077-00019233-00019586 phytonutrients or chocolate check this FtL9XpEyP_Y-00078-00019587-00019862 out eat milk chocolate and nothing much FtL9XpEyP_Y-00079-00019863-00020039 happens to the antioxidant power of your FtL9XpEyP_Y-00080-00020040-00020321 bloodstream but eat dark chocolate and FtL9XpEyP_Y-00081-00020322-00020522 get a nice spike within an hour of FtL9XpEyP_Y-00082-00020523-00020878 consumption yeah but is that just FtL9XpEyP_Y-00083-00020879-00020999 because the milk in milk chocolate FtL9XpEyP_Y-00084-00021000-00021209 crowds out some of the antioxidant rich FtL9XpEyP_Y-00085-00021210-00021478 cocoa milk chocolate may only be like FtL9XpEyP_Y-00086-00021479-00021602 20% cocoa FtL9XpEyP_Y-00087-00021603-00021761 where's a good dark chocolate maybe like FtL9XpEyP_Y-00088-00021762-00022184 70% or more cocoa solids no it's not FtL9XpEyP_Y-00089-00022185-00022397 just that here's how much of this cocoa FtL9XpEyP_Y-00090-00022398-00022531 phytonutrient you get into your FtL9XpEyP_Y-00091-00022532-00022706 bloodstream eating dark chocolate FtL9XpEyP_Y-00092-00022707-00023012 compared to milk chocolate but eat that FtL9XpEyP_Y-00093-00023013-00023219 same amount of dark chocolate with a FtL9XpEyP_Y-00094-00023220-00023581 glass of milk and it blocks about half FtL9XpEyP_Y-00095-00023582-00023869 okay that's cocoa beans what about FtL9XpEyP_Y-00096-00023870-00024305 coffee beans when milk was added to the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00097-00024306-00024497 coffee in like a test tube antioxidant FtL9XpEyP_Y-00098-00024498-00024694 activity decreased by more than half FtL9XpEyP_Y-00099-00024695-00024931 with just a splash of milk and down like FtL9XpEyP_Y-00100-00024932-00025205 95 percent and like latte or something FtL9XpEyP_Y-00101-00025206-00025453 with lots of milk okay but what happens FtL9XpEyP_Y-00102-00025454-00025615 in the test tube doesn't necessarily FtL9XpEyP_Y-00103-00025616-00025850 happen in a person I mean you don't know FtL9XpEyP_Y-00104-00025851-00026231 until you put it to the test and indeed FtL9XpEyP_Y-00105-00026232-00026456 over the course of a day significantly FtL9XpEyP_Y-00106-00026457-00026669 fewer chlorogenic acids made it into FtL9XpEyP_Y-00107-00026670-00026762 people's blood FtL9XpEyP_Y-00108-00026763-00027064 drinking coffee with milk compared to FtL9XpEyP_Y-00109-00027066-00027320 black cutting absorption by more than FtL9XpEyP_Y-00110-00027320-00027677 half what about soy milk in a test-tube FtL9XpEyP_Y-00111-00027677-00027908 coffee phytonutrients do appear to bind FtL9XpEyP_Y-00112-00027908-00028142 not only the dairy proteins but also egg FtL9XpEyP_Y-00113-00028143-00028385 and soy proteins you can see how they FtL9XpEyP_Y-00114-00028386-00028595 did this like computer modelling showing FtL9XpEyP_Y-00115-00028595-00028751 how these coffee compounds can dock FtL9XpEyP_Y-00116-00028752-00028927 inside the nooks and crannies of dairy FtL9XpEyP_Y-00117-00028929-00029174 egg white and soy proteins but what FtL9XpEyP_Y-00118-00029175-00029383 happens in a test tube or computer FtL9XpEyP_Y-00119-00029385-00029582 simulation doesn't necessarily happen in FtL9XpEyP_Y-00120-00029583-00029930 a person eggs haven't been put to the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00121-00029931-00030062 test you don't know if like having FtL9XpEyP_Y-00122-00030063-00030263 omelettes with your black coffee could FtL9XpEyP_Y-00123-00030264-00030539 impair absorption and neither has soy FtL9XpEyP_Y-00124-00030539-00031045 milk until now yeah FtL9XpEyP_Y-00125-00031047-00031277 either way soy milk has some inherent FtL9XpEyP_Y-00126-00031277-00031562 benefits over cow's milk but does it FtL9XpEyP_Y-00127-00031563-00031775 have the same nutrient blocking effects FtL9XpEyP_Y-00128-00031776-00032231 and the answer is no no significant FtL9XpEyP_Y-00129-00032232-00032369 difference in the absorption of coffee FtL9XpEyP_Y-00130-00032370-00032573 phytonutrients drinking coffee black or FtL9XpEyP_Y-00131-00032574-00032858 with soy milk what seemed to be FtL9XpEyP_Y-00132-00032859-00033092 happening is that the soy proteins do FtL9XpEyP_Y-00133-00033093-00033314 initially bind the coffee compounds up FtL9XpEyP_Y-00134-00033315-00033500 in the small intestine but then your FtL9XpEyP_Y-00135-00033501-00033755 good bacteria can release them so they FtL9XpEyP_Y-00136-00033756-00033890 can be absorbed down in the lower FtL9XpEyP_Y-00137-00033891-00034328 intestine so considering the reversible FtL9XpEyP_Y-00138-00034329-00034544 nature of binding as opposed to the FtL9XpEyP_Y-00139-00034545-00034736 dairy proteins it seems not to be as FtL9XpEyP_Y-00140-00034737-00034904 relevant as to whether or not you add FtL9XpEyP_Y-00141-00034905-00035532 soy milk FtL9XpEyP_Y-00142-00035533-00036639 [Music] FtL9XpEyP_Y-00143-00036640-00036846 you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00000-00002832-00003206 right okay good FtcU2ZmE4h4-00001-00003207-00003406 welcome to talk real in london we're FtcU2ZmE4h4-00002-00003407-00003695 filming here in hackney uh a few weeks FtcU2ZmE4h4-00003-00003696-00003999 before the uk referendum on membership FtcU2ZmE4h4-00004-00004000-00004159 of the european union coming up on the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00005-00004160-00004415 23rd of june it's the first time since FtcU2ZmE4h4-00006-00004416-00004702 1975 that people in this country will be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00007-00004703-00004999 able to decide whether to remain part of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00008-00005000-00005215 the european union and potentially if FtcU2ZmE4h4-00009-00005216-00005454 they vote to leave the first time that a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00010-00005455-00005638 member state has made that option and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00011-00005639-00005911 has left the union uh the only close FtcU2ZmE4h4-00012-00005912-00006167 precedent is the president of greenland FtcU2ZmE4h4-00013-00006168-00006251 in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00014-00006252-00006623 1985 which chose after a referendum to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00015-00006623-00006775 leave the european union but of course FtcU2ZmE4h4-00016-00006776-00007031 greenland is not was not a member state FtcU2ZmE4h4-00017-00007031-00007151 it's not a state in its own right it's a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00018-00007152-00007383 part of denmark so the situation is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00019-00007384-00007670 slightly different uh here to discuss FtcU2ZmE4h4-00020-00007672-00007863 that with me to try and bring out some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00021-00007864-00007998 of the broader FtcU2ZmE4h4-00022-00008000-00008255 messages about what democracy in europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00023-00008256-00008471 means today is change possible FtcU2ZmE4h4-00024-00008472-00008678 in europe today and how FtcU2ZmE4h4-00025-00008679-00008774 are four FtcU2ZmE4h4-00026-00008775-00008935 excellent guests FtcU2ZmE4h4-00027-00008936-00009167 going around the table they are marina FtcU2ZmE4h4-00028-00009168-00009439 prentulis a member of syriza FtcU2ZmE4h4-00029-00009440-00009655 here in london and a member of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00030-00009656-00009919 campaign another europe is possible FtcU2ZmE4h4-00031-00009920-00010199 federico campagna a philosopher writer FtcU2ZmE4h4-00032-00010200-00010319 and editor FtcU2ZmE4h4-00033-00010320-00010519 also living in london FtcU2ZmE4h4-00034-00010520-00010663 james schneider FtcU2ZmE4h4-00035-00010664-00010799 one of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00036-00010800-00010991 people working with the momentum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00037-00010992-00011199 campaign a momentum organization that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00038-00011200-00011478 grew out of the campaign to get jeremy FtcU2ZmE4h4-00039-00011479-00011663 corbyn elected as the leader of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00040-00011664-00012014 labour party and ulrica guerrero FtcU2ZmE4h4-00041-00012015-00012214 from european democracy lab and the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00042-00012215-00012446 author of a forthcoming book FtcU2ZmE4h4-00043-00012447-00012742 called the european republic welcome to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00044-00012743-00012935 all of you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00045-00012936-00013111 marina and federico i'd like to maybe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00046-00013112-00013319 start with you because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00047-00013319-00013551 this referendum is coming up potentially FtcU2ZmE4h4-00048-00013552-00013791 has big implications FtcU2ZmE4h4-00049-00013791-00014103 for uk citizens for european citizens FtcU2ZmE4h4-00050-00014104-00014303 and more generally you're FtcU2ZmE4h4-00051-00014304-00014711 two european citizens living in the uk FtcU2ZmE4h4-00052-00014712-00014958 since you're not british nor from a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00053-00014959-00015175 commonwealth country FtcU2ZmE4h4-00054-00015176-00015358 you won't have the right to vote if you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00055-00015359-00015638 were from cyprus or malta to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00056-00015640-00015750 commonwealth countries you would have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00057-00015751-00015983 the right to vote but you're not um so i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00058-00015984-00016191 wanted to ask you in the context of this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00059-00016191-00016391 referendum that's coming up how are you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00060-00016392-00016591 positioning yourselves how does it make FtcU2ZmE4h4-00061-00016592-00016735 you feel because it potentially has some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00062-00016736-00016943 big impacts for you maybe marina let's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00063-00016944-00017079 start with you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00064-00017080-00017471 and it's not only me and you it's 200.4 FtcU2ZmE4h4-00065-00017472-00017615 million people i think that they're FtcU2ZmE4h4-00066-00017616-00017822 living in uh britain and they won't have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00067-00017823-00018055 the right to vote so there is a petition FtcU2ZmE4h4-00068-00018056-00018335 going around and i think i have signed FtcU2ZmE4h4-00069-00018336-00018639 it i definitely have publicized it which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00070-00018640-00018855 should give us a right to vote for this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00071-00018856-00019014 referendum because our life after the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00072-00019015-00019286 referendum could change dramatically we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00073-00019287-00019471 are european citizens i've been living FtcU2ZmE4h4-00074-00019472-00019694 in britain for 20 years and i think i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00075-00019695-00019839 should have a right FtcU2ZmE4h4-00076-00019840-00020079 to vote in this referendum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00077-00020080-00020239 but at the same time the fact that i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00078-00020240-00020391 don't have a right to vote doesn't mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-00079-00020392-00020527 that i'm not involved with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00080-00020528-00020758 referendum and the debate as you said at FtcU2ZmE4h4-00081-00020759-00020927 the beginning i'm involved with another FtcU2ZmE4h4-00082-00020928-00021135 europa's possible campaign FtcU2ZmE4h4-00083-00021136-00021383 and what we are trying to do is open up FtcU2ZmE4h4-00084-00021384-00021703 a debate for their part of the campaign FtcU2ZmE4h4-00085-00021704-00021919 so we want to stay in the european union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00086-00021920-00022135 but we want to open a debate which will FtcU2ZmE4h4-00087-00022136-00022407 not be dominated by the two dominant FtcU2ZmE4h4-00088-00022408-00022791 positions that we have from the right in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00089-00022792-00023055 britain so we are part of the campaign FtcU2ZmE4h4-00090-00023056-00023239 we are trying to discuss the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00091-00023240-00023503 union but from a leftist perspective and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00092-00023504-00023727 explain how we can go on fighting in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00093-00023728-00023942 european union and how we can change the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00094-00023943-00024247 european union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00095-00024248-00024503 yeah well if i could vote i would i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00096-00024504-00024735 would certainly vote for the uk to stay FtcU2ZmE4h4-00097-00024736-00024927 in europe but there is i mean there's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00098-00024928-00025142 some paradoxical aspects to this one of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00099-00025143-00025367 them is that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00100-00025368-00025662 the idea behind britain leaving the eu FtcU2ZmE4h4-00101-00025663-00025743 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00102-00025744-00025934 or a strong element in it doesn't have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00103-00025935-00026102 to do much with britain as the people FtcU2ZmE4h4-00104-00026104-00026302 that live in britain it's written as an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00105-00026304-00026583 idea as a kind of like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00106-00026583-00026839 imaginary imagine imagine community FtcU2ZmE4h4-00107-00026839-00027039 semi-ethnic identity and stuff so in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00108-00027039-00027183 that sense it makes sense from that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00109-00027183-00027390 perspective not to allow us to vote FtcU2ZmE4h4-00110-00027391-00027518 because we're not british although i've FtcU2ZmE4h4-00111-00027519-00027655 been living here for 10 years we've been FtcU2ZmE4h4-00112-00027656-00027823 here for 20 years but we would never FtcU2ZmE4h4-00113-00027824-00027918 become FtcU2ZmE4h4-00114-00027919-00028095 um so i understand that from that and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00115-00028095-00028239 that's exactly why i would vote for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00116-00028239-00028390 britain to remain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00117-00028391-00028631 um another aspect is that one advantage FtcU2ZmE4h4-00118-00028632-00028790 i think of the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00119-00028791-00028951 solution is that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00120-00028952-00029151 european republic or whatever you want FtcU2ZmE4h4-00121-00029152-00029335 to call the european area is that allows FtcU2ZmE4h4-00122-00029336-00029495 a certain degree of foreignness to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00123-00029495-00029679 everybody so that the very idea of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00124-00029680-00029839 belonging you know to the kind of blood FtcU2ZmE4h4-00125-00029839-00030135 and soil of italy germany britain could FtcU2ZmE4h4-00126-00030136-00030295 you know would dissolve or at least kind FtcU2ZmE4h4-00127-00030295-00030423 of loosen up FtcU2ZmE4h4-00128-00030424-00030511 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00129-00030512-00030711 and so in that sense this is this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00130-00030712-00030870 strange paradoxical situation in which i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00131-00030872-00031127 would vote for britain to remain as part FtcU2ZmE4h4-00132-00031127-00031279 of europe in order to be allowed to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00133-00031280-00031479 remain as a foreigner here so in order FtcU2ZmE4h4-00134-00031480-00031679 to kind of escape that idea of belonging FtcU2ZmE4h4-00135-00031680-00031846 and identity FtcU2ZmE4h4-00136-00031847-00032023 i think this is something that is not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00137-00032024-00032207 often kind of pointed out that europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00138-00032208-00032390 allows for this degree of foreigners and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00139-00032391-00032823 goes beyond this point of identification FtcU2ZmE4h4-00140-00032824-00032974 and unfortunately that is a part i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00141-00032975-00033118 of the kind of political discourse in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00142-00033119-00033295 britain very much FtcU2ZmE4h4-00143-00033296-00033390 thank you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00144-00033391-00033574 james maybe i think i could come to you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00145-00033575-00033823 and ask and ask this that i guess for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00146-00033824-00034102 many people watching um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00147-00034103-00034327 particularly those outside of the uk it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00148-00034328-00034487 may seem a little bit strange that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00149-00034488-00034607 anybody would consider leaving the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00150-00034608-00034895 european union or maybe not so maybe the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00151-00034896-00035079 question is um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00152-00035080-00035271 what kind of reasons do you think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00153-00035272-00035479 are pushing some people to say uh they FtcU2ZmE4h4-00154-00035480-00035671 want to leave um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00155-00035672-00035967 and maybe make a distinction between um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00156-00035968-00036199 there's undeniably some degrees of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00157-00036200-00036383 xenophobia fear of foreigners mixed up FtcU2ZmE4h4-00158-00036384-00036495 in the debate but that's probably not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00159-00036496-00036711 the whole story there's also some anger FtcU2ZmE4h4-00160-00036712-00036830 at the european union for some of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00161-00036831-00036943 things that it's done so maybe you could FtcU2ZmE4h4-00162-00036944-00037071 try and explain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00163-00037072-00037271 i think they're probably three broad FtcU2ZmE4h4-00164-00037272-00037567 camps the the first is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00165-00037568-00037743 um the sort of entrepreneur state FtcU2ZmE4h4-00166-00037744-00037951 britain as hong kong FtcU2ZmE4h4-00167-00037952-00038262 it's a it's a way to reduce regulations FtcU2ZmE4h4-00168-00038263-00038430 reduce workers rights become more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00169-00038431-00038695 financialized and be this sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00170-00038696-00038935 trading post that sits off europe it's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00171-00038936-00039087 not controlled by europe it doesn't have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00172-00039088-00039239 to deal with some of the social FtcU2ZmE4h4-00173-00039240-00039430 environmental protections but it can FtcU2ZmE4h4-00174-00039431-00039623 play its part with the rest of the world FtcU2ZmE4h4-00175-00039624-00039807 and that's one bit of it and that tends FtcU2ZmE4h4-00176-00039808-00039974 to be funded by hedge funds and it's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00177-00039975-00040239 it's got those sort of sets of interests FtcU2ZmE4h4-00178-00040240-00040471 then there is a more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00179-00040472-00040599 nostalgic FtcU2ZmE4h4-00180-00040600-00040839 one which is much more sent uh based in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00181-00040840-00041151 belonging and identity which is um this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00182-00041152-00041367 idea that britain sort of was great in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00183-00041368-00041607 this it generally is intangible the sort FtcU2ZmE4h4-00184-00041608-00041790 of intangible way that the britain was FtcU2ZmE4h4-00185-00041791-00042007 great and there needs to be a return to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00186-00042008-00042135 that in some way and britain's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00187-00042136-00042383 sovereignty can organize itself on the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00188-00042384-00042695 world stage and that's um crosses over a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00189-00042696-00042935 bit more i think between left and right FtcU2ZmE4h4-00190-00042936-00043102 and then i think there's a third one FtcU2ZmE4h4-00191-00043103-00043335 which can be which tends to not speak FtcU2ZmE4h4-00192-00043336-00043535 for itself but can be mobilized for one FtcU2ZmE4h4-00193-00043536-00043774 of these two camps which is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00194-00043775-00044015 um europe doesn't work for us we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00195-00044016-00044295 left behind by the process that europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00196-00044296-00044502 has been part of this the last sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00197-00044503-00044735 30 40 years the development of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00198-00044736-00044935 generally market liberal globalization FtcU2ZmE4h4-00199-00044936-00045190 that has left behind large you know many FtcU2ZmE4h4-00200-00045191-00045462 groups of people and that can often be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00201-00045463-00045711 articulated through a xenophobia which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00202-00045712-00045935 more comes out of the second one but it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00203-00045936-00046087 also can be articulated through this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00204-00046088-00046287 idea that britain could be this unique FtcU2ZmE4h4-00205-00046288-00046479 and different thing that is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00206-00046480-00046623 forward-looking FtcU2ZmE4h4-00207-00046624-00046758 thank you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00208-00046759-00046943 rica um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00209-00046944-00047174 as as has been mentioned people have got FtcU2ZmE4h4-00210-00047175-00047327 different ideas of what the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00211-00047328-00047502 union is what it should be what it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00212-00047503-00047623 should become FtcU2ZmE4h4-00213-00047624-00047879 and one of the possibilities that some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00214-00047880-00048071 people are saying the uk referendum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00215-00048072-00048230 opens up is the possibility to have a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00216-00048231-00048471 two-speed or even a multi-speed europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00217-00048472-00048815 in fact where there may be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00218-00048816-00049015 different kinds of european integration FtcU2ZmE4h4-00219-00049016-00049207 to suit different groups of countries FtcU2ZmE4h4-00220-00049208-00049343 depending on their interests and the way FtcU2ZmE4h4-00221-00049344-00049543 they see it do you see that as a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00222-00049544-00049711 potentially positive FtcU2ZmE4h4-00223-00049712-00050007 outcome of this referendum moment FtcU2ZmE4h4-00224-00050008-00050215 the emergence of a two-speed europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00225-00050216-00050407 first a little footnote to what federico FtcU2ZmE4h4-00226-00050408-00050630 said on who has the right to vote i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00227-00050631-00050935 think it's legally probably still yet FtcU2ZmE4h4-00228-00050936-00051230 uncertain because we are basically on a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00229-00051232-00051487 legal thing here where we have a union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00230-00051488-00051687 of states and union of citizens in an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00231-00051688-00051942 ambivalence now that's the whole FtcU2ZmE4h4-00232-00051944-00052079 artif FtcU2ZmE4h4-00233-00052079-00052358 artifice of the maasi treaty so the very FtcU2ZmE4h4-00234-00052359-00052575 question whether the uk as a country can FtcU2ZmE4h4-00235-00052576-00052775 leave but the british people remain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00236-00052776-00053063 european citizens on an individual basis FtcU2ZmE4h4-00237-00053064-00053247 would be a very interesting legal case FtcU2ZmE4h4-00238-00053248-00053487 to fight for at the european court yeah FtcU2ZmE4h4-00239-00053488-00053654 at least i mean i'm not i'm not a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00240-00053655-00053807 specialist but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00241-00053808-00053999 the duality of union of citizens and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00242-00054000-00054215 union of states could make that you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00243-00054216-00054391 leave as the country but the country FtcU2ZmE4h4-00244-00054391-00054671 cannot determine its people to not be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00245-00054672-00054966 citizens of europe and whatever could be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00246-00054967-00055159 uh looked for but i think there's some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00247-00055160-00055447 interesting legal things here which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00248-00055448-00055607 might be developed FtcU2ZmE4h4-00249-00055608-00055847 on the integration thing sort of i come FtcU2ZmE4h4-00250-00055848-00055991 from germany FtcU2ZmE4h4-00251-00055991-00056175 and it's very interesting to see that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00252-00056176-00056375 there is a two-fold discussion FtcU2ZmE4h4-00253-00056376-00056566 i would be somebody who was one of these FtcU2ZmE4h4-00254-00056567-00056815 convinced europeans since 20 years right FtcU2ZmE4h4-00255-00056816-00057071 so yes there were moments in time first FtcU2ZmE4h4-00256-00057072-00057223 when we thought the brits would finally FtcU2ZmE4h4-00257-00057224-00057415 do it in 201 was the euro because you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00258-00057416-00057599 had that discussion may i remember that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00259-00057600-00057911 around 200201 the uk even wanted to join FtcU2ZmE4h4-00260-00057912-00058063 under player and then to come to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00261-00058064-00058230 euro and so we were all happy and there FtcU2ZmE4h4-00262-00058232-00058447 was san malu initiative and the brits FtcU2ZmE4h4-00263-00058448-00058671 were leading the security and defense FtcU2ZmE4h4-00264-00058672-00058879 issue of the european union so just be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00265-00058879-00059119 reminded that you were this right that's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00266-00059120-00059487 only 15 years ago so it failed and since FtcU2ZmE4h4-00267-00059488-00059654 ever then there were a couple of moments FtcU2ZmE4h4-00268-00059655-00059863 where as a franco-german sort of type of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00269-00059864-00059959 person FtcU2ZmE4h4-00270-00059960-00060142 working on eurozone integration seeing FtcU2ZmE4h4-00271-00060144-00060326 the need of more eurozone integration on FtcU2ZmE4h4-00272-00060327-00060526 the social and the democratic field FtcU2ZmE4h4-00273-00060527-00060759 obviously we were a little bit unnerved FtcU2ZmE4h4-00274-00060760-00060942 by the brits so to say like the brits FtcU2ZmE4h4-00275-00060944-00061182 were always dead blocking uh torpedoing FtcU2ZmE4h4-00276-00061183-00061375 the franco german engine on you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-00277-00061376-00061591 eurozone integration and so so it was FtcU2ZmE4h4-00278-00061591-00061838 always this two-fold situation to say we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00279-00061839-00062103 love them we want them to stay there's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00280-00062104-00062335 such not so much sort of what they bring FtcU2ZmE4h4-00281-00062336-00062559 to the party which is the best FtcU2ZmE4h4-00282-00062560-00062711 parliamentarism FtcU2ZmE4h4-00283-00062712-00062935 magna carta you know all this tradition FtcU2ZmE4h4-00284-00062936-00063142 of britishness in the european union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00285-00063144-00063326 which obviously is important and was FtcU2ZmE4h4-00286-00063327-00063582 always important to and you know like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00287-00063583-00063782 giving that triangular view on FtcU2ZmE4h4-00288-00063783-00063966 franco-german relations it's like a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00289-00063967-00064191 prism you can this you know if it gets FtcU2ZmE4h4-00290-00064191-00064447 too much social thing then you need the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00291-00064448-00064647 british thing and it was always played FtcU2ZmE4h4-00292-00064648-00064887 like billiard in this triad but if it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00293-00064888-00065054 gets too much to a deadlock then FtcU2ZmE4h4-00294-00065055-00065271 obviously it's not good so you find FtcU2ZmE4h4-00295-00065272-00065526 voices today in germany and i must say FtcU2ZmE4h4-00296-00065527-00065838 unfortunately open voices who argue let FtcU2ZmE4h4-00297-00065839-00066055 them leave because we in the continent FtcU2ZmE4h4-00298-00066056-00066215 with the euro we have different needs FtcU2ZmE4h4-00299-00066216-00066367 different needs on democracy different FtcU2ZmE4h4-00300-00066368-00066631 needs on on the euro making so the more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00301-00066632-00066775 they are out the better because then FtcU2ZmE4h4-00302-00066776-00066935 finally perhaps we can do what we should FtcU2ZmE4h4-00303-00066936-00067038 do FtcU2ZmE4h4-00304-00067039-00067215 the other question is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00305-00067216-00067335 if you are leaving under the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00306-00067336-00067606 circumstances we are in in europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00307-00067607-00067782 is this really a trigger for eurozone FtcU2ZmE4h4-00308-00067783-00068047 integration are we still in a momentum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00309-00068048-00068143 where FtcU2ZmE4h4-00310-00068144-00068343 finally because you leave we finally FtcU2ZmE4h4-00311-00068344-00068511 could do what we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00312-00068512-00068719 ought to have done say at least five FtcU2ZmE4h4-00313-00068720-00068926 years back if not three years back or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00314-00068927-00069087 are we beyond peak FtcU2ZmE4h4-00315-00069088-00069303 because there's a critical question to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00316-00069304-00069575 make that perhaps it would liberate that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00317-00069576-00069903 speed europe eurozone versus the 28 or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00318-00069904-00070119 27 by then FtcU2ZmE4h4-00319-00070120-00070319 but whether with the whole context of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00320-00070320-00070615 referential crisis populism and so even FtcU2ZmE4h4-00321-00070616-00070735 if you leave FtcU2ZmE4h4-00322-00070736-00070967 we take a momentum from a eurozone FtcU2ZmE4h4-00323-00070968-00071231 integration in a democratic sense may be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00324-00071232-00071382 put into question FtcU2ZmE4h4-00325-00071383-00071823 thank you um the the questions that are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00326-00071824-00072015 on the the ballot paper the two options FtcU2ZmE4h4-00327-00072016-00072359 to stay uh under the agreements that's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00328-00072360-00072623 being uh negotiated by cameron at the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00329-00072624-00072847 european council or to leave FtcU2ZmE4h4-00330-00072848-00073055 both look like rather conservative FtcU2ZmE4h4-00331-00073056-00073303 options um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00332-00073304-00073606 in as much as the the proposal FtcU2ZmE4h4-00333-00073607-00073759 to stay FtcU2ZmE4h4-00334-00073760-00073999 already in that agreement FtcU2ZmE4h4-00335-00074000-00074231 either cuts for example some rights for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00336-00074232-00074567 european migrants living in the uk FtcU2ZmE4h4-00337-00074568-00074703 rights for third country nationals FtcU2ZmE4h4-00338-00074704-00075062 living in the uk re-emphasizes um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00339-00075063-00075391 the economic trade dimension of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00340-00075392-00075567 european union doesn't talk at all about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00341-00075568-00075838 other kinds of issues so um the choice FtcU2ZmE4h4-00342-00075839-00075967 before the british people seems like a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00343-00075968-00076126 choice between two rather conservative FtcU2ZmE4h4-00344-00076127-00076231 options FtcU2ZmE4h4-00345-00076232-00076319 uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-00346-00076320-00076471 i want to know what you what you think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00347-00076472-00076694 of that and whether if that is the case FtcU2ZmE4h4-00348-00076695-00076847 one of the possibilities this referendum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00349-00076848-00077062 opens up for what i think most of us FtcU2ZmE4h4-00350-00077063-00077223 around this table are interested in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00351-00077224-00077438 which is to try and move towards a more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00352-00077439-00077591 progressive europe or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00353-00077592-00077919 another europe as your campaign uh puts FtcU2ZmE4h4-00354-00077920-00078135 it so maybe um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00355-00078136-00078367 i come back to james um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00356-00078368-00078591 to to answer that question perhaps also FtcU2ZmE4h4-00357-00078592-00078823 reflect on um the different social FtcU2ZmE4h4-00358-00078824-00079167 forces also inside the uk um that are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00359-00079168-00079303 that are pushing for another europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00360-00079304-00079494 notably in england and in scotland for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00361-00079495-00079750 example yeah um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00362-00079751-00079959 they they are two conservative options FtcU2ZmE4h4-00363-00079960-00080271 and it's very difficult to see how in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00364-00080272-00080494 the next few weeks a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00365-00080495-00080799 progressive force can rally behind one FtcU2ZmE4h4-00366-00080800-00081126 of these two and alter its FtcU2ZmE4h4-00367-00081127-00081326 its basis FtcU2ZmE4h4-00368-00081327-00081750 remain is less reactionary than leave FtcU2ZmE4h4-00369-00081751-00081975 that's the basis it's it it's do you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00370-00081976-00082103 want to be stung by a b or do you want FtcU2ZmE4h4-00371-00082104-00082423 to be stung by a wasp and um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00372-00082424-00082631 definitely the the most one is it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00373-00082632-00082838 unleashes a set of forces FtcU2ZmE4h4-00374-00082839-00083006 and demonstrates the dominance of a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00375-00083007-00083223 particular set of forces which are which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00376-00083224-00083399 are more reactionary but at the moment FtcU2ZmE4h4-00377-00083400-00083671 the best arguments uh from a sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00378-00083672-00084071 more left or social perspective uh for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00379-00084072-00084318 that are acceptable within the in this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00380-00084319-00084399 course FtcU2ZmE4h4-00381-00084400-00084718 are basically liberal elitism it's um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00382-00084719-00084935 uh this is better for you honest okay FtcU2ZmE4h4-00383-00084936-00085111 you don't like it but it is going to be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00384-00085112-00085279 it is going to be better for you and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00385-00085280-00085487 it's dressed up in some of this talk FtcU2ZmE4h4-00386-00085488-00085575 about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00387-00085576-00085838 if for example the the union of citizens FtcU2ZmE4h4-00388-00085839-00086038 union of states this is a this is a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00389-00086039-00086199 language and understanding that it's not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00390-00086200-00086455 going to mobilize uh massive people it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00391-00086456-00086694 doesn't speak to the the social demands FtcU2ZmE4h4-00392-00086695-00086847 and the social uh social needs which is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00393-00086848-00087103 why you have this interesting dynamic FtcU2ZmE4h4-00394-00087104-00087303 within um british society and its FtcU2ZmE4h4-00395-00087304-00087535 relationship to europe where um the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00396-00087536-00087775 lower down the socio-economic scale you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00397-00087776-00087950 go the more opposition there is to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00398-00087951-00088182 europe although you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-00399-00088183-00088406 arguably well i would argue that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00400-00088407-00088726 european union in even in its FtcU2ZmE4h4-00401-00088727-00088935 fairly limited social form it could be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00402-00088936-00089247 hugely better provides um a lot of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00403-00089248-00089367 rights lots of freedoms a lot of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00404-00089368-00089679 protections for um for workers social FtcU2ZmE4h4-00405-00089680-00089831 rights protections environmental rights FtcU2ZmE4h4-00406-00089832-00089950 and protections FtcU2ZmE4h4-00407-00089951-00090303 uh so i think our opportunity now is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00408-00090304-00090415 that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00409-00090416-00090615 this is bringing to the head FtcU2ZmE4h4-00410-00090616-00090862 the the more conservative reactionary FtcU2ZmE4h4-00411-00090863-00091038 debate about europe and it will be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00412-00091039-00091215 brought to a head and it will cause some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00413-00091216-00091415 confusion within that side of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00414-00091416-00091638 argument once this is finished and what FtcU2ZmE4h4-00415-00091639-00091871 i think we need to do now is begin to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00416-00091872-00092255 map out what we do on the 24th of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00417-00092256-00092438 june the day after the referendum how do FtcU2ZmE4h4-00418-00092439-00092679 we start to build a social europe a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00419-00092680-00092879 democratic europe that but that is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00420-00092880-00093031 actually rooted in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00421-00093032-00093359 british english scottish and so on welsh FtcU2ZmE4h4-00422-00093360-00093679 uh identity it's not this more abstract FtcU2ZmE4h4-00423-00093680-00093806 more liberal thing but it's something FtcU2ZmE4h4-00424-00093807-00093975 that's rooted in a common set of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00425-00093976-00094238 struggles a common set of needs across FtcU2ZmE4h4-00426-00094239-00094471 um across people within europe and to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00427-00094472-00094735 come to that this is what another europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00428-00094736-00094911 is about as well it's not only about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00429-00094912-00095015 what is going to happen in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00430-00095016-00095199 referendum but as you said what we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00431-00095200-00095479 going on the 24th how we go on to talk FtcU2ZmE4h4-00432-00095480-00095711 about the social europe to try to make FtcU2ZmE4h4-00433-00095712-00095943 changes to create alliances and to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00434-00095944-00096167 change the power dynamics that you have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00435-00096168-00096494 within the european union but i mean i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00436-00096495-00096647 think one of the big problems with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00437-00096648-00096903 referendum is the level of the public FtcU2ZmE4h4-00438-00096904-00097223 debate which we didn't actually have and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00439-00097224-00097399 you have these conservative positions FtcU2ZmE4h4-00440-00097400-00097582 that they come and they talk about in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00441-00097583-00097782 economic terms about how much big FtcU2ZmE4h4-00442-00097783-00098111 businesses are going to lose or not use FtcU2ZmE4h4-00443-00098112-00098455 and they are not addressing the everyday FtcU2ZmE4h4-00444-00098456-00098703 fears of the british people and of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00445-00098704-00098894 course there is another problem there FtcU2ZmE4h4-00446-00098895-00099055 that the european union was never FtcU2ZmE4h4-00447-00099056-00099343 communicating very well in britain and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00448-00099344-00099526 in other countries as well so it's seen FtcU2ZmE4h4-00449-00099527-00099743 as something out there and there is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00450-00099744-00099999 little knowledge uh about that so i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00451-00100000-00100238 think there is there is a lack of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00452-00100239-00100487 communicative space let's say where we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00453-00100488-00100687 could have debates about the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00454-00100688-00100887 union about how we can change it about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00455-00100888-00101182 what it actually means um to give you an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00456-00101183-00101374 example i mean what we hear in britain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00457-00101375-00101543 quite often is that over the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00458-00101544-00101774 union is totally undemocratic FtcU2ZmE4h4-00459-00101775-00102079 well there are elections you you may FtcU2ZmE4h4-00460-00102080-00102359 have a lot of criticisms you may say it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00461-00102360-00102575 doesn't represent something or we should FtcU2ZmE4h4-00462-00102576-00102815 change something there but there are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00463-00102816-00103030 elections and it seems that nobody is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00464-00103031-00103134 paying FtcU2ZmE4h4-00465-00103135-00103351 any attention when these elections are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00466-00103352-00103575 taking place it's something that it has FtcU2ZmE4h4-00467-00103576-00103878 a very low information value FtcU2ZmE4h4-00468-00103879-00104047 rico you were shaking your head when i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00469-00104048-00104182 said that they were two conservative FtcU2ZmE4h4-00470-00104183-00104439 options but maybe you i'm hungry yeah FtcU2ZmE4h4-00471-00104440-00104590 well because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00472-00104591-00104727 i mean there's a couple of aspects i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00473-00104728-00104902 think one has to consider first of all FtcU2ZmE4h4-00474-00104903-00105143 why is the european union so such a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00475-00105144-00105334 conservative option what exactly about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00476-00105335-00105534 it is conservative right now because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00477-00105535-00105702 then conservative is it's not the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00478-00105703-00105839 correct word because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00479-00105840-00105999 conservativism as applied to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00480-00106000-00106239 european british con FtcU2ZmE4h4-00481-00106240-00106471 situation applies to the specific rule FtcU2ZmE4h4-00482-00106472-00106671 of aristocracy FtcU2ZmE4h4-00483-00106672-00106839 you know and so on a failed revolution FtcU2ZmE4h4-00484-00106840-00106983 about 100 years ago and all that kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00485-00106983-00107166 situation um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00486-00107167-00107463 in europe the kind of conservatives in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00487-00107464-00107686 the right-wing ism and it's about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00488-00107688-00107823 neoliberalism FtcU2ZmE4h4-00489-00107824-00108047 now where does your liberalism come from FtcU2ZmE4h4-00490-00108048-00108295 into europe where was it injected who FtcU2ZmE4h4-00491-00108296-00108510 injected it into europe from britain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00492-00108511-00108743 i mean the great export of britain into FtcU2ZmE4h4-00493-00108744-00108983 europe was no liberalism that is why the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00494-00108983-00109239 financialization of europe starts FtcU2ZmE4h4-00495-00109240-00109390 i mean it's more this contemporary from FtcU2ZmE4h4-00496-00109391-00109558 stance from britain so that's the first FtcU2ZmE4h4-00497-00109559-00109766 kind of disclaimer FtcU2ZmE4h4-00498-00109767-00109983 and so in a sense also if you were FtcU2ZmE4h4-00499-00109983-00110143 if you were to withdraw from europe you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00500-00110144-00110327 wouldn't withdraw to a place of purity FtcU2ZmE4h4-00501-00110328-00110558 you would withdraw from the very place FtcU2ZmE4h4-00502-00110559-00110758 where all this started we were making a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00503-00110759-00110943 joke before that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00504-00110944-00111095 you we have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00505-00111096-00111415 we got our illness new liberalism from FtcU2ZmE4h4-00506-00111416-00111671 britain and then everybody is accusing FtcU2ZmE4h4-00507-00111672-00111990 the eu but now you are real and so yeah FtcU2ZmE4h4-00508-00111991-00112134 there were some austrian economists who FtcU2ZmE4h4-00509-00112135-00112278 were involved somewhere and maybe no no FtcU2ZmE4h4-00510-00112279-00112447 but it's not but by the new kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00511-00112448-00112575 reagan and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00512-00112576-00112895 the kind of like the the anglo-american FtcU2ZmE4h4-00513-00112896-00113063 anyway that's the other is that the two FtcU2ZmE4h4-00514-00113064-00113327 options i don't think are equivalent um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00515-00113328-00113502 i mean i mean it technically is in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00516-00113503-00113702 everything has a set of possibilities FtcU2ZmE4h4-00517-00113703-00113895 inscribed to it you know to a lesser or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00518-00113896-00114086 greater extent the possibilities FtcU2ZmE4h4-00519-00114088-00114358 inscribed in the european project are of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00520-00114359-00114543 a certain kind and the possibilities FtcU2ZmE4h4-00521-00114544-00114727 inscribed in the british project within FtcU2ZmE4h4-00522-00114728-00114919 the commonwealth which by the way i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00523-00114920-00115047 think would be interesting to insert in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00524-00115048-00115158 the conversation because if you're FtcU2ZmE4h4-00525-00115159-00115295 thinking of breaking up the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00526-00115296-00115399 union whether we break up the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00527-00115400-00115590 commonwealth i mean if the left has FtcU2ZmE4h4-00528-00115591-00115878 problems with the european setup what FtcU2ZmE4h4-00529-00115879-00116071 what should we say about the kind of not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00530-00116072-00116271 even post-colonial but straightly FtcU2ZmE4h4-00531-00116272-00116478 colonial way i mean neoliberally FtcU2ZmE4h4-00532-00116479-00116678 colonial project to the commonwealth FtcU2ZmE4h4-00533-00116679-00116927 that's aside but so the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00534-00116928-00117086 the possibilities inscribed are very FtcU2ZmE4h4-00535-00117088-00117295 different i mean with europe we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00536-00117296-00117415 talking about something that has for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00537-00117416-00117639 example is the first idea that of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00538-00117640-00117823 abolition of borders the free FtcU2ZmE4h4-00539-00117824-00118007 circulation of people the idea of an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00540-00118008-00118286 integrated social welfare and aspects FtcU2ZmE4h4-00541-00118288-00118454 for example that are i think central to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00542-00118455-00118639 the debate which we should FtcU2ZmE4h4-00543-00118640-00118863 um kind of bring back also to to certain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00544-00118864-00119023 side to kind of give an understanding of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00545-00119024-00119223 what the libidinal energy in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00546-00119224-00119454 european project is which are i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00547-00119455-00119671 some of the best aspects of the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00548-00119672-00119831 culture of production i think especially FtcU2ZmE4h4-00549-00119832-00120054 about humanism which i think see as FtcU2ZmE4h4-00550-00120055-00120247 central i mean humanism is that which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00551-00120248-00120447 then brings the philosophical FtcU2ZmE4h4-00552-00120448-00120743 justification for the human rights act FtcU2ZmE4h4-00553-00120744-00120895 for you know for the environmental FtcU2ZmE4h4-00554-00120896-00121215 protections and all these kind of things FtcU2ZmE4h4-00555-00121216-00121495 and that possibility is inscribed in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00556-00121496-00121671 european project while it's not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00557-00121672-00121983 inscribed in the in the british project FtcU2ZmE4h4-00558-00121983-00122078 thank you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00559-00122079-00122351 eureka one uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-00560-00122352-00122527 aspect of the european heritage which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00561-00122528-00122902 not exclusively european but nonetheless FtcU2ZmE4h4-00562-00122903-00123054 we could claim to be proud of is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00563-00123055-00123319 traditional democracy plenty of people FtcU2ZmE4h4-00564-00123320-00123527 um across the european union right at FtcU2ZmE4h4-00565-00123528-00123710 the moment somehow feel that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00566-00123711-00123951 european union is undemocratic and that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00567-00123952-00124054 feeling FtcU2ZmE4h4-00568-00124055-00124310 undoubtedly has a relationship with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00569-00124311-00124566 fact that more and more referendums are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00570-00124567-00124751 springing up there was famously the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00571-00124752-00124983 greek referendum last year there'll be a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00572-00124983-00125175 referendum in just a month or so in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00573-00125176-00125407 holland about the relationship with FtcU2ZmE4h4-00574-00125408-00125671 ukraine uh there's the uk referendum FtcU2ZmE4h4-00575-00125672-00125886 more and more referendums and people say FtcU2ZmE4h4-00576-00125888-00126119 well it's our only chance FtcU2ZmE4h4-00577-00126120-00126302 to influence what the european union is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00578-00126303-00126390 doing FtcU2ZmE4h4-00579-00126391-00126614 can i intervene before you come in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00580-00126615-00126775 greek referendum it wasn't about the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00581-00126776-00126983 membership of the european union it was FtcU2ZmE4h4-00582-00126983-00127143 about nor is it nor is the dutch FtcU2ZmE4h4-00583-00127144-00127423 referendum uh next month about with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00584-00127424-00127607 relationship with the ukraine my point FtcU2ZmE4h4-00585-00127608-00127790 is that there are referendums which are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00586-00127791-00128047 somehow claiming a democratic right to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00587-00128048-00128278 speak um so there's a broad question FtcU2ZmE4h4-00588-00128279-00128502 about democracy in the european union i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00589-00128503-00128686 guess it's a british professor colleen FtcU2ZmE4h4-00590-00128688-00128871 crouch who gave us the word of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00591-00128872-00129110 post-democracy which has been picked up FtcU2ZmE4h4-00592-00129111-00129383 in political science for long i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00593-00129383-00129558 it's a good word post-democracy is you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00594-00129559-00129775 can always vote but you have no choice FtcU2ZmE4h4-00595-00129776-00130014 so we give participatory sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00596-00130015-00130166 elements and we make them vote in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00597-00130167-00130310 european parliament but still people FtcU2ZmE4h4-00598-00130311-00130534 have the feeling although they vote they FtcU2ZmE4h4-00599-00130535-00130766 have no impact to change policy you can FtcU2ZmE4h4-00600-00130767-00130958 always vote you have no choice so this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00601-00130959-00131135 only has been described FtcU2ZmE4h4-00602-00131136-00131327 and it's beautiful because obviously it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00603-00131328-00131614 leads to that technocracy which is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00604-00131615-00131695 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00605-00131696-00131887 the big sort of argument of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00606-00131888-00132078 so-called populist which go against the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00607-00132079-00132319 brussels technocracy and you know people FtcU2ZmE4h4-00608-00132320-00132495 saying this are actually not only FtcU2ZmE4h4-00609-00132496-00132671 populist i would like to point to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00610-00132672-00132966 title of uh jurgen habermas who's i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00611-00132967-00133190 think the most important living german FtcU2ZmE4h4-00612-00133191-00133423 philosopher the last book he published FtcU2ZmE4h4-00613-00133424-00133759 in april 2015 the title is the lure of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00614-00133760-00134031 technocracy so pointing to the eu and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00615-00134032-00134266 saying the eu is undemocratic or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00616-00134267-00134543 post-democratic structure is not only a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00617-00134544-00134831 populist sort of fantasy it is reality FtcU2ZmE4h4-00618-00134832-00135127 so the problem is perhaps that the sort FtcU2ZmE4h4-00619-00135128-00135223 of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00620-00135224-00135454 center parties or the establishment FtcU2ZmE4h4-00621-00135455-00135814 parties are in denial of this and cannot FtcU2ZmE4h4-00622-00135815-00136087 basically accept that there is some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00623-00136088-00136366 truth in the post-democracy reproach and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00624-00136367-00136575 so they are not reacting and therefore FtcU2ZmE4h4-00625-00136576-00136743 they are basically bashing these people FtcU2ZmE4h4-00626-00136744-00136839 so FtcU2ZmE4h4-00627-00136840-00137007 what we are seeing here i think in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00628-00137008-00137327 essence is that you um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00629-00137328-00137614 that we are going back to a desire of in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00630-00137615-00137935 the rosso sense volunteer twos voting by FtcU2ZmE4h4-00631-00137936-00138063 defeats FtcU2ZmE4h4-00632-00138064-00138271 instead of holding volunteer general FtcU2ZmE4h4-00633-00138272-00138527 which is representative democracy but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00634-00138528-00138743 because representative democracy FtcU2ZmE4h4-00635-00138744-00139023 volunteer general is not providing FtcU2ZmE4h4-00636-00139024-00139311 answers for many volunteers FtcU2ZmE4h4-00637-00139312-00139575 is coming up the the problem here and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00638-00139576-00139783 i'm very serious about this is we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00639-00139784-00140007 all i think misleading FtcU2ZmE4h4-00640-00140008-00140078 in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00641-00140079-00140351 wanting only more democracy for europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-00642-00140352-00140566 obviously we all want more democracy but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00643-00140567-00140823 democracy as a notion doesn't stand FtcU2ZmE4h4-00644-00140824-00141102 alone and we need to think that in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00645-00141103-00141359 description of aristotle's democracy FtcU2ZmE4h4-00646-00141360-00141631 alone can always skip into tyranny what FtcU2ZmE4h4-00647-00141632-00141895 i mean is the majority of this tree is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00648-00141896-00142207 no democracy the majority of the street FtcU2ZmE4h4-00649-00142208-00142454 can be the mob who killed zuccates and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00650-00142455-00142647 the moment we are framing there's a lot FtcU2ZmE4h4-00651-00142648-00142799 of left people who are framing more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00652-00142800-00143119 democracies more participation is more FtcU2ZmE4h4-00653-00143120-00143423 referendum we may be really misleading FtcU2ZmE4h4-00654-00143424-00143663 because again the majority of the street FtcU2ZmE4h4-00655-00143664-00143887 is no democracy because democracy is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00656-00143888-00144151 always has always a normative binding FtcU2ZmE4h4-00657-00144152-00144366 and is the right to protect against FtcU2ZmE4h4-00658-00144367-00144623 arbitrage government right and there's a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00659-00144624-00144807 very important definition here to look FtcU2ZmE4h4-00660-00144808-00145302 for hmm FtcU2ZmE4h4-00661-00145303-00145487 i mean what i agree with with some FtcU2ZmE4h4-00662-00145488-00145607 aspects where you said in particular i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00663-00145608-00145790 mean there's the fact of technocracy for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00664-00145791-00146031 example um i mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-00665-00146032-00146231 seeing the things in context in kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00666-00146232-00146423 broader context which is the problem of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00667-00146424-00146743 technique as such which is identified FtcU2ZmE4h4-00668-00146744-00146966 about 100 years ago for example FtcU2ZmE4h4-00669-00146967-00147151 even by controversial philosophers like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00670-00147152-00147343 heidegger or younger in a different FtcU2ZmE4h4-00671-00147344-00147502 context but that becomes kind of like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00672-00147503-00147687 the song of the age and the song of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00673-00147688-00147847 age then kind of translates also in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00674-00147848-00148054 terms of political you know political FtcU2ZmE4h4-00675-00148055-00148278 structures um and in that sense that's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00676-00148279-00148471 why i was talking about before the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00677-00148472-00148711 importance of imagination because the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00678-00148712-00148878 problem is not just simply one of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00679-00148879-00149047 political structures as such to be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00680-00149048-00149190 changed but it's kind of but the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00681-00149191-00149495 cultural atmosphere that we're living in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00682-00149496-00149678 so you have on the one hand it's kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00683-00149679-00149766 like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00684-00149767-00149951 this idea of technique FtcU2ZmE4h4-00685-00149952-00150078 which kind of encompasses a lot of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00686-00150079-00150175 things and then it's kind of like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00687-00150176-00150399 mercantile nihilism and when the two FtcU2ZmE4h4-00688-00150400-00150639 meet um so operating at the level of an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00689-00150640-00150823 imagination of kind of like changing the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00690-00150824-00150999 the rhythm you know of this kind of like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00691-00151000-00151190 of the song of the world that's very FtcU2ZmE4h4-00692-00151191-00151302 important that's why when you were FtcU2ZmE4h4-00693-00151303-00151439 saying before FtcU2ZmE4h4-00694-00151440-00151583 the triangulation has been between FtcU2ZmE4h4-00695-00151584-00151895 france germany and britain that's that's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00696-00151896-00152071 correct but it's probably also one of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00697-00152072-00152263 the reasons why there's been this kind FtcU2ZmE4h4-00698-00152264-00152343 of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00699-00152344-00152511 kind of outcome because that's never FtcU2ZmE4h4-00700-00152512-00152647 included south FtcU2ZmE4h4-00701-00152648-00152863 the south i think culturally contains FtcU2ZmE4h4-00702-00152864-00153095 some very important antidotes FtcU2ZmE4h4-00703-00153096-00153271 to this kind of the reef you know just FtcU2ZmE4h4-00704-00153272-00153463 drift towards kind of mercantile FtcU2ZmE4h4-00705-00153464-00153639 nihilistic there is a catholic FtcU2ZmE4h4-00706-00153640-00153863 protestant thing here which we could FtcU2ZmE4h4-00707-00153864-00154095 basically in cultural terms work on but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00708-00154096-00154295 one sentence only on this sort of why is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00709-00154296-00154519 this desire for referendum the desire FtcU2ZmE4h4-00710-00154520-00154743 for referendum is precisely because with FtcU2ZmE4h4-00711-00154744-00155047 the existing system even though you vote FtcU2ZmE4h4-00712-00155048-00155175 you have no FtcU2ZmE4h4-00713-00155176-00155399 impact on changing whatever you want to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00714-00155400-00155671 change so there is that catch-22 under FtcU2ZmE4h4-00715-00155672-00155847 current condition we are basically not FtcU2ZmE4h4-00716-00155848-00156063 able to change european policies just FtcU2ZmE4h4-00717-00156064-00156326 because we um constitutionalize FtcU2ZmE4h4-00718-00156327-00156495 basically liberal economics in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00719-00156496-00156775 constitutional treaty set up and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00720-00156776-00156999 and it can not be changed you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-00721-00157000-00157239 basically the golden rule which is uh a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00722-00157240-00157407 no debt policy and the whole thing we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00723-00157408-00157654 did through the euro crisis even if you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00724-00157655-00157943 have uh uh a social development so sort FtcU2ZmE4h4-00725-00157944-00158119 of if martin schulz had been elected to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00726-00158120-00158271 the european parliament coming from the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00727-00158272-00158463 liberal or from the from the social FtcU2ZmE4h4-00728-00158464-00158654 democratic side he could not have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00729-00158655-00158854 changed policies in the european union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00730-00158855-00159071 because we constitutionalized a certain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00731-00159072-00159311 economic policy and i think this is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00732-00159312-00159487 problem when even people have the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00733-00159488-00159702 feeling i can always vote FtcU2ZmE4h4-00734-00159703-00159951 but this doesn't uh impact on what is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00735-00159952-00160031 done FtcU2ZmE4h4-00736-00160032-00160223 then i need the referendum to basically FtcU2ZmE4h4-00737-00160224-00160519 protest and that is the the trap we aim FtcU2ZmE4h4-00738-00160520-00160719 thank you let me let me just try and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00739-00160720-00160878 bring out the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00740-00160879-00161039 dimension of culture a little bit a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00741-00161040-00161287 little bit more because um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00742-00161288-00161478 thankfully FtcU2ZmE4h4-00743-00161479-00161735 not everything is decided by governments FtcU2ZmE4h4-00744-00161736-00161902 relationships between governments and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00745-00161903-00162063 treaties from the constitution there's FtcU2ZmE4h4-00746-00162064-00162295 also what we all individually do what FtcU2ZmE4h4-00747-00162296-00162511 social movements do what cultural actors FtcU2ZmE4h4-00748-00162512-00162790 do and i think in some way all of us FtcU2ZmE4h4-00749-00162791-00163239 around the table are working FtcU2ZmE4h4-00750-00163240-00163447 partly to try and influence governments FtcU2ZmE4h4-00751-00163448-00163695 and political parties but also with one FtcU2ZmE4h4-00752-00163696-00163863 foot in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00753-00163864-00164119 active citizens uh citizens movements FtcU2ZmE4h4-00754-00164120-00164271 and so on and so let's maybe think a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00755-00164272-00164495 little bit about uh this paradox that at FtcU2ZmE4h4-00756-00164496-00164766 the same moment that uh the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00757-00164767-00164926 union seems to be FtcU2ZmE4h4-00758-00164927-00165166 blocked or very difficult to change uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-00759-00165167-00165535 through the institutions there has been FtcU2ZmE4h4-00760-00165536-00165814 some elements of uh people coming to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00761-00165815-00166007 rescue if one looks quite literally FtcU2ZmE4h4-00762-00166008-00166166 coming to the rescue when it comes to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00763-00166167-00166431 migrants arriving european union FtcU2ZmE4h4-00764-00166432-00166631 incapable of coming up with any policy FtcU2ZmE4h4-00765-00166632-00166759 people have stepped in and come to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00766-00166760-00166854 rescue FtcU2ZmE4h4-00767-00166855-00167063 there are other ways in which citizens FtcU2ZmE4h4-00768-00167064-00167159 are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00769-00167160-00167359 mobilizing and organizing themselves to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00770-00167360-00167535 make another europe possible on the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00771-00167536-00167647 ground FtcU2ZmE4h4-00772-00167648-00167887 maybe james since momentum has has got FtcU2ZmE4h4-00773-00167888-00167983 this FtcU2ZmE4h4-00774-00167984-00168214 place between the political parties and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00775-00168215-00168375 the movements FtcU2ZmE4h4-00776-00168376-00168647 i i don't think that that is a paradox i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00777-00168648-00168838 think um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00778-00168839-00169119 what with what we're seeing within FtcU2ZmE4h4-00779-00169120-00169359 faith in the european institutions and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00780-00169360-00169607 the european system more broadly which FtcU2ZmE4h4-00781-00169608-00169743 isn't just the institutions but it's set FtcU2ZmE4h4-00782-00169744-00170031 of economic relations and so on is um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00783-00170032-00170207 and the the loss of faith in that is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00784-00170208-00170375 same as we're seeing the loss of faith FtcU2ZmE4h4-00785-00170376-00170687 with within member states within the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00786-00170688-00170943 within systemic parties and within FtcU2ZmE4h4-00787-00170944-00171078 an understanding that the system as a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00788-00171079-00171414 whole is is fair and i think that opens FtcU2ZmE4h4-00789-00171415-00171575 up these potentials that we're that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00790-00171576-00171735 we're seeing and it's exactly the same FtcU2ZmE4h4-00791-00171736-00171935 thing we're seeing in britain or greece FtcU2ZmE4h4-00792-00171936-00172087 or germany or elsewhere we're seeing on FtcU2ZmE4h4-00793-00172088-00172207 the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00794-00172208-00172502 the european scale where um we don't FtcU2ZmE4h4-00795-00172503-00172719 feel like we have sufficient ownership FtcU2ZmE4h4-00796-00172720-00172863 in the system that doesn't mean that we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00797-00172864-00173031 are anti-european it doesn't mean that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00798-00173032-00173302 we don't want uh that we're we're out to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00799-00173303-00173478 our country or anything else but it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00800-00173479-00173671 means that we don't trust the elites FtcU2ZmE4h4-00801-00173672-00173863 that are running the system to do it FtcU2ZmE4h4-00802-00173864-00174078 functioning on our behalf which causes FtcU2ZmE4h4-00803-00174079-00174159 these FtcU2ZmE4h4-00804-00174160-00174431 these movements to rise up and i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00805-00174432-00174695 uh the thing that we need to do is try FtcU2ZmE4h4-00806-00174696-00174775 to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00807-00174776-00174951 help those movements along to help them FtcU2ZmE4h4-00808-00174952-00175063 to be organized so they're not just FtcU2ZmE4h4-00809-00175064-00175335 these spontaneous uprisings which then FtcU2ZmE4h4-00810-00175336-00175551 go go back down into general citizenry FtcU2ZmE4h4-00811-00175552-00175735 but have some kind of organizational FtcU2ZmE4h4-00812-00175736-00175935 form that can then begin to link up FtcU2ZmE4h4-00813-00175936-00176119 because um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00814-00176120-00176407 the same forces that are animate or to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00815-00176408-00176551 some extent the same forces that are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00816-00176552-00176871 animating people helping migrants and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00817-00176872-00177071 themselves are the same forces that are FtcU2ZmE4h4-00818-00177072-00177263 animating the right populist FtcU2ZmE4h4-00819-00177264-00177526 anti-european forces and there needs to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00820-00177527-00177687 be ways in which those FtcU2ZmE4h4-00821-00177688-00177838 anti-systemic movements can speak to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00822-00177839-00178063 each other of course we've got the key FtcU2ZmE4h4-00823-00178064-00178366 problem of xenophobia how do we how do FtcU2ZmE4h4-00824-00178367-00178575 we breach how do we breach this problem FtcU2ZmE4h4-00825-00178576-00178799 which is also i think why FtcU2ZmE4h4-00826-00178800-00178975 it's perhaps a slight tangent but the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00827-00178976-00179151 commonwealth point for britain i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00828-00179152-00179359 is particularly important how does FtcU2ZmE4h4-00829-00179360-00179663 how does a how does a british left build FtcU2ZmE4h4-00830-00179664-00179943 uh something that is is very british is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00831-00179944-00180166 rooted in people's communities FtcU2ZmE4h4-00832-00180167-00180375 is part of a sense of belonging but also FtcU2ZmE4h4-00833-00180376-00180519 deals with the fact that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00834-00180520-00180743 british identity tends to you know has FtcU2ZmE4h4-00835-00180744-00180975 historically been set up in very very FtcU2ZmE4h4-00836-00180976-00181175 violent ways against people from FtcU2ZmE4h4-00837-00181176-00181295 elsewhere FtcU2ZmE4h4-00838-00181296-00181551 i think that well i have to talk about FtcU2ZmE4h4-00839-00181552-00181766 greece as well at this point because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00840-00181767-00181943 that's what we saw in greece and spain FtcU2ZmE4h4-00841-00181944-00182126 in particular within the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00842-00182127-00182319 movement which their protest movements FtcU2ZmE4h4-00843-00182320-00182519 they come up but from there you have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00844-00182520-00182687 different parties emerging in a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00845-00182688-00182887 different way series i took a lot of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00846-00182888-00183111 that energy translated into the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00847-00183112-00183399 electoral victory and for themus FtcU2ZmE4h4-00848-00183400-00183623 actually created a party which is much FtcU2ZmE4h4-00849-00183624-00183838 closer connected with FtcU2ZmE4h4-00850-00183839-00184159 the movements so i think what we are uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-00851-00184160-00184375 called to do in this situation and i FtcU2ZmE4h4-00852-00184376-00184566 think that's why i find momentum so FtcU2ZmE4h4-00853-00184567-00184751 important is that we are trying to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00854-00184752-00185023 bridge this different social sites and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00855-00185024-00185102 find FtcU2ZmE4h4-00856-00185103-00185375 ways to link them together and i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-00857-00185376-00185559 this we have to think of that on a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00858-00185560-00185871 national level for example having FtcU2ZmE4h4-00859-00185872-00186159 organizations like momentum that they FtcU2ZmE4h4-00860-00186160-00186359 mediate let's say between the movements FtcU2ZmE4h4-00861-00186360-00186638 and the party but also on transnational FtcU2ZmE4h4-00862-00186639-00186966 level how we are going then to create FtcU2ZmE4h4-00863-00186967-00187159 coalitions that they will fight for FtcU2ZmE4h4-00864-00187160-00187463 changes in europe and so on so if at FtcU2ZmE4h4-00865-00187464-00187638 some point somebody will ask okay how FtcU2ZmE4h4-00866-00187639-00187871 are you going to go about making these FtcU2ZmE4h4-00867-00187872-00188143 changes it will be the linking between FtcU2ZmE4h4-00868-00188144-00188326 these different levels and trying to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00869-00188327-00188566 create broader alliances beyond nation FtcU2ZmE4h4-00870-00188567-00188814 state within the european union and try FtcU2ZmE4h4-00871-00188815-00189111 to change the circumstances and the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00872-00189112-00189278 conditions of power that we find in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00873-00189279-00189359 there FtcU2ZmE4h4-00874-00189360-00189526 by picking up on this because i agree FtcU2ZmE4h4-00875-00189527-00189766 with james you know uh what is lacking FtcU2ZmE4h4-00876-00189767-00190038 here is the trust that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00877-00190039-00190247 ruling class governs well for the well FtcU2ZmE4h4-00878-00190248-00190487 of all people right and that's why we FtcU2ZmE4h4-00879-00190488-00190847 see all these movements and there is a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00880-00190848-00191119 the very fair point but the the question FtcU2ZmE4h4-00881-00191120-00191375 is then and it's a i just put a question FtcU2ZmE4h4-00882-00191376-00191654 mark why this transnational gathering of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00883-00191655-00191883 sort of more progressive forces FtcU2ZmE4h4-00884-00191884-00192238 um is so difficult because what we see FtcU2ZmE4h4-00885-00192239-00192399 is that basically the transnational FtcU2ZmE4h4-00886-00192400-00192654 gathering of the right wingers is just FtcU2ZmE4h4-00887-00192655-00192814 underway yeah they have a strong FtcU2ZmE4h4-00888-00192815-00193038 capacity to even organize FtcU2ZmE4h4-00889-00193039-00193295 transnationally and they can basically FtcU2ZmE4h4-00890-00193296-00193463 play it both sides because they can FtcU2ZmE4h4-00891-00193464-00193663 organize the street in germany like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00892-00193664-00193943 pegida or in you know like in france and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00893-00193944-00194135 but they can also do the transnational FtcU2ZmE4h4-00894-00194136-00194278 cooperation and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00895-00194279-00194535 the problem i see for this how the how FtcU2ZmE4h4-00896-00194536-00194990 would you work on sort of uh um FtcU2ZmE4h4-00897-00194991-00195311 my english is lacking but sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00898-00195312-00195566 link than the the different uh movements FtcU2ZmE4h4-00899-00195567-00195887 is the the tendency to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00900-00195888-00196207 say that um through more stakeholder FtcU2ZmE4h4-00901-00196208-00196511 participation and deliberative momentums FtcU2ZmE4h4-00902-00196512-00196743 you earn democracy i think this is also FtcU2ZmE4h4-00903-00196744-00196935 wrong you you see my point FtcU2ZmE4h4-00904-00196936-00197143 there is this it's very important FtcU2ZmE4h4-00905-00197144-00197390 because we are there are many forces FtcU2ZmE4h4-00906-00197391-00197614 already out there there's an entity tip FtcU2ZmE4h4-00907-00197615-00197911 whatever you see but still there is a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00908-00197912-00198111 lack of relay with the system because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00909-00198112-00198326 the system is not really reacting to all FtcU2ZmE4h4-00910-00198327-00198583 these so the moment you play uh more or FtcU2ZmE4h4-00911-00198584-00198790 less confrontational line even though FtcU2ZmE4h4-00912-00198791-00199054 there is a lot of out there you still FtcU2ZmE4h4-00913-00199055-00199207 cannot bridge the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00914-00199208-00199366 sort of the impact of all these FtcU2ZmE4h4-00915-00199367-00199614 movements into real politics tip is a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00916-00199615-00199790 very good example that you have a huge FtcU2ZmE4h4-00917-00199791-00200023 protest wave there but it doesn't seem FtcU2ZmE4h4-00918-00200024-00200207 to bother the people who are running the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00919-00200208-00200454 negotiations so uh i'm just putting a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00920-00200455-00200687 question mark i mean about the kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00921-00200688-00200854 importance of politics to certain extent FtcU2ZmE4h4-00922-00200855-00201047 that's uh i mean i think that's also the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00923-00201048-00201247 big lesson of obama himself you know the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00924-00201248-00201407 idea that the president of the united FtcU2ZmE4h4-00925-00201408-00201590 states has to say yes we can which is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00926-00201591-00201743 obvious and he's a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00927-00201744-00201943 states but i mean it would be but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00928-00201944-00202102 actually he can't he couldn't do FtcU2ZmE4h4-00929-00202103-00202263 anything no it's a consolation because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00930-00202264-00202423 if trump wins then i'm very happy that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00931-00202424-00202607 he cannot FtcU2ZmE4h4-00932-00202608-00202775 but the difference in a way between FtcU2ZmE4h4-00933-00202776-00202950 trump and bernard obama is that trump FtcU2ZmE4h4-00934-00202951-00203143 kind of acts at a different level as FtcU2ZmE4h4-00935-00203144-00203302 well which is a cultural level which is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00936-00203303-00203438 where i want to go back to that to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00937-00203439-00203559 certain extent because for example when FtcU2ZmE4h4-00938-00203560-00203766 we look at the idea of helping migrants FtcU2ZmE4h4-00939-00203767-00203999 i mean why what are the kind of like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00940-00204000-00204175 mental conceptual basis for people to go FtcU2ZmE4h4-00941-00204176-00204326 and helping migrants well we could have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00942-00204327-00204519 an idea that you know they do because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00943-00204520-00204726 out of empathy or pity or this kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00944-00204727-00204894 like sad passions you know this kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00945-00204896-00205134 cheap sentimentalism or we could have an FtcU2ZmE4h4-00946-00205135-00205351 idea that that is because FtcU2ZmE4h4-00947-00205352-00205558 there is an understanding of human life FtcU2ZmE4h4-00948-00205559-00205766 as innately worth it you know like FtcU2ZmE4h4-00949-00205767-00205982 something that has a worth in itself now FtcU2ZmE4h4-00950-00205983-00206119 this is this kind of line is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00951-00206119-00206279 opposite of the other two european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00952-00206280-00206479 options that we have at the moment FtcU2ZmE4h4-00953-00206480-00206727 to be in a brutal way like them FtcU2ZmE4h4-00954-00206728-00206934 we have the kind of like um the new FtcU2ZmE4h4-00955-00206935-00207071 liberalism and fascism are the two FtcU2ZmE4h4-00956-00207071-00207223 options here on the table i mean unless FtcU2ZmE4h4-00957-00207223-00207438 we insert the third one and fascism is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00958-00207439-00207542 the idea that you know the worth of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00959-00207544-00207703 people is because the belonging or the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00960-00207704-00207958 name the flag they have and you know the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00961-00207959-00208238 the modern type kind of neoliberal is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00962-00208239-00208414 called mercantile nihilism the fact that FtcU2ZmE4h4-00963-00208415-00208590 you know your worth is depending on your FtcU2ZmE4h4-00964-00208591-00208934 value as the productive device FtcU2ZmE4h4-00965-00208935-00209142 and these are very central european you FtcU2ZmE4h4-00966-00209144-00209342 know these are very northern european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00967-00209344-00209494 this is the kind of northern european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00968-00209496-00209782 dialectic now the idea of inserting a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00969-00209783-00209934 look at the south because we're talking FtcU2ZmE4h4-00970-00209935-00210079 about the migrants what do all these FtcU2ZmE4h4-00971-00210080-00210303 migrants also come in culturally well FtcU2ZmE4h4-00972-00210304-00210479 they come they bring in a different FtcU2ZmE4h4-00973-00210480-00210742 imagination which is that of it has FtcU2ZmE4h4-00974-00210744-00210919 roots in antiquity for example from FtcU2ZmE4h4-00975-00210919-00211110 which the renaissance came out and a lot FtcU2ZmE4h4-00976-00211111-00211271 of things has been like an undercurrent FtcU2ZmE4h4-00977-00211271-00211415 that has remained in european FtcU2ZmE4h4-00978-00211416-00211598 intellectual history FtcU2ZmE4h4-00979-00211600-00211751 that's what i call for example you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-00980-00211752-00211967 humanism and FtcU2ZmE4h4-00981-00211967-00212127 i think that also allows us in terms of FtcU2ZmE4h4-00982-00212128-00212358 imagination to understand that europe is FtcU2ZmE4h4-00983-00212359-00212542 not just a FtcU2ZmE4h4-00984-00212544-00212791 territorial contiguity of countries but FtcU2ZmE4h4-00985-00212792-00213006 it's a cultural area which already FtcU2ZmE4h4-00986-00213007-00213231 always already includes north africa FtcU2ZmE4h4-00987-00213232-00213431 always already includes iran always FtcU2ZmE4h4-00988-00213432-00213719 already includes syria i mean we have FtcU2ZmE4h4-00989-00213719-00213879 developed a discussion together FtcU2ZmE4h4-00990-00213880-00214110 especially in late antiquity i mean the FtcU2ZmE4h4-00991-00214111-00214263 way in which we had medieval FtcU2ZmE4h4-00992-00214264-00214415 philosophies through a collaboration FtcU2ZmE4h4-00993-00214416-00214598 with arabic culture this is completely FtcU2ZmE4h4-00994-00214600-00214742 forgotten i mean that's why also in FtcU2ZmE4h4-00995-00214744-00214879 england you teach philosophy starting FtcU2ZmE4h4-00996-00214880-00215103 from kant basically and before it's kind FtcU2ZmE4h4-00997-00215104-00215382 of taboo FtcU2ZmE4h4-00998-00215383-00215542 i mean i'm going to come back again to FtcU2ZmE4h4-00999-00215544-00215615 the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01000-00215616-00215751 to these broader cultural points in a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01001-00215752-00215991 moment but maybe james first just about FtcU2ZmE4h4-01002-00215992-00216287 building a transnational movement where FtcU2ZmE4h4-01003-00216288-00216527 it starts i think it FtcU2ZmE4h4-01004-00216528-00216671 to build a european movement from FtcU2ZmE4h4-01005-00216671-00216887 britain is to build a movement in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01006-00216888-00217110 britain that then links up with others FtcU2ZmE4h4-01007-00217111-00217255 and build a european movement i don't FtcU2ZmE4h4-01008-00217256-00217463 think it can work the other way around FtcU2ZmE4h4-01009-00217464-00217558 because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01010-00217559-00217671 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01011-00217671-00217831 there isn't the frame of reference i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01012-00217832-00218110 think for for people likewise to build FtcU2ZmE4h4-01013-00218111-00218487 uh north south as in global south north FtcU2ZmE4h4-01014-00218488-00218687 movement it can't it can't start from FtcU2ZmE4h4-01015-00218688-00218887 that perspective in order to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01016-00218888-00219151 gain the largest currency so i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01017-00219152-00219279 it's about FtcU2ZmE4h4-01018-00219280-00219415 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01019-00219416-00219775 linking up activism here and making it FtcU2ZmE4h4-01020-00219776-00219942 and creating a transnational frame so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01021-00219944-00220158 for example tax havens right everybody FtcU2ZmE4h4-01022-00220159-00220398 hates tax havens and the representation FtcU2ZmE4h4-01023-00220400-00220615 of um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01024-00220616-00220806 corporate and financial power that that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01025-00220807-00221094 suggests and if you can link up the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01026-00221096-00221382 campaigns hitting you why is it that um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01027-00221383-00221519 there are you know why is it that there FtcU2ZmE4h4-01028-00221519-00221694 are cuts well we're not getting money FtcU2ZmE4h4-01029-00221696-00221863 through uh through taxes if you can link FtcU2ZmE4h4-01030-00221864-00222015 that up to well the only way we can deal FtcU2ZmE4h4-01031-00222016-00222158 with this is if we do things on a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01032-00222159-00222367 european scale of course britain can do FtcU2ZmE4h4-01033-00222367-00222519 lots of things it controls lots of tax FtcU2ZmE4h4-01034-00222519-00222694 havens we need to do a lot of work here FtcU2ZmE4h4-01035-00222696-00222998 but also we need to work with to to deal FtcU2ZmE4h4-01036-00223000-00223231 with the question of luxembourg and and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01037-00223232-00223382 uh and the netherlands and ireland and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01038-00223383-00223534 we can only do this on a european scale FtcU2ZmE4h4-01039-00223535-00223751 but also it's the same thing with uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01040-00223752-00223942 commonwealth countries i think part of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01041-00223944-00224079 the reason why FtcU2ZmE4h4-01042-00224080-00224263 uh costs of housing there's a housing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01043-00224264-00224591 credit part of the reason is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01044-00224592-00224767 influx of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01045-00224767-00225015 illicit financial flows from countries FtcU2ZmE4h4-01046-00225016-00225287 in the global south via via tax havens FtcU2ZmE4h4-01047-00225288-00225615 part of the struggles in nigeria are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01048-00225616-00225767 actually very much linked to housing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01049-00225767-00225958 struggles here and i think if you you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01050-00225959-00226127 can start with the housing the housing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01051-00226128-00226327 struggle here and then you link them out FtcU2ZmE4h4-01052-00226328-00226519 and you build those alliances then i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01053-00226519-00226742 think that's how we start to build a new FtcU2ZmE4h4-01054-00226744-00226958 international movement that has a very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01055-00226959-00227127 strong european focus rather than the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01056-00227128-00227271 other way around FtcU2ZmE4h4-01057-00227271-00227479 i i want to i want to pick up on this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01058-00227480-00227679 theme of um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01059-00227680-00227887 slightly broader geopolitical FtcU2ZmE4h4-01060-00227888-00228127 considerations actually one of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01061-00228128-00228271 interesting things with the moment of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01062-00228271-00228519 having a referendum in the uk is firstly FtcU2ZmE4h4-01063-00228519-00228671 that the uk is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01064-00228671-00228758 uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01065-00228759-00228982 quite a diverse society quite has FtcU2ZmE4h4-01066-00228983-00229223 historically been quite open even if FtcU2ZmE4h4-01067-00229223-00229303 there have been moments where it's FtcU2ZmE4h4-01068-00229304-00229471 become quite close but there's a lot of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01069-00229471-00229694 different people from different uh parts FtcU2ZmE4h4-01070-00229696-00229975 of the world here in the uk um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01071-00229976-00230094 and so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01072-00230096-00230303 even talking about the uk population one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01073-00230304-00230519 has to bring in already the commonwealth FtcU2ZmE4h4-01074-00230519-00230767 dimension one has to bring in um all FtcU2ZmE4h4-01075-00230767-00230967 kinds of different cultural backgrounds FtcU2ZmE4h4-01076-00230967-00231158 and here we are sitting in london after FtcU2ZmE4h4-01077-00231159-00231431 all but also um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01078-00231432-00231606 the uk certainly likes to think of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01079-00231607-00231855 itself and certainly is to some extent FtcU2ZmE4h4-01080-00231856-00232151 uh a bridge with um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01081-00232152-00232446 the the united states of america uh the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01082-00232448-00232734 americas more generally um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01083-00232735-00233006 uh it's an important nuclear power and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01084-00233007-00233327 so this referendum um has implications FtcU2ZmE4h4-01085-00233328-00233519 for europe but it also has uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01086-00233519-00233775 implications for uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01087-00233776-00234039 geopolitics more broadly and it's FtcU2ZmE4h4-01088-00234040-00234215 fascinating FtcU2ZmE4h4-01089-00234216-00234358 that uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01090-00234359-00234646 amongst the partners of the uk um almost FtcU2ZmE4h4-01091-00234648-00234887 everybody is desperate for the uk to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01092-00234888-00235046 stay in the european union everyone FtcU2ZmE4h4-01093-00235048-00235255 looks at the messages coming from north FtcU2ZmE4h4-01094-00235256-00235423 america and it's been said that one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01095-00235423-00235551 person who would be happy if the uk FtcU2ZmE4h4-01096-00235552-00235742 leaves would be vladimir putin uh which FtcU2ZmE4h4-01097-00235744-00235998 gives you some sense of the geopolitical FtcU2ZmE4h4-01098-00236000-00236087 uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01099-00236088-00236375 status of all this and so um i mean the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01100-00236376-00236663 the the cultural question is is quite FtcU2ZmE4h4-01101-00236664-00236855 immediately also a geopolitical question FtcU2ZmE4h4-01102-00236856-00237015 so i'd be interested if we shared some FtcU2ZmE4h4-01103-00237016-00237167 thoughts about the geopolitical FtcU2ZmE4h4-01104-00237167-00237375 significance of this of this decision FtcU2ZmE4h4-01105-00237376-00237582 actually when it comes to security when FtcU2ZmE4h4-01106-00237583-00237734 it comes to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01107-00237735-00237982 the west the future of the occident FtcU2ZmE4h4-01108-00237983-00238191 as james said earlier i think it would FtcU2ZmE4h4-01109-00238192-00238455 just leach things which probably we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01110-00238456-00238734 cannot even foresee yeah i mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-01111-00238735-00238839 you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-01112-00238840-00239063 we didn't foresee the 9 11 follow up we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01113-00239064-00239255 didn't foresee sort of what german FtcU2ZmE4h4-01114-00239256-00239542 unification did over time and to think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01115-00239544-00239734 that we control this i think it's just FtcU2ZmE4h4-01116-00239735-00239934 cognitively wrong we may have an idea FtcU2ZmE4h4-01117-00239935-00240142 what what happens but the domino effects FtcU2ZmE4h4-01118-00240144-00240358 of and where the domino falls in this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01119-00240359-00240582 side or this side who would like to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01120-00240583-00240863 predict so the unleashing of sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01121-00240864-00241127 energy things is the first and and then FtcU2ZmE4h4-01122-00241128-00241358 to see who arranges is this good for FtcU2ZmE4h4-01123-00241359-00241582 poutine and bad for the us you know and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01124-00241583-00241751 and then in addition to all the other FtcU2ZmE4h4-01125-00241752-00241903 big changes i mean there is a true FtcU2ZmE4h4-01126-00241904-00242046 question about who becomes the next FtcU2ZmE4h4-01127-00242048-00242215 american president which is a very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01128-00242216-00242398 important question which would make a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01129-00242400-00242694 difference so you know then you have FtcU2ZmE4h4-01130-00242696-00242975 various variables you know brexit was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01131-00242976-00243191 clinton and brexit with trump and you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01132-00243192-00243398 know how are these variables falling FtcU2ZmE4h4-01133-00243400-00243519 together so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01134-00243519-00243703 and then we have two other variables FtcU2ZmE4h4-01135-00243704-00243894 which i would like to see in in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01136-00243896-00244127 connection because brexit but a good FtcU2ZmE4h4-01137-00244128-00244463 german election with less ifd and no FtcU2ZmE4h4-01138-00244464-00244727 marine le pen in france might still be FtcU2ZmE4h4-01139-00244728-00244998 doable but brexit in addition to a very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01140-00245000-00245198 nasty result in france next year in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01141-00245200-00245415 addition to a very nasty german result FtcU2ZmE4h4-01142-00245416-00245606 in the general elections might give a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01143-00245607-00245894 different trigger so i think this is um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01144-00245896-00246175 really very difficult to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01145-00246176-00246439 assess what could be the the potential FtcU2ZmE4h4-01146-00246440-00246639 unleashing and how quick a domino effect FtcU2ZmE4h4-01147-00246640-00246967 could go from a brexit which we probably FtcU2ZmE4h4-01148-00246967-00247158 would not control can you say something FtcU2ZmE4h4-01149-00247159-00247351 on that because it was a big issue with FtcU2ZmE4h4-01150-00247352-00247582 greece in there sorry james FtcU2ZmE4h4-01151-00247583-00247846 because what amazed me when we had the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01152-00247848-00248063 discussion with the negotiations with FtcU2ZmE4h4-01153-00248064-00248255 greece and the european union last year FtcU2ZmE4h4-01154-00248256-00248439 is the geopolitics and the position of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01155-00248440-00248687 greece was never coming into discussion FtcU2ZmE4h4-01156-00248688-00248894 so you had part of the left which was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01157-00248896-00249094 saying oh but greece you should go out FtcU2ZmE4h4-01158-00249096-00249282 of the european union without any FtcU2ZmE4h4-01159-00249283-00249575 consideration of how this will translate FtcU2ZmE4h4-01160-00249576-00249830 in terms of geopolitics the outer FtcU2ZmE4h4-01161-00249831-00250191 borders of europe and so on so i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01162-00250192-00250415 we what we have to do is bring these FtcU2ZmE4h4-01163-00250416-00250598 discussions in because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01164-00250600-00250815 since i was following that with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01165-00250816-00251071 greek situation it wasn't part of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01166-00251071-00251310 debate as you said we don't know what FtcU2ZmE4h4-01167-00251311-00251551 exactly the effects will be and you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01168-00251552-00251758 cannot predict everything FtcU2ZmE4h4-01169-00251759-00252023 in a certain way but i think when we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01170-00252023-00252230 in britain and we are discussing the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01171-00252231-00252406 sort of changes we have to bring the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01172-00252407-00252615 geopolitics into that and can one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01173-00252616-00252798 example but i mean we have the the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01174-00252800-00253023 european force coming council now uh the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01175-00253023-00253239 day after tomorrow and this decision to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01176-00253240-00253455 basically do the camp building in greece FtcU2ZmE4h4-01177-00253456-00253623 you know which is basically leading now FtcU2ZmE4h4-01178-00253623-00253839 to a solution which is obviously not FtcU2ZmE4h4-01179-00253840-00254071 voiced but let's give some money to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01180-00254071-00254223 greek but then leave them alone with the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01181-00254223-00254446 refugees is sort of the subtext which is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01182-00254448-00254758 uh displaying here and to what it could FtcU2ZmE4h4-01183-00254759-00254927 lead is actually that greek becomes a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01184-00254928-00255175 new lebanon in the european union and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01185-00255176-00255391 then i can already see the german voices FtcU2ZmE4h4-01186-00255392-00255591 that such a country may need to leave FtcU2ZmE4h4-01187-00255592-00255879 and you get a grexit on top so uh we i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01188-00255880-00256046 think there's so many variables in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01189-00256048-00256303 equation that exactly yeah and i was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01190-00256304-00256487 amazed as i told you that when we had FtcU2ZmE4h4-01191-00256488-00256727 the negotiations none of this uh was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01192-00256728-00256919 discussed and i think we should bring in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01193-00256919-00257134 this discussion what is happening right FtcU2ZmE4h4-01194-00257135-00257382 now with the refugee crisis and 7th of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01195-00257383-00257679 march and what is our vision in relation FtcU2ZmE4h4-01196-00257680-00257958 to that as well i i think of course we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01197-00257959-00258158 don't know how it's going to go but we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01198-00258159-00258382 as you were saying earlier we know the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01199-00258383-00258623 potentiality is inscribed within it and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01200-00258623-00258742 they are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01201-00258744-00258942 very very bad i mean if you let's not FtcU2ZmE4h4-01202-00258944-00259087 get too focused on the apocalyptic FtcU2ZmE4h4-01203-00259088-00259255 scenarios i mean i i i think it's good FtcU2ZmE4h4-01204-00259256-00259415 to keep them in mind but let's also FtcU2ZmE4h4-01205-00259416-00259534 think about what positively could come FtcU2ZmE4h4-01206-00259535-00259639 out of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01207-00259640-00259951 this current moment FtcU2ZmE4h4-01208-00259952-00260119 what positive could come out of a brexit FtcU2ZmE4h4-01209-00260119-00260446 i mean it you know i mean if if if uk FtcU2ZmE4h4-01210-00260448-00260687 were to vote to stay in uh what possible FtcU2ZmE4h4-01211-00260688-00260871 reconfigurations could that also lead to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01212-00260871-00261006 so i mean let's let's try and keep a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01213-00261007-00261103 little bit of balance between the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01214-00261104-00261279 apocalypse okay yeah yeah if you think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01215-00261280-00261398 about that in terms of a relationship FtcU2ZmE4h4-01216-00261400-00261582 though it's like oh you know you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-01217-00261583-00261703 you're my partner and they're like no FtcU2ZmE4h4-01218-00261704-00261815 i'm gonna break up with you and then FtcU2ZmE4h4-01219-00261816-00261991 like no i'm actually not i mean is that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01220-00261992-00262134 going to improve our relationship and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01221-00262135-00262358 probably not even if we stay together FtcU2ZmE4h4-01222-00262359-00262567 okay so the the positive dimension i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01223-00262568-00262743 think is that um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01224-00262744-00263175 uh june if uh invo remain vote june 24th FtcU2ZmE4h4-01225-00263176-00263479 gives us a very big option to change FtcU2ZmE4h4-01226-00263480-00263639 what the european debate is so you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-01227-00263640-00263847 if we've been talking about it we've got FtcU2ZmE4h4-01228-00263848-00264158 uh currently you've got conservatism of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01229-00264159-00264447 some sort versus reaction the the sort FtcU2ZmE4h4-01230-00264448-00264679 of high point of british engagement you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01231-00264680-00265006 refer to sort of 15 years ago was um was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01232-00265007-00265239 uh social liberal with sort of fairly FtcU2ZmE4h4-01233-00265240-00265439 hardcore neoliberalism you know these FtcU2ZmE4h4-01234-00265440-00265623 are this is all that's that's been FtcU2ZmE4h4-01235-00265624-00265895 available and the this debate between FtcU2ZmE4h4-01236-00265896-00266047 the conservatives FtcU2ZmE4h4-01237-00266048-00266175 okay FtcU2ZmE4h4-01238-00266176-00266351 doesn't matter what the word is but that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01239-00266352-00266582 and the and the reaction FtcU2ZmE4h4-01240-00266583-00266734 it's if remain wins that will FtcU2ZmE4h4-01241-00266735-00266975 discombobulate them it will fracture the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01242-00266976-00267151 debate somewhat and they will continue FtcU2ZmE4h4-01243-00267152-00267479 to argue and they won't be able to state FtcU2ZmE4h4-01244-00267480-00267582 what FtcU2ZmE4h4-01245-00267583-00267727 britain and europe is now and what FtcU2ZmE4h4-01246-00267728-00267895 europe is now and i think that provides FtcU2ZmE4h4-01247-00267896-00268143 the opportunity for more progressive FtcU2ZmE4h4-01248-00268144-00268439 forces more social forces to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01249-00268440-00268606 map out FtcU2ZmE4h4-01250-00268607-00268830 pan-european alliances to map out what FtcU2ZmE4h4-01251-00268831-00269030 our what our possible future could be so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01252-00269031-00269151 there are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01253-00269152-00269310 it does provide an opportunity but i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01254-00269311-00269503 think the opportunity isn't in the next FtcU2ZmE4h4-01255-00269504-00269679 few weeks it's what comes directly FtcU2ZmE4h4-01256-00269680-00269934 afterwards that that could catalyze FtcU2ZmE4h4-01257-00269935-00270143 something new and something positive um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01258-00270144-00270319 i wanted to say something about this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01259-00270320-00270591 kind of political angle to it one one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01260-00270592-00270791 typical left critic left-wing critique FtcU2ZmE4h4-01261-00270792-00271063 to europe which is absolutely legitimate FtcU2ZmE4h4-01262-00271064-00271167 is that you know for example the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01263-00271168-00271334 european project has some imperial FtcU2ZmE4h4-01264-00271335-00271582 aspects to it um which is you know fair FtcU2ZmE4h4-01265-00271583-00271743 enough um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01266-00271744-00271903 it does i mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-01267-00271904-00272110 like every state form has some imperial FtcU2ZmE4h4-01268-00272111-00272239 elements to it unless it becomes FtcU2ZmE4h4-01269-00272240-00272430 completely like using it from itself FtcU2ZmE4h4-01270-00272431-00272527 when you were talking about the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01271-00272528-00272695 specificity like for example britain FtcU2ZmE4h4-01272-00272696-00272887 being an open like a country that is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01273-00272888-00273247 open i would tend to disagree um because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01274-00273248-00273447 there are different imperial models like FtcU2ZmE4h4-01275-00273448-00273623 for example imagine two in particular FtcU2ZmE4h4-01276-00273624-00273775 there's a british model which is one in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01277-00273776-00273967 which uh which is based on some sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01278-00273968-00274255 like ethnically based class caste system FtcU2ZmE4h4-01279-00274256-00274543 in which this britain has its colonial FtcU2ZmE4h4-01280-00274544-00274679 empire right which is this kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01281-00274680-00274903 outpost of exploitation with kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01282-00274904-00275095 genocidal tendencies in all of them FtcU2ZmE4h4-01283-00275096-00275303 usually with no territorial contiguity FtcU2ZmE4h4-01284-00275304-00275543 no common identity you could be a gurkha FtcU2ZmE4h4-01285-00275544-00275743 fighting for britain 50 years then you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01286-00275744-00275982 come here you're like you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01287-00275983-00276103 never british FtcU2ZmE4h4-01288-00276104-00276230 and you would have a different idea FtcU2ZmE4h4-01289-00276231-00276367 which is for example that of the roman FtcU2ZmE4h4-01290-00276368-00276615 empire which is an idea of an expansion FtcU2ZmE4h4-01291-00276616-00276703 in which FtcU2ZmE4h4-01292-00276704-00276879 eventually by the second century FtcU2ZmE4h4-01293-00276880-00277134 basically all of the roman emperors were FtcU2ZmE4h4-01294-00277135-00277279 foreigners you know were from the middle FtcU2ZmE4h4-01295-00277280-00277534 east from from germany from pannonia or FtcU2ZmE4h4-01296-00277535-00277710 whatever you want to call it these that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01297-00277711-00277887 took two completely different you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01298-00277888-00278071 completely different ideas of empire so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01299-00278072-00278263 yes there have been always lots of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01300-00278264-00278415 people from all over the world in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01301-00278416-00278639 britain but from that idea of empire FtcU2ZmE4h4-01302-00278640-00278727 right FtcU2ZmE4h4-01303-00278728-00278975 the other kind of tendency which is an FtcU2ZmE4h4-01304-00278976-00279182 imperialistic tendency it is undeniable FtcU2ZmE4h4-01305-00279183-00279358 but i think the european project looks FtcU2ZmE4h4-01306-00279359-00279630 more towards that kind of roman kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01307-00279631-00279910 attitude which is different but the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01308-00279911-00280119 who just said that because the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-01309-00280120-00280334 project we have to acknowledge that sure FtcU2ZmE4h4-01310-00280335-00280503 i mean in one scenario the slaves were FtcU2ZmE4h4-01311-00280504-00280663 eventually liberated in one they were FtcU2ZmE4h4-01312-00280664-00280879 not so there i mean there are also some FtcU2ZmE4h4-01313-00280880-00281047 some differences between a roman empire FtcU2ZmE4h4-01314-00281048-00281247 and british empire right FtcU2ZmE4h4-01315-00281248-00281423 well yeah but i mean it's different i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01316-00281424-00281606 mean it is it is from that kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01317-00281607-00281791 attitude that kind of like postalistic FtcU2ZmE4h4-01318-00281792-00282015 attitude in which you know like syrians FtcU2ZmE4h4-01319-00282016-00282230 and italians and germans could move FtcU2ZmE4h4-01320-00282231-00282447 together that came out those ideas also FtcU2ZmE4h4-01321-00282448-00282655 embodied in christianity which which FtcU2ZmE4h4-01322-00282656-00282815 were the basis on which the slaves were FtcU2ZmE4h4-01323-00282816-00282967 liberated FtcU2ZmE4h4-01324-00282968-00283143 related to us on on the basis of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01325-00283144-00283375 ideas that came out of that type of kind FtcU2ZmE4h4-01326-00283376-00283582 of like melting pot that's messy such FtcU2ZmE4h4-01327-00283583-00283782 you know they're kind of like the mixing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01328-00283783-00283975 they weren't inscribed necessarily in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01329-00283976-00284175 the british i mean we have to see things FtcU2ZmE4h4-01330-00284176-00284310 in perspective but there is one one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01331-00284311-00284510 aspect which is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01332-00284511-00284615 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01333-00284616-00284782 the idea of european integration and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01334-00284783-00285023 expansion which i see as including FtcU2ZmE4h4-01335-00285024-00285279 northern africa and and middle east does FtcU2ZmE4h4-01336-00285280-00285487 go towards the idea of economic FtcU2ZmE4h4-01337-00285488-00285727 of the world state eventually which on FtcU2ZmE4h4-01338-00285728-00285910 environmental grounds is inevitable at FtcU2ZmE4h4-01339-00285911-00286127 some point i think that you know this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01340-00286128-00286295 thing that scares a lot of people that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01341-00286296-00286430 are attached to the deal for example the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01342-00286431-00286606 small community that you have you know FtcU2ZmE4h4-01343-00286607-00286710 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01344-00286711-00286975 i think it might be misguided because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01345-00286976-00287134 there's a paradoxical nature also to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01346-00287135-00287327 these kind of huge FtcU2ZmE4h4-01347-00287328-00287558 political conglomerates paradoxically FtcU2ZmE4h4-01348-00287559-00287758 they do allow inside greater freedom FtcU2ZmE4h4-01349-00287759-00287951 than the small ones think of living in a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01350-00287952-00288206 small town in a huge city in small town FtcU2ZmE4h4-01351-00288207-00288351 you know everybody's looking onto each FtcU2ZmE4h4-01352-00288352-00288463 other that's kind of like general FtcU2ZmE4h4-01353-00288464-00288695 policing in a big town like in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01354-00288696-00288799 ottoman empire you know there's this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01355-00288800-00289039 kind of level of disintegration the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01356-00289040-00289230 impossibility of control that allows for FtcU2ZmE4h4-01357-00289231-00289471 greater freedom so i think we should see FtcU2ZmE4h4-01358-00289472-00289647 in this expansion FtcU2ZmE4h4-01359-00289648-00289910 some much more emancipatory uh in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01360-00289911-00290055 practice maybe emancipatory FtcU2ZmE4h4-01361-00290056-00290223 possibilities the entity of the small FtcU2ZmE4h4-01362-00290224-00290358 community FtcU2ZmE4h4-01363-00290359-00290606 some sort of some sort of freedom i mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-01364-00290607-00290751 there's the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01365-00290752-00290934 there's the the freedom from people FtcU2ZmE4h4-01366-00290935-00291127 knowing your business but there's also FtcU2ZmE4h4-01367-00291128-00291358 the freedom to have someone who you can FtcU2ZmE4h4-01368-00291359-00291479 knock on the door and they'll look after FtcU2ZmE4h4-01369-00291480-00291647 your kids if you if you're going out for FtcU2ZmE4h4-01370-00291648-00291895 the evening or um uh if you lose your FtcU2ZmE4h4-01371-00291896-00292143 job uh a security net that you can fall FtcU2ZmE4h4-01372-00292144-00292279 back on i think actually if we're going FtcU2ZmE4h4-01373-00292280-00292415 to build this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01374-00292416-00292639 you know the emancipate emancipatory FtcU2ZmE4h4-01375-00292640-00292815 thing it needs to be doing both things FtcU2ZmE4h4-01376-00292816-00293003 it's the idea of cosmopolitan FtcU2ZmE4h4-01377-00293004-00293175 cosmopolitanism that it isn't FtcU2ZmE4h4-01378-00293176-00293367 antithetical to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01379-00293368-00293510 um a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01380-00293511-00293679 social rootedness it doesn't have to be FtcU2ZmE4h4-01381-00293680-00293927 a rootedness necessarily in soil and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01382-00293928-00294151 flag and necessarily in geography but FtcU2ZmE4h4-01383-00294152-00294239 one that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01384-00294240-00294479 does construct a society where people FtcU2ZmE4h4-01385-00294480-00294591 are have FtcU2ZmE4h4-01386-00294592-00294758 you know are socially related to each FtcU2ZmE4h4-01387-00294759-00295023 other rather than we are all wonderful FtcU2ZmE4h4-01388-00295024-00295206 cosmopolitan individuals within a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01389-00295207-00295503 broader um within this sort of broader FtcU2ZmE4h4-01390-00295504-00295727 space depends how you relate to each FtcU2ZmE4h4-01391-00295728-00295863 other if it's on the basis of the fact FtcU2ZmE4h4-01392-00295864-00295991 that you're an individual like you're a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01393-00295992-00296175 singularity like me or the fact that you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01394-00296176-00296399 are white i mean that's this is a big FtcU2ZmE4h4-01395-00296400-00296543 difference i mean cosmopolitanism which FtcU2ZmE4h4-01396-00296544-00296719 has a very bad name at the moment but FtcU2ZmE4h4-01397-00296720-00296910 does contain certain elements that allow FtcU2ZmE4h4-01398-00296911-00297039 for social FtcU2ZmE4h4-01399-00297040-00297182 yeah i agree but that's why i mean it FtcU2ZmE4h4-01400-00297183-00297391 hasn't been politician FtcU2ZmE4h4-01401-00297392-00297623 that is also rooted in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01402-00297624-00297791 social form not just not just an FtcU2ZmE4h4-01403-00297792-00297927 individual cosmopolitan rooted FtcU2ZmE4h4-01404-00297928-00298134 cosmopolitan FtcU2ZmE4h4-01405-00298135-00298367 rooted because i i would perfectly agree FtcU2ZmE4h4-01406-00298368-00298575 with james because and i would suggest FtcU2ZmE4h4-01407-00298576-00298767 and that's why i basically wrote my book FtcU2ZmE4h4-01408-00298768-00298927 about european republic because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01409-00298928-00299151 republica is the public good FtcU2ZmE4h4-01410-00299152-00299239 and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01411-00299240-00299495 it's it's it's basically translated into FtcU2ZmE4h4-01412-00299496-00299679 commonwealth in the tradition of the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01413-00299680-00299895 liberal thinkers in the uk FtcU2ZmE4h4-01414-00299896-00300063 and it's unfortunate that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01415-00300064-00300343 commonwealth as a name became only that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01416-00300344-00300534 commonwealth empire yeah but in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01417-00300535-00300854 initial sense from platon aristotle so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01418-00300855-00301079 republica would mean commonwealth and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01419-00301080-00301334 you can do a lot of sort of you know the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01420-00301335-00301582 republic is not ethnical and never was FtcU2ZmE4h4-01421-00301583-00301879 the republic is normative has a sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01422-00301880-00302103 normative economic grounding would offer FtcU2ZmE4h4-01423-00302104-00302287 what you suggest which is the social FtcU2ZmE4h4-01424-00302288-00302543 sort of embodiment and it's not state FtcU2ZmE4h4-01425-00302544-00302775 integrating but uniting people whenever FtcU2ZmE4h4-01426-00302776-00302951 people wanted to unite in a political FtcU2ZmE4h4-01427-00302952-00303254 entity in the european idea sphere they FtcU2ZmE4h4-01428-00303255-00303463 created republics and that's why i tried FtcU2ZmE4h4-01429-00303464-00303703 to choose a republican idea for the next FtcU2ZmE4h4-01430-00303704-00303910 political project because the next FtcU2ZmE4h4-01431-00303911-00304095 political project of europe is political FtcU2ZmE4h4-01432-00304096-00304319 or is not we will no longer run around FtcU2ZmE4h4-01433-00304320-00304479 with a single market which doesn't offer FtcU2ZmE4h4-01434-00304480-00304654 a thing other than a single market so we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01435-00304655-00304854 need to think politics again and the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01436-00304855-00305063 framing of how do we think politics FtcU2ZmE4h4-01437-00305064-00305271 again in the european union that offers FtcU2ZmE4h4-01438-00305272-00305487 a social grounding and it's more than a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01439-00305488-00305710 market but more than democracy because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01440-00305711-00305903 again democracy is not only the majority FtcU2ZmE4h4-01441-00305904-00306134 of the street i just felt like that then FtcU2ZmE4h4-01442-00306135-00306423 the notion of republicans public FtcU2ZmE4h4-01443-00306424-00306695 commonwealth could be the intellectual FtcU2ZmE4h4-01444-00306696-00306863 framing of the project we are striving FtcU2ZmE4h4-01445-00306864-00307119 for the last last last uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01446-00307120-00307351 i want you to come on populism because FtcU2ZmE4h4-01447-00307352-00307454 you're gonna have the you're gonna have FtcU2ZmE4h4-01448-00307455-00307599 the chance because the last moments of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01449-00307600-00307775 this discussion which we need to close FtcU2ZmE4h4-01450-00307776-00307958 uh shortly i want to dedicate to this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01451-00307959-00308247 question of class app actually which has FtcU2ZmE4h4-01452-00308248-00308399 been mentioned a couple of times and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01453-00308400-00308679 it's clearly um in the uk debate a very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01454-00308680-00308982 important uh element uh as it remains an FtcU2ZmE4h4-01455-00308983-00309158 important element of uk society actually FtcU2ZmE4h4-01456-00309159-00309327 the dimension of class and it's one FtcU2ZmE4h4-01457-00309328-00309454 that's particularly FtcU2ZmE4h4-01458-00309455-00309743 difficult to talk about without sounding FtcU2ZmE4h4-01459-00309744-00309991 scary to some class warfare for example FtcU2ZmE4h4-01460-00309992-00310151 scary terms that may be justified FtcU2ZmE4h4-01461-00310152-00310334 sometimes FtcU2ZmE4h4-01462-00310335-00310534 so how can we build the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-01463-00310535-00310734 narrative we already had some FtcU2ZmE4h4-01464-00310735-00310879 elements of it perhaps how can we build FtcU2ZmE4h4-01465-00310880-00311095 a european narrative which FtcU2ZmE4h4-01466-00311096-00311271 takes into account this dimension of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01467-00311272-00311534 class doesn't simply speak to elites in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01468-00311535-00311695 sometimes abstract and philosophical FtcU2ZmE4h4-01469-00311696-00311910 terms first of all we have to rethink FtcU2ZmE4h4-01470-00311911-00312134 what class is and then you will go back FtcU2ZmE4h4-01471-00312135-00312391 to the debate that it started in the 70s FtcU2ZmE4h4-01472-00312392-00312630 about which then was taken up by blair FtcU2ZmE4h4-01473-00312631-00312839 rights the critic that you had of class FtcU2ZmE4h4-01474-00312840-00313039 as well because now we see new classes FtcU2ZmE4h4-01475-00313040-00313271 emerging it's like the refugees the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01476-00313272-00313575 unemployed the people in part-time FtcU2ZmE4h4-01477-00313576-00313758 contracts the constitution i mean of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01478-00313759-00313999 class has changed and we have uh to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01479-00314000-00314206 think of that as well that's why i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01480-00314207-00314415 wanted to say something about populism FtcU2ZmE4h4-01481-00314416-00314623 when you were talking about populism FtcU2ZmE4h4-01482-00314624-00314734 because you were talking about FtcU2ZmE4h4-01483-00314735-00314975 right-wing populism and i come from a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01484-00314976-00315223 tradition that populism is a political FtcU2ZmE4h4-01485-00315224-00315454 logic it can apply both to left and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01486-00315455-00315727 right and it goes beyond class and it FtcU2ZmE4h4-01487-00315728-00316023 talks about how we can unite the people FtcU2ZmE4h4-01488-00316024-00316271 the people of europe let's say in the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01489-00316272-00316527 debate that we are having against FtcU2ZmE4h4-01490-00316528-00316782 something that will be their particular FtcU2ZmE4h4-01491-00316783-00317182 enemy so i would like to take back the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01492-00317183-00317479 the concept of populism and to apply to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01493-00317480-00317727 the politics that we have right now FtcU2ZmE4h4-01494-00317728-00317927 across europe the new parties that they FtcU2ZmE4h4-01495-00317928-00318151 are emerging that they go beyond the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01496-00318152-00318406 working class in the traditional marxist FtcU2ZmE4h4-01497-00318407-00318679 sense but they're trying to create a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01498-00318680-00318934 people on national level but also this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01499-00318935-00319182 on a european level okay let's let's go FtcU2ZmE4h4-01500-00319183-00319423 around the table federico i am very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01501-00319424-00319654 skeptical of this kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01502-00319655-00319839 the innately positive aspects of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01503-00319840-00320015 identification once community or FtcU2ZmE4h4-01504-00320016-00320182 identity and stuff could also apply to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01505-00320183-00320406 class i think we should remember that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01506-00320407-00320647 the point of class is to try to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01507-00320648-00320879 class as a set of as a position of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01508-00320880-00321063 disadvantage for the vast majority of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01509-00321064-00321191 classes FtcU2ZmE4h4-01510-00321192-00321399 is to overcome the idea of class and the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01511-00321400-00321519 same i think should apply to your FtcU2ZmE4h4-01512-00321520-00321671 identity in that sense FtcU2ZmE4h4-01513-00321672-00321934 overcoming going beyond this like rather FtcU2ZmE4h4-01514-00321935-00322230 than identify in a kind of panicked and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01515-00322231-00322447 you know re-territorializes but it was a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01516-00322448-00322575 kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01517-00322576-00322799 rigid aspect onto the idea of class and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01518-00322800-00323015 protecting the working class but FtcU2ZmE4h4-01519-00323016-00323254 moving beyond the idea of class that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01520-00323255-00323471 once again i think is the the potential FtcU2ZmE4h4-01521-00323472-00323567 of that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01522-00323568-00323734 atmosphere that i call the atmosphere of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01523-00323735-00323895 the south you know the human is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01524-00323896-00324143 atmosphere this idea of overcoming FtcU2ZmE4h4-01525-00324144-00324239 keep FtcU2ZmE4h4-01526-00324240-00324479 change um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01527-00324480-00324630 i think that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01528-00324631-00324815 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01529-00324816-00325030 class has to come very much back into it FtcU2ZmE4h4-01530-00325031-00325239 but i think it should come back in in a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01531-00325240-00325463 practical way rather than in a sort of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01532-00325464-00325647 building a a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01533-00325648-00325863 an intellectual discourse way so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01534-00325864-00325975 um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01535-00325976-00326158 uh activists FtcU2ZmE4h4-01536-00326159-00326454 here in the uk say who want should be FtcU2ZmE4h4-01537-00326455-00326671 active on class issues if you take the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01538-00326672-00326927 city that we're living in one of the if FtcU2ZmE4h4-01539-00326928-00327071 not the depending on your perspective FtcU2ZmE4h4-01540-00327072-00327327 but one of the biggest issues is housing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01541-00327328-00327527 and the cost of housing and the quality FtcU2ZmE4h4-01542-00327528-00327782 of housing so i would suggest that the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01543-00327783-00328015 way in which to build this eventually FtcU2ZmE4h4-01544-00328016-00328191 this populist europe which could then FtcU2ZmE4h4-01545-00328192-00328454 perhaps switch back into a kind of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01546-00328455-00328727 mass-class eu uh europe is to build FtcU2ZmE4h4-01547-00328728-00328991 these campaigns to build these let's say FtcU2ZmE4h4-01548-00328992-00329151 tenants unions and so on and then to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01549-00329152-00329367 look around and see the same struggles FtcU2ZmE4h4-01550-00329368-00329575 are going on in madrid the same FtcU2ZmE4h4-01551-00329576-00329775 struggles are going on in barcelona FtcU2ZmE4h4-01552-00329776-00330023 they're going on in paris and to then FtcU2ZmE4h4-01553-00330024-00330182 link them up and i think from that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01554-00330183-00330447 ground up we start to then build this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01555-00330448-00330671 new place we this is a huge very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01556-00330672-00330871 long-term project the idea that we can FtcU2ZmE4h4-01557-00330872-00331030 tinker with some institutional FtcU2ZmE4h4-01558-00331031-00331215 arrangements within the eu and in 10 FtcU2ZmE4h4-01559-00331216-00331495 years time will have some kind of social FtcU2ZmE4h4-01560-00331496-00331687 democratic um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01561-00331688-00331958 populist europe is i it's it's it's FtcU2ZmE4h4-01562-00331959-00332167 fantasyland i think we need to start by FtcU2ZmE4h4-01563-00332168-00332327 building up linking together all of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01564-00332328-00332463 these different movements these FtcU2ZmE4h4-01565-00332464-00332639 different activities with a very clear FtcU2ZmE4h4-01566-00332640-00332910 um uh uh class but also FtcU2ZmE4h4-01567-00332911-00333143 transnational perspective and i i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01568-00333144-00333295 from there that's where another europe FtcU2ZmE4h4-01569-00333296-00333447 and another world starts to become FtcU2ZmE4h4-01570-00333448-00333654 possible thank you el riki you have the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01571-00333655-00333847 privilege of having the closing words FtcU2ZmE4h4-01572-00333848-00334039 thank you FtcU2ZmE4h4-01573-00334040-00334206 nikola i think first there is class FtcU2ZmE4h4-01574-00334207-00334471 warfare uh what we lost is framing it in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01575-00334472-00334575 that way FtcU2ZmE4h4-01576-00334576-00334767 because it's no longer with software FtcU2ZmE4h4-01577-00334768-00334910 talking to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01578-00334911-00335103 renewal workers right because they're no FtcU2ZmE4h4-01579-00335104-00335247 more workers i mean this is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01580-00335248-00335439 industrialization thing so i think in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01581-00335440-00335678 sociology this has been pretty much FtcU2ZmE4h4-01582-00335679-00335887 analyzed and discussed that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01583-00335888-00336143 sort of the organization capacity of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01584-00336144-00336351 workers is no longer there because the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01585-00336352-00336558 sentiment that they feel like a class FtcU2ZmE4h4-01586-00336559-00336743 which could organize and should organize FtcU2ZmE4h4-01587-00336744-00336910 is no longer there obviously we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01588-00336911-00337110 doing this sociology also tells us that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01589-00337111-00337271 we are having the discourses to train FtcU2ZmE4h4-01590-00337272-00337391 these people that they need to be FtcU2ZmE4h4-01591-00337392-00337630 employable and we have we have basically FtcU2ZmE4h4-01592-00337631-00337863 changed the wording and which is if they FtcU2ZmE4h4-01593-00337864-00338071 are not succeeding it's their failure FtcU2ZmE4h4-01594-00338072-00338239 and it's not the failure of society so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01595-00338240-00338423 there's a huge shift in the way we frame FtcU2ZmE4h4-01596-00338424-00338710 these things and obviously education i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01597-00338711-00338895 think is it because we're losing on the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01598-00338896-00339039 educational ground FtcU2ZmE4h4-01599-00339040-00339351 in all societies in in in europe and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01600-00339352-00339558 without education you cannot build FtcU2ZmE4h4-01601-00339559-00339767 discourses so easily so FtcU2ZmE4h4-01602-00339768-00340015 how to get out of this i think there is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01603-00340016-00340271 a strong claim to make for education and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01604-00340272-00340599 for um education first critical theory FtcU2ZmE4h4-01605-00340600-00340934 first and to for for enabling basically FtcU2ZmE4h4-01606-00340935-00341167 emancipatory discourses FtcU2ZmE4h4-01607-00341168-00341463 but honestly i have no idea how we come FtcU2ZmE4h4-01608-00341464-00341682 over the um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01609-00341683-00342039 the uh the very fact that progressive FtcU2ZmE4h4-01610-00342040-00342334 discourses were never so much appealing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01611-00342335-00342615 to um to to the lower classes i mean FtcU2ZmE4h4-01612-00342616-00342791 this is an old phenomena yeah and this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01613-00342792-00342999 is why the street if we are reasoning in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01614-00343000-00343215 who wins the street in europe today the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01615-00343216-00343471 street always goes to the populist yeah FtcU2ZmE4h4-01616-00343472-00343630 to populism FtcU2ZmE4h4-01617-00343631-00343854 last sentence i basically do not like FtcU2ZmE4h4-01618-00343855-00344030 the word populist because i think what FtcU2ZmE4h4-01619-00344031-00344239 is going really wrong when we discuss FtcU2ZmE4h4-01620-00344240-00344495 democracy in europe is the normative FtcU2ZmE4h4-01621-00344496-00344695 high ground that people tend to have FtcU2ZmE4h4-01622-00344696-00344910 when they talk about the so-called FtcU2ZmE4h4-01623-00344911-00345134 populist i would argue that these people FtcU2ZmE4h4-01624-00345135-00345367 have been neglected in the first place FtcU2ZmE4h4-01625-00345368-00345551 that they have fair claims and the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01626-00345552-00345887 democracy as such is that is the respect FtcU2ZmE4h4-01627-00345888-00346127 of the argument of the other the moment FtcU2ZmE4h4-01628-00346128-00346295 the sort of uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01629-00346296-00346463 uh FtcU2ZmE4h4-01630-00346464-00346751 ruling class in in in europe comes with FtcU2ZmE4h4-01631-00346752-00346951 this sort of oh these cows troops of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01632-00346952-00347151 pegida we do you know which is a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01633-00347152-00347478 non-respectful way of disregarding their FtcU2ZmE4h4-01634-00347479-00347727 arguments democracy as such is lost FtcU2ZmE4h4-01635-00347728-00347991 because democracy i think FtcU2ZmE4h4-01636-00347992-00348239 as long as the arguments are not obvious FtcU2ZmE4h4-01637-00348240-00348463 xenophobia and the thing you need to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01638-00348464-00348695 draw a clear line i think democracy FtcU2ZmE4h4-01639-00348696-00348854 starts with the respect and not a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01640-00348855-00349375 normative high ground towards the um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01641-00349376-00349558 so-called populist because you cannot FtcU2ZmE4h4-01642-00349559-00349871 say in theory that because somebody is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01643-00349872-00350023 not of the opinion of the governing FtcU2ZmE4h4-01644-00350024-00350230 elites that this person is a populist FtcU2ZmE4h4-01645-00350231-00350399 right but this is what we are seeing in FtcU2ZmE4h4-01646-00350400-00350639 many of the discourses so i think we we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01647-00350640-00350887 would really need to differentiate um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01648-00350888-00351047 and in a way FtcU2ZmE4h4-01649-00351048-00351239 if we could be successful and that's FtcU2ZmE4h4-01650-00351240-00351358 what i'm trying in the european FtcU2ZmE4h4-01651-00351359-00351503 democracy that we are just trying to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01652-00351504-00351727 build a strategy how we can build a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01653-00351728-00352030 discourse platform which say the pegida FtcU2ZmE4h4-01654-00352031-00352343 youth yeah not exclusion i think is the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01655-00352344-00352639 first wrong step so in in the really FtcU2ZmE4h4-01656-00352640-00352839 concrete activism that's what we are FtcU2ZmE4h4-01657-00352840-00353054 seeking for is can we discuss with them FtcU2ZmE4h4-01658-00353055-00353247 can we create a forum where we invite FtcU2ZmE4h4-01659-00353248-00353415 these people to come in and say look FtcU2ZmE4h4-01660-00353416-00353599 where does your resentment come from FtcU2ZmE4h4-01661-00353600-00353854 where does your resentment and your FtcU2ZmE4h4-01662-00353855-00354127 whatever violence comes from and this is FtcU2ZmE4h4-01663-00354128-00354375 the hope to cross benching so okay so i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01664-00354376-00354599 end with a request uh quickly a FtcU2ZmE4h4-01665-00354600-00354806 discussion on populism some other day FtcU2ZmE4h4-01666-00354807-00354943 absolutely great i don't think we're FtcU2ZmE4h4-01667-00354944-00355182 going to indeed resolve the question of FtcU2ZmE4h4-01668-00355183-00355454 the nature of popular power around this FtcU2ZmE4h4-01669-00355455-00355606 table here FtcU2ZmE4h4-01670-00355607-00355767 three messages which i think have come FtcU2ZmE4h4-01671-00355768-00355934 out quite clearly which are relevant to FtcU2ZmE4h4-01672-00355935-00356351 the uk uh referendum are firstly that um FtcU2ZmE4h4-01673-00356352-00356423 the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01674-00356424-00356663 uh struggle to create an alternative FtcU2ZmE4h4-01675-00356664-00356943 europe is uh not going to end that's for FtcU2ZmE4h4-01676-00356944-00357247 sure with the 23rd of june votes that FtcU2ZmE4h4-01677-00357248-00357527 might be a moment for a new beginning or FtcU2ZmE4h4-01678-00357528-00357806 a continuation of the struggle secondly FtcU2ZmE4h4-01679-00357807-00358047 that we need to situate what's going on FtcU2ZmE4h4-01680-00358048-00358278 in the uk indeed in europe in a much FtcU2ZmE4h4-01681-00358279-00358623 wider geopolitical FtcU2ZmE4h4-01682-00358624-00358823 and continually integrate that into our FtcU2ZmE4h4-01683-00358824-00359054 discussions and thirdly that's where i FtcU2ZmE4h4-01684-00359055-00359295 think we closed that we need to be very FtcU2ZmE4h4-01685-00359296-00359430 attentive FtcU2ZmE4h4-01686-00359431-00359639 as those pushing for progressive change FtcU2ZmE4h4-01687-00359640-00359871 to the demands interests and FtcU2ZmE4h4-01688-00359872-00360063 understandings of lots of people who FtcU2ZmE4h4-01689-00360064-00360239 feel totally excluded FtcU2ZmE4h4-01690-00360240-00360375 from FtcU2ZmE4h4-01691-00360376-00360591 elitist discussions or FtcU2ZmE4h4-01692-00360592-00360847 political parties institutions and so on FtcU2ZmE4h4-01693-00360848-00361047 so i think with those three messages we FtcU2ZmE4h4-01694-00361048-00361278 need to we need to close this discussion FtcU2ZmE4h4-01695-00361279-00361430 if you've enjoyed this discussion about FtcU2ZmE4h4-01696-00361431-00361606 talk reel i would FtcU2ZmE4h4-01697-00361607-00361775 hope that you would subscribe to the FtcU2ZmE4h4-01698-00361776-00362127 youtube channel you might also consider FtcU2ZmE4h4-01699-00362128-00362327 subscribing joining up to european FtcU2ZmE4h4-01700-00362328-00362454 alternatives FtcU2ZmE4h4-01701-00362455-00362758 which you can do also on this page FtcU2ZmE4h4-01702-00362759-00362958 and we hope to see you next time at talk FtcU2ZmE4h4-01703-00362959-00363348 real thank you very much everybody Fu2xNtyfwg0-00000-00000200-00000655 huh pop is pizzeria in 2022 Fu2xNtyfwg0-00001-00000656-00001293 no Fu2xNtyfwg0-00002-00001294-00001726 [Music] Fu2xNtyfwg0-00003-00001727-00001935 you Fuvhd81HHNA-00000-00000090-00001048 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00001-00001049-00001327 [Applause] Fuvhd81HHNA-00002-00001328-00002924 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00003-00002925-00003911 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00004-00003911-00004283 don't you be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00005-00004284-00004512 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00006-00004513-00005683 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00007-00005684-00006411 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00008-00006412-00007083 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00009-00007084-00007351 new Fuvhd81HHNA-00010-00007352-00008094 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00011-00008095-00008483 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00012-00008484-00008664 me Fuvhd81HHNA-00013-00008665-00011283 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00014-00011284-00011546 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00015-00011547-00012023 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00016-00012024-00012683 don't you be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00017-00012684-00012958 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00018-00012959-00014519 with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00019-00014521-00015483 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00020-00015484-00016209 1000 Fuvhd81HHNA-00021-00016210-00016857 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00022-00016858-00017527 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00023-00017528-00017855 something's gonna bring the change Fuvhd81HHNA-00024-00017856-00018175 chinese we are meant to take Fuvhd81HHNA-00025-00018176-00018511 something at the edge of space Fuvhd81HHNA-00026-00018512-00019913 calling us to fly away Fuvhd81HHNA-00027-00019914-00020385 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00028-00020386-00020655 [Applause] Fuvhd81HHNA-00029-00020656-00020983 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00030-00020984-00022278 come and fly away Fuvhd81HHNA-00031-00022279-00022625 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00032-00022626-00023255 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00033-00023256-00023883 don't you be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00034-00023884-00025239 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00035-00025240-00025747 we're climbing Fuvhd81HHNA-00036-00025748-00026683 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00037-00026683-00026831 1000 Fuvhd81HHNA-00038-00026832-00027432 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00039-00027433-00028083 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00040-00028083-00028200 me Fuvhd81HHNA-00041-00028201-00029246 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00042-00029247-00029586 me somewhere close to Fuvhd81HHNA-00043-00029587-00030711 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00044-00030712-00032295 something at the edge of space Fuvhd81HHNA-00046-00035547-00035702 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00047-00035703-00036862 with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00048-00036863-00037190 something's gonna bring the change Fuvhd81HHNA-00049-00037191-00037518 chinese we are meant to take Fuvhd81HHNA-00050-00037519-00037846 something at the edge of space Fuvhd81HHNA-00051-00037847-00039427 calling us to fly away Fuvhd81HHNA-00052-00039428-00040655 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00053-00040656-00041526 with Fuvhd81HHNA-00054-00041527-00042151 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00055-00042152-00042751 don't me be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00056-00042752-00043483 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00057-00043484-00044648 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00058-00044649-00044883 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00059-00044884-00045587 news Fuvhd81HHNA-00060-00045588-00046333 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00061-00046334-00047662 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00062-00047663-00047892 somewhere Fuvhd81HHNA-00063-00047893-00049083 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00064-00049084-00051199 is my changes Fuvhd81HHNA-00065-00051200-00051926 with Fuvhd81HHNA-00066-00051927-00054447 we'll me it good Fuvhd81HHNA-00067-00054448-00054682 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00068-00054683-00054800 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00069-00054801-00055759 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00070-00055760-00056094 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00071-00056095-00056415 chinese we are is to take Fuvhd81HHNA-00072-00056416-00057684 something at the edge of space Fuvhd81HHNA-00073-00057685-00058641 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00074-00058642-00058823 [Applause] Fuvhd81HHNA-00075-00058824-00060519 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00076-00060520-00061511 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00077-00061512-00061711 don't you be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00078-00061712-00062108 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00079-00062109-00064004 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00080-00064004-00064482 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00081-00064483-00064944 new Fuvhd81HHNA-00082-00064945-00065882 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00083-00065883-00066129 me Fuvhd81HHNA-00084-00066130-00068682 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00085-00068683-00069141 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00086-00069142-00071760 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00087-00071761-00072882 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00088-00072883-00073071 new Fuvhd81HHNA-00089-00073072-00074453 this is Fuvhd81HHNA-00090-00074454-00075304 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00091-00075305-00075682 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00092-00075683-00075823 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00093-00075824-00076167 at the edge of space calling Fuvhd81HHNA-00094-00076168-00077343 us to fly away Fuvhd81HHNA-00095-00077344-00077646 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00096-00077647-00077919 [Applause] Fuvhd81HHNA-00097-00077920-00078247 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00098-00078248-00079543 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00099-00079544-00080288 come and fly away with me Fuvhd81HHNA-00100-00080289-00080511 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00101-00080512-00081110 don't you be afraid everything will Fuvhd81HHNA-00102-00081111-00081282 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00103-00081283-00083010 change Fuvhd81HHNA-00104-00083011-00083949 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00105-00083950-00084082 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00106-00084083-00084692 1000 Fuvhd81HHNA-00107-00084693-00085482 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00108-00085483-00085887 me Fuvhd81HHNA-00109-00085888-00086511 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00110-00086512-00087219 me someone close to harmony Fuvhd81HHNA-00111-00087220-00088282 [Music] Fuvhd81HHNA-00112-00088283-00088488 is Fuvhd81HHNA-00113-00088489-00088867 [Music] FvUtrGYB0ZA-00000-00000006-00000364 so more come on I I'm just gonna ring FvUtrGYB0ZA-00001-00000365-00000896 till the what's on my life it's cold I'm FvUtrGYB0ZA-00002-00000897-00001435 just going up to the gym slick around I FvUtrGYB0ZA-00003-00001436-00002550 got a call but me some coffee tomorrow FvUtrGYB0ZA-00004-00002551-00003515 but oh it's fun FvUtrGYB0ZA-00006-00007184-00008284 [Music] FvUtrGYB0ZA-00007-00008285-00010028 [Applause] FvUtrGYB0ZA-00008-00010029-00010560 yes if you Paula John one hour here just FvUtrGYB0ZA-00009-00010561-00010809 right I listen to you just want to thank FvUtrGYB0ZA-00010-00010810-00011039 you for the Joey at the marina with a FvUtrGYB0ZA-00011-00011040-00011438 higher the Bry we were successful and FvUtrGYB0ZA-00012-00011439-00011793 but appreciated I just had one deposit FvUtrGYB0ZA-00013-00011794-00012302 coming from Mali he part of her life FvUtrGYB0ZA-00014-00012303-00012563 Mohini one of the paramount Chiefs I FvUtrGYB0ZA-00015-00012564-00012804 just want to discuss that within it or FvUtrGYB0ZA-00016-00012805-00013179 whoever what can I do with that that FvUtrGYB0ZA-00017-00013180-00013625 deposit because there was a koha for the FvUtrGYB0ZA-00018-00013626-00013953 boy and I think there was 150 i FvUtrGYB0ZA-00019-00013954-00014232 collected at the table and i think we'll FvUtrGYB0ZA-00020-00014233-00014544 he collected some more as well so let me FvUtrGYB0ZA-00021-00014544-00014961 not with sitting in my bank and i just FvUtrGYB0ZA-00022-00014962-00015375 wanted to clear that up because money he FvUtrGYB0ZA-00023-00015376-00015588 just asked me if I got it and I've just FvUtrGYB0ZA-00024-00015588-00015953 had my bank on on Saturday in its tier FvUtrGYB0ZA-00025-00015954-00016415 okay thank you very much bye for now FvUtrGYB0ZA-00026-00016416-00017257 so that's the myrrh I just I'm just FvUtrGYB0ZA-00027-00017258-00017570 accounting for the money that anyway who FvUtrGYB0ZA-00028-00017571-00017924 sent deposits and it was only one from FvUtrGYB0ZA-00029-00017925-00018371 mana he I think we'll we'll return it to FvUtrGYB0ZA-00030-00018372-00019196 money just to clear the part of the high FvUtrGYB0ZA-00031-00019197-00019502 ridge of the Mariah and I appreciate FvUtrGYB0ZA-00032-00019503-00019853 that everything we collected should go FvUtrGYB0ZA-00033-00019854-00020075 back to the Mariah but we'll see what FvUtrGYB0ZA-00034-00020076-00020387 what what they say okay thank you very FvUtrGYB0ZA-00035-00020388-00020594 much I'm going to the gym bye for now FvUtrGYB0ZA-00036-00020595-00021134 in simple today's Monday 2nd of October FvUtrGYB0ZA-00037-00021135-00021467 2017 bye Fw2XjkjSHj0-00000-00000229-00000478 planting seeds Fw2XjkjSHj0-00001-00000479-00000713 and so on Fw2XjkjSHj0-00002-00000714-00001079 but I want to show you something Fw2XjkjSHj0-00003-00001080-00001312 that can help you because Fw2XjkjSHj0-00004-00001313-00001679 if you sow seeds Fw2XjkjSHj0-00005-00001680-00002063 to get something from God Fw2XjkjSHj0-00006-00002064-00002315 you will get Fw2XjkjSHj0-00007-00002316-00002645 but if you stay at that level Fw2XjkjSHj0-00008-00002646-00003479 you will always be in need Fw2XjkjSHj0-00009-00003479-00003725 I'm going to say that again Fw2XjkjSHj0-00010-00003726-00003947 if you sow seeds Fw2XjkjSHj0-00011-00003947-00004325 for the purpose of getting something Fw2XjkjSHj0-00012-00004326-00004654 from God which is good Fw2XjkjSHj0-00013-00004655-00004949 which is good because you sow seeds and Fw2XjkjSHj0-00014-00004950-00005183 your seeds are connected to something it Fw2XjkjSHj0-00015-00005184-00005369 Sparks your faith and that's very that's Fw2XjkjSHj0-00016-00005370-00005656 important it's beautiful but if you if Fw2XjkjSHj0-00017-00005657-00006022 you stay there Fw2XjkjSHj0-00018-00006023-00006299 you'll always be in need Fw2XjkjSHj0-00019-00006300-00006742 you always need to sow a seed to get Fw2XjkjSHj0-00020-00006743-00006983 something and get that and get that Fw2XjkjSHj0-00021-00006984-00007295 you'll always be in need Fw2XjkjSHj0-00022-00007295-00007559 but I want to show you Fw2XjkjSHj0-00023-00007559-00007775 how to be Fw2XjkjSHj0-00024-00007776-00008039 far beyond Fw2XjkjSHj0-00025-00008040-00008753 needs Fw2XjkjSHj0-00026-00008754-00009113 for many years I have not had to ask God Fw2XjkjSHj0-00027-00009114-00009556 for one material thing Fw2XjkjSHj0-00028-00009557-00010139 I don't have to ask for money Fw2XjkjSHj0-00029-00010140-00010367 and I want to show you very simple Fw2XjkjSHj0-00030-00010368-00010678 things Fw2XjkjSHj0-00031-00010679-00011585 what life do you want to live Fw2XjkjSHj0-00032-00011586-00011783 so I'll show you Fw2XjkjSHj0-00033-00011784-00011987 how to live Fw2XjkjSHj0-00034-00011988-00012160 far Fw2XjkjSHj0-00035-00012161-00012683 Beyond necessities Fw2XjkjSHj0-00036-00012684-00013235 I live far beyond necessities Fw2XjkjSHj0-00037-00013236-00013421 and that's what I can teach you Fw2XjkjSHj0-00038-00013422-00013763 I can show you how Fw2XjkjSHj0-00039-00013763-00013936 so Fw2XjkjSHj0-00040-00013937-00014171 think about this Fw2XjkjSHj0-00041-00014172-00014344 you can be Fw2XjkjSHj0-00042-00014345-00014597 at a level in life Fw2XjkjSHj0-00043-00014597-00014777 where you Fw2XjkjSHj0-00044-00014778-00015058 you want something from God Fw2XjkjSHj0-00045-00015059-00015329 you need something Fw2XjkjSHj0-00046-00015330-00015563 I love what Dr Fw2XjkjSHj0-00047-00015563-00015901 avanzini said yesterday Fw2XjkjSHj0-00048-00015902-00016138 it was on Monday Fw2XjkjSHj0-00049-00016140-00016349 he said something so powerful Fw2XjkjSHj0-00050-00016350-00016636 he said I'm going to pray for you Fw2XjkjSHj0-00051-00016637-00017050 not so you can get a job but a position Fw2XjkjSHj0-00052-00017051-00017558 I thought boy he just hit it FxwnI_XwC9Y-00000-00000038-00000272 third method I want to share with you FxwnI_XwC9Y-00001-00000273-00000814 today is to seek for the mind to FxwnI_XwC9Y-00002-00000815-00001162 actually go out and not out but go in FxwnI_XwC9Y-00003-00001163-00001889 but look for the mind try to find the FxwnI_XwC9Y-00005-00004981-00005724 does anyone found it yet sunny right FxwnI_XwC9Y-00006-00005725-00006128 because it bothers us pretty much 24/7 FxwnI_XwC9Y-00007-00006129-00006903 but we can't even find it the act of FxwnI_XwC9Y-00008-00006904-00007331 purely looking for the mind put you in a FxwnI_XwC9Y-00009-00007333-00007515 state of recognizing the awareness that FxwnI_XwC9Y-00010-00007516-00007812 you are and reveals the mind to be empty FxwnI_XwC9Y-00011-00007813-00008120 and essentially non-existent so it's FxwnI_XwC9Y-00012-00008122-00008424 another hack if you will to directly FxwnI_XwC9Y-00013-00008425-00008729 immediately contact the space of self FxwnI_XwC9Y-00014-00008730-00008994 the space of the subject and then you FxwnI_XwC9Y-00015-00008995-00009468 can just deepen enact but try to find FxwnI_XwC9Y-00016-00009469-00009783 the mind and that very act of looking FxwnI_XwC9Y-00017-00009784-00010089 for the mind will reveal to you a FxwnI_XwC9Y-00018-00010090-00010296 greater awareness a greater space that FxwnI_XwC9Y-00019-00010297-00010527 doesn't change that feels at peace and FxwnI_XwC9Y-00020-00010528-00010893 at ease it starts to radiate a feeling FxwnI_XwC9Y-00021-00010894-00011217 of ease a soothing feeling of relaxation FxwnI_XwC9Y-00022-00011218-00011546 and love into the body into mind even FxwnI_XwC9Y-00023-00011547-00012378 know the mine it's not there FxwnI_XwC9Y-00024-00012379-00012888 so look for the root of the mind and you FxwnI_XwC9Y-00025-00012888-00013085 will find there is no mind there's only FxwnI_XwC9Y-00026-00013086-00013604 the self there's only the isness of God FxwnI_XwC9Y-00027-00013605-00015238 the presence of the creator FxwnI_XwC9Y-00028-00015240-00015443 so next time the mind drives you crazy FxwnI_XwC9Y-00029-00015444-00015638 makes you anxious makes you fearful FxwnI_XwC9Y-00030-00015638-00015808 makes you feel lonely makes you feel FxwnI_XwC9Y-00031-00015809-00016030 whatever it is disconnected in some way FxwnI_XwC9Y-00032-00016031-00016499 shape or form look for the root of the FxwnI_XwC9Y-00033-00016500-00016906 mind that's doing that and the act of FxwnI_XwC9Y-00034-00016907-00017247 looking for it will make you disappear FxwnI_XwC9Y-00035-00017248-00017527 it's really quite funny when you see it FxwnI_XwC9Y-00036-00017528-00017825 the act of looking for the mind makes it FxwnI_XwC9Y-00037-00017826-00018103 disappear and then there's nothing about FxwnI_XwC9Y-00038-00018104-00018374 space and awareness at rest and then you FxwnI_XwC9Y-00039-00018375-00018559 can deepen in that surrender to that and FxwnI_XwC9Y-00040-00018560-00018950 make it more awake be more aware of it FxwnI_XwC9Y-00041-00018951-00019391 feel into it more then the brightness is FxwnI_XwC9Y-00042-00019392-00021190 turned up FxwnI_XwC9Y-00043-00021191-00022452 [Music] FxwnI_XwC9Y-00044-00022453-00022659 you Fx_fsf30vDU-00000-00000000-00002975 [Music] Fx_fsf30vDU-00001-00002976-00003454 is Fx_fsf30vDU-00002-00003456-00005998 [Music] Fx_fsf30vDU-00003-00005999-00006245 [Applause] Fx_fsf30vDU-00005-00011817-00014647 [Music] Fx_fsf30vDU-00006-00014647-00015222 so Fx_fsf30vDU-00007-00015224-00016514 [Applause] Fx_fsf30vDU-00008-00016515-00016983 [Music] Fx_fsf30vDU-00009-00016984-00017762 you Fx_fsf30vDU-00011-00021423-00021631 you Fx_h9VqzTUk-00000-00001271-00001487 or chili i don't like a lot of we do a Fx_h9VqzTUk-00001-00001488-00001625 lot Fx_h9VqzTUk-00002-00001626-00002334 [Music] Fx_h9VqzTUk-00003-00002335-00002663 hi ellen how are you fine good now she Fx_h9VqzTUk-00004-00002664-00002831 has a little ulcer unfortunately she Fx_h9VqzTUk-00005-00002832-00003031 just fell and broke Fx_h9VqzTUk-00006-00003032-00003215 the ankle in two different places so Fx_h9VqzTUk-00007-00003215-00003415 we're going to put a cast on it Fx_h9VqzTUk-00008-00003415-00003606 in the meantime we need to clean this Fx_h9VqzTUk-00009-00003607-00003767 out so Fx_h9VqzTUk-00010-00003768-00004070 that's what we're doing now any pain Fx_h9VqzTUk-00011-00004071-00004791 on this area no no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00012-00004792-00004943 so you're saying this is getting better Fx_h9VqzTUk-00013-00004944-00005447 right it was a bigger ulcer Fx_h9VqzTUk-00014-00005448-00005686 bleeding all the time oh the bleeding Fx_h9VqzTUk-00015-00005687-00005863 yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00016-00005864-00006134 so how you taking care of it now put Fx_h9VqzTUk-00017-00006135-00006206 cream on Fx_h9VqzTUk-00018-00006207-00006510 it and wrap it Fx_h9VqzTUk-00019-00006511-00006919 so that's what i've been doing to put Fx_h9VqzTUk-00020-00006920-00007310 band-aid on it um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00021-00007311-00007510 when did you lose this though was it Fx_h9VqzTUk-00022-00007511-00007639 recent oh no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00023-00007640-00008023 it's been for like four years a year Fx_h9VqzTUk-00024-00008023-00008303 four years no like three years right Fx_h9VqzTUk-00025-00008304-00008503 yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00026-00008504-00008791 three years that side is recent she has Fx_h9VqzTUk-00027-00008792-00008831 no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00028-00008832-00009103 toes on that side the other side yeah oh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00029-00009104-00009478 okay Fx_h9VqzTUk-00030-00009479-00009846 so was this big toe infected back then Fx_h9VqzTUk-00031-00009847-00010263 oh you just Fx_h9VqzTUk-00032-00010264-00010903 end up with a sore Fx_h9VqzTUk-00033-00010904-00011199 so how's your blood sugar control lately Fx_h9VqzTUk-00034-00011200-00011431 well lately it's been real good Fx_h9VqzTUk-00035-00011432-00011774 mm-hmm what did they run Fx_h9VqzTUk-00036-00011775-00012110 it was running like Fx_h9VqzTUk-00037-00012111-00012535 like like 180 Fx_h9VqzTUk-00038-00012536-00012871 170. all right Fx_h9VqzTUk-00039-00012872-00013071 you take uh what kind of medicine you're Fx_h9VqzTUk-00040-00013072-00013255 taking um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00041-00013256-00013583 what's it called is it Fx_h9VqzTUk-00042-00013584-00013911 by mouth like a pill oh you take an Fx_h9VqzTUk-00043-00013912-00013983 insulin shot Fx_h9VqzTUk-00044-00013984-00014335 yeah okay how much are you taking Fx_h9VqzTUk-00045-00014336-00014647 uh 10 10 units 10 units Fx_h9VqzTUk-00046-00014647-00015191 yeah when in the morning and the night Fx_h9VqzTUk-00047-00015191-00015519 well maybe i've been drinking them like Fx_h9VqzTUk-00048-00015519-00015743 once because i haven't been really Fx_h9VqzTUk-00049-00015744-00015911 eating that much Fx_h9VqzTUk-00050-00015912-00016294 we haven't been eating after the injury Fx_h9VqzTUk-00051-00016295-00016550 huh your ankle hurts a lot right yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00052-00016551-00016679 right now Fx_h9VqzTUk-00053-00016680-00017127 so you don't feel like eating no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00054-00017128-00017894 you're loving so much pain yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00055-00017895-00018214 don't hurt you feel that no jeff has Fx_h9VqzTUk-00056-00018215-00019294 told her Fx_h9VqzTUk-00057-00019295-00019455 actually looks pretty clean underneath Fx_h9VqzTUk-00058-00019456-00019655 here Fx_h9VqzTUk-00059-00019656-00020350 and you're Fx_h9VqzTUk-00060-00020351-00020663 you have some scabs here i'm trying to Fx_h9VqzTUk-00061-00020664-00021030 get rid of so you're on a special diet Fx_h9VqzTUk-00062-00021031-00021358 with your diabetes or no i'm not Fx_h9VqzTUk-00063-00021359-00021767 really not just uh i mean they want me Fx_h9VqzTUk-00064-00021768-00021886 to but i really Fx_h9VqzTUk-00065-00021887-00022183 not all one but i don't need a lot of Fx_h9VqzTUk-00066-00022184-00022271 stuff Fx_h9VqzTUk-00067-00022272-00022583 you know no what do you what do you eat Fx_h9VqzTUk-00068-00022584-00022694 in the morning Fx_h9VqzTUk-00069-00022695-00022999 nothing nothing no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00070-00023000-00023303 you fast i'm not used to i Fx_h9VqzTUk-00071-00023304-00023550 just don't like eating in the mornings Fx_h9VqzTUk-00072-00023551-00023678 oh you don't like eating in the morning Fx_h9VqzTUk-00073-00023679-00023894 okay which is fine Fx_h9VqzTUk-00074-00023895-00024486 how about what do you like for lunch Fx_h9VqzTUk-00075-00024487-00024807 sometimes soup or nothing oh really Fx_h9VqzTUk-00076-00024808-00025071 yeah oh you don't eat that much no Fx_h9VqzTUk-00077-00025072-00025142 that's why Fx_h9VqzTUk-00078-00025143-00025463 you mind me at dinner time sometimes Fx_h9VqzTUk-00079-00025464-00025831 uh-huh what do you like for dinner Fx_h9VqzTUk-00080-00025832-00026383 we usually like a supper of mexican soup Fx_h9VqzTUk-00081-00026383-00026790 what's in the soup like noodles look Fx_h9VqzTUk-00082-00026791-00026927 like a Fx_h9VqzTUk-00083-00026927-00027231 macaroni noodles yeah and then Fx_h9VqzTUk-00084-00027232-00027590 you make um they make Fx_h9VqzTUk-00085-00027591-00028083 soup all kinds of vegetable soup or Fx_h9VqzTUk-00086-00028083-00028279 um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00087-00028280-00028631 well see which cream chili mangos Fx_h9VqzTUk-00088-00028632-00028823 they're chili i don't like a lot of we Fx_h9VqzTUk-00089-00028824-00029002 do a lot of vegetables Fx_h9VqzTUk-00090-00029004-00029302 [Music] Fx_h9VqzTUk-00091-00029304-00029487 macaroni noodles will raise your blood Fx_h9VqzTUk-00092-00029488-00029623 sugar though um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00093-00029624-00029943 our problem too white rice wow Fx_h9VqzTUk-00094-00029944-00030111 is that our problem to eat a lot of Fx_h9VqzTUk-00095-00030112-00030351 white rice you got you like rice huh oh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00096-00030352-00030479 yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00097-00030480-00030807 you like white rice huh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00098-00030808-00031183 i know i like rice too by itself Fx_h9VqzTUk-00099-00031183-00031462 right i know that's the problem with Fx_h9VqzTUk-00100-00031463-00031590 it's so good and Fx_h9VqzTUk-00101-00031591-00031990 it's hard or not to eat that Fx_h9VqzTUk-00102-00031991-00032151 i took some nails out because that's Fx_h9VqzTUk-00103-00032152-00032295 what was Fx_h9VqzTUk-00104-00032295-00032567 not allowing this ulcer to heal oh okay Fx_h9VqzTUk-00105-00032568-00032623 it's kind of a Fx_h9VqzTUk-00106-00032624-00032935 sharp edges that were in there so i took Fx_h9VqzTUk-00107-00032936-00032983 those Fx_h9VqzTUk-00108-00032984-00033807 out okay and you're bleeding well though Fx_h9VqzTUk-00109-00033808-00034023 you need to eat less of those uh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00110-00034024-00034239 macaroni and stuff Fx_h9VqzTUk-00111-00034240-00034599 because that's what causes the Fx_h9VqzTUk-00112-00034600-00034927 sugar to go up right Fx_h9VqzTUk-00113-00034928-00035351 okay so i know um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00114-00035352-00035623 you broke uh this part of the ankle and Fx_h9VqzTUk-00115-00035624-00035783 that part of the ankle right now i know Fx_h9VqzTUk-00116-00035784-00035918 you did it with uh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00117-00035919-00036095 three days ago no yesterday last night Fx_h9VqzTUk-00118-00036096-00036318 it was last night okay last night so Fx_h9VqzTUk-00119-00036319-00036599 i'm gonna cover this up and then i'm Fx_h9VqzTUk-00120-00036600-00036807 going to leave this part open Fx_h9VqzTUk-00121-00036808-00036959 so you can take care of this and i'm Fx_h9VqzTUk-00122-00036960-00037111 going to put a cast on it okay Fx_h9VqzTUk-00123-00037112-00037455 so we can be able to heal it Fx_h9VqzTUk-00124-00037456-00037599 so she showered his foot oh what Fx_h9VqzTUk-00125-00037600-00037799 happened do you have that bag at home Fx_h9VqzTUk-00126-00037800-00037999 the shower bag the bag we bought here Fx_h9VqzTUk-00127-00038000-00038174 yeah yeah yeah the shower bag Fx_h9VqzTUk-00128-00038175-00038335 you can keep it on there so that you Fx_h9VqzTUk-00129-00038336-00038502 don't get the cast wet okay Fx_h9VqzTUk-00130-00038503-00038743 so i'm gonna put a whole cast on it and Fx_h9VqzTUk-00131-00038744-00038935 i'm gonna put a bandage on it so you can Fx_h9VqzTUk-00132-00038936-00039127 change the bandage every day on it okay Fx_h9VqzTUk-00133-00039128-00039262 it looks actually pretty good it's Fx_h9VqzTUk-00134-00039263-00039399 bleeding well i've been doing Fx_h9VqzTUk-00135-00039400-00039559 putting now she didn't have no more of Fx_h9VqzTUk-00136-00039560-00039702 that ointment yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00137-00039703-00039871 okay i'll get you some more ointment for Fx_h9VqzTUk-00138-00039872-00040055 this cream and i Fx_h9VqzTUk-00139-00040056-00040407 i prepared me from well wrap it or Fx_h9VqzTUk-00140-00040408-00040807 whatever Fx_h9VqzTUk-00141-00040808-00041007 so you keep continue taking care of this Fx_h9VqzTUk-00142-00041008-00041127 one Fx_h9VqzTUk-00143-00041128-00041358 so we have to heal this thing okay yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00144-00041359-00041551 unfortunately when you have opening like Fx_h9VqzTUk-00145-00041552-00041583 this Fx_h9VqzTUk-00146-00041584-00041735 it's difficult to do surgery on the Fx_h9VqzTUk-00147-00041736-00041871 other parts of the body because it may Fx_h9VqzTUk-00148-00041872-00042030 get infected right Fx_h9VqzTUk-00149-00042031-00042551 so we have to heal this thing this part Fx_h9VqzTUk-00150-00042552-00042830 so with the cast would it help her her Fx_h9VqzTUk-00151-00042831-00042895 um Fx_h9VqzTUk-00152-00042896-00043255 pain yes yes it would pretty much Fx_h9VqzTUk-00153-00043256-00043399 eliminate all the pain because they're Fx_h9VqzTUk-00154-00043400-00043655 okay it's the on movement that causes Fx_h9VqzTUk-00155-00043656-00043743 pain Fx_h9VqzTUk-00156-00043744-00044030 so once the movement is not there Fx_h9VqzTUk-00157-00044031-00044223 anymore then you won't have Fx_h9VqzTUk-00158-00044224-00044551 that much pain okay and without the Fx_h9VqzTUk-00159-00044552-00044767 surgery it won't help Fx_h9VqzTUk-00160-00044768-00045062 well a lot of times it heals but we'll Fx_h9VqzTUk-00161-00045063-00045095 see Fx_h9VqzTUk-00162-00045096-00045239 because it's hard to do surgery right Fx_h9VqzTUk-00163-00045240-00045343 now because you're gonna you have an Fx_h9VqzTUk-00164-00045344-00045462 open wound right now Fx_h9VqzTUk-00165-00045463-00045871 yeah so that's the problem we have Fx_h9VqzTUk-00166-00045872-00046207 i'm just wrapping this up for you Fx_h9VqzTUk-00167-00046208-00046390 and i'm gonna put a cast on it okay and Fx_h9VqzTUk-00168-00046391-00046502 i didn't want to take her to the Fx_h9VqzTUk-00169-00046503-00046615 hospital because Fx_h9VqzTUk-00170-00046616-00046751 you know how the whole buyer's staying Fx_h9VqzTUk-00171-00046752-00046958 he's trying to avoid and they won't even Fx_h9VqzTUk-00172-00046959-00047118 put a pass on her in the hospital Fx_h9VqzTUk-00173-00047119-00047551 no they won't because she broke her arm Fx_h9VqzTUk-00174-00047552-00047823 oh really no killed her so you have to Fx_h9VqzTUk-00175-00047824-00047927 go to your doctor Fx_h9VqzTUk-00176-00047928-00048390 oh really yeah wow Fx_h9VqzTUk-00177-00048391-00048543 unless you have corn of ice you don't Fx_h9VqzTUk-00178-00048544-00048695 want to go there though huh Fx_h9VqzTUk-00179-00048696-00048911 that's why i didn't want her to go catch Fx_h9VqzTUk-00180-00048912-00049015 it there yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00181-00049016-00049223 so i'm gonna put a cast on it okay yeah Fx_h9VqzTUk-00182-00049224-00049367 thank you for allowing me to Fx_h9VqzTUk-00183-00049368-00049784 film this today okay thank you FyiU1DTZkrM-00000-00000039-00000551 barbara's peekaboo fair FyiU1DTZkrM-00001-00000552-00000871 the animal fair is about to begin FyiU1DTZkrM-00002-00000872-00001239 but where is king barbar FyiU1DTZkrM-00003-00001240-00001671 papa where are you khal's palm are you FyiU1DTZkrM-00004-00001672-00002350 in here asks flora FyiU1DTZkrM-00005-00002351-00002447 no FyiU1DTZkrM-00006-00002448-00002726 this is the kangaroo exhibit FyiU1DTZkrM-00007-00002727-00003183 there's nobody here but kangaroos FyiU1DTZkrM-00008-00003184-00003319 barbar FyiU1DTZkrM-00009-00003320-00003495 where are you FyiU1DTZkrM-00010-00003496-00003654 call cepher FyiU1DTZkrM-00011-00003655-00004263 are you in here FyiU1DTZkrM-00012-00004264-00004375 no FyiU1DTZkrM-00013-00004376-00004631 this is the rhinoceros booth FyiU1DTZkrM-00014-00004632-00005143 there's nobody here but rhinoceroses FyiU1DTZkrM-00015-00005144-00005383 barbar where are you FyiU1DTZkrM-00016-00005384-00005567 call celeste FyiU1DTZkrM-00017-00005568-00006095 are you in here FyiU1DTZkrM-00018-00006096-00006206 nope FyiU1DTZkrM-00019-00006207-00006446 this is the giraffe castle FyiU1DTZkrM-00020-00006447-00006927 there's nobody here but giraffes FyiU1DTZkrM-00021-00006928-00007167 barbar where are you FyiU1DTZkrM-00022-00007168-00007351 ask arthur FyiU1DTZkrM-00023-00007352-00007878 are you in here FyiU1DTZkrM-00024-00007879-00007959 nope FyiU1DTZkrM-00025-00007959-00008255 this is the camel tent there's nobody FyiU1DTZkrM-00026-00008256-00008495 here but camels FyiU1DTZkrM-00027-00008496-00009014 where can barbar be FyiU1DTZkrM-00028-00009015-00009142 barbar FyiU1DTZkrM-00029-00009143-00009310 here you are FyiU1DTZkrM-00030-00009311-00009583 hooray for the hippo house FyiU1DTZkrM-00031-00009584-00010142 choo choo peek-a-boo FyiU1DTZkrM-00032-00010143-00010503 sir topham hatt's seven grandchildren FyiU1DTZkrM-00033-00010504-00010742 are visiting the station FyiU1DTZkrM-00034-00010743-00011023 they are hiding from their grandpapa FyiU1DTZkrM-00035-00011024-00011351 can you find them FyiU1DTZkrM-00036-00011352-00012070 there's one in the station house FyiU1DTZkrM-00037-00012071-00012238 choo choo FyiU1DTZkrM-00038-00012239-00012399 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00039-00012400-00012638 there's another in percy FyiU1DTZkrM-00040-00012639-00013319 that makes two FyiU1DTZkrM-00041-00013319-00013463 number three FyiU1DTZkrM-00042-00013463-00013711 is hiding in toby FyiU1DTZkrM-00043-00013712-00014343 surprise toby FyiU1DTZkrM-00044-00014344-00014463 choo-choo FyiU1DTZkrM-00045-00014463-00014638 peek-a-boo FyiU1DTZkrM-00046-00014640-00015391 number four we see you FyiU1DTZkrM-00047-00015391-00015735 five six and seven are hiding in the FyiU1DTZkrM-00048-00015736-00016215 shed FyiU1DTZkrM-00049-00016216-00016335 choo choo FyiU1DTZkrM-00050-00016336-00016511 be seeing you FyiU1DTZkrM-00051-00016512-00016807 everyone's going for a ride in thomas FyiU1DTZkrM-00052-00016808-00017085 the tank engine peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00053-00017086-00017207 [Music] FyiU1DTZkrM-00054-00017208-00017463 let's play peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00055-00017464-00017791 little elmo is hiding somewhere FyiU1DTZkrM-00056-00017792-00018430 can you find little elmo FyiU1DTZkrM-00057-00018431-00018663 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00058-00018664-00019367 can you find little big bird FyiU1DTZkrM-00059-00019368-00019975 here's little big bird FyiU1DTZkrM-00060-00019976-00020150 club club FyiU1DTZkrM-00061-00020151-00020878 who is swimming underwater with the fish FyiU1DTZkrM-00062-00020879-00021007 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00063-00021008-00021358 we see you little ernie FyiU1DTZkrM-00064-00021359-00021494 look out FyiU1DTZkrM-00065-00021495-00021758 it's a monster bicycle race FyiU1DTZkrM-00066-00021759-00022383 but where is little grover FyiU1DTZkrM-00067-00022384-00023055 there you are little grover FyiU1DTZkrM-00068-00023056-00023311 where is little bird hiding FyiU1DTZkrM-00069-00023312-00023958 do you see him anywhere FyiU1DTZkrM-00070-00023959-00024039 oh FyiU1DTZkrM-00071-00024040-00024207 there he is FyiU1DTZkrM-00072-00024208-00024599 peekaboo little bird FyiU1DTZkrM-00073-00024600-00024894 where is little cookie monster the king FyiU1DTZkrM-00074-00024895-00025999 of the jungle FyiU1DTZkrM-00075-00026000-00026262 here are lots of ballerinas FyiU1DTZkrM-00076-00026263-00026967 but where is little prairie dawn FyiU1DTZkrM-00077-00026968-00027070 oh FyiU1DTZkrM-00078-00027072-00027374 there's little prairie don FyiU1DTZkrM-00079-00027375-00027927 where is everybody FyiU1DTZkrM-00080-00027927-00028062 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00081-00028063-00028302 we see you FyiU1DTZkrM-00082-00028304-00028751 peekaboo blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00083-00028752-00029014 blue can play peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00084-00029016-00029335 and you can too FyiU1DTZkrM-00085-00029336-00029518 periwinkle FyiU1DTZkrM-00086-00029519-00029679 periwinkle FyiU1DTZkrM-00087-00029680-00030231 where are you FyiU1DTZkrM-00088-00030232-00030439 where is magenta FyiU1DTZkrM-00089-00030439-00030783 let's find her too FyiU1DTZkrM-00090-00030783-00030974 here i am blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00091-00030975-00031495 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00092-00031495-00031902 can you find purple kangaroo FyiU1DTZkrM-00093-00031903-00032070 here i am blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00094-00032072-00032655 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00095-00032656-00032895 let's find more friends FyiU1DTZkrM-00096-00032896-00033023 not one FyiU1DTZkrM-00097-00033024-00033287 but two FyiU1DTZkrM-00098-00033288-00033462 here we are blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00099-00033463-00033943 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00100-00033944-00034231 there's one more friend to find FyiU1DTZkrM-00101-00034232-00034527 can you guess who FyiU1DTZkrM-00102-00034528-00034735 you found blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00103-00034736-00034967 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00104-00034968-00035102 peekaboo FyiU1DTZkrM-00105-00035103-00035518 i see you FyiU1DTZkrM-00106-00035519-00035735 someone is hiding FyiU1DTZkrM-00107-00035736-00036359 do you know who FyiU1DTZkrM-00108-00036360-00036583 zoe is hiding FyiU1DTZkrM-00109-00036584-00037183 what should we do FyiU1DTZkrM-00110-00037184-00037399 now who's hiding FyiU1DTZkrM-00111-00037400-00038030 it's someone blue FyiU1DTZkrM-00112-00038031-00038295 who could this be FyiU1DTZkrM-00113-00038296-00038918 let's see who FyiU1DTZkrM-00114-00038919-00039127 here's someone green FyiU1DTZkrM-00115-00039128-00039743 he's grouchy too FyiU1DTZkrM-00116-00039744-00039935 everyone's hiding FyiU1DTZkrM-00117-00039936-00040319 can you guess who FynYQC2EwyA-00000-00000356-00000983 [Music] FynYQC2EwyA-00001-00000984-00001793 so FynYQC2EwyA-00002-00001794-00002330 [Music] FynYQC2EwyA-00003-00002331-00002463 [Music] FynYQC2EwyA-00004-00002464-00002639 hello welcome FynYQC2EwyA-00005-00002640-00003031 it is september 14 2022 and we're in FynYQC2EwyA-00006-00003032-00003399 active livestream number 48.2 FynYQC2EwyA-00007-00003400-00003535 welcome to the active inference FynYQC2EwyA-00008-00003536-00003638 institute FynYQC2EwyA-00009-00003639-00003895 we're participatory online institute FynYQC2EwyA-00010-00003896-00004070 that is communicating learning and FynYQC2EwyA-00011-00004071-00004335 practicing applied active inference you FynYQC2EwyA-00012-00004336-00004495 can find us at some of the links on the FynYQC2EwyA-00013-00004496-00004622 slide FynYQC2EwyA-00014-00004623-00004847 this is a recorded and an archived live FynYQC2EwyA-00015-00004848-00005079 stream so please provide feedback so we FynYQC2EwyA-00016-00005080-00005270 can improve our work FynYQC2EwyA-00017-00005271-00005470 all backgrounds and perspectives are FynYQC2EwyA-00018-00005471-00005679 welcome here and we'll follow a video FynYQC2EwyA-00019-00005680-00005967 etiquette for live streams FynYQC2EwyA-00020-00005968-00006199 head over to activeinference.org to FynYQC2EwyA-00021-00006200-00006351 learn more about FynYQC2EwyA-00022-00006352-00006559 how to participate in learning groups FynYQC2EwyA-00023-00006559-00006806 and projects such as live streams and FynYQC2EwyA-00024-00006808-00007014 others FynYQC2EwyA-00025-00007015-00007167 well we are in FynYQC2EwyA-00026-00007168-00007510 our third discussion around this paper FynYQC2EwyA-00027-00007511-00007751 communication as socially extended FynYQC2EwyA-00028-00007752-00008006 active inference and ecological approach FynYQC2EwyA-00029-00008008-00008303 to communicative behavior from 2021 FynYQC2EwyA-00030-00008304-00008678 by remy tison and pierre poirier and FynYQC2EwyA-00031-00008679-00009014 last week in 48.1 FynYQC2EwyA-00032-00009015-00009159 with FynYQC2EwyA-00033-00009160-00009303 the very same FynYQC2EwyA-00034-00009304-00009559 fellows in the conversation FynYQC2EwyA-00035-00009560-00009871 we had some explorations into FynYQC2EwyA-00036-00009872-00010135 different aspects of the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00037-00010136-00010374 perhaps we can each say FynYQC2EwyA-00038-00010375-00010510 hello again FynYQC2EwyA-00039-00010511-00010727 and something if we want to that we FynYQC2EwyA-00040-00010728-00010935 remembered from last week or that we'd FynYQC2EwyA-00041-00010936-00011063 like to FynYQC2EwyA-00042-00011064-00011342 explore today and then we can just be FynYQC2EwyA-00043-00011343-00011503 right in it FynYQC2EwyA-00044-00011504-00011614 so FynYQC2EwyA-00045-00011615-00011870 i'm daniel i'm in california FynYQC2EwyA-00046-00011871-00012110 and i'm interested to FynYQC2EwyA-00047-00012111-00012367 look towards the latter half the back FynYQC2EwyA-00048-00012368-00012503 nine FynYQC2EwyA-00049-00012504-00012655 of the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00050-00012656-00012927 and see where we go which is kind of FynYQC2EwyA-00051-00012928-00013199 what we do in dot twos FynYQC2EwyA-00052-00013200-00013311 usually FynYQC2EwyA-00053-00013312-00013583 and i just have a feeling that FynYQC2EwyA-00054-00013584-00014015 the exit from the slide on this one FynYQC2EwyA-00055-00014016-00014158 may put our FynYQC2EwyA-00056-00014159-00014471 communication and situatedness in a FynYQC2EwyA-00057-00014472-00014735 different place FynYQC2EwyA-00058-00014736-00014919 than where we were before FynYQC2EwyA-00059-00014919-00015671 and i'll pass it to blue FynYQC2EwyA-00060-00015672-00016311 hi i'm blue i'm a FynYQC2EwyA-00061-00016312-00016479 i heard the initial part and then lost FynYQC2EwyA-00062-00016480-00016815 it blue FynYQC2EwyA-00063-00016816-00017127 yep can you hear me now how about that FynYQC2EwyA-00064-00017128-00017486 um i am uh blue and i'm a researcher in FynYQC2EwyA-00065-00017487-00017855 new mexico and i am excited to dig back FynYQC2EwyA-00066-00017856-00017983 into FynYQC2EwyA-00067-00017984-00018207 this paper i think we left a lot of FynYQC2EwyA-00068-00018208-00018583 things to wonder about last week and um FynYQC2EwyA-00069-00018584-00018863 and yeah excited to get to maybe more FynYQC2EwyA-00070-00018864-00019071 into the meat of the paper itself as FynYQC2EwyA-00071-00019072-00019207 opposed to just FynYQC2EwyA-00072-00019208-00019503 discussing tangential ideas FynYQC2EwyA-00073-00019504-00019814 um and i'll pass today FynYQC2EwyA-00074-00019815-00020111 blue i'm dean i'm here in calgary um FynYQC2EwyA-00075-00020112-00020286 i'm interested in seeing whether or not FynYQC2EwyA-00076-00020287-00020479 the big road map that i think that this FynYQC2EwyA-00077-00020480-00020639 paper provides FynYQC2EwyA-00078-00020640-00020911 also ex could be explained as a big FynYQC2EwyA-00079-00020912-00021199 score as as in a kind of a musical FynYQC2EwyA-00080-00021200-00021407 analogy because i'm really interested in FynYQC2EwyA-00081-00021408-00021511 the FynYQC2EwyA-00082-00021512-00021671 in the interplay or the interaction FynYQC2EwyA-00083-00021672-00021911 between orchestration and arrangements FynYQC2EwyA-00084-00021912-00021983 we FynYQC2EwyA-00085-00021984-00022230 yesterday there was a math stream FynYQC2EwyA-00086-00022231-00022311 that FynYQC2EwyA-00087-00022312-00022543 where our guest was um FynYQC2EwyA-00088-00022544-00022743 really good at sort of FynYQC2EwyA-00089-00022744-00023071 describing the arrangement part of of FynYQC2EwyA-00090-00023072-00023222 what's going on in active inference FynYQC2EwyA-00091-00023223-00023447 potentially and so i'm really kind of FynYQC2EwyA-00092-00023448-00023671 interested in looking at that because FynYQC2EwyA-00093-00023672-00023950 i think from a transmission versus FynYQC2EwyA-00094-00023951-00024103 ecological standpoint we're kind of FynYQC2EwyA-00095-00024104-00024303 looking at the difference between mono FynYQC2EwyA-00096-00024304-00024439 and stereo FynYQC2EwyA-00097-00024440-00024647 so i'm wondering if we should maybe FynYQC2EwyA-00098-00024648-00024839 look at that through that lens as well FynYQC2EwyA-00099-00024840-00025191 i'll pass it to remy FynYQC2EwyA-00100-00025192-00025734 hi i'm uh i'm a researcher at ucam FynYQC2EwyA-00101-00025735-00026014 in montreal and i'm the author of the of FynYQC2EwyA-00102-00026016-00026134 the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00103-00026135-00026374 and i'm looking forward to discussing FynYQC2EwyA-00104-00026375-00026614 the yes the the paper more in detail and FynYQC2EwyA-00105-00026616-00026807 maybe go to uh FynYQC2EwyA-00106-00026808-00027102 toward the the later parts of the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00107-00027104-00027358 and maybe talk about a bit about uh FynYQC2EwyA-00108-00027360-00027631 language and linguistic communication FynYQC2EwyA-00109-00027632-00027943 which is a a big piece that is looming FynYQC2EwyA-00110-00027944-00028190 behind the paper but it's not really FynYQC2EwyA-00111-00028191-00028431 that much discussed in it but i think FynYQC2EwyA-00112-00028432-00028599 that's what FynYQC2EwyA-00113-00028600-00028839 that's what any account of communication FynYQC2EwyA-00114-00028839-00028958 aims to FynYQC2EwyA-00115-00028960-00029118 go towards so FynYQC2EwyA-00116-00029119-00029302 i hope we'll have the chance to discuss FynYQC2EwyA-00117-00029304-00029639 it a little bit FynYQC2EwyA-00118-00029639-00029767 let's go FynYQC2EwyA-00119-00029768-00029935 to language FynYQC2EwyA-00120-00029936-00030199 it's what we're using among other FynYQC2EwyA-00121-00030200-00030527 modalities but we are using language FynYQC2EwyA-00122-00030527-00030646 and FynYQC2EwyA-00123-00030647-00030902 so that sounds like a great place to FynYQC2EwyA-00124-00030903-00031214 start so what was in the paper regarding FynYQC2EwyA-00125-00031216-00031335 language FynYQC2EwyA-00126-00031336-00031590 and what was not in the paper regarding FynYQC2EwyA-00127-00031591-00032414 language FynYQC2EwyA-00128-00032416-00032639 uh yeah so um FynYQC2EwyA-00129-00032639-00033087 the the idea was to open a window uh FynYQC2EwyA-00130-00033088-00033246 at the end of the paper towards the FynYQC2EwyA-00131-00033247-00033462 language so we talked a bit about uh FynYQC2EwyA-00132-00033463-00033607 conventional FynYQC2EwyA-00133-00033608-00033902 uh forms of communication and we know FynYQC2EwyA-00134-00033903-00034062 that most people FynYQC2EwyA-00135-00034063-00034302 believe that language is conventional so FynYQC2EwyA-00136-00034303-00034590 we tried to tie FynYQC2EwyA-00137-00034591-00034671 our FynYQC2EwyA-00138-00034672-00034759 our FynYQC2EwyA-00139-00034760-00035023 the ideas that we put forward FynYQC2EwyA-00140-00035024-00035351 in the paper with a work by hampstead uh FynYQC2EwyA-00141-00035352-00035671 in a paper of 2016 about conventional FynYQC2EwyA-00142-00035672-00035951 affordances so we tried to say that uh FynYQC2EwyA-00143-00035952-00036071 um FynYQC2EwyA-00144-00036072-00036255 that linguistic communicate the FynYQC2EwyA-00145-00036256-00036462 conventional nature of the language FynYQC2EwyA-00146-00036463-00036655 comes from the the conventional FynYQC2EwyA-00147-00036656-00036983 affordances that are generated in the FynYQC2EwyA-00148-00036984-00037135 in in the FynYQC2EwyA-00149-00037136-00037327 communicative interaction so that's what FynYQC2EwyA-00150-00037328-00037599 that's a way to point toward language in FynYQC2EwyA-00151-00037600-00037687 our FynYQC2EwyA-00152-00037688-00037799 account FynYQC2EwyA-00153-00037800-00037951 and FynYQC2EwyA-00154-00037952-00038174 we talked a bit about uh FynYQC2EwyA-00155-00038175-00038367 acts of different types of acts of FynYQC2EwyA-00156-00038368-00038607 language so FynYQC2EwyA-00157-00038608-00038807 informative or uh FynYQC2EwyA-00158-00038808-00039087 or declarative and uh interrogative FynYQC2EwyA-00159-00039088-00039207 imperative so these kinds of FynYQC2EwyA-00160-00039208-00039495 distinctions we try to account for them FynYQC2EwyA-00161-00039496-00039711 in our framework so there are FynYQC2EwyA-00162-00039712-00039879 these are various FynYQC2EwyA-00163-00039880-00040135 parts of what we consider to be language FynYQC2EwyA-00164-00040136-00040335 that we try to treat in the paper but FynYQC2EwyA-00165-00040336-00040551 there's a lot of things that we FynYQC2EwyA-00166-00040552-00040743 couldn't discuss FynYQC2EwyA-00167-00040744-00040959 obviously because it was like in the in FynYQC2EwyA-00168-00040960-00041039 the FynYQC2EwyA-00169-00041040-00041230 small section and at the end we cannot FynYQC2EwyA-00170-00041231-00041479 like explain all of language FynYQC2EwyA-00171-00041480-00041695 even in a paper or in a book FynYQC2EwyA-00172-00041696-00041911 so so in a small section that would be FynYQC2EwyA-00173-00041912-00042511 obviously way too ambitious FynYQC2EwyA-00174-00042512-00042807 what are we looking to explain or what FynYQC2EwyA-00175-00042808-00043207 is needed for language to be FynYQC2EwyA-00176-00043208-00043607 encompassed or at home or native to the FynYQC2EwyA-00177-00043608-00043935 ecological view FynYQC2EwyA-00178-00043936-00044199 rather than the transmission view or in FynYQC2EwyA-00179-00044200-00044774 addition to the transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00180-00044775-00045095 redmi first then others yeah a point FynYQC2EwyA-00181-00045096-00045287 that is interesting is that FynYQC2EwyA-00182-00045288-00045390 um FynYQC2EwyA-00183-00045391-00045679 the transmission view comes with a a FynYQC2EwyA-00184-00045680-00045895 presupposition presuppressor position FynYQC2EwyA-00185-00045896-00046183 about what has to be explained by a FynYQC2EwyA-00186-00046184-00046415 theory of FynYQC2EwyA-00187-00046416-00046679 of language it comes with the idea that FynYQC2EwyA-00188-00046680-00046943 we have to account for the meaning FynYQC2EwyA-00189-00046944-00047127 uh FynYQC2EwyA-00190-00047128-00047351 of the the the expressions that are used FynYQC2EwyA-00191-00047352-00047495 first so we have to understand what are FynYQC2EwyA-00192-00047496-00047839 the meanings of the words that we use FynYQC2EwyA-00193-00047840-00048102 and how these meanings are encoded in FynYQC2EwyA-00194-00048103-00048286 the in the brains and the heads of the FynYQC2EwyA-00195-00048287-00048423 the the FynYQC2EwyA-00196-00048424-00048695 of the speakers of the language FynYQC2EwyA-00197-00048696-00048862 but that that's FynYQC2EwyA-00198-00048863-00048935 uh FynYQC2EwyA-00199-00048936-00049158 misleading from the point of view that FynYQC2EwyA-00200-00049159-00049358 we adapt in the paper so FynYQC2EwyA-00201-00049359-00049462 this FynYQC2EwyA-00202-00049463-00049790 it's kind of hard to say uh what we have FynYQC2EwyA-00203-00049791-00049974 to explain in order to explain language FynYQC2EwyA-00204-00049975-00050239 because for so long uh FynYQC2EwyA-00205-00050240-00050518 we have based in the we have FynYQC2EwyA-00206-00050519-00050799 been in the the the FynYQC2EwyA-00207-00050800-00051086 the transmission view and so we are used FynYQC2EwyA-00208-00051087-00051311 to uh believe that in order to explain FynYQC2EwyA-00209-00051312-00051479 language we have to explain these kinds FynYQC2EwyA-00210-00051479-00051566 of FynYQC2EwyA-00211-00051567-00051935 contents that language transmits uh so FynYQC2EwyA-00212-00051936-00052223 but if we do away with these contents FynYQC2EwyA-00213-00052224-00052407 it's kind of uh FynYQC2EwyA-00214-00052408-00052630 open the question of how do we account FynYQC2EwyA-00215-00052632-00052863 for language it becomes kind of open in FynYQC2EwyA-00216-00052864-00052982 a new way FynYQC2EwyA-00217-00052983-00053294 and i i don't really know exactly what FynYQC2EwyA-00218-00053295-00053454 we have to account FynYQC2EwyA-00219-00053455-00053542 for FynYQC2EwyA-00220-00053544-00053742 in order to account for language because FynYQC2EwyA-00221-00053744-00054054 it kind of changes uh our view of what FynYQC2EwyA-00222-00054055-00054399 language is so i i think there's a lot FynYQC2EwyA-00223-00054400-00054663 of open space uh in FynYQC2EwyA-00224-00054664-00054775 in FynYQC2EwyA-00225-00054776-00054854 in FynYQC2EwyA-00226-00054855-00055015 this question of how do we account for FynYQC2EwyA-00227-00055016-00055207 language if we do away with the FynYQC2EwyA-00228-00055208-00055647 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00229-00055648-00056263 d or blue FynYQC2EwyA-00230-00056264-00056847 what do you got blue FynYQC2EwyA-00231-00056848-00057015 so i just was looking back over the FynYQC2EwyA-00232-00057016-00057359 paper i think um it might be useful to FynYQC2EwyA-00233-00057360-00057742 maybe delineate the the specific like FynYQC2EwyA-00234-00057744-00058015 types of language interrogative versus FynYQC2EwyA-00235-00058016-00058199 imperative um FynYQC2EwyA-00236-00058200-00058447 and like the specif the specificities FynYQC2EwyA-00237-00058448-00058647 underlying each one of those right now FynYQC2EwyA-00238-00058648-00058926 um that would be maybe a good place to FynYQC2EwyA-00239-00058927-00059687 to just dive into the meat of the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00240-00059688-00059911 how can we see these different types of FynYQC2EwyA-00241-00059912-00060023 speech FynYQC2EwyA-00242-00060024-00060207 speech acts FynYQC2EwyA-00243-00060208-00060494 as shaping the field of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-00244-00060495-00060863 what is being done ecologically FynYQC2EwyA-00245-00060864-00061119 with these different speech FynYQC2EwyA-00246-00061120-00061335 behaviors FynYQC2EwyA-00247-00061336-00061599 as opposed to the FynYQC2EwyA-00248-00061600-00061726 enabling FynYQC2EwyA-00249-00061727-00061935 aspect of the transmission view i think FynYQC2EwyA-00250-00061936-00062111 they're fairly clear within the FynYQC2EwyA-00251-00062112-00062247 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00252-00062248-00062406 what these FynYQC2EwyA-00253-00062407-00062711 uh statements are about and as you FynYQC2EwyA-00254-00062712-00062823 pointed out it's almost like hard to FynYQC2EwyA-00255-00062824-00063030 escape viewing FynYQC2EwyA-00256-00063032-00063254 what these speech behaviors are FynYQC2EwyA-00257-00063255-00063471 by the content like if not their content FynYQC2EwyA-00258-00063472-00063623 quite literally then what would they be FynYQC2EwyA-00259-00063624-00063799 about even talking about what they're FynYQC2EwyA-00260-00063800-00064103 about but informative would be sharing FynYQC2EwyA-00261-00064104-00064366 a proposition or some FynYQC2EwyA-00262-00064367-00064542 reducing someone's uncertainty about the FynYQC2EwyA-00263-00064544-00064750 state of something in the world i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00264-00064751-00065038 feeling this way or that weighs this FynYQC2EwyA-00265-00065039-00065271 much FynYQC2EwyA-00266-00065272-00065406 and so on FynYQC2EwyA-00267-00065407-00065647 for other statements because indeed FynYQC2EwyA-00268-00065648-00065926 they're defined by the content FynYQC2EwyA-00269-00065927-00066079 and their structure FynYQC2EwyA-00270-00066080-00066255 so ecologically FynYQC2EwyA-00271-00066256-00066463 remy what might these FynYQC2EwyA-00272-00066464-00066615 types of FynYQC2EwyA-00273-00066616-00066919 speech behaviors be doing FynYQC2EwyA-00274-00066920-00067103 oh yeah these FynYQC2EwyA-00275-00067104-00067279 these the types of acts of language are FynYQC2EwyA-00276-00067280-00067535 are well accounted for in FynYQC2EwyA-00277-00067536-00067775 in the transmission view but there are FynYQC2EwyA-00278-00067776-00067967 some questions that remain about the FynYQC2EwyA-00279-00067968-00068287 imperative form of communication because FynYQC2EwyA-00280-00068288-00068479 uh it's FynYQC2EwyA-00281-00068480-00068575 it's FynYQC2EwyA-00282-00068576-00068767 not clear that FynYQC2EwyA-00283-00068768-00068943 imperative communication can be FynYQC2EwyA-00284-00068944-00069175 understood as a form of transmission of FynYQC2EwyA-00285-00069176-00069367 content because FynYQC2EwyA-00286-00069368-00069679 we have the feeling that when we uh FynYQC2EwyA-00287-00069680-00069887 comment something or we request FynYQC2EwyA-00288-00069888-00070167 something we are not um FynYQC2EwyA-00289-00070168-00070431 transmitting information or we are not FynYQC2EwyA-00290-00070432-00070647 uh FynYQC2EwyA-00291-00070648-00070959 aiming at changing the the mental states FynYQC2EwyA-00292-00070960-00071143 of the person that we are talking to we FynYQC2EwyA-00293-00071144-00071423 are aiming at making them do something FynYQC2EwyA-00294-00071424-00071663 in the world directly so so there's FynYQC2EwyA-00295-00071664-00071911 there's kind of a a mismatch there it FynYQC2EwyA-00296-00071912-00071999 seems FynYQC2EwyA-00297-00072000-00072263 um so obviously uh FynYQC2EwyA-00298-00072264-00072463 the the the people in the transmission FynYQC2EwyA-00299-00072464-00072615 view will have an answer they will say FynYQC2EwyA-00300-00072616-00072855 that like uh when i have some for FynYQC2EwyA-00301-00072856-00073111 instance that desire or the intention FynYQC2EwyA-00302-00073112-00073399 that something is the case i then FynYQC2EwyA-00303-00073400-00073606 an imperative act of communication is my FynYQC2EwyA-00304-00073607-00073791 transmitting this intention or this FynYQC2EwyA-00305-00073792-00074031 desire to the person who then has this FynYQC2EwyA-00306-00074032-00074303 desire or this intention and then can FynYQC2EwyA-00307-00074304-00074599 bring about the the state of affairs FynYQC2EwyA-00308-00074600-00074806 that i i intend to achieve FynYQC2EwyA-00309-00074807-00074959 but it's not FynYQC2EwyA-00310-00074960-00075191 i'm not sure obviously you can delve in FynYQC2EwyA-00311-00075192-00075335 the details but i'm not sure that's FynYQC2EwyA-00312-00075336-00075559 exactly what we want to do when we uh FynYQC2EwyA-00313-00075560-00075791 state when we produce an imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00314-00075792-00076119 active language obviously we we want FynYQC2EwyA-00315-00076120-00076367 uh we just don't just want that the FynYQC2EwyA-00316-00076368-00076550 person has the intention of doing FynYQC2EwyA-00317-00076551-00076831 something we want the the the thing done FynYQC2EwyA-00318-00076832-00077143 in the world so i i believe that the FynYQC2EwyA-00319-00077144-00077447 imperatives kind of communication is not FynYQC2EwyA-00320-00077448-00077623 really well accounted for in the FynYQC2EwyA-00321-00077624-00077782 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00322-00077783-00078031 and what's interesting is that in a way FynYQC2EwyA-00323-00078032-00078247 the imperative form of communication is FynYQC2EwyA-00324-00078248-00078487 like the basic form of communication in FynYQC2EwyA-00325-00078488-00078894 our framework because um that what what FynYQC2EwyA-00326-00078895-00079175 a communication is is uh acting through FynYQC2EwyA-00327-00079176-00079367 the behavior of somebody else by FynYQC2EwyA-00328-00079368-00079655 affecting its field of affordance so FynYQC2EwyA-00329-00079656-00079775 we can FynYQC2EwyA-00330-00079776-00079999 we can go back to like the the forms of FynYQC2EwyA-00331-00080000-00080199 animal communication that we described FynYQC2EwyA-00332-00080200-00080382 earlier in the paper and these are all FynYQC2EwyA-00333-00080383-00080631 can all be considered to be impressive FynYQC2EwyA-00334-00080632-00080823 forms of community or proto-imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00335-00080824-00081031 forms of communication so that's like FynYQC2EwyA-00336-00081032-00081282 the starting point FynYQC2EwyA-00337-00081283-00081655 um uh and we we achieve these acts on FynYQC2EwyA-00338-00081656-00081806 the behavior of somebody else by FynYQC2EwyA-00339-00081807-00082031 altering their field of affordances to FynYQC2EwyA-00340-00082032-00082231 make them some do something FynYQC2EwyA-00341-00082232-00082447 but uh how do we account for information FynYQC2EwyA-00342-00082448-00082775 informative uh active communication and FynYQC2EwyA-00343-00082776-00083023 an idea that we put forward in the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00344-00083024-00083126 is that FynYQC2EwyA-00345-00083127-00083247 um FynYQC2EwyA-00346-00083248-00083487 in format the the kind of FynYQC2EwyA-00347-00083488-00083638 acts of communication that that we FynYQC2EwyA-00348-00083639-00083926 consider to be informative will be FynYQC2EwyA-00349-00083927-00084262 acts that aim to construct or alter a FynYQC2EwyA-00350-00084263-00084543 shared field of affordances in FynYQC2EwyA-00351-00084544-00084743 in a way that is more durable than just FynYQC2EwyA-00352-00084744-00085006 an immediate imperative act of language FynYQC2EwyA-00353-00085007-00085287 so what we are doing we are changing the FynYQC2EwyA-00354-00085288-00085559 layout of the the the context that we FynYQC2EwyA-00355-00085560-00085799 take for to be relevant to our joint FynYQC2EwyA-00356-00085800-00086062 action and these these changing of FynYQC2EwyA-00357-00086063-00086279 affordances do not have to be FynYQC2EwyA-00358-00086280-00086503 immediately acted upon i can say oh FynYQC2EwyA-00359-00086504-00086671 there's something in the in the context FynYQC2EwyA-00360-00086672-00086943 that's relevant it does not necessarily FynYQC2EwyA-00361-00086944-00087143 call for action immediately but it's FynYQC2EwyA-00362-00087144-00087343 something that is like in the background FynYQC2EwyA-00363-00087344-00087575 of our context of action and so it's FynYQC2EwyA-00364-00087576-00087750 change it changes the shared field of FynYQC2EwyA-00365-00087751-00087918 affordance but it's not FynYQC2EwyA-00366-00087919-00088103 directly um FynYQC2EwyA-00367-00088104-00088262 soliciting an action from the FynYQC2EwyA-00368-00088263-00088447 interlocutor as would be the case for FynYQC2EwyA-00369-00088448-00088671 the imperative act of language so in a FynYQC2EwyA-00370-00088672-00088831 way um FynYQC2EwyA-00371-00088832-00089055 it's like as if uh FynYQC2EwyA-00372-00089056-00089238 in the beginning an informative active FynYQC2EwyA-00373-00089239-00089518 language is like a a long-term FynYQC2EwyA-00374-00089519-00089823 imperative or a dispositional imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00375-00089824-00089991 we put something in the context we say FynYQC2EwyA-00376-00089992-00090199 oh that's relevant we can act on it at FynYQC2EwyA-00377-00090200-00090406 some point but it's not necessarily FynYQC2EwyA-00378-00090407-00090687 immediately to be acted upon so that's FynYQC2EwyA-00379-00090688-00091023 how we can like put the the the idea FynYQC2EwyA-00380-00091024-00091238 that okay we can change our context of FynYQC2EwyA-00381-00091239-00091326 action FynYQC2EwyA-00382-00091327-00091503 what we take to be relevant in the FynYQC2EwyA-00383-00091504-00091718 context of action and FynYQC2EwyA-00384-00091719-00091975 we can come back to it later when when FynYQC2EwyA-00385-00091976-00092199 it's relevant and act on it but it's not FynYQC2EwyA-00386-00092200-00092367 something that is to be acted upon FynYQC2EwyA-00387-00092368-00092526 immediately and so that's like the the FynYQC2EwyA-00388-00092527-00092694 the the FynYQC2EwyA-00389-00092695-00092959 the difference uh between imperative and FynYQC2EwyA-00390-00092960-00093287 formative begins to to to be FynYQC2EwyA-00391-00093288-00093518 discerned there where an imperative is FynYQC2EwyA-00392-00093519-00093775 like i'm i'm saying that this so this FynYQC2EwyA-00393-00093776-00093926 affordance should be acted upon FynYQC2EwyA-00394-00093927-00094143 immediately and informative is like i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00395-00094144-00094350 putting this in the context it changes FynYQC2EwyA-00396-00094351-00094623 the layout of affordances i so for FynYQC2EwyA-00397-00094624-00094799 instance FynYQC2EwyA-00398-00094800-00095015 there would be FynYQC2EwyA-00399-00095016-00095206 i don't know how to come up with an FynYQC2EwyA-00400-00095207-00095415 example but if i inform you of something FynYQC2EwyA-00401-00095416-00095543 i'm putting FynYQC2EwyA-00402-00095544-00095671 i'm changing the layout of the FynYQC2EwyA-00403-00095672-00095911 affordance that we take for for granted FynYQC2EwyA-00404-00095912-00096159 in the context of our interaction and it FynYQC2EwyA-00405-00096160-00096391 changes uh in the long term the FynYQC2EwyA-00406-00096392-00096638 interaction and it can like drive the FynYQC2EwyA-00407-00096639-00096831 interaction in various ways but it's not FynYQC2EwyA-00408-00096832-00097079 something to be acted uh directly FynYQC2EwyA-00409-00097080-00097303 immediately so that's the the the basic FynYQC2EwyA-00410-00097304-00097638 distinction and that's like the the FynYQC2EwyA-00411-00097639-00097815 beginning of a distinction between FynYQC2EwyA-00412-00097816-00098038 informative and imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00413-00098039-00098215 and i can say a few words about FynYQC2EwyA-00414-00098216-00098374 interrogative too FynYQC2EwyA-00415-00098375-00098687 so as we said um FynYQC2EwyA-00416-00098688-00098999 uh and and communication is acting FynYQC2EwyA-00417-00099000-00099159 typically acting through the behavior of FynYQC2EwyA-00418-00099160-00099303 somebody else FynYQC2EwyA-00419-00099304-00099494 by by FynYQC2EwyA-00420-00099495-00099767 by uh altering its field of affordance FynYQC2EwyA-00421-00099768-00099991 and interrogative uh it's interesting FynYQC2EwyA-00422-00099992-00100182 because it's exactly the distinction FynYQC2EwyA-00423-00100183-00100382 between between imperative and FynYQC2EwyA-00424-00100383-00100638 interrogative is uh really similar to FynYQC2EwyA-00425-00100639-00100879 the distinction between pragmatic value FynYQC2EwyA-00426-00100880-00101118 and epistemic value in active inference FynYQC2EwyA-00427-00101119-00101359 so for instance when we produce an FynYQC2EwyA-00428-00101360-00101615 action that aims to maximize uh FynYQC2EwyA-00429-00101616-00101838 pragmatic value we are trying to for FynYQC2EwyA-00430-00101839-00102023 instance to um FynYQC2EwyA-00431-00102024-00102174 to FynYQC2EwyA-00432-00102175-00102391 make the state of the world correspond FynYQC2EwyA-00433-00102392-00102590 to a prediction of our generative model FynYQC2EwyA-00434-00102591-00102806 and when we uh make something which is FynYQC2EwyA-00435-00102807-00103015 guided by epistemic value what we try to FynYQC2EwyA-00436-00103016-00103215 do is we're trying to reduce in certain FynYQC2EwyA-00437-00103216-00103423 uncertainty about our our niche for FynYQC2EwyA-00438-00103424-00103615 instance but so FynYQC2EwyA-00439-00103616-00103902 in a way so for instance when i'm eating FynYQC2EwyA-00440-00103903-00104102 something i'm i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00441-00104103-00104447 maximizing my uh my my pragmatic value FynYQC2EwyA-00442-00104448-00104734 because i'm uh for instance reducing a FynYQC2EwyA-00443-00104735-00104943 prediction error that time i'm hungry FynYQC2EwyA-00444-00104944-00105143 and i want to so that's like a basic FynYQC2EwyA-00445-00105144-00105358 example so but when i'm exploring my FynYQC2EwyA-00446-00105359-00105551 environment when i'm making a visual FynYQC2EwyA-00447-00105552-00105710 decade to FynYQC2EwyA-00448-00105711-00105863 explore my niche so that would be an FynYQC2EwyA-00449-00105864-00106078 epistemic uh FynYQC2EwyA-00450-00106079-00106375 action so to speak so interrogative acts FynYQC2EwyA-00451-00106376-00106639 of language are exactly analog to FynYQC2EwyA-00452-00106640-00106886 epistemic actions but they are epistemic FynYQC2EwyA-00453-00106888-00107078 actions through the behavior of somebody FynYQC2EwyA-00454-00107079-00107310 else so instead of for instance by FynYQC2EwyA-00455-00107311-00107558 myself exploring the niche exploring the FynYQC2EwyA-00456-00107559-00107790 field of affordance i can produce this FynYQC2EwyA-00457-00107791-00108031 act that will make the other person this FynYQC2EwyA-00458-00108032-00108247 close to me an element of the field of FynYQC2EwyA-00459-00108248-00108478 affordance that um FynYQC2EwyA-00460-00108479-00108678 can then reduce my uncertainty about FynYQC2EwyA-00461-00108679-00108895 what is the context of our action so FynYQC2EwyA-00462-00108896-00109078 that's really the distinction between FynYQC2EwyA-00463-00109079-00109302 imperative and interrogative is really FynYQC2EwyA-00464-00109303-00109463 to be understood along the line of the FynYQC2EwyA-00465-00109464-00109671 distinction between pragmatic value and FynYQC2EwyA-00466-00109672-00109919 epistemic value so that's FynYQC2EwyA-00467-00109920-00110102 a beginning to an introduction to these FynYQC2EwyA-00468-00110103-00110343 these distinctions in the FynYQC2EwyA-00469-00110344-00110902 in the types of acts of language FynYQC2EwyA-00470-00110903-00111054 thanks tommy you totally you totally FynYQC2EwyA-00471-00111055-00111295 read my mind there about like what i FynYQC2EwyA-00472-00111296-00111454 wanted to to FynYQC2EwyA-00473-00111455-00111607 elaborate on even though my question was FynYQC2EwyA-00474-00111608-00111863 like very poorly framed um yeah i think FynYQC2EwyA-00475-00111864-00112110 that that's very useful for um FynYQC2EwyA-00476-00112111-00112302 especially in like the goal directed FynYQC2EwyA-00477-00112303-00112647 aspect of um imperative versus FynYQC2EwyA-00478-00112648-00112966 interrogative or informative like what FynYQC2EwyA-00479-00112967-00113231 how how they interact with our maybe are FynYQC2EwyA-00480-00113232-00113423 we don't have a joint goal versus we do FynYQC2EwyA-00481-00113424-00113623 have a joint goal or the goal is to FynYQC2EwyA-00482-00113624-00113854 develop some shared state of a shared FynYQC2EwyA-00483-00113855-00113983 mental state FynYQC2EwyA-00484-00113983-00114343 so that was really helpful thank you FynYQC2EwyA-00485-00114344-00114702 another note is that the informative FynYQC2EwyA-00486-00114703-00114871 behavior FynYQC2EwyA-00487-00114872-00115215 is like the base class of the FynYQC2EwyA-00488-00115216-00115366 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00489-00115367-00115566 because it seems to be like it's FynYQC2EwyA-00490-00115567-00115886 updating one on the details like what if FynYQC2EwyA-00491-00115888-00116102 i'm saying there is a gallon of milk in FynYQC2EwyA-00492-00116103-00116286 the fridge FynYQC2EwyA-00493-00116288-00116486 truly what else could be conveyed other FynYQC2EwyA-00494-00116488-00116663 than the content so it seems like the FynYQC2EwyA-00495-00116664-00116902 most natural and then there's specific FynYQC2EwyA-00496-00116903-00117319 kinds of content like um FynYQC2EwyA-00497-00117320-00117439 sharing the content that you have a FynYQC2EwyA-00498-00117440-00117615 question or sharing the content that you FynYQC2EwyA-00499-00117616-00117847 would like somebody to act and so in FynYQC2EwyA-00500-00117848-00117934 that way FynYQC2EwyA-00501-00117935-00118110 as you described FynYQC2EwyA-00502-00118111-00118310 many forms of speech behavior are well FynYQC2EwyA-00503-00118311-00118558 accounted for in the transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-00504-00118559-00118751 and that accounting is actually kind of FynYQC2EwyA-00505-00118752-00118895 a callback to FynYQC2EwyA-00506-00118896-00119231 that math stream for with david spivak FynYQC2EwyA-00507-00119232-00119423 about accounting systems so these are FynYQC2EwyA-00508-00119424-00119639 like accounting models FynYQC2EwyA-00509-00119640-00119719 um FynYQC2EwyA-00510-00119720-00119854 and then you FynYQC2EwyA-00511-00119855-00120158 highlighted that the imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00512-00120159-00120486 in the inactive and ecological FynYQC2EwyA-00513-00120488-00120647 view on communication FynYQC2EwyA-00514-00120648-00120919 that the imperative is perhaps the basic FynYQC2EwyA-00515-00120920-00121134 form of communication and that can be FynYQC2EwyA-00516-00121135-00121334 seen developmentally FynYQC2EwyA-00517-00121335-00121486 through a FynYQC2EwyA-00518-00121488-00121710 child and the kinds of communications FynYQC2EwyA-00519-00121711-00121919 that they might engage in FynYQC2EwyA-00520-00121920-00122071 as well as from an evolutionary FynYQC2EwyA-00521-00122072-00122407 perspective with the kinds of audio or FynYQC2EwyA-00522-00122408-00122678 chemical or physical stigmargy and marks FynYQC2EwyA-00523-00122679-00122895 that different kinds of creatures use to FynYQC2EwyA-00524-00122896-00123127 communicate within and across species so FynYQC2EwyA-00525-00123128-00123334 those are action-oriented FynYQC2EwyA-00526-00123335-00123519 communications FynYQC2EwyA-00527-00123520-00123839 as we can then say all action-oriented FynYQC2EwyA-00528-00123840-00123966 communication FynYQC2EwyA-00529-00123967-00124110 or all communication FynYQC2EwyA-00530-00124111-00124343 we can say is action-oriented in an FynYQC2EwyA-00531-00124344-00124639 analogous way so then imperative becomes FynYQC2EwyA-00532-00124640-00124854 the base class FynYQC2EwyA-00533-00124855-00125047 shaping the field of affordances if FynYQC2EwyA-00534-00125048-00125199 that's what the ecological view on FynYQC2EwyA-00535-00125200-00125366 communication is FynYQC2EwyA-00536-00125367-00125583 is going to be most natural with kinds FynYQC2EwyA-00537-00125583-00125790 of expressions that we can say are FynYQC2EwyA-00538-00125791-00125902 imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00539-00125903-00126039 and then FynYQC2EwyA-00540-00126040-00126271 informative updates FynYQC2EwyA-00541-00126272-00126583 are like one step removed from direct FynYQC2EwyA-00542-00126583-00126758 action requests FynYQC2EwyA-00543-00126759-00127054 so saying turn the handle to the left FynYQC2EwyA-00544-00127055-00127247 is an imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00545-00127248-00127431 if you said FynYQC2EwyA-00546-00127432-00127575 i'm going to inform you about two things FynYQC2EwyA-00547-00127576-00127871 the handle can be turned to the left and FynYQC2EwyA-00548-00127872-00128054 if this happens you may want to turn the FynYQC2EwyA-00549-00128055-00128334 handle those are breaking down a FynYQC2EwyA-00550-00128335-00128543 capacity for action FynYQC2EwyA-00551-00128544-00128886 into sequential or modular or FynYQC2EwyA-00552-00128888-00129127 recomposable FynYQC2EwyA-00553-00129128-00129278 statements FynYQC2EwyA-00554-00129279-00129654 but those statements are like hiding FynYQC2EwyA-00555-00129655-00129895 the consequences of action FynYQC2EwyA-00556-00129896-00130143 and so in that way we we can have an FynYQC2EwyA-00557-00130144-00130447 action-oriented view on communication FynYQC2EwyA-00558-00130448-00130814 and then see different kinds of other FynYQC2EwyA-00559-00130815-00130943 behavior FynYQC2EwyA-00560-00130944-00131087 as like FynYQC2EwyA-00561-00131088-00131295 modified or FynYQC2EwyA-00562-00131296-00131623 truncated or censored or hidden FynYQC2EwyA-00563-00131624-00131759 action FynYQC2EwyA-00564-00131760-00131999 modification FynYQC2EwyA-00565-00132000-00132239 and that may or may not entail needing FynYQC2EwyA-00566-00132240-00132447 to even explain FynYQC2EwyA-00567-00132448-00132647 how meaning is represented transmitted FynYQC2EwyA-00568-00132648-00132983 or received FynYQC2EwyA-00569-00132984-00133151 yes remy FynYQC2EwyA-00570-00133152-00133407 oh yeah and uh that that's exactly it so FynYQC2EwyA-00571-00133408-00133495 the FynYQC2EwyA-00572-00133496-00133663 that's really the the FynYQC2EwyA-00573-00133664-00133814 the idea explained it very well and FynYQC2EwyA-00574-00133815-00134039 another example that we that we often FynYQC2EwyA-00575-00134040-00134231 use with here is the FynYQC2EwyA-00576-00134232-00134527 the joint action of uh cooking a meal FynYQC2EwyA-00577-00134528-00134783 with various people so like we an FynYQC2EwyA-00578-00134784-00135023 example we used in the last discussion FynYQC2EwyA-00579-00135024-00135247 the example of moving a couch so another FynYQC2EwyA-00580-00135248-00135439 example maybe to to change a bit our FynYQC2EwyA-00581-00135440-00135614 intuitions about communication so with FynYQC2EwyA-00582-00135615-00135823 people cooking a meal together we can FynYQC2EwyA-00583-00135824-00136159 suppose that some people uh some of the FynYQC2EwyA-00584-00136160-00136343 suppose that we're in the kitchen of one FynYQC2EwyA-00585-00136344-00136519 of the the person and the other doesn't FynYQC2EwyA-00586-00136520-00136759 know exactly where all the things are FynYQC2EwyA-00587-00136760-00136966 and so a person the person could say FynYQC2EwyA-00588-00136967-00137263 there's flour in the in the FynYQC2EwyA-00589-00137264-00137519 in the cupboard or in the pantry and FynYQC2EwyA-00590-00137520-00137695 saying that that's an information FynYQC2EwyA-00591-00137696-00137878 informative active language but that FynYQC2EwyA-00592-00137879-00138119 could that's like that might be a hidden FynYQC2EwyA-00593-00138120-00138254 imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00594-00138255-00138471 in so far as at some point in the FynYQC2EwyA-00595-00138472-00138671 interaction in the cooking of the meal FynYQC2EwyA-00596-00138672-00138878 the the flower might be needed and at FynYQC2EwyA-00597-00138879-00139087 this point this alteration of the field FynYQC2EwyA-00598-00139088-00139311 of affordances this appearance of the FynYQC2EwyA-00599-00139312-00139478 flower as an affordance and that is in FynYQC2EwyA-00600-00139479-00139695 the context might drive the action of FynYQC2EwyA-00601-00139696-00139895 the person when the flower is needed at FynYQC2EwyA-00602-00139896-00140078 a certain point the person will have FynYQC2EwyA-00603-00140079-00140343 this affordance in its field and will uh FynYQC2EwyA-00604-00140344-00140614 go to to to seek it if it's necessary at FynYQC2EwyA-00605-00140615-00140911 that point so the informative is as i FynYQC2EwyA-00606-00140912-00141278 said something like an a dispositional FynYQC2EwyA-00607-00141279-00141511 or long-term imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00608-00141512-00141775 some something of a hidden imperative uh FynYQC2EwyA-00609-00141776-00142071 that can drive behavior in the long term FynYQC2EwyA-00610-00142072-00142263 so so it's like at the beginning this FynYQC2EwyA-00611-00142264-00142414 distinction is more or less FynYQC2EwyA-00612-00142415-00142751 a distinction of like is this affordance FynYQC2EwyA-00613-00142752-00142943 to be acted upon FynYQC2EwyA-00614-00142944-00143239 immediately by you or is it posed in the FynYQC2EwyA-00615-00143240-00143566 context and can like alter the dynamic FynYQC2EwyA-00616-00143567-00143783 without being directly acted upon FynYQC2EwyA-00617-00143784-00144054 immediately so that's how the the basic FynYQC2EwyA-00618-00144055-00144423 distinction is drawn and yeah i i think FynYQC2EwyA-00619-00144424-00144647 that that's that's how we try to to FynYQC2EwyA-00620-00144648-00144911 account for informative uh FynYQC2EwyA-00621-00144912-00145063 without FynYQC2EwyA-00622-00145064-00145295 describing it as uh transmitting a FynYQC2EwyA-00623-00145296-00145511 content or an information uh so so FynYQC2EwyA-00624-00145512-00145711 that's that's the idea and i think that FynYQC2EwyA-00625-00145712-00145935 you explain it very well uh in your in FynYQC2EwyA-00626-00145936-00146014 your FynYQC2EwyA-00627-00146015-00146175 in your your FynYQC2EwyA-00628-00146176-00146295 yeah FynYQC2EwyA-00629-00146296-00146647 in your explanation FynYQC2EwyA-00630-00146648-00146943 good yeah it's very FynYQC2EwyA-00631-00146944-00147295 interesting it's just another FynYQC2EwyA-00632-00147296-00147639 consequence of centering action FynYQC2EwyA-00633-00147640-00148047 so many things that the pragmatic turn FynYQC2EwyA-00634-00148048-00148183 pragmatism FynYQC2EwyA-00635-00148184-00148366 earlier than the so-called pragmatic FynYQC2EwyA-00636-00148367-00148483 turn in the FynYQC2EwyA-00637-00148484-00148639 neurosciences and all of the FynYQC2EwyA-00638-00148640-00149014 developments in cognitive science FynYQC2EwyA-00639-00149015-00149343 in many cases it's been like FynYQC2EwyA-00640-00149344-00149702 an information or an inference view FynYQC2EwyA-00641-00149703-00149966 yielding to an action view FynYQC2EwyA-00642-00149967-00150111 and that has just played out differently FynYQC2EwyA-00643-00150112-00150375 on different frontiers FynYQC2EwyA-00644-00150376-00150654 and it feels like in a way language is FynYQC2EwyA-00645-00150655-00150743 like FynYQC2EwyA-00646-00150744-00150902 the stronghold FynYQC2EwyA-00647-00150903-00151254 of information views FynYQC2EwyA-00648-00151255-00151566 because it's like so amenable to FynYQC2EwyA-00649-00151567-00151871 syntactic and discourse analysis FynYQC2EwyA-00650-00151872-00152126 in a and compositionality FynYQC2EwyA-00651-00152127-00152423 and all these features that we see in FynYQC2EwyA-00652-00152424-00152766 formal models and in computer systems FynYQC2EwyA-00653-00152767-00152943 that it feels like oh maybe all the FynYQC2EwyA-00654-00152944-00153214 funny stuff that people do and say FynYQC2EwyA-00655-00153215-00153447 we'll figure that one out FynYQC2EwyA-00656-00153448-00153639 too FynYQC2EwyA-00657-00153640-00154207 blue and then dean FynYQC2EwyA-00658-00154208-00154471 so i just wonder about um FynYQC2EwyA-00659-00154472-00154654 like mimicry FynYQC2EwyA-00660-00154655-00154839 which is something that we see like in FynYQC2EwyA-00661-00154840-00155183 the animal kingdom a lot um and like FynYQC2EwyA-00662-00155184-00155431 whether that is uh imperative i mean FynYQC2EwyA-00663-00155432-00155623 sometimes i guess it can be imperative FynYQC2EwyA-00664-00155624-00155702 like FynYQC2EwyA-00665-00155703-00155926 um watch me do this and then you do it FynYQC2EwyA-00666-00155927-00156159 but but not always some so sometimes FynYQC2EwyA-00667-00156160-00156254 it's like FynYQC2EwyA-00668-00156255-00156511 um you know an animal will see another FynYQC2EwyA-00669-00156512-00156702 animal do something and then they try it FynYQC2EwyA-00670-00156703-00157007 too right and and so what um i don't FynYQC2EwyA-00671-00157008-00157326 know i just don't know how to like FynYQC2EwyA-00672-00157327-00157519 in the terms of teaching and learning FynYQC2EwyA-00673-00157520-00157751 and like shared goal directedness like FynYQC2EwyA-00674-00157752-00157983 what is maybe the role of mimicry and FynYQC2EwyA-00675-00157984-00158223 how does that like what is the effect on FynYQC2EwyA-00676-00158224-00158383 the field of affordances does it just FynYQC2EwyA-00677-00158384-00158543 open up like you see someone do FynYQC2EwyA-00678-00158544-00158654 something and then your field of FynYQC2EwyA-00679-00158655-00158871 affordances opens to that is also FynYQC2EwyA-00680-00158872-00159151 possible for me or does that not have FynYQC2EwyA-00681-00159152-00159366 maybe like a semantic analog i don't FynYQC2EwyA-00682-00159367-00159639 know FynYQC2EwyA-00683-00159640-00159854 yeah that's a really good question and FynYQC2EwyA-00684-00159855-00160047 often people FynYQC2EwyA-00685-00160048-00160159 who FynYQC2EwyA-00686-00160160-00160463 adopt the transmission view will uh FynYQC2EwyA-00687-00160464-00160702 adopt the view that the the main driver FynYQC2EwyA-00688-00160703-00160935 of the evolution of language FynYQC2EwyA-00689-00160936-00161199 in human societies was the transmitting FynYQC2EwyA-00690-00161200-00161583 of uh of knowledge and of skills for FynYQC2EwyA-00691-00161584-00161847 instance and of of uh various types of FynYQC2EwyA-00692-00161848-00162102 activities so that's like a FynYQC2EwyA-00693-00162103-00162383 a clear example where it seems that the FynYQC2EwyA-00694-00162384-00162639 transmission view has a story to say FynYQC2EwyA-00695-00162640-00162790 uh FynYQC2EwyA-00696-00162791-00162871 when FynYQC2EwyA-00697-00162872-00163263 if we if we take for granted that like FynYQC2EwyA-00698-00163264-00163623 imitating somebody or or FynYQC2EwyA-00699-00163624-00163878 or learning something to somebody is in FynYQC2EwyA-00700-00163879-00164214 effect transmitting a knowledge or a a a FynYQC2EwyA-00701-00164215-00164463 certain kind of of uh of mental state or FynYQC2EwyA-00702-00164464-00164687 coming to cognitive states so that FynYQC2EwyA-00703-00164688-00164919 there's clearly FynYQC2EwyA-00704-00164920-00165054 something interesting there for the FynYQC2EwyA-00705-00165055-00165302 transmission view but i think that's an FynYQC2EwyA-00706-00165303-00165535 an alternative possible analysis you FynYQC2EwyA-00707-00165536-00165702 just heard uh FynYQC2EwyA-00708-00165703-00166007 at it is the idea that you you FynYQC2EwyA-00709-00166008-00166214 when you're interacting with somebody FynYQC2EwyA-00710-00166215-00166447 and for specifically with somebody of FynYQC2EwyA-00711-00166448-00166663 you of your own species seeing this FynYQC2EwyA-00712-00166664-00166839 person do something FynYQC2EwyA-00713-00166840-00167126 can open new affordances for yourself FynYQC2EwyA-00714-00167127-00167319 for instance if i say i see somebody FynYQC2EwyA-00715-00167320-00167551 that looks like me do something FynYQC2EwyA-00716-00167552-00167831 i'm i have learned that when FynYQC2EwyA-00717-00167832-00168007 somebody like look looks like me does FynYQC2EwyA-00718-00168008-00168271 something usually maybe with a little FynYQC2EwyA-00719-00168272-00168495 bit of effort i can do it too so FynYQC2EwyA-00720-00168496-00168807 do somebody doing something is a way of FynYQC2EwyA-00721-00168808-00169023 opening opening up new affordances for FynYQC2EwyA-00722-00169024-00169278 me and trying to achieve it so FynYQC2EwyA-00723-00169279-00169495 in in many cases mimicry will not FynYQC2EwyA-00724-00169496-00169735 necessarily be communicative that is FynYQC2EwyA-00725-00169736-00169943 because an organism can do something FynYQC2EwyA-00726-00169944-00170135 without having no FynYQC2EwyA-00727-00170136-00170407 is not communicating nothing to anybody FynYQC2EwyA-00728-00170408-00170575 but it happens that somebody else FynYQC2EwyA-00729-00170576-00170766 watches it and FynYQC2EwyA-00730-00170767-00170935 imitates it so in that case there's not FynYQC2EwyA-00731-00170936-00171038 necessarily FynYQC2EwyA-00732-00171039-00171271 a communication but in cases where there FynYQC2EwyA-00733-00171272-00171511 is communication involved i think we can FynYQC2EwyA-00734-00171512-00171743 analyze indeed analyze it FynYQC2EwyA-00735-00171744-00172126 just as you said that is saying that FynYQC2EwyA-00736-00172127-00172407 the action of the organism opens up a FynYQC2EwyA-00737-00172408-00172575 new affordance for FynYQC2EwyA-00738-00172576-00172766 the the the person who's watching it FynYQC2EwyA-00739-00172767-00173038 doing it and usually in cases of FynYQC2EwyA-00740-00173039-00173223 explicit uh FynYQC2EwyA-00741-00173224-00173519 skill learning for instance the the the FynYQC2EwyA-00742-00173520-00173726 expert will like do the thing more FynYQC2EwyA-00743-00173727-00174007 deliberately more slowly more explicitly FynYQC2EwyA-00744-00174008-00174231 to like uh show what are the relevant FynYQC2EwyA-00745-00174232-00174487 movement that has to be made in order to FynYQC2EwyA-00746-00174488-00174654 achieve so that's like FynYQC2EwyA-00747-00174655-00174926 making more salient the kind of of uh of FynYQC2EwyA-00748-00174927-00175214 movement that have to be made to uh to FynYQC2EwyA-00749-00175215-00175471 uh to succeed in in FynYQC2EwyA-00750-00175472-00175735 in performing the skill so i think FynYQC2EwyA-00751-00175736-00176007 that's a a way that we can understand FynYQC2EwyA-00752-00176008-00176159 this kind of skill learning in the FynYQC2EwyA-00753-00176160-00176359 transformation of the affordances that FynYQC2EwyA-00754-00176360-00176543 are available to the person that's FynYQC2EwyA-00755-00176544-00176975 receiving the uh the communication FynYQC2EwyA-00756-00176976-00177214 that's how i would i i think i would FynYQC2EwyA-00757-00177215-00177390 analyze it FynYQC2EwyA-00758-00177391-00177519 one FynYQC2EwyA-00759-00177520-00177751 simple uh example kind of building on FynYQC2EwyA-00760-00177752-00177966 this making certain actions deliberate FynYQC2EwyA-00761-00177967-00178071 then FynYQC2EwyA-00762-00178072-00178166 dean FynYQC2EwyA-00763-00178167-00178359 interested for your thoughts FynYQC2EwyA-00764-00178360-00178759 even showing something deliberately FynYQC2EwyA-00765-00178760-00179038 verbally calling attention or just the FynYQC2EwyA-00766-00179039-00179231 position of the body for a physical FynYQC2EwyA-00767-00179232-00179351 skill FynYQC2EwyA-00768-00179352-00179535 it shapes the field of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-00769-00179536-00179831 specifically where somebody can look FynYQC2EwyA-00770-00179832-00179990 so if you're like okay i'm going to FynYQC2EwyA-00771-00179991-00180183 swing the bat and then now i'm going to FynYQC2EwyA-00772-00180184-00180366 show you what my hand you know this FynYQC2EwyA-00773-00180367-00180511 isn't usually how i do it but now i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00774-00180512-00180631 going to show you how i was holding it FynYQC2EwyA-00775-00180632-00180766 at that time FynYQC2EwyA-00776-00180767-00181031 you have shaped their field of ocular FynYQC2EwyA-00777-00181032-00181359 motor affordances in and that is what FynYQC2EwyA-00778-00181360-00181735 enables their generative model to update FynYQC2EwyA-00779-00181736-00181838 and so FynYQC2EwyA-00780-00181839-00182083 nowhere in that account FynYQC2EwyA-00781-00182084-00182454 is i'm transmitting that this is to be FynYQC2EwyA-00782-00182455-00182695 held between these two fingers FynYQC2EwyA-00783-00182696-00182895 let alone counter factuals like here's FynYQC2EwyA-00784-00182896-00183199 what you do if your hand is slippery FynYQC2EwyA-00785-00183200-00183326 but FynYQC2EwyA-00786-00183327-00183559 by bodily posture FynYQC2EwyA-00787-00183560-00183895 including vocal box bodily posture FynYQC2EwyA-00788-00183896-00184278 we can have an integrated account of FynYQC2EwyA-00789-00184279-00184535 mimicry skill transfer FynYQC2EwyA-00790-00184536-00184726 again transfers playing way too strongly FynYQC2EwyA-00791-00184727-00185102 into a transmission view but um FynYQC2EwyA-00792-00185103-00185423 skill resonance or something similar FynYQC2EwyA-00793-00185424-00185654 that helps recognize the cognitive FynYQC2EwyA-00794-00185655-00185799 entities FynYQC2EwyA-00795-00185800-00186071 learning process FynYQC2EwyA-00796-00186072-00186343 dean FynYQC2EwyA-00797-00186344-00186623 um okay well i want to take what you're FynYQC2EwyA-00798-00186624-00186743 saying but i'm going to put a little bit FynYQC2EwyA-00799-00186744-00186911 of a weird flex on it because i want to FynYQC2EwyA-00800-00186912-00187054 try to combine FynYQC2EwyA-00801-00187055-00187319 blues pin and remy's pin and daniel's FynYQC2EwyA-00802-00187320-00187575 pin into one kind of question FynYQC2EwyA-00803-00187576-00187838 that comes back to the paper so like the FynYQC2EwyA-00804-00187839-00188095 last five minutes of the conversation FynYQC2EwyA-00805-00188096-00188311 has been focused on FynYQC2EwyA-00806-00188312-00188638 the act of and as typing when it FynYQC2EwyA-00807-00188639-00188895 pertains to language and communication FynYQC2EwyA-00808-00188896-00189223 and and blue bringing mimicry in is a is FynYQC2EwyA-00809-00189224-00189478 a form of as FynYQC2EwyA-00810-00189479-00189671 versus a lot of the emphasis in the FynYQC2EwyA-00811-00189672-00189935 paper which is on the of FynYQC2EwyA-00812-00189936-00190126 of communication and language so here's FynYQC2EwyA-00813-00190127-00190399 my question FynYQC2EwyA-00814-00190400-00190614 i went back and read the paper again and FynYQC2EwyA-00815-00190615-00190999 i caught myself asking what do i hear FynYQC2EwyA-00816-00191000-00191143 when i'm reading something or i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00817-00191144-00191559 listening to someone what do i hear FynYQC2EwyA-00818-00191560-00191883 as both processor and the producer FynYQC2EwyA-00819-00191884-00192326 as we mentioned off-camera an arranger FynYQC2EwyA-00820-00192327-00192519 of something FynYQC2EwyA-00821-00192520-00192814 being signaled which i'm picking up on FynYQC2EwyA-00822-00192815-00192999 and decoding FynYQC2EwyA-00823-00193000-00193199 so FynYQC2EwyA-00824-00193200-00193359 rather than just leave it there i'll FynYQC2EwyA-00825-00193360-00193495 park that for a second because i think FynYQC2EwyA-00826-00193496-00193654 that's the the FynYQC2EwyA-00827-00193655-00193919 the nut of what i want to ask FynYQC2EwyA-00828-00193920-00194126 as a processor and a producer as an FynYQC2EwyA-00829-00194127-00194454 arranger i can hear things in mono FynYQC2EwyA-00830-00194455-00194678 i can hear things in stereo i can even FynYQC2EwyA-00831-00194679-00194911 hear things if i go to my apple music in FynYQC2EwyA-00832-00194912-00195159 spatial audio FynYQC2EwyA-00833-00195160-00195359 so FynYQC2EwyA-00834-00195360-00195559 that is a field of affordances a FynYQC2EwyA-00835-00195560-00195790 question as opposed to a source FynYQC2EwyA-00836-00195791-00195975 of affordances question and if i only FynYQC2EwyA-00837-00195976-00196199 limit myself to the source i'm going to FynYQC2EwyA-00838-00196200-00196407 be asking only of FynYQC2EwyA-00839-00196408-00196687 type questions FynYQC2EwyA-00840-00196688-00196799 right FynYQC2EwyA-00841-00196800-00196887 so FynYQC2EwyA-00842-00196888-00197135 if i want to stay in the as of if i want FynYQC2EwyA-00843-00197136-00197343 to be able to hold up two things at once FynYQC2EwyA-00844-00197344-00197678 at a minimum the stereo or the spatial FynYQC2EwyA-00845-00197679-00197838 that's when i get into the ecological FynYQC2EwyA-00846-00197839-00197975 even if it's FynYQC2EwyA-00847-00197976-00198223 specific ecological because i'm not FynYQC2EwyA-00848-00198224-00198407 collapsing down to FynYQC2EwyA-00849-00198408-00198599 a single source FynYQC2EwyA-00850-00198600-00198919 as my point of contact FynYQC2EwyA-00851-00198920-00199190 which then asks leads me to ask the fact FynYQC2EwyA-00852-00199191-00199447 that communication can be formed as and FynYQC2EwyA-00853-00199448-00199671 of types meaning FynYQC2EwyA-00854-00199672-00199990 mono stereo spatial FynYQC2EwyA-00855-00199991-00200287 mimicry interrogation the fact that it FynYQC2EwyA-00856-00200288-00200550 can be broken out into those things does FynYQC2EwyA-00857-00200551-00200759 that introduce FynYQC2EwyA-00858-00200760-00200975 self-production FynYQC2EwyA-00859-00200976-00201287 into the self-processing FynYQC2EwyA-00860-00201288-00201423 in your paper FynYQC2EwyA-00861-00201424-00201614 because i know there's a heavy emphasis FynYQC2EwyA-00862-00201615-00201750 on the of FynYQC2EwyA-00863-00201751-00201847 on the FynYQC2EwyA-00864-00201848-00201999 processing FynYQC2EwyA-00865-00202000-00202126 but i wonder FynYQC2EwyA-00866-00202127-00202399 if you keep the as when blue brings it FynYQC2EwyA-00867-00202400-00202638 up or when daniel brings it up FynYQC2EwyA-00868-00202639-00202783 if we're if we're keeping it on that FynYQC2EwyA-00869-00202784-00203102 even a specific ecological level FynYQC2EwyA-00870-00203103-00203335 are we not when we hear something FynYQC2EwyA-00871-00203336-00203502 producers FynYQC2EwyA-00872-00203503-00204487 as well FynYQC2EwyA-00873-00204488-00204766 what are we producing FynYQC2EwyA-00874-00204767-00204966 i i have no idea but i know i hear FynYQC2EwyA-00875-00204967-00205166 something even when i i read what you're FynYQC2EwyA-00876-00205167-00205358 typing oh i'm not just hearing the FynYQC2EwyA-00877-00205359-00205527 tapity tap FynYQC2EwyA-00878-00205528-00205879 i'm hearing something we are proud FynYQC2EwyA-00879-00205880-00206062 to produce FynYQC2EwyA-00880-00206063-00206286 we are producing like it's changing i'm FynYQC2EwyA-00881-00206287-00206510 hearing that FynYQC2EwyA-00882-00206511-00206671 not FynYQC2EwyA-00883-00206671-00206790 reading that FynYQC2EwyA-00884-00206791-00207062 so if i incorporate that FynYQC2EwyA-00885-00207063-00207310 what am i doing and i'm not the expert FynYQC2EwyA-00886-00207311-00207519 on communication so i wonder what the FynYQC2EwyA-00887-00207519-00208151 expert can tell me about them FynYQC2EwyA-00888-00208152-00208406 yeah that's a good question FynYQC2EwyA-00889-00208407-00208623 um FynYQC2EwyA-00890-00208623-00208710 yeah FynYQC2EwyA-00891-00208711-00209055 i'm not sure what to say about that FynYQC2EwyA-00892-00209056-00209446 blue first and then we'll continue FynYQC2EwyA-00893-00209448-00209710 so i wonder if um what you're hearing FynYQC2EwyA-00894-00209711-00209967 dean has anything to do with FynYQC2EwyA-00895-00209967-00210255 the internal monologue right so like as FynYQC2EwyA-00896-00210256-00210487 you are reading something then you are FynYQC2EwyA-00897-00210488-00210767 also hearing something right and so it's FynYQC2EwyA-00898-00210767-00211015 like there's this internal i mean FynYQC2EwyA-00899-00211016-00211279 like i have a very i'm a talker person FynYQC2EwyA-00900-00211280-00211446 and so i like i have a strong internal FynYQC2EwyA-00901-00211448-00211631 monologue like all the time running like FynYQC2EwyA-00902-00211632-00211775 even getting ready in the morning okay i FynYQC2EwyA-00903-00211776-00211967 need to get my shoes and get my purse FynYQC2EwyA-00904-00211967-00212119 and my keys and i have to pack my lunch FynYQC2EwyA-00905-00212119-00212310 and like all these things right like FynYQC2EwyA-00906-00212311-00212542 that happen so i'm constantly hearing FynYQC2EwyA-00907-00212544-00212734 that like as if i'm saying it maybe to FynYQC2EwyA-00908-00212735-00212951 myself even though i'm not speaking but FynYQC2EwyA-00909-00212952-00213127 but i wonder what um FynYQC2EwyA-00910-00213128-00213375 you know so i definitely am a producer FynYQC2EwyA-00911-00213376-00213606 of whatever i'm reading like i reproduce FynYQC2EwyA-00912-00213607-00213887 it i i reproduce it though right so i FynYQC2EwyA-00913-00213888-00214110 reproduce it in my own mind my own FynYQC2EwyA-00914-00214111-00214310 internal monologue but i wonder like i FynYQC2EwyA-00915-00214311-00214494 know not everyone has this internal FynYQC2EwyA-00916-00214496-00214815 monologue and so so what is it then the FynYQC2EwyA-00917-00214816-00214894 same FynYQC2EwyA-00918-00214896-00215110 for the people that don't perhaps have FynYQC2EwyA-00919-00215111-00215263 this internal monologue and maybe they FynYQC2EwyA-00920-00215264-00215423 carry around a picture of all the things FynYQC2EwyA-00921-00215423-00215551 that they need to get ready in the FynYQC2EwyA-00922-00215552-00215855 morning so yeah FynYQC2EwyA-00923-00215856-00215975 justine FynYQC2EwyA-00924-00215976-00216119 yeah and i think you bring up a good FynYQC2EwyA-00925-00216119-00216231 point blue FynYQC2EwyA-00926-00216232-00216567 is it a monologue is it a stereolog FynYQC2EwyA-00927-00216567-00216823 is it a quadrophonic log FynYQC2EwyA-00928-00216823-00217039 for some people i mean i mean there was FynYQC2EwyA-00929-00217040-00217310 an availability way back when maybe FynYQC2EwyA-00930-00217311-00217527 even before some of you were born there FynYQC2EwyA-00931-00217528-00217806 was quadrophonic sound i remember the FynYQC2EwyA-00932-00217807-00218175 who album and quadrophonic sound and FynYQC2EwyA-00933-00218176-00218294 like FynYQC2EwyA-00934-00218296-00218406 to my FynYQC2EwyA-00935-00218407-00218639 simple ears i didn't understand FynYQC2EwyA-00936-00218640-00218798 what that even meant just because they FynYQC2EwyA-00937-00218800-00219031 were able to break it out into four FynYQC2EwyA-00938-00219032-00219423 parts it didn't didn't change what i was FynYQC2EwyA-00939-00219423-00219679 both producing and processing FynYQC2EwyA-00940-00219680-00219806 so FynYQC2EwyA-00941-00219807-00220023 but but the fact that we can type it FynYQC2EwyA-00942-00220023-00220231 like that like not type it out but FynYQC2EwyA-00943-00220232-00220503 literally turn it into types FynYQC2EwyA-00944-00220504-00220703 is the part where i don't really have FynYQC2EwyA-00945-00220704-00220998 the background to be able to explain FynYQC2EwyA-00946-00221000-00221279 how that that ability that field of FynYQC2EwyA-00947-00221280-00221542 affordances as opposed to examining this FynYQC2EwyA-00948-00221544-00221871 as a single source of affordance FynYQC2EwyA-00949-00221871-00221991 changes FynYQC2EwyA-00950-00221992-00222223 the the communication gain because it FynYQC2EwyA-00951-00222223-00222487 does it certainly does speak to mimicry FynYQC2EwyA-00952-00222488-00222727 and what we can and cannot pick up it FynYQC2EwyA-00953-00222728-00222967 certainly speaks to daniel's point FynYQC2EwyA-00954-00222967-00223071 about FynYQC2EwyA-00955-00223071-00223439 about what happens when when layers FynYQC2EwyA-00956-00223440-00223767 appear and disappear because we narrow FynYQC2EwyA-00957-00223767-00223879 down FynYQC2EwyA-00958-00223880-00224103 what we're picking up on versus have FynYQC2EwyA-00959-00224104-00224367 have both of our ears working even FynYQC2EwyA-00960-00224367-00224655 though we think it's our eyes FynYQC2EwyA-00961-00224656-00224894 that are doing all the circadian right FynYQC2EwyA-00962-00224896-00225239 so again i'm not i'm not trying to FynYQC2EwyA-00963-00225240-00225455 ask the impossible question i'm just FynYQC2EwyA-00964-00225456-00225710 curious in the sense of producer FynYQC2EwyA-00965-00225711-00225879 and processor FynYQC2EwyA-00966-00225880-00226158 and what that arrangement is FynYQC2EwyA-00967-00226159-00226391 dependent upon what the what because FynYQC2EwyA-00968-00226392-00226567 daniel brought it up in the in the last FynYQC2EwyA-00969-00226567-00226958 live stream circumstances matter FynYQC2EwyA-00970-00226959-00227263 so but as a hearer FynYQC2EwyA-00971-00227264-00227710 i i wonder i wonder if we if we if we FynYQC2EwyA-00972-00227711-00227991 know enough about ourselves FynYQC2EwyA-00973-00227992-00228215 to really be able to to to give this FynYQC2EwyA-00974-00228216-00228479 anything more than it is FynYQC2EwyA-00975-00228480-00228710 as remy kindly pointed out in the paper FynYQC2EwyA-00976-00228711-00228871 give this more than FynYQC2EwyA-00977-00228871-00229127 sort of a a big road map FynYQC2EwyA-00978-00229128-00229319 view FynYQC2EwyA-00979-00229319-00229575 if we if we are taking context into FynYQC2EwyA-00980-00229576-00229863 consideration FynYQC2EwyA-00981-00229864-00230246 thank you remy FynYQC2EwyA-00982-00230248-00230471 yeah i think the discussion about uh FynYQC2EwyA-00983-00230471-00230751 internal monologue is really interesting FynYQC2EwyA-00984-00230752-00230910 and there's a lot of i think that you FynYQC2EwyA-00985-00230911-00231071 said the dean that orders i think really FynYQC2EwyA-00986-00231071-00231239 interesting but the i want to go back to FynYQC2EwyA-00987-00231240-00231479 the the the idea of the the monologue FynYQC2EwyA-00988-00231480-00231671 and FynYQC2EwyA-00989-00231671-00231871 there are some people who believe that FynYQC2EwyA-00990-00231871-00232142 like chomsky you believe that um FynYQC2EwyA-00991-00232144-00232398 language is not even for communication FynYQC2EwyA-00992-00232400-00232606 it's about structuring thought and so FynYQC2EwyA-00993-00232607-00232767 there's there are people who believe FynYQC2EwyA-00994-00232767-00233151 that the language is uh first and FynYQC2EwyA-00995-00233152-00233367 foremost something that FynYQC2EwyA-00996-00233367-00233598 is a property of the structure of our FynYQC2EwyA-00997-00233600-00233839 thoughts and not a property of systems FynYQC2EwyA-00998-00233840-00234119 of communication and FynYQC2EwyA-00999-00234119-00234215 so FynYQC2EwyA-01000-00234216-00234431 there's this idea that FynYQC2EwyA-01001-00234432-00234646 like the FynYQC2EwyA-01002-00234648-00234758 the the FynYQC2EwyA-01003-00234759-00235055 the inner monologue comes first and then FynYQC2EwyA-01004-00235056-00235271 comes the communication of this inner FynYQC2EwyA-01005-00235271-00235598 monologue in the in in in communication FynYQC2EwyA-01006-00235600-00235727 so FynYQC2EwyA-01007-00235728-00236039 we have this basically that is once uh FynYQC2EwyA-01008-00236040-00236151 once more FynYQC2EwyA-01009-00236152-00236351 inherent in the the transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-01010-00236352-00236582 that we have our train of thought we are FynYQC2EwyA-01011-00236583-00236806 we have our our uh FynYQC2EwyA-01012-00236807-00236991 the the the inner speech that we that we FynYQC2EwyA-01013-00236992-00237198 have in our heads and then we translate FynYQC2EwyA-01014-00237200-00237439 this in our speech in uh overt speech FynYQC2EwyA-01015-00237440-00237758 that is then uh taken by somebody else FynYQC2EwyA-01016-00237759-00237855 and FynYQC2EwyA-01017-00237856-00238271 i i think that this gets the the the the FynYQC2EwyA-01018-00238271-00238575 priority wrong between outer speech and FynYQC2EwyA-01019-00238576-00238742 inner speech and there's been a lot of FynYQC2EwyA-01020-00238744-00239087 work in philosophy by uh notably wilfrid FynYQC2EwyA-01021-00239088-00239263 sellers and FynYQC2EwyA-01022-00239264-00239439 by others in FynYQC2EwyA-01023-00239440-00239751 in psychology like vygotsky uh who say FynYQC2EwyA-01024-00239752-00240055 that the the first form of speech is FynYQC2EwyA-01025-00240056-00240391 overt speech that is then internalized FynYQC2EwyA-01026-00240392-00240534 in in FynYQC2EwyA-01027-00240535-00240782 that becomes like um FynYQC2EwyA-01028-00240783-00241031 that becomes inner but first in the FynYQC2EwyA-01029-00241032-00241351 beginning there's only over speech FynYQC2EwyA-01030-00241352-00241551 a child that learns language does not FynYQC2EwyA-01031-00241552-00241767 have an inner speech there's only outer FynYQC2EwyA-01032-00241767-00242071 speech that is expressed directly the FynYQC2EwyA-01033-00242071-00242263 child speaks the child FynYQC2EwyA-01034-00242264-00242406 do things with his words in its FynYQC2EwyA-01035-00242407-00242606 environment and does not directly FynYQC2EwyA-01036-00242607-00242927 automatically as the uh corresponding FynYQC2EwyA-01037-00242928-00243142 inner monologue in its head and there's FynYQC2EwyA-01038-00243144-00243294 a process that's really interesting i FynYQC2EwyA-01039-00243296-00243398 think FynYQC2EwyA-01040-00243400-00243727 that is uh that where we see that FynYQC2EwyA-01041-00243728-00243910 beginning to happen where the child FynYQC2EwyA-01042-00243911-00244134 speaks to itself alone when there's FynYQC2EwyA-01043-00244135-00244358 nobody else around and so there's this FynYQC2EwyA-01044-00244359-00244567 transition where language is used in FynYQC2EwyA-01045-00244567-00244742 communicative interaction and at some FynYQC2EwyA-01046-00244744-00244967 point the child use FynYQC2EwyA-01047-00244967-00245255 language alone and there's a question of FynYQC2EwyA-01048-00245256-00245479 why why does it do and and i think that FynYQC2EwyA-01049-00245480-00245734 our view of communication is really uh FynYQC2EwyA-01050-00245735-00246046 um interestingly uh linked with views of FynYQC2EwyA-01051-00246048-00246367 uh of uh inner monologue as self-cueing FynYQC2EwyA-01052-00246367-00246655 or self-regulation and so the the the FynYQC2EwyA-01053-00246656-00246782 child can FynYQC2EwyA-01054-00246783-00246982 uh author regulate its field of FynYQC2EwyA-01055-00246983-00247215 affordance when it's alone uh when FynYQC2EwyA-01056-00247216-00247494 there's nobody else around and in time FynYQC2EwyA-01057-00247496-00247782 this inner the outer uh FynYQC2EwyA-01058-00247783-00247879 zone FynYQC2EwyA-01059-00247880-00248087 for instance this outer monologue but FynYQC2EwyA-01060-00248088-00248439 alone monologue uh becomes overt because FynYQC2EwyA-01061-00248440-00248703 the the child learns to not necessarily FynYQC2EwyA-01062-00248704-00248927 produce the the the sound that FynYQC2EwyA-01063-00248928-00249094 correspond to the producing of these FynYQC2EwyA-01064-00249096-00249263 acts and there's there's this FynYQC2EwyA-01065-00249264-00249430 integration that's there's this FynYQC2EwyA-01066-00249431-00249630 internalization of FynYQC2EwyA-01067-00249631-00249823 outdoor discourse that becomes inner FynYQC2EwyA-01068-00249823-00250030 discourse and there's a lot of FynYQC2EwyA-01069-00250031-00250351 cute anecdotes about that my nephew is i FynYQC2EwyA-01070-00250352-00250655 i i have a nephew the son of my my FynYQC2EwyA-01071-00250656-00250967 sister and he's like when he's uh he's FynYQC2EwyA-01072-00250967-00251206 uh about to go to sleep he's in his bed FynYQC2EwyA-01073-00251207-00251310 and uh FynYQC2EwyA-01074-00251311-00251567 every night he's like we are saying the FynYQC2EwyA-01075-00251567-00251775 events that happened in the day and he's FynYQC2EwyA-01076-00251776-00251967 saying like the the FynYQC2EwyA-01077-00251967-00252215 the comments that that he the the rules FynYQC2EwyA-01078-00252216-00252415 the norms that he heard in the day oh i FynYQC2EwyA-01079-00252416-00252623 don't have to do that i must do that and FynYQC2EwyA-01080-00252623-00252823 so he's like we are saying what happened FynYQC2EwyA-01081-00252823-00253094 in the day so that this outer monologue FynYQC2EwyA-01082-00253096-00253319 when he's alone in his bed is like the FynYQC2EwyA-01083-00253319-00253575 beginning of inner thought we're seeing FynYQC2EwyA-01084-00253576-00253958 is thoughts uh uh out in the open and at FynYQC2EwyA-01085-00253959-00254110 some point this inner this outer FynYQC2EwyA-01086-00254111-00254382 monologue will become internalized and FynYQC2EwyA-01087-00254383-00254758 we we won't hear the his his thoughts uh FynYQC2EwyA-01088-00254759-00254967 out in the open but i think that's like FynYQC2EwyA-01089-00254967-00255151 the process that it takes FynYQC2EwyA-01090-00255152-00255351 and there's also the idea at another FynYQC2EwyA-01091-00255352-00255630 point that we we for instance when we FynYQC2EwyA-01092-00255631-00255942 read or usually we read uh silently so FynYQC2EwyA-01093-00255944-00256142 we we read what's written and we have FynYQC2EwyA-01094-00256144-00256319 the the corresponding inner monologue FynYQC2EwyA-01095-00256319-00256598 but it's known that in ancient times FynYQC2EwyA-01096-00256600-00256775 when people were reading usually they FynYQC2EwyA-01097-00256776-00257006 were reading automatically a lot FynYQC2EwyA-01098-00257007-00257382 loud loudly and they it took a training FynYQC2EwyA-01099-00257383-00257615 in order to be able to read without FynYQC2EwyA-01100-00257616-00257958 speaking the words uh uh and so so like FynYQC2EwyA-01101-00257959-00258175 in in middle age and then i i'm not FynYQC2EwyA-01102-00258176-00258351 perfectly sure it's if it's it's FynYQC2EwyA-01103-00258352-00258671 historically accurately we we should FynYQC2EwyA-01104-00258671-00258967 verify it but i i believe that's that's FynYQC2EwyA-01105-00258967-00259087 true FynYQC2EwyA-01106-00259088-00259303 it seems that i heard that so it seems FynYQC2EwyA-01107-00259304-00259542 that first there's the outer monologue FynYQC2EwyA-01108-00259544-00259663 the outer FynYQC2EwyA-01109-00259664-00259903 dialogue and then there's the outer FynYQC2EwyA-01110-00259904-00260134 monologue and then there's the inner FynYQC2EwyA-01111-00260135-00260391 monologue that comes after that and i FynYQC2EwyA-01112-00260392-00260598 think that's more the the the true FynYQC2EwyA-01113-00260600-00260823 direction of priority between FynYQC2EwyA-01114-00260823-00261423 inner monologue and outer monologue FynYQC2EwyA-01115-00261423-00261679 blue FynYQC2EwyA-01116-00261680-00261958 so i just have a cute anecdote FynYQC2EwyA-01117-00261959-00262182 about about learning learning to talk so FynYQC2EwyA-01118-00262183-00262334 i have two kids and they're super FynYQC2EwyA-01119-00262335-00262630 different um my son did as your nephew FynYQC2EwyA-01120-00262631-00262895 did remy like would be in his crib FynYQC2EwyA-01121-00262896-00263103 talking to himself talking to his FynYQC2EwyA-01122-00263104-00263351 stuffed animals and kind of recreating FynYQC2EwyA-01123-00263352-00263639 events right right in in a similar way FynYQC2EwyA-01124-00263640-00263967 he also babbled a lot like a lot of like FynYQC2EwyA-01125-00263968-00264079 just always FynYQC2EwyA-01126-00264080-00264263 like just saying nothing from the time FynYQC2EwyA-01127-00264264-00264527 he was tiny um and has an incredible FynYQC2EwyA-01128-00264528-00264743 vocabulary i mean now he's six but FynYQC2EwyA-01129-00264744-00264895 people are like wow how old is this kid FynYQC2EwyA-01130-00264896-00265023 i mean he's reading at three and just FynYQC2EwyA-01131-00265024-00265239 that is like very very verbal FynYQC2EwyA-01132-00265240-00265582 and my my daughter is super different so FynYQC2EwyA-01133-00265583-00265863 she did not really babble but she signed FynYQC2EwyA-01134-00265864-00266039 like crazy and they they both went to FynYQC2EwyA-01135-00266040-00266223 the same school they both teach them the FynYQC2EwyA-01136-00266224-00266415 same signs like to have say milk and FynYQC2EwyA-01137-00266416-00266615 cracker and cheese and you know bathroom FynYQC2EwyA-01138-00266616-00266799 and all the things right so so like they FynYQC2EwyA-01139-00266800-00267055 both went to the same daycare same niche FynYQC2EwyA-01140-00267056-00267230 environment and she picked up the FynYQC2EwyA-01141-00267231-00267423 signing much more than my son ever did FynYQC2EwyA-01142-00267424-00267623 he used maybe one or two signs she's FynYQC2EwyA-01143-00267624-00267782 like 20. like i had to go learn the FynYQC2EwyA-01144-00267783-00267879 signs FynYQC2EwyA-01145-00267880-00268023 and before she could sign she would just FynYQC2EwyA-01146-00268024-00268255 like stand in the kitchen and scream FynYQC2EwyA-01147-00268256-00268479 like just unable to communicate whatever FynYQC2EwyA-01148-00268480-00268655 it was that she wanted FynYQC2EwyA-01149-00268656-00268927 and it it's so odd like they're they're FynYQC2EwyA-01150-00268928-00269127 just like two totally different kids but FynYQC2EwyA-01151-00269128-00269382 she when she was learning chinese um i FynYQC2EwyA-01152-00269383-00269534 had a parent-teacher conference with the FynYQC2EwyA-01153-00269535-00269655 tea and like they've both been learning FynYQC2EwyA-01154-00269656-00269791 trainees now they're in private school FynYQC2EwyA-01155-00269792-00269895 they've been learning for like eight FynYQC2EwyA-01156-00269896-00270079 years so when she was first starting to FynYQC2EwyA-01157-00270080-00270295 learn she wouldn't speak in class and FynYQC2EwyA-01158-00270296-00270430 the teacher and i had a conference and FynYQC2EwyA-01159-00270431-00270727 the teacher said like i am concerned FynYQC2EwyA-01160-00270728-00270815 about your daughter she doesn't FynYQC2EwyA-01161-00270816-00270958 participate in class like she doesn't FynYQC2EwyA-01162-00270959-00271151 have to take chinese it's not mandatory FynYQC2EwyA-01163-00271152-00271279 if you wanted to put her in a different FynYQC2EwyA-01164-00271280-00271415 class or she could have a silent reading FynYQC2EwyA-01165-00271416-00271599 period and i was like FynYQC2EwyA-01166-00271600-00271695 oh FynYQC2EwyA-01167-00271696-00271967 so it occurred to me like and i knew FynYQC2EwyA-01168-00271968-00272191 that she and because she didn't babble FynYQC2EwyA-01169-00272192-00272358 and like i was somebody handed her a FynYQC2EwyA-01170-00272359-00272591 lollipop she was like two and she i said FynYQC2EwyA-01171-00272592-00272751 say thank you and she did the sign for FynYQC2EwyA-01172-00272752-00272951 it but but i mean she really did not FynYQC2EwyA-01173-00272952-00273182 speak like would not form clear words FynYQC2EwyA-01174-00273183-00273367 unless she knew she could say them FynYQC2EwyA-01175-00273368-00273503 perfectly FynYQC2EwyA-01176-00273504-00273671 and so i sent her to tutoring with the FynYQC2EwyA-01177-00273672-00273895 chinese tutor like just twice three FynYQC2EwyA-01178-00273896-00274143 times and then it began like so she was FynYQC2EwyA-01179-00274144-00274343 like listening can i repeat this can i FynYQC2EwyA-01180-00274344-00274599 engage with this word correctly and and FynYQC2EwyA-01181-00274600-00274871 she just was very more much more careful FynYQC2EwyA-01182-00274872-00275087 in that but both kids as soon as they FynYQC2EwyA-01183-00275088-00275263 could talk talked in their sleep like FynYQC2EwyA-01184-00275264-00275447 crazy FynYQC2EwyA-01185-00275448-00275799 anyway there's my cute story FynYQC2EwyA-01186-00275800-00276103 nice stories FynYQC2EwyA-01187-00276104-00276447 the development of the self-cueing FynYQC2EwyA-01188-00276448-00276710 and self-speaking is very FynYQC2EwyA-01189-00276711-00276855 interesting FynYQC2EwyA-01190-00276856-00276991 even FynYQC2EwyA-01191-00276992-00277319 earlier on in behavioral FynYQC2EwyA-01192-00277320-00277534 analysis and behaviorism FynYQC2EwyA-01193-00277535-00277767 like in bf skinner's work there's FynYQC2EwyA-01194-00277768-00277919 extensive FynYQC2EwyA-01195-00277920-00278287 exploration of how covert FynYQC2EwyA-01196-00278288-00278534 monologues and covert speech and FynYQC2EwyA-01197-00278535-00278727 societies of mind FynYQC2EwyA-01198-00278728-00279023 and then i guess more recently it's FynYQC2EwyA-01199-00279024-00279223 become better understood how FynYQC2EwyA-01200-00279224-00279455 electrical activity in the body and in FynYQC2EwyA-01201-00279456-00279647 the brain are still FynYQC2EwyA-01202-00279648-00279943 initiated during covert speech FynYQC2EwyA-01203-00279944-00280151 like it's not an audible speech but FynYQC2EwyA-01204-00280152-00280358 actually in various ways it still is FynYQC2EwyA-01205-00280359-00280582 embodied FynYQC2EwyA-01206-00280583-00280719 and then FynYQC2EwyA-01207-00280720-00280943 this question of reading perhaps is FynYQC2EwyA-01208-00280944-00281055 another FynYQC2EwyA-01209-00281056-00281167 area FynYQC2EwyA-01210-00281168-00281255 where FynYQC2EwyA-01211-00281256-00281487 we're talking about in this language FynYQC2EwyA-01212-00281488-00281758 area FynYQC2EwyA-01213-00281759-00282047 what is similar or different with FynYQC2EwyA-01214-00282048-00282263 listening to speech participating in FynYQC2EwyA-01215-00282264-00282423 speech FynYQC2EwyA-01216-00282424-00282599 audibly FynYQC2EwyA-01217-00282600-00282919 is it different if it's read or braille FynYQC2EwyA-01218-00282920-00283119 how does the modality FynYQC2EwyA-01219-00283120-00283415 and the media influence FynYQC2EwyA-01220-00283416-00283695 some of these things dean FynYQC2EwyA-01221-00283696-00283999 um FynYQC2EwyA-01222-00284000-00284271 again i i think the proportions of two FynYQC2EwyA-01223-00284272-00284487 ears to one mouth is something that we FynYQC2EwyA-01224-00284488-00284710 need to kind of really FynYQC2EwyA-01225-00284711-00284999 hold on to in this idea of single source FynYQC2EwyA-01226-00285000-00285182 and monologue versus FynYQC2EwyA-01227-00285183-00285399 what potentially is a stereo log in a FynYQC2EwyA-01228-00285400-00285671 field of affordances as opposed to a FynYQC2EwyA-01229-00285672-00286063 single source um FynYQC2EwyA-01230-00286064-00286279 i don't know why why we've been i don't FynYQC2EwyA-01231-00286280-00286455 know what advantages are are given by FynYQC2EwyA-01232-00286456-00286791 having as an ability to hear in stereo FynYQC2EwyA-01233-00286792-00286975 but they must be FynYQC2EwyA-01234-00286976-00287271 better than having a single ear or a FynYQC2EwyA-01235-00287272-00287615 single receipt a single reception site FynYQC2EwyA-01236-00287616-00287879 and and yet we we don't have two mouths FynYQC2EwyA-01237-00287880-00288127 so i again i i think it's FynYQC2EwyA-01238-00288128-00288382 understandable why from a FynYQC2EwyA-01239-00288383-00288671 transmission point of view the deliverer FynYQC2EwyA-01240-00288672-00289023 standpoint we always collapse back to FynYQC2EwyA-01241-00289024-00289367 a source a single source but if we flip FynYQC2EwyA-01242-00289368-00289582 that and now think about it from the FynYQC2EwyA-01243-00289583-00289847 receiving standpoint FynYQC2EwyA-01244-00289848-00290015 how does that how does that change our FynYQC2EwyA-01245-00290016-00290406 sense of what communication is because FynYQC2EwyA-01246-00290407-00290591 it doesn't change if i cover one of my FynYQC2EwyA-01247-00290592-00290815 ears or if i have an earbud and it FynYQC2EwyA-01248-00290816-00290919 cancels FynYQC2EwyA-01249-00290920-00291143 and yet something fundamentally must FynYQC2EwyA-01250-00291144-00291351 change in terms of communication and the FynYQC2EwyA-01251-00291352-00291654 joint action even if it's monologue FynYQC2EwyA-01252-00291655-00292006 in my own head versus dialogue or trial FynYQC2EwyA-01253-00292007-00292310 log or quadrilog now again i haven't FynYQC2EwyA-01254-00292311-00292591 done any research to try to try to FynYQC2EwyA-01255-00292592-00292734 figure out what other people have done FynYQC2EwyA-01256-00292735-00292982 in terms of looking at that but to your FynYQC2EwyA-01257-00292983-00293247 point though renee in terms of let's get FynYQC2EwyA-01258-00293248-00293495 let's even get past transmission FynYQC2EwyA-01259-00293496-00293663 we're getting trying to get past the FynYQC2EwyA-01260-00293664-00293903 idea of what is being delivered FynYQC2EwyA-01261-00293904-00294151 and being and trying to gain a deeper FynYQC2EwyA-01262-00294152-00294247 appreciation FynYQC2EwyA-01263-00294248-00294479 of what is being heard FynYQC2EwyA-01264-00294480-00294615 so FynYQC2EwyA-01265-00294616-00294943 blue i i'll tell you a little story um FynYQC2EwyA-01266-00294944-00295167 i have a loquacious son he's in his 30s FynYQC2EwyA-01267-00295168-00295391 now but he's actually as he's gotten FynYQC2EwyA-01268-00295392-00295758 smarter and wiser speaks less FynYQC2EwyA-01269-00295759-00296039 like occasionally he gets out of FynYQC2EwyA-01270-00296040-00296254 developing word silence that could serve FynYQC2EwyA-01271-00296255-00296495 an entire community FynYQC2EwyA-01272-00296496-00296591 and FynYQC2EwyA-01273-00296592-00296758 i find that really fascinating i don't FynYQC2EwyA-01274-00296759-00297095 have to comment on it it's just you FynYQC2EwyA-01275-00297096-00297351 notice that as people know more FynYQC2EwyA-01276-00297352-00297439 they FynYQC2EwyA-01277-00297440-00297654 maybe they sign more maybe they find FynYQC2EwyA-01278-00297655-00297767 other ways FynYQC2EwyA-01279-00297768-00297839 to FynYQC2EwyA-01280-00297840-00298095 to make their point and it goes back to FynYQC2EwyA-01281-00298096-00298310 that time in your take thing FynYQC2EwyA-01282-00298311-00298447 so FynYQC2EwyA-01283-00298448-00298654 yeah FynYQC2EwyA-01284-00298655-00298910 great um there's so many FynYQC2EwyA-01285-00298911-00299175 references like the true way is the one FynYQC2EwyA-01286-00299176-00299406 that can't be spoken of or FynYQC2EwyA-01287-00299407-00299615 those who do do and those who can't FynYQC2EwyA-01288-00299616-00299879 teach all these kinds of funny um FynYQC2EwyA-01289-00299880-00300063 you know poking fun at different FynYQC2EwyA-01290-00300064-00300271 archetypes and so on and how that's FynYQC2EwyA-01291-00300272-00300503 related to wisdom FynYQC2EwyA-01292-00300504-00300887 the two ears and one mouth FynYQC2EwyA-01293-00300888-00301119 which you've been referencing throughout FynYQC2EwyA-01294-00301120-00301415 the conversations and the quadrophonic FynYQC2EwyA-01295-00301416-00301591 sound quadrophenia i'm sure it was FynYQC2EwyA-01296-00301592-00301719 amazing FynYQC2EwyA-01297-00301720-00301999 um FynYQC2EwyA-01298-00302000-00302127 it is FynYQC2EwyA-01299-00302128-00302351 true that the enrichment FynYQC2EwyA-01300-00302352-00302534 and the spatial FynYQC2EwyA-01301-00302535-00302687 nature FynYQC2EwyA-01302-00302688-00302854 of heard FynYQC2EwyA-01303-00302855-00303079 sounds soundscapes FynYQC2EwyA-01304-00303080-00303215 is uh FynYQC2EwyA-01305-00303216-00303447 it's like something that can't be turned FynYQC2EwyA-01306-00303448-00303575 off FynYQC2EwyA-01307-00303576-00303910 like the receiver all of our receiving FynYQC2EwyA-01308-00303911-00304158 is bilateral FynYQC2EwyA-01309-00304159-00304358 visual FynYQC2EwyA-01310-00304359-00304543 nostrils and smell FynYQC2EwyA-01311-00304544-00304791 proprioceptive is heavily multilateral FynYQC2EwyA-01312-00304792-00304991 it's it's but it's it has a coarse FynYQC2EwyA-01313-00304992-00305151 bilateral symmetry FynYQC2EwyA-01314-00305152-00305223 but FynYQC2EwyA-01315-00305224-00305415 um FynYQC2EwyA-01316-00305416-00305839 the mouth as our action states FynYQC2EwyA-01317-00305840-00306030 needs generative FynYQC2EwyA-01318-00306031-00306382 uh cohesion FynYQC2EwyA-01319-00306383-00306606 perhaps just to just so story but i FynYQC2EwyA-01320-00306607-00306823 don't know of any cases where there are FynYQC2EwyA-01321-00306824-00307110 um FynYQC2EwyA-01322-00307111-00307358 now there are some bodily sounds that FynYQC2EwyA-01323-00307359-00307775 are bilateral like perhaps the um FynYQC2EwyA-01324-00307776-00307999 vibration of a cricket FynYQC2EwyA-01325-00308000-00308271 so it's not that like sound production FynYQC2EwyA-01326-00308272-00308575 can't be bilateral FynYQC2EwyA-01327-00308576-00308854 it's just that wherever sound production FynYQC2EwyA-01328-00308855-00309006 is localized FynYQC2EwyA-01329-00309007-00309367 on the sender FynYQC2EwyA-01330-00309368-00309671 when we when we highlight content in its FynYQC2EwyA-01331-00309672-00309799 transmission FynYQC2EwyA-01332-00309800-00309991 where does that account begin what has FynYQC2EwyA-01333-00309992-00310191 to begin with the content and the FynYQC2EwyA-01334-00310192-00310399 representation in the sender FynYQC2EwyA-01335-00310400-00310615 and then you could ask whether it was um FynYQC2EwyA-01336-00310616-00310815 fully or partially or deceptively FynYQC2EwyA-01337-00310816-00311279 recognized by the recipients potentially FynYQC2EwyA-01338-00311280-00311558 when we center the recipient's action FynYQC2EwyA-01339-00311559-00311719 but even calling them a recipient kind FynYQC2EwyA-01340-00311720-00311887 of puts them onto a back foot we're just FynYQC2EwyA-01341-00311888-00312087 centering the agent's engagement FynYQC2EwyA-01342-00312088-00312239 ecologically FynYQC2EwyA-01343-00312240-00312399 and they're interfacing with fields of FynYQC2EwyA-01344-00312400-00312630 affordances FynYQC2EwyA-01345-00312631-00312967 then we we do see that FynYQC2EwyA-01346-00312968-00313279 stereophonic enrichments FynYQC2EwyA-01347-00313280-00313415 of FynYQC2EwyA-01348-00313416-00313567 everything FynYQC2EwyA-01349-00313568-00313919 and no matter how narrow or FynYQC2EwyA-01350-00313920-00314182 um how many shannon FynYQC2EwyA-01351-00314183-00314271 bits FynYQC2EwyA-01352-00314272-00314527 or kolmogorov bits it doesn't really FynYQC2EwyA-01353-00314528-00314647 matter FynYQC2EwyA-01354-00314648-00314871 because it's going to be unpacked in a FynYQC2EwyA-01355-00314872-00315071 generative model FynYQC2EwyA-01356-00315072-00315287 that brings in FynYQC2EwyA-01357-00315288-00315463 aspects that FynYQC2EwyA-01358-00315464-00315687 aren't and don't need to be in the FynYQC2EwyA-01359-00315688-00315903 signal and hence FynYQC2EwyA-01360-00315904-00316103 aren't or don't need to be in our FynYQC2EwyA-01361-00316104-00316534 account of the signaling FynYQC2EwyA-01362-00316535-00316703 just think i'm trying to bring back the FynYQC2EwyA-01363-00316704-00316863 inference into the active inference here FynYQC2EwyA-01364-00316864-00316991 because the active part is definitely FynYQC2EwyA-01365-00316992-00317158 the transmission piece FynYQC2EwyA-01366-00317159-00317399 so you know thank you for for FynYQC2EwyA-01367-00317400-00317534 reinforcing that FynYQC2EwyA-01368-00317535-00317719 but i i do FynYQC2EwyA-01369-00317720-00317991 i do wonder when we do bring the FynYQC2EwyA-01370-00317992-00318134 inference back FynYQC2EwyA-01371-00318135-00318230 why FynYQC2EwyA-01372-00318231-00318358 are our FynYQC2EwyA-01373-00318359-00318575 sensing accordances FynYQC2EwyA-01374-00318576-00318799 are those bilateral FynYQC2EwyA-01375-00318800-00319119 forms there must be some advantage FynYQC2EwyA-01376-00319120-00319463 to that and so is it as blue pointed out FynYQC2EwyA-01377-00319464-00319654 because of as FynYQC2EwyA-01378-00319655-00319999 not just the heavy emphasis on the of FynYQC2EwyA-01379-00320000-00320191 what what was the product of my FynYQC2EwyA-01380-00320192-00320310 transmission FynYQC2EwyA-01381-00320311-00320510 how am i pulling in FynYQC2EwyA-01382-00320511-00320751 this communication and what advantages FynYQC2EwyA-01383-00320752-00320871 are there FynYQC2EwyA-01384-00320872-00321006 to FynYQC2EwyA-01385-00321007-00321351 not getting strung out or hung up on the FynYQC2EwyA-01386-00321352-00321454 mono FynYQC2EwyA-01387-00321455-00321623 log the single FynYQC2EwyA-01388-00321624-00321895 source FynYQC2EwyA-01389-00321896-00322103 one thing that makes me think about is FynYQC2EwyA-01390-00322104-00322191 in FynYQC2EwyA-01391-00322192-00322471 caricature disinfo representations of FynYQC2EwyA-01392-00322472-00322758 bug vision insect vision it will look FynYQC2EwyA-01393-00322759-00323023 like they're seeing many separate FynYQC2EwyA-01394-00323024-00323206 cells FynYQC2EwyA-01395-00323207-00323391 whereas if one were just to take a FynYQC2EwyA-01396-00323392-00323551 breath and think about their own visual FynYQC2EwyA-01397-00323552-00323758 experience we don't see two FynYQC2EwyA-01398-00323759-00323895 fields of view FynYQC2EwyA-01399-00323896-00324263 so it's like not really making sense why FynYQC2EwyA-01400-00324264-00324406 an insect would see FynYQC2EwyA-01401-00324407-00324519 multiple FynYQC2EwyA-01402-00324520-00324615 so FynYQC2EwyA-01403-00324616-00324806 the visual field FynYQC2EwyA-01404-00324807-00325079 because there's quote objects out there FynYQC2EwyA-01405-00325080-00325271 we have all these different ways that we FynYQC2EwyA-01406-00325272-00325479 can talk about how we know that we're FynYQC2EwyA-01407-00325480-00325687 experiencing an integrated generative FynYQC2EwyA-01408-00325688-00325871 model like the blind spot the FynYQC2EwyA-01409-00325872-00326071 differences in visual acuity in the FynYQC2EwyA-01410-00326072-00326282 peripheral vision color vision in the FynYQC2EwyA-01411-00326283-00326510 periphery ocular motor circades and the FynYQC2EwyA-01412-00326511-00326758 way that attention is uh suppressed FynYQC2EwyA-01413-00326759-00326958 during cicading so that it's not causing FynYQC2EwyA-01414-00326959-00327151 this nausea all these features are FynYQC2EwyA-01415-00327152-00327534 really important and they point beyond a FynYQC2EwyA-01416-00327535-00327839 photon transmission view a vision FynYQC2EwyA-01417-00327840-00328058 into this generative FynYQC2EwyA-01418-00328059-00328295 stereophonic vision FynYQC2EwyA-01419-00328296-00328463 and then in the audio FynYQC2EwyA-01420-00328464-00328567 setting FynYQC2EwyA-01421-00328568-00328663 having FynYQC2EwyA-01422-00328664-00328823 multiple FynYQC2EwyA-01423-00328824-00328910 oral FynYQC2EwyA-01424-00328911-00329110 uh orifices FynYQC2EwyA-01425-00329111-00329343 and also even covering them up like FynYQC2EwyA-01426-00329344-00329519 they're still transduction through the FynYQC2EwyA-01427-00329520-00329871 skull and so on um FynYQC2EwyA-01428-00329872-00330127 we are also seeking to flesh out a FynYQC2EwyA-01429-00330128-00330351 generative model of FynYQC2EwyA-01430-00330352-00330575 sounds in our environment FynYQC2EwyA-01431-00330576-00330895 so if we cover our ears FynYQC2EwyA-01432-00330896-00331134 like that proprioception FynYQC2EwyA-01433-00331135-00331334 will help us understand that even if FynYQC2EwyA-01434-00331335-00331510 something sounds kind of quiet we FynYQC2EwyA-01435-00331511-00331727 actually we can recognize that it's FynYQC2EwyA-01436-00331728-00331910 still a loud noise FynYQC2EwyA-01437-00331911-00332287 or if we have one ear in a pillow FynYQC2EwyA-01438-00332288-00332447 we could recognize FynYQC2EwyA-01439-00332448-00332630 that something is happening even though FynYQC2EwyA-01440-00332631-00332854 if it is being heard differently on both FynYQC2EwyA-01441-00332855-00332958 sides FynYQC2EwyA-01442-00332959-00333191 um FynYQC2EwyA-01443-00333192-00333279 so FynYQC2EwyA-01444-00333280-00333710 having multiple sensors FynYQC2EwyA-01445-00333711-00333927 is very compatible FynYQC2EwyA-01446-00333928-00334215 with a unified generative model FynYQC2EwyA-01447-00334216-00334534 experience because it forces one FynYQC2EwyA-01448-00334535-00334878 to abstract beyond any sensor reading FynYQC2EwyA-01449-00334879-00335206 if you have one midline thermometer FynYQC2EwyA-01450-00335207-00335334 then FynYQC2EwyA-01451-00335335-00335527 that's your point estimate for FynYQC2EwyA-01452-00335528-00335671 temperature FynYQC2EwyA-01453-00335672-00335958 or you could have like a gaussian blur FynYQC2EwyA-01454-00335959-00336127 like i'm just less confident about the FynYQC2EwyA-01455-00336128-00336351 temperature further from my one central FynYQC2EwyA-01456-00336352-00336678 sensor but maybe i'm maybe it's a tight FynYQC2EwyA-01457-00336679-00336910 gaussian maybe it's very broad but this FynYQC2EwyA-01458-00336911-00337119 is the best estimate FynYQC2EwyA-01459-00337120-00337295 why would i have any other estimate FynYQC2EwyA-01460-00337296-00337487 centered anywhere else FynYQC2EwyA-01461-00337488-00337767 when you have two thermometers FynYQC2EwyA-01462-00337768-00337919 now there's a generative modeling FynYQC2EwyA-01463-00337920-00338119 question about whether it's going to be FynYQC2EwyA-01464-00338120-00338287 a gaussian with a peak in the middle or FynYQC2EwyA-01465-00338288-00338399 whether you're going to have a peak more FynYQC2EwyA-01466-00338400-00338606 on one side and have it just go through FynYQC2EwyA-01467-00338607-00338767 the other depending on those sensor FynYQC2EwyA-01468-00338768-00338871 readings FynYQC2EwyA-01469-00338872-00339103 but at that point you're ending up with FynYQC2EwyA-01470-00339104-00339343 some distributions FynYQC2EwyA-01471-00339344-00339503 which if we think of that distribution FynYQC2EwyA-01472-00339504-00339687 as like what is experienced as like FynYQC2EwyA-01473-00339688-00340054 maybe the product of the sensing process FynYQC2EwyA-01474-00340055-00340319 that distribution's enrichment FynYQC2EwyA-01475-00340320-00340695 is of a different type FynYQC2EwyA-01476-00340696-00340967 and yet of a different simplicity FynYQC2EwyA-01477-00340968-00341391 than any number of sensor readings FynYQC2EwyA-01478-00341392-00341682 in terms of what their raw information FynYQC2EwyA-01479-00341683-00341943 are so it seems very FynYQC2EwyA-01480-00341944-00342206 relevant this two ears one mouth FynYQC2EwyA-01481-00342207-00342406 not just for listening twice as much as FynYQC2EwyA-01482-00342407-00342591 we speak FynYQC2EwyA-01483-00342592-00342799 but for FynYQC2EwyA-01484-00342800-00343078 listening twice as actively as we speak FynYQC2EwyA-01485-00343079-00343678 or something like that FynYQC2EwyA-01486-00343679-00344063 what do you think about census remy FynYQC2EwyA-01487-00344064-00344334 yeah i think i think that you FynYQC2EwyA-01488-00344335-00344487 you explained it well FynYQC2EwyA-01489-00344488-00344710 uh it's FynYQC2EwyA-01490-00344711-00344927 right yeah i think it's useful as you FynYQC2EwyA-01491-00344928-00345134 said to have multiple FynYQC2EwyA-01492-00345135-00345495 sensory channels that can be active FynYQC2EwyA-01493-00345496-00345758 because i think that's an argument from FynYQC2EwyA-01494-00345759-00346191 how we and it's uh in its book in 2013 FynYQC2EwyA-01495-00346192-00346406 book on the predictive uh the predictive FynYQC2EwyA-01496-00346407-00346703 mind i think he says that uh FynYQC2EwyA-01497-00346704-00346958 if you have a um FynYQC2EwyA-01498-00346959-00347230 a tribunal and you're trying to FynYQC2EwyA-01499-00347231-00347463 establish the for instance the the FynYQC2EwyA-01500-00347464-00347695 culpability of the FynYQC2EwyA-01501-00347696-00347991 of a convict you you hope that you have FynYQC2EwyA-01502-00347992-00348230 multiple independent sources of FynYQC2EwyA-01503-00348231-00348423 information because if these sources of FynYQC2EwyA-01504-00348424-00348654 information are influenced each other FynYQC2EwyA-01505-00348655-00349078 you have a less reliable uh FynYQC2EwyA-01506-00349079-00349319 how do you say FynYQC2EwyA-01507-00349320-00349782 i i forget the world uh timonty manage FynYQC2EwyA-01508-00349783-00349951 in english so i i forgot the word but FynYQC2EwyA-01509-00349952-00350423 you have a less reliable FynYQC2EwyA-01510-00350424-00350663 information about the about the FynYQC2EwyA-01511-00350664-00350854 the the FynYQC2EwyA-01512-00350855-00350927 the FynYQC2EwyA-01513-00350928-00351206 the case so like it's useful from FynYQC2EwyA-01514-00351207-00351495 from a reliability standpoint to to have FynYQC2EwyA-01515-00351496-00351710 multiple independent uh sorts of FynYQC2EwyA-01516-00351711-00351958 information so so that that may be an FynYQC2EwyA-01517-00351959-00352239 explanation of why we have uh FynYQC2EwyA-01518-00352240-00352391 that may be an explanation of their FynYQC2EwyA-01519-00352392-00352751 their also their relative modularity of FynYQC2EwyA-01520-00352752-00352934 perception so there are we know that FynYQC2EwyA-01521-00352935-00353071 there are great limits to that FynYQC2EwyA-01522-00353072-00353295 modularity but there is a certain degree FynYQC2EwyA-01523-00353296-00353567 of independence FynYQC2EwyA-01524-00353568-00353799 from in the the different uh FynYQC2EwyA-01525-00353800-00354103 sensory modalities that we have FynYQC2EwyA-01526-00354104-00354415 um so yeah about the the two here is FynYQC2EwyA-01527-00354416-00354734 obviously i i think maybe if we had if FynYQC2EwyA-01528-00354735-00355078 um our auditory uh sensory system was FynYQC2EwyA-01529-00355079-00355319 only devised to a communicative FynYQC2EwyA-01530-00355320-00355510 interaction maybe it would be okay to FynYQC2EwyA-01531-00355511-00355806 just have one here one ear because we FynYQC2EwyA-01532-00355807-00356015 could like we we know who's talking to FynYQC2EwyA-01533-00356016-00356351 us and so we can direct our our um FynYQC2EwyA-01534-00356352-00356695 our sensory uh apparatus toward this FynYQC2EwyA-01535-00356696-00356934 communicative FynYQC2EwyA-01536-00356935-00357247 signal but because we use our our ears FynYQC2EwyA-01537-00357248-00357503 not just to to attune to a communicative FynYQC2EwyA-01538-00357504-00357727 interaction but also to know what's in FynYQC2EwyA-01539-00357728-00357934 our surrounding it's really clearly more FynYQC2EwyA-01540-00357935-00358071 useful to have FynYQC2EwyA-01541-00358072-00358278 to to have a great FynYQC2EwyA-01542-00358279-00358471 reception from from information for FynYQC2EwyA-01543-00358472-00358791 anywhere around us so i i maybe if if FynYQC2EwyA-01544-00358792-00359103 audition was only about communication FynYQC2EwyA-01545-00359104-00359254 it would be okay to have just one ear FynYQC2EwyA-01546-00359255-00359495 but because we want to know as precisely FynYQC2EwyA-01547-00359496-00359727 what's happening there uh and at the FynYQC2EwyA-01548-00359728-00359871 same time know what's happening there FynYQC2EwyA-01549-00359872-00360134 maybe it's it's uh it has been more FynYQC2EwyA-01550-00360135-00360367 useful to have these two here's two FynYQC2EwyA-01551-00360368-00360606 years on both sides so so maybe that FynYQC2EwyA-01552-00360607-00360847 there's something about that FynYQC2EwyA-01553-00360848-00361030 yeah one short note and then dean is FynYQC2EwyA-01554-00361031-00361167 there are also FynYQC2EwyA-01555-00361168-00361382 animals with anatomy so that they can FynYQC2EwyA-01556-00361383-00361599 direct their ears which is seemingly FynYQC2EwyA-01557-00361600-00361847 very analogous to the ocular motor FynYQC2EwyA-01558-00361848-00362158 circadine it's like an audio succeed and FynYQC2EwyA-01559-00362159-00362415 it just the human form outside of the FynYQC2EwyA-01560-00362416-00362630 ear wiggling which is maybe slightly FynYQC2EwyA-01561-00362631-00362967 vestigial representation of that but we FynYQC2EwyA-01562-00362968-00363230 have opted for a strategy FynYQC2EwyA-01563-00363231-00363463 with fixed ear positioning but a mobile FynYQC2EwyA-01564-00363464-00363703 neck which also makes circades so that's FynYQC2EwyA-01565-00363704-00363919 kind of our low speed FynYQC2EwyA-01566-00363920-00364182 audio um FynYQC2EwyA-01567-00364183-00364358 dean FynYQC2EwyA-01568-00364359-00364519 yeah i think the only advantage i could FynYQC2EwyA-01569-00364520-00364687 see having two miles is that i could eat FynYQC2EwyA-01570-00364688-00364854 the french fries and drink the milkshake FynYQC2EwyA-01571-00364855-00365054 at the same time and i don't know what FynYQC2EwyA-01572-00365055-00365295 that would be like it was just FynYQC2EwyA-01573-00365296-00365495 overpowering but what i think is FynYQC2EwyA-01574-00365496-00365782 interesting in in the dot dot one FynYQC2EwyA-01575-00365783-00366087 um blue brought up the idea of so FynYQC2EwyA-01576-00366088-00366206 how do we make sure that there's a FynYQC2EwyA-01577-00366207-00366375 difference between content FynYQC2EwyA-01578-00366376-00366615 and context and i think whether it's two FynYQC2EwyA-01579-00366616-00366727 eyes FynYQC2EwyA-01580-00366728-00366991 two ears two nostrils whatever there FynYQC2EwyA-01581-00366992-00367343 must be some advantage to the form FynYQC2EwyA-01582-00367344-00367527 because as i said even if you cover one FynYQC2EwyA-01583-00367528-00367671 of those FynYQC2EwyA-01584-00367672-00367815 intakes FynYQC2EwyA-01585-00367816-00368054 it's not just a redundancy issue it's a FynYQC2EwyA-01586-00368055-00368367 recursion issue it creates that ability FynYQC2EwyA-01587-00368368-00368454 to FynYQC2EwyA-01588-00368455-00368854 see context hear context and smell FynYQC2EwyA-01589-00368855-00369054 context i don't believe we would have FynYQC2EwyA-01590-00369055-00369199 those things FynYQC2EwyA-01591-00369200-00369327 and as i said i think i'd get FynYQC2EwyA-01592-00369328-00369575 overwhelmed with the context of having FynYQC2EwyA-01593-00369576-00369871 both french fries and milkshake FynYQC2EwyA-01594-00369872-00370087 it would just blow me up so FynYQC2EwyA-01595-00370088-00370287 but that that's just the FynYQC2EwyA-01596-00370288-00370415 thing FynYQC2EwyA-01597-00370416-00370615 that says this little self thing do not FynYQC2EwyA-01598-00370616-00370767 give people two mouths it can be FynYQC2EwyA-01599-00370768-00370943 overpowering FynYQC2EwyA-01600-00370944-00371239 one aspect might return us to the FynYQC2EwyA-01601-00371240-00371382 question of FynYQC2EwyA-01602-00371383-00371630 compositionality FynYQC2EwyA-01603-00371631-00371878 it seems like visual FynYQC2EwyA-01604-00371879-00372191 composition and temporal composition FynYQC2EwyA-01605-00372192-00372375 in music and in FynYQC2EwyA-01606-00372376-00372482 heard FynYQC2EwyA-01607-00372483-00372910 speech as FynYQC2EwyA-01608-00372911-00373110 speaking in terms of FynYQC2EwyA-01609-00373111-00373271 generative models FynYQC2EwyA-01610-00373272-00373558 have highly factorizable or sparsely FynYQC2EwyA-01611-00373559-00373815 connected generative models FynYQC2EwyA-01612-00373816-00374030 famously connected to like the where and FynYQC2EwyA-01613-00374031-00374391 the what streams in visual neuroanatomy FynYQC2EwyA-01614-00374392-00374551 and that's been explored in some active FynYQC2EwyA-01615-00374552-00374743 inference papers with awareness and FynYQC2EwyA-01616-00374744-00374951 whatness as being FynYQC2EwyA-01617-00374952-00375247 factorizable in the generative model FynYQC2EwyA-01618-00375248-00375391 because it really is the case that FynYQC2EwyA-01619-00375392-00375575 different layers FynYQC2EwyA-01620-00375576-00375782 can host different what's and so it FynYQC2EwyA-01621-00375783-00375934 makes sense to like have those two FynYQC2EwyA-01622-00375935-00376078 totally separate FynYQC2EwyA-01623-00376079-00376191 um FynYQC2EwyA-01624-00376192-00376423 taste and smell FynYQC2EwyA-01625-00376424-00376531 which are um FynYQC2EwyA-01626-00376532-00376710 [Music] FynYQC2EwyA-01627-00376711-00376951 they're more midlined though there are FynYQC2EwyA-01628-00376952-00377151 two nostrils i'm not totally sure on on FynYQC2EwyA-01629-00377152-00377278 whether there's like you know one or two FynYQC2EwyA-01630-00377279-00377575 smell chambers or anything FynYQC2EwyA-01631-00377576-00377782 composition of FynYQC2EwyA-01632-00377783-00377919 chemical FynYQC2EwyA-01633-00377920-00378103 bouquets FynYQC2EwyA-01634-00378104-00378327 seems quite different FynYQC2EwyA-01635-00378328-00378558 like two paintings that you like next to FynYQC2EwyA-01636-00378559-00378654 each other FynYQC2EwyA-01637-00378655-00379206 or two songs in succession that you like FynYQC2EwyA-01638-00379207-00379447 or it's a little bit different FynYQC2EwyA-01639-00379448-00379630 than to FynYQC2EwyA-01640-00379631-00379919 smells or tastes sequentially or FynYQC2EwyA-01641-00379920-00380095 composed FynYQC2EwyA-01642-00380096-00380128 um FynYQC2EwyA-01643-00380129-00380302 [Music] FynYQC2EwyA-01644-00380303-00380543 and so maybe these more FynYQC2EwyA-01645-00380544-00380839 uh sometimes called basal sensory or FynYQC2EwyA-01646-00380840-00381102 cognitive features FynYQC2EwyA-01647-00381103-00381406 are less effable FynYQC2EwyA-01648-00381407-00381702 and this kind of relates to a FynYQC2EwyA-01649-00381703-00381927 a cognitive FynYQC2EwyA-01650-00381928-00382102 stack FynYQC2EwyA-01651-00382103-00382206 where FynYQC2EwyA-01652-00382207-00382334 verbal FynYQC2EwyA-01653-00382335-00382727 and symbolic communication is FynYQC2EwyA-01654-00382728-00382991 like the tip of the iceberg FynYQC2EwyA-01655-00382992-00383247 supported by FynYQC2EwyA-01656-00383248-00383471 biological processes that are FynYQC2EwyA-01657-00383472-00383758 differently or less effortable FynYQC2EwyA-01658-00383759-00384006 and at first only pointed towards like FynYQC2EwyA-01659-00384007-00384263 through metaphors in speech FynYQC2EwyA-01660-00384264-00384495 butterflies in my stomach and so on but FynYQC2EwyA-01661-00384496-00384927 then ultimately entirely inexpressible FynYQC2EwyA-01662-00384928-00385110 maybe with some stop in between like FynYQC2EwyA-01663-00385111-00385351 being able to express through the body FynYQC2EwyA-01664-00385352-00385623 like what it's like to do a certain FynYQC2EwyA-01665-00385624-00385767 bodily position FynYQC2EwyA-01666-00385768-00385975 um or have a certain experience or be in FynYQC2EwyA-01667-00385976-00386206 a certain physiological state FynYQC2EwyA-01668-00386207-00386343 um FynYQC2EwyA-01669-00386344-00386543 and FynYQC2EwyA-01670-00386544-00386751 this kind of casts a light on the FynYQC2EwyA-01671-00386752-00386934 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-01672-00386935-00387239 um complementing the ecological view FynYQC2EwyA-01673-00387240-00387406 the transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-01674-00387407-00387727 is like down propagating FynYQC2EwyA-01675-00387728-00387958 symbolic communication FynYQC2EwyA-01676-00387959-00388191 and seeking for that to apply all the FynYQC2EwyA-01677-00388192-00388358 way on down FynYQC2EwyA-01678-00388359-00388767 whereas a more bottom-up and arguably FynYQC2EwyA-01679-00388768-00389143 eco-evo devo informed perspective FynYQC2EwyA-01680-00389144-00389351 is grounded in FynYQC2EwyA-01681-00389352-00389567 the ecological FynYQC2EwyA-01682-00389568-00389702 setting FynYQC2EwyA-01683-00389703-00389958 and then allows for FynYQC2EwyA-01684-00389959-00390206 the crystallization of symbolic FynYQC2EwyA-01685-00390207-00390447 processes FynYQC2EwyA-01686-00390448-00390615 including communicated symbolic FynYQC2EwyA-01687-00390616-00390895 processes which are aren't they supposed FynYQC2EwyA-01688-00390896-00391054 to be the stronghold of the transmission FynYQC2EwyA-01689-00391055-00391158 view FynYQC2EwyA-01690-00391159-00391271 but then FynYQC2EwyA-01691-00391272-00391399 if FynYQC2EwyA-01692-00391400-00391582 even that FynYQC2EwyA-01693-00391583-00391758 phenomena FynYQC2EwyA-01694-00391759-00391951 can be captured within an ecological FynYQC2EwyA-01695-00391952-00392143 frame FynYQC2EwyA-01696-00392144-00392510 then there's an extremely strong basis FynYQC2EwyA-01697-00392511-00392775 for the the integrative cohesion of an FynYQC2EwyA-01698-00392776-00392943 ecological view FynYQC2EwyA-01699-00392944-00393367 as opposed to an extremely piecemeal FynYQC2EwyA-01700-00393368-00393527 and um FynYQC2EwyA-01701-00393528-00393687 question begging FynYQC2EwyA-01702-00393688-00393967 transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-01703-00393968-00394171 like we talked about semiosis and FynYQC2EwyA-01704-00394172-00394623 biosymmiosis in livestream 47 FynYQC2EwyA-01705-00394624-00394902 so will we see FynYQC2EwyA-01706-00394903-00395223 um verbal communication and behavior FynYQC2EwyA-01707-00395224-00395471 as something that is enabled and with FynYQC2EwyA-01708-00395472-00395734 analogy but not the same as FynYQC2EwyA-01709-00395735-00395910 cellular transduction FynYQC2EwyA-01710-00395911-00396071 or are we going to seek a cellular FynYQC2EwyA-01711-00396072-00396310 transduction explanation FynYQC2EwyA-01712-00396311-00397006 based on verbal behavior FynYQC2EwyA-01713-00397007-00397447 let's return to some of our topics FynYQC2EwyA-01714-00397448-00397678 alright few areas to go blue FynYQC2EwyA-01715-00397679-00398063 any thoughts just anywhere you want FynYQC2EwyA-01716-00398064-00398215 yeah so i just wanted to follow up on FynYQC2EwyA-01717-00398216-00398430 what you um said and i just think that FynYQC2EwyA-01718-00398431-00398758 the beauty of the ecological approach to FynYQC2EwyA-01719-00398759-00398975 understanding communication is FynYQC2EwyA-01720-00398976-00399254 that communication between cells be it FynYQC2EwyA-01721-00399255-00399527 semiotic representation or other and FynYQC2EwyA-01722-00399528-00399734 between animals maybe with gestures FynYQC2EwyA-01723-00399735-00399951 maybe inter-species communication like FynYQC2EwyA-01724-00399952-00400102 you know you tell your cat come here and FynYQC2EwyA-01725-00400103-00400447 the cat comes or dog or whatever so i FynYQC2EwyA-01726-00400448-00400719 think that that the ability to model FynYQC2EwyA-01727-00400720-00400847 systems FynYQC2EwyA-01728-00400848-00401215 like all systems it is very um FynYQC2EwyA-01729-00401216-00401471 important like if if the transmission FynYQC2EwyA-01730-00401472-00401727 view is not capable of representing all FynYQC2EwyA-01731-00401728-00401982 of the situations from cell to cell FynYQC2EwyA-01732-00401983-00402215 communication to human to dog FynYQC2EwyA-01733-00402216-00402367 communication and FynYQC2EwyA-01734-00402368-00402751 and all along the line um i i think that FynYQC2EwyA-01735-00402752-00403039 maybe uh it's FynYQC2EwyA-01736-00403040-00403215 in the way that the fep and active FynYQC2EwyA-01737-00403216-00403454 inference is scale free and and like FynYQC2EwyA-01738-00403455-00403767 doesn't have but i mean it's it's across FynYQC2EwyA-01739-00403768-00403999 any hierarchical temporal FynYQC2EwyA-01740-00404000-00404199 cognitive scale FynYQC2EwyA-01741-00404200-00404358 i think that that the way that we view FynYQC2EwyA-01742-00404359-00404567 communication also needs to be broadly FynYQC2EwyA-01743-00404568-00405271 applicable FynYQC2EwyA-01744-00405272-00405430 yes remy FynYQC2EwyA-01745-00405431-00405734 so yeah that's uh that's the aim FynYQC2EwyA-01746-00405735-00405951 but clearly FynYQC2EwyA-01747-00405952-00406239 some people will say that FynYQC2EwyA-01748-00406240-00406471 sophisticated linguistic communication FynYQC2EwyA-01749-00406472-00406654 cannot be FynYQC2EwyA-01750-00406655-00406934 accounted for in terms of FynYQC2EwyA-01751-00406935-00407191 in terms of ecological communication FynYQC2EwyA-01752-00407192-00407319 because FynYQC2EwyA-01753-00407320-00407527 as daniel said the symbolic FynYQC2EwyA-01754-00407528-00407639 communication FynYQC2EwyA-01755-00407640-00407927 characteristic of language seems to be FynYQC2EwyA-01756-00407928-00408143 too removed from the kind of basic FynYQC2EwyA-01757-00408144-00408351 interaction described by the ecological FynYQC2EwyA-01758-00408352-00408687 approach so there's this like FynYQC2EwyA-01759-00408688-00408919 there's a lot of work to be done still FynYQC2EwyA-01760-00408920-00409239 to to really explain these the the FynYQC2EwyA-01761-00409240-00409454 high-level linguistic interactions that FynYQC2EwyA-01762-00409455-00409710 we have in order in terms of uh FynYQC2EwyA-01763-00409712-00409878 of the ecological and active FynYQC2EwyA-01764-00409879-00410078 communication but uh yeah there's FynYQC2EwyA-01765-00410079-00410422 another example of um of communication FynYQC2EwyA-01766-00410423-00410510 uh FynYQC2EwyA-01767-00410512-00410639 as you said FynYQC2EwyA-01768-00410639-00410926 we can account maybe for uh a FynYQC2EwyA-01769-00410927-00411126 communicative interaction between cells FynYQC2EwyA-01770-00411127-00411391 but there's also there's been work on FynYQC2EwyA-01771-00411392-00411703 communication between between plants and FynYQC2EwyA-01772-00411704-00411918 how plants perceive their their FynYQC2EwyA-01773-00411919-00412166 environment in terms of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-01774-00412167-00412374 there's been work on that and so i think FynYQC2EwyA-01775-00412375-00412582 that there's a it's just to say that FynYQC2EwyA-01776-00412583-00412830 there's an it's another uh and another FynYQC2EwyA-01777-00412831-00412999 way in which we can develop the FynYQC2EwyA-01778-00413000-00413239 ecological approach um FynYQC2EwyA-01779-00413239-00413430 it seems that FynYQC2EwyA-01780-00413431-00413614 that if we FynYQC2EwyA-01781-00413615-00413710 yeah FynYQC2EwyA-01782-00413712-00413918 any any um FynYQC2EwyA-01783-00413919-00414191 any organisms that organism that behaves FynYQC2EwyA-01784-00414192-00414414 so any organism will have a field of FynYQC2EwyA-01785-00414415-00414559 affordance and FynYQC2EwyA-01786-00414560-00414782 it seems that if FynYQC2EwyA-01787-00414783-00414934 it wants to FynYQC2EwyA-01788-00414935-00415230 act on other organisms its environment FynYQC2EwyA-01789-00415231-00415566 it will act in uh affecting its you know FynYQC2EwyA-01790-00415567-00415734 field of affordance and FynYQC2EwyA-01791-00415735-00415966 it looks like uh the the kind of FynYQC2EwyA-01792-00415967-00416174 communication that is that play between FynYQC2EwyA-01793-00416175-00416351 trees for instance which FynYQC2EwyA-01794-00416352-00416534 alerts each other FynYQC2EwyA-01795-00416535-00416734 about uh for instance the FynYQC2EwyA-01796-00416735-00416966 threats in in the in the forest or uh FynYQC2EwyA-01797-00416967-00417334 sources of uh of uh useful uh resources FynYQC2EwyA-01798-00417335-00417566 in the in the ground so these kinds of FynYQC2EwyA-01799-00417567-00417863 modifications of uh uh FynYQC2EwyA-01800-00417864-00418143 of the of the uh of them FynYQC2EwyA-01801-00418143-00418270 yeah of the FynYQC2EwyA-01802-00418271-00418422 i don't know how are exactly the FynYQC2EwyA-01803-00418423-00418682 mechanisms by which these the FynYQC2EwyA-01804-00418683-00418870 the these uh these FynYQC2EwyA-01805-00418871-00419070 these communication take place but we FynYQC2EwyA-01806-00419071-00419318 can also see them as modifications of FynYQC2EwyA-01807-00419319-00419510 the field of affordances of three so i FynYQC2EwyA-01808-00419512-00419703 think that that was when i saw that i FynYQC2EwyA-01809-00419704-00419822 was really FynYQC2EwyA-01810-00419823-00419966 i thought it was really cool that the FynYQC2EwyA-01811-00419967-00420270 trees behaved at a really really slower FynYQC2EwyA-01812-00420271-00420487 time scale obviously but like behave FynYQC2EwyA-01813-00420488-00420751 when they they go when they they send FynYQC2EwyA-01814-00420752-00420927 like their their roots in certain FynYQC2EwyA-01815-00420928-00421135 directions and things like that we can FynYQC2EwyA-01816-00421135-00421366 see it as them exploring their FynYQC2EwyA-01817-00421367-00421527 environment and FynYQC2EwyA-01818-00421528-00421814 reacting to a field of affordance that FynYQC2EwyA-01819-00421815-00422031 that day so obviously that that's also FynYQC2EwyA-01820-00422032-00422270 uh controversial because there there's FynYQC2EwyA-01821-00422271-00422470 all this debate about the cognitive FynYQC2EwyA-01822-00422471-00422783 states of uh of plants and or do they FynYQC2EwyA-01823-00422784-00422910 have a FynYQC2EwyA-01824-00422912-00423087 consciousness or that thing but i think FynYQC2EwyA-01825-00423088-00423303 that we can say that they probably have FynYQC2EwyA-01826-00423304-00423543 something like a field of affordance and FynYQC2EwyA-01827-00423543-00423751 it seems that they can FynYQC2EwyA-01828-00423752-00423991 communicate with each other uh FynYQC2EwyA-01829-00423992-00424151 via these modifications of their field FynYQC2EwyA-01830-00424152-00424366 of affordance without us having to say FynYQC2EwyA-01831-00424367-00424575 that they are transmitting content which FynYQC2EwyA-01832-00424576-00424735 would be really weird FynYQC2EwyA-01833-00424735-00424807 from FynYQC2EwyA-01834-00424808-00425183 the standpoint of a plant FynYQC2EwyA-01835-00425184-00425391 thank you blue FynYQC2EwyA-01836-00425392-00425527 so just FynYQC2EwyA-01837-00425528-00425727 i like if you haven't seen the plant FynYQC2EwyA-01838-00425728-00426022 robot created by the mit media lab like FynYQC2EwyA-01839-00426023-00426231 check it out because the plant like they FynYQC2EwyA-01840-00426232-00426422 connected it to a set of wheels and a FynYQC2EwyA-01841-00426423-00426695 motor and literally will wheel itself FynYQC2EwyA-01842-00426696-00426879 back and forth from window to window FynYQC2EwyA-01843-00426880-00427103 like searching for sunlight so so i mean FynYQC2EwyA-01844-00427104-00427303 when you modify the field of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-01845-00427304-00427463 of a plant it will it will take FynYQC2EwyA-01846-00427464-00427718 advantage of of those affordances for FynYQC2EwyA-01847-00427719-00427966 movement or or um any other kind of FynYQC2EwyA-01848-00427967-00428375 thing and as to the the complexity of um FynYQC2EwyA-01849-00428376-00428695 like linguistic communication okay but FynYQC2EwyA-01850-00428696-00428959 like also like the complexity of FynYQC2EwyA-01851-00428960-00429222 cellular communication especially in FynYQC2EwyA-01852-00429223-00429431 like developmental biology and all of FynYQC2EwyA-01853-00429432-00429614 the growth factors and signaling cues FynYQC2EwyA-01854-00429615-00429870 and i mean it's highly complex and like FynYQC2EwyA-01855-00429871-00430118 the recombinatorial aspect is also FynYQC2EwyA-01856-00430119-00430407 incredibly crazy like i i think FynYQC2EwyA-01857-00430408-00430591 it would take a lot to convince me that FynYQC2EwyA-01858-00430592-00430791 linguistic communication is FynYQC2EwyA-01859-00430792-00431047 more sophisticated or more advanced FynYQC2EwyA-01860-00431047-00431263 than biological communication in a FynYQC2EwyA-01861-00431264-00431783 developing organism i'm not sold on that FynYQC2EwyA-01862-00431784-00432047 thanks dean FynYQC2EwyA-01863-00432047-00432222 can you can you help me understand a FynYQC2EwyA-01864-00432223-00432527 little bit more about the um FynYQC2EwyA-01865-00432528-00432759 the influence FynYQC2EwyA-01866-00432760-00432999 uh in the joint action if FynYQC2EwyA-01867-00433000-00433191 if i'm in madrid FynYQC2EwyA-01868-00433192-00433279 um FynYQC2EwyA-01869-00433280-00433470 a lot of people who are trying to get my FynYQC2EwyA-01870-00433471-00433566 attention FynYQC2EwyA-01871-00433567-00433718 i'm not very FynYQC2EwyA-01872-00433719-00433943 i'm not i don't speak spanish very well FynYQC2EwyA-01873-00433943-00434263 just barely get by and so a lot of times FynYQC2EwyA-01874-00434264-00434463 things are spoken to me FynYQC2EwyA-01875-00434464-00434663 and there there is a there seems to be a FynYQC2EwyA-01876-00434664-00434879 break in terms of the amount of sensing FynYQC2EwyA-01877-00434880-00434991 i get FynYQC2EwyA-01878-00434992-00435191 and so that joint action FynYQC2EwyA-01879-00435192-00435414 could you maybe especially in the light FynYQC2EwyA-01880-00435415-00435670 of that earlier uh converse part where FynYQC2EwyA-01881-00435671-00435903 you talked about young kids FynYQC2EwyA-01882-00435904-00436070 they think they it appears they're FynYQC2EwyA-01883-00436071-00436247 talking to themselves FynYQC2EwyA-01884-00436247-00436470 but they're talking to the world and FynYQC2EwyA-01885-00436471-00436703 maybe they're not influencing the world FynYQC2EwyA-01886-00436704-00436910 but they would like to could you maybe FynYQC2EwyA-01887-00436912-00437127 talk about that sort of sensing side of FynYQC2EwyA-01888-00437128-00437343 that joint action FynYQC2EwyA-01889-00437343-00437639 yeah so i think that's what uh kids that FynYQC2EwyA-01890-00437639-00437887 talk alone are doing they're not they FynYQC2EwyA-01891-00437888-00438110 they learn to talk by talking to each FynYQC2EwyA-01892-00438112-00438318 other and affecting other persons but FynYQC2EwyA-01893-00438319-00438487 when they learn to talk to each other FynYQC2EwyA-01894-00438488-00438631 what they're doing they're they're FynYQC2EwyA-01895-00438632-00438822 influencing themselves i think that FynYQC2EwyA-01896-00438823-00439022 that's the the part about self-cueing so FynYQC2EwyA-01897-00439023-00439175 what they're doing they're they're FynYQC2EwyA-01898-00439176-00439335 they're modifying their own field of FynYQC2EwyA-01899-00439335-00439607 affordances with their uh with their FynYQC2EwyA-01900-00439608-00439822 this this inner speech and that's how FynYQC2EwyA-01901-00439823-00440063 they they learn to self-cue and FynYQC2EwyA-01902-00440064-00440310 self-regulate themselves by bringing FynYQC2EwyA-01903-00440312-00440431 some uh FynYQC2EwyA-01904-00440432-00440687 some images in mind or things like that FynYQC2EwyA-01905-00440688-00440879 so that's the i think that's what FynYQC2EwyA-01906-00440880-00441031 happens when FynYQC2EwyA-01907-00441032-00441143 when FynYQC2EwyA-01908-00441143-00441566 a child uh learns to to to speak alone FynYQC2EwyA-01909-00441567-00441766 um there's obviously a lot more to say FynYQC2EwyA-01910-00441767-00441999 about that um FynYQC2EwyA-01911-00442000-00442359 when so so the question of the FynYQC2EwyA-01912-00442360-00442431 of FynYQC2EwyA-01913-00442432-00442631 different languages when you're in FynYQC2EwyA-01914-00442632-00442870 another country and you don't FynYQC2EwyA-01915-00442871-00443183 uh you so you you're spoken to and you FynYQC2EwyA-01916-00443184-00443303 you're not FynYQC2EwyA-01917-00443304-00443591 understanding correctly but you you pick FynYQC2EwyA-01918-00443592-00443943 up some some parts of what's said so i FynYQC2EwyA-01919-00443943-00444214 think that um FynYQC2EwyA-01920-00444215-00444455 i think that the the learning of a FynYQC2EwyA-01921-00444456-00444870 language is often um is often understood FynYQC2EwyA-01922-00444871-00445214 as the the the FynYQC2EwyA-01923-00445215-00445343 as uh FynYQC2EwyA-01924-00445343-00445655 as uh um learning a code so learning a FynYQC2EwyA-01925-00445656-00445959 set of associations between uh um FynYQC2EwyA-01926-00445960-00446159 between um FynYQC2EwyA-01927-00446160-00446495 meanings and between uh forms uh that FynYQC2EwyA-01928-00446496-00446831 can be uh either written or spoken but i FynYQC2EwyA-01929-00446832-00447047 think that in the the the approach that FynYQC2EwyA-01930-00447047-00447343 we're uh we're advancing here uh FynYQC2EwyA-01931-00447343-00447518 learning a language is really more like FynYQC2EwyA-01932-00447519-00447751 learning learning a skill so you're FynYQC2EwyA-01933-00447752-00447983 learning to to speak and learning to FynYQC2EwyA-01934-00447984-00448207 understand and interact correctly in a FynYQC2EwyA-01935-00448208-00448487 given language as you're learning to do FynYQC2EwyA-01936-00448488-00448710 anything else you're learning to play a FynYQC2EwyA-01937-00448712-00448951 game you're learning to like play hockey FynYQC2EwyA-01938-00448952-00449222 so or play a soccer or whatever it's the FynYQC2EwyA-01939-00449223-00449399 is the the same kind of learning and FynYQC2EwyA-01940-00449400-00449647 you're learning to interact in that kind FynYQC2EwyA-01941-00449647-00449751 of game FynYQC2EwyA-01942-00449752-00449839 and FynYQC2EwyA-01943-00449839-00450055 probably there's a similarity between FynYQC2EwyA-01944-00450056-00450359 various languages um FynYQC2EwyA-01945-00450360-00450510 because it's FynYQC2EwyA-01946-00450512-00450791 there's there's a similarity FynYQC2EwyA-01947-00450792-00451143 there's the yeah like like very FynYQC2EwyA-01948-00451143-00451351 i would i could talk about wittgenstein FynYQC2EwyA-01949-00451352-00451566 once once again but like there's this FynYQC2EwyA-01950-00451567-00451647 the FynYQC2EwyA-01951-00451647-00451863 various languages uh FynYQC2EwyA-01952-00451864-00452070 resemble each other because they have FynYQC2EwyA-01953-00452071-00452359 this this family resemblance so because FynYQC2EwyA-01954-00452360-00452599 you have this familiarity with FynYQC2EwyA-01955-00452600-00452887 speaking in a language even when you're FynYQC2EwyA-01956-00452888-00453022 in another place where you don't FynYQC2EwyA-01957-00453023-00453199 understand the language you have a basic FynYQC2EwyA-01958-00453200-00453407 grasp of some of the structures of the FynYQC2EwyA-01959-00453408-00453599 game that is being played and so from FynYQC2EwyA-01960-00453600-00453999 the context you can get uh understand FynYQC2EwyA-01961-00454000-00454110 some of the things that are said FynYQC2EwyA-01962-00454112-00454279 understand understand some of the things FynYQC2EwyA-01963-00454280-00454495 that are expected of you FynYQC2EwyA-01964-00454496-00454735 because you have this grasp of what a FynYQC2EwyA-01965-00454735-00454935 kind of game is played when we speak a FynYQC2EwyA-01966-00454935-00455310 language and so even if you're in in um FynYQC2EwyA-01967-00455312-00455479 in another country when you don't speak FynYQC2EwyA-01968-00455480-00455766 the language from the context that in FynYQC2EwyA-01969-00455767-00455966 which you find yourself you may be able FynYQC2EwyA-01970-00455967-00456175 to piece some things together uh FynYQC2EwyA-01971-00456176-00456470 obviously if you're like uh just in a FynYQC2EwyA-01972-00456471-00456655 place with absolutely no context you're FynYQC2EwyA-01973-00456656-00456735 in a FynYQC2EwyA-01974-00456735-00456959 a white room completely empty and FynYQC2EwyA-01975-00456960-00457110 somebody's talking to you you have no FynYQC2EwyA-01976-00457112-00457270 context probably you won't understand FynYQC2EwyA-01977-00457271-00457503 anything but if you're in a context FynYQC2EwyA-01978-00457504-00457791 where you can understand that some kinds FynYQC2EwyA-01979-00457792-00457927 of FynYQC2EwyA-01980-00457928-00458166 there's some some goals that are uh that FynYQC2EwyA-01981-00458167-00458391 are in place and some people's around FynYQC2EwyA-01982-00458392-00458614 you are trying to achieve some goal you FynYQC2EwyA-01983-00458615-00458839 can apply your understanding of the game FynYQC2EwyA-01984-00458839-00459014 that you play in your own language to FynYQC2EwyA-01985-00459015-00459183 this new language and so you can get FynYQC2EwyA-01986-00459184-00459359 some things FynYQC2EwyA-01987-00459360-00459495 you can understand some things about FynYQC2EwyA-01988-00459496-00459751 what's what's what you have to do and uh FynYQC2EwyA-01989-00459752-00459910 how you should behave and how you can FynYQC2EwyA-01990-00459912-00460070 respond but FynYQC2EwyA-01991-00460071-00460239 i think that that's a better way of FynYQC2EwyA-01992-00460239-00460463 understanding the kind of limited FynYQC2EwyA-01993-00460464-00460735 understanding that you have in this kind FynYQC2EwyA-01994-00460735-00461022 of of interactions rather than in you FynYQC2EwyA-01995-00461023-00461255 having a code of your language and then FynYQC2EwyA-01996-00461256-00461470 you try to apply this code in this you i FynYQC2EwyA-01997-00461471-00461614 think that that the FynYQC2EwyA-01998-00461615-00461831 the idea of learning a skill learning FynYQC2EwyA-01999-00461832-00462127 how to play a game is a better analogy FynYQC2EwyA-02000-00462128-00462318 to understanding how you you come to FynYQC2EwyA-02001-00462319-00462463 learn a language and how you come to FynYQC2EwyA-02002-00462464-00462751 apply this this long knowledge in other FynYQC2EwyA-02003-00462752-00462975 contexts where the language that is FynYQC2EwyA-02004-00462976-00463135 spoken is not the same that you that FynYQC2EwyA-02005-00463135-00463303 you're mastering does that kind of FynYQC2EwyA-02006-00463304-00463510 confirm that it couldn't be content FynYQC2EwyA-02007-00463512-00463703 first FynYQC2EwyA-02008-00463704-00463991 that it would have to be context FynYQC2EwyA-02009-00463992-00464279 bound FynYQC2EwyA-02010-00464280-00464383 yeah FynYQC2EwyA-02011-00464384-00464766 in my view the the the context is a FynYQC2EwyA-02012-00464767-00465110 central element in in FynYQC2EwyA-02013-00465112-00465399 in any communicative interaction in any FynYQC2EwyA-02014-00465400-00465583 cooperative communicative interaction i FynYQC2EwyA-02015-00465584-00465703 think it's the FynYQC2EwyA-02016-00465704-00465943 in the context what what i i call the FynYQC2EwyA-02017-00465943-00466191 context in the paper appears as a shared FynYQC2EwyA-02018-00466192-00466343 field of affordance so that that's the FynYQC2EwyA-02019-00466343-00466566 the the affordance that are present in FynYQC2EwyA-02020-00466567-00466751 the in the the the FynYQC2EwyA-02021-00466752-00466959 in the environmental FynYQC2EwyA-02022-00466960-00467127 context in which you find yourself in FynYQC2EwyA-02023-00467128-00467366 with the other person and that that's FynYQC2EwyA-02024-00467367-00467463 that's FynYQC2EwyA-02025-00467464-00467743 this element that often pre-exists the FynYQC2EwyA-02026-00467743-00467975 communicative interaction is there a FynYQC2EwyA-02027-00467976-00468255 great great source of constraint on the FynYQC2EwyA-02028-00468256-00468470 the communicative interaction so yeah FynYQC2EwyA-02029-00468471-00468703 when you're you you come to speak with FynYQC2EwyA-02030-00468704-00468847 somebody you're FynYQC2EwyA-02031-00468847-00469143 almost never like in a absolutely FynYQC2EwyA-02032-00469143-00469407 context-free uh place you're always in a FynYQC2EwyA-02033-00469408-00469583 restaurant in uh FynYQC2EwyA-02034-00469584-00469879 in i don't know in the bus in the in FynYQC2EwyA-02035-00469880-00470118 in at the grocery store you're somewhere FynYQC2EwyA-02036-00470119-00470295 and there's this basic set of FynYQC2EwyA-02037-00470296-00470455 affordances that are shared that you FynYQC2EwyA-02038-00470456-00470622 understand that you can do this you FynYQC2EwyA-02039-00470623-00470895 cannot do that and this this set of FynYQC2EwyA-02040-00470896-00471070 constraints offered by this shared field FynYQC2EwyA-02041-00471071-00471279 of affordances really drives and FynYQC2EwyA-02042-00471280-00471503 constrains how the communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02043-00471504-00471791 interaction will unfold so that i think FynYQC2EwyA-02044-00471792-00472007 that even if you're in another country FynYQC2EwyA-02045-00472008-00472255 often the the context will be hard to FynYQC2EwyA-02046-00472256-00472455 pick up but some sometimes there will be FynYQC2EwyA-02047-00472456-00472703 shared context that you can get a grasp FynYQC2EwyA-02048-00472704-00472791 on FynYQC2EwyA-02049-00472792-00472983 and that you can uh FynYQC2EwyA-02050-00472984-00473127 that can favor FynYQC2EwyA-02051-00473128-00473222 that can FynYQC2EwyA-02052-00473223-00473422 lead to a uh FynYQC2EwyA-02053-00473423-00473614 uh FynYQC2EwyA-02054-00473615-00473799 uh sorry i'm losing my words that can FynYQC2EwyA-02055-00473800-00474095 lead to a an interaction that is uh that FynYQC2EwyA-02056-00474096-00474439 is optimal FynYQC2EwyA-02057-00474439-00474655 i i brought it in the FynYQC2EwyA-02058-00474656-00474910 physical rosetta stone FynYQC2EwyA-02059-00474912-00475255 as a special case of of low context FynYQC2EwyA-02060-00475256-00475503 asynchronous communication FynYQC2EwyA-02061-00475504-00475783 one can imagine there would be a million FynYQC2EwyA-02062-00475784-00476143 different contexts by which the FynYQC2EwyA-02063-00476143-00476318 analysis of the stone could have been FynYQC2EwyA-02064-00476319-00476487 accelerated such as FynYQC2EwyA-02065-00476488-00476799 a person reading any of them the rules FynYQC2EwyA-02066-00476800-00476879 or FynYQC2EwyA-02067-00476880-00477183 descriptions being enacted or a labeled FynYQC2EwyA-02068-00477184-00477470 image or any number of contexts that we FynYQC2EwyA-02069-00477471-00477718 would use to interpret FynYQC2EwyA-02070-00477719-00477991 and act upon the text that we read FynYQC2EwyA-02071-00477992-00478214 in this setting where we were FynYQC2EwyA-02072-00478215-00478559 historically removed from the creation FynYQC2EwyA-02073-00478560-00478863 then there still was residual context FynYQC2EwyA-02074-00478864-00479095 and it turned out that that was enough FynYQC2EwyA-02075-00479096-00479183 to FynYQC2EwyA-02076-00479184-00479318 interpret FynYQC2EwyA-02077-00479319-00479479 the symbolic FynYQC2EwyA-02078-00479480-00479559 uh FynYQC2EwyA-02079-00479560-00479718 materials FynYQC2EwyA-02080-00479719-00480031 but this is not like the base FynYQC2EwyA-02081-00480032-00480247 communication case FynYQC2EwyA-02082-00480247-00480422 that we then need to see all FynYQC2EwyA-02083-00480423-00480607 communication and all learning and FynYQC2EwyA-02084-00480608-00480799 education of languages and active FynYQC2EwyA-02085-00480800-00481039 inference ontology as being like a FynYQC2EwyA-02086-00481039-00481214 rosetta stone FynYQC2EwyA-02087-00481215-00481503 like the definitions of words are not FynYQC2EwyA-02088-00481504-00481687 codes to crack FynYQC2EwyA-02089-00481688-00481983 they're like inside jokes FynYQC2EwyA-02090-00481984-00482214 or ways of communicating on a sports FynYQC2EwyA-02091-00482215-00482327 team FynYQC2EwyA-02092-00482328-00482518 that have to do with the context of the FynYQC2EwyA-02093-00482519-00482622 setting FynYQC2EwyA-02094-00482623-00482822 and um FynYQC2EwyA-02095-00482823-00483055 asynchronous FynYQC2EwyA-02096-00483056-00483287 modifications in the environment FynYQC2EwyA-02097-00483288-00483607 especially symbolic asynchronous FynYQC2EwyA-02098-00483608-00483959 modifications which are relatively new FynYQC2EwyA-02099-00483960-00484255 potentially existing in their FynYQC2EwyA-02100-00484256-00484447 modern form for several hundreds to FynYQC2EwyA-02101-00484447-00484647 several thousands of years depending on FynYQC2EwyA-02102-00484647-00484831 how we think about it symbolic FynYQC2EwyA-02103-00484832-00485118 asynchronous modification FynYQC2EwyA-02104-00485119-00485231 is FynYQC2EwyA-02105-00485232-00485591 a low context communication FynYQC2EwyA-02106-00485592-00485759 whereas FynYQC2EwyA-02107-00485760-00486031 even the interpretant of asynchronous FynYQC2EwyA-02108-00486032-00486295 symbolic communication FynYQC2EwyA-02109-00486296-00486566 still uses and embodies their context in FynYQC2EwyA-02110-00486567-00486766 the perception so we know that we have FynYQC2EwyA-02111-00486767-00487022 stereophonic communication just because FynYQC2EwyA-02112-00487023-00487191 we're stereophonic FynYQC2EwyA-02113-00487192-00487495 even if we are getting just a morse code FynYQC2EwyA-02114-00487496-00487622 symbol FynYQC2EwyA-02115-00487623-00487735 um FynYQC2EwyA-02116-00487735-00487887 but FynYQC2EwyA-02117-00487888-00488047 it is a FynYQC2EwyA-02118-00488047-00488255 uh non-controversial FynYQC2EwyA-02119-00488256-00488518 here but interestingly it sounds like FynYQC2EwyA-02120-00488519-00488647 elsewhere FynYQC2EwyA-02121-00488647-00488839 that we would want to think about FynYQC2EwyA-02122-00488839-00489070 communication broadly FynYQC2EwyA-02123-00489071-00489407 as being action oriented and embedded FynYQC2EwyA-02124-00489408-00489559 rather than FynYQC2EwyA-02125-00489560-00489863 um kind of like reverse engineered FynYQC2EwyA-02126-00489864-00490087 from the kinds of artifacts that we have FynYQC2EwyA-02127-00490088-00490287 today with quite literally computer FynYQC2EwyA-02128-00490288-00490455 codes FynYQC2EwyA-02129-00490456-00490703 and other kinds of FynYQC2EwyA-02130-00490704-00491327 you know turing computers and so on FynYQC2EwyA-02131-00491328-00491559 okay FynYQC2EwyA-02132-00491560-00491814 i think that you often explain FynYQC2EwyA-02133-00491815-00491975 the ideas that the FynYQC2EwyA-02134-00491976-00492175 the ideas that i'm trying to convey FynYQC2EwyA-02135-00492176-00492407 really better than me FynYQC2EwyA-02136-00492408-00492631 danielle i'm not really fluent in FynYQC2EwyA-02137-00492632-00492887 english so i i thank you for explaining FynYQC2EwyA-02138-00492888-00493047 better than me the the idea that i'm FynYQC2EwyA-02139-00493047-00493262 trying to say FynYQC2EwyA-02140-00493263-00493591 thank you um i appreciate it and FynYQC2EwyA-02141-00493592-00493822 you wrote the paper and so it's FynYQC2EwyA-02142-00493823-00494039 unsurprising it seems FynYQC2EwyA-02143-00494039-00494135 novel FynYQC2EwyA-02144-00494135-00494439 and i couldn't say it in any other way FynYQC2EwyA-02145-00494439-00494662 even when you speak english daniel can FynYQC2EwyA-02146-00494663-00494887 still like speak better than you FynYQC2EwyA-02147-00494888-00495062 communicate more effectively the ideas FynYQC2EwyA-02148-00495063-00495239 that you're trying to convey even when FynYQC2EwyA-02149-00495239-00495487 english is your first language FynYQC2EwyA-02150-00495488-00495566 well FynYQC2EwyA-02151-00495567-00495814 context is non-fungible FynYQC2EwyA-02152-00495815-00496247 so i don't think that there can be FynYQC2EwyA-02153-00496247-00496527 a best or a final communication FynYQC2EwyA-02154-00496528-00496759 it's just like a best or a final species FynYQC2EwyA-02155-00496760-00497039 or state for an ecosystem to be in FynYQC2EwyA-02156-00497039-00497310 and i guess in the last FynYQC2EwyA-02157-00497312-00497822 25 minutes or however FynYQC2EwyA-02158-00497823-00498439 now that our ecosystem has been modified FynYQC2EwyA-02159-00498439-00498639 however it has been FynYQC2EwyA-02160-00498639-00498791 in these conversations and through FynYQC2EwyA-02161-00498792-00498943 reading and FynYQC2EwyA-02162-00498943-00499159 opening up threads FynYQC2EwyA-02163-00499160-00499391 uh how will it FynYQC2EwyA-02164-00499392-00499710 shape our field of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-02165-00499712-00499935 and how will we FynYQC2EwyA-02166-00499935-00500343 stream and play differently dean FynYQC2EwyA-02167-00500343-00500607 so i'm curious from all from all three FynYQC2EwyA-02168-00500608-00500766 of you FynYQC2EwyA-02169-00500767-00501095 as a strategy FynYQC2EwyA-02170-00501096-00501270 if you want to get past monologue what FynYQC2EwyA-02171-00501271-00501543 do you do how many times do you play FynYQC2EwyA-02172-00501543-00501879 playing play so as an example like a FynYQC2EwyA-02173-00501880-00502127 real pertinent one right now FynYQC2EwyA-02174-00502128-00502327 well the way that the live streams about FynYQC2EwyA-02175-00502328-00502551 have been set up have always been FynYQC2EwyA-02176-00502552-00502783 sort of a pre-brief FynYQC2EwyA-02177-00502784-00503110 introduction with the authors or a play FynYQC2EwyA-02178-00503112-00503295 and then a a FynYQC2EwyA-02179-00503296-00503583 played a debrief piece to this and so FynYQC2EwyA-02180-00503584-00503814 the communication is never left as a as FynYQC2EwyA-02181-00503815-00503943 a one-off FynYQC2EwyA-02182-00503943-00504127 exercise FynYQC2EwyA-02183-00504128-00504335 i just read the paper there's a there's FynYQC2EwyA-02184-00504335-00504470 it there is FynYQC2EwyA-02185-00504471-00504791 affordance is set up to interact with FynYQC2EwyA-02186-00504792-00505199 information to be able to receive it FynYQC2EwyA-02187-00505200-00505375 at multiple different time points FynYQC2EwyA-02188-00505376-00505535 because i think in the dot one FynYQC2EwyA-02189-00505535-00505766 you said we could look at it as slices FynYQC2EwyA-02190-00505767-00506014 of time but that's probably not FynYQC2EwyA-02191-00506015-00506255 accurate in terms of of the dynamic FynYQC2EwyA-02192-00506256-00506543 that's in play so FynYQC2EwyA-02193-00506543-00506695 one of the things the active inference FynYQC2EwyA-02194-00506696-00506887 institute also does is FynYQC2EwyA-02195-00506888-00507055 has a FynYQC2EwyA-02196-00507056-00507214 textbook group FynYQC2EwyA-02197-00507215-00507375 now i've not been a part of the text FynYQC2EwyA-02198-00507376-00507510 group book group and i don't know FynYQC2EwyA-02199-00507512-00507766 whether they do it in sets of three as FynYQC2EwyA-02200-00507767-00507943 well to create that kind of FynYQC2EwyA-02201-00507943-00508175 triangulation so that it the interaction FynYQC2EwyA-02202-00508176-00508366 that the communication FynYQC2EwyA-02203-00508367-00508631 doesn't become FynYQC2EwyA-02204-00508632-00508783 monolithic FynYQC2EwyA-02205-00508784-00508959 or monistic FynYQC2EwyA-02206-00508960-00509047 or FynYQC2EwyA-02207-00509047-00509239 here here's here are the words that have FynYQC2EwyA-02208-00509239-00509447 come down now off the mount FynYQC2EwyA-02209-00509447-00509710 accept them and start start carrying FynYQC2EwyA-02210-00509712-00509855 them out even though you don't have a FynYQC2EwyA-02211-00509856-00510070 context right FynYQC2EwyA-02212-00510071-00510327 chiseling them into the stone doesn't FynYQC2EwyA-02213-00510328-00510566 increase their priority at least if you FynYQC2EwyA-02214-00510567-00510759 don't have the context so FynYQC2EwyA-02215-00510760-00510959 what i'm curious about from three of you FynYQC2EwyA-02216-00510960-00511151 is if you want to get past FynYQC2EwyA-02217-00511152-00511391 instructionalism in terms or if you want FynYQC2EwyA-02218-00511392-00511575 to get past transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02219-00511576-00511775 is there a basic FynYQC2EwyA-02220-00511776-00512114 requirement to have multiple FynYQC2EwyA-02221-00512115-00512295 reinterpretations or at least the FynYQC2EwyA-02222-00512296-00512614 opportunity to reinterpret like does it FynYQC2EwyA-02223-00512615-00512895 from a communication standpoint do we FynYQC2EwyA-02224-00512896-00513070 must we have FynYQC2EwyA-02225-00513071-00513495 reflection FynYQC2EwyA-02226-00513496-00513631 and time for that do we have to have FynYQC2EwyA-02227-00513632-00513927 time built in for that or are we are we FynYQC2EwyA-02228-00513928-00514047 then bound FynYQC2EwyA-02229-00514047-00514535 to a transmitted state only FynYQC2EwyA-02230-00514535-00514718 anybody can answer FynYQC2EwyA-02231-00514719-00514983 yes blue first FynYQC2EwyA-02232-00514984-00515062 um FynYQC2EwyA-02233-00515063-00515359 so so not like uh in the way that we FynYQC2EwyA-02234-00515360-00515591 have um reflection like we have a FynYQC2EwyA-02235-00515592-00515822 pre-brief and then the actual brief and FynYQC2EwyA-02236-00515823-00516118 then and then the reflection time in the FynYQC2EwyA-02237-00516119-00516439 live stream series so so not in that way FynYQC2EwyA-02238-00516439-00516683 but but i do think that um FynYQC2EwyA-02239-00516684-00517110 in in effective communication there is FynYQC2EwyA-02240-00517112-00517279 like reflection FynYQC2EwyA-02241-00517280-00517575 as an essential component of that FynYQC2EwyA-02242-00517576-00517727 like communication when you have a FynYQC2EwyA-02243-00517728-00517887 conversation FynYQC2EwyA-02244-00517888-00517966 it FynYQC2EwyA-02245-00517967-00518079 shouldn't be FynYQC2EwyA-02246-00518080-00518327 about just waiting for your turn to talk FynYQC2EwyA-02247-00518328-00518543 right i mean there should be some FynYQC2EwyA-02248-00518543-00518727 reflection of what the other person is FynYQC2EwyA-02249-00518728-00518822 saying FynYQC2EwyA-02250-00518823-00519135 in what you're saying back to them like FynYQC2EwyA-02251-00519135-00519318 hello how are you doing today i want FynYQC2EwyA-02252-00519319-00519535 scrambled eggs like if that was a FynYQC2EwyA-02253-00519535-00519831 conversation when it wouldn't like be it FynYQC2EwyA-02254-00519832-00520022 wouldn't work right like so there has to FynYQC2EwyA-02255-00520023-00520214 be some element of reflecting back what FynYQC2EwyA-02256-00520215-00520431 the other person is saying to you FynYQC2EwyA-02257-00520432-00520622 in in communication that's effective FynYQC2EwyA-02258-00520623-00520951 it's not just this like tower of FynYQC2EwyA-02259-00520952-00521383 disjointed blocks being built FynYQC2EwyA-02260-00521384-00521551 yes remy FynYQC2EwyA-02261-00521552-00521791 yeah i think i think that uh what you FynYQC2EwyA-02262-00521792-00522079 said the blue is is interesting the a FynYQC2EwyA-02263-00522080-00522310 really important element of cooperative FynYQC2EwyA-02264-00522312-00522535 communication is that FynYQC2EwyA-02265-00522535-00522710 when you're talking to somebody when FynYQC2EwyA-02266-00522712-00522966 you're in a dialogue you have to concede FynYQC2EwyA-02267-00522967-00523279 a part of your autonomy you have to FynYQC2EwyA-02268-00523280-00523518 accept to be regulated by the other FynYQC2EwyA-02269-00523519-00523759 person and that's i think FynYQC2EwyA-02270-00523760-00524055 where somebody people who like talk past FynYQC2EwyA-02271-00524056-00524207 each other and don't listen to each FynYQC2EwyA-02272-00524208-00524375 other and interact it happens really FynYQC2EwyA-02273-00524376-00524599 often some friends talk to talk like it FynYQC2EwyA-02274-00524600-00524751 seems like when when they're waiting FynYQC2EwyA-02275-00524752-00524887 they're just waiting when they're FynYQC2EwyA-02276-00524888-00525062 listening they're just waiting to say FynYQC2EwyA-02277-00525063-00525247 what they want to say so FynYQC2EwyA-02278-00525248-00525439 these people don't like don't respect FynYQC2EwyA-02279-00525440-00525807 the kind of pragmatic uh principle uh of FynYQC2EwyA-02280-00525808-00525983 like you you have to to pay attention to FynYQC2EwyA-02281-00525984-00526166 what the other person is saying and to FynYQC2EwyA-02282-00526167-00526391 have a proper to have a correct uh FynYQC2EwyA-02283-00526392-00526631 communicative interaction you have to FynYQC2EwyA-02284-00526632-00526759 concede FynYQC2EwyA-02285-00526760-00526895 the the the FynYQC2EwyA-02286-00526896-00527111 like you have to accept that your field FynYQC2EwyA-02287-00527112-00527327 of affordance is regulated by the person FynYQC2EwyA-02288-00527328-00527518 who's talking to you you have to let FynYQC2EwyA-02289-00527519-00527759 yourself be um FynYQC2EwyA-02290-00527760-00527966 influenced be constrained by the by the FynYQC2EwyA-02291-00527967-00528166 person who's talking to you just because FynYQC2EwyA-02292-00528167-00528375 you you have to listen to it and you FynYQC2EwyA-02293-00528376-00528647 have to uh refrain from like turning FynYQC2EwyA-02294-00528648-00528870 away and go go do something else you FynYQC2EwyA-02295-00528871-00529262 have to um like it's it's really just FynYQC2EwyA-02296-00529263-00529431 accepting considering a part of your FynYQC2EwyA-02297-00529432-00529687 autonomy and that's a another uh idea FynYQC2EwyA-02298-00529688-00529991 from di paolo as a an active approach of FynYQC2EwyA-02299-00529992-00530103 language FynYQC2EwyA-02300-00530104-00530335 where like there's in communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02301-00530336-00530551 interact in inter any cooperative FynYQC2EwyA-02302-00530552-00530670 interaction but in communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02303-00530671-00530983 interaction in particular you have to uh FynYQC2EwyA-02304-00530984-00531191 like here in a bit a part of your field FynYQC2EwyA-02305-00531192-00531470 of affordance to participate in this FynYQC2EwyA-02306-00531471-00531775 interaction and listen because FynYQC2EwyA-02307-00531776-00531975 suppose that what i'm saying is really FynYQC2EwyA-02308-00531976-00532159 boring to you and you just want to go FynYQC2EwyA-02309-00532160-00532335 eat your piece of cake in the in the FynYQC2EwyA-02310-00532336-00532566 fridge like you have to in order to FynYQC2EwyA-02311-00532567-00532839 participate to uh maintain the the the FynYQC2EwyA-02312-00532840-00533047 interaction you have to inhibit this FynYQC2EwyA-02313-00533048-00533366 this afford this solicitation and to uh FynYQC2EwyA-02314-00533367-00533655 to let me regulate your your your field FynYQC2EwyA-02315-00533656-00533862 of affordance and so there's this part FynYQC2EwyA-02316-00533863-00534143 of like i concede i can see something in FynYQC2EwyA-02317-00534144-00534318 order to maintain the interaction and FynYQC2EwyA-02318-00534319-00534543 when there's no no more interest or i'm FynYQC2EwyA-02319-00534544-00534679 not able FynYQC2EwyA-02320-00534680-00534975 to to i don't want to to be regulated FynYQC2EwyA-02321-00534976-00535159 and there's another solicitation outside FynYQC2EwyA-02322-00535160-00535343 the interaction that's more uh FynYQC2EwyA-02323-00535344-00535583 interesting to me but then i will leave FynYQC2EwyA-02324-00535584-00535735 the interaction but FynYQC2EwyA-02325-00535736-00535975 to maintain the interaction you have to FynYQC2EwyA-02326-00535976-00536287 have a FynYQC2EwyA-02327-00536288-00536487 capacity of inhibition executive FynYQC2EwyA-02328-00536488-00536711 executive some form of what would be FynYQC2EwyA-02329-00536712-00537047 called executive control to uh be able FynYQC2EwyA-02330-00537048-00537318 to listen and and take what the person FynYQC2EwyA-02331-00537319-00537487 is saying if you don't have that you're FynYQC2EwyA-02332-00537488-00537727 just going to think about something else FynYQC2EwyA-02333-00537728-00537966 and not let yourself be FynYQC2EwyA-02334-00537967-00538079 take FynYQC2EwyA-02335-00538080-00538311 be constrained by the communicative acts FynYQC2EwyA-02336-00538312-00539083 of the other person FynYQC2EwyA-02337-00539084-00539399 so back to dean's FynYQC2EwyA-02338-00539400-00539887 point about multi-part and multiplayer FynYQC2EwyA-02339-00539888-00540166 communication and engagement FynYQC2EwyA-02340-00540167-00540566 when we only have one communication FynYQC2EwyA-02341-00540567-00540855 then it can feel like a transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02342-00540856-00541047 like the rosetta stone transmitted from FynYQC2EwyA-02343-00541048-00541335 the past we don't get a a dot two or a FynYQC2EwyA-02344-00541336-00541883 dot one on the rosetta stone FynYQC2EwyA-02345-00541884-00542191 structuring learning groups FynYQC2EwyA-02346-00542192-00542479 and other activities and relationships FynYQC2EwyA-02347-00542480-00542751 and cooperative communication FynYQC2EwyA-02348-00542752-00543007 as something unfolding FynYQC2EwyA-02349-00543008-00543270 bumping into each other twice FynYQC2EwyA-02350-00543271-00543518 says something about those particles FynYQC2EwyA-02351-00543519-00543695 that bumping together FynYQC2EwyA-02352-00543696-00543887 just once FynYQC2EwyA-02353-00543888-00544087 doesn't it's almost like FynYQC2EwyA-02354-00544088-00544351 what do they say once is an accident FynYQC2EwyA-02355-00544352-00544527 twice is a coincidence FynYQC2EwyA-02356-00544528-00544911 three times is a party or FynYQC2EwyA-02357-00544912-00545047 something like that FynYQC2EwyA-02358-00545048-00545143 so FynYQC2EwyA-02359-00545144-00545383 especially with three FynYQC2EwyA-02360-00545384-00545599 because one two three FynYQC2EwyA-02361-00545600-00545783 there may be FynYQC2EwyA-02362-00545784-00545951 a FynYQC2EwyA-02363-00545952-00546166 enough of a recurrent engagement and FynYQC2EwyA-02364-00546167-00546318 interweaving FynYQC2EwyA-02365-00546319-00546631 to support reflection development FynYQC2EwyA-02366-00546632-00546943 to de-emphasize any single of those FynYQC2EwyA-02367-00546944-00547095 events FynYQC2EwyA-02368-00547096-00547366 because none of them are even half FynYQC2EwyA-02369-00547367-00547647 of the total series of three FynYQC2EwyA-02370-00547648-00547911 so none of them can even be said to be a FynYQC2EwyA-02371-00547912-00548118 plurality or a majority FynYQC2EwyA-02372-00548119-00548439 if the dot zero one and two were to vote FynYQC2EwyA-02373-00548440-00548614 uh to vote one of them out or something FynYQC2EwyA-02374-00548615-00548751 like that FynYQC2EwyA-02375-00548752-00548862 um FynYQC2EwyA-02376-00548863-00549166 and i think it does point towards FynYQC2EwyA-02377-00549167-00549422 the reality of our continued interaction FynYQC2EwyA-02378-00549423-00549631 with materials FynYQC2EwyA-02379-00549632-00549751 and then FynYQC2EwyA-02380-00549752-00549927 towards FynYQC2EwyA-02381-00549928-00550183 structures that allow us to FynYQC2EwyA-02382-00550184-00550287 engage FynYQC2EwyA-02383-00550288-00550887 naturally remy FynYQC2EwyA-02384-00550888-00551207 i i think that what um FynYQC2EwyA-02385-00551208-00551414 communicating FynYQC2EwyA-02386-00551415-00551527 in there FynYQC2EwyA-02387-00551528-00551759 repetitively with the same people what FynYQC2EwyA-02388-00551760-00551943 it achieves it's FynYQC2EwyA-02389-00551944-00552014 it FynYQC2EwyA-02390-00552015-00552255 obviously it shapes the genetic model it FynYQC2EwyA-02391-00552256-00552551 aligns them in in some ways so FynYQC2EwyA-02392-00552552-00552862 we come to share expectations and FynYQC2EwyA-02393-00552863-00553143 share fields of affordances FynYQC2EwyA-02394-00553144-00553407 so it's it clearly eases uh FynYQC2EwyA-02395-00553408-00553583 communicative interaction because we FynYQC2EwyA-02396-00553584-00553822 don't have to communicate as much when FynYQC2EwyA-02397-00553823-00554031 we there's this trade-off between if you FynYQC2EwyA-02398-00554032-00554303 have a lot of shared context you don't FynYQC2EwyA-02399-00554304-00554399 have FynYQC2EwyA-02400-00554400-00554566 you don't have to communicate as much FynYQC2EwyA-02401-00554567-00554711 and if you don't have a lot of short FynYQC2EwyA-02402-00554712-00554959 context you have to communicate more to FynYQC2EwyA-02403-00554960-00555118 to to FynYQC2EwyA-02404-00555119-00555247 to FynYQC2EwyA-02405-00555248-00555487 yeah have a FynYQC2EwyA-02406-00555488-00555679 useful interaction to have a productive FynYQC2EwyA-02407-00555680-00555911 interaction and so what FynYQC2EwyA-02408-00555912-00556231 i think we we have done is we have like FynYQC2EwyA-02409-00556232-00556479 aligned the arginative models in ways FynYQC2EwyA-02410-00556480-00556695 that helps us understand FynYQC2EwyA-02411-00556696-00556911 each other better than we did at the FynYQC2EwyA-02412-00556912-00557118 beginning FynYQC2EwyA-02413-00557119-00557343 for instance we can refer to things that FynYQC2EwyA-02414-00557344-00557599 we said in the past we can say oh when FynYQC2EwyA-02415-00557600-00557743 you said that FynYQC2EwyA-02416-00557744-00557975 i i so i think that's relevant now and FynYQC2EwyA-02417-00557976-00558079 so we can FynYQC2EwyA-02418-00558080-00558222 make FynYQC2EwyA-02419-00558223-00558503 we can point to relations to things that FynYQC2EwyA-02420-00558504-00558718 that we said earlier so FynYQC2EwyA-02421-00558719-00558895 there's this uh FynYQC2EwyA-02422-00558896-00559127 there's this continual easing of FynYQC2EwyA-02423-00559128-00559255 communication FynYQC2EwyA-02424-00559256-00559431 when you have repetitive communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02425-00559432-00559662 interaction with somebody that's i think FynYQC2EwyA-02426-00559663-00559847 that i think is uh FynYQC2EwyA-02427-00559848-00560159 why we can come to believe that people FynYQC2EwyA-02428-00560160-00560351 we're living with we can reach read each FynYQC2EwyA-02429-00560352-00560527 other's mind without without talking FynYQC2EwyA-02430-00560528-00560735 because there's so much shared context FynYQC2EwyA-02431-00560736-00560966 that something can happen and it can FynYQC2EwyA-02432-00560967-00561191 make us think some something that is FynYQC2EwyA-02433-00561192-00561422 shared without us even saying anything FynYQC2EwyA-02434-00561423-00561751 so there's this this context come to be FynYQC2EwyA-02435-00561752-00562022 really complex and really um FynYQC2EwyA-02436-00562023-00562199 really deep FynYQC2EwyA-02437-00562200-00562551 and so yeah interacting repetitively FynYQC2EwyA-02438-00562552-00563031 obviously eases communication FynYQC2EwyA-02439-00563032-00563239 okay so we can FynYQC2EwyA-02440-00563240-00563407 meet multiple times FynYQC2EwyA-02441-00563408-00563655 do preparation FynYQC2EwyA-02442-00563656-00563775 engagement FynYQC2EwyA-02443-00563776-00563983 and reflection FynYQC2EwyA-02444-00563984-00564166 before during and after FynYQC2EwyA-02445-00564167-00564335 a communication FynYQC2EwyA-02446-00564336-00564583 and structure communication so that FynYQC2EwyA-02447-00564584-00564718 there are multiple FynYQC2EwyA-02448-00564719-00565062 such kind of peaks and troughs FynYQC2EwyA-02449-00565063-00565175 we can FynYQC2EwyA-02450-00565176-00565383 talk about aligning FynYQC2EwyA-02451-00565384-00565543 or FynYQC2EwyA-02452-00565544-00565759 synchronizing in the general synchrony FynYQC2EwyA-02453-00565760-00566039 sense not making identical but rather FynYQC2EwyA-02454-00566040-00566303 coordinating our generative models FynYQC2EwyA-02455-00566304-00566391 through FynYQC2EwyA-02456-00566392-00566687 perception and learning FynYQC2EwyA-02457-00566688-00566775 as you FynYQC2EwyA-02458-00566776-00566943 mentioned it helps us understand each FynYQC2EwyA-02459-00566944-00567111 other better FynYQC2EwyA-02460-00567112-00567351 like a goal of a communication could be FynYQC2EwyA-02461-00567352-00567487 epistemic FynYQC2EwyA-02462-00567488-00567743 let's get to know each other FynYQC2EwyA-02463-00567744-00568062 and it could also have an element of FynYQC2EwyA-02464-00568063-00568335 pragmatic value like let's take FynYQC2EwyA-02465-00568336-00568495 epistemic action to find out if a FynYQC2EwyA-02466-00568496-00568735 collaboration is relevant here FynYQC2EwyA-02467-00568736-00568943 and then we're going to engage in these FynYQC2EwyA-02468-00568944-00569191 pragmatic actions FynYQC2EwyA-02469-00569192-00569414 remy FynYQC2EwyA-02470-00569415-00569639 yeah and i i think that FynYQC2EwyA-02471-00569640-00569822 a lot of FynYQC2EwyA-02472-00569823-00569999 interaction FynYQC2EwyA-02473-00570000-00570279 uh that we share in our like academic FynYQC2EwyA-02474-00570280-00570383 and uh FynYQC2EwyA-02475-00570384-00570711 highly linguistic and advanced societies FynYQC2EwyA-02476-00570712-00570991 really often look like a transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02477-00570992-00571303 interaction so we're saying things that FynYQC2EwyA-02478-00571304-00571551 we're thinking to each other but i think FynYQC2EwyA-02479-00571552-00571951 that these epistemic or communicative um FynYQC2EwyA-02480-00571952-00572135 in terms of transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02481-00572136-00572366 these communicative transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02482-00572367-00572495 interactions FynYQC2EwyA-02483-00572496-00572775 are are the way they are because they FynYQC2EwyA-02484-00572776-00572999 are explicit aims of the interaction in FynYQC2EwyA-02485-00573000-00573199 which we're engaged that is we are FynYQC2EwyA-02486-00573200-00573399 transmitting content now when we're FynYQC2EwyA-02487-00573400-00573614 talking to each other because FynYQC2EwyA-02488-00573615-00573687 that FynYQC2EwyA-02489-00573688-00573895 in a way that that's the goal of of the FynYQC2EwyA-02490-00573896-00574007 interaction FynYQC2EwyA-02491-00574008-00574318 but in in other contexts like FynYQC2EwyA-02492-00574319-00574518 it's because we have communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02493-00574519-00574711 practices that we have developed that we FynYQC2EwyA-02494-00574712-00575031 can have these these goals uh that can FynYQC2EwyA-02495-00575032-00575255 drive an interaction FynYQC2EwyA-02496-00575256-00575518 um if we're at the grocery store if FynYQC2EwyA-02497-00575519-00575735 we're in other contexts we're doing some FynYQC2EwyA-02498-00575736-00575879 something else but when we're in FynYQC2EwyA-02499-00575880-00576135 academic context often the goal of the FynYQC2EwyA-02500-00576136-00576462 interactions is talking about ideas FynYQC2EwyA-02501-00576463-00576647 transmitting some some FynYQC2EwyA-02502-00576648-00576911 some contents transmitting some some FynYQC2EwyA-02503-00576912-00577070 some theories for instance explaining FynYQC2EwyA-02504-00577071-00577287 theories explaining arguments and so FynYQC2EwyA-02505-00577288-00577503 these interactions we we look at them FynYQC2EwyA-02506-00577504-00577743 and we're like oh that's clearly there's FynYQC2EwyA-02507-00577744-00577879 they were transmitting content when FynYQC2EwyA-02508-00577880-00578118 we're talking but the idea is that the FynYQC2EwyA-02509-00578119-00578318 this is really a small subset of the FynYQC2EwyA-02510-00578319-00578518 cases of communicative interaction that FynYQC2EwyA-02511-00578519-00578607 we FynYQC2EwyA-02512-00578608-00578927 engage in in everyday life and we take FynYQC2EwyA-02513-00578928-00579079 these as FynYQC2EwyA-02514-00579080-00579351 paradigmatic uh cases of communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02515-00579352-00579687 interaction when they are really FynYQC2EwyA-02516-00579688-00580014 the the pinnacle of the the the FynYQC2EwyA-02517-00580015-00580239 linguistic civilization we're in in a FynYQC2EwyA-02518-00580240-00580327 really FynYQC2EwyA-02519-00580328-00580410 rarified FynYQC2EwyA-02520-00580411-00580622 [Laughter] FynYQC2EwyA-02521-00580623-00580862 context where like academic discussions FynYQC2EwyA-02522-00580863-00581039 are not what we do FynYQC2EwyA-02523-00581040-00581262 in everyday settings when we talk to FynYQC2EwyA-02524-00581263-00581614 each other and we we do this it's FynYQC2EwyA-02525-00581615-00581879 because it's a an explicit aim of our FynYQC2EwyA-02526-00581880-00582110 interaction now that we do this but in FynYQC2EwyA-02527-00582111-00582366 other cases FynYQC2EwyA-02528-00582367-00582566 in many in most cases when we speak to FynYQC2EwyA-02529-00582567-00582783 each other that's not the the aim the FynYQC2EwyA-02530-00582784-00582975 explicit aim is not to transfer some FynYQC2EwyA-02531-00582976-00583175 information or talk about theories it's FynYQC2EwyA-02532-00583176-00583470 about doing things uh together and now FynYQC2EwyA-02533-00583471-00583655 we're doing something together we're FynYQC2EwyA-02534-00583656-00583910 talking about active influence but FynYQC2EwyA-02535-00583911-00584214 it looks as if it it can be understood FynYQC2EwyA-02536-00584215-00584455 in in terms of content sharing and FynYQC2EwyA-02537-00584456-00584655 content transmission but that's because FynYQC2EwyA-02538-00584656-00584895 it's the goal of our interaction it's FynYQC2EwyA-02539-00584896-00585039 not because it's the nature of FynYQC2EwyA-02540-00585040-00585399 communication FynYQC2EwyA-02541-00585400-00585743 don't i don't know if i'm being clear FynYQC2EwyA-02542-00585744-00585839 yep FynYQC2EwyA-02543-00585840-00586047 dean you had your hand raised FynYQC2EwyA-02544-00586048-00586343 well i just i think FynYQC2EwyA-02545-00586344-00586527 you know i don't want to put my FynYQC2EwyA-02546-00586528-00586695 philosopher's cap on but i will just FynYQC2EwyA-02547-00586696-00586895 briefly i think we use language and FynYQC2EwyA-02548-00586896-00587062 communication to save time it's an FynYQC2EwyA-02549-00587063-00587295 explication strategy FynYQC2EwyA-02550-00587296-00587527 and so i think when we put a 13-week set FynYQC2EwyA-02551-00587528-00587791 of parentheses around a learning FynYQC2EwyA-02552-00587792-00588014 moment or opportunity FynYQC2EwyA-02553-00588015-00588255 we oftentimes get get the card ahead of FynYQC2EwyA-02554-00588256-00588487 the horse we don't we don't see the FynYQC2EwyA-02555-00588488-00588614 pragmatics FynYQC2EwyA-02556-00588615-00588791 because we're busy FynYQC2EwyA-02557-00588792-00588935 transmitting FynYQC2EwyA-02558-00588936-00589159 and what ends up happening is the plan FynYQC2EwyA-02559-00589160-00589383 forward that affordance that FynYQC2EwyA-02560-00589384-00589727 exploitation or optimization or savings FynYQC2EwyA-02561-00589728-00589855 of time FynYQC2EwyA-02562-00589856-00590110 jumps ahead of the prep to participate FynYQC2EwyA-02563-00590111-00590287 in the permeate now FynYQC2EwyA-02564-00590288-00590510 we can say that's a luxury but FynYQC2EwyA-02565-00590511-00590822 is if if we don't respect the fact that FynYQC2EwyA-02566-00590823-00590959 people FynYQC2EwyA-02567-00590960-00591270 maybe don't necessarily learn as well FynYQC2EwyA-02568-00591271-00591455 when they're handed the plan as opposed FynYQC2EwyA-02569-00591456-00591535 to FynYQC2EwyA-02570-00591536-00591735 given an opportunity to build one or FynYQC2EwyA-02571-00591736-00591983 form one themselves through preparation FynYQC2EwyA-02572-00591984-00592214 participation and permeation we could go FynYQC2EwyA-02573-00592215-00592431 away from this live stream and each of FynYQC2EwyA-02574-00592432-00592718 us could literally now design a better FynYQC2EwyA-02575-00592719-00592831 plan FynYQC2EwyA-02576-00592832-00592991 as opposed to FynYQC2EwyA-02577-00592992-00593231 remy came to us with a plan no what remy FynYQC2EwyA-02578-00593232-00593359 came to us with FynYQC2EwyA-02579-00593360-00593614 was a sketch FynYQC2EwyA-02580-00593615-00593918 and then we prepped FynYQC2EwyA-02581-00593919-00594270 participated and permeated that now the FynYQC2EwyA-02582-00594271-00594470 the the sophistication of whatever comes FynYQC2EwyA-02583-00594471-00594687 out of that in terms of a go forward FynYQC2EwyA-02584-00594688-00594855 move for each one of us FynYQC2EwyA-02585-00594856-00594959 is FynYQC2EwyA-02586-00594960-00595183 orders of magnitude greater because FynYQC2EwyA-02587-00595184-00595343 somebody didn't say FynYQC2EwyA-02588-00595344-00595591 oh well i've only got 13 weeks i don't FynYQC2EwyA-02589-00595592-00595814 have the luxury to be able to be FynYQC2EwyA-02590-00595815-00596039 pragmatic about this FynYQC2EwyA-02591-00596040-00596287 so there i'll take my hat off again i FynYQC2EwyA-02592-00596288-00596527 don't mean to sermonize but i think when FynYQC2EwyA-02593-00596528-00596639 we actually FynYQC2EwyA-02594-00596640-00596870 feel what it's like FynYQC2EwyA-02595-00596871-00597143 to let the plan FynYQC2EwyA-02596-00597144-00597455 naturally evolve and and become FynYQC2EwyA-02597-00597456-00597655 a part of the ecology as opposed to FynYQC2EwyA-02598-00597656-00597959 driving the ecology the single source it FynYQC2EwyA-02599-00597960-00598118 changes everything FynYQC2EwyA-02600-00598119-00598318 and over and over again every time we FynYQC2EwyA-02601-00598319-00598583 have one of these three set live streams FynYQC2EwyA-02602-00598584-00598775 it reinforces FynYQC2EwyA-02603-00598776-00598951 what you could do and again you don't FynYQC2EwyA-02604-00598952-00599151 even have to be on FynYQC2EwyA-02605-00599152-00599318 the the FynYQC2EwyA-02606-00599319-00599447 zoo FynYQC2EwyA-02607-00599448-00599670 as long as you give over the amount of FynYQC2EwyA-02608-00599671-00599895 the amount of time to see and sense what FynYQC2EwyA-02609-00599896-00600183 it's like to prep FynYQC2EwyA-02610-00600184-00600383 participate and the FynYQC2EwyA-02611-00600384-00600527 and i think the most important one of FynYQC2EwyA-02612-00600528-00600759 all stick around for the permeate FynYQC2EwyA-02613-00600760-00600935 because that's where the real nuggets FynYQC2EwyA-02614-00600936-00601127 seem to to daniel's FynYQC2EwyA-02615-00601128-00601351 metaphor of icebergs FynYQC2EwyA-02616-00601352-00601495 things float FynYQC2EwyA-02617-00601496-00601655 to the surface FynYQC2EwyA-02618-00601656-00601862 when you give it enough time but i i FynYQC2EwyA-02619-00601863-00601975 understand FynYQC2EwyA-02620-00601976-00602207 it's also a 13-week window and i'm FynYQC2EwyA-02621-00602208-00602422 paying thousands of dollars to FynYQC2EwyA-02622-00602423-00602751 to sit in your class and come on FynYQC2EwyA-02623-00602752-00602895 exploit the daylights out of your FynYQC2EwyA-02624-00602896-00603022 communication FynYQC2EwyA-02625-00603023-00603279 and i just don't know that people don't FynYQC2EwyA-02626-00603280-00603414 realize that they're cutting off their FynYQC2EwyA-02627-00603415-00603527 noses FynYQC2EwyA-02628-00603528-00603670 despite their FynYQC2EwyA-02629-00603671-00603814 their learning FynYQC2EwyA-02630-00603815-00604462 so FynYQC2EwyA-02631-00604463-00604662 interesting a lot FynYQC2EwyA-02632-00604663-00604743 there FynYQC2EwyA-02633-00604744-00604966 permeation letting it FynYQC2EwyA-02634-00604967-00605118 pervade FynYQC2EwyA-02635-00605119-00605327 our generative model or FynYQC2EwyA-02636-00605328-00605566 percolate letting those messages be FynYQC2EwyA-02637-00605567-00605710 passed FynYQC2EwyA-02638-00605711-00606231 letting that ripple or the perturbation FynYQC2EwyA-02639-00606232-00606783 take effect at slower and deeper levels FynYQC2EwyA-02640-00606784-00606951 and FynYQC2EwyA-02641-00606952-00607159 it is really a challenge FynYQC2EwyA-02642-00607160-00607383 when the logistical and transmission FynYQC2EwyA-02643-00607384-00607775 aspects of communication FynYQC2EwyA-02644-00607776-00607966 are scaffolded FynYQC2EwyA-02645-00607967-00608191 and those are like the metadata fields FynYQC2EwyA-02646-00608192-00608383 that have to be filled out the boxes FynYQC2EwyA-02647-00608384-00608566 that have to be checked FynYQC2EwyA-02648-00608567-00609083 and they can feel constraining FynYQC2EwyA-02649-00609084-00609487 yet removing them FynYQC2EwyA-02650-00609488-00609791 is not a positive solution FynYQC2EwyA-02651-00609792-00610007 and so the path of least action for many FynYQC2EwyA-02652-00610008-00610110 learning FynYQC2EwyA-02653-00610111-00610303 scenarios FynYQC2EwyA-02654-00610304-00610551 is to replicate the prior FynYQC2EwyA-02655-00610552-00610703 yep FynYQC2EwyA-02656-00610704-00610966 over the decades a professor FynYQC2EwyA-02657-00610967-00611143 who might teach the same class in the FynYQC2EwyA-02658-00611144-00611391 same way FynYQC2EwyA-02659-00611392-00611487 and there's FynYQC2EwyA-02660-00611488-00611718 pros and cons to that FynYQC2EwyA-02661-00611719-00612062 in fact some of the uh most FynYQC2EwyA-02662-00612063-00612391 enlivened learning communities FynYQC2EwyA-02663-00612392-00612718 have like a vibrancy that transcends FynYQC2EwyA-02664-00612719-00613014 an almost ironically static learning FynYQC2EwyA-02665-00613015-00613151 experience FynYQC2EwyA-02666-00613152-00613375 like we all read this thing so it's not FynYQC2EwyA-02667-00613376-00613583 that that i think the FynYQC2EwyA-02668-00613584-00613814 mode of communication and cooperation FynYQC2EwyA-02669-00613815-00614087 and education that we're exploring here FynYQC2EwyA-02670-00614088-00614327 means that every single experience is FynYQC2EwyA-02671-00614328-00614599 going to be like FynYQC2EwyA-02672-00614600-00614910 some kind of full attention FynYQC2EwyA-02673-00614911-00615127 transformative FynYQC2EwyA-02674-00615128-00615343 depth psychology FynYQC2EwyA-02675-00615344-00615799 i think it would feel more FynYQC2EwyA-02676-00615800-00615966 normal and natural and just like FynYQC2EwyA-02677-00615967-00616239 participating in FynYQC2EwyA-02678-00616240-00616518 a cool ecosystem FynYQC2EwyA-02679-00616519-00616647 that works FynYQC2EwyA-02680-00616648-00616862 with that individual's FynYQC2EwyA-02681-00616863-00617407 situation FynYQC2EwyA-02682-00617408-00617927 what else can we add or where can we go FynYQC2EwyA-02683-00617928-00618847 where is active inference in all of this FynYQC2EwyA-02684-00618848-00619159 where do you see active inference um FynYQC2EwyA-02685-00619160-00619383 not like you know FynYQC2EwyA-02686-00619384-00619599 what are your intentions with my child FynYQC2EwyA-02687-00619600-00619910 but um FynYQC2EwyA-02688-00619911-00620062 where is active inference in your FynYQC2EwyA-02689-00620063-00620495 further research agenda remy FynYQC2EwyA-02690-00620496-00620783 i think it gives the um FynYQC2EwyA-02691-00620784-00621022 the like uh FynYQC2EwyA-02692-00621023-00621175 all-encompassing FynYQC2EwyA-02693-00621176-00621303 framework FynYQC2EwyA-02694-00621304-00621495 and then FynYQC2EwyA-02695-00621496-00622151 yeah the the FynYQC2EwyA-02696-00622152-00622375 the abstractness FynYQC2EwyA-02697-00622376-00622655 of the framework allows us to apply FynYQC2EwyA-02698-00622656-00622910 it to as we said like communicate FynYQC2EwyA-02699-00622911-00623118 communication between cells FynYQC2EwyA-02700-00623119-00623399 and communication between like uh FynYQC2EwyA-02701-00623400-00623551 countries or FynYQC2EwyA-02702-00623552-00623727 groups of individuals for this FynYQC2EwyA-02703-00623728-00624007 multi-scale FynYQC2EwyA-02704-00624008-00624183 property of active inference i think is FynYQC2EwyA-02705-00624184-00624399 really useful in the FynYQC2EwyA-02706-00624400-00624622 in in allowing us to describe FynYQC2EwyA-02707-00624623-00624799 communicative interaction between these FynYQC2EwyA-02708-00624800-00625014 various kinds of FynYQC2EwyA-02709-00625015-00625143 of FynYQC2EwyA-02710-00625144-00625366 free energy minimizing uh FynYQC2EwyA-02711-00625367-00625447 uh FynYQC2EwyA-02712-00625448-00625647 yeah agents FynYQC2EwyA-02713-00625648-00625903 um FynYQC2EwyA-02714-00625904-00626143 i saw that there's this did that FynYQC2EwyA-02715-00626144-00626575 that's useful i think that the FynYQC2EwyA-02716-00626576-00626822 yeah the the the learning mechanisms FynYQC2EwyA-02717-00626823-00627031 that are uh FynYQC2EwyA-02718-00627032-00627303 that are at work in active influence are FynYQC2EwyA-02719-00627304-00627487 really useful also FynYQC2EwyA-02720-00627488-00627607 to FynYQC2EwyA-02721-00627608-00627831 explain how communicative interaction is FynYQC2EwyA-02722-00627832-00628095 conducted and how repeated communicative FynYQC2EwyA-02723-00628096-00628383 interaction can lead to a form of FynYQC2EwyA-02724-00628384-00628599 synchronizing of the generative model as FynYQC2EwyA-02725-00628600-00628983 has been explored by vasil in a paper FynYQC2EwyA-02726-00628984-00629295 and in 2020 i think so that i think FynYQC2EwyA-02727-00629296-00629551 that's uh that's really useful uh FynYQC2EwyA-02728-00629552-00629879 there's a lot of a lot of things that uh FynYQC2EwyA-02729-00629880-00630095 that i think we can take from the active FynYQC2EwyA-02730-00630096-00630303 inference framework and FynYQC2EwyA-02731-00630304-00630462 and and yeah FynYQC2EwyA-02732-00630463-00630751 the the the idea that all actual i think FynYQC2EwyA-02733-00630752-00631055 the fundamental intuition is that all FynYQC2EwyA-02734-00631056-00631239 all action is FynYQC2EwyA-02735-00631240-00631527 free energy minimization FynYQC2EwyA-02736-00631528-00631775 that's trivial that that's uh FynYQC2EwyA-02737-00631776-00631879 but FynYQC2EwyA-02738-00631880-00632175 i think there's a pragmatist uh insight FynYQC2EwyA-02739-00632176-00632407 in in active influence that we can use FynYQC2EwyA-02740-00632408-00632662 to um to FynYQC2EwyA-02741-00632663-00632743 uh FynYQC2EwyA-02742-00632744-00632831 to FynYQC2EwyA-02743-00632832-00632951 support FynYQC2EwyA-02744-00632952-00633103 the uh FynYQC2EwyA-02745-00633104-00633295 the pragmatist view of communication FynYQC2EwyA-02746-00633296-00633431 yeah yeah that everything that an FynYQC2EwyA-02747-00633432-00633670 organism does it does it to minimize the FynYQC2EwyA-02748-00633671-00633910 free energy and active influence is no FynYQC2EwyA-02749-00633911-00634022 different FynYQC2EwyA-02750-00634023-00634255 and coming a communicative active FynYQC2EwyA-02751-00634256-00634487 influence as a form of active influence FynYQC2EwyA-02752-00634488-00634710 also aims to minimize the free energy of FynYQC2EwyA-02753-00634711-00635031 an organism and so when an organism FynYQC2EwyA-02754-00635032-00635383 tries it finds itself in in a situation FynYQC2EwyA-02755-00635384-00635527 where it's FynYQC2EwyA-02756-00635528-00635679 there's a lot of free energy there's a FynYQC2EwyA-02757-00635680-00635951 lot of error prediction it will try to FynYQC2EwyA-02758-00635952-00636135 engage it in its environment intervene FynYQC2EwyA-02759-00636136-00636375 it's an environment in order to FynYQC2EwyA-02760-00636376-00636575 bring itself back in in FynYQC2EwyA-02761-00636576-00636839 viable in its viable states and so all FynYQC2EwyA-02762-00636840-00637095 these ideas and when we apply them to FynYQC2EwyA-02763-00637096-00637335 communication i think they lead FynYQC2EwyA-02764-00637336-00637543 not necessarily by implication but i FynYQC2EwyA-02765-00637544-00637727 think they there's a FynYQC2EwyA-02766-00637728-00637999 path to these ideas through the the FynYQC2EwyA-02767-00638000-00638191 to the the pragmatic view of FynYQC2EwyA-02768-00638192-00638351 communication the idea that that FynYQC2EwyA-02769-00638352-00638670 communication is another form of is just FynYQC2EwyA-02770-00638671-00638943 a mechanism of regulation FynYQC2EwyA-02771-00638944-00639118 of organisms in order to minimize their FynYQC2EwyA-02772-00639119-00639343 free energy i think there's this kind of FynYQC2EwyA-02773-00639344-00639447 basic FynYQC2EwyA-02774-00639448-00639718 uh biological um FynYQC2EwyA-02775-00639719-00639935 understanding of the the behavior of FynYQC2EwyA-02776-00639936-00640270 organism i think it leads us more toward FynYQC2EwyA-02777-00640271-00640414 the pragmatist viewer community of FynYQC2EwyA-02778-00640415-00640551 communication FynYQC2EwyA-02779-00640552-00640822 rather than uh toward the the the more FynYQC2EwyA-02780-00640823-00641047 informational or transmission view that FynYQC2EwyA-02781-00641048-00641159 is FynYQC2EwyA-02782-00641160-00641343 that is more FynYQC2EwyA-02783-00641344-00641631 at home in our like really FynYQC2EwyA-02784-00641632-00641847 highly uh advanced and complex FynYQC2EwyA-02785-00641848-00642031 linguistic interaction and i think that FynYQC2EwyA-02786-00642032-00642359 this like basic biological framework FynYQC2EwyA-02787-00642360-00642566 uh is is a good place to start to FynYQC2EwyA-02788-00642567-00642807 understand uh communication in the FynYQC2EwyA-02789-00642808-00643214 pragmatist view FynYQC2EwyA-02790-00643215-00643375 very nice FynYQC2EwyA-02791-00643376-00643510 answer FynYQC2EwyA-02792-00643511-00643783 i'll i'll read a comment from steven and FynYQC2EwyA-02793-00643784-00643935 then we can FynYQC2EwyA-02794-00643936-00644135 give a thought on it as well as provide FynYQC2EwyA-02795-00644136-00644383 some closing thoughts FynYQC2EwyA-02796-00644384-00644607 so stephen wrote FynYQC2EwyA-02797-00644608-00644831 explicit aims of interaction are FynYQC2EwyA-02798-00644832-00645039 important and can be invisible thus FynYQC2EwyA-02799-00645040-00645207 communication appears to be based on FynYQC2EwyA-02800-00645208-00645422 transmission should we identify the FynYQC2EwyA-02801-00645423-00645766 context through the affordances or via FynYQC2EwyA-02802-00645767-00645991 naming the water like the water we swim FynYQC2EwyA-02803-00645992-00646087 in FynYQC2EwyA-02804-00646088-00646239 that is FynYQC2EwyA-02805-00646240-00646495 is the context and the explicit aims FynYQC2EwyA-02806-00646496-00646751 apparent via the affordances FynYQC2EwyA-02807-00646752-00647022 or is there a special sauce that flavors FynYQC2EwyA-02808-00647023-00647207 the cultural waters in which we are FynYQC2EwyA-02809-00647208-00648007 swimming FynYQC2EwyA-02810-00648008-00648207 yes dean special sausage FynYQC2EwyA-02811-00648208-00648351 on that i think FynYQC2EwyA-02812-00648352-00648575 what maybe it did build on what remy FynYQC2EwyA-02813-00648576-00648735 just said i think FynYQC2EwyA-02814-00648736-00648983 perhaps active inference FynYQC2EwyA-02815-00648984-00649214 opens up that space FynYQC2EwyA-02816-00649215-00649487 to the to the idea of a special sauce it FynYQC2EwyA-02817-00649488-00649679 doesn't guarantee that there will be one FynYQC2EwyA-02818-00649680-00650039 and it certainly doesn't um promise FynYQC2EwyA-02819-00650040-00650287 but what it does do is it says what are FynYQC2EwyA-02820-00650288-00650503 the possibilities FynYQC2EwyA-02821-00650504-00650710 within this not just FynYQC2EwyA-02822-00650711-00650943 what are we collapsing down to i mean FynYQC2EwyA-02823-00650944-00651135 i'm throughout this series i've been FynYQC2EwyA-02824-00651136-00651391 talking a lot about well we can't leave FynYQC2EwyA-02825-00651392-00651575 the absolutes the things that we've FynYQC2EwyA-02826-00651576-00651822 experienced out of this equation but i FynYQC2EwyA-02827-00651823-00652007 think what the what i think the active FynYQC2EwyA-02828-00652008-00652279 inference affords is that FynYQC2EwyA-02829-00652280-00652535 those relativities those in those those FynYQC2EwyA-02830-00652536-00652766 entailments and those entanglements FynYQC2EwyA-02831-00652767-00653062 always to be determined can be moved FynYQC2EwyA-02832-00653063-00653207 towards FynYQC2EwyA-02833-00653208-00653470 and and may be accepted FynYQC2EwyA-02834-00653471-00653695 with with more abundance FynYQC2EwyA-02835-00653696-00653903 if we use active influence but that's FynYQC2EwyA-02836-00653904-00654431 just my optimistic take on it FynYQC2EwyA-02837-00654432-00654670 do you have any other closing words FynYQC2EwyA-02838-00654671-00654887 before we hear some final thoughts from FynYQC2EwyA-02839-00654888-00655279 the others FynYQC2EwyA-02840-00655280-00655462 excellent okay FynYQC2EwyA-02841-00655463-00655575 blue FynYQC2EwyA-02842-00655576-00655751 or remy with some FynYQC2EwyA-02843-00655752-00656110 final thoughts how is this FynYQC2EwyA-02844-00656111-00656718 how will it permeate with you FynYQC2EwyA-02845-00656719-00656999 okay so i'll go ahead so yeah FynYQC2EwyA-02846-00657000-00657270 i i was really happy to have the chance FynYQC2EwyA-02847-00657271-00657591 to talk uh about the paper with you i FynYQC2EwyA-02848-00657592-00657807 think that one of the most important FynYQC2EwyA-02849-00657808-00658062 things that i'll take home uh FynYQC2EwyA-02850-00658063-00658310 is that now i have a really uh salient FynYQC2EwyA-02851-00658311-00658631 solicitation to go see the plant robot FynYQC2EwyA-02852-00658632-00658743 uh FynYQC2EwyA-02853-00658744-00659014 in action so like uh at the second that FynYQC2EwyA-02854-00659015-00659231 i close the zoom meeting i'm going to go FynYQC2EwyA-02855-00659232-00659470 see that that's really something that i FynYQC2EwyA-02856-00659471-00659831 i'm taking from the this this discussion FynYQC2EwyA-02857-00659832-00660055 uh but yeah no it was really interesting FynYQC2EwyA-02858-00660056-00660279 to see different perspectives different FynYQC2EwyA-02859-00660280-00660391 background FynYQC2EwyA-02860-00660392-00660535 uh uh FynYQC2EwyA-02861-00660536-00660655 what what FynYQC2EwyA-02862-00660656-00660839 these different different backgrounds FynYQC2EwyA-02863-00660840-00660943 can bring FynYQC2EwyA-02864-00660944-00661143 to a discussion FynYQC2EwyA-02865-00661144-00661310 that is FynYQC2EwyA-02866-00661311-00661583 i think that was really enlightening for FynYQC2EwyA-02867-00661584-00661799 me and i was really happy to FynYQC2EwyA-02868-00661800-00662151 to be there FynYQC2EwyA-02869-00662152-00662375 i'll just say thanks for coming remy we FynYQC2EwyA-02870-00662376-00662535 really enjoyed this discussion and for FynYQC2EwyA-02871-00662536-00662775 me i think what will permeate is like FynYQC2EwyA-02872-00662776-00662943 the FynYQC2EwyA-02873-00662944-00663127 you know everything i think about now i FynYQC2EwyA-02874-00663128-00663287 just like think about how can i model FynYQC2EwyA-02875-00663288-00663495 this in terms of active inference FynYQC2EwyA-02876-00663496-00663822 and i feel like this paper will um you FynYQC2EwyA-02877-00663823-00664087 know influence maybe the way that i FynYQC2EwyA-02878-00664088-00664207 think about FynYQC2EwyA-02879-00664208-00664359 communication which is a big part of FynYQC2EwyA-02880-00664360-00664591 modeling active inference period FynYQC2EwyA-02881-00664592-00664751 especially like in a multi-agent FynYQC2EwyA-02882-00664752-00665095 dynamical system so i think i i will FynYQC2EwyA-02883-00665096-00665279 probably leverage this ecological FynYQC2EwyA-02884-00665280-00665527 approach in the way that i think about FynYQC2EwyA-02885-00665528-00665759 it going forward so i appreciate the FynYQC2EwyA-02886-00665760-00666070 opportunity to learn about it FynYQC2EwyA-02887-00666071-00666183 awesome FynYQC2EwyA-02888-00666184-00666295 my FynYQC2EwyA-02889-00666296-00666583 closing thought what i'm left with here FynYQC2EwyA-02890-00666584-00666703 is FynYQC2EwyA-02891-00666704-00666862 active inference FynYQC2EwyA-02892-00666863-00667175 as about affordances FynYQC2EwyA-02893-00667176-00667510 it is about the the content of the model FynYQC2EwyA-02894-00667511-00667718 is about affordances and active FynYQC2EwyA-02895-00667719-00667903 inference is an affordance FynYQC2EwyA-02896-00667904-00668087 it allows us to FynYQC2EwyA-02897-00668088-00668383 realize epistemic and pragmatic value FynYQC2EwyA-02898-00668384-00668631 today and in the future FynYQC2EwyA-02899-00668632-00668822 and in that way FynYQC2EwyA-02900-00668823-00668966 we can FynYQC2EwyA-02901-00668967-00669175 see it as gripper and gripped FynYQC2EwyA-02902-00669176-00669407 just like we could talk about the hand FynYQC2EwyA-02903-00669408-00669631 as gripper engripped whether it's FynYQC2EwyA-02904-00669632-00669870 holding hands or grabbing an object FynYQC2EwyA-02905-00669871-00670214 and especially in this dot too FynYQC2EwyA-02906-00670215-00670327 some very FynYQC2EwyA-02907-00670328-00670543 nice points added FynYQC2EwyA-02908-00670544-00670870 on language as gripper and gripped FynYQC2EwyA-02909-00670871-00671118 and contextualizing this kind of FynYQC2EwyA-02910-00671119-00671391 breakaway verbal community FynYQC2EwyA-02911-00671392-00671462 of FynYQC2EwyA-02912-00671463-00671583 research FynYQC2EwyA-02913-00671584-00671903 and scholarly education in academia and FynYQC2EwyA-02914-00671904-00672143 recognizing that breakaway FynYQC2EwyA-02915-00672144-00672351 community and skill FynYQC2EwyA-02916-00672352-00672622 as something that's crystallizing out of FynYQC2EwyA-02917-00672623-00672895 a much more inclusive and pragmatically FynYQC2EwyA-02918-00672896-00673055 oriented niche FynYQC2EwyA-02919-00673056-00673262 and i think that will be FynYQC2EwyA-02920-00673263-00673535 a win-win framing FynYQC2EwyA-02921-00673536-00673751 because it will FynYQC2EwyA-02922-00673752-00674039 help ground what can be abstract and FynYQC2EwyA-02923-00674040-00674222 lofty discussions FynYQC2EwyA-02924-00674223-00674383 and also FynYQC2EwyA-02925-00674384-00674551 elevate and FynYQC2EwyA-02926-00674552-00674758 bring what FynYQC2EwyA-02927-00674759-00674918 bring attention FynYQC2EwyA-02928-00674919-00675135 and support to some FynYQC2EwyA-02929-00675136-00675391 areas and types of communication FynYQC2EwyA-02930-00675392-00675487 that are FynYQC2EwyA-02931-00675488-00675710 absolutely natural in the field of FynYQC2EwyA-02932-00675711-00675927 affordance view and the ecological view FynYQC2EwyA-02933-00675928-00676175 but are not always respected so highly FynYQC2EwyA-02934-00676176-00676455 under like a symbolic transmission view FynYQC2EwyA-02935-00676456-00676558 and FynYQC2EwyA-02936-00676559-00676766 the closing image for me is making the FynYQC2EwyA-02937-00676767-00676943 sauce underwater FynYQC2EwyA-02938-00676944-00677103 i'm just imagining it's like i don't FynYQC2EwyA-02939-00677104-00677303 know spongebob squarepants or someone's FynYQC2EwyA-02940-00677304-00677614 trying to cook and make the sauce but FynYQC2EwyA-02941-00677615-00677847 we're adding things and it's more just FynYQC2EwyA-02942-00677848-00678158 like happening in this diffuse of space FynYQC2EwyA-02943-00678159-00678479 and in a way all kitchens are in fluids FynYQC2EwyA-02944-00678480-00678655 that's why we can smell FynYQC2EwyA-02945-00678656-00678862 what we're cooking but it's different FynYQC2EwyA-02946-00678863-00678951 enough FynYQC2EwyA-02947-00678952-00679262 that the sauce stays in the pan and i FynYQC2EwyA-02948-00679263-00679462 think the social inaction of active FynYQC2EwyA-02949-00679463-00679655 inference is when FynYQC2EwyA-02950-00679656-00679775 the sauce FynYQC2EwyA-02951-00679776-00680183 is spilling out of the pan FynYQC2EwyA-02952-00680184-00680318 all right FynYQC2EwyA-02953-00680319-00680543 remy you're always welcome back so FynYQC2EwyA-02954-00680544-00680662 hopefully FynYQC2EwyA-02955-00680663-00680855 you'll share some developments in this FynYQC2EwyA-02956-00680856-00680999 line good luck with the rest of your FynYQC2EwyA-02957-00681000-00681166 work FynYQC2EwyA-02958-00681167-00681303 thanks thank you FynYQC2EwyA-02959-00681304-00681551 all right farewell FynYQC2EwyA-02960-00681552-00684062 bye FynYQC2EwyA-02961-00684063-00684271 you